POEMS BY ROBERT BRIDGES PRINTED AT THE PRIVATE PRESS OF H. DANIEL FBttOW OP WORCESTER CdlLEOE OXFORD 1884 THE Author of thefe poems if too well aware of their demerits to allow them to be republijhed thus without fome apology. But it happens that the Printer^ at whofe retpteft this fete ftion is made^ is witting to take fo fair ajhart of the blame as to make any further explanation unnecessary \ *&fca$i^ O Hundred and fifty copies printed. This is No. Q . WW&XG^^ CONTENTS FROM FIRST SERIES PVBLISHED 1873 i Clear and gentle flream page i ^ Dear lady when thou frownefl 4- ? Poor withered rofe and dry 5 4. 1 found to-day out walking J FROM SECOND SERIES PVBLISHED 1879 f Will Love again awake 6 Whither, O Jfilendid Jbip 10 7 1 fait} the Virgin-mother clad in green ix 8 I know not how I came 14, 9 There is a hill 1 7 i o Again with fleafant green ^ i 1 1 Behold I the radiant Spring x^ ix I have loved flowers that fade 2,9 i g Wherefore to-night fo full of care 3 o FROM THIRD SERIES PA BUSHED 1880 14 Thou did ft delight my eyes 3X 1 5 When men 'were att ajleef 3 3 16 I ft and on the cliff 3? 17 Per f eft little body 37 FOVRTH SERIES, 1882. NoT PVBLISHED BEFORE 1 8 Jy-> faeeteft life born joy 39 19 O w/ k*;f >&*^ everjhot ajbaft 4