STACK ANNBX s 026 125 ITECHAPEL lAKT GALLERY EXHIBITION OF jfcwisb Hrt and Hmiquities, NOV. 7 to DEC 1 6, 12 Noon to 10 p.m. ff PREFACE. IT \v;is in contemplation to hold a Jewish Exhibition in this Gallery in 1905. At first it was thought that the building might be placed at the disposal of a Committee selected from leading Jewish societies, who should organise and carry out the Exhibition more or less independently of the Authorities of the Gallery. The scheme as originally shadowed out was to hold a cosmopolitan and representative Show on much the same lines as the memorable Anglo-Jewish Exhibition held at the Albert Hall in 1887 ; save that it was proposed to widen the basis by including a Collection of Works by Jewish Artists, English and Foreign, and to invite the offer of exhibits from all countries. It so happened, however, that the Gallery was not avail- able during the Autumn of last year. Moreover, it was felt as the scheme developed that an undertaking so important and comprehensive demanded more space that this Gallery could afford, and a more central position in London than Whitechapel. It was deemed advisable, therefore, that this larger proposal should, temporarily at least, be put on one side, and that, instead, the Authorities of the Gallery should themselves organise an Exhibition of Jewish Art and Antiquities, on somewhat narrower and less ambitious lines than the original plan. It was further understood that they should have the assistance and advice of a Committee, chosen for that purpose, from members of the various Jewish societies. Such, then, is the origin of the present Exhibition, the objects of which are briefly these : 1. To gather together the rare, costly, and beautiful Appurtenances from the different Synagogues in London objects which most have read or heard of, and which, of course, to many of our Visitors will be quite familiar, but which will be strange to very many others, who will be as much interested in reading in their catalogue of their varied uses and import as they will be delighted by their beauty and splendour. In addition to these Appurtenances lent by the Synagogues there will be seen many beautiful exhibits associated with domestic devotion, which have been lent by the kindness of private owners. 2. To show, for the pleasure and interest of all, but specially of Scholars and Bibliologists, a Collection of Manuscripts and Books that are only, it is true, a fraction of what might have been exhibited had space permitted : but which have been selected with a view to their great interest and rarity. 1334964 3. To illustrate by a Selection of Portraits and a remark- ably interesting Series of Prints the history of the Jewish community in England since their re-admission, during the Protectorate of Cromwell. 4. To exhibit as far as space and funds would permit the Works of Jewish Artists, living and deceased. The examples shown are mainly by English Artists, but we have been so fortunate as to secure many pictures by Foreign Painters notably by the Nestor of Dutch Art the illus- trious Jozef Israels. The Committee take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to all who have so generously helped towards the success of the Exhibition by the loan of Objects and Pictures. Nothing could be more gratifying than the in- terest in the Exhibition shown by all, or the ready alacrity with which public bodies and private individuals have responded to the appeals made to them for assistance. NOTICE. Many of the brief explanatory notes in this catalogue have been taken from the admirable work corn-filed for the Anglo-Jewish Exhibition by Dr. Joseph Jacobs and Mr. Lucien Wolf. To those gentlemen ive beg to offer our best thanks for their courtesy in allowing full use to be made of their catalogue for the -pur-poses of the present Exhibition. WHITECHAPEL ART GALLERY, HIGH STREET, WHITECHAPEL. EXHIBITION OF JEWISH ART AND ANTIQUITIES. CATALOGUE. LOWER GALLERY. Unless otherwise stated,- the pictures are lent by the artists. ENGRAVINGS. 1 St. Katharine's, Utrecht. (C. Philips-Jacobs, 1744, after I. D. B.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. IA Group : Sculpture. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 2 Jewish High Priest. (Attributed to School of Rem- brandt.) Lent by G. Martin, Esq. 3 On the Amper. (C. T. Meyer, after P. Roth.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 4 Woodcuts from the Book of Ruth and the Book of Esther. (Lucien Pissarro.) 5 An Italian Laundress. (Madame Jacob-Bazin.) Lent by Messrs. Cassell and Co., Ltd. 6 At the Bookstalls. (Madame Jacob-Bazin.) Lent by Messrs. Cassell and Co., Ltd. 7 The Pillar of the Law. (Samuel R. Samuel.) 8 Near Dachau. (J. T. Meyer, after Swieszewski.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 9 Woodcuts from the Book of Ruth and the Book of Esther. (Lucien Pissarro.) LOWER GALLERY 10 Under the Empire. (Madame Jacob-Bazin ) Lent by Messrs. Cassell and Co., Ltd. 11 An Arab Encampment. (Madame Jacob-Bazin ) Lent by Messrs. Cassell and Co., Ltd. 12 Le Mans. (Henry Lucas.) (Nos. 12-20 lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq.) 13 Study of a Head (etching). (Frank L. Emanuel.) 14 Henry Irving as Vanderdecken. (E. Rischgitz.) 15 A Bottle of Champagne. (C. Schloesser.) 16 The Madonna. (G. Wolff, after Correggio.) 17 Rye Marsh. (J. L. Henry.) 18 Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart. (Edward L. Montefiore.) 19 Walter Crane. (W. Rothenstein.) 20 Lady in a Satin Dress. (G. Wolff, after Terborg.) 21 Limburg on the Lahn. (Lawrence B. Phillips,A.R.E.) 22 Motza Kleiss (Alphonse Levy.) Lent by Elkan Adler, Esq. 23 Loches. (Edward L. Montefiore.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 24 Fishing Smacks, Whitby. (Arthur C. Behrend.) 25 Echo and Narcissus (etching). (W. Heydemann, after Solomon J. Solomon, R.A.) 26 Heretics before the Inquisition. (E. Moyse.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 27 An Old Woman. (Josef Israels.) Lent by Elkan Adler, Esq. 28 Cologne. (L. B. Phillips.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 29 Old Airs (etching). (W. Heydemann, after Seymour Lucas, R.A.) 30 The Beaconsfield Cabinet. (Henry Lemon.) Lent by Miss Evelyn L. Lemon. 31 Red Riding Hood. (Henry Lemon.) Lent by Miss Cecile E. Lemon. 32 Secrets (?). (A. Lowenstam, after L. Alma Tadema, R.A.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 33 Woman and Child. (Josef Israels.) Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 34 The Maker of Phylacteries. (Alphonse L6vy ) Lent E. N. Adler, Esq. 35 A Lane. (Tancrede Abraham.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 36 A Lithograph. (W. Rothenstein.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. LOWER GALLERY 5 37 Haddon Hall. (Lawrence B. Phillips, A.R.E.) 38 Old Mill, Arundel. (Arthur C. Behrend.) 39 Etching. (Josef Israels.) Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 40 A Picador. (Loe'vy.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 41 A Rabbi. (Arthur C. Behrend.) 42 A Village oa the Eifel. (F. L. Mayer, after C. Ludwig.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 43 An Interior. (Josef Israels.) Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 44 Children Paddling. (Josef Israels.) Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 45 The Fisherwoman (Josef Israels.) Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 46 Head of a Rabbi. (Hermann Struck, A.R.E.) Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S.A. 47 The Castle of St. Angelo, Rome. (J. Meyer.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 48 A Title Page. (J. Isac, 1630.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 49 Margareta Valesia. (C. de Pass.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 50 The Market, Town Hall, and Church at Rhenen. (C. Philips Jacobs, jun., 1753, after J. de Beyer.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 51 The Sorbonne, Paris. (I. Sylvestre.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 52 Happiness of the Regency. (B. Picart, after Rubens.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 53 King David. (G. de Pass, after A. Bloemart.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 54 A Rabbi and a Study of Heads. (B. Picart, after Guercino.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 55 Married Life. (C. de Pass.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 56 Hell. (B. Picart.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 57 A Patera from Millin. (H. Moses, 1811.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 58 The Tuileries and Louvre, Paris. (I. Sylvestre.) Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 59 Products from Palestine, in case. Lent by The Palestine and Oriental Company. 60 Metal Case for a Scroll of the Law. (Bokhara.) Lent by . N. Adler, Esq. 6 LOWER GALLERY BAY I. CASE 1. Re-Admission of the Jews into England. Photo- graphs of documents at the Public Record Office, 1651-1657. Particulars will be found on the labels in Case No. i. Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S.A. 62 Rabbi Uri Faivel ben Naphtali, known as Aaron Hart. See No. 77. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 63 Rabbi Shlomo ben R. Tsevi, known as Solomon Hirschel. See No. 79. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 64 Rabbi Tsevi Hirsch, known as Hart Lyon. See No. 83. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 65 Rev. M. Salom, elected Hazan of the Bevis Marks Synagogue, 5539; d. 5578-1818. Lent by the Bevis Marks Synagogue. 66 Moses Hart, Esq., founder of the Great Synagogue. See Nos. 77, 96, 99, 213, 392, 657, 690, 699. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 67 Meyer von Rothenburg. (Probably by Ferdinand Bol, of Dordrecht, 1616-1680.) Lent by Dr. B. Morris. 68 Dr. N. M. Adler. See No. 418. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 69 Rev. Dr. Raphael Meldola, D.D. ; ob. June i, 1828. See Nos. 101, 320. Lent by the Bevis Marks Synagogue. The extremely interesting Selection of Prints, Mezzotints, etc., from the collection of Israel Solomons, Esq. (many of them unique and of the greatest rarity) numbered from 70 to 129; from 199 to 231; from 375 to 432; and also on Large Screen, from 657 to 734 has been generously lent by him, and he has also supplied the instructive his- torical notes relating to his and other portraits in the Gallery. Yahacob Saportas. (P. van Gunst, sculp.) Born 1618. Accompanied Menasseh ben Israel to England to interview Cromwell. Hahain of the Portuguese Jews in London, and afterwards in Amsterdam, where he died in 1698. LOWER GALLERY 7 71 Menasseh Ben Israel. (Rembrandt ; in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Born, Lisbon, 1604!?) Haham in Amsterdam, 1622. Came to England to interview Cromwell with regard to the re-admission of his co- religionists to this country. Died, 1657. (Autotype, after Rembrandt.) See Nos. 286, 291, 294, 297, 322, 443- 72 Rare Broadside in the Bodleian relating to David and Isaac Netto. (Photo.) 73 Yahacob Sasportas. (P. van, sculpt.) Brilliant proof, before all letters. See No. 70. 74 David Netto. (David Estevens, pinxt. ; I. McArdell, fecit.) Born, Venice, 1654. Philosopher, physician, poet, mathematician, astronomer, and Rabbi. Haham of the Portuguese Jews in London, 1702. Died, 1728. See Nos. 268, 269, 275, 277, 282, 284, 308. 75 Menasseh Ben Israel. (After the etching by Rem- brandt.) See No. 71. (Mezzotint.) 76 Menasseh Ben Israel. (Engraved by the Jewish En- graver, Salom Italia.) See No. 71. 77 Aaron Hart, Rabbi, aged 81. (Engraved from an original painting of B. Dandridge by James McArdell.) Born, 1670, Breslau. Chief Rabbi in London, 1692, where his brother Moses was Parnass. Died, 1756. (This engraving is in first state, only one other copy known.) See No. 66. 78 David Nieto (unique), the frontispiece of Dr. Caster's Bi-Centenary volume. (El muy Ilustre, y Excelenmo. Sr. H. H. y Dr. David Nieto, Rab del K.K. de Londres, Tisn 5465.) See No. 74. 79 Solomon Hirschel. (By W. Holl, after the painting by the Jewish portrait-painter, F. B. Barlin). B. in London, 1762, during the Rabbinate of his Father, R. Hart Lyon. Chief Rabbi, 1802. D. 1842. (Proof before any letters.) See No. 83. 80 Interior of the Amsterdam Portuguese Synagogue. (by Romano de Hooghe.) Foundation stone laid, 1671; consecrated, 1675. The medallions round the synagogue contain the names of the founders. 81 David Netto. (A very fine example of painting on glass.) See No. 74. 82 Hirschel Lobl. (Painted by I. A. Kruger ; engraved by M. Abramson, jun., 1798.) See No. 83. 83 Hart Lyon. (I. Turner, pinxit ; E. Fisher, fecit.) B. 1721 in Galicia. A distinguished Talmudist. Chief Rabbi in London, 1756-1763. During his Rabbinate here his son Solomon, who succeeded him in office in 1802, was born. D. 1800 in Berlin. Known also as Hirschel Lobl. See Nos. 79, 125. I LOWER GALLERY 4 Aryeh Yehoodah Loeb Ben David (in Hebrew). (Jacob Falk, delin et sculp.) Rabbi of the Ashkenazi Jews in Amsterdam. D. 1704. 85 Solomon Hirschell. (F. B. Barlin, pinxt. ; VV. Holl, sculp.) See No. 79. 86 Samuel de Lion Benavente. (Pet. Schenk, fee. et exc., 1701.) Celebrated Dutch surgeon. 87 Yshack Aboab. (Naghtegal, delin et fecit.) B. in Portugal, 1605. Was appointed Haham in Amster- dam, 1626. Haham in Pernambuco, Brazil, 1642. Left Brazil, 1649, and re-appointed Haham in Amster- dam, a secret adherent of Shabbethai Zebi in his old age. The first Jewish author in America. D. 1693. 88 Aryeh Lob Breslau. (By M. J. Sallieth, after a por trait by Frey.) B. 1741 at Breslau. Chief Rabbi of Rotterdam, 1781. D. 1809. 89 Daniel Cohen D'Azavedo. (F. I. Pfeiffer, del e\ sculps., 1797.) Haham Jn Amsterdam. D. 1823. Succeeded his father, David Cohen D'Azavedo, in office. 90 Solomon Aelyon. (J. Houbraken, fecit.) B. circa, 1660. Haham in London, i68q. D. in Amsterdam, 1728. Accused of being a follower of Shabethai Zebi. See No. 700. 91 Rev. Isaac Polack, D D. (P. Leslie, pinxt. ; Rt. Newman, sculpt.) Chief Reader of the Great Syna- gogue. On the re-opening, in 1766, he conducted the dedication service. See book in central case, No. 1311. 92 Thomas Pinto. (P. Reinagle, del et sculp.) Violinist. D. 1773. 93 Isaac Polack, Chief Reader of the Great Synagogue. R. Itsik Kazan D B.H. Hagdolah Belondon. (Bur- gess, delint ; Bolton, sculpt.) See No. 91. 94 Aryeh Lob Breslau. (G. I. van den Berg, del. ; Jerms. Snoek, sculpt., Rotterdam, 1794.) See No. 88. 95 Jacob Kimhe. (Ozias Humphrey, R.A., pinx., 1788; Joseph Singleton, sculp.) B. 1720 at Constantinople, of the same family as the celebrated R. David Kimhi, the grammarian. Hebrew author, and sold slippers during his stay in London, in the neighbourhood of the Royal Exchange. D. about 1800. 96 Mrs Judith Levy (the rich Jewess, usually called the " Queen of Richmond Green "). B. 1706 in London, daughter of Moses Hart, founder of Duke's Place Synagogue ; married Elias Levy, a wealthy financier. Contributed ^4,000 towards the rebuilding of the Great Synagogue in 1790. Her sister, Abigail, was the great-grandmother of John Adolphus, the historian. Di 1803. See N-os. 66, 213. LOWER GALLERY 9 97 Entrance to a Jews' Synagogue, Leadenhall Street. (Engraved from a drawing by J. Nixon.) This was the synagogue in which the Great St. Helens con- gregation originally worshipped. See Nos. 658, 659. 98 Hart Abrahams. (By his great-grandson, Samuel Hart, father of Solomon Hart, R.A.) A Jew of Plymouth, who travelled with medicines through Cornwall. 99 The House of Moses Hart. (A. Heckell, delint. ; Ant. Walker, sculpt.) B. at Breslau. Brother of Rabbi Aaron Hart (Uri Phaibus). Financier. Built the Duke's Place Synagogue in 1722 at his own cost. See No. 66. 100 Raphael Cohn. (I. Nathan, pinxit.) B. 1722. Talmudist and author. Chief Rabbi of the three congregations, Altona, Hamburgh, and Wandsbeck, 1776. A bitter opponent of Moses Mendelssohn. D. at Altona, 1803. 101 Raphael Meldola. (Painted by F. B. Barlin ; en- graved by Joshua Lopez.) B. Leghorn, 1754. Haham, Bevis Marks Synagogue, 1805. D. 1791. See Nos. 69, 320. 102 Moses Gomez de Mesquita. (SI. Da Silva, pinxt. ; J. Faber, fecit, 1752.) B. 1688. Haham, Bevis Marks Synagogue, 1744. D. 1751. 103 Photo of Rare Broadside in the Bodleian concerning Dr. Jacob de Castro Sarmento. See No. 106. 104 Jonathan Eybeschiitz. B. Cracow about 1690. Famous Rabbi and Talmudist. Accused of being a believer in Shabbethai Zebi. D. Altona, 1764. The late Rev. S. Singer was one of his descendants. 105 David Cohen D'Azavedo, with the Armorial Bearings of the Azavedos. Haham in Amsterdam. D. 1792. (Contemporary water-colour drawing.) 106 Jacob de Castro Sarmento. (Pine, pinx. ; Houston, fecit.) Marrano Jew. B 1691 in Portugal. Phy- sician, naturalist, poet, and preacher; F.R.S. Lon- don, 1725. In 1739 the University of Aberdeen con- ferred on him a medical degree. D. in London 1761. See Nos. 103, 274. 107 Naphtali Cohen. (After the painting of Monsieur Nothnagel.) B. 1649. Devoted himself to the study of Cabala. Rabbi at Frankfort o/M, 1704. Charged with preventing the extinction of the great fire there in 1711 by cabalistic charms, and was thrown into prison. D. Constantinople, 1718. 108 Mr. Isaac. (L. Goupy, pinx.; G. White, fecit.) Celebrated Dancing Master. See British Museum Catalogue' of Music. 109 Moses Mendez. (W. Bromley, sculpt., 1792.) B. in London. M.A. Oxford, 1750. Grandson of Ferdi- io LOWER GALLERY nando Mendes, who came over to England with Catharine de Braganza. Financier and author. D. 1758. See No. 543. no Jacob Moses. (I. Kamphuysen, del.; H. L. Myling, sculp.) Chief Rabbi in Amsterdam; succeeded his father, Rabbi Saul Levi, in the Rabbinate in 1790. Was a cousin of Rabbi Solomon Hirschell, of London. See No. 125. in Jacob Moses ben Saul. See No. no. 112 Jewish Cemetery at Furth. (I. A. Baener, f.) 113 David ben Abraham Oppenheimer. (Kleinhard, del. ; Baltzer, sc.) B. 1664 at Worms. Rabbi, cabbalist, liturgist, mathematician, and bibliophile. His famous library is now in the Bodleian. D. 1736 at Prague. 114 Zacutus Lusitanus. (Claude Audran, fecit.) B. 1575 at Lisbon. A celebrated physician and author. Lived as a Marano until his fifty-first year, when he settled in Holland and entered into the Abrahamic covenant. D. 1642. His great-grandfather was Abraham Zacut, the author of the " Juchasin." 115 The Discussion of the Rabbis. (Painted by Norbert Grund ; engraved by Johann Balzer.) 116 Rabbis Reflecting. (Painted by Norb. Grund; en- graved by Johann Balzer.) 117 Isaac Abrabanel. (Attributed to J. Dixon ; only one other copy known.) B. 1437 at Lisbon. Statesman and Bible commentator. Left Spain when the banish- ment of the Jews was decreed. D. 1508 at Venice; buried at Padua. 118 lacobi lehudae Leonis Hebraei. (By the Jewish en- graver, Salom Italia.) B. 1603 at Hamburgh. Tal- mudist and heraldic expert. Exhibited model of the Temple before Charles II. of England. Designed the coat of arms for the Freemasons of England. Died 1675. See Nos. 324, 325, 718. 119 Jacob Ries, the Son of Marcus. (G. Valk, ex.) B. at Prag, 1659. Living at Vienna, 1710. 120 Josvse Helcams. Appointed General by Nathan of Gaza, the prophet of Sabbethai Zebi, of the so-called ten tribes. See Nos. 700, 704 iai Jewish Bride's Procession to Synagogue at Furth, *7S- 122 Marriage Ceremony of the Portuguese Jews. (J. Buys, del., 1780; C. Philips Jacobz, fee.) 123 Jewish Cemetery near Amsterdam. (I. van Ruysdael, invent. ; A. Blotelingh, fecit et exc., 1670.) 124 Purim Masked Ball. (P, Wagenaar, jun., inv. et del, 1780; C. Philips Jacobz, fecit.) LOWER GALLERY n 125 Saul Levi. (G. Pinhaus, pinxit, 1780; C. F. Fritz- schius, scuplsit.) B. 1717. Rabbi and Talmudist in Amsterdam. He was the elder brother of Chief Rabbi Hart Lyon, of London. D. 1790 in Amsterdam. See No. 83. 126 Jewish Cemetery near Amsterdam. (I. van Ruysdael, invent. ; A. Blotelingh, fecit et exc., 1670.) 127 Eve of the Day of Atonement in the Portuguese Synagogue, Amsterdam. (A. Hulk Pietersz, del., 1782; A. Hulk Jacobsz, sculpsit, 1783.) 128 Elevation of the Pentateuch Scroll. (J. Buys, delin., 1780; C. Philips Jacobs, fecit.) 129 View of the Portuguese and German Synagogues in Amsterdam during the Feast of Tabernacles. (P. Wagenaar, del., 1781; C. Philips Jacobz, fee., 1782.) The Jews erect the Tabernacles frequently on the public pavement, and receive seven days' notice for their removal. ECCLESIASTICAL ART. SYNAGOGUE. Throughout his history, the Jew has prized nothing more highly than that portion of the Scriptures which records the earlie'st traditions of his race, and contains his Sacred Law ; and he has marked his reverence for it by a lavish ornamentation of the Scrolls from which it is read during Divine Service. The scroll itself must be written, not printed or lithographed, nor must it be in book form, the ancient form of scroll being retained. The parchment (or leather) is attached to rollers with handles, termed " tree of life," by which the scroll is unrolled from right to left. When closed and about to be returned to the ark, it is tied securely by a band, which is often elaborately worked, and then is enclosed in a mantle to keep it free from dust. Attached to the top handles by chains is a breast-plate, on which is inscribed the name of the festival, or donor, or the Ten Commandments. Then comes the fainter, by which the reader follows the text. This is in- variably in the shape of a hand with outstretched finger. On the two tops of the handles are placed bells. Thus decorated, the scroll is enshrined in an ark which, in the synagogue, is generally a fine piece of joinery or ironwork, and in the home being of smaller size is more elaborate, sometimes even of silver studded with precious stones. And then, finally, a velvet or satin curtain is bung before the ark, on which figure suitable inscriptions and designs in bullion embroidery. For MANTLES, see Large Central Case, and for SCROLLS, see Flat Case No. 23. I2 LOWER GALLERY UPRIGHT CASE A. The splendid Sassoon Collection of Synagogue Appur- tenances, MSS., Scrolls of the Law, Magillas, etc., is contained in the Upright Case A and Case No. 2. The Mantles forming part of this Collection are to be found in the nearest end of the large Central Case. The Silver Ark is a notable Object in the same Bay, and is also lent by Mrs. S. D. Sassoon. Case No. 3 and the Inscribed Stones close by are the property of, and lent by, Mr. David S. Sassoou. 130 Pair of Bells; silver-gilt; of three tiers, enclosing small bells, repousse with flowers and a crown, hexa- gonal. i8th century. 131 Breastplate; very antique; silver-gilt; with the Com- mandments and crown enclosed by two columns, the ground ornamented with applique scrolls. The re- verse engraved with the Sacrifice of Isaac, and ground plan of the Temple. i8th century. 132 Hook; silver-gilt; with figures, probably for hanging the " Perpetual Lamp." 133 Breastplate ; very antique ; silver-gilt ; with the Com- mandments, crowned. Moses and Aaron, and applique scrolls. Reverse, the Sacrifice of Isaac, the blessing of Isaac, and a priest washing his hands. i8th cent. 134 Breastplate; very antique; silver-gilt; in two parts, connected by chains; repousse with scrolls. Inscrip- tion : " Baruch Samuel Judah Benjamin Levi, 5562." 135 Shophar (Trumpet) ; old ; amber colour. 136 Breastplate; silver; partly gilt; with filigree and repouss^ work. 137 Breastplate; very antique; silver-gilt; with the Com- mandments and crown enclosed by two columns, the ground ornamented with applique scrolls. The re- verse engraved with the Sacrifice of Isaac, and ground plan of the Temple. i8th century. 138 Breastplate; silver-gilt; crowned Decalogue, and border of coloured stones; antique. 39 Pair of Bells; silver; repousse; Indian workmanship. 140 Pointer ; silver-gilt ; chased ; fingers studded with three diamonds, with chain. 141 Pair of Bells; silver-gilt; three stages of filigree, set with coloured stones, a crown above. 142 Pointer; silver-gilt; chased; with chain. 143 Pair of Bells; silver-gilt; filigree; of three tiers; four rows of bells, surmounted by crowns. i8th cent. LOWER CALLER? i^ 144 Poi.-ter ; silver-gilt ; rubies round the wrist, with chain. 145 Pointer; silver-gilt; filigree; set with garnets and turquoises, with chain ; antique. 146 Pointer ; very small ; silver-gilt ; chased ; with chain. 147 Pair of Bells; silver-gilt; of three bulbs and crown, surmounted by an eagle ; chased in scrolls and three circlets of bells on dragon brackets. i8th century. 148 Pointer ; silver ; antique ; with chain. 149 Pointer ; silver-gilt ; chased ; with chain ; antique. 150 Pair of Bells for Scroll of the Law; small; silver- gilt ; with small brackets and fir cones. Inscription : " Judah Loeb Isaac, 5595-" 151 Ewer and Laver ; silver-gilt; engraved and chased each with four medallions " Rebecca at the Well " and applique terminal figures on the foot of Ewer. F rench. 152 Pointer; silver-gilt; scroll shaped; with chain. 153 Amulet for Jewish use; repousse silver-gilt; inscribed with Hebrew word. " Shaddai " (Almighty), and bears representations of the Tables of the Law, a Censor, Priest's Mitre, and the Seven-branched Candlestick. Italian; i7th century. 154 Citron Box; silver-gilt; wavy pattern; inscription re- lating to its use. German ; i8th century. 155 Pair of Bells; silver-gilt; hexagonal, of three tiers hung with small bells. 156 Pair of Bells; silver ; with repousse flowers, and three rows of bells. 157 Pair of Bells for Scroll of the Law; silver; three tiers of arcades; hexagonal, enclosing bells, sur- mounted by crowns. Dated 5573. 158 Passover Dish ; border chased with flowers. I7th cent. 159 Pair of Bells for Scroll of the Law; silver-gilt; three tiers hung with small bells surmounted by a crown. 160 Ewer and Laver ; flowers and leaves ; two hands in benediction. French ; i8th century. 161 Pair of Bells foi Scroll of the Law; silver-gilt; stags' heads. 162 Crown ; small ; silver-gilt ; closed ; studded with coloured stones. 163 Crown ; small ; silver-gilt ; closed ; chased. 164 Hanucah Lamp ; bronze ; pierced ; two lions. Ger- man ; I7th century. 165 Hanucah Lamp ; silver ; filigree work ; with eight lions, tongs, measure, and funnel. i7th century. 166 Hanucah Lamp; large; silver; with round mirror; old. 14 LOWER GALLERY 167 Hanucah Lamp; silver-gilt stand. (Parcel gilt Moses in silver holding lamp.) Dated 1651. 168 Hanucah Lamp; small; silver-gilt; with two lions; old. 169 Hanucah Lamp ; bronze ; pierced and engraved with a scene from the Book of Maccabees. German; i ;th century. CASE 2. 170 Scroll of Esther; illuminated with pen-and-ink sketches enclosed in oak case. German; i8th century. 171 Scroll of the Law; very small; 3 inches; with silver- gilt mounts and a pair of gilt bells, gold embroidered mantle, gilt breastplate with crowned Decalogue and pillars and a small pointer, in a case. 172 Six " Lulab " Requisites; silver-gilt. 173 Roll of Esther ; mounted on ivoiy ; very finely written. Spanish. The Sho-phar, or ram's-horn trumpet, used on the New Year and the Fast of Atonement, is presumably the same instrument as that referred to by the same name in the Bible. For SHOPHARS, see Large Central Case and U-priehl Case G. 174 Shophar (Trumpet); old; tortoise-shell colour and silver mountings, with inscriptions, enclosed in case. Rare. 175 Roll of Esther; illuminated. Italian; early 17111 century. 176 Prayer Book ; silver covers ; repousse in bold scrolls, and medallions of lions and a bird. Temp. Louis XV. 177 Scroll of the Law; small; with silver handles. 178 Scroll of the Law; small; with ivory handles. 179 Roll of Esther; in silver-gilt case; repousse work, the latter having scenes from the Book of Esther in relief. Old. CASE 3. 180 Four Amulets (?); stone; with quaint figures. Damascus. 181 Roll of Esther; Niello borders, and scenes from the Book of Esther. Italy; 1747. 182 Autograph Letter ; a Yemenite Pseudo-Messiah's ; dated 1870. (See article, "Jewish Quarterly Review," Oct., 1906.) LOWER GALLERY 15 183 First Polyglot Psalter. Genoa, 1516. The history of Christopher Columbus is given in chap, xix., he being a native of Genoa. 184 Mahasor; illuminated manuscript on vellum; Roman ritual. Italy, 1480. 185 Roll of Esther in silver-gilt case ; illuminated ; with the genealogical tree of Mordecai along the upper and lower margins. Bagdad ; igth century. 186 Roll of Esther enclosed in silver enamelled case, igth century. 187 Prayer Book for the Sabbath, with illuminated sub- jects ; written in Austria after the style of the Amsterdam letterpress; vellum; 1716. 188 Masoretic Bible ; illuminated manuscript on vellum ; written for Astruc, the grandson of Rashba. Spain, 1383- 189 Ancient Tombstone from near Bagdad. Arabic in- scription in Hebrew characters. The translation : " This is the grave of Bashad the son of Ali the son of El-Salubi. May God have mercy on him and strengthen his position among the righteous." 190 Ancient Tombstone from near Bagdad. Hebrew and Arabic in Hebrew characters. The translation : " Hasan the son of Fazlan, may God have mercy on him and show him favour and place him with the righteous and the pious. Amen. Selah." 191 Ark for Scroll of the Law; silver; 2ft. 6 in. high; repousse and engraved with flowers; of square form with double eagles and a shekel in the middle ; rest- ing on a bell-shaped pedestal ; surmounted by the Ten Commandments and supported by two lions, an eagle, and a crown above. German, dated 1794. 192 Curtain for Ark. Lent by the Great Synagogue. BAY II. 193 Curtain for Ark. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 194 Portrait of the Late Grand Rabbin of France, Zadoh-Kahn. (L. Pilichowski.) 195 Portrait of Sir B. S. Phillips, Lord-Mayor 1865-66. (Knight, R.A.) Lent by Sir G. Faudel Phillips, Bart., G.C.I.E. 1 6 LOWER GALLERY 196 The Very Rev. the Chief Rabbi. (S. J. Solomon, R. A.) 197 Portrait of Professor Graetz. (S. J. Solomon, R.A.) Lent by the Jews' College. 198 Portrait of Haham Dr. Benjamin Artom. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 199 Isaac Isaacs. (Clater, pinx^, ; Kinnerley, sculp., 1818.) Celebrated bass singer; father of Rebecca Isaacs, the actress and singer. See No. 667. (Prints 199 to 231 lent by Israel Solomons, Esq.) 200 " Repulsed but not Discouraged " (1830). Political squib referring to the admission of Jews to Parlia- ment. Coloured. 201 Trodeljud (Jew Pedlar). (Drawn by L. Brand; en- graved by J. L. Mansfeld.) Coloured. 202 Ralph Franco. (Js Gillray, del et sculp.) B. 1788. Son of Abraham Franco. Politician; succeeded to the estates and baronetcy of his maternal uncle, Sir Menasseh Lopez, and became known as Sir Ralph Lopes, Bart. The present Lord Ludlow is his grand- son. D. 1854. Coloured. 203 Foul Play ; or, Humphreys and Johnson a Match for Mendoza' Dan Mendoza. famous pugilist, b. 1763, d. 1836. Coloured. See No. 402. 204 Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, Bart. (Will you let me a loan?). (Richard Dighton, 1824.) B. 1778. Financier; first Jewish baronet; took a foremost part in the emancipation of the Jews in this country. D. 1859. The late Sir Julian Goldsmid was his grandson. Coloured. 205 Coffee's the Thing ! Go it, ye Tigers ! (Andrew Cohen). (Richard Dighton, 18120.) Coloured. 206 Polish Jewish Children. (Norblin, del. ; Debucourt, sculp.) Coloured. 207 Dan Beating the Philistines. (Isaac Cruikshank, 1792.) Daniel Mendoza beating Ward in a pugilistic encounter. B. 1763; d. 1836. Coloured. See No. 402. 208 John Braham (John Abraham). (Dighton, 1802.) B. in London, 1774. Chorister when a lad in Duke's Place Synagogue. The most famous tenor of the first half of the igth century. D. 1856. Frances, Countess Waldegrave, was his daughter. Coloured. See Nos. 665, 670. 209 Levi Barent Cohen. (R. Dighton, 1817.) B. Amster- dam, 1740. English financier; father-in-law of Sir Moses Montefiore and Nathan Mayer Rothschild. The ancestor of almost all the leading Anglo-Jewish families. D. 1808. Coloured. 210 A Jewish Synagogue. (S. A. Hart, R.A., painter; E. Challis, engraver.) The original can be seen in the Tate Gallery. i LOWER GALLERY 17 211 Interior of a Synagogue during the Celebration of Purim. 212 La Fete de Purim. (L. F. du Bourg, inv. et del.; B. Bernaerts, sculp.) The Feast of Purim being cele- brated at the Portuguese Synagogue at Amsterdam. 213 Synagogue, Duke's Place. (Pugin and Rowlandson, delt et sculpt. ; Sunderland, acqut.) Built, 1722, at the sole expense of Moses Hart, brother of Rabbi Aaron Hart. Rebuilt, 1790, partly at the expense of Mrs. Judith Levy, daughter of Moses Hart. Coloured. 214 Parisian Sanhedrin. (Damame De'Martrait, del et sculp.) See No. 216. 215 Abraham de Cologna. (Desine" d'apres nature par Marchand ; Mariage, sculp.) B. Mantua, 1755- Italian Rabbi, orator, and political leader; vice- chairman of the Parisian Sanhedrin convened by Napoleon in 1807. D. Trieste, 1832. 216 Sanhedrin des Juifs de 1'Empire. (Desine par Monnet ; Grave par David.) Jewish High Court, convened by Napoleon I. in 1807, to decide certain questions in relation of the Jews to the State. Coloured. See No. 435. 217 Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, London. (Drawn and etched by I. M. Belisario ; aqua-tinted by D. Havell.) Built 1701. The oldest synagogue in England. 218 The Two Great Synagogues of the German Jews in Amsterdam. (J. de Beyer, delin et vivum.) 219 The Jewish Synagogue. (Engraved for the " New Universal Magazine," 1752.) 220 The Jewish Synagogue. (Engraved for the " Chris- tian's Magazine.") 221 Abraham Furtado. (Drawn from life by MX. Lheman ; engraved by L. C. Ruotte.) B. in London, 1756. Parents were Portuguese Maranos. President of the Parisian Sanhedrin convened by Napoleon. D. Bordeaux, 1816. 222 Jews' Hospital, Mile End Road, Whitechapel. (T. Prattent, del. et sculp.) Founded, 1806, by Benjamin and Abraham Goldsmid. Removed to Norwood, 1861. 223 The Jewish Feast of Purim, or Lots, in 1712. (R. Picart, del.; W. Forrest, sculp.) The title of this engraving is also given in Welsh. The synagogue de- picted is the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam. 224 La Synagogue de Paris. (Le Marquis de Villeneuve, del.) 225 Synagogue in Jerusalem. (J. Salmon; J. Redaway.) 1 8 LOWER GALLERY 226 David Sintzheim. (Damame, pinxit ; Prudhon, sculpt.) B. 1745. First Rabbi of Strasburg. The most learned and prominent member of the Parisian Sanhedrin. D. 1812 at Paris. 227 N. M. Rothschild (private plate). (Excudit by Wil- liam Walker.) B. Frankfort, 1777 ; came to England ; 1790. Famous financier. Grandfather of Lord Rothschild. D. 1836. 228 Beauties of Brighton. (A. Crowquill, del ; etched by G. Cruikshank.) Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Rothschild are to be seen in the throng. Coloured. 229 Baron Lionel de Rothschild, M.P. (Wm. Richardson, lith.) B. 1808 in London. Energetic worker for the emancipation of the Jews in this country. Not be- fore the fifth time of his election to Parliament was he permitted to take his seat without taking the oath "on the true faith of a Chiistian." Philanthropist. Father of Lord Rothschild. D. 1879. See No. 338. 230 A View of the Royal Exchange (N. M. Rothschild). (R. Dighton, 1817.) Coloured. See No. 227. 231 Foreman of the Alliance (N. M. Rothschild). (A. C., delt.) One of the founders of the Alliance Fire Office. Coloured. See No. 227. ECCLESIASTICAL ART. DOMESTIC. After the Law, the home is perhaps the most precious ling in the eyes of the Jew. As the former was the foun- tain-head of his spiritual consolation in the evil days of his outlawry, so the latter was the source of all the human comfort with which his sorrows were soothed. The domestic religious exercises prescribed by his religion afforded many opportunities for enhancing the sacred character of his home, and enabled him to illustrate both his affection for the domestic hearth, and his reverence for his faith, by numerous ritual paraphernalia, in the design and con- struction of which the ornamental arts were largely em- ployed. SABBATH REQUISITES. The Sabbath is welcomed " as a bride " by the devout Jew. According to the Jewish proverb, " where there's light there's joy," the Sabbath Eve is ushered in by the lighting of the Lamp, the form of which is not fixed, but is often of seven burners. A cup of wine, the Kiddush Cup, or cup of sanctification, is tasted. The bread at the evening meal is of special form (Jlalla], and before use is covered with the Hallo. Cloth. The close of the Sabbath has also its own ceremonial (Habdalah), in which the Cup is used, and the senses are gratified" by the sweet savour of the Spice-box. LOWER GALLERY 19 FESTIVAL REQUISITES. The chief Jewish festivals that are celebrated in the home, and thus require special requisites are Passover, Taber- nacles, Hanuca (Feast of Dedication of the Temple), and Purim, or the Feast of Esther. The chief service of the Passover is that of the Passover Eve (Seder), when the Hagadah (the story of the Exodus) is read, with appropriate symbols. Four glasses of wine are emptied, bitter herbs are eaten, and the bread is unleavened. In the centre of the table is placed a cup for the use of the Prophet Elijah when he comes to announce the advent of the Messiah. The Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated bv residence in a booth (Succa), which is built with only leaves and boughs for a roof. There is used besides the Ethrog, or citron, and the Lulab, or palm-branch, to which is attached myrtle and willow, which have all their symbolic teaching. The Feast of Dedication of the Temple, when the Lam-p was miraculously kept alight for eight days, has for an appro- priate symbol an eight-branched candelabrum, to which is attached a master lamp (termed " the beadle "), making nine in all ; as many lamps are each evening lighted as the days of the feast that have come. Lastly, the feast that cele- brates the salvation of the Jews by Esther is appropriately celebrated by leading the record of her deeds in theMegilld, or scroll of Esther, which, from ancient times, together with the Hagadah for Passover, have been richly illuminated. For HANUCA LAMPS and KIDDUSH CUPS, see Upright Case B. For SABBATH LAMPS, see Large Central Case. For SPICE BOXES, see U-pright Case E. For MEGILLA, see Flat Case No. 24. UPRIGHT CASE B. 232 Small Chanukah Lamp. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 233 Chanucah Lamp, brass, for oil ; ancient, with Hebrew inscription and Arabesque engraving ; Moorish. Lent by Jacob A. Franklin, Esq. 234 Chanuca Lamp ; early Dutch. Lent by James H. Solomon, Esq. 235 Old Metal Lamp for use during Chanukah (Feast of Lights) ; lit by oil. Lent by Mrs. 'Asher Myers. 236 Chanucah Lamp, brass, with side wings ; for oil ; Moorish. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 237 Kiddush Cup. Hebrew inscription ; silver hall-mark, 1792. Lent by Henry Kisch, Esq. zo LOWER GALLERY 238 Large Chanukah Lamp, Spanish (?). Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 239 Kiddush Cup. Hebrew inscription, silver, hall-mark 1792. Lent by Henry Kisch, Esq. 240 Old Metal Lamp for use during Chanukah (Feast of Lights). Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 241 Bronze Hanucah Lamp, dated 5410 1640. Lent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, Litt.D. 242 Brass Chanucah Lamp, for candles, with prayer written on front. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 243 Old Metal Lamp for use during Chanucah (Feast of Lights), oil. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 244 Venetian Chanucah Lamp, for oil. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 245 Small Chanucah Lamp. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 246 Habdalah Spice Box ; Eastern character, counterpart included in Cheny collection, Paris, reproduced in Jewish Encyclopaedia as illustration to article, " Habdalah." Lent by Herbert Bentwich, Esq. 247 Silver Hanucah Lamp, hall-mark of Amsterdam, circa 1680. Lent by J. de Castro, Esq. 248 Small Silver Chanucah Lamp. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 249 Antique Silver Kiddush Cup. Lent by James V. Albert, Esq. 250 Silver Habdalah or Spice Box. Lent by Marcus N. Adler, Esq. 251 Silver Goblet. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 252 Silver Hanucah Lamp, presented by relatives to Lady Montefiore; jewelled crow in centre, circa 1700. Lent by the Montefiore Endowment. 253 Kiddush Cup. Lent by Stuart M. Samuel, Esq., M.P. 254 Silver Chanucah Lamp, for oil ; old Dutch. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 255 Silver Hanucah Lamp. Lent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, LiJt.D. LOWER GALLERY 21 256 Silver Goblet, with Hebrew inscription. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 257 Silver Yahrzeit Lamp; copy of Greek model (Mor- den) ; inscription from Fifth Commandment. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 258 Silver-mounted Prayer Book printed in Amsterdam, dated 5467. Lent by S. J. Phillips, Esq. 259 Antique Silver Hanucah Candelabrum. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 260 Silver Goblet, with Hebrew inscription. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq 261 Silver-Gilt Goblet for Passover Service. The Cup has the inscription in Hebrew Ex. vi. 6 : " And I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments." Lent by Marcus N. Adler, Esq. 262 Brass Hanucah Candlestick, Dutch or German, about *7S- Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S.A. 263 Silver-gilt Kiddush Cup, by Benjamin Hentchel, Breslau. Early i8th century. Lent by Percy Webster, Esq. 264 Festival or Sabbath Cloth. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 265 Hanucah Lamp. Lent by Messrs. Spink and Son. 266 Silver-gilt Kiddash Cup, with inscription; old German. Lent by Arthur E. Frankln, Esq. ANTIQUITIES. Any complete collection of Jewish antiquities would range over the whole field of historic archaeology. Scattered through all the nations of the civilised world, the Jews have had points of contact with every nation that has had a his- tory. The few specimens drawn from this wide field shown in the present Exhibition cannot profess to represent in any degree the whole field of Jewish antiquities, and only afford a glimpse of the much broader basis on which Jewish history itself rests. The collection is miscellaneous in character, and only admits of rough classification under the headings of MSS., Books, Inscriptions, Seals and Rings, Coins, and Medals. Among the best penmen of olden medieval times, Jews take their place in the ornamentation and illumination of their books of prayer, Megillah and Hagadah, and also Bibles were illuminated. Among the first printers thre were 22 LOWER GALLERY a number of Jews, and the oldest prints of the i5th and i6th centuries vie in elegance and beauty of execution with the masterpieces of non-Jewish presses. Spain and Italy boast of the first Hebrew printing establishments. Books were also printed on vellum. Woodcuts round the borders and woodcut illustrations and initials are not scarce in incunabula. Historical or family events have been recorded in medals struck for the occasion, mostly in the i8th and igth century. With regard to MSS. and BOOKS, which will be found in the Flat Cases around the walls, attention is specially drawn to the s-plendid collection so kindly lent by the Right Hon. the Earl of Crawford, K.T.; the Very Rev. M. Caster, Ph.D. (Haham); the Rev. Professor H. Gollancz, Litt.D.; Mr. E. N . Adler ; Mr. Israel Solomons, and others. For COINS and MEDALS, see Flat Cases Nos. 26 and 27. CASE 4. (MSS. and Books lent by Israel Solomons, Esq.) 267 Espejo Fiel de Vidas. (Daniel Israel Lopez Laguna. London : 5480-1720.) 268 Matteh Dan. (David Nieto : 5474-1714.) Spanish and Hebrew. 269 Sermones Funebres to the Memory of David Nieto. (Ishac Nieto. London : 5488-1728.) 270 Oraciones de Ros-Ashanah y Kipur. (Ishac Nieto. London : 5500-1740.) 271 Sermon Moral predicado por Isaac Netto. (1756.) 272 Sermon. (Moses Cohen De Azevedo : 1759.) English. 273 Calendario Hebraico. (Londres : 5523-1763.) 274 Exemplar de Penetencia. (lahacob de Castro Sar- mento. London : 1724.) See No. 106. 275 Es Dat 6 Fuego Legal. (David Nieto. Londres : 5475-I7I5-) 276 Oraciones Cotidianas. (Ishac Nieto. Londres : 5531-1771.) 277 Es Dat (in Hebrew.) (David Nieto. Londres : 1715.) 278 Noticias Reconditas y Posthumas del Procedimiento Delas Inquisiciones. (David Nieto : 1722.) 279 Discursos Predycaveys Que o Docto Haham Yeosuah Da Sylva. (Amsterdam : 5448-1688.) 280 Orden de las Oraciones Cotidianas. (En Caza de Aaron Nodnarb. Londres : 5532-1772.) Not in British Museum. LOWER GALLERY 23 281 Kehilath Yahacob Vocabulario. (Jacob Rodrigues Moreira. Londres : 5533-1773-) 282 Decision del H. H. Hassalem R. Zevi> Asquenazi. Londres : Elul 5465-1705.) This edition not in British Museum. 283 Calendario Hebraico. (Londres : 5501-1741.) 284 Pascalogia overo Discorso della Pasca. (David Nieto : 1702.) 285 A New Calendar, etc. (1791.) CASE 5. (MSS. and Books lent by Israel Solomons, Esq.) 286 The Hope of Israel. (Menasseh Ben Israel : 1650.) See No. 76. 287 An Apology for the Honorable Nation of the Jews. (Edward Nicholas : 1648.) 288 The Restouration of the Jewes. (1665.) 289 A Sermon preached at the Christening of a Certain Jew. (John Foxe : 1578.) 290 Rites and Customs of the Present Jews. (Leo Modena. London : 1650.) 291 The Humble Addresses of Menasseh Ben Israel ; 23-page edition. (1655.) See No. 76. 292 A New Letter Concerning the Jewes. (1666.) 293 Rules of the Hambro' Synagogue (1795), in Yiddish. 294 The Humble Addresses of Menasseh Ben Israel ; 26-page edition. (1655.) See No. 76. 295 God's Love to His People Israel. (1666.) 296 The Rudiments of the Hebrew Grammar in English. (Hanserd Knollys : 1648.) 297 Vindiciae Judaeorum. (Menasseh Ben Israel : 1656.) See No. 76. 298 Several Ne* Letters Concerning the Jewes. (1666.) 299 Jewish Calendar. (Isaac Abendana : 1695. 300 Narrative of the Late Proceeds at Whitehall Con- cerning the Jews. (1656.) 301 Doomesday : Gathering of the Jews in Great Bodies. (1647-) . 302 The Jewish Kalendar. (Isaac Abendana. Oxford. 1694.) 24 LOWER GALLERY 303 The Case of the Jews is Altered. (Joseph Copley : 1656.) Not in the British Museum. 304 The Second Part of a Short Demurrer to the Jewes. (William Prynne : 1656.) 305 Schulchan Taa-hor. (David Pardo. Amst. : 1686.) Hebrew. 306 Anglo-Judaeus ; or, The History of the Jews. (1656.) 307 A Short Demurrer to the Jewes. (1656.) Second edition. 308 Beenah La'eeteem. (David Nieto. London : 1717.) Hebrew. Not in British Museum. 309 Tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of Salomon. (Jacob Jehudah Leon : 1675.) 310 A Short Demurrer to the Jewes. (1656.) 311 The Slaughter House. (James Salgado : 1683.) Illustrated. Not in British Museum. 312 The Wandering Jew Telling Fortunes to Englishmen. (1640.) Frontispiece of Wandering Jew. 313 The Calling of the lewes. (Sir Henry Fincb : 1621.) CASE 6. (MSS. and Books lent by Israel Solomons, Esq.) 314 Maaseh Tub'yah. (Tobiah Kohen. Venice : 1708.) With portrait of author. 315 Melechet Machshebet. (Mosheh Chefets. Venice : 1710.) With portrait of author. 316 Sefer Elim. (Joseph del Medico Cretensis. Amster- dam : 1629.) With portrait of author. 317 Kehunat Abraham. (Abraham Cohen. Venice : 1719). With portrait of author. 318 Dust of the World. (Abraham Belais : 1850.) With portrait of author. 319 Form of Daily Prayers. (London : 1809.) Portrait of R. Solomon Hirschel. 320 The Way of Faith. (Raphael Meldola : 1848.) Por- trait of author. 321 Hebrew and English Dictionary. (Abigail Lindo : 1846.) With portrait of David Abarbanel Lindo. 322 Gratulacao de Menasseh Ben Israel, etc. (Amster- dama : 5402-1642.) With etching of author by Rem- brandt inserted. Reproduced in " Books and Manu- scripts," by Elkan Adler. Not in British Museum. LOWER GALLERY 25 323 Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. (Lady Margaret Pennvman : 1740.) With portrait of Catherine Da Costa Villareale. 324 Temple of Solomon. (Jacob Juda Lyon. London : 1778.) With portrait Museum. See No. 309 1778.) With portrait of author. Not in British e No. 325 Jacobi Jehudae Leonis de Templo Hierosolymitano. (1665.) With portrait of author. 326 A Thankfull Remembrance of God's Mercy. (George Carleton : 1627.) With illustration of Dr. Rodrigo Lopez. CASE 7. (MSS. and Books lent by Israel Solomons, Esq.) 327 Extract Schreibens Ausz Sale in Barbareyen. (1665.) Portrait of Nathan of Gaza. 328 Die Geschichte von dem groszen Betrieger. (Sabatai Sevi : 1702.) With portrait and illustrations. 329 Historia de tribus Hujus Seculi Famosis Impos- toribus, etc. (1669.) Portrait of Sabbatai Sevi. 330 Two Journeys to Jerusalem. (1683.) Illustration of Sabbatai Sevi at Smyrna. 331 The Jews' Charter. (1702.) 332 History of the Jews. (Josephus Ben Gorion :' 1669.) Illustrated. 333 The History of the Three Late Famous Impostors (Sabatai Sevi). (John Evelyn : 1669.) 334 A View of the Jewish Religion. (A. R. : 1656.) 335 The Hebrew Talisman. Portrait of N. M. Roths- child. 336 Strange and Prodigious Religions. (R. D. : 1683.) Illustrated. 337 The Present State of the Jewish Nation. (1658.) 338 Advocacy of Jewish Freedom. (William Thorn borrow : 1846.) Portrait of author. 339 Memoirs of J. de Castro. (1824.) With portrait. 340 Ten Tribes of Israel being in America. (Robert Ingram. Colchester : 1792.) Not in British Museum. 341 Jewes in America. (Tho. Thorowgood : 1650.) 342 A Sermon. (Isaac Netto. London : 1756.) See No. 271. 343 A False Jew. etc. (Newcastle : 165,5 26 LOWER GALLERY BAY III. 344 A Sermon by Solomon Hirschel on Nelson's Victory of Trafalgar. (1805.) See No. 79. 345 Curtain for the Ark, 117 years old. Lent by the Great Synagogue 346 Large Brass Hanuca Lamp. Lent by the Hambro' Synagogue. 347 Violet Curtain for Ark. Lent by the New Synagogue. UPRIGHT CASE C. 348 Six Sets of Silver and Silver-gilt Bells for Scroll cf the Law Lent by the New Synagogue. 349 Silver Trowel. Lent by the New Synagogue. 350 Silver Seder Dish, German, about 1850, engraved with pictures representing the Seder Service. Lent by Arthur C. Franklin, Esq. 351 Ethrog (Citron Box), silver-gilt, German. Lent by the Very Rev. the Chief Rabbi. 352 Seven Sets of Silver and Silver-gilt Bells for the Scroll of the Law. ' Lent by the Hambro' Synagogue. 353 Antique Breastplate of Scroll of the Law. Lent by the Very Rev Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 354 Manuscript Prayer Book, containing German and Polish Ritual for the whole year ; written by Myer Reinbar, presented to the Hambro' Synagogue by Zalig Emden in the year 1778. Lent by the Hambro' Synagogue. 355 Three Trowels used at the laying of foundation stones of Synagogues. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 356 Very Small Scroll of the Law, beautifully written; silver handles, mantle, and silver bells, all complete. Lent by the Hambro' Synagogue. 357 Basin for Cohanim or Priests. Lent by the New Synagogue. 358 Ewer for Cohanim or Priests. Lent by the New Synagogue. 359 Very Small Sepher Torah (Scroll of the Law), with mantle and silver ornaments. Lent by Samuel N- Lipnian, Esq. LOWER GALLERY 27 360 Silver Trowel, presented to the late Chief Rabbi, Dr. Nathan Marcus Adler, on laying the foundation stone of the Great Synagogue, Manchester, 29 April, 5617-1857. Lent by Marcus N. Adler, Esq. 361 Scrolls of the Law. Lent by B. J. Friend, Esq. 362 Seder Dish for home service on the two nights of Passover. Lent by the Very Rev Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 362.4 Two Binders for the Scroll of the Law. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 363 Spice Box. Lent by Major H. B. Lewis-Earned. 364 Silver Basin and Ewer. Lent by the Hambro' Synagogue. 365 Silver Casket for Ethrog (Citron). Lent by the Very Rev Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 366 Gold Cup, presented by the Jews of Victoria (Aus- tralia) to the late Chief Rabbi, the Very Rev. Dr. N. M. Adler. Lent by Mrs. Henry Solomon. 367 Hananel de Castro. (Abraham Solomon, 1847.) See No. 430. Lent by J. de Castro, Esq. 368 Baron Lionel de Rothschild. See No. 229. 369 Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart. See No. 384. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 370 Haham Zevi. See Nos. 282, 401. Lent by the Rev. R. Harris. 371 Charles Samuel. (Hannah Myers.) 372 Baron Lionel de Rothschild. (Fredk. Piercy.) See No. 229. Lent by the United Synagogue. 373 The Rev. Dr. N. M. Adler; presented to the Council of the United Synagogue by Sir Nathaniel M. de Rothschild, Bart!, M.P. (Lord Rothschild.) See No. 418. Lent by the United Synagogue. 374 Lionel L. Cohen. (B. S. Marks.) Lent by the United Synagogue. (Prints Nos. 375-432 lent by Israel Solomons, Esq.) 375 A Pillar of the Exchange (N. M. Rothschild). (Thos. Jones, fecit.) Coloured. See No. 227. B2 28 LOWER GALLERY 376 A New Court Fire Screen. (Designed by an Amateur.) This illustration is in reference to the founding of the Alliance Fire Assurance by N. M. Rothschild and his brother-in-law, Sir Moses Monte- fiore. They are both seen standing on the steps in conversation. Coloured. 377 Baron Lionel de Rothschild. (A. D'Orsay, fecit., 1842; J. Graf, lith.) See No. 229. 378 N. M. Rothschild (The Shadow of a Great Man). (Standidge and Lemon, lith., from a silhouette by Edouart.) See No. 227. 379 Poem in Hebrew and Italian on the Emanicipation of the Jews in Italy in 1848. By Benjamin Artom, who became, later, the Haham of the Portuguese Jews in England. See No. 198. 380 Lord George Gordon (attired as a Jew with beard and hat). (G. Wilson, sculp., from a miniature painted by Mr. Polack.) Printed in colours, the only one known. The one in the British Museum is not in colours, and the whole of the margin and letterpress absent. These portraits were purchased by the Gor- don family and destroyed. B. 1751. Son of the third Duke of Gordon. Applied to Rabbi Tebele Schiff in London to be received into the Jewish fold, but was refused; but Rabbi Jacob, of Birmingham, complied with his wishes. During his confinement in Newgate for political offences, he conformed strictly to his adopted faith. He grew a patriarchal beard, and always wore his hat. D. 1793. 381 Moses Gorden, or The Wandering Jew (Lord George Gordon) in the dress he now wears in Newgate. (Pub., Jan. 5, 1788, by A. Davis, Birmingham.) Caricature portrait attired as a Jew published in Birmingham, where he was received into the Abra- hamic Covenant. Coloured. 382 Moses Chusing his Cook (Lord George Gordon). This illustrates Lord George Gordon after his con- version to Judaism in Newgate, surrounded by Polish Jews. It is said that he required their presence daily to form Minyan. Coloured. 383 Polly Levi in Attendant (sic.) on Lord George Gorden During his Confinement at Newgate. (W. Bond, after a portrait by Ozias Humphrey ; proof engraving before any letters.) In Watson's Biography of Lord George Gordon it is stated that he was waited on at Newgate by a Jewess. 384 Moses Montefiore. (Richd. Dighton, 1818.) B. Leg- horn, 1784. One of the greatest philanthropists of the igth century. Baronet in 1846. Visited Jerusalem seven times. D. 1885, over one hundred years old. Coloured. - LOWER GALLERY 29 385 Sir Moses Montefiore. (E. L. Montefiore, 1879.) See No. 384. 386 Isaac Disraeli JE.I It. ( H. Robinson, from a pic- ture by an Italian artist, painted in 1777- 387 Isaac D'Israeli, Esq. (G. Cook, from the original by Denning.) B. 1766. Author of "Genius of Judaism," etc. Elected Warden, Bevis Marks Synagogue, 1813, and fined 40 for refusing office. Attended opening of the Reform Synagogue. D. 1848. The Earl of Beaconsfield was his son. See Nos. 434, 435. 388 Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart. (Painted by G. Rich- mond, R.A. ; engraved by T L. Atkinson.) See No. 384. 389 David Levi, 1799. (Bromley, after painting by Drummond.) B. in London, 1742. Hebraist and author ; translator of the prayers into English. D. 1801. 390 Don Francisco Lopez Suasso. (Baron d'Avernas-le- gras, from the painting by Nicolaes Maes.) Member of a famous Dutch family connected with the early English family of Mendes da Costa. 391 Sir Moses Montefiore, before Czar Alexander I. of Russia. 392 Miss Franks. (R. B. Parkes, after Thomas Gains- borough, R.A.) Phila Franks was the daughter of Aaron Franks, a wealthy merchant, and one of the leading Jews of his time. She was a noted beauty, and her portrait was also painted by Sir Joshua Rey- nolds. She was a grand-daughter of Moses Hart, the founder of the Great Synagogue. Sir Joshua Reynolds also painted her sister Priscilla and her father. See 66, 699. 393 A Sea Officer (Sir Alexander Schomberg). (Wm. Hogarth, pinxit. ; C. Townley, fct.) B. 1716. The only admiral of Jewish parentage. Son of Meyer Low, a physician. His brothers, Isaac and Ralph, were fashionable physicians about the middle of the i8th century. D. 1804 in Dublin. See Nos. 398, 399. 394 Rev. Solomon Hirschel. (Ridley, from a painting by Drummond.) See Nos. 79, 344. 305 Ivlivs Conrad Otto. (A. C. Fleischmann, sculp.) B. 1562 at Vienna. Scholar and author. Embraced Christianity 1603, but subsequently returned to Judaism. His Jewish name was Naphtali Margolioth. 30 LOWER GALLERY 396 Miss Norsa. (S. Harding, delt. ; Clamp, sculpt.) Hannah Norsa, actress and singer. Her father was of the Jewish persuasion, and kept the " Punch Bowl," near Drury Lane. She made her debut in 1732 at Covent Garden Theatre. She is referred to in Horace Mann's letters to Horace Walpole. 397 Rev. Salomon Hirschel, High Priest of the Great Synagogue. Tinted. See Nos. 79, 344. 398 Ralphe Schomberg, Esq. (W. T. Fry, after painting by Gainsborough in the National Gallery.) B. 1714 at Cologne. English physician and author. Son of Meyer Low, also a physician, and brother of Admiral Sir Alexander Schomberg. D. 1792 at Reading. 399 Dr. Isaac Schomberg. (W. P. Sherlock, from a painting by Hudson.) B. 1714 at Cologne. Twin- brother of Ralph, sons of Meyer Low, English phy- sician. D. 1780 at London. 400 Delpini. B. Rabecca, delt., 1798.) Carl Anton Delpini, clown and theatrical manager. D. 1828. ,401 Haham Zebi. B. 1656. A famous Rabbi: defended Haham David Nieto, of London, against charges of heresy. His daughter was the mother of the Rabbi, Solomon Hirschel. D. 1718. See Nos. 282, 370. 402 Daniel Mendoza, 1789. (Robineau, pinxt. ; W. N. Gardiner, etch'd.) B. 1763. Famous pugilist. D. 1836. 403 Mendoza, 1812. See No. 402. 404 Hisquijahu de Silva. (J. L. Goetz, lith. et. del., Amsterdam.) B. 1650 at Leghorn. Haham and author. Visited London, Paris, and other towns to collect funds for the poor Jews of Jerusalem. D. 1698. 405 M. Mendelssohn. (J. Sartain.) B. 1729. German philosopher, and translator of the Bible. Grand- father of Felix Mendelssohn, the composer. D. in Berlin, 1786. 406 Moses Mendelssohn. (J. C. Frisch; engraved by J. G. Miiller.) See No. 405. 407 Ralph Bernal, M.P. (. Wivell, delt.; J. Thomson, sculpt., 1822.) Politician and famous art collector. His parents were Sephardi Jews. Grace, Duchess of St. Albans, was his grand-daughter. D. 1854. 408 Benoit Spinoza. (Babel, invenit et sculpsit.) B. 1632 at Amsterdam. Philosopher and Biblical critic. Ex- communicated by the Portuguese Jewish community at Amsterdam, 1^56. D. 1677 at *he Hague. LOWER GALLERY 31 409 David Ricardo, M.P. (T. Hodgetts, after the paint- ing by T. Phillips, R.A.) B. in London, \~-ja. The famous political economist. M.P., 1819. His father was a leading member of the Bevis Marks Syna- gogue. D. 1823. 410 Gilead House, Lancashire Seat of Dr. Solomon. (W. Angus, from a drawing by I. Bird.) 411 Samuel Solomon, M.D. ( Painter by J. Steel, of Bath; engraved by Ridley, Holl, and Blood.) B. 1780. Noted quack; inventor of patent medicine, " Balm of Gilead." Henry J. Byron, the dramatist, was a descendant. 412 Mr. Leoni and Mrs. Mattocks as Carlos and Louisa. 413 Mr. Leoni as Don Carlos in the Duenna. At one time chorister at the Great Synagogue. Opera singer and on retiring from the stage, Hazan at Jamaica, where he died. 414 A Jewess. (Rembrandt, pinxt. ; C. Corbutt, fecit.) 415 The Seat of Benjn. Goldsmid, Esq., Roehampton, Surrey. J. Hassell.) B. Holland, 1755. Financier and philanthropist. D. 1808. The late Major A. E. W. Goldsmid was his great-grandson. 416 The Seat of A. (sher) Goldsmid, Esqr., at Merton, Surrey. Younger brother of Benjamin and Abraham Goldsmid. Financier. Grandfather of the late Sir Francis Goldsmid, Bart., Q.C., M.P. 417 Dr. L. Loewe. (Henschel Bros., from life.) B. 1809 in Germany. Orientalist and theologian. Accompanied Sir Moses Montefiore on many of his missions. D. 1888 in London. 418 Nathan Marcus Adler. (Painted by Herr Kempf ; engraved by George Zobel.) B. Hanover, 1803. Appointed Chief Rabbi in England, 1845. D. at Brighton, 1890. 419 Dr. N. M. Adler. (J. M. Johnson, fror* original drawing.) See No. 418. 420 Benjamin Disrael', M.P. (Painted by A. E. Chalon ; engraved by H. Robinson.) B. 1804. Initiated into the Abrahamic Covenant by David Abarbanel Lindo, Esq. Prime Minister of England. Earl of Beacons- field. D. 1881. (See No. 321). 421 Sarah Lyon, aged 104. (R. Roe, from miniature by T. Lethbridge.) B. in Holland, ^03. Came over to England with her son Isaac, who was afterwards Hazan in Ipswich. Ancestress of several Anglo- Jewish families. D. at Ipswich in 1808, aged 105. 422 Ezekiel Landau. (M. Klauber.) B. 1713. Distin- guished Talmudist and Rabbi. D. 1793 at Prague. 32 LOWER GALLERY 423 Mrs. Lowry. (T. Woolnoth, from miniature by Miss Byrne.) B. 1761. Mineralogist. Maiden name, Rebecca Delvalle ; a Sephardi Jewess. D. 1848. 424 Napoleon le Grand retablit le culte des Israelites, le 30 Mai, 1806. 425 An Israelite. (Richd. H. Dyer, from a painting by H. Johnson.) 426 Moses Franks. (S. H. Gimber, after Sir Joshua Reynolds.) Moses Franks, of Teddington, co. Middlesex, was one of the leading members of the Duke's Place Synagogue, and one of the first Ash- kenazi members of the Board of Deputies. His daughter and heir, Isabell Bella, in 1787 married William H. Cooper, who became fourth baronet in 1801. 427 David Salomons, M.P. (Painted by Herbert L. Smith; engraved by Joseph Skelton ) B. 1797 in London. First Jewish Sheriff of London, 1835. First Jewish Lord Mayor, 1855-6. Took his seat in Parliament, 1859. Baronet, 1869. D. 1873. 428 Hyman Hurwitz. (J. M. Johnson, on stone, from picture by Kirkofer.) Hebraist. Professor at Uni- versity College. .Friend of Coleridge. D. 1844. 429 Rev. Professor David Wolf Marks. B. 1811. Elected Minister of the Reform Synagogue in 1840. (Crayon drawing by Abraham Solomon). 430 Hannanel de Castro. (De Lara, lith. ; painted by A. Solomon.) B. 1796. Communal worker. D. 1849. 431 J. P. Benjamin. (Fred Piercy ; artist proof, 1883 ) B. San Domingo, 1812. Member of the cabinet of Jefferson Davis, the Confederate leader. Settled in London, and became a Q.C. D. 1884. 432 A Visit to the Synagogue, 1809. This caricature illustrates the visit of the three Royal Dukes of Sussex, Cambridge, and Cumberland, to the Duke's Place Synagogue. (Coloured). 433 Autograph Letter of Ab. Goldsmid to the Parnassim of the Great Synagogue announcing the visit of the Royal Dukes to the Synagogue on Friday evening, April 14, 1809. Lent by the Great Synagogue. CASE 8. (Books lent by Israel Solomons, Esq.) 434 Genius or Judaism (first edition). (Isaac Disraeli : 1833.) Autograph presentation copy. 435 Autograph Letter of Isaac Disraeli, about " Parisian Sanhedrim. (1807), ' LOWER GALLERY 33 436 Ancient Melodies of the Portuguese Jews. (Emanuel Aguilar : 1857.) 437 Johann Christof Wagenseils Belehrung der Juisch- Teutschen Red und Schreibart. 1699.) Portrait of Vincentz Fettmilch. 438 Bene Han'urim. (Ephraim Luzzato. London : 1766). Exceedingly rare. 439 Bechinat Adam. (Abraham Tung. London : 1802.) Manuscript. 440 Minhagim. (Amsterdam : 1723.) With rude wood- cut illustrations. 441 Paul Christian Kirchner Judisches Ceremoniel. (1734). With numerous illustrations of Jewish cere- monies. 442 Alexander's Covers, issued with weekly numbers of the Machzor by Levy Alexander, the printer, in which he airs his grievances in spiteful and malicious terms against Rabbi Solomon Herschel ; only one or two other copies known. 443 Piedra Gloriosa (Menasseh Ben Israel. Amsterdam : 1655 ; with 4 engravings after the etchings by Rem- brandt. No copy in Bodleian or British Museum. 444 Aufrichtig Teutsch Redender Hebraer, etc. (J. C. G. Bodenschatz : 1756); with numerous illustrations of Jewish ceremonies. 445 Anglia Judaica (D'Blossiers Tovey. Oxford : 1738.) Showing the famous pre-expulsion bowl now in the Bodleian Museum. 446 The Case of Anthony Gomezsera and Several other Jews (James II.) Not in the British Museum. 447 Facsimile of Pentateuch of the Chinese Jews (on rice paper). CASE 9. (Books lent by E. N. Adler, Esq.) The very fine and interesting books lent by E. N. Adler, Esq., are to be found in the Eight Cases, No's. 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. 448 " Memor Buch " of Speyer and Offenbach. A Martyrology. 449 Massoretic Bible, with Colophon as to Expulsion of Jews from Spain. (Written in Toledo, 1492.) 450 Illustrated Machzor from Corfu : " Apulian Rite." 451 Egyptian MS. Prayer Book, from the Cairo Genizah. The oldest such manuscript known. 452 MS. Pentateuch, written in Pitigliano, 1446. Lent by P. S. Henry, Esq. 453 An Italian Doctor's Prescription Book. (i4th cent.) 34 LOWER GALLERY 454 Records of the Frankfort Beth Din in the i8th cen- tury. The open page describes an action for broker- age arising out of a sale in 1776 of a moiety of the Haus zum griinschild in the Judengasse by Dayan Mayer Schitf to Mayer Rothschild. 455 Romance of Nizami. (Hebrew-Persian.) 456 Tosafist Commentary on Pentateuch. Contains refer- ences to English Rabbis before 1290. 457 Machzor, or Italian Rite, (igth century.) 458 Machzor Persian Rite. (From Bokhara.) Unique. 459 Talmud Manuscript. (i3th century.) CASE 10. (Books lent by E. N. Adler, Esq.) 460 MS. Machzor. (Cologne : 1525.) 461 Hagiographa. (Naples : 1486.) 462 Reuchlin's Hebrew Accents. (1518.) Earliest printed Hebrew music. 463 Semag. (Rome : before 1480.) 464 Almanac of Abraham Zacuto. (Printed at Leiria, in Portugal in 1496, by Abraham d'Ortas.) This book is exceedingly rare. It was used by Columbus, and the page at which it is open shows the table from which he predicted an eclipse during his second voyage to Hispaniola, which so awed the American Indians that they became friendly and brought him food. 465 Tur. (Pieve de Sacco : 1475.) T^ e nrst Hebrew book printed. 466 Tur. (Ixar : 1487.) 467 Hebrew Letter Writer. (Salonica : i6th century.) 468 Polyglot Pentateuch Hebrew, Targum, Arabic, and Persian. (Constantinople : 1546.) 469 Prophets. (Leiria : 1494.) Unique. 470 Polyglot Pentateuch Hebrew, Targum, Greek, and Spanish. (Constantinople : 1547.) CASE 11. (Books lent by E. N. Adler, Esq.) 471 Ancient Bookseller's List. 472 Scroll for Fast of Ab. (From Yemen.) On asses' skin. 473 Leather Megillah. (From Corfu.) 474 Siddur of R. Saul Vahl, reputed King of Poland. 475 Original Letter to and from Mairaonides. LOWER GALLERY 35 476 Document dated 832. The earliest dated writing on paper. 477 Fragments of Early Scroll, with Targum. 478 Massoretic Bible. (From Persia.) 479 MS. Machzor. (i2th century.) 480 Recantation of Joseph Ben Shemariah, and his Sub- mission to Daniel the Prince. (Dated 1053.) 481 Machzor. (Avignon : i5th century.) 482 A Fragment of the Original Hebrew of Ecclesiasticus. 483 MS. Maimonides. (Spanish.) 484 MS. Pentateuch. (Written by Farisol, a friend of Columbus.) 485 Specimens from Ancient Scrolls, from the genizah at Theodosia, Crimea. BAY IV. 490 Ten Commandments. Lent by Mrs. Periz. A Mizrach is a piece of ornamental writing, containing some portion of Scripture written in shape of some archi- tectural figure, and placed on the east wall, whence the name, for the prayers are read facing eastwards, or towards Palestine, as done by Daniel. 491 Mizrach. Lent by Madame Otterbourg. 492 Framed Address of Thanks from Board of Deputies to Hananel de Castro. (1841.) Lent by J. de Castro, Esq. 493 Explanatory " Introduction " to Four Tinted Prints illustrating " The Carnival at Rome " Paul Sandby : 1781.) See Nos. 501-504. Formerly the Romans com- pelled the Jews to run in sacks annually, to cause them sport. The Jews, however, in course of time avoided this barbarous exhibition by providing (for several centuries) riderless horses to race up The Corso, and by providing prizes also of embroidery for the victors. Lent by M. A. Rockman, Esq. 493A Emanuel Aguilar, musician. Lent by the Misses Aguilar. 494 City of David : Pictures in Words from Ezra and Nehemiah, etc. (S. Schulman.) Lent by M. H. Spielmann, Esq. 495 Original Board on which are 115 engraved brass tablets, of the names and numbers of seat-holders in the old-time Synagogue which once stood in Petticoat Lane (now Middlesex Street). Lent by H. H. Squire, Esq. 36 LOWER GALLERY 496 A Mizrach, in carved and gilt frame. (English Manchester work : latter end of i8th century.) Lent by Maurice Spero, Esq. 497 King Solomon. (Martin de Vos : 1590.) Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 498 Dr. Samuel Coster. (J. Houbraken.) Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 499 Portrait of Chief Rabbi Aaron Hart. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 500 Interior of Synagogue. (Old English print.) Lent by Albert Woolf, Esq. 501 The Horse-Race at Rome during the Carnival. (Paul Sandby, after David Allan : 1781.) See No. 493. Lent by M. A. Rockman, Esq. 502 The Romans Polite to Strangers. (Paul Sandby, after David Allan: 1781.) See No. 493. Lent by M. A. Rockman, Esq. 503 The Victor Conducted in Triumph. (Paul Sandby, after David Allan : 1781.) See No. 493. Lent by M. A. Rockman, Esq. 504 Opening of the Carnival at Rome. (Paul Sandby, after David Allan : 1781.) See No. 493. Lent by M. A. Rockman, Esq. 505 Bevis Marks Synagogue : Consecrated 1702. (J. M. Belisario.) Lent by J. de Castro, Esq. 506 Pen-and-ink Sketch of Sully. (Geo. Helbert Israel : 1819.) Lent by Major A. B. Lewis-Earned. 507 Vene de- Chastian de Versailles. Lent by the Victoria and Albert Museum. 508 Jewish-German Soldiers at Prayers on the Day of Atonement on the battlefields, before Metz, guarded by their Christian comrades, at the Franco-German War. (1870-71.) Lent by Joseph Schmerl, Esq. 509 Sir Anthony Rothschild. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 510 Rabbi Nathan, Jerusalem. Lent by Messrs. Spink and 'Son, Ltd. 511 Great Synagogue, Duke's Place. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 512 Chief Rabbi Tevele Schiff. Lent by the Very, Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 513 The Baal Shem. (Dr. Falk ) Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. LOWER GALLERY 37 514 The Amsterdam Synagogue (Interior). (L. Veen- huysen. Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 515 The Amsterdam Synagogue (Exterior). (L. Veen- huysen.) Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 516 Henry IV., of France. (Geo. Helbert Israel. 1810 ) Lent by Major H. B. Lewis-Earned. 517 Vestry Room, Bevis Marks 1701-1893 (when pulled down). Lent by J. de Castro, Esq. 518 Bust of Boy. (Minnie Solomon.) 519 An Askenaz. (Carl Haag.) Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 520 The late Chief Rabbi Dr. S. Herschell. Lent by M. Harris, Esq. 521 Haham Jacob Saportas. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 522 Baron Lyon de Symons. Lent by Major H. B. Lewis-Earned. 523 The Great Synagogue. Lent by the United Synagogue. 514 Head of an old Jew, painted in Jerusalem. (H. A. Harper ) Lent by R. Ichenhiiuser, Esq. 525 Chief Rabbi Dr. Solomon Herschell. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 526 Rev. Raphael Meldola. (Portrait outlined in minute Hebrew writing.) Lent by Professor R. Meldola, F.R.S. 527 Haham Raphael Meldola. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 528 Dr. Theodor Herzl. (Leo Mielziner.) Lent by the Jewish Colonial Trust, Limited. 529 The Baroness Lyon de Syn.ons. Lent by Major H. B. Lewis-Earned. 530 a Les Acaforth ou les septs tours, autour du cercueil. b Les assistans jettent de la terre sur le corps. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq. 531 a Ceremonie Nuptiale des Juifs Portugais. b Cere- monie Nuptiale des Juifs Allemands. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq. 532 a Taled. bb Teffili. c Teffila sal jad. dd Totafot. ee Noend en forme de derriere la tete. / Juif con- vert du Taled and aiant les Teffilin a la Tete and au bras. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq 38 LOWER GALLERY 533 a Les Pretres descendants d'Aron donnant la Bene- diction au peuple. b Manniere d'Exposer la Loy au peuple, avant que de commence! a la Lire. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq. 534 a Simcha Tora ou Joye pour la Loy. b Maniere de conduire les Epoux de la Loy, chez eux. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq. 535 a Le Son du Cor au Premier jour de L'An. b Le Chipur, ou le jour du Pardon tel qu'il se celebre chez les juifs Allemands. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq 536 Henry Sloman (a Jewish Actor) in Character. Henry Sloman, born in Rochester, 1793, and died there, August, 1873. In 1834 he became, with his brothei Charles, proprietor of Rochester Theatre. A clever comedian. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 537 Wedding of Miss Fanny de Symons and Samuel Helbert Israel, Parents of the late Sir Barrow Ellis, K. C.S.I. Lent by Major H. B. Lewis-Earned. 538 Isaac D'Israeli (father of the Earl of Beaconsfield). B. 1766; d. 1848. Author of "Curiosities of Litera- ture." Pencil-sketch portrait by Count D'Orsay. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 539 Haham Moses Gomez de Mesquita. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 540 Haham David Netto. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. PI. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 541 The Rabbi. (After Rembrandt, by Pether.) Lent by Alfred Davis, Esq. 542 Birrichino (Little Mischief) ! Sculpture study in terra-cotta (Ansel Leo.) Lent by Miss Rosa Leo. 543 Dr. Ferdinando Mendes. Physician to Catharine of Braganza, wife of Charles II. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 544 Rev. Moses Myers (1759-1814). Rabbi of New Syna Cgus. (Pastel.) nt by the New Synagogue. 545 Rev. Dr. Herschell. Lent by Miss C. de H. Harris. 546 Moses Mendelssohn. . Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 547 Chief Rabbi Hart Lyon. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 548 The late Sir Moses 'Montefiore, Bart. Lent by the Montefiore Endowment. LOWER GALLERY 39 549 Richard Brothers (Prince of the Hebrews). B. 1757, d. 1824, originated the Anglo-Israel idea, and was transferred to a lunatic asylum. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. ^50 Menasseh Ben Israel. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 551 a Engraving, b La Rachat du Premier N6. du Premier Ne. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq 552 a Procession des Palmes chez les Juifs Portugais. b Repas des Juifs pendant la Fete des Tentes. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq 553 a L'Examen du Levain. b Le Repas de Paques chez les Juifs Portugais. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq. 554 Engraving. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq. 555 a Arbancanfod. d Lampe Sabathique. e Fain sans Levain. / Fain Ordinaire, g Rameau de Palme, etc. i Corne de Bettier. Lent by Cyril Andrade, Esq. 556 Mdlle. Rachel. Great Jewish actress; b. Switzerland, 1821 ; d. Cannet, near Toulon, 1858. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 557 Mrs. Louisa Barnett. (Solomon Hart, R.A.) Let by "Miss R. C. Harris. 558 Mr. Rothschild. (Dighton.) Lent by Miss C. de H. Harris. 559 Abraham Goldsmid. (Drawn by the elder Dighton.) B. 1756; died 1810. Financier and philanthropist. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 560 David Tevele Schiff Hakohen, maternal Uncle of the late Dr. N. M. Adler. Was Chief Rabbi before Rabbi Solomon Hirschel. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 561 The Rev. Samuel Marcus Gollancz. (A. Wolmark ) Minister of the Hambro' Synagogue, Fenchurch Street, London, 1854-1899. Lent by Morris Gollancz, Esq. 562 Interior of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Bevis Marks. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 563 Mr. Braham. (Cardon, from drawing by J. G. Wood.) Lent by the Victoria and Albert Museum. 564 The late Louis Cohen. Lent by George A. Cohen, Esq. 565 The late Alfred Louis Cohen Lent by George A. Cohen. 566 Head of a Young Girl. (Kate Somers.) 40 LOWER GALLERY 567 David Sassoon, Indian merchant and banker, pro- genitor of the famous Sassoon family; b. Bagdad, 1792; d. Bombay, 1864. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 568 David Ricardo. (Hodgetts, after Phillips.) Lent by the Victoria and Albert Museum. 569 The late Sampson Lucas. (Walter Goodman.) Lent by the United Synagogue. 570 Sir Benjamin Phillips. Lent by Aleck Abrahams, Esq. 571 Professor Hurwitz. Lent by Mrs. Lewis Emanuel. 572 Reuben Salomons. (E. Meyer.) Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 573 Lionel L. Cohen; b. 1832, d. 1887; prominent finan- cier, philanthropist, and politician; president Jewish Board of Guardians from 1878 till his death. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 574 Oil Painting of Ten Commandments (Hebrew and Spanish). Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 575 The Rothschild Family. Lent by Miss R. C. Harris. 576 The late Chief Rabbi. Dr. N. M. Adler. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 577 Sir Moses Montenore. (Linley Sambourne : original of illustration in "Punch.") Lent by Herman Hart, Esq. 578 Benjamin Disraeli. (Count D'Orsay : 1834.) Lent by the Victoria and Albert Museum. 579 The Installation of the present Chief Rabbi. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 580 Sir Moses Montefiore. Lent by Aleck Abrahams, Esq. 581 Sarah Bernhardt. (Bastien Lepage.) Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 582 Sir David Salomons, Bart. (Engraved by Joseph Skelton, from painting by Herbert L. Smith.) See No. 427. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 583 The late Sir Anthony de Rothschild. Lent by the United Synagogue. 584 Zacharie Astruc. (Felix Bracquemond.) Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 585 A Morocco Jewess. (Eugene Delacroix.) Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 586 The Cuban Mulatto Girl. (Walter Goodman.) SHOW CASE. 587 Piece of Stone from the Temple. Presented by the Governor of Jerusalem to *he late Sir Moses M'onte- fiore. Lent by Sir Isidore Spielrnann, F.S.A. LOWER GALLERY 4 1 CASE 12. (Books lent by E. N. Adler, Esq.) 588 Baba Kama. (Venice: 1521.) Printed on vellum; unique. 589 Menasseh Ben Israel's Hebrew Bible, with painting on the edge. 590 Hebrew Bible. (Sabioneta : 1557. Bound by Thou- venin.) Printed on vellum. 591 Shechitoth. (Mantua : 1556.) Printed on vellum ; unique. 592 Hagadah, etc. (Mantua : 1557.) Printed on vellum. 593 Machsor Casal Maggiore. (1486.) Printed on vellum. 594 Prayer Book. (Bologna : 1536.) Printed on parch- ment for the Guild of Silkworkers. 595 Maimonides " More." (London : 1876.) Printed on vellum. 596 Hebrew Bible. (Amsterdam : 1667.) Example of sumptuous binding. 597 Machzor. (Augsburg : 1536.) Printed on vellum. 8 MS. Mensuration. CASE 13. (Books lent by E. N. Adler, Esq.) 599 Hymns for Cochin Jews. (Lithographed in Bombay : 1874.) 600 Address and Gospel in Hebrew. (Madras: 1817.) First Hebrew printed in India. 601 Prophets. (Pesaro : 1515.) 602 Ibn Verga's Shevet Jehudah. (Adrianople : 1554.) First modern Jewish historv. 603 Tiny Psalter printed by Menasseh Ben Israel. (1635.) 604 Hebrew Grammar. (Glasgow : 1644.) 605 Selichot in Hebrew and Marathi. (Bombay : 1891.) 606 Hebrew Grammar, etc. (Paris : 1540.) 607 De Tribus Impostoribus. (1669.) One of the three impostors was the false Messiah, Sabbatai Zevi. 608 Hvmns for Simchat Torah. (Bombay : 1885.) 609 Broughton's "Daniel" (London: 1596.) The first Hebrew printed in England. 610 Hebrew Books printed in Aden. (1891.) 6n Japan and the Lost Tribes. (Nagasaki. 1878.) 612 Ben Sira. (Calcutta : 1856.) 613 Masechet America. (Wilna : 1894.) CASE 14. (Books lent by E. N. Adler, Esq.) 614 The Case of the Jewes Stated, or the Jew's Synagogue Opened. (London : 1656.) 615 Hebrew Grammar. (London : 1656.) 616 A Looking Glass for the Jews. (London : 1753.) 4 2 LOWER GALLERY 617 Chronicles of the Kings of England. (Birmingham : I777-) 618 Esperan9a de Israel. (Amsterdam : 1650.) 619 MS. New Year Service. (Corfu.) 620 Grace After Meals. (Venice : i6th century.) Unique. 621 Marlow's Jew of Malta. (London : 1632.) 622 A de Nevo Contra Judaeos. (1479.) 623 Propositiones contra Judaeos. (Halle : 1546.) 624 Menasseh Ben Israel's Address to the Protector; re- printed in Melbourne, 1868. 625 The Jews' Charter. (London : 1702.) 626 Moses Mendez' Double Disappointment ; or the For- tune Hunters. (London : 1775.) 627 Broughton's Melchisedek. (London : 1591.) Contains list of Hebrew books " obtainable from Venice or Francfurt." 628 Chronicle of the Kings of England. (London : 1741.) 629 Spanish Bible, printed in Ferrara, 1^3 ; known as the "Jews' Bible." From the Duke of Bedford's library. 630 Epaminondas. (J. Soncino. Fano : 1502.) With autograph and notes by the Poet Browning. 631. Taghmical Art of Hebrew Accents; with autograph of the famous John Locke. 632 Shulchan Aruch. (Amsterdam : 1662.) With MS. notes by Rabbi Nathan Adler, about 1760. 633 Original Instructions for Establishment of Inquisition in America in 1569. CASE 15. (Books lent by E. N. Adler, Esq.) 634 Responsa of Rashba. (Rome : before 1480 ) 635 Ibn Sahula's Fables. (Venice : 1547.) In binding dated 1563; from the Duke of Marlborough's library. 636 "Tur." '(Naples?: before 1480.) 637 Chullin Soncino. (1489.) Only two other copies known. 638 Ibn Sahula Fables. (Brescia : 1491.) The first Hebrew book with pictures. 639 Pentateiich Ixar. (Spain : 1490.) 640 " Nofet Zufim." (Mantua : before 1480.) CASE 16. (Books lent by E. N. Adler, Esq.) 641 Hagadah. (Prague : 1526.) 642 Seven Hagadoth. 643 MS. Hagadah, written in 1525 by Farisol, and illus- trated by Veneziano. LOWER GALLERY 43 SCREEN I. (Prints lent by Israel Solomons, Esq.) 6=57 Interior of the Great Synagogue, St. James's Place. See No. 213. 658 Jewish Synagogue, Great St. Helens. (T. H. Shepherd,' deiin. ; H. Melville, sculp.) Congregation first established in Leadenhall Street in 1760. This Synagogue erected 1855. See No. 97. 659 Interior of the Jews' Synagogue, Great St. Helens. See No. 658. 660 Passport of Sir Moses Montefiore from Paris to Amsterdam, 1814. Sir Moses Montefiore was then in his thirtieth year. 661 Forty- four Ex Libris of modern Anglo-Jewish families. 662 Thirty-three Ex Libris. (Emanuel Mendes da Costa, Jacob Franco, David Alves Rebello, Moses Isaac Levy, and others of the i8th century. 663 Twenty-seven Ex Libris. (Seven by the Jewish artist, Lilien ; one of David Friedlander by Chodowiecki, and others.) 664 Mr. Russel as "Jerry Sneak." (1809.) Sam Russel, popular actor in the early part of the igth century. 665 Mr. Braham as "Lord Aimsworth." (Engraved by Thomson from a drawing by Foster.) B. in London, Thomson from a drawing by Foster.) See No. 208. 666 Mr. Sloman, as dressed in character for his three- part medley. Charles Sloman, b. 1808; English com- poser and singer of comic songs; d. 1870 in London. Coloured. 667 Mr. Isaacs as " Hawthorn." (Thomson, from a painting by Clater.) See No. 199. 668 Mr. Simmonds as " Jew Mordecai." (De Wilde, pinx. ; E. Scriven, sculp.) Actor first half of the last century. 669 Mr. Simmons as " Baron Munchausen." (Drawn by De Wilde; engraved by R. Cooper.) See No. 668. 670 Mr. Braham as "Tom Tug." See No. 208. 671 Mrs. Bland. (Drawn by De Wilde; engraved by R. Cooper.) B. 1769 of Italian-Jewish parentage; maiden name, Maria Theresa Romanzini ; English actress and singer ; married a brother of the notorious Mrs. Jordan, the ancestress of the Duke of Fife. D. in London, 1838. 672 Sir Peter Paul Rubens as a Jew Pedlar. (Engraved by Roe, after a miniature : 1823.) 673 Miss Abrams as " Silvia " in Cymon. Harriet Abrams. B. 1760. English soprano vocalist. 674 Grace Aguilar. (J. Cochran.) B. 1816. Descended from Portuguese Marranos. Novelist. D. at Frank- fort o/M., 1847. 44 LOWER GALLERY 675 Josef Israels. (Etched by C. L. Courty ; drawn by Jozef Israels.) B. 1824; Dutch genre painter. The most eminent paintei of Jewish birth. 676 Holding up the Law to the People. Procession wit) Palms. 677 Marriage Ceremony of Portuguese Jews. Marriage Ceremony of German Jews. 678 Sir Moses Montetfiore : 100 Years Old. Lent by M. Caster, Esq. 679 Madame Pasta. (M. Gauei, lith.) B. 1798 in Italy. Famous prima-donna first half of the iqth century. Her real name was Giuditta Negri. D. 1865. 680 Elias Parish-Alvars. B. Teignmouth, 1810. Harpist and composer. D. Vienna, 1849. 681 The Seat of Abraham Goldsmid, Esq., Morden, Surrey. (Drawn by GyfTord ; engraved by Hawkins.) 681* Abraham Goldsmid. (Medley, pinxt. ; Ridley, sculpt.) B. in Holland about 1756. ' Eminent financier and philanthropist. D. 1810. 682 Benoist Spinosa. (Proof before letters.) B. 1632 at Amsterdam. Philosopher and Biblical critic; ex- communicated by the Portuguese Jewish community of Amsterdam, 1656. D. 1677 a ^ * ne Hague. 683 Benedictus Spinoza. (C. T. Riedel, sculp.) See No. 682. 684 Spinosa. (C. P .R.) See No. 682. 685 Spinoza. See No. 682. 686 Benoist Spinosa. See No. 682. 687 Spinosa. (Hollandais, chef des Materialistes.) See No. 682. 688 Benedictvs de Spinoza. (Amstelodamensis.) See No. 682. 689 N. M. Rothschild. (C. Penny.) See No. 227. 690 John Adolphus, F.A.S. (Allingham, pinx. ; Ridley, sculp.) B. 1768 in London. Historical and political writer. His great-grandmother, Mrs. Moses Adolphus, was a daughter of Moses Hart, the founder of the Great Synagogue. D. 1845. (Stipple engraving.) 691 Ex Libris. (John Adolphus.) 692 Solomon Dubno. (Schabracq, pinxt. ; Sansom, sculpt.) B. 1738. Poet, grammarian, and student of the Masorah. Formed a famous library. D. Amsterdam, 1813. 693 Berthold Auerbach. (Weger.) B. 1812. Famous German novelist. D. at Cannes, 1882. 694 Roman Monuments of Judea Vanquished Arch of Titus erected in Rome in celebration of his victory over the Jews. Spoils of the Temple are pictured in the arch. LOWER GALLERY 45 695 The Jews' House, Lincoln. (J. Greig, from a draw- ing by J. Hardwick.) The house of Aaron, of Lincoln, financier; b. at Lincoln about 1125. The house is probably the oldest private stone house in England (before 1186). D. 1186. 696 Israelitische National Garde in Warschau. Coloured. 697 Lithuanian Jewess. (Rt. Johnson, delt. ; H. Dawe, sculpt. : 1815.) Coloured. 698 Ismael Aga. (1780.) Described in the catalogues of the period, " The Jew Pedlar." A noted beggar and character, who haunted the purlieus of the Stock Exchange. (1780.) 699 Miss Franks. (After Sir Joshua Reynolds.) See No. 392. 700 Sabatai Sen. (Wolfg. Phil. Kilian, sc.) B. 1626 at Smyrna. Famous Impostor. Claimed to be the Messiah, but afterwards became a Mohammedan. D. 1676. 701 Der Groszs Betrieger und Falsche Messias Sabatai Sevi. See No. 700. 702 Der Falsche Messias Sabbatai Sevi. (Gennant.) See No. 700. 703 Sabbalai Sevi. 704 Nathan Levi. (Cornelis Meyssens, sculp. ; Martinus Vanden Enden, excud.) The principal adherent of Sabbatai Zevi, and called the New Jewish prophet. 705 Warhafte Abildung des Neuen Jiidischen Propheten Nathan. (1665.) See No. 704. 706 Sabetha Sebi. (Cornelis Meyssens, sculpsit ; Joannes Meyssens, excudit.) See No. 700. 707 Ein Allgierischer Jiid (An Algerian Jew). (And. Matth. Wolffgang, del. : Aug. Vindel, sculp.) Coloured 708 Joseph D' Almeida. (Wm. Lawranson, engraved by John Jones.) B. 1716. Eminent Stock-broker, and patron of the drama. D. 1788. 709 Ad. Cr6mieux. (Llanta.) B. at Nimes, 1796. Minister of Justice, 1848. Great champion of his oppressed co-religionists. D. Paris, 1880. 710 Starvation Farm, Colebrook Rew t Islington. One of Baron D'Aguilar's farms. The Baron is seen talking to one of his stewards 711 Ephraim Lopez Pereira, Baron D'Aguilar. (180:;.) B. Vienna, 1739. Wealthy financier, but developed into an eccentric and a miser. Had several farms, and starved the animals to death. D. in London, 1802. Aguilar coat of arms. 46 LOWER GALLERY 712 Jews Celebrating the Feast of Purim. (Basset.) The Synagogue is that of the Portuguese Jews at Amster- dam. Coloured. 713 Dor. Ephraim Bonvs, Medicvs Hebraevs. (loannes Lyvyus, fecit. Physician and theologian ; d. Amster- dam, 1665. An oil painting by Rembrandt is in the collection of Baron de Six of Amsterdam. His por- trait was also etched by Rembrandt. 714 Ein Bandjude (Jew Selling Tape). 715 Selomoh Salem. (B. Bolomey, delin. ; Boyly, sculps.) B. Adrianople, 1717. Haham in Amsterdam, 1762. D. 1781. 716 Mr. Joshua Van Oven. (S. Drummond, A.R.A. ; en- graved by T. Blood.) B. London, 1766. First vice- president of Jews' Free School ; active worker in the community, and a physician. D. 1838. 717 Zevi Hirsch Zamosz. B. 1740. Rabbi and author; appointed Chief Rabbi of the three united Congre- gations of Altona, Hamburgh, and Wandsbeck. D. 1807 at Altona. 718 laacob levda Leon Hebreo. (Salom Italia, the Jewish engraver.) See Nos. 118, 309, 324, 325. 719 Jonathan Eybeschiitz. (Sepia drawing signed in Hebrew by Abraham Gandergeen, 1779.) See No. 104. 720 Moses Mendelssohn. (I. C. Frisch, pinx. ; P. Haas, sc.) See No. 406. 721 Moses Mendelssohn. (B. Rode, pinxit. ; I. C. Kriiger, fee.) See No. 406. 722 Moses Mendelssohn. (Tassaert, pater cudit ; Tassaert, films sculp.) See No. 406. 723 Belvidere House, near Erith, in the County of Kent. (R. Godfrey, del. et sculp.) The seat of Sampson Gideon, a descendant of the Abudientes, with coat of arms of the family. B. 1699 in London; financier; d. 1762. 724 Prospect Place, Wimbledon, Surrey A Villa belong- ing to M. I. Levy, Esq. (S. Ha'rding, pinxit.: js Roberts, sculpsit ) President of the Board of Depu- ties of British Jews; resigned in 1801. 725 Eduard Lasker. (1884.) B. 1829 ; German politician ; d. New York, 1884. ' 726 Moses Wessely. (Anton Tischbein, pinx. ; D. Chodo- wiecski, sculp.) Brother of Naphtali Hirz Wessely. 727 Marcus Eliezer Bloch. (I. C. Viriiger, del. et sc.) B. 1723 at Ansbach. German ichthyologist and phy- sician. D. Carlsbad, 1799. 728 Marcus Hertz. (Schadow, engr. by Rick.) ]}. in Berlin, 1747. German physician and lecturer on philosophy. D. 1803. Husband of Henrietta Hertz. LOWER GALLERY 47 729 Isaac Daniel Itzig. (Anton Graff, del ; D. Berger, fecit, 1789.) Son of Daniel Itzig, a German financier and head of the Jewish communities in Prussia. With David Friendlander Isaac established the Chinuch Ne'arim, the first Jewish school for poor children in Germany, 1778. 730 Peter Beer. (Job. Berka, del. et sculpsit.) B. 1758 in Bohemia ; educationist ; d. 1838 at Prague. 731 Jonas Jeiteles. (lo. Berka, scupl. ; L., del.) B. 1735 in Prague ; physician ; d. 1806. 732 Bliimchen Friedlander. (Anton Graff, del. ; D. Berger, fecit, 1785.) B. 1752; daughter of Daniel Itzig, the banker, and married David Friedlander. 733 Sam Maimon. (W. Arndt, sculp.) B. in Lithuania, 1754. Philosophical writer; d. 1800. Solomon Ben Joshua Maimon. 734 T. L. Bensew. (I. G. Mansfield, pinx. et sculp.) B. 1764 near Cracow. First Jewish grammarian and lexicographer of modern times. D. 1811 at Vienna. SCREEN II. (735-770 lent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, Litt.D.) 735 Hahain Mesquita, of London. 736 Michael Costa. Musician. 737 Haham Raphael Meldola. 738 Mr. Cohen. (Colored print : Dighton.) 739 Portuguese Synagogue. (Aquatint, 1817.) 740 Sir Moses Montefiore. 741 Chief Rabbi Hirschell. (1811.) 742 Trip to Jerusalem. (Coloured print : Dighton, 1806.) 743 Levy Emanuel Cohen, Founder and Editor of " Brigton Guardian." 744 Lord George Gordon (1780), " Convert to Judaism." 745 Samuel d^ Lion Benevente, surgeon, Amsterdam. 746 Abraham Goldsmid, 1810. 747 Beer Dann, Schutz Jude in Frankfurt. 748 Franciscus Raphaelengins, Professor of Hebrew. 749 Richard Brothers, " Prince of the Hebrews." (1795.) 750 The Prime Minister. 751 David Levi, author and translator of Prayer Book. 752 Rev. Isaac Polack, of the Great Synagogue. (1799 ) 753 F.arl of Beaconsfield. 754 Daniel Cohen D'Azavedo, of Amsterdam. 755 Jews' Hospital, Mile End, E. 756 Holding Law at Great Synagogue. 757 Jews' House, Lincoln, 1811. 48 LOWER GALLERY 758 Facsimile of Oliver Cromwell's Recommendation re East India Co.-npany. 759 Synagogue, Great St. Helen's (Tabernacles). 760 Great Synagogue. (Pugin : 1809.) 761 Jacob Israel, Doctor of Medicine, Heidelberg, 1659. 762 Isaac Disraeli, aged n. 763 Chief Rabbi Hirschell. 764 Nathan Rothschild. (Lizars.) 765 A Jewish Synagogue. (Vemar.) 766 The Jewish Synagogue. 767 Jew Merchant and Schoolboy. (Mezzo., 1794.) 768 Rev. Solomon Hirschell, in white satin garb. 769 N. M. Rothschild. 770 Dr. Joshua Van Oven. END WALL OF GALLERY. 771 Study. (Liebermann.) Lent by W. Rothenstein, Esq. 772 The Election of the present Chief Rabbi. (Solomon J. Solomon, R.A.) Lent by the Rev. Dr. Adler, Chief Rabbi.) 773 Portrait of a Jewess. (Mark Weinberg.) 774 Evening. (May Sandheim.) 775 Portrait of a Man (gold point). (Dorothea Landau.) 776 Pen-and-ink Sketch : Grinling Gibbons in St. James's Church, Piccadilly, W. (Philip J. Kaufman.) 777 Drawing by W. Rothenstein. 778 Her Daughter's Legacy. (Assur Michaelson, R.B A.) 779 A Street in Bruges. (Frank L. Emanuel.) 780 The Bully. (Albert Rothenstein.) 781 Three Humorous Drawings. (Walter Emanuel.) 782 The Site of the Whitechapel Art Gallery. (Frank L. Emanuel.) 783 Fate. (Dorothea Landau.) 784 Study. (Liebermann.) Lent by W. Rothenstein, Ks<|. 785 Portrait of Mrs. Hughes. (Dorothea Landau.) 786 The Legend of Rabbi Ben Levi. (J. H. Amschewitz.) 787 Lord Rothschild being sworn as a Member of the House of Lords July 9, 1885. (B. S. Marks.) Lent by the United Synagogue. 788 A Difficult Passage of the Talmud. (Isaac Snowman.) 789 Old and Modern Jewry. (Louis Conrad.) 790 Lithograph by DoTothea Landau. LOWER GALLERY 49 791 This Only One. (Jacob H. Amschewitz.) 792 Highland Sheep in a Snowdrift, Callander, N.B. (Charcoal sketch : Prof. S. E. A. Griinewald.) 793 Drawing by Liebermann. Lent by W. Rothenstein. 794 Black and White Drawing. (A. Friedenson.) Lent by Walter Emanuel, Esq. 795 Portrait of a Man. (Albert Rothenstein.) 796 Piccadilly, Manchester. (Frank L. Emanuel.) 797 Drawing by W. Rothenstein. 798 When the Day Dawns. (Miriam I. Davis Mrs. Imano.) 799 Old Swan Pier, London Bridge. (Mark Weinberg.) 800 Havel Havolim Epstein. Lent by Jacob Epstein, Esq. 801 A Windy Day. (S. Myers.) Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 802 On the Giudecca, Venice. (Lawrence B. Phillips, A.R.E.) 803 The Two Rabbis. Consulting His Superior. (Law- rence Harris.) 804 Dr. Oscar Levy. (Betia Schebsman ) 805 Anna. (Kate L. Andrade.) 806 A Study in Flowers (Louis XVI.). (H. S. Schild- kraut.) 807 Baby. (Kate L. Andrade.) 808 Modelled Design for Tiles. (Soln. Horonzick.) 809 Study of a Head. (Dorothea Landau.) Lent by Professor A. Legros. 810 Sculpture : The Arum Lily. (Ansel Leo.) Bronze bas-relief plaque. Lent by Miss Rosa Leo. 811 Cartoon by Jacob Eppstein. 812 Frame of Lace. Lent by the Victoria and Albert Museum. 813 Sampler, worked by Miss Pearl Goldsmid (1749), aged nine. She later married Mr. Levi Barnet Cohen. Lent by George A. Cohen, Esq. 814 Head of a Negro. (Nellie E. Isaac.) 814.4 Hebrew MSS., in two cases, from the Jewish Syna- gogue at Kae-Fung-Foo, which is said to have been built in A.D. 1190. Lent by the Revs. W. T. Gidney and F. L. Denman. 815 M. de C. Andrade, Esq. (Assur Michaelson.) 816 J. Wise, Esq. (Mark Weinberg.) 817 M. Alphonse Hartog. (Madame Helena Arsene Darmesteter.) Lent by P. T. Hartog, Esq. 50 LOWER GALLERY BAY V. PICTURES. 818 Ganserupferinner (Plucking Geese). (Liebermann.) Lent by the Berlin Photographic Company. 819 Netzflickerinnen (Repairing Nets). (Liebermann.) Lent by the Berlin Photographic Company. 820 Schusterwerkstatt (The Cobblers). (Liebermann.) Lent by the Berlin Photographic Company (Nos. 821-826 lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq.) 821 Dayan Cardozo's Sermon. (J. Brandon.) 822 Bringing out the Law on the Sabbath. (J. Brandon.) 823 Nivernese Labour. (Rosa Bonheur.) 824 Village Interior. (Josef Israels.) 825 The Death of Orpheus. (Emile Le"vy.) 826 A Street in Dinan. (C. de Rothschild.) 827 Illustrative of King Solomon. (S. A. Hart, R.A. b. 1806, d. 1881.) Lent by Ellis A. Franklin, Esq. (Nos. 828-836 lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq.) 828 The Examination. (Edouard Brandon.) 829 Wit and the Girls. (Schlesinger.) 830 Idyll. (Emile Levy.) 831 A Road near Voisin. (Pissarro.) 832 A Village. (Pissarro.) 833 Mountain Cattle. (Rosa Bonheur.) 834 The Elder Sister. (Max Liebermann.) 835 Under the Charm. (Jules Worms.) 836 At the Villa Borghese. (F. Heilbuth.) 837 Marble Bust "The Dawn of Thought." (Miss Katherine M. Cohen.) 838 Scala Santa at the Benedictine Monastery, Subeau, near Rome. (Solomon Alexander Hart, R.A.) Lent by the Victoria and Albert Museum. 839 Torque'mada before Ferdinand and Isabella. (Solo- mon A. Hart, R.A.) Lent by The Jews' College. 840 Interior of an Eastern Place of Worship. (S. A. Hart, R.A.) Lent by Sir G. Faudel Phillips, Bart., G.C.I. E. 841 Doll, in costume of married Jewish lady of Tetuan. Work done by Jews. Lent by Judah Nahon, Esq. 842 Sadness. (Simeon Solomon b. 1841, d. 1905.) Lent by Dr. Savage. 843 Helena. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by F. S. Franklin, Esq. 844 Wisdom and Folly (drawing). (S. Solomon.) Lent by Dr. Savage. 845 Amor et Libido. (Simeon Solomon.^ Lent by More Adey, Esq. 846 Drawing. (S. Solomon.) Lent by Dr. Savage. LOWER GALLERY 5 1 847 Christ Blessing Little Children. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Robert Ross, Esq. 848 The Finding of Moses (sketch).- (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Robert Ross, Esq. 849 Ezekiel and the Angel (study). (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Robert Ross, Esq. 850 Hagar and Ishmael. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Messrs. Carfax and Co., Ltd. 851 Female Head. (Simeon J. Solomon.) Lent by Ernest L. Franklin, Esq. 852 Christ and the Rabbi, Ben Israel. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Randall Davies, Esq , F.S.A. 853 Pencil Drawing of Artist's Brother. (Simeon Solo- mon.) Lent by Mrs. Sylvester Solomon. 854 A Head. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by F. S. Franklin, Esq. CASE 17. (Books lent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, Litt.D.) 855 Festival Prayers for New Year and Atonement. (1740.) 856 Sermon by Isaac Nieto. (1756.) 857 Two Journeys to Jerusalem, with illustrations. (1683.) 858 Reply in Hebrew and Spanish on the famous "Nieto" charge of heresy. (London : 5472.) 859 Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs. (1674.) 860 Sermons Preached to Jews in the Church of Sante Croce, Florence. (1585.) 86 1 Pentateuch printed by Menasseh Ben Israel. (1630.) 862 Report of the Commissioners on charge against the Duke of Marlborough. (1711.) 863 Trial of Francia, the Jew. (1717.) 864 Leusden's Work on Matters Jewish. (1682.) 865 Erubhin, or Miscellanies, Christian and Judaicall. (John Lightfoote : 1629 ) 866 Introduction to Oriental Languages. (1655.) 867 Daily Prayers. (Gamaliel Ben Pedahzur": 1738.) 868 Martin's Hebrew and Chaldaic Grammar. Plantin Press : 1611-112.) 869 Daily Prayer Book, Hebrew and English. (Meyers and Alexander : 5530-1770.) 870 Addison's Present State of the Jews. (1676.) 871 Daily Prayer Book, French. (Nice : 1772.) 872 Bachya's Commentary on the Pentateuch. (Pesaro : 5274.) 873 Porta Mosis. (Ed. Pococke. Oxford : 1655.) Targum Jershalmi. (London : r64Q.) Menasseh's Conciliator, Latin. (Amsterdam : 1633.) 52 LOWER GALLERY CASE 18. (Books lent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, Litt.U.) 874 Ibn Tibbon's Translation of Maimonides : Moreh Nebuchim. (1476.) 875 Miniature Omer Book and Occasional Prayers. (5538.) Binding. 876 Miniature Set of Four Prayer Books in Case (Spanish Ritual). (5540-1740.) 877 Pentateuch, with Rashi. (Amst. 5522.) 878 Petition from Merchants in City of London to Parlia- ment, Pleading for Naturalization of Jews. (1753-) Appendix to Ashley's case and appeal. 879 Volume of Keepsake presentation copy by Sir Moses Montefiore to his mother, contrining pages of auto- graph by M. M., of Jewish Calendar, Poems, etc. 880 Leo de Modena's Work on Jewish Customs, in Dutch (with illustrations). (1725.) 881 Autograph : Italian Translation of Menasseh Ben Israel's "Conciliator." (Marco Luzzato.) 882 Service for Wedding and other occasions. (Written by the late Rev. Samuel Marcus Gollancz, Minister of the Hambro' Synagogue, 1854-1899.) 883 Book of Charms : Clavicula Salomonis (probably unique in this form). 884 Pentateuch. (Amsterdam : 5486.) 885 Service for Mohel, on vellum. (Written for the late Chazan Ascher of the Great Synagogue.) 886 887 Book of Charms written in Syriac characters. 888 Illuminated Hagadah for Passover. (Vellum : i3th or i4th century.) 889 Daily Prayer Book, including evening services of Festivals and Hosannoth. (Written by Eleazar, son of Abraham Minden,-at Amisfordt ; finished in 5509.) 890 The Hundred Blessings. (5447-1676.) Hebrew and Spanish. CASE 19. (Books lent by the Very Rev. M. Gaster, Ph.D.) 891 Scroll 8giA Coat of Arms (Mossley family), on parchment. 892 Night Prayers. Illuminated MS. (i8th century.) 893 Prayer Book. Illuminated, Spanish hand. (i3th or I4th century.) Parchment. 894 Hebrew-Spanisrf-Print, Song of Songs. (Venice.) 895 Talmud; first complete edition, blue, paper. (1522.) LOWER GALLERY 53 806 Pentateuch, with Massorah. (lath or i3th century.) Oriental MSS, 897 Illuminated Prayer Book. (isth century.) MSS. Italian hand. 808 Almosnino. Hebrew-Spanish Work. (Constantinople.) 899 Italian Prayer Book, Hebrew characters. (i5th cent.) ooo Haphtarah, Hebrew and Arabic Targum. Old Yemen MS. 901 Samaritan Pentateuch. Small writing. 902 Tartar Translation of Pentateuch; Karaite MSS. (ryth century.) 003 Maimonides, Yad Hachzakah, old MS., Oriental (i4th century.) 904 Miniature Prayer Book. (Amsterdam.) CASE 20. (Books lent by the Very Rev. M. Caster, Ph.D.) 905 Hozering, Karashe ; Bible Manuscripts. 906 Bible, with English MSS. (Glosses : i6th century.) 907 Samaritan Pentateuch, with Arabic translation. 908 Pentateuch in Yiddish, first complete edition. 909 Caster, Hebrew Illuminated Bibles. 910 Spanish Prayer Book. (Amsterdam : 1681.) Tor- toiseshell and silver clasps. 911 Maimonides, Yad Hachzakah. ( J 3th century.) Parchment. 912 Sar Shalom. Oldest Hebrew print in Palestine. (Dated 1576.) 913 Spanish Prayer Book. (Amsterdam : 1692.) Tor- toiseshell and silver clasps. 914 Hebrew MS. (i3th century.) Rashi. 915 Scroll of Book of Ruth. Leather MS. Yemen. 916 Nieto's Calendar. (1791.) 917 Bible, with Hebrew letters embossed on cover. (Paris : 1539.) UPRIGHT CASE D. 918 Silver Chanucah Lamp ; can be taken to pieces by unscrewing a few nuts. Lent by Simon Frankenstein, Esq. 9i8.\ Silver 'Filigree Pointer. Lent by the Western Synagogue. 919 Silver-gilt Kiddush Cup. Lent by Major H. B. Lewis-Earned. 920 Binder for Scroll. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 922 Silver Basket, carved by hand and representing Biblical History. Lent by Messrs. Splitter and Co. 923 Four Pairs of Silver Bells. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 54 LOWER GALLERY 924 Silver Dish, for use by Cohanim (Priests). Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 925 Silver-gilt Pointer. Montefiore Coat of Arms. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 926 Pointer for Scroll of the Law. Lent by the New Synagogue. 927 Silver Yod Pointer for reading Scrolls. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 928 Dutch Pointer, old. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 929 Pointer for Scroll of the Law. Lent by the New Synagogue. 930 Foreign Points. Lent by the Greit Synagogue. 931 Early English Pointer and Chain. 932 Pointer. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 933 German Pointer, studded with rose diamonds and rubies, old English gold chain. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 934 Pointer, onyx, English. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 935 Pointer for Scroll of the Law. Lent by the New Synagogue. 936 Pointer for Scroll of the Law. Lent by the New Synagogue. 937 Early German Pointer. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 938 Ivory Pointer ; carved by Mr. S. Esterson. Lent by the Rev. W. Esterson. 939 Silver Cup, chased, having on the bottom of the pedestal a shekel. Lent by Messrs. Splitter and Co. 940 Silver Pointer. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler. 941 Silver Wine Cup. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 942 Silver jugj for use by Cohanim (Priests). Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 943 Linen Embossed Band to bind the Sepher, with In- scription. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 943.4 Two Silver Pointers. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. ()43B Silver Kiddush Cup, presented by Rabbi Solomon Herschell to Sir Moses Montefiore, with a suitable inscription and an engraved portrait of Rabbi Her- schell. Lent by J. H. Solomon, Esq. 0430 Bells, Pointer, and Brass Plate for Scroll of the Law. Lent by the North London Synagogue. 9430 Sepher Pointer, of chased silver-gilt and inlaid stones Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq LOWER GALLERY 55 943E Brass Miniature Sabbath Lamp, for oil. (Dutch, i8th century.) Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S.A. 943? Binder. Lent by E. N. Adler. Esq. 9430 Three Pairs of Silver Bells. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 943H Hanucah Lamp. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 9431 Hanucah Lamp, with inscription. (Italian :r6th cent.) Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. Caster. 943J Pointer for Scroll of the Law. Lent by the New Synagogue. 944K Silver Pointer. Lent by Percy Webster, Esq. 943L Hanucah Lamp, engraved brass, from Italy. Lent by Miss Sarah Moro. 943M Carved Wood Taper Holder and Pointer. Lent by Mrs. Birnstingl. 943N Ivory Pointer, used at the Reading of the Law in public. Lent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, Litt.D. 9430 Hanucah Lamp, brass, inscribed. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 943? Binder. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 943? Coral Pointer. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 943Q Carved Iron and Ebony Pointer, old Lent by the Western Synagogue. BETWEEN BAYS V. AND VI. 944 Chanucah Lamp, brass, for candles, about 4 ft. high. Dutch. Lent by A. E. Franklin, Esq. 945 Simeon Solomon. (F. Hollyer.) Lent by M. S. Nathan. 946 Crayon Drawing. (S. Solomon.) Lent by Dr. Savage. 947 Et Lux in Tenebris Lucet. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Ernest L. Franklin, Esq. BAY VI. PICTURES. 948 The Meeting of Dante and Beatrice. (Simeon Solo- mon.) Lent by Robert Ross, Esq. 0-i i I. ust Without the Gate of Life. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by More Adey, Esq. 950 Babylon, the Golden Goblet. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Carfax and Co., Ltd. 56 LOWER GALLERY 951 The Bridegroom. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Hugh F. Lane, Esq. 952 Scenes from the Life of David. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by A. M. H. Solomon, Esq. 953 A Deacon Bearing the Monstrance. (S. Solomon.) Lent by More Adey, Esq. 954 Daphne. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by F. S. Franklin, Esq. 955 Memoria. (S. Solomon.) Lent by Dr. Savage. 956 Hypatia (exhibited in R..A, 1857). (The late Rachel Levison.) Lent by Mrs. Adolph Arnholz. 957 The Prodigal Son. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by More Adey, Esq. 958 In the Temple of Venus. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by the Victoria and Albert Museum. 959 Spes. (Simeon Solomon ) Lent by More Adey, Esq. 960 Biondina. (Simeon Solomon : 1876.) Lent by Mrs. Knowles. 961 Jove Relating Tales to Girls. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by the Rev. Canon Hichens. 962 Hosanna. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Charles Bayley. 963 Three Priests. (S. Solomon ) Lent by Lord Battersea. 964 A Rabbi. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Lord Battersea. 065 The Magic Crystal. (Simeon Solomon : 1878.) Lent by Mrs. Knowles. 966 Moses. (Simeon Solomon : 1876.) Lent by Mrs. Kncwles. 967 The Walk. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by the Rev. Canon Hichens. 968 Medusa Head. (S. Solomon.) Lent by Lord Battersea. 969 Cupid's Playground. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Herbert Cohen. 970 Love Bound and Wounded. (Simeon Solomon : 1870.) Lent by Mrs. Knowles. 971 The Old Student. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by R. Ichenhauser, Esq. 972 The Mother of Moses. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by W. G. Rawlinson, Esq. 973 The Sleepers and One that Keeps Watch. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by the Rev. Canon Hichens. 974 In the Valley of the Shadow of Death. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by R. Ichenhauser.) 975 Isaac and Rebecca,. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Messrs. Carfax and Co., Ltd. LOWER GALLERY 57 976 Roma. (S. Solomon.) Lent by Dr. Savage. 977 Bronze Statuette : " Out of the East. (Katherine M. Cohen.) 978 The Prodigal Son. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by More Adey, Esq. 979 The Angels Appearing to Abraham. (Simeon Solo- mons.) Lent by Michael Solomons, Esq. 980 Abraham and Isaac. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Robert Ross, Esq. 981 Era Angelico. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by More Adey, Esq. 982 The Bridegroom of Death. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Herbert Cohen. 983 Paolo and Francesca. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Ernest L. Franklin, Esq. 984 Pencil Drawing. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by M. S. Nathan, Esq. 985 Isabella. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by More Adey, Esq. 986 C. de H. Harris. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Miss C. de H. Harris. 987 Portrait of Himself. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Messrs. Carfax and Co., Ltd. 988 The Sacrifice of Isaac. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by Michael Solomon, Esq. 989 The Death of Henry Carson. (Simeon Solomon.) Lent by More Adey, Esq. CASE 21. 990 Illuminated MS. Ritual, on vellum. Lent by Ernest L. Walford, Esq. 991 Sermoes and Certeza del Camina. (Amsterdam : 1666-1675.) Lent by J. de Castro, Esq 992 Book of Genesis, Hebrew. (Amsterdam : 1725.) Bound, 1756. 993 Daily and Festival Prayers, and Five Books of Moses. (Bound in tortoiseshell : 1691.) Lent by J. de Castro, Esq. 994 Daily and Festival Prayers and Five Books of Moses. (Bound in leather : 1694.) Lent by J. de Castro, Esq. 995 Daily and Festival Prayers and Five Books of Moses. (Bound in tortoiseshell : 1716.! Lent by J. de Castro, Esq. 996 Old Tephilin Bag. Lent by Judah Nahon, Esq. 997 Programme of Centenary Celebration. Lent oy Mrs. Sebag Montefiore. 58 LOWER GALLERY 998 Omer Box in Ebony, constructed and written by an amateur, the late Philip Lucas, Esq. Lent by Joshua M. Levy, Esq. 999 Programme of Opening of Sussex Flail. (Jews' and General Literary and Scientific Institution : January, 1845-) Lent by Joseph de Castro, Esq. 1000 Bust. Carved in wood. Lent by E. N. Adlcr, Esq. 1001 Portrait of the Godfather of Sir Moses Montefiore. Lent by Mrs. Sebag Montefiore. 1002 The Turkish Order, with four papers appertaining to same. Lent by Mrs. Sebag Montefiore. 1003 Gold Casket from Fishmongers Company. Lent by Mrs. Sebag Montefiore. 1004 Crimson Velvet Talith Bag, embossed gold both sides, with inscriptions. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1005 Part of Jewish Liturgy. Lent by Stuart M. Samuel, Esq., M.P. 1006 Two Pieces of Silver and Gold Embroidery, being fragments of vestments of a Scroll of the Law. One is in the form of a crown, the other has the Deca- logue inscribed in Hebrew characters. (Italian : i6th century.) Lent by Maurice Spero, Esq. 1007 Miniature of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore. Lent by Mrs. Sebag Montefiore. 1008 Blotter, with Hebrew inscription,, embroidered by pupils of the Evelina De Rothschild School, Jeru- salem. Lent by Mrs. Adler. CHARMS. Mediaeval Jews adopted much of the folk-lore and many of the superstitions of their neighbours. Among the latter was the habit of wearing charms, most of which had the name " Almighty " engraved upon them. They are still in use as personal ornaments. CASE 22. 1009 Silver, Heart-shaped Case, with Jewish emblems and heraldic design ; to contain Mezuzah, formerly as a charm. (Roman : ca. 1750.) Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 1010 A Parcel-gilt Kamaish, or Charm, richly chased with various synagogal and other emblems. (Dutch : i8th century.) Lent by Maurice Spero, Esq. ion Silver Sepher Ornament, with inscriptions. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1012 Silver-gilt Amulet" Case, repousse". (i8th century.) Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S.A, LOWER GALLERY 59 1013 Silver Amulet, engraved with cabalistic inscription in Hebrew. Lent by S. J. Phillips, Esq. ioi3A Silver Amulet. Lent by Mrs. Birnstingl. 1014 Silver Kemi'a, or Charm, inscribed with the priestly blessing in Hebrew characters. (Dutch : i8th cent.) Lent. by Maurice Spero, Esq. 1015 Jewish Charm. Lent by Sir John Evans, K.C.B. 1016 Silver Charm, very old, as rim work at edge shows. Lent by Miss C. de H. Harris. ioi6A Small Silver Tablet, with Ten Commandments. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1017 Kemi'a (amulet), to protect the wearer against the " Evil Eye." Lent by the Rev. David Bueno de Mesquita, B.A. 1018 Kemi'a (amulet), for protection against the " Evil Eye." Lent by the Rev. David Bueno de Mesquita, B.A. ioio Antique Red Cornelian Amulet, cut with Hebrew letters. Lent by Tom J. Pyke, Esq. 1020 Gold Chemiah. Lent by Judah Nahon, Esq. 1021 Talisman. Lent by the Rev. J. T. Fowler. 1022 Marriage Token Coin (Pruta). Lent by G. A. Lipowsky. 1023 Four Charms on Parchment. Lent by Miss Sarah Moro. 1024 Seven Charms on Parchment, small. Lent by Miss Sarah Moro. 1025 Root of Mandrake. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. I025A Amulet, (igth century.) Lent by W. Talbot Ready, Esq. 1026 Earrings. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq 1027 Snuff Box, given by the late Dr. Hirschell to the late Simeon Oppenheim, father of the lender. Lent by Samuel S. Oppenheim, Esq. MEZUZAH. In fulfilment of the command " Thou shalt write them on the door posts of thy house " (Deut. vi. 60), there is affixed to the right post of each inhabited room a case containing parchment on which it written Deut. vi. 4 seq.; it must be placed slanting, and the word Shaddai (Almighty) must be seen written on the roll of parchment. This is the Mezuzah. 1028 Two Tin and one Wooden Mezuzah. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 1029 Oriental Mezuzah, used in Turkey. Lent by Isaac Sasioon, Esq. 60 LOWER GALLERY 1030 Mczuzah, found while excavating for a new house in the High Street, Guildford Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F S.A. 1031 Silver-mounted Knife, agate handle. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1032 Embroidered Bag, on cream silk " The Sacrifice of Isaac," etc. (Time of Charles II.) Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1033 Bride's Gold and Silver Embroidered Ornament. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. RINGS. Jewish betrothals used to be equally formal and binding as marriages, and Betrothal Rings were made equally ela- borate as Wedding Rings, which often contain the names of the wedded pair. The former in early times were used to surround a sprig of myrtle, whence their large size. At the wedding ceremony it is customary for the bridegroom to break the glass out of which the bride and he have drank the wine of sanctifiation. The marriage is recorded in Hebrew in the marriage certifiate (Ketubah). For KETUBAH see Large Screen in U-p-per Gallery. 1034 Ancient Bronze Ring, with "Seal of David" (Magrn David) incised upon it. (Bought in Jerusalem.) Lent by Miss I. Tudor Frere. 1035 Beads from Hebron, supposed to resemble the human eye, and therefore, and on account of their blue colour, to be a protection against the " Evil Eye." Lent by Miss Tudor Frere. 1036 Brass Ring, with Kufic characters signifying Allah. (Bought in Jerusalem.) Lent by Miss Tudor Frere. 1037 Sard Intaglio, set in gold ring, inscribed with the name of Moses Isaac Shapiro (Spero), Chief Rabbi of Bohemia. Arms : Two fish superimposed in a wreath of ? laurel. (Temp., iyth century.) Lent by Maurice Spero, Esq. 1038 Ring, with Hebrew inscription on sapphire. " Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one." Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. I038A Old Silver Seal, with the arms of a Priest. Lent by S. J. Phillips, Esq. 1039 Bronze Ring. (Italian : i6th century.) Lent by N. Behr, Esq. 1040 Four Betrothal Rings. Lent by Sir John Evans, K.C.B. 1041 Wedding Ring Lent by Sir John Evans, K.C.B. 1042 Charm Ring. Lent by Sir John Evans, K.C.B. 1042.4 Old Hebrew Marriage Ring. (i6th century.) Lent by S. J. Phillips, Esq. 1043 Seal, and impression"; old. Lent by Sir John Evans, K.C.B. LOWER GALLERY 61 1044 Old English Brass Seal. (Mosheh Ben Mayer.) Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1045 Old English Silver Seal. (Isaac Ben Ya'acob Z.L.) Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1046 Brass Seal, engraved with two fishes, surmounted by a crown, with Hebrew inscription. Lent bv Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S.A. 104 7 Seal of the late Chief Rabbi, Dr. N. M. Adler. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 1048 Seal, old. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. CASE 23. 1050 MSS., Scroll of the Song of Songs. Lent by the Rev. B. Berliner. 1051 Megillah, old ; ivory handle, modern. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 1052 Benediction of the Megillah, with silver roller. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1053 Illustrated Megillah. (Italian.) Lent by P. S. Henry, Esq. 1054 Roll of the Law the five books of Moses. Lent by Miss Tudcr Frere. 10^5 Model of Pentateuch. These, professing to be models of the most ancient Pentateuch in the world, in possession, of the Samaritan Jews at Nablus (Schakem), are sold in their Synagogue. ; Lent by Miss Tudor Frere. 1056 Leather Megillah. (Pitigliano.) Lent by P. S. Henry, Esq. 1057 Megillah, with coloured minatures, carved ivory handles (modern). Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 1058 Megillah, with sepia miniatures, with ancient silver handles. (Dutch.) Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 1059 Safo Zorah. Lent by Mrs. A. Lipowsky. 1060 Illuminated MS., Scroll o'f the Book of Esther, with black wooden case. Lent by the Rev. B. Berliner. 1061 Megillah, with coloured miniatures, carved ivory handles (modern). Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 1062 Megillah, with coloured miniatures, ancient ivory handles. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 1063 Illuminated Scroll of Esther. Lent by the Rev. Isidore Harris, M.A. 1064 Manuscript, purporting to be a History of the Maccabean Wars. Lent by the Rev. B. Berliner. 1065 Illuminated Megillah, with carved wood roller. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 62 LOWER GALLERY UPRIGHT CASE E. 1090 Silver Kiddush Cup, English inscription, Hallmark 1769. Lent by Henry Kisch, Esq. IOQOA Four Gold Keys, used by the lender at the opening of the Synagogues at East Ham, Poplar, Great Yar- mouth, and Exeter. Lent by A. B. Salmen, Esq. 1091 Pewter Passover Dish. (Anno 5541-1781.) Decorated with inscriptions, and figures of animals, fishes, etc. Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S.A. 1092 Binder of Sepher. Lent by E. L. Mocatta, Esq. 1093 Spice Box. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 1094 Binder for Scroll. Lent by the Great Synagogue. 1095 Spice Box, English, old. Lent by Mrs. James Castello. 1095.4 Spice Box. * Lent by Mrs. Singer. 1096 Small Prayer Book, tortoiseshell and silver. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1097 Pewter Seder Dish, rough, engraved with represen- tations of the Paschal Lamb and Seder service ; order of service and signs of the Zodiac" on rim and border. (Mark, 1744.) Lent by Herbert Bentwich, Esq. 1098 Prayer Book, with chain. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1099 Silver Citron Box, inscribed : Peri Etz Hodor Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. noo Prayer Book. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. noi Silver Habdalah Tray. In the centre, Shield of David, with words in Hebrew letters : Gut Woch und gut Jahr. Lent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, D.Lit. 1102 Venetian Spice Box. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1103 Breastplate Tables of Commandments. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1104 Early German Cup and Cover, with Hebrew In- scription. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 1105 Breastplate, very antique, belonging to the son of a martyr to his faith. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1106 Spice Box, Muhlhouse. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq 1107 Spice Box, figure "of Jewish pedlar, for use in Hab dalah service (conclusion of Sabbath). Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. LOWER GALLERY 63 1108 Early Dutch Spice Box. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 1109 Venetian Spice Box, turret. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. mo Silver Filigree Spice Box. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. mi Rock Crystal and Silver Besamim. (Circa 1600.) Lent by Percy Webster, Esq. 1112 Old Silver Spice Box. (Period : Charles II.) Lent by S. J. Phillips, Esq. 1113 Old German Besamim, in silver filigree. Lent by Percy Webster, Esq. 1114 Silver Spice Box, probably German. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 1115 Silver Spice Box, for the Habdalah Service, about 8 in. high. Lent by Joshua M. Levy, Esq. 1116 Purim Dish. Lent by the Rev. J. T. Fowler. in6A Pair of Sepher Bells. Lent by E. L. Mocatta, Esq. 1117 Silver Breastplate and Pointer. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1118 Passover Dish. Lent by the Rev. J. T. Fowler. 1119 Prayer Book. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1120 Pewter Purim Gift Dish. (5549.) Lent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, D.Lit. 1 121 Prayer Book, with chain. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1 122 Silver Plate, eve of Sabbath. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1123 Spice Box, for use in Habdalah Service. Lent by Mrs. Asher I. Myers. 1124 Breastplate. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. ir25 Spice Box. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1126 Maltese Sabbath Lamp. (Late i8th century.) Lent by L. A. Lawrence, Esq. 1127 Two Gothic Spice Boxes. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 1128 Spirit Lamp, Stand, and Sauce Pan, with Hebrew inscription. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 1129 Spice Box, old filigree work. Lent by Messrs. Splitter and Co. 1130 Silver and parcel-gilt Besamim Box, bearing the Augsburg hall-mark. (German, i6th century.) Lent by Maurice Spero, Esq. 1131 Pentateuch. Lent by S. Schloss, Esq. 64 LOWER GALLERY BAY VII. PICTURES. By ABRAHAM and REBECCA SOLOMON. 1132 The Lesson of the Fan. (Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Myer Salaman. 1133 An Episode in the Life of Oliver Goldsmith. (Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Herbert Cohen. 1134 A Female Pilgrim. (Rebecca Solomon.) Lent by Ellis A. Franklin, Esq. 1135 The Jewish Pawnbroker. (Voerman.) Lent by M. L. Schaap, Esq. 1136 Lady Playing Cards. (Lionel Cowen.) Lent by Ellis A. Franklin, Esq. 1137 The Christmas Errand. (From a drawing by A. Solomon.) Lent by A. M. H. Solomon, Esq. 1138 Bronze Bust of Sir Moses Mcntefiore. Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1139 Ici on Rase. (Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Myer Salaman. 1140 Abraham Solomon. (Abraham Solomon, nephew of subject.) Lent by the New Synagogue. 1141 Lorraine. (Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. E. L. Samuel. 1142 Consolation. (Abraham Solomon.) Lent by A. L. Birnstingl, Esq. 1143 Portrait of his Brother, aged twelve. (Abraham Solomon.) Painted in 1840. Lent by Mrs. Sylvester Solomon. 1144 Alsace. (Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. E. L. Samuel. 1145 The Sailor Boy's Departure. (Abraham Solomon.) Lent by the Marquess of Lansdowne, K.G. 1146 Portrait. (Rebecca Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Myer Salaman. 1147 Hebe. (Minnie Solomon.) 1148 Evening. (Engraved by F. Holl, after Abraham Solomon.) Lent by A. M. H. Solomon, Esq. 1149 The Return. (Engraving after Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Sylvester Solomon. 1150 Morning. (Engraving after Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Sylvester Solomon. 1151 Copy of Hebrew Inscription, embroidered in 1630 by Rachel Montefiore on a Mantle of the Books of the Law in Leghorn Synagogue. Lent by Mrs. Josephine Oppenheim. 1152 Portrait. (Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Myer Salaman. 1153 The Departure. (Engraving after Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Mrs. Sylvester Solomon. 1154 Mrs. A. L. Harris/, (Abraham Solomon.) Lent by Miss C. de H. Harris. LOWER GALLERY 65 CASE 24. 1155 Megillah, in silver case, representing fish. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 1156 Megillah, in silver filigree case, Syrian workmanship. (i8th century.) Lent by Herman Hart, Esq. ii" Megillah, enclosed in the original silver-gilt case; probably Armenian, (i/th century.) Lent by Maurice Spero, Esq. 1158 Megillah, in silver filigree case, Moorish. Lent by Cecil A. Eranklin, Esq. 1159 Silver Megillah Case. (Moorish ) Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 1160 Small Megillah (Book of Esther) in silver case. (Jerusalem make.) 1161 Perpetual Roll Illuminated Calendar (five illu- minations), and leather cover. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1162 Four Megillas. Lent by Solomon Schloss, Esq. 1163 Megillah, in silver case. Lent by the Montefiore Endowment. 1164 Small Megillah, with ivory rollers and silk bag. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1165 Megillah, silver filigree roller. TEPHILLIN AND TALITH. In literal obedience to the command " they shall be for a sign on thy hands and as frontlets between thine eyes " (Deut. vi. 8), Jews wear at times of prayer Tfphillin (phy- lacteries), or cases including the following passages Ex. xiii. 2-16; Deut. vi. 4-9, xi. 13-21. These are bound with intricate interlacing of the bands on the left arm and on the forehead between the eyes. Also in carrying out Numbers xv., 38, 39, garments are worn with fringes which are arranged to give the ineffable name the alphabetic value by the number of twists round the threads of the fringes. 'For TALITH, or praying shawls, see Large Central Case, Nos. i36iA and I364A. 1166 Silver Cases of Phylacteries. (William IV., 1831.) Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi 1167 Silver Tephillin Cases, initials L.G. Lent by f he Rev. Professor Gollancz, Litt.D. 1168 Two Silver Tephillin Cases. Lent by James V. Albert, Esq. 1169 Large Silver Tephillin. Lent by Solomon Schloss, Esq. 1170 Silver Tephillin Cases, once the property of Herschell Lehren, Amsterdam. Lent by James H. Solomon, Esq. 1171 Tephillin, or Phylactery Bag, embroidered in silver. Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S A. 66 LOWER GALLERY 1172 An Ancient Set of Phylacteries (Tephillin), with two metal guard-boxes, once the property of Zadic Hilde- sheim, Chief Rabbi of the German Jews. Lent by M. A. Rockman, Esq. 1173 Maccabean's Pilgrimage (1897), illuminated address in scroll form, route in border of address, in silver case, engraved with crest and motto, " Laus Deo," and Pilgrim's Badge ; leather case. Lent bv Herbert Bentwich, Esq 1174 Old Lace. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 1175 Illuminated Scroll of Esther (Megillah). i5th cent.) Lent by E. Arbib, Esq. CASE 25. BOOKS. 1181 Siddui Tephilloth. (Bologna, R. Thalmai, 1537.) Liber precum totius anni juxta ritum Romanum. Printed on vellum, 18 lines to the page. Lent by the Earl of Crawford, K.T. 1182 Daily Prayers according to the Rite of the Spanish Jews. (Venice, Daniel Bomberg, 1524, colophon is dated 1544.) Lent by the Earl of Crawford, K.T. 1183 Sepher ben Gorion, the book of ben Gorion. Joseph ben Gorion. A history of the Jews to the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus. (Mantua, A. Couat, 1476-9.) Editio princeps. The work supposed to have been written in Italy about the qth century. Lent by the Earl of Crawford, K.T. 1184 The Babylonian Talmud, Vol. I. First complete edition. (Venice, Daniel Bomberg, 1520-23. Work is in six volumes, first only sent. Lent by the Earl of Crawford, K.T. n84A Illustrated Agada, in Hebrew. (Italy.) Lent by Miss Sarah Moro. 1185 Penah Rabah, printed 5385. Medrash Rabah, by Menasseh Ben Israel, 282 years old. Lent by G. Rossen, Esq. 1186 Book of the Prophets, with the Peroush of Rashi, dated 5460 of the world's creation, Venetian bindings. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1187 MS. of Seder Layom, written in various colours of ink. ri88 Biblia Rabbir ica, first Rabbinical Bible. Printed in Venice, 1516-17. With Targums and Commentaries. Edited by Felix Pratensis. (Venice, Daniel Bomberg, 1516-17.) Editio princeps. In Hebrew and Aramaic characters. Lent by the Earl of Crawford, K.T. 1189 Extracts of the Books called " Turim." (Ephraim ben Naphtali, LubHn : 5375.) Tebuat Shor, 5378. Lent by G. Rossen, Esq. x LOWER GALLERY 67 1190 French Calendar, dated 5581 of the world's creation. (Metz.) Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq ngi Old Hebrew Illuminated Manuscript Book. Lent by James V. Albert, Esq. 1192 Manuscript Book of Tehilim. Lent by Judah Nahon, Esq. 1193 Chemdas Zevi. (Amsterdam : 5446.) A commentary on the famous cabalistic work, " Tekunar Zohar," by Zevi ben Chotch. The author was one of the sect of Sabatai Zevi. The front page illustrates a crown and two deer, which show the name of Zevi (the trans- lation of the word " Zevi " is deer). On the crown are cited the words from Isaiah xxviii. 6, by which the author intended to prove the authority of Zevi. This book is 221 years old. Lent by G. Rossen, Esq. 1194 Ohel Moed. (Solomon of Urbino. Venice : 1550.) Lent by B. Wechsler, Esq. 1195 Mezbeach Hazahao. (Shloma ben Mordechai. Basel: 5362.) The title-page was designed by Hans Holbein. 305 years old. Lent by G. Rossen, Esq. 1916 Thesouro Dos Dinim. (Menasseh ben Israel.) Lent by E. L. Mocatta, Esq. 1197 Mishna. Lent by E. L. Mocatta, Esq. 1198 Festival Prayer Book of Samaritan Jews. Lent by Marcus N. Adler, Esq. 1199 Illuminated Haggadah (Passover Service), on vellum. Lent by Marcus N. Adler, Esq. 1200 Part of the Talmud. Tractat Sussah. All in red ink. Lent by Joseph Massel, Esq. t2oi Miniature Prayer Book, with silver clasp. Printed in Amsterdam. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1202 Miniature Calendar, dated 5665. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1203 Miniature Hebrew Bible, in case. Lent by Samuel N. Lipman, Esq. 1204 Manuscript Book on Cabala. (R. Joseph Azulai.) See label on exhibit. Lent by the Rev. B. Berliner. 1205 Hafjadah, MS. in vellum, with coloured miniatures. (Hamburg : c. 1750.) Formerly in collection of Duke of Sussex. Lent by Arthur E. Franklin, Esq. 1206 Illuminated Passover Service Book. Lent by Stuart M. Samuel, Esq., M.P. 1207 Hagada, Hebrew. Map of Palestine in Hebrew, and coloured plates. (Amsterdam : 1695.) Lent by J. de Castro, Esq. 68 LOWER GALLERY CASE 26. COINS. 1208 Small Silver Shekel. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1209 Ancient Hebrew Seal, of the time of Nehemiah. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 1210 Shekel. Lent bv E. N. Adler, Esq. 121 1 Two Roman Coins and One Medal. Lent by Messrs. Spink and Son, Ltd. 1212 Case of Coins. See label on exhibit. Lent by Messrs. Spink and Son, Ltd. 1213 Two Tally Sticks from Jews' Exchequer. (Temp., Richard I.) Lent by L. A. Lawrence, Esq. 1214 Casts of Early Shekels and Half-Shekels of the time of the Maccabees, and of Other Coins commemorating the Conquest of Judsea by the Romans. Lent by the Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum. 1215 Coins of Judaea, two cases, from the time of John Hyrcanus lo the Second Revolt. (B.C. 135 to A.D. I35-) Lent by Marcus N. Adler, Esq., M.A. CASE 27 MEDALS. 1216 Bronze Medal, Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1217 Silver Medal. (Stern.) Lent by Madame Otterbourg. 1218 Gold Medal, presented to Sir Moses Montefiore by Jews of Italy in 1855, after his second mission to the Sultan, when he received the Order of Medjidje. Lent by the Montefiore Endowment. 1219 Copper Medal, struck in 1841, at the twenty-fifth tibilee of the Israelit. Vorschuss Institut in Hamburg ent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, Litt.D. 1220 Silver Medal, struck at the Centenary of the late Sir Moses Montefiore. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 1221 Bronze Medal, Sir Moses Montefiore. (1884.) Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1222 Silver Medal, struck for Abraham Ben Hirsch Frank. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1223 Silver Memorial Medal of the late Chief Rabbi Dr. Herschell. Lent by the Very Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi. 1224 Copper Medal, struck to commemorate the twenty-fifth year of office of Haham Bernays. (Hamburg, 5607.) Lent by the Rev. Professor Gollancz, Litt.D, LOWER GALLERY 69 1225 Silver Prize Medal, from the first Jewish school for Turkish and French languages established in Con- stantinople at the expense of the late Abraham de Camondo. Lent by Isaac Sassoon, Esq. 1226 Silver Medal, with prayer for journey; formerly the property of the late Sir Moses Montefiore. Lent by Arthur E. franklin, Esq. 1227 Medal. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 1228 Collection of Thirty-Four Medals and Case of Nine Coins, designed by Messrs. J. L. and Chas. Wiener. Lent by Mons. E. Wiener. UPRIGHT CASE F. 1237 Bronze Hanuca Lamp, with Hebrew Biblical inscrip- tion. (Dutch, i8th century.) Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1238 Chanucah Lamp, for oil. (Moorish.) Lent by Ellis A. Franklin, Esq., jun. 1239 Brass Plate, Moorish, with grotesque figures and inscription. Lent by Hugh A. Franklin, Esq. 1240 Silver Cup, presented to Sir Moses Montefiore by the Community of Frankfort-on-Main. (1841.) Lent by the Montefiore Endowment. 1241 Persian Pierced Bronze Hanging Lamp for Syna- gogue, with Hebrew inscription. (i8th century.) Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1242 Twelve Leeds China Plates, Purim gift by the donor and wife to his father and mother-in-law. (1785.) Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1243 Portuguese Synagogue Amstel China. (Amsterdam.) Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1244 Cup, made from Jerusalem clay, with representations of Passover ceremonials; made in a pottery in Jeru- salem by Moses Yeshayahu, who presented it to Sir Moses Montefiore in 1864. Lent by the Montefiore Endowment. 1245 German Synagogue (Amsterdam) Amstel China. Lent by Israel Solomons, Esq. 1246 Candle Stand. Lent by A. E. Franklin, Esq. 1247 Gold Cup, presented to Sir Moses Montefiore by the Jewish community of Paris in 1840, after his mission to the Sultan to defend the Jews of Damascus; repre- sentation of interview. Lent by the Montefiore Endowment. yo LOWER GALLERV 1248 English Silver Bells and Pointer, London hall-mark 1806. (John Thompson.) Lent by P. Webster, Esq 1249 Silver-gilt Crown for Scroll of Law. Lent by the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. 1250 Silver-gilt, Two-handled Vase and ("over, chas>i his Old Servant, La Foret By CARL SCHLOESSER. 86 Chevalier S. P. Streliski By EPHRAIM STRELLETT, M.S.M. 87 Portrait of Ellis A. Franklin, Esq. By SOLOMON J. SOLOMON. Lent by Ellis A. Franklin, Esq. 88 La Visite du Novio By JULES WORMS. 89 The Talmud School By W. ROTHENSTEIN. Lent by Dr. R. Salaman. 90 Portrait of the Rev. Morris Joseph By FLORA LION. 91 Jewish Wedding By JOSEF ISRAELS. Lent by J. C. J. Drucker, Esq. 92 Portrait of a Lady By MRS. LILY DELISSA JOSEPH. 93 Washing the Cradle By JOSEF ISRAELS. Lent by Sir Cuthbert Quilter, Bart. 94 Portrait of Miss Gwyn Chafy By MICHEL SALAMAN. 95 Portrait of Mrs. Adolph Tuck- By SOLOMON J. SOLOMON, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Adolph Tuck. 96 Old Dutch People By JOSEPH OPPENHEIMER. 92 UPPER GALLERY 97 Incorrigible By CARL SCHLOESSER. 98 Old Dutch Woman Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 99 Portrait of Boris Hambourg, Esq. By FLORA LION. 100 The Little Bead-Threader By Miss LIZZIE HANDS. 101 The Grandfather By E. PHILLIPS Fox. 102- Melisande (from M. Maeterlinck's tragedy, Pelleas and Melisande) By MRS. MARY F. RAPHAEL. 103 " Hear, O Israel ! " By Louis CONRAD. 104 Sketch in Belgium By J. L. HENRY. Lent by F. L. Emanuel, Esq. 105 Wild Phlox By MRS. MARY F. RAPHAEL. 1 06 Portrait of an Old Man (after Rembrandt) By ANNA SIMMONS. Lent by Mrs. L. M. Simmons. 107 The Harvest Field By E. PHILLIPS Fox. 108 Saturday Evening By AMY J. DRUCKER. 109 The White Dress Portrait of Mrs. Ethel Guttman By FLORA LION. no Refectory By CARL SCHLOESSER. in Portrait of Sir Francis Montefiore By ADOLF BIRKENRUTH. Lent by Sir Francis Montefiore, Bart. 112 The Aliens By AMY J. DRUCKER. 113 The Leopard Skin By ISAAC SNOWMAN. Lent by Messrs. C. W. Faulkner and C. 11 4 "Wohin?" By M. MAIMON. UPPER GALLERY 93 115 Study of a Jew By MAYER KLANG. 116 Irene Lent by Joshua Smith, Esq. 117 The Lesson Lent by the Very Rev. H. Adler, Ph.D. (the Chief Rabbi). By BRANDON. 1 18 Study of a Head By SAMUEL R. SAMUEL. 119 A Jewish Family By MRS. LILY DELISSA JOSEPH. 120 A Rabbi By JOSEPH WOLINSKI. 121 Cushla By Miss FLORENCE MARKS. 122 Still Life By B. S. MARKS, R.C.A. 123 Ancient Portrait in oils Venerable Israelite Lent by Albert Woolf, Esq. 124 Old Jewess By ALPH. LEVY. Lent by H. O. MARK, Esq. SCREEN I. 125 Nuptial Ode. (Italian.) Lent by E. N. Adler. Esq. 126 Amulet from Cairo Genizah Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 127 Chetubah, or Marriage Contract, illuminated. (Italian) Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S.A. 128 Cabalistic Amulet. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 129 Specimens of illuminated Marriage Contracts. (From Italy, Greece, Bokhara, Tunis, etc.) Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 130 M.S. Picture Scroll of Tombs in Palestine. Lent by E. N. Adler. Esq. 131 Illuminated Ketubah. (Italian, i8th century.) Lent by M. Gaster, Esq, 132 Ordination Certificate of Rabbi Judah Bril. (Venice 1677.) Lent by E. N. Adler Esq. 94 UPPER GALLERY 133 Purim Blessings. Lent by E. N. Adler, Esq. 134 Child's Abecedarium. (Venice, 1656 ) The wood- cut shows the angel showering cakes on the young beginners. Lent by E. N. Adler. Esq. 140 Eleven Portraits and Views from Contemporary Magazines. Lent by Alex. Abraham, Esq. 141 Micrograph Picture. (Jeremiah : Hebrew Text.) Lent by the Very Rev. M. Caster, Ph.D. 142 Three Prints. Lent by Aleck Abrahams, Esq. 143 Engraving from a French Encyclopaedia. (About 1770.) Hebrew Instruments of Music. Lent by Charles Norman, Esq. 144 Four Prints of Jewish Celebrities. Lent by Aleck Abrahams, Esq. 145-148 Engravings and Designs. (See label.) Lent by Victoria and Albert Museum. CENTRAL CASE. 150 Objects formerly belonging to the late Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., F.R.S. (Particulars will be found on the labels in the Case) Lent by Sir Isidore Spielmann, F.S.A. SCREEN II. 151 Book-plate, Leonard Magnus. (Mrs. F. S. Franklin.) 152 Book-plate, Mrs. Ernest Franklin. (Mrs. F. S. Franklin.) 153 Book-plates. (May Sandheim.) 154 Frame of Book-plates (Frank L. Einanuel.) 155 Design of an Editorial Page. (D. M. Franklin.) 156 Book-plate, Laurie Magnus (Mrs. F. S. Franklin.) 157 Reproductions of Works by Jewish Artists Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 158 Moods of the Sea. Part of a set of designs for colour prints. (Frank L. Emanuel.) 159 Design for Certificate Border. (\. Colinsky.) 160 Design for Stencilled Drawing. (S. Horonzick.) 161 Design for Cretonne. (S. Horonzick.) 162 Design for Wallpaper. (S. Horonzick ) SCREEN III. 156 Sheet of Decorative Designs. (A. Colinsky .) 164 Designs for Borders, etc. (S. Horonzick.) UPPER GALLERY 95 165 Frame of Book Covers. (Frank L. Emanuel.) 166 Designs (various). (S. M Goldberg. 167 Post Cards by Jules Adler, Altenberg, F. Emanuel, Grun, E. Liebermann, etc. Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 168 Reproductions of Works by Jewish Artists. Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 169 Post Cards by Altenberg, Davis and Emanuel, F. Emanuel, E. Liebermann, M. Liebermann, etc. Lent by Frank L. Emanuel, Esq. 170 Reproductions of Engravings. Lent by Frank F. Emauuel, Esq. SCREEN IV. Collection of Engravings and Drawings. Lent by J. P. Heseltine, Esq. PENNY AND HULL, PRINTERS, LEMAN STREET, E. Committee : The Rev. CANON BARNETT. Mrs. BARNLT I H. HOWARD BATTEN. Esq. ^'"^ " '*' ^ HENRY WARD, Esq. j Aembers : I. ABRAHAMS, Esq., M.A. ery Rev. H. ADLER, Ph.D., Chief Rabbi. E. N. ADLER, Esq. LER. :HEL, Esq. F ELD. MAN, B.A. FREDERIC S. FRANKLIN, Esq. The Very Rev. M. GASTER, Ph.D., liaham. I GOLLANCZ, M.A., Litt.D. IK HAES, Esq., Hon.F.R.PS UES, Esq. . Esq. H. S. LEWIS, Esq., M.A. Rev. S WALTER ROTHSCHILD, M P. ED S. SASS'>< ISRAEL SOLOM'. MON J. SOLOMON, Esq., R.A. S:r ISIDORE SPIELMANN, F.S.A. MARION H. Sl'IKLMANN, Esq. . Esq. LUC1L CHARLES AITKEN, Esq., Director. . . LL ROSS, Esq., Stcrttary.