THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES I s -" - ti ' c, "" SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE OP IN THE COLLECTION OF THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK: WITH A GENERAL INDEX, AND ONE OF DRAMATIC PIECES ; TOGETHER WITH AN APPENDIX? CONTAINING THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION. LIBRARY IN CLINTON HALL. N E W-Y O R K : PRINTED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, NO. 82 CLIFF-STREET. 1837. OFFICERS FOR 183T, CHARLES ROLFE, President. ALEXANDER NISBET, Vice-President^ EDMUND COFFIN, Secretary. E. A. LEWIS, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. JACKSON S. SCHULTZ, ALBERT G. LEE. EDWARD B. PEASE. JOHN J. HERRICK. JOHN H. BEEKMAN. HENRY R. PRALL. EDWIN R. TREMAIN. WILLIAM H. MOTT, z g&l PREFACE. IN publishing a sixth catalogne of the books of the Mercantile Library Association, its directors think it well to prefix a succinct account of the origin, progress, and present state of the institution. The persuasion, that to liberalize the minds of that great body of young men who form the rising hope of our active and varied com- merce ; to enlarge and invigorate their capacity by solid knowledge ; to elevate their spirits and their morals by familiarizing their mo- ments of leisure with whatever is fair in the actions of other time* or excellent in science, was the truest method of advancing, not only their individual respectability, but their utility to others and their own ultimate success, led the clerks in general, of New-York, to set On foot, in the year 1820, the existing association. To its original formation, certain prejudices (now happily disap- pearing) that clung to a narrow routine and strict ignorance of every- thing else, as the only true resources of mercantile skill, at first opposed themselves. The impediments, however, which these could offer, were not enough to hold back the better spirit of our commercial class from an object so worthy ; and the organization of the society went successfully forward, until, in 1823, it obtained the more permanent form of a corporate body. At the first opening of the institution, a collection, amounting to about seven hundred volumes, derived principally from personal do- nation, was found to have been assembled. In 1821 this number had risen to about a thousand volumes, and the association embraced two hundred and four members. The detailed progress of the next five years canjbe but imperfectly traced, in records then rather ir- regularly kept. In January, 1826, however, we find the number of associates risen to four hundred and thirty-eight, and that of volumes in the collection to twenty-two hundred. A still better impulse seems to have been felt in the affairs of the association during the ensuing year ; since it more than doubled its number of members before the return of its next anniversary, and added more than a thousand volumes to its library, In January, 1828, three hundred 878655 ir PREFACE. and sixty new members and twelve hundred added volumes are re- ported ; and four hundred and five of the former, and six hundred of the latter, in 1829. Meanwhile, the accomplishment, by our institution, of a highly salutary and useful effect, had become so marked and certain, that many leading merchants df bur city grefw warmly solicitous for its advancement. Of that solicitude they proceeded to give us a solid token, by establishing the fund from which the stately edifice, now- devoted to our gratuitous use, was erected. These fine halls, and the spacious lecture-rooms which, since 1830, we enjoy, will long form a noble monument of the enlightened views and the munificent spirit of which merchants are capable. In January, 1831, our roll was swelled by the accession of four hundred and fifty-one new members ; but our annual gain in books was this year lessened, by the necessity of repairing, out of a special appropriation, such losses or injuries in sets of books as had su- pervened since our foundation. In January, 1832, we had gained five hundred and seven new members and seven hundred and fifty fresh volumes ; and, before the next anniversary, eight hundred and sixty-four of the latter and three hundred and eighty -three of the former. The next year brought us three hundred and eighty-two members and thirteen hundred and ninety-seven volumes ; and the succeeding one, three hundred and ninety-three members and one thousand and ninety volumes ; leaving the number of actual asso- ciates in January, 1835, fifteen hundred and fifty-four, and the vol- umes in possession nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight. Our accession of members, in 1835, was six hundred and eighty, and of books, fifteen hundred and twenty-two ; and that of 1836, eight hundred and thirty-three of the former and eighteen hundred and forty-five of the latter ; a rate of augmentation in both far more considerable than that of any previous year. The present number of members, including annual subscribers and stockholders, may be stated at three thousand five hundred ; and the volumes actually in our library at fourteen thousand five hundred. These leading facts in the history of our association ascertain a rapidity of progress in its prosperity, a recognised utility and effi- ciency, and a growing popularity, full of pride for those who have been the patrons of our institution, and full of hope for those who reap its benefits. Apart from the usual advantages of literary bodies and the pomp of learned names, we have created, out of the zeal, the taste, and the liberal spirit of a class, held almost careless of any praise but that of gain, an institution diffusing knowledge and MMMk v the refined sentiments to a body of youth more numerous, and of a destination more important to the general offices of life than the greatest and most frequented university of Europe nourishes with science. Nor is the rising usefulness of our association far from a point at which its well-attended lectures and its rapidly-augmented collection will become of important aid to men of science them- selves, and to all who, more maturely than our immediate members can yet pretend to do, cultivate the better studies. The additions to our library go on at a pace which bids fair to render it, in a few year , one of the best in the country. The catalogues heretofore published, at intervals of three or foil? years, were, except the last, mere unmethodized alphabetic lists of our books ; such as, for any purpose of assisting study, were almost destitute of any utility. That of 1834 was of far better design, and has done not a little towards giving some shape and form to the knowledge which our associates obtain from their books. The im- pression of this has now become exhausted ; and additions almost equal to half the library of that time having since occurred, a fresh publication lately became every way indispensable. In devising its form, the directors were led to adopt the idea to which, as far as the necessity of very rapidly preparing it permitted, execution has been given in the present performance. This idea was, of a list in which the books should be enumerated according to the scientific classifi- cation of knowledge, and each in that minuter division to which it more directly relates ; in such sort that the student may, with no assistance but his catalogue, find, in a body, all that is proper to each matter of learning, and whatever the collection contains to elu- cidate it. An aid of this kind is indispensable to the usefulness of every collection the instant it reaches a size permitting it to be use- ful at all. Without this, even he who is most versed in books is forced laboriously to search out and collect, from the mere chaos of volumes, those which relate to the immediate object of his inquiries ; while he whose knowledge is yet to form wanders through a laby- rinth without a clew. The directors, in a word, were led to con- sider that a library is useful just in proportion as it possesses a guide to its contents ; an index, that, to the savant, saves his time and pains ; and to the young adventurer in knowledge, going to sea for the first time, supplies a compass and a chart. The bibliographic notes attached to nearly all the chapters of the main catalogue form its next feature, and were its chief labour. These will be found to point out the books not possessed by the collection, which, in each matter, are held by the best critics as of Bl VI PREFACE. leading merit. Such a series of indications was regarded as useful towards shaping the future additions to the library, and as capable of rendering the catalogue serviceable, as a book of reference and a guide in reading, to those no longer possessing access to our collec- tion, or even those attached to other institutions. The general index at the close affords a key to the systematic list, and enables one to ascertain, at the name of each author, or the title of each anonymous book, whether a particular work belongs or not to the collection ; or to what class it is to be assigned. In the very brief critical remarks which the character of particu- lar works seemed occasionally to demand, the compiler of the cata- logue must not be understood to hazard merely an individual judg- ment. In such cases, he has aimed not to set up his own authority, but simply to give the general sense of the literary world. For the former, this would have been no place ; the latter, however, he felt himself competent to state. CONTENTS. I. HISTORY. Chapter II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVI1L XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. History. Introduction. The Art of Writing or Studying History - ... Geography ; or, Descriptive History 1 2 4 7 9 11 12 ib. 13 ib. ib. 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 ib. 23 ib. 24 25 i*. 26 Descriptions - - ... Earth - . Travels in Several Parts of Europe . Travels in the British Isles - Sclavonic States ..... . Travels in Asia Minor and the Le- vant ...... . Asia. Travels in Arabia and Syria . Asia. Travels in Hither and Far- ther India tb. viii CONTENT!. Chapter XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. XLIII. XLIV. XLV. XL VI. XL VII. XLVIII. XLIX. L. LI. LII. LIII. LIV. LV. LVI. LVII. LVIII. JLIX. LX. LXI. LXIL Geography. Asia. Travels in China and Japan . Asia. Travels in Tartary, Siberia, and Kamschatka - . Australia and Polynesia . Africa. Travels in several Parts - . Africa. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia . Africa. Travels in Northern Africa . Africa. Travels in Central and Southern - . America. Travels in Either Ameri- ca- . America. Travels in North - . America. Travels in the West In- dies - - . America. Travels in South . Polar. Travels towards either Pole Civil History. Chronology Universal History, Ancient and Modern Ancient History. General - History. Ancient States. Greece . Ancient States. Rome Ancient History. Barbarian States Byzantine History Modern History. General - . Europe. General . Italy - . Spain and Portugal . France - ...'.. British Islands .... <. The Low Countries . Switzerland 1 1 i. German States . e . Scandinavia and Russia ., Asia in General - -. Asiatic Turkey - ' . Arabia and Syria 1 Persia - Modern Geography. Mogul Empire - Modern History. China and Japan - . Tartar Regions .... Page 28 29 ib. 30 31 32 33 34 35 40 ib, 41 42 43 45 46 49 51 52 53 ib. 54 56 57 59 65 i*. ib. 67 68 ib. 69 ib. 70 71 ib. CONTENTS. IX Chapter Page LXIII. Modern History. Asiatic Islands 72 LXIV. . Africa in General - ib. LXV. . Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia - ib. LXVI. . Northern Africa - - 73 LXVII. . America in General ... ib. LXVIII. . North America - - 74 LXX. . West Indies - 79 LXXI. . South America - - - ib. LXX II. European Colonies - - 80 LXXIII. History. Ecclesiastical - - 81 LXXIV. History of Knighthood, and other Orders - 86 LXXV. History. Personal, or Biography - 87 LXXVI. History of Letters - - 109 LXXVII. History of Books - 111 LXXVIII. Miscellanies of History, Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary: as Magazines, Reviews, News- papers, and Works omitted in preceding Sec- tions - - 112 LXXTX. Natural History. Collections - - 115 LXXX. Mineral Kingdom. Geology - 117 LXXXI. . Mineralogy. - 119 LXXXII. Natural History. Vegetable Kingdom - - ib. LXXXIII. . Animal Kingdom - - 120 LXXXIV. . Ornithology - 121 LXXXV. . Entomology - ib. LXXXVI. . Conchology - 122 LXXXVII. . Chymistry - - ib. LXXXVIII. Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine, Surgery - 124 LXXXIX. Phrenology - - 128 XC. Physiognomy .... - ib. XCI. Amusements and Exercises - - - - 129 II. PHILOSOPHY. XCII. Moral Sciences. Logic and Metaphysics - 129 XCIII. . Education - - 132 XCIV. . Ethics ... -134 XCV. . Minor Morals - - 137 XCVI. . Theology. Texts and Versions of the Scriptures - - 138 CONTENTS. Chapter Page XCVII. Theology. Revealed. Histories of the Bible 139 XCVIII. . Interpreters and Commentators - ib. XCIX. . Biblical Criticism - 140 C. . Biblical Antiquities ... 141 CI. . Councils and Confessions of Faith ib. CII. . Dogmatic, Moral, and Polemic - 142 CHI. . Sermons - - 148 CIV. . Mystical - - 150 CV. . Theology. Natural. Evidences of Christianity ... - 153 CVI. Superstitions. Christian - - 156 CVII. . Gentile '. 157 CVIII. Jurisprudence. Natural and National - - 158 CIX. . Legislation. Theory and Codes - 159 CX. . Civil Law - - ,- 160 CXI. . Common Law - - 161 CXII. . Commercial - - 162 CXIII. . Federal and Constitutional - - 163 CXIV. . American Statute and Municipal Law - - 164 CXV. . Criminal - ... 165 CXVI. Ecclesiastical Law - - - - 166 CXV 1 1. Law. Martial - - ib. CXVIII. Politics. Ancient. Theoretic - - - ib. CXIX. . Modern. Theoretic - - - 167 CXX. . Practical. America - - 169 CXXI. . Practical. European - - - 171 CXXII. . Public Wealth and Population - 172 CXXIII. . Political Economy. Commerce - 175 CXXIV. Political Economy. Statistics - - - 178 CXXV. Appendix to Politics. State Papers, &c. - 179 CXXVI. Mathematical Sciences. Pure ... 180 CXX VII. Pure Mathematics. Arithmetic - - 181 CXXVIII. . Algebra - - ib. CXXIX. . Geometry, Conic Sections, &c. - ib. CXXX. . Logarithms - - - - 182 CXXXI. Mixed Mathematics. Natural Philosophy - ib. CXXXII. . Mechanics 183 CXXXIII. . Statics and Dynamics - ib. CXXXIV. . Astronomy 184 CXXXV. . Optics. - - . . ib. CONTENTS, Chapter CXXXVI. Arts and Sciences. Encyclopaedias, Transac- tions, &c. - - - - 285 CXXXVII. Grammar. Languages - - 295 CXXXVIII. Rhetoric and Rhetorical Collections - - 200 CXXXIX. Orations - - 202 CXL. Epistles - - - 204 CXLI. Fables, Apothegms, Anecdotes, &c. - - 205 111. POETRY. CXLTI. Introduction - - 206 CXLIII. Poetry. Dramatic - - 217 Index to Dramatic Works - - - 219 CXLIV. Prose Fictions - - 235 FINE ARTS. Introduction - - 255 Architecture ib. Landscape Gardening - - ib. Music - 256 Painting ... - ib. Sculpture 257 IV. POLYGRAPHS: Or Writers on Mixed Subjects ; with Essayist and Miscellany Compositions, and a few omitted Books 258 CATALOGUE. I. HISTORY. CHAPTER I. HISTORY. Introduction. The Art of Writing or Studying History. Bigland : Letters on the Study and Use of History. London, 1805. 12mo. Bolingbroke, St. John, Lord : Letters on the Study and Use of History. Works, vol. X., among Polygraphs. : Letters on English History. Same, vol. VII. Guide de 1'Histoire, & 1'usage de la jeunesse, et des Personnes qui veulent la lire avec fruit, ou 1'ecrire avec succes. Paris. 8vo. Priestley : Lectures on History and General Policy, &c. See Sys- tems and Collections of HISTORY. Schlegel, F. : Philosophy of History : from the German. Lon- don, 1835. 2 vols. 8vo. The following are the chief further treatises. Lucian on the Manner of Writing History ; in Francklin's translation of his works. Voss's Ars Historica, which embraces a critical catalogue of the Greek and Roman historians. Du Fresnoy, Methode pour etudier 1'Histoire ; which has a very copious catalogue of the writers, ancient and modern, Voltaire, Pyrrhonisme de 1'Histoire. Mably, Dialogues on the Manner of Writing His- tory. Ferrand, Esprit de 1'Histoire. Taylor's Process of Historical Proof. Idem, Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times. Vico, Principii d'una Scien/.a Nuova. Beaufort, Uncertainty of the first four Centuries of the Roman History. Treatises in the Memoirs de 1'Aoademie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, by Anselme (vol. IV. and VI.) De Pouilly and Freret (vol. VI.), Freret (vol. XVIII.), De Burigny (vol. XIX. and XL.) In Rees's Ency- clopaedia a good succinct course of historical study will be found at the title History. As examples of the application of historical criticism, Bentley's Pha- laris, Wolfe's Prolegomena to Homer, and Niebuhr's Rome are most cele- brated. The controversies as to Babrius and ^Esop ; on the Homeric ques- tion ; on the authenticity of the Ossianic poems and those of Rowley, have also elicited much subtlety and learning as to the methods of historical evi- dence. Herder has also written a good book on the Philosophy of History, of which there is a translation. A GEOGRAPHY, OR DESCRIPTIVE HISTOHY. CHAPTER II. GEOGEAPHY, OR DESCRIPTIVE HISTORY. Introduction. Johnson, Dr. James : Change of Air ; or, the Philosophy of Travel- ling : being Autumnal Excursions through France, Switzer- land, Italy, Germany, and Belgium, with Observations on the Moral, Physical, and Medicinal Influences of Travelling, Ex- ercise, Change of Scene, Foreign Skies, and Voluntary Ex- patriation. New-York, 1834. 8vo. Kitchener has written " the Traveller's Oracle," London, 1827, 2 vols. 12mo ; and Gilbert West a poem " on the Use and Abuse of Travelling ;" which is found in Anderson's Poets, vol. IX., p. 481. Pinkerton : See his Collection of Voyages and Travels for a His- tory of Geography and Discovery. Another, more compendious, is found in Locke's Works (among Polygraphs), drawn up for Churchill's Collection of Voyages and Travels. Clarke also gave the first part of a History of Discovery ; but it was ill received, and abandoned. Du Fresnoy has left a Methode pour 6tudier la Geographic ; and Vaugondi, an Essai sur 1'Historie de la Geographic. A short one is prefixed to Blair's Chro- nology. Maps, or Figured Geography. *American Atlas ; being a Guide to the History of North and South America and the West Indies, on the Plan of Lavoisne's At- las, and intended as a Companion to it. Philadelphia, 1827. Folio. *General Atlas ; consisting of a Series of Geographical Designs, and a Collection of Maps and Charts. Edinburgh, 1817. Folio. 'Historical Map of Palestine. Historical, Geographical, and Statistical View of the United States ; (a chart.) *Lavoisne's Complete Genealogical, Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Atlas ; being a General Guide to Ancient and Modern History. Philadelphia, 1821. Folio. *Map of Liverpool ; with a View of the Principal Public Buildings. *Melish, John : Military and Topographical Atlas of the United States, including the British Possessions and Florida : to which are added, a List of the Military Districts, a Register of the Army, and a List of the Navy of the United States. Philadel- phia, 1813. 8vo. *0ddy's General Atlas. 1811. *Select Plans of Counties, Cities, Harbours, Forts, &c., in the World. GEOGRAPHY, OR DESCRIPTIVE HISTORY. Systems. Anville, D' : Ancient Geography. New- York, 1814. Svols. 8vo. Bell, James : System of Geography, Popular and Scientific. With M.aps and Engravings. Glasgow, 1836. 6 vols. 8vo. Bigland, John : Geographical and Historical View of the World, exhibiting a complete Delineation of the Natural and Artifical Features of each Country, and a Succinct Narrative of the Origin of the different Nations, their Political Revolutions, and Progress in Arts, Sciences, Literature, Commerce, &c. Bos- ton, 1812. 5 vols. 8vo. Brooks : General Gazetteer. Philadelphia, 1806. 8vo. Calmet, Dom. : Sacred Geography. Charleston, 1817. 4to. Dickinson: Elements of Geography. Boston, 1813. 8vo. Duromesnil Histoire des Naufrages, par Desperthes, &c. Paris, 1835. 2 tomes 12mo. Ewing : Universal Geography. New- York, 1820. 12mo. Gallery of Nature and Art. See Polehampton, below. Gaultier : Secciones de Geographia. Paris. 12mo. Gihrat : Traite de Geographic Moderne. Toulouse, 1789. 12mo. Goodrich: Outlines of Modern Geography. Boston, 1831. 12mo. Guthrie : Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar. London, 1792. 8vo. Heeren, A. H. L. : Manual of Ancient Geography. Oxford, 1835. 12mo. Laudendun, George : Universal Gazetteer. London, 1835. 8vo. Malte Brun : Universal Geography on a new Plan. Boston, 1824. 8 vols. 8vo. Morse, Jed ediah : American Universal Geography. Boston, 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. : The same, abridged. Boston, 1814. 8vo. : Universal Gazetteer. New-Haven, 1823. 8vo. Murray, Hugh : Encyclopaedia of Geography, comprising a com- plete Description of the Earth, Physical, Statistical, Civil, and Political : exhibiting its relation to the Heavenly Bodies, its Physical Structure, the Natural History of each Country, and the Industry, Commerce, Political Institutions, and Civil and Social State of all Nations. London, 1834. Large 8vo. : The same, revised, with additious, by T. G. Bradford. To- gether with a new Map of the United States. Philadelphia, 1837. 3 vols. 8vo. New and Complete System of Geography, or a Descriptive View of all the various Divisions of the World, &c. Glasgow, 1819. 5 vols. 8vo. Payne : Universal Geography. Dublin, 1809. 3 vola. 4to. 4 GEOGRAPHY. Collections of Voyages, Travels, tyc. Perils of the Sea. See Boys' and Girls' Library, POLYGRAPHS. Peuchit : Dictionnaire Unfrversel de la Geographic Commercante. Paris. 5 vols. 4to. Polehampton and Good : Gallery of Nature and Art ; or, a Tour through Nature and Science, comprising Descriptions of the most surprising Volcanoes, Caverns, Cataracts, &c., &c. Lon- don, 1821. 6 vols. 8vo. : The same. Philadelphia, 1806. 14 vols. 12mo. Vosgien : Dictionnaire Geographique des Cinq Partes du Monde, Paris, 1836. 8vo. CHAPTER III. GEOGRAPHY. Collections of Voyages, Travels, and Descriptions. Adams : Flowers of Modern Travels. 2 vols. 12mo. Adventures of British Seamen : Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. Vols. 4 and 78, 79 of Constable's Miscellany, Polygraphs. Andrews : Collection of Plans of Capital Cities ; with a Descrip- tion of their most remarkable Buildings, Trades, Situation, &c, London, 1771. 4to. Cities and Principal Towns of the World : Lardner's Cabinet Cy clopedia. London, 1830. 12mo. Conder The Modern Traveller, &c., in 33 vols. 12mo. Vol. 1. Palestine. London, 1831. 2 and 3. Syria and Asia Minor. 1824, 4. Arabia. l 1825. 5 and 6. Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia. ' 1827, 7,8, 9, and 10. India, ' ' 1828. 11. Birmah, Siam, Anam. * 1830. 12 and 13. Persia and China, * 1827. 14. Turkey. 1830. 15 and 16. Greece. 1834, 17. Russia. ' 1830. 18 and 19. Spain and Portugal. ' 1830. 20, 21, and 22. Africa. 1829. 23 and 24. North America. 1829. 25 and 26. Mexico and Gautimala, < 1825. 27. Columbia, 1826. 28. Peru and Chili. 1829. 29 and 30. Brazil and Buenos Ayres. * 1825, 31, 32, and 33. Italy. 1834. Eyries : Abr6ge de Voyages Modernes, depuis 1780, jusqu'i nos jours, Paris, 122. 15 vojs. 8vo. GEOGRAPHY. Collections of Voyages, Travels, $c. 5 Hall, Basil : Fragments of Voyages and Travels ; including Anec- dotes of Naval Life. Philadelphia, 1831. 12mo. Hawkesworth, Dr. John : Account of the Voyage of Discovery in the Southern Hemisphere, by Captains Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cook. London, 1773. 3 ols. 4to. This forms the first part of an important collection ; to complete which the following are necessary. Cook's Voyage towards the South Pole and round the World, in 1772, 3, 4, 5, written by himself, with Capt. Furneaux's Narrative of the Voyage of the Adven- ture while separated. London, 1777. 2 vols. 4to forming vols. IV. and V. Voyage to the Pacific (to explore a Northwest Passage), by Captains Cook, Clarke, and Gore : the 1st and 2d vol. by Cook ; the 3d by Captain King. London, 1784. 3 vols. 4to forming vols. VI., VII., VIII. Kippis : Life of Cook, London, 1788, 4to, vol. IX. The Voyages of the two Forsters (John Reinhold and George), the compan- ions of Cook, should also be annexed the former, London, 1778. 4to : the lat- ter, 1 777. 2 vols. 4to. Dr. Hawkesworth received from the government 60001. for lending to a part of the narrative the charms of his composition ; which, nevertheless, are generally regarded as, in such a work, inopportune. History of Maritime and Inland Discovery : Lardner's Cabinet Cy- clopedia. London, 1833. 3 vols. 12mo. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. London, 1831-5. 5 vols. 8vo. Kerr, Robert : General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, arranged in Systematic Order. Edinburgh, 1811. 17 vols. 8vo, This esteemed collection should, I believe, have one volume more. Modern Traveller : a Popular Description, Geographical, Historical, and Topographical, of the various Countries of the Globe. Boston, 1830. 10 vols. J2mo. See Conder, above. This is an incomplete reprint. Pinkerton, John : General Collection of Voyages and Travels in all Parts of the World. Philadelphia, 1811. 6 vols. 4to. Remarkable Shipwrecks ; or, a Collection of interesting Accounts of Naval Disasters, selected from Authentic Sources. Hartford, 1813. 12mo. Voyages and Travels : a Collection of Modern and Contemporary, containing Translations from Foreign Languages of Voyages and Travels never before translated. London, 1805. 11 vols. 8vo. Vol. I. Travels in Istria and Dalmatia, by L. F. Cassais. Travels through Denmark, Sweeden, Austria, and part of Italy, in 1798, '99, by Charles Gottlob Cuttner. Michaux's Travels in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, in the year 1802. An Itinerary from London to Constantinople, in Sixty Days, in 1794. Narrative of Captain Woodward. Kotzebue's Travels from Berling through Switzerland to Paris, in 1804. Tuckey's Voyage to New South Wales, in 1804. Vol. II. Travels in Iceland. Vincent's Tour through Four Prin- cipal Islands in the African Seas. Gleanings of a Tour in 6 GEOGRAPHY. Collections of Voyages, Travels, GEOGRAPHY. Australia and Polynesia. Beechey, Captain : Voyage to the Pacific. Philadelphia, 1832. 8vo. Burney : Chronological History of the Discoveries in the Pacific Ocean, from 1579 to 1723; with Charts. London, 1803. 4 vols. 4to. Collins : Account of the English Colony of New South Wales, from its first Settlement, in 1788, to 1801. London, 1804. 4to. Ellis, William : Polynesian Researches. London, 1831. 4 vols. 12mo. Keate : Account- of the Pelew Islands, from the Journal of Captain Wilson. London, 1788. 4to. Kotzebue : Voyage of Discovery in the South Sea and to Behring's Straits, in 1815-18. London, 1821. 8vo. Lang : Account of New South Wales. London, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. Martin: Mariner's Account of the Tonga Islands. Boston, 1820. 8vo. See also vols. 13, 14 of Constable's Miscellany, Polygraphs. 30 GEOGRAPHY. Africa. Travels in Several Parts. Missionary Voyage of the Ship Duff to the South Pacific, in 1796-8. London, 1799. 4to. This is attributed to Wilson, captain of the Duff. Nicholas : Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand, in 1814, 15. London, 1827. 2 vols. 8vo. Paulding, Lieut. : Journal of a Cruise in the TJ. S. Schooner Dol- phin among the Islands of the Pacific. New-York, 1831. 12mo. Pitcairn's Island, Description of: with an Account of the Mutiny of the Ship Bounty. (Harpers' Family Library.) New- York, 1832. 18mo. Porter, Commodore : Journal of a Cruise to the Pacific in the TJ. S. Frigate Essex, in 1812-14. New-York, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. Smith : Journal of a Missionary Voyage in the Ship Duff, in 1796-1802 ; with an Account of the Disasters of the first Effort of the London Missionary Society. New-York, 1818. 12mo. See " Missionary Voyage," above. South Sea Islander : Containing many interesting Facts as to the State of Otaheite, with Remarks on the best Mode of Civili- zing the Heathen. New- York, 1820. 12mo. A similar book has been written by the Abbe Dubois on the State of India. Stewart, C. S. : Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and Residence in the Sandwich Islands, in 1822-5. New- York, 1828. 12mo. : Visit to the South Seas in the U. S. Ship Vincennes, in 1829,30. New-York, 1831. 2 vols. 12mo. Three years in the Pacific. New- York, 1833. 8vo. Tyerman and Bennet : Journal of Voyages and Travels in the South Sea Islands, China, India, &c., in 1821-9, by the Deputies of the London Missionary Society. Compiled by James Mont- gomery. Boston, 1832. 3 vols. 12mo. Burney's excellent collection had been preceded by the imperfect one of Dal- rymple, London, 1770, 1. 2 vols. 4to. Philips's Voyage to Botany Bay ; Bligh's Voyage of the Bounty ; Cunningham's Two Years in New South Wales ; Ker- guelen's Relation de deux Voyages dans les mers Australes ; Peron's Voyage de De'couvertes dans les terres Australes ; Fleurieu's Decouvertes des Frangais dans la Nouvelle Guinee" ; and the excellent work of Freycinet, his Voyage de De"- couverte aux terres Australes, Paris, 1807, 3 vols. 4to, and Atlas, folio, are the further books worthy to be mentioned and possessed. nj<,:, ? '!u i,:-nuof. aii) iu(.a,i[uif;M w<>bSi >;!r (. JMIHWI/ : CHAPTER XXX. GEOGRAPHY. Africa. Travels in Several Parts. Denham and Clapperton : Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in 1822-4. Boston, 1826. 8vo. GEOGRAPAY. Africa. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, fyc. 31 Murray, Hugh : Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa ; by the late John Leyden, M.D., enlarged and com- pleted to the Present Time, with Illustrations of its Geogra- phy and Natural History, as well as of the Moral and Social Condition of its Inhabitants. Edinburgh, 1817. 2 vols. 8vo. Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. (Family Library.) New- York, 1831. 18mo. Owen : Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia, and Mada- gascar. 2 vols. 12mo. There are two important Arabian writers : Abulfeda's Description of Africa, and Edrisi's. But they are untranslated, except the latter, into Latin. Shaw's travels concern only Egypt and Northern Africa ; but contain a translation of the geography of Africa, as known to the ancients, from Ptolemy, Pliny, &c. Bruce belongs chiefly to Abyssinia and Park to Central Africa ; but are indispensable to a collection. Of the former, the Edinburgh edition of Alexander Murray, 1805, 7 vols. 8vo, and plates 4to, is the best. See also, in Biography, Sparks's Life of Ledyard ; of whose attempts an account is found in the Proceedings of the Af- rican Association, London, 1790, 4to. See further details in the next sections. CHAPTER XXXI. GEOGRAPHY. Africa. Travels in Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia. Belzoni : Narrative of the Operations and Discoveries *ithin the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, idioiiale ; une Descriptione, &cv Paris, 1835. 8vo. Brown: Western Gazetteer. Auburn, 1817. 8vo. Columbus. See Pinkerton, below ; and Irving, in the next section. Dunn : Guatimala ; or, the United Provinces of Central America, in 1827, 8. New- York, 1828. 8vo. East Coast and Central America. Constable's Miscellany, Poly- graphs. Gage : Travels in the West Indies and South America. London, 1699. 12mo. Gordon : History of the Spanish Discoveries in America. Phila- delphia, 1831. 2 vols. 12mo. Hall, Basil : Extracts from Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in 1820-22. Philadelphia, 1824. 2 vols; 12mo. Humboldt : Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Re- gions of America, in 1789-1804. London, 1822. 7 vols. 8vo. See an abridgment of it in Travels in America and Asia. We owe to him the best researches in the languages, mineralogy, and antiquities of America. M'Kenzie : View of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South America. Newcastle, 1819. 8vo. Pinkerton : Collection of Voyages and Travels in Various Parts of America. Philadelphia, 1811. 4 vols. 4to. For books relating to America generally, consult Rich's two excellent cata- logues his " Catalogue of Book's relating principally to Anrerica" (London, 1832, 8vo), which comes down to the year 1600, and his " Bibliotheca Ameri- cana Nova" (London, 1835, 8vo), which extends from the previous date to 1800. The following tracts as to Columbus do not come within his enumeration : Galeani Napioni, Delia patria di Cristoforo Colombo. Florence, 1808. 8vo Idem, Del primo Scopritore del Continente del Nuovo Mondo. Florence, 1809, 8vo. There is a curious original Life of Columbus, with which Mr. Irving does not appear to be acquainted : that found in a long note (about eight pages 8vo), in Giustiniani's Trilingual Psalter, published at Genoa, in 1516-. It is in- troduced in comment upon the 4th verse of the 19th Psalm ; which it says he habitually appealed to, as a prophecy of his undertaking. Beloe has given the- entire note in his Anecdotes of Literature. Of Amerigo Vespucci, the letters and life were published by Bandini, Flor- ence, 1746, sin. 4to. They are far from sustaining his claim to the discovery of the Continent. Alcedo's Diccionario Geogranco de lag India* Occidentals is a main genera! authority. GEOGRAPHY. America. Travel* in North. 35 CHAPTER XXXV. GEOGRAPHY. America, Travels in North. ' Bernhard : Travels through North America, in 1825, 6. Philadel- phia, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. Blunt : Stranger's Guide to the City of New- York. New- York, 1817. 12mo. Bouchette : Description of Canada. London, 1815. 8vo. Bowen : Picture of Boston. Boston, 1833. 12mo. Breckenridge : Recollections of Persons and Places in the West. Philadelphia, 1834. 12mo. Brissot de Warville : Travels in the United States, in 1788. New- York, 1792. 12mo. By the future chief of the Girondists of the French revolution. Buchanan : Sketch of the History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians. New-York, 1834. 12mo. Bullock: Six Months in Mexico. London, 1825. 2 vols. 12 mo. Butler, Frances Ann Miss Kemble : Journal. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vols. 12mo. Canada, Backwoods of: Letters from the Wife of an Emigrant Officer, illustrative of Domestic Economy in British America. (Library of Entertaining Knowledge). London, 1836. 12mo. Chastellux : Travels in North America, in 1780-2. New- York, 1827. 8vo. Coke: A Subaltern's Furlough: Descriptive of Scenery in Va- rious Parts of the United States, Canada, &c. New- York, 1833. 2 vols. 12mo. Colombia, Notes on, in 1822, 3. Philadelphia, 1827. 8vo. Colombia : Siendo una Relacion Geografica, Topografica, Agricul- tural, Commercial, Politica, &c., de aquel pays. London, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. Coxe; Adventures on the Colombia River. New- York, 1832. 8vo. .-, , Darby : Emigrant's Guide to the Western and Southwestern States and Territories. New- York, 1817. 8vo. : Geographical Description of Louisiana. New- York, 1817. 8vo. Dragoon Campaign to the Rocky Mountains : A History of the Corps, and their First Campaign. By a Dragoon. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Drake : Picture of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1815. 12mo. 36 GEOGRAPHY. America. Travels in North. Duanc: Visit to Colombia, in 1822,3. Philadelphia, 1826. 8vo. Duncan: Travels in the United States and Canada, in 1818,19. 1823. 2 vols. 12mo. Dwight, Timothy : Travels in New-England and New-York. New- Haven, 1821. 4 vols. 8vo. Edward : History (Guide) to Texas. Cincinnati, 1836. 12mo. Englishman's Sketch-book; or, Letters from New- York. New- York, 1828. 12mo. Fidler: Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners, &c., in the United Slates and Canada, in 1832. New- York, 1833. 12 mo. Flint, T. : Geography and History of the Western States. Cincin- nati, 1 828. 2 vols. 8 vo. ' " : Recollections of Ten Years' Residence in the Valley of the Mississippi. Boston, 1836. 8vo. Forbes : Sketches of the Floridas. New-York, 1821. 8vo. Gordon, T. F. : Gazetteer of the State of New-York ; comprehend- ing its Colonial History, Geography, Geology, Internal Im- provements, Political State, Descriptions of its Cities, Towns, Villages, &c. Philadelphia, 1836. 8vo. Goss : Journal of the Corps of Discovery under Lewis and Clark, in 1804, 5, 6. Philadelphia, 1810. 12mo. See the proper and far superior journal, at the name Lewis. Greene, A. : A glance at New- York ; embracing the City Govern- ment, Theatres, Hotels, Churches, Mobs, Monopolies, Pro- fessions, Newspapers, Rogues, Fires, &c. New-York, 1837. 12 mo. Haliburton: Account of Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Hall, Basil : Travels in North America, in 1827-8. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vols. 12mo. Hall, Francis : Colombia in its Present State. Philadelphia, 1825. 12mo. Hall, James : Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the West. 1835. 2 vols. 12mo. Hamilton, Major ; Men and Manners in America. Philadelphia, 1833. 8vo. Heckewelder : Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians, from its Com- mencement in the year 1740 to the close of the year 1808; comprising all the Remarkable Incidents which took place at their Missionary Stations during that Period; interspersed with Anecdotes, Historical Facts, Speeches of Indians, &c. Philadelphia, 1820. 8vo. Hildreth : View of the United States. 12nao. Hodgson: Journey through North America, in 1819-21. New- York, 1823. 8vo. GEOGRAPHY. America. Travels in North. 37 {Hoffman, Charles) : A Winter in the West. New-York, 1835. 2 vols. 12mo. Hunter : Manners and Customs of several Indian Tribes West of the Mississippi. Philadelphia, 1823. 8vo. Irving, Washington : Life of Columbus. See BIOGRAPHY. : Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Colum- bus. Philadelphia, 1831. 8vo. : Astoria. Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. : The Rocky Mountains, &c. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vols. 12 mo. John T : Sketches in an Expedition to the Pawnee Tribes. New-York, 1835. 12mo. Jefferson, Thomas : Notes on Virginia. New- York, 1801. 8vo. : The same. Boston, 1832. 12mo. Johnston, Charles : Narrative of his Capture by the Indians on the Ohio, in 1790 ; his Detention and Ransom : with an Account of his Companions. New- York, 1827. 12mo. Written by his brother, Judge Peter Johnston, of Virginia. Kendall : Travels through the Northern Part of the United States, in 1807, 8 New-York, 1809. 3 vols. 8vo. Kerr: Travels through the Western Interior of the United States; with Description of Part of Mexico. Elizabethtown, 1816. 8vo. Knight, Mrs. : Travels in Part of the United States, in 1704-10. New- York, 1825. 12mo. Lambert : Travels through Lower Canada and the United States, in 1806-8. London, 1810. 3 vols. 8vo. Latrobe : The Rambler in North America : 1832, 3. New- York, 1835. 12mo. : The Rambler in Mexico: 1834. New-York, 1836. 12mo. Levasseur : Voyage in the United States with Lafayette, in 1824, 6. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vols. 12mo. Lewis and Clark : History of the Expedition to the Source of the Missouri, and down the Colombia River to the Pacific, in 1804, 6. Philadelphia, 1814. 2 vols. 8vo. This has been said to be put in order for publication by Mr. Paul Allen. Lewis perished before it saw the light ; but Governor Clark was competent to describe their interesting adventures with the general manliness, sense, and spirit exhibited in this narrative. Lieber, Dr. Francis : Letters to a Gentleman in Germany. Phila- delphia, 1834. 8vo. Long, Major S. H. : Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's, Lake Winnipeck, &c., by order of J. C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, &c. Philadelphia, 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. Martineau, Harriet : Society in America. New- York, 1837. 2 vols. 12mo. 38 GEOGRAPHY. America. Travels in North. M'Clung : Sketches of Western Adventure. 12mo. M'Kenney : Sketches of a Tour on the Lakes. 8vo. M'Kenzie : Voyage from Montreal through the Continent to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans ; with a History of the Fur Trade. New- York, 1802. 8vo. : The same. London, 1802. 2 vols. 8 vo. Mease: Picture of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1811. 12mo. Mollien : Voyage en Colombie, en 1825. Paris, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. Murray: Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America. London, 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Northern Traveller : the Routes to Niagara, Quebec, the Springs, the Tour of New-England, the Route of the Pennsylvania Coal Mines. New- York. 12mo. Notes on Mexico, in 1822 ; with an Historical Sketch of the Revolu- tion, &c., by a Citizen of the United States. Philadelphia, 1824. 8vo. By the present secretary of war. Nuttall : Travels into the Arkansas Territory, in 1819. Phila- delphia, 1821. 8vo. Palmer : Travels in the United States and Lower Canada, in 1817. London, 1818. 8vo. Peck : Guide for Emigrants ; Sketches of Illinois, Missouri, and the adjacent Parts. Boston, 1831. 12mo. : New Guide for Emigrants to the West: Sketches of Ohio, Indiana, &c. ; with Arkansas, Wisconsin, and the adjacent Parts. Boston, 1836. 12mo. Picture of New- York ; or, the Traveller's Guide through the Com- mercial Metropolis of the United States. New- York, 1807. 12mo. Pike: Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi, by those of the Arkansas, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Jaime rivers, by order of the United States Government, in 1805, 6 ; with a Tour through the Interior of New Spain, &c. Philadelphia, 1810. 8vo. Power, Tyrone: Impressions of America, in 1833,4, 5. New- York, 1836. 2 vols. I2mo. Rochefoucault-Liancour, the Duke de : Travels through the United States and Canada. London, 1800. 4 vols. 8vo. : The same, in French. Paris. 4 vols. 8vo. Saint Jean de Creve Coeur : Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain, depuis 1770 jusju'd, 1781. Paris, 1784. 8vo. Sansom : Sketches of Lower Canada. New-York, 1817. 12mo. Schoolcraft : Travels through the Northwest of the United States from Detroit through the Great Lakes to the Sources of the Mississippi, with the Expedition under Governor Cass, in 1820. Albany, 1821. 8vo. GEOGRAPHY. America. Travels in North. 39 Schoolcraft : Travels in the Central portions of the Mississippi Valley. New-York, 1825. 8vo. : Expedition to Itasca Lake, the Source of the Mis- sissippi. New-York, 1834. 8vo. Scott : Geographical Dictionary of the United States. Philadel- phia, 1805. 8vo. Shultz : Travels through New- York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, &c., in 1807, 8. New- York, 1810. 2 vols. 8vo. Silliman: Tour from Hartford to Quebec, in 1819. New-Haven, 1824. 12mo. Sketches of History, Life, <$fc., in the United States. New-Haven, 1826. 12mo. Sketch of Connecticut Forty Years since. Hartford, 1824. 12mo. Southwest, The. By a Yankee. New- York, 1834. 2 vols. 12mo, By Professor Ingraham, author of " Lafitte." Spafford : Gazetteer of the State of New- York. Albany, 1824. 8vo. Stewart, James : Three Years in North America, New-York, 1833. 2 vols. 12mo. Tanner : Narrative of Thirty Years' Captivity among the Indians. New- York, 1830. 8vo. Things as they are. By a Traveller through the Middle and Northern States. New- York, 1834. 12mo. Trollope, Mrs. : Domestic Manners of the Americans. New- York, 1832. 8vo. Texas, Visit to. New- York, 1834. 12mo. : The same. 1836. Vigne : Six Months in America. Philadelphia, 1833. 12mo. Volney : View of the Climate and Soil of the United States. Lon- don, 1804. 8vo. Waldo: Tours of President Monroe through the Northern and Eastern States, in 1817, and to the West in 1818. Hartford, 1820. 12mo. Warville : Travels in the United States. See Brissot. Wesley, John: Journal from his Embarking for Georgia to his Return to London. London, 1775. 12mo. Wetmore, Major :' Gazetteer of the State of Missouri. St. Louis, 1837. 8vo. Wright, Frances (now Madame d'Arusmont) : View of Society and Manners in America, in 1818-20. New-York, 1821. 8vo. For the British Possessions in America, see Martyn's History of the British Colonies, in Civil History Collections. 40 GEOGRAPHY. America. Travels in South. CHAPTER XXXVL GEOGRAPHY. America. Travels in the West Indies. Carmichael, Mrs. : Five Years in Trinidad and St. Vincent's ; a View of the Social Condition of the White, Coloured, and Negro Population. London, 1834. 2 vols. I2mo. Jamaica as it was, as it is, and as it may be. London, 1835. 12mo. Madden : A Twelve Months' Residence in the West Indies, during the Transition from Slavery to Apprenticeship. Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vols. 12mo. Packard : Notes on the West Indies during the Expedition of Sir Ralph Abercrombie. London, 1806. 3 vols. 8 vo. Williams: Tour through Jamaica, in 1823. London, 1826. 8vo. Abbot's Jjetters from Cuba ; Bellin's Description Geographique des Isles Antilles ; Bryan Edwards's and Beckford's Descriptions of Jamaica ; Moreau de Saint Mery's Description de la Partie Fran9aise de St. Domingue ; the same, Description de la Partie Espagnole ; Wimpfen's St. Domingo ; Bryan Edwards's Historical Survey of St. Domingo ; Rainsford's Account of the Black Empire of Hayti ; Sotomayor's Historia Geograrica, &c., de Puerto Rico ; and Foyer's History of Barbados, would give a proper collection in this department. CHAPTER XXXVII. GEOGRAPHY. America. Travels in South. Andrews : Journey from Buenos Ayres through Cordova, Tucuman, and Salta, to Potosi : thence by the Desert of Caranja to Arrica, Santiago de Chile, and Coquimbo : on behalf of the Chilian and Peruvian Mining Association, in 1825, 6. London, 1820. 2 vols. 12mo. Bingley: Travels in South America. London, 1820. 12mo. Breckenridge : Voyage to South America. Baltimore, 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. Depon : Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma. New- York, 1806. 3 vols. 8vo. Dobrizzhoffer, Martin : An Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay. Translated from the Latin. London, 1822. 3 vols. 8vo. Dobrizzhoffer resided for eighteen years as a missionary among the remarkable people of whom he has left us so curious a description. They are really the mythological tale of the Centaurs realized. GEOGRAPHY. Polar. Travels towards either Pole 41 Helms : Travels from Buenos Ayres, by Potosi, to Lima. London, 1807. 12mo. Head: Journey across the Pampas and Andes. Boston, 1827. 12mo. Hippisley: Narrative of Expedition to the Rivers Orinoco and Apure. London, 1819. 8vo. Koster : Travels in Brazil. London, 1817. 2 vols. 8vo. Pazo : Letters on the United Provinces of South America. Lon- don, 1819. 8vo. Renger and Longchamps : Reign of Dr. Francia in Paraguay, being an Account of Six Years' Residence there, in 1819-25. From the French. London, 1827. 8vo. Robinson : Expedition 1400 miles up the Orinoco and 300 up the Aranca. London, 1822. 8vo. Smyth, W. L. : Journey from Lima to Para across the Andes and down the Amazon, to ascertain the Practicability of a Naviga- ble Communication, &c. London, 1836. 8vo. Temple: Travels in Peru. London, 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. : The same. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 vols. 12mo. Alcedo is already referred to for the geography of Spanish America. Acu- na's Nuevo descuhriemento del Gran Rio de las Amazones ; Gumilla's Orenoco illustrado ; and his Historia de las Naciones del Orenoco ; Caulin's Historia Corografica de la Nueva Andalucia ; Father Charlevoix' Histoire du Para- guay ; Lafitau's Histoire des Decouvertes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde ; Ayres de Cazul's Geografia Brazilica ; Bellin's Description Geogra- phique de la Guyane ; and Fermin's Description Generate de la Colonie de Su- rinam, would render tolerably complete the survey of the countries belonging to this chapter. CHAPTER XXXVIII. GEOGRAPHY. Polar. Travels towards either Pole. Back, Capt. : Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, &c., in the years 1833, 4, 5. Philadelphia, 1836. 8vo. Beaufoy's North Pole. New- York, 1818. 8vo. Franklin : Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in 1825, 6, 7. Philadelphia, 1828. 8vo. : The same, London, 1829. 4 vols. 12mo. Lyori : Private Journal during Parry's Voyage. Boston, 1824. 12mo. O'Reilly : Greenland, the adjacent Seas, and the Northwest Pas- sage illustrated in a Voyage to Davis's Straits, in 1817. New-York, 1818. 8vo. F 42 CIVIL HISTORY. Chronology. Parry : Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a Northwest Pas- sage, in 1819, 20. Philadelphia, 1821. 8vo. : Second Voyage, in 1821-3. New- York, 1824. 8vo. : Third Voyage, in 1824, 5. Philadelphia, 1826. 8vo. Polar Seas and Regions : Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in, with Illustrations of their Natural History, and an Account of the Whale Fishery. (Family Library.) New-York, 1831. 18mo. Ross, Sir J. : Second Voyage in search of a Northwest Passage, 1829, 30, 1,2, 3. Philadelphia, 1835. 8vo. Supplement to the " Second Voyage," one of the Catholic Priests of Saragossa ; the whole concluded with a Chronological Sketch of the Lives of the Popes. Hartford, 1820. 12mo. Neal, Daniel : History of the Puritans, abridged by Edward Par- sons. London, 1811. 2 vols. 8vo. The original, of course, is preferable ; the best edition of which is that of Toul- man. Bath, 1793-7. 5 vols. 8vo. Yet it has often been stigmatized as full of the grossest falsehoods. Such is Warburton's sentence on it ; and the Quar- terly Review calls it " the most dishonest book in our language Dodd's Roman Catholic Church History not excepted." Yet Neal was only guilty of taking very sectarian views. Maddox, bishop of St. Asapb, and Dr. Zachary Grey an- swered him. He has been continued by Benjamin Brook. HISTORY. Ecclesiastical. 85 Panoplist and Missionary Magazine. Boston, 1815. 8vo. Pinkerton, Robert : Present State of the Greek Church in Russia ; translated from the Sclavonian of Platon, late Metropolitan of Moscow. With a Preliminary Memoir on the Ecclesiastical Establishment of Russia, and an Account of the Sects of Rus- sian Dissenters. New- York, 1815. 12mo. Prideaux, Humphrey : Old and New Testaments Connected in the History of the Neighbouring Nations, from the Declension of Israel and Judah to the Time of Christ. Charlestown, Mass., 1815. 4 vols. 8vo. Priestley, Dr. Joseph : History of the Early Opinions concerning Jesus Christ, compiled from Original Writers ; proving that the Christian Church was at first Unitarian. Birmingham, 1786. 4 vols. 8vo. Scott, John : Luther and the Lutheran Reformation. New-York, 1833. 2 vols. 12mo. See, in Biography, Bower's Life of Luther. Shuckford, Samuel : Sacred and Profane History of the World Con- nected, from the Creation of the World to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire, &c. Philadelphia, 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. Sismondi, J. C. L. Simon de : History of the Crusades against the Albigenses in the 13th Century. Boston, 1833. 12mo. In French there are also Benoist's " Histoire des Albigeois et des Vaudois," Paris, 1691, 2 vols. 12mo, and de Brez's "Histoire des Vaudois," Lausanne, ] 796, 2 vols. 8vo. Rosetti's late important book, " Sullo Spirito antipapale che produsse la Reforma," London, 1831, 8vo, connects all these persecu- tions with the existence of an early sect of reformers in Italy, to whom Dante belonged. See also Mills, below. Smedley : History of the Reformed Religion in France. New- York, 1833. 3 vols. 18mo. Southey, Robert, Poet Laureate : The Book of the Church. Bos- ton, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. Against this Charles Butler wrote his vindication of Catholic history, entitled " The Book of the Roman Catholic Church." London, 1825. 8vo. Southey replied by his Vindicise Ecclesiae Anglicans, London, 1826, 8vo ; and Butler rejoined by " A Letter to the Right Rev. C. J. Blomfield," &c., London, 1826, 8vo, and by his " Vindication of the Book," &c., and an Appendix to the same in the same year. Stackhouse, Rev. Thomas : History of the Bible. London, 1733. 2 vols. folio. Stone, W. L. : Matthias and his Impostures. New- York, 1835. 12mo. Turner, Sharon : Sacred History of the World. (Family Library.) New-York, 1832. 2 vols. 18mo. Waddington, George : A History of the Church from the Earliest Ages to the Reformation. London, 1832. 8vo. Wilberforce, William : A Practical View of the prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, contrasted with real Christi- 86 Masonry. anity. With Introductory Essay, by Daniel Wilson. Phil- adelphia, 1835. 12mo. Willison, John : See a brief History of the Church of Scotland at the end of his " Sanctificatiori of the Sabbath," in THEOLO- GIANS, Dogmatical, V ; ' Literary Gazette of the Cape of Good Hope. 1831. 4to. . New-York, 1834. Folio. P 114 Miscellanies of History. Literary Gazette of the Cape of Good Hope. London, 1832-36. 6 vols. 4to. Literary and Scientific Repository and Critical Review. New- York, 1820,21. 2 vols. 8vo. Manuel des Habitans de St. Domingue. Paris, 1802. 2 vols. Metropolitan; a Monthly Journal. London, 1832-6. 16 vols. 8vo. Miller, Samuel : Brief Retrospect of the 1 8th Century. New- York, 1803. 2 vols. 8vo. Mirror, a Weekly Journal. New- York, 1830-37. 4to. Monthly Visiter. London, 1797-1800. 10 vols. 12mo. Repository. London, 1836. 8vo. Magazine and British Register. London, 1798. 8vo. Review; or, Literary Journal. London, 1791, 1796, 97. 6 vols. 8 vo. Museum of Foreign Literature and Art. Philadelphia, 1824-36. 39 vols. 8vo. Netherlandish India. Batavia. 8vo. New-England Magazine. Boston, 1831-5. 9 vols. 8vo. New Monthly Magazine. London, 1822-36. North American Review. Boston, 1820-36. 43 vols. 8vo. Con- tinued. Noticioso de ambos Mundos. New- York, 1836. 4to. Polyanthos; a Literary Magazine. Boston, 1812-14. 4 vols. 8vo. Portfolio ; a Monthly Magazine. Philadelphia. 26 vols. 8vo. Quarterly Review. London, 1808-36. 56 vols. 8vo. Retrospective Review. London, 1820-8. 16 vols. 8vo. Revue Franchise. New-York, 1836. 6 vols. 8vo. Encyclopedique. Paris, 1830, 31. 8 vols. 8vo. Saturday Magazine. London, 1835, 36. 8 vols. 8vo. Southern Literary Messenger. Richmond, J835, 6. vol. 2d. Southern Review. Charleston, S. C., 1828-32. 8 vols. 8vo. United States Literary Gazette. Boston, 1825. 8vo. Universal Magazine. 1798. 8vo. Verplanck, Gulian C. : Discourses on Subjects of American History, Arts, and Literature. New- York, 1833. 12mo. Western Monthly Magazine. Cincinnati, 1 833, 4. 4 vols. 8vo. Westminster Review. London, 1824-36. 25 vols. 8vo. Western Monthly Review. Edited by Timothy Flint. Cincinnati, 1827-30. 3 vols. 8vo. Young Meu's Advocate ; a Weekly Periodical, New- York, 1832. Folio. Zavalo ; Mejico desde 1808 hasta 1830. Paris, 1831. 2 vols. NATURAL HISTORY. Collections. 115 Newspapers. Atlas. London, 1832-36. Folio. Bingley's London Journal, from May, 1777, to May, 1779 ; and from December, 1781, to December, 1783. London. 2 vols. folio. Courier des Etats Unis : 1830-34. New- York. 5 vols. folio. Continued. Herald, a Gazette for the Country: 1795-97. New- York. 3 vols. folio. Mercantile Advertiser: 1830-34. New- York. 5 vols. folio. Continued. Morning Courier and New- York Enquirer : 1830-34. New-York. 5 vols. folio. Continued. National Intelligencer: 1813-34. Washington. 34 vols. folio. Continued. New- York American : 1828-34. New- York. 7 vols. folio. Con- tinued. New- York Commercial Advertiser : 1828-34. New- York. 7 vols. folio. Continued. New- York Daily Advertiser : 1830-34. New- York. 5 vols. fo- lio. Continued. New- York Evening Post : May, 1810, to July, 1811. New-York. 1 vol. folio. New- York Spectator : 1797-1802. New- York. 5 vols. folio. Shipping and Commercial List and New- York Price Current : 1832-34. New- York. 3 vols. folio. Continued. CHAPTER LXXIX. NATURAL HISTORY. Collections. Blumenbach : A Manual of the Elements of Natural History. From the German. London, 1825. 8vo. Buffon, George Lewis Leclerc, Comte de : Histoire Naturelle, generale et particuliere ; avec la Description du Cabinet du Roi. Paris, 1749-1804. 38 vols. 4to. Zoologie, 15 vols. ; Supplement, 7 vols. ; Oiseaux, 9 vols. ; Mineraux, 5 vols. Ovi- pares et Serpens, 2 vols. This is the original edition ; and, for the beauty of its plates, more esteemed than any subsequent one. Buffon's assistants in the work were Daubenton, Montbeillard, and La Cepede. The last two volumes are by La Cepede alone. The anatomical descriptions were the part of Daubenton, and are pronounced, by Cuvier, to be without a fault. Some sets of this edition add six volumes more, the subsequent production of La Cepede that is, Poiasona, 5 vols. ; Ceia- 1 1 6 NATURAL HISTORY. Collections. cees, 1 vol. The most esteemed sets have the king's arms on the binding. There have been repeated re-editions of the book, as one directed by Sonnini, assisted by Daudin, Dennys-Montford, Latreille, and Mirbel ; 12? vols. 8vo, a great collection, but which unfortunately omits Daubenton's descriptions, held indispensable. An edition completer than any other, as to the works of Buffon, but very inferior as to the engravings, was given by the press of Bastien. Paris, 1810. 34 vols. 8vo. There is a complete English translation of Buffon by Smellie. London, 1812. 20 vols. 8vo. Barr has given a less full one. Lon- don, 1792, 3. 15 vols. 8vo. Buffon : Natural History. London, 1821, 2. 2 vols. 8vo. : The same. 1830-4. 12rno. The two last are meager abridgments. Brown, Captain Thomas : Taxidermist's Manual ; or, the Art of Collecting, Preparing, and Preserving Objects of Natural His- tory. With 6 Plates. Glasgow, 1834. 12mo. Burckhardt : Elementary Principles of the Philosophy of Natural History. From the German. New-York, 1804. 12mo. Cuvier, George Leopold, Baron : The Animal Kingdom arranged in conformity with its Organization. New-York, 1831. 4 vols. 8vo. Godman, J. W. : American Natural History. Philadelphia, 1826. 3 vols. 8vo. Goldsmith, Oliver: History of the Earth and Animated Nature. Philadelphia, 1823. 5 vols. 8vo. A book which the charm of its style will long preserve. It is of it that Dr. Johnson said, while Goldsmith was preparing it, " Sir, he knows no more of natural history than you or I ; and yet he will make it as interesting as a fairy tale." Harlan : Description of Mammiferous Animals inhabiting North America. Philadelphia, 1825. 8vo. Harris, Thaddeus Mason : Natural History of the Bible ; or, a De- scription of all the Quadrupeds, Birds, &c., alphabetically ar- ranged. Boston, 1831. 8vo. The great work upon this matter is that of Bochart, entitled " Hierozoicon ; fiive de Animalibus Sacrae Scripturae" best edition, by Rosenmuller. Leipsig, 1793-6. 3 vols. 4to, with Plates. Hibernicus : Letters on the Natural History and Internal Resources of the Sate of New- York. New-York, 1822. 12mo. Hitchcock, David : Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts. Amherst, 1833, text 8vo, and Plates 4to. Howitt : Book of the Seasons ; or, Calendar of Nature. Philadel- phia, 1831. 12mo. ' ; Jesse, Edward: Gleanings in Natural History; with Local Recol- lections. To which are added, Maxims and Hints for an Angler. First Series. London, 1835. 12mo. ; The same: Second Series. To which are added some Extracts from the unpublished MSS. of the late Mr. White of Selbourne. London, 1836. 12mo. : The same : Third Series. To which are added Notices of the Royal Parks and Residences. London, 1835. I2mo, MINERAL KINGDOM. Geology. 117 Journal of a Naturalist. Philadelphia, 1831. 12mo. Lempriere, W. : Lectures on the Study of Natural History, &c. Magazine of Natural History. London, 1836. 9 vols. 8vo. Mudie : Popular Guide to the Observation of Nature ; or, Hints of Inducement to the Study of Natural Productions and Appear- ances, in their Connexions and Relations. (Family Library.) New- York, 1833. 18mo. Nollet: L'Art des Experiences. Paris, 1787. 3 vols. 12mo. Pliny, Caius Secundtis : Natural History of the World, translated into English by Philemon Holland. London, 1601. 2 vols. folio. The translation is good, though antiquated. Pliny is certainly one of the most learned of the ancients ; his hook forming, indeed, a sort of encyclopedia of a great part of the science of his day. It is, besides the natural history, a great source of information as to the geography, antiquities, the useful and fine arts, the medicine, the mythology, and many particulars in the civil history and man- ners of his age. Smellie, William: Philosophy of Natural History. Boston, 1824. 8vo. System of Natural History. Brattleborough, 1834. 8vo. Timbs, John : Knowledge for the People, &c. : containing Zoolog- ical Series. London, 1831. 12mo. : The same. Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, &c. Lon- don, 1832. 12mo. Verhandelingen Natuur Kundige. Amsterdam, 1761. 8vo. White, Rev. Gilbert : The Natural History of Selbourne ; with Ad- ditions by Sir William Jardine. Philadelphia, 1832. 12rao. CHAPTER LXXX. MINEKAL KINGDOM. Geology. Beche, H. T. de la: Geological Manual. Philadelphia, 1832. 8vo. : How to Observe. 138 wood cuts. London, 1835. 12mo. : Researches in Theoretical Geology, with Preface and Notes by Prof. Hitchcock. New-York, 1837. 12mo. Bakewell, Robert : Introduction to Geology. London, 1833. 8vo. : The same. London, 1836. There is also an American edition by Prof. Silliman, with his Notes, chiefly intended to reconcile geology with the Mosaic account of the creation.. Buckland, Rev. William : Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology. (Series of Bridgewater Trea- tises.) London, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. : The same. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vols. 8vo. 118 MINERAL KINGDOM. Geology. Conversations on Geology : comprising a familiar Explanation of the Wernerian System ; the Mosaic Geology, as explained by Mr. Granville Penn ; and the late Discoveries of Professors Buckland, Humboldt, Dr. M'Culloch, and others. London, 1828. 12mo. Getting, J. R. : Synopsis of Lectures on Geology. Trenton, 1825. 12mo. Cuvier, George Leopold, Baron : Essay on the History of the Earth, with Mineralogical Notes, and an Account of Cuvier's Geological Discoveries ; to which are now added, Observations on the Geology of North America, illustrated by the Descrip- tion of various Organic Remains found in that part of the World, by S. L. Mitchell. New-York, 1818. 8vo. : The same. Philadelphia, 1831. 8vo. The same work has also been edited by Professor Jameson of Edinburgh, with an account of Cuvier's geological discoveries, London, 1822, 8vo, fourth edition. His " Ossemens Fossils" is his main geological work ; and has opened the way to the chief results yet obtained in the science. Eaton, Amos : Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal. Albany, 1824. 8vo. : Index to the Geology of the Northern States, with Trans- verse Sections, extending from the Susquehannah River to the Atlantic, crossing Catskill Mountains ; to which is prefixed a Geological Grammar. Troy, 1820. 12mo. Emons : Manual of Mineralogy and Geology. See MINERALOGY. Geological Society: Proceedings of the, from 1833 to 1835. 2 vols. 8vo. Higgins, Mullinger W. : The Earth : its Physical Condition and most remarkable Phenomena. (Family Library.) New-York, 1836. 18mo. Hill, Ira : An Abstract of a New Theory of the Formation of the Earth. Baltimore, 1823. 12mo. Lyell, Charles : Principles of Geology ; being an Inquiry how far the former Changes of the Earth's Surface are referrible to Causes now in operation. London, 1835. 4 vols. 12mo. There is an edition of 1837, 4 vols. 12mo, with additions and corrections. Luc, J. A. de : Lettres Physiques et Morales, sur 1'Histoire de la Terre et de 1'Homme. Paris, 1779. 12mo. M'Clelland, John : Some Inquiries in the Province of Kemaon rel- ative to Geology and other Branches of Natural Science. Calcutta, 1835. 8vo. M'Culloch, Dr. John : System of Geology ; with a Theory of the Earth, and an Explanation of its Connexion with the Sacred Records. London, 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. : Geological Classification of Rocks; with Descriptive Synopsis of the Species and Varieties ; comprising the Ele- ments of Practical Geology. London, 1831. 8vo. Mudie : The Earth. Philadelphia, 1836. 12mo. NATURAL HISTORY. Vegetable Kingdom, 1 19 Phillips, John : Guide to Geology. London, 1835. 12mo. Renssellaer, Van : Lectures on Geology. New-York, 1835. 8vo. St. Fond, Faujas de : Essai de Geologic ; ou Memoires pour servir a 1'Histoire Naturelle du Globe. Paris, 1805. 8vo. Webster, John W. : Description of the Island of St. Michael, and its Geological Structure ; with Remarks on the other Azores. Boston, 1821. 8vo. CHAPTER LXXXI. MINERAL KINGDOM. Mineralogy. Dana : A System of Mineralogy, &c. New-Haven, 1837. 8vo. Emmons : Manual of Mineralogy and Geology. Jacob, Wm. : An Historical Inquiry into the Production and Con- sumption of the Precious Metals. Philadelphia, 1832. 8vo. Phillips, Wm. : Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of Min- eralogy. London, 1823. 8vo. CHAPTER LXXXII. NATURAL HISTORY. Vegetable Kingdom. American Forest ; or, Uncle Philip's Conversations with the Chil- dren about the Trees of America. 18mo. Browne, D. J. : The Sylva Americana ; or, a Description of the For- est-trees indigenous to the United States, Practically and Bo- tanically considered. Boston, 1832. 8vo. The book of Michaux, the North American Sylva (Paris, 1819, 3 vols. royal 8vo, coloured plates), is valued, and become rare. Burnett, Gilbert: Outlines of Botany : the Plants arranged accord- ing to the System of Natural Affinities. London, 1835. 2 vols. 8vo. Christian Florist : The Names, &c., of Plants illustrated by Scrip- tural Texts and Poetical Extracts. Philadelphia, 1835. 12mo. Gray, Asa : Elements of Botany. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Lindley, John : An Introduction to the System of Botany : the Or- ganization, Affinities, and Geography of Plants, first American edition; with an Appendix by J. Torrey. New- York, 1831. 8vo. 120 NATURAL HISTORY. Animal Kingdom. London, J. C. : Encyclopedia of Plants. With Engravings and Fig- ures of nearly 10,000 Species. London, 1836. Thick 8vo. Marcet, Mrs. : Conversations on Vegetable Physiology. New- York, 1830. 12mo. The treatise of Philips, 2 vols. 8vo ; that of Mirbel (Paris, 1815, 2 vols. 8vo) ; and that of Roguet (see it in NATURAL THEOLOGY), are of ampler information. Smith, Sir James Edward: Grammar of Botany, illustrative of Ar- tificial as well as Natural Classifications ; with an Explanation of Jussieu's System : to which is added a Reduction of all the Genera contained in the Catalogue of North American Plants to the Natural Families of the French Professor, by the late Henry Muhlenberg, D.D. New- York, 1822. 8vo. Sumner, John : A Compendium of Physiological and Systematic Botany : with Plates. Hartford, 1822. 12mo. Torrey, John : A Compendium of the Flora of the Northern and Middle States, containing Generic and Specific Descriptions of all the Plants of the Cryptogamia hitherto found in the United States North of the Potomac. New-York, 1826. 12mo. Thornton, R. J. : Elements of Botany, with Plates. London, 1812. 8vo. Wakefield : Introduction to Botany, in a Series of Familiar Letters. With illustrative Engravings. Philadelphia, 181 1. 12mo. Waterhouse, Benjamin : The Botanist : together with a Discourse on the Principle of Vitality. Boston, 1811. 8vo. See, also, various works among COLLECTIONS OF NATURAL HISTORY. For a general list of the best works on botany, the bibliography in Loudon's Ency- clopedia of Plants may be consulted. To make completer the collection of Amer- ican Botany, the following are important : Catesby's Natural History of Caro- lina, Florida, and the Bahamas. London, 1731-48, 2 vols. folio a book now very scarce ; Humholdt and Bonpland, Plantes Equinoxiales. Paris, 1805, folio ; Michaux, Flora Boreali Americana. Paris, 1803, 2 vols. 8vo ; Bigelow's Plant* of the Environs of Boston ; Clayton, Flora Virginica. Leyden, 1762, 4to ; Wal- ter, Flora Caroliniana. London, 1788, 8vo ; Elliott, Botany of South Carolina. Charleston, 2 vols. 8vo. CHAPTER LXXXIII. NATURAL HISTORY. Animal Kingdom. Bewick : History of Birds and Quadrupeds, with Engravings. Philadelphia, 1824. 8vo. This is poorly copied from the three volumes of Bewick's original work ; of which the merit lay, not in the descriptions, but in the very spirited delineations, and his admirable wood-engravings an art before neglected, but to a renewed cultivation of which his genius led. His several engraved works are the follow- ing : The History of Birds. Newcastle, 1790. 8vo. The History of British Birds. Newcastle, 1797-1804. 2 vols. 8vo. The Fables of JSsop and others. NATURAL HISTORY. Entomology. 121 Newcastle, 1818. 8vo. All these abound in vignettes and tail-pieces of great excellence, and often of very droll invention. Bingley : Animal Biography, or Popular Zoology, illustrated by Au- thentic Anecdotes of the Economy, Habits of Life, Instinct, and Sagacity of the Animal Creation. London, 1829. 4 vols. 12mo. Cuvier : Animal Kingdom, arranged in Conformity with its Organ- ization. New- York, 1861. 4 vols. 8vo. Harlan: Description of Mammiferous Animals inhabiting North America. Philadelphia, 1825. 8vo. Timbs, J. : The Plain Why and Because Zoological Series. London, 1831. 12mo. See also, in Collections of Natural History, Buffon, Goldsmith, Godman, Harris, and others. Also, the three succeeding sec- tions. CHAPTER LXXXIV. NATURAL HISTORY. Ornithology. Montague, G. : Ornithological Dictionary of British Birds. Second edition ; with Plan of Study, and Additions, by James Ren- wick. London, 1831. 8vo. Nuttall: Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Can- ada. Cambridge, Mass., 1832. 12mo. : The same. Boston, 1834. 12mo. CHAPTER LXXXV. NATURAL HISTORY. Entomology. Natural History of Insects. With Engravings. (Harpers' Family Library.) New- York, 1830. 18mo. See also, in Natural Theology, Kirby. 122 NATURAL HISTORY. Chymistry. CHAPTER LXXXVI. NATURAL HISTORY. Conchology. Burrows, E. J. : Elements of Conchology, on the Linnaean System. 28 Plates. London, 1825. 8vo. Lessons on Shells, at the Pestalozzian School at Cheam. Plates. New- York, 1833. 12mo. Mawe, J. : The Voyager's Companion, or Shell-collector's Pilot ; with Instructions in finding and Preserving Specimens in Natu- ral History. London, 1825. 12mo. Roberts, Mary : Conchologist's Companion. London, 1834. 12mo. : Seaside Companion ; or, Marine Natural History. Lon- don, 1835. 12mo. Note. We need hardly remark that, when the growth of the collection shall have given a body of works in each of the minuter divisions into which natural history is properly distributed as ichthyology, herpetology, &,c. separate chap- ters should be assigned to each of these in a future catalogue. CHAPTER LXXXVH. NATURAL HISTORY. Chymistry. Analyst, the: 1836. 4 vols. 8vo. Berzelius : Traite" de Chimie. Traduit sur des MSS. ine"dits de 1'auteur. Paris, 1830. 4 vols. 8vo. Gary, Geo. C. : Five Hundred Useful and Amusing Experiments in Chymistry, and in the Arts and Manufactures, with Obser- vations on the Properties of the Substances employed, and their application to useful Purposes. London, 1825. 12mo. Chaptal : Elements of Chymistry. Translated from the French. Boston, 1806. 8vo. Comstock, J. L. : Conversations on Chymistry. Hartford, 1831. 12mo. Cooper, Thomas : Some Information concerning Gas Light. Phil- adelphia, 1816. 8vo. Dictionary of Chymistry : containing the Principles and Modern Theories of the Science, with its Application to the Arts, Man- ufactures, and Medicine. New- York, 1830. 12mo. NATURAL HISTORY. Chymistry. 123 Dumas : Traite de Chimie appliquee aux Arts. Paris, 1828. 5 vols. 8vo, and Atlas. Eaton, Amos : Chymical Instructer, presenting a Familiar Method of Teaching the Chymical Principles and Operations of the most practical Utility. Albany, 1826. 12mo. Fourcroy : Elements of Natural History and Chymistry. London, 1788. 4 vols. 8vo. Gale, L. D. : Elements of Chymistry. New-York, 1837. 12mo. Joyce, Rev. J. : Dialogues on Chymistry, in which the First Prin- ciples of that Science are explained. New-York, 1818. 9 vols. 12mo. Lavoisier : Elements of Chymistry in a New and Systematic Order : containing all the Modern Discoveries. Translated from the French. New-York, 1806. 8vo. (Marcet, Mrs.) : Conversations on Chymistry, in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained and illustrated by Experiments and Plates. 12mo. Porter, Arthur L. : Chymistry of the Arts, being a Practical Dis- play of the Arts and Manufactures which depend on Chymical Principles, with numerous Engravings, on the basis of Gray's Operative Chymist, adapted to the United States ; with a Trea- tise on Calico Printing, Bleaching, and other large Additions. Philadelphia, 1830. 8vo. Prout, William : Chymistry, &c., considered with a View to Natu- ral Theology. See NATURAL THEOLOGY. Rose, Henry: A Manual of Analytical Chymistry. From the Ger- man. London, 1831. 8vo. Silliman, Benjamin : Elements of Chymistry. New-Haven, 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. Turner, Edward : Elements of Chymistry, including the Recent Discoveries and Doctrines of the Science. Philadelphia, 1830. 12mo. Thompson, Thomas : A System of Chymistry, from the Fifth Lon- don Edition, with Notes, by Thomas Cooper. Philadelphia, 1818. 4 vols. 8vo. Ure, Andrew : Dictionary of Chymistry and Mineralogy, with their Applications. London, 1831. 8vo. Webster, John W. : A Manual of Chymistry, on the Basis of Profes- sor Brande,. containing the Principal Facts of the Science, arranged in the Order in which they are discussed and illus- trated in the Lectures at Harvard University, N. E., compiled from the Works of Brande, Henry, Thompson, and others. Boston, 1826. 8vo. For a history of chymistry and chymical writers, Brande's Dissertation, pre- fixed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, may be consulted. 124 Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine, Surgery. CHAPTER LXXXVIII. Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine, Surgery. American Medical Library and Intelligencer. 8vd. Avery : Dyspeptic's Monitor ; or, the Nature, Causes, and Cure of the Diseases called Dyspepsy, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Hypochondriasis, Melancholy, &c. New- York, 1830. 12mo. Bayle : Elementary Treatise of Anatomy. Translated by Dr. Doane. New-York, 1837. 12mo. Beaumont : Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice, and the Physiology of Digestion. Pittsburg, 1833. 8vo. Bell, J. : On Baths and Mineral Waters. Philadelphia, 1831. 12mo. Blandin, Frederic : Treatise on Topographical Anatomy, consid- ered in its Relations with Surgery and Operative Medicine : with an Atlas of 12 Maps. Translated by Dr. Doane. New- York, 1834. 8vo. Blumenbach ; Institutions of Physiology. Translated by John El- liotson. Philadelphia, 1817. 8vo. Bostock : An Elementary System of Physiology. Boston, 1825. 3 vols. 8vo. Brigham : Remarks on the Influence of Mental Cultivation upon Health. Hartford, 1832. 12mo. Broussais : Treatise on Physiology. Translated by Bell and La Roche. Philadelphia, 1832. 8vo. : Examen des Doctrines Medioales de M. M. Laennec, Louis, Gendrin, &c. Bruxelles, 1836. 2 vols. 12mo. Caldwell : Thoughts on the Original Unity of the Human Race. New- York, 1830. 12mo. See Smith, below. Catechism of Health ; or, Plain and Simple Rules for the Preser- vation of the Health and Vigour of the Constitution from In- fancy to Old Age. Philadelphia, 1831. 12mo. Cloquet : System of Human Anatomy. Translated by Robert Knox. Boston, 1830. 8vo. Coley: Considerations on Poison and Asphyxia. New- York, 1832. 8vo. Combe, Andrew : Principles of Physiology applied to the Preser- vation of Health, and to the Improvement of Physical and Men- tal Education. (Harpers' Family Library.) New-York, 1834. 18mo. Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine, Surgery. 125 Combe, Andrew: Observations on Mental Derangement. Boston, 1834. 8vo. : Physiology of Digestion, considered with Relation to the Principles of Dietetics. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Comstock, J. L. : Outlines of Physiology, both Comparative and Human. 12mo. Cooke : Observations on the Efficacy of White Mustard Seed in Affections of the Liver, &c. New- York, 1827. 12mo. Copland, James : Dictionary of Practical Medicine. London, 1835. Vols. I., II., III. 8vo. Cornaro : Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life ; to which is added, Physic of the Golden Age, a Fragment. New-Haven, 1823. 12mo. Darwin, Erasmus : Zoonomia ; or, the Laws of Organic Life. London, 1801. 4 vole. 8vo. Doane : Medical and Topographical History of the Cholera Mor- bus, including the Mode of Prevention and Treatment. Bos- ton, 1832. 8vo. : Surgery Illustrated ; compiled from the Works of Cutter, Hind, Velpeau, and Blasius. 52 Plates. N.York, 1836. 8vo. Dunglisson : Human Physiology, illustrated by numerous Engra- vings. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 vols. 8vo. : On the Influence of Atmosphere and Locality ; Change of Air and Climate, Seasons, Food, Clothing, Bathing, Exer- cise, Sleep, Corporeal and Intellectual Pursuits, &c., on Hu- man Health ; constituting the Elements of Hygiene. Phila- delphia, 1835. 8vo. General Therapeutics. Philadelphia, 1836. 8vo. Fauste : Catechism of Health ; edited from the German, by Dr. Gregory, of Edinburgh. New- York, 1798. 12mo. Ferris, Floyd : Treatise on Epidemic Cholera, as observed in New- York "in 1834. New- York, 1835. 8vo. Foe, Daniel de : History of the Great Plague in London in 1665. With an Introduction, by the Rev. H. Stebbing. This is, much of it, drawn from the relations of the day. Much, also, is feigned ; but with that air of perfect reality which De Foe so well knew how to impart, and which has, in this instance, been so completely taken, that the book has been continually read as a real narrative. There are two more remark- able descriptions of this frightful visitation, with which this may be compared ; that of Thucydides, in his Peloponnesian War ; and that of Boccaccio, in the In- troduction to his Decamerone. Both are admirable and appalling. Good, John Mason : Study of Medicine : with Additions, by Sam- uel Cooper. New- York, 1829. 5 vols. 8vo. Graham : Treatise on Indigestion, Tic Douloureux, &c. Philadel- phia, 1831. Svo. Halford, Sir Henry : Essays and Orations before the Royal Col- lege of Physicians. To which is added an Account of the opening of the Tomb of Charles I. London, 1833. 12mo. 126 Anatomy, Philosophy, Medicine, Surgery. Halsted : New Method of Curing Dyspepsy. New- York, 1829. 12mo. Hardie : Account of the Yellow Fever which occurred in the City of New-York in 1832 ; to which is prefixed, a Brief Sketch of the Different Pestilential Diseases with which the City was affected in 1798-1805. New-York, 1822. 12mo. Hitchcock : Dyspepsy Forestalled and Resisted ; or, Lectures on Diet, Regimen, and Employment. Amherst, 1830. 12mo. Hooper: Medical Dictionary, containing an Explanation of the Terms of Anatomy, Botany, Chymistry, MateriaMedica, Mid- wifery, Mineralogy, Pharmacy, Physiology, Practice of Phy- sic, Surgery, and the various Branches of Natural Philosophy connected with Medicine, selected, and arranged, and compiled from the best Authors. New- York, 1830. 8vo. Hosack, Dr. David : Essays on various Subjects of Medical Science. New-York, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. : System of Practical Nosology. New- York, 1821. 8vo. : Inaugural Discourse delivered at the opening of Rutger's Medical College in the City of New- York, 6th November, 1826. New- York, 1826. 8vo. Hosack and Francis : American Medical and Philosophical Regis- ter. New- York, 1810-13. 4 vols. 8vo. Innes, John : Short Description of the Human Muscles, arranged as they appear on Dissection. New-York, 1818. 12mo. Johnson, James : Economy of Health ; or, the Stream of Human Life from the Cradle to the Grave ; with Reflections, Moral, Physical, and Philosophical, on the Septennial Phases of Hu- man Existence. New-York, 1837. 18mo. Journal of Health : Conducted by an Association of Physicians. 1830,31. 2 vols. 8vo. Kitchener : Directions for Invigorating and Prolonging Life ; or, the Invalid's Oracle. New- York, 1831. 12mo. Macnish: Philosophy of Sleep. New- York, 1834. 12mo. : Philosophy of Drunkenness. New- York, 1835. 12mo. Magendie : Physiological and Chymical Researches on the Use of the Prussic or Hydrocyanic Acid in the Treatment of Disea- ses of the Breast, and particularly in Phthisis Pulmonalis. Translated by James G. Percival, M.D. New-Haven, 1820. Madden : Infirmities of Genius : illustrated by referring the Anom- alies in the Literary Character to the Habits and Constitutional Peculiarities of Men of Genius. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 vols. 12mo. Medical and Surgical Journal. Paine : Letters on the Cholera Asphyxia, as it appeared in the City of New-York. New- York, 1832. 8vo. Paris : Treatise on Diet, with a View to Establish, on Practical Anatomy, Philosophy, Medicine, Surgery. 127 Grounds, a System of Rules for the Prevention and Cure of the Diseases incident to a Disordered Digestive Function. New- York, 1828. 8vo. Poteau, M. : (Euvres Posthumes de M. Poteau, Docteur en M6di- cine, Chirurgien en Chef de I'Hdtel Dieu de Lyon. Paris, 1783. 3 tomes 8vo. Richerand : Elements of Physiology. Translated from the French. Philadelphia, 1825. 8vo. Rush, Benjamin : Medical Inquiries and Observations. Philadel- phia, 1805. 4 vols. 8vo. : On the Diseases of the Mind. Philadelphia, 1830. 8vo. His lectures are also still held in some esteem. Smith : Class Book of Anatomy, explanatory of Human Mechan- ism, as the Basis of Physical Education. Boston, 1834. 12mo. Smith, Samuel Stanhope : Essay on the Causes and Variety of the Complexion and Figure of the Human Species. New Bruns- wick, 1810. 8vo. Smith, Southwood : Philosophy of Health. London, 1835. 12mo. Spurzheim : Observations on the Deranged Manifestations of the Mind, or Insanity, with an Appendix, by A. Brigham, M.D. Boston, 1833. 8vo. : Anatomy of the Brain, with a General View of the Ner- vous System. London, 1826. 8vo. Ticknor, Caleb : Philosophy of Living ; or, the Way to enjoy Life and its Comforts. (Family Library). New- York, 1836. 18mo. Tissot : Van Verseheidene Zvaare Zieken. 8vo. : Verhandlingen over de Ziekten Van Geleerden. Utrecht, 1768. 8vo. Townsend, Peter S. : An Account of the Yellow Fever, as it pre- vailed in New- York in the Summer and Autumn of 1822. New- York, 1822. 8vo. Townsend, Rev. Joseph : A Guide to Health, being Cautions and Directions in the Treatment of Diseases. Boston, 1807. 8vo. Whitlaw : New Me,dical Discoveries ; with a Defence of the Lin- nacan Doctrine, and a Translation of his Vegetable Materia Medica. London, 1829. 8vo. : Treatise on the Causes, &c., of Inflammatory Fever, &c. ; Linnaeus's Classification of Diseases ; the Vapour Bath ; Diet and Regimen. London, 1831. 8vo. Verbrugge: Land und Zee Chirurgie. Amsterdam, 1714. 12mo. Winslow : Uitlegging van het Samenstel Menschelyke Lichaams. Rotterdam, 1753. 8vo. 128 Phrenology. See, in Poetry, Armstrong's Art of Health and Garth's Dispensary. For good bibliography of the healing art, Good's Study of Medicine may be consult- ed, in the London edition. In the last American one, a History of Medicine, by Dr. Bostock, is prefixed. CHAPTER LXXXIX. PHRENOLOGY. Catechism of Phrenology. Philadelphia, 1835. 12mo. Chevenix : Spurzheim's Examination of the Objections made in Britain against the Doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim. Article of the Foreign Quarterly Review ; with Notes, by J. G. Spurz- heim, M.D. Boston, 1833. 12mo. Combe, George : System of Phrenology. Boston, 1834. 8vo. Dewhurst, H. W. : A Guide to Human and Comparative Phren- ology ; with Observations on the National Varieties of the Cra- nium. London, 1831. 12mo. Illustrations of Phrenology, from Journals of Societies. Balti- more, 1832. 8vo. Macmish : An Introduction to Phrenology. Glasgow, 1837. 12mo. Phrenological Journal. 8vo. Rees : Phrenology known by its Fruits ; being a brief Review of Dr. Brigham's " Observations on the Influence of Religion upon the Health and Physical welfare of Mankind." New- York, 1836. 12mo. Saunders, Edwin: What is Phrenology? London, 1835. 12mo. Scott, William : Harmony of Phrenology with Scripture. Edin- burgh, 1835. 8vo. Spurzheim, J. G. : Phrenology , in connexion with the Study of Physiognomy. Boston, 1835. 8vo. : Phrenology ; or, the Doctrine of the Mental Phenomena. Boston, 1832. 2 vols. 8vo. The works of Gall, the founder of the system, are translated both into- Eng- lish and French. CHAPTER XC. Physiognomy. Lavater, J. C. : Essays on Physiognomy. London, 1804. 4 yo!0. 8vo. Amusements and Exercises. 120 The edition of 1T89-98, 5 vols. 4to, with plates under the direction of Hollo- way, is the most esteemed. The translations are by Dr. Henry Hunter and Thomas Holcroft. Lavater, J. C. : Essays on Physiognomy. Abridged. 8vo. : The same, abridged. 12mo. CHAPTER XCI. Amusements and Exercises. Davy, Sir Humphrey: Salmonia; or, the Days of Fly-fishing. Egan : Sporting Anecdotes. Philadelphia, 1822. 12mo. Harewood, Harry : Dictionary of Sports ; or, Companion to the Field, the Forest, and Riverside. London, 1835. 12mo. Hoyle's Games. New- York, 1829. 12mo. Nimrod's Hunting Tours ; interspersed with Anecdotes of Sports- men, and Notices of Crack-riders. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 vols. 12 mo. Oppian : Cynegetica et Halieutica. Emandavit, J. G. Schneider. Textus et Annotations. Lipsiae, 1813. Svp. Strutt : Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. London, 1834. 8vo. Walker : British Manly Exercises. London, 1835. 12mo. See also, in Poetry, Somerville's Chace. In Franklin's Works, his Morals of Chess, and Tracts on Swimming. In Sir W. Jones's Works, vol. IV., a tract on the Indian game of Chess. In Appendix to Roman and Grecian His- tory, Potter and Adams, for the exercises and amusements of the ancients. II. PHILOSOPHY. CHAPTER XCH. 'MORAL SCIENCES. Logic and Metaphysics. Abercrombie, John : Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers and the Investigation of Truth. (Family Library.) New- York, 1832. 18mo. Alison, Archibald : Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. Edinburgh, 1790. 4to. : The same. Hartford, 1821. 8vo. R 130 MORAL SCIENCES. Logic and Metaphysics. Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam. See his several Treatises on Phil- osophical Subjects, in his Works, Polygraphs. (Bailey :) Essays on the Pursuit of Truth ; or, the Progress of Knowledge and Fundamental Principle of all Evidence and Expectation. Philadelphia, 1831. I2rao. Beattie, James : Elements of Moral Science. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vols. 12mo. : On the Nature and Immutability of Truth. London, 1827. 12mo. Brown, Sir Thomas : Pseudodoxia Epidemica ; or, Inquiries into very many received Tenets and commonly presumed Truths. London, 1762. 4 to. See, also, his works, among Polygraplis. Brown, Thomas : Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. Andover, 1822. 3 vols. 8vo. Burton, Robert : Anatomy of Melancholy. London, 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. Cicero : See his Translated Philosophical Works, in Polygraphs. Combe, George : Constitution of Man considered in relation to external Objects. Boston, 1829. 12mo. : The same. Boston, 1836. 12mo. Condillac : La Logique. Paris, 1811. 12mo. Contest of the Twelve Nations ; or, a View of the Different Causes of Human Character and Talent. Edinburgh, 1826. 8vo. Cousin, Victor : Elements of Psychology. From the French, by C. S. Henry. 8vo. : Introduction to the History of Philosophy. Boston, 1832. 8vo. See, also, Stewart's Dissertation, below. Damiron : Cours de Philosophic (Metaphysique et Morale). Brux- elles, 1834. 4 vols. 12mo. Des Cartes : Discours de la Methode de bien conduire sa Raison et Chercher la Verite dans les Sciences. Plus, la Dioptrique et les Meteores. Paris, 1668. 4to. His entire works, in French, have a very good edition, Paris, 1724, 13 vols. 12mo. They consist of the following : Lettres, 6 vols. ; Meditations Metaphy- siques touchant la premiere Philosophic, 2 vols. ; the Discours, as above, La Di- optrique, les Meteores, la Mechanique, et la Musique, 2 vols. ; Les Principes de la Philosophic, 1 vol. ; Les Passions ; le Monde, &c., 1 vol. ; L'Homme, et la formation du Foetus, 1 vol. The best Latin collection of his works is that of Amsterdam, 1670, 8 vols. 4to, or 1692-1713, 9 vols. 4to. They are now, how- ever, only useful as affording points in the history of philosophy ; and, from be- ing the great oracle of his times, he is become only (as Voltaire has said) " Ce maitre Rene, qu'on oublie aujour d'hui, Grand fou, persecute par de plus foux que lui." Dick, Thomas : Mental Illumination and Moral Improvement of Mankind. Philadelphia, 1836. 12mo. Hartley : A Treatise on the Nature of Influx ; or, of the Intercourse between the Soul and the Body, &c. Boston, 1794. 12mo. MORAL SCIENCES. Logic and Metaphysics. 181 Helvetius: (Euvres. Paris, 1'An 2. 5 vols. 8vo. Except a single poem, these are metaphysical. The treatise De 1'Esprit drew on him not a little persecution. In consequence of this, he made the publication of his other works posthumous. : A Treatise on Man, his Intellectual Faculties, and his Education. London, 1810. 2 vols. 8vo. His De 1'Esprit (included in the works above) has also been translated. Lon- don, 17 . 4to. Hobbes, Thomas, of Malmesbury : Treatise on Human Nature, and on Liberty and Necessity. London, 1812. 12mo. This is a part of his threefold treatise, the Tripos ; the De Corpore Politico being omitted from it. Hume, David : Philosophical Works. Edinburgh, 1826. 4 vols. 8vo. These embrace his ethical, political, economical speculations, and essays on natural religion, as well as his metaphysical works. : Essays. Georgetown, 1817. 8vo. These embrace moral and political essays, concerning the human understand- ing ; an inquiry into the principles of morals ; political discourses ; four disserta- tions, on the natural history of religion ; on the passions ; on tragedy ; on the standard of taste. Influence of Moral Causes upon Opinion, Science, and Literature. 8vo. Locke, John : Essay concerning the Human Understanding. Lon- don, 1796. 2 vols. 8vo. : The same. Philadelphia. 8vo. See also, in his works (Polygraphs) his little treatise on the conduct of the un- derstanding. Mock and Absurd Philosophy. Boston, 1811. 12mo. Murden : Art of Memory. New- York, 1818. 8vo. Philosophische Mengelstoffen. Utrecht, 1772. 12mo. Plato : The Phaedon ; a Dialogue on the Immortality of the Soul. From the French translation of Madame Dacier ; with Fene- lon's Life of Plato. New- York, 1833. 12mo. All his works have been translated into English by Thomas Taylor, London, 1804, 5 vols. 4to. Victor Cousin has lately given a French version. Of the original, the Bipont edition, 1781-8, 12 vols. 8vo, is most sought for, but has grown rare. Bolingbroke, St. John, Lord : See his Philosophical pieces in the collection of his Works, Polygraphs. Diderot: See his several Philosophic productions his Letters, "Sur les Aveugles" and "Sur les Sourds et Muets" his Pensees, Code de la Nature, &c., in his Works, Polygraphs. Ozell : Logic. London, 1718. 12mo. Plutarch : See his Moralia in his Works, Polygraphs. Reid, Dr. Thomas : Works, with an Account of his Life and Wri- tings. By Dugald Stewart. New-York, 1832. 3 vols. 8vo. : Essays on the Intellectual and Active Powers of Man. Philadelphia, 1793. 2 vols. 8vo. 139 MORAL SCIENCES. Education. Shaftesbury : Characteristics, Ac. See his Works, Polygraphs. Smith, Joshua: Popular View of the Progress of Philosophy among the Ancients ; including the early Barbaric Philosophy, the Jewish Sects, &c. London, 1836. 12mo. Stewart, Dugald : Works. See POLYGRAPHS. : Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. Bos- ton, 1814. 2 vols. 8vo. : Philosophical Essays. New- York, 1811. 8vo. Dissertation on the Progress of Metaphysical Science. See it in his Works. Tenneman : Manuel de Philosophic. Traduit par Victor Cousin. Paris, 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Watts: Logic. London, 1751. 8vo. Whatley: Logic. New- York, 1832. 12mo. Xenophon : Philosophical pieces, in Works, Polygraphs. Young, John : Lectures on Intellectual Philosophy. Glasgow, 1835. 8vo. In the History of Philosophy, Brucker's copious and learned work, Historia Philosophies, Leipsig, 1742, 6 vols. 4to, is of chief esteem. It has been abridged by Tenneman (see him above) and by Enfield, London, 1791, 2 vol. 4to. Monboddo also has given a history of ancient metaphysics, Edinburgh, 1779, 6 vols. 4to; and Anderson, a History of the Philosophy of Ancient Greece, Edinburgh, 1791, 4to. The old book of Stanley is still esteemed his Historia Philosophise ; of which there is a translation, entitled The Lives of the Philosophers, London, 1701, folio. Diogenes Laertius and Fenelon may be consulted, in Biography. Of Aristotle there is no complete English version, except that of T. Taylor, London, 1812, 10 vols. 4to. It is, however, an edition of which fifty copies only were printed, at the expense of a private gentleman. The works of Hobbes, of Condillac, of Cudworth, of Berkely, of Hartley, of Destutt- Tracy, of Hutcheson, of Leibnitz, of Kantt, of Condorcet, of Cabanis, and the Port Royal Art de Penser (written by the great Arnauld and Nicole), are necessary to give a due completeness to this section. CHAPTER XCIII. MORAL SCIENCES. Education. Annals of Education and Instruction. Boston, 1832-6. 6 vols, 8vo. Continued. Barrow, William, L.L.D. : Essay on Education ; in which are particularly considered the Merits and Defects of the Disci- pline and Instruction of our Academies. Philadelphia, 1825. 8vo. Babbington : Practical View of Christian Education in its earliest Stages. Boston, 1819. 12mo. MORAL SCIENCES. Education. 133 Bentham, J. : Chrestomathia. London, 1816. 8vo. Cousin, Victor : Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prus- sia ; with Plans of Schoolhouses. From the French. New- York, 1835. 12mo. Dick : On the Diffusion of Knowledge. (Harpers' Family Li- brary.) New- York, 1833. 18mo. Dickinson, Baxter : Prize Letters to Students. Domestic Education. By a Mother. 12mo. Edgeworth, Maria and Richard L. : Practical Education. 12mo. Fenelon, Salignac de la Motte : On the Education of a Daughter. 12mo. Foster : Essay on the Evils of Popular Ignorance. New-York, 1821. 12mo. Free School Society of New-York : An Account of the. New- York, 1814. 8vo. Genlis, Madame de : Annales de la Vertue, etc. Paris, 1819. 5 vols. 12mo. : Les Petits Emigres. Paris, 1823. 5 vols. 12mo. Grimke, Thomas S. : On Science, Education, and Literature. 12mo. Griscom, John : Address at the Opening of the New- York High School. 12mo. Hamilton, Mrs. Elizabeth : Letters on the Elementary Principles of Education. 2 vols. 12mo. Helvetius : In his Treatise De 1'Homme, Works, Polygraphs. Hints for the Improvement of Early Education. 12mo. James, G. P. R. : On the Educational Institutions of Germany. London, 1835. 12mo. Journal of Education. Boston, 1828-35. 13 vols. 8vo. Journal of the Literary Convention of October, 1830. 8vo. Lancaster, Joseph: System of Education for the Poor. 12 mo. Levison, J. L. : Mental Culture ; or, the Means of Developing the Human Faculties. Boston, 1834. 12mo. Lieber, Dr. Francis : Constitution and Plan of Education for the Girard College. Philadelphia, 1833. 8vo. Lights on Education; or, Mr. Hope and his Family. 12mo. Locke : On Education. Works, Polygraphs. Milton : Tractate' on Education. Works, Polygraphs. More, Mrs. Hannah: On Female Education. In her Works, Polygraphs. Nott, President : Address at the Annual Commencement of Union College. 12mo. Outline of a System of National Education. London, 1834. 12mo. 134 MORAL SCIENCES. Education. Pickett, A. & J. W. : The Academician ; containing the Elements of Scholastic Education, &c. New-York, 1820. 8vo. Plutarch : De liberis Instituendis, in his Works, Polygraphs. Rousseau : Emile. In his Works, Polygraphs. Salzmann : Gymnastics for Youth. 8vo. Sedgwick, Adam : Discourse on the Studies of Cambridge Uni- versity. Cambridge (E.), 1835. 8vo. Simpson, James : Necessity of Popular Education as a National Object ; with Hints on the Treatment of Criminals and Ob- servations on Homicidal Insanity. New- York, 1834. 12mo. Sprague : Letters to a Daughter. Spurzheim: Letters on Education. 12mo. Sunday School Magazine. 1830, 31. 2 vols. 8vo. Taylor, J. Orville : On District Schools. 12mo. Xenophon : Cyropaedia. Translated by Ashley. Philadelphia, 1810. 8vo. Self-Education. Degerando, le Baron: Self- Education ; or, the Means and Art of Moral Progress. From the French. Boston, 1832. 12mo. Kett : Elements of General Knowledge ; Introductory to the most Useful Books in Literature and Science. 12mo. Knapp, Samuel L. : Advice hi Pursuit of Literature. New- York, 1837. 12mo. My Son'* Manual : A Summary View of the Studies, &c. New- York, 1837. 12mo. My Daughter's Manual: A Summary View of Female Studies, &c. New-York, 1837. 12mo. Sigourney, Mrs. L.: Letters to Young Ladies. New- York, 1837. 12mo. Taylor : On Self-Cultivation. 12mo. : Advice to the Teens. 12mo. Watts, Isaac : On the Improvement of the Mind. 12mo. Young Gentleman! a Book : A Series of Readings, &. London, 1834. 12mo. Young Lady's Friend. By a Lady. Boston, 1837. 12mo. CHAPTER XCVI. MORAL SCIENCES. Ethics. Abercrombie, J. : Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. (Harpers' Family Library.) New- York, 1833. 18mo. MORAL SCIENCES. Ethics. 135 Angell, James : The Family Monitor ; or, a Help to Domestic Happiness. Boston, 1829. 12mo. Antonine, the Emperor, Marcus : Commentaries ; containing his Maxims of Science and Rules of Life. From the Greek, by J. Thomson. London, 1747. 8vo. Art of Contentment. By the Author of the Whole Duty of Man. New- York, 1803. 12mo. The authorship of the Whole Duty being totally unsettled, it cannot, of course, be told whether this piece is or is not from the same hand. (Bailey) : Essays on the Formation and Publication of Opinions. Philadelphia, 1831. 12mo. Bentham : An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legis- lation. London, 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruyere, La : Les Caracteres ; Suivis des Caracteres de Theo- phraste, traduits du Grec. Paris, 1829. 2 vols. 12mo. Church, Pharcelsus : Philosophy of Benevolence. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Cicero : Offices. Translated by Cockman. In Family Classical Library, Polygraphs. : De Finibus. Translated by Parker. London, 1812. 8vo. : On Friendship and Old Age. Translated by Melmoth. London, 1820. 8vo. Cogan, Thomas : On the Passions. New-York, 1821. 12mo. Coleridge, S. T. : The Friend : a Series of Essays to aid the For- mation of Fixed Principles in Politics, Morals, and Religion ; with Literary Amusements interspersed. Burlington, 1831. 8vo. Combe, G. : Philosophy of Morals. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Davy, Sir H. : Historical Illustrations of the Origin and Progress of the Passions. London, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. : Consolations in Travel ; or, the Last Days of a Philoso- pher. Philadelphia, 1830. 12mo. Dewar, Daniel : Elements of Moral Philosophy and Christian Ethics. London, 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. Dymond, Jonathan : Essays on the Principles of Morality, &c. New- York, 1834. 8vo. Epictetus : His Enchiridion, and other Works. Translated by Elizabeth Carter : with her Introduction and Notes. London, 1807. 2 vols. 8vo. Evans, John : Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Life illustrated. Lon- don, 1831. Flint : Art of being Happy. 12mo. Gellerts : Moralische Vorlesungen. Leipsig, 1770. 8vo. Han way, James : Virtue in humble Life. London, 1777. 2 vols. 4to. 136 MORAL SCIENCES. Ethics. Hawes : Lectures to Young Men oa the Formation of Character. 19 mo. Holbach : La Moral Universal ; 6 les deberes del Hombre funda- dos en su Naturaleza. Translated. Valladolid, 1821. 3 vols. 12mo. : Systema de la Naturaleza, 6 de las leyes del Mundo fisico y del Mundo Moral. Translated. Paris, 1822. 4 vols. 12mo. What part D'Holbach really had in the composition of the many works put in circulation under his name seems entirely doubtful. Diderot is strongly suspect- ed of having been concerned in the present one. See Barbier's Anonymes et Pseudonymes. Hume, David : See Ethical Treatises, in the collection of his Philo- sophical Works, METAPHYSICS. Jameson, Anna : Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 vols. 12mo. , : The same. New- York, 1837. 12mo. This is with etchings done by the fair author herself. Jay, Wm. : Thoughts on Marriage. Boston, 1833. 12mo. Mackintosh, Sir J. : Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philos- ophy in the 17th and 18th Centuries. With a Preface, by W. Whewell. Edinburgh, 1836. 8vo. Martinets: Katechismus der Natur. Amsterdam, 1778. 8vo. Montaigne : Essais : avec notes de Coste. London, 1796. 10 vols. 12mo. This very wise and agreeable author, whose style, like Amyot's, is one of the best models of the naif, has been well commented by Coste, whose editions, however, are not commendable in this that he modernizes the orthography. The present one, though bearing the date of London, appears (as is often the case with French books so dated) to have been printed in Paris. His Voyage en Italie is not in this. It is, however, an uninteresting fragment, not intended to see the light, and discovered, by accident, long after his death. Paley, William, Archdeacon : The Principles of Moral and Polit- ical Philosophy. Boston, 1821. 8vo. : The same, abridged. 1827. 12mo. Phoenix, the : A Collection of Old and Rare Fragments, &c. New- York, 1835. 8vo. It embraces the Golden Verses of Pythagoras, Cebes, and fragments of the same cast. Plutarch : See his Moral pieces in his works, Polygraphs. Sampson, Ezra : The brief Remarker on the Ways of Man. Hud- son, 1820. 12mo. Smith, Adam : Theorie der sittlichen Gefuehle. Leipsig, 1791. 8vo. This is a translation of the Theory of the Moral Sentiments. Smith : Letters to Married Ladies. 12mo. Snell : Sittenlehre in Beyspielen. Bremen, 1795. 8vo. Southey, Robert : Essays, Moral and Political. London, 1832. 2 vols. 18mo. MORAL SCIENCES. Minor Morals. 137 Spirit of Humanity : extracted from the Productions of the En- lightened and Benevolent in various Ages and Countries. En- gravings. Albany, 1834. 2 vols. 12rao. Stevens, Alex. Geo. : Lectures on Heads : with Additions, and an Essay on Satire. London, 1821. Taylor, Jeremy : Measure and Offices of Friendship. Works, in Dogmatic THEOLOGY. : Ductor Dubitantium ; or, the Rule of Conscience in all her general Measures. Works, as above. Tucker, Abraham : The Light of Nature pursued, with some Ac- count of the Author, by Sir H. P. St. J. Mildmay. Cam- bridge, 1831. 4 vols. 8vo. Praised by Paley for originality of thinking and for his illustrations ; but blamed for diffuseness and want of method. "Verplanck, Gulian C. : Discourse on the Moral Influence and Use of Liberal Studies. New- York, 1833. 8vo. Young Man's Guide. 12mo. Zitbedeurfnisse : Physisch Moralische fur die Menschheit* Bre- men, 1794. 8vo. CHAPTER XCVI. MORAL SCIENCES. Minor Morals* Bowring, John : Minor Morals for Young People, illustrated in Tales and Travels. I2mo. Barbauld, Letitia: Legacy for Young Ladies* New- York, 1826. 19mo. Butler, Charles : American Gentleman; Philadelphia, 1836. 12mo. : American Lady. Philadelphia, 1836. 12mo. Celnart : Book of Politeness. Boston, 1833. 12mo. Chesterfield, Stanhope, Lord : Letters to his Son. 4 vols. 12mo. Chesterfield travestied ; or, School for Modern Manners, with Cari* catures. Considerations for Young Men. New- York, 1832. 12mo. Fashionable World displayed. New- York, 1806. 12mo. Fashionable Amusements. New- York, 1831. 12mo. Gregory's Chesterfield. 12mo. Guide to Men and Manners. 12mo. Laws of Etiquette. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Man of Education ; or, Beauties of Lord Chesterfield. I2mo. Manual of Politeness. Philadelphia, 1837. 12mo. S 138 MORAL SCIENCES. Theology. Versions of the Scriptures. Miller: Letters on Clerical Manners and Habits. New-York, 1827. 12mo. My Son's Manual. See Education. My Daughter's Manual. See Education. Sprout, Mrs. : Family Lectures. Boston, 1819. 12mo. CHAPTER XCVL MORAL SCIENCES. Theology. Texts and Versions of the Scrip* tures. Biblia, cum Concordantiis Vet. et Nov. Testament! et Sacrorum Canonum ; necnon et additionibus in marginibus varietatis di- versorum texluum, ac etiam canonibus antiq. 4 Evangeliorum, Novissime autem add it 6 sunt Concordantie, in XX. libris Je- sephi. Impressum Lugduni, per Jacobum Sacon, expensis notabilis viri, Antonii Koburger Nurembergensis, Anno Salu- tis MDXXI. In Black Letter. Wood Cuts, folio. The Holy Bible. English. New-York, 1818. 8vo. The same. English. New- York, 1819. 12mo. The same. English. New- York, 1820-. 12mo. The same. English. Another copy. 12mo. The same. English. New- York, 1821. 12mo^ The same. German. London, S. A. 8vo. The same. Dutch. London, 1812. 8vo. The same. French. New- York, 1815. 12mo. The same. French. New- York, 1820. 12mo. The same. Welsh. Caer Grawnt, 1808. 12mo. The same. Welsh. Caer Grawnt, 1813. 12mo- The same. Gaelic. Edinburgh, 1807. 12mo. The New Testament. New-York, 1818. 12mo- Thesame. New- York, 1819. 12mo. The same. Another copy. 12mo. The same. New- York, 1820. 12mo. The same. Another copy. 12mo. The same. Another copy. 12mo. The same, in Dutch. London, 1812. 8vo The same, in French. Paris, 1816. 8vo. The same, in French. Paris, 1820. 12mo, The same, in Spanish. New-York, 1819. 12mo, The same. Another copy. 12mo. THEOLOGY. Interpreters and Commentators. 130 Campbell : The Four Gospels translated from the Greek. With Dissertations and Notes. Philadelphia, 1796. 4to. Dencke, C. F. : Nek Nechenenawachgissitschik, &c. : (that is) The three Epistles of St. John translated into the Delaware Language. 12mo. The Scriptural version of John Eliot is well known, but become very rare, and hardly ever found in a perfect state. Nene Karighyoston Tsinihorighhoten ne Saint John : (that is) The Gospel of St. John in the Mohawk Language. 12mo. Lowth, Robert : Isaiah, a new Translation, with Notes, &c. Bos- ton, 1815. 8vo. Paul ; Epistle to the Corinthians, in English and Hebrew. 12mo. CHAPTER XCVII. THEOLOGY. Revealed. Histories of the Bible. Gleig : History of the Bible. (Harpers' Family Library.) New- York, 1830. 2 vols. 12mo. Stackhouse : History of the Bible . London, 1733. 2 vols. folio. Scripture Dialogues tyc. ; Containing a History of the Bible and the Jews, &c. London, 1808. 8vo. CHAPTER XCVIII. THEOLOGY. Interpreters and Commentators. Croly, Rev. George : The Apocalypse of St. John ; or, Prophecy of the Rise, Progress, and Fall of the Church of Rome, the In- quisition, the Revolution of France, the Universal War, and the final Triumph of Christianity, being a new Interpretation. Philadelphia, 1827. 12mo. Doddridge, Philip : The Family Expositor ; or, a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament, with Critical Notes, and a Practical Improvement of each Section. Boston, 1807. 6 vols. 8vo. Faber, George : Dissertation on the Prophecies. New- York, 1811. 12 vols. 8vo. Henry, Matthew : Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. London, 1828. 3 vols. 8vo. 140 THEOLOGY. Biblical Criticism. Holy Bible Explained ; or, the Old and New Testaments digested and illustrated, &c. Baltimore, 1808. 8vo. Home, Bishop : Commentary on the Psalms. London, 1829. 8vo. Jones, William : Lectures on the Figurative Language of the Holy Scriptures, and the Interpretation of it from the Scripture itself. To which are added, Four Lectures on the Relation between the Old and New Testaments, as it is set forth in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Also, a Single Lecture on the Natural Evi- dence of Christianity. Philadelphia, 1818. 8vo. Kinney, Aaron : An Explanation of the Principal Types, the Prophecies of Daniel, Hosea, the Revelation, and other Sym- bolical Passages of the Holy Scripture. Boston, 1814. 8vo. CHAPTER XCIX. THEOLOGY. Biblical Criticism. Alexander, Archibald : The Canons of the Old and New Testa- ments Ascertained ; or, the Bible complete without the Apoc- rypha and unwritten Tradition. New- York, 1826. 12mo. Biblical Repository and Quarterly Observer. 1831-6. 8 vols. 8vo. Repertory and Theological Review. Philadelphia, 1 83 1-6. 8 vols. 8vo. Carpzovius : Critica Sacra Veteris Testamenti. Leipsig, 1784. 4to. Home, Thomas H. : Introduction to the Critical Knowledge of the HolyScriptures. Philadelphia, 1827. 4 vols. 8vo. Franck, A. H. : Guide to the Study of the Holy Scriptures : from the Latin, by William Jaques, and augmented with Notes, Notices of some of the best Editions of the Greek and Hebrew Scriptures, and a copious List of the most valuable Comment- aries and Biblical Works. Philadelphia, 1823. 12mo. Lamb, J. : Hebrew Characters derived from Hieroglyphics, and these applied to Scripture Interpretation. With an Inquiry into the Origin of the Rites of Bacchus. London, 1835. 8vo. Noble, S. : The Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures asserted, and the Principles of their Composition vindicated. Boston, 1820. 8vo. Wall, W. : Ancient Orthography of the Jews, and original State of the Text of the Hebrew Bible. London, 1835. 8vo. Marsh, Bishop of Peterborough's Lectures on Divinity, London, 1819-23 or 1828, 8vo, are esteemed valuable as to every part of biblical criticism ; and more particularly for the biographical and critical notices of the best writers on the matter. THEOLOGY. Councils and Confessions of Faith. 141. CHAPTER C. THEOLOGY. Biblical Antiquities. Jahn, John : Biblical Archaeology ; from the Latin, with Additions and Corrections, by T. E. Upham. Andover, 1827. 8vo. The same writer's Dissertations on the Study of the Original Languages of the Bible, as translated by Moses Stuart, with his Notes (Andover, 1821, 8vo), are also much esteemed. Henry : A Compendium of Christian Antiquities, &e. Philadel- phia, 1837. 8vo. Manners and Customs of the Jews and other Nations mentioned iu the Bible. With Plates. Hartford, 1833. 12mo. CHAPTER CI. THEOLOGY. Councils and Confessions of Faith. Athanasian Creed. See Swedenborg, MYSTICAL THEOLOGY. Burnet, Gilbert : Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. London, 1827. 8vo. Confession of Faith of the Churches of the Colony of Connecticut in 1708. New-London, 1810. 12mo. Cramp, J. M. : A Text -book of Popery, comprising a brief History of the Council of Trent, a Translation of its Doctrinal Decrees, and Copious Extracts from the Catechism published by its authority, with Notes and Illustrations ; to which is added, an Appendix, the Doctrinal Decrees and Canons of the Council of Trent, in Latin, as published at Rome, Anno Domini 1 564. The Whole intended to furnish a Correct and Complete View of the System of Popery. New-York, 1831. 12rno. Hayward, John : Religious Creeds and Statistics of every Denom- ination in the United States and British Provinces. New- York, 1830. 12mo. Pastorale, ad usum Romanian accomodatum, Canones et Ritus Eccleiasticos, &c. Ingoldstadt, 1629. 4to. 142 THEOLOGY. Dogmatic, Moral, Polemic. CHAPTER CII. THEOLOGY. Dogmatic, Moral, Polemic. Abbott, Jacob : The Corner-stone ; or, a Familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Truth. New-York, 1834. 12mo. : The Young Christian ; or, a Familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Duty. New- York, 1834. 12mo. Ambrose, Isaac : Works, viz. : The Doctrine of Regeneration ; the Practice of Sanctification Exemplified, &c., with a Memoir. London, 1829. 8vo. Baxter, Richard : Select Practical Writings ; with Life, by Leon- ard Bacon. New-Haven, 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. : The Saint's Everlasting Rest. Andover, 1824. 12mo. Bates, William : Harmony of the Divine Attributes in Man's Re- demption ; with Introductory Essay, by A. Alexander. New- York, 1831. 12mo. Berkeley, George, Bishop of Cloyne : Alciphron ; or, the Minute Philosopher ; an Apology for the Christian Religion against Freethinkers. London, 1767. 8vo. See, also, his " Analyst," in his Works, POLYGRAPHS. Biblical Repertory and Theological Review. Philadelphia, 1831-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Biblical Repository. Andover, 1831-4. 4 vols. 8vo. Blake, J. L. : Biblical Reader. Boston, 1826. 12mo. Bourbon, Armand de, Prince of Conti : Works, with a Discourse by Fenelon. London, 1711. Boy: Works. London, 1622. Folio. Breckenridge and Hughes: Discussion on the Roman Catholic Religion. Philadelphia, 1836. 8vo. Brook, Thomas : Apples of Gold. New-York, 1825. 12mo. Brownlee, W. C. : Lights and Shadows of Christian Life. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Buck, Charles : Works. Philadelphia, 1822. 6 vols. 12mo. : Theological Dictionary Philadelphia, 1823. 8vo. Bunyan, John : Works. 8vo. : Pilgrim's Progress. New- York, 1822. 8vo. : The same. Boston, 1832. 12mo. : Holy War. London, 1803. 12mo. Bush, George: Treatise on the Millennium. New- York, 1832. 12mo. Butler, Joseph, Bishop of Durham : Works, with an Account of THEOLOGY. Dogmatic, Moral, Polemic. 143 his Character and Writings. By S. Halifax. London, 1828. 8vo. : The same. London, 8vo. : Analogy of Religion with Nature. London, 1826. 12mo. Carpenter, William: Popular Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures. London, 1826. 8vo. Carson, Alexander : Baptism in its Mode and Subjects considered. New-York, 1832. 12mo. Cecil, Richard : Works, with Memoirs. By J. Pratt. London, 1827. 2 vols. 8vo. : Remains. Boston, 1817. 12mo. : Works, among POLYGRAPHS, for sermons and other theo- logical matters. Chalmers, Thomas : Application of Christianity to the Ordinary Affairs of Life. Boston, 1821. 12mo. : Discourses on Revelation in connexion with Astronomy. New-York, 1818. 8vo. Chillingworth, William : Works. London, 1830. 3 vols. 8vo. Christian Spectator. New-Haven, 1829-36. 8 vols. 8vo. Christian Observer. Boston, 1802-4 and 1811-16. 9 vols. 8vo. Christian Examiner and General Review. Boston, 1831-6. 10 vols. 8vo. Churchman, The. 1831-6. 5 vols. folio. Clarkson, Thomas : Portraiture of Quakerism. New- York, 1826. 3 vols. 8vo. Claudius: Betrachtungen ueber die gesammten Lehren der Reli- gion. Bremen, 1782. 8vo. Gobbet : Legacy to Parsons, &c. New-York, 1835. 12mo. Colton, Calvin : Thoughts on the Religious State of the Country. New-York, 1836. 12mo. Constitution of Society as designed by God. London, 1835. 8vo. Cox, S. H. : Quakerism not Christianity. Boston, 1833. 8vo. Douglas, James : Errors regarding Religion, and Thoughts on Prayer. New- York, 1831. 12mo. Downame, John : Consolations for the Afflicted. London, 1613. 8vo. Dwight, Timothy: Theology Explained and Defended. New- Haven, 1825. 4 vols. 8vo. Edwards, Jonathan : Works, with a Memoir. Worcester, Mass., 1808. 8 vols. 8vo. Episcopacy, Works of: containing Dr. Bowden's Letters to Dr. Miller; Dr. Cooke's Essay on the Invalidity of Presbyterian Ordination; and Bishop Onderdonk's Episcopacy tested by Scripture. New- York, 1831. 2 vols. 12mo. Evangelical Guardian and Review. New-York, 1817-19. 2 vols. 8vo. 144 THEOLOGY. Dogmatic, Moral, Polemic. Evans, Robert : The Rectory of Valehead. See PROSE FICTIONS* Faber, George : Difficulties of Romanism. Philadelphia, 1830* 12mo. Foster, John : Essay on the Importance of considering the Subject of Religion. Boston, 1827. 12mo. Fuller, J. G. : Conversations on Strict and Mixed Communion: with Griffin's Letter, and Ripley's Review of it. Boston, 1831. 12mo. Hall, Robert: Works, with Memoirs. By Sir J. Mackintosh and J. Foster. New- York, 1832. 3 vols. 8vo. Harris, John : The Great Teacher : Characteristics of Our Lord's Ministry. With an Introductory Essay, by Herman Hum- phreys. Amherst, 1836. 8vo. Heber, Reginald: Sermons preached in England* New- York, 1829. 8vo. Hill, Rowland: Village Dialogues. New-York, 1825. 3 vols- 12mo. Hobart, Henry, Bishop : Posthumous Works. With a Memoir of his Life, by W. Berrian. New- York,' 1823. 3 vols. 8vo. Hopkins: The Primitive Church compared with the Protestant Episcopal of the Present Day, &c. Burlington, 1836. I2mo. Independent Whig; or, a Defence of Primitive Christianity, and of our Ecclesiastical Establishment. Hartford, 1816. 8vo. Isaac, D. : The Doctrine of Universal Restoration Refuted, and the Objections to that of Endless Punishment Answered. New- York, 1819. 12mo. James, John A. : Christian Charity Explained. New- York, 1829. 12rao. Jewsbury, Maria Jane : Letters to the Young. New- York, 1834. 12mo. Keith, Alexander : The Signs of the Times, as Denoted by the Fulfilment of Historical Predictions, traced down from the Babylonish Captivity to the Present Time. New- York, 1832. 2 vols. 12mo. Kennedy, James: Lectures on the Philosophy of the Mosaic Record of Creation ; delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dub- lin. London, 1826. 8vo. : Conversations on Religion with Lord Byron and others, held in Cephalonia, a short time previous to his Death. Phila- delphia, 1833. 12mo. Knapp, George C. : Lectures on Christian Theology. Translated by Leonard Wood, Jr. New- York, 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. Kneeland, A.: Columbian Miscellany. Keene, N. H., 1804. 12mo. Living, the, and the Dead : By a Country Curate. New- York, 1827. 12mo. THEOLOGY. Dogmatic, Moral, Polemic. 145 Luther, Martin : Select Works. London, 1826. 4vols. 8vo. Manning, Robert : Moral Entertainments on the most Important Truths of the Christian Religion. Dublin, 1819. 2 vols. 12mo. Mason, J. M. : Works. Edited by E. Mason. New- York, 1832, 4 vols. 8vo. : A Plea for Sacramental Communion on Catholic Princi- ples. New- York, 1816. 8vo. Milton, John : A Treatise on Christian Doctrine, compiled from the Holy Scriptures alone. Boston, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. This is the piece (not even known to have existed) which was discovered in the State- Paper Office in 1824, and edited, in the Latin, by Dr. Sumner. Hia other theological performances are chiefly upon points of church discipline ; but should still enter into all public collections, less for their absolute utility than for the sake of their great author. Mitchell, VVm. : A Doctrinal Guide for the Young Christian. New- York, 1833. 12mo. Moore, Thomas : Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion. Philadelphia, 1833. 12mo. More, Mrs. Hannah : Christian Morals. New- York, 1 8 1 3. 12mo. : Practical Piety ; or, the Influence of the Religion of the Heart on the Conduct and Life. Burlington, N. Y., 1811. 8vo. Nevins, William : Select Remains ; with a Memoir. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Newton, Thomas : Dissertations on the Prophecies. London. 8vo. , John : Works, complete. Philadelphia, 1795. 6 vols. 8vo. : Cardiphonia ; or, the Utterance of the Heart, in the Course of a Real Correspondence. Philadelphia, 1795. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York Observer. New- York, 1833, 4. 2 vols. folio. Norton, Andrew : Reasons for not believing the Doctrine of the Trinitarians. Cambridge, Mass., 1833. 12mo. O'Sullivan, Mortimer : A Guide to an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion. Philadelphia, 1833. 12mo. Oswald, James : An Appeal to Common Sense in behalf of Reli- gion. Edinburgh, 1772. 2 vols. 8vo. Paley, Archdeacon : Works, among POLYGRAPHS. That is, Horse Paulirfse ; Sermons and Tracts ; Evidences of Christianity ; Natural Theology. See the 2d of these in Sermons : the 3d and 4th in NATU- RAL THEOLOGY. Parr, Dr. Samuel : Works ; edited by John Johnstone. See POLY- GRAPHS. Pascal, Blaise : Provincial Letters, from the French. To which are added, a View of the History of the Jesuits, and the late Bull for the revival of the Order. New- York, 1828. 12mo. These celebrated letters masterpiece* at once of wit and of dialectical subtlety T 146 THEOLOGY. Dogmatic, Moral, Polemic. may be said, by the discredit into which they brought the Jesuits, to have led to the downfall of that once powerful order. Penn, William : No Cross, no Crown ; a Discourse showing the Nature and Discipline of the Holy Cross of Christ, and that Denial of Self, and daily bearing of Christ's Cross, is the only way to the Rest and Kingdom of God. Philadelphia, 1807. 8vo. Progress of the Pilgrim Good Intent in Jacobinical Times. New- York, 1828. 12mo. Protestant Jesuitism. By a Protestant. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Rammohun Roy : The Precepts of Jesus, the Guide to Peace and Happiness ; extracted from the Book of the New Testament ascribed to the Four Evangelists. New- York, 1825. 8vo. This converted Hindoo, learned, and of princely rank, has written variously in English on the affairs and institutions of his country. He died in 1836 at London. Ravenscroft, Bishop John : Works ; containing his Sermons, Charges, and Controversial Tracts, with a Memoir. New- York, 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. Redford, George : The Pastor's Sketch-book ; or, Authenticated Narratives of real Characters. New- York, 1827. 12mo. Rees : Quakerism versus Calvinism ; being a Reply to " Quaker- ism not Christianity. New- York, 1834. 12mo. Reinhard, F. O. : Plan of the Founder of Christianity. From the German. New-York, 1831. 12mo. Religious Conference, in four Dialogues. By a Layman. New- York, 1808. 12mo. Rush, Jacob : Charges and Extracts of Charges on Moral and Re- ligious Subjects. Philadelphia, 1804. 12mo. Rutherford, Samuel : Three Hundred and Fifty-two Religious Let- ters, written between 1636 and 61. New- York, 1826. 8vo. This is the Rutherford whose enmity to toleration drew upon him the wrath of Milton, and gave him, in the contemptuous line of a sonnet, an immortality for which he had no other chance. He was one of the Scotch commissioners who sat in the Assembly at Westminster ; an avowed enemy of the Independ- ents ; and left a great variety of Calvinistic tracts ; among which, the mere title of one " A Disputation on Pretended Liberty of Conscience" is a sufficient earnest of his liberality. It is in Milton's irregular sonnet " On the New Forcers of Conscience under the Long Parliament," that he refers to Adam Stewart (another Presbyterian, signing his writings against Tolerance " A. S.") and to Rutherford. " Because you have thrown off your prelate lord, And with stiff vows renounced his liturgy, To seize the widow'd w e plurality From them whose sin ye envied, not abhorr'd, Dare ye for this adjure the civil sword To force our consciences, that Christ set free, And ride us with a classic hierarchy, Taught you by mere A. S. and Rotherford 1 ?" See Warton's edition of Milton's minor poems. Sacred Classics, or Cabinet Library of Divinity, edited by R. Cat- termole and H. Stebbing. London, 1834, 5. ?0 vols. 12mo. THEOLOGY. Dogmatic, Moral, Polemic. 147 Embraces Taylor's Liberty of Prophecying ; Cave's Lives of the Apostles ; Bates's Spiritual Perfection ; Hall's Treatises, Devotional and Practical ; Bax- ter's Dying Thoughts; Taylor's Select Sermons; Butler's Analogy; Watts's Lyric Poems ; Bevridge's Private Thoughts ; Cave's Primitive Christianity ; Leighton's Exposition of the Creed ; Sermons for Lent, Whitsuntide, and Eas- ter ; Boyle's Veneration due to God ; Knox's Christian Philosopher ; Howe's Theological Treatises. Saturday Evening : By the Author of " Natural History of Enthu- siasm." New- York, 1831. 12mo. Scott, Thomas : Works, complete. Middletown, Conn., 1832. 6 vols. 12 mo. : Essays on the most important Subjects in Religion. Philadelphia, 1821. 8vo. Remarks on Tomline's " Refutation of Calvinism." Philadelphia, 1817. 2 vols. 8vo. Seeker, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury : Works, with a Me- moir, by Bishop Porteus. London, 1825. 6 vols. 8vo. Sermons ; Lectures on the Catechism ; Charges to his Clergy ; Fragments on the Imperfect Morality of the Heathens, compared with that of the Chris- tians. The latter is in Brydge's Censura Literaria. Shuttleworth, P. N. : The Consistency of the whole Scheme of Revelation with itself and with Human Reason. New- York, 1833. 12mo. Smith, Ethan: A Treatise on the Character of Christ, and the Trinity in Unity of the Godhead, &c. Boston, 1814. 12mo. Spiritual Despotism; or, Popery Unmasked. New- York, 1835. 12mo. Spring, Gardiner: Essays on the Christian Character. New- York, 1813. 8vo. Stanford, John : The Christian's Pocket Library. 1800. 2 vols. 12mo. Straiten, Thomas : The Book of the Priesthood. New- York, 1831. 12mo. Sunday School Journal. 1833, 4. 2 vols. folio. Taylor, Mrs. : The Itinerary of a Traveller in the Wilderness ; ad- dressed to those performing the same Journey. New- York, 1825. 12mo. Taylor, Jeremy : Whole Works, with an Essay, Biographical and Critical. London, 1835. 3 vols. 8vo. In the London edition of 1822, 15 vols. 8vo, there is a Life by Bishop Heber. Taylor's Ductor Dubrtantium, and his Measures and Offices of Friendship, with his Life of Christ, are his only productions belonging to other departments. : Selections from his Works, with some Account of the Au- thor and his Writings. Boston, 1833. 12mo. Tillotson, Archbishop of Canterbury : Works, with Life, by Dr. Birch. London, 1820. 10 vols. 8vo. Except his " Rule of Faith," they consist of sermons alone. These have a great and just repute for style as well as matter. Toplady, Augustus Montague : Works, with a Memoir. London, 1825. 6vols.8vo. 8 148 THEOLOGY. Sermons. They are almost exclusively controversial, in favour of the Calvinism of the Church of England, and against the Arminianism of John Wesley. Tract Society : 'I'l.e Publications of the American. New-York. 5 vols. 12m;. Warburton, Bishop of Worcester : Divine Legation of Moses. Lon- don, 1755. 4 vols. 8vo. Wardlaw, Ralph : Lectures on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Phila- delphia, 1822. 8vo. Warton, John : Deathbed Scenes and Pastoral Conversations. Philadelphia, 1828. 8vo. Watson, Richard, Bishop : Theological Institutes ; or, a View of the Evidences, Doctrines, Morals, and Institutions of Christianity. New-York, 1830. 8vo. The Bishop of Landaff has left an autobiography, entitled " Anecdotes of his Life." London, 1818. 2 vols. 8vo. See his Apology (against Paine) in Natu- ral THEOLOGY. In his similar controversy with Gibbon, he displayed as much liberality as learning. For the contrast of his conduct with that of Dr. Priestley, (one -scarcely less heretical than Gibbon himself), see their several letters among Gibbon's Correspondence in his miscellaneous works. Week's Preparation for receiving the Lord's Supper. Birmingham. 12 mo, Whelpley: The Triangle; a Series of Numbers upon three Theo- logical Points. New-York, 1832. 8vo. Willison, John : On the Sanctification of the Sabbath. To which is added a brief History of the Church of Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1819. 8vo. Wilson, Daniel : The Divine Authority and Perpetual Obligation of the Lord's Dav asserted. Boston, 163 \, 12mo. CHAPTER CIII. THEOLOGY. Sermons. Blair, Hugh : Sermons, with Life, by J. Finlayson. London, 1833. 4 vols. 8vo. .: The same, with Life, by the same. London, 1807. 5 vols. Brunings; Bemerkunge im Predigambte. Bremen, 1786. 12mo. Chalmers, Thomas : Discourses. In his Works, POLYGRAPHS. Channing, Wm. E. : Discourses. Boston, 1832. 12mo. :Coleridge, S. T.. : The Statesman's Manual: a Lay Sermon. 1832. 12mo. Davies : Sermons. New- York, 1828. 3 vols. 8vo. Discourses in Murray-street Church, 1830, by Drs. Spring, Cox, THEOLOGY. Sermons. 149 Miller, Skinner, De Witt, Sprague, Carnahan, Woodbridge, Rice, Woods, Way] and, Snodgrass, and Griffin. New- York, 1830. 8vo. Dodridge, Philip : Practical Discourses on Regeneration, in Ten Sermons ; to which are added, Two Sermons on the Scripture Doctrine of Salvation by Grace through Faith. Ballston Spa, 1815. 12mo. Eastburn, Manton : Lectures, Explanatory and Practical, on the Epistle to the Philippians. New- York, 1836. 12mo. Glasse, Samilfl : Lectures on the Holy Festivals. London, 1797. 8vo. Green, Ashbel : Discourses in the College of New-Jersey ; with an Historical Sketch of the College. Philadelphia, 1822. 8vo. Griswold, Alexander : Discourses on the most important Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion. Philadelphia, 1830. 8vo. Hall, Robert : Sermons. In his works, THEOLOGIANS. Hobart, Bishop : Sermons. See Posthumous Works, in THEOLOGY, Dogmatic, &c. Homilies appointed to be read in the Churches in Queen Elizabeth's Time. New- York, 1815. 8vo. Horsley, Bishop : Sermons. London, 1826. 8vo. Latimer, Hugh : Select Sermons. Boston, 1821. 12mo. Massillon, J. B. : Sermons. Hartford, 1805. 12mo. This is, of course, but a selection from the large body of the sermons of this eloquent French divine. Paley, Archdeacon : Sermons. Works, vol. IV., among POLY- GRAPHS. Parr, Dr. Samuel : Sermons. Works, among POLYGRAPHS. Rahusen : Sammlung einigger Predigten und Reden. Ravenscroft, Bishop : Sermons. In his Works, THEOLOGY, Dog- matic, &c. Religious Discourses, by a Layman. Philadelphia, 1828. 12mo. Sacred Classics. See Sermons on Lent, &c., in that Collection, Dogmatic THEOLOGIANS. Saurin, James : Sermons. From the French. Schenectady, 1813. 8 vols. 8vo. Seeker, Archbishop: Sermons and Charges. See his Works, THEOLOGIANS, Dogmatic, &c. : Nine Sermons on the War and Rebellion. London, 1768. 8vo. Sprague, W. B. : Lectures to Young People ; with an Introductory Address, by Samuel Miller. New-York, 1831. 12mo. Suddard, W. : British Pulpit ; consisting of Discourses by the most Eminent Living Divines in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. Philadelphia, 1836. 8vo. 150 THEOLOGY. Mystical. There is a large collection published in London under this title. Tappan, David : Sermons, with a Biographical Sketch. Boston, 1807. 8vo. Taylor, Jeremy : Sermons. Works, in Dogmatic THEOLOGY. Tillotson, Archbishop: Sermons. Works, in Dogmatic THE- OLOGY. Tooke, William : Sermons. See Zollikoffer, below. Wainwright, J. M. : Sermons upon Religious Education and Filial Duty. New- York, 1829. 8vo. Wayland, Francis: Occasional Discourses. Boston,i833. 12mo. Wesley, John: Sermons on Several Occasions. Hudson, 1810. 12mo. Whitefield, George: Sermons on Important Subjects; with a Me- moir, by Samuel Drew ; and a Dissertation on Whitefield's Character, Gilbart, J. W. : History and Principles of Banking. London, 1835. 8vo. Goddard : History of the Banking Institutions in Europe and the United States. New- York, 1831. 8vo. Gouge : Short History of the American Banking System. Phila- delphia, 1833. 12mo. : The same ; with an Account of Provincial and Continen- tal Paper-money. To which is prefixed, an Inquiry into the Principles of the System, and its Effects on Morals and Hap- piness. New- York, 1835. 8vo. Hopkins, John : Notions on Political Economy. By the Author of u Conversations on Political Economy." Boston, 1833. 12mo. It has been attributed to Lord Brougham. Huskisson, William: The Question concerning the Depreciation of the Currency Stated and Examined. London, 1819. 8vo. Lawrence, W. B. : Discourses and Reviews, principally on Sub- jects of Political Economy. New-York, 1834. 8vo. Lord, Eleazer ; Principles of Currency and Banking. New- York, 1829. 12mo. , Lowe, Joseph : Present State of England as to Agriculture, Trade, and Finance. London, 1821. 8vo. M'Clure, William : Opinions on Various Subjects, dedicated to the Industrious Producers. New-Harmony, 1831. 8vo. M'Cullock, J. R. : Principles of Political Economy. London, 1880. 8vo. See his Dictionary of Commerce in the next chapter. 174 POLITICS. Public Wealth and Population. M'Vickar, John : Political Economy. New-York, 1825. 8vo. Malthus, T. R. : An Essay on the Principle of Population. George- town, 1809. 2 vols. 8vo. : Principles of Political Economy. Boston, 1821. 8vo. : The same. London, 1836. 8vo. f 1 Martineau, Harriet : Illustrations of Political Economy. Boston, 1832-5. 11 vols. 12mo. : Contes d'Economie Politique (translated from the above). Brussels, 1834. 6 vols. 12mo. Mills, James : Elements of Political Economy. London, 1826. 8vo. He also gave, in the supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the articles on government, jurisprudence, liberty of the press, prisons and prison disci- pline, colonies, law of nations, and education. In the Westminster Review, he is the supposed author of various articles on public economy. Moreton, A. H. : Civilization ; or, a brief Analysis of the Natural Laws that regulate the Numbers and Condition of Mankind. London, 1834. 8vo. Rae : A Statement of some New Principles on the Subject of Po- litical Economy, index. 273 Harrington : Per. Sketches Barrow : Travels in China . Barrow : Trav. in S. Africa Barrow : Es. on Education Barrow : Popular Dictionary Barrow : L. of Pet. the Gr. Barruel : French Clergy Bns, Le: Life of Wieklirf . Barthelemy: Voy. d'Ana. . Barthelemy : Trav. of Ana. Bartlett : Astronomy . * . Bartolomeo : Voyages . Barton 2 Algiers .... Barton : Poems .... Barton : Hints to Nav. Offi. Bates : Har. of the Div. At. Baxter, R : Select Writings Baxter : Saint's Rest . . Bayard : On the Constitution Bayle : General Dictionary Bayle : Treat, on Anatomy Bayles : Memoir of N. Ply. Beach : Escalala .... Beattie, Dn James : Works Beattie : Moral Science Beattie : On Truth . . . Beattie : Poems .... Beaufoy : North Pole . . Beaufoy : Naut. Exper. Beauharnois, Hortense : Me. Beanjour : Com. of Greece Beaumont : Anecdotes . Beaumont : Gastric Juice . Beaumont, Sir I. : Poems . Beawes : Commercial Law Beckford : History of Spain Beckford : Hist, of France . Beckford : Italy .... Beckman : Inventions . Beechy : Voyage .... Beche : Geological Manual Beche : How to Observe . Beche : Researches in Geol. Belknap: Hist. ofN. Hamp. Bell : Life of Mary, Q. Scots Bell : Observations on Italy Bell: Geography . . . Bell, C. : Bridgewater T. 4 Bell : Mineral Waters . . Belsham : Reign of Geo. III. 88 Belzoni : Narrative . , . 31 28 Benger : Life of Anne Boleyn 88 33Bennet: Bookkeeping . . 189 l32Bennet: Letters . . . 258 258 Bennet : Amer. Arithmetic . 181 67 Bent : London Catalogue . Ill 81 Bentham: Morals and Leg. 135* 88 Bentham : Christomathia . 133 16 Bentham: Morals and Leg. 159 46 Bentham: Art of Packing . 159 184 Bentham: Book of Fallacies 159 26 Bentham : Codification . .159 32 Bentham : Scotch Reform. . 159 207 Bentham: Panopticon . . 165 192 Bentham: Death Punish. . 165 142 Bentham, J. : Not Paul . . 166 142 Bentham: Ch. of England. 166 142 Bentham: Swear not at all 166 163 Bentham: Church Reform . 166 96 Bentham : On Government 167 124 Bentham : Tac. of Leg. A. 167 74 Beinham : Constitu. Code . 167 207 Bentham : Lord Brougham 171 258 Bentham: Emancipate Col. 171 130 Bentham: On P. and Senate 171 130 Bentham : Parliament. Ref. 171 209 Bentham: Defence of Usury 172 41 Bentham : On the Re. Sys. 172 183 Bentham : Tratados de Leg. 159 88 Bentley : On Phalaris . . 204 175 Benyowsky : Travels . . 10 258 Berkeley, Bishop : Works . 258 124 Berkeley: Minute Philos. . 142 208 Bernard ; Retrospections . 217 162 Bernardi: Legisla. Frans. . 159 56 Berneaud : Vine-dresser . 188 57 Bernhard : Travels in N. A. 35 14 Berrian : France and Italy . 14 185 Berzelius : Tracte de Chim. 122 29 Beltner : Christ. Melodies . 207 117 Bewick: Birds and Quad. . 120 117 Bibles: Editions and Ver. 138 117Biblias Cum Concordantus 138 74 Biblical Repository . . .140 92 Biblical Repertory . . .140 17 Bibliophobia Ill 3 Bibliotheque de Letter Fran. 255 153 Bielby: Evidences of Rev. 15J 124 Bigelow : Trav. Malta, &c. 17 3&Bigelov^: Technology . MM 274 Index. Bigland: History . . Bigland: Geography Bigland : Let. on Fr. Hist. Bingley : Animal Biography 121 Bossuet Bingley: Journal. . . . llSBostock Bingley : Travels in S. Am. Bion, translated .... Bishop, S. : Poems . . . Black : Life of T. Tasso . 1 Bond : Life of Fisk . . . 3 Book of Science .... 67 Bossuet : Universal History Oraisons . Syst. of Physiol. . Life of Johnson The same, C. ed. Tour in the Heb. 40 Boswell 262 Boswell 209 Boswell 88 Botta : War of Independence Black Book 171 Botta: History of Italy . . Black Book 179 Bouchette : Des. of Canada Black Hawk : Life of . . 88 Boudinot : Star in the West Blacklock, T. : Poems . . 209 Bougainville : Voyage . Blackmore, Sir R. : Poems 208 Bourbon : Works . , . 207 Bourne : Poetical Works . 161 Bourrienne : Memoirs . Blackmore, Alfred Blackstone ; Commentaries Blackstone, Sir W. : Poems 209 Bouterwek : Sp. & Port. Lit. Blackwood's Magazine Blair, Robert : Poems . . Blair, D. : Philosophy . . Blair, Dr. H. : Sermons Blair, Adam : Life . . . Blair : Rhetoric and Bel. Let. Blair : The same, abridged Blake : Biblical Reader . . Blandin : Topograph. Anat. Blok ; History of Celebes . Blok : History . . . . 113 Bowdler : Poems, &c. 208 Bowen : Mem. of Burgess 182 Bowen : Picture of Boston 148 Bower : History of Popes 88 Bower : Life of Luther . Poetical Works The Missionary Matins, &c. . Russian Poets Minor Morals Works 142 209 200 Bowles : 200 Bowles : 142 Bowring 124 Bowring 70 Bowring 26 Boy Blondel : Cours d'Architect. 255 Boyce, S. : Poems . . Bloomfield : Farmer's Boy . 207 Boyd : Woodman's Tale Bloomfield : Rural Tales . 207 Boy's Nar. of a Captivity Blue Book 169 Boys' and Girls' Library Blumenbach: Nat. Hist. . 116 Book of Commerce . . Blumenbach : Ins. of Phys. 124 Book of Butterflies . . Blunt : Hist, of the Confed Blunt : Stran. Guide in N. Y Blunt : Coast Pilot . . Byron, Carteret, &c. . . Boaden : Life of Siddons 89 182 43 202 124 89 89 20 74 54 35 207 8 142 207 57 110 207 89 35 81 89 214 207 207 207 127 Boileau : Art Poetique Boileau : (Euvres . 207 19 259 176 261 74 20 20 42 207 89 74 40 142 35 59 89 184 156 153 59 Brigham : Mental Cultivation 124 169 Bradford: Hist, of Mass. . 35 Bragley : Delineations . . 192 Bragley : Hist, and Topog. 8 Braithwaite : Sup. to Par.Vo. 88 Branagan : Avenia. . . 206 Bray : Memoirs of Evelyn. 258 Breckenridge : Late War . Bombet : Haydn and Mozart 256 Breckenridge : Vo. to S. A. Bombet : L. Haydn and Moz. 88 Breckenridge & Hughes Dis. Bolingbroke : Works . . 258 Breckenridge : Rec. of West Boliugbroke : State Letters 179 Brewer : Beauties of Ireland Bolingbroke: On Patriotism 167 Brewster : Life of Newton . Bolingbroke: On Parties . 167 Brewster: Optics . . . Bolingbroke: Phil. Pieces . 131 Brewster: Natural Magic . Bolingbroke : History . . 1 Bridgewater Treatises Bolingbroke : L. on E. Hist. Index. 276 Brissot: Travels in U. States 35 Buchanan: Sermons . . 82 Bristed: Resources Br. Em. 172 Buchanan: Mill-work . . 192 British Am. See Martyn . 172 Buchanan: N. Amer. Indiana 35 British Association . . . 185 Buck : Religious Anecdotes 82 Br. and For. B. S. Reports 81 Buck: Works .... 142 British Drama 217 Buck: Theo. Dictionary . 142 British Essayists . . . 259 Buckingham: Tr. in Assyria 26 British Nepos 89 Buckland : Geol. and Min. 117 British Statesmen : Lives of 89 Buckland : Letters . . . 259 British Theatre . . . . 217Bucklin: Counting-h. Jour. 189 British Poets 207 Buffon : Histoire Naturelle 115 British Almanac .... 179 Buffon : Natural History . 116 Brocquiere: Travels . . 11 Bull: On Fuel .... 191 Brome, Alexander : Poems 208 Bullock : Six Mo. in Mexico 35 Brook: Apples of Gold . . 142 Bulwer, E. L. : Siam. Tw. 209 Brook: Religious Liberty . 81 Bulwer: Eng. and the Eng. 20 Brooke : Rivals of Este . 209 Bulwer : Athens ; R. and F. 46 Brooks: Gazetteer . . . 3 Bulwer : Due. of Valierre . 218 Brougham : Colonial Policy 171 Bunyan : Works .... 142 Broussais: Doct. Medicales 124 Bunyan : Pilgrim's Progress 142 Broussais : Physiology . . 124 Bunyan : Holy War . . . 142 Brown: Antiquities of Jews 52 Buonaparte : Vo. to St. Hel. 33 Brown, Sir Thomas : Works 259 Buonaparte, L. : Memoirs . 91 Brown: Apothegms . . . 205 Buonaparte: Reply to Scott 91 Brown, Sir T. : Vul. Errors 130 Buonaparte, L. : Charlema. 209 Brown, T. : Philosophy . 130 Burckhardt : Natural Hist. . 116 Brown: Civil Liberty . . 167 Burckhardt : Trav. in Arabia 25 Brown : Western Gazetteer 34 Burke, Edmund : Works . 259 Brown : English Grammar 199 Burke : Europ. Set. in A. . 73 Brown : Taxidermist's Man. 116 Burke: Reflec. on Fr. Rev. 57 Brown : Life of Howard . 90 Burke : Let. on a Reg. Pea. 57 Brown : Account of Shakers 82 Burke : On the Sublime . 201 Brown: Prop, of Christianity 82 Burlamaqui: Nat. and Po. L. 158 Browne, D. I. : Sylva Amer. 119 Burnes : Trav. into Bokhara 26 Browne, W. : Poems . . 208 Burgh : Political Economy 172 Browne: Poems .... 209 Burnet: Reform, in England 82 Browning: Hist, of the Hug. 82 Burnet : On the 39 Articles 141 Brownlee : Lights and Shad. 142 Burnett : Geog. of Heavens 184 Brownlee : Rom. Cath. Con. 268 Burnett, G. : Out. of Bot. . 119 Bruce, Michael : Poems . 209 Burney : Chron. History . 29 Bruen, Matthias : Memoirs 90 Burns, R. : Poetical Works 209 Brumoy : Theatre des Grecs 218 Burroughs, S. : Memoirs . 91 Brumoy, Father: Gr. The. 2 18 Burrows: Elem. of Conch. 122 Brun, Le : History of Tekeli 90 Burton : Anatomy of Mus. . 130 Brunings : Predigambte . 148 Busby : History of Music . 256 Bruyere : Les Caracteres . 135 Busby : Anec. of Musicians 265 Bryant, W. C. : Poems . 209 Bush : Life of Mohammed . 91 Brydges, Sir E. : Autobiog. 90 Bush : On the Millennium . 142 Bucaniersof Amer., History 73 Butler, Bishop : Works. . 142 Buchanan, Claudius : Works 82 Butler : Analogy .... 143 376 Index. Butler : Reminiscences . . Butler, S. : Poetical Works Butler : The Star of Seville Butler, Mrs. : Journal . Butler : Universal History . Butler : Amer. Gentleman . Butler : American Lady Butler: Hudibras . , . Byllesby : Unequal Wealth Byron and Southey : 2 Vis. Byron, L'd. : Poet. Works . Byron : Beauties of ... Byron : Letters .... Cabinet of Curiosities Cabot, Memoirs of , . Cadell : Journey .... Cadenas : Langua Inglesa . Caesar: De Bello Gallico . Caesar : Commentaries . Caesar, Caius Julius ; Cora. Caille ; Trav. to Timbuctoo Calcott ; History of Painting Caldwell : Human Race . Caldwell : Life of Greene . Calef: Invisible World . . Callet ; Tables of Logar. . Calmet ; Geography . . . Camoens : Poems , . . Campan ; Pr. Journal of . Campbell : Br. Admirals Campbell, Dr.: Naval Hist. Campbell ; Four Gospels . Campbell, T. : Poet. Works Campbell: Pleasure of H. . Campbell ; Theodric . . . Campbell, T. : Poet. Works Campbell : Letters from S. Campbell ; Life of Siddoas . Campbell : Trav. in S. Afr, Campbell, Isabel. : Mem. of Campbell : An. of Tryon . Camper: Tek. Van Leven . Canada : Backwoods of . . Canal Commis. Report . . Canning: Select Speeches Capmany : Filos. de Eloc. Caraccioli : Life of Clive . Cardozo : Polit. Economy Carew, Thomas : Works . Carey, M. : Olive Branch , 113 Carey, M. : New Olive Br. 169 208 Carey, M. : Pol. Economy 172 218 Carlisle, Lord. : Tragedies 210 35 Carlyle : Sartor Resartus . 260 44 Carmichael : Life of Spur. 91 137 Carmichael: Trinidad . . 40 137 Carpenter: In. to Script. . 143 109 Carpzovius : Critica Sacra 140 172 Carr ; Caledonian Sketches . 20 2 15 Carr: Northern Summer . 14 209 Carr : Stranger in France . 19 210 Carson: Bap. Considered . 143 204 Carter: Let. from Europe . 14 259 Cartwright, W. : Poems . 208 91 Carver: Reisen . . . .113 14 Cary : Dante 209 199 Cary : Exper. in Chymistry 122 49 Casas, Las : Journal . . 90 49 Catalogues Ill 193 Catechism of Health . . . 124 33 Catteau : View of Sweden . 24 156 Cavallo : Philosophy . . 182 124 Cavendish: Life of Wolsey 91 91 Cawthorn, James : Poems . 208 156 Cecil: Works 143 182 Cecil: Remains . . . .143 3 Celebrated Trials . . -165 210 Cellini, Benvenuto : Life . 88 57 Cel wart: Book of Politeness 137 91 Cevallerius: Rud. lin. heb. 195 193 Chalmers, A. : Pol. Eeon. . 172 139 Chalmers, Thomas : Works 260 210 Chalmers, T. : Ev. of Chr. . 154 210 Chahners, T. : Ch. and Ast. 154 210 Chalmers, T. : Bridgw. T.I. 153 214 Chalmers : Appli. of Christ. 143 32 Chalmers : Dis. on Astron. 143 88 Chalmers: Mary, Q.Scots 92 33 Channing : Discourses . . 148 91 Channing: On Slavery . . 169 74 Chapman : Select Speeches 202 165 Chaptal : El. of Chymistry 122 35 Chaptal : Des douanes . . 172 189 Charles I. : Works . . .260 202 Charms of Benevolence . . 169 201 Charnock : M. Architecture 255 91 Charter of New-York City . 164 172 Chastellux: Tr. N. Ameri. 35 260 Chateaubriand : Martyrs . 82 169 Chateaubriand : Travels . 10 Index. 277 Chateaubriand : Recollect. . 13 Civil Wars of Ireland . . 261 Chatelet : Tr. in Portugal . 18 Clarendon : State Papers . 179 Chatfield : Tin Trumpet . 260 Clarendon : Life . . . .260 Chaitenon, Thomas: Poems 209 Clark : Manual .... 169 Chaucer, G. : Poems . . 207 Clark : Hist, of Knighthood 86 Chaucer: Tyrwhitt's . . 2 10 Clark: Memoranda legalia 161 Chester: War in Canada . 193 Clark : Life of Wellington . 92 Chesterfield : Misc. Works 260 Clarke, A.: Ac. of himself. 92 Chesterfield: Let. to his Son 137 Clarke, Charlotte : Life . 87 Chesterfield : Travesiie. . 137 Clarke: N. Y. Con. 1821 . 169 Chevenix: On Phrenology 128 Clarke: Pocket Gunner . 193 Chever: Studies in Poetry . 210 Clarke, L. E. : Travels. . 10 Chever : Am. C. PL B. Po. 207 Clarkson : Port, of Quaker. 143 Chevy Chace. Poem . . 210 Clarkson : Life of Penn . . 92 Childs, M. : Poems . . . 210 Clarkson, T. : Researches 82 Childs : Appeal for Africans 169 Clarkson: On Slave Trade 169 Chili, History of .... 79 Classk-al Reader .... 201 Chillingworth : Works . . 143 Claudius : Lehren der Relig. 143 China and the English . . 28 Claudius : Wah. derC. Rel. 154 Chirchmair: Gram. Tedesca 198 Clerc: Lives of the Fathers 92 Chitty: On Bills of Ex. . . 102 Clergyman's Orphan . .259 Chivalry and the Crusades . 86 Clerk's Assistant . . . 164 Christian Florist . . . .119 Cloquet: Human Anatomy 124 Christian Spectator . . . 143 Cloquet : Life of Lafayette . 93 Christian Observer . . . 143 Cobb : Growth of Mulberry 188 Christian Examiner . , . 143 Cobbett: Prot. Reformation 82 Chrystalina 210 Cobbett: Paper against Gold 173 Churc.h : Ph. of Benevolence 135 Cobbett : Lute War . . .169 Churchill, C. : Poems . . 210 Cobbett: Peter Porcupine . 169 Churchman, The . . . . 143 Cobbett: Rural Rides . .188 Gibber, Colley : Apology . 87 Cobbett : Legacy to Parsons 143 Cicero: Philosoph. Tracts 130 Cobbett: Life . . . .260 Cicero: Offices .... 135 Cobbett: Life of Jackson . 95 Cicero: De Finibus . . . 135 Cobbett: English Grammar 199 Cicero: Republic. . . . 166 Cochrane, Lord : Case of . 165 Cicero: Orations. . . . 202 Cochrane : Pedest. Journey 11 Cicero: Against Verres . 202 Code: Napoleon. . . . 160 Cicero : Epistles to A. . . 204 Codes, les Sept .... 160 Cicero: E pis. to his Friends 204 Codice Columbo-Americano 75 Cicero: Treatises, &c. . . 260 Codman : A Visit to England 20 Cicero: Epis. to Atticus . 260 Coets : Ses Boe.Van Euclid. 182 Cicero : E pis. to his Friends 260 Coffin: Oriental Harp . . 210 Cicero : On Orators . . . 260 Cogan : On the Passions . 135 Cicero: Against Verres . 260 Cohen : Florida Campaign J93 Cicero : Aim of Desire, &c. 260 Coke : Subaltern's Furlough 35 Cicero : On Old Age, &c. . 260 Colburn, Zerah : Memoirs . 92 Cicero: Orations by Guthrie 260 Golden: Memoirs of Gel. . 189 Cicero : Orators and Oratory 201 Golden : Life of Fulton . . 92 Circumnavigations, Hist, of . 8 Cole : Elements of Chym. . 123 Cities, Descriptions of . . 4 Coleridge, H. : Biog. Bore a 260 278 Index. Coleridge, S. T. : Biog. Lit. 260 Connecticut Arts and Laws 164 Coleridge: Table-talk . . 260 Connecticut Con. of Faith . 141 Coleridge: Letters, &c. . 260 Connoisseur, The . . .261 Coleridge: The Friend . . 135 Conquest of Peru . . .261 Coleridge : Statesman's Ma. 148 Considerations for Y. Men . 137 Coleridge: Poetical Works 210 Constantinus Man : Frag. . 235 Coley: On Poison . . . 124 Constable's Miscellany . .261 Collier: Hist. Dictionary . 92 Constance : View of E. Con. 167 Collingwood : Memoirs, &e. 93 Constitution of U. States . 169 Collins.W. : Poetical Works 208 Constitution of Society, 145 M'Clure^ Opinions . . .173 170M'Crie: Life of Knox . . 101 168 M'Cullock: Die. of Com, . 177 137 M'Cullock : Pol. Economy 173 114 M'Cullock: Statistics . .265- 160 M'Cullock : Sys. of Geology 1 18> 191 M'Culleck: Clas. of Rocks 11 2 M'Dougal : Shorthand . .190- 77 M'Farlane : L. of Robbers . 101 120 M'Gregor: My Note-book . Index. 291 M'Guire : Re. 0. of Wash. M'Henry : Friendship . M'llvaine : Evi. of Christ. . M 'Kenny : T. on the Lakes M'Kenzie : Frozen Ocean . M'Kenzie : V. of U. S., &c. M'Lellan : F. of the Indian M'Neil, Hector : Poems M'Pherson: An. of Com. . M'Pherson : Ossian . M'Queen : W. In. Colonies M'Vickar: Life of Bard . M'Vickar : E. Y. of Hobart M'Vickar : Prof, of Hobart M'Vickar : Pol. Economy . M'Leod : Voyage . . . Mease : Pic. of Philadelphia Mechanic's Magazine . Medical and Sur. Journal . Medley of Joy and Grief . Medwin : Con. with Byron Meikle : The Traveller . . Melish: Military At. U. S. Melmoth: Fitzosborne's L. Melmoth : Religious Life . Memes : Life of Canova . Memes : L. of E. Josephine Memes : Life of Canova . Memorials of the late War . Mem. daAcad. de Lisboa . Memoirs of Josephine . . Mengou : Nar. of a Greek . Mengwa : Tales .... Mercantile Advertiser . . Merivale : Orlando in Ron. Metcalf: Magnetism . . Metropolitan : Mo. Journal Michaelis : Laws of Moses Middleton : Life of Cicero . Middleton : Let. from Rome Middleton : Evan. Biog. Mickle, W. J. : Poems .MIS Mickle: Camoens . .- . Mignet : H. of the Fr. Rev. Military and Nav. Magazine Mill : British India . ,i\ c \. Mill : Lighthouse Guide . Miller : Cler. Manners, &c. Miller: Greece in 1827 . .Miller, 8. : Retrospect . . 210 Millot : Elements of Hist. . 44 212 Mills: Ch. and Knighthood 86 154 Mills: Crusades . ... 83 38 Mills : Political Economy . 174 88 Milman : Hist, of the Jews 69 34 Milman : Poetical Works . 214 212 Milman : Fall of Jerusalem 212 209 Milman : Martyr . . . .212 177 Milman: Belshazzar . .212 212 Milman: Samor .... 213 170 Milner: Hist, of the Church 84 10 1 Milton : Prose Works . . 265 101 Milton: Way to Re. Hire. . 166 101 Milton: Tenure of Kings . 168 174 Milton: Tractate. . . .133 28 Milton : Christian Doctrine 145 38 Milton, J. : Poetical Works 208 187 Milton, J. : Poetical Works 213 126 Milton, J. : Paradise Lost . 213 212 Milton: Let. as Secretary . 180 99 Minor Theatre . . . .218 151 Minutoli: Rec. of Egypt . 31 2 Mirabeau : Court of Berlin . 66 201 Mirabeau : Memoirs, &c. . 102 151 Mirror : Weekly Journal . 114 257 Mirror, The. See Br. Essay. 102 Miscellanies 265 102 Miscellanies, by Verplanck 265 261 Miscellaneous Poems . . 213 187 Misc. Eng. State Papers . 180 261 Missionary Magazine , . 84 47 Missionary Herald ... 84 212 Missionary Register , . . 84 1 1 5 Missionary Voyage ... 30 212 Mitchell : Doctrinal Guide . 145 183 Mitchell : Poems . . . .209 1 14 Mitford : History of Greece 47 159 Mock and Absurd Philos. . 131 49 Modern Traveller ... 5 156 Moliere : (Euvres . . . 265 102 Moliere : Drama .... 219 209 Molleville : Costumes Aus. 22 209 Mollier : Voyage en Colom. 38 58 Monroe : Summer Ramble . 12 194 Monsigny : Mythology . .157 70 Mont: Voyage .... 10 192 Montague, C. : Poems . . 208 138 Montague, M. W. : Works 204 47 Montague, Mrs. : Letters . 804 114 Montague: Ornitho. Diet. . 121 202 Index. Montaigne: Essais . . . Montesquieu: (Euvres . . Montesquieu : Spirit of Laws Montesquieu : Fall R. Em. Montesquieu : Let. Persan. Montgomery : Poet. Works Montgomery : W. be. Flood Montgomery : Pelican Isl. . Montgomery : West Indies Montgomery, J. : Poems . Montgomery : General Lit. Monthly Mil. Repository . Monthly Mirror .... Monthly Visiter .... Monthly Repository . . . Monthly Mag. and Br. Reg. Monthly Review ; or, Lit. I. Monthly Reg. of the U. S. . More : Journal in France . Moore, Dr. J. : France, &c. Moore, E. : Poems . . . Moore, T. : Poet. Works . Moore, T. : Lalla Rookh . Moore : Melodies .... Moore : Dublin Marl . . Moore: Loves of the Angels Moore : Odes on Cash, &c. Moore : Fables for H. Al. . Moore : Trav. of Irish Gent. Moore : Life of Sheridan . Moore : Life of Byron . . Moore : Life of Fitzgerald . Moratin : Comedias . . . Moray : A Sur. of the Prov. More : Utopia More : Fables .... More, Mrs. H. : Works More, H. : Christ. Morals . More : Practical Piety . . More : Female Education . More : Sacred Dramas . . Moreau : Life of .... Morell : Graecum Lexicon . Moreton : Civilization . . Morgan, Lady : Book Bou. Morgan : Italy .... Morgan : France . . . . Moritz : Mythology . . . Morn. Courier and Inquirer Morrell : Four Voyages . 265 Morrell, Mrs. : Voyage . . 265 Morse : Geography . . . 158 Morse : Rep. on Indian Af. 50 Mortimer: Diet, of Com. . 15 Morton: New-Eng. Mem. . 213 Moschus, translated . . . 213Moseley: Mechanics . 213 Moses : Com. Directory . 213 Mosheim ; Eccl. History . 214 Mott : Lives of Col. Per. . 110 Moultrie : Me. of Am. Rev. 194 Mounier : In. of Philosophy 266 Mudie : The Earth . . . 114Mudie: The Heavens . . 114 Mudie: Obs. of Nature . . 1 14 Mullen : Universal History 114Mundy: Pencil Sketches . 77 Munster : Diet. Trilingue . 58 Murden : Art of Memory . 1 5 Murphy : Life of Johnson . 208 Murphy : Meteorology . . 213 Murray : Travels in Africa 213 Murray: Dis. in N. Amer. 213 Murray, H. : Geography . 213 Murray, L. : Eng. Reader . 213 Murray: Sequel to Reader 213 Murray, L. : Grammar . 213 Murray, L. : Power of Rel. 145 Murray, Lindley : Memoirs 102 Murray : Street Discourses 102 Musseus : Hero et Leander 102 Museum of Foreign Lit. 218 Muzzy, Mrs. : Poems . . 2 1 M yers : Travels .... 168 My Daughter's Manual . . 206 My Son's Manual . . . 266 Mysteries of Popery Unveil. 145 Nack, J. : Proclamation Ode 145 Napier : Encyclop. Britan. 133 Napier: Peninsular War . 219 Napoleon : Court and Camp 102 Narrative of Dis. in Africa 195 National Intelligencer . 174 Nat. Hist, of Enthusiasm 266 Nat. History of Insects . 17 Nat. Philos., by S. U. K. 19 Naval Anecdotes . . . 157 Naval Hist, of G. Britain 115 Naval Monument . . . 8 Neal : History of Puritans 8 3 170 177 77 262 187 177 84 102 77 86 118 184 117 44 27 196 131 102 184 31 38 3 201 201 199 157 102 148 211 114 213 8 138 138 84 213 187 194 90 31 115 151 121 186 206 194 194 84 Index. 293 Neele : English Poetry . . Neele : Literary Remains . Neilson : Greek Exercises Netherlandish India . . . Neues : Gesangbuck . . . Neuman : Span. Eng. Diet. Nevins : Select Remains New Elegant Extracts . . New-England Magazine N. Hamp. Hist. Society New-Jersy Acts .... New Jerusalem Missionary New Jerusalem Tracts . . Newman : Mercant. Tables New method learning Greek New Monthly Magazine New System of Geography Newton, J. F. : Three Enig. Newton, T. : On Prophecies Newton, J. : Works . . . Newton, J. : Cardiphonia . New- York American . . N. York Com. Advertiser . New- York Daily Advertiser New-York Evening Post . New- York Spectator . . . New- York Book of Poetry . N. York Historical Society New- York Literary Gazette New-York State Laws . New- York Revised Statutes N. York Laws as to the City New- York State Prison . . New- York Observer . . . Ney, Marshal : Memoirs . Nicetae Eug. Narra. A ma . Nicholas : Chron. of History Nicholas : Narrative . . . Nichols : Illustrat. Lit. H. . Nicholson : Encyclopaedia . Nicholson : Op. Mechanic . Niebuhr: History of Rome Niles : Prin. & Acts of Rev. Niles : Weekly Register Niles : Life of Perry . . . Nimrod : Hunting Tours . Nixon : Ballads .... Noah : Shak. Illustrated, &c Noah: Travels . . . . Noble : Pien. Insp. of Scrip. 110 Noble, S : Appeal . . .151 266 Nollet : Art des Experiences 1 17 195 Nonnus Panop. Dionysiaca . 235 1 14 Nouvel : Abr. de 1'His. Fr. . 58 213 North : Life of Guilford . . 102 198 North American Review . 114 145 Northcote : Life of J. Rey. . 102 201 Northern Traveller ... 38 114 Norton, Mrs. : Poems. . . 213 75 Norton: R. against Trin. . 145 164 Norway, Sweden, Denmark 24 151 Notes during R. in Germany 23 151 Notes. The same,L. 1827 . 23 177 Notes on Mexico .... 38 196 Noticioso de ambos Mundos 114 114 Nott : Address at U. Col. . 133 3 Nugent : Nar. of Stephani . 103 184 Nugent: Hist, of Vandalia . 66 145 Nugent: Pocket Diet. E. F. 197 145 Nuts to crack 206 145 Nuttall : M. of Ornithology 121 115Nultall: Trv. in Arkansas . 38 115 Oaler : L. of Ad. Exmouth 103 115Oberlin: Memoirs . . . 103 115 Observer, The. See Br. Essay. 115 Oddy: General Atlas . . 2 213 Oddy: European Commerce 177 75 Ogden : Antidote to Deism . 155 113 Olmstead: N. Philosophy . 186 164 O'Keefe : Recollections . . 103 164 O'Miara: V. from St. Hel. 90 165O'Miara: Mem. of Bonap. . 90 165 Onis: M. on Treaty 1819 . 170 145 Ontwa of the Forest . . . 213 102 Oppian : Cynegetica, &c. . 129 235 Ord : Life of A. Wilson . .103 42 O'Reilly : Greenland, &c. . 41 80 Origi. Anec. of Frederic II. 66 110 Orme: Life of R. Baxter . 103 187 Orpheus: Argonautica, &c. 211 192 O'Sullivan : G. to I. Gentle. 145 50 Oswald : Ap. to C. Sense . 145 77 Otter : Life of E. D. Clarke 1 03 77 Otway, Thomas : Poems . 208 102 Ouseley: On the U. States 178 129 Ovid : Metamorphosis . . 213 213 Ovid: Epistle 213 219 Owen, R. : New V. of Soci. 168 12 Owen's System examined . 167 140 Owen : Voyages to Africa . 31 294 Index. Oxford, E. : Prize Essays . Ozell : Logic Packard : N. on the W. In. Packard : Exp. of Aber. . Paddock : Narrative Paine, T. : Political Works Paine, R. T. : Works . . Paine : Cholera Asphyxia . Paley, Archdeacon : Works Paley : Evidence of Christ. Paley : Natural Theology . Paley : Sermons .... Paley : Moral Philosophy . Paley : The same, abridged Palmer : Trav. in the U. S. Pamfylde, T. : Poems . . Pamphlets, Orations, &c. . Pamphlets Panoplist and Mission. Mag. Pardoe : Traits and Trad. . Paris Chit-Chat . . . . Paris et ses Curiosite's . . Paris : Treatise on Diet Park, Mungo: Life . . . Park : Travels in Africa . Park, Mrs. : Domes. Duties Park : Marine Insurance . Parke : Musical Memoirs . Parkhurst : Hebrew Lexicon Parliamentary Hist, of Eng. Parnel, T. : Poetical Works Parr, Dr. : Works . . . Parr, Dr. : Sermons . . . Parry : Lives of Scipio, &c. Parry : Jour, of first Voy. . Parry : Jour, of second Voy. Parry : Jour, of third Voy. . Parterre of Fiction, &c. Partington : Nat. History . Pascal : Provincial Letters . Pasley : Theory Nat. Phil. Passavant : Artist's Tour . Pastorale Romanum . Pattison, W. : Poems . . Paul : Epistle to Hebrews . Paulding, J. K. : Let. from S. Paulding: Salmagundi . . Paulding : L. of Washington Paulding : On Slavery . . Paulding : Backwoodsman . Paulding : Journal . . . 201 Pausanias : Sur. of Greece 45 133 Pausanias : translated . . 47 40 Paxten : Illus. Nat. Theol. 155 194 Payne : Geography ... 4 32 Pazo : U. Prov. of S. Am. . 41 168 Peale : Notes on Italy . . 17 267 Peck : Guide for Emigrants 38 126 Peck : New Guide for Emi. 38 267 Peele : Dramatic Works . 218 l55Pelayo; a Poem .... 213 155Pellico: Imprisonment, &c. 103 149 Pellico : The same, by Ma. 103 136 Peltier : Paris pendant 1795 19 136 Pemberton : Newton's Phil. 186 38 Pemble : On Justification . 151 209 Penn, W. : No Cross, no C. 146 202 Pennecuik : Tweedale . . 214 266 Penny Cyclopaedia . . . 187 85 Penny Magazine .... 187 18 Penson : Life and Letters . 103 19 Pepys : Memoirs and Diary 103 29 Percival, J. G. : Poems . .214 126 Percival, J.G.: Clio . .214 103 Percy : Reliques of An. Po. 207 33 Perils and Captivity . . .261 191 Perils of the Sea . . . . 259 163 Perkins : Late War ... 77 256 Perkins : Historical Sketch 77 195 Perouse : Voyage ... 18 ISOPerrin: French Grammar . 197 208 Perseus : Satires .... 214 145 Peru: Conquest of ... 79 149Peuchit: Geography . . 4 103 Phaedrus : Fables .... 206 42 Phenomena of Nature . . 261 42 Philadelphia Book . . .268 42 Phillipart : Northern Cam. 194 268 Phillipart : Mem. ofBerna. 103 2 1 Philips : Speci. of Ir. Eloq. 203 145 Philips : Res. in S. Africa . 33 186 Philips : Guide to Geology 119 257 Philips : Mineralogy . .119 141 Philip, J. : Poetical Works 208 208 Philips, Mrs. : Caro. West. 259 139 Philos. Transac. R. S. L. . 187 268 Philos. Trans. Am. Society 187 268 Philosoph. Mengelstoffen . 131 101 Phlegon Tral : Mirabilia . 258 170 PhelgonTral: De Olympils 258 213 Phocylis : Paraen6sis . .211 30 Phoenix, The: Old Frag. . 136 Index. 295 Phrenological Journal , c j . Phrenology : Catechism of Pickett: The Academician . Picture of Dublin . , . . Picture of Greece .... Picture of Liverpool . . Picture of New- York . . Picture of Paris .... Pierce : The Year . . . Pierpont : Airs of Palestine Pike : Ex. up the Missis. . Fillet : View of England . Pindar : Odes. See F. C. L. Pinkerton : Voy. and Trar. Pinkerton : Voy. in America Pinkerton : Greek Church . Pinkney: Poems. . ,i,-: ' : v r '* '. ^ .,*} *. , V^!*-^? The following Alteration* bare been made in the t munition. ARTICLE 15 now reads There shall be an annual meeting of the members of this Association, on the second Tuesday of January, for the purpose of receiving the Report of the Treasurer and Board of Directors ; and for the transaction of such other business as may be presented to them. ARTICLE 18 now reads Six weeks previous to the second Tues- day of January, of each year, the Board of Direction shall call a meeting of the members of the Association, for the purpose of ap- pointing a Committee of seven, whose duty it shall be to nominate Officers for the ensuing year, and to publish said nominatipn at least three weeks before the election. ARTICLE 19 now reads There shall be no alteration in this Con- stitution, unless the same shall hare been proposed to the Board of Direction one month previous to an annual meeting, and then ap- proved of by two-thirds of the members of the Association then pre- sent. . . ' The following has been added-; v ARTICLE 20. There shall be an election for officers of this Asso- ciation, on the Wednesday following the second Tuesday of Janu- ary ; the polls to be opened at 10 o'clock, A. M., and closed at 9 o'clock, P. M., and no member shall be entitled to vote, who is in arrears for dues. * T ' * CONSTITUTION. WE, the subscribers, merchants' clerks in the city of New- York, being desirous to adopt the most efficient means to facilitate mutual intercourse ; to extend our information upon mercantile and other subjects of general utility ; promote a spirit of useful inquiry, and qualify ourselves to discharge with dignity the duties of our profession and the social offices of life, have associated ourselves for the purpose of collecting and establishing a Library and Read- ing-room^ to be appropriated to the use of young men engaged in mercantile pursuits ; and have, for our government, adopted the following Constitution : ART. 1. This association shall be known by the name of " The MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION" of the city of New- York. ART. 2. The officers of the association shall be a President, Vice-President. Secretary, Treasurer, and eight Directors ; to be elected annually. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer by separate ballot ; the Directors by general ticket. ART. 3. The President shall preside at the meetings ; preserve order therein ; and, in case of an equal division of the members on any question, give the casting vote. ART. 4. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President, and perform all the duties of that officer. ART. 5. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the transactions of the association ; and, under the superintendence of the Board of Direction, conduct its correspondence. ART. 6. The Treasurer shall receive all dues and donations in money ; pay all draughts on him when signed by the Secretary and countersigned by the President ; keep a regular account of the financial concerns of the association, an abstract of which, accom- Q* 306 CONTITPTI05. panied by satisfactory vouchers, he shall exhibit at each annual meeting. ART. 7. The Treasurer shall give security in the sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of his trusts. ART. 8. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors shall constitute a Board of Direction, with full powers to appropriate funds, enact by-laws, and generally conduct the af- fairs of the association. It shall meet at least once in each month for the transaction of business ; and, at the annual meeting, report its proceedings for the past year, and the state of the concerns of the association. ART. 9. In case any vacancies shall occur in the Board of Di- rection by death, resignation, removal, or inability to discharge the duties of their respective offices, the board shall have power to fill such vacancies. ART. 10. A Librarian, appointed by the Board of Direction, shall attend at the library on each day of the week (Sunday excepted) ; shall keep a register of all books, magazines, maps, charts, papers, and all other property in his possession belonging to the associa- tion ; arrange them in proper order ; make a record thereof, with the names of the donors ; and keep an accurate account of the books delivered to members. ART. 1 1 . Each member, on subscribing to the Constitution, shall pay an initiation fee of one dollar, and one dollar for the first six months, and fifty cents thereafter quarterly in advance. ART. 12. Any person (engaged in mercantile business as a clerk) may, if approved of by a majority of the Board of Direction, become a member of this association, on complying with the terms of the preceding article. ART. 13. Any merchant not eligible to regular membership in this association shall become entitled to the privileges of an Honorary Member on subscribing to the Constitution, and paying the sum of Jive dollars annually, in advance, so long as he shall continue a member ; but shall not be entitled to a vote, or to act in any official capacity. ART. 14. Any member of this association commencing business on his own account shall be entitled to the privileges of an Hon- orary Member by continuing the semi-annual contribution ofon* dollar. ART. 15. There shall be an annual meeting of the members ojf CONSTITUTION. 307 tills association on the second Tuesday of January for the purpose of receiving the report of the Treasurer and Board of Direction ; electing officers for the ensuing year ; and the transaction of such other business as may be presented to them. ART. 16. The President, at the request of two thirds of the Board of Direction, shall call a meeting of the members for the transaction of special business. ART. 17. A Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Di- rection to examine the books and other property belonging to the association, and report thereon at least one month previous to each annual meeting. ART. 18. One month previous to each annual meeting the Board of Direction shall call a meeting of the association for the purpose of appointing a Committee of seven members to nominate suitable officers for the succeeding year. ART. 19. There shall be no alteration in this Constitution, unless the same shall have been proposed to the Board of Direction at least one month previous to an annual meeting, and then approved of by two thirds of the members of the association. .tanseig?! o>. ur-wf sVgHlUrta idaiun OJ ( 9iT\t',f. 9i!t ufjhniH'ri fj[| ^fuxift To omit ur!i ,btn;>yibf) woilw ol 70S ; oil-j*ii([ 1o htfiofl lux TJiuauyiT 9ii) lo ttoq$i ->ih RULES AND REGULATIONS ad; ... ' ;.!.' i>: : ; 'i LIBRARY AND READING-ROOM. -ill JH) yd b-,<|9 Science, Exact, . . . . 52 *;n 4*5 Ad. Sculpture, . 52 47 Theolosry. 45 47 Thermotics, . . . *\'\. . 51 47 Treaties, ..... . 45 49 50 45 Trigonometry, . , . Voyages and Travels, Zoology. . 52 . 49 50 SYNOPTICAL VIEW OF THE ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. SCIENCES. ARTS. PHILOLOGY. SCIENCES. Rational, Natural, Exact. 1. Theology. Holy Scriptures, Ecclesiastical History, &c. j . C Canon and Civil Law, Law of Nations, Trea- < ties, Grovernment and Politics, Political ^ Economy, Trade and Commerce. p, ., , ( General Treatises, Moral Philosophy, Meta- P y~ \ physics, Education, Manners, Man. Ancient and Universal History, Antiquities, . TT- f , j Chronology, Modern History, Biography and Literary History, Geography, Topog- raphy, Voyages and Travels. ( 5. Natural ( Zoology, Geology, Mineralogy, Botany ; History. { Agriculture and Gardening. 6. Medicine. i An T atora y> Physiology, Hygeine j-Medical ( Jurisprudence. p. . $ Statics, Dynamics, Astronomy, Acoustics, 7. rtiysws. ^ Optics, Thermotics, Atmology, Electrology. Inorganic, Organic, Analysis and Manipula- i, Applications to the Arts. w o S5 *-* o CO p H * ^ EXACT SCIENCE. Mathematics. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry. ARTS. Mechanical, Liberal, Oratorical. C i 7t/r J, 7 S Building, Dyeing, Brewing and Distillation, 1. Mechanical. J Manufactures ; Games, Sports, &c. . T ., , < Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Music, 2. Liberal. J Numismatics, &c. n * 7 $ Poetry and the Drama, Fables ; Eloquence, 6. Oratorical. < T?ViPtnrir &rc J.C11CHJJ. 1L/B OL/ls* V. % PHILOLOGY. Languages, Polygraphs, Criticism. >< C 1. Languages. Anglo-Saxon, German, French, &c. o o ( 2. Polygraphs. Collections of Works on several Subjects. 3. Criticism. JEsthetical, Philosophical, General. ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. SCIENCES. RATIONAL, NATURAL, EXACT. RATIONAL SCIENCE-THEOLOGY, JURISPRUDENCE, PHILOSOPHY, HISTORY, RATIONAL SCIENCE, I. THEOLOGY. The Holy Scriptures, Ecclesiastical History, and Religion* Subjects in General. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Coverdale's Bible, of A. D. 1535. Pictorial Bible. Tyndale's New Testament, A. D. 1526. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Boudinot, E. Star in the West. Inquisition, Records of the Spanish. Middleton, Memoirs of the Reformers. Russell, M. Sacred and Profane History. Ancient and Modern Egypt. Nubia and Abyssinia. Palestine. Stebbing, H., History of the Church. Reformation. RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS. Abbot, J., Way to do Good. Babbage, C., Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. Bakewell, F. C., Nat. Evid.of a Put. Life. Barrow, J., On the Pope's Supremacy. Bates, W., Spiritual Perfection. Baxter, R., Dying Thoughts. Beveridge, W., Private Thoughts. Boyle, R., Veneration due to God. Brownlee, W. C., Christian Father. Butler, Analogy of Religion. Fifteen Sermone. Cave, W., Lives of the Apostles, ^ Primitive Christianity. Chateaubriand, Genie du Christianisme. Christian Retirement. Church P., Prize Essays. Clark, J. A., Gathered Fragments. Crocker, Z., Catas. Presb. Church. Doddridge, R., Rise and Progress of Reli- gion in the Soul. Duncan, H., Sacred Philoa. of Seasons. Hall, Bishop, Treatises. Harris, Jno., Mammon. Britannia. Henry, Communicant's Companion. Home, Geo., Commentary on the Psalms. Howe, Jno., Select Treatises. J ames, J. A., Christian Professor. Kidd, J., Eternal Sonship. Knox, V., Christian Philosophy. La Mennais, Affairs de Rome. Leighton, Arch., Expositions. Letters from a late Eminent Prelate. Locke, J., On the Reasona. of Christianity. Lowth, R., Lect. on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. McLaurin, J ., Christian Piety. Nelson, D., On Infidelity. Norton, R., On the Gospels. Paxton, G., Illustrations of the Scriptures. Placette, Death of the Righteous. Practical Suggestions for the Sick. Ray, J., On the Creation. Robertson, I., Theological Lectures. Sermons. (In Sacred Classics.) Smith, So., On Divine Government. Sprague, W. B., Lect. on Christianity. Swedenborg, E., Apocalypse Revealed. Heavenly Arcana. Taylor, J ., Liberty of Prophesying. Life of Christ. Select Sermons. Todd, Jno., Sabbath School Teacher. Tucker, L., On Infidelity. Verplanck, G. C., On Revealed Religion. Wardlaw, R., Christian Ethics. Wayland, F., On Human Responsibility. Williams, Mrs., Religion at Home. Woodbridge, J., Practical Religion. RATIONAL SCIENCE, II. JURISPRUDENCE. Canon and Civil T,nvr, 7.1:1 w of Nations, Treaties, Government and Politic*, Political Economy, Trade and Commerce. CIVIL LAW. Aldermen, Proceedings of the Board of. LAW OF NATIONS AND TREATIES. Indian Treaties with the United States. Mackintosh, I., Defence of French Revolu- tion. Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws, Review of. Moulton's Constitutional Guide. Pine, R., On the American Revolution. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS. Addresses, &c., of Presidents of United States. American Advocate of Peace. American Government, ter of. Moral Charae- 46 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. American's Guide, (Constitution of U. S.) Aristotle, Politics. Burgh, R., Political Disquisitions. Burr's Trial, (by Robertson.) Charles 1st, Trial of, &c. Cooper, J. F., American Democrat. Correspondence Respecting Russia. Criminal Trials. (Lib. Ent. Know.) De Tocqueville, Democracy in America. Fonblanque, A., England under Seven Ad- ministrations. Godwin, W., Political Justice. Hermann, Political Antiquities of Greece. Jewish Spy, Letters of. London, Police and Crimes of. Parliamentary Right Maintained. Robison, J., Proofs of a Conspiracy. Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. (Lib. Ent. Know.) Southey, R., Colloquies. Sullivan, W., Political Class Book. Taylor, Hy., The Statesman. Tennant, Thoughts on the State of India. Turkish Spy, Letters from. Upham, T. C., Manual ef Peace. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Bristed, J., Bankruptcy of Great Britain. Carey, M., Political Economy. Heeren, A. H. C., Political Treatises. Pebrer, P., Taxa. &c. f of British Empire. Porter, G. R., Progress of the Nation. Scrppe, G. P., Political Economy. Smith, A., Wealth of Nations. Vethake, H., Political Economy. TRADE AND COMMERCE. Bnnks, History of. Black Sea, Geographical and Commercial Account of the Russian Ports in. Bowring, J., Commerce between France and England. ' Switzerland. Foster, B. F., Counting House Manual. On Exchanges. Hagemeister, Commerce of the Black Sea. Hanway.J , British Trade over Casp. Sea. Joplin, T., On the Currency Question. King, C., British Merchant. Macculloch, J. R , Dictionary of Commerce. Mair, J., Book-Keeping Modernized. Montefiore, J., Mercantile Laws. O'Callaghan, On Usury. Ramsay, G., On Wealth. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Taylor, A. S ., Elements of Medical Jurisp. RATIONAL SCIENCE, III. PHILOSOPHY. Crenornl Treatioea, Moral Philosophy, MetaphyMicB, Man, Education, Manners, Physiognomy, Phrenology, Demonology, Witchcraft, Animal Magnetiatu. AH, Mrs. M. H , Observations on the Mus- sulmauns of India. Bucke, C., Book of Human Character. Central Society's Publications. Cobbett, Advice to Young Men. Cousin, V., Report on Education in Hol- land. Domestic Life in England. Godwin, W., Thoughts on Man. Grund, F., The Americans. Hartley, Observations on Man. Hindoos, Manners of. (Lib. Ent. Knoic.) Hints on Etiquette. Howitt's Rural Life in England. Lane's Modern Egyptians. New-Zealanders, Account of. (Lib, Ent. Know. ) Pardoe, Miss. City of the Sultan. Preceptor, The. Prichard, J. C., Physical Hist, of Mankind. Eastern Origin of the Cel- GENERAL TREATISES, MORAL PHILOSOPHY AND METAPHYSICS. Adams, J., Moral Philosophy. Aristotle, Ethics. Boethius, Ds Consolations Philosophise. Branagan, Female Character Vindicated. Carter, Two Lectures on Taste. Domestic Happiness Portrayed. Economy of Human Life. Family Book. Guizot, M., On European Civilization. Hawkins, Germany, Social Condition, &c. Hazlitt, W., Principles of Human Action. Lobb, R., Contemplative Philosopher. Logic of the Ancients, in MSS. McDermot, On Taste. On Tragic Representation. McDonald, Economy of Human Life. Payne, G., Elements of Moral Science. Ritler, H. History of Ancient Philosophy. Seneca, Morals. Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature. Tennetnann, History of Philosophy. Voltaire, Philos. Diet. Wayland, Elements of Moral Science. Winslow, Young Man's Aid. Woman, Moral Influence of. Young Husband's Book. Zimmerman, On Solitude. MAN, EDUCATION, MANNERS, &C. Abbott, J., The Teacher. tic Nations. Romans, lusts, and Domestic Manners of. Saussure, Mme , Progressive Education. Schoolmaster, The. Self Formation. Simpson, Jas., Necessity of Popular Edu- cation. Skene, W. F., Highlanders of Scotland. Stael, De, Influence of Literature upon So- ciety. Taylor, "J., Home Education. Wys, T., Education Reform. ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. 47 PHYSIOGNOMY, PHRENOLOGY, DEMONOLO- c; v, &.C. Alboha/.en, Decisions of the Stars. Caldwell, Phrenology Vindicated. De Luze, On Animal Magnetism. Durant, C. F., On do. Franklin, B., On do. Gall, F. J., System of Phrenology. Scott, W., Demonology and Witchcraft. Stone, W. L., Letter to Dr. Brigham on Animal Magnetism. Thatcher, On Demonology. Walker, Physiognomy founded on Physio- logy. RATIONAL SCIENCE, IV. HISTORY. Ancient and Vnireraal History, Antiquities, Ohrouologr, Blodcrn His- tory, Biography, ILiierary History, Geography, Voyages and Trarels. ANCIENT AND UNIVERSAL HISTORY, ANTI- QUITIES, CHRONOLOGY. Adam, A , Roman Antiquities. America Discovered in the 10th Century. Antiquitates Americans. Arts and Antiquities of the Greeks and Romans. (Lard. Cyclo.) Chateaubriand, L'Empire Romaine. Crichton, A , Hist, of Arabia. (E. C. L.) Scandinavia. Egyptian Antiquities. (//* Lib. Ent. Know.) Ferrand, A., L'Esprit d'Histoire, Fraaer, History of Persia. Historical Parallels. (Lib. Ent. Know.) Keightley, T., Outlines of History. Hanway, J., Revolutions in Persia. Martin, M., History, &c., of Eastern India. Nicolas, H., Chronology of History. Pompeii. (In Lib. Ent. Know.) Potter, J., Antiquities of Greece. Ramsay, D., Universal History. Rome, History of. (Lardner's Cyclo.) Russel, M, Connection of Sacred and Pro- fane History. ^ History of Egypt. Palestine. Barbary States. Nubia and Abyssinia. Sullivan, W., Historical Causes and Effects, Ty tier, A. F., Elements of General History. Vico, J. B., Philos. Histoire. Wachsmuth, Hist. Antiq. of the Greeks. Wilkinson, J. G., Ancient Egyptians. Willard, E,, Universal History. MODERN HISTORY. AMERICAN. Barber, Connecticut Hist. Collections. Bozman, History of Maryland. Carli, Leltres Americaines. Davis, P. M., History of the Late War. Fergus, H., Hist, of U. States. (Lard, Cy.) Gordon, History of New-Jersey. HutcMnson, HisUof Massachusetts Bay. McCauley, J., History of New- York. O'Reilly, H., Sketches of Rochester. Pine, R., On the American Revolution. Rafn, C. C., America Discovered. Smith, W., History of New- York. Snow, C. H., History of Boston. Taylor, C. B., History of United States. Thatcher, History of Plymouth. Thomas, R., Glory of America. Winterbotham, W., View of United States. Yates and Moulton, History of New-York. MODERN HISTORY. FOREIGN. Alison, A., Europe during the French Revo- lution. Auber, P., Rise and Progress of the British Power in India. Bertrand, F., Mem. of the Court of Louis XVI. British India. (Edin. Cab. Lib.) Britton, Memoir of Tower of London. Capefigue, Histoire de Phillippe Auguste. Carey, M., Ireland Vindicated. Caulincourt, Recollections of. Carlyle, T., French Revolution. Cobbin, J., Annual Historian. Chamberlayne, Anglife Notitia. China. (Edin. Cab. Lib.) (Lib. Use. Know.) (See Duhalde.) Chronicles of London Bridge. Corry, John, History of Bristol. Crowe, E. E., History of France. Davis, The Chinese. Duhalde, P., History of China. Dunham, History of Poland. Germanic Empire. Europe During the Middle Ages. Spain and Portugal. Fonblanque, A., England under Seven Administrations. Gleig, G. R., History of England. Grattan, T. C., History of Netherlands. Greece. (See ThirlwaU.) Hawkins, B., Germany. Histoire du Moyen A_ge. Ingraham, J., Memorials of Oxford. James, Naval History of Great Britain. Koch, Revolutions de 1'Europe. Mackintosh, History of England. Moore, T., History of Ireland. Paris and its Historical Scenes. Ent. Know.) Pictorial History of England. Planche, J. R., History of British Costume. Portugal, Civil War in. Pradt, M. de, Revolu. d'Espagne. Prescott, Hist, of Ferdinand and Isabella. Raffles, Sir. T. S., History of Java. Rauruer, F., Modern History. Political History of England. (Lib. Roberts, E., Mem. of Houses of York and Lancaster. Russia, History of. (In Lard. Cyclo.) Serre, P., L'Entree de la Reine More. 48 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. Sismondi, Hist. Repub. Italienne. Ital. Republics. (Lard. Cyclo.) Fall of me Roman Empire. Smedley, E., History of France. (Lib. Use. Know.) Smollett, T., History of England. Southey, Thos., History of West Indies. Sullivan, Historical Causes and Effects. Switzerland, History of. (In Lard. Cycle.) Thirlwall, C., History of Greece. (Lard. Cyclo.) Ty tier, P. F., History of Scotland. Wallace, Wm., Continuation of Mackin- tosh's History of England. (L. Cyclo.) Watkins, I., Life and Times of William IV. Watson, R., History of the Reign of Philip II. and III. of Spain. Wheeler, J., History of Manchester. Williams, C., Seven Ages of England. Winterbotham, W., View of China. Wood, J., Description of Bath. York, Hist, of the County of. BIOGRAPHY. Alcnin, Life by Dr. Lorenz. Angelo, Michael, Life. (In Lib. Ute. Know.) Apostles, Lives of, by W. Cave. (Sac. Clas.) Bainbridge, Life, by Harris. Ball, Cha's., Life of. Barclay, Rob't., Account of his Life and Writings. Bateman, Dr., Life, by Rumsey. Biographical Sketches of Eccentric Charac- ters. Blake, Admiral, Life of. (In Lib. Use. Know.) Brant, Life, by Wm. L. Stone. British Plutarch. Brown, Dr. Thos., Life, by Dr. Welsh. Buonaparte, Life, by Hazlitt. Burns, Robert, Life and Works, by Currie. Calvin, J., Life, by McKenzie. Canniaz, Geo., Memoirs of. Carey, W., Memoirs of. Cavendish. ( See Drake.) Caxton, Life of. (In Lib. Use. Know.) Christian Brahmun, by Read. Cicero, Life, by Strieker. Cid Campeador, Lift, by Quintata. Clarendon, Lord, Life, by Lister. Clarion. Madame, Memoirs, by herself. Clark, Dr., Life, by Whiston. Coke, Sir E., Life of. (In Lib. Use. Know.) Coleridge, by Gilman . Coverdale, M., Memorials of. Cowper, Wm., Life, by Southey. Cuvier, Mademoiselle, Memoir of. (In "Flower Faded") Dampier. ( See Drake.) Davenport's Dictionary of Biography. Departed Heroes, Lives of. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. (In Lib. Ent. Know.) Brake, Cavendish and Dampier, Lives of. (InEdin. Cab. Lib.) Empereurs Remains, Hist. of. Fenelon, Memoir of. (In "Selections from") Franklin, B., Life and Works, by Sparks. Galileo, Life, by Drinkwater. (In Lib, Use. Know,) Goethe, Characteristics of. Gray, Thos., Life and Works. Grimaldi, J., Life. Guzman the Good, Life, by Quintata. Hazlitt, W., Spirit of the Age. Henry 8th, Life, by Tytler. Historic Gallery. Hobart, Bishop, Memorials of. James' Foreign Statesmen. Jones, Sir W., Life, by Teignmouth. Kepler, Life. (In Lib. Use. Know.) LaFajette, Memoirs, by his Family. Lamb, C., Life, by Talfburd. Luther, M., Life, by Bower. - Kortz. Mahomet, Life. (In Lib. Use. Know.) Medici, Lorenzo de, Life, by Roscoe. More, Sir Thos., Life, by Cresacre More. Sir J. Mackintosh. Newton, Life, by Biot. (In Lib. Use. Know.) Niebuhr, do. (In Lib. Use. Knoir.) Nollekins and his Times, by Smith. Peters, A. R., " Young Disciple," by Clark. Philip II. and III., Lives, by Watson. Plutarque, par M. Dacier. Prince of Viana, Life, by Quintata. Pursuit of Knowledge 'Under Difficulties. (Lib. Ent. Know.) Raleigh, Sir W.. Life, by Tytler. Reformers, Lives of, by Middleton. Rittenhouse, Life, by Barton. Renwick. Roger de Lauria, Life, by Quintata. Schiller, Life, by Carlyle. Smith, Adam, Life of. (In Lib. Use. Know.) Sonaers, Lord, Life of. do. do. Thelwall, John, Life, by his Widow. Titian, Life of, by Northcole. Tooke, John H., Life of, by Stephens. Walton, Life, by Dauforth. Wallenstein, Life, by Mitchell. Washington, Life, by Kingston. Wbitefield, Geo., Life, by Philip. Wilberforce, Life, by his Sons. William IV., Life, by Watkins Wren, Sir C., Life. (In Lib. Use. Know) COLLECTIONS OF BIOGRAPHY IN LARDNER's CYCLOPffiDIA. British Lawyers, by H. Roscoe. Statesmen, by Mackintosh, &c. Naval Commanders, by Southey. Military do. by Gleig. Literary and Scientific Men. Foreign Statesmen, G. P. R. James, &c. Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, &.C., by J. Montgomery, &c. EDINBURGH CABINET LIBRAKV. Eminent Zoologists. ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. 49 tiBRARf OF ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. Pursuit of Knowledge Under Difficulties. LIBRARY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. Lives of Eminent Men. Hazlitt, W., Spirit of the Age. Middleton, J. VV., Lives of the Reformers. Quinlata, Lives of Celebrated Spaniards. Sparks' American Biography. LITERARY HISTORY, BIBLIOGRAPHY, &C. Baldwin, E , Annals of Yale College. Baranle, M. de, Da la Litterature Frangais. Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon Poem of, &c. Chambers, R., History of the English Lan- guage and Literature. Coleridge, H. N., Intro. Greek Poets. Conybeare, J., Illust. of Anglo-Saxon Poe- try. Coverdale, Myles, Memorials of. Dibden. T. F., Introduction to the Greek and Latin Classics. Dunlup, J., History of Fiction. Goethe, Characteristics of. Guest, E , History of English Rhythms. Hallatn, H., History of the Literature of Europe. Hawkins, B., Germany. Hippesley, J. H., On Early English Litera- ture. Lamb, C., Specimens of English Dramatic Poets. Tannehill, W., History of Literature. Thorpe, B., Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, &C. Addison, C. G., Damascus and Palmyra. Africa, Discovery in. Alexander, J. E., Western Africa. Allen, Wm., Pict. Views of I. Ascension. America, Internal Navigation of. Backwoods of Canada. (Lib. Ent. Know,) Barrow, J., Excurs. North of Europe. Tout in Ireland. Visit to Iceland. Bell, Jno., Travels in Asia. Bennett, G. J., Tour in Wales. Black Sea, Geogr. of. Boid, Capt., Azores. Bradford, T. G., Atlas. Bray, Mrs., Devonshire. British India, Account of. Chamberlayne, E., Present State of Eng. Chateaubriand, Itiaeraire. Chevalier, M., Lettres Amerique. China, Account of. (In Edin. Cab, Lib.) Circumnavigation, do, Collen, G. W., Britannia Saxonica. Cook, Clark, and Gore, Pacific Ocean. Cooley, W. D., Maritime Discovery. Cooper, J. F., England. Italy. Correspondence on Russia. Corry, John, History of Bristol. Cox, H., Resid. in Barman Empire. 7 Crichton, A., Scandinavia. Hist, of Arabia. Cunningham, P., New S. Wales- Cushing, C., Spain. Darby, Wm., Tour to Detroit. Darby, Wm., View of U. States. Darby and Dwight, Gazetteer of U. States. Drake, Cavendish and Dampier, Voyages. Elwood, Mrs. Col., Journey to India. Empson, C., Soutti America. English, G. B., Expedition to Africa. Fanning, E., Voyage to South Seas. Fisk, VV., Travels in Europe. Flint, T., Mississippi Valley. Flinter, Col., Porto Kico. Forbes, J., Tour in Belgium. Fraser, J. B-, Desciip. of Persia. Gilman, Mrs., Poetry of Travelling. Graah, Expedition to Greenland. Granville, Spas of Germany. Grund, F., Americans. Hanway, I., Travels in Russia. Harris, Pittsburgh Directory. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Hassler, Survey of the U. S. Coast. Hawkins, B., Germany. Head, Continuation of the Home Tour. Humboldt, Travels. (Ed. Cab. Lib.) Humphrey, H., Tour in Europe. Hutchinson, Lt. Gov , Hist. Massachusetts. Hutton, C., Tour of Africa. Hoskins, Visit to the Oasis. Illinois. Gazetteer of. 1837. Inglis, H. D., Spain. Channel Islands. ' Tour in Ireland. Ingraham, Memorials of Oxford. Isaacs, Nat., Travels in Africa. Italy, Three Years' Residence in. Jamieson, Mrs,, France. Jenkins, W., Ohio Gazetteer. Jewett, I. A., Passages in For. Travel. Laird and Oldfield, Exped. to Africa. Laurent, P. E. Classical Tour. Lord, P. B., Algiers. Macgillivray, \V., Humboldt's Travels. Maltebrun, Geography. Martin, M., Eastern India. Br. Colo. Library. Mavtineau, H., Western Travel. Maude, J., Falls of Niagara. Miranda's Expedition. O'Connel, Adv. in N. Holland. Ogilby, John, Britannia. Africa. Ordnance Survey of Ireland. O'Reilly, Rochester. Pardoe, Miss, City of the Sultan. Paris, Sketches of, by an American. Parker, S., Tour beyond Rocky Mountains. Parsons, H. A., Book of Niagara Falls. Peck, Gazetteer, of Illinois. Perry, C., View of the Levant. Phip'ps, C. J ., Voyage towards the N. Pole. Pittsburgh Directory. Polar Seas, Discovery in. (Ed. Cab. Lib.) Pompeii. (Lib. Ent. Know.) 50 ANALVTJCAL CATALOGUE. Puckler Muskau, Semilasso in Africa. _____ Vorletz. Weltgnng. Putnam, G. P., Tourist in Europe. Portugal, Civil War in. Radcliffe, A., Tour in Holl. and Germany. Reed, Matheson, Visit to Amer. Churches. Roberta, Ed., Embassy to Siam. Ruschenberger, Voyage round the World. Russell, M., Barbary Siutes. A nc. and Mod Egypt. Nubia sind Abyssinia. Simond, L., Tour in Great Britain, Singleton, H., Letters from the South. Sketches by a Traveller. ' of Paris. Smith, W. H., Birmingham. Spafford, H. G., Gazet. of New-York. Stanhope, L., Greece in 1823-4. Stearns, S., Tour to Paris. StephenD, John, Travel* in Greece, &c. Switzerland and France, Letters from. Tour in South Holland. Townsend, Jo., Journey in Spain in 1786-7. Tytler, B. F., Disc, on N. Coasts of America. U. States, Connected View of Inter. Navi. Vaudoncourt, Mem. of Ionian Isles. Voyages and Travels, Collection of. Walker, J as., Lett, on West Indies. Walsh, R , Notices of Brazil. Wellstead, S. R., Travels in Arabia. Wentworth, W. C., New South Wales. Wheeler, J., Manchester. Williams, J. L., Teiritory of Florida. Williams, John, Mission. South Seas. Winlerbotham, W., Chinese Empire. View of U. States. Wood, J., Desc. of City of Bath. Wraxall, N. W., Mem. of Court of Berlin. NATURAL SCIENCE-NATURAL HISTORY, MEDICINE, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, NATURAL SCIENCE, L NATURAL HISTORY. Zoology, Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, Agriculture anil Gardening. Agassiz, Poissons Fossiles. Alcott, W. A., House I Live in. Bakewell, Philosophical Conversations. Bell, British Quadrupeds. Bennett, Gardens and Menag. of Zoologi- cal Gardens Delineated. Bergman, Essays. Birds. (In Lib. Ent. Know.) British Husbandry. (In Lib, Use. Know.) Brown, Zoologist's Text Book. Craigie, Anatomy. Chaisneaux, C., Atlas d'Historie Naturelle. Chaptal, Agricultural Chemistry, Cleghorn, Agriculture. Coinstock, J., Botany. Duncan, Nat. Hist, of Beetles. Butterflies, Moths, &c. Fauna Boreali-Amerieana. Fleming, Molluscous Animals. Flora of North America, Torrey and Gray. Fossil Fuel, History of. Goring and Prichard, Microscopic Illus. Grant, Comparative Anatomy. Green, On the Cultivation of Flowers. Hale, Mrs., Flora's Interpreter. Henslow, Botany. Higgins, Geology. Hooker, Icones Planatarum. Hutchison, G., Unexplained Phenomena. Insects. (In Lib. Ent. Know.) Jameson, Mineralogy. Jardine, Wm., Felinae. Fishes. Gallinaceous Bird*. Goats, Sheep, &c. Humming Birds. Pachydermes. Monkeys. Jardine and Selby, Ornithology. Laurence, J., Geology in 1835. Lincoln, Mrs., Botany. Lindley, G., Guide to the Orchard, &c. John, Introduction to Botany. Lindley, John, Natural System of do. First Principles of Horticul- ture. Key to Structural, &c., Bot- any. Loudon, J. C., Arboretum Britanicum. Suburban Gardener. Low, Agriculture. Lyell's Elements of Geology. Principles do. Mackay, J. T., Flora Hibernica. Magazine of Zoology and Botany. Natural History. Mantell, G., Wonders of Geology. Menageries. (In Lib. Ent Know.) Miller, T., Beauties of the Country. Mudie, R , British Naturalist. Natural History of Birds. Naturalists' Library. Neill, Dr., On Horticulture. Parkinson, Intro, to Fossil Remains. Planting. (Lib. Use. Know., 1st Seriet.) Phillips, John, Geology. Rennie, Alphabet of Botany. Insects. Zoology. Gardening. Medical Botany. Renwick, Outlines of Geology. Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Amerieana. Selby, Pigeons. (In Nat. Lib.) Parrots. Do. Shepard, C. U., Mineralogy. Sinclair, Code of Agriculture. Swainson, Animals in Menageries. (Lard. Cyclo.) Birds, in " Fauna Boreali-Ame- ricana." of Africa. (Kat. Lib.) Geography and Classification of Animals. Discourse on Nat. History. ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. 51 Swainson, Nat. Hist, of Quadrupeds. (In Lard. Cyclo.) Birds. Do. Thomson, Geology, Mineralogy, &c, Torrey, Flora of North America. Vegetable Substances. (Lib. Ent. Know.) Whales, Nat. Hist. of. (In Nat. Lib.) Witham, Structure of Fossil Vegetables. Wonders of Vegetable Kingdom Displayed. Woodland Gleanings. Yarrell, W., History of Brit. Fishes. Youatt, W., Cattle. (In Lib. U*e. Know.) Waterton, C., Essays on Nat. History. Annals of Philosophy. the Lyceum of Natural History of New-York. Boston Journal of Natural History. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. NATURAL SCIENCE, II. MEDICINE. Anatomy, Physiology, Hrgeinc and Medical Jurisprudence. Philip, On Sleep and Death, Rennie, J., New Pharmacopiae. Smith, S., On Fever. Lecture over J. Bentham. Alcott, House I Live In. Bostock, Physiology. Christison, On Poisons. Clark, On Consumption. Copland, Dictionary of Medicine. Granville, Spas of Germany. Hygeine, Domestique. Kitchener, W., Economy of the Eyes. Philosophy of Health. Use of the Dead to the Living. Taylor, A. S., Medical Jurisprudence. Thackrah, Influence of Trades on Health. NATURAL SCIENCE, III. PHYSICS. Stnliea, Dynamics, Astronomy, Acoustics, Optics, Thermotics, Aliuo- logr, Elcctrology. Arnott, N., Elements of Physics. Astronomy. (In Lib. Use. Know.) Babbage, Decline of Science. Bachhoffner, Voltaic Electricity. Bakewell, F. C., Philoso. Conversations. Barlow, P., Machinery and Manufactures. Bergman, Physical and Chemical Essays. Brewster, Magnetism. Optics. Microscope. British Annual. Comstock, J., Natural Philosophy. Dick, Celestial Scenery. Discoveries in Light and Vision. Electricity, (In Lib. Use. Know.) Electro-Magnetism. Do. Galvanism. Do. Grier, Mechanics' Dictionary. Hare, Meteorology. Herschell, J., Astronomy. Natural Philosophy. Higgins, Electricity. Howard, Meteorology. Hutchison, Unexplained Phenomena. Lardner, Mechanics. Heat. Hydrostatics. Leithead, Electricity. Library of Useful Knowledge. Magazine of Popular Science. Moffatt, Book of Science. Nichol, Architecture of the Heaveni. Notes on Various Sciences. Patterson, Climate of Ireland. Phillips, R., Million of Facts. Powell, B., History of Nat. Philosophy. Rennie, J., Alphabet Nat. Philosophy. Scientific Memoirs, by Taylor. Sommerville, Connection of the Physical Sciences. Webster, T., Elements of Physics. Whewell, W., Hist, of Inductive Science!. NATURAL SCIENCE, IV. CHEMISTRY. Inorganic, Orgnnic, Analysis and Manipulation, Application* to the Art*. Bachhoffner, Chemistry of the Fine Arts. Bergman, Physical and Chemical Essays- Berthollet, On Dyeing. British Annual. - Association Reports. Brande, Manual of Chemistry. Elements of do. Chaptal, Agricultural Chemistry. Chemistry. (In Lib. Use. Know.) Christison, J., On Poisons. Daubeny, C., On the Atomic Theory. Domestic Chemist. Donovan, Chemistry. (In Lard. Cyclo.) Domestic Economy. Ede, Practical Facts in Chemistry. Faraday, Chemical Manipulation. Fourcroy, Syst. Con. Chimiques. Griffin, Chemical Recreations. Magazine of Popular Science. Mitscherlieh, Chimie. do. translated. Moffat, Book of Science, vol. 2. Notes on Various Sciences. Parkes, Chemical Catechism. Raspail, Organic Chemistry. Reid, Chemistry of Nature. Rennie, Alphabet of Chemistry = Rose, Chemical Analysis. Scientific Memoirs, by Taylor. Thomson, R. D., Records of Science. T., First Principles of Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry. AnaaU of Philosophy. Turner, E., Elements of Chemistry, ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. EXACT SCIENCE.-MATHEMATICS, Arithmetic, Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Geometry, Trigonometry Mathematics. (In Lib. Use. Know.) Bradley, Tho?., Practical Geometry, &c. Button, C., Course of Mathematics. Laiduer, Dr., Treatise on Arithmetic. Simson, R., Elements of the Conic Sec- tions. ARTS-MECHANICAL, LIBERAL, ORATORICAL. ARTS, I. MECHANICAL. Dyeing, Brewing, Building, Manufactures, <5tc., Games nnd Sports. Arnott, N., On Warming and Ventilating. Arts and Antiq. of the Greeks and Romans. Barlow, P., Machinery and Manufactures. Berthollet, On Dyeing. Donovan, M., Brewing, Baking, &c. Gaskell, P., Artisans and Machinery. Grier, Mechanic's Pockt-t Dictionary. Hassler, Survey of the Coast. Hosking, W., Architecture and Building. Lewis, Chess for Beginners. Metal, Manufactures in. (Lard. Cyclo.) Montgomery, J., Cotton Spinning. Pohlman, On Chess. Porcelain and Glass. (Lard. Cyclo.) Silk Manufacture, do. Smith's Festivals, Games and Amusement*. Trades, Book of. Ure, A., Cotton Manufacture. Walker, D., Games and Sports. G., Chess Made Easy. ARTS, II. LIBERAL. Architecture, Paiuting, Sculpture, Music, Numismatics. Akerman, J. Y., Numismatic Manual. Architecture, Glossary of Terms in. BaehhofFner, Chemistry of the Fine Arts. Burnet, J., Practical Hints on Painting. Education of the Eye. Callcot, Dr., Musical Grammar. Cattermoie, R., Book of the Cartoons. De Quincy, Q., On Imitation in the Fine Arts. Egyptian Antiquities. (InLib.Ent. Know.) Field, G., Chromatography. Flaxman, J., Lectures on Sculpture. Gardiner, W., Music of Nature. Graham, G. F., Treatise on Music. Hay, D. R., Harmonious Colouring. Hayiton, B. R., On Paiuting. (Ency.Brit.) Hazlitt, Wm., On the Fine Arts. do. Hosking, W., Treatise on Architecture. Howard, F., Sketchcr's Manual. London, J. C., Architectural Magazine. Phillips, John, Lectures on PainUng. Scott, Infantry Tactics. Tredgold, T., On Rail-Roads. Turner, J., Manual of Vocal Music. ARTS, III. ORATORICAL. Poetry and the Drama, Fables, Eloquence, Rhetoric, Arc. jEsop, Fables. yEsop, Junior, in America. Aucient Metrical Tales. Bacon, W. T., Poems. Barn- Yard Rhymes. Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon Poem of, &c. Beranger, Chansons. Bowles, Miss, Poems. Brougham, Speeches, &c. Burns, R., Works. Campbell, Philosophy of Rhetoric. Chapman, J. M., Greek Pastoral Poets. Coleridge, H. V., Study of the Greek Poets. Conyheare, J., Illustration of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Cowper, W., Works, by Southey. Cox, A. C., Advent, a Mystery. Croly, G., Beauties of the British Poets. Deakin, H. C., Deliverance of Switzerland. Doane, G. W., Songs by the Way. Dolby, T., Shaksperian Dictionary. Fail-field, S. L., Abuddon, &c. Glad win, F., Gulistan, or the Rose Garden. Goetbe, Faustus, by Anster, Gould, Miss F. H., Poems. Gray, Thos., Works. Greene, Robl., Dramatic Works. Hazlitt, Wm., Characters of Shakspeare'a Plays. Hemans, F., Poetical Works. Herrick, B., do. Htint, Leigh, do. Jacobite Minstrelsy. Kemble, J. M., Translation of Beowulf. Ltunb, C., Specimens of Dramatic Poets. La Martine, Jocelyn. Harmonies. Landor, W. S., Pericles and Aspasia. Laurel and the Lyre. Le Grand, Fabliaux, by G. L. Way. Lyde, A. T., Buds of Spring. Me Dei mot, On Tragic Representation. Milman, H. H., Nala and Dalmayanti. Modern Duneiad and other Poems. Moxon, E., Sonnets. Mythological Fables. Nodier, Contes. Phillips', Curran's and Grattan's Speeches. ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. 53 Proctor, B. W., Marcian Colonna. Reign of Humbug, a Satire. Relics of Melodino. Sacred Poetry of the 17lh Century. Sareeant, J., Select Speeches. Schiller, F., Bride of Messina, by Irvine. Scott, M. Y., Fatal Jest, and other Poems. Shirley, J., Dramatic Works. Sophocles, Tragedies, translated. Southey, R., Poetical Works. Spenser, E., Poetical Works. St. Jonathan, a Lay of a Scald. Talfourd, T. N., Athenian Captive. Tennyson, A., Poems. Thorn, W. J., Early English Prose Ro- mances. Untaught Bard. Wan, W., Prohus. Watts, Dr., Lyric Poems. Waverly Anecdotes. Webster, D., Speeches and Forensic Argu- ments. Wordsworth's Poetical Works, PHILOLOGY.-LANGUAGES, POLYGRAPHS, CRITICISM. PHILOLOGY, I. LANGUAGES. Anglo-Saxon, German, French, &c. ANGLO-SAXON. GERMAN. Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon Poem of. translated by Kemble. Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophise. Bosworth, Elements of Anglo-Saxon Gram- mar. Compendium of do. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Collen, G. W'., Britann. Saxonica. Conybeare,J.,Illus. of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Rask, E., Anglo-Saxon Grammar. Thorpe, B., Analecta, Anglo-Saxonica. Follen, C., Practical German Grammar. Rowbotham, German Grammar. Weber, German and English Dictionary. FRENCH. Le Brethon, Guide to French Language. Morrison, R., Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect. PHILOLOGY, II. POLYGRAPHS. Works on Several Subjects. Abbot, J., Hoary Head. Annals of N. Y. Lyceum of Nat. History. Philosophy. Anniversary Calendar. Arcana of Science and Art. Blessington, Lady, Conversations with By- ron. Bourdaloue, CEuvres. Bray, Mrs., Devonshire. British Annual. British Association Reports. Brougham, Lord, Opinions, &c. Bucke, C., Book of Human Character. Table Talk. Beauties of Nature. Cameleon, Le, Journal non Politique. Carlyle, T., Miscellaneous Essays. Chambers' Edinburgh Journal. Chamisso, A., Werke. Cobbin, J., Annual Historian. Coleridge, S. T., Literary Remains. Cowper, W., Life and Works, by Southey. Conversations on Nature and Art. Crabb, Geo., Diet, of General Knowledge. Crebillon, CEuvres. Delavigne, CEuvres. Despreruix, CEuvres. Donovan, M., Domestic Arts, &c. (Lard- ner's Cyclo.) Drake, N., Mornings in Spring. Evenings in Autumn. Duncan, H., Sacred Philos. of the Seasons. Ec-kerraann, Gesprache mit Goethe. Essays on Conversation and Quackery. Fenelon, CEuvres. Selections from. Fragments of Literature. Franklin, B., Letters. Works, by Sparks. Gallery of Nature and Art. Godwin, W-, Thoughts on Man. Goethe, Saumtlicke Werke. - Characteristics of. Gray, Thos., Works. Hassler, Documents. Heeren, Political Treatises. Historical Parallel?. (In Lib. Ent. Know.) Hogg, London as it is. Hopkins. School Library. Howitt, Rural Life in England. Hugo, V., CEuvres. Hunt, L., Indicator and Companion. London Journal. La Harpe, Lycfee. Lnrdner's Cyclopaedia. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Useful Knowledge. La Marline, CEuvres. Landor, Imaginary Conversations. Littleton, Lord, Letters of. Lobb, Contemplative Philosopher. Magazine of Popular Science. Zoology and Botany. Miller. T., Beauties of the Country. Mirror, The, of Literature, &c. Miscellanies. 54 ANALYTICAL CATALOGUE. Naturalists' Library. Nollekins and Times, by J. P. Smith. Notes on Various Sciences. Pebrer, P., Taxation, &c. of Gt. Britain. Penny Cyclopaedia. Philadelphia, Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of. Phillips, Sir R., Million of Facts. Porter,