V^ »-f t^i^j ^ .J, • , "IT, 2i; * *■ -'tTi ji> .i ^ *,n vlv'' m tit <^;^-^' '- >i?i. '>Hn'S' ■■^•2lf?ia??^ n= THE RULE AND EXERCISES OF HOLY DYING WITH PRAYERS AND ACTS OF VIRTUE TO BE USED BY SICK AND DYING PERSONS AND RULES FOR THE VISITA- TION OF THE SICK LIBRARY THE RULE AND EXERCISES OF ol|> Epmg BY JEREMY TAYLOR D. D. LONDON BELL AND DALDY FLEET STREET 1857 TO The Right Honourable and Noblest Lord, RICHARD, Earl of Carbery, &C. My Lord, AM treating your Lordfhip as a Roman Gentleman did Saint Aiigujiine and his Mother ; I ihall entertain you in a Char- nel-houfe, and carry your Meditations awhile into the chambers of Death, where you fhall find the rooms drelTed up with melancholic arts, and fit to converfe with your moft retired thoughts, which begin with a figh, and proceed in deep confideration, and end in a holy refolution. The fight that S.Au- gujiine moll noted in that houfe of forrow was the body oiCcefar clothed with all the difhonours of cor- ruption that you can fuppofe in a fix months' burial. But I know that, without pointing, your firfl thoughts will remember the change of a greater beauty, which is now drefling for the brightefi; immortality, and H. D. b vi THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. from her bed of darknefs calls to you to drefs your Soul for that change which fhall mingle your bones with that beloved duft, and carry your Soul to the fame Quire, where you may both fit and fing for ever. My Lord, it is your dear Lady's Anniverfary^ and (he deferved the biggefi honour, and the longeji memory y and \ht faireji monument, and the moft y^- hjin mourning: and in order to it, give me leave (My Lord) to cover her Hearfe with thefe following fheets. This Book was intended firft to minifter to her Piety; and ihe delired all good people fhould partake of the advantages which are here recorded : fhe knew how to live rarely well, and fhe defired to know how to die ; and God taught her by an expe- riment. But fince her work is done, and God fup- plied her with provifions of his own, before I could minifter to her, and perfedl what fhe defired, it is neceifary to prefent to your Lordfliip thofe bundles of Cyprefs which were intended to drefs her Clofet, but come now to drefs her Hearfe. My Lord, both your Lordihip and myfelf have lately feen and felt fuch forrows of Death, and fuch fad departure of deareil: friends, that it is more than high time we fhould think ourfelves nearly concerned in the acci- dents. Death hath come fo near to you as to fetch a portion from your very heart ; and now you cannot choofe but dig your own grave, and place your cofiin in your eye, when the Angel hath dreffed your fcene THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. vii of forrow and meditation with fo particular and fo near an obje6l : and therefore, as it is my duty, I am come to minifler to your pious thoughts, and to di- redl your forrows, that they may turn into virtues and advantages. And fince I know your Lordfhip to be fo conftant and regular in your Devotions, and fo tender in the matter of Juftice, fo ready in the expreffions of Cha- rity, and fo apprehenfive of Religion, and that you are a perfon whofe work of Grace is apt, and muft every day grow toward thofe degrees, where when you arrive you fhall triumph over imperfection, and choofe nothing but what may pleafe God ; I could not by any compendium conduct and affift your pious purpofes fo well, as by that which is the great argu- ment and the great inflrument of Holy Living, the Confideration and Exercifes of Death. My Lord, it is a great art to die well, and to be learnt by men in health, by them that can difcourfe and conlider, by thofe whofe underflanding and adls of reafon are not abated with fear or pains : and as the greateft part of Death is paffed by the preceding years of our Life, fo alfo in thofe years are the greateft preparations to it ; and he that prepares not for Death before his laft ficknefs, is like him that begins to fludy Philofophy when he is going to difpute pub- licly in the Faculty. All that a fick and dying man can do is but to exercife thofe virtues which he be- viii THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. fore acquired, and to perfed: that repentance which was begun more early. And of this (My Lord) my Book, I think, is a good teftimony; not only be- caufe it reprefents the vanity of a late and lick-bed repentance, but becaufe it contains in it fo many precepts and meditations, fo many proportions and various duties, fuch forms of Exercife, and the de- grees and difficulties of fo many Graces which are necelTary preparatives to a holy Death, that the very learning the duties requires ftudy and fkill, time and underftanding in the ways of godlinefs : and it were very vain to fay fo much is neceifary, and not to fup- pofe more time to learn them, more fkill to prad:ife them, more opportunities to defire them, more abi- lities both of body and mind than can be fuppofed in a lick, amazed, timorous, and weak perfon ; whofe natural adts are difabled, whofe fenfes are weak, whofe difcerning faculties are lelTened, whofe prin- ciples are made intricate and entangled, upon whofe eye fits a cloud, and the heart is broken with lick- nefs, and the liver pierced through with forrows, and the ftrokes of Death. And therefore (My Lord) it is intended by the neceflity of affairs, that the pre- cepts of {iyhig well be part of the fludies of them that live in health, and the days of difcourfe and un- derftandlng, which in this cafe hath another degree of ncccillty fuperaddcd ; becaufe in other notices, an impcrfcd: ftudy may be fupplied by a frequent THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT, ix exercife and a renewed experience ; here if we pracftife imperfectly once, we fhall never recover the error : for we die but once ; and therefore it will be nece/Tary that our fkill be more exadt, fince it is not to be mended by trial, but the actions muft be for ever left imperfed:, unlefs the habit be contradled with fludy and contemplation beforehand. And indeed I were vain, if I fhould intend this Book to be read and ftudied by Dying perfons : And they were vainer that fhould need to be infi:ru6led in thofe graces which they are then to exercife and to finifh. For a lick-bed is only a fchool of fevere exercife, in which the fpirit of a man is tried, and his graces are rehearfed : and the afliftances which I have in the following pages given to thofe virtues which are proper to the ftate of Sicknefs, are fuch as fuppofe a man in the flate of grace ; or they con- firm a good man, or they fupport the weak, or add degrees, or minifter comfort, or prevent an evil, or cure the little mifchiefs which are incident to tempted perfons in their weaknefs. That is the fum of the prefent defign as it relates to Dying perfons. And therefore I have not inferted any advices proper to Old age, but fuch as are common to it and the ftate of ficknefs ; for I fuppofe very old age to be a longer Jicknefs; it is labour and forrow when it goes beyond the common period of nature : but if it be on this fide that period, and be healthful ; in the fame de- X THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT, gree it is fo, I reckon it in the accounts of life ; and therefore it can have no diftind: confideration. But I do not think it is a ftation of advantage to begin the change of an evil life in : It is a middle ftate between life and death-bed; and therefore although it hath more of hopes than this, and lefs than that; yet as it partakes of either ftate, fo it is to be regu- lated by the advices of that flate, and judged by its fentences. Only this : I defire that all old perfons would fadly confider that their advantages in that ftate are very few, but their inconveniences are not few; their bodies are without ftrength, their prejudices long and mighty, their vices (if they have lived wicked) are habitual, the occaiions of the virtues not many, the poflibilities of fome (in the matter of which they ftand very guilty) are part, and {hall never return again, (fuch are, chaflity, and many parts of felf-denial ;) that they have fome tempta- tions proper to their age, as peevifhnefs and pride, covetoufnefs and talking, wilfulnefs and unwilling- •vci quia nil rcaum,nin "efs to * Icam ; and they think quod plaruit fibi, du- , r> i i r cunt; tJicy arc protected by age irom Vcl quia turpe putant pa- rcrc minoribus, et, quae learning a ucw, or repenting the Imbcibcs didiccre, fenes pcrdcnda fateri. old I and do not I'leave, but Hor. Ep. ' ' ^ „. „ chanee their vices : And after all f Tencllis adhur in- *-' fantix HiRc pcrAiafwmibns f j^jg cither the dav of their repent- in Icncautc piicraf( uiif. -' •» THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. xi very many; or it is expiring and towards the Sun- fet, as it is in all : and therefore although in thefe to recover is very poffible, yet v/e may alfo remem- ber that, in the matter of virtue and repentance pqf- fibility is a great way off from performance; and how few do repent, of whom it is only pojjibk that they may ? and that many things more are required to reduce their pojjibility to adl ; a great grace, an affi- duous miniftry, an effective calling, mighty affift- ances, excellent counfel, great induflry, a watchful diligence, a well-difpofed mind, paffionate defires, deep apprehenlions of danger, quick perceptions of duty, and time, and God's good bleffing, and eifediual impreffion and feconding all this, that to will and to do may by him be wrought to great purpofes, and with great fpeed. And therefore it will not be amifs, but it is hugely neceffary, that thefe perfons who have loft their time and their bleffed opportunities fhould have the dili- gence of youth, and the zeal of new converts, and take account of every hour that is left them, and pray perpetually, and be advifed prudently, and iludy the intereft of their fouls carefully with diligence, and with fear ; and their old age, which in eifedl is no- thing but a continual death-bed, drelTed with fome more order and advantages, may be a ftate of hope and labour, and acceptance ; through the infinite mercies of God in Jefus Chrifl. xii THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. But concerning finners really under the arreft of death, God hath made no death-bed covenant, the Scripture hath recorded no promifes, given no in- ftrudlions, and therefore I had none to give, but only the fame v^hich are to be given to all men that are alive, becaufe they are fo, and becaufe it is uncertain when they fhall be otherwife. But then this advice I alfo am to infert. That they are the fmalleft num- ber of Chriftian men, who can be divided by the characters of ^ certain holinefs, or an open villany: and between thefe there are many degrees of latitude, and mofl are of a middle fort, concerning which we are tied to make the judgments of charity, and poffibly God may do fo too. But however, all they are fuch to whom the Rules of Holy Dying are ufeful and appli- cable, and therefore no feparation is to be made in this world. But where the cafe is not evident ^ men are to be permitted to the unerring judgment of God; where it is evident, we can rejoice or mourn for them that die. In the Church of Rome they reckon otherwife concerning fick and Dying Chriftians than I have done. For they make profeffion, that from death to life, from fin to grace, a man may very certainly be changed, though the operation begin not before his laft hour : and half this they do upon his death- bed, and the other half when he is in his grave ; and they take away the eternal punijhment in an inftant, rHE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. xiii by a fchool-diftindion or the hand of the Priefl ; and the temporal puntfhment fhall flick longer, even then when the man is no more meafured with time, having nothing to do with anything ofov under the Sun; but that they pretend to take away too when the man is dead ; and, God knows, the poor man for all this pays them both in hell. The diftindlion of temporal and eternal is a juft meafure of pain, when it refers to this life and another: but to dream of a punifh- ment temporal when all his time is done, and to think of repentance when the time of grace is part, are great errors, the one in Philofophy, and both in Di- vinity, and are a huge folly in their pretence, and infinite danger if they are believed ; being a certain deftrudlion of the neceflity of holy living, when men dare truft them, and live at the rate of fuch dodlrines. The fecret of thefe is foon difcovered : for by fuch means though a holy life be not necelTary, yet a Prieji is ; as if God did not appoint the Priefl to minifter to holy living, but to excufe it ; fo making the holy calling not only to live upon the fins of the people, but upon their ruin, and the advantages of their function to fpring from their eternal dangers. It is an evil craft to ferve a temporal end upon the Death of Souls : that is an interefl not to be handled but with noblenefs and ingenuity, fear and caution, dili- gence and prudence, with great fkill and great ho- nefly, with reverence, and trembling, and feverity : xiv THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. a Soul is worth all that, and the need we have re- quires all that: and therefore thofe dodlrines that go lefs than all this are not friendly, becaufe they are not fafe. I know no other difference in the vifitation and treating of fick perfons, than what depends upon the article of late Repentance : for all Churches agree in the fame effential proportions, and aflift the fick by the fame internal miniflries. As for external, I mean UnBion, ufed in the Church of Rome, fince it is ufed when the man is above half dead, when he can exercife no adl of underftanding, it muft needs be nothing : for no rational man can think that any Ceremony can make a fpiritual change, without a fpiritual ad: of him that is to be changed ; nor work by way of nature, or by charm, but morally, and after the manner of reafonable creatures : and there- fore I do not think that miniftry at all fit to be reckoned among the advantages of fick perfons. The Fathers of the Council of Trent firft difputed, and after this manner at laft agreed, that extreme Vndlion was mjiituted by Chriji. But afterwards, being admonifhed by one of their Theologues, that the Apoftles miniflered Undlion to infirm people be- fore they were Priefts, (the Prieftly order, according to their dodrine, being collated in the inftitution of the laft Supper) for fear that it fliould be thought that tills Undtion might be adminiftered by him that THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. xv was no Prieft, they blotted out the word [injiituted'] and put in in its flead [injinuated^ this Sacrament, and that it was publtJJied by S. 'James. So it is in their DoSirine : and yet in their anathematifms they curfe all them that ihall deny it to have been [/«/?/- tuted] by Chriji. I fhall lay no more prejudice againft it, or the weak arts of them that maintain it, but add this only, that there being but two places of Scripture pretended for this ceremony, fome chief men of their own fide have proclaimed thofe two invalid as to the inftitution of it : for Suarez fays that the Undion ufed by the Apoftles in S. Mark 6. 13. is not the fame with what is ufed in the Church of Rome ; and that it cannot be plainly ga- thered from the Epiftle of Saint James, Cajetan af- firms, and that it did belong to the miraculous gift of healing, not to a Sacrament. The fick man's exercife of grace formerly acquired, his perfecting repentance begun in the days of health, the prayers and counfels of the holy man that minifiers, the giving the holy Sacrament, the miniftry and afiifi:- ance of Angels, and the mercies of God, the peace of confcience, and the peace of the Church, are all the aflifi:ances and preparatives that can help to drefs his lamp. But if a man fhall go to buy oil when the Bridegroom comes, if his lamp be not firfi: fur- nifhed and then trimmed, that in this life, this upon his death-bed, his fiation fhall be without-doors, his xvi THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. portion with unbelievers, and the Undiion of the dying man fhall no more ftrengthen his Soul than it cures his body, and the prayers for him after his death ihall be of the fame force as if they {hould pray that he fhould return to life again the next day, and live as long as Lazarus in his return. But I coniider, that it is not well that men fhould pre- tend anything will do a man good when he dies ; and yet the fame miniftries and ten times more af- liftances are found for forty or fifty years together to be inefFedtual. Can extreme Undlion at lafl cure what the holy Sacrament of the Eucharift all his life-time could not do ? Can prayers for a dead man do him more good than when he was alive ? li all his days the man belonged to death and the do- minion of fm, and from thence could not be reco- vered by Sermons, and counfels, and perpetual pre- cepts, and frequent Sacraments, by confeffions and abfolutions, by prayers and advocations, by external miniftries and internal adls, it is but too certain that his lamp cannot then be furnifhed : his extreme Undtion is only then of ufe when it is made by the oil that burned in his lamp in all the days of his ex- ped:ation and waiting for the coming of the Bride- groom. Neither can any fupply be made in this cafe by their pradice of praying for the dead : though they pretend for this the faireft precedents of the Church THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. xvii and of the whole world. The Heathens they fay- did it, and the Jews did it, and the Chriftians did it: fome were baptized for the dead in the days of the Apoftles, and very many were communicated for the dead for fo many ages after. 'Tis true, they were fo, and did fo : the Heathens* prayed Tertui. de Monog. s. r n J ... J Cypian. lib. i. ep. 9. S. jor an eajy grave, and a perpetual Athan. q. 33. s. Cyrii. -,. , o/r 11 'r r myll. cat.5.Epiph.Haeref. Jpring, that bajfron would rije irom 75. Aug.deHaeref. ca.53. Concil. Caith. 3.C.29. their beds or erals. The ews ^^.. ,. o J *Dii, majorumumbnste- prayed that the Souls of their dead ^Z^'! ^'"' ^°"'*''' • i^i-^i 1 r-r>J Spirantefque crocos, et in might be in the garden of Eden, ^uma perpetuum ver. . « • 1 1 1 • • Juiien. Sat. 7. that they might have their part in Paradife, and in the world to come ; and that they might hear the peace of the fathers of their ge- neration, fleeping in Hebron. And the Chriftians prayed for 2i joyful refurreSiion, for mercy at the day of judgment, for hajiening of the coming of Chriji, and the kingdom of God ; and they named all forts of per- fons in their prayers, all I mean but wicked perfons, all but them that lived evil lives ; they named Apo- ftles, Saints and Martyrs. And all this is fo nothing to their purpofe, or fo much againft it, that the prayers for the dead ufed in the Church of Rome are moft plainly condemned, becaufe they are againft the dod:rine and practices of all the world, in other forms, to other purpofes, relying upon diftind: doc- trines, until new opinions began to arife about S. Augufiines time, and changed the face of the pro- xviii THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. pofition. Concerning prayers of the Dead, the Church hath received no cotnmandment froin the Lord : and therefore concerning it we can have no rules nor pro- portions, but from thofe imperfect revelations of the flate of departed Souls, and the meafures of Charity, which can relate only to the imperfedlion of their prefent condition, and the terrors of the day of Judg- ment : but to think that any Suppletory to an evil life can be taken from fuch devotions after the fin- ners are dead, may encourage a bad man to fin, but cannot relieve him when he hath. But of all things in the world methinks men fhould be moft careful not to abufe Dying people ; not only becaufe their condition is pitiable, but becaufe they fhall foon be difcovered, and in the fecret re- gions of Souls there fhall be an evil report concern- ing thofe men who have deceived them : and if we believe we fhall go to that place where fuch reports are made, we may fear the fhame and the amaze- ment of being accounted impoflors in the prefence of Angels, and all the wife holy men of the world. To be erring and innocent is hugely pitiable, and incident to mortality ; that we cannot help : but to deceive or to deftroy fo great an intereft as is that of a Soul, or to lefTcn its advantages, by giving it tri- fiing and falfe confidences, is injurious and intoler- able. And therefore it were very well if all the Churches of the world would be extremely curious rUE EPISTLE DEDICArORT. xix concerning their offices and miniftries of the Vijita- tion of the fick : that their Minifters they fend be holy and prudent; that their inftrudlions be fevere and fafe ; that their fentences be merciful and rea- fonable ; that their offices be fufficient and devout, that their attendances be frequent and long; that their deputations be fpecial and peculiar ; that the do(5trines upon which they ground their offices be true, material and holy ; that their ceremonies be few, and their advices wary ; that their feparation be full of caution, their judgments not remifs, their re- miffions not loofe and diflblute ; and that all the whole miniftration be made by perfons of experience and charity. For it is a fad thing to fee our dead go out of our heads : they live incuriouily and die without regard ; and the laft fcene of their life, which fhould be dreffied with all fpiritual advan- tages, is abufed by flattery and eafy proportions, and let go with careleffiiefs and folly. My Lord, I have endeavoured to cure fome part of the evil as well as I could, being willing to re- lieve the needs of indigent people in fuch ways as I can; and therefore have defcribed the Duties which every fick man may do alone, and fuch in which he can be affifted by the Minifler : and am the more confident that thefe my endeavours will be the bet- ter entertained, becaufe they are the firfl: entire Body of direcflions for fick and Dying people that I re- XX THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. member to have been publifhed in the Church of England. In the Church of Ro?7ie there have been many; but they are dreffed with fuch dodrines which are sometimes ufelefs, fometimes hurtful, and their whole defign of affiftance which they com- monly yield is at the beft imperfed:, and the repre- fentment is too carelefs and loofe for fo fevere an employment. So that in this affair I was almofl forced to walk alone ; only that I drew the rules and advices from the fountains of Scripture, and the pureft channels of the Primitive Church, and was helped by fome experience in the cure of Souls. I fhall meafure the fuccefs of my labours, not by popular noifes or the fentences of curious perfons, but by the advantage which good people may re- ceive. My work here is not to pleafe the fpecula- tive part of men, but to minifter to practice, to preach to the weary, to comfort the iick, to affifl the penitent, to reprove the confident, to flrengthen weak hands and feeble knees, having fcarce any other poflibilities left me of doing Alms, or exercifing that Charity by which we fliall be judged at Doomfday. It is enough for mc to be an underbuilder in the houfe of God, and I glory in the employment, I labour in the foundations ; and therefore the work needs no Apology for being plain, fo it be ftrong and well laid. But (My Lord) as mean as it is, I muft give (iod thanks for the defires and the ilrength ; THE EPISTLE DEDICATORT. xxi and, next to him, to you, for that opportunity and little portion of leifure which I had to do it in : for I muft acknowledge it publicly, (and befides my prayers, it is all the recompenfe I can make you) my being quiet I owe to your Intereft, much of my fupport to your bounty, and many other collateral comforts I derive from your favour and noblenefs. My Lord, becaufe I much honour you, and becaufe I would do honour to myfelf, I have written your name in the entrance of my Book : I am fure you will entertain it, becaufe the deiign related to your dear Lady, and becaufe it may minifter to your fpirit in the day of vifitation, when God fhall call for you to receive your reward for your charity and your noble piety, by which you have not only en- deared very many perfons, but in great degrees have obliged me to be. My Noblefi Lord, Tour Lordfldlfs moji thankful and moJi humble Servant , JER. TAYLOR. H. I), CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Page A General Preparation towards a holy and blejfed Death ; by way of Conftderation. Sect. I. Confideration of the Vanity and Shortnefs of Man's Life I Sect. II. The Confideration reduced to Pra6lice .... lo Sect. III. Rules and fpiritual Arts of lengthening our Days, and to take off the Objection of a fhort Life .... 20 Sect. IV. Confideration of the Miferies of Man's Life . . 33 Sect. V. This Confideration reduced to Pra6lice .... 42 CHAPTER n. A General Preparation towards a holy and blejfed Death ; by way of Exercife. Sect. I. Three Precepts preparatory to a holy Death, to be pradlifed in our whole Life 46 Sect. II. Of daily Examination of our Adtions in the whole Courfe of our Health, preparatory to our Death-bed . . 53 Reafons for a daily Examination 53 The Benefits of this Exercife 56 Sect. III. Of exercifing Charity during our whole Life . 64 Sect. IV. General Confiderations to enforce the former Pra6tices 68 The Circumftances of a dying Man's Sorrow, and Danger . 69 CHAPTER III. Of the State of Sicknefs^ and the 'Temptations incident to it, zuith their proper Remedies. Sect. I. Of the State of Sicknefs 74 xxiv CONTENTS. Page Sect. II. Of the firft Temptation proper to the State of Sick- nefs. Impatience 7^ Sect. III. Conftituent or integral Parts of Patience ... 8i Sect. IV. Remedies againft Impatience by way of Con- fideration 84 Sect. V. Remedies againft Impatience by way of Exercife . 94 Sect. VI. Advantages of Sicknefs loi Sect. VII. The fecond Temptation proper to the State of Sicknefs, Fear of Death, with its Remedies . . . . 121 Remedies againft the Fear of Death, by way of Confidera- tion • . . . 123 Sect. VIII. Remedies againft Fear of Death, by way of Ex- ercife 130 Sect. IX. General Rules and Exercifes whereby our Sick- nefs may become fafe and fanclified 138 CHAPTER IV. Of the PraSilce of the Graces proper to the State of Sicknefs^ which a Sick Man may pra5iife alone. Sect. I. Of the Practice of Patience 151 The Praftice and Adls of Patience, by way of Rule . . . 152 Sect. II. Ads of Patience by way of Prayer and Ejaculation 161 The Prayer to be faid in the beginning of a Sicknefs . . . 167 An Acfl of Refignation to be faid by a Sick Perfon in all the evil Accidents of his Sicknefs 168 A Prayer for the Grace of Patience 169 A Prayer to be faid when the Sick Man takes Phyfic . . . 171 Sect. III. Of the Pra6lice of the Grace of Faith in the Time of Sicknefs 172 Sect. IV, A