itllBWtglPTTmowrn-wir--f-'-Ti--ii'iT'r" :»> THE SEMI-CENTENNIAL CATALOGUE THE ALPHA DELTA PHI 87,2-1882 BY THE FRATERNITY 1882 f^j 3 THE graduatp: committee. Talcott Williams, Editor and Chairnuin. Charlks Mkuuill Hough, A^ssociate Editor. ThKODORE LtlQUEER MeAD Richard Rogers Bowkkk. Lynds Eugene Jonk.-*. E. Dauavin Hudson, Jr. Alfiikd Ely. Edward Cole Howlank. William Channing Russel, Jr. Charles Millard Pratt. Benjamin Whiting Franklin. Francis Marion Copfock. Charles Wright Freeland. Lyman Beecher Hall. GRADUATE COMMITTEE ON THE MILITARY LIST. RlCllAlU) lllLDRKTH TlIAVKl:. RoHERT Jay Mitchell. PUBLISHED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Of THE ALPHA DELTA PHI FRATERNITY. CONTENTS iTlTLK ANI> InTKODTICTOUV M AT IKK. List of Chaptcr.s x ProfiKH' xiii Collaborators xxii Convention Notes .... xxiv Executive Council .... xxxi Convention Roll .... xxxiv Graduate Reunions .... xliii A A * Bibliography .... xlv A A Chronology .... Iv The Chapter.s Hamilton Miami I'^rban _. ( 'ohuiibia Yale . . Amhi'rst . Brunonian Harvard . Geneva . Hudson . Bowdoin . Dartmouth 3-29 48-53 54-59 00-113 114-150 151-172 1 73-200 201-217 218-234 235-25fi 257-287 Peninsular . . . . 288-310 Rochester . . . . 311-329 Alabama . . . . . 330-335 Williams . . . . . 336-353 Manhattan . . . . . 354-373 Middletown . . . 374-395 Kenyon . . . . 396-408 T^nion . . . 409-421 Cumberland . . . 422-425 Cornell . . . . . . 426-437 Phi Kappa . . . . 438-450 Military Seuvkk. Introduction . . . . 453-455 By Chapters . . . . 456-527 Tabular Summari ■s . '. . 528-529 Supplement Ar> Llsts. Kinship in A A . . . 533-549 (Jeographical l)i ■ 1860-1865 Edward North, Hamilton, '41 1805-1868 Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Bowdoin, T)!.' 1868-1871 William Slocum Groesbeck, Miami, '34 . 1871-1872 Moses Coit Tyler, Peninsular, '56, Yale, '57 . 1872-1873 Lewis Collins, Union, '53 187:!-187G John Jay, Columbia, "M'> "<>- List of Chapter's. THE CHAPTERS IN THE ORDER OF THEIR ESTABLISHMENT. THE HAMILTON CHAPTER At Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. 1832 to 1885. 54 Classes — 347 Members. THE MIAMI CHAPTER At Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. 1835 to 1876. 43 Classes — 207 Members. THE URBAN CHAPTER At the University of the Cit}' of New York, New York City. 1835 to 1839. 5 Classes — 24 Members. THE COLUMBIA CHAPTER At Columbia College, New York City. 1836 to 1885. 10 Classes — 46 Members. THE YALE CHAPTER At Yale College, New Haven, Conn. 1837 to 1874. 40 Classes — 793 Members. THE AMHERST CHAPTER At Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. 1837 to 1885. 51 Classes — 467 Members. THE BRUNONIAN CHAPTER At Brown University, Providence, R. I. 1837 to 1885. 39 Classes — 243 Members. THE HARVARD CHAPTER At Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 1837 to 1884. 33 Classes — 387 Members. THE GENEVA CHAPTER At Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. 1840 to 1880. 44 Classes— 184 Members. List of Chapters. THE HUDSON CHAPTER At Westeru Reserve College, Hudson, Ohio. 1841 to 1885. 49 Classes — 198 Members. THE BOWDOIN CHAPTER At Bowdoiii University, Brunswick, Me. 1841 to 188.5. 50 Classes — 2G6 Members. THE DARTMOUTH CHAPTER At Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. 1845 to 1884. 44 Classes — 4.30 Members. THE PENINSULAR CHAPTER At Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1846 to 1885. 41 Classes — 289 Members. THE ROCHESTER CHAPTER At Rochester University, Rochester, N. Y. 1850 to 1885. 36 Classes — 217 Members. THE ALABAMA CHAPTER At Alabama University, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 1851 to 1859. 9 Classes — 52 Members. THE WILLIAMS CHAPTER At Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. 1851 to 1885. 33 Classes— 205 Members. THE MANHATTAN CHAPTER At the College of the City of New York, New York City. 1855 to 1885. 34 Classes — 244 Members. THE MIDDLETOWN CHAPTER At Wesley an University, Middletowu, Conn. 1856 to 1885. 34 Classes — 277 Members. THE KENYON CHAPTER At Kenyon College. Gambler, Ohio. 1858 to 1885. 32 Classes — 127 Members. / xii List of Chapters. THE UNION CHAPTER At Union University, Schenectady, N. Y. 1859 to 1885. 31 Classes — 151 Members. THE CUMBERLAND CHAPTER At Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn. 1858 to 1861. 4 Classes — 27 Members. THE CORNELL CHAPTER At Cornell Uuiversit}', Ithaca, N. Y. 1870 to 1885. 17 Classes — 128 Members. THE PHI KAPPA CHAPTER At Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. 1878 to 1885. 45 Classes — 143 Members. THE GRADUATE CHAPTERS. Cincinnati, Ohio. Organized 1846, reorganized 1881. Cleveland, Ohio. Organized 1866, reorganized 1882. Chicago, III. Organized 1867, reorganized as the Chicago Graduate Association, 1882. New York City, 1868. Albany, N. Y., 1875. New England Graduate Association, 1876. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1880. Graduate Association of the North-west, Minneapolis, INIixn., 1882. Washington Graduate Association, 1882. PREFACE. The first Catalogue of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, a thin, paper- covered 12mo pamphlet of IG pages, was published in 1837, the first of its kind among kindred issues. The Semi-Ceutennial Catalogue is the twelfth in a series which has now lasted through half a cen- tui'v, and bids fair to continue without pause or abatement, in- creasing Im size and growing in interest through twice the number of coming 3'ears. "Without attempting a memorial volume, the present Catalogue is designed to place before the members of the Fraternity a record of its outer life. The prefatory pages contain a brief sketch of the organic growth of the Society from without, a roll of its Conventions, a Bibliography of the Fraternity and an Alpha Delta Phi Chronology. The Chajjters in the order of their establishment till the body of the record. Careful inquiry and (lihgent correspondence have shown that the order hitherto accepted is inaccurate, and it has' been changed to suit the facts in the present volume. The new order makes Yale the fifth Chapter, and reverses the pre\ious position of Hudson and Bowdoin, and of Dartmouth and Peninsular. The record under each Chapter con- sists of brief annals, intended to be a mere memorandum of the urowth of the Chapter, a partial list of College prizes, ar.d next the membership of the Chapter, lieaded by its charter members. Succeeding the Chapters is a Record of the Military Se'-v'ce . of Members of the Fraternity, compiled at the War Department. Its presence gives this volume a value of its own as an enduring record of the devotion of educated men in a great national struggle. 'I'lie thanks of the Fraternity are due to Congressman Willits, <»f Michigan, for his zealous aid in obtaining the compilation of this list, and to Hon. Robert T. Lincoln, Secretary of "War, and Ad- jutant (ieneral Drtim, for its preparation. Its editing for tliis xiv Preface. Catalogue was in the hands of R. 11. Thayer, Peninsular, '70, una R, J. Mitchell, Williams, '56. Supplemental Lists of Kinship in Alpha Delta Phi, Geographical Distribution in the Fraternity, and an Index of Names, complete the volume, which closes with an Appendix, filled chiefly with new matter, obtained too late for insertion in its proper place. A table of contents precedes this Preface, and an Index finishes the work. The unit of arrangement adopted in this Catalogue is the Chapter, and the unit vvithiu the Chapter is the class. The membership of each Chapter is given complete, the same rule being followed in the lists of Military Se-vice and Kin. Each member who has ever enjoyed active relations with a Chapter is given under it, although his final relations may have been with another Chapter. This has led to a numoer of repetitions, and it is often the case that the later entrs' contains the fullest detail. In the Index of Names all the different Chapters to which members belonged are given in the or.ier of time. The last is in every case but one — W. B. Rankine, Geneva, '77 — the Chapter to which the member now belongs. I. T. Beckwith, Phi Kappa 'and Yale, '68, is entered under the former Chapter, while still retaining his connection with the latter, for reasons which appear upon the record. Within each Chapter the members are arranged b}- classes exclusively, an order specificall}' directed by the Convention of 1854, implicitly followed for a few years, aud then abandoned in part. Each member is assigned to his graduation year, often antedating tlie establishment oX the •Chapter, vr to the year of his admission as determined at initiation. The only arbitrary arrangement is in the <3ase of Timothy Dwight E,ells. Hudson, ''1^. In the Chapter record the names of those receiving a post-graduate election are entered in italics. Early in the history of the Fraternity the line between graduate and non- graduate membership was b}' no means closely drawn. The early prosperity and success of man}"- of our Chapters tm-ned upon the earnest support of 3'oung graduates in the vicinage, often members Preface. xv of the College Faculty, elected after receivino- a dogree. In Dart- mouth an entire class, which shared in the establishment of the Chapter, enjoyed active relations with it in spite of graduation, and their names appear in Roman. In Geneva, Hudson and Bowdoin, the post-graduate members at the head of each Chapter were, wnth one exception, all elected in the early years of the Chapter, immediately after their leaving College and while the relation of these members to the interests and activities of student- life was intimate and immediate. The record of each member consists of the full baptismal name, the Greek letters, and the residence. Where a baptismal name has been dropped it is given in brackets ; where, as in a number of cases, all but tiie first letter has been dropped, the remainder of the name is bracketed. In all cases where a single letter stands without a period, it is a name, not an initial. In three instances " M.", as punctuated, is a name, and in one " Fred.", with a period. In its large number of letter names the present Catalogue illustrates, as have other like issues, the growth of this new practice in nomenclature — a source of perplexity to the cataloguer and toil to the proof-reader — whose commencement is to be regretted, and whose spread is to be deplored. With the name is given a record of professional and collegiate degrees. In all classes from 1882 to 1885, inclusive, a dagger is prefixed to the names of those who have left College, or w^ho are not studying for the degree of A.B. or its equivalent. Each member in classes of and before 1881, whose name is not prefixed by a f, has taken the degree of A.B. or an equivalent grade, at the institution where the Chapter is situated, and in the year to which his class belongs. If this degree has been taken elsewhere, the dagger is prefixed, and the extra- graduation recorded in the lines below. If the degree has been taken at the same institution, but in some other year, the dagger is omitted, and the year of graduation noted below. Under this arrangement the name of a member who has belonged to more than one Chapter is frequently prefixed by a dagger in one Chapter and not in the other. xvi Preface. With the name are given only the three designations, Rev., LL.B, and M.D., which indicate professional study. All honorary degrees have been excluded in this connection, as it has been deemed best to let the name record deal exclusively with the results of study. All other degi-ees appear as a portion of the biographical notice. In designating institutions it has been the aim of the cataloguer to use the term most generally known. As the entries are the work of many hands a lack of uniformity is sometimes apparent. Andover and several other Theological Seminaries give no degrees, a fact often overlooked in Catalogues. The fact of graduation has, in this Catalogue, been noted with other degre^^s. The degree of A.M. has been omitted, save in some special instances. With rare exceptions it is a meaningless record of the circumstance that a graduate survived graduation three years and visited his College at the close of this period. The characters which appear after the name are omitted of design in certain instances. In the case of Miami this omission can only be supplied when the Chapter resumes its active functions. The residence is in all cases iutended to record the domicile. Street addresses for all cities over 50.000 in population, by the census of 1880, appear in the Geographical list. Street addresses in all other cities have been carefully recorded for use in future Cata- logues, if needed. It was the original purpose to make the entry beneath the name give only the present occupation, the collegiate degrees, the public offices and the military service, if any, of members. How com- pletely this modest purpose has been fulfilled in its most difficult particular the Table of Occupations abundantly proves. Informa- tion far in excess of this requirement was found to be at the service of the Committee, and the record will be found in many hundreds of cases to be as full as need ever be presented, while the vast majority of entries give a partial outline of the lives of members. Throughout, and in accoidance with the original plan, Preface. xvii tlje i)resont occupation is given first. The Catalogue date is as near as nia}- be January 1, 1882, and the biographical entry is presented as a record of the occupations of the living on that date, and the last recorded avocation of the dead, with, in most cases, the date on which the calling began. The date adopted has, however, been in no case allowed to interfere with the in- sertion of additional information. Throughout no rule has been permitted to prevent the addition of specific facts in regard to one member which would not be given of all. The successive charges of clergymen were not included in the original plan, but wherever these could be obtained the}- have been entered. In this, as in man}', perhaps all respects, the Semi-Centennial Cata- logue is presented not as fulfilling, but as approximating to the model of an adequate Catalogue of the Fraternity. The prepara- tion of such a work still remains to be discharged. The one necessity, to which everything else has been made to bend, has been publication in time for the Semi-Centennial Convention. To employ a phrase whose full meaning will be clearest to the many journalists included in these pages, it has been the sedulous pur- pose of the Editor to print the most news about the most members in the least space, and "go to press in time to catch the mails." The pre[)aration of the present work has been divided between the undergraduate and active members of the Fraternity at each Chapter and a Graduate Committee, the contract for publication being made by the Executive Council of the Fraternity, whose existence as a corporation has materially aided, if it has not made possible, the issue of the work. The first step towards the com- pilation of the Catalogue was taken l)y the issue of a circular of instructions, dated February 26, 1881. The work of sending cir- culars to all the living members of the Fraternity was undertaken by each Chapter on behalf of its own membership, and from these circulars the first draft of the record by Chapters was compiled at e:ich College. This labor for iMiami and (Jcneva was assumed bv xviii Preface. F. M. Coppock, '73, in one case, and by B. W, Franklin, '71, and W. B. Rankine, '77, in the other. The e(iiting of the other four Chapters, whose active functions are now suspended, was assumed by the Editor, materially aided by C. M. Hough and others, and in the case of Yale by graduate members of the Chapter. The record by Chapters, as compiled by many hands, reached the Editor in November and December of 1881. Since then the entire work has been compiled, and the portion already in manuscript has been edited, revised, compared with the circulars filled out by members, and gaps filled up by the result of over 3,500 special inquiries. The labor of compiling the entries of individual members has been lightened by the increasing attention paid to biographical data by institutions of learning. The records of Andover, Princeton and Union Theological Seminaries have been of constant use. The record of graduate and non-graduate members of Amherst College, prepared by W. L. Montague and E. P. Crowell, materially aided the full record given under that Chapter, as did a like compilation in the case of Middletown. The Register of Alabama University, furnished by T. C. McCorvey, has hghtened the work in the case of the Alabama Chapter. P>rors, inaccuracies and omissions still remain. "^Fhey will be judged leniently by professional cataloguers familiar with the dif- ficulties of the work. Regret at their presence is alleviated by the circumstance that in the preparation of this work every triennial has been tested and found lacking in its names, its dates or its index ; often in all three. At start, the work of preparing a measurably adequate Catalogue of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity presented many and peculiar difficulties. The past eleven Catalogues have nearly all been com- piled by undergraduates, whose zeal has not in all cases been tempered by accuracy. In one Chapter, Urban, the original addresses entered in the second Catalogue, over forty years ago, had, with two or three exceptions, stood unchanged. The addresses in the two Southern Preface. xix Chapters, entered before the war, had remained unaltered during a period whose changes can be compared onl}' with several generations of peaceful life. Of the remaining 'addresses in the last Catalogue nearly all those in the earlier classes were those originally entered ; and- in classes more recent the home address of each member stood unchanged. Above all, the Fraternity early- crossed the Alleghenies, and estab- lished itself in the West, at Miami, at a time when few records were kept, and attendance at the University was irregular. Fortunately the members of the Fraternity were not men unknown. Many have played their part in the history of their country and their State ; nearly all have left their mark in the community in which they lived ; and where an early death had shortened life, labor and achievement, our members have left a memory which inade the collection of information always a pleasant, and generally an easy task. It is due to these causes that, in the short space of a year, the volunteer labors of a few men, working in the spare leisure of journalists and lawyers, have reduced the mem- bers of the Fraternity, whose address was not known, to the brief list which appears in the Appendix. The accidents of changing address and occupation have probably included in it members whose where- abouts arc known to hundreds. The experience gained in compilation shows that but a short time is needed to clear up this list ; but it is one of the restrictions placed upon a work carried on, as this has been, by men engaged in the early active practice of their professions, that the time given to it is necessarily limited, and a prompt close must be given to the labors of leisure. With a single exception, and that due to a residence abroad, each member of the Committee has shared the labor of prei)aring the Semi-Centennial Catalogue. The greater portion of the work has, however, been necessarily carried on under the iuunediate supervision of the Editor. Three industrious and valuable weeks were given to labor upon the Catalogue by T. L. Mead, whose advice and assistance in all the earlier stages of the work were invaluable; while the editing of the Kinship lists, later, rested XX Preface. almost wholly in his hands. To Charles Merrill Hough, Dart- mouth, '79, publication on the appointed date is chiefly dne. The accuracy and completeness of the Catalogue, and the small number of members nnaccounted for at the final summing up are the fruits of his judicious counsel and industrious cooperation. But for his heart}' zeal the work would have fallen far short of the original plan and the just demands of the Fraternit}'. Besides preparing his own Chapter with exceptional accuracy, Charles W. Freeland, Phi Kappa, '81, edited two other Chapters, his labor in one case beginning with the circulars and ending with the proof. Special assistance has been rendered in the publication of lists of unaccounted, and in other directions, by the Star and Crescent. L. B. Hall, Am- herst, '73, shared in the general work of preparing cop}' for the printer, three Chapters passing through his hands. Like assistance has been rendered at nearly every stage of the Catalogue, by E. C. Howland, Cornell,- '79, and ^Y. C. Eussel, Jr., Cornell, '80. Upon all bibliographical and technical subjects the advice of L. E. Jones, Manhattan, '73, has been of constant value. The frontispiece and the design upon the cover were prepared for this work by E. R. Smith, Amherst, '76. The illustration of Chap- ter houses is due to the aid of E. D. Hudson, Manhattan, '64, and C. M. Goodsell, Peninsular, '65. The long list of collaborators gives better proof than any acknowledgment here can of the wide cii-cle whom the Catalogue has interested. In all directions, from members who shared the early labor of founding our Chapters to undergraduates recently initiated, the Editor has received the heartiest aid and warm encouragement. Without this the prepar- ation of the Catalogue would have been well nigh impossible. A still wider cux'le has aided with information in response to inquiry, and, like every enterprise of this character, the Semi-Centennial Catalogue has found in an admirable postal system its most useful aid. For the Editor, engrossed in daily editorial labor, a large share in the work of planning, editing and publishing this Cata- Preface. xxi logue would have been out of the question but for the accurate industry of Mrs. Williams, to whose painstaking care and tireless lubor is due whatever of value his connection with the enterprise may have given the Catalogue. To those within the Fraternity an explanation of the motives which have led many busy men to devote their leisure to a labor like this will not be needed. To those without its pale an explanation is neither requisite nor necessary. The volume is its own sufficient proof of a deep interest in associations which the years clothe with sentiment and surround with tender regard. In the broader battle and wader con- flict to which every educated man is summoned, if he discharge aright the responsibilities of his station and opportunity, the close compan- ionships of the lodge roofn may cease from daily life, but their inspira- tion remains. The touch of the elbow among educated men, the hearty cooperation and common labor of men enjoying equal oppor- tunities and weighted by equal responsibilities, remains a factor in the struggle for better things, within and without, in the life of the state, the community and the individual. That this Catalogue may, in its own field, supplement and strengthen the work already achieved by the Fraternity in this direction, is the strong hope of THE EDITOR. COLLABORATORS. Hamilton. — Chapter Committee : W. A. Hoy, '83 ; W. C. Miner, '82 ; W. T. Bush, '83; G. K. Eraser, '83; C. G. Martin, '83. History, A. G. Hopkins, '66. Graduate Assistants, Edward North, '41 ; Edward Curran, '56 ; John Otto, Jr., '81. Miami. —F. M. Coppock, '73; G. L. Andrew, '41; D. McDonald, '59. Urban. — 11. H. Seeley, '39 ; Talcott Williams, Amherst, '73. Columbia. — Chapter Committee: T. D. Rambout, '81, Chairman and History; E. R. Greene, '82 ; A. E. Hyde, '83. Graduate Assistants, John Jay, '36 ; John MacMullen, '37 ; J. W. Fowler, '39. Yale. —I. N. Tarbox, '39; W. D. Sheldon, '61; C. G. Rockwood, '64; C. H' Smith, '65; E. B. Bennett, '66; I. T. Beckwith, '68; H. A. Riley, '70; E. H. Lewis, '73; T. Williams, Amherst, '73; C. M. Hough, Dartmouth, '79; E. C Rowland and T. L. Mead, Cornell, '79 ; W. C Russel, Cornell, '80. Amherst. — Chapter Committee : J. F. Kemp, '81, and B. R. Rhees, '83, Chair- men; H. S. BUss, '82; W. B. Clark, '84. History, W. Walker, '83; W. C Clapp, '83. Graduate Assistants, E. P. Crowell, '52 ; Talcott Williams, '73. Brcnonian. — Chapter Committee : J. R. Gladding, '81, Chairman and History ; G. R. Hovey, '82; Lewis Dexter, Jr., '83; C. M. Leonard, '83; A. H. Howard, '84. UAiivxviT>. — Chapter Committee: P. M. Washburn, '82, Chairman; J. E. Bullard, '82 ; R. M. Bradley, '82 ; H. G. Chapman, '83 ; E. P. Warren, '83 ; E. E. Hale, '83; H. H. Crapo, '83; J. J. Chapman, '84. Graduate Assistant, N. P. Hallowell, '61. Ge^bva.— Chapter Committee: B. W. Franklin, '71; W. B. Rankine, '77; C. D. Vail, '59. Hudson. — Chapter Committee : R. S. Ambler, '83 : A. W. Barber, '83 ; S. Coe, '84; G. E. Fouts, '85. Graduate Assistants, C. Cutler, Yale. '54 ; N. P. Seymour, '34 ; M. C. Read, '48 ; C. J. Smith, '70. BowDOiN. — Chapter Committee : C. E. Stinchfield, '82, Chairman and History ; A. C. Gibson, '83 ; S. W. Walker, '84. Graduate Assistants, H. L. Chapman, '66 :' J. E. Chapman, '77 ; W. I. Cole, '81. Dartmouth. — Chaj^ter Committee: G. T. Aldrich, '81, and W. W. Niles, Jr.. '83, Chairmen; J. F. Thompson, '82; W. E. Strong, '82: L. D. Cook, '82; J. Barstow, '83. History, E. R. Ruggles, '59. Graduate Assistants, I. W. Smith, '46 : C. F. Emerson, '68 ; C. M. Hough, '79. Peninsular. — Chapter Committee : E. H. Bowman, '81, Chairman. History. A. C. McLaughlin, '82. Rochester.— Chapter Committee : C. O. Bailey, '80, Chairman; G. B. Adams, '82, Undergraduate Chairman; A. W. Pulver, '82; H. S. Peltz, '83; H. L. Fassett, '84. Collaborators. xxiii Alabama. — II. M. Somervilk", '.50; Talcott Williams, AmluTst, '7;^> ; CM. Hough, Dartmouth, '7'J. W11-LIAM.S. — Chaptei- Committee : Rudolph Matz, '82, Chairman and History : A. H. Vanderpoel, '81. Graduate Assistant, William Talcott, 'G5. Manhattan. — Chapter Commiitee : W. H. Rachau, '82, Chairman and History ; G. R. Lockwood, Jr., 81 ; W. M. K. Olcott, '81 ; R. E. K. Brown, '83; J. A. Lane. '83; T. M. Purdy, '83; H.R. Chambers, '8-t. Graduate Assistants, F. W. Mason, '55; Adolph Werner, '57; E. D. Hudson, Jr., '64; G. N. Messiter, '75. MiDDLETOWN. — Chapter Committee: F. A. Jackson, '81; Valentine Hallcn- beck, '82. Kenvon. — Chapter Committee: Elliott Marfield, '83, Chairman; J. H. Douglas, '84; C. L. Cole, Jr., '84. History, I. B. Dudley, '82. Union. — Chapter Committee : S. H. Watkins, '82, Chairman; S. M. Griswold, '82; S. M. Case, '82; J. A. Van Voast, '82: F. W. McClellan, '83; J. B. W. Lansing, '83 ; G. V. P. Lansing, '83 ; D. C. McEhvain, '83 ; C. B. Templeton, '84. Cumberland. — Alexander Allison, '61 ; Talcott Williams, Amherst, '73 ; C. M. Hough, Dartmouth, '79. Cornell. — Chapter Committee : W. T. Howard, '83, Chairman. History, F. S. Washburn, '83. Graduate Assistants, T. L. Mead, '77; E. C. Howland, '79 ; W. C. Russel, Jr., '80. Phi Kappa. — Chapter Commiitee: C. W. Freeland, '81. History, C. W. Coit, '82. Designs. — Cover and Frontispiece, E. R. Smith, Amherst, '76. Illustrations. — E. D. Hudson, Jr., Manhattan, '64; C. M. Goodsell, Penin- sular, '65. Publication and Presswork. — L. E. Jones, Manhattan, '73 ; Alfred Ely, Amherst, '74; C. M. Pratt, Amherst, '79. Military List. — R. H. Thayer, Peninsular, '70 ; R. J. Mitchell, Williams, '56. Convention Roll. — H. S. Peltz, Rochester, '82 ; F. W. Greene, Amherst, '82; C. E. Stinchfield, Bowdoin, '82; W. A. Hoy, Hamilton, '82; T. D. Rambaut, Columbia, '81. Kinship. — T. L. Mead, Cornell, '77 ; E. C. Ilowland. Cornell, '79. Appendix. — C. M. Hough, Dartmouth, "79. CONVENTION NOTES. Any detailed history of our Fraternity is neither desired nor per- mitted. It has heen thought well in these pages to notice briefly the most important public topics which have attracted the attention of the whole Fraternity in successive Conventions assembled. After tracing, through letters, minutes and reports, the evidences of a growth which meant more than mere expansion, and of changes which were not revolutions, we feel even more keenly than on initiation night the apt beauty of the time-honored comparison that likenS A J to some firm-rooted tree, not lacking in rich and pleasant fruit, while in strength continually increasing. Like such a form of organic life our Fraternity has grown, as all organized beings enjoying life must grow, though always watched and often pruned by truest friends, until after half a century of existence, however greatly changed in outer seeming by continual growth, in every aim and attribute of true fraternity life our A J(P IS the same as the brotherhood of the founders, just as truly as are the seedling and the full-branched tree still one in heart and nature. The reasons which led Samuel Eells to organize the first Chap- ter are sufficiently and more properly toid in its annals ; but the condition of affairs which then existed was by no means peculiar to Hamilton. The old open societies which early sprung up in all our Colleges, and whose names still exist in most, had begun with no higher aim than to be active debating societies, and fifty years ago had be- come merely political clubs, whose only political creed was hatred of one another. If memory and tradition be not thought sufficient to justify this assertion, the early records of the older Chapters contain much reading, more interesting than pleasant, concerning the organized meanness by which these societies existed, and the determined opposi- tion they manifested to the ^founders ot A J *. Convention Notes. xxv Knowing, then, that tlio ostal)lishmcnt of every Chapter wouhl be made a personal conflict, the brothers of Hamilton trusted in the be- ginning to nothing but the personal efforts of some Alpha Delts who resided in the neighborhood of the proposed Chapter. Thus Brother Eells originated and watched over Miami, acting promptly in the work, the letter that told of all his plans and hopes being received at Ham- ilton, October 7, 1833. When the delegations from three classes had been graduated, and most of the members had found liomes for them- selves, on July 28, 1835, instructions were sent to Daniel Huntington to establish the Urban Chapter. This was done, and Arthur Cleveland Coxe, of the new Chapter, reported the foundation of Columbia, July 15, 18;i6. This report of Bro. Coxe was made to Ira Adams and Theo. B. Lyman, who were sent out by Hamilton to visit, and in some sense to inspect, the A J '/* of New York. After approving of what had been already accomplished they proceeded to Yale, where they found, in the classes of '37 and '38, a goodly number of staunch Alpha Delts, who had received elections at Hamilton, among them Seth Tryon Wilbur, whose untimely death may fairly be counted as the first loss of the Fraternity. The Yale Chapter was organized during this visit of the Hamilton Committee, in July, 1836. In all these proceedings there is a straightforward simplicity well suited to the days of small things ; but there is also an enthusiasm in the work, manifested by such undertakings as this tour of inspection and organization, that cannot be too warmlv emulated in days when such simplicity is no longer possible. A feeling that such days were coming led to the calling of our first Convention, which met on July 27, 1836. This meeting, after formally adopting the word " Chapter," and dis- approving of the words "club" and ''branch," passed a series of resolutions relating to every essential of fraternal intercourse, and placing some limitations upon the spread of the society ; these last restrictions have only changed to become more stringent in times when, instead of rejoicing in four Chapters, we have been threatened with forty, while the substance of their other proceedings is still the organic law of the Fraternity. xxvi Convention Notes. All early resolutions concerning Conventions were honored more in breach than observance, their practical interpretation being that Conventions should be held annually, if possible. At any rate, since within a year after this first assembling. Chapters were founded, through the efforts of Yale, in Harvard, Amherst and Brown, the second Convention met in August, 1837. A general fear that the Fraternity would become merely bulky by such rapid development, gave rise to many of the acts of this meeting. This Convention also mentioned — strange enough it seems to us — as a matter for most serious consideration, that the Fraternity numbered two hundred and thirty-one members ; but there was reason for such thought, for the bod}^ of law by the first two Conventions established, coupled with such an increase in membership, made it no longer possible or advisable to extend the society by such private personal endeavor as was used in the beginning. Then, again, during these earlier years, the parent Chapter at Hamilton had been looked upon as " headquarters," as Bro. Egbert Bagg. writing to Geneva in 1842, phrases it. The natural increase of six or seven years made any such hegemony impossible. These feelings found expression in the Convention of 1839, which settled the rules of extension on the same basis of caution that previous meetings had indicated. Since the large and enthusiastic gathering at A A ^'s quarter-centennial, and in consequence of reso- lutions there passed, these matters have been decisively acted on only when the Chapters are united in Convention. Turning from our Fraternity's mode of increase to its internal gov- ernment, the same process of change is found. When two or three " branches " and some scores of brothers constituted the society, there was no necessity for elaborate organization ; the supervision and assist- ance of graduates such as Eells, Wilbur, Lyman and Storrs (a list which might justly be a much longer one) . was far more serviceable. In 1839, however, the widely spread Chapters felt the necessity of some central government, able to exercivse power between the sittings of Coiiventio7i Notes. xxvii couventious. The need took shape in a demand for '' consolidation," by which was originally meant a plan to clothe the Hamilton or some other one Chapter with executive authority. This did not find favor in the Convention, and the result of the movement was the election of a special representative by every Chapter, and these, with the President, were to be considered the permanent rulers of the Fraternity. This resolution recognized the true doctrine that A ^ ^ is an indissoluble union of equal, autonomous and independent Chapters, and it did great good in strengthening the feeling of fraternal union ; but, unfortunately, the exact powers and duties of the Council were not defined. This was an error in organization which all subsequent changes failed to entirely rectify. The Conventions of '45 and '57, the former being especially called for that purpose, the latter acting upon the personal suggestion of Dr. Storrs, the Presi- dent of the year; both these assemblies considered with earnest attention every plan suggested for increasing the efficiency of the Council. The same subject demanded, though less imperatively, the thoughts of subsequent gatherings ; but time has shown that every amendment failed, after all, to reach the root of the difficulty. In truth, the days had passed when our whole Fraternity could be ruled like a single family ; a corporate government was a necessity. At last the Convention of 1878, upon a motion of Bro. Francis Lynde Stetson, recognized this fact, by appointing the Committee which framed the scheme of the Executive Council of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. The same Convention authorized the Council, and it received a Charter from the State of New York, on May 5, 1879. The corporate head of the Fraternity, then, is composed of fifty mem- bers, thirty-three of whom must reside in or near New York City ; the remaining seventeen Councillors are resident one near each Chapter. The thirty-three Councillors in New York City consist of the officers of the Fraternity, three members at large holding office for one year, three holding office for two years, and three holding office for three xxviii Convention Notes. years, besides one representative for every active and inactive Chapter. The members for active Chapters are appointed each by the Chapter which he represents ; those for inactive Chapters are appointed by the Convention. Such a large body must necessarily delegate much of its work to committees, and to secure rapid and effective operation, an Executive Committee of nine members has been appointed by the Council to meet at least once in three months, and as much more frequently as may be needful. This Executive Committee has been given large powers, including that of filling vacancies in its own membership, and will actively guide and direct the affairs of the Fraternity : its action, however, being subject to review at the annual meetings of the whole Council. Thus the advantages of centralization are secured, while the interests of every Chapter are carefully provided for by full repre- sentation. Our outward symbols have a public history worth noting. Although the slab badge, which was first swung at Hamilton in 1832, was not intended by the founder to be permanent, the very fact that it was the first, the original combination of our crescent and star, has been enough to preserve it from being completely supplanted by the badge now generally worn. As is well known, the latter originated as a graduate symbol. The first mention of it is of date July 3, 1833, when Calvert Comstock reported a graduate badge to the Hamilton Chapter. It is described as a star and crescent wrought in gold, to be worn as a pendant on the guard-chain. The report was adopted, but the fashion of the crescent and the star apparently left to individual taste. AYhen undergraduates as well as alumni began to provide them- selves with skeleton badges, substautiallj' as now worn, the subject attracted the attention of the whole Fraternity. In 1857 four Chapters expressed themselves in favor of change ; but after several committees had reported unsatisfactorily, the old badge was unanimously retained in 1860. In 1864 a new Committee recommended that both the slab and skeleton styles be recognized, but they were ordered to prepare a Convention Notes. xxix new report. Tlie Couventiou of 1870 accepted the Committee's report, but (lid not adopt it, and the society waited another five years before finally decreeing that the sl:vb and skeleton badges, as now usually made — the pearl skeleton badge being taken as a standard — are the only styles permissible. The sign of mourning so well known, a black ribbon around the badge, was adopted by the Convention of 1836, on motion of Bro. Arthur Cleveland Coxe. The same Convention authorized the use of seals by Chapters, but the style recommended has not found favor with the Fraternity. Song-books and Catalogues have always been issued by authority of the Conventions. The first song-book was voted in 1854, and in the next year Bro. Charles Ray Palmer reported that the work had been completed, and was pecuniarily entirely successful. In the publication of Catalogues, ever since the first vote on the sul»ject in 1836, Conventions have played a large part, not always to the advantage of the work ; for the arrangement of names in alpha- betical order only, to the entire subordination of Class and Chapter divisions, was done by direct order of Convention. This method, the reason for which it is difficult now to understand, was used from '40 to '54, and has been productive of much disorder and confusion. The idea of an index of residences was first broached in 1868 ; but it then came to nothing, and only in this present Catalogue has that project been completed. The publication of 1860 has been apparently the most satisfactory to the Fraternity, a resolution of thanks having been passed in that year to the Yale Chapter for " the best Catalogue ever printed." The preparation of Catalogues previous to the present one has been en- trusted sometimes to the Council, oftenest to particular Chapters, and once to the Committee on the Magazine. This last phrase needs explanation. For some years after the foundation of the Fraternity a plan was very much in the thoughts of many College men, of publishing, by cooperation among all the Colleges of the land, a magazine or review, which should impress upon the world the thoughts of College thinkers. Some few numbers of such a review XXX Convention Notes. were actually published at Yale, with no mouey loss, it is said, but certaiuly uo literary glory. It all seems a cumbrous plan now ; but, whether a delusion or not, the Fraternity shared in it. At every regular Convention for twent}'^ years the subject of the A J ^ magazine was discussed with gradually cooling zeal, until the Convention of 1854 finally laid the subject aside. In another scheme, nearly as thoroughly forgotten as the inter- collegiate magazine, and in the apparent opinion of our countrj'meu as futile, has A J (p taken a part almost amusing. The Convention of 1853 quite resolved upon the size and shape of the stone, together with the inscription thereon, which the Fraternity would contriluite to the National Washington Monument. Repenting, how- ever, of so sudden a conclusion, the matter was put off a year. In 1854: the Committee reported " favorable progress; " but in 1855 we went over to the majority of Washington's countrymen, and deciding that the scheme was impossible, thus contributed to the pile of stone now standing on the shores of the Potomac. But tales concerning events of merely temporary importance might he multiplied indefinitely. They are written in all the records, which the labors of all the brethren have gathered together ; and these same records, by all the respect due to the advice of graduates, the resolutions of Chapters and the decrees of Conventions, it is the bounden duty of the Fraternity to keep full and perfect. The records of the past, as well in those private matters of Chapter life upon which we have not here touched, as in the corporate life of the whole Fraternity, show a continual striving after that which is better, a modesty in prosperity and a fortitude in less fortunate times, which may well fill us with thankfulness. If the writings of the future shall tell the same story — and it rests with us to decide the issue — of the A J (P of another fifty years, it will still be true : — * * * When, at last, our hearts grow chill And turn to silent dust, , We shall not die, for brave hearts still • Shall keep the ancient trust. THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ALPHA DELTA PHL THE CHARTER. Chapter 245. " An Act to inoorponite the Executive Council of the Alplia Delta Phi Fraternity, and to provide for the organization of new Chapters." Passed May 5, 1879. The people of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : — Section 1. John Jay, Theodore W. Dwight, Algernon S. Sullivan, Erasmus Darwin Hudson, Jr., Edward Morse Shepard, and Francis Lynde Stetson, all of the City of New Yoi-k, and all persons who are now or may hereafter be associated with them or their successors, are hereby constituted and created a body politic and corporate by the name and title of The Executive Council of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, and as such shall have perpetual succession, and shall be capable of suing and being sued in all courts of record and elsewhere, and of taking by gift, bequest, devise or purchase, as well as of holding, granting and conveying property, real, personal or mixed, to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars ; to have and use a common seal and break, and alter the same at pleasure ; and also to provide for the organization of such Chapters as it may see fit under such rules, by-laws and regulations as the said The Executive Council may establish, and with such powers as it shall give, consistent with tliis act and not in conflict with the laws of this State. Sect. 2. The objects of such corporation shall be to promote morality, learning, benevolence and social culture among the members of the said Fra- ternity, and to take charge of its property and business interests. Sect. 3. The said The Executive Council shall have power to make from time to time such by-laws, rules and regulations as it may deem proper as to the members, names and duties of its officers or trustees, and as to the time and manner of their election and their term of office ; and also as to the mode of acquiring and of losing membership in the corporation hereby created ; and also as to the mode of conducting the business and the affairs of the said corporation; and generally as to all matters within the objects hereinbefore stated and not in conflict with the laws of this State. Sect. 4. In case the said The Executive Council shall provide for the giving of a bond or obligation by any officer, member or subordinate Chapter thereof, the same may be made to the said The Executive Council of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. xxxii Executive Council. Sect. 5. The principal office of the said The Executive Council shall be in the City of New York; and it shall be the duty of such Council, in the month of January in each year, to file a statement of its officers in the office of the clerk of the City and County of New York, and actions against the corporation hereby constituted may be commenced by the service of summons upon any one of the persons mentioned in the statement so filed last, before the beginning of such action. Sect. 6. This shall be deemed and held a general act, and shall take effect immediately. State op New York, ") ^^ Office' of the Secretary of State, > I have compared the preceding with the original law on file- in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original law. Given under my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary of State, at the City of Albany, this 16th day of May, in the year 1879. (Signed) GEO. MOSS, Deputy Secretary of State. COUNCILLORS. MEMBERS EX OFFICIO. John Jay, Columbia, '36, President of the Fraternity. E. Darwin Hudson, Jr., Manhattan, '64, Secretary of the Fraternity. Theodore Luqueer Mead, Cornell, '77, Recorder of the Fraternity. MEMBERS AT LARGE. George Benton Newcomb, Williams, '56. Theodore William Dwight, Ham- ilton, '40. Truman Jay Backus, Rochester, '64. two years. Artliur Brown Graves, Williams, '58. Talcott Williams, Amherst, '73. Adolph Werner, Manhattan, '57. three years. Alfred Clark Cliapin, Williams, '69. Robert Forsyth IJixby, Phi Kappa, '70. Alfred Ely, Amherst, '74. Executive Council. MEMBERS FOR INACTIVE CHAPTERS. Miami. — Algernon Sidney Sullivan, Miami, '45. Urban. — George Nichols Messiter, Manhattan, '65. Tale. — Henry Augustus Riley, Yale, '70. Geneva. — Benjamin Whiting Franklin, Geneva, '71. Alabama. — Albert Clarke Stevens, Peninsular, '76. Cumberland. — John Lindsay Hill, Union, '61. MEMBERS FOR ACTIVE CHAPTERS. Hamilion. —Edvra.rd North, '41 ; Rofcert Schell Rudd, '79. Columbia. — John MacMuUen, '37; Thomas Daniel Rambaut, '81. Amherst. — Edward Payson Crowell, '53; Charles Millard Pratt, '79. Brunonian. — Howard Malcom Rice, '60; Benjamin Barker, Jr., '81. Harvard. — Edward Everett Hale, '39 ; John Joseph Townsend, '79. Hudson. — George Franklin Smytlie, '74 ; Henry Noble Day, '28. Bowdoin. — Henry Leland Chapman, '66 ; Augustus Frost Libby, '64. DaHmouth. — Charles Franklin Emerson, '68 ; Horatio Nelson Twombly, '54. Peninsular. — Moses Coit Tyler, '56; James Henry Goodsell, '62. Rochester. — Edward Oren Sage, '53; James Monroe Hudnut, '72. Williams. — Henry Augustus Harman, '67 ; Francis Lynde Stetson, '67. Manhattan. — Edward Morse Shepard, '69; Jacob Van Vechten Olcott, '76. Middletown. — Abram Winegardner Harris, '80; William Day Leonard, '78. Kenyan. — John DeWitt Hart McKinley, '72 ; George Jones Peet, '65. Union. — John A De Remer, '57; William Birch Rankine, '77. Cornell. — Marcus Lyon, Yale, '52; Henry Lynde Sprague, '73. Phi Kappa. — James Davis Smyth, '74; George Kneeland, '80. THE CONVENTION ROLL. The following list of delesrates has been compiled from the Conven- tion minutes at the different Chapters. The First Convention, held in the fifth year of the Fraternity, with the Hamil- ton Chapter, at Utica, N. Y., on July 27 and 28, 1836. Delegates. — Hamilton. : J. A. Piatt, '35 ; T. B. Lyman, '37. Urban : A. C. Coxe, '38. ColmnUa : G. M. Hillyer, '3G. Yale : S. T. Wilbur, '37. The Second Convention, held in the sixth year of the Fraternity, with the Columbia Chapter, at New York City, on August 18-22, 1837. Delegates. — Hamilton : T. B. Lyman, '37 ; T. P. Adams, '36 ; H. L. Storrs, '33. ColmnUa : G. M. Hillyer, '3G; H. A. Weed, '36; J. Vanderbilt, '37. Yale : S. T. Wilbur, '37; W. A. Sparks, '37. Amherst: G. B. Morris, '37; H. W. WilUams, "37. Brunonian : J. W. Dallam, '37; E. W. Howard, '37; G. V. N. Lothrop, '37. Harvard : J. G. King, '39. The Third Convention, held in the eighth year of the Fraternity, with the Yale Chapter, at New Haven, Conn., on August 13-17, 1839. Delegates. — Hamilton : G. Underwood, '38 ; A. D. Gridley, '39 ; E. P. Handy, '33. Miami: S. Eells, '32; G. M. Parsons, '37. Urban: T. B. Lyman, '37. Columbia : H. A. Weed, '36 ; G. M. Hillyer, '36 ; G. G. Waters, '36. Yale : R. P. Cutler, '39; I. N. Tarbox, '39; J. Perkins, '40. Amherst: G. Sumner, Jr., '39 ; A. F. HeAvit, '39. Briinoniayi : J. B. M. Potter, '39. The Fourth Convention, held in the tenth year of the Fraternity, with the Columbia Chapter, at New York City, on May 7, 1841. Delegates. — ^aw.tVz'oTi .- S. Eells, '32; G. Underwood, '38; F. A. Coe, '85. Columbia : G. M. Hillyer, '36 ; H. A. Weed, '36 ; N. W. Chittenden, '37 ; G. G. Waters, '36. Yale: C. Goodrich, '37; J. A. Benton, '42. Amherst: J. S. Thayer, '38. The Fifth Convention, held in the fourteenth year of the Fraternity, with the Yale Chapter, at New Haven, Conn., on August 20, 1845. Delegates. — Hamilton: E. H. Crane, '44; H. P. Bristol, '46; A. Spaul- ding, '46. Yale: W. H. Goodrich, '43 ; J. McLeod, '44; H. B. Harrison, '46. Amherst: A. Wilson, '42; F. A. Marsh, '45; L. Humphrey, '46. * Harvard: W. L. Ropes, '46. Bowdoin : M. M. Butler, '45; T. H. Talbot, '46; F. Vose, '47. Hudson : W. S. Barker, '41 ; C. Leonard, '43. The Sixth Convention, held in the sixteenth year of the Fraternity, with the Y'ale Chapter, at New Haven, Conn., on August 17, 1S47. Delegates. — 7/a?«77^o?i .■ H. G. Miller, '48; J. T. Spriggs, '47. Yale : E. B. Hilliard, '48; W. Aitchison, '48. Harvard: A. Halo, '48; W. L. Ropes, '46. Geneva : R. H. Lawrence. '47 ; J. L. Sutherland. "49. ITudson : S. St. John, Convention Roll. xxxv '34; J. Noorn'v, Jr., '38; N. L. Lord, '47. Dartmouth: L. (,'utler, "47; C. F. Mussey, '48; A. Adams, '48. The Seventh Convention, held in the nineteenth year of the Fraternity, witli the Amherst Chapter, at Amherst, Mass., on August 7-!), 1850. Delegates. — Hamilton : B. R. Catlin, '51 ; T. B. Hudson, '51 ; W. L. Ptirmelee, '51. Fa/e .- K. Bliss. '50; R. Lamb, '50; E. H. Roberts, '50. Amherst: F. A. Marsh, '45; J. II. Thompson, '50; K. P. Darling, '51. Harvard: C. Hale, '50; C. Dunbar. '51. Geneva: G. W. Watson, '50; E. R. Welle, '50. Hudson: G. B. Pierce, '51. Bowdoin : AV. S. Gardiner. '50 ; H. N. Day, '28. Dartmouth: O. Johnson, '52; W. H. Ordway, '52. The Eighth Convention, held in the twenty-second year of the Fraternity, with the Geneva Chapter, at Geneva, N. Y., on July 14, 1853. Delegates. — Hamilton: E. C. Morgan, '54; J. L. Williams, '54; S. A. Taylor, '55. Miami: M. Sayler, '52; J. H. Brookes, '53. Amherst: B. B. Breed, '53; J. M. Greene, '53. Daiimouth : D. Hall, '54. Peninsular: J. F. Becker, '53; J. A. Hubbell, '53; D. L. Wood, '54. Rochester : E. O. Sage, '54; H. Strong, '54; M. M. Marble, '55. Williams: C. R. Bliss, '54; H. M. Grout. '54. The Ninth Convention, held in the twenty-third year of the Fraternity, with the Hamilton Chapter, at Clinton. N. Y., on July 25, 1854. Delegates. — Hamilton: C. S. Bundy, '54; C. Linderman, '54; S. B. Steers, '55. Yale: M. B. Ewing, '55; C. R. Jfalmer, '55; W. R. Woodbridge, '55; D. Shaw, '56. Amherst: W. W. Fowler, '54; C. W. Buck, '55; R. Choate, Jr., '55 ; J. L. Graves, '55. Brunonian : G. B. Paine, '55 ; A. H. Plumb, '55 ; H. D. Williams, '55. Harvard : D. W. Wilder, '56. Geneva : E. R. Wells, '50 ; A. B. Hawley, '52 ; F. C. Goodwin, '54. Dartmouth : F. M. Robinson, '55. Penin- sular : G. B. Eldrich, '55; A. Martin, '55. Rochester: E. L. Joy, '56. H'i7- liams : J. R. Dewey, '54; E. P. Hudson, '54; A. E. Kittredge, '54; H. R. Mur- dock, '54 ; E. J. Hooker, '55 ; R. J. Mitchell, '56. The Tenth Convention, held in the twenty-fourth year of the Fraternity, with the Harvard Chapter, at Cambridge, Mass., on July 20, 1855. Delegates. — Hamilton : J. W. Hubbard, '50 ; W. Hart, '55. Vale : C. R. Palmer, '55; W. J. Harris, '56. Amherst: C. W. Buck, '55; H. Derby, '55; A. S. Fiske, '55; C. H. Hitchcock, '56 ; S. Rice, '56. Brunonian: G. B. Paine, '55; H. D. Williams, '55; C. B. Goff, '56. Harvard: C. A. Chase, '55; J. Smith, '56 ; S. Lincoln, '57. Geneva : C. N. Hewitt, '56. Bowdoin : S. L. Gardiner, '55 : J. O. Brown, '50. Datimouth : J. H. Reed, '54 ; W. S. Ladd, '55. Williams : J. R. Dewey, '54. Manhattan : F. Baldwin, Jr., '55; F. S. Rising, '56. The Eleventh Convention, held in the twenty-fifth. year of the Fraternity, with tlie Yale Chapter, at New Haven, Conn., on July 29, 1856. Delegates. — Hamilton: S. B. Stecre, '55; F. H. Head, '56; B. D. Gilbert, '57". Miami: L. D. Manning, '57. Yale: S. D. Doar, '57; H. Neide, '58; F. A. Noble, '58. Amherst: C H. Hitchcock, '56; S. Rice, '56; A. L. Thompson, '56: W. Crawford, '57. Bru7ionian : H. D. Williams, '55; A. T. Britton, '57; D. (ioodwin, '57. Bowdoin: (i. C. Moses, '56. Dartmouth: C. O. Thompson. '58. xxxvi Cotivention Roll. Rochester: E. L. Joy, '56; I. E. Sheldon, '57. Williams: E. C. Hooker, '57. Manhaitan : J. W. Mason, '55; F. S. Rising, '56; R. Sturgis, Jr., '56. The Twelfth Convention, held in the twenty-sixth year of the Fraternity, with the Manhattan Chapter, at New York, on June 23 and 24, 1857. Delegates. — Hamilton : B. D. Gilbert, '57 ; W. M. Robinson, '57 ; A. J. Northrup, '58. Yale: F. A. Noble, '58; R. J. Carpenter, '59; C. M. Wheeler, '59. Amherst : G. S. Bishop, '58 ; E. W. Pierce, '59. Brunonian : A. T. Britton, '57 ; S. C. Eastman, '57 ; D. Goodwin, '57. Harvard : J. C. Ropes, •57; A. J. C. Sowdon, '57; R. N. Toppan, '58. Geneva: C N. Hewett, '56; G. F. Lee, '59; C. D. Vail, '59. Bowdoin : G. C. Moses, '56; N. A. Robbins, '57. Dartmouth: W. B. Wright, '57. Rochester: W. Abbott, '58; C. B. Crane, •58; A.-B. Rathbone, '59. Williams: R. J. Mitchell, '56; G. D. Goodrich, '57; A. B. Graves, '58. Manhattan: F. S. Rising, '56; R. Sturgis, Jr., '56; J. L. Van Buren, '56. Middletown : J. W. Smith, '57 ; T. R. Ercanbrack, '58 ; G. H. Whitney, '58. The Thirteenth Convention, held in the twenty-seventh year of the Fraternity, with the Williams Chapter, at Williamstown, Mass., on August 4 and 5, 1858. Delegates. — Hamilton : J. H. Morrow, '59. Yale : A. J. Taylor, '59. Amherst : D. Beattie, '59 ; J. P. French, '59 ; W. H. Goddard, '59. Brunonian : S. C. Eastman, '57; A. B. Judson, '59; H. M. Rice, '60; S. W. Duncan, '60. Geneva : W. H. Wilkinson, '53 ; G. F. Lee, '59. Hudson : W. W. Andrews, '59. Boivdoin : F. W. Sabine, '59. Dartmouth: C. Hosford, '59; E. Savage, '60; P. S. Conner, '59. Peninsular: E. W. McGraw, '59. Rochester: O. Folsom, '59; J. C. C. Clarke, '59; F. A. Macomber, '59. Williams: J. Dewey, Jr., '58; B. F. Lee, Jr. (Man. & Will., '55-8); H. H. Morgan (Gen. & Will.), '59. Manhattan : L. C. Bayles, '55 ; A. Werner, '57 ; A. P. Ketchum, '58. Middle- town : S. Jackson, '59. The Fourteenth Convention, held in the twenty-eighth year of the Fraternity, with the Miami Chapter, at Oxford, Ohio, July 5, 1859. Delegates. — Hamilton : S. T. Brooks, '62. Miami : J. S. McDonald, '59 ; A. Mayo, '61. Yale: 0. Leach, '60. Amherst: G. O. Little, '60. Brunonian: S. T. Harris, '58. Hudson : T. C. Ferry, '61 ; S. C. Williamson, '60. Bowdoin : J. M. Brown, '60. Dartmouth: E. T. Noyes, '57. Peninsular: E. W. McGraw, '59; W. H. Barnum, '61. Manhattan: J. W. Mason, '55. Kenyon : C. B. Guthrie, '59 ; R. C. Smith, '59 ; H. W. Chapman, '60. The Fifteenth Convention, held in the twenty-ninth year of the Fraternity, with the Amherst Chapter, at Amherst, Mass., on August — , 1860. Delegates. — ^aw?7z;o?i ; M. H. Northrup, '60; H. H. Curran, '62; W. K. Bacon, '63. Yale: E. B. Convers, '61; T. Peck, Jr., '61. Amherst: F. E. Tower, '60; J. Lewis, '61; W. I. Allen, '62. Brunonian: H. M. Rice, '60; W. B. Trull, '61. Geneva : B. W. Woodward, '62. Bou-doin : E. Stanwood, '61 ; W. E. Donnell, '62. Dartmouth: J. P. Olney, '61; W. F. Bailey, '62. Roch- ester : E. W. Leonard, '60; C. E. Smith, '60; W. J. Leonard, '62. Williams : C. W.Jenkins, '60; J. B. T. Tuppcr, '61; A. O. Treat, '63. Manhattan: S. Bromfield. '57; H. K. White, '60; M. E. Dwight, '60. Middletown: S. Jackson. Convefition Roll. xxxvii '59. Kemjon: N. Y. Kiung, 'Gl ; A. B. Payne, 'Gl. Union: J. Bell, 'GO; C. G. Clark, '63. The Sixteenth Convention, held in the thirty-second year of the Fraternity, with the Union Chapter at Schenectady, N. Y., on July 21, 1863. BKhiiGATKS. — Hamilton: H. M. Simmons, '64; F. W. Plant, '64; W. A. Cobb, '64. Vale: C. G. Rockwood, '64; C. M. Whittlesey, '64; 11. H. Bloom, '63. Amherst : E. S. Towne, '64. Brunonian : Z. Brown, 'G5. Genera : G. G. Brooks, '63; E. A. Conger, '63; H. R. Lockwood, '64. Hudson: S. Strong, '63; E. P. Williams, '64; G. T. Ladd, '64. Botvdoin : A. F. Lihby, '64; C. A. Robbins,'64. Dartmouth: D. Austin, '64. Peninsular: J. D. Town, '64; W. D. Hitchcock, '64; G. Shuman, '63. Rochester : W. J. Leonard, '62; T. J. Backus, '64 ; M. G. Potter, '64. Williams : A. O. Treat, '63 ; C. A. Kingsbury, '64; W. Talcott, '65. Manhattan : S. Bloomfield, '57; E. D. Hudson, '64; G. L. Thompson, '64. Kenyan: W. P. Brown, '64. Union: D. N. Vanderveer, '63 ; A. P. Strong, '64; D. C. Robinson, '65. The Seventeenth Convention, held in the thirty-third year of the Fraternity, with the Rochester Chapter, at Rochester, N. Y., on July 6 and 7, 1864. Delegates. — Hamilton : R. W. Mcintosh, '64 ; J. M. Holley, T,6. Yale : C. M. Whittlesey, '64 ; P. Merrill, '65 ; J. S. Norton, '65. Brunonian: H. B. Miner, '64; W. H. Williams, '65; J. E. Spink, '65. Geneva: C. Jacobus, '64; J. M. Colt, '65 ; H. R. Lockwood, '64. Hudson : A. P. Tallman, '66 ; J. G. Shedd, '65. Bowdoiii : C. F. Libby, '64; F. H. Appleton, '64. Peninsular: W. D. Hitchcock, '64; G. S. Albee, '64. Rochester : M. G. Potter, '64; W. H. Dickinson, '64; J. R. Doolittle, Jr., '65. Williams: G. E. Goodrich, '65. ,)rid' dletown : G. C. Round, '62. Kenyon : G. J. Peet, '65. Union : W. B. Lynn, •65; H. C. Littlefield, '66; D. L. Smith, '66. The Eighteenth Convention, held in the thirty-fourth year of the Fraternity, with the Brunonian Chapter, at Providence, R. I., on September 7 and 8, 1865. Delegates. — Hamilton : J. H. Hicock, '65 ; D. W. Bigelow, '65. Miami : A. W. Wright, '67; C. B. Montgomery, '65; A. A. Thomas, '67. Yale: J. M. Hall, '66; R. E. DeForest, '67. Amherst: G. Harris, Jr., '66; G. Brayton, '66; P. D. Cowan, 'GG. Geneva: H. Bridge, '67. Hudson: E. P. Caruthers, •G5. Bowdoin: H. L. Chapman, '66; G. W. Kelly, '&G. Dartmouth: G. E. Chickering, '66; W. Otis, '66. Peninsular: E. Rexford, '66; W. D. Hitchcock, '64. Tri7/ia9HS .• W. Talcott, '65 ; H. W. Mabie, '67. Manhattan: E. D. Hud- son, Jr., '64; J. A. Knapp, '65; E. F. Eurich, '66. Middletown : G. Yager, '66; H. J. Stevens, '66 ; D. H. Ela, '57. Kenyon : F. S. Nicholson, '68 ; G. P. Bowler, '66. The Nineteenth Convention, held in the thirty-fifth year of the Fraternity, with the Hudson Chapter, at Cleveland, Ohio, on August 29 and 30, 1866. Delegates. — //amtrto?i ; A. S. Campbell, "66; A. G. Hopkins, '66; C. S. Millard, '66. Miami: S.P.Scott, '66; J. E. Platter, '67; A. L. McLain, "68. Y^ale: D. P. Sackett, '66; J. M. Hall, '66. Amherst: L. G. Yoe, '68 ; W. P. White, '67; J. W. Burgess, '67. Brunonian: H. C. BuUard, 'G6 ; J. B. Mustin, •66. Geneva : H. S. Davis, '65; J. M. Coit, '65; T. M. Chapman, '66. Hudson : xxxviii Convention Roll. A. p. Tallraan, '66; E. H. Harvey, '67; S. H. Curtiss, '67. Dartmoidh : W. Otis, '66; F. G. Mather. '67; A. W. Wright, '67. Peninsular: G. B. Woodman, T.7; C. A. Dudley, '65; J. H. Chapin, '68. Rochester: W. Abbott, '58. Williams : V. P. Kline, '66 ; J. S. Ross, '68 ; O. M. Hall, '68. Manhattan : H. Newton, '66 ; E. R. Bowker, '68 ; H. F. Chapman, '67. Middleiown : G. C. Round, '62; H. J. Stevens, '66; J. B. Thomas, Jr., '70. Kenyan: N. P. Dan- dridge, '66; C. G. Wilson, '68; J. McC. McDonald, '68. The Twentieth Convention, held in the thirty-sixth year of the Fraternity, with the Geneva Chapter, at Geneva, N. Y., on July 9, 1867. Delegates. — /rrt»it7^o?i.- A. C. Coxe, '68; D. R. Breed, '67. Miami: C. S. Spencer, '69; J. E. Platter, '67. Amherst: A. T. Buchanan, '68. Bru- nonian : S. R. Morrow, '70. Genera: T. Foot, '68; E. Southgate, '67; H. Bridge, '67. Bowdoin : W. F. Shepard, '68. Peninsular: R. N. Jenne, '68. Rochester: A. K. Parker, '66; J. M. Taylor, '68; W. H. Davis, '68. Williams : H. W. Mabie, '67. Manhattan: T. F. Chaqjbers, '68; G. A. Boker, '69. Mid- dleiown : W. F. Sanford, '66. Union : A. R. Olney, '67 ; T. R. Shear, '68. The Twenty-first Convention, held in the thirty-seventh year of the Fraternity, with the Manhattan Chapter, at New York City, on April 28 and 29, 1868. Delegates. — Hamilton : J. H. Willard, '68; M. R. Miller, '68; S. F. Bagg, '69. Miami : J. E. Platter, '67 ; C. S. Wood, '66. Yale : C. B. Herrick, '69 ; B. D. Evans, '68 ; H. A. Beers, '69. Amherst : W. C. Ball, '68 ; L. G. Yoe, '68 ; H. H. Neill, '66. Brunonian : F. E. Bliss, '68 ; W. H. Lyon, '68 ; W. H. Poland, '68. Geneva: W. J. Cleveland, '69 ; E. B. Bostwick, '68; E. Southgate, '67. Hudson : T. D. Seymour, '70. Bowdoin : G. F. Mosher, '69. DaHmouth : C. F. Emerson, '70; W. H. Colgate, '70; H. N. Twombly, '54. Peninsular: W. C. Johns, '69. Rochester: E. W. Mundy, '60; J. M. Taylor, '68; A. C. Raymond, '69. Williams: W. D. Brooks, '68; W. La Grange, '68; H. R. Lee, '68. Manhattan : R. R. Bowker, '68 ; F. H. Hamlin, '68 ; E. M. Shepard, '69. Middletown : J. B. Thomas, Jr., '70; J. E. Robbins, '68; G. P. Mains, '70. Kenyon : P. Browne, '64; G. J. Peet, '65. Union: H. A. Harman {William^), '67; T. R. Shear, '68; E. K. Herrick, '68. The Twenty-second Convention, held in the thirty-eighth year of the Fraternity, with the Yale Chapter, at New Haven, Conn., on May 12 and 13, 1869. Delegates. — i/flwM/jfoji : C. D. Barrows, '69; S.N. D. North, '69; J. P. Underwood, '70. Yale: G. S. Sedgwick, '70; W. J. Betts, '70. Amherst: A. F. Fenney, '69; C. R. Pratt, '69; W. Choate, '70. Brunonian: D. P. Morgan, '69; R. A. Brown, '71. Geneva: A. B. Jackson, '70; J. T. Hale, '69; C. N. Allen, '69. Hudson: A. H. Hunker, '69; S. H. Curtis, '67. Bowdoin : F. A. Fogg, '69 ; J. A. Hinckley, '68. Dartmouth : E. H. Carrier, '69. Peninsular: R. E. Phinney, '71. Rochester: M. E. Gates, '70; M. G. Kellogg, '70. Williams: T. H. Brooks, '70; S. S. Baily, '70. Middletown: S. E. Holden, '69; A. S. Roe, '70; D. S. Alford, '71. Kenyon: C. H. Wetmore, '69; R. J. Wilson, '70. U7iion: W. P. McLaury, '69; J. M. Thomas, '72. Cor- nell: H. H. Seymour, '71; J. Brigham, '70. Cotivenfion Roll. xxxix The Twenty-third Convention, lield in the thirty-ninth year of the Fraternity, with theBowdoin Chapter, at Portland, Me., on May 18, 1870. Delegates. — //«»u7/0H.- F. B. Daniels, 71; T. A. Abbott, 70. Yale : C. H. Board, 71; C. Plielps, 70; F. S. Smith, 72. Amherst: A. P. Lyon, 70; G. C. Hall, 71. lirunonian: J. M. English, 70; F. Burgess, Jr., 73; J. E. Crane, 72. Bowdoin: E. B. Weston, 70; C. L. Shepard, 71; F. H. Gerrish, '6G. Dartmouih: F. Brown, 70. Peninsular: II. B. Ilutchins, 71 ; R. H. Thayer, 70. Rochester: H. P. Emerson, 71. Manhattan: G. McAdam, 70. Union: N. Dexter, 73; J. B. Loekwood, 70; W. P. Kudd, 73. Cornell : M. M. Ross, 70. The Twenty-fourth Convention^ held in the fortieth year of the Fraternity, with the Middletown Chapter, at Middletown, Conn., on May 17 and 18, 1871. Delegates. — Hamilton : F. B. Daniels, 71 ; E. D. Mathews, 73. Miami : J. 0. Shiras, 71. Yale: C H. Board, 71; B.L.Holt, 72; S.J. Elder, 73. Amherst: W. H. Chiekering, 71; P. N. Haskell, 71; L. Bradley, Jr., 73. Brunonian: R. A. Brown, 71; J. H. Mason, 72. Geneva: W. North, 70; B. Franklin, 71; G. N. Hale, 71. Bowdoin: W. S. Dennett, Jr., 71; H. Harris, 72. • Dartmouth: M. O. Adams, 71; F. A. Thayer, 73. Peninsular: G. J. Holbrook, 71. Williams: H. R. Gibbs, 71. Manhattan: AV. DeF. Edwards, 71; D. K. Young, 71. Middletown: T. E. Hancock, 71; \V. F. Whitcher, 71; R. J. Round, 72. Kenyan: B. Shulte, 70; G. B. Case, 70. Union: J. M. Thomas, 72; W. P. Rudd, 73; A. P. Thomas, 74. Cornell: E. J. Hadley, 71; H. J. Hurd, 72. The Twenty-fifth Convention, held in the forty-first year of the Fraternity, with the Peninsular Chapter, at Detroit, Mich., on May 22, 1872. Delegates. — i7am^7^!o?^ ; E. D. Mathews, 73; J. H. Jewett, 72. Miami: H. Ankeney, 72 ; F. M. Coppock, 73 ; W. B. McAlpin, 73. Yale : C. Sherwood, 72; E. R. Johnes, 73. Amherst: W. V. W. Davis, 73. Brunonian: E. Judson, '65. Hudson : W. R. Perkins, '68 ; C A. Gates, '73 ; C. M. Russell, '73. Boxvdoin: F. S. Waterhouse, '73; W. A. Blake, '73. Dartmouih: R. W. Welch, '72. Peninsular: S. G. Milner, '72; D. C. Rexford, '72; W. B. Williams, 73. Rochester: G. D. Olds, '73; G. H. Raymond, '74. Williams: W. Talcott, '65. Middletown : D. R. Baker, '72. Kenyon : J. D. H. McKinley, '72; J. H. White, '72. Union : E. L. Mapes, '73 ; W. P. Rudd, '73 ; T. C. Becker. '74. Cornell: F. H. Jones, '73. The Twenty-sixth Convention, held in the forty-second year of the Fraternity, with the Cornell Chapter, at Ithaca, N. Y., on May 14 and 15, 1873. Delegates. — Hamilton : E. D. Mathews, '73 ; L. L. Porter, '73 ; C. P. Eells, '74. Amherst: A. Ely. '74. Brunonian: J. H. Hoyt, 74; P. H. Case, '74. Geneva: W. P. Conger, '73; G. P. Bellows, 73; F. D. Barto, '75. Hudson: G. F. Smythe, '74. Bowdoin: S. M. Carter, '75. Dartmouth: F. A. Thayer, '73. Peninsular: C. E. King, '73; C. S. Wilson, '73. Rochester: E. W. Hunt, '73; A. W. Norton, '73; G. H. Raymond, 74. Williams: C. B. Wheeler, '73. Manhattan : J. L. Woodward, '72 ; E. M. Wray, 73. Middletown : W. H. Eustis, 73; G. W. Shonk, 73. Kenyon: G. F. Southard, 73. Union: xl Convention Roll. W. p. Rudd, 73; H. E. Micks, '75; W. H. Smyth, '76. Cornell: H. Altman, '73; F. H. Jones, '73 ; H. L. Sprague, '73. The Twenty-seventh Convention, held in the forty-third year of the Fraternity, with the Union Chapter, at Albany, N. Y., on May 13, 1874. Delegates. — Hamilton : C. P. Eells, '74 ; N. E. Paine, '74 ; W. E. Lewis, '75. Amherst : F. F. Dow, '74; A. Ely, '74; F. C. Scoville, '75. Brunoyiian : T. D- Anderson, Jr., '74; W. C. Greene, '75. Geneva: H. E. Jones, '75; E. H. Ban- croft, '75. Hudsoti : J. Whitney, '76. Boivdoin : C. F. Kimball, '74 ; W. Pulsi- fer, '75. Dartmouth : G. W. Lee, '74. Pemnsular : H. W'. Rogers, '74; W. W. Smith, '74. Rochester: G. D. Olds, '73; J. S. .Fassett, '75; F. H. Rowley, '75. Williams: E. E. Finney, '75; J. P. Lane, '76. Manhattan: R. R. Bowker, '68; E. M. Wray, '73; J. Y. Olcott, '77. Middletoivn: F. H. Griffin, '74; A. E. Palmer, '74 ; A. M. Tallmadge, '74. Kenyan : J. R. Turney, '74. Union : M. W. Stickney, '74 ; H. A. Waldron, '74 ; C. B. King, '75. Cornell : H. L. Sprague, '73 ; A. Howe, Jr., '75. The Twenty-eighth Convention, held in the forty-fourth year of the Fratei;nity, with the Brunonian Chapter, at Providence, R. I., on June 1, 2 and 3, 1875. Delegates. — //amtrto?! ; F. F. Davis, '76; H. P. Eells, '76. Amherst: A. F. Skeele, '75; A. C. Boyden, '76; S. Salter, '77. Brunonian: A. D. Bosson, '75 W. C. Greene, '75; B. W. Steele, '76. Geneva: B. W. Franklin, '71; G. N Hale, '71. Hudson : W. E. Gushing, '75. Boicdoin : S. M. Carter, '75 ; H. R Patten, '75; E. H. Kimball, '76. Dartmouth: J. Richards, '75; L. S. Cohen, '78 H. D. Ryder, '76. Peninsular: J. H. Reynolds, '76. Rochester: M. Hirshfield, '75. Williams : E. E. Finney, '75; R. P. Collin, '76; S. D. Dodge, 77. Manhat tan: R. R. Bowker, '68. Middletoivn: C. M. Skeel, '75; S. O. Garrison, '76, Union: F. Harris, '75; A. V. Raymond, '75; R. Johnston, '77. Cornell: C H. Esty, '76. The Twenty-ninth Convention, held in the forty-fifth year of the Fraternity , with the Hamilton Chapter, at Utica, N. Y., on May 24 and 25, 1876. Delegates. — //flm27<07t ; F. F. Davis, 76; H. P. Eells, '76; D. A. Reed, '77. Amherst : J. C. Gray, '77 ; R. B. Clark, '76 ; R. B. Tobey, '77. Brunonian : B. W. Steele, '76; E. Hoyt, '78; A. D. Bosson, '75. Geneva: W. B. Rankine, '77; G. N. Hale, '71 ; E. H. Bancroft, '75. Hudson : M. M. Drury, '76. Bowdoin : H. D. Wiggin, '77. Dartmouth: A. F. Andrews, '78; S. A. Thompson, '76. Peninsular: 0. AV. Ferdon, '77; C. S. Brown, '76. Rochester: L. M. Hair, '77; H. Harrison, 77; W. W. Simpson, '79. Williams: R. P. Collin, '76 ; R. W. Gilbert, "77. Manhattan: R. R. Bowker, '68; L. E. Jones, '73; G. N. Messiter, '75. Middletown : S. O. Garrison, '76. Union : J. B. Hubbs, 77 ; W. P. New- man, '76; W. P. Rudd, '73. Cornell: C. H. Esty, 76; J. S. Milford, 77; J. Savage, Jr., '78. The Thirtieth Convention, held in the forty-sixth year of the Fraternity, with the Williams Chapter, at Williamstown, Mass., on May 23 and 24, 1877. Delegates. — Hamilton : D. A. Reed, '77 ; H. S. Paine, '78. Amherst : R. B. Tobey, '77; A. H. Wellman, '78; C. M. Pratt, '7'J. Brunonian: F. Harris, '78; Co7ivention Roll. xli E. Hoyt, 78. Hudson: W. E. Cusliing, '75 ; A. II. Palmer, '79. Boivdoin : S. S. Stearns, '79. Dartmouth : G. E. Atkinson, '77 ; C. II. Cooper, '77. Peinnsular : W. C. Johnson, '78; T. H. Noble, '78. Rochester: L. M. Hair, '77. Williams: W. L. Adam, '77; J. B. Perkins, '77; R. W. Gilbert, '77. Mayihattan : K. R. Howker, '(58; J. W. Hopper, '7G; I). M. Hunter, '77. Middletown : O. B. Coit, '77 ; E. S. Ferry, '78 ; W. I). Leonard, '78. Union : J. A De Remer, '57 ; J. 1) Par- sons, '67; W. P. Adams, '79. Cornell: J. S. Milford, '77; A. C. Wakeley, '78; V. "W. Hinkley, '79. The Thirty-first Convention, held in the forty-seventh year of the P'raternity, with the Middletown Chapter, at Middletown, Conn., on May 22 and 23, 1878. Delegates. — .ffawiirtort: P. L. Chester, '79; D. E. Walker, '79. Amherst: W. B. Mosman, '78 ; C. M. Pratt, '79 ; A. N. Millikin, '80. Brunonian : E. P. Greene, '79; G. I. Malcom, '79. Hudson : J. G. Fiteh, '79. Bowdoin : S. S. Stearns, '79 ; ^Y. L. Dane, '80. Dartmouth : W. H. Ray, '77 ; E. AV. Sanborn, '78; A. F. Andrews, '78. Peninsular: J. P. Brown, '79; J. H. Tweedy, Jr., '79. Rochester: S. S. Brown, '79. Williams: F. L. Stetson, '67; J. R. Adriance, •78; W. L. Brown, '78. Manhattan: C. S. Shepard, '77; J. McG. Smith, '77 ; W. C. Clapp, '81. Middletoivn : E. S. Ferry, '78 ; L. G. La Bar, '78; W. W. Van Deusen, '79. Kenyan : H. D. Aves, '78. Union : J. D. Craig, '80. Cornell : AV. E. Bramhall,'77; W. C. Bradley, '80. Phi Kapjya : G. S. Chipman, '78; J. D. Hills, '78; G. T. Stewart, '78. The Thirty-second Convention, held in the forty-seventh year of the Frater- nity, with the Phi Kappa Chapter, at Hartford, Conn., on May 7 and 8, 1879. ^^EhTuGXTES. — Hamilton: R. S. Rudd, '79 ; G. T. Church, '80; S. G. Heacock, '80. Amherst : C M. Pratt, '79 ; A. N. Milliken, '80. Brunonian : W. R. Tillinghast, '79; G. S. Goodspeed, '80; H. I. Keen, '80. Hudson: F. W. Harrington, '79. Bowdoin: F. Goulding, '80. Dartmouth: A. F. Andrews, '78; 0. P. Conant, '79. Peninsular : R. B. Bancroft, '80; F. F. Reed, '80. Roches- ter : L. W. Bowen, '79; M. Hirshfield, '79; C. 0. Bailey, '80. Williams: F. L. Stetson, 'G7; J. B. Atwater, '79; J. H. Seymour, '79. 3fanhattan : C. S. Shep- ard, '77; J. F. Chambers, '79; B. S. Weeks, '79. Middletojvn : S. L. Brown, '79; A. Mann, Jr., '79; A. W. Harris, '80. Union: E. L. Mapes, '73; F. J. Bassett, '77; J. D. Craig, '80. Cornell: T. L. Mead, '77; H. Gifford, '79; A. M. Curtiss, '80. Phi Kappa : A. Harding, '79; G. Kneeland, '80; S. Stone, '80. The Thirty-third Convention, held in the forty-eighth year of the Fraternity, with the Rochester Chapter, at Rochester, N. Y., on May 26 and 27, 1880. Delegates. — /^amtV^ora ; S. G. Heacock, '80; G. T. Church, '80; H. O. Jones, '82. Amherst: C. S.Lane, '80. Brunonian: S. W. Smith, '80; F. R. Hazard, '81; C. H. Pendleton, '78. Harvard: A. Hale, '80. Hudson: E. P. Ingersoll, '82; M. Hirshfield (Rochester), '79. Bowdoin : W. E. Mason, '82; H. W. Chamberlain, '81. Dartmouth: A. L. Spring, '80; G. O. Mitchell, '80. reninsnlar: J. II. Willard, '80; E. II. Bowman, '81. Rochester: C. O. Bailey, '80; J. M. Hunt, '80; L. B. Marcy, '80. Williams: A. K. tafiin, '80; H. L. xMatz, '80; C. B. Wheeler, '73. Manhattan: W. A. F. P. Mulford, '79; W. M. xlii Convention Roll. K. Olcott, '81; T. L. Mead (Cornell), 77. Micldletown : J. M. Yeager, '80; J. B. Scott, '81. Kenyan: W. D'O. Doty, '62; T. S. Wood, '80. Union: J. D. Craig, '80; H. Schlosser, '81; W. P. Williams, '81. Cornell: C. E. Manierre, '80; C. L. Saunders, '81; 0. L. Taylor, '81. Phi Kaijpa : S. Stone, '80; M. Stone, '80; G. Kneeland, '80. The Thirty-fourth Convention, held in the forty-ninth year of the Fraternity, with the Brunonian Chapter, at Providence, E. I., on May 24 and 25, 1881. Delegates. — //awifto?! .• R. S. Rudd, '79 ; J. Otto, Jr., '81; W. C. Miner, '82. Columbia: J. L. Smith, '81; A. L. Manierre, '83. Amherst: C. M. Pratt, '79 ; E. G. Rand, '81 ; E. W. Green, '82. Brunonian : J. R. Gladding, '81 ; W. C. Ladd, '81; G. R. Hovey, '82. Harvard: H. E. Warner, '82; M. H. Morgan, '81. Hudson: C. A. Shaw, '81. Bowdoin : W. I. Cole, '81; W. C. Merryman, '82. Dartmouth : G. W. Graham, '81 ; F. R. Lane, '81 ; A. W. Tirrell, '82. Peninsular : W. H. Graham, '82 ; A. C. McLaughlin, '82. Rochester : C. W. Smith, '81 ; S. W. Stevens, '81; G. B. Adams, '82. Williams: F.L. Stetson, 'G7; A. B. Bassett, '81; A. H. Vanderpoel, '81. Manhattan: W. A. F. P. Mulford, '79; G. R. Lock- wood, Jr., '81; E. F. Slayback, '84. Middletown : F. A. Jackson, '81; W. S. Pearsall, '82. Kenyon : H. S. Gregg, '81. Union: W. P. Williams, '81; S. H. Watkins, '82; J. A. Van Voast, '82. Cornell: A. G. C. Hahn, '81; W. T. Howard, '83; C. L. Saunders, '81. Phi Kappa: G. S. Huntington, '81; C. W. Freeland, '81 ; C. H. Carter, '82. GRADUATE REUNIONS. A complete list of Graduate Reunions during the last twenty- five years has proved impossible. It has been deemed fitting to commence such a record by publishing the following list. Two of those mentioned below, whik; forming a part of the records of the New York Graduate Chapter, were held in connection with a Convention. The others were independent of such gatherings. In the case of the reunions at New York, the list is known to be incomplete. This is the more to be regretted, as the New York Graduate Association, definitely organized in 1868, is not an informal organization, intended merely to perpetuate annual reunions and banquets. During fourteen years it has had per- manent rooms, and has continued to hold regular monthly meet- ings throughout each year, excepting the summer months — meetings which have kept an "Alpha Delta Home" in this great city, where the recent graduate could coutinue the delights of Fraternity life, and the Inisier brother at mid-life could find those whom he had grown to know and love through nmtual enjoyments and tastes. The social features of these meetings have been ever foremost ; yet dramas, essays, critiques and discussions of merit, often profound and exhaustive, have made these meetings a means of growth to very many, and have given prominence and stability to an organization whicli would have survived but a brief period if pureh' social. GRADUATE REUNIONS, NEW YORK CITY. June 25, 1857. December 26, 1866. April 30, 1868. November 18, 1875. December, 1876. December 20, 1877. January 8, 1879. March 11, 1880. xliv Graduate Reunions. NEW ENGLAND GRADUATE ASSOCIATION, BOSTON, MASS. April 27, 1876. December 20, 187f January 17, 1878. January 16, 1879. January 22, 1880. February 4, 1881. January 30, 1882. Cleveland, Ohio. January 3, 1873. January 2, 1874. January 4, 1875. Albany, N. T. December 31, 1880. April 27, 1881. Cincinnati, Ohio. December 20, 1881. Chicago, III. , 1867. February 7, 1882. Washington, D. C. February 28, 1882. ALPHA DELTA PHI BIBLIOGRAPHY. A complete Bibliogniphy of tlic Fraternity has been found to be i Ml practicable in the present condition of Chapter and Fraternity files. Eventually it is hoped to prepare one which will include a list of all printed documents in the history of the Fraternity and its Chapters. To this end, the Editor of the present Catalogue will welcome information from any direction -in regard to books, pamphlets or newspaper notices bearing on the subject. The list below is complete in its collation of Catalogues and Song-Books. The file of the latter was made up at Amherst. The kind assistance of the Harvard Col- lege Library in lending three early copies of the Amherst Chapter, in furnishing all the rest but two, supplied, one by Brunonian and the other by O. B. Ireland, Manhattan, T)!), enabled the compiler to make a complete list of Catalogues. Acknowledgments are due to a number of other persons. Three classes of references are omitted in the following Bibliography — references to individual Chapters in College illustrated annuals, Convention invitations and newspaper reports of Fraternity occurrences. An effort was made to secure the last; but the project proved impracticable in the time at command. The Illustrated Annuals in which Chapters of the Fraternity have been represented are as follows, in all cases from beginning to date, unless specified :— Amherst, Olio; Bowdoin, Bugle; Brunonian, Liber Bru- nensis; College of the City of New York, Microcosm; Columbia. Co- lumbiad, since 1881 ; Cornell, Cornelian; Dartmouth, u^gis; Hamil- ton, Hamiltonian ; Harvard, Lidex, since 1H79 ; Hobart, Echo of the Seneca, to 1876; Kenyon, Reveille; Peninsular, Pnlladiuni; Middle- town, Wesleyan; Rochester, Interpres ; Trinity, Ivrj ; Union, Garnet; VVilhams, GuL; Yale, Banner and Pot Fourri to 1873. xlvi Bibliography in .1 J (I>. CATALOGUES. I. Catalogue /of the/ A A $/ Society. / 1837. / Printed at New York. / A Bastard title preceding the full title by one page, on preceding leaf is — A A */• Brown cover, carrying on first page / A A 4> /, same as on bastard title, and on last page, the skeleton badge, to wit: mullet point downwards, between the horns of a crescent moon, bearing the letters A A 4>. Paper, foolscap 8vo, 2 signatures ( — . . 2) ; Sfg inches by 5y'^ inches ; not paged ; contains 15 printed pages, one fly leaf. Contains 8 Chapters, arranged alphabetically, to wit : Amherst, Brunonian, Columbia, Hamilton, Harvard, Miami, Urban, Yale ; and 193, less 5 i-epeated, giving 188 names, arranged alphabetically, under each Chapter; no index. "■. Catalogue / of the / A A / Society. / 1840. / — / Printed at New Haven. / Brown cover, carrying on first page / A A / same as on title-page, and on last page, the slab badge, to wit : sable on the chief a mullet vert, point down- wards, embraced by a crescent, argent, bearing the letters A A , on the base, 1832 argent, within a trcssure. Paper, foolscap 8vo, 2 signatures ( — . . 2) ; 7}^ by 4 J inches ; 15 pages ; 17 printed pages, 2 fly leaves. Contains a list of 10 Chapters, arranged alphabetically, to wit : Amherst, Brunonian, Cincinnati, Columbia, Geneva, Hamilton, Harvard, Miami, Urban, Yale ; including 329 names, arranged in a continuous alphabet, except 5 in an " addenda; " Chapter designated after each name, but not the class. III. Alpha Delta Phi / Society,/ 1845. / / New Haven : / Hitchcock & Staf- ford, Printers. / — / 1845. (The words / Alpha Delta Phi / are curved.) Preceded by an engraved title, carrying a vignette of a youth kneeling at the shrine of letters, steel, "Drawn and Eng. by W. H. Dougal," between the words / "Alpha Delta Phi." / above and / '-Sic Itir Ad Astka." / below the engraving. Yellow cover, carrying slab badge in outline on first page. Paper, foolscap 8vo, 2 signatures ( — . . 2 . . 3) ; '\ inches by 5 J inches ; pages 21 ; 21 printed pages and 1 engraving. Contains a list of 12 Chapters, arranged alpha- betically, to wit: Amherst, Bowdoin, Brunonian, Cincinnati, Columbia, Geneva, Hamilton, Harvard, Hudson, Miami, Urban, Yale; including 655 names, arranged as in preceding Catalogue. IV. Alpha Delta Plii / — / M DCCC XLVIII. / Title fronted by a i)ortrait of Samuel Eells, steel, •• Engraved l)y .1. X. Giiii- Bibiiography in 1 J 0. xlvii brodf from an ordinal raiiitiiiu'." t'acsimik' sifiiiature, '-Your friend and brotlicr Samuel Eells." Cover, green glazed paper, carrying on first page / A A * / . Paper, 8vo, no signatures; 81 by 5| inches; not paged ; 32 printed pages, one engraving. Printers, " Roberts & Sherman, Printers, 38 and 40 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y." Contains a list of 14 Chapters, arranged alphabetically, to wit : Amherst, Bowdoin, Brunonian, Cincinnati, Columbia, Dartmouth, Geneva, Hamil- ton. Harvard, Hudson, Miami, Peninsular, Urban, Yale; and 943 names arranged as in preceding Catalogue. Catalogue / Qf the / Ai.pha Delta Phi / Society. / (Slab badge) / Cam- bridge : / Metcalf and Company, / Printers to the University. / 1851. / Cover, gray, carrying the same inscription as the title-page. Paper, 8vo; signatures ( 2'.. 5) ; 9| by 7| inches; pages 44 ; contains 44 printed pages, no fly leaves. Contains a list of 16 Chapters arranged alpha- betically, to wit : Alabama, Amherst, Bowdoin, Brunonian, Cincinnati, Colum- bia, Dartmouth, Geneva, Hamilton, Harvard, Hudson, Miami, Peninsular, Urban, Williams, Yale; and 1,210 names, 5 in addenda, arranged as in preceding Cata- logue. VI. Alpha Delta Phi. / Same vignette as in Catalogue of 1845. / Sic Itur Ad Astra. / The above engraved title-page is the only one in the Catalogue ; it is faced by the portrait of Samuel EcUs, which appears in the Catalogue of 1848. Cover, yellow, glazed paper, carrying on first page an engraved design including date and major emblems. Paper, 8vo, signatures ( 2 •• 15) ; Sf^. by 5| ; pages 126 ; 120 printed pages, two engravings. Published by Calkins, Peed and Bangs, Boston Stationery Ware- house, 19 Exchange street, Boston. Contains 17 Chapters, arranged, with the exception of Cincinnati, Columbia and Urban, approximately in the order of their establishment, to wit: Hamilton, Miami, Amherst, Brunonian, Harvard, Yale, Geneva, Bowdoin, Peninsular, Dartmouth, Empire, Alabama, Williams, Cincinnati, Columbia, Hudson, Urban; and 1,545 names, arranged by Chapters and classes, with Index. This Catalogue, which bears no date, was printed in 1854. VII. Alplia Delta Phi / Catalogue./ (Cut) / Providence : / published by Hruiionian Chapter. / 1857. / The line Alpha Delta Phi is curved. The cut noted above gives a s'hield of four (|uarterings, counter chargeil. argent and sable, each parted in two by a pale; first, dexter point an arrow de- pressed, sinister a sword, erect; second, dexter, sun rayed, sinister pen, plumed; third, dexter a kev, sinister a loose bow; fourth, dexter a book closed, sinister xlviii Bibliography in A A . head of Mercury ; all proper ; on an escutcheon of pretence, argent, a mullet vert, embraced by a crescent argent; on a garter: "Fides usq0E ad mortem;" two spears, saltire-wise, support a mantle, crest two burning torches. Paper, 8vo, signatures ( — . . 2 . .) ; 8f by h^^ inches. Printers, Jones & Cogs- well, Concord, N. H. ; pages 158 ; 160 printed pages, including two pages of Errata. Contains 19 Chapters, arranged approximately in the order of their establishment, except Cincinnati, to wit : Hamilton, Miami, Urban, Columbia, Amherst, Brunonian, Harvard, Yale, Geneva, Bowdoin, Hudson, Peninsular, Cincinnati, Dartmouth, Empire, Alabama, "Williams, Manhattan, Middletown ; and 2,05-t names arranged by Chapters and Classes, with Index and Errata. VIII. Catalogue / of the / Alpha Delta Phi / Fraternity. / Issued by the Yale Chapter. / New Haven, Conn. / MDCCCLX. / [The line " Alpha Delta Phi" is curved and the title page has ornamental cor- ner-pieces.] Glazed cover, blue, carrying between the words "Alpha Delta Phi" and " Fraternitj' " the arms of the Fraternity, viz., sable chief, a crescent embracing a mullet, proper ; crest, 15 mullets, proper, in a wreath rayed downwards ; motto, " Manus Multae, Cor Unum." A sword and spear, points erect, saltire-wise, behind the shield. Paper, 8vo, signatures (1-24) ; 8| by 5/^ inches ; 195 pages. Contains 21 Chapters, arranged by Classes nearly in the order of their estabhshment from Hamihon to .Cumberland: index of names, including 2,531 names. Printed by "J. H. Benham, Printer, Glebe Building," on reverse of title page. IX. Catalogue / of the / A zi, *, 1832, / 1865 / Manhattan. The title-page is engraved, bears at top the star and crescent in clouds, and the characters A A $ and 1832 are intertwined. Cover, glazed green paper; bears the monogram " A A , 1832," which appears on the title page. 8vo, 15 signatures (. . . — 2-15) ; 250 printed pages and two fly-leaves. Contains title-page and reverse, blank, pp. 1-2; " Chapters," pp. 3-4; Chapter Lists, pp. 5-174, Alphabetical Index, pp. 175-250. Includes 22 Chapters, in the supposed order of their establishment, same list as in preceding Catalogue. Index contains 3,150 names. Harvard list ends Avith 1858. Published by the Manhattan Chapter, in the Thirty-third year of the Fraternity. X. Catalogue / of the / Alpha Delta Phi. / Thirt.v-eighth year of the / Fra- ternity. / Utica, N. Y. / Curtiss & Childs, Book and Job Printers. / 1870 / . Title-page, surrounded by a green and red border, faces an illustration, wood- cut, containing the Monument on the Closed Volume and Major Emblems. Cover, glazed green paper, carrying A A <}> and 1832, intertwined. Bibliography in ./ J 0. xlix 8vo, 38 signatures (....— B-L 2) ; 287 printinl pagos, oxclii.MVf of illustration, four fly-leaves. Contains title-page and reverse, blank, p]). 1-2; " . B." and " A. 12.," pp. 1-2; " The Chap- ters," pp. 3-4; Graduate Chapters, p. 5; Chapter Lists, pp. 7-223; "Alphabetical Index," pp. 225-326. The Chapters are the same as in the preceding Catalogue and six Graduate Chapters, to wit : Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, New York City. Albany, New England Graduate Association. The Alphabetical Index contains 4,476 names. The Catalogue, which bears no imprint, was printed by Weed. Parsons & Co., of Albany, N. Y. SONG BOOKS. I. Songs of Alpha Delta Phi. Published by the Yale Chapter. 1855. Paper. 12mo, pp. 23. Contains 22 songs, without music; printed by Storer & Moore- house, New Haven, Conn. II. Songs of Alplia Delta Phi. Issued in the Twenty-seventh year of the Fraternity. New York, mdccclix. Paper, 8vo, pp. 36. Contains 36 songs, without music. III. Songs of Alplia Delta Phi. (Coat of Arms of the Fraternity.) Published by the Union Chapter, in the Thirty-third year of the Fraternity. Albany: MDCCCLXIV. Cloth, 4to, pp. 38. Contains 58 songs, without music. IV. Alpha Delta Phi. (Coat of Arms of Fraternity on Monument.) Published by the Cieneva Chapter, in the Thirty-eighth year of the Fraternity, mdccci.xix. Cloth, 4to, pp. 76. Contains 76 songs, without music. Index of First Lines, iv Bibliography in A J (P. V. Alpha Delta Phi. (Monument, on the Closed Volume, bearing Major Em- blems.) Published bj' the Amherst Chapter, in the Forty-third year of the Fraternity, mdccclxxv Cloth, large square quarto, pp. 99; contains 97 songs, and music of 56 airs. Index of Tunes, First Lines and Titles. Imprint on last page, A B. Kidder & Son's Music Typography. VI. Alpha Delta Phi. (Monument on the Closed Volume, bearing Major Em- blems.) Published by Star and Crescent Publishing Company, in the Forty-ninth year of the Fraternity, mdccclxxxi. Printed from the same plates as preceding, with change of title as above. Songs of Alpha Delta Phi. Paper, 8vo ed., 8 pp.; contains Xa7pe and ten other songs ; prepared and published by the Star and Crescent Publishing Com- pany for use at Reunions. Songs of the Cornell Chapter, i-v. Five songs on leaflets, two with music, issued by the Cornell Chapter. MISCELLANEOUS. Memorial of Samuel Eells. Cloth, 8vo. pp. 2.55. "Cleveland, Ohio: Cobb, Andrews, & Co., Publishers, 1873." Contains: Preface, by the author, James Eells ; In Memoriam ; Address at Miami University on the Study of the Classics ; Address before the College of Teachers in Cincinnati ; Tribute to his Brother ; Address before the Biennial Convention of Alpha Delta Phi on the Law and Means of Social Advancement, delivered at New Haven, Conn., August 15, 1839; Address before the City Bible Society of Cincinnati. Laws of the State of New York, passed at the 102d Session of the Legislature, between January 7 and May 22, 1879, at the City of Albany. 8vo, pp. 714. Chapter 245. An Act to incorporate the Executive Council of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, and to provide for the organization of new Chapters. Passed May 5th, 1879; is on page 324. The Star and Crescent. First Number. Published for the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, by Authority of the Amherst and Cornell Chapters, in ]\Iay of the Forty- seventh year of the Fraternity. Editors : Amherst, Charles Millard Pratt, Henry Clay Folger, Jr. Cornell, Theodore Luqueer Mead, William Seymour Edwards. Frank Lusk Babbott, Editorial Contributor. Contents (titles of 12 articles fol- low). If sanctioned by the Convention, The Star and Crkscekt will hereafter be published Quarterly, and mailed to members of the Fraternity for One Dollar per annum in advance. Communications and remittances should be sent to T. L. Bibliography in ./ J (I>. li Mvad. (174 Madison Avoniu-, New York City. Now York : I'rivatciy I'rintcd, ]8S(i. liariii' (iiiarto. ])p. 1-2S. Tho --Star ami Croscent." Volume i. riihlislifd for the Alpha Delta Tlii Fraternity, in the Forty-ei, 32-60; m., 61-8G, have been i.ssued with the same list of edito- rial contributors on the title page. Eells (S.) Oration delivered before the Biennial Convention of the Alpha Delta Society, at New Haven, Conn., August 15, 1839, on the Laws and Means of Social Improvement. By Samuel Eells. Cincinnati, 1839. 8vo. From Joseph Sabin's A Dictionary of Books Relating to America, from Its Discovery to the Present Time. Vol. vi., p. 114. Political Conservatism. Addi-ess delivered at the Sixth Anniversary Celebra- tion of the Miami Chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi Society, August 10, 1841. By Jordan A. Pugh, Oxford. Published by order of the Chapter, 1841. Paper, 8vo. The Destinies of War and Labor. An' Address delivered before the Hamilton ("hapter of the Alpha Delta Phi Society, at its Tenth Anniversary, July 26, 1842. By A. E. Gwynne. Published by request of the Chapter. Press of Bennett. Backus, & Hawley, Utica, 184:?. An Address on the Origin, Progress, and Present Condition of Philosophy. Utica, N. Y. R. W. Roberts, Printer, 1843. 8vo, pp. 31. Contains the Address, delivered by Increase Niles Tarbox, bt'fore the Hamilton Chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi Society, at its Eleventh Anniversary, at Clinton, N. Y., during commencement week in 1843. An Address on the Political Duties of the Patriot Scholar : delivered before the Alpha Delta Phi Society of Miami University, August 10, 1847. By Chauncey N. Olds, Esq., of Circleville, Ohio. Published at the request of the Society. Co- lumbus : printed by William B. Thrall, 1847. Paper, 8vo, pp. 1-20. Contains Address, pp. 3-20. Hi Bibliography in ./ J 0. Report of the Proceedings of the" Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Brother- hood of Alpha Delta Phi, held in New York, June 24, 25, 1857. Issued by the Fraternity. New York : Charles Seribner, 377 and 379 Broadway, mdcccla-iii. Cloth, 8vo, pp. 59. Contains an Address by Rev. R. S. Storrs, Jr., D.D. ; an Oration by Mr. Donald G. Mitchell, and a Poem by William C. AYilliamson. Report of the Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Anniversary of the Brother- hood of Alpha Delta Phi, held by the Miami Chapter, at Miami University, Ox- ford, Ohio, July 5, 1859. Issued by the Fraternity. Cincinnati : Bradley & Webb, stationers and steam printers, mdccclx. Cloth, 8vo, pp. 1-39. Con- tains : Correspondence of Committee with Orator and Poet, pp. 3-6; "The Oration," by Geo. E. Pugh, pp. 7-28 ; " The Poem." by Charles Elliott, pp. 29-35 ; "The Business Convention," p. 3G; " The Dinner," pp. 37-89. Oration and Poem delivered before the Thirty-fifth Annual Convention, of the Brotherhood of Alpha Delta Phi, held with the Geneva Chapter, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 9-10. 1867. Issued by the Fraternity, Hamilton College, N. Y. Press of Curtiss and Childs, steam job printers, Utica, mdccclxvii. Paper, 8vo, 31 pages. Oration and Poem delivered before the Ali)ha Delta Phi Convention, held Avith the Williams Chapter, Wednesday and Thursday, May 23 and 24, 1877. Orator, Rev. Edward Everett Hale, of Boston, ]\Jass. ; Poet, Prof. Henry L. Chapman, of Bowdoin College. Published by order of the Convention. Paper, -Svo, pp. 1-29. Contains: "The Leaders Lead," by Edward Everett Hale, pp. 3-18; "An Occasional Poem," by a distinguished member of the Fraternity, p. 19 ; " Poem," by Henry Leland Chapman, pp. 21-29. Alpha Delta Phi. Closing Ceremonies of the Forty-fourth Convention. Utica Morning Herald, Utica, N.Y., p. 2, Friday, May 26, 1876. Contains, besides a sketch of exercises, Oration by Dr. Herrick Johnson, and Poem, " The Wingless Victory," by Prof. Edward North. Society and Societies. An Oration delivered by Joshua S. Chamberlain, Presi- dent of Bowdoin College, before the Fortj^-sixth Annual Convention of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, held in this city May 22d and 23d. Published by The Constitution, Middletown, Conn., in its issue of June 18, 1878. What Career? Ten papers on the Choice of a Vocation and the One of Nine. By E. E. Hale, Author of " How To Do It." Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1878. Ifimo, pp. I. -VI. ; 1-271. Dedication III. "To iSIy Brethren of Alpha Delta Phi, this volume is dedi- cated. Edward E. Hale. I. The Leaders Lead. An Address delivered before the Convention of Alpha Delta Phi, at Williams College, May 24, 1877. pp. 1-28. III. Noblesse Oblige. An Address delivered before the Annual Convention of Alpha Delta Phi, May 18, 1871. pp. 51-74. Alpha Delta Phi. Reunion Dinner in New York, 1875, Avith a Register of Members in New York. New York, Privately Printed, 1876. Paper, 8vo, pp. 59. Contains Speeches, 1-40; Register, 49-59. Bibliography in I J . Alpha Delta Phi New England Graduate Association Proceedings and Dinner April i^7th, 1876 Boston Privately Printed 1876. Press of Rockwell & Churchill, Boston. Sewed, foolscap 8vo, pp. 20. 75 by 5j?j inches. (Proceedings of the Dinner, Articles of Association and Membership.) .Alpha Delta Phi. Responses at Fifth Annual Dinner of New England Graduate Association, January 22d, 1880. Boston, privately printed, 1880. Prepared for the Press by J. Harris Reed. Press of Alfred Mudge & Son, Boston. Sewed, small 8vo pp. (8| X o\\ inches.) Old and New, Volume iv., June, 1871, to January, 1872. Boston, Roberts Brothers, etc., 1871. 8vo, pp. i.-iv., 1-764. Noblesse Oblige. An Address delivered before the Annual Convention of Alpha Delta Phi, May 18, 1871. By Edward E. Hale. pp. 426-433. Note : References occur to Fraternity in the above which are not retained in the published address in " What Career." Reference to Fraternity, page 1, " one of the oldest and largest of the atHliated college literary societies." Scribner's Monthly. An Illustrated Magazine for the People. Conducted by J. G. Holland. Volume xvii. (November, 1878, to April, 1879, inclusive.) New York, Scribner & Co., No. 743 Broadwa}'. 1879. 8vo, pp. 920. " A College Camp at Lake George," on pp. 617-631. By R. R. Bowker. (Account of the Camp of Members of the Manhattan Chapter, at Crescent Bay. Illustrated. Fraternity Lodge, p. 617, references to Fraternity, pp. 618, 629, 630.) American College Fraternities : A Descriptive Analysis of the Society System in the Colleges of the United States, with a Detailed Account of Each Fraternity. By Wm. Raimond Baird. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co. London : 16 Southampton Street, Covent Garden, 1879. Cloth, 12mo. Frontispiece, pp.212. References to the Fraternity occur : — Frontispiece, pp. 5, 9, 17, 20, 25-30, 55, 103, 151, 160, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 175, 176, 178, 181, 183, 184, 188, 189, 192, 209. The Greek Letter Societies. By Albert P. Jacobs, *. T. Detroit : Gulley Print- ing House, 12, 14, 16 Lamed Street, East. March, 1879. Cloth, 32mo, pp. 51. Contains, pp. 12-14, account of the Alpha Delta Phi, with list of Prominent Members ; pp. 44-45, Greek Letter Societies Now At the Dif- ferent Colleges, including Alpha Delta Phi; pp. 50-51. Honor lists, including Alpha Delta Phi. Thwing, Charles F. American Colleges : Their Students and Work. N. Y. : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. Sq. 16mo [4] -(- 159 pp. The chapter on " Societies " embraces pp. 69-80; the references to A A are on pp. 72, 73, 77. Student Life at Amherst College. Its Organizations, Their Membership and History. "Odi, liairkg 'Adr/vniuv kfid'kovTO ^aewav Kprjm& kXevdepiac. Amherst: Hatch & Williams, 1871. liv Bibliography in A J (I>. Cloth, 8vo. pp. 204r. Contains, pp. 159-168, Member.^hiit of the Amherst Chapter to 1874. Four Years At Yale. By a Graduate of '69. New Haven, Conn. : Charles C. Chatfield&Co., 1871. Cloth, 12rao, pp. XIV, 713. By A. E. Bagg. References to the Fraternity. pp. 12-15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 123, 124, 128, 130-2, 140-1. ALPHA DELTA PHI CHRONOLOGY. Fraternitj' founded by Samuel Eells . Skeleton Badge first adopted .... Miami Chapter, first estahlishod by Sainuol l\Ah mitiation.s Miami Chapter, first announced meeting held . Urban Chapter, established. Charter issued Columbia Chapter, first meeting held .... Yale Chapter organized First Convention held, Utica, N. Y Amherst Chapter established, initiated (circa) . Brunonian Chapter established Harvard Chapter established Geneva Chapter established, initiated Hudson Chapter, established by Samuel Eell.s . Bowdoin Chapter established Dartmouth Chapter established. Charter February 24 Peninsular Chapter established, Charter June 12 Rochester (Empire) established at Madison University Alabama Chapter established, initiated Brunonian Chapter reestablished .... Williams Chapter established, initiated Manhattan Chapter established, initiated . Middletown Chapter established, initiated Alabama Chapter suspends active functions Quarter-Centennial Convention at New York . Kenyon Chapter established ..... Union Chapter established, Charter June 14 Cumberland Chapter, initiated December, 1857, recognize Cornell Chapter established, initiated Yale Chapter surrendered Charter .... Miami Chapter suspends active functions . Geneva Chapter suspends active functions Phi Kappa Chapter established, initiated . Harvard Chapter reestablished Columbia Chapter reestablished Semi-Centennial Convention E.STO Pkkpktua. January, 1832. July 3, 1833. at Cincinnati, October, 1833. . Fall of 1836. July 28, 1835. June 16, 1836. June, 1836. July 27-8, 1836. September 18, 1836. Autumn, 1836. March 29, 1837. March 23, 1840. July 1, 1841. October, 1841. March, 1846. August 5, 1846. Winter, 1849-50. 1850. April 15, 1851. July 1, 1851. July 9, 1855. July 31, 1856. Spring term, 1857. June 27-8, 1857. November 14, 1858. July 16, 1859. 1859. March 19, 1869. Spring term, 1873. June, 1876. May, 1876. December 20, 1877 February 3, 1879. May 18, 1881. May 16-18, 1882. AMHhRSTT ICOKXhLL 3 H.\.\ULTUN 4-. DARTMOUTH 5NMLLl\MS.I THE CHAPTERS. THE HAMILTON CHAPTER, 1832 TO 1885. Annals. In the winter of 1831-32 five students of Hamilton College came together in an upper chamber, after the evening lamps were lighted, to devise a method of helping each other forward in their study and cult- ure and preparation for the future. They felt the need of warmer nutriment for their souls than that furnished by the drilled dry lessons of the class-room. Yielding to a good inspiration, which sometimes teaches the inexperienced to plan and build more wisely than they know, these five young men banded themselves together in a life-long league which had in it the seeds of a wide-spread institution. The names of the five students were : Samuel Eells, who died in Cincinnati in 1842 ; Lorenzo Latham, who died in New Orleans in 1860 ; Henry Lemuel Storrs, whose death, in 1852, closed the earthly career of an eloquent and devoted minister; Oliver Andrew Morse, who died in 1870 ; and John C. Underwood, whose death occurred in 1873. In this movement Samuel Eells exercised a controlling influence. When he entered college there were in the institution two literary societies, the Phoenix and the Philopeuthian. The strong rivalry between these two societies was not infrequently inflamed into a feeling of hostility and bitterness. The evils connected with this state of tilings suggested to the mind of Mr. Eells the establishing of a "society of a higher 4 Hamilton. nature and more comprehensive and higher principle." He meditated long and in private over the principles and the plan of the organiza- tion. In 1830 it existed only in idea ; but in the fall of that year events occurred which induced him to hasten tlie attempt to clothe the idea with the outward form of reality, A few of the leading members of the two literary societies were approached with caution and finally admitted to his confidence. All approved of the plan and pledged themselves to the work. The first meeting was held in Mr. Eells' room, No. 15, Kirkland Hall. It was a meeting for consultation only, and no presiding officer was appointed, nor were an}- minutes taken. At a subsequent meeting Lorenzo Latham and Samuel Eells were appointed a committee to report a constitution and a badge. The whole of the constitution as at first adopted was drawn up bj" Mr. Eells. Jt is apparent from this sketch that the beginnings of Alpha Delta Phi are veiled to some extent in that obscurity which surrounds the origin of almost all institutions. It did not spring at once into full-grown man- hood, but developed and matured until, in 1832, it attained its complete proportions. This history would be very incomplete if it failed to include some sketch of the brilliant founder of our order. Samuel Eells was born in Westmoreland, Oneida County. New York, on the 18th of May, 1810. He was a born leader of men. His nature was ardent and affectionate, and he exerted a powerful influence either by the kindness of his heart or by the force of his mind and character. He possessed to a rare degree that quality which is called personal magnetism. He developed in early life remarkable talents for compo- sition and declamation, which gave some intimation of the brilliant oratorical powers which were to follow. His mind was rapid in its action ; his habits of thought logical ; his scholarship varied and accu- rate. In addition to this he possessed a rare grace of expression ; an imagination naturally vivid and quickened by an intimate acquaintance with literature and art ; and a profound faith which compelled convic- tion. He entered upon life with a slender stock of strength, which the Haiuilfon. 5 restless energy of his career oave him no time to increase. He was admitted to college in 1827, but in a lew months his failing health com- pelled him to seek new vigor from tlie sea-air and an ocean voyage. In 182.S he returned to Hamilton with renewed powers ; and, after a college course marked with unusual promise, was graduated in 1832 with the highest honor of his class. In 1835 he began the practice of law in Cincinnati. His success was assured. In less than a year Salmon P. Chase had asked Mr. Eells to become his partner. His professional career covers only the five short years Avliich followed, until 1840 ; but they were years full of splendid achievement and still more splendid promise. In November, 1840, with health sadly im- paired, he sought a southern climate. He was never again able to resume work, and on Sabbath morning, ]\Iay 13, 1842, he died, at th(! age of tlnrty-two. "His highest title," said Mr. Chase, "was Christian." The internal history of the mother-chai)ter has been uneventful. At the close of the first half-century of her existence she has just provided herself with a beautiful home. Largely through the liljerality of Mr. Dan P. Eells, a brother of our founder, together with numerous and, in the aggregate, large contributions from other sons of Alpha Delta Phi, a "Memorial Hall " has been erected and completed, and the mother-chapter will hold her semi-centenary celebration under the shelter of her own roof. A partial list of the lionors won in college Hfe by the chapter is given l)elow. Valedictorians. — Samuel Eells, '32; O. A. Morse, '33; J. A. Piatt, '35; P. C. Hastings, '38 ; J. S. Sherwood, '40 ; Edward North, '41 ; A. P. Willard, '42 ; Andrew Dexter, '43; Erastus Willard, '57; S. H. Adams, '65; C. A. Gardiner, '80. Salidaiorians. — Lorenzo Latham, '32; George Underwood, '38 ; S. W. Adams, '30; T. W. Dwight, '40; T. G. Frost, '42; K. M. Richardson, '43; Herrick Johnson, '57; A. J. Northrup, '58; H. M. Simmons, '64; A. G. Hopkins, '(iG ; H. C. G. Brandt, '72 ; P. L. Klock, '80. Clark Prize Orators. — F. II. Head, '50; Ilerrich Johnson, 'bl ; F. D. Seward, '58; //. 31. Simmons, '04; C. S. Millard, '6(j; H. D. Cunningham, '66 ; M. R. Miller, '68; T. W. Fitch, '60 ; S. N. D. North, '69; W. E. Lewis, '75; Howard P. Eells, 76; R. S. Rudd, '79; C. A. Gardiner, '80. Hamilton. Prize Delate. — D. R. Breed, '67; C. -/. Lyon, '67; T. A. Abbott, '70; F. H. Bagley, '70; F. B. Daniels, '71; E. D. Mathews, '73; F. F. Davis, '76; R. S. Rudd, '79; G. V. Gorton, '79; C. A. Gardiner, '80; John Otto, Jr., '81. Pruyn Medallists. — T. F. Gardner, '64; S. F. Bagg, '69; C. A. Gardiner, '80. Head Prize Men.—T. A. Abbott, '70; J. L. Bennett, '71 ; H. P. Eells, '76. Southwortk Prize in Physics.— L. L. Porter, '73; P. L. Klock, '80; C. A. Gardiner, '80. Curran Prize Men, Classical. — B. D. Gilbert, '57; S. F. Adams, '58; I. H. Hall, '59; M. H. Northrup, '60; C. M. Davis, '61; H. H. Curran, '62; T. F. Gardner, '64; S. H. Adams, '65; D. 11. Breed, '67; J. H. Hopkins, '72; C. P. Eells, '74; H. D. Gardner, '75; F. E. Dwight, '79; P. L. Klock, '80. TompJcins Prize Men, Mathematical. — I. H. Hall, '59; W. H. Beach, '60; H. P. Bigelow, '61 ; S. H. Adams, '63; H. M. Simmons, '64; D. R. Breed, '67; T. C. Jerome, '68; C. P. Eells, '74; C. A. Gardiner, '80. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Members. Samuel Eells. 'l.A.K. LoKENzo Latham. EM. Oliver Andrew Morse. P.Q. Henry Lemuel Storrs. E.B. John Curtiss Underwood. E.H. 1832. *^^' Samuel Eells. I.A.K. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Foimder ; First President of the Fraternity, 1832-6. Died May 13, 1842. Set- sketch iu Annals of Hamilton. *^^ Lorenzo Latham. E.Q. New Orleans, La. Teacher, Natchez, Miss. Editor New Orleans Picayune, 185.3-60. Died December 27, 1860. *^^^ John Curtiss Underwood. E.H. Richmond, Va. Lawyer. 5th Auditor U. S. Treasury, 1861; U. 8. District Judge, Va., 1863-73; Pres. Constitutional Convention, Va., 1867. Died, Washington, D. C, December 7, 1S73, aged 65. *i88o Othniel Samuel Williams. O.A. Clinton, N. Y. Lawyer. Prof. Modern Languages, Hamilton, 1837-8 ; County Judge, Oneida Co., N. Y., 1846; Trustee Hamilton, 1847-80; Surrogate, Oneida Co., 1848-56; Secretary and Treasurer Hamilton, 1850-80 ; Pres. Utica, Clinton and Bingh;imton R. R., 1869-80. Author of Lectures and Addresses on Early History of Clinton. A.B., Hamilton, 1831; LL.D., 1871. Died May 20, 1880. 1833- Charles Avery. 1.6. Clinton, N. Y. Teacher. Prof. Chemistry, Hamilton, 1834-68 ; Prof. Chemistry and Toxicology, N. Y. HomcEopathic Medical Coll., 1809-76. A.B., Hamilton, 1820; LL.D., Western Reserve Coll., 18.50. Member Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences. *^«*^ Marcus CatUn. Z.O. Clinton, N. Y. Tutor Hamilton, 1831-4; Prof. Mathematics and Astronomy, Hamilton, 1834-49 Author of articles in Gill's Math. Misc., 1833-5. A.B., Hamilton, 1827. Fellow American Acad. Arts and Sciences. *i8« Edward Parker Handy. E.Z. Utica, N. Y. Lawyer. Charles Kilbourn. A. )'. Nashua, Iowa. Lawyer. 8 Hainilton. *i87o Qljyjjj^ Andrew Morse. Ai?. New York City. Lawyer. U. S. Representative from N. J., 1857-9. Died April 20, 1870. *i^ Lorenzo Parsons. Z.E. Westfield, N. Y. Prin. Springfield and Westfield academies ; Superintendent Common Schools, Chau- tauqua Co., N. Y. Pres. Chautauqua Manufacturing Co. Died February 4, 1868. Oren Root. Z.T. Clinton, N. Y. Prof. Emeritus, Mathematics and Mineralogy, Hamilton, 1881; Tutor Hamilton, 1834-7 ; Prin. Syracuse Acad., 1837-44, and of Seneca Falls Acad., 184.5-9; Prof. Mathematics and Mineralogy, Hamilton, 1849-81. Author of papers in Gill's Math. Misc., 1833-5 ; in Runkle's Math. Jo^urnal, 1856-9; and of Surveying and Navigation, in Robinson's series. L.L.D., Rochester Univ., 1865. *i852|j^g^ Henry Lemuel Storrs. E.B. Yonkers, N. Y. Trustee Hamilton, 1840-4. 1834. *^*" Melville M Adams. M.O. Pompey, X. Y. *^*^fHERVEY Leicester Coe. E.(-). Le Roy, N. Y. Died, Cincinuati, O., November 18, 1833. *'*^ John Goddard Hinckley. N.L Westfield, N. Y. Lawyer. Prin. Westfield Acad., 1845. Atty. for Lake Shore R.U. Died March 6, 1868. *^^'' Rev. John Finley Smith. V. V. Clinton, N. Y. Prof. Greek and Latin, Hamilton, 1839-43. Conductor Utica Musical Acad., 1840-2. Died, Urbaua, N. Y., October 4, 1843. Hamilton Spencer. A.U. Bloomington, 111. Lawyer. Lessee Chicago and Alton R.U., 1854-7. 1835. f Nathaniel Bennett. N.TJ. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. Member Cal. State Senate. 1844; Chief Justice Superior Court, Cal., 1851-2. See Biographies of Representative Men of California. * ^^'''f Frederick Augustus CoE. P.E. Yonkers, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. Corporation Counsel, Yonkers, N. Y. A.B., Yale Coll., 1837. *^^'^ Calvert Comstock. hi. P. Rome, N. Y. Lawyer. District Attorney, Oneida Co.. X. Y., 1845-50. Mayor, Rome, N. Y., 1872. Editor Rome, N. Y., Sentinel, and Albany, N. Y., Argus. *^^^'\Rev. Flenry 3Iandeville. A.J. ]\Iohile, Ala. Trustee Hamilton, 1S38-41. Prof. Rhetoric and Elocution, Hamilton, 1S41-9. Pastor at Geneva, N. Y., Utica, N. Y., Albany, N. Y., and ^iobile, Ala. Author of Elements of Reading and Oratory; a series of School Readers; and a Commentary on Romans. D.D., Union Coll., 1845. Died October 2, 1858. Anson Stowe Miller. II. 0. Santa Cruz, Cal. 111. State Representative, 1844; State Senator, 1846; State Judge, 1857; U.S. Presiden- tial Elector, 111., 1864. Lecturer on Political Economy and Law of Nations in Rockford, III., Business Coll. LL.D., Hamilton, 1864. James Augustus Pl ATT. I..\. Mineral Point. Wis. Retired. Hamilton. 9 *'*'"'•' Rev. Lemuel Strong Pomekoy. l.T. Junius, N. Y. Trin. Monroe, N. Y., Colloi^iato Institute, and at I'ompoy and (Jortlandvillc for several years. Pastor Presbyterian Ciuirch successively at Pompey, (Janiillus, Savannah, and ilunius, all N. Y. Orad., Auburn Theo. Sein., 1836. Died February 19, 1879. *>'*"'tTiiOMAS Wright. SJ]. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Died March 29, 1867. 1836. *''"''tTiiOMAS Parker Adams. //'.,/. Waterfbrd, N. Y. fMosEH Mears Bagg, M.l). H.E. Utica, N. Y. 'readier Mt. Hope Coll., Baltimore, 1837-8; Utica Female Acad.; and Utica Acad. City Phv'^ieian, Utica, 1843-81; Health Oflficer of Utica and Hospital Physician. Author of Pioneers of Utiea, 1877. A.B., Yale Coll., 1837. * — jAViLLTAM PIenry Clark. A.N. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Daniel Huntington. Z.A^. New York City. Pres. National Acad. Design. LL.D., Hamilton, 1863. *'''"^ John Martin Keep. P.Y. Beloit, Wis. Lawyer. Judge 1st Judicial District, Wis., 1800-3. ])ied March 2, 1861. James Otis Morse. MM. New York City. Iron commission merchant. *^«^tSETHTR YON Wilbur. ll'.N. New York City. Lawyer. A.B., Yale Coll., 1837. 1837- *i876.j.pjjjj^jp Pi^ASER. /.J. Jacksonville, Fla. Lawyer. U. S. District Judge, Fla., 1866-76. jGeorge Yates Gilbert. F.P. Gilbertsville, N. Y. Eau Claire Lumber Co., Eau Claire, Wis. Formerly practising lawyer in New York City. A.B., Yale Coll., 1837. *'*"'fEev. Cornelius Willett Gillam. O.Z. Rochester, N. Y. Pastor, Presbyterian, Fairport, N. J., 184-1-51; book trade, 1851-3. Died October, 1853. Amos Kinney Hadley, O.Z. New York City. Lawyer. Member N. Y. Aesemblv, 1847-9; Speaker, 1848-9. Counsel to Troy and Boston K. R., 1848-53. Chancellor Coll. of Archaeology and yEsthetics, New York City. Rev. Theodore Benedict Lyman. F'.A'. Raleigh, N. C. Bishop of N. C. since 1880; Resident Bishop of Am. Episcopal Church in Rome, Italy, 4 years ; Rector Trinity Church, San Francisco, 1870-73 ; Assistant Bishop of N. C, 1873-80. *"''^|JoAn Howard Raymond. A.F. Poughkecpsie, N. Y. Prof. Madison Univ., 1838-50; Rochester Univ., 1850-5; Pres. Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1855-64; Pres. Vassar Coll., 1864-78. LL.D., Rochester Univ., 1855. Died August 14, 1878. See Life and Letters of John Howard Raymond, 1881. 1838. * ^'"^ Rev. Samuel John Mills Beep.e. . /. 0. Nebraska City, Neb Yale Divinity School, 1842. Pastor Presbyterian Churcli, Clyde, N. Y., 1842. Died June 5, 1873. lo Hamilton. *'^«tHEMAN B. Ely. A'.Z. New Orleans, La. Teacher. Eev. Parsons Clark Hastings. U.A. Brooklyn, N. Y. Private Tutor. Prin. Auburn Acad., 18-50; Lecturer on Theology, and Chaplain Hamilton, 1851-4. Contributor to Rutland, Vt., Herald, 1855, Kew York Observer, and Brooklyn, N. Y., Eagle. *^^ George Langford, Jr. F.Y. Marshall, Mich. Lawyer. Prin. Sauquoit Acad., 1835. Died September 20, 1840. *'*^tJoHN Milton Lathrop. O.P. Sherburne, N. Y. jCharles Dudley Miller. .^.;V. Peterborough, N. Y. F.inner. f (John) Lansing Porter. I.N. Auburn, N. Y. Farmer. Capt. 75th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-3. A.B., Wesl. Univ., 1839. fEev. John Wesley Pratt. 0. ¥. Lanshigville, N. Y. Retired Methodist clergyman; farming since 1857. Taught and preached, 1840-57. A.B., We-sleyan Univ., 1838. f James Osborn Putnam. I. T. Buffalo, N. Y. U. S. Minister to Belgium at Brussels since 1880. Postmaster, Bufltilo, N. Y., 1851-2; U. S. Presidential Elector at Large, N. Y. (Lincoln), 1860; U. 8. Consul at Havre, France, 1861-6. Author of Addresses, Speeches and Miscellanies, 1880. *^*^|Rev. Levi Ward Smith. A.0. Germantown, Pa. A.B., Yale Coll., 1839. James Wickes Taylor.. E.Z. Winnipeg, Can. U. S. Consul, Winnipeg, Can. Member Ohio Constitutional Convention, 1851. *»859 GrEORGE Underavood. T.J. Auburn, N. Y. Member N. Y. Assembly, 1850-2 ; Mayor, Auburn, 1854. Attorney X. Y. Central and Hudson River R. R. Died, Auburn, May 24, 1859. fRev. Daniel Cibimings Van Norman. //. IT. New York City. Pres. Van Norman Institute. Prof. Classics and Physics, Victoria Coll., Can., 1839-45 ; Prin. Rutgers Coll., New York, 1851-7. Joint author, with Louis Pujol, Complete French Class Book. A.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1838; LL.D., 1802. Member Soc. for. the Promotion of Science and Art. 1839. ♦^^^ Ira Adams. 1.6. New Orleans, La. Broker. *^^ Rev. Seymour Webster Adams. E.T. Cleveland, Ohio. Pastor First Baptist Church, Cleveland. Author of Memorial of Dr. Nathaniel Kendrick. D.D., Dennison Univ., 1855. Died September 27, 1864. *^«^« Rev. Amos Delos Gridley. I.A. Clinton, N. Y. Trustee Hamilton, 1864-76. Author of Thoughts for the Afflicted, 1854; History of Kirkland, 1874. Contributor to Mo7'th American Review, Hours at Home, Country Gentleman, Horticulturist, and Independent. Licensed to preach by Andover Assoc, 1843. D.D., Olivet Coll., 1876. Died October 23, 1876. Panet Marshall Hastings, M.D. M.I. Hartford, Conn. Lecturer on Anatomy and Phvsiology, Hamilton, 1843-55. M. D., Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. State Univ., 1842. Hamilton. 1 1 '^' Rev. Charles Jerome. A.'iK Clinton, N. Y. Author of History of the Presbyterian Churcli, Bcrifon, X. J. Died May 31, 1873. "**' f Charles James Lynde. 7./Y. Milwaukee, Wis. Lawyer. Drowned in Lalie Erie, August 9, 1841. A.B., Yale Coll., 1S38. t William Pitt Lynde. A.X. Milwaukee, Wis. T.rnvvor; nrlmittrd. N^cw York, 1841. Elected Attorney-General, Wis., 184.5; appointed U. S. Di^tii.t A It. 111. \. l-^i:. ; r. f^. Representative from Wis., 1847-9; (Mayor, Milwaukee, ISCiU; Mriiil..]- W i-. si:ii,. \--,i,iblv, 1866; State Senator, 1868-9; U.S. Representative from Wis., ls7.,-;i. A 1'... Y:ilr Coll., 1839. — f Charles S. Rice. l.B. New Orleans, La. Died, New Orleans, a few years after leaving college. Rev. Horace WiNSLOW. O.fl. Willimantic, Conn. Pastor Congregational Church. Author of published sermons and addresses. Chaplain .5th Conn. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862. 1840. '^"jHenry Augustus Brigham. .I'.J. West Troy, N. Y. Watervliet Arsenal. Military Storekeeper, Ordnance Department, U. S. A., March 6, 1862-70. Died November 1.5, 1870. Theodore William D WIGHT. P.O. New York City. Warden Columbia Law School since 18.59; Prof. Municipal Law since 18.58. Tutor Hamilton, 1842-46; Prof. Political Economy and History, 1846-58; non-resident Prof. Constitutional Law, Cornell Univ., 1869; Amhei-st Coll., 1870; Lecturer on Ecclesiastical Law, Union Theo. Sera. Member N. Y. Constitutional Convention, 1867 ; Member New York Committee of Seventy, 1873. Pres. N. Y. State Prison Assoc, 1874 ; Vicc-Prcs. N. Y. State Board Charities. Associate Justice "Commission of Appeals," N. Y. State, 1873. Pres. Kirkland Iron Co.. Clinton, N. Y. Trustee Hamihon. Author of Dwight on Chari ■ ■ ' " ■ ■ • Li ' -" ' ■ table Uses; Associate Editor Philadelphia, Pa., AmeHcan Law Register; Legal Editor Johmon'ii Cyclopcedia of I.ihrafnre and 5ci«?ncM,- contributor to JVori/t American Review. LL.D., Rutgers Coll. and Columbia Coll., 1860. Glenni William Scofield. A'. '/. AVarren, Pa. Justice in U. S. Court of Claims since 1881. District Attorney, Pa., 1846; Represen- tative in Pa. State Legislature, 1850-1; State Senator, 1857-9; Presiding Judge 18th U. S. J udicial Dist., 1861 ; U. S. Representative from Pa., 1863-75 ; Register U. S. Treasury, 1878-81. *'^^ Joseph Sackett Sheravood. P.F/. Auburn, N. Y. William Johnson Bacon. F.O'. Utica, N. Y. Lawyer. City Attorney, Utica, 1837; Member N. Y. Assembly, 1850; Judge N.Y. Supreme Court, 1854-70 ; U. S. Representative from N. Y., 1877-9. Trustee Hamilton smce 1852; Pres. and Trustee Utica Cemetery Assoc. ; Pres. and Trustee Utica Gas Light Co.; Director Second National Bank, Utica; Trustee Utica Cotton Mills Co. ; Pres. Utica Savmga Bank. Author of Address at Dedication of Oakland Cemetery, 1860; Address on Sabbath Question, at Albany, 1870 ; and numerous others up to 1876. A.B., Hamilton, 1822 ; LL.D., 1854. Member New England Geneal. and Hist. Soc, and of Oneida Co. Hist. Soc. 184I. Edward North. P. V. Clinton, N. Y. Prof. Greek, n.amilton. Pres. N. Y. State Teachers' Assoc, 1864-5; Necrologist Hamil- ton Alumni, 1851-81 ; Necrologist N.Y. State University Convocation, 1875-82. Trustee Hamilton, 1881; Commissioner Auburn Theo. Sem., 1878-83. Author of Memorial of Col. Henrv H. Curran, 1876; Published Address before N. Y. Teachers' Assoc. Member Am. Philological Assoc; National Teachers' Assoc; Am. Institute of Instruction: N. Y. State Agricultural Soc. ; Utica Musical Acad. ; N. Y. Hist. Soc. ; Albany Institute ; Oneida Hist. Soc, etc. L.H.D., N. Y. State Univ., 1869. 12 Hamilton. *iw Rev. Linus Mead Peck. F.W. Cazenovia, N. Y. Baptist. 1842. *^««" Thomas Gold Frost. M.P. , Evanston, III. Lawyer. XT. S. Presidential Elector, III., 18G8; Pres. Evanston, 1880. Trustee Knox Coll., 1809-80. Died December 22, 1880. Norton Asa Halbert. I. T. Midland Park, N. J. Lawyer. *^^*'f Cotton Mather Kendrick. I'.f:. Hamilton, N. Y. *i84o jggy Stephen Franklin Otis. P. I. De Ruyter, N. Y. Charles Ashbel Parsons. 6..\. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Banker. Theodore Medad Pomeroy. ./. )*. Aubnrn, N. Y. Lawyer. AmericanExpressCo., New York ('ity. Mayor, Auburn, 1875-7; U.S. Repre- sentative' from N. Y., 1861-7 ; State Senator, 1877-79. * f J ared Sidney Torrance. I:.Z. Passaic, N.J. Lawyer, New York City. Died May 2, 1872. *'^ Ashbel Parsons WiLLARD. /L^K Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. Councilman, New Albany, Ind., 1848-9 ; Member Ind. House of Representa- tives, 18.50-2; Lieut. Gov. of Ind., aS52-6; Gov. of Ind., 18-56-60. Died at St. Paul, Minn., October 4, 1860. 1843. Andrew Dexter. B.F. New York City. Manufacturer. * "^^ Frederic Gridley. Z.fJ. Buffalo, N. Y. Banker. Buffalo Steam Engine Works, 184-5; Cashier White's Bank, Buffalo, from 1850 till his decease. Lumber business, New York City, 1860. Died December 8, 1876. Rev. William De Loss Love. I'.F. South Hadley, Mass. Trustee Olivet Coll.; Trustee Mt. Holyoke Female Sem. Author of Wisconsin in the War; contributor to Bibliotheca Sacra. D. D., Hamilton, 1871. Robert Mark Richardson. ¥.. Syracuse, N. Y. Lawyer. Col. 15th N. Y. Cav., U. S. A., 1864-5. *^'^'^ Alfred Billings Street. r.'N. m, AlbiuiN Albany, N. Y. •, N. A\ Author <.(• Tlir lluri nil!!.' of Sohe- iii^;s ami '1 ls'41'. Ale ■,.r Nrw V,.i'k. In.m; W 1- •Kl rirlui-cs in the AcliiMiidac inber Albany lustitule. '.ma Waters, ks, ISiU; Tlu' H.l. New York City. ,n Coll, Henry Hunn Thompson. Assist. Treasurer N. Y., Lake Erie and Western K. R. Chief Paying Teller U. S. Treasury, Washington, 1861-5 ; Cashier Natio-nal Bank, New Berne, N. C, 1866-8. HaiiiiIto72. 13 1844. *"^'^ Rev. Edavin Hall Ckane. (I>.K. Gawar, Persia. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M. Died August 27, 1854. Rev. James Eells. H.l. AValniit Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof. Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology Lane Theo. Sena. Trustee Western Reserve Coll., 1857-9; Prof. San Francisco Theo. Sem., 1876-9. Author of Memorial of Samuel Eells, 1873. D.D., Univ. of City of Xew York, 1861. * '''''' Rev . LoREN Eaton Haven . //. /. Waterville , N . Y . *^«^^t Harvey Hubbard. S.E. Noiwieli, X. Y. *'**"f George AYilliam Jackson. F.I. Farrows ville, Va. *i8fi4 Y^x Newton Jerome. P.E. Iowa City, Iowa. Lawyer. U. S. Revenue Assessor, Iowa, 1862-5 Trustee Iowa Univ. Died December . 7, 1S6L John DeWitt Rexford. Y. 7'. Janesville, Wis. Banker. Pres. First National Bank. Albert Backus Roberts. B. T. Murfreesboro', N. C. Cotton Planter and Fruit Grower. A.B., Union Coll., 1844. Richard Kingsbury Sanford. /'../. Fulton, N. Y. Custom House, New York City. Editor. N. Y. State Senator, 1862-3. I John Sayles. A.I. Brenham, Tex. Lawyer, .ind Prof, of Law in Baylor Univ., Tex. Author of Treatise on Practice ol Law in Texas, 1858. 1845. Everett Case. E.P. Lansingburg, N. Y. Cashier Powers.' Bank. Memher N. Y. State Assembly, 1877. George Washington Coavles. P.P. Clyde, N. Y. Lawyer. Judsje Wayne County Court, N. Y., 1864-9, 1874-80. U. S. RepresentaliM' from N. Y., 1869-71. John Horton Daniels. O.N. Chicago, 111. Cashier Money Order Department, Chicago Post Office. Member 111. Legislature, 1870-1. SuiviNER Stowe Ely. Y. P. New York City. Lawyer. f Samuel Gurley Love. Y. ¥. Jamestown, N. Y. Prin. Jamestown Institute; Superintendent Public Schools. Theodore Steavart Parsons. T.P. Henderson, Ky. George Oscar Rathbun. A'.Y. Auburn, N. Y. Lawyer. 1846. *i864 jjenry Platt Bristol. E.II. Clinton, N. Y. Tutor Hamilton, 1849-53. Died August 19, 1864 H Hamilton. Levi Parsons Com ax. //. 7. Newark, Ohio. Lawyer, and Superintendent Schools 2 years. Capt. 76th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 3 years. jDan Paemelee Eells. J. P.-. Cleveland, Ohio. Pres. Commercial National Bank; Pres. Ohio Central R. R., since 1880; Vice-Pres. N. Y., Lake Erie and Western R. R., since 1879. Deavitt Langfoed. T. T. Vernon, N. Y. Civil Engineer, Northern Pacific R. R. *'^^ Alexandee Spauldixg. 3.W. New York City. Collector Internal Revenue, 8th N.Y. District. Registrar U. S.Land Office, 1850; Judge Mai-ine Court, New York City, 1872. Died February 20, 1876. 1847. - ^^^ Rev. Homer Baetlett Morgan. Q.M. Smyrna, Turkey. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1850. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M. Died August 20, 1865. ^1850 ^YiLLiAM WiLLSHiEE EoBiNSON. I.H. Penn Yan, N. Y. fJoHN Thomas Speiggs. A". T. Utica, N. Y. Lawyer. Mayor, Utica, 1879-80. A.B., Union Coll., 1848. ^^- Rev. Joseph Walwoeth Sutphen. 1. 7'. Turkey. Missionary A. B. C. F. M. Amos Underwood, Jr. M.N. Phelps, N. Y. Ticket Agent N. Y. Central R.R. Marsovan, 1848. *''^ Rev. Nathan Allen. A.N. Utica, N. -Y. Joseph Strong Avery. 0.0. Clinton, N.Y. Lawyer. Postmaster, Clinton, 1857-60; Surrogate Oneida Co., 1863-78. *'^ Samuel Allen Bennett. 1 Lawyer. Died April 12, 1860. Benjamin Caryl Ely, INI.D. Druggist. EfeNEY Giles ^Miller. ././/. Lawyer. Rev. JosiAH Wilcox North. Pastor, Congregational, since 1856. Edward (Francis Baxtee) Oeton E. St. Louis, Mo. A.J. Girard, Pa. Chicago, 111. Middletown, Conn. J.O. Columbus, Ohio. Pres. and Prof. Geology, Ohio State Univ., since 1873; Pi-of. Natural Sciences, Statt? Normal School, Albany, N.Y., 1856-9; Prin. Chester, N.J., Acad., 1859-65: Prof. Antioch, Ohio, Coll., 1865-9, and Pres., 1872-3 ; "Asst. Geologist of Ohio, 1869-75. Author of Geology of Ohio, vols. 1., II., III.; contributor to American Jourrial of Science and Art. I h.l)., Hamilton, 1875. Honorary member Kirtland Nat. Hist. Soc, Cleveland, Ohio; Member Wis. Acad, of Sciences. Hamilton. 15 Edward Austin Sheldon. ./.J. Oswego, N.Y. Prin. State Normal and Traininsj School, Oswego, N. Y. ; Superintendent Schools, Syracuse, N.Y., 1S51-3; Oswego, 1853-69. Contributor to American Journal of Ji'c/vca- tion; author of scries of Readers and Spellers, 1806-76, and Teacher's Manual of Reading. rii.D., N. Y. State Univ. 1849. Lewis Alexander Brigham. E.A. Jersey City Heights, N.J. Lawyer, New York City. Prin. Monticello and Sullivan academies, 1850-2; Member Board of Education, 1865 ; Superintendent Public Schools, Bergen. N. J., 1866-9. Member Board of Police Commissioners, Jersey City, 1874-5, and Pres., 1876. Member N.J. State Assembly, 1877; U. S. Representative from'N. J., 1879-81. Rev. Archibald Henry Campbell, LL.B. P.Ff. Ca- sey, Iowa. Prin. Bowling Green Acad., Ky., 1851-6; Lawyer and Insurance Agent, Chicago, III., 1858-76. LL.B., Hamilton, 1857, and Chicago Univ., 1801. Rev. Francis Fields Ellin^vood. A*. E. New York City. Sec. Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. D.D., N. Y. Univ. Trustee Hamilton, 1864-9. *'^ James Solomon Gardiner. O.S. Whitestown, N. Y. Prin. Whitestowu Sem., 1853-80. Pres. Hamilton Alumni, 1876-7. Ph.D., Hamilton, 1863. Martin Luther Kimball. A.E. Berlin, Wis. Lawyer. State Senator of Wisconsin, 1857-8. Rev. Welcome Lewis. H'.X. Coventry, N. Y. •Retired Baptist clergyman. Member Mass. House of Representatives, 1871. Rev. Andrew Bigelow Morse. A. A. Le Roy, N. Y. U. S. Treasury Department, Washington, 1864-6 ; Bureau of Military Statistics, Albany, N. Y., 1866-7. Prin. Boys' Select School, Albany, 1850-1. Missionary to Siam, 1856-7. Contributor to Appleton's Cyclopaedia and Knickerbocker Magazine. * '^* Randolph DeForest Sanders. 0. W. St. Louis, Mo. AlvinTenney. E.X. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer. 1850. *'^' Tjri Carruth. A.I. Vineland, N. J. Lawyer. Editor Green Lake Spectator, Berlin, Wis., 1856-67, and Vineland Indepen- dent, 1871-5. Died October 23, 1875. \Rev. Alexander MacGregor Ho'pjper. /. U. Adams, N. Y. Pastor Baptist Church. D.D., Madison Univ., 1870. Rev. Joseph Welton Hubbard. l.U. Wilton Junction, Iowa. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Prin. Clinton Grammar School, 1850-1; Pres. Northern HI. Coll., Fulton," 111., 1875-7. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1852. f Commodore Perry Jones. E.T . Unadilla Centre, N. Y. 1 6 Hamilton. fCHARLES IMoRTiMER Lee, M.D. B' .B. Fulton, N. Y. M.D., Geneva, N. Y., Medical Coll., 1S50. f William B. Mumbrute. A' ,7j. Stevens Point, Wis. Wolf River Transportation Co., Stevens Point, Wis., 186S. *^^2 James Oscar Noyes, M.D. O.X. New Orleans, La. Phy.sician on Staff of Omar Pasha in Tml. \ T"'' I'loprietor and Editor of Kmc.k- erbockt'r .Vd'/axhif, ISoS. Commissioner (-1 I u. La., 1807. Contributor to New York Tri'iniic, Detroit Jfree Presn, North • , Advocate; autlior of Roumania. Member New Orleans Acad. Sciences. M.H.. il ir ;,i i i .11, 1S53, and Univ. of Vienna. Benjamin Bradford Snow. B.A. Auburn, N. Y. City Superintendent Schools since 1870. Coimty Clerk, Cayuga Co., 1859-64; Provost- Marshal, 24lh Dist. K. Y., 1864-5. fWiLLiAM Walter Stow. ./'. T. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. Attorney Pacific R. R. Member Cal. Assembly, 1854-5; Speaker, 1855. 185I. Benjamin Rush Catlin. M.E. Washington, D. C. Examiner in Patent Office. Tutor Hamilton, 1853-6. Chaplain 115th Regt. U. 8. C. T., 1865. Rev. William Neal Cleaveland. A.Q. Forest Port, N. Y. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Martin Ha^\t.ey. LB. Baltimore, Md. Merch.ant. Rev. Thomas Boyd Hudson. B.I. Clinton, N. Y. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Tutor Hamilton, 1854-G. D.D., Hamilton, 1873. Chap- lain 75th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-2. Walter Scott Kimball, M.D. E.J. Eatontown, N. J. Pres. N. J. State Homoeopathic Med. Soc. Author of a Treatise on Diabetes. M.D., N. Y. HomcEopathic Med. Coll., 1863. *'^™-|- James Benjamin Olmstead LaGrange. B.(P. Bingham- ton, N. Y. Lawyer. Died March 4, 1876. *i865 p^viD Little Parmelee. I. A. Aurora, N. Y. Prin. Cayuga Lake Acad., 1856-65. Died August 4, 1865. 1852. Rev. William Alvin Bartlett. E.'Q. Indianapolis, Ind. Pastor Second Presbyterian Church. D.D., Hamilton, 1877. *i8ci Edward Howard Buck. A. P. Maiden, N. Y. Grad. Auburn Tlieo. Som. Died January 23, 1861. Rev. Frederic Humphrey. FJ. W. Faribault, Minn. Prof. Ecclesiastical History, etc., Seabury Divinity School since 1878. Prof. Mathe- matics, Iowa State tiniv., 1856;'Trustee Griswold Coll., Iowa, 1870-8. Chaplain 12th Iowa Inf., U. S. A., 1864-6. Hamilton. 17 Milton Hera'^ey Meiiwin. N.l, Utica, N. Y. Justice N.Y. Supreme Court, term 1874-88. Surrogate Jefferson Co., 1860-3; Mem- ber N. Y. Constitutional Convention, 18B7-8. LL.D., Hamilton, 1878. Samuel Fkanklin Miller. ILL North Franklin, N. Y. Farmer and Lumberman. Member N. Y. State Assembly, 1853 ; Supervisor Franklin Co., 18.')0-7; U. 8. Representative from N. Y., 18G:!-5 and 1875-7: Member Constitutional Convention, 1867-8; Commissioner State Board olCliaritios, 1S6S-80. Samuel Gardiner Williams. 7./>. Ithaca, N. Y. Prof, of Geology, Cornell Univ., since 1870. Piin. (Proton Acad., 18.53-9; Seneca Falls Acad., 1856-7; Itbaca Acad., 1859-69. I'li.l)., iramiltou, 1870. 1853- Myron Hawley Beach. ./. V . Dubuque, Iowa. Lawyer. Commissioner of Education, Dubuque, Iowa. Director German Thee Sem., Dubuque, 12 years; I'rof. Mathematics, Brockport Collegiate Institute; Prin. Seneca Falls Acad. Lieut. Co. A, 44th Iowa Light Inf., U. S. A., 1864. fCHARLES Duncan Gilfillan. B' .X. St. Paul, Minn. Minn. State Senator, 1878-81. Recorder Stillwater, 1853-4; State Representative, 1864-5 and 1876; Pres. St. Paul Water Co.; Vice-Pres. First National Bank, St. Paul. Member Minn. Hist. Soc. Maj. and Paymaster, U. S. A., 1862-3. tRuFUS Sheldon. P.S. Brooklyn, N. Y. Prof. Mathematics, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. 1854. William Nathan BoYT«fTON. J'. J. Selma, Ala. Lawyer. Auditor and Attorney, Selma. Rome and Daltou R.R., 9 years. LL.B., Albany Law School. Commissary Staff, C. S. A., 3 years. Charles Smith Bundy. B' . V. Washington, D. C. Lawyer. Commonwealth's Attorney, Richmond, Va., by military appointment, 1868-9. Author of Bundy's Justice. Orderly Sergt. and 2d Lieut. 5th Wis. Inf., U. S. A., 8 months, 1861. Charles Linderman. A. P. Clarinda, Iowa. Banker. Vice-Pres. Page Co. Bank. Clerk Supreme Court of Iowa, 1867-75; State Representative of Iowa, 11th General Assembly, 1868. 2d Lieut. Co. A, 8th Iowa Cav., U. S. A., 1863-5. ^'^'f Henry Franklin Lyman. E. ("■). Cortland ville, N. Y. ^^' Edward Christopher Morgan. J. U.K. Buffalo, N. Y. Died August 6, 1857. ^^^ Joseph Loomis Williams. O.K. Hamburg, N. Y. Dicd February 16, 1858. 1855- Theodore Avery. B'.Z. Utica, N. Y. Lawyer. Jordan Romans Ciiappell. 0. W. Windsor, Mo. Stock-raiser ; Mail contractor. 2 1 8 Hamilton. Rev. William Hart. A'../. Westport, Conn. Commissioner of Schools, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 6 years, and Batli, Me., 3 years. Chaplain 19th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 2 years. fSETH Parsons Pratt. E.B. Lockport, N. Y. Farmer since 18T0. Prin. Raymond Coll. Institute, 1855-8 ; Sedgwick Institute, 186.5-70. f Joseph Addison Prindle. A.O. Denmark, N. Y. Teacher .and Preacher. Assoc. Prin. Oswego Home School, 185-5-6, and Oswego Acad., 1865-9; Headmaster and Prof. Natural Sciences, etc., Oswego Normal School, 1869-71: Prin. Lowville Acad., 1871-72. Andrew Shuman. A. P. Evanston, 111. Chief Editor Chicago, 111., Evening Journal since 1856. Editor Evening Journal and Syracuse,]^. Y., Journal, 18.52-6; 111. State Penitentiary Commissioner, 1856-71; Pres. Evanston Board of Education, 1875; Lieut.-Governor, 111., 1877-81. Author of Loves of a Lawyer. Contributor to many magazines, etc. Schuyler Bliss Steers. l.I. New Orleans, La. Cotton Broker. Candidate for Congress, 3d Miss. Dist., 1870. *'^'^|Sylvenus Aldrich Taylor. A.X. Cortlandville, N. Y. Died, Stony Brook, N. Y., October 1, 1853. jMiLAN Lester AVard, I.Q. Manhattan, Kan. Loan Commissioner, and Prof. Mathematics and Engineering in State Agri. Coll.. Manhattan. Prin. Norwich Acad., N. Y., 1861-9; Prin. Ottawa Univ., 1869-73; Acting Pres. Kansas State Coll., 1879. 1856. *i^'tELi Burlingame. I. a. Pillar Point, N. Y. * ^**^j-IsAAC Augustus Cowles. A.Y. Syracuse, N. Y. Edward Curran. K.A.Y. Utica, N. Y. Leather Merchant. Associate Founder Curran Prize, Hamilton. *'««*tVAN BuREN DuTTON, LL.B. I\A. New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1860. Capt. 7th N. Y. Inf. Franklin Hervey Head, LL.B. A'../. Evanston, 111. Manufacturer. Dist. Atty., Kenosha, Wis., 1860-1 ; Superintendent Indian Affairs, Utah, 1866-8; General Manager Elk Rapids Iron Co. and Bangor Chemical Co., 1872. LL.B., Hamilton, 1857. Donor of Head Prize Fund, Hamilton. *'*''|George LoBiNGiER HoRBACH, LL.B. RJiK Omaha, Neb. LL.B., Hamilton, 1856. Rev. Ariel McMaster. P. I.. Prairie du Chien, Wis. Prin. Gilbertsville Acad., N. Y., 3 years; Trustee Galesville Univ., Wis. *'*^tRiCHARD Channing Moore. P.X. St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. A.B., Columbia Coll., 1856. l^ied in St. Louis, Mo., October 6, 1867. f James Stewart, Jr. -.f-). Ellsworth, Iowa. Lawyer. Member Neb. Legislature, 1857-9. Editor Omaha, Neb., /"/mes, 1858. LL.B., Hamilton, 1856. Hamilton. 19 1857. '**'"tCHAKLE8 Mehuil Ferhin. Watei'towii, N. Y. Benjamin Davis Gilbert. UK Uticu, N. Y. Literary Editor Utica Herald since 1877. Rev. Hekkick Johnson. H'.l)'. Chicago, 111. Pres. Board of Education of Presbyterian Cluircli, Philadelphia. ]8fiR-7o; Prof. Homi- leties, Auburn Theo. Scni.,1874-S0, and" in I'resbyterian Sem. of the Northwest. Author of Christianity's Challenge, 1881. D.l)., Western Reserve Coll., 1867. Member Chicago Hist. Soc. Rev. Charles Edward Robinson. B.X. Rochester, N. Y. Pastor First Presbyterian Church. D.D., Williams Coll., 1871. William Mason Robinson. A'.li. Grand Rapidt?, Mich. Lawyer and Real Estate Agent. LL.B., Hamilton, 18.58. Capt. Co. A, ifith Mo. Inf., U. S. A., 3 years and 3 months. Rev. James Avery Skinner. I'.W Syracuse, N. Y. Agent American Tract Soc, Syracuse, N. Y. Tutor Hamilton, 1860-2. Augustus Coe Van Duyn, M.D. J', li. Leavenworth, Kan. Surgeon, U. S. A. M.D. , Mich. Univ., 1862. fWiLLiAM James Wallace, LL.B. E'.\. Syracuse, N. Y. U. 8. District Judge since 1874. Mayor, Syracuse, 1873 ; Trustee Savings-Bank, Library- Association, and KebTe School, Syracuse. LL.B., Hamilton, 1857; LL.D., 1875. •"^^^^ Erastus WiLLARD. P.(l>. Indiauapolis, Iiid. Died in New Orleans, La., April 3, 18.58. 1858. Seymour Fenton Adams. E.L Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. Dist. Atty., Lewis Co., N. T., 186.5-7. LL.B., Albany Univ., 1861. Capt. 5th N. Y. Heavy Art., U. S. A., 1862; Capt. and Chief of Staff, Military District of Harper's Ferry, 1865-7. •^ '^ Charles Blackmer Cole. ./'. V. Waukon, Iowa. Editor of North Iowa Journal, Waukon, Iowa, 1862-5. Died, Mendon, N. Y., August 15, 1865. «i856|j^Li Grahame Johnson. H'. T. Chaumont, N. Y. Ansel Judd Northrup. i.fl. Syracuse, N. Y. Lawyer. U. S. Circuit Court Commissioner, 1870: Trustee Syracuse Savinjjs-Bank, 1878. Author of Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks, 1880 ; 'Sconset Cottage Life, 1881. fFREDERiCK Scoville. P. 'f. Fort Scott, Kan. Lawyer. Member Mo. Legislature, 1871-2. Capt. 8th N. Y. Cav. *i8.w J^KEDERICK DwiGHT Seward. /'../. Yonkers, N. Y. Died May 8, 18.59. Rev. Wallac;e Walter Thorre. II'. 1'. Centreville, Iowa. Pastor, Presbyterian, since 1880. Pastor E. DesMoines, Iowa, 1877-SO. Chaplain 3d N.Y. Inf., U.S. A., 1861-2. Hamilton. Rev. William Henry Webb. A'.U. Springfield, Ohio. Pastor Second Presbyterian Church. Oliver Morris Wilsox. . O.A. Washington, D. C. Lawyer. LL.B., Alb.any Law School. '^ Henry Hastings Curran. A. A. Utica, N. Y. Lieut.-Col. 146th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., for two years. Killed, Battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1861. Curran prize founded in his honor. Robert Howe Davis. B.I. Syracuse, N. Y. Bookseller and Stationer. fRev. Henry Martyn Grant. M. T. Middleboro, Mass. Warren Higley. A.i:. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer and Judge City Court. School Commissioner, Cayuga Co., 1861-3 ; Prin. Cayuga Lake A4d., 1863-6 and 1868-70; Prin. High School and Supt. Schools, Auburn, N. Y., 1866-8; Prin. High School, Cleveland, 1870-1; Supt. City Schools, Dayton, O., 1871-3. tJETHRO Green Mitchell. T.A. Toledo, Ohio. Lumber Merchant. 1863. *"^-t William Kirkland Bacon. A'.//. Utica, N. Y. Private, Co. A, 14th N. Y. Inf., and Adj. 20lh N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1862; was mortally wounded at Fredericksburgh, December 13, and died December 16, 1862. fHoRACE Webster Fowler. K'.O. New York City. Lawyer. A.B., Yale Coll., 1863. Capt. and Bvt. Lieut.-Col. 16th N. Y. Art., U. S. A., 1863-5. 2 2 Hamilton. f Lilian Hardixg, Jr. M.F. Longview, Tex. Prin. Longview High School. Supt. Public Schools, Hanging Rock, Ohio, 1863-4. Lawyer, Cincinnati, Ohio, 186i-8. Prin. NVhite Haven. Ky., Acad., 1867-9. Mayor, Boston Station, Kv-, 1870-6. Prin. Pendleton Acad., Falmouth, Ky., 1877-8; Pres. Andrew Female Coll., Hiintsville, Tex., 1878-81. Rev. Stephen Grosvexoe Hopkixs. T.l. Deposit, N.Y. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Sergt. and Adj. 160th X. Y. Inf., U. 8. A., 3 years. 1864. ♦"^"IHexry Alaxsox Butler, Clayville, X. Y. Business. Died April 29, 1870. WiLLARD Adams Cobb. E. \. Lockport, X. Y. Editor Lockport, X. Y., Journal. *'^' Philip Clixtox Currax. LB.K. Utica, N. Y. Private and Sergt. 146th X. Y. Inf., U. 8. A., 1 year. Died December 17, 1877. William Hubbell Fisher, LL.B. O.H. Cincinnati, Ohio. Patent Solicitor. Author of Fisher's Patent Reports, 1873. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1867. Member Cincinnati Literary Club; Xatui-al History Soc. and A. A. A. 8. Theodore Faxtox Gardxer. I'.E. ]Montfernieil, Seine- et-Oise, France. Teacher Ithaca, X. Y., Acad., 1864-5, and Utica, X. Y., Acad., 1865-72. * '*^t JoHX CuRTiss KixG. l'\ 0' . Port Byron, N. Y. *i86s i^QjjEEx Wesley McIxtosh. I'. 6. Vernon, N. Y. Lawyer. Died, Clinton, Iowa, March 10, 1S68. Paysox HuxaERFORD Minor. -Jl. Rome, N. Y. Prin. Rome Free Acad., 1879-80. Fraxk William Plant. M.l. Joliet, 111. Lumber Merchant. Rev. Henry Martyn Simmons. T.E. Madison, Wis. Prin. Kenosha High School, 1864-5; Superintendent Schools, Kenosha, 1874-9. Editor of Chicago, 111., fwiiy, 1879-80. Member Wis. Acad, of Sciences. Henry Tompkins. A'../. New York City. Lawyer. 1865. *'^"' Silas Hobart Adams. I\L Rochester, X. Y. Teacher Ithaca Acad. Died March 5, 1870. Rev. Dana Williams Bigelow. T.\. Utica, X. Y. Pastor Presbyterian Church. John Henry HicoK. T.S. Fhnt City, Mich. Lawyer. Supei-visor, town of Homer, N. Y., 1874-5. Albert Phillips. 0.Z. X^ew York City. With Halstead Sc Co., Provision Dealers. HaDiiUon. 23 1866. Augustus Scott Campbell. O.H. Cliicaoo, 111. Cattle llaiser, Wyoming Ter. Deputy U. 8. Murslial, Noi-tlicrn Dint, of 111., I80!»-77. Member of U. S. Syndicate, London, Eng., 1874-6. Haines Dkake Cunningham. iJlK Troy, N. Y. Editor Troy, N. Y., Morning Telegrum, since 18S0. ■' Lewis Eeyburn Hempsteaix //. /. Galena, 111. Lawyer. Died February 29, 1S71. John Milton Holley. I.l. La Crosse, Wis. Banker. Landsman and Ship's Writer, U. S. S. Vanderbilt, 1864-5. Rev. Abel Grosvenor Hopkins. T.K. Clinton, N. Y. Prof. Latin Language and Literature, Hamilton. Contributor to International Review. Chester Huntington, T.I. Liwood, New York City. Manufacturer Varnishes and Paints. Prof. Nat. I'hilosophy, Hamilton, 1870-80. Member of American Assoc, for the Adv. of Science. "fSEXTUs Hungerford Knight. I.E. Westfield, N. Y. Died July IS, 1865. Cl^iARLES Wesley Merkitt, LL.B. y.(l>. East Aurora, N. Y. Lawyer. Prin. Aiirora Academy, East Aurora, N. Y. LL.B., Hamilton, 1875. Charles Sterling Millard. W.Q. Indianapolis, Ind. Pres. Indianapolis Car and Manufg. Co. 1st Lieut, aiul Adj., and Bvt. Lieut.-Col. llTtli N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. Charles Patterson Skinner. V. ^^. Westfield, N. Y. Banker. ' William Henry Spencer. A.H. San Mateo, Fla. Died May 28, 1877. 1867. fGEORGE Elias Barger. E.\. Erie, Pa. Treasurer Erie Dime Savings and Loan Co. Rev. David Riddle Breed. F.F. St. Paul, Minn. Pastor, Presbyterian. Trustee Albert Lea Coll. for Young Women, 1880. Edwin Jerome Brown. A. T. Oneida, N. Y. Lawyer. .lustico of the Peace, 1871-0. Rev. Samuel Jackson Fisher. M.iL Swissvale, Pa. Pastor Presbyterian (Jhurch. NicoLL Halsey. Z. '['. Ithaca, N. Y. George Wolcott Hubhell. M'.E. Newark, N. J. 24 Hamilton. Chester Jennings Lyon. .V. F. New York City, f George Henqy Waggoner. P.FJ. Newark, Cal. Sec. and Gen. Passenger Agt., South Pacific Coast R.R. Co. 1868. * '*^f Frederick Winston Caneieli). J.F. Syracuse, N. Y. Died September 23, 1865. Alfred Conkling Coxe. E.A. Utica, N. Y. Lawyer. Director State Lunatic Asylum, Utica. Henry Everett Case Daniels. l.H. Chicago, 111. Teller, U. S. Sub-Treasury. Charles Gardiner Egert. P.H. Ogdcnsburgli, N. Y. Lawyer. Martin Rumsey Miller. P.H'. Bath, N.Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Law School. James Hazleton Willard. 2'./. Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. Member Ind. House of Rep., 1872-3, 1878-9. 1869. Samuel Farwell Bagg, LL.B. M.iL Watertown, N. Y. Sec. and Troas. Watertown Steam Engine Co. Prin. Unadilla Acad., 1869, and Franklin Acad., Prattsburgh, N. Y., 1870-1, LL.B., Hamilton, 1877. Charles Densmore Barrows, LL.B. l\ H. Clinton, N.Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Hamilton, 1870. Thomas Warner Fitch. 0.1. Cairo, Til. Auditor Cairo and Vinccnnes R. R. Co. fSAMUEL DuMONT Halliday. T.J. Ithaca, N. Y. Lawyer. Dist. Atty., Tompkins Co., 1874-5; Member State Assembly, N. Y., 1S76-S; Trustee Cornell Univ. A. B., Cornell Univ., 1870. Eev. Theodore Charles Jerome. //. 7'. Manistee, Mich. Member City School Board, New Bedford, Mass., 1873; Trustee Colorado Coll., 1S74. Contributor to ChrUtian at Work, Philadelphia S. S. yjm«,9, Boston CongregationaUnt. and Chicago Advatue. fRoswELL Miller. J. A'. Cairo, 111, Gen. Supt. Cairo and Vinccnnes R. R. 3d N. Y. Art., U. S. A., 3 yrs. in service. Simon Newton Dexter North. )' .Z. Utica, N. Y. Associate Managing Editor Arorning Herald. Special Agt. Census Office for News- papers and Book-publishing Interests, 1880-1. Sec. Oneida Hist. Soc. Hamilton. 25 1870. Thomas Ai.den Abbott. IL(I>. St. Paul, j\Iinn. Clerk. Prin. Soulhold Acad., 1870-1. '^* Rev. Frank Herbert Bagley. II. E. Klmtbrd, N. Y. Pastor Reforined Church, Greenburgh, L. I., 1873-.5. Grad. Union Theo. Scm., 1873. Capt. 45th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. Died July 15, 1878. f Frederick BuRCH.vRD Churchill. U.B. New York City. Lawyer. Rev. Maurice Dwight Edwards. ./.}". St. Paul, ^linn. Pastor, Presbyterian, D.ayton Ave. Church. '^"fHowARD Freemax. ././/. Brooklyn, X. Y. Died, Brooklyn, X. Y., April 26, 1870. t Clarence Marian Giles. E .K' . Wccdsport, N. Y. Jonathan Platt Underwood. E.(I>. Big Rapids, Mich. Dealer in Lumber and Salt. t William Haines Van Ostrand. E'.F. Newfield, N. Y. Farmer. 187I. James Levi Bennett. F.I. Oneida, N. Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Hamilton, 1872. fDEWiTT Clinton Johnson Brigham. //. T. Hornellsville, N. Y. Editor and Principal Proprietor Hornellsville Times. Canal Collector, Brockport, N. Y., 1872-3. Author of Truth of History, in Washington, D. C, Republic. Franc Burchard Daniels. B.J. Chicago, 111. American Express Co. t^VooLSEY Rodgers Hopkins, LL.B. fLIJ. Auburn, N.Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Univ., 1875. *"'^' Rev. Fred Gridley Kendall. M.E. New York City. Died, steamer Helvetia, Aug. 25, 1881. Rev. William Reed. I). T. Troy, N. Y. Pastor Mount Ida Memorial Presbyterian Church. 1872. t Julius Irvine Bailey. I'.Q. Auburn, N. Y. Lawyer. Herman Carl George Brandt. l^.F. Baltimore, ^Id. Prof. German, Johns Hopkins Univ., since 1876. In.structor in Modern Languages, Hamilton, 1874-6. Editor of Lessing's N.athan der Weise, 1881, and a German Grammar, 1881. Contributor to Am. Philological Journal. Member of Am. Philological Assoc. 26 Hamilton. Charles Chapin Gridley. /y.J. Chicago, 111. Banker. JoHX Hampdex Hopkins, LL.B. A.B. Rochester, N. Y. LL.B., Albany Univ., 1875. f Jay Hamiltox Jewett. '/'. 7'. Scotland, ]\Iinn. Piineipal. •j-Edward Simeox Xorth. J. '/'. Clinton, N. Y. Farmer. William Perry Xorthrup, ]\LD. 0.1. Xew York City. House Physician Roosevelt Hospital; Clinical Asst. to Dr. Agnew. M.D., Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, 1878. Samuel Van Vechten HuNTixGTox. B.A. X. Y. City. Edward David Mathews, LL.B. ii. T. Utica, X. Y. LL.B., Hamilton, 1874. Laxseng Lee Porter. N.F. Chicago, 111. Teacher. Tutor Robert Coll., Constantinople, 1875-6. Hexry Wade Rogp^rs. Pennington, X. J. Lawyer. Master Scientific Department, Heathcote School, Buffalo, X. Y. Author of The Illinois Citations, 1881. Contributor to Philadelphia Am. Lme Register, St. Louis, Mo., Southern Law Jieview and Central Law Journal, and X. Y. Princeton Review. JoHX Arthlir Skinner. M.N. AVestfield, X. Y. General Insurance Agent. Clerk and Treas. Westfleld, 187.5-82. Director First National Bank. 1874. Rev. Carlos Tracy Chester. W.0. Cleveland, Ohio. Pastor, Presbyterian. Late Editor on Saratoga, X. Y., Saratogian. Charles Parmelee Eells. ii. T. Oakland, Cal. Lawyer, San Francisco, Cal. Nathaniel Emmoxs Paine, M.D. 1.0. Albany, N. Y. Asst. Physician X. Y. State Homoeopathic Asylum for the Insane, 1877-80. Contributor to X. Y. Homaopathic Times and to Records of X. Y. Homoeopathic Med. Soc. M.D., Albany Medical Coll., 1876. 1875- Hexry Dwight (Williams) Gardxer, M.D. Z'. '1'. Utica, X. Y. Teacher, Westfield, X. Y., Union School, 1875-6. Asst. Physician, Pontiac, Mich., State Insane Asylum, 1S79. M.D., Columbia Medical School, 1878. Member Oneida Co. Microscopical Soc. Hamilton. 27 William Ebenezeii Lewis, /.I. Utica, N. V. AsBt. Dist. Atty. Oneida Co., N. Y., 1881. LL.T.., Ilannlton, ISV.l. William Gleason Stone, M.D. >IJK Eliiin, HI. Asst. I'l.y.ician in Insane Asylum. M.D.. B.'ll.'Vi.o Med. r„ll., 1878. 1876. Nicholas Dubois C^iiase. 1.1. Great Bend, Pa. Frank Fillmore Davis. l^.Z. Lyons, N. Y. Lawyer. John Richard Steele Dey. 6*.//. Pclham Manor, N. Y. Howard Parmelee Eells. ./'.//. Cleveland, Ohio. Asst. Sec. and Treas. Ohio Central K.K. Cn. and Ohio C. Coal Co. Richard W. Johnson, M.D. J.//. St. Paul, ^Slinn. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., Fort Assinabolue, Montana. George Sidney Robbins. I. T. Las Vegas, New Mexico. Civil Engineer. Prin. Carbondale School, Kan., 1879-80. ''" William Thomas SprigcxS. H.n. Utica, N. Y. Died December 19, 1877. 1877. Glentw, Temple, of Louisville, Ky. Sanmel Eells came to Cincinnati carrying a letter introducing him to Mr. Groesbeck, who had. the year before, been graduated at Miami University, and was then engaged in the study of law in Cincinnati. They immediately became friends. Mr. Eells laid before his new friend his scheme for founding among college students a society which should "be national and universal in its adaptations, so as not merely to cultivate a taste for literature, or furnish the mind with knowledge, but with a true philosophical spirit looking to the entiTQ man, so as to develop his whole being — moral, social, and intellectual." Mr. Groesbeck approved of the plan, and consented to aid Mr. Eells in his undertaking, and was. thereupon, duly initiated, by Mr. Eells, in the law office in which Mr. Groesbeck was at that time studying. Miami University was at that time the most celebrated institution of learning in the West, and Mr. Groesbeck, having just graduated there, was acquainted with all the students who would probably Miami. . 31 be available for niembersliip in a society such as ]Mr. Kells liad in view. lie sutroested certain names to Mr. Eells . of those who seemed the most promising of the members of the university, and a correspondence was immediately commenced witli Ihem relative to the establishment of the society. This resulted in C'iias L. Telford and John IJ. Temple coming to Cincinnati for initiation into the society. Mr. Temple, in a lengthy letter to the writer, says of this: "Brother Eells. by correspondence with Charles L. Telford, induced him. with his classmate .Tohn B. Tem[)le. to visit Cincinnati ; and in tln'ir room at the Deunison House initiated them as meml)ers of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, and thus laid the foundation of Miami Chapter, which they organized immediately on their return to Oxford." Of the first pultlic appearance of the organization in Miami University, Brother Temple writes thus: '' Soon after the organi- zation, in the fall of l. Washington, D. C. Lawyer. Contributor to Westminster Revieic, Fraser's 3fagazine, N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, etc. Capt. to Brig.-Gen. commanding 3d div., 10th corps, and 2d div., 25th corps. U. S. A., 1861-5. *'**'' Jacob Butler-. B.1\ Muscatine, Towa. Lawyer. Philemon Beecher Eaving. J. V. Lancaster, Ohio. Lawyer. Judge Common Pleas, 1862. LL.U., Uuiv. of Xotre Dame, 1878. *^^^ John B. Groesbeck. /\1\ Cincinnati, Ohio. *'''' James H. Hart. ^'.A^ Piqua, Ohio. Lawyer. Adit. 71st Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1861 ;j;,ieut.-Col., April,1863; Bvt. Brig.-Gen., 1865. *'*«' Robert S. Holt. l^.X. Yazoo City, INIiss. Lawyer. Died May 27, 1867. Samuel F. McCoy. ././/. Chillicothe, Oliio." Lawyer. Probate Judge, 1852-61. * 1862 Joseph Miller. E.B. ChilKcotlie, Ohio. Lawyer. U. S. Representative from Ohio, 1857-9. Died a U. 8. District Judge in Neb. William Alexander Moore. A'.//. Midway, Ky. Farmer. Pres. Midway Deposit Bank; Justice of the Peace; Pres. Midway Paper Mill Co., 1874-8. Henry Folsom Page. P.Z. Circleville, Ohio. Lawyer. Presidential Elector, 1864; Member of Constitutional Convention of Ohio, 1873-4. Author of Law of Divorce, 1850 ; Virginia Military Lands. *"**' George Swan. I^.O. Cohnnl)U8, Ohio. ^6 Miami. 1840. *^^^ John Baer. B.W. Columbus, Ohio. Fanner. Approximate date of death above. *^^^ William W. Belville, M.D. H'JL Woodbridge, Cal. *i88i ^YiLBUR CoNOVER. U.S. Daytoii, Ohio. Lawyer. Died October 3, 1881. ] Charles Elliott. A.0. Chicago, 111. Prof. Bib. Lit. and Exegesis, ISTorth Weetorn Theo. Sem. since 1863. Prof. Western Univ., Pittsburg, Pa., 1847-9; Prof. Greek, Miami Univ., 1849-63. Author of Treatise on the Sabbath, 1868; Part of Lange's Commentary, 1874; Treatise on Inspiration, 1877; Hermeneutics, 1881. A.B., Lafaj-ette Coll, 1840 ; D.D., Ohio Univ., 1861. Member of Am. Oriental Soc. and Victoria Inst., London, Eng. * ^^'^^ George Ellis Pugh. E. T. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Member Ohio Legislature, 1848; City Solicitor of Cincinnati, 1850; 'Atty. Gen. of Ohio, 1851; U. S. Senator from Ohio, 1855-61. Robert Wilbur Steele. E.T. Dayton, Ohio. Retired Lawyer. Trustee Miami Univ., also Lane Theo. Sem. 184I. George L Andreav, M.D. 0.6. LaPorte, Ind. U. S. Examining Surgeon since 1876; Med. Examiner for all the principal Life Ins. Cos. doing business in Indiana. Author of A Contribution to the Rational Treatment of Dysentery ; The Sanitary Value of Forests, 1879. M.D., Med. Coll. of Ohio, 1845. Member Am. Med. Assn.; Am. Acad, of Med.; Am. Public Health Assn. Sanitar}' Inspector, U. 8. San. Com., 1861-5. Rev. John Mason Bishop. I.F. Covington, Ind. Pastor Presbyterian church. Trustee West. Fern. Sem., Oxford, Ohio. *'*'^| Charles August Jones. A.II. New Orleans, La. Pilot in employ of the United States. Died July 15, 1866. Calvin Fletcher Vance. H'.I. Memphis, Tenn. Lawyer. Sec. and Treas. Miss, and Tenn. R. R. Co., 1853-66; Atty. for same R.R. since 1860. 1842. Samuel Glasgoav Armor, M.D. Z'.X. Brooklyn, N. Y. Prof. Long Island Coll. Hospital; formerly in Med. Coll. of Ohio, and Univ. of Michi- gan. M.D., Missouri Med. Coll., 1845. LL.D., Franklin Coll., 1872. * — C. H. Bryan. A'. I. Columbus, Ohio. Went to California many years ago, and there died. fOfiADiAH Miller Conover. E.U. Madison, Wis. Reporter Supreme Ct., Wis., since 1864. Prof. Anc. Lang, and Lit., Univ. Wis., 1852-8; Regent Univ. Wis., 1859-66. Author of Wisconsin Reports, vols. 17-52. Editor Northicestern Journal of Literature, 1850. Member Wis. Hist. Soc; Wis. Acad. Science. A.B.,Coll. ofN. J., 1844. Grad. Princeton Theo. Sem., 1849. LL.D., Univ. Wis., 1878. \ *'^' Moses Peed Green. P.Z. Hannibal, Mo. Lawyer. Miami. 37 *"'' James Samuel IIiBBEN. /./'. Indianapolis, Ind. Merchant. Died October 1", 1ST7. Daniel W. Iddings. 7. Y' . Dayton, Ohio. Lawyer and Register in Bankruptcy. Adam McCrea. M.iL Ciroleville, Ohio. Landlord. * — E. T. Mendenhall. E.L Wilcox Co., Ala. *'*'* Benjamin Person Portis. /'.J. Cuba Station, Ala. Planter. Member Ala. Legislature, 1853-4. Died December 16, 1878. GeorCxE Knox Shiel. E.Q, Salem, Oreg. Lawyer. U. S. Representative from Oreg., 1861-3. Isaac Van Ausdal. I.^. Dayton View, Dayton, Ohio. Merchant. Director Dayton National Bank, 1880-81 ; Director Cooper Insurance Co., 1874-81. 1843. *'»'*' Charles Barnes. A.B. Madison, Ind. Teacher. Supt. Schools, Madison, Ind., 1853-5 ; New Albany, Ind., 1855-67 ; Madison, Ind.. 1867-70. *^**' Lafayette Washington Ciialfant, ./.J. Felicity, Ohio. Lawyer. ♦^^-^ Thomas Haire. ./../. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Vers ALIUS HoRR. E.U. Urbana, Ohio. Not in active business. Clerk of Courts of Champaign Co., 1867-76. Capt., Co. 1, 66th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1863. Ohio Military Agt. at Louisville, Ky., until 1866. George Washington Keely. E'.V. Oxford, Ohio. Dentist. Prea. Am. Dental Assn., 1876. D.D.S., Ohio Coll. of Dental Surgery, 1853. William Bennett Moore. A.^. Washington, D. C. Chief Clerk and Deputy Fourth Auditor, since 1863. * ^*" Silas Bailey Walker. A.I. Sidney, Ohio. 1844. *'^ M. A. Brown, M.D. .¥. 7'. Circle ville, Ohio. *^^ Charles D. L. Brush. A.H. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. *^^' William Davis Gallagher. A.F. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. 1845. *i872 ^YiLLiAM S. Burrows. E' .Y' . Franklin, Ohio. 38 Miami. Robert Pattersox Effingek. 7'.Jl'. Peru, Ind. Lawyer. James Samuel Goode. T.I. Springfield, Ohio. Law^-er. Judge Com. Pleas, since 187p; Mayor, Spriugfic-ld, 1853-5; Pros. Atty. of Clarke Co., 1858-61. James Douglas KiRKPATRiCK. J. A. Charleston, S. C. Cotton Factor. 2d Lieut., Co. B, 3d S. C. Inf:, C. S. A., 1862-5. Algernon Sidney Sullivan. //. Y. NeAv York City. Lawyer. Public Administrator, City of Xew York, 1876-81. Thomas Lee Wright, M.D. /. '/". Bellefontaine, Ohio. 1846. James Clark, LL.B. I.I. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. Judge Court of Common Pleas, 2d Ohio Diet., 1855-8. Con- tributor to New York Ledger, 1865-82. LL.B., Cincinnati Coll., 1848. *'*'^ Charles Pinckney James. H.0. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Approximate date of death above. *i**^2 Rev. Henry L. McGuire. H.iL Richmond, Ind. Died wliile Pastor Presbyterian Church, September 4, 1853. 1847. Rev. John Clinton Bonha:m. (KF.. Kansas City, Mo. Prof. Phys. and Phil, in Bonham Sem., St. Louis, Mo., 186.5-72. Thomas A SHTON BuRROWES. I.L Springfield, Ohio. Retired from Stationery business. Prin. Cincinnati Female Sem., 1850-9. * — Herman B. Mayo. A'. W. Columbus, Ohio. Mel ANCTHON Wade Oliver. M.X. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Judge Com. Pleas, 1856-66; Member Ohio Legislature, 1873-5 ; Alderman, City of Cincinnati, 1880-2. Charles Stewart. B'.I. Easton, Pa. Iron Master and Manufacturer of Iron. Director, Thomas Iron Co.. Hokendaugua. Pa. ; Director, Warren Foundry and Machine Works, Phillipsburg, X. J. M. D., Lmv. ot Penn., 1852. 1848. Alexander F. Hume. M..\. Hamilton, Ohio. Lawyer. Judge Com. Pleas, since 1876. Rev. George Lewis Kale. P.I. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Pastor first Presbyterian Church. D.D., Wooster Univ.,lS75. Chaplain 90tb Ohio Inf., D. 8. A. 1849. *'**^*' Richard Clough Anderson. U'.S. Dayton, Ohio. Manufacturer of Agricultural Implements. Miami. 39 Samuel Alexander Bonn Kit. /.J. (Jrcensburg, Ind. Lawyer. JudKCof CMvciiit Court nince is;- ; ^fcinbor Iiid. Legislature, 1854-6; Judge of Com. "pleas Court, Dearborn and Uunh Cos., Ind., 1856-60. 1850. ^^'^^ James H. Perkins. l.\i. Cincinnati, Oliio. Lawyer. Approximate date of death abovi. f Robert Stevenson Yoorhis, LL.H. 1.\. New York City. Lawyer. Prof, of Med. .Iin-ispnidcn.-r in Mr,l. ('..11. nf Mo,, isr,.",-;; St. I.'.uis Coll, of Physicians, 1867-9. .\.r.., Coiilr.' Coll., is.-.o; 1,1,. |;., Cit,rinii;iti l.i.w .^cr of Maso,,-. in M..., IsTI, Mil.jrrt, Free- masonry as an Element of Civilization. Major and .)ud^e .\d\oeate (len. Mii^s-ouri Militia, 1861. 185 1. *'*•* Samuel Heron. E.A. Connersville, Ind. Lawyer, and was shortly before his death ordained to tlie Presbyterian Ministry. Died November 17, 1860. * ^''^"t Jordan Anthony PuGH. ././"'. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. 1852. Rev. Harmar Charles Denny. P.N. New York City. Priest of the Society of Jesus. Prof, in St. Francis Xavier Coll. Milton Sayler. /../. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Member Ohio Legislature, 1862-4; Member Citj- Council, Cincinnati, 1864-6; U. S. Representative from Ohio, 1873-9. Author (with Swan) of Supplement to the Revised Statutes of Ohio. Rev. David Saving. A.K. Chicago, 111. Pastor Independent Church. Editor Chicago Alliance. Author of Truths for To-day, First and Second Series; Motives of Life; and Club Essays. 1853. Rev. James Hall Brookes. M.K. St. Louis, Mo. Presbyterian Editor. Author of How to be Saved ; ^^aranatlla ; The Way made l^lain : Is the Bible True; From Death unto Life; May Christian.s Dance; The Books of the Bible; seven vols, of The Truth, and about 100 tracts. Rev. Andrew Gowdy Chambers. B.I. Freehold, N. J. Prin. and Proprietor of Freehold Inst, since 1868. Priu. Dept. Mi.imi Univ., 1853-6 ; Supt. of Schools, Piqua, Ohio, 1856-60. Pastor of church in New York City, 1864- 5. Prof, of Math, and Astr., Mt. Auburn Inst., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1865-6 : Supt. Ohio Female Coll , 1866-8. , *'■*'- Rev. Pollard McCormick Morgan. 0.1. Pittsburgh. Pa. Priest of Roman Catholic Church. Died April 14, 1872. 40 Miami. 1854. Kev. Thomas Foster Cortelyou. T. W. Montgomery, Ohio. Pastor PreslDyteriauiPhuixh. Eev. John HussEY. 2'.i?. Lafayette, Ind. Pastor, Presbyterian, retired. Pi-of. Glendale Female Sem., 1865 : Hanover Coll., 18(57 ; Pardue Univ., 1870. Ph.D., Hanover Coll., 1871. Rev. John Thomas Killen. K. T.K. Morris, 111. Presbyterian. Ex-Prin. Normal Dept. Miami Univ. 1855. Lewis Noble BoNH AM. I.E. Oxford, Ohio. Farmer, and Agricutural Editor, Cincinnati Commercial since 1880. Prin. Bonham Female Sem., St. Louis, Mo., 1859-72. f John PuRSEL Haire. E.I. Ripon, Wis. Clergyman and Teacher; Prin. Wis. Female Coll., 1870-3; Prof. Latin Lang, and Lit., Ripon Coll., 1873-5; Prin. Jancsville Classical Acad., 1875-8; Member Board of Trustees Wis. Female Coll., 1870-75. A.B., Williams Coll., 1855. 1856. LuTELLUS HussEY. Z'.B. Lockland, Ohio. Farmer. Until recently in the practice of Medicine. M.D., Physio. -Med. Coll., (Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Private and Ist Sergt 83d Ohio Inf., U. S. A. ; Lieut. 63d and Capt. llOtli U. S. C. Inf., 1862-6. Rev. John Newton McClung. 0. Y. AVellington, Kan. Pastor Presbyterian Church. 1st Lieut. 74th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1S63-5. Rev. David Jackson Strain. T.I. Athens, 111. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Prin. North Sangamon Acad., 1856-66. William Taylor. I.E. Bourneville, Ohio. Lawyer and Farmer. 1857. Archibald Stewart Dunlap, ]\I.D. A.O. Dayton, Ohio. Asst. Surg. Kat. Milit. Home since 1870. M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1867. Lewis Drake Manning. E.E'. Batavia, Ohio. Justice of the Peace. * ^^^ Warner Symmes Oliver. I. fl. Cincinnati, Ohio. Merchant. Died May 30, 1874. William WiLMER Page. r.B. Portland, Orcg. Lawyer. Prosecuting Atty., 4th Oreg. Dist., 1S60-2 ; Circuit Judge, 1862. Miami. 41 ISGl 18«3 Nelson Saylek. A'. J. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Mayor, Home City, Ohio, since 1879. Prof. Cliena. and Med. Jurig. Ohio Med. Coll., 18o9-C2; Prof, of Am. Lang. andChem. in Mt. Auburn Young Ladies' Inst., 1858-63; Trustci! Miami Univ., since 1870. Joseph Lyle Thornton. ./'. 7'. Mitldletown, Ohio. Farmer. Priu. Hughes High School, Cincinnati, 1860-73. M.D., Ohio Med. Coll., 1862. 1858. Gideon Reed Brain AED. Springfield, 111. Fanner. James Stoddard Dewey. l.V. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Edward Alexander Guy. A,X. Cincinnati, Ohio. Preacher. Robert Moore. M.L St. Louis, Mo. Chief Engineer and Contractor in building Belleville and Carondelet R.R. ; Sewer Com- missioner of St. Lo\iis, 1877-81. Author of paper on Storm, Water and House Drainage in Sewers, Transactions Am. Public Health Association, 1881 ; on Street Pavements and House Drainage in Engineering News. Member Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Asst. U. S. Engineer, 1863. ; Tudor Homer Parker. P.I. Covington, Ky. Lawyer. Died June 21, 1861. William V. Scioieltzer. J'.S. Troy, Ohio. Lawyer. Rev. Joseph Crocker Snow. H'.I. Newark, N. J. Pastor Universalist Church. Prin. Westbrook, Me., Sem. and Female Coll., 1869-72. Author of Letters from Abroad, 1878, and numerous contributions to religious press. Chaplain 23d Me. Inf., U. S. A., for 9 months. f Samuel Frank Steele. P.X. Hillsboro, Ohio. Lawyer. Com. Pleas Judge since 1872. A.B., Centre Coll., 1859. Edgar Melville Ward. F. T. New York City. Artist. Herbert Henry AYeakley. A. J. Troy, Ohio. Banker. 1859. Rev. James Smith McDonald. '/./.>'. San Rafael, Cal. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Duncan McDonald. 7. '/". Urbana, Ohio. Lawyer. Pros. Atty. of Champaign Co. i860. Rev. George Turner Crissman. }'.IJ. Kearney, Neb. Pastor Presbyterian Church. 42 Miami. Elijah Francis Dewey. L\. Big Rapids, Mich. Lawyer. Circuit Court Commissioner, 1870-1. Local Editor Detroit Free Tress and Chicago 'Times, 1861-3. Arthur Boyd Parker. V. T. Petersburg, Ky. Farmer. Clerk, Boone County Ct., 1866-74. Private 5th Ky. Cav., C. S. A., 1861-5. Abram Morris Pence, LL.B. //./. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School. John Riner Sayler. O.A. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Author of Sayler's Statutes of Ohio, and Sayler's Form Book. Rev. Frank Asbury Spencer. N.d. Columbus, Ohio. Tutor Ohio Univ., 1865. Has retired from the ministry and become a merchant. Walter Scott Thomas. T.I. Troy, Ohio. Lawyer. U. 8. Commissioner Southern Dist. Ohio, since 1865; Pros. Atty., Miami Co., 1866-70; Trustee Miami Univ., 1870-80. Acting Ensign, U. S. N., 1863-5. John Andreavs Webb. A. T. Austin, Tex. Hardware Merchant. Cyrus M. Wright. M.0. Basle, Switzeriand. Dentist. Prof. Mechanical Dentistry and :Metallurgy, Ohio Dental Coll., 1870-2: President American Dental Society of Europe, 1878. Author of Praktische Gesprache iiber Zahne und Zahnarzneikunde, 1875. Correspondent of Johnston's Dental Miscellany, The Dental Cosmos, and the Cincinnati Dental Registry of the West. D.D.S., Ohio Dental Coll., 1864. i86i. Edward Nicholas Clopper. P.0. Texas. Prin. Texas Pub. Schools. Prin. Pub. Schools, Cummingsville, Ohio, to 1879. William Judkins Comley. H'.J. Brooklyn, N. Y. David Wade OuY. A.H. Oxford, Ohio. Merchant. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School. Thomas Brainerd Marshall. 0.8. Troy, Ohio. Miller. Orderly Sergt., Co. K, 83d Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. Archibald Mayo. /. ¥. Chillicothe, Ohio. Lawyer. 1862. *'**'■' James Polk Broavn. A.J. Dayton, Ohio. 2d Lieut. l.Mh U. S. Inf., 1863; Bvt. 1st Lieut., 1863; 1st Lieut., 1864; Capt., 1867. Died at St. Louis, Mo., June 9, 1875. * — Aquila J. Daugherty. a. ¥. Hamilton, Ohio. fTnoMAS Lewis Deaveese. ././'. Troy, Ohio. Farmer. Albert Henry Gere. /.'. .V. Cincinnati, Ohio. Wholesale Merchant. •1879 1860 Miami. 43 ' William AVoodkuff Olds. /. /'. Colmnhus, Ohio. Adjutant, 42d Ohio Inf., U. S. A., tliiMi ('apt. (\). A. Killed near Toint Gibson, Mis«., May ],"1863. HiRAM David Peck. LF. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. City Solicitor of Cincinnati, 1876-8. Author of Municipal Laws of Ohio; Manual for Townships in Ohio. LL.B., H.-irvard Univ. Private 86th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 186t-5. '■ William Irving Tuoii as. E'.(I>. Troy, Ohio. Lawyer. Private, Co. H, 11th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. 1863. Theoi30RE Darwin Brooks, li' . '/'. Convoy, Ohio. Prin. Convoy Schools. M.D., Ohio Med. ('oil., 1864. Asst. Surg., S8th Ohio Inf., U. 8. A., 1864-5. James Wilson McGregor. EJ-). Oxford, Ohio. Farmer. Formerly Methodist Clergyman. fDAViD Bassett Snow. /. W. Ottawa, 111. Lawyer. Serge.-vnt, Co. K, 83d Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1S62-5. 1864. fWiLLiAM Evans Guy. J. 2'. St. Louis, Mo. Iron Manufacturer. Vice-Pres. and Sec. St. Louis Bolt and Iron Co. since 1873; Pres. Tudor Iron Co. since 1880. Author of occasional correspondence and editorials in St. Louis Globe- Democrat. Member of St. Louis Acad, of Sciences and Amer. Inst, of Mining Engineers. A.B., Princeton Coll , 1865; M.E., Freiberg, Germany, 1869; LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1879. 1st Sergt., 86th Ohio Inf., U. 8. A., 1862. John W. Mayo. M.U. Greenville, Ohio. Private, 20th Ohio Inf., U. S. A. Frank Stuart Powell. P..\. St. Louis, Mo. Commission Merchant. Moses Fleming Wilson, LL.B. lJl>. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Asst. Pros. Atty., Hamilton Co. , Ohio, 1866-9 ; Pros. Atty., Police Court of the City of Cincinnati, 1869-71 ; Judge of Police Court of the City of Cincinnati, 1877-81 ; Atty. for Adams Express Co. since 1871. Author of Criminal Code of Ohio, with Notes of Deci- sions and Precedents for Indictments. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1865. 1865. Henry Clay Johnson. EAl. Norwalk, Ohio. Merchant. Charles Bates jNIontgomery, LL.B. J.J. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. LL.]?., Cinciimati Law School. James E. Stewart. T.O. Springfield, Ohio. Bookkeeper, Springfield Savings Bank. 44 Miami. 1866. Carlisle Barrere. A.E. Chillicotlie, Ohio. Wholesale Grocer. Samuel P. Scott. ./.J. Hillsboro, Ohio. Rev. Charles Seely Wood. E.I. Urbana, Ohio. Presbyterian Home Missionary in Wisconsin, from 1869-73; since then retired. 1867. f George Spencer Bishop. l.B. Mankato, Kan. Banker. Prin. North Sangamon Acad., 111., 1870-1. Coimty Surveyor, 1871-6. Mem- ber Kau. Legislature, 1872-80. Private, 167th Ohio Inf., U. 8. A., 1864. t Stephen Ashton Burrowes. J./i. Franklin, Ohio. Banker. LL.B., Michigan Univ., 1869. f^*'^ Rev. James Harvey Clark, li.d). Trenton, N.J. Episcopalian Clergyman. fRev. James Edward Platter. F.K. Winfielcl, Kan. Pastor Presbyterian Church. A.B., Ohio Wesleyau Univ., 1867. f Alfred Addison Thomas. A. W. Dayton, Ohio. Lawyer. City Solicitor of Davton, Ohio, 1872-5; Atty. for Cincinnati and St. Louis Rail- road. Private, 4th Bat. Ohio Cav., U. S. A., 1864. A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1867. fAMOS WiLLETS Wright. O.Y'. St. Louis, Mo. Asso. Editor St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Editor Milwaukee Sentinel, 1880-81 ; Editor Fort Wayne, Ind., Gazette, 1868-71. Lecturer on Eng. Lit., Miami Valley Coll., 1874-6. A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1867. 1868. Albert Ankeney. A.(I>. Alpha, Ohio, Farmer. James E Brooks. A. P. Cambridge City, Ind. Telegraph Operator. William G. Blynn. J.J. Oberlin, Ohio. Jeweller. Ahijah Raymond Byrkett. M.S. Troy, Ohio. Lawyer. Private, Co. H, 11th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 3 years, 3 months. Joseph Matthews Hibben. F.Q. Hillsboro, Ohio. Merchant. Rev. John Boyd Johnston-. ^..V. Shawville, 111. Pastor, Congregational, Shawville and Roberts. *i87i ^lvan Leander McLain. A'. J'. Urbana, Ohio. Lawyer. Died May 14, 1871. \ Miami. 45 James Lafonts McLain, M.l). E.V. ITrl)ana. Ohio. Druggist and Pliysiciau. 1869. Anson Sherwood Baldwin. N..\. IMum ('reek, Neb. Lawj-cr. Member Nebraska Legislature, 1881-2. Frank Stuart Brooks. IJ"). Columbus, Oliio. Coal Mercliaut. *^*'* S. Mitchell Smith. M.(I>. Coluuibus, Ohio. Newspaper Reporter. Died March 7, 1878. KiRBY Smith. l.Z. Hillsboro', Ohio. Lawyer. *'^'*fC. Stetson Spencer. T.I. Cincinnati, Ohio. Died while in college. 1870. James Miliken McFarland. E. W. Topeka, Kan. Chief Clerk, Kan. State Board of Agriculture. Joseph McMaken. U.P. Hamilton, Ohio. Suburban Reporter, Cincinnati Enquirer. John Boyd Roby. P.(IK Ludington, Mich. Lumber Dealer. Harlan Page Ustick. ././". Washington C. H., Ohio. Merchant. Rev. Ebenezer S McKitrick. Alleghenv City, Pa. Pastor United Presbyterian Church. 187I. t James Scott Baker. ^'.A^ Huron, Mich. Railroading. Robert Hamilton Bishop, Jr. P.P. Mankato, Kan. Farmer and Stock Raiser. Private, 69th and 167th Ohio Inf., U. 8. A., one year. Edwin Campbell Martin, LL.B. E.J. Hamilton, Ohio. Lawyer. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 18T9. Rev. David Ross Moore. Brookville, Ind, Pastor Presbyterian Church. Director of Oxford Female Scm. Contributor to Cincinnati Herald and Presbyter. James Oliver Shiras. O.N. Cincinnati, Ohio. Telephonic Engineer. 46 Miami. Robert Brewster Stanton. Z.l. Denver, Col. Division EugLoeer, Coloi-ado and Clieyenne I)iv., U. P. R.R., Room 3, Union Depot. Denver, Col. Member Am. Soc. Civ. Engineers. James Patterson Ziegler, M.D. Mount Joy, Pa. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1880. Member Am. Med. Association. 1872. Horace Ankeney. 1. ¥. Alpha, Ohio. Farmer. Sylvester Lyons Bishop. E.-. Denver, Col. Civil Engineer. Moses Branson Earnhart. Troy, Ohio. Lawyer. Pros. Atty., Miami Co., since 1879. Mayor, Troy, 1877-9. Rev. George Edwin Gowdy. Carlisle Station, Ohio. Pastor Presbyterian Church. 1873. Francis Marion Coppock, LL.B. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Ph.D., Heidelberg, Germany, 1876; LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 187S Author of numerous essays on legal topics, since 1879, in American iauo Record. Henry Webster Hughes. Glendale, Ohio. Banker. *i88o ^^iLLiAM Barkelow McAlpin. Cincinnati, Ohio. Wholesale Merchant. 1874. f Thomas Gordon Brown. Xenia, Ohio. Postmaster at Xenia. A.B., Cornell Univ., 1874. f Parker Dickson. Avondale, Ohio. Lawyer. Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. for Southern Dist. of Ohio, 1876-81 . * '^^'^-j- John Smith Galloway. Columbus, Ohio. Died while preparing for the bar. f Horace A Irwin. Dayton, Ohio. Book-keeper. f James Oscar Jefferys. Dayton, Ohio. Lawyer. fRev. John Carruthers Watt. Findlay, Ohio. Pastor Presbyterian Church. A.B., Wooster Univ., 1874. Miami. 47 1875- ^"^^f John Caleb Baker. Greens? I )uri;-. 111. Died while prepaiiii!,' for Ww. bar. ■j-Harry Campbell. Fronton, Ohio. Drug Merchant. ■f-Rev. Harry W. Henry. Wooster, Ohio. Presbyterian Licentiate. fRoBERT AroRRTsoN. Princeton, N. J. Student Princeton 'I'lieo. Seni. A.B., Princeton Coll., 1876. f Balfour Snyder. Columbns, Ohio. Merchant. 1876. ■j-Newton Claypool. Indianapolis, Ind. Asst. Treas. Union Railroad Transfer and Stock Yard Co. ■(•Joseph Ellis Galigher. Park City, U. 'J' Superintendent Ontario Silver Mining Co.'s Mill. fJoHN Platt McLaren. Glendale, Ohio. Medical Student. A.B., "Williams Coll., 1877. THE URBAN CHAPTER, 1835 TO 1839. Annals. The Urban Chapter, eonuected with the University of the City of New York, was estabUshed, as were the first five chapters of the Fra- ternity, through the efforts of graduate members of the Hamilton Chapter, or undergraduates who had left that college for other insti- tutions ; among these, in the case of Urban, Daniel Huntington, Ham- ilton, '36. AVith him were associated sevei'al other members of his own Chapter ; and in the earliest catalogue of the Fraternity', 1837, under Urban, to the names of those belonging directly to the Chapter is appended a list of graduate members of other Chapters resident in New York Cit3-'and its vicinity, while its list also contained names connected with an early effort of the Hamilton Chapter. Urban, the earliest of our metropolitan Chapters, occupied at an early day, while the membership of the Fraternity could still be counted by tens, the same relation to the interest of graduate members in the fortunes of the Fraternity, which has been for the last twenty-five years happily and successfully maintained by Manhattan. After the lapse of two-score years, in which Urban, alone among the Chapters of an ever Crescent Fraternity, numbers one-half its members among those whose connection with it has been transferred by death, but little remains to be told of the fortunes of the Urban Chapter. Dr. Raymond Hoyt Seeley, '39, has added to its annals his own personal reminiscences of the Chapter.' " The Urban Chapter," he writes, " had a brief, but not inglorious existence. As it met but a few times after my connection with it, my recollections of its proceedings are neither Urhc 49 minieroiis nor very distinct. I iciiicnihor. however, that some elioice men were in its ranks, and that its meetings abonnded in good fellow- ship, and were both profitable and interesting. 1 recall one occasion on which representatives from the Colnmbia Chapter met with us, and among them were Mr. John Henry Hobart, son of the distinguished bishop of that name, and Mr. John Jay. sine(! then Ambassador of the United States at the Court of Austria. The evening was well occupied, and was memorable in our annals. " Soon after this Urban Chapter was witlubawn from the University, and, if I remember correctly, it w\as for tlie following reasons : — " A rival societ}' had adopted the i)ractice of electing its members from the Sophomore class, wdiile the Alpha Delta Phi elected none below the last term of the Junior year. By this arrangement our rivals had the o[)portunitv of selecting the most promising men, unless we should follow^ their example of electing Sophomores. But, as the meml)ers of the University, for the most part, entered when quite young, it was thought that their scholar- ship could not be sufficiently developed in their second year to afford a fair opportunity for judging their qualitications. Hence, instead of petitioning the Council for leave to choose our members a 3'ear earlier in their academic course, we concluded to recommend a withdrawal of the Chapter from the institution. Our petition was granted, and with the graduation of my class — that of 1839 — the Urban Chapter ceased to have any connection with the Universit}'. I need not say that this action caused us many regrets ; but, I doubt not. it has seemed ever since to every one (as at the time) the liest thing, in the circumstances, thnf could be done. "Soon after the Conniiencenicnt in the sunnner of 1839 the membei-s of our Chapter were scattered. The most of them, I think, removed from the city. No meeting has since been held ; and it is prol)ablc that some of them hav»> entered the realm of mystery beyond us. Yet the hearts of the living members are 50 Urban. loyal ; and it may not be out of place to suggest the propriet}' of having one more gathering, that we may brighten the memories of ' auld laug syne,' and mingle our tears of S3mpath3^ over our departed comrades, while we once more pledge ourselves to each other, and take courage for that part of our earthly career which is still before us." I THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Members. James Samuel Evans. F'.X. Henry Partridge Fessenden. Z .A. Frederick Hughson. F.N. Robert Ransom Kellogg. T.S. • A RiiOADS Van Nostrand. E . S. Alexander Hamilton Bailey. //. 7'. David Conger. A.P. William Armstrong Dod. M.d. 1835. "*^^|Alexander Hamilton Bailey. A. T. Rome, N. Y. Lawyer. Couuty Judge, Greene Co., N. Y., 1851-5; Member N^. Y. Assembly, 18t9; State Senator, Oneida Co., 1862-5; U. S. Kepresentative from N. Y., 1867-71. A.B., Coll. of ]N'. J., 1837. Died April 20, 1874. ^^"tDAViD Conger, M.D. A.I\ New York City. A.B., Coll. ofN. J., 1837. fFREDERiCK Hughson. F.N. New York City. Lawyer. Counsel to N. Y. Savings Bank. A.B., Columbia Coll., 1839. ^*'" Rev. Robert Ransom Kellogg. T.S. Milford, Pa. Studied Auburn and Union Theo. Seminaries, 1835-8. Pastor, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1839; Romeo, Mich., 18W-S; Detroit, 1848-53; Dis. Sec. A. F. and C. U., 1853-5; Pastor, Lo Roy, N.Y., 1855-7 ; Lima, 1857-9 ; Milford, Pa., 1861-6. Died September 25, 1865. 1836. ^^"t William Armstrong Dod. M.J. Princeton, N. J. Pastor,, Princeton, N. J., 1852-9. Lecturer on Architecture, Coll. of N. J., 1855-9. Rector, Trinity, Princeton, N. J., 1861-6; without charge, 1866-72. A.B., Coll. of N. J , 1838. Grad. Princeton Theo. Sem., 1847. D.D., Columbia Coll., 1859. Died Decern. ber 31, 1872. Rev . James Samuel Evans. P. X. Woodside, Newark, N. J. Retired Presbyterian. Tau£?ht, New York City, 1819-43; Pastor, Middletowu, N. Y., 1844-9; Setauket, 18.50-68; preached, N.J. and N. Y., 1870-5: Pastor, Newark, N. J., 1876- 81. Grad. Union Theo. Seminary, 1839. D.D., Univ. of N. Y., 1857. 52 U7'ban. *i807 Henry Partridge Fessenden. Z'.A. Orange, N. J. Lawyer, New York City. A.B., Columbia Coll., 1837. Died October 9, 1867. * '"^ A Khoads Van Nostrand. E' . 8. Mound City, 111. Lawyer; practised the latter part of his life as Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Died March, 1865. 1837. William Edgar Baker. /.A. New York City. Elias H. Howard. i'./A Washington, N. Y. * — jCoRNELius Verbryck. F.J. New York City. Died within three years after leaving college. Rev. Alfred Augustin Watson. E. T. Wilmington, N. C. Rector. Before studying theology admitted to New York Bar. D.D., Univ. of N. O. Chaplain 2d N. C. Inf., O.8.A., and Post Chaplain, Hospital, Goldsboro, N. C, 1861-3. 1838. Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe. I '.J. Buffalo, N. Y. Bishop of the Diocese Western N. Y. in the Protestant "Episcopal Church, since 1865; Priest, since 1842. Rector, Calvary Church, New York City, 1859-65. Author of Christian Ballads, 1840; Impressions of England, 1856; etc. D.D., Trinity Coll., 1865; Kenyou Coll., 1867. Member N. Y. Hist. Soc. ; Fellow National Acad, of Design. Rev. Benjamin Moore Goldsmith. M.F. Bellona, N. Y. Pastor Presbyterian Church since 1852. Stated Supply, Southport, N. Y., 1842-5; Pastor, 1845-9; Stated Supply, Bellona, 1849-52. Trustee Elmira College, since 1863. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1843. D.D., Hamilton Coll., 18SU. George (Catlin) Griswold. T.8. Dresden, Germany. Retired, lived abroad many years. * "*^' Charles Edward MiLNOR. P.I^. New York City. Merchant and Banker ; many years of firm Babcock, Miftior & Co., importers; from 1861 till death, of firm of Morton, Bliss & Co. Pres. New York Mercantile Library; Trustee St. Mary's Coll. Died May 8, 1877. *'^^ Rev. Stephen Patterson. N.X. Vicksburg, Miss. Rector Christ Church. Died of yellow fever, September 14, 1853. #1879 j^g^ Jacob Van Nostrand. O.Z. New York City. Prof. Deaf and Dumb Inst., New York City, 1838-57 ; Prin. Tex. State Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, Austin, Tex., 1857-76; Prof. N. Y. Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, 1876-9. See Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, Hartford, Conn. Died November 29, 1879. 1839. Rev. Samuel Hanson Coxe. I'.N. Kinderhook, N. Y. Rector, late of Utica, N. Y. D.D., Columbia Coll., 1863. t Willi AM Edward Cramer. //.//. Milwaukee, Wis. Journalist, editor, and senior publisher Kviiing Wisconxin, since 1847; associate editor Albany, N. Y., Argus, 1843-6. Presidential Elector-atlarge, Wis., 1872. Trustee Milwaukee Female Coll., 1858-61. A.B., Union Coll., 1838. Urban. ^3 fMiLLS EIly Latiirop. Z'. T. New York City. Rev. Raymond Hoyt Seeley. P. A. Haverhill, Mass. Pastor, since 1800, North Church; Pastor, Bristol, Conn., 184."?-9; Springfield, Mass., 1849-58; American Chapel, Paris, France, 1858-G(). Crad. Union 'J'hoo. Sem., 1842. D.D., Univ. of City of N. Y., 1804. Assoc. Member Victoria Inst, of Great Britain. '^''•' Rev. Benjamin Franklin Stead. /. (9. Astoria, N. Y Studied Union Theo. Sem. ; Pastor, Presbyterian, Bridi N. Y., 1852-79. D.D.,Univ. of City of Now York, 1865. Di f Emory Townsend. A'. J. Pike, N. Y. Studied Union Theo. Sem. ; Pastor, Presbyterian, Briderburg, Pa., 1842-52; Astoria, N. Y., 1852-79. D.D., Univ. of City of Now York, 1865. Died February 15, 1879. THE COLUMBIA CHAPTER, 1836 TO 1885. A^iiials. In 1836, when the Fraternity- of Alpha Delta Phi was but foui- years old, she established her fourth Chapter at Columbia College. This Chapter, since known as the Columbia Chapter, was founded b}^ John Ja}-, then a Senior in Columbia College. Mr. Jay as- sociated with himself his classmate, the Rev. Dr. John Henr3- Hobart, and these two undergraduates, having been duly initiated, held their first meeting on the cA^ening of June 16, 1836. This meeting was presided over by the Et. Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, then an active member of the Urban Chapter, connected with the University of the City of New York. The Columbia Chapter began that night to exert an influence wliich has since been felt in the pulpit, in foreign courts, on the bench, at the bar, in the legislature, in the professor's chair, and in business. At that session there were initiated : Harvey Augustus Weed, '36 ; Giles Mumford Hillyer, '36 ; Henry McVickar, '36, and Nathaniel Wilham Chittenden, '38. At this time the Alpha Delta Phi stood "alone in Colmnbia, and the rapid growth and increasing influence of this secret brotherhood served only to deepen the jealousy of the uninitiated. At length the Chapter numbered thirty-three, nearly all of whom remained active members to the last, and their pi-ogress excited such unpleasant feelings between classmates, that the Chapter re- turned its charter to the archives of the Fraternity, having reached the fourth jear of its existence. An interval of forty years now succeeded, during which the oriirinal members attained eminence in their several callings. Six Columbia. 55 entered the ministry ; seventeen pursned the study of hiw and have since acquitted themselves with distinction ; one of whom, John Ja}^, has wortliily and efficientl}' represented liis countr}- as United States Minister Plenipotentiary to Austria. Three of them have been elevated to the bench : Samuel Blatchford, who declined the Judgeship of the Supreme Court of New York, in 1855, when so appointed by Governor Morgan II. Clark, but who is now Circuit Judge of the United States for tlie Second Judicial Circuit ; the late Hon. John Vanderbilt, at one time New York State Senator, and afterwards Judge of the County of Kings, N. Y. ; and the lion. James Walker Fowler, Justice of the District Court, in the City of New York, for the Third Judicial District. Two have filled the professor's chair with well-merited suceess in New York — Professors John MacMullen and William Henry Leggett. Two became bankers, well known in Wall street circles. From time to time applications for a charter of Ali)lui Delta Phi were received from students of Columbia College ; l)ut none, however, met the entire approval of the Fraternity until the re- ception of the petition of the reorganizers of the Chapter. With the surviving brothers and the Fraternity at large to encour- age them, eight undergraduates assumed the task of reestablishing Alpha Delta Phi in Columbia. The initiation ceremony took place Wednesday evening. May 18, 1881, in the Masonic Temple, corner of 23d street and 6th avenue. It was conducted by representatives from the following sister Chapters : Hamilton, Yale, Amherst, Harvard, Geneva, Peninsular, Dartmouth, Williams, Manhattan, Middletown, Kenyon, Union, Cornell and Phi Kapi)a. There were present one hundred and ten members of the Fraternity. Conspicuous among the speakers, after the exercises of the initiation, were Professor George B. Newcomb, Williams, '56; Daniel Huntington, Hamilton, '36; Professor John MacMullen, Columbia, '37; Hon. David R. Jaques. Harvard, '42 ; Professor Charles Sprague Smith, Amherst, '74 ; Theo- dore L. Mead, Cornell, '77. The Chapter is now fully established and confident of a brilliant future. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Members. 1836. John Jay. N.\. John Henry Hob art. N. P. 1881. Thomas Daniel Rambaut. f?.!'. Job Lewis Smith, Jr. I.l'. Edward Rowland Greene. J.(P. Albert Fillmore Hyde. A.I. Alfred Lee Manierre. //'. ^\ ' George Howard Abeel. H.J. J08IAH Huntington Fitch. Z'.M. Frederick James Hamilton Merrill. J.J. 1836. *^^^ Giles Mumford HiLLYER. J.(J\ New York City. Lawyer. Rev. John Henry Hobart. N. P. Fishkill, N. Y. Rector Trinity Church. S.T.D., Columbia, 1856. John Jay. N.A. Katonah, N. Y. Publicist, Lawyer. President of the Fraternity since 1876. U. S. Minister at Vienna, April, 1869 to April, 1875; N. Y. Commissioner for Antietam Cemetery, 1868; Pres. of the Union League Club for many years ; Sec. of the N. Y. Irish Relief Committee, 1847. Distin- guishedfor his early espousal of the abolition cause and a life lonij support of indepcndencii in political action. AuUior of nearly 100 published sjk (clus ami addresses, — among others. The Dignity of the Abolition Cause; Report on ilu ( ..ii>tiiiiti()nal Right and Duty of Congress to Exclude Slavery from the Territories and Xew Statis, 1839; Ca.ste and Slavery in the American Church, 1842; Progress aad Results of Em.ancipation in the West Indies, 1843; America Free or America Slave, 1856; Lccompton Crisis, 1858; The American Church and the Slave Trade, 1860; The Great Conspiracy and England's Neutrality, 3861 ; The Great Issue, 1864; Centennial Oration on the Battle of Harlem Plains, 1876. Contribu- tor to International Review, North American, I/i-itorical Magazine, and many other papers and reviews. *^^' Rev. Henry McViCKAR. Z'.J. New York City. Protestant Episcopal Clergyman. *— Henry Ward, Jr. P.IL New York City. Columbia. 57 *is75 George Gilfekt Watkiis. ll'J-). New York City. Lawyer. » '^'^ Harvey Augustus Weed. A'. /v. New York (%. Lawyer, . 1837- ^•'^"^ Rev. Charles Aldis. 2'. /A Detroit, Mich. Rector Christ Church. Died at Morrisania, N. Y., April 1, 1857. Samuel Blatchford. i:.l\ New York City. U.S. Circuit Ju.lcj. since 1S78. Vrivate Sec. to W. H. S^yard Gov N V, ]8;i9-41; lUiHt^,.,- <,.,• I'^il-" r •< T>i-tii>t .Tuil'T.lSCT-TS. Tni^tce, Columbia, Biiice 18t)7. LL,.!^., Miit.u\ . , l^^I -, 1 . ■'■,.,, .i-iMiriut.- nf X-w V..rU; New York Civil and Criminal . Vm /i' ''V , !'l,f,n- - ('■ ivnii Cniirt LVpnit-, ITvoU.; lUatchtbrd's and llowland's Ad- St;"i;li!H'l',.l.,;:n,ini.....hlbnrsrn.,.. ■:,..,, vol. Member N.Y. Hist. Soc.^ Nathaniel Willl\m Chittenden. E'A'. New York City. Law}-er. * iw Henry Partridge Fessenden. Z'.A. Orange, N. J. Lawyer, New York City. Initiated in Urban. * ''^» Anthony Halsey. r'JlK New York City. Banker. Cashier Tradesman's Bank. Trustee, Columbia, 1872-9 ; CJlerk of the Board, 1874-9. William Henry Leggett. M.A. New York City. Prin Private School, 1841-81. Editor of Bulletin of the Torrcy Botanical Club, 1870- 81. Member of Torrey Botanical Club; also Acad, ot bciences. John MacMullen. O.K. Washington Heights, New York City. Prin of a Private School, 1841-81. Author of the Education of the Rich, 1881; belf- Government in Schools, 1880; Nathan Hale, a I'ocm. Rev. John Ireland Tucker. AM'. Troy, N. Y. Rector Church of the Holy Cross. Prin. of the Warren Free Inst. S.T.D., Columbia, 1858. *"^^ John Vanderbilt. /•:'.//. Flatbush, L. I. Judge of Kings County Court, 1843-6 ; N. Y. State Senator, 1851-3 ; Candidate fo^^^^ Gov., xV' Y., 1856. Chairman of the Committee to Investigate the Affairs of Union Coll.. 1853. Died May 16, 1877. *"^^ Samuel H. Whitlock. A.I. New York City. Lawyer. 1838. Benjamin Tredwell Kissam. N.Z. Bayone City, N. J. Lawyer, New York. ^•«» Benjamin ROMAINE, Jr. A'..\. New York City. Lawyer. ■" "*^' George Templeton Strong. P. 6. New York City. Lawver. Trustee, Columbia, 1853-75; Projector and Trsas. of the U.S. Sanitary CoraSion; Conptroler Trinity Church Parish, 1870-5; I'^es.of New York Philharmom. Soci Pres. New York Church Music Association; Trustee New York Lite Ins. and Irusl Co. Member New York Microscopical Soc. 58 Columbia. *^^^ Francis Marion Ward. A. A. New Orleans, La. Merchant. Died of yellow fever, September 2, 1847. *^8^2 Henry Hall Ward. ^.0. New York City. Lawyer, firm of Ward & Gibbs, 1848; afterwards Banker, firm of Wa-d & Co. Treas. N. Y. State Soc. of Cincinnati; 17 years Pres. New York Club. Died at Saratoga, N. Y., August 27, 1872. 1839. *'^ James C. Roosevelt Brown. N.A. New York City. *^^^ George James Cornell. O.A. New York City. Lawyer. Member N. Y. State Assembly, 1849 ; Manager Soc. for Reformation Juvenile Delinquents ; Trustee New York Bank for Savings; Founder and Pres. New York Club. Died November 1, 1857. James Walker Fowler. M. 17. New York City. Lawyer. Surrogate, Orange Co., N. Y., 1852-5; Judge District Court, City of New York, Third Judicial District, 1870-5. Frederick HuGHSON. F'.N. New York City. Lawyer. Counsel to N. Y. Savings Bank. Initiated in Urban. Daniel De Forest Lord. N.A. New York City. Lawyer. Trustee, Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., 1860-81. * — James William Walsh. MjP. New York City. Merchant. 1840. * — Gerard Smith Boyse. £'.//. New York City. * — James Farley Clark. H'.A. New York City. Lawyer. *i868 Alfred George Jones, LL.B. F'.X. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard, 1842. fJoHN Lewis. E.A. New York City. Rev. Dwight Edavards Lythan. f.I. Govanstown, Md. Priest Roman Catholic Church. Ordained Protestant Episcopal Clergyman ; Rector, Lancaster, Pa., and afterwards entered Roman Catholic Church. *^^^fRev. Ebenezer Platt Rogers. P. T. Montclair, N. J. Student, Princeton Theo. Sem., 1837. Pastor, Congregational, Chicopee, M.nss., 1840-3; Northampton, 1843-7;, Augusta, Ga., 1847-53; Seventh Church, Philadelphia, I'a., 1853-6; First Reformed Dutch, Albany, N. Y., 1856-62; South Church, New York City, 1862-81. Died October 22, 1881. I«8l. Thomas Daniel Rambaut. E'.I. Newark, N. J. Job Lewis Smith, Jr. /. S. New York City. Columbia. 59 1882. Edward Rowland Greene. AjV. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1883. George Howard Abeel. F'.A. New York City. Initiated in ManluUtan. Albert Fillmore Hyde. A J. New York City. Alfred Lee ISIanierre. //'. W. New York City. 1884. Joseph Wood CusroiAN. ^..Y. New York City. Josiah Huntington Fitch. Z'.M. New York City. Initiated in Manhattan. Frederick James Hamilton Merrill. /.J. New Ro- chelle, N. Y. 1885. Horace Newton Congar, Jr. P. A. Newark, N. J. Charles Burton Crowell. Z.K. Cleveland, Ohio. THE YALE CHAPTER, 1837 TO 1874. Annals. The Yale Chapter, in its origin, like the three which preceded it in the organization of the affiliated Chapters of the Fraternity, was established by members of the Hamilton Chapter, who had gone ont from the parent Chapter, carrying with them the anthorit}' to organize a new Chapter. Its charter members were, therefore, themselves initiates, and its first recognition by the Fraternity in convention assembled antedates by nearly a year the date which has been in the past assigned to its organization. The charter of the Colnmbia Chapter issued earlier from the central authority of the Fraternit}', and decides its priority ; but the first meeting of the Yale Chapter was held before that of Columbia. Repre- sented in the First Convention of the Fraternity, held in its fourth year, with the Hamilton Chapter, at Utica, July 27, 183G, by Seth Tryon Wilbur, the Yale Chapter continued for thirty-se\en years an active Chapter of the Fraternity', whose members still maintain their relations with its public work and private enterprises, now that its active functions are suspended. " Soon after the Chapter was established at Yale,'' says Dr. I. N. Tarbox, of '39, " there sprang up an odd and funn3' society in opposition. The beautiful pin worn by the members of the Alpha Delta- Phi was imitated with a pin made of tin, and costing six and a quarter cents. The tin was first painted black, and then the paint was scratched oflT to give the crescent and the star. The first article of the constitution of tlie new society read, ' There shall be no president of this society.' The articles that Yale. 6 1 followed, pertaining to other enstoniary officers, had the same negative cast. The conchision of llie whole was that ' ev(!rv member should do exactly as he had a mind to.' " However, our Chapter suffered no liann from this innocent ridicule. Indeed, it rather brought us into notice, and made us conspicuous on the college grounds. ^My class being that of 1839. the time soon came, after the establishment of the Chapter, for initiating members from my class. From the first the society aimed at a high range of literary' excellence. In the preparation of papers to be read at the meetings, each man felt that the obligation was upon him to do his best. There was, perhaps, full enough of self-congratulation and nuitual admiration among our meml)ers at the choice character of our membership. Tliat, how^ever, is natural to young men in such associations. They want the action and the friction of the great world to bring , them to a more democratic estimate of themselves and each other. I look back, however, over the space of more than forty years, with great pleasure to those evenings when, gathered in our society room, we gave ourselves to literary work of a true and genuine order. I think we might, without impropriety, appropriate the noble words of Cowley : — * Sa}', for j'ou saw us, yc immortal lights, How oft unwearied have wc spent the nights Till the Ledseau stars, so fam'd for love. Wondered at us from above ? We spent them not in toys, in lusts, or wine, lint search of deep philosophy," Wit, eloquence, and poetry; Arts which I loved, for they, my friend, were thine.' " The Second Convention of the Fraternity, assembled in its seventh year, was held with the Yale Chapter, August 15, 1889, and its public exercises consisted of an address by Samuel Eells, the first of those public celebrations by affiliated fraternities which have now become an 62 Yale. annual and normal part of their history. Large in numbers, strong in character, at a prominent institution, the Yale Chapter, in the earlier years of the Fraternit\', bore a prominent share in shaping its policy. The Brunonian Chapter was established by a delegation from the Yale Chapter, and the conversion of a local society, / F A', at Amherst, into a chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi was largel}' due to the efforts of the Yale Chapter, — efforts which ripened into close and intimate relations, only severed by the suspension of the latter Chapter, in 1873. The first catalogue and the first song book of the Fraternity were issued from Yale, and until 18G0 all the catalogues of the Fraternity were compiled in the same Chapter, with two exceptions. The list of members which follows these brief Annals sufficiently attests the character, the ability, and the worth of those who filled the ranks of the Chapter for thirt^^-seven years. Its meetings were for many years, and to the close of the Chapter, held in a hall on the southwest corner of Chapel and State streets, and the exercises of three conventions, in 1847, 185G, and 1869, were held in this hall. In 1867 this hall was newly fitted, and bore, until other Chapters estab- lished themselves in halls of their own, the reputation of being the best occupied in the Fraternity. The Yale Chapter suspended its active functions in the spring term of 1873, and a formal surrender of its charter was made to the convention held in the same ^'ear with the Cornell Chapter. The step had been for several years in con- templation b^- the Chapter. It was taken at last after a conference between members of the Amherst and Yale Chapters, in which all present agreed to the necessity of a step, regretted, but on all accounts justified b}' the circumstances of the case, and a due regard to the reputation of the Chapter in the past, its membership in the present, and its interests in the future. The honors won by members of the Fraternit}' at Yale during thirty- seven years included, among other prizes, twelve valedictorians and fourteen salutatorians, and four DeForest men during the shorter period in which that prize was awarded. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Membeis. Moses Mears Bagg. (Kl. George Yates Gilbert. /'. T'. CiiAUNCEY Goodrich. A'.V. Charles James Lynde. AM. William Pitt Lynde. A.l. William Alexander Sparks. LA. Seth Tryon Wilbur. I'J .'1' . 1830. Elias Loomis, LL.B. ^.A. New Haven, Conn. Prof. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, Yale, since 1860. Tutor Yale, 18.33-6; Prof. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Western Kescrve Coll., 1836-44; Prof. Univ. of the City of New York, 1844-60. Author of Practical Astronomy, Analytical (ieometry and Calculus, and other mathematical text books; also of articles in Transactions of Am. Philological Soc, Am. Journal of Science, Gould's Astronomical. Joiirnml, i)ubIication8 of the Conn. Acad, and Smithsonian Institute. LL.B., Univ. of the City of New York, 1854. Member Am. Philosophical Soc, Philadelphia, Pa.; Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences, Boston ; British Scientific Assoc. ; Glas£;ow Philosophical Soc, Scotland; National Acad, of Science, Washington; Meteorological Soc, London. Rev. Ray Ralmer. E. 0. New York City. Sec Congregational Union since 1866. Pastor, Bath, Me., 18".5-.50; First Prcsbvterian Church, Albany, N.Y., 1850-65. Author of Memoirs of Charles \\,iu\, lS2'.i; The Spiritual Life, 1837; Memoirs of Mrs. C. L.Watson, 18.39; Text r.ook, ls:;i): Spiritual Improvement, 1839; Hints on the Formation of Keligiou.i Opiuinn, isOii; llyiiius of my Holy Hours, 1867; Home or the Unlost Paradise, 1872; Earnest Words, 1873. b.D., Union Coll., 1852. 1832. Cassius Marcellus Claij, LL.B. Y.A. White Hall, Ky. Farmer, Stock Breeder and ex-politician. Meuilnr Slate I,ii..n <;i;h(s, 1.. vc an. I r.-nally. The 'I'heolosy of Christ, Man in Genesis and ( imloL'X', and Home \\"nrslii|]: al^i .\utlior of numerous pamiddets, sermons and addresses on reliuious, social and scientific subjects, and contriliuticms to the A'^tf EnglancUr and Bihliotlieca Sacra. D.D., Harvard Univ., 185G; LL.l)., Univ. of the City of iSTcw York, 1868. Died September 20, 1879. '**'* Joseph Bradley Varnum. 11. 0. New York City. Lawyer. Member N. Y. Assembly, 1849-50 and 1857, and Speaker of the same, 1851. Author of the Seat of Government of the U. S., and The Washin!,'ton Sketch Book. Member N. Y. Hist. Soc. and Am. Geographical Soc. Died December 31, 1874. ''"''' Joseph Knox Walker. FI.N. Memphis, Tenn. Lawyer. Signer of Land W.arrants, 1845-9; Member Teian. Senate, 1850. Col. 2d Tenn., C. S. A. Died August 21, 1863. 1839. ^'■' Rev. RuFUS Putnam Cutler. fJ.O. Brooklyn, N. Y. Pastor Park St. Unitarian Church, Portland, Me., 1846-54; Sau Francisco, CaL, 1854-9; Charleston, S. C, 1869-72. Died December 9, 1877. Abraham Evan Gavynne. E.T. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer, 1842-55. Author of Sheriflfs and Coroners. Died January 30, 1855. Richard Dudley Hubbard. J^J. Hartford, Conn. *Lawyer. U.S. Representative from Conn., 186S-9; Gov. of Conn., 1877-8. LL.D., Yale, 1S77. *i84i ^Y^^TTS Sherman Lynde. 1.6. Homer, N. Y. Lawyer. Drowned on steamer Erie, bni-ned. Lake Erie, August 9, 1841. Augustus Rodney INIacdonough. 7'. fl. New York City. Sec. N. Y. L. E. & W. R.R. Co. Manager N. Y. House of Refuge since 1876. Trans- lator of Nature and Life; Aucassin and Nicolette; Author of more than 300 articles in ScriOner'n, The Nuiiou, etc., 1861-81. Rev. Samuel John Mills Merwin. Z'.A. Wilton, Conn. Pastor, Congregational, since 1868. Settled, Southport, Conn., 1844-59 ; So. Hadley Falls, Mass., 1861-7 ; Author of Old Sights with New Eyes, 1852. 5 1SJ5 66 Yale. *^^' Rev. AViLLTAM Herbert Norris. A.I. Philadelphia, Pa. . Rector P. E. Church, Carlisle, Pa. ; Woodbury, N. J., 1855-V5. Resident at Philadel- phia, Pa., until death, February 17, 1880. John D Sherwood. A.X. Englewood, N. J. Author of The Comic History of the U. 8. ; The Rights and Wrongs of Stockholders; What I Saw at the Battle of Kissengen; Visits to the Homes of Authors; Knobs of Travel; The Silent City of Greenwood ; Pilgrimage to Sunny Lands. Col. and Aide-de-Camp, Army of Potomac, 1862. * "*' Rev. Levi Ward Smith. A.l. Germantown, Pa. Studied law and practised Rochester, N. Y. Member N. Y. Assembly, 1849-50. Adj. Gen. of IST. Y., 1851-3. Rector Christ Church, Albion, IS^. Y., 1859; St. Michael's Church, Germantown, 1861 ; and Chaplain IT. S. Military Hospital, Germantown. Bled December 22, 1863. Charles Janeway Stille. A.M. Philadelphia, Pa. Prof Eng. Lang, and Lit., Univ. of Pa., 1S66-8; Provost, 1868-81. Author of How a Free People Conduct a Long War, 1862; Northern Interest and Southern Independence; Historical Development of Am. Civilization ; Memorial of the Great Central Fair for the U. S. Sanitary Commission; History of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. LL.D., Yale, 1866. Rev. Increase Niles Takbox. P. A. West NeAvton, Mass. Sec. Am. Coll. and Education Soc. since 1851. Author Winnie and Walter Stories; Uncle George Stories; Tyre and Alexandria; Mneveh, or The Buried City; The Curse, or The Race of Ham in the World's History ; Missionary Patriots ; Life of Gen. Israel I'utnam ; many articles in Ntio EngUuider, Bibliotheca Sacra, etc. D.D., Yale and Iowa Colls., 1869. Member N. E. Hist, and Geneal. Soc. JosiAH Davight Whitney. O.B. Cambridge, Mass. Prof. Geologj', Hai-vard Univ. Author The Metallic Wealth of the U. S. ; Geological Survey of California; Geological Survey of the Upper Mississippi Lead Regions; part of Report on the Geology and Topography of a Portion of the Lake Superior Lead District; Geological Survey of the State of Iowa; Geological Survey of Illinois; translator of Berze- lius on The Use of the Blowpipe in Chemistry and Mineralogy. LL.D., Iowa Univ., 1870. *i«4i William Perkins Williams. A.F. New London, Conn. Died, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, March 9, 1841. 1840. »i87o \yjLLiAjyi Chauvenet. M.J. St. Louis, Mo. Prof. Mathematics, U. S. N., 1841-5; Prof. Astronomy, U. S. Naval Acad., Annap- olis, Md., 1845-.59; Prof. Mathematics and Astronomy, 1859-69, and Chancellor, 1862-9, Washington Univ., St. Louis. Author of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Practical Astronomy, Binomial Theorem and Logarithms, and other text-books, and of contributions to Am. Journal of Science and Am. Astronomicttl Journal. LL.I)., Prcs. A. A. A. S. Died December isi 1870. Rev. Joseph FewSmith. H'.iL XeAvark, N. J. Pastor Second Presbyterian Church. Prof. Sac. Rbet. and Pastor Theo., Auburn Theo. Sem., 1848-51. D.D., Columbia Coll., 1855. *"*' Stuart Wilkins Fisk, LL.B. P.O. Natchez, Miss. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1843. Col. Miss. Inf., C. S. A.; killed Sliiloh, April 6 or 7, 1862. Rev. Daniel March. N.L Woburn, Mass. Ordained 1845; Pastor, Nashua, N. H., AVoburn, Mass., Philadelphia, Pa. Author of Night Scenes in the Bible, AValks and Hours with Jesus, Home Life in the Bible, From Dark to Dawn, Our Father's House. D.D., Univ. of AVestern Pa., 1864. Yale. 67 John Perkins, LL.B. ll.l). Sweet Springs, W. Va. Lawyer and Cotton Planter. Juilge Dist. Court, La., 18.5T-.3; U. S. Representative from lia., 18.'>,3-6; Iteprcsentalive La. Secession Convention, 1801; Member Confederate; Con!,'res8, 1861-5. LL.B., IIar\'ard Univ., 1842. "''^ William Pp:kkins, LL.B. /.//. Tensas PaiLsli, La. Dist. Atty. LL.B., Harvard Univ., lH4:i. Lost with the steamer Arctic, Septcnilx'i •27, 18.i4. '**^" Rev. Geokge Kichakds. I'.l. Bridgeport, Conn. Tutor Yale, 1844-6; Pastor Central Church, Boston, Mass., 1845-.'>9: Litchfield. Coim., 1860-6; Bridgeport, 1866-70. Died October 20, 1870. Lazakus Denison Shoemaker. P.N. Wilkesbai-re, Pa. Lawyer. Pa. State Senator, 1866-8; U. S. Representative from Pa., 1871-5. Member Hist. Soc. of Pa. I84I. Rev. Jackson Jones Bushnell. (KU. lieloit, Wis. Tutor Western Reserve Coll., 184-2-4; agent, 1844-8; Prof. .Mathematics .-md Nat. Philosophy, Beloit Coll., 1848-58 and 1863-73. Died March 8, 1873. Rev. Azariah Eldridge. A.Z. Yarniouth Port, Mass. Congregational clcrgvman. Tutor Yale, 1845-7; Pastor North Congregational Church, New Bedford, Mass., 1847-56; Fort St. Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich., 1858-65; Am. Chapel, Paris, France, 1866-8. Sec. Evangelical Alliance, New Yorlc City. 1S70-3. . D D., Hamilton Coll., 1863. Rev. Joseph Emerson. P. J. Beloit, Wis. Prof. Greek, Beloit Coll., since 18-54. Tutor Yale, 1S44-8; Prof. Latin and Greek, Beloit Coll., 1848-54. D.D., Yale, 18S0. Member of Conn, and Wis. Acad, of Arts and Sciences and .\m. Philological Assoc. Rev. William Tappan EusTis. ./'.-. Springfield, Mass. Pastor Memorial Church since 1869. Pastor Congregational Church, Winchester, Mass., 1846-8; Chapel St. Church, New Haven, Conn., 1848-69. Director Am. Home Missionary See, and Vice Pres. Am. Missionary Assoc. Author of The Service of Praise. Contributor to the ATew Sng lander. D.D.,1881. ' August Canfield GiLLETT. I'./L Washington, D. C. Edited the Jacksonville, Fla., A'^fcv, 1845-53 Clerk of Census Bureau, 1853, till death. Died February 7, 1856. fCnARLES Philip Helfenstein. //.//. Shnmokin, Pa. P^ngaged in Coal Mining. William Law Learned. ./.T. Albany, N. Y. Presiding Justice Supreme Court of N. Y., 3d District, since 1870. Prof. Equity, Trials and Civil Law, Albany Law School. LL.D., Yale, 1878. Donald Grant IVIitchell. .1.1'. Edgewood, New Haven, Conn. Fanner and Writer. U. S. Consul, Vi^nicc. ls,-,:!-4 ; U. S. Commisj^ioner Paris E.vposi- tion, 1873. K.lit..,- //..nfh and Home, isr,:, n, m.-mIm,- c.v. c.innr.l V-,1.. >>-liool of Art, since its , iit. Author of Vi' ii '- i - i- . IM, ; l.nih >i.iiimi. r IS49. The Lorgneltr. l>.Mi; ILvn-ies of a Bach,!-, i- • 1'. m -.1^;. '-' : I -1 - '.'omgs, 1854; Farm of Edgewood, 1803; Wet Days ai Klu. u M 1^.1 : ; ; " '' ':,''"i', -■ '""';-■*;,'• Johns, 1860; Rural Studies, 1867 ; Pictures of Edgewood, 1»08; About Old >toryleller«, 1876. Contributor to Mw Englander, Atlantic, Scribner, Harper and St. Nicholas. LL.D., Yale, 1878. 68 Yale. Rev. BiRDSEY Grant NoTHROP. A'. A. Clinton, Conn. Sec. Conn. Board of Education since 1867. Pastor Congre?ational Church, Saxon- ville, Mass., 1S46-57. Agent Mass. Board of Education, 1857-66; Pres. Am. Inst, of Instruction, 1864-9. Author of numerous worlis on education and agriculture. LL.D., Williams Coll., 1872. PoMPEio AsCEN^o DE Sa. /. /.'. Alcantara, Brazil. Planter. Member of the Maranham Province House of Representatives, 1848. Rev. Thomas Coffin Yarnall. B'.X. West Philadelphia, Pa. Hector St. Mary's Church since 1844. D.D., Univ. of Pa., 1868. 1842. Rev. Joseph Augustine Benton. I.F. Oakland, Cal. Senior Prof. Sacred Lit., Pacific Theo. Sem., since 1869, and Editor-in-chief of the Pacific since 1864. Pastor Congregational Church, Sacramento, 1849-63; of Plymouth Church, San Francisco, 1863-9. Author of California Pilgrim, 1853. D.D., Yale, 1870. Joseph Venner Brown. A'. A Conneaut, O. Taught school and edited Conneaut Reported', 1842-4. Commission Merchant and Receiver of Public Moneys for the Mineral Land District, Mich. Rev. Alexander Huntington Clapp. N. V. New York City. Since 1878 Treasurer Am. Home Missionary Sec- Pastor Centre Congregational Church, Brattleboro', Vt., 1846-53; Beneficent Church, Providence, R. I., 1855-65. Sec. Am. Home Missionary 80c., 1865-78. New York Editor of Boston Congregutionalist. Chaplain 10th R. I. Inf., U. S. A., 1862. D.D., Iowa Coll., 1868. Rev. William Postell Gready. A'. I. Tuccoa, Ga. Pastor M. E. Church since 1871. Evangelist in Madison and Perrv Cos., 1847-56; Pickens' Dist., S. C, 1856-71. *'*^^f Jacob Stephen Halsey. li.T. New Orleans, La. Lawyer. Died at Orange, N. J., September 25, 1853. f William Davison Hennen. J. 8. New York City. Lawyer. Author of Hennen's Digest of La. Reports. Major on staft' of Gens. Buckner and B. R. Johnson, C. 8. A., Tenn. and W. Va. * '**'^' Isaac Ellmaker Hiester. E'.A. Lancaster, Pa. Lawyer. Atty. for Lancaster Co., 1848-50; U. S. Representative, 18.53-5. Died February 6, 1871. *'*'^ Rev. William Sidney Huggixs. M.P. Kalamazoo, Mich. Pastor Presbyterian Church, 1854-62; preached, 1848-53, at Hatfield, Natick, East Medway, Farmington, Mass., Reading, Pa., Beloit and Whitewater, Wis. Died March 23, 1862. Sylvester Larned. B'.FI. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Pres. Mich. Refonn School, 1861 and 1878-9. Author of published orations and arguments. Lt. Col. 2d Mich. Inf., U.S.A., 1861-2. *i88o Rev. Alexander MacWiiorteu. .V.J. New Haven, Conn. Resident and engaged in literary pursuits since 1845. Prof. Metaphysics and English Lit., Troy ITniv., 'J'roy, N. Y., 1859-60. Author of Yahveh Christ, or the Memorial Name, 1850; contributor to the New Knglander, au article on John Foster, 1847, and to SiUimun's Journal on the Divisibility of Magnitude. Died June 28, 1880. Yale. 69 *'*^'^ Samuel BuEL MuLFOKi). A.H, Arurysville, Cal. Lawyer. Practised at Montrose, I'a., ]S4:,-'.l. ])jid September 6, 1863. *'*«•' Jacob PEiiKiNS. E.M. Cleveland, Ohio. Prc8. Cleveland and Mahoiiini? R.U., 18.i3-8. Member of the Ohio Constitutional Con- vention, 1850. Died, Havana, ( 'nba, January 12, 18.59. John Andrew Petehs. /''. .Y. Bangor, Me. Judge Supreme Judicial Court of Me.; State Senator, 1862-3; State Representative, 18G4; State Atty. Gen., 1864-6; U.S. Representative from Me., 1867-73. Member Me. Hist. Soc. *'*^ Rev. Leaxder Elmer Wakefield. N.T. JNIonticello, Minn. ..|.:.. 1 ' ".; New 1 - , - . 1 . : , . Si'c. of , ,l .,.,•,',.., , 1 . i^.^> Vale, \\v.l^lu,. Member ;. 1 ■, 1 i^:il, iv,r,; Sketch of • Ml ; nM ( , „„cTticUt, N. n., ,,| ^ ;il. ( m11., etc. Member i/rci- .rol' Ccijii. See Leaven- una U. 1., anil Uepreseutalivc Yale. 73 FuEDEKiciv John KiNfiSHunY. }]'.!. AVatcrbiirv. Conn. Pres. Citi/.eirs National Hank: S.-xill \ir . i ,, : | EnslandTransportalicin Co. ; Watn-lini , - lil \ many otiicr Uailniad, Hankini,'. Maiini:p •• iil '"' PreB. Alatlaliick lli-t. S..,-., ami 'I'l,.... I'.i.ii of Conn. Ara.l. ..| Sri,,,.-,-. Autlmr ..f Sk.;rl, ,.| .1 Chicaun. is.r.; 1M,m..,,- in a llepulili.', Sori;!!-!, W. Hi8t. So,-. ( nlk, ISM , art. .*« Edwin Tyler. E.M. Michigan Bluff, Cal. Miner, Assaycr and Express Agent, 1849, till death. Died June 21, 1888. 1849. John Light Atlee, M.D. I'.Ii. Lancaster, Pa. Physician to Lancaster Co. Hospital. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1853. Rev. Shearjashub Bourne. Z' .X. Paterson, N. J. Pastor Congregational Church. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1853. *i862 William George Chandler. A'. A. Mobile, Ala. Exchange and Commission Merchant and Banker, 1850, till death. Died July 3, 1862. *'^^f Henry Legran de Conner. A. P. Natchez, Miss. Lawyer and Preacher. Died Natchez, May, 1876. Rev. Timothy D wight. I.I.K. New Haven, Conn. Prof. Sacred Literature, Yale, since 18-58; Tutor Yale, 18.51-5. One of Editors of the Neiv Englander since 1868. Member of Bible Revision Committee. D.D., Chicago Theo. Sem., 1869. Rev. Franklin Woodbury Fisk. //'. T. Chicago, 111. Wisconsin Prof. Sacred Rhetoric, Chicago Theo. Sem., since 18.59; Prof. Rhetoric and English Literature, Beloit Coll., 1854-9. Author of The Forces of the Pulpit, 1859; Unity of the Professions, 1878, etc., in the Neio Englander. See Johnson's New Univ. Cyclo- piedia. D.D., Olivet Coll., 1865. Philip Gleason Galpin. A.0. North Temescal, Cal. Lawyer, San Francisco. «i855 (Charles Rush Goodrich. I.E. Flushing, N. Y. Teacher, Louisville, Ky., 1850-1. Associated with Prof. B. Silliman, Jr., in preparing the Illustrated Record of the Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York City, issued in 1854; also Annotated Catalogue of same exhibition. Died August 22, 1855. *'^ Jacob Brown Kirby. A.X. Brownville, N. Y. Farmer, 1849-59. Lumber Merchant, 1852-7. Died .\rarch 9, 1860. ♦ 18,58 ^AjjoN Lyon. B'.A. Sturbridge, Mass. Lawyer. Died August 22, 1858. Rev. Edw^ard Dafydd Morris. P. I. Cincinnati. Ohio. Prof. Theology Lane Theo. Sem., 1874 ; of Church History, 1867-74. Trustee, Western Reserve Coll., 1856-68. Author of Outlines of Christian Doctrine, 1880. D.D., Hamilton Coll., 1863. *•*'''' Hugh Florian Peters. J'.M. Cheshire, Conn. Lawyer, Cheshire and New York City, 1852-3. Teacher, Duxbury, Mass., 1853-4. Tidal Department, U. S. Coast Survey, 18-54-5; Clerk of Pension Bureau, Washington, D.C., 1855-6. Died October 4, 1856. 76 Yale. William Frederick Poole. FJ .B. Evanston, III. Librarian Public Library, Chicago, 111., since IST-i; A>-l., Boston Athe- naeum, 1851; Librarian, Boston Mercantile Library. 1^^J i; V, -t..ii Atljenasum, 1856-69; and of Cincinnati Public Library, 1863-74. Autlmi- oi l'M|,h nn ( ol-ii\ . lS'i6; Introduction to reprint of Johnson's Wonder- Working Providence di.'a 1^>.7; Mather Papers, pri- vately printed, Boston, 1868; Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft (from N. A. Review), privately printed, Boston, 1869; Notes to Gov. Hutchinson's Witchcraft Delusion, 1692, pri- vately printed, Boston, 1S70; Anti-Slavery Opinions before 1830, 1872; Dr. Cutler and Ordi- nance of 1787 (from J^^. A. lievifw), 1876; The Organization and Management of Public Libraries, U.S. Bureau of Educ. Report; also separate, 1876; Witchcraft in Boston, in Memorial History of Boston, 1881; The Construction of Library Buildings, Library Jour- nal, 1881 ; also issued by U. S. Bureau of Educ, 1881 ; Index to Periodical Literature, new ed., brought down to January, 1880 (in press). Member of the Mass., N. Y., Md., and Vt. Hist. Socs. ; Am. Antiquarian Soc, Essex Inst., etc. See AUibone's Diet, of Am. Authors. John Rocjiv WELL. ^..Y. Tarry to wn, N. Y. Retired. *^*'^ Rev. Augustus Walker. //./'. Diarbekir, Turkey. Ordained 1852; Missionary A. B. C. F. M., Diarbekir, Turkey, 1853-66. Died of cholera September 13, 1866. *'«^* Charles Bill Waring. B.N. New York City. Lawyer. Died October 12, 1854. *'^' ErastusHay Weiser. 'A 77. York, Pa. Lawyer. Died July 12, 1872. 1850. Rev. Leonard Woolsey Bacon, D.D. O.J. Norwich, Conn. Pastor Park Church. Author of Sunday Hymn and Tune Books; History of the Vati- can Council, 1871 ; Life of Mrs. E. B. Gould, 1878; Church Papers, 1876; also many minor works and magazine articles. M.D., Yale, 1856; D.D., Yale, 1879. Corr. Member Societe des Etudes Theologiques de Geneve. See Johnson's Cycl. and Am. Ed. of Chambers' Encycl. Rev. Edward Warren Bentley. I.E. Ellenville, N. Y. Author History of the Classis of Orange, 1875, .ind of Published Sermons, etc. D.D., N.Y. Univ., 1877. Robert Bliss. P. IT. New York City. Dry Goods Merchant since 1852. Teacher, St. Timothy's Hall, Baltimore, Md., 1851. Clerk Metropolitan Bank, 1852. Henry Chase. F/.A. Lyndon, Vt. Lawyer. Pres. National Bank ; Director Vt. Agricultural Soc. Practised law. Syca- more, Hi., 1857-9, and at Chicago. Representative Vt. Legislature; Centennial Commis- sioner for Vt., 1876; member Vt.'Board of Agriculture since 1876. fHENRY Martyn Cheavens, M.D. H'.M. Ashland, ]\Io. Teacher and Farmer. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1852. M.D., St. Louis Med. Coll., 1866. Albert Pierson Condit. F.J. Newark, N. J. Lawyer. Member N. J. State Legislature, 1866-7 and 1871; Speaker of Assembly, 1871. Henry Martyn Dechert. A'.F. Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. Prin. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Sera., 1850-3; Asst. City Solicitor, 1856-8. Member Pa. Hist. Soc. 1st Lieut. 40th Pa. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. William Thompson Farnham. i.P. New York City. Lawyer. Private 7th Regt. N. Y. S. N. G., 1862-3, 5 months. Yah. 77 * '^" George Loimbaki) Fiiost. II' . <■). Dodgcville, Wis. Lawyer, Mineral roint, Wis., ISoS-GO; Dodijeville, 1869-79. Member Wis. Senate, 1863-4. Died February 15, 1879. f Leonard Addison Hendrick. O.J. Journalisl, New York Herald. Rev. Edward Miles Jerome, LL.B. I\ri ■nn-; Member National Aca.l. .il' S.i.ii.'c IV, mi ii> tMiiii,l.-n p m ; .\>soc. Am. Acad.; .\ni. I'liil..-,.plii,-al Soc. of Philadelplii:i ; i; .\sli ,.nnini, Sor.,,f !,( indon,Eng. ; Hon. Member British A. A. S. Ellis Henry Roberts. 1.1'. Utica, N. Y.^- riic.i Moriii,,,/ ]I, rul'l Awr Is.Mi. Trust,.,' ]l:,niii:..n (',,11. since 1872; Utic:i Krmal,. S,-iii., mii,1 \Vliil(:-ln« n S,,,,.. .mm,-,, is,;^; •r,.,,.l,,.r , if l.aiiii I 'l H'a Female Seni.. ls.".,i; l'i-in. ru.'ii Af.-ui., iv,r-l. NUmiurX. Y. .<;.•, ir .\"-inl,iv, \s. Philadelphia, Pa. Practised medicine, 1854-64. il.I)., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1S54. Died October 7, 1864. * '*^'' George Granberry Hastings. E.X. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City, till 1861 and 1866-73. Capt. 1st U. S. Sharpshooters; Juds;e Advocate Army of the Potomac ; Brev. Col. U. S. A. Died October 20, 1873. George Reginald Heber Hughes. P.O. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Rev. Salmon McCall. FI'. T. East Haddam, Conn. Pastor First Congregational Church since 1872; First Church in Old Saybrook, 1853-71. Member Conn. State Legislature, 1876. Author of Culture and the Gospel, 1871 ; History of the First Church in E. Haddam, and published sermons, reports and articles. f Robert Morris Marshall, LL.B. O.M. Sardis, Ky. Farmer. LL.B., Yale, 1853. Bennett Warner Morse. B. T. New Haven, Conn. Retired Manufacturer. Member Common Council, 1860-1. Rev. Thomas Stoughton Potwin. I.N. Hartford, Conn. Superintendent Hartford Orphan Asylum since 1875. Tutor Beloit Coll., 1851-3; Yale, 1854r-8. * ^^'^ Emerson Cogswell Whitney. E.J. Winchendon, Mass. Asst. Teacher Middletown, N. Y., Acad. Died November 30, 1851. 1852. David Skinner Bigelow. Z'.L Westchester, Conn. Farmer and Stock Raiser. Representative for Westchester, Conn. Legislature, 1863. Lebeus Cornelius Chapin, M.D. O.P. Kalamazoo, Mich. Physician and lumber dealer since 1867. Teacher, Erie, Pa., and N. H., 1852-4; Tutor Yale, 1855-64. Surgeon 28th colored troops, U. S. A. M.D., Yale, 1864. William AVallace Crapo. yi.I. New Bedford, Mass. U. 8. Representative from Mass. since 1875. Pres. Mechanics' Nat. Bank of New Bed- ford since 1870 : Vice-Pres. Flint & Pere Marquette R.R. Co. Member State Legislature of Mass., 1857; City Solicitor, 1855-77; Chairman Board of W.ater Commissioners, 1865-75. Author of Hist. Address at Bi-Centennial of Dartmouth, Mass., 1864, and Now Bedford. July 4, 1876; Address at Symposium of A A cf, Providence, li. I., 1881. Yale. 79 1^)I5Ki:t Klijaii Day. (K)'. lliutford, Conn. I'rcs. of the Security Co. Rev. Henky Edwin Dwkjiit, M.D. EJL Pliiliidclplii;!,. Pa. Preacher. Prof, .and Physician. Interne PhiUidclphia Hospital, 1867-9; Kxterne, 186t)-77 ftret.tod 10.000 patients). Prof. Latin and Greek, Broolvlyn Hisfh School 18a2-55. P>*"toV Kir-t CluirVli i;:u.,!nlpli. Mmss., 18.V.I-02. Prof. Anatomy and Physioloiiy, W. J ,iMoi 1 " ■ ■ I I',.,.,.,, :i..,'L:niv. ot b.rliM, 180^ aiul Uaiv. ol IMris, ISii:;; M.l>., Uuiv., ut P.,., IS07. '«^' Rev. James Harrison DwiCxIit. A'. J. Englewood, N. J. Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Cherry Valley, N. Y., 1857-S: Englewood, 1863-7. See Palestine Explor.ation Soc; Associate Editor Chrutian Union, Independent and Christian at Work. Chap. 66th N. Y. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-3. Died December 2, 1872. Daniel Coit Oilman. A.K. Baltimore, Md. Pros. .lohns Hopkins Univ. since 1875. City Supt. of Schools, New Haven, Conn., 1856-60; State Supt., Conn., 1S65-6. Librarian, Yale, IS.'ie-firi: Prof. Physical _and Author ..r ,,,:n,\ mli-a/iii- arlirl,- aiijl a,lur:,l i, .nal i- Ili^lMrirM A.l.l.-,-><.s, 1859 (Bi-cemwnn:n.rN..,-.,.h.(^,,,n,. .,s^^^ Am!s.^ial Science Assoc, 1870,1880: Am. Acad, of Arts and Sci.; Am. Pliilos. Soc; Am. Oricnt.ll Soc, etc. LL.D., Harvard Univ., 1876. *i8^|Rev. Archibald Falconer Gould. A'.N. St. Augustine, Fla. Protestant Episcopal Clergyman. Died while ChapLiin, C. S. A., at Richmond, Va. Edward Houghton. J.. I. Lancaster, Mass. Teacher. Practised law, Cincinnati, Ohio. Marcus Lyon. H'.X.K. Ithaca, N. Y. County Judge, Tompkins Co., N. Y., since 1874. Dist. Atty., Schuyler Co., 18.55; of Tompkins Co., 1857-64; Postmaster, Ithaca, 1871-3. Pres. A A 0. Corporation, Ithaca. *^«^2-|- Henry Watson McNeil. E'.A. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City, 1857-8. Banker, Pa., 1858-61. Capt. Co. E, 1861, 1862 ; Col. 42d Pa. Inf., U. S. A. ; killed, Antletam, September 17, 1862. Vincent Marmaduke. A'.n. Arrow Rock, Mo. Merchant, Farmerand Miner. Col., U. S. A., 1S61-5. * i878|^jLLi AM Henry Redavood. A.T. Mobile, Ala. Lawyer .ind Accountant. M.aj. Vol., C. S. A., Lt. Col. Flournoy's Texas Kegt., 1861-5. Died at Mobile, December 25, 1878. William Leonard Rowland. /.A. Rockford, 111. Librarian Public Library since 1872. Rev. GeorCxE Blagden Saeford. IL(I>. Burlington, Vt. Pastor Third Congregational Church since 1860. (Jrad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1856. D.D., Univ. of Vt., 1878. Henry Seymour Sanford. A'. '/'. Bridgeport, Conn. Lawyer, practising since 1864; New Milford, Conn., 1854-64. George Griswold Sill.. Z'.S. Hartford, Conn. Lawvcr, practising since 1854. .Judge and Recorder City Court; Lieut. Governor. Conn., 1873-7. 8o Yale. William Stanley. l.N. Englewood, N. J. Lawyer, New York City. Asst. U. S. Atty., 186S-72. Melaxcthon Storhs, M.D. A. 11. Hartford, Conn. Practising medicine since 186G; Colchester, Conn., 1853-61. Surgeon 8th Conu. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. M.D., Yale, 1853. George Augustus Wilcox. Z'.Q. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer, practising at Detroit since 1854. Member Board of Edncation, 1861-5. 1853- *i875 Benjamin Franklin Baer. A.E, Lancaster, Pa. Lawyer. City Solicitor, 1859. Capt. Co. F 122d Pa. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. Died Jannary 19, 1875. George William Baldwin. /.A'. Boston, Mass. Lawyer since 1864. Practised, Chicago, 111., 1856-8; Worcester, Mass., 1858-61. Asst. Adj. Gen. 3d Div. 6th Army Corps, U. S. A. Rev. William Frederick Vincent Bartlett, D.D. A.S. Lexington, Ky. Teacher, Natchez, Miss., 1853-5; Pros. Jefferson Coll., Miss., 1859; Prof. Latin, Oak- land Coll., Miss., 1870-2. D.D., Central Univ., Richmond, Ky., 1876. Henry Silliman Bennett. EA*. New York City. Lawyer. Edward Coke Billings, LL.B. P. W. New Orleans, La. Lawyer and Judge U. S. Dist. Court since 18S0. Practised some years. New York City. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1856. Rev. Edson Lyman Clark. M.d. Southampton, Mass. Pastor Congregational Church. Pastor Dalton, Mass., 1859-64; North Bumford, Conn. Author of The Arabs and the Turks, 1876; The Races of European Turkey, 1878. Member Am. Oriental Soc. Rev. Oliver Ellsworth Cobb. A.K. Fhishing, N. Y. Pastor Dutch Reformed Church since 1872; Hopewell Junction, N. Y., 1857-72. Recording Sec. Board of Domestic Missions; Director Am. and Foreign Christian Union. Author of Pastoral Letters, 1858 ; Memorial of Denis Wortman, M.D., 1864. f Edward Robbinson Dickson. H'.E. Mobile, Ala. Supt. Pub. Instruction, Mobile, since 1865. Prof. Latin and Greek La Grange Coll. and Brownard Inst.; Prof. Univ. of Ala., 1861-4. Author Alabama Edition Eclectic Geographies and Latin Philology. *^*''f Daniel Reily Empson. A.B. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Editor Hamilton Telegraph. Died June 10, 1857. Rev. William Thacher Gilbert. A'. P. Cornwall Bridge, Conn. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church. Member Conu. Legislature, 1867. New Orleans Correspondent Christian Advocate, 1864. Rev. WiLLAM Henry Gleason. /./7. Newark, N. J. Pastor First Reformed Dutch Church since 1877. Practised law, Sag Harbor, 1853-64. Member of N. Y. Assembly, 1864-5. U. ^. Registrar in Bankruptcy, 1867-70. D.D., Rutgers Coll., 1881. Yale. 8 1 *i882 j^EL^vj^-^o Alexander Goddakd. O.T. Boston, Mass. Journalist. Editor Boston DaiUi Advertiser, 1869-82; connected, while at Worcester, Mass., with Boston Ckronicle, 1855-7; Worcester 'PratiHcript, 1857-9; Asst. Editor Worcester Synj, lS.')()-(iS. ^^ember Mass. Ilcmse of Kcprescntatives, 1861-8; Worcester School ('..iinni'u..', I-m.I-i;. Author of chai)tors in voliiiiics II. and III. Memorial History of Boston; I'r.-- iiiiil 1 .it. rat iiie of the rrovincial I'liioil. .iml I'lilpit, I'ress, and Literature of the K. A..luti..i,ai.\ rcii..,!. Member of tlic .Viii. .\iitiqiiari.iii Soc, Mass. Hist. Soc, New Eiighiiid nisluiic-tieiualogieal Soc, and Va. Hint. Soc. Died .January 11, 1882. *Ksfifi Alfred Grout. A'..\. Boston, Mass. Clerk Rock Island, Iowa, 1854-5. Teacher Davenport, Iowa ; Miller St. Clair, Iowa, 1855-8; Teacher Kingston, Miss., 1858. Lawyer Boston, Mass., 1861, till death. Died July 26, 1866. *'*''tJA>iES Hamilton. A'.F. Memphis, Tenn. Lawyer. Capt. Southern Guards Battery, C. 8. A. Died at (vOluinbus, Ky., October, 1861. *'*^^ Thomas Prather Nicholas. O.A. Louisville, Ky. Lawyer. Col. 2d Ky. Cav., U. 8. A. Died January 27, 1870. Edward WooDRtTFF Seymour. J..V. Litchfield, Conn. Lawyer. Representative Conn. Legislature, 18.59-60, 1870-1; Conn. State Senator, 1876. George Shiras, Jr. E.n. Allegheny City, Pa. Lawyer Pittsburgh, Pa. Vice Pres. U. S. Bar Association. George Washbut^n Smalley. I'/.O. London, Eng. Journalist. Practised law Boston, Mass., 1856-61 ; war correspondent for N. Y. Tribune, 1861-2; leader writer, 1862-6; manager London Bureau since 1867. Justice of Peace and Commissioner of Insolvency for Suflblk Co., Mass., 1858-61. fRev. James Oswald Swinney. -.P. Glasgow, Mo. Pastor M. E. Church. *i878 Luther Goulding Tarbox. A. A. Nashville, Tenn. Teacher Memphis, Tenn., 1853-4; Prin. High Scliool, Nashville, Tenn., 18.54-61; Prof. Mathematics and Nat. Science, Detroit, Mich., 1861-5; Bank Cashier and member Board of Education, Nashville, Tenn., 1865-75. Died November 14, 1878. Salathiel Harrison ToBEY. A'.N. New York City. Broker. *'«" Charles Townsend. li'.Q. Buffalo, N. Y. Clerk, 1853-5, and Cashier, 1855-72, Bank of Attica. Died September 1, 1877. Rev. Kinsley Twining. Z'.A. Morristown, N. J. Literary Editor of The Independent. * i*« Edward Walden. E.0. Buffido, N. Y. Died July 20, 1854. Rev. James Morris Whiton. M.-. Newark, N. J. Pastor First Congregational Church. Teacher High School, Worcester, Mass., 1853-4; Rector Hopkins Grammar School, New H.iven, Conn., 1854-64; Prin. Williston Sem., Easthampton, Mass., 1876-8. Author of Is Eternal Punishment Endless, 1876; An Essay on the Gospel according to Matthew, 1880; the Gospel of the Resurrection, 1881, and numerous classical text books and treatises. Ph.D., Yale, 1861. 82 Yale. 1854. Charles Teipler Alexander, M.D. I.d). West Point, N. Y. Surgeon U.S.A. since 18.56; Medical Purveyor, St. Louis, Mo., during the war. M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1856. *^^^ Charles Henry Barrett, M.D. A.n. Detroit, Mich. Practised medicine, 1858-70; City Physician, County Physician, and Physician to Mich. State Retreat for the Insane, four years. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1858. Died, 1870. *'*'" Samuel Curtis Blacioian. M.P. New Haven, Conn. Lawyer. Clerk U. 8. Circuit and District Courts, 1865; Clerk to City of oSTew Haven, 1856-7. Died August 20, 1861. Eev. Horatio Woodward Brown. O.R. Willianisport, Pa. (Stated Supply Second Presbyterian Church. Tutor Yale, 1856-9. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1868. Eev. Carroll Cutler. P.I. Hudson, Ohio. Pres. Western Reserve Coll. since 1871; Prof. Mental Science and Rhetoric, 1860-71. 1st Lieut. 85th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862. D.D., Marietta Coll., 1872. Edward Charles Du Bois. A. A. Lima, Peru. Ci\il Engineer, 21 Calle del Correo, since 1857; connected with Great Western R.R., Canada and Detroit, and Milwaukee R.R., Mich., 1855-6. Charles An ALDO DuPEE. A.I. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Editor Illinois Teacher, 1855-60. Rev. William Buck D^vight. 1.0. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Prof. Vassar Coll. since 1878; Prin. Young Ladies' School, Englewood, N. J., 1860-5. Contributor of many papers to Am. Journal of Science. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1857 : Ph.B., Yale, 1859. Rev. William Henry Fenn. A.Z. Portland, Me. Pastor Congregational Church since 1866. *'^^ Jacob Brown Harris. A.0. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Member Mass. Legislature, 1857-8, 1863. Died February 8, 1875. *''^ Henry Horton. E.M. Syracuse, N. Y. Lawyer, 1856, till death. Died August 8, 1865. *^^f Richard Lawrence Keese. F'.B. New Haven, Conn. Died before graduation. *^^ Luther Maxwell Lee. A. 6. Meadville, Miss. Lawyer. Comm. Officer Miss. Inf., C. S. A. Died February 12, 1869. William Augustus Meloy. E'.X. Prince George's Co., Md. Lawyer, Washington, D. C. Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty, D. C, 1877 ;U. S. Treas. Dept., 1864-8. William Henry Norris. E. ¥. Minneapolis, Minn. Lawyer. fCHARLES Hezekiah Pardee. li'.fl. NcAv Havcn, Conn. Manufacturer Carriage Trimmings. Yah. 8.3 •|-Ki)WAKi) Aylswohtii Pkim.'V. V.\. Pcnsacola, Fla. Lawyer. Col. 2d Fla. Inf., C. S. A.; Biif;. Gen. Fla. Brigade, AnderBon'e Wv., N. l". nill's Corps, 1861-5. t William Robinson PujNKF/rT. E'.M. Pittsfield, Mas.s. Lawyer. Pres. Bcrkslure Life Ins. Co.; Trcag. I'ittsfield Coal Gas Co.; Tnislec Berkshire Athenaeuni. Member Maes. House of HepresentativcB, 1860. "'" Leander IIubbell Potter. E.S. Galesburg, 111. Teaclier, Maryland, Iowa, and Chicago, 111., 1855-9; State Normal Univ.,BloominKton, 111., 1859-61 ; Prin. High School, Beloit, Wis., 1864-7 ; Pres. 111. Soldiers' Coll. and Mil. Acad., l''iillon. 111., 1867-71; Pres. 111. Northern Coll., 1871-3; Teacher Chicago, 1873-6; Prof. Khet., Logic, and Eng. Lang, and Lit., Knox Coll., Galesburg, 1876-8. Lieut. Col. 33d 111. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-3. Died July 11, 1879. '""" Charles Thomas Purnell. T.H. McNutt, Miss. Lawyer and Planter. Died September 26, 1866. Thomas Gardiner Ritch. :\.l\ Stamford, Conn. Lawyer, New York City, since 1855. John Chapin Sanders, M.D. N.Fl. Cleveland, Ohio. Pres. and Prof. Obstetrics, Western Homoeopathic Coll., since 1858. Practised medicine, Norwalk, Ohio, 1854-7. M.D., Western Reserve Coll., 1848. Rev. John Cockeville Shackelford. F' . ¥. Sedalia, Mo. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church since 1881. Formerly at Lexington, Mo. "*''t Nathaniel Smith. TjP. AVoodbury, Conn. Lawyer. County Commissioner; Representative Conn. Legislature, 1867. Maj. 19th Conn. Inf., U. S. A., 1862; Lieut. Col. 2d Conn. Heavy Art., U. S. A., 1863. Died August 26, 1877. Robert Eveleigh Taylor. E. Y. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Lawyer. "^' Samuel Walker. E. T. Tallahassee, Fla. Lawyer. Employe U. S. Coast Survey, 1854-66. Mayor of Tallahassee. Judge Leon Co., Fla., Court. Member Fla. Legislature. Died at Downingtown, Pa., June 11, 1881. 1855. William DeWitt Alexander. J. V. Plonolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Sun'eyor General, Hawaiian Kingdom, since 1871. Prof. Languages, Oahu Coll., 1S58- 65; President, 1865-71. Author of Review of Bishop Stalcy, in Defence of Am. Missions, 1865; Synopsis of Hawaiian Grammar, 1871. William Ledyard Avery. J'.M. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer and Judge of Common Pleas for Cinn., since 1876. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Ontario Co., Ohio, 1871-6. Major, Aide-de-camp, and Brev. Lieut. Col. N. Y. Inf.. U. 8. A., 1862-5. 'fAoDiN Lewis Bishop. I.T. New Haven, Conn. Lawyer. A.B., Trinity Coll., 1855. Died July, 1803. William Frederic Causey. E.IE vSt. Louis, Mo. Lawyer, practising since 1869. Practised Newcastle, Del., 1858-60; 8t. Louis, Mo., 1860-3; Milford, Del., 1863-9. Deputy Atty. Gen. Del., 1860; member Del. Legislature, 84 Yale. CoRXELius Christie. 0. W. Leonia, N. J, Lawyer. Editor and Proprietor New Jersey Citizen, Hackensack, 1871-7. Member N. J. Assembly, 1867-8. Rev. Henry Nitchie Cobb. E.II. Tarrytown, N. Y. ClergjTnan; Congregationalist Missionary A. B. C. F. M., to Persia, 1860-2. D.D., Rutgers Coll. ,-1878. Member Am. Oriental Soc. Martix Baum EwmG. T. 6. Walnut Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Deputy Collector U. S. Internal Kevenue, since 1878. 2d and 1st Lieut. H Battery, 1st Regt., Ohio Light Art.; Senior Maj. and Lieut. Col. 2d Ohio Heavy Art, 1861-5. fNATHAX Thomas Fitch, LL.B. E'.A. Chicago, lU. Lawyer. Clerk of the Crown Welland Co., Ont., 1856-62. Pres. Canadian Club of Chicago. Author of The Law of Real Estate Agency, 18S1. LL.B., Tale, 1855. t William Coit Oilman. A.X. Xew York City. Rev. Hiram Lowell Howard. H'.I\ Centralia, Kan. Pastor, Congregational. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1861. Chaplain 59th Mass. Inf., TJ. 8. A., 1864-5. f Francis Cltjiing Lathrop. H.J. Le Roy, X. Y. Banker. Alfred Bolivar Miller. B.FI. Wairen, Pa. Prin. Warreu Public Schools since 1874; Instructor Lawrence Acad., Groton, Mass., 1859-65: Prin., 1S65-7; Tutor Yale, 1868-71; Instructor Maplewood Institute, Pittsfleld, Mass., 1871^. 'f George Taft Parthenope Padelford, M.D. T.J. Sa- vannah, Ga. Died while Asst. Surgeon C. S. A., at Capon Springs, Va., July 28, 1861. Rev. Charles Ray Palmer. H'.Y'. Bridgeport, Conn. Pastor, Congregational. Member Salem, Mass., School Board, 10 years; Trustee Tal- ladega Coll., Ala., 1879 ; Fellow Yale, 1880. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem. John Henry Piatt. O.A. New York City. Clerk Register's Office, since 1872. Practised law Cincinnati, Ohio, 1857-61. Clerk Freedmen's Bureau, 1866-9. Inspector N. Y. Custom House, 1869-72. Adj. 1st Ohio Cav., U. 8. A. ; Capt. Slst U. S. Inf. George Pratt. E.P. Chicago, 111. Commission Merchant. ^ George Stuart. E'.O. Sherman, Conn. Enlisted 1st Conn. Inf., U. 8. A.; appointed Ist Lieut. 13th U. S. Inf., May 14, 1861. Died July 12, 1863. Rev. William Howell Taylor. J'.F. St. Augustine, Fla. Pastor, Presbyterian. Chaplain Soc. Army of the James; 47th N. Y. N. G. ; 48th N. Y. Vet. Vol., 1863-5. Rev. William Reed Woodbridge. ./. E. Port Henry, N. Y. Rector Christ Church since 1871. Clerk in Jessup Coal Mines, Pa., 1856-7; Adirondac Iron Furnaces, Port Henry, N. Y., 1857-62. Grad. Gambler, Ohio, 1865. Rector St. Paul's Church, Vergennes, Vt., 1865-6; St. Michael's Church, Marblehead, Mass., 1867. Stanley [Trott] Woodward. ^.li. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Judge 11th Judicial Dist. Capt. 4th Pa., U. S. A. Yale. 85 William Cutler Wyman. /.//. New York C'ity. In business since 1856. Teacher, Brooklyn Hitili Scliool 1855-6. 1856. Henry Billings Brown. /-*. 0. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Judge U. S. District Court, Eastern District, Mich., since 1875. Aset. U. S. Dist. Atty., for Eastern District, Mich., 1861-8 ; Judge Wayne Circuit Court, 1868. Author of Brown's Admiralty Reports. Member Am. Social Science Assoc. John Mason Brown. M.\. Louisville, Ky. M. v., U.S.A.; Commanding 2d Brig., 5th Div., 23d Corps, * "^"^ Charles Edwin BuLKELEY. E'.T. Hartford, Conn. Lawyer. Capt. 1st Conn. Heavy Art., U. S. A. ; Adj. Ist Battalion, Defences of Wash- ington. Died, Battery Garesche, Va., February 13, 1864. Stephen CoNDiT. E.d. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer. Supervisor of Census, 1880; Tax Commissioner, 1881. Rev. Hasbrouck DuBois. A.X. New York City. Pastor St. Paul's Reformed Church since 18S5. George Cary Dunham. Middletown, Conn. Conductor ontheXew York, New Haven and Hartford R.R. Formerly U. S. Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue; U. S. Asst. Assessor, Acting Assessor and (lauger. Luke William Finlay. Y.M. Memphis, Tenn. Lawyer. Member Tenn. Legislature, 1875-6; Lt., Mai., Lt. Col. 4th Tenn. Inf., C. 8. A., 1861-5. Julius Gay. F.A. Farmington, Conn. Treas. Farmington Savings-Bank. Ph.B., Yale, 1858. Rev. William James Harris, D.D. A.F. Detroit, Mich. Rector Christ Church since 1876. Teacher St. Stephens, New Brunswick, 1856-9; Prin. Monson Acad., Mass., 1859-61. Pastor, Congregational, Saxton's River, Vt., 1861- 2; Brandon, Vt., 1862-4. Rector Grace Church, Manchester, N. H.. 1866-8. Instructor Harvard Divinity School, 1868-9. Rector Trmity Church, Rutland, Vt., 1871-76. D.D., Trinity Coll., 1872. Frank Hodge, M.D. O.n. Hudson, Ohio. M.D., Buffalo Medical Coll. * '^ Roland KiNZER. A../. Lancaster, Pa. Lawyer. Chief Clerk, office of Assessor U. S. Internal Revenue. Died September 25, 1866. John Monteith. Z'.N. Montesano Springs, Kimniswick, Mo. ^ ^ Sec. and Manager Montesano Springs Co. Supt. Public Instruction of Mo., 1870-t. fEuGENE Pope Moore. N.B. Frankfort, Ky. Lawyer since 1859. *'^^ John Morehead. A'. 6. Frankfort, Ky. Lawyer; practised Louisville and Frankfort, Ky., and Richmond, Va. Died near Greenville, Miss., about October 26, 1873. 86 Yale. Sidney Edwards Morse. A.M. New York City. Real Estate Manager. Editor and Proprietor Observer, 1858-73. David Plunket Richardson, J. }'. Angelica, N. Y. Lawyer. U. S. Representative from N. Y., 1879-83. Capt. 6th N. Y. Cav., U. S. A. *i»'i9 Donald Douglas Shaw. A.A. Hamden, N.Y. Lawyer. Member K. Y. Assembly, 1859. Died December 29, 1859. John BuFFiNGTON Stickney. A'. A. St. Augustine, Fla. Lawyer. Capt. 35th Mass. Inf., U. S. A. f George Buckingham St. John. E. T . Norwalk, Conn. Sec. and Treas. Norwalk Gas Light Co., and Tax Collector. 1857- Whittlesey Adams, Warren, Ohio. Insurance Agent. Examiner PubUc Schools, Trumbull Co., 1858-68. Paymaster, U. S. A., 1864. Rev. Augustus Field Beard, D.D. T.P. Syracuse, N. Y. Pastor Plymouth Church. Pi-es. N.Y. State Home Miss. Soc, 1874-82. D.D., Syra- cuse Univ., 1875. Jacob Staats Burnet. P.S. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Joseph Alonzo Christman, LL.B. I.E. Evansburgh, Ky. Lawyer. U. S. Dist. Atty., Cal., 1867; LL.B., Louisville Law School, 1865. Private 6th Ohio'lnf., U. S. A., 1861-2. Discharged for wounds. Clerk, Commissary Dept., 1862-3- Frederic Nathaniel Church. /..V. Philadelphia, Pa. Died October 4, 1859. Rev. Henry Swift De Forest, D.D., Talladega, Ala. Pres. Talladega Coll.; Tutor Beloit Coll., 1858-60; Yale, 1861-3; Trustee Iowa Coll., 1873-80. Chaplain 11th Conn., U'. S. A., 1863-5. D.D., Beloit Coll., 1881. Stephen Decatur Doar, M.D. /;. T. McClellanville, S. C. Asst. Surgeon C. S. A., 1861-5. M.D., Med. Coll. of S. C, 1860. William Emil Doster, LL.B. A.U. Bethlehem, Pa. Lawyer. Lecturer on Law Practice, Lehigh Univ. Register in Bankruptcy, 11th Dist., Pa. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1859. Col. 4th Pa. Cavalry, U.S.A.; Brev. Brig. Gen., 2d Brig., 2d Div., Ai-my of the Potomac. Rev. Solomon Johnson Douglass . 0. . Wjushin.rton D.C. Associate Rector Trinity Church. Lawyer, Buffalo, N. Y., 1865-71. Lieut. Co. \\. 17th Va., C. S. A.; Aid to Brig. Geu. Trimble; Vol. Aid to Adm. -Buchanan, C. S. N. ; Paymaster; Aid to Gen. Wallcer, rank of Capt. D.D., William and Mary Univ., 187fi. *is59 Edward Thurston Fuller. A'. A. IIiintin<(ton, N. Y. Died November 7, 1859. AzARiAH Thomas Galt. /. //. Chicago, 111. T " Lawyer. VoLNEY HiCKOX. .1. 7'. Sprin: Ih-lciia, Montana, 1805-6; Columbia, Mo., 1867. LL.B., Cumberland I'niv., Lebanon, Tenn., 1801. Horace Neid^. V.l. Fort Laramie, W. T. Capt. Co. K 4th Inf., U. S. A.; Lieut., Capt., and Maj. 2d Pa. Reserve, 1861-2; Capt., Mivj., and Lieut. Col., Vet. Rc8. Corps, 1863-4. Appointed to Regular Anny, 1866. Eev. Frederic Alphonso Noble. H'..\. Chicago, 111. Pastor Presbyterian Church St. Paul, Minn., 1862-8 ; Third Presbyterian Church, Pitts- burg, Pa. Chaplain Minn. Senate, 1864-6. D.D., Western Reserve Coll., 18i2. ^i«» Dewees Ogden. E'.n. New York City. Lawyer. Private Richmond Howitzers, C. S. A. Killed, Gettysburg, July 3, 1803. ^'»^» Benjamin Franklin Penny, M.l). H'.Y. Greenville, Miss. M.D., New Orleans Medical School, 1861. Died July 4, 1873. Electus Abija Pratt, LL.B. A.U. Washington, D. C. Clerk Paymaster General's office. LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1863. Private 93d N. Y., 1861-3; Capt. 8th U. S. Colored Inf., until discharged for wounds received at Olustee, JMa., 1864. Henry Andrews Pratt. AS. Gloversville, N. Y. Prin. Gloversville Union School, since 1868. 1st Lieut. 1st Conn. Heavy Art. ; Bvt. Capt., tr. S. A., 1862-5. Channing Richards, LL.B. Glendale, Ohio. Lawyer. U. S. Dist. Atty. Southern Dist. Ohio since 18^7; Asst., 1871-7. LL.B., • Cincinnati Coll., 1859. Private 6th Ohio Inf., 1861; Ist Lieut. 22dOhto Inf., 1862; Capt., 1862-5. Eben Greenough Scott. H' . 6. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Lawyer. Author Commentaries upon the Intestate System of Pennsylvania, etc. Ist Lieut. 5th Art., U. S. A. Member Hist. Soc. of Pa. jHaydn Kellogg Smith. A.d. Marietta, Wis. Bvt. Capt. U. S. Vols. William Henry Steele I.TI. Williamstown, N. Y. Lawyer since 1868. Teacher New Yorli City, 1858-9 ; Camden, X. Y., 1860-1. Prac- tised law Roxbury, N. Y., 1865-7. Member N. Y. Assembly, 18(9-81. Charles Hornblower Woodruff, LL.B. A.T. Ncav York City. Practising law smce 1861. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1861. 1859. Louis Henry Bristol. 0. T. New Haven, Conn. Lawyer. * '*"» Robert John Carpenter. P. }'. New York City. Dealer in Railway Iron and Steel. Died February 2, 1879. fLEONARD Wilkinson Carradine. /:.M. Fayette, Miss. Farmer. Private 9th Miss. Inf., C. 8. A.; Asst. Disbursing Officer, C. S. A., for La. and Misa., 1861-4. 90 Yale. Joseph A1.DKICH Cooper. 77.(9. Edinboro, Pa. Teacher. Kev. George Whitefield Fisher. O.Z. New Haven, Conn. Prof. Latin and English Lit., X. Y. Conference Sem., 1859-61 ; Prof. Ancient Lan., Fort Edward Inst., 1862. Pastor Church of the Forefathers, Saugerties, X. Y., 1865-8; then Peacedale, K. I. Contributor to Providence Join-nal, Congregationalist and Sunday School Times. Member Classical and Philological Soc. of Yale. Edwin Bancroft FooTE, LL.B. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1871. Rev. William Kittrege Hall. A'. T. Newburgh, N. Y. Pastor First Presbyterian Church. Board of Visitors, West Point, 1879 ; Moderator X. Y. Synod, 1878. Chaplain 17th Conn. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. *i862 DioDATE CusHMAN Hj^NXAHS. A.J. New York City. Capt. 6th N. Y. Cav., U. S. A. Killed, Williamsburgh, Va., September 10, 1862. Samuel Slawson Hart WELL. H.(P. Unionville, N. Y. Prin. Family School for Boys. Charles Henry Hatch, LL.B. V.fT. New York City. Lawyer. • LL.B.. Columbia Coll., 1862. Maj. Cav., and Bvt. Col. 3d Provisional N". Y. Cav. and 13th X. Y. Inf., U. S. A. Rev. Elijah Franklin Howe. Newton ville, Mass. Rev. James Mascarene Hubbard. E.I. Boston, Mass. Pastor, Congreg.ational, BrookUne, Mass., 1863-5; Middletown, 1865-8; Grantville, Mass. fHoRATio Chee\t:r Newhall. Z'.X. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. fEDWiN Van Rensselaer Reed. J. T. ]Malden, Mass. Artist. Rev. William Henry Rice. H'.J. Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher New Haven, 1860-1. Pastor Moravian German Mission Church, 1865-7; Moravian Church, York, Pa., 1868-70; Delegate from Am. Mor.nvian Synod to General Moravian Synod, Saxony, 1869. Chaplain 129th Pa. Inf., U. S. A., 1863. fJoHN Wallace Riddle. 0.17. Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. *i87o "VV^ILLIAM Jay Roberts. J.J. New Milford, Conn. Lawyer. Capt. 8th Conn. Inf., U. S. A. Died June 30, 1870. * '''- John Onins Slay. P. d. Chestertown, Md. Lawyer; practised Dover, Del., 1862-4; Chestertown, Md., 1864, till death. Died June 27, 1872. Charles Bohn Slingluff. I.X. Towsontown, Md. Lawyer; practised law, Baltimore, Md., 1860-3 .ind 1865. Member Md. Legislature and Chairman of Committee on Internal Improvements, 1867-8. LL.D., Coll. of Mount St. Mary's, 1879. Member Md. Hist. Soc. Albert Arnold Sprague. H'.B. Chicago, 111. Merchant. 1S62 Yale. 9 1 William Augustus Stiles. E'.U. Deckertown, N. J. ^tna Life Ins. Co., New York City. Joseph Tabor Tatum, LL.B. l.F. St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Member House of HoprcscnUitives, Mo. Assembly, 1873^. let Lieut, and Adj. 2d Mo. Cav., U. S. A. ; Judge Advocate, Provost Court, New Orleans, La. I,L.B., Wasbington Univ., 1866. Member Am. Assoc, for tbe Advancement of Science. Alfred Judd Taylor, LL.B. Z'.A. New York City. La-vyer. LL.B., Albany Law Scbool, 186L Member N. Y. Hist. See, Am. Acad, of Science, Am. Geograpbical Soe., Century Club of New York. John Shelly Weinberger. I.M. Collegeville, Pa. Prof. Latin and Greek, Ursious Coll., Collegeville, Pa., since 1870; Teacher Ancient and Modern Languages, Freeland Sem., Montgomery Co., Pa., 1859-70. Author of various addresses in Reformed Monthly. Rev. Thomas Bucklin Wells. M. T. Minneapolis, Minn. Rector St. Mark's Church. Pres. School Board, Painesville, Ohio, 1874-80. A.M., Yale, 1862; D.D., KenyonColI., 1878. Charles Mortimer Wheeleb. P.P. Canandaigua, N. Y. Lawyer. Capt. 126th N. Y. Inf., U. 8. A. Killed, Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Rev. AsHER Henry Wilcox. I.E. Plainfield, Conn. Pastor Congregational Church at Plainfield since 1876; Preston, Conn., 186.5-72; Westerly, R. I., 1872-76. Tutor Yale, 1863-4. Arthur Burr Wood, LL.B. D.(P. Belfast, Ireland. U. S. Consul; Chief of the Consular Bureau, Department of State, 1870-81. Author Consular Regulations for the Use of the Consular Service. War Agent of the State of N.Y., Washington, 1862-5. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1861. Arthur Williams Wright. Z'.d. New Haven, Conn. Prof. Molecular Physics and Chemistry, Yale, since 1872; Tutor Yale, 1863-8; Prof. Physics and Chemistry, Williams Coll., 1869-72. Fellow R. .\. 8. of Great Britain ; National Acad. Science, U. S. ; N.Y.Acad. Science. Ph.D., 1861. Author of many scientific papers. See Yale Book. i860. George Waterman Arnold. E.I. Centreville, R. I. Sergt. 12th R. I. Inf., U. S. A. Died, Fairfax Sem. Hospital, Va., December 8, 1862. Edwin Randolf Barnes, M.D. N.X. Buffalo, JST. Y. M.D., Columbia Coll., N. Y., 1863. Rev. Henry Elbert Barnes. Haverhill, Mass. Pastor Congregational. Chaplain 72d 111., U. 8. A., one year. Ferdinand Beach, M.D. J..V. New York City. M.D., Yale, 1864. George Lewis Beers, M.D. P.0. Allegheny Pa. Physician and Surgeon. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1865. William Edward Bradley. I.M. New York City. Stoci; Broker. Ist Lieut. 13th Conn. Inf., U. S. A. t Charles Henry Bunce. B'.F. Hartford, Conn. Civil Engineer, New City Hall; City Engineer, Hartford, 1872-3, '76-82. Ph.B., Yale, 1862. Asst. Engineer, U. 8. A., 1863-5. 92 Yale. George Lynde Catlin. 0. 0. Stuttgart, Germany. U.S. Consul. Reporter New Orleans Crescent, 1866-9; Sub-Editor Commercial Ad- vertiser, 1873-8. Consul, La Rochelle, 1878-9; Stuttgart, 1880. Pres. Board Education, Paterson, N. J., 1875-6. Author The Huguenots of La Rochelle. and Natalie Rev. Sergt. 5th N. Y.; Sd and 1st Lieut. 101st N. Y., U.S.A.; Aide-de-Camp in Army of Potomac, 1861-5. *'*^' Henry Champiox, LL.B. N.fJ. Mankato, Minn. Lawyer. Practised New Haven, Conn., 1863-6. Prepared a Catalogue of the Cabinet of Coins Belonging to Yale, 1863. LL.B., Yale, 1803. Died January 30, 1867. Frederic Henry Colton, M.D. H'.A. Brooklyn, X.Y. Demonstrator in Anatomy, Long Island Coll. Hospital, since 1874; Visiting Physician, since 1873; Visiting Physician, St. John's Hospital, since 1878. Act. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1863-5. M.D., Long Island Coll. Hospital, 186i. Lowndes Henry Davis, LL.B. A.ii. Jackson, Mo. Farmer. U. S. Representative from Mo., 1879-83; State Atty., 10th Judicial Dist., 1869-73. Member Mo. Constitutional Convention of 1875 ; Member General Assembly, Mo., 1877-8. LL.B., Louisville Law School, 1863. Rev. Samuel Dunham. M.P. Binghamton, N.Y. Pastor West Presbyterian Church. Commissioner Auburn Theo. Sem. since 1880; Trustee Binghamton Presbytery since 1881. Author of An Historical Discourse at Brook- field, Mass., October 16, 1867, on the 150th Anniversary of the First Church. Rev. Edward Brown Furbish. E.6. Lockport, N.Y. Pastor First Congregational Church since 1879. Pastor New Hartford, N. Y., and Potsdam, 1865-80. Chaplain 2oth Me. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. Rev. George Hermon Griffin, E'.P. Milford, Conn. Pastor Congregational Church. Author From New .York to Jerusalem, and numerous articles in religious journals. Member Numismatic and Archaeological Soc, Philadelphia. Rev. Lucius Hopkins Higgins. O.F. Huntington, Conn. Congregational Pastor. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1863. *'**" Rev. William Curtis Johnston. E'.A. Greensburgli, Ky. Chaplain 13th Ky. Inf., U. 8. A. Died December 3, 1862. *'^ SiDMON Thorne Kjsese, LL.B. 0.0. Jersey City, N.J. Practised law, NewYork City, 1862-71 ; Judge Ist District Police Court, Jersey City, N. J., 1871-7 ; practised law, Jersey City, 1877-80. Commissioner of Assessments, Bergen, N. J., 1869-70. L.L.B., Columbia "Coll., 1862. Died April 3, 1880. Rev. Oliver Addison Kingsbury. J.N. Jersey City, N. J. Editorial Writer for Am. Tract Soc. ; Preacher to supply vacancies ; Editorial Writer tor Illustrated Christian Weekly since 1873; American Messenger, 1874; Child's Paper, 1875. Author of several tracts, sermons and papers. Orlando Leach. A 2'. Brooklyn, N.Y. Bookseller, New York City. William Pennington, LL.B. 11.6. Paterson, N. J. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1863. *^^ Rev. James Henry Schneider. A'.B. Bridgewater, Mass. Teacher State Normal School, 1863. Lieut, and Chaplain 2d U. S. Inf. Died of yellow fever. Key West, Fla., April 25, 1864. , Henry Ward Siglar. A'. P. Newburgh, N. Y. Prin. Newburgh Institute. Author of Progressive English Exercises in Analysis, Composition and Spelling, by the Use of Symbols, 1874. 93 Yale. Samuel Reed Warren, //^i'. Wnsliington, I). C. Statistician U. 8. Census Bureau. 1861. "'■'fRev. John Wait I^arton. (Kll. Stratford, Conn. Oongresationalist. Autlior 8al)batli School Work in I'a., and The Future of Pa. Died on the '-ars between Norwalk and Bridgeport, November 21, 1866. George Bernard Bonney. I\M. New York City. Lawyer. Private 10th R. I. Inf., U. S. A., 1862. Franklin Seytmour Bradley. A.Ii. New Haven, Conn. Pres. Yale National Bank. Hubert Sanford Brown. T.F. Philadelphia, Pa. One of the Proprietors Continental Hotel. Capt. and A. A. G.: Corps A. G • Mai and Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. A., 1865-6. > J- ^ William Bardwell Clark. I.S'. Granby, Mass. Private and non-com. officer 34th Mass. Inf., V. 8. A., 1862-4; Capt. U. S. Colored Troops. Killed in battle, October 27, 1864. Ebenezer Buckingham Convers, LL.B. Z.E. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1866. MouLTON De Forest. OjIK Wetmore, Kan. Farmer. Q. M. Sergt., Ist. Lieut, and Capt. 18th Wis. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-5. George Delp. F/.P. Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. Private Pa. Militia, called out to meet Lee's Invasion, 1864. Henry Rees Durfee, LL.B. E.A. Palmyra, N. Y. Member N. Y. State Assembly, 1871. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1864. David William Eaves. J.Ii. Leavenworth, Kan. Manufacturer. J.U.D., Heidelberg Univ., 1864. Rev. Clarence Eddy. N.FI. Saint Clair, Mich. Pastor First Congregational Church since 1881; Cornwall, N. J., 1864-9; Newark, N. J 1869-75;Troy,N. Y., 1875-80. Grad. Princeton Theo. Sem., 1864. Joseph Nelson Flint. O.A. Virginia City, Neb. Teacher. Author of History of Ist N. Y. Dragoons, 1865. Private ISOtli N. Y. Vols., which became 1st N. Y. Dragoons; 2d and 1st Lieut., Bvt. Capt. 1st N. Y. Draeoous U. 8. A., 1862-5. < fGEORGE Brett Goodall. O.B. Oakland, Cal. Teacher State Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, Oakland. t Samuel Whittemore Hitchcock. Z'.J. Nice, France. Resided abroad since 1864. James Nevins Hyde, M.I). V.2'. Chicago, 111. Prof. Dermatology Rush Medical Coll., and Kditor Chicago .l/cf7. Journal and Exam- hier. M.D., ad eundem, Hush Medical Coll. Asst. Burgeon, U. 8. N., 1863-8. Henry Norton Johnson. H'. T. New Haven, Conn. Teacher. Prin. Hopkins Grammar School, 1864-73. 94 Yale. Frederick (Rowland) Jones. A.J. New York City. Manufacturer, New York City Roller Flour Mills. John Coddington Kixxey. F. T. Hartford, Conn. Journalist, editorial staff Hartford, Conn., Courcuit, since 1872; Walerbury, Conn., American, 1868-71; X. Y. Tribune, 1871-2. Private, 2d and 1st Lieut. 13th Conn. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4; Signal Officer, Admiral Farragut's Fleet, 1864-5. Harvey Sheldon Kitchel. P.P. Bethlehem, Pa. Lehigh Valley R.R. Co., since 1866. *^^f Henry S.aiith Merchant, LL.B. E.Fl. Xassau, N. Y. Lawyer. A.B., 1863. LL.B., Alb.inv Law School, 186-5. Q. M. Dept., Arinv of the Tennessee, U. S. A., 1865. Died February 9, 1867. Rev. Nathan Tibbals Merwin. N.A. Trumbull, Conn. Pastor, Congregational, since 1865. Grad. Yale Divinity School, 1864. Tracy Peck, Jr. 77. J. New Haven, Conn. Prof. Latin, Yale, since 1881; Tutor Yale, 1864-7 and 1869-70; Prof. Latin, Cornell Univ., 1871-80. Author Latin Pronunciation Practically Considered, Proc. Univ. Convoc, N. Y., 1875; The Authorship of the Dialogue De Oratoribus. Proc. Am. Phllol. Soc, 1879. f Henry McClure Post. E.P. St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer, practising since admission, 1862. A.B., ill. Coll., 1861. *^*^ James Pepper Pratt. E.X. Logansport, Ind. Private 19th Inf. ; 2d and 1st Lieut, and Adj. 11th Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. Killed in battle. Hanovertown, Va., May 29, 1864. *^^^ Charles Robinson. A. P. Beaufort, S. C. Studied medicine, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1861-4; Cotton Planter, 1864-9. Died November Francis Ritter Scioiucker. N.X. Reading, Pa. Lawyer. 1st Lieut, and Capl. 128th Pa. Inf , U. S. A., 1862-3; Adj. and Capt. 42d Pa. Militia, 1863. WiNTHROP Dudley Sheldon. FI.A. Colorado Springs, Col. Prof. Latin and Greek, Col. Coll., since 1876 : Prin. Preparatory Dept. Western Reserve Coll., 1869-73. Author of The Twenty-Seventh, a Regiraentaf History, 1S66. S.T.B., Yale, 1868. Private, 2d Lieut. 27th Conn. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. *^*^ Gilbert Miles Stocking. F.S. Waterbury, Conn. Prin. Schools at Lyme, Conn., and Miller's Plains, N. Y. Private 20th Conn. Inf.. U. S. A., 1863-5, in Jefferson Barracks Hospital. Died January 25, 1865. George Makepeace Towle, LL.B. £'. }'. Boston, Mass. Author and Lecturer. U. S. Consul at Xantes, France, and Bradford, Eng., 1866-9. Managing Editor, Boston, Mass., Commercial Bulletin, 1870; Foreign Editor Boston Post. Author of Glimpses of History, 1865; History of Henry V. of England, 1866; American Society, London, 1869 ; Heroes of History (series), Vasco de Gania, Pizarro, Magellan, Marco Polo; Beaconsfield (Handy Volume series); Modern France (Half Hour series) ; Certain Men of Mark; Modern Greece; Roumania and Servia; Bulgaria and Mon- tenegro : Editor of Harvey's Reminiscences of Daniel Webster ; Translator of Gaboriau's Mystery of Orcival; Violet-le-Duc's Story of a House: Jules Verne's Tour of the World in Eighty Days, Doctor Ox, Wreck of the Chancellor. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1863. Ralph Olmstead Williams. O.Z. New Haven, Conn. Admitted X. Y. Bar,lS65. Firm of Holt & Williams, Publishers, X.Y., 1871-3. Teacher in Cal., 1873-80. Private 7th Del. Inf., U. S. A., 1864. Yale. 95 Rev. Theodoke Stkpiien Wynkooi'. A. . Washington, D. C. Pastor Western Presbyterian Church since 1878; Huntington, L.I. ,1864-8. Missionary Presbyterian Board in India, 1869-77. Grad. Princeton Theo. Sera., 1864. 1862. Aebekt Egekton Adams. B.d. Davenport, Iowa. Hardware Merchant since 1865. Capt. 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifles, U. 8. A. " Ika Rush Alexander. UP. Lewiston, Pa. Capt. Co. M 16th Pa. Cav., U. S. A. Killed, Mine Itun, Va., November 29, 1863. John Wesley Alling. E.E. New Haven, Conn, Lawyer. City Atty., New Haven, 1871-3. George Miller Beard, M.D. P.Z. New York City. Author of Nervous Exhaustion, 1880; American Nervousness, 1881; Sea Sicliness, 1881 ; and other numerous worlis on hygiene and nervous diseases. Contributor to North American Revieio, Popular Science Monthly and Atlantic Monthly. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1866. Member Am. Acad, of Medicine, N. Y. Acad, of Medicine, N. Y. Acad, of Science, Am. Neurological Assoc, N. Y. Neurological Soc. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N., 1863-5. Rev. James Balloch Chase. H'.I\ Cherokee, Iowa. Pastor, Congregational. Grad. Yale Theo. Sera. Prof. German, Congregational Theo. Sem., Crete, Neb., two years. Rev. Heman Packard DeForest. M.I. Taunton, Mass. Pastor, Congregational. Author The Cultivation of Conscience, 1878 ; Sketch of History of Westboro', Mass., in History of Worcester Co., 1879; The Duty of Church Members to the Regular Meetings of the Church. t John Palmer Ellis, LL.B. /. ¥. St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. LL.B., Yale, 1863. Charles Wright Ely. P.N. Frederick City, Md. Prin. Maryland School for Deaf and Dumb; Teacher Ohio Institute Deaf and Dumb. 1863-70. 2d Lieut. 27th Conn. Inf., U. S. A., nine months. t Joseph Lybrand Ferrell. II. li.. Germantown, Pa. Hydraulic Engineer. A. A. Paymaster, U. S. N., 1864-5. Rev. Elliot Chapin Hall. A'..V. Jamestown, N. Y. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1865. Administrator Estate of William Hall. John Wesley Johnson. I.U. Eugene City, Oreg. Prin. High School; High School, Portland, Oreg., 1869-72. Henry Phelps Johnston. N. F. New York City. Instructor History, Coll. of the City of New York. Author Campaign of 1776 ; Around New York and Brooklyn, 1878; Obsei-vations on Judge Jones' Loyalist; History of the Am. Revolution, 1880; The Yorktow-n Campaign and the Surrender of Cornwallis, 1881. Lieut. 15th Conn. Inf., U. S. A.; Acting Signal Oflieer and Aid-de-camp to (ion. W. B. Hazen. ' Albert Francis Judd, LL.B. II'. P. Ilonohihi, Hawaiian Islands. First Associate Judge Supreme Court, Hawaiian Islands, and Atty. Gen. of the Kingdom, since 1874. Practised law, 1864-73. Trustee of Oahu Coll., Honolulu. Author of Honolulu; edited 3d vol. Reports. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1864. Grand OflScer of the Royal Order of Kalakaua. 96 Yale. Charles Nichols Judson, LL.B. J.//. A'. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1864. Hiram Hollister Kimpton, LL.B. .V.0. Ticonderoffa, N.Y. Banker, New York City. LL.B., Yale, 1864. Harrison Maltzbekger, LL.B. /. W. Reading, Pa. LL.B., Hai-vard Univ., 1864. Capt. 196th Pa. Inf., U. S. A., 18S4. Register in Bank- ruptcy for 8th Dist., Pa., since 1867. Marion Francis Mulkey. 0. F. Portland, Oreg. Lawyer. Dist. Atty., 1866-8 ; Corporation Atty., 1872-4. Joseph Fitz Randolph. 77. T. Morristown, N. J. Lawyer, Jersey City. Editor Am. edition Yarman on Wills. *^^- Francis Norton Sterling. P.A. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1st Lieut. Co. D 12Sth N. Y. Inf., U. S. A. Died on board ship Arago, off Hampton Roads, December 6, 1862. *^«^^ Edward Collins Stone. P.Z. Hartford, Conn. Teacher Ohio Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, Columbus, Ohio, 1862^ ; Am. Asylum, Hartford, Conn., 1864-8; Prin. Wis. Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, Delavan, Wis., 1868-71; Prin. Am. Asylum, Hartford, Conn., 1871, till death. Died December 21, 1878. *^*''' Henry Wolcott Thayer. N.H. Newark, N. J. Planter. Ist Lieut. 2d Veteran Cav.,U. S. A. Registrar, Sabine Parish, La. Died August 16, 1867. Rev. Thomas Gairdner Thurston. T. A . Taylorsville, N. C. Preached since 1878. Albion, 111., 1855-6; Wailuku Mani, Hawaiian Islands, 1866-8; Grass Valley, Cal., 1867-72. B.D., Union Theo. Sem., 1865. Levi Penfield Treadwell. H'.M. Danbmy, Conn. Insurance Agent. Sec. and Treas. Union Savings Bank of Danbury. Town Treas., 1878-81 ; Warden of the Borough, 1880-1. Member Board of Education, 1872-5. Pierce Noble Welch. I.Z. New Haven, Conn. Treasurer New Haven Rolling Mill Co., since 1871. Banker, 1865-6 ; Wholesale Grocer, New York City, 1867-70. 1863. Rev. Egbert Byron Bingham. PAL Rockville, Conn. Pastor, since 1871. Tutor Yale, 1866-8. Rev. Erastus Blakeslee. V.L Greenfield, Mass. Pastor Second Congi-egational Church. Member Newton School Board, 1872t<5. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1879. Ist Conn. Cav., U. 8. A., 1861-4, serving in every grade from 2d Lieut, to Col.; Brig. Gen. Bvt., June 1, 1864. Charles Carroll Blatchley. I. H. New Haven, Conn. Lawyer and Real Estate Agent, since 1865. Teacher, Hogansport, N. Y., 1865. *'*^^ Harvey Harris Bloom. I.E. Norwich, N. Y. Ist Lieut. 5th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-2. Died March 18, 1864. Edward MuNsoN Booth. P.P. Chicago, 111. Instructor in Elocution; Prof. Elocution Chicago Theo. Sem., 1865. Yale. 97 Kev. Horace Bumstead, D.I). /.A. Atlanta, Ga. I'l-of. T.atiii anil N;it Sc'icnpc, Atlanta Univ. since 187r). Pastor Second OongreKalional <'lnii(li, Miniicapoli-. Minn., !-<;■.' '.. Autlior Tile Biblical Sanction for Wiuc, 1881. and itianv ailklcs in (hi.:,-., ,\.i, , ,, , , etc. D.I)., Univ. of the Oity of New York, 1881. \faj. 4:M (■. S. Cdlorod -l-nM,!,., ImU^.,. '"■''fJoiiN Marshall Eldrioge. A. A". Jersey City, N. J. Translator and Cotltributor to a German nc\vsi)aii(r. Died February 26, 1865. Horace Webster Fowler, LL.I). /'.'/. New York (vity. Lawyer. LL.B.. Columbia T'niv., 186^. rapt, and I5vt. Lieut. Col. 16th N. Y. Art., 1863-5. Kev. Cyrus West Fraxcis. Z'.]. Atlanta, Ga. Librarian and Prof. Ethics and Christian Doctrine in Atlanta Univ. Pastor of the ( 'hurch of Christ. S.T.B., Yale, lSf.7. Edward Brodie Glasgow. I'Jp. Worc-ester, Mass. Lawyer since 1878. Instructor Mathematics Pa. Military Acid. ; Eagleswood Military Acad., Perth Amboy, N. J. : Highland Military Acad., Worcester, Mass. "*^* Rev. Howard Kingsbury. /'.J. Amherst, Mass. Pastor Second Presbyterian Church, Newark, O., 1871-7 ; First Cong. Church, Airiher.-it, 1877-8. Prepared New Songs of Zion, Happy Voices, Echo to Happy Voices, .and Happ) Hours. Died September 28, 1878. D WIGHT Marcy. E'.li. Eockville, Conn. Lawyer. State Atty., Tolland Co., 1867 ; Asst. Clerk, 1867, Clerk, 1868, Conn. House of Representatives. James Buchanan Mitchell. K.E. Los Angeles, ('al. Heal Estate Agent since 1875. Teacher, Stratford, Conn., 1864-70. "*^"tFRiAH Nelson Parmlee. LP. Gnilford, Cojin. Capt. Co. 1 1st Conn. Cav., TT. S. A. Killed, Five Forks, N. C, April 1, 1865. John Hyde Peck. N.U. New Britain, Conn. Teacher. Pres. Conn. State Teachers' Assoc; Prin. Milford Acad., 18f)3-5; New Britain High School, 1865. Alderman, 1878-9. Charles Stuart Sheldon, M.D. A'.H. Greenville, Midi. Counsellor Detroit Med. Coll. M. D., Buffalo, 1867; Columbia Coll., 1868. "^" Walter Hebert Smyth. A.d. Guilford, Conn. Died, Fairfield, Iowa, November 27, 1863. Rev. Charles Edward SuiMNER. H'.(1>. Spencer, Mass. Prin. Walton, N. Y., Acad., 1864-7. Pastor Lincoln Park Church, Chicago, 111., 1871-5 : Cong. Church, Lancaster, N. H., 1878-81. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1870. fMoSES Hubbard Tuttle. E.\. Carrollton, Miss. Cotton Planter. Private and Sergt. 49th Mass. Inf.; Lieut. Col., U. S. C. T., 1861-5. Edmund Asa Ware. B'W. Atlanta, Ga. Pres. Atlanta Univ., since 1869. Rev. Henry Barzillai Wateilman, LL.B. /.J. Clear Lake, Iowa. Pastor Baptist Church. 1J..B., I'niv. of Chicago, 1865. Grad. Newton Theo Seni.. 1869. Private 134th 111. Inf., U. S. A., and Aid-de-camp to Gov. Yates, St. Louis, Mo. 7 )8 ■ Yale. Rev. CoRTLANDT WHITEHEAD. 0. T. Pittsburg, Pa. Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Pittsburg since 1881. Formerly Rector Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, Pa. Trustee Lehigh Univ. ; Bishopthorpe School ; Diocesan Military School of Pennsylvania ; General Theo. Sem. D.D., Union Coll., 1880. 1864. ^*^-|- Willi A3I Morris Austin, M.D. A'.FI. Camp Concordia, Tex. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., 1865-8. Died at Camp Concordia, May 9, 1868. Edward Wells Bell, LL.B. A'.K. Brooklyn, X. Y. Lawyer, New York City, since 1870. Teaching, 1864-70. LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1870. Rev. George Whitefield Benjamin, S.T.B. O.P. New Haven, Conn. Teacher and Merchant, 1864-7. Preacher, English Chapel, Lucerne, Switzerland, 1874; Pastor at Huntington, Conn., 1875 ; Preaching at Lucerne, 1875-6 ; Asst. Chaplain St. Paul's Am. Church, Rome, Italy, 1877; Roman Catholic Priest, 1879. M.D., Yale, 1869; S.T.B. , Yale, 1874. ^*^" Charles Edward Booth. A'.M. New York City. Merchant, New York City, 1863-70. Left college early in Senior Year; received Bac- calaureate Degree in 1866, dating from 1864. Died New York City, September 18, 1870. Peter Rouse Cortelyou, M.D. B'.d. Marietta, Ga. Planter since 1879. Physician in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1868-75. Invalid, 1875-9. M.D.. Bellevue Hospital Medical Coll., 1868. 1866 XlMOTHY FaRRAR CrANE. Railway business, 1864-6. Killed by an accident at Southbridge, November 19, 1866. Samuel Carter Darling, LL.B. }'. T. Somerville, Mass. Lawyer, Boston, Mass., since 1867; practised, New York City, 1866-7; City Solicitor, Somei-ville, since 1876. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1866. Orson Gregory Dibble, M.D. 1. 0. Pompey Hill, X. Y. Physician, Pompey Hill, sipce 1870. M.D., Univ. of N. Y., 1869. Charles Dana Townsend Gibson, M.D. 7''..V. Brooklyn, N. Y. Fire Insurance Broker, New York City. Physician at Sandusky, Ohio, several years, from 1869. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1868. Edmund Trowbridge Hastings Gibson. Z'. W. New York City. Clerk, since 1874, of 111. Central R.R. Co., New York City. Member N. Y. Stock Exchange, 1868-72. Rev. Lewis Gregory. LA. Lincoln, Neb. Pastor Congregational Church, Lincoln, since 1876; West Amesbury, Mass., 186S-76. Timothy Miller Griffing, LL.B. F/.P. Riverhead, N. Y. Lawyer at Riverhead since 1876; at Patchogue, N. Y., 1866-76. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1866. George Nicholas Hitchcock, LL.B. 0. J. SanDiego, Cal. County Superintendent of Schools, San Diego; Sec. San Diego Lyceum of Sciencee. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1867. Yale. 99 Daniel Juixson Holden, LL.B. I.X. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1866. Thomas Hooker, LL.B. 2'. 7'. New York City. Lawyer. David Gilberi Lapiiam. ./.A'. Canandaigua, N. Y. Lawyer. George Frederick Lewis, M.D. A'. II. Bridgeport, Conn. Sec. and Treas. Bridgeport Hospital. M.D., Yale, 18C6. David Brainerd Lyman, LL.B. P.M. La Grange, 111. Lawyer, Chicago. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1866. Stephen Condit Pierson. I.E'. Meriden, Conn. Civil Engineer. City Surveyor of Meriden, 1808-74, 1878-81 ; Fire Marshal of Meriden. Member Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers. Charles Greene Rockwood, Jr. I.E. Princeton, N. J. Prof. Mathematics, Coll. New Jersey, since 1877. Teacher in New York City, 1866-8- Prof. Mathematics and Natural Philosophv. Howdoin Coll., 1808-73; Prof. Mathe- matics and Astronomy, Rutgers Coll., 1873-7. Author of ISlotion of a Brick Tower by Solar Heat, Am. Ass. Proceedings, Vol. xx.; Ten Papers on American Earthquakes, American Journal of Science and Arts. Ph.D., Yale, 1866; Fellow Am. Ass. for Adv. of Sci.; Member Am. Meteorological Soc, and its Sec, 1873-6. Thomas Edward Satterthwaite, M.D. B'.S. New York City. Physician. Surgeon in Franco-Prussian war, being decorated with the Iron Cross of Prussia, 1872. Pathologist to St. Luke's and Presbyterian hospitals of New York City; Author of BncUria, 3fedical Record, 1875; Structure of Connective Substances, Medical Jo2irnal,lS~6; Evidence Concerning Disease Germs, International Medical Congress, 1876; Contributions to the Literature of Comparative Medicine, Archives of Comparative Medi- cine 1880-1- Rabies and Hydrophobia, Trichinosis and Intestinal Parasites, Am. Supple- ment to Ziemssen's Encyclopfedia; Observations on One Hundred Cases of Carcinoma; A Manual of Histology, and many other papers. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1S67; Delegate to International Medical Congress, London, 1881; Pres. Pathological Soc, N.Y., 1881. ■j-Edward Humphrey Semple. J.Ii. St: Louis, Mo. Importer of Cutlery, St. Louis. Entered coll., 1862 ; left from ill health, same year. John William Sterling, LL.B. V.i:. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1867. fHENRY Mandeville Still^, M.D. P..1. Sabinas, Mexico. Physician. A. A. Surgeon U. S. A., from Cbattanoog.i to Atl.auta and back to Nash- ville. Left college 1S62. Clarence Lincoln Westcott. ./. T. White Plains, N.Y. Lawyer, New York City. Eev. Charles Mills Whittelsey. LP. Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Invalid since 1879. Preached at New Berlin, Utica, and Speneerport, N. Y., 1867-79. Author of Sermons, Fellowship with Christ, Gospel Work, and Gospel Truth. Am. Tract Boc, 1876. Rev. Edward Moore Williams. P.N. Minneapolis, Minn. Pastor since 1876; at Austin, Minn., 1869-71; Faribault, Minn., 1871-3; First Con- gregational Church, Minneapolis, 1875-81. loo Yale. fGERARDUS H11.LES Wynkoop, M.D. F/.A. New York City. Physician. Prof. Phvsiolosfv, Woman's Medical Coll., N.T.,1868; Prof. Surgery, 1878; Attending Surgeon,' St. Luke's Hospital, 1877. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1866. Mem- ber Pathological Soc of N. Y. School Trustee, 1878-81. 1865. * ^^ Charles Douglas Anthony. /-'. E. Gouverneur, N. Y. Died September 3, 1865. Arthur Arnold Barroavs, M.D. B.0. New York City. Teacher in Grammar School, 1858. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1870. JosiAH Hooker Bissell, LL.B. A'. J. Chicago, 111. OiEcial Reporter U. S. Court, 7th Circuit. Author Bissell's Reports (Vols, i.-vii.). Lieut. Engineers, Army of the Tennessee, one year. Rev. Thomas Jefferson Browtst. H'.H. Utica, N. Y. Pastor Westminster Presbyterian Church since 1871. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1868. D.D., Hamilton Coll., 1880. *''^ TUZAR BULKLEY. P.M. Catskill, N. Y. Lawyer. Died Noyember 28, 1867. Simeon Baldwin Chittenden, LL.B. I.N, Brooklvn, N. Y. Lawyer, firm of Chittenden & Fiero, New York. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1868. Henry Churchill. E.K. Herkimer, N. Y. Paper Manufacturer. Member Board of Education. Everett Howard Converse. P.E. Brooklyn, N. Y. Dry Goods Commission Merchant, New York City. Eev. John Lewis Ewell. E.P. Millbiiry, Mass. Foi-merly Prof. Latin, Washington Univ., St. Louis. Corp. 60th Mass., U. 8. A., 1864 f William Lee Forsyth. P.X. Pittsburg, Pa. : . Manufacturer, Eagle Cotton Mills, Allegheny, Pa. Lyivian DeHuff Gilbert. D'.F. Hanisburg, Pa. Lawyer. Deputy Atty. Gen. of Pa., 1873. James Glynn Gregory, M.D. M.N. Norwalk, Conn. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1S68. Cyrus Austin Lel AND. P.X. El Dorado, Kan. Lawyer. Charles Henry Leonard, M.D. H'. T. Providence, R.I. M.D., Columbia Coll, 1868. Private Co. A 48th Mass., U. 8. A., 1862. *\m Henry Clay McCreary. E'.A. Sacramento, Cal. Lawyer. Member Board of Education ; Pres. Sacramento Library. Died November 10, 1869. Rev. Allan McLean. A.E. Litchfield, Conn. Pastor First Congregational Church, Litchfield; Grove St. Congregational Church, Eost Orange, N. J., 1868-74. Grad. Yale Theo. Sem., 1868. Yah. I o I Ei)WAi{D Augustus Sak.miilnto Man, LL.l}. I '.I*. Bergen Point, N. J. Lawyer, Now York City; City Ally., Bayonne, N. J., three yearn. LL.13., Univ. of I>a., ]S67. Payson Merkill, LL.B. /.J. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., ISOS. I'rivato GOth Mass., U. S. A., four inontliH, in 1S61, stutioned at Indianapolis. Michael Taylor Xewhold, LL.I). M.E. Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. LL.B., Alb.any Law School, 1808. James Sager Norton. M.l\ Chicago, 111. Lawyer, Chicago. Stacy Biddle Shreve. TJ). Jobstown, N. J. Farmer. Charles Henry Smith. B'.V. Brunswick, ]VIe. Prof. Mathematics, Bowdoin Coll., since 1873. Tutor Yale, 2 years. «i875 ^y^LTER Buchanan Smith. P.L Philadelphia, Pa. Analytical Chemist. William Stocking. P.cJ>. Detroit, Mich. Chief Editor Po.suse of Representa- tives, 1868; Clerk Coun. House, 1869-70; Clerk Senate, 1871; Clerk Hartford City Court, 1871-4. I02 Yale. William Hexry Bennett, LL.B. B.I. Sterling, 111. Lawyer. Mayor of Sterling. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1868. Rev. Marcellus Bowen. E.II. Smyrna, Turkey- Missionary A. B. C. F. M. fALBERTsoN Case, LL.B. P.\. Southolcl, N. Y. Lawyer. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1866; LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1868. Edward Alexis Caswell. P. A. New York City. Metal Broker. Sherman Hartwell Chapman, M.D. A. 77. New Haven, Conn. Lecturer Diseases Throat and Ear, Tale. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1869. *i876 (Charles Converse Chatfield. A.X. Boston, Mass. Editor College Co?/rnn^ New Haven, until 1875; Publisher A'eic England Journal of Education, Boston. Died August 22, 1876. Hamilton Cole. I.E. New York City. Lawyer. Charles Aaery Collin. B.V. Elmira, N. Y. Lawyer. Teacher, Norwich, Conn., several years. James HE^^-LETT Cornwall. I. T. Patterson, N. Y. Farmer; sometime Broker, New York City. James Lewis Coa^xes. J'.M. Farmington, Conn. Farmer and Manufacturer. John Kennedy Creevey. F'. P. New York City. Lawyer. Teacher Mt. Auburn Institute, Cincinnati, several years. Frederick Nevins Dodge, LL.B. B'. T. Plainfield,N. J. Glue Manufacturer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1868. Eev. Ferdinand Van Deveer Garretson. A'.T. Bos- cawen, N. H. Employed by American Sunday School Union in Italy, 1869; for a time Foreign Sec. of the Union. *i88o Edwin Curtiss Gormly. E.X. London, Eng. Agent for Westinghouse Air Brake Compan v at Liverpool and London. Dit-d February 8, 1880. Rev. James Taylor Graves. Y. W. Marshall, 111. Corp. 52d Mass., U. 8. A., one year. John Manning Hall, LL.B. M.A. Willimantic, Conn. Lawyer. Member Conn. House of Representatives, 1870-2, ISSl. fCHARLES Cornelius Heisler. A.E. Philadelphia, Pa. Tobacco Commission Merchant. *^«^2tE6BERT DusHANE Heisler. P.¥. Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant, with his brother. Died November 29, 1872. Yale. 103 Rev. Edwaki) Young Hincks. I'.N. Andover, Mass. (?rad. Andover Tlieo. Sem., 1870. Pastor, until recently, State Street ("ongregalioiial Church, Portlaud, Me. fCnAKLES BuLKLEY Jennings. A. T. New London, Conn. Prin. Coit Street Grammar School. Frederick Newton Judson, LL.B. A'.J. St. Louis, Mo. Pres. Board of Education; Teacher Hopkine Grammar School, New Haven, 1867; Prof. Greek, Nashville Univ., 1870. Private Sec. to Gratz Brown, 1871. LL.B., Wash. Univ., 1871. Rev. Lewis Lampman. r.l\ Jamaica, N. Y. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Leslie Lewis. E.y. Hyde Park, Chicago, 111. Teacher; Supt. of Schools, Hyde Park, 1876. Thomas Edwin ]\IcKinlay. ./.J. Ottawa, 111. Lawyer and Real Estate Agent. Rev. Isaac Pierson. A'.T. Tli-cho, China. Missionary, A. B. C. F. M., Pekin. Abner Post, M.D. li.N. Boston, Mass. Asst. Surgeon U. 8. Marine Hospital, Chelsea, Mass., 1872. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1870. Darius Parmalee Sackett. U'.A. Oakland, Cal. Prin. Sackett School; Teacher, Genesee, N. Y., Acad., 1868; Prin., Leicester, Mass., Acad., 1869; Female Coll. of the Pacific, Oakland, 1872. Admitted at the Hudson Chapter. Samuel Benedict St. John, M.D. ly.fJ. Hartford, Conn. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1870; House Surgeon, Bellevue Hospital, 1870; Asst. Demon- strator Anatomy, Columbia, 1871-2. *i868 i^ichard Edward Smyth. P.P. Guilford, Conn. Teacher. Died December 17, 1868. Frederick Stanley Thompson. J. '/. Mystic Bridge. Conn. Prin. High School; Teacher, since 1868, at Needham, Mass.; Mendham, N. J., 1869; Guilford, Conn., 1870-1 ; Lyme, Conn., 1872. *"^'' Rev. Henry Otis Whitney. N.fT. Elko, Nev. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1869. Died in service of Presbyterian Board of Home Mis- sions, Elko, March 1, 1870. 1867. Cornelius Lansing Allen, Jr., LL.B. A'. T. Salem, N. Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1869. James Monroe Allen. f!.0. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer, in Cal. since 1874; Aurora, 111., 1867-70; Carthage, Mo., 1870-4; Judge San Francisco Superior Court since 1880. Frank Lee Baldwin, f^.A. Massillon, Ohio. Lawyer. f Casper Shrom Bigler. A'. A'. Ilarrisburg, Pa. Lawyer. I04 Yah. George Cotton Bkaixerd, LL.B. ./'.. New HaYen, Conn. Demonstrator in Anatomy, Yale Medical School since 1877. M.D., Yale, 1872. Charles AuEELius Hlt^l. B'.E. Brooklyn, N.Y. Sec. Howard Fire Insurance Co., New York. Ely Israel Hutchinson. A. T. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. *"«i Beverly Jones. Y.W. Pittsburg, Pa. Lawyer. Died March 29, 1881. William Henry Lawrence Lee, LL.B. A'.O. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1871. George Stanley Sedgwick. I\A. Imington, N.Y. Lawyer, New York City. Rev. Arthur Shirley. B.-. Portland, Me. HJENRY Taylor Terry". A. A. Tokio, Japan. Lawyer, Saruga Dai, Tokio. Prof. Jurisprudence, Univ. of Tokio, since 1876. Prac- tised law and was Justice of the Peace, Hartford, Conn., 1875-6. Author of First Princi- ples of Law, Tokio, 1878, and an article in the Xew Englander, October, 1874, entitled, A Substitute for the Caucus. John Hendrick Traynham. O.F. Austin, Tex. U.S. Marshal, Eastern Dist. of Texas, since 1878; Western Dist., 1S75-8. Edward Tinker Waite, LL.B. P. A. Toledo, Ohio. Lawyer. LL.B., Michigan Univ., 1871. 1870. Frederick Allis, LL.B. A. P. St. Paul, Minn. ■ Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1872. William Jajies Betts. Z. T. Stamford, Conn. Publisher. Prin. Betts' Military Acad., ten years. fWiLLiAM Eights Burton. F.T. Waterford, N.Y. Manufacturing, Veneering and Sawing. Zachary Taylor Carpenter, LL.B. F.A. Washington, D.C. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbian Univ., Washington, 1872. Clerk in State Department, Conn., 1870; Treasury Department, Washington, 1871-5. Yale. 1 09 fCHARLES NoYES Chadwick. V.K. Brooklyn, N. Y. Commission Merchant, firm of Banning, Chadwick & Co., New York City. Joshua Milton Fiero. K.A. New York City. Lawyer. . Daniel Jones Griffith. E.l. New York City. Initiated in the Class of 1869. Manufacturer of Beer. fCHARLES Mercer Heald. V. fl. New York City. Gen. Traffic Manager, I>ong Island R.R., Long Island City. George Walker Jenkins. E.FI. Boonton, N. J. Lawyer, Morrlstowu, N. J. Clerk of the New Jersey State Senate, 1871-4. Frank Fanning Jewett. A.0. Oberlin, Ohio. Prof. Chemistry and Mineralogy, Oberlin Coll.; Prof. Chemistry, Imperial Univ., Tokio, Japan, 1877-80. f Frederick Augustus Keep. F.A. RockEapids, Iowa. Lawyer. Clerk Dist. and Circuit County Courts, 1876-81. Philip Lindsley. F.A. New York. Editorial Staflf of the Tribune. f Algernon Sidney Logan. F.A. Philadelphia, Pa. Henry Elisha Martin. F.A. Menominee, Mich. Lumber Merchant. Samuel Roseburgh Morrow, M.D. O.A. Albany, N. Y. Physician. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1878. Tutor Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, 1870-3; Tutor Yale, 1873-6. John IIeed Nicholson, LL.B. I.O. Dover, Del. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1873. Carrington Phelps. A.(1>. Morris, Minn. Lawyer and Farmer. fTnoMAS Trezevant Player. H.E. Pueblo, Col. Lawyer. Henry Augustus Riley, LL.B. A.I. New York City. Lawyer. Editor C/iristian Intelligencer, 1872, LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1874. John Alexander Ross. P.I. Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. James Matson Russell. N. T. Paris, Ky. Farmer and Lawyer. t James Henry Sands. A.F. Augusta, Kan. Sheep Raiser. Lauriston Livingston Scaife. I. A. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. fFREDERic James Syme. F.A. New Orleans, La. Part Proprietor Brook Rice Mill. 1871 Yale. Morris Franklin Tyler, LL.B. AM. New Haven, Conn. Executive Sec. to Gov. Bigelow since 1881. Associate Editor of the New Haven Palladium, 1871-3. Member New Haven Board of Education, 1875-8, and of ttie Council, 1879-80. LL.B., Yale, 1873. Nathaniel Eugene Wordin, M.D. I. A. Bridgeport, Conn. M.D., JefTcrson Medical Coll., 1872. Served nearly three years in the 6th Conn. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. Author Examination of the Eye as a Help to the Diagnosis of Extra- Ocular Disease. 187I. Charles Howell Board. H .A. Edenville, N. Y. Died August 8, 1871. Albert Porter Bradstreet, LL.B. li. F. Thomaston, Conn. Representative Conn. Legislature, 1877-8. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1873. Edgar David Coonley, M.D. P.P. West Port Richmond, N. y. at Mariner's Harbor, Staten Island. Teacher, Claverack, N. Y., Institute, 4 r ' Tir -i-A /-i-i T,i~ /T-,11 to'rn t:>-:„.,+,. m .,*■ -NT -xr T^ff TT C! A in .>-./^ 1874-5. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1877. Private 91st N. Y. Inf., U. 8. A., 10 Albert Wakefield Curtis. A.J. Spencer, Mass. Lawyer. Town Clerk, 1876-81. Charles Benjamin Dudley. A.0. Altoona, Pa. Chemist Pa. Railroad Company. Author of two Reports on the Wearing Capacity of Steel Rails. Corp. 114th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. Member of the Am. Philosophical Soc; Franklin Institute ; Am. Institute of Mining Engineers; Am. Assoc. Advancement of Science. Ph.D., 1874. Allen Egbert Janvier. E. T. Oakland, Cal. Teacher. A.B., Yale, 1881. Rev. Warren Bradley Riggs. N. W. Brenham, Tex. Preacher. Lucius Adelno Sherman. T.A. New Haven, Conn. Teacher Classics and Modern Languages, Hopkins Grammar Scliool. Translator of Frithjof s Saga, 1877. Ph.D., 1875. William Townsend, LL.B. A.Q. Utica, N. Y. LL.B., Hamilton Coll., 1874. Asst. Dist. Atty., Oneida Co., 1876-8. 1872. ■'fALSOP LocKWOOD Betts. I.K. Stamford, Conn. Died December 10, 1869. fNELSON Francis Boucher. I.E. Hudson, N. Y. Lawyer. Deputy County Clerk since 1880; Civil Justice, Hudson, 1878. Frank Thurston Bro^vn. I. T. Norwicli, Conn. Teacher Norwich Acad. John Knox Brown. I. A. Virginia City, Nev. Lawyer. Yale. 1 1 1 Rev. Howard Saxstone (^lait. .1.1. Wethersfield, Conn. Rector Trinity Church since 1875. *^*^f Charles French. l\\. New Haven, Conn. Died December, 1869. tWiLLARD Pkeble Hall. I '.J. 8t. Joseph, Mo. Lawyer. Benjamin Leggett Holt, M.D. N.ll. Penu Yan, N. Y. Physician. Acting Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1875-7. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1875. Greene Kendrick, LL.B. -.J. Waterbuiy, Conn. State Auditor, Conn., 1875-80; Member Legislature, 1876-8; City Clerk, 1875-8; Mayor, 1881-3. LL.B., Yale, 1875. f John Kendrick. 2'.(/>. Chicago, 111. Supt. Western Office Bassett Corset Co., Birmingham, Conn. Rev. George Edward Martin. 11.0. Brattleboro, Vt. Author Decoration Day Address, Brattleboro', 1879. Supt. Schools, 1881. Grad. Yale Theo. Sem., 1878. •^^"f Robert Wet3I0re O'Brien. li.Ii. Minneapolis, Minn. Died November, 1870. Frank Douglas Root. K.A. Washington, D.C. Journalist, New York Times; Local and Literary Editor New Haven Palladiuin. Charles Sherwood, LL.B. A.M. Bridgeport, Conn. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1874. Common Councilman, 1878-80; Alderman, 1881. Director Public Library. Rev. Charles CmiMiNGS Stearns. A. I). Crete, Neb. Teacher. Missionary at Smyrna, Turkey, 1875-8. Prof. Greek, Doane Coll., Crete, 1879. *^^ Clement Brook White. 0.0. Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer. Died March 20, 1881. David Johnson Halsted Willcox, LL.B. -I.iL New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1874. Pres. of New Brighton Village, 1880. 1873. William Beebe. I.K. New Haven, Conn. Tutor Yale since 1875. Author The Comet of 1771, Investigation of Its Orbit, A. A. A. 8., 1879. Charles Emerson BiGELOAV. B.Ii. Brooklyn, N. Y. Director Bay State Shoe and Leather Co., New York City. William Webb Browning, LL.B. K.A. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1875. *^^' Ebenezer Hartwell Buckingham. 11. H. Omaha, Neb. Lawyer. District Atty., 1876. Died November '^8, 1877. Edward Sheffield Cowles. LiL Farmington, Conn. Teacher Miss Porter's Sem., Farmington, Conn., since 1877; Asst. Yale, 1873-7. Ph.D., Yale, 1876. 12 Yale. Rev. Herbert McKenzie Denslow. 0.0. Fair Haven. Conn. Rector Grace Church. Tutor Olivet Coll., Mich., 1874-5 ; Yale, 1875-7. Grad. Berkeley Divinity School, 1S7S. Samuel James Elder. A.M. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Rev. John Calvin Goddard. J. V. Union Park, Chicago, 111. Congregational Minister. Grad. Chicago Theo. Sem., 1881. f Frank Thurston Hale. M.I. Chicago, 111. Grain Commission Merchant. Edward RoDOLPH JoHNES, LL.B. O.A. New York City. Author of Briefs of a Barrister, 1879; and of poems in Scribner'n. I-L.B., Columbia Coll., 1876. Eugene Howard Lewis, LL.B. l^.J. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1875. Albert Washington McIntyre. A. J. Denver, Col. Lawyer. LL.B., Yale, 1875. Montgomery Meigs Macomb. A.i:. Washington, D. C. iBt Lieut. 4th U. S. Art. ; Commissioned from West Point, 1874. Plato Mountjoy. A.J. Riverside, Cal. Farmer. James Andrew Reynolds. i'./i. Anaclarko, Wichita Agency, Indian Territory. Indian Trader. Lawyer. Isaac Reed Saneord, M.D. A.M. West Cornwall, Conn. Visiting Physician, New Haven Dispensary, 1875-8. M.D., Yale, 1875. John'Ekin Shaw, LL.B. T..I. Pittsburg, Pa. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1875. '"'^fRoBERT Hallam Smith. Z'./'.. Jacksonville, Fla. Died December 6, 1876, aged 28. Seth Thayer Stewart, LL.B. ,t\A'. New York City. Lawyer, firm of Stewart & Hawes. LL.B., Columbian Coll., 1875. Instructor Higher Mathematics, Friends' Sem., N. Y., 1876. Henry Adgate Strong, LL.B. A'./. Cohoes, N. Y. City Atty., Cohoes, since 1879. LL.B., Albany Law Scbool, 1874. fDoUGLASS RUDD SUTHERLAND, ^I.D. Z.I. ^Mollis, ]\Iinn. Farmer and Physician. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1874. GusTAVUS Henry'^ Wald, LL.B. J. A. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Editor Am. Edition Pollock's Principles of Contract. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1875. Frederick Charles Webster. O./L Litchfield, Conn. Lawyer. Member of Board to Revise Joint Stock Laws of Conn., 1879. Yale. 113 t James M Wintp:ks. 11. N. Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer, firm of Taylor, Uand & Taylor. Hamilton Merger Wright, LL.B. ./. /'. Bay City, Mich. Lawyer, practising since 1877. Alderman, Bay City, 1881-3. Author of Revised Ordinances, Bay City, 1881. A.B., Yale, 1875; LL.B., Yale, 1877. 1874. Edward Thomas Bradstreet, ]M.r). //./'. West Meriden. Conn. Physician. M.D., Coliunbian Coll., 1877. tJoHN Ammi Butler. H'.A. Milwaukee, Wis. Lawyer. Studied Gbttingen Coll., and Leipzic, Germany, 1873-5. William Anderson Coffin. M.F. Paris, France. Art Student at Paris since 1877; Yale Art School, 1875-6. ■f William Lucien Gordon. B. T. Mt. Airy, Ohio. Salesman for W. J. M. Gordon, Manufacturing Chemist, Cincinnati. Charles Ives, LL.B. I.M. New Haven, Conn. Lawyer. LL.B., Yale, 1876. t John Vinatti MacDonald. /'. r. West Bridgewater, Pa. Teacher of Music and German In Beaver CoU. Wayx,and Spaulding. Z'.A'. New Haven, Conn. Student of Theology. Prin. Rockville High School, 1874-8; Morris. Acad. Morristown, N. J., 1878-81. George Woodavard Stone, LL.B. J.V. Cincinnati. Ohio. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1876. Edward Emerson Swallow, M.D. J'.O. Waltham. Mass. Prin. High School, Pottsville, Pa., 1S74-7. M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1880. Levi Sanderson Tenney. Y.N. New York City. Lawyer. fHENRY Sutherland Vanderburgh, Chicago, 111. Stenographer. Arthur Dexter Whittemore. J.J. New York City. Merchant. Ansley Wilcox. M.F. Buffalo, N. Y. Lawyer. Author The Causes of CromwcU's Failure, 1875; and of various articles in Scribner's Monthly and the Am. Law Review, 1878-9. Edmund Zacher, LL.B. P.O. New Haven, Conn. Lawyer. Tutor Yale, 1876-81. LL.B., Yale, 1878. THE AMHERST CHAPTER, 1837 TO 1885. Afinals. The germ of the Amherst Chapter ol A A ^ was a society known as the / // K. This was an association for the study of history, and was formed on September 14, 1835, by eleven members of the class of 1837. The / // A society flourished, in spite of the opposition of the uninitiated, for about a year, until two members of A A (l> from Yale, namely, Charles J. Lynde and William B. Peck, came to Amherst and opened negotiations with the memliers of / // K for the estab- ment of a chapter of our Fraternity. Their propositions met with little favor at first ; but one by one the / // A's were gained over to A A and continued members of both Fraternities for two or three months. During this period there was frequent discussion regarding the merits of the two societies, but at last all, except two of the local organizations, voted that the constitution of / /7 A be held void, and that of A A (P adopted in its stead. The first meeting of the Chapter, as such, was held in the room of one of its members on January 9, 1837. Soon afterwards, a room on the fourth floor of South College was obtained for the use of the society, and this continued to be the home of the Chapter till the winter of 1841-42, when the society moved to the second story of what is now North College, where it had its headquarters for more than twent}' years. Perhaps the most important event in the early histoiy of the Amherst Chapter was its conflict with the Faculty of the College. The existence of a secret society had been viewed with suspicion for several years, but it was not until 1842 that a formal demand was made for an examination of the constitution and records. This Amherst. 115 was refused by the Chapter ; the brothers declaring their wiHingness to leave College rather than be false to their pledge. After several attempts to gain access to tlie records of the society, the Faculty allowed the matter to drop for the time being, thinking that the loss of so man}^ students \yould be a serious blow to the College in its comparatively feeble state. Three years later the demand was again renewed, and, after much discussion, neither side being willing to yield, the question was finally set at rest by the initiation of Dr. Hitchcock, the President of the College, on November 15, 1845. Since that time the relations of the Chapter and the Faculty have been always of the most friendh- character. During the first five years of the Chapter's history its mem1)ership was confined to the Senior and Junior classes. But the advent of another Fraternity, in 1841, and the rivalr}' which sprang up between the two societies, compelled the admission of Sophomores and Fresh- men. Since that time the Chapter has consisted of members of all four classes, chosen, for the most part, at the beginning of Fresh- man 3'ear. Until 1879, however, the two lower delegations did not wear the badge of the Fraternity. The growth of the Chapter turned the attention of the brothers, in 1857, to the necessity of securing a larger and more convenient place for holding their meetings ; but it was several 3-ears before sufficient money was raised to enable them to carry out their wishes. The upper half of a two-stor}' block located near the post-office, on the principal street of the village, was purchased and fitted up for the use. of the Chapter. The first meeting in the new hall was held on October 30, 1863, and it continued in use until its destruction by fire, in 1879. Although provided with a comfortaljle place of meeting, the broth- ers had long felt the desirability of a liome where a large part of the members could lodge together and the social element of Chapter life be more fully brought out. According!}', in 1873, they entered into negotiations to secure a house and grounds. These efforts re- ii6 Amherst. suited in the purchase of the present Chapter House, in 1874, and the societ}' took possession of its new property in August, 1875. This continues to be the home of the greater number of the mem- bers, and has been a source of constant benefit to the Chapter. The great fire on the morning of July 4, 1879, which swept away the business part of Amherst, did not spare A A (P. The hall, around which so many pleasant memories had gathered, was entirely destroyed : but the Chapter had the good fortune to save all its records. The pecuniary loss was largely covered b}' insurance. Immediately after the fire the society fitted up its present place of meeting, in the Chapter House. Up to 1881 the business affairs of the Chapter had been con- ducted by the Chapter itself or by trustees whom it appointed ; but in July of that year incorporation under the laws of the State was secured. The management is now vested in a board of directors, elected both from the alumni and the undergraduates. Such is a brief outline of the external progress of the Amherst Chapter. To its high stand in scholarship the following partial list of college awards received abundantly witnesses. Of fifty-four valedictory honors (or equivalent in cases where the- valedictorian was chosen by lot) , — two or more men having the same rank — from 1838 to 1880,* A d <1> has taken twenty-nine; and of forty-three salutatorians, in the same period, this society has had twenty. At fourteen commencements both valedictorian and saluta- torian have come from the same society. A J has taken this double honor twelve times out of the fourteen. Of the twelve Hyde Prizes for Senior Orators given since their commencement with the class of 1870, A A (l> has had six. Bond Prizes, for best Commence- ment Orations, A A

: ('(I'llins Pnif. X:itnr;il and l.'evealed Ifeliirion Howdoin Coll.. IS.VJ-r,; I'lnt. Clninli Ili-|,,,\ I ni^in Tin ,,. S.n,.. Is:.:.: Tni-lir Ainln r-t since 1869. .Autluir l.ilr. WriliiiL,-. :in.l ( \v..v:u-\rv . .) IMuinl 1 ;, ,1., n -. .ii , IM'., Is,;:;; A N.-w and Com. plete Aualy.M>,.l-|li:' Hols l;,M,., I s,,;, . >,„x;liMn, IsT;.. Cnnl , il.iil. ,!■ I., i;. .shul, ,-i„n Qvur- tirlir, Kdilor aiid Coiilril.ui..r I.. .l,»,,v.-/„ lh,.,l.„i, A'. - „ ,- , lsi,:i-7o. ]).!>., Bowdoin Coll., 1865; L1>.1)., WilUams Coll., 187a. Mcmlier N. V. Hist. Soc. and Am. Geographic.-il See. f William Harvey Wells. A.M. Chicago, 111. In the Insurance liusiness and Treas. Northwestern Paper Co. Oblisjed to give up his coIle<,'e course thniM'.,'h ill healMi. Studied at 'J'eacliers' Sem., .Andover, Mass., .and taught there, is:;.-, 47; Piin. riiliiinii Fit,. S,h,„,l, Xewliurvi.ort. Mass.. 1s4S-.-,4: Prin. State Ncnn.-il S.l I, \V.>iri. 1,1, M,,~^., !s:.| r,; Sii),t. I'uhlic .-^.-Ih.oIs, < 'hii-iiro, III.. 1856-64. Jlenil.,!- ;iM,l Vvr^. (I,,,:, 4,, l;.,:,i,l,,r i:,li,.:i(i, ,n ; 111. Stat.' Honnl (if Kdue.ition, twehi- yr.irs. .\iilliiii', hoiil,-- \arii,iis .-irliilrs. ,lumbus, Ohio, July 25, 1852. *is79 Qeorge Kimball Crockett. E.-. Springfield, Mass. Lawyer; admitted 1843; practised, Boston, 184.3-54; retired and travelled, 1854-75: lived, Springfield, Mass., 1875-79. Died January 4, 1879. Charles Delano. B'.M. Northampton, Mass. Lawyer: admitted 1842; removed to Northampton after practice in Amherst, Mass., 1842-47. County Treas., 1850-9; U. S. Representative from Mass., 1859-63. State Atty. for the Troy and Greenfield R.R. and Hoosac Tunnel, since 1878. Rev. George Baker Jewett. T.I. Salem, Mass. Literateur. Tutor Amherst, 1842-44; taught, Salem, 1844-6; Lowell, 1846-50; Latin Prof. Amherst, 1850-5 ; Pastor, Nashua, N. H., 1855-6 ; incapacitated for preaching by railroad ac- cident, 1856. Author of Baptism, vs. Emersion, 1869 ; Critique on the Greek Text of the Revised Testament of the Bible Union, 1869. D.D., Amherst, 1871. *^^ Henry Martyn Spofford. A.T. New Orleans, La. Admitted to the La. bar, 1846; practised Shreveport, La., until elected Circuit Judge, 1853; Associate Justice of State Supreme Court, 1854-8 ; elected to U. S. Senate by the Nichols, La.. Legislature, 1877, but not admitted. Author The Louisiana Magistrate. LL.D., Amherst, 1877. "Died, Red Sulphur Springs, W. Va., August 20, 1880. 184I. Ephraim Ward Bond, LL.B. P.E.K. Springfield, Mass. Pres. Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Co., and of City Library Association. Was admitted to the bar in 1845, practising law in Boston and later in Springfield, Mass., until 1864. LL.B., Han'ard Univ., 1845. *i«67 Edavin CoBURN. E.iL Chicago, 111. Lawyer; admitted 1844; practised Groton, Mass., 1844-8: Indianapolis. Ind., 1848-57 ; afterwards at Chicago. Member Fenian Brotherhood. Died in English prison in Ireland, about the year 1867. Maj. 23d 111. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. fLEANDER Muzzy Drury. A.M. Canandaigua, N. Y. Amateur Fish Culturist Interior Dept.,.1861-4; Pension Agent Western N. Y., 1864- 79. Author articles on Improving Pension System, and Trout Culture. Rev. William Ware Rowland. E'.J. Tillypallv, Ceylon. Missionary A. B. C. F. M. since 1846; ordained 1S45. Grad. Union Tlieo. Sem., 1845. Amherst. 123 M872 Prosper Kimball Hutchinson, M.D. 2.2'. Rice City, K. I. Practised Rice (Mty, R. 1. Member R. I. LcgiMature, 1805-6. „^„Vw'7-''^,.F"''' ^**-'^- Army Surgeon, 18G2-3. Died of disease contracted m service, November 1, 1872. Eev. Ellis James Newlin. A.\. Wilmington, Del. Pros. Delaware Coll., Newark, Del. D.D. Kev. William AVahd Whipple. M.D. Camp Point, 111. Retired. Pri.i. Amherst Acad., 1841-2. Ordained, 1840: Pastor, La Grange, Mo., 1845- 61 ; GriggsviUe, 111., 1861-6; Clayton, 111., 1866-75; Janesville, Iowa,lbtWiLLiAM Sherburne WiTHiNGTON. 2'.r. Mcdway, Mass. Born at Newbury, Mass., May 4, 1821. Died at Matan/as, Cuba, of yellow fever. May 20, 1841. 1842. Rev. Lauren Armsby. P.A. Council Grove, Kan. Pastor First Congregational Church since 1870. Grad. Andover Th«.. ^C'm m^; preached CJhester, Nrn., 1840-56; Faribault, Minn., 1856-62; Cand.a, N. II., lS6..-<0. Chaplain 8th Minu.Jnf., U.S. A., 1862-5. Rev. Henry Darling. N. T. Clinton, N. Y. Pres. of Hamilton Coll. since 1881. Pastor. Hudson NY l-^^^^^; PhiladeljJhia, 1853-61 'Albany, 1863-81 : Permanent Clerk General Assembly Pre^shytcriau Chuich, IS-i^-M. Aulhorof Closit Walk ; Slavery and War; Worship an Element of Sanctuary Service. D.D., Union Coll., 1860; LL.D., Hamilton Coll., 1881. Rev. Daniel Taggart Fiske. 7'. 77. Newburyport, Mass. Pastor Newburyport since 1847. Author of Faith Working by Love, 1869 ; Contributor to BibHotheca Sacra. Grad. Audover Theo. Sem., 1846. D.D., Amherst, 1862. Charles Capen Hayward. A..Q'. Boston, Mass. Lawyer; practised Springfield, Cbarlestown, and Boston, Mass. *i8«|Henry Martyn Humphrey. F/.E. Amherst, ]\rass. Died Ja:y 4, ISil. *'^ Vincent Henry Smith. I.F. Columbus, Pa. Lawyer, but never practised, entering Iron Trade. Died, Reading, August 29, 1868. *^«'« Rev. Andrew Wilson. P.l'. jNIontgomery, N. Y. Farmer, Wallkill, N. Y., 184.5-76 ; removed, Montgomery, 1876. Died, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., February 27, 1S7S. 1843. *i**2tRoswELL PiCKiNSON Cook. P.fL Hadley, Mass. Died in coll., June 9, 1842. *^^' Rev. Zepiianiah Moore Humphrey. A.I?. Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof, of Church IH.tory and Polity. Lane Theo. Sem. 187.5-Sl. Pastor R|cinc, • Wis., 1850-G: ^nlwaukee. 1856-0; Chicago. 18.59-68; Philadelphia, I86S-.0. U.U.. Amherst, 1864. Died November 12, 1881. *'^^^tNATHAN Seabury LiNNELL. A'./L Amhcrst, Mass. studied law in Amherst, Mass., and Philadelphia, Pa. Died September 10, 1843. Rev. David Torre Y. /./v. Cazenovia, N. Y. Pastor Pnsbvterian Chmch since 1868. Tutor .Amherst, 1846-7; P"^*.?,'" ^^^^'J?'' N.Y., 1849-60; Ithaca, N.Y., 1860-4; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1864-6. D.D., Hamilton Coll., 1863. 24 Atnherst. Rev. Thaddeus Wilson. I.X. Shrewsbury, N. J. Pastor Presbyterian (Church since 1852; studied Princeton; ordained 1847; Pastor Centreville, N. Y., 184T-52. 1844. ^Rev. George Moulton Adams. M. 8. Holliston, Mass. Pastor Congregational Church since 1873; Conway, Mass., 1851-63; Portsmouth, N".H., 1863-73. Overseer Bowdoin Coll. since 1870. A.B., Bowdoin Coll., 1844; Grad. Andovei- Theo. Sem., 1850. Author Historical Discourse Bi-Centennial North Church, Portsmouth, Is. H., 1871. Rev. Edmund Kimball Alden. N.A. Boston, Mass. Sec. Am. Board of Foreign Missions. Grad. at Andover Theo. Sem., 1848; Pastor Yarmouth, Me., 1850-4; Lenox, Mass., 1854-9; Boston, Mass., 1859-73. Trustee Amherst since 1873. D.D., Amherst, 1866. '^^ Rev. Richard Salter Storrs Dickinson. A.F. Phila- delphia, Pa. Preached, New York, 1848-53; Philadelphia, 1853-5. Died, Edinburgh, Scot., August 28, 1856. Rev. John Langdon Dudley. N.Y'. 'Milwaukee, Wis. Pastor Middletown, Conn., 1854-58; Milwaukee, Wis., 1868-77. Author of Tides and Tendencies, 1873. D.D., Amherst, 1847. ^^^]Rev. Charles Hammond. A.M. Monson, Mass. Teacher Monson, Mass., Acad., 1839-41 and 1845-53; Groton, Mass , 1853-63; Monson, q 1863-78. A.B.jYale Coll., 1839; Grad. Andover Tiieo. Sem., 1844; LL.D., Iowa Coll., 1877. Died November 7, 1878. '^' Rev. Samuel Huntting. T.Q. Easthampton, N. Y. Studied Princeton Theo. Sem; ordained 1848; Pastor Presbyterian Church. Died September 10, 1849. "^'^David Mather Kimball. M.E. Kingston, N. Y. Teacber in Brattleboro', Vt. ; Westfield and Chicopee, Mass. Instructor Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, Williston Sem.. Easthampton, and elsewhere. A.B., Union Coll., 1838. ' Died, "West Brbokfield, October 23, 1857. t Jonathan Edw^ards Linnell, M.D. O.FI. Norwich, Conn. Author of addresses before medical societies; Contributor to medical journals. M.D., Dartmouth, 1845. ^^ Henry D wight Stone. F.A. Worcester, Mass. Lawyer; admitted 1846; practised Worcester, 1846-64; New Orleans, La. ,1864-69; Solicitor for Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines. Died, New York City, October 27, 1869. ^Russell 3Iedad Wright. P.B. Easthampton, Mass. Teacher at Williston Sem., Easthampton, 1843-7, and since 1863; Prin. Acad. Wash- ington, Ga., 1847-58, and of Lucy Cobb Institute, 1858-61. A.B., Williams Coll., 1841. 1845. ^Charles Henry Branscombe. P.^F. Albany Villa, Birk- dale Park, Southport, England. Manager of British Branch of the Land Department of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe R.R. Co., Liverpool, Eng. Practised law Holyoke, Mass. Agent of the New England Emigrant Aid Company in Kan., 1854-9; founded the City of Lawrence, Kan., having selected its site August 3, 1854; Member Kan. Territorial Legislature, 1858; Leavenworth, Kan., Convention, 1861-5; Special P. O. Agent for Mo., Kan., and Neb., 1866-8 ; Member Mo. Legislature, 1869-74; U. 8. Consul, Manchester, Eng., 1869-74. A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1845. A tnherst. 1 25 Jerome Ripley Bhkjiiam. ii.l". Milwaukee, Wis. Lawyer; admitted, Madison, Wis., 1851. Cleric Village of Madison, 1847-50; Clerk Wis. Supreme Court, 1848-51; City Atty. Milwaukee since 1880. Regent Wis. Univ., 1871-6. Samuel Julius Learned. E.E. Georgetown, Colo. Man.ager Farwell Silver Reducing Works since 1875. Prin. Sem., Sunbury, N. C , for three years and a half. J^uinber business, Chicago, 1851. *^^^ Rev. Edward Hitchcock. T.E. Amherst, Mass. Obliged to reliiifini^li coll.-i;,. c..,ir«c lhr<.iit;b sickncsw. I'riii. Oecrfipld, Mns'^., Acad., 1815-8. >ast(ir:il < ninvru , \l;,--.. 1 sjl :,. I 'n,!. ('l„nii-liv iiinl Nn( iii:.l I liM..i-v, Amherst, 1825-45 ;Pre«. An r-l, IM i A; iv.,-iir,l I'lvM.lrih-v .m.l ivmmi..-.1 lii> |■^u^r^-,,l-.l.i|^, which he.held until liis (IfMlh. A piM.iiii.ii Siiii.' Cc.h.ui-i o(M.i>-., |s;;ii; in l^iUi, ((.iMmissioned to oversee geological Kur\(V nl' the first ilisinct nf N.V., Imi ii>ii_r I tliriiiii;li ill health. One of the founders of Mt.' llolvoUc Sum., mikI (iflhc \l:iss. Au'ii'iiliiinii ( ■nil. First Pres. of the Am. Geological Sm'. \U- \v:is a very i)rc,imr uril.r, li.i\ini,' i.iil.liKlicd 24 vols., 35 pamphlets, 94 papers in journals, and 80 newspaper ailii-l.-s, :il)(iia S.odii pages in all. The most important were: Report on the Geology of Mass., 1S41; Outlines of the Geology of the Globe and of the U. S. in Particular, 1853; Elementary Geology, 1840; The Religion of Geology and Its Connected Sciences, 1851; Religious Truths Illustrated from Science, 1857. LL.D., Harvard Univ., 1840; D.D., Middlebury Coll., 1846. Died February 27, 1864. Francis Andrew March. F/.A'. Easton, Pa. Prof. English Language and Comparative Philology, Lafayette Coll. , since 1856 ; Teacher, Leicester, Mass., 1845-7; Tutor Amherst, 1847-9. Admitted to the Bar, 1850. Teacher, Fredericksburg, Va., 1852-55; Tutor Lafayette Coll., 1855; Adjunct Prof., 1856; Pres. Am. Philological Assoc, 1874; Appointed Lecturer in tlu; Law Dept. Univ. of Pa., 1875; Pres. Spelling Reform Association, 1878-80. Author of < 'diiipMiative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Language, 1869, and Anglo-Saxon Reader; s(m.ii .ii'icr, Ijiitor of Latin Hymns, Eusebius, Athenagoras, and TertuUian, in Christian Classi. s Si ri; > , Contributor to many periodicals, English, German and American. LL.D., Coil, ol N. J., 1870, and Amherst, 1871. Mem- ber of Am. Philological Assoc. ; Am. Educational Assoc; Am. Philosophical Soc. ; Hon. Member of The Philological Soc, London, Eng. *'^' Rev. Jason Morse. A.W. Brimfield, Mass. Pastor, Brimtield, Mass. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1849. Died October 14, 1861. *i853 j^g^ George Harrison Newhall. N.M. Walpole, Mass. Pastor Walpole, 1848-53. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1845. Died August 24, 1853. Rev. Abel Kingman Packard. B.X. Greeley, Colo. Pastor Park Congregational Church. Settled Yarmouth, Me., 1850-9; Anoka, Minn., after 1860. Trustee and for time Pres. Board of Carletoa Coll., Minn. ; Superintendent of Schools, Weld Co., Colo., 1869-71. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1860. »i875 g^ALjg Sanford. I.M. Boston, Mass. Lawyer; admitted, Taunton, Mass., 1851; practised, 1851-60; District Atty. Boston, 1859-60; practised New York City, 1860-9; Boston, 1869-75. Henry (Smith) Stockbridge. #.2'. Baltimore, Md. Lawyer; admitted, Baltimoi-e, Md., 1848; Solicitor for the Freedman's Bureau. Member Md. Legislature, 1864; Constitutional Convention, 1864; Chairman Judiciary Com- mittee in both bodies; Judge Circuit Court, Baltimore Co., 1865-6. Contributor to Hunt's Merchants' Afagaziiie. Member Md. Hist. Soc. Henry Nehemiah Wyman, LL.B. /!'.}'. Sutter's Creek . Cal. Lawyer and Hotel Keeper. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1847. 1846. f Edwin Atlee Brooke. A'.//. Bradford, Pa. Lawyer. Practised in Philadelphia and Pottsville. A.B., Williams Coll., 1847. 126 . Amherst. *i8.w i^g^, \jy.v\ Alpheus Field. 77../. Marlborough, Mass. Pastor First Congregational Church, 1853-9. Grad. Andovcr Theo. Sem., 1849. Died October 22, 1859. * •^'^ William Rowland. d'J\K. Lynn, Mass. Lawyer; admitted, Amherst, Mass., 1851. Member Mass. Legislature, 1868. Com- missioner U.S. Circuit Court, 1860-80. Teacher Williston Sem., 1846-9; Tutor Amherst, 1851. Died December 20, 1880. *'*'* Leonard Humphrey. J.I. Amherst, Mass. Teacher Amherst Acad., 1847-r9 ; Tutor Amherst, 1849-50. Died November 30, 1850. *i8ffi j^g.^, Salem Marsh Plimpton. T'.X. Wells River, Vt. Pastor, Congregational, Wells River, Vt., 1851-61; Stated Supply, St. Johnsbury, Vt., East Douglass, Mass., and Chelsea, Vt., where he died September 14, 1S65; Chaplain 4th Vt. Inf., U.S.A., 1861-2. Rev. Hern^' Martyn Storrs. A.E. New York City. Sec. Am. Home Missionary Soc. since 1872. Pastor Lawrence, Mass., 1852-5; Cin- cinnati, 18J5-67; Brooklyn, N.Y., 1867-73. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1851. D.D., Western Resei-ve Coll., 1864. George Sullivan Woodman, M.D. O.iL XeAvtonville, Mass. Practised Newtonvifle since 1878; West Cambridge, Mass., 1849—51; Amherst, 18.51-61; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1861-71; Lynn, Mass., 1871-8; Surgeon, Enrolment Board, 2d Dist., N. Y., 1861-4. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1849. 1847. Rev. Richard Salter Billings. A. P. North Stamford, Conn. Pastor, Congregational, since 18S0. Resident Licentiate, Andover and New Haven, 1850-5; PastorShelburne, Mass., 1855-70; Dalton, 1871-80. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1850. *^** Rev. Nathaniel Hooper Broughton. I.Q. Boston, Mass. Home Missionary, Lincoln Co., Tenn., three years-; Pastor, North Yarmouth, Me., 1860-1; East Bridgewater, Mass., 1861-6. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1854. Died June 2, 1866. Louis Isidore Fleming. /.//. Jacksonville, Fla. Lawyer; admitted 1854; State Solicitor, Eastern Judicial Dist., Fla., 1859-68; Coun Bel, C. S." conscript cases. *i866 ]^g^ Timothy Stoave. I'/. I. New Bedford, Mass. Pastor Pacific Congregational Church, 1854-66. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1850. Died of disease contracted in service Christian Com., August 11, 1866. 1848. Rev. William Cowper Dickinson. I/. I. La Fayette, Ind. Pastor Congregational, since 1872. Tutor Amherst, 1851-2; Pastor, Middleboro, Mass., 1854-6; Prof. Lake Forest, III., 1859-67; Battle Creek, Mich., 1870-2. Grad. Andover Theo Sem., 1853. «i8C4 jjg^, Samuel Fiske. T.T. Madison, Conn. Studied Andover Theo. Sem., 1848-9. Tutor Amherst, 1852-5. Pastor, Madison, Conn., 1857-64. Author of the Dunn Browne Letters, Springfield, Mass., liepul/licun. Capt. Co. G 14th Coun. Inf., U. 8. A. Died of wound received at the Wilderness, May 22, 1864. Amherst. 127 Rev. Francis Homes. ./../. Easton, Mass. Farmer. Retired, on account of ill health, since 18G9. Preacher, Carrollton, Mo., 18i4-5 ; Westfield, Mass., 1855-6; West Granville, 1856-9; Marblchead, 1859-62; Lynn, 1864-9. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1854. "^'" Samuel Fisheu Miller. 2'. '/'". Amherst, Mass. Civil Ensiinoer. Prof. Mathematics, Chioaiio ; Prof M:ithematics and (.'ivil Engineer- ing Mass. Agricultural Coll., Amherst. Pied October "iS, 1870. '*'' John Laurens Spencer. 0. )''. Amherst, Mass. Prin. Amherst Academy, 1848-.50. Died October 12, 1 851 . Horace Willard Taylor.. /.A'. Rockford, TIL Lawyer; admittbd Rockford, 111., and since practised there. Member III. House of Representatives, 19th Dist., 18Tfi-80. 1849. ^'^^ John Milton Emerson. A'. I. New York City. Lawyer; admitted Amherst, Mass., 1854; practised there, 1854-6; New York, 18.56-9. Tutor Amherst, 1851-3. Died, Westchester, N. Y., August 3, 1869. i\m Theodore Francis French. T'J. Amherst, Mass. Died, Northampton, Mass., September 21, 1865. ^ "'^'''f Thomas Ballard Harrington. li.M. Westchester, N. Y. Teacher, 1849-61. Died February 16, 1861. Edward Hitchcock, M.I). V.Q. Amherst, Mass. Prof. Hygiene and Physical Education, Amherst, since 1861. Author of Elementary Anatomy and Physiology.' M.D., Harvard Univ., 1853. John AYoodbridge. [yjl. Chicago, 111. Lawyer; practised Chicago, 111., since 1850; admitted New Hartford, Conn., 1850. 1850. William Austin Dickinson, LL.B. J'.X'. Amherst, Mass. Lawyer; practised Amherst, Mass., since 1855. Treas. Amherst Coll. since 1873. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1854. Rev, George Henry Gould. /'.//. Worcester, Mass. Stated Supply, Imm.anuel Congregational Church; Pastor Olivet Church, Springfield, Mass., 1852-4; Center Church, Hartford, Conn., 1854-60; Acting Pastor Piedmont Church, Worcester, Mass., 1872-7. Grad. Union Theo. Sera., 1853. D.D., Amherst, 1870. t Jacob Hardy. Koloa, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands. Circuit Judge, Fourth Judicial Circuit, Hawaiian Islands, since 1878, and 1855-63. George Howland. E'.O'. Chicago, III. Supt. C;iiicago Public Schools since 1880. Tutor Amherst, 1852-5; Instructor Latin and French, 18.55-8; Prin. Chicago High School, 1860-80: Trustee Amherst since 1879; Member 111. Board of Education, 1881. Author of Translation of Six Books of the .Eneid, 1881. t Elijah Carter Sir ATTUCK. 2'.r. l*>erlin, Mass. Shoe Manufacturer. Member Mass. State Legislature, 1876; Member School Com- mittee, twenty years. 128 Amherst. John Rowland Thompson. I'.' . V . Chicago, III. Lawyer; practised Chicago since 1854 ; admitted Springfield, Mass., 1S53. Asst. Editor Springfie'ld, Mass., Republican, 1853-4. 185I. Rev. Lucius Delison Chapin. T.E. Chicago, 111. Pastor, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1856-63; East Bloomfield, N. Y., 1868-72. Prof. Mental and Moral Philosophy, Mich. Univ., 1863-8; Chancellor Ingham Univ., Le Roy, N. Y., 1872-6. Invented the Combined Pneumatic Process for Making Wrought Iron. Grrad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1855. » i878| j^gj,pjj »^E^vER Curtis. I.M. Hadley, Mass. Lawyer; practised Green Bay, Wis., where he died May 15, 1878. A.B., Williams C<>11. . 1852. Enlisted J2th Wis. Inf., U. S. A., January, 1862. Edward Parry Darling. P.P. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Lawyer; admitted Reading, Pa., 1853; practised there, 1853-5; Wilkesbarre since 1855. *^^^ Charles Chaltncey Fowler. A.H. Durham, Conn. Instructor Md. Military Acad., Oxford, Md., one year. Studied law, N. Y., 1853-5: practised, 1855-61 and 1870-2; interval at Durham, Conn. Died October 28, 1876. »i853 "V\" ALTER Huntington Lyon. A.M. Brookfield, Mass. Died Groton, N. S., November 13, 18.53. *'^^tJAMES Austin Richards, M.D. I'.B. Xew Haven, Conn. M.D., Yale Coll., 1856. Died June 4, 1859. John Elliot Sanford. N.1\ Taunton, ]\Iass. Lawyer; admitted 1856; practised since Taunton, Mass. Tutor Amherst, 185,3-4: Trustee since 1874. Member Mass. House of Representatives. 1863, '71, '72 and '73; State Senator, 1864 : Speaker Mass. House of Representatives, 1872-3. Mass. Insurance Com- missioner, Bentley Howard Smith. E.Z. Joanna Furnace, Pa. Iron Master. Major 42d Pa. Inf., U. S. A. Rev. Milan Cyrus Stebbins. )'. T. Springfield, Mass. Retired. Taught Gilmauton, N. H., Acad., and Prin. Hopkinton Acad., 1851-3; Prin. Hio-h School, Nashua, N. H., 1853-8; Prin. Clinton, Mass., High School, 1862-4. Pastor Congregational Church, Ayer, Mass., 1864-5. Prin. Springfield, Mass., High School, I860- 74; Springfield Collegiate Institute, 1874-81. t Nathan Noyes Withington. T. W. Newbuiyport, Mass. Journalist. Editor Newburyport, Mass., Herald. Chairman Town School Board. 1874-9. 1852. ^ Ebenezer Prince Burgess, M.D. .V. T. Dedham, Mass. M.D., Jefferson Medical Coll., Philadelphia, 1853; practised Springfield, Mass., 1853-5 : Dedham, 1855-75. Died, Paris, France, May 14, 1877. Rev. Franklin Perry Chapin. LA. No. AVeymouth, Mass. Pastor First Congregational Church since 1873; First Church, Camden, Me., 1857-67 : Second Church, Amherst, Mass., three years and a half. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 185 1 . Henry Martyn Cheavens, M.D. H'.M. Ashland, Mo. Teacher and Farmer. Initiated at Yale. M.D., St. Louis Medical Coll., 1866. Amherst. 129 William WiNTON Goodhkii. M.E. Piiooklyn, N.Y. Lawyer; practised, New York, since 1854. Member N. Y. Assembly, 1866 and 1871 ; Sec. Cincinnati Lib. Rep. Nat. Convention, 1872; Chairman Lib. Hep. Committee of New York City, 1881. 'f David Osiieal Hannaford. A.E. Suffolk, Va. Teacher Suffolk, Va. ; Yates Acad., Nansemond Co., V;i. : Chuckland Acad., Norfolk Co., Va. Died January 19, 1861. Brainerd Timothy Harrington. T' JJ' . Westchester, N.Y. Prill. "SVestchester School for Boys, since graduation. "" Henry DwiGiiT Root. 7'.^'. l^rooklyn, N.Y. Died September 3, 1855. GoRii AM Train. O.U. Boston, Mass. Merchant. 1853. Rev. Henry Leonidas Boltwood. N. W. Princeton, 111. Prin. High School. Author of English Grammar and How to Teach it. Served fourteen months in Sanitary Commission, Department of the Gulf. Chaplain 67th Col. Inf.,U. S.A.,lS61-5. •' Bowman Bigelow Breed, M.D. ^V..V. Lynn, Mass. After studying in Boston, Dublin, Edinburgh, and Paris, practised Lynn, 1859-61, '65-6, '68-72; Surgeon U.S. Military Asylum, Togus, Me., 18Gli-8. Some time Editor Lynn Reporter. Member Lynn School Board, 1866, '69, '71-73; ]5oard of Aldermen, 1870; Com- mon Council, 1870-3 ; Mass. State Legislature, 1871-2. M.D.. Harvard Univ., ISoi. Sur- geon 8th Mass. Inf., U. S.'i..; Acting Asst. Surgeon, U. S. Vols., 1861; Surgeon on Volunteer Medical Staff; Medical Purveyor 8th Army Corps, 1862-3; Medical Director, 1863-5. Died December 16, 1873. Edward Payson Crowell. II.I.K. Amherst, Mass. Moore Prof, of Latin Language and Literature, Amherst, since 1864. Teacher Latin and Greek, Williston Sem., 1853-5; Tutor .\iiiluiratural Philosophy, Beloit Coll., Wis., 1860-3; I'astor Granby.Mass., 1863-6; Rockville, (^onn., 1866-8; Holliston, Mass., 1870-3; Woburn, 1873-6. Author of Sermons in the Monday Club Series. 1856. Rev. Walter Barton. A' .Z. Lynn. ^Fass. Pastor First Church of Christ since 1865. Teadur \Villi-i..ii Sem., 1856-8. Preached, Oxford, Conn., and Grafton, Vt. ; Pastor South Amlu' 1st, M.-i-s., lst;4-6. t George Warren Corel and. P .A. Maiden, Mass. Mechanical Engineer. Practised law for some time in Boston. Member Mass. State Legislature, 1863-5 ; Maiden School Board, 12 years. Edward Gay. J. 'V. Maiden, Mass. Accountant since 1865. Teacher Quincy School, Boston, 1856-65. Thaddeus Graves. A.E. Hatfield, Mass. Farmer. Studied law, Albany, 1857; practised, New York City, 1858-67. Charles Henry Hitchcock. E.\. Hanover, N. H. Prof.of Geology and Mineralogy, Dartninuth Coll., since 1869. Studied Theology. Xew Haven, 1856-7, and Andover, 1859-i"i! ; s^i. n, ,• ni the Royal School of Mines and British Museum, London, Eng., 1866-7. 1 .. ologist, Vt., 1857-61; Director ^fe. (icol. Survey, 1861-2 ; N. H. Survey, 186s-7s; Miniiiu (ieol., New York City, 1865-9; Lecturer on Zoology, Amherst, 1858-63; Prul. of Giulugy, r,:if:iyotte Coll., Easton, Pa., 1860-70. Author of Report of the Geological Survey of Vt. ; nt'M. .; of X. H.; and over sixtv scicn- tific papers. Ph.D., Lafayette Coll., 1869. Mciiii., i- liii|MiiaI Geol. Inst., Austria: Appalachian Mountain Club"; Am. Assoc, for the Aii\.uii. Andover, Mass. Teacher. Prin. Acad., Mifflinburg, Pa., 1857-8; Instructor Phillips Acad., Andover, 1858-65; Supt. Schools, Massillou, Ohio, 186.5-9; Priu. Emerson Institute, Mobile, Ala., 1869-71. Rev. James Pillsbury Laxe. I.Z. Hyde Park, Mass. Director R. I. Home Missionary Soc. since 1872. Preached East Weymouth, 1861-6; Audover, Mass., Free Christian Church, 1866-71; Bristol, R. I., 1871-80. Author Hist. Manual of First Church, Bristol, R. I., from 1687-1872 ; Sketches of First Church, Bristol. R. I. Member X. E. Genealogical and Hist. Soc; R. I. Hist. Soc; Honorary Member Wis. Hist. Soc Rev. Hex^ry Daatexport Northrop. A.M. New Haven, Conn. Acting Pastor Dwight Place Congregational Church since 1879 ; preached Brooklyn, N. Y., 1860-2; London, Eng.," 1863-7; Xew York City, 1868-74; Hartford, Conn., 18,4-9. Author of Theatre Sermons, London, 1860; Wonders of Grace, Edinburgh, 1866. James Hexry Palmer. I. P. Jacksonville, 111. Book-keeper. Teacher Languages and Mathematics, 111. Coll., 1866-7; Asst. Supt. Public Instruction, 111., 1869-78. 7'.^'. Oran ige, N. J. X. .T., since 1872; ,, X..ul.ur-h, .\..r, ion .,f l;,-f..rnir,l 1 -lion ,.|- S,T.,ii.l A,l . Sum., 18i«. D.D. Second l'rc,< ., 1sr,:,-7--'. A ■rinri|.l,.~, Sli \.'nt; lO.litoi- , ,, liulgLla Coll Amherst. 133 Rev. George Dana Boardman Pepper. E.ll. Upland, Pa. Prof. Christian Theology Crozer Thco. Sen.; Pastor Waterville, Me., 1860-5; Prof. Ecclesiastical History Newton Thco. Institute, 1865-7. Grad. Newton Thco. Institute, 1860 ; D.D., Colby Univ., 1867. Contributor to Christian Review, Baptist Ileeinc, etc. ■fRev. Theodore Constantine Pratt. I\Z. Oxiuidville, N. H. Acting Pastor, Oxford, N. II., since 1870; Pastor, ITanipstcad, N. H., 1859-70. Author Church Manual, Ilampstcad, N. H. Rev. Henry Augustus Stevens. A'./. Boston, Masis. Grad. Andover Thco. Sem., 1860; Preached Meh-ose, Mass., 1861-8; Xortli Bridge- water, Mass., 1868-74; Brighton, since 1874. 1858. Rev. George Sayles Bishop. Pastor Presbyterian Church, East Orange, Church, Trenton, N. J., 1864-5; Calvary Cliunl Reprobation, 1869; Doctrine of Grace; Kxpo^i Faith; Alleged Contradictions in the Bible; i^iir and Gospel Field, 1877-8. Grad. Princeton J'hei Rev. Joseph Bourne Clark. 8'.\'. Jamaica Plain, Maes. Pastor Congregational Church since 1872; Yarmouth, Mass., 1861-8; Newtonville, 1868-72. Grad. Andover Theo. Sera., 1861. »iffi9 Henry Giles Delano. I.fJ. Sunderland, Mass. Died, after a year's study of law, February 19, 18.59. Horace Smith Fuller, M.D. E. T. Hartford, Conn. U.S. Pension Exarainer for several years. Coroner and Chairman Boai-d of Health, Hartford, since 1876. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1865. Acting Asst. Surgeon U. 8. A., six months, 1865. George Suiviner Grosvenor. I. A. Trenton, N. J. Lawyer ; admitted 1875. Prin. Ware, Mass., High School, 1858-9 ; Pria. Trenton, N. J., Acad., 1859-75. Henry Elltah Hutchinson. I\M. Brooklyn, N. Y. Banker; Cashier Brooklyn Bank since 1877. TT. S. Asst. Assessor, New York City, 1862; Sec. Mechanics Savings-Bank, Brooklyn, 1872-7. »is58 Sylvanus Chickering Priest. A.E. Lancaster, Mass. Died August 25, 1858. Rev. Lyman Sibley Rowland. Ii'.l\ Lee, Mass. Pastor, Congregational, since 1877. Tutor Amherst, 1860-2; Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1863. Prof. Rhetoric and English Literature Belolt Coll., 1868-71. 1859. Rev. William Henry Barrows. I.X. Staeeyville, Iowa. Acting Pastor Congregational Church since 1877; Grad. Hartford Theo. .'Jem., 1862; Pastor Blandford, Mass., 1863-5; Lempster, N. H., 186.5-7 ; Pottsvillc, Iowa, lsr.!i-9; Cass, 1869-74; Hampton, 1874-7. David Beattie. A. A: Troy, N. Y. Supt. Public Schools since 1870; Teacher Franklin Acad., Montgomery, Ala., 1859-61 ; Port Jervis, N. Y., 1863-5; Dunkirk, N. Y., 1865-8; Prin. West Pittston, Pa., 1868-70. 34 A7)iherst. James Fitzgerald Claflix. A'.X. Lombard, 111. Teacher Chicago High School. Memher 111. State Legislature two years; Pres. Village of Lomhard; Pres. Tougoloo Univ. Private Co. I 5th Mass., U. 8. A., for one year. ^^'^ James Paulus Feexch. I.I. RaliAvay, N. J. Teacher Prot. Epis. Acad., Philadelphia, 1859-65; Prof, of Elocution City Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1865-6. Died Januarj' 13, 186T. WiLLiAivi Henby Goddard. /. '/'. Sioux Falls, Dakota Ter. Farmer, prospecting. ■ \m Xhomas Augustus Lewis. V.I. Ware, Mass. Acting Pastor W. Brookfield, Mass., 1862; Shuteshury, 1864-5. Died July 9, 1865, Phillipston, Mass. fALEXAXDER Maecy, M.D. F.H. Camden, N. J. Practised since 1861. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1861. ^^'^ Edwaed Willard Pierce. P.E'. New Orleans, La. Memher State Board Education, La., 1868; elected Member La. State Senate, 1870; Trustee Straight Coll. Died September 13, 1871. ^^^ JoHX Lord Hayes Ward. A.iL Abington, Mass. Died, Amherst, Mass., August 1, 1859. i860. » Rev. Joiix Otis Barrows. I.I\ Bible House, Constanti- nople, Turkey. Missionary A. B. C. F. M. since 1869. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1863; preached North Hampton, N.H., 1863-6; Exeter, 1866-9; Missionary to Cesarea, Asia Minor, 1869- 75 ; Manisu and Constantinople since 1875. Eev. CoRXELius EvARTS DiCKixsox. A.X. Elgin, 111. Pastor Congregational Church since 1867; Grad. Chicago Theo. Sem., 1863; preached Oak Park, 111., 18B2-7. Rev. Hexry Martyx Holmes. A'. J'. Ajer, Mass. Pastor Congregational Church since 1878; Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1865; preached Lunenburg, Vt., f865-6; Ticonderoga, X. Y., 1866-7; Greenwich, 1868-9; Benson, Vt., 1870-5 ; Southboro', Mass., 1875-8. Federal Field Commission Agent one year and a half. Rev. George Ob ADi AH Little. A'.B. Washington, D. C. Pastor Assembly Presbyterian Church since 1873; Grad. Lane Theo. Sem., 1863: preached Birmingham, Pa., 1863-4; Fort Wayne, Ind., 1864-70; Connersville, 1871-3. Rev. Joseph Brewster Little. 0. T. ]Mankato, Minn. Pastor Presbyterian Church since 1869; preached, Lima, Ohio, 1863-7; Dayton, 1867-9. Trustee Albert Lee Female Coll. Bexjamix Welch Pettiboxe. E.I. Winchester Centre, Conn. Farmer. Teacher Winchester and Litchfield, Conn. Edward Olcott Shepard. A.I. Boston, Mass. Lawyer; practised since admission, 1867. Pres. Boston Common Council, 1873-5. 1st Lieut., Capt., Ma>., and Brev. Lieut. Col. 32d Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. A)iiherst. 135 Rev. Francis Emoky Tower. P.M. Allston Station, Bos- ton, Mass. Pastor Brighton Ave. Baptist Church since 1878; Amherst, Mass., 1875-8. Prin. Bangor, Me., Boys' High School, 1861^; Instructor in Hebrew, Newton Theo. Sem., 1867-8. Author of Present Aspects of the Temperance Question, 1874, and other addresses. Taught Acad., Guilford, Conn., 1860-2. Preached one year, Brockton, Mass. ; three Die Rev. James Wilsox Ward, Jr. E.E. Schuylkill Haven, Pa. 3 one year, Brockton, Mass. ; three 1865. Died of paralysis, at Laconia, October 30, 1875. Rev. Horace Rohbixs Williams. T'.O. Vennontville, Mich. Pastor, Congregational, since 1879; Grad. Union Theo. Soin., 1864. Stated Supi)ly, Almont, Mich., 1864-79. 1861. John Avery. ./. 5. Brunswick, Me. Prof. Greek and Latin, Bowdoin Coll., since 1877; Tutor Amherst, 1862; Sheffield Scientific School, 1865-7 ; Prof. Latin and Greek, Iowa Coll. Member Am. Oriental Soc. Edward CoMSTOCK. A.F. Rome, N. Y. Lumber Merchant. Brev. Maj. 46th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A. Rev. Sidney Crawford. J. A'. Lyons, Iowa. Pastor Congregational Church since 1876; Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1870; preached Fair Haven, Vt., 1870-3; Green Bay, Wis , 1873-6. Prin. Walton, N". Y., Acad., 1861-3; Barre, Mass., High School, 1863-4. Asst. Paymaster, U. S. A., 1864-5. Asa Strong Hardy. A.X. Unionville, Ohio. Merchant. Prin. Prairie Sem., Richland, Mich., 1861-2; Prin. Grammar Schools, Cleveland, Ohio, 1863-9; Superintendent Graded Schools, Newburgh, Ohio, 1869-79. Rev. James Lewis. ./. W. Howell, Mich. Pastor Presbyterian Church since 1874; Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1868; Humboldt, Kan., 1868-74. Trustee Highland Univ., Kan., 1874-5. Member Board of Visitors, West Point Military Acad., 1878. C.-ipt., Lieut. Col., and Col. 144th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. Charles Goodell Goddard Paine. B.O'. Chicago, 111. Merchant. Prin. Grafton High School, 1861-2; Cambridge Classical Institute, 1863-5., Superintendent of Schools of Am. Miss. Assoc, for the Freedmen, 1865-6. Elliot Sanford, LL.B. I.I. New York City. Lawyer; practised in New York City since 1864. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1864. George White Waite. (LP. Ashtabula, Ohio. Merchant. Superintendent of Schools. Aaron Edwards Warner, LL.B. O.K. Boston, Mass. Lawyer; practised in Boston since 1864. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1864. 1862. Washington Irving Allen. 1.\. Silver Reef, Utah. Maflager Stormont Silver Mining Co. 1st Lieut., Capt., Maj., and Lieut. Col. 31st Mass., U. S. A., 1861-5. 136 Amherst. Rev. Fraxcis Joel Fairbanks. A'. P. West Boylston, Mass. Pastor Congregational Church since 1877; Westminster, Vt., 1864-71; Acting Pastor, Ayer, Mass., 1872-4; Paxton, 1874-7. Author of History of Westminster, Vt. Samuel Harrixgton. A.TI. Boston, Mass. Master Eliot School since 1876; Teacher, 1866-76; Prin. Cohasset, Mass., High School, 1865-7: Brookfield, 1868-9; Middle St. Grammar School, 1869-71 ; Collins Grammar School, Gloucester, Mass., 1871. 1st Lieut., Capt., and Lieut. Col. 2.5th Mass. Inf., U . S. A., 1861-5. Zechariah Edwards Lewis, M.D. F.S. Morrisania, New York City. Asst. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Univ. City of Xew York, 1S65-8. M.D., Univ. City of Xew York, 1866. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1864. * *^f Edward Mayxard. P.Z. Turk's Island, West Indies. U. S. Consul, 1866-8. Lieut. Col. 1st E. Tenn. Inf., U. S. A., 1S62. Died at Grand Turk, January 10, 1868. Rev. William McGlathery. I.F. Pittslield, Mass. Rector, successively, St. Andrew's Church, Lamhertviile, X. J., Christ Church, Tow- anda, Pa., and St. Stephen's Church, Pittslield, Mass., the last since 1880. Grad. Prot. Epis. Divinity School, Philadelphia, 1866. George Milton Reed. l\\. Boston, Mass. Laywer, since admission, 1871; Law Reporter Boston Advertiser. Luther Dimmick Shepard, D.D.S. A'.B. Boston, Mass. Prof. Operative Dentistry, Harvard Univ., since 1879; Asst. Prof., 1S68-79. Vice Pres. Am. Dental Assoc: Recording Sec. Am. Acad, of Dental Science. D.D.S., Baltimore Coll. Dental Surgery, 1861; D.M.D., Harvard Univ., 1879. *i864 Timothy Porter Stone. T.T.K. Lafayette, Ind. Died at Princeton Theo. Sem. *i866 Xruman Tomson. A.I. Amherst, Mass.. Contrihutor to the Xew York Round Table. Died Xovemher 7, 1866. 1863. *^^ Homer Rollin Barton. A'.T. Granby, Mass. Died August 12, 1S63. Charles Morris Billings, M.D. P.I. Xasliua, Iowa. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1867. |DoN Ferdinand Brigham. I.E. Oxford, X. J. Merchant. Austin Harris. .V.J'. East Machias, Me. Lumber Manufacturer and Merchant. Member Me. State Legislature, House, 1869; Senate, 1879-80. Trustee Washington Acad., East Machias, Me. Walter Morton Howland. T.A'. Chicago, 111. Lawyer in Chicago since admission, 1869. Parker Whittlesey McManus. K.Z. Davenport, Iowa. Farmer. Teacher Iron City Commercial Coll., Pittsburg, Pa., 1865. 1st Lieut., Adj., Capt. 27th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-5. Amherst. 137 *'**'^"'tWiLL[AM Piper Montelius. J/.//. Mifflinlnirgli, Pa. A.H., Lafayette Coll., 1864. Died June 16, 1865. fEi)WARD Combs Robbins. l\ W. St. Louis, Mo. Iron Mei-chant. Rev. George Francis Stanton. P. A. Soutli Weymouth, Mass. Pastor Second Congreg.ational Churcli since 1870 ; Gardner, Mass., ] 8G(i-7 ; >r ilford, N. II. , 1867-8; Fitchburg, Mass., 1868-70. Asst. C'liajjlain, witliout coniinission, 3d Mass. Inf., U. S. A. Joseph Augustus Titus. A .1. Worcester, Mass. Lawyer. Prin. Iligli School, Leicester, Mass., 1863-5. Asst. Justice Worcester Municipal Court, 1868-72. Member Mass. House Representatives, 1873. Private 42d Mass. Inf., U. S. A.; Lieut. 66th Mass. Inf. Rev. George Huntington Wells, T.O. Montreal, P. Q. Pastor Am. Presbyterian Church since 1870; .\mboy. 111., 1867-70. B.D., Chicago Theo. Sem., 1867. *^^ Joseph Eells AViluer. O.B. Hanover, Mass. Corp., Sergt., and Q. M. Sergt. 31st Mass. Inf., U.S. A. Fell at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, 1864. 1864. •j-Nelson Freeman Bond. Waltham, Mass. Bookkeeper. Private, Sergt , 2d Lieut., Ist Lieut., Capt., and Bvt. Maj. 31st Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-5. Shot through lung at Port Hudson, La. Whiting Sanford Crane. B'.X'. Kalamazoo, Mich. Carriage Manufacturer. Nathan Harrington, LL.B. J'.T. Toledo, Ohio. Judge Police Court, 1877-8. LL.B., Toledo Law School, 1871. * ''^'^■|- Luther Clark Howell. E.M. Hayneville, Ala. 2d Lieut, and Capt. 31st Mass. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-5. Died October 16, 1866. •fDAViD Albion Irwin. P.Z. Denver, Colo. Lieut., Capt. 12th Pa. Cav., U. S. A., 1862-5; Lieut., Capt. 4th U. S. Cav., 1866-78; retired, 187<). fEBENEZER Burgess Park. S'.E. Osage Mission, Kan. County Surveyor, Livingston Co., >[o., 1868-72. Private 42d Mass. Inf., U. S. A., for one year. •j-Rev. George Harlow Pratt. T. ¥. Medfielcl, INIass. P.istor, Congregational, since 1879. Pastor Harvard, Mass., 1866-71; Acting Pastor Seabrook, N. H., 1872-4; Agawara,, 187.">-9. *'*'^-f- Willi AM Pierce Stone. ././/. Amesburv, Mass. Died November 9, 1862. Henry Edward Storrs. K.J. Jacksonville, 111. Prof, of Natural Science, 111. Coll., since 1871. Author of Presence of .Mcthyltoluol in Commercial Xylol, and Some of the Derivatives of Isophthalic Acid. Ph. D., Uottiugen. 1869. 38 Amherst. Rev. Edwaed SouTHWORTH TowxE. l.L Plainville, Conn. Pastor, Baptist, since 1878; at South Windsor, Codu., 1871-8. Member Conn. State Legislature, 18S2. William Haimimond Whiting. M.Q. St. Albans, Vt Editor St. Albans, Vt., Mesnenger, 1865-8. Employed on U. 8. Coast SuiTey < Lakes, also Clerk for Chippeway Indian Agency. Died December 29, 1874. 1865. *^^'' Asa Geoege Abbott. A.M. St. Louis, Mo. Prin. Public School, Milwaukee, Mich., 1865-7; Prin.Lafayette School, St. Louis, Mo., 1867-70. Died July 2, 1870. James Lawrence Baeker. A.E. Santa Barbara, Cal. Dairy and Stock Farmer. Priu. Public School, Santa Barbara, 1869-70. James Loed Bishop, LL.B. s\.I. New York City. Lawyer. Author of Bishop on Insolvent Debtors ; Edited Third Edition Burrill on Assignments. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1869. *^*'^^f Alfeed Dwight Clapp. J. 77. Deerfield, Mass. Enlisted 40th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1862. Died of malarial fever, November 22, 1863. *^*'' Orrin CooLEY, M.D. P.r. Chicago, 111. Asst. Superintendent of Sanitarium for Inebriates, 1869-70. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1869. Died January 7, 1S77. Benjamin Kendall Emerson. 3/. J. Amherst, Mass. Prof, of Geology and Zoology, Amherst, since 1870. Author of Die Lias Mulde von Markold.iidr.if, Dorlin, 1870; Review of Von Siebach's Earthquake of March 6, 1872, Aiiur'ir,,:, .Iu,,r,n(l of Science, 3d series. Vol. Tin., 1874; j&eology of Frobisher's Bay, in Xanativ. Mt s. iid Expedition of C. H. Hall, 1879. Ph. D., Gottingen, 1870. Member of German ( ;.■..!, .-ical Soc, Am. Assoc. Ad. Sc, Appalachian Club. George Dickman Gray. O.A. Oakland, Cal. Lumber Dealer. Mining Engineer in Cal. and Nev., 1866-70. Bookkeeper, San Fran- cisco, 1871. Daniel March, Jr., M.D. J.-'. Winchester, Mass. Late Physician to Mercy Hospital, Penn . St. Dispensary, Pittsburg, Pa. Asst. Surgeon on Penn. R'.R. ; Res. Physician in Prot. Epis. Hospital, Philadelphia, 1872; Prin., Cam- bridge, N. Y., 1868-70. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1871. Francis Warren Rockwell, M.D. P'.(I>. Brooklyn, N.Y. Consulting Surg, to Sheltering Arms Nursery, Brooklyn, 1871 ; Attending Surg. St. John's Hospital, 1873; Lecturer on Materia Medica, Long Island Coll. Hospital, 1874. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1868. Pres. Brooklyn Pathological Soc. for 1877-0. Joseph Henry Sa^vyer. ZJ2. Easthami)ton, Mass. Instructor in Mental Science and English Literature, Williston Sem., since 1866. Chairman Easthampton School Board since 1878. Author of Alumni Records of Williston Sem. Francis Hoffman Saylor. Z.0. Philadelphia, Pa. Civil Engineer and Bridge Builder. Asst. Civil Engineer, Philadelphia and Reading R.R., 1869; Y'hief Engineer '"Delaware and Bound Brook R.R., 1S74-6; Gen. Manager, 1876-S. C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1867. Almon Underwood Thresher. \.Z. Granville, Ohio. Prof. Rhetoric and English Literature, Denison Univ., since 1867. Tutor 1865-7. Amherst. 139 1866. Maurice Benaiaii Blake. A.-. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer in San Francisco since adniisRion, 1870. Author of Blake's Legal Time Tables. - Rev. George Brayton. T.0. Newark, N. J. Grad. Princeton Theo. Scni., 1869. rreached Norwood, X. J., 1870-2; Newark, 1872-3. Died June 9, 1873. Noah Saxtox Cooley. J'.E'. Windsor Locks, Conn. Supt. Hosiery Mills. 2d Lieut. 46th >fass. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-3. Eev. Perez Dickinson Cowan. 77. ^'^ Wellesley, Mass. Pastor Congregational Chnrch since 1879; Grad. Union Theo. Sein., 1869; Pastor New Market and Rogcrsville, Tenn., 1869-72; Jonesboro', Tenn., 1872-9. Pres. Rogersville, Tenn., Female Coll., 1871-2. Editor of The Record and The Tennessee Presbyter, 1873-5. Samuel Johnson Dike. A.B. New York City. Teacher New York since 1871. Teacher Ellington, Conn., 1866-7 ; Tarrytown, N. Y., 1870-1. Joseph Whitcomb Fairbanks. Q.E. Easthampton, Mass. Prin. Williston Sem. since 1878. Prin. High School, South Hadley Falls, Mass., 1866-8 ; Centre School, Norwalk, Conn., 1868-74; Dis St. Grammar School, Worcester, Mass., 1874-5; High School, 1875-8. Ph.D., Amherst, 1879. "fJoHN French, M.D. A'.FI. Kansas City, Mo. Practising Physician Chicago and Kansas City. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1866. Died August 24, 1879. ^ Nehemiah Hutchinson Gage. I.E. Hudson, N. H. Died July 1,1866. ' Rev. George Harris, Jr. l*.0. Providence, R. I. Pastor Central Congregational Church since 1872; Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1869; Pastor Auburnville, Mass., 1869-72. f Andrew Clark Lippitt, Jr., LL.B. A. FT. New London, Conn. Judge City Court and Police Court, 1875-7. Treas. New London Gas Light Co. since 1868. LL.B., Yale Coll., 1866. Rev. Heman Humphrey Neill. N.X'. Amherst, Mass. Prof. Rhetoric, Oratory and English Literature, Amherst, since 1874. . Rev. Stephen Dutton Noyes. I.M. Florida, N. Y. Presbyterian Stated Supply. Co-editor of Presbyterian Weekly, now Baltimore, Md., Presbyterian, 1876-8. Rev. Thomas Snell Smith. Tillipally, Jaffna, Ceylon. Missionarj' A. B.C. F. M. ; address Kauirysoiitnin'. .Tattna, (^eylon. Sec. Board of Directors of Jaft'na Coll. since 1872; Maiiairer .Tattiia I'.cpanI of Kdiication since 1873; Prin. Training and Theo. Institute of the .\in. ( cvlnii M is>iciii, rillipallv, Jaftha, Ceylon, since 1878: Sec. Jaffna Religious Tract Soe. and Editor of Us luiblications since 1874. Author of A Review of Bishop CoplestoneV In Ceylon, 1876; and of occasional contributions to the Indian Erangelical Review, Bombay. *f Hinckley Wright Williams. A'.F. Goshen, Mass. Died August 25, 1864. 140 Amherst. 1867. '^' Edmund Clllex Braytox, M.D. J. Y. AVhite.*72. Author The Eastern Church, Xew Englan'der, 1877. Charles Henry Brownell. W. T. Peru, Ind. Banker. Delegate Democratic National Convention, 1880. LL.B., Columbia Law School, 1875. William Crary Brownell. A'. I. Xew York City. Journalist. Literary Editor The Xation since 1879; connected as Reporter, City Editor, Literary Editor, with The World, 1871-9. Contributor to Scribner's Monthly. Samuel Patterson Butler. B.Z. Washington, D. C. Journalist. Washington Critic smce 1880; Washington Correspondent Baltimore Gazette and other papers, 1876^80. William Henry Chickering, LL.B. I.^'. Oakland, Cal. Lawyer, San Francisco, Cal. Instructor Oahu Coll., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, 1871-3. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1875. Amherst. 143 fCtEORGE C'ykil Hall. (KM. Springfield, Ohio. Merchant. Pliny Nelson Haskell, LL.l). V. '/'. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Supt. Hyde Park, 111., Schools, 1871-6. LL.B., Union Coll. of Law, 1877. jGeorge Spencek Knapp. Chicago, 111. Travelling Salesman in Furniture Business. Edwin Konigmachek Martin. /. /^ Lancaster, Pa. Lawyer; admitted 1876. Private Co. E 79th Pa. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-5. Leonard Morse. A.E. Hartford, Conn. Lawyer; admitted, Norwich, Conn., 1875. Taught at Millbury, Mass., 1871-3. t Theodore Moody Osborne. J. '/. Peabody, Mass. Lawyer, Salem, Mass. A.B., Hai-\'ard Univ., 1871. Librarian Peahody Institute, Robert Campbell Rockwell. E.Q. Lenox, Mass. Journalist. Proprietor and Editor Lee Gleaner, 1877-81. *''''tHARRY Shelby Stokes, LL.B. P. 77. Lebanon, Tenn. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1873. Died January, 1875. 1872. fCLARENCE Augustus Burley (Burleigh). Z\ T. Chi- cago, 111. Lawyer. George Everett Church. Z..Q', Providence, R. I. Teacher. Prin. Oxford St. Grammar School since 1872. Solon Tenney French. T. W. Chicago, 111. Ticket Agent Chicago & N.W. R.R., Wells St. Depot. Asst.Prin. Collegiate School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1872-3; Prof. Latin and Greek Colorado Coll., 1874-5; Acting Pres., 1875. Initiated at Rochester. Gordon Robert Hall, M.D. & A\ Binghamton, N.Y. House Physician, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York City, 1880-1 ; since then practising in Binghamton, N. Y. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1880. Rev. David Leverett Holbrook. J./. Geneva, AVis. Pastor Congregational Church since 1877. Grad. Chicago Theo. Sem., 1877. John William McElhinney, LL.B. E.l. Mt. Olive, Mo. Lawyer. Teacher 1872-4. LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1876. Albert George Paine, M.D. J. /A Chicago, 111. Lecturer on Dermatology in Chicago Med. Coll. since 1878. M.D., Uuiv. City of New York, 1877. Member Chicago Biological Soc. Lyman May Paine. A.E. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Prin. Hanoniton, Conn., Acad. ; Shrewsbury, Mass., High School, 1872-3. Charles Albert Siebert, J.J. St. Louis, ]\Io. Lawyer. 144 Amhei'st. Timothy Gridley Spauldixg. T.M. Xorthampton, ]\Ia88. Lawyer since 1S77. Teacher, Westchester, X. Y., 1S72-3. Member Mass. House of Representatives, 1878. Eev. Albert Hexry Thompsox. P.I. AVakefield, X.H. Acting Pastor, Congregational, since 1880. Grad. Yale Divinity School, 187-5. 1873. Leverett Bradley. A.O. Gardiner, Me. Rector Christ Church since 1879. Trustee Gardiner Public Library. Ordained Deacon, March 17, 187S, at Hartford; Asst. Minister at Trinity Church. Boston, Mass., May, 1878; Ordained Priest June 13, 1879. 1st Lieut. 1st Mass. Heavy Art., I'. S. A., 1861-6.5. Fraxk Williams Damox. A.I. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Sec. Hawaiian Legation, Berlin, Germany, 1877-Sl. Rev. AYiLLiAM Vail Wilsox Davis. A' .X' . ^Manchester, N. H. Pastor Franklin St. Congregational Church since 1878. Instructor Robert Coll., Con- stantinople, 1873-4 ; Instructor Latin Amherst, 1876-7. Lymax Beecher Hall. B.A'. Haverford College, Pa. Prof. Chemistry Haverford Coll. since 1880. Fellow in Chemistry Johns Hopkins Univ., 1878-80. Ph.D., Gijttingen, 1875. Author of papers, Ueber Orthonitrosalicj-saure nnd einige Abkommllnge derselben, 1875; On the Oxidation of Mesitylene-Sulphonic Acid, 1877; On the Oxidation of Substitution Products of Mesitylene, 1878; Ueber Oxldations- produkte aus Cymosulfamid, 18S0. f James Hayward, LL.B. E.!.'. Hannibal, Mo. Accountant for Hayward & Co. Editor Hannibal, Mo., Clipper-Herald, 1878-SO. Author of Memoir of Jonathan Crane, 1874. A.B., Yale Coll., 1873 ; LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1875. Arxold Xelsox Heap, LL.B. A.X. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Prin. Amherst, Mass., High School, 1874-5. Author of work on Illinois Liquor Law, 1882. JoHX Remixgtox Hobbie, M.D. O.A. New York City. Physician; practising. since 1877. M.D. , Columbia Coll., 1877. James Humphrey Hoyt, LL.B. M.H'. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer; practicing since 1877. A.B., Brown Univ., 1874; LL B., Harvard Univ., 1877. Rev. KixGSLEY Flavel Xorris. A'. dK Manchester, X. H. Congregational Minister. fRev. John Parsoxs. U.M. X'^orth Woodstock, Conn. Pastor, Congregational, since 1878. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1874. Elljah HA^^^LEY Williams. il.U. Carthage, Mo. Lum))er Dealer, firm of S. A. Brown is.Co. Talcott Williams. A. A'. Philadelphia, Pa. Journalist, Editorial staff The Press, since 1881 ; City Staff New York World, 1873-7 ; Washington Correspondent New York Sim, 1877-9; Editorial staff of Springfield, Mass., Republican , 1879-81. Contributor to Encyclopaedia of Political Science, 1881 ; and American Architect. Editor of the KS^ Semi-Centeuuial Catalogue. fJoHN WooDBRiDGE, Jr. N.Z. Chicago, 111. Agent for Liverpool, London & Globe lus. Co. Amherst. 145 1874. Charles Ross Dahlinc;, liL.T.. ./. \'. lioston, Mass. LL.B., Harvard I'uiv., 1877. Frank Fowler Dow. Z'.V. P<'iii, Ind. Manufacturer Reapers and Agricultural Todln. Alfred Ely, J. /. Vernon, N. J. Sec. and Director Loliisrli & Hudwon River R.R. CJo. since I881); Director Warwick Valley R.R. Co. I.L.B., Columbia Coll., 1878. Frederick Huntington Gillett, LL.B. .V Ji' . l>oston, Mass. Lawyer; Associate Counsel Boston & Albany R.R. Asst. Atty. (len. Mass.. 1878-81. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1877. George Adams Leland, M.D. Z'.A. Boston, Mass. Medical Student in Europe since 1881. Physician and Instructor in Physical Culture, Schools of Educational Department, Tokio, Japan, 1878-81. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1878. fRoBERT Pearmain LoRiNG, M.D. II. E. Kansas City, Mo. Prof, of Physiology, Kansas City Medical School. Asst. Surgeon Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R.R. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1875. Corresponding Member GyniBcological Soc, Boston, Mass. James Maynard. l.P. Washington, D. C. Employed in Post Office Department since 1880. U. S. Marshal at Constantinople, 1877-80. Leverett Mears, ii. W. Williamstown, Mass. Prof. Chemistry, Mineralogy and Physics, Williams Coll., since 1881 ; Instructor Chem- istry, Amherst, 1876-81. Ph.D., Gottingen, 1876. Charles Sprague Smith. A.S. New York City. Gebhard's Prof. Gennan, and Instructor in Italian, Spanish and Scandinavian, Columbia Coll., since 1880. Author of Gretli Beowulf, Existence of Anglo-Saxon Legend in Norse Literature, New Englander., 1881. 1875- Stephen Driver Brooks. E.Z. Salem, Mass. Student Harvard Medical School. Prin. Acad., Plainfield, Conn., 1875-6; Claswcal Asst. Peddie Institute, Iliirhtstown, N. J., 1876; Asst. Acad., Hackensack, N. J., 1876-7 ; Priu., 1877-80. Charles Albert BuFFUM. W .(K Easthampton, Mass. Teacher WilUston Sem. since 1879; Worcester High School, 1876-0. "**' Rev. William Brewster Ely. IJ .\. Reading, Mass. Studied Union Theo. Sem. Pastor San Frauci.sco. Tutor -Amhei-st, 1878. Pastor, Reading, Mass., 1879-80. Died May 11, 1880. Alfred Dwight Foster Hamlin. J. S. Paris,' France. Student of Architecture, ik-olc des Beaux Arts. Teaelier History and Drawing, High School and Free Evening Drawing Schools, Worcester, Mass. Special Paris Correspondent Hai'tford, Conn., Courant, 1878. Rev. Thomas Reeves. r.l\ Kingston, Mass. Pastor First I'resbyteriau Church, Kingston, N. Y., since 1878. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1878. 146 Amherst. Rev. Frank Churchill Scoville. T.A'. Saugerties, N. Y. Congregational Minister. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1878. Rev. Arthur Fessenden Skeele. Z'.A. East Bloom- field, N. Y. Acting Pastor Congregational Church. InBtructor Phillips Acad., Andover, 1875-8. Grad. Andover Theo. 8em., 1881. Rev. Edward Sampson Tead. Z.\. Cumberland Mills, Me! Congregational Clergyman. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1878. 1876. Clifford Rush Bateman. Z' .A. New York City, Prof. Columbia Coll., School of Political Science, since 1881. fHERBERT FooTE Beecher. li.Z. New Tacoma, Wash- ington Ter. Capt. in service of Oregon Steam Navigation Co. since 1879. Rev. Frank Bowler. A'.(I>. Eastham, Mass. Pastor, Methodist, since 1881 ; late Southwick, Mass., and Florence, Mass. Arthur Clarke Boyden. 7'. A . Bridgewater, Mass. Prof. Mathematics and Chemistry, State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass., since 1879 ; Teacher Mathematics, Cbauncey Hall, Boston, Mass., 1876-9. Author of paper on Metric System, 1879. Rev. Robert Bruce Clark. P.B. State Centre, Iowa. Pastor, Presbyterian, since 1879. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1879. William Brewster Clark, M.D. M.O. New York City. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1879. Frank Farnum Kimball. K.U, Boston, Mass. In business. Dry Goods, care R. H. White & Co. Henry Paullin. A.A' . Cherokee, Iowa. Lawyer. Edward Robinson Smith. T'W. Chelsea, Mass. Sculptor. Prof, and Lecturer, Museum of Fine Arts, since 1882. Rev. William Henry Sybrandt. /.A'. South Boston, Mass. Pastor, Presbyterian, since 1879. William Ives Washburn, LL.B. V .\' . New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1878. William Herbert Williams. /..I/. Springfield, AIo. Lumber Dealer. 1877. t Collin Armstrong. A'.Z. New York City. Journalist, City Staff Sun, since 1879 ; World, 1876-8. Initiated at Williams. Amherst. 147 LuciKN Ii:a Blakk. A.Y. Berlin, Gennaiiy. Student Physics, Univ. of Berlin. Prin. Franklin, Mass., Hi.i;h School, 1878-9; Resident fJraduate in Physios, Amherst, 1879-80; Student Physics, Gottini?en, 1880-1. Second Incunnbent Tyndall Scholarship for Am. Students of Physics in the German TIniv., 1881. Thomas James Eddy, li' .J. Fall Tvivt^r, Mass. In business. Joseph Converse Gray, rJv.l>. 0.1' . Boston, Mass. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1881. William Orrin Pratt. J.l. Warren, Mass. Prin. Warren High School since 1881. Sumner Salter M.E. Syracuse, N. Y. Musician. Abbott Sanford. ./. /. East Bridgewater, Mass. Student Medical School, Harvard. Sub-masler High School, Maiden, Mass., 1877-9; Prin. High School, Wakefield, since 1879. Benjamin Eli Smith. N.N. Baltimore, Md. Instructor Philosophy Johns Hopkins Univ. since 1881. Instructor Mathematics, Amherst, 1878-80. Rev. Rurus Babcock Tobey. IW. Harwich, Mass. Congregational Clergyman. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1880. William Orne Weeden. \' .11. Providence, R. I. Theo. Student in Europe. 1878. Frank LusK Babbott, LL.B. A.l'. Waterville, New York. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1880. William DwiGHT Porter Bliss. 0.S. Hartford, Conn. Theo. Student. t William Bacon Crittenden. M.U. Bucyrus, Ohio. ' In business. A. B., Hamilton Coll., 1878. Edward Hitchcock, Jr., MD. '/'.U. Amherst, Mass. M.D., Dartniotith Coll., 1881. William Mead Ladd. N.P. Porthmd, Oreg. Banker. Walter Bemis Mosman. ./. Y' . Brooklyn, N. Y. In business. '•■^'^tHENRY Irving Plummer. J. '/'. Brooklyn, N. Y. Died December 30, 1874. fORREN Burnham Sanders, M.D. O.E. Boston, Mass. M.D., Boston Univ., 1S79. William Washburn Sleeper. i?./V. Hartford. Conn. Theo. Student. 1^8 Amherst. Arthur Holbroor Wellmax. V. /. ^Maiden, ]\rass. Law Student, Harvard Univ. Harry Martix Whitney, Jr. tKH. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Merchant. George Huntington Willia:ms. Z.l' . Utica, N.Y. Student Geology, Heidelberg, Germany. Charles Handel Wright. W.U. Springfield, Mass. Jounialist since 1879. Editor New £7igland ffomestead,lS19-Sl. Initiated at Hud- son Chapter. 1879. Frank Martin Carson. H'.l'. Brooklyn, N. Y. Correspondent in the house of Joseph Paton & Co., Bankers, New York City. George Mooar Chapin. /\H. Chicago, 111. In business. Henry Clay Folger, Jr. A..V. Brooklyn, N. Y. Student Columbia Coll. Law School. Charles Burton Goold. X.O. Albany, X. Y. Studying in Germany. Teacher .-Vlbany Boys' Acad., 1879-81. Henry Eyarts Gordon. B.h. Trinidad, Colo. Prin. Trinidad Acad, since 18S0. Arthur Willard KJelly. 0.X. Auburndale, Mass. Student of Theol., Andover, 1879-S2. Charles Millard Pratt, //./v. Xew York City. In business. William Arthuti Sargent, LL.B. A. //. Boston, ^lass. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1881. Hiram Edward Thurston. .V. '. Swansea, ^fass. Clerk Mechanics' National Bank. 1880. Edmund Kimball Alden. T.J. Marshfiold, Mass. Teacher. Prin. Acad., McGranville, N. Y., since ISSl. t Joseph Bartlett Bisbee. P.J. Poughkeepsie, X. Y. Teacher. Frederick Jones Bliss. J. A'. Beirut. Syria. Prin. Acad. Department Syrian-Protestant Coll. since 1880. Arthur Lincoln Gillett. 0.1'. Westfield, Mass. Student of Theol., Hartford, Conn. f Charles Samuel Howard. 0.n. San Francisco, Cal. Mining Broker. Amherst. I49 Charles Stoddard I.ANK. E.V. Hartford, Conn. Student of Theol. Teacher Adi'lplii Acad., Brooklyn, 1880-81. Arthur Norris Millh^en. T. T. Boston, Mass. Student Boston Univ. Law School. Frank Edwards Packard. J. (P. Beirut, Syria. Instructor of Eaglish-Syrian I'rolcstaut Coll. Pri.i. Grammar School, Brockton, Mass., 1880-81. Frank Edward Stehbins. E.Z. Si)ringfield, Mass. Studying abroad. Graduate Student Hopkins Univ. since 1881. Frederick Morris Warren. N. T. Hudson, Ohio. Instructor Modern Languages Western Reserve Coll., IltidBOU, Ohio. i88i. Walter Hayden Crittenden. l.l'. Utica, N. Y. Student in Columbia Coll. Law Scliool. George Foster Fiske. Z'.II. St. Louis, Mo. GeorCxE Porter Hilton. //.V. Albany, N. Y. Bridge Building. Bradford Washburn Hitchcock. /\A. New York City. Student Columbia Coll. Law School. James Furman Kemp. 2*. J'. Brooklyn, N. Y. Student Columbia Coll. School of Mines. Charles Eliott L ADD. ./'.T. Portland, Greg. Banker. Edward Gillett Rand. A. A". Boston, Mass. In business. Isaac Chipm AN Smart. E'.O. Pittsiield, Mass. Journalist. Editor Pittsfield Daily Jonrnal. Thatcher Tpiayer Thurston. J'.f/K New York City. In business. Philip Mayer A\ackerhagen. J. P. Albany, N. Y. In Heaton Emery Works. 1882. Frederic Austin Bancroft, Galesburgh, Bl. Paul Blatchford. //. T. Chicago, 111. Howard SwEETZER Bliss. //'.)'. Amherst, Mass. Frederic William Greene. P.l'. Amherst, Mass. Charles Smith Mills. /i.P. Andovcr, ]Mass. Joseph Hartshorn Perry. Z'.h. Worcester, ^Mass. John Camp Williams. I'.ri. Utica, N. Y. ^o Amherst. 1883. Wallace Clarke Boyden, E.B. Bridgewater, Mass. William Claelin. M.Z. Lombard, 111. Walter Clayton Clapp. Z. E. New York City. Walter Taylor Field. P.F. Chicago, 111. Charles Woodman EUmilton. J. T. Fond du Lac, Wis, Frank Ballard Marsh. K.M. Brooklyn, N. Y. Alexander Rae. H' . W. Brooklyn, N. Y. Benjamin Rush Rhees. H'.H. Plainfield, N. J. William Bradford Sprout. A'.K'. Worcester, Mass. WiLLiSTON Walker. O.E'. Hartford, Conn. 1884. Alfred Ely Alvord. Nashua, N. H. Samuel Edwards Appleton. Manlius, N. Y. Charles Jesse Child. Worcester, Mass. William Bullock Clark. Brattleboro', Vt. Edward Dickinson. Amherst, Mass. Arthur Severance Fiske. New Haven, Conn. William Gardner. Fayetteville, N. Y. Frank Judson Goodwin. Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Foster Weeden. Providence, R. I. WiLLARD Hayden Wheeler. Brooklyn, N. Y. 18S5. Herbert Bro^\ts^ Ames. Montreal, Canada. James Best. Kinderhook, N. Y. Sanford Lyivian Cutler. Auburndale, Mass. George Enos Gardner. Worcester, Mass. Frederick Cohoon Gladden. Springfield, Mass. William Stanton Gleason. Newark, N. J. William George Lamb. South Hadley Falls, Mass. Ezra Parmelee Prentice. Chicago, 111. Edwin Benjamin Tucker. New York City. I THE BRUNONIAN CHAPTER, 1836 TO 1885. Annals. The Brunonian Clmpter places the date of its organization back among tlie early years of the Fraternity. The spirit of extension, which was active at that period, found in Brown University a field worthy of cultivation. In 1836 certain students of Brown petitioned for a charter from the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, and presently secured the grant. In the autumn of that 3'ear, Giles Mnmford Hillycr, Columbia, '3G, Seth Tryon Wilbur, Hamilton, '36, and after- wards Yale, '37, and William Alexander Sparks, Yale, '37, came to Providence with delegated authority, and formally instituted the Brunonian Chapter. Meetings were held weekly on Saturday morn- ings, and were of a character to call up most pleasant memories in the minds of our alumni who were then active participants. Members were chosen only from the three upper classes, and no one was accepted until he had proved himself worthy the honor. How just a judgment was used in this selection is evidenced by the character of the member- ship at that time. It was adherence to this principle, however, which ere long interrupted the growth of the Chapter. Other Fraternities in a year or two established themselves at Brown, and began to receive members from the Freshman class. The alternatives thus offered Alpha Delta Phi for increasing her membership were the sacrifice of the principle she had adopted, or a choice of men from classes alread}- canvassed by rivals. Neither was accepted, and in the autumn of 1838 it was resolved that no further elections be made. For twelve years following no initiations occurred. In the latter part of ISoO, however, steps were taken for the reorganization of the Chapter. At that time there were located at 152 Brunonian. Williams and at Brown the only two New^ England Chapters of a then small Fraternity. Both were of good standing in their respective colleges, and decided to change their outer connections. The Chapter at Brown took the lead, followed soon after b}' that at Williams, in seeking place in the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternit}'. For the ready success which rewarded these efforts, the petitioners at Brown were indebted to Melanchthon Storrs and Delano Alexander Goddard, members of Brown University, and afterwards Alpha Delts at Yale, graduating respectiA-ely in the classes of '52 and '.53 ; to the cordial assistance of the Yale Chapter ; and finally to the former reputation of •' Brunonian," and the heart}' cooperation of its graduates. On the evening of April 15, 1851, William Wallace Crapo. Yale, '52, b}' authority of the Fraternit}', met in Providence, and initiated as members of Alpha Delta Phi the following gentlemen, students in Brown University : — 1851. Samuel Penniman Bates. | Hamilton Barclay Staples. Asa Messek Williams. 1852. Samuel Brooks. | Nathan Wheaton Moore. Elijah Perry. 1853. Frank Standish Bradford. I Edward Thompson Caswell. OsBORN Edward Bright. | Francis Marion McAllister. Henry Augustus Allen. Benjamin Braman. Frank Woodbridge Cheney. Benjamin Fr.\nklin Davis. Walter Hillman. Horatio Nelson Slater, Jr. Thomas Vernon. There grew up almost immediately a thorough sympath}' between the new initiates and their predecessors of a dozen years. The aims, and largelv the methods, were identical ; the same spirit breathed in Brunonian. 153 tlio rovivod body, so thiit (k's[)ili' llic iutcTval of years tlieiv scciiumI to have been no break in the line of succession. Indeed, from the bejiinning to the present, nnity of [)urpose — and that a nol)le })nrpose — has, we believe, marked the histoiy of '' Brunonian." and our best hope for the future lies in the strength of this ruling principle. Of the deep, inner life of the Chai)ter no record may be put into words : it is elearly written in tlie heart of ever}' true brother Alpha Delt. The high resolves iiispin'd, the noble thoughts cherished, the puiv and lasting friendships formed, have made fellowship in Alpha Delta Phi to man}- in preceding, as may it prove to many in succeeding, classes the choicest .treasure of college days. Among the honors won for their Chapter and the Fraternity have been : — Valedictorians. — C. S. Bradley, "38; F. E. Iloppin, '30; N. Morton, '40; H. S. Frieze, '41; (Break in Chapter from 1841 to 1851); F. S. Bradford, '53; B. Braman, '54; C. B. Goff, '56; I. B. Barlicr, '61; J. H. Remington, '62: W. R. Perce, '65; J. B. G. Pidge, '66; F. Coggeshall, '67; W. H. Lyon, '68; ,). S. Hutcliinson, '69; E. W. Babcock, '74; W. P. Sheffield, '77. Salutatorians. — E. Noyes, '37; W. S. Ames, '38; W. T. Wilson, "3;); K. Brooks, '41 ; (Break in Chapter from 1841 to 1851) ; H. B. Staples, '51 : N. W. Moore, '52; E. T. Caswell, '53; W. W. Keen, '59; A. N. Drown, '61; H. F. Colby, '62; H. B. Miner, '64; M. R. Demming, '65; D. Cole, '67; R. G. Kulin-. '69; A. Williams, '70; C. F. Parkhurst, '76; G. S. Goodspeed, '80. Third Rank and Classical Oration. — G. W. Samson. '39; F. Wilson, "41; (Break in Chapter from 1841 to 1851) ; S. Brooks, '52; F. M. McAllister, '53; I). (ioodwin, '57; W. McD. Potter, '59; S. W. Duncan, '60; C. T. Lazcll, '64; E. Jiidson, '65; I. N. Smith, 'Qi^; B. I. Wheeler, '75. Fourth Rank and the Fhilosophicnl Oration. — M. Morton, '38; S. Glover, '39; A. Payne, '40; (Break in Chapter from 1841 to 1851) ; H. N. Slater, '54; E. O. Stevens, '61; S. J. Axtell, '64; C. A. G. Thurston, '66; W. C. Poland, -68; T. I). Anderson. '74; I. <). Winslow, '78; W. C. Ladd,-'81. Of the one hundred and seventy-five members of our Chapter who have completed the classical course, one hundred and twenty-one have been members of the $ B K ; the total membership of that society in the classes hereafter given being four hundred aud sevent3'-nine. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Members. 1836. James Wilmer Dallaim. M.K. Erasmus Darwin Fish. E. H. Edwin Notes. O.B. George Washington Peck. P.K. Charles William Reding. B'.U. William Shaw Ames. MJ\. Charles Manning Bowers. II. M. Charles Smith Bradley. A.B. Alfred Colburn. J. FJ. Ezra Williams Howard. P. W. Thomas Allen Jenckes. O.H. George Van Ness Lothrop. E'.Z. Marcus Morton. E'. 3. Henry Clay Whitaker. N.F. Samuel Glover, Jr. P.H. Francis Edwin Hoppin. A^. F. George Washington Packard. P .B. James Brown Mason Potter. 2'. M. George Whitefield Samson. 0. W. William Thomas Wilson. ././/. 1851. Henry Augustus Allen. ./'./. Samuel Pennim AN Bates. Ff.B. Frank Standish Bradford. /'. . Benjamin Br am an. P.I'. OsBORN Edward Bright. A^'.A. Samuel Brooks. 7. V. Bnmoniaii. 155 Edwaiii) Thompson Caswell. i'.V. Frank AVoodhkidgk Cheney. VjV. Benjamin Franklin Davis. H. 'I'. Walter HiLLMAN. LA'. Francis Marion McAllister. M.iL Nathan Wheaton Moore. A.I. Elijah Perry. P.F/. Horatio Nelson Slater, Jr. /. d'. Hamilton Barclay Staples. A.(K Asa Messer Williams. A'.Z. Thomas Vernon. I'. I'. 1837. '*^' James Wilmer Dallam. M.K. Matagorda, Tex. Lawyer. '^^ Erasmus Darwin Fish, LL.B. E.H. Thornton, N.H. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1839. Edwin No YES. O.B. Water ville. Me. Lawyer since 1841. Tutor Colbv Univ., 1837-8. Geu. Supt. of Railroads, Mc. and Mich., 18'49-71. Me. State Senator, 1850-1. ^^'•' George Washington Peck. P.K. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Editor of Am. Review, Boston, Mass. ; Musical Review, Boston Pout, New Yorlv Courier and Enquirer; Contributor to Atlantic Monthly. Autlior of Melbourne and the Chincha Islands, with Sketches of Lima ; Voyage Around the World ; Sonnets of the Sidewalk; Aurifodina, or Adventures iu the Gold Region. Died June 6, 1809. Rev. Charles William Reding. B'.Il. Beverly Farms, Mass. Baptist Clergyman. Mass. St.ate Representative, 1860-1. Author of Historical Discourse on the 50th Anniversary of Baptist Church, Webster, Mass., 1864. 1838. William Shaw Ames. M.K. Providence, R.I. Law Student. Rev. Charles Manning Bowers. E.M. Clinton, Mass. Pastor, Baptist, since 1847. Editor Clinton Courant two years; Mass. State Represen- tativc, 1864=5. D.D., Brown, 1870. Charles Smith Bradley. A.B. Providence, R.I. Lawyer. Tutor Brown, 1838-40. Delegate to several national democratic conven- tions, including that of 1860. Chief Justice R. I. Supreme Court, 1866-8. Lecturer Harvard Law School, 3 years; Prof. Jurisprudence Harvard Law School, 1876-9. Author of Addresses before Alumni of Brown, Harvard Chapter of (l> B K, etc. LL.D., Brown, 1867. Fellow Brown since 1866. Rev. Alfred Colburn. J. /7. Worcester, Mass. 1840 1^6 runontaii. '^ Ezra Williams Howard. R ¥. Providence, R. I. Lawyer. Died December 9, 1869. ^'^^^ Thomas Allen Jexckes. O.H. Cumberlaud, R.I. Lawyer. Tutor Mathematics, Brown, 1839-40. Representative from Rhode Island, 1867-71. Author of Jeuekes Bill, entitled A Bill to Regulate the Civil Service of the United States, and to Promote the Efficiency Thereof; and of addresses on various public occasions. LL.D., Brown, 1873. Died ISTovember 4, 1875. George Yax Ness LoTHEOP. I'/.Z. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Attorney General Mich., 1848-50; General Counsel Michigan Central R.R. Co., since 1855. Author of occasional addresses. LL.D., Brown, 1873. Marcus Morton, LL.B. E.E. Andover, Mass. Chief Justice Mass. since 1882; Member Constitutional Convention, 1853; State Representative, 1858; Justice Suffolk Co. Superior Court, 1858-9; Justice Mass. Superior Court, 1859-69; Justice Supreme Judicial Court since 1869. LL.B., Harvard I'niv., 1840; LL.D., Brown, 1869. Henry Clay Whitaker. N.F. Providence, R. I. Fire and Marine Insurance Agent. Contributor Providence Daily Journal; Com- mercial Editor and Book Critic, 1859-78. Author of several poems. 1839. *^**^ Samuel Glover, Jr. P.fl. Cambridge, Mass. Theo. Student Newton Theo. Sem., 1840-2. Died, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1842. *'^ Francis Edwin Hoppin, LL.B. N.F. Providence, R. I. Municipal Judge, 1853-8. Author of several published discourses. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1842. After 1858 practised little, and died June 20, 1868. * '^ George Washington Packard. P./i. Providence, R. I. Student Theology Harvard Univ. James Brown Mason Potter. l.M. Washington, D. C. Additional Paymaster, U. 8. A., 1861 ; Mai. and Paymaster, U. 8. A., 1864 ; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U.S.A., 1865. Rev. George Whitefield Samson. 0. W. New York City. Clergyman. Pres. Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C, 1859-71 ; Pi . -. TJiii-. i> Female Coll., 1871-5. Baptist Clergyman since 1875. Contributor C/irUtiai> L: ,'. ■ . /.■ t,<,/^lical Alliance, Baptist Quarterly. Author The Physical in Spiritualism, l^^l ; Spii inialism Tested, 1860; To Daimonion, or The Spiritual Medium, 1851 : Element- ..t Ait( ritleisra, 1866; Abridged, 1868; Atonement, 1878; Creation and Immortality, 1882; The Divine Law as to AVines, 1880. D.D., Columbian Univ., 1858. Member Am. Scientific Soc. ; Am. Philological Soc. *'«^=' William Thojias Wilson, M.D. A.n. Baltimore, INId. Prof. Materia Medica Washington, Md., Univ., 1845-9. Died July, 1852. 1840. t James Burrill Curtis. M. '/'. Edinburgh, ScotLiud. Literateur. Went to Europe and took Orders iu the Church of England. M.A. Cambridge Univ., England, 1861. Brunonian. Rev. Ehexkzki! Dodc.e. I'./. Jlamiltoii. N. Y. I'les. ^riu lisoli I'l [liv. .-ilirr 1><|-.S; I -inf. Ihh rrw, ('ll 'I'hfO . Inst., ls4r,-T. UaptiKi Paslor. Niw ■ \\. N. 11.. I>1T "ill; New 1 .Ullclllll, .\ .1 1 ., is.'id-:; ;. I'ro f. i;ii,li( •al InUT- Imillnn" "rnl". CI iristia ,11 Th.'., l<.i;.v. 1 |sr,ii-s. Autlior C'hnstK.ii'Tlu Miiouy, :^or'cl iri-li.initv. , Conti ■il)Ulo 1- riirixl. in,t:i <•„,! l;,jl.,t„r, 1854-67. Coiitribntor lii/j/iot/ieca Sacnt, C/iri-itian /if view, £aptist Quarto-li/, ttc I). 1)., Rochester Univ., 1865. Member Pa. Hist. Boc. 1856 Nathaniel Morton, LL.B-. A'. 77. Tannton, Mass. Tutor Brown, 1840-1. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1S4.3. Died February 12, 1856. Abraham Payne. A'.//. Providence, R. I. Lawyer. Attorney General R. I., 1863; State Representative, 1878-9. Contributor Provid«nce ., rie-hl.,ii of .Ml. ^rlieriv Coll. : Metho.l of Teachers' Institutes: liiu'.-t .il- l-.o,] l.,\^-: -. ,i,.. ..f ai li. 1. - ..11 I'Iivm.-mI Cultur.', 18r,2-;i : History of Pa. V.ihHii. ■■■,-. .'i X..U.. 1-il- v l,i\,-..|ili.(l.a.niMi~..r I'a., 1ST-.': Martial Deeds ..f Pa., 1875; Battle ..fCttv-l.i.!-, 1^7..; 1 liM..i-y ..I' (r.. \vt..i-.l 1 ■.... Is7s. t.. X'ol. Xll. Encyclopaedia Britannica. ],I,.D.. Allegheny C.>ll., 1S65. Meiiibir I'a. Hist. Soe., 1866; Crawford Co. Hist. Soc. 158 Bruiio7iia7i. Hamilton Barclay Staples. A.O. Worcester, Mass. Lawyer. Dist. Atty. Middle Dist., Maes., 1874-81; Justice Mass. Superior Court since 1881. Author of A Day at Mount Vernon in 1797; and occasional addresses. Member Axn. Antiquarian Soc. *^^^ Asa Messer Williams. V .Z. Northampton, Mass. Studied Theo. Harvard Univ. Tutor Antioch Coll., 1856-9. Died September 2, 1859. 1852. Rev. Samuel Brooks. ./. Y' . Kalamazoo. Mich. Prof. Latin Language and Literature, Kalamazoo Coll , since 1869; Tutor Greek. Brown, 1854-5; Instructor Hebrew, Newton Theo. Inst., 1860-1. D.D., Franklin Coll., 1875. Nathan Wheaton Moore. A' .1' . San Francisco, Cal. Prin. Urban School, San Francisco, since 1864. Contributor to various magazines. Elijah Perry. (D'.FJ. Rolla, Mo. Lawyer. Prin. Plainfield, Conn., Acad., 18.52-3; Curator Mo. Univ., 186.3-74. Mo. State Representative, 1863-4. Circuit Atty. 18th Mo. Judicial Circuit, 1866-7; Circuit Judge 18th Mo. Judicial Circuit, 1869-75. . 1853- Frank Standish Bradford, M.D. P.0. New York City. Physician and Prof. Theory and Practice of Medicine N. J. Homceopathic Medical Coll. since 1869; Prof. Mathematics Miss. Baptist State Coll., 1853-4. Prof. Theory and Practice X3f Medicine in N. T. Homceopathic Coll. for Women, 1866-70. M.D. , Jefferson Medical Coll., Philadelphia, 1858. Member Am. Inst, of Homoeopathy. Asst. Surgeon R. I. Regiment Light Art., U. S. A. OsBORN Edward Bright. A^A'. New York City. Lawyer. Counsel for several railroad and other corporations. Sergt. Maj. 22d N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1862. Edward Thoivipson Cas-\vell, M.D. (d' J' . Providence, li. I. Physician ; Surgeon R. I. Hospital ; Consulting Physician Providence Dispensary ; Pres. Am. Acad, of Medicine ; Pres. R. I. Medical Soc. Author of Translation of Semeleder on the Laryngoscope; Addresses before Medical Societies, etc.; Contributor to medical journals. M.D., Jefferson Medical Coll., Philadelphia, 1859. Member Am. Acad, of Medicine. Rev. Francis Marion McAllister. .V./?. Elizabeth, N. J. Pastor Trinity Church. 1854. f Henry Augustus Allen, LL.B. V.F. Citv of Jersey- ville, 111. Teacher. LL.B., Slate and National Law School, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1855. Benjamin Braman. P.I. New York City. Teacher Cooper Union, New York City, since 1875 ; Tutor Latin, Univ. of Mich., 1855-6. Corresponding Sec. New York Microscopical Soc, 1881 ; Corresponding Sec. Torrey Botani- cal Club, 1881. Member N. Y. Acad, of Science. Bru7ionia7i. 159 fFiJANK \V(K)i)iu:ii)(4K C'liENKV. I'Jl'. Soutli ^lanclu'stcr, (/onn. Silk Manufucturer. Treas. Cheney Brothers. Pres. South Manchester R.R. Co. Iviout. Col. 16th Conn. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862; wotiiided at Battle of Antietam, September 17, 18(VJ; discharged on account of wounds, December 24, 18G2. George William Curtis. I\M. AVct;t New Hri^liton, Staten Island, N. Y. Kilitor Harpers' Weekly since 1864. Member N. Y. Constitutional Convention, 1867-8. Life Kcijont Univ. of N. Y., 1864. Chairman Civil Service Committee, 1871-2. Consul Gen. to Egypt, 1861-3. Assoc. Editor Ptitnam'-i Moutlili/ ; Editor Easy Chair of IliirperH' Montlih/ since 1853. Author of Nile Notes of a Howadji, N. Y., 1S.J2," London, ISoJ; The Howadjiin Syria, N. Y., 1852, London, 18.52; Lotus Eating, a Summer Book. X. Y., 1S.52, London, 1852; The Potiphar Papers, 1854; Prue and I, 1856. Pres. X. Y. Civil Service Reform Assoc., 1881. LL.D., Madison Univ., ISOS; LL.D., Harvard Univ., 1881. t Benjamin Franklin Davis. li. W. Nashville, Tenn. Walter Hillman. I. A'. Clinton, Miss. Pres. Central Female Inst, since 1856. Prof. Mathematics, Mississippi Coll., 18.54-6; Pres. Mississippi Coll., 1867-73. LL.D., Mississippi Coll., 1873. Horatio Nelson Slater, Jr. A.W. Providence, R. I. Treas. Slater Woollen Co. Trustee Brown since 1870. John WiNTHROP Vernon. PAL Providence, R. I. Cashier Merchants' National Bank, Providence. Thomas Vernon, LL.B. I.I'.K. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Hanard Univ., 1856. Corp. 71st N. Y. V. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-3. 1855. 'fNATHAN Miller Wheaton Abbot. T.U. Warren, R.I. Clerk for Commodore Abbot, his father, on U. S. Ship " Macedonian," for a few months before his death. Died at sea. May 31, 1853. fDAViD Allen Andreavs. (P'.d. Roxbury, Boston, Mass. Manufacturer of Horse Shoe Nails, W. M. Moonev & Co., since 1876. Sec. Globe Nail Co., 1865-77. t William Waterman Chapin. H'.K. Providence, R. I. Sec. R. I. Board of State Charities and Corrections since 1873. Sec. Providence Board of Trade, 1871-73. " Cortland Hoppin, M.D. O.F. Providence, R. I. M.D., Columbia Coll., N. Y., 1860. Died October 19, 1876. Joseph Darwin Long. .fP. Onarga, Illinois. Real Estate Agent. Lawyer; Atty. Illinois Central R.R., 20 years. Contributor to Illinois Digest of Law Reports ; Good Company. Honorary Member Chicago Philosophical Soc. * Morris Bar'ker Morgan. 0. T. New Orleans, La. Merchant in Providence; later Custom House Oflicial New Orleans. Died October 5 1874. ■ ** George Burgess Paine. B'.H". Providence, R. I. Stud. Theology Gen. Sem. Protestant Episcopal Church. Travelled in Europe, and died at Leghorn, Tuscany, December 9, 1858. :6o Brunonian. Rev. Albert Hale Plumb. H'.P. Roxbury, Boston, Mass. Pastor Walnut Ave. Congregational Church. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1858. Henry Dudley Williams. .VJl'. Jamaica Plains, Boston, Mass. Dealer in Paintings and Engravings, William:* & Everett, Boston, Mass. Trustee Dean Acad. Trustee Tuft's Coll. since 1880. 1856. Charles Henry Alden, M.D. H'.Hl'. Washington, D. C. Surgeon U. S. A. M.D. T'niv. of Pa., 1858. Corresponding Fellow New York Acad. of Medicine, 1880. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A., 1860; Surgeon, 1866. Bvt. Lieut. Col., 1865. James Madison Cutts, Jr. , LL.B. B'.A'. Washington, D. C. Lawyfer. Prof, of Rhetoric, Oratory, and History, Seton Hall Coll., 1870-6. Associate Editor South Western, 1868. Author of A Brief Treatise on Constitutional and Party Questions. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1860. Private 1st R. I. Inf , U. S. A., 1861 ; Capt. llth Inf., U.S. A., 1861; Judge Advocate on Staff of Major General \. E. Buruside; Bvt. Major, U.S. A., 1864; Bvt. Lieut. Col., 1864; Capt. 20th Inf., U. S. A., 1866-8. f Thomas Ewing. B'.Y. Lancaster, Ohio. Lawyer. Chief Justice Kan. Supi-eme Court, 1860-2. Member National Peace Con- ference, 1861; Member Constitutional Convention of Ohio, 1873-4; IT. S. Representative from Ohio, 1877-81; Trustee Ohio Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home, 18T4-S; Trus- tee Ohio Univ., 1878-83; Vice President Cincinnati Law Coll.,18sl. ( (iiitriinitiiv t.. \;iii(His papers and magazines. LL.D., Georgetown Coll., 1870. Private Fmiitir iIkh i~. \\ ;i-li- ington, March and April, 1861 ; Col. llth Kan. Inf., U.S. A., 1862; Uiiu. ( m n. \ . 1-., Im.:;; Bvt. Maj. Gen. Vols., March 13, 1865 ; resigned February 23, 1865. A.M., h.jiinrarv, I'.iow n, 1860. Charles Bradford Goff. A.ii'. Providence, R. I. Prin. English and Classical School since 1864. 1857- Alexander Thompson Britton. E.O'. Washington, D. C. Lawyer. Pres. D. C. Board of Metropolitan Police. Commissioned to codify U. S. Public Land Laws, 1879-81. Washington Atty. for leading railroads and companies. Author of U. 8. Land Laws, General and Permanent; U. S. Land Laws, Local and Temporary, 3 vols., 1880. Private Nat. Rifles of D. C, U. S. A., 1861. t Charles Henry Childs, Jr. R.A. Providence, R. I. Cashier Third Nat. Bank. Samuel Coffin Eastman, LL.B. Z'.- . Concord, N. H. Lawyer. Concord Citv Treas., 1862-77. Author of White Mountain Guide Book, 1860; N. H. Town Officer, 1866." LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1S.59. Member N. H. Hist. 8oc. ; R. I. Hist. Soc. * "^'''f Charles William Gladding. II'. li. Providence, R. I. Died at Providence, R. L, April 10, 1854. Rev. Daniel Goodwin. A. A'. East Greenwich. R. L Rector St. Luke's Church. Charles Hutchins Hapgood. A.K. Alton, 111. Manufacturer. Brii7wnian. i6i *"«" Benjamin Hale Smith. A'.W (Uoiiccsttn-, Mass. Lawvor. ^t,■lHs. Stale Reprosentativc, 1863-4. ^r.■r,llM■l■ ( '.Inii. ester School Board, 1867. Citv Solfcitor, ISTC; Chainnau Hepublican TownCoiuiHiil,.. ; liiKtoe Public Library Fund. FuiilislKT Oloiu-fster. Mas.s., Telegraph, Gape Ann A'l >■.,■' i«r, Gape Arm Bulletin. Died November 23, 1880. ^Rev. Augustus Wbodbari/. II'. Z. Provident'C, R. I. Chairman Lowell, Mass., School Committee, 1855-57; Member Providence Srliool Committee, 1863-9. State Keprescntative, R. I., 1863-4 and 1874-5. Clianriiiin Mi.te Prison Inspectors, R. I., 1876-77. Pres. Alumni Harvard Divinity School, issl Aul hrn- of numerous hist, works and commemorative addresses: (Vimpaign First li. L Ditaelied Militi:i, 1S(V2 ; Maj. Uen. A. E. Burnside and the Ninili Army < 'orpS, 1867; Sketches ot A. K. Buniside,' Wm. H. Reynolds, Wm. B. We,. In,, .\:itl,;,niel Brown, in Bartlett s Rhode Island Odioers, 1867; many sermons, addn s>es, ,,iaii,>Ms; Oration at Dedication of Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Providence, R. 1., 1S71. Contributor to C/tri.xtian Examiner, New Englander, North American Review. B.D., Cambridge Divmity School, . 1849. 1858. RoBEKT Boyle Chapman. /i^2'. Providence, R. I. Insurance Agent. Sec. State Mutual Fire Ins. (^o. : Am. Mutual Fire Ins. Co. ; Knter- prise Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Charles Lewis Colby. B'.I'. • Milwaukee, Wis. Pres. Wis. Cen. R.R.; Wis. & Minn. R.R. Co.; Chippewa Falls & Western R.R. Co. Wis. State Representative, 1880. Author of published speeches on Railroad Taxation ; Railroads and the People ; Against Death Penalty in Wis. Trustee Brown since 1879. I Albert Eugene Faxon. A. A. New York City. Merchant. Samuel Turner Harris. A.O'. Cincinnati, Ohio. Stock Raiser. Formerly Lawyer. t William Augustus Mowry. tl'.li. Providence, R. I. Founder and Prin. English and Classical School since 1864. Prin. English and Scientific Department Providence High School, 1859-64. Author of Richard Mowry, His Ancestors anci His Descendants, 1878; The Descendants of Nathaniel Mowry, 1879; Political Edu- cation" Who Invented the American Steamboat? Editor Schoolmaster, three years. Pres R I Institute of Instruction, 1864-5; Pres. Am. Institute of Instruction, 1881. Member R. I. Hist. Soc. ; Soc. for Encouragement of Domestic Industry ; Providence Frank- lin Soc • New England Historic-Genealogical Soc. ; Honor.ary Member N. H. Antiquarian Soc. Capt. Co. K, 11th R. 1. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. A.M., honorary. Brown, 1866. *''*^* Joseph HuRLBUT Patten. O.A'.K. Providence, R. I. Bank Teller. Died December 17, 1874. tJoHN Meredith Read, Jr., LL.B. M.l\ Albany, N. Y. Consul General at Paris, 1869-76; U. S. Minister to Greece, 1876-81. Adj. Gen., N. Y., 1861. Original Trustee Cornell Hniv Anth..,- of Tnr,uirv Coneerning Hen- drick Hudson, 1866; The Keliiiion of tie S ,il 1,. rbmls .-...d Annn.l-; Imi-sI Ainnml Dis- course' delivered before the IM. Hi-:. -"•; A Hi-'. Iii|iur> Cm- ■111111- llniiy Hudson His Friends, Relatives, and Iv.rlv l.n.. IM- ( ' '.in ,1 i,.,. unli ,!,.■ Mu-,,,s> C.iniK.ny .and Discovery of Delaware Bay: Lile ,,i llud-.n. 1 ~7m. M.m'.e,-> In-iuute; Am. Philo- sophicalSoc; New England llisi. .•md ( .,,1 .il^.-ied .-,.,.; i •,„•■■ -^iMinding Member Am. Ethnological Soc. Honorary, V. N. .\., 1-.; M. l: >■ A , 1m.7. ImIIonv and Founder Royal Soc. of Northern Anti(inaries IsDi. Coini.ien.led ).y h reneh Aead., lSb7; Iruatee Albany Female Acad. Chairman Albany Dist. ('oMiniitlee. Membi'r Am. Social Scienc- Association. Received the thanks of the East India Company and of the Muscovy Company 1867 ; and of the War Department, U. 8. A., 1861. A.M., honorary. Brown, 1866. 11 1 62 B7'uno7iian. 1859. Adonie AM Brown Judson , M . D . Z' .P . K. New York City . Ortbopedic Surgeon to Out-Patient Bepartment, X. T. Hospital, since 1878. Author of History of the Am. Epizootic of 1872-3; Epidemic Cholera in the Mississippi Valley in 1873; "The Cause of Kotation in Lateral Curvature of the Spine. M.D., Jefferson Medical Coll., 1865; M.D., ad eundem, Columbia Coll., 1868. Member N. Y. Acad, of Sciences; Fellow N. Y. Acad, of Medicine; Am. Acad, of Medicine. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1861 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon, 1864; Surgeon, 1866. Elnathan Judson. 0'.r. Worcester, Mass. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1862. William Williams Keen, Jr.. M.D. n'.l'. Philadelphia. Pa. Constituent Trustee Crozer Theo. Sem. since 1S67 ; Prof. Artist Anatomy, Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, since 1875; Lecturer Jefferson Medical Coll., 1867-75; Philadelphia School of Anatomy, 1866-75. Author of On Reflex Paralysis, -with Colleagues, 1864 ; Gunshot Wounds and Other Injuries of Nerves; Practical Anatomy; A Sketch of the Early History of Practical Anatomy; Gunshot Wounds of the Brain; and very many surgical papers. M.D., Jefferson Medical Coll., 1862. Fellow Coll. of Physicians of Philadelphia; Member Phil Acad Nat. Science; Am. Med. Assoc. Advancement of Science. Trustee Brown, 1873. Asst. Surgeon oth Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861; Acting Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1862-1; Asst. and Executive Oflicer Eckingtou Hospital, Washington, D. C. Samuel Thane Poinier. A.E'. Spartanburg, S. C. Postmaster since 1880; U. S. Commissioner since 1867; Chief Super\'isor of Elections since 1872. Editor, 1869-71. Chaplain 15th Ky. Inf., U. S. A., 1863-5. George LoEiNG Porter, M.D. A'.0. Bridgeport, Conn. Physician. Official Visitor Insane Retreat, Hartford, Conn. M.D., Jefferson Medical Coll., 1862. Member National Medical Soc; Conn. Medical Soc. Commissioned Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1862;.Capt., 1867; Post Surgeon Washington Arsenal, 1864; Bvt. Capt., Bvt. Maj., 1865. *^^ Rev. Walter McDltfie Potter. P.1\ Cranston, R.I. Missionary to Denver City, Colo., and Founder of First Baptist Church. Grad. Theo. Sem., Rochester, N. Y. Died April 9, 1866. *'*^ Joseph Porter Pratt. B'.Z. Lawrence, Mass. Preceptor Suffield Acad., six months. Died May 6, 1863. i860. Thomas Williams Bicknell. 6. ¥. Boston, Mass. Editor and Publisher. School Commissioner, R. L, 1869-79. R. I. State Representa- tive, 1859-60. Prin. Bristol, R. I., High School, 1860-4, and 1867-9; Prin. Providence Grammar School, 1865-8. Author of Memorial of William Lord Noyes, 1867; History of Barrington, 1870 ; Report R. I. State Schools, 1870-4. Editor N. E. Journal of Education. LL.D., Straight Univ. and Drury Coll., 1881. Rev. Samuel White Dtos^can. E.I'. Cincinnati, Ohio. Pastor Ninth St'.' Baptist Church since 1875. Trustee Dcnison Univ.; Rochester Theo. Sem. Pres. Ohio Baptist State Convention. Author of Historical Discourse upon the Semi Centennial of the Ninth Street Baptist Church. D.D.,Chic.'igo Univ., 187o. Capt. 50th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. Rev. Adoniram Judson Gordon. A'JI''. Boston, Mass. Pastor Clarendon St. Baptist Church since 1869. Trustee Brown ; Newton Theo. Inst. AuthoroflnChrist, 1872; Grace and Glory, 1881. D.D., Brown, 1878. Bruno fiian. 163 Fkancis Metcalf PoM). /'.//. Providence, R. I. Dealer in Musical Inslruinentf. IIenky Kikke Pouter. A. 2'. Pittsburg, Pii. Manufacturer of Light Locomotives. Trustee CrozerTlieo. Sein., 1S"2-81. Corp. Co. A. 45th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. Howard Malcom Rice. f'.il'.K. l^rovidence, R. I. Instructor English and Classical School. 1861. "^''' Isaac Bowen Barker, li.l'. C^imbridge, Mass. Asst. Prof. Ethics and English Literature, I'. 8. Naval Acad., 1861-3; Instructor Rhetoric and English Literature Brown, 1867-8 ; Prof. iModern Languages Univ. of E. Tcnn., 1869-73; Instructor German Harvard Univ., 1870-5. Died March 22, 1875. Thomas Thompson Caswell. B'.II. Washington, 1). C. Paymaster, U. S. IST. ; Asst. Paymaster, U. 8. X., 1861 ; Paymaster, 1863. '"'''tKDWARD Dyer Chamberlain. ['.Z. Boston, Mass. Died July 6, 1858. Albert Newell Drown. /^ )''. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. Rev. Edward Oliver Stevens. E.)I. Prome, British Biirmah. Missionary Am. Baptist Missionary Union. Contributor to Baptist Missionary Jfagu- eine since 1866. Editor Judsou's Burmese and English Dictionary. Author of A Guide to Musical Notation, and other works in Burmese. Washington Benson Trull, M.D. /./. Brookline, Mass. Author of On Gunshot Wounds of the Cranium, Ani. Journal of Medical Science, 1863. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1863. Asst. Surgeon, U. 8. A., 1863; Bvt. Capt., 1865; Vol. Asst. Surgeon, Prussia, 1870-1. 1862. fTnoMAS Frederic Brown. li'.M. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cotton Merchant. Corp. 1st R. I. Light Art., U. 8. A., 1861; 2d Lieut., 1862; 1st Lieut., 1862; Capt., 1864; Bvt. Major, 1864; Bvt. Lieut. Col., 1865; Inspector Gen. Artillery Brigade, 2d Army Corps, 1865. Rev, Henry Francis Colby. /•:.()'. Dayton, Ohio. Pastor First Baptist Church since 1868. Trustee Denisou Univ. Author of Convention Poem, Alpha Delta Phi, Geneva, N. Y. ; Memoir of Gardner Colby, 1879 ; Memoir of K. E. Barney, 1881 ; and occasional sermons and addresses. Joshua INIellen. A'.Z. Wayland, ]Mass. James Henry Remington. I'.IJ'. l'>rooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer. Slate Representative, R. I., 1863. Attv. for Commonwealth in various counties of Va., 1868-70; Sec. U. S. Law Assoc, 1872-80; Pres. U. 8. Law Assoc, since 1881. Capt. 7th R. I. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862; Capt. Vet. Reserve Corps; Bvt. Major. John Deshon Thurston. J'. I'. Providence, R. T. Lawyer. 164 'run Oman. 1863. *'^^f Joseph Mantox Bradley. M.[\ Providence, R. I. Private let R. I. Light Batterj-, U. 8. A., 1S61. Died Maicli 7, 1879. f Charles Ray Brayton. A. T. Providence, R. I. Ex-Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, R. I. ; Pension Agent and Postmaster, Provi- dence; Postmaster, Port Koyal. 1865. 1st Lieut. 3d R.I. Heavy Art., U. 8. A., 1861; Capt., 1862; Lieut. Col., 1863; Col., 1864; Bvt. Brig. Gen.; Capt. 17th U. 8. Inf., 1867. * '^^^f Gamaliel Lyman Davight. B'.M. Providence, R. 1. Corp. Ist R. I. Lisht Art., U. 8. A., 1861; 2d Lieut., 1861; Ist Lieut., 1862; Acting Asst. Adj. Gen. Art. Brtgade, 2d Anny Coqis. Died January 19, 1875. *'^'-f-WiLLL4M Albert Greene. li'.J. Frostburg, Md. 1864. Rev. Seth Jones Axtell. ^..\'. New Orleans, La. Prin. Leland Univ. since 1878. Grad. Newton Tlieo. Inst. Contributor to the M^atch- man, National Baptist, Zion's Advocate, etc. Corp. 5l9t Mass. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-3. Henry Louis Ha^oiond, M.D. fy.P. Killingly, N. Y. Physician, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1866. Pres. Washington, WaiTen and Saratoga Counties Med. Soc, 1878. Author of Address on Medical Ethics: Essay on Tetanus, etc. Acting Asst. Surgeon 2.5th Army Corps, U.S. A., 1865. '^° Charles Thurber Lazell. B\F/. Saxton's River, Yt. Teacher. Sub-master New Bedford High School, 1869-73 ; Prin. Lawrence, Mass., High School, 1873-5 ; Teacher Greek, Agtronomy and History, Vt. Acad., 1876-80. Died No- vember 20, 1880. Henry Bradley Miner. B.ff. Hyde Park, Mass. Prin. Dorchester Everett School since 1875. Prin. Canton, Mass., High School, 1866-9; Boston Tileston School, 1869-75. Horace Mann Willard. O.X'. Saxton's River, Yt. Prin. Vt. Acad. sinc#1876. Prin. Bridgewater, Mass., Acad., 1864-70; Prin. New Lon- don Literary and Scientific Institute, 1870-2; Supt. Gloucester, Mass., Public Schools, 1872-3; Supt. Newton Public Schools, 1873-6. 1865. fZEPiiANiAH Brown. E.0. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, firm of Mellen, Brown & Co. Corporal 10th R. I. Inf., U.S. A. ,1862; 1st Lieut, lllli Regt. Colored Heavy Art.; Acting Adj. Battalion, 1863-5. Rev. Minor RuDD Demming. P.P. Boston, Mass. General Sec. Boston Y.M.C. Association. Pastor Baptist Church, Marlboro, 1868-71 ; First Baptist Church, Green Point, Brooklyn, 1871-3. Rev. Edavard Jitdson. li'.P. New York City. Pastor Berean Baptist Church since 1881. Prof. Latin and Modern Languages Madison Univ., 1868-74. Author of Life of Adoniram Judson, and published sermons. Warren Richmond Perce. .t.P. Providence, R.I. Lawyer. Bninonian. i^5 Joseph Edwin Spuink. O.X'.K. I'roviaence, R. I. Lawyer. State Representative', 1868-9. William Henry Williams, LL.P.. .\' . V • New YorkCily. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1867. tWiLLiAM Clitus Witter, LL.B. E' .li' . New York City. Lawyer. U. S. Exmniner in Chancery .inee 1878. A. B., Yale Coll., 1865; LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1867. Private liUli li. L Inf., U. S. A., 1862. 1 866. Hekbert Cutler Hullard, M.D. D' .1' . North Attle- boro', Mass. Physician. Asst. I'rof. Ethics U. S. Naval School, AnnapoliH, 1866-8. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1871. *"^' John Burton Mustin, M.D. l\A'. rinladelphia. Pa. Physician. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1868. Died May 31, 1871. Rev. John Bartholomew Gough Pidge. V.E'. Phila- delphia, Pa. Pastor Fourth Baptist Church since 1879. Translator of a partof Lange's Commentary, Rev. Emery Huntinoton Porter. A'.IL Pawtucket, R.I. Rector St. Paul's since 1870. Grad. Philadelphia Divinity School, 1869. Rev. Charles Abraham Gardner Thurston. A'.//. Laconia, N. H. Acting Pastor Congregational Church since 1881.' Lab AN Edwards Warren, /v. W. Waterville, Me. Prof. Mathematics Colby Univ. since 1875. Teacher Now London (N. H.) Literary and Scientific Inst., 1867-75; Pres., 1872-75. 1867. *"*'tAj.BERT Allin Arnold. B'.ll. Pawtuxet, R. I. Retired through ill health. Died February 11, 1882. Rev. Freeborn Coggeshall, Jr. H'-i^'^ Boston, Mass. Studied General theo. Sem. Episcopal Church, N. Y. --^^f • ^'^'nv^,!!^' Fn"/ ""' Advent, Boston, 1872. Died October 6, 1876, while studying at Univ. Oxfo.d, Lng. '« Daniel Cole. VJ .K. Walpole, Mass. Prin. Leland and Gray Sem., Townsheud, Vt., and at Walpole. Died Nov. 18. 1869. fGEORGE Willis Duncan. iP.A. Haverhill, Mass. Capitalist. t Edgar Greene DuRFEE. A.Z. Providence, R. I. Sec. Franklin Foundry and Machine Co. fFRANCis Shubael Goff. P.H. Providence, R. T. Commercial Traveller. 1876 1 66 Bi'unonian. f Edward Lewis Osgood. P.K. Boston, Mass. Publisher, J. R. Osgood & Co. Banker, Pai-is, France, ten years. Initiated Dartinoutli Chapter. 1868. t Willi AM Hexry Benxett, M.D. P. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Physician Children's Home, Atlantic City, since 1874; Seaside House for Invalid Women since 1878; St. Christopher Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, since 1875; Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, since 1877. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1869. Member Phil- adelphia Pathological Soc. Frank Edward Bliss. X.I'. Xew York City. Petroleum Business. Rev. William Hexry Lyox. P.T. Roxburj, Mass. Pastor, Unitarian, Mount Pleasant Church, since 1880. B.D., Harvard Univ., \%1Z. EuGEXE Watermax Masox. B'.0. Providence, R. I. Cotton Goods Merchant. William Carey Polaxd. P. ()'. Providence, R. I. Instructor Latin and Greek, Brown, 1871-6; Assl. Prof, since 1876. Prin. Worcester Acad., 1868-70. Member Am. Philological Soc. Iram Nelson Smith. 1\I' . Fall River, Mass. Teacher. .1869. *'^f Osgood Carxey Baker. A'. J. Providence, R. I. Fraxk Wiltox Freeborx. A.E'. Boston, Mass. Teacher Boston Latin School since 1875. Prof. Mathematics, Columbian Univ., 1871-2 ; Prin. Hyde Park High School, 1872-5. Ray Greexe Hltlixg. A.Q'. Fitchburg, Mass. Teacher. Asst. Prin. Fall River High School, 1869-75; Prin. Fitchburg High School since 1875. Contributor to R. I. Schoolmaster, National Xormal, New England Journal of Education, Fall River Monitor, and Barnes' Educational Monthly; Cor. Mem. R. I. Hist. Soc. ; Pres. Worcester Co. Teachers' Convention, 1880. Rev. JoHX Skinner Hutchinson. K.P. .Brooklyn, N. Y. Retired. Teacher Worcester Acad., 1869-70; Asst. Insti-uctor Crozer Theo. Sem., 1873-5. Grad. Newton Theo. Sem., 1873. Rev. Dura Pratt Morgan. 0'.A'. Beverlj, Mass. Sec. Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, Colby Acad., since 1879. Private 11th N. H. Inf., U. S. A., 1862; Hospital Steward, U. S. A., 1864-6. 1870. Rev. Thomas Burgess. 2'./'. St. Albans, Vt. Rector St. Luke's Church. Formerly Instructor Dc Veaux Coll. Joseph Cady Ely, LL.B. I.I'. Providence, R. I. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1872. Rev. John Mahan English. A'.M. Gloucester, Mass. Teacher Latin Conn. Literary Institution, SiiflBeld, Conn., 1870-2; Acting Prof. Greek Denison Univ., 1874. Jyruno7itan. 16"] '^■'firENin- Frankltn CJkeene. N.II. Piovidence, K. T. Died December 27, 1867. ISamuel KosEBURGH Morrow, M.l). .I.J. Albany, N.Y. Physician. Tutor Hopkins Grammar School, New Ilaveu, 1870-3; Yale Coll., 187:}-6. Bollevue Hospital House StatT, N. Y., 1877-9; Surseon, 1878-9; Surgeon St. Peter's Hom- pital, Albany, N. Y., 1881. A.B., Yale Coll., 1870; M.D., Columbia Coll., 1878. Alonzo Williams. Z.P'. Providence, R. I. Prof. Modern T-aiii^uagos, Hrown, since 187fi; Tutor Greek- and Latin, 1870-1; Teacher Latin, Greek and Gorman. Friends' School, Providence, R. 1., 1871-5. "id Lieut. 3d U. I. Heavy Art., U. S. A., 1861-5. Member Am. Oriental Soc. ; Am. Philoloijical Soc. 187I. Arthur Forster Bowers. I'.l. New York City. •Journalist. City Editor New York Tribune since 1880; on Tribune staff since 1870. Rice Arxold Browx. A'. Y'. Blackstone, Mass. Merchant. »is78 ^YiLLiAM Finn Mustin. M./y. Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant. Died December 15, 1878. 1872. Rev. Francis Walter Barnett. M.A'. Wilton, Conn. Rector St. Matthews' since 1879. Rev. Albert Arnold Bennett. ./'. P. Yokohama, Japan. Baptist Missionary since 1880. Pastor Holliston Baptist Church, 1875-80. Author of First Baptist Church," Holliston, 1878. B.D., Baptist Theo. Sem., Chicago, 111., 1875. Joshua Eddy Crane, Jr. f^.L Bridge water, Mass. Instructor; Journalist. Prin. Bridgewater Acad., 1872-5; Prin. Preparatory Depart- ment Syrian Protestant Coll., Beirut, Syria, 1876-9. Arthur Denorv AN Dean. ././*. Scranton, Pa. Lawyer. Rev. Edwin Walter Gould. J.l'. Roxbury, Mass. Contributor to The Churchman. Rev. John Henry Mason. O.X'. Brockport, N. Y. Pastor Baptist Church since 1881. f Charles John Seaman. Q.II. Cleveland, Ohio. Merchant. A.B., Denlson Univ., 1871. 1873. Rev. Frederick Burgess. J.V. Amherst, ^lasa. Hector Grace Church since 1S77. Hector St. Mark's Church, Mendham, N. J., 1877. i68 Brunonian. 1874. Eev. Thomas Davis Anderson, Jr. K. T. Portland, Me. Pastor, Portland, Me., First Baptist Church since 1877. Rev. Edward Wilcox Babcock. N.H. New Haven, Conn. Rector Cliurch of the Ascension. Philip Henry Case. Z'.F'. Santa Barbara, Cal. Retired because of ill health. James Humphrey Hoyt, LL.B. H'.Z. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1877. Initiated by Hudson Chapter. t William Lambert HuRD. O.M. McKeesport, Pa. Business Correspondent National Tube Co. Private 2d Mass. H. A., U.S.A., 186'l-.5. James Edward Leach, LL.B. V.O'. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1876. Charles Brenton Mathewson, M.D. P.F. Providence, R.I. Surg. Second Battalion R. I. Militia. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1878. f Henry Mixter Penniman. I. A. Andover, Mass. Student Andover Theo. Sem. Teacher Princeton and Rutland, Mass., 1878; Holden, Mass., Graded School, 1879. Frank Perkins Whitman. B'.V. Troy, N. Y. Teacher. Prof. Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, since 1880. Instructor Mowry & Goff 's English and Classical High School, 1874-79. 1875. Benjamin Baker, P.K. Providence, R. I. Teacher Providence High School since 1879; Westerly, R. I., High School, 1875-6. Prin. Woonsocket, R.I., High School, 1877-9. David Sherman Baker, Jr. A'. Y. North Kingston, R. I. Lawyer, Providence, R. I. State Representative, 1878-9. Albert Davis Bosson. P.I. Chelsea, ]\Iass. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Charles Elmer Field, M.D. Z'. T. East Bridgewater, Mass. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1878. William Chace Greene. ./../'. Moodus, Conn. Cotton Manufacturer. Rev. Charles Remington Talbot. A'. I'. Naugatnck, Conn. Author of Royal Lowrie ; Royal Lowrie's Last Year at St. Olave's ; Story of Honor Bright; History of Miltiades Peterkin Paul. Rev. Robert Francis Tolman, Jr. 0.0. Melrose, Mass. Pastor Baptist Church since 1878. Benjamin Ide Wheeler. M.X'. Providence, R. I. Student Philology, Univ. of Lcipsic. Teacher Providence High School, 1875-9; Instructor Classics, Brown, 1879-81. Member Am. Philological Soc. Bf-unonian. 169 1876. Henry Lepeelate ALDHicir, Jr. l.ll. Providence. K. T. Cotton Broker. Charles Value Chapin, M.l). ^.\'. Providence, R. I. Physician. Home Phvsioian Bellevuc Hospital, 1879-80. Author of Fiske Fund Prize Essay on The Sympathetic Ncrvo, 1881. M.D., Bellevuc Hospital Medical Coll., 1879. Clarkson Abel Collins. V.I. Englewood, N. J. Lawyer since 1880. Instructor German and Mental Philosophy, Friends' Boardiiiif School, Providence, R. I., 1879-80. Richard Borden (^omstock. 1.1'/. Providence, R. T. Lawyer. '**^^|Percival Bailey Greene. I.I'. Providence, R. T. Died November 24, 187.5. Rowland Gibson Hazard, 2d. J.IJ. Peace Dale, R. I. Asst. Treas. Peace Dale Woolen Manufg. Co. '^"t Allan Heman Lincoln. Newton Centre, Mass. Died February 5, 1873. Christopher Francis Parkiiurst. 0. ¥. Providence, R.I. Lawyer. Benjamin Wheeler Steele. 0.0'. Colorado Springs, Colo. Editor and Publisher The Colorado Springs Gazette. '''""fRoswELL Everett Wilbur. P. A. Somerset, Mass. Died September, 1876. 1877. Charles Talbot Aldrich. W.ii'. Providence, R. T. Cotton Broker. Walter Irving Ballou, LL.B. U^.I. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1879. Frank Pierce Capron, M.D. M.K. Providence, R. I. Ophthalmic Consultor R. I. Hospital since 1880. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1879. "'"t William Clifton Hall. .V. E. Westerly, R. I. Died November 6, 1874. Walter Asa Peck. (I.\. Providence, R. I. Wool Merchant. William Paine Sheffild, Jr. A..!'. Newport, R. I. Lawyer. 1878. Abel Chalkley Collins. 7'./'. Great Barrington, Mass. Law Student. Prin. Belvidere Acad., N. C, 1879-80; Prin. Peace Dale, R. I., High School, 1880-1. 170 Brunonian. fJoHN Alexander Cross. M.Z. Providence, R. I. Manufacturer, Valley Worsted :Mill. Frank Harris. K.I. Providence, R. I. Cotton Broker, Fisher & Harris. Elton Hoyt. P.P. Cleveland, Ohio. Broker, Colgate Hoyt & Bro. Ralph Thrall King. M. V. Cleveland, Ohio. Lumber Merchant, with Rust, King & Clint. B.P., Brown, 187.9. Rev. Charles Henry Pendleton. T.l. Westerly, R. I. •Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1881. Isaac Oscar Winslow. K.FI. Providence, R. I. Prin. Federal St. Grammar School since 1878. 1879. AViLLiAM Potter Blttfum. I. P. Newport, R. I. Farmer. Edward Pike Greene. M.O'. Providence, R. I. Wholesale Shoe Dealer, with Greene, Anthony & Co. Albert Granger Harkness. E.X'. Providence, R. I. Student Philology, Univ. of Leipsic. Teacher Classics Peddie Classical Inst., Hights- town, N. J., 1880-1. George Ide Malcom. T. W. New York City. Broker. William Richmond Tillinghast. 0.1'. Providence, R. I. Retired because of ill health. 1880. *'***^ Edmund Neville Bennett. //. V. Tannton, Mass. Died May 28, 1881. Zechariah Chafee, Jr. E.T. Providence, R. I. Treas. Builder^' Iron Foundry. Prescott Orloff Clarke. F/.I\ Providence, R. I. Ironworker. B.P., Brown, 1878. George Stephen Goodspeed. I'.it'. IMorgan Park, 111. Student Baptist Union Theo. Sem. Herbert Ide Keen. V.M. Philadelphia, Pa. Manufacturer, Clark & Keen. Harry Wintroad Kinney. 0.H. Cincinnati, Ohio. Bank Clerk Commercial Bank. Brunonian. ^7^ David Fostkk Sladk. A.l. Somerset, Mass. Law Student Boston Univ. Samuel AVatson Smith, Jr. X.l'. (Cincinnati, Oliio. Law Student Cincinnati I-aw School. 1881. William Cotter Bakek. J'.^). Wickford, R. I. Instructor French and Ocrinan, DeVeaux Coll., Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Benjamin Barker, Jr. //'. T'.A'. Tiverton, E. I. Law Student Columbia Law School, New York City. John Russell Gladding. (KF/. Providence, R. I. With St. Croix Cotton ^lill. Frederick Rowland Hazard. J.V. Peace Dale, R. I. Manufacturer, Peace Dale Woolen Manufacturing Co. fEDWARD Randall Knowles. //'.V. Providence, R. I. Theo. Student. A.B., CoU. of N. J., 1881. William Coffin L ADD. A'. P. Brooklyn, N. Y. Instructor Latin and Greek, De Veaux Coll., Suspension Bridge, N. Y. '■' Edward Williams Taft. li'.h. Pawtuxet, R. I. Cotton Manufacturer. Died, after a trip abroad, .January U, 1882. 1882. William Benezet BoGERT. l^.X. Providence, R. T. Simeon Borden, Jr. I.M. Fall River, Mass. John Stimson Greene. N.T. Providence, R. I. George Rice Ho VEY. B'.O'. Newton Centre, Mass. WiNFiELD George Merrill. f'/.0. Lawrence, Mass. William Henry Pomeroy. P../'. Springfield, Mass. Edward Allen Swain. P. P. Pomfret, Conn. 1883. ' Abram Barker. If'. /I. P'all River, Mass. Lewis Dexter, Jr. li'.l''. Nayatt, R. I. Elisha Dyer, HI. J.0. Providence, R. L Samuel Stuart Greene. J'.H. Providence, R. L Charles Melvine Leonard. /i'..i. Middleboro', Mass. 172 Briinonian. 1884. Everett Doughty Burr. 1. . J. East Providence, R. I. Charles Gregory King, Jr. Y.B. Cleveland, Ohio. Josiah Howe Vose. X.A. Providence, R. I. Allan Temple White. K. W. Winchendon, Mass. 1885. Harry Olin Alexander. K.M. Bellows Falls, Vt. John Nicholas Brown. K.F. Newport, R. I. Frank Leslie Day. 11. B. Keene, N. H. Charles O^VEN Dexter. M.Z. Nayatt, R. I. Frank Mauran, Jr. 0. W. Providence, R. I. KJNiGHT Cheney Richmond. A.E. Providence, R. I. Andrew McCorrie Warren. A.Z. Providence, R. I. THE HARVARD CHAPTER, 1837 TO 1884. Annah. In 1830 there was in Harvard College no purely literary society to which Seniors and Juniors belonged as active members The Hasty Pudding, the Porcelllaii, and other clubs were convivial or dramatic clubs, and active membership in the Institute and /. D. f/., — which were debating societies rather than literary societies — ceased with the Sophomore year. There existed at the same time a good nucleus for such an organization in the committee of editors of Harvardiana^ a College montlily, which was conducted with some spirit by the classes of '35, '30, '37 and '38. The editors of Hai'vardiana, in '37 and '38, were men of decided ability. They were Horatio Emmons Hale, Charles Hay ward, Samuel Tenney Hildreth and Charles Stearns Wheeler, of '37, and Nathan Hale, Rufus King, George Warren Lippitt, James Russell Lowell and Charles Woodman Scates, of '38. The suggestion was made to the editors of the class of '37, that they should form a literary society' to be affiliated with A J members would sa}^ at once, that they were men speciall}- interested in literature, or perhaps in music or some other fine art — certainly in the specially liberal studies of the "• humanities." The club had the decided advantage of being absolutely prohibited by the authorities. The Faculty was not fond of any society in those days, and would have given no permission for the formation of a new one, least of all to the founding of a secret societ}' affiliated with other colleges. The consciousness of this prohibition gave all the more zest to the meetings. The society hired a room in Holyoke Street, and provided the better magazines of the day to make it a reading room. They laid out a good deal of literary work, and they seem to have done it. The standard was rather that of the press than tliat of public speaking, and the papers written and criticised were written as if for a magazine or review. This was the ideal of the society for many j'ears. With the class of '65 the society was discontinued at Harvard. In the winter of 1878-9 the desire sprung ui) among several of the Juniors and Seniors to reestablish the society Avith very much the same wish which had led to its formation at Cambridge. The most active members again were the editors of the College news- papers, and they proposed the reestablishment of the society. The graduate members, who had always looked with regret on its dis- continuance, were well pleased at the idea of a revival. The Con- HcDuard. 175 vention of 1. During the spring of '79 attention was paid chiefly to the elec- tion of new members, and to the finding of a house for the Fra- ternity to occupy. Unfortunately this latter idea could not be carried out. The Fraternity thereupon decided to take tlie two rooms in Hilton's block, which they now occupy. Tlie new rooms were opened in May, '79, by a reception given to old members of the Harvard and other Chapters. / THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Ckarte?' Members. JoHX Bacon. Z'.U. William Augustus Davis. A'. P. John Fenwick Eustis. A. J. Horatio Emmons Hale. LA. Nathan Hale. T.B. Samuel Tenney Hildreth. T.f). Charles Hayward. V/A. RuFUS King. l.E'. George Warren Lippitt. Z'.\. James Russell Lowell. MAI' . Charles Woodman Scates. B . W. Charles Stearns Wheeler. P. E. Henry Williams. A .F. 1837- *'*'• John Bacon, M.D. Z'.H. Boston, Mass. Prof. Chemistry Harvard, 1857-71. M.D., Harvard, 1840. Member Am. Assoc, for the Advancement of Science. Died November 28, 1881. William Augustus Davis, M.D. A'J\ Newtown, Va. M.D., Harvard, 1840. Surgeon, C. S. A., 1861-.5. *''*^' John Fenwick Eustis, M.D. A'. J. Charleston, S. C. M.D., Harvard, 1840. Horatio (Emmons) Hale. LA. Clinton, Ontario, Canada. Lawyer. Pliilologist and Ethnologist, U. S. Exploring Expedition under Lieut. Wilkes, 1837-44. Editor in part of Hurvardiana. Chairman Trustees Clinton High School since 1871 ; Pres. Clinton Mechanics lust, and Library Assoc, since 1870. Author of Ethnography and Philology in Report of U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1846; Hiawatha and the Iroquois Confederation, a Study in Anthropology, 1881. Member Am.' Phil. Soc; Pa. Hist. Soc. ", Buffalo Hist. Soc; Am. Assoc, for Advancement of Science. *ig» Charles Hayward. P.Z. Boston, Mass. ***''•' Samuel Tenney Hildreth. T.S. Gloucester, ]\f ass. Instructor in Rhetoric and Oiatory, Harvard, 1837-9. Charles Stearns ^N^heeler. P.E. Lincoln, Mass. Tutor Harvard, 1S38-42. WV, 1874 Harvard. 177 Hp^xuv AViLLiAMS. ./'./'. Boston, Mass. Piiii. V\\\o\\ I'iiik School for Young Ladies (formeily Toiiiplc Place School) Hincc 1850. 1838. Rev. James Ivers Tukcotiiick Coolidge. \'.l\ South- borough, iNIiiss. Rector St. Mark's Church, and Head-master St. Mark's School, since 1,S73. B.I)., Cam- bridge Divinity School, 1841 ; D.D., llobart Coll., 1870. Henry Lawrence Eustis. ./. T. Cambridge, Mass. Prof. Engineering. L.S.S., Harvard, since 1849. Meml)er Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences; Am. Assoctfor Advauceincnt of Sciences. Commissioned 2d I.ieut. Engineers from West Point, 1842; resigned, 1849; Col. 10th Mass. Inf , U. S. A., 1862-3; Brig. Gen. 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 6th Corps, 1863-4. Nathan Hale, LL.B. T.B. Boston, Mass. LL.B., Harvard, 1840. Prof. Rhetoric and English Literature Union Coll. RuFUS King, LL.B. l.lJ. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawj'er. Instructor in Rhetoric, Han'ard, 1840-1. Pres. Ohio Constitutional Con- vention, 1874; Cincinnati Board of Education, 1856-66. Dean Cincinnati Law School, 1875-80. LL.B., Harvard, 1840; LL.D., Rochester Univ., 1876; Kenyon Coll., 1877. Rev. George Warren Lippitt. Z'.X. Vienna, Austria. U. S. Consul at Vienna, 1855-6; Sec. of Legation, 1856-67. B.D., Cambridge Divinity School, 1841. James Russell Lowell. MAi'. London, Enghmd. U. S. Minister to Great Britain since 1880. Lecturer at Lowell Inst., 18-54-5. Prof. Modern Languages and Belles Lettres, Harvard, since 1855. U. S. Minister to Spain, 1877-80. Author of A Year's Life, 1841 ; Poems, 1844; Conversations on Some of the Old Poets, 1845; Vision of Sir Launfal, and The Biglow Papers, 1848; Fireside Travels, 1864; Under the Willows and Other Poems, 1863; Among My Books and My Study Windows, 1870; numerous articles in magazines for last thirty years. Editor Atlantic Monthly, 1857-62. LL.B., Harvard, 1840; J.C.D., 0.xon., 1873; LL.D., Cantab., 1874. Charles Woodman Scates. B. ¥. Dover, N. H. Lawyer. Died at Williamsport, Va., March 17, 1873. 1839. John Clark Adams, LL.B. N.0. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Instructor Elocution, Harvard, 1841-4. LL.B., Harvard, 1843. Rev. Thomas Dawes. T.A. Brewster, JVIass. Pastor Concrrc Church. School Committee, Fairhaven, Mass., 1846-50; Boston, Mass.. 1^.- 1. - . I :ii'i i',„| ( ■onrcri-iicc sinrr IxTi; AuIImi- of Sermons on Social luflu. 11 ii , I- , •-• i;i\' ( Mii-t.-iN , I-.'i;'-- Im Nanliicket Soldiers and Sailcir-, 1' :. I ' ■ I''' It 1 rii:iiik--ivihLr s..iniMii~: I'^- s.l 1 i;i-|),irt of Boston, 1860. Memb.i 1; -I .11 Liiiii - ir -l A»u.-. i;,]).,^v liiviiiity ScIkjoI, IM2. Samuel Eliot. A.FJ. Boston, Mass. Prof. Trinity Coll., 1856-64; Pres. Trioitv Coll., 1861-4; Univ. Lecturer, Harvard, 1871-3; Head-master Girls' High School, Boston, 1872-6; Supt. Boston Public Schools, 1878-80; Trustee St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., since 1858; Overseer Harvard, 1866-72. Author of I'assagcs from the History of Liberty, 1847; Liberty of Rome, 1849; History of Liberty, Parts i. and ir., is.53; History of U. S., 1856; 2d Edition, 1874; Reports of Boston Supt. Schools, 1878-80. LL.D., Columbia Coll., 1862; Harvard, 18S0. Member of Maes. Hist. Soc. ; Am. Acad. Arte and Sciences. 12 1^8 Harvard. Ellicott Evans. A'. J. Clinton, N. Y. Prof. Law, History, Civil Polity and Political Economy, Hamilton Coll. LL.D., Hobart Coll., 1863. Member Social Science Club, and of Cobdeu Club. *'«"' Samuel Eliot Guild, LL.B. M.V. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Died at I^ahant, Mass., July 16, 1862. LL.B., Harvard, 1S41. Rev. Edward Everett Hale. P.M. Roxbury, Mass. Pastor Old South Ciurch, Boston, Mass., since 1856; Church of the Unity, Worce-ster, Mass.. lS46-.i6. Overseer Harvard since 1866, except in 1876. Author of The Rosary, 1848 ; Mar'_'-iv'-t p.-r'ivrn. lS50;Kansas andXebraska, 18.54; America, 1856: Letters on Irish Immi- grati ' 1- J; I ' Man Without a Country, 1861; If, Yes, and Perhaps, 1868; Sybaris and Otln 1 I i i - - ' ; PuriUu Politics in England and New England, 1869; Ingham papers, 1870. I n I 1 ill' - < 'lie are Ten, 1870; Lifeof Sir Ralph Jones ; Transactions Antiq. Soc, Vol. V. ; How 1 o i 'o It, 1871 ; His Level Best, and Other Stories, 1872 ; A Summer Vacation, 1874 ; Our New Crusade, 1875; The Bible :md Its Revision, 1879; The Life in Common and Twenty Other Sermons, 1879; The Kingdom of God, and Twenty Other Sermons, 1880; Stories of the War, Stories of the Sea, 1881; frequent contributor to many periodicals. D.D., Hai-vard, 1879. Member Am. Antiq. Soc; Am. Acad.; Mass. Hist. Soc; Am. Phil. Soc. *^^ James Gore King. E.V. Nbav York City. Lawyer. Judge Sup. Court of New York, 1851-5. Rev. Samuel Longfellow. Y.A. Germantown, Pa. Pastor Unitarian Church. Author of Vespers, 1858; Hymns and Tunes, 1876; articles in The Radical, The Jndev, and Unity, 1860-80. Co-editor of A Book of Hymns, 1846; Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. Caleb William Loring, LL.B. /.2'. Beverly Farms, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. LL.B., Harvard, 1841. Alexander Calvin Washburn, LL.B. A. A. Norwood, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. LL.B., Harvard, 1844. 1840. William Augustus Crafts. A.F. Boston, Mass. Sec. to R.R. Commissioners. *^^ John Francis Heath. H'.X. Petersburg, Va. Died at Wilmington, N. C, September, 1862. John Benjamin Henck. Z'.F. Brookline, Mass. Prof. Civil and Topographical Engineering, Inst, of Technology, Boston. Author of A Field Book for Railroad Engineers, 1854; Contributions to Mathematical Miscellany, 1838; Contributions to Cambridge, Mass., Mathematical Monthly, 1859-61. Member Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences. Archibald Gracie King. A'.E. New York City. Banker. *'^^ Edward Brooks Peirson, M.D. B.A. Salem, Mass. M.D., Harvard, 1844. Died November 18, 1874. William Goodwin Russell, LL.B. A.I. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Overseer Harvard, 1870-81. LL.B., Harvard, 1845; LL.D., 1878. *'*" Rev. Joseph Coolidge Shaw. I.Q. Boston, Mass. Priest Roman Catholic Church. Died at Frederick, Md., March 10, 1851. Harvard. i79 Rev. William Okne White. dJP. Brookline, Mass. P,~l.,i- \V. -t Niwlnii \r:is^ tTMit:iri:iii Clninli. 1S4'* f)! ; K.'ciif. N. H., Unilariau Author of ()i:- Ohunl,. \<.A T^. Ini.^tir .N.U. Wri Strii-.'lr l;i::l,l...u- ill llirSi-lit of ( D.I)., ^^'^•.. lli-t.iririil .\,lclrc-.'^s, 4lli . 1878. ( '(iiitribiitor lo Vniturlitn Iter siVJ; AMili." .It iMiiiiral ••! I ;i'V. G. C. IllBtTSoll, v.l^T'i; l-'.-nrwi'll >i TMioii lo Koeiie Congregation, "li.D., ('imihridLjc Div. .<<-li(iiil, 1845. 1841. '■'^'^ Rev. James Blodgett. (i.A, Lexington, Mass. B.D., Cambridge Div. School, 1843. '"""' Edward Hammond Clarke, M.D. ./. '/. Cambridge, Mass. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1846. Prof. Materia Medica, Harvard, 1855-72. Samuel Camillus Donaldson. //.J. Baltimore, Md. First Asst. Librarian Baltimore Mercantile Library. Edwin Augustus Warren Harlow, M.I), /'./v. Boston, Mass. M.D., Harvard, 1846. Wickham HOFF3IAN. A' .E. St. Petersburg, Russia. Sec U S Legation, successively, at Paris, London and St. Petersburg, since 1866. Author of Camp, Court, and Siege, 1877 ; several articles on Russia and Finland, Pa. Monthly, 1879-80. Major and Acting Adj. Gen., U. S. Vol., 1862-6. Francis Edward Parker, LL.B. LI. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Mass. State Senator, 1865. Overseer Harvard, 1868-79, and since 1880. LL.B., Harvard, 1845. '^^ Francis Morgan Rotch. ./. 6^. Morris, N. Y. Farmer IST. Y. State Senator, 1859. Acting Adj. Gen. of N. Y., 1862. Died from exposure on Peninsula of Va., while inspecting N. Y. troops, November 28, 1863. "^'t Charles Sedgwick, Jr. I.T. Lenox, Mass. Died while in college, March 30, 1841. ' ^^ Charles Francis Simmons. 1.\. Concord, Mass. Lawyer. Adj. 14th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861 ; resigned, 1862, on account of ill health, and saile'd, February 25, 1862, for Cuba, in the ship Gypsey, which has never since been heard from. 1842. William Thomas Davis. I. A. Plymouth, Mass. Retired Banker. Member Pilgrim See, and author of Address on 250th Anniversary of Landing of the Pilgrims, 1870. Horace Appleton Haven. '/J.l\ Portsmouth, N. H. fBusHROD Washington Herbeht. LL.Ii. l\H. ^It. Vernon on the Potomac, Va. LL.B., Harvard, 1841. David Randolph Jaques, E'.E. New York City. Lawyer ; Prof. Law, Univ. of N. Y., since 1870. Member N. Y. State Assembly, 1860. Contributor to Boston Law Reporter and HunV% Merchants' Magazine. LL.B., Harvard, 1844; LL.D., Univ. of N. Y., 1878. IM.H * i8(a 1 80 Harvard. *'^**- Rev. Samuel Johnson. A.I. North A ndover, Mass. B.D., Cambridge Div. School, 1843. Pastor Unitarian Church, Lynn, Mass., 1853. At present of no denomination. Co-editor of A Book of Hymns, 1846; Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. Died February, 1882. * — Chauvet Edmund La Beaume. W . V. St. Louis, Mo. James Gushing Mereill, LL.B. I '.A. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Tutor Harvard, 1845-7. LL.B., Harvard, 1845. Stephen Henky Phillips, LL.B. F'.B. Salem, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Attorney General Saudwicli Islands, 1857, afterwards Chief Justice. LL.B., Harvard, 1844. Richard Wenman Swan. /. '/". Grinnell, Iowa. Prof. Latin and Librarian Iowa Coll. since 1871. Tutor Latin and Gi-eelv, Phillips Exeter Acad., 1842-52; Tutor Mod. Lang., Williams Coll., 18.52-4. Prof. Anc. Lang., Albany, N. Y., Acad., 1856-68. Member Mass. Legislature, 1855-6. 1843. Moses Gill Cobb, LL.B. M.l. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. Member Mass. Exec. Council, 1857. School Trustee, Dorchester, Mass., 1857-60; Stocliton, Cal., 1864-5. LL.B., Harvard, 1846. ■feJoHN Abbott Emory. H.l]. Springfield, Mass. Rev. OcTAVius Brooks Frotiiingham. T.H. New York City. Retired from the mini^trv. l':iMor North Church, Salem, Mass., 1847-59; Third Unita- rian Church, New York < it\ . ImIu M. Author of numerous published sermons. Contrib- utor to Christian Regis/, r, vU-. l;.l )., Cambridge Divinity School, 1846. John Lowell, LL.B. P.M. Chestnut Hill, Mass. Lawyer. Boston, and U. S. Cir. Judge since 1878; U. S. Dist. Judge, 1865-78. LL.B., Harvard, 1845; LL.D., 1871; LL.D., Williams'Coll., 1870. Thomas Hastings Russell. B.I'. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Member Mass. House Representatives, ]85;5-4, 1857, 1859. Trustee Phillips Andover Acad, and Andover Theo. Sem. since 1874. Henry Dwight Sedgwick. P.l. New York City. Lawyer. Henry Ware, LL.B. N.l\ Cambridge, Mass. Retired Lawyer. Military Sec. for Gov. Mass., 1862-5. Maj. and A. A. G. Mass. Vols., 1864; Lieut. Col., 1865. Legislative Clerk U. S. Senate, 1867-9. Keeper of Bates Hall. Boston Public Library, 1875-8. LL.B., Harvard, 1847. Seth Webb. E.A. Scituate, Mass. Lawyer, practised in New York and Boston. U.S. Agent, Port au Prince, Hayti, 1861-2. 'Died Angus! 31, 1862. 1844. James Gordon Clarke, LL.B. 11. E. Nashua, N. H. lietired Lawyer. Long resident in Europe. LL.B., Harvard, 1846. Harvard. i(Si George Sil^bee Hale. I'.l. Boston, Mass. * Lawyer. Member Boston Common Council, 1S57 ; I'res., 1863-4; Ovcrheer of I'oor, 1865-72. Solicitor H. & W. R.R., 1857-67; B. & A. U.K. since 18G7. Trustee I'hillips Exeter Acad, since 1870; Mass. (Jcncral since 1870; Perkins Institute and Mass. School for r.liiiil, l**!',-,-:!. 'rrcMs. Infant Asylum, 1868-71. Editor Boston Monthly Law I'eporhr. 1"^ ''■ •' ; I'.S. liii,' -■!, ls.',i; \\_ Aijilmr of American Secession and Stale Rights, I, oil, |i. 11 :i:ir,'.) I.:(ir \li,,,i:l,i. lurl Hrricw, February, 1864; ^^cmoir of Joel I'arker, Ain'n.'iii Iji'r A". //r » , .lainiMiy, IsTii; Memoir of Theron Metcalf, Proceed- ings Mass. lllst. Soc, 1875-6; Report of Coniniission on Treatment of the Poor in Boston, 1878. Member N. H. Hist. See, Mass. Hist. Soc, Am. Soc. Sci. Association, Am. Statis- tical Association, N. E. Hist, and Geueal. Soc. Shattuck Hartwell, LL.B. E'.il. Littleton, Mass. Othcial in Boston Custom House. Vol. Aide-de-Camp, U. S. A. Tutor Harvard, 1846-50. LL.B.. Harvard, 1846. Henry Augustine Johnson, LL.1> A'.//. ])raintree, Mass. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard, 1848. George Francis Parkm ANN, LL.B. ^^.V. Boston, Maes. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard, 1846. Horatio Justus Perry. ././'. Madrid, Spain. Retired from Philip Howes Sears, LL.B. E.l\ Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Member Boston Common Council, 1859; Member Mass. l^egislature, 1860-1. Tutor Mathematics Harvard, 1848-9 ; Overseer Harvard, 1859-66. Trustee Boston Public Library, 1859. Solicitor O. C. R.R., 1855-6S. LL.B., Harvard, 1849. Author lieport on the Study of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy in Harvard College, 1860; Address on Classical Studies at the Dedication of the New Academic Hall of Phillips, Andover, Acad., 1886; Articles on The Relation of the Fine Arts and Religion, in University Quarterly lieoiew, 1846-7. Member N. E. Hist, and Genealogical Soc. ; Archaeological Inst, of America. '^^ Charles Henry Boylston Snow, LL.B. A.E. Fitch- burg, Mass. Lawyer. Mass. State Senator. LL.B., Harvard. 1846. '^' Charles Adams Whitcomb. li .J. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. 1845. '***" George Samuel Emerson. D.J. Boston, Mass. Manning Ferguson Force, LL.B. .V. A. ('incinnati, 01 no. Lawyer. .Tiidirc Siipeiior (Vunt (Mncinnati since 1877, and Prof. Eijuily and (Jriminal l^aw, Cii"iiiH«- l-^Tt; Ohio Soldiers and Sailors Orphivis' Home, 1872-6. Author Xoli-^ t.) Till IviiiiMii \\alk,i'> American Law, 1878; Am. Edition Harris Criminal Law, 1880; pap. as on Prilii-loi-i.: Man, Darwinism and Deity, The Monnd-lmilders, 187:5; papers on Karlv Notices of In. liaii> of 1 ihi,,, T.. What Kac- Di.l the Mouiul-biiilders Belong, 1879. Pres. Ohio Hist, aii.l riiil. .s, .],lii,-al So,'. .M.anber Hist. Soes. of .Mass., Wis., Buffalo, the Western Reserve; .\nlKvo!.i<,' Inst, of .Vnierica; Archa-ological Soc. of Ohio ; Cincinnati Natural Historv Sue. ; .Vm. Acad. .Vrts and Sciences. .\laj., Lieut. Col., and Col., 20th Ohio Inf., U. S. A. ; Brig. Gen. 2d Brigade, 3d l)iv., 17th Corps, also 1st Brigade, Maj. Gen., Bvt., commanding 3d, then 1st Div., 17th Corps, 1861-6; Col. 32d U. S. inf.; 1866, declined. LL.B.. Harvard, 1848. Charles Henry Glover. ./.2'. Ikooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. "*^' Francis William Gi:eenwood. II'. J. Pjoston, Mass. 1 82 Harvard. *v8: Am. Med. Assoc. ; Am. Public Ikaltli Assoi\ : and various reports and bulletins. Mtniber .\m. Med. Assoc, etc. Surireon and Med. In- spector, C. S. A., 1802-5. In charge of Hospitals at Atlanta, 1864; Macon, 1865. M.D.. Univ. of La., 1853. 1 86 Harvard. Chaeles Fraxklin Dunbar. 1.0, Cambridge, Mass. Prof. Polit. Economy, Harvard, since 1871; Dean since 1876. Editor Boston Dailtj Advertiser, 18-59-69. Contributor to JS^ort/i Am. Review. Member Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences ; Mass. Hist. Soc. Joseph Howard Gray. 77. T. Brooklyn, X. Y. Lawyer, Xew York City. Rev. Edward Henry Hall. 11. E. Worcester, ]\Ia«s. Chaplain 44th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. Christopher Columbus Langdell, LL.B. 0. >F. Cam- bridge, Mass. Dane Prof. Law, Harvard, since 1870. LL.B., Harvard, 18.53; LL.D., 1875. * '*'^t John NoYES Mead. F.T. Brattleborough, A^t. . . Died August 15, 1850. George Otis Shattuck, LL.B. T.X. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Member Boston Common Council, 1S62. Overseer Harvard, 1871-80. LL.B., Harvard; 18-54. Frederic WiNSOR, M.D. J. A'. AVincliester, Mass. Author of School Hygiene, 1874 ; Water Supiily, Drainage and Sewerage of Mass., 1876 ; Coal Gas, 1878. M.D., Harvard, 1855. 1852. Joseph Hodges Choate, LL.B. fJ.O. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard, 1854. William Gardner Choate, LL.B. //'. T. New York City. Lawyer. U. S. Dist. .Judge Southern Dist. X. Y. , 187S-S1. LL.B., Harvard, 18-54. Horace Hopkins Coolidge, LL.B. I*. I. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Member Mass. Housi- of Representatives, 1865-8; Mass. State Senator, 1869-72; and Prcs. of Senate, 1870-2. LL.B., Harvard, 1856. Thomas James Curtis. B'.(P. Boston, Mass. Address care Brown, Shipley & Co., London, Eng. *''^'MYiLLiAM Duncan McKiM. J.H. Baltimore, Md. Killed at the battle of Chancellorsville, while Capt., C. S. A., May 3, 1863. *'^' George AY ALTER NoRRis. P.J. Alilwaukee, AYis. Lawyer; practised in New York Cit}'. Died at Mobile, Ala., Januarj' 21, 1857. James Bradley Thayer, LL.B. A.Z. Cambridge, Mass. Royal Prof. Law, Han'ard, since 1873. Author of The Letters of Chauncey Wright. Contributor to Am. Law Revieio. Member Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences. LL.B, Har- vard, 1856. Samuel Lothrop Thorndike, LL.B. A. 6. Cambridge, Mass. Lawj-er, Boston. LL.B., Harvard, 1854. Darwin Erastus AVare, LL.B. H'.I. Boston, Mass. Member Mass. House of Representatives, 1863; Mass. State Senator, 1864-5 : Member Mass. Board Harbor Commissioners, 1866-74. U. S. Commissioner for Codification ot Customs and Shipping Laws, 1867-8. LL.B., Harvard, 1855. Harvard. 187 AVlLLIAM ROHEKT Wak'e. /'..I. Now York City. I'rof. An-l,ii,rtuiv. c, I.i.-i S,l„.,,l „|- Mini's, Kincc Issl; \I:,-m. Im-i, I,, I i,,_.v, 186r)-81. 'rni-lrr I'hi.Imi, Mnsriini l-i,,.' Arts, isvr,-s]. A ntlioi- ,,f A (-..n, . ^-i \,.|,,:.,- tiiral Education, |s.;;,; -ri,,- \l:,,lini,.|\ ,,|- I',, lilies nml l'i-..|...ii ioiini |;, |,n -■ -m li i i, l ,J; Report on the Nuiuiiiiitn.u of Ovtrsi crs ol' ll:irv:u-il, IST'J; .M.uioni Ti i-.-| i cIim , Is-^l. Member Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences; Am. Archajol. iiist. ; Tlie American :ind Uoyul British Institutes of Architects; Soc. Centrale des Architectes. B.S., L.8.S. of Harvard, 1856. William Henry Waring. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer. Member N. Y. Assembly, 1878 and 1881. William Cross Williamson, LL.r>. A.M. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard, 18.55. . 1853. Edward Holmes Ammidown. J../. New York City- Commission Merchant. Elbridge Jefferson Cutler. H.E. Cambridue, Mass. Died, while Prof. Mod. Lang., Harvard. Rev. Ormond Horace Button. J .l\ New York City. After admission to the Bar was Asst. Editor Boston Co!<7-Jer, 1800; then ordained to P. E. Ministry. Died while travelling in the south of France. Wilder D WIGHT, LL.B. A.X. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard, 1855. Maj. 2d Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861 ; Lieut. Col., 1862. Died near Boonesborough, Md., September 19, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam. Charles William Eliot. I.Q. Cambridge, Mass. Pres. TTarvard Univ. since 1869; Tutor, 18.'34-8; .Asst. Prof. Chem. and Math., 1858-63. LL.D., Williams Coll., 1869; Coll. of New Jersey, 1869; Yale Coll., 1870. Rev. Edward Chipman Guild. F .Z. Waltham, Mass. Pastor Unitarian Churtth. Adams Sherman Hill, LL.B. .\.(I>. Cambridge, Mass. Boylston Prof. nii Benjamin Holloavay Bailey. EJK Marblehead, Mass. Teacher, and Pastor Unitarian Church since 1873. School Committee of Marblehead since 1878. Pastor, Dedham, Mass., 1861-8; Portland, Me., 1868-73. B.D., Cambridge Div. School, 1860. John Chandler Bancroft. P .A. Milton, Mass. Artist. Atherton Blight. I '.P. Philadelphia, Pa. Retired from business. * 1880 Edward William Forbush, LL.B. F.X. Boston, Mass. Leather Merchant, and some time Editor Boston fitock Reporter. LL.B., Harvard. 1856. Died December 18, 1880. Horace Howard Furness. Z' . P. Philadelphia, Pa. Trustee Univ. of Pa. since 1880. Author of The Variorum Edition of Shakespeare; Romeo and Juliet, 1871 ; Macbeth, 1873 ; Hamlet, 1877 ; Lear, 1880. Member Weimar, Ger- many, Shakespearean Soc. ; Am. Phil. Soc. Dean of Philadelphia Shakespeare Soc. Ph D., Halle, Germany, 1878; LL.D., Univ. of Pa., 1879. Richard Fitch Hall. P.P. Troy, N. Y. Supt. West Troy Gas Light Co. ; Manager Troy Steam Heating Co. Troy Water Commissioner since 1870 ; Fire Commissioner since 1871. Chief Engineer Fire Department. 1866-8. *i864 Cjjarles Russell Lowell. fr.I. Boston, Mass. Supt. Iron Works, 1855-6, 1860-1. Capt. 6th U. 8. Cav., 1861 ; Col. 2d Mass. Cav., 1863 ; Brig. Gen. Vols., 1864. Died at Middletown, Va., October 20, 1864, of wounds received at Cedar Creek. Rev. William James Potter. fP.AI. New Bedford, Mass. Editor of 7'/ie Index since 1880; upon Staff of the same since 1870; Trustee for Publication thereof since 1875. Author of The National Tragedy, 1865; and various con- tributions to The Radical, and The Radical Revieic. Hosp. Chaplain, U. S. A. George Putnam, LL.B. I'.P. Cambridge, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. LL.B., Harvard, 1858. William Thorndike, M.D. J./:. Milwaukee, Wis. M.D., Harvard, 1857. Asst. Surgeon 3,Sth Mass. Vols., U. S. A.; Surgeon 39th Mass. Vols., U. S. A., 1862-5. * "*" Rev. Albra Wadleigii. P.l'. Gcnnantowu, Pa. Rector of St. Luke's Church. Died May 25, 1873. Joseph Rowe Webster, M.D. P. A. Natick, Mass. Member School Committee, Milton, Mass., 1861-5, 1878. Author of Reports of Milton School (Jommittee, 1803-5. M.D., Harvard, 1859. Francis Channing Barlow. . J. New York City. Lawyer. On Staff of N. Y. Tribune, 1858. N. Y. Sec. State, 1866-8. U. S. Marshal, S. Dist. of N. Y., 1868. Private, then Lieut., 12th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1861 ; Lieut. Col. 61st N. y. Inf., 1861-2 ; Brig. Gen., September 19, 1862, for gallantry at Fair Oaks. Severely wounded at Antietam, and again at Gettysburg; Commanding Brig., Howard's Div., 1862-3; Maj. Gen. Commaudiag Div., 1863-5. Ha rvara Samuel Parkman Blakk. .\.E. Boston. .Mass. Real Estate Broker. Rev. Phillips Brook .s. J./;, lioston, Mass. Rector Trinity Olnirch since ISVO; Church of tlic Ailvnt. IMiilmlelpbia. l.S;J9-62; Holy Trinity, Pliiladelphia, 1862-VO. Author of Lectures .n li . .. Iiin-, 1877; Sermons, 1878; Bohlcn Lectures on the Influence of Jesus, 1879; 'J"1h ' nii il. .| ih,. Lord, and Other Ser- mons, 18S1. Member Am. Acid. Arts and Sciences , M.i~-. Ili^i. Society. Grad. P. K. Theo. Sem., Alexandria, Va., 1859. D.D., Union Coll., J^iu ; H:,rv.ird, 1877. Charles Augustus Chase. E.A. Worcester, Mass. Treas. Worcester Co. Savings Institution. Treas. Worcester Co., 1865-7.5; Register of Deeds, 1876. Formerly on Start' Boston Daily Advertiser. Member Am. Antiq. 8oc. Author of History of Worcester, 1879. Channing Clapp. A'..Y. Boston, Mass. Merchant. Lieut. 1st Mass. C.w., U.S.A., 1861-2; Capt., 1863; Capt. Engineers and A.A.G., 1863-5. - Edward Barry Daltox, M.D. /'. V. \ew York City. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1858. fHENRY Lee HiGGiNSON. N.I\ Boston, Mass. Banker and Broker. Lieut. 3d Mass. Inf., 1861 ; Capt. and Maj. 1st Mass. Cav., 1862-.5. Benjamin Smith Lyman. I.E. Northampton, Mass. Geologist and Mining Engineer, mucb engaged in surveys under British and Japanese Governments. James Tyndale Mitchell, LL.B. M. II. Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer .-md JudL,'e of Common Fleas, No. 2, Philadelphia Co., since 1871. Chief Editor Am.I.air R,,i!' > -' ' ' i-- Ti r Williams on Real Property, 1866; Co-editor Troubat and Halv's I'im I .7. Author of Mitchell on Motions and Rules, 1879. Member Pa. ili ~ 1 ; - i il Science Assoc. LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1860; LL.D., .lefferson Coll., 1^7-. rii\:.i. vl, I'a. Inf. Edwin Morton. i'.S. Boston, Mass. Franklin Benjamin Sanborn. P.T. Concord, Mass. Journalist, Litterateur and Philanthropist. On Staft" of Springfield, Mass., liepubtican, since 1868. Ins. of Mass. Board of State Charities since 1879; Sec. and organizer of Am. Social Science Assoc. Author of reports of Mass. State Board of Charities, and of many special reports and contributions. Editor of reports Social Science Assoc, 1873-82, and Prayers of Theodore Parker, 18S2. George Carleton Sawyer. P.J. Utica, N. Y. Princ. Utica Free Acad, since 1858. Instructor Phillips, Exeter, Acad.,' 1855-8. John Boies Tileston. II. J. Concord, Mass. Not engaged in business. 1856. Charles Francis, Jr. I.E. Quiiicy, Mass. Arbitrator Joint Executive Committee R.R. Comj)anies, since 1879. Member ^rass. Board R.R. Commissioners, 1869-79 ; Govt. Director U. P. li.R., 1878. School Committee, (^nincv, 1872-80. Author of Chapters of Erie; Railroads, Their Origin and I'roblems, 1S7.S; Notes on R;iilroad Accidents, 1879; The New Departure in the Common Schools of yuiney, 1879. Member Mass. Hist. Soc. ; Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences. Col. 5th Mass. Vol. Cav., U. S. A., Brig. Gen. Bvt., 1861-5. George Bancroft. li.W Agen, Lot et (Jaroime, France. Proprietaire. William Wirt Buurage, LL.B. /.2'. Camhrid-e, Mass. r,a\vyer, Boston. LL.B., nar\'ard, 1858. 190 Harvard. Thomas Emerson. O.A. New York City. With Harper Brothers. John Edward Gardner. J. H'. Exeter, N. H. Hardware Dealer. Benjamin Morgan Harrod. A.ii. New Orleans, La. Civil Engineer and Member Miss. Commission ; Chief Engineer of La. ; Capt. and Maj. of Engineers, C. S. A., 1861-5. George Osgood Holyoke. 2'. '/''. Ncav York City. Merchandise Brolier. *is82 Xhomas Kinnicutt, LL.B. M.IL Worcester, Mass. Lawyer ; retired on account of ill health. LL.B., Harvard, 1S60. Died January 21, 1882. *i.«2 g-TEPHEN George Perkins. U.B. Boston, Mass. Student Lawrence Scientific School at outbreak of war. 2d Lieut. Co. H 2d Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861. Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Jeremiah Smith. M.0. Dover, N. H. Lawyer. Richard Harding Weld. /. 5. West Roxbury, Mass. Commission Merchant, Boston. Daniel Webster Wilder. A.I. St. Joseph, Mo. Editor St. Joseph Daily Herald. Founder Leavenworth, Kan., Conservative, 1861. Probate Judge, Doniphan Co., Kan., ISrp.i ; <'it\ Attv., Elwood, Kan., 1859. Surveyor Oen. Kan. and Neb., 1863-4. Pres. Kan. iml N.'h. A-sociated Press, 1869-70. Kan. State Auditor, 1872-6. Author of Annals of K:ui., isTi; Coutributions to Kan. Magazine, 1870-1. Member Kan. Hist. Soc. ; Kan. SockiI Scic ikc Assoc. 1857- Stanton Blake. Z'.N. Brookline, Mass. Sec. N. E. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Boston. Shepherd Brooks. I. P. Boston, Mass. Not engaged in business. Ezra Dyer, M.D. Z'.F. Swissvale, Pa. Office, Pittsburg. Author Contributions to International Ophthalmological Soc. Reports, 1876; Am. Ophthalmological Soc. Reports, 1862-5, 1874-9; Transactions Pa. >Ied. Soc, 1879. Member Am. and International Ophthalmological Soc, Am. and International Otological Soc, etc. Acting Asst. Surg., U. S. A., 1861-5. M.D., Harvard, 1859. Joseph Augustine Hale. I. P. Boston, Mass. Capt. U. 8. A., and A. D. C. to Gen. McDowell, 1S63-4. Franklin Haven. I\\. Boston, Mass. Actuary N. E. Trust Co. U. S. Sub-Treasurer .at Boston, 1868-79. Capt., U. A. D. C, and Lieut. Col. Cal. Cav., 1862-5. James Jackson Higginson. l.M. New York City. Broker. Lieut., Capt., Bvt. Maj., 1st Mass. Cav., U. S. A., 1863-5. Solomon Lincoln, Jr., LL.B. [\Q. Salem, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Tutor Harvard, 18.58-63. LL.B., Harvard, 1864. \m\ Harvard. 191 Kev. Joseph May. .\.1. Philadelphia, Pa. Pastor First Vnitarian Cliurcli. H.l)., Cambridge Divinity ycliool, 1865. James Amory Perkins. .\.l\ Boston, Mass. Kast India Murchant. 1st Lieut. 2-ttli Mass. Inf., U. B. A., 1861. Killed a( .Morrin Island, 8. C, August 26, 1863. John CoDM AN Ropes, LL.B. (KK. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Overseer Harvard, 1S68-76. Member Mass. Hist. Soe. ; Military Hist. Hoe. of Mass. LL.B., Harvard, 1861. Arthur John Clark Sowdon, LL.B. T.l. Bof^ton, Mass. Retired. Member Mass. House of Representatives, 1S79-S0. Author of Address on Political Duties, 1878, and numerous contributions to newspapers. Member N. E. Hist, and Genealogical Soc. LL.B., Harvard, 1861. Samuel Wells. l.N. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. 1858. John Otis Burt, M.D. P. 8. Syracuse, N. Y. Adj. Prof. Chemistry and Prof. Materia Medica, Syracuse Univ., 1872-9. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1864. Asst. Surg., U. S. N., 1861-3. Jonathan Longfellow Cilley, M.]). O.U. Cincinnati, Ohio. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Med. Coll. of Ohio, since 1878; Miami Med. Coll., 1871-8. Prof. Physioloiry Ohio Med. Coll., 1873-80. Contributor to various medical journals. M.D., Miami Med. Coll., 1S66. Hosp. Steward, U.S. A., and Master's Mate in Gunboat Service, 1861. James Clarke Davis. ././/. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Asst. Atty. Gen. Mass., 1868-73. Trusteeand Sec. Adams Nei-vine Asylum, Boston, since 1877. Author of Digest of Municipal Decisions of Sup. Jud. Court of Mass., 1866. Henry Walker Frost. V.(I>. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. James Stevenson Hall. E.Z. Troy, N. Y. Lawyer. Alfred Houston Haven, M.D. ./. 7'. Portsmouth, N. H. A. A. Surg., U.S.A., and Asst. Surg. 35th U. S. C. T., 1862-6. In charge (Jen. Hospitals near Washington, D.C.. 1862-3; Alexandria and Fairfax Seminary Hospitals, 1864-5 ; Post Hospital Summcrville, S. C, 1865-6. M.D., Harvard, 1861. William Frederic Milton. /. '/". Pittsfiekl, Mass. Farmer. Capt. 1st Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. Seth Miller Murdock, LL.B. M.r. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1861. Rev. Edward Griffin Porter. VjP. Lexinoton. Mass. Pastor Hnncdik < .kui - lii.iial Church. Pres. Trustees Cary Library. Chairman Lexington School I; : i i- 7'.. Trustee Lawrence and Abbott Acails". Author of Souvenir of Lexiiiih ' r \!clrcss on Death of Rev. W. H. Adam,'. (Harvard, '60), 1880; Ch. i., Vol. iii . M. ;m > i ,1 History of Boston, 1S81 ; Pres. Garfield's Ancestry. 1881. Member N. E. and Hist. Soc; Am. Antiq. Soc; Mass. Hist. Soc .Airent in the field of U. 8. San. Com., 1863-4. Harvai'd. Frank Howard Shokey. P.S. Dedham, Mass. Lawyer; practised in Bjstoa. DiedJanuary 24, 1S62. Robert NoxonToppan,LL.B. E'.E. Ne wbuiy port, Mass. Author of various pamphlets on International Coinase. Member Antiq. and Numis. Soc. of Fhila. ; Am. Social Science Assoc. ; International Arbitration Soc. LL.B., Colum- bia Coll., 1861. i860. John Torrey Morse, Jr. Beverly, Mass. Lawyer (retired from practice) , and Editor Internatiorial Ueview. Member Mass. House of Representatives, 1874. Overseer Harvard since 1879. Author of Banks and Banking; Arbitration and Award ; Life of Alexander Hamilton; various contributions to Prater's Magazine and Saturday Reeieio (London, England), Atlantic ifontlUy, North Am. Review, etc. Member Mass. Hist. Soc. Stephen Minot Weld. T. Y. • Dedham, Mass. Cotton Buyer. Lieut., then Capt., 18th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., Lieut. Col., then Col., 56th Mass., Brig. Gen., Bvt., 1861-5. 1861. Herman Francis Brashear, LL.B. A'../-. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Member Ohio House of Representatives, 1873-4. LL.B., Cincinnati Coll., 1863. John Lincoln Bullard. H .Z. New Brighton, N. Y. Cotton Broker, New York City. Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. A., 1862-5. Samuel Franklin Emmons. A.B. Boston, Mass. Connected with U. S. Geological Survey since 1867. In charge Rocky Mountain Division, 1881. Now completing .\ Report on the Leadville Mining Region. Henry Weld Farrar. .V.i?. Chicago, 111. Merchant. Business Manager Chicago Daily Evening Journal, 1869-80. A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Sedgwick, 1863; 2d and Ist Lieut. 7th Me. Inf., U. S. A., 1863-4; Capt. and A. D. C. to Maj. Gen. Wright, 1864-5. Died April 17, 1881. William Yates Gholson. //./)/. Cincinnati, Ohio. Student at Law at outbi-eak of war. Capt. 108th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., and A. A. A. G. 39th Brigade, 14th Corps, 1862. Killed at Hartsville, Tenn., December 7, 1862. Norwood Penrose Hallowell. P.I. West Medford, Mass. Wool Hroker. Vice Pres. Mass. Infant Asylum, and Pres. Medford Branch since 1881). Associate Editor The Erodus. 1st Lieut, and Capt. 20th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-3. Lieut. CoL 54tli and Col. 55th Mass. Inf., 1863. Resigned on account of disability from wounds, >«ovember 2, 1863. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., LL.B. I.\. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Author of The Common Law, 1881. Editor of 12th ed. Kent's Commentaries; The American Law Review, vols, v-vii. Member Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences. LL.B., Harvard, 1866. Capt. and Bvt. Col. 20th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. Charles Duncan Lamb. A.J. Boston, Mass. Architect, and some time Broker in Merchandise. Private Pa. Home Guard (under Emergency Call), and 2d Lieut. 2d Mass. Heavy Art., 1863; Capt., 1864; severely wounded at Wcldon R.R. August 19, 1864, and obliged to resign. Died September 2, 1871. Harvai'd. 193 fFRANK William Lawrence. I'.ll. Longwood, Mass. Chairman Brookline Park Commissioners. Planter, Port Uoyal, S. C, 1863-0. A. A. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1S62-3. 1863 Xhomas JosErii Leavitt. T.O. Woburn, Mass. In employ Burlington and Mo. R.R., 1861-2. Private and Ser^. Major 6th Iowa Cav., U. 8. -A.., 1862; 2d Lieut., 1863. Died at White Stone Ilill, D. T., Scptemher 4, 1863, of wounds received in battle with Sioux Indians. jEdward Greely Loring, M.D. J. W. New York City. M.D., Harvard, 1864. '*^ Thomas Eodman Robeson. 2'. /v. Jamaica Plain, Mass. 2d and Ist Lieut. 2d Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 18G1 ; Capt., 1862. Died July 6, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg. '^t James McBride Vanderpoel. VS. New York City. Died December 27, 1860. 1862. Arthur Amory. ./'../. Longwood, Mass. Dry Goods Commission Merchant. Charles Boyden. H'.li. Boston, Mass. Not engaged in business. Thomas BucKMiNSTER Curtis, M.D. 0.0. Boston, Mass. Surgeon Mass. General Hospital since 1875. Clinical Instructor on Diseases of Urinary Organs, Harvard, since 1881. Associate Editor Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Trustee Boston Athenaeum. Author of Du Traitement des Kctrecissements de I'Urfethre par la Dilatation Progressive (Prize Thesis), Paris, 1873; Report on the Sanitary Condition of Boston, 1875 ; Chapters on Infant Mortality and Vital Statistics in Buch's 1 reatise on Hygiene and Public Health, 1879. Member Am. Statistical Soc; Anat. Soc, Paris, etc. M.D., Paris, France, 1873. ^^'IFrancis Lowell Gardner. P. A. Boston, Mass. Died at Cotuit Point, Mass., February 10, 1861. ^^ James Ingersoll Grafton. M.iL New York City. 2d Lieut. 2d Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861; 1st Lieut, and Capt., 1862. Killed at Averys- borough, N. C, March 16, 1865. Charles Edward Grinnell, LL.B. P. )'. Boston, Mass. Lawyer, and Editor Am. Law RevietP. B.D., Cambridge Divinity School, I860 ; LL.B. , Hai-vardl' 1876. Mayo Williamson Hazeltine. M.X. Elizabeth, N. J. Literary Editor New York Sun since 1878; formerly Lawyer. Author Universities at Home and Abroad; The American Woman in Europe; Chats about New Books; Sent to Coventry; A Queen of Spades, etc. Henry Upham Jeffries. A'. J. ^fanilla, E. Indies. Merchant, with Russell & Sturgis. fJoHN CiiECKLEY Keighler. J' . 0' . Baltimore, Md. Insurance Agent. ' — f William Henry Kerr. ./.T. Natchez, Miss. Said to have been killed while in C. 8. A. 13 194 Harvard. 187.") fJoHN WiTHERSPOON Labouisse. H .A. New Orleans, La. Cotton Broker. Capt. Co. H 13th La. Inf., C. S. A., and Acting Asst. Insp. Gen. Cav. Corps, 1861-5. Henry Horton McBurney. N.h. Roxbiiiy, Mass, Machinist. Died at Bournemouth, Eng., February 20, 1875. Herbert Cowpland Mason. B.H. Boston, Mass. Treasurer Ipswich Mills. Maj., Bvt., 20th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. *'**" Benjamin Crowninshield Mifflin. H'.Z. Boston, Maes. Broker. Adj. 49th Mass. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-5. Died June 16, 1880. Gilbert EussELL Payson. J.-. Watertown, Mass. Merchant, White, Paj-son & Co., Boston. Director Hamilton N:itional Bank; Suffolk Savings Bank. Charles Burnham Porter, M.D. l\M. Boston, Mass. M.D., Harvard, 1865. Henry Parker Quincy, M.D. VJL Dedham, Mass. M.D., Harvard, 1867. John Read. O.A. Merchant. Paymaster, U. S. N., 1862-5. *i863 jJenry Ropes. P.Y. Boston, Mass. 2d Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861; Ist Lieut., 1862. Killed at Gettysburg, July .3, 1863. 1863. Charles Walter Amory. W .1. Brookline, Mass. Treas. Amory Manufacturing Co., Boston. Lieut., then Capt., 2d Mass. Cav., U. S. A., 1863-5. Robert Amory, M.D. O.A. Brookline, Mass. Sec. Brookline School Committee, 1868-75. Trustee Public Library, 1869-76. Annual Instructor, Harvard, 1870-1 ; Prof. Physiol., Bowdoin Coll., 1873-4. Author of Physiological Action of Bromides of Potassium and Ammonium, 1872; 3d Edition Wharton and Stille'.- Medical Jurisprudence, 1873; Experiments on Action of Chloral Hydrate, 1872; Translator of Lectures on Physiology by Prof. Kiiss of Strasbourg, 1870. Reporter on Progress of Therapeutics for Boston Medical and Surgical Journal since 1876. Member Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences ; Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. ; Mass. Med. Soc, etc. M.D., Harvard, 1866. Edward Darley Boit. A. 8. Paris, France. John Murray Brown. A.B. Belmont, Mass. Publisher and Bookseller, Little, Brown & Co., Boston. Charles Emerson. A.E. Concord, Mass. Clerk. Private 7th N. Y. 8. M., 1862 ; 2d Lieut. 174th N. Y. Inf., 1862-4 ; 1st Lieut, and Capt. 162d N. Y. Inf., U. 8. A., 1864-5. Charles Stebbins Fairchild, LL.B. J.V. New York City. Lawyer. Deputy Atty. Gen. N. Y., 1874-5; Atty. Gen., 1875-7. LL.B., Harvard, 1865. John Davis Williams French. A'.K. Boston, Mass. Stock Raiser since 1876. Sec. Ayrshire Breeders' Association. Treas. Prot. Epis. Charitable Corporation since 1872. Author of Ayrshire Record Herd Book for \ ears 1876, 1878,1880; Information Concerning the Ayrshire Breed of Cattle, 1878. U. 8. Christian Commissioner in Va., Ala., 1864-5. Harvard. 195 William Gheknough. A .A. New York City. Manufacturer of Woollen Fabrics. Edward Sturgis Grew. li'.M. liostou, Mass. Dry Goods ConimisRion Merchant. Francis Lee Higginson. A.N. Boston, Mass. Banker and Broker. Capt. 5th Mass. Cav., U. 8. A., 18G2-5. Charles Cabot Jackson. P.O. Boston, Mass. Stock Broker. James Truesdell Kilbretii, LIj.B. M.I\ New York City. Lawyer and Police Justice since 1873. Judge Advocate, N.Y., 1868-74. School Tru8t«e, New York City, 1873. Author of Annual Reports of Police Justices of New York City, 1874-6. LL.B., Harvard, 1865. Rev. Arthur Lawrence. 7'. 2'. Stockbridge, Mass, Rector St. Paul's Church. B.D., Epis. Theo. School, Cambridge, 1871. A. D. C. to Gen. Howard, 1864. Arthur Lincoln, LL.B. Ilingham, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Member Mass. Legislature, 1879-80. LL.B., Harvard, 1866. Francis Caleb Loring. A.F. Boston, Mass. Not engaged in business. Amos Lawrence Mason, M.D. l.ii. Boston, Mass. M.D., Harvard, 1872. James Lewis Pearce. E.ll. St. Louis, Mo. Sec. Asphaltum Paving Block Co. John Collins Warren, M.D. N.0. Boston, Mass. Instructor Surgery, Harvard, since 1872; Surgeon Mass. Gen. Hospital. M.D., Harvard. 1866. Member Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences; Phil. Acad. Surgery, etc. 1864. Rev. Russell Nevins Bellows. -.6. New York City. Pastor Fourth Unitarian Church. PMitor The Liberal Christian and The Inquirer, 1868-78. Author of The Channing Centenary in America, 1881. Pacific Coast Agent, U. 8. San. Com., 1864-5. Grad. Union Theo. Bern., 1866. Rev. John Binney. N.M. Middletown, Conn. Prof. Hebrew, Berkeley I)iv. School, since 1874. Ist Lieut. 52d Pa. Inf., U. S. A., 1863. Rev. Franklin Leonard Bush. K.O. Lenoir, N. C. Rector St. James' Church. Richard Codman. /'.J. West Roxbury, Mass. Edward Russell Cogswell, M.D. J. A. New York City. Retired from practice. U.T)., Harvard, 1867. Sergt. Co. F 44th Mass. Inf., U. S. A. 1864-5. "**^ Constant Freeman Davis, LL.B. 2.2'. Cambridge, Mass. Died (while clerk to his father. Admiral Davis) on board U. S. S. GuerriSre. in Kio Janeiro Bay, December 12, 1867. LL.B., Harvard, 1866. igS Harvard. Richard Henry Derby, ]M.D. l\ W. New York City. Surgeon New York Eye and Ear Infirmary since 1874. M.D., Harvard, 1867. John Alvarez Dillon, f .A, St. Louis, Mo. Retired from business. Asst. Editor St. Louis Globe and Globe -Democrat, 1872-8; Editor St. Louis Evening Post, 1878-80. * '^t James Xeville Hedges. M.Z. Circleville, Ohio. A. D. C. to Col. 114th Ohio Inf., L'. S. A., 1862. Died of disease contracted in service, February 16, 1863. ♦ ^»"-|- Richard Jones Meconkey. J'.0. West Chester, Pa. Prevented by ill health from engaging in business. Died February 3, 1873. Peter Butler Olney, LL.B. T.Q. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard, 1866. *^^" Robert Shaw Perkins. li.A . Boston, Mass. Shipping Merchant. Died June 1, 1873. Charles CooLiDGE Read, LL.B. P.N. Cambridge, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Member Cambridge Common Council, 1872-3. LL.B., Harvard, 1867. William Rotch Robeson, .Tr. , LL.B. J.(I>. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. LL.B., Hai-vard, 1868. Arthur George Sedgwick, LL.B. T.X. New York City. Journalist on Staff of Kew York Evening Post. Editor Am. Late Review; formerly on Staff of The muion, and Correspondent London (England) Pall Jfall Gazette; Editor 5th ed. Sedg^vick on Damages. Author of numerous contributions to The Atlantic 3fonthli/, The Galaxy, etc. LL.B., Harvard, 1866. 1st Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1864-5. William Phillips AY ALLEY, LL.B. .4./:. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. LL.B, Harvard, 1866. 1865. Robert Hale Bancroft. B'.F. Boston, Mass. Not engaged in business. ♦ '^■' George Blight. P. T. Philadelphia, Pa. James Read Chadwick, ^SI.D. M. Y. Boston, Mass. Instructor in Gynaecologj-, Harvard, 1875-8. M.D., Harvard, 1871. Horatio Greenough Curtis. O.Q. Boston, Mass. Merchandise Broker. ♦ 1880 ^y^LTER Henry Dorr. J..V. Boston, ^lass. Died May 12, 1880. Alfred Greenough. E. W. Boston, Mass. Connected with Suffolk Savings Bank. Jabez Silas Holmes. Z..4. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Author of U. S. Circuit Court Reports, 1877. Walter Hunne WELL. T.I. Wellesley, ^Nlass. Merchant, Boston. Harvard. 197 George Hakkison Mifflin. E.V. Boston, Mass. PubliBher (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.), Riverside I'lesn, Cambridge. Robert Ralston Newell, LL.B. li.A. Cambridge, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. LL.B., Harvard, 1808. Kev. Charles Arthur Rand. l\l. Haverhill, Mass. Haverliill School Director, 1874-7. let Lieut, and Adjt., Bvt. Capt. and Capt., 20tii Mass. Inf., U. 8. A., and A. A. D. C. to Gen. Macy, 18G1-5. William Lawrence Tucker, LL.B. /. 7'. Boston, Mass. LL B., Harvard, 1875. Henry BiGELow Williams. N.O. Boston, Mass. Not engaged in business. 1879. Arthur Astor Carey. J. '/'. New York City. Travelling abroad. Glendower Evans. //.//. Boston, Mass. Student at Law. Edward Hale. P.L Rome, Italy. Private Tutor. Henry Chapman Mej^cer. E.E. Doylestown, Pa. Travelling abroad. Edward Clifford Perkins. PM. New York City. Student at Law. Francis William Taussig. A'.Z. Cambridg( , Mass. John Joseph Townsend. .V.A'. New York City. Lawyer. Corporation Counsel's Office. 1880. Henry Bainbridge Chapin. li.r. New London, Conn. Travelling in Europe. Samuel Cotton Gilbert. Milwaukee, Wis. Harvard Law School. Henry Eliot Guild. /. //. Roslindale, Mass. Harvard Law School. Arthur Hall. TjP. Boston, Mass. Overseer Bleaching Dept., Meniinore Mfg. Co., Lowell, Maes. Charles Dudley ALvrch. H'.M. Staatsburg on Hudson. N.Y. Travelling in Europe. Leonard Eckstein Opdyke. E. '/". New York City. Har\'ard Law School. Harvard. William George Pellew. AM. New York City. Harvard Law School. JosiAH Quixcr. A'.B. Wollaston, Mass. Harvard Law School. Walter HoETOX Rhett. VS. Philadelphia; Pa. Intructor DeVaux Coll., Suspension Bridge, X. Y. Theodore Roosevelt. J../. New York City. Member New York Assembly, 1881. Howard To WNSEND. 7'. A. Albany, N. Y. Harvard Law School. Charles Grenfill Washburx. F.Z. Worcester, Mass. Richard Ward Greexe Wellixg. J..V. New York City Harvard Law School. I»»I. Joseph Hexry Adams. /Z./v'. Washington, D. C. Walter Van Rensselaer Berry. A.M. Boston, Mass. George Albert BuRDETT. P.W. Cambridge, Mass. Charles Allerton Cooledge. B'.Jl. Boston, Mass. Prescott Evarts. 0. W. Concord, N. H. Teacher in St. PauVs School. Eugene Dexter Hawkins. New York City. Columbia Law School, New York City. Arthur Orcutt Jameson. P.B. East Medway, Mass. Died August, 1881. Gardiner Martin Lane. N.F. Cambridge, Mass. James Bettner Ludlow. l.H. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Law School. James Kearsley Mitchell. A.Z. Philadelphia, Pa. Morris HiCKY Morgan. LM. Boston, Mass. Edavard Reynolds. P.U. Boston, Mass. Har%'ard Medical School. Carleton Sprague. p. >F. Buffalo, N. Y. Travelling in Europe. Richard Clipstone Sturgis. J. 7'. Boston, Mass. Architect's office, Sturgis & Brigham. John Roscoe Suter. P.M. Cambridge, Mass. Theo. School. Harvard. 199 1882. Charles Adolpiie Baldwin. A'.E. New York City. lliCHAKDS Merry Bradley. I.l\ Brattlcborough, Vt. John Eliot Bull ARD. (KIL Boston, Mass. Robert CoDMAN. P.M. Boston, IMast;. Charles Denstox Dickey. l\ 0. New York City. Joseph Peabody Gardner. E.H. Boston, Mass. Frederic Norton GoDD ARD. A'.//. New York City. William Hobbs Manning. 7. T. Cambridge, Mass. Robert Treat Paine. T.U. Boston, Mass. Henry D WIGHT Sedgeavick. A.//. Milton, Mass. Eliot Dawes Stetson. /. '/. New Bedford, Mass. Frederic Mather Stone. A'.E. New Bedford, Mass. John Humphreys Storer. E' .11. Newpoi-t, R. I. Stephen Van Rensselaer TowNSEND. F..U. Albany, N. Y. GuSTAVUS TucKERMAN. 1. V. Gloncester, Mass. Henry Eldridge Warner. J. 7. Cambridge, Mass. Philip Moen Washburn. A. A. Worcester, Mass. John Sydney Webb. /'. W. Washington, D. C. Evert Jansen Wendell. K.-. New York City. Owen Wister. E. H. Philadelphia, Pa. 1883. Horace Binney. A. A. Providence, R. I. Edward Twisleton Cabot. A.U. Brookline, Mass. Henry Bromfield Cabot. E' .F. Brookline, Mass. Henry Grafton Chapman. N.X. New York City. Joseph Randolph Coolidge. A.H. Boston, Mass. Henry Howl and Crapo. P.M. New Bedford, Mass. William Crowninshield Endicott. A. A. Salem, Mass. Edward Everett Hale. H'.A. Roxbury, Mass. Joseph Lee. A.U. Boston, Mass. George Emerson Lowell. P.Z. Chestnnt Hill, Mass. Frederick Nichols. E.T . Boston. Edward Perry Warren. /. '/'. Boston, iNIass. Harvard. 1884. John Jay Chapman. ./. F. New York City. John Gardnek Coolidge. F.H. Boston, Mass. A1.LEN Curtis. Z'.fl. Boston, Mass. Will AM Am ORY Gardner. M.H. Boston, Mass Egbert Shaw Minturn. P.II. New York City. Thomas Mott Osborne. M.F. Auburn, N. Y. Fiske Warren. P.M. Boston, Mass. THE GENEVA CHAPTER, 1840 TO 1876. Aufiah. On the evening of the 23d of March, 1.S40, Mr. George Underwood and Mr. James W. Taylor, members of the Hamilton Chapter, organ- ized the Geneva Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi, initiating the following men : Walter Aj-rault and Augustns B. Cotes from the Senior Class, Egbert Bagg and George L. Pratt from the Jnnior Class, and Isaiah Horton McCollum from the Sophomore Class, together with Mr. Morse Stewart, a medical student of Penn Yan, and formerly a member of Hamilton College. "At the first regular meeting officers were duly elected, and, at a subse(}uent meeting, John N. Whiting and Charles H. Piatt, both of Geneva, and members of the last graduating class, were initiated. It seems to have been the custom of that time for secret societies to obtain charters, wherever established, from the College authorities, and. in this case, objection having been made by the Frtculty, that the specific objects of the society' were unknown to any of their body, in May, Rev. Benjamin Hale, D.D., President of the College, was invited to become a member. This invitation was accepted, and, on August 4th, President Hale was duh' initiated, and ever remained deeply interested in the Chapter and the society. The day following Dr. Hale's initiation the first Commencement exercises after the establishment of the Chapter were held, the vale- dictory oration, the only honor assigned in that class, being pronounced by our Brother Walter Ayrault, — a name now well known in the society as it is in the church. From that day till the closing of the Chapter in May, 1876, the history of the Geneva Chapter of Alpha 202 Geneva. Delta Phi is, with unimportant exceptions, a record of continued and gratifying success. The Honor List, appended to this sketch, A-erifies this assertion in part ; but it does not show — what all friends of the College are willing to admit — the uprightness, the manliness, the affec- tionate interest in their Alma Mater which characterized, as a whole, the members of the Geneva Chapter. The early rule of the society, that no elections or initiations could be made till the third term Sophomore, was soon felt by this Chapter to be a drag. In 1S42 we find the Chapter earnestly agitating for a repeal of the rule, and the adoption of one which would leave each Chapter to judge for itself of the time of election and initiation. That the old rule worked disadvantageously to the Chapter in at least one particular, a glance at the Honor Roll will show. Fortunate^, the rule was ultimately modified, and the Chapter soon won its way to that position of honorable and enviable prominence in College affairs which it vigorously maintained during the last twenty or twenty -five 3'ears of its career. What the position of the Chapter was in the matter of College Honors and Prizes wall be gathered from a study of the complete lists which accompany this history. The members of the Chapter deem the record one of which they have no reason to be ashamed. While it never was the policy of the Chapter to take a man sim[)ly for his class standing, it is felt to be a matter of congratulation that the ability to win College honors was so often found conjoined with those other characteristics sought for in the choice of members. It is but fitting to record here that the Master's Oration was first made a part of the Commencement exercises in this College in 1842, and was on that occasion pronounced by Charles Henr}' Piatt, of blessed memory, as loyal to Alpha Delta Phi as he was eloquent, lovable, and manly. Possibly the most endearing recollections of the membei's of the Chapter are associated with the Commencement reunions. To the members of the ■ Chapter, the Chapter was known as " Our Lady of the Lake," and, by a pleasant fiction, it was in honor of " Our Lady " Geneva. 203 that these reunions were held. These I'eimions gj-ew in interest, strengthening in every lienrt the'love of Alpha Delta Phi, an ; Wil- 204 Geneva. liam Watts Fohvell, '57; George Herbert Patterson, '58: John Tyler Wheeler, '59; Robert Murray Duff, '61; Charles Jacobus, 'G4 ; (divided) R. A. Olin. '65; E. M. Southgate, '67; E. B. Bostwick, 68; C. H. Smith, '70; G. N. Hale, '71. Second Honor.— G. L. Piatt. '41; S. W. Salisbury, '49; C. R. Remington. '54; C. D. Vail, '59; J. L. Hale, '60; L. R. Brewer, 'G3 ; H. R. Lockwood, '64; Thos. Foot, '68; W. M. Hughes, '71; C. A. Bragden, '73. Master's Oration.— C. H. Piatt, '42; W. C. Johnson, '44; W. T. Gibson, '45 ; A. S. Wheeler, '54 ; W. H. Wilkinson, '56 ; T. W. Mizner, '57 ; E. H. Jewett, '58; James Armstrong, '59; W. W. Fohvell, '60; G. H. Patterson, '61. Third Honor. —G. W. Watson, '50; William Woodwprth, '62; H. J. W. Allen, '63; J. Van Voast, '68; A. B. Jackson, '70; R. T. Clarke, '75. White Rhetorical Medalists, awarded annually to that member of the two upper classes who delivers the best oration; instituted 1857. — C. D. Vail, '59; E. A. Conger, '62; Thomas Foot, '67; C. N. Allen, '69; A. B. Jackson, '70; W. M. Hughes, '71; William Perez Conger, '72; Chilion Paul Conger, '74; Edward Harolil Bancroft, '75. Horace White Medalists, awarded to the writers of the best two English essays at the end of each academic year; instituted 1852. — 2d, R. M. Harison, '52; 2d, William Henry Wilkinson, '53; 1st, Thomas Wickham Mizner, '54; 1st, Edward Hart Jewett, '55; 1st, Charles Delamater Vail, '58; 1st, Charles Dela- mater Vail, '59; 1st, Leigh Richmond Brewer, '63 ; 2d, Edward Marj' Southgate, '66; 1st, Edward Mary Southgate, '67; 1st, William Mortimer Hughes, '70; 1st, George Natt Hale, '71 ; 1st, Richard Torris Clarke, 2d, Howard Edwin Jones, '75. Cobb Prize Medalists, awarded annually to the writers of the best two essays on some subject connected with English literature; established 1862. — 1st, Benjamin Weston Woodward, '62 ; 1st, William Henry H. Anderson, 2d, Leigh Richmond Brewer, '63 ; 1st, James Van Voast, '67 ; 2d, James Van Voast, '68 ; 2d, James Tracy Hale, '69; 1st, George Natt Hale, '70; 1st, Richard Torris Clarke, '74 ; 1st, Chilion Paul Conger, '75. Sophomore Exhibition Prize Men, awarded annually for the best two declama- tions by members of the Sophomore class. Thirty-eight awards were made from 1851 to 1876. — 1st, William Henry Moffett, 2d, John Tyler Wheeler, '56; 2d, Robert Murray Duff, '58 ; 1st, Edward Allis Conger, '60 ; 2d, Charles Leonard Wells, '62; 2d, Frank Clarence Coolbaugh, '63;. 2d, William Joshua Cleve- land, '66; 1st, George Natt Hale, 2d, Benjamin Whiting Franklin, '68; 1st, William Perez Conger, '70; 2d, Richard Torris Clarke, '72; 1st, William Birch Rankine, '74. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Members. Walter Ayrault. //'. 7'. Augustus Brown Cotes. 7'./. George Lewis Platt. 0.1. Egbert Bagg. I\E. Isaiah Horton McCollum. ./. V. jNIorse Stewart 7'. J. i8i8. * ''^''ti?ev. Benjamin Hale. H .A. Newburyport, Mass. Pres. and Prof. Evidences of Christiauitv, Hobart Coll., 1836-58. A.B., Bowdoiu Coll., 1818 ; D.D., Columbia Coll., 1836. Died July 15, 1863. 1834. James Rood Doolittle. .V.(f>. Racine, Wis. Lawyer. Judge Supremo Court of Wis., 1852-6. U. 8. Senator from Wis., 1857-69. Pres. Univ. of Chicago, 1873. LL.D., Hobart Coll., 1857. 1838. * '«■- Thomas Rush Spencer, M. D. M. 6. New York City. Prof. Pathology, Willowbough Coll., 1845-6. Division Surgeon 33d Kegt., U. S. A., 1861; Brigade Surgeon and Medical Director 5th Array Corps., 1861-70. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1840. Died at Santa Fe,N. M., June 19, 1872. 1839. *^^' Rev. Charles Henry Platt. B .0. Binghamton, N. Y. Author Sermons. Died February 24, 1869. John Nicholas Whiting, (f.i. New York City. Lawyer. LL.D., Hobart Coll., 1881. 1840. Rev. Walter Ayrault, //./'. Geneva, N. Y. Protestant Episcopal Clergyman. Trustee Hobart Coll. since 1860 ; Chaplain and In- structoi Philosophy and Ethics since 1875. D.D., Hobart Coll., 1867. »i875 Augustus Brown Cotes. ?'./. Chicago, Til. Lawyer. Died March 11, 1875. 2o6 Geneva. 1841. William Clarkson Johnson. i'J.S. Newburyport, Mass. Farmer. Eev. George Lewis Platt. O.I. Tivoli, N. Y. Rector St. Paul's Church. fMoRSE Stewart, M.D. T.J. Detroit, Mich. A.B., Hamilton Coll., 18.55 ; M.D., Geneva Med. Coll., 1841. 1842. |Egbert Bagg. P.E. Utica, N. Y. Civil Engineer. City Surveyor, Utica, N. Y., 1878. 1st Lieut., Capt. and Major 117lh K. Y. Inf., U. 8. A.; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. 8. Vols., 1862-5. •{•Arthur M. Beardsley. T.fl. Utica, N. Y. Lawyer. f Rev. Joshua Cooke. A.(I). Storm Lake, Iowa. Pastor Presbyterian Church. ^««' Edward Rees Dox. J.^V. BufFalo, N. Y. Died, Geneva, N. Y., April 15, 1862. |Rev. Frederic Gardiner. 1.8. Middletown, Conn. Protestant Epispopal Clerijyman. Prof. Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. A.B., Bowdoin Coll., 1842; DD., 1869. Rev. William Thomas Gibson. 7'. }'. Utica, N. Y. Rector St. George's Church since 1863; Waterville, N. Y., 1854-8; Asst. Rector Grace Church, Utica, 1858-63. Editor Geneva Courier, 1843-5. Lawyer, 1845-7. Prin. Waterloo Acad., Waterloo, N. Y., 1847-52. Editor Ooipel Messenger, 1861-72; Asso. Editor Church Journal, 1872-4; Editor Church Eclectic since 1873. Trustee Gen. Theo. Sem., N. Y., since 1870. Chaplain N". Y. State Lunatic Asylum since 1867. Contributor to Journal of Insanity. D.D., Hobart Coll., 1882. Isaiah Horton McCollum. O'.M. Ludington, Mich. Insurance Agent. County Clerk, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Trustee Hillsdale Coll. Editur Hillsdale Gazette, 1845-6. 1843. Martin Luther Bellows. A.Q. Gwynedd, Pa. Farmer and Lawyer. Edward Floyd de Lancey. F.A. Mamaroneck, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. Trustee Prot. Epis. Gen. Theo. Sem., 1863-81 ; Prot. Epis. Public Schools, 1862-81. Author of Memoir James de Lancey, Chief Justice and Lieut. Gov. of the Province of N. Y. ; True Origin of the Church in Conn.; The Capture of Mt. Washington, Nov. 16, 1776, the Result of Treason ; Memoir of James W. Beekman ; History of N. Y. during the Revolutionary War and of the Leading Events in the Other Colonies at that Period, by Thomas Jones, Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province, Edited by Edward F. de Lancey ; Biographical Sketches in Appleton's Cyclopaedia of Rt. Rev. William H. de Lancey, D.D., D.C.L., O.Kon., First Bishop of Western N. Y. ; Sir William Johnson, Bart.; Jacob Leister; Sir Hudson Lowe, Gov. of St. Helena; John Loudon McAdam, the Originator of McAdamized Roads. Member N. Y. Hist. Soc. ; N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Soc. ; St. Nicholas Soc. of N. Y. ; Am. Ethnological Soc: Wis. Hist. Soc; Fellow Royal Hist. Soc, Loudon. Geneva. 207 ^ ''^^t^^^iLLiAM Addison Fitzhugh. /./'. (azcnovia, N. Y. Lawyer. Member N. Y. Assembly, 1851. Rev. William Agur Matson. A'.E. Ixklimond Hill, L. I. Editor Utica Gospel Messenger, 1S49-59; Editor Church Journal, 1S72-S. 1)1)., Hobjirt, 1865. fNiCHOLAS King Wade. ^.Z. Columbus ' Ohio. Mecbanical Engineer. M.S., Washington and Ji-fiVrson Coll.; A.B., Univ. of I'a 1843. " 1844. Paul Fenimoke Cooper. l.Z, Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. fCiiARLES Albion TuTTLE. B.(I>. Oakland, Cal. Lawyer. Member Cal. State Senate, 1854-5: Reporter Cal. Supreme Court, 1863-7; Member Cal. Legislature, 1 867-8 ; Commissioner to Kevise Code, 1872-3 ; Code Commissioner, 1873; Reporter Cal. Supreme Court, 1873-9. Editor of 21 Vols. Reports S. C. of Cal., vols, xxiii.-xxxii. and xli.-lii. 1845. Alexander Horton. N.F. Nbav York City. Office N. Y. C. and H. R. R.R. Co. Thomas Fortescue Rochester, M.D. ^'.f. Buffalo, N. Y. Prof, and Dean Medical Dept. Univ. of Buffalo; Pres. N. Y. State Medical Soc. Bartholomew Ska ATS. O.A. New York City. Lawyer. Samuel Russell Welles, M.D. A.E'. Waterloo, X. Y. Member ISr. Y. Assembly, 1867 and 1881. Trustee Willard Asylum for Insane since 1869; Trustee Ilobart Coll. since 1878. M.D., Buffalo Med. School, 18'48. Corresponding Member Albany Institute. Surgeon 61st N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1862. 1846. ^'^-f James Watson Averill. '/'.£". New York City. Wholesale Merchant. Died August, 1878. '^'fWiLLiAM Coleman. A'. T. York, Pa. Iron Master. Died May, 1861. '^^^'tNiCHOLAS Boon Spink Eldred. UP. Auburn, N. Y. Retired from ill health for many years. Died July 3, 1878. fMATTHEW Griswold, M.D. '/'..v. Placerville, Cal. 1847. fHENRY Beach Horton. K.I. Oak Park, 111. Asst. Sec. Miller's National Insurance Co. Mayor, Clinton, Iowa, 1862. Editor Clinton, Iowa, Herald, 1858-63. A.B., Williams Coll., 1847. 2o8 Geneva. Richard Henry Lawrence. J.-. Baltimore Co., Md. Retired Lawyer. Samuel Holuen Torre y. E.i2. Geneva, N. Y. Prof. Matliematics Coll. of La. State Superin- f Frederic Augustus Whittlesey. P.P. Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. 1848. jHenry Gary Bankhead. P.I. New York Gity. Lieut., tiien Capt., 5tli U. S. Inf., comtnissioued from West Point, 18.50-70; transferred to Cav., 1870; retired as ^[aj. 4tli Cav., 1879; Bvt. Brig. Gen. Vols., 1865; Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. 8. Reg. Army, 1868, for gallant conduct during an Indian campaign. "t Jacob Brown Kirby. ././7. Brownville, N. Y. A.B., Yale Coll., 1849. ^ Rev. Carlton Peters Maples. A.F. Pomeroy, Ohio. Died February 3, 1879. Rev. Robert Nathan Parke. B'.A. Binghamton, N. Y. Rector Christ Cliurch. Trustee Hobart Coll., 1877-81. D.D., Hobart Coll., 1874. Clarence Armstrong Seward. //. T. New York City. Lawyer. Lieut. Co!. 19th N. Y. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861. Acting Asst. Sec. of State U. 8., 1865. LL.D., Hobart Coll., 1876. IGeorge Hand Smith, M.D. E'.E. South Kensington, England. Engaged in scientltic pursuits. 1849. fAzEL Backus, M.D. A'.J. Rochester, N. Y. Physician to Western House of Refuge, 1865-81; Monroe County Hospital since 1867. Monroe County Insane Asylum, 1867-9. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1852.' Federal Surgeon in charge General Hospital, Rochester, N. Y. ; and Surgeon Board of Enrolment 28th Dist. ofN.Y., 1861-5. ■{■Frank Chamberlain. N.J. Albany, N. Y. Commission Mercliant. Lieut. Col. 177th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3; Com. Gen. o; Ord., ranking as Brig. Gen., 1865. ^IEdward Payson Clarke. P. 8. Franklin, N.Y. A.B., Yale Coll., 1850. Litterateur. Died September 1, 1853. ^t George Murray Horton. E.FI. Geneva, N. Y. Editor Geneva Advertiser, 1844; Geneva Gazette, 1849-53. Postmaster Geneva, 1845-9. Died October 9, 1S59. Samuel Wilder Salisbury. ./. /. Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. t John Lansing Sutherland. I.M. New York City. Lawver. Geneva. 209 1850. fEoAVAKD II Avery. J.Z. New York City, *>**^tWiLLiAM Henry Chukcii. L\. Belviderc, N. Y. Btiulont Geneva Med. Coll., 1847-8, then studied medicine privately. Surgeon New York Hospital, 1850-4; Nfedieal Director U. S. A. (BurnsideV Division), 1861-5. Died at Pau, France, of disease contracted from exposure in the line of duty, Scptciiiber 26, 1866. Rev. George William Watson. l\.l. Red Wing, Minn. Rector Christ Church. Trustee Griswold Coll., Davenport, Iowa, 1860-75. D.D., Oris- wold Coll., 1874. Rt. Rev. Edward Randolph Welles. A'.O. Milwaukee, Wis. Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Wisconsin. Author of addresses before Diocesan Councils of Wisconsin, 1ST4-S1 ; Consecration Sermons, Chicago, 111., and Cohoes, N. Y., 1875. Member of Wisconsin Hist. 8oc. D.D., liacine Coll., 1874. 185I. fEowARD CuTBUSH DeZexg. A. A. New York City. Superintendent Debenture Department, Custom House, New York City. *i8^6|DeWitt Clinton Peters, M.D. /./7. Brooklyn, N. Y. Asst. Surgeon, U. 8. A., 1854; resided, 1856; reappointed, 1801; Surgeon and Major, 1864; Major and Lieut. Col., Bvt., 1865. Author of Kit Carson, 1855. Died April 22, 1876. *'^f Horace Webster, Jr. A.F. Shanghai, China. Customs Official under Chinese Government. Died March 22, 1865. Albert Sproull Wheeler. K.T.K. New Haven, Conn. Prof. German in Sheffield Scientific School. Tutor, 1853-5; Adj. Prof. Languages, 1855-6; Prof. Rhetoric and Elocution, 1857-9; Pl'of. Greek Language and Literature, Hobart Coll., 1860-8. 1852. Richard Morley Harison, LL.B. d.I. Astoria, N. Y. Laxvyer. Tutor Mathematics, Hobart Coll., 1855-6. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1859. * '^* Augustine Boyer Hawley, M.D. ¥. iL Red Wing, :Minn. Demonstrator Anatomy, Geneva Med. Coll., 1854-5. M.D., Geneva Med. Coll., 186'), Died September 20, 1878. f John Lansing Dox ^Iercer. N.Z. New York City. Dentist. t John Hague Swaby. Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant. 1853- *'«^tNoAH Ashley Hoze. T.J. Penn Yan, N. Y. William Henry Wilkinson. M.FI. Southwick, Mass. Sec. Am. Logotype Publishing Co., Boston, Mass. Prin. Franklin Acad., Montsomery. Ala., 1857-61. 2IO Ge7ieva. 1854. Frederick Collins Goodwin. V . T. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Thomas Wickham Mizner. LA. Howell, Mich. Lawyer. '^*t William NiSBET. LS. Auburn, N. Y. 'fMEREDiTH Ludlow Ogden. P.X. Waddington, N. Y. Died in the late war, January 1, 1864. Charles Kollin Remington. //. .V. Watertown, N. Y Paper Manufacturer. 1864 J 1855- *'^' Charles Henry Beardsley. B'.l. Elmira, N. Y. Lawyer. Died February 17, 1859. fSAMUEL Birdsall. A.E. Washington, D. C. Asst. Atty. General of Wis., 1858-60. Supt. Amnesty Oathe under U. S. Dept. of State. Member Hist. Soo. of Wis. Capt. 6th Wis. Vol., U. S. A., 1863-4. * '*^'t Charles Ap-Arthijr Bowen, M.D. I.N. St. Catherines, Ont. Demonstrator Anatomy, 1853. Prof. Anatomy and Physiology, Geneva Med. Coll., 1854-5. Rev. Edward Hart Jewett. A'.M. Norwich, Conn. Rector Trinity Church. D.D., Racine Coll., 1877. *i868 Xhomas Loomis Knapp. A.E. New Berlin, N. Y. Supt. Toledo and Wabash R.R., 1860. Died November 23, 1868. Rev. Erastus WoosTER Spalding. H.A. Milwaukee, Wis. Dean of All Saints Cathedral. Sec. Standing Committee and Registrar of Diocese of Wis. since 1872. D.D., Hobart, 1877. ^'^'^fWiLSON Sturges. T.Z. Waverly, N. Y. Teacher. Died September 14, 1857. 1856. James Armstrong. 2'. 6. New York City. Lawyer. Tutor Ancient Languages, Hobart Coll., 1850-7. *>«'* Henry Hayes. P.l. Buffalo, N. Y. Died at Aiken, S. C, January 27, 1859. Charles Nathaniel Hewitt, M.D. N.Q. Red Wing, Minn. Demonstrator Anatomy, Geneva Med. Coll., 1855-6. Sec. State Board of Health of Minn., 1872-81 ; Prof. Public Health, Univ. of Minn., 1872-81 ; Pres. State Med. Soc, 1881-2. Author of Minn. Slate Board of Health Reports. Contributor to Transactions of Am. Pub. Health Assoc. M.D., Albany Med. Coll., 1857. Member .Am. Pub. Health Assoc. Surgeon 50th N. Y. Engineers, U. S. A., and Surgeon in Chief, Engineer Brigade, Army of the Poto- mac, 1861-5. Geneva. 2 1 1 (iEOUGE Pkkry Lord. A'./. Dundee, N. Y. (Ji-;.i!i Doalor and Funuor. MiinbtT N. Y. Assembly, 1870-1. N. Y. State SenaU.r sinoo 1880. * i»««f William Hull 8eavp:r. A.V. New York City. Staff of The. C/iurchman, 1859. Clerk New York Post Office ; then Supt. Agency Dept. Adriatic Fire Ins. Co. Died at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., May lo, 1866. William Watts Folwell. M.S. Minneapolis, Minn. Pres. Minn. State Univ. since 1869. Adj. Prof. Mathematics, Coll., 1858-60. LL.D., Hobart, 1878. Member Minn. State Hist. Soc. Major and Lieut. Col., Bvt., 50tl. N. Y. Engineers, U. S. A., 1862-5. Charles Edward Parker. J./L Owcgo, N. Y. Lawyer. Delegate N. Y. Const. Convention, 1867-8. Rev. Alexander Hamilton Eogers. ./. /. Candor, N. Y. Rector St. Mark's Church. *''"' James Hervey Tinkham, M.D. M./:. Owego, N. Y. M.D., Univ. of N. Y., 1859. Ex.amining Surgeon, U. 8. A., 1862-5. Died June 2, 1879. 1858. *'*''^t'ToHN Sullivan Caverno. A'. 6*. Lockport, N. Y. Died, Geneva, N. Y., May 31, 1S55. Rev. George Leonard Chase. H.A. Faribault, Minn. Warden and Prof. Se.ibury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn. D.D., Hobart Coll., 1879. t William Evans Grove. /.J. Grand Rapids, Mich. Lawyer. Justice of the Peace, 2d Ward, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1860-4; County Atty., Woodson Co., Kan., 1868-72. Rev. George Herbert Patterson. r.<9. Buffalo, N. Y. Head Master St. Mark's School, Southborough, Mass., 1866-9; Vice Pres. and Pres. DeVeaux Coll., Suspension Bridge, N. Y., 1869-81. Cor. Member of New Knghand Hist, and Geneal. Society. LL.B., Harvard Coll., 1863. fPniLO Mark Patterson. M.X. Detroit, Mich. Teaching. Rev. John Armitage Staunton. f\P. Syracuse, N. Y. Rector Trinity Church. Trustee General Theo. Seni., 1877-81. Rev. William Henry Van Antwerp. LS. Rahway, N. J. Rector St. Paul's Church. 1859. *'**'' George Frederick Lee. A'. '/". Buffalo, N. Y. Lawyer. Died at Savannah, Ga., February 9, 1 S74. tRev. AYilliam Henry Moffett. L1\ Newton, N. J. Rector Christ Church. 1867 2 Geneva. f Horace Hills Morgan. PA2. St. Louis, Mo. Instructor. A.B., Williams Coll., 1859. fLuTHER Burr Pearsall. '/'.//. Hooper's Valley, N. Y. Lumber Dealer and Farmer. A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1860. fHuGH Woodruff Taylor. PAL Stockton, Cal. Sec. State Asylum for Insane, Stockton, Cal., since 1872. Charles Delamater Vail. I.E. Geneva, N. Y. Tutor, 1869; Adj. Prof. Rhetoric and Elocution and English Language and Literature, Hobart Coll., since 1872; Librarian since 1873. fJoHN Knill Warnick. r.n. Amsterdam, N. Y. Manufacturer Knit Underwear. Director First National Bank, Amsterdam, N. Y. " tToHN Tyler Wheeler. 7'. '/. Concord, N. H. Master St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., 1860-73. Died, New York City, September 16, 1873. i860. IDaniel Henry Caverno, LL.B. A. A. Lockport, N. Y. Lawyer. A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1860; LL.B., Albany Law School, 1862. Died, Cairo, 111., March 18, 1867. JosiAH Little Hale, M.D. O.Q. Boston, Mass. Medical Inspector, Boston, 1872-3; Physician Boston Dispensary, 1872-81. M.D., Hai-vard Univ., 1868. Member Boston Soc. Natural History; New England Hist, and Genealogical Soc. t Augustus C^sar Huff. Watkins, N. Y. Prin. Watkins Acad. School Commissioner, Schuyler Co., N. Y., 1379-81 . *.868 ^rjLLiAM GouRLAY MiLLER, M.D. ././/. Lewiston, N. Y. M.D., Albany Med. Coll., 1862. Died, San Francisco, Cal., April 22, 1868. George Whitney. E.A. Binghamton, N. Y. Lawyer., Binghamton, N. Y., 1870-2. Member Board of Education, Binghamton, N. Y., 1877-81. 1861. Rev. Robert Murray Duff. E.l' . Helena, M. T. Rector St. Peter's Church. Mahlon Bainbridge Folwell, M.D. A. A. Buffalo, N. Y. . M.D., Univ. of Buffalo, 1867. Member Buffalo Soc. Natural Science. Capt. and Bvt. Maj. Co. I 50th N. Y. Engineers, U. 8. A., 1862-5. * '^^f Edmund Wellington Hodgkinson. K.(^. Portland, Oregon. L.-iwyer. Prosecuting: Atty. 4th District, Oregon, 1864-6. Died of consumption, New York City, January "9, 1875. Alfred Barton Hough. A. P. Leadville, Colo. Lawyer. Capt. 60th N. Y. Engineers, U. S. A., 1862-5. Geneva. 213 Rev. Charles Talcott Ogden. /'./'. Owego, N. Y. Clergyiiiau Protestant Episcopal Church. 1862. * "«'' William Orton Carson. A. T. Geneva, N. Y. Died, Canandaigua, N. Y., August 11, 1862. Rev. Francis Solomon Dunham. I'.U. Terre Hautr. Ind. Rector St. Stephen's Church. Ph.D., Univ. Heidelberg. jJoHN Palmer Ellis. ff.E. St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. LL.B., Yale Coll., 18G3. jAsA Gray Folwell. 2'.iV. Kendaia, N. Y. Farmer. Recruiting Officer 50th N. Y. Engineers, U. S. A., 1861. * '«" Edward Maco^ib, M.D. P. 1'. New York City. Asst. Surgeon, U.S. A. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1866. Died, Fort Duncan, Texa^ January 14, 1873. Charles Brother Schuyler. A.F. Newark, N. J. 0rg.anist and Music Teacher. M.D., Buffalo Med. Coll., 1867. Benjamin Weston Woodwari?. N. T. Watkins, N. Y. Lawyer. County Judge, Schuyler Co., N. Y., 1867-70. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1865. *"«» William Woodworth. I./y. Lodi, N. Y. Lawyer. Died January 24, 1809. 1863. Rev. Henry John Whitehouse Allen. H.I. Darby, Pa Clergyman Protestant Episcopal Church. William Henry Harrison Anderson. A. 6. Baltimore, Md. Lawyer. Rt. Rev. Leigh Richmond Brewer. P.f. Helena, M. T. Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Montana. D.D., Hobart Coll., 1880. George Gordon Brooks, FJJ. Brooklyn, N. Y. Manufacturer of Ranges, New York City. Edward Allis Conger. /'../.A'. Cleveland, Ohio. Mercantile. Sutherland Douglass Smith. 2'.<1P. New York City. Lawyer. Cornelius Van Schaack. (K/\. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. 1864. tFRANCis Ralph Delano. A'..\. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Cashier Cataract Bank. A.B., Trinity Coll., 1865 ; LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1867. 214 Geneva. Charles Jacobus. E.A. Matawan, N. J. Prin. Glonwood Institute since 1874; Naples Acad., Xaples, N. Y., 1866-9; Kenwood School, New Brighton, I'a., 1869-74. Rev. Hexry Roswell Lockwood. OAL Syracuse, N. Y. Rector St. Paul's Church. Tutor Hohart Coll., 1864-7 ; Trustee since 1876. '^^^fTHEODORE HaAVKS PiXCKXEY. B.U, Phelps, N. Y. Died August 25, 1865. •«^t William Penx Smith. E.X. Phelps, N. Y. Private 148th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A.; Lieut, and Adj. 38th U. 8. Colored Troops, 1862-4. Died in camp near Portsmouth, Va., April 19, 1864. 1865. James Milnor Coit. E.F. Concord, N. H. Master St. Paul's School, Concord, X. H., since 1877. Ph.D., Dartmouth Coll., 1881. Henry Sprong Davis, LL.B. E.E. Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. fRoBERT MoRTOX Drixker. B.l. Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Russell Asa Olix. Y.B. Watertown, N. Y. Rector Trinity Church. Head Vaster DeVeaux Coll., Suspension Bridge, X.Y., 1865-6. Adj. Prof. Latin, 'Hobart Coll., 1867-8; Rector St. John's School, Manlius, N. Y., 1872-3. Corp. loth Penn. Cav., U. S. A., 1861. Charles Leoxard Wells, M.D. A.IL Minneapolis, Minn. Prof. Diseases of Children and Dermatology, Minn. Coll. Hospital, since 1874. Teacher Classics, Burlington Coll., 1865-6. 1st Asst. Physician Willard Asylum for Insane, 1869-74. M.D., Geneva Med. Coll., 1869. 1866. George Briggs. E.P. Brandon, Vt. Lawj-er. Member Vt. Legislature, 18S0-1. Director First Nat. Bank, 1874-81. Thaddeus Mixer Chapmax. A.M. Middlebury, Yt. Merchant. Private 5th Vt. Inf., U. S. A., 1862. Rev. Fraxk Clarexce Coolbaugh. A.B. Grand Rapids, Mich. B.D., Seabury Mission, Faribault, Minn., 1871. Anthoxy jAiiES Blaxchard Ross. T.0. Essex, N. Y. Lawyer. 1867. Horatio Bridge, M.D. T.B. Augusta, Me. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1871. fRoBERT Ebexezer Foot. P.E. Denver, Colo. Lawyer. Special U. 8. Dist. Atty., Fla., 1874; Register in Bankruptcy, Colo., since 1876. Private Co. B 40th Wis. Inf., U. B. A., 1864. Geneva. 215 Rev. Edward Mary Soutiigate. /:. V. l^Hicott City, Md. Prof. St. Charles Coll. Edward Breck BosTWicK. AA\ Barrytown, N. Y. Teacher. Instructor St. Mark's School, Southboro', Mass., 1868-74; St. John's, Sing Sing, N.Y., 1874-5. *^*" Thomas Foot. //.'/'. Geneva, N. Y. Lawyer. Died December 14, 1872. fJoHN Sawyer Koiball Gordon. /.2'. Woodside, N. J. Merchant, New York City. *!«"« Rev. James Van Voast. A.N. Johnstown, N. Y. Head Master DeVeaux Coll., Suspension Bridge, N. Y., 1872-6. Died July 29, 1876. 1869. »i89o j^g^, Cii\RLES Nelson Allen. 1. T. Geneva, N. Y. Head Master DeVeaux Coll., 8u.spension Bridge, N. Y., 1870-1. Died at Burlington. Iowa, May 4, 1880. Rev. William Joshua Cleveland. A.M. Rosebud Indian A";encv, D- T. Missionary to Sioux Indians. Prin. St. Paul's School for Indian Young Men Yorkton Agency! DT, 1878-9. Editor of Arpao, newspaper in Sioux language, since 18/8. James Tracy Hale. 1' . S. New York City. Lawyer. ■j-HoBART HuTTON. T.U. Brookville, Md. Lawyer and Farmer. Prof. Agriculture, Md. Agric. Coll., 1872-5. Charles Huston Sturdevant. A.0. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Lawyer. t John Morehead YouNGLOVE. ^..V. Nashville, Tenn. Pharmacist. 1870. Edward Hamilton Burdick. J. i:. Syracuse, N. Y. Lawyer. Anson Blake Jackson, LL.B. 1\ T. ISIinneapolis, Minn. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1873. Armon Frank Kelley, M.D. Z'. 0. Elkhart, Ind. Physician and Druggist. M.D., Wooster Univ., 1872. Rev. Walter North. 7'./V. Buffalo, N. Y. Hector St. Luke's Church. Master DeVeaux Coll., Suspension Bridge, N. Y., 1873-4. Rev. Charles Henry Smith. A^.^. Buffalo, N. Y. Rector St. James Church. . E1877 2l6 Geneva. fHALSEY Lathrop Wood, M.D. ./. W. Kalamazoo, Mich. AsBt. Physician MichiKan Asylum for Insane since 1878; Prin. Mayville Acad., May- ville, N. y., 1872. A.B.Hamilton Coll., 1870; M.D., Columbia Coll., 1875. Author "of Is Alcohol a Food? Editor Medical Record, 1876. 187I. fFREDERiCK William Barker. I. [J. Syracuse, N. Y. Cashier The Robert Gere Bank. Receiver City Bank of Oswego, N. Y., 1879-81 ; Treas. Syracuse, Chenango and N. Y. R.R., 1879-81. Guy Buttles Case, M.D. T.B. Cleveland, Ohio. 79. Health Officer of Cleveland, 1878-9. M.D., T.I. Baltimore, Md. Ernest Cleveland Coxe, M.D. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1873. Benjamin Whiting Franklin, LL.B City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1874. »t William Foot. A. P. Geneva, N. Y. Died, Denver, Colo., October 26,1870. George Natt Hale, LL.B. A.I. Lawyer. Maj. and A. D. C, N. G., Pa., 1873-7. Rev. William jMortimer Hughes Rector St. John's Church. 1872. Appleton Jewett Ide. O.A. Columbus, Ohio. Lawyer. Member City Council, 1876-8 ; 1879-81. iV. n. Xew York Bellefonte, Pa. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1875. A.F. Buffido, X. Y 1873- George Powis Bellows. F.A. Geneva, N. Y. Mercantile. Rev. Charles Arthur Bragdon. A.0. Au Sable Forks, N. Y. Rector St. James Church. fHENRY Stiles Comstock. T. 6. New York City. Mining. William Perez Conger, LL.B. A'. A. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. LL.B., Union Coll. of Law, Chicago, 1876. fGEORGE Herbert Day. 6.Z. Hartford, Conn. Sec. Weed Sewing Machine Co. Frank Coe Hubbard. O.A. Columbus, Ohio. Mercantile. Geneva. 217 1874. John Gkaham Gibson. l\A. Utica, N. Y. Lawyer. Hiram Augustus Torrey. A.K. Geneva, N. Y. Farmer. M.I)., Detroit Medical Coll., 1877. i«75. Edward Harold Bancroft. V.A. Port Huron, Mich. Merc.intile. Genl. Purcliasing Agent Chicago and Lake Huron R.K., 1875-7. Trcas. Arctic Ice Machine Co., Augusta, Ga., 1880-1. Frederic Dumont Barto. P.B. Trumansburgh, N. Y. Banker. Pres. H. D. Barto & Co.'s Bank since 1880. Richard Torris Clarke. P. T. Columbus, Ohio. Lawyer. Chilion P ALT. Conger. I.F. Port Huron, Mich. Lawyer. Clerk Committee on Manufactures, U. 8. Senate, 1880. fWiLLiAM Henderson Hampton. A.K. Frankfort, Ky. Lay Reader, St. John's in Wilderness, near Frankfort, Ky. '»«' Jonas Turney Hulse. I.E. Circleville, Ohio. Farmer. Died at Abilene, Kan., October 26th, 1881. Howard Edwin Jones, M.D. A'. T. Circleville, Ohio. M.D., Ohio Medical Coll., 1876- Author of the Test in Illustrations of the Nests and Eggs of the Birds of Ohio. 1877. fREGiNALD Cleveland Coxe. F.A. Paris, France. Artist. JSleve of M. Bonuat. fWiLLiAM Birch Rankine. A'. P. New York City. Lawyer. A.B., Union Coll., 1877. 1878. fHARRisoN Hancock Bowes. I.. Michigan City, lud. Lawyer. A.B., Racine Coll., 1878. 1879. fHENRY Howard Ross. N.F. Essex, N. Y. Lawyer. 1880. IGeorge Field Conger. O.N. Cleveland, Ohio. Mercantile. THE HUDSON CHAPTER, 184I TO 1885. Annals. The Hudson Chapter was founded Jul}^ 1, 1841, by Samuel Eells and Joseph FewSmith. The Charter members were Walter S. Barber, George C. Bristol, Rufus Patch and Henry W. Williams, of the class of '41, and Charles F. Hudson and Henry A. Swift, of the class of '42. At the second meeting Professors Elias Loomis and Samuel St. John were made members, so that the Chapter really started with two graduate and six undergraduate members. Before the founding of A A (P, there had been no secret fraternity at Western Reserve, but the favor with which its coming was regarded bj- the Faculty- of the College is shown by the fact that several of its members became members of the Chapter. The Chapter continued to flourish, counting among its number many" of the strongest and most able men of the College until the 3'ears 1857 and 1858, when it became reduced to two or three members on account of the very small number of students then in the College. The charter, however, was not forfeited, and the affairs of the College again brightening, the Chapter once more increased to its former strength, and has since maintained a foremost place among the fraternities at Western Reserve College. Of the forty-one valedictories delivered since the year 1840, twenty-one have been by members of Alpha Delta Phi, besides a corresponding share of salutatories, and other college honors. This year closes the historj' of the Chapter in Hudson. The College is to become a part of the Western Reserve Univer- sity of Cleveland, and at the commencement of next year the Hudson. 219 Hudson Chapter will I10 cstal)lis!ic(l in its new qnaiters in that city. Valedictorians. — Grosvenor W. llcacock, '40; George C. Bristol, '41 ; Charles F. Hudson, '42; Samuel T. Soelye, '43; Cliristoplier M. Cordley, '44; Nathan S. Hiirton, '46; Ezekiel C. Scudder, '."iO; William S. Austin, '51; Horace B. Foster, '52; Jacob Chamberlain, '5(; ; William (i. Williams, T.l ; Charles T. Williams, 'C2 ; Sidney Strong, 'G3 ; Elmore T. Caruthers, '05; William II. Perkins, 'C8 ; Thomas D. Seymour, '70; William II. Baldwin, '71 ; Charles A. Gates, '73 ; William E. Gushing, '75; Arthur II, Talmer, '79; Charles A. Shaw, '81, •1876. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Members. Walter Sessions Barber. B.A. George Carmi Bristol. O.I. RuFus Patch. 77.7. Henry AVarren AVilliams. .7. Y. Charles Frederic Hudson. Z.l. Henry Adoniram Swift. 7,'. J. 1828. \Rev. Henry Noble Day. A' .E. New Haven, Conn. Author. Prof. Rhetoric and Practical Theolosty, Western Reserve, 1840-58; Pres. Ohio Female Coll., 1858-64. Pres. Clinton Line R.R. Co., 1853-7; Pres. Clinton Line Extension R.R. Co., 1854-6. Author of Art of Elocution, 1844; Art of Rhetoric, 1860; Rhetorical Proxies, 1860; Art of Pnokktciiitiir, 1861; Hamilton's Logic Reduced, 1863; Elements of Logic; Art of Discoursi an.i Ait of English Composition, 1867 ; Introduction to English Literature, 1869; Youii- i .iiii.n^n-, ]S70; The Science of Esthetics, 1872; Logical Proxies, 1872; Elements of Psvclir.lM-v , l^Tti; The Science of Ethics, 1876; Outlines of Ontological Science, 1878. A.B., Yale Coll., 1828; D.D., Farmer's Coll., 1861 ; LL.D., Ingham Univ., 1861. Member of Am. Oriental Soc, and Am. Philological Association. '\ Timothy Dwight Eells. F.A.K. Cleveland, Ohio. Merchant. Died April 19, 1876. 1830. ]Elias Loomis. O.X. New Haven, Conn. Tutor Yale Coll., 1833-6; Prof. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Western Reserve, 1836-44 ; Univ. of the City of Kew York, 1844-60 ; Prof. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, Yale Coll., since 1860. Author of Practical Astronomy; Analytical Geometry and Calculus; and of numerous other mathematical textbooks; also of .articles in the Transac- tions of the American Philological Soc. ; A7n. Journal of Science; Gould's Astronomical Journal ; and in the publications of the Conn. Acad, and Smithsonian Institution. A.B., Yale Coll., 1S30; LL.B., Univ. of the City of New York, 1839. Member of the Am. Philosophical Soc, Philadelphia, since 1839: of the Am. Acad, of Arts and Sciences, Bos- ton, since 1850; Corresponding Member of the British Scientific Association since 1857; Honorary Member of the Philosophical Soc. of Glasgow since 1860 ; Member of the National Acad, of Science, Washington, since 1873; Honorary Member of the Meteorological Soc. of London since 1874. 1834. ^Samuel St. John, M.D. Z'.I. New York City. Prof. Medical Dep.-irtment, Western Reserve, 1843-56; Prof Chemistry and Geology, Kenyon Coll., 1857-9; Prof. Chemistry, Columbia Coll., 1860-76. B.A. , Yale Coll , 1834; M.D., Univ. of Vt., 1839; LL.D., Univ. Georgetown, Ky., 1S49. Died at New Canaan, Conn., September 9, 1876. Hudson. 2 2 1 \JSFathan Perkins Seymour. I'.iL Hudson, Ohio. Lecturer English Literature, Western Uescrve; Greek and Latin, 1840-70. A.B., Ynlc Coll., 1834; LL.D., Kenyon Coll., 1867. 1838. \ James N^ooney. O.E. Fernandina, Fla. Uctircd. Prof. Mathematics and Physics, Western Reserve Coll., 1844-8; Prof. 111. Coll. A.B., Yale Coll., 1838. 1839. Darius Lyman. H'.P. Parkman, Ohio. Clerk U. S. Treasury since 1863. Head of Navigation l>ivision, Washington, D. C. Tutor East Tenn. Univ., 1847; Prof. English Language and Literature, Miami Univ., 0.\ford, Ohio, 1850-3 ; Trustee Western Reserve, 1842-55. Author of I'ubliuB Lyrus, 1856 ; Lessons for Dough Faces, 1S56. 1840. '^^ Rev. Grosvenor Williams Heacock. H'.0. Buffalo, N. Y. D.I)., Hamilton Coll., 1856. Pastor, Congregational, at Buffalo. Died May 6, 1877. Charles Kent. A.I. Toledo, Ohio. Lawyer, firm of Kent, Newton & Pugsley. ^ '^'^ Rev. Horace Sedgwick Taylor. H'.B. India. Missionary. Died at Kodi Karnal, on Pulncy Mountains, February 3, 1871. '^- Rev. Samuel Wright. Z . ¥. Toledo, Ohio. Pastor and Missionary A. H. M. S., 1846-52. I 84 I. 1845 "VValter Sessions Barber. li.A. Harwinton, Conn. '^' George Carmi Bristol. (I.-. Farmington, 111. Died September 3, 1841. Jerome Buckingham. Ii.£. Newark, Ohio. Lawyer. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1869-70. Rev. RuFUS Patch. /7./. Lathrop, Mo. Editor Lathrop .Vo»itor since 1878. Tutor Western Reserve, 1S41-2. Prin. LaGrangc Inst., Ontario, lud., 1844-78. Clergyman six years. Member Board of Visitors, Chicago Theo. Sem., Congregational, 1869-75. Henry Warren Williams, ISl.D. I. ?*. Batavia, 111. Physician. M.D., Cleveland Med. Coll., 1843. 1842. ^^ Rev. Charles Frederic Hudson. Z.l'. Haddonfield, N.J. Author The Annihilation of the Wicked and A Critical Greek and English Concord ancc of the New Testament. Died May, 1867. 222 Hudson. *i8C9 jJenry Adoniram Swift. E.J. St. Peter, Minn. Lawyer, Ravenna, Ohio. Deputy Clerk Ohio House of llepresentativeB, 1845-6; Clerk, 1S47-8; Clerk Ohio Senate, 1850-1; Member and Pres. Minn. Senate, 1861, by the resignation of the Gov., and Lieut. Gov. of Minn. ; State Sen.ator, 1861. Commissioned CoU, by Gov. of Minn., for military service in the Indian massacre of 1862. Died February, 1869. 1843. * '^' CuYLER Leonard. K.X. Sandusky, Ohio. Lawyer. Tutor Western Reserve, 1844-6. Car Manufacturer. Rev. RuFUS Nutting. T.K. Carlinsville, 111. Prof. Greek and Latin Languages in Blackburn Univ. ; Tutor Western Reserve, 1845- 9; Prof. Greek, Illinois Coll., .Jacksonville, 1853-66. *"*^' RuFUS Hawley St. John. T.A. Warsaw, 111. Merchant. Rev. Samuel, Taylor Seelye. I.f). Easthampton, Mass. Banker. Member Mass. Board of Education. Pres. First N.ational Bank of Easthamp- ton ; Pres. Glendale Elastic Fabrics Co. ; Pres. Easthampton Public Library Assoc. Trustee Williston Sem. Pastor Wolcottville, Conn., 184.5-55 ; Fourth Presbyterian Church, Albany, N. T., 1855-63; Congregational, Easthampton, Mass., 1863-1877. Author several sermons. D.D., Hamilton Coll., 1860. 1844. *"*^Rev. Christopher Minta Cordley. T.l. Lawrence, Mass. Clergyman, Congregational. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1849. Pastor, Hopkinton, N. H., 1849-52; First Church, Randolph, Mass., 18.52-7; West Brookfield, Mass., 1859-62; Central Church, Lawrence, Mass., 1862-6. Died June 30, 1866. Homer Goodwin. A'.(I>. Sandusky, Ohio. Lawyer. Private 145th Ohio Inf., U. 8. A., 1862. 1845. Rev. Eleroy Curtis. A.F. Cleveland, Ohio. Pastor South Presbyterian Church since 1867. Chaplain Northern Ohio Insane Asylum. Trustee Western Resei-ve Coll. Pastor, Middlebury, Ohio, 1848-54; Fort Wayne, Ind., 1850-60; Sherburne, N. Y., 1860-7. Grad: Theo. Western Reserve, 1848. D.D., Marietta Coll., 1881. Rev. William Davis Sanders. A.l. Jacksonville, 111. Supt. Illinois Conservatory of Music since 1871. Prof. Rhetoric and English Literature. Illinois Coll., fifteen years; Pres. Young Ladies' Atheuoeura, sixteen years. Grad. Theo. Western Reserve, 1850. D.D., Hamilton Coll., 1865. 1846. Rev. Nathan Smyth Burton. M.l. Akron, Ohio. Pastor Baptist Church. Tutor AVestern Reserve Coll., 1849-50; Trustee Denison Univ., 1856-66, .and since 1879; Prln. Young Ladies' Inst., Granville, Ohio, 1859-61; Prof. Philosophy, Kalamazoo Coll., 1875-7. D.D., Denison Univ., 1864. Julian Harmon, M.D. ./.J. Warren, Ohio. Physician. IJ. S. Examining Surgeon for Pensions for Trumbull Co. since 1862. Trustee Western Reserve, 1879-80. M.D., Cleveland Med. Coll., 1849. Hudson. 223 *^^^ Rev. William Sloan Kennedy. J'.iV. Cincinnati, Ohio. Pastor, PreHbyterian, Rrccksville, 1848-52; Handunky, 1852-9; Cincinnati, 1859-61. Author I'lan of Union; Messianic Prophesies and Life of Christ. Died June 30, 1801. Timothy Dwigiit Nutting. A.N. Jacksonville, 111. Prof, in 111. Conservatory of Music. In 1861 resided in Jackson, Miss. ; conscripted in C. S. A., in charge of Hrigade Band, Barksdale's Brigade (Longstreet's Corps), till 1864, when escaped. *'^'-* Rev. Joseph Higley Scott. P. A. Metropolis, 111. Pastor, Presbyterian, Twinsburgh, 1851-S; West Liberty, Iowa, 1859-62; Mineral Ridge, Ohio., 1862-4; Metropolis, 1866-79. Grad. Theo. Western Reserve, 1851. Died February 26, 1879. »i8Tj jjg^, Cornelius Hector Taylor. A'.f). Cincinnati, Ohio. Pastor, Presbvterian. Grad. Theo. Western Reserve, 1849. D.D., Shurtliff, 111., Coll., 1863. Died February 26, 1875. 1847. *''*** Rev. Nathan Lynde Lord, ^NI.D. //.A'. New York City. Financial Agent Western Ileser\-o. Missionary to Jafna, Coylon, 1852-9; in U. H., 1859-63; Madura Mission, India, 1803-7. Grad. Theo. Western Ueserve, 1850. Died January 24, 1S6S. John Manning, M.D. M.A. Youngstown, Ohio. Druggist. Mayor, Youngstown, 1863-4. M.D., Cleveland Med. Coll., 1852. Rev. Armon Spencer. 11. B. Newark, N. Y. Pastor, Presbyterian (now retired), and Teacher Acad, at Elmira, X. Y., two years; Rushville, X. Y., two years. Pastor, Williamson, Ohio, 1860-9; Dansville, Mich., 1871-2; Byron, Mich., 1872-4. " Grad. Auburn Theo. Sem., 1850. 1848. *'*■" Rev. Erastus Chester. Z.K. Cleveland, Ohio. Tutor Western Reserve, 1850-2. Pastor at Newton Falls, Newburg, and Crawfords- ville, Ind., 18.52-60. Merchant, Cleveland, 1860-70. Grad. Theo. Western Reserve, 1851. Died September 28, 1870. **'*' Hil AND Reese HuLBURD. A.W. New York City. Lawyer at Columbus, Ohio. Banker at New York City, 1872-80. Asst. Comptroller U. S. Currency, Washington, D. O. ; Comptroller, 1872. Died July, 1880. Matthew Canfield Read. A.l.K. Hudson, Ohio. Lawyer and Practical Geologist. Editor Family Vinitor, 1853-4. Lecturer on Practical Geologv and Zoology, Western Reserve, since 1869. Member Ohio Geological Corps., 1869-78. Author of contributions to Ohio Geological Reports; contributions to Am. Katuralist, Anti'/uari. Warrensville, Ohio. Lawyer. Private Co. B 85th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862. Died June S, 1872. Edwin Lester Webber. iV. W. Worthington, Ind. Lumber Merchant since 1 869. Lawyer at Ravenna Ohio 186.5-9 ; Pros. Atty Portap.- Co., Ohio, 1S6S-9. Private 85th Ohio Inf. and Lieut. Col. 8Sth Ohio Int., U. b. A., 1862-5. William George Williams. M.l. Cleveland, Ohio. Mercliant. 1862. Charles Enoch Clark. A.B. Granite Falls, Minn. Co Sunt, of Schools and Farmer. Private 19th Ohio Inf. ; Co. B 85th Ohio Inf. ; Orderly Sergt. 86lh Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. Edward Whittlesey Stuart. J.*/*. Akron, Ohio. Lawyer Prin. Shaw Acad., CoUamer, Ohio, 1864-5. M.iyor, Kent, Ohio, 1869. City Solicitor, Akron, Ohio, 1871-7. Pros. Atty., Summit Co., Ohio, 1877-81. IMv.atc Co. B 85th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862. Charles Tudor Williams. 7'. V. Kent, Ohio. Glass Manufijcturcr. Tutor Westej-n Resei-ve, 1863-4. Private Soth Ohio Inf., U. 8. A., May-September, 1862. Simon Perkins Wolcott. iV.//. Kent, Ohio. Lawyer. Mayor of Kent, Ohio, 1870-4. Member of School Board, 1866-76. Member State Senate since" 1881. 1863. fP^MMET Denio Dodge. K.V. Akron, Ohio. Travelling Salesman. Rev. John Calvin Elliott. J. A'. Seville, Ohio. I'-istor Presbyterian, since 1880. Tile Manufacturer. Real Estate Speculator. Editor >MlioX«// P?4or !S\-b"aska City, Neb.. 1867-9. Prin. Otol Univ., 1879-70. Stated Supply. GuilfoS Ohio 18n-9. G^Ad. Princeton Theo. Sem.. 1866. Private Co. B 85th Ohio Inf., May-September, 1862. t William Henry Harvey. H'.U. Cleveland, Ohio. Sec. and Treas. Ohio Commonwealth Iron Co., Cleveland, Ohio. jMerrill Nathaniel Hutchinson. T.A. New York City. Private, Sergt., 1st Lieut. 18th Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-4; Bvt. Capt. for gallant and merilo- rious service in the battle of Chickamauga. 2 28 Hudson. Sidney Strong. /. V. Youngstown, Ohio. I^awyer. Tutor Western Reserve, 1864-6. Priv.ite Co. B 8.5th Ohio Inf., May- September, 1862. *'*^' Henry Robert Watterson. E'.S. Warrensville, Ohio. Lawyer. Private Co. B 85th Ohio Inf., May-September, 1862. Died August 31, 1865. Reginald Heber Wright. /.J. Akron, Ohio. Cashier for Aultraan, Miller &: Co. Ord. Sergt. Co. B S-^th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862. 1864. Samuel Mansfield Eddy. K.H. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. Asst. Pros. Attv., 1873-7; Pros. Atty. 1877-8. 2d Sergt. Co. B 85th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., May-September, 1862. Rev. George Trumbull Ladd. H. Y. New Haven, Conn. Prof. Nfental and Moral Philosophy in Yale Coll. Member Board of Visitors for Chicago Theo. Sem., 1877-9. Lecturer on Congregationalism, Andover Theo. Sera., 1879-81, on Systematic Theology, 1881. Contributor to Bibliotheca Sacra, January and April, 1869, January, 1876, January and October, 1877, October, 1878, Janu.ary and October, 1879, October, 1880; to New Eng/ander, April, 1874, October, 1876, September, 1879. Autlior Lectures in Review of Spencer and Tyndall. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1869. D.I)., AVestern Reserve, 1881. jCharles Edgar Poe, M.D. A.Z. Ravenna, Ohio. Dry Goods Merchant. M.D., Starling Med. Coll., Columbus, Ohio, 1864. Asst. Surg. 43d Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1864-5. f Charles Seymour. A'. .V. Knoxville, Tenn. Lawyer. Edward Porter Williams. A'../. (Heveland, Ohio. Manufacturer. Corp. 85th Ohio Inf , IT. S. A., May-September, 1862. Rev. Richard Lloyd Williams. A.Z. Baraboo, Wis. Pastor (First) Presbyterian Church. Grad. Lane Theo. Sem., 1867. Private 85th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., May-September, 1862. 1865. *'^*' Elmore Perry Caruthers. fl.l'. Little Rock, Ark. Teacher for Deaf and Dumb, Columbus, 1865-70; Prin. State Inst, for Deaf Mutes, Little Rock, Ark., 1870. Private Co. B 85th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., May-September, 1862. Died September 3, 1876. fRev. George Thojias Le Boutillier. (K.\. Colorado Springs, Colo. Rector Grace Church : Rector DeLancey School, Oneida, N. Y., 1874-7. Trustee Jar^-is Hall and Wolfe Hall Schools, Denver. Contributor to T/ie Churchman, Living Chwch, etc. IDarius Parmalee Sackett. a. a. Oakland, Cal. Teacher at the Genesee Acad., K. Y., 1868; Prin. Leicester Acad., Mass., 1869; Prin. of the Female Coll. of the Pacific at Oakland, of the Sackett School in Oakland since 1872. A.B., Yale, 1866. James George Shedd. A.E. Danville, 111. Lumber Merchant. Prin. Kinsman Acad., 1865-6; Teacher Prep. Dept. Western Reserve, 1866-7; Teacher Select Sdiool, Chicnffo, 111., 1867-8; Supt. Pub. Schools, Dan- ville, 111., 1869-74 and 1877-80, and at Macomb, III., 1874-76. Corp. S5th Ohio Inf, U. 8. A., Hudson. 229 fllAHHis Elias Smith. ./. .V. Wyandotte, Kan. Druggist and StatioiuT. Kansas ("itv. Mo, Director Kan. State Normal School, 1874-6. City Editor I<\)n Waviic, Iml.. "/.r, „/,-./ Ct-illc, 1808; Kditor Irving, Kan., Recorder, 1869-72; Kditor CoMcor.liM, K;iii., /,„//.;,.. 1872-80. Scrgt. 123d Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862-4; Lieut, and Adj. i:!tli (.-olored An., isc,4-r). 1866. "^^^fHENRY Allen Hahvey. (I>.N. Cleveland, Ohio. Of the Commonwealtl) Irou Co. Died at Cleveland, February 16, 1881. t Ralph Osborne. E. W. Toledo, Ohio. Teller 2d Nat. Bank. Private S4tli Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862. Albert Peter Tallman. ./.J. Bridgeport, Ohio. Cashier 1st Nat. Bank of Bellairc. Ohio. 1867. Stiles Henry Curtiss. T.F. Cleveland, Ohio. Wholesale Dealer Tea, Coft'ce and Spices. '"'''tELiJAH Arthur Ellsworth. P.X. Hudson, Ohio. Edward Hooker Harvey, M. D. J. V. Cleveland, Ohio. Merchant. M.D., Cleveland Med. Coll.. 1869. Private 1.50th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1864. t William Russell Merrick. M.ll. Youugstown, Ohio. Lawyer. James Schuyler Oviatt. A.J. Cleveland, Ohio. Asst. City Civil Engineer since 1872. Teacher Kinsman Acad., 1867; Richfield, 1868. 1868. Rev. John Henry House. P.B. Eski Zagra, Turkey. Missionary since 1872. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 187L Andrew Jackson Mack, LL.B. .V. A. Columbus, Ohio. Editor since 1873. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1873. Frank Forrest Morrill. P.X. Chattanooga, Tenn. Lawyer, and Sec. and Treas. Railway Car Building Co. Student at Berlin and Heidel- berg, 1869-72. William Rufus Perkins. P. T. Ithaca, N. Y. Asst. Prof, of Greek and Latin, Cornell Univ., since 1880. Tutor Greek, Wester!; Reserve, 1869-72. Member Am. Philological Assoc. 1869. Andrew Holland Hunker. V. A. Chicago, 111. Asst. Div. Supt. Pullman Palace Car Co. t James White Moore, M.D. f.P. Lynn, Mass. M.D., Dartmouth, 1872. Fellow Mass. Med. Soc. 230 H2lds07l. 1870. * '^"t Charles Clark Caruthers. A.U. Talmadge, Ohio. John Charles Coffey. X.0. AV. Cleveland, Ohio. Law)-er, Cleveland, eiuco 1873. Teacher State Reform School, 1870-2; West Side, Cleveland, 1872-3. Private 46th and S9th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. *'*"* Charles Frederick Harrington. (I>.A. Warren, Ohio. Tutor Western Resci-\e, 1870-1. U. S. Lake Siir\'ey, March to August, 1871. Private 196th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1865. Died October 8, 1871. fPLiNY Nelson Haskell, LL.B. A.B. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Supt. of Schools, Hyde Park, 111., 1871-6. A.B., Amherst Coll., 1871 ; LL.B., Union Coll. of Law, 1877. fTnoMAS Kinsman Perkins. -/.i2. Akron, Ohio. Lumber Manufacturer. About to remove to California. Tho:nl4S Day Seyiviour. l.I. New Haven, Conn. Prof. Greek Yale Coll. since 1880; Western Reserve, 1872-80. Student at Leipsic and Berlin, 1870-2. Author of Papers on the Cynegeticus of Xenophon and on the date of the Prometheus of ^Eschvlus, in the Transactions of the Am. Philological Assoc. ; Selected Odes of Pindar, Edited with Notes, 1881. A.B., Yale Coll., 1870. Charles Josiah Smith. F.W. Hudson, Ohio. Prof. Mathematics and Physics, Western Reserve, since 1S70. Member Am. Assoc, for the Advancement of Science. f James Houghton. To WNSHEND. .V..V. Avon, Ohio, f Myron Converse Wick. ]'. 7'. Youngstown, Ohio. Sec, Treas. and General Manager Corns Iron Co. and Rolling Mill, Girard, Ohio. Frank Ira Young. K.E. Toledo, Ohio. Grain Commission Merchant. 187I. William Henry Baldwin. /.J. Youngstown, Ohio. Cashier 1st Nat. Bank since 1877. Rev. Henry Melville Curtis. A.Z. Flint, Mich. Pastor, Presbyterian. Grad. Auburn, N. Y., Theo. Sem. fWiLLiAM Eleroy Curtis. .\.0. Chicago, 111. Managing Editor Chicago Inter-Ocean; formerly Washington Correspondent. Author Tibbleses Folks, a Novel, 1874; Old Snarley's Christmas, and many shorter stories. Charles Francis House, M.D. 0.P. Painesville, Ohio. M.D., Cleveland Med. Coll. fjAY Hamilton Jewett. A.I. Scotland, Minn. Prin. ; County Supt., 1875-9. A.B., Hamilton Coll., 1872. Charles Houston Tallman. H.S. Bridgeport, Ohio. Manufacturer. fCHARLES Robinson Truesdale. A.(I>. Youngstown, Ohio. Lawyer. Pros. Atty., Mahoning Co., 1876-8. Private 2d Ohio Cav., U. S. A., 1861-5. Hudson. 231 tGEORGE Mitchell Wkiciit. /. '/'•. Tallnmdge, Ohio. Lawyer, Akron, Ohio. 1872. t Warner Arms. A'.E. Youngstown, Ohio. Iron Manufacturer. Martyn Bonnell. ./..'/. Clovchmd, Ohio. Iron Mercliant. t James Humphrey HoYT, LL.B. M.W. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. A.B., Brown Univ., 1S74; LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1877. 1873. IPerley Martin Cummings. M.(I>. Fulton, Ark. Pros. Fulton Lumber Co. Sergt. Co. O 11th N. H. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-5. Charles Alexander Gates. E.I. Cleveland, Ohio. Confidential Clerk, Miller Bros. Tutor Western Reserve, 1873. Charles Mirigk Russell. M.I. Massillon, Ohio. Manufacturer Agricultural Implements. t James Davis Smyth. M.Z. Burlington, Iowa. Lawyer. Tutor and Acting Prof. Greek, Trinity Coll., 1870-9. Author of a Greek text book. A. B., Trinity Coll., 1874. fEev. William Coit Stevens. A. /9. Bismarck, Dak. Presbyterian Clergyman. fWiLLiAM McClure Wilson. /.//. Chicago, 111. With Calumet Iron and Steel Works. 1874. tWiLLTAM Howard Brett. H'. T. Cleveland, Ohio. Bookseller. Private 171st and 196th Ohio Inf., U. 8. A., 1864-5. fAsHBEL Carey. A. A. Bay City, Mich. Journalist. On &iiv^ of Evening Prens. George Franklin Smytiie. P. W.K. Williamstown, Mass. Teacher Greylock Institute, since 1S80. Tutor Western Reserve. 1875- Matthew Hale Byles. T.X. Bradford, Pa. Lawyer. William Erastus Cushing, LL.B. A'.E.K. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1878. 232 Hudson. Herman Beverley Drown. Ellicottville, X. Y. Druggist. Israel Holly King, LL.B. E. ¥. Hudson's Hot Springs, N. Mex. Rancher. LL.B., Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C, 1S78. John Sheldon Maxwell. ^.I\ Columbus, Wis. Lawyer. George Walter Shumway. F.Q'. Glenville, Ohio. Lawyer, Cleveland, Ohio. 1876. George Washington Coon. E.P. Cleveland, Ohio. Sec. Cleveland Herdic Co. Instructor Cleveland Acad., 1873-5; Prin. Detroit Acad., 1876-7; Instructor Mich. Military Acad., 1877-8. William Tyndall Gibson. I.Z. Youngstown, Ohio. Lawyer. t Jacob Bishop Perkins. A.J. Cleveland, Ohio. Merchant. A.B., Williams Coll., 1877. Julius Whiting, Jr. ' Q.U. Canton, Ohio. Lawyer. 1877. George Herbert Cornell. P.(I). Youngstown, Ohio. Supt. Himrod Furnaces. Myron Maynard Drury. M'. 6. Chicago, 111. Salesman. William Clark Stinaff. I'.iL Collamer, Ohio. Prin. Shaw Acad. t Charles Handel Wright. FLO. Springfield, Mass. Journalist. Editor J^eio England Homestead, Springfield, Mass , 1879-81. A.B., Amherst Coll., 1878. 1878. fLEWis Reeves Dawson. P.E. Warren, Ohio. Medical Student Univ. of Mich. Teacher Warren Grammar School, 1876-9. t Frank David McLain. N.B. Warren, Ohio. Lawyer. 1879. Charles Theodore Ely. K.A. Elyria, Ohio. Manufacturer. Sec. U. S. Commission to Paris Exposition, 1878. James Gordon Fitch. P.I. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. Hudson. 233 FhAiNK Wales Hakrinoton. I'.' .ii. Wanen, Oliio. Lawyer. Arthur III nBr:LL Palmer. Y.ii. Cleveland, Ohio. Student in Kuropo. Teacher in West Side High School, Cleveland, 1879; Tutor "Western Reserve, 18S0. Sheldon Parks. ^''.A'. Salem, Ohio. Law Student. Hallet KiLBOURN Taylor. A.l\ Youngstown, Ohio. I^awycr. 1880. William George King. ./..V. Cleveland, Ohio. Iron Dealer. 1881. t Henry Clarence Bates. P. A. Bellevue, Ohio. Teacher. f James Dalgleish Campbell. M.Q. Youngstown, Ohio. Orange Grower at Micanopy, Ga. f Frederick Hayes Gates. A. A. Chicago, 111. In General Office of the Mutual Union Telegraph Co. A.B., Williams Coll., 1881. Charles Allison Shaw. Z'.l. Cleveland, Ohio. In Brush Electric Works, Medina, Ohio. 1882. fEowARDS Platt Ingersoll. N.P. WicklifFe, Ohio. Student Williams Coll., 1882. Frank Herbert Jones. 2'. 2'. Bellevue, Ohio. f Robert McCuRDY WooDBRiDGE. I.F. Ft. Peck, Mont. Dept. Clerk Poplar Creek Agency, Mont. 1883. Ralph Steele Ambler. A'.E. Salem, Ohio. Arthur Wellesley Barber. A. W. Cleveland, Ohio, f Charles Francis Day. 0. T. Ravenna, Ohio. .Williams Coll., 1883. fBuRTON Parks Foster. ^^. V. Elyria, Ohio. Manager Columbia Quarries. BuRT EsTES Howard. ./'.2'. Collamer, Ohio. 234 Hudson. fHARRY Erastus LooMis. J. X Wadswortli, Oluo. Bookkeeper. Supt. Silver Creek Mining and R.R. Co., one year. t Arthur Henry AValker. P.N,. Akron, Ohio. Williams Coll., 18S3. fCLAUDE Hazeltine AYetmore. P.X. Rio Janeiro, Brazil, S. A. 1884. fCHARLES Herbert Booth. J.(I>. Youngstown, Ohio. Clerk. Sage Coe. Y.M. Cleveland, Ohio. John Beecher Pattox. A. (J). Kent, Ohio, f Hamilton Schuyler. B, ¥. Belle vue, Ohio. Asst. Civil Engineer. 1885. Albert Mortimer Harman Growl. O.Q. Cleveland, Ohio. George Edwin Fouts. M.B. Cleveland, Ohio. Henry Morrison AVaite. J. 6>. Ravenna, Ohio. THE BOWDOIN CHAPTER, I 84 I TO 1885. A?inals. It was on a Saturday night in October, 1841, that the Bowdoin Chapter of A J was established. A. letter from one of the principal actors says: "The first Initiation of A J

vas long evident that a severe contest would come sooner or later, and it did coine in the fall of 1.S57. The opponents of secret societies used every means in their power against A J ut the old standard was raised b}' the few loyal ones, and help came from every quarter, giving complete victoiy. Forty-one years have passed, more than the average time of a generation of men, since A J "Z* was established in Bowdoin. As we have had occasion during the past year to review the lives and deeds of our predecessors in the society, we have been deeply gratified to see the honorable positions which they are holding iu the world. Not a few have attained eminence. Looking over the list we find four College Presidents, and twenty-five College Professors. In the late war the Bowdoin Chapter was represented by over forty men who, almost without exception, were officers. In scholarship we have stood on a level with any other society — ceitainly far ahead of some. The societ}^ has never been a hindrance to schol- arh' attainments, but has alwa3S encouraged them. The smallness of our College, and the quietness of the town in which our institution is situated, cause us to seek our enjoyment among ourselves. The social influences in the College must, therefore, mould the student to a great degree. Long years ago a brother gave us a maxim, which seems to have been kept supreme: "It takes a head and a heart to make a man, and he who has but one of these is at best but half a man." The influence which A J (p exerts over her sons is second to none in the College, and this influence has always been ennobling. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Members. Henry Hill Boody. FJ.A'. John Craig Clark. N.A. Frederic Gardiner. Samuel Trask. E.Z. 1834. liev. Henry Boynton Smith, fl'. W. New York City. Tutor Bowdoin, 1837 and 1S40. Pastor Amesbury, Mass., Corii^regational Churcli, 1841-7. Prof. Intellectual and Moral PliilosopViy, Amherst Coll., 1847-r)0; Prof. Ecclesias- tical History, N. Y. Union Theo. Sem., 1851-3; Systematic Theology, 1854-64; Apologetics, 1864-77. Author of History of the Church in Chronological Tables; Discourses and Addresses ; Contributor to Appleton's Cyclopsedia. D.D., Univ. of Vt., 1850, and Harvard Univ., 1858; LL.D., Western Reserve Coll., 1864. Died February 7, 1877. 1837. John Lewis Cutler. A. T. Quitman, Ga. Cotton Planter. Lawyerin ISte., 1840-61. Me. State Senator, 1854; Member Ua. State Constitutional Convention, 1868. Member Me. Hist. Soc. Bev. George Warren Field. I.J. Bangor, Me. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1846. D.D., Bowdoin, 1869. Bev. John Orr Fiske. F.J. Bath, Me. Overseer Bowdoin, 1851-8 ; Trustee since 1858. Author of several published sermons. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1841. D.D., Bowdoin, 1868. Member Me. Hist. Soc. 1838. Gideon Stinson Palmer, M.T>. A'. A'. Washington, D. C Surgeon Frecdmen's U. S. Hospital since 1881. Member Me. State Legislature, 1868-9. Prof. Physiology and Hygiene and Dean of Medical Faculty, Howard Univ., 1875-81. M.D., Bowdoin, 1841. Slember Am. Med. Assoc. Asst. Surgeon 3d Me. Inf., U. S. A., later Surgeon, with rank of Col., 1861-5. 1839. Be7ija7nin Apthorp Gould Fuller. X.f). Concord, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Judge Augusta, Me., Municipal Court, 1S50-4. Member Me. State Legislature, 1856. Editor Augusta, Mo., Age, 1855-7. Contributor to various niagaziiiet). Boivdoin. 239 *'*"•' Ichahod Goodwin. O.W. South Berwick, Me. Tiilof Howdoin, 1841-2; sometime Lawyer and Civil Kiiginecr. I>rin. Berwick Acad., ISoS-Gl. Government employee, Washington, D. C, 1862-9. Died December 7, 1869. 1840. Rev. Elijah Kellogg. H'.P. Harpswell, Me. Congregational Clergyman, retired since 1868. Pastor, llarpswell. Me., 1844-54; Sup- ply, Mariner's Church, Boston, Mass., 18.5.5-6. Author of .\ Strong Arm and a Mother's Blessing; I.ion IVn ; Cli.ulic Bell; The .\rk of Klni Island: Tlie Young Sliiphiiildcrs of Elm Isiaiul; Bov Fanners: llavdsc-niblile : Arthur Brown: ^•(Hiiig Dclivirers of I'lcasant Cove; Spark of' ('..■nius : S..i.lioinorcs of l;.-idclill'c : The Wlii.-jxring IMius Cliild of the Island (il.^n: Cruise of the Caseo: .Inlin (JikIs.k's I.egaey; Fisher Boys of IMeasant Cove: 'rurning of llie'l'iiU-: WinMiuir IlisSiuirs: .\ Stout Heart; Sowed by the Wind; Brought to the Front: WoH' liun: lM,n>t (ilm, or llie Mohawk's Friendship; The Mission of Black Bitle; Burying the lliitclu I : (inoil Old Times; poems, contributions, etc. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem.,"lS4a. Member Me. Hist. Soc. *"**' Albert Gallatin Upham, M.D. /'.'/'. Eochester, Mass. Prof. Anatomy, Castleton, Vt., Medical Coll. M.D., Castleton Medical Coll., 1842. 1841. Henry In galls. E'.0'. Wiscasset, Me. Lawyer. Pres. 1st Nat. Bank since 1865. Member Me. State Legislature, 1880. *''"' Rev. Francis Dudley Ladd. E'.d. Philadelphia, Pa. Presbyterian. Grad. Bangor Theo. Seminary, 1846. Chaplain V. S. Cliristian Coniinis slon. Died of disease contracted in the service attending wounded at Battle of Fair Oaks. Rev. George Frederick Magoun. H'.A. Grinnell, Iowa. Pres. and Prof. :Mental and Moral Seienee, Towa Coll. since 1865; Trustee since 1856. Preached Shullsberg, Wis.,lSi7-S; Oah na. 111., lsfS-51 ; Dayeuport,Iowa, 1855-60; Lyons, 1860-4. Editor Chicago, 111., Conrjriijutin.nil R, rii ir, 1870-1. Author of Lecture I., Boston Lectures on Skeptieiem, vol. II.; Contribvitur to Bibliotheca Sacra, X(io Knglander, Scribntr's, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, etc., etc. (Jrad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1844. D.D., Amherst Coll., 1867. Member Am. Assoc, for the Adv. orSciencc; Am. Philological Soc, etc. 1842. Henry Hill Boody. E'.A'. New York City. P.ailroad Agent. Tutor Bowdoin, 1842-5; Prof. Elocution and Khetoric, 184?-54; Me. State Senator, IS.U; Member State Legislature, 1S57; Financial Agent Chicago and North- western K.U., 1861-8; Pres. Delaware and Raritan Bay U.K., 1864. *'«^' John Ceaig Clark. N.A. New York City. Died, Montclair, N. J., September 16, 1873. Rev. Frederic Gardiner. E.Q. JNIiddletown, Conn. Prof. Old Testament I-iterature and Interpretation, Berkeley Divinitj- School, since 1868. Prof. Biblical Literature and Interpretation, Gambit r, Ohio, Tluo. Sem., 186.5-7. Author of The Island of Life, 1851; Commentary on the (icninil Kpistle of St. Jude, 1856; A Harmony of the Four Gospels, 1876; Diatessar.iii, \^',>\: r'in.-iples of Textual Criticism, 1876; Commentary on the Book of Leviticus ( - - ; 1 ; Commentary on the Book of Kzekiel; Hermeneutics; (>)ntributor to Cltuf ' i: / '/iol/itcn Sacra, etc. D.D. , Bowdoin, 1869. Member Me. Historical Soc. : Am ' m m i ,-..e. ; Am. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science; Fellow of the Soc. of Bil)lual Literature and Exegesis. Rev. William Lyman Hyde. H'.X. Ovid, N. Y. Prin. Union School since 1879. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 184S. Author of History of the 112th Reg. N. Y. Vohmteera, 1866. Chap. 112th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., ISiVJ-S. 240 Boivdoin. Jesse William Page, M.D. K.S. Bath, Me. Lecturer ou Phvsiology and Xatural Philosophy, Rutgers Female Institute, N. Y., 1858-9. M.D., Univ. Md., 184S. U. 8. Sanitary Inspector and Superintendent of Whit* Refugees, X. C, 1862-5. On Staff Gen. I. N. Palmer, 1S64-5. U. S. Pension Agent, N. C, 1865-7. Samuel Trask. E.Z. Portland, Me. George Wells. P. A. New York City. Commission Merchant. 1843. *'*^ Rev. Wheelock Craig. A. I. New Bedford, Mass. Sometime Tutor in Portland, Me., Acad. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1847. Died at Neufchatel, Switzerland, November, 1868. Joseph Dane. 0.Q>. Kennebimk, Me. Lawyer. Pres. Ocean Nat. Bank. AViLLiAM Augustus Goodwin. A.F. Portland, Me. Portland City Engineer since 1871. Asst. Engineer Atlantic & St. Lawrence R.R., 1846-S and 1850-3; Richmond & Danville R.R., 1849; Chief Engineer Penobscot R.R., 1853-4; Clerk of Works, U. S. Lighthouse Department, 1855-61; Acting Engineer, 1861-70. Contributor Atlantic Monthly. ♦ I860 j^g^ George Barker Little. ./'.]'. West Newton, Mass. Pastor First Congregational Church, Bangor, Me., 1849-.57; West Newton, 1857-60. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1849. Died July 20, 1860. Rev. John Oliver Means. FJ .1. Boston, MassI Corresponding Sec. Am. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions since 1880; Recording Sec, 1866-81. Trustee Koxl.uiv. Mass., Latin School since 1865; Member BostonSchool Board, 1S65-72. Chaplain Nra-. State Senate, 1870. Contributor Bihliotheca Sacra, CoiigregationalUt, etc., etc. M. miMr H > al Geographical Soc, Eng., Mitglied der Afrikanischea Gesellschaft in DeutsclilainL B rlin. D.D., Bowdoin, 1871. George Payson. Fl.d. Chicago, 111. General Counsellor to Western R.R. Association since 1873. Joseph Titcomb. A'. A. Kennebimk, Me. Pres. Savings Bank since 1878. Me. State Senator, 18-50-1 ; Member State Legislature, 1853. Pres. Ocean Bank, 1854-78. Trustee Bowdoin since 186S. State Bank Examiner, 1879. Author of several addresses, etc. Member Me. Hist. Soc. 1844. Henry Knight Bradbury. E.B. • HolHs, Me. Lawyer. Member House of Representatives Me., 1864-8. Rev. Henry Kinsman Craig. E.8. Falmouth, ]\Iass. Pastor, Congregational, since 1871. Tutor Bowdoin, 1847-9; sometime Overseer. Author Memorial of Wheelock Craig, 1869. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1855. «i872 ^YiLLiA^i Henry Farnham. A'. A. San Francisco, Cal. \fter twenty- years' residence in California, removed South. Private 3d Cal. Inf., U. S. A., 1S61-4. Died Selma, Ala., July 27, 1872. fRev. George DeForest Folsom. (Kl\ San ^Mateo, Cal. Tutor Elocution St. Matthew's Hall. Contributor New Haven, Conn., Journal and Chronicle, and San Francisco, Cal., Pacific. A.B., Yale Coll., 1845. Bovjdoin. 241 Joshua Seaks Palmer. O.A. Portland, Me. In businesB. City Treas., 1856-60. Charles Edward Swan, M.D. I.L Calais, Me. M.D., Bowdoin, 1847. Member Mc. Hist. Soc. Rev. Arthur Swazey. A.I. Chicagoi 111. Pastor, Presbyterian, Forty-first St. Church. Scientific Editor Chicago Timeii since 1876. Trustee Knox Coll., 1869-SO. D.D., Hamilton Coll., 1871. Member Chicago Acad. Science. WiNTHROP Tappan. li'.X. Florence, Italy. Priu. Young Ladies' Sem., Auburn, N. Y., 1854-6; Young Ladies' Hem., Philadelphia, Pa., 1857-65. fHoRACE WiLLLVMS. ./. '/'. CHnton, Iowa. Pres. Chicago, Iowa and Neb. K.H. *'*^^ Moses Morrill Butler. E.dK Portland, Me. Lawyer. City Mayor, 1877-S ; Member Me. State Legislature, 1879. Died October, 1879. James Henry Deering. A'.Z. San Francisco, Cal. Retired Merchant. Tutor in Lowndes Co. Acad., Ala., 1845-8; School Director, San Francisco, 1872-3. City Supen'isor, 1874-5. George Henry Kingsbury. E.I. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. *'««' Rev. John Parker Skeele. I\A. East Bloomfield, N. Y. Dist. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Hartford, Conn., 1854-70. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1860. Died April 23, 1881. 1846. *i8«7 Frederic Augustus Deane. H'.Q. San Francisco, Cal. Lieut. 1st Cal. Cav., U. S. A., 18G1-3; Private and 1st Lieut. 30th Me. Vols., U. S. A., 1864-5. *^^^ James William Hanscom. A.W. Saco, Me. *iftw jjg^ DoNATUS Merrill. V.B. Westbrook, Me. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1850. Died at Woodbuni, III., while Stated Supply, August 17, 1853. »i875 j^oses Leland Morse. F/.A. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Supt. Schools, Stoneham, Mass., 1864-6. Died, Charlestown, Mass., October 27, 1875. *'^ Rev. Ben-iamin Galen Snow. H'.X. Brewer, Me. Missionary A. B. C. P. M. to Micronesia, 1851-79. Author of First Kusaien Grammar; Kusaien Traiislalione of New Testament. Psalms, Book of Kuth, Hymns, etc. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1849. Died May 1, 1880. Thomas Hammond Talbot. T.I. Brookline, Mass. Lawyer, Boston, Mass. Asst. U. S. Atty. Gen., 1869-71. Author of Argument on the Constitutionality of the Fugitive Slave Law. Lieut. Col. ISth Me. Inf., later Ist Me. Heavy Art., U. S. A., 1862-4; Bvt. Brig. Gen., 1862. 242 Bowdoin. John Anderson Watekman. F'JfK Gorham, Me, Lawyer. Treas. Cumberland Co., Me., 1857-S; Judge Cumberland Co. Probate Court, 1863-76. Director and Trustee Portland and Rochester R.R since 1875. Overseer Bowdoin since 1880. Treas. (xorham Savings Bank since 1868u Author of Revised Edition of Luce's Probate Practice, 1880. 1847. '*** AL^^N BooDY. W. V. Hudson, Wis. Real Estate Business, 1856-8. Sometime Prin. Auburn and Fr3-eburg Acads. Rev. Ebenezer Stevens Jordan. F'. T. Brownfield, Me. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1855. '^^ Rev. George Jarvis Means. [I. I. ' Howells, N. Y. Am. Sunday School Union Missionary in Tenn., 1853-6. Died, .Augusta, Me., May 30, 1879. Frank Benjamin Merrill, M.D. F.N. Alfred, Me. U. S. Medical Examiner for Pensions since 1869. M.D., Jefferson Medical Coll., 1852. Henry Baker Neil. K.J. Tie Siding, Wyo. Railway Contractor, Notary Public, School Director and Postmaster since 1S80. In Australia, i853-6S. ^""f Frank Vose. K.8. New Orleans, La. Merchant. In 1875 removed to Denver, Colo., and there died. 1848. Rev. Thomas Hill Rich. l.F. Auburn, Me. Prof. Hebrew, Bates Coll., Lewiston, Me., since 1872. Asst. Prof., Bangor Theo. Sera., 1852-3 and 1S66-72; Tutor Conference Sem., Bucksjjort, Me., 18.53-6. Author of A Study of Nahum, 1879. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem. ,1852. Member See. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis; Am. Oriental Soc, etc. Rev. Jotham Bradbury Sewall. f.l\ S. Braintree, Mass. Head Master Thayer Acad, since 1877. Tutor Bowdoin, 1851-2. Pastor, Congregational, Lynn, Mass , 1855-65. Prof. Ancient Languages, Bowdoin, 1865-7. Author of Evenings With the Bible and Science, 1864. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1854. Contributor to Bibliotheca Sacra, etc. Member Am. Philological Assoc. '*" Rev. Benjamin Stanton. /../. Schenectady, N. Y. Prin. New Hampton, N. H., Sem., 1853-5; Brown High School, Newburyport. Mass., 1855-7; Prof. Latin, Union Coll., 1857-72; Prin. Union Collegiate Institute, 1872^, Died July 18, 1874. 1849. Charles Franklin Henry Greene. A.F/. Athens, Me. Died June 23, 1875. f James L. Hoole. I.B. Lynn, Mass. fRev. Edward S. Palmer. A.0. Westhampton, Mass. Retired. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sera., 1855. A.B., I'nion Coll., 1849. John Thomas Stanley. O.S. Chapel Hill, Tex. Tutor Chapel Hill, Tex., Female Seminary, 1862-8. Lawyer, 1866-8. Died November, 1875 Bowdoin. 243 1850. WiLiJAM Nelson Nailing Bell. J'./. Dresden, I'enn. Samuel Preble Buck, M.D. //./'• Woolwidi, Me. M.D.,Bowdoin, 1853. WiLLLVM Sewall Gardner. /;'./• Newton, Mass. Associate Justice Mass. Superior Court siiiCL- 1875. 'I'rustce I'rotestanL Kp.scopai Gen. Theo. Sein. since 1874. Rev. John Smith Sew all. l'.^^ Bangor, Me. I'rof. ■ H„iniletii-s. l?:.i, Frigat,. S.ra,,,,.., ls.;,i.-4 ' iiror Tlieo. Seni., since 1S75 r, Wenliiiin, MasH., is.v.i t.,. tlic (Jliililrcn's ( \ \\\i\i\ l^-'i '• Comninndcr's Clerk, U. S. rn.l". IMuluric, Oratory and anil llii- l'ilL;i-ini8,1860; Uow EngliNli'ralui-.', r...».l..i II. ISI . 1 ,,iiliil'iitar to NeiB Eng to t'nllU- to C Inl^t, I'M''- ; ' tont/fr, etc. (iiMil. li.iiiKor ■ I'he u. Seiii., 18.08; D.l)., I'.'.w.loi 11, l^Ts. ( 'liaplain 8lh Mass. V. M. Inf., U.S. A., 1864. ; 1874 '«*» George Harvey Snell. E.\. Unity, Me. 1851. Philip Henry Broavn. /.2'. Portland, Me. Banker. I'res. Ligonia Iron Co., 1879-81 . Member Me. Historical Soc. '«" William Martin Luther Marshall. A'.U. Baltimore, Md. William Henry Owen. E'J). San Antonio, Tex. Civil Engineer. 1st Lieut. 3d Me. Inf U. 8. A., 1861; Capt. A. Q. M. Vols., 1801 ; Lieut. Col. and Chief Q. M., 1863; Col. and Ens. Q. M. D., li564-5. ^'*«^tGriLBERT CarrTebbets. '/'• V. Lisbon, ISIe. Died July 20, 1867. Joseph Ashur Ware. F.A. Washington, D.C. Lawyer. Managing Editor Forney's Washington P/;«.« ; Assl. Editor WaBhi-Kton ChroniJe. Solicitor UrS. Post Office Dept., 1864-9. Died May 25, 1874. 1852. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. //'. V. Brnnswick, Me. Pres. and Lecturer Public Law, Bowdoin since 1871. ^^^of. Rhetouc and rat^^^^^^ Bowdoin, 1856; Modern Languages, 18.^7-9. «"^'- ''^ V'^ril? ^:; oruUm- u Z'^^^^^^^^^^^ Paris Exposition 1878. A"""-;^.-;:;;;:-;:;; ^^:xt n ' ^^ u '■' -^^^IvU'r S'l^ among others: The Red Crnh.. A i.-n .itn u . p w 1 ''"'■' ■,i,j..,,|,,i,,i,i., |s,;r,- The Corps, U. S. A., at Arlingtim, \ a., mm ; '';,>?:1\> '"' '\Y'\:.''; •'',•'• ' ' Service of the Citizen at Hmnr, l'oi-llaii,l ISbh. 1 >.'a. "■'',',,,, ,V,' Orphans' Home the Best Monument to the •allu-r, .X.Klie^s -U t h . and Naval Orphan Asylum, Bath, ISbb; Ihe -V^I'^;"! '.''^r,; "' .', Soc. of the .\riny of the Pntcmar, New ^ ork ( .it> . I.S..1. i< l,i\ talltv, 186.1; lvespon>e (Hi M < . 1 (ieorge Pe.-ilMiily, Portlan.l, 1-^7 town, Mass., 1^7iK The ;i'..\vns 11, tln' I the Slruc;i,'le I'nr Ameriraii ■■i''<'j>- History, (i:eMteniiial < •.Irluatiuii al 1 liil 1877; Society ami Societies. Orali-. 11 hi Differences llaniioiiiz.-d, 'I'lii- Mn-mrtl ments, Boolhbay, 1S7',»; Modern,-ii Army of Potomlic, 1865; designated to receive formal surrender of Lee s Arn.y, l*6o. ' portlan.l, IsTc; NVliv'Wr Honor ili.' Drail. M. of ■ Ho illO r, ISCr,; The dim Ithc Military Add ,rei ..s iK'fore the t"ol • Ol lie rs is Immor- ll .,'lai A, 11 id, Iro tlii- Body of .- .,1 1 liarlcs- ■| ; ' I'll .■ ( . .Il<'i,-.'s in m' aim Dill ilia .';;; llri- !Mar>. in . o,lTo,„.rty. lla I'lii. 1^78; I'lh 'T -■ P. :ll on- of \loiiu- i:x|io,iiionat It. iHsu; TI.e 244 Bowdoin. Charles (Usher) Chesley. A.F. Washington, D. C. Solicitor of Internal Revenue since 1871; Solicitor Carroll Co., N. H., 1861-4. *''*^' Joseph Dana Howard. F'.I. New York City. Lawyer. Contributor to North Am. Review, Atlantic Monthly, etc. Died January 15, 1871. John Walker May. r.S. Auburn, Me. Lawyer. . 1853. * '^'*t Ralph Wardlaw Cumminos, M.D. A.J. San Francisco, Cal. Editor and Publisher Me. Medical and Surgical Journal, 1858. Life Insurance and Claim Agent, Knoxville, Tenn., 1867. Druggist, Minneapolis, Minn., 1870. Associate Editor, Minneapolis Evening Times and Nercs, 1873. M.D., IN.\. Med. Coll., 185b Private, Sergt., Asst. Surgeon iRt Mich. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-4; Surgeon IstU. 8. Colored Heavy Art., 1864-6. Died August 17, 1880. fRev. James Holavell Kidder. /'./7. Owego, N. Y. Rector St. Paul's Church since 1868. Contributor Utica, N. Y., Church Eclectic Magazine. Grad. Gen. Theo. Seiu., New York City, 1860. *'»»' Joseph McKeen, Jr., M.D. IJ.E. Topsham, Me. M.D., Me. Medical School, 1856. Surgeon General Hospital, U. S. A., 1862. Died in New York City, January 15, 1881. 1854. *'»^' John Frederic Deane. O.A. New Orleans, La. Tutor Bangor, Me., High School, 1855-9. Register in Bankruptcy, New Orleans, La., 1867-9. Clerk La. Supreme Court, 1868-9. Died December, 1869. Council Greeley. E'.d. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. John Wesley Simonds. A.I. jNIanchester, Vt. Prin Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., since 1881. School Supervisor, Franklin, N H 1864-9 ; N. H. State Supt. Public Instruction, 1871-6 ; Supt. Public Schools, Milford, Mass' 1877-80; Prin. and Trustee New England Christian Institute, Andover, N. H., 1857-63; Supt. N. H. Educational Exhibit, U. S. Centennial Exhibition, 1876; Trustee N. H. State Normal School since 1877. Member N. H. Hist. Soc. John Gliddon Stetson, LL.B. iV. J. Boston, Mass. Clerk U. 8. Circuit Court, Mass. District, since 1866; U. S. Commissioner for Mass. since 1872. Prin. Bedford, Ohio, Acad., 1854; Cedarville, Ohio, Grove School, 18o5; Columbus, Ohio, High School, 1856; Supt. Walnut Hill, Ohio, Public School, 1857-9. LL.B., H.arvard Univ., 1860. Franklin Augustus Wilson. P.I. Bangor, Me. Lawyer. Representative Me. State Legislature, 1874-6. 1855. Samuel Spring Gardner. M.U. Washington, D. C. Clerk U S Treasury Dept. since 1872. Member .Ma. State Constitutional Convention, 1868; Probate Judge, Butler Co., Ala., 1869-70. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1861. *'^' John WiNGATE, Jr. E'.I. St. Louis, Mo. * Lawyer. School Commissioner, Carroll Co., N.H., T862-3; Prin. Wolfborough, N. H., Acad., 1854-65. Died October 10, 1881. Bowdoin. 245 1856. "** Rev. Thomas Lyford Amhrose. H'J1>. OssIjk'c, N. H. Missionary to the Nestoriaiis, 1858-61. Chaplain 12th N. H. Inf., U.S. A., 1862-4. Died in service, August 19, 1864. '*" James Olcott Brown. A'. 2'. Portland, Me. fViRGiL Lafayette Craig. J. V. Farmington, Me. Farmer since 1856. Supervisor Schools, Franklin Co., Me., 1857-9. Prentiss Loring. //'./'. Portland, ]\Ie. Fire and Marine Insurance Agent. Business Editor Portland Daily rre.iH and Me. State PrenH, 1862-5. Representative Me. State Legislature, 1873. Galen Clapp Moses. N.K. Bath, Me. Treas. Worumbo Mfg. Co. Overseer Bowdoin since 1880. 1857- Rev. Lewis Orsmond Brastow. A.Ii. Burlington, Vt. Pastor, Congregational. Member Vt. State Constitutional Convention, 1870. Orad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1860. D.D., Bowdoin, 1880. Chaplain 12th Vt. Inf., U. S. A., ten months. '**^^ Horace Beriah Chamberlain. I\\. Brewer, Isle. '*^ Edward Thurston Chapman. ./../. Unity, ISIe. Tutor Gardiner, Me., High School, 1858-60. Paymaster, U. S. N., Gunboat Commodore Perry. Killed in action, summer of 1864. Thomas Uph AM CoE, M.D. II. 0. Bangor, Me. M.D., Jefferson Medical Coll., 1861. Rev. Henry Ripley Howard. l\r. Potsdam, N. Y. Rector Trinity Church. D.D., St. Stephen's Coll., 1878. Thomas Freeman Moses, M.D. M.I. Urbana, Ohio. Prof. Natural Science, Urbana Univ., since 1870. Author of Spiritual Nature of Force, 1871; Unity of Natural Plienomena, 1874; contributions, etc. M.D., Jefferson Medical Coll., 1861. Member Am. Assoc, for the Advancement of Science; Cincinnati Soc. of Natural Hist. ; Me. Hist. Soc, etc. Acting Asst. Surgeon, U. 8. A., 1862-4. Rev. Benjamin Wisner Pond. II. li. Falls Church., Va. Prin. Examiner U. 8. Patent Office, Washington, D. C, since 1877 ; Asst. Examiner, 1873-7. Retired Congregational Clergyman. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1861. Nathaniel Augustus- Robbins. K'.A. Washington, D. C. Clerk U. S. Treasury Dept. since 1865. Prin. Rockland City, Me.. High School and Thomaston, Me., Acad., 1858-60. Private to Capt. Co. II 4th Me. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-5. Gustavus Augustus Stanley. .1.0. Peneacola, Fla. Lawyer. Judae Ist Judicial Circuit of Fla., one year. Capt. 28th Me. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-2; Capt. 2d Me. Cav., 1863-4. Rev. Samuel Barrett Stewart. M.H. Lvnn, Mass. Pastor, Unitarian, Second Congregational Church, since 1865; Nashua, N. H., 18ti3-.S. Prin. Francestown, N. H., Acad., 1858-9. B.D., Harvard Univ., 1862. Abner Chase Stockin. E.X. Watertown, Mas^. Gen. Agent for Harper Bros., Boston, Mass. 246 Bowdoin. 1858. Nathan Cleaves. K'.Y. Portland, Me. vye Probate Judge, Cumberland Co., Me., RuFUS Washburn Deering. F' . T. Washington, D. C. Clerk with U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. John Wyman Phillips. N. 6. Oirington, Me. Teacher and Farmer. Prof. Ancient Languages, Eastern Conference Sem., Bucks- port, Me., 1860-4; Prlu. Hampden, Me., Acad., 1864-66. Representative Me. State Legisla- ture, 1872 and 1876; State Senator, 1877-8. Rev. Frank Sewall. N.I. Urbana, Ohio. Pres. Urbana Univ. since 1870. Pastor New Church, Glendale, Ohio, 1862-70. Author of Angelo, the Circus Boy ; Moody Mike; Pillar of Stones ; The Hem of His Garment; A Prayer Book and Hymnal"; Christian Hymnal; Daily Bread; The Latin Speaker; Heligion and Science in the New Church, 1868; A Talk About Swedenborg. Cor. Member Me. Hist. Soc. 1859. John DuGUiD Anderson. N.W. Gray, Me. Lawyer. School Supervisor, 13 years ; Town Agent, Treasurer and'Chairman Board of Selectmen. Judge Advocate Gea., State of Me., 1880-1. 1st Lieut. Wis. Battery, 1st Sergt. 32d Me. Inf., 1st Lieut. 3d Md. Vet. Vol., U. S. A. ^^ Rev. John Calhoun Chamberlain. Brewer, Me. Chaplain 11th Me., U. S. A. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1864. Died at Castiue, Me.. August, 1867. "*^^ George Newton Jackson. I'.H. Chicago, 111. Sec. Bi-Metallic League. Died, 1879. Rev. Henry Melville King. P.X. Albany, N. Y. Pastor Emmanuel Baptist Church since 1882. Asst. Instructor Hebrew, Newton, Mass., Theo. Institution, 1862-3; Trustee since*1871. Author of Mission of the Baptists, 1876; Swedenborg and His Teachings, 1879; Early Baptists Defended, 1880; orations, addre'sses, etc. D.D., Colby Univ., 1877. '^' Samuel Henry King. H'F. Monmouth, Me. Rev. Horatio Oliver Ladd. H'.Q. Santa Fe, N. Mex. Pres. N. Mex. Univ. since 1880. Prin. Farmlngton.Me., Acad., 1867-9; Prin. N. H. State Normal School, 1873-6; Prin. Santa Fe Acad., 1880. Contributor to Lexlie'i) Sundaif Magazine ; Boston, Mass., Literary World, etc.' Chaplain iu service U. 8. Christian Com- mission. '*" Francis Wallingford Sabine. N.l'. Bangor, Me. 2d Lieut., Ist Lieut, and Capt. (promoted for gallant conduct), 11th Me. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. Wounded at Deep Bottom, Va., and died in the service at Chesapeake Hospital, September, 1864. George Webster. E.fl. Bangor, Me. Lawyer. 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut, aud Capt. 11th Me. Inf., and Mai. U. 8. Col. Troop?, 1861-5. John William Weeks. V./;. Bolivar, N. Y. Civil Engineerhig and Real Estate. Bow do 1 71. 247 i860. ^^'° John Francis Appleton. 11'.^. Bangor, Me. Studied Law. Capt., Col., Bvt. Brig. Gen. 12th Mc. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-5. Dl«d August, 1870. Joiix Marshall Brown. P. 2'. Falmouth, Me. Banker, Portland, Me. Overseer Bowdoin since 1866. Inspector General State of Me., 1>*G7-71. Member llist. goes, of Me., N. H., Mass., N. Y. and Wis.; Fellow Roynl Hist. Soc, England. 1st Lieut, and Ad.i. 20th Me. Inf.; Capt. and Aast. Adj. Gen., U. H. Vols.; Lieut. Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. 32d Me. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. George Barrett Emery. fl'.A. Gorham, Me. Lawj'er. Jacob Hale Thompson. A.I. New York City. Journalist; Editorial St.aflf New York Times. Francis Willard Webster. P.Z. jNIilwaiikee, Wis. Sec. and Treas. Milwaukee Fuel Saving Co. Private 18th Me., 1862-3; Capt. 3d ;U. S. C. T.; Military Gov. Palatka, Fla., 1863-5. i86i. ''^'^fEDWARD Larke Appleton. P.J. Bangor, Me. In business, 1S65-8. 2d Lieut, and Ist Lieut. 1st U. 8. Art., 1861-5. Edward Eastman Fogg, M.D. I.X. Limington, Me. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1869. Charles Oliver Hl^t, M.D. O.A. " Portland, Me. Resident Phvsiciau and Supt. Me. General Hospital since 1874. Lecturer Materia Sfedica, Bowdoin" Medical School, since 1S81. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1S63. Bergt., 2d Lieut.! 1st Lieut. 5th Me. Battery, U. 8. A., 1861-5. '^ John Rich. 0. T. Farmingdale, Me. Studied Theology. Edward Stanwood. J.l'. Brookline, Mass. Chief Editor Boston, Mass., Daily Advertiser since 1882; Asst. Editor, 1867-82; Asst. Editor Augusta, Me., Journal, 1862-7. Contributor to North American Review, Banker's Magazine, etc. 1862. Melville Augustus Cochrane. I.F. Prescott, Ariz. Capt. 16th U. S. Inf., 1862; Major, Bvt., 1863; transferred to 2d Inf., 1869; Major 12th Inf. Eince 1879. William Ellingwood Donnell. A'. I. New York City. Journalist; Financial Editor, Staff" of Daili/ Tribune, since 1878. Adj.. Bvt. Capt., and Major 20lh Me.; A. D. C, Prov. Marshal, aiid Chief of Ordnance Staff of Maj. Gen. Chamberlain, 1st Div., 5th Corps, U. S. A., lS!63-5. Henry Hastings Hunt, M.D. P. T. Gorham, Me. M.D.. Bowdoin, 1867. Private 5th Battery, Mc. Light Art., U. S. A., 1862-5. George Adams Mark. O.I. Washington, D. C. Asst. U. S. Congressional Library since 1870. 248 Bowdoin. Isaac Warren Starbird, M.D. T.A. Richmond, Me. Medical Director, G. A. R , Dept. of Me., since 1879. Clerk of Customs, Richmond, Me., 1839-77. M.D.. D.irtmoutIi Coll., 1878. Capt. 19th Me. Inf., U. S. A., 1862; Brigade Inspector, Staff of Brig. Gen. Mott, 1864; Major, 1864; Col., 1864; Bvt. Brig. Gen., 1865. 1863. Joseph Clement Bates. O.E. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. Prof. Mathematics, San Francisco City Coll., 1863. Author of Forms and Use of Blanks, and Ilawes' Will Case. fNATHAN Henry Wood. Z'.M. Windham, JVle. Farmer. Supt. School Committee, 1877-80. 1864. Frederick Hunt Appleton. P. T. Bangor, Me. Lawyer. City Solicitor, 1878. Editor of The Maine Digest, 1880. *'*'*' Samuel Shannon Caswell. E.A. Stratford, N. H. In business. Priv.ate Ist N. H. Heavy Art., 1863; 1st Lieut, and Adj. 18th N^. H. Inf., 1864. Killed while travelling in Kansas, by highwaymen, October 17, 1870. * ^^^'tHENRY Brown Emery. E.0. Bangor, Me. Lawyer, Puget's Sound, Me., 1867-79. Died at Mass. General Hospital, May 26, 1880. Augustus Frost Libby. H'. 17. Summit, N. J. Dry Goods Merchant, New York Citj'. Charles Freeman Libby, LL.B. A.I. Portland, Me. Lawyer. Citv Solicitor, 1872-3; State Atty. for Cumberland Co., Me., 1874-9. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1866. fFRANK WiLLWARD Libby. A'.B. Portland, Me. . Insurance Agent. * '*®* James Henry Maxwell. F'.A. Portland, i\Ie. Private 20th Me. Inf., U. S. A. Died at Washington, D.C., April, 1865. Charles Augustus Robbins, M.D. F.l'. Summit, N. J. Transportation Agent, New York City. Payma.ster, U. S. N., on board Monitor Montauk, 18 months. M.D., Bowdoin, 1867. Thomas Herbert White. 0. }'. Chicago, 111. Gen. Agent Boston Marine Ins. Co , and Shoe and Leather Ins. Co., etc. 1865. David Augustus Easton. J. A'. New York City. Banker and Broker, with Boody, McLellan and Co. Charles Fuller, M.D. B. T. Lincoln, Me. Lawyer and U. S. Examining Surgeon for Pensions, 1875-9. M.D., Bowdoin, 1869. jPrince Albert Gatchell. II. M. Pembina, Dak. Merchant. 2d Lieut., Ist Lieut, and Capt. 1st Me. Art., U. S. A., 1862-5. Bo7udoi?i. 249 '*^fJuAN Bautiata Saviol. AjI>. Havunu, Ciiha. fXiiOMAS Shepakd. II'.i:. Baltimore, Md. ABst. Manager IJaltimore Nalatoriuni. Clerk U. H. Treas. Dopt., Wu«liint{t<>n, I). ('., 1864-9. '^"tHouATio Fox Smith. A.J. Goiliam, Me. Sergt. 3l8t Me. Inf., U. B. A., ]8t'4. J)ioJ ScpUMubcr 20, 1804. 1866. Henry Leland Chapjian. N.^. Brunswick, Me. Prof. Rlictorio, Oratory and EngUHb Literature, Bdwdoin, wince 1875. Member Am. Philological Association. Frederic Henry Gerrish, M.D. l.iL Portland, Me. Prof. Ifateria Medica and Therapeutics, IJowdoin, since 1873. 8urgeou Me. Gen. Hospital (iince 1879. Associate Editor, Boston, Mass., Medical and Surgical Journal since 1881. Prof. Physiology, Univ. of Mich., 1874-5. Author of Hanitary Condition of Portland, 1877; Duties'of the Medical Profession Concerning I'rostitution, 1878; Prescription Writing, 1878; Antiseptic Surgery, 1881. M.D., Bowdoin, 1869. Charles King Hinkley, M.D. /■!./*. Boston, Mass. Wholesale Druggist. M.D., Bowdoin, 1870. Rev. George William Kelly. P.f-:. Eastport, Me. Pastor Central Congregational Church. Qrad. Bangor Theo. Seni., 1869. Charles Edwin Webster, M.D. P./f. Portland, Me. Physician to Me. State Reform School since 1880. City Phyeician, 1874-6. M.I)., Bowdoin, 1869. t Albert Wright. P.J. Healdsburg, Cal. Postmaster since 1873. Druggist. Pres. Board of Education since 1879. Political Editor /Russian liiver Flag, 1880. 1867. Benjamin Briarly Eaton. li.O. St. Paul, Minn. Civil Engineer. '*^f George Franklin Hubbard, r.fl. Winterport, Me. WiNFiELD Scott Hutchinson. I.l'. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Tutor Farmington, Me,. Boys' School, 1867-71 ; Instructor in Penmanship, Evening High School, Boston, Mass., 1872-81. Richard Greenleaf Merriman. r.l'. Brunswick, Me. Went to California several years ago. Joseph Colburn Wilson. A'./. Orono, Me. Lawyer. Trial Justice, Penobscot Co., Me., since 1879. 1868. t Joseph Scribner Burns, M.D. II. A. Worcester, Mass. Tutor Highland Military Acad., 1880-1 ; I'rin. since 1881. A.B., Yale Coll., 1868; M.D.. Columbia Coll., 1873. 250 Boivdoin. Charles Jarvis Chapman. A, T. Portland, Me. Commission Merchant. Member School Board, 1872-5 ; Common Council, 1877-9 ; Board of Aldermen, 1880-1. George Winslow Foster, M.D. LI. Washington, D. C. Surgeon Government Hospital for Insane. P1;.D., Bowdoin, 1870; M.D., 1871. John Adams Hinkley. O.I. Gorham, Me. Leather Merchant. Prin. Bluehill, Me., Acad., 1868-9; Superinleudent Gorham School Committee since 1831. fJoHN Rogers Mason, LL.B. P. W. Bangor, Me. Lawyer. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1869; LL.B., 1872. William Francis Shepard, M.D. A'. I. Bangor, Me. Resident Physician, Philadelphia, Pa., Homoeopathic Hospital, 1871-2. M.D., Bowdoin, 1871. fJoHN Irving Sturgis, M.D. N.A. New Gloucester, Me. M.D., Bowdoin, 1868. Private 12th Me. Inf , U. B. A., 1865-6. 1869. James Dike. l.A. Durham, N. C. Merchant. Tutor Boston, Mass., Latin School, 1873-6. THo:i;AS Henry Eaton. B' .M. Ottumwa, Iowa. Frederic Augustine Fogg. F'.A. St. Paul, Minn. Prin. Jefferson School, 1871-7; Superintendent Schools, 1877-8; Prin. and Proprietor English and Classical School, 1877-81. Member of St. Paul Acad, of Natural Science. George Frank Mosher. P. A. Dover, N. H. Editor Morning Star. Member Board of Education, 1875-7. Member N. H. State Leg- islature, 1877-8. Trustee Bates Coll. since 1877. ^ WiLLARD Humphrey Perley, LL.B. LZ. Detroit, Mich. LL.B., Univ. Mich., 1871. Drowned in LakeHuron on his way to Detroit, September, 1873. 1870. ^f Henry Darling Barnard. J..V. Bucksport, Me. Pres. First National Bank, Sullivan, Ind., 1871-5. Died December 25, 1877. ■{•Frank Mason Brown. K.X. Chippeta, Colo. Manager Farwell Consolidated Mining Co., Le.idville, Colo. Asst. Special Agent for Alaska, V. S. Treas. Dept., 1869-70. General Manager Amador Canal and- Mining Co., 1873-9. Cal. State Senator, 1877-8. Caleb Alexander Page. B. W. Groton, Mass. Teacher. Prin. Fryeburg, Me., Acad., 1870-73; Calais, Me., High School, 187-1-9. fSAMUEL Sprigg. 1.6. San Francisco, Cal. Edward BuRBANK Weston, M.D. B.0. Highland Park, 111. Lecturer on Natural Science, Highland Hall, 1S76-S1. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1873. Boivdoin. 25 1 1871. fRev. Frank Tai'I'an Bavley. //.//. Detroit, Mich. Pastor Westiuiuster rresbyteriaii Cluiioh. I'rivate 6tli Mass. Inf., U. S. A., four months. f Edward Thomas Rrowx. ./.J. St. Augustine, Fla. Lieut. 5th U. S. Art.; comniissioaetl from West Point, 1873; U. S. Art. School, Fortress Monroe, Va., 1873-6. William Sawyer Dennett, Jr.-, M.D. A. 11. Boston, Mass. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1874. fGEORGE MiNOT Garland, M.D. FJ.E. Boston, Mass. City Editor Saturclui/ Evening Gazette, 1871. Asst. Prof. Physiology, Harvard Univ., 1877; Prof. Thoracic Diseases, Univ. of Vt., 1878. Author I'neumonoDynainics, 1878; contributor to various nied. journals. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1871 ; M.I)., 1874. William Sullivan Pattee. 1.0. Nortlifield , Minn. Lawyer. Superintendent Schools, Brunswick, Me., 1871-2; Prof. Natural Sciences, Lake Forest, 111., Univ., 1873-4; Superintendent Schools, Northfield, Minn., 1875-8; Trus- tee and Attorney Carlctou Coll. since 1878. t Edward Waldo Pendleton. A.(I>. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Superintendent Schools, Owosso, Mich., 1872-3; Tutor Classics, Detroit Hii,'h Seliool, 187-1-6. A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1872. fWiLLiAM Fiske Sandford. J'. T. St. Louis, Mo. Priu. Polytechnic Branch High School since ISSO. A.B., Yale Coll., 1872. Charles Lord Shepard. P.H. Helena, Mont. Chief Clerk Quartermaster's Dept., U. S. A. Teacher, 1871-6. 1872. Samuel Lane Gross, LL.B. ./.A'. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1876. Herbert Harris. H.H. South Boston, Mass. Musical Instructor. fJoHN Lewis Rich Hincks. I'.E. Augusta, Me. fFRANK Pierce Ireland. A. J. Nebraska City, Neh. Lawyer. Frank Wood Spaulding, M.D. n.0. Epping, N. H. Supt. Schools' since 1878. Asst. Physician Vt. State Insane Asylum, 1876-7. M.D., New York City Univ., 1875. 1873- '^ William Augustine Blake, LL.B. LA. Bangor, Me. Lawyer. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1875. Died November 26, 1875. Benjamin Tappan Deering. U .0. Paris, France. Prof. Languagesd I'Amiociation Polytechnique de Parin. .Author /.e.f £cole.iaur lttat\ Unis, 1879. Member Kan. Hist. 8oc. 252 Bozvdoin. William Oilman Reed, M.D. A.S. Sturbridge, Mass. M.D., Bowdoin, 1878. Daniel Arthur Robinson, M.D. A.l. Bangor, Me. Prin. Hampden, Me., High School, 1S74; Brewer, Me., High School, 1874-6; Bangor Grammar School, 1^76-8; Asst. Prof. XIathematics and Director of Gymnasium, Bowdoin, since 1878. M.D., Bowdoin, 1881. Fraiiklin Clement Robinson. A.F. Brunswick, Me. Prof. Natural Science, Bowdoin, since 1878 ; Instructor Analytical Chemistry, Bowdoin, 1874r-8. Member Am. .\ssoc. for the Adv. of Science. Frank Shepard Waterhouse, LL.B. E.0. Portland. Me. Aest. Attorney for Cumberland Co., Me. LL.B., Hai-vard Univ., 1876. Frederick Eugene Whitney. H'.ii. Tokio, Japan. Instructor in English, Univ. of Tokio (Daigaku), since 1878. Frederic Arthur Wilson. E.B, Orono, Me. Student Bangor Theo. Sem. Prin. Fryeburg, Me., Acad., 1873-5; Instructor Mathe- matics and Natural Science, Hallowell, Me., Acad., 1875-9. 1874. Samuel Vau:ntine Cole. H'.\. South Williamstown, Mass. Instructor Latin, Greylock Inst., since 1881. Tutor Rhetoric, Bowdoin, 1874-5; Teacher Classics, Bath, Me., High School, 1875-7; Instructor Bowdoin, 1878-81. Hannibal Hamlin Emery. A.M. Boston, Mass. Business Manager Post since 1878. fCHARLES Frederick Kimball. H'.Q. Chicago, HI. Carriage Builder aud Manufacturer. L(evi) Houghton Kimball, M.D. E.I. Bath, Me. Member City Council, 1880-1. Superintendent Schools, 1881. M.D., Boston Univ., 1877. Thomas Charles Simpson, LL.B. B' .A. Newburyport, Mass. Member School Board, 1879-80. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1877. Henry Gardiner White. A.l. Gardiner, Me. Lawyer. Prin. Gardiner High School, 1874-6. Director, 1879-80. Member City Coun- cil, 1880-1 ; City Solicitor since 1881. 1875. Seth May Carter. E.E. Auburn, Me. Lawyer. t George Fulton McQuillan. H'.S. Porthmd, Me. Lawyer. Town Clerk. Casco, Mc., 1877. Prin. Free High Schools, Cumberland Co., 1876-9. Judge Advocate General, Me., 1881-2. *'^'® Horace Reed Patten. 0.1. Brunswick, Me. Died at San Francisco, Cal., October 13, 1876. Bowdoin. 253 Woodbury PuLSiFKR. V.U. Lewiston, Me. Supremo Judicial Court Stenograplicr. William Edgar Rice, M.D. /. '/'. Bath, Me. City I'hysician, 1880-1. M.D., Columbian Univ., Washin>,'ton, D. C. t Joseph McKeen Rogers. J.//. Buchanan, Mich. Commercial Agent. Dudley Allen Sargent, M.D. A.O. Cambridge, Mass. Prof. Pliysical Traiuing. Harvard Univ., since 1879. M.D., Yale C .11., 1878. Robert Given Stanwood, M.D. LI. Waterbury, Conn. Merchant. Prin. Boys* Uigb School, 1S79-80. M.D., Bowdoin, 1878. 1876. Arlo Bates. 7'. 7'. Boston, Mass. Editor Sunday Courier since 1880; Editor Broadside, 1878-9. Author of Fattie's Per- versitles, 1881 ; and many review and magazme articles. Charles Davis Jameson. B'.A. City of Mexico, Mex. Civil Engineer Mexico Central R.R. since 1880; Engineer Memphis and Charleston R.R., 1878-80. Edward Hazen Kimball. J./. Bath, Me. Lawyer. John Howard Payne , . M .D . . /. 2'. Roxbury , Mass . M.D., Boston Univ., 1879. Walter Augustine Robinson. ./. 7'. Bangor, Me. Prin. Washington Acad., E. Machias, Me., since 1880. Prin. Fryeburg, Me., Acad.. 1876-7; Orange, Mass., High School, 1877-80. t Joseph Ellis Sewall. ./..V. Bath, Me. Captain ship Oriental, of Bath. t Williams Souther. LA. Fryeburgh, Me. Farmer. 1877. fEDWARD Harward Blake. B.^. Bangor, Me, Lawyer. John Eliphaz Chapman. E.J. Cambridge, :Mas8. Law Student, Harvard Univ. Rev. George Arthur Holbrook. E.O. Bellevue, Ohio. Rector since 1881. B.D.. Protestant Episcopal Theo. Sem., Cambridge, Mass., 1880. fWiLL Herbert Sanborn. LA. Raleigh, N. C. Musical Instructor, St. Mary's School, since 187T. Henry Dwight Wiggin. E.J. Winthrop, Me. Farmer. 254 Bozvdoin. • 1878. fSxEPHEN Deblois Fessexden. /7. T. Cambridge, Mass. Clerk U. 8. Census Bureau, "Washington, D. C, since 1880. *i877|Q,j,jg ^ARD Garland. T.\. Gloucester, Mass. George Colby Purington. r'.0. Auburn, Me. Prin. Auburn High School since 1881; Prin. Brunswick, Me., High School, 1877-81. 1879. fNATHAN Clifford Brown. K.F. Portland, Me. Student of Ornithology. Contributor to UppincoW a Magazine, Bulletin of theNuttall Ornithological Society, etc. fEDWARD Ellis Hastings. J. W. Fryeburgh, Me. Lawyer. Seward Smith Stearns. E.H. Lovell Centre, Me. Lawyer. School Supervisor, 1881. 1880. Walter Lee Dane. P. A. Kennebunk, Me. Law Student. fNATHANiEL Waldo Emerson, M.D. N.A. Dorchester, Mas.s. Dernoustr.itor .Vnatomv, Boston Univ., since 1831. House Surgeon Mass. Honiffiopathic Hospital, 1S80-1. M.D., Boston Univ., 1881. RoswELL Chase Gilbert. A' .1. Kennebunk, Me. Tutor Grammar School. Franklin Goulding. A' .0' . LcAviston, Me. Accountant. t William Pierce Martin. /.J. Medford, Mass. Law Student. A.B., Bates Coll., 1880. Frank Orrin Purington. iLA. Topsham, Me. Prin. High School. tTnoMAS Harrison Riley. M. T. Brunswick, Me. Music Dealer. 1881. Harold Wyllys Chamberlain. I\J. Brunswick, Me. William Isaac Cole. H'.^. Marion, Mass. Tutor Tabor Acad, since 1881. Charles Herrick Cutler. H'.E. Brunswick, Me. Tutor Hhctoric, Bowdoin, since 1881. Bo7vdoin. 255 John Dike. ii.A. Brunswick, Me. Editor Herald. '«^^tAr/rEMUS Fisher Gregg. // . T. Bm-kfield, Me. Died at Brunswick, Me., April 17, 1879. Horace Burleigh Hathaway. \.-. Hallowell, Me. Alfred Hitchcock. Strono-, Me. Medical Student. Ferdinand Byron Merrill. A'. (-). Yarmouth, Me. Civil Engineer, Dover, Me. William Warren Towle. UL Frycburgh, IVIe. Law Student. 1882. Edward Rountree Jewett. T'.J. Chicago, 111. Wallace Edward Mason. F'. T. North Conway, N. H. William Curtis Merryman. LI. Brunswick, Me. William Albion Moody. J. '/'. Kenncbunkport, Me. Charles Eben Stinchfield. Ii\ A. Brunswick, Me. •1883. Arthur Collis Gibson. F.M. Bangor, Me. Charles Clifford Hutchins. E.B. Canton, Me. Edward Albert Packard. E.F. Auburn, ]\Ie. William Stacey Pearson. E' .A. Bangor, Me. Arthur Joseph Russell. H'.N. Hallowell, Me. Benson Sewall. B. T. Bangor, Me. Charles Henry Stetson. ./'. T. East Sumner, Me. 1884. SajVipson Reed Child. J. V. Rumford, Me. Horace Coleman Phinney. 12. A. Thomaston, Me. Charles Cutler Torrey. ./'.//. Yarmouth, Me. Joseph Torrey, Jr. ./L Yarmouth, ^le. Sherman Warren Walker. A. IE Conway Centre, N. H. John Anderson Waterman, Jr. /i. 7'. Gorham, Me. fWiLLiAM Preston AVatson. J'./'. Hallowell, Me. 256 Bozudoin. 1885. Orlando Dyer. A.T . Topsham, Me. Ralph Spofford French. P.B. Thomaston, Me. Daniel Goodenow. LJJ. Bangor, Me. William Pope Nealley. A.N. Bath, Me. Marshall Hagar PuRRiNGTON. E.X, Topsham, Me. Eugene Thomas. E.M. Topsham, Me. THE DARTMOUTH CHAPTER, 1845 TO 1884. Anil a Is. During the College year 1842-3, the 7' J W Society was organized with fourteen members, all Irom the Sophomore Class. In the autumn of 1844 this society entered into correspondence with the Amherst Chapter of A J (^, with a view of converting the T J 9 into a Chapter of the A J (P. Mr. George H. Palmer, of the Chiss of '45, was sefit to Amherst to confer upon the subject. The Amherst Chap- ter seemed to favor such a change ; but no definite results were reached. After the Class of '45 had been graduated, the matter was taken in hand by Isaac W. Smith, of the Class of '46, now Judge of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire. Mr. Smith secured the active cooperation of a personal friend, INIr. William B. Capron, a member of the Yale Chapter of A J . A correspondence with Mr. Capron resulted in securing a charter for the Dartmouth Chapter, through the influence of the Yale Chapter. In March, 1846, Mr. Henry T. Steele and Mr. Charles A. Nichols, of Yale, came to Hanover, organized the Dartmouth Chapter, and initiated the charter members. The initiation took place at tlie house of Prof. E. D. Sanborn, in tlie room which he has now for many years occupied as a study. Soon after its organization, the new Chapter fitted up rooms on the third floor of Dartmouth Hall, and these it continued to occupy until September, 1872, when it took possession of the new and beautiful Chapter House built by the Alumni. The rooms in Dartmouth Hall were neat and convenient ; but with the growth of the College other societies located in larger and more elegant quarters, one of them 258 Dartmouth. building a handsome hall for its exclusive use. On this account tlu; Chapter suffered somewhat in comparison with other societies. This fact becoming known to the graduate brothers, a movement was in- augurated to build a hall which should furnish elegant and amph; accommodations for the Chapter, and be its permanent home. This movement awakened a lively interest and elicited liberal con- tributions, so that the local committee soon felt authorized in laying the foundations of the new Chapter House. Generous contributions were made by many of the brethren ; but the largest individual sub- scribers to the building fund were Brother Horatio N. Twombly, of New York, of the Class of '54, whose subscription at the outset decided the question of building, and who has since increased his gift ; and Brother William W. I^iles, of New York, of the class of '45, who has recently given largely to cancel the debt. To the untiring perseverance of Piof. Charles F. Emerson, of the class of '68, who has had the matter in cluirge from the first, the Chapter is largely indebted for the success of the enter- prise. The Chapter House is a handsome brick structure, two stories in height, the first floor being divided into four suites of rooms, occupied by brothers of the Chapter, the entire second floor being taken up by tlie hall and anterooms. The hall is large, handsomely decorated and furnished, and admirably adapted to the purposes for which it was intended. The building is supplied with water, heated by furnaces, and lighted by gas. It is located near Culver Hall, a little east of the spot where the Burke House formerl}' stood. It has been the aim of the Chapter from the beginning not so much to secure numbers as to bring in 3'oung men of manly character and high scholarship. It has always been, and is to-day, a scholarly and manly society. Since the erection of the new Chapter House, A J ^l> at Dartmouth has received a new impulse, and is to-day on the high tide of prosperity, full of brilliant promise for the future. Dart7)Wiith. 259 Tt supplements, in the best way, the training afforded by the College, and this fact is clearly recognized alike by fticulty, alninni and students. Oiii- graduate brothers look back with joy and i)ride to the days of .1 J lullips, Audover Acad., 1838-47 ; i;7"^^±?tntMf " 111^ . Bedford, Mass.. 1847-61. Has been Supt. Schools in New ^'dford and Lowell, Mase. Member Mass. State Board of Kducation, 1862-70. Ph.D., Dartmouth, 18,2. ^Bt. Rev. William Bacon Stevens. M.IL Philadelphia, Pa. Protestant Kpiscopal Bishop of Pa. since 1865; Aest. Bishop, 1862-5. M.D., Dart- mouth, 1838; D.D., Univ. Pa., 1848; LL.D., Union Coll., 1869. 1842. Ranslure Weld Clarke. 11. T. Brattleborough, Vt. Lawyer. Prin. State Senator, 1858- Windham Co., 1861 1844. * '"^'^ Zachariah Boody Caverly. E' . T. Lowell, Mass. Lawyer. U. S. Sec. of Legation to Peru. A.B., Waterville Coll., 1844. Died at Beau- fort, S. C, May 24, 1862. 1845. *'^ Henry Snow Baktlett. F/.Il. Lyndon, Vt. Lawyer, Lyndon, 1848-53; Providence, R. I., 1853-63. ' Teacher, 1845,8. Vt. Btaf* Atty., 1851-3. 'A.B., Dartmouth, 1849. Amos Adams Blanchakd. A.O. Buffalo, N. Y. Lawyer. Clerk Superior Court of Buffalo, 1863-75. RuFUS Dudley Chase. 2'./y. Orange, Mass. Lawyer. Robert (Lake) Colby. E'.W. New York City. Broker. Formerly "Lawyer in Boston and New York. Mass. State Senator, 1851-'2. Broughton Davis Harris. F. W. Brattleborough, Vt. Railroad Contractor. Kditor Brattleborough EagU, 1846-50. Sec. Utah Ter., 1850-1. State Senator Vermont, 1861-2. William Watson Niles. !.(■). Fordham Hill, New York City. Lawver and Farmer. Member N. Y. Assembly, 1872 and 1881. Prin. of several New England Acads. Ksteusive contributor to N. Y. Tribune, both in prose and poetry. En- dowed W. W. Niles Scholarship, Dartmouth, 1881. Member N. Y. Hist. Soc. , U. S. Geographical Soc. George Harrison Palmer. /'./. Fairhaven, Mass. Lawyer, New Bedford, Mass. Surgeon's Mate, U. S. N., 1864-6. William Henry Leland Smith, LL.B. M.A. Dorchester, Mass. Manager Downer Kerosene Oil Co. since 1860. Practised law, Boston, 1848-60. First Mayor of Corry, Pa. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1848. 262 Dartfuouth. 1846. George Thorndike Angell. K.B. Boston, Mass. Pros. Mass. S. P. C. A. ; Director Am. Social Science Assoc, and Ch. Ex. Comra. Am. Humane Assoc. Formerly Lawyer. Author of Protection of Animals ; Transportation of Animals; Five Questions Answered; The Check Rein; The Labor Question; The Preven tion of Crime ; The Manufacture and Sale of Poisonously Adulterated Articles, etc. Member of American, European and Asiatic Societies. JosiAH Whitney Barstow, M.D. l.ll. Flushino-, Long Island, N. Y. Resident Physician, Sanford Hall, since 1854. Author of Essays. Fellow N. Y. Acad, of Medicine; Member of Am. Assoc, of Superintendents of Asylums. M.D., Dartmouth. 1852. Joseph Mills Cayis. A'.S. Stockton, Cal. Postmaster and Lawyer. Cal. State Senator, 1862-3. Judge of 5th Judicial Dist. Court, Cal., 1864-9. Arthur Ward Marshall. //. /. Metuchen, N. J. Teacher since 1849. Ten years in Valparaiso, Chili. Rev. Roger Moses Sargent. Z'.X. Illini, 111. Congregational Pastor, Harristown, 111. Sec. N. H. State Board of Education, 1864-7. Trustee Gilraanton, N. H., Acad. Author of Educational Reports, and contributor to Quarterly lieview. Grad. Andover Theo. Sera., 1849. Isaac William Smith. E.I. Manchester, N. H. Lawyer. Associate Justice Supreme Court of N. H. ; Judge Police Court, 1855-6 Member N. H. Legislature, 1859-61; State Senator, 1862-3. Maj-or, Manchester, X. H., 1869. Member N. H. Hist. Soc. Asa Weeks. E. W. Washington, D. C. Engaged in Perfecting the System of Submarine Torpedo Warfare, U. S. Navy Yard. Formerly Lawyer; practised in Minneapolis, Minn. Tutor Moor's Charity School, 1846-9 ; Usher Mather School, Boston, Mass., 1849-56. 1847. Barton Walker Chase, M.D. N.Z. Detroit, Mich. Dealer in Real Estate. Formerly practised medicine at Eau Claire, Wis. Prof. Math- ematics, Clinton Liberal Inst., 1847-9. Asst. Physican Vt. Insane Asylum, 1850-2. Member Detroit Scientific Assoc. ; Griffith Club of Microscopy. M.D., Vt. Med. Coll., 1850. Rev. Lyivian Cutler. A. P. Newton, Mass. Pastor Eliot Congregational Church, Newton, 1854-5 ; Pcpperell, Mass., 1851-3. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1850. Died April 28, 1855. John Clark Dore. N.I. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Rev. Hiram Houston. P.N. Deer Isle, Me. Pastor, Deer Isle, since 1868; Orland and Stockton, Me., 1850-67. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1850. Luther Johnson, M.D. T.I. Bradford, Mass. Manufacturer. Justice of Peace, 1858-62. Prin. Boys' School, Bradford, Mass., 1847-8 ; High School, Haverhill, Mass., 1848-9. Cashier First National Bank, Haverhill, Mass. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1850. Drowned, Haverhill, Mass., December 25, 1862. Dartmouth. 263 Benjamin Franklin Moses. A' .A. Lake Inna, P'la. Orange Grower. Cotton Merchant, 1865-76. John Paul. V.Z. East Unity, N. II. Farmer. Jiislicc of Peace since 1861. Member N. H. LcgiRlaturc, 1874-5. Prin. Peacliam, Vt., Acad., 1847-3; Prof. Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Central Masonic Inst., Selnia, Ala.. 1849-52; Prin. Chelsea, Vt., Acad., 1859-61). Rev. Artemas Wyman Sawyer. H.Q. Wolfville, N. 8. Pres. Acadia Coll. since 1869. Prof. Ancient Languages, 1855-61 ; Prin. Windsor, Vt , High School. 1847-50. Pastor Baptist Church, Lawrence, Mass., 1853-5. Grad. Newton Theo. Inst., 1853. D.D., Colby Univ., 1868. Stephen Gale Taylor. E'.E. Brooklyn, X. Y. Prin. and Pres. of Faculty Adelphi .Vcad. of Brooklyn. Ph.D., Univ. State of N. Y., 1879. George Tenney. K'.ll. Hartford, Vt. Lawyer and Supt. of Schools. Died April, 18S0. George Richard Underhill, LL.B. A. (9. Pensacola, Fla. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard Univ , 1850. Died at Saguna, Fla., -January 5, 1855. 1848. Austin Adams. Z'.I. Dubuque, Iowa. . Chief .Justice of Iowa since 1880. Judge Iowa Supreme Court, 1876-80. Prin. West Randolph, Vt., Acad., 1849-53; Lecturer on Domestic Relations, Insurance and Corpora- tions, Iowa State Univ. Law School, since 1877 ; Pres. Dubuque Board of Education, 1865 ; Regent Iowa State Univ., 1870-7; Trustee Humboldt, Iowa, Coll., 1870-8. ^^^ Isaac Lewis Clarke. LI. Waukegan, III. Prin. Waukegan Acad., 1848-51. Lawyer, 18.')-2-62. Capt., afterwards Lieut. Col., 96th 111. Inf., U. S. A. Died October 1, 1863, from wounds at battle of Chickamauga. 1848 ^YiLLiAM Strong Cogswell. ./.J. Gilmantou, N. H. Died April 6, 1848. A.B., pout obit, '^•^ Benjamin Willey Dean. A'./. Grafton, Vt. Lawyer. Admitted 1852, practised at EIraira, N. Y., Bellows Falls and Grafton, Vt. Member Vt. Legislature, 1856-7; Vt. Sec. State, 1857-61. Died July 6, 1863. Rev. Charles Hutchinson. A'. J. New Albany, Ind. Pastor Third Presbyterian Church since 1853. Prin. Bartholomew Co., Ind., Sem., 1849; Edinburgh, Ind., Acad., 1851-3; Trustee W.abash Coll. since 1860; Director D.anvillc, Ky., Theo. Sem. since 18T6. Author of occasionally published sermons and discourses. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1851. D.D. Hanover, Ind., Coll., 1873. Oliver IMiLLER. I.O. Annapolis, Md. Lawyer; and Chief Justice Md. Court of Appeals since 1867. Speaker Md. House of Delegates, 1866. Rev. Charles Frederick Mussey. H'.X. Cincinnati, Ohio. Pastor Westmoor Presbyterian Church since 1881; Westfield and Batavia, N. Y., 1855-69; Blue Rapids and Leavenworth, Kan., 1870-80. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1852. D.D., Highland Univ., 1875. '\Rev. Pluuj Holton White. //.T. Coventry, Vt. Congregational Clergyman. Died April 24, 186J. 264 Dartmouth, Edward Ruth YEN WiGGiN. N.ll. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Pres. Charter Oak Life Ins. Co., 1876-7. State Atty., York Co., Me., 1S55-8. Me. State Senator, 1803. 1850. * ^^^^ Robert William C ARE. E.W. Hebron, Me. Charles Henry Chapin. P. A. St. Louis, Mo, Lawyer, practising in St. Louis since 1860. Prin. Newport, X. H., Acad., 1850-1 ; Tauglu in K. C. and S. C, 1851-4. DeWitt Clinton Cram. J. V. Dubuque, Iowa. Lawyer. Prin. Troy, N.Y., High School, 1850-2. Admitted to the Bar in Troy. Capt. and Major 6th Iowa Cav., U. S. A., 1862-5 ; Bvt. Col., U. 8. A. *^««^tDAViD Clark Hill. ./../. Farmington, N. H. Farmer. *'^^t William Henry Harrison Richardson, M.D. H'.J. Corinth, Vt. Died June 3, 1874. William Felloavs Swain. A.l. Columbia, Texas. Druggist. U. S. Deputy Marshal. Editor democratic paper, 1853-62. 185I. Francis Erasmus Clarke. /../. Waukegan, 111. Lawyer; admitted in 1856. Master iu Chancery and Judge Lake Co. Court. William Cutting Grant. LP. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. '^^ Charles Hitchcock. A.E. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Taught, Washington, D. C, 1852-3. Admitted to Bar of Boston, Mass., 1854 ; practised, Chicago, 1854-81. Pres. 111. Constitutional Convention, 1870. County Commis- sioner, 1871. Died May 6, 1881. Gilbert Edwin Hood. A. 8. Lawrence, Mass. Banker. Admitted to the Bar, 1854. Prin. Thetford, Vt., Acad., 1855-8. Nathan Lord. 7'. A. Riverside, Cincinnati, Ohio. Manufiicturer Iron ; formerly Lawyer. Ohio State Senator, 1869-71. Mayor, Riverside, since 1878. Col. 6th Vt. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-2. Daniel Putnam. Y.P. Ypsilanti, Mich. Prof. Principles of Teaching in Mich. State Normal School since 1869. Trustee Kalamazoo Coll.; for seven years Prof. Kalamazoo, Mich., Coll. ; one year Acting Pres. ; Supt. Kalamazoo Schools seven years. Chaplain Mich. Asylum for Insane twenty-two years. Author of Sunbeams Through the Clouds, a Devotional Book for Asylums ; History Mich. State Teacl^ers' Assoc; Geography of Mich.; educational addresses, lectures, etc. Elihu Thayer Quimby. T.B. Hanover, N. H. Engaged in U. 8. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Prin. Appleton Acad., New Ipswich, N. n., 1851-64; Prof. Mathematics and Civil Engineering, Dartmouth, 1864-78. Author of Collegiate Algebra, 1879. Member Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences. 1854 Dartmouth. 265 Edward Ashton Rollins. A.l. Philiulelphia, Pa. Prc8 rontennial Nat. Bank. Practised Law, Somerswoith, N. H , lSr,4-02. M^mt>^r N II Ic-iu"aune 1860-2; Speaker. 1861-2. Casbiur U. S. Internal Revenue, 1803-4; Deputy Commissioner, 1864-5; Commissioner, 180o-9. Jonathan Ross. 0. ¥. St. Johnsbuiy, Vt. Lawyer, and Judge Supreme Court of Vt. since 1870. State Atty. for Caledonia Co., 1862-3. Vt. State Senator, 1870. Daniel Lewis SiioKEY. A'.r. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. City Atty., Davenport, Iowa, 1862-5. Free. Chicago Public Library, 1876-8*0. Alderman, Chicago, 1880. Charles Wesley Willard. P.-Q. :\Iontpelier, Vt. T awver Sec State of Vt., 1855-6; State Senator, 1860-1 ; U. S. Representative from Vt.,\K5: c'^.SonerTo Revise Laws of Vt., 1879-80 Kditor -fJ'PJ-etor 6W.« Mountai?i Freeman, 1861-72 ; Editor of Mihcaukee Sentinel, I860-6. Died June 8, 1880. 1852. Lorenzo Sayles Fairbanks. N. T. Boston, Mass. Lawyer -Vuthor of a Tieatise on Book-keeping, 1866; Practical Business Arith- metic, 1871 ; and The Divorce Laws of Massachusetts, 18, ( . Rev. George Warren Gardner. 0.1'. Pella, Iowa. Prea Central Univ since 1881. Prin. New London, N. H., Inst., 18.i3-61. Pastor Firsfsapf^r Chtch "f Charlestown, Mass., 1861-72. Cor Sec.. A- BapUst Mjs.onary Union 1872-6. Bditor Baptist Misxionary Magazine, Ui 2--^. Membei .N. H. lioara oi Education, 1858-9. Contributor to Illu^ Christian Weekly Author of b.lence of the Scriptures, etc., in Baptist Quarterly. D.D., Dartmouth, 18b7. Osgood Johnson. J. 2'. Andover, Mass. Taught in Woburn and Worcester, and died at Cambridge, Mass., while Master of the High School, April 13, 1857. John Johnson L ADD. N.I. Staunton, Va. Inst. Lecturer. Supt. Public Schools of Staunton eight ycaVs. Editor R. I. School- master, 1859. Paymaster, U. S. A., 1864-5. *t James Franklin Mowe, M.D. O.d. Charleston, S. C. Died in Florida in the winter of 1868. Daniel Henry Ordway. A.E. Hampstead, N. H. Died July 14, 1854. A.B., post obit., 1854. t James AVhitman. ././7. New York City. 1853- Alpheus Benning Crosby, M.D. J'. T. New York City. Lon^I-^;^oli.!SXi.^8?^c^^ |jSe|\^;l^E ^c^^js^"^e;sA^t^;-^i^^^M^ rK'S^e^^S^:^t^e^^J^lyV^is^^^^. Jonathan Brewer Farns WORTH. 0.6. Chester, Vt. Farmer, and Lawyer, practising at Windsor Vt. .since 1 ?«•*• T""*" ^^^ 6T"'^chooi\'om' Washington, D. C, 1853-4. Practised law in Detroit and Chicago. Ibo. -64 School Cora- mi tee and Superintendent, Windsor, 1865-75. Member \ t. Legislature, lb69-.l. 266 Dart7)iotith. * ^'^ William Wallace HoAVARD. A'.l. Woodstock, Vt. Teacher and Lawyer. Died Januarj- 8, 1 864. * '^^ John Keis^d ALL. T'.l'. Washington, D. C. Supt. N. Y. and Washington Telegraph Co., stationed at New York City. Died December 7, 1861. Rev. Nathan Jackson MoRRisox. Z'.U. Springfield, Mo. Pres. Drury Coll. since 1872. Tutor Oherliu Coll., 1854-7; Prof. Anc. Lang., Olivet Coll., 1859-65; Pres. Olivet Coll., 1865-72. Author of several published sermons, addresses, etc. Grad. Oberlin Theo. Sem., 1857. D.D., Dartmouth, 186S. Isaac Augustus Parker. P.E. Galesburg, 111. Williamson Prof, of Greek, Lombard Univ.. since 186S. Prin. Orleans Liberal Inst., Glover, Vt., 1853-8; Prof. Anc. Lang., Lombard Univ., 1858-68. Henry Martyn Perrin. E.U. Greenbush, St. Johns, Mich. Lawyer and Judgi' of Probate. *"*^" John Seth Washburn. O.M. New York City. Lawyer; practised New York, 1857-80; admitted to Bar of Rutland, Vt., 1856. Prin. Black River Acad., Ludlow, Vt., 1853. Died October 18, 18S0. John Fletcher Wight. 7'. W. Todd's Point, Ky. Farmer. Member Ky. Legislature, 1869-71. Charles Augustus Young. A.J. Piinceton, N. J. Prof. Astronomy, Coll. of N. J., since 1877. Asst. in Classics, Phillips, Andover, Acad., 1853-6; Prof. Nat. Phil., Astron. and Math., Western Reserve Coll., 1857-66; Appleton Prof. Nat. Phil, and Astronomy, Dartmouth, 1866-77. Author of The Sun (International Science Series), and of various papers, principally astronomical, in American Journal of Science, Nature, etc. Member National Acad. Sci". ; Am. Phil. Soc. ; Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences; Royal Astron. Soc, Great Britain. Ph.D., L'niv. of Pa., 1870; Hamilton Coll., 1871 ; LL.D., Wesleyan Univ., 1)576. Capt. Co. B 85th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862. .854. John WiNSLOW All ARD. /./7. Milton, Mass. Supt. of Schools. Has taught in many high schools, etc., in both Mass. and N. H. School Commissioner Stratibrd Co., N. H., 1864. Rev. Charles Caverno. E.J. Lombard, 111. Pastor First Congregational Church since 1874. Supt. of Schools, Niagara Co., N. Y., 1856-7. Member Wis. Assembly, 1861. Author of various theo. papers in Congregational Review and Good Companij; social science papers in Transactions Wis. Acad. Sci. ; Twelve Lectures on Morals, published in Chicago Times, 1881. Edwin AzRO Charlton. I.l'. Brodhead, Wis. Journalist. Supt. of Schools, Schenectady, N. Y. ; Prin. of Haverhill Acad., 1854-5. Author of History of New York. George Anthony Coll AMORE, M.D. J. 6. Toledo, Ohio. Coroner Lucas Co., Ohio, 1872-5"; Health Officer of Toledo, 1879. Editor Toledo Medical and Surgical Journal, 1878-80. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1859. Surgeon 100th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. Daniel Hall. E.I. Dover, N. H. Lawver. Naval Officer, Boston, Mass., since 1877. U. 8. Provost Marshal, N. H., 1864-5. Clerk of Courts, Strafford Co., N. H. Chairman Republican State Committee, 1873-7. Capt., A. D. C, U. S. A., Army of Potomac, 1861-3. Dartmoulh. 267 William Augustus Hkrkick. I'.'. II. Cambridge, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Instructor Pliillips, Andovi^r, Acad., 1854-5. Autlior of Ucrrick's Town and Parish Officer. Editor of Kerr ou Injunctions. "'-' Edwin Nathaniel Matties. J. '/. Poitsinouth, N. II. Lawyer. Clerk and Deputy Collector, I'ortsmoutli, N. H., 1857-61. Died at Concord, N. H., September 28, 18G3. Jedediah Harris Reed. l). Y. Dorchester, Mass. Sec. Mt. Auburn Cemetery Assoc., Boston. Engaged in business, Boston and Balti- more, since graduation. '^'^t John Adams Smith. MjV. Tlictford, Vt. Died in college. Horatio Nelson Twombly. V.F. New York City. Merchant. Member IST. Y. Learislature, 1872. Lieut. Col. Wis. Militia, two years. Dist. Atty., Pierce Co., Wis. Editor Prescott, Wis., Transcript, 1857-8. Trustee K. Y. Homoe- opathic Coll. Rev. Horace Bliss "Woodworth. ./'.//. Decorab, Iowa. Pastor Congregational Church. Prin. Gilmauton, N. II., Acad., 1854-5; Thetford, Vt., Acad., 1855-7. Grad. Theo. Inst., Conn , 1861. 1855- Samuel Robert Bond. MJL Wasbington, D. C. Lawyer; Claim and Pension Agent; sometime City Atty., St. Paul, Minn. Formerly Teacher, Paris, Tenn. f Edward Henry Chase. P. A. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Lawyer. U. S. Collector of Internal Revenue since 1874. Po.stmaster, Wilkesbarre, 1865-6; City Clerk and Atty., 1868-74. Private Co. E 8th Pa. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861. Prisoner of war, 1861-2. William Dexter Dow. M.X. Wilmington, Del. Lawyer. Editor Phila., Pa., Home Newa, .and The Practical Farmer. Formerly Real Estate Business, Lynchburg, Va. ; successively Clerk of Hustings Court and Supreme Court of Appeals of Va. '*^ RiCHERAND Howe. LS. Sbelburne, N. H. Teacher and Engineer at Clinton, Iowa. Died, Chicago, 111., March 8, 18(53. William Spencer Ladd. J'. I. Lancaster, N. H. Lawyer. Judge Supreme Judicial Court, N. H., 1S70-4; and of Superior Court, N. H., 1874-6. '*"tSAMUEL Sherburne Marston. //'. / '. Ossipee Centre, N. H. fSYLVESTER Slack Preston. B'.^. Grinnoll, Iowa. Farmer and Stock Raiser. Merchant, 1870-80. Master of Tninsportation and Superin- tendent of Stores Q. M. D., U. S. A., 1861-5. Frank(lin) Marvin Robinson. A'. '/. Dubuque, Iowa. Lawyer. Studied Law at Woodstock, Vt., 1856; admitted to Dubuque Bar, 1857. ■'"''' Jacob Edwin Taylor. ./../. Cbarleston, 111. Merchant. Teacher and Student at Law, Woodstock, Vt., 1855-30; admitted to 111. Bar, 1860. 268 Dartmouth. 1856. »i873 Qeorge Washington Bartlett. F.X. Greenfield, Mass. Lawyer. Prin. Deerfield, Me., Acad., 18.56-7. Studied Law, Albany Law School. Adj. and'Capt. 2Tth Mass. Inf., U. S. A. *'^^^ Rev. Ambrose Wayiland Clarke. .V./7. Concord, N. H. Prof. Mathematics and Xatural Philosophy in Washington Coll., Md. Rector of St. Paul's, Chestertown, Md. "Warden of Church Home and Infirmary, Baltunore, Md. Abraham Burbank Coffin. T'./Z. Winchester, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Memher Mass. Legislature, 1875; State Senator, 1877-S. Sullivan M. Cutcheon. LA. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. U. S. Diet. Atty. since 1877. Teacher, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1856-8. Superin- tendent Schools, Springfield, 111. Speaker Mich. House of Representatives, 1863. Rev. (John) Calvin Cutler. O.E. Newton, Mass. Pastor Congregational Church, Auburndale, Mass., since 1867. School Committee, Newton, 1867-70; Trustee Appleton Acad., Xew Ipswich, N. H., 1864-7; Prin. St. Johns- bury, Vt., Acad., 1S56-S. Author of occasionally published sermons, etc. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1861. *'««^ Mark Davis, LL.B. Z'.X. Townsend, Mass. Lawyer, Boston, 1858-65. Teacher, Acton, Mass., 1856. LL.B., Law School, Pough- keepsie, N. Y., 1858. Died August 22, 1865. AzRO Dyer, LL.B. P.l. Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. Judge Superior Court, Vanderburgh Co., since 1877. LL.B., Louisrtlle, Ky., Univ. LaV Scliool, 1858. Initiated by Rochester Chapter. Rev. Leonard Zenas Ferris. Z.l. Rockland, Mass. Pastor Congregational Church. Prin. High School, Gloucester, Mass., 1858-9. Studied Andover Theo. Sem. Initiated by Rochester Chapter. ■j-AViLLiAM Eddy Fuller. A'.F. Taunton, Mass. Lawyer. Prin. Taunton High School, 1856-60. Register of Probate and Insolvency since 1868. Author of Ancient Paths and Places in Cohannet, 1879. Member Old Colony Hist. Soc. f John Cutler Gage. Y.B. Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Sometime Member Mo. Legislature. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1856. Lyiman Gillett Hinckley. M. 0. Chelsea, Vt. Lawyer. County Clerk since 1861. Member Vt. Legislature, 1862-3, 1868-70,1880: State Senator, 1872-5; Lieut. Gov., 1874-5. Justice of Peace since 1871. f Joseph AVilkins Howe. 77. J. Xew York City. Lawyer. A.M., Dartmouth, 1864. ' , f Arthur Alavyn Putnam. A.U. Uxbridge, Mass. Lawyer. Judge 2d Dist. Court, Soutliern Worcester, siuce 1872. Member Mass. Legislature, 1857, 1860. School Committee, Danvers, Blackstone, Uxbridge, 1858-62, 1867, and since 1879. Atty. for Blackstone Manfg. Co. since 1866. Trustee Uxbridge Savings Bank since 1873. Editor Danvers UVeard, 1862-3; T/if Flag, published by Soldiers in Plymouth, X. C, 1864. Author of A Critical History of Danvers Village Bank, 1863; A Letter to the Chief of the Mass. Constabulary, 1869; Sketch of Dr. A. A. Robbins, 1879; History of the Town of Blackstone, 1879; and of contributions to Harper's Magazine, published speecltes and papers, political and biographical, etc. Capt. 14th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861 ; 1st Lieut, and Capt. 2d Mass. Heavy Art. ; Judge Advocate and Provost Marshal Dist. of N. C, 1862-5. f Charles Woodbury Thrasher. P. '/. Springfield, Mo. Lawyer. Capt. 11th R. I. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. A. M., Dartmouth, 1864. Dartmouth. 269 1857. John Howe Clark, M.D. O.S. Amherst, N. II. Surgeon, U. 8. N., since 1867; Aset. Surgeon, U. S. N., 1861-5; Passed Anst. Surgeon, 1865-7. M.D., Harvard Univ.. 1862. John Atwood Follette, M.D. P .A. Boston, Mass. Dean Boston Dental Coll., and Prof. Anatomy and Physiology; Medical Director, New England Mutual Aid Soc. M.D., Alb.iny Med. Coll., 1858. Surgeon 3'Jth Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1861-5; Med. Inspector of 17tb Army Corps. Rev. Henry Anthony Goodhue. N.X. West Barnstable, Mass. Pastor Congregational Church. Prin. Plympton, Mass., Acad., 1857-9. Qrad. Andover Theo. Sem., 186'2. John Cushman Hale. E.Z. Elyria, Ohio. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 4th Judicial Dist., since 1877. Prosecuting Atty., Lorain Co., 1864-70. Member of Third Constitutional Convention of Ohio, 1873. 1863 ]y[QgES KiTTREDGE Haselton. E'.E. Exeter, N. H. Lawyer. Maj. 9th 111. Inf. and Paymaster, U. S. A., 1861-3. Died at Memphis, Tenn., August 3, 1863. George Edward Horne. Z' .1. New York City. Lawyer. Admitted to the Bar at Watertown, N. Y., 1859. 1868 ivouY White Richardson Marsh. 7.^'. Newport, R. I. Prin. Newport High School, and was preparing for the Bar at time of death. Edward Follansbee Noyes, LL.B. ./. Y. Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. City Solicitor, Cincinnati, 1865-7; Probate Judge, 1867-70. Governor of Ohio, 1873-4; U. S. Minister to France, 1877-81. Authorofv-arious published political addresses. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1858; LL.D. Western Reserve Coll., 1872; Marietta Coll., 1872; Dartmouth, 1877. Major, Lieut. Col. and Col. 36th Ohio Inf., Brig. Gen., Bvt., U. 8. A., 1861-5. Ezra Kjnight Parker. A. J. Providence, R. I. Member School Committee twelve years; State Board Education six years. Pres. Town Council one year. Private, 2d and Ist Lieut. Ist R. I. Light Art., U. S. A., 1861-5. James Bailey Richardson. /../. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Member Mass. Legislature, 1866. 1862 ^Yarren Elias Richmond. N.U. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Died at Mar3'8ville, Cal., September 17, 1862. Rev. William BuRNET Wright. A.F. Boston, Mass. Pastor Berkeley Street Church. Matriculated at Univs. Berlin and Halle, Germany, and there studied, 1860-2; Ordained Pastor South Congregational Church, Chicago, 111., 1862. 1858. Harrison Everett Chadwick, .\.W. Bradford, Mass. Clerk and Assessor, Chief Clerk U. 8. Internal Revenue, 6th Mass. Diet., 1862-8, and Deputy Collector, 1868-75. Taught in III. and Mass., 1858-62. Author of Centennial Address, Bradford, July 4, 1876. 270 Da7'tmouth. John Theodore Clarke. E.U. Chicopee, Mass. Supt. Chicopee Schools. Has been teaebiug at Ilopkinton, N. H., Dudley, Mass., etc., since 1858. Rev. Alfred Brooks Dascomb. H'.P. Westminster, Vt. Actint; I'astov Congregational Church, Bellows Falls, Vt. Author of a Memorial Record of Soldiers from the Town of Waitsfield, Vt., and various published sermons, etc. George Washingtox Emery, LL.B. T'./Z. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Governor Utah, 1875-80. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1859. Walter Gibson. /.J. New York City. Temporarily in Concord, JvT. H., on account of 111 health. I'rin. Chelsea, Vt., Acad.. 1858-9. Auditor U. 8. A. Ordnance Agency, New York City, 1861-5. Director Standard Life Insurance Co., 1869. Editor and Publisher Harlem, N. Y., Local, 1872. Author of Historical Sketch of Hillsboro', N. H., from 1741-5, with Genealogy of Samuel and Ann (McAffee) Gibson, the First Settlers, 1S80. Samuel Mills Gleason. A'. (K Thetford Centre, Vt. Lawyer. State Atty., Orange Co., and Member Vt. Legislature, 1864. *i86i Willard Spauldixg Heath. l\I]. Groton, N. H. Died while preparing for the Bar, March 31, 1861. fHENRY Elijah Hutchinson. X'.Z. Brooklyn, N. Y. Banker. Cashier Brooklyn Bank since 1877. U. S. Asst. Assessor, Xew York Cilv. 1862. Sec. Mechanics' Savings Bank, Brooklyn, 1872-7. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1858. * "^ William Frederick DuRANT Kimball. /..V. Kickapoc*. Texas. Teacher. Clerk in U. 8. Land Office, Monroe, La.; Commissary of Subsistence. C. S. A., 1861-5. Died January 6, 1865. * '^-fFRANK Howard Shorey. ./. W. Dedham, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1858. Died January 24, 1862. Charles Oliver Thompson. (K1. Worcester, JNIass. Prin. Worcester Free Inst. Trustee Gushing Acad., Asbburnham, Mass., since 1876; Worcester Free Library, 1870-6; Lecturer on Chemistry, Mt. Holyoke Female Sem., since 1872; Mismber Worcester School Board, 1870-3; Pres. Board of Visitors, U. S. M. A., 1877. Author of Hints Towards a Profession of Teaching, 1867; Scope and Method of Physical Science in Common Schools, 1873 ; Place of Polytechnic Schools in American Education. 1876 ; Handicrafts in Public Schools, 1880 ; Manual Labor and Use of Tools, 1871 ; Effect of Sewage on Iron ; and many other papers on education and science, published in American Jouriial of Education, Proceedings of Inst, of Mining Engineers, etc. Member Am. Antiq. 80c. , Am. Assoc. Advancement of Science, Am. Inst. Mining Engineers. Ph.D., Dartmouth, 1879; Willi.ims Coll., 1880. 1859. Fisher Ames Baker, LL.B. A'. Y. Yonkers, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1860. 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut, and Adjt., Lieut. Col. 18th Maes. Inf.. U. 8. A.. 1861-4. Isaac Newton Carleton. A.B. New Britain, Conn. Prin. Conn. State Normal School since 1869. Prof, in Phillips Acad., 18.59-63; Prin. South Danvers, Mass., High School, 1863-4; Prin. Young Ladies' School, Lexington, Mass., 1864. *'^- Charles Whiting Carroll. IJL Dedham, Mass. Lawyer. Ist Lieut, and Capt. 18th Mass. Inf., I'. S. A. Killed at second b.ittle of Bull Run, August 31, 1862. Dart moil Ih. 271 Phineas Sanborn Conner, M.l). /.^'. Cincinnati, Oliio. Prof. Sui-ijery, Dartmouth, since 1878; Cinciiinali (.'oil. Med. and .Sink., IbOC,--; Chem- istry, Med. foil. Ohio, 1867-9; Anatomy and Clinical Snrg., Med. Coll. Ohio, Hincc 1869. Author of numerous contributions to medical journals. M.I)., Jeft'erson Med. Coll., 1861. Asst. Surgeon and Bvt. Major, U. S. A., 1801-5. Edward Cowles, M.I). Z'.Il. Somcrville, Mass. Medical Supt. McLean Asylum for the Insane since 1879. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1863-72; ItcshUnt IMiysician and Supt. Boston City Hospital, 1872-79. Autlior of Treatment of theSick in ICnls, 1S74 ; Contributions to the Study of Vcntihtion, 1878. M.U., Dartmouth, 1802; Cohimliia ( '..11., 1803. Asst. Surgeon, rank Ist Lieut., Capt., and Bvt. Maj., Hegular Brigade, otli Army (Jorps, U. 8. A., 1863-5. Scott French. B'.8. Pittsficld, N. H. Lawyer. Priu. Pittsficld Acad., 1859-60. Died October 30, 1863. Alfred PaysO?? Gage. P.N. Charlcstown, Mass. Master in English Higli School since 1876. Prin. Bunker Hill Grammar School five years ; Master Charlcstown High School five years. Author of Elements of I'hysics, 1872. Charles HosFORD, M.D. II'. I'. Fairhaven, Mass. M.D., Univ. of N. Y., 1863. Charles Dummer Moody. J..Y. Webster Groves, Mo. Lawyer, St. Louis. William NiLES. 7.2'. La Porte, Ind. Manufacturer and Parmer. Samuel Aiken Notes. M.F. New York City. Lawyer. Edward Rush Ruggles. Hanover, N. H. Chandler Prof. Mod. Lang, and Eug. Lit., Dartmouth, since 1866. Student, Lausanne, Switzerland, and Leipsic, Germany, 1861-4. Rev. James Augustus Sanderson. J.fl. Plymouth, Mass. OfHciatuig in Christ Church. B.D., Berkeley Divinity Scliool, 1862. i860. Rev. Cecil Franklin Patch Bancroft. F'.l. Andovcr, Mass. Prin. Phillips, Andover, Acad, since 1873; Mt. Vernon, N. H., Acad., 1860-4; Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Educational lust., 1867-72. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1807. Ph.D., Univ. State of N. Y., 1874. Member Am. Phil. Soc, etc. David Augustine Caldwell. 1.8. New Bedford, Mass. Retired. Formerly Teacher Deer Island Reform School. Daniel Henry Caverno, LL.B. A.J. Lockport, N. Y. Lawyer, Lockport, N. Y., 1802-3. On Stafl" Lockport Union, 1863-5. Engaged in business in Illinois, 1865-7. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1862. Initiated by"^Gcneva Chapter. Died very suddenly, at Cairo, 111., March 18, 1867. Frederic Chase, LL.B. /.//. Hanover, N. H. Lawyer. Probate Judge, Grafton Co., N. II., since 1876. Treasurer Dartmouth since 1875. LL.B., Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C, 1867. John William Hayes, LL.B., 7.2'. Kenosha, Wis. Lawyer, and Editor Kenosha Union. Dint. .Vtty. for Kenosha Co., 1879-81. .\uthor of Course of Study for Wisconsin Schools. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1802. 272 Dai'tmouth. Lyman Bartlett How, j\LD. Z'.\. Manchester, N. H. Prof. Anatomy and Physiology, DarUnouth, since 1869. Pres. Board of Pension Sur- geons in Manchester since 1871. Treas. N. H. Med. Soc. since 1878. M.D., Dartmouth, 1863. •j-Frederic Van Houten Hudson. E.A. Hartford, Conn. Sec. Conn. Gen. Life Ins. Co. since 1876. Ralph Izard Middleton. A. W. Charleston, S. C. Organist and Teacher of Music. Private Charleston Marion Art., C. 8. A., 1863-5. JoAB Nelson Patterson. N.d. Concord, N.H. U. S. Marshal for N. H. since 1867. MemhSr N. H. Legislature, 1866. Col. 3d Uegt. N. H. N. G; 1st Lieut., Capt., Lieut. Col. and Col. 2d N. H. Inf., U. S. A.; Bvl. Brig. Gen. Vols., 1861-5. , Luther Burr Pearsall. F.FI. Hooper's Valley, N.Y. Farmer and Lumber Dealer. Initiated by Geneva Chapter. Edward Savage, LL.B, H'.J. Minneapolis, Minn. Lawyer; firm of Savage & Woodman. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1862. *i875 Rev. William Augustus Thompson. ./'./. Hartford, Conn. Pastor First Congregational Church, Reading, Mass. Grad. Theo. Inst., Conn., 1863. Died September 15, 1875. Earl Webster Westgate. 1!.6. Lebanon, N. H. Prin. Lebanon, X. H., High School. Formerly of Appleton Acad., New Ipswich, N.H. ; and of Montpelier, Vt., High School. Charles Wheeler. A'.X. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Member of Boston Common Council, 1878-81. George Wilcox. P. A. New York City. Lawyer. i86r. Rev. William Wallace Dow. UL Douglass, Mass. Pastor, Congregational ; also Private Teacher. U. S. Christian Commissioner, 1865. Frequent contributor to religious press. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sem., 1863. Rev. George Leroy Gleason. F.E. Andover, Mass. Attending Post-Grad. Theo. Lectures. Pastor, Congregational. Andover Theo. Sem., 1864. Nathaniel Tenney Kimball. E'.A. Bradford, Mass. Merchant. Assessor, 1874. Justiceof Peace, 1878. Town Clei'k and Collector of Taxes, 1875-81. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1866. Henry Kingsbury Moore. N.^. Oakland, Cal. Lawyer, San Francisco. John Palmer Olney. O.H. Hollybush Farm, Wickford, R.I. Teacher. •f- Edwin Phelps. P.W. San Francisco, Cal. Civil Engineer. Dartmouth. 273 1862. James Franklin Allen, LL.B. ./'. V. Washington, I). C. Clerk in Aiijt. Oencrara OfUce, War Dcpnrlmoiit. LI^.H., Colnmbian Univ., Wasli- ingtou, D. C, 1866. William Frederick Bailey, LL.B. E'.O. East Jaffrey, N. H. Lawyer. Justice of the Peace, Clicsliire, Co., N. II. , 1SG5-7. School Committee, Jaffrey, "iSST-O. Member N. II. Legislature, ISti-i-'J. LL.B., All>any Law School, 1S65. Died iu Keene, N. U., April 27, 1870. ' David Emery Boutelle. A.M. Tully, N. Y. Teacher in Liverpool, N. Y., and Uuionville, Conn. I'rof. M.atli., Cortlandt Acad., Homer, N. Y. Died July 5, 1871. Amos Waters Crane. . /. ^9. P^ast Toledo, Ohio. Horticulturist. Grosvenor Silliman Hubbard, LL.B. P.l. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 18G7. Arthur Sewall Lake. T.A. Shenandoali, Iowa. Treas. Council Bluffs Ins. Co. since 1881. I'rin. Thomaston, Conn., Acad., 1865-70. Mayor, Shenandoali, 1874. Benjamin McLeran. E.F. New Orleans, La. . Engineer in office of U. 8. Surveyor General . Rev. Charles Myron Palmer. ./.J. Meriden, N. H. Pastor Congregational Church. Grad. Andovcr Tlieo. Sem., 1867. fALVAH Kimball Potter. IJ .Z. I^ckpoi-t, N. Y. Lawyer. City Counsel, 1875-7. Author of occasionally published- scientific lectures. Ist Lieut. 7th N. H. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3; Maj. 18th N. II. Inf., 1864-5. fJoHN Jay Sanborn. E'.fJ. Washington, D. C. Lawyer. At present employed in Pension Bureau. John Sanborn Stevens, li.l. Peoria, 111. Lawyer and Postmaster. " George Harvey Taylor. P.\. Amsterdam, N. Y. Prin. Amsterdam Aead. ; Classical Tutor Phillips, Andover, Acad., 1807-75. Judge Police Court, Nasliua, N. H., 1875-7. Prin. Kinderlioolt, N. Y., Acad., 1877-81. Author Translation of Kiihner's Greek Grammar, completing tlie work of Dr. 8. H. Taylor, Dartmouth, 1832. Lieut. Co. C 73d U. S. C. T., 1864-5. Died June 19, 1881. 1863. jAmos Wilson Abbott, M.D. A.Z. Minneapolis, Min. Member Minn. Acad. Natural Science. M.D., Colmnbia Coll., 1869. Private Co. C 16th N. H. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-15. ^'^fSAMUEL JuDSON ALEXANDER. !.(!>. CoiK'Old, N. H. Capt. Co. B 9th N. H. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-3. Died near Haines Bluff, Miss., of wounds received in action at Jackson, Miss., July 23, 1863. 274 Dartmouth. Barton Fisk Blake. /. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Superintendent of the Bradstreet Co. Priu. Walpole, Mass., Acad., 1865-6. Manager Y. M. C. A., Philadelphia. David Emery Bradley. E.J. Chicago, 111. Wholesale Grocer. William Lapham Flagg. A'. I. Summit, N. J. Lawyer, New York City. Sergt. 7th R. I. Cav., U. S. A., 1862. Addison Howard Foster, M.D. N.E. Chicago, 111. Prof. Surgery, Woman's Med. Coll., Chicago, 1870-5. Director of Chicago Med. Press Assoc, since 1874. Consulting Physician Woman's Hospital since 1872. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1866. William Prevost Goodelle. A. T. Syracuse, N. Y. Lawyer. District Atty., Onondaga Co., 1871-4. Counsel JST. Y. C. & H. R. R.R. Co. since 187-5. Prin. Moravia Acad., 1864-5, and of Onondaga Acad., 1865-8. Thomas GtOOdwillie, M.D. F.F. Yeruon, Vt. M.D., Dartmouth, 1866. Jesse Johnsox. A'. J. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer. Asst. Corporation Counsel, 1869-77. Gardner Carpenter Pierce, M.D. Z'.0. Ashland, Mass. School Committee of Ashland since 1869. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1866. Stephen Rand. T.X. Charlestown, Mass. Passed Asst. Paymaster U. S. N. ; passed through grade of Asst. Paymaster. Entered service, 1869; Asst. Engineer U. S. N., 1863-9; Private U. S. Sharpshooters, 1861-3. A.B., 1879. Frank Austin Spencer, LL.B. A'. T. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. Solicitor Treasury Dept., Washington, D. C, 1864-7. LL.B., Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C, 1867. Rev. HoLLis Smith Westgate. 0. T. Westfield, N. Y. Supt. Baptist Missions for W3-o., Colo, and X. M. Teacher Columbus, Ohio, High School, 1864-6; Prin., 1866-8. Studied Heidelberg and Berlin, Germany. 1869-70. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1871. 864. ''•"t Daniel Austin. J.0. Chicago, 111. Died in college. ^^ Samuel Newton Bartlett. A.N. Townsend, Mass. Died December 28, 1864. Charles Caldwell, M.D. ./'. 7'. Chicago, 111. Prtvate 7th R. I. Cav., U. S. A., 1862; Surgeons' Mate, U. S. N., 1864-5. M.D., Har- vard Univ., 1867. Albert Priest Charles, f'.l'. Seymour, Ind. Lawyer. Mayor, Seymour, 1870-2 and 1874-8. Sec. and Treas. Seymour Gae Co. School Trustee, Seymour, 1880-3. fCALViN Webster Fitch. I'.K. St. Louis, Mo. Asst. Supt. Money Order Div., St. Louis Post Office, since 1873. City Editor St. Louis Tribune, 1869-70. Private Co. A 45th Mass. Inf., U.S.A., 1862-3; 2d Lieut. Co. H 76th U. S. Inf., 1863-5. 275 Dartmouth. John Luther Fostkr. (K\. Lisbon, N. IL Lawyer. John Tyler Gibson. 7'.0. Janmica Plain, Mass. Prill. Central School for Boys, IJoston, since 1872. Has l)ei'n I'rin. IIif?li HcIiooIh Southboro', Mass. ; E.vctor, N. H. ; Supt. Schools, Peru, Ind. t John Henry ITeisel. N.H. Cleveland, Ohio. Refiner of Petroleum. John Lewis IIiLDRETH, M.l). AJi. Cambridge, Mass. U. S. San. Commission, 1861-5. M.D., Dartmouth, 186S. IcHABOD Goodwin IIoBBs. LP. North Berwick, INIe. Paymaster U. S. N. since 1869; Acting Asst. Paymaster U. S. N., 1864-5; Asst. Pay- master, 1867; Passed Asst., 1868. Elias Wilkins Howe. A.M. North Bennington, Vt. Prin. North Bennington Graded School. Q. M. Sorgt. 1st Battalion Mass. Heavy Art., U. 8. A., 1864-5. Edward Francis Johnson. Z'.O. Marlborough, Mass. Lawyer, Marlborough and Boston. fCHARLES Webster Kimball. V.A. Haddonfield, N. J. Collector, Philadelphia. Private Co. H 22d Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-3. * •^'■{•Leonard S Kimball. (KH'. Lowell, Mass. Died at Hanover, October, 1801 . fC'HARLES Amos Merrill, LL.B. B' .F. Worcester, Mass. Lawyer. Prin. Haddara, Conn., Acad., 1864-5; Paymaster's Clerk; Clerk to Sergt. al Arms, U. S. Senate, 1867-S. Practised in Minneapolis, Minn., 1871. A.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1864; LL.B., Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C, 1868; Harvard Univ., 1869. Winner of Prize Essay upon graduation at Harvard Univ., published in Bench and Bar, 1870. George Howard Malcolm Rowe, M.D. A'. 2'../. Boston, Mass. Resident Physician and Supt. Boston City Hospital since 1879; Asst. Phys., Pa. Hospital for Insane, 1869-70; Boston Lunatic Asylum, 1870-9. Member Boston Medico. Psychological Soc, etc. M. D., Harvard Univ., 1868. John Calvin Webster, M.D. . Dorchester, Mass. Publisher; firm of Houghton, Osgood & Co., Boston. In 1864 entered Brown Univ., class '67. f John Augustus Skinner. O.F. Vincennes, Ind. Clerk. Alfred Addison Thomas. V'.n. Dayton, Ohio. Lawyer. City Solicitor, Dayton, 1872-7. Atty. Cine, and St. Louis R.R. Initiated by Miami Chapter. Private 4th Bat. Ohio Cav., U. 8. A., 1864. James Richard Willard. /.J. Erie, Pa. Editor and Proprietor Erie Despatch since 1878, part owner since 1869. On Staff Fort Wavne, Ind., Gazette, 186S-9. Bearer of Despatches, U. S. to Denmark, 1873. Collector of Customs, Erie, Pa., 1874-8. Albert Gallatin Wilson. P. A. Xenia, Ohio. Lawyer. Amos Willets Wright. 0. V. St. Louis, Mo. Associate Editor St. Louis Globe-Democrat since 1881. Editor Ft. Wayne, Ind., Gazette, 1868-71. Lecturer on Eng. Lit., Miami Valley Coll., 1874-6. Ed. Milwaukee, Wis., Sentinel, 1880-1. Initiated by Miami Chapter. i868. David Allen Anderson. li'.W Xorth Adams, Mass. Teacher. t Arthur Marcus Burbank. J.O. Winchester, N. H. Temporarily in business in Denver, Colo. Charles Henry Chandler. 2'. 2'. Ripon, Wis. Prof, of Physics and Mathematics, Ripon Coll., since 1881. Prof. Phys. and Math., Antioch Coll., 1875-81; Prof. Kimball Union Acad., 1868-9; Prin. St. Johnsbury Acad., 1869-71. Member of Am. Assoc. Adv. of Science. Frederic Gove Cochran. St. Louis, Mo. Pork Packer. 278 Dartmouth. Asa Bro^\ts^ Cook, Jr. A'.F. Petei-sburgh , Va. Real Estate Agent. Ekskine Chambeelin Curtis. KjP. St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturer of Stoves, firm M. & E. C. Curtis. Charles Franklin Emersox. H'.O'.K. Hanover, N. H. Prof. Nat. Phil, and Inst. Astronomj-, Dartmouth, since 1878; Inst. Math., N. H. Aj;r. Coll., 1868-72; Tutor Dartmouth, 1869-72, and Assoc. Prof, ^"■at. Phil, and Math., 1872-78. Charles Goodwin Hale. A'.F. Chicago, 111. Accountant. Rev. James Alexander DuPEE Hughes. 2". ?'*. Walker, Mo. Pastor Presbyterian Church. B.D., Phila. Div. School, 1874. Edwin Everett Smith, M.D. P. A. Morris Plains, N.J. Asst. Physician State .Asylum for the Insane since 1876. Resident Surg. L. I. Hos- pital, 1871-2 ;"of Emigrant Hospital, N. T., 1873-i; of Insane Asylum, Utica, N. Y., 1874-6. M.D., Long Island Coll. Hoep., 1871. 1869. *i875 \Yjlh45j Johnston Bradley. ^..V. Fryeburgh, Me. Teacher. *'874 Edward Hall am Currier. H'.B. St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. Jaimes McEwen Drake. J.F. Brooklyn, N. Y. Agent Educational Department Eagle Pencil Co., New York City. Prin. High Schools, Franklin, Mass., 1871-3; Framingham, Mass., 1873-4; Westerly, R. I., 1874-6. Supervising Prin., Southern School Dist., Hartford, Conn, 187&-80. Contributor to N. E. Journal of Education. t Jacob Francis Foltz. P. J. Boston, Mass. Dentist, and Demonstrator in Boston Dental Coll. Edwin Peabodt Gerry, M.D. V.Z. Jamaica Plain, Mass. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1874. *'^* John White Griffin. E'.A. Leavenworth, Kan. Gen. Western Agent of Pub. House. Member of N. H. State Legislature. Author of Geography of Kansas. Died March 15, 1878. *'''' Frank Hiland. A'..V. Manchester, N. H. Lawyer. Member of X. H. State Legislature, 1875-7. Died November 25, 1879. Edwin Ruthven Hill Hodgman. A.M. Kansas City, Mo. Clerk. Frederic William Jones, M.D. /.//. New Ipswich, N. H. Instructor Appleton Acad., 1874-80. Author of History of Appleton Academy ; Jones' Parsing Foi-ms. M.D., N. Y. Univ., 1881. Hiram Eugene McNutt, M.D. A.l\ Milwaukee, Wis. M.D., Dartmouth, 1872. James Means. P.Y. Lawrence, Kan. Dartmouth. 279 t James White MooiiE, M.D. Z' .V. Lynn, Mass. Initiated by Hiulson Cliapter. M.D., Dartinoulh, 1872. t Joseph Benjamin Pakkek. U.A. Nashua, N. H. Lawyer and Real Kstatc Agent. Editor of Nashua Renl Entate Journal. Sidney Atwood Phillips. /.'/'. So. Framingham, Mass. Lawyer. Trial Jii.stice ; Clerk of Dist. Court. Formerly Trin. Belknap School, Dover, N. IL, aiid Framingham Acad. ''^''tllENKr Foster Pratt. I'.Z. Winchester, N. H. Corp. Co. F 14th N. H. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. Died October 1, 1866. t Samuel Edward Wood. M.N. Rondout, N. Y. Lawyer. 1870. Robert Miller Bolenius, M.D. K.dK Lancaster, Pa. Physician Lancaster Co. Hospital and Asylum. Associate Editor Lancaster Co. Med. Transactions, published quarterly. M.D., Univ. of Md., 1873. Rev. Francis Brown. N.M. New York City. Prof. Union Theo. Sem. since 1879. Tutor Greek, Dartmouth, 1872-4. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1877. James William Cheney, Jr. M.P. North Sewickley, Pa. Prin. N. Sewicklev Acad, since 1879. Prin Hartford Acad. Inst Ohio, 1871-2; Hampton Acad., N. H., 1874-6; and Merrimacpoit, Mass., High school, 1376-9. William Hoyt Colgate. .F.J. Winfield, Kan. Engineer. George Stephen Edgell. P.l'. St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturer of Iron. Treas. St. Louis Bolt and Iron Co. since 1873. John Henry Hardy. O.M. Arlington, Mass. L.awver, Boston. Trial Justice for Middlesex Co. Member Boston Hist, and Geneal. Soc. Private iDth N. H. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. Albert Love Plummer. P.Z. Clarksburgli, Tenn. Adj. Prof. Ancient Languages, Univ. of Tenn., 1870, and Prof. Greek, 1870-1. Pres. Manchester Coll., 1873-4. (Eustace) Ballard Smith. T. ^/. New York City. Journalist ; Staff New York Herald. tNEWTON Harris Wilson. Z'.H. Manchester, N. H. Lawyer; Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. Associate Justice Police Court, 1875-6. Franklin Worcester. A. J. Hollis, N. H. Merchant and Manufacturer, Cambridge, Mass. Men>ber N. H. Legislature. 1877-8. 187I. Albert Armstrong Abbott. B.I. Steele City, Neb. stock Raiser. Treas., Nashua, N. H. Teacher for six years. 2 8o Dartmouth. Melvin Ohio Adams, LL.B. A.N. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Asst. Dist. Atty., Suffolk Dist., Mass., since 1877. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1874. Charles Henry Conant. P.l. Lowell, Mass. Lawyer. George Eugene Davis, M.D. O.Q. San Francisco, Cal. Examining Physician I. O. O. F. since 1878. Prof, in Cal. Military Acad., 1871-2. Author of general papers on medical subjects. M.D., Hahneman Med. Coll., Philadelphia, 1873. fWiLLiAM Wesley French. I.E. Gloucester, Mass. Lawyer. City Solicitor, Gloucester, since 1880. Member Common Council, 1879. Prin. Sandwich, Mass., Grammar School, 1872-3; Kingsland, N. J., School, 1873-4. A.B., Dart- mouth, 1872. I Frank Eugene Greenwood. K. W. Newport, Ohio. Farmer. Private 148th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1864. John Herbert. Soraerville, Mass. Lawyer. Prin. Applolon Acad., New Ipswich, N. H., 1871-4. Author of monthly contributions to Church Mirror since 1880. fCHARLES Ebenezer Hill. A. A. Baltimore, Md. Lawyer. Asst. Prof. U. S. Naval Acad., 1871-5. Thomas (Henry) Martin. 0. T. Mclndoes Falls, Vt. Prin. Lyndon, Vt., Graded School, since 1880. Supt. of Schools, Barnet, Vt., 1873-5; Prin. Mclndoes Falls Acad., 1871-3 and 1876-8, and of Bradford, Vt., Acad., 1873-5. James Brackett Mason. M.K. Westmoreland, N. H. Farmer and Licensed Preacher. Presided over Westmoreland Congregational Churcli, 1874-6. jEdward Annis Merrill, LL.B. /'.J. Concord, N. H. Lawyer. Entered Wesleyan Univ., Class '71. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1881. Albert Augustus Osgood. />'.//. Parsons, Kan. Lawyer. Andrew Fairfield Reed, M.I). J'.0. Holyoke, Mass. City Physician, 1878. Author of p.apers on Diphtheritic Paralysis. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1874.' 1872. William Webster Evans. J'../. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Lewis Grieve Farmer. T. 7. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. William Plumer FoA^^:.ER. li'.I. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Fred Harvey Gould. J.0. Concord, N. H. Lawyer. William Jarvis. /V. ^. Claremont, N. H. D.D.S., Boston Dental Coll., 1876. Dartmouth. 2cSi Albert Emerson Lakk. Z.A. Lyons, Neb. Prin. Lyons Graded School. Henry Mann Silver, M.D. J.V. New York City. JI.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1875. James Francis Savage. J'. '^ Lowell, ^lass. Lawyer; firm of Savage and Savage (""4). t Alfred E. Spalding. A. \. LyndeI)oiougli, X. H. Robert William Welch. 0.1. Carrara, Italy. U. S. Consul since 1879. Has been on the Staff of Boston Globe, New York TivKn, New York Tribune. Editor Whiteside Sentinel, Morrison, 111., 1877-9. George Frederick Williams. /'./.^. Dcdham, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Prin. Brewster, Mass., Grammar School, 1872-3. Reporter Boston Globe, 1873. Author of Williams' Mass. Citations, 1878. EditorU. S. Digest, vols. XL, XII., XIII. 1873. tRev. Albert Franklin Baxter. H.T. Central Fallt<,R. I. Methodist Episcopal Clergyman, belonging to X. II. Conference. George Dexter Bigelow. (>.J. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Rev. Charles Fred Bradley. A'.'. Hamline, :\Iinn. Prof. Greek, Hamline Univ. Tutor Greek, Dartmouth, 1874-6. Frank Albert Bradley. '. ". Chicago, 111. Cashier Anglo-American Packing and Provision Co., Union Stock Yards. Isaiah Raymond Clark. l'.(P. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. Rev. Pitt Dillingham. J./i. Charlestown, Mass. Pastor Harvard Church, Unitarian. B.D., Cambridge Div. School, 1876. fRev. George Harlan Dunlap. (f.r. Ilarrisville, N. H. Pastor, Congregational. George Henry Fitts, LL.B. /'.A. Cohoes, N. Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1874. Douglas Carr Griffing. )'..V. Rodney, Miss. Miss. State Senator, 1876. Land Agent in Kansas, 1878. Now detained by ill health in New Orleans, La. William Guthrie, LL.B. /. '/'. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1880. Rev. Fred. Albert Thayer. .7.:^'. Westborough, Mass. Pastor, Congregational, since 1880. Reporter; Correspondent N. Y. Tribune, 1873-5; Night Editor N. Y. Titnes, 1875-8. Grad. Andover Theo. teem., 1880. James Henry Willoughby. A'.//. Middleborough, Mass. Master Middleborough High School. Rev. Alexander WiswALL. £.1. Norway, Me. Pastor, Congregational. Prin. High School, Jaffrey. N. H., 1S74. Grad. Bangor Theo. Sera., 1879. 282 Dartmouth. 1874. Rev. Fred Lyman Allen. ./ ./. Walpole, N. H. Pastor Congreg.itional Church. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1877. fDANiEL Brackett. E.N. Limerick, Me. Teacher. Henry Green Brainerd, M.D. J.J. LKlependence, Iowa. Asst. Physician Iowa Hospital for Insane. Supt. of Schools, Independence, 1874-5. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., 1878. Parker Dickson. J./. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lawyer. Asst. U. S. Atty., So. Dist. Ohio, 1877-82. Initiated by Miami Chapter. Albert Eaton. B.ii. Grinnell, Iowa. Engaged on railroad. Charles Otls Gates, LL.B. Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher Adelphi Acad. LL.B., N. Y. Univ. GeoIige William Lee. H'.A. Des IMoines, Iowa. Lawyer. Rev. Albert Francis Newton. J.A^ Townsend, Mass. Pastor Congregational Church. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1877. Charles Elihu Quimby, M.D. E.I. Great Falls, N.H. Prin. Gardner, Mass., High School, 1874-5. House Surgeon Bellevue Hospital, 1879. M.D., N. Y. Univ., 1878. ICharles Wesley Savage. A.0. Lowell, Mass. Lawyer. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1874. Arthur Fairbanks Taylor. Z.X. Cleveland, Ohio. Prof. Chemistry, Case School of Applied Sciences. Instructor Physics, Univ. of Pa., 1878-81. Ph.D., Univ. of Gottingeu. Member of Berlin Chem. Soc. Daniel Frederick Webster. ./. W. Waterbury, Conn. Lawyer. Clerk Dist. Court since 1880. 1875- Fred Henry Crafts. E.i}. Atchison, Kan. Engineer. Initiated by Middletown Chapter. Charles Woodman Emery. /. W. Canterbury, N. H. Fanner. *'^*fALViN Page Estey. Manchester, N. H. Died at Hanover, N. H., March, 1875. Charles Andrew Hatch, M.D. N.M. Newark, Ohio. Member City Council, 1880-2. Visiting Physician, Licking Co., Ohio, Children's Homo since 1881. M.I)., Mo. Med. Coll., St. Louis, 1877. fHENRY Herbert Hough. Dover, N. H. Cashier in Bank. Dartmouth. 283 Truman Bishop Raxsom Rice. /. /'. Ilanovcr, N. II. Farmer. Asst. Prin. Barre, Vt., Acad., 18V2-:J; Prin. High School, Groveland, Mush. , 1876-80. Rev. Jarvis Richards. IW. Windsor, Vt. Congregational Pastor. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1878. Theodore Siiorey Slafter. T. J. Munich, Bavaria. Artist. Henry Warren Smith. 0'..\. Troy, N. Y. Lawyer. Henry Webster Stevens, LL.B. /'.J. Concord, N. H. Lawyer. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1877. Samuel Bradley Wiggin. Z. W. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. 1876. Rev. Justin Edavards Abbott. A'. W. Norwood, N. Y. Pastor Congregational Church. Grad. Union Theo. Sein., 1879. Herbert Jewett Barton. A.E'. Waukegan, III. Prin. High School since 1878, and City Supt. Schools since 1879. Prin. Newport, N.H., High School, 1876-8. Rev. Carter Eastman Gate. V.S. Lake Village, N. H. Pastor Free Will Baptist Church since 1880. Lot Curran Clark. A.N. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1878. Thomas Flint. T.A. Fox Chase, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructor Ury House School since 1876; Headmaster since 1880. Walter Clarence Frost. 0.E: NeAvton Upper Fall.-. Master Prospect School since 1880. Examiner of Teachers, Windsor Co., Vt., 1877-81 ; Prin. High School, Woodstock, Vt., 1877-9. Frank Herbert Hardison. E. ¥. Greenfield, Mass. Journalist. On StaflF of Gazette and Courier since 1877. Frank Moses McCutchins. f.i'. Gilmanton, N. H. Preceptor in Gilmanton Acad, since 1877. Henry Hildreth Piper. n'.E. Milford, N. H. Licensed Preacher. Herbert Daniel Ryder. F.I. Springfield, Vt. Lawyer. Prin. Springfield High School, 1876-9. ''' Samuel Arthur Thompson. Z.A. Nashua, N. H. Asst. Prin. Nashua High School, 1876-7. Accidentally killed while Student in Tal- Divinity School, Dec. 1, 1S77. George Henry Tripp. Z.A. Fairhaven, iSIass. Prin. New Bedford, Mass., Grammar School. 284 Dartmouth. 1877. *'**" George Elwyn Atkinson. Z.Y. Hudson, Mass. Journalist. Died at Littleton, N. H., May 10, 1880. Charles Hermance Cooper. TjP. Brimfield, Mass. Prin. Hitchcock Free High School since 1879. *i8-9 Charles Lombard Day, LL.B. A. A. Grinnell, Iowa. LL.B., Iowa State Univ., 1879. Died September 20, 1879. Fred WiNSLOAV Farns WORTH. F.ll. Red Wing, Minn. Prin. High School since 1877. Charles Bartlett Hammond, M.D. A. Y. Nashua, N. H. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1880. * .^^'^f Albert Parker Sanborn, i?../. Lake Village, N. H. Died August 26, 1876. George William Saunderson. 9. A. Boston, Mass. Lawyer. LL.B., Boston Univ., 1880. William Franklin Temple, Jr., M.D. 0.8. Boston, Mass. Herbert Hart Walker. A.Q. New York City. Teacher in House of Refuge, Randall's Island. 1878. Addison Fletcher Andrews. A.V. New York City. City Staff New York Tribune. Prof. Elocution and Latin in Columbia Grammar School, N.Y., 1879-80. Lewis Solomon Cohen. M.O. New York City. Temporarily at Colorado Springs, Colo., on account of ill health. Henry Sweetser Dewey. Z. T. Boston, Mass. Student Boston Univ. Law School. James Wheaton Henry. A'.//. Joplin, Mo. Druggist. *'*^' Charles Henry Webster Howe. /^J. Hanover, N. H. student of Medicine. Initiated with '77. Died at New York City, Apiil 25, 1881. fORRiN Prescott Maxson, LL.B. f.A. Leipsic, Germany. Student of Zoology, Univ. of Leipsic. LL.B., North Western Univ., 1880. Alvah Stryker Newgomb. M.JQ. Kingston, N. Y. Lawyer; firm of Fowler & Newcomb. Albert Francis Norcross. IP. T. Rindge, N. H. Theo. Student, Andover Theo. Sem. William Henry Ray. 0..\. Yonkers, N. Y. Prin. Yonker« Gram. School. Prin. MeCollom Institute. Mt. Vernon, N.H.. 1878-81. Initiated with '77. Dartmouth. 2.A'. Hollis, N. H. Student at Law, Nashua, N. H. Prin. Hollis High School, 1879-81. Alfred Matthias Spalding. U.A. Greenup, Ky. Student of Medicine, Columbia Coll. (Edw^ard) Ashton Rollins Willard. fi.l. Montpelier, Vt. Student at Law, Harvard. 1880. Frank Morse Hayward. V../. AValpole, N. H. Student, Harvard Law School. George Otis Mitchell. /•:./. Ralerghr-N^O. Prof, of Matheraatbics, Phy.sics and Chemistry, Peace Inst., since 18S1. Asst. Physics. Dartmouth, 1880-1. Edwin Gould Moore. /.J. Gilmanton, N. H. Teacher. 286 Dartmouth. Samuel Sinclair Perry. M. 'F. ^lanchester, N. H. Law Student. Frederick Jerome Ripley. J. A. North Easton, Masy. Medical Student. William Isaac Smith, A'.0. Manchester, N. H. Law Student. Prin. Chester, N. H., Acad., 18S0-1. Arthur Langdon Sprixg. A.E. Lebanon, N. H. Student at Law, Boston Univ. Justice of the Peace since 1880 ; term expires 18S.5. Clarence Walter Spring. P.I. Lebanon, N. H. Student of Medicine, Harvard Univ. Prof. Mathematics, Kimball Union Acad., Meriden.N.H., 1880-1. i88i. George Thompson Aldrich. Walpole, N. H. Teacher, Cutler's School for Boys, Xew York City. Hurlburt Erastus Cole. A.Ii. Oberlhi, Ohio. Teacher, Litchfield, Ohio. Charles Gipson Dewey. l\A. Hanover, N. H. Teacher, Barton Landing, Vt. George Washington Graham, r.2''. Manchester, N. H. Clerk, Boston, Mass. Ephraim Gardner Kimball. ././. Xashua, N. H. Prin. High School, Seymour, Conn. Francis Ransome Lane. ./. V. Ashburnham, INIass. Teacher, Washington, D. C. Edward Henry Trowbridge. I*. I. Portland, Me. Student, Portland Med. School. 1882. William Alfred Bartlett. A'.l. Hanover, N. H. Joseph Gilmore Chandler. 77. T. Concord, N. H. Lyiwan Demerritt Cook. A'..Y. Nashua, N. H. Herbert Llewellyn Luques. A'.X. Biddoford, Me. Frank Alvin Pease. P.O. Aliddleborough, Mass. William Perry Quimby. J'.M. Hanover, N. H. Arthur Frederick Rice. P.M. Springfield, Vt. Herbert Llewellyn Smith. F.A. Hudson Centre, N. H. William Ellsworth Strong. ./.A'. Waltham, Mass. John Franklin Thompson. A . '/". Portland, Ale. Dart mouth . 287 Arthur Wells Tirrell. ././'. \\ . ('iuiiiniiint,,ii, Mas*;. William Wiiitino. J'.U. Spi-innHckl, Vt. 1883. fERNEST Berkeley Balcii. //.'/'. Plymouth, X. H. Studying in New York City. fJoHN Barstow. Haverhill, X. II. Teaching St. Jolinsbury Acad., St. .Tohnsbury, Vt. George Frank Blake. E.H. Athol, Mass. James Major Colson, Jr. MM. Petersbingh, Va. William Edward CusHiM AN. ././/. Mklclleborough, Masn. fWALTER Taylor Field. A.M. Chicago, 111. Amherst Coll., '83. Owen Hamilton Gates. ././/. St. Johuslnnv, Vt. f Charles Woodman Hamilton. /'.//. Fond du Lac, Wis. Amherst Coll., '83. John McCrillis. M.\. Xewport, N. H. Arthitr Aaron Maxwell. W.J. Wells, Me. William White Niles. A.l\ New York City. Charles Weston Oakes. F. W. South Berwick, Me. John Williams Rogers. V./Z. Tilton, N. H. Travis DeShon Wells, Lake Forest, 111. 1884. Charles Eldridge. J.//. Fond du Lac, Wis. Arthur Montgomery Elliot. J.'/'. Norwich, Conn. Josiah French Hill. A.B. Concord, N. II. John Hoxie Hinckley. V. //. Bangor, jNIe. Lewis Elmer Carleton Hinckley. /.A. Bangor. Me. Arthur AViiipple Jenks. P.B. Concord, X. II. Fletcher Ladd. P .M. Lancaster, N. II. Fred Henry Nettleton. E.U. Newport, N, II. Alfred Edward Xutt. A.M. Glencoe, 111. William P^rvin Sargent. A.Z. Union Village, X. II. THE PENINSULAR CHAPTER, 1846 TO 1885. Afifials. On the 12th of June, 184G, a letter was written M' William H. Goodrich, Yale. '43, who was at that time the Secretar}^ of the Council, to Rufus Nutting, Jr., Hudson, '43, authorizing him to establish a Chapter of A J

., Univ. Mich., 1859; D.D., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1864. Rev. George Phillips TiNDALL. II. I. Placcrville, C'al. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Grad. Union Theo. Sein., 18.i2. 1850. Rev. Lewis Ransom Fiske. E.l. Albion, Mich. Pres. Albion Coll. since 1877. Prof., 18.50-3; Mich. State Nornial School, 1853-6; Mich. Agricultural Coll., 1856-63. Editor Mich. Ghrixtian Advocate, 1874-8. Member A. A. A. S. LL.D., Univ. of Mich.; D.D., Albion Coll. 't James White TixDALL. F'.S. Tecumseh, Mich. 1851. Rev. Joseph Webb Bancroft. Z'.J. Hastings, Mich. Rector Emmanuel Clmrch since 1865. Asst. Prof. Olivet College. 1851-2. Prin. Public Schools, Jonesville, Mich., 1856-9; Hastings, Mich., 1861-5. Editor Annual Journal of Western Diocese of Michigan. Chauncey Marvin Cady. //'. Y'. Atlanta, Ga. Music Dealer; Manager Estey Organ Co. iCayor of Hyde Park, 111., 1867-74. Editor New York Mnmcal Review, 1851-6: Founder, Financial Editor and Auditor of the Chicago Advance, 1867-70. Author of Minnehaha Glee Book, 1857 ; Parlor Gems, 1875. fRev. Elias Cooley. AJ!. Niles, Mich. Pastor M.E. Church. Prin. Public Schools, Paw Paw, Mich., 1858-9; Colon Sem., 1861-6. fRoBERT Clark Kedzie, M.D. Z'.O. Lansing, Mich. Prof, of Chemistry, Mich. Agric Coll., since 1863. State Representative of Mich., 1867. Member State Board of Health, 1873-81; Pres., 1877-81 ; Pree. Sanitary Council of Miss. Valley. Author of Handbook of Chemical Analysis. Asst. Surg, and Surg. 12th Mich. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-3. A.B., Oberlin Coll., 1847 ; M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1851. Byron Gray Stout. P. A. Pontiac, Mich. Farmer. Manager of three road companies. Supt. Public Schools, Pontiac, Mich., 1851-4. Member Mich. Legislature, 1854-60; Speaker of Mich. House, 1857-8; StJite Sena- tor, 1861-2. 1852. t James H.\le Bates. ]/./: Brooklyn, X. Y. L>r and Publisher Hearth ami Home, ] Witter Johnson Baxter. T.0. Jonesville, Mich. Lawyer. Sec. Mich. Board of Corrections and Cliarities, and of Mich. Board of Geo- logical Survey; Member Mich. Board of Education since 1855, Pres. since 1863. State Senator of Mich., 1876-8. 294 Peninsular. * '**^ Sidney Alfred Bean. l.Y. Waukesha, Wis. Teacher and Editor. I'rof. Mathematics, Carroll Coll., Wis., 1854-61. Editor, 1859-61. Lieut. Col. and Col. 4th Wis. Inf., U. S. A. Died in service at Fort Hudson, Miss. * '*^ Walker LiNDSLEY Bean. K.l. Milwaukee, Wis. Banker. 1st Lieut. 28th Wis. Inf., 1861-3. Died in hospital. * '^^''f Charles Walter Becker. E. //. Ann Arbor, Mich. *'^'"'tRev. Clark Titus Hinman. LA. Chicago, 111. Alfred Gideon Otis, LL.B. l.fJ. Atchison, Kan. Lawyer. Pros. Atchison Savings Bank. Judge Second District of Kan., 1877-81. General Alty. Central Branch U. P. R.R. Co., 1863-76. LL.B., Louisville Law School, 1854. fRev. Sylvenus Adon Taft. jV. W. Santa Rosa, Cal. D.D., LaGrangeColl., Mo. Pres. Cal. Coll., 1877-9. Authorof Outline of the Gospel. t M ART yn Taylor, M.D. 7j'.B. Sciotoville, Ohio. Practising Physician. M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1852. Private 33d Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1863; Asst. Surgeon, 1863-7. Rev. Tillman Con KLiNG Trowbridge. T.E. Aintab, Cen- tral Turkey. Am. Address : A. B. C. F. M., Congregational House, Boston, Mass. Missionary and Pres. Central Turkey Coll., since 1876. U. S. Vice Consul, 1878. Author of Physical Geography of Turkey, in New Ent/lander; The Early History of the Ottoman Turks; Armenia and the Armenians; The Education of a Native Minister in the Turkish Empire, 1877, British Quarterly Revitw; Occasional Papers in regard to Turkej', 1874. LL.D., Univ. of Mich., 1880. 1853. * ^*" John Fillmore Becker. N.I. Ann Arbor, Mich. Lawyer. t Benjamin Elias Hart. E.F. Lapeer, Mich. Retired Real Estate Agent. * "^^-j-Danforth Alvin Hart. P.0. Lapeer, Mich. Died while studying for the ministry. Jay Abel HuBBELL. B.Q. Houghton, Mich. U. S. Representative from Mich, since 1873. Constructor Houghton & L'Anse R.R. District Atty. Upper Peninsula, 1857-61 ; Prosecuting Atty. Houghton Co., 1861-7 ; State Commissioner, Centennial Exhibition, 1876; Chairman Republican Congressional Commit- tee, campaign of 1880. fCHARLES White Tozer. P. W. San Francisco, Cal. Mining Superintendent in Mexico. 1854. * '*''t Arthur Blackwood. J. W. Ann Arbor, Mich. France Chandler. 1\I. St. Louis, Mo. General Passenger and Ticket Agent Mo. Pacific R.R. *""■' William Chandler. A'.N. Cleveland, Ohio. Oil Refiner. Capt. 1st III. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-4. Peninsular. 295 Edward Payson Evans. //'./'. Munich, liuvaria. Literary work. Prof. Mod. Lung., Carroll Coll., 1855 : Instructor Univ. of Mich., 1862-3; Prof., 1863-70. Tr.inslator Stain's Life of Lessini;, 1867, and Works of Lessing, 1869; Epitome of the History of German Literature, 1868; Progressive German Header, 1870. Contributor to the North Am. liecieic of many articles, 180«)-9, and to The Nation, 1H67-9; Hours at Jfome,W6--10; Wexterii Monthly, imi; The Herald of Health; Obi and New, 1872; The Unitarian lieviexF, 1877-81. Member Am. Oriental Soc. ; Deutsche Morgen- liindische Gesellschaft. Ph.D., Gottingen, 1858. IHenry Strong, LL.B. H.A, Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Pres. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R.R., 1873-7. Trustee Univ. of Chicago, 1877-81. A.B., Rochester Univ., 1854; LL.B., Albany Law School, 1856; LL.D., Univ. of Iowa, 1877. Daniel Leonard Wood. /../. Indianapolis, Ind. Life Insurance Agent. James B(ruce) Eldridge. I.F. Mt. Clemens, Mich. Atty. and Judge of Probate since 1877. Member Mich. Legislature, 1863-4. Prose- cuting Atty., Macomb Co., 1871-6. Charles Hewitt. P.P. Knightstown, Ind. Teacher; Prin. Knightstown Acad, since 1870. Private 132d Ind. Inf., U. S. A., four months. Alexander Martin, LL.B. A.l. Pattonville, Mo. Lawyer, St. Louis, Mo. Prof. Law, Washington Univ., 1857-78. Asst. Mo. Editor Am. Law Register. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1858. Edwin Willits. F.O. Monroe, Mich. Lawyer, and U. S. Representative from Mich, since 1877. Editor Monroe, Mich., Commercial, 1856-61. Trustee Union School, 1859-76. Member State Board of Education, 1861-73. Prosecuting Atty. Monroe Co., 1861-3. 1856. Datus Chase Brooks. A.1\ Omaha, Neb. Managing Editor Omaha Republican since 1876. Instructor Rhetoric, Univ. of Mich., 1856-8; Asst. Prof., 1858-63; Librarian, 1863-4. Lit. and Dram. Editor Chicago Timet, 1864-6; Editor Chicago Post, 1866-8; Contributor to North American Review. John Emory Clark. Z'.6. New Haven, Conn. Prof. Mathematics, Yale Coll., since 1872; Asst. Prof., Univ. of Mich., 1857-9; Prof. Math, and Physics, Antioch Coll., 1866-72. Capt. and Maj. 5th Mich. Cav., U. S. A. ; Bvt. Lieut. Col., U. S. A., 1862-5. Mason Gibbs. N..Q. Homer, Mich. Manufacturer. Prin. Homer Acad., 1857-8; Asst. Hopkinsville, Ky., Acad., 1860-1. Milton William Reynolds. Z'.E. Parsons, Kan. Editor Evening Star. Member Neb. Legislature, 1858-9; Kan. Legislature, 1876. Receiver U. 8. Land Office No. 5, 1871-3. Regent Kan. Univ., 1877-9. Supt. Parsons City Schools, 1876. fKev. Moses Coit Tyler. F'.P. Ithaca, N. Y. Prof. Am. History and I-iterature, Cornell Univ., since 1881. Prof. English Language ■ind Literature, Univ. of Mich., 1867-81. Literary Editor Christian Union. Author of The Brawnville Papers, 186U; History of Am. Literature, 1878; Manual of English Literature, 1879. A.B., Yale Coll., 1857. 296 1874 Peninsula?'. ^Joseph Estabrook. H'.A. Olivet, Mich. Prill. Normal Departmeut, Olivet Coll.; Prin. Sem., Ypsilanti, Mich., fifteen years; Supt. Schools, Saginaw; and Prin. Mich. State Normal School. Contributor to educational periodicals. Lewis Whitney James. 2'. J. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Retired Wliolesale Merchant. George McQueen Laxdon. F.I. Monroe, Mich. Lawyer. Prosecuting Atty. Monroe Co., four years. Grad. Chicago Theo. Sem., 1868. Capt. 4th Mich. Cav., U. S. A., 1862-5. John Richards. 0. T. Flint, Mich. Teacher. Prof. Ancient Lang., Alhion Coll., 1857-63. Grad. Cambridge Div. School, 1872. fJoAn Mahlem Berry Sill. P.J. Detroit, Mich. Supt. Schools since 1875, and 1863-5. Regent Mich. Univ., 1867-70; Prof. English Lang, and Lit., Mich. Normal School, 1854r-63 ; Prin. Detroit Female Sem., 1865-75. Author of Synthesis of the EngUsh Sentence, 1856; Practical Lessons in English, 1879. Member Detroit Scientific Assoc. Edwin Buckiminster Wight. P. A'. Detroit, Mich. Merchant. Capt. and Maj. 24th Mich. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. 1858. John Graves, LL.B.- H'. W. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer and Clerk U. S. Court; IT. S. Commissioner. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1860. John Wesley Horner. A'. I. Lawrence, Kan. Prof Moral Philosophy and Belles Lettres, Kan. Univ. Col. 18th Mich., U. S. A., 1862. fRev. Walcott Littlejohn. E'.0. Allegan, Mich. Author Religious Amendment to the Constitution; The Seventh Part of Time Theory; The Position and Work of the True People of God Under the Third Angel's Message ; The Rejected Ordii Charles Rollin Miller, LL.B. B'.n. Adrian, Mich. Prosecuting Atty., 1868-72. Trustee Adrian Public Schools, 1866-78; Trustee and Member Board" of Control, Mich. Reform School for Girls, since 1880. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1860. Capt. 18th Mich. Inf , U. S. A., 1862-5. Robert Starr Moore. P'.d. Chillicothe, !Mo. Lawyer. Mayor, Chillicothe, 1863. Member Mo. Legislature, 1868-71. Col. lOlh Mo. Inf, U. S. A., 1862-3. William Emory Quinby. LB. Detroit, Mich. Editor Detroit Free Press since 1861. Rev. James Worthington Stark. P.I. Jerseyville, 111. Pastor First Presbyterian Church since 1873. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1861. ^Edward Carey Walker. Z'.0. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Member Mich. Legislature, 1867-8. Regent Univ. of Mich., 1864-82. Memr her Detroit Board of Education, 1855-9. Peninsular. 297 FiTCii Heed AVilt.iams. A'.Y, Klk Kiipids, MIcli. LHWj'er. Instructor Latin, rniv. of Mich., 1858-00; I'rof. Ancient Lanj^tuaKc-H, Albion Coll., two yeavs. Prosecuting .Mtv., Antrim Co., Mich., 1870-7; rrobato Judge, 1874-7. State Senator, 1877-9. 'IVustee Asylum for Insane, Kalamazoo, 1879-83. 1859. James Hiciiakdson Cary. l.Z. A\'i.snor, Neb. Farmer. ^Thomas Mclntyre Cooley. li.ll. Ann Arbor, Midi. Judge Supreme Court of Mich, since 1864. Prof. Law, Univ. of Mich., since 1859; Lecturer on Constitutional Law, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1877-9. Compiler of tlie (Jencral Laws of Mich., 1857. State Reporter Sui)reme C^ourt, 1858-64. Author Mich. Supreme Court Reports, 1858-64; Treatise on Constitutional Limitation, 1868; Treatise on the Law of Taxation, 1876; Treatise on tlie Law of Torts, 1S7S; Principles of Constitutional Law, 1880; edition of Blackstone's Commentaries, lS7o; edition of Story on the Constitution, 1873; Digest of Mich. Reports, 18(50. LL.l)., Tniv. of Mich. *'^ Charles Bird Hankinson. 2'.?'. AVoodstock, Ont. Prof. Mathematics, Woodstock Coll. Rodney J. Hathaway. l\J. Bedford, Ohio. Pomologist and Apiarian. Ist Lieut, and Adj. 67th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., three years. fSoLOMON Claiborn Martin, M.D. J', .v. St. Louis, Mo. Director St. Louis Public Schools, 1875-8. M.D., Univ. of La., 1862. Surgeon with Adams Cav. Reg., Forrest's Div., C. S. A., 1862-5. Edward Walker McGraw. P.I. San Fnineisco, Cal. Lawyer. U. S. Dist. Atty., Oregon, 1862-5; City Atty., Portland, Oregon, 1863-4. Theodore Axdreavs McGraw, M.D. li'.F. Detroit, Mich. Prof. Surgery, Detroit Med. Coll. since 1869. Lecturer, Univ. of Mich., 1871-2. Mem- ber Mich. Med. Soc. and Am. Med. Assoc. M.D., Columbian Univ., 1803. Acting Asst. Surgeon and Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1863-5. fEpHRAia: Allen Otis, LL.B. /. 6. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Judge Chancery Court, Nashville, Tenn., 1868-9. LL.B., Poughkeepsie Law School, 1857. Capt. and Asst. Adj. Gen., Army of the Cumberland, U. S. A., 1861-6. Orrin Parsons. A.iL Lodi, Mich. Lumber Dealer. P. O. Address, Saline, Mich. Capt. 3d Mich. Cav., U. S. A., 1862-6. ^Charles Irish Walker. Ii'.¥. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Chairman Board of State Charities, 1871-Sl. Circuit Judge, 1867-8. Prof. Law, Univ. of Mich., 1859-74, and since 1879. LL.D., Univ. of Mich. Albert Hamilton Wilkinson. I\0. Detroit, jNIich. Lawyer. Member. Detroit Board of Education one term. Judge of Probate, 187.3-7. Atty. Mich Savings Bank; Mi('h. Mutu;d Life Insurance Co., and .\Iich. Fire ic Marine Insurance Co. i860. f Stuart Carkener. 7'. A. Loiiisiiina, Mo. Lawyer. Circuit Atty. 3d Circuit, 1868. Capt. 33d Mo. Inf. ; Jndge Advocate Ist Div. 16th Corps, U. S. A., 1862.-5. 298 Peninsular. Silas Wright Duxning. LI. New York City. Editor ^ai^roarf Gazette since 1867. Instructor Latin, Univ. of Mich., 1860; Prin. N. Port Huron Union School, 1861. Suiff Chicago Times, 186.5-6; Citv Editor Chicago Eveninq Post, 1866-7. M.A. (after post-graduate etudv), 1861. Private an'd Corp. 124th III. Inf.. U. S. A., 1862-5. t George Henry Gould. O.A. Henderson, Tex. Lawyer. Rusk County Judge, 1869-73. Member Tex. Legislature, 1880-1. Prin. Masonic Inst., 1865-6. Trustee Henderson Coll. Founder Henderson Times, 186;i. Ordnance Sergt. 17th Tex. Cav., C. S. A., 1862-4. fSuLLiVAN Dexter Greex. J'. P. Berlin Falls, N. H. Town Clerk since 1878. Editor and Publisher Temperauce Paper, 1859-62; Staff of Detroit Free Pres.f, 1865-73. Supt. School Committee, Berlin, X. H., 1875-9; Chairman Selectmen, Berlin, 1876-9. Private 24th Mich. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. *^^ Allex William Howard Zacharias. N.I. Monroe, Mich. Prof. Mathematics, Miss. Military Inst., 1860; Pres., 1861. 1st Lieut, and Capt. 7tb Mich. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-2. Died of wounds at Antietam, 1862. 1861. t William Hexry Barxum. J.J. Chicago, 111. Lawver; and Judge Cook Co. Circuit Court since 1879. Master in Chancery of Ran- dolph Co. Circuit Court, 1863-6. *^^ Goodwin Stoddard Beaver. I'.B. Albion, Mich. Prof. Ancient Languages, Albion Coll. Q. M. Sergt. 1st Mich. Sharpshooters, U. S. A. Benjamix Franklin Blair. B.X. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, Xew York City. Capt. 123d Ohio Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. Prisoner, June, 1863. to Xovember, 1864. *^^'^ Allen Jeremiah Curtis. P.B. Ann Arbor, Mich. A.B., Kalamazoo Coll., 1860; M.A., Univ. of Mich., 1861. Asst. Prof. Latin and Natural Sciences, Kalamazoo Coll., 1862; Instructor Rhetoric and Mathematics, Univ. of Mich., 1863-4; Asst. Prof. Rhetoric and EngUsh Literature, 1865-8. Byron M. Cutcheon, LL.B. P.I. Manistee, Mich. Lawyer; and Postmaster since 1877. Member Mich. State Board of Control of Rail- roads since 1866. Presidential Elector, 1868. Alderman, Manistee, 1869; City Attv., 1870: Prosecuting Atty., 1873-4. Regent Univ. of Mich, since 1875. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1866. LieTit., Capt., Maj., Lieut. Col. •and Col. 20th Mich. Inf. ; Col. 27th Mich. Inf. ; Bvt. Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. 2d Brig., 1st Div., 9th Army Corps, U. S. A., 1862-5. Charles Halbert Denison, LL.B. I.N. New York City. Patent Lawver Prosecuting Attv., Bay Co., Mich., 1871-2; City Attv.. Bay City, Mich.. 1877; Asst. U. S. Atty. for E. Dist. of Mich. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 'l864. Lieut. 5th Mich., U. S. A., 1862. Edward Seymour Jackson. J. 6. Scranton, Pa. Teller First Nat. Bank. Sergt. 151st Pa. Inf., U. S. A., nine months. Henry Bishop Landon, M.D. E'.l. Bay City, Mich. Physician. Div. Surgeon Mich. Central R.R. M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1865. Adj. and Asst. Surgeon 7th Mich. Inf., U. S. A., 1863-4. fHENRY Dwight Merrill, LL.B. LA. Fairbuiy, Neb. Stock Raiser and Dealer. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1866. Private 45th 111. Inf., U. S. three years. °f Erasmus Darwin Nichols. /'.//. Ann Arbor, Mich, Pe/n'fisnia?'. 299 IIoYT Post, LL.B. A'.S. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Reporter Midi. Supreme Court, 1872-8. Aullior of Michigan Keports, Vols. x.\iii.-.\.xvi. LL.B., Univ. of Midi., 18G3. James Alexis Post, M.D. ./. T. Birmingham, ^fich. M.D., Univ. of Midi., 1865. Surgeon 28th Ky. Inf., U. 8. A., 1S62-5. *^ Charles Henry Stocking, M.D. li'.X. Freeport, III. M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1866. Maj. and Surgeon 10th Ky., U. S. A., 1862-5. Died Janu- ary 24, 1881. Henry Munson Utley. M.ll. Detroit, Mich. Sec. Board of Education since 1831. City Editor Detroit PoH and Tribune, 1861-80. t862. RiENZi Hiram Baker. F'.l. Chicago, 111. Clerk Supts. Office, L.S. & M. S. R.K. Private 1st Mich. Inf.: Private, Sergt., 2d Lieut. 18th Mich. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-5. HiRAM Austin Burt. M..\. INIarqiiette, Mich. Merchant and M.inufacturer. Regent Univ. of Mich., 1SG7-75. Pres. Corp. Iron Co., 1879. Charles Chandler, LL.B. A.J. Grand Rapids, ]\Iich. Lawyer. Supt. of Schools, Grand Haven, Mich., 1863-5 ; at Hastings, 1865-6 ; Prin. Cen- tral Oram. School, Grand R.ipids, 1S66-77 ; Member Board of Education since 1880. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1865. f Edward Gavion Clark. J. A. Chicago, 111. Cashier, Hibbard, Spencer & Co. Private 18th Mich. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5. Edward Allen Fay. F'.l. Washington, D. C. Prof. History and Languages, National Deaf-Mute Coll., since 1836. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1881. Instructor New York Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, 1862-5. Editor Amrrican Annalu of the Deaf and Dumb since 1870. Author of Imperfect and Pluperfect Subjunctive in the Roman Folk-Speech, American Journal of Philology, Vol. I., No. 3; Member Anthropological Soc, Washington; D.ante Soc, Boston. Harmon Dewey Follett, LL.B. O.N. Brainerd, Minn, Lawyer; and Judge of Probate. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1866. f James Henry Goodsell. 1. 1*. New York City. Editor and Managing Director of the Daily Graphic since 1873. City Editor Chicago TimeH, 1861-5, and Managing Editor, 1865-6; Asst. Managing Editor Chicago Tribune, 1867-8 ; Pres. Nat. Associated Press since 1878. Vice Pres. Crown Prince Mining Co. since 1880. Fellow Ain. Geographical Society. '^^'tCHARLES Morse Hunt, M.D. IW. Washington, D.C. Lieut. N. Y. Vols. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1S65. |David.Brainard Sturges. J. 6'. San Bernardino, Cal. Teacher. Edwin Fuller UiiL. J./7. Grand Rapids, Mich. Lawyer. Pres. Grand Rapids Nat. Bank. Prosecuting .-Vtty., AVashtennw Co., 1871-2. Sec. and Counsel, Detroit, Hillsdale, Indiana R.R., and Detroit, Eel River and 111. R.R., 1871-3. Receiver and Manager D. H. and I. R.R., 1873^. 1863. James Clement Ambrose, LL.B. -.A. Evanston, 111. Journalist and Magazine Writer. Register in Hankruptcv, Omalia, Neb., 1868-72. Staff Chicago Times, 1872-4; Associate Editor Chicago /'y.v<, 1S74-8. LL.B., Univ. of Midi., 1866. 300 Peninsular. LixcoLN TiBBALS Farr. O.A. Oakland, Cal. Mining Broker, Tucson, Ariz. Asst. Supt. Foreign Mails of Japan, 1874-80. William Smith Harroun, M.D. I.E. Chicago, 111. Cook Co. Phys., 1879. M.D., Georgetown Coll., 1865. A. A. Surg., U. S. A., 1865. * '^'-f Frank Hendricks. P.Z. Ypsilanti, Mich. Stephen Powers. T.l. Waterford, Oliio. Farmer. Special U. S. Commissioner for Indian Collections, 1875. Correspondent Cincinnati Commercial and IN'ew York Timf-i, 1864-75. Vice Pres. IJoard of Trustees, Beverly Coll., since 1881. Contributor to Overland, Lakeside, Atlantic, and Lippincott'x. Author of Muskingum Legends, 1871 ; Afoot and Alone, 1872 ; Tribes of California, Vol. IIT. of Powell's Contributions to American Ethnology. Member A. A. A. S. and Cal. Acad, of Sciences. *^^'tGEORGE Sherman. E.B. New York City. Insurance Actuary. Edward Reed Slawson, LL.B. E.f, Bay City, Mich. Lawyer. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1868. fCASPER Enoch Yost. A'. H. Omaha, Nel). Manager Omaha Republican since 1877. U. S. Marshal, Neb., 1865-9. Postmaster, Omaha, 1874-9. 1864. George Sumner Albee. 1\ f. Oshkosh, AVis. Pres. Wis. Slate Normal School since 1871. Prof. Natural Sciences, Rushford Acad., 1859-61; Prin. High School, Peoria, 111., 1861-5; at Kenosha, Wis., 1865-8; Supt. of Schools, Racine, Wis., """" "" t Levant William Barnh ART. I.IJ. St. Louis. Mo. Solicitor Southern and Adams Express Companies. 2d Lieut., Ist Lieut., Capt. 6tli Mich. Cavalry, 1862-3: Capt. and Asst. Adjt. Gen. of Volunteers on Staff Major Gen. G. A. Custer, 1864-5; Bvt. Major, Ist Lieut. 4th U. S. Cav., 1865-7. William Douglass Hitchcock. J.F:. Alpena, Mich. Postmaster of Alpena, 1867-77. f James Harvey Kidd. I.A. Ionia, Mich. Editor and Publisher, Ionia Daily and Weekly Sentinel. Register of Land Office at Ionia, 1867-79. Capt. 6th Mich. Cav., Maj., Col. and Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. A., 1861-5. ^*^f William Channing Moore. P. A. ]Medina, Mich. Capt. 1st and 18th Mich. Inf., U. S. A., 1S61-4. f Henry Kirk Ro^vTLEY. F/.K. Topeka, Kan. Druggist. Adjt. 18th Mich. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-4. IHenry Daniel Smith. f^.B. Appleton, Wis. Treas. and Gen. Manager Appleton Furnace Co., and Pres. National Furnace Co., De Pere, Wis. fJoHN Dempster Town. F.A. Grand Rapids, Mich. Pianist. f James Milton Wilkinson, LL.B. I.A. Marquette, Mich. Banker. Receiver of Public Monevs, U. S. Land Office, Marquette, Mich., since 1869. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1S64. Peninsular 301 1863 1871 1865. fllENRY Root Austin. /'.J. Momoe, Mich. Clerk Railway Mail Service New York and Chicago P. (). Private I81I1 Mich. Inf., U. S. A., fourteen months; Ist Lieut. 14th U. S. Colored Inf., sixteen months. Rev. Gabriel Campbell. J../. Brunswick, Me. Prof. Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Bowdoin Coll., since 1881. Vice Pres. and Prof. Mental and Moral Philosophy, Minn. Univ., 1867-80; Lecturer on Fine Arte and Comparative Philology, 1872-80. Editor The. CUizen, an educational and religious journal, 1874-5. Author of War Pictures, 1865; Xew German Course, 1867; Reminiscences of Europe, 1874; Future Retribution, 1877; Man and the Invisible liod, 1880. Orad. Chicago Thco. Sem., 1868. Member Philosophical Soc. of Berlin. Cant. 17th Mich. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-3. Charles Ashman Dudley. .7.6'. Des Moines, Iowa. Lawyer. Charles Morgan Goodsell. A.]\ New York City. Manager The Grapliic Co. fGEORGE William Harmon, r.0. Detroit, Mich. Dairy Farmer, Hamtramick, Mich. Ist Lieut. 17th Mich. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-5. ^fSAMUEL Russell McLean. ^'.J. Greenville, Ky. Delos Phillips. J. /7. Kalamazoo, Mich. Manufacturer of Pianos and Organs. State Senator of Mich., 1868-9. Presidential Elector and Messenger to Washington, 1876. Supervisor Kalamazoo Township, 1881. Author of War Glimpses (1877), and other lectures and addresses. Private, 2d .ind 1st Lieut., Capt. 17th Mich., U. 8. A., 1862-4; Lieut. Col. 28th Mich., 1864. fALFRED Nathan Smith. J. T. Adrian, Mich. Sergt. 18th Mich. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-3. Died in the serWce, Jime 24, 1S63. tRev. Samuel Vincent. I.Z. Southport, Lancashire, Eng. Clergyman, Baptist. Charles Gilmore Williams. A'. I. Chicago, 111. 1 866. Fred Walter Becker. A'. T. Chicago, 111. ■ Lawyer. ^ Eleazer Darrow. J.J, Ann Arbor, Mich. Prin. High School, Monroe, Mich., 1806-7; Prof, (ireek and Latin, Mich. Normal School, 1868-71. Oliver Partridge Dickinson. /■:.!'. Chicago, 111. Fire Insurance Agent. Emory Levi Grant, ^f.^^. Kenoslia, Wis. Lumber Merchant. t James Thompson Larmouth. T.J. Jiuncstown, N. Y. Petroleum Producer. Prin. Union School, Sandy Creek, N. Y., 1864-5. Joseph Very Quarles. //.A'. Kenosha, Wis. Lawyer. Dist. Atty. Kenosha Co. Mayor, Kenosha, 1876. Member State Assembly , 1879; State Senator, 1880-1. let Lieut. 39th Wis. Inf., U. 8. A. 302 Peninsular. Edgar Rexford. J. W. Ypsilanti, Mich. Merchant. Member Mich. State Board of Education since 1874, and of Board of Control, State Normal School, since 1875. fFRED Julian Simmons. J. A'. Detroit, Mich. Grain Commission Merchant. Rev. AViLLiAM Wallace Washburn. A.V. Detroit, Mich. Presiding Elder. Detroit Dist. of M. E. Church, since 1880. Trustee Northwestern Univ. since 1875; Supt. Public Schools, Adrian, Mich., 1866-7; Pres. Minn. Stale Univ., 1867-9. George Snow White. F.A'. Jackson, ]\Iich. Prin. High School since 1868; at Ypsilanti, 1866-7; Northville, 1867-8. Ist Lieut. 1st Mich. Cav., 1862-5. 1867. *^®'^f Moses Talleyrand DeWitt. I'/JP. Chicago, 111. Prin. Public Schools, Blue Island, 111., 1867-73. Lieut. 40th Wis. Inf., U. S. A., 1864. t George Fairchild Edwards. T.A'. Mies, Mich. Lawyer. Director Public Schools since 1874; Supt. Public Schools, Niles, 1869-71 ; Prin. High School, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1865-6 and 1868-9; of AVest Side High School, Cleve- land, Ohio, 1871-2. Member State Board of Education since 1879. Member Mich. Legis- lature, 1877. *'*^-|- Schuyler Hodges Williams. E.E. Owosso, Mich. fGEORGE Bliss Woodman, r.l. Philadelphia, Pa. Wholesale Grocer. 1868. *^^^ James Hayden Chapin. M.V. Detroit, IMich. Editorial Staff Detroit Free Press. Henry Rogers Durkee. 0.0'. St. Louis, Mo. Pig Iron Commission Merchant. M.E., Univ. of Mich., 1868. John Charles Freeman. P.B. Madison, Wis. Prof. English Literature, Univ. of Wis., since 1S79. Grad. Union Theo. Sem.. Chicago, 1872. LL.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1880. Tutor Greek, Univ. of Chicago, 1868-71; Asso- ciate Prof. Ancient Languages, 1871-4; Prof. Latin, 1874-8; Rhetoric and History, 1878-9. Author of editions of Xenophou's Memorabilia, 1872; Timon ofLucian. Member Wis. Hist. Soc. and Wis. Acad, of Sciences, Art and Letters. Private 27th and 168th N. Y. Inf., Capt. IstN". Y. Cav., Inspector Gen. let Cav. Brii?., Dept. of W. Va., U. S. A., 1862-5. *i868 jjoselle Nichols Jenne. 0. ¥. Keokuk, Iowa. Henry William Lord, Jr. A.0. Detroit, Mich. Manufacturer. Frank Henry Lyman, tl.l. Kenosha, Wis. Merchant. Corp. 39th Wis. Inf., U. S. A., 1864. Albert Henderson Pattengill. T.J. Ann Arbor, Mich. AsBt. Prof. Greek, Univ. of Mich., since 1870; Prin. Ann Arbor High School, 1868-9. t Charles QuARLES. P.K. Kenosha, Wis. Lawyer. Pe?i insular. 303 1869. William Johnson Cocker. ./. /. Adrian, Mich. Sunt. Public Schools since 1880; Prin. Adrian High School, 1869-79. Author Ha.i.i Book of Punctuation, 1878 ; Civil Government of MichiLtan, 1880. William Cokwin Johns, LL.B. 1.0'. Decatur, 111. Lawyer. State Atty., Macon Co., 111. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1870. Private 145th 111. Inf., U. S. A., 1862. f Edwin Taylor. I. A. Wyandotte, Kan. Farmer. P. O. Address, Armstrong, Kan. t Stanley Waterloo. E. T. St. Louis, Mo. Editor and Publisher St. Louis Evening Chronicle, since 1880. Reporter Chicago Tribune, Times and Pout; Asst. Editor Wis. Spectator; Editor Amei-ican Builder; Staff St. Louis Journal; City Editor St. Louis /?ep«6;ican, 1869-80. fWiLLiAM Henry ^ells. E'.F. Philadelphia, Pa. Editorial Staff Philadelphia Ttem. Circuit Court Commissioner of Livingston t;o., Mich., 1869-73. 'I'own Clerk, Howell, Mich., 1866-72. 1870. Oscar James Campbell, LL.B. 2'./. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. Paymaster's Clerk, Washington, 1863-5. Instructor in Mathematics, Ann Arbor, Mich., High School, 1870-1. Deputy Clerk of Court, Cleveland, 1873-4. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1872. William Rufus Day. /. /. Canton, Ohio. Lawyer. Robert Newton Fearon. 0.(P. East Liverpool, Ohio. Supt. Schools. Prin. High School, Minneapolis, Minn.; Supt. Schools, Ionia, Mich. Edwin Fleming. (I>.J. Washington, D. C. W^ashington Correspondent N. Y. Journal of Commerce, Detroit /'»r«Pr<'*.sBuffiilo Courier, Missouri Republican, since 1874. Editor Kalamazoo, Mich., lelegraph, 18il, Jackson, Mich.. Citizen, 1872. Owen Edgar LeFevre. E. W. Denver, Colo. Corporation Lawyer. Private 184th Ohio Inf., U. S. A., eight months. Ph.H.. Univ. ■ of Mich.. 1870. John Scott Maltman, LL.B. I. T. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1871. Ist Lieut. 17th Mich. Inf., U. S. A., 1863-6. Alfred Noble. A. J. Sault de St. Marie, INIich. Civil Engineer. Member Am. Soc. Civil Engineers. Sergt. 24th Mich. Inf., U. S A., 1862-5. RuFUS HiLDRETH Thayer, LL.B. r. E. Washington, D. C. Lawyer and Law Clerk, oflice of Supervising Architect U. S. Treasury Department. LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1873. James Fisher Tweedy, (fi.^). New York City. Banker, Twccdj", Imbrio & Co. 3 ©4 Pe n insu la r. 1871. fFRANK Arthur Crittendex. }*.([>. Evanston, 111. Commission Merchant, Chicago, 111. "*"tRev. Frank Brown Gilbert. B. ¥. Cairo, 111. f Giles J Holbrook. H.X. Jersey City, N.J. Proprietary Roofing. Prin. Union School, Brighton, Mich., 1869-70. Harry Burns Hutchins. A. A. Mt. Clemens, Mich. I>awyer. Supt. Schools, Owosso, Mich., 1871-2; Instructor in Rhetoric and History, I'niv. of Mich., 1872-3; Asst. Prof., 1873-6. Ph.B., Univ. of Mich., 1871, Henry Watson Montrose. A'.Fl. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Staff Detroit Advertiser and Tribune, 1871-3. jIsAAC Harwood Pedrick, LL.B. 2. J. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1870. Horace Phillips. iL-. Grand Haven, Mich. Bupt. Schools since 1877 ; Supt. Schools, St. Clair, Mich., 1874-7. RuFUS Emerson Phinney. J'. J. Monroe, Mich. Lawyer. Judge of Probate since 1876. Prin. High School, Flint, Mich., 1872-4; Supt. Public Schools, Monroe, 1875-6. fFREDERic Julius Picard. J. 77. Hillsborough, Ohio. Engineer and Supt. of Columbus & Maysville K.R. Lieut. Col. 13th Inf., Ohio N. G., since 1878. James Avery Satterlee Warden. ./. Y'. Frankfort, Kan. Banker. Charles Melvin Wilkinson. //. 7'. Detroit, ]\lich. Lawyer. 1872. Edgar Arthur Cooley. F'.O. Bay City, Mich. Lawyer. Author of Mich. Digest, 1872. Frederick Lyman Geddes. F. 6. Toledo, Ohio. Lawyer. Author of Compilation of Collection Laws of Ohio, 1876, 1878 and 1881. William James Herdman, M.D. A'. J. Ann Arbor, Mich. Asst. Prof. Anatomy, Univ. of Mich. Ph.B., Univ. of Mich., 1872; M.D., 1875. Private Co. A 198th Ohio Inf., U. 8. A., one year. Joseph Maodonald McGrath. A. T. Corunna, Mich. Lawyer. Supt. of Schools, Greenville, Fenton, and Corunna, Mich. Samuel George Milner. A.I. Grand Rapids, Mich. Prin. Union School since 1872. Edward Waldo Pendleton. J.(I>. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Supt. Public Schools, Owosso, Mich., 1872-3; Instructor Classics, Detroit High School, 1874-6. Peninsular. 305 DwiGiiT Carveii Rexfouu, LL.U. ( Detroit, Midi. Lawyer. LL.B., Univ. of Mich , 1874. "«*' Charles King Turner, LL.B. H' .\. Kalniiiazoo, Mid.. Lawyer. LL.B., Uuiv. of Mich., 1873. George Philemon VooRHEis, LL.B. ILH. Port Huron, Mich. Lawyer. Clerk Judieiarv Committee Mich. House of Ueprescntatives, 1873; Clerk of Atty. Gen. Mich., 1874. LL.ii., Univ. of Mich., 1874. 1873. Horace Greeley Burt. E.V. Tama City, Iowa. Civil Engineer. Henry Reed Cocker. E.A. St. Paul, Minn. Of Northwest Fuel and Iron Co. '*^' Edavin Jacob Ferdon. iLU. Detroit, Mich. Wholesale Lumber Merchant. Died November, 1881. Rltus Fleming. 0.\. Cincinnati, Ohio. Associate Editor Cincinnati Times-Star. Elias Durfee Galloway. T.P. Howell, ^Nlich. Wholesale Lumber Merchant, Big Rapids, Mich. Charles Butler Keeler, LL.B. P. W. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lawyer. LL.B., Union Coll. of I^iw, 1875. Charles Edward King. A'. A. Ypsilanti, Midi. Grocer. JuDSON Gregory PattengIll. Wli. Ann Arbor, Mich. Priu. High School since 1876. Tutor Ancient Languages, Denison Univ., Ohio, 1873-4 ; Prin. High School, Pontiac, Micb., 1874-6. Harry Otk Perley, M.D. ./.J. Fort Assinaboine, M. T. Asst. Surgeon, U. 8. A., since 1876. M.D., Detroit Medical Coll., 1876. Address, Care War Department, Washington, D.C. William Brown Williams, LL.B. .'/. 7'. Lapeer, Mich. Lawyer. Prin. High School, Lapeer, 1873-5. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1877. Charles Scotto Wilson. ./.2'. Denver, Colo. Lawyer. Author of Patent Laws and Amendments Proposed, Chicago Legal Keicx. January, 1879 ; Manual of Mining Laws for Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. 1874. Louis Ross Fiske, Jr. A.M. Black Kivcr, Midi. Bookkeeper. Lyman Decatur Follett. A. /'. Grand Rapids, Mich. Lawyer. Circuit Court Commissioner, Kent Co., since 1881. 20 3o6 Penirisular. Charles Marshall Lungrex. RJ. Yonkers, N. Y. Staff Popular Science Monthly and Am. Cyclopaedia, Xew York City. C.E., Univ. ofMich., 1S74. Dox Aloxzo Matthews. N.I. St. Paul, Minn. Whole-sale Druggist. Henry Wade Eogers. T.A. ^Minneapolis, ]\Iinn. Lawyer. Master Scientific Department Heathcofe School, Buffalo, N. Y., 1874-6. Author of Illinois Citations, 1881; contributor to law journals and to the Princeton Revietc. Temporary address, Pennington, N. J. WiLBERT Wesley Smith. E. W. Big Rapids, Mich. Wholesale Lumber Merchant. James Dickixson Warxer. J. 6. Silver City, N. M. Merchant, Miner and Real Estate Operator. 1875- Charles Alexaxder Clark. E. W. Colorado Springs, Colo. Paymaster Denver and Rio Grande R.R. * '^' James Clemext Eatox. E.0. Tecumseh, Mich. Civil Engineer. C.E., Univ. of Mich., 1875. EuGEXE Ralph Hutchixs, LL.B. ]*../. Owosso, Mich. Lawyer. Trustee Union School. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1878. Edwix Forrest Laible. 0.J. Detroit, Mich. Bookkeeper. Horace Aloxzo Jaques Uph AM. .F./i. Milwaukee, Wis. Lawyer; lirm of Wells, Brigham and Uphara. 1876. Edjiuxd Drixax Barry. N.E. Grand Rapids, ]Mich. Supf. of Schools since 1S77. Prin. Tliiih School, Port Huron, Mich., 187C-7. Admitted to Bar, 1880. Charles A Blair. B'.A. Jackson, ISIich. Lawyer. Clarexce Shepard Browx. P.\. Milwaukee, Wis. Lawyer. ^Frederick Rice Bl-ell. /. T. Buffiilo, N. Y. Deputy Collector U."S. Internal Revenue since 1878. Fred Lee Formax. E.Z. Harvard, Xcb. Prin. Public Schools. James Keeler Ilsley. ./.'/'. Milwaukee, Wis. Banker; linn of Marshall and Ilslej'. JoHx Hexry Reynolds, LL.B. O.I. Patcrson, X. J. Law3cr. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1878. Peninsular. 3*^7 AI.BEKT Clarke Stevens. 'WA. New York City. Staff, BrudstreeVs. ^ , -, ^ ., • Charles (Lbe) Van Pelt, M.D. II'. V- Toled,,, Oluo. M.D., UuffaloUuiv., 1878. 1877. William Cakpenter, LL.B. MJK ISluskogon, Mich. Lawyer. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1880. » >«^' Ogden Winner Ferdon. K. M. Ann Arbor, Mich. Lawyer. Died March 9, 1881. *^«^^ William Barton Ferris. M.^- Buffalo, N. Y. Lumber Merchant. Died November 19. 1879. Carlton Frederick, M.D. N.J. Buffalo N.T. Thomas Martin Hunter. M.F. Adrian, Mich. 0"* ., L».we. CO. .,.ce «... |<.>.^ Teeu™*, Mick., K.i.<» F<,«, «.c«^. 1875, and Assoc. Editor Adrian Ttmea, 1876-80. Ortive E Latham, M.D. E. T. Washington, D. C. Physician. Supt. of Schools, Monroeville, Ohio, 1877-80. MiLO Lewis. O.E. Greenville, INIich. Lawyer. tvt- I *^««'t James Alonzo Stacy, LL.B. EJL Adrian, Mich ^ CUy Atty., Adrian, 1878-80, and Mayor, 1880-1. LL.B.. Univ. of Mich., 187. April 9, 1881. . Tv^. 1 tFREDERicK Kimball Stearns. EJ^. Detroit, Mich. Supt. Stearns' Laboratory. A r- 1 t\BRAM Mills Stephenson, M.D. /V.T. Adrian, Mich ^student of Medicine abroad. City Physician. Adrian. 1879. M.D.. Detroit Med. Col.., 1875. 1878. William Henry Butts. M.J. Orchard Lake, Mich. Prof. Greek and Mathematics, Mich. Military Acad., since 1879. William Claflin Johnson. /.J. Detroit, ^Iich. Manufacturing Pharmacist. Harry Pierce Myrick. /^ A- Ann Arbor, Mich. Editor Ann Arbor .Re George Byron Brand. FJ. T. Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. Died February 10, 1S71. ,> j XT V Rev. Andrew Longyear Freeman. W.A. Mumfoi-d, N. Y Pastor.Baptist. Grad.RocheBterTheo.8em 1854 Pa^tor^^ Ann Avbo>^ Mich 1869; Bep^B>t N^_Y., 1S^61^, ^g's'-o .rMumford, N. Y. Supt. Pubhe Conn., 1864-(3, 1 ennciu, i>. i., ^^ , Schools, Southington, Conn., 1868-7^. AT T Rev William DuNLOP Hedden. ./. T. East Orange, N. J. Clouds, 1877. Grad. Rochester llieo.bem.,lS&^. u-^ , ••« James EnMUNDS Spencer, ff.l. li<"=''f '^'•:„ f •J-„,„.. „„, November, 1880. ^l6 Rochestei'. 1852. ^^.^ Stephen Haskins Carpenter. F' .X. Madison, Wis. Tutor Uni%^ of Wis., 1852^; Asst. Supt. Public Instruction, Wis., 1858-60; Prof. 8t. Paul Coll., Mo., 1860-1 ; Prof. Univ. of Wis., 1868-78. Author of English in the Fourteenth Century; An Introduction to the Study of Anglo-Saxon, etc. LL.D., Univ. of Rochester, 1871. Died at Geneva, N. Y., December 6, 1878. ^^^ Rev. George Sheppard Chace. F.B. Middletown, Conn. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1854. Pastor, 1856-71. Died at New Bedford, Mass., June 27, 1871. ^^ James Manning Savage. A. W. Waynesborough, Ga. Prin. Waynesborough, Ga., Acad., 1852-4. Lawyer, 1854-61. Died, C. S. A., 1864. Eev. James Vanpelt Schofield. A'.S. St. Louis, Mo. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 18-54. Pastor since 1854; at St. Louis since 1876. Editor Mo. Dept. Cathcart's Am. Bapt. Encyclopaedia. D.D., Lagrange Coll., Mo., 1880; Univ. of Chicago, 1880. Rev. John Byington Smith. N.A. Olean, N. Y. Pastor Baptist Church since 1881. Chaplain Sing Sing Prison, iST. Y., 1866-9. Author of Prison Hymn Book, 1867; Children's Savings, 1873, etc. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1854. D.D.; Univ. of Chicago, 1873. Rev. Syl VENUS Adon Taft. E. P. Santa Rosa, Cal. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1854, and Pastor at Santa Rosa since 1879. Pres. Coll. of California, 1877-9. Author of An Epitome of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. D.D., La Grange Coll., Mo., 1876. Simon Perry Webster. I.I. Lockport, N. Y. Lawyer. 2d Lieut. 8th]Sr.Y. Heavy Art., U. S. A., 1862-4; 1st Lieut., 1864; Capt., 1864-5. 1853. f James Wallace Christopher. I.N. New York City. Lawyer. ^ Rev. Edgar Johnson Goodspeed. A.Q. Columbia, S. C. Pres. Benedict. Inst., Columbia, S. C, 1879-81. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1856. Pastor, Poughkeepsie, IST. Y., 1856-8; Janesville, Wis., 1858-65; Chicago, 1865-76; Syracuse, N.Y., 1877-9. Trustee Univ. of Chicago, 1866-76 ; Union Bapt. Theo. Sem., 1867-76. Author of The Great Fires in Chicago and the West; History of the Centennial; Career of Moody andSankey; Life of Jesus; Lives of the Apostles. D.D., Rochester, 1863. Died at Co- lumbia, June, 1881. Edwin Oren Sage. A.A.K. Rochester, N. Y. Pancost, Sage & Morse, Boot and Shoe Manufacturers. Trustee Univ. of Rochester, 1867. 1854. Joseph Mead Bailey. FI.A. Freeport, 111. Lawyer. Member 111. Legislature, 1866-70; Presidential Elector, 1876; Judge Circuit Courtof 111., 13th Circuit, 1877; Judge Appellate Court of 111., 1st Dist., 1878. Trustee Univ. of Chicago since 1878. LL.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1879 ; Rochester, 1879. Robert Hughes Fenn. Z'.I. Rochester, N. Y. Litterateur and Inventor. Blind since 1853. Rochester. 3 1 7 Norman Robinson. l\l. Louisville, Ky. A88t. Editor WeHtern Recorder since 1873. Editor and Proprietor, 1856-8 ; Asst. Editor New York Chronicle, 1860-2. Prof. Bethel Coll., 1858-60; Prin. Holyoke Acad., Loui«- ville, since 1868. fHoYES Lloyd Snowdon. A'. II. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Lawyer. Henry Strong, LL.B. E.I. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Pros. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R.R., 1873-7. Trustee Univ. of Chicago, 1877-81. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1856; LL.D., Univ. of Iowa, 1877. 1855- ^^^ Rev. Milton Adams Brown. J.J. Palmyra, N. Y. Grad. Auburn Theo. Sem., 1858. Chaplain, Auburn, N. Y., State Prison, 1858. Died at Woodstock, N. Y., August 9, 1858. Sylvenus Adon Ellis. E.I\ Rochester, N. Y. Teacher, Western N. Y. Inst, for Deaf Mutes, Rochester, since 1878. Supt. Public Schools, 1869-75. Rev. William Thomas Fagan. A'.E. Amsterdam, N. Y. Baptist Clergyman. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1858. Manton (M alone) Marble. N.O'. New York City. Retired Journalist. Asst. Editor Boston t/owr/ia;, 1850-7 ;_Editor Boston Traveller, 3-8; Asst. Editor New York JFeerein^ Po?<, 18.58-9; I 1860-2 ; Editor and Proprietor New York World, 1862-76. 1856-8: Asst. Editor New York Evening Po.?<, 18.58-9 ; Asst. Editor New York World, - ->rk- 1856. fBERNARD Montgomery Dewey, M.D. A.F. Nashua, Iowa. Acting Surgeon U. S. A., Brown General Hospital, Louisville, Ky. Author of Special Hygiene and Medicine for Parents; Kitchen and Dining Room Hygiene and Etiquette. fAzRO Dyer, LL.B. J.N. Evans ville, Ind. Judge Superior Court, V.anderburgh Co., Ind., since 1877. LL.B., Louisville Law School, 1858; A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1856. f Rev. Leonard Zenas Ferris. H'.B. Rockland, Mass. Pastor Congreeational Church since 1880. Prin. Wreutham, Gloucester and Plymonlh, Mass., High Schools. A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 18.56. Edmund Lewis Joy. A'..^'. Newark, N. J. Curer of Provisions. Member N. J. Legislature, 1871-2. Pros. Newark Board of Trade, 1875-6. Capt. 36th Iowa Inf., U. S. A., 1862. Judge Advocate 7th Army Corps and Dept. of the Arkansas, 1864. '^fWiLLiAM Ludernay Merriss. A.S. Homer, N. Y. Died at Rochester, 1854. '^f William Henry Moore, F/.H. Rochester, N. Y. Died at Rochester, December, 1852. •^^t Henry Walworth Smith. ./'./'. New York City, f Ira Damon Van DuzEE. K'.M. Iloneoye Fall.<. X. Y. 31' ] Rochester, 1857- Isaac Esleeck Sheldon. A. A'. New York City. Bookseller and Publisber, Sheldon & Co. 1858. WiLLARD Abbott. /. 0. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cashier Consolidated Coal and Mining Co. Capt. 13th N. Y. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-3; 140th, 1S63-5; Major 140th, 1865. fRev. George Sayles Bishop. V.B. East Orange, N. J. Pastor First Reformed Church since 187.5. Editor of the Sower nnd Gospel Field, 1877-8. Author of The Doctrine of Grace; Exhibition of Reformed Trinciples; Alleged Con- tradictions of the Bible : Shut Up to Eaith, etc. D.D., Rutgers Coll., 1877 ; A.B., Amherst • • Coll., 1858. Rev. Cephas Bennett Crane. //'./. Boston, Mass. Pastor First Baptist Church since 1878; Hartford, Conn., 1860-78. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1860. Trustee Conn. Literary Assoc, 1861-78; Newton Theo. Sem. since 1879. Member E.t;ecutive Committee Am. Bapt. Missionary Union since 1878. D.D., Rochester, 1868. William Osborn Stoddard. A.I. New York City. Author and Journalist. Sec. of President Lincoln, 1861-4. Grand Cor. Sec. Union Leacrue of America, 1862-3. U. S. Marshal, Ark., 1864-6. Chief Clerk Eng. Bureau Depl.. of Docks, New York City, 1S73-5. Sec. Tehuantepec R.R. Co., 1869-72; Sec. Am. Atlantic Cable Co., 18ti7-80. Asst. Editor N. Y. Kraminer and Chronicle, 1869-79. Author of Scandaroon, 1869; Verses of Many Days, 1875: The Heart of It, 1880; Dab Kinzer, 1881 ; The Quartette, and Elan Harding, 1881. Private 3d Bat. D. C. Vol., U. S. A.. 1861. fMYRON Hopkins Strong. M.I\ Yonkers, N. Y. Gas Chemist and Engineer. Pres. Am. Gas Light and Fuel Co., N. Y., and Managing Director of Strong Gas, Fuel and Light Co., N. Y., since 1879. 1859. Rev. John Caldwell Calhoun Clarke. A'. I. Upper Alton, 111. Prof Greek, Shurtleff Coll., since 1875; Univ. of Chicago, 186.5-6; Sacred Languages and Exegesis, Union Bapt. Theo. Sem., Chicago, 1866-7. Author of Plato and Platomsm, Bapt. Qunrterlii Review, Jan., 1867; Platonism and Early Christianity, July, 1867; Ihe Pioneer B.aptist Statesman, 1876; History in Alphabet, Bibliotheca Sacra, April, 1874. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1861. '' Oscar Folsom. P.I. Buffalo, N. Y. Lawyer. Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty.,' 1867-70. Died July 23, 1S75. fWiLLiAM Henry Goddard. E'.N. Sioux Falls, Dak. Farmer. A. B., Amherst Coll., 1859. Rev. John Herbert Griffith. l.Q. Troy, N. Y. Pastor, B.iptist, at Troy since 1878; Detroit, 1861-7; Galesburg, 111., 1867-73; Milwaukee, 1873-8. Trustee Chicago Univ. D.D., Knox Coll., 111., 1873. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1861. Francis Allen Macomber. F'.A. Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. Judge Supreme Court, 7th Dist., N. Y., since 1879. Trustee Univ. of Rochester since 1871. Rochester. 3i9 AuTiiuK RvKEu Katiibone. F'.IL Oakfiokl,N. Y. Hardware Mc.rcbant_.n«^^' Alonzo Tru^ian Mason. MJ\ Greenwich, N.Y. Lawyer. 1st Lieut. 123d N. Y. Inf., U. B. A., 1862-3; Gapt., 1863-^.; Bvt. Maj.. 1S65. Died April 7, 1872. Walter Burritt Moore. 7'.]'. East Aurora, N. i . Farmer. Asst. Editor and Business Mana.ey>f -Hie History and Vj^ ^^^^ Otis Hall Robinson. O.A. Rochester, N.Y^ Librarian since 1868, and Prof. MathemaUcs since ^sC9rniv^o^^ Ubrarir.n, 1^66-8; 186^9 A^^^^^^^^ /,3. ^d. Sci. 1869 and 1877 ; in Government Report on L,iDraric8, lo.o, li^. 320 Rochester. Eev. Augustus Chesterman Shaw. ./.:V. Fulton, N. Y. Pastor, Presbyterian, at Fulton, since 1870; Clavville, N.Y., 1865-70. Grad. Auburn Theo. Sem., 1864. D.D., Franklin Coll., 1877. 1862. George Albert Allin. P.H. Brooklyn, X. Y. Merchant, Xew York City. *'*^'tJoHN HuRRELL Brookixg. N.P. Dundas, Ontario, Can. Lawyer. Died at Santa Clara, Cal., 1867. fCHARLES Gould Clark, M.D. A. P. Troy, N. Y. School Commissioner, 1872-8. Alderman, 1880. Prin. Waterford Public Schools, 1864-5. A.B., Union Univ., 1863. M.D. , Bellevue Hosp. Med Coll., 1866. Rev. Elias Henry Johnson. N.l. Providence, R.I. Pastor Baptist Church, Providence, since 1875. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1871. D.D., Univ. of Rochester, 1878. William James Leonard. J'../. Plainfield, N. J. Assoc. Ed. Denver, Col., Tribune, 1872; Ed. Chicagt) Illustrated Journal, 1872-3; Editor and Publisher Central N.J. Times since 1875. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1865. Pastor, Evanstown, 111., 1865-8. * '*^ Edwin Henry Pancost. /. T. Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. Died at Santa Clara, Cal., January 15, 1865. *'«^ John Henry West. N.Q'. Williamsburg, N. Y. Lawyer. Died at St. Paul, Minn., December 5, 1868. 1863. MoREAU Stephen Crosby. A.I'. Grand Rapids, Mich. Insurance, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Lieut. Gov. Mich., 1881-3. Member Mich. State Senate, 1873-5; Mich. State Board Charities, 1875-81. Trustee Kalamazoo Coll., 1871-S. Pres. State Y. M. C. A., 1871 and 1878. f Wesley Crouch. F/. T. Rochester, X. Y. Hotel Proprietor. Rev. Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed. A. 12. Morgan Park, 111. Financial Sec. Bapt. Union Theo. Sem. since 1876. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1866. Pastor at Chicago and Quincy, 111., until 1876. D.D., Univ. of Chicago, 1881. Edward Henry Pierce, LL.B. P.l'. Newton, Mass. Lawyer, Boston. Member Mass. Legislature, 1868. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1864. f John Forbes Tryon. F/.B. Dowagiac, Mich. Lawyer. fD avid Wing. F'..\\ Rochester, N. Y. Wholesale Fruit Dealer. Rochester. 321 1864. Trumax Jay Backus. A.l'J. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Prof. Euglish Literature, Vaesar Coll., since 1868. Author of A Manual of Engligli Literature, 1872 and 1881. Asst. Sec. Am. Bai)t. Home Mission Soc., 1867-8. Studied Kocbester Tlieo. Sera., 1864-5. Henry Clay Bosley. E'.Ii. Bradford, Pa. Supt. Bradford Schools. Oil Producer and Broker, Bradford, Pa., 1879-80; Titusvillc, 1869-79. Teacher Central Scliool, Buffalo, N. Y., 1865-9. George Fraxcis Davis. FJ . T. Cincinnati, Ohio. Pork Packer. William Henry Dickinson. F/.^. Chester, Pa. Lawyer. Leonard Jarvis Gaylord. A.N. Rochester, N. Y. Kctired, from ill health. Bookkeeper. Rev. AYiLLiAM Potts Hellings. I'/.S. Lockport, N. Y. Pastor Baptist Church at Lockport since 1877; Scrauton, Pa., 1870-1 ; Gennantown, 1867-70. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1867. George P Ludlam. II. 0. New York City. Supt. K. Y. Hospital. Milton Grosvenor Potter, M.D. 0.^. Buffalo, N.Y. Prof. Anatomy and of Faculty, Buffalo Medical Coll., 1873-8. M.D., Buffalo Univ., 1867. Died January 28, 1878. Albert Judson Taylor. l\J. St. Paul, Minn. Commission Merchant in New York, and Iron Furnace, St. Paul, Minn. Died at Brook- lyn, N. Y., May 5, 1870. 1865. f James Lord Bishop, LL.B. I.D. New York City. Lawyer. Author of Bishop On Insolvent Dehtors ; edited Third Edition BuiTill On Assignments. A.B., Amherst Coll., 1865; LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1SG9. fJosiAH Hooker Bissell. A.M. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Reporter U. S. Courts, Seventh Circuit. A.B., Yale Coll., 1865. Ja3ies Reuben Doolittle. I. A. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Charles Ja:mes Glass. I\ Y'. Syracuse, X. Y. Merchant Miller. Joseph Holcomb SiiErPAiiD. //./. Camden, N. J. Merchant. f Charles DuFFiELD Wrenn. A.I'. Middletown, Ohio. Paper Manufacturer. 21 322 Rochester. 1866. Rev. Albert CoiT. P.P. Wellsville, N. Y. Pastor, Baptist, since 1870. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sera., 18G9. James Franklin Keeney. I. A. Wa Keeney, Kan. Real Estate Dealer, Chicago, 111. Member Kan. Board of Agriculture; Kan. Legisla- ture, 1880-1. Pres. Western National Fair, 18S0. Rev. Alon2o Ketcham Parker. Z.E. Chicago, 111. Pastor Centennial Baptist Church since 1879. Grad. Rochester Thco. Sem., 1870. fAMANDON Manly Piersons. M.D. A. A. New York City. M.D.,New York Homosopathic Med. Coll., 1803. Author of articles in Med. Times, etc. •j-OscAR Frederic Thomas, M.D. P.B. Lawton, Mich. Rev. Adam Henry Todd. E'.ii. Greene, N. Y. Pastor, Baptist, since 1S81; at Tioga Center, 1879-81. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1869. 1867. ' WiLLARD Parker Bissell. //./'. Richmond, Va. Nurseryman. Died at Rochester, N. Y., 1878. James Edward Cheney, Jr. I.B. Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. Edward Taylor Hunt. P.P. New York City. Not engaged in active business. Eugene HuDNUT Satterlee, LL.B. A^}'. Rochester, N.Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1872. Studied law at Heidelberg, Berlin and Paris, 1868-70. fWiLLiAM Henry Stelle. PJ.A. Stelton, N. J. ^fHoRACE Lapham Strong. P'.d). La Grange, N. Y. Teacher. Died November, 1873. 1868. Frank Sumner Capen. K.A. Cortland, N. Y. Prof. Mathematics, Cortland State Normal School, since 1869. Prof. Languages, James- town, N. Y., Inst., 1868-9. Private 75th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 18G5. fONCKEN WiLLARD CoLE. E.A. Carmcl, N. Y. Teller Puluam Co. National Bank. William Henry Davis. E'.Q. Cincinnati, Ohio. Commission Merchant. Private, Corp. .and Sergt. Co. K 83d Ohio Inf., U. 8. A. Frank Huntington. K.P. New York City. AssooLate Editor Appleton's Annual Encyclopajdia since 1S7J; Johnson's Encyclo- paedia, 1872-5. In Europe, 1869-72. Rev. Henry TiiADDEUS Miller. E'.^. Chicago, 111. Pastor Sixth Presbyterian Church, Chicago, since 1875; Victor and Medina, N". Y., 1871-4. Grad. Auburn Theo. Sem., 187i. Rochester. 3^3 WiiLiAM J\MES Milne. I'J.M. Geneseo, N. Y. j;;;;;';:;-;';;' L';!;.s":f Mathematical tLi Booke. Ph.D.. Umv. of KochcBter. 18.9, LL.D.. Ind!"Asbury Tuiv., 1880. AT V Willi \M Carey Morey. /^'.//. Rochestei-, JN. 1. ^^tU.andHi.ory.I..v.ofRc..e^.«^^^ Tssf ^.fL/;fut!"9tlfN''Y!M^:uT^^^^^^^^ 1«^^- Y- I^^^'^'^""^' lSt)4^rBvt!Wj.,Bvt.Coi., 1S65. Rev. JoiES Monroe Taylor. 2'.2'. Providence, R 1. settled over irou.U,Bap;UtChu.lj^^den«^^^^ 1869. Isaac Dubois Fowler. E' .l\ Lansing, Iowa. Druggist. AT V Edgar Pattison Glass. A/'', byracnse, N. Y. Lawyer. .^ Horace Fidelio Kendall. 7:'.:^. Syracuse, N. Y. Real Estate Agent. Alonzo Clayton Raymond. Z.\. Detroit, Mich. Grain Commission Merchant. Zachary Philo Taylor. ^M'- Cleveland, Ohio. LatyeT. afport Wayne. Ind., 1ST3-5. Teacher, a. Buffalo and Cleveland. 1869-73 and i76-8. 1870. HByron Winfield BUELL. ;V.r. Ro^^>'^^*^^*'f'J' ^, ,3-3 ^ Lawver, New York City. A.B., Harvard Univ., 18T1 ; LL.B., Columbia Coll., 18.3. DiedatSlt.Clair.N. J., Maylo. ISTo. ^ , Til Rev. John Kennedy Fo^vler. K.I. Rockford, 111. ialr. Presbyterian, at Rockford since 1878; at Caledonia. K. Y., 1873-S. Grad. Un.on Theo. Seni.. 1873. • i XT T Merrill Edwards Gates. LO' . New Brunswick, N J. Pros. Rutgers Col.,1882; Prin. fbany Ac^-.^:^- A^^^^ atory Scho jIs, 1873 ; Kndowme,,t o\;},?^'denu.s 18^6 Coi ks|^ ^^^^ Uarper'^, May, 1881. MiLO GiFFORD Kellogg. F.A. Chicago, 111. Supt. Manufacturing Dept. Western Electric Manufacturing Co. Charles Herbert Taylor. A.1. New York City. Banker and Stock Broker. 187I. Franklin Backus Bishop. AM. Rochester, N. Y. Banking, Monroe Co. Savings Bank. 324 Rochestei'. Henry Pendexter Emerson. hJ.l. Buffiilo, N. Y. Prof. Ancient Languages, Central High School, since 1874. Prin. Potsdam State Nor- mal School, 1S71-4. Author of pamphlet, Latin in High Schools. Walter Sage Hubbell. Eochester, X. Y. Lawyer since 1873. Teacher Alhany Acad., 1871-3. Eev. Robert Bruce Hull. E. 0. New York City. Pastor Tabernacle Baptist Church since 1877 ; Lockport, N. Y., 1874-7. Grad. Roches- ter Theo. Sem., 1874. 1872. Frank Sheldon Fosdick. K.P. Buffalo, N. Y. Prin. in Public School since 1873: Buftalo Classical School, 1872-3. t Solon Tenney French. N.F. Chicago, 111. Asst. Ticket Agent Gen. Passenger Station, C. & N. W. Ry. Prof. Colorado Coll., Colorado Springs, Colo., 1874-5. A.B., Amherst Coll., 1872. Rev. Isaiah Burroughs Hudnut. E'.P. Wilson, N. Y. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church since 1880. James Monroe Hudnut. E'..\. Ncav York City. Asst. Editor N. T. Bxaminer and Chronicle, 1S72-.5; Editor of the Publications of the N. Y. Life Ins. Co. since 1875. Author of The Bible Catechism, 1879. Private 129th N. Y. Inf. and Sth N. Y. Heavy Art., U. S. A., 1862-5. *''™ Rev. David Fay Stewart. E'.0. Hamilton, Minn. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1876. Died at Hamilton, October, 1879. * ^^^ Charles Mortimer Warren. A.M. Chicago, 111. Died at Colorado Springs, Colo., November, 1879. 1873- f James Edward Baker. 1.0. Chicago, 111. Rev. Frank Thompson Ellison. K.I. Charlotte, N. Y. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church since 1881 . Rev. Ebexezer Warren Hunt. E'. A. Fall River, INIass. Pastor Second Baptist Church since 1880. Grad. Newton Theo. Sem., 1880. Lawyer, Syracuse, N. Y., 1875-7. As AHEL Wellington Norton. E'.-. Elmira, N. Y. Prin. Grammar School since 1877. George Daniel Olds. E/.i}. Holley, N. Y. Studying Heidelberg, Gennany, since 1879. Prof. French and Asst. Prof. Greek, Albany Acad., 1873-9. f Clifford Wals WORTH Parsons. E'.\. Detroit, Mich. Commercial Traveller, D. M. Ferry & Co. t George Francis Yeoman. E'.E. Rochester, N. Y. Lawj'er. Rochester'. 325 1874. Rev. John Qi^incy Adainis. I'.'.V. Boulder, Colo. Pastor, Presbyterian, since 1881 ; at Mexico, N". Y., 1877-8 ; at Evansville, Iiid., 1878-81 . Qrad. Auburn Theo. Seni., 18.77. fLEvi Jesse Putnam Bishop. E'.l'. Clevelaml, Ohio. Lawyer; firm Adams & Bishop. tCHARLES Albert Capwell. AA\ Dallas, Tex. Music Dealer and General Merchant. Rev. RuTGER Dox. E.N. Corning, N. Y. Pastor Baptist Church since 1881; Ransomville, N. Y., 1877-81. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1877. '*''"f Eugene Sanford Loomis. I'J A. Potsdam, N. Y. Prof. Potsdam State Normal School. Died January, 1870. f George Herbert Raymond. E' . T. Brockport, N. Y. Commission Merchant. Ralph Waldo Whel AN. E.i^'. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. 1875- fEowARD LeGrand Adams. P.B. Elmira, N. Y. Editor Elmira Advertiaer since 1882; Bradford Sunday Star, 1879-82; City Editor Rochester Democrat and Chi-onicle, 1874-9. fRev. John P Campbell. II.A. Baltimore, Md. Presbyterian Clergyman, in charge Chapel First Presbyterian Church since 1878. A.B., Princetou'Coll., 1875. Jacob Slo AT Fassett. A.E'. Elmira, N. Y. Lawyer. Spencer He DDEN Freeman. E'.X. Mnmford, N. Y. Fellow Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore. Instructor Mathematics, Dennison Univ., Ohio, 1876-7. Marcus HiRSHFiELD. )"../. Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. John Morgan Milne. M.N. Geneseo, N. Y. Prof. Geneseo State Normal School. A.B.. Univ. of Rochester, 1879. Rev. Frank Harold Rowley. K.ii'. Titusville, Pa. Pastor, Baptist, since 1879. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1878. George Raynolds Stearns, M.D. E'.T. Buffalo, N. Y. M.B., Homceopathic Med. Coll., N. Y., 1878. District Health Otlicer, 1880-1. On SUiff W^ard's Island, N. Y., Ilomoeopathic Hospital, 1878-9. Rev. James William White. I.I. Berkshire, X. Y. Pastor Congregational Church since 1881. Grad. Auburn Theo. Sem., 1878. 326 Rochester. 1876. Charles Wisner Adams, M.D. A.Z. Kansas City, Mo. Prof. Diseases of Children, Univ. of Kansas City. M.D., Colnmbia Coll., 1879. Rev. Francis Julius Bellamy. KM'. Little Falls, N. Y. Pastor, Baptist, since 1S79. Grad. Rochester Theo. Seni., 187S. fFRANK Fillmore Davis. K. T. Lyons, N. Y. Lawyer. A.B., Hamilton Coll., 1876. Rev. Horace Holmes Huxt. E'.I'. Amenia, N. Y. Baptist Pastor since 1879. Grad. Newton Theo. Inst., 1879. Fletcher Joshua Sherman, M.D. E'.F. Lyons, N. Y. M.D., Univ. of City of New York. William Hall Wamsley. F/.J. Rochester, N. Y. Medical Student. Fred Potter Wilcox, LL.B. FI.P. Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1878. 1877. f Charles White Bishop. A.B. New York City. Oil Broker. fWiLLiAM Gideon Brownell, M.D. F/.J. Chicopee, Mass. fRev. Frederick Campbell. E'.F. Painted Post, N. Y. Pastor, Presbyterian, at Painted Post since 1880. A.B., Coll. of N. J., 1877. Charles Erastus Darrow, M.D. A.Q'. Rochester, N. Y. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1881. Rev. Fred Taylor Gates. T.N. Minneapolis, Minn. Pastor Baptist Church since 1880. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1879. Luther Madison Hair. E'.A. Dundee, N. Y. Lawyer. Henry Harrison. E'.I. Brockport, N. Y. Grain Merchant. t Walter Locke Smith. ^..V. ' Elmira, N. Y. Lawyer. A.B., Coll. of N. J., 1877. fRev. Wilton JNIerle Smith. E.M. Cazenovia, N. Y. Pastor, Presbyterian, since 1881. A.B., Coll. of N. J., 1877. Grad. Auburn Theo. Sem., 1881. Charles Perly Work. A.FI. Rochester, N. Y. Agent E. and N. S. Despatch Line. Rochester. 327 1878. \I{ev. Thomas Edwin Broion. A.J. Providence, R. I. Pastor First IJajitist Cluircli, I'mvidoncf. R. I. D.I)., Univ. of Koeliestcr, 1875. A.B. Columbian Univ., isei. Tutor Columbian Univ., l.SOl-2. fGEOKGE MooAU CiiAPiN. F/.J. Clucago, 111. Clerk Commercial National Bank. A.B., Amherst Coll., 1879. fGiLMAN Robinson Davis, M.D. A.N. Cinciuuati, Ohio. Phj'sician. f Edwin Trumax de Bell. N.Ii. Coventry, N. Y. Teacher. Rev. Ransom Harvey. O.P. Jamestown, N. Y. Pastor First Baptist Church since 1882. Grad. Rochester Thco. Scm., 1881. Morton Mixot. E'. Y'. Brockport, N. Y. Bank Clerk. fELECTUs Backus Litchfield Taylor. 7'. 7'. Riclimond, Va. Business, with Franklin, Davis & Co., Kurserj-mcn. Charles Smith Wilbur. A.I. Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. 1879. f John Beach Abbott. B.N. Rochester, N. Y. Lawyer. Lemuel Warner Bowen. F/.I. Detroit, Mich. Salesman, with D. M. Ferry & Co., Seedsmen. Selden Stanley Brown. E'.B. Scottsville, N. Y. Law Student at Rochester. Moses Hirshfield. O.A'. Muskegon, Mich. Merchant. fOLiN Daniel Leisenring. A.X. Canton, Ohio. Civil Engineer, with Valley R.R. Hiram Belmaii Olin. M. P. Kansas City, Mo. ,A8st. Supt. Pullman Palace Car Co. {William Wayland Simpson. F'. T. Canisteo, N. Y. Commercial Traveller. 1880. Charles Olin Bailey. A.I. Chicago, 111. Clerk Law Dcpt. C. & N. W. Ry. 328 Rochester. Myron TuTHiLL Bly. NM. Rochester, N. Y. Law Student. Editor Rochester Sunday Morning Herald, 1880-1. William Poole Goodrich. E'.A. Rochester, N. Y. Manufacturer Ivory Buttons. fEDWARD Stanley Grigg. P. T. Denver, Colo. Sunday School Missionary since 1882. James INIonroe Hunt. I.I. New York City. Law Student. Lemuel Barrows Marcy. FJ.N. Rochester, N. Y. Law Student. 1881. Robert Babcock. /.''../''. Albany, N. Y. Medical Student. f Thomas Emmet Deavey. A.N. Abilene, Kan. Lawyer. fHENRY Trevor Drake. E'. T. St. Paul, jNIinn. Manufacturer of Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. fHiRAM Wallace Hayes. M.B. Kansas City, Mo. Druggist. Herve Isbell, E\I. Amenia, N. Y. Prin. Amenia Acad. fRev. John Wesley Le Seur. F/.P. East Pembroke, N.Y. Pastor, Baptist, since 1878. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1878. ' Charles Wion Smith. A. P. Kendall, N. Y. Medical Student. SuiviNER Wynne Stevens. E'.ii. Rochester, N. Y. Theological Student. 1882. George Byron Adams. E'.Q. Geneseo, N. Y. Arthur G Clement. E'. Batavia, N. Y. John M Hu-ll. M.A. Buffalo, N. Y. Arthur Wadsworth Pulver. E'. Rochester, N. Y. 1883. Fred Delmar Andrew. E'.I'. Ontario, N. Y. fLEWis Edwards Gates. I. Albany, N. Y. Harvard Univ., 1884. Rochester. 329 George Ladd Munx. E'.l. Freejjort, 111. Hamilton Salmon Pkltz. J. Philii(lcl[)hia, Pa. Arthur Toole y. E' . Brockport, N. Y. Calvin Pardee Hull Varv. /. Newark, N. Y. Cyrus J Wood. 1. ]Moravia, N. Y. 1884. tGi:oRGE Pal:mer Decker. E' . Brockport, N. Y. Law Student. Henry Lewis Fassett. E' . Elmira, N. Y. Thomas Morey Hodg.Man, Jr. ./. Kochestcr, N. Y. Emory William Hunt. E' . East Clarence, N. Y. William Palmer Kinney. E' . Milwaukee, Wis. William MACOiiBER. E' . Rochester, N. Y. 1885. James ^NIead Bailey, Jr. //. Freeport, 111. William L Baicer. E' . Mt. Morris, N. Y. Abram Mills Fanning, Jr. M. New York City. William N Hubbell. FJ , San Diego, Cal. Herbert James Menzie. EJ . Bero-en, N. Y. THE ALABAMA CHAPTER, 185 1 TO 1859. Annals. The Alabama Chapter was established at the Uuiversit}' of Alabama, in 1851, by members of the Senior Class, and remained for seven years an active and flourishing Chapter of the Fraternity, doing its appointed work, although at a distance from other Chapters and removed from immediate and frequent contact with them. The lively interest felt in the Chapter, and its firm hold upon the affections of its members, have been sufficiently attested in the correspondence of the compiler with its surviving members, whose result is apparent in the full record of the Chapter inscribed below. In 1858 the Faculty of the College prohibited secret societies, and the Chapter suspended its active functions. The graduate members of the Chapter met immediately after this occurrence at Shelb}' Springs, Ala., and organized a graduate association ; but the war, in which nearly everj^ member of the Chapter served under the Confederate colors, early brought the annual reunions to a close. As the buildings, records and librarj' of the University were burned b}' Federal troops during the war, these sources of information as to the College honors won by the Chapter are cut off, and the record below, even where it indicates the University degrees of the members, has been compiled by diligent personal inquiry. The arrangement of members by classes, as originallj' furnished by the Chapter to the Alpha Delta Phi Catalogue committees in charge of the catalogues of 1854, 1857 and 18G0, is retained below, although it does not agree with the University Register. As the latter was largely compiled from memory, it was felt to be safer to follow the written Alab^ 331 roconl, Avhich has survived the war. The cle<^reos, as recorded in tlie Register, are, however, given under each name where tli.e year stated there differs from the class year in this catalogue. To the friends and kin of our deceased brothers the thanks of the Chapter are due for the information, whose results are given below, Tiie special acknowledgment of the FraternitN' is also due to Prof. John M. Martin, of Alabama University, for assistance in tracing the records of the deceased and the living. Brother Somerville, whose connection with the Chapter was intimate, has also been of constant aid in compiling this record. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Members. Thomas Francis BuGBEE. O.T. William Theodore Gates. M.B. John Samuel Meriwether. O.A. 1851- ^ Thomas Francis BuGBEE. O.F. Montgomeiy, Ala. Lawyer. A.B., Ala. Univ., 1S50. Died October 9, 1859. \Rev. George Francis Oushman. E.J. Broolovcd from Greene Co. to Greensborough. where he died, 1869. 1853- -t William S. Chapman. A'.I:- Los Angeles Cal Died at San Gabriel, Cal., November 3, 1881. ^«<» Thomas George Chilton. 7'. }'. Montgomery, Ala. Lawyer. Removed from Tuekegee to Montgomery, where he died, 1860. -«» James Osgood Andrew Clopton. A'.iL Tuskegee, Ala. WiLmlli Adams GuNTER,LL.B. /.//• ^^-^^S^^Y' f t' Lawyer. LL. B., Univ. of Va., 1856. Lieut, let Ala. Cav., 2oth Ala. Inf., C. S. A.. 1862-5. t Jacob Hunter Sharp. 2'. r. Columbus, Miss Planter. Col. 44th Miss. Inf., 1862 ; Brig. Gen. Army of the 1 ennessee. C. S. A., 1864-d. 1854. John Webster Bishop. O.E. Talladega, Ala. Lawyer. Private Co. F 51st Ala. Cav., C. S. A. Taul Bradford. VJ. Talladega, Ala. M.S^.K^^t^slSr^S;I.^iKr!t!^^^^^ *_|WiLLiAM Tennel Cochran. J'.H- Pickens Co., Ala. Druggist. tBuRRELL I. Curry. A.l. Huntsville, Ala. ^^ . , Lorenzo C. Fisher. E.F. Lowndes Co., Ala. Emigrated to Texas before the war. * '^^t James Madison Fitzpatrick. /. /7. Autauga Co. , Ala. Died at the University, Tuscaloosa, April 30, 18.52. *- Walter Emmet Winn, LL.B. EA\ Marengo Co .Ala. tKev. Thomas Jefferson Beard. 2'..V. Mobile, Ala. ' Rector St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church since 1872. Enlisted in C. K A. but was discharged for physical disability. tWiLLiAM Henry Benson, M.D. I.J. AVaynesborough, \ a ^ Physician. M.D., Univ. of Md. Private Co. D 3d Ala. Inf.. 1861 ; Asst. Surgeon and Capt. 10th Ga. Batty., C. S. A., 1802-a. 334 Alabama. Joseph Pickens Clark, U.Z. Eutaw, Ala. Lawyer. Clerk Circuit Court, Greene Co. Rev. EiCHARD Hooker Cobbs. /../. Greensborough, Ala. Rector St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church since 1861. D.D., Centre ColL, Ky.,1878. f Joseph Hardie. ./'. }'. Selma, Ala. Cotton Factor. A.B., Coll. of X. J., 1855. ilaj., C. S. A., two years. f Willi AM Jemtson MiMS. LI. Birmingham, Ala. Tax Collector, Jefferson Co. Capt. Co. G 43d Ala. Inf., C. S. A., 1882-4; Maj., 1864-5; Lieut. Col. in command at close of war. *'^^f Henry St. John Peck. A'.JJ. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Died during his Sophomore year, February 8, 1853. •j-Daniel Webster Woodruff. E. W. Savannah, Ga. Bookkeeper, with Walter & Hart. Private, Corporal, Co. H 5th Ala. Inf., Battles' Brigade, Rodes' Div., A. N. V., 1861-5, C. S. A. Surrendered at Appomattox C. H., Va. 1856. *^^^t James Churchill Blakey, M.D. M.F. Tuskegee, Ala. M.D., Medical School, Charleston, S. C. Died in Meon Co., Ala., September, 1859. f Charles Joseph Bryan. P. 8. Tuskegee, Ala. Cotton Planter. Member Ala. State Legislature, 1859-63. Contributed to local press, 1878-80. 3d Lieut., 2d Lieut., Capt., Co. C 3d Ala. Inf., C. S. A., 1861. Discharged for wounds received in the service. * i^t James Deas NoTT, M.D. A.E. Mobile, Ala. , :NLD., Univ. Pa., 1858; A.B., S. C. Coll. at Columbia, 1857. Went abroad and pursued medical studies in Paris and Berlin for three years, returning in 1861 to enter the Con- federate service. Capt. 22d Ala. Inf., C. 8. A., 1861-3. Shot at the Battle of Chickamauga, Tenu., Sept. 20, 1863. t Samuel W. Pegues. A.n. Brown's, Ala. Planter. Henderson Middleton Someryille, LL.B. E'.Q'.K. Montgomery, Ala. Associate Justice Supreme Court, Ala., 1880-6. Lecturer Common and Statute Law, Univ. Ala., since 1873. Member StateDem. Ex. Com., 1872-6. Editor Memphis, Tenn., Daily Appen/., 1S59~02. Instructor M.ithematics and Languages, Ala. Univ., 1S62-5. Associate Editor Southern Law Journal, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1878-80. LL.B., Cumberland Univ., 1859; LL.D., Georgetown Coll., Ky., 1877. Member Ala. Hist. Soc. Resides at Tuscaloosa, Ala. IHenry Jasper Winn, M.D. E.l. Birmingham, Ala. Physician. Occasional contributions on medical subjects in medical journals. M.D., Univ. Pa., 1858. Private 7th Ala. Cav., one year; Asst. Surgeon 50th Ala. Inf., C. S. A., two years. 1857. ■''"^ Jacob Bryant. H'.P.. Clarke Co., Ala. Teacher. Killed while in C. S. A., at battle of the Wilderness, Va. ^***«tSAMUEL T. Carpenter. A.I. Eutaw, Ala. Killed while in C. S. A., at New Hope Chapel, May 27, 1864. Alabama. 335 18G2 isen Rev. Cornelius Mahion IIutton. }'. T. Pleasant Ridtre, Ala. ^ Pastor Bethol Presbyterian Chiircli (South), 18C0-G; Bethesda Cliurcli, 1866-9; Pleasiint Ridijc Cliiirch, 1866-81. Principal Male and Female School, Pleasant Kidgc, 1870- 2. Chaplain 36th Ala. Inf., C. S. A., 1861-5. ■fHENRY Junius Nott. P.A. Mobile, Ala. A.B., S. C. Coll., 1857. Studied in Paris for three years; returning in 1801, entered Con- federate service. Lieut. Co. B 22d Ala. Inf., C. S. A., 1861-2. iJied at Mobile. May 8, 1862, from typhoid fever, contracted through fatigue and exposure at the battle of Shiloh. William Frederick Withers. //'.//. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Appointed Capt. of Regul.irs from Miss., C. S. A., 1861. 1858. Junius Kincaid Battle. Y.F. Tuskcgec, Ala. fREGiNALD Heber Dawson. E.U. Caniden, Ala. Lawyer. Served two terms as State Solicitor of Ala. Capt., Mai , Lieut. Col.. Co. A 13th Ala. Inf., C. S. A., 1861-5. * ^^'^ John RANDOLrri Griffin. P. 6. Bellevue, La. Lawyer. Member La. General Assembly, 1863. fBENJAMiN Mock. A'.N. Columbia, S. C. Asst. General Passenger Agt. C. C. & A. R.R. Semple's Art., 1862; Battery Gladden, Heavy Art., C. S. A., at Mobile, 1864-5. * ^««' Lemuel Gaston Spiva. K. 1\ Wilcox Co. , Ala. Lawyer. 35th Miss. Inf., 1861-2. Died in C. S. A. military service at Crawfordsville, Miss., August, 1862. t John James Steele. O.J. Benton, Ala. Merchant. Until recently a Cotton Planter. County Supt. Education, 1876-80. Private, Corporal, Semple's Ala. Battery, 1862-3 ; Battery Gladden, Heavy Art., C. 8. A., at Mobile. 1864-5. *^««- Joseph Bacon Thornton, M.D. O.Z. Eufaula, Ala. M.D., Univ. La., 1861. Died in C. S. A. military service, at Manassas, Va., 1862. 1859. fWiLLiAM Parish Chilton, fy. E. Montgomery, Ala. Lawyer. Solicitor for 9th Judicial Dist. Ala., two years; elected to Ala. Legislature, 1861. Author of two vols, of poems. Mansions of the Skies, and Columbia; and of History of the Administrations (in press). Col. on Special StalT Service, C. S. A., 1801-5. Rt. Rev. Samuel Smith Harris. Detroit, Mich. Prol. Epis. Bishop of Mich. D.D., William and Mary Coll., 1875; LL.D., Univ. Ala., 1879. Member Chicago Hist. Soc. Served in 0. S. A. in various positions, chiefly on Staff of General Bragg. * ^*^ William Inge HoGAN. I.I. Tuscaloosa, Ala. After taking the second honor in his class, was studying for the ministry .it Columbia, S. C, Theo. Sem., where he died, during the winter of 1864-5, from overwork. f Frank Strother Morrisett. P.O. Unioutown, Ala. Planter. A.B., S. C. Coll., Columbia, S. C. THE WILLIAMS CHAPTER, 185 I TO 1885. Afinals, Like Brunonian, the Williams Chapter succeeded a Chapter of a western college Fraternity whose other Chapters, all in western colleges, enjoyed a high position and an excellent reputation. After conference with Brunonian, and acting upon a common understandings application was made for a charter in Alpha Delta Phi. About the middle of December, 1850, the Brown Chapter petitioned for ad- mission, and in March, 1851, was admitted. Owing to unaA'oid- able circumstances the Chapter here could not send in its petition till after the Brown Chapter had been admitted. Meantime there had been formed in this College a union of worth}* men, and a petition from them for admission into the Alpha Delta Phi Society had been laid before the Yale Chapter a little before the petition from those who had constituted the Chapter of the Western Fraternity, and to the first petition a favorable reception was im- mediatel}" given. At this juncture the action of the two organiza- tions became known to each other, and proposals were at once made for union, which, however, was not effected till the Yale Chapter had sent Mr. W. W. Crapo as a delegate, to make a definite arrangement between the two, and then a new petition was drawn up and signed by individuals of both organizations. An answer to this petition was long expected with great impatience, but on account of some de- lays it was not till the 1st of July that it was received. On the evening of that day Messrs. W. W. Crapo and D. C. Oilman, dele- gates from the Alpha Delta Phi at Yale,- unexpectedly arrived, bringing with them the charter empowering the formation of a Chapter in Williams. 337 AVilliains College. On the suinc night, iit a late hour, the following persons were duly initiated and formed into a Chaptei-, under the name of the Williams Chapter : — 5e„,„,-<,. —George EUeiy Clarke, Seth Mooar Dunnniji, Saimiel Buslinell GoodiiU', James Kellogg Mills, George Mooar, Charles Newman, Jackson Temple, Samuel Williams. Juniors.— io\\n Stockman Batclielder, John Woodbridge Dickinson, Henry Martyn Hazeltine, Arthur Latham Perry, Charles Perry. ^c)i>7i07?io>-es. — Erastus Newton Bates, James Lawrence Clarke, Theodore Adolphus Gardner, Harvey William Milligan, Charles Augustus Walters, Robert Henry Williamson. i?'/fs/()HeH. —George Lapham Ames, Charles Robinson Bliss, James Richard Dewey, Henry Martyn Grout, Edward Payson Hudson, Abbott Eliot Kittredge. Afterwards, on the evening of July 8, Hiram LaMottc; Lewis, Junior, and Charles Franklin Gilson, Sophomore, wdio w^ere absent at the formation of the Chapter, were initiated at a special meeting. Owing to the lack of a sufficient number of badges, the society did not "swing" until July 9. Tradition says that a College meeting had been called for the morning of that day, in which. twenty-seven A A (I> badges were displayed. This was the first intimation in College of what had been done, and so amazed and bewildered were the students at the formation among them, and without their knowledge, of a Chapter of so strong and powerful a Fraternity as A A '/>, that the meeting broke up without attending to the business for which it had been called, and the absorbing topic of the day throughout the College was the new society. The society had had various lodges np to 18G5, when the subject of the erection of a hall was broached. Nothing was done until the reunion of 1866, when three thousand dollars were subscribed, and a committee appointed to take the matter in charge. Active measures were taken, but it was not until the fall of 1868 that ground for the present structure was broken. The work was pushed along, until, in October, 1869, the permanent home of the Chapter was com- pleted. On the fifth day of Noveml)er the hall was dedicated to A A - o, in '. .Tiuld I'lib. ( 'o., Xuw Vork City. Mcinber X. Y. Lriiislature. 1872; m ■ , ' ' inc, ls-:i-81 As-o KJ. M,t/gn.i.« in Vi.-!;inm, 1863. Editor Hi. i ; In .!.■ nil I :i > . U.i.adia, 18.4. Member Am. Assoc, of Science. Private, U. B. A., Isoi-J. '•■^''tRev. SniuLOCK Andrews Newkikk. A.//. Oswego, N.Y. Clergyman. Died June 21 , 18G3. t John Gkant Otis. r.6. Topeka, Kan. Farmer. "■'fGEORGE McElwaine Wkigiit. /y. T. San Franeiseo, Cal. City Editor Alta California. 2d Lieut. 3d Art., U. S. A., 1862-4. Died July 8, 1870. iS6i. Benjamin Franklin Hastings, M.D. B.A. South Abing- ton, Mass. U. S. Examining Surg, for Pensions. M.D., Univ. of N. Y., 1803. Asst. Surg. 18tb Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1863-4. Edward Payson Nichols. ' //'.//. Syracuse, N. Y. Manufacturer. George Anthony Sanders. O.J. Springfield, 111. Lawyer. Asst. State Treas. 111., 1869-75. Kcpublican Presidential Elector, 1863. James Farrar Stone, M.D. [ar. Custom Service ; Cliineso Civil Service since 1867. Aullior of two Reports on Trade at Shanghai, 1875 and 1878. Member Royal Asiatic See, Shaughai. ' John Woodbridqe Hawley. H'. T. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Private 8th Mass. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-3; Capt. Co. D 1st Regt. 111. National Guard, 1875. Died December 20, 1881, aged 38. f Richard Nickerson Oakman, Jr. I.F. Turner's Falls, Mass. Cutlery Manufacturer. Auditor U.S. Customs, Charleston, S. C, 1869-70; Deputy Collector Customs, Charleston, 1870-2. Cashier Crocker National Bank and Treas. Crocker Institution for Savings at Turner's Falls, 1872-4; Treas. Montague Paper Co., Turner's Falls, 1873-4 ; Treas. John liussell Cutlery Co. since 1874. Charles Talmadge Fairchild Spoor. E.A. Albany, N.Y. Lawyer. Lecturer on Practice and Pleading, Albany Law School, since 1876. William Talcott. A.I. Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer. Editor of Fifth Am. Edition of Jarraan on Wills. Vol. I and II, 1880; Vol. Ill, ISSl. Lawyer since 1868; practising, Jersey City, 1S68-71 ; Chicago, III., 1871-6; Jersey City since 1S76. fEDMOND Lewis Wyman, M.D. J.E. Manchester, Vt. Physician at Factory Point. M.D., N. Y. Tlomfeop. Med. Coll., 1875. i866. John Milton Bigelow, ^I.D. M.E'. Albany, N. Y. Prof. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Albany Med. Coll., since 1870. Attending Physician to Albany Hospital, St. Peter's Hospital and Old Men's Home, since 1870. Pres. Albany Co. Med. Soc, 1879-80; Young Men's Assoc, of Albany, 1879-80. Author of Peritonitis, in Lancet, 1873. M.D., Coll. Physicians and Surgeons, 1870; Honorary M.D., Albany Med. Coll., 1870. Virgil Polk Kline. F.Q. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. Author of The Currency Question (address). 1867. Granville Stanley Hall. I'.O. Somerville, Mass. Harvard Univ. Lecturer on Contemporary German Philosophy and Pedagogy ; Prof. Philosophy, Antioch Coll., Ohio, 1872-6; Instructor at Harvard, 1S76-7; Lecturer at Johns Hopkins Univ. and Williams. Author of Translation of Hegel as the National Philosopher of Germany, 1874; and Aspects of German Culture, 18S1 ; Associate Authorof Die AVillkiirliche Muskelaction, 15erlin, 1879; and Die Abhiingigkeit der Reactiouszeiten vom Ort des Reizes. Grad. Union Theo. Scm., 1871. Ph.D., Harvard Coll., 1878. Rev. Frederick Augustus Hand. li'.I. Boston, Mass. Congregational Clergyman. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1870. Died October 4, 1880, aged 38. Henry Augustus Harman, LL.B. /.J. A'. Bennington, Vt. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1871. 34^ Williams. Hamilton Weight Mabie, LL.B. A. P. Greenwich, Conn. Editoi-, New York City. Literary Editor of Christian ['iiion. Autlior of New Edition Michaud's History of Crusades, and Hints for Home Reading. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1869. Francis Lynde Stetson, LL.B. P.l\ New York City. Asst. Corporation Counsel New York City, 1875-80. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1869. fCHARLES Sherwood West. P.M. Plainfield, N. J. Newspaper Advertisement Agency, firm of Daucliy & Co., New York City. i868. 't Walter Denison Brooks. A. P. Boston, Mass. Publisber. Died April 5, 1877. Francis Edmiston Cook. A. W. St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. Prin. Douglas and Mullanphy Schools; \Vebster School, 1869-70; Douglas Branch High School, 1870-81. Associate Editor of the St. Louis, Mo., Western. 1st Lieut. 7th Mo. Enrolled Militia, U. S. A., 1862; Private to 1st Lieut. 7th Mo. Cav., U. S. A., 1864-5. flssACHAR Price Fell. I'.d. Bloomington, 111. Sec. and" Treas. Bloomington Furniture Manufacturing Co. Internal Revenue Bureau, Washington, D. C, 1863-1. Osee Matson Hall. M.l'. Eed Wing, Minn. Lawyer. WoRTHiNGTON LaGrange. (K )'. Albany, N. Y. Maltster. A. D. C. to Lieut. Col. and Chief of Staff on Brigade Staff, 1871-8, N. Y. 8. N.G. Rev. Hamilton (Rowland) Lee. N.I. East Oakland, Cal. Rector Church of the Advent since ISSl ; As.«ociate Rector, New Brighton, N. Y., 1872-6; Missionary, Santa Barbara, Cal., 1876-7. P. O., Brooklyn, Cal. Grad. Gen. P. E. Theo. Sem., 1872. Edward Walter Rice. J. 77. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Teacher in New York City. t Jasper Stansbury Ross. II. A. Brace ville, Ohio. Farmer, John Kingsbury West. N. E. Detroit, Minn. Lumber Merchant. 1869. Alfred Clark Chapin, LL.B. P. A. Brooklyn, N. Y. Harvard Univ., 1871. Member N. Y. Assembly, Edward Herman Cole. P.Q. Nyack, N. Y. Lawyer. Rev. Joseph Henry AYhitehead. O.I. Pompton Plains, N.J. Pastor Reformed Church since 1872. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1872. Williams. 3*49 1870. f Samuel Stevens Bailey. H'.\. Springfield, Mass. Banker. Thomas Hope Biiooks. //'.2'. Cleveland, Ohio. Iron Founder. Rev. Joseph Hohsfall Johnson. U. )'. West Chester, N. Y. Rector since 1881. Grad. General Theo. Scm., 1ST3. Lemuel Carrington Mygatt. /v'.A'. New York City. Teacher, Inwood-on-Hudson. fMoRTON Shattuck Pakmelee. /'. 'f. Malone, N. Y. Lumber Manufacturer. AzARi AH Smith Storm. I.E. Elizabeth, N. J. Tea Merchant, New York City. 187I. Charles Winchester Doty. A.h. West Monterey, Pa. Bookkeeper and Manager Mineral Ridge Coal Co. Herbert Russell GiBBS. F.O. Cambridge, Mass. Clerk, with Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Cambridgeport, :Mass. Charles Hall Hooker. ././, Dorchester, Mass. Bookkeeper. fHARRYKEEN. P.E. San Francisco, Cal. Broker. fJoHN QuiNCY Wells. .V. ¥. Riverside, 111. Real Estate Dealer, Chicago. 1872. fFREDERiCK Samuel Anable. /\/\. Arlington Heights, Mass. Claim Clerk Gen. Freight Office, Fitchburg R.R., Boston, Mas.s. fSoLON Tenney French. IJ.M. Chicago, 111. Ticket Agent, Chicago & N. W. Ry., Wells St. Depot. Asst. Prin. Collegiate School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1872-3; Prof. Latin and Greek, Colorado Coll., 1874-5; Acting Pres., 1875. A.B., Amherst Coll., 1872. Initiated at Rochester. t Joseph Warren Homer. (KM. Boston Higlilands, Mass. Prin. R. I. Scliool for Deaf and Dumb since 1S77. William Henry Harrison Tuttle, LL.B. /. )''. F)oston, Mass. Lawyer. Master of IIi),'li School, .Vrllngton, Mass., 1872-t>. LL.B.. Harvard Univ., SS'O Williams. Frank Eliot West, M.D. P.E. Brooklyn, N. Y. Asst. to Prof. Practice of Med., Long Island Coll. Hospital. M.D., Long Island Hospital Med. Coll., 1876. 1873. t Arthur Thomas Boxd. TjI). Medford, Mass. Manufacturer of Worsted Knit Goods. EoBERT Meech Chamberlaix. F' . 0. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. IFrederick Williams Crocker. P.0. New York City. Broker. fGEORGE Emerson, M.D. /;.//. Winfield, Kan. M.D., Albany Med. Coll., 1874. Charles May, LL.B. F.(I>. New York City. Lawyer. Teacher Greylock Inst., 1873-5. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1878. Charles Barker Wheeler. K.A. Buffalo, N. Y. Lawyer. Member Buffalo Soc. Xat. Science. Melchior Coxrad Gerhard Witte, Jr. M.A. Brooklyn, N. Y. Business, Xew York City. 1874. Louis Edmuxd Allex. O.A. Acton, Mass. Medical Student. JoHX HiGGixs Barxhart. 0.1. Logansport, Ind. Dealer in House Furnishing Goods. David Campbell. K.A. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Frank White Morrison. P. Y. Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. 1875. Elmer Edson Finxt^y. A'. A'. Kansas City, Mo. Real Estate Dealer. fEowARD BicKNELL WoosTER. J. 77. Albany, N.Y. Dealer in Furniture. 1876. fCoLLiN Armstrong. J. 0. New York City. Journalist. Financial Reporter on Staff of The Sim since 1879; World, 1876-8. Harry Asahel Barker. P.F/. New York City. Salesman, with Amidon, Lane & Co. Asst. Master Vt. Episcopal Inst., Burlington, Vt., 1871-3 and 187G-80. Williams. 351 RoswELL Park Collin, M.l). J'.O. New York City. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1879. John Peck Lane. 0.1\ Pitt.^fickl, Mass. Bookkeeper. Rev. John Joseph Rankin. N.6. Denison, Iowa, Pastor, I'rosbytei'ian, since 18S1. Grad. Princeton Thco. Scm., 1880. 1877. William Lawrence Adam, LL.B. I.Q. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1880. Samuel Douglas Dodge, LL.B. E.r. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1879. Robert Washburn Gilbert, LL.B. I\II. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1879. John Platt McLaren. O.J. Glendale, Ohio. Medical Student. Initiated at the Miami Chapter. Jacob Bishop Perkins. ././. Cleveland, Ohio. Business. Initiated at the Hudson Chapter. fliENRY Parker Witte, M.D. E.F. Stamford, Conn. Physician. 1878. *'*"^ James Ruthven Adriance. K.P. Poiighkeepsie, N. Y. Died April 21, 1879. George Anthony Bates. P.O. Springfield, 111. Manufacturer, III. Watch Co. Director 111. Watch Co. since February, 1881. William Lewis Brown. /../. North Adams, Mass. Manufacturer. Carlton Putnam Mills. K.J. So. Williamstown, Mass. Teacher. f Lansing Russell. I.(I>. Cleveland, Ohio. 1879. James Billings Atwater. B.F. New York City. Medical Student. Charles North Do WD. A.M. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Studying Sciences in Europe. Walter Mead Rankin. ./../. Newark, N. J. Student. 352 Willi a JUS. Julius Hubbell Seymour. A.ii'. St. Albans, Vt. Student in Columbia Coll. Law School, New York City. Hexry William Stevexs. /.J. Saratoga Springs, N. Y Student Columbia Aled. Coll.,^ew York City. 1880. fWiLLiAM Gardner Hempstead. /..V. Evanston, 111. Lead Business. Arthur Kixg Laflix. )".J. Chicago, 111. Law Student. Hermaxx Lewis Matz. AM' . Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Office of Walter A. Wood Mowing Machine Co. Thomas Dowse Peck. (Kl . Pittsfield, Mass. Manufacturer Cotton and Woollen Goods. fLAXSixG Warren. I.B. Chicago, 111. Sporting Editor for The Inter-Ocean, on city Stafl' since 1881. 1881. . Austin Bradley Bassett. Y.I. Albany, N. Y. Teacher, Saratoga Springs, X. Y. Charles Mason Demond. A'.Q'. Easthampton, Mass. Teacher in Williston Sera. Henry Willia3I King, Jr. E.X. Chicago, 111. Wholesale Clothing Business. Augustus Hall Vanderpoel. A. A'. New York City. Student at Law. Alfred Ely Buell. [l.O'. Cleveland, Ohio. Rudolph Matz. A.^. Chicago, 111. Joseph Perkins, Jr. O.A. Cleveland, Ohio. Edmund Seymour. I. T. St. Albans, Vt. 1883. Harris Ely Adriance. H.1\ Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Joseph Warner Bott. O.A. Holyoke, ^lass. George Carl Fitch Bratenahl. /M'. Riverside, Conn. Edward Roby Crowell. A. A. Cleveland, Ohio. Williams. 353 Charles Francis Day. ^'.J. I^avenna, Ohio. Initiated at the Hudson (!ha[)tor. Samuel Van Vranken Holmes. ^.M. Albany, N. Y. fABRAM WiNNE LaNSING. li.J. CohoCS, N. Y. Arthur Henry Walker. I'. T. Akron, Ohio. Initiated at tlio Hudson Chapter. James Denison Colt. J\ T. Pittefield, Mass. Leonard Yeltiwans Gardiner, Jr. N.F. Amsterdam, N. Y. Herbert Oakey Hall. B./\ New York City. Francis King. I'JP. Chicago, 111. William Wolcott Seymour. I./L St. Albans, Vt. Frederick Clifford Squier. J./L Buffalo, N. Y. Grosvenor Eeuben Trowbridge. 1\B. Buffalo, N. Y. Arthur Dudley Dowd. ,/\J. Saratoga Springs, N, Y. Harry Augustus Garfield. A. P. Cleveland, Ohio. James Rudolph Garfield. E.M. Cleveland, Ohio. Edward Man. A.N. New York City. Initiated at the Manhattan Chapter. Henry Donnel Rockwell. .f.J. Washington, D. C. Bentley AYirt Warren, /l. T. Brighton, Mass. 23 THE MANHATTAN CHAPTER, 1855 to 1885. Annals. On the evening of March 9, 1855, eleven members of the New York Free Academy assembled at the Collamore House, Broadway, and there met Messrs. Henry D. Koot and William W. Goodrich, then graduates of the Amherst Chapter, who avowed themselves so much pleased with the spirit manifested by the men there assembled, that they pledged themselves to use their whole influence with their own and other Chapters to obtain a charter for the petitioners. As a consequence of this meeting an application for membership in the Fraternity was drawn up b}' William H. Abel and Franklin S. Rising — a committee "appointed for that purpose — and presented to the Amherst Chapter. The affirmative answer of that Chapter was received on April 6, 1855, and the other Chapters having signified their approbation, a charter was issued, dated Juh* 9, 1855, and the evening of Monday, July 9, 1855, was chosen for the initiation of the new Chapter, at which time the ceremon}' was performed ; and Manhattan Chapter held its first regular meeting on Thursday, July 12, 1855, at the residence of Brother Simeon Baldwin, Jr., No. 48 East 25th Street. The appearance of Brothers Rising and Baldwin at the next Con- vention, at Cambridge, was the signal for a most gratifying reception to the delegates from the new Chapter. The fact that the inaugura- tion of the Chapter was so long delaj-ed after the application was a most unfortunate one, as eight of the eleven founders, as well as the only member yet initiated by them, Brother Benjamin F. Lee, graduated at the following Commencement, leaving only Brothers F. S. Rising, Manhatta?!. 355 Russell Sturgis, Jr., and J. L. Van Uurcn as active niembers. But the brothers worked hard ;uk1 earnestly, and at the next initiation, which took place on Friday-, October 11, 1855, seven new brothers, of the classes of '54, '55, '57 and '59, were admitted into the bonds of our Fraternity. From this time onward the Chapter prospered, and on February 19, 185G, held its first meeting in its new rooms. No. 809 Broad- way, as yet not entirely furnished. After the completion of the hall a special dedicatory meeting was held May 29, 1856, at wliich brothers from the Hamilton, Columbia, Urban, Yale, Amherst, Harvard, Williams, Dartmouth and (ieneva Chapters were present. Further on, the rooms were completely furnished ; a comfortable retreat was furnished to the ardent Alpha Delts, who were not slow to embrace the opportunity, and afternoon social gatherings became a regular feature of the Fraternity life. On June 24 and 25, 1857, the Twenty-fifth Annual Convention was held in New York City. The occasion was a great one in the Fraternity, and Manhattan Chapter received great benefit thereby. Her part in the ceremonies of the occasion was no slight one, and she saw, as a Chapter, for the first time, what the true Alpha Delt spirit was. At the meeting of March 10, 1858, the Chapter mourned the first gap in its ranks, made by the death of one of its most devoted brothers — Matthew James Blakeley, of the class of '58 — and appro- priate resolutions were passed. The Chapter in a body attended the funeral on the next day, ten brothers acting as pall-bearers. For a long time the Chapter held the even tenor of its way, nothing especially worthy of note occurring until in May, 1859, it received notice that the initiation of the Union Chapter was to be entrusted to Manhattan. Bros. James Weir Mason, Adolph Werner and Henry Kirke White were the Committee for the Chapter, and on the 8th of July seventeen men of that College were duly initiated. In the latter part of this year tlie Graduate Chapter in New York, 356 Alanhattan. so long a noted, useful, and helpful body of brothers, first met as an organized body. From this time onward no event of great moment has broken the quiet and beauty of our fraternal life. The Chapter has been in the most prosperous condition. Assisted, overlooked and advised by the Graduate Chapter, and sustained by its thorough and uni- versal fraternal spirit, it is in the present, as it always has been in the past, a Chapter acting, as far as possible, up to the aims of Samuel Eells, and one with a hearty love and sincere admiration for Alpha Delta Phi. Manhattan Chapter has taken nine Valedictories, seven Saluta- tories and twent3'-four Honor Orations, besides many other Honorary Orations and Dissertations, in its twenty-six years of existence. The Pell Medals, for general proficiency, were taken thirteen times. The Burr Medals (Mathematics) were taken ten times. The Riggs Medals, for composition (established in 1865), have been taken b}- Senior A J ^/''s seven times, and by Juniors five times. The Sophomore Cromwell Medals have been taken fourteen times, eleven of them firsts. The Kelly Prize Critique has been competed for five times, and four times have A J ^'s won it. Alpha Delts have taken first prizes twice, and second twice, in the Kelh' Prize Debates. In Prize Speaking we have taken eleven prizes. The Lockwood Prize has been won six times. Seven Claflin Prizes have l)een awarded to us. When money prizes (for a few years only) were awarded, mam' more than our fair share were taken \>\; A A (f's. Of the twent}' "Ward Medals, awarded each j-ear since '59, we have taken a great number ; besides other special prizes. Her nine Valedictorians are : William H. Abel, '55 ; Charles H. Pratt, '56 ; Adolph Werner, '57 ; Charles L. Balcli, '60; Charles Roberts, .Tr., '62; Clinton J. Hartt, '6-1; John A. Knapp, 'G5 ; Edward C. Henderson, '76; Charles H. Wilson, '77. Ifer seven Salidatoricnis are: Lewis C. Bayk's. '55; John S. Roberts, '57; John P. Appleton, '59; Henry K. White, '60; William C. Kimball, '61; E. F. Enrich, '66; Edward M. Shepard, '69. Manhattan. 357 Other Honor Men, and the principal Prize Winners are: W. H. Abel, '55; C. H. Pratt, 'ofi; F. S. Risinj,', '5(5; J. S. Roberts, '57; Adolph Werner, '57; J. P. Appleton, '69; C. L. Balcli, '00; M. E. Dwight, '60; II. K. White, '60; E. F. Young, '60; W. C. Kimball, '61; E. F. Hyde, '61; Chas. Roberts, '62; J. M. Trippe, '62; Wm. L. Bull, '64; C. J. Ilartt, '64; J. H. Knapp, '65; Wm. H. Larie, 'Go; E. F. Enrich, '66; H. P. Talmadge, '67; S. E. Seaman, '67; R. R. Bowker, '68; R. B. McMaster, '68; E. M. Shepard, '69; Graham McAdam, '70; W. DeF. Edwards, '71; J. L. Woodward, '72; L. E. Jones, '73; W. R. Dix, '74 ; R. L. Sweezy, '74 ; E. C. Henderson, '76 ; D. M. Hunter, '77 ; C. H. Wilson, '77; W. W. Smith, '78; E. S. Doubleday, '79; besides many others: (honor men) — L. Fernandez, '55; J. W. Mason, '55; E. P. Wheeler, '56; D. (J. Fanning, '57; H. K. Sloane, '58; W. R. Sands, '58; S. B. Patterson, '64; H. F. Cliapman, '67; E. T. Hiscox, '69; C. H. Nettleton, '70; E. T. Rice, '80. Manhattan Chapter has been represented in the Faculty of the College of the City of New York, as follows : Horace Webster, M.D., LL.D., first President; J. Graeff Barton, LL.D., Prof. English Literature; Adolph Werner, M.S., Prof, of German ; Russell Sturgis, Jr., A.M., Prof, of Architecture and Arts of Design ; James Weir Mason, A.IM., Prof. Mathematics; Rev. George B. Newcomb, A.M. (Williams, 'o6). Prof, of Philosophy. Tutors: Wm. Henry Abel, Lewis Condit Bayles, Franklin S. Rising, Alex. P. Ketchum, David G. Fanning, Wm. H. Hallock, Ch. Roberts, Jr., Henry P. Johnston (Yale, 18G2), Wm. W. Smith. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Membe7's. William Henry Abel. H'.A. Simeon Baldwin, Jr. O.TI. Lewis Condit Bayles. A.E. Luis Fernandez. £'.J. Francis Asbury Mason. P. W. James Weir Mason. A. V. Henry Albertson Post. NA\ Franklin Samuel Rising. H'.A'. Dayton Wyckoff Searle. Z'.\. Russell Sturgis, Jr. l.I. James Lyman Van Buren. M.E. 1818. * "^^^ Horace Webster, M.D. H.A. New York City. Commissioned 2d Lieut, from West Point Military Acad., 1818. Asst. Prof. Mathe- matics, West Point, 1818-25. Resigned from Ai-my, 1825. Prof. Mathematics, Hobart Coll., 1825-48; Pres. and Prof. Moral and Intellectuar Philosophy, Coll. of City of New York, 1848-69; Emeritus Prof., 1869-71. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1850; LL.D., Kenyon Coll., 1849; Columbia Coll., 1849. Died at Geneva, N. Y., July 12, 1871. 183I. * '""'"^ Rev. John Graeff Barton. 1.6. New York City. Prof. English Language and Literature, Coll. of City of New York, 1852-77 ; Taught St. James Coll. as Prof., Vice Rector and Rector, from graduation to 1850. A.B., St. James Coll., {circa) 1831. Studied Gen. Protestant Episcopal Theo. Sem., New York City. LL.D., Columbia Coll., 1872. 1854. Rodney Glentworth Kimhall. P. 8. Brooklyn, N. Y. Prof. Applied Math., Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., since 1869. Asst. Prof. Math., N. Y. State Normal School, 1855-9; Prof. Math., N. Y. State Normal School, 1859-62 and 1863-9. Capt. 44th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., September 6, 1862, to April 16, 1863. 1855- William Henry Abel. H'.A. New York City. Retired from business. Tutor Coll. of City of New York, 1855-56. Sec. Am. Telegraph Co., 1858-66. Auditor W. U. Telegraph Co., 1866-72. 359 Manhattaji. Simeon Baldwin. (K II. New York City. Banker and Broker. *^*" Rev. Lewis Condit Bayles. .I.E. San Francisco, Cal. TutorColl. of Citv of New York, 1856-8. Grad. Princeton Thco. Sem., 1861. Pastor, PresMJ'tcrian, 84th Street Church, New York City, 1862-4. Died August 15, 1864. Elihu Dwight Church. E.O. Brooklyn, N. Y. Manufacturer, New York City. Private 7th N. Y. S. N. G., U. 8. A., 1861-3. * — Luis Fernandez, M.D. E.J. New York City. M.D., N. Y. Univ., 1859. Benjamin Franklin Lee, LL.B. A.K'. New York Citv. Lawyer. A.B., Williams Coll., 1858; LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1861. Rev. Francis Asbury Mason. P. W. South Orange, N, J. Clergyman, Methodist Episcopal, ordained 1867; present charge since 1881. Trustee Central Tennessee Coll., 1871-6. Author of published sermons, What Shall I Give; Prayer as a Force, etc. James Weir ^Lvson. ./. Y. K. Ncav York City. Prof. Pure Math., Coll. of City of New York, since 1879. School Teacher, 1855-63; Priu. Union Free School, Dist. No. 6, Yonkers, N. Y., 1863-8; Albany Acad., 1869-72. Actuary Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co., 1872-9; Pa. Life Ins. Co., 1879. *^^^ Rev. Henry Albertson Post. N.F. Warrensburgh, N. Y. Studied Union Tlieo. Sera., 1855-6; ordained Presbvterian, 1860; preached, Warrens- burgh, X. Y., 1860-1. Died November 12, ISOl. Dayton Wyckoff Searle, M.D. Z'.X. New York City. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1866. 1856. Rev. Charles Henry Pratt. A.M. Minneapolis, Minn, Real Estate Dealer since 1870. Preached, Lisbon, 111., 1862-4; Brookfiold.Mo., 1864-9. Retired from ministry because of ill health. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1861. *^*^ Rev. Franklin Samuel Rising. .11. A'. New York City. Tutor Coll. City of New York, 1856-8. Russell Sturgis, Jr. I.I. New York City. Prof. Architecture and Arts of Design, Coll. City of New York, since 1878. Tutor, 1856-58. * ^^ James Lyman Van Buren. M. E. New York City. 2d Lieut. D'Epineuil Zouaves, 1861. Transferred to U. S. Signal Sen-ice, 1862. Major, Bvt. Ijeut. Col., Bvt. Col., Bvt. Brig. Gen., U. S. A., 1862-5. Everett Pepperrell Wheeler, LL.B. T.(-\K. New York City. Lawyer. Counsel for Atlantic & Pacific Telegraph Co. since 1S70, and for Oceanic Steam Nav. Co. since 1872. Pros. Associate Alumni Coll. City of New York, 186.5-75. Author of The Supreme Court, a Coordinate Branch of the U. S. Government, 1860; The Character and Conduct of the War, 1863; Popular Education in the Citv of New York; Address before Associate Alumni, 1866; Reports of Board of Education for 1878 and 1879; Report on Art Department, 1877; Address before Senate Com. on Civil Service Ucform, 1881; Address before N. Y. Senate Com. on I'nderground Telegraphs. ISSl ; Kejjort on Elevated Railroads, 1876; Argument on Edison's Quadruijlex, 1S77; .Vrijunienl on Tele- graph Consolidation, 1881. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1S.V.1. Honorary Member New York Hist. Soc. and New York Geographical Soc. ; Member New York Board of Education, 1877-9. Cora. New York Elevated li.R., 1876. Chairman Exec. Com. Civil Service Reform Assoc, 1880. Pres. New York Free Trade Club, 1881. 360 Manhattan. 1857. Clevelaxd Abbe. A. 11, Washington, D. C. Meteorologist, Office Chief Signal Officer, IT. S. A., since 1871. Director Observatory, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1868-71. Proposer and projector of collecting and coordinating meteoro- logical observations for the purpose of making weather predictions, in 1869. Author of over eighty papers on meteorological and astronomical subjects, published in 1863-81 in Aitrono- mische Xachrichten, Monthly Notes Royal Astronomical Soc, Bulletin Hebdomadaire Association Scientijique de France, Am. Journal of Science, Trans. Assoc, for Adv. Science, Journal of Franklin Institute, Smithsonian Reports, Colton's Geographical Jour- nal, Reports of Chief Signal Officer, U. S. A., and daily papers of Cincinnati and Chicago. Contributor to Appleton's Am. Cyclopaedia on Dew, Earthquake, Echo, Electricity, Fog, and twelve other subjects; to Johnson's Encyclopaedia on Hail, Halo, Meteorology, Nebulae, and five other subjects, and to Baird'a Annual Summary of Progress on Mathematics, Astronomy, etc. ^*^* Smith Bloomfield, LL.B. I.B. Alexandria, Minn. Lawver. Member Now York Board of Education, 1866; Supt. Douglass Co., Minn., Schools, 1869-70. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1860. Judge Probate, Douglass Co., Minn. David Green Fanning, /.i'. Brooklyn, N. Y. Bank Clerk. Manufacturer, Chicago, 111., 1857. Assoc. Priu. Utica High School, 1857-8; Tutor Coll. City of New York, 1858-9. '"^ George Elias Hawes, M.D. P. W. Montclair, N. J. Dentist. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1866. Charles Henry Kitchel. A'. 6. Xew York City. Lawyer. Asst. U. S. Assessor, 1868-70. Author of occasional papers. Rev. John Sinclair Roberts. O.A. Morristown, N, J. Presbyterian Clergyman, retired, without charge. Missionary in China, 1861-5; preached IBrooklvn, N. Y., 1865-7. Prof. Mathematics and Astronomy,"Washington and Jef- ferson Coll., Washington, Pa., 1868-9. Preached, 1869-71. Taught, Bellefonte, Pa., 1871-4. Missionary to China, 1874-8. Adolph Werner. E.Q. New York City. Prof. German, Coll. of City of New York, since 1861. Tutor, 1857-61. Ph.D., Rutgers Female Coll., 1881. 1858. * '^^t Matthew James Blakely. M.B. Xew York City. Died in college. * — William Kingsland Hallock, M.D. J'.fl. Xew York City. Tutor Coll. of City of New York, 1862-3. Alexander Phcenix Ketchum, LL.B. A.I. New York City. Lawyer. Pres. Mt. Morris Bank. Tutor Coll. of City of New York, 1858-9. Assessor U. S. Internal Revenue, 1869-72; Collector, 1872-4; Gene'ral Appraiser of Customs, N. Y., 1874-81. Pres. Alumni Assoc. Coll. of Citv of New York, 1876-80. 1st Lieut. 56th N. Y. Inf., U.S.A., 1864-5: Capt. 128th U. S. Colored Troops, 1865; Bvt. Col.. U. S. Vols., 1861-4. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1860. J(ohn) Wesley Pullman. 0.8. JenkintoAvn, Pa. Iron Manufacturer and Miner, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas. Hibernia Mine R.R. Co. since 1866; Chester Iron Co., Mining Co., N. J. ; West Point Furnace Co.'s Iron Blast Furnace, Cold Spring, N. Y. Author of occasional contributions to the Iron Age. Mem- ber Am. Inst. Mining Engineers. Manhatta7i. 361 Walter Seabury Sands, LT..B. /:../. rarkcrshuroh, W. Va. Lawytr. LL.I?., Columbia Coll., ISGO. *'*'"' Henry King Sloan. A'./'. New York City. Before adopting any profession, died February 2, 18G1. •8S9- Rev. John Perrin Appleton. //..V. Boonton, N. J. Rector St. John's Protestant Episcopal Cburch since 1874. Grad. General Theo. Sem., New York City, 1863. Oscar Brown Ireland. Z' .1. Springfield, ISIass. Actuary Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co. since 1872. Mercantile pursuits, New York City and U. 8. of Colombia, IS.W-G'.); Asst. in Cousultiui;; Aoliiary's office, New Y(jrk (Jity, 1870-2. 2d Lieut. U. S. Signal C^orps, 18G3-5. Benjamin Ellis Martin, M.D. A'.H. Englewood, N. J. Author. At present working in London, Eng. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1861. Editor U. S. Service Magazine, 186R-7. Surgeon racirtc Mail S.S. Co., 1867-70; Port Surgeon, 1869-70. Contributor Scrilmers' and other magazines, San Francisco Netcs Letter. Author of In and Out of London AVith Dickens. Correspondent for New York papers. Asst. Surgeon 5th N. Y. Inf., U. 8. A. (Duryea's Zouaves) ; mentioned "for gallant and meritorious con duct in the field," at Big Bethel. Va. James Alfred Seaman. V.l.K. New York City. Lawyer. *i87c LocKWOOD DeForest Woodruef, M.D. J'. 2'. New York City. House and Visiting Surgeon of various hospitals. Surgeon 1st Brigade, N. G. S. X. Y. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1863. Died July 9, 1876. i860. * '*'^ JRev. Charles Leland Balch. A.T. Jancsville, Wis. Prof. Ancient Languages, Norwich, Vt., Univ., 1863-4. Rev. Melatiah Everett DwiGTiT, jNI.D. M.E. Fairfield, Iowa. Clergyman ; settled over Church since 1879. if.D.,Bellevue Med. Coll., 1864. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem. ,'1866. \ fWiLLiAM Ellsworth, Jr. A'. 6. New York City. Pres. Montauk Fire Ins. Co. Frederick HoBART. A'. J. Newark, N. J. Journalist. Asst. Editor Kuilway Gazette, New York City; Contributor to Graphic. Private 2d N. J. Inf., U. S. A., 1861; 9th N. J. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-4; Capt., 1864. *i864 Charles Clarence Tracy Keith. P. A. NeAv York City. Capt. Signal Corps, U. 8. A., 1863-4. fCHARLES McLean Knox, LL.B. li'.ll. riiiladi'lphia, Pa. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1860. Major 9th N. Y. Cav., IT. S. A., 1862-4. f Frederick Robert. New York City. Pres. Eastern Transportation Line. 362 Manliatfan. Henry Edwin Tremain, LL.B. E'. ¥. New York City. Aest. U. S. Disl. Atty., 1873-0. Special Counsel for Governmeut in revenue cases, 1877. Author of various pamphlets and articles in periodicals. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1867. Private 7th N. Y. Inf., 1861; 1st Lieut, and Capt. 73d N. Y. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-3; Major, A. D. C. and Bvt. Brig. Gen. Inf., U. 8. A., 3d Corps and 2d Corps, Cav. Corps, 1863-6. Henry Kirke White, LL.B. 75:. 2'. St. Joseph, Mo. Commissioner U. 8. Circuit Court, Mo. Dist., 1866-78; Clerk 5th Mo. Dist. Court. 1866-70. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1862. t Albert Young. A.X. New York City. Broker. Member New York Stock Exchange. *i863 Edward Francis Young. A.T. Brooklyn, N. Y. Major 4th N. Y. Art., U. 8. A. Killed near Washington, December 22, 1863. i86i. t Joseph Benson Barnum. O.A. Philadelphia, Pa. Bookkeeper. Edwin Francis Hyde, LL.B. I\I. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1863. Private 22d N. Y. 8. N. G., U. S. A., 1862. William Cargill Kimball. I.M. New York City. Stock Broker. EoLAND Green Mitchell, Jr. UJ). Great Neck, N. Y. Manufacturer, New York City. * '®*^ James Henry Pullman. K. S. New York City. Secretary Trenton Iron Company. Frederick Jarvis Slade. Z'.B. Trenton, N. J. Engineer and Treasurer N. J. Steel and Iron Co. Author of a part of Locomotive Engineering, Glasgow, 1867, and of professional papers. Member Inst. Miuinsr Engineers. Private 22d N. Y. S. N. G., U. S. A., 1862. 1862. Charles Roberts, Jr., LL.B. A.F. Ncav York City. Instructor of Elocution, Union Theo. Sem., since 1879, and Public Reader. Tutor Coll. of City of New York, 1866-77. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1870. Lieut. Signal Corps, U. 8. A., 1S63-5. t Albert Dodge Smith. A.Fl. Orange, N. J. Dry Goods Commission Merchant, New York City. *^" James Matthews Trippe. I.X. Orange, N. J. Lieut. Col. 24th Colored Troops, U. 8. A., 186.i. 1863. Henry Ashton Crosby. F.Q. New York City. Asst. Sec. St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute R.R. John Elihu Dwight. A'. W. New York City. Alanhailan. i^^t^ f Washington White Ellsworth. 1.(I>. Redden, Del. Lawyer. fHENRY Walton Grinnell. N.d. New Roclielle, N. Y. Retired Inspector General Imperial Jnpanege Navy, lS68-"0; Naval Adviser to Repub- lic of Ecuador, 1871-2. Aiitlior of Notes on a Journey to Corea and tliroutrli Manchuria, Am. Geo. Soc. Journal; also Notes on Patagonia. A. \'. Lieut. U. S.N., 1861-8. Gilbert Livingston Morse. B.J. Yonkcrs, N. Y. Manufacturer of Composite iletals. Alderman and Pros. Yonkers Common Council, 1876-8 ; Acting Mayor, 1878. School Trustee, 1874-80. Contributor to N. Y. Observer, etc. t Charles Henry O'Connor. //.//'. Brooklyn, N. Y. Merchant; firm of O'Connor, Kimball & Co., Paper Dealers, New York City. Private 22d N. Y. Inf.; 1st Lieut. 2d R. I. Inf.; detailed on -Statfof Brij;. Gen. Wheaton, 1864. Edward Livingston Owen, LL.B. A. 6. New York City. Lawyer. fWiLLiAM James Slauson. A'. A. New York City. Business. IAppleton Sturgis. n.Z. New York City. Agent. Lieut, and Aide-de-Camp U. 8. A. 1864. William Lanman Bull. Z'. 0. Montclair, N. J. Broker, New York City. George Francis Demarest. Z'.F. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer. Attorney-ln-charge of Bureau of Titles, Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York City. fRicHARD Booth Greenwood, LL.B. O.P. Brooklvn, N. Y. Lawyer. Member L. I. Hist. Soc. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1865. Private 22d N. G. S. N. Y., U. 8. A., 1861. Clinton Jones Hartt. A'..^. Brooklyn, N. Y. Clerk Life Ins. Co., New York City. Instructor Norwich, Vt., Univ., 1864. Erasmus Darwin Hudson, Jr. , M.D. I'. I. New York City. Health Inspector, 1869-71; House Surgeon, Bollevue Hospital, 1867-8; Physician to Northwestern Dispensary, 1870-2; Prof. Practice of Medicine, Woman's Med. CoU.of N.Y. Infirmary, 1873-82 ; Librarian N. Y. Acad, of Medicine, 1880-2. Author of PatholoKy and Etiology of Phthisis, 1875; Doctors' Hygiene and Therapeutics, 1876. Member N. \ . Acad, of Science. Contributor to Johnson's Cyclopaedia, 1877-8. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1867. George Frederick Mayer. P. W. Marshall, Tex. Agent Union Pacific R.K. Co. t Albert Mansfield Patterson. E.J. New York City. Woollen Manufacturer. Seely Benedict Patterson. A. ¥. Ironton, Mich. Supt. Furnaces of Pine Lake Iron Co. fSAMUEL Sweetser. V . 11' . Orange, N. J. With Metropolitan Steamship Co., New York City. 364 Manhattan. 1865. *'^^ JoHX Player Crosby. O.J. Xew York City. Clerk in employ Equitable Trust Co. Died May 10, 1S76. fFREDERic Neyixs Dodge, LL.B. H' . T. Plainfield, N. J. Manufacturer Ground Glue, Xew YorkCitv. A.B., Yale Coll., 1866: LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1869. Daniel Trimble Gilman. A.\'. Sioux City, Iowa. Real Estate Broker. fWiLLiAM Greenwood. P.X. Xew York City. Broker. f John Bromham Hawes. ./'.//. Montclair, X. J. Dentist. Urban Gillespie Hitchcock, M.D. ././/. Xew York City. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1869. fFRANCLS Mankin Jenks. N.F. New York City. Lawyer. * i^t Archibald Duncan Kennedy. J.(I>. Yail's Mills, N. Y. Died while on leave of absence from college. John Augustus Knapp. A.E. Salt Lake City, Utah. Mining Engineer. E.M., Columbia Coll., 1870. William Henry Lane. J'.Q. Xew York City. Sec. Pacific Mail Steamship Co. since 1876. William Maitland Murray. J'.M. Xew York City. Stock Broker. *^^tEDWARD Sturgis. Y. T. New York City. Ist Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-4. Killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864, while leading the regiment, all superior officers being disabled. Charles Edward Tracy, LL.B. U'. T. XeAv York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1869. William Henry Van Arsdale. IJ.l'. Xew York City. Mining Engineer. E.M., Columbia Coll., 1868. 1866. Ernst Ferdinand Eurich. A'.. 4. Tarrytown, X. Y. Mining Engineer, New York City. *'*"tWiLLiAM Ay^iar Kissam, M.D. A' . K' . Xew York City. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1867. Died April 12, 1877. fDANFORD Henry Knoavlton. A'. 1\ Xew York City. Merchant. Member N. Y. Acad, of Sciences. * '^'^ Henry Newton. A'. T'. New York City. Mining Engineer and Geologist. E.M., Columbia Coll., 1869. JSfanhatlan. 365 f Charles Broughton Souttek. .\'.y. New York City. Produce and Packing Merchant. fERNESt Werner. .\'.l". Now York City. Merchant. 1867. Henry Fowler Chapman. A'.I/. New York City. Merchant. • Rev. Charles Edward IIiscox. F.N. Canandaigua, N. Y. Pastor, Baptist. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1874. Prin. High School, Bristol, Conn., 1868-9. fJoHN HuRBARD HowELL. 0.K'. Springfield, Mo, General Insurance Agent. "'^ Daniel Phoenix Ketchum. AjIK New York City. Merchant. LuQius Henry Nutting. . A.A' . riushing-, N. Y, Gen. Eastern Agent Missouri Pacific R.R., New York City. Franklin Bayard Patterson. A'JP. Parkville, N. Y. Lithographer and Publisher. Advertiser's Publishing Co., New York City. Samuel Edmund Seaman. 1.1%. New York City. Teller Fulton Nat. B.-ink. "^^f Lorenzo Brighton Shepard. A.K'. New York City. Midshipman iu U. S. Navy. Died at Havana, Cuba, August 12, 1868. "*^'tGEORGE Stephens. W. W . Dubuque, Iowa. In business at Dubuque, 1865-82. At death. Sec, Treas. and chief stockholder Norwegian Plough Co. Died February 9, 1882. fHENRY Pearl I'almadge. Y. W. Netlierwood, N. J. Banker, New York City. A.B., Harvard Coll., 1868. i868. t Joseph Solace Bosworth, Jr. J.B. New York City. Lawj'er. Richard Rogers Bowker. A'./. Clarence Gate, Regent's Park, London, Eng. Litterateur. Representative for Haqier Bros, abroad. Contributor to Maeazines and Quarterlies. Member Cobden Club, England. Rev. Theodore Frelinghuysen Chambers. S'.r. Decker- town, N. J. Paf-tor, Presbyterian, shice 1876; Oakl;\nd, X. J., 1872-6. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., N.Y.,1871. Albert Delafield, LL.B. 6.l\ New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1870. Z^^ Manhattan. Frederick Hinman Hamlin. P. 6. New York City. Civil Engineer. Deputy Com. Pub. Works, New York City, since 1879. Asst Engineer Dept. Pub. Works, 1872; Engineer in Chief of Roads and Avenues, 1876-9. fMiXER Rockwell Kxowltox. II.H. Montclair, N. J. Sugar Merchant, Jfew York City. Robert Bach McMaster, LL.B. AjP. Xew York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1870. fFRANCis HuxTiXGTOX Raxkix, M.D. A'.X. Newport, R. I. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1871. fWiLLiAM Allex Smith. M'. T. Boonton, X. J. Mining Engineer. *'^tHEXRY JoHXSOX AYiLLiAMS. E.0. New York City. Died in college. Fraxklix Emersox Woodford. 6. A. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1869. George Augustus Baker, LL.B. 0'.1\ New York City. Author of Point Lace and Diamonds; Bad Habits of Good Society. Contributor to Galaxy, Scribner's, Frank Leslie's, X. Y. Evening Post. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1870. Menroer X. Y. Hist. Society. Rev. Edwix Thomas Hiscox. K.A'. Winona, Minn. Clergyman, Baptist. Grad. Rochester Theo. Sem., 1872. fNEiLSOX Olcott. 0.x. Inwood, New York City. Banker, Xational Bank of Commerce. Hexry TuRXER Pattersox. \.B. New York City. Merchant. t James Thomas Pettus, Jr. i?. }'. New York City. Medical Student. Edward Morse Shepard. I'.A.K. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, Xew York City. fSTEPHEX WiLSOX Vax Schaik. ZJJ'. Florence, Italy. Artist and Teacher of Art. Howard Paysox Wilds, LL.B. A'. A. NeAv York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1871. Honorary Sec. U. S. Assoc, for Refoi-m and Codification of the Law of Xations. Member Exec. Com. International Code Com. of America. Fraxk Ll^siax Wixg. M. W. New York City. See. Cromwell Iron Co. since 1880. 1870. Graham McAdam. F. T. New York City. Cashier City Revenue Bureau, Finance Dept. Pres. Cromwell Iron Co. Editor Brooklyn, X. Y., Times, 1875-7, Evening Express, 1877-8. Author of An Alphabet in Fin.-mce, 1876; Banking and Trade, 18S1; The Protective System. What it Costs the American Farmer, 1880; Express System for Collection of Bank Paper, 1880; articles on the English Land Questiou. in Evening Post, etc. Manhattan. 3^7 t Abbot Lawhence Mills. lJl>. Ohicngo, Til. Grain Hrokor,H..:u-a of Tiadu. '■•fJoiiN SiDMAN MooKE. M.E. Ncw York City. Difd at IScUevillc, N. J. Charles Hine Nettleton. (').A. Birmingham, Conn. Agent and Superintendent Gas and Water Works. 187I. Frank Anderson, M.D. A. 2'. Staploton, N. Y. Passed ■^sst Sinm-on, U. S. N., since 1875. P. O. Address. Navy Dept Washington, D. C House SurVeonN.'Y. Charily Hospital. 1873-4. M.D., Columbia Coll., 18,4. WheelerDeForest Edwards, LL.B. /i'./-;. New York City. . Lawyer. Ph. B., Yale Coll., 1872; LL.B., Columbia" Coll., 1874. fWiLLiAM Edwards Fulton. /..V. Waterbury, Conn. Sec. and Treas. Waterbury Farrtl Foundry and Machine Company. t Shirley Mc Andrew. H'JP. Tarragona, Spain. Merchant. British Vice Consul since 1879. fRoGER MiNOTT Sherman. N.d. Stamford, Conn. Lawyer, New York City. Asst. District Atty., 1873-9; Special Asst. to CJ. 8. Atty. General in several suits, since 1872. Herbert Edgar Smith. K' . T. Middletown, Conn. Sec. and Treas. J. O. Smith Manufacturing Co. Daniel Kissam Young. ./. 0. New York City. Coffee Merchant. 1872. fEDWARD Daniel Falkner. JjD. New York City. Merchant. jNewberry Davenport Lawton, LL.B. B'.P. New Rochelle, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1873. Rev. William Otis Ruston. I.E'. West Union, Iowa. Pastor, Presbyterian. Author of History of Presbyterian Church of Fairmount, N. J., 1876. Gra'd. Union Theo. Sem., 1875. James Lawrence Woodward, LL.B. Ji'.//. Bergen Point, N. J. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1874. 1873. William Sylvester Church. /. 7'. New York City. Clerk. Edward Martin Colie. H'.O'. East Orange, N. J. Lawyer, Newark, N. J. 368 Manhattan. fAVALTER Ashley Hamlix. I. T. New York City. Grain Broker. fCoLERiDGE Allex Hart, LL.B. P.P. Peekskill, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. A.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1S73; LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1877. Lynds Eugene Jones. B'.A'. Brooklyn, N. Y. Editorial Staff X.Y. Evening 3fail,lS~i-o; Publishers' Tr(?<'A7y,Xew York Citj', 187.5-6. Compiler of The American Catalogue, 2 vols., 1880-1. Conlrihuior to Library Journal. Joint-author of Books of All Time, 1881. fHENRY Clifford Miller. E.S. NeAv York City. Salesman. fEBEN Erskine Olcott. 1\.1. New York City. Mining Engineer. Supt. and Agent Orinoco Ex. & Mining Co., 1878-9. Contributor to Transactions Am. lust. Mining Engineers. E.M., Columbia Coll., 1874. jHenry Williams Reddington. P.P. San Francisco, Cal. Merchandise Broker. Edward Marshall Wray. P. P. New York City. Merchant. 1874. AYarren Rogers Dix, LL.B. J. T. Elizabeth, N. J. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1877. f William Harris Douglass. /7.J. New York City. Shipping and Commission Merchant. fHEMAN DowD. X.r. New York City. 1st Lieut., U. S. A., since 1881; 2d Lieut., IT. S. A., commissioned from West Point, 1876. jHenry Butler Dwight. F/. 0. New York City. Agent for Rossie Iron Ore Paint Co. tWiLLiAM Porter Jenkins. .1.1'. Chicago, 111. Commission Merchant. f George Livingston. P.J. New York City. Representative for Downs & Adams Silk Manfg Co., Boston, Mass. Contributor to the press. Henry Hubbell Man, LL.B. P'..\. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1876. Richard Leland Saveezy. ./. ¥. New York City. Lawyer, practising since 1876. f Dexter Oliver Tiffany. /./. Richmond, Ya. Wholesale Clothier. 1875. fCHARLES ]\IiLNOR Baker. r.0. New York City. Manhattan. 3^9 fGEORGE David IIenokkn. A'.X. Kansas City, Mo. Bookkeeper. fGEORGE Jeremiah. /'.2''. New York City. Fire Insurance Agent. Wilbur Larremore, LL.B. /.//. New ^Oik City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1877. t^NEAS MciVNDREW. A.ii. Butte City, Montana. Assayer, Colorado and Montana Smelting Co. Spencer Gill McNary, LL.B. W.A. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1877. George Nichols Messiter, LL.B. A".i?. Arlinfrton, N. J. Lawyer, New York City. On City Staff of Tribune, 1875-6; Editorial Staff Evening Mail, 1876. ' LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1877. fHARRiE Gates Newton. K.A. Nyack, N. Y. Paint Manufacturer. Nelson Stanley Srencer. A''. '/. New York City. Lawyer; admitted to practice in 1881. 1876. fFRANKLiN Butler Dwight. ./. 0' . New York City. student of Theology. Edward Cairns Henderson, LL.B. V.A. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1878. Charles Israel Henry. P. U' . New York City. Merchant. John Ward Hopper, M.D. A. A. Hackensack, N. J. studying abro.-xd in Giittingen and Vienna Medical Schools. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1879. t Jacob Van Vechten Olcott, LL.B. U.^l. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1877. t Albert Julien Philip, LL.B. V.L Brooklyn, N.Y. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1879. t James McGregor Smith. 1. V. New York City. Lawyer. Rev. George Blood Smyth. F'.B. Linden, N. J. Clergyman Methodist Episcopal Church. Drew Tlieo. Sem., 1880. 1877. Joseph Do WD. A.Ii. New York City. Clerk. 24 37^ Manhattan. flSAAC Wyiman DRtnvmoND. E.A' . New York City. Chemist. E.M., Columbia Coll., 1878 ; Ph.D., 1879. fEDMUND DwiGHT, Jr. W.P. New York City. Insurance Agent. fCLARENCE Henry Eagle. Z'.A. New York City. Banker, H. "W. Jackson & Co. Sec. N. Y. Linnean Soc. Frank Henry Gilbert. P.F. New York City. Treas. Gilbert Manufacturing Co. Emile Andrew Huber. l.N'. New York City. Music Teacher. Rev. David Moore Hunter. A.E. Salem, N. Y. Pastor, Presbyterian. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1880. fNEWBOLD Trotter Lawrence. Y.E. New York City. Real Estate Agent. Charles Seymour Shepard. P.O. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brass Manufacturer, New York City. Charles Howard Wilson. N.X. Montclair, N. J. Prin. Montclair School. Residence, New York City. 1878. William John Campbell, LL.B. Z .E. New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1880. Eugene Yancey Cohen. S.A. NeAv York City. Law Student, Columbia Coll. Contributor to Savannah, Ga., Morning Newa, etc. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1881. Robert John Devlin, M.D. A'.U. New York City. Resident Physician, St. Luke's Hospital, 1881-3. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1881. fARTHUR Franklin Hawes. V. S. Montclair, N. J. Dentist, New York City. William Wickham Smith, LL.B. 0.Q. New York City. Lawyer ; and Tutor English Language and Literature, Coll. of City of New York, since 1878. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1880. 1879. John Frelinghuysen Chambers, LL.B. 8'. I. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1881. William Adam Frederick Pentz MuLFORD. M.0. New York City. Law Student, Columbia Coll. Ma7ihaftan. fCHARLES Howard Patterson. (I>,.\. Brooklyn, N. Y. Shade Mauufactiirer, New York City. Frederick Alden Powers, l.ll. New York City. Clerk. Bartow Sumter Weeks. H. V . New York City. Law Student. 1880. Edwin Snow Doubleday. O.U. New York City. Clerk. fWiLLiAM Charles Hill. S.\ Brooklyn, N. Y. Artist. George Henry Keim. S.Q. New York City. Clerk in Naval Office, Custom House, New York City, since 1880. Edwin Thomas Rice, Jr. O.A. New York City. Law Student. fLiNCOLN Alexander Stuart. .Y. P. New York City. Bank Clerk. Frank Tucker. A'. '/. New York City. Clerk. t Alfred Edward V ass. W.M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 371 Broker, New York City. t Edgar Ketchilni Brown. K.E. New York City. Student of Law, Columbia Coll. t Walter Clayton Clapp. Z. E. New York City. Student at Amherst Coll. t Maurice Ludlum Cowl. I.B. New York City. Student at Trinity Coll., Hartford, Conn. AYilliam Warren Giles. H' .B. New York City. Student, Union Theo. Sem. George Roe Lockwood, Jr. Z'Ji. New York City. Student of Medicine, Columbia Coll. Daniel Hoffman Martin, ii. U. New York City. Student, Union Theo. Sem. William Morrow Knox Olcott. K'.A. New York City. Law Student, Columbia Coll. fCiiARLES Harry Richardson, Jr. I. P. New York City. Medical Student, Columbia Coll. 372 Manhattan. 1882. f George Howard Abeel. E.X. New York City. Student, Columbia Coll. School of Mines. f Henry Harland. H'.A. New York City. Divinity Student. fEDWARD Man. A.F. New York City. Student at Williams Coll. William Howard Rachau. A' .Y' . New York City. James Drummond Sinclair. J. 77. Brooklyn, N. Y. * ^^'t George William TuTTLE. E'.F. New York City. Died August 16, 1881. 1883. Ronald Edgar Ketchum Brown. New York City. f Leslie Giffen Cauldwell. New York City. Cashier Sunday Mercury. fJosiAH Huntington Fitch. Z.M. New York City. Student at Columbia Coll. School of Mines. fJoHN Ellsworth Hyde. New York City. Clerk. John Albert Lane. New York City. Lewis Freeman Mott. New York City. Theodore Martindale Purdy. New York City. fiRA Alexander Shaler. Ridgefield, N. J. Student at Cornell Univ. f Edgar Nelson Sidman. New York City. Clerk. fED^VIN Benjamin Tucker. New York City. student at Amherst Coll. 1884. fFRANCis Seguine Bayles. Orange, N. J. student. Edgar Ketchuim Bourne. New York City. Hilary Ranald Chambers. New York City. George Edward Debevoise. New York City. f Russell Wadsworth Hildreth. New York City. Student, Columbia Coll. School of Mines. Manhattan. 373 f Ralph Lane. New York City. Student, Columbia Coll. School of MincB. j-Edward Jackson Newell. New York City. WiLLL\M Henry Reed. New York City. f Edward Fields Slayback. New York City. Clerk. Theodore Eugene Smith. New York City. Myna Allison Vosburgh. New York City. 1885. Ralph David Parsons Brown. New York City. William Frederick Decker. New* York City. Percy Stearns Hildreth. New York City. Alfred Watts Kiddle. New York City. fEDMUND Young Nelson. New York City. William Morgan Savin. New York City. •j-Charles Wilson Smith. New York City. JuDSON Newman Smith. New York City. THE MIDDLETOWN CHAPTER, 1856 TO 1885. Attn a Is. The Middle town Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi was the eighteenth in order of establishment, receiving its Charter on the 31st of July, 1856, and holding its first regular meeting on Saturday evening, August 2. It sprang from the union of two local societies, the Betrians and Lebanians. The Betrian Society was organized in 1847, from an older association, the Alpha Psi ; and tlie Lebanian Society owed its formation chiefly to the efforts of Rev. John Emory Round, '55, and Orville Watson Powers, '56. This latter societ}^ began in 1854 with four members, adding to its roll eight more names during the first year. Its existence was for a time kept secret ; but the excellent in- fluence exerted by it upon its members, stimulating them to increased effort, ultimately led to the discovery of the organization. Early in 1856 both the Lebanians and the Betrians forwarded a petition to the annual convention, holden that 3'ear with the Yale Chapter, asking for the grant of a charter. The committee to whom these petitions were referred fouud it exceedingly diflTicult to decide between the two bodies of petitioners. It soon became evident, indeed, that, since either party was powerful enough to defeat the other, neither could succeed of itself. At this juncture a union was proposed b}" Rev. David Hough Ela, '57, Hiram Pliny Shepard, '58, and Rev. George Henry Whitney, '58, of the Betrians, and Orville AYatson Powei'S, '56, and Joseph Whit- comb Ellis, '58, of the Lebanians. This was finally effected. The united societies were initiated into the Fraternity of Alpha Delta Phi at the McDonough House, in Middletown, Conn., on the evening of July 31, 1856. Middhtown. 375 The subsequont liistorv of the Chapter has beon, in a Inr<2;e measure, wliat its auspicious l)irth predicted. It lias inaiutaiufMl a hiijjh rank at Wesleyau University. The number of men received from each class averages nine, and the roll for any single 3'ear has rarely included over thirty names. The aggregate membership now reaches nearly two hundred and eight}'. Of this number a fair proportion are in high positions. Some have become presidents of educational institutions, others are college professors, a few excel in letters, and many are successfully puisuing the various professions. In 1876 there was an enthusiastic, movement toward the erection of a Chapter house, the need of which was becoming more and more apparent. The methods adopted, however, were such as to accomplish little beyond the initiation of the enterprise. Two years later more S3-stematic efforts brought better results ; and, at the twenty-tifth anniversary of the Chapter, in 1881, the generous action of the mem- bers made the speedy erection of the hall a matter of certainty. Ground was at once broken upon the site already purchased, and plans were perfected for building in the spring of 1882. Of the College honors won by members of the Chapter a complete list will not be attempted. AVhile the system w%as in vogue that gave to men at Commencement positions according to their rank in scholar- ship, there is little doubt that more than her proportion was awarded to Alpha Delta Phi. That system has been abolished for some years, but the various prizes are so awarded as to afford to men of all tastes opportunities of distinguishing themselves in their several departments. 1S60. — Adams Mathematical Prize, George Carr Round, '66. 1862. — Parker Rhetorical Prize, Henrj' Ward Bennett, '62. 156^. —Parker Rhetorical Prize, John Joseph Reed, Jr., '64 ; Calef Elocution Prize, Granville Yager, '66. 1866. — Rich Oratorical Prize, George Carr Round, '66; Parker Rhetorical Prize, Granville Yager, '66; Miller Junior Debate Prize, Edward Cunningham, '67. 1867. — Dean Sophomore Debate Prize, Jonathan Edwards Richards, '69. 1868. — Avres Entrance Prize, Silas William Kent, '72. 376 AliddletoTvii. 1869. — Walsh Greek Prize, Theodore E Hancock, '71 ; Phi Beta Kappa Prize, Theodore E Hancock, 71. 1870. — Calef Elocution Prize, Eldon Benjamin Birdsey, '71; Miller Junior Debate Prize, William Frederick Whitcher, '71 ; North Mathematical Prize, Silas William Kent, '72. 1871. — Rich Oratorical Prize, William Frederick Whitcher, '71; Parker Rhetorical Prize, Robert James Round, '72; North Mathematical Prize, Wilbur Merton Palmer, '7i5. 1872. — Walsh Greek Prize, Archie Emerson Palmer, '74. 1873. — Van Benschoten Greek Prize, Archie Emerson Palmer, '7'4; Cutts Mental Philosophy Prize, Archie Emerson Palmer, '7-4 ; Pierce Natural Science Prize, Archie Emerson Palmer, '74; North Mathematical Prize, Clarence Morgan Skeel, '75. 1874. — Wise Moral Philosophy 'Prize, Archie Emerson Palmer, '74 ; Miller Junior Debate Prize, Wilbur Samuel Raymond, '75. 1875. — Olin Essay Prize, William Channing Kellogg, '75; Rich Oratorical Prize, William Channing Kellogg, '75; Peirce Natural Science Prize, Clarence Abiathar Waldo, '75; Sherman Mathematical Prize, William Ezra Scofield, '78. 1876. — Olin Essay Prize, Wilbert Celestus Blakeman, '76 ; Parker Rhetorical Prize, George Grimston Cookman, '77 ; Spinney Greek Prize, William Ezra Sco- field, '78 ; Hibbard Elocution Prize, Seldon Lester Brown, '79 ; Ayres Entrance Prize, Charles Sumner Chapin, '80. iS77. —Calef Elocution Prize, William Day Leonard, '78; 2d Ferry Oratorical Prize, William Day Leonard, '78 ; Peirce Natural Science Prize, William Ezra Scofield, '78 ; Rice Mathematical Prize, Alfred Cookman Bruner, '79 ; Sherman Greek Prize, Charles Sumner Chapin, '80. 1878. — Rich Oratorical Prize, William Day Leonard, '78 ; 2d Ferry Oratorical Prize, Seldon Lester Brown, '79 ; Miller Junior Debate Prize, Seldon Lester Brown, '79; Phi Beta Kappa Prize, Charles Sumner Chapin, '80; Rice Mathe- matical Prize, Abram Winegardner Harris, '80; Peirce Natural Science Prize, Charles Noah Dixon Jones, '80. 1879. — Peirce Natural Science Prize, Lahman Forrest Bower, '79; 1st Ferry Oratorical Prize, Charles Sumner Chapin, '80; Spinney Greek Prize, AVilliam Adelbert Jones, '81. 1880. — Wise Moral Philosophy Prize, Charles Sumner Chapin, '80; 2d Ferry Oratorical Prize, William Adelbert Jones, '81 ; Hibbard Elocution Prize, John McCarthy, '83. 2S52. — Rich Oratorical Prize, William Adelbert Jones, '81 ; Taylor Poetry Prize, Valentine Hallenbeck, '82. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Meinbers. Alexander Diego McVoy. l.N. Orville Watson Powers. E.A. Charles Wesley Brooks. A'.S. S0L0310N Chapin. F'.A. George Flsk Comfort. (KV. David Hough El a. A.iLK. Andrew Eoe. O.P. John Wheaton S^iith. P.U. Joseph Whitcomb Ellis. Z'.l. Thomas Eussell Ercanbrack. A.X. Hiram Pliny Shepard. I.I'.K. George Hussey Tracy. P. A. George Henry Whitney. F.Y. Stephen Brooks Davis. T.l. Wesley Curtis Ginn. E'AL Samuel Jackson. A'. I.. John Sanborn. A'. W. Francis Asbury Smith. A.d. Horace Sumner Tarbell. J. '/'. Benjamin Horton White. A. A. 1828. ^ Rev. Daniel Denison Wliedon. A. 6. New York City. Mothodist Minister since 18-13. Editor Methoilht Quarterli/ Rei-inc since 1856. Teacher, Cazenovia, X. Y., Sera., 1830-1; Tutor Latin and Greek, Hamilton Coll., 1831-2; Prof. An- cient Lanfcuatjes and Literature, Wesleyan, 1833-12; Klietoric, Loeic and History, Univ. of Jlicb., 1842-52. A.B., Hamilton Coll, 1828; D.D., Henry and Emory Coll., Va., 1850: LL.l)., Wesleyan, 1867. 1834- Rev. John Wesley Merrill. I'.N. Concoi'd, X. H. Methodist Minister since 18:?7. Pres. McKendree Coll., Lebanon, 111., 1837-41; Prof. Ethicsand Metaphysics, Biblical Inst., Concord, X. H., 1854-68. Grad. .■VndoverTheo. 8em., 1837. D.D., McKendree Coll., Lebanon, 111., 1844. 378 Middhtown. 1848. John Philander Grijfin. liJP. Syracuse, N. Y. Business Manager Northern Christian Advocate since 1875. Teaclier Mathematics and Natural Science, Fairfield, N. Y., Acad., 1848-50; Associate Prin., 1850-3; Teacher, Bloomfield, N. J., Inst., 1853-6; Prin. Falley Seni., Fulton, N". Y., 1856-69; Librarian, Registrar and Business Manager, Syracuse Univ., 1871-5. 1855. William Roe. E'.P. Wolcott, N. Y. Lawyer since 1862. Rev. John Emory Round. P.F. Baltimore, Md. Pres. Centenary Biblical Inst, since 1872. Teacher Falley Sem., Fulton, N. Y., 1856-7. Methodist Minister since 1857. Asst. Editor Boston, Mass., Zion's Herald, 1862. Capt. 43d Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. 1856. Rev. Alexander Diego McVoy. I.N. Aberdeen, Miss. Pres. Aberdeen Female Coll. since 1880. Tutor Barton Acad., Mobile, Ala., 1855-9. Methodist Minister since 1859. Prof. Matliciiiatics and Aucieut Languages, Stonewall Inst., Selma, Ala., 1865; Prin. Peabody Inst., T.illa.l.-a, Ala., 1806-8; Prof. Moml Science, East Ala. Coll., Auburn, Ala., 1868-71 ; Pres. Oenti ii.irv Female Coll., Summerlield, Ala., 1871-80. Chaplain 38th and 40th Ala Inf., C. S. A., 1801-5. Orville Watson Powers. E.A. London, Eng. General European Manager for Wilcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co. since 1867. Prin. Rhinebeck, N. Y., Acad., 1858; Prof. English Literature, Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis., 1859-60; Teacher Physical Culture, Chicago, 111., 1864. Asst. Sec. and Actuary, Conn. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn., 1865-6. 1857- Rev. Charles Wesley Brooks. A'.S. Turin, N. Y. Prin. Lodi, 111., Public School, 1858-9. Methodist Minister since 1861. Grad. Garrett Biblical Inst., Evanston, 111., 1861. -'®^^ Solomon Chapin, M.D. F'.A. Connersville, Ind. Tutor Mathematics, Wesleyan, 1857. Methodist Minister, 1858-67. A.M., Wesleyan, 1860; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Philadelphia, Pa., 1869. Died February 24, 1881. George Fisk Comfort. 0. Y. Syracuse, N. Y. Prof. Modern Languages and Esthetics, Syracuse Univ., since 1872 ; Dean Coll. of Fine Arts since 1873; Teacher. Natural Science and German, Amenia, N. Y., Sem., 1857-8; Natural Science, Fort Plain, N. Y., Sem., 1858-60 ; Natural Science and Latin, Van Norman's Inst., New York City, 1860; Prof. Modern Languages and .Ksthetics, Allegheny Coll., Meadville, Pa., 1865-8. Secretary Am. Philological Assoc, 1869-73. Author of a series of German text hooks ; Art Museums in America ; ^Esthetics in Collegiate Education ; Fine Arts in American Colleges; Woman's Education and M'oman's Health; Land Troubles in Ireland. Contributor to various reviews, etc. Member European A rch8. TeaclicrMatliematics and Natural Sciences, Gouverneur, N. Y., Sem., 1857-60; Vrin., 18G0-3. '*•" John Wheaton Smith. P.B. Warren, R. I. Lawyer. Died June 18, 18G3. 1858. Rev. Anson Tuller Copeland. H'.Il. Canfield, Ohio. Methodist Minister since 1859. Teacher Poland, Ohio, Female Coll., 1858. Joseph Whitcomb Ellis. Z'.I. Whitestown, N. Y. Teacher Mathematics and Latin, Whitestown Sem., since 1809; High School, Middle- town, Conn., 1839; ^[atllematics, Fairfield, X. Y., Sem., 1860-7; Mathematics and Natural Science, Oneida, N. Y., Sem., 1868. Thomas Russell Ercanbrack, LL.B. /..V. Anamosa, Iowa. Lawyer since 1808. Prin. Ward Grammar School, Peoria, 111., 1860; Marengo, 111., High School, 1861-5; Supt. Schools, McHenry Co., 111., 1861-5; Prin. North Missouri Collegiate Inst., Louisiana, Mo., 1866; Trustee Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, Iowa, 1870-9. City Mayor, Anamosa, Iowa, 1874-6. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1859. Rev. Arza Hill. ./.. South Norwalk, Conn. Methodist Minister since 1858. f Edward Bruce MuNSELL. M.S. Paris, 111. Lawyer since 1863. Prof. Greek, Illinois Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 1857-60. William Romer. F.J. White Plains, N. Y. Lawyer since 1861. Hiram Pliny Shepard. I.F.K. Forestville, N. Y. Merchant since 1871. Prof. Languages, Bellesville, Out., Sera., 1858-65. Methodist Minister, 1859-70. Prof. Greek and Mathematics, Baker Univ., Baldwin City, Kan., 1867-9. Rev. Henry Taylor Staats. ./'..'/. Bristol, Conn. Congregational Minister since 1860. Methodist Minister, 1858-9. "^'^ George Hussey Tracy. P. A. Mobile, Ala. On Staff of Hartford, Conn., Pout, and Norwich, Conn., Aurora, 1860. Chief Freed- men's Bureau, Mobile, Ala., 1866-7. 1st Lieut. 1st Conn. Reg., U. S. A., 1861-5. Died September 17, 1867. Rev. George Henry Whitney. F. T. Hackettstown, N. J. Pres. Centenary Collegiate Inst, since 1874; Prin. Macedon Centre, N. Y., Acad., 1858; Oneida, N. Y., Sera., 1859-61. Methodist Minister since 1860. Trustee Wesleyan since 1880. Author Trinity Hynins, 1868 ; Handbook of Bible Geography, 1871. Contributor to Christian Advocate, etc., etc. D.D., Mt. Union, Ohio, Coll., 1873. 1859. David Allison. F.I. Halifax, N. S. Supt. Education, Province of Nova Scotia, since 1878. Prin. Stanstead, Quebec, Acad., 1859-60; Tutor Classics, Mt. Allison Acad., Sackville, N. B., 1860-1 ; Prof. Classics, Mount Allison Coll., Sackville, N. B., 1862-9; Pres., 1870-8; Meraber of Senate, Univ. of Halifax, since 1876. LL.D., Victoria Univ., Coburg, Ont., 1873. 380 Middleto w n . Asa BooTHBY, Jr. T.N. Fulton, N. Y. Teacher Natural Science, Falley Scm., 1859-65, and since 1879. Druggist, Phoenix, N. Y., 1865-7. Teacher Natural Science, Wilbraham, Mass., Acad., 1867-74. Manufacturer, Phoenix, N. Y., 1874-9. Author of Nomenclature of Chemistry, 1862. *i865 j^oBERT Pagan Bucknam. P.J. Bangor, Me. Prin. Bucksport, Me., Sem., 1859-62; Bangor, Me., High School, 1862-5. Died February 23, 1865. Stephen Brooks Davis. T.I. Middletown, Conn. Coal Merchant since 1869. Lawyer, 1862. Member City Council, 1875-6; Member Board of Education since 1880. Chief Clerk Q. M. Dept., 4th Army Corps, U. S. A., 1863-5. *^"^ Rev. Spencer Eiland Fuller. IT. IV. Watertown, N. Y. . Methodist'Minister, 1861-70. Prin. Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N.Y., 1866-7. Died September 16. 1870. Wesley Curtis Ginn. E.^. Syracuse, N. Y. Prin. Syracuse Classical School since 1875; Bristol, Conn., High School, 1859-61; Vice Prin. Hartford, Conn., High School, 1861-3 ; Prin. Stamford, Conn., High School, 1864- 5; Home Boarding School, Stamford, Conn., 1865-9; Ithaca, N. Y., Acad., 1869-75. Author of Co-relation of Academies and Colleges, 1870. Rev. Samuel Jackson. A.1\ Webster, Mass. Methodist Minister since 1859. John Sanborn. A'. W. Tilton, N. H. Farmer since 1879. Teacher Mathematics, Sanbornton Bridge, N. H., Sem., 1859-60; Prof. Mathematics, Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, Iowa, 1860-6 and 1868-72; Prin. Janesville, Iowa, Acad., 1866-8; Prof. Mathematics, Albion, Iowa, Sem., 1873-5; Prin., 1875-9. Francis Asbury Smith. A. 6. Elizabethtown, N. Y. Lawyer since 1861; Judge and Surrog.ate, Essex Co., N. Y., since 1878. Private 3d N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-2; 1st Lieut., 1862-3. Watson Carvosso Squire, LL.B. A.J. Ilion, N. Y. Railroad and Real Estate Agent since 1879. Prin. Moravia, N. Y., Inst., 1859-60. Judge Advocate, District of Tenn., 1864-5. Trustee, Secretary and Manager, Remington Arms Co., New York City, 1868-78. Trustee Wesleyan since 1875. LL.B., Cleveland, Ohio, Law Scliool, 1862. Ist Lieut. 19th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1861; Capt. 7th Independent Co. Ohio Sharpshooters, 1863. Horace Sumner Tarbell. N. W. Indianapolis, Ind. Supt. Public Schools since 1878. Teacher Belleville, Ont., Sem., 1859-62; Head Master Farmersville, Ont., Grammar School, 1863-6; Prin. McGrawville, N. Y., Acad., 1866-7; Prin. Detroit, Mich., Public Schools, 1867-71; Supt. Schools, East Saginaw, Mich., 1871-7; Mich. State Supt. Instruction, 1877-8. fBENJAMiN HoRTON White. A. A. Clarendon, Tex. Lawyer since 1860. Trustee and Treas. Clarendon Collegiate Inst. Ist Lieut. 5th Iowa Cav., U. S. A., 1861-5. i860. fELiAS RiGGS Carey, M.D. E.X. Philadelphia, Pa. Manufacturer. M.D., Buffalo, N. Y., Univ., 1859. A. A. Surgeon, Army of the Potomac, U. S. A., 1862-5. Rev. George Clarke. A.B. Tarrytown, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1860. Rev. Sylvanus Gale Gale. S.d. Faribault, Minn. Methodist Minister since 1860. Teacher Charlotteville, N. Y., Sem., 1860 and 1863; Prin., 1864-5. Chaplain Minn. State Senate, 1878-9. let Lieut. 48th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-2. JMiddleto-Lvn. :y^^ Samuel Martin Stiles. ./.2'. Hartford, Conn. Stenogrnpher .-Etna Life Ins. Co. since 1876. Metliodist i[ini«tci-, 18t>(>-7. Kev. CiiAKLES Nelson Stowers. A'./. Faribault, Minn. Methodist Minister since 1862. Teacher Matliem.iticB, Wilbrahiun.Miiss-. Acad., 1862-3; Actin- iC Upp^^^^^^ Univ., Fayette, Iowa, 1806; Pres., 186'.; I'rof. .emal>c«, Lawrence Univ.: Appleton, Wis., 1867-9. U. S. Indian Agent, Fort Len.hi, Idaho, 18,7. Sylvester Emory Strong, M.D. H'.^. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. \ssociate Proprietor Remedial Inst, since 1863. >r.D., Univ. of New York. 1861. Acting Medical Director, U.S.A., 1862. John Gollicar Williams. F'.\. Holland Patent, X. Y. Frin. Cambridge, N. Y., Acad., since 1879. TeaehcT C1m>m,>, Mol^nvU, ^ \'.. rm..n School, 1860; I'rin. Moravia, N. Y., Inst^., 1861-2; \ ice Pnn. .\h„M;.l.m N \ . A,.ul., s ... Priu. VVahvorth, N. Y., Acad., ISO-l-.'i ; Jordan, ^. 1 ., Acad In ., N...;« ''.'''•> ■,\--\';';' 1869-71; Holland Patent, X. Y., Union School, 18il-3; Sandy Creek, .N. \ ., Lmon >cli<.ol, 1875-6; SchuyUrville, X. Y., Union School, 1879. i86i. t Alfred Lor is Allen. H' S. Whippany, N. J. Accountant, Danville, X. J., L. and H. K.R. since 1881. Prin. Troy, N. Y., Select School, 1861-6. Rev. eJoHN Wesley Barnhart. H'.YI. Sag Harbor, N.Y. Methodist Minister since 1867. Prin. Philadelphia, Pa., Female Sem., 1863-4; Pres. Fairmount Female Coll., Philadelphia, Pa., 1864-7. f Rev. GusTAVUS Benson Chadwick. 1\B. China, Me. Methodist Minister since 1874. Tutor Classics, Bucksport, Me., Sem., 18.59-60 ; S;uper- viBor Schools, China, Me., 1861-2. Paymaster's Clerk, S. S. Rhode Island, U. S. X., 1864-5. ^«^t James Nelson Garatt. l\ W. Plymouth, N.Y. Private Scott's Life Guards, U.S.A., 1S61 ; 89th X. Y. Inf., 1864. Died in service, July 2.5, 1864. Wilbur Fisk Johnston. Z.M. Clifton, N. Y. Manufacturer Dental Materials, New York City, since 1868. Rev. Aaron RiTTENHOUSE. T.A, Philadelphia, Pa. Methodist Minister since 1861. D.D., Dickinson Coll., Carlisle, Pa., 1878. fRev. Charles RiDGWAY Snyder. A.(I>. Minneapolis, Minn. Methodist Minister since 1862. fFRANK AsiiURY SrRiNGER. l\A. Washington, I). C. Clerk U S. P. O. Dept. since 1881. A.B., North Western Univ., Evanston, 111., 1860. Prof. Ancient Languages: Rock River Sem 1861-2; Prin. West End A c^d., Washington. D. C, 1869-72; Supervising Prin. PubUc Schools, Washmgton, D. C, 18(6-7. Rev. Nathan Willis Wilder. NA). Fairfax, Vt. Methodist Minister since 1862. Prin. Meriden, Conn., Inst., 1861. 1862. John Emory Andrus. .\'.=.. Yonkers, N. Y. Treas. X. Y. Pharm. Assoc, Xew Vork City, since 1877. Prin. Schuylersville, N. Y. Acad., 1865. 382 Middletoivn. Rev. Henry Ward Bennett. B.Q. Fulton, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1865. Teacher Languages, Belleville, Ont., 1862; Fair- field, K. Y., Sem., 1863-5; Trustee Wesleyan, 1874-8. William Francis Comfort. V.J. Horseheads, N. Y. Teacher, Chemung Co., N. Y., Schools since 1877. Prin. and Proprietor Commercial Coll., Jersey City, N. J., 1862-8; Prin. Vernon, N. Y., Classical Inst., 1868-71; Mill- port, N. Y., High School, 1872; Corning, N. Y., Public School, 1875-7. Samuel Stephen Etheridge. ./. '/'. Des Moines, Iowa. Lawyer since 1871. Teacher Dover, 111., Acad., 1862-3. Deputy Clerk U. S. Circuit Court, Iowa, 1865; U.S. Commissioner, Dist. of Iowa, 1867. Sergt. 47th Iowa Inf., U.S.A., 1864. *'^tHENRY Johnson, M.D. P.J. New Bedford, Mass. Mass. State Medical Examiner, New Bedford Dist., 1877-80. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1865. Died April 19, 1880. Enos Young Landis. N.A. Philadelphia, Pa. Lithographer since 1873. Teacher Mathematics and Natural Science, Charlotteville, N. Y., Acad., 1862-3; Prin., 1863-4; Vice Prin. Alexander Military Inst., White Plains, N. Y., 1865-6. Private 91st N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1S64-5. * '*''f Charles Henry Lothrop. H'.U. Portland, Me. Died September 4, 1862. f John Wesley Narraway. A'.B. Oshawa, Ont. Prin. Centre Street Public School since 1867. fRev. Hiram Charles Sexton. P.Q. Columbus, Ohio. Methodist Minister since 1859; at Columbus since 1881. Life Ins. Agent at Albany, 18S0-1. A.B., Syracuse Univ., 1876. 1863. f Robert Carswell. A. P. Edinburgh, Scotland. Merchant. * ^^'^f James Augustus Church. A'.d. Arrington, Me. Died at Middletown, Conn., November 2, 1859. Rev. Oliver Haley Fernald. A. A. Portland, Conn. Methodist Minister since 1870. Teacher Languages, Scholfield's Commercial Coll., Providence, R. I., 1863-70. Rev. Charles Thurston Johnson. A'.X. Newton, Mass. Methodist Minister since 1863. Melville Morton Johnston. Z'.ii. Clffton, N. Y. Manufacturer of Dental Materials, New York City, since 1868. *^«^«tRev. James Robinson Moore. A.Z. Nicholville, N. Y. Methodist Minister, 1862-79. Sergt. 13th Conn. Inf., U. S. A., 1861-2. Died nt Soldiers' Home, Dayton, Ohio, Febraary 8, 1879. Rev. Joseph Pullman. 0A\ West Winsted, Conn. Methodist Minister since 1863. Rev. Isaac Edward Smith. A'.X. Huntington, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1865. Teacher Natural Science, Cazenovia, N. Y., Sem., 1863-4; Prin. Ansonia, Conn., Public Schools, 1864-5. Middhtown. 383 feTosEni I.vnuANi) ToiMiAM. //./'. Newark, N.J. Ins \t;eiit, with Knu-korbocker Life Ins. Co., New York City. I'livuf' 4th Conn. Inf., I'. S. A., ISGl ; Lieut, 'id N. J. Oav., ISO'J. \Ilev. Wilbur Fish Watlcins. ./'.J. New York City. Episcopal Minister since 1871. Methodist Minister, 1859-70. D.I>., Cull, of William and Mary, 1878. 1864. Rev. Benjamin Wiiittemore Chase. iV.2'. Cecilton, Md. Methodist Minister since 1861. Teacher Latin and German, Tilton, N. IL, Sem., 1870. Charles Wasiibuun Church. E.A. Middletown, Conn. Editor and Proprietor Con.ttitution since 1877. Charles Amos Merrill, LL.B. A'.O'. Worcester, Mass. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1869. Taymaster's Clerk, U. S. A., at Fortress Monroe, 1865. Initiated by Dartmouth Chapter. Rev. John Joseph Reed, Jr. r:.Z. New York City. Methodist Minister since 1869. Teacher of Languages, West Chester, Pa., Military Acad., 1864-9. Rev. George Louis Thompson. E.d. Hartford, Conn. Methodist Minister since 1864. Chaplain Conn. State Legislature, 1881. Rev. John Swinburne Whedon. F'.ff. Brooklyn, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1864. Teacher Ancient Languages, Wilbraham, Mass., Acad., 1868. 1865. Rev. Theodore Charles Beach. T.t. Northport, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1865. *'*^f Ho WARD Chandler Be ALE. A'.M. Hudson, Me. Died November 21, 1864. f Albert William Chapin. /.V. Worcester, Mass. Bookkeeper, with Garland and Lincoln. *"'''t Andrew Jackson Groves. I:.^. Langhorne, Pa. Teacher Mathematics, Crittenden's Commercial Coll., Philadelphia, Pa., 1836; Prin. Salisbury, Md., Acad., 1868-70; Friends' Acad., Langhorne, Pa., 1871. Private 29tb 1 a. Inf., II. S. A., 1863. Died December 13, 1871. t James Henry Groves. A'. II. Smyrna, Del. State Supt. Schools since 1875. Prin. Attleboro', Md., Inst., 1871-4; Smyrna, Del., Sem., 1874-5. Author of History of Free Schools in Del. Rev. Albert Overton Hammond. A'./'. Hackettstown, N. J. Tutor Greek and Latin, Centenary Inst.., since 1878. Teacher Latin, Chilton Hill Acad., Elizabeth, X. J., 1865. Methodist Minister, 1867-70. Prof. Greek and Mathematics, Mont- pelier Vt., Female Coll., 1870-2; Teacher Greek and Latin, I-ort Edward, N. 1 ., Jnst., 1872-5; Vice Prin., 1873-5; Teacher Ancient Languages, Pittsburt;, Pa- J'f '"=*'«', i<^;"-> 1876; Prin. Bound Brook, N. J., Inst., 1877-8. Private 6th N. Y. Cav., U. S. A., 1862-3. fBENJAMiN Franklin Holden. ./. 7'. Bristol, N. H. Woollen Manufacturer. Member N. II. State Legisl.-iture, 1879-80. 384 MiddletoTvn. Rev. Siegfried Kristeller. Y.0. Bethlehem, Conn. Methodist Minister siQce IS61. Israel Augustus Xea\ti ALL. Lynn, Mass. Manufacturer Boots and Shoes since 1875. William Robixson. A. T. Boston, Mass. Merchant since 1875. Prin. Ansonia, Conn., High School, 1865-6; Teacher Sta-uford, Conn., Classical School, 1867; Prin. Spring Vallejs X. T., Acad., 1867-9; Pres. and General Manager Robinson Electric R.R. Signal Co., 1873. Rev. Sydney Ketcham Smith. 1' .1. Westville, Conn. Methodist Minister since 1865. Grad. Concord, N. H., Biblical Inst., 1868. Rev. Nicholas Tillixghast "\Yhitaker. J.l. Lowell, Mass. Methodist Minister since 1867. Teacher Mathematics, Sanboruton Bridge, X. H., Sem., 1866. Grad. Concord, N. H., Biblical Inst., 1867. Rev. Charles Wesley Wilder. //..V. Webster, Mass. Methodist Minister since 1865. Teacher Latin, Xewburv, Vt., Sem., 1866-7 ; Latin and Natural Science, Montpelier, Vt., Female Coll., 1868-9; Prin., 1870-2. Private 6th Mass. Reg., U. S. A., 1862-3. i866. t John Wicklifee Jackson. F.O. Wilmington, Del. Teacher since 1866. Contributor to X. T. Pictorial War Record. '^^fjAiVLES Leahy. I. T. Middletown, Conn. Died at Visalia, Cal., Febrtiary 4, 1865. ^»"tELi Weston PARK3IAN. I. P. Charleston, Me. Ist Lieut. 1st D. C. Cav., U. S. A., 1863-4. Died in service, at- Petersburg, Va., June, 1864. George Carr Rou'nd, LL.B. /'.i?'. Manassas, Va. Commonwealth's Attv., Prince "William Co., Va., 1869-70. Member Va. State Legis- lature, 1873-5. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1868. Private 1st Conn. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861-4; . Lieut. Signal Corps, 1864-5. Herbert Joel Stevens. F/.1\ Wellesley, Mass. Farmer since 1876. fALBAN John Wilson, M.D. O.II. Philadelphia, Pa. M.D., Homoeopathic Coll. of Pa., 1865. Rev. Granville Yager. F.t. Cohasset, Mass. Congregational Minister since 1878. Teacher Latin, Fallej- Sem., Fulton, X. Y., 1866-9 ; English Literature and Rhetoric, Chester, Pa., Militarj- Acad'.j 1869-76. 1867. t Albert MiRON Bigelow. A.K. Worcester, Mass. Picture Dealer since 1873. t Jefferson Clark. A\ E. New York City. Lawyer. Prin. Needham, Mass., High School, 1869. Middletovjn. 385 Kev. Edward Cunningham. A' JJ. Belfast, Me. Methodist Minister since 1807. '^''tMELViLLE Cox Elliott. A'. 2'. Corinna, Mc. Teacher Methodist Episcopal Board, l.uckiiow, Monulabad, Haliricli, \%m-1\. Died at Almorah, India, August 26, 1871. fRoBERT Lauder, M.D. A. A. Bridgeport, Conn. M.D., Yale Coll., 1871. Corp. 11th R. I. Inf., 1862-3. Wilbur Fisk Sanford, M.D. B.Q'. Webster, Mass. Teacher Greenwich, K. I., Seiu., 1867-8; Prin. Sandwich, Mass., High School, 1869-70. Methodist Minister, 1873-7. U.D., Boston, Mass., Univ., 1873; M.D., 1878. Private 29th Mass. Art., 186i-5. t Joseph William Stover. ^^A'. East Boston, Mass. Druggist since 1871. f Augustus Whitney Weeks. 1' .M. Lowell, Mass. Accountant since 1868. Chief Clerk Freedmen's Bureau, Hampton, Va., 1864-8. Author of Reminiscences of the Campaign of Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf., U. 8. A., 1882. Private 6th Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-3. ^'»««t Adams Brock Wilson, M.D. 1. W. Littleton, N. H. M.D., Dartmouth Coll., 1867. Died at Br.idford, Vt., August 31, 1869. i868. ■j-Hamline James Andrus. V.\. Yonkers, N. Y. I^awyer, New York City, since 1872. f Frank Howard Beale. ./'.. Hudson, Me. Died November, 1868. Rev. George Blauvelt Dusinberre. A.E. Simsbury. Conn. Methodist Minister since 1868. Prin. Colliusville, Conn., High School, 1869-70.. Rev. Henry Warren Flint. K. T. East Elmore, Vt. Methodist Minister since 1879. Farmer, Bethel, Vt., 1873-9. Private 16th Vt. Inf., U. 8. A., 1861. f George Hollis Hammond, ]\LD. 0.1\ Freeport, N. Y. M.D., Univ. of N. Y., 1872. fRev. Morris Watson Prince. /. /7. Bucksport, Me. Methodist Minister since 1871. Prin. Bucksport, Me., Sem., since 1881 ; Warren, Mc., .\, 1866-8; Thomaston, Me., High School, 1868-9; Mt. Pleasant Gr.ammar School, Nashua, N. H., 1869-71. Rev. Joseph Emerson Robins. M.O. Lebanon, N. H. Methodist Minister since 1868. Teacher Latin, Tilton, N. H., Sem., 1868; Mathe- matics and Natural Science, Drew Ladies' Sem., Carmel, N. Y., 1869-71. f Julius William Russell. V.B. Burlington, Vt. Lawyer. fHENRY Lucius Washburn. ./. '/'. Yonkers, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City, sinoe 1871. A.B., Yale Coll., 1868. I8fi8 386 Middletown. 1869. t George Foster Cady. F.X. Hartford, Conn. Renewal Clerk Continental Life Ins. Co. since 1869. Rev. Wilbur Fisk Crafts. A.I. Brooklyn, N. Y. Congregational Minister since 1880. Methodist Minister, 1870-9. Author of The Rescue of Child Souls ; Plain Uses of the Blackboard ; Fireside Talks on Genesis ; Talks and Stories of Prayer. Contributor to Christian at l^o?•^■, etc. B.D., Boston, Mass., Univ., 1872. Edson Warburton Davis. E. T. Oneida, N. Y. Lawyer since 1880. Teacher Mathematics, Antwei-p, N. T., Bern., 1869-70; Prin. Irvington, JT. Y., Free School, 1871-2; Oneida, N. Y., Sem., 1873-5; Vernon, N. Y., Union School, 1875-6. fEoBERT Newton Fearon. P.P. East Liverpool, Ohio. Supt. Schools since 1880. Supt. Schools, Ionia, Mich., 1871-2; Prin. Minneapolis, Minn., High School, 1872-3. A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1870. Samuel Emery Holden. F/.H. Napa, Cal. Tanner and Wool Dealer since 1880. Private 16th N. H. Inf., U. 8. A., 1862-3. Albert Gillet Jepson. A.N. ISIuskegon, Mich. Druggist since 1875. Prin. Northville, Mich., Schools, 1869-71 ; Supt. Roscoe., 111., Schools, 1871-3; Romeo, Mich., Schools, 1873-5. Eev. David Eugene Miller. J.J. ISIontpelier, Yt. Methodist Minister since 1869. Supt. St. Johnsbury, Vt., Schools, 1875-7; Brat- tleborough, Vt., Schools, 1880. Eev. Alfred Noon. P.I. Cambridgeport, Mass. Methodist Minister since 1868. Private 42d Mass. Inf., U. S. A., 1864. Eev. Jonathan Edwards Eichards. J'. J. St. John's, Mich. Congregational Minister since 1877. Methodist Minister, 1869-76. Eev. Harvey Woodward. J'.Z. Fishersville, N. H. Methodist Minister since 1870. Teacher Mathematics, Falley Bem., Fulton, N. Y., 1869. Private 9th N. H. Inf., U. S. A., 1864. 1870. *'*^tFRANK Edward Barrett. N.J. Middletown, Conn. Died September 17, 1867. Charles Sherman Edgerton. A.B. Albany, N. Y. Architect since 1880. Eev. John Hessie Emerson. E. W. Maple wood, Mass. Methodist Minister since 1874. Vice Prin. Middletown, Conn., High School, 1870-1. B.D., Boston, Mass., Univ., 1874. Eev. Charles Wesley Gallagher. B'.X. Fall Eiver, Mass. Methodist Minister since 1870. Private 4th Mass. Unattached Co., U. 8. A., 1865. Middletoivn. 387 fHARRY Burns Hutchins. A'.H. Mount Clemens, Mich. Lawyer since 1876. Sunt. Owosso, Mich., Public Schools, 1871-2; Instructor Rhetoric and English Literature, Univ. of Mich., 1872-3; Asst. Prof., 1873-6. Ph.B., Univ. of Mich., 1871. Rev. George Preston Mains. FjP. Brooklyn, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1870. On steamer Valley City, U. S. N., 1864-5. fEowARD Annis Merrill, LL.B. l\ T. Concord, N. H. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1881. Alfred Seelye Roe. E.P. Worcester, Mass. Prin. High School since 1880. Prin. Ashland, Mass., High School, 1870-5; Master Worcester, Mass., Higli School, 1875-80. Private 9th N. Y. Art., U. 8. A., 1864-5. Joseph B. Thomas, Jr. A'.I.K. Boston, Mass. Sugar Refiner since 1870. ICharles Merrill Wilson, M.D. B.Il. Gouverneur, N. Y. County Coroner, St. Lawrence Co., since 1881. M.D., Bellevue Hospital, 1871. 187I. Daniel Stillman Alford. J.N. Lawrence, Kan. Lawyer since 1872. Asst. Editor Spirit of Kansas, since 1873. Eldon Benjamin BiRDSEY, LL.B. I. P. Middletown, Conn. City Prosecuting Atty. since 1879. LL.B., Albany, Law School, 1872. Byron Alden Brooks. P.S. Flushing, N. Y. Author, etc., since 1873. Prin. Ives Sera., Antwerp, N. Y., 1866-7; Union Free School, Dobbs' Ferry, N. Y., 1871-2. Asst. Editor Xatlonal Qairtei-ly Review, 1873. Sec. N. Y. Fetter Screw Co., 1880. Author of King Saul, 1876. Contributor to Christian Advocate, etc. Albert Barnard Crafts. P. T. Westerly, R. I. Lawyer since 1875. fFRED Henry Crafts. E.M. Atchison, Kan. Engineer. A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1875. Watson Thomas DuNxMORE, LL.B. M.N. Utica, N. Y. Prin. Bradford, Vt., High School, 1871-3; Susquehanna Depot, Pa., High School, 1874; Supt. Schools, Hornellsville, N. Y., 1874-5. LL.B., Hamilton Coll., 1875. t Charles Amzi Genung. B'.Z. White Plains, N. Y. Prin. Public School since 1874. Theodore E Hancock, LL.B. J.J. Syracuse, N. Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1873. flsAiAH William Lore, LL.B. M.J. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1872. Edward Amasa Ransom. J.N. Jersey City, N. J. Lawyer since 1873. f French Albert Sawyer. ./'. 7'. Napa, Cal. Tanner and Wool Dealer since 1880. 388 Middletoivn. William Frederick Whitcher. /. B. Maiden, Mass. Asst. Editor Boston, Mass., Traveller, since 1881. Methodist Minister, 1872-81. 1872. Delos Richard Baker. O.K. Ludlow, 'Kj. stenographer since 1880. On Staflf of Cincinnati, Ohio, Gazette, 1872-3. Methodist Minister, 187-1-9. Reporter Cincinnati, Ohio, Daily Tunes, 1879-80. Joseph Henry Beale. E.K. New Haven, Conn. Asst. Editor Loo/nis's yfusical and Masonic Journal since 1879. Messenger Me. State Legislature, 1857-62. Teacher Bucksport, Me., Sem., 1863. Methodist Minister, 1868-79. Contributor to lion's Herald, Christian Advocate, etc., etc. Lieut. 31st Me. Inf., U. 8. A., 1864-5. James Madison Beede. E. T. Orange, N, J. Teacher Natural Science, Drew Ladies' Sem., Carrael, N. Y., 1872-5. Asst. Prin. Orange, N. J., High School, 1875-81. Died January 6, 1881. Silas William Kent. Z'.II. West Meriden, Conn. Manufacturer since 1872. Rev. Watson Lyivian Phillips. A.B. Brooklyn, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1873. Contributor to Zion's Herald, etc. Robert James Round. O.Z. BaldAvinsville, N. Y. ' Prin. Baldwinsville .Acad, since 1876. Teacher Latin and Greek, Cokesbury, S. C, Inst., 1873-4; Latiu and Natural Science, Davenport Female Coll., Lenoir, N. C, 1875-6. Allen Rosencranse Shay. A. P. Newton, N. J. Lawyer since 1877. Prin. Hamburgh, N. J., Public Schools, 1874-5. Charles Wesley Young. F.F. New Castle, Wash. Bookkeeper for Seattle Coal and Transportation Co. since 1878. Prof Ancient Languages, Olympia, Wash., Female Sem., 1874-5. 1873. Herbert Hull Coston. J.^V. Scranton, Pa. Lawyer since 1875. Court Stenographer, Lackawanna Co., Pa., since 1880. William Henry Eustis, LL.B. A'. T. Minneapolis, INIinn. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1S74. Coleridge Allen Hart, LL.B. 0.A._ Peekskill, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1877. Rev. George Asbury ^McLaughlin. J..V. Littleton, N. H. Methodist Minister since 1875. Prin. Newmarket, N. U., High School, 1873-4. Rev. Hinckley Gilbert Thomas Mitchell. . T. j\Iid- dletown. Conn. Methodist Minister since 1879. Tutor Latin and Hebrew, Wesleyan, since 1880. Author of Final Constructions of Biblical Hebrew, 1879. B.D., Boston, .Mass., Uuiv., 1876; Ph.D., Leipzic Univ., 1879. Member Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. Middhtcnvn. 3^9 Wilbur ]\Ieuton Palmkii. //. 7'. Flatbush, N. Y. Reporter New York Tribune since 1878. Prin. Richville, N. Y., Public Schools, 1873-4; Scarsdale, N. Y., Public Schools, 1875; Southington, Conn., Public fechooU, 1876-7. tEDWiN Richard Redhead. 0. T. Fulton, N. Y. P.iper Manufacturer since 1875. A.B., Syr.icuse Univ., 1874. George Washington SiioxK. I'.K. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Lawyer since 1876. 1874. George Russell Emerson. (P.. I. ' West Somerville, Mass. Manufacturer Table Sauces since 1874. John Edward EusTis, LL.B. (P.i. New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1877. Private 20th N. Y. Cav., U. S. A., 1864-5. fFRANKLiN Harris Griffin. A. 6. Evanston, Wyo. Prin. Evanston Select School since 1881. City Editor Wheeling, W. Va., Evening Standard, 1876-7. Prin. Ogden, Utah, Sem., 1878-81. Archie Emerson Palmer. J.N. Flatbush, N. Y. Asst. Night City Editor N. Y. Tribu7ie since 1880; Reporter N. Y. Tribune, 1874-80. t George Mortimer Roe. P.X. Cincinnati, Ohio. Asst. Editor Enquirer since 1877. Rev. Byram Green Sanford. E.dK Boston, Mass. Methodist Minister since 1877; Theo. Student, Boston, Mass., Univ., since 1881. Teacher Elocution, Poultney, Vt., Acad., 1875-6. Rev. Joseph Battell Shepard. A.E. New York City. Methodist Minister since 1874. Prin. Lee's Acad., Madison, Conn., 1876. Albert Marion Tallmadge, LL.B. J..^. Bridgeport, Conn. Lawyer. Deputy Judge City Court since 1879. LL.B., Yale Coll., 1877. Rev. Bushrod Shelden Taylor. B.l'. Aspinwall, U. S. Colombia, S. A. Methodist Minister since 1875. Prof. Mathematics, Johnson Coll., Quincy, 111., 1874-5. Contributor to Albany, N. Y., Zion's Watchman. 1875. fMiLLARD Fillmore Brown. ./. 6. Binghamton, N. Y. Lawyer since 1876. fRev. Morris De Veau Church. M.P. Newark, N. J. Methodist Minister since 1881. Reformed Episcopal Minister, 1876-80. Rev, Ashton Chauncey Eddy. 1'.0. La Fargeville, N. Y. Metliodist Minister since 1875. jAlfred May Gramman, M.D. J.V. Corning, N. Y. M.D., New York Homoeopatliic Medical Coll., 1876. 390 Middletoivn. Harry Clay Heermaxs. A' .E. Corning, N. Y. Druggist since 1877. Acting Prin., Corning, X. T., Free Acad., 1875-6. fEev. George Newell Kellogg. E.0. Griswold, Conn. Congregational Minister since 1870. P. O., Jewett City, Conn. WiLLL4M Channixg Kellogg. A.X. Yarmouth, Mass. Lawyer since 1880. Prin. High School since 1878. Wilbur Samuel Eaymoxd. F.S. St. Elmo, Colo. Hardware Merchant since 1879. Editor American Educational Monthly, 1876. *^^^ Clarexce Morgax Skeel. Z^.B. Denver, Colo. Methodist Minister, 1878-9. Clerk, Colo. Dept. of State, 1879-80. Died August 9, 1880. Fraxklin Deuel Skeel, M.D. I.fJ. New York City. Post Office Clerk since 1878. M.D., Univ. of the City of Xew York, 1881. Clarexce Abiathar Waldo. I'.P. Hackettstown, N. J. Teacher Centenary Inst., 1876-7 and since 1881 ; Natural Science and Mathematics, Drew Female Sem., Carmel, N. Y., 1875-6; Tutor Mathematics, and Registrar Wesleyan, 1877-81. •j-Cyrus Everett Waterbury. P.0. Bridgeport, Conn. Retired hecause of ill health. 1876. Rev. Joseph Fithiax Axdrew. 1\P. Roselle, N. J. Methodist Minister since 1876. Grad. Drew Theo. Sem., Madison, N. J., 1878. jHerbert Jewett Bartox. 0.J. Waukegan, 111. Prin. High School since 1878. Prin. Newport, N. H., High School, 1876-8; Supt. Schools, Waukegan, 111., 1879-81. A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1876. Rev. WiLBERT Celestus Blakemax. A.E. Parkville, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1877. fRev. Carter Eastmax Cate. B.B. Lake Village, N. H. Pastor Free Will Baptist Church. A.B., Dartmouth Coll., 1876. fRev. William Westox Cox. 2M.6. Ketcluim's Corners, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1876. Rev. Stephex Olix Garrisox. J.B. Catasauqua, Pa. Methodist Minister since 1876. Grad. Reformed Church Theo. Sem., Lancaster, Pa., 1881. f Charles Adelbert Lyox. B.B. Biughamton, N. Y. Mercantile Agent since 1880. fWARREX Jarrott Reese. A'. 7'. Boston, Mass. Bookkeeper, with Welch & Griffiths. Rev. Fraxk Rosevelt Sherwood. ^. A'. West Chazv, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1876. jMiihUctow n. 391 fLEVi LeForkkst IIaydkn Taylok. :\.~. ILiverhill, Mass. Hardware Merchant Bincc 1879. John AVilliam Whitney. U.M. Gouverneur, N. Y. Tutor Matliematics and Natural Science, Wcsleyan, since 1880. Master Saratnija, N. Y., High School, 1876-9; Teaclier Natural Science, Ives Sem., Antwerp, N. Y., 1879-80. 1877. •f-Rev. John Atwood Bowler. l.P. Hillsborough, N. II. Methodist Minister since 1879. Trin. IVpperell, Mass., High School, 1876-8; Supt. Schools, Goshen, N. H., 1879. Rev. Olin Burr Coit. 7'. J. Alpine, N. J. Methodist Minister since 1880. Teacher Latin, Shaw Univ., Holly Springs, Miss., 1877-8. A.M., Wesleyan, 1880. Grad. Drew Theo. Sem., Madison, N. J., 1881. t Joseph Colter. V.I. Chicago, 111. Dry Goods Merchant since 1881. George Grimston Cookman. ./.(/>. rOiiladelphia, Pa. Lawyer since 1880. Teacher Oratory, Pennington, N. J., Sem., 1877-8. fWiLLiAM Howe Crane, LL.B. A. 7'. Port Jervis, N. Y. Lawyer. Prof. Mathematics, State Normal School, Holly Springe, Miss., 1878-9. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1880. Elwood Stokes Gerard. K.T. East Hartford, Conn. Prin. North-Eastern Public School, Hartford, Conn., since 1878. Teacher, Southington, Conn., Public School, 1877-8. t William Dudley Goewey. P.I. Albany, N.Y. Teacher Latin and Greek, High School, since 1875. t George Powers Rayiniond. (P.\. Buffalo, N. Y. Queen City Shirt Co. since 1881. Formerly Druggist at Lockport, N. Y. Rev. AA^ATSON Tranter. A.H. Chicago, 111. Methodist Minister since 1880. Grad. Garrett Biblical lust., Evanston, 111., 1880. 1878. f John Nicholl Brown. X. 0. Trenton, N. J. Instructor Music, Pennington, N. J., Sem., since 1879. Prof. Mental and Moral Phi- losophy, Pennington, N. J., Sem., 1S78-9. Composer of Alpha Delta Phi Waltz, 1881, etc., etc. James Boucher DiLKS. T.I. Bayonne, N. J. Teacher since 1878. Rev. Edward Sylvester Ferry. 0.A. Chester, N.J. Methodist Minister since 1878. George AA^atson James. 0.1. AVilkes Barre, Pa. 392 Middletow n . Lorenzo Giles La Bar. K. T. Scranton, Pa. Prin. High School since 1878. William Day Leonard. 0..L New York City. Lawyer since 1880. fRev. Frank Theodore Pomeroy. J..V. Pittsfield, Mass. Methodist Minister since 1878. William Ezra Scofield. J..V. Woburn, Mass. Prin. High School since 1881. Teacher Latin and Greek, Tilton, N. H., Sem., 1878-80. f Frank Edward Stebbins. J. A'. Springfield, Mass. Studying abroad. A.B., Amherst Coll., 1880. f Robert Bowne Suckley. J. P. New York City. Lawyer since 1881. fCoRNTiLL Martin Walsworth. 1.P. Euclid, N. Y. Prin. Public Schools since 1880. 1879. Lakman Forrest Bower. J. A'. Berwick, Pa. Merchant since 1879. Seldon Lester Brown. .4.0. Lancaster, Mass. Prin. High School since 1881. Prin. High School, Brookfield, Mass., 1879-81. Alfred Cookman Brltner. 1\I7. Columbia, Pa. Keal Estate and Ins. Agent since 1879. Frank Simpson Cookman. T.J. Philadelphia, Pa. Student at Drew Theo. Sem., Madison, N. J. * ^^'■'f Bayard Taylor Eddy. T.I. Gouverneur, N.Y. Died April 13, 1879. t Augustus Philip Hann. T.J. Washington, N. J. Asst. Cashier First National Bank since 1879. Member City Council and City Treasurer since 1880. Rev. Elbert Clay Hoag. K.0. Bridgeport, Conn. Methodist Minister since 1881. B.D., Drew Theo. Sem., Madison, N. J., 1881. Rev. Albert Mann, Jr. M.I. Tacony, Philadelphia, Pa. Methodist Minister since 1880. Warren Augustus Miner. J.B. North Tarry to wn, N. Y. Medical Student, Univ. of the City of New York. f Edwin Newcomb. A.K. Scranton, Pa. Lawyer since 1879. f Howard Mudge Newhall. J.B. Lynn, Mass. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Rev. WiLMOT Woodruff Van Deusen. J.B. Madrid, N. Y. Methodist Miniater since 1879. Middletoxvn. 393 1880. fCiiARLES Olin Buamiiall. 0.^. Apalacliin, N. Y. Teacher Public School siuce 1881. CiiAiii.ES Sumner Chapin. U'.K. Brookfield, Mass. Trin. High School since 1881. Arthur Midwinter Freeman. M.S. llackettstown, N. J. Teacher Centenary Collegiate Inst, since 1880. Abram Winegardner Harris. A.O'.K. Middletown,Conn. Tutor Mathematics and Registrar, Wesleyan, since 1881. Teacher Higher Mathe- matics, Dickinson Scm., Williamsport, Pa., 1880-1. Charles Noah Dixon Jones. I. (P. Brooklyn, N. Y. Medical fitudcnt at Columbia Coll. . fHENRY John Jones. A.B. Brooklyn, N. Y. Instructor Elocution, Harvard Univ., since 1881. Prof. Gesture, National School of Elocution and Oratory, Philadelphia, Pa., 1877-9 ; Teacher Elocution, Newark, Del., Acad., 1879-80. A.B., Delaware Coll., 1879 ; Harvard Univ., 1881. fEowiN Bailey Olmstead. E.Z. Holton, Kan. Historical writer since 1880. Author of History of Riley Co., Kan., 1881. Rev. James Martin Yeager. E.I. Carmel, N. Y. Teacher Greek, Drew Ladies' Sem., since 1880. Methodist Minister since 1880. i88i. >«»'tSAMUEL Ford Blair. i:.i\ Bath, Me. Died at sea, January 31, 1881. Fred AsBURY Jackson. B.A'. Pennington, N. J. Teacher Natural Science, Pennington Sera., since 1881. William Adelbert Jones. VJ.Q'. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Prof. Latin and Greek, Iowa Wesleyan Univ., since 1881. John Bell Scott. A.B. Philadelphia, Pa. Medical Student, Univ. of Pa. 1882. t Albert Hunt Chase. Z'.i-). Buffalo, N. Y. Bookkeeper, with Chase and Comstock. William Wilberforce Cookman. A'.Q). Philadelphia, Pa. Student at Drew Theo. Sem., Madison, N. J. t Charles Van Loon Gabriel. J..V. Plymouth, Pa. Student at Princeton Coll. Joseph Gerard. /'.A'. Hackettstown, N. J. 394 Middleto-wn. Valentine Hallenbeck. A.l. Glenville, N. Y. John LaM'onte Hurst. O.ii. .Des Moines, Iowa. William Smith Pearsall. M.A. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. •f-DouGLAS Eugene Petit. J. '/. Syracuse, N. Y. Law Student at Columbia Coll. f Isaac Billings Allen Taylor. Z'.l. Syracuse, N. Y. Clerk, with Kenyon and Potter. Cornelius Fitch Van Dervoort. N.A. Paterson,N. J. George Prentice Carson. E.I. Westchester, Pa. Charles Edmund Coffin. I.X. Haverhill, Mass. John McCarthy. A. A. Buffalo, N. Y. fTnoMAS Key Niedringhaus. K.A. St. Louis, Mo. Bookkeeper, with St. Louis Stamping Co. f Addison Dougherty O'Neill. N.Z. New York City. Clerk Erie Grain Elevator, Jersey City, N. J., eince 1880. f Robert Davison Petty. E' .B. Vienna, N. J. Student at Princeton Coll. f Charles Marinus Roe. P.Ih Worcester, Mass. Clerk, with Deholm & McKay. Augustus Ledyard Smith. Z'.N. Appleton, Wis. William Walls Wood. A'. I. Philadelphia, Pa. 1884. jRev. William Henry Barnhart. H'.A. Sardinia, N. Y. Methodist Minister since 1879. Paul Francis El a. P.F. Springfield, Mass. f Herbert Brigham Hayden. B.N. Cobalt, Conn. Teacher Public School since 1880. Lorenzo Nickerson Johnson. Z'.(I>. Easton, Conn. George Mason LaMonte. . F.A. Bound Brook, N. J. fLESTER BuRCHARD LocKWOOD. E' .Y\ Bridgeport, Conn, f David James Thistleton Oldham. Z'.M. Stapleton, N. Y. Gary A Roe. A'. >F. Waterloo, N. Y. MiddletoTVJi. 395 FiiAXK Rollins. F'.P. Livermoiv Falls, Me. FiiANK Taylou Smitii. iV. /'. Api»lctou, Wis. 1005. Edward Dally Bassett. ll'.n. Ansonia, Conn. Saul Ober Curtice. IjIK Concord, N. H. Howard Percy Denison. A'.Z. Euclid, N. Y. William Scott Foster. .7'./^. South Windsor, Conn. Frank Siegel Howard. K.A. Worcester, Mass. Jacob Clinton Lange. Z'. ¥. Scranton, Pa. Robert Francklyn Norton. T.J. Brooklyn, N. Y. fCLiNTON John Richards. A. P. Salem, Me. Teacher English, Dickinson Seni., Willlamsport, Pa., since 1881. DeAVitt Burton Thompson. li.B. Newburgh, N. Y. George Phelps Wardell. F'.6. New Britain, Conn. THE KENYON CHAPTER, 1858 TO 1885. A finals. The Kenyon Chapter received its charter iu the year 1858. Tradition tells us that we are chiefly indebted to the old Yale Chapter for this blessing. The first meeting of the Chapter was held in the parlors of the Kenyon House, at which time our charter members were initiated by Brothers McDonald and Webb, of the Miami Chapter. Succeeding meetings were held for a time in the rooms of the different members, but soon a hall was secured for the exclusive use of the Chapter. Not content with this, steps were shortly taken towards building a lodge, to be owned in fee simple by the Chapter ; and soon the structure was completed, which is now owned and used by the Chapter for lodge purposes. The episode of most marked interest in the Chapter's other- •wise adventureless life occurred in 1870, when the lodge was entered b}' members of two other Fraternities. Entrance was effected through the floor by means of an auger and a saw. After gaining admittance the intruders indulged in the most un- scrupulous vandalism. The carpet was cut to pieces, chairs reduced to a size suitable for kindling wood, and a numlier of pictures were destroyed. Fortunately no valuable papers were in the building at the time. Nothing was removed except a catalogue and some correspondence. The catalogue was recovered immediately after its loss, and the correspondence was returned iu 1879. It is Kenyon. ' 397 ^-' satisfactory to add. in conclusion, that the offendera'were speedily brought to justice tlirough tlie efforts of tlie then undergraduate members and the worlv of a sl. Oakland, Cal. Lawyer. VuNG PiAN SuvoONG, M.D. H' JK Shanghai, China. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1873. t William Harrison Donaldson. l/.J. St. Louis, Mo. U. S. Internal Revenue Gauger, 1876-81. Private Co. D 1.33d Ind. Inf., U. S. A., May- September, 1864. Rev. John Gregson. //'./'. Laporte, Pa. District Missionary since ISSl. B.D., Episcopal Theo. School, Cambridge, M.iss., 1871. Henry Clay Hart, Jr. ]'. T. St. Louis, Mo. Merchant. John McCorkle McDonald. M.I. Piqua, Ohio. Lawyer. First Aest. U. S. Dist. Atty., South Dist., Ohio, 1877-8; Asst. Atty. Kiin. Pacific R.R. Co., 1870-6. 404 Kenyan. fFRANKLiN Shaw Nicholson. N.U. Stevens Point, Wis. Clerk, Mechanical Department Wisconsin Central R.R. Co. jNevil Whitesides. A.I. Mount Vernon, Ohio. Manufacturer of Engines and Mills. Taught in Rev. J. H. Waterman's Collegiate Inst., Henderson, Kj%, 1863-4; in Kenyon Grammar School, 1866; in Public Schools, Frankfort, Ky., 1869. Charles Granville Wilson, LL.B. J. I'. Toledo, Ohio. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard Coll., 1871. 1869. t Walker McCorkle Dorsey. M.F. Piqua, Ohio. Bank Teller. Albert Leicester Hayden. P.\. Chicago, III. Merchant. fEDWARD Ross Lang, M.D. A.F- . Ottumwa, Iowa. M.D., Wooster Univ., Cleveland, Ohio, 1871. Charles Djalma Leggett. 1.(P. Faii-field, Iowa. Lawyer. City School Board, 1875-81 ; Trustee of Parsons Coll. and Member of its Executive Committee since 1876. Charles Webb Sadler, LL.B. Sandusky, Ohio. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1870. Charles Henry Wetmore. J.^'. Columbus, Ohio. Real Estate and Stock Broker. Sec. and Sujit. of the Local Am. Dist. Telegraph Co. 1870. t Arthur Frank Kelley, M.D. Z'.d). Elkhart, Ind. Physician and Druggist. A.B., Hobart Coll., 1870; M.D., Wooster Univ . Cleveland Ohio, 1872. Henry Johns Peet, LL.B. l\ W. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1872. Private 47th Iowa Inf., U. S. A., May-Novem- ber, 1864. ' tRev. Bernard Sciiult^. H.Z. Utica, N. Y. Rector St. Joseph's Memorial Church. A.B., Hobart Coll., 1870. Rev. Charles Tullidge Stout. 0. T. Kalamazoo, Mich. Rector St. John's Church since 1878. ( Jrad. Davenport, Iowa, Theo. Sera. , 1873. Trustee Diocesan Assoc. Harry Eugene Wilson. T.F. Dubuque, Iowa. Lawyer; admitted in 1873. John ScOTT Wilson. Ji'.V. San Francisco, Cal. Banker and Broker. Russell Jones Wilson. 11. Z. San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. Kenyon. 405 1871. Edson Black Cartmell. \.iL Lancaster, Ohio. Sec. Hocking Valley Maiifg. Co. tGuY Buttles Case, M.D. 2'.//. Cleveland, Ohio. Physiciau. A.B., Hobart Coll., 1871; M.D., Wooster Univ., 1873. Health Ofljcer, Cleveland, 1878-9. Surgeon U. S. Marine Hospital Service, Cleveland, since 1879. fELi PiNNEY Evans. E'.l\ Columbus, Ohio. Lawyer. Judge Court of Common Pleas, Franklin Co., Ohio, 1878-83. tRcv. William Mortimer Hughes. A. I*. Buffalo, N. Y. Rector St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church since 187-'). Grail. Gen. Theo. Bern., Now York City, 1875. •j-Watterson Show ALTER. ./'.J. Laredo, Tex. Lawyer. IAlbert Buttles Smith. B. (-). Geneva, N. Y. Lumber Dealer. 1872. Albert Douglas, Jr., LL.B. ./.A. Chillicothe, Ohio. Prosecuting Atty. of Ross Co., Ohio, 1877-Sl. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1874. jRev. JoHX Lightner Egbert. H.N. Vineland, N. J. Rector Trinity Church since 1876: St. Peter's, Bainbridge, N. Y., 1876-81. Commis- sioner of Deeds for Kentucky, in 111., 1871-5. Grad. Gen. Theo. Sera., New York City, 1874. Rayiviond Holmes. O.A. Bodie, Cal. Notary Public. John DeWitt Hart McKinley. A'.K. Gambicr, Ohio. Prin. Harcourt Place Acad, since 1875. f Frederick Augustus Otte. A.(IK Shelbjville, Ind. Banker. Rev. John Hazen White. I.F/. Joliet, 111. Rector Christ Church since 1878. Teacher Latin, St. Margaret's Diocesan School, Waterbury, Conn., 1877-8. 1873- t Samuel Davis. T.X. Santa Fe, N. Mex. Mining at Turquoise City. fBiiocKW AY Kinney. K.P. Nebraska City, Neb. Lawyer. Police Judge,_ Nebraska City, 1876-7. George Franklin Southard. F'.A. Titusville, Pa. Oil Refiner. Sec. Acme Oil Co. since 1879. 4o6 Kenyo7i. 1874. f William St. Clair Creightox. A.M. New York City. Stenographer and Lawyer. Private Sec. to Sec. Mutual Union Telegraph Co. Official Stenographer, Clinton Co. Courts, for three years. Teacher Phonography. B' Clinton, Richard Clough Anderson Flourxoy. Iowa. • Real Estate Agent. Charles Modiset Ixgraham. H'.l. Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. fDwiGHT Stone, Jr. T.S. Water Proof, La. Cotton Planter. Joseph Richard Turney. V.I. Marion, Ohio. Watchmaker and Jeweller. 1875. f Joseph Willey Miller. A'.^i. Commission Merchant. Frank Hardick Morrison, LL.B, Broker. LL.B., Columbia Law School, 1877. Robert Miller O'Ferrall, M.D. Resident Physician Cincinnati Hospital, 1879-80. Cincinnati, Ohio. A. J. Plainfiekl, N. J. O.I. Piqua, Ohio. M.D.,;!iIed. Coll. of Ohio, 1879. fPETER Wilson Strader, Jr. Manufacturer of Carriage Hardware. P.r. Ashtabula, Ohio. 1876. f Charles Winder Masox. Cheyenne City, Wyo. 2d Lieut. 4th Inf., U. S. A., since 1875. Frank Pope Wilsox. A.F. Stock Broker. A.(P. Fort D. A. Russell, San Francisco, Cal. 1877. fCHARLES Bates Ellis. A'. A. Lincoln, Neb. Clerk Superintendent's Office, Burlington and Missouri River R.R. LoRiN Hall, M.D. P.I'. Ann Arbor, Mich. Assist. Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, Univ. of Mich. M.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1880. jJoHX Saxford ]\L\sox, Jr. 2d Lieut. l8t Inf., U. S. A., since 1879. O.r. San Antonio, Tex. Kenyan. 407 Henry Deane Page. A'..V. Wickliffe, Va. Theo. Sera., Va. 1878. Henry Damerel Aves. A'.E. Monroeville, Ohio. Theo. Student, Q.imbier, Ohio. German Prof, at Harcourt Place Acad., Gambler, Ohio. fMouNTFORD Samuel Wilson. N.Q. San Francisco, Cal. Student at Law. A.B., Yale Coll., 1879. 1879. I Jackson Whipps Showalter. K.M. Dover, Ky. Law Student, Laredo, Tex., since 1881. A.B. and B.E., Kentucky Military Inst., 1881- 1880. Francis Wharton Blake. l.A. Columbus, Ohio. Student in Medicine. Asahel Amos Bresee. 1.0'. Cooperstown, N. Y. Student Theo. Sem., Gambler, Ohio. Teacher Harcourt Place Acad., Gamhier, Ohio, 1880-1. Abner Lord Frazer, Jr. U.E'. Mt. Auburn, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Bookkeeper. IGeorge Mason. (KM. Catlettsburgh, Ky. Surveyor. Thomas Stokely Wood. A. A. Steubenville, Ohio. Student; and Aset. Librarian in Law School, Cincinnati, Ohio. lOOI. Henry Sellers Gregg. l.V. Gambier, Ohio. Surveyor. Theodore Murdock Livesay. li'.A' . Ironton, Ohio. Law Student at Columbus, Ohio. Thomas Carter Page. T.A. Wickliffe, Ya. Teacher. John Trafford Brasee. A'.l]. Lancaster, Ohio. Irving Bedell Dudley,' . Milwaukee, Wis. 4^8 Keiiyon. 1883. fFRANK Elmer Edavaeds. N,P. Columbus, Ohio. Teacher. Elliott Marfield. 1.\'. Circleville, Ohio. Thompsox Barrette Wright. 7'. J. Circleville, Ohio. 1884. t William Mather Bolles. M'.M. Portsmouth, Ohio. Furnace Store Keeper. Charles Lawrence Cole, Jr. J.J. Allegheny, Pa. tWiLBUR Garret Conover. A. W. Piqua, Ohio. Treasurer of Cono%er Opera Housp. Joshua Herbert Douglas. J'.0. Chillicothe, Ohio. 1885. Edwin May Mancourt. J.FI. Terre Haute, Ind. THE UNION CHAPTER, 1859 TO 1885. An7ials. Previous to the year 1859 there existed in Union College a local association known as the Fraternal Society. It was of twenty-live years' standing, of good repiite, being held in especial esteem for the moral and intellectual worth of its members. The " Frats," re- alizing the beneiits to be derived from an affiliated Fraternity, and believing that the aims and principles of Alpha Delta Phi most nearly accorded with what they desired, determined to petition for a Chapter. One tutor and sixteen undergraduates signed the petition in the early part of 1859. On the 14th of June a charter, under the hand of Richard S. Storrs, Jr., then President of the Fraternity, was granted the petitioners. Soon after the Chapter was duly instituted under the auspices of the Manhattan Chapter, representatives from nearl}- all the other chapters being present. The first meeting was held on Juh' 15, 1859. Notwithstanding the high standing of the graduates of the Fraternal Society, the election of many graduate members was not deemed advisable, and but four were chosen. With the estal)lishment of the Chapter the " F. S." ceased to exist. The thirty-first Annual Convention of the Fraternity was held in Schenectady, and the forty-second in the Senate Chamber at Albany. N. Y., both under tlu; auspices of this Chapter. The membership of the Chapter has averaged five in a class, the aim being rather to secure the best men than large numbers. The active meml)ership now averages four in a class. At first Ww Cluqiter retained the old rooms of the ''Frats," but in a few vears obtained 4IO Union. the pleasant rooms the}- now oceiip}-. We have no Chapter house, because at present we do not need one. As soon as the time for building comes, however, we are sure that our efforts will be heartil}' seconded b}' our alumni. We have always kept up the Annual Reunions, and they have been a source of great pleasure and profit to the Chapter. During the twenty-two years of its existence the career of the Chapter has been u prosperous one. A partial list of the honors taken by the Chapter is appended : — Valedictory. — S. C. Beach, '63 ; George Alexander, '66. Prize Scholar. — C. H. Peck, '59; J. D. S. Cook, '59; C. E. Sprague, '60; B. F. Wright, '62; A. P. Strong, '64; D. C. Robinson, '65; George Alexander, '66; W. P. McLaury, '69 ; A. Smith, '70 ; W. J. Kline, '72 ; A. W. Archibald, '72 ; E. L. Mapes, '73. Blatchford. — 1st, C. G. Clark, '63 ; 1st, F. H. Smith, '65 ; 2d, A. H. McFarland, '68; 1st, A. A. Archibald, '72; 2d, E. L. Mapes, '73; 1st, C. B. King, '75; 1st, F. J. Bassett, '77. Junior Oratorical Prize. — 1st, W. B. Lyons, '65; 1st, C. E. Hollenback, '71; 1st, B. I. Stanton, '73 ; 2d, W. B. Roper, '79. Ingham. — George Alexander, '66 ; F. J. Bassett, '77 ; R. Johnston, '77. Clark Prize. — Ut, W. P. Riidd, '73; 1st, F. J. Bassett, '77; 2d, W. P. Adams, '79. Sojjhomore Oratorical Prize. — 1st, A. H. McFarland, '68 ; 2d, H. A. AYaldron, '74 ; 2d, C. B. King, '75 ; 1st, A. V. V. Raj-mond, '75 ; 1st, F. J. Bassett, '77 ; 1st, J. D. Craig, '80 ; 2d, W. P. Williams, '81 ; 1st, G. "V. P. Lansing, '83. Warner Cup. — A. A. Archibald, '72 ; F. J. Bassett, '77. Allen Prize. — 2d, W. P. Adams, '79; 1st, E. L. Hutchinson, '79; 3d, W. F. Watkins, Jr., '81. Centennial Prize. — R. Johnston, '77. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. Charter Members. Elbridge Gerry Root Adams. J. V. Charles Edward Baldwin. li'.:\. John Baldwin. //.//• Joseph Bell. //. /• Samuel Adams Bowen. J.V. George William Brooks. /'. 7'. John Henry Dennis. A'. I. John A DeRemer. II. A. K. John Lindsay Hill. F.K. Wilson Marcy Powell. N.Z. Charles Horton Peck. E.W. Peter Van Schaack Pruyn. K.(I>. CoLTON Joseph Reed. A'.S. Everett Reuben Saavyer. A'. V. Charles Henry Sears. A.S. Henry Louis Smith. N.P. James Pattison Viele. V.A. George Adlington Brandreth. E.Z. Sing Sing, N. Y. Lawyer. Supervisor Westchester Co.', 1855-7. Member N. Y. State Assembly, 1864-6. Pres. Porous Plaster Co., Bing Slug. 1851. William Root Adams. M.\. Lowvillc, N. Y. Prin. Lowvillc Acad. I853-- Lewis Collins. F'.S. Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher in Brooklyn since 1877. Instructor Fergusonville Acad., "SS^^: J°%^'"/ Acad., 1854-5 ; Troy Conference Acad., 1855 ; Prin., 1856-7 ; Private School, Albany, 18o8-77. 412 Union. 1857. John A DeRemer. E.A.K. Schenectady, N. Y. Lawyer ; and Postmaster of Schenectady. Tutor and Adjunct Prof. Mathematics, Union, 18-58-66. Trustee Union Coll., 1871. Supervisor 10th Census. Rev. Alexander McAllister Thorburn. H'.F. Spencer- port, N. Y. Pastor Presbyterian Church since 186.5 ; Malta, N. Y., 1860-4. Grad. Princeton Theo. Sera., 1859. Chaplain 9l8t N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1863-4. 1859. Charles Edward Baldwin, LL.B. B .A. Great Bend, Pa. Retired. Lawyer. Town Clerk, Derhv, Conn., 1868; Justice of the Peace, Great Bend, 1877-82; Burgess, Great Bend Borough, 1880. Author (with Rev. A. J. Parker) of Revised Edition Reeve's Domestic Relations, 1862. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1859. ^«'^ John Baldavin. B.U. New York City. Lawyer. Died October 29, 1872. George William Brooks. F. T. Cooperstown, N. Y. Lawyer. John Darwin Shepard Cook. J.X. Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. Charles Horton Peck. E. ¥. Albany, N. Y. Botanist, in chai-ge of State Hei-barium since 1867. Teacher Sandlake Collegiate Inst., 1859-62; Private School, Albany, 1862-7. Author of contributions to the Regents' Annual Reports on the N. Y. State Cabinet and State Museum of Natural History, 1865-80; article on Fungi, Hayden's Sixth Rdport, 1873 ; Flora of Colorado, Porter and Coulter, Washing- ton, 1874 ; Plants of the Summit of Mt. Marcy, Seventh Report Adirondack Survey, 1879. Contributor to the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, New York; Crawfordsville, Ind., Botanical Gazette; Transactions of the Albany Inst. Corresponding Member Buffalo Soc. Natural Science; Syracuse Botanical Club; Albany Nature Club. Wilson Marcy Powell. N.Z. Ncay York City. Lawyer. ^^ Charles Henry Sears. A. 6. INIechanicsville, N. Y. Died September 14, 1860. i860. Joseph Bell. TJ.A. New York City. Chief Justice of N. Mex., 1882-5. Asst. U. S. Dist. Atty. for Southern Dist. of N. Y., 1863-9; Asst. Dist. Atty. New York City and County, 1875-82. Samuel Adams Bowen. A.X. Cooperstown, N. Y. Lawyer. Judge Otsego Co. since 1878; Dist. Atty., 1872-8; County Judge since 1878. Peter Van Schaack Pruyn, M.D. A'. 0. Kinderhook, N. Y. Director National Union Bank since 1877. Pres. Board of Trustees, Kinderhook Acad., since 1879. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1863. Member N. Y. State Med. Soc. Union. 413 CoLTON Joseph Reed. .\'J-). I'lunk Roiul, N. Y. Fanner. Was in Federal Army. Rev. Francis Fenelon Rice. A'.N. Havana, N. Y. Rector of St. Paul's since 1881 ; at Waverly, N. J., 1863-5 ; Mott Haven, 180.5-70 ; Addi- son, 1871-81. Grad. Geu. Theo. Sem., 1863. Rev. Everett Reuben Sa^\^eh. A'. V. Sandy Hill, N. Y. Pastor, Baptist, since 1870. Ordained, ISta. Henry Louis Smith. N. P. New York City. Lawyer. Member Am. Assoc, for the Advancement of Science; Life Member Long Island Hist. Soe. Capt. 5th N. Y. Heavy Art., U. S. A., 1862-3. Charles Ezra Sprague. A', 2'. New York City. See. Union Dime Savings Institution. Commandant Yonkers Military Inst., 1864-6; Peekskill Mililarj' Acad., 1867-8; Poughkeepsie Military Inst., 1866-7 and 1868-70. Editor of The Bookkeeper. Author of The Algebra of Accounts, 1880; Logical Symbolism, 1881. Private 44th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-4 ; Bvt. Col. N. Y. Vols. i86i. Elbridge Gerry Root Adams. J. '/'. Lee Centre, N. Y. Prin. Union School. John Lindsay Hill. F.K. Brooklyn, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. Dist. Atty., Schenectady Co., N". Y., 1866-9. Supt. Water- ford, N. Y., Public Schools, 1861-2. Ira Cole Terry. J../. St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. Rev. James Pattison Viele. }'../. Sand Lake, N. Y. . Pre.sbyterian Clergyman since 1876. Preached, Presbyterian, Caldwell, N. Y., 1865-6; Pillstown, 1867-9; Reformed, Schagticoke, 1869-72; Middle Granville, 1872-3. Grad. Princeton Theo. Sem., 1864. Timothy Erastus Wilcox, M.D. F.U. Boise City, Idaho. Capt. and Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., appointed, 1867; resigned, 1868; reappointed, 1874. Author of occasional notes and papers in medical and other journals. Cor. Member Tonx-y Botanical Club. Asst. Surgeon 6th N. Y. Heavy Art., U. S. A., 1864-6. 1862. James Loave Botiiwell. V J. Albany, N. Y. Prin. Public School, No. 14. -fJoiiN Henry Dennis. V .1. Waterfbrd, N. Y. Lawyer and Insurance Agent. Died September 11, 1872. Samuel Burnett Howe. 1..\. Schenectady, N. Y, Supt. Schools since 1879. Oliver Penoyar Steves. //.//. Trenton, N. ,1. Supt. State Model School since 1879. Prof. Ancient Languages, Fort Kdward InBt., 1862-5; Vice Pres. Fort Plain Sem., 1866-7; Prin. Gale School, Troy.N. Y., 1867-71; Supt. Cohoes Schools, 1871-9. Contributor to local papers. 414 Unio7i. Benjamin Franklin Wright. E.X. St Paul, Minn. Supt. Public Schools. 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut, and Capt. 146th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1862-5 ; Bvt. Maj., 1865. 1863. f William Penn Bard, LL.B. I.F. Reading, Pa. Lawyer. Rev. Seth Curtis Beach. IjP. Dedham, Mass. Pastor, Unitarian, since 1875; Augusta, Me., 1867-8; Xewton, Mass., 1873-5. B.D., Harvard Univ., 1866. *'**fHENPtY Nehemiah Beckwith. K.P. Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Died December 2, 1863. Charles Gould Clark, M.D. B'.I. Troy, N. Y. M.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1866. Prin. Waterford Public Schools, 1861-5. School Commissioner, Troy, N. Y., 1872-8. Alderman, 1880. Initiated at Rochester. Charles Locke Easton. E.S. Chicago, 111. Lawyer mill, since 1867; admitted, Syracuse, N. T., 1865. Member 111. Assembly, 1877-8. fGEORGE Simmons Stevens. P. 11. Catskill, N. Y. Editor Catskill Recorder. Member N. Y. State Assembly, 1879. Rev. David Newlands Vanderveer. A.X. Brooklyn, N.Y. Pastor, Reformed, since 1878; Kingston, N. Y., 1867-76; Union Park, Congiegational, Chicago, 111., 1876-8. Grad. Princeton Theo. Sem., 1866. 1864. *^*'^ I Charles George Albert Dreyer. H.S. Hoboken, N. J. *^«'«tHENRY Clay Sanborn. P.J. Plattsbnrgh, N. Y. Asst. Postmaster. Died June 16, 1878. *i*'^f William Henry Sanborn, M.D. A.X. Morristown, N. Y. Physician. Died April 22, 1874. Alonzo Paige Strong, LL.B. fJ.I. Schenectady, N. Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1866. 1865. fRoBERT Jones Gregg, M.D. I.J. San Diego, Cal. M.D., Jeflferson Med. Coll., 1868. ■ f William Barr Lynn. /. 6. Canollton, 111. Lawyer. Clerk, Collector's Office, Xew York, 1870; Clerk 111. House of Representa- tives, 1880-1. David Codwise Robinson. J.I. Elmira, N. Y. Lawyer. Private Sec. to Governor of N. Y., 1877-9. Trustee Union Coll. siuce 1879. Lewis Henry Rockwell. I.I. Albany, N. Y. Prin. Grammar School No. 2. Tutor Mathematics, Union Coll., 1868-70. *^*^''f Edwin Russell. I.B. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Lawyer. Died September 9, 1870. Union. 415 Warren Grover Sayer. \.Z. Wubiu^h, lud. Lawyer. Mayor, City of Wabash, 1868-76. Ind. State Senator, 1880-4. Freling H Smith. P.N, New York City. Lawyer. 1866. Rev. George Alexander. O.A. Schenectady, N. Y. Prof. Logic and Rhetoric, Union Coll., since 1877. Pastor East Avenue I'resbyterian Church since 1870. Grad. Princeton Theo. Sem., 1870. *^^ John Alexander. N.1..\. Johnstown, N. Y. Lawyer. Died September 29, 186S. f Matthew Bender. 7'.^'. Albany, N. Y. Not in active business. Augustus Elisha Curtis. Y.M. Adrian, Mich. Prin. High School since 1879; Saginaw, Mich., High School, six years. George Hammeken Kearny. A'. 77. Annapolis, Md. Instructor U. S. Naval Acad., 1872-3. and since 1878. Entered U. S. N., 1866; com- missioned from U. S. Naval Acad, as 3d Asst. Engineer, 1868; id Asst. Engineer, 1869 ; Passed Asst. Engineer, 1876. Henry Coombs Littlefield, LL.B. E.0. Albany, N. Y. Iron Founder. A.B., Union Coll., 1867; LL.B., Albany Law School, 1867. Daniel Lewis Smith. A, A. Mechanicsville, N. Y. ^Lanufacturer. Retired from business on account of ill health. *i^t William Crosby Stevens. A. A. Poun;hkeep8ifj, N. Y. Died December 6, 1865. fBARNET Wager. N.P. Hot Springs, Ark. 1st Lieut. 'Jd Art., U. S. A. ; commissioned from West Point, 1867. 1867. Joseph Alsop Lockwood. 0. T. Yonkers, X. Y. Civil Engineer. C.E., Union, 1867. Rev. Alfonso Rosolphe Olney. N.A. Ballston Spa, N. Y. I'astor Presbyterian Church since 1881. Grad. Union Theo. Sera., 1869. fJoHN Davis Parsons, Jr. 1.6. Albany, N. Y. Law Book Publisher. f Frederick Whittlesey Seward, M.D. A.(I>. Silent, Arizona. M.D., Univ. of Vermont, 1866. Rev. Horace Coffin Stanton. E.X. Albany, N. Y. Pastor Clinton Square Presbyterian Church. B.D., Princeton, 1873. 4i6 Union. 1868. Henry A Harmon, I!.!'.. I. Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. Eugene Kincard Herrick. E.B. Chicago, 111. Live Stock Commission Trade, Union Stocli Yards. William Valentine KiRKE, M.D. .i.0. Niverville, N. Y. M.D., Homceopathic Coll., New York, 1867; Medical Coll., Burlington, Vt., 1S67. Member Am. Inst, of Homceopathy. Died April 16, 1870. Arthur Howl AND McFarland. 3f.P. Brooklyn, N, Y. Theodore Eobert Shear, LL.B. E. L New York City. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1870. 1869. Wesley Samuel Birch. E.fT. Chicago, 111. Banker. fJoHN Henry Clapp. S.F. Portchcster, N. Y. Lawyer. Louis Henry Knapp. K.P. Buffalo, N. Y. Chief Engineer St. Catharine's, Ontario, Canada, and Suspension Bridge Water Works ; Buffalo Water Works, 187^7; Deputy City Engineer, Buffiilo, 1880-1. Member Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers. CET., Union, 1869. William Platt McLaury, M.D. A.l'. Catskill, N. Y. Health Officer, Calskill. Prin. Catskill Free Acad., 1869-73. M.D., N. Y. Coll. of Phys. and Surg., 1875. Private 144th N. Y. Inf., U. S. A., 1864-5. Theodore John Oxenbridge Thacher. J.Z. Hornells- ville, N. Y. Farmer, Dealer in Lumber and Manufacturer of Brick. 1870. t Albert Lester Gibbs. /LE. Bath, N. Y. Hardware Merchant. *i87r William Fisher Gray. P.B. Albany, N. Y. Died July 10, 1871. James Betts Lock WOOD. 1/. V. White Plains, N. Y. Lawyer, New York City. William Edwin Mapes. A./L Goshen, N. Y. County Treas. since 1879. County Clerk, 1871-7. C.apt. and Bvt. Major l'J4th N. Y. Inf., U.S. A., 1862-4. Friend Fernando Merriman. /!. )'. Pittstown, N. Y. U?iio?i. 417 Charles Ni: WELL Matson. I'.iL Cliicago, 111. Lawyer. Tolice Justice, Owego, N. Y., 1874-6. Albert Smith, li. ¥. Troy, N. Y. Lawyer. 187I. fClEORGE WoRTHiXGTON BRISTOL. O.A. Albany, N. Y. Clerk to Judges of the Court of Appeals. Charles Edward HoLLENBACK. AJK Owego, N. Y. Lawyer. William Wallax Jenks. ./'.J. Ngav York City. Lawyer. Gabriel W Wisner. li.f). Syracuse, N. Y. Lawyer. 1872. Eev. Andrew Webster Archibald. AJ-). Ottumwa, Iowa. Congregational Clergyman. Prof. Languages .lud Natural Science, Pulaski, N. Y., Acad., 1872-3. Grad. Yale Theo. Sera., 1876. William Jay I^ine. A.I'. Amsterdam, X. Y. Editor and Publisher Amsterdam Daily Democrat. Postmaster, Amsterdam, 1876-81. George Clinton Rider. O.K. Pekin, 111. Lawyer. City Alty. since 1874. John jNIelvin Thomas. II. T. Amsterdam, N. Y. Manufacturer of Knit Goods. fDANiEL Burton Wood. N.Z. Allentowu, Pa. 1873. Rev. Newton Dexter. F'.J. Albany, N. Y. Protestant Episcopal Clergyman. Grad. Yale Theo. Sem., 18S1. Austin Ward Dunham. I.. Burlington, Vt. Lumber Merchant. Henry Oscar Hill. I'/. I. East Dempster, N. H. Priu. Marlow, N. 11., Acad. Rev. Eugene Luzette Mapes. E.J. New York City. Pastor, Presbyterian, since 1881. Prin. School N. Y. Juvenile Asylum, 1876-9. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1876. AViLLiAM Platt Rudd, LL.B. Z'.V. Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. LL.B., Albany Law Scliool, 187.i. Member Albany Inst. Benjamin Irving Stanton, LD.B. li.iL Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. Prin. Union Classical lust., Schenectady, N. Y., 1874-5. LL.P., Harvard Univ., 1881. 4i8 Union. 1874. Tracy Chatfield Becker, LL.B. E.A'. Buffalo, N. Y. Lawyer. Second Asst. Dist. Atty., Erie Co., since 1881. Prof. Med. Jurisprudence, • Coll. of 'Physicians and Surgeons, Buffalo, since 1879. Author of several articles on medico-legal" suhjects in Buffalo, N. T., Phywiansi' and Surgeons' Investigator. Member Am. Social Science Assoc; Executive Com. of N. Y. State Bar Assoc. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1876. fljRi BuET. r. 6. LondonviUe, N. Y. Maltster, Albany, N. Y. Milton Whites^g Stickxey. B. Y. Albany, N. Y. Coffee and Spice Manufacturer. fANSOX Paesoxs Thomas. I'.K. Stamford, N. Y. Not in active business. Henry Adams Waldrox, M.D. J. 6. New York City. M.D., Albany Med. Coll., 1877. 1875. f Samuel Albert Clarke. A.^. Colioes, N. Y. Manufacturer of Knit Underwear. Frederick Harris. J. '/'. Albany, N. Y. Lawyer. Charles Baker Kixg, LL.B. ILX. Peoria, 111. Lawyer; practising at Peoria since 1882. LL.B., Albany Law School, 1877. Hex:ry Kathboxe Micks. N.O. Baltimore, Md. Wholesale Druggist, of Boyken, Carmer & Co. Rev. Andrew Van Vraxkex Raymond. J.i?. Plainfield, N.J. Clergyman, Reformed Church of Amei-ica. Frank Tsveedy. N.A. Plainfield, N. J. Sanitary Engineer. C.E., Union, 1875. I Edward Bicknell Wooster. 1\M. Albany, N. Y. Dealer in Furniture; firm of B. W. Wooster & Co. 1876. Erastus Dudley Hill. -.1. Albany, N. Y. With Woodward & Hill, Coach and Saddlery Hardware. Craig Adams Marsh, LL.B. J. A. Plainfield, N. J. Lawyer. LL.B., Columbia Coll., 1879. William Page Newman. A.I. Albany, N. Y. Wool Merchant. fSAMUEL Nichols. .V.J. Troy, N. Y. Union. 419 William IIexry Smyth. /.A. All)any» X. Y. Broker. N. Y. Deputy State Treas., 1880-1. Franklin R Toll. N.O. Glenville, N. Y. Farmer. 1877. Rev. Frederick James Bassett. A. (P. Albany, N. Y. Asst. Clergyman at St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church. * '•'**' George Curtis Bender. 0. 0. Albany, N. Y. Manufacturer Boiler Supplies, Troy, N. Y. Died June l."}, 18S1. fWiLLiAM Arthur Alexander Brown. M.B. Flatbush, N. Y. Cashier and Bookkeeper. Rev. John Brewster Hubbs. B.I. A'. Ilion, N. Y. Rector St. Augustine's Church since 1882; St. James, Oneonta, N. Y., 1880-2. Grad. General Theo. Sem., 1880. Robert Johnston, 2d. B.A. Coboes, N. Y. Treas. Cohoes Iron Foundry and Machine Co. William Birch Rankine. A. P. Ncav York City. Lawyer; with Vanderpoel, Green & Cuming. Initiated at Geneva. 1878. Egbert Peake Lansing. i'/.ii'.I. Cohoes, N. Y. Supt. Troy Manufacturing Co. fTnoMAS McCredie, Jr. M.Z. Albany, N. Y. Maltster. 1879. William Platt Adams. I.N. Cohoes, N. Y. Manufacturer. fJoHN Franklin Greene. N.6. Baldwinsville, N. Y. Editor and Publisher Baldwinsville Gazette. Edward Louisa Hutchinson. E.(I>. Summerville, S. C. Teaching at Lexington, Ky. John Davis Parsons. O.X. Albany, N. Y. Law Book Publisher. *'»«^ William Benjamin Roper. M.II. Charleston, S. C. Instructor Latin and Greek, H. C. C. Ins., 1879-81. Died July 27, 1881. William Augustus Waldron. K. W. Detroit, Mich. Commission Merchant, with Sherman, Waldron & Co. 420 Union. 1880. Joseph Davis Craig. E.I.J. Albany, N. Y. student, Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City. 1881. fPERRY H Kline. /;. ¥. Amsterdam, N. Y. Law Student. fGEORGE KiMBERLY Meneely. P.N. West Troy, N. Y. Meneely Bell Foundry. fjAMES Lionel Eankine. Topeka, Kan. Chief Clerk Building and Water Sen'ice Depts. of A. T. and S. F. R.R. Co. Henry Schlosser. E.I. Schenectady, N. Y. Prin. Theo. Sem. fHowARD Lloyd Thomas. A.F. Albany, N. Y. Draughtsman. Rev. Wilbur Fisk Watkins, Jr. ././ >itur und Cresvent, 1880-1. I.L.I?., Colmnbia Coll.,'lSSl. ■j-Rev. Francis Dunlap Gamewell. ./. '/'\ M. E. Mission, Pekin, Cliina. Missionary. Instructor iu Matheniatics and Natural Sciences, Selleek Inst., Norwalk, Conn., 1879-80. A.B., Dickinson Coll., 1881. Harold Gifford. K /. Ilaitland, Wis. Medical Student Univ. of Mich. fCHARLES Watson Hinkley. J.J. Chicago, 111. Wholesale Merchant. Edward Cole Rowland. A.iL Philadelphia, Pa. City Staff of Philadelphia Press since 1882; Springfield, M.oes., Ilepuhlican, 1881-2. t William Shurtleff Ingraham. A'.T. Bristol, Conn. Manufacturer. Alfred Millard. A.I'. Fremont, Neb. Banker. Whitney Treat Newton. T.J. Pueblo, Colo. Lumber Metchant. t Allen Seymour Olmsted. Z'.ll. Le Roy, N. Y. Journalist. i88o. t Jerome Rapalje Bonney. A.E. Hopewell Junction, N. Y. Farmer. t Willis Clifford Bradley. I.J. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Wholesale Leather Dealer. t Alexander Main Curtiss, M.D. J.E. Buffivlo, N. Y. House Surgeon, Homoeopathic Charity Hospital, N. Y., 1878-!>; Physician, Erie Co. Penitentiary, 1880. M.D., Pulte Med. Coll., 1877 ; N. Y. Homoeopathic Med. Coll., 1878. t Walter Howard Fox. A.X. Chicago, 111. Clerk, with Jno. Roper & Co., Wholesale Grocery House. jGeorge Frederick Haskell. l\-'. Albany, N. Y. Flour Commission Clerk. Charles Edward Manierre. A.E. Chicago, 111. Medical Student. fRoBERT TuTTLE MoRRis. Z' . I . New Haven, Conn. Medical Student Columbia Coll. Member Linuean 8oc. of Natural History ; Am. Fishculiural Soc. AVilliam Channing Russel, Jr. E'.iL Philadelphia, Pa. City StaflT of Philadelphia rress since 1882. St.aff of Springfield, Mass., Repubthan, 1881; Editor Pittsfield, Mass., Stm, 1881-82. 436 Cornell. fHENRY KiRKE WiLLTAMS. LI. Dunkirk, N. Y. Civil Engineer. 1881. fQuENTiN Woodbury Booth. Z'.I. Rochester, N. Y. Machinist. fRoBERT Henry Cartwright. S.M. Rochester, N. Y. Bookkeeper. Albert George Charles Hahn. PAi. Brooklyn, N. Y. student, Univ. of Freiberg, Saxony. f Edward Handle House. J. Houston, Tex. Banker and Cotton Factor. t Robert Murray Parmelee. E.B. Cleveland, Ohio. Bookkeeper. f Charles Lockard Saunders. A.H. Omaha, Neb. Law Student Columbia Coll. iGrEORGE Shiras, 3d. I.E. Pittsburg, Pa. Law Student Yale Coll. t James Henry Skinner. 1.1. St. Paul, Minn. In Railroad Office. fHENRY Hamilton Stambaugh. /;.'/'. Youngstown, Ohio. Iron Manufacturer. Oscar Livingstone Taylor. J.i). Freeport,Ill. • Law Student. 1882. Frederick Miles Catlin. E' . (i. Erie, Pa. Henry Platt Cushing. A. EI. Cleveland, Ohio. Frank Ranney Luckey. ..!/. Poughkcepsie, N. Y. tCuRRiE Nelson Lukes. /.//. Racine, Wis. Law Student. t Oliver Throck Morton. E.Z. Indianapolis, Ind. Student Oxford Univ., England. IHarry Adams Robie. d.B. Boston, Mass. Mechanical Engineer, U. S. Navy Yard. Winfield Kennedy Shiras. E.E. Pittsburg, Pa. Everett Yeaw. 7'. W. Lawrence, Mass. 1883. Irving Edavard Booth. E. E. Rochester, N. Y. Charles Ross Browning. H'.IE Cornell. 437 Edward Fitch Gushing. (PA. Cleveland, Ohio. jFrank Oziio Hadley. N.Z. Danville, Ind. Paying Teller Hailley's Bank. Frank Mackenzie IIaldeman. //.M. Cleveland, Ohio. |Edward Morton Holloway. /.A'. Indianapolis, Ind. Busiuesa Manager IndiauapolU I'imes. William Turner Howard. LB. JS'ew York City, f George Talcott Ingersoll. Cleveland, Ohio. With Brush Electric Light Co. Frank Willits Runyon. 1. 11. Plainfield, N. J. Delano Eugene Smith. N.M. New York City. Henry Greenwood Tinsley. y\B. I^yons, N. Y. Frank Sherman Washburn. Z'.Z. Chicago, 111. 1884. James Bering Burrows. Decatur, 111. fCLARENCE Burdette Dann. I\E. New Haven, Conn. Carriage Manufacturer. t Joseph Benjamin Davol. E. '1'\ Chicago, 111. George Washington Lewis, Jr. Z'.F. Buffalo, N. Y. Hudson Parmelee Rose. N.M. Cleveland, Ohio. Ira Alexander Shaler. E. li. New York City. John Tod Stambaugh. Z'.H. Youngstown, Ohio. 1885. Arthur Carroll Good. J.E. Butialo, N. Y. John Francis Yaavger. Union Springs, N. Y. THE PHI KAPPA CHAPTER, 1877 TO 1885. Annals. The first steps towards establishiug a Cluiptei- of the Fraternit}' in Trinity College were taken in the spring of 1876. Negotiations were entered into with one of the local secret organizations of the College — the Phi Kappa Society- — which, from the date of its foundation, in 1835, had maintained an honorable position among its contemporaries. These negotiations extended somewhat over a year, and were not fully com- pleted until the close of 1877. On the twentieth of December of that year the sixteen active members of the Phi Kappa Society met in New York with several of their alumni, and in a hall of the Masonic Temple were duh' initiated into Alpha Delta Phi. On the following day a meeting was held, at which officers were elected, and other steps were taken to effect a permanent organization. This, briefly, is the origin of the Phi Kappa Chapter. Since its establishment the history of the Chapter has been one of continued and rapid improvement. The old Phi Kappa Society had possessed a hall in a large building in the city of Hartford, and upon the foundation of the Chapter, this hall, with its appurtenances, passed into the hands of Alpha Delta Phi. It was, however, soon deemed necessar}' to increase these facilities ; and, accordingly, a commodious anteroom was obtained and thrown into communication with the hall — both apartments being furnished in a tasteful and suitable man- ner. From time to time additions have been made for the con- venience and comfort of the members. Although for all present circumstances the}' are thus comfortably situated, their crying need is a Chapter house, which, it is unnecessary to say, would contribute greatl}' to the prosperity of the Chapter ; and active measures are being taken with a view to erecting one;. Besides its i)roperty in the cit\". Phi Kappa. 439 the Chapter enjoys the use of a space of ground, beautifully situated, on the College estate, which has been enclosed and turfed, and is devoted to lawn tennis. > As to the position of the Chapter in the College, her men, where tliey have not gained the very first places in scholarship, have always been represented in the highest third of their classes. As to prizes and honors, the appended list will speak for itself. The Athletic field is never without a fair showing of Alpha Dclts, and the Chapter is always represented on the prize list at the anmial field meetings of the Athletic Association. Another point which, at Trinity, is a matter of strength to a society, is its influence in the social circles of Hartford ; and in this, again. Alpha Delta Phi occupies a most satisfactory position. 1850. — Valedictory : John Taylor Huntington, '.50. 185S. — Egleston Chemical Prize : David Maitland Armstrong, '.58. 1S6S. — Chemical Prize : Frank Konnedv, 'CS ; Prize Version Declamation : George Lewis Cooke, '70. 1S70. — Salutatory : Harlow Ruggles Whitlock, '70 ; Chemical Prize : Percy Shelley Bryant, '70. 1873. — Latin Prize: James Davis Smyth, '74. 1874. — Salutatory: James Davis Smyth, '74; Prize Version Declamation: James Davis Smyth, '74; French Prize: Isaac Hiester, '76. 1875. — Oratorical Prize {Silver Medal): John Huske, '77; French Prize : Sydney Douglass Hooker, '77. 1876. — Valedictory : Isaac Hiester, '76 ; 1st Philosophical Prize : Isaac Hiester, '76; Prize Version Declamation : George Sumner Chipman, '78; Algebra Prize: Walter Calvin Hagar, '79. 1877. — English Literature Prize: George Suiimer Cliipman, '78; Latin Prize : George Sumner Chipman, '78 ; Greek Prize : Alpheus Henry Snow, '79. 1878. — Valedictory: John Dows Hills, '78 ; Prize Version Declamation : John Dows Hills, '78; 2d Chemical Prize: George Sumner Chipman, '78; Geometry Prize : Charles Wright Freeland, '81. 1879. — Valedictory: Alfred Harding, '79 ; 2d Chemical Prize: Alfred Harding. '79 ; Prize Version Declamation : Alfred Harding, '79 ; French Prize : George Sumner Huntington, '81. 1880.— Latin Prize : Charles Wright Freeland, '81 ; French Prize : Charles Wheeler Coit, '82 ; Algebra Prize : Clarence Morgan Kurtz, '83 ; Geometry Prize : Clarence Morgan Kurtz, '83. 1881. — 1st Chemical Prize: George Sumner Huntington, '81. 1882. — Oratorical Prize (Silver Medal) : Frank Wood Richardson, '84. J'.v. o.n. A.X. T.J. THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHAPTER. , Charter Alembers. William Cole Blackmer. George Sumner Chipmax. John Doavs Hills. I.L Charles Hunter. P. A. Augustus Julian Lyinian. George Taylor Steavart. James Innes Hayes Cameron. E.Z. Walter Calvin Hagar. A. A'. Alfred Harding. A. A'. George Kneeland. K.\'. Morton Stone. T.I.'. Stewart Stone. l.A'. Harloav Clarke Curtiss. A. A. Charles AVright Freeland. E.l'. George Sumner Huntington. F.X' . Edavard Pearson Neavton. A'.E'. 1837- Pliny Adainis Jeaaett, M.D. 77. V. New HaA-en, Conn. Dean of House of Convocalion, Trhiity, 1854; Prof. ObstctricR, Yiale Med. Coll., 185&- 63. Trustee Trinity, 1862-70. Author of Hist, of the Gen. Hospital Soc. of Connecticut. M.D., Yale Coll., 1840. Member Am. Med. Assocv; International Centennial Med. Cong., etc. Surgeon in charge of Kulgbt U. S. A. Hospital, New Haven, Conn., 1862-6. f Henry Heaaitt Conklin. N.K. Fond du Lac, Wis. Retired on account of ill health. 1838. ^^fJoHN Francis Heath, M.D. H'.\. Peterdnirg, Va. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1840. Surgeon, C. S. A., in charge of Hospital at Ft. Caswell, N. C, 1861-2. Died in service, October 7, 1862. jWiLLiAM Stephen GooDAVYN, LL.B. A.E. Hicksford. Va. Member Va. State Legislature, 1846-8; Commonwealth's Atty. for South Hampton and Greensville Counties," 1848-58; Judge Greensville Co. Court, 1876-80. LL B., Univ. of \'a., 1840. Phi Kappa. 441 1839. f Colin Macrae Ingersoll. N.E. New Haven, Conn. Lawyer. Clerk Conn. State Senate, 18M; See. U. S. Legation to Court of Russia and Actinj; Charq,' (Vaffairea, 18i"-9; U. S. Representative from Conn., 1851-5; Adj. Gen. Stat* of Conn., 18(57-71. Meml)(jr Conn. Acad. Arts and Scieuees. ^ fCoRNELius Storm. A'. A'. San Francisco, Cal. Coal Merchant since 1852. 1840. tAViLLiAM Peter Mallett, :M.D. .V. / '. Chapel Hill, N. C. M.])., Univ. of S. C, 1844. Surgeon, C. S. A., in charge of Seabrook Hospital, Rich- mond, Va., 18G2. 184I. Sa3IUEl Porter Church, M.D. IJi. Newburgh, N. Y. M.D., Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., 1S45. Rev. Thomas Ruggles Pynchon. M.l\ Plartfoid, Conn. Pres. Trinity since 1874; Prof. Moral Philosophy since 1877 ; Tutor Latin and Greek, Trinity, 1S43-7. Rector St. Paul's Church, Stockbridge, Mass., 1849-55. Prof. Chemistry and Natural Science, Trinity, 1854-77 ; Librarian since 1857 ; C:haplnin since 18(iO. Member Standing Committee, Diocese of Conn., siuce 1871. Author of An Introduction to Chem- ical Physics, 1870. D.D., St. Stephen's Coll., 1S65 ; LL.D., Columbia Coll., 1877. Member Geological Soc. of France; Am. Meteorological Soc; Am. Assoc, for the Advancement of Science; Conn. Hist. Soc, etc. 1842. " Edwin Whittlesey Brainard, M.D. J. A'. Branford, Conn. M.D., Univ. of the City of New York, 1854. Died January 29, ISSl. Rev. George Jarvis Geer. F. II. New York City. Rector St. Timothy's Protestant Episcopal Church. Joint Editor Tune Book of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1858. Author of Conversion of St. Paul, 1871. D.D., Co- lumbia and Uuion Colls., 1862. Chaplain 37th Reg., New York City, U. S. A., 1861. George Rogers Hall, M.D. P. W. Ft. George Island, Fla. M.D., Harvard Univ., 1846. Rev. Henry Olmstead. I\I. Branford, Conn. Fellow Trinity, 1867 ; Dean House of Convocation, Trinity, 1864. Archdeacon of New Haven since 1877. D.D., Trinity, 1869. Rev. Abraham Joseph Warner. A.M. Angelica, N. Y. Rector St. Paul's Church since 1881. Tutor, Jubilee Coll., Robin'u Nest, 111., 1842-5. Missionary, 1845-53. Chaplain 12th Reg. Til. Cav., 1862-3. 1844. Oliver Dudley Cooke. /'.//. AVlualing, W. Va. Lawyer. Adj. 24th N. C. Reg., C. S. A., lSr,l-3; Maj., 1S03-5. 442 Phi Kappa. jRev. Oliver Sherman Prescott. P.Z. Boston, Mass. Rector Protestant Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd. Chaplain U. S. A. Hos- pital, near Newport, R. I., 1861. Louis Fenn Wadsworth. I.K. Plainfield, N. J. •Justice of the Peace since 1869. Member N. J. State Assembly, 1851. Supt. of Schools, Rockavvay, N. J., 1864-5. 1845. Rev. Alexander Capron. A.M. Port Jervis, N. Y. . Rector Grace Church. Dean of Western Convocation, Diocese N. Y., 1S73. George Colfax Chipman, LL.B. E.H. Washinorton, D. C. Clerk in U. S. Auditor's Office. LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1868. Thaddeus Crane. J. 'F. Somers, N. Y. Farmer. Town Supervisor since 1875. Samuel Flower. l.B. New Orleans, La. Lawyer. Representative Cal. State Legislature, 185.3. Law Reporter San Francisco Herald, 1850-2; Private Sec. to Governor of La., 1877. 1st Lieut. 7th La. Reg., C. S. A., 1861-5. Rev. Noble Palmer. U.Z. Buffalo, N. Y. Associate Rector St. James' Church and St. Thomas' Mission since 1881. Prin. Doolittle Inst., Wethersfield Springs, N. Y., 1862-8. 1846. fRev. Jared Bradley Flagg. P. F. NeAv York City. Artist. D.D., Columbia Coll., 1863. Member National Acad, of Design. James Lawrence Hooff. M. 11. Charlestown., W. Va. Farmer. Representative W. Va. State Legislature, 1877-8. Capt. 11th Reg., Rosser's Cay. Brigade, C. S. A., 1861; Asst. Adj. Gen., 1802-5. Hiram Augustus Yale. M.K. Meriden, Conn. Farmer. Representative Conn. State Legislature, 1851. Trustee Conn. State Reform School, 1873-6. 1847. Rev. George Morgan Hills. F.B. Burlin^rton, N. J. Rector St. Mary's Church. Trustee General Theo. Sera, since 18')2. President Stand- ing Com., Diocese of Central N. Y., 1868-70; Examining Chaplain, Diocese of N. J., 1870. Lecturer on Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, Burlington Coll.. 1870-5; Dean of Burling- ton since 1874; Fellow of Trinity since 1873; Dean of Him^ic of ("(invocation. Trinity, since 1876; Trustee Burlington Coll. since 1876; Lecturer on IIImLtv, 1x79. .Author of Letters from Europe, 1861; A Mission Service for the Six N.-itimis ..r Iniliaiis, 1868; Hist. Sketch of St. Paul's Church, Syracuse, N. Y., 1870; History of the- ( !iiii-,li in Burlington, N. J., 1876; John 'I'albot, the First Bishop in North America, 187S; .md numinius pamphlets, sermons and contributions. D.D., Trinity, 1871. Honorary Member Hist. Soc of I'a., 1870. fJoHN RuDD MoRSS. P. W. Railway, N. J. City Treasurer. Charles Gabtjiel Sistare. .V. ¥. New London, Conn. Deputy Collector of Customs since 186.'5. Phi Kappa. 443 1848. fRev. Edward Octavus Flagg. A'. U. New York City. Asst. Minister, Grace Cluircli. since 18S1. Author of the Prodigal Sou and Other Poems, 1878. D.D., Univ. of the City of N. Y., 1863. Richard William Hart Jarvis, LL.l?. J./'. Hartford, Conn. Pres. Colt's Arniri Manufacturing Co. Trustee Trinity since 1804. LL.B., Yale Coll., 1850. Louis Nathaniel Middlebrook. IS. Bridgeport, Conn. Lawyer. U. S. Rei^ister in Bankruptcy since 1872. Major .and Judge Advocate, Conn. • National'Guard, 1855-8: Assoc. Editor and Proprietor Bridgeport Republican Standard, 1866-9. Sen. Capt. IstReg. Conn. Cav., U. S. A., 1861-2. Francis Bolles Peabody. 0.B. Chicago, 111. Mortgage Banker. AVilli AM Cowper Peters. M.K. Boston, Mass. Real Estate Broker. Trustee Trinity since 1864. Mcmher Mass. State Legislature, 1877. Rev. Levi Burt Stimson. B.B. Escanaba, Mich. Deau of House of Convocation, Trinity, 1868. 1849. Charles Wheaton. -.T. Aurora, 111. ^Lawyer. 1850. Rev. John Taylor Huntington. A\ T. Hartford, Conn. Rector St. James' Church. Prof. Greek, Trinity, 1864-78 Author of Our Schools and Colleges, 1866. Editor of Two Orations of Lysias, with Notes, 1875. Contributor to Church Review. 185I. Rev. John Brainard. P.Z. Auburn, N. Y. Rector St. Peter's Church. Fellow of Trinity since 1863. P. D., Trinity, 1870. Darius George Crosby. J. A'. New York City. Lawyer. 1852. fTHOMAS Rogers Booth. I.Z. Bethlehem, Pa. Civil Engineer since 1851. Rev. Francis Chase. V.//. Scarsdale, N. Y. Master St. Paul's School, Concord, N. IL, 1856-62; Commissioner of Schools, Sullivan Co., N. H., 1863-4; Supt., 1864-72. 444 PJii Kappa. Hexry ]Martin Drane. M.Ii. Savannah, Ga. Special Asst. Manager Savannah, Florida & Western R.R., since 1877; Gen. Supt. Wilmington & Manchester R.R., 1862-5: Pres., 1865-7. Col. 10th Ga. Reg., C. S. A.. 1861-2. "' • 1853- Robert Andrews. T.F. Toledo, Ohio. Chief Engineer and Gen. Supt. Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific R.R., since 1873. Asst. Engineer Pa. Union Canal, 1854-5; Pa. R.R., 1856-7; Prin. Asst. Engineer, Pa. & Erie R.R., 1858-60; South Pa. R.R., 1861; N. T. Central R.R., 1863^; Division Supt. Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific R.R., 1865-73. C.E., Philadelphia Polytechnic Coll., 1S54; A.M., Trinity, 1856. Lieut. Col. Engineers, 2d Army Corps, U. S. A., 1861-2. James Perrie Bowman. M. E. Bayou Sara, La. 77. Ist Lieut. 3d La. Cav., C. 8. A., .fCHARLES Henry Henshaw. Providence, R. I. Manufacturer of Cotton Goods. Capt. 100th N. T. Reg., U. S. A., 1861-3. Erastus Winslow Williams. 7'. '/'. Yantic, Conn. , Pres. Yantic Woollen Co. 1854. William Jarvis Boardman, LL.B. M. W. Cleveland, Ohio. Pros. Case Library since 1863 ; Trustee Kenyon Coll. since 1870 ; Pres. Trustees, Diocese of Ohio, since 1873; Member Standing Committee since 1880: Trustee Adelbert Coll. eiace 1880. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1856. Rev. James Henry Williams. I. K. " Sweet Briar," Amherst C. H., Ya. Protestant Episcopal Clergyman; retired from any permanent charge since 1865. Member Va. State Constitutional Convention, 1867-8. Grad. Gen. Theo. Sem., New York City, 1858. 1855- Edward Coleman Jacobs, LL.B. J. A'. Corinne, Utah. Lawyer. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1857. Edward Griffith Perryman, M.D. F.F. Baltimore, Md. On Staff of Baltimore Daibj Xexca. Protestant Episcopal Minister. 1858-76. Author of Our New Minister, 1875. M.D., Univ. of Md., 1880. Jacob Alexander Preston. /.//, Baltimore, Md. Lawyer. Elisha Tracy. H.l. Yantic, Conn. Lawyer, New York City. 1856. ^fCHARLES Edwin Bulkeley. E' . T. Hartford, Conn. Lawyer. A.B., Yale Coll., 1856. Capt. Ist Conn. Art., U. S. A., 1861-4. Died in service, February 13, 1864. Phi Kappa. 445 fRiiOADS Fisher. J. W. Austin, Tex. Chiof Clerk Tex. Oen. Land Office since 1808. Maj. Gtli Tex. Reg., C. .S. A., 1861-5. John Henry Huhuell. P.V. Lincoln, Maes. Pres. Bay State Brick Manufacturing Co., Boston, Mas.s. " Kcv. Angus Morison Ives. M.E. Tuckahoe, N. Y. I'rin. Public School. Greenwich, Conn., 1857; Boys' Boarding School, Summit, X. J., 1804. Died March 21, 1880. 1858. David Maitland Armstrong. A.M. Newburgh, N. Y. Artist Painter, Jfarlborouiih, N. Y. Lawyer, 1862. U.S. Consul at Rome, 1860-70; U. 8. Consul General for Kingdom of Italy, 1871-2. Director Am. Art Dept., Paris Exposition, 1878. Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor of France. Member N. y. Artist's ^'und Soc, 80c. of Am. Artists, etc. fWiLLiAM Williams Hays, M.D. M.B. Sun Luis Obispo, Cal. A.B., Kenvon Coll., 1858; M.D., Georgetown, D. C, Coll., 1861. Surgeon 6th Cal. Reg., U. S. A., "1861-5. 1859. |Bankson Taylor Holcomb. H.Z. New Castle, Del. Farmer. Henry Knight Leaver, LL.B. A'. //. Washington, D.C. Deputy Ist Auditor, U. 8. Treas. Dept. LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1807. t William Thomas Maddox. 7'. A. Alexandria, La. Planter. Private Crescent, La., Reg., C. S. A., 1862-5. 1861. fHAMiLTON Claverhouse Graham. M.Z. Orrville, Ala. Planter since 1865. Clerk Dallas Co., Ala., (^ircuit Court, 1876-81. Capt. 7th N. C:. Inf., C. 8. A., 1862-5. fRev. William Welles Holley. A.K. Hackensack, N.J. Trustee Hackensack Acad, since 1871. Dean of Jersey City since 1880. D.D., Univ. of Miss., 1880. 1862. fCoLEY James. A'./'. Torrington, Conn. Kditor Thomaston, Conn., Krpres.s. Prin. Salisburv, Conn., .\cad., 1866-9; Sharon, Conn., Inst., 1870-6. Ist Lieut. 1st Conn. Cav., U. S. A.," 1861-4. 1863. Thomas ]\L\ckaness Ludlow Chrystie, ]\LD. I'.IJ. New- York City. Contributor to N. Y. ^fed!<■al Reroril. A.M.. Trinity, 1866: M.I)., Bellevue Hospital. 1867. Acting Ensign, U. S. N., 1864--). 446 Phi Kappa. 1864. fRoBERT Watkixson Huntixgtox. T. W. Annapolis, Md. Capt. U. S. Marine Corps since 1864. A.B., Honorary, Trinity, 1864. Private 1st Conn. Keg., U. S. A., April to June, 1861; 2d Lieut., U. S. N., June to August, 1861; Ist Lieut., August, 1861--1; Capt., 1864-5. 1865. fCHARLES Hall Pitts. H.Z. Hilton, Md. Boolikecper with J. A. Hambleton & Co., Baltimore, since 1881. Business Manager Baltiniore Gazette, 1876-81. 1866. . Benjamin Howell Griswold. ././7. Baltimore, Md. Auditor and Gen. Freight and Passenger Agent, Western Md. R.R. George Grafflin Hooper. P.M. Woodbeny, Md. Lawyer, Baltimore, Md. Felix Robertson Sullivan. ^.A'. Baltimore, Md. Tobacco Broker. 1867. Henry Kent Huntington, M.D. E.E. NewRochelle, N. Y. M.D., Univ. of the City of New York, 1871. f Allen William Thurman. A. }*. Columbus, Ohio. Grain Commission Merchant. 1868. fRev. IsBON Thaddeus Beckwith. O.J.K. Hartford, Conn. Prof. Greek, Triuitv, since 187!>. Instructor Greek, E. Tenn. Univ., 1868-70; Tutor Greek, Yale Coll., 1870-2 and 1874-9. A.B., Yale Coll., 1868; Ph.D., 1872. Member Soc. of Biblical Science and Exegesis. Frank Kennedy. (IkZ. Hagerstown, Md. Retired from Sec. and Treas. of Steam Threshing Machine Co. because of ill health. Rev. Francis Henry Potts. N.IL Davenport, Iowa. Tutor Greek and Latin, Griswold Coll., since 1881. 1869. Rev. Joseph Blount Cheshire, Jr. //. £. Charlotte, N. C. Rector St. Peter's Church since 1881. Previously ofliciating at Church of the Cross, Chapel Hill, and Missionary at Durham. Lawyer, 1872-8. 1870. Robert Forsyth Bixby, LL.B. li.M. New York City. LL.B., Cohnnbia Coll., 1872. Phi Kappa. 447 Percy Shelley Bryant. -'.//. East ILutford, Conn. Lawyer. Member Conu. State Legislature-, 1S81. George Lewis Cooke, Jr., LL.B. IW. Warren, K. I. Lawyer, I'rovidencc. Trial Justice since 1875. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 1872. t James Kirtlam). K.H. Albany, N. Y. Insurance Agent. Rev. Harlow Ruggles Whitlock. O.z.. Rockville, Conn. Teacher. Protestant Episcopal Clergyman. 187I. Rev. Thomas Henry Gordon. 7'. '/". St. Louis, Mo. Rector Mt. Calvary Church. . 1872. ■f-EDWARD BoHUN Bellinger. A.M. Early Branch, S. C. Teacher. Prin. Colleton, S. C, High School, 1875-80. Jarvis Barry Buxton. B.Z. Cleveland, Ohio. Lawyer. Prosecuting Atty. 12th Judicial' District of N. C, 1S73-5. f James Habersham Elliott. M.K. Rome, Ga. Supt. Cotton and Produce Exchange. Rev. John Graham. N.Z. Haverstraw, N. Y. Rector St. Luke's Church since 1881. S.T.B., General Theo. Scm., 1875. Rev. JosiAH Bedon Perry. I.F. Washington, D. C. Rector St. Andrew's Church since 1881. Grad. Theo. Sem., Alexandria, Va., 1876. Edgar Snyder, M.D. T.B. Chicago, 111. M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1876. f Donald Ticicstor Warner. A.H. Salisbury, Conn. Lawyer. Postmaster since 1874.. Clerk Probate Court since 1S77. 1873- t John Cameron Buxton. N. //. Winston, N. C. Lawyer. A.B., Mobart Coll., 1S74. 1874. George Jarvis Coe. l\K. Sing Sing, N. Y. Tutor Greek and Latin, St. John's School, since 1881; St. Stephen's Coll., 1874-81. f Arnold Plumer Gilmore, M.D. A.U. Chicago, 111. M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1873. 448 Phi Kappa. Lewis Mytixger Plumek. M.F. Pittsburg, Pa. Lawyer. James Davis Smyth. M.^.K. Burlington, Iowa. Lawyer. Tutor Greek, Trinity, 1875-7; Aset. Prof., 1877-9. A.M., Trinity, 1877. Member Am. Assoc, for tlie Advancement of Science. Initiated by Hudson Chapter. Kev. Percival Hanahan Whaley. IJ.Z. Hartford, Conn. Rector St. Thomas' Church since 18S2. Prin. Sharon, Conn., Acad., 1878-80. Grad. Berkeley Divinity School, 1877. 1875. Washington Bryan. 7'. A'. NeAv Berne, N. C. Lawyer. f Arthur French Clark. T. W. Auburndale, Mass. Bookkeeper, with Priest, Page & Co., Boston, Mass. fRev. George Herbert Norton. P.TJ. Croton, N. Y. Head Master Croton Military Inst, since 1880 ; St. Paul's School, Glen Cove. L. I., 1876-7; Military Instructor Trinity School, Tivoli, N. Y., 1877-9; Head Master Burlington Coll., N". J., 1879-80. Kev. William Dinsmore Sartavelle. M.B. Weather- ford, Tex. Missionarj' of Protestant Episcopal Church. 1876. f Charles Edgar Foote. A.F. Wright's Station, Cal. Farmer. Isaac Hiester. K.M. Reading, Pa. Lawyer. Rev. Theodore Atkinson Porter. J.E. Sumter C.H., S. C. Rector Church of the Holy Comforter since 1881 ; previously asst. Minister St. Mark's, Charleston, 8. C. ; Missionary to Clarendon. Grad. Berkeley Div. School, 1879. 1877. f George Blagden Hazlehurst. ILK. Ellicott City, Md. Mechanical Engineer. Sydney Douglass Hooker. I.B. Helena, INIont. Sec. to the Missionary Bishop of Montana since 1880. Rev. John Huske. N. W. Statesville, N. C. Ofliciating at Trinity Church, Statesville, and at the Church of the Ascension, Hickory, Julian Ellis Kurtz, M.D. 11. T. Reading, Pa. M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1880. 1878. William Cole Blackmer. J'.^. Salisbury, N. C. Lawyer. Phi Kappa. 449 """ George Sumner Chipm an. DAL Stamford, Conn. Died September 17, 1879. Rev. John Dows Hills. l.I, Burlington, N. J. Assistant to tlie Rector of St. Mary's Church since 1880. Head Master St. Paul's School, Glen Cove, L. I., 1879. Charles Hunter, M.D. P. A. New York City. Senior Asst. Surgeon, St. Luke's Hospital, since 1881. M.D., Columbia Coll., 1881. Augustus Julian Lyivian. A.X. Providence, R. I. Lawyer, with Thui-ston, Ripley & Co. * fLEONiDAS Cowan Mock. N.Z. Salisbury, N. C. Agent for P. J. Willis and Bro., Boston, Mass. Deputy Collector for Salisbury, 1877-81 . George Taylor Stewart. 7'. J. New Milford, Conn. Student at Philadelphia Homceopathic Med. Coll. 1879. I James Innes Hayes Cameron. E.Z. Brooklyn, N. Y. Student at Columbia Coll. f Walter Calvin Hagar. /.'..Y. Salem, Mass. Tutor Mathematics, Chauncej' Hall School, Boston, Mass. Rev. Alfred Harding. A.A' . Brooklyn, N. Y. Compiler of Jarvis' Family Ilecord, 1879. fAxPHEUS Henry Snow. E.E. Hartford, Conn. Law Student at Harvard Univ. A.B., Yale Coll., 1879. 1880. . George Kneeland. A. V. New York City. Law Student at Columbia Coll. Morton Stone. T,1' . Philadelphia, Pa. Student at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. Stewart Stone. 2'../'. Philadelphia, Pa. student at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn.; Asst. liibrarian since 1880. 1881. Harlow Clarke Curtiss. A.A. Buffalo, N. Y. Law Student, with Cleveland, Bissell & Sicard. Charles Wright Freeland. E.l'. Savannah, Ga. Student at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. George Sumner Huntington. F.X'. Stamford, Conn. Student at Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons. Address, New York City. Edward Pearson Newton. A.l'.'. Brooklyn, N. Y. 29 45° Phi Kappa. 1882. Richard Verxam Barto. J. A. Rochester, N. Y. Bernard Moore Carter. A. A. Baltimore, Md. Charles Henry Carter. B'.E. Baltimore, Md. Charles Wheeler Coit. A.I. CoDcord, N. H. Contributor to Concord, N. H., Granite Monthly. George DaVsox Howell. E.A'. Uniontown, Pa. Samuel Newell Watsox. A.S' . Red Wing, Minn. 1883. Johx Ridgely Carter. U'.U. Baltimore, Aid. Maurice Ludlibi Cowl. LB. Xew York City. fJoHN Williams Huxtixgtox. (KT. Hartford, Conn. Student Stevens Inst. Technology, Hobokcn, X. J. Clarexce Morgax Kurtz. J. A'. Reading, Pa. fFRAXK DuTTOX WoODRUFF. ./. W. Hartford, Conn. Clerk with Hartford Engineering Co. John Morgan Brainard. M. T. Auburn, N. Y. fHuBERT Davis Crocker. li.Z. Hinsdale, 111. Clerk with Pullman Palace Car Co., Chicago, 111., since 18S1. George Heathcote Hills. F/.M. Burlington, N. J. IRegixald Hills. P.K. New York City. Clerk with David Dow9 & Co. Harwood Huntington. A.B. Hartford, Conn. Frank Wood Richardson. A.//. Auburn, N. Y. 1885. William Henry Boardmax. A.M. Cleveland, Ohio. Archibald Codman. P.E. Boston, Mass. George Frederick Humphrey. E.E. Faribault, Minn. MILITARY SERVICE OF ALPHA DELTA PHI 1861-5. U. S. A. C. S. A. tVe sit here in the Promised Land- That flows with freedom^ s honey and milk; But 'tivas they won it, sword in hand, Making the nettle danger soft for us as silk. We welcome back our bravest and our best : — Ah vie I Not all ! J. R. Lowell, Harvard, '38. ALPHA DELTA PHI IN THE WAR. 1861 TO 1865. The following list contains 6Si') luunos, arranged by Chapters, making, as four names appear twice, 681 members of the Frater- nity who served in the late war, or one-fifth of its membership eli- gible to military service, from 18G1 to IBG;"). The record includes, by chapters, 32 names under Hamilton, 27 under Miami, 1 under Urban, 13G under Yale, 43 under Amherst, 30 under Brunonian, 62 under Harvard, 21 under Geneva, 28 under Hudson, 38 under Bowdoin, 41 under Dartmouth, 53 under Peninsular, 11 under Rochester, 27 under Alabama, 22 under Williams, 21 under Manhattan, 30 under Middletown, 18 under Kenyon, 6 under Union, 17 under Cumber- land, and 21 under Phi Kappa. In rank, assigning to staff positions their existing assimilated rank in the regular arm}', and without refer- ence to brevets, the list contains in the service of the United States, 2 Major Generals, 6 Brigadier Generals, 28 Colonels, 28 Lieutenant Colonels, 69 Majors, 183 Captains, 74 First Lieutenants, 31 Second Lieiitenants, 41 non-commissioned officers, 96 privates, and 23 whose rank is unknown or Avhose service gave them no regular positions. Of those in the service of the Confederate States, the list includes 1 Lieutenant General, 2 Brigadier Generals, 3 Colonels, 4 Lieutenant Colonels, 11 Majors, 28 Captains, 10 First Lieutenants, 2 Second Lieutenants, 3 non-commissioned officers, 15 privates, and 7 whose rank was doubtful. Eighteen members of the Fraternity served in various capacities in the United States Navy, and one in the Navy of the Confederate States. The record given below, compiled in the War Department, from extended correspondence, and the records and publications of the 454 Alpha Delta Phi in the War. Southern Historical Society, differs iu many cases from the brief memorandum appended to each name in tlie bod}' of this work. This is chiefly due to tlie fact, that the records of the "War Depart- ment often fail to give a rank held and exercised under temporary regimental appointment, for months together, at the close of the war, and for which no commissions issued, but which was returned as the highest rank held by members in filling out the circulars sent out from each Chapter. Other discrepancies are due to the absence of particular names from the official record, and in these cases it has been deemed best to give the record of service as furnished by members or the surviving friends of deceased members. In one regiment, the 50th N. Y. Engineers, U. S. A., with which 'two members were connected whose official record could not be obtained, inquiry at Washington and Albany brought out the fact that the regimental record was incomplete and fragmentary, no unnatural circumstance iu a volunteer engineer regiment whose mem- bers were probably never assembled together. The scattered condi- tion of the militar}' records of the Confederacy leaves the record of our brothers who were in its service extremely incomplete, even after careful examination of the archives at Washington. It has been deemed best in the two Chapters whose membership was chiefly repre- sented in this service, Alabama and Cumberland, to give in two sepa- rate paragraphs, first the record as obtained b}' personal correspondence, and next the. brief result of the examination of the rolls at AVash- ington. Fragraentar}-, incomplete, often lacking, the record as thus made up is its own pathetic commcntar}- upon the issues of a conflict which brought to one victory and to another defeat, but to none disgrace. In the arrangement of these names, chapter and class rank has been followed, and names scattered in the ranks of war are here brought back as they sat side by side in the lodge room. For the first time, in a list of this character, service on both sides receives equal recognition, as from its foundation and in its organic law the Alpha Delta Phi in the War. 455 Fraternity has stipuliUed that sectional fcfling sluill nowhere enter in its reeords. The gratefnl acknowledgments of the Fraternity are due to the Hon. Secretary of War, Robert T. Lincohi, and General Richard C. Dunn, Adjutant General, for generous and invaluable aid in tlie compilation of this list, whose preparation has been under the super- intendence and is the result of the lal)ors of Brothers R. H. Thayer, Peninsular, '70, and R. ,1. Mitchell, AVilliams, ';')(). No similar list — and few even comparable to it have been attempted — has, it is believed, ever equalled this in, accuracy or comprehensive plan. Tlie fortunes of war and the scattered records of its War Department have made it difficult to gather full records of our brothers in the C. S. A. service. Any information on this point, or any other emendation, amendation, or addition to the list below, will be gratefully received for use in future editions of the Catalogue, by the Editor or the Recorder, to the end that a complete record may be at last obtained of all the members of our Fraternity who attested their devotion to their flag and its principles by service in the field. THE RECORD BY CHAPTERS. HAMILTON. Big-hteen Hundred and Thirty-eight. Lansing Porter. U. S. A. Capt. 75th N. Y. Inf., October 9, '61 ; resigned April 16, 'G3. Eighteen Hundred arid Forty-three. Eoberi Mark Richardson. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 12th N. Y. Inf.. June 19, '61 ; Col. 15th N. Y. Cav., January .6, 1864; resigned January 17, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-four. George William Jackson. C. S. A. Private in Va. regiment in Brig. Gen. Mosby's Brigade, on detached service; enrolled December, '64 ; discharged for disability, February, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-six. Levi Parsoyis Coman. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 76th Ohio Inf., October 8, '61 ; Capt., December 4, '61 ; resigned January 21, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty. Benjamin Bradford Snow. Provost Marshal 24th District N. Y. from December' 20, '64, till October 15, '65. Eighteen Hundred and F'ifty-one. Benjamin Rush C'atlin. U. S. A. Chaplain 115th U. S. Colored Troops, Mtirch 4, '65 ; honorabl}- discharged February 10, '66. Rev. Thomas Boyd Hudson. U.S.A. Chaplain 75th N. Y. Inf., November 26, '61 ; resigned July 7, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-two. Frederick Humphrey. U.S.A. Chaplain 12tli Iowa Inf., June 28, '64 ; honorably discharged January 20, '66. Haviilton. 457 Big-hteen Hundred and Fifty-three. Charles Duncan QiJjiUan. U. S. A. ]Ma,j. aiul J'uyniaster U. S. Vols. from November 2G, '62, to August 25, '63. Myron Hawley Beach. U. 8. A. 2d Lieut. 44th Iowa Inf., May 11, '64 ; houorably discharged September 15, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. Chirles Smith Bundy. U. S. A. 1st Sergt. 5th Wis. Inf., May 10. '61 ;• 2d Lieut., October 26, '61 ; resigned January 9, '62. Charles Linderman. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 8th Iowa Cav., September 30, '63 ; honorably discharged August 13, '65. Big-hteen Hundred and Fifty-five. Wimam Hart. U. S. A. Chaplain 19th N. Y. Inf. (3d N. Y. Lt. Art.), November 13, '61 ; resigued May 19, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Van Buren Dutton. U.S.A. Capt. 7th N. Y. Inf., June 19, '63 ; honorably discharged Julj' 20, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. William Mason Rohinson. U. S. A. Capt. 26th Mo. Inf. ; mustered out at expiration of term of service, November 11, '64. Augustus Coe Van Duyn. U. S, A. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols., October 4, '62 ; Surgeon, December 4, '63 ; honorabl3' discharged October 7, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. Seymour Fenton Adams. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 5th N. Y. Heavj' Art., September 11, '62 ; 1st Lieut., March 3, '63 ; Capt., April 4, '65 ; honorably discharged Jul}' 19, '65. Frederick Scoville. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 8th N. Y. Cav., September 23, '61; 1st Lieut, October 24, '62; Capt., August 24, '63; honorably discharged December 8, '64. Wallace Walter Thorpe. U. S. A. Capt. 3d N. Y. Inf., August 25, '61 ; resigned February 6, '62. 45 8 Military Record. Oliver Morris Wilson. U. S. A. Cnpt. oith Ind. Inf., September 22, '62 ; honorably discharged December 8, '63- Big-hteen Hundred and Sixty. William Harrison Beach. U. S. A. Sergt. 1st N. Y. Cav., July 19, '61 ; 2d Lieut., December 13, '64; 1st Lieut., January 20, '65; honorably discharged June 27, '65, Arha Brookins. U. S. A. Private 24th N. Y. Cav.. January 6, '64; 2d Lieut., October 14. '64; 1st Lieut., May 1, '65; transferred to IstN. Y. Provisional Cav., June 17, '65 ; honorably discharged July 19, '65. Francis Edward Hale. U. S. A. Private, Battery A, 1st Mich. Lt. Art., May 28, '61 ; 2d Lieut., July 30, '62 ; 1st Lieut., November 24, '62 ; Capt., November 9, '63 ; termination of service October 3, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Arthur CuHiss Danforth. U.S.A. Private, enlisted April 25, '61, Co. C, 7th Ohio Lif. ; 1st Sergt., June 20, '61 ; killed at battle of Winchester. Va., March 23. 'Q-2. Charles Henry Roys. U.S.A. Capt. 117th N. Y. Inf., August 20, '62; left the service July 18, '63; re-commissioned as 1st Lieut, same regt., December 1, '64; transferred to 48th N. Y. Inf., June 8, '65; Bvt. Capt., July 31, '65; lionorably discliarged September 1. '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Henry Hastings Curran. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 146th N. Y. Inf., October 10, '62 ; Capt., December 27, '62 ; Major, November], '63 ; killed at battle of Wilderness, May 5, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-three, William KirJckmd Bacon. U. S. A. 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 26th N. Y. Inf., August 7, '61 ; died of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 15, '62. Horace Webster Fowler. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 16liiN. Y. Heavy Art., December 7, '63 : Capt,, October 29, '64 ; lionorably discharged May 15, '65. Hamilton — Miami. 459 Rev. Stephen Grosvenor Hopkins. U.8.A. Sergeant IGOtli N. Y. Inf., September 17, 'G2 ; 1st Lieut., September 27, '64 ; honorably discharged November 1, '65. Bigrhteen Hundred and Sixty-four. Philip Clinton Curran. U. S. A. Private 146th N. Y. Inf., Septem- ber 13, '62 ; honorably discharged March 10, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-six. Charles Sterling Millard. H. S. A. 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 117tli N. Y. Inf., Aug. 20, '62 ; lionorably disehnrgod >September 22, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy. FranJc Herbert Bagley. U. S. A. Private 4r)th Mass. Inf., September 30, '62 ; 1st Lieut. 75th U. S. Colored Troops, January 9, '64 ; Capt . . March 26, '64 ; honorably discharged November. 25, '65. MIAMI. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-six. John Baylor Temple. U. S. A. Pres. of INIilitary Board of Kentucky, September, '61, to July, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-eight. Hugh Thompson Reid. U. S. A. Col. 15th Iowa Inf., February 22, '62 ; Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols., March 13, '63 ; resigned April 4, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-nine, William Birney. U. S. A. Capt. Co. C, 1st N. J. Inf., ]\L\y 22, '(Jl ; promoted Major 4th N. J. Inf., September 27, '61 ; Lieut. Col., August 26, '62; Col., January 8, '63; resigned June 7, '63, to accept appointment as Col. U. S. Colored Troops ; promoted Brig. Gen., May 22, '63 ; mustered out, August 24, '65 ; brevetted Major Gen, of Vols., March 13, '65. 460 Military Record. James H. Hart. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 71st Ohio luf.. October 7, '61 ; Major, June 15, '62 ; Lieut. Col., April 7, '64 ; honorably discharged November 30, '65 ; brevetted Col. and Brig. Gen,, March 13, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-one. George L. Andreiv. U. 8. A. Sanitary Inspector, U. S. Sanitarj^ Commission. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-three. Versalius Horr. U. S. A. Capt. 66th Ohio Inf., December, '61 ; honorably discharged October 27, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-flve. James Douglas Kirkpatrick. C. S. A. 2d Lieut. 3d S. C. Inf. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-eight. Rev. George Lewis Kalb. U. S. A. Chaplain 90th Ohio Inf., August 29, '62 ; resigned May 12, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty. Robert Stevenson VoorMs. U.S.A. Major and Judge Advocate Gen. Mo. Militia, '61. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. LuieUus Hussey. U. S. A. Orderly Sergt. ed August 14, 'G3. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven. Ira Sei/mour Dodd. U. S. A. Sergt. 26th N. J. Inf., Septem])er 3, '02 ; 1st Sergt., June 7, '63 ; honorabl}- discharged June 27, '63. Constant Robert Marks. U. S. A. Private Co. K, 8th Mass. Inf., April 30, '61 ; honorably discharged August 1, '61. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight. John Kinne ILjde DeForest. U. S. A. Private 28th Conn. Inf. George Henry Lewis. U. S. A. Private Co. F, 14th Conn. Inf , August 23, '62 ; honorably discharged September 27, '63. Thomas Hamlen Bobbins. U. S. A. Corp. Co. H, 2.")th Conn. Inf , November 11, '62; Sergt., May 4, '63; honorably discharged August 26, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-nine. Thomas Corwin Anderson. U. S. A. Private 24th Ky. Inf., 6 months ; U. S. N. Midshipman, November 28, '61 ; termination of service, March 27, '65. AMHERST. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-eight. Charles Ellery Washburn. U. S. A. Surgeon 112th N. Y. Inf., September 11, '62 ; died April 10, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-one. Edioin Coburn. U. S. A. Private Co. K, 2;;d 111. Inf.. .Iuni> 10, '62 ; Sergt., September 10, '62 ; Sergt. Major, June 11), '64 ; 1st Lieut., January 1, '65 ; Major, June 4, '65 ; honorably discharged July 24, '65. 474 Military Record. Prosper Kimball Hutchinson. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 12th R. I. Inf., October 12, '62 ; resigned April 15, 'G3. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-two. Lauren Armshy. U. S. A. Chaplain 8th Minn. Inf., March 31, 'G3 ; honorabl}' discharged July 11, 'Go. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-six. Salem 3farsh Plimpton. U. S. A. Chaplain 4th Vt. Inf., September 21, 'Gl ; resigned September G, '62, George Sullivan Woodman. U. S. A. Surgeon Board of Enrolment, 2d Cong. Dist., N. Y., April 17, '63 ; honorably discharged April 28, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-eight. Samuel Fisk. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 14th Conn. Inf., August 23, '62; 1st Lieut., November 12, '62 ; Capt., January 19, '63 ; died May 23, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one. Joseph Seaver Curtis. U. S. A. Private Co. H, 12th Wis. Inf., January 1, '62; Corp., April 17, '63; honorablj^ discharged August 11, '64. 2d Lieut. 42d Wis. Inf., August 23, '64; houorably dis- charged June 20, '65. Bentley Hoioard Smith. U.S.A. Major 42d Pa. Inf., July 6, '63; honorably discharged August 12, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-three. Henry Leonidas Boltwood. U. S. A. Chaplain 67th U. S. Colored Troops. Bowman Bigelow Breed. U. S. A. Surgeon U. S. Vols., October 14, '62; honorably discharged Augusts, '65; brevetted Lieut. Col., August 15, '65. John Alexander Hamilton. U.S. A. Chaplain 6th N. II. Inf., No- vember 27, '62 ; resigned Julv 1, '63. Amherst. 475 Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. Edmund Morris Pease. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon l(5th Conn. Inf., Angust 24, '62 ; resigned November 30, '63 ; Snrgeon 9th U. S. Colored Troops, December 9, '63 ; honorably discliarged November 30, '66. Ira Welch Pettibone. U.S.A. Major 10th Conn. Inf., October 30, '61; Lieut. Col., February 8, '62; Col., June 5, '62; resigned November 15, '62. Henry 3£artyn Saville. U.S.A. Surgeon 4th Mass. Inf., April 16. '61 ; honorably discharged July 22, '61. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-five. Rvfus Choate, Jr. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 2d Mass. Inf., May 25, '61 1st Lieut. ; honorably discharged August 31, '62. Asa Severance Fisk. U. S. A. Chaplain 4th Minn. Inf., January 30, '62 ; honorabl}' discharged October 3, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Stilhnan Pice. U.S.A. Capt. 14th Conn. Inf. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. Alvah Lillie Frishee. U. S. A. Chaplain 2Uth Conn. Inf, September 12, '63 ; resigned June 9, '64. • Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. Horace Smith Fuller. U.S.A. Acting Asst. Surgeon. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. James Fitzgerald Clajlin. U.S.A. Private Co. I, 5th Mass. Inf., September 10, '62 ; honorably discharged July 2, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Edward Olcott Shejmrd. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 32d Mass. Inf, June 16, '62 ; Capt., October 21, '62 ; Major, November 13, '64 ; honorably discharged June 29, '65 ; brevetted Lieut. Col., March 13, '65. 476 Military Recoj'd. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Edicard Comstock. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 14Gth N. Y. Inf., October 1, '62 ; resigned August 28, '64 ; brevetted Capt. and Major, March 13, '65. Sidney Craioford.' U. S. A. Asst. Paymaster, August, '64-August, 'Go. James Leicis. U. S. A. Capt. 144tli N. Y. Inf., September 27, '62 ; Lieut. Col., July 1, '63; Col., November 27, '64 ; honorably dis- charged June 25, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two, Wasliington Irving Allen. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 31st Mass. Inf., Feb- ruary 20, '62 ; Capt., May 8, '62 ; honorabh' discharged Septem- ber 9, '65 ; brevetted Major and Lieut. Col., March 13, '65. Samuel Harrington. \J. S. A. 1st Lieut. 25th Mass. Inf., October 28, '61 ; Capt., May 6, '63 ; honorably discharged July 13, '65. Zechariah Edicards Levis. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols., '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-three. Parker Wliittlesey McManus. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 27th Mass. Inf., , September 26, '61 ; honorabh' discharged February 7, '65. Edward Maynard. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 1st Tenn. Inf., September 1, '61; Lieut. Col. 6th Tenn. Inf.. March 15, ''o'l; honorably dis- charged April 27, '65. Joseph Augustus Titus. JJ. S. A. 1st Sergt. 42d Mass. Inf. , Septem- ber 30, '62 ; honorably discharged August 20, 63 ; 2^ Lieut. 60th Mass. Inf., Jul}' 20, '64; promoted 1st Lieut., August 1, '64; . honorably discharged November 30, '64. Joseph Eells Wilder. U. S. A. Corp. Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf., November 20, '61 ; Sergt., August -20, '62 ; Q. M. Sergt.. April 1, '63 ; killed April 8. '64. at Sal)ine Cross Roads. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. Nelson Freeman Bond. U. S. A. 1st Sergt. Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf., October 9, '61 ; 2d Lieut., August 18, '62 ; 1st Lieut., December 1, '62 ; Capt., August 9, '64 ; honorably discharged September 9, '65 ; brevetted Major, March 13, '65. Amherst. 477 Luther Clarl< Howdl. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 31st Mass. Inf., F(>])ru:iry 20, '(12 ; ("apt., January 25, '(J4 ; honorably discharged Septemlior I), 'G5. David Allison Iridn. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 1 2tli Pa. Cav., March 18, '62 ; 1st Lieut., October 7, 'Q>2 ; Capt., May 2, '()4r ; mustered out July 20, 'Go ; 2d Lieut. 4th Cav., May 28, '66 ; accepted October 6, '66 : 1st Lieut., July 31, '67 ; Regl. Com., November 30, '67, to July 15, '70; Regl. Q. M., April 1, '75, to September 1, '76; Capt., March 1, '78; retired April 2, '7'.), "for disability resulting from disease contracted in line of duty." Ehenezer Burgess Park. IT. S. A. Private Co. B, 42d Mass. Inf., September 13, '62 ; honorably discharged August 20, '63. Eighteen Hundred, and Sixty-five. Alfred Dwight Clapp. U. S. A. Private Co. D, 52d Mass. Inf., Sep- tember 8, '62 ; died March 22, '63, at Baton Rouge, La. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-six. Noah Saxton Cooler/. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 46th INIass. Inf., September 24, 'G2 ; honorably discharged July 29, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven. William Clark FeckJuun. U. S. A. Private Co. H, 23d Mass. Inf., October 2, '61 ; honorably discharged May 10, '62. • Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight. Abner Thomas Buchanan. U. S. A. Capt. 4Hth Pa. Inf. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-nine. JoJm Kendall Richardson. V. S. A. Private Co. 1), 22d Mass. Inf., September 6, '61 ; Corp., April 6, '63 ; honorably discharged October 17, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one. Edward Konigmacher Martin. U. S. A. Sergt. Co. E, 71)th Pa. Inf., October 1, '61 ; honorably discharijcMl July 5, '65. 478 Military Record, Eighteen Hundred and Seventy- three. Leverett Bradley, Jr. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 1st Mass. Heavy Art., September 14, '61 ; Q. M..Sergt., July 9, '64 ; 1st Sergt., January 1, '65 ; honorably' discharged August 16, '65. BRUNONIAN. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-nine. James Brown Mason Potter. U. 8. A. Addl. Paymaster, June 1 , '61 ; accepted June 18, '61; Major Paymaster, July 15, '64; vacated commission of Addl. Paymaster, J11I3' 15, '64; brevetted Lieut. Col., March 13, '65, " for faithful and meritorious service during the war." Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-three. Oshorn Edward Bright. U. S. A. Sergt. Co. G, 22d N. Y. Inf., Maj' 28, '62 ; Sergt. Major, , '62 ; honorably discharged September 5. 'Q,-2. Edward Thompson Caswell. U. S. A. Contract Surgeon. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. Frank Woodbridge Cheney. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 16th Conn. Inf.,. August 24, '62 ; honorably discharged December 24, '62. Thomas Vernon. U. S. A. Private Co. A, 71st N. Y. Inf., April 30, '61 ; honorably discharged July 30, '61 ; Corp. Co. A, 71st N. Y. Inf., Ma}' 28, '62 ; honorably discharged September 2, '62 ; Private Co. A, 71st N. Y. Inf., June 17, '63 ; honorably discharged Jul}' 22, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Charles Henry Alden. U. S. A. Ist Lieut., Asst. Surgeon, June 23, '60; accepted July 31, '60; brevetted Major and Lieut. Col., March 13, '65, for faithful and meritorious service during the war ; Capt., Asst. Surgeon, June 23, '65 ; Major, Surgeon, July 28, '66. Brunonian. 479 James Madison Cutts. U. 8. A. Private Co. C, 1st R. I. Inf., May 2, 'Gl ; honorably discharged June 23, '(51 ; Capt. 11th U. S. Inf., May 14, 'Gl ; transferred to 20th U. S. Inf., September 21, 'GG ; resigned June 10, 'G8 ; brevetted Major and Lieut. Col., August 1, 'G4. Thomas Ewing. U. S. A. Col. 11th Kan. Inf., September 15, '62; Brig. Gen. Vols., March 13, '62; resigned Fet)ruary 23, '65; brevetted Maj. Gen., March 13, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. Alexander Thompson Britton. U. S. A. Private National Rifles, D. C. Vols., April 21, '61 ; honorably discharged June, '61. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. William Augustus 3Ioivry. U. 8. A. Capt. 11th R. I. Inf., October 1, '62 ; honorably discharged July 13, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. Adoniram Brown Judson. U. S. N. Asst. Surgeon, July 30, '61 ; Passed Asst. Surgeon, June 22, '64 ; Surgeon, December 26, 'QiQ ; served in S. Atlantic and Gulf Squadrons. William Williams Keen, Jr. U. S. A. Surgeon's Mate 5th Mass. Inf., July 1, '61; honorably discharged August 1, '61; Acting Asst. Surgeon, May 8, '62 ; mustered out of service July 2, '64. Samuel Thane Poinier. U. S. A. Chaplain 15th Ky. Inf., August 14, '63 ; honorably discharged January 14, '65. George Loring Porter. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, July 17, '62; re- signed July 16, 'GS ; brevetted Capt. and Major, March 13, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Samuel White Duncan. U. S. A. Capt. 50th Mass. Inf., September 9, '(i2 ; honorably discharged August 24, '63. Henry Kirke Porter. U. S. A. Private Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf., Sep- tember 15, '62 ; honorably discharged July 7, '63. 480 Military Record. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Thomas Thompson Caswell. U. S. N. Asst. Paymaster, September 9, '61 ; Paymaster, September 18, '63 ; served in the West, Gulf and North and South Blockading Squadrons. Washington Benson Trull. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon Vols., July 6, '63; honorably discharged December 8, '65; brevetted Capt., November 30, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Charles Ray Brayton. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 3d R. I. Art., October 9, '61 ; Capt., November 28, '62; Lieut. Col., November 17, '63; Col., April 1, '64 ; honorably discharged October 5, '64 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. Thomas Frederick Brown. U. S. A. Corporal Battery A, 1st R. I. Light Art., June 6, '61 ; 2d Lieut., August 13, '62; 1st Lieut., December 29, '62; Capt., April 13, '64; honorabh' discharged June 12, '65 ; brevetted Lieut^ Col., April 9, '65. JosJiua Mellen. U. S. A. Private Co. D, 10th R. I. Inf., May 26. '62 ; honorabl}' discharged September 1, '62. James Henry Remington. U. S. A. Capt. 7th R. I. luf., September 4, '62 ; honorably discharged May 2, '63 ; Capt. Yet. Reserve Corps, June 27, '63 ; honorably discharged August 27, '68 ; bre- vetted Major, March 13,. '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-three. Joseph Manton Bradley. U. S. A. Private Capt. Tompkins Co., Lt. Art., R. I. Militia, May 2. '61 ; honorably discharged August 6, '61.. Gamaliel Lyman Dwiglit. U. S. A. Corporal Co. A, IstR. I. Lt. Art., June 6, '61 ; '2d Lieut., November 29, '(!1 ; 1st Lieut., November 4, '62 ; honorably discharged Juh' 17, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. Seth Jones Axtell, Jr. U.S.A. Private Co. F^, 51st Mass. Inf., August 25, '62 ; honorably discharged July 27, '63. Brunonian — Harvard. 48 1 Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. Zephamah Brown. U. S. A. Corporal Co. K, lOth K. I. Inf., May 26, '02; honorably discharged September 1, '62; 1st Lieut. 11th U. S. Colored Heavy Art., October 24, 'G3 ; resigned June 1, '6r>. William Clitus Witter. U. S. A. Private Co. K, 10th R. I. Inf., May 26, '62 ; honorably discharged September 1, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-nine. Dura Pratt Morgan. U. S. A. Private Co. F, 11th N. H. Inf., August 29, '62; honorably discharged June 16, '64; Hospital Steward, June 21, '64; honorably discharged January 31, '^Mj. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy. Alonzo Williams. U. S. A. Private Co. H, 3d R. I. Heavy Art., October 5, '61 ; 1st Sergt. ; honorably discharged August 4, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-four. William Lambert Hurd. U. S. A. Private Co. F, 2d Mass. Heavy Art., September 13, '64 ; honorably discharged June 26, '65. HARVARD. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-eight. Henry Lawrence Eustis. U. S. A. Col. 10th Mass. Inf., August 21, '62 ; honorably discharged September 15, '63 ; Brig. Gen. Vols., September 12, '63 ; resigned June 27, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-one. Wickham Hoffman. U. S. A. Capt. and Asst. Adjt. Gen. Vols., March 6, '62 ; Major, August 26, '63 ; honorably discharged June 8, '06 ; brevetted Lieut. Col. and Col., March 13, '65. Francis Morgan Rotch. U. S. A. Acting Adjt. Gen. of N. Y., '01-2 ; died while inspecting on peninsula of Virginia, November 28, '63. 31 482 Militajy Record. Charles Francis Simons. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 1st Mass. Heav3-Art., Jul}' 5, '61 ; honorably discharged January 24, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-four. Shattuck Hartwell. U. S. A. Vol. Aide-de-Camp. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-six. Thomas R Rodman. U. S. A. Capt. 38th Mass. Inf., August 21, '62 ; honorably discharged July 11, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-seven. Alexander Bliss. U« S. A. Capt. and Asst. Q. M. Vols., February 3, '62; Capt. and Asst. Q. M., U. S. A., March 13, '63; resigned March 30, 'QiS ; brevetted Major, Lieut. Col. and Col., March 13, '65. Chester Harding. U.S.A. CoL 10th Mo. Lif., August 15, 61; resigned December 1, '61 ; Col. 25th Mo. Inf., June 14, '62 ; hon- orably discharged January 4, '64; Col. 43d Mo. Inf., September 22, '64 ; honorably discharged June 30, '65 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., May 27, '65. James Woodruff Savage. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. and Addl. Aide-de- Camp, March 31, '62 ; honorably discharged December 14, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-eight. Charles Greely Loring. U. S. A. Capt. and Asst. Q. M. Vols., Feb- ruary 3, '62; Lieut. Col. and Asst. Insp. Gen. Vols., July 22, '62 ; brevetted Col. and Brig. Gen., August 1, '64, and brevetted Major Gen., July 17, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty. Robert Barnwell Fuller. C. S. A. Lieut. Rhett's Art. Battalion. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one. Henry Edward Hall. U. S. A. Chaplain 44th Mass. Inf., August 29, '62 ; honorably discharged June 18, '63. Frederic Winsor. U. S. A. Sui'geon 49th Mass. Inf , November 21, '62 ; honorably discharged September 1, '63. Harvard. 483 Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-two. William Duncan McKim. C. S. A. Capt. ; regiment not known ; killed in action at Chaiicellorsville. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-three. Wilder Dicight. U. S. A. Major 2(1 Mass. Inf., May 24, '61 ; Lieut. Col. ; -died September 9, '62, of wounds received at Antietam. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. Charles EusseU. Loicell. U. S. A. Capt. 6th U. S. Cav., May U, '61 ; Col. 2d Mass. Cav., April 15, '63 ; Brig. Gen. Vols., October 19, '64 ; died October 20, '64, of wounds received at Cedar Creek. William James Potter. U. S. A. Hospital Chaplain, September 30, '63 ; resigned May 10, '64. William Thorndike. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 34tli Mass. Inf., Angust 12, '62 ; honorably discharged January 22, '64 ; Surgeon 39th Mass. Inf., January 22, '64 ; honorably discharged June 2, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-five. Francis Channing Barloiv. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 12th N. Y. Inf., April 19, '61 ; honorably discharged August 5, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 61st N. Y. Inf., November 9, '61 ; Col., April 14, 'Q2 ; Brig. Gen. Vols., September 19, '62 ; brevetted Major Gen., August 1, '64 ; Major Gen. Vols., May 25, '65 ; resigned November 16, '65. Channing Clapp. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 1st Mass. Cav., December 30, '61 ; Capt., September 14, '62 ; honorably discharged May 12, '63 ; Capt. and Asst. Adj. Gen. Vols., May 8, '63 ; resigned June 21, '65 ; brevetted Major, March 13, '65. Edward Barry Dalton. U. S. A. Surgeon 36th N. Y. Inf., October 31, '61 ; resigned April 8, '63. Henry Lee Higginson. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 2d Mass. Inf., May 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut., July 8, '61 ; honorably discharged October 25, '61 ; Capt. 1st Mass. Cav., October 31, '61; Major, March 26, '62; honorably discharged August 9, '64 ; brevetted Lieut. Col., March 13, '65. James Tyndale Mitchell. U. S. A. Private 8th Pa. Inf. 484 Military Record. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Charles Francis Adams. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 1st Mass. Cav., Decem- ber 23, '61 ; Capt.. December 1, '62 ; honorabh' discharged vSep- tember 1, '64 ; Lieut. Col. 5th Mass. Cav., September 8, '64 ; Col., March 14, '6.5 ; resigned August 1, '6.5. Benjamin Morgan Harrod. C. S. A. Capt. and Major of Engineers, '61-5. Daniel Webster Wilder. U.S.A. Commissary Lane's Kan. Brigade. Stephen George Perkins. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 2d Mass. Inf., July 8, '61 ; 1st Lieut., July 8, 'G2 ; killed August 9, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. Ezra Dyer. U. S. A. Acting Asst. Surgeon. Joseph Atigustine Hale. U. S. A. Capt. and A. D. C. (Military record not found in the War Department.) Franklin Haven. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 2d Cal. Cav., January 11, '65 ; resigned May f, '65. James Jackson Higginson. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 1st Mass. Cav., Januarj' 6, '63 ; 1st Lieut., July 29, '64 ; Capt., November 15, '64 ; resigned May 27, '65 ; brevetted Major, April 9, '65. James Amory Perkins. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 24th Mass. Inf., September 2, '61 ; 1st Lieut., November 23, '61 ; killed August 26, '63, at Morris Island. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. John Otis Burt. U. S. N. Asst. Surgeon, '62 ; resigned November 11, '63. Jonathan Longfelloiv Cilley. U. S. A. Private Co. F, 137th Ohio Inf., May 2, '64 ; Hospital Steward, May 10, '64 ; honorably dis- charged August 19, '64 ; Acting Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. William Frederick Milton. U.S.A. 2d Lieut. 1st Mass. Inf., July 10, '61 ; 1st Lieut., October 12, '61 ; Capt., July 5, '63; honor- ably discharged July 25, '64. Harvard. 485 Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Stephen Minot Weld. U. S. A. 2(1 Lieut. 18th Mass. Inf.. January 24, '62 ; 1st Lieut., November 1, 'G2 ; Capt., June 1, 'G3 ; Lieut. Col, 56th Mass. Inf., July 22, '63 ; Col., May 31, '64 ; honorably discharged July 12. '65 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., Mai-ch 13, 'i)b. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. John Lincoln Bullard. U. S. A. Capt. and Commissary of Subsist ence Vols., November 29, '62 ; honorabl}'^ discharged December 31, '65 ; brevetted Major, March 13, '65. Henry Weld Farrar. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 7th Me. Inf., April 10, '63 ; 1st Lieut., March 15, '64 ; Capt. and Aide-de-Camp of Vols., June 7, '64 ; honorably discharged August 1, '65 ; brevetted Major, October 19, '64 ; brevetted Lieut. Col., April 9, '65. William Yates Gholson. U.S.A. 1st Lieut. 106th Ohio Inf., July 16, '62 ; Capt., July 24, '62 ; killed December 7, '62. Norwood Penrose Hallowell. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf., August 10, '61 ; Capt., January 11, '62; Lieut. Col. 54th Mass. Inf., April 24, '63 ; Col. 55th Mass. Inf., June 24, '63 ; resigned November 2, '63. Oliver Wendell Holmes. U.S.A. 1st Lieut. 20th Mass., August 8, '61 ; Capt., May 1, 'Q'2 ; honorably discharged July 17, '64 ; brevet- ted Major, Lieut. Col. and Col., March 13, '65. Charles Duncan Lamb. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 2d Mass. Heavy Art., August 31, '63; Capt. 56th Mass. Inf., July 2, '64; honorably discharged December 28, '64. Thomas Joseph Leavitt. U.S.A. Private 6th Iowa Cav., Sergt. Major, 1862 ; 2d Lieut., January 31, '63 ; died September 4, '63, of wounds received at White House Hill. Thomas Rodman Robeson. U.S.A. 2d Lieut. 2d Maiss. Inf., May 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut., February 23, '62 ; Capt., '62 ; died July 7, '63, of wounds received at Gettysburg, Pa. 486 Military Record. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. James Ingersoll Grafton. U.S.A. 2d Lieut. 2d Mass. Inf., Novem- ber 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut., July 31, '62 ; Capt., Nov. 9, '62 ; killed March 16, '65. John Witherspoon Labouisse. C.S. A. Capt. Co. H, 13th La. Inf., and Acting Asst. Ins. Gen. Cav. Corps, Army Tennessee. Herbert Cowpland Mason. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf., April 29, '62 ; 1st Lieut., August 31, '62 ; Capt., January 6, '63 ; honor- ably discharged March 23, '64 ; brevetted Major, March 13, '65. Benjamin Croivninshield Mifflin. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 49th Mass. Inf., November 19, '62 ; honorably discharged September 1, '63. Charles Burnham Porter. U.S.A. Acting Asst. Surgeon, 1865. John Read. U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster, November 5, '62 ; re- signed March 20, '65. Henry Ropes. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf., November 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut., October 2, '62 ; killed July 3, '63, at Gettysburg, Pa. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-three. Ohaj-les Waller Aniory. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 2d Mass. Cav., April 24, '64 ; 1st Lieut., March 25, '65 ; honorably discharged July 20, '65. Charles Emerson. U.S. A. Private Co. B, 7th N. Y. State Militia, Ma}' 25, '62 ; honorably discharged September 5, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 174th N. Y. Inf., November 13, '62; transferred to 162d N. Y. Inf. ; 1st Lieut., July 2, '64 ; Capt., February 10, '65 ; resigned May 16, '65. Francis Lee Higginson. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 54th Mass. Inf., April 23, '63; Capt. same regt. ; Capt. 5th Mass. Cav., February 11, '64 ; honorably discharged October 31, '65. Arthur Lawrence. U.S.A. Vol. Aide-de-Camp. Gen. Howard, '64-5. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. John Binney. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 52d Pa. Inf., July 8, '63; hon- orably discharged September 1, '63. Harvard — Ge7ieva. 487 Edward Russell Cogswell. U. S. A. Private Co. F., 44th Mass. Inf., Aug. 29, 'G2; Corp., August 29, '62; Sergt., May 1, '63; honorabh' discharged June 18, 'G3. James Neville Hedges. U. S. A. Vol. Aide-de-Camp, '62 ; died February, '63. Richard Jones Meconkey. U. S. A. Private Chester Count}' Battery, Pa. Vol. Militia, '63. Arthur George Sedgwick. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf., June 23, '64 ; honorably discharged February 3, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. Robert Ralston Newell. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 54th Mass. Inf., Janu- ary 5, '64 ; 1st Lieut., March 30, '64 ; Capt., July 27, '65 ; hon- orably discharged August 20, '65. Charles Artlmr Rand. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf., Novem- ber 5, '64 ; honorably discharged July 16, '65. GENEVA. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-eight. Thomas Rush Sj)encer. U. S. A. Surgeon 33d N. Y. Inf., May 22, '61 ; resigned August 22, '61 ; on Gen. Peck's Staff, as Brigade Surgeon and Medical Director of 5th Army Corps. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-two. Egbert Bagg. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 117th N. Y. Inf., August 15, '62 ; Capt., November 22, '62 ; Major, August 23, '64 ; honorably discharged June 8. '65. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-five. Samuel Russell Wells. U. S. A. Surgeon 61st N. Y. Inf., March 8, '62 ; resigned July 25, '62. Military Record. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-eight. HefM"ij Cary BanMead. U. S. A. Cadet, July 1, '46; brevetted ■2d Lieut. 5th luf., Jul}- 1, '50; 2d Lieut., August 4, '51 ; 1st Lieut., July 19, '55 ; Capt., June 25, '61 ; Lieut. Col. A. I. G. (Act July 17, '62), Jan. 1, '63; brevetted Major, July 3, '63, " for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Gettysburg, Pa." ; bre- vetted Lieut. Col., May 8, '64, " for gallant and meritorious ser- vices iu the battle of Spottsylvania, Va." ; brevetted Col. Vols., August 1, 'G4, ''for brave conduct and efficient services in the battles and marches of the campaign " ; brevetted Brig. Gen. Vols., April 1, '65, "for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Five Forks, Va." ; brevetted Col., April 2, '65, "for gallant and meritorious services in front of Petersburg, Va." ; relieved as Lieut. Col. A.I. G., Aug. 1, '65 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., October 1, '68, "for the prompt, energetic and meritorious ser- vices rendered by him during the present campaign against hostile Indians, and especiallj'^ in the prompt relief of Col. Forsyth's beleaguered party on the Republican in September, '68 " ; trans- ferred to 8th Cav., December 15, '70; Major 4th Cav., Janu- ary 15, '73 ; retired November 12, '79, " for wound received and disabilit}' incurred in line of duty." Clarence Armstrong Seward. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 19th X. Y. Inf., May 18, '61 ; resigned September 28, '61. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-nine. Azel Backus. U. S. A. Surgeon Board of I^nrolment, 28th Dist., N. Y., April 17, '63 ; honorabl}- discharged June 15, '65. Franklin Chamberlain. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 177th N. Y. Inf., November 24, '62 ; resigned February 11, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty -one. DeWitt Clinton Peters. U.S.A. Asst. Surgeon, August 15, '64; resigned October 1, '65 ; Asst. Surgeon, June 23, '60 ; Surgeon, July 28, '64 ; died April 22, '76 ; brevetted Major and Lieut. Col., March 13, '65. Geneva. 489 Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. Meredith Lralloio Ocjden. C. S. A. Served in La. Cav., in Gen. Stuart's Brigade ; killed in action in Tcnn., January 1, '64. Eig-hteen Hxindred and Fifty-five. Samuel Birdsall. U. S. A. Private Co. H, Cth Wis. Inf., July 15, '61; 2d Lieut., November 1, '61; 1st Lieut., July 22, '(i2 ; Capt., September 14, '62; honorabl}' discharged, on account of disability, June 12, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Charles Nathaniel Heicitt. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 50th N. Y. Engineers, August 16, '61; Surgeon, '62; honorably discharged June 14, '(Jb ; Surgeon in chief Eng. Brigade, Army of the Potomac. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. William Watts Fohcell. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 50th N. Y. Engineers, February 13, '62; Capt., December 27, '62; Major, February 1, '63 ; honorably discharged June 14, '60 ; brevetted Major, August 1, '64 ; brevetted Lieut. Col., April 9, '65. James Hervey Tinkham. U. S. N. Passed Asst. Surgeon, July 30, '61 ; Surgeon, December 5, '65 ; still in service. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Mahlon ' Bainhridge Fohcell. U. S. A. Hospital Steward 50th N. Y. p:ngineers, April 10, '62 ; 1st Lieut., July 27, '63 ; Capt., February 1, '65; honorably discharged June 13, '65; brevetted Capt., August 1, '64. Edmund Wellington Hodgkinson. U. S. A. 50th N. Y. Engineers. Alfred Barton Hough. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 50th N. Y. Engi- neers, September 11, '62 ; 2d Lieut., February 8, '64 ; 1st Lieut., December 12, '64 ; honorably discharged June 13, '65 ; brevetted Capt., April 9, '65. 49^ Military Record. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Asa Gray Folwell. U. S. A. Recruiting Officer 50tli N. Y, Engineers. (Military record cannot be found in Adjt. Geu.'s office.) Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. William Perm Smith. U. S. A. Private Co. C, 148tli N. Y. Inf., September 10, '02 ; Corp., September 14, '62 ; Sergt., November, '63 ; honorably discharged March 25, '65 ; 1st Lieut. 38th U. S. Colored Troops, March 14, '64 ; died April 19, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. Russell Asa OUn. U. S. A. Private Co. L, 15th Pa. Cav., October 10, '&2 ; honorably discharged February 9, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-six. Thaddetis Minor Chajyinan. U.S.A. Private 5th Vt. Inf. (Military record cannot be found in Adjt. Gen.'s office.) Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven. Robert E. Foot. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 40th Wis. Inf., May 8, '64 ; honorably discharged Sept. 20, '64. HUDSON. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. ' Gilbert Saltonstall Carpenter. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 19th Ohio Vols., April 22, '61 ; mustered out August 31, '61 ; Private Co. F, 2d Battalion 18th Inf., September 14, '61; 1st Sergt., October 31, '61; Sergt., February 1, '62; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf., June 9, '62; accepted July 11, '62; 1st Lieut., November 25, '62; brevetted Capt., December 31, '62, " for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Murfreesborough, Tenn." ; Capt. 18th Inf., December 21 , '60 ; Capt. 45th Inf., January 22, '67 ; transferred to 14th Inf., July 22, '69. Hudson. 49 1 Oeorge Harvey Christy. U. S. A. Q. INI. Sergt. Co. A, Independent Battalion Pa. Art., Ma}^ 19, '64; honorably discharged August 29, '64 ; 2d Lieut. 22d U. S. Colored Troops, October 29, '64 ; 1st Lieut., December 9, '64 ; honorably discharged August 23, '65. Frank Brown Hamilton. U. S. A. Cadet, July 1, '58 ; 2d Lieut. 3d Art., June 17, 'Cr2 ; brevetted 1st Lieut., September 17, '62, "for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Antietam, Md." ; brevetted Capt., July 3, '63, "for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Gettj'sburg, Pa."; 1st Lieut. 3d Art., June 18, '64; Capt. 14th Inf., July 28, '66 ; accepted November 26, '66 ; transferred to 2d Art., December 15, 1870. Brainerd Spencer Higley. U.S.A. Corp. Co. D, 155th Ohio Inf., Ma}^ 2, '64 ; honorably discharged August 27, '64. Nathaniel Merrill Hutchinson. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 1st Battalion 18th Inf., October 12, '61 ; Sergt., January 1, '62 ; 2d Lieut. 18th Inf., June 9, '62 ; 1st Lieut., January 14, '63 ; retired January 6, '64 ; brevetted Capt. for gallant and meritorious service in battle at Chickamauga, Ga., September 20, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Samuel Cheney Williamson. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 19th Ohio Inf., April 22, '61; honorably discharged August 31, '61; 2d Lieut. 18th U. S. Inf., February 19, '63 ; 1st Lieut., November 13, '63 ; retired January 24, '64; Capt. 42d U. S. Inf., January 22, '67; transferred to 6th Inf., April 22, '69; unassigned, June 21, '69; honorabh' discharged January 1, '71. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Allen Gamphell Barrows. U. S. A. Private Co. F, 18th U. S. Inf.. Novembers, '61 ; Corp., November 29, '61 ; Sergt., December 5, '61 ; Sergt. Major, November 1, 63 ; resignad March 31 , '64 ; Sergt. Co. B, 18th U. S. Inf., April 1,'64; 1st Sergt., July 10, '64; honorabl}' discharged November 5, '64. Tra Cole Terry. U. S. A. Capt. 5th U. S. Colored Troops, August 1, '63 ; Major, September 10, '63 ; honorably discharged October 24, '64 ; Lieut. Col. 22d U. S. Colored Troops, October 25, '64 ; hon- orabl}' discharged October 16, '65 ; brevetted Col., March 13, '65. 492 Military Recoj'd. Edward Sayle Watterson. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf., May 27, '62 ; honorably discharged September 27, '62. Edwin Lester Webber. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf., May, '62 ; 2d Lieut., June 9, '62 ; honorabl}- discharged September 23, '62; Capt. 88th Ohio Inf., September 24, '62; Major, May 12, '63 ; Lieut. CoL, July 25, '63 ; honorably discharged July 3, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Charles Enoch Clark. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 19th Ohio Inf., April 22, '61 ; honorably discharged August 31 , '61 ; 1st Sergt. Co. C, 86th Ohio Inf., June 16, '63 ; honorably discharged February 10, '64. Edward Wldttlesey Stewart. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf., May 27, '62 ; Corp., June 9, '62 ; honorably discharged September 27, '62. Charles Tudor Williams. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf., May 27, '62 ; honorably discharged July 28, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-three. John Calvin Elliott. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf., May 27, '62 ; honorabl}' discharged September 27, '62. Sidney Strong. U.S.A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf. , May 27, '62 ; honorably discharged September 27, '62. Henry Robert Watterson. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf. Reginald Heber Wright. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf., May 27, '62 ; 1st Sergt., June 21, '62 ; honorably discharged Sep- tember 27, '62. •Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. Samuel M. Eddy. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf., May 27, '62 ; Sergt., June 9, '62 ; honorably discharged September 27, '62. Charles Edgar Foe. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 43d Ohio Inf., April 6, '64 ; honorably discharged July 13, '65. Edioard Porter Williams. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf., May 27, '62 ; Corp., June 28, '62 ; honorably discharged Septem- ber 27, '62. Hudson — Boivdoin. 493 Richard IJoyd Williams. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85tli Oliio Inf., May 27, '(52 ; honorably discharged September 27, 'G2. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. Elmore Perry Caruthera. U.S.A. Private Co. B, 85th Oliio Inf., May 27, 'G2 ; honorably discharged September 27, '62. James George Shedd. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 85th Ohio Inf., May 27, '62 ; Corp., June 28, '62 ; honorably discharged September 27, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven. Edward Hooker Harvey. U. S. A. Private Co. C, 150th Ohio Inf., May 2, '64 ; honorably discharged August 23, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy. John Charles Coffey. U. S. A. 46th and 89th Ohio Inf. (INIilitary record not found in Adjt. Gen.'s office.) Charles Frederick Harrington. U. S, A. Private Co. D, 196th Ohio Inf., January 30, '65 ; honorably discharged September 11, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one. Charles Robinson Truesdale. U. S. A. Private Co. E, 2d Ohio Cav., August 10, '61 ; honorably discharged June 24, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-four. William. Howard Brett. U. S. A. Musician Co. A, 171st Ohio Inf., April 27, '64 ; honorably discharged August 20, '64 ; Private Co. D, 196th Ohio Inf., January 30, '65 ; honorably discharged Sep- tember 11, '65. BOWDOIN. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-eight. Gideon Stinson Palmer. U.S.A. Surgeon 3d Me. Inf , Juno 4, '61 ; honorably discharged October 1, '62; Surgeon Vols.. October 2, '62 ; honorably discharged October 12, '65 ; brevetted Lieut. Col., October 6, '65. 494 Military Record. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-one. Francis Dudley Ladd. U.S.A. Chaplain Christian Commission. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-two. William Lyman Hyde. U. S. A. Chaplain 112th N.Y. Inf., October 10, '62 ; honorably discharged Jnne 13, '65. Jesse William Page. U. S. A. Sanitary Inspector ; Superintendent of White Refugees, N. C. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-four. William Henry Farnham. U. S. A. Private Co. K, 3d Cal. Inf., October 16, '61 ; honorabh^ discharged October 15, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-six- Frederick Augustus Deane. U. S. A. Private Co. I, 1st Cal. Inf., September 13, '61; 2d Lieut., June 21, '62; resigned June 27, '63; 1st Sergt. Co. K, 30th Me. Inf., January 8, '64; honorably- discharged August 20, '65. Thomas Hammond Talbot. U.S.A. Lieut. Col. 18th Me. Inf. (1st Heavy Art.) , August 21, '62 ; resigned September 13, '64 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty. John Smith Sewell. U. S. A. Chaplain 8th Mass. Inf., July 26, '64 ; honorably discharged November 10, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one. William Henry Owen. U. S. A. Capt. and Asst. Q. M. Vols., October 31, '61 ; Lieut. Col. and Q. M., May 22, '63 ; Col. and Inspector Q. M. Dept., August 2, '64 ; honorably discharged June 19, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty -two. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 20th Me. Inf., August 29, '62; Col., May 20, '63 ; Brig. Gen., June 18, '64; honorably discharged Januar}' 15, '66 : brevetted Maj. Gen., March 13, '65 ; received formal surrender of Lee's Arm}^ April 9, '65. Boivdoin. 495 Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-three. Ralph Wardlaw Cummings. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 23d Mich. Inf., November 10, '63; honorably discharged March 9, '64 ; Surgeon IstU. S. Colored Heavy Art., March 10, '64 ; honorably discharged March 31, '66. Joseph McKeen, Jr. U.S.A. Surgeon hi General Hospital, Fairfax, Va., 1862. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Thomas Lyford Ambrose. U.S.A. Chaplain 12th N. H. Inf., Sep- tember 23, '62 ; died August 11), '64, of wounds received in action. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. Lewis Osmond Brastow. U.S.A. Chaplain 12th Vt. Inf., October 4, '62 ; honorably discharged July 14, '63. Edward Thurston Chapman. U.S.N. Acting Asst. Paymaster, Feb- ruary 2^^, '63. Thomas Freeman Moses. U. S. A. Acting Asst. Surgeon, '62-4. Nathaniel Augustus Rohhins. U. S. A. Sergt. Co. G, 4th Me. Inf., June 15, '61 ; 2d Lieut., April 2, '63 ; honorably discharged Feb- ruary' 19, '64. Gustavus Augustus Stanley. U.S.A. Capt. 28th Me. Inf., October 10, '62 ; honorably discharged August 31, '63 ; Capt. 2d Me. Cav., December 11, '63 ; honorably discharged December 6, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. John Duguid Anderson. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 1st Wis. Lt. Art., October 10, '61 ; resigned October 5, '62 ; 1st Sergt. Co. II, 32d " Me. Inf., April 2, '64 ; honorably discharged December 12, '64 ; 1st Lieut. 3d Battalion Md. Vet. Vols., December 13, '64 ; honor- ablj' discharged July 31, '65. John Calhoun Chamberlain. U. S. A. Chaplain Uth Me. Inf. Horatio Oliver Ladd. U. S. A. Chaplain U. S. Christian Commission. Francis Wallingford Sabine. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 11th Me. Inf., November 5, '61 ; 1st Lieut., March 24, '62; Capt., November 1, '62 ; died September 17, '64. 496 Military Recoi'd. George Webster. U. S. A. 2cl Lieut. 12th Me. Inf., November 15, '61 ; 1st Lieut., April 1, 'G3 ; honorably discharged March 2G, '64 ; Major 77th U. S. Colored Troops, March 29, '64 ; transferred to 10th U. S. Colored Heav3- Art., October 1, '65; resigned June 2, '66 ; brevetted Lieut. Col., March 13, '65. Eig-hteen Hundred, and Sixty. John Francis Appleton. U. S. A. Capt. r2th Me. Inf., November 15, '61 ; Col. 81st U. S. Colored Troops, June 25, '63 ; honorably discharged July 29, '64 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. John Marshall Brown. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 20th Me. Inf., August 29, '62 ; Capt. and Asst. Adj. Gen., June 23, '63 ; resigned May 10, '64 ; Lt. Col. 32d Me. Inf., May 5, '64 ; honorably dis- charged September 23, '64; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. Francis Willard Webster. U. S. A. Corporal Co. D, 18th Me. Inf. (1st Heav}' Art.), August 31, '62; honorably discharged August 7, '63 ; Capt. 3d U. S. Colored Troops, August 29, '63 ; honorably discharged October 31, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Edward Larlce Appleton. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 1st U. S. Art., August 5, '61 ; 1st Lieut., August 5, '61 ; resigned Ma^- 10, '65. Charles Oliver Hunt. U. S. A. Q. M. Sergt. 5th Me. Battery, December 21. '61; 2d Lieut., May 18, '63; 1st Lieut., March 23, '64 ; honorably discharged Jul}^ 6, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty -two. Melville Augustus Cochrane. U. 8. A. Capt. 16th Inf., August 5, '61 ; accepted September 15, '61 ; brevetted Major, September 20, '63, " for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Chicka- mauga, Ga." ; transferred to 2d Inf., April 17, '69 ; Major 12th Inf., March 4, '69. William EUingicood Donnell. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 20th Me. Inf. September 1, '63; honorably discharged July 16, '65; brevetted Capt., July 6, '64 ; brevetted Major, April 1, '65. Henry Hastings Hunt. L'.'S. A. Private 5tli Me. Battery, August 28. '62 ; honorably discharged July 6, '65. BoTvdoin — Dartmouth. 497 Isaac Warren Starhird. U.S.A. Capt. l!)th Me. Inf., August 25, '62 ; Mtijor, September 16, '64 ; Col., November 16, '64 ; honorably discharged June 7, '65 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., April 7, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. Samuel Shannon Caswell. U. S. A. Private 1st Battery N. H. Heavy Art., August 12, '63; honorably discharged October 4, '64; 1st Lieut. 18th N. H. Inf., October 5, '64 ; honorably discharged July 29, '65. James Henry Maxwell. U. S. A. Private Co. A, 20th Me. Inf., December 16, '64 ; died May 2, '65. Horatio Fox Smith. 1st Sergt. Co. F, .31st Me. Inf., March 30, '64 ; Sergt. Maj., April 31, '64 ; died September 20, '64. Charles Augustus Robbins. U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster, June 25, '64 ; honorably discharged October 31, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. Prince Albert Gatchell. U. S. A. Sergt. Co. A, 1st Me. Heavy Art., August 21, '62 ; 2d Lieut., February 8, '64 ; 1st Lieut., December 19, '64 ; Capt., August 19, '65 ; honorably discharged September 11, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight. Joseph Scribner Burns. U. S. A. Q. M. Dept. John Irving Sturgis. U. S. A. Private 12th Me. Inf., March 17, '65 ; honorably discharged March 16, '66. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one. Frank Tappan Bayley. U. S. A. Private Co. H, 6th Mass. Inf., July 14, '64 ; honorably discharged October 27, '64. DARTMOUTH. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-five. Oeorge Harrison Palmer. U. S. N. Surgeon's Mate, '64-5. 32 498 Milita7'y Reco7'd. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-eight. Isawn, Lewis Clarice. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 96th 111. Inf., September 6, '62 ; killed September 20. 'G3. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty. DeWitt Clinton Cram. U. S. A, Capt. 6th Iowa Cav., January 31, '63 ; Major, December 28, '64 ; honorabl}^ discharged October 17, '65 ; brevetted Lieut. Col. and Col., March 13, '65. . Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one. Nathan Lord. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 5th Vt. Inf., September 16, '61 ; Col. 6th Vt. Inf., October 15, '61 ; resigned December 18, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-two. John Johnson Ladd. U. S. A. Major and Addl. Pa^'master, July 2, '64 ; honorably discharged November 1, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-three. Alpheus Benning Crosby. U. S. A. Surgeon 1st N. H. Inf., May 2, '61 ; honorably discharged August 9, '61. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. George Anthony Collamore. U. S. A. Surgeon 100th Ohio Inf., August 19, '62 ; honorably discharged June 20, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-five. Edward Henry Chase. U. S. A. Private Co. C, 8th Pa. Inf., April 22, '64 ; honorably discharged June 16, '64. Sylvester Slack Preston. U. S. A. Master of Transportation and Superintendent of Stores, Q. M. Dept., '61-5. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Arthur Al ivy n Putman. U. S. A. Capt. Co. I, 1st Mass. Heavy Art., Jul}' 5, '61 ; resigned August 14, '61 ; Ist Lieut. 2d Mass. Heavy Art., October 28, '63 ; honorably discharged September 3, '65. Charles Woodbury Thrasher. U. S. A. Capt. 11th R. I. Inf., Octo- ber 1, '62 ; honorably- discharged July 13, '63. Darhnouth. 499 Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. John Howe Clarke. U. S. N. Asst. Surgeon, October 19, '61 ; Passed Asst. Surgeoji. April 24, 'Go ; Surgeon, May 14, 'fi? ; still in service. John Atwoocl FoUeite. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 39th Ohio Inf., August 15, '62 ; Surgeon, November 22, '62 ; honorably discharged July 9, '65. Edioard Follansbee Noyes. U. S. A. Major 39th Ohio Inf., August 16, '61 ; Lieut. Col., July 8, '62 ; Col., November 1, '62 ; resigned April 22, '65 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. Frederick WiUknn Durant Kimball. C. S. A. Commissary of Sub- sistence, '61-5 ; died in the service, January 6, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty -nine. Fisher Ames Baker. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 18th Mass. Inf., April 19, '61 ; 1st Lieut., October 29, '61 ; honorably discharged September 2, '64 ; brevetted Capt., March 13, '65. Charles Wliiting Carroll. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 18th Mass. Inf., April 19, '61 ; Capt., October 29, '61 ; killed August 30, '62, at Bull Run, Va. Phineas Sanborn Conner. U. S. A. 1st Lieut and Asst. Surgeon, April 16, 'iyi ; resigned August 1, '66 ; brevetted Capt. and Major, March 13, '65. Edward Cowles. U. S. A. 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon, June 13. '63 ; resigned March 1, '72 ; brevetted Capt., March 13, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Joab Nelson Patterson. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 2d N. H. Inf., June 5, '61 ; Capt., May 23, '62 ; Lieut. Col., July 4, '64 ; Col., June 22, 65 ; honorabl}- discharged December 19, '65 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. Ralph Izard Middleton. C. S. A. Private Charleston, S. C, Marion Art., April, '63 -March, '65. 500 Military Record. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Alvah Kimball Potter. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 7tli N. H. Inf., December 24, '61 ; resigned June 30, '62 ; Capt. 18th N. H. Inf., September 17, '64 ; Major, April 10, '65 ; honorably discharged June 23, '65. George Harvey Taylor. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 73d U. S. Colored Troops, December 21, '63 ; resigned October 24, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-three. Amos Wilson Abbott. U. S. A. Private Co. C, 16th N. H. Inf., October 18, '62 ; honorably discharged August 20, '63. Samuel Judson Alexander. U. S. A. Capt. 9th N. H. Inf., July 12, '62 ; died July 23, '63. William Lapham Flagg. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 7th Squadron R. I. Cav., June 24, '62 ; honorably discharged October 2, '62. Stephen Rand, Jr. U. S. A. Private Co, E, IstU. S. Sharpshooters, August 15, '61 ; honorably discharged April 13, '63 ; U. S. N., Acting Asst. Eng., December 17, '64; honorably discharged August 8, '69 ; Asst. Paymaster, August 12, '69 ; Passed Asst. Paymaster, April 30, '74 ; still in service. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. Charles Caldivell. U. S. A. Corp. Co. B, 7th R. I. Cav., July 3, '62 ; honorably discharged October 2, '62. Calvin Webster Fitch. U. S. A. Private Co. A, 45th Mass. Inf., September 15, '62 ; honorabl}^ discharged July 7, '63 ; 2d Lieut. 76th U. S. Colored Troops, January 24, '64 ; honorably discharged May 15, '65. Ichabod Goodwin Hohhs. U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster, August 31, '64; honorably discharged July 18, '65 ; Asst. Paymaster, February 21, '67; Passed Asst. Paymaster, September 16, '68; Paj^master, May 15, '69 ; still in service. Elias Wilkins Howe. U. S. A. Private Co. E, 1st Battalion Mass. Heavy Art., August 13, '64 ; Q.M. Sergt., September 1, '64 ; hon- orably discharged June 28, '65. Charles Webster Kimball. U. S. A. Private Co. H, 22d Mass. Inf., September 6, '61 ; honorably discharged March 24, '63. Dai'tmoiith — Peii insula?'. 5 o i John Calvin Webster. U. S. A. Private Co. E, 1st Battalion Mass. Ileav}' Art., August 18, '64 ; honorabh' discharged June 28, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. George Washington Britton. U. S. A. Private 16tli N. II. Inf. (Record not found in the War Department.) Frank Banvard Modica. U. S. A. Sergt. Maj. 16th N. H. Inf., November 5, '62; 2d Lieut., July 18, '63; honorably discharged August 20, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven. Alfred Addison Thomas. U. S. A. Private 4th Battalion Ohio Cav., August 3, '63 ; honorably discharged March 12, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-nine. Henry Foster Pratt. U. S. A. Corp. Co. F, 14th N. H. Inf., Septem- ber 23, '62 ; transferred to 13th Vet. Reserve Corps, June 29, '64 ; honorably discharged June 22, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy. John Henry Hardy. U. S. A. Private Co. E, 15th N. H. Inf., October 9, '62 ; honorably discharged August 13, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one. Frank Eugene Greenwood. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 148th Ohio Nat. Guard Vols., May 2, '64; honorably discharged September 14, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-three. Albert Franklin Baxter. U. S. A. Private 2d N. II. Inf., 1862-5. PENINSULAR. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-eight. Wells Ransom Marsh. U. S. A. Surgeon 2d Iowa Inf., June 22, '61 ; honorably discharged July 12, '65; brevetted Lieut. Col., March 13, '65. 502 Military Record. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-nine. Ihmght May. U. S. A. Capt. 2d Mich. Inf., May 25, '61 ; resigned December 2, '61 ; Lieut. Col. 12th Mich. Inf., October 9, '62; Col., August 1, '65 ; honorably discharged February 15, '66 ; bre- vetted Brig. Gen., October 14, '65. Edmund Andrews. U. S. A. Surgeon 1st 111. Light Art., April 5, '62 ; resigned January 18, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one. Robert C. Kedzie. U. S. A. Asst. Suigeon 12th Mich. Inf., January 23, '62 ; Surgeon, May 1, '62 ; resigned October 8, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-two. Sidney Alfred Bean. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 4th Wis. Cav., May 27, '61 ; Col., May, '63 ; died May 29, '63. Walker Lindsley Bean. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 28th Wis. Inf., Septem- ber 25, '62 ; died December 29, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. William Chandler. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. Battery E, 1st 111. Light Art., December 19, '61; 1st Lieut., August 18, '63; honorably dis- charged December 29, '64, Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-five. Charles Heicitt. V. S. A. Private Co. B, ]32d Ind. Inf., April 30, '64 ; honorably discharged September 7, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. John Emory Clark. U. S. A. Capt. 5th Mich. Inf., September 2, '62 ; Major, October 9, '63 ; resigned February 25, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. George McQueen Landon. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 4th Mich. Cav., August 28, '62 ; 1st Lieut., June 2, '63 ; Capt., January 17, '65 ; honorably discharged July 1, '65. Edwin Buckminster Wight. U. S. A. Capt. 24th INIich. Inf., August 13, '62 ; Major, June 22, '63 ; resigned November 17, '63. Peninstilar. 503 Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. John Wesley Horner. U. S. A. Cupt. 18tli ^Midi. Inf., August 26, '62; Major, September 1, '62; Lieut. Col., Marcli 7, '6i ; Col., May 12, '65 ; honorably discharged June 26, '6;'). Charles Bollin Miller. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 18th Mich. Inf., August 26, %2 ; Capt., September 1,'62 ; honorably dischargeclJune 26, '65. Bobert Starr Moore. U. S. A. Col. lOth Mo. State Militia, '62-3. (No record in Adjt. Gen.'s office.) Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine, Rodney Jay Hathaivay. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 67th Ohio Inf., November 1, '61 ; 1st Sergt., December 18, '61 ; 2d Lieut., July 19, '63 ; 1st Lieut., March 24, '64 ; honorably discharged Novem- ber 10, '64. Solomon Claiborne Martin. C. S. A. Asst. Surgeon Adams' Miss. Cav., Forrest's Div. Ephraim Allen Otis. U. S. A. Capt. and Asst. Adjt. Gen. Vols., June 11, '62 ; resigned November 23, '64. Orrin Parsons. U. S. A. Private Co. D, 3d Mich. Cav., September 25, '61 ; Corp., April 19, '62; Sergt., August 1,'62; 2d Lieut., December 7, '62 ; 1st Lieut., December 15, '64 ; Capt., March 14, '65 ; honorably discharged February- 12, 'QiQ. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Stuart Carhener. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 33d Mo. Inf., September 5, '62 ; Capt., June 6, '63 ; honorably' discharged August 10, '65. Silas Wright Dunning. U. S. A. Private Co. E, 124th 111. Inf., August 15, '62 ; Corp., February 23, '63 ; honorably discharged June 14, '65. George Henry Gould. C. S. A. Co. F, 17th Tex. Cav. ; enlisted at Henderson, Tex., March 1, '62, for three ^-ears ; Private, January, '63 ; captured, with most of his company, at battle of Arkansas Post, and escaped ; honorably discharged, for disability, February 14, '64. 504 Military Record. Sullivan Dexter Oreene. U.S.A. Private Co. F, 24th Mich. Inf., August 13, '62 ; Q. M. Sevgt., July 17, '64 ; honorably discharged June 30, '65. Allen William Howard Zacharias. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 7th Mich. Inf., August 22, '61 ; Capt., March 1, '62 ; died December 31, '62. Eighteen Hundred, and Sixty-one. Benjamin Franklin Blair. U. S. A. Sergt. Co. B, 123d Ohio Inf., August 18, '62; Sergt. Major, September 19, '62; 1st Lieut., April 5, '63 ; Capt., May 3, '65 ; honorably discharged June 20, '65. Goodwin Stoddard Beaver. U-. S. A. Q. M. Sergt. 1st Mich. Sharp- shooters, September 29, '63 ; died June 28, '65. Byron M. Cutclieon. U. S. A. Capt. 20th Mich. Inf., August 16, '62 ; Major, October 14, '63; Lieut. Col., February 13, '64; Col., February 14, '64; honorably discharged December 18, '64; Col. 27th Mich., December 19, '64 ; resigned March 6, '65 ; brevetted Col., August 18, '64 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. Charles Halbert Dennison. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 5th Mich. Inf., August 28, '61 ; 1st Lieut., September 4, '61 ; resigned March 7, '62. Edward Seymour Jackson. U. S. A. Sergt. Co. A, 151st Pa. Inf., October 17, '62 ; honorabl}^ discharged July 29, '63. Henry Bishop Landon. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 7th Mich. Inf., November 9, '63 ; resigned April 26, '64. Henry Dwight Merrill. U. S. A, Corp. Co. G, 45th 111. Inf., Septem- ber 17, '61 ; honorably discharged September 26, '64. James Alexis Post. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 28th Ky. Inf., May 27, '63 ; Surgeon, January 23, '65 ; resigned July 4, '65. Charles Henry Stocking. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 10th Ky. Inf., October 22, '63 ; Surgeon, April 4, '64'; honorably discharged December 6, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Rienzi Hiram Baker. U.S.A. Sergt. Co. C, 18th Mich. Inf., August 26, '62 ; 1st Sergt., November 7, '62 ; 2d Lieut., May 28, '64 ; honorably discharged June 20, '65. Peninsular. 505 Edward Gavion Clark. U. S. A. Private 18th Mich. Inf., August 26, '62 ; honorably discharged June 5, '65. Charles Morse Hunt. U. S. A. Lieut. N. Y. Inf. ; Surgeon U. S. A. (No record in Adjt. Gen.'s oflice.) Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-three. William Smith Harroun. U. S. A. Acting Asst. Surgeon. (No record in Adjt. Gen.'s office.) Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. William Lavant Barnhart. U. S. A. Commissar}- Sergt. 6th IMich. Cav., November 25, '62 ; 2d Lieut., January 1, '6^; 1st Lieut., April 1 , '64 ; Capt., Jul}' 31 , '64 ; honorabl}* discharged June 22, '65. James Harvey Kidd. U. S. A. Capt. 6th MicOi. Cav., October 11, '62; Major, November 1, '63; Col., July 1, '64; honorably discharged November 7, '65 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. Henry Kirk Bowley. U.S.A. 1st Sergt. Co. C, 18th Mich. Inf., August 26, '62 ; 2d Lieut., November 7, '62 ; 1st Lieut., August 12, '63 ; honorably discharged June 26, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. Henry Root Austin. U.S.A. 2d Lieut. 14th U. S. Colored Inf., November 15, '63 ; 1st Lieut., January 1 , '64 ; honorably discharged February 23, '65. Gabriel Campbell. U. S.A. Capt. 17th Mich. Inf., August 19, '62; honorably discharged September 19, '63. George William Harmon. U.S.A. Corp. Co. E, 17th Mich. Inf., August 7, '62 ; Sergt., January 1, '63 ; 1st Sergt., May 1, '63 ; 1st Lieut., September 26, '64; honorably discharged June 3, '65. Delos Phillips. U.S.A. 1st Sergt. Co. E, 17th Mich. Inf., August 4, '62; 2d Lieut., December 6, '62; 1st Lieut., August 14, '63; Capt., December 15, '63 ; resigned October 3, '64. Alfred Nathan Smith. U.S.A. Sergt. Co. C, I8tb Mich. Inf., July 24, '62 ; died June 24, '63. 506 Milita7'y Record. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-six. Joseph Very Quarles. U.S.A. 1st Lieut. 39th Wis. Inf., May 27, '64 ; honorably discharged September 22, '64. George Snow White. U.S.A. 1st Sergt. Co. K, 5th Mich. Cav., August 30, '62 ; 2d Lieut., Nov. 20, '62 ; 1st Lieut., January 1, '64 ;, honorably discharged June 22, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven. Moses Tall ey rand De Witt. U.S.A. 2d Lieut. 40th Wis. Inf., May 24, '64 ; honorably discharged June 7, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight. Frank Henry Lyman. U.S.A. Corp. Co. C, 39th W^is. Inf., May 17, '64 ; honorably discharged September 22, '64. John Charles Freeman. U. S. A. Corp. Co. C, I52d N. Y. Inf., October 14, '62 ; 1st Lieut., April 25, '64 ; honorably discharged October 17, '64 ; Capt. 1st N. Y. Vet. Cav., September 17, '64 ; h(morably discharged June 8, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-nine. William Carwin Johns. U. S. A. Sergt. Co. E, 145th 111. Inf., May 1, '64 ; honorably discharged September 25, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy. Owen Edgar LeFevre. U. S. A. Private 184th Ohio Inf. (No record in Adjt. Gen.'s office.) Alfred Noble. U. S. A. Private Co. C, 24th Mich. Inf., August 9, '62; Corp., October 1, '64; Sergt., March 1, '65; honorably discharged June 30, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-two. William James Ilerdman. U. S. A. Private Co. F, 198th Ohio Inf., April 13, '65 ; honorably discharged May 8, '65. Rochester. 507 ROCHESTER. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-two. Simon Perry Webster. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 8th N. Y. Heavy Art., August 22, '62; 1st Lieut., Februtiiy 22, '64; Capt., November 30, '64 ; honorably discharged June 5, '65. James Manning Savage. C.S.A. (Rank, etc., not known.) Died in service in '6-4. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. B. M. Dewey. U. S. A. Acting Asst. Surgeon, Brown General Hos- pital, Louisville, K}'. Edmund Lewis Joy. U. S. A. Capt. 36tli Towa Inf., October 1, '62 ; Major and Judge Adv. U. S. Vols., September 15, '64 ; honorably discharged February 8, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. Willard Abbot. U. S. A. Capt. 13th N. Y. Inf., November 28, '62 ; Capt. 140th N. Y''. Inf., May 13, '63 ; honorably discharged June 3, '65. William Osborn Stoddard. U. S. A. Private 3d Battalion D. C. Inf., April 15, '61 ; honorably discharged July 5, '61. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Franklin Christojiher Derr. U. S. A. Private Co. A, 28th Pa. Inf., June 25, '63 ; honorabl}' discharged July 27, '63. Joseph Augustus Peters. U. S. A. Appointed Asst. Surgeon 21st N. Y. Inf., May 24, '61 ; Surgeon 6th N. Y. Cav., October 6, '61 ; resigned, from disability contracted in service, March 3, '63 ; Acting Asst. Surgeon to Ma}', '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Alonzo Truman Mason. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 123d N. Y. Inf., Sep- tember 4, '62 ; Capt., November 11, '63 ; brevetted Major, March 13, '65 ; honorably discharged June 8, '65. 5o8 Military Record. Walter Burrit Moore. U. S. A. Capt. 100th N. Y. Inf., January 7, '62 ; resigned October 26, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty -three. William Henry Stelle. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Co. C, 28tli N. J. Inf., September 3, 'G2 ; honorably discharged July 6, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight. Frank Sumner Capen. U. S. A. Private 75th N. Y. Inf., September 15, '64 ; honorably discharged June 28, '65. William Carey 3Iorey. U.S.A. Sergt. Co. D, 130th N. Y. Inf., Sept. 3, '62*; 2d Lieut. 19th N. Y. Cav., September 1, '63; 1st Lieut. 1st N. Y. Dragoons, February 26, '64 ; Capt., March 1, '65 ; honorably discharged June 30, '65. James Monroe Hudnut. U. S. A. Private Co. D, 129th N. X. Inf. (8th Heavy Art.), July 25, '62; Corp., February 1, '64; Sergt. Major, May 6, '64 ; honorably discharged July 20, '65. I ALABAMA. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one. John Samuel Merriiveather. C.S.A. Surgeon 40th Ala. Inf., during the war. Register reports John S. Merrivjeather , of Ala., appointed Surgeon December 4, '62 ; confirmed April 4, '63 ; to take rank August 29, '62; accepted April 18, '64. Eemarks : Hospital, Eufaula, Ala., September 30, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty -two. John Ramsay McDow. C.S.A. Private 36th Ala. Inf., '62-, trans- ferred to Trans-Mississippi Dept., and promoted to Surgeon, '63 ; died at Harrisburg, Quachita River, La., February 15, '64, just after the battle of Mansfield, La. John Ramsay McDow does not appear on the Rolls of the 36th Ala. Inf. Register reports him appointed Asst. Surgeon from Texas, July 11, '63. (No further record.) Alabama. 509 Ephraim Alexander Pharr. C. S. A. Private 2d Ala. Cav. ; died November 29, 'GO. (No record found.) Eighteen Hundred and Fifty -three. WiUiam S. Chapman. C. S. A. Capt. 31st Ala. Inf. Muster KoU dated Ma}' 7, '62,. — the onl}' Roll on file, — reports W. S. Chap>man, Capt., aged 29 years ; enrolled April IG, 'G2, at Talladega, for three years. (No further report can be given of him.) William Adams Ounter. C. S. A. Served three years as Lieut, in 1st Ala. Cav., and 25th Ala. Inf. The Registers report W. A. Gunter as 2d Lieut. Co. B, 2oth Ala. Inf., June 12, '62 ; 1st Lieut, same company, regiment and date ; also as 3d Lieut. Co. A, same regiment. Dismissed for absence, etc. ; no date. Jaxiob Hunter Sharp. C. S. A. Appointed, Juh' 26, '64, Brig. Gen. Army of the Tenn. Brigade composed of the 1st Miss. Battalion of Sharpshooters, and 7tli, 9th, 10th, 41st, 44th Miss., Hindniau's Div., Polk's Corps, Army of Tenn. J. H. Sharp was appointed Col. 44th Miss. Inf., April 15, '62. Rolls report as follows : August, '62, absent, sick, leave granted ; October, '62, present ; December, '62, on detached service ; Febru- ary, '63, detached Com. Post; August, '63, present; September, '63, on extra duty commanding Brigade ; July, '64, promoted to Brig. Gen. and transferred. (Nothing further.) Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. John Webster Bishop. C. S. A. Private Co. Y, 51st Ala. Inf. The only Roll of Co. F, 51st Ala. Inf.; on file, reports John W. Bishop. Private; detailed as Ordnance Sergt., May 1, '63. (No furtlicr record.) Taul Bradford. C. S. A. Major 10th Ala. Inf., '61 ; Lieut.. Col. 30th Ala. Inf., '62. Rolls of the 10th Ala. Inf., dated June, '61, report Paul Brad- ford, Major, resigned. lie is also reported as Lieut. Col. 30th Ala. Inf. ; resigned November 10, '62. 5IO Military Record. Walter Emmet Winn. C. S. A. Adjt. 11th ALa. Inf. ; afterwards Capt., Adjt., Gen. Wilcox's Brigade, Army of Va. ; killed in battle of Petersburg, near Ream's Station, after having served four years. Rolls report Wcdte)- E . ]Vmn (dated October, '61) as 2d Lieut. Co. D, 11th Ala. Inf. Register reports him as Capt. and A. A. G. on Staff of Gen. C. M. Wilcox, appointed July 16, '62 ; died .July 12, '64, from wounds. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-five. William Henry Benson. C. S. A. Private 3d Ala. Inf. ; Asst. Surgeon 10th Ga. Battalion. Rolls Co. H, 3d Ala. Vols., dated August 31, '61, report Wm. H. Benson, enlisted August6, '61, for twelve months. Present fordut3^ Rolls of the 10th Ga. Battalion report him appointed Asst. Surgeon ; Captain, September. 22, '62. Present for duty from July, '63, to June, '64. Roll for August, '64, reports him a prisoner of war, captured at FusselFs Mill, August 16, '61. Furloughed a paroled prisoner of war, October, '64. Joseph Hardie. C. S. A. Major Ordnance, two years. (Xo record found.) William Jemison Mims. C. S. A, Capt., Major, Lieut. Col. 43d Ala. Inf., '62-5. Register reports William Jemison Mims appointed Capt. Co. G, 43d Ala. Inf., May 12, 'Q2. Promoted to Major, November 2, '64. (No further record.) Daniel Webster Woodruff. C. S. A. Private Co. H, 5th Ala. Inf., Battle's Brigade, Rodes' Div., A. U. V., '61-5. Surrendered at Appomattox C. H., Va. D. W. TFbodnijf enlisted as a Private in Co. H, 5th Ala. Inf., June 11, '61, at Richmond, Va., by Capt. W. H. Fowler. Pro- moted Corporal, October 29, '61. (No further record.) Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Charles Joseph Bryan. C. S. A. Capt. 3d Ala. Inf., '64-5.- Rolls of Co. C, 3d Ala. Inf., report C. J. Bryan as 3d Lieut., April 27, '61 ; promoted to 2d Lieut., October, '61 ; and Capt., date unknown. (No further record.) Alabama. 511 James Deas Nott. C. S. A. Capt. 22d Ala. Inf., 'G1-.3 ; killed in battle of Cliickamauga, Tenn., September 19, '()3. J. D. Nott is reported as Capt. Co. B, 22d Ala. Inf. ; killed September 20, '03. Note from Register ; name docs not api)ear upon the Rolls. Henry Jasper Winn. C. S. A. Private 7th Ala. Cav. , one year ; Asst. Surgeon 50th Ala. Inf., two 3'ears, (No record found in either of the above-named regiments.) Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. Jacob Bryant. C. S. A. Killed in battle of the Wilderness, Va., '64. (No record found.) Samuel T. Carpenter. C. S. A. Killed in battle at New Hope Chapel. (No record found.) Rev. Cornelius Marion Button. C. S. A. Chaplain 3Gth Ala. Inf., 'Gl-5. Rev. Cornelius M. Button appointed Chaplain, October 14, '62, and ordered to report to the 36th Ala. Regt. (No further record.) Benry Junius Nott. C. S. A. Lieut. 22d Ala. Inf., '61-2. Died at Mobile, May 12, '62, of typhoid fever, contracted at Sliiloh. (No record can be found upon Rolls or Register, as from Alabama.) William Frederick Withers. C. S. A. Capt. of Regulars. W. F. Withers appointed Capt. of Regulars from Mississippi, April 27, '61, to take rank same date ; confirmed October 4, '62 ; accepted May 2, '61. (Nothing further.) Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. Reginald Beber Dawson. U. S. A, Lieut. Col. 13th Ala, Inf. Reginald B. Dawson appointed Captain Co. A, 13th Ala. Inf., July 19, '61 ; promoted to Major — date not given; Lieut. Col., June 11, '62. (No further record.) Benjamin Mock. C. S. A. Semples' Art., '61-3; Battery Gladden, Heavy Art., at Mobile, '64-5. Rolls of Semi)le's Battery, Ala., report Beii. Mock enlisted, March 29, '62 ; discharged June 20, 'G2, having furnished a sub- stitute named W. R. Hill. 512 Military Record. Lemuel Gaston Spiva. C. S. A. 35th Miss. Inf., '61-2. Died at Cravvfordsville, Miss., August 18, '62. Roll dated June 30, '62, reports Lem. G. Spiva, Private, enlisted at West Point, April 28, '62, for three 3'ears ; absent, sick. (No further record.) John James Steele. C. S. A. Semple's Art., '61-3 ; Batter}' Gladden, Heav}' Art., at Mobile. '64-5. Rolls of Semple's Ala. Battery report Jno. Steele, enlisted, March 15, '62. as Private ; promoted to Corp., September 15, '62. (No further record.) Joseph Bacon Thornton, M.D. C. S. A. Died in military service at Manassas, Va., '62. (No record found.) Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. Rt. Rev. Samuel Harris. C. S. A. (Now Bishop of Mich.) Served in various positions, chiefly on Staff of Gen. Bragg. (No record found.) WILLIAMS. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one. James Kellogg Mills. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 24th Mo. Inf., August 2, '61 ; Col., April 22, '63; resigned November 26, '64; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-three. Erastus Neioton Bates. U.S.A. Major 80th 111. Inf., August 25, '62 ; Lieut. Col., January 25, '65 ; honorably discharged June 10, '65 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., March 13, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. Edward Payson Hudson. U. S. A. Capt. 6th Conn. Inf., September 4, '61 ; resigned February 19, '64; Capt. Vet. Res. Corps, April 22, '64 ; resigned June 5, '66. Williams. 513 Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Rohort Jay Mitchell. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 18th N. G. S. N. June 1.7, '61 ; honorably discharged August 6, '61 ', QfC^z^W^s N. Y. Inf., August 25, '62 ; resigned December 1, '^-'y \^ Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. Valentine Burt Chamberlain. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 7th September 5, '61 ; Capt., September 1, *62 ; resigned April 27, '65, Alexander Hutchins. U. S. N. Asst. Surgeon, Jul}^ 30, '61 ; resigned June 24, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. Henry Munson Lyman. U. S. A. Acting Asst. Surgeon. Joseph Rohie Putnam. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 42d U. S. Colored Troops, April 17, '64 ; brevetted Col., March 13, '65 ; honorably discharged January 31, '66. k Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. Clark Esek King Royce. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 6th U. S. Colored Troops, September 25, '63 ; Col. 29th U. S. Colored Troops, January 1, '65 ; honorably discharged November 6, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Henry Taylor Antes. U.S.A. Asst. Surgeon 33d 111. Inf., No- vember 22, '62; Surgeon 47th 111. Inf., June 14, '65 ; honorably discharged January 21, H\G. Edward Trumbull Hooker. U.S.A. Private Co. A, 8th Vt. Inf, December 7, '63 ; honoi-abl}- discharged June 28, '65. David Wright Judd U.S.A. Private. George McEhmine Wright. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Art., Feb- ruary 19, '62; 1st Lieut., July 24, '62; termination of service, December 30, '64. 33 514 Military Record. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Benjamin FranUin Hastings. U.S.A. Asst. Surgeon 18th Mass. Inf., March 13, '63 ; honorably discharged September 2, '64. James Brainerd Taylor Tiq^j^er. U. S. A. Private Co. D, 31st Mass. Inf., November 8, '61 ; honorably discharged August 16, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Horace Benjamin Fitch. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 75th N. Y. Inf., November 26, '61 ; 1st Lieut., July 2, '63 ; Capt. 139th N. Y. Vols., December 27, '64 ; Capt. and A. D. C. of Vols., December 29, '64 ; honorably discharged November 22, '65 ; brevetted Major and Lieut. Col., November 22, '65 ; brevetted Col., March 13, '66. Frederick William Mitchell. U. S. A. Private Co. G, N. G. S. N. Y., May 10, '61 ; honorably discharged August 6, '61 ; Private Co. I, 12th 111. Cav., November 15, '61 ; Corp., June 8, '62 ; 1st Sergt., July 20, '62 ; 2d Lieut., January 19, '63 ; 1st Lieut., March 25, '63 ; Capt., March 18, '64 ; honorably discharged March 17, '65. Bev. Charles PincTcney Holbrook Nason. U. S. A. Vol. Aide, Art. Brigade, 5th Corps, Army of Potomac, '63-4. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty -three. Alfred Otis Treat. U. S. A. Surgeon N. Y. Vols., '63-4. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. John Woodbridge Haidey. U. S. A. Private Co. I, 8th Mass. Inf., August 20, '62 ; honorably discharged August 7, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight. Frank E. Cook. U.S.A. Private 7th Mo. Cav., January 9, '64; Hospital Steward 7th Mo. Cav., March 2, '64; 2d Lieut. 1st Mo. Cav., February 27, '65; resigned June 7, '65. Manhattan. 5 1 5 MANHATTAN. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-four. Rodney Glentwortk Kimball. U. S. A. Capt. 44th N, Y. Inf., Sep- tember 25, '62 ; resigned April 16, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-five. Elihu Dwight Church. U. S. A. Private Co. I, 7th N. Y. State Militia, April 26, '61 ; honorabl}' discharged June 3, '61 ; Private Co. I, 7th N. Y. State Militia, May 25, '62 ; honorably discharged Sep- tember 5, '62 ; Private Co. I, 7th N. Y. State Militia, June 16, '63 ; honorably discharged July 20, '63. James Lyman Van Bureri. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. 53d N. Y. Inf., October 26, '61 ; Major and Addl. Aide-de-Camp Vols., July 7, '62 ; honor- ably discharged March 31, '66 ; brevetted Lieut. Col. and Col., August 1, '64 ; brevetted Brig. Gen., April 2, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. Alexander Phoe,nix Ketchum. U.S.A. 1st Lieut. 56lh N. Y. Inf., August 26, '64 ; honorably discharged May 16, '65; Capt. 128th U. S. Colored Troops, May 17, '65 ; honorably discharged Sep- tember 30, '67 ; brevetted Major, Lieut. Col., and Col., March 13, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. Oscar Brown Ireland. U. S. A. 2d Lieut. Signal Corps, March 3, '63 ; honorably discharged August 12, '65. Benjamin Ellis Martin. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 5th N. Y. Inf., May 14, 61 ; resigned Februar}' 8, '62. Lockwood DeForrest Woodruff. U.S.A. Surgeon 1st Brigade, N. Y. State National Guard. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Frederick Hohart. U. S. A. 1st Sergt. Co. G, 9th N. J. Inf., Sep- tember 30, '61 ; 2d Lieut., July 1, '62 ; 1st Lieut., December 29, '62 ; resigned October 19, '64. 5i6 Military Record. * Charles Clarence Tracey Keith. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. Signal Corps, March 3, 'G3 ; resigned April 13, '64. Charles McLean Knox. U. S. A. Major 9th N. Y. Cav., November 4, '61 ; honorably discharged January 25, '64. Henry Edicin Tremain. U.S.A. 1st Lieut. 73d N. Y. Inf., August 14, '61 ; Capt., November 1, '62 ; Major and Aide-de-Canip Vols., April 25, '63 ; honorably discharged April 20, '66 ; brevetted Lieut. Col., March 13, '65 ; brevetted Col., June 12, '65 ; brevetted Brig, Gen., November 30, '65. Edward Francis Yoking. U. S. A. Capt. 4th N. Y. Heavy Art., June 9, '62 ; Major, October 12, '63 ; died December 22, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Edwin Francis Hyde. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 22d N. Y. Inf., May 28, '62 ; honorabh' discharged Sept. 5, 'Q>'2. James Henry Pullman. V. S. A. Private 22d N. Y. Inf , '62. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Charles Roberts, Jr. IT. S. A. 2d Lieut. Signal Corps, March 3, '63 ; honorably discharged August 21, '65. James Matthews Trijipe. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. 24th U. S. Colored Troops, March 31, '65 ; honorably discharged October 1, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty- three. Henry Walton Grinnell. \J. S. N. Acting Ensign, November 11, ^Q)'2 ; Acting Master, January' 6, '64 ; Acting Lieut., Ma}' 3, '65 ; honor- ably discharged July 25, '68. Charles Henry O'Connor. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 2d E. I. Inf., :March 27, '63 ; detailed on Staff of Brig. Gen. Wheaton ; resigned July 31, '63. Appleton Stiirgis. U. S. A. 1st Lieut, and Aide-de-Camp. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. Edward Sturgis. V . S. A. 1st Lieut. 20th Mass. Inf., March 11, '64 ; killed May 10, '64. Middletoivn . 517 MIDDLETOWN. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-five. John Emory Round. U. S. A. Capt. 43d Mass. Inf., September 8, '02 : honorabl}- dischurgt'd .Inly .')(). '03. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. Georr^e Hussey Tracy. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 1.5th U. S. Inf., May 4, '01; Capt., August 11, '04; died September 17, '07; brevetted Major, December 13, '04.' Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. Stephen Brooks. U. S. A. Chief Clerk Quartermaster's Department. Francis Ashury Smith. U. S. A. Private Co. F, 3d N. Y. Inf., October 28, '01 ; 2d Lieut., October 13, '02; resigned November 13, '63. Watson Carvasse Squire. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 19th N. Y. Inf., May 11, '61; honorably discharged October 4, '61; Capt. 7th Indep. Co. Ohio Sharpshooters, November 11, '62 ; honorably discharged July 28, '05. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Elias Biggs Carey. U. S. A. Acting Asst. Surgeon. Sylvanus Gale Gale. U. S. A. 1st Lieut. 48tli N. Y. Inf., August 16, '61 ; resigned March 0, '62. Sylvester Emory Strong. U. S. A. Acting Medical Director, '02. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Gustavus Benson ChadwicJc. U. S. N. Paymaster's Clerk, S.S. Rhode Island, '64-5. James Nelson Garatt. U. S. A. Private 89th N. Y. Inf., December 26, '63 ; died July 25, '04. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Samuel S. Etheridge. U. S. A. Sergt. Co. F, 47th Iowa Inf., May 13, '64 ; honorably discharged September '2S, '64. 5i8 Military Record. Henry Johnson. U. S. N. Acting Asst. Surgeon, March 26, '62 ; resigned April 22, '65. Enos Young Landis. U. S. A. Private Co. B, 91st X. Y. Inf., Sep- tember 5, '64 ; honorably discharged June 13, '65. George Carr Round. U. S. A. Private 1st Conn. Inf. ; 2d Lieut. Signal Corps, March 3, '63 ; honorabh' discharged August 12, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty -three. James Robinson Moore. U. S. A. Sergt. Co. G, 13th Conn. Inf., December 17, '61 ; honorably discharged June 30, '62. Joseph Lyhrand Topham. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 4th Conn. Inf. (1st Heavy Art.), May 22, '61; honorably discharged July 15, '61 ; 2d Lieut. 2d N. J. Cav., September 28, '63 ; resigned November 11, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. Charles Amos Merrill. U. S. A. Paymaster's Clerk, 1865. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. Andrew Jackson Groves. U. S. A. Private 29th Pa. Inf. ; enlisted June 29, '63 ; honorably discharged August 1, '63. Albert Overton Hammond. U. S. A. Private Co. I, 6th N. Y. Cav., August 8, '62 ; honorably discharged March 15, '63. Charles Wesley Wilder. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 6th Mass. Inf., August 18, 'i^-2 ; honorably discharged June 3, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-six. Eli Weston Parkman. V. S. A. 2d Lieut. 1st Dist. of Columbia Cav., October 15, '63; died June 16, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-seven. Robert Lander. U. S. A. Corp. Co. K, 11th R. I. Inf., October 1, '62 ; honorably discharged July 13, 63. Wilbur Fisk Sanford. U. S. A. Private 29th Mass. Art., Septem- ber 1, '64 ; honorably discharged May 17, '65. Middletow n — Ke nyo ?i. 519 Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight. Henry Warren Flint. U. S. A. Private Co. A, lOth Vt. Inf., Octo- ber 23, '(52 ; honorably diseharged August 10, 'G3. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-nine. Samuel Emery HoUlen. U. 8. A. Private Co. D, 16th N. II. Inf., October 24, '62 ; honorably" discharged August 20, '63. Alfred Noon. U. S. A. Private Co. H, 42d Mass. Inf., July 9, '64 ; honorably discharged November 11, '64. Harvey Woodiuard. U. S. A. Private Co. I, 9th N. H. Inf., August 24, '64 ; honorably discharged May 4, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy. Charles Wesley Gallagher. U. S. A. Private 4th Unattached Co. Mass. Inf., April 29, '64 ; honorabl^^ discharged August 1, '64. George Preston Mains. U. S. N. On Steamer Valley Cit}-, '64-5. Alfred Seelye Roe. U. S. A. Private Co. A, 9th N. Y. Art., Janu- ary 21, '64 ; transferred to Co. L, 2d N. Y. Art. ; honorably dis- charged September 29, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-two. Joseph Henry Beale. U. S. A. Corp. Co. D, 31st Me. Inf., March 11, '64; 2d Lieut., Januaiy 21, '65; honorabl}- discharged July 15, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-four. John Edward Eustis. U. S. A. Private Co. M, 20th N. Y. Cav., September 1, '64 ; honorably discharged June 8, '65. KENYON. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. John Mills Kendrick. U. S. A. 1st Lieut, and Adjt. 33d Ohio Inf., August 27, '61 ; Capt. and A. A. G. of Vols., February 19, '62 ; resigned September 30, '62. 520 Military Record. William Smedes Marshall. U. S. A. 1st Sergt. Co. C, 8th 111. Inf., April 20, '61 ; Capt., May 27, 'Gl ; honorably discharged July 25, '61 ; 1st Lieut, and Adj. 1st 111. Cav., July 30, '61 ; honorably discharged June 6, '62. Edivard Hanson Mayo. U. S. A. 1st Sergt. Co. H, 11th Ohio Inf., April 22, '61 ; Sergt. Major, May 7, '61 ; honorably discharged August 20, '61. Timothy Henry Reardon. U. S. A. Private Co. E, 84th Ohio Inf., May 26, '62 ; honorably discharged, September 20, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. John A. Norris. U. S. A. Capt. 98th Ohio Inf., August 20, '62; honorably discharged October 3, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Murray Davis. U. S. A. Private Co. H, 9oth Ohio Inf., August 18, '62 ; 2d Lieut., December 31, '62 ; 1st Lieut., November 9, '63 ; Capt. and A. A. G. of Vols., August 17, '64 ; Major and A. A. G. of Vols., February 15, '65 ; brevetted Lieut. Col. and Col. of Vols., March 13, '65 ; honorabh' discharged October 1, '66 ; brevetted Major U. S. A., March 2,"^ '67. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Edward Augustus Kitzmiller. U. S. A. Private Co. H, 31st Ohio Inf., September 14, '61 ; honorably discharged June 19, '62 ; 1st Lieut. 191st Ohio Inf., March 6, '65 ; Capt., July 19, '65 ; honorably discharged August 27, '65. George Edward Mason. C. S. A. Private in Howitzer Battalion, of Richmond, Va. ; Capt. 3d Va. Cav. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-three. William Pryor Payne. U. S. A. Private Co. F, 36th Ind. Inf., Sep- tember 1, 1861 ; 1st Lieut. 124th Ind. Inf., October 13, '63 ; 1st Lieut. 9th Ind. Cav., March 12, '64; resigned April 11, '65. Alphonso D. Rockwell. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 6th Ohio Cav., April 18, '64 ; Surgeon, December 15, '64 ; honorably discharged August 7, '65. Kenyon — Union. 521 Edgar Sharpe. U. S. A. 2(1 Lieut. 5tli liul. C'av. Buford Tu'iiman. C. S. A. Private Co. E, 9th Va. Cav., November 12, '61 ; Capt. 5th Ky. Cav. (No further record.) Eig-hteen Hundred and Sixty-four. liohert Bethel Claxton. U. S. A. IMvate Co. L, 1st N. Y. Vet. Cav., November 24, 'Ca ; 2d Lieut. 14th N. Y. Heavy Art., May 2, 'G5 ; honorably discharged August 26, '65. Burton Conyers MitcheU. U. S. A. Piivate Co. C, 94th Ohio Inf., August 1, '62 ; Sergt., August 23, '62 ; 1st Sergt., September 6, '62 ; 2d Lieut., February 14, '63 ; resigned October 23, '63, Fluiy Edwin Watson. U. S. A. Private Co. G, 55th Ohio Inf., August 5, '62 ; Q. M. Sergt., September 20, '63 ; 2d Lieut., April 19, '64 ; 1st Lieut., Jul}' 4, '64 ; resigned June 8, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-five. John Creigliton Ball. U. S. A. Corp. Co. P], 71st Ind. Inf., August 8, '62 ; Q. M. Sergt., February 13, '63 ; 1st Lieut., October, '63 ; honorably discharged June 27, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight. William Harrison Donaldson'. U. S. A. Private Co. D, 133d Ind. Inf., May 7, '64 ; houorably discharged September 5, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy. Henry Johns Peet. U.S.A. Private 47th Iowa Inf., May 2, '64; houorabl}- discharged November 30, '64. UNION. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-seven. Rev. Alexander McAllister Thorburn. U. S. A. Chaplain 91st N. Y. Inf., September 9, '64 ; resigned June 2S, '60. 522 Military Record. Eig-hteen Hundred and Sixty. Henry Leicis Smith. U. S. A. Capt. 5th N. Y. Heav^' Art., Sep- tember 11, '62 ; honorably discharged Maj^ 28, 'G3. Charles Ezra Sprague. U. S. A. Corp. Co. E, 44th N. Y. Inf., September 25, 'io2 ; honorably discharged March 10, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Timothy Erastus Wilcox. U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon 6th N. Y. Heavy Art., January 5, '65 ; honorably discharged May 11, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Benjamin FranMin Wright. U. S. A. Sergt. Major 146th N. Y. Inf., September 3, '62; 2d Lieut., December 27, '62; Capt., March 1, '63 ; Brevet Major, March 13, '65 ; honorably discharged July 16, '65. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy. William E. Mapes. 2d Lieut. 124th N. Y. Inf., September 5, '62 ; Capt., July 6, '64 ; resigned December 15, '64. CUMBERLAND. Eighteen Hundred and Pifty-eig-ht. George Robert Hill. C. S. A. Enlisted Capt. Keiter's Battery Heavy Art., May, '61 ; transferred to Ordnance in December, '62; dis- charged '65. G. R. Hill., 1st Lieut. 1st Regt. Tenn. Art. ; enrolled June 20, '61, at Nashville, Tenn.; appointed 1st Lieut., August 12, '61. (No further record.) James William Porter. C. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, promoted to Sur- geon 14th Tenn. Inf. ; enlisted spring of '62 ; resigned on account of ill health, '64. (No record can be found.) Cumberland. 523 John Bell Walton. C. S. A. Private 14th Miss. Inf. ; Lieut, and Capt. 43d Miss. Inf., '61-5. JoJm Bell Walton appears as 2d Lieut. Co. G, 43d Miss. Inf., promoted to 1st Lieut, in '62, and Capt., Ma}' 8, '62, He was captured with his regiment at Vicksburg, July, '63, and exchanged December, '63. His name does not appear above the rank of Capt. The rolls of Co. E, 14th Miss. Inf., May 28, '61, report him 4th Sergt. ; promoted to 3d Sergt., November 16, '61 ; left sick at Clarkesville, Tenu., January 23, '62. Roll of November 30, '62, drops him as promoted to Lieut, in 43d Miss. Inf. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-nine. Mev. Marcus Bearden De Witt. C. S. A. Chaplain 8th Tenn., '63-5. Register reports M. B. De Witt appointed (from Tennessee) Chaplain, March 23, '63, and ordered to report to the 8th Tenn. Regt., March 26, '63. (Nothing further.) Bev. William Andrew Haynes. C. S. A. Chaplain, '61-5. (No rec- ord found.) David Anderson Lowry. C. .S. A. Col. ; killed while on dut}', near Nashville, Tenn., '63. (No record found.) James Russell Tolbert. C. S. A. Lieut Phillips' Ga. Legion (4th) ; enlisted spring of '62 ; discharged in '65. (No record found ) Eighteen Hundred and Sixty. Powhattan Richard Baptist. C. S. A. Private Marion Rifles (Ala.), Februar}- to March, '61 ; at their di.sbandment joined Canebrake Rifle Guards of the 4th Ala. Inf. Died August 2, '61, from an accidental shot. Rolls dated June, '61, report Powhattan R. Bap^is^ Private Co. D, 4th Ala. Vols., enlisted May 20, '61, at Harper's Ferry, for one year. On Rolls dated August 31 , '61, he is reported : " Died August 2, '61, from an accidental gunshot wound received whilst in camp at Darksville ; a pistol in the hands of a fellow-soldier accident- ally fired, and wounded him whilst asleep on the ground." Charles Martin. C.S. A. Private Co. G, 4th Tenn. Cav., '61 ; Orderly Sergt. ; 2d and IstLieut. ; killed at Kenesaw Mountain, May 17, '64. Charles Martin. Private Co. G, 4th Tenn. Cav. ; promoted 2d Lieut., June 1, '63. (No further record.) 524 Military Record. Henry Clay Martin. C. S. A. Capt. 9th Ky. Inf., September 15, '61 ; resigned Jannar}' 18, '02. James Hoggatt McClain. C. S, A. Private Co. H, 7thTenu Inf., May 20, '61, to May 2, '(33. Rolls of Co. H, 7thTenu. Inf., YQ\)oi-t James H. McLain, Private, enlisted at Yorktown, Va., March 1, '63; wounded at Chancel- lorsville ; leg amputated in Richmond, Va. On Rolls, dated October, '04, he is reported " Died from fever, Juh* 22, '03, in Ala." Thomas Atkins Street. C. S. A. Major 49th Ala. Inf. ; enlisted De- cember, '61 ; discharged Jul}- 22, '05. Register reports T. A. Street appointed Capt. Co. E, 49th Ala. Inf., April 23, '62, and promoted Major, February 27, '63. (No further record.) William Henry Tabb. C. S. A. Killed in battle of Peach Tree Creek, in front of Atlanta, July 20, '64. W. H. Tabb, Capt. Co. G, 14th Miss. Inf., enrolled as Lieut., May 29, '61, at Corinth, Miss. ; promoted Capt., September 25, '62, at Clinton, Miss. ; detached by virtue of S. O. No. 60, from headquarters of Maj. Gen. Loring, to report to Brig. Gen. Pillow for conscript dut}'. " The regiment was a part of Adam's Brigade which took part in the battle of Peach Tree Creek, though the casualty lists do not show the above name." Calvin Van Guy. C. S. A. Private Morengo's Inf., Fort ]\[organ, '61 ; Sergt. Co. Q, 2d K3'. Cav., Morgan's Division (Capt. Sheldon), '62-3 ; killed in battle at Milton, Teun., March 20, '63. C. V. Guy is reported as 4th Sergt. in Capt. Sheldon's Co. C, Duke's 2d Ky. Cav., December, '62. (No further record.) Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-one. Alexander Allison. C. S. A. (Huutsville, Ala.) Served four years. Was captured in '64, while commanding a Battery of Light Artil- ler}' under Gen. Jno. H. Morgan. The Muster Roll of Nov., '61, reports Ale.vander Allison enlisted August, '01, at Knoxville, Tenn. ; elected 1st Lieut., October 1, '61, in McClung's Co., 1st Teun. Light Art., April 3, '63 ; witness at Court Martial on June 30, 63. (No further record.) Cumberland — Phi Kappa. 525 Elliott Spofswood Mi-Clung. C. S. A. 1st Lieut. 1st IVnn. Light Art., 18G1-5. E. S. McClung was elected 1st Lieut. Co. A, 1st Teiin. Light Art., October 1, 'Gl ; terminution of service, February 20, '(;,">. John Rayburn. C. S. A. Capt. Co. K, — Ala. Inf., 18(;i--2 ; killed in battle of Fredericksburg, or at Antietam, September 17, '^Vl. J. Rayhurn a})pointed 1st Lieut. Co. K, !)th Ala. Inf., July 3, 'Gl ; promoted Capt., May 23, '(;2 ; killed Sei)teml)er 17, '(52. PHI KAPPA. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-seven. Pliny Adams Jeicelt. U . S. A. Surgeon Vols., November 7, 'G2 ; honorably- discharged Januarj- 4, 'GG ; brevetted Lieut. Col. and Col., December 9, '60. Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-eight. John Francis Heath. C. S. A. Surgeon, November 7, 'Gl ; termina- tion of service, October 7, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Forty. William Peter M(dhtt. C. S. A. Surgeon, .June 5, 'G2; resigned June 19, 'G.3. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-two. George Jarvis Geer. V . S. A. Chaplain ;57th N. Y. Inf., May 29, 'G2 ; resigned July 15, 'G2. Abraham Joseph Warner. V. S. A. Chaplain 12th 111. Cav., June 1, 'G2 ; termination of service, October ;51, 'r>3. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-four. Oliver Dudley Cooke. C. S. A. Adjt. 24th N. C. Inf., July 2G, '('r2 ; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 'G2 ; returned to duty, June 21, 'G3 ; captured at Dinwiddle Court-IIouse, Va., Februarv 5, 'G"). 526 Military Record. Oliver Sherman Prescott. U. S. A. Hospital Chaplain, July 14, '62 ; resigned September 29, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-five. Samuel Flower. C. S. A. 1st Lieut. Co. G, 7tli La. Inf., June 7, '61 ; detailed as Judge Advocate Gen. of Gen. Courts Martial at Ma- nassas, December 22, '61 ; returned to duty Februar}- 20, '62 ; Capt., April 2, '63 ; wounded at Winchester, Va., June, '63 ; absent from dut}' till October, '64 ; on detached duty. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-six. James Lauyrence Hooff. C. S. A. Capt. Co. E, 11th Va. Cav., May 20, '63 ; Regimental Q. M., October 1, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Forty-eight. Louis Nathaniel Middlebrook. U. S. A. Capt. 1st Conn. Cav., No- vember 26, '61 ; resigned November 21, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-three. Robert Andrews. U. S. A. Lieut. Col. Engineers. James P. Bowman. C. S. A. Private Co. E, 3d La. Cav., May 17, '61 ; sick in Hospital at Fort Smith, August 31, '61. Charles Henry Henshaw. U. S. A. Capt. 100th N. Y. Inf., January 7, '62 ; honorably discharged July 20, '62. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-six. Charles Edwin Bulkley. (Alsoin Yale Chapter.) U.S.A. 1st Lieut. 1st Conn. Heavy Art., March 13, '62; Capt., January 26, '64; died February 13, '64. Bhoads Fisher. C. S. A. Capt. Co. G, 6th Texas Inf., Novembei' 14, '61 ; Major, November 2, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-eight. William Williams Hayes. U.S.A. Surgeon Gtli Cal. Inf., March 6, '63 ; honorably discharged October 31, '65. Phi Kappa. 527 Eig-hteen Hundred and Fifty -nine. WilUani Thomas Muddox. C. S. A. Private Co. K, Crescent Regt., La. Vols., March 11, 'G2 ; transferred to Co. C, June 29, '62. Hamilton Clavei'house GraJiam. C. S. A. Capt. Co. E, 7th N. C. Inf., February 28, '63 ; detailed at Conscript Camp, Raleigh, N.C., Februarj'^ 20, '63 ; also detailed at Columbus, August, '63 ; resigned December 12, '63. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Coley James. U. 8. A. 2d Lieut. 1st Conn. Cav., October 5, '63 ; 1st Lieut., February 9, '64 ; resigned September 23, '64. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-three. Thomas Mackaness Ludloiv. U. S. N. Acting Ensign, '64-5. Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-four. Robert Watkinson Huntington. U. S. A. Private Co. A, 1st Conn. Lif., April 22, '61 ; Lieut. U. S. Marine Corps, June 5, '61 ; 1st Lieut., September 1, '61 ; Capt., June 21, '64. Still in the service. 5^8 Military Record. SUMMARY. ALPHA DELTA PHI BY CHAPTERS IN THE U. S. A. 1 i 1 o 1^ 1, 3 3 3 1 04 11 m 1 1 1 3 1 17 1 40 18 10 21 1 4 12 5 12 4 3 4 4 5 1 7 5 1 17 4 2 10 3 2 5 3 9 1 2 5 1 3 1 3 6 2 2 2 3 ' 2 5 3 ■ ■ 3 1 7 IG 4 9 2 3 11 5 8 4 3 13 3 1 3 5 2 1 2 3 .. 2 2 31 Miami 2 24 Columbia .... Yale 8 1 1 4 8 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 9 8 2 6 7 5 6 8 2 5 1 2 2 112 43 Brunonian Harvard .... Geneva 1 2 28 57 19 Hudson .... 28 Bowdoin .... 1 2 3 6 38 Dartmouth 35 Peninsular 5? 10 Alabama .... Williams .... 2 2 1 1 ■^1 Manhattan . . . Middletown . . . Kenyon .... Union . . . . ; Cumberland . Cornell .... Phi Kappa . . . •• 19 29 16 6 1 11 Total .... 2 6 28 28 69 183 74 31 41 96 23 581 Siimtnary. 529 ALPHA DELTA PIU BY CHAPTERS IN THE C. S. A. 1 3 S 1 g 3 •I } 3 1 1 6 1 If H Hamilton .... Miami Yale Harvard .... Geneva .... Dartmouth Peninsular Rochester. . . . Alabama 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 3 4 3 1 1 9 2 4 4 2 1 ■ 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 3 2 1 1 5 1 2 20 4 1 2 1 1 27 Kenyon .... Cumberland . . . Phi Kappa . . . 2 16 9 Total .... 1 2 3 4 11 28 10 2 3 15 7 86 The preceding list also contains the following names of persons in the naval service of the United States, one of whom also served in the army: — Acting Lieut., Manhattan, 1; Midshipman, Yale, 1; Master's Mate, Miami, 1; Surgeon, Brunonian, 1 ; Asst. Surgeon, Yale, 1 ; Geneva, 1 ; Dartmouth, 1 ; AVilliams, 1 ; Middletown, 1 ; Phi Kappa, 1 ; Paymaster, Brunonian, 1 ; Asst. Paymaster, Yale, 2; Harvard, 1;, Dartmouth, 1; Paymaster's Clerk, Manhattan, 1; Sur- geon's Mate, Dartmouth, 1: Doubtful, Dartmouth, 1. One member of the Fra- ternity served for a brief period in the C. S. N. as Aidc-de-Camp. 34 SUPPLEMENTAL LISTS. ALPHA DELTA PHI KINSHIP. The following is a list of the fathers, sons and brothers in the Fra- ternit}', classified into sets of father and one son ; father and two sons ; father and three sons ; two brothers ; three brothers and four brothers. Where father and son or brothers are of different Chapters, the group of kin is entered twice in the list, under each Chapter. Allowance for this repetition is made at the end of the tabular summary. Had other than filial and fraternal relationships been traced, the list of kin would have been much larger. It is hoped that the next Catalogue will show cousins and uncles. A partial examination of collateral relationships made in a single Chapter, Amherst, shows that such a list would include full}' 2.500 names, if not a much larger number. There are in the Fraternity 93 fathers of A J 's, 121 sons of A J (/>'s, and 788 brothers by blood. A table of the abbreviations given below appears in the Preface of this Catalogue, and the pages occupied b}- each Chapter are noted in the running line of the index of names. FATHERS AND SONS. HAMILTON. Avery, C. Avery, J. S. Avery, T. Bacon, W. J. Bacon, W. K. Hm33 Hm48 Hm55 Hm 40 Hmr,3 Bagg, M. M. Hm 36 and Y 37 Bagg, S. F. Hm 69 Coxe, S. H. Ub39 Heacock, G. W. Hd40 Coxe, A. C. Hm68 Heacock, S. G. Hm 80 Daniels, J. H. Daniels, H. E. C. Hm45 Hni 68 Humphrey, F. Humphrey, G. F. Hm52 PK85 Daniels, F. B. Hm71 Jerome, C. Hm 39 Eells, D. P. Hm 46 Jerome, T. C. Hra69 Eells, C. P. Hm74 Keep, J. M. Hm36 Eells, H. P. Hm 76 Keep, F. A. Y70 534 Kinship in A J Lyman, T. B. Hm37 North, E. Hm41 Porter, L. Hm38 Lyman, A. J. PK78 North, S. N. D. Hm 69 1 Porter, L. L. Hm73 Merwin, M. H. Hm52 North, E. S. Hm72 ^^ ^ Underwood, G Hm38 Merwin, M. K. Hm85 Underwood, J. P. Hm70 MIAMI. Bishop, R. H. Mi 34 Burrowes, T. A. Mi 47 Smith, S. M. Mi 36 Bishop, G. S. Mi 67 Burrowes, S. A. Mi 67 Smith, S. M. Mi 69 Bishop, R.H., Jr. Bishop, S. L. Mi 71 Mi 72 Olds, C. N. Olds, W. W. Mi 36 Mi 62 URBAN Coxe, A. C. Ub38 Coxe, S. H. Ub39 Coxe, E. C. G71 Coxe, A. C. Hm 68 Coxe, R. C. G77 YALE. Bagg, M. M. Gleason, "W. H. Y53 March, F. W. Am 66 Hm36andY37 Gleason, W. S. Am 85 March, C. A. Am 70 Bagg, S. F. Hm69 Bourne, S. Bourne, E. K. Y49 Mh 84 Hall, G. Hall, G. R. Y43 Am 72 Palmer, R. Palmer, C. R. Y37 Y55 Claxton, R. B. Y38 Keep, J. M. Hm36 Shiras, G., Jr. Shiras, G., 3d Y53 CnSl Claxton, R. B., Jr K64 Keep, F. A. Y 70 Shiras, W. K. Cn82 Crapo, W. W. Y52 March, D. Am and Y 39-40 "Weeks, H. A. Y43 Crape, H. H. Hv83 March, D., Jr. Am 65 Weeks, B. S. Mh79 AMHERST. Beecher, H. W. Am 34 Cutler, C. D56 GiUett, E. B. Am 39 Beeeher, H. F. Am 76 Cutler, S. L. Am 85 GiUett, F. H. Am 74 Bliss, E. E. Am 37 Bliss, W. D. P. Am 78 Chapin, L. D. Am 51 Chapin, G. M. R 78 and Am 79 Dickinson, W. A. Dickinson, E. Fiske, S. Fiske, G. F. Am 50 Am 84 Am 48 Am 81 Gillett, A. L. Gleason, W. H. Gleason, W. S. Hall, G. Am 80 Y53 Am 85 Y43 Claflin, J. F. Am 59 Fiske, A. S. Am 84 Hall, G. R. Am 72 Claflin, W. Am 83 Kinship in i J 0. 535 Hitchcock, E. Hitchcock, E. Hitchcock, C. H. Hitchcock, E. Hitchcock, E. Hitchcock, II. D. Hitchcock, B.W. Am 45 Am ■ip Am 56 Am 49 Am 78 Am 36 Am 81 March, D. Am and Y 39-40 March, D., Jr. Am 65 March, F. W. Am 66 March, C. A. Am 70 Maynard, H. Maynard, E. Maynard, J. Rockwell, J. E. Rockwell, F. W. Am 39 Am 62 Am 74 Am 37 Am 65 Skeele, J. P. Skeele, A. F. Bd 4.^ Am 7.^ Ward, J. W. Am 36 Ward, W. H. Am 56 Ward, J. L. H. Am 59 Ward,.!. W., Jr. Am 60 Woodbridge, J. Am 49 Woodbridge, J., Jr. Am 73 BRUNONIAN. Bowers, C. M. Bowers, A. F. Goodspeed, E. J. Goodspeed, J. S. Bn38 Bn 71 R 53 Bn80 Lincoln, H. Lincoln, A. H. Morgan; M. B. Morgan, M. H. Bn40 Bn76 Bn55 Hv81 HARVARD. Crapo, W. W. Crapo, H. H. Cutler, J. L. Cutler, E. G. Hale, E. E. Hale, A. Hale, E. E., Jr. Y 52 Hv83 Bd37 Hv53 Hv39 Hv80 Hv 83 Lane, G. M. Lane, G. M. Morgan, M. B. Morgan, M. H. Lowell, J. Lowell, G. E. Hv46 Hv81 Bn55 Hv81 Hv43 Hv 83 Reynolds, J. P. Reynolds, E. Hv45 Hv 81 Sedgwick, H. D. Hv 43 Sedgwick,H.D.Jr.,Hv82 GENEVA. Bellows, M L. G43 Doolittle, J. R. G.34 Torrey, S. H. G47 Bellows, G. P. G73 Doolittle, J. R.,.Jr. R65 Torrey, H. A. G74 Coxe, A. C. Coxe, E. C. Ub38 G71 Gibson, W. T. Gibson, J. G. G42 G74 Watson, G. W. Watson, S. N. G50 PK82 Coxe, R. C. G71 H.ale, B. Hale, J. L. HUDSON G40 G 60 Curtis, E. Curtis, H. M. Curtis, W. E. Hd45 Hd71 Hd71 Heacock, G. W. Heacock, S. G. Hd40 Hra80 Seymour, N. P. Seymour, C. Seymour, T. D. Hd 40 Hd 64 Hd70 536 Kinship in A J 0. BOWDOIN. . Brown, P. H. Bd 51 Sewall, J. S. Bd 50 Stanton, B. Bd48 Brown, ^\ C. Bd 79 Sewall, B. Bd 83 Stanton, H. C. Un67 Stanton, B. I. Un73 Chamberlain. J. L. Bd 52 Chamberlain, H.W. Bd81 Skeele, J. P. Bd 45 Skeele, A. F. Am 75 Waterman, J. A Waterman, J. A. Bd46 Jr. Bd 84 Cutler, J. L. Bd 37 Cutler, E. J. Hv 53 DARTMOUTH. Cutler, C. D56 Niles, W. W. D45 Smith, I. W. D46 Cutler, S. L. Am 85 Niles, W. W. D83 Smith, W. I. D80 Ladd, W. S. Ladd, F. D55 D 84 Quimby, E. T. Quimby, C. E. D51 D 74 Wiggin, E. P. Wiggin, S. B. D48 D75 Merrill, J. W. Md 34 Quimby, W. P. D82 Merrill, C. A. Md64 Willard, C. W. D51 Merrill, E. A. D71 Willard, E. A. R. D79 Cooley, T. M. Cooley, E. A. PENINSULAR. P 59 I Cutcheon, B. M. P 72 I Cutcheon, W. F. M. P 61 I Fiske, L. R. P85 Fiske, L. K., Jr. Po2 P74 ROCHESTER. Bailey, J. M. R54 Doolittle, J. R. G 34 Goodspeed, E. J. R53 Bailey, C. 0. R80 Doolittle, J. R., Jr. R 65 Goodspeed, J. S. Bn80 Bailey, J. M., Jr. R85 Chapin, F. D. Chapin, G. M. Am 51 Freeman, A. L. R 51 Freeman, S. H. R 75 R and Am 78-9 WILLIAMS. Bates, E. N. W 53 Bates, G. A. W "8 Kinship in .1 J (fi- 537 MANHATTAN. ourno, S. Y49 Weeks, 11. A. Y 40 ourni', E. K- Mh 84 Weeks, B. S. Mh 79 MIDDLETOWN. Ela, D. H. Md 57 Merrill, J. W. Ela, P. F. Md 84 Merrill, C. A. Merrill, E. A. Jackson, S. Md 59 Jackson, F A Md 81 Roc, A. Roe, C. A. KENY Claxton, R B Y38 Lang, B. L. Claxton, R. B. Jr. K64 Lang, E. R. Md »4 Md G4 1) 71 Md 57 Md 84 Watkins, W. F. Md 63 Watkins, W. F., Jr. UnSl Watkins, S. H. Un 82 Whcdon, D. D. Md 28 Whedon, J. S. Md 'G4 K 44 I Smith, H. L. K 69 Smith, A. B. K39 K71 UNION. Stanton, B. Bd48 Watkins, W. F. Md 63 Stanton, H. C. Un 67 Watkins, W. F., Jr. Un81 Stanton, I. B. Un 73 Watkins, S. H. Un 82 CORNELL. Shiras, G., Jr. Y53 Shiras, G., 3d Cn 81 Shiras, W. K. Cn82 PHI KAPPA. Boardman,W.J. PK54 Hills, G. M. PK48 Huntington, J. T. PK 50 Boardman, W. H. P K 85 Hills, J. J). PK78 Huntington, J. AV. P K 83 Hills, G. H. PK84 Huntington, H. PK84 Brainard, J. Brainard, J. M. PK51 PK84 Hills, R. Humphrey, F. PK84 Hm 52 Lyman, T. B. Lyman, A. J. Hm37 PK78 Humphrey, G. F. PK85 Watson, G. W. G50 Watson, S. N. P K 82 538 Kinship in A J BROTHERS. HAMILTON. Abbott, T. A. HraTO Eells, Samuel Hm 32 Love, W. D. Hm 43 Abbott, W. P. Cn79 Eells, T. D. Eells, James Hd28 Hm 44 Love, S. J. Hm 45 Adams, S. F. Hm58 Eells, D. P. Hm 46 Lyman, T. B. Hm37 Adams, S. H. Hm65 Lyman, D. E. CI 40 Avery, J. S. Avery, T. Hm48 Hm 55 Ely, S. S. Ely, B. C. Hm45 Hm48 Lynde, W. P. Lynde, C. J. Hm39 Hm39 Avery, C. H. Avery, W. H. Avery, E. W. Hm83 Hm 83 Hm84 Fisher, W. H. Fisher, S. J. Gardiner, C. A. Hm 64 Hm 67 Hm 80 Xorth, S. N. D. North, E. S. Hm 69 Hm72 Barrows, C. D. Hm69 Gardiner, A. L. Hm84 Northrup, A. J. Hm 58 Barrows, R. B. Beach, M. H. Beach, W. H. Hm84 Hm53 Hm 60 Williams, T. Am 73 Gardner (Williams), H. D. Hm 74 Xorthrup, M. H. Northrup, W. P. Paine, X. E. Hm60 Hm62 Hm74 Bigelow, H. P. Bigelow, D. W. Hm61 Hm65 Hopkins, S. G. Hopkins, A. G. Hopkins, W. R. Hm63 Hm 66 Hm 71 Paine, H. S. Paine, CM. Hm78 Hm 84 Crittenden, W. B. Am and Hm 78 Crittenden, W. H. Am 81 Hopkins, J. H. Hm 72 Huntington, C. Hm 66 Huntington, S.V.V. Hm 73 Reed, W. Reed, D. A. Skinner, C. P. Hm71 Hm 77 Hm66 Curran, Edw. Hm56 Skinner, J. H. Hm73 Curran, H. H. Curran, P. C. Hm62 Hm 64 Jerome, C. Jerome, I. N. Hm 39 Hm44 Williams, T. Am 73 Gardner (Williams), H. D. Daniels, H. E. C. Hm68 Langford, G. , Jr. Hm 38 Hm74 Daniels, F. B. Hm71 Langford, D. W. MIAMI. Hm 46 Ankeney, A. Mi 68 Bonham, J. C. Mi 47 Conover, B. W. Mi 40 Ankeney, H. Mi 72 Bonham, L. N. Mi 55 Conover, 0. M. Mi 42 Bishop, R. H. Mi 34 Brooks, T. D. Mi 63 Dewey, J. S. Mi 58 Bishop, J. M. Mi 41 Brooks, J. E. Mi 68 Dewey, E. F. Mi 60 Bishop, G. S. Mi 67 Burro wes, W. S. Mi 45 Groesbeck, W. S. Mi 34 Bishop, R.H., Jr. Mi 71 Burrowes, T. A. Mi 47 Groesbeck, H. J. jMi 34 Bishop, S. L. Mi 72 Groesbeck, J. B. Mi 39 Kinship in I J 0. 539 Guy, E. A. Guy, D. W. Guy, W. E. Hairc, T. Haire, J. P. Hussey, J. Hussey, L. Mi 58 Mi 01 Mi 04 Mi 4:^ W 55 Mi 54 Ml 55 McDonald, J. ^ Mi 59 Sayler, M. Mi 52 McDonald, D. Mi 59 Saylor, N. Mi 57 McLain, A. L. Mi 08 Sayler, J. R Mi 60 McLain, J. L. Mi 68 Snow, J. C. Mi 58 Oliver, M. W. Mi 47 Snow, D. B. Mi 63 Oliver, W. S. Mi 57 Thomas, W. S. Mi 60 Pugh, G. E. Mi 40 Thomas, W. I. Mi 62 Pugh, J. A. Mi 51 URBAN. Coxe, A. C. Ub 38 Coxe, S. H. Ub39 COLUMBIA. Crowell, E. R. W83 1 Lyman, T. B. Hm37 Crowell, C. B. CI 85 1 Lyman, D. E. CI 40 YALE. Abbe, E. R. ¥48 Emerson, J. Y41 Lynde, C. J. Y38 Abbe, W. A. Am 57 Emerson, S. Y48 Lynde, W. P. Lynde, W. S. Y38 Y39 Betts, W. J. Betts, A. L. Y70 Y72 Esty, A. H. Esty, C. H. Y68 Cn76 Mulford, S. B. Mulford, S. S. Y42 Y50 Bissell, J. H. Bissell, W. P. R & Y 65 R67 Gibson, C. D. T. Y64 Newton, I. S. Y48 Gibson, E. T. H. Y64 Newton, H. A. Y50 Cobb, 0. E. Cobb, H. N. Y53 Y55 Goodrich, C. Goodrich, W. H. Y37 Y43 Norton, J. S. Norton, E. K&Y65 K66 Condit, C. Y48 Perkins, W. Y40 Condit, A. P. Y50 Harding, J. W. Y45 Perkins, J. Y40 Condit, S. Y56 Harding, W. G. W57 Showalter, J. W. Y67 Conner, W. G. Y45 Kendrick, G. Y72 Showalter, W. K71 Conner, L. P. Y45 Kendrick, J. Y72 Showalter, J. W K79 Dwight, J. H. Y52 Smith, L. AV. Y39 Dwight, ^Y. B. Y54 Lee, B. F. W 58 Smith, G. IL G48 Lee, W. H. L. Y69 Ely, D. J. Y43 Smith, C. H. Y65 Ely, I. M. Y43 Lyman, D. B. Y64 Smith, E. R. Am 76 Ely, J. S. Y45 Lyman, H. M. W58 Smith, B. E. Am 77 540 Kinship in A A 0. Tupper, H. M. Tupper, J. B. T. Y 50 I Woodward, S. T. W 61 Woodward, J. K. Y 55 I Wynkoop, G. H. , Y 64 K 65 Wynkoop, T. S. Y 64 AMHERST. Abbe, F. R. Y48 Fiske, S; Am 48 March, D., Jr. Am 65 Abbe, W. A. Am 57 Fiske, A. S. Am 55 March, F. W. March, C. A. Am 66 Am 70 Ball, J. C. K65 Fiske, G. F. Am 81 Ball, W. C. Am QB, Fiske, A. S. Am 84 Maynard, E. Maynard, J. Am 62 Am 74 Barrows, W. H. Barrows, J. 0. Am 59 Am 60 Fowler, C. C. Fowler, W. W. Am 51 Am 54 Paine, A. G. Paine, L. M. Am 72 Am 72 Barton, W. Am 56 French, J. P. Am 59 Pierce, E. W. Am 59 Barton, H. R. Am 63 French, J. Am m Pierce, G. C. D 63 French, S. T. R and Am 72 Pierce, J. M. D 66 Bishop, G. S. K and Am 58 Bishop, J. L. K and Am 65 William^, T. Am 73 Rockwell, F. W. Am 68 Gardner (Williams) H. D. Rockwell, R. C. Am 71 Bliss, F. J. Am 80 Hm 75 Smith, C. H. Y65 Bliss, H. S. Am 82 Gillett, F. H. Am 74 Smith, E. R. Am 76 Gillett, A. L. Am 80 Smith, B. E. Am 77 Bowler, F. Am 76 Bowler, J. A. Md77 Hamilton, J. A. Am 53 Stokes, J. F. Am 67 Hamilton, H. H. Am 68 Stokes, W. C. Am 69 Boyden, A. C. Am 76 Stokes, H. S. Am 71 Boyden, W. C. Am 83 Harris, A. Harris, H. Am 63 Bd 72 Ward, W. H. Am 56 Clark, R. B. Am 76 Ward, J. L. H. Am 59 Clark, W. B. Am 76 Hitchcock, E. Am 49 Ward, J. W., Jr. Am 60 Crawford, W. Am 57 Hitchcock, C. H. Am 56 Weeden, W. 0. Am 77 Crawford, S. Am 61 Howland, W. Am 46 Weeden, C. F. Am 84 Howland, G. Am 50 Williams, E. H. Am 73 Crittenden, W. B. Howland, W. M. Am 63 Williams, W. H. Am 76 Am and Hm 78 Crittenden, W. H. Am 81 Hutchinson, H. E. Am 58 Williams, T. Am 73 Hutchinson, J. S. Bn69 Gardner (Williams ),H.D. Derby, H. Am 55 Hm75 Derby, R. H. Hv64 Ladd, W. M. Am 78 Williams, G. H. Am 78 Ladd, C. E. Am 81 Williams, J. C. Am 82 Ely, A. Ely, W. B. Am 74 Am 75 Linnell, N. S. Am 43 Wilson, A. Am 42 Linnell, J. E. Am 44 Wilson, T. Am 48 Fairbanks, F. J. Am 62 Little, G. 0. Am 60 Withington, W. S Am 41 Fairbanks, J. W. Am 66 Little, J. B. Am 60 Withington, N. N. Am 51 Kinship in /J (1>. 541 BRUNONIAN. Aldricli. 11. L. Bn 7G Collins, C. A. Bn 76 Hutchinson, II. E Am 58 Aldrich, C. T. Bn77 Collins. A. C. Bn 7,s Hutchinson, J. S. Bn 69 Baker, B. Baker, D. S.. Jr. Bn75 Bn 75 Curtis, J. B. Curtis, G. W. Bn W Bn 54 Judson, E. Judson, A. B. Bn59 Bn59 Baker, W. C. Bn81 Dexter, L. Jr. Dexter, C. 0. Bn 83 Bn 85 Judson, E. Bn 65 Bennett, Wm. H. Bn G8 Iving, R. T. Bn78 Bennett, A. A. Bn72 Duncan, S. W. Duncan, G. W. Bn60 Bn67 King, C. G., Jr. Bn84 Brooks, K. Bn 41 Goff, C. B. Goff, F. S. Bn 56 Bn67 Mustin, J. B. Bn66 Brooks, S. Bn52 Mustin, W. F. BnTl Brown, T. J. Bn G2 Greene, P. B'. Bn 76 Porter, G. L. Bn59 Brown, Z. Bn 65 Greene, J. S. Greene, S. S. Bn 82 Bn 83 Porter, II. K. Bn60 Caswell, E. T. Caswell, T. T. Bn 53 Bn 61 Hazard, E.G., 2d Hazard, F. 11. Bn76 Bn81 Stevens, E. 0. Stevens, S. W. Bn6I R81 Colby, C. L. Bn 58 Hoyt, J. H. Bn 74 Vernon, J. W. Bn54 Colby, H. F. Bn62 Hoyt, E. Bn 78 Vernon, T. Bn 54 HARVARD. Amory, A. Hv62 Gushing, W. E. Hd75 Hall, R. F. Hv54 Araory, R. Hv63 Gushing, H. P. Gushing, E. F. Cn83 Cn 84 Hall, J. S. Hv58 Bliss, W. D. Hv46 Ingersoll, E. P. Hd 82 Bliss, A. Hv47 Derby, H. Am 55 IngersoU, G. T. Cn83 Chase, T. Hv48 Derby, R. H. Hv64 Lincoln, S. Hv57 Chase, C. A. Hv55 Gardner, J. P. Hv82 Lincoln, A. Hv 63 Chapman, H. G. Hv83 Gardner, W. A. Hv84 Ropes, J. C. Ropes, H. Hv 57 Chapman, J. J. Hv84 Hv 62 Choate, C. F. Hv49 Hale, N. Hv37 Choate, J. H. Hv52 Hale, E. E. Hv 39 Soule, N. E. Hv 45 Choate, W. G. Hv52 Hale, A. Hale, C. Hv 49 Hv 50 Soule, A. L. Hv 46 Codman, R. Hv82 Hale, A. Hv 80 Thayer, W. S. Hv 50 Codman, A. PK85 Hale. E. E.. Jr. Hv 83 Thayer, J. B. Hv 52 542 Kifiship in A J Q). Thorndike, S. L. Hv52 Warren, E. P. Hv83 Williams, H. Hv37 Thorndike, W. Hv54 Warren, F. Hv84 Williams, F. D. HvoO Washburn, P. M. Hv82 Washburn, G. G. Hv80 GENEVA Bancroft, E. H. G 75 Folwell, W. W. G57 Rankine, W. B. Bancroft, R. B. P80 Folwell, M. B. G tU G and Un 77 Rankine, J. L. Un81 Barto, F. D. Barto, R. V. P. G75 K82 Foot, R. E. Foot, T. G67 G68 Ross, A. J. B. G66 Caverno, J. S. G58 Foot, W. G71 Ross, H. H. G79 Gaverno, D.H. G and D 60 Gonger, E. A. G 63 Horton, A. Horton, H. B. G45 G47 Smith, L. W. Smith, G. H. Y39 G48 Gonger, W. P. Gonger, G. F. G73 G80 Lee, G. F. Lee, H. G59 W68 Welles, S. R. Welles, E. R. G45 G50 Coxe, E. G. Goxe, R. G. G71 G77 HUDSON Wheeler, A. S. Wheeler, J. T. G51 G59 Curtis, H. M. Hd71 Harrington, G. F. Hd70 Scudder, E. C. Hd50 Curtis, W. E. Hd71 Harrington, F. W. Hd79 Scudder, J. W. Hd50 Gushing, W. E. Gushing, H. P. Gushing, E. F. Hd75 Cn83 Cn^4 Harvey, W. H. Harvey, E. H. House, J. H. House, C. F. Hd63 Hd67 Hd68 Hd71 Seymour, C. Sejmour, T. D. Tallman, A. P. Hd64 Hd70 HdfiS Eells, Samuel Hm32 Ingersoll, E. P. Hd82 Tallman, G. Hd71 Eells, T. D. Hd28 Ingersoll, G. T. Gn83 Williams, W. G. Hd61 Eells, J. Eells, D. P. Hm44 Hm46 King, I. H. King, W. G. Hd75 Hd80 Williams, G. T. Williams, E. P. Hd62 Hd64 Gates, C. A. Hd73 McLain, T. J., Jr. Hd59 Wilson, L. B. Hd48 Gates, F. H. Hd81 McLain, F. D. Hd78 Wilson, T. V. H. Hd48 Kinship in A J (J). 543 BOWDOIN. Appleton, J. F. BdGO Harris, A. Am 03 Purington, G. C. Bd78 Applcton, ]<:. L. B(l Gl Harris, H. Bd72 Purington, F. 0. Bd 80 Boody, II. H. Boody, A. Bd 42 Bd47 Hinkley, C. R. Ilinkloy, J. A. BdGG Bd G8 Robinson, D. A. Robinson, F. C. Bd 73 Bd73 Brown, P. H, Bd51 Howard, J. D. Bd 52 Robinson, W. A. Bd7G Brown, J. 0. BdSG Howard, H. R. Bd 57 Sewall, J. H. Bd48 Brown, J. M. BdGO Hunt, C. 0. BdGl Sewall, J. S. Bd 50 Chamberlain, J. L. Bd 52 Hunt, H. II. BdG2 Shepard, T. Bd G5 Chamberlain, H. B Chamberlain, J. C. Bd57 Bd59 Ladd, F. D. Ladd, H. 0. Bd41 Bd 59 Shepard, W. F. Shepard, C L. BdGS Bd71 Chapman, H. L. Chapman, J. E. BdGG Bd77 Libby, A. F. Libby, C. F. Bd G4 BdG4 Torrcy, J., Jr. Torrey, C. C. Bd 84 Bd84 Cole, S. V. Cole, W. I. Bd74 BdSl Means, J. 0. Means, G. J. Bd42 Bd47 Webster, G. Webster, F. W. Bd59 BdGO Dike, J. BdGO Perley, W. H. BdGO Wilson, J. C. BdG7 Dike, J. BdSl Perley, H. 0. P73 Wilson, F. A. Bd73 DARTMOUTH, Abbott, A. W. D63 Cutcheon, S. M. D56 Smith, A. S. Un70 Abbott, A. A. D71 Cutcheon, B. M. PGl Smith, H. W, D75 .Abbott, J. E. D 7G Cutler, L. D47 Spring, C. W. D80 Bradley, D. E. D G3 Cutler, J. C. D 56 Spring, A. L. D80 Bradley, C. F. D73 Howe, J. W. D 56 Bradley, F. A. D 73 Howe, E. W. D64 Savage, E. Brown, F. D GO D 70 Caverno, J. S. G 58 Lake, A. S. DG2 Caverno, D.H. G and I) GO Lake, A. E. D 72 Sawyer, A. W. Sawyer, E. R. D47 Un GO Chase, F. 1) GO Merrill, C. A. MdG4 Chase, W. W. D 65 Merrill, E. A. Pierce, E. W. D71 Am 59 Taylor, G. II. Taylor, A. F. D62 D74 Conant, C. H. Conant, L. L. D71 D 79 Pierce, G. C. Pierce, J. M. DG3 1) 66 Westgate, E. W. Wcstgate, H. S. DGO D 63 Conner, P. S. D 59 Quimby, C. E. I) 74 Wilcox, G. D GO Conner, J. S. DG5 Quimby, W. P. D82 Wilcox, L. D 65 544 Kinship in A J 0. PENINSULAR. Bancroft, E. H. G75 Goodsell, J. H. P62 Perley, W. H. Bd69 Bancroft, R.B. P80 Goodsell, C. M. P65 Perley, H. 0. P 73 Becker, C. W. Becker, J. P52 P53 Hutchins, H. B. Md and P 70 Phillips, D. Phillips, H. P65 P71 Becker, P. W. P66 Hutchins, E. R. P75 Brown, C. S. Brown, J. P. P76 P79 Ilsley, J. K. Ilsley, C. E. P76 P 82 Post, J. A. Post, H. P61 P61 Chandler, F. P54 Landon, G. McQ. P57 Quarles, J. V. P66 Chandler, W. P54 Landon, H. B. P61 Quarles, C. P68 Cocker, W. J. Cocker, H. R. PG9 P73 Martin, A. Martin, S. C. P55 P59 Rexford, E. Rexford, D. C. P66 P72 Cutcheon, S. M. Cutcheon, B. M. P5fi PGl McGraw, T. A. McGraw, E. W. P59 P59 Tinsman, C. TV. Tinsman, H. E. P82 P83 Day, W. R. P70 Myrick, H. P. P78 Day, C. F. W83 Myrick, F. C. P80 Tweedy, J. F. Tweedy, J. H., Jr. P70 P 79 Ferdon, E. J. P73 Otis, A. G. P52 Ferdon, 0. W. P77 Otis, E. A. P59 Wilkinson, A. H. Wilkinson, J. M. P59 P64 Fleming, E. P70 Pattengill, A. H. P68 Wilkinson, C. M. P71 Fleming, R. P73 Pattengill, J. J. P73 ROCHESTER. Bailey, C. 0. R 80 Bissell, J. H. R and Y 56 French, J. P. Am 59 Bailey, J. M. Jr. R85 French, J. Am 66 Bissell, W. P R67 French, S.G. R and Am 72 Bishop, G. S. R a nd Am 58 Davis, G. F., Jr. R64 Bishop, J. L. R and Am 65 Davis, W. H. Davis, G. R. R68 R78 Gates, M. E. R 70 Gates, L. E. R 83 Fassett, J. S. R75 Glass, C. J. R 65 Bishop, F. B. R71 Fassett, H. L R84 Glass, E. P. R 67 Bishop, L. J. P. R74 Bishop, C. W. R77 Fowler, J. D. R69 Goodspeed, E. J. R 53 Fowler, J. K. R70 Goodspeed, T. W. R65 Kinshi-p in i J 0. 545 Hirshtiold, M. Hirshfield, M. R 75 R79 Leonard, 0. B. R 61 Leonard, W. J. R 62 Sheppard, T. W. R 60 Sheppard, J. II. R 65 Hubbcll, W. S. Hubbell, W. N. Hudnut, J. B. R71 R85 R72 Macomber, F. Macomber, W A. R59 R84 Smith, W. L. R77 Smith, W. M. R 77 Hudnut, J. U. R72 Milne, W. J. R68 Stevens, E. 0. Bn 61 Hull, R. B. R7I Milne, J. M. R75 Stevens, S. W. R 81 Hull, J. M. R82 Hunt, E. W. Hunt, H. II. Hunt, J. M. Hunt, E. W. R73 R 76 R 80 R84 Raymond, A. Raymond, G. C. R69 H. R74 Taylor, A. J. R 64 Taylor, J. M. R 68 Taylor, C. H. R 70 Taylor, E. B. L. R 78 ALABAMA. Chilton, Chilton, T. G. W. P. A153 A159 Peck, R. Al 52 Peck, H. S. Al 55 Nott, Nott, J. H D. J. A156 A157 Winr Winr 1, W. E. Al 54 1, H. J. Al 56 WILLIAMS. Adriance, J. R. Adriance, H. E. W78 . W83 Haire, T. Haire, J. P. Mi 43 W55 Matz, H. L. Matz, R. W80 W82 Ames, G. L. Ames, J. G. \V54 W58 Harding, J. W. Harding, W. G. y. 45 W. 57 Mills, G. F. Mills, C. P. W62 W78 Antes, R. H. Antes, H. T. W59 W60 Hooker, E. C. Hooker, E. T. W57 W60 Mitchell, R. J. Mitchell, F. W. W56 W62 Crowell, E. R. Crowell, C. B. W83 CI 85 King, H. ^Y., Jr. Iving, F. W81 W84 Rankin, J. J. Rankin, W. M. Seymour, J. H. W 76 W79 W79 Day, W. R. Day, C. F. P70 W83 Lee, B. F. Lee, W. H. L. W 58 Y69 Seymour, E. Seymour, W. \V. W82 W84 Dowd, C. N. Dowd, A. D. W79 "W 85 Lee, G. F. Lee, H. G59 W68 Treat, A. 0. Treat, C. R. W63 W63 Garfield, H. A. Garfield, J. R. W85 W85 35 Lyman, H. M. 1 Lyman, D. B. W58 Y64 Tuppor, H. M. Tupper, J. B. T. Y50 WOl 546 Kinship in A A Wells, S. E. Wells, J. Q. W62 W71 West, J. K. West, F. E. W68 I Witte,M. C. G. W 72 I Witte, H. P. Jr. W 73 W 77 MANHATTAN. Brown, R. E. K. Brown, R. D. P. Chambers, T. F. Chambers, J. F. Chambers, H. R. Dowd, H. Dowd, J. Dwight, M. E. Dwight, J. E. Dwight, H. B. Dwight, F. B. Dwight, E., Jr. Ellsworth, W., Jr. Ellsworth, W. W. Greenwood, R. B. Greenwood, W. Mh 83 Hamlin, F. H. Mh68 Man,H. H. Mh74 Mh 85 Hamlin,W. A. Mh73 Man, E. Mh 82 Mh 68 Hawes, J. B. Mh 65 Mc Andrew, S. Mh71 Mh 79 Mh84 Mh 74 Mh77 Hawes, A. F. Mh 78 Mc Andrew, ^E. Mh75 Hildreth, R. W. Hildreth, P. S. Mh 84 Mh 85 Olcott, N. Olcott, E. E. 01cott,.J. V. V. Mh69 Mh 73 Mh 76 Hiscox, C. E. Mh 67 01cott,W. M. K. Mh81 Mh 60 Mh 63 Mh 74 Mh 76 Hiscox, E. T. Kimball, R. G. Kimball, W. C. Mh 69 Mh 54 Mh 61 Patterson, S. B. Patterson, F. B. Patterson, H. T. Patterson, C. H. 3Ih 64 Mh 76 Mh 69 Mh79 Mh 77 Mh 60 Knowlton, D. H. Knowlton, M. R. Mh 66 j\Ih 68 Roberts, J. S. Roberts, C, Jr. Mh 57 Mh 62 Mh 63 Lane, W. H. Mh65 Shepard, L. B. Mh 67 Mh64 Lane, J. A. Mh 83 Shepard, E. M. Mh69 Mh65 Lane, R. Mh 84 Shepard, C. S. Mh77 MIDDLETOWN. Andrus, J. E. Andrus, H. J. Md 62 Md68 Cookman, G. G. Cookman, F. S. Md 77 Md79 Gerard, E. S. Gerard, J. Md77 Md82 Barnhart, J. W. Barnhart, W. H. ]\Id 61 Md84 Cookman, W. W, Crafts, W. F. Md82 Md69 Groves, A. J. Groves, J. H. Md 65 Md65 Beale, F. H. Beale, J. H. Md 68 Md72 Crafts, A. B. Crafts, F. H. Md 71 Md71 Holden, B. F. Holden, S. E. Md 65 Md69 Bowler, F. Bowler, J. A. Am 76 Md 77 Eddy, A. C: Eddy, B. T. Md75 Md79 Hutchins, H. B. Md70andP71 Hutchins, E. R. P 75 Chapin, A. W. Chapin, C S. Md 65 Md80 Emerson, J. H. Emerson, G. R. Md70 Md 74 Jones, C. N. D. Jones, H. J. Md SO Md80 Comfort, G. F. Comfort, W. F. . Md 57 Md62 Eustis, W. H. Eustis, J. E. Md 73 Md74 Kellogg, G. N. Kellogg, W. C. Md 75 Md 75 Kinship in A J 0. 547 IVIerrill, C. A. Merrill, E. A. Ncwhall, I. A. Newhall, II. M. Palmer, W. M. Palmer, A. E. Md G4 1) 71 Md 65 Md 79 Md 73 Md 74 Raymond, W. S. Raymond, G. P. Roe, A. S. Roe, G. M. Roe, C. M. Roe, W. Roe, A. Md 75 Md 77 Md 70 Md 74 Md83 Md 55 Md 57 Round, J. E. Md 55 Round, G. C. Md CG Smith, A. L. Md83 Smith, F. T. Md84 Wilder, N. W. Md CI Wilder, C. W. Md65 KENYON. Allen, A. V. G. Allen, II. J. W. Ball, J. C. Ball, W. C. Douglas, A., Jr. Douglas, J. H. Marshall, W. S. Marshall, J. M. KG2 GG3 K65 Am G8 K72 K83 K59 K G4 Mason, C. W Mason, J. S., Jr Norton, J. S. Norton, E. Page, H. D. Pase, T. C. Peet, G. J. Peet, H. J. K76 Jr. K 77 K and Y 65 K66 Iv77 K81 K65 K70 Showaltcr, J. W. Y67 Showalter, W K71 Showalter, J. W. K79 Smith, H. L. K39 Smith, A. B. K71 Wilson, J. S. K70 Wilson, R. J. K70 Wilson, F. P. K76 Wilson, M. S. K78 Woodward, S T. Y55 Woodward, J K. KG5 UNION. Adams, W. R. Un 51 Mapes, W. E. Un70 Stanton, II. C. Un67 Adams, E. G. R. Un61 Mapes, E. L. Un73 Stanton, B. I. Un73 Alexander, G. Alexander, J. Un66 Un66 Rankine, W. B. G Rankine, J. L. and Un 77 UnSl Thomas, J. M. Thomas, A. P. Thomas, II. L. Un72 Un74 UnSl Baldwin, C. E. Baldwin, J. Un59 Un59 Sanborn, H. C. Sanborn, W. H UnG4 Un64 Waldron, II. A. Waldron, W. A. Un74 Un79 Lansing, J. B. W. Un83 Sawyer, A. W. D47 Lansing, J. V. P. Un83 Sawyer, E. R. Un60 Watkins,W. F.,Jr. Un81 Watkins, S. II. Un82 Lockwood, J. A. Un 67 Smith, A. Un70 Lockwood, J. B. Un70 Smith, H. W. D75 1 548 Kinship in A J (P. CORNELL. Abbott, T. A. Hm70 Gushing, W. E. Hd75 Parmelee, W. E. Cn75 Abbott, W. P. Cn79 Gushing, H. P. Cn82 Parmelee, J. Gn 76 Arms, W. Co 73 Gushing, E. F. Cn83 Parmelee, R. M. Gn81 Arms, M. I. Cn75 Esty, A. H. ¥68 Shiras, G., 3d Gn81 Bonney, A. Cn78 Esty, G. H. Cn7G Shiras, W. K. Gn82 Bonney, J. R. Gn80 Booth, Q. W. Booth, I. E. Cn 81 Ingersoll, E. P. Hd82 Stamhaugh, H. H. Cn81 Cn83 Ingersoll, G. T. Gn83 Stambaugh, J. T. Cn84 Curtiss, A. M. Cn80 Palmer, G. G. Gn75 Tiffany, C. 0. Gn77 Curtiss, H. C. PK81 Pahner, L. Gn78 Tiffany, J. B. Cn78 PHI KAPPA. Barto, F. D. G75 Curtiss, A. M. CnSO Huntington, J. W. PK83 Barto, R. V. PK82 Curtiss, H. C. PK81 Huntington, H. PK84 Buxton, J. B. Buxton, J. G. PK72 PK73 Flagg, J. B. PK46 Kurtz, J. E. PK77 Flagg, E. 0. P K48 Kurtz, G. M. PK83 Carter, B. M. PK82 Carter, C. H. Carter, J. R. PK82 PK83 Hills, J. D. Hills, G. H. PK78 PK8-t Stone, M. Stone, S. PK80 PK80 Codman, R. Hv82 Hills, R. PK8-1 Codman, A. PK85 Kinship in A J 549 SUMMARY BY CHAPTERS. Chapters. Father and Ison. Father ana 2 sons. Father and 3 sons. Two Brothers. Three Brotliers. Four Brolhers. Hamilton . ' . . ■ . 11 4 21 4 2 Miami ;? 1 15 4 Urban 1 1 1 Columbia ..... 2 Yale 8 1 1 22 5 Amherst 13 4 2 35 7 Brunonian 4 19 3 Harvard 7 1 18 2 1 Geneva G 1 12 2 Hudson 1 2 12 2 1 Bowdoin 6 1 18 ,4 Dartmouth 6 2 17 3 Peninsular 3 24 ' Rochester 4 1 19 3 2 Alabama 4 Williams 1 23 1 Manhattan 2 14 4 2 Middletown 4 2 23 ■ 3 Kenyon 3 .'. 10 1 1 Union 2 13 1 Cornell 1 11 2 Phi Kappa . . . . . 5 ■ 1 1 8 2 Totals 88 24 5 341 55 ! 9 Deduct for names twice entered 19 4 1 38 5 1 ' Net totals .... 69 20 4 303 50 1 ^ ALPHA DELTA PHI IN GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The following list contains the names embraced in the bod}' of the present work, rearranged b}' place. The general arrangement followed has been to give, first, the States alphabeticalljs under the general title of the United States ; next, the divisions of Canada in the same fashion ; and, lastly, " Other Foreign Countries." Places under each division and subdivision are arranged alphabetically. The orthograpliy of the present list has been guided by the " Postal Guide," leading, in a few instances, to a departure from the spelling earlier emploj^ed. In none of these cases does the form below interfere with the alphabet- ization. Three places, no longer post offices, at which deceased mem- bers of the Fraternity- lived — Farrowsville, Ya., Elmsford and Cortland- ville, N. Y. — are retained in the list below. In the case of several deceased members from the South, the original county address, as given by them, has been retained. To those familiar with the condition of Southern societ}- thirty years ago, it will not be surprising that a county was then considered a sufficient address by the member of some one of the few fiimilies between which its surface was divided. In the arrange- ment of names under each pl;ice, the conventional asterisk has been pre- fixed to deceased brothers. Addresses by street number are given for all places in the United States over 50,000 in population by the census of 1880. These are 35 in number and among them New Orleans is the only one without a considerable number of Fraternity residents. In giving street numbers, no one rule has been followed as to which should be presented, the residence (domicile) or business address. In each case it has been the purpose of the compiler to give the address which Avas most likely to prove permanent. Where a per- Geograpliical Distribution in A J ([>. 551 son doing" business in a large city and living in one of its suburbs, has given the latter as his residence, his name will be found classified under the place of his residence with his business address attached to his name. A secondary address is sometimes given for -persons living in small places where this seemed wise, and in several cases, where a member of the Fraternity has two resi- dences between which he divides his time, his name appears under both places. Where street addresses are given, a period, unless after an abbreviation, uniformly indicates that the preceding word is a street. Tabulated statements, which succeed the Index by Names, give the aggregate distribution of the Fraternity by place and country, and are followed by a Table of Occupations, the latter arranged by Chapters. UNITED STATES. Autauga Co. "Fitzpatrick, J. M. Al 5i Belief ont. ►Ogilvie, J. D. Cd 58 Benton. Steele, J. J. Birmingham. Minis, W. J. Winn, H. J. Brown's. Pegues, S. \V. Camden. Dawson, II. II. *Pharr, E. A. Clarice Co. ♦Bryant, Jacob ♦Henshaw, A. I. Al 58 A155 A156 Al 5G Al 58 A152 A157 IIv 47 ALABAMA. Cuha Station. *Portis, B. P. Dallas Co. *Dubose, V. M. Dayton. ♦Baptist, P. R. Eufaula. ♦Shorter, E. S. ♦Thornton, J. B. Eutaio. ♦Carpenter, S. T. Clark, J. P. ♦Meriwether, J. S. Florence. Kirknian, Samuel Gainesville. ♦McDow, J. R. Mi 42 Mi 38 Cd GO Y43 ■A158 A157 Al 55 A151 IIv 50 Al 52 Green Co. ♦Ilerndon, R. E. Al Greensborough. Cobbs, R. H. Al ♦Wynne, W. A. Al Guntersrille. ♦Rayburn, John Cd Street, T. A. I/aijnerille. ♦Howell, L. C. Iluntsville. Curry, B. I. Rhett, R. B. ♦Smith, II. P. Cd Lowndes Co. Fisher, L. C. Al Marengo Co. 'Winn, W. E. Al 552 Geographical Distribution in A J 0. Marion. Orrville. *Jones, C. P. Hm50 Graham, H. C. PK61 Mobile. Pickens Co. Beard, T. J. ♦Chandler, W. G. Dickson, E. R. *Glassell, J. H. H. A155 Y49 ¥53 A152 ♦Cochran, W. T. Al 54 Fleasant Ridge. Hutton, C. M. Al 57 *Mandeville,Henry *Nott, H. J. *Nott, J, D. *lledwood, W. H. Hm35 A157 A156 ¥52 Selma. Boynton, W. N. Hardie, Joseph Hm 54 Al 55 *Tracy, G. H. Md58 Talladega. Montgomery *Bugbee, T. F. A151 Bishop, J. W. Bradford, Taul A154 A154 *Chilton, T. G. Al 53 DeForest, H. S. Y57 Chilton, W. P. Gunter, W. A. A159 A153 Tuscaloosa. *Jackson, J. F. Y46 *Hogan, W. I. A159 *Peck, H. St. J. Al 55 *Pock, Roscoe Al 52 Somerville, H. M. Al 56 P.O. Montgomery, Ala. ♦Withers, W. F. Al 57 Tuscumhia. *Guy, C. V. Cd 60 Tuskegee. ♦Battle, J. K. Al 58 ♦Blakey, J. C. Al 56 Bryan, C. J. Al 56 ♦Clopton, J. O. A. Al 53 Uniontoivn. Morrisett, F. S. Al 59 Wilcox Co. ♦Mendenhall, E. T. Mi 42 ♦Spiva, L. G. Al 58 ARIZONA TERRITORY Prescott. I Cochrane, M. A. Bo 62 | Silent. Seward, F. W. Un 67 ARKANSAS. Clarksville. Tolbert, J. R. Cd 59 Fulton. Cummings, P. M. Hd 73 Hot Sjjvings. Wager, Barnet Un 66 Little Rock. •■Caruthers, E. P. Hd 65 Alameda. Baker, J. E. R7a Antioch. Abbott, J. P. D && Bodie. Holmes, Raymond K 72 East Oakland. Lee. Hamilton W 68 P.O. Brooklyn, Cal. CALIFORNIA. Pringle, E. J. Hv 45 318 Pine, S.Francisco. Eureka. Howard, E. H. Ub 37 Healdshurgh. Wright, Albert Bo (iQ Lakeport. ♦Townsend, Emory Ub 39 Los Angeles. ^Chapman, W. S. Al 53 Mitchell, J. B. Y 63 3Iarysville. ^Mulford, S. B. Y 42 Michigan Bluff. ^Tyler, Edwin Y 48 Na^ya. Holden, S. E. Md 69 Sawyer, F. A. Md 71 Geographical Distribution in I J (/K 553 Newark. Waggoner, G. II. lim G7 Norih Temescal. Galpin, P. G. Y 49 323 California, S. Fran. Oakland. Benton, J. A. Y 42 437 Hawthorne. Chiekering, W. H. Am 71 214 Sansome, S. Fran. Eells, C. P. Hm 74 San Francisco Farr, L. T. P 03 Tucson, Ariz. Goodall, G. B. Y 61 Grey, G. D. Am 65 22 California, S. Fran. Houghton, D. C. Hm 82 Janvier, A. E. Y 71 Mooar, George - W 51 Moore, H. K. D 61 411i California,S.Fran. Reynolds, E. W. K 67 Sackett, D. P.' Hd 65 Y 66 Tuttle, C. A. G 44 Petalnma. Bliss, W. D. Hv 46 Placerville. Griswold, Mathew G 46 Tindall, G. P. P 40 Riverside. Mountjoy, Plato Y 73 Sacramento. Foote, S. H. II<1 52 *McCreary, H. C. Y 65 *Smith, William Y 44 San Bernardino. Sturges, D. B. P 62 San Dieyo. Gregg. R. I. Un 65 Hitchcock, G. N. Y 64 IluhboU, W. N. R 85 San Francisco. Adams, E. F. lid 60 15 Glen Park av. Allen, ,T. M. Y 67 Nevada Block Ball, J. C. K 65 12 Nevada Block Bates, J. C. Bd 63 2412 Pine. *Bayles, L. C. Mh 55 Bennett, Nathaniel Hm 35 Blake, C. T. Y 47 Blake, M. B. Am 66 417 Kearney. Cobb, M. G. Hv 43 103 Montgomery. *Cummings, R. W. Bd 53 Davis, G. E. D 71 101 Dupont. *Davis, Murray K 61 *Deane, F. A. Bd 46 Deering, J. H. Bd 45 819 California. Drown, A. N. Bn 61 621 Clay. *Farnham, W. H. Bd 44 *Felton, J. B. Hv 47 Fisk, A. S. Am 55 808 Twentieth. Guthrie, William D 73 Howard, C. S. Am 80 40 Merchants Ex'ge. Ilussey, H. P. Cn 74 205 Front. Hutchinson, E. I. Y 69 504 Kearney. Keen, Harry W 71 Union Club McGraw, E. W. P 59 1132 Twenty-fir.-*t. Mesick, R. S. Y 48 Moore, N. W. Bn 52 130 Golden Gate av. Newhall, II. C. Y .59 5 Hopeton Terrace Phelps, Edwin I) 61 c. Page and Devi.sadero. Rankin. Robert Y 45 Rearden, T. H. K 59 P. O. Lock Box 2014 Redington, H. W. Mh 73 614 SurtCir. Royce, C E. K. W 59 507 Montgomery. = Smith, C. F. Am 38 Sprigg, Samuel Bd 70 Stebbins, Horatio Hv 48 831 Bush. Storm, Cornelius P K 39 10 Post. Stow, W. W. Hm 50 Taft, S. A. P 52 Tozer, C. W. P 53 921 Valencia. *Whitcomb, C. A. Hv 44 Wiggin, S. B. D 75 310 Pine. ♦Williams, Samuel W 51 Wilson, F. P. K 76 711 Pine. AYilson, J. S. K 70 314 Pine. Wilson, M. S. K 78 P. O. Box 1826 Wilson. R. J. K 70 P. 0. Box 1826 'Wright, G. McE. W 60 Sail Jose. Braiy, J. II. Cd 59 San Luis Ohispo. Hays, W. W. P K 5s San Mateo. Church, E. B. K 67 Folsom, G. DeF. B.l 44 554 Geographical Dist7'ibiition in A J 0. San Rafael. McDonald, J. S. Mi 59 Santa Barbara. Barker, J. L. Am Go Case, P. H. Bn 74 Santa Cruz. Miller, A. S. Hm 35 Santa Rosa. \ Sutter Creek. Taft, S. A. K 52 Wyman, H. N. Am 45 Temple, Jackson W 51 Woodhridffe. ^Belville, W. W. Mi 40 Wright's Station. Foote, C. E. P K 76 Stockton. Cavis, J. M. D46 Taylor, H. W. G59 Boulder. Adams, J. Q. R Palmer, T. E. P4/ Colorado Springs. Clark, C. A. P 75 LeBoutillier, G.T. Hd65 Sheldon, W. D. Y Gl Steele, B. W. Bn 7G Denver. Bishop, S. L. Foot, R. E. Wilder, W. F. Am 56 ] Wilson. L. B. Hd 48 COLORADO. ^Goodrich, G. D. Grigg, E. S. Irwin, D. A. Le Fevre, O. E. Mclntyre, A. W. Marshall, W. S. ^Skeel, C. M. Stanton, R. B. Swain, Had win Wilson, C. S. W57 R80 Am 64 P70 Y 73 K59 Md 75 Mi 71 Cn 76 P73 Mi 72 G67 Georgetown. Learned, S. J. Am 45 Greeley. Packard, A. K. Am 45 Gunnison. Cary, Walter Leadville. Brown, F. M. Chippeta Du Bois, Alfred Hough. A. B. Hm78 Bd70 P48 G61 Puehlo. Ne%vi;on, Whitney Cn 79 Player, T. T. Y 70 Saint Elmo. Raymond, W. S. Md 75 Trinidad. Gordon, H. E. Am 79 Ansonia. Bassett, E. D. Md 85 Bethlehem. Kristeller, Siegf d Md 65 Birmingham. Nettleton, C. H. Mh 70 Branford. •■Brainard, E. W. PK42 Olrastead, Henry P K 42 Bridgeport. *Chapman, T. P. Y 68 CONNECTICUT. DeForcst, R. E. Hoag, E. C. Ives, Francis Lander, Robert Lewis, G. F. Lockwood, L. B. MiddlebrookjL.N. Palmer, C. R. Peck, T. B. Porter, G. L. "Richards, George Sanford, H. S. Shelton, W. R. Sherwood, Charle; Tallmadge, A. M. Y G7 Md 79 Y 45 Md67| Y 64 Md 84 1 PK 48 Y 55 Cn 77 Bn59 Y 40 Y 52 Y G^ Y 72 aid 74 Waterbury, C. E. Md 75 Wordin, N. E. Y 70 Bristol. Ingraham, W. S. Cn 79 Staats, H. T. Md 58 Cheshire. ^Peters, H. F. Y 49 Clinton. Nothrop, B. G. Y 41 Cobalt. Havden. H. B. Md 84 Geographical Distribution in I J . Winchester Cenire. Pettibone, B. W. Am 60 Windsor Locks. Cooley, N. S. Woodbury. 'Smith, Nathaniel Y 54 Yayitic. km m Williams, E. W. PK 53 Tracy, Elisha P K 55 206 Broadway, N. Y. City Bismarck. Stevens, W. C. Hd 73 DAKOTA TERRITORY. Rosebud Indian Agency. Cleveland, W. J. G 69 Pemhina. Gatchell, P. A. Bd 6^ Sib ux Falls. Goddard, W. H. R 59 Am 59 Dover. Nicholson, J. R. New Castle. Y70 Holcomb, B. T. PK 59 Groves, J. H DELAWARE. Redden . Ellsworth, W. W. Mh 63 Smyrna. Wilmington. Bradford, E. G. Y 68 Dow, W. D. D 55 Jackson, J. W. Md 66 Md 65 Newlin, E. J. Am 41 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington. Abbe, Cleveland Mh 57 2017 I. • Adams, J. H. Hv 81 Alden, C. H. Bn 56 Care Surg.Gen.U.S.A. Allen, J. P. D 62 1133Foiirteenth,N.W. Ames, J. G. W 58 1600 Thirteenth. Anderson, A. D. Y 66 "Beale, R. M. • Y 58 Birdsall, Samuel G 55 921 G, N. W. Birney, William Mi 39 330 Four and one-half. Bliss, Alexander Hv 47 820 Connecticut av. Bond, S. R. D 55 321 Four and one-half. Britton, A. T. Bn 57 P.O. Lock Box 58 Brooks, S. T. Hm 62 Bundy, C. S. Hm 54 1224 N. Y. av. Butler, S. P. Am 71 Office Wash'ton Critic Carpenter, Z. T. Y 70 312 C. Caswell, T. T. Bn 61 U. S. Navy Yard Catlin, B. R. Hm 51 Patent Office Chesley, Charles Bd 52 1015 K, N. W. Chipman, G. C. P K 45 U. S. Auditor's Office Cutts, J. M., Jr. Bn 56 1015 G. Dccring, R. W. Bd 58 929 K, N. W. Fay, E. A. P 62 *Fisk, R. F. Y 44 P70 Y57 Fleming, Edwin 1420 N. Y. av. Forrest, D. F. 339 C, N. W. Foster, G. W. Bd 68 Gov't Hosp. for Insane Gardner, S. S. Bd 55 613 E, Capitol. *Gillett, A. C. Y 41 *Gunton, William Y 47 *Hunt, C. M. P 62 Janin, Edward Y'' 57 1719 Rhode Island av. *Kendall, John D 53 Latham, 0. E P 77 1410 Connecticut av. Leaver, H. K. PK 59 U. S. Treasury Dept. Little, G. 0. Am 60 216 1, N. W. Macomb, M. M. Y 73 1813 F. Geographical Distribution in \ J (I>. 559 Mark. G. A. IM C2 Congressional Library Ma\'nard, James Am 74 Post Office Dept. Mitchell, F. W. AV (52 Pension O., Int. Dept. Moore, W. B. Mi 43 126 Eleventh, S. E. *Nolen, G. A. Y 57 Palmer, G. S. \V\ 38 1113 Massachusetts av. Perry, J. B. P K 72 1312 R, N. W. Potter, J. B. M. Bn 3!t Pratt, E. A. Y 58 623 E, Capitol. Kol)l)ins, N. A. Bd 57 1306 V, N. W. Rockwell, H. D. W 85 1517 L. Root, F. 1). Y 72 Office N. Y. Times Sanborn, J. J. D 62 Shufeldt, R. W. Cn 74 316 New Jersey av. Sjiringer, F. A. Md 61 1517 Caroline, N. W. Thayer, \\. II. P 70 1010 Eleventh. Trimble, Matthew K 60 614 Thirteenth, N. W. Tiil-per, J. B. T. W <;i 510 I. *Ware, J. A. Bd 51 Warren, S. R. Y 60 44 St. Cloud Building Webb, J. S. Hv 82 1918 F. Weeks, Asa D 46 318 Third. Wynkoop, T. S. Y 61 Fernandina. Nooney, James Hd38 Fo7-t Oeorge Island. Hall, G. R. P K 42 Jacksonville. Fleming, L. I. Am 47 "Eraser, Philip Hm 37 "Smith, R. H. Y 73 Lake Eustis. Mead, T. L. Cn 77 674 Madison av., N.Y. City FLORIDA. Lake Irma. Moses, B. F. I) 47 Pensacola. Perry, E. A. Y 54 Stanley, G. A. Bd 57 ♦Underbill, G. R. D 47 St. Augustine. Brown, E. T. Bd 71 *Gould, A. F. Y 52 Stickney,' J. B. Y 56 Taylor, W. H. Y 55 San Mateo. * Spencer, W. H. Hm 66 Tallahassee. *Walker, Samuel Y 54 TampU. Walton, J. B. Cd 58 Atlanta. Bumstead, Horace Y 63 Cady, C. M. P 51 Francis, C. W. Y 63 Ware, E. A. Y 63 Augusta. *Gould, J. G. Y 45 Fayetteville. ♦Cunningham, J. L. Y 44 Hau'kinsville. Parsons, B. F. W 58 GEORGIA. Macoji. ^Smith, R. C. Mi 37 Marietta. Cortelyou, P. R. Y 64 Quitman. Cutler, J. F. Bd 37 Rome. Elliott, J. II. P K 72 Savannah. Dranc, II. M. P K 52 Freehand, C. W. P K 81 *Padelford, G. T. P. Y 55 Woodruff, D. W. Al 55 Sj)arta. Beman, H. DeW. Y 51 Tiiccoa. Gready, W. P. Y 42 Valdosta. Kerr, J. W. lid 49 Waynesboro ugh. ♦Savage, J. M. R 52 56o Geographical Distribution in A J Q), Boise City. Wilcox, T. E. Boise Barracks Un Gl Alton. Hapgood, C. H. Bn 57 Athens. Strain, D. J. Mi 50 Aurora. Wheaton, Charles P K 49 Batavia. Williams, H. W. Hd 41 Bloomington. Fell, I. P. W 68 Spencer, Hamilton Hn 34 Wright, Ebenezer W 61 Cairo. Fitch, T. W. Hm 69 ♦Gilbert, F. B. P 71 Lansden, J. McM. Cd 6r Miller, Roswell Hm 69 Caynp Point. Whipple, W. W. Am 41 Carlinville. Nutting, Rufus Hd 43 Carrollton. Lynn, W. B. Un 65 C arleston. ♦Taylor, J. E. D 55 Chicago. Abbott, W. P. Cn 79 281 Indiana. Adsit, C. C. Cn 75 974 Prairie av. IDAHO. Idaho City. Kingsley, C. S. P 49 ILLINOIS. Andrews, Edmund P 49 6 Sixteenth. ■Austin, Daniel D 64 Bailey, C. 0. R 80 130 Dearborn av. R 80 Baker, R. H. P 62 18 Gili^in pi. Ballou, W. I. Bn 77 53 Metropolitan Block Barnum, W. H. P 61 Bartow, Alfred Y 69 41 Portland Block Becker, F. W. P 66 81 Clark. ^Beckwith, H. N. Un 63 Birch, W. S. Un 69 Bissell, J. H. R 65 Y 65 235 Michigan av. Blatchford, Paul Am 82 375 N. La Salle. Bliss, C. R. W 54 ■112 W. Washington. Booth, E. M. Y 63 141 Park av. Bradley, D. E. D 63 23 La Salle. Brookins, Arba Hm 60 230 State. Burley, C. A. Am 72 156 Lake. Caldwell, Charles D 64 815 Forty-third. Cambell, A. S. Hm 66 373 AV. Washington. Campbell, David W 74 1919 Indiana av. Chapin, G.M. R78Am79 2532 Iiuliana av. Rocky Bar. Anderson, V. S. Y58 Chapin, L. D. Am 51 2532 Indiana av. *Chipman, H. W. K 60 Clark, E. G. P 62 690 W. Monroe. *Coburn, Edwin Am 41 Colter, Joseph Md 77 44 S. Curtis. Conger, W. P. G 73 Union Club *Cooley, Orrin Am 65 *Cotes, A. B. G 40 Curtis, W. E. Hd 71 Office Inter- Ocean Daniels, F. B. Hm 71 72 Monroe. Daniels, H. E. C. Hm i:,^ 169 Ashland av. Daniels, J. H. Hm 45 Davol, J. B. Cn 84 281 Michigan av. Dewey, J. R. W 54 212 Leavitt. *DeWitt, M. T. P 67 Dickinson, O. P. P 66 155 La Salle. Doolittle, J. II.. Jr. R 05 ' 24 Groveland Park Dore, J. C. D 47 Drury, M. M. Hd 77 c. Kingsb'y & Superior. Dunning, S. M. W 51 95 Dearborn. Dupee, C. A. Y 54 276 Erie. Easton, C. L. Un 63 45 Portland Block Geographical Distribntioii in .1 J (I>. 5^>i Elliott, Ciiarlcs Mi 40 419 Orchard. Evans, W. W. I) 72 afiO W. Washington. •^Farrar, H. W. IIv 71 Field, AV.T. D83 Am 83 281 S. Oakley a v. Fisk, F. AV. • Y 49 532 W. Adams. " Fitch, X. T. Y 55 3148 Prairie av. Foster, A. II. I) G3 779 Monroe. Fox, AV. H. Cn 80 41 and 43 AVabash av. French, S. T. K 72 AA' 72 Am 72 130 Dearborn av. Gait, A. T. Y 57 550 Dearborn av. Gardner, Charles AV G4 94 AA^'ashing'ton. Gates, F. H. Hd 81 115 Dearborn. Gilmore, A. P. PK 74 287 Ontario. Goddard, J. C. Y 73 Union Park Goodwin, F. C. G 54 69 Dearborn. Grant, AV. C. D 51 Greeley, Council Bd 54 2416 Michigan av. Gridley, C. C. Hm 72 Hale, C. G. D 68 Hale, F. T. Y 73 99 Centre av. Ilarroun, AV. S. P 63 164 S. AA'estern av. Haskell, P. N. Hd 70 Am 71 444 A\^. AA^ashington. *liawley, J. AV. AV 65 Hayden, Albert K 69 45 Lake. Ileal). -V. N. Am 95 Fifth av. Hcrrick, E. K. Un 4144 Indiana av. Ilinkley, C. AV. Cn 126 Franklin. *Hinman, C. T. P *Hitchc()ck, Charles D Howland, George Am 1420 AVabash av. Howland, A\\ M. Am 95 Dearborn. Hughes, G. II. II. Y 187 Clark. Hunker, A. H. Hd 2603 AVabash av. Hunt, George Hd 326 AA^arren av. *Huntington, J. M. Y Hyde, J. N. Y 117 S. Clark. ♦Jackson, G. N. Bd Jenkins, AV. P. Mh 200 Monroe. Jewett, E. K. Bd 412 Dearborn av. Johnson, H. A. P 4 Sixteenth. Johnson, Herrick Hm 155 Cass. Kellogg, M. G. K 220 Kinzie. Kendrick, John Y Matteson House Kimball, C. F. Bd c. AA^'ab. av. and Ilnr King. Francis AV 151 Kush. King, H. AV.. Jr. AV 151 Rush. Kittredge, A. E. AV 118 Ashland av Knaj)!), G. 8. Am 3650 AA'abas4i av. Laflin. A. K. AV 1614 Michigan av. 7;'. Lewis, H. La M. AV 52 94 AVashington. i\x Lyman, H. M. AV 58 533 AV. Adams. 79 Maltman, J. S. P 7<( 41 Clark. 52 Manierre, C. E. Cn 80 51 2352 Prairie av. 50 March, C. A. Am 70 A\^ithJ.K.Armsby&Co. 63 *Marsh, AV. K. P 48 Matson, C. N. Un 70 51 70 Park av. Matthews, II. M. Am 69 69 162 La Salle. Matz, Rudolph AV 82 51 431 Oak. Mcndenhall, C. H. K 63 4:> Commercial Hotel 61 Miller, H. (L Hm 48 94 AVashington. 59 Miller, H. T. K Cy» 74 3659 A^incennes av. Mills, A. L. Mh 70 82 Board of Trade Mitchell, J. S. AV 63 49 2432 Michigan av. Noble, I". A. Y 58 57 Norton, Edmund K 66 194 Michigan av. 70 Norton, J. S. K 65 Y 65 16 Reaper Block 72 Otis, E. A. P 59 122 La Salle. 74 Paine, A. G. Am 72 "n. c. Cottage Grove av. S4 and Oakwood Boulev. Paine, C. G. G. Am 61 81 Paine, L. M. Am 72 156 AA'ashington. 54 Parker, A. K. R 66 674 AV. Adams. 71 Payson. George Bd 43 Peabody, F. B. PK 48 80 426 Dearborn av. 562 Geogi'aphical DistribtUion in A J (J). .1 I Pedrick. I. H. P 71 41 Clark. Pcet, H. J. K 70 Residence, Lake View Pence, A. M. Mi 60 245 Ohio. Porter, L. L. Hm 73 226 Lake. Pratt, George Y 55 93 Dearborn. Prentice, E. P. Am 85 10 Tower pi. Putnam, J. R. W 58 Portland Block ♦Richmond, W. E. D 57 Sanger, S. G. Hv 48 Shorey, D. L. D 51 48 Portland Block Showalter, J. W. Y 67 508 W. Congress. Slocum, J. E. P 85 2253 S. Park av. Smith, H. K. Y 58 Chicago Times Snyder, Edgar P K 72 133 S. Clark. Sprague, A. A. Y 59 464 W. Washington. Steele, H. T. Y 46 3651 Indiana av. Strong, Henry P 54 R 54 Portland Block Swazey, Arthur Bd 44 Care Chicago Times Swift, W. H. ^Y 63 28 Portland Block Swing, David Mi 52 403 Superior. Thompson, J. H. Am 50 37 Republic Life Bldg. Tranter, Watson Md 77 Vanderburgh, H. S. Y 74 163 and 165 E. Adams. Van Schaack, Corn. G 63 82 Dearborn. *Warren, C. M. R 72 Warren, Lansing W 80 Palmer House Washburn, F. S. Cn 83 420 N. La Salle. Webster, J. C. D 64 829 W. Jackson. *Wells, S. E. W 62 Wells, W. H. Am 36 462 W. Washington. Wheelock, H. B. P 85 1250 Wabash av. Whelan, R. AV. R 74 120 La Salle. White, T. H. Bd 64 164 La Salle. Willard, J. H. P 80 1248 Michigan av. *Williams, C. G. P 65 Wilson, W. McC. Hd 73 Calumet Iron Works Woodbridge,J.,Jr. Am 73 124 La Salle. Woodbridge, John Am 49 70 La Salle. * Wright, Thos. Hm 35 Yoe, L. G. Am 68 476 Dearborn. Colona. Comstock, J. J. P 83 Danville. Sheed, J. G. Hd 65 Decatur. Burrows, J. B. Cn 84 Johns, W. C. P 69 Elgin. Dickinson, C. E. Am 60 Stone, W. G. Hm 75 Evanston. Ambrose,. J. C. P 63 Crittenden, F. A. P 71 132 La Salle, Chicago *Frost, T. G. Hm 42 Head, F. H. Hm 56 59 Wabash av. , Chicago Hempstead, W. G. W 80 Poole, W. F. Y 49 Chicago Pub. Library Shuman, Andrew Hm 55 Farmington. ♦Bristol, G. C. Hd 41 Freeport. Bailey, J. M. R 54 Bailey, J. M., Jr. R 85 *Clark, C. A. P 45 Munn, G. L. R 83 ♦Stocking, C. H. P 61 Taylor, 0. L. Cn 81 Galena. ♦Hempstead, L. R. Hm 66 Galeshurgh. Bancroft, F. A. Am 82 Parker, LA. D 53 ♦Potter, L. H. Y 54 Geneseo. Antes, H. T. W 60 Antes, R. H. W 59 Perry, Charles W 52 Glencoe. Xutt, A. E. D 84 Highland Park. Weston, E. B. Bd 70 Hillshorough. Fish, Edmund P 45 Hinsdale. Crocker, H. D. P K 84 Hartshorn, J. W. Y 67 Hyde Park. Bennett, F. F. Un 83 5727 Washington av. Geographical Distribution in ./ J (P. 563 Lewis, Leslie Y (ifi Wiishhuin, W. D. P 80 mini. Sargent, R. M. D 40 P. 0. Harristown Jacksonville. Milligan, H. W. W 53 Nutting, T. 1). Hd 46 Palmer, J. H. Am 57 Sanders, W. 1). Hd 45 Storrs, H. E. Am 64 Jerseyville. Allen, H. A. Bn 54 Stark, J. W. P 58 Joliet. Plant, F. W. White, J. H. Hm 64 K 72 La Grange. Lyman, D. B. Y 64 155Portl'dBlk.,Chi'go. Lake Forest. Ferry, W. H. Y 68 Wells, T. I)e S. D83 Lombard. Caverno, Charles D 54 Claflin, J. F. Am 59 Claflin, William Am 83 Marshall. Graves, J. T. Y 66 Bedford. Willard, J. IL Hm 68 Brookville. Moore, D. K. Mi 71 Metropolis. Princeton. Seott, J. H. Hd 46 Boltwood, H. L. Am 53 Morgan Pari Riverside. Goodspeed, G. S. Hn 80 Bates, E. X. W 53 Goodspced, T. W. U 63 Chicago Morris. Wells, J. Q. 100 Wash'n, Ch W 71 cago Killen, J. T. Mound City Mi 54 Rod- ford. Fowler, J. K. R70 ^Van Nostrand, A. R. Rowland, W. L. Y52 Ub36 Smith. Wilder Y57 Oak Park. Taylor, H. W. Am 48 Horton, H. B. G47 • Saint Charles. Onarga. Long, J. I). Bn55 Bowman, E. H. Springfield. Bates, G. A. P81 W 78 Ontario. Brainard, G. R. Mi 58 Tupper, H. M. Y50 Hickox, Volney Y57 Ottawa. Sanders, G. A. W 61 Hinsdale, N. D. P83 Sterling. McKinlay, T. E. Y66 Bennett, W. H. Y66 Snow, D. B. Mi 63 Thawville. Paris. Johnston, J. B. Mi 08 Munsell, E. B. Md 58 Uirper Alton Pekin. Clarke, J. C. C. R 59 Rider, G. C. Un72 Warsaw. Peoria. *St. John, R. H. Hd 43 Morron, J. H. Stevens, J. S. Hm 59 ]) 62 Waiikegan. Barton, H. J. Md 76D76 Pla infield. Clarke, F. E. D51 Chittenden, G. I. Hm 84 *Clarke, I. L. D 48 INDLVNA Cambridge City. Brooks, J. E. Mi 68 Connersville. ♦Heron, Samuel Mi 51 *Parker, S. W. Mi 34 Covington. ^Chapin, Solomon Md 57 1 Bishop, J. M. Mi 41 564 Geographical Distribution in A J . Danville. Hadley, F. O. Cn 83 Elkhart. Keller, A. F. K 70 G 70 Evansville. Dyer, Azro R 56 D 56 Sharpe. Edgar K 63 Greenshurgh. "Baker, J. C. Mi 75 Bonner, S. A. Mi 49 Indianapolis. Barbour, Lucian Am 37 Bartlett, W. A. Hm 52 32 E. Vermont. Claypool, Newton Mi 76 Claypool's Block Hale, F. E. Hm 60 Office- Indi. Sentinel *Hibben, J. S. Mi 42 Holloway, E. M. Cn 83 149 N.Pennsylvania av. Hyde, N. A. Y 47 116 N. Alabama. *Mayo, E. H. K 59 Millard, C. S. Hm 66 New Dennison Hotel Morrison, F. W. W 74 Bates House Morton, 0. T. Cn 82 149 N. Pennsylvania av. Ross, M. M. Cn 70 176 E. Michigan av. Tarbell, H. S. Md 50 890 N. Alabama. ■Willard. A. P. Hm 42 '^yillard, Erastus Am 57 Wilson, 0. M. Hm 58 Irvington Winters, J. M. Y 73 Wood, D. L. P 54 417 N. Pennsylvania. Knightstown. Hewitt, Charles P 55 La Fayette. Dickinson, W. C. Am 48 Hussey, John Mi. 54 ^Stone, T. P. Am 62 La Porte. Andrew, G. L. Mi 41 Niles, William D 59 Logansport. Barnhart, J. H. W 74 *Pratt, J. P. Y 61 Madison. *Barnes, Charles Mi 43 Michigan City. Bowes, H. H. G 78 Xew Albany. Hutchinson, Charles D 48 Peru. Brownell, C. H. Am 71 Dow, F. F. Am 74 Effinger, R. P. Mi 45 Richmond. *McGuire, H. L. Mi 46 Mitchell, B. C. K 64 Asheville, N. C. *Payne. W. P. K 63 Samson, Almon Hd 49 Rochester. Lord, N. L. Am 37 Seymour. Charles, A. P. D 64 Shelhyville. Otte, F. A. K 72 Terre Haute. Ball, W. C. Am 68 Dunham, F. S. K62G62 Mancourt. E. M. K 85 Wahash. Say re. W. G. Un 65 Woiiliington. Webber, E. L. Hd 61 INDIAN TERRITORY. Anadarko, Wichita Xation. Reynolds, J. A. Y 7; Ames. Welch, A. S. P. Anarnosa. IOWA. Burlington. I ''Hutchinson, Hor. Am 39 Smyth, J. D.Hd73PK71 Casey. Cedar Rapids. Bradley, W. C. Cn 80 Heeler^ C. B. P 73 Centerrille. Ercanbrack, T. R. Md 58 ' Campbell, A. H. Hm 49 '• Thorpe, W. ^Y. Hm 58 Geographical Distribufioii i?i A J (p. M Cheroliee. Chase, J. 15. Y 62 Paul 1 in, Henry Am 70 Clarinda. Linderman, Chas. Hni 54 Clear Lake. Waterman, II. B. Y G:? Clinton. riournoy, R. C. A. K 74 Hosford, Scliiller D 66 Williams, Horace Bd 44 Dave7ipo7i. Adams, A. E. Y 62 Brown, S. E. Am 55 McManus, P. W. Am 63 *Mills, J. K. W 51 Potts, F. H. PK68 Decor ah. Woodworth, H. B. D 54 Denison. Bankin, J. J. W 76 Des Moines. Dudley, C. A. P 65 Etheridge, S. S. Md 62 Frisbie, A. L. Am 57 Hurst, J. L. Md 82 Lee, G. W. D 74 Lewis, G. II. Y 68 Dubuque. Adams, Austin D 48 Allison, W. B. lid 50 Beach, M. H. Hm 5:5 Cram, DeW. C. I) 50 Robinson, F. M. I) 55 ♦Stephens, George Mh 67 Wilson, H. E. K 70 Dyersville. Seibold, J. S. Y 57 mis worth. Stewart, Jas., Jr. Hm 56 Fairfield. Dwight, M. E. Mh 60 Leggett, C. D. K 6!) Grand Junction. Derby, Ladoit D 79 Grinnell. Armstrong, T. H. lid 5.'? *Day, C. L. I) 77 Eaton, Albert D 74 Magoun, G. F. Bd 41 Preston, S. S. I) 55 Swan, R. W. Hv 42 IndejTendence. Brainerd, H. G. D 74 Iowa City. * Jerome, I. N. Hm 44 Keokuk. *Jenne, R. N. P 68 *Peck, W. B. Y 38 Known also as W. F. Telford *Reid, H. T. Mi 38 Lansing. Fowler, I. D. R 69 Lyons. Crawford, Sidney Am 61 McGregor. Williamson, R. H. \V 53 Montour. ]\Iumbrue, W. B. Hm 50 Mount Pleasant. Jones, W. A. Md 81 Muscatine. *Butler. Jacob Mi 39 N^a.'ihua. Billings, C. M. Am 63 Dewey, B. M. R 56 Kilbourn, Charles Hm 33 Ottumiva. Archibald, A. W. Un 72 Eaton, T. H. Bd 69 Lang, B. L. K 44 Lang, E. R. K 69 Manning, Calvin Cn 73 Fella. Gardner, G. W. D 52 Rock Rni)ids. Keep, F. A. Y 70 Shenandoah. Lake, A. S. D 62 Sioux City. Gilman, 1). T. Mh 65 Marks, C. R. Y 67 Staceyville. Barrows, W. H. Am 59 State Centre. Cldrk, R. B. Am 76 Storm Jjoke. Cooke, Joshua G 42 Tama City. Burt, H. G. P 73 Waterloo. Welles, T. C. Y 68 Waukon. ^-Cole, C. B. Hm 58 West Union. Ruston. W. U. Mh 72 Wilton Junction. llnhlKinl. J. W. Hm 50 566 Geographical Distribution in A J 0. Abilene. Dewey, T. E. R 81 Atchison. Crafts, F. H. Md 71 D 75 Otis, A. G. Augusta. Sands, J. H. Centralia. Howard, H. L. P52 Y70 Y55 Council Grove. Armsby, Lauren Am 42 El Dorado. Leland, C. A. Y 65 Fort Leavenwoiih. Marshall, J. M. K 6-1 Fort Scott. Scoville, Frederick Hm58 Frankfort. Warden, J. A. S. P 71 Gatesville. *Gates, Lorenzo Hd 50 Guilford. Benedict, S. S. W 65 KANSAS. HoHon. Olmstead, E. B. Md 80 Hutchinson. Bailey, J. I. Hm 72 Lawrence. Alford, D. S. Md 71 *Horner, J. \V. P 58 *Hunt, Morris Hd 51 Means, James D 69 Leavenivoj-th. Eaves, D. W. Y 61 *Griffin, J. W. D 69 Skinner, J. A. D G7 Van Duyn, A. C. Hm 57 Manhattan. AVard, M. L. Hm 55 ManTiato. Bishop, G. S. Mi 67 Bishop, R. H., Jr. Mi 71 Osage Mission. Park, E. B. Am 64 Parsons. Osgood, A. A. D 71 Reynolds, M. W. P 56 Topeka. McFarland, J. M. Mi 70 Otis, J. G. W 60 Rankine, J. L. Un 81 Rowley, H. K, P 64 Wa Keeney. Keeney, J. F. R 66 Wellington. McClung, J. N. Mi 56 Wetmore. De Forest, Moulton Y CI White Cloud. Williams, R. M. Hd 52 Winfield. Colgate, W. H. D 70 Emerson, George W 73 Platter, J. E. Mi 67 Wyandotte. Smith, H. E. Hd 65 1223 Union av., Kan- sas City, Mo. Taylor, Edwin P. 0. Armstrong Anchorage. Bedinger, E. W. Y 51 Bowling Green. Wright, I). W. Hm 59 Catlettsburgh. Mason, George K 80 KENTUCKY Covington. Evansburgh. ♦Groesbeck, H. J. Mi 34 Christman, J. A. Y57 *Parker, T. H. Mi 58 Frankfort. Danville. Davis, J. M. Y58 Brown, Orlando *Burnley, G. B. Hampton, W. H. Y58 Y58 G75 Dover. Moore, E. P. Y 56 Showaiter, J. W. K 79 *Morehead, John Y56 Geographical Distribiitioti in t J . 567 Greenshurgh. Mohnston, W. V. Y GO Grcomp. Spalding, A. M. D 79 3E. 125th, N.y. City Greenville. * McLean, S. K. P Go Henderson. Parsons, T. S. Hm 45 Lexington. Bartlett, W. F. V. Y 53 Louisville. Ballard, Austin Cn 76 81 W. Broadway Ballard, S. T. Cn 78 85 E. Walnut. Belknap, W. R. Y 69 332 W. Walnut. Brown, J. M. Y 56 495 Fourth av. Loring, H. V. Hm 59 553 Fourth. ♦Nicholas, T. P. Y 53 llobinson, Norman R 54 82 W. Broadway Temple, J. B. Mi 36 1623 First. Twyman, Buford K 63 286 Sixth. Ludlow. Baker, D. R. Md 72 190 W. Fourth, Cin.,0. Midivay. Moore, W. A. Mi 39 Ifunfordsville. Martin, H. C. Cd GO Russell, J. M. Y 70 Petershurgh. Parker, A. B. Mi 60 Russellcille. King, John IIv 50 Sardis. Marshall, R. M. Y 51 Side View. Anderson, T. C. Y 69 Todd's Point. Wright, J. F. D 53 Versailles. Hurst, S. I). K 64 White Hall. Clay, C. M. Y 32 Alexandria. Maddox, W. T. PK 59 Bay OH Sara. Bowman, J. P. P K 53 Bellevne. *Griifin, J. \i. Al 58 Convent. Conner, L. P. Y 45 New Orleans. ♦Adams, Ira Hni 39 Axtell, S. J. Bn 64 Billings, E. C. Y 53 U.S. Dis. Court House ♦Brickell, J. N. Y 45 LOUISIANA. ChaiUe, S. E. Hv 51 24 S. Rampart. *Deane, J. F. Bd 54 ♦Ely, H. B. Hm 38 Flower, Samuel PK45 33 Carondelet. ♦Halsey, J. S. Y 42 Harrod, B. M. Hv 56 Second, near Prytania. ♦Jones, C. A. Mi 41 Labouisse, J. W. Hv 62 229 First. ♦Latham, Lorenzo Hm 32 McLeran, Benjamin I) 62 ♦Morgan, M. B. Bn 55 ♦Noyes, J. O. Hm 50 ♦Ogden, M. L. G 54 ♦Pierce; E. W. Am 59 ♦Rice, C. S. Hm 39 Smith, Howard Y 44 520 St. Charles. ^Spofford, H. M. Am 40 Steers, S. B. Hm 55 215 First. Syme. F. J. Y 70 371 St. Charles. "Taylor, C. A. Y 50 *Taylor, Richard Y 45 ♦Vose, Frank Bd 47 *Ward, F. M. CI 38 Tensas Parish. ♦Perkins, William Y 40 Water Proof. Stone, Dwight, Jr. K 74 Pevano Plantation 568 Geographical Distribution in A J MAINE. Alfred. Bath. Bucksport. Merrill, F. B. Bd47 *Blair, S. F. Md 81 *Barnard, H. D. Bd70 Fiske, J. 0. Bd 37 Prince, M. W. Md 68 Athens. Kimball, E. H. Bd 76 Calais. *Greene, C. F. H. Bd49 Kimball, L. H. Bd74 Moses, G. C. Bd56 Swan, C. E. Bd44 Aiihiirn. Nealley, W. P. Bd85 Canton. Carter, S. M. Bd75 Page, J. W. Bd42 May, J. W. Bd52 P.O. Box 3032, N.Y. City Hutchins, C. C. Bd 83 Packard, E. A. Bd83 Rice, W. E. Bd75 Charleston. Purington, G. C. Bd78 Sewall, J. E. Bd76 *Parkman, E. W. Md 66 Rich, T. H. Bd48 Belfast. China. Augusta. Cunningham, Ed. Md67 Chadwick, G. B. Md 61 Bridge, Horatio Hincks, J. L. R. G67 Bd72 Biddeford. P.O. Weeks' Mills Mallett, C. H. Cn77 Liiques, H. L. D 82 Corinna. Bangor. Brewer. *Elliott, M. C. Md67 *Appleton, E. L. Appleton, F. H. * Appleton, J. F. Bdfil *Chamberlain, H.B Bd 57 Cumherland Mills. Bd64 Bd60 ♦Chamberlain, J. C *Snow, B. G. Bd 59 Bd 40 Tead, E. S. Deer Isle. Am 75 Blake, E. H. *Blake, W. A. Bd77 Bd73 Brownfield. Jordan, E. S. Bd47 Houston, Hiram D47 *Bucknam, R. P. Md59 Dennysville. Coe, T. U. Bd57 BrunsicicJc. Whittier, Charles W56 *Emery, H. B. Bd64 Avery, John Am 61 Field, G. W. Bd 37 Campbell, Gabriel P65 East Machiai Gibson, A. C. Bd83 Chamberlain, H.W .Bd81 Harris, Austin Am 63 Goodenow, Daniel Bd85 Chamberlain, J. L . Bd 52 Hinckley, J. H. ID 84 Chapman, H. L. Bd66 Last port. Hinckley, L. E. C . D84 Cutler, C. H. Bd81 Kelly, G. W. Bd66 Mason, J. R. Pearson, W. S. Bd G8 Bd83 Dike, John Merriman, R. G. Bd81 Bd67 * East Sumne) Peters, J. A. Y42 Merryman, W. C. Bd82 Stetson, C. H. Bd 83 Robinson, D. A. Bd73 *Patten, H. R. Bd 75 Falmouth. Robinson. W. A. *Sabine, F. W. Bd 76 Bd .59 Riley, T. H. Robinson, F. C. Bd80 Bd 73 Brown, J. M. Bd 60 Sewall, Benson Bd83 Smith, C. H. Y 65 Farmingdale Sewall, J. S. Bd50 Stinchfield, C. E. Bd82 *Rich, John Bd61 Shepard, W. F. Bd68 Webster, George Bd .59 Buckfeld. Farmington Wilson, F. A. Bd 54 *Gregg, A. F. Bd8I Craig, Y. L. Bd56 Geographical Distribution in I J (l>. 5 ^^9 Frychnrnh. *Bradloy, W. J. D r.O Hastin<,^s E. K. Hd 7!) SoiitlKr, Williains I'.d 7(i Towh", W. W. IM 81 Gardiner. Bradley, Lcverett Am 73 White .11. G. Bd 74 Gorhani. Emery, U. B. Bd GO HinklVy, J. A. Bd 68 Hunt, H. H. Bd 07 Huntington, H. S. Y 57 Palmer, E. S. Bd 49 ■ *Smith, H. F. Bd ('.5 Waterman, J. A. Bd 40 Waternian.J.A.,Jr. Bd84 Grey. Anderson, J. D. Bd 59 Halloivell. Emmons, H. V. Am 54 Hathaway, H. B. Bd 81 Russell, A. J. Bd 83 Watson, W. P. Bd 84 Harpswell. Kellogg, Elijah Bd 40 99 Pinckney, Boston Hehron. *Carr, R. AY. J) 50 Hollis. Bradbury, H. K. Bd 44 Hudson. *Beale, F. H. Sid GS *Beale, H. C. Md 05 Kennehunk. Dane, Joseph Bd 43 Dane, W. L. B.l 80 Gilbert, R. C. Bd 80 Titoomb, Joseph Bd 43 37 Kennehituhporf. Moody, W. A. Bd S2 Leu'istnn. Goulding, Franklin Hd 80 Phipps, A. J. D 38 Pulsifer, Woodbury Bd 75 Limerick. Braekctt, Daniel 1) 74 Limington. Fogg, E. E. ■ Bd 01 Lincoln. Fuller, Charles Bd 05 lAshon. ^Tebbets, G.'C. Bd 51 Livermore Falls. Rollins, Frank Md 84 Lor ell Centre. Stearns, S. S. Bd 79 Monmouth. *King, S. H. Bd 59 ^Tetv Gloucester. Sturgis, J. I. Bd 68 Xo>ih Berwick. Hobbs, I. G. D 64 Xorway. Wiswall, Alexander D 73 Orono. Wilson, F. A. Bd 73 Wilson, J. C. Bd 07 Orrington. *Clmreh, J. A. Md 03 Phillips, J. W. Bd 58 Portland. Anderson,T.D..Jr. Bd74 Brown, H. C. Bd 79 'Brown, J. O. Brown, P. H. ^Butler, M. M. CMiapman, C. J. Cleaves, Nathan Fenn, W. H. Gerrish, F. H. Goodwin, W. A. Hunt, C. O. Libl)y, C. F. Libby, F. W. Loring, Prentiss •■Lothrop, C. H. McQuillan, G. F. ^Maxwell, J. H. Palmer, J. S. Shirley, Arthur Spalding, J. A. Thompson, J. F. Trask, Samuel Trowbridge, E. H. Waterhouse, F. S. Webster, C. E. Bd 56 Bd 51 Bd 45 Bd 08 Bd58 Y54 Bd 00 Bd 43 Bd 01 Bd 04 Bd 04 Bd .50 Md 02 Bd 75 Bd64 Bd 44 Y69 D 66 D82 Bd 42 D 81 Bd 73 Bd 6(f Richmond. Starbird, T. W. Bd 02 Rumford. Child, S. R. Bd 84 Saco. *Hanscom, J. W. Bd 46 Salem. Richards, C. J. Md 85 South Berwick. ♦Goodwin, Ichabod Bd 39 Oakes, C. W. D8;i Strong. Hitchcock, Alfred Bd 81 Thomaston. French. R. S. Bd 85 Pliinnev, H. C. Bd 84 570 Geographical Distribution in A J 0. Bn 6fi Winthrop. Wiggin, H. D. Wiscasset. Ingalls, Henn' Woolivich. Buck, S. P. Yarmouth. Merrill, F. B. Dover, Me. Torrey, C. C. Topsham. Warren, L. E. Dyer, Orlando Bd85 Wells. Maxwell, A. A. Westbrook. ♦Merrill, Donatus *McKeen, Jos., Jr. Bd 53 Purington, F. 0. Bd 80 Purrington.H.M.H.Bd 85 Thomas, Eugene Bd85 Unity. ♦Chapman, E. T. *Snell, G. H. Bd57 BdoO Windham. Wood, N. H. Waterville. Winterport. Noyes, Edwin Bn37 ♦Hubbard, G. F. Bd4G Bd63 Bd67 Bd 77 Bd41 Bd50 Bd81 Bd84 Torrey, Joseph, Jr. Bd 84 MARYLAND Annapolis. 1 Hamilton, F. B. Hd59 Huntington, E. W .PK64 Fort McHenry Kearny, G. H. Tin 66 Hawley, Martin Hm 51 Miller, Oliver D48 380 Madison av. Hill, C. E. D71 Baltimore. 43 Lexington. Anderson, W. H. H. G63 Keighler, J. C. Hv62 86 N. Charles. 55 Second. Brandt, H. C. G. Hm72 ♦Kennedy, Thomas Y45 390 Druid Hill IV. ♦McKim, W. D. Hv52 Campbell, J. P. U75 ♦Marshall, W. M. L . Bd 51 Carroll, S. S. Y46 Micks, H. R. rn75 37 Mt. Vernon pi. 3 N. Liberty. Carter, B. M. PK82 Mitchell, B. J. W 5(? 376 Eutaw pi. 319 Carey. Carter, C. H. PK82 Ferryman, E. G. PK55 376 Eutaw pi. 197 W. Lombard. j Carter, J. R. PK83 Preston, J. A. P K 55 376 Eutaw pi. 19 Lexington. Coxe, E. C. G71 Round, J. E. Md 55 4 North av. c. Fulton aiid Edmond- Donaldson, S. C. Hv41 son av. 1 54 W. Madison Shepard, Thomas Bd65 Freeman, S. H. R 75 36 S. Greene. Johns Hopkins ' Univ. Smith, B. E. Am 77 Gilman, D. C. Y52 50 McCullough 81 Saratoga. Smith, J. D. Y47 Griswold, B. H. PK66 75 Park av. 358 Park av. Stockbridge,Hen'yAm45 55 St. Paul 1 Sullivan, F. R. P K 66* 1 Law Building, St. Paul. Tiffany, G. P. Hv 48 27 German. Wilson, Franklin Bn 41 Edmondson av. ♦Wilson, W. T. Bn 39 Baltimore Co. Lawrence, R. H. G 47 Druid Hill av. (Ex- tended) Brookville. Hutton, Hobart G 69 Cecilion. Chase, B. W. Md 64 Chestertown. ♦Slay, J. 0. Y 59 Ellicott City. Hazlehurst, G. B. P K 77 Southgate, E. M. G 67 Frederick City. -Ely, C. W. Y 62 Frostiurgh. ♦Greene, W. A. Bn 63 Geographical Distribution in I J (0. 571 aienriUe. Smith, \l. C. K 59 Gainesville, Florida Govansioivn. Lyman, D. Y.. CI 40 Ilagersioxcn. Kennedy, Frank P K 68 Hilton. Pitts, C. H. P K r,5 P. O. Rider, Md. IHscaiaway . *Lyles, D. B. Y 57 Prince George's Co. Meloy, W. A. Y 54 48 C, Washington, D.C. Reisterstown. Hall, K. C. IJn4] Towsontoivn. Slingluff, C. B. Y 50 Woodberry. Hooper, G. G. P K (!<; c. St. Paul and Lex- ington, Baltimore Ahiyxjion. Pierce, J. M. D 6G *Ward, J. L. H. Am 59 Acton. Allen, L. E. W 74 Ameshiiry. *Stone, W. P. Am 04 Amherst. Bliss, H. S. Am . Burgess, Frederick Bn ' Crowell, E. P. Am Dickinson, Edward Am ) Dickinson, W. A. Am Emerson, B. K. Am ♦French. T. F. Am Greene, F. W. Am *Hitchcock, Edward Am ■ Hitchcock, Edward Am ■ Hitchcock, Ed. , Jr. Am ♦Humphrey, H. M. Am ♦Humphrey, Leonard Am ♦Kingsbury. Howard Y ♦Linnell, N. S. . Am ♦Miller, S. F. An Neill, H. H. An ♦Reed, W. B. Am Richardson, H. B. Am ♦Spencer, J. L. .\i ♦Tomson, Truman .Viii MASSACHUSETTS. Andover. Bancroft, C. F. P. D 60 Gleason, G. L. D 61 Hincks, E. Y. Y 66 * Johnson, Osgood D 52 Kimball, Joseph .Vm 57 Mills, C. S. Am 82 Morton, Marcus Bn 38 Penniman, H. M. Bn 74 Phelps, Austin Am 38 82 nopes, \v . 1^. tiv ^d 73 53 Arlington. 84 Hardy, J. H. D 70 50. 23 Court, Boston 65 ♦Smith, S. A. Hv 49 49 82 Arlington Heights. 45 Anable, F. S. W 72 49 FitchburgR.R. Freight 78 Office, Boston 42 Ashbnrnham. 46 Lane, F. R. D 81 63 8 Grant pi., Washing- 43 ton, D.C. 48 r>G . Ashland. 37 Pierce, G. C. 1) 63 69 4H Athol. (;2 Blake. G. F. 1) S3 Aiihurndale. Clark, A. F. PK 75 145 Franklin, Boston Cutler. Calvin . D 56 Cutler. S. L. Am 85 Kelly, A. W. Am 79 Ayer. Holmes, H. M. Am 60 Belmont. Brown, J. M. Hv 63 Of Little, Brown & Co., Boston Berlin. Shattuek, E. C. Am .50 Beverly. Morgan, D. P. Bn 69 Morse, J. T.. Jr. Hv 60 . Beverly Farms. Loring, C. W. II v 39 17 Pemberton sq., Best. Keding, C. W. Bn 37 Blnckstone. Browu. H. A. Bn 71 Bolton. 1) s3,*Holnuin, H. W. Hv 48 572 Geographical Distribution in A J . 573 Grow, K. S. Ilv ( 132 Marlborough. Cirinnc'll, C. E. Ilv ( 58 Court. *Grout, Alfrod Y , Guild, H. E. Ilv Roslindale V. O. ♦Guild, S. E. Ilv Hadley, E. J. Cn 1714 Tremont. *Hale, Ak'xandor Ilv Hale, G. S. Hv 39 Court. *Hale, J. A. Hv Hale, J. L. G I St. James av. *Hale, Nathan Hv *Hand, F. A. W Harlow, E. A. W. Hv 34 Harrison av. Harrington, Sam'l Am ( * Harris, J. B. Y Haven, Franklin Hv 97 Mt. Vernon. Hay ward, C. C. Am 15 Sears' Building *; lay ward, Charles Hv Higginson, F. L. Hv 44 State. Higginson, H. L. Hv 44 State. Hinkley, C. K. Bd II Bowdoin. Hobbs, G. M. Hv 17 Milk. Holmes, O.AY., Jr. Hv 35 Court. Homer, J. W. W 59 Winthrop. Hubbard, J. M. Y 27 Kilby. Ilubbell, J. H. PK 5 Pemberton sq. Hutchinson, W. S. Bd Jackson, C. C. \\\ ■to Water. 63 *Kelley, E. A. 1) 66 Kimball, F. E. Am 76 (;2 CareH.H. AVhite>.^('o. Kingsbury, G. H. Bd 45 r.3 95 Milk. so *Lamb, C. D. II V 61 Lfach. J. E. Bn 74 39 40 Water. 71 Lee, Joseph 96 Beacon. Hv83 48 Leland, G. A. Am 74 44 21 St. James av Loring, C. G. Hv 48 57 1 Mt. Vernon pi 60 Loring, F. C. 37 Mt. Vernon. Hv.63 38 Lothrop, T. K. Hv49 67 2 Pemberton sq. 41 *Lowell, C. R. Hv54 Lyman, Arthur Hv 83 62 Lyman, A. T. Hv53 54 16 Mt. Vernon. 57 Mason, A. L. 265 Clarendon. Hv63 42 Mason, H. C. 13 Chauncy. Hv62 37 Means, J. 0. Bd43 63 81 Mt. Pleasant av. *Merrill. J. C. Hv42 55 *Mifflin, B. C. Hv 62 Mifflin, G. H. Hv 65 66 85 Marlborough Milliken, A. N. Am m 50 15 Asliburton pi Morgan, M. H. Hv 81 61 3 Pemberton sq *Morse, M. L. Bd46 72 Morton, Edwin 16 Union Park Hv 55 59 Nichols, Frederick Hv 83 2 Joy. 56 *Nourse, J. F. Y43 Osgood, E. L. D 67 Bn 67 67 Of J. 0. Osgood & Co. 63 Paine. \\. T. 46 Mt. ^'ernon. Hv 82 Parker, F. E. Hv II 42 Court. Parkman, (J. F. Hv 44 33 Beacon. *Peck, G. W. Bn 37 ^Perkins, J. A. Hv 57 ^Perkins, II. S. Hv 64 ►Perkins, S. G. II v 56 Peters, W. C. PK 48 35 Congress. Plumb, A. H. Bn 55 115 Seaver, Hoxbury Porter, C. B. Hv 62 5 Arlington. Post, Abner Y 66 581 Tremont. Prescott, O. S. PK 44 22 Staniford. Preston, J. AV. Am 39 27 Hereford. Rand, E. G. Am 81 167 Washington. Reed, G. M. Am 62 27 Court. Reese, W. J. Md 76 91 AVater. Reynolds, Edward Hv 81 7 Park sq. I^ynolds, J. P. Hv 45 7 Park sq. Richardson, J. B. Y) 57 20 Court. Robeson, WMl. , Jr. H v 64 40 State. Robie. H. A. Cn 82 Navy Y'ard Robinson, Wm. Md 65 96 Tremont. "Ropes, Henry Hv 62 Ropes, J. C. Hv 57 40 State. Rowe, G. II. M. I) 64 Cit3% Hospital Russell, T. H. Hv 43 Brazer's B'ld'g.. State. 574 Geog7'aphical Distributioii in i J RusselL W. G. Hv 40 35 Court. Sanders, O. B. Am 78 511 Columbus av. *Sanford, Baalis Am 45 Sanford, B. G. Md 74 36 Bromfield. Sargent, W. A. Am 79 Care Hvde & Dickinson Saunderson, G. W. D 77 82 Devonshire. Scaife, L. L. Y 70 23 Court. Sears, P. H. Hv 44 13 Pemberton sq. Shattuck, G. 0. Hv 51 35 Court. *Shaw, J. C. Hv 40 Shaw, S. S. Hv 53 14 Pemberton sq. Shepard, E. O. Am 60 27 Equitable Building Shepard, L. D. Am 62 100 Boylston. , Soule, A. L. Hv 46 5 Fairfield. Sowdon, A. J. C. Hv 57 6 Somerset. Stetson, J. G. Bd 54 42 Highland. Stevens, H. A. Am 57 Brighton Dist. Sturgis, R. C. Hv 81 19 Exchange pi. Temple, W. F., Jr. D 77 *Thayer, W. S.. Hv 50 Thomas, J. B., Jr. Md 70 22 Eastern av. Tower, F. E. Am 60 Allston Station Towle, G. M. Y 61 P.O. Box 3338 Train, Gorham .Am 52 16 Centre. *Treat, A. O. W 63 Tucker, AV. L. Hv 65 98 Beacon. Tuttle, W. H. H. W 72 53 Devonshire. Walley, W. P. Hv 64 40 State. Ware, D. E. Hv 52 237 Marlborough. Warner, A. E. Am 61 Warren, E. P. Hv 83 67 Mt. Vernon. Warren, Fiske Hv 84 67 Mt. Vernon. Warren, J. C. Hv 63 58 Beacon. Washburn, H. L. Y 68 7 Exchange pi. Wells, Samuel Hv 57 31 Pemberton sq. Wheeler, Charles D 60 31 Milk. Wiggin, E. R. D 48 Hotel Vendome Williams, Henry Hv 37 18 Concord sq. Williams, H. B. Hv 65 31 Milk. Williamson, W. C. Hv 52 46 Court. Wright, W. B. D 57 163 W. Canton. Bradford. Chadwick, H. E. D 58 * Johnson, Luther D 47 Kimball, N. T. D 61 Braintree. Johnson, H. A. Hv 44 27 Kilby, Boston Brewster. Dawes, Thomas Hv 39 Bridfjeivater. Boyden, A. C. Am 76 Boyden, W. C. Am 83 Crane, J. E., Jr. Bn 72 * Schneider, J. H. Y 60 fBri/jhton. Warren, B. W. W 85 Brimfield. Cooper, C. H. D 77 "Morse, Jason Am 45 Brockton. Jones, A. T. Y 58 White, Jonathan Y 44 Brookjield. Chapin, C. S. Md 80 ''Lyon, W. H. Am 51 Brookline. Amory, Arthur Hv 62 Longwood Amory, C. W. Hv 63 60 State, Boston Amory, Robert Hv 63 Blake, Stanton Hv 57 N. E. Mut. Life Ins. Co., Boston Cabot, E. T. Hv 83 Cabot, H. B. Hv 83 Henck, J. B. Hv 40 *Pierce, James Hv 49 Stanwood, Edward Bd 61 t)ffice Daily Advertiser, Boston Talbot, T. H. Bd 46 28 School, Boston. Trull, W. B. Bn61 White, W. O. Hv 40 ■\Camh ridge. Allen, A. V. G. K 62 6 Ash. ♦Barker, I. B. Bn 61 Buck, C. W. Am 55 Burdett, G. A. Hv 81 26 Garden. t Part of the Boston Post Office. Geographical Distribution in I J (l>. 575 BurruKc, W. AV. II v r.C. M;? School, Boston Chapman, J. E. Bd 77 GO Brattk'. Choato, C. F. IIv 4i) 153 Brattle. ♦Clarke, E. H. Hv 41 *Cutler, E. J. Hv 53 * Davis, C. F. Ilv (U Dunbar, C. F. IIv 51 U Highland. Eliot, C. W. Hv 53 Quinc'v. Eustis, II. L. Hv38 29 Kirkland. Fessenden, S. D. Bd 78 51 Dana. Gibbs, H. B. W 71 174 Putnam av., Cam- bridgeport *Glover, Sam'l, Jr. Bn39 Herrick, W. A. D 54 33 School, Boston Hildreth, J. L. D 64 1(5 Garden. Hill, A. S. Hv53 Reservoir st. Lane, G. M. Hv 46 398 Harvard. Lane, G. M., Jr. Hv 81 398 Harvard. Langdell, C. C. Hv51 37 Quincy. Ludlow, J. B. Hv 81 9 Linden. Manning, W. H. Hv 82 42 Quincy. Munroe, C. W. Hv 47 Kirkland. Newell, K. R. Hv 65 60 Congress, Boston Putnam, George Hv 54 35 Court, Boston Read, C. C. Hv (14 27 State. Road, John Hv 62 Appleton. Sargent, D. A. Bd 75 2 Holmes pi. Suter, J. R. Hv 81 12 Story. Taussig, F. W. Hv 79 Thayer, J. B. Hv 52 16 Holmes pi. Thorndike, S. L. IIv 52 27 Court, Boston Ware, Henry Hv 43 8 Berkeley. Warner, H. E. Hv 82 67 Sparks Whitney, J. D. Y 39 12 Oxford. Worcester, Franklin D 70 23 and 25 Brattle sq. t Cambridgepoii,. Kendall, Joshua Hv 53 Noon, Alfred Md 69 3 Williams. t Charlestown. Dillingham, Pitt D 73 61 High. Gage, A. P. D 59 23 Albion pi. Rand, Stephen T> 63 106 Chelsea. t Chelsea. Bosson, A. D. Bn 75 5 Court, Boston Nason, C. P. H. W 62 23 Clarke av. Smith, E. R. Am 76 12 Second. Chestnut mil. Lowell, G.E. Hv83 Lowell, John Hv 43 2 Pcmberton sq., Bost. Chicopee. Brownell, W. G. R 77 Clarke, J. T. D 58 Dickinson, W. E. Am 55 Clinton. Bowers, C. M. Bn 38 Cohasset. Yager, Granville Md 66 Co7icord. Emerson, Charles Hv 63 Fuller, B. A. G. Bd .39 Grout, H. M. W 54 Sanborn, F. B. Hv 55 ♦Simmons, C F. Hv 41 Tileston, J. B. Hv 55 Dedham. Beach, S. C. Un 63 ♦Burgess, E. P. Am 52 ♦Carroll, C. W. D 59 Quincy, H. P. Hv 62 ♦Shorey,F. H. D58Hv58 Weld, S. M. Hv 60 Williams, G. F. D 72 209 AVashington, Bost. Deerfield. "Clapp, A. I). Am 65 t Dorchester. Abbe, F. R. Y 48 ♦Choate, Rufus, Jr. Am 55 Emerson, N. W. Bd 80 Hooker, C. H. W 71 Ashmore Station Reed, J. H. D 54 16 Pemb'ton sq.. Bost. Smith, W. H. L. D 45 Don (J lass. Dow, W. W. D 61 Duxbury. ♦Bradford, George Hv 51 fEast Boston. Brooks, C. G. Am 68 1 Saratoga pi. t Part of tlie Boston Post Oflicc. 576 Geographical Distribution in A J (P. Stover, J. W. Md 67 108 Trenton. East Bridgeicaier. Field, C. E. Bn 75 Sanford, Abbott Am 77 Easthani. Bowler, Frank Am 76 EastJiainpto7i. Buffum, C. A. Am 75 Demond, C. M. W 81 Fairbanks, J. W. Am GG Sawyer, J. H. Am Go Seelye, S. T. Hd -t3 AVright, K. M. Am 44 East Meclway. *Jameson, A. O. Hv 81 Easton. Homes, Francis Am 48 East Whatehj. *Dane, M. B. Am 70 Edgariou-n. ♦Coffin, F. W. Bn 41 Fairhaven. *Hosford, Charles D 59 Palmer, G. H. I) 45 Tripp, G. H. D 76 Fall River. Barker, Abram Bn 83 Borden, Sim., Jr. Bn 82 Burnham, Mich'el Am 67 Eddy, T. J. Am 77 Gallagher, C. W. Md 70 Hunt, E. W. R 73 Smith, I. N. Bn G8 Falmouth. Clarke, G. E. W 51 Craig, H. K. Bd 44 *Dimmick. W. F. W 60 Fitchhurgh. Graves, S- L. Am 70 Huling, R. G. Bn 69 *Snow, C. H. B. Hv 44 Gloucester. English, J. M. Bn 70 French, W. W. D 71 i ♦Garland, 0. W. Bd 78 ♦Hildreth, S. T. Hv 37 Rice, Stillman Am 56 ♦Smith, B. H. Bn 57 Tuckcrman, Gus. Hv 82 Goshen. ♦Williams, H. W. Am 66 Granhy. ♦Barton, H. R. Am 63 ♦Clark, W. B. Y 61 \ Great Barrington. Collins, A. C. Bn 78 Dewey, Justin W 58 Greenfield. ♦Bartlett, G- W. D 56 Blakeslee, Erastus Y 63 ♦Griswold, Whiting Am 38 Hardison, F. H. D 76 Grot on. Page, C. A. Bd 70 Hadley. ♦Cook,R. D. Am 43 ♦Curtis, J. S. Am 51 Hanover. ♦Wilder, J. E. Am 63 Haricich. Tobey, R. B. Am 77 Hatfield. Graves, Thaddeus Am 56 Harding, W. B. Y 67 Haverhill. Barnes, H. E. Y 60 Coffin, C. E. Md 83 Duncan, G. W. Bn 67 Rand, C. A. Hv 65 Seeley, R. H. Ub 39 Taylor, L. LeF. H. Md 76 Hingham. ♦Hersey, H. E. Hv 50 Lincoln, Arthur Hv 63 HoUiston. Adams, G. M. Am 44 Holyoke. Bott, J. W. W 83 Reed, A. F. D 71 Hudson. ♦Atkinson, G. E. D 77 Hyde Park. Lane, J. P. Am 57 Miner, H. B. Bn 64 ^Jamaica Plain. Clark, J. B. Am 58 Gerry, E. P. D 69 Gibson, J. T. D 64 Holmes, J. S. Hv 65 82 Water. Boston ♦Robeson. T. R. Hv 61 AYilliams, H. D. Bn 55 Of Williams & Everett, Boston Kingston. Peckham, Joseph Am 37 Lancaster. Brown, S. L. Md 79 Houghton, Edward Y 52 ♦Priest, S. C. Am 58 Laneshorough. ♦Newman, Charles W 51 P;irt of the Boston Post Office. Geographical Distribution in A J . S11 Lnicrence. SawyiT, \. V. 1) 7S Medford. Chickoriiifj, (i. K. D6G 2 Ash. Bond, A. T. W 73 *t'ordley, C. M. lid 44 Week.«, A. W. Md (-.7 Martin, W. P. lid SO Hood, (J. E. I) .51 (iO Andover. Morrill, W. (J. \\\\ s-2 Whitaker, N. T. Md (;5 Medicaij. *I'ratt. J. 1'. l$n iV.) Lynn. ♦Withington, W. S Am 41 Yoaw, Everett Cn82 Barton, Walter Am 5(; Melrose. Lee. m I'ark. Tolman, R. F., Jr Bn 75 Howland. L. S. Am 58 *Brvod, B. B. Am 5;'. ♦Breed, D. II. Am 57 Middlehoroiujh. Ia'jio.X. Hoole, J. L. Bd 40 (Jushman, W. E. I) 83 (ioodman, Kifhar 1. Jr. *Howland, Williaii Am4r. Grant, II. M. Ilm 62 Am G9 Moore, J. AV. Hd 50 I) (10 Leonard, C. M. Bn83 Rockwoll, R. C. Am 71 9 Park sq. Pease, F. A. D 82 *Sodgwifk. CharU' ..Jr. Newhall, H. M. Md 70 Willonghby, J. H . D 73 Hv 41 Newhall, I. A. Md fi5 Stewart, S. B. Bd57 Middlcton. Leominster. 8 Chase. ♦Stiles, F. 0. Am 56 I)e Bevoiso, G. H W57 Mnlden. Millhury. Lexi)i(jion. Copeland, G. W. Am 56 Ewell, J. L. Y 65 *Blodgett, James Hv41 Gay, Edward Am 50 Porter, E. G. W 58 Hv58 Reed, E. V. R. ¥50 Milton. Li iicol ii . Wellman, A. H. Am 78 Allard, J. W. D54 Whitcher, W. F. Md 71 Bancroft, J. C. Hv 54 * Wheeler, C. S. Hv37 Majjleivood. Sedgewick, H. D. Hv82 Littleion. Emerson, J. H. Md 70 Monson. Hartwell, Shattuck Hv 44 ♦Hammond, Chas. Am 44 LongmeaJou Goldthwait. W. C. Am 30 Marhlehead. Bailey, B. H. Hv 54 Nntick. Harding. J. W. Y 45 AViUiams, J. H. Am G8 \yebster, J. R. Hv 54 Storrs, R. S. Am 5;3 Afar ion. Xeir lied fori Longirond. Cole, W. T. BdSl Al)l)e, W. A.. Am 57 Lawrence, F. ^\ . Hv fil Caldwell, I). A. DOO Marlhoroufjh ♦Craig, Wheelock Bd43 Lowell. ♦Field, L. A. Am 4G Crapo, H. H. Hv 83 *Caverly, Z. B. 1)44 John.son, E. F. I)G4 Crap... W. W. Y 52 Conant, C. Ii. I) 71 28 State, Boston ♦Johnson, Henry Md 02 Greene, J. M. Am 5;$ Potter, W. J. Hv 54 ♦Kimball, L. S. D ♦Nichols, E. 1). p Pattingill, A. H. p Pattintjill. J. G. P MICH IG AX Slawson, K. \{. Wrifjrht, H. M. P 0:! Y 7:5 Bitj Rapid. 584 Geograpliical Distribution in A J 0. Humphrey, G. F. P K 85 1 Stowers, C. X. Md GO ! Granite Falls. Clark. C. E. Hd 62 Ha mi lion. *Stewart, D. F. R 72 Hamline. Bradlev, C. F. T) 78 Herman. Stevens, C. M. Mankato. "Champion, Henry Conant, L. L. Little. J. B. D 76 Y 60 D 79 Am 60 3finneapolis. Abbott, A. W. Eustis, W. H. Folwell, W. ^Y. Gates, F. T. Jackson, A. B. Norris, W. H. *0'Brien, E. W. Pratt, C. H. Rice, Daniel D68 Md 73 G 57 R 77 G 70 Y54 Y 72 Mh 56 Am 37 Rogers, H. W. P 74 Pennington, N. J. Savage, Edward D 60 Simmons, H. M. Hm 64 Snyder, C. R. Md 61 Wells, C. L. G 65 1010 Nicollet av. Wells, T. B. Y 59 ♦Williams, E. M. Y 64 Monticello. *Wakefield, L. E. Y 42 Morris. Phelps, Carrington Y 70 Sutherland. D. R. Y 73 Xortlifield. Pattee, W. S. Bd 71 Red Wing. Farnsworth, F. W. D 77 Hall, 0. M. W 68 *Hawley, A. B. G 52 Hewett, C. N. G 56 Watson. G. W. G 50 Watson, S. N. P K 82 St. Paul. Abbott, T. A. Hm 70 AUis, Frederick Y70 Bramhall, W. E. Cn 77 Breed, D. R. Hm 67 Cocker, H. R. P73 Drake, H. T. R81 Eaton, B. B. Bd67 Edwards, M. D. Hm70 Fogg. F. A. Bd 69 Gilfillan, C. D. Hm 53 Hodge, L. D. Y57 Johnson, R. W. Hm7G Matthews, D. A. P74 Sanborn, E. W. D 78 Skinner, J. H. Cn81 *Taylor, A. J. R 64 Wright, B. F. Un62 St. Peter. *Swift, H. A. Hd69 Scotland. Jewett, J. H. Hd 71 Hm 72 Stillwater. Murdock, H. R. W 54 ^Yinona. Hiscox, E. T. Mh 69 Aberdeen. McYoy, A. D. Carrollton. Tuttle, M. H. Clinton. Hillman. Walter Coluinhus. Sharp, J. H. "Tabb, W. H. Commerce. Abbav. R. F. Md 56 Y 63 Al 53 Cd CO Cd »S MISSISSIPPI. Fayette. Carradine. L. AY. *Duncan, Robert Greenville. *Penny, B. F. Meadville. *Lee. L. M. Y59 Mi 37 Xatcliez. Conner, H. L. Y49 Conner, W. G. Y 45 Fisk, S. W. Y 4(.) Kerr, W. H. Hv (12 Linton, S. D. Y46 Metcalf, Orrick 0.rford. Hill, G. R." Rodney. Griffing, D. C. Terrene. Stokes, J. F. Vickshurg. ^Harris, H. J. 'Patterson, Stephen Yazoo City. •Holt, R S. Y45 Cd58 D 73 Am 67 ]Mi 35 UbSB Mi 39 Geographical Distribution in A J 0. S^S Arrow Rock. Marmaduke, Vincent Y 52 Ashland. Cheavens, II. M. Y 50 Am 52 (\(rtha<)e. Williams, E. II. Am 7:5 Chillicothe. Moore, R. S. P 58 Columbia. More, E. C. Y 58 Glasgow. Swinney, J. O. Y 53 Hannibal. *Green, M. P. Mi 42 Hayward, James Am 73 Independence. ♦McCoy, John Mi 36 Jackson. Davis, L. H. Y GO Janesville. ♦Balch, C. L. Mh GO Joplin. Henrv, J. W. J) 78 Kansas City. Adams, C. W. R 76 Main, cor. Eleventh. Bonham, J. C. Mi 47 Cook, J. D. S. Un 59 Finney, E. E. W 75 N.E. corner Eleventh & Main. ♦French, John Am G6 Gage, J. C. D 56 Wales Building 38 MISSOURI. Hayes, H. W. R 81 IIent;ken, G. 1). Mh 75 121G Washington. Hodgman, E. R. II. I) GD Ingraham, C. M. K 74 7 Law Building Loring, R. P. .\m 74 I National Block Olin, H. B. R 79 1318 Central. Ross, J. A. Y 70 1320 Washington. Salisbury, S. W. (i 49 Wright, E. M. Y 65 Kimmswick. Monteith, John Y 56 Lathrop. Patch, Rufus Hd 41 Louisiana. Carkener, Stuart P GO McNutt. ♦Purnell, C. T. Y 54 Marshall. Vance, J. R. K 62 Mount Olive. McElhinney . J. AY . A m 72 Pattonville. Martin, Alexander 55 203 Pine, St. Louis Rolla. Perry, Elijah Bn 52 St. Joseph. Hall, W. P. Y 72 Wilder, D. W. IIv 56 White. H. K. Mh 60 St. Louis. Abbott, A. G. Am G5 Barnhart, L. W. P 64 With Adams & South- ern Express Co.'s Bennett, S. A. Hm 48 Brookes, J. H. Mi 53 3654 Pine. Buchanan, A. T. Am 68 120 N. Fourth. Causey, W. F. Y 55 417 Pine. Chandler, France P 54 Chapin, C. H. D 50 N. Wing, Court House ■ Chauvenet, William Y 40 Cochran, F. G. D 68 1729 AVashington av. Cook, F. E. W 68 1616 Clay av. ^Currier, E. H. D 69 Curtis, E. C. D 68 2700 Pine. Denison, George Am 55 517i Chestnut. Dillon, J. A. Hv 64 1523 Hickory. Dixon, B. Van B. Cn 70 3813 Washington av. Donaldson, W. H. K 68 717i Olive. ♦Douglass, Edwin Cn 70 Durkce, II. R. P 68 213 N. Third. Edgell, G. S. 1) 70 3400 Franklin av. Ellis, J. P. G G2 Y 62 1219 Grattan. Fiske, G. F. 714 Washington av. Fitch, C. W^ 1) 64 2806 State. Gordon, T. H. PK71 Oak Hill. S86 Geo8;ycipJiic<^l Distribution in I J 0. Guy, W. E. Mi 64 509 N. Third. ♦Harding, Chester Hv 47 Hart, H. C, Jr. K 68 | 1215 Washington av. j Judson, F. N. Y 66 417 Olive. Kellogg, S. B. Y 43 1233 Washington av. Kerr, R. T. Cd 60 *La Beaume, C. E. Hv 42 Martin, S. C. P 59 7611 Main. Moore, Robert Mi 58 102 N. Fourth. *Moore, R. C. Hm 56 Morgan, H. H. G 59 W 59 P. 0. Box 2422 Niedringhaus, T.K. Md 83 j c. Garrison and Frank- lin avs. j Pearce, J. L. Hv 63 2207 Lucas pi. Post, H. M. Y 61 I 3121 Lucas av. 1 Mi 87 Am 63 Cn76 Hm49 Bd71 Powell, F. S. Mi 64 l 602 N. Fourth. ♦Reber, Samuel Robbins, E. C. 3504 Lindell av Rueppele, H. A. 200 S. Main. *Sanders, R. DeF. Sanford, W. S. 1125 Washington av. Schofield, J. V. R 52 1223 Chambers. Semple, E. H. Y 64 2713 Washington av. Siebert, C. A. Am 72 506 Olive. Tatum, J. T. Y 59 2718 Dickson. Terry, I. C. Hd 61 Un 61 c. Olive and Fifth. Waterloo, Stanley P 69 2308 N. Eleventh. ♦Wells, H. G. Cn 72 Wilcox, Leonard D 65 Sixth and Locust. •"Wingate, John, Jr. Bd 55 Wright, A. W. Mi 67 D 67 Office St. Louis Globe- Democrat Sedalia. Shackelford, J. C. Y 54 Springfield. Howell, J. H. Mh 67 Morrison, N. J. D 53 Thrasher, C. W. D 56 Williams, W. H. Am 76 Walker. Hughes, J. A. D. D G9' Webster Groves. Moody, C. D. D 59 421 Olive, St. Louis Plant, Alfred Y 47 Windsor. Chappell, J. R. Hm 55 MONTANA TERRITORY Butte City. Foi-t Peck. Helena. McAndrew, ^neas Mh 75 Woodbridge, R. McC. Brewer, L. R. G63 Hd82 Duff, R. M. G61 Fort Assinaboine. Hooker, S. D. PK77 Perley, H. 0. P 73 Shepard, C. L. Bd71 Crete. Frisbie, W. R. Stearns, C. C. Fairbury. Merrill, H. D. Fremont. Millard, Alfred Y58 Y72 P61 Cn79 NEBRASKA. Harvard. Fornian, F. L. Kearney. Crissman, G. T. Lincoln. Ellis, C. B. Gregory, Lewis P76 Mi 60 Lyons. Lake, A. E. D72 K77 Y64 Nebraska City. |*Beebe, S. J. M. Hm 38 Ireland, F. P. Bd 72 Kinney, Brockway K 73 Geographical Distribution in .1 J tji. 587 Omaha. Brooks, I). C. P 56 ♦Buckingham, E. H. Y 73 ♦Hitchcock, P. W. W 55 *Horbach, G. L. Hm 50 Saunders, C. L. Cn81 Savage, J. W. Hv 47 Wakeley, A. C. Yost, C. E. Cn 78 PG8 Virginia City. Flint, J. N. y (51 rivm Creek. Bahhvin, A. S. MiG9 Wisner. Steele City. Abbott, A. A. D 71 Gary, J. K. p 59 Elko. •Whitney, H. O. NEVADA. Y6G Virginia City. Brown, J. K. Y 72 Amherst. Clark, J. H. Berliii Falls. Green, S. D. Boscawen. Yarretson, F. Y. D D 5: PfiO . Y66 Bristol. Holden, B. F. ]\rd 65 Canterbury. Emery, C. W. Claremont. Jarvis, William Colehrook. Baxter, A. F. Concord. * Alexander, S. J. Chandler, J. G. "Clarke, A. W. Coit, C. AY. Coit, J. M. Curtice, S. 0. Eastman, S. C. Evarts, Prescott Gould, F. H. Hill, J. F. D75 D 72 D73 D 63 D 82 D56 PK82 G65 Md85 Bn57 IIv 81 D 72 D 84 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Jenks, A. W. D 84 Merrill, E. A. Md 70 D 71 Merrill, J. W. Md 34 Patterson, J. N. D 60 Stevens, H. W. D 75 ♦Wheeler, J. T. G 59 Cotuvay Centre. Walker, S. W. Dover. Hall, Daniel Hough, H. H. Mosher, G. F. *Scates, C. W. Smith, Jeremiah East Jaffrey. "Bailey, F. W. East Lempster Hill, H. 0. East Unity. Paul, John Epping. Spaulding, F. W. Exeter. Gardner, J. E. ■Haselton, ]\r. K. 'Lowe, Charles Hv47 Soule, N. E. Hv45 Fnrmington Hill, D. C. D 60 e. Bd84 D54 D75 Bd 69 Hv38 Hv56 D 62 Un 73 D47 Bd 72 Hv56 D57 Fishersville. Woodward, Harvey Md 69 Gilmanton. ♦Cogswell, W. S. D 48 McCutchins, F. M. D 76 Moore, E. G. D 80 Great Falls. Quimby, C. E. D 74 Groton. ♦Heath, W. S. D 58 Ifamj^stead. ♦Ordway, D. H. D 52 Hanover. Bartlett, W. A. D 82 Chase, Frederic D 60 Dewey, C. G. D 81 Duncan, W. H. D 30 Emerson, C. F. D 68 Hitchcock, C. H. Am 56 ♦Howe, C. H. W. D 78 ♦Neal, J. P. D 66 588 Geogra-phical Distribution in A J . Quimby, E. T. D 51 Quimby, W. P. D 82 Kice, T. B. R. D 75 Ruggles, E. R. D 59 Harrisville. Dunlap, G. H. D 73 Haverhill. Barstow, John D 83 Henniher. Modica, F. B. D G5 Hill. Stackpole, G. D. D 66 Hillshoroiigh. Bowler, J. A. Md 77 Hinsdale. Hamilton, H. H. Am 68 Hollis. Proctor, T. W. D 79 23 Court, Boston Smith, J. R. D 79 Worcester, Franklin D 70 23 and 25 Brattle sq., Cambridge, Mass. Hudson. *Gage, N. H. Am 66 Hudson Centre. Smith, H. L. D 82 Keene. Day, F. L. Bn 85 *Faulkner, F. A. Hv 46 Laconia. Abbott, A. W. D 67 Thurston, C. A. G. Bn 66 Lake Village. Gate, C. E. Md 76 D 76 ♦Sanborn, A. P. D 77 Lancaster. Ladd, Fletcher D 84 Ladd, W. S. D 55 Lebanon. Robins, J. E. Md 68 Spring, A. L. D 80 8 Allston, Boston, Mass. Spring, C. W. D 80 Westgate, E. W. D 60 Lisbc Foster, J. L. D64 Littleton. McLaughlin, G. A. Md' ^Wilson, A. B. Md67 Lyndehorough. *Spaulding, A. B. D 72 Manchester. Davis, W. V. W. Am 73 Drake, F. J. D *Estey, A. P. D Graham, G. W. D *Hiland, Frank D How, L.B. D Norris, K. F. Am Perry, S. S. D Smith, I. W. D Smith, W. I. D Wilson, N. H. D Meriden. Barrows, Nathan Hd 50 Palmer, C. M. D 62 Milford. Piper, H. H. D 76 Nashua. Alvord, A. E. Am 84 Clarke, J. G. Hv 44 Cook, L. D. D 82 Hammond, C. B. D 77 Harris, W. J. Y 56 Kimball, E. G. D 81 Parker, J. B. D 69 *Thompson, S. A. D 76 Netv Ipswich. Jones, F. W. D 69 Newport. Britton, G. W. D 65 McCrillis, John D 83 Nettleton, F. H. D 84 North Conway. Mason, W. E. Bd 82 Ossipee. * Ambrose, T. L. Bd 56 Ossipee Centre. *Marston, S. S. D 55 Oxfordville. Pratt, T. C. Am 57 65 Pittsfield. 75 *French, Scott D59 81 Hill, G. E. Y46 69 60 Plymouth. 73 Balch, E. B. D83 80 743 Lexington av ,N.Y. 46 City 80 70 Portsmouth. Haven, A. H. Hv 58 *Haven, H. A. Hv42 50 *Mathes, E. N. D54 Rindge. Norcross, A. F. D 78 Shelburne. *Howe, Richerand D 55 Stratford. *Caswell, S. S. Bd 64 Stratham. Batchelder, J. S. W 52 Geographical Distribution in A J (fi. 589 Thoriiion. ♦Fish, E. D. Bn 37 Til ton. Roger?, J. W. D83 Sanborn, John MdoD Union Village Sargent, W. E. J) Si Wakefield. Thompson, A. H. Am 72 Walpole. AUlrich, G. T. 1) 81 743 Lexington av. , N. Y. City Allen, F. L. D 74 Hay ward, F. M. D 80 Westmorela7id. Mason, J. B. I) 71 Winchester. Burbank, A. M. D G8 ■Pratt, H. F. D 69 Alpint Colt, O. B. Md 77 Arlington. Messiter, G. N. Mh 75 55 Broadway, N. Y. City Bayonne. Dilks, J. B. Md 78 Kissam, B. T. CI 38 59 William, N.Y. City Bergen Point. Man, E. A. S. Y 65 115 Broadway, N. Y. City Woodward, J. L. Mh 72 Boonton. Appleton, J. P. Mh 59 Jenkins, G. W. Y 70 Morristown, N. J. Lathrop, M. E. Ub 39 Smith, W. A. Mh 68 Bound Brook. La Monte, G. M. Md 84 Burlington. Hills, G. H. PK84 Hills, G.M. PK47 Hills, J. D. PK78 Camden. Marcy, A.M. Am 59 NEW JERSEY. Sheppard, J. H. Westcott, J. V/. R65 Y72 Chester. Ferry, E. S. Md 78 Clarkshurgh. Jemison, Charles W 55 63 Lexington av., N. Y. City Deckertown. Chambers, T. F. Mh 68 Stiles, W. A. Y 59 East Orange. Atwood, E. S. W 63 242 South, N. Y. City Bishop, G. S. R 58 Am 58 Colie, E. M. Mh 73 Redden, W. D. R 51 Eatontoivn. Kimball, W. S. Hm 51 Elizabeth. Dix, W. R. Mh 74 140 Nassau, N. Y. City Hazeltine, M. W. Hv 62 Howe, Augustus, Jr. Cn75 7 Warren, N. Y. City McAllister, F. M. Bn 53 Storm, A. S. W 70 133 Front, N. Y. City Englewood. ♦Chester, C. T. Y 45 Collins, C. A. Bn 76 Dana, W. B. Y 51 ^Dwight, J. H. Y 62 Martin, B. E. Mh 59 Morse, J. 0. Hm 36 76 John, N. Y. City Sherwood, J. D. Y 39 Stanley, William Y 52 158 Broadway, N. Y. City Fort Lee. Androus, G. P. P 46 174 Pearl, N. Y. City Freehold. Chambers, A. G. Mi 53 Hackensack. HoUey, W. W. PK 61 Hopper, J. W. Mh 76 Ilacketistown. Freeman, A. M. Md 80 Gerard, Joseph Md 82 Hammond, A. O. Md 65 Waldo, C. A. Md 75 Whitney, G. H. Md 58 Iladdonfield, •"Hudson, C. F. Hd 42 Kimball, C. W. D 64 33 S. Second, Phila., Pa. 590 Geographical Distribution m A J Hoholien. Cannon, C. K. Y 67 ♦Dreyer, C. G. A. Un 64 Jersey City. Davis, H. S. G 65 260 Montgomery. *Eldridge, J. M. Y 63 Holbrook, G. J. P 71 141 Montgomery. *Keese, S. T. Y 60 Kingsbury, 0. A. Y 60 54 Clinton av. Newbold, M. T. Y 65 Ransom, E. A. Md 71 324 Seventh. Talcott, William W 65 81 Montgomery. Jersey City Heights. Brigham, L. A. Hm 49 158 Broadway, N. Y. City Jobstown. Shreve, S. B. Y65 Leonia. Christie, Cornelius Y 55 Linden. Smyth, G. B. Madison. Aikman, Robert Matawan. Jacobus, Charles MetucTien. Marshall, A. W. Y43 G64 D 46 Midland Park. Halbert, N. A. Hm 42 99 Nassau, N. Y. City Mont Clair. Allen, G. S. K 59 51 W. Thirty-seventh, N. Y. City Bull, W. L. Mh 64 P. O. Box 3343, N. Y. City Hawes, A. P. Mh 78 13 W. Thirty-second, N. Y. City ^Hawes, G. E. Mh 57 Hawes, J. B. Mh 65 Knowlton, M. R. Mh 68 94 Front, N. Y. City ^Rogers, E. P. CI 40 Wilson, C. H. Mh 77 74 E. One Hundred and Twenty-eighth, N. Y. City Wilson, J. H. Y 68 97 and 99 Nassau, N.Y. City Morris Plains. Smith, E. E. D 68 Morristoivn. Mills, Alfred Y 47 Randolph, J. F. Y 62 31 Montgomery, Jersey City Roberts, J. S. Mh 57 State Asylum ♦Sanborn, Wm. H. Un 64 Twining, Kinsley Y 53 The IndepeJident, N.Y. City Wood, J. B. Y 65 Netherwood. Talmadge, H. P. Mh 67 P. O. Box 2966, N. Y. City Newark. ♦Brayton, George Am 66 Church, M. De Y. Md 75 13 Murray. Condit, A. P. Y 50 251 Broad. Conger, H. N., Jr. CI 85 Evans, J. S. Ub 36 Woodside FewSmith, Joseph Y 40 15 Washington. Flichtner, G. F. Am 67 384 Sussex av. Gleason, W. H. Y 52 16 Walnut. Gleason, W. S. Am 85 16 Walnut. Hobart, Frederick Mh 60 73 Broadway, N. Y. City Hubbell, G. W. Hm 67 800 Broad. Joy, E. L. R 56 152 and 154 Front. Keasbey, A. Q. Y 43 26 Stratford pi. Merwin, A. B. Y 57 25 Hill. Rambaut, T. D. CI 81 10 Washington pi. Rankin, W. M. AV 79 751 High. Schuyler, C. B. G 62 Central Hotel Snow, J. C. Mi 58 Spencer, Armon Hd 47 ♦Thayer, H. W. Y 62 Topham, J. L. Md 63 239 Broadway, N. Y. City Ward, W. H. Am 56 Abington av. Whiton, J. M. Y 53 22 Centre. New Brunswick. Gates, M. E. R 70 Newton. Mofifett, W. H. G 59 Shay, A. R. Md 72 Geographical Distribution in A J 591 Orange. Bayles, F. S. Mh 84 *Beede, J. M. Md 72 Browning, C. R. Cn 83 ♦Fessenden, H. P. CI 37 Ub 36 Smith, A. D. Mh 62 87 Leonard, N. Y. City Sweetser, Samuel Mh 64 Pier 11 N. River, N. Y. City *Trippe, J. M. Mh 62 Oxford. Brigham, D. F. Am 68 Passaic. ♦Torrance, J. S. Hm 42 Paterson. Bourne, ShearjashubY49 197 Ellison. Pennington, William Y 60 Little Falls Road Reynolds, J. H. P 76 VanDerwort,C.F. Md82 Pennington. Jackson, F. A. Md 81 Rogers, H. W. Hra 73 Plainfield. Dodge, F. N. Mh 65 Y 66 200 Fulton, N. Y. City Leonard, O. B. R 61 Leonard, W. J. R 62 Marsh, C. A. Un 76 Morrison, F. H. K 75 Raymond, A. VanV.Un 75 Rhees, B. R. Am 83 Runyon, F. W. Cn 83 Tweedy, Frank Un 75 Wadsworth, L. F. P K 44 West, C. S. W 67 27 Park pi., N.Y. City Pluckemin. Parry, Samuel, Jr. Y 68 Pompion Plains. Whitehead, J. H. W 69 Princeton. *Dod, W. A. Ub 36 Lynde, C. R. Y 44 Moffat, J. C. Mi 35 Morrison, Robert Mi 75 Rockwood.C. G.,Jr.Y64 Young, C. A. D 53 Rah ivay. ♦French, J. P. Am 59 Morss, J. R. PK47 Van Antwerp,W. H. G 58 Ridgefield. Shaler, I. A. Mb 83 Roselle. Andrew, J. F. Md 76 Shrewsbury. Wilson, Thaddeus Am 43 Somerville. McConaughy, Nathaniel Hd52 South Orange. Mason, F. A. Mh 55 Stelton. Stelle, W. H. R 67 245 Broadway, N. Y. City Summit. Flagg, W. L. D 63 Grand Hotel, N.Y. City Libby, A.F. Bd 64 55 White, N. Y. City Robbins, C. A. Bd 64 Trenton. Brown, J. N. ♦Clark, J. H. Grosvenor, G. S. Slade, F. J. Steves, 0. P. Vernon. Ely, Alfred 161 Broadway, City Vienna. Petty, R. D. Vineland. ♦Car ruth, Uri Egbert, J. L. Washington. Hann, A. P. WTiippayuj. Allen, A. L. Danville, N. J. Woodside. Gordon, J. S. K. 369 Broadway, City NEW MEXICO TERRITORY. Hudson's Hot Sprijigs. King, I. H. Hd 75 Las Vegas. Robbins, G. S. Hra 76 Santa Fd. Cauldwell, A. B. Cn 73 San Francisco Davis, Samuel K 73 P.O. Turquoise City Ladd, H. 0. Md78 Mi 67 Am 58 Mh 61 Un 62 Am 74 N. Y. Md83 Hm50 K72 Md 79 Md61 G 68 N.Y. Bd59 Silver City. Warner, J. D. P 74 592 Geographical Disti'ibuiioii in A J Adams. Hopper, A. MacG. Hm 50 Albatiy. Babcock, Robert R 31 State. Bassett, A. B. W 81 242 Hamilton. Bassett, F. J. Un 77 341 State. *Bencler, G. C. Un 77 Bender, Mattbew Un 66 81 Clinton av. Bigelow, J. M. W 66 11 Madison pi. Bothwell, J. L. Un 62 109 Jefferson. Bristol, G. W. Un 71 3 Park pi. Chamberlain, Frank G 49 270 Hamilton. Cooper, P. F. G 44 10 Elk. Craig, J. D. Un 80 12 Ten Broeck. Dexter, Newton Un 73 254 Madison av. Durant, William Y 68 309 Clinton av. Edgerton, C. S. ' Md 70 5 Museum Building Frazer, G. K. Hm 83 8 Martin av. Gardiner, C. A. Hm 80 66 Eagle. Gates, L. E. R 83 230 State. Goewey, W. D. Mh 77 142 Hudson av. Goold, C. B. Am 79 Eagle. *Gray, W. F. Un 70 Harris, Frederick Un 75 29 N. Pearl. NEW YORK. Haskell, G. F. Cn 80 133 N. Pearl. Hill, E. D. Un 76 324 Broadway Hilton, G. P. Am 81 105 Lancaster. Holmes, S. Van V. W 83 91 Lancaster. Hoy, W. A. Hm 83 59 Dove. Leonard, J. H. CI 85 Paine, C. M. Hm 84 105 State. Paine, H. S. Hm 78 105 State. Paine, N. E. Hm 74 Parsons, J. D. Un 79 28 First. Parsons, J. D., Jr. Un 67 28 First. Peck, C. H. Un 59 61 Dove. Pratt, H. Z. Un 84 P. O. Drawer 160 King, H. M. Bd 59 Kirtland, James PK 70 69 State. LaGrange, Worthington W68 13 High. Learned, W. L. Y 41 298 State. Littlefield, H. C. Un 66 231 Madison av. McCredie,Thos.,Jr. Un78 31 Clinton av. Martin. C. G. Hm 83 100 Clinton av. Mather, F. G. D 67 Stanwix Hall Morrow, S.R. Bn 70 Y 70 48 Lancaster. Nash, E. W. Hm 83 27 Ten Broeck. Newman, W. P. Un 76 P. O. Box 9 Rawson, E. K. Y 68 45 High. Read, J. M., Jr. Bn 58 Rockwell, L. H. Un 65 194 Elm. Rudd, W. P. Un 73 123 Hamilton. Smythe, AV. H. Un 76 63 Ten Broeck. Spoor, C. T. F. W 65 ' 26 N. Pearl. Stanton, B. I. Un 73 29 N. Pearl. Stanton, H. C. Un 67 85 Ten Broeck. Stickney, M. W. Un 74 P. 0. Box 148 *Street, A. B. Hm 43 Templeton, C. B. Un 84 14 Lancaster. Thomas, H. L. Un 81 P. O. Box 147 Townsend, Howard Hv 80 31 Elk. Townsend, S. Van R. Hv 82 TVackerhagen, P. M. Am 81 756 Broadway Wooster, E. B. W 75 Un 75 1 Englewood pi. Altona. Palmer, C. G. Cn 75 Amenia. Hunt, H. H. R 76 Isbell, Herve R 81 Robbins, T. H. Y 68 Geographical Distribution in A J (P. 593 Aonsierdnm. Baldwin, C. H. W 63 Fagan, W. T. R 55 Gardiner, L.Y., Jr. W 84 Kline, P. H. Un 81 Kline, W. J. Un 72 -Taylor, G. H. 1) 02 Thomas, J. M. Un 72 Warwick, J. K. G 59 Angelica. Richardson, D. P. Y 56 Smith, F. S. Y 72 Warner, A. J. PK42 Apalachin. Bramhall, C. O. Md 80 Astoria. Harison, R. M. G 52 110 Broadway, N. Y. City ♦Stead, B. F. Ub 39 Baldwinsville. Greene, J. F. Un 79 Round, R. J. Md 72 Ballston Spa. Olney, A. R. Un G7 Barryiowii. Bostwick, E. B. G 08 Batavia. Clement, A. G. R 82 Bath. Gibbs, A. L. Un 70 Miller, M. R. Hm 68 Belfast. Auburn. Brainard, John Brainard, J. M. *Eldred, N. B. S. Fitch, H. B. Giles, C. M. Hopkins, W. R. *Nisbet, William Osborne, T. M. Pomeroy, T. M. Porter, Lansing Rathbun, G. O. Richardson, F. W Robinson, W. II. ♦Sherwood, J. S. Snow, B. B. ♦Underwood, Geo. PK51 PK84 G4G WG2 Hm70 Hm71 G54 Hv84 Hm 42 Hm38 Hm45 . PK84 Y 72 Hm 40 Hm50 Hm 38 Ford, C. M. Hm85 Axirora. ^Parmelec, D. L. Hm 51 Au Sable Forks. Bragdon, C. A. G 73 Belleville. Comfort, M. B. R 01 Bellona. Goldsmith, B. M. Ub 38 Belvidere. * Church, W. H. G 50 Bergen. Menzio, H. J. R 85 Berkshire. White, J. W. R 75 Binghamton. Brown, M. F. Md 75 Dunham, Samuel Y GO Hall, G. R. Am 72 •'LaGrange,J.B.O. Hm51 Lyon, C. A. Md 7G Parke, R. N. G 48 *Platt, C. H. G 39 Whitney, George G 60 Bolivar. Weeks, J. W. Bo 59 Brockport. Decker, G. P. R 84 Harrison, Henry R 77 Mason, J. 11. Bn 72 Minot, Morton R 78 Raymond, G. H. R 74 Tooley, Arthur R 83 Brooklyn. Allin, G. A. R 62 180 Congress. Armor, S. G. Mi 42 Mansion House Bates, J. II. P 52 41ParkRow,N.Y. City Beecher, E. F. Y 67 Beecher, H. W. Am 34 124 Columbia. Bell, E. W. Y 64 39 Park Row, N.Y. City Bigelow, C. E. Y 73 91 Chambers, N.Y. City Blair, B. F. P 61 102 Broadway, N. Y. City Brainerd, G. C. Y 67 60 Wall, N. Y. City Brooks, G. G. G 63 274 Front, N. Y. City Browning, W. W. Y 73 322 Broadway, N. Y. City Butler, G. R. Hm 77 846 Prospect pi. Cameron, Alexander Y 69 38 Wall, N. Y. City Cameron, J. I. H. PK79 26 Irving pi. Carman, N. Y. Y 69 54 William, N. Y. City Carson, F. M. Am 79 Care Jesup, Paton&Co. , Bankers, N. Y. City Chadwick, C. N. Y 70 5 Mercer, N. Y. City 594 Geographical Distribidioti in A J (I). Chapin, A. C. W 69 115 Broadway, N. Y. City Chittenden, S. B. ¥65 145 Broadway, N.Y.City I Church, E. D. Mh 55 i 132 Front, N. Y. City | Clark, James Mi 46 | 11 Chambers, N.Y. City i Collins, Lewis Un 53 258 Court. Colton, F. H. Y 60 : 136 Montague. j Comley, W. J. Mi 61 *Condit, Charles Y 48 Condit, Stephen Y 56 90 Pierpont. 1 Converse, E. H. Y 65 P. 0. Box 1469, N. Y. | City ! Crafts, W. F. Mh 69 j 129 Rodney. | Curry, A. M. Y 72 1151 Fulton. Cushraan, G. F. Al 51 145 President. *Cutler, R. P. Y 39 Demarest, G. F. Mh 64 494 Willoughbj' av. Drake, J. McE. D 69 73 Franklin, N. Y. City Dubois, F. W. G 72 Ely, J. S. Y 45 P. O. N. Y. City Fanning, D. G. Mh 57 59 Willoughby. Folger, H. C, Jr. Am 79 72 Quincy. ♦Freeman, Howard Hm 70 Gates, C. 0. 64 Orange. Gibson, C. D. T. 149 Broadway, City Gilbert, J. H. D74 Y64 N. Y. Y69 37 Wall, N. Y. City Glover, C. H. Hv 45 99 Nassau, N. Y. City Goodwin, F. J. Am 84 31 Cambridge pi. Gray, J. H. Hv 51 71 Wall, N. Y. City Greene, E. R. CI 82 99 Henry. Greene, J. W. Y 68 3 Broad, X. Y. City Greenwood, R. B. Mh 64 City Hall Hahn, A. G. C. Cn 81 I 287 State. | Harding, Alfred P K 79 j Hartt, C. J Mh 64 , P.O. Box 194, N.Y. City; "Hastings, G. G. Y 51 ' Hastings, P. C. Hm 38 165 S. Portland av. Hill, J. L. Un 61 20 Nassau, N. Y. City Hill, W. C. Mh80 139 Monroe. Hull, C. A. Y69 66 Wall, N. Y. City Hutehins, Alex'r W 57 796 DeKalb av. Hutchinson, H. E. D 58 Am 58 Care Brooklyn Bank Hutchinson, J. S. Bn 69 241 St. James pi. James, J. W. W 59 123 Maiden Lane, N.Y. City Johnson, Jesse D 63 377 Fulton. Jones, C. N. D. Md 80 163 DeKalb av. Jones, H. J. Md 80 163 DeKalb av. Jones, L. E. Mh 73 13 & 15 Park Row.N.Y. City Judson, C. N. Y 62 157 Broadway, N. Y. City Kemp, J. F. Am 81 443 Washington av. Kimball, R. G. Mh 54 253 Monroe. Ladd, W. C. Bn 81 132 Macon. Leacli, Orlando Y 60 19 Bond, N. Y. City *McFarland, A. H. Un 68 McNary, S. G. Mh 75 93 Nassau, N. Y. City Mains, G. P. Md 70 68 John's pi., F. B. Am 83 319 Adelphi. Mosman, W. B. Am 78 221 Cumberland. Murdock, S. M. Hv 58 7 Nassau, N. Y. City Newton, E. P. PK81 270 Henry. Norton, R. F. Md 85 259 S. Fifth. O'Connor, C. H. Mh 63 78 Beekman, N. Y. City Patterson, C. H. Mh 79 179 Canal, N. Y. City Peckham, W. C. Am 67 348 Grand av. *Peters, DeW. C. G 51 Philip, A. J. Mh 76 291 B'dway, N. Y. City Phillips, W. L. Md 72 414 Washington av. ♦Plummer, H. I. Am 78 Rae, Alexander Am 83 135 Concord. Remington, J. H. Bn 62 13 S. Portland av. Rockwell, F. W. Am 65 6 Lafayette av. *Root, H. D. Am 52 Geographical Distribution in \ J (I>. 595 Sheldon, (i. P. Y 67 P.O.Box 412, N.Y.City Sheldon, Kufns llm 53 Shcpard, C. S. Mh 77 29G B'dwiiy, N.Y. City Shepard, E. M. Mh 69 120 B'dway, N.Y. City Sinclair, J. D. Mh 82 111 Concord. Storrs, R. S. Am 39 80 Pierrepont. Sturgcs, S. B. Hd 48 305 Washington av. Tenney, Alvan Hm 49 280 Monroe. Taylor, S. G. D 47 316 Lafayette av. Vanderveer, D. N. Un 63 95 Livingston. Vass, A. E. Mh 80 P. O. Box 3561, N.Y. City Waring, W. H. Hv 52 206 Broadway, N. Y. City Wells, N. D. W 57 62 William, N.Y. City West, F. E. W 72 24 Clinton. Whcdon, J. S. Md 64 75 Lexington av. Wheeler, W. H. Am 84 274 Washington av. Witte.M. C. G., Jr. W73 311 Broadway; N. Y. City *Young, E. F. Mh 60 Brownvillt. *Kirby, J. B. G 48 Y 49 Buffalo. Altman, Henry Cn 73 320 Franklin. Barnes, E. R. Y 60 Becker, T. C. Un 74 371 Pennsylvania av. Birge, TL M. Cn 73 340 Pearl. Blanchard, A. A. 1) 45 88 Niagara. Buell, F. K. P 76 182 Allen. Carr, J. P. Hv 50 348 Main. *Castle, Thomas Cn 72 Chase, A. H. Md 82 *Clarke, Walter Y 37 Coxe, A. C. Ub 38 Curtiss, A. M. Cn 80 63 W. Huron. Curtiss, H. C. PK81 63 W. Huron. *Dox, E. R. G 42 Emerson, H. P. R 71 413 Pearl. Ferguson, C E. P 84 709 Sixth. ♦Ferris, W. B. P 77 ♦Folsom, Oscar R 59 Folwell, M. B. G 61 122 Pearl. Fosdick, F. S. R 72 369 Pennsylvania av. Frederick, C. C. P 77 162 Allen. Good, A. C. Cn 85 211 Prospect av. *Gridley, Frederic Hm 43 *Hayes, Henry G 56 *Heacock, G. W. Hd 40 Heacock, S. G. Hm 80 988 Main. Hughes, W.M. K71 G7] 35 Park pi. Hull, J. M. R 82 10 Hickory. Knapp, L. H. Un 69 410 Franklin. *Lee, G. F. G 59 Lee, G. W. P 85 Lewis, G. W., Jr. Cn 84 227 Pearl. Lyon, W. W. Cn 7-' 234 Franklin. McCarthy, John Md 83 52 Fifteenth. Miner, W. C. Hm 82 978 Main. ♦Morgan, E. V,. Hm 54 North, Walter G 70 283 Seventh. Otto, John, Jr. Hm 81 198 Georgia. Palmer, Noble PK 45 569 South Division. Patterson, G. H. G 58 187 Franklin. ♦Potter, M. G. R 64 Putnam, J. 0. Hm 38 Raymond, G. P. Md 77 485-7 Main. Rochester, T. F. G 45 216 Franklin. Seymour, H. H. Cn 71 44 Johnson pi. Smith, C. H. G 70 1131 Main. Sprague, Carleton Hv 81 235 Delaware av. Squier, F. C. W 84 1313 Main. Stearns, G. R. R 75 205 Linwood av. ♦Townsend, Charles Y 53 Trowbridge, G. R. W 84 217 Delaware av. ♦Walden, Edward Y 53 Wheeler, C. B. W 73 3 Kremlin Hall Wilcox, Ansley Y 74 675 Delaware av. Williams, A. H. P 84 163 Delaware av. Williams, W. P. Un 81 159 Seventh. Cambridge. \ McClellan, F. W. Un 83 596 Geographical Distribution in A J Canandaigua. Drury, L. M. Am 41 Hiscox, C. E. Mh G7 Lapham, D. G. Y G4 •^Wheeler, C. M. Y 51) Candor. Rogers, A. H. G 57 Caiiisteo. Simpson, W. \V. K 79 Carmel. Cole, O. W. Yeager, J. M. Cai skill. *BulkIey, Tuzar McLaury, W. P. Stevens, G. S. Cazenovia. *Fitzhugh, W. A. *Peck, L. M. Smith, W. M. Torrey, David Charlotte. Ellison, F. T. Chatham. Wheeler, J. T. Chaitmont. "Johnson, E. G. Chenango Foi *E]y, I. M. Clayville. "Butler, H. A. Millard, William Clifton. Johnston, M. M. 1260 Broadway City R68 MdSO Y65 Un69 UnG3 G43 Hm41 R77 Am 43 R73 Cn73 Hm 58 ks. Y43 Hm64 HmSO Md 63 N. Y. Johnston, W. F. Md Gl 1260 Broadway, N. Y. City Clinton. Avery, Charles Avery, E. W. Avery, J. S. Avery, W. H. Barrows, C. D. Barrows, R. B. ^Bristol, H. P. *Catlin, Marcus Darling, Henry Dwight, F. E. 16 E. Thirty N. Y. City ' Evans, EUicott *Gridley, A. D. Hopkins, A. G. Hudson, T. B. *Jerome, Charles North, Edward North, E. S. Root, Oren Rudd, R. S. 9 W. Twenty- Y. City * Smith, J. F. *WiIliams, O. S. Hm 33 Hm84 Hm48 Hm83 Hm69 Hm84 Hm46 Hm33 Am 42 Hm 79 -second, Hv39 Hm 39 Hm GG Hm 51 Hm39 Hm41 Hm 72 Hm33 Hm79 first, N. Hm34 Hm32 Clyde. Cowles, G. W. Hm 42 Cohoes. Adams, W. P. Clarke, S. A. Fitts, G. H. Un79 Un 75 D73 Johnston, Rob't, 2d Un 77 Lansing, A. W. Lansing, E. P. McElwain, D. C. Strong, H. A. W83 Un78 Un83 Y73 Cooperstown. Bowen, S. A. Un 60 Bresee, A. A. K 80 Brooks, G. W. Un 59 Phinney, Elihu Y 46 Corning. Dox, Rutger R 74 Gramman, A. M. Md 75 Heerraans, H. C. Md 75 Cortland. Capen, F. S. R 68 Cortlandville. * Lyman, H. F. Hm 54 *Taylor, S. A. Hm 55 Coventry. De Bell, E. T. R 78 Lewis, Welcome Hm 49 Coxsackie. Tiffany, C. O. Cn 77 Croton. Norton, G. H. Delhi. Griswold, S. M. Denmark. Prindle, J. A. De2)osit. Hopkins, S. G. De Ruyter. ^Otis, S. F. Dundee. Hair, L. M. Lord, G. P. Dunkirk. Williams, H. K. PK75 Hm 55 Hm63 Hm 42 R77 G56 Cn80 East Aurora. Merritt, C. W. Hm 66 Moore, W. B. R 61 Geographical Distnhution in A d (P. 597 East Bloomfield. Skeele, A. F. Am 75 *Skeele, J. V. Hd 45 East Clarence. Hunt. E. W. R 84 East ITampton. ♦HunttinK. Samuel Am 44 East Pembroke. Le Seur, J. W. K 81 Edenville. ♦Board, C. H. Y 71 Elizahethtown. Smith, F. A. Md 59 Ellenrille. Bentley, E. W. Y 50 Ellicottville. Drown. H. B. Hd 75 Elma. Hurd, H. J. Cn 72 Eimira. Adams, E. Le G. 11 75 ♦Beardslcy, C. H. G 55 Collin, C. A. Y GG Fassett, H. L. R 84 Fassett, J. S. R 75 Morton, A. W. R 73 Pratt, C. R. Am 69 Robinson, 1). C. Un 65 Ross, A. J. B. G 66 Ross, H. H. G 79 Smith, W. L. R 77 Elmsford. *BagIey, F. H. Hm 70 P. O. Tarrytown, N. Y. Euclid. Denison, H. P. Md 85 Walsworth, C. M. Md 78 Farmer Village. Hall, I. C. Y 68 Fayetteville. Gardner. William Am 84 Fishkill. Hobart, J. H. CI 36 Flathush. Brown, W. A. A. Un 77 Palmer, A. E. Md 74 Palmer, W. M. Md 73 *Vanderbilt, John CI 37 Florida. Noyes, S. D. Am 66 Flushing. Barstow, J. W. D 46 Brooks, B. A. Md 71 Cobb, O. E. Y 53 ♦Goodrich, C. R. Y 49 Nutting, L. H. Mh 67 417 Br'dway,N.Y. City Fonda. Dye, C. B. Y 57 Fordham. Blanchard, J. N. Am 71 Forest Port. Cleaveland,W.N. Hm 51 Forestville. Shepard, H. P. Md 58 Fort Covington. Gardiner, A. L. Hm 84 Fredonia. •Washburn, C. E. Am 38 Freeport. Hammond, G. H. Md 68 Fulton. Bennett, H. W. Md 62 Boothby, Asa, Jr. Md 59 Lee, C. M. Hm 50 Redhead, E. R. Md 73 Sanford, R. R. Hm 44 Shaw, A. C. R 61 Geneseo. Adams, G. B. R 82 Milne, J. M. II 75 Milne, W. J. K 68 Geneva. ♦Allen, C. N. G69 Ayrault, Walter G40 Bellows, G. P. G73 ♦Carson, W. 0. G 62 Chester, P. L. Hm 79 ♦Foot, Thomas G68 ♦Foot, AVilliam G 71 ♦Hodges, F. L. V 47 ♦Horton, G. M. (i49 Miller, C. D. Hm 38 Smith, A. B. K 71 Smith, H. L. K39 Torrey, H. A. G74 Torrey, S. H. G 47 Vail, C. D. (i 59 Gilherisville. Gilbert, G.Y. Hm 37 Y 37 Franklin. "Clarke, E. P. Glenville. Ilallenbeck, Val. Md 82 Toll, F. R. Un 76 Gloversville. Pratt, H. A. Y 58 Goshen. G 49 Mapes, W. E. Un 70 598 Geographical Distributian in A J Gouverneur. ♦Anthony, C. D. Y 65 ♦Eddy, B. T. Md 79 Whitney, J. W. Md 76 Wilson, C. M. Md 70 Great Xeck. Mitchell, E.G.; Jr. Mh6lj P.O.Box 85, N.Y.City Greeiie. Todd, A. H. R 66 Greenwich. Hobbie, W. R. Am 69 *Mason, A. T. R 61 Hamhurgli. * Williams, J. L. Hm 54 Hamden. *ShaAV, D. D. Y 56 Hamilton. Dodge, Ebenezer Bn 40 *Kendrick, C. M. Hm 42 Havana. Rice, F. r. Un 60 Haverstraw. Graham, John PK 72 Herkimer. Churchill, Henry Y 65 Holland Patent. Williams, J. G. Md 60 Holley. Jones, H. 0. Hm 82 Olds, G. D. R 73 Homer. *Lynde, W. S. Y 39 *Merriss, W. L. R 56 Honeoye Falls. Van Duzee, I. D. R 56 Hooper's Valley. Pearsall, L. B. G 59 D 60 Hoosick. Langdon, G. W. Un 85 Hoosick Falls. Matz, H. L. W 80 Hopewell Junction. Bonney, Alfred Cn 78 Bonney, J. R. Cn 80 36 E. Sixty-ninth, N.Y. City Hornellsville. Brigham, Johnson Cn 70 Hm 71 Thacher, T. J. C. Un 69 Horseheads. Comfort, W. F. Md 62 Howells. ••Means, G. J. Bo 47 Hudson. Boucher, N. F. Y72 Huntington. ^Fuller, E. T. Y 57 Smith, I. E. Md 63 Ilion. Hubbs, J. B. Un 77 Squire, W. C. Md 59 Irvington. Choate, Washington Am 70 Sedgwick, G. S. Y 69 261 B'dway. N.Y. City Ithaca. Estv, A. H. Y 68 Esty, C. H. Cn 76 *Evans. E. W. Y 51 Halliday, S. D. Hm 69 Cn 70 Halsey, NicoU Hm 67 Lyon, Marcus Y 52 Oliver, J. E. Ht 49 Perkins, W. R. Hd 68 Stowell, C. D. Y 68 Tyler, M. C. P 56 Y 57 Williams, R. B. Y 68 Williams, S. G. Hm 52 Jamaica. Lampman, Lewis Y 66 Jamestown. Gififord, W. S. Cn 77 Hall, E. C. Y 62 Harvey, Ranson R 78 * Jones, F. H. Cn 73 Larmouth, J. T. P 66 Love, S. G. Hm 45 Wright, C. H. Hd 77 Am 78 Johnstown. ♦Alexander, John Un 66 ♦Bowman, J. W. Y 68 ♦Van Voast, James G 68 Junius. ♦Pomeroy, L. S. Hm 35 Katonah. Jay, John CI 36 5 Washington pi., N.Y. City Kendaia. Folwell, A. G. G 62 Kendall. Smith, C. W. R 81 Ketch urn's Corners. Cox, W. W. Md 76 Geographical Distribution in I 599 Killingly. Hammond, H. L. Bn 64 Saratoga Springs Kinderhook. Best, James Coxe, S. H. Pruyn, P. V. S. Kingston. Fowler, Everett *Kimball, D. M. Newcomb, A. S. Reeves, Thomas Ilellings, W. ]• Potter, A. K. Pratt, S. P. Webster, S. P. 1) <;2 Hm 55 K 52 Am 85 Ub 39 Un 60 Un85 Am 44 D 78! Lodi. •Woodworth, William G 62 La Fargerille. Eddy, A. C. Md 75 La Grange. ^Strong, IT. L. K 67 Lansinghurgh. Case, Everett Hm 45 Lansingville. Pratt, J. W. Hm 38 Lee Centre. Adams. E. G. R. Un 61 Le Roy. ^Coe, H. L. Lathrop, F. C. Morse, A. B. Olmsted, A. S. Lewiston. ♦Miller, W. G. Litile Falls. Bellamy, F. J. Petree, C. L. Londonville. Burt, Uri Albany, N. Y. Lowville. Adams, W. R. Bush, W. T, Un74 Un51 Hm 83 Lyons. Davis, F. F. R 76 Hm 76 Roys, C. H. Hm 61 *Roys, G. E. Hm 59 Sherman, F. J. R 76 Tinsley. H. G. Cn 83 Madrid. VanDeusen,W.W.Md79 Hm34 Y55 Hm49 Cn79 G60 R76 Cn 75 Maiden. *Buck, E. H. Malone. Allen, F. D. Parmelee, M. S. Mamaroneck. T)e Lancev, E. F. Hm 52 Hm 85 W 70 Montgomery. ♦Wilson, Andrew Moravia. Wood, C. J. Morris. *Roteh, F. M. II V 40 G43 24ParkpI.,N.Y.City Lockport. *Caverno. D. H. G 60 D 60 ♦Caverno, J. S. G 58 Cobb, W. A. Hm 64 Furbish, E. B. Y 60 Mayilivs. Appleton, S. E. Marcellns. Russell. W. G. Am 84 Hm Mechanicsville. ^Sears, C. H. Un 59 Smith. D. L. Un 66 Mount Morris. Baker, W. L. R 85 Mount Vernon. Rice, E. W. W 68 Teacher, N. Y. City Mumford. Allen, Oliver, Jr. (^n 72 Freeman, A. L. R 51 Freeman, S. H. R 75 Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Mohawk. Walker, 1). E. Hm 79 Naples. Sprague, W. L. Nassau. ^Merchant, H. S. Newark. Vary, C. P. H. New Berlin. •■Knapp, T. L. Cn 73 Y61 R83 G 55 New Brighton. Bullard, J. L. Hv 61 119 Maiden Lane, \.Y. City Judd, D. W. W 60 751 Br'dway, N.Y. City Willcox, D. J. H. Y 72 20 Nassau, N. Y. City. Newhurgh. Armstrong, I) M. P K 58 Church, S. P. PK41 6oo Geographical Distribution in A J Hall, W. K. Y 59 Siglar, H. W. Y 60 Thompson, DeW.B. Md85 Neirfield. Van Ostrand,W.H. Hm70 New Rochelle. Canedy, C. F. Y 69 Grinnell, H. W. Mh 63 U.S. Trust Co., 49 Wall, N. Y. City Huntington, H.K. P K 67 Lawton, N. D. Mh 72 140 Nassau, N. Y. City Merrill, F. J. H. CI 84 Newtown. *Rapalje, W.VanV. W 56 New York City. Abeel, G. H. Mh 82 CI 83 59 East Eighty-third. Abel, W. H. Mh 55 258 W. One Hundred and Twenty-seventh. Adam, W. L. W 77 23 W. Thirty-seventh. Aldrich, G. T. D 81 743 Lexington av. Alger, W. G. Y 69 291 Broadway Ammidown, E. H. Hv 53 87 Leonard. Andrews, A. F. D 78 743 Lexington av. Armstrong, Collin W 76 Am 77 Office The Sun Armstrong, James G 56 319 Broadway Atwater, J. B. W 79 64 W. Nineteenth. *Averill, J. W. G 46 Avery, E. H. G 50 Baker, C. M. Mh 75 84 W. Eleventh. Baker, G. A. Mh 69 335 Broadway Baker, W. E. Ub 37 Baldwin, C. A. Hv 82 560 Fifth av. *Baldwin, John Un 59 Baldwin, Simeon, Jr. Mh55 18 Wall. Bankhead, H. C. G 48 N. Y. Club, Fifth av. and Twenty-fifth. Barker, H. A. W 76 Station F. N. Y. P. O. Barlow, F. C. Hv 55 21 Park Row Barrows, A. A. Y 65 141 W, Seventy-third. *Barton, J. G. Mh 31 Bateman, C. R. Am 76 Beach, Ferdinand Y 60 212 W. Forty-fifth. Beard, G. M. Y 62 52 W. Thirty-fourth. Bell, Joseph Un 60 388 Fifth av. Bellows, R. N. Hv 64 232 E. Fifteenth. Bemis, L. S. Y 69 «Care W. M. Bemis, Springfield, Mass. Bennett, H. S. Y 53 6 Wall. Bishop, C. W. R 77 53 Stone. Bishop, J. L. R 65 Am 65 206 Broadway Bixby, R. F. P K 70 1 10 Broadway ♦Blakely, M. J. Mh 58 Blatchford, Sam'l CI 37 12 W. Twenty-second. Bliss, F. E. Bn 68 128 Pearl. Bliss, Robert Y 50 22 W. Fifty-eighth. Bonney, G. B. Y 61 5 Wall. Boody, H. H. Bo 42 Ashland House *Booth, C. E. Y 64 Bosworth,J.S., Jr. Mh 68 P. O. Box 770 Bourne, E. K. Mh 84 2497 Second av. Bowers, A. F. Bn 71 Office N. Y. Tribune *Boyse, G. S. CI 40 Brace, H. M. Y 47 61 Liberty. Bradford, F. S. Bn 53 55 W. Thirty-fourth. Bradley, W. E. Y 60 Braman, Benjamin Bn 54 117 E. Thirtieth. Bright, 0. E. Bn 53 31 Nassau. Brown, E. K. Mh 81 307 E. One Hundred and Twenty-fourth. Brown, Francis T> 70 Union Theo. Sem. *Brown, J. C. R. CI 39 Bro\yn, R. D. P. Mh 85 2004 Fifth av. Brown, R. E. K. Mh 83 2004 Fifth av. Brownell, W. C. Am 71 Office The Nation Burgess, J. W. Am 67 323 W. Fifty-seventh. Burr, E. D. Bn 84 239 E. One Hundred and Twenty-second. • Campbell, W. J. Mh 78 422 W. Forty-fourth. ♦Carpenter, R. J. Y 59 Carter, G. G. K 64 130 E. Twenty-fourth. Geographical Distribution in .1 J (p. 6oi Carter, J. C. Hv 50 66 Wall. Carey, A. A. Hv 70 Caswell, E. A. Y (36 240 Pearl. Cauldwell, L. G. Mh 83 Cor. Boston av. and One Hundred and Sixty-sixth. Chambers, H. R. Mh 8-i 70 W. Thirty-sixth. Chambers, J. F. Mh 79 70 W. Thirty-sixth. Chapman, H. F. Mh 67 77 and 79 Broad. Chapman. H. G. Hv 83 30 Washington sq. Chapman, J. J. Hv 84 30 Washington sq. *Chase, W. W. D 65 Chittenden, N. W. CI 37 Choate, J. H. Hv 52 52 Wall. Choate, W. G. Hv 52 49 Wall. Christopher, J. W. R 53 47 Dey. Chrystie, T.M.L. PK63 9 E. Fifty-ninth. Chnrch, W. S. Mh 73 312 Bleeeker. Churchill, F. B. Hm 70 200 Broadway Clapp, A. H. Y 42 34 Bible House Clapp, W. C. Mh 81 Am83 22 E. One Hundred and Twenty-seventh. Clark, Jefferson Md 67 Am 67 99 Nassau. *Clark, J. C. Bd 42 *Clark, J. F. CI 40 Clark, W. B. Am 76 31 W. Twenty-sixth. 39 Clarke, T. C. Hv 48 45 William. Copgswell, E. R. Hv 64 156 E. Thirty-eighth. Cohen, E. Y. Mh 78 25 W. Eighteenth. Cohen, L. S. D 78 305 Lexington av. Cohen, W. N. 1) 79 45 William. Colby, Robert D 45 Cole, Hamilton Y 66 110 Broadway Collin, R. P. " W 76 31 W. Twenty-sixth. Comstock, H. S. G 73 *Conger, David Ub 35 Convers, E. B. Y 61 20 Nassau. Cook, Walter Y 69 57 Broadway ♦Cornell, G. J. CI 39 Cowl, M.L. Mh81PK83 431 W. One Hundred and Twenty-first. Creevey, J. K. Y 66 29 William. Creighton,W. St.C. K 74 120 Broadway Crocker, F. W. W 73 52 Broadway ♦Crosby, A. B. D 53 Crosby, D. G. PK51 99 Nassau. Crosby, H. A. Mh 63 P. 0. Box 2173 *Crosby, J. P. Mh 65 Cushman, J. W. CI 84 337 W. Twenty-second. *Dalton,.E. B. Hv 55 *Danforth, A. C. Hm 61 Day, H. M. Hd 50 20 New. Debevoisc, G. E. Mh 84 25 W. One Hundred and Twentv-fourth. Decker, W. F. Mh 85 32 E. Nineteenth. Delafield, Albert Mh 68 40 Exchange pi. Denison, C. H. P 61 28 Bond. Denny, H. C. Mi 52 30 W. Sixteenth. Derby, R. H. Hv 64 9 W. Thirty-fifth. Devlin, R. J. Mh 78 156 W. Thirteenth. Dexter, Andrew Hm 43 Dezeng, E. C. G 51 143 Fifth av. Dickey, C. D. Hv 82 29 AVall. Dike, S. J. Am. 66 63 Lexington av. Dodd, I. S. Y 67 Presbyterian Board of Home Missions Donald, E. W. Am 69 Washington Heights Donnell, W. E. Bd 62 Office N. Y. Tribune Doubleday, E. S. Mh 80 153 E. One Hundred and Fifteenth. Douglas, W. H. Mh 74 118 Pearl. Dowd, Heman Mh 74 44 Wall. Dowd, Joseph Mh 77 30 W. Fifty-second. Drummond, I. W. Mh 77 P. O. Box 460 Du Bois, Hasbrouck Y 56 One Hundred and For- ty-fifth and Third av. i=Duncan, H. P. Y 44 Duncan, W. F. Cn 73 266 W. Forty-second. Dunning, S. W. P 60 71 Broadway ^Dutton, O. H. Hv 53 6o2 Geographical Distribution in A *Dutton,VanBurcn Hra 50 Dwight, Edm., Jr. Mh 77 184 Broadway Dwight, F. B. Mh 76 124 E. Thirty-sixth. Dwight, H. B. Mh 74 30 Piatt. Dwight, J. E. Mh 62 S. W. c. of One Hun- dred and Thirteenth, and First av. Dwight, T. W. Hm 40 8 Great Jones. Eagle, C. H. Mh 77 18 Wall. Easton, D. A. Bd 65 P. O. Box 447 Edwards, W. DeF. Mh 71 31 and 33 Pine. Ellinwood, F. F. Hm 49 23 Centre. Ellsworth, Wra. , Jr. Mh 60 170 Broadway Ely, S. S. Hm 45 39 W. Tenth. "Emerson, J. M. Am 49 Emerson, Thomas Hv 56 With Harper Brothers Eustis, J. E. Md 74 206 Broadway Fairchild, C. S. Hv 63 120 Broadway Falkner, E. D. Mh 72 c. Aster and Lafayette pis. Fanning, A. M., Jr. R 85 345 W. Fifty-sixth. Farnham, W. T. Y 50 59 Liberty. Faxon, A. E. Bn 58 Station A, P. O. Box 92 ♦Fernandez, Luis Mh 55 Ficro, J. M. Y 70 237 Broadway Fitch, J. H. Mh 83 CI 84 240 W. Forty-third. Flagg, E.G. P K 48 29 E. One Hundred and Thirty-third. Flagg, J. B. P K 46 48 E. Twenty-sixth. Foote, E. B. Y 59 61 Wall. Fowler,H.W.Hm63Y63 257 Broadway Fowler, J. W. CI 39 187 Greenwich. Franklin, B. W. G 71 2 Wall. Fries, L. K. Cn 74 625 Eighth av. Frothingham, O.B. Hv 43 50 W. Thirty-sixth. Gallaway, E. M. Y 58 Manhattan R.R. Co. Garrigue, W. O. Cn 73 175 Broadway Geer, G. J. P K 42 330 W. Fifty-seventh. Gibert, N. A. Cn 75 100 E. Seventeenth. Gibson, E. T. H. Y 64 352 W. Twenty-second. Gibson, Walter D 58 239 Broadway Gilbert, F. H. Mh 77 36 W. Fifty-ninth. Gilbert, R. W. W 76 99 Nassau. Giles, W. W. Mh 81 358 W. Nineteenth. Gilman, W. C. Y 55 Goddard, F. N. Hv 82 Goodale, S. B. W 51 5 W. Twenty-third. Goodrich, W. W. Am 52 59 Wall. Goodsell, C. M. P 65 50 E. Seventy-ninth. Goodsell, J. H. P 62 336 W. Fifty-eighth. *Grafton, J. I. Hv 62 Graves, A. B. W 58 63 Wall. Greenough, Wm. Hv 63 78 Clinton pi. ► Greenwood, Thos. Y 67 229 Broadway Greenwood, Wm. Mh 65 133 Water. Griffith, D. J. Y 70 636 Sixth. Gross, S. L. Bd 72 206 Broadway Hadley, A. K. Hm 37 237 E. Seventy-ninth. ♦Hale, J. T. G 69 Hall, H. O. W 84 13 W. Forty-second. *Hallock, W. K. Mh 58 *Halsey, Anthony CI 37 Hamlin, A. D. F. Am 75 57 Broadway Hamlin, F. H. Mh 68 48 E. Twenty-sixth. Hamlin, W. A. Mh 73 48 E. Twenty-sixth. ♦Hannahs, D. C. Y 59 Harland, Henry Mh 82 35 Beekman pi. Hatch, C. H. Y 59 120 Broadway Hawkins, E. D. Hv 81 5 W. Thirty-fourth. Hawley, J. S. Hm 77 7 W. Fifteenth. Heald, C. M. Y 70 997 Park a v. Henderson, E. C. Mh 76 52 Wall. Hendrick, L. A. Y 50 Office N. Y. Herald Hennen, W. D. Y 42 23 and 25 Nassau. Geographical Distribution in t J 0. 60-5 Henry, C. 1. Mh 76 P. 0. Box 3144 Hewit, A. F. Am 39 Hif^ginson, J. J. IIv 57 24 Pine. Hildreth, P. S. Mh 85 17 Lafayette pi. Hildreth, R. W. Mh 84 17 Lafayette pi. Hills, Reginald P K 84 20 South. ♦Hillyer, G. M. CI 30 HitJhcock, B. W. Am 81 44 W. Twentieth. Hitchcock, R. D. Am 36 44 W. Twenty-second. Hitchcock, U. G. Mh 65 51 W. Twenty-ninth. Hobbie, J. R. Am 73 112 E. Twelfth. Holden, D. J. Y 64 68 and 70 William. Holyoke, G. 0. Hv 56 42 Broad. Hooker, Thomas Y 64 262 Broadway Home, G. E. D 57 170 Broadway Horton, Alexander G 45 Office N. Y. C. and H. R. R.R. Co. *Howard, J. D. Bd 52 Howard, W. T. Cn 83 Gilsey House Howe, J. W. D 56 33 Wall. Howland, Edward Hv 53 Howl and, P^rancis Hv 49 167 Broadway Hubbard, G. S. D 62 11 Pine. Huber, E. A. Mh 77 1041 Park av. Hudnut, J. M. R 72 346 Broadway Hudson, E.l).,, Jr. Mh 64 227 W. Twenty-second. 'Hudson, E. P. W 54 Hughson, Frederick Ub 35 CI 39 ^Hulburd, H. R. Hd 48 Hull, R. B. R71 53 Irving pi. Hunt, E. T. R 67 Union Club Hunt, J. M. R 80 120 Broadway Hunter, Charles P K 78 St. Luke's Hospital Huntington, Chester Hm 66 P. O. Box 1780 Huntington, Dan'l Hm 36 49 E. Twentieth. Huntington, Frank R 68 3 Bond. Huntington, S. Van V. Hm 73 P. 0. Box 1780 Hutchinson, M. N. Hd 63 Hyde, A. F. CI 83 21 E. Forty-fifth. Hyde, E. F. Mh 61 25 Broad. Hyde, J. E. Mh 83 P. O. Box 4069 Jaques, D. R. Hv 42 156 Broadway Jenks, F. M. Mh 65 156 Broadway Jenks, W. W. Un 71 319 Broadway Jeremiah, George Mh 75 251 W. Eleventh. Johnes, E. R. Y 73 120 Broadway Johnson, Edwin Y 46 Boston av. and One Hundred and Sixty- seventh. Johnston, H. P. Y 62 169 E. Sixty-ninth. ♦Jones, A. G. CI 40 Jones, Frederick Y 6) 45 Broome. Jud.son, A. B. Bn 59 129 E. Seventeenth. Judson, Edward Bn 65 38 W. Washington sq. de Kay, C. A. Y 6H 66 Washington sq. Keeler, Samuel Y 67 115 Nassau. Keim, G. H. Mh 80 440 E. Eighty-eighth. ♦Keith, C. C. T. Mh 60 ♦Kendall, F. G. Hm 71 Ketchum, A. P. Mh 58 139 Fulton. ♦Ketchum, D. P. Mh 67 Kiddle, A. W. Mh 85 789 Lexington av. Kilbreth, J. T. Hv 63 230 E. Eighteenth. Kimball, W. C. Mh 61 42 W. Twenty-second. King, A. G. Hv 40 53 William. ♦King, J. G. Hv 39 Kingsley, E. P. D 66 ♦Kissam, W. A. Mh66 Kitchel, C. H. Mh 57 140 Nassau. Kneeland, George P K 80 6 E. Fifty-fifth. Knowlton, D. H. Mh 66 P. O. Box 913 Lane, J. A. Mh 83 207 W. Forty-third. Lane, Ralph Mh 84 207 W. Forty-third. Lane, W. H. Mh 65 207 W. Forty-third. Lapham, 0. K. W 56 97 Gold. 6o4 Geographical Distributio7i in A J Larremore, Wilb. Mh 75 229 Broadway Lawrence, N. T. Mh 77 45 E. Twenty-ninth. Lee, B. F. Mh 55 W 58 20 Nassau. Lee, W. H. L. Y 69 20 Nassau. Leggett, W. H. CI 37 54 E. Eighty-first. Leonard, W. D. Md 78 145 Broadway Lewis, E. H. Y 73 346 Broadway Lewis, John CI 40 Lewis, Z. E. Am 62 Morrisania Lindsley, Philip Y 70 Office N. Y. Tribune Livingston, George Mh 74 43 Walker. Lockwood, G. R., Jr. Mh81 50 W. Twenty-seventh. Lord, D. DeF. CI 39 120 Broadway *Lord, N. L. Hd 47 Lore, I. W. Md 71 252 Broadway Loring, E. G. Hv 61 Ludlam, G. P. R 64 8 W. Sixteenth. Lyon, A. P. Am 70 180 Fifth av. Lyon, C. J. Hm 67 McAdam, Graham Mh 70 McCagg, L. B. Hv 84 78 Park av. Macdonough, A. R. Y 39 P. O. Box 839 McMaster, R. B. Mh 68 9 Nassau. MacMullen, John CI 37 Washington Heights ♦Macomb, Edward G 62 ♦McYickar, Henry CI 36 Malcom, G. I. Bn 79 5 Wall. Man, Edward Mh 82 W 85 lOG E. Thirtieth. Man, H. H. Mh 74 P. 0. Box 1683 Manierre, A. L. CI 83 26 W. Twenty-fourth. Mapes, E. L. Un 73 One hundred and Sev- enty-sixth and Tenth av., P. O. Station M. Marble, Manton R 55 532 Fifth av. Martin, D. H. Mh 81 116 W. Forty-first. Mason, J. W. Mh 55 416 W. Twentieth. May, Charles W 73 156 Broadway Mead, E. S. Y 68 755 Broadway Mead, T. L. Cn 77 674 Madison av. Means, T>. M. Y 68 33 Pine. Mercer, J. L. D. G 52 221 E. One Hundred and Twenty-third. Merrill, Pay son Y 65 63 Wall. Miller, H. C. Mh 73 399 Broadway "Milnor, C. E. Ub 38 Minturn, R. S. Hv 84 39 Park av. "Moore, J. S. Mh 70 "Morse, 0. A. Hm 33 Morse, S. E. Y 56 140 Nassau. Mott, L. F. Mh 83 367 W. Nineteenth. Mulford, S. 8. Y 50 43 W. Thirty-first. Mulford, W. A. F.P.Mh 79 31 1; W. Fifty-oiglUh. Murray, W. M. Mh 65 26 Broad. Mygatt, L. C. W 70 Inwood-on-Hudson Nelson, E. Y. ' Mh 85 19 E. Seventy-seventh. Newcomb, G. B. W 56 2 W. Fourteenth. Newell, E. J. Mh 84 140 W. Twenty-first. Newell,AV.W.,Jr. Hm 61 Bible House *Newton, Henry Mh 66 Niles, W. W. D 45 Fordham Hill Niles, W. W., Jr. D 83 Fordham Hill Northrup, W. P. Hm 72 153 E. Seventy-eighth. Noyes, S. A.. D 59 62 Cedar. *Ogden, Dewees Y 58 Olcott, E. E. Mh 73 HI AV. Thirteenth. Olcott, J. V. V. Mh 76 111 W. Thirteenth. Olcott, Wilson Mh 69 Inwood Olcott, W. M. K. Mh 81 111 W. Thirteenth. Olney, P. B. Hv 64 206 Broadway O'Neill, A. D. Md 83 409 E. Eighty-fifth. Opdyke, L. E. Hv 80 120 Broadway Owen, E. L. Mh 63 71 Wall. Palmer, Ray Y 30 Congregational Union Patterson, A. M. Mh 64 P. 0. Box 3484 Patterson, H. T. Mh 69 138 Centre. Peet, G. J. K 65 24 Park pi. Geographical Distribution in A J (P. 60s Pellew, W. G. Hv 80 *Pelton, W. T. W 58 Perkins, E. C. Hv 70 9 Nassau. Peters, J. A. K T.O 222 E. One Hundred and Twenty-second. Pettus, J.T.,.Tr. Mh 09 415 Madison av. Phillips, Albert Hm G5 200 Forsyth. Phillips, G. W. Hv 47 120 Broadway Piatt, J. H. Y 55 Register's Office Piersons, A. M. R 66 24 E. One Hundred and Twenty-seventh. Powell, W. M. Un 59 324 W. Fifty-eighth. Powers, F. A. Mh 79 224 E. Thirty-ninth. Pratt, C. M. Am 79 128 Pearl. ♦Pullman, J. H. Mh 61 Purdy, T. M. Mh 83 288 Madison av. Rachau, W. H. Mh 82 242 W. Fifty-second. Rankine,W.B. G77Un77 P. O. Box 1361 Reed. J. J., Jr. Md 64 133 W. Fourth. Reed, W. H. Mh 84 33 E. Sixty-fifth. Rice, E. T., Jr. Mh 80 41 W. OneHundred and Twenty-fourth. Richardson, C. H., Jr. Mh 81 36 E. Twenty-second. Riley, H. A. Y 70 99 Nassau. ♦Rising, F. S. Mh 56 Robbins, G. A. Y 47 43 Wall. Robert, Frederick Mh 60 111 Broadway Roberts, Charles, Jr. Mh 62 312 Fourth av. Rockwell, A. D. K 63 46 E. Thirty-first. *Romaine,Benj'n, Jr.Cl 38 Roosevelt, Theo. Hv 80 6 W. Fifty-seventh. *St. John, Samuel Hd 34 Samson, G. W. Bn 39 72 E. One Hundred and Thirt.v-first. *Sanford, C. F. Y 47 Sanford, Elliot Am 61 93 Nassau. Satterthwaite, T. E. Y 64 50 E. Thirty-first. *Saville, H. m". Am 54 . Savin, W. M. ]\Ih 85 1262 Lexington av. Schell, Francis Y 72 55 Broadway Seaman, J. A. Mh 59 67 Morton. Seaman, S. E. Mh 67 67 Morton. Searle, D. W. Mh 55 6 AV. One Hundred and Twenty-seventh. *Seaver, w". H. G 56 Sedgwick, A. G. Hv 64 9 W. Thirty-fifth. Sedgwick, H. D. Hv 43 34 Wall. Seward, C. A. G 48 29 Nassau. Shalcr, I. A. Cn 84 358 W. Thirtieth. Shear, T. R. Un 68 115 Broadway Sheldon, I. E. R 57 17 W. Fiftieth. Shepard, J. B. Md 74 47 E. Twenty-seventh. "Shephard, L. B. Mh 67 '"Sherman, George P 63 Sidman, E. N. Mh 83 144 W. Thirty-sixth. Silver, H. M. I) 72 8 E. Third. Skaats, Bartholomew G 45 120 Broadway Skeel, F. D. Md 75 309 E. Third. Slauson, W. J. Mh 63 Slayback, E. F. Mh 84 416 Madison av. •■Sloan, H. K. Mh 58 Smith, Ballard D 70 Office N. Y. Herald Smith, C. S. " Am 74 127 W. Fifty-third. Smith, C. W. Mh 85 316 W. TwentjMhird. Smith, D. E. Cn 83 123 E. Sixty-second. Smith, F. H. Un 65 115 Broadway ^Smith, H. B. Bd 34 Smith, H. L. Un 60 149 Broadway Smith, H. R. Cn 74 London Mining Co., Chambers. *Smith, H. W. R 56 Smith, J. L., Jr. CI 81 227 W. Forty-ninth. Smith, J. McG. Mh 76 39 Park Row Smith, J. N. Mh 85 Fifth Avenue Hotel Smith, S. D. G 63 59 Liberty. Smith, T. E. Mh 84 101 W. Fifty-third. Smith, W. W. Mh 78 Coll. Cityof N.Y.,cor. Twenty-third, 9 Lex- ington av. 6o6 Geographical Distribution in A J Soutter, C. B. Mh 66 35 Broadway ♦Spaulding, Alex'r Hm 46 Spencer, N. S. Mh 75 120 Broadway *Spencer, T. R. G 38 Sprague, C. E. Un 60 316 W. Twenty-eighth. Sprague, H. L. Cn 73 330 W. Twenty-third. Sterling, J. W. Y 64 45 William. Stetson, F. L. W 67 45 William. Stevens, A. C. P 76 349 W. Forty-ninth. Stewart, S. T. Y 73 120 Broadway Stoddard, W. O. R 58 Washington av., near One Hundred and Sixty-fourth, Morris- ania. Storrs, H. M. Am 46 34 Bible House, Astor pi. ♦Strong, G. T. CI 38 Stuart, L. A. Mh 80 147 E. One Hundred and Twentieth. Sturgis, Appleton Mh 68 76 Beaver. *Sturgis, Edward Mh 65 Sturgis, Russell, Jr. Mh 56 307 E. Seventeenth. Suckley, R. B. Md 78 93 Nassau. Sullivan, A. S. Mi 45 74 W. Eleventh. Sully, Wilberforce D 78 115 Broadway Sutherland, J. L. G 49 54 Wall. Sweezy, R. L. Mh 74 110 Broadway Taylor, A. J. Y 59 20 W. Thirty-eighth. Taylor, C. H. R 70 38 Broad. Tenney, L. S. Y 74 206 Broadway *Thayer, J. S. Am 38 Thompson, H. H. Hm 43 12 E. Forty-sixth. Thompson, J. H. Bd 60 Office New York Times Thurston, T. T. Am 81 86 Leonard. Tiffany, J. B. Cn 78 10 Spruce. Tobey, S. H. Y 53 4 Broad. Tompkins, Henry Hm 64 247 Broadway Townsend, J. J. Hv 79 Corporation Counsel's Office Tracy, C. E.. Mh 65 50 Wall. Trask, C. H. Y 46 70 Wall. Treraain, H. E. Mh 60 167 Broadway Tucker, E. B. Mh 83 Am 85 358 W. Thirtieth. Tucker, Frank Mh 80 228 E. One Hundred and Twenty-third. *Tuttle, G. W. Mh 82 Tweedy, J. F. P 70 40 Broadway Twombly, H. N. D 54 17 Lafayette pi. VanArsdale,W.H. Mh 65 53 Seventh. *Van Buren, J. L. Mh 56 Vanderpoel, A. H. W 81 45 William. ♦Vanderpoel, J. McB. Hv61 Van Norman, D.C. Hm38 315 W. Fifty-seventh. *Van Nostrand, Jacob Ub38 *Varnum, J. B. Y 38 *Verbryck, Cornelius Ub 37 Vernon, Thomas Bn 54 247 Broadway Voorhis, R. S. Mi 50 56 Wall. Vosburgh, M. A. Mh 84 247 E. One Hundred, and Twenty-second. Waldron, H. A. Un 74 Coleman House Walker, H. H. D 77 Randall's Island *Walsh, J. W. CI 39 Ward, E. M. Mi 58 58 W. Fifty-seventh. *Ward, Henry, Jr. CI 36 *Ward, H. H. CI 38 *Ward, J. W. Am 26 Ware, W. R. Hv 52 9 W. Thirty-fifth. ♦Waring, C. B. Y 49 ♦Washburn, J. S. D 53 Washburn, W. I. Am 76 128 Broadway ♦Waters, G. G. CI 36 Watkins, S. H. Un 82 323 Madison av. Watkins, W. F. Md 63 323 Madison av. Watkins, W. F., Jr. Un81 323 Madison av. ♦Webster, Horace Mh 18 ♦Weed, H. A. CI 36 Weeks, B. S. Mh 79 26 Second. Weeks, H. A. Y 43 26 Second av. Welling, R. W. G. Hv 80 29 Wall. Geographical Distribution in A J 0. 607 Wells, Gcorjre Bd 42 86 Water. Wells, N. I). Y 57 69 Wall. Wendell, E. J. Hv 82 61 and 63 Worth. Werner, Adolph Mh 57 ■ 339 W. Twenty-ninth. Werner, Ernest Mh 66 96-8 Franklin. Whedon, D. D. Md 28 805 Broadway Wheeler, E. P. Mh 56 8 Pine. Whiting, J. N. G 39 61 Wall. *Whitlock, S. H. CI 37 ♦Whitman, James D 52 Whittemore, A. D. Y 74 579 Broadway ♦Wilbur, S.T. Hm36 Y37 Wilcox, George D 60 198 Broadway Wilds, H. P. Mh 69 4 Pine. ♦Williams, H. J. Mh 68 Williams, W. H. Bn 65 181 Broadway ♦Wilson, Archelaus Y 44 Wilson, F. H. Y 67 229 Broadway Wing, F. L. Mh 69 1300 Broadway Witter, W.C. Bn 65 Y 65 32 Park pi. Woodrufif, C. H. Y 58 120 Broadway ♦Woodruff, L. DeF. Mh 59 Wray, E. M. Mh 73 70 E. One Hundred and Twenty-eighth. Wyman, W. C. Y 55 149 Duane. Wynkoop, G. H. Y 64 5 E. Thirteenth. Young, Albert Mh 60 9 New. Young, D. K. Mh 71 81 Wall. New Vork Mills. Calder, F. M. Hm 82 Niagara Falls. Delano, F. R. G 64 ♦Porter, P. A. Hv 45 Nicholville. ♦Moore, J. R. Md 63 Niverville. ♦Kirke, W. V. Un 68 North Franklin. Miller, S. F. Hm 52 Northport. Beach, T. C. Md 65 North Tarrytown. •Miner, W. A. Md 79 Norwich. ♦Bloom, H. H. Y 63 *Hubbard, Harvey Hm 44 Newton, 1. S. Y 48 Nyack. Cole, E. H. W69 Newton, H. G. Mh 75 Oakfield. Rathbone, A. B. R59 Ogdensburgh Egert, C. G. Hm68 Olean. Smith, J. B. R52 Brown, E. J. Hm 67 Carter, W. S. Hm 79 Davi.s, E. W. Md 69 Oneonta. Yager, W. E. Cn 78 174 State, Albany Ontario. Andrew, F. D. R83 Oneida. Bennett. J. L. Hm 71 Osivego. Cullinan, P. W. Cn 72 ♦Newkirk, S. A. W 60 Sheldon, E. A. Hm 48 Ovid. Hyde, W. L. Bd 42 Owego. Hewitt, F. C. Y 85 Hollenback, C. E. Un 71 Kidder, J. H. Bd 53 Ogden, C. T. G 61 Parker, C. E. G 57 ♦Tinkham, J. H. G 57 Painted Post. Campbell, Frederic R 77 Palmyra. *Brown, M. A. R 55 Durfee, H. R. Y 61 . Parkville. Blakeman, W. C. Md 76 Patterson, F. B. Mh 67 27 Park Row, N. Y. City Patterson. Cornwall, J. H. Y 66 Peek skill. Finch, J. W. Cn 73 Hart, C. A. Mh 73 Md 73 239 Broadway, N. Y. City 6o8 Geographical Distribution in A J 0. Pelham Manor. Port Byron Rochester. Dey, J. R. S. Hm76 *King, J. C. Hm 64 Abbott, J. B. R79 5 Beekman, N.Y. City 21 Tremont. Portchester. ♦Adams, S. H. Hra65 Penn Tan. Clapp, J. H. Un69 Backus, Azel G49 Franklin, R. W. Un 85 26 Spring. Holt, B. L. Y 72 Port Henry Barto, R. V. PK82 Hoze, N. A. G 53 Woodbridge, W. R. Y 55 34 S. Clinton. Robinson, W. W. Hm47 Bishop, F. B. R71 PoH Jervis Monroe Co. Sav Bank Peoj-ia. Capron, Alexander P K45 Bly, M. T. R80 King, C. B. Un75 Crane, W. H. Mh77 85 Power's Block Young, C. 0. Hm78 Booth, I. E. Cn83 PheljJS. Potsdam. 43 Lake av. Pinckney, T. H. GC4 Howard, H. R. Bd57 Booth, Q. W. Cn81 Smith, W. P. GCi *Loorais, E. S. R74 43 Lake av. Underwood, Amos , Jr. ♦Brand, G. B. R51 Hm47 Poughkeepsi ♦Buell, B. W. R70 Adriance, H. E. W83 Cameron, Angus Y69 Pie 7- mo lit. *Adriance, J. R. W78 14 State. Ferndon, William Hm 77 Backus, T. J. R64 Cartwright, R. H. Cn81 Bisbee, J. B. Am 80 14 Arnold Park Pilla)- Point Bruce, Wallace Y67 Cheney, J. E., Jr. R67 Burlingame, Eli Hm56 Dwight, W. B. Y54 North av. Herrick, C. B. Y69 ♦Coit, J. T. Y44 Pittsford. Lawrence, E. A., Jr. Y68 Crouch, Wesley R63 Emerson, Charles Am 38 Luckey, F. R. Cn82 Whitcomb House ♦Raymond, J. H. Hm37 Darrow, C. E. R77 Pitt st own. ♦Sterling, F. N. Y62 74 East av. Merriman, F. F. Un70 ♦Stevens, W. C. Un66 Doty, W. D'O. K62 Plank Road. Taylor, R. E. Y54 East av. Ellis, S. A. R 55 Reed, C. J. UnGO Rexford Flats. 7 Clifton. Plattsburgh Garnsey, L. R. Un84 Ely, D. J. Y43 Beckwith, G. H. Palmer, Lynde Sanborn, H. C. W58 Cn78 Un 64 Richfield Springs. Gorton, G. V. Hm 79 69 S. Fitzhugh. Fenn, R. H. Livingston Park R54 Richmond. Gaylord, L. J. R64 Plymouth. Coonley, E. D. Y71 50 Jones. Garatt, J. N. Md61 West Port ♦Gillam, C. W. Goodrich, AY. P. Hm37 R80 Pompey. Richmond Hill. 133 W. Main. Adams, M. M. Hm 34 Matson, W. A. G43 Hirshfield, Marcus R 75 72 Power's Block Pompey mil Riverhead. Hodgman,T.M.,Jr.R84 Dibble, 0. G. Y 64 Griffing, T. M. Y64 37 Rowley. Geographical Distribution in A J (fi. 609 Hopkins, J. II. llin 72 4 Liviiifjston rivrk Hubbcll, W. S. K 71 98 Power's Block Maconibcr, F. A. R 59 7 Prince. Macomber, William H 84 Co Cliestnut. Marcy, L. B. R 80 *Moore, W. H. R 50 Morey, W. C. R 08 145 Power's Block Mumford, W. W. Hv 84 *Pancost, E. II. R 02 Pulver, A. W. R 82 Sumner Park Robinson, C. E. Hm 57 39 Plymouth av. Robinson, O. H. R 01 75 N. Union. Robinson, W. II. Y 72 Sage, E. O. R 53 72 Plymouth av. Satterlee, E. H. R 07 40 Meigs. ♦Spencer, J. E. R 51 Stevens, S. W. R 81 Wamsley, W. H. R 70 Whittlesey, F. A. G 47 90 S. Fitzhugh. Wilbur, C. S. R 78 Wihlcr's Arcade Wilcox, F. P. R 70 IIG Power's Block Wing, David R 03 9 East. Work, C. P. R 77 3 E.xchange. Yeoman, G. F. R 73 15 Savings BankB'd'g Rome. ♦Bailey, A. H. Ub 35 ♦Comstock, Calvert Hm 35 Comstock, Edward Am 01 Minor, P. H. Hm 04 Rondoiit. Taylor, F. M. S. Cn 72 Wood, S. E. 1) 00 Roslyn. Titus, F. S. Un84 Sag Tlarhor. Barnhart, J. W. Md 01 Salem. Allen, C. L., Jr. Y 67 Hunter, D. M. Mb 77 Sand Lake. Vicle, J. P. Un 01 Sandy Hill. Sawyer, E. R. Un 00 Saratoga Springs. Church, G. T. Hm 80 Dowd, A. D. W 85 Dowd, C. N. W 79 James, L. W. P 57 Pearsall, W. S. Md 82 ♦Russell, Edwin Un 05 Stevens, H. W. W 79 Strong, S. E. Md GO Whittelsey, C. M. Y 04 Sardinia. Barnhart, W. H. Md 84 Saugerties. Scoville, F. C. Am 75 SauquoH. ♦Gray, George Hv 49 Scarsdale. Chase, Francis P K 52 Schenectady. Alexander, George Un (>0 Brown, S. S. R 79 Cady, Putnam T'n 85 Case, L. W. I'n 82 I)e Reiner, J. A. Un 57 Howe, S. B. Un 02 Lansing, G. VerP. Un 83 Lansing, J. B. W. Un 83 Sehlosscr, Henry Un 81 ♦Stanton, Benjamin Bd 48 Strong, A. P. Un 64 Van Voast, J. A. Un 82 Seneca Falls. ♦McNeil, H. W. Y 52 Parsons, C. A. Hm 42 Sherburne. ♦Lathrop, J. M. Hm 38 Sing Sing. Brandreth, G. A. Un 48 Coe, G. J. P K 74 Davenport, Edwin Hv 48 Tenney, A. F. Am 69 Shaneateles. Roe, Andrew Md 57 Somers. Crane, Thaddeus P K 45 Southold. Case, Albertson Y 06 Spencerport. Thorburn, A. McA. Un 57 Staatshurgh. March, CD. Hv 80 Stamford. Thomas, A. P. Un 74 St ap let on. Anders )n, Frank Mh 71 Care Navy Departm't, Washington, D. C. Oldham, D. J. T. Md 84 Rockwell, J. E. Am 37 Staten Island. ♦Bigelow, W. A. Y 45 6io Geographical Distribution in A J 0. Syracuse. Barker, F. W. G 71 Beard, A. F. Y 57 236 E. Genesee. Burdick, E. H. G 70 Burt, J. O. Hv 58 Butterfield, E. S. Y 67 *Canfield, F. W. Hm 68 Comfort, G. F. Md 57 383 East av. *Cowles, I. A. Hm 56 Davis, R. H. Hm 62 Ginn, W. C. Md 59 210 E. Genesee. Glass, C. J. R 65 109 Salina. Glass, E. P. R 69 12 Syracuse, Savings Bank Building Goodelle, W. P. D 63 192 James. Griffin, J. P. Md 48 86 University av. Hancock, T. E. Md 71 27 Savings B'k B'lding *Horton, Henry Y 54 Huntington, F. D. Am 39 Kendall, H. F. R 69 Lockwood, H. R. G 64 McGregor, W. S. Cn 71 18 Onondaga Co. Sav- ings Bank Building Mundy, E. W. R 60 137 Warren. Nichols, E. P. W 61 300 E. Genesee. Northrup, A. J. Hm 58 Northrup, M. H. Hm 60 Petit, D. E. Md 82 80 Willow. Richardson, R. M. Hm43 Salter, Sumner Am 77 Skinner, J. A. Hm 57 Smith, C. E. R 60 23 University av. Staunton, J. A. G 58 j Taylor, I. B. A. Md 82 114 S. Salina. Totman, D. M. Y 72 Wallace, W. J. Hm 57 Wisner, G. W. Un 71 71 Onondaga. Tarrytown. Clarke, George Md 60 Cobb, H. N. Y 55 Eurich, E. F. Mh 66 16 Exchange pi., N. Y. City Paine, J. A. Hm 59 Rockwell, John Y 49 Ticonderoga. Kimpton, H. H. Y 62 Tivoli. Piatt, G. L. G 41 Troy. Beattie, David Am 59 Clark, C. G. R 62 Un 63 84 Fourth. Cunningham, H. D. Hm 66 Office iJ/'?n/i(7 Telegram Griffith, J. H. ■ R 59 72 Grand Division. Hall, J. S. Hv 58 Hall, R. F. Hv 54 McGregor, Donald Y 68 Mosher, G. A. D 67 35 First. Reed, William Hm 71 Smith, Albert Un 70 IG First. Smith, H. W. D 75 16 First. Tucker, J. I. CI 37 Whitman, F. P. Bn 74 Pawling av. Trumansburgh. Barto, F. D. G 75 'Boardman, Herbert Y 68 Tuckahoe. *Ives, A. M. PK56 Titlly. *Boutelle, D. E. D 62 Turin. Brooks, C. W. Md 57 Union Sj^rings. Yawger, J. F. Cn 85 Unionville. Hartwell, S. S. Y 59 Upper Red Hook. Scudder, E. C. HdoO Utica. *AlIen, Nathan Hm48 Allen, T. H. Hm79 Avery, C. H. Hm 83 Avery, Theodore Hm 55 Bacon, W. J. Hm40 *Bacon, W. K. Hm 63 Bagg, Egbert G42 Bagg, M. M. Hm36Y37 Beardsley, A. M. G42 Bigelow, D. W. Hm 65 *Brandegce, J. J. Y43 Brown, T. J. Y 65 Coxe, A. C. Hm68 Crittenden, W. H Am 81 Curran, Edward Hm 56 *Curran, H. H. Hm 62 *Curran, P. C. Hm 64 *Davis, C. M. Hm 61 Dunmore, W. T. Md71 Gardner, H. D. Hm75 Gibson, J. G. G74 Gibson, W. T. G42 Gilbert, B. D. Hm57 *Handy, E. P. Hm33 ♦Kirkland, J. L. Hv49 Lewis, W. E. Hm75 Matthews, E. D. Hm73 Merwin, M. H. Hm52 Geographical Distribution in i J 0. 6ii Merwin, M. K. Hni 85 North, S. N. D. Hm G9 Roberts, E. H. Y 50 Sawyer, G. C. Hv 55 Schulte, Bernard K 70 Spriggs, J. T. Hm 47 *Spriggs, W. T. Hm 76 Townsend, William Y 71 Williams, G. II. Am 78 Williams, J. C. Am 82 | rail's Mills. ♦Kennedy, A. D. Mh 65 Ve)non. Langford, Dewitt Hm 46 *McIntosh, R. W. Hm 64 Warrenshurgh. j *Post, H. A. Mh 55 | Water ford. j *Adams, T. P. Hm 3G | Burton, W. E. Y 70 [ *Dennis, J. H. Un 62 Waterloo. Roe, C. A. Md 84 Welles, S. R. G 45 Watertown. Bagg, S. F. Hm 69 *Ferrin, C. M. Hm 57 *Fuller, S. R. Md 59 Klock, P. L. Hm 80 Olin, R. A. G 65 Remington, C. R. G 54 Waterville. Babbott, F. L. Am 78 Bigelow, H. P. Hm 61 Goodwin, W. B. Hm 59 ♦Haven, L. E. Hm 44 Watkins. Huff, A. C. G 60 Woodward, B. W. G 62 Waverly. "Sturges, Wilson G 55 Wellsville. Coit, Albert R 66 West Chazy. Sherwood, F. R. Md 76 West Chester. Johnson, J. H. W 70 Harrington, B. T. Am 52 ♦Harrington, T. B. Am 49 Westfield. ♦Hinckley, J. G. Hm 34 ♦Knight, S. H. Hm 66 ♦Parsons, Lorenzo Hm 33 Skinner, C. P. Hm 66 Skinner, J. A. Hm 73 Westgate, H. S. D 63 West New Brighton. Curtis, G. W. Bn 54 Office Harper's Weekly, N. Y. City West Point. Alexander, C. T. Y 54 West Troy. ♦Brigham, H. A. Hm 40 Meneely, G. K. Un 81 P. O. Box 23 West Winfield. Kingsbury, C. A. W 64 White Plains. ♦Cochran, Robert Y 46 Genung, C. A. Md 71 Lockwood, J. B. Un 70 245 Broadway, N. Y. City Romer, William Md 58 Westcott, C. L. Y 64 115 Broadway, N. Y. City Whitestown. ►Brayton, E. C. Am 67 Ellis, J. W. Md 58 "Gardiner, J. S. Hm 49 Willianishurgh. ♦West, J. II. R 62 Williamstown. Steele, W. H. Y 58 Williamsville. Van Pelt, Evert P 78 Wilson. Hudnut, I. B. R 72 Wolcott. Roe, William Md 55 Tankers. Andrus, H. J. Md 68 42 Pine, N. Y. City Andrus, J. E. Md 62 10 College pi., N. Y. City Baker, F. A. D 59 110 Broadway, K. Y. City ♦Coe, F. A. Hm 35 Y 37 Lockwood, J. A. Un 67 Lungren, C M. P 74 1-5 Bond, N. Y. City Morse, G. L. Mh 63 Ray, W. H. D 78 Seward, F. D. Hm 58 Skinner, J. W. Y 43 19 E. Fourth, N. Y. City Storrs, H. L. Hm 33 Strong, M. H. R 58 Washburn, H. L. Md 68 261 Broadway, N. Y. City 6i2 Geographical Distribution in A J Asheville. Mitchell, B. C. KG-l Chajjel mil. Mallott, W. P. P K 40 Charlotte. Cheshire, J.B., Jr. PK69 Durham. Dike, James Bd"69 Lenoir. Bush, F. L. Hv 64 NORTH CAROLINA. Murfreeshoroiigh. Roberts, A. B. Hm 44 New Berne. Bryan, Washington P K 75 Raleigh. Lyman, T. B. Hm 37 Mitchell, G. 0. D 80 Sanborn, W. H. Bd 77 Salisbury. Blackmer, W. C. P K Mock, L. C. PK78 Stamford. *Chipman, G. S. P K 78 Statesville. Huske, John P K 77 TaylorsvilJe. Thurston, T. G. Y 62 Wilmington. AYatson, A. A. Ub 37 Winston. Buxton, J. C. P K 73 OHIO. Akron. Burton, N. S. Hd 46 Dodge, E. D. Hd 63 Ganter, R. L. K 56 Perkins, T. K. Hd 70 Stuart, E. W. Hd 62 Walker, A.H. Hd83 W 83 Williamson, S. C. Hd 60 Wright, R. H. Hd 63 Alpha. Ankeney, Albert Mi 68 Ankeney, Horace Mi 72 Ashtabula. Strader, P. W. , Jr. K 75 Waite, G. W. Am 61 Avon. Townshend, J. H. Hd 70 Avondale. Dickson, Parker Mi 74 Wiggin's Block, Cincin- nati. Batavia. Manning, L. D. Mi 57 Bedford. Hathaway, R. J. P59 Bellefontaine Kalb, G. L. Mi 48 Wright, T. L. Mi 45 Bellevue. Bates, H. C. Hd81 Holbrook, G. A. Bd77 Jones, F. H. Hd82 Schuyler,Hamilton Hd 84 Bourneville. Taylor, William Mi 56 Braceville. Ross, J. S. Bridgeport. Tallman, A. P. Tallman, C. H. W 68 Hd 66 Hd71 Bucyrus. Crittenden, W. B. Am 78 Hm 78 Can field. Copeland, A. T. Md 58 Canton. Day, W. R. P 70 Leisenring, O. D R 79 Whiting, Julius, Jr. Hd 76 Carlisle Station. Gowdy, G. E. Mi 72 Chillicothe. Barrere, Carlisle Mi 66 Douglas, Albert, Jr. K 72 Douglas, J. H. K 83 McCoy, S. F. Mi 39 Mayo, Archibald Mi 61 *Miller, Joseph Mi 39 Cincinnati. Abbott, AVillard R 58 S. W. cor. Elm and Vine, Walnut Hills Avery, W. L. Y 55 Brashear, H. F. Hv 61 33 Wiggin's Block Brown, T. F. Bn 62 04 Mt. Auburn av. Brown, Zephaniah Bn 65 Of Mellen, Brown &Co. Geographical Distribution in A J 0. 613 ♦Brush, C. D. L. Mi 44 Burnet, J. S. Y 57 13 Miisonic Temple *Chase, S. P. 1) 2G j Cilley, J. L. Hv m 245 W. Seventh. Conner, P. S. D 59 159 W. Ninth. Coppock, F. M. Mi 73 j Room 9, Mas. Temple i Dandridge, N. P. K Gt! I 114 E. Fourth. Davis, G. F. R G4 j 2 McGregor av., Mt. Auburn Davis, G. R. R 78 Mt. Auburn Davis, W. H. R C8 Avondale Dickson, Parker Mi 74 D 74 Avondale P. O. Duncan, S. W. Bn GO Mt. Auburn Eells, James Hm 44 Walnut Hills *Eells, Samuel Hm 32 *Empson, D. R. Y 53 Ewing, M. B. Y 55 Walnut Hills Fisher, W. H. Hm 64 Wiggin's Block, cor. Fifth and Vine. Fleming, Rufus P 73 132 Broadway ♦Fletcher, A. M. Mi 3G Force, M. F. Hv 45 89 W. Eighth. Frazer, A. L., Jr. K 80 44 Walnut. ♦Gallagher, W. D. Mi 44 Gere, A. H. Mi 62 73 Walnut. ♦Gholson, W. Y. Hv 61 ♦Groesbeck, J. B. Mi 39 Groesbeck, W. S. Mi 34 Guy, E. A. Mi 58 17i W. Third. ♦Gwynne, A. E. Y 39 *Haire, Thomas Mi 43 Harris, S. T. Bn 58 Hart, J. M. Cn 60 Southern av. Higley, Warren Hm G2 67 Pike. ♦Humphrey, Z. M. Am 43 ♦James, C. P. Mi 46 Kendri(;k, J. M. K 59 Price's Hill ♦Kennedy, W. S. Hd 46 King, Rufus Hv 38 95 E. Third. Kinney, H. W. Bn 80 Gilbert av. , Walnut Hills ♦McAlpin, W. B. Mi 73 Merrill, C. W. D 66 McCormick pi., Mt. Auburn Miller, J. W. K 75 24 W. Fourth. ♦Molony, Daniel Mi 35 Montgomery, C. B. Mi 65 Pike's Opera House Morris, E. D. Y 49 Walnut Hills Mussey, C. F. D 48 70 W. Seventh. Noyes, E. F. D 57 Mt. Auburn Oliver, M. W. Mi 47 Wiggin's Block ♦Oliver, W. S. Mi 57 Peck, H. D. Mi 62 17i W. Third. ♦Perkins, J. H. Mi 50 ♦Pugh, G. E. Mi 40 ♦Pugh, J. A. Mi 51 Roe, G. M. Md 74 141 Smith. Sayler, J. R. Mi 60 • 58 W. Third. Sayler, Milton Mi 52 58 W. Third. Sayler, Nelson Mi 57 58 W. Third. Shiras, J. O. Mi 71 Smith, S. W., Jr. BnSO Cor. Gilbert and Oak avs., Walnut Hills ♦Spencer, C. S. Mi 69 Stone, G. W. Y 74 ♦Taylor, C. H. Hd 46 Taylor, W. W. K 64 c. Fourth & Broadway ♦Telford, C. L. Mi 36 Wald, G. H. Y 73 318 W. Seventh. Wilson, M. F. Mi 64 23 W. Third. Wynian, Walter Am 70 111 Broadway Circleville. ♦Brown, M. A. Mi 44 ♦Hedges, J. N. Hv 64 ♦Hulse, Jonas G 75 Jones, H. E. G 75 McCrca, Adam Mi 42 Marfield, Elliott K 83 Page, H. F. Mi 39 Wright, T. B. K 83 Cleveland. Adams, S. F. Hm 58 611 E. Madison av. ■Adams, S. W. Hm 39 Andrews, W. W. Hd 59 Barber, A. W. Hd 83 245 Woodland av. Benton, Horace Hd 50 127 Water. Bishop, L. J. P. R 74 236 Superior. Boardman,W. H. P K 85 522 Euclid av. Boardman, W. J. PK 54 522 Euclid av. 6 14 Geographical Distributiofi in A A (l\ Bonnell, Martyn Hd 72 416 Case av. Brett, W. H. Hd 74 315 Euclid av. Brooks, T. H. W 70 319 Prospect. Buell, A. E. W 82 574 Euclid av. Buxton, J. B. PK72 208 Superior. Campbell, O. J. P 70 Savings Bank Build'g Case, G. B. G 71 K 71 303 Euclid av. ♦Chandler, William P 54 Chester, C. T. Hm 74 ♦Chester, Erastus Hd 48 Coe, Sage Hd 84 539 Case av. Conger, E. A. G 63 515 Case av. Conger, G. F. G 80 515 Case av. Coon, G. W. Hd 76 Care Cleveland Herdic Co. Crowell, C. B. CI 85 332 Prospect. Crowell, E. R. W 83 332 Prospect. Crowl, A. M. H. Hd 85 73 Clinton. Curtis, Eleroy Hd 45 2517 Sawyer. Curtiss, S. H. Hd 67 317 Prospect. Cushing, E. F. Cn 83 370 Prospect. Cushing, H. P. Cn 82 370 Prospect. Cushing, W. E. Hd 75 370 Prospect. Dodge, S. D. W 77 219 Superior. Eddy, S. M. Hd 64 j 219 Superior. | Eells, D. P. Hm 46 856 Euclid av. Eells, H. P. Hm 76 918 Kennard. ♦Eells, T. D. Hd 28 Fitch, J. G. Hd 79 122 Water. Fonts, G. E. Hd 85 25 Church. Garfield, H. A. W 85 1106 Euclid av. Garfield, J. R. W 85 1106 Euclid av. Gates, C. A. Hd 73 33 St. Clair. ♦Goodrich, W. H. Y 43 Haldeman, F. M. Cn 83 931 Euclid av. Harvey, E. H. Hd 67 107 Euclid av. ♦Harvey, H. A. Hd 66 Harvey, W. H. Hd 63 122 Prospect. Heisel, J. H. D 64 122 Superior. Hoyt, Elton Bn 78 943 Euclid av. Hoyt, J. H. Hd 72 Am 73 Bn 74 105 Public sq. Hubby, F. W. K 64 851 Euclid av. Ingersoll, G. T. Cn 83 Harkness Block, Euclid av. King, C. G., Jr. Bn 84 130 Prospect. King, R. T. Bn 78 130 Prospect. King, W. G. Hd 80 Kline, V. P. W 66 219 Superior. Otis, Waldemer D 66 399 Bond. Oviatt, J. S. Hd 67 201 Detroit. ♦ Palmer, A. H. Hd 79 Parmelee, James Cn 76 831 Euclid av. Parmelee, R. M. Cn 81 831 Euclid av. Parmelee, W. R. Cn 75 831 Euclid av. ♦Perkins, Jacob Y 42 Perkins, J.B. Hd 76 W 77 6 Perkins' Building Perkins, Jos., Jr. W 82 760 Euclid av. Prentiss, S. C. Cn 73 32 Chestnut. Rose, H. P. Cn 84 971 Euclid av. Russell, Lansing W 78 94 Washington. Sanders, J. C. Y 54 Western Hom. Coll. Seaman, C. J. Bn 72 171 Prospect. Shaw, C. A. Hd 81 Medina, Ohio Spencer, F. A. D 63 219 Superior. Taylor, A. F. D 74 Taylor, Z. P. R 69 Williams, E. P. Hd 64 510 Case av. Williams, W. G. Hd 61 Clifton. ►Bowler, G. P. K 66 Collamer. Howard, B. E. Hd 83 Stinaflf, W. C. Hd T, Columbus. i-Barr, John Mi 40 Blake, F. W. K 80 126 Lang. Brooks, F. S. Mi 69 253 E. State. ■Bryan. C. A. Mi 42 Geographical Distributiofi in 1 J (I>. 615 Burr, C. E., Jr. K 65 103 S. Ilish. Clarke. R. T. G 75 1(55 Scioto. Dennison, Wm. Mi 35 Edwards, F. E. K 83 Evans, E. T. K 71 45 N. High. ♦Galloway, J. S. Mi 74 Hubbard, F. C. G 73 Ide, A. J. G 72 Cn 73 163 Scioto. Landis, H. G. Y 67 117 E. State. *Mayo, H. B. Mi 47 Medary, F. H. K 67 584 E. Long. *Morris. J. A. K 60 01d£, C. N. Mi 36 55 S. Fourth. *01ds, W. W. Mi 62 Orton, Edward Hm 48 Ohio State University Parsons, G. McL. Mi 37 E. Town. Sexton, H. C. Mh 62 *Smith, S. M. Mi 36 *Smith. S. M. Mi 69 Snyder, Balfour Mi 75 706 N. High. Spencer, F. A. Mi 60 116 Franklin q,v. ♦Swan, George Mi 39 Thurman, A. W. P K 67 1 S. High. Wade, N. K. G 43 84 E. Washington av. W^etmore, C. H. K 69 393 E. Broad. Wilcox, J. A. Y 50 48 S. Third. Conneaxt. Brown, J. V. Y 42 Convoy. Brooks, T. D. Mi 63 Cumminsville. ♦Clopper, E. N. Mi 61 Dayton. ♦Anderson, K. C. Mi 49 ♦Brown, J. P. Mi 62 Colby, H. F. Bn 62 ♦Conover, Wilbur Mi 40 Dunlap, A. S. Mi 57 Iddings, D. W. Mi 42 Irvin, H. A. Mi 74 Jefferys, J. O. Mi 74 Lowe, J. G. Mi 38 Steele, R. W. Mi 40 Thomas, A.A. Mi67 D 67 Van Ausdale, Isaac Mi 42 East Livej-pool. Fearon,R.N. Md 69 P 70 East Toledo. Crane, A. W. D 62 Eaton. ♦John, S. J. Mi 38 Elyria. Ely, C. T. Hd 79 Foster, B. P. Hd 83 ♦Haines, E. P. Hd 58 Hale, J. C. D 57 Felicity. ♦Chalfant, L. W. Mi 43 Findlay. Watt, J. C. Mi 74 Franklin. Burrowes, S. A. Mi 67 ♦Burrowes, W. S. Mi 45 Gamhier. Gregg, H. S. K 81 McKinley, J. PeW. H. K72 Glendale. Hughes, H. W. Mi 73 90 W. Third, Cincin'ti. McLaren, J. P. Mi 76 W 77 Richards, Channing Y 58 Glenville. Shumway, G. W. Hd 75 24 Case Building Granville. Shepardson, Daniel Am 39 Bn 41 Thresher, A. U. Am 65 Greenville. ♦Mayo, J. W. Mi 64 Greenwich. ♦Mitchell, J. S. P 46 Hamilton. ♦Daugherty, A. J. Mi 62 Hume, A. F. Mi 48 ♦Lancaster, Hugh Mi 36 McMaken, Joseph Mi 70 Martin, E. C. Mi 71 Hillslorough. Hibben, J. M. Mi 68 Picard, F. J. P 71 Scott, S. P. Mi 66 Smith, Kirby Mi 69 Steele, S. F. Mi 58 Hudson. Cutter, Carroll Y 54 ♦Ellsworth, E. A. Hd 67 Foster, H. B. Hd 52 Gregory, E. S. Hd 52 Hodge, Frank Y 56 Read, M. C. Hd 48 Seymour, N. P. Hd 34 Smith, C. J. Hd 70 Warren, F. M. Am 80 6i6 Geographical Distributio7i in A J (P. Ironton. Campbell, Harry Livesaj', T. M. K81 Kent. Barrows, A. C. Hd 61 Patton, J. B. Hd 84 Williams, C. T. Hd 62 Wolcott, S. P. Hd 62 Lancaster. Brasee, J. T. K 82 Cartmell, E. B. K 71 Ewing, P. B. Mi 39 Evring, Thomas Bn 56 Lima. Donelson, P. S. P 49 Lockland. Hussey, Lutellus Mi 56 Marion. Turney, J. E. K 74 Massillon. Baldwin, F. L. . Y 67 Russell, C. M. Hd Middletown. Thornton, J. L. Mi 57 Wrenn, C. D. R 65 Monroeville. Aves, H. D. K 78 Montgomery. Cortelyou, T. F. Mi 54 Mount Airy. Gordon, W. L. Y 74 Mount Vernon. Whitesides, Ncvil K G8 Newark. Buckingham, Jerome Hd41 Coman, L. P. Hm 46 Hatch, C. A. D 75 Newport. Greenwood, F. E. D 71 Niles. Robbins, F. C. P 83 North Bend. Conner, J. S. D 65 Court House, Cincin- nati Norwalk. Johnson, H. C. Mi 65 Mitchell, H. S. K58 Oberlin. Blynn, W. G. Mi 68 Clark, H. J. Hd 61 Cole, H. E. D 81 Dimmock, D. L. Hd 61 Jewett, F. F. Y 70 Oxford. Bishop, R. H. Mi 34 Bonham, L. N. Mi 55 Guy, D. W. Mi 61 Keely, G. W. Mi 43 McGregor, J. W. Mi 63 Painesville. Clarke, E. W. Y 67 Parkman. Lyman, Darius Hd 89 U. S. Treasury, Wash- ington, D. C. Piqua. Conover, AV. G. K 84 Dorsey, W. McC. K 69 i=Hart, J. H. Mi 39 McDonald, J. McC. K 68 O'Ferrall, R. M. K 75 Plymouth. "Wilson, T. Van H. Hd 48 Pomeroy. *Maples, C. P. G 48 Portsmouth. BoUes, W. M. K 84 Ravenna. Day, C. F. Hd 83 W 83 Poe, C. E. Hd 64 Waite, H. M. Hd 85 Richfield. McKinstry, J. A. Am 38 *Orviatt, V. L. Hd 51 Riverside. Lord, Nathan D 51 P. 0. Cincinnati Ruggles. *Wilson, James Hd 54 Rutland. Paine, Lewis K 58 Salem. Ambler, R. S. Hd 83 Parks, Sheldon Hd 79 Pendleton, C. H. Bn 78 Sandusky. Goodwin, Homer Hd 44 ♦Leonard, Cuyler Hd 43 Sadler, C. W, K 69 Wildman, Horatio Y 47 Sciotoville. Taylor, Martyn P 52 Seville. Elliott, J. C. Hd 63 Shelby. Mack, A. J. Hd 68 Sidney. ♦Walker, S. B. Mi 43 Geographical Distribution in i J (fi. 617 Springfield. Burrowes, T. A. Mi 47 Goode, J. S. Mi 45 Hall, G. C. Am 71 Stewart, J. E. Mi 65 Webb, W. 11. Hm 58 Steuhenville. Wood, T. S. K 80 TaUmadge. *Caruthcrs, C. C. Hd 70 Wright, G. M. Hd 71 Toledo. Andrews, Robert PK 53 Collamore, G. A. D 54 207 Washington. Geddes, F. L. P 72 227 Bancroft. Harrington , Nathan Am 64 Kent, Charles Hd 40 Mitchell, J. G. Hm 62 Osborne, Ralph Hd 66 509 Superior. Van Pelt, Charles P 76 c. Superior & Munroe. Waite, E. T. Y 69 Prescott. Watson, Pliny K 64 57 Franklin av. Wilson, C. G. K 68 c. Warren & Prescott. "Wright, Samuel Hd 40 Young, F. I. Hd 70 44 and 45 Produce Ex- change Troy. Byrkett, A. R. Mi 68 ♦Deweese, T. L. Mi 62 Ernhart, M. B. Mi 72 Marshall, T. B. Mi 61 *Schmeltzcr, W. V. Mi 58 ♦Thomas, W. I. Mi 62 Thomas, W. S. Mi 60 Weakley, H. H. Mi 58 Unionville. Hardy, A. S. Am 61 Urhana. Horr, Versalius Mi 43 McDonald, Duncan Mi 59 *McLain, A. L. Mi 68 McLain, J. L. Mi 68 Moses, T. F. Bd 57 Sewall, Frank Bd 58 Wood, C. S. Mi 66 Wadsworth. Loomis, H. E. Hd 83 Warren. Adams, Whittlesey Y 57 Dawson, L. R. Hd 78 Harmon, Julian Hd 46 ♦Harrington, C. F. Hd 70 Harrington, F. W. Hd 79 McLain, F. D. Hd 78 McLain, T. J., Jr. Hd 59 Reed, F. F. P 80 Warrensville. ♦Watterson, E. S. Hd 61 ♦Watterson, H. R. Hd 63 Washingtoyi C. II. Ustick, H. P. Mi 70 Waterford. Powers, Stephen P 63 West Cleveland. Coffey, J. C. Hd 70 164 Superior, Cleve- land WicMiffe. Ingersoll, E. P. Hd 82 Wooster. Davis, T. K. Y45 Henry, H. H. Mi 75 Stoddard, 0. N. Mi 34 Youngstown Arms, M. I. Cn75 Arms, Warner Hd 72 Cn 73 Baldwin, W. H. Hd 71 Booth, C. H. Hd84 Brown, T. G. Mi 74 Campbell, J. D. Hd81 Micanopy, Fla. Cornell, G. H. Hd77 Gibson, W. T. Hd76 Higley, B. S. Hd 59 Manning, John Hd 47 Merrick, W. R. Hd 67 Stambaugh, H. H Cn81 Stambaugh, J. T. Cn 84 Strong, Sidney Hd 63 Taylor, H. K. Hd79 Truesdale, C. R. Hd71 Wick, M. C. Hd70 Wilson, A. G. D67 Eugene City. Johnson, J. W. Y 62 Portland. ^Hodgkinson, E. W. G 61 40 OREGON. Ladd, C. E. Ladd, W. M. Mulkoy, M. F. Page, W. W. \m81 \m 78 Y62 Mi 57 Salem. Shiel, G. K. Mi 42 6i8 Geographical Distribution ifi A J 0. Allegheny. Beers, G. L. Y 60 41 N. Diamond. Cole, C. L., Jr. K 84 215 Allegheny av. McKitrick, E. S. Mi 70 98 Arch. Shiras, George, Jr. Y 53 3 Stockton av. Allentown. Wood, D. B. Un 72 Altoona, Dudley, C. B. Y 71 Bellefonte. Hale, G. N. G 71 Berwick. Bower, L. F. Md 79 Bethlehem. Booth, T. R. P K 52 Doster, W. E. Y 57 ffitchel, H. S. Y 61 Bradford. Bosley, H. C. R 64 Brooke, E. A. Am 46 Byles, M. H. Hd 75 Catasauqua. Garrison, S. 0. Md 76 CJiesier. Dickinson, W. H. R 64 Collegeville. Weinberger, J. S. Y 59 . Columbia. Bruner, A. C. Md 79 Columhus. ►Smith, V. II. Am 42 PENNSYLVANIA. Dayiville. Derr, F. C. R 60 Darby . Allen, H. J. W. G 63 Doylestown. Mercer, H. C. Hv 79 Edston. March, F. A. Am 45 Stewart, Charles Mi 47 Edinborough. Cooper, J. A. Y 59 Erie. Barger, G. E. Hm 67 Catlin, F. M. Cn 82 Willard, J. R. D 67 Franklin. Hancock, J. D. K 59 \Germantown. Terrell, J. L. Y 62 Johnson. Longfellow, Saml. Hv 39 *Smith,L.W. Y 39 Hm 38 'Wadlcigh, Albra Hv 54 Qirard. Ely, B. C. Hm 48 Great Bend. Baldwin, C. E. Un 59 Chase, N. D. Hm 76 57 Centre sq., Easton, Pa. Gwynedd. Bellows, M. L. G 43 Uarrisbnrgh. Bigler, C. S. Y 67 Gilbert, L. 1). Y 65 Haver ford College. Chase, Thomas Hv 48 Hall, L. B. Am 73 Ilonesdale. Seely, H. M. Y 57 Jenkintown. Pullman, J. W. Mh 58 407 Walnut, Phila. Jersey Shore. Trumps, Franklin Y 67 Joanna Furnace. Smith, B. H. Am 51 Lancaster. Atlee, J. L. Y 49 *Baer, B. F. Y 53 Bolenius, R. M. D 70 *Hiester, I. E. Y 42 *Kinzer, Roland Y 56 Martin, E. K. Am 71 Langhorne. *Groves, A. J. Md 65 Ijaporte. Gregson, John K 68 Lewiston. ♦Alexander, I. R. Y 62 McKeesjyort. Hurd, W. L. Bn 74 Meadville. Bates, S. P. Bn 51 Miffiinburg. *Montelius, W. P. Am 63 Milford. ♦Kellogg, R. R. Ub 35 Mount Joy. Ziegler, J. P. Mi 71 Geographical Distribution in A J New Castle. Mackwood, Robert U 61 Norristown. *Baer, C. A. Y 51 N^orth Sewickly. Cheney, J. W., Jr. D 70 Philadelphia. Auclcnricd, W. W. Y G9 1231 N. Broad. Barnum, J. B. Mh 61 709 N. Second. Bennett, W. H. Bn 68 332 S. Fifteenth. Bissell, L. F. Hd 50 837 N. Thirty-third. Blake, B. F. D 63 739 Corinthian av. ♦Blight, George Hv 65 Brown, H. S. Y 61 Continental Hotel Carey, E. R. Md GO 243 Arch. *Church, F. N. Y 57 *Clarke, J. L. W 53 Claxton, R. B. Y 38 3410 Baring. ♦Claxton, R. B., Jr. K 64 Cookman, F. S. Md 79 1827 Wallace. Cookman, G. G. Md 77 407 Walnut. Cookman, W. W. Md 82 1827 Wallace. Corlies, F. H. Cn 78 1600 Hamilton. Dcchert, H. M. Y 50 3914 Walnut. Delp, George Y 61 402 "Locust. Derabinski, Louis Y 58 663 N. Eighth. ♦Dickinson, R. S. S. Am 44 Drinker, R. M. G 65 Dulles, J. W. Y 44 1334 Chestnut. Dwight, H. E. Y 52 336 S. Fifteenth. Flint, Thomas • D 76 P. O. Fox Chase Furness, H. H. Hv 54 222 W. Washington sq. i Hall, I. H. Hm 59 402 Irving. *Hart, Byron Y 51 Heisler, C C. Y 66 121 N. Twenty-first. ♦Heisler, E. D. Y 66 Hough, C. M. D 79 416 Walnut. Howland, E. C. Cn 79 Office Phila. Press Keen, H. I. Bn 80 Columbia av. & Philip. Keen, W. W., Jr. Bn 59 1729 Chestnut. Knox, C. McL. Mh 60 921 Chestnut. ♦Ladd, F. D. Bd 41 Landis, E. Y. Md 62 716 Filbert. Lea, J. McC. Hv 47 305 Chestnut. Lewis, F. D. Am 69 302 Walnut. Lippincott, Edward Y 48 3511 Fair view av. , Falls of Schuylkill Logan, A. S. Y 70 McLeod, John Y 44 723 S. Twentieth. Mann, Albert, Jr. Md 79 Tacony May, Joseph Hv 57 1306 Pine. ♦Miller, A. B. Am 70 Mitchell, J. K. Hv 81 1524 Walnut. Mitchell, J. T. Hv 55 1722 Walnut. ♦Mustin, J. B. Bn 66 ♦Mustin, W. F. Bn 71 ♦Norris, W. H. Y 39 Peltz, H. S. R 83 1821 N. Twenty-second. Pidge, J. B. G. Bn 66 1224 Spring Glirden. Rhett, W. H. Hv 80 1512 Pine. Rice, W. H. Y 59 823 N. Seventh. Riddle, J. W. Y 59 Rittenhouse, Aaron Mh61 1620 N. Seventeenth. ♦Robb, J. H. Y 43 Rollins, E. A. 1) 51 4000 Spruce. Russcl, W. C, Jr. Cn80 Office Phila. Pre.'ss Saylor, F. H. Am 65 259 S. Fourth. Scott, J. B. Md 81 1520 Arch. ♦Smith, W. B. Y 65 Stevens, W. B. D 38 1633 Spruce. Stille, C. J. Y 39 2201 St. James pi. Stone, J. F. W 61 1922 Mt. Vernon. Stone, Morton P K 80 1339 Spruce. Stone, Stewart P K 80 1339 Spruce. Swaby, J. H. G 52 1300 Walnut. Wells, W. H. P 69 28 S. Seventh. ♦White, C. B. Y 72 Williams, Talcott Am 78 Office Phila. Press Wilson, A. J. . Md 66 1525 S. Thirteenth. Wister, Owen Hv 82 Chestnut Hill 620 Geographical Distn'but/ofi ifi A J (l>. Wood, W. W. Md 83 1529 N. Twentieth. Woodman, G. B. P 67 N. E. Cor. Thirteenth and Market. Yarnall, T. C Y 41 3914 Locust. Pittsburgh. Bennett, J. M. Hm 79 Forsyth, W. L. Y 65 Eagle Cotton Mills, Allegheny City, Pa. Harper, J. A. K 60 14 Cliff. *.Tones, Beverly Y 69 Kitzmiller, E. A. K 62 Resides Hawkins' Sta- tion, Pa. R.R. ♦Morgan, P. McC. Mi 53 Plumer, L. M. PK 74 98 Diamond. Porter, H. K. Bn 60 c. Water and Smith- field. Shaw, J. E. Y 73 134 Fifth av. Shiras, Geo., 3d Cn81 Shiras, W. K. Cn 82 ♦Smith, C. B. M. Am 37 Whitehead, Cortlandt Y63 ♦Williams, H. W. Am 37 Plymouth. Gabriel, C. Van L. White, W. P. Reading. Bard, W. P. Md82 Am 67 Un63 Hiester, Isaac PK 76 Kurtz, C. M. P K 83 Kurtz, J. E. P K 77 Maltzberger, Harrison Y62 Schmucker, F. R. Y 61 Schuylkill Haven. ♦Ward, J. W., Jr. Am 60 Scrantoyi. Coston, H. H. Md 73 Dean, A. D. Bn 72 Jackson, E. S. P 61 I La Bar, L. G. Md 78 : Lange, J. C. Md 85 I Newcomb, Edwin Md 79 Seu'ickly. Christy, G. H. Hd 59 Pittsburgh Shamoki7i. Helfenstein, C. P. Y 41 Swissvale. Dyer, Ezra Hv 57 30 Sixth av., Pittsb. Fisher, S. J. Hm 67 Titusville. ♦Guthrie, C. B. K 59 Rowley, F. H. R 75 Southard, G. F. K 73 Uniontown. Howell, G. D. P K 82 MacDowell, W. A. Y 58 Upland. Pepper, G. D. B. Am 57 Chester, Pa. Wai-ren. Miller, A. B. Y 55 Scofield, G. W. Hm 40 Washington, D. C. West Bridgeivater. MacDonald, J. V. Y 74 West Chester. Carson, G. P. Md 83 Evans, B. D. Y 68 ♦Meconkey, R. J. Hv 64 Pierce, T. W. Y 68 West Monterey. Doty, C. W. W 71 t West Philadel2>hia. Maison, C. A. Y 44 6901 Woodland av. Wilkes Barre. Chase, E. H. D 55 barling, E. P. Am 51 James, G. W. Md 78 Scott, E. G. Y 58 Shoemaker, L. D. Y 40 Shouk, G. W. Md 73 Sturdevant, C. H. G 69 Woodward, J. K. K 65 Woodward, Stanley Y 55 WilliamspoH. Brown, H. W. Y 54 Gamble, J. M. Y 67 York. ♦Coleman, William G 46 ♦Evans, E. J. Y 57 ♦Weiser, E. H. Y 49 t Branch of the Philadelphia Post Office. Geographical Distribution in .1 J 0. 621 RHODE ISLAND. Centreville. * Arnold, G. W. Y 60 Cratiston. ♦Potter, W. McD. Bn 59 Cumberland. *Jenckes, T. A. Bn 38 £ast Greenwich. Goodwin, Daniel Bn 57 East Providence. Howard, A. H. Bn 84 Care of A. C. Howard, Providence Nay ait Point. Dexter, C. O. Bn 85 Dexter, Lewis, Jr. Bn 83 Nd-th Kingston. Baker, D. S., Jr. Bn 75 27 Custom House st., Providence Newjjort. Blight, Atherton Hv 54 220G Walnut, Phil., Pa. Brown, J. N. Bn 85 Bufifum, \Y. P. Bn 79 *Marsh, I. W. R. D 57 Rankin, F. H. Mh 68 Sheffield, \V. P., Jr. Bn77 Storer, J. H. Hv 82 Pau-tucket. Farnsworth, C. J. Bn 84 Porter, E. H. Bn 66 Pawtuxet. ♦Arnold, A. A. Bn 67 *Taft, E. W. Bn 81 Peace Dale. Hazard, F. R. Bn 81 Hazard, R. G., 2d Bn 76 Providence. Durfee, E. G. Bn 67 Aldrich, C. T. Bn 77 26 George. 41 Weybosset. ♦D wight, G. L. Bn63 Aldrich, H. L.,Jr. Bn76 Dyer, Elisha, III. Bn83 41 Weybossct. 154 Power. ♦Ames, W. S. Bn38 Ely, J. C. Bn 70 Baker, Benjamin Bn 75 10 Wood's Building Comstock av. ♦Gladding, C. W. Bn57 ♦Baker, 0. C. Bn69 Gladding, J. R. Bn81 Binney, Horace Hv83 43 Chestnut. Bogert, W. B. Bn82 Goff, C. B. Bn 56 58 George. 49 Snow. Bradley, C. S. Bn38 Goff, F. S. Bn67 Eaton. 13 Hoyle. ♦Bradley, J. M. Bn63 Greene, E. P. Bn79 Brayton, C. R. Bn63 15 Parade. 91 Westminster ♦Greene, H. F. Bn70 Brown, T. E. R78 Greene, J. S. Bn82 159 Waterman. 87 S. Angell. Capron, F. P. Bn77 ♦Greene, P. B. Bn76 1 Broadway Greene, S. S. Bn 83 Caswell, E. T. Bn53 37 S. Angell. 113 Washington Greenough, J. C. W60 Chafee, Zechariah, Jr. 178 Power. Bn80 Harkness, A. G. Bn 79 5 Cook. 101 Prospect. Chapin, C. V. Bn76 Harris, Frank Bn 78 19 Waterman. 17 S. Water. Chapin, W. W. Bn55 Harris, George, Jr Am 66 80 Benefit. 154 Power. Chapman, R. B. Bn58 Henshaw, C. H. PK53 9 Equitable Bui Iding 78 Brown. Childs, C. H., Jr. Bn57 ♦Hoppin, Cortland Bn 55 453 Broad. ♦Hoppin, F. E. Bn39 Church, G. E. Am 72 ♦Howard, E. W. Bn 88 3 Pacific. Johnson, E. H. R62 Clarke, P. 0. Bn80 j 87 John. 66 Keene. Knowles, E. R. Bn81 Comstock, E. B. Bn76 I Pawtucket av. 27 Custom House st. Leonard, C. H. Y65 Cross, J. A. Bn78 ' 318 Broad. 70 Waterman. Lyman, A. J. PK78 Cushman, H. L D 65 1 26 Westminster 122 Bridgham. 1 622 Geographical Distribution i?i A d , Mason, E. W. Bn C8 15 S. Water. Mathewson, C. B. Bn 74 5 Jackson. Mauran, Frank, Jr. Bn 85 326 Benefit. Mowry, W. A. Bn 58 49 Snow. ♦Nichols, C. A. Y 47 ♦Packard, G. W. Bn 39 *Paine, G. B. Bn 55 Parker, E. K. D 57 47 Sycamore. Parkhurst, C. F. Bn 76 27 Custom House st. ♦Patten, J. H. Bn 58 Payne, Abraham Bn 40 21 Waterman. Peck, W. A. Bn 77 110 Canal. Perce, W. R. • Bn 65 Butler Exchange Poland, W. C. Bn 68 74 Hope. Pond, F. M. Bn 60 261 Greenwich. Rice, H. M. 49 Snow. Richmond, K. C. 261 Waterman. Sheppard, T. W. Slater, H. N., Jr. 64 N. Main. Sprink, J. E. 27 Custom Hous Taylor, J. M. 36 East av. Thurston, J. D. 26 Westminster. Tillinghast, W. R. 108 Angell. Vernon, J. W. 121 Williams. Vose, J. H. 146 Washington Warren, A. McC. 134 Bridgman. Weedcn, C. F. 45 Waterman. Weeden, W. O. 45 Waterman. Wheeler, B. I. Bn60 Bn85 R60 Bn54 Bn 65 e St. R68 Bn62 Bn79 Bn 54 Bn84 Bn85 Am -84 Am 77 Bn 75 Whitakcr, H. C. Bn 38 24 Congdon. Williams, Alonzo Bn 70 95 John. Winslow, I. O. Bn 78 399 Pine. Woodbury, Aug. Bn57 52 Broadway Rice City. ♦Hutchinson, P. K. Am 41 Tiverton. Barker, Benj., Jr. Bn 81 Warren. ♦Abbot, N. M. W. JBn 55 Cooke, G. L., Jr. P K 70 43 N. Main, Providence ♦Smith, J. W. Md 57 Westerly. Crafts, A. B. Md 71 ♦Hall, W. C. Bn 77 Wickford. Baker, W. C. Bn 81 Olney, J. P. D 61 Hollybush Farm SOUTH CAROLINA. BeaufoH. Fuller, R. B. Hv 50 "Robinson, Charles Y 61 "Stuart, J. W. Hv 49 Charleston. Brackett, G. R. Am 57 "Eustis, J. F. Hv 37 Hooker, E. T. W 60 Kirkpatrick, J. D. Mi 45 Middleton, R. I. D 60 ►Mowe, J. F. D 52 "Roper, W. B. Un 79 Chester. Loomis, Samuel Hd 49 Columbia. "Goodspeed, E. J. R 53 Mock, Benjamin Al 58 Early Branch. Bellinger, E. B. P K 72 McClellanville. Doar, S. D. Y 57 Society Ilill. Bacot, H. H. Y 37 Spartanhurgh. Poinier, S. T. Bn 59 Summerville. Hutchinson, E. L. Un 79 Sumter C H. Porter, T. A. PK76 Geographical Distribution in A J 0. 623 TENNESSEE. Chattanooga. Morrill, F. F. Hd G8 Clarksburgh. PlumnuT, A. L. D 70 Columbia. Cooper, H. S. Y 68 Fleming, W. S. ¥38 Dresden. *Bell, W. N. N. Bd 50 Gallatin. Hayncs, W. A. Cd 59 Knoxville. Allison, Alexander Cd Gl McClung, E. S. Cd 61 Maynard, Horace Am 38 Seymour, Charles Hd 64 Lebanon. ♦McClaini H. J. Cd 60 ♦Martin, Charles CdGO Cartwright, J. A. Y67 ♦Stokes, H. S. Am 71 Davis, B. F. Bn54 ♦Stokes, W. C. Am 69 Payne, A. B. K61 ♦Tarbox, L. G. Y53 Loudon. Rogers, S. A. Cd58 Younglove, J. M. G69 Lynnville. ♦Lowry, D. A. Cd59 Paris. Borter, J. W. Cd58 McMinnville DeWitt, M. B. Cd59 Rome. ♦McCluro, W. L. Cd59 Memphis. ♦Austin, W. S. Hd 51 Spring Hill. ♦McKcnzie, W. G. Cd61 Finlay, L. W. ♦Hamilton, James Vance, C. F. ♦Walker, J. K. Y56 Y 53 Mi 41 Y38 Trimble. Hillhouse, J. T. 417 Madison av. YG9 , N.Y. ♦Wingate, H. A. Cn77 City Nashville. Winchester. ♦Arnell, D. R. Am 40 ♦Stewart, B. D. CdGO Austin. Fisher, Rhoads P K 56 Traynham, J. H. Y 69 Webb, J. A. Mi 60 Brenham. Riggs, W. B. Y 71 Sayl«s, John Ilm 44 Camp Concordia. ♦Austin, W. M. Y 64 Chapel Hill. ♦Stanley, J. T. Bd 49 Clarendon. White, B. H. Md 59 Cleburne. Hall, J. M. Cd 59 TEXAS. Columbia. Swain, W. F. D 50 Dallas. Capwell, C. A. R 74 Fort Lincoln. ♦Goodwin, W. J. P 49 Galveston. Mann, G. E. K 62 Henderson. Gould, G. H. P 60 Uouston. Burnette, F. E. Am 67 House, E. M. Cn 81 Nichols, S. F. Un 76 Kickapoo. ♦Kimball, W. F. D. D 58 Kimball. Kimball, Richard D 65 La Grange. ♦Gates, W. T. Al 51 Lampasas. ♦Snow, C. A. W 55 Ijaredo. Showalter, Watterson K71 Longview. Harding, Lyman, Jr. Hm68 624 Geographical Distribution in .1 J (J). Marshall. Mayer, G. F. Mh 64 Matagorda. "Dallam, J. W. Bn 37 San Antonio. Mason, J. S., Jr. K 77 Headquarters Dep't of Texas Owen, W. H. Bd51 Weatherford. Sartwelle, W. D. P K 75 UTAH TERRITORY. Corintie. Salt Lake City. Silver Reef. Jacobs, E. C. PK55 Carpenter, G. S. Knapp, J. A. Hd59 Mh 65 Allen, W. I. Am 62 Park City. Reed, F. C. Cn78 Galigher, J. E. Mi 76 VERMONT. Bellows Falls. Chester. Manchester. Alexander, H. 0. Bn85 Farnsworth, J. B. D53 *Ames, G. L. ♦Miner, H. E. W54 W 55 Bennington Corinth. Simonds, J. W. Bd54 Harman, H. A. W67 *Richardson,W.H.H. D50 Wyman, E. L. W65 Factory Point Bra7idon. Coventry. Briggs, George G66 *White, P. H. D48 Middlebiiry. Chapman, T. M. G66 Brattleboroug/i. Craftsbury. ♦Dempsey, William Hd 50 Bradley, R. M. Hv82 Boardman, Joseph Am 55 Hamlin, A. D. F. Am 75 122 Commonwealth av. , Care Rev. Cyrus Ham- Boston, Mass East Elmore. lin, D.D. Bradley, W. C. Hv51 Flint, H. W. Md 68 Clark, W. B. Am 84 Montpelier. Clarke, R. W. D42 Fairfax. Miller, D. E. Md69 Harris, B. D. D45 Wilder, N. W. Md61 WiUard, A. R. D 79 Martin, G. E. Y72 13 Mt. Auburn, Cam- *Mead, J. N. HVDI Grafton. bridge, Mass. *Dean, B. W. D 48 WiUard, C. W. D5I Burlington. Brastow, L. 0. Bd57 Hartford. Noi-th Bennington. Dunham, A. W. Un73 *Tenney, George D47 Howe, E. W. D 64 Russell, J.W. Md68Y68 Safford, G. B. Y52 Lyiidon. Saint Albans Ware, L. G. Hv 50 *Bartlett, H. S. D45 Burgess, Thomas Bn70 Chelsea. Chase, Henry Y50 Seymour, Edmund W82 Seymour, J. H. W79 Hinckley, L. G. D56 Mclndoes Falls. | Seymour, W. W. W84 Kilburn, DaA-id D 79 Martin, Thomas D 71 ♦Whiting, W. H. Am 64 Geographical Distributio7i in ./ J (p. 625 Saint Johnshury. Thetford. Westminster. Gates, 0. H. D 83 ♦Smith, J. A. 1) 54 Dascomh, A. B. D58 Ross, Jonathan D 51 Saxton's River. Lazell, C. T. Bn i'A Thetford Centre. Gleason, S. M. 1) 58 West Newbury Lyon, A. B. lid 53 Willard, H. M. Bn 64 Vernon. Windsor. Springfield. Goodwillie, Thomas D 63 Richards, Jarvis I) 75 Rice, A. F. D 82 Ryder, H. D. D 76 Wells River. Woodstock. Whiting, William D 82 ♦Plimpton, S. M. Am 46 ♦Howard, W. W. D 53 Abingdon. "McChain, James Y 38 Amherst C. H. Williams, J. H. PK54 " Sweet Briar." Falls Church. Pond, B. W. Bd 57 Patent Office, Wash- ington, D. C. FarroH'sville. * Jackson, G. W. Hm 44 P. O. Markham Stat'n. Hicksford. Goodwyn, W. S. P K 38 Manassas. Round, G. C. Md 66 VIRGINIA. Mt. Vernon on the Potomac. Herbert, B. W. Hv 42 Newtown Stephensburgh. Davis W. A. Hv 37 Norfolk. "Lamb, Richard Y50 Petersburgh. Colson, J. M., Jr. D 83 Cook, A. B., Jr. D 68 "Heath, J. F. P K 38 Hv 40 Tiffany, D. O. Mh 74 1215 Main. ♦Underwood, J. C. Hm 32 Staunton. Ladd, J. J. D 52 Suffolk. ♦Hannaford, D. 0. Am 52 University of Virginia. Emerson, Samuel Y 48 Waynesborough. Richmond. Benson, W. H. Al 55 ♦Bissell, W. P. R67 Taylor, E. B. L. R78 Wickliffe. With Franklin, Davis Page, H. D. K 77 &Co. Page, T. C. K 81 WASHINGTON TERRITORY. New Castle. Young, C. W. Md 72 New Tacoma. Beecher, H. F. Am 76 Charlestown. Hooff, J. L. P K 46 Coalburgh. Edwards, W. S. On 79 290 B'dway, N. Y. City WEST VIRGINIA. Lewisburgh. Price, S. II. Am 39 Parkersburgh.' Sands, W. S. Mh 58 Siveet Springs. Perkins, Jolm Y 40 Wheeling. Cooke, 0. D. P K 44 626 Geographical Distribution in A A 0. Appleion. Smith, A. L. Md 83 Smith, F. T. Md 84 Smith, H. D. P 64 Baraboo. Williams, R. L. Hd 64 Beloit. Beach, W. H. Hm 60 *Bushnell, J. J. Y 41 Emerson, Joseph Y 41 Haire, J. P. Mi 55 W 55 ♦Keep, J. M. Hm 36 ♦Montgomery, Alexander Am 37 Pettibone, I. W. Am 64 Berli)i. Kimball, M. L. Hm 49 Brodhead. Charlton, E. A. D 54 Columbus. Maxwell, J. S. Hd 75 Delafield. Carter, G. G. K 64 130 E. Twenty-fourth, N. Y. City Delavan. ♦Downie, T. C. Y51 Dodgeville. ^Frost, G. L. Y 50 Fond du Lac. Conklin, H. H. PK37 Eldridge, Charles D 84 Hamilton, C. W. D 83 Am 83 Geneva. Holbrook, D. L. Am 72 WISCONSIN. Green Bay. Crawford, William Am 57 Hartland. Gifford, Harold Cn 79 Hudson. •■Boody, Alvin Bd 47 Janesville. Ilexford, J. DeW. Hm 44 Kenosha. Bond, Josiah, Jr. P79 Grant, E. L. P66 Hayes, J. W. D60 Lyman, F. H. • P68 Marr, G. H. Y67 Quarles, Charles P68 Quarles, J. V. P66 La Crosse. Holley, J. M. Hm66 Madison. ' Allen, W. F. Hv51 ^Carpenter, S. H. R52 Conover, 0. M. Mi 42 Freeman, J. C. P68 Manitowoc. Rahr, Reinhardt P83 Milwaukee. Bartlett, J. K. Y 38 ^Bean, W. L. P 52 Brigham, J. R. Am 45 Brown, C. S. P Brown, J. P. P 79 533 Lake av. Butler, J. A. Y 74 Chittenden, H. A. Y 67 Office Commer'l Times Colby, C. L. Bn 58 317 Division. Cramer, Frank Y 68 19 Prospect av. Cramer, W. E. Ub 39 Dudley, I. B. K 82 242 Wisconsin. Dudley, J. L. Am 44 Flanders, J. G. Y 67 505 Van Buren. Gilbert, S. C. Hv 80 Goodrich, C. W. P 81 544 Astor. Hulst, N. P. Y 67 Ilsley, C. E. P 82 572 Marshall. Ilsley, J. K. P 76 572 Marshall. Kinney, W. P. R 84 184 Ogden. •Lynde, C. J. Hm 39 Y 38 Lynde.W.P. Hm39Y38 McNutt, H. E. D 69 Martin, W. E. P 82 530 Van Buren. *Norris, G. W. Hv 52 Smith, Winfield P 46 Spalding, E. W. G 55 Terry, F. T. P 82 296 Knapp. Thorndike, William Hv 54 506 Milwaukee. Tweedy, J. H., Jr. P 79 584 Marshall. Upham, H. A. J. P 75 Webster, F. W. Bd 60 P. O. Box 161 Welles, E. R. G 50 222 Division. Wolcott, D. D. Y 68 Mineral Point. Piatt, J. A. Hm 35 Oshkosh. Albee, G. S. P 64 Geographical Distributio^i in A J (!>. 627 Prairie du Chieii. McMaster, Ariol Hm 56 Prairie da Sac. Young, E. W. Hv 48 Racine. Doolittle, J. R. G ;H Lukes, C. N. Cn 82 Ripon. Chandler, C. H. Dfi8 Stevens' Point. Nicholson, F. S. K 68 Waukesha. *Bean, S. A. P 62 Camp, C. W. Y 44 Cheyenne City. Mason, C. W. K 76 Fort D. A. Russell WYOMING TERRITORY Evanston. Griffin, F. H. Md 74 Fort Laramie. Neide, Horace Y 58 Tie Siding. Neil, II. B. Bd47 CANADA. MANITOBA. Winnipeg. Taylor, J. W. Hm 38 NOVA SCOTIA. Halifax. Allison, David Md 59 Wolfville. Sawyer, A. W. D 47 Cliyiton. Hale, Horatio Hamilton. Pilcher, E. H. 78 John, N. Hv37 P4<> ONTARIO. Loyidon. Oronhyatekha K 62 390 Richmond. Oshawa. Narraway, J. W. Md 62 St. Catharine's. ♦Bowen, C. Ap-A. G 55 Woodstock. *Hankinson, C. B. P 59 Dundas. ♦Brooking, J. H. R62 QUEBEC. Mojitreal. Ames, H. B. 51 Belmont. Am 85 Snowdon, H. L. R 54 67 St. Francis Xavier. Wells, G. H. Am 63 143 Stanley. 628 Geographical Distribution in A J 0. OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES. AUSTRALIA. Adelaide. Milford, J. S. Cn 77 138'' Bundle, Kent Town AUSTRIA. Vienna. Lippitt, G. W. ■ Hv 38 BAHAMA ISLANDS. Nassau. McLain, T. J., Jr. Hd 59 BRAZIL. Alcantara. Rio Janeiro. Sao Paulo. Ribeiro, C. F. Y38 Wetmore, C. H. Hd 83 Barros, L. de S. Cn7o de Sa, P. A. Y41 Jordao, E. F. P. Cn74 BRITISH BURMAH. Promt. Stevens, E. O. Bn 61 3 Strand Road CEYLON. Tillypally. owland, W. w. Am 41 CHILI. Valparaiso Foote' , L. H. Smith, T. S. Am 66 Kangysontoire, Jaffna Hd52 Peking. Garaewell, F. D. Cn79 Shanghai. 'Aitchison, William Y 48 CHINA. Holwill, G. T. G. W 65 Suvoong, V. P. K 67 ^Webster, Horace, Jr. G51 Yen, Y. K. K 61 St. John's College Tu-cho. Pierson, Isaac Y 66 Amer. Mission Board. Pekin Geographical Distrihutio7i i?i A J 0. 629 COLOMBIA, U. S. Aspinwall. Taylor, B. S. Md 74 CUBA. Havajia. ♦Siiviol, J. B. Bo 65 Agen. Bancroft, George Hv 5G Lot et Garonne Nice. Hitchcock, S. W. Y 61 Paris. Boit, E. 1). Hv 63 82 Avenue Friedland FRANCE. Coffin, W. A. Y 74 39 Rue de Chateaudun Coxe, R. C. G 77 120 Avenue Wagrara Deering, B. T. Bd 73 14 Rue Choron Loomis, C. H. Cn 72 27 Rue Caulaincourt Morton, Edwin Hv 55 Care Hottinguer et Cie. Williams, F. D. Hv 50 351)i.s Rue St. Fleurus Seine-et-Oise. Gardner, T. F. Hm 64 14 Rue de Livry, Mont- ferneul GERMANY Berlin. Blake, L. I. Am 77 Care Baring Bros. *Thompsoa, J. P. Y 38 Dresden. Griswold, George Ub 38 Slafter, T. S. D 75 Lei]) sic. Vlaxson, 0. P. D 78 Stuttgart. Sidonien Strasse 47 III. Catliii, G. L. Y60 Munich. Jenkins, C. W. W 60 Evans, E. P. P 54 Amalien Strasse 62 II. GREAT BRITAIN. ENGLAND. Liverpool. Abbott, L. L. D 66 Y 66 Care Dickerson & Co., Queen's Insurance Co. Building Branscombe,C.H. Am 45 *Gornily, E. C. Y 66 7 India Buildings, Lowell, J. R. Hv 38 Water. ir. S. Legation Martin, B. E. Mh 5J> London. 2 Essex Villa, Philli- Bowker, R. R. Mh 68 more Gardens, Ken- Sampson, Low & Co., sington 188 Fleet. 630 Geographical DistribtUion in A A Powers, 0. W. Md 56 Smith, G. H G48 Southport. 150 Cheapside Bailey's Hotel, S. Ken- Vincent, Samuel P65 Smalley, G. W. Y 53 sington 10 Ash. 13 Pall Mall IRELAND. Belfast. Wood, A. B. SCOTLAND. Y59 Edinhurgh. Curti , J. B. Bn 40 Cars well, Robert Md63 22 Young. 10 Warrender Park Road, E. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Honolulu. Judd, A. F. Y62 Koloa, Kauai Alexander, W. DeW. Y55 Whitney, H. M., Jr. Am 78 Hardy, Jacob Am 50 Damon, F. W. Am 73 INDIA. * Ahmednuggar. Park, C. W. Am 67 Mandapasali Hume, R. A. Y 68 Care of L. S. Ward, 1 Somerset, Boston *Taylor, H. S. Mudnapilly. Hd 4(1 Bombay. MdnA Madu •a. Chamberlain, Jacob Hd 50 Abbott, J. E. D 76 Capron, W. B. ITALY. Y46 Vellore. Scudder, J. W. Hd 50 Carrara. Van Schaik, S. W. Mh 69 Venice. Welch, R. W. D 72 Rome. *Sparks, W. A. Y 37 Florence. Tappan, Winthrop Bd 44 Hale, Edward 35 Via Babina.s JAPAN. Hv 75) Osaka. Tokio. Yokohama. De Forest, J. K. H. Y 68 Terry, H. T Whitney, F E. Y69 Bd 73 Bennett, A. A. 67 Bluff. Bn72 Geographical Distribution in A J 0. 631 MEXICO. Mexico. I Salinas. Jameson, C. D. Bd 76 | Stille, H. M. Y 64 MICRONESIA. Ehoyi. Pease, E. M. Am 54 PERSIA. Gawar. , Oroomiah. *Crane, E. H. Hm 44 *Stoddard, I). T. Y 38 I *Thompson, A. L. Am 56 PERU. Lima. Du Bois, E. C. Y 54 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Manilla. Jeffries, H. U. Hv 62 With Russell & Sturgis RUSSIA. St. Petersburg. Hoffman, Wickham Hv 41 SPAIN. Madrid. Perry. H. J. Hv 44 Tarragona. McAndrew, Shirley Mh71 Plaza de Olozaga, 12, 1°. SWITZERLAND. Basle. Wright, C. M. Mi 60 Also Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A. 632 Geographical Distribution in A J TURKEY. Aintah. Constaiithiople. £ski Zagra Trowbridge, T. C. P62 Barrows, J. 0. Am 60 House, J. H. Hd A. B. c. r. M. Con- Bible House Marsovan. *Sutphen, J. W. gregational Boston House, Bliss, E. E. Am 37 Bible House Hm Beirut. Bliss, E. M. Am 71 Bible House Smyrna. Bowen, Marcellus Y Bliss, F. J. Packard, F. E. Am 80 Am 80 Diarhekir. * Walker, Augustus ¥49 TURK'S ISLAND. Turk's Island. *Maynard, Edward Am 62 *Morgan, H. B. Zahleh. March, F. W. Hm Am 67 ADDITIONS TO FOREGOING LIST. North Manchester, Conn. Pope, H. W. Y 71 Boston, Mass. Heard, John, Jr. Hv 79 277 Clarendon. Chicago, III. Trumbull, Perry Y 70 Walton, X. Y. Comstock, Strong Y 67 ALPHA DELTA PHI NAMES. The following list contaius the names of all recognized members of the Fraternity, arranged alphabetically. In alphabetizing, " Cutter's Rules" have been followed, and, as information in regard to names was frequently obtained after the Chapter had gone to press, the list below sometimes contains full names where initials appear earlier. In all cases where the name given below differs from the name previously given the authoritative entry appears in this list. Here, as in the body of the work, names and parts of names dropped by the owners appear in brackets. In all such instances, the accredited name, which should be used in all addresses, is that portion not bracketed. For this reason, the bracketed names are omitted in the Geographical List and elsewhere in this work, except in the original entry and in the list below. A subscript, giving the pagination of each chapter, appears as a running line through the list. * INDEX OF NAMES. -A- 1 +Abhott, Albert Armstrong 1) 71 Abbay, Richard Felix Cd 58 [ Abbott, Alfred Wells D 67 Abbe, Cleveland Mh 57 t+Abbott, Amos Wilson D 63 JAbbe, Fredoriek Randolph V 48 Abbott, Asa George Am 65 tAbbe, William Alanson Am 57 ; Abbott, John Beach R 79 Abbot, Nathan Miller Wheaton Bn 55 I Abbott, Joshua Plummer D 66 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 15-1-172; CI, Columfna, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hni, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, //am»-(?, pp. 176-200; Hd, //■«rf.soH, pp. 220-234; K, AVnyoH, pp. 399-408; ^h, Manhattan, pp. 358-373; Mi, .Via»i!:, pp. 33-47; Md, Jliddletoicn, pp. 377-395; P, Peninsular, pp. 291-310; PK, P/ii A a/j/>a, pp. 440-450; K, Rochester, pp. 3lb-325; Vn, Cnion, pp. 411-421; Vh,Crhan, pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y, Vale, pp. 63-113; UHHtary List, pp. 456-527: XKinship List, pp. 633-549. 41 634 Na mes in A J :i:Al)bott, Justin Edwards D 7G Abbott, Lewis Lowe D 66 Y GQ JAbbott, Thomas Alden Hm 70 tAbbott, Willard R 58 JAbbott, William Pratt Cn 79 Abeel, George Howard Mh 82 CI 83 Abel, William Henry Mh 55 Adam, William Lawrence W 77 fAdams, Albert Egerton Y 62 Adams, Austin D 48 fAdams, Charles Francis, Jr. Hv 56 Adams, Charles True D 65 - Adams, Charles Wisner R 76 Adams, Edward Francis Hd 60 - Adams, Edward Le Grand R 75 JAdams, Elbridge Gerry Root Un 61 .-Adams, George Byron R 82 Adams, George Moulton Am 44 Adams, Ira Hm 39 Adams, John Clark Hv 39 - Adams, John Quincy R 74 Adams, Joseph Henry Hv 81 Adams, Melville Morris Hm 34 Adams, Melvin Ohio D 71 JAdams, Seymoiir Fenton Hm 58 Adams, Seymour Webster Hm 39 t J Adams, Silas Hobart Hm 65 Adams, Thomas Parker Hm 36 Adams, Whittlesey Y 57 Adams, William Piatt Un 79 JAdams, William Root Un 51 tAdriance, Harris Ely W 83 JAdriance, James Ruthven W 78 Adsit, Charles Chapin Cn 75 Aikman, Robert Y 43 Aitchison, AVilliam Y 48 Albee, George Sumner P 64 tAlden, Charles Henry Bn 56 Alden, Edmund Kimball Am 44 Alden, Edmund Kimball Am 80 Aldis, Charles CI 37 tAldrich, Charles Talbot Bn 77 Aldrich, George Thompson D 81 JAldrich, Henry Leprelate, Jr. Bn 76 fAlexander, Charles Tripler Y 54 J Alexander, George Un 66 Alexander, Harry Olin Bn 85 fAlexander, Ira Rush Y 62 ^Alexander, John Un 66 fAlexander, Samuel Judson I) 63 Alexander, William DeWitt Y 55 Alford, Daniel Stillman Md 71 Alger, William Gaul Y 69 Allard, John Winslow D 54 JAUen, Alexander Viets Griswold K 62 Allen, Alfred Louis Md 61 Allen, Charles Nelson G 69 Allen, Cornelius Lansing Y 67 Allen, Frank Douglass Hm 85 Allen, Fred Lyman D 74 Allen, George Smith K 59 Allen, Henry Augustus Bn 54 t Allen, Henry John Whitehouse G 63 Allen, James Franklin D 62 Allen, James Monroe Y 67 Allen, Louis Edmund W 74 Allen, Nathan Hm 48 Allen, Oliver, Jr. Cn 72 Allen, Theodore Hand Hm 79 f Allen, Washington Irving Am 62 Allen, William Francis Hv 51 Allin, George Albert R 62 Ailing, John Wesley Y 62 Allis, Frederick Y 70 f Allison, Alexander Cd 61 Allison, David Md 59 Allison, William Boyd Hd 50 Allyn, Thomas Y 67 Altman, Henry Cn 73 Alvord, Alfred Ely Am 84 Ambler, Ralph Steele Hd 83 Ambrose, James Clement P 63 f Ambrose, Thomas Lyford Bd 56 |Ames, George Lapham AY 54 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Boiedoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brimonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, T^Tp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; T>, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Ilm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, //arwrc?, pp. 176-200 ; Hd, //wrfson, pp. 220-234; K, A'h Benson Mh 61 Barnum, William Henry P 61 Barr, John Mi 40 Barrere, Carlisle Mi 66 Barrett, Charles Henry Y 54 Barrett, Frank Edward Md 70 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunoiiian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 43CM37; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; B.m, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, Harvard, pp. 176-200; Hd, Iludsofi, pp. 220-234; K, Kenyon, pp. 399-408; Mli, Manhattan, Names in A J 0. 6.37 Barros, Luis do Soiixa Cn 75 tBarrows, Allen Campbell Hd 61 Barrows, Arthur Arnold V 65 JBarrows, Charles Densuiore Hm 69 JBarrows, John Otis Am 60 Barrows, Nathan Hd 50 JBarrows, Robert Beldcn Hm 84 JBarrows, William Henry Am 59 Barry, Edmund Drinan P 76 Barstow, John D83 Barstow, Josiali Whitney D46 Bartlett, George Washington D56 Bartlett, Henry Snow D45 Bartlott, John Knowlton Y38 Bartlett, Samuel Newton D 64 Bartlett, William Alfred D82 Bartlett, William Alvin Hm 52 Bartlett, AVm. Frederick Vine ent Y 53 JBarto, Frederic Dumont G75 JBarto, Richard Vernam PK82 Barton, Herbert Jewett Md 76 D 76 JBarton, Homer Rollin Am 63 Barton, Jolm Graeff Mh 31 Barton, John Wait Y61 t Barton, Walter Am 56 Bartow, Alfred Y69 Bassett, Austin Bradley W81 Bassett, Edward Dally Md 85 Bassett, Frederick James Un77 Batchelder, John Stockman W52 Bateman, Clifford Rush Am 76 Bates, Arlo Bd76 tJBates, Erastus Newton W53 J Bates, George Anthony W78 Bates, Henry Clarence Hd81 Bates, James Hale P52 Bates, Joseph Clement Bd63 Bates, Sanmel Ponniman Bn 51 Battle, Junius Kincaid Al 58 tBaxter, Albert Franklin D 73 Baxter, Witter Johnson P52 Bayles, Francis Seguine Mh 84 Bayles, Lewis Condit Mii 55 fBayley, Frank Tappan Bd 71 Beach, Ferdinand Y 60 tJBeach, Myron Hawley Hm 53 Beach, Scth Curtis Un 63 Beach, Theodore Charles Md 65 t+Beach, William Harrison Hm 60 JBealc, Frank Howard Md 68 Beale, Howard Chandler Md 65 tJBeale, Joseph Henry Md 72 Beale, Robert Marshall Y 58 tBean, Sidney Alfred P 52 fBean, Walker Lindsley P 52 Beard, Augustus Field Y 57 tBeard, George Miller Y 62 Beard, Thomas Jefferson Al 55 Beardsley, Arthur M. G 42 Beardsley, Charles Henry G 55 Beattie, David Am 59 Beatty, Ah'a John ' Hm 82 tBeaver, Goodwin Stoddard P 61 JBecker, Charles Walter P 52 JBecker, Fred Walter P 66 JBecker, John Fillmore P 53 Becker, Tracy Chatfield Un 74 Beckwith, George Henry W 58 Beckwith, Henry Nehemiah Un 63 Beckwith, Isbon Thaddeus P K 68 Y 68 fBedinger, Everett Wade Y 51 Beebe, Samuel John Mills Hm 38 Beebc, William Y 73 Beecher, Eugene Francis Y 67 JBeccher, Henry Ward Am 34 JBeecher, Herbert Foote Am 76 Beede, James Madison Md 72 Beers, Henry Augustin Y 69 Beers, George Lewis Y 60 Belding, Edgar Frost Y 72 Belknap, William Richardson Y 69 Bell, Edward Wells Y 64 de Bell, Edwin Truman R 78 Bell, Joseph Un 60 pp. 358-373; Mi, Jfianii, pp. 33-47; Md, Middletown, pp. 377-395; P, Peninmlar, pp. 291-310; P K, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-450; R, Rochester, pp. .315-32.J; Un, Union, pp. 411-421; Ub, L'rban, pp. 51-53; W, Williamv, pp. 339-353; Y, Tale, pp. 63-113; ^ Military List, pp. 456-527; XKinn)iip List, pp. 533-549. 638 Names in A J 0. Bell, William Nelson Nailing Btl 50 Bellamy, Francis Julius R 76 Bellinger, Edward Bohun P K 72 JBellows, George Powis G 73 JBellows, Martin Luther G 43 Bellows, Bussell Nevins Hv G4 Belville, William W. Mi 40 Beraan, Henry DeWitt Y 51 Bemis, Louis Sylvester Y 69 Bender, George Curtis Un 77 Bender, Matthew Un 66 Benedict, Samuel Seward W 65 Benjamin, George Whitefield Y 64 JBennett, Albert Arnold Bn 72 Bennett, Edmund Neville Bn 80 Bennett, Edward Brown Y 66 Bennett, Fred Fuller Un 83 Bennett, Henry Silliman Y 53 Bennett, Henry Ward Md 62 Bennett, James Levi Hm 71 Bennett, James Miller Hm 79 Bennett, Nathaniel Hm 35 Bennett, Samuel Allen Hm 48 Bennett, William Henry Y 66 {Bennett, William Henry Bn 68 fBenson, William Henry Al 55 Bentley, Edward Warren Y 50 Benton, Horace Hd 50 Benton, Joseph Augustine Y 42 Berry, Walter Van Rensselaer Hv 81 Best, James Am 85 JBetts, Alsop Lockwood Y 72 JBetts, William James Y 70 Bicknell, Thos. Williams Am 57 Bn 60 Bigelow, Albert Miron Md 67 Bigelow, Charles Emerson Y 73 JBigelow, Dana Williams Hm 65 Bigelow, David Skinner Y 52 Bigelow, George Dexter D 73 {Bigelow, Horace Porter Hm 61 Bigelow, John Milton W 66 Bigelow, William Augustus Y 45 Bigler, Casper Shrora Y 67 Billings, Charles Morris Am 63 Billings, Edward Coke Y 53 Billings, Richard Salter Am 47 Bingham, Egbert Byron Y 63 Binney, Horace Hv 83 fBinncy, John Hv 64 Birch, Wesley Samuel Un 69 fBirdsall, Samuel G 55 Birdsey, Eldon Benjamin Md 71 Birge, Henry Morton Cn 73 fBirney, William Mi 39 Bisbee, Joseph Bartlett Am 80 Bishop, Addin Lewis Y 55 {Bishop, Charles White R 77 {Bishop, Franklin Backus R 71 {Bishop, George Sayles R 58 Am 58 t{Bishop, George Spencer Mi 67 {Bishop, James Lord R 65 Am 65 {Bishop, John Mason Mi 41 fBishop, John Webster Al 54 {Bishop, Levi Jesse Putnam R 74 {Bishop, Robert Hamilton Mi 34 t{Bishop, Robert Hamilton, Jr. Mi 71 {Bishop, Sylvester Lyons Mi 72 Bissell, Charles Rollin W 64 t{Bissell, Josiah Hooker R 65 Y 65 Bissell, Leavitt Field Hd 50 {Bissell, Willard Parker R 67 Bixby, Robert Forsyth P K 70 Blackman, Samuel Curtis Y 54 Blackmer, William Cole P K 78 Blackwood, Arthur P 54 fBlair, Benjamin Franklin P 61 Blair, Charles A P 76 Blair, Samuel Ford Md 81 Blake, Barton Fisk D 63 Blake, Charles Thompson Y 47 Blake, Edward Howard Bd 77 Blake, Francis Wharton K 80 Blake, George Frank D 83 Blake, Henry Taylor Y 48 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Boicdoin, pp. 238-256; Bu, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, -p-p. 56-59; Cn, Corm-ll, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; Gr, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Ifamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, ^arsard, pp. 176-200; Hd, //mc?«0)j, pp. 220-234; K, A'e»iyo», pp. 399-408; Wn, Manhattan, Names in I J . 639 Tilako, Lufion Ira Am 77 Blake, MaurifO Bonaiah Am Of, Blake, Sanmol Tarkman IIv 5") Blake, Stanton Hv 57 Blake, William Augustine Bd 73 Blakely, Mattliew James Mh 58 Blakeman, Wilbert Celestas Md 70 tBlakeslee, Erastus Y 03 Blakey, James Churchill Al 50 Blanchard, Amos Adams D 45 Blanchard, Joseph Nathaniel Am 71 Blatchford, Paul Am 82 Blatchford, Samuel CI 37 Blatchley, Charles Carroll Y 03 Blight, Atherton Hv 54 Blight, George Hv 05 tJBliss, Alexander Hv 47 Bliss, Charles Robinson W 54 JBliss, Edwin Elisha Am 37 Bliss, Edwin Munsell Am 71 Bliss, Frank Edward Bn OS JBliss, Frederick Jones Am 80 JBliss, Howard Sweetzer Am 82 Bliss, Robert Y 50 JBliss, William Davis Hv 40 JBliss, William Dwight Porter Am 78 Blodgett, James Hv 41 tBloom, Harvey Harris Y 03 Bloomficld, Smith Mh 57 Bly, Myron Tuthill R 80 Blynn, William G. Mi 08 Board, Charles Howell Y 71 Boardman, Herbert Y 68 Boardman, Joseph Am 55 JBoardman, William Henry P K 85 JBoardman, William Jarvis PK54 Bodge, James Henry D 65 Bogert, William Benezet Bn 82 Boit, Edward Darley Hv 63 Bolenius, Robert Miller D 70 Bolles, William Mather K 84 fBoltwood, Henry Leonidas Am 53 Bond, Artliur Thomas W 73 Bond, Ephraiiii Ward Am 41 Bond, Josiah, Jr. P 70 fBond, Nelson Freeman Am 04 Bond, Samuel Robert D 55 JBonham, John Clinton Mi 47 JBonham, Lewis Noble Mi 55 Bonnell, Martyn Hd 72 Bonner, Sanmel Alexander Mi 49 JBonney, Alfred Cn 78 fBonney, George Bernard Y 61 JBonney, Jerome Rapalje Cn 80 JBoody, Alvin Bd 47 JBoody, Henry Hill " Bd 42 Booth, Charles Edward Y 64 Booth, Charles Herbert Hd 84 Booth, Edward Munson Y 63 J Booth, Irving Edward Cn 83 JBooth, Quentin Woodbury Cn 81 Booth, Thomas Rogers PK 52 Boothby, Asa, Jr. Md 59 Borden, Simeon, Jr. Bn 82 Bosley, Henry Clay R 64 Bosson, Albert Davis Bn 75 Bostwick, Edward Breck G 68 Bosworth, Joseph Solace, Jr. Mh 68 Both well, James Lowe Un 62 Bott, Joseph Warner W 83 Boucher, Nelson Francis Y 72 Bougliton, Frank Pardee P 81 JBourne, Edgar Ketchum Mh 84 J Bourne, Shearjashub Y 49 Boutelle, David Emery D 62 Bowen, Charles Ap- Arthur G 55 Bowen, Lemuel Warner R 79 Bowen, Marcellus Y 60 Bowen, Samuel Adams Un 00 Bower, Latman Forrest Md 79 JBowers, Arthur Forster Bn 71 JBowers, Charles Manning Bn 38 Bowes, Harrison Hancock G 78 Bowker, Richard Rogers Mh 68 pp. .358-373; Mi, Miami, -px). 33-47; I.IA, Middletoion, pp. 377-395; P, /'cjiinsiitar, pp. 291-310; V\i, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-450; K, Rochester, pp. 315-325; Un, Union, pp. 411-421; Ub, Urban, pp. .51-53; W, Willinmx, pp. 359-353; Y, Yali', pp. 63-113; ^miitary List, pp. 456-527; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 640 Names in A J JBowler, Frank Bowler, George Pendleton JBowler, John Atwood Bowman, Edward Harvey fBowman, James Perrie Bowman, John Wcmple JBoyden, Arthur Clarke Boyden, Charles JBoyden, Wallace Clarke Boynton, William Nathan Boyse, Gerard Smith Brace, Henry Martyn Brackett, Daniel Brackett, Gilbert Robbins Brackett, Jeffrey Richardson Bradbury, Henry Knight Bradford, Edward Green Bradford, Frank Standish Bradford, George tBradford, Taul JBradley, Charles Fred Bradley, Charles Smith JBradley, David Emery JBradley, Frank Albert Bradley, Franklin Seymour fBradley, Joseph Manton fBradley, Leverett Bradley, Richards Merry Bradley, William Czar fBradley, William Edward Bradley, William Johnston Bradley, Willis Clifford Bradstreet, Albert Porter Bradstreet, Edward Thomas Bragdon, Charles Arthur Brainard, Edwin Whittlesey Brainard, Gideon Reed JBrainard, John JBrainard, John Morgan Brainerd, George Cotton Brainerd, Henry Green Braly, John Hyde Am 76 Braman, Benjamin Bn54 K 66 Bramhall, Charles Olin Md 80 Md77 Bramhall, William Ely Cn77 P81 Brand, George Byron R51 PK53 Brandegee, John Jacob Y43 Y68 Brandreth, George Adlington Un48 Am 76 Brandt. Herman Carl George Hm 72 Hv62 Branscombe, Charles Henry Am 45 Am 83 Brasee, John Trafford K82 Hm 54 Brashear, Herman Francis Hv 61 CI 40 fBrastow, Lewis Orsmond Bd57 Y47 Bratenahl, George Carl Fitch W83 D74 tBrayton, Charles Ray Bn 63 Am 57 Brayton, Edmund Cullen Am 67 Hv83 Brayton, George Am 66 Bd44 fBreed, Bowman Bigelow Am 53 Y68 Breed, Daniel Henry Am 57 Bn53 Breed, David Riddle Hm 67 Hv51 Bresee, Asahel Amos K80 Al 54 fBrett, William Howard Hd 74 D73 Brewer, Leigh Richmond G63 Bn38 fBrickell, James Noaille Y45 D63 Bridge, Horatio G67 D73 Briggs, George G66 Y61 Brigham, Don Ferdinand Am 63 Bn 63 Brigham, Edward Dexter W 62 Am 73 Brigham, Henry Augustus Hm 40 Hv82 Brigham, Jerome Ripley Am 45 Hv51 Brigham, (DeWitt Clinton ) Y60 Johnson Cn 70 Hm 71 D69 Brigham, Lewis Alexander Hm 49 Cn80 Brigham, Willard Irving P83 Y71 fBright, Osborn Edward Bn53 Y74 Bristol, George Carmi Hd41 G73 Bristol, George Worthington Uh71 P K 42 Bristol, Henry Piatt Hm 46 Mi 58 Bristol, Louis Henry Y59 PK61 tBritton, Alexander Thompson Bn 57 PK84 fBritton, George Washington D 65 Y67 Brooke, Edwin Atlee Am 46 D74 Brookes, James Hall Mi 53 Cd59 Brooking, John Hurrell R62 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, -pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423^25; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, //ariard, pp. 176-200; Hd, //«rf«o?j, pp. 220-234; K, A'fjiywi, pp. 399-408; 'bi.h, Manliattan, Names in ./ J 641 fBrookins, Arba Brooks, Byron Alden Brooks, Charles Grosvenor Brooks, Cliarles Wesley Brooks, Datus Chase Brooks, David Wheelock Brooks, Frank Stewart Brooks, George Gordon Brooks, George William IBrooks, James E JBrooks, Kendall Brooks, Phillips {Brooks, Samuel Brooks, Samuel Thomas Brooks, Shepherd Brooks, Stephen Di-iver t+Brooks, Theodore Darwin Brooks, Thomas Hope Brooks, Walter Denison Broughton, Nathaniel Hooper JBrown, Clarence Shepard Brown, Edgar Ketchura Brown, Edward Thomas Brown, Edwin Jerome Brown, Francis Brown, Frank Mason Brown, Frank Thurston Brown, Henry Billings Brown, Horatio AVoodward tBrown, Hubert Sanford Brown, James C. Roosevelt JBrown, James Olcott JBrown, James Padelford tBrown, James Polk Brown, John Knox tJBrown, John Marshall tBrown, John Mason Brown, Jolin Murray Brown, John Nicholas Brown, John NiclioU Brown, Joseph Vcnner Brown, Marcus A. Hm fiO Md 71 AmfiS Md 57 P 51! Hd53 Mi 69 GG3 Un 59 Mi 68 Bn41 Hv55 Bn52 Hm62 Hv57 Am 75 Mi 63 W 70 W6S Am 47 P76 Mh 81 Bd 71 Hm 67 D 70 Bd70 Y72 Y5G Y54 Y 61 CI 39 Bd 56 P79 Mi 62 Y72 Bd60 Y56 Hv63 Bn 85 Md78 Y42 Mi 44 Brown, Millard Fillmore Md 75 Brown, Milton Adams 11 55 {Brown, Nathan Clifford Bd 79 tHrown, Orlando Y 58 JHrown, Pliilip Henry Bd 51 {Brown, Kali)h David Parsons Mh 85 Brown, Hice Arnold Bn 71 {Brown, Ronald Edgar Ketchum Mh 83 Brown, Samuel Edward Am 55 Brown, Selden Stanley R 79 Brown, Seldon Lester Md 79 Brown, Thomas Edwin R 78 t{Brown, Thomas Frederic Bn 02 Brown, Thomas Gordon Mi 74 Brown, Thomas Jefferson Y G5 Brown, William Arthur Alex'r Un 77 Brown, William lAnvis W 78 t{Brown, Zephaniah Bn 65 Browne, (William) Percy K 64 Brownell, Charles Henry Am 71 Brownell, William Crary Am 71 Brownell, William Gideon R 77 Browning, Charles Ross Cn 83 Browning, William Webb Y 73 Bruce, Wallace Y 67 Bruner, Alfred Cookman Md 79 Brush, Charles D. L. Mi 44 Bryan, Charles A Mi 42 tBryan, Charles Joseph Al 56 Bryan, Washington P K 75 tBryant, Jacob Al 57 Bryant, Percy Shelley P K 70 tBuchanan, Abner Thomas Am 68 Buck, Charles Wentworth Am 55 Buck, Edward Howard Hm 52 Buck, Samuel Preble Bd 50 Buckingham, Ebonezer Hartwell Y 73 Buckingham, Jerome Hd 41 Bucknam, Robert Pagan Md 59 Buel, Henry Wadhams Y 44 Buell, Alfred Ely W 82 Buell, Byron Winfield R 70 pp. 358-373; Mi, J/iam/, pp. 33-17; Md, Middletown, pp. 377-395; P, Pe7iin.')ular, pp. 291-ZlQ; I'K, P/ii Kappa, pp. UO-ibO; R, /ioc/iester, pp. S15-S2b; Un, ^/niOH, pp. 411-4-21; Vh, Irban, pp. .51-.i3; W, Williams, pp. 339-303; Y, Yule, pp. 03-113; ^J/ililuri/ Lint, pp. 456-527; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 42 642 Names in A J Buell, Frederick Eice P76] Burton, William Eights Y70 Buff urn, Charles Albert Am 75 Bush, Franklin LeonarcJ Hv64 Buffum, William Potter Bn79 Bush, William Theodore Hm 83 Bugbee, Thomas Francis Al 51 Bushnell, Jackson Jones Y 41 tBulkcley, Charles Edwin P K 5G Y56 Butler, Glentworth Reeve Hm77 Bulkier, Tuzar Y65 Butler, Henry Alanson Hm G4 Bull, William Lanman' Mh G4 Butler, Jacob Mi 39 Bullard, Herbert Cutler BnGG Butler, John Ammi Y74 Bullard, John Eliot Hv82 Butler, Moses Morrill Bd45 tBullard, John Lincoln Hv61 Butler, Samuel Patterson Am 71 Bumps, Frank Forrest P85 Butterficld, Edwin Stone Y67 fBumstead, Horace Y63 Butts, William Henry P78 fBunce, Charles Henry Y60 JBuxton, Jarvis Barry PK72 tBundy, Charles Smith Hm54 JBuxton, John Cameron P K 73 Burbank, Arthur Marcus D68 Byles, Matthew Hale Hd75 Burdett, George Albert HvBl fByrkett, Abijah Raymond Mi 68 Burdick, Edward Hamilton G70 C Burgess, Ebenezer Prince Am 52 Burgess, Frederick Bn73 Cabot, Edward Twisleton Hv83 Burgess, John William Am 67 Cabot, Henry Bromfield Hv83 Burgess, Thomas Bn70 Cady, Chauncey Marvin P51 Burley (Burleigh) , Clarence Au- Cady, George Foster Md G9 gustus Am 72 Cady, Putnam Uu 85 Burlingame, Eli Hm5G Calder, Fred Manwell Hm82 Burnet, Jacob Staats Y57 tCaldwell, Charles D64 Burnette, Francis Ellsworth Am 67 Caldwell, David Augustine D60 Burnham, Michael Am 67 Calhoun, David Samuel Y48 fBurnley, George Bibb Y58 Cameron, Alexander YG9 tBurns, Joseph Scribner BdG8 Cameron, Angus Y69 Burr, Charles Edward, Jr. K65 Cameron, James Innes Hayes P K 79 Burr, Everett X)ouglity Bn84 Camp, Charles Whittlesey Y44 Burrage, William Wirt Hv56 Campbell, Archibald Henry Hm 49 JBurrowes, Stephen Ashton Mi 67 Campbell, Augustus Scott Hm GG {Burrowes, Thomas Ashton Mi 47 Campbell, David W74 JBurrowes, William Schenck Mi 45 Campbell, Frederick R 77 Burrows, James Bering Cn84 tCampbell, Gabriel P Go Burt, Francis Am 57 Campbell, Harry Mi 75 Burt, Hiram Austin P62 Campbell, James Dalgleish Hd81 Burt, Horace Greeley P73 Campbell, John P R 75 tBurt, John Otis Hv58 Campbell, Oscar James P70 Burt, Uri Un74 Campbell, William John Mh 78 Burton, Nathan Smyth Hd4G Canedy, Charles Forbes Y G9 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Boiedoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Bnmonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, /Jartmout/t, pp. -.'60-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, ITamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, Z/arcard, pp. 176-200; Hd, //Md«o?i, pp. 220-234; K, A'enyo«, pp. 399-408; lih, Manhattan, Names in .1 J (P. 643 CanfieUl, Frederick Winston Cannon, Charles Kinsey fCapen, Frank Sumner Capron, Alexander Capron, Frank Piei-ce Capron, AVilliam Banfield Capwell, Charles Albert Carey, Arthur Astor Carey, Ashbel fCarey, Elias Riggs fCarkener, Stuart Carleton, Isaac Newton Carman, Nelson Garrison fCarpcnter, Gilbert Saltonstall Carpenter, Robert John fCarpentcr, Samuel T. Carpenter, Stephen Haskins Carpenter, William Carpenter, Zachary Taylor Carr, Joseph Prevost Carr, Robert William fCarradine, Leonard Wilkinson tCarroll, Charles Whiting Carroll, Samuel S. Car ruth, Uri Carson, Frank Martin Carson, George Prentice Carson, William Orton Carswell, Robert JCarter, Bernard Moore JCarter, Charles Henry Carter, George Galen Carter, James Coolidge JCarter, John Ridgely Carter, Seth May Carter, William Smith Cartmell, Edson Black Cartwright, Jacob Andrew Cartwright, Robert Plenry Caruthers, Charles Clark fCaruthers, Elmore Perry Cary, Ja-oies Richardson Hm 68 Y67 RG8 PK45 Bn77 Y4G R74 Hv79 Hd74 MdGO PGO D59 Y Gi) Hd59 Y59 Al 57 R52 P77 Y70 Hv 50 D50 Y59 D59 Y46 Hm50 Am 79 Md83 GG2 MdG3 PK82 PK82 KG4 Hv50 PK83 Bd75 Hm79 K71 YG7 Cn81 Hd 70 lid Go P 59 Cary, Walter Hm 78 Case, Albertson Y 66 Case, Everett Hm 45 Case, Guy Buttles G 71 K 71 Case, Lee Whitney Un 82 Case, Philip Henry Bn 74 CasewcU, Edward Alexis Y 66 Castle, Thomas Cn 72 tJCaswell, Edward Thompson Bn 53 fCaswcll, Samuel Shannon Bd 64 tJCaswell, Thomas Thompson Bn 61 Cate, Carter Eastman Md 76 D 76 fCatlin, Benjamin Rush Hm 51 Catlin, Frederick Miles Cn 82 tCatlin, George Lynde Y 60 Catlin, Marcus Hm 33 Cauldwell, Andrew Butler Cn 73 Cauldwell, Leslie Giffen Mh 83 Causey, William Frederic Y 55 Caverly, Zachariah Boody D 44 Caverno, Charles D 54 JCaverno, Daniel Henry G 60 D GO JCaverno, John Sullivan G 58 Cavis, Joseph Mills D 46 Chace, George Sheppard R 52 Chadwick, Charles Noyes Y 70 tChadwick, Gustavus Benson Md 61 Chadwick, Harrison Everett D 58 Chadwick, James Read Hv 65 Chafee, Zechariah, Jr. Bn 80 Chaille, Stanford Emei;son Hv 51 Chalfant, Lafayette Washington Mi 43 Chamberlain, Edward Dyer Bn 61 fChamberlain, Frank G 49 JChamberlain, Harold Wyllys Bd 81 JChamberlain, Horace Bcriah Bd 57 Chamberlain, Jacob Hd 56 tJChamberlain, John Calhoun Bd 59 tJChamberlain, Joshua Lawrence Bd 52 Chamberlain, Robert Meech R 73 fChamberlain, Valentine Burt W 57 Chambers, Andrew Gowdv Mi 53 pp. 358-373; Mi, j/jamj, pp. 33-47 ; Ud, Middletown, pp. Zn-Z9&; V, Peninsular, pp. 291-310; P K, P/uAa/>p«, pp. 440-450; U, liocheHter, pp. 3US2o; Vn, Uition, pp. iU-iil; Vh, Urban, pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; \Militarij List, pp. 456-527; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 644 Names in i J ^Chambers, Hilary Ranald JChambcrs, John Frelinghuysen tChambers, Tlieodore Freling- huysen Champion, Henry Chandler, Charles Chandler, Charles Henry {Chandler, France Chandler, Joseph Gilmore tIChandler, William Chandler, William George JChapin, Albert William Chapin, Alfred Clark Chapin, Charles Henry iChapin, Charles Sumner Chapin, Charles Value JChapin, Franklin Perry JChapin, George Mooar R 78 Chapin, Henry Bainbridge Chapin, James Hayden JChapin, Lebeus Cornelius Chapin, Lucius Delison Chapin, Solomon Chapin, William Waterman Chapman, Charles Jarvis tChapman, Edward Thurston Chapman, Henry Fowler JChapman, Henry Grafton IChapman, Henry Leland IChapman, John Eliphaz JChapman, Johp Jay Chapman, Robert Boyle Chapman, Sherman Hartwell tChapman, Thaddeus Miner Chapman, Timothy Pitkin tChapman, William S. Chappell, Jordan Romans Charles, Albert Priest Charlton, Edwin Azro Chase, Albert Hunt Chase, Barton Walker Chase, Benjamin Whittemore Mh84 Mh79 Mh 68 Y60 P62 D68 P54 D82 P54 Y49 MdOo WG9 D50 Md80 Bn 76 Am 52 Am 79 Hv80 P68 Y52 Am 51 Md57 Bn 55 Bd68 Bd57 Mh67 Hv83 Bd66 Bd 77 Hv84 Bn 58 Y 66 G66 Y68 A153 Hm 55 D64 D54 Md82 D47 Md64 JChase, Charles Augustus Hv 55 tChase, Edward Henry D 55 Chase, Francis P K 52 JChase, Frederic D 60 Chase, George Leonard G 58 Chase, Henry Y 50 Chase, James Balloch Y 62 Chase, Nicholas Dubois Hm 76 Chase, Rufus Dudley D 45 Chase, Salmon Portland D 26 +Chase, Thomas Hv 48 JChase, Walter Wells D 65 Chatfield, Charles Converse Y 66 Chauvenet, William Y 40 Cheavens, Henry Martyn Y 50 Am 52 tCheney, Frank Woodbridge Bn 54 Cheney, James Edward, Jr. R 67 Cheney, James William, Jr. D 70 Cheshire, Joseph Blount, Jr. P K 69 Chesley, Charles (Usher) Bd 52 Chester, Carlos Tracy . Hm 74 Chester, Charles Thomas Y 45 Chester, Erastus Hd 48 Chester, Porter Lee Hm 79 Chickering, George Edward D 66 Chickering, William Henry Am 71 Child, Charles Jesse Am 8 1 Child, Sampson Reed Bd 84 Childs, Charles Henry, Jr. Bn 57 JChilton, Thomas George Al 53 JChilton, William Parish .\1 59 Chipman, George Colfax P K 45 Chipman, George Sumner P K 78 Chipman, Henry Whitehouse K 60 Chittenden, Granville Ingraham Hm 84 Chittenden, Henry Abel Y 67 Chittenden, Nathaniel William CI 37 Chittenden, Simeon Baldwin Y 65 JChoate, Charles Francis Hv 49 JChoate, Joseph Hodges Hv 52 fClioate, Rufus, Jr. Am 55 Clioatc, Washington Am 70 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amfierst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bii, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columlna.vP- 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cinnberlaiid, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, ffarvard, pp. 116-200; Hd, /f«dso>i, pp. 220-234; K, A'ewyoji, pp. 399-408; ii.'ih, J/an/iattan, Names in A J 79 Conant, Osmyn Perkins I) 79 {Condit, Albert Pierson Y 50 {Condit, Charles Y 48 t{Condit, Stephen Y 56 Conger, Chilion Paul G 75 Conger, David Ub 35 {Conger, Edward Allis G 63 {Conger, George Field G 80 Conger, Horace Newton, Jr. CI 85 {Conger, William Perez G 73 Conklin, Henry Hewitt P K 37 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Boiodoin, pp. 23S-256; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, ^'p. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 4.'50-43-; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Ilm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; IIv, y/a/iiarc?, pp. 176-200 ; Hd, //«d«o»i, pp. 220-234; K, AVH//o?i, pp. 399-408; Wn, Manhattan, Names in A J . 647 ConneT, Ili'iiry Losjrancle Y 49 JConner, Jolin Sanborn 1) G5 jConncr, Lenini-l. Parker Y 45 tJConner, Pliinoas Sanborn D 59 f JConner. Williani (iiistinc Y 45 JConover, O'oadiah Miller Mi 42 JConovcr, Wilbur Mi 40 Conover, Wilbur Garrett K 84 Convers, Ebenezcr Buckingham Y Gl Converse, Everett Howard Y 65 Cook, Asa Brown, Jr. D 08 tCook, Francis Edmiston W 08 Cook, John Darwin Shepard Un 59 Cook, Lyman Demerritt D 82 Cook, Roswell Dickinson Am 43 Cook, Walter Y 09 Cooke, George Lewis, Jr. P K 70 Cooke, Joshua G 42 tCooke, Oliver Dudley P K 44 JCookman, Frank Simpson Md 79 JCookman, George Grimston Md 77 JCookman, William Wilberforce Md 82 Coolbaugh, Frank Clarence G 06 Cooledge, Charles Allerton Hv 81 JCooley, Edgar Arthur P 72 Cooley, Elias P 51 fCooley, Noah Saxton Am 06 Cooley, Orrin Am 05 JCooley, Thomas Mclntyre P 59 Coolidge, Horace Hopkins Hv 52 Coolidge, Jas. Ivers Trecothick Hv 38 Coolidge, John Gardner Hv 84 Coolidge, Joseph Randolph Hv S3 Coon, George Washington Hd 76 Coonley, Edgar David Y 71 Cooper, Charles Hermancc D 77 Cooper, Horace Stevens Y 08 Cooper, Josei)h Aldrich Y 59 Cooper, Paul Fenimore G 44 Copeland, Anson Fuller Md 58 Copeland, George AVarren Am 56 Coppock, Francis Marion Mi 73 Cordley, Christopher Minta Hd 44 Corlics, Frank(lin) Haines Cn 78 Cornell, George Herbert Hd 77 Cornell, George James CI 39 Cornish, Aaron Spooner Am C8 Cornwall, James Hewlett Y 66 Cortelyou, Peter IJouse Y 64 Cortelyou, Thomas Foster Mi 54 Coston, Herbert Hull Md 73 Cotes, Augustus Brown G 40 Cowan, Perez Dickinson Am 06 Cowl, Maurice Ludlum Mb 81 P K 83 fCowles, Edward D 59 Cowlcs, Edward Sheffield Y 73 Cowles, George Washington Hm 45 Cowles, Isaac Augustus Hm 56 Cowles, James Lewis Y 66 Cox, William Weston Md 76 tCoxe, Alfred Conkling Hm 68 JCoxe, Arthur Cleveland Ub 38 JCoxe, Ernest Cleveland G 71 tCoxe, Reginald Cleveland G 77 tCoxe, Samuel Hanson Ub 39 JCrafts, Albert Barnard Md 71 JCrafts, Fred Henry Md 71 D 75 tCrafts, AVilbur Fisk Md 69 Crafts, William Augustus Hv 40 Craig, Henry Kinsman Bd 44 Craig, Joseph Davis Un 80 Craig, Virgil Lafayette Bd 5G Craig, Wheelock Bd 43 tCram, DeWitt Clinton D 50 Cramer, Frank Y 68 Cramer, William Edward Ub 39 Crane, Amos Waters D 62 Crane, Cephas Bennett R 58 Crane, Edwin Hall Hm 44 Crane, Joshua Eddy, Jr. Bn 72 Crane, Thaddeus PK 45 Crane, Timothy Farrar Y 64 Crane, Whiting Sanford Am 64 Crane, William Howe Md 77 pp. 358-373; Mi, J/toni, pp. 33-47; lid, Middletown, r>p. 3Ti-S95; P, PejiJnsHVnr, pp. 291-310; P K, I'hi Kappa, pp. 440-450; R, /Rochester, pp. 315-325; Un, r«/ora, pp, 411-121; Ub, Urban, pp. 51-53; W, nuiiams, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; \ Military Li^tt, pp. 456-537; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 648 Names in A J jCrapo, Henry Rowland Hv83 $Crapo, William Wallace Y52 tJCrawford, Sidney Am 61 JCrawford, William Am 57 Creevey, John Kennedy YG6 Creighton, William St. Clair K74 Crissman, George Turner Mi GO Crittenden, Frank Arthur P71 JCrittenden, Walter Hayden Am 81 {Crittenden, Wm. Bacon Am 78 Hm 78 Crocker, Frederick Williams W 73 Crocker, Hubert Davis PK84 Crockett, George Kimball Am 40 tCrosby, Alpheus Benning D53 Crosby, Darius George PK51 Crosby, Henry Ashton Mh63 Crosby, John Player MhG5 Crosby, Morcau Stephen Rfi3 Cross, John Alexander Bn 78 Crouch, Wesley R63 {Crowell, Charles Burton CI 85 Crowell, Edward Payson Am 53 jCrowell, Edward Roby W83 Crowl, Albert Mortimer Harman Hd 85 Cullinan, Patrick William Cn 72 Cummings, Perley Martin Hd 73 tCummings, Ralph Wardlaw Bd53 Cunningham, Edward Md67 Cunningham, Haines Drake Hm GG Cunningham, James Linton Y44 JCurran, Edward Hm 56 tJCurran, Henry Hastings Hm 62 ttCurran, Philip Clinton Hm 64 Currier, Edward Hal lam D 69 Curry, Albert Marshall Y72 Curry, Burrell I. Al 54 Curtice, Saul Ober Md85 Curtis, Albert Wakefield Y71 Curtis, Allen Hv84 Curtis, Allen Jeremiah P61 Curtis, Augustus Elisha Un66 ICurtis, Eleroy Hd45 Curtis, Erskine Chamberlain Curtis, George Edward JCurtis, George William JCurtis, Henry Melville Curtis, Horatio Greenough ICurtis, James Burrill fCurtis, Joseph Seaver Curtis, Thomas Buckminster Curtis, Thomas James JCurtis, William Eleroy JCurtiss, Alexander Main JCurtiss, Harlow Clarke Curtiss, Stiles Henry {Cushing, Edward Fitch JCushing, Harry Piatt JCushing, William Erastus Cushman, George Francis Cushman, Henry Irving Cushman, Joseph Wood Cushman, William Edward tJCutcheon, Byron M. JCutcheon, Frank Warner M. JCutcheon, Sullivan M. JCutler, (John) Calvin tCutler, Carroll Cutler, Charles Herrick JCutler, Elbridge Jefferson JCutler, John Lewis JCutler, Lyman Cutler, Rufus Putnam JCutler, Sanford Lyman fCutts, James Madison, Jr. xy Dallam, James Wilmer fDalton, Edward Barry Damon, Frank AVilliams Dana, William Buck DG8 Y51 Bn 54 Hd71 Hv 65 Bn 40 Am 51 Hv 62 Hv52 Hd 71 Cn80 PK81 Hd 67 Cn 83 Cn82 Hd75 A151 D 65 CI 84 D 83 P61 P85 D 56 D 56 Y 54 BdSl Hv53 Bd37 D47 Y 39 Am 85 Bn 56 Bn37 Hv 55 Am 73 Y 51 Dandridge, Nathaniel Pendleton K (iG Dane, Joseph Bd 43 Dane, Myron Benjamin Am 70 Dane, Walter Lee Bd 80 AI, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amhemt, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, hmnonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Darhnoutli, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 20')-217; Ilm, //amilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, Harvard, pp. n6-'200; lid, J/udson, pp. 220-2Zi; K, Kenijun, pp. 399-408; Uh, J/an/iattaji, Names in I J (I>. 649 tDanfortli, Artliur Curtiss Jim Gl JDaniels, Franc lUirchard Ilin 71 Daniels, Georfjo Hrown P 81 {Daniels, Henry Everett Case Hm GS JDaniels, John Ilorton Ilni 45 Dann, Clarence Burdette Cn 84 Darling. Charles Ross Am 74 Darling, Edward Parry Am 51 Darling, Henry Am 42 Darling, Samuel Carter Y G4 Darrow, Charles Erastus R 77 Darrow, Eleazer P 6G Dascomb, Alfred Brooks D 58 Daugherty, Aquila J. Mi 62 Davenport, Edwin Hv 48 Davis, Benjamin Fi-anklin Bn 54 Davis, Charles Mortimer Hm Gl Davis, Constant Freeman Hv G4 Davis, Edson Warburton Md C9 Davis, Frank Fillmore R 76 Hm 76 Davis, George Eugene D 71 JDavis, George Francis JDavis, Gil man Robinson Davis, Henry Sprong Davis, James Clarke Davis, John Milton Davis, Lowndes Henry Davis, Mark fDavis, Murray Davis, Robert Howe Davis, Samuel fDavis, Stephen Brooks Davis, Thomas Kirby Davis, "William Augustus JDavis, "William Henry Davis, William Thomas Davis, "William Vail Wilson Davol, Joseph Benjamin Dawes, Thomas Dawson, Lewis Reeves fDawson, Reginald Heber JDay, Charles Francis R64 R78 G65 Hv5S Y58 YGO D56 K61 Hm62 K73 Mo 59 Y45 Hv37 R 68 Hv 42 Am 73 Cn84 Hv39 Hd78 Al 58 83 "W 83 Day, diaries Lond)ard D 77 Day, Frank Leslie Bn 85 Day, (k'orge Herbert G 73 Day, Henry Mills lid 59 Day, Henry Noble Hd 28 Day, Robert Elijah Y 52 Day, Theodore Lansing Y 07 {Day, "William Rufus P 70 Dean, Arthur Denorvan Bn 72 Dean, Benjamin Willey D 48 fDeane, Frederic Augustus Bd 46 Deane, John Frederick Bd 54 De Bevoise, Gabriel Havens "W 57 Debevoise, George Edward Mh 84 fDechert, Henry Martyn Y 50 Decker, George Palmer R 84 Decker, William Frederick Mh 85 Deering, Benjamin Tappan Bd 73 Deering, James Henry Bd 45 Deering, Rufus Washburn Bd 58 De Forest, Heman Packard Y 62 fDe Forest, Henry Swift Y 57 fDe Forest, John Kinne Hyde Y 68 fDe Forest, Moulton Y 61 De Forest, Robert Elliot Y 67 Delafield, Albert Mb 68 Delano, Charles Am 40 Delano, Francis Ralph G 64 Delano, Henry Giles Am 58 Delp, George Y 61 Demarest, George Francis Mh 64 fDembinski, Louis Y 58 Demming, Minor Rudd Bn 65 Demond, Charles Mason W 81 Dempsey, William Hd 50 tDenison, Charles Halbert P 61 Denison, George Am 55 Denison, Howard Percy Md 85 Denison, John Henry W 62 Dennett, William Sawyer, Jr. Bd 71 Dennis, John Henry Un 62 Dennison, William Mi 35 pp. 358-373; Mi, J/iam?, pp. 33-47; Md, 3liddletoicn, pp. 377-395; P, iVwinw/ar, pp. 291-310; PK, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-450; R, Iloc/iexter, pp. 315-325; Un, Union, VV- 411-421; Ub, Urban. pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y, Vale, pp. 63-113; tJIilitary List, pp. 456-527; t Kinship List, pp. 533-549. 650 Names in A A Denny, Harmar Charles Mi 52 Denslow, Herbert MeKenzie Y73 tDerby, Haskct Am 5.") Derb\% Ladoit D 79 tDerby, Richard Henry Hv64 De Remer, John A Un57 tDerr, Franklin Christopher RGO Devlin, Robert John Mh78 Deweese, Thomas Lewis Mi 62 tDewey, Bernard Montgomery RoG Dewey, Charles Gipson D81 JDewey, Elijah Francis Mi GO Dewey, Henry Sweetser D 78 Dewey, James Richard W54 {Dewey, James Stoddard Mi 58 Dewey, Justin W58 DeAvey, Thomas Emmet R81 tDe Witt, Marcus Bearden Cd 59 tDe Witt, Moses Talleyrand PG7 Dexter, Andrew Hm 43 JDexter, Charles Owen Bn85 tDexter, Lewis, Jr. Bn83 Dexter, Newton Un73 Dey, John Richard Steele Hm76 Dezeng, Edward Cutbush G51 Dibble, Orson Gregory YG4 Dickey, Charles Denston Hv82 Dickinson, Cornelius Evarts Am GO {Dickinson, Edward Am 84 Dickinson, John Woodbridge W52 Dickinson, Oliver Partridge PG6 Dickinson, Richard Salter Storrs Am 44 {Dickinson, William Austin Am 50 Dickinson, William Cowper Am 48 Dickinson, William Eastman Am 55 Dickinson, William Henry R 64 Dickson, Edward Robbinson Y53 Dickson, Parker Mi 74 D 74 {Dike, James Bd69 {Dike, John Bd81 Dike, Samuel Johnson Am 66 Dilks, James Boucher Md78 Dillingham, Pitt D 73 Dillon, John Alvarez Hv 64 Dimmick, William Francis W 60 Dimmock, David Lycurgus Hd 61 Dix, Warren Rogers Mh 74 Dixon, Brandt Van Blarcom Cn 70 fDoar, Stephen Decatur Y 57 Dod, William Armstrong Ub 36 tDodd, Ira Seymour Y 67 Dodge, Ebenezer Bn 40 Dodge, Emmet Denio Hd 63 Dodge, Frederic Nevins Mh G5 Y G6 Dodge, Samuel Douglas W 77 Donald, Elijah AVinchester Am 69 Donaldson, Samuel Camillus Hv 41 fDonaldson, William Harrison K 68 Donelson, Park Shattuck P 49 tDonnell, William Ellingwood Bd 62 jDoolittle, James Reuben R 65 {Doolittle, James Rood G 34 Doolittle, Oswin Hart Y 44 Dore, John Clark D 47 Dorr, Walter Henry Hv 65 Dorsey, Walter McCorkle K 69 tDoster, AVilliam Emil Y 57 Doty, Charles Winchester W 71 Doty, William D'Orville K 62 Doubleday, Edwin Snow Mh iO {Douglas, Albert, Jr. K 72 {Douglas, Joshua Herbert K 83 Douglas, William Harris Mh 74 Douglass, Edwin Cn 70 Douglass, Solomon Johnson Y 57 Dow, Frank Fowler Am 74 Dow, William Dexter D 55 Dow, William Wallace D 61 {Dowd, Arthur Dudley W 85 {Dowd, Charles North W 79 {Dowd, Heman Mh 74 {Dowd, Joseph Mh 77 Downie, Timothy Campbell Y 51 Dox, Edward Rees G 42 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Jm/urst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Moicdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Cohnnbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 43CM37; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-2S7; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, iramilton, pp. 7-29; Uv, //aj-rarrf, pp. 176-200; Hd, //i((/«o)i, pp. 220-234; K, Kenyan, pp. 399-40S; Mh, .l/«)j/((j«a7i, Names in t J . 65 Dox, Rut^cr Drake, Frank James Drake, Henry Trevor Drake, James McEwen Drane, Henry Martin Dreyer, Charles George Albert Drinker, llobert Morton Drown, Albert Newell Drown, Herman Beverley Drummond, Isaac Wyman Drnry, Leander Muzzy Drury, Myron Maynard Du Bois, Alfred Du Bois, Edward Charles Dubois, Frederick AVilliam Du Bois, Hasbrouck Dubose, Virgil Milton Dudley, Charles Ashman Dudley, Charles Benjamin Dudley, Irving Bedell Dudley, John Langdon Duff, Robert Murray Duffield, Divic Bethune Dulles, John Welsh Dunbar, Charles Franklin •Duncan, George Willis Duncan, Henry Postlethwaite Duncan, James Ariosto Duncan, Robert tDuncan, Samuel White Duncan, William Freese Duncan, William Henry Dunham, Austin Ward Dunham, Francis Sutherland K Dunham, George Gary Dunham, Samuel Dunlap, Archibald Stewart Dunlap, George Harlan Dunmore, Watson Thomas Dunning, Seth Mooar tDunning, Silas Wright Dupee, Charles Analdo R 74 1 Dcr, K81 D Gl) PK 52 Un G-i (i G.-. Bn Gl Hd 75 Mh 77 1 Am 41 Hd 77 V 48 Y 54 Y 72 Y 5G Mi 38 P G5 Y 71 K82| Am 44 GGl P 48 Y44| Hv 51 1 BnG7| Y 44 P 48 Mi 37 Bn GO Cn 73 D 80 I"n 73 G2G G2 Y 5G Y 60 Mi 57 D 73 Md 71 W 51 P GO Y 54 Durant, William DurtVo, Edgar Greene Durfee, Henry Recs Durkee. Henry Rogers Dusinberre, George Blauvelt Dufton, Ormond Horace fDutton, Van Buren JDwight, Edmund, Jr. Dwight, Francis Edwin JDwight, Franklin Butler fDwight, Gamaliel Lyman JDwight, Henry Butler Dwight, Henry Edwin t J Dwight, James Harrison Dwight, James McLaren Breed JDwight, John Elihu J Dwight, Melatiah Everett Dwight, Theodore William Dwight, Timothy tDwight, Wilder JDwight, William Buck fDye, Charles Brockway Dyer, Azro R Dyer, Elisha, III. tDycr, Ezra Dyer, Orlando Eagle, Clarence Henry Eakin, William Spencer Earnhart, Moses Branson Eastman, Samuel Coffin Easton, Charles Locke Easton, David Augustus Eaton, Albert Eaton, Benjamin Briarly Eaton, James Clement Eaton, Thomas Henry Eaves, David William JEddy, Ashton Chauncey J Eddy, Bayard Taylor Eddy, Clarence YC8 BnG7 Y CI PG8 MdG8 Hv 53 Hm 5G Mh77 Hm 79 Mh 7G BnG3 Mh 74 Y52 Y52 Y4G Mh 63 MhGO Hm 40 Y49 Hv 53 Y 54 Y57 36D56 Bn83 Hv57 Bd85 Mh 77 Y4G Mi 72 Bn57 Un63 Bd65 D74 BdG7 P75 Bd69 Y Gl Md 75 Md79 YGl pp. 358-373; Mi, Miami, ^p. 33-47; UA, Middletowv, pp. 377-395; P, /Vjiinw/ffr, pp. 291-310; .1' K, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-450; R, liochester, pp. 315-325; Un, Union, pp. 411-421; lib, Urban, pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; \Miiilary IMt, pp. 456-527; XKinship lAH, pp. 533-549. 652 Names in I J tEddy, Samuel Mansfield Hd G4 Eddy, Thomas James Am 77 Edgarton, John Marshall Hv 47 Edgell, George Stephen D 70 Edgerton, Charles Sherman Md 70 Edwards, Frank Elmer K 83 Edwards, George Fairchild P G7 Edwards, Maurice D wight Hm 70 Edwards, Wheeler de Forest Mh 71 Edwards, William Seymour Cn 79 JEells, Charles Parmelee Hm 74 JEells, Dan Parmelee Hm 46 JEells, Howard Parmelee Hm 7G JEells, James Hm 44 JEells, Samuel Hm 32 JEells, Timothy Dwight Hd 28 Effinger, Kobert Patterson Mi 45 Egbert, John Lightner K 72 Egert, Charles Gardiner Hm G8 JEla, David Hough Md 57 JEla, Paul Francis Md S4 Elder, Samuel James Y 73 Eldred, Nicholas Boon Spink G 46 Eldridge, Azariah Y 41 Eldridge, Charles D 84 Eldridge, James B(ruce) P 55 Eldridge, John Marshall Y 63 Eliot, Charles William Hv 53 Eliot, Samuel Hv 39 Ellinwood, Francis Fields Hm 49 Elliot, Arthur Montgomery I) 84 Elliott, Charles Mi 40 Elliott, James Habersham P K 72 fElliott, John Calvin Hd 63 Elliott, Melville Cox Md 67 Ellis, Charles Bates K 77 Ellis, John Palmer G 62 Y 62 Ellis, Joseph Whitcomb Md 58 Ellis, Sylvenus Adon II 55 Ellison, Frank Thompson R 73 Ellsworth, Elijah Arthur Hd 67 Ellsworth, Washington White Mh 63 Ellswortli, AVilliam, Jr. Mh 60 JEly, Alfred Am 74 J Ely, Benjamin Caryl Hm 48 Ely, Charles Theodore Hd 79 fEly, Charles Wright Y 62 JEly, David Judson Y 43 p:iy, Heman B. • Hm 38 tJEly, Isaac Mills Y 43 JEly, Jonathan Sturges Y 45 Ely, Joseph Cady Bn 70 JEly, Sumner Stowe Hm 45 JEly, William Brewster Am 75 Emerson, Benjamin Kendall Am 65 Emerson, Charles Am 38 fEmerson, Charles Hv 63 Emerson, Charles Franklin D 68 Emerson, Francis Buckminster Hv 49 Emerson, George W 73 JEmerson, George Eussell Md 74 Emerson, George Samuel Hv 45 Emerson, Henry Pendexter R 71 JEmerson, John Hessie Md 70 Emerson, John Milton Am 49 JEmerson, Joseph Y 41 Emerson, Nathaniel Waldo Bd 80 JEmerson, Samuel Y 48 Emerson, Thomas Hv 56 Emery, Charles Woodman D 75 Emery, George Barrett Bd 60 Emery, George Washington D 58 Emery, Hannibal Hamlin Bd 74 Emery, Henry Brown Bd 64 Emmons, Henry Vaughn Am 54 Emmons, Samuel Franklin Hv 61 Emory, John Abbott Hv 43 Empson, Daniel Reily Y 53 Endicott, William Crowninshield Hv 83 English, John Mahan Bn 70 Ercanbrack, Thomas Russell Md 58 Estabrook, Joseph P 57 Estey, Alvin Page D 75 JEsty, Albert' Henry Y 68 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Hn, Brunoniav, pp. 154-172; 01, Columbia, \y^. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 42.3-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Ifamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, //armrc/, pp. 176-200; Hd, //i(d«OM, pp. 220-234; K, A'cHyow, pp. 399-408; ^h, Manhattan, Names in A J ^>53 JEsty, Clarence Houghton Cn 7G Faulkner, Francis Augustu s Hv 4G tEthcridge, Samuel Steplicn MdG2 Faxon, Albert Eugene Bn 58 Enrich, Ernst Ferdinand MhGG Fay, Edward Allen PG2 fEustis, Henry Lawrence Hv 38 Fearon, Robert Newton Md C9 P 70 tJEustis, John Edward Md 74 Fell, Issachar Price WG8 Eustis, John Fenwick Hv 37 Felton, John Brooks Hv47 JEustis, William Henry Md 73 Fenn, Robert Hughes R54 Eustis, William Tappan Y41 Fenn, William Henry Y54 Evans, Barton Darlington Y C8 JFerdon, Edwin Jacob P73 Evans, Edward John Y57 JFerdon, Ogden Winner P77 Evans, Edward Payson pr.4 Ferdon, William Hm 77 Evans, Eli Pinney K71 Ferguson, Charles Edwin P84 Evans, Ellicott Hv 39 Fernald, Oliver Haley Md G3 Evans, Evan William Y51 Fernandez, Luis Mh55 Evans, Glendower Hv79 tFerrell, Joseph Lybrand Y62 Evans, James Samuel Ub3G Ferrin, Charles Merril Hm57 Evans, William Webster D 72 Ferris, Leonard Zenas R 56 D 56 Evarts, Prescott HvSl Ferris, William Barton P77 fEwell, John Lewis Y G.5 Ferry, Edward Sylvester Md78 tEwing, Martin Baum Y 55 Ferry, William Henry Y68 Ewing, Philemon Beecher Mi 39 Fessenden, Henry Partridge Ub 36 CI 37 tEwing, Thomas Bn5G Fessenden, Stephen Deblois Bd 78 Few Smith, Joseph Y40 F Field, Charles Elmer Bn75 Fagan, William Thomas R55 Field, George Warren Bd37 tFairbanks, Francis Joel Am G2 Field, Levi Alpheus Am 46 ^Fairbanks, Joseph Whitcomb Am G6 Field, Walter Taylor D 83 Am 83 Fairbanks, Lorenzo Sayles D52 Fiero, Joshua Milton Y70 Fairchild, Charles Stebbins Hv G3 Finch, James Wells Cn73 Falkner, Edward Daniel Mh 72 fFinlay, Luke William Y56 Fanning, Abram Mills, Jr. R85 Finney, Elmer Edson W 75 Fanning, David Green Mh 57 Fish, Edmund P45 Farmer, Lewis Grieve D 72 Fish, Erasmus Darwin Bn37 fFarnham, AVilliam Henry Bd44 Fisher, George Whitefield Y59 Farnham, William Thompson Y50 Fisher, Lorenzo C. A154 Earns worth, Claude Joseph Bn84 fFisher, Rhoads P K 56 Farnsworth, Fred Winslow D77 JFisher, Samuel Jackson Hm 67 Farnsworth, Jonatlian Brewer D 53 JFisher, William Hubbell Hm 64 Farr, Lincoln Tibbals PG3 tJFisk, Asa Severance Am 55 fFarrar, Henry Weld HvGl Fisk, Franklin Woodbury Y49 JFassett, Henry Lewis R84 Fisk, Robert Farris Y44 JFassett, Jacob Sloat R75 tFisk, Stuart Wilkins Y40 pp. 358-373 ; Mi, Miami, pp. 33-47; Md, Middletown, pi^- 377-395; P, Peninmilur, VP- 291-310; PK, Phi Kappa, pp. iiO~V>0; R, lioc/ieater, pp. Zlo-32o; Uu, Union, pp. 4n~i21; Ub, Urban, pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; ^Military Lint, pp. 45&-527; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 654 Names in \ J d). JFiske, Arthur Severance Am 84 .Fiske, Daniel Taggart Am 42 JFiske,- George Foster Am 81 Fiske, John Orr Bd37 JFiske, Lewis Ransom P50 JFiske, Louis Ross P74 tJFiske, Samuel Am 48 tFitch, Calvin Webster D64 tFitch, Horace Benjamin W62 Fitch, James Gurdon Hd 79 Fitch, Josiah Huntington Mh 83 CI 84 Fitch, Nathan Thomas Y 55 Fitch, Thomas Warner HmG9 Fitts, George Henry D73 Fitzhugh, William Addison G43 Fitzpatrick, James Madison A154 JFlagg, Edward Octavus PK48 JFlagg, Jared Bradley PK4G fFlagg, William Lapham D 63 Flanders, James Greely Y67 JFleming, Edwin P70 Fleming, Louis Isidore Am 47 JFleming, Rufus P73 Fleming, William Stuart Y38 Fletcher, Albert M. Mi 3G Flichtner, George Frederic Am G7 fFlint, Henry Warren MdG8 tFlint, Joseph Nelson YGl Flint, Thomas D76 Flournoy, Richard Clough A n- derson K74 fFlower, Samuel PK45 Fogg, Edward Eastman BdGl Fogg, Frederic Augustine BdG9 Folger, Henry Clay Jr. Am 79 Follen, Charles Christopher Hv 49 Follett, Harmon Dewey P62 Follett, Lyman Decatur P74 tFollette, John Atwood D57 Folsom, George De Forest Bd44 Folsom, Oscar Ro9 Foltz, Jacob Francis D69 fFolwell, Asa Gray G G2 tJFolwell, Mahlon Bainbridge G i\\ tJFolwell, William Watts G 57 tJFoot, Robert Ebenezer G G7 JFoot, Thomas G G8 JFoot, William G 71 Foote, Charles Edgar P K 7G Foote, Edwin Bancroft Y 59 Foote, Lucius Harwood Hd 52 Forbnsh, Edward William Hv 54 Force, Manning Ferguson Hv 45 Ford, Charles Milton Hm 85 Forman, Fred Lee P 76 tForrest, Douglas French Y 57 Forsyth, AVilliam Lee Y 65 Fosdick, Frank Sheldon R 72 Foster, Addison Howard D 63 Foster, Burton Parks Hd 83 Foster, George Winslow Bd G8 Foster, Horace Burnham Hd 52 Foster, John Luther D 64 Foster, William Scott Md 85 Fonts, George Edwin Hd 85 JFowler, Charles Chauncey Am 51 Fowler, Everett Un 85 tFowler, Horace Webster Hm 63 Y 63 JFowler, Isaac Du Bois R 69 Fowler, James Walker CI 39 JFowler, John Kennedy R 70 Fowler, William Plumer D 72 JFowler, William Worthington Am 54 Fox, Duane Edwin P 81 Fox, Walter Howard Cn 80 Francis, Cyrus West Y 63 Franklin, Benjamin Whiting G 71 Franklin, Richard Whiting Un 85 Fraser, George Kenneth Hm 83 Eraser, Philip Hm 37 Frazer, Abner Lord, Jr. K SO Frederick, Carlton Cassius P 77 Freeborn, Frank Wilton Bn 69 Freeland, Charles Wright PK 81 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, £r?mo«inn, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-b9; Cn, Comfit, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumherla7id, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, //aroarrf, pp. 176-200 ; Hd, //«d«OH, pp. 220-234; K, A'enyo/i, pp. 399-408; Mh, Manhattan, Names in A J 6SS |Frecnian. Andrew Lonirvoar Freeman, Avtluir Midwinter Freeman, Howard tFreeman, John Cliarles JFrcenian. Spencer Iledden French. Charles JFrench, James I'aulus {Frencli. John French, John Davis Williams French, Kalph Spofford French, Scott JFrench, Solon Tenney R 72 W72 French, Theodore Francis French, "William Wesley Fries, Louie Kossuth Frieze, Henry Simmons tFrisbie, Alvah Lillie Frisbie, William Kussell Frost, George Lombard Frost, Henry Walker Frost, Thomas Gold Frost, Walter Clarence Frothingham, Octavius Brooks Fuller, Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller, Charles Fuller, Edward Thurston tFuller, Horace Smith tFuller, Robert Barnwell Fuller, Spencer Riland Fuller, William Eddy Fulton, William Edwards fFurbish, Edward Brown Furness, Horace Howard G Gabriel, Charles Van Loon Gage, Alfred I'ayson Gage, John Cutler Gage, Nehemiah Hutchinson fGale, Sylvanus Gale Galigher, Joseph Ellis tGallagher, Charles Wesley R51 Md80 Hm70 PG8 R75 y 72 Am 59 Am GO HvG3 Bd 8.5 DoO Am 72 Am 49 D71 Cn74 Bn4I Am 57 Y58 Y50 Hv58 Hm42 D 7G Hv43 Bd39 Bd G5 Y57 Am 58 Hv50 Md59 D5G Mh 71 Y GO Hv54 Md 82 D59 D5G Am GG MdGO Mi 76 Md 70 Gallagher, William Davis Gallaway, Robert Macy Galloway, Ellas Durfec Gallow'ay, John Smith Galpin, Philip Gleason Gait, Azariah Thomas Gamble, James Matthew Gamewell, Francis Dunlap Ganson, Cornelius Van Clevc Ganter, Richard Leo fGaratt, James Nelson jGardiner, Andrew Leishman JGardiner, Charles Alexander Gardiner, Frederic Gardiner, James Solomon Gardiner, Leonard Yeumans, Gardner, Charles Gardner, Francis Lowell Gardner, George Enos Gardner, George Warren JGardner, Henry Dwight [Wil liams] Gardner, John Edward J Gardner, Joseph Peabody Gardner, Samuel Spring Gardner, Theodore Adolphus Gardner, Theodore Faxton Gardner, William jGardner, William Amory Gardner, William Sewall JGarfield, Harry Augustus jGarfield, James Rudolph Garland, George Minot Garland, Otis AVard Garnsey, Lewis Rogers Mi Y P Mi Y Y Y Cn P K Md II m Hm G 42 Bd Hm Jr. W W Hv Am D Hm Hv Hv Bd W Hm Am Hv Bd W W Bd Bd Un 84 Garretson, Ferdinand Van Deveer Y GG Cn73 Md7G BdG5 Hd 73 D74 Hd81 Garrigue, Waldemar Otto Garrison, Stephen Olin fGatchell, Prince Albert JGates, Charles Alexander Gates, Charles Otis JGates, Frederick Hayes pp. 358-373; Mi, ilA'amj, pp. 33^7/ Md, J/WdWoicft, pp. 377-395; P, /VnJH.?«/ar, pp. 291-310; P K, P/ii Kappa, pp. 440-450; R, liochester, pp. 315-.'J-25; Un, Union, pp. 411-421; Ub, Urban, pp. 51-53; W, Milliajns, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 03-113; UHlUarij list, pp. 456-527; %£inship List, pp. 533-549. 6c;6 Names in A J 0. Gates, Fred Taylor R77 JGates, Lewis Edwards R83 Gates, Lorenzo Hd50 JGates, Merrill Edwards R70 Gates, Owen Hamilton D83 Gates, William Theodore A151 Gay, Edward Am 56 Gay, Julius Y56 Gay, Ziba Y46 Gaylord, Leonard Jarvis R64 Geddes, Frederick Lyman P72 tGeer, George Jarvis P K 42 Genung, Charles Amzi Md 71 jGerard, Elwood Stokes Md 77 jGerard, Joseph Md 82 Gere, Albert Henry Mi 62 Gerrish, Frederic Henry Bd66 Gerry, Edwin Peabody D69 fGholson, William Gates Hv61 Gibbs, Albert Lester Un 70 Gibbs, Herbert Russell W71 Gibbs, Mason P56 Gibson, Arthur Collis Bd83 JGibson, Charles Dana Townsend Y 64 jGibson, Edmund Trowbridge Hastings Y64 JGibson, John Graham G74 Gibson, John Tyler D64 Gibson, Walter D58 JGibson, William Thomas G42 Gibson, William Tyndall Hd76 Gifford, Harold Cn79 Gifford, William Stewart Cn77 Gilbert, Benjamin Davis Hm57 Gilbert, Frank Brown P71 Gilbert, Frank Henry Mh 77 Gilbert, George Yates Hm 37 Y 37 Gilbert, James Horn Y69 Gilbert, Lyman De Huff Y65 Gilbert, Nichols Audinet Cn75 Gilbert, Koswell Chase Bd80 Gilbert, Kobert AVasliburn W77 Gilbert, Samuel Cotton Hv 80 Gilbert, William Thacher Y 53 Giles, Clarence Marion Hm 70 Giles, William Warren Mh 81 tGilfillan, Charles Duncan Hm 53 Gillam, Cornelius Willett Hra 37 JGillett, Arthur Lincoln Am SO Gillett, Augustus Canfield Y 41 tGillett, Edward Bates Am 39 iGillett, Frederick Huntington Am 74 Gilbert, Frederick Lee Cn 71 Gilman, Daniel Coit Y 52 Gilman, Daniel Trimble Mh 65 Gilman, William Coit Y 55 Gilmore, Arnold. Pluraer P Iv 74 Gilson, Charles Franklin W 53 Ginn, Wesley Curtis Md 59 Gladden, Frederick Cohoon Am 85 Gladding, Charles William Bn 57 Gladding, John Russell Bn 81 Glasgow, Edward Brodie Y 63 jGlass, Edgar Pattison R 69 JGlass, Charles James R 65 Glassell, John Henry Hobart Al 52 Gleason, George Leroy D 61 Gdeason, Samuel Mills D 58 J Gleason, William Henry Y 53 jGleason, William Stanton Am 85 Glover, Charles Henry Hv 45 Glover, Samuel, Jr. Bn 39 Goddard, Delano Alexander Y 53 Goddard, Frederic Norton Hv 82 Goddard, John Calvin Y 73 Goddard, William Henry R 59 Am 59 Goewey, William Dudley ]\Id 77 JGoff, Charles Bradford Bn 56 JGoff, Francis Shubael Bn 67 Good, Arthur Carroll Cn 85 Goodale, Samuel Bushnell W 51 Goodall, George Brett Y 61 Goode, James Samuel Mi 45 Goodelle, William Prevost D 63 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Boicdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, ■p'p. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Uartmout/i, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hra, I/amilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, Harvard, pp. 176-200; Hd, Hudson, pp. 220-234; K, Kenyan, pp. 399-408; Mh, Manhattan, Names 771 A J 0. 657 (loodenow, Daniel Goodluie, Ilonry Anthony Goodman, Kicliard, Jr. JGoodscll, Charles Morgan JGoodsell, James Henry JGoodspeed, Edgar Johnson jGoodspeed, George Stephen JGoodspeed, Thomas Wakefield Goodrich, Charles Rush Goodrich, Charles AVatson ^Goodrich, Cliauncey Goodrich, Geo. Dickinson Am .53 W ^Goodrich, AYilliam Henry Goodrich, William Poole Goodrich, William Winton Goodwillie, Thomas Goodwin, Daniel Goodwin, Frank Judson Goodwin, Frederick Collins Goodwin, Homer Goodwin, Ichabod Goodwin, William Augustus Goodwin, William Bacon Goodwin, William Justus Goodwyn, William Stephen Goldsmith, Benjamin Moore Goldthwait, William Colton Goold, Cliarles Burton Gordon, Adoniram Judson Gordon, Henry Evarts Gordon, John Sawyer Kimball Gordon, Thomas Henry Gordon, William Lucien Gormly, Edwin Curtiss Gorton, George Varnum tGould, Archibald Falconer Gould, Edwin AValter Gould, Fred Harvey Gould, George Henry tGould, George Henry Gould, James Gardner Goulding, Franklin Bd85 Gowdy, George Edwin Mi 72 D57 fGrafton , James Ingersoll HvC2 Am G9 Grahan , George Washington D81 P (!5 t Graham , Hamilton Claverhouse PK CI P 02 Grahan , John PK 72 R .'SS Grahan , William Herbert P82 Bn80 Gramman, Alfred May Md76 R63 Grant, ] Cmory Levi PG6 Y49 Grant, Henry Martyn Hm 02 P81 Grant, William Cutting D51 Y37 Graves, Arthur Brown W58 3 W57 fGraves, James Taylor Y66 Y4.3 Graves, John P58 R80 Graves, John Long Am 55 Am 52 Graves, Samuel Lawrence Am 70 D 03 Graves, Schuyler Colfax P81 Bn57 Graves, Thaddeus Am 56 Am 84 Gray, George Hv49 G54 Gray, George Dickman Am 65 Hd44 Gray, Joseph Converse Am 77 Bd39 Gray, Joseph Howard Hv51 Bd43 Gray, Ralph P83 Hm59 . Gray, William Fisher Un70 • P49 Gready William Postell Y42 PK38 Greeley , Council Bd54 Ub88 Green, Moses Peed Mi 42 Am 39 jGreen, Sullivan Dexter P60 Am 79 Greene, Charles Franklin Henrv Bd49 Bn60 Greene, Edward Pike Bn79 Am 79 Greene, Edward Rowland CI 82 G68 Greene, Frederic William Am 82 PK71 Greene, Henry Franklin Bn70 Y74 Greene, John Franklin Un79 Y66 Greene, John Morton Am 53 Hm79 jGreene, John Stimson Bn82 Y.'52 Greene, Joseph Warren Y68 Bn 72 {Greene, Percival Bailey Bn76 D72 JGreenc, Samuel Stuart Bn83 Am ,50 Greene, William Albert BnG3 P 60 Greene, William Chace Bn75 Y45 Greenough, Alfred Hv65 Bd80 Greenough, James Carruthers W60 pp. 358-373; Mi, J/ian»", pp. 33-47; Md, Middletown, pp. 377-39.i; P, Peninmlar, pp. 291-310; P K, /'/li A«/>7)a, pp. 440-450; 11, y?oc/ie». Nathan Hv38 Hammond, George Hollis Md68 Hall, Daniel D54 Hammond, Henry Louis BnG4 tHall, Edward Henry Hv51 Hampton, William Henderson G75 Hall, Elliot Chapin Y62 Hancock, James Denton K59 Hall, George Cyril Am 71 Hancock, Theodore E Md7] Hall, George Rogers P K 42 Hand, Frederick Augustus W67 JHall, Gordon Y43 Handy, Edward Parker Hm 33 tHali, Gordon Robert Am 72 Ilankinson, Charles Bird P59 Hall, Granville Stanley W 67 Hann, Augustus Philip Md 79 Hall, Herbert Oakey W 84 Hannaford, David Osheal Am 52 Hall, Ira Cole Y68 fHannahs, Diodate Cushman Y59 Hall, Isaac Hollister Hm59 Hanscom, James William Bd46 |Hall, James Stevenson Hv58 Hapgood, Charles Hutching Bn 57 Hall, John Manning Y66 fHardie, Joseph A155 Hall, Josephus Marion Cdo9 Harding, Alfred PK79 Hall, Lorin K77 fHarding, Chester Hv47 Hall, Lyman Beecher Am 73 JHarding, John Wheeler Y45 Hall, Osee Matson W68 Harding, Lyman, Jr. Hm63 Hall, Richard Clarence Bn41 Harding, Wilder Bennet Y67 tHall, Richard Fitch Hv54 JHarding, William Greenough W57 Hall, Samuel Shaler P47 Hardison, Frank Herbert D76 Hall, WiUard Preble Y 72 Hardy, Asa Strong Am 61 Hall, William Clifton Bn77 Hardy, Jacob Am 50 tllall, William Kittrege Y59 fHardy, John Henry D70 Hallenbeck, Valentine Md82 Harison, Richard Morley G 52 Halliday, Samuel Dumont Hm 09 Cn 70 Harkness, Albert Granger Bn79 Hallock, William Kingsland Mh 58 Harland, Henry Mh 82 tllallowell, Norwood Penrose HvGl Harlow, Edwin Augustus Warren Hv 41 Halsey, Anthony CI 37 Harman, Henry Augustus W 67 Halsey, Jacob Stephen Y42 fHarmon, George AVilliam P65 Halsey, NicoU Hm 67 Harmon, Henry A Un68 Hamilton, Chas. Woodman 1) 8;} Am 83 Harmon, Julian Hd 46 t Hamilton, Frank Brown Hd59 Harjjer, John Arunah K60 jHamilton, Henry Harrison Am 68 Harrington, Brainerd Timothy Am 52 tHamilton, Jjunes Y53 tJHarrington, Charles Frederick Hd70 tJHamilton, John Alexander Am 53 {Harrington, Frank Wales Hd79 Hamlin, Alfred i:)wight Foster Am 75 Harrington, Nathan Am 64 JHamlin, Frederick Hinman Mh68 {Harrington, Samuel Am 62 pp. 358-373; Mi, Miami, pp. 33-47; Md, Middleiown, pp. 377-395; P, Peninmlar, pp. 291-310; P K, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-450; R, Rochester, -py. 31.5-325; Un, Union, x^p. 411-421; Ub, Urban, pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; \ Military List, pp. 456-.527: XKinship /Ant, pp. 533-549. 66o Names iji ./ d Harrington, Thomas Ballard Am 49 Harris, Abram Winegardner Md 80 JHarris, Austin Am G3 Harris, Broughton Davis D 45 Harris, Frank Bn 78 Harris, Frederick Un 75 Harris, George, Jr. Am 66 JHarris, Herbert Bd 72 Harris, Horatio J. Mi 35 Harris, Jacob Brown Y 54 fHarris, Sanmel Smith Al 59 Harris, Samuel Turner Bn 58 Harris, William James Y 56 Harrison, Henry R 77 Harrison, Henry Baldwin Y 46 tHarrod, Benjamin Morgan Hv 56 tHarroun, William Smith P 63 Hart, Benjamin Elias P 53 Hart, Byron Y ol Hart, Coleridge Allen Mh 73 Md 73 Hart, Danforth Alvin P 53 Hart, Henry Clay, Jr. K 68 fHart, James H. Mi 39 Hart, James Morgan Cn 60 tHart, William Hm 55 Hartshorn, Joseph William Y 67 Hartt, Clinton Jones Mh 64 tHartwell, Samuel Slawson Y 59 Hartwell, Shattuck Hv 44 tJHarvey, EdAvard Hooker Hd 67 Harvey, Henry Allen Hd 66 Harvey, Ransom R 78 JHarvey, William Henry Hd 63 Haselton, Moses Kittredge D 57 Haskell, George Frederick Cn 80 Haskell, Pliny Nelson Hd 70 Am 71 tHastings, Benjamin Franklin W 61 Hastings, Edward Ellis Bd 79 tHastings, George Granbery Y 51 Hastings, Panet Marshall Hm 39 Hastings, Parsons Clark Hm 38 Hatch, Charles Andrew D 75 tHatch, Charles Henry Y 59 Hathaway, Horace Burleigh Bd 81 tHathaway, Rodney Jay P 59 Haven, Alfred Houston Hv 58 fHaven. Franklin Hv 57 Haven, Horace Appleton Hv 42 Haven, Loren Eaton Hm 44 JHawes, Arthur Franklin Mh 78 Hawes, George Elias Mh 57 JHawes, John Bromham Mh 65 Hawkins, Eugene Dexter Hv 81 Hawley, Augustine Boyer G 52 Hawley, John Sanger Hm 77 tHawley, John Woodbridge W 65 Hawley, Martin Hm 51 Hawley, Samuel Frederick P 85 Hayden, Albert (Leicester) K 69 Hayden, Herbert Brigham Md 84 Hayes, Henry G 56 Hayes, Hiram Wallace R 81 Hayes, John AVilliam D 60 fHaynes, William Andrew Cd 59 fHays, William Williams PK 58 Hayward, Charles Hv 37 Hayward, Charles Capen Am 42 Hayward, Frank Morse D 80 Hayward, James Am 73 JHazard, Frederick Rowland Bn 81 ^Hazard, Rowland Gibson, 2d Bn 7(i Hazeltine, Henry Martyn W 52 Hazeltine, Mayo Williamson Hv 62 Hazlehurst, George Blagden PK 77 JHeacock, Grosvenor AVilliams Hd 40 JHeacock, Seth Grosvenor Hm 80 Head, Franklin Hervey Hm 56 Heald, Charles Mercer Y 70 Heap, Arnold Nelson .Vm 73 Heard, John, Jr. Hv 79 tHeath, John Francis .PK38Hv40 Heath, Willard Spaulding D 58 Hedden, William Dunlop R 51 tHedges, James Neville Hv 64 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238--'56; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 42.3-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv., Harvard, pp. 176-200; Hd, Hudnon, pp, 220-234; K, Kenyon, pp. .399-408; Mh, ifanhattan, Names in A J 0. 661 Heorrnans, Ilarry Clay Iloisel, John Henry Jlh'isk-r, Charles Cornelius- JHeisler, Egbert Dushane Helfenstein, Charles Philip Hellings, William Potts Hempstead, Lewis Keyburn Hempstead, William Gardner Henck, John Benjamin Hencken, George David Henderson, Edward Cairns Hendrick, Leonard Addison Hendricks, Frank fHennen, William Davison Henry, Charles Israel Henry, Harry H. Henry, James Wheaton Henshaw, Andrew Isbell tHenshaw, Charles Henry Herbert, Bushrod Washington Herbert, John tHerdman, William James Herndon, Robert Edward Heron, Samuel Her rick, Charles Brown Herrick, Eugene Kincaid Herrick, William Augustus Hersey, Henry Edson tHewett, Charles Nathaniel Hewit, Augustine Francis tHewitt, Charles Hewitt, Frederic Charles Hibben, James Samuel Hibben, Joseph Matthews tHickox, Volney Hicock, John Henry Hiester, Isaac Hicster, Isaac Ellmakcr Higgins, Lucius Hopkins tHigginson, Francis Lee tHigginson, Henry Lee tHigginson, James Jackson Md 75 DG4 Y 66 Y C^i) Y 41 li 64 Ilm 66 W 80 Hv 40 Mb 75 Ml. 76 Y 50 P 63 Y 42 Mh 76 Mi 75 D 78 Hv 47 P K 53 1 Hv 42 D 71 P 72 AI52! Mi 51 Y 69 Un 68 D 54 Hv 50 G5G Am 39 P 55 Y 58 Mi 42 Mi 68 Y 57 Hm 65 PK 76 Y 42 Y 60 Hv 63 Hv 55 Hv 57 1 tlligley, Brainard Spencer lid 59 Higley, Warren Hm 62 inland, Frank D 69 Ilildretii, John Lewis D 64 JHildreth, Percy Stearns Mh 85 JHildreth, Russell Wadsworth Mh 84 Hildreth, Samuel Tenney Hv 37 Hill, Adams Sherman Hv 53 Hill, Arza Md 58 Hill, Charles Ebenezer D 71 Hill, David Clark D 50 Hill, Erastus Dudley Un 76 Hill, George Edwards Y 46 fHill, George Robert Cd 58 Hill, Henry Oscar Un 73 Hill, John Lindsay Un 61 Hill, Josiah French D 84 Hill, William Charles Mh 80 Hillard, Elias Brewster Y 48 Hillhouse, John Ten Broeek Y 69 Hillman, Walter Bn 54 JHills, George Heathcote P K 84 JHills, George Morgan P K 47 JHills, John Dows P K 78 tHills,. Reginald P K 84 Hillyer, Giles Mumfonl ' CI 36 Hilton, George Porter Am 81 Hinckley, John Goddard Hm 34 Hinckley, John Hoxie D 84 Hinckley, Lewis Elmer Carleton D 84 Hinckley, Lyman Gillctt D 56 Hincks, Edward Y'oung Y 66 Hincks, Jolin Lewis Rich Bd 72 JHinkley, Charles King Bd 66 Hinkley, Charles Watson Cn 79 JHinkley, John Adams Bd 68 Hinman, Clark Titus P 52 Hinsdale, Norman Dwiglit P 83 +IIirshfield, Marcus R 75 JHirshfield, Moses R 79 JHiscox, Charles Edward MIi 67 JHiscox, Edwin Thomas Mh 69 pp. 358-373; Mi, JTiami, pp. 33-47; Md, J/icid/etojon, pp. 377-395; P, Arwiraw/ar, pp. 291-310; PK, P/ii Aap/>a, pp. 440-450; R, /foc/ics^^r, pp. 315-325; Un, rjijon, pp. 411-421; Vh, Urban, pp. 51-53; \V, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; ]Milit<,rij List, pp. 456-527: XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 662 Names in A J Hitchcock, Alfred Bd 81 jHitchcock, Bradford Washburn Am 81 Hitchcock, Charles D 51 JHitchcock, Charles Henry Am 56 JHitchcock, Edward Am 45 JHitchcock, Edward Am 49 JHitchcock, Edward, Jr. Am 78 Hitchcock, George Nicholas Y G4 Hitchcock, Phineas Warriner W 55 JHitchcock, Roswell Dwight Am 3G Hitchcock, Samuel Whittemore Y 61 Hitchcock, Urban Gillespie Mh 65 Hitchcock, William Douglass P 64 Hoag, Elbert Clay Md 79 tHobart, Frederick Mh 60 Hobart, John Henry CI 36 j Hobbie, John Remington Am 73 Hobbie, William Roscoe Am 69 Hobbs, George Miller Hv 50 tHobbs, Ichabod Goodwin D 64 Hodge, Frank Y 56 Hodge, Lyman Davis Y 57 Hodges, Francis Louis Y 47 fHodgkinson, Edmund Wellington G 61 Hodgman, Edwin Ruthven Hill D 69 Hodgman, Thomas Morey, Jr. R 84 tHoffman, Wickham Hv 41 Hogan, William Inge Al 59 Holbrook, David Leverett Am 72 Holbrook, George Arthur Bd 77 Holbrook, Giles J P 71 Holcomb, Bankson Taylor P K 59 jHolden, Benjamin Franklin Md 65 Holden, Daniel Judson Y 64 tjHolden, Samuel Emery Md 69 Hollenback, Charles Edward Un 71 HoUey, John Milton Hm 66 Holley, William Welles P K 61 Holloway. Edward Morton Cn 83 Holraan, Henry Whitcomb Hv 48 Holmes, Francis Hunt Y 68 Holmes, Henry Martyn Am 60 Holmes, Jabez Silas Hv 65 tHolmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Hv 61 Holmes, Raymond K 72 Holmes, Samuel Van Vranken W 83 Holt, Benjamin Leggett Y 72 Holt, Robert Stephens Mi 39 Holwill, George Towner Goodrich W65 Holyoke, George Osgood Hv 56 Homer, Joseph Warren W 72 Homes, Francis Am 48 Hood, Gilbert Edwin D 51 fHooff, James Lawrence P K 46 Hooker, Charles Hall W 71 Hooker, Edward Jerome W 55 tJHooker, Edward Trumbull W 60 JHooker, Elias Cornelius W 57 Hooker, Sydney Douglass P K 77 Hooker, Thomas Y 64 Hoole, James L. Bd 49 Hooper, George Grafflin P K 66 JHopkins, Abel Grosvenor Hm 66 JHopkins, John Hampden Hm 72 tjHojjkins, Stephen Grosvenor Hm 63 JHopkins, Woolsey Rodgers Hm 71 Hopper, Alexander MacGregor Hm 50 Hopper, John Ward Mh 76 Hoppin, Cortland Bn 55 Hoppin, Francis Edwin Bn 39 Horbach, George Lobingier Hm 56 Home, George Edward D 57 tHorner, John Wesley P 58 fHorr, Versalius Mi 43 JHorton, Alexander G 45 Horton, George Murray G 49 Horton, Henry Y 54 JHorton, Henry Beach G 47 Hosford, Charles D 59 Hosford, Schiller D 66 Hotchkiss, William Henry Y 69 tHough, Alfred Barton G 61 Hough, Charles Merrill D 79 Hough, Henry Herbert D 75 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Srunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, ^anartf, pp. 176-200; Hd, //ud«on, pp. 220-234; K, A>nyo»i, pp. 399-408; UY^, Manhattan, Names in A J . 663 II<)Ui,diton, Diiniol Clay Houghton, Edward Iluutihton, Jacob JHouse, Charles Francis House, Edward TMandle JHouso, John Henry Houston, Hiram Hovcy, George Rice How, Lyman Bartlett Howard, Albert Harris Howard, Burt Estes Howard, Charles Samuel Howard, Elias Hicks Howard, Ezra Williams Howard, Frank Siegel JHoward, Henry Ripley tHoward, Hiram Lowell JHoward, Joseph Dana Howard, William Turner Howard, William Wallace Howe, Augustus, Jr. Howe, Charles Henry Webster tJHowe, Elias Wilkins Howe, Elijah Franklin JHowe, Joseph Wilkins Howe, Richerand Howe, Samuel Burnett Howell, George Dawson Howell, John Hubbard tHowell, Luther Clark JHowland, Edward Howland, Edward Cole JHowland, Francis JHowland, George JHowland, Walter Morton JHowland, William Howland, William Ware Hoy, William Alexander JHoyt, Elton JHoyt, James Humphrey lid 72 Am 7 Hoze, Noah Ashley Hm 82 Y 52 P 48 Hd71 Cn81 Hd 08 D47 Bn 82 D (;o Bn 84 Hd83 Am 80 Lib 37 Bn 38 Md 8.5 Bd 57 Y 55 Bd 52 Cn83 D 53 Cn 75 D 78 D 64 Y59 D5f. D 55 Un G2 r K 82 Mh G7 Am 04 Hv53 Cn79 Hv49 Am 50 Am 63 Am 40 Am 41 Hm 83 Bn78 3 Bn 74 G 53 Hubbard, Frank Coe G 73 Hubbard, George Franklin Bd C7 Hubbard, Grosvcnor Silliman I) 02 Hubbard, Harvey Hm 44 Hubl)ard, James Mascarene Y 59 Hubbard, Josei)h Welton Hm 50 Hubbard, Richard Dudley Y 39 Hubbell, George Wolcott Hm 67 Hubbell, Jay Abel V 53 Hubbell, John Henry P K 56 JHubbell, Walter Sage U 71 JHubbell, William N R 85 Hubbs, John Brewster Un 77 Hubby, Frank Winfield K 64 Iluber, Emile Andrew Mh 77 JHudnut, Isaiah Burroughs R 72 tJIIudnut, James Monroe R 72 Hudson, Charles Frederic Hd 42 tHudson, Edward Payson W 54 Hudson, Erasmus Darwin Mh G4 Hudson, Frederic Van Houten D 60 tHudson, Thomas Boyd Hm 51 Huff, Augustus Caesar G 60 Huggins, William Sidney Y 42 Hughes, George Reginald Heber Y 51 Hughes, Henry Webster Mi 73 Hughes, James Alexander Dupee DCS Hughes, William Mortimer K 71 G 71 Hughson, Frederick Ub 35 CI 39 Ilulburd, inland Reese Huling, Ray Greene Hull, Charles Aurelius JHull, John M JHull, Robert Bruce Hulse, Jonas (Turncy) Ilulst, Nelson Powell Hume, Alexander F. Hume, Robert Allen t J Humphrey, Frederic J Humphrey, George Frederick Humphrey, Henry Martyn Humphrey, Leonard Hd 48 Bn69 Y69 R82 R 71 G75 Y67 Mi 48 Y 68 Hm 52 P K 85 Am 42 Am 46 pp. 358-373; Mi, J/tamt, pp. 33-47 ; Md, Middletown, pp. 377-395; P, Peninmilar, pp. 291-310; PK, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-450; U, RorheHter, pp. 315-325; Un, ITnion, pp. 411-421 ; Ub. Urban, pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y. Yale, pp. 63-113; UVilitarij Lint, pp. 456-527; XKinship Lint, pp. 533-549. 664 Names in A A 0. Humphrey, Zephaniah Moore Hunker, Andrew Holland Hunnewell, Walter fHunt, Charles Morse t J Hunt, Charles Oliver Hunt, Ebenezer Warren Hunt, Edward Taylor J Hunt, Emory William Hunt, George ft Hunt, Henry Hastings fHunt, Horace Holmes JHunt, James Monroe Hunt, Morris Hunter, Charles Hunter, David Moore Hunter, Thomas Martin JHuntington, Chester Huntington, Daniel Huntington, Frank Huntington, Frederic Dan Huntington, George Sumner JHuntington, Harwood Huntington, Henry Kent Huntington, Henry Strong tHuntington, John Myers JHuntington, John Taylor JHuntington, John Williams tHuntington, Robert Watkinson JHuntington, Sam'l Van Vechten Huntting, Samuel Hurd, Harvey Judson fHurd, William Lambert Hurst, John La Monte Hurst, Shrewsbury Darneal Huske, John Hussey, Horace Potter JHussey, John tJHussey, Lutellus fHutehins, Alexander Hutchins, Charles Clifford JHutchins, Eugene Kalph J Hutchins, Harry Burns Md Am 43 Hd69 Hv 6.-. P (i2 Bd 61 E73 R67 R84 Hdol BdG2 R7G R80 Hdol PK78 Mh77 P77 Hm 66 Hm 36 K68 Am 39 PK81 PK84 PK67 Y57 Y43 PK50 PK83 PK64 Hm73 Am 44 Cn72 Bn 74 Md82 K64 PK77 Cn74 Mi 54 Mi 56 W57 Bd83 P75 70 P 71 Hutchins, John Baxter Hutchinson, Charles Hutchinson, Edward Louisa Hutchinson, Ely Israel JHutchinson, Henry Elijah D 5 Hutchinson, Horace JHutchinson, John Skinner fHutchinson, ]Merrill Nathaniel tHutchinson, Prosper Kimball Hutchinson, Winfield Scott fHutton, Cornelius Marion Hutton, Hobart Hyde, Albert Fillmore Hyde, Alvan Pinney fHyde, Edwin Francis tHj'de, James Nevins Hyde, John Ellsworth Hyde, Nathaniel Alden fHyde, William Lyman I Iddings, Daniel Wilkinson Ide, Appleton Jewett G ' Jllsley, Charles Edward Jllsley, James Keeler Ingalls, Henry Ingersol), Colin Macrae JIngersoll, Edwards Piatt JlngersoU, George Talcott Ingraham, Charles Modiset Ingraham, William Shurtleff Ireland, Frank Pierce flreland, Oscar Brown flrwin, David Albion Irwin, Horace A Isbell, Herve Ives, Angus Morison Ives, Charles Ives, Francis J Jackson, Anson Blake Jackson, Charles Cabot P49 D48 Un79 Y69 B Am 58 Am 39 Bn69 Hd63 Am 41 Bd67 A157 G69 CI 83 Y45 Mh 61 Y61 Mh83 Y47 Bd42 Mi 42 2Cn73 P82 P76 Bd41 PKS9 Hd82 Cn83 K74 Cn79 Bd 72 Mh 59 Am 64 Mi 74 R81 PK56 Y74 Y45 G70 Hv 63 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, JirunonUin, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, x>\>- 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 2G0-28" ; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Ilni, Hamilton, pp. 7-'.i9; Hv, Harvard, pp. 176-200; Ud, Hudson, pp. 220-234: K, Keinjon, pp. 399-40S ; Mli, JJanhattafi, Names in A J 0. 665 tJat-kson, Edward ScyiiiDur P 01 J Jackson, Fred Asbury Aid 81 Jackson, Gcorj^o Newton Bd 59 tJackson, George William Ilm 44 Jackson, Jefferson Franklin Y 46 Jackson, John Wiekliffe :Md 66 JJackson. Sanniel Md u9 Jacobs, Edward Coleman F K 55 Jacobus, Charles G 04 James, Charles Finckney Mi 40 t James, Coley FK62 James, George Watson Md 78 James, John Wells W 59 James, Lewis Whitney F 57 Jameson, Arthur Orcutt Hv 81 Jameson, Charles Davis Bd 76 Janin, Edward Y 57 Janvier, Allen Egbert Y^ 71 Jaques, David Randolph Hv 42 Jarvis, Kichard William Hart F K 48 Jarvis, William D 72 Jay, John CI 36 Jefferys, James Oscar Mi 74 Jeffi-ies, Henry Upham Hv 02 Jemison, Charles W 55 Jenckes, Thomas Allen Bn 38 Jenkins, Charles Weston W 60 Jenkins, George W'alker Y 70 Jenkins, William Forter Mh 74 Jenks, Archer Whipple D 84 Jenks, Francis Mankin Mh 65 Jenks, William Wallan Un 71 Jenne, Roselle Nichols F 68 Jennings, Charles Bulkley Y ()6 Jepson, Albert Gillett Md 69 Jeremiah, George Mh 75 JJerome, Charles Hm 39 Jerome, Edward Miles ' Y' 50 JJerome, Ira Newton Hm 44 JJerome, Theodore Charles Hm 69 Jerome, Thomas Spencer P 84 Jewett, Edward Hart G 55 Jewctt. Edward Kountree Bil S2 Jewett, Frank Fanning Y 70 Jewett, (ieorge Baker Am 10 Jewett, Jay Hamilton lid 71 Ilm 72 fJewett, Fliny Adams 1' K 37 John, Sanniel J. -Mi 38 Johnes, Edward Rodolph Y 73 tJohns, William Corwin F 69 Johnson, Charles Everett Hv 53 Johnson, Charles Thurston Md 63 Johnson, Edward Francis D 64 Jolinson, Edwin Y 46 Johnson, Eli Grahame Hm 58 Jolinson, Elias Henry R 62 tJohnson, Henry Md 02 Johnson, Henry Augustine 11 v 44 Johnson, Henry Clay Mi 05 Johnson, Henry Norton Y (Jl Johnson, Herrick Hm 57 Johnson, Hosmer Allen F 49 Johnson, Jesse D 63 Johnson, John Wesley Y 62 Johnson, Joseph Horsfall AV 70 Johnson, Lorenzo Nickerson Md 84 Johnson, Luther D 47 Johnson, Osgood D 52 Johnson, Richard W. Hm 76 Johnson, Samuel Hv 42 Johnson, W'illiam Claflin F 78 Johnson, William Clarkson G 41 fJohnston, Henry Fhelps Y 02 Johnston, John Boyd Mi 68 Johnston, Melville Morton ^Id (i3 Johnston, Robert, 2d Fn 77 Johnston, AVilbur Fisk Md 01 fJohnston, William Curtis Y' 00 Jones, Alfred (Jeorge CI 40 Jones, Augustus Turner Y 58 Jones, Beverly Y 69 Jones, Charles August Mi 41 {Jones, Charles Noah Dixon Md 80 Jones, Commodore Ferry Hm 50 pp. 358-S73; Mi, J/iflnii, pp. 33-47; UA, Mid d Mown, pp. 3T7-395; P, PoiiHw/ar, pp. 291-310; V K, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-iJO; K, Rochester, pp. 315-325; Un, Union, pp. 411-421; Ub, Urban, pp. 51-53; W, miliamH, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; \ Military List, pp. 456-527; XKinship Lint, pp. 533-549. 666 Names in A A Jones, Frank Herbert lid 82 Jones, Franklin Ilavward Cn 73 Jones, Frederic AVilliam Y> G9 Jones, Frederick (Rowland) Y Gl Jones, Harry Orlando Hm 82 JJones, Henry John Md 80 Jones, Howard Edwin G 75 Jones, Lynds Eugene Mh 73 Jones, William Adelbert Md 81 Jordan, Ebenezer Stevens Bd 47 Jordao, Elias Fausto Pacheco Cn 74 tJoy, Edmond Lewis R uG Jiuld, Albert Francis Y G2 tJudd, David Wright W GO t+Judson, Adoniram Brown Bn 59 Judson, Charles Nichols Y 62 JJudson, Edward Bn 65 JJudson, Elnathan Bn 59 Judson, Frederick Newton Y 66 flvalb, George Lewis Mi 48 de Kay, Charles Augustus Y G8 Kearny, George Hammcken Un GG Keasbey, Anthony Quinton Y 43 tKedzie, Robert Clark P 51 Keeler, Charles Butler P 73 Keeler, Samuel Y G7 Keely, George Washington Mi 43 Keen, Harry W 71 Keen, Herbert Ide Bn 80 fKeen, William Williams, Jr. Bn 59 Keeney, James Franklin R 66 JKeep, Frederick Augustus Y 70 JKeep, John Martin Hm 3G Keese, Richard Lawrence Y 54 Keese, Sidmon Thorne Y 60 Keighler, John Checkley Hv 62 Keim, George Henry Mh 80 tKeith, Charles Clarence Tracy Mh GO Kelley, Armon Frank K 70 G 70 Kelley, Edward Augustus 1) GG Kellogg, Elijah Bd 40 JKellogg, George Newell Md 75 Kellogg, Milo Gifford R 70 Kellogg, Robert Ransom Ub 35 tKellogg, Sanford Brown Y 43 Kellogg, Stephen Wright Y 46 jKellogg, William Channing Md 75 Kelly, Arthur Willard Am 79 Kelly, George William Bd 66 Kelsey, Henry Sylvester Am 55 Kemp, James Furman Am 81 Kendall, Fred Gridley Hm 71 Kendall, Horace Fidclio R 69 Kendall, John D 53 Kendall, Joshua Hv 53 Kendrick, Cotton Mather Hm 42 JKendrick, Greene Y 72 JKendrick, John Y 72 fKendrick, John Mills K 59 Kennedy, Archibald Duncan Mh 65 Kennedy, Frank PK 68 Kennedy, Thomas Y 45 Kennedy, William Sloan lid 4G Kent, Charles lid 40 Kent, Silas William Md 72 Kerr, James Witherspoon lid 49 Kerr, Richard Thomas Cd 60 Kerr, William Heniy Hv 62 fKetchum, Alexander Phoenix Mh 58 Ketchum, Daniel Phoenix Mh 67 Keyser, Charles R 49 tKidd, James Harvey P 64 Kidder, James Holwell Bd 53 Kiddle, Alfred Watts Mh 85 Kilbourn, Charles Hm 33 Kilbreth, James Truesdell Hv 63 Kilburn, David D 79 Killen, John Thomas Mi 54 Kimball, Charles Frederick Bd 74 fKimball, Charles Webster D 64 Kimball, David Mather Am 44 Kimball, Edward Hazen Bd 76 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoiii, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. -260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, //armrd, pp. 176-200; Hd, //«(ison, pp. 220-234; K, Kenyan, pp. 399-408; Uh, Manhattan, Names in A J (f>. 667 Kimball, Eplinuni dardm-r Kimball, Frank Farnum Kimball, Josopli Kimball, L(evi) Houghton Kimball, Leonard S Kimball, Martin Luthor Kimball, Nathaniel Tonnoy Kimball, Kichanl t+Kimball, Kodnoy Gkmtworth Kimball, Walter Scott :KimbalI, Willhun Cargill tKimball, Wm. Frederick Durant Kimpton, Hiram Hollister King, Archibald Gracie King, Charles Baker King, Charles Edward JKing, Charles Gregory, Jr. ^King, Francis King, Henry Melville :!:King, Henry William, Jr. JKing, Israel Holly King, James Gore King, John King, John Curtiss flving, Ralph Thrall King, Rufus King, Samuel Henry tKing, William George King, William Henry, Jr. Kingsbury, Charles Augustus Kingsbury, Frederick John Kingsbury, George Henry Kingsbury, Howard Kingsbury, Oliver Addison Kingsley, Calvin Schloatt Kingsley, Eugene Peck Kingsley, William Lathrop Kinney, Brockway Kinney, Harry Wintroad tKinney, John Coddington Kinney, William Palmer Kinnicutt, Thomas 1)81 Kinzi'r, Roland Y 56 Am 7f) Kirby, Jacob Brown G 48 Y 49 Am 57 Kirke, William Valentino I'n 68 Bd 74 Kirkland, John Lothroi) Hv 49 DC4 Kirkman, Samuel Hv 50 II m 49 fKirkjiatrick, James Douglas Mi 45 DCl Kirtland, James I' K 70. D G5 Kissam, Benjamin Tredwell CI 38 Mh 54 Kissam, William Aymar Mh 66 Ilni 51 Kitchel, Charles Henry Mh 57 Mh61 Kitchel, Harvey Sheldon Y 61 1)58 Kittredge, Abbott Eliot W 54 Y r.2 tKitzmiller, Edward Augustus K62 IIv40 Kline, Perry H Un 81 Uu 75 Kline, Virgil Polk W 66 P73 Kline, William Jay Un72 Bn 84 Klock, Percy Lincoln Hm 80 W84 Knapp, George Spencer Am 71 Bd59 Knapp, John Augustus Mh 65 W81 Knapp, Louis Henry Un 69 Hd 75 Knapp, Thomas Loomis (x 55 Hv 39 Knceland, George I' K 80 Hv 50 Knight, Se.xtus Hungcrford 11m 66 Mm r,4 Knowlcs, Edward Randall Mn 81 Bn 78 :J:Knowlton, Danford Henry Mh 66 Hv38 JKnowlton, Miner Rockwell Mh 68 Bd59 tKnox, Charles McLean MhGO Hd 80 Kristeller, Siegfried MdG5 W 81 JKurtz, Clarence Morgan PK83 Wfi4 JKurtz, Julian Ellis PK 77 ¥46 Bd45 IL. YG3 LaBar, Lorenzo Giles Md 78 Y60 La Beaume, Chauvet Edmund Hv42 P49 fLabouisse, John Witherspoon Hv62 r)66 JLad.l, Charles Eliott Am 81 Y43 tLadd, Fletcher I) 84 K73 ttLadd, Francis Dudley Hd 41 Bn80 Ladd, George Trumbull I Id 64 Y 61 tJLadd, Horatio Oliver Bd 59 R84 tLadd, John Johnson 1) 52 Hv 56 Ladd, William Coffin Bn 81 pp. 358-373; Ml, J/Jami, pp. 3.'5-47; Md, Middl€toicn,v\>- 377-395; P, Peninmlar, pp. 291-310; PK, PA i Aa/)/)n, pp. 440-450; R, A'ocA»?» ,-,<( lU 47 Ml 38 U\ 54 H^ 83 H^ 38 lU 43 Ct 59 pp. 358-373; Mi, mami.pp. 33-47; Md, Middletoien, pp. 377-395; P, P«ni«»K;«r, pp. 291-310; PK, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-450; U, Rochester, pp. 315-325; Un, r«fo7i, pp, 4H-i21; Ub, Urban, pp. 51-53; \V, Williamn, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; ^Military List, pp. 4.^6-527; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 670 JVaines hi A A Luckey, ]?rank Ranney Ludlam, George P Ludlow, James Bettnor Lukes, Carrie Nelson Lungren, Charles Marshall Luques, Herbert Llewellyn Lyles, Dennis Bruce Lyman, Arthur Lyman, Arthur Theodore JLyman, Augustus Julian Lyman, Benjamin Smith Lyman, Darius JLyman, David Brainerd {Lyman, Dwight Edwards tLyman, Frank Henry Lyman, Henry Franklin tJLyman, Henry Munson JLyman, Theodore Benedict JLynde, Charles James \ Lynde, Charles Ilollin JLynde, Watts Sherman JLynde, William Pitt \ Lynn, William Barr Lyon, Aaron Lyon, Amzi Barzillai Lyon, Appleton Park Lyon, Charles Adelbert Lyon, Chester Jennings Lyon, Marcus Lyon, Walter Huntington Lyon, William Henry Lvon, William Workman 31 Mabie, Hamilton Wri >-ht McAdam, Graham McAllister, Francis Marion McAlpin, William Barkelow JMcAndrew, ^'Eneas JMcAndrew, Shirley McBurney, Henry Horton McCagg, Louis Butler Cn82 R64 Hv 81 Cn82 P 74 D82 Y 57 Hv 83 Hv 53 PK 78 Hv 55 lid 3!) Y G4 CI 40 PCS Hm 54 W58 Hm 37 38 Hm 39 Y-14 Y 39 38 Hm 39 Un r;5 Y49 Hd 53 Am 70 Md 70 Hm G7 Y 52 Am 51 Bn 08 Cn 72 W67 Mh 70 Bn 53 Mi 73 Mh 75 Mh 71 Hv G2 Hv 84 McCall, Salmon Y 51 McCarthy, John Md 83 McChain, James Y 38 tMcClain, James Hoggatt Cd GO McClellan, Franklin William Un 83 tMcClung, Elliott Spotswood Cd 61 fMcClung, John Newton Mi 56 McClure, William Logan Cd 59 McCollum, Isaiah Horton G 42 McConaughy, Nathaniel Hd 52 McCoy, John ■ Mi 36 McCoy, Samuel F. ■ Mi 39 McCrea, Adam " Mi 42 McCreary, Henry Clay Y 65 McCredie, Thomas, Jr. Un 78 McCrillis, John D 83 McCutchins, Frank Moses D 76 JMcDonald, Duncan Mi 59 JMcDonald, James Smith Mi 59 McDonald, John McCorkle K 68 MacDonald, John Vinatti Y 74 Macdonough, Augustus Rodney Y 39 tMcDow, John Ramsay Al 52 tMacDowell, William Allen Y 58 McElhinney, John William Am 72 McElwain, Daniel Crippen Un 83 McEwan, William Hunter P 82 McFarland, Arthur Howland Un 68 McFarland, James Miliken Mi 70 McGlathery, William Am 62 McGrath, Joseph Macdonald P 72 JMcGraw, Edward Walker P 59 JMcGraw, Theodore Andrews P 59 McGregor, Donald Y 68 McGregor, James Wilson Mi 63 MacGregor, Walter Scott Cn 71 McGuire, Henry L. Mi 46 Mclntoeh, Robert Wesley Hm 64 Mclntyre, Albert Washington Y 73 Mack, Andrew Jackson Hd 68 fMcKeen, Joseph, Jr. Bd 53 McKenzie, William Garret Cd 61 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Boicdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Srunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, Tpp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 436-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-125; D, Dartmontli, pp. 260-287; G, Getwva, pp. 205-217; Hm, /familton, pp. 7-29; Hv, Harvard, i)p. 116-200; Hd, //iidsow, pp. 220-234; K, AV «;/«». PP- 399-408; Uh, Manhattan, Names in .1 J (fi. 67: tMfKiiii, Williiun l)iiiu-an Ilv 52 McKinliiy, Tlioinas Edwin Y C(! McKinlcy, Jolin DeWitt Hart K 72 McKinstry, Jolin Alexander Am 38 McKitrick, Ebenezer S Mi 70 Mackwood, Robert 11 61 JMcLain, Alvan Leander Mi 68 JMcLain, Frank David Hd 78 JMeLain, James Lafonts Mi 68 JMcLain, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. Hd 59 McLaren, John Piatt Mi 76 W 77 McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham P 82 McLaughlin, George Asbury Md 73 McLaury, William Piatt Un GO McLean, Allan Y 05 McLean, Samuel Russell P 65 McLeod, John Y 44 McLeran, Benjamin D 62 McMaken, Joseph Mi 70 tMcManus, Parker Whittlesey Am 63 McMaster, Ariel Hm 56 McMaster, Robert Bach Mh 68 MacMullen, John CI 37 McNary, Spencer Gill Mh 75 tMcNeil, Henry Watson Y 52 McNutt, Hiram Eugene D 69 Macomb, Edward G 62 Macomb, Montgomery Meigs Y 73 JMacombcr, Francis Allen R 59 JMacomber, William R 84 McQuillan, George Fulton Bd 75 McVickar, Henry CI 36 McVoy, Alexander Diego Md 56 MacWhorter, Alexander Y 42 tMaddox, William Thomas P K 59 Magoun, George Frederick Bd 41 tMains, George Preston Md 70 Maison, Charles Augustus • Y 44 Malcom, George Ide Bn 79 Mallett, Charles Howard Cn 78 tMallett, William Peter • P K 40 Maltman, John Scott P 70 tMaltzhiTger, Harrison Y 62 JMan, Edward Mh 82 W 85 Man, Edward Autrustus Sarmiento Y 65 JMan, Henry Hubbell Maucourt, Edwin May Mandeville, Henry Manierrc, Alfred Lee Manierre, C-'harles Edward Mann, Albert, Jr. Mann, George Edward Manning, Calvin Manning, John Manning, Lewis Drake Manning, William Hobbs JMapes, Eugene Luzette tJMapes, William Edwin Maples, Carlton Peters Marble, Manton (Malone) JMarch, Charles Augustus March, Charles Dudley J March, Daniel JMarch, Daniel, Jr. JMarch, Francis Andrew JMarch, Frederic William Marcy, Alexander Marey, Dwight Marcy, Lemuel Barrows Marfield, Elliott Mark, George Adams fMarks, Constant Roberts Marmaduke, Vincent Marr, George Henry Marsh, Craig Adam.s Marsh, Frank Ballard Marsh, Ivory Wliite Richardson tMarsh, Wells Ransom Marshal, Jonathan Bryan Marshall, Arthur Ward JMarshall, James Miles Marshall, Robert Morris Marshall, Thonuis Brainerd pp. 358-373; Mi, J/t(/nu, pp. 33-47; Md, J/Wd/p<07Pn, pp. 377-395; P, 7V»tin«K/ar, pp. 291-310; VK, Phi Kfippa, pp. 4*0-450; R, ;?oc/ie«<i, pi). 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; ^Military List, pp. 456-527; XKinnhip List, pp. 533-549. Newton, Albert Francis Newton, Edward Pearson Newton, Ilarrie Gates Newton, Henry JNewton, Hubert Anson JNewton, Isaac Sprague Newton, Whitney (Treat) tNicholas, Thomas Prather Nichols, Charles Augustus Nichols, Edward Pay son Nichols, Erasmus Darwin Nichols, Frederick Nichols, Samuel Nicholson, Franklin Shaw Nicholson, John Reed Niedringhaus, Thomas Key Niles, William JNiles, William AYatson JNiles, William White Nisbet, William tNoble, Alfred Noble, Frederic Alphonso Noble, John Noble, Thomas Henry Nolen, George Augustus fNoon, Alfred Nooney, James Norcross, Albert Francis Norris, George AV alter fNorris, John Adams Norris, Kingsley Flavel Norris, Mark Norris, William Henry Norris, William Herbert JNorth, Edward JNorth, Edward Simeon North, Josiah Wilcox JNorth, Simon Newton De.xter North, Walter Northrop, Birdsey Grant Northrop, Henry Davenpoit JNorthrup, Ansel Judd 676 Names in A J (fi. JNorthrup, Milton Harlow Hm60 JNorthrup, William Perry Hm 72 Norton, Asahel Wellington R73 JNorton, Edmund K66 Norton, George Herbert PK75 JNorton, James Sager K 65 Y 65 Norton, Robert Francklyn Md85 tNott, Henry Junius A157 tNott, James Deas A156 J^ourse, Jobn Frederic Y43 tNoyes, Edward FoUansbee D57 Noyes, Edwin Bn 37 Noyes, James Oscar Hm50 Noyes, Samuel Aiken D59 Noyes, Stephen Dutton Am 66 Nutt, Alfred Edward D84 Nutting, Lucius Henry Mh 67 Nutting, Rufus Hd43 Nutting, Timothy Dwight Hd46 Oakes, Charles Weston D83 'Oakman, Richard Nickerson, J •. W^ 65 O'Brien, Robert Wetmore Y 72 tO'Connor, Charles Henry Mh63 O'Ferrall, Robert iMiller K75 Ogden, Charles Talcott G61 tOgden, Dewees Y58 tOgden, Meredith Ludlow G 54 Ogilvie, John Davidson Cd58 jOlcott, Eben Erskine Mh73 +01cott, Jacob Van Vechten Mh76 jOlcott, Neilson Mh69 JOlcott, William Morrow Knox Mh 81 Oldham, David James Thistle- ton Md84 JOlds, Chauncey Newell Mi 36 Olds, George Daniel R73 tJOlds, William Woodruff Mi 62 Olin, Hiram Belmah R79 tOlin, Russell Asa G 65 Oliver, James Edward Hv49 JOliver, Melancthou Wade Mi 47 JOliver, Warner Symmes Mi 57 Olmstead, Edward Y 45 Olmstead, Edwin Bailey Md 80 Olmstead, Henry P K 42 Olmsted, Allen Seymour Cn 79 Olney, Alfonso Rosolphe Un 67 Olney, John Palmer D 61 Olney, Peter Butler Hv 64 O'Neill, Addison Dougherty Md 83 Opdyke, Leonard Eckstein Hv 80 Ordway, Daniel Henry D 52 Oronhyatekha K 62 Orton, Edward (Francis Baxter) Hm48 Osborne, Ralph Hd 66 Osborne, Theodore Moody Am 71 Osborne, Thomas Mott Hv 84 Osgood, Albert Augustus D 71 Osgood, Edward Lewis D 67 Bn 67 JOtis, Alfred Gideon P 52 tJOtis, Ephraim Allen P 59 Otis, John Grant W 60 Otis, Stephen Franklin Hm 42 Otis, Waldemer D 66 Otte, Frederick Augustus K 72 Otto, John, Jr. Hm 81 Oviatt, James Schuyler Hd 67 Oviatt, Virgil Louis Hd 51 Owen, Edward Livingston Mh 63 tOwen, William Henry Bd 51 Packard, Abel Kingman Am 45 Packard, Edward Albert . Bd 83 Packard, Frank Edwards Am 80 Packard, George Washington Bn 39 Padelford, Geo. Taft Parthenope Y 55 Page, Caleb Alexander Bd 70 JPage, Henry Deane K 77 Page, Henry Folsom Mi 39 tPage, Jesse William Bd 42 JPage, Thomas Carter K 81 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. U8-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 23&-256; Bn, Bninonian, pp. 151-172; CI, Columbia, VV- 5&-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, ZTarsord, pp. 176-200; Hd, /rurf«07i, pp. 220-234; K, A'enyoH, pp. 399-408; Uh, 3/anhattan, Names iii A J (P. 677 rai,^', William AVilmor JPaiiu", Albert Gcors'o I'aine, Charles Goodell God- dard tPaine, Clarence Mann Paine, George Burgess JPaine, Howard Simmons Paine, John Alsop Paine, Lewis JPaine, Lyman May JPaine, Nathaniel Emmons Paine, Robert Treat J Palmer, Archie Emerson Palmer, Arthur Hubbell JPalmer, Charles George Palmer, Charles Mja'on JPalmer, Charles Ray Palmer, Edward Stanton tPalmer, George Harrison fPalmer, Gideon Stinson Palmer, James Henry Palmer, Joshua Sears JPalmer, Lynde Palmer, Noble JPalmer, Ray Palmer, Theodoric Romeyn (Bei JPalmer, Wilbur Merton Pancost, Edwin Henry Pardee, Charles Hezekiah Park, Charles Ware tPark, Ebonezer Burgess Parke, Robert Nathan Parker, Alonzo Ketcham fParker, Arthur Boyd Parker, Charles Edward Parker, Ezra Knight Parker, Erancis Edward Parker, Isaac Augustus Parker, Joseph Benjamin Parker, Samuel W. Parker, Tudor Homer Parkhurst, Christopher Francis Mi 57 Am 72 Am Gl Hm 84 Bn 55 Hm 78 Hm 59 K58 Am 72 Hm 74 Hv82 Md74 Hd 79 Cn 75 DC.2 Y55 Bd 49 D45 Bd38 Am 57 Bd44 Cn 78 PK45 Y30 ck)P47 Md73 R62 Y54 Am 67 •Am 64 G 48 R66 Mi 60 G 57 D57 IIv 41 I) 53 D69 Mi 34 Mi 58 Bn76 tl'arkinan, Kli Weston Md 66 Parkman, George Francis Hv 44 Parks, Sheldon Hd 79 Parmelee, David Little Hm 51 JParmelee, James Cn 76 Parmelee, Morton Shattuck W 70 JParmelee, Robert Murray Cn 81 JParmelee, William Rayen Cn 75 tParmlce, Uriah Nelson Y 63 Parry, Samuel, Jr. Y 68 Parsons, Benjamin Franklin W 58 Parsons, Charles Ashbel Hm 42 Parsons, Clifford Walsworth R 73 Parsons, George McLellan Mi 37 Parsons, John Am 73 Parsons, John Davis Un 79 Parsons, John Davis, Jr. Un 67 Parsons, Lorenzo Hm 33 tParsons, Orrin P 59 Parsons, Theodore Stewart Hm 45 Parsons, William Y 68 Patch, R-ufus Hd 41 Pattee, William Sullivan Bd 71 Patten, Horace Reed Bd 75 Patten, Joseph Hurlbut Bn 58 JPattengill, Albert Henderson P 68 JPattengill, Judson Gregory P 73 Patterson, Albert Mansfield 'mIi 64 Patterson, Charles Howard Mh 1^ JPatterson, Franklin Bayard Mh 67 JPatterson, George Herbert G 58 JPatterson, Henry Turner Mh 69 fPatterson, Joab Nelson D 60 Patterson, Philo Mark G 58 JPatterson, Seely Benedict Mh 64 Patterson, Stephen Ub 38 Patton, John Bcecher Hd 84 Paul, John D 47 Paullin, Henry Am 76 Payne, Abraham Bn 40 Payne, Albert Bronson K 61 Pavne, John Howard Bd 76 pp. 358-373; Mi, 3fiami, pp. 33-47; Ud, Middletoion, pp. 377-395; P, Penmmlar, pp. 291-310; PK, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-450; R, liochentei; pp. 315-329; Un, iruion, pp. 411-421; Ub, Irban, pp. 51-53; W, WilUams, pp. .3.39-3.53; Y, Yale, pp. 6.3-113; ^MUitarij J.M, pp. 450-527; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 678 Names in A A 0. tPayne, William Fryer K 63 Payne, William Thomas Cn 74 Payson, George Bd 43 Payson, Gilbert Russell Hv 62 Peabody, Francis Bolles P K 48 Pearce, James Lewis Hv 63 Pearsall, Luther Burr G 59 D 60 Pearsall, William Smith Md 82 Pearson, William Stacy Bd 83 fPease, Edmund Morris Am 54 Pease, Frank Alvin D 82 Peck, Charles Horton Un 59 Peck, George Washington Bn 37 JPeck, Henry St. John Al 55 fPeck, Hiram David Mi 62 Peck, John Hyde Y 63 Peck, Linus Mead Hm 41 JPeck, Roscoe Al 52 Peck, Theodore Barnard Cn 77 Peck, Thomas Dowse W 80 Peck, Tracy, Jr. Y 61 Peck, Walter Asa Bn 77 Peck, Whitman Y 38 Peck, William Ball Y 38 Peckham, Joseph Am 37 fPeckham, William Clark Am 67 Pedrick, Isaac Harwood P 71 JPeet, 'George Jones K 65 tJPeet, Henry Johns K 70 Pegues, Samuel W. Al 56 Peirson, Edward Brooks Hv 40 Pellew, William George Hv 80 Pelton, William Tilden W 58 Peltz, Hamilton Salmon R 83 Pence, Abram Morris Mi 60 Pendleton, Charles Henry Bn 78 Pendleton, Edward Waldo Bd 71 P 72 Penniman, Henry Mixter Bn 74 Pennington, William ' Y 60 Penny, Benjamin Franklin Y 58 Pepper, George Dana Boardman Am 57 Perce, Warren Richmond Bn 65 Perkins, Edward Clifford Hv 79 Perkins, Jacob Y 42 Perkins, Jacob Bishop Hd 76 W 77 fPerkins, James Amory Hv 57 Perkins, James H. Mi 50 JPerkins, John Y 40 Perkins, Joseph, Jr. W 82 Perkins, Robert Shaw Hv 64 fPerkins, Stephen George Hv 56 Perkins, Thomas Kinsman Hd 70 JPerkins, William Y 40 Perkins, William Rufus Hd 68 JPerley, Harry Otis P 73 JPerley, Willard Humphrey Bd 69 Perrin, Henry Martyn D 53 Perry, Arthur Latham W 52 Perry, Charles W 52 fPerry, Edward Aylsworth Y 54 Perry, Elijah Bn 52 Perry, Horatio Justus Hv 44 Perry, Joseph Hartshorn Am 82 Perry, Josiah Bedon P K 72 Perrj', Samuel Sinclair D 80 Perry, Trumbull Y 70 Ferryman, Edward Griffith P K 55 tPeters, DeWitt Clinton G 51 Peters, Hugh Florian Y 49 Peters, John Andrew Y 42 fPeters, Joseph Augustus R 60 Peters, William Cowper F K 48 Fetit,»Douglas Eugene Md 82 Petree, Charles Lynds Cn 75 Pettibone, Benjamin Welch Am 60 fPettibone, Ira Welch Am 54 Pettus, James Thomas, Jr. Mb 69 Petty, Robert Davison Md 83 fPharr, Ephraim Alexander Al 52 Phelps, Austin Am 38 Phelps, Carrington Y 70 Phelps, Edwin D 61 Phelps, George Henry Cn 71 Philip, Albert Julien Mh 76 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amhernt, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Cohtmbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hra, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, Harvard, pp. 176-200; Hd, Hudson, pp. 220-234; K, Kenyon, pp. 399-408; Mh, Manhattan, Na mes in 1 J 0. 679 Pliillips, Albert llm 05 tIPliillips, IK'los V 05 riiillips, (JeorfTc William Hv 47 JPhillips, Horace 1' 71 Phillips, John Wyman Hd 58 Phillips, Sidney Atwood D 69 Phillips, Stephen Henry IIv 42 Phillips, Watson Lyman Md 72 Phinney, Elihu Y 46 Phinney, Horace Coleman Bd 84 Phinney, Rufus Emerson P 71 Phipps, Abner Jones D 38 tPiatt, John Henry Y 55 Picard, Frederic Julius P 71 Pidge, John Bartholomew Gough Bn 66 Pierce, Edward Henry R 63 tPierce, Edward Willard Am 59 JPierce, Gardner Carpenter I) 63 Pierce, George Barron Hd 52 Pierce, James Hv 49 JPierce, John Metcalf D 66 Pierce, Thomas Wilson Y 68 Pierson, Isaac Y 66 Pierson, Stephen Condit Y 64 Piersons, Amandon Manly K 66 Pilcher, Elijah Homes P 49 Pinckney, Theodore Hawks G 64 IMper, Henry Hildreth D 76 Pitts, Charles Hall P K 65 Plant, Alfred Y 47 Plant, Frank William Hm 64 Piatt, Charles Henry G 39 Piatt, George Lewis G 41 Piatt, James Augustus Tim 35 Platter, James Edward Mi 07 Player, Thomas Trezevant Y 70 Plimpton, Franklin Lafayette Y 48 tPlimpton, Saiem Marsh Am 46 Plumb, Albert Hale Bn 55 Plumer, Lewis Mytinger P K 74 Piummer, Albert Love 1) 70 Plummer, Henry Irving Am 78 Plunkett, William Robinson Y 54 tPoe, Charles Edgar Hd 64 tPoinier, Samuel Thane Bn 59 Poland, William Carey Bn 68 Pomeroy, Frank Theodore Md 78 Pomeroy, Lemuel Strong Hm 35 Pomeroy, Theodore Medad Hm 42 Pomeroy, William Henry Bn 82 Pond, Benjamin Wisner Bd 57 Pond, Francis Metcaif Bn 60 Poole, William Frederick Y 49 Pope, Howard Walter V 71 fPorter, Charles Burnham 11 v 02 Porter, David Gustavus Y 57 Porter, Edward Griffin W 58 Hv 58 Porter, Emery Huntington Bn 66 tJPorter, George Loring Bn 59 ttPorter, Henry Ivirke Bn 60 fPorter, James William Cd 58 JPorter, (John) Lansing Hm 38 J Porter, Lansing Lee Hm 73 Porter, Peter Augustus Hv 45 Porter, Theodore Atkinson P 1\ 76 Portis, Benjamin Person Mi 42 Post, Abner Y 66 Post, Henry Albertson Mh 55 Post, Henry McClure Y 01 JPost, Hoyt P 01 tJPost, James Alexis P 01 Potter, Alvali Kimbaii 1) 62 fPotter, James Brown Mason Bn 39 fPotter, Leander Hubbell Y 54 Potter, Milton Grosvenor R 64 Potter, Waiter McDufBe Bn 59 Potter, William James Hv 54 Potts, Francis Henry P K 08 Potwin, Thomas Stoughton Y 51 Powell, Frank Stuart Mi 64 Powell, Wilson Marcy Un 59 Powers, Frederick Alden Mh 79 Powers, Orvilie Watson Md 56 Powers, Stephen P 63 pp. 358-373; Mi, J/iami, pp. 33-47; Md, J/idrftetotcn, pp. 377-395; V, Peniiiataar, pp. 291-310; VY., Phi Kappa, pp. 440-150; K, Rochester, pp. 315-329; Un, V7iion, pp. 411-421; V\>, Urban, pp. 51-5:5; W, Williams, pp. 339-353: Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; UlUHary List, pp. 456-.V27 ; XKinBhip List, pp. 533-549. 68o Names in A J 0. Pratt, Charles Henry Pratt, Charles Millard Pratt, Charles Eansom tPratt, Electus Abija Pratt, George Pratt, George Harlow tPratt, Henry Andrews tPratt, Henry Foster- Pratt, Henry Zachariah tPratt, James Pepper Pratt, John Wesley Pratt, Joseph Porter Pratt, Seth Parsons Pratt, Theodore Constantine Pratt, William Orrin Prentice, Ezra Parmelee Prentiss, Seymour Cromwell fPrescott, Oliver Sherman Preston, Jacob Alexander Preston, James Willard fPreston, Sylvester Slack Price, Samuel Harrison Priest, Sylvanus Chickering Prince, Morris Watson Prindle, Joseph Addison Pringle, Edward J Proctor, Thomas William Pruyn, Peter Van Schaack JPugh, George Ellis JPugh, Jordan Anthony fPullman, James Henry Pullman, Joseph Pullman J(ohn) Wesley Pulsifer, Woodbury Pulver, Arthur Wadsworth Purdj^ Theodore Martindale Purington, Frank Orrin Purington, George Colby Purnell, Charles Thomas Purrington, Marshall Hagar tPutnam, Arthur Alwyn Putnam, Daniel Mh 56 Am 79 Am 69 Yo8 ¥55 Am 64 Y58 D69 Un84 Y61 Hm38 Bn 59 Hm 55 Am 57 Am 77 Am 85 Cn73 PK44 P K 55 Am 39 D 55 Am 39 Am 58 Md 68 Hm 55 Hv45 D 79 Un 60 Mi 40 Mi 51 Mh61 Md63 Mh 58 Bd75 R82 Mh 83 BdSO Bd78 Y54 Bd.85 D56 D51 Putnam, George Hv 54 Putnam, James Osborn Hm 38 fPutnam, Joseph Robie W 58 Pynchon, Thomas Ruggles P K 41 JQuarles, Charles P 68 t+Quarles, Joseph Very P 66 JQuimby, Charles Elihu D 74 tQuimby, Elihu Thayer D 51 JQuimby, William Perry D 82 Quinby, William Emory P 58 Quincy, Henry Parker Hv 62 Quincy, Josiah Hv 80 Rachau, William Howard Mh 82 Rae, Alexander Am 83 Rahr, Reinhardt P 83 Rambaut, Thomas Daniel CI 81 fRand, Charles Arthur Hv 65 Rand, Edward Gillett Am 81 tRand, Stephen D 63 Randolph, Joseph Fitz Y 62 Rankin, Francis Huntington Mh 68 JRankin, John Joseph W 76 Rankin, Robert Y 45 J Rankin, Walter Mead W 79 JRankine, James Lionel Un 81 JRankine, William Birch G 77 Un 77 Ransom, Edward Amasa Md 71 Rapalje, William Van Voorhis W 66 Rathbone, Arthur Barker R 59 Rathbun, George Oscar Hm 45 Rawson, Edward Kirk Y 68 Ray, William Henry D 78 fRayburn, John Cd 61 JRaymond, Alonzo Clayton R 69 Raymond, Andrew Van Vranken Un 75 ^Raymond, George Herbert R 74 JRaymond, George Powers . Md 77 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Boicdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, J3runonia7i, pp. 154-172; CI, Coltimhia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430^37; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmonth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; lira, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, Harvard, pp. 176-200; Hd, Hudson, pp. 220-2.34; K, Kenyan, pp. 399-408; Mb, Manhattan, Names in A J 68 1 Raymond, John Howard Ilm 37 JRaymond, Wilbur Saniiud Md 75 Read, Charles Coolidge Hv 64 tRead, John IIv 62 Read, John Meredith, Jr. Rn 58 Read, Matthew Canfield lid 48 fRearden, Tiniotliy Henry K 59 Reber, Samuel Mi 37 Redhead, Edwin Riehard Md 73 Reding, Charles William Bn 37 Redington, Henry Williams Mh 73 fRedwood, William Henry Y 52 Reed, Andrew Fairfield I) 71 Reed, Colton Joseph Un 60 JReed, David Allen * Hni 77 Reed, Edwin Van Rensselaer Y 59 Reed, Frank Fremont P 80 Reed, Frederic Clinton Cn 78 Reed, George Milton Am 62 Reed, Jedediah Harris D 54 Reed, John Joseph, Jr. Md 64 JReed, William Hm 71 Reed, William Barrett Me 37 Reed, William Oilman Bd 73 Reed, William Henry Mh 84 Reese, Warren Jarrott Md 76 Reeves, Thomas Am 75 tReid, Hugh Thompson Mi 38 Reid, Jared, Jr. Y 46 Remington, Charles Rollin G 54 tRemington, James Henry Bn 62 JRexford, Dwight Carver P 72 JRexford, Edgar P GQ Rexford, John DeWitt Hm 44 JReynolds, Edward Hv 81 Reynolds, Edward Wm. (Frazer) K 67 Reynolds, James Andrew Y 73 Reynolds, John Henry P 76 JReynolds, John Phillips ' Hv 45 Reynolds, I\Hlton WilliaTu P 56 Rhees, Benjamin Rush Am 83 Rhett, Robert Barnwell Hv 49 Rhett, Walter Horton Hv HO Ribeiro, Carlos Fernando Y 38 Rice, Arthur Frederick I) 82 Rice, Charles S. Hm 39 Rice, Daniel Am 37 Rice, Edward Walter W 68 Rice, Edwin Thomas, Jr. Mh 80 Rice, Francis Fenelon Un 60 Rice, Howard Jlalcom Bn 60 tRice, Stillman Am 56 Rico, Truman Bishop Ransom D 75 Rice, William Edgar Bd 75 tRice, William Henry Y 59 Rich, John Bd 61 Rich, Thomas Hill Bd 48 tRichards, Channing Y 58 Richards, Clinton John Md 85 Richards, Geoi-ge Y 40 Richards, James Austin Am 51 Richards, Jarvis ]) 75 Richards, John P 57 Richards, Jonathan Edwards Md 69 Richardson, Charles Harry, Jr. Mh 81 tHichardson, David Plunket Y 56 Richardson, Frank Wood P K 84 Richardson, Henry Bullard Am 69 Richardson, James Bailey I) 57 tRichardson, John Kendall Am 69 tRichardson, Robert Mark Hm 43 Richardson, Wm. Henry Harrison D 50 Richmond, Knight Cheney Bn 85 Richmond, Warren lilias D 57 Riddle, John Wallace Y 59 Rider, George Clinton Un 72 Riggs, Warren Bradley Y 71 Riley, Henry Augustus Y 70 Riley, Thomas Harrison Bd 80 Ripley, Frederick Jerome D 80 Rising, Franklin Samuel Mh 56 Ritch, Thomas (Jardiner Y 54 Rittenhouse, Aaron Md 61 Robb, John Hunter ' Y 43 pp. 358-373; Mi, Miami, pp. 33-47; Md, MidJletown, pp. 377-395; P, Peninsular, pp. 291-310; PK, P/n Kappa, pp. iiO-450; li, Roc/iexter, pp. 310-^29; Ud, r»iio«, pp. 411-421 ; Vb, Urhan, pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. .$39-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; ^Military Lint, pp. 456-527; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 682 Names 171 A J tRobbins, Charles Augustus Bd 64 Bobbins, Edward Combs Am 63 Bobbins, Frank Carle P 81 Bobbins, George Appleton Y 47 Bobbins, George Sidney Hm 76 tBobbins, Nathaniel Augustus Bd 57 tBobbins, Thomas Hamlen Y 68 Eobert, Frederick Mb 60 Boberts, Albert Backus Hm 44 tJBoberts, Charles, Jr. Mh 62 Boberts, Ellis Henry Y 50 JRoberts, John Sinclair Mh 57 tBoberts, William Jay Y 59 tBobeson, Thomas Eodman Hv 61 Bobeson, William Botch, Jr. Hv 64 Bobie, Henry Adams Cn 82 Bobins, Joseph Emerson Md 68 Bobinson, Charles Y 61 Bobinson, Charles Edward Hm 57 JBobinson, Daniel Arthur Bd 73 Bobinson, David Codwise Un 65 Bobinson, Frank (lin) Marvin D 55 JBobinson, Franklin Clement Bd 73 Bobinson, Norman B 54 Robinson, Otis Hall B 61 JBobinson, Walter Augustine Bd 76 Bobinson, Willard Henry Y 72 Bobinson, William Md 65 fRobinson, William Mason Hm 57 Robinson, William WilLshire Hm 47 Roby, John Boyd Mi 70 Rochester, Thomas Fortescue G 45 tRockwell, Alphonso David K 63 JRockwell, Francis Warren Am 65 JRockwell, Francis Williams Am 68 Rockwell, Henry Donnel W 85 JRockwell, Joel Edson Am 37 Rockwell, John Y 49 Rockwell, Lewis Henry Un 65 JRockwell, Robert Campbell Am 71 Rockwood, Charles Greene, Jr. Y 64 Rodgers, Samuel Andrew Cd 58 tRodman, Thomas R Hv46 Rogers, Alexander Hamilton G57 Rogers, Ebenezer Piatt CI 40 Rogers, Henry Wade Hm 73P74 Eogers, John Williams D83 Bogers, Joseph McKeen Bd75 tJBoe, Alfred Seelye Md70 JBoe, Andrew Md57 JBoe, Gary A Md84 JBoe, Charles Marinus Md83 JBoe, George Mortimer Md74 JBoe, William Md65 Bollins, Edward Ashton D51 Rollins, Frank Md 84 Romaine, Benjamin, Jr. CI 38 Romer, William Md 58 Roosevelt, Theodore Hv80 Root, Frank Douglas Y72 Root, Henry Dwight Am 52 Boot, Oren Hm33 Boper, William Benjamin Un79 tJBopes, Henry Hv 62 JEopes, John Codman Hv57 Bopes, William Ladd Hv46 Bose, Hudson Parmelee Cn84 JBoss, Anthony James Blanchard G 66 JBoss, Henry Howard G79 Ross, Jasper Stansbury W68 Ross, John Alexander Y70 Ross, Jonathan D51 Ross, Morris Morris Cn70 tRotch, Francis Morgan Hv41 tJRound, George Carr Md66 tJRound, John Emory Md 55 Round, Robert James Md72 Bowe, George Howard Malcolm D 64 Bowland, Lj^man Sibley Am 58 Bowland, William Leonard G52 Bowley, Frank Harold B75 tBowley, Henry Kirk P64 tBoyce, Clark Esek King W59 tBoys, Charles Henry Hm61 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Aniharst, pp. 1J8-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Bninonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, ^ip. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, Harvard, pp. 176-200; Hd, Hudson, pp. 220-234; K, Kenyan, pp. 399-408; Mh, Manhattan, Nc ames tn /J . 687 Smith, William Wickham Mh 78 JSraith, Wilton Merle R 77 Smith, Winfield P 46 Smyth, George Blood Mh 76 Smyth, James Davis 11(1 73 P K 74 Smyth, Kichard Edward Y 66 Smyth, Walter Ilebert Y 63 Smythe, George Franklin Hd 74 Smythe, William Ilcnry Un 76 Snell, George Harvey Bd 50 Snow, Alphcus Henry Pk 79 tSnow, Benjamin Bradford Hm 50 Snow, Benjamin Galen Bd 46 Snow, Charles Plenry Boylston Hv 44 Snow, Cyrus Austin W 55 tJSnow, David Basset Mi 63 ttSnow, Joseph Crocker Mi 58 Snowdon, Hoyes Lloyd R 54 Snyder, Balfour Mi 75 Snyder, Charles Ridgway Md 61 Snyder, Edgar P K 72 Somerville, Henderson Middleton Al 56 JSoule, Augustus Lord Hv 46 JSoule, Nicholas Emery Hv 45 Southard, George Franklin K 73 Souther, Williams Bd 76 Southgate, Edward Mary G 67 Soutter, Charles Broughton Mh 66 Sowdon, Arthur John Clark Hv 57 Spalding, Alfred Matthias D 79 Spalding, Erastus Woostcr G 55 Spalding, James Alfred D 66 Sparks, William Alexander Y 37 Spaulding, Alexander Hm 46 Spaulding, Alfred Byron D 72 Spaulding, Frank AVood Bd 72 Spaulding, Samuel Thomson Am 39 Spaulding, Timothy Gridley Am 72 Spaulding, W^iyland Y 74 Spencer, Armon Hd 47 Spencer, Charles Stetson Mi 69 Spencer, Frank Asbury Mi 60 Spencer, Frank Austin I) 63 Spencer, Hamilton Hm 34 Spencer, James Edmunds R 51 Spencer, John Laurens Am 48 Spencer, Nelson Stanley Mh 75 tSpencer, Thonuis Rush G 38 Spencer, William Henry Hm 66 tSpiva, Lemuel Gaston Al 58 Spofford, Henry Martyn Am 40 Spoor, Chas. Talmadge Fairchild W 65 Sprague, Albert Arnold Y 59 Sprague, Carleton Hv 81 fSprague, Charles Ezra Un 60 Sprague, Henry Lynde Cn 73 Sjjraguc, W'illiam Lyon Cn 73 Sprigg, Samuel Bd 70 Spriggs, John Thomas Hm 47 Spriggs, William Thomas Hm 76 + Spring, Arthur Langdon D 80 JSpring, Clarence Walter D 80 Springer, Frank Asbury Md (II Sprink, Joseph Edwin Bn (55 Sprout, William Bradford Am 83 Squier, Frederick Clifford W 84 tSquire, Watson Carvosso Md 59 Staats, Henry Taylor Md 58 Stackpole, George Dallas D 66 iStacy, James Alonzo V 11 JStambaugh, Henry Hamilton Cn SI JStambaugh, John Tod Cn 84 fStanley, Gustavus Augustus Bd 57 Stanley, John Thomas Bd 49 Stanley, William Y 52 JStanton, Benjamin Bd 48 JStanton, Benjamin Irving Un 73 Stanton, George Francis Am 63 JStanton, Horace Coffin Un 67 Stanton, Robert Brewster Mi 71 Stanwood, Edward Bd 61 Stanwood, Robert Given Bd 75 Staples, Hamilton Barclay Hn 51 tStarbird, Isaac Warren Hd (52 pp. 358-373; Mi, Miami, -pv- 33-47; Md, JZ/dd/f^oicn, pp. 377-395; P, P«iin««/ar, pp. 291-310; PK.P/iiAappa, pp. 440-450; R, /?oc/(«»<«-, pp. 315-329; Un, Tnion,' pp. 411-121; Vh,.Urban, pp. 51-53; W, Williami, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113: ^Military List, pp. 45fi-.S27 ; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. 688 Names in A J Stark, James Worthington Staunton, John Armitage Stead, Benjamin Franklin Stearns, Charles Cummings Stearns, Frederick Kimball Stearns, George Eaynolds Stearns, Seward Smith Stebbins, Frank Edwards Md Stebbins, Horatio Stebbins, Milan Cyrus Steele, Benjamin Wheeler Steele, Henry Thornton t Steele, John James Steele, Robert Wilbur Steele, Samuel Frank tSteele, William Henry Steers, Schuyler Bliss Stelle, William Henry Stephens, George Stephenson, Abram Mills fSterling, Francis Norton Sterling, John Williams Stetson, Charles Henry Stetson, Eliot Dajves Stetson, Francis Lynde Stetson, John Gliddon Stevens, Albert Clarke Stevens, Charles Morse JStevens, Edward Oliver Stevens, George Simmons Stevens, Henry Augustus Stevens, Henry Webster Stevens, Henry William Stevens, Herbert Joel Stevens, Homer Bemis Stevens, John Sanborn t Stevens, Sumner Wynne Stevens, William Bacon Stevens, William Coit Stevens, William Crosby Steves, Oliver Penoyar Stewart, Benjamin Decherd P58 G58 Ub39 Y72 P77 R75 Bd79 78 Am 80 Hv48 . Am 51 Bn 76 Y 40 A158 Mi 40 Mi 58 Y58 Hm55 R07 Mh67 P77 Y62 Y64 Bd83 Hv82 W 67 Bd54 P76 D78 Bn61 Un G3 Am 57 D 75 W79 Md fi6 W 57 1) 62 R81 D38 Hd 73 Un66 Un 62 Cd60 Stewart, Charles Mi 47 Stewart, David Fay R 72 Stewart, George Taylor P K 78 Stewart, James, Jr. Hm 56 Stewart, James E. Mi 65 Stewart, Morse G 41 Stewart, Samuel Barrett Bd 57 Stewart, Seth Thayer Y 73 tStickney, John Buffington Y 56 Stickney, Milton Whiting Un 74 Stiles, Frankjin Osgood Am 56 Stiles, Samuel Martin Md 60 Stiles, William Augustus ' Y 59 Stille, Charles Janeway Y 39 fStille, Henry Mandeville Y 64 Stimson, Levi Burt P K 48 Stinaff, William Clark Hd 77 Stinchfield, Charles Eben Bd 82 Stockbridge, Henry (Smith) Am 45 Stockin, Abner Chase Bd 57 tStocking, Charles Henry P 61 tStocking, Gilbert Miles Y 61 tStocking, William Y 65 Stoddard, David Tappan Y 38 Stoddard, 0. N. Mi 34 tStoddard, William Osborn R 58 JStokes, Harry Shelby Am 71 JStokes, James Frazer Am 67 J Stokes, William Campbell Am 69 Stone, Dwight, Jr. K 74 Stone, Edward Collins Y 62 Stone, Frederic Mather Hv 82 Stone, George Woodward Y 74 Stone, Henry Dwight Am 44 Stone, James Farrar W 61 I Stone, Morton P K 80 JStone, Stewart P K 80 Stone, Timothy Porter Am 62 Stone, William Gleason Hm 75 Stone, William Pierce Am 64 Storer, John Humphreys Hv 82 Storm, Cornelius P K 39 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, itj). 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, //award, pp. 176-200; Hd, ^?<(f son, pp. 220-234; K, A'enyon, pp. 399-408 ; U\\ Manhattan, Na^nes in .1 J 0. 689 Storm, Azariah Smith W 70 Storrs, Henry Edward Am 64 Storrs, Henry Lemutd Hra 33 Storrs, Henry Martyn Am 46 tStorrs, Melancthon Y 52 Storrs, Eichard Salter Am 39 Storrs, Eichard SaUer Am 53 Stout, Byron Gray P 51 Stout, Charles Tullidge K 70 Stover, Joseph William Md 67 Stow, William Walter Hm 60 Stowe, Timothy Am 47 . Stowell, Calvin Daniel Y 68 Stowers, Charles Nelson Md 60 Strader, Peter Wilson, Jr. K 75 Strain, David Jackson Mi 56 Street, Alfred Billings Hm 43 tStreet, Thomas Atkins Cd 60 Strong, Alonzo Paige Un 64 Strong, George Augustus K 50 Strong, George Templeton CI 38 Strong, Henry P 54 R 54 Strong, Henry Adgate Y 73 Strong, Horace Lajiham E 67 Strong, Myron Hopkins E 58 tStrong, Sidney Hd 63 tStrotfg, Sylvester Emory Md 60 Strong, William Ellsworth D 82 tStuart, Edward Whittlesey Hd 62 tStuart, George Y 55 Stuart, Julius Walker Hv 49 Stuart, Lincoln Alexander Mh 80 Sturdevant, Charles Huston G 69 Sturges, David Brainard P 62 Sturges, Stephen Buckingham Hd 48 Sturges, Wilson G 55 tSturgis, Appleton Mh 63 tSturgis, Edward Mh 65 tSturgis, John Irving Bd 68 Sturgis, Eichard Clipstone Hv 81 Sturgis, Eussell, Jr. Mh 56 Suckley, Eobert Bowne Md 78 Sullivan, .Vlgernon Sidney Sullivan, Felix Robertson Sully, Wilberforce Sumner, Charles Edward Sumner, George, Jr. Suter, John Eoscoe Sutherland, Douglass Rudd Sutherland, John Lansing Sutphen, Joseph Walworth Suvoong, Vung Plan Swaby, John Hague Swain, Edward Allen Swain, Hadwen Swain, William Fellows Swallow, Edward Emerson Swan, Charles Edward Swan, George Swan, Eichard Wenman Swazey, Arthur Sweetser, Samuel Sweezy, Eichard Leland Swift, Henry Adoniram Swift, William Henry Swing, David Swinney, James Oswald Sybrandt, W^illiam Henry Syme, Frederic James tTabb, William Henry Taft, Edward Williams Taft, Sylvenus Adon fTaintor, Henry Ellsworth Talbot, Charles Eemington tTalbot, Thomas Hammond Talcott, John Butler Talcott, Thomas Grosvenor Talcott, William Tallmadge, Albert Marion JTallman, Albert Peter JTallman, Charles Houston Talmadge, Henry Pearl Mi 45 P K 66 1) 78 Y 63 Am 39 Hv81 Y 73 a 49 Hm 47 K 67 G52 Bn82 Cn 76 D50 Y74 Bd 44 Mi 39 Hv42 Bd44 Mh64 Mh 74 Hd42 W63 Mi 52 Y53 Am 76 Y 70 Cd60 Bn81 P 52 E 52 Y 6.5 Bn 75 Bd 46 Y 46 Y38 ^^' 6.-. Md 74 Hd66 Hd 71 Mh 67 pp. 358-3V3; Mi, J/Janii, pp. 33^7; Md, J/idd/f town, pp. 377-395; P, P«un»K/ar, pp. 291-310; FK, P/ii A'appa, px>.UO^aO; R, /{oc/iester, pp. 31a-^29; Vji, Union, pp. 411-421; Vh, Urban, pp. 61-53; \V, Williamg, pp. 339-353; Y, Tale, pp. 63-113; ^Military List, pp. 4.-)6-.VJ7; tKinship U»t, pp. 533-549. 45 690 Names in A J 0. Tappan "Winthrop Bd44 Templeton. Charles Bradford Un84 Tarbell Horace Sumner Md59 Tenney, Albert Francis Am 69 Tarbox Increase Niles Y39 Tenney, Alvan Hm49 Tarbox Luther Goulding Y53 Tenney, George D47 tTatum, Joseph Tabor Y59 Tenney, Levi Sanderson Y74 Taussig , Francis William Hv79 Terry, Frank Taylor P81 JTaylor, Albert Judson R6-t Terry, Henry Taylor Y69 Taylor, Alfred Judd Y59 tTerry, Ira Cole " Hd 61 Un 61 JTaylor, Arthur Fairbanks D74 Thacher, Theodore John Ox- Taylor, Bushrod Shedden Md 74 enbridge Un 69 Taylor, Charles A. Y50 Thayer, Fred. Albert D 73 JTaylor, Charles Herbert R70 tThayer, Henry Walcott Y62 Taylor, Cornelius Hector Hd46 JThayer, James Bradley Hv52 Taylor, Edwin P69 Thayer, James Smith Am 38 JTaylor, Electus Backus Litchfield R 78 Thayer, Rufus Hildreth P 70 Taylor, Frank Matthew Sill Cn72 JThayer, William Sydney Hv50 tJTayloi , George Harvey D 62 tThomas, Alfred Addison Mi 67 D 67 Taylor, Hallet Kilbourn Hd79 JThomas, Anson Parsons Un 74 Taylor, Horace Sedgwick Hd40 Thomas, Eugene Bd85 Taylor, Horace "Willard Am 48 JThomas, Howard Lloyd Un81 Taylor, Hugh Woodruff G59 JThomas, John Melvin Un72 Taylor, Isaac Billings Allen Md82 Thomas, Joseph B., Jr. Md70 Taylor, Jacob Edwin D55 Thomas, Oscar Frederic R66 JTaylwr, James Monroe R 68 tJThomas, Walter Scott Mi 60 Taylor, James Wicks Hm38 t JThomas, William Irving Mi 62 Taylor, Levi LeForrest Hayden Md 76 Thompson, Albert Henry Am 72 Taylor, Martyn P52 Thompson, Amherst Lord Am 56 Taylor, Oscar Livingstone Cn81 Thompson, Charles Oliver D58 fTaylor, Richard Y45 Thompson, DeWitt Burton Md85 Taylor Robert Eveleigh Y54 Thompson, Frederick Stanley Y66 Taylor, Stephen Gale D47 Thompson, George Louis Md64 Taylor, Sylvenus Aldrich Hm55 Thompson, Henry Hunn Hm43 Taylor, William Mi 56 Thompson, Jacob Hale Bd60 tTaylor William Howell Y55 Thompson, John Franklin D 82 Taylor, William Watts K64 Thompson, John Howland Am 50 Taylor, Zachary Philo R69 Thompson, Joseph Parrish Y38 Tead, Edward Sampson Am 75 Thompson, Samuel Arthur D76 Tebbets, Gilbert Carr Bd51 Thompson, William Augustus D 60 Telforc^ , Charles Loomis Mi 36 tThorburn, Alexander McAlister Un 57 Temple , Jackson W51 JThorndike, Samuel Lothrop Hv52 tTemple , John Baylor Mi 36 tJThorndike, William Hv54 Temple , William Franklin, Jr. D 77 Thornton, John Lyle Mi 57 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, FTamilton, pp. 7-29; 'B.v, Harvard, pp. Yl^2Wi; Hd, /Tudson, pp. 220-234; K, Xenyora, pp. 399-408; Wa, Manhattan, Names in A J . 695 JWhcelcr, John Tyler G 59 Wheeler, Willard llayden Am 84 Wheeloek, Harry Bergen P 85 Wlu'lan, I{ali)h Waldo K 74 WhippK', Aujiustu.s Warren Hv 4!) Whipple, William Ward Am 41 Whitaker, Henry Clay Bn 38 Whitaker, Nicholas Tillinghast Md 65 Whiteher, William Frederick Md 71 Whitcomh, Charles Adams Hv 44 White, Allan Temple Bn 84 White, Benjamin Horton Md 59 White, Clement Brooke Y 72 White, Enoch Clark P 79 tWHiite, George Snow P 06 White, Henry Gardiner Bd 74 White, Henry Kirke Mh 60 White, James William E 75 White, John Hazen K 72 White, Jonathan Y 44 White, Pliny Holton D 48 White, Thomas Herbert Bd 64 White, William Orne Hv 40 White, Wilham Prescott Am 67 Whitehead, Cortlandt Y 63 Whitehead, Joseph Henry W 69 Whitesides, Nevil K 68 AVhiting, John Nicholas G 39 Whiting, Julius, Jr. Hd 70 Whiting, William D 82 Whiting, William Hammond Am 64 Whitlock, Harlow Ruggles P K 70 Whitlock, Samuel H. CI 37 Whitman, Frank Perkins Bn 74 Whitman, James T> 52 Whitney, Emerson Cogswell Y 51 Whitney, Frederick Eugene Bd 73 Whitney, George G 60 Whitney, George Henry Md 58 Whitney, Harry Martin, Jr. Am 78 Whitney, Henry Otis Y 66 Whitney, John WiUiam Md 76 Whitney, Josiah Dwight Y Whiton, James Morris Y Whittemore, Arthur Dexter Y Whittemore, Henry 1) Whittemore, James Olin P Whittier, Charles W^ Whittlesey, Charles Mills Y Whittlesey, Frederic Augustus G Wick, Myron Converse Hd JWiggin, Edwin Ruthven 1) Wiggin, Henry Dwight Bd JWiggin, Samuel Bradley D tWight, Edwin Buckminster P Wight, John Fletcher D Wilbur, Charles Smith R Wilbur, Roswell Everett Bn Wilbur, Seth Tryon Hm 36 Y Wilcox, Ansley Y Wilcox, Asher Henry Y Wilcox, Fred Potter R JWilcox, George D Wilcox, George Augustus Y fWilcox, James Andrews Y JWilcox, Leonard D tWilcox, Timothy Erastus Un tJWilder, Charles Wesley Md tWilder, Daniel Webster Hv fWilder, Joseph Eells Am JWilder, Nathan Willis Md Wilder, William Franklin Am Wildman, Horatio Y Wilds, Howard Payson Mh JWilkinson, Albert Hamilton P JWilkinson, Charles Melvin P JWilkinson, James Milton P AVilkinson, William Henry G Willard, Aslil)el Parsons Hm JW^llard, (Edward) Ashton Rollins 1) JWillard, Charles Wesley D Willard, Erastus Hm Willard, Horace Mann Bn Willard, James Hazleton Mm pp. 358-373; Mi, 3//anji, pp. 33-47; Ud, ^f^ddletown, pp. ZTi~S95; T, Peninsular, pp. "291-210 ; PK, PHKajipa, pp. 440-450; R. Rochester, pp. 315-329; Un, r»iJon, pp, 411-421 ; Ub, Urban, pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y, Yale, pp. 63-113; ^Military List, pp. 4;'i6-527; XKinship List, p}). 533-549. 696 Names in A J Willard, James Richard Willard, John Haven Willcox, David Johnson Halsted fWilliams, Alonzo Williams, Arthur Henry Williams, Asa Messer Williams, Benjamin Payson Williams, Charles Gilmore t J Williams, Charles Tudor Williams, Edward Moore tt Williams, Edward Porter JWilliams, Elijah Hawley WilHams, Erastus Winslow Wilhams, Fitch Reed JWilliams, Frederic Dickinson Williams, George Frederick JWilliams, George Huntington JWilliams, Henry Williams, Henry Bigelow Williams, Henry Dudley Williams, Henry Johnson Wilhams, Henry Kirke Williams, Henry Warren Williams, Henry Warren AVilliams, Hinckley .Wright Williams, Horace Williams, Horace Robbins Williams, James Henry JWilliams, John Camp Williams, John GoUicar Wilhams, John Healy Wilhams, Joseph Loomis Williams, Othniel Samuel tWilhams, Ralph Olmstead t Williams, Richard Lloyd Williams, Roger Butler Williams, Russell Mortimer Williams, Samuel Williams, Samuel Gardiner Williams, Schuyler Hodges JWilliams, Talcott Williams, Willian> Brown D 67 JWilUams, William George Hd61 P80j Williams, William Henry Bn65 Y72 JWilliams, William Herbert Am 76 Bn70 Wilhams, William Perkins Y39 P84 Williams, William Porter Un81 Bn 51 Williamson, Robert Henry W53 Hv50 tWilliamson, Samuel Cheney Hd60 P65 WilUamson, William Cross Hv52 Hd 62 Wilhts, Edwin P55 Y64 Willoughby, James Henry D73 Hd64 Wilson, Adams Brock Md67 Am 73 Wilson, Alban John Md66 PK53 Wilson, Albert Gallatin D67 P58 J Wilson, Andrew Am 42 Hv50 Wilson, Archelaus Y44 D 72 Wilson, Charles Granville K68 Am 78 Wilson, Charles Howard Mh77 Hv37 Wilson, Charles Merrill Md 70 Hv65 Wilson, Charles Scotto P 73 Bnoo Wilson, Francis Henry Y67 Mh 68 JWilson, Frank Pope K76 Cn80 Wilson, Franklin Bn41 Am 37 Wilson, FrankUn Augustus Bd54 Hd41 JWilson, Frederic Arthur Bd73 Am 66 Wilson, Harry Eugene K70 Bd44 Wilson, James Hd54 Am 60 Wilson, John Howard Y68 PK54 JWilson, John Scott K70 Am 82 JWilson, Joseph Colburn Bd67 Md60 JWilson, Levi Bodley Hd48 Am 68 Wilson, Moses Fleming Mi 64 Hm54 JWilson, Mountford Samuel K78 Hm32 Wilson, Newton Harris D 70 Y61 fWilson, Oliver Morris Hm 58 Hd64 JWilson, Russell Jones K70 Y68 JWilson, Thaddeus Am 43 Hd52 JWilson, Tunis Van Houten Hd48 W51 Wilson, William McClure .Hd73 Hm52 Wilson, William Thomas Bn39 P67 Wing, David R63 Am 73 AVing, Frank Luman Mh69 P73 Wingate, Henry Anderson Cn77 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Bowdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunonian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmouth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv, //«lr»a?-rf, pp. 176-200 ; Hd, i7Md«on, pp. 220-234; K, A'enyon, pp. 399^08;- Mh, J/anAa«an, Names . hi / J . 697 Wingate, John, Jr. ttWinn, Ilcnry Jasper ttWinii, Walter Emmet Winslow, Horace Winslow, Isaac Oscar fWinsor, Frederic Winters, James M Wisner, Gabriel W Wister, Owen Wiswall, Alexander fWithers, William Frederick JWitliington, Nathan Noyes JWithington, William Sherburne JWitte, Henry Parker Witte, Melchior Conrad Ger- hard, Jr. fWitter, William Clitus Bn Wolcott, Douglas Dousman Wolcott, Simon Perkins Wood, Arthur Burr Wood, Charles Seely Wood, Cyrus J Wood, Daniel Burton Wood, Daniel Leonard Wood, Halscy Lathrop Wood, Isaac Willard Wood, John Brandegee Wood, Nathan Henry Wood, Samuel Edward Wood, Thomas Stokeley Wood, William Walls JWoodbridge, John JWoodbridge, John, Jr. Woodbridge, Robert McCurdy Woodbridge, William Reed Woodbury, Augustus Woodman, George Bliss fWoodman, George Sullivan Woodruff, Charles Hornblower fWoodrufif, Daniel Webster Woodruff, Frank Dutton Bd 55 Al 56 A154 llm 39 Bn78 Hv51 Y73 Un71 Hv82 D73 Al 57 Am 51 Am 41 W 77 W78 65 Y65 Y68 Hd62 Y59 Mi 66 R83 Un72 P54 G70 Am 68 Y65 Bd63 D 69 K80 Md 83 Am 49 Am 73 Hd82 Y55 Bn 57 P67 Am 46 Y58 A155 PK83 Woodruff, Lockwood DeForcst Woodward, Benjamin Weston t Wood ward, Harvey Woodward, James Lawrence I Woodward, John Kimble tlWoodward, Stanley (Trott) Woodworth, Horace Bliss Woodworth, William Wooster, Edward Bicknell W 7 Worcester, Franklin Wordin, Nathaniel Eugene Work, Charles Perly Wray,' Edward Marsiiall Wrenn, Charles Duffield Wright, Albert Wright, Amos Willets Wright, Arthur Williams fWright, Benjamin Franklin Wright, Charles Handel Wright, Cyrus M. Wright, Daniel Webster Wright, Ebenezer Wright, Edward Marshall t Wright, George McElwaine Wright, George Mitchell Wright, Hamilton Mercer fWright, Reginald Ileber Wright, Russell Medad Wright, Samuel Wright, Thomas Wright, Thomas Lee Wright, Thompson Barrette Wright, William Burnet Wyman, Edmond Lewis Wyman, Henry Nehemiah Wyman, Walter Wyman, William Cutler ^Wynkoop, Gcrardus Hilles JWynkoop, Theodore Stephen Wynne, William Appling Mb (i Md Mh K Y D G Un D Y R Mh R Bd Mi 67 D Y Un Hd 77 Am Mi Hm W Y W Hd Y Hd Am Hd Hm Mi K D W Am Am Y Y Y Al pp. 3.58-373; Mi, J/iomJ, pp. 33-47/ Md, Middletown, i>p. 377-395; P, Peninsular, pp. 291-310; P K, Phi Kappa, pp. 440-450; R, Rochester, pp. 315-329; Un, Union, pp. 411-121; Ub, Urban, pp. 51-53; W, WitliamH, pp. 339-3.53; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. Y, Yale, pp. J; \miitary List, pp. 456-527; Names ift, A J 0. Yager, Granville Md 66 Yager, Willard Everett Cn 78 Yale, Hiram Augustus P K 46 Yarnall, Thomas Coffin Y 41 Yawger, John Francis Cn 85 Yeager, James Martin Md 80 Yeaw, Everett Cn 82 Yen, Yung Kuing K 61 Yeoman, George Francis R 73 Yoe, Lucien Gurnee Am 68 Yost, Casper Enoch P 63 Young, Albert ' Mh 60 Young, Charles Augustus D 53 Young, Charles Oliver Hm 78 Young, Charles Wesley Md 72 Young, Daniel Kissam Mh 71 fYoung, Edward Francis Mh 60 Young, Ephraim Wood Hv 48 Young, Frank Ira Hd 70 Younglove, John Morehead G 69 fZacharias, Allen William Howard P 60 Zacher, Edmund Y 74 Ziegler, James Patterson Mi 7 Al, Alabama, pp. 332-335; Am, Amherst, pp. 118-150; Bd, Boicdoin, pp. 238-256; Bn, Brunoiiian, pp. 154-172; CI, Columbia, pp. 56-59; Cn, Cornell, pp. 430-437; Cd, Cumberland, pp. 423-425; D, Dartmoxtth, pp. 260-287; G, Geneva, pp. 205-217; Hm, Hamilton, pp. 7-29; Hv., Harvard, pp. 176-200; Hd, Hudson, pp, 220-234; K, Kenyan, pp. 399-408; Mh, Manhattan, pp. 358-373; Mi, J/iuwi, pp. 33-47; Md, J/Wd^e^ORn, pp. 377-395; P, /"miHw/ar, pp. 291-310; P K, PA i A'a^pa, pp. 440-450; R, ^ocAf. s<«r, pp. 315-329 ; Un, C>^tow, pp. 411-421 ; \J\), Urban, pp. 51-53; W, Williams, pp. 339-353; Y, Yak, pp. 63-113; ] Military List, pp. 456-527; XKinship List, pp. 533-549. ALPHA DELTA PHI TIME. The following Table of the growth of the Fraternity during the last fifty years is compiled from the successive Catalogues. In the first five, in the Catalogue of 1860 and of 1865, and the last, the totals can be accepted without hesitation. Discrepancies exist in the re- maining Catalogues, which nothing short of a collation name by name can remove. As it stands, the Table is felt to give information at once unique and interesting. The increase of Chapters, after they had suspended their active functions, is due to a more careful examination of the records, several such additions occurring in this Catalogue. In the line under Miami the names entered in early Catalogues under Cincinnati are included. The net total in the Catalogue of 1876 is a corrrected index total, and, hence, differs from the entry in the Bibli- ography, which gives in each case the actual number of names in the index. The column of active membership gives the total for January 1, 1882, except for Harvard, whose initiations came later. In Dart- mouth the annual initiation takes place in the spring. 700 Time in A J ALPHA DELTA PHI FOR FIFTY YEARS. Chapters. Analysis in 1882. Hamilton . . Miami . . . . Urban . . . . Columbia . . Tale . . . . Amherst . . Brunonian . Harvard . . . Geneva . . . Hudson . , . BowdoLn . . Dartmouth . Peninsular . Rochester . , Alabama . . Williams . , Manhattan . Middletown Kenyon . . , Union ... Cumberland , Cornell . . , Phi Kappa Total by Chapters Less Net Total by Index 188 329 638 943 1210 1530 2054 2531 3150 4563 5345 4352 Increase in index. ALPHA DELTA PHI OCCUPATIONS. Although much care has been bestowed upon the following table, it does not pretend to absolute accuracy. Within the limits of this work, however, it is submitted that perfection is neai'ly, if not quite, impossible. Such are the conditions of American life that in many cases it has been necessary to choose for entry here some one of two or three occupations pursued, often, at the same time, by the same man. The rule has been, therefore, to select the business or profession of the greatest pecuniary importance to the persons en- gaged in the same ; doubtless, errors of judgment have thus been made. Among instructors, for example, are enrolled very many clergymen, numerous bankers and journalists are still lawyei's, and some physicians are also druggists. Exigencies of space have made the number of divisions as few as possible, and some, in consequence, contain many possible sub- divisions. Merchants include all who live by buying chattels or land to sell again, or who receive a commission for conducting such sales ; but stock brokers are classed with bankers. Students embrace all who died before settling in any business or profession ; those also who went from college into the army, and were there killed, are numbered here. The divisions Army and Nav}' apply only to those in the regular sei^vice of the United States or some foreign nation, and Diplomats include those in the consular service of governments other than our own. All corporation and bureau employes, not presidents, secre- taries or superintendents, are entered with clerks. Stock breeders and sheep raisers are included among agriculturists. 702 Occupations in A J 0. It should be remembered that no deduetious have been made for names counted twice ; the object of this tabulation being to discover the relative numbers in different vocations and Chapters, the matter was not important. The column of unknown occupations is mainly filled with men who died but a few years after graduation. Of the list of clergymen of unknown denominations nearly forty are, in all probability, Congregational. Though not exhaustive, this tabulation may not be without a cer- tain public interest. It might have been extended to show the times when the thoughts of young men turned towards certain professions ; thus, none of the journalists of the Fraternity graduated before 1850, while the proportion of clergymen in delegations of different years is matter for reflection. But, even as the matter stands, few tables of this kind have been prepared, and this one shows, perhaps, with tolerable clearness, what has become of some five thousand five hundred men picked out of twenty-three colleges in the last fifty years. The following list contains, under the title " Scattering," Examiners of Patents: Hamilton, 1; Bowdoin, 1. Sailors: Miami, 1; Amherst, 1 ; Bowdoin, 1. Machinists: Yale, 1 ; Harvard, 1 ; Cornell, 2. Tele- graph Operator: Miami, 1. Inventor: Rochester, 1. Lithographer: Middletown, 1. •ejojduiio .(q *'l'!loj, 1 3 = ^^g|§iHlili'^S§|r:5SS|5| 3 S ^^lll.l,.^l^>s | ^-, .._„.«.. .>,) ^^rtTji^ .TKnwwgci .Meo-- ...•♦,.. s •Bsouisng daiuv "! J"x | -MrH .O«-*00rH . rt « rH N . P^ . . . W . « . 5 •8aaaui3ua pau sao.toAang tM-* . .00^ .«j,,?,»-i-« . .t-r^nnri«on~ g ■ejuopnjs 3-- agg3S"§53§g"§SS5Sa-S3S US ■sjoqdtuSouojg . . . .« -H N — •pajijaH 1 •SpEOJlIBa 1 rlrl rt pHi-I . . . . fH o 'tlH . .lO . .NCI .tO l-l IN 1-1 .WO • •suupis.Cqj SS-^ •S§iSS5S»gS22^2S::S»'^'«S 1 •.s2°> .-omoo .^ .0 . s ■^ ■s)9i3oioaJC) . . . ."-I . ."I .tH rH •SJBlUOldlQ •SJIMIO o» . ,050oooco««^oo3«c;»oo>» .«o f si H D •HAionJinxi nojiBintuouaQ "^ • -J:; 3'-'"'=^" =3 •" • •'-"^ • • ••-'•-' . ■jsUBWOAiaa M •UBUBjinxi . . . .r1 .W-JJ . .rtrH ^ . . . 2 •oiioqiBO aBUJoa 1 .(N .rtrHr-l .r-lrt «- •paouojaa C^ . . .CO rH .,1 . . . o>(N .«5^0«us .r^eo s •sjojdinog puB 8j9t)JV -rl . .Clrl . CO X5 CO c< e< CO C^ tO 00 s i I 5 1 Hamilton Miami . . UUBAN . . Columbia Yale . . . Amherst. Urinonian Harvard . Geneva . BowixiiN . Dautmouth Peninsular I<<)( HESTER Alabama . Williams Manhattan MiDULETOW J Ken YON Union . . Cumberlani Cornell . Phi KjkPPA ALPHA DELTA PHI STATES AND CITIES. The following Table is iuteuded to show the places where the Fra- ternity is strongest in numbers, and the proportion of brothers living in cities ; matters worthy of consideration in the foundation of new Chapters. Owing to the Fraternity's constant increase in membership, and to the fact that some men have more than one address, the totals of this table vary slightly from those in the preceding ones. This variation is not a sufficient interference with the object of the summary to call for any more elaborate statement. STATES. United States. Alabama . . ' . . Arizona Territory . Arkansas. . . . California Colorado .... Connecticut . . . Dakota Territory . Delaware . . . District of Columbia Florida .... Dead. Living. 41 26 2 1 3 18 84 2 28 37 220 4 8 8 52 6 11 Georgia . Idaho Territory Illinois Indiana . . . Indian Territory Iowa .... Kansas . . . Kentucky . . Louisiana Maine .... Maryland . . Living. 14 3 230 44 1 68 37 31 14 143 45 States and Cities in A J . 705 STATES. — Continued. Dead. Living. Dead. Living. Massachusetts . . . - 160 548 Wisconsin 11 70 Michigan. . . . .SO 181 Wyoming Territory . . 5 53 Canada. 12 10 17 85 7 Montana Territory Ontario 2 4 Nebraska 20 Quebec 1 3 .SO 1 105 Other Forhign Countries. New Hampshire . 17 149 Austria 1 New Mexico . . New York 6 France 10 261 1188 Germany Great Britain .... 7 North Carolina . . 17 12 Ohio 71 349 Italy A 36 Q ■ 1 Pennsylvania . 163 Spain 2 Rhode Island . . 23 86 Swity.erland 1 South Carolina . . 6 13 Turkey, with Asia Minor 3 9 Tennessee . . . Texas 15 21 6 45 15 2 6 Asia, with Ceylon and Japan Australia and Pacific Isles 6 18 Utah Territory . . Vermont .... 7 14 Soutli America and Mex- 10 Virginia .... Washington Territor\ West Indies .... 2 1 West Virginia . . . 993 4357 7o6 States and Cities in A J CITIES. New York, N. Y Philadelphia. Pa Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, 111. Boston, Mass. . St. Louis, Mo. . Baltimore, Md. Cincinnati, Ohio San Francisco, Cal. New Orleans, La. Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pa. Buffalo, N. Y. . Washington, D. C Newark, N. J. . Louisville, Ky. Jer.sey City, N. J. Detroit, Mich. . Dead. Living. 413 60 95 139 157 43 28 49 36 10 67 10 43 52 21 8 6 45 Milwaukee, Wis. Providence, R. I. I Albany, N. Y. . Rochester, N. Y. Allegheny, Pa. Indianapolis, Ind. Richmond, Va. New Haven, Conn Lowell, Mass. . Worcester, Mass. Troy, N. Y. . . Kansas City, Mo. Cambridge, Mass. Syracuse, N. Y. Columbus, Ohio Paterson, N. J. Toledo, Ohio . 342 Living. 30 67 57 40 4 14 2 49 7 24 13 14 33 31 21 4 12 1,103 APPENDIX NOTES, ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. This Appendix ^contains all the information which has come to the Committee too late for insertion elsewhere, some corrections of typo- graphical errors, and notes of such clues as we have to the whereabouts of missing men, together with a list of those brothers whose residences are unknown. That such residences have not been found by the Committee does not prove that others will find any great difficulty in discovering them. All brothers, therefore, are earnestly requested to lighten the labors of future committees b}' sending to any of the members of this one all information they have or may convenientl}' obtain concerning those whose whereabouts is uncertain, and those of whom the only thing certain is death. As in the body of this work the Chapter and Class arrangement has been maintained. HAMILTON. Adams, '34; Melville Morris Adams was a private tutor, and spent sonic time in study at Paris, France. Died March 2, 1844. Morse, '36 ; his home is at Englewood, N. J. Miller, '38 ; for Peterborough read Geneva. Brigham, '40; Member N. Y. Assembly, 1848. Torrance, '42 ; prtjix *1872. Jackson, '44; removed in 1851 to Warrenton, Va., and practised law till 1864. In December of that year was conscripted as a private, by Gen. J. S. Mosby, C. S. A. In February, 1865, was stricken with paralysis, and never fully recovered. In 1866 appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for 8th Va. Dist. Resigned from ill health in May, 1869, and died at Wytheville, Va., June 19. Roberts, '44 ; prefix f. Parsons, '45; when last heard of, about 1861 or '62. was an instructor in Louis- ville, Ky. Elt, '48 ; prefix f. Gardiner, '49; died April 23, 1880. yio IVoies, Additiofis and Coi' recti ons. Morse, '49 ; Presbyterian. Now engaged in literary work. Grad. Princeton Theo. Sem., 1854. Tenney, '49 ; for Alvin read. Alvan. Jones, '50; Instructor and Presbyterian Clergyman. He taught and preached at Alexander and Orangeville, N. Y., until September, 1852, then accepted a professorship in a seminary at Marion, Ala., where, after a short illness, he died. May 30, 1853. Mumbrdte, '50 ; name should be given William Bement ^lumbrue ; and for Stevens Point, Wis., read Montour, Iowa. He emigrated to Wisconsin in 1849, began as clerk in the U. S. Land Office; has since been engaged in general business, steamboating, warehoiising, etc. In 1875 made Iowa his home. Is now engaged in mining in Montana. Hart, '55; Congregational Clergyman. Present pastorship began 1880. Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1861. Wallace, '57; now U. S. Circuit Judge, vice Blatchford, CI. '37. Paine, '59; Grad. Andover Theo. Sem., 1862. Hale, '60; Publisher Indianapolis Sentinel. Home at Irvington. Ind. Danforth, '61 ; left Hamilton to enter Oberlin College. In 18G1 enlisted in Co. C, 7th Ohio Inf., Prof. Shurtleflf, of Oberlin, being the Captain. He was promoted Sergeant, and on March 23, 1862, was killed at Winchester, Va. His bodj' lies in the college cemetery at Oberlin. Grant, '62; Pastor Central Congregational Church since 1879. Grad. Union Theo. Sem., 1863. Butler, '64; died at Utica, N. Y. CuRRAN, '64 ; was manufacturer of agricultural implements, 1865-8 ; after that retired from business on account of his health. Simmons, '64; /or Madison, Wis., read Minneapolis, Minn. Has been Pastor Unitarian Church since October 1, 1881. Grad. Auburn Theo. Sem., 1868. Halset and Hubbell, '67; are Lawyers. Lyon, '67 ; is a Stock Broker. CoxE, '68 ; for Alfred read Alfred. He succeeds Wallace, '57, as U. S. Dist. Judge. Giles, '70; for Weedsport read Auburn; for Marian read Marion. By occupa- tion a Bookkeeper. Bagley, '70 ; for Elmford read Elmsf ord. P. 0. Tarrytown. Brigham, '71 ; name should be given (DeWitt Clinton) Johnson Brigham. Bailey, '72; is now superintending a stock ranch at Hutchinson, Kan. Huntington, '73 ; is a Lawyer. Skinner, '73 ; prefix f. Chase, '76; is now Secretary of a Life. Ins. Assoc, and a Student at Law in Easton, Pa. Prefix f- Johnson, '76 ; prefix t. Notes, Additions and Conrctions. Bknnktt, "79; for Auburn read Aiulovt-r. Hkatty, '82; Student at Law. HoiiGH'^ON, '82; Clerk, publishinj; house. AvicKY, '83; (Merk to (Jlenn & Co. MIAMI. Thouj,'h every effort has been made, the Committee have been entirely unable to obtain a university triennial. It is even denied that there is one in existence. In the body of the Catalogue, therefore, the dagger has Ikhh prefixed to the names of those brothers only, of whom it is affirmatively sliowu that they did not receive the degree of A.B. from Miami. In the A A Catalogues of '37, '40, '45 and '48, however, it was the rule to insert degrees of every kind, and from these pamphlets it seems that the follovring brothers are non-graduates : — Molonij, '35 ; Birney, Oroesheck,' Hart, Holt and Page, '39 ; BelviUe, C'onover ami Steele, 'iO; Armor, Green and Port{s,'i2; Keely. 'VPi; Effinger awX Wright. '45 ; Mayo, '47. Five brothers, who between the years 1838 and 1840 received elections while students in the Cincinnati Law School, were, until the publication of the Catalogue of 1860, regarded as a separate Chapter, though no charter was ever issued to them. In 1860 they were arbitrarily assigned to those classes of Miami whose A A $ delegations were smallest. Before this assignment was made, all but one of these five were dead, and that one died more than ten years ago. Under these circumstances it has been thought best to leave undisturbed an arrangement, how- ever misleading, which has been acquiesced in for twenty-two years. The names of these brothers, and their assigned classes in Miami, are : Brush and Gallagher, '44; James, '46; 'Perkins, '50; Pugh, '51. DunosE, '38; for Texas read Dallas Co., Ala. ■John, '38; for Warren Co. read Eaton. Holt, '39; for Kobert S. read Robert Stephens. Page, '39 ; honorary election, name should be italicized. Bryan, '42; for C. H. rea. Rochester, N. Y. Albert Marshall Curry, M.D. I.K. Brooklyn, N. Y. Physician, 1157 Fulton street. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1875. Francis Schell, LL.B. P.S. New York City. Lawyer, 55 Broadway. LL.B., Columbia C..11.. 1874. 714 Notes, Additions and Corrections. Frank Sullivan Smith. A. A. Angelica, N. Y. David Maydole TotiMan, M.D. A'.H. Syracuse, N. Y. Physiciau. M.D., Syracuse Univ., 1876. John Wesley Wb.stcott, LL.B. X.H. Camden, N. J. Lawyer, LL.B., Yale, 1876. Maison, '42: add D.D., Jefferson Coll., 1882. Mesick, '48; for Virginia City, Nev., read San Francisco, Cal. Conner, '49 ; for Legran de read Legrande. Hendrick, '50 ; for New York read New York City. Twining, '53 ;■ resigned the charge of the Union Congregational Church of Provi- dence in 1876, and spent two years abroad. His connection with The Independent began in 1880. Shackelford, '54 ; for Cockeville read Cockerille. Woodward, '55 ; for Wilkesbarre read Wilkes Barre. Harris, '56; Kectorship of Christ Church ceased in 1881. Present address, Nashua, N. H. Adams, '57; insert E'.P. Beard, '57; for D.D. read T.P. After Plymouth insert Congregational. Deforest, '57; for D.D. read l.-f. Forrest, '57; D.D. should not be on line with name. Burnley, '58; elected 2d Lieut. 1st Kentucky Brigade, C. S. A., Sept. 13, 1861: promoted 1st Lieut., Oct. 5, 1862. Severely wounded at Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862. Fought at Vicksburg and Baton Eouge, and was mortally wounded at Murfreesborough, Jan. 2, 1863, and died on Jan. 3. See History of the First Kentucky Brigade ; E. P. Thompson, Cincinnati. 1868. Davis. '58; his home is still in Garrard Co., Ky., as stated in Catalogue of 1876. Frisbie, '58; is practising medicine at Sugar Grove, Logan Co., Ark. Smith, '58; for Marietta, Wis., read Hyde Park, Chicago, 111. Add, Associate Editor Chicago Times since 1871; Editor Milwaukee Sentinel, 1866-71. Prin. Prep. Dept. Carroll Coll., 1859-60; Lecturer on Political Economy, Univ. Chicago, since 1878; Regent Univ. Wis., 1870-1. A.B., Carroll Coll., 1859; LL.D., Univ. Chicago, 1879. Johnston, '62 ; omit comma after the word Loyalist. Randolph, '62; for Yanuan rend Jarman. BuMSTEAD, '63; D.I), should not be on line with name. Dodge, '66; for Frederick read Frederic. Hall, '68 ; is now engaged in the grain commission business. DE Kay, '68 ; name should follow Hume. Anderson, '69; Private 24th Ky. Inf., U. S. A.. May 22.1861: honorably dis- cliarged November 24, 1861. Notes, Additions and Corrections. 715 Belknap, '60; /or 18G1 read 1SG9. Bemis, '69;/o?- Lewis read Louis. His occupation is that of l)ri(i^'e building; hence he is rarely long in any one town or city, though his " hcaihiuarters " are in New York City. Logan, '70; last certain address. New York City. Macomb, '73 ; prefix t- Coffin, '74; his father, J. G. Coffin, resides at Pittsburg. Pa. AMHERST. IIuNTTiNG, '44;/o>- Easthampton read East Hampton. Wyman, '45 ; for Sutter's read Sutter' Darling, '51;/o;- Wilkesbarre read Wilkes Barre. Harrington, '52 ; for Westchester read West Chester. Root, '52; /or tl855 read *1855. Pepp?:r, '57; has accepted the Presidency of Colby University, Watorville, Me. Crawford, '61 ; /or Asst. Paymaster read Paymaster's Clerk. He acted as such one year from August, 1864. Maynard, '62 ; for *868 read *1868. McGlathery, '62 ; Rectorship of St. Stephens, Pittsfield, began*1875. ended ]-\'l)ru- ary, 1881. Titus, '63; /or 66th Mass. Inf., read 60th Mass. Inf. Park, '64 ; is a Dentist. Bradley-, '73 ; prefix Rev. Ely, '75 ; for 1880 read *1880. At Reading; was Pastor of the Bethesda Congre- gational Church. Hamlin, '75; now with Kim, Mead & White, Architects. New York City. Per- manent address, Middlebury, Vt. Smith, '76; /or Museum of Fine Arts read Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Wright, '78; /or Springfield, Mass., read Jamestown. N. Y. He is now Sec. and Gen. Manager Union Telegraph & Telephone Co. Fiske, '81 ; is a Salesman with a wholesale dry goods house. BRUNONIAN. CoLBiRN, '38; insert Retired Bai)tist Clergyman. Hall, '41 ; for Baltimore read Reisterstown. Insert Clergyman, Prot. Epis. Church. Allen, '54; for City of Jerseyville rend Jerseyville. Andrews, '55 ; for 1865-77 read 1865-76. 7i6 Notes, Additions and Corrections. Williams, '55 ; for Jamaica Plains read Jamaica Plain. Woodbury, '57 ; insert Baptist Clergyman. Mellen, '62; insert Accountant since 1878, formerly Banker. Brayton, '63 ; insert Retired from business. Arnold, '67 ; was in business in Wall street, 1867-70 ; engaged in railroad work in Chicago, 1870-9, at which last date his health gave way. Baker, '69: insert Died September 21, 1867. Talbot, '75 ; /o>- Naugatuck, Conn, read Wrentham, Mass. He is engaged in literary work. Sheffild, '77 ; name should be Sheffield. Pendleton, '78 ; for Westerly, R. I., read Salem, Ohio. He has been Pastor First Baptist Church since January 22, 1882. Knowles, '81 ; is studying at Cambridge, Mass. Dexter, '83 ; for Nayatt read. Xayatt Point. HARVARD. The following names were forwarded too late for insertion in the body of the Catalogue : — > 1879. fJoiiN Heard. E.X. Boston, Mass. Now travelling abroad. 1S83. Jeffrey Richardson Brackett. Quincy, Mass. Arthur Lyman. Boston, Mass. 1884. Louis Butler McCagg. New York City. William Woolsey Mumford. Rochester, N. Y. Davis, '37 ; for Newtown read Newtown Stephensburg. Johnson, '42; for February read February 12. Johnson, '44 ; Lawyer, Boston. Firm of Codnian & Johnson. Parkmann, '44 ; name should be Parkman. Chase, '48 ; for Haverford read Haverford College. Hale, '50; died at Boston, Mass., March 1, 1882. HowLAND, '53; for N. Y. Tribune read N. Y. Times. Morton, '55; insert Lawyer. He is at present temporarily residing in Paris, France. Dorr. '65; inseii Lawyer. Notes, Additions and Correctio7is. 717 Taussig, '79; insert Studying for degree of A.M. Hall, '80; name should be Hale, and /or Menimore read Merrimac. GENEVA. Griswold, '46 ; resides in Benton, Cal. Ogden, '54; Cotton broker at New Orleans until 18fil. Entered C. S. A. in the Cavalry Brigade of Gen. J. E. B. Stewart, and was killed in a skirmish in East Tennessee. Dunham, '62; for Solomon read Sutherland. For full entry see Kenyon, '62. Drinker, '65; said to have gone to China about 1871. Stukdevant, '69 ; for Wilkesbarre read Wilkes Barre. HcLSE, '75 ; name should be given Jonas (Turney) Hulse. HUDSON. NooNBY, '38; /or Fernandina, Fla., read Huntington, Mass. Taylor, '40; before India insert Mandapasalie. Nutting, '43 ; for Carlinsville read Carlinville. Taylor, '46 ; for ShurtlifF read ShurtlefP. HuLBURD, '48; perished in the Seawanhaka disaster, June 28, 1880. .Wilson, '48 ; for Bodly read Bodley. Barrows, '50; is now spending some time in Florida with a view to settling there. Armstrong, '53 ; is said to be somewhere in Minnesota. Mack, '68 ;/or Columbus read Shelby. Is now practising law. Caruthers, '10; for Talmadge read Tallmadge. Jewett, '71 ; is ywt A.B., Hamilton Coll., 1872. Wright, '77 ; vide note on Wright, Am. '78. Fitch, '79 ;/o?- Gordon read Gurdon. Campbell, '81 ; for Ga. read Fla. BOWDOIN. Payson, '43 ; insert Lawyer. Farnham, '44; was engaged in mercantile business. Greene, '49 ; insert Lawyer. Hoole, '49; originally from Farmington, Me. After graduation went South as a teacher and clerk. Enlisted in C. S. A. Was captured at Port Hudson. At close of war went to farming — sometimes acting as clerk. Three years ago he was in Montrose, near Mobile, Ala. 7i8 IVotes, Additions and Corrections. Palmer, '49 ; /or Edward S. read Edward Stanton, and for Westhampton, Mass., read Gorhara, Me. He is a retired Congregational Clergyman. Maxwell, '64 ; for April read May 2. Gatchell, '65; his father resides at Black River Falls, Wis.; his own liome is there. Sprigg, '70; was last heard from in San Francisco, Cal. Blake, '77 ; for Harward read Howard. DARTMOUTH. Tenney, '47; died April 11, 1880. Putnam, '51 ; is now Principal of the Normal School. MowE, '52; M.D.,Vt. Med. Coll., 1853. At the outbreak of the rebellion he was arrested for treason to the State of South Carolina ; escaped to Nassau, N. P. On restoration of peace returned to U. S. and was appointed Col- lector of Internal Revenue in Florida. Died at Bellville, Fla., October 21, 1868. Chase, '55 ; for Wilkesbarre read Wilkes Barre. HosFORD, '59; died at Thompson, Conn., March 18, 1877. KiNCSLET, '66 ; is not permanently settled in New York. His father, Mr. P. P. Kingsley, lives in Fredericksburg, Va. Osgood, '67 ; for Louis read Lewis. Skinner, '67; for Vincennes, Ind., read Leavenworth, Kan. He is engaged in, the drug business. Bradley, '69 ; in 1872 went to South America, and was afterwards in Europe until a short time before his death. French, '71 ; omit f. Spalding, '72 ; name should be Alfred Byron Spaulding. He practised law at Hillsborough Bridge, N. H., for some years, then went West as a teacher, but, returning incurably ill, died at home, November 9, 1881. Baxter, '73; for Central Falls, R. I., read Colebrook, N. H. Private 2d N. H. Inf., U. S. A., May 28, 1861 ; honorably discharged June 21, 1864. Thayer, '73; has been called to Quincy, 111., and will probably accept. Brackett, '74; was last heard from in May, 1880, was then in San Francisco, Cal. Since that time he has been lost to both famih- and friends. Abbott, '76; is now a Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. He arrived in Bombay, India, December 21, 1881, and is there stationed. Andrews, '78; is now in Washington, D. C, as Secretary to the Hon. A. A. Ran- ney. Sanborn, '78 ; is now studying in New York City. Moore, '80; now Principal Ashland, N. H. , High School. Kimball, '81; now Instructor Rayen School, Youngstown, Ohio. Notes, Additions and Corrections. 719 PENINSULAR. May. '4!); dii-.l January 28, 1880. LiTTLEjoHX, '58 ; for W.aloott read Walcott Hackley. Maktin, '59 ; name should follow that of T. A. McGraw. McLkax, 'G5; insert Mercluint. Died June 2!), 18(!.-). For *1868 therefore read *18G5. Dickinson, 'GO; for Chicago, 111., reat? Kansas City, Mo. Fekdon, '73; died Novemher 10, 1881. Pekley, '73; now at Governor's Island, N. Y. II. ROCHESTER. Smith, '5G ; left College in September, 1853. 2d Lieut. 4th Mass. Cav., U. S. A., January 19, 1864; 1st Lieut., October 13, 1864; Capt., April 7, 1865; honor- ably discharged, November 14, 1865; commissioned 2d Lieut. 7th Cav., August 17, 1867; 1st Lieut., September 18, 1869; out of service, January 9, 1871. Died of yellow fever in the Hospital at Evansville, Ind., December 2, 1873. For "^1863 therefore read *1873. Katiibone,_'59 ; for Baker read Barker. Stelle, '67; Bookseller and Manager of Leisure Hour. 1st Lieut, and Acting Capt., 28th N. J. Vols., U. S. A., for one year. Baker, '73 ; for Chicago, 111., read Alameda, Cal. de Bell, '78 ; name should be placed first in '78 delegation. ALABAMA. Cochran, '54 ; name should be Cochrane. Blaket, '56; died at Knoxville, Tenn., September 15, 1856. WILLIAMS. Mahie, '67; Literary Editor of Christian Union since June, 1879. MANHATTAN. Slauson, '68; tip to within ten years ago was a Merchant in San Francisco. Cal. Reddington, '73; name should be Redingtoh. Jones, '73; Bibliographer and Indexer since 1882. MIDDLETOWN. Ei.A. '57 and '84, have removed to Worcester, Mass., Ela. '57. being now Pastor Grace M. E. Churcli. 720 Notes ^ Additions and Corrections. KENYON. Kendrick, '59 ; is Minister in charge of St. Luke's Chapel, as well as Supt. Missions. UNION. Sawyer, '60; a rfcZ Pastor, Cooperstown, N. Y., 1863-7; Albion, N. Y., 1867-70. Sanborn, '64; for Morristown, N. Y., read Morristown. N. J. Hereick, '68 ; for Kincard read lOncaid. Nichols, '76; for Troy, N. Y., read Houston, Tex. Lansing, '78; for E'.fl'.S. read E'.2.12'. CORNELL. Halliday, '70; insert Member N. Y. Assembly, 1876 and '78. Smith, '74; now with the London Mining Co., New York City. PHI KAPPA. Hills, '47; before the words "and numerous pamphlets," insert " A Form for the Admission of Choristers, 1880; History of the Missions of the Church of England in New Jersey, 1882; A Form for the Consecration of a Churchyard or other Cemetery, 1882." THE LIST OF MISSING. Theodore Stewart Parsons Hm 45 William Judkins Comley Mi 61 William Edgar Baker Ub 37 John Lewis CI 40 John Wallace Riddle Y 59 William Edward Bradley Y 60 Francis Hunt Holmes Y 68 Algernon Sydney Logan Y 70 Samuel Harrison Price Am 39 Benjamin Franklin Davis Bn 54 Edward H. Avery G 50 Thomas H. Armstrong Hd 53 David Lycurgus Dimraock Hd 61 James Houghton Townshcnd Hd 70 James L. Hoole Bd 49 Richard Greenleaf Merriman Bd 67 Samuel Sprigg Bd 70 Daniel Brackett D 74 Ira Damon Van Duzce R 56 Lorenzo C. Fisher Al 54 Frederick William Crocker W 73 William James Slauson Mh 63 Arthur Howard McFarland Un 68 Friend Fernando Merriman Un 70 Richard Thonuis Kerr Cd 60 Notes J Additions and Corrections. 721 CHANGES IN KINSHIP LIST. The following- names sliould hiive been included in the list of brothers :- Palmer, C. G. Cn 75 Cushinj?, II. V. Cn 82 Palmer, L. ■ Cn 78 Gushing, E. F. Cn 83 Rowland, E. Rowland. F. Hv 53 Hv49 Sawyer, A. W. Sawver, E. 11. D47 Un60 And in the list of fathers and sons : — Bradley, C. S. Bn 38 I Lynum, A. T. Bradley. J. M. Bn 63 | Lyman, A. Hv53 Hv83 MISCELLANEOUS. Top of page 455, for Dunn read Drum. On page 604, addresses should be inserted as follows : — C. J. Lyon, 5 Pine street. E. G. Loring, 128 Madison avenue. On page 649, Davis, S. B., for Mo read Md. On page 651, Dubois, Y 72 ; for Frederick read Frederic. On page 656, Gilbert, N. A., Cn 75, should be Gibert; see page 433. Theodore Stewart Parsons, Hamilton, '4;'), is still at Henderson, Ky INDEX. INDEX. i'Af;E Alabama, — Annals 330 Appendix 709 Charter Members 332 Kinship, Brothers 545 Membership 332 Military Service 508 Alphabetical Index 723 Alpha Delta Phi, — By Chapters 3 By Military Service 453 By Names 633 By Occupations 701 By States and Cities 704 Charter of xxxi In Geographical Distribution . . . 550 In Kinship 533 In Time 699 Amhekst, — Annals 114 Appendix 709 Cli.-irtor Members 118 Kinship, Fathers, 534; Brothers . . 540 Membership 118 Military Service 473 Prize List 117 Biographical Index 633 Bibliography Catalogue xlvi BOWDOIN, — Annals 235 Appendix 709 Charter Members 238 Kinship, Fatlicrs, 536 ; Brothers . . 543 Membership 238 Military Service 493 Brunonian, — Annals 151 Appendbc 709 Charter Members 154 Kinship, Fathers, 535; Brothers . . 541 Membership 155 Military Sdrvice 478 Prize List 153 Catalogue, BinLiociUAPiiY . ... xlvi Catalogue Com.mittee v Chapters, List of x Charter of a zi * xxxi Chronology of A A 4> Iv Collaborators xxii Columbia, — Annals ■ 54 Appendbc 709 Charter Members 56 Kinship, Brothers 539 Membership 56 Committees, Members of Catalogue, v Convention Notes xxiv Convention Roll xxxiv Cornell, — Annals 426 Appendix 709 Charter Members 430 Kinship, Fathers, 537 ; Brothers . . 548 Membership 430 Councillors xxxii Cumberland, — Annals 422 Appendix 709 Charter Members 423 Membership 423 Militarj^ Service 522 Dartmouth, — Annals 257 Appendix 709 Charter Members 260 Kinship, Fathers, 536; Brothers . . 543 Membership 260 Military Service 497 Prize List 259 Executive Council xxxi Geneva, — Annals 201 Appendix 709 Charter Members 205 Kinship, Fatlicrs, 535 ; Brothers . . 542 Membership 205 726 Index. PAGE Military Service 487 Prize List 203 Geographical Distribution, — Canada 627 Foreign Countries 628 United States, — Alabama 551 Arizona 552 Arkansas 552 California 552 Colorado 554 Connecticut 554 Dakota 558 Delaware 558 District Columbia 558 Florida 559 Georgia 559 Idaho ' 560 Illinois 560 Indiana 563 Indian Territory 564 Iowa 564 Kansas 566 Kentucky 666 Louisiana 567 Maine 568 Maryland 570 Massachusetts 571 Michigan 581 Minnesota 583 Mississippi 584 Missouri 585 Montana 586 Nebraska 586 Nevada 587 New Hampshire 587 New Jersey 589 New Mexico 591 New York 592 North Carolina 612 Ohio 612 Oregon 617 Pennsylvania 618 Ehode Island 621 South Carolina 622 Tennessee 623 Texas 623 Utah 624 Vermont 624 Virginia 625 PAGE Washington 625 West Virginia 625 Wisconsin 626 Wyoming 627 Graduate Chapters, — List of. Prefatory xii Reunions of, Prefatory xliii • Hamilton, — Annals 3 Appendix 709 Charter Members 7 Kinship, Fathers, 533 ; Brothers . . 538 Membership 7 Military Service 458 Prize List 5 Harvard, — Annals 171 Appendix 709 Charter-Members 177 Kinship, Fathers, 535 ; Erothers . . 541 Membership 177 Military Service 481 Hudson, — Annals 218 Appendix 709 Charter Members 220 Kinship, Fathers, 535 ; Brothers . . 542 Membership 220 Military Service 490 Prize List 219 Index, Biographical 633 Index, Geographical 550 Kenton, — Annals 396 Appendix 709 Charter Members 399 Kinship, Fathers, 537 ; Brothers . . 547 Membership 399 Military Service 519 Kinship, — Introduction 533 Brothers 538 Fathers and Sons 533 Tabular Statement 549 Manhattan, — Annals 354 Appendix 709 Charter Members 358 Kinship, Fathers, 537 ; Brothers . . 546 Membership 358 Index. 727 PAUE Military Service 515 Prize List 357 M I VMI, — Annals 30 Appendix 709 Chartei- AIeml)crs 33 Kinship, Fathers, 534; Brothers . 538 Membership 33 Milil;ny Service 159 ^SllODLETOWN, — Auuals 374 Appendix 709 Charter .Members ■ . . . 377 Kinship, Fathers, 537 ; Brothers . . 546 Membership 377 Military Service 517 Prize List 375 ]MrLiTARY Service, — Introduction 453 Record by Chapters 456-527 Tabular Stateracut, C. S. A. . . . 529 U. S. A 528 OccDPATiox, Alpha Delta Phi by . 701 Peninsular, — Annals 288 Appendix 709 Charter Members 291 Kinship, Fathers, 536 ; Brothers . . 544 Membership 291 Military Service 501 Phi Kappa, — Annals 438 Appendix 709 Charter Members 440 Kinship, Fathers, 537 ; Brothers . . 548 ]Srcnihership 440 ^Military Service 525 Prize List 439 Preface xiii Rochester, — Annals 311 Appendix 709 Charter Members . 315 Kinship, Fathers, 536 ; Brothers . . 544 Membership 315 Military Service 507 Prize List 313 Names, Index by 633 Song Books, Bibliography or . . . xlix Tabular Statements, — Distribution by States and Cities . . 704 Kinship 549 Membership in Time 699 Military Service, C.S.A., 529 ; U.S.A. 528 Occupation 701 Time, Alpha Delta Phi in 699 Union, — Annals 409 Appendix 709 ( 'barter ilcmbcrs 411 Kinship, Fathers, 537; Brothers . . 547 ilembership 411 ^Military Service 521 Prize List 410 Urban, — Annals 48 Appendix 709 Charter Mendiers 51 Kinship, Fathers, 534 ; Brothers . . 539 Membership 51 Military Service 462 Williams, — Anuals 336 Appendix 709 Charter Members 339 Kinship, Fathers, 536 ; Brothers . . 545 Membership 340 Military Service 512 Prize List 338 Yale, — Annals 60 Appendix 709 Charter Members 63 Kinship, Fathers, 534 ; Biothers . . 539 Membership 63 Military Service 462 *R0CKWELL5iy BOSTON. \ ^RAB' nm AN INITIAL FINE OJ 25 CENTS „,LL BE «=^=!.!,° 'oATE DUE ?He PENA.-TY THIS BOOK °" ™%°''J;n?s ON THE FOURTH ^j^V^r/TO^^OO^OrTHE SEVENTH BAY OVERDUE. 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