B 3 121 337 Ca^afogue of an <5;r?i6i^ of t^tit ^06ocia^iott6* t^t Ca^hn CMf IS96 eAl^ A Sfc Catalogue of Exhibit Catalogue OF An Exhibit of Books Interesting through their Associations February, 1896 CHICAGO THE CAXTON CLUB MDCCCXCVI ?-^f LIBRARY SCHOOL Catalogue of Books 7afdd 670 Catalogue of Exhibit Arnold, Edwin Pearls of the Faith, or Islam's Rosary. London, 1883. hiscribed to "6^. A. Sala, Esq., with the author's kindest regards. New Year, i88j." With a letter imerted from Sir Edwin Arnold to G. A. Sala; and a note on the title-page i?i Mr. Sala's autograph. Arnold, Matthew Poems. London, 1881. Inscribed by Mr. Artiold as follows: ** In remembrance of a delightful visit. Chicago, Jafiuary 28, 1884." Bacon, Francis Essays, Moral, Economical, and Politi- cal. London, 1801. Joh?i Mitford's copy, with his autograph and three pages of notes in his handtvrititig. 'The Caxton Club Bangs, John Kendrick, and Sherman, Frank Dempster New Waggings of Old Tales by Two Wags. Boston, 1891. Catalogue of Exhibit Jennet, Georgiana lanthe, and Other Poems. London, 1841. With the autograph of William Wordsworth written in two places. Blades, William The Enemies of Books. London, 1880. ** Presented to J. Salisbury by William Blades, Oct. 1880." Blanchard, S. Laman Lyric Offerings. London, William Har- rison Ainsworth, 1828. hiscnbed as follows: ^' My dear friend. Accept this; with the sincere regrets as art The Caxton Club author, and the sincere regards as a fellow- admirer of poetry , of Thine, L. B." This book is dedicated to Charles Lamb, aftd this copy is supposed to have beeti presented to him. Boccaccio, Giovanni The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Translated by John Payne. London, 1893. With Eugene Field's verses oji Boccaccio written on a fly-leaf dated and signed by him. Brathwaite, Richard Barnabae Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal. London, 181 8. Presentation copy from the editor, Joseph Haslewood, to John Adolphus, the historian ; with Catalogue of Exhibit 9 a letter to the historiati, in Mr. Haslewood's autograph, inserted. Bridges, Robert Poems. London, 1873. On a fly-leaf : '' Robert Bridges, Oct. iSg^." Browning, Mrs. The Seraphim, and Other Poems. Lon- don, 1838. Inscribed by Mrs. Browning as follows: lo T^he C ax ton Club Browning, Robert FIfine at the Fair. London, 1872. With Mr. Browning's inscription as follows. JMy^ k-T Catalogue of Exhibit n Bryant, William Cullen Thirty Poems. New York, 1864. The Fountain, and Other Poems. New York and London, 1842. hiscribed: '^To Miss Lucy Ami Elliot fro?n her friend, F. F. Bryant, Jan. ist, 184J." Burton, John Hill Life of David Hume. A set of the proof-sheets bound, with Dr. Bur- 12 The Caxton Club toris autograph, and numerous emendations in the ha?idwrititig of Lord Jeffrey. Caine, T. Hall Recollections of Dante Gabriel Ros- setti. London, 1882. "Philip Bourke Marston, from L. C. M." [Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton). With a sonfiet, writteti on a fly-leaf, in memory of D. G. Rossetti, by P. B. Marston. Cowper, William Poems by William Cowper of the Inner Temple, Esq. London, 1808. Catalogue of Exhibit 13 &yx«>. ^.c.,^^ fY'u^ ^^y^^'f ^''^'^ 14 T^he C ax ton Club Collier, J. Payne New Particulars Regarding Some Works of Shakespeare. London, 1836. Inscribed: " To John Britten Esqr., from his si?tcerely obliged J. Payne Collier." Collins, Mabel T^he Story of Helena Modjeska, Madame Chlapowska. London, 1883. Inscribed: " With the author's kind regards and tha?iks for much ki?id?iess in the past.'' On a fly-leaf, in the matiuscript of Eugefie Field, is his poem, ^'■The Wanderer," with a caricature of himself Catalogue of Exhibit 15 Collins, William The Poetical Works of William Collins. London, 1830. Wilkie Collins' copy, with his autograph o?i a fly-leaf. Cruikshank, George A Discovery Concerning Ghosts. Lon- don, 1863. iTiscribed: " To the editor of Notes and Queries, George Cruikshank y Curtis, George William Nile Notes of a Howadji. New York, 1856. Inscribed to " Richard Grant White from his friend, George William Curtis, N. Y. Nov. 1836." 1 6 The C ax ton Club Darwin, Charles Journal of Researches Into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle Round the World, Etc. Lon- don, 1845. Inscribed to "A. Chapham from the author, C. Darwin." Demosthenes, The Orations of Translated by Thomas Leland, D.D. London, 1828. Catalogue of Exhibit 17 Dobson, Austin Old-World Idylls and Other Verses. London, 1883. An unprinted >na?iuscript poem by Mr. Dob- son, written especially for this copy ; a metrical review of the American edition of the book by Mr. Fraricis F. Browne ; a?id a letter from Mr. Edmund Clarence Stedman, co-nceming Mr. Browne's review, are inserted. 1 8 'The Caxton Club Doran, Dr. The History of Court Fools. London, 1858. '' H. H. Fratiklin with the best regards of 0. Doran.'' Field, Eugene A Little Book of Western Verse. Chi- cago, 1889. A copy of the privately printed edition^ with "Dibdiris Ghost" and an inscription, dated and signed, in the autograph of the author. The Holy Cross, and Other Tales. Chi- cago, 1893. Presetitation copy with inscription. Catalogue of Exhibit 19 Second Book of Verse. Chicago, 1892, With a manuscript copy of " The Biblio- maniac's Prayer'' on a fly-leaf. Also a letter aiid another poem tvritten on two fly-leaves. Each poem has the date and 7iame of place in which it was written. Second Book of Verse. Chicago, 1892. One of twelve copies, printed for presents, on Japafi paper, with a manuscript verse ofi a fly-leaf, and a letter written from Lo?ido7i, Janu- ary 77, 1 8 go, inserted. Love Songs of Childhood. New York, 1894. With presentation inscriptio?i, in verse, to a friend, dated afid sigfted, by Mr. Field. With Trumpet and Drum. New York, 1892. With a stanza from ^^ Buttercup, Poppy, and Forget-me-?iot " in Mr. Field's handwriting. 20 T^he Caxton Club Foscolo, Ugo Essays on Petrarch. London, 1823. ESSAYS PETRARCH t'GO FOSCOLO. MKICA LIS. VI LOIVDON JOHN MURRAY MDCCCXXIII. Catalogue of Exhibit 21 Fields, James T. Poems. Boston, 1849. hucribed to ''John Grigg, Esq., with the author's best regards." Boston, March, i84g. Gait, John The Lives of the Players. 1 Vols. London, 1831. Itiscribed: " To John Taylor, Esq., from his old frie?id, John Gait.'' With matiy manuscript notes in the autograph of the author. Garrett, Edmund H. Elizabethan Songs in Honour of Love and Beautie. Boston, 1891. With a?i original sketch of the Grammar School atid Guild Chapel, Stratford-on-Avon, by Mr. Garrett. 22 l^he C ax ton Club Hayward, A. Faust. A Dramatic Poem, by Goethe, Translated into English Prose, with Notes, Etc. London, 1838. hiscribed to ''Mrs. Shelley [wife of the poet) from the tratislator, A. Hayward^ Herbert, George The Works of George Herbert, in Prose and Verse. London, 1859. Inscribed: ''To Carlotta Clara Mary Norton, from her affectiotmte friend, William Stirling Maxwell, Jan. i, iSyi." With a letter inserted from the Hon. Mrs. Norton. Catalogue of Exhibit 23 Herschel, John Frederick William A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy. London, 1830. John Forster's copy, with his bookplate. Hogg, James Domestic Manners and Private Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinborough, 1882. (Reprinted from the original edition of 1834.) An extra-illustrated copy, with four letters by Sir Walter Scott, and tzvo by J. G. Lockhart, i?iserted. 24 "The Caxton Club Hogg, Thomas Jefferson The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. In 4 Vols. Vol. I. London, 1858. This copy belonged to S. R. Townshend Mayer, and has a letter from the author to Leigh Hunt, inserted. Hunt, Leigh The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, With Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries. 3 Vols. London, 1850. ^0 e^e^!^»4C £^fi^f>^<^ Catalogue of Exhibit 25 The Descent of Liberty, A Mask. London, 1815. William Gifford's copy. Inscnbed to *'The editor of the Quarterly Review, with the pub- lisher's compliments. ' ' Imagination and Fancy, or Selections From the English Poets. London, 1844. Inscribed to ''Charles Dickens, Esq., from the Publishers." The Old Court Suburb; or Memorials of Kensington, Regal, Critical and Anec- dotal. 1 Vols, London, 1855. Presented " To Charles Dickens, with best remembraiices,'' from the author. These vol- umes have the bookplates of Charles Dickens and Edmund Yates. 26 T^he C ax ton Club Jamieson, P. The Broken Heart. A Metrical Tale in 3 Parts. Edinburgh, 1833. Inscribed as follows: ''Aug. i8j4, To William Wordsworth, Esq., with the author's respects.'' On a fly-leaf the autograph of Wm. Wordsworth, Rydal Mount. Johnson, Benj. F. Neighborly Poems on Friendship, Grief and Farm-life, Benj. F. Johnson, of Boone (James Whitcomb Riley). In- dianapolis, 1 89 1. " When God sorts out the weather and sends rain, Wy rai?i 's my choice. Ever thine, Benj. F. Joh?ison {James Whitcomb Riley), Jan. ji, iSgsr Catalogue of Exhibit i-j Johnson, Samuel The Lives of the Most Eminent EngHsh Poets. In 4 Vols. London, 1790. Vol. I. James BoswelVs copy, with his autograph, dated Lotidofi, 1793, and a note in another ha?id, on a fly-leaf , as follows: ^' These volumes were purchased at the sale of Mr. Boswell's books ift 1825, and are illustrated with sundry notes and remarks by him.'' Lang, Andrew Lines on the Inaugural Meeting of The Shelley Society. Reprinted for private distribution from the Saturday Review of March ij, 1886. ''Will Mr. Andrew Lang favor me by accepting this little brochure, whetJter the 'Lines' be old 28 The C ax ton Club acquaintances of his own or no? Thos. J. Wtse. April 17, 1886" " Hatided on to Mr. W. I. Way. A. Z." Keats, John Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. London, 1820. On page 144 {blank leaf), Catalogue of Exhibit 29 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth The Courtship of Miles Standish, and Other Poems. Boston, 1858. Presentation copy to '^Miss Anne Stephenson with kifid regards of the author.'' Evangeline A Tale of Acadia. Boston, 1848. hiscribed as follows: ''For G. S. H {illard) from his friend A. T., April 4,' 48.'' Inserted, are a letter from Lo7igfellow to Mrs. Bal- mafino, March 24, 1855, and a letter from Susatma H. Willard to Mr. Hillard {the artist). Voices] of the Night. Cambridge, 1839. hiscribed: "To Mrs. Abigail L. Stephenson, with the best wishes of her affectio7iate brother, S. Lofigfellow. January i, 1840." 30 The C ax ton Club The Hanging of the Crane. Boston, (no date.) Presentation copy from his sister, Anne L. Pierce, to Mr. Geo. S. Payson. Locker-Lampson, Frederick Patchwork. London, 1879. hiscribed to ''Mr. Charles Massey, with Mr. Locker-Lampson s compliments and best wishes." Le Gallienne, Richard Robert Louis Stevenson. An Elegy, and Other Poems, Mainly Personal. Lon- don, 1895. With an original verse by the author on a fly-leaf. Catalogue of Exhibit 31 Lunt, George Poems. New York, 1839. Inscribed: '^To Mrs. S. G. Goodrich, with the respectful compliments of George Lunt. Boston, Dec. i, i84g." A presentation copy to the wife of ''Peter Parley." Mitchell, Donald G. The Lorgnette, or Studies of the Town by an Opera Goer. New York, 1851. Inscribed to *' Richard Grant White, Esq., with the respects ofjohyi Thnon.'' English Lands, Letters and Kings. New York, 1895. With the autlwr^s presentation inscription and autograph; and a letter from Mr. Mitchell, inserted. 32 'The C ax ton Club Mallory, Sir Thos. Morte D' Arthur. London, 1817. With an introduction and notes by Robert Southey. Robert Southey's own copy, with his autograph. There are also seven lines quoted from Derrick's ^^ Image of Ireland'' in Southey s handwriting; a?id the autograph of ^^ Abraham Lincohie, Highbury Place, 1844." 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