RADIODYNAMICS THE WIRELESS CONTROL OF TORPEDOES AND OTHER MECHANISMS BY B. F. MIESSNER Associate Member Institute of Radio Engineers, Expert Radio Aide, U. S. Navy 112 ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 25 PARK PLACE 1916 COPYRIGHT* 1916. BY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY Stanbopc flbreas F. H.GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. PREFACE IN the preparation of this work the author has endeavored to present in an orderly and instructive fashion the most important material concerning the history, methods and apparatus of Radiodynamics, the art of controlling distant mechanisms without artificial connecting means. He has aimed especially at a treatment of his subject-matter that would be intelligible to the general reader without sacri- ficing the technical exactitude which makes scientific work of value to the trained engineer. The chief recent developments in this new art have been of a military nature, and for this reason the volume is devoted for the most part to the torpedo-control applications of Radiodynamics. It is hoped that the book may prove interesting to the gen- eral scientific reader, as well as to the trained engineer, and to those concerned in the purely military applications and possibilities of wirelessly-controlled mechanisms. The author desires here to thank the many friends who have generously assisted him in collecting his materials. He desires especially to express his obligation to Professor M. H. Liddell, of Purdue University for his advice and assistance in the preparation of the book for press. B. F. M. LAFAYETTE, IND., August, 1916. in O o n /t *t o CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. HISTORICAL i i IT. WIRELESS CONTROL OF MECHANISMS 6 III. PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY 12 IV. ELECTROSTATIC AND COMBINED INDUCTION CONDUCTION TELE- GRAPH SYSTEMS 19 V. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE SYSTEMS 27 VI. POSSIBLE CONTROL METHODS FOR RADIODYNAMICS SOUND WAVES 33 VII. INFRA-RED OR HEAT WAVES 41 VIII. VISIBLE AND ULTRA-VIOLET WAVES 57 IX. EARTH CONDUCTION 67 X. ELECTROSTATIC AND ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION HERTZIAN WAVES 74 XI. THE ADVENT OF WIRELESSLY CONTROLLED TORPEDOES 78 XII. SELECTORS 89 XIII. EUROPEAN CONTROL SYSTEMS . 92 XIV. WORK OF THE HAMMOND RADIO RESEARCH LABORATORY 107 XV. THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEMS RELATED TO BATTLE-RANGE TORPEDO CONTROL 124 XVI. THE DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED IN PROVIDING PROTECTION FROM INTERFERENCE 137 XVII. A MEANS OF OBTAINING SELECTIVITY 145 XVIII. NATURE OF INDICATOR CURRENTS IN RADIO RECEIVERS 150 XIX. THE INTERFERENCE PREVENTER 159 XX. DETECTORS 167 XXI. METHODS OF INCREASING RECEIVED EFFECTS 175 XXII. RELAYS 180 XXIII. TORPEDO ANTENNAE 183 XXIV. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS. . . 188 RADIODYNAMICS CHAPTER I HISTORICAL From earliest times methods of conveying intelligence to a distance have been universally known and utilized. Fleet- footed runners, fires and torches by night, and smoke by day as well as acoustic methods using both air and earth as con- ducting mediums seem to have been among the first means of comparatively distant signalling. We read of them in the Bible (Jeremiah) and in the Greek and Latin authors; their use in the far East and in Europe leaves no doubt as to their wide employment amongst civilized nations. The Indians of America from the North to Cape Horn still use lighted fires and blanket-controlled smoke clouds to an- nounce special tidings and convey important messages; their system of optical signalling in which the arms were used, furnished the basis for the semaphore, which toward the end of the eighteenth century came into general use in Europe. It may still be seen on any railroad. The semaphore system was still further elaborated for maritime and military pur- poses and today in the armies and navies of the world we have semaphore and flag signalling as a very important means of communicating intelligence to distances not in excess of a few miles. The heliograph by day and the electric search- light by day and night can both trace their evolution to the primeval fire and torch. $, ; I/I y * ^ RApIODYNAMICS The application of electricity has revolutionized all pre- vious methods of signalling. The phenomenon of attraction was well known to the ancients. Thales, the founder of Ionic philosophy, who lived six hundred years before Christ, noticed the effects of friction on amber, and Theophrastus, Pliny and other writers recorded similar phenomena. In 1727 Stephen Gray, a pensioner of the Charter House, London, made an electric discharge pass over a circuit of 700 feet. Shortly after the discovery of the Leyden jar by Muschenbroek of Leyden, in 1746, Dr. Watson, a bishop of Llandaff, transmitted a charge through 2800 feet of wire. In the same year he increased the distance of transmission to 10,600 feet through wires stretched on poles erected on Shooter's Hill, London. Benjamin Franklin made similar ex- periments in 1748 over the Schuylkill river at Philadelphia. Le Sage of Geneva established the first telegraph system for the transmission of intelligible signals in 1774*; this system was based on electrostatic action. The next important law was discovered by Romagnesi of Trente in 1805; but at- tracted little attention until it was rediscovered in 1819 by Oersted. This discovery showed that a current-carrying wire is able to deflect a magnetic needle. Schweigger in 1820 discovered that the deflecting force was increased by winding the wire several times around the needle. These very im- portant discoveries paved the way for the galvanoscope and galvanometer. Galvanoscopic or needle telegraphs were sub- sequently evolved. In 1832 Schilling, a Russian, devised a single-needle tele- graph using reverse currents and combinations of signals for an alphabet. Schilling's telegraph was developed by Gauss and Weber, who built a line three miles long at Gottingen. While Prof. A. C. Steinheil of Munich was establishing a system of telegraphy in Bavaria, Gauss, the celebrated German * Moigno's " T616graphie Electrique," p. 59. HISTORICAL 3 philosopher and himself a telegraph inventor, suggested to him that the two rails of a railway might be used as telegraph conductors. In July, 1838, Steinheil tried the experiment on the Nurmberg-Furth railway, but was unable to obtain an insulation of the rails sufficiently good for the current to reach from one station to the other. The great conductiv- ity with which he found that the earth was endowed led him to presume that it would be possible to employ it instead of the return wire or wires hitherto used. The trials that he made in order to prove the accuracy of this conclusion were followed by complete success, and he then introduced into electric telegraphy one of its greatest improvements the earth return circuit.-* Following Sturgeon's invention of the electromagnet in 1825 and the simultaneous discovery by Faraday in England and Henry in America (1831) of the laws of electromagnetic induction, Morse laid the foundations in 1836 of the present overland electromagnetic telegraph system. In the same year in England Wheatstone with W. F. Cooke still further perfected the needle telegraph and a year later put a crude system of telegraphy into actual service on the London and Black well Railway. In 1839 the first public line was opened by Wheatstone between Paddington and Slough, England, twenty miles of goose quills being used for insulation. It was once supposed that Wheatstone was the original inventor of the electric telegraph, but strictly speaking it had no inventor; it is rather the result of accumulated discoveries each adding its quota to advance the invention towards per- fection. The greatest achievement of Wheatstone was his automatic, recording telegraph, which is extensively used for press and other long dispatches and which has attained marvelous speeds for a mechanical recorder. * For an account of the earth return before 1838 see Fahie's "History of Electric Telegraphy to the Year 1837," pp. 343-348. 4 RADIODYNAMICS Morse constructed his electromagnetic telegraph in 1836, and in the next few years he devised many important modi- fications. Congress made him an appropriation of $30,000 in March, 1843, an d on the 24th of March, 1844, the first tele- graph line in the United States was successfully opened between Washington and Baltimore, a distance of about 40 miles. The electrostatic telegraph of Le Sage was probably the first instance of the control of mechanisms from a distance by the use of conducting wires. The real art of teledy- namics,* however, is based on the discoveries by Romagnesi, Oersted, and Schweigger of the phenomena of electromagnet- ism which led up to the conception and development of the electromagnetic telegraph. Since 1836, when Morse con- structed his first telegraph, no very radical changes have been made in the general scheme on which his system was based, but it has been gradually and surely developed and brought to the present stage of perfection. One very conspicuous change in detail, however, is worthy of mention. The electromagnetic sounder first used by Morse on the line between Washington and Baltimore and exhibited in the National Museum in Washington weighed one hundred eighty-five pounds. The arms were three and one-half inches in diameter and eighteen inches long, the same size of copper wire being used for the coils as for the line wire. It was then supposed that the wire of the coils and of the line should be of the same size throughout, and even down to 1860 many practical telegraph- ers held this view.f The sounders now used weigh about one pound and require no more than about seventy-five cubic inches of space. The coils are wound with wire much smaller than the line wire, a great increase in sensitiveness being thereby produced. * The art of controlling mechanisms from a distance; as used here it refers only to distant control, by electrical means, with or without connecting wires, t London Electrical Review, Aug. 9, 1895, p. 157. HISTORICAL 5 The necessity for long-distance telegraphy brought about the invention of the relay, a very sensitive form of sounder which is actuated by the weak line currents and which in turn controls the current for operating the sounder used in receiving messages. The relay is a very important part of all systems for the distant control of mechanisms as by its use practically any amount of power can be controlled. The mere pressure of the finger on a telegraph key through which a few thousandths of an ampere flow to a distant relay is sufficient to start or stop the most powerful machinery or to set off explosive charges strong enough to destroy a whole city. Such mechanisms as electric bells and signals of various kinds, telephone and fire alarm systems, electric clocks and chimes, and time distribution systems are all developments in the art of teledynamics. Present-day automatic tele- phone systems, the distant control of searchlights, and the wire-controlled torpedo are examples of the wonderful possi- bilities along these lines. CHAPTER II WIRELESS CONTROL OF MECHANISMS Like most wonderful inventions the telegraphic transmission of signals without the aid of conducting wires is in reality not an invention, according to the popular conception of the word, but rather the result of the combined efforts of many deep-thinking scientific men extending over a period of many years. After the discovery of the galvanic current and elec- tromagnetism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the conception and development of wireless telegraphy and wire telegraphy occurred at practically the same time. It was in 1836 that Morse constructed his first telegraph; this was not put into practical operation until 1844. I n I ^38 Steinheil of Munich, one of the great pioneers of electric telegraphy in Europe, gave the first intelligent* suggestion of a wireless telegraph. In a paper on this subject Steinheil, explaining his theories and observations on earth conduction telegraphy, says: "The inquiry into the laws of dispersion according to which the ground, whose mass is unlimited, is acted upon by the passage of a galvanic current appeared to be a subject replete with interest. The galvanic excitation cannot be confined * Earlier but vague and impractical suggestions were made previous to this time. In the Bible we find: " Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say unto thee, ' Here we are ? " : In 1632 Galileo wrote of a secret art by which it would be possible to con- verse across a space of several thousand miles through the attraction of a magnetic needle ("Galilei Systema Cosmicum." Dial. I). The "Prolusiones Academicae" of Strada, which was published in 1617, described a method of communicating at a distance by means of two pivoted magnetic needles. 6 WIRELESS CONTROL OF MECHANISMS 7 to the portions of earth situated between the two ends of the wire; on the contrary it cannot but extend itself indefinitely and it therefore only depends on the law that obtains in this excitation of the ground, and the distance of the exciting ter- minations of the wire, whether it is necessary or not to have any metallic communication at all for carrying on telegraphic intercourse. "An apparatus can it is true be constructed in which the inductor, having no other metallic connection with the multiplier than the excitation transmitted through the ground, shall produce galvanic currents in that multiplier sufficient to cause a visible deflection of the bar. This is a hitherto unobserved fact and may be classed amongst the most ex- traordinary phenomena that science has revealed to us. It only holds good, however, for small distances; and it must be left to the future to decide whether we shall ever succeed in telegraphing at great distances without any metallic con- nection at all. My experiments prove that such a thing is possible up to distances of fifty feet. For greater distances we can only conceive it feasible by augmenting the power of the galvanic induction, or by appropriate multipliers con- structed for the purpose, or, in conclusion, by increasing the surface of contact presented by the ends of the multipliers. At all events the phenomenon merits our best attention, and its influence will not perhaps be altogether overlooked in the theoretic views we may form with regard to galvanism itself." * Discussing the same subject in another publication Stein- heil says: "We cannot conjure up gnomes at will to convey our thoughts through the earth, Nature has prevented this. The spreading of the galvanic effect is proportional not to the distance of the point of excitation but to the square of this distance; so that at the distance of fifty feet only ex- * Sturgeon's "Annals of Electricity," vol. in, p. 450. 8 RADIODYNAMICS ceedingly small effects can be produced by the most powerful electrical effect at the point of excitation. Had we means which could stand in the same relation to electricity as the eye stands to light nothing would prevent our telegraphing through the earth without conducting wires; but it is not probable that we shall ever attain this end." * Steinheil apparently received his inspiration for this method of transmitting signals from his accidental discovery of the conductivity of the earth in the experiments on the Nurm- berg-Fiirth railroad. His explanation, which is somewhat nebulous and obscured by such expressions as "multipliers," \ \ ^ \ ---- " /rth* FIG. i. " galvanic excitation," and "galvanic induction," actually amounts to this: When two earthed conducting plates are connected to an electric battery, current flows through the earth, but not wholly through that portion directly between the plates. Instead, the current obeys Ohm's law with re- gard to a circuit including conductors in parallel, i.e., the current in any branch is inversely proportional to its resist- ance. The number of parallel branches in the earth circuit is infinite, but they obey this same law. The earth between the buried plates, although having a high specific resistance, has a very great cross sectional area; this accounts for the relatively low resistance of earth returns. The current * The electric eye of Hertz! "Die Anwendung des Electromagnetismus," 1873, p. 172. WIRELESS CONTROL OF MECHANISMS 9 density, according to Ohm's law is greatest between the plates, and decreases in proportion to the distance along any line at right angles to the line joining the plates. This is shown in Fig. i. SteinheiPs scheme was to so place another set of earth plates connected by a wire and current indicator that the current would traverse the earth between ^ the sending and receiving plates, C~ "~"| as shown in Fig. 2, and thus * y .y**' operate the receiving instrument. I \Earth p/ates < Steinheil's inability to signal t x' % X over distances greater than fifty I J feet was, no doubt, due to the '^7*^ indicator limited capacity of his current FIG 2 supply, the insensitiveness of his receiving indicator, and his probable ignorance of the fact that the distance between the transmitting plates should be at least three times the distance to be bridged, for the best results. Another means of signalling without connecting wires was disclosed by Steinheil in a classic paper on "Telegraphic Communication, especially by means of Galvanism." This method is particularly interesting because of its similarity to the Photophone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell and Sumner Tainter a half century later. Describing his idea Steinheil says in part: " Another possible method of bringing about transient movements at great distances, without any intervening conductor, is furnished by radiant heat, when directed by means of condensing mirrors upon a thermo- electric pile.* A galvanic current is called into play, which in its turn is employed to produce declinations of a magnetic needle. The difficulties attending the construction of such * In recent years thermo-piles have been developed to such an extent that the heat radiated by stars can be detected and measured. W. W. Coblentz, of the U. S. Bureau of Standards, has described, in various publications issued by 10 RADIODYNAMICS an instrument, although certainly considerable, are not in themselves insuperable. Such a telegraph however would only have this advantage over those semaphores based on optical principles namely, that it does not require the con- stant attention of the observer; but, like the optical one, it would cease to act during cloudy weather, and hence partakes of the intrinsic defects of all semaphoric methods." * It is not probable that Steinheil ever worked this idea into usable form, as no accounts of experiments can be found, but to him is the credit really due for first (1839) suggesting a means of signalling without conducting wires by the use of radiant energy, and his was in all probability the first radio- telegraphic system disclosed to the world. Another way of conveying intelligence in a manner closely related to those already given depends upon the sonorescent property of substances. The voice-controlled transmitting beam of light or heat is allowed to fall upon suitable material, such, for instance, as a sheet of hard rubber. The periodic expansion and contraction of this material, caused by the periodic variations in the intensity of the heat imparted by the beam, cause the rubber disc to reproduce the sounds made near the transmitter. Davy's Sound-relaying System Edward Davy, in 1838, proposed a system of wireless signalling, which, though not of any practical value, is worthy of mention because the principle involved very closely re- that institution, micro-radiometers which are sufficiently sensitive to detect the heat of a standard candle at fifty-three miles. Edison's " tasimeter," which he devised for studying the streamers of the sun during an eclipse, is reported to have been so sensitive that a person at a distance of thirty feet could produce a perceptible effect merely by turning his face toward the instrument. The Crookes radiometer, the Duddell thermo-galvanometer, and the bolometer bridge may also be used as detectors of radiant heat. * Sturgeon's "Annals of Electricity," Mar., 1839. WIRELESS CONTROL OF MECHANISMS II sembles our modern schemes of relaying, which are applied in long-distance telegraphy and kindred branches of the art. The energy is transmitted a short distance to a receiver which responds, controls a local source of energy, and sends the signal on in duplicate to the next station, this operation being repeated a sufficient number of times to bridge the re- quired distance. Davy, however, had in mind the conjoint use of sound and electricity for accomplishing this end. His plan was as follows: Stations placed about a mile apart should be fitted with powerful means of producing sound waves to- gether with suitable means, such as our common megaphones, for directing them to the receiver and concentrating them upon some delicate form of vibratory relay. This relay would vibrate in resonance with the transmitted sound waves, close the circuit for energizing a local means of sound production similar to the first, and thus relay the signals on to the next station. Obviously, such a system was impractical in comparison with other ideas advanced at that time, principally because of the numerous stations necessary to bridge a relatively short distance, and the power required at each of these to produce sound waves of sufficient ampli- tude to operate the vibratory relay a mile away. John Gardner of England has developed sensitive vibratory relays with which he can control lights, motors, bells, etc., across a large room by whistling the tone corresponding in fre- quency to the natural period of the vibratory diaphragm or reed.* * For other references to this subject, see Signor Senliq d' Andres, Tele- graphic Journal, vol. ix, p. 126; A. R. Sennet, Journ. Inst. Elec. Eng., No. 137, p. 908. See also U. S. Hydrographic Office Bulletin of May 13, 1914 on the " Fes- senden Oscillator for the Detection of Icebergs," Professor Dayton C. Miller's work with his '" Phonodik," described in his book on "The Science of Musical Sounds " (Macmillan Co.), Tests on Fessenden Submarine Signalling Apparatus, Journal U. S. Art. War, Apr. 1915; see also Sci. Am., July 4, 1914 and the American Magazine, April, 1915. CHAPTER III PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY The first experiments of importance with the new earth conduction telegraphy appear to have been made by Professor Morse, who, in 1842, actually transmitted signals a distance of nearly a mile across the Susquehanna river.* In a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury which was sub- sequently laid before the House of Representatives, Morse says: . , "In the autumn of 1842, at the request of the American Institute, I undertook to give to the public in New York a demonstration of my telegraph, by connecting Governor's Island with Castle Garden, a distance of a- mile; and for this purpose I laid my wires properly insulated beneath the water. I had scarcely begun to operate, and had received but two or three characters when my intentions were frus- trated by the accidental destruction of a part of my con- ductors by a vessel, which drew them up on her anchor, and cut them off. In the moments of mortification I immedi- ately devised a plan for avoiding such an accident in the future, by so arranging the wires along the banks of the river as to cause the water itself to conduct the electricity across. The experiment, however, was deferred until I arrived in Washington; and on Dec. 16, 1842, I tested my arrangement across the canal and with success. The simple fact was then ascertained -that electricity could be made to cross a river without other conductors than the river itself; but it was not until the last autumn that I had the leisure to make * From this we learn that Morse actually operated a wireless telegraph before his Washington-Baltimore wire system was opened for service. 12 PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY a series of experiments to ascertain the law of its passage. The following diagram (Fig. 3) will serve to explain the experiment : "A, B, C, D are the banks of the river; N, P is the battery; G is the galvanometer; ww are the wires along the banks connected with copper plates, f, g, h, i, which are placed in the water. When this arrangement is complete, the elec- tricity, generated by the battery, passes from the positive pole P to the plate h, across the river through the water to w ..d^r- plate i, and thence around the coil of the galvanometer to plate f, across the river again to plate g, and thence to the other pole of the battery. The distance across the canal is eighty feet; on August 24 the following were the results of the experiment* . . . showing that electricity crosses the river and in quantity in proportion to the size of the plates in the water. The distance of the plates on the same side of the river from each other also affect the result. Having ascertained the general fact I was desirous of discovering the best practical distance at which to place my copper plates, and not having the leisure myself, I requested my friend, Professor Gale, to make the experiments for me." . . . The experiments made by Professor Gale indicate that the distance between the plates along the shores should be approxi- mately three times greater than that from shore to shore * The table containing information only of general interest is omitted. 14 RADIODYNAMICS across the stream, since four times the distance did not give any increase in power and less than three times the distance diminished the deflections of the galvanometer considerably. Between 1854 and 1860 James Bowman Lindsay made similar attempts at wireless telegraphy by utilizing water as the conducting medium. With an apparatus like that of Morse, Lindsay finally suc- ceeded in signalling across the river Tay, where it is more than a mile wide.* J. W. Wilkins of the Cooke and Wheatstone Telegraph Co. also experimented with earth conduction telegraphy in 1845, and published the results of his investigations in the Mining Journal, March 31, 1849, under the heading " Telegraph Communication between England and France." f Invention of the Telephone After the invention of the telephone, in 1876, wireless telegraphy went forward with leaps and bounds. The marvelous sensitiveness of this instrument, which will give audible responses under the application of less than one- millionth of a volt of electromotive force, is "largely responsible for the great progress made along these lines. Even wireless telephony was introduced. Its use in a telegraph line running parallel to another line through which telephone conversation and singing was being carried, led to the accidental discovery of its extraordinary sensitiveness to induction currents in 1877, by Mr. Charles Rathbone of Albany, N. Y.J * See "Electrical Engineer," vol. xxiii, pp. 21-51; Kerr, "Wireless Teleg- raphy," 1898, p. 40. t For detailed accounts of his work see Fahie's "History of Wireless Telegraphy," pp. 32-38. t Journal of the Telegraph, Oct. i and 16; and Nov. i, 1877. For simi- lar observations see Telegraphic Journal, Mar. i, 1788, p. 96; Journal of the Telegraph, Mar. 16, 1878, Dec. i, 1877; The Electrician, vol. vi, pp. 207-303. PRACTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY 15 These observations on inductive effects in telephone cir- cuits began to be investigated; in 1877 Prof. E. Sacher of Vienna found that signals from three Smee cells sent through one wire 120 m. long could be distinctly heard in the telephone in another and parallel wire 20 m. distant.* Prof. John Trowbridge of Harvard University was the first to systematically study the problem of electromagnetic in- duction signalling. His attention is concentrated chiefly on the use of interrupted or alternating currents at the trans- mitter and a telephonic receiver; in other respects his circuit was practically the same as Morse's (Fig. 3).t In 1884 Trowbridge described another plan using a com- bination of both electromagnetic induction and earth con- duction; later he discussed the phenomena of induction, electromagnetic and electrostatic, as distinguished from leak- age or earth currents, and with reference to their employment in wireless telegraphy, t Experiments of Alexander Graham Bell About 1882 Alexander Graham Bell made some successful experiments along this line suggested by Trowbridge. In his paper read before The American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, in 1884, he says: "A few years ago I made a communication on the use of the telephone in tracing equipotential lines and surfaces. I will briefly give the chief points of my experiment, which was based on experiments made by Professor Adams of King's College, London. Professor Adams used a galvanometer in- stead of a telephone. "In a vessel of water I placed a sheet of paper. At two * Electrician, vol. i, p. 194. t His investigations are discussed in detail in "The Earth as a Conductor of Electricity," Am. Acad. Arts and Sc., 1880; see also "Silliman's Am. Journ. Sc., 1880. J Sc. Am. Supp., Feb. 21, 1891. 16 RADIODYNAMICS points on that paper were fastened two ordinary sewing needles, which were also connected with an interrupter that interrupted the circuit about one hundred times a second. "Then I had two needles connected with a telephone; one needle I fastened on the paper in the water, and the moment I placed the other needle in the water I heard a musical sound in the telephone. By moving this needle around in the water, I would strike a place where there would be no sound heard. This would be where the electric tension was the same as in the needle; and by experimenting in the water you could trace out with perfect ease an equipotential line around one of the poles in the water. "It struck me afterwards that this method, which is true on the small, is also true on the large scale, and that it might afford a solution of a method of communicating electric signals between vessels at sea. "I made some preliminary experiments in England, and succeeded in sending signals across the river Thames in this way. On one side were two metal plates placed at a distance from each other, and on the other two terminals connected with the telephone. A current was established in the tele- phone each time a current was established through the galvanic circuit on the opposite side, and if that current was rapidly interrupted you would get a musical tone. "Urged by Professor Trowbridge, I made some experiments which are of very great value and suggestiveness. The first was made on the Potomac river. I had two boats. In one boat we had a Leclanche battery of six elements, and an in- terrupter for interrupting the current very rapidly. Over the bow of the boat we made water connection by a metallic plate, and behind the boat we trailed an insulated wire, with a float at the end carrying a metallic plate, so as to bring these two elements about one hundred feet apart. I then took another boat and sailed off. In this boat we had the same P&1CTICAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY 17 arrangement, but with a telephone in the circuit. In the first boat, which was moored, I kept a man making signals; and when my boat was near his I would hear those signals very well a musical tone, something of this kind: turn, turn, turn. I then rowed my boat down the river, and at a distance of a mile and a quarter, which was the farthest I tried, I could still (distinguish those signals. "It is therefore perfectly practicable fof steam vessels with dynamo machines to know of one another's presence in a fog when they come, say, within a couple of miles of one another, or, perhaps at a still greater distance. I tried the experiment a short time ago in salt water of about twenty fathoms in depth; I used then two sailing boats, and did not get so great a distance as on the Potomac. The distance, which we estimated by the eye, seemed to be about half a mile; but on the Potomac we took the distance accurately on the shore.' 7 In 1886, convinced of the practicability of his method, Bell says further: "Most of the passenger steamships have dynamo engines and are electrically lighted. Suppose, for instance, one of them should trail a wire a mile long, or any length, which is connected with the dynamo engine and electrically charged. The wire would practically have a ground connection by trailing in the water. Suppose you attach a telephone to the end on board. Then your dynamo or telephone end would be positive, and the other end of the wire trailing be- hind would be negative. All of the water about the ship will be positive within a circle whose radius is one-half the length of the wire. All of the water about the trailing end will be negative within a circle whose radius is the other half of the wire. If your wire is one mile long there is then a large area of water about the ship which is affected either positively or negatively by the dynamo engine and -the electrically charged wire. It will be impossible for any ship l8 RADIODYNAMICS or object to approach within the water so charged in relation to your ship without your telephone telling the whole story to the listening ear. Now if a ship coming in this area has a similar apparatus, the two vessels can communicate with each other by their telephones. If they are enveloped in fog, they can keep out of each other's way. The ship having the telephone can detect other ships in its track, and keep out of the way in a fog or storm. The matter is so simple that I hope our ocean steamships will experiment with it." : This method of signalling, attempted later by Messrs. Rathenau, Rubens, and Strecker, was finally carried to a distance of nearly nine miles, but the advent of the work of Maxwell and Hertz followed by the practical application of their theories and discoveries by Marconi and others, proved such an advance in method, and the futility of trying to make earth conduction systems duplicate the records of the new Hertzian-wave telegraphy was so evident that work along that line was practically discontinued. * Public Opinion, Jan. 31, 1886. CHAPTER IV ELECTROSTATIC AND COMBINED INDUCTION- CONDUCTION TELEGRAPH SYSTEMS Professor Dolbear's Electrostatic Telegraph In 1882, at about the same time as A. G. Bell, Professor Dolbear of Tufts College, Boston, was also engaged on the problem of wireless telegraphy. His apparatus was some- what more suggestive than any hitherto proposed and was awarded a United States patent in March, 1882. The fol- lowing is an extract from his patent specification: b Hi OR FIG. 4. "In the diagram (Fig. 4), A represents one place and B a distant place. C is a wire leading into the ground at A, and D a wire leading into the ground at B ; G is an induction coil having in the primary circuit a microphone transmit- ter, T, and a battery, F, which has a number of cells suf- ficient to establish in the wire C, which is connected with one terminal of the secondary coil, an electromotive force of, say, 19 20 RADIODYNAMICS ioo volts. The battery is so connected that it not only furnishes the current for the primary circuit, but also charges or electrifies the secondary coil and its terminals C, and Hi. "Now if words be spoken in proximity to transmitter T, the vibration of its diaphragm will disturb the electrical con- dition of the coil G, and thereby vary the potential of the ground at B, and the receiver will reproduce the words spoken in proximity to the transmitter, as if the wires CD were in contact, or connected by a third wire. "There are various well-known ways of electrifying the wire C to a positive potential far in excess of ioo volts, and the wire D to a negative potential far in excess of ioo volts. "In the diagram, H, Hi, Ha represent condensers, the con- denser Hi being properly charged to give the desired effect. The condensers H and H2 are not essential, but are of some benefit; nor is the condenser Hi essential when the secondary coil is otherwise charged. I prefer to charge all these con- densers, as it is of prime importance to keep the grounds of wires C and D oppositely electrified, and while, as is obvious, this may be done by either the batteries or the condensers, I prefer to use both." In the Scientific American Supplement, Dec. n, 1886, Professor Dolbear gives some additional particulars: "My first results were obtained with a large magneto electric machine with one terminal grounded through a Morse key, the other terminal out in free air and only a foot or two long; the receiver having one terminal grounded, the other held in the hand while the body was insulated, the distance between grounds being about sixty feet. Afterward -much louder and better effects were obtained by using an induction coil having an automatic break and with a Morse key in the primary circuit, one terminal of the secondary grounded the other free in air, or in a condenser of considerable capacity, the latter having an air discharge of fine points at its opposite TELEGRAPH SYSTEMS 21 terminal. At times I have employed a gilt kite carrying a fine wire from the secondary coil. The discharges then are apparently nearly as strong as if there was an ordinary circuit. "The idea is to cause a series of electrical discharges into the earth without discharging into the earth the other termi- nal of the battery or induction coil a feat which I have been told so many many times was impossible, but which certainly can be done. An induction coil isn't amenable to Ohm's law always! Suppose at one place there be apparatus for discharging the positive pole of the induction coil into the ground, say, 100 times a second, then the ground will be raised to a certain potential 100 times a second. At another point let a similar apparatus discharge the negative pole 100 times a second; then between these two places there will be a greater difference of potential than in other directions, and a series of earth currents, 100 per second, will flow from one to the other. Any sensitive electrical device, a galvanometer or a telephone, will be disturbed at this latter station by these currents, and any intermittence of them, as can be brought about by a Morse key in the first place, will be seen or heard in the second place. The stronger the discharges that can be thus produced, the stronger will the earth currents be of course, and an insulated tin roof is an excellent terminal for such a purpose. I have generally used my static telephone in my experiments, though the magneto will answer. "I am still at work on this method of communication, to perfect it. I shall soon know better its limits on both land and water than I do now. It is adapted to telegraphing be- tween vessels at sea. "Some very interesting results were obtained when the static receiver with one terminal was used. A person stand- ing on the ground a distance from the discharging point could hear nothing; but very little standing on ordinary stones, as 22 RADIODYNAMICS granite blocks or steps; but standing on asphalt concrete, the sounds were loud enough to hear with the telephone at some distance from the ear. By grounding one terminal of the induction coil to the gas or water pipes and leaving the other end free, telegraph signals can be heard in any part of a big building and its neighborhood without any connection what- ever, provided the person be well insulated." Explanation of Dolbear's System Although Professor Dolbear's circuit arrangements re- semble somewhat those of Marconi, his system lacked the essential features which, later, were applied so successfully, namely, electrical oscillations of high frequency at the trans- mitter and suitable detecting apparatus at the receiver. Dolbear's results were clearly those of electrostatic induction and not, as he believed, due to conducting effects through the earth; the earth connections merely served to furnish one side of an electrostatic condenser, the other sides of which were supplied by the elevated conductors; the same results can be secured by using insulated metallic capacity areas, now known as counterpoises, instead of the earth as the lower halves of the radiating and receiving aerial systems. This is made plain by a study of the drawings taken from his patent specification. The functions of the elevated condensers, H, Hi, and H2, and of the battery b (Fig. 4), are not evident, since the under- lying principle upon which the whole system is based does not explain their necessity. This principle is nothing more than a statement of the laws of electrostatic induction; it can best be understood by a study of the properties and action of the circuits with the unnecessary apparatus omitted. At the transmitter we then have a voice-controlled source of high potential, one end of which is earthed and the other con- nected to an insulated elevated conductor. At the receiver TELEGRAPH SYSTEMS Stress Lines of Electrostatic Field lew fed Charged Conductor we have a similar elevated conductor earthed through an electrostatic telephone. When sound waves impinge on the microphone of the transmitter, fluctuating currents are set up in the primary of the induction coil; these produce fluctu- ating potentials at the terminals of the secondary winding, which are conducted to the elevated capacity area; the latter with the earth forms an electrostatic condenser with the intervening air as the dielectric. The electrostatic field of force of this condenser extends radially out and down- wards from the aerial wire in curved lines, as is graphi- cally shown in the accom- panying diagram. (Fig. 5.) Now .if an insulated body, such as the elevated wire i- ,-i T '.,1 -'-i~'' -' <-.:- . -Earth* '"' " of the receiver, lies within this field of force, potentials FlG> 5> will be induced on it, the amplitude of which varies in unison with the variations of potential on the transmitting aerial wire. Since the earthed plate of the electrostatic telephone in the receiver remains constant at the earth's potential and since the other plate is connected to the elevated wire and subject to the inductive action of the transmitter, a varying difference of potential is therefore set up between the plates, with a consequent variation of attraction between them. One of the plates, which is a diaphragm of flexible metal or of some such material as thin sheet mica covered with a tin foil conducting area, is therefore made to vibrate and repro- duce sounds produced at the transmitter. Lowenstein's Electrostatic Telegraph Mr. Fritz Lowenstein, a consulting and research engineer of New York, engaged in radio research work, suggested a 24 RADIODYNAMICS similar method' of signalling to short distances in iqi2. This was based principally upon the marvellous sensitiveness of his potential operated receiving device. It could be used advantageously with the (magneto) telephone and was therefore adapted for both telegraphy and telephony; the telegraphic system, however, gave the best results for dis- tance; telegraphic signals were sent, with his apparatus, from his laboratory at 115 Nassau Street to the Liberty Build- ing at the corner of Nassau and Liberty streets, about a half mile distant. The transmitter consisted of a 2o,ooo-volt transformer, the primary of which was energized by a 500- cycle alternating current. One terminal of the secondary was grounded to the water pipe system; the other was con- nected to a single, nearly vertical conductor (No. 8 stranded copper), the upper well-insulated end of which extended to a drop wire from the top of a three hundred-foot office building nearby. The receiving station near the top of the Liberty Building consisted of a one hundred-foot length of bell wire suspended from a pole out one of the windows and connected to Mr. Lowenstein's ion controller detector,* the other terminal of which was grounded to the water pipes. The sensitive telephone connected to the instrument clearly indicated the Morse signals sent out at the transmitter.- These were made by opening and closing the primary circuit of the transformer with a Morse key. Passing over the work of Thomas A. Edison, W. F. Melruish, C. A. Stevenson, Professor Erich Rathenau, and others, we come to another serious attack on the problem of wireless teleg- raphy, which was executed in a masterly way by Sir William Preece, engineer-in-chief of the postal telegraph system in England. * A potential-operated, ionized gas-detector and amplifier for radio- telegraphy, radiotelephony, and wire telephony. TELEGRAPH SYSTEMS Preece's Induction-Conduction System Preece's system was a combination of three previously existing systems, namely, earth conduction, electrostatic induction, and electromagnetic induction. Although it is certain that each of these three phenomena played a part in the transmission of the signals, their relative importance has not been definitely determined. A brief explanation will serve to make his method clear. The signals were transmitted between two long, horizontal wires, one at the transmitter and one at the receiver. These Condenser Listening-//! tfey 'Earth Receiving Telephone FIG. 6. Earth wires were supported parallel to one another on telegraph poles and were connected to earth plates of considerable area at their two ends. The diagram, Fig. 6, shows the con- nections at each station, which is a combined transmitter and receiver.* The pulsating currents through the sending wire and the earth produce a variable electromagnetic and electrostatic field, which induces a fluctuating E.M.F. in the receiving cir- cuit. This is indicated by sounds in the telephone. The in- duced currents are also augmented by the currents conducted through the earth itself. * The use of a " breaking-in " key in this circuit will be found very inter- esting to practical operators since a number of inventors, within the last few years, have brought forward this principle as novel for use in radio systems. 26 RADIODYNAMICS It has been shown that the hemispheroidal mass, repre- sented by the lines of current-flow from one plate to the other, can be replaced electrically by a resultant conductor of defi- nite form and position. This is illustrated in Fig. 7, where L is the line wire, PP the earthed plates, POP, PAP, etc., the equipotential lines of current-flow, and R the resultant conductor. The induction effects occurring between two such circuits are therefore the same as if they were composed entirely of metallic conductors of the same physical and electrical characteristics as the line wires with their result- ant earth conductors. At Loch Ness, where the parallel wires were about three miles long, the calculated depth of the L resultant earth conductor was about nine hundred feet. This arrangement of parallel line wires with earthed ends therefore gave all the advantages of signalling between huge, single-turn coils, with the increased effect due to earth conduction, and without the almost insuperable difficulties involved in con- structing such coils above the earth. In March, 1898, this system was permanently established for signalling between Lavernock Point, on the mainland, and Flat-Holm in the Bristol Channel, a distance of over three miles. Fifty Leclanche cells and an interrupter fre- quency of four hundred makes and breaks per second were used for transmitting, and a telephone served as the receiving indicator. The signals were very distinct, and it is said a speed of forty words a minute has been attained without difficulty. CHAPTER V ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE SYSTEMS The profound speculations and mathematical researches of Maxwell on the electromagnetic nature of light, followed by the brilliant work of Hertz and his successors, are so familiar to the scientific public that a brief resume of the evolution of the art is here sufficient. Again we see that radio signalling, like most wonders of science, has not been an invention, in the popularly accepted meaning of the word, but rather a gradual, step-by-step de- velopment in which many prominent men of science have M FIG. 8. m EE is the glass tube. P, P, the connectors, and M, the filings. played a part. Maxwell's theories, published in 1865, laid the foundation, and Hertz, by a long and carefully executed series of experiments, paved the way; Hertz's successors, men who foresaw the practical value of these discoveries, utilized the material he laid bare for the production of a serviceable means of communication. The greatest need in the extension of Hertz's work to greater distances, was a receiving wave detector of high sensitiveness. A crude form of such a detector had, as early as 1866 been used by S. A. Varley as a lightning arrester. In 1890 Prof. E. Branly of the Catholic University of Paris rediscovered the effects, already utilized by Varley, of Hertzian 27 28 RADIODYNAMTCS waves on the conductivity of metallic filings. He also ob- served the restoring or decohering effect of light tapping on the filings tube. In 1893 Sir Oliver Lodge repeated Hertz's experiments, using the "Branly tube," or " coherer," as he Capacity Ana FIG. 9. called it, in place of the micrometer spark gap in the Hertz resonator. Branly 's coherer is shown in Fig. 8. Lodge's apparatus, connected for reception of signals, is shown dia- grammatically in Fig. 9. With this apparatus he was able to observe Hertzian waves at distances up to about 150 feet. Early Work of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla, after completing the application of his dis- covery of the rotating magnetic field to electric motors in 1888, turned his attention to the problem of transmitting electrical energy to a distance without wires. His earliest plans were to transmit energy not only in small amounts, for purposes of communication, but also in amounts sufficient for industrial purposes. The first public announcements of these plans were made in February and March, 1893. He delivered lectures before the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, and the National Electric Light Association in St. Louis. However, in 1891, he had already described and shown, in a lecture before a scientific society, a method of lighting an electric lamp at a short dis- tance without connecting wires. High-frequency oscillations were used in these experiments, but the power of the apparatus was small in comparison with that of his later lectures and experiments. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE SYSTEMS 29 In these lectures he expressed the conviction that: "It certainly is possible to produce some electrical disturbance sufficiently powerful to be perceptible by suitable instruments at any point on the earth's surface." Describing his plan in detail he says: "Assume that a source of alternating currents be connected as shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 10) with one of its terminals connected to earth (convenient to the water mains) and with the other to a body of large surface, P. When the electric oscillation is set up, there will be a movement of electri- city in and out of P, and alternating currents will pass through the earth, converging to or diverging from the point C, where FIG. 10. the ground connection is made. In this manner neighboring points on the earth's surface within a certain radius will be disturbed. But the disturbance will diminish with the dis- tance, and the distance at which this effect will still be per- ceptible will depend on the quantity of electricity set in motion. Since the body P is insulated, in order to displace a considerable quantity the potential of the source must be excessive, since there would be limitations as to the surface of P. The condi- tions might be adjusted so that the generator or source, S, will set up the same electrical movement as though its circuit were closed. Thus it is certainly practicable to impress an electric vibration, at least of a certain low period, upon the earth. Theoretically it should not require a great amount of energy to produce a disturbance perceptible at great distance, or even 30 RADIODYNAMICS all over the surface of the globe. Now, it is quite certain that at any point within a certain radius of the source, S, a properly adjusted self-induction and capacity device can be set in action by resonance. Not only can this be done, but another source Si, similar to S or any number of such sources, may be set to work in synchronism with the latter, and the vibration thus intensified and spread over a large area; or a flow of electricity produced to or from the source Si, if the same be of opposite phase to the source S. Proper apparatus must first be pro- duced, by means of which the problem can be attacked, and I have devoted much thought to this subject." Tesla continued his investigations along these lines and in 1898 had already developed apparatus of great power giving a pressure of four million volts and discharges extending through sixteen feet. At that time and even today this is considered remarkable. From 1899 to I 9 ne continued his investiga- tions and in 1900 he published, in the Century Magazine, a long article of absorbing interest and of great suggestiveness on "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy." Therein he described and illustrated with actual photographs his appara- tus for producing pressures of over twelve million volts and capable of delivering energy at the rate of seventy-five thou- sand horse-power. Professor PopofFs Receiver Professor Popoff, in a communication to the Physico- Chemical Society of St. Petersburg, in 1895, described a form of receiving apparatus designed by him for the study of atmospheric electricity. His circuit arrangement which is shown in Fig. n is different from that of Lodge in that one terminal of the coherer is grounded, and the other is connected to a vertical conductor extending above the housetop. Here is introduced the well-known method of utilizing the electric signal bell for an automatic decoherer. Professor Popoff also ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE SYSTEMS 31 used a form of tape recorder which automatically recorded the duration of the electrical disturbances in the atmosphere. This apparatus and circuit arrangement is precisely the same as that used by Marconi in his early experiments. That Popoff foresaw the possibilities of his receiver for Hertzian wave telegraphy is clearly evidenced by the concluding para- FIG. ii. graph of a paper read before the Institute of Forestry of St. Petersburg. "In conclusion," he says, "I may express the hope that my apparatus, with further improvements, may be adapted to the transmission of signals to a distance by the aid of quick electric vibrations (high-frequency oscilla- tions) as soon as a means of producing such vibrations possess- ing sufficient energy is found." Marconi's Early Work With Hertz's oscillator and PopofFs receiver Marconi began his experiments on his father's estate near Bologna, Italy, in 1895. Although only 22 years of age he had already acquired much knowledge of Hertzian waves, having studied under 32 RADIODYNAMICS Professor Rosa of the Leghorn Technical School, and ac- quainted himself with the published writings of Professor Righi of the University of Bologna. After a year of experi- menting Signor Marconi went to England and filed, in the Patent Office of Great Britain, an application for a patent, which was duly granted. Later Improvements Improvements in both the more efficient generation and reception of the electromagnetic waves have, since 1895, chiefly engaged the attention of radio investigators. Among the more important advances may be mentioned the intro- duction of the Tesla high-frequency transformer for coupled circuits by Lodge and Braun, instead of the direct spark- excited antenna of Marconi; the discovery and adoption of detectors suitable for use with the telephone ; the introduction of alternating current and high spark frequencies for trans- mission; the utilization of Wien's discovery of the quenched spark gap; and the more recent attacks on the problem of selectivity. The recent work of Fessenden, Alexanderson, and Goldschmidt on the direct production of high-frequency alternating current of continuous amplitude for electric wave telegraphy and telephony, is worthy of mention. CHAPTER VI POSSIBLE CONTROL METHODS FOR RADIO- DYNAMICS SOUND WAVES Every teledynamic system has two principal parts, namely, (i) the apparatus for the transmission and reception of the controlling energy, and (2) the apparatus or mechanisms to be controlled. This broad subdivision applies to such simple forms as the telegraph, where the energy-transmitting medium is a metallic conductor, and the receiver a relay controlling a sound-producing mechanism, as well as to the very com- plicated systems utilizing the ether as the connecting link. Of these two divisions the first is to us by far the most important, if for no other reason because of the difficulty it has presented in the practical solution of such representative problems as torpedo control. It therefore demands careful consideration, especially with reference to a proper selection of the kind of radiant or other energy to be used. The following table gives some of the most important forms of radiant energy in ether and air, their vibration frequencies, and detecting means capable of actuating mechanisms: Waves Frequency per sec. Detector Acoustic 1 6 to 35,000 Vibratory relay Hertzian 50,000 to 2 billions Hertzian wave detector Infra-red, or heat Visible 2 tO 40OO " 4000 to 8000 ' ' Thermoelectric cells Selenium cells Ultra-violet 8000 to ? Trigger vacuum tube. Besides these radiant energy means we may mention earth conduction, electrostatic induction, and electromag- netic induction. 33 34 RADIODYNAMICS Choice of Control Energy A number of important factors must be taken into con- sideration in order to make the best choice of these several control methods. Although the Hertzian wave system is employed in nearly all of the suggested applications of radio- dynamics, and is to all appearances the most reliable and best, who can say that any one of these other possible methods, if it received the proper attention, would not be much simpler, and at the same time still more reliable? Reliability is the factor of prime importance in the abso- lute and accurate control of a dangerous weapon like a torpedo, travelling, as it does, at a speed of between thirty and forty miles per hour and carrying large quantities of highly ex- plosive material. Simplicity, freedom from accidental or intentional interference, and cost are other points which demand careful thought. The maximum range at which control is necessary, and indeed possible, is limited by vision. This, in clear weather, does not exceed eight miles, for even with a good binocular the torpedo cannot be seen beyond that distance. In cloudy or stormy weather the operations may be limited to two or three miles. This does not mean that the usefulness of the wirelessly directed torpedo is limited to calm, clear weather, for any attacking fleet or ship would be subject to the same conditions, inasmuch as the distance and accuracy of their fire is greatly affected by the condition of the sea and weather. Difficulties to be Overcome The reader may think of the four-thousand mile accom- plishments of modern radiotelegraphy and immediately con- clude that the problem of getting a sufficient amount of energy to the vessel is one of comparative simplicity. On the contrary this is one of the chief difficulties, and it has only lately begun to be surmounted. SOUND WAVES 35 The following table will serve in a rough way to show the comparison between transmitted and received energies in various types of electrical energy- transmitting systems: Watts transmitted Watts received Ratio Power line io 6 io 6 i Cable telegraph i icf" 3 lo" 3 Telephone icr 2 icr 6 icr 4 Radiotelegraphy io 5 icr 8 icr 13 From this table it may be seen that of the one hundred kilo- watts used at a high-power radiotelegraphic transmitting station but one ten- trillion th part is received at a distance corresponding to the maximum working range, i.e., the range at which the received power is measured in hundred- million ths of a watt. This range in daylight is usually in the neighborhood of three thousand miles, but is subject to con- siderable variation from day to day and from season to season; the night range is also very much greater than the day range during those parts of the year when atmospheric disturbances cause the least amount of interference. In long-distance radiotelegraphic sets the transmitter is of such power (25 to 100 kw.), as would be excessive for torpedo control in coast defence. But far more important than this is the fact that the telephone, which is used as the receiving indicator in wireless telegraph sets, will give readable signals under an impressed e.m.f., of less than one-millionth of a volt, while to trip the most sensitive relay under ideal conditions requires about one-thousandth of a volt e.m.f. applied to its terminals. Under the conditions of shock and vibration aboard a small vessel in a rough sea the restoring spring of such an instrument must be set under sufficient tension to prevent the making of false contacts; the sensitiveness is thereby reduced to from one-fifth to one-tenth of its highest value. From these values we can readily see that a radio- telegraphic receiver may easily be as much as 5000 times as RADIODYNAMICS sensitive as the type necessary for the absolutely reliable control of mechanisms. Practically all systems of wireless signalling depend for their long-distance operation on this FIG. 12. Prof. Fesseriden's submarine sound signalling apparatus used to detect the presence of submarines. (Published by permission.) extraordinary sensibility of the telephone; when used with a relay the distance over which they are operative likewise de- creases tremendously. Sound Waves in Radiodynamics The employment of sound waves in air for radiodynamics has not been productive of any noteworthy results. Submarine SOUND WAVES 37 signalling, however, has been developed to the point where the transmitting bell signals have been received at distances FIG. 13. Operator sending submarine sound signals with the Fessenden apparatus. (Courtesy of the American Magazine.) up to about 25 miles. Prof. R. A. Fessenden, one of the pioneers and authorities on radiotelegraphy in the United 38 RADIODYNAMICS States, signalled across Massachusetts Bay during the spring of 1914, with a submarine sound wave apparatus which he invented. Figs. 12, 13, 14 and 15 show Professor Fessenden and various parts of his submarine signalling system. These FIG. 14. Vibrating steel diaphragm used as both transmitter and receiver in the Fessen- den submarine signalling system. (Courtesy of the American Magazine.} photographs are reproduced through the courtesy of the American Magazine.* Although little has been done with this signalling system in adapting it to the severe requirements of torpedo control, its possibilities are not unworthy of consideration. The fact that most steamships, war vessels, and submarine boats are now equipped with submarine signalling apparatus is ample proof of the practicability of this system for fog and * For further details of submarine signalling apparatus see: Jour. Am. Soc. Nav. Engrs., Aug., 1914; Mar. Engr. and Nav. Archt., May, 1914; Proc. Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., July, 1912. SOUND WAVES 39 warning signalling. As practiced, a submerged bell, electri- cally operated, is used as the transmitter, while a submerged microphone transforms the received sound waves into elec- trical effects observable upon a telephone receiver; this re- ceiving apparatus is in all respects the same in principle as the ordinary telephone which we have in our offices and FIG, 15. Professor Reginald A. Fessenden taking observations on the sound waves sent out by submarines. (Courtesy of the American Magazine.) homes. An electric ear of this kind is usually installed on each side of the vessel, and two telephones provided in the pilot house for the observer. By switching from one to the other of these the general direction of the transmitter can usually be determined, since the receiving microphone on the side of the boat nearest the bell will give the stronger signal. When the signals are of equal strength in both telephones the direction of the bell at the dangerous reef can be determined 40 RADIODYNAMICS by swinging the ship. The practicability of apparatus based on such an energy transfer method although not assured is not wholly uncertain. One advantage of no mean impor- tance is that the torpedo could be entirely submerged, offering no target for the enemy's gun fire. Every other system ex- cept earth conduction in practice would require a portion of the receiving apparatus to project above the water. By utilizing sound waves of frequencies below the audible limit (16 per second), the control impulses could not be detected by the enemy unless they were provided with special apparatus for that purpose. If such a transmitter be used with tuned mechanical elements in connection with current amplifying devices at the receiver, it is possible that an extremely simple and effective system of control could be developed.* The torpedo, although invisible, could be ac- curately located by means of two submerged microphones, which would respond to signals sent out by the torpedo itself. This scheme has been used in the European War to detect the presence of hostile submarine boats. The principal difficulties to be met in the use of submarine sound waves for torpedo control are the interfering signals, which the enemy might easily send out, and the very weak electrical effects produced by the transmitter at battle-range distances. The former is an extremely difficult problem. The latter might be overcome by using a simple form of amplifier, such as De Forest's. * Such a scheme was described by the author in a lecture on The Wirelessly Directed Torpedo, before the Indianapolis-Lafayette section of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in October, 1913. CHAPTER VII INFRA-RED OR HEAT WAVES Omitting Hertzian waves for the present we come to the infra-red rays as a possible means of effecting mechanism operation at a distance. The great sensitiveness of the bolometer, thermo-pile, and other thermal and thermo- electric detectors suggests the use of these rays as a form of wave energy capable of serving our needs. No mention of the use of radiant heat for operating dis- tant switches has been found in scientific literature. As a means of telephoning to short distances, however, it was among the first to be suggested, as previously stated. Stimulated by the accounts of the extreme sensitivity of radiant heat detectors and of their use in the measurement of stellar radiations, the writer has given some thought to the possibility of using heat waves as a control agency in a system for the wireless direction of torpedoes. Let us consider first the general advantages and disadvan- tages of such a control energy, assuming that we have generat- ing means of such power and receiving detectors of such sensitiveness that we are able to control switches at useful distances. One of the first advantages, and perhaps the greatest, lies in our ability to direct this energy at will. By means of the highly-polished, parabolic surfaces of such metals as silver and zinc, we can direct practically the whole of our generated energy into a beam of parallel rays. Surfaces of silver and zinc, when well polished, will absorb no more than two or three 41 42 RADIODYNAMICS per cent of the incident radiant energy, the remaining ninety- eight or ninety-seven per cent being reflected. In order to secure the advantages of direction by the use of parabolic reflectors, we must confine our source of heat to a comparatively small area. But if the area be small the rate at which the energy is radiated per unit of area must be correspondingly large. A high radiation rate per unit of area can only be obtained with a high temperature. In order then that we may be able efficiently to utilize heat radiations we must have first, a source of easily controlled energy which can readily be converted into the energy of radiant heat; second, a means of developing an extremely high emission rate per unit area; third, a means of limiting the radiation to a small area; and fourth, a properly shaped reflecting surface of material suitable for directing the heat energy developed into a beam of parallel rays. Disregarding our primary assump- tion, we must in addition be able to project these rays upon a swiftly moving receptor at five miles distance with sufficient effect to produce definite, mechanical movements at will. These requirements are admirably met in our present high- power searchlights. Electricity as a prime source of energy lends itself easily to our needs because of its extreme flexi- bility; the electric arc as a means of transforming this energy into heat is not only extremely efficient, but fulfills the require- ments of small area and very high temperature as well. The energy in the visible portion of the electric arc spectrum does not exceed ten per cent of the input energy; but with this we are not particularly concerned, since a " black body" receiving surface will enable us to convert practically all of the radiation incident upon it, including, besides all of the infra-red, the visible, and most of the ultra-violet also. The energy emission rate per unit of area, which is a function of the energy density per unit of crater surface, is exceedingly high; the energy density may reach twenty-one INFRA-RED OR HEAT WAVES 43 and one half watts per square millimeter, and the temperature may rise to the vicinity of three thousand eight hundred degrees Centigrade. Moreover the energy of the high-tem- perature portion is limited to a comparatively small value by the low coefficient of thermal conductivity of the electrode material. This allows a suf- fluently close approach to the. "point source" ideal de- sired with parabolic re- flectors, for practical utility. Electric searchlights, or "projectors," as they are fre- quently called, have been built with parabolic reflecting mirrors sixty inches in di- ameter. Such a projector of the type used in the United States Navy is shown in Fig. 16. The power of these projectors can easily be raised to fifteen or twenty kilowatts. Were it necessary, heat-wave generators of this kind could be constructed having a capacity for trans- FIG. 16. Sixty-inch projector used with radio- dynamic torpedoes. (Published by per- mission of General Electric Co.) forming an electrical energy of one hundred kilowatts into the energy of radiant heat. The infra-red radiations of the electric arc may be increased by the addition of barium chloride to the arc electrodes. Invisibility A searchlight transmitter can be installed directly on a harbor or coast line and so masked as to be completely in- 44 RADIODYNAMICS visible to ships several miles at sea. The electric power would preferably be generated at a central power plant and trans- mitted over a hidden high-tension transmission line to a number of these hidden control stations. By means of step- down transformers (and rotary-converters if it is necessary to use direct-current arcs), the high tension line currents fur- nished by the central station would be transformed to currents of proper potential and power for the operation of the high- power, electric-arc, heat-wave generators. Control operators at each hidden transmitter would be in constant communication with each other and with the military head of the harbor defenses in order that the control operations might be constantly in the hands of the operator in the most advantageous position with respect to the attacking war vessels. Selective Operation Since heat waves as a control agency, unlike Hertzian waves, sound waves, electromagnetic and electrostatic induction, or earth conduction, can be directed at will, their use demands no consideration of the selectivity problem, the solution of which has ever been practically unattainable under the con- ditions imposed in torpedo control. Although it is possible to produce Hertzian waves with fronts perpendicular to the direction of propagation, the difficulties involved in construct- ing reflectors of sufficient size for the wave-lengths necessary are very great from a practical point of view. Other means have been developed for directing Hertzian waves, among which may be mentioned the radio-goniometer of Bellini and Tosi, but in practice it has been found that the power of such transmitters is limited. In order to prevent the enemy from projecting the beams of their own searchlights onto the receiver of our torpedo, the latter is provided with a gyroscope which serves to keep the receiving heat detector always facing toward our own trans- INFRA-RED OR HEAT WAVES 45 mitters on shore and away from the enemy at sea, a screen of opaque material on the side toward the sea providing means cf intercepting the rays from the enemy's lights. This same gyroscope at night serves to keep from the view of the enemy at sea, the screened signal lights on the torpedo, which at all times are plainly visible from shore, and which are automati- cally operated by the control apparatus within the torpedo. Their purpose is to permit the control operator on shore to follow the direction of the torpedo without keeping his trans- mitting searchlight directed upon it, and thus in continuous view of the attacking ships, and at the same time automatically to signal back the operations occurring on the torpedo. The rays of the searchlight are invisible in bright daylight unless an observer be directly in their path ; this is desirable, inasmuch as it prevents the enemy from locating the screened control stations. At night the powerful light is a distinct advantage in locating any attacking ships, and, when neces- sary, in following the torpedo itself. Should it become necessary to have the control station invisible during the night as well as by day, suitable ray niters would be necessary. Substances which will screen off or absorb the visible radia- tions and allow the longer infra-red waves to be transmitted, that is, substances which are said to be "diathermanous," are: black fluorite, smoky quartz, black glass, and a strong solution of iodine in carbon disulphide; gases not near the point of condensation are also highly diathermanous. Dispersion and Atmospheric Absorption The best of our present-day searchlights are not capable of producing strictly parallel rays. The non-parallelism usually amounts to at least three or four degrees. Because of this dispersion the beam of a searchlight which at the mirror is sixty inches in diameter, may be five hundred or a thousand feet in diameter at a distance of five miles. It is obvious, 46 RADIODYNAMICS therefore, that the illumination intensity directly in front of the searchlight will bear to the illumination intensity at five miles a ratio equal to the ratio of the respective areas of the beam at these points; this equals the ratio of the squares of the radii of the beam at these points. In the case of the sixty- inch searchlight, assuming that at five miles the beam has a diameter of one thousand feet, this ratio would roughly equal twenty-five thousand to one. It is possible, however, that the dispersion could be reduced by a more careful attention to this useless waste of energy. No necessity has yet arisen for such a reduction in searchlights as now used, since it is desir- able to illuminate the entire length of modern, five-hundred- foot battleships at such distances. Atmospheric Absorption Some of the energy of the rays is absorbed in the atmosphere. If the vibrating rates of the atmospheric gases are equal to any of the vibration rates in the projected waves, part of the energy of those particular waves will be absorbed. In this connection it may be possible so to choose the electrode materials for the arc that vibration rates produced in the arc will not be equal to those of the atmospheric gases, thereby evading the energy losses due to this cause. In foggy or rainy weather the atmospfoeri% absorption would be materially increased because water is not very diather- manous. It is also true, however, that in such weathefbattle ranges are materially decreased because of the decrease in the limit of vision, which, in turn, is brought about by mist, rain, or fog. It is difficult to foretell whether or not the two would decrease at the same rate. Receiving Radiant Heat Detectors The development of sensitive radiant heat detectors has followed several distinct lines corresponding to the varying INFRA-RED OR HEAT WAVES 47 phenomena of radiant energy in the form of heat waves whose lengths are longer than 0.77 ju- The length of the visible waves lies between 0.77 //, and 0.39 /*, those above 0.39 ju being in the ultra-violet. Those effects of radiant heat which have been used in the production of sensitive detecting instruments may arbitrarily be classified as follows: i Volumetric expansion (chiefly of gases). 2. Thermoelectric currents. 3. Resistance change in electrical conductors. 4. Stresses in rarefied gases. 5. Linear expansion of solids. As an example of the first may be mentioned the micro- radiometer of Weber.* This instrument is a combination of a differential air thermometer and a Wheatstone bridge. A thin glass tube which contains at its center a drop of mercury surrounded on both sides by a solution of zinc sulphate, con- stitutes two arms of the bridge. Platinum electrodes sealed in the bulbs at each end of the tube dip into the zinc sulphate solution. One of the bulbs, which is made of an opaque non-conducting material, and coated inside with lampblack, is fitted with a fluorite window. When radiant energy enters through the non-absorbing, fluorite window it is absorbed by the contained gas and by the lampblack. Thus heated, the gas expands and pushes the liquid toward the opposite bulb. This changes the relative lengths of the mercury column and of the solution between the platinum terminals; the balance of the bridge being upset, a deflection of the galvanometer consequently occurs. This instrument was stated to be sensitive to a temperature change of one millionth of one degree. * Weber, Archiv. Sci. phys. et Nat. (3) 18, p. 347; 1887. 48 RADIODYNAMICS Thermoelectric Detectors These radiant heat detectors may be divided into two groups, namely, those in which the detector and the sensitive gal- vanometer with which it is used are two separate and distinct instruments, and those in which the two are combined into a single instrument. The thermopile is representative of the first group, and for the second we have the radiomicrom- eter. Let us first consider the thermopile. From the very be- ginning of radiant energy measurements, the power of this form of wave energy in the ether for developing electric currents in circuits containing junctions of dissimilar metals, has found wide application. Tyndall, Rubens, and other pioneers in this domain secured very satisfactory results with the thermopile, in spite of its great heat capacity. Rubens has described* a linear thermopile consisting of twenty junc- tions of iron and constantin wires about o.i mm. to 9.15 mm. in diameter (resistance 3.5 ohms). When used with a gal- vanometer having a figure of merit of i = i .4 X io~ 10 amperes (resistance = 3 ohms, period = 14 seconds), a deflection of one scale division indicated a temperature change of i.i X icT 6 . A candle at five meters gave a deflection of 10 cm. or 250 cm. at one meter. The area of the exposed face of the pile is about 1.6 cm. 2 . The heat capacity was such that its stationary temperature was reached in less than seven seconds. If p = the thermoelectric power in microvolts per degree ( = 53 X iQ" 6 volts for iron and constantin), n = the number of junctions exposed, and r = the internal resistance, of the thermopile; and if we combine the pile with a galvanometer, which, with an internal resistance of w ohms, gives a deflection of m millimeters per microampere, then a deflection of i mm. * Rubens, Zs. fur Instrumentenkunde, 18, p. 65; 1898. INFRA-RED OR HEAT WAVES 49 indicates a change in temperature at the junctions of A/ degrees when npm The highest efficiency is obtained when the resistance of the thermocouple is equal to the combined resistance of the connecting wires and of the auxiliary galvanometer. Coblentz has described* a linear thermopile of bismuth- silver junctions which had a heat capacity low enough to attain ninety- two per cent of its maximum temperature in two seconds. It has a completely opaque surface, this novelty being secured by a series of overlapping receivers; it has a high sensitivity; the materials are sufficiently strong to withstand rough usage; it is quick acting, and yet sufficiently massive to permit operation in the open without being disturbed by the cooling effect of air currents. The efficiency of the thermocouple is such that one micro- watt of radiant power produces about 0.02 microvolt per thermojunction in the thermopiles of bismuth-silver, or in larger units i watt = 0.02 volt. At present we have no exact knowledge of the mechanical equivalent of the radiations of large searchlights, but for sunlight we have accurate data. Upon the reasonable assump- tion that we can develop searchlights which, with the aid of collecting and concentrating means at the receiver, will produce received effects at five miles equal to those produced by sun- light without such concentrating means, we may proceed to make calculations on a sunlight-source basis. Mr. W. W. Coblentz has kindly made for the author the following cal- culations on the current developed in a thermocouple with sunlight as a source: * Various Modifications of Bismuth-Silver Thermopiles Having a Con- tinuous Absorbing Surface, Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards, No. 229, p. 132 50 RADIODYNAMICS The solar radiations reaching the earth's surface are about i.o to 1.2 gr. cal. cmT 2 per minute = gV gr. cal. cm? sec." 1 , or about -^ watt per cm. 2 per second. For a quick-acting thermopile the receiver has an area of about 0.04 cmT 2 , so that when exposed to sunlight the amount of radiant power inter- cepted is 0.04 - = 0.003 watt. This would produce 0.016 X 0.003 = 4& X io~ 6 volt, or a rise in temperature of about one-half degree centigrade. By increasing the number of couples to 100 and placing the whole in vacuo, the sensitivity could be increased 200 times. The e.m.f. developed would then be 200 X 48 X io~ 6 , or very nearly o.oi volt. Within recent years relays have been perfected which will operate with impressed voltages of approximately 0.003 vo ^- A factor of safety is therefore, apparent, since the received current is three times that re- quired for operation. These rough calculations indicate that heat-wave control systems are quite within the range of possibility. Our calculations are based on the assumption that we can produce, at five miles, thermoelectric effects equal in magni- tude to the effects produced at the earth's surface by the solar radiations. It is probable that this assumption can be realized in practice. Even if this were not possible, we have means of increasing the received effects so that a much smaller heat intensity at the receiver would produce the desired results. The De Forest three-stage amplifier is capable of amplifying minute received currents to from five hundred to a thousand times their original strength. These amplifiers operate best with pulsating or alternating received currents. It would be a simple matter to use a current interrupter of either the motor-driven or vibrating-buzzer type for breaking up the direct current produced in the thermopile. This would intro- INFRA-RED OR HEAT WAVES 5 1 duce some complications. The thermopile and galvanometer relay, with an auxiliary relay capable of handling larger currents would, however, form a very simple and reliable receiver. - Radiomicrometers, Bolometers, and Radiometers Three other well-known types of radiation detectors are the radiomicrometer, the bolometer, and the radiometer. The radiomicrometer, which was invented independently by d'Arsonval and Boys, consists essentially of a moving-coil galvanometer of a single-loop with a thermo-junction at one of its ends. It is, as previously stated, a combined thermo- couple and galvanometer. The bolometer is simply a Wheatstone bridge, two arms of which are made of very thin, blackened, metal strips of high electrical resistance and high temperature coefficient, one or both of which are exposed to radiation. The radiomicrometer, because of its great delicacy, is not so suitable for radiodynamics as the separate thermopiles and galvanometer relays. The bolometer is an extremely sensitive radiation detector, but careful precautions must be observed in keeping at a constant temperature the air in which it is contained so as to avoid the drifting of the zero position of the auxiliary galvanometer. The radiometer of Crookes, a scientific toy which may be seen in many jeweller's windows, has been modified for radiant energy measurement. Nichols* has described a radiometer consisting of two blackened vanes of platinum attached to a horizontal arm and suspended in a vacuum by a quartz fiber. Although instruments of this type will detect a change in temperature of one one-nr'llionth of one degree, their extreme delicacy and sluggishness make them less suitable than ther- mopiles for radiodynamics. * Phys. Rev., 4, p. 297; 1897. RADIODYNAMICS The Tasimeter Edison's tasimeter consists essentially of a vulcanite rod and a microphonic contact. The vulcanite rod, which has a high coefficient of linear expansion, is made to exert a pressure on the microphonic contact by means of a screw press. A slight expansion of the rod, brought about by a slight increase in temperature, causes a change in pressure on the microphonic contact, and consequently a change in its resistance. When the microphone forms one arm of a Wheatstone bridge the apparatus becomes a very sensitive radiation detector. Edison used a solid rod of hard rubber in compression against two blocks of carbon, as shown in Fig. 17. Owing to Compression Adjustment Carbon Blocks ff'IWI'U ' Hard 'Rubber Rod FIG. 17. Simple form of Edison's tasimeter. the large mass of rubber in the rod and to the low coefficient of conductivity of hard rubber, this form is sluggish in its action. The author has modified this instrument in order to increase its sensitiveness and to decrease the period required to attain its maximum temperature under the action of a given intensity of received radiation. The modification consists substantially in substituting a sensitive telephone microphone of the carbon granule type for the blocks of carbon, and in replacing the hard-rubber rod with a thin strip of hard rubber. This strip is maintained in tension by an adjustable spring. The arrange- ment of microphone, hard-rubber strip, and adjusting screws is shown in Fig. 18. INFRA-RED OR HEAT WAVES 53 This instrument, when connected in circuit with a battery and ammeter, will readily indicate a change in current sufficient to operate a relay, if influenced by the heat of a bunsen burner at a distance of one meter. Although not lacking in sensitive- ness, heat detectors of this type are subject to vibration, jars, and sounds; a weakness which disqualifies them for radio- dynamics, particularly in the radiodynamics of torpedo control. Thermostats In an endeavor to provide a sensitive, quick-acting, heat- detecting instrument which will close a circuit directly without FIG. i 8. the aid of a sensitive relay, the author has experimented with various types of thermostats. After experimenting with mercury-in-glass thermostats designed especially for quick action, with composite-strip thermostats of both the straight and spiral types, and with alcohol, mercury, and gas ther- mometers, the conclusion was reached that a modification of the differential gas thermometer would be far more suitable than the other types, because of its high sensitiveness and rapidity of action. The most satisfactory form thus far produced is shown in Fig. 19. The general scheme of this type of instrument was suggested to the author by Prof. E. S. Ferry, of Purdue 54 RADIODYNAMICS University. In the drawing A is the heat absorber of thin, lampblacked platinum, B and Z>, two glass gas-chambers, connected by a glass tube of small bore; B is lampblacked inside. M is a thread of mercury; W-W are water or alcohol columns whose function is to prevent the mercury from moving by jumps under the action of the expanding gas in B ; and C-C are contact wires of platinum sealed into the glass tube so as to make contact with the mercury thread. If heat rays fall upon the platinum disc A, they are absorbed and their energy appears as a rise in the temperature of A. FIG. 19. A has a very small heat capacity because of its low specific heat and its thinness, and it therefore requires but a small amount of heat energy to raise its temperature. Since platinum has a high coefficient of thermal conductivity, the heat is rapidly conducted to the gas in the closed chamber B. This chamber is so designed that the distance from the plati- num to any part of the enclosed gas is small, in order that the conduction-time-lag through the gas may be a minimum. The inside of B is lampblacked in order to prevent escape of heat by radiation through its walls. The temperature of the INFRA-RED OR HEAT WAVES 55 enclosed gas therefore rises rapidly to the temperature of the absorber. This gas, which is especially chosen for its maxi- mum coefficient of volumetric expansion and its minimum specific heat, expands and pushes back the liquids in the tube. The mercury M will then short-circuit the two Connecting wires C-C, thus closing the external circuit. Jf the source of heat be removed the order of actions is reversed. The^ ab- sorber A then becomes a rapid and efficient radiator, and the heat of the gas in B is dissipated through conduction to and radiation from the platinum disc A. Any change in normal temperature, i.e., the temperature of the air in which both A and D are contained, will not ca'use any appreciable change in position of the mercury thread because pressures will be produced in the two gas chambers which are equal and opposite. W-W consist of some non-conducting liquid of low specific gravity. Without some such steadying means the mercury thread will have a tendency to move in jumps. The specific gravity should be low in order that a slight difference in the levels of the two columns will not require a great difference in pressure between A and D. If mercury were used a relatively large difference in pressure between A and D would be neces- sary in order to produce a motion of M sufficient to bridge contact wires just above the normal position of the mercury surface. The author has constructed thermostats of this type which will operate satisfactorily in strong sunlight, an exposure of from one to five seconds being sufficient to produce the maxi- mum deflection of the mercury thread. The complete periods were considerably less than twice these values. These results can probably be improved upon. The author has experimented with gases containing vapors of alcohol, ether, carbon tetrachloride, and similar liquids whose satu- rated vapors have a high coefficient of volumetric expansion. The results of these experiments are promising. 56 RADIODYNAMICS A differential gas thermostat of this type, if developed to the proper sensitiveness, would be as near the ideal of a heat-wave receiver as we can hope to reach. Its extreme simplicity and ruggedness, and the absence of the usual sensitive relay are its chief advantages; all other types of receiving apparatus, whatever the nature of the control energy, require, besides various other apparatus, a sensitive relay, usually of the galvanometer type; this, in turn, requires a more rugged relay for handling the electrical energy used in performing the various operations aboard torpedoes. Heat-wave control systems, we may therefore state, are not only within the range of possibility but of probability as well. The extreme simplicity and ruggedness of both trans- mitter and receiver, the absence of masts and other aerial targets, the satisfactory solution of the interference problem, the near approach to complete invisibility of both transmitter and torpedo, and the almost indiscernible form of the control energy are factors that commend heat waves as a connecting link between the shore and the wirelessly directed torpedo. CHAPTER VIII VISIBLE AND ULTRA-VIOLET WAVES As shown by the table, the visible waves vary in frequency from 8000 billions down to 4000 billions per second, repre- senting the various colors from violet, down through blue, green, and yellow to red, and including all the thousands of intermediate shades. Quite apart from the various optical and chemical effects these waves are capable of producing, their chief interest to us lies in their ability to effect changes in the electrical characteristics of various substances. These changes can be utilized for the operation of delicate indi- cating or relaying instruments. Selenium, described more fully in a subsequent chapter, is the most important of these substances affected by light. Systems of telegraphy and telephony based on its peculiar property of changing its electrical resistance under the influence of light, have occupied the attention of numerous scientific men since Willoughby Smith's discovery of that property in 1875. But no ac- count of its application to torpedo control can be found. The writer ventures here to present some experimental data and observations made by him, especially in view of the possible adoption of a light-wave selenium control system for the Hammond dirigible torpedo. From a number of selenium cells of varying types and re- sistances two, made by Dr. Korn of Vienna, were chosen. The sunlight and dark resistances of one of these were 2000 and 5200 ohms respectively; of the other, 1300 and 3000 ohms. These two cells were to be used in selective light telegraphy tests and it was decided first to learn the applied e.m.f. 57 58 RADIODYNAMICS range in which the cells operated with the greatest sensitive- ness and smallest inertia. The 2000-5200 ohm cell was first tried. It was connected in a series circuit with a battery and microammeter, and with a potentiometer for accurate regu- lation of potentials. The operation was much better with l( 1 / 'I/ rHl ^L--20crn-->{r l ~~ /&~| | T Yotf- Sensitiveness Cut Horn Selenium Celt No. I* 2 j 've / / / 1 / / / A f / / / i ,/ $ / 3 / f / Z / / / {/ P i2 / / * / / 1.4 VOLT DRY CELLS FIG. 20. the highest current density permissible with the micro- ammeter, so it was decided to use a milliammeter and higher potentials. Potentials as high as 25 volts were used and the results are given in the curve of Fig. 20. This shows graphi- cally the relation between applied voltage, current, resist- ance, and the current change between light and darkness. VISIBLE AND ULTRA-VIOLET WAVES 59 The current change is the factor of principal importance. It is noted that this value increases directly as the voltage, and that the highest value corresponds to the highest value of cur- rent density permissible. It was learned that if this exceeded five or six milliamperes for an hour or more, the cell would get out of order, and a telephone inserted in the circuit in- dicated that the current was varying at a rate of several thousand per second. The sound was an irregular hissing or frying noise, resembling closely the sounds in a radio re- ceiver due to heavy atmospherics, or that heard in an ordi- nary telephone during the progress of a thunder storm in the immediate vicinity. The tests were made with a i6-c.p. carbon filament electric light, at a distance of 50 cm. The 1300-3000 ohm cell, which we shall designate No. 2, was given a similar test under slightly different conditions. The i6-c.p. light was placed at a distance of 10 feet, and a five-inch condensing lens was used to increase the intensity of illumination on the active surface of the cell. The curves of Fig. 21 show the relation between the e.m.f., current, resistance, and current change with the No. 2 cell. By a comparison of Figs. 20 and 21, it is readily observed that the combination of the No. 2 cell with the condensing lens was more sensitive at a distance of 10 feet than the No. i cell at about 20 inches. The indications of the milli- ammeter showed that when the cells were brought from darkness to light the resistance dropped very quickly to about two-thirds the resistance change value, and then to the lowest value in about five or ten seconds. From this observation it is obvious that the cell would operate much more efficiently for slow variations in the light intensity than for rapid, such as are used in light telephony, since the lagging part of the current change represented by the change occur- ring, say one-fiftieth of a second, after a given change in illumi- nation, would be of no value where the variation frequency 6o RADIODYNAMICS exceeded 50 per second. It would seem, therefore, that the higher characteristics of the human voice, which may reach vibration rates of five thousand per second, would be re- produced with less distinctness than the lower characteristics. This is actually the case with light telephony as well as with I f" % ^-" v --/o> ~t . ) p s p. //- Se Corn i nsiti Se/en tenes 'um (. s Cur ; 200 200 Distance between Sending Pis. 200 Ft. - Receiving 8 Ft. , Area each - - tOSq.Ft. * " " Sending " 25 " - 10 Received current values snown arelO' f Ampt FIG. 25. currents indicated by the Weston microammeter, for different positions of the receiving boat in the current field. This in- strument was connected directly between the receiving plates EARTH CONDUCTION 69 which were fastened at the bow and stern of a ten-foot row boat. The transmitter consisted of a 25-volt, 1 2o-ampere-hour storage battery connected to two copper plates having an effective area of about 25 square feet each. One of these plates was the regular ground for the radio set aboard an 8-ton house boat; the other was fixed to the bottom of a row boat, moored about 200 feet distant. A No. 1 6 bell wire, extending from the mast of the house boat down to the row boat, served to complete the circuit. The results are clearly shown in the drawing. A very curious, unexplained phenomenon was observed dur- ing these tests. The readings were taken on transmitted im- pulses of about two seconds duration, with intervening periods of rest, and were made in response to signals, by an assistant on the house boat, who opened and closed the circuit between the battery and the overhead line wire extending to the distant sending plate. In this way one battery terminal was con- tinually connected to the earth plate beneath the boat. In addition to the usual earth current these currents may be found almost anywhere on the surface of this earth and were in this case of course independent of the sending battery readings were obtained which varied up to 50 microamperes according to the position and direction of extension of the receiving boat; and these readings gradually increased as the re- ceiving boat neared the house boat. When the house boat plate was disconnected from the storage battery the received current dropped to the normal value. Signals could thus be sent, up to distances of about 50 feet, simply by making and breaking the connection between the battery and plate, with absolutely no current flowing from the battery. The arrangement of apparatus and results are shown in Fig. 26. The following day (Sept. i, 1912) further tests were made with increased power and distance. The transmitting current 70 RADIODYNAMICS was obtained from a bank of four no- volt, 5o-ampere mer- cury-arc rectifiers, regulated by a series resistance, and meas- ured by an ammeter. The respective areas of the transmitting (< sort Copper Ground Plate FlG. 26. plates as well as the distances between them are given in the drawing (Fig. 27). The leads to the earth plates of the transmitter were composed of twenty-foot sections of No. 20 copper strips, one and a half inches wide, soldered together. //Ov. D.C. 50 Amp. 400 100 400 '35 10 Distance between Sending Plates 400 Ft. Receiving " 8 Ft. A rea each " " 8 Sa. Ft. Sending " . SO & 15 Sq.Ft. Received current values shown are 10' 6 Amp. FlG. 27. The maximum current obtainable was 50 amperes, and the received current values shown were secured with this trans- mitting current. On Oct. 3, this distance was again increased, this time to approximately 1000 yards between the sending plates. Fig. 28 shows the results of this test. EARTH CONDUCTION The received current values resulting from these different tests show that, in a line between the two transmitting plates, the position of the receiving plates for weakest signals is midway, and for strongest, nearest either of the plates. With Distance between Sending Pis. 3000 Ft Receiving ~ 30 Ft. Area each " - BSaFt. " . " Sending - SO " "' Received current values shown are 10 Amp FIG. 28. a transmitting power of over five kilowatts, the received currents at the position of minimum signal strength (which is the distance determining factor), that is, at a distance of less than one-half mile, were no more than sufficient to operate a FIG. 29. sensitive relay of the type necessary for torpedo control. These results were far from encouraging and the tests were discontinued. A somewhat different scheme due to Mr. H. Christian Berger, an electrical engineer of New York, was next tried. The transmitting energy was a high-frequency oscillatory cur- 72 RADIODYNAMICS rent, and the receiver was of the regular radio type, with two earth connections instead of one earth and one aerial. The earth plates were of copper, 100 and 25 square feet area, respectively, separated 400 feet, and connected, as shown, in series with the oscillating condenser circuit. A hot wire ammeter in this circuit indicated a current of four amperes. The primary energy was delivered to the condenser circuit by a 3-kw., 1 10 to 20,000- volt, 6o-cycle transformer. (See Fig. 29.) The receiver connections, illustrated in the small drawing at the right, are those of a common radiotelegraphic receiver with the exception previously noted. The distance between the receiver grounds was about 250 feet, and the distance between the two sets of grounds of transmitter and receiver was estimated at about 500 feet. Dr. L. W. Austin, head of the U. S. Radio Laboratory in Washington, D. C., has shown that a radiotelegraphic sender may exert a very large amount of power for the brief periods of time during which the condenser discharges. Considering a condenser of 0.04 mfd., charged to a potential of 10,000 volts, Q is equal to ^^ X 10,000, or 0.0004 1,000,000 coulomb. The work done in charging such a condenser to that poten- ,. , . V 2 C io,ooo 2 X 0.00000004 i tial is equal to , or - , or 2 joules, or 2 2 0.737 X 2 = 1.47 foot-pounds. It can furnish that amount of energy in one discharge. If the condenser is discharged through a circuit of such self- inductance as will give a wave length of 1000 meters, the oscillation frequency will be 300,000, and the alternations 600,000 per second. 0.0004 coulomb will create an average current of 0.0004 X 600,000 = 240 amperes. Were the wave length much shorter the current would be correspondingly greater, as is shown by the following example. EARTH CONDUCTION 73 The above condenser is discharged through an inductance which will give a wave length of 500 meters. The alternation frequency of this circuit would then be 1,200,000 per second. 0.0004 coulomb will create an average current of 0.0004 X 1,000,000 = 480 amperes. By this we see that the current in an oscillatory circuit is inversely proportional to the wave length. If the energy of 2 joules stored in the condenser is radiated in five complete oscillations, the rate of doing work, if the effi- ciency of conversion is unity, is 2 joules in - - second = 600,000 240,000 per second = 240 kw. This shows very clearly that although the available energy is very small, the rate of doing work, i.e., the power of a wireless telegraph sender, may be very great for a short period of time. This peculiarity of a condenser discharge is, no doubt, the basis for Mr. Berger's suggestion. The scheme is distinctly novel, utilizing, as it does, oscillating currents of high fre- quency, but with earth conduction, and not etheric radiation, as the means of transferring the energy. The tests given this system were very severe in that the conditions imposed were far from ideal; but at that time it was believed that if no telephone signals could be received under those conditions, the system would be valueless for relay operation. No signals were received during this test and the experiments were discontinued. CHAPTER X ELECTROSTATIC AND ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUC- TIONHERTZIAN WAVES Following the scheme of Dolbear, the author experimented with electrostatic induction as a possible means of torpedo control at the Hammond Radio Research Laboratory in 1912. The transmitter consisted of a ioo,ooo-volt transformer, especially built for the purpose, energized by alternating current of from 60 to 1000 cycles. One terminal of the ill Detectoi ffeceiver FlG. 30. secondary was grounded, and the other connected to the station antenna,* which was insulated for 1,000,000 volts with Electrose strain insulators. The receiving apparatus consisted of an antenna,f on the house boat Pioneer, connected to a very sensitive form of potential operated radio detector which will be more fully described in a subsequent chapter. Fig. 30 shows schematically the circuit arrangements. * 300 ft. high, 400 ft. flat top. t 30 ft. high, 20 ft. flat top. 74 HERTZIAN WAVES 7S The curve, Fig. 31, was made by taking readings of the re- ceived currents, as indicated by a Weston microammeter, connected to the receiving detector. The Pioneer was started seaward within about a hundred feet of the trans- mitting station, and readings taken every minute near the shore; after the steeper part of the curve had been passed the readings were taken at longer intervals. 1000 2000 Dl STANCE IN FEET FIG. 31. An attempt at tuning the receiver to the frequency of the alternating current used at the transmitter was made by in- troducing a variable inductance of large value and a tuning condenser in series with the antenna, and connecting the de- tector to a point of maximum potential in this circuit. Fig. 32 shows this circuit. The transmitter was then changed to the regular radio type, the wave length being pushed far beyond the natural period of the antenna by means of loading inductances in both open and closed circuits. This was done to increase the potential to the highest possible value, in order to in- 76 RADIODYNAM1CS crease the distance of operation. With an emitted wave length of about 3000 meters, the potential was slightly in- creased over that previously obtained with the transformer, but no material increase in received results was noted. The group frequency was 120 per second. In order to meas- ure the electrostatic effects alone, no tuning to the high fre- quency oscillations was attempted, the receiving antenna being 111 Antenna Iron Core Inductance Poteritio Detector -*= Earth FIG. 32. connected only to the detector. The low-frequency tuned antenna circuit was then substituted for this receiver as be- fore. The curve obtained in the best series of tests (Fig. 31) shows that with our very sensitive relay operating under working conditions, the maximum range would be only up to about 1000 feet, a distance far too short for torpedo operation. This method of control was also abandoned. Electromagnetic Induction Beyond the work of Preece, Trowbridge, Edison, and others, already mentioned, very little has been done in the field of electromagnetic induction for radiodynamics. The fact that the transmitting and receiving coils or line wires must be in parallel planes is one of the chief objections to this system for transmitting energy impulses to a movable boat. The writer has not been able to find any accounts of work HERTZIAN WAVES 77 along this line. Although the difficulties are not in them- selves insuperable, from a practical point of view they have been considered too great in comparison with other systems. No effort therefore has been made to utilize electromagnetic induction as a means of controlling dirigible, self-propelled vessels. Hertzian Waves Hertzian waves, as every one knows today, are by far the most important means of wirelessly transmitting energy, either for the communication of intelligence or for the con- trol of self-acting apparatus of whatever nature. We are not so much interested in presenting historical matter per- taining to the very large amount of work done since Marconi's first experiments; nor do we wish to burden the reader with detailed theoretical or practical considerations of the many phases of the radio signalling art, it being assumed that he is sufficiently acquainted with the art as it now stands to under- stand the accounts of its special application in the compara- tively new field of radiodynamics; these special applications will be hereinafter described in sufficient detail to be readily understood by those possessing some knowledge of electricity. CHAPTER XI THE ADVENT OF WIRELESSLY CONTROLLED TORPEDOES Although the subject of this chapter does not include torpedoes in general, it is nevertheless important to have some knowledge of the ordinary torpedo, and some facts pertaining to its advantages and disadvantages, if we wish to obtain a clear conception of the wirelessly controlled weapon now being perfected for modern naval warfare. The torpedo is claimed to be an American invention, being said to have sprung from the fertile brain of Benjamin Franklin, who, during the Revolution, experimented with this then un- heard of method of marine attack. The first attempt in war of which we know was made in the harbor of Brest, on the west coast of France, in 1801, under the orders of Napoleon. This first test under actual war conditions was made by an Ameri- can, Robert Fulton, the father of steam navigation. Fulton used a submarine boat, the drawings and designs of which have never been published. He is said to have obtained con- siderable success in his experiments, but he failed in an attempt to blow up an English man-of-war, whereupon Napoleon withdrew his support, and the scheme was not carried into practical operation. We next hear of torpedoes in the Russian war of 1854, when one of prodigious power was exploded in the harbor of Cronstadt, through copper wires connecting with a galvanic battery on shore. Again, during our own Civil War, the torpedo made its appearance in improved form. It was employed for harbor 78 ADVENT OF WIRELESSLY CONTROLLED TORPEDOES 79 defense chiefly in and around Charleston. It was also used with deadly effect during the Spanish-American War, and, in the hands of the Japanese, inflicted great damage to the Russian fleet in the battle of Fuishima Straits. Every modern battleship is equipped with from two to four torpedo tubes. The United States alone has over 60 FIG. 33. The first Holland submersible. torpedo boat destroyers, 30 torpedo boats, and 50 subma- rines, representing a cost of at least fifty million dollars and manned by over three thousand officers and men. The modern torpedo, for the handling of which all these vessels have been built, is about eight feet long and nearly two feet in diameter at the largest part. It is propelled by a compressed-air motor fed from tanks containing air under about seventy atmospheres pressure, and is kept laterally 8o RADIODYNAMICS stable, and on its intended course by a gyroscope. It has a speed of from twenty-five to forty knots, a range of from one FIG. 34. Types of torpedoes. thousand to four thousand yards, and carries from two to three hundred pounds of highly explosive material, usually gun-cotton. It is launched from a "torpedo tube," a form *";. 35- Modern U. S. submarines. of compressed-air gun, which on battleships and submarines is submerged, and on torpedo boats and destroyers is so ADVENT OF WIRELESSLY CONTROLLED TORPEDOES 8 1 mounted on deck that the missile can be fired in the desired direction without swinging the ship. Figs. 33 to 39 will aid FIG. 36. View of a battleship in a dry dock showing submerged torpedo tube. in making clearer the explanations relating to torpedoes and to the different types of ships upon which they are used. FIG. 37. Deck type of torpedo tube used in launching torpedoes from torpedo boats. Before actually firing a torpedo allowances must be care- fully made for such variable factors as speed and direction of 82 RADIODYNAMICS both the target and the firing ship, the direction and velocity of the wind, and the condition of the sea. FIG. 38. U. S. S. South Carolina equipped with two submerged torpedo tubes. The percentage of hits at the extreme range of four thou- sand yards is not greater than twenty-five; and when the sea is disturbed, even at much shorter ranges the accuracy is still less. The torpedo boats of both surface and subsurface types are chiefly relied upon to do the torpedoing, and, because of the FIG. 39. Torpedo boat destroyer entering Norfolk Navy Yard. fact that in order to do accurate firing the distances must not be great, these vessels are subject to the very hot fire of the enemy's torpedo defense battery of three- and six-inch guns. The torpedo attacks are, however, usually made under ADVENT OF WIRELESSLY CONTROLLED TORPEDOES 83 the cover of darkness or fog; this fact, coupled with their great speed and small size, is their only protection. If they can approach near enough to discharge accurately a torpedo before being discovered and illuminated by the searchlights of the enemy, all is well ; but if not, it is probable that their thin hulls will be riddled with three-inch shells before they can escape. The principal advantage of the ordinary torpedo is that usually with one well-directed shot, a small, comparatively inexpensive craft carrying from ten to fifty men can totally, or at least seriously, disable a huge fighting machine like a modern dreadnought, carrying a thousand men and costing from five to fifteen million dollars. Its disadvantages are principally the great risk to human life accompanying its use, the comparatively poor accuracy of the firing, and the fact that if a shot is a failure, the five thousand dollar torpedo cannot be recalled. In the year 1897, when wireless telegraphy was still in its infancy, Ernest Wilson, an Englishman, was granted a British patent on a system for the wireless control of dirigible, self- propelled vessels. The primary object of this invention was to provide a weapon for use in naval warfare, which, if in the form of a dirigible torpedo, controlled from a shore or ship wireless installation, would be most deadly in its effect on a hostile fleet. No mention has been found of actual apparatus constructed according to Wilson's plans. To Nikola Tesla, probably more than to any other investi- gator, belongs the credit of first constructing a dirigible vessel which could be controlled from a distance without connecting wires. His experiments were begun in 1892 and from that time on he exhibited a number of wirelessly-directed contrivances in his laboratory at 35 South Fifth Avenue, New York City. In 1897 he constructed a complete automaton in the form of a boat (Figs. 40, 41 and 42), which would steer itself in obedience RADIODYNAMICS to guiding impulses of Hertzian waves sent out from shore. On Nov. 8, 1898, he was granted a United States patent on this invention. In this patent he mentions the use of all FIG. 40. Nikola Tesla's telautomaton, controlled by Hertzian waves, which is the first radiodynamic boat. forms of control energy including electromagnetic induction, electrostatic induction, conduction through earth, water, and the upper atmosphere, and all forms of purely radiant energy. ADVENT OF WIRELESSLY CONTROLLED TORPEDOES 85 The drawings, of which there are ten, illustrate in detail the nature and arrangement of the apparatus. These drawings were made to scale from the completed model, which he had in operation at that time. FIG. 41. Side view of Tesla's boat. Wilson's was the pioneer patent in that branch of radio- telegraphy now known as radiodynamics. Since then a large number of patents in this field have been taken out by various inventors, and several of those who have been so fortunate FIG. 42. Interior view of Tesla's model radiodynamic torpedo. as to secure the means, have developed their respective systems in the effort to realize their possibilities. Gardner of England, Wirth, Beck and Knauss of Ger- many, Gabet and Deveaux of France, Roberts of Australia, 86 RADIODYNAMICS and Tesla, Sims, and Edison of the United States have during the last fifteen years attempted to solve the problem in a practical way. All of these investigators save Roberts, Simms, and Edison have applied their systems on boats intended primarily for torpedoes, which they control by Hertzian waves. Sims and Edison, with the cooperation of the United States Government, developed a system for FIG. 43. Roberts's (Australia) wirelessly directed airship exhibited in 1912. controlling a dirigible torpedo through a trailing conductor, and Roberts has applied his system to dirigible balloons. Fig. 43 shows A. J. Roberts and his wirelessly-controlled airship as it appeared on the lecture platform. The twelve-inch induc- tion-coil transmitter may be seen at the right on the table. At A is the coherer, tapper, relay, and coherer battery; at B is a rotary switch of the Tesla type; at C are several cells of a storage battery and two signal lights; at D are two propelling and steering motors which are mounted at the ends of a ADVENT OF WIRELESSLY CONTROLLED TORPEDOES 87 centrally-pivotted, horizontal frame about two feet long. When both are rotating the airship moves directly ahead. Steering is accomplished by stopping one of the motors. A single wire about 4 feet long serves as the antenna. The length of the airship is 15 feet and the weight is approximately 16 pounds. The gas bag consists of four layers of pig intestine. The intestines. of over 4000 pigs were used in the construction of this bag. The maximum control distance is about 500 feet. These inventors have had various degrees of success in their endeavors to perfect their inventions, but apparently none have reached the goal. It is true that they have con- trolled the movements of vessels from a distance without the aid of conducting wires, but at best the apparatus has worked spasmotically, unsatisfactorily, and the greatest distance at which their vessels have been controlled has not exceeded one-half mile. But why, we may ask, have these able experi- menters failed to secure the desired results when wireless telegraphy, the mother of radiodynamics, has made such wonderful progress? OA analyzing the situation we find that early in the art potential-operated receiving devices, such as the coherer, were used, which permitted the use of recording mechanisms. As the art progressed new receptive devices were discovered which, in connection with the marvellously sensitive telephone, proved the coherer comparatively insensitive and unreliable. Coherers were then discarded and replaced by the detectors and telephones, which provided a means of signalling over vastly greater distances with the same transmitting power as before. The new detectors, while forming a very desirable combination with the telephone, were entirely unsuitable with relays, and, therefore, those interested in the control of mechanisms were compelled to retain the coherer as the receiving detector. This is the reason for the poor success attained in the field of radiodynamics. The coherer, being 88 RADIODYNAMICS capricious in its action, sometimes operates when the trans- mitting key is closed, and sometimes when no signals are sent, possibly steering the boat to starboard when the signal should have turned her to port, or stopping the engine when full speed was desired. The coherer, because of its unreliability has heretofore been the barrier to the full realization of the inven- tion's possibilities. CHAPTER XII SELECTORS We have already discussed the possible control methods for use in radiodynamics. The function of these, as has been pointed out, is to operate an electromagnetic switch, or relay, as it is called, from a distance. We have also shown how selec- tivity in the operation of a relay can be secured by an applica- tion of the familiar principles of resonance; for example, the methods of tuning in radiotelegraphy to periodically recurring characteristics of the emitted wave energy. Since there are a number of mechanisms to be controlled, each with a distinct operation to perform aboard the torpedo, it is evident that we must have either a separate receiver and relay for each mechanism, or else some kind of selector appara- tus controlled by a single receiver and relay. As pointed out by Hammond, we can, therefore, make two broad classifica- tions of the control systems, namely, (i) monopulse, those in which a single kind of impulse controls a single relay, which, in turn, controls a means of selecting the desired circuit, and (2) polypulse, those in which a different kind of impulse and a separate receiver and relay are used for each circuit to be controlled. A further classification, depending on the type of relay- controlled selector used by various experimenters, follows; this classification also has two main heads, namely, (a) those systems involving the time factor in impulse emission, and (b) those independent of the time factor. Under a we have: (i) BlondePs, Gray's, and Mercadier's methods of con- 8 9 90 RADIODYNAM1CS trolling separate mechanisms by the use of tuned mechanical or electrical elements at the receiver, and a transmitter capable of transmitting impulses of varying group frequency. (2) The author's system which utilizes a method of oper- ating separate mechanisms by impulses of different length. (3) The author's method of using a transmitter of variable impulse frequency and a receiver with a solenoid of high self- inductance in which the current is made to vary by change of impulse emission rate so that its core can be made to assume any one of a number of positions. (4) Gardner's system in which the ratio between the length of impulses and of the intervening periods of rest is varied, and in which a solenoid is used at the receiver, its core assuming a definite position for each value of that ratio. Under b we may place the following: (1) Tesla's method which uses one type of impulse to con- trol a number of different mechanisms, as a clock fitted with a hand, which, operated from a distance, could be made to stop on any five-minute point, the hand needing to pause say two seconds before the energy would be exerted. (2) Walter's method, which depends on synchronous me- chanical rotation; as two clocks, one at the transmitter and another at the receiver, each fitted with a hand, which moved synchronously over their respective dials, and so arranged that when the transmitting hand is depressed and stopped, say, at the figure six, an impulse will be sent out that effects the pulling down and stopping of the receiving hand which is also at six, thus closing the circuit; when the transmitting clock hand is raised, the impulse ceases and both then resume their synchronous rotation. (3) There is still another method upon which modern auto- matic telephone systems are based, namely, the method of closing any one of a plurality of circuits by sending the correct number of impulses; for example, we have a square figure SELECTORS Ql divided into 100 equal squares; beginning at the lower left- hand square let us number it o, the next above it i, the next 2, and so on up to 9; then let the square at the right of o be called i, the next beside it 2, the next 3, and so on to 9; the squares above these are numbered in exactly the same way, that is, the columns are all of the same figures. We have a checker normally at the o position that can only be moved twice to place it in any square, and only in two directions, i.e., up, and to the side. Now in order to get our checker in space 67, for instance, we move it six blocks up and seven to the side. In the case of the loo-circuit selector illustrated by this checkerboard, two different sets of impulses are necessary, one which effects the raising of the contact arm to the desired row, and another to move it laterally to the position desired. Among the earliest devices we find that of Tesla, used also by Orling and Braunerhjelm, Jamieson and Trotter, Roberts, and Varicas, employing a form of rotating commutator or its equivalent. Of these, Tesla's, Varicas', and Roberts' only have been actually put in practice. Varicas' boat carried out in 1901 the simple steering evolutions required but the apparatus was quite unprepared to cope with intentional interference. Roberts, as before stated, applied his system in 1912 to a small dirigible gas balloon for theatrical exhibitions. None of these operations were carried on at any considerable distance, probably not farther than a few hundred feet, but no authentic data is available. All employed the primitive filings coherer. CHAPTER XIII EUROPEAN CONTROL SYSTEMS The following extract from an article on " Telemechanical Problems in the Wireless World," by L. H. Walter, M.A., taken with the kind permission of the author, describes some of the systems experimented with in Europe during the past 15 years. Walter's Selector System "As an example of codal selectors the system devised by the writer in 1898 may be taken, not because it is considered the best for the writer is prepared to admit that in its early form it left something to be desired but because it is practically the earliest comprehensive method, and also be- cause it has served as a model upon which 'numerous later systems have been founded, such as those due to Chimkevitch, to Hiilsmeyer, Branley and others. The system was worked out as a selecting device suitable for any telemechanical, as opposed to telegraphic purpose, although Righi and Dessau in their 'Telegraphic ohne Draht/ and also Mazzoto in his book, describe the writer 's arrangement as though it were to be used for selective wireless telegraphy, like the later system of Anders Bull, which has many points of similarity. The original idea involved the use of synchronous rotating discs at the sender and receiver, both released by the act of sending a preliminary signal. One complete revolution of the disc then resulted, if no further impulses were received, and the arrange- ment was then in its initial receptive state. The receiver disc comprises a number of contact studs placed on the periphery 92 EUROPEAN CONTROL SYSTEMS 93 of the disc, corresponding to the code signal selected for one circuit; these studs are all connected with a safety device. If during the disc's rotation impulses are received when the contact brush is exactly on one of the studs so connected, the safety device has its circuit closer advanced one step for each such correctly timed impulse, and finally makes an operative contact when the desired evolution (steering, firing, etc.) is carried out. Should, however, any impulses arrive when the brush is not on a codal stud, the safety device flies back to its initial position, thus preventing the actuation of the apparatus by unauthorized or interfering impulses. It is well under- stood that the transmitter has as many codal discs as there are circuits to be controlled, and there are a corresponding number of safety devices. Special relays are also used for the purpose of stopping an evolution when the next evolution is one which cannot be carried out without conflicting with the first (e.g., 'helm to port' and 'helm to starboard'). " Although apparatus of this type was kept at work in the author's laboratory for several years it has never been fitted on an actual boat, owing to the fact that the idea appeared to be before its time, as people at that date were not inclined to take even wireless telegraphy very seriously. Hiilsmeyer's system, however, which dates from 1906, and is practically identical with that of the writer, was tried in Germany on a practical scale, and is said to have proved satisfactory, al- though it has not been possible to obtain any further particu- lars. The much-discussed system due to Professor Branley is also carried out on almost identical lines; his earlier arrange- ment of 1906 being later completed, in 1907, by the addition of a safety device like that of the writer." Gardner's Torpedo Control "The highly ingenious system devised by J. Gardner ap- pears to have been the first comprehensive arrangement to be 94 RADIODYNAMICS put into operation on a practical scale, and has proved to be one of the most thoroughly reliable methods of controlling vessels by means of wireless impulses. "At the first glance the apparatus, which is based upon an application of Watt's centrifugal governor, appears to be unlike any of the other systems; but on looking at it from the point of view of a selecting system it is clear that the device combines the properties peculiar to both the classes as already defined. The governor, with its hinged balls maintained near the axis by means of a spring, is normally stationary, in which condition the sliding collar on the spindle is in the rest position, and all circuits are open. When im- pulses are received from a suitable transmitter, a step-by- step arrangement causes the governor spindle to rotate; the governor balls tend to fly out against the action of the spring, and the collar moves along the spindle, carrying with it a contact brush which is able to pass over a series of contacts connected to the various circuits to be controlled. When the periods of impulses and no impulses are equal, the governor maintains a constant speed, and it is thus possible, by vary- ing the relative durations of the impulse periods and the periods of etheric silence, to make the contact brush pass on to any required contact, and to maintain it there. At the highest speed of rotation the firing contact is made. "One of the chief advantages of this system is that, should anything go wrong, the 'off' position is reverted to auto- matically, and the torpedo comes to rest. "By the kindness of Mr. J. Gardner the writer is able to give a photograph of this interesting dirigible torpedo, which is the only British wirelessly controlled craft that has stood the strain of actual tests. Although these trials were carried out when there was quite a lot of shipping about, there has never been any mishap and this the inventor attributes to the simple property possessed by the system of causing the EUROPEAN CONTROL SYSTEMS 95 9 6 RADIODYNAMICS vessel to rest when the impulses cease. The short funnel which will be noticed in the photograph, Fig. 44, is for the escape of battery gases; the aerial being supported from a pole which fits in the socket just forward of the funnel." Deveaux's Dirigible Torpedo Boat "The method adopted by Lalande and Deveaux is exceed- ingly simple, but the boat represents the most ambitious attempt in the history of wirelessly controlled apparatus. The selector system comprises (i),' a circular distribut- FIG. 45- ing switch, having on it the studs pertaining to the cir- cuits to be controlled; and (2), a circuit closer which only allows the current to pass when the distributing switch arm has reached the desired contact stud. In the actual ap- paratus the distributing switch has twelve studs, of which nine lead to the nine operating circuits employed; the re- maining three are distributed among the others and con- stitute rest positions with a view to saving the switch arm from having to execute a complete circle each time. Fig. 45 is a diagram of the connections. "In order to carry out the double function mentioned, an EUROPEAN CONTROL SYSTEMS 97 electromagnet M is provided which moves forward by one tooth at each Hertzian impulse, a twelve-toothed step-by-step arrangement connected to the distributor arm D. During the period when this arm is being advanced, no closing of the operating circuits is possible owing to the circuit closer being opened by means of a projection on the end of the armature of the electromagnet; this is shown at P. Thus if twelve im- pulses are received, the distributor would describe a complete revolution. On the other hand, if the impulses cease after the distributor has been carried from a rest stud to one of the operative studs, the circuit closer will complete the circuit after a brief interval of time, which is caused to elapse owing to the intervention of a retarding device. This latter consists of a train of clockwork, which, by virtue of its inertia, does not allow the circuit closer to operate at once; a delay of twice the time required for the distributor to be moved forward by one tooth has been found sufficient. M. Deveaux's paper, which was published in the Bulletin of the Societe Inter- nationale des Electriciens, in 1906, will be found to give full information as to the circuit arrangements, but no illustra- tions of the boat itself. "By the courtesy of M. Montpellier, the editor of 1'Elec- tricien, the writer is able to make good this deficiency, and to give two photographs of this craft; Fig. 46 shows the vessel when hoisted out of the water, and Fig. 47 gives a general idea as to its appearance and the visibility of its antenna when afloat; the French cruiser Saint Louis, shown in the background, was watching the trials which took place off the port of Antibes in the early part of 1906. 11 The boat itself, which weighs 6700 kg., consists of two cigar-shaped bodies formed of steel plate, one above the other on the principle of the Sims-Edison dirigible torpedo. The upper cylinder, 9 meters long by 45 cm. in diameter, acts as a float; it is provided with two small masts, which serve 9 8 RADIODYNAMICS i I I .s "s EUROPEAN CONTROL SYSTEMS 99 to support the wireless antenna, consisting of five wires kept at a height of about three meters; and these masts have lamps about halfway up, for the purpose of facilitating steering operations. The lower cylinder is n meters in FIG. 47. length, and i meter in diameter, and contains the torpedo- ejecting tube and a Whitehead torpedo of 450 mm. diameter; the accumulator battery and propelling motors are also con- tained therein. The control apparatus is intended to be placed in the lower cylinder, where it would be protected 100 RADIODYNAMICS from the enemy's gunfire by two meters of water, but in the trials the apparatus was placed in a sheet metal box on the top of the upper cylinder in order to be available should any adjustments be required. The trials were carried out over a comparatively short radius, 400 to 1800 meters, but it is stated that these distances could easily have been exceeded though to what extent is not said. "The transmitting station from which the boat's evolutions were controlled was on land, and had a five- wire antenna 15 meters in height; but no information is available as to the actual wave length employed, although, from the size of the receiving antenna, it was probably very short, of the order of 80 to 100 meters." Wirth, Beck and Knauss Remarkable achievements in the line of torpedo control have been accomplished in Germany, where two unmanned motor boats 33 and 50 feet in length have been steered, stopped, started, and controlled in every way by electric waves transmitted from the shore without the use of wires. The system employed is the invention of C. Wirth of Nurem- berg. It has been brought to its present stage of develop- ment by several years of experiment, conducted by Wirth and his cooperators, the manufacturer Beck and a merchant named Knauss; it is protected by numerous German and foreign patents. The first success was attained in 1910 with an electric launch on a lake near Nuremberg. The vessel was 33 feet long, and was propelled by a 5 horse power motor, and an accumulator battery of 80 volts and 300 ampere-hours. The first public demonstration was given with this boat in 1911 before the German Fleet Club; in this demonstration the unmanned boat fired a signal shot and then set itself in motion. Travelling at a speed of about 10 miles it was made EUROPEAN 101 to turn right or left or to stop completely and start again by the controlling operator in obedience to the requests of mem- bers of the Fleet Club. Each order was obeyed within from one to five seconds, and signal lights flashed back the receipt of the impulses. The manuevers were continued for several hours. A boat 50 feet in length was later exhibited in Berlin, at the invitation of the German Fleet Club. An antenna of Explosive Head Receiving and Steering Motor Control Apparatus FIG. 48. Proposed form of Wirth radiodynamic torpedo. four wires was stretched between the cupola of the Kaiser Pavillion and the restaurant on the shore of Lake Wann. The transmitting apparatus which was installed at the restaurant was of the induction coil type, and was of about 100 watts capacity. The various operations performed on the boat were accomplished by sending impulses by means of a Morse key. The boat was equipped with an antenna of four wires about 15 feet high, a radio receiver capable of adjustment to different wave lengths from the transmitter, a distributor or selector, electric steering apparatus, signal guns, lights, and fireworks apparatus. The tuning of the 102 ; L RA'DtOVYNAMICS apparatus could be altered by sending a long signal; this was for the purpose of evading interference. The general scheme of the Wirth torpedo is shown in Fig. 48. The diagram which is here presented in Fig. 49 shows the essential parts of the control system, and the circuit arrangements. The coherer 38, of the usual filings FIG. 49. type, is connected in the circuit of the battery 37 and a sensitive relay 39. The armature of this relay, 36, serves to close a second circuit including the battery 13, by which the electromagnet 14 is operated. By means of the latter, there is operated the lever 8 which serves to rotate a ratchet wheel 7 by means of a pawl in the usual way, each time an impulse is received ; at 40 is a tapper for the coherer. Arriving impulses cause the ratchet wheel to advance by one, two, three, etc.. EUROPEAN CONTROL SYSTEMS I0 3 teeth, and as the wheel is mounted integral with a contact disc, the latter is rotated at the same time. The fixed brush thus comes over a metal contactor or otherwise over the in- sulated part between the contacts according to the position of the ratchet wheel. Should there be a contact piece under the brush, the circuit of the battery 4 is closed and one of the six electric motors, I-VI is set in motion. By the rotation of the motor there is set working a spring contact device which will be further mentioned, and such contacts act to FIG. 50. close the circuit of the apparatus which is to be finally worked, such as the movement of the rudder of the boat, etc. A second motor of the series serves to work another apparatus, and there is used one motor of small size for each operation to be carried out. The purpose of the motors is to furnish a time element device, which allows distinction between long and short impulses. Fig. 50 shows the apparatus which is used for two dis- tinct movements, namely, for steering to right or left. At I is a relay which is worked by the coherer, and at II the contact disc before mentioned. At Ilia and Illb are two small electric motors for making the contacts, this latter 104 RADIODYNAMICS being carried out by the spring contact devices IVa and IVb, one for each motor. The coherer action sends current impulses by means of the relay I into the electromagnet of the contact disc. According to the number of impulses which are sent, we have the brush placed on a metal contact or in the insulated interval. When the brush is on one of the uneven-numbered contacts, the motor Ilia is set working, and it acts on the spring contact device IVa so as to operate the small contact switch noticed at the front. Such contact thus gives current for op- erating the movement of the rudder to the left by a suitable electromagnetic de- vice. When the brush is on one of the even-num- bered contacts the motor Illb is set running, and it works the corresponding spring switch IVb so as to give current for a second magnetic device, for bring- ing the rudder to the right- hand side. The mechanism of the spring contact device FIG. 51. is arranged on the retarding plan, so that it first sends out a wave signal which is received at the sending station; two seconds later it closes the switch. Should the brush remain but a short time on one of the contacts, this will give no effect, as the motor takes a certain time to start up, and thus the motor gives a method of work- ing by means of long contacts, but not by short ones. When the brush is on an insulated part of the disc the de- vice is inactive, and the rudder comes automatically to the EUROPEAN CONTROL SYSTEMS 105 zero or central position. The signal which is sent back to the shore station is seen on the paper strip of the receiver, and the operator thus has a check on the working of the ap- paratus, and can correct any wrong working by subsequent signals. Wirth's transmitting antenna is shown in Fig. 51. Dr. E. Branley's Control System Dr. Branley, of Paris, in addition to various other kinds of distant control apparatus, devised an instrument with the , m FIG. 52. purpose of protecting the receiver against a continuous stream of sparks such as the enemy might send out in time of war. 106 RADIODYNAMICS This, like a previous system of Fessenden's, utilizes breaks in a continuous emission of energy as the signal or controlling impulses, instead of " makes," with periods of rest intervening. If interfering signals are sent continuously the apparatus can- not be operated by any other signals, even from the controlling station, but should the interfering signals cease for a short time, the controlling operator can perform the desired opera- tion by making the required number of breaks in his own continuous stream of signals. Dr. Branley's protective device consists of a horizontal disc moved by clockwork, and is kept constantly in rotation first to the right, then to the left, by electromagnets which are acted on by distant waves. The rotation of the disc causes a series of contacts for closing different circuits cor- responding to the different operations to be performed. The whole is so arranged that when a continuous stream of energy is received the disc rotates forward and back. If the dis- turbing signals cease for a brief period of time the control operator sends a code signal, which acts upon the disc and its contacts in such a way that the operation is performed. In the present type of apparatus the waves are received upon a new type of coherer which is shown in Fig. 52. It is a modified form of Dr. Branley's tripod coherer, and is made up of a polished steel cylinder at the lowest part. It is fitted on an upright support, and from this three arms hang down by means of pivots. The arms carry well-rounded steel projec- tions which bear lightly on the cylinder so as to make the coherer contact. The whole is enclosed in a vacuum chamber in order to protect the coherer from the action of the air. Such a coherer is useless when subject to vibration. CHAPTER XIV WORK OF THE HAMMOND RADIO RESEARCH LABORATORY Following the rotary switch scheme of Tesla, John Hays Hammond, Jr., head of the Hammond Radio Research Labo- ratory at Gloucester, Mass., began his experiments in the summer of 1910. No detailed accounts of these first experi- ments are available, as no systematic method of keeping records of the work had then been inaugurated, but it is known that mechanisms designed to steer a small boat were operated at a distance of three or four hundred feet. This apparatus, however, was never actually used in a boat for steering purposes. During the following winter an entirely new set of control apparatus was designed in New York from Mr. Hammond's plans. The object in view was to build a control apparatus, which could be attached to existing automobile torpedoes. The coherer receiving set, relays, rotary switch, cut-off and center-stop mechanism, and batteries, were all contained in a brass tube about one foot in diameter and six feet long. This apparatus was set up on a float landing about a thou- sand feet from the transmitting station. An antenna 15 feet high and 20 feet long was improvised, and after much careful adjustment, signals were received which were capable of start- ing, stopping or reversing the steering motor. The transmit- ting antenna was of the inverted L-type, about 80 feet high and 200 feet long. An antenna current of about 2 amperes was registered. The transmitting set was of the Clapp-Eastham type, 60 cycle, 3 kw. 107 108 RADIODYNAMICS After these preliminary tests the apparatus was set up in a i2-foot gasoline launch, with a 1 5-foot antenna supported by bamboo poles. Considerable trouble was experienced in these tests. Due to the engine vibration, the sensitiveness of the Seimmans and Halske relay, as well as the Marconi co- herers had to be greatly reduced. The Hertzian and inductive effects from the gas engine caused considerable trouble until the engine pit was entirely encased in sheet iron; this, however, did not eliminate the coherer trouble although it decreased it. The instruments were almost inaccessible for adjustment; the moist, salt air made matters still worse by corroding the multitude of contacts. Finally a determined attempt at rudder operation was made even though the action of the apparatus was far from what had been expected, and indeed necessary. The motor in the tube was accordingly connected to the boat's steering post by chain and sprockets, but when the current was switched on the motor was found to possess less than half the power required in turning the rudder hard over when the boat was under way. Three weeks were spent in futile attempts to eliminate the difficulties; then the tube and most of its contents were relegated to what was then the scrap heap, and now the historical collection. Simplified Apparatus Plans were at once formulated for the construction of much simplified apparatus, which could be thoroughly tested under conditions in which it could be protected from the weather, and observed and adjusted while in operation. An old house boat of about eight tons displacement fulfilled all the require- ments for a floating laboratory splendidly. She was fitted with a gasoline engine capable of driving her four knots an hour, and forty-foot masts for supporting the antenna. This boat is shown in Fig. 53. Coherers and relays of highest sensitiveness combined with HAMMOND RADIO RESEARCH LABORATORY 109 the necessary ruggedness were secured from the electrical instrument makers in America and Europe, A steering motor of increased size was procured and mechanically connected to the steering wheel on the house boat by a worm-wheel reduction gear; a hand-operated clutch permitted either radio or manual control of the wheel. With this new appa- ratus installed in the Pioneer (as the house boat was afterwards named), where it was protected from the weather in an atmosphere that could be kept dry and warm by a coal stove, and arranged for continual observation and adjustment while in operation, the results were more satisfactory. The filings coherer, however, continued to be the chief source of our difficulties. Every known remedy for the trouble was applied to increase the sensitiveness and reliability, but despite all these, the sheet iron protection from stray Hertzian and inductive effects, the protective resistances and capacities for preventing sudden rise of potential at current-breaking points, despite the care exercised in the selection and adjustment of jiggers, relays, decoherers, etc., the results were so discouraging that it was decided to discontinue the use of the filings coherer, and adopt the Lodge-Muirhead mercury-steel-disc coherer. Several complete receivers of this type, which had been dis- FIG. 53- no RADIODYNAMICS carded from actual service, were purchased from the United States Navy. These had become obsolete and useless be- cause of the advent of the telephone receiving sets. The best of these was installed on the Pioneer and was found to be more sensitive and reliable than the filings coherer. Fig. 54 shows this receiver as installed aboard the house boat and Fig. 55 is a detail drawing of the Lodge-Muirhead coherer. After this change had been made the boat could be kept under fairly good control at distances up to and over a mile. It was steered over a prearranged course during both day FIG. 54. and night, and in all conditions of sea and weather. The course was by no means simple, covering, as it did, circles around several buoys, and a complete circle around the harbor. Fishing and other vessels were continually moving about the harbor but no great difficulty was experienced in avoid- ing them, and, at the same time, keeping on the course. It was found possible to steer the boat against either of several upright spar buoys a mile from the point of control. At night lights, automatically controlled by the steering mechanism, kept the "helmsman" at the transmitting key on shore informed of the boat's action. A white light would shine each time an impulse took effect; in this way the con- HAMMOND RADIO RESEARCH LABORATORY III trol operator on shore was immediately informed if the receiv- ing apparatus or part of the control apparatus had gotten out of order. As long as the rudder was in the central position no lights save the required running lights were burning. As soon, however, as the rudder moved to one side or the other a red or green light on the yard arm would be connected, depending on the resultant direction of the boat, and this would con- tinue to burn so long as the direction of the steering mo- tor's rotation was not reversed. When the rudder reached the extreme hard-over position an additional red or green light would flash, the two of the same color remaining illumi- nated while the boat was turn- ing in her circle of shortest diameter. If the direction of motion was left then the two lights would be green in color; if right the color would be red. As soon as the rudder was again started back to the cen- ter the two lights would go out and a single light of the opposite color would come on; when the rudder was stopped at the mid-position by the automatic center-stop mechanism, the white light would again flash for an instant, signifying that fact. The steering of the boat was accomplished by sending Hertzian wave impulses, which, affecting suitable receiving and switching devices, controlled the one-fourth horse-power electric motor mechanically connected to the steering wheel. FIG. 55. A is the steel disc with a polished knife-edge; B is the small cistern of mercury covered with a film of oil; K is a leather wiper; H and E are the terminals. 112 RADIODYNAMICS The rudder, by this means, could be made to move to port or starboard at will, or set at any intermediate position from the transmitting station. During the next year some valuable additions were made for carrying on the experimental and research work; the size FIG. 56. of the station was increased, two 33O-foot towers (see Figs." 56 and 57) were erected for supporting the antenna, a battery of mercury-arc rectifiers was installed to furnish direct current for the operation of two 5-kw. 5oo-cycle motor generator sets, two ioo,ooo-cycle alternators, a 24-inch searchlight, and vari- ous other apparatus. A 4o-foot gasoline launch of 150 horse- power and over 25 knots was built for use as a torpedo, and HAMMOND RADIO RESEARCH LABORATORY 113 FIG. 57. Installing the antenna system at the Hammond Station. FIG. 58. RADIODYNAMICS FIG. 59. other valuable additions were made to the control system, which permitted a greater range and more reliable operation. The battery of four General Electric 5o-ampere recti- fiers is shown in Fig. 58. Fig. 59 shows the 5-kw. Lowenstein Transmitter. Steering Apparatus A brief description of the control apparatus is here necessary in order to form a clear conception of some of the important details. It has been previously mentioned that a control system is composed of two main parts: (i) the transmitter and receiver, and (2) the mechanism to be controlled. The principal parts of the mechanism, which is the rudder control apparatus, are the electromagnetically operated reversing switch, the steering motor, and the source of pov. er. The rotary switch, shown in Fig. 60, is essentially an insulating drum fitted with contact pieces; it can be revolved, step by step, through successive contact positions with a set of brushes by means of an electrorragnet and pawl and ratchet. The contact positions and blank or "neutral" positions alternate; moreover, the contact positions are of two kinds, one for clockwise rotation of the motor, the other for counterclockwise rotation. The sequence of positions, then, as the electromagnet is impulsively operated, is port, neutral, starboard, neutral, port, neutral, and so on in the same order. This is easily understood when the rotary switch is looked upon as a simple, double-pole, double-throw reversing switch connected to the armature of the steering motor, the shunt HAMMOND RADIO RESEARCH LABORATORY 115 field of which is continuously excited. A diagram of this con- nection is shown in Fig. 61. Consider the switch in the upper or neutral position, where the armature is disconnected from the source of power. There FIG. 60. Electrically-operated rotary switch designed by the author and used in the Hammond System of control. Relay at right, drum switch in the center, and operating magnet at left. S are two possible ways of closing the switch, corresponding to the two possible directions of motor rotation. One of these will, by swinging the rudder to port, cause the boat to steer around to port; the other will effect starboard motion. The only difference between these two reversing switches is that with the hand type, the motor after being stopped, can be made to run in the same direc- tion again without the necessity of passing over the position for opposite rotation. With the rotary switch this cannot be accomplished unless some auxiliary instrument be used to prevent the motor's rotation while passing over the undesired position. D.C. Field n6 RADIODYNAMICS The steering motor should preferably be of the shunt type with the field winding continuously energized. This is important to secure quick action. Motors larger than one- fourth horse-power cannot well be used with such a controlling switch because the unregulated starting current becomes excessively large. Where greater power is required for rudder operation a pneumatic control apparatus is more effective. The one-fourth horse-power motor was found large enough for the 33-mile " Radio," which had a displacement of about four tons. To Rotary -Switch Magnet 57. one of the solid rectifier type, essentially a crystal of galena with a light spring contact. It is shown in Fig. 67 and was designed by the author. The current values given were read directly upon a Weston microammeter. The readings were taken at five- minute intervals, except in close proximity to the station, and the distances corresponding to these intervals were computed from the boat's speed and log readings. This curve shows how quickly the received current drops down within a mile, and how it remains almost constant after this distance is well passed. The high value of the received cur- rent within a short distance of the transmitter may be * 300 ft. high, 400 ft. flat top. 126 RADIODYNAMICS due to the augmentation of the Hertzian effects by the purely electrostatic effects, as evidenced by the curve made in the experiments with an electrostatic telegraph (Fig. 20). The received current at three miles was only about 3-icr 6 amperes. So far as we were able to learn there was no relay, possessing the necessary mechanical and electrical stability, which was sensi- tive enough to operate reliably on such a small amount of energy. The most sensitive relay we could procure in the United States and Europe, which was rugged enough to operate reliably under the conditions of shock and vibration aboard a small high-speed boat in a rough sea, required about 300. icr 6 amperes. We had as high a transmitting antenna as was practicable, the most efficient transmitting apparatus, and the most sensitive receiving set obtainable, and yet the breach between the available and the required received cur- rent, was so wide that it ap- peared almost impossible to bridge it. With a sender that could deliver only one mi- croampere at four miles, and a receiving relay that required 300 microamperes for opera- tion, the problem was a serious and discouraging one. FKJ 68 The first step in the solu- tion was in the improvement of the sensitive relay. This was of the Weston pivoted galva- nometer type, and is reproduced in Fig. 68 by the courtesy of the Weston Electrical Instrument Company. The permanent magnet was replaced by an electromagnet, which, by increasing the field intensity, more than doubled the sensitiveness. Fig. 69 shows graphically the effect of variation in the field energiz- ing current. Later the author replaced the delicate platinum BATTLE-RANGE TORPEDO CONTROL 127 contacts by a single platinum point on the movable arm, and an adjustable globule of mercury. This increased the operating sensitiveness from twenty to thirty times, for only an extremely small contact pressure was required to keep the circuit closed under considerable vibration. These relay im- provements therefore increased the receiver's sensitiveness about fifty times. 100 Sensitiveness Curve of Remodelled Wesfon Galvanometer r-^- 2 4 e FIELD CURRENT AMPS. FIG. 69. Fig. 70 is a plan view of this improved sensitive relay. T and Ti are terminals of electromagnet windings, W and Wi, surrounding soft iron cores. When in operation T and Ti are connected to a source of direct current. T2 and T3 are terminals of movable coil C, the pivots and mountings of which are not shown. B is a light arm fixed to C. Terminal T4 is connected to arm B. L is a non-oxidizable contact piece fixed to B. M is the top of a column of mercury ex- tending into and above the block H. The size of the globule 128 RADIODYNAMICS M above H is adjustable by screw S. The distance of M from L in its normal inoperative position may be varied by the adjusting screw Si. Ordinary instruments of this kind have permanent magnets, but by the use of electromagnets and suitably shaped pole pieces, a much more intense field, and consequently a greater sensitiveness, could be secured. FIG. 70. When C is energized by current flowing in the right direc- tion, arm B carrying contact L will move toward M. L will make contact with and move into M and establish a good low-resistance connection in the local circuit connected to T4 and T5. When C is de-energized, the spiral spring Q causes B to return to the normal position. With a relay of this description currents of a few microamperes could be relayed under conditions of vibration which necessitated a current of a hundred microamperes with the best of ordinary sensitive relays of the solid contact type. BATTLE-RANGE TORPEDO CONTROL 129 The next step in the solution of the control problem was to discard the Lodge-Muirhead coherer, and to adopt the vacuum-tube rectifier, which was perfected in this country by DeForest. This is about twice as sensitive as the best solid or electrolytic rectifiers, and has the additional advantage of being more stable, both electrically and mechanically. 2400 2000 1600 1200 soo 400 Distance- Intensity Received Current on "D/RiG/A"'wifh Pofentio" Detector. In attempting to improve this detector, the writer dis- covered a connection arrangement which made the detector a true potential-operated device. The other existing forms of vacuum detectors as well as the many forms of solid recti- fiers, electrolytic, thermal, thermoelectric and other detectors are practically all conceded to be current operated, and be- cause of this fact they not only consume energy, but also 130 RADIODYNAMICS decrease the receiver's selectivity by increasing the damping of the receiving circuits. This change in the receiving circuit made the instrument approximately twenty-five times as sensi- tive for relay or indicating instrument operation; this can be readily observed from a comparison of Fig. 7 1 with Fig. 66. Both curves were made on the same trip, one going out to sea and the other returning, in order to insure the greatest possible similarity in the conditions. The transmitting energy was also kept constant, the only variable factor being the distance. To prove that this circuit arrangement made the detector a potential operated device, four of these detector circuits, each with its separate indicating instrument, were arranged so that they could be simultaneously in connection with an antenna circuit tuned to distant signals. It was found that in no case was the signal intensity in the first set decreased by connect- ing on one or all of the other three. Moreover the signals in all four receivers were approximately equal. The slight inequalities were due to difference in sensitiveness of the separate detectors. The effect on a single indicator could be proportionally increased by connecting it to the secondary winding of a transformer, having separate primaries which were connected to the separate detectors. Theoretically this circuit furnishes a means of securing any received current desired, simply by connecting a sufficient number of units. With these circuits the vacuum detector can be adjusted so that the paralyzing effect of strong signals is not encountered. This makes the detector electrically stable and is a very im- portant feature. The detector can also be adjusted so that the local battery current, which we shall call the field current, increases or decreases as desired, when the signals arrive. We will not attempt to give a theoretical consideration of the detector's action, but simply explain the various circuits employed. BATTLE-RANGE TORPEDO CONTROL Til Fig. 72 represents a vacuum tube detector, comprising ex- hausted glass bulb H, in which are fixed filament W, grid G, and plate F, the terminals of which are T, Ti, T2, and T$. These terminals lead through H in the usual manner. Fi, Gi, and Wi, show more clearly the shapes and relative sizes of the plate, grid, and filament, respectively. Fig. 73 is a diagrammatic representation of the author's circuit arrangement for use with the instrument shown in Fig. 72. When used in a circuit, such as that shown in Fig. 72, this vacuum tube is called a Poten- tio detector. That part of the diagram included in the circle J is the Potentio detector circuit, and the remainder is simply one of the large number of ways in which it may be ap- plied in a radio receiving set. W is the hot wire filament, which is maintained at an in- candescent temperature by the battery Bi, the degree of incan- descence being varied by resist- ance R. G is the grid, and F the plate or cold electrode, which FIG. 73- is connected through the indicating instrument I, such as a telephone, to the positive pole of the battery B. This bat- tery in practice consists of about thirty cells; it is connected to W through the variable connecting means K. The grid terminal T is connected to some point in the receiving circuit where the highest potentials are developed by the incoming waves. In this receiving circuit A is the antenna, L the open cir- cuit tuning and coupling inductance, C a variable tuning condenser, and E the earth connection. This open receiving 132 RADIODYNAMICS circuit is coupled to the closed resonant circuit comprising inductance Li and condenser Ci. Fig. 74 illustrates another type of receiving circuit employ- ing the well-known Oudin resonator principle for increasing the potentials. Fig. 75 illustrates a circuit arrangement and apparatus used in producing an indicated effect greater than can be obtained with one detector. With ordinary current-operated detectors only one can be used advantageously in a receiv- ing circuit, since with a plurality of detectors requiring current energy for their operation, the energy of the incoming waves is LLJ Lz I U 7T FIG. 74. FIG. 75. divided between the detectors, and consequently no increase in effect is obtainable. It is possible and advantageous, how- ever, to connect a plurality of Potentio detectors to one antenna circuit, or circuits coupled to a single antenna, in order to obtain an indicated effect much greater than is possible with, one Potentio or with other detectors. In Fig. 75 the antenna A2, condenser 4, inductance 1/3, and earth E form the open receiving circuit. To a point of maximum potential, such as T5, is made a connection which leads to the grid terminals T of a plurality of Potentio circuits represented by 0, Oi, and 62. O, Oi, and 02 are similar to that part of Fig. 73 included in the line J, with the exception BATTLE- RANGE TORPEDO CONTROL that the primary windings P, Pi, and P2 are used with O, Oi, and O2 respectively instead of the indicator represented by I. D is the core of a transformer in which P, Pi, and ?2 are the primaries acting conjointly on secondary S. The latter as shown is connected to indicating instrument Ii. This obviously receives the effects of O, Oi, and 62 combined when the receiving circuit A2, L5, C4, E2 is energized by received currents. Fig. 76 is the cascade circuit for amplification. In this cir- cuit arrangement the received energy develops potentials in L6 LL|A 5 L6 /C5" FIG. 76. FJG. 77. which so influence the Potentio detector 03 as to cause varia- tions in the battery current flowing through ?3. The varia- tions of current in P3 induce corresponding variations in the secondary winding Si. These are of higher potential and in turn effect the induction of currents of still higher potential in 82. The final effects at the indicator 1 2 are thus increased considerably over the initial effects. Fig. 77 represents an adaptation of the Potentio circuit which has been found especially valuable for the operation of indicators of the galvanometer type. Experimental results prove it to give indicated effects on galvanometers 25 times as great as those obtainable under similar conditions with solid rectifiers and other well-known detectors of equal 134 RADIODYNAMICS sensitiveness. No improvement, however, is noted in tele- phone operation. The antenna circuit comprising antenna A4, inductance coil L8, condenser C6, and earth 4, is coupled to the coil Lg by means of L8. The condenser C; must be connected in the circuit as shown in order to secure the greatly in- creased effect not noticeable with other detectors or circuit arrangements. In practice 63 and Ri are adjusted until the desired indi- cation is secured at 13, care being taken that the applied voltage at 63 is not too high. By experiment the adjust- ment should be made so that a decrease in the normal current occurs when the signal arrives. Then by varying the capacity of C; while signal impulses are arriving the indications at 13 may be made to remain during and after the actuating signal has ceased. The length of this time of indication after the signal has ceased can be increased or diminished by variation of the capacity Cy. With C; short circuited or with the connection to C.J broken the effects at I are very much less, so that it can be readily understood that the presence of Cy between the cold electrode and the end of Lg not connected to Gi fulfills the condition necessary for obtaining the de- sired operation. There is no danger of burning out 13 by the action of ex- cessively strong signals, since with signals above a certain intensity value, the current in 13 will remain at zero. The normal field current is diminished by the incoming signals in proportion to the strength of these signals. This is another important feature. The Potentio detector stood up very well under the very severe conditions. It must be remembered, as is shown by the received current curve (Fig. 71), that the detector must be rugged enough to remain in perfect adjustment under the strongest signals received within a few hundred feet of the BATTLE-RANGE TORPEDO CONTROL 135 transmitter, and at the same time it must be sensitive enough to operate the relay at the extreme range of eight miles. It must be capable of performing these functions for hours at a time, perfectly, without a single hitch, or the necessity of adjustment. The strongest signals in our experiments in- variably caused the familiar "blue arc" between the plate and filament, with the usual forms of connection with this type of detector. This necessitates opening and reclosing of the field battery circuit to restore the normal condition of sensitiveness. With the Potentio this is impossible. The blue arc is caused by too great a density in the ionic field current. There is a critical value which varies for different bulbs depending on the degree of exhaustion and the distances between the plate and filament. It is only necessary to bring the field current to the critical value either by increase in the field battery voltage, or by superimposing the currents arising from incoming signals upon the normal battery current through the ionic field, to start the arc, It is possible to obviate this trouble, but only at the ex- pense of sensitiveness. The most sensitive adjustment is obtained when the field current is just below the critical point. If the incandescence of the filament or the voltage of the field battery is reduced sufficiently, the normal field current can be made so low that the strongest incoming oscillations will not cause a sufficient superimposition of cur- rent to bring its value up to the critical point. But the cost of this freedom from arcing is a great reduction in sensitive- ness. The adjustment of the Potentio is such that the normal field current is safely enough below the critical value to allow for increases due to occasional vibrations of the plate and filament, which reduce the distance between them, and yet high enough to insure good sensitiveness. Instead of in- 136 RADIODYNAMICS creasing the field current the received oscillations decrease its value. The strongest signals, instead of causing the blue arc, can only bring the field current down to zero from its normal value. Thus it is seen that the signal effect of the Potentio is a change in the normal current, a change which decreases its value away from instead of towards the critical point; that instead of producing excessively strong indicator operating currents with excessively strong signals, the Potentio automatically prevents such an effect by ceasing to furnish an increase in field current change when signals in- crease above a certain critical value. CHAPTER XVI THE DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED IN PROVIDING PROTECTION FROM INTERFERENCE The selectivity problem, which is by far the greatest of all difficulties to be overcome i-n the successful evolution of a wire- lessly controlled torpedo, is one of comparative difficulty, depending upon the degree of non-interferability desired. A selective receiver is like a safety vault. The operator at the transmitter may be likened to the owner of a safe who alone possesses the combination. No safes are absolutely burglar proof, and their value depends principally on the length of time required for a skilled cracksman to reach the inside. Likewise no receivers are absolutely selective for the simple reason that an operator bent on interfering can take observa- tions and measurements on the signals sent out to the selec- tive receiver (just as the burglar may watch the opening of a safe by the owner), and adjust his own apparatus to emit waves of exactly the same characteristics as those of the transmitter designed or adjusted for the selective receiver's operation. The burglar, instead of trying to learn the com- bination, may use sheer force in reaching the inside of the safe. In the same manner a hostile transmitting station can perform the desired effect in the selective receiver, i.e., operate the receiving indicator or relay, by the emission of very strong signals so that forced oscillations are set up. This is known as the "whip crack" effect, and it is believed that very few receivers are immune from it. The best wireless signaling sets, such as those used by the U. S. Navy are considered very selective, and yet the inter- 138 RADIODYNAMICS ference existent between them is very serious. Take, for ex- ample: Washington (Fig. 78) is receiving a message from the Eiffel tower station in Paris, which is sending at 3000 meters wave length. It is easily possible for a station in California, t with an equal amount of power, and at practically the same distance, to make the Paris message unintelligible at Washington, simply by sending signals at or within, say, two or three per cent of 3000 meters wave length. Again, some insignificant station with little power within a few miles of Wash- ington, could make it practi- cally impossible for them to receive any messages at all from distant stations by send- ing out broadly tuned sig- nals of high damping. These highly damped, or untuned signals, by the previously mentioned whip crack effect, cause the receiving antennae to vibrate in their own periods, and thereby produce a great deal of interference. To illustrate: Sing a clear, steady tone into a piano. The string, which when struck emits that tone, will audibly vibrate in resonance. Then shout loud and gruffly into the same piano; practically every string will be set in vibration, producing a dull roar. The first tone corresponds to the signals sent out by a tuned transmitter; the second (noise) to the whip crack signals emitted by an untuned trans- mitter. FIG. 78. Towers of the U. S. Naval Station at Arlington, Va. PROTECTION FROM INTERFERENCE 139 Another comparison might serve to illustrate the degree of selectivity necessary for torpedo control. We have three persons A, B, and C. A and B are together at one place, and C is, say, a mile away. The problem is to allow A to hear what C says while B is shouting in his ear. Impossible, you say? Yet the torpedo problem is practically an exact analogy. We must be able to make the electromagnetic ear of the torpedo hear our control impulses eight miles away while it FIG. 79. Transmitter of Telefunken 5 kw. set aboard U. S. S. South Carolina. is at the very side of a battleship capable of almost deafening it with the force of it's own powerful signals. It is true that we could sidetrack the real problem, and simply use such a large amount of energy at our shore station, that more energy could be delivered to the torpedo at eight miles than the hostile battleship could deliver at a hundred feet. This is possible because the amount of energy that can be efficiently used aboard a modern battleship does not greatly exceed 5 kw. Such a 5 kw. set is shown in Figs. 79 and 80. This is due to the limited size of the antenna. A shore station, with practically no limits on the size and height of its antenna, 140 RADIODYNAMICS can easily use 100 kw. The shore station also has the advan- tage of being able to direct its energy somewhat in the general direction of operations. This can be accomplished either by the use of an inverted L-type antenna, with a flat top long in proportion to its height, as suggested by Marconi, or by means of the Bellini-Tosi Radiogoniometer. FIG. 80. Receiving set aboard U. S. S. South Carolina. Sidetracking the real problem by using a land station of tremendous power is, however, not the practical and efficient solution. In the first place, although desirable, absolute selectivity is not necessary. A receiver that will require, say, fifteen minutes time for the enemy to learn its combination, will, in all probablity, satisfy the requirements. We have described the systems used by the principal in- vestigators abroad; those who have observed closely will have seen at once that not one of these systems is immune to intentional interference for the simple reason that no pro- vision is made for avoiding the broadly tuned or whipcrack signals, that may be sent out by any transmitter. PROTECTION FROM INTERFERENCE 141 What use, we may then ask, and well, are the various types of codal selectors and protective devices, when any hostile battleship can absolutely lock the receiving apparatus so that not even the controlling operator can get in a signal, by the simple process known to operators as " sitting on the key." Systems like those of Anders Bull, Walter, Branley, and others, providing complicated apparatus, aside from not being able to cope with interference, actually defeat their own end by their very presence; designed to increase the reliability of operation, they diminish it by increasing the number of mechanisms, especially those electrically operated, which are likely to get out of order. The keynote of success in developing mechanisms that must operate without adjustment is simplicity. The simplest form of distributor that will accomplish the end in view, namely, to close any one of a number of circuits, is all that is neces- sary and indeed is to be greatly preferred. Wirth's ap- paratus which provides means of changing the receiver's wave length, is somewhat nearer the solution, but it, like the others, provides no means of getting away from forced oscillation effects; any system that does not do this is useless for torpedo control. The selectivity problem cannot be solved by any form of codal selector or protective device inserted in the receiving circuits after the relay; they must be placed before the relay, that is, they must protect it from interference if they are to serve their purpose. Instruments like the resonance relays and monotelephone amplifiers have this protection inherently by virtue of their vibratory elements tuned to the spark frequency of the transmitter, but these, as pointed out else- where, are subject to vibration, shocks, and sounds. In order to reach the solution we must devise systems that not only have a high degree of selectivity for tuned signals, 142 RADIODYNAMICS but also provide means of evading the whip crack effects of broadly tuned or plain-aerial transmitters. Interference preventers have been invented, which, to a large extent, prevent disturbances from untuned transmitters of whip crack signals. At Washington, in 1910, the writer witnessed government tests of such a receiver, worked out by Fessenden. Reception of signals from a station about 400 miles away, at Brant Rock, Mass., was carried on while a five-kilowatt station less than a mile away was sending interfering signals. The wave lengths of the two transmitters were different by only a few per cent. Fig. 81 is a diagram of JLW this receiver. The relation between the two sets of coils is such that when the same current passes through the E two primaries, no current is induced FlG " gi in the secondary circuit, the two secondary inductances, Li and L2 being wound in opposition. By tuning each circuit separately to the incoming signals, and then throwing one of them slightly out of tune, the broadly tuned and whip crack signals will divide equally between the two primaries, while the tuned signals will be received by one side alone, their strength un- diminished by the presence of the other circuit to ground. When such a receiver is used in conjunction with a trans- mitter of the undamped, continuous wave type, like the high frequency alternator, or the Duddell-Thompson arc, a very considerable degree of freedom from interference is possible for acoustic signaling. Whether such a system is selective enough for torpedo control depends upon the effectiveness of two possible methods of producing interference. One is, to listen for the controlling PROTECTION FROM INTERFERENCE 143 impulses, measure their wave length, and then adjust their own transmitter to send out similar signals. Whether or not they can do this in the time necessary for the torpedo to reach them (probably ten minutes), is not known. Since probably not more than twenty-five short course-correcting impulses are necessary to guide the torpedo to a target to a distance of, say, six miles^ it is a matter of conjecture. The other interference method is to use one of the siren interference machines in- vented in Germany. It consists essentially of a set of rotat- ing switches, which automatically, and in rapid succession, cause a series of sharply tuned waves of gradually increasing length to be emitted. This, however, as an interference de- vice, has the disadvantage that the available power is divided among the different wave lengths used. Assume that the energy is 5 kw., and that we use 20 sepa- rate wave lengths. The energy on each wave length (not taking into consideration the difference in efficiency with change in wave length) is one-twentieth of the total or one- fourth kilowatt. For telephone operation this would not apply, since that instrument would give the full indication during the short time that the particular wave length affect- ing it was being emitted, and thus make reception of other signals impossible; but for relay operation unless the separate wave lengths were each emitted for a time equal to the me- chanical vibration period of the relay's movable element, or longer, the effect would be equivalent to the effect of a one- fourth kilowatt transmitter in continuous operation on the correct wave length. Even though the rotating switches were rotated at a speed slow enough to cause a closure of the relay each time the correct wave length was emitted, the fact that nineteen other similar wave lengths must be sent out in succession, each for the same length of time, makes the interfering impulses so far between that corrections can be made from the control station. 144 RADIODYNAMICS The second method, even with the limitations explained, is probably the better of the two methods, as the shore station could send out confusing or blind signals differing in wave length from the steering impulses, so that the enemy afloat would have no means of determining which was actually the correct one. In order to increase the selectivity of torpedo operation to such a point where interference is much more impractical, Mr. Hammond and the writer worked out a number of Selec- tive control systems. Of these only a few will be described. Since the work done along this line at the Hammond Radio Research Laboratory is practically the only work of this kind in the United States, and since nothing new is forthcom- ing from European inventors, these selective systems repre- sent the latest improvement along this line. CHAPTER XVII A MEANS OF OBTAINING SELECTIVITY Selective Transmitter-Receiver Unit. Fig. 82 illustrates a type of transmitter-receiver unit suggested by the writer in 1911. H.F.A. is a high-frequency alternator, or other high- frequency current producer, which supplies energy to Li through interrupters Ii, 12, and key K. The principle applied in this selectivity scheme is the same as that brought forward by Blondel in his spark-tuned re- 41 ^ Ai Az H.F, L3 I FIG. 82. ceiver some time ago, but it has the additional selectivity of one or more other circuits, besides the high-frequency and spark-tuned circuits. Moreover, this other circuit, which is tuned to an intermediate frequency between the two men- tioned at the transmitter, has an inaudible periodicity, so that the signals cannot be heard at all by an ordinary re- ceiver. The wave length of this inaudible frequency is so far above the wave lengths used in signaling that the ordi- nary receiving circuits will not respond to it, and so far below that of the spark-tuned circuits that they would give no indi- cation even if the frequency were audible. 145 146 RADIODYNAMICS Supposing the stiffness of the receiving circuits is such as to require twenty impressed oscillations to swing them up to full amplitude, then the ratio of the different frequencies at the transmitter should be 20 to i, that is, the transmitter emits several frequencies, all in the same wave, the values of which drop down in steps according to the ratio 20 to i or the ratio found most suitable. Consider the wave length of the emitted waves to be 1000 meters. The oscillation frequency corresponding to that value is 300,000 per second. The oscillation frequency at H.F.A. would then be 300,000. Allowing 20 oscillations to 141 L35 D.C. FIG. 83. FIG. 84. the wave train, the interrupter Ii would have a. frequency of 15,000 per second. That is, at each contact of Ii, 20 com- plete oscillations from H.F.A. would occur in Li and be radiated from A. Dividing 15,000 by 20 we have 750, the frequency of interrupter 12. When key K is closed antenna A then radiates electric waves of 1000 meters length, which are broken up into an inaudible group frequency by Ii. This resultant signal is then broken up into a frequency of a lower order, determined by the speed of 12. Figs. 83 and 84 show two other ways of obtaining the same results as with Fig. 82. In Fig. 83 G is an alternating-current generator having a periodicity of about 7500 cycles, which excites the field windings of high-frequency alternator H.F.A., A MEANS OF OBTAINING SELECTIVITY 147 the latter being rotated at such, speed as to give a 300,000- cycle current. The current delivered by H.F.A. will then have a periodic amplitude variation of a frequency correspond- ing to G, namely 15,000. H.F.A. delivers this periodically varying 3oo,ooo-cycle current through interrupter I and key K, to antenna A by means of the inductively coupled coils, Li and L2. When interrupter I is stationary or short circuited, an- tenna A radiates electric waves of 1000 meters length at an amplitude frequency of 15,000, which being above the audible limit, will not be heard by a spark receiving set. If I is rotating so as to give 750 contacts per second, A will radiate this wave of two periodic characteristics at a rate of 750 per second, which of course is audible. Thus in Fig. 83 G takes the place of Ii, in Fig. 82, for producing the 15,000 per second group frequency. Fig. 84 shows another method of producing a high-fre- quency current having two or more group frequencies within or out of the range of audibility. B is an arc oscillatory-cur- rent generator of the Duddell-Thompson type, fed from a source of direct current. In shunt around the arc is a con- denser, Ci, inductance, L2, and interrupter, I. Consider I as being short circuited and circuit B-C-Li open, then as is well known in the art, when B, Ci, and L2 are properly adjusted, oscillatory currents will be generated in the circuit B-Ci-L2, the frequency of the alternating currents developed being dependent principally on the values of Ci and L2. Now if circuit B-C-Li be closed oscillations will be generated in it of, say, 7500 cycles. This has the effect of producing a 7500 cycle amplitude variation of the current of the circuit B-Ci-L2 and antenna A being in resonance with B-Ci-L2, will radiate electric waves of 300,000 oscillatory frequency, and at a group frequency of 15,000 impulses per second. 148 RADIODYNAMICS Now if interrupter I, giving 750 contacts per second, be included in the circuit B-Ci-L2, the radiated waves will be broken up into the audible frequency of 750 per second. The receiving circuits, as shown in Fig. 82, are tuned to the oscillatory current frequency, the inaudible amplitude fre- quency, and the audible group frequency. Antenna circuit A2-L3-C and circuit L4~Ci are both tuned to the trans- mitter oscillation frequency. By the action of rectifier Ri, L5 receives unidirectional currents from L4~Ci, thereby energizing circuit L6-L7-C2, which is in resonance with the frequency produced by the interrupter giving 15,000 contacts *UJ FIG. 85, FIG. 86. per second. If 12 of Fig. 82 is in operation, circuit L8-C3-P will then be energized, and telegraphic signals may be pro- duced at P by the transmitting key K. Figs. 85 and 86 show two other methods of producing the ultra audible group frequencies of the high-frequency currents. In Fig. 85, I is a high-frequency alternator supplying current to antenna 6 through interrupter 3 and key 2, and coupling coils 4 and 5. Motor 7 is mechanically connected to coil 5 and rotates it in such a way as to produce a periodic ampli- tude variation, the frequency of which is ultra-audible. In Fig. 86, antenna 8 is inductively connected to high- frequency alternator 12 and ultra-audible frequency alter- A MEANS OF OBTAINING SELECTIVITY 149 nator 16 by means of coupling coils 9 and 10, and 14 and 15 respectively. An interrupter n and key 13 are in circuit with 12. When the transmitter is in operation, n interrupts the current from 12 at an audible rate, and by the action of 16, the amplitude of the antenna current is varied periodically, the periodicity being dependent upon the frequency of 16. CHAPTER XVIII NATURE OF INDICATOR CURRENTS IN RADIO RECEIVERS The absolute necessity for a simple and effective inter- ference preventer for our torpedo control system led the author, in the fall of 1912, to investigate the nature of the phenomenon accompanying the reception and indication of alternating-current waves of radio lengths. Prof. G. W. Pierce, of Harvard University, has already done considerable work along this line, and in his book on I I the " Principles of Wireless Telegraphy " are found the results of his extensive researches on detectors and rectification phenomena, together with hypotheses : r ~l based on them. Although Professor Pierce's work has been mainly along the line of determining the cause of rectification in radio detectors, he also presents brief but concise discussions on the nature of the received FIG. 87. currents in the indicator circuit. On pages 173-174, explaining the action of solid rectifiers in a receiving circuit like that shown in Fig. 87, he says: "A train of incoming waves produces an alternating e.m.f. in the antenna circuit. This e.m.f., when in one direction, produces a large current through the detector, charging the antenna. When the e.m.f. reverses the current from the antenna to the ground through the carborundum is smaller, thus leaving the antenna charged with a small quantity of electricity. The effect of the whole train of waves is addi- tive, so that this charge on the antenna is cumulative. The accumulated charge on the antenna escapes through the NATURE OF INDICATOR CURRENTS 151 telephone shunted about the carborundum, causing the dia- phragm to move. Each subsequent train of waves causes a similar motion of the diaphragm, which is evidenced as a note in the telephone, equal in pitch with the train frequency of the waves. "It is immaterial whether the detector permits the larger current to flow upward, charging the antenna positively, or permits the larger current to flow in the downward direction, charging the antenna negatively. The explanation is the same in both cases. "With very slight change this explanation can be made to apply also to those cases in which the detector is in a con- denser circuit coupled inductively or directly with the antenna circuit." Such a modification consists essentially in substituting the stopping condenser for the capacity, and the coupling coil for the inductance of the antenna. That the two circuits are of the same type is seen by an inspec- tion of Figs. 87 and 88. In both cases the detector . ,. has the alternating e.m.f . impressed upon it and, 1 1 as Dr. Pierce told the author personally, the charge accumulates, in the stopping condenser, and discharges through the indicator at a rate FlQ 88 equal to the transmitter's group frequency, and in exactly the same manner as in the previously mentioned circuit. The best value for the stopping capacity, if this be true, would be such that with signals of medium intensity, it would be completely charged by one wave train. The resistance of the receiving telephone also influences their best value, and must be taken into consideration. The application of such an explanation to relay operation is, however, of principal interest to us. There is no reason why the theory applied to arriving wave trains of 1000 per 152 RADIODYNAMICS second frequency should not hold equally well for trains of much greater length, provided the stopping condenser is large enough to absorb all the energy delivered by the rectifier during that longer train. Neither is there any reason ap- parent why wave trains composed of equal amplitude oscilla- tions should not act in the same way as do the damped trains. Granting these suppositions, we could use undamped oscil- lations in trains of any length, and a stopping condenser sufficiently large to absorb all the energy supplied to it during that time by the detector. At the end of the wave train then the accumulated charge in the condenser would discharge through the relay with much greater effect than could be obtained with short successive wave trains. Experiments based on these suppositions were performed, but no increased relay deflections could be obtained. In a sketch of the action of wireless telephonic apparatus, on page 305 of his book, Dr. Pierce says: "The receiving apparatus is identical with that employed in wireless telegraphy, and makes use of a receiving antenna coupled with a circuit containing some type of rectifying detector; e.g., an electrolytic detector, a crystal contact de- tector, or a vacuum tube rectifier. About the detector is shunted a sensitive telephone receiver. "The action is as follows: If an unmodified train of electric waves having a frequency higher than the limit of human audibility (35,000 vibrations per second) arrives at the re- ceiving station, the receiving circuit, if properly tuned, will sustain electric oscillations which, passing through the de- tector, will be rectified and will give a series of rectified im- pulses to the receiving telephone circuit. "These impulses, being all in one direction, will act as a continuous pull on the diaphragm, a continuous pull for the reason that the diaphragm cannot follow the rapid suc- cessive impulses, and because also, on account of the inductance NATURE OF INDICATOR CURRENTS 153 of the telephone circuit these impulses are modified electrically into practically continuous current through the receiver.''' An application of this explanation for a receiver which discriminates between spark and undamped wave signals for relay operation at once suggests itself. If the inductance of the telephone or relay is high enough to smooth the high- frequency direct-current impulses into a practically con- tinuous current, the indicator current, then, with unbroken, undamped oscillations, is practically unvarying and uni- directional. For spark signals or chopped continuous wave signals of audible frequencies, the high-frequency direct- current impulses are modified into one impulse the length of the train, but the self -inductance of the indicator is insufficient to appreciably affect these longer train-length impulses, so that they pass through unmodified. However, by inserting a choke coil of large value, the broken signals may be greatly reduced in intensity, while the unbroken signals remain practically the same as before, except for a decrease in ampli- tude due to the added ohmic resistance of the choke coil. A selective receiver based on this principle will be described in a subsequent chapter. That these two explanations do not agree is evident, but it is difficult to understand why the action for continuous waves should be other than the action for damped trains of waves. In November of 1912 the writer performed some experi- ments in the effort to verify either of Pierce's theories, or to unearth the true explanation of the nature of the received current in the indicator circuit. These experiments, although crude and incomplete seem to shed new light upon this little investigated phenomenon. The writer presents the data and conclusions derived from these tests in the hope that they may incite further investi- gation. RADIODYNAMICS Experimental Determination of the Nature of the Indicator- operating Currents in a Radio Receiver Fig. 89 shows diagrammatically the connections and arrangement of apparatus, and the following table gives data relative to the apparatus used. FIG. 89. B Storage battery. E Ericcson test buzzer. K Key. V Murdock variable condenser (max. cap. 0.002 mfd.) set at 100 Vi Murdock variable condenser (max. cap. 0.002 mfd.) set at 120 V2 Murdock variable condenser (max. cap. 0.002 mfd.) set at 45 V3 Murdock variable condenser (max. cap. 0.002 mfd.) set at 60 4 Murdock variable condenser (max. cap. 0.002 mfd.) set at 180 P Primary Murdock inductive tuner 69 turns. Pi Primary Murdock inductive tuner 72 turns. S Secondary Murdock inductive tuner, contact stud No. 2. Si Secondary Murdock inductive tuner, contact stud No. 3. D Iron pyrite detector. Di Iron pyrite detector. F 3ooo-ohm Schmidt- Wilkes telephone receiver. R Weston relay (microammeter movement). Fi 300-ohm Marconi wavemeter phone. L 2500-ohm, 8-c. p., carbon filament lamp. ' 1 25oo-ohm (d. c.) No. 34 copper wire coils (2) on a laminated wire core. H Distance of apparatus in circle from remainder, 10 feet. Experiments and Observations With the apparatus arranged and adjusted as shown and in operation, the following experiments and observations were made: NATURE OF INDICATOR CURRENTS 155 1. Test for tuning: With the coupling between the coils of the two tuners moderately weak (secondaries about three- fourths the way out of primaries), the tuning was fairly sharp, the point of maximum signal intensity being capable of determination to within i or 2 degrees on either of the variable tuning condensers, V, Vi, or 3. 2. To prove that tertiary circuit, Si-V3, does not receive its energy direct from primary exciting circuit, V-P, instead of from the rectifier D, as intended: Signals in F were di- minished to inaudibility by variation of Vi. 3. Test for difference in energy between secondary (S-Vi), and tertiary (Si-V3) circuits: F connected across D, with Pi disconnected, indicated a signal that was only slightly greater than at Di. 4. With D elements out of contact, it was found necessary to change Vi to 60 degrees for resonance, but signals at F were very sharply tuned and much stronger. 5. R, Fi, L, and I were separately thrown in circuit with D and Pi with the following results at F, the signal inten- sities being in the order given. i O. 2 R. 3 ....Fi No great difference between the intensities; signals moderately strong. 4 L. 5 1. Signals very weak. 6. All apparatus included by circle H was replaced by a closely coupled set of coils on a laminated core, a variable condenser, and a telephone, all compris- ing a low-frequency oscillatory circuit of such wave length as to respond to the group frequency of the buzzer signals. (See Fig. 90.) The signals at F2 were considerably reduced with this arrangement, but fairly good spark tuning could be secured. 156 RADIODYNAMICS 7. Change of detectors at D: Detectors of various types, such as the different forms of the vacuum tube rectifier, carborundum, and electrolytic, were used at D with practi- cally no change in results, save that in some instances the signals through the whole series of tests were stronger or weaker due to differences in detector sensitiveness. Conclusions Drawn from Tests The very fact that energy in the form of tuned high-fre- quency oscillatory currents is developed in the tertiary circuit is a proof that the effect of a train of waves is not ad- ditive; that the whole train of waves does not pass through the indicator as a single pulse in one direction, but that each separate impulse in the train passes through the indicator without losing its distinctness, and is not smoothed down into one impulse with the others in the train. The fact that this tertiary circuit was 10 feet distant from the other circuits, and the fact that when the audions were used as detectors, the signals at F could be cut out completely by de-energizing the filament, show conclusively that the currents in the tertiary circuit were not set up by direct induction from the primary exciting circuit, and that therefore they were due to the "blow excitation" of the distinct high-frequency direct- current impulses arriving from D, the rectifier. The fact that there was tuning, and that the selectivity was so good that the signals at F could be rendered inaudible by varia- tion of Vi, also strongly .support this proof. The fact that the signals at F were very nearly as strong as when F was connected across D, indicates that the rectified high-frequency impulses were not flattened greatly, due to inductive resistance, as otherwise the energy delivered by Di to F could not have been so great, and the tuning would not have been so good. With D out of contact the result was simply to connect V2 NATURE OF INDICATOR CURRENTS 157 in parallel with Vi, Pi being in this connecting line, the wave length being thereby increased so that it, was necessary to decrease Vi to 60 degrees in order to restore resonance con- ditions; the current in Pi was therefore alternating instead of pulsating direct, and maximum value instead of half value, due to the chopping off action of the rectifier. The signals at F were, therefore, much stronger. The fact that there was no very noticeable decrease in signal intensity when N was changed successively from O to R, F, and L, apparently indicates two things, namely: (i) the resistance of the detector D was very high, for additional resistances up to 2500 ohms in its circuit with P did not greatly change the total resistance of the circuit, since by their addition the signals were not greatly diminished; and (2), coils of wire wound on magnetized or permanent magnet cores present little inductive resistance to high-frequency pulsating currents. (The coil of the Weston relay R sur- rounds a core magnetized by the permanent magnet of the instrument; the coils of the Marconi phone, Fi, are wound on permanent magnet poles.) When I, the coils of copper wire inductively wound on a laminated core, having a resistance equal to that of the lamp, L, was connected, the signals became very nearly inaudible. This shows that inductances with soft, laminated iron cores present a relatively high inductive resistance to high-frequency pulsating currents. Since these coils had considerable dis- tributed capacity it is believed the weak signals that were heard were due to the conductive effects of this capacity. The intensity of the signals was decreased to this great extent, because the high-inductive resistance of I obliterated the separate pulses in the train, and lumped them into one unidirectional-current impulse the length of the train, which, having a very low frequency, could not swing up circuit Si-V into resonant operation; the detector Di and tele- 158 RADIODYNAMICS phone F, therefore received no energy, and so no signals were heard. That this lumping action does occur was shown with the low-frequency tuned circuit, which responded to the group frequency of these impulses. The reduction in in- tensity of the received current at F2 in this low-frequency circuit was due to the fact that with the apparatus at hand, a high resistance was inevitable in order to secure the in- ductance necessary for obtaining the long wave length re- quired in that circuit. The tests with different detectors show that all give prac- tically the same effects. CHAPTER XIX THE INTERFERENCE PREVENTER The writer devised this receiver in order to utilize fun- damental principles relating to the flow of direct and alternating currents for the production of a highly selective radio system. These properties have been applied in wire telephony, and kindred branches of the electrical arts, and, more specifically, deal with electrical circuits and their properties. These properties may be so varied as to make the circuit conductive to currents of constant value, while greatly resisting the flow of varying currents, and vice versa. In other words, by in- serting an electrostatic condenser in a metallic circuit con- nected to a source of alternating potentials, an alternating current would flow, but the same circuit would present an infinitely high resistance to the flow of a direct current. Also by inserting a coil of high self-inductance in a metallic circuit connected to a source of direct unvarying currents, the resistance to direct currents would be low, while the same circuit would greatly impede the flow of an alternating or varying current, the extent of the impedance depending upon the inductance of the coil, the limits between which the amplitude of the current varies, and the frequency of the alternations or variations. In radio signaling systems of today two principal kinds of electric wave producers are in general use. The older of these is the spark system, with which electromagnetic waves are generated by the spark discharge of a condenser. The waves are sent out in groups, the group frequency being de- 159 160 RADIODYNAMICS pendent upon the frequency of the alternating current charg- ing the condenser, and the spark-gap setting, and the length of the waves upon the electrical sizes of the condenser, and the inductance through which it discharges. The number of waves in a train is governed by the damping of the circuit, which, in turn, depends on the various sources of energy loss, such as heating, and radiation of electro- magnetic waves. For example, take a 5oo-cycle transmitter emitting a 1000- meter wave. The 5oo-cycle alternator is connected to the condenser circuit through a step-up transformer. The con- denser is charged during the first half of each alternation of the primary current and discharges across the spark gap when its potential reaches the necessary value. This dis- charge occurs at the peak of the alternating-current wave in the primary circuit, is oscillatory in nature, and the number of oscillations in the train is dependent upon the damping. If the damping is small 15 oscillations may occur in the de- cadent train before the potential drops too low to overcome the resistance of the spark gap. The time during which the discharge takes place, therefore, with a looo-meter wave (300,000 frequency), and 15 com- plete cycles to the train, would be - ? of a second, or one 150,000 ten-thousandth of a second. Thus with the 5oo-cycle, 1000- meter wave transmitter, once in each one- thousandth of a second the condenser discharges for one ten-thousandth of a second, producing a decadent train of, say, 15 oscillations. The other type of transmitter is the continuous wave generator, which either by the high-frequency alternator or the Duddell-Thompson arc, produces continuous undamped waves. The waves, instead of being produced in decadent trains during only one-tenth of the time, as with the spark sets, are generated continuously and with constant amplitude. THE IN TERFERENCE PRE VEN TER 1 6 1 At the receiving station the effects produced by the two types of wave generators is somewhat different. With the spark set the oscillatory currents developed in the receiving antennae by the transmitter, and built up by resonance are rectified, and flow through the indicating in- strument. The telephone, which is used as the indicating instrument, therefore receives a direct-current impulse for each discharge of the transmitting condenser. These im- pulses, although consisting of a number of separate impulses, act as one pull on the telephone diaphragm, which vibrates at a rate of 1000 times per second, corresponding to the trans- mitting group frequency. This periodic motion produces an acoustic note of high pitch. Dots and dashes are distinguished by the length of time during which the note is produced, dots, say, one-tenth second, and dashes one-fifth to one-half second. This note is produced in the receiving telephone only when the transmitting key is closed. With the undamped wave transmitter there is no audible variation in the received rectified current, the effect of which is practically the same as that of a continuous direct current in the receiving telephone. Therefore a continuous pull on the diaphragm results so long as the sending key is depressed. This, then, is the essential difference, from a low-frequency consideration, between the effects of spark transmitters and undamped wave transmitters. The former produces a periodic received current, while the latter produces a constant received current. At present radio stations using these different systems pro- duce considerable mutual interference. By the use of suitable apparatus we may differentiate between the two kinds of effects at the receiving station, and thereby secure a greater degree of selectivity. The following description covers methods for accomplishing the desired results, with particular reference to the circuit 162 RADIODYNAMICS arrangements illustrated by the drawings. Figs. 91, 92 and 93 show graphically three common types of radio trans- mitters. Fig. 91 illustrates a spark transmitting set. The alter- nating-current generator G supplies current to primary P of step-up transformer T, through the controlling key K. Secondary S supplies high potential current for charging condenser C, to break down the spark gap SG. When the potential reaches the sparking value, C discharges across SG, and through inductance L, and by electromagnetic induction and resonance, an oscillatory current is set up in the radiating system composed of antenna A, inductance Li, and earth E. $ JT FIG. 91. FIG. 92. In Fig. 92 a continuous wave transmitter is shown. High- frequency alternator, H.F.A., sets antenna Ai into electrical vibration by means of coupling coils L2 and L3, as is common in the art. The antenna is earthed at E, and signals are sent by making a condition of resonance or dissonance between H.F.A. and the tuned radiating system Ai-I/j-Ei. This is accomplished by short-circuiting or otherwise changing the in- ductance or capacity of the radiating system with the trans- mitter key in such a manner as to produce the desired signal. In this way the signals may consist either of periods of work or of rest of the radiator. Fig. 93 illustrates an undamped wave transmitter, based THE INTERFERENCE PREVENTER on the principles of the Duddell-Thompson oscillatory arc. The direct-current generator Gi, which preferably gives a potential of about 500 volts, supplies direct current to the electrodes of the arc AR, through the choke coils L4 and LS. When properly adjusted, electric oscillations are set up in the closed oscillatory circuit, comprising arc AR, condenser Ci, and inductance coil L6, the frequency of which is determined principally by the values of Ci and L6. By electromagnetic induction and resonance oscillatory currents are produced in the radiating system composed of antenna A2, inductance Ly, and earth E2. In order to send signals, the key K2, which establishes resonance, is used. FIG. 93. FIG. 94. Figs. 94, 95 and 96 are schematic representations of re- ceivers based on the idea of reducing interference between spark and undamped wave systems. Fig. 94 illustrates the circuit arrangements of a receiver for use with an undamped wave transmitter, such as Fig. 92 or 93. The action is as follows: By the phenomenon of electric wave propagation and reception, when the transmitting key is closed, alternating currents of high frequency are de- veloped in the resonant receiving antenna system, which in- cludes antenna A$, inductance L8, condenser C2, and earth 3. Circuit L9-C4-D is energized, and current energy is sup- 1 64 RA DIOD YNA MICS plied to detector D, through the stopping condenser 4. D is a detector such as a thermal or thermoelectric; Lio is a choke coil, and I an indicating instrument for translating the received currents into effects observable with one or more of the physical senses. D produces a unidirectional current in the circuit D-Lio-I, for each wave train impressed upon it. That is, for signals from a 5oo-cycle spark transmitter, D produces a pulsating, unidirectional current in the indicating circuit, the frequency of which is 1000 per second, equal to the transmitting group frequency, and for signals from an undamped-wave transmitter. D produces a unidirectional, unvarying current in the indicator circuit. Therefore it is obvious that the distinguishing difference between spark and undamped-wave signals is that one produces a periodic re- ceived current, while the other produces a constant received current. The detector D, it must be understood, has too much inertia to follow the high-frequency impulses of the oscillatory current, which are of the order of 500,000 per second, but it can and does follow the impulses correspond- ing to the group frequency, which need not be greater than 1000 per second. This inertia or lagging action is due to the fact that detectors of this class which are operated by the heat developed by the incoming oscillations, cannot heat and cool with sufficient rapidity to follow the enormously high number of periodic variations in the heat-producing current. Referring now to Fig. 94, choke coil Lio is of such value as to greatly impede the flow of the periodically varying cur- rents produced by spark transmitters, while direct currents set up by continuous wave transmitters flow unimpeded. For this reason the interfering effect of a near-by spark station on a continuous wave receiving station is greatly reduced. Fig. 95 illustrates another method of securing the same freedom from disturbance. The receiving antenna system, composed of A4, Ln, C5, and 4 is coupled to the closed THE INTERFERENCE PREVENTER oscillatory circuit, comprising Li2 and C6, with which it is in resonance. Circuit Li2-C6 supplies oscillatory-current energy to detector Di, which furnishes unidirectional current to winding W of indicating the instrument and to primary Pi of transformer Ti. Secondary Si is connected to winding Wi A, through stopping condenser C8, and rectifier T>2 rectifies the alternating Ln current supplied by Si for use at Wi. The indicating instrument is here represented as a relay in which M is the moving element, but any other Cs FIG. 95. form of indicating instrument may be used, or W and Wi may be independent primaries of an induction coil, both of which, when in operation, produce equal and opposite effects upon a secondary coil, connected to the indicating instru- ment, while one, operating alone, produces the signal effect. The operation is as follows: When continuous wave signals are received, Di supplies unidirectional currents to W and Pi. There is no induction of current into Si, because the currents in Pi do not vary, and therefore only W of Ii is energized, and M is attracted, i.e., the relay is operated. If periodic currents are delivered by Di, such as are set up by spark transmitters, currents are induced in Si and therefore Wi receives direct-current impulses by the action of D2 and C8. Now Ti, W, and Wi are so proportioned that with spark signals of the common frequencies, the magnetic effects of W and Wi are equal and opposite. M will, there- fore, be unaffected when group-frequency signals are received, but will operate without difficulty with continuous wave signals. Fig. 96 represents the circuit arrangements and apparatus necessary to prevent interference from continuous wave i66 RADIODYNAMICS transmitters to receivers of spark signals, such as are pro- duced by the transmitters of Fig. 91. Antenna A6, induc- tance Li6, condenser Ci2, and earth E6, form the receiving antenna circuit. Coupled to this is the closed circuit com- posed of inductance Li7 and ca- pacity Ci3. The two circuits are tuned to resonance with each other and with the transmitter. When energized, Li7~Ci3 supplies energy to detector D4, through stopping condenser Ci4. D4 delivers uni- directional currents to primary P2 of transformer T2. Secondary 82 Lie Ll7 PQ* FIG. 96. is connected to telephone F2. The continuous currents produced in the circuit D4-P2 by continuous wave trans- mitters produce no induced currents in 82. Therefore F2 does not operate when continuous wave signals are re- ceived. Spark signals, however, produce periodic direct currents in P2, which by induction produce alternating cur- rents in 82 and F2. F2 therefore receives spark signals with- out difficulty, but remains inoperative for continuous wave signals. Fig. 97 is a schematic representation of a thermal detector circuit. D is the IG< 97 ' fine wire of the thermal detector, which is connected in series with choke coil Li8, indicating instrument 12, and a source of direct current Z, which is a battery and potentiometer. This circuit is suitable for use with the antenna circuit shown in Fig, 94 for the continuous wave receiver. CHAPTER XX DETECTORS According to the definition adopted by the standardization committee of the Institute of Radio Engineers, a radio de- tector is "that portion of the receiving apparatus which, con- nected to a circuit carrying currents of radio frequency, and in conjunction with a self-contained or separate indicator, translates the radio-frequency energy into a form suitable for the operation of the indicator. This translation may be effected either by the conversion of the radio-frequency energy, or by means of the control of local energy by the energy received." A wrong impression relative to the exact function of a de- tector in a wireless receiver has been prevalent among those engaged in radio work. This misconception, as pointed out by Professor Pierce, is that detectors are more sensitive to electrical energy than the telephone, galvanometer, or relay is. Detectors are necessary only because the energy of the high-frequency received current is in an unsuitable form for use with the indicating instruments employed. This is obvious when we consider such instruments as the Hetrodyne receiver of Fessenden's, which is an indicator so arranged that the high-frequency currents themselves operate it no detector or translating device of any kind being required. Because the frequency of the oscillations is so high (of the order of a million per second), the moving coils of galva- nometers, the diaphragms of telephones, or even the light fiber of the Einthoven string galvanometer cannot follow them. No motion, and consequently no indication therefore results. 167 l68 RADIODYNAMICS The energy must be applied either in such a form that it acts in one direction on the indicator, as required in the tele- phone and galvanometer, or, if alternately in opposite direc- tions, the frequency of the alternations must be so low that the inertia of the moving parts of the indicator does not come greatly into play. In the case of the telephone this frequency should not exceed 2000 per second, about 1000 per second being the best value; with the Einthoven string galvanometer the best frequency is still lower, in the neighborhood of 100 per second; coil galvanometers have such a slow period, about i to 10 seconds, that they, for all practical purposes, are be- yond consideration in this respect. True, alternating-current instruments depending on the Thompson effect have been constructed, which give uni- directional deflections for alternating currents of radio fre- quency, and, like the Hetrodyne receiver, do not require a detector, but they are so insensitive that they can be used only where comparatively large energies are received, such as in the wave-meter application by Dr. Seibt.* For the operation, then, of our common and most sensitive indicators, we require some form of translating device; this is not, as has been supposed, for the reason that the detector is a wonderfully sensitive instrument, but because it furnishes a means of utilizing the marvelous sensitiveness of these indicators. Taken singly the detector is perhaps the most important part of a radiodynamic system. It is to the torpedo what the ear is to a telephone operator; all orders are received through it; without it wirelessly directed torpedoes would be impossible, just as the telephone would be impossible with- out human ears. It is delicate, necessarily, because of the slight effects it must respond to; like the human ear it must be * Elihu Thompson, Eke. World, May 28, 1887; see also Proceedings Inst. Radio Engineers, Vol. i, Part 3, 1913; and Phys. Review, Vol. 20, p. 226, 1905. DETECTORS 169 able to stand up under heavy cannonading as well as to hear weak signals from a distance; it must be rugged to withstand the severe conditions imposed; rugged, because subject to strong effects, both mechanical and electrical, which tend to break down its original sensitive adjustment; rugged for the reason that the possibility of readjustment in a dirigible torpedo is excluded. An ideal detector is one that is extremely sensitive, and at the same time immune to disturbances which make readjust- ment a necessity; one that will operate with the faintest signals, as well as stand up under the strongest electrical and mechanical shocks. Although close approaches have been made to this ideal, the perfect detector has not yet been produced. Those in use purely for signaling, i.e., radiotelegraphy and telephony, where an operator is constantly in attendance, are near enough for all practical purposes, but for such work as torpedo control, they are not yet what they should be. Even though the best, namely, those designed or modified especially for. this purpose, do operate perfectly for hours at a time' under the conditions of torpedo control, yet they cannot be de- pended upon absolutely, and absolute dependence, absolute reliability in the detector are pre-requisites for a really suc- cessful dirigible torpedo. Since the first electric oscillator of Hertz, which consisted of a bent wire with the ends very near together, a number of different types of detector have been brought out. These new types and modifications have been steadily improved in sensitiveness and reliability. Detectors may be classified under the following titles: Coherers. Crystal rectifiers. Magnetic detectors. Electrolytic detectors. Thermal detectors. Electrometer detectors. Thermoelectric detectors. Vacuum detectors. 1 70 RADIODYNAMICS A further classification may also be made which places detectors under one of two general heads, namely, potential operated detectors and current operated detectors. The following table gives this classification according to the present theories of operation for these detectors: Potential Operated Current Operated 1. Loose contact coherers. Magnetic. (Filings, Lodge-Muirhead, mi- Thermal. crophonic contacts, etc.) Thermoelectric. 2. Capillary electrometer. Crystal rectifiers. 3. Potentio vacuum detector. Electrolytic detectors. Vacuum detectors. The potential group operate like a trigger in that they control local sources of energy which effect indicator oper- ation, and depend on the potential of the received currents. The current operated group depend upon the current effects of the received energy. In some there is a local source of energy which is called somewhat into play by the action of the received current. The bolometer, which comes under the thermal class, is one of these. In others the oscillatory energy alone affects the indicator operation. Among these is the crystal rectifier, which, chopping off the even or odd alter- nations in a received wave train, leaves only impulses of one sign, positive or negative. In others still, both the incoming energy and local energy called into play by it act upon the indicator. The crystal rectifiers with a local battery are examples of these. For torpedo control a detector must be able to withstand the heavy electrical shocks at the shortest ranges, and at the same time be sufficiently sensitive to operate the relay at distances up to eight or ten miles. In addition to this it must not be affected by the mechanical vibration and shocks met with aboard a small self-propelled craft in a rough sea, DETECTORS 171 and remain in operative adjustment for at least one hour under such conditions. Coherers, as before stated, are sufficiently sensitive, but their action is erratic; heavy received currents cause detri- mental effects; as a whole, they are far from the solution of the detector problem. Magnetic detectors are very stable, both electrically and mechanically; they will not burn out with the strongest signals, nor lose their adjustment when subject to severe mechanical shocks, such for instance as those arising from heavy gun fire. Their failing, however, is insensitiveness, in which they are below most detectors in use. Thermal detectors, such as Fessenden's barreter and the bolometer, are mechanically stable, but they are subject to burnouts from strong signals, and are insensitive. The fine platinum wire, the resistance changes in which arise from tem- perature variations produced by the oscillatory currents flow- ing through it, can be fused by received currents of excessive intensity. Immunity from these burnouts can only be secured by increasing the thickness of the fine wire, but this again reduces the sensitiveness, which at the best is not even equal to that of the magnetic detector. Thermoelectric detectors employing a junction of two dis- similar metals, such as bismuth and antimony, which, when heated by the passage through it of oscillatory currents, produce direct thermoelectromotive forces, have, like the magnetic detector, the necessary stability, but they,, too, are insensitive. They are also somewhat handicapped in having a comparatively large heat capacity, so that a signal several seconds long must be sent before the temperature of the junction rises to the maximum value for a given signal in- tensity; likewise it requires a similar length of time for cool- ing. DuddelPs thermogalvanometer, which is probably the most sensitive of the combined thermoelectric detector and 172 RADIODYNAMICS galvanometer, and of thermoelectric detectors in general, though valuable for the purposes of measurements, is not sufficiently rapid or sensitive for use in a radiodynamic system. Crystal rectifiers, sometime called also solid rectifiers, though used in about 90 per cent of radio stations, and though more sensitive than any of those hitherto described, are still too low in sensitiveness for use in torpedo control work. This has been previously pointed out in connection with the received current curve. These also can be burned out by excessively strong signals, so that readjustment is necessary, and they can be thrown out of adjustment by vibration or gun fire. Electrolytic detectors are about equal in sensitiveness to the crystal rectifiers, but are not so much used as they were before the advent of the crystal rectifiers. They, too, are subject to burnouts, and the most sensitive types, the free point electrolytics, are not mechanically stable. The glass point electrolytic, in which the fine wire anode is sealed in glass and immersed in the acid electrolyte, though not possess- ing this latter defect to so great a degree is less sensitive and is also subject to burnouts. The capillary electrometer detector (see Fig. 98), as in- vented by Armstrong and Orling of England, consists of a minute capillary glass tube filled with mercury. The small end of this tube is immersed in an acid solution. Under the action of a current the electrolytic polarization of the contact causes a change of the surface tension of the mercury. Under this influence the mercury rises or falls in the capillary tube. A low-power microscope is used to observe the minute motion of the mer- cury column. It is said a delicate capillary elec- trometer will give a readable deflection with an applied e.m.f. of one ten-thousandth of a volt. In order, however, to pro- DETECTORS 1 73 duce a motion sufficiently to act as a relay (one-sixteenth inch), the e.m.f. must be increased to such an extent that the sensi- tiveness is too much reduced to make the instrument of value for mechanism control. Vacuum detectors * have previously been discussed in detail. Some are potential operated, others are current operated, according to the circuit arrangements employed. It has been shown that with a suitable form of circuit, the vacuum de- tector approaches nearer the ideal by far than any other FIG. 99. detector. Its sensitiveness is as much- as 20 times as great as the best of other detectors, and it is not subject to burn- outs or severe mechanical shocks. It is this detector and the circuit which makes it potential operated that has made possible the extraordinary success attained by Mr. Hammond in the Gloucester torpedo control experiments. It is pictured in Fig. 99 as used in the DeForest System. The hetrodyne receiver of Fessenden, depending on the principle of beats for its operation, cannot be used for relay operation, but the beats principle can be applied for ampli- fication purposes. This will be described in another chapter. * For detailed accounts of the very important work recently carried out by Dr. Irving Langmuir, Dr. Lee DeForest, and others, see General Electric Review, March 1915, May 1915, and Proceedings Inst. Radio Engrs., Sept. 1915. 174 RADIODYNAMICS The frequency transformer, or tone wheel, of Dr. Gold- schmidt is another application of the beats principle. Al- though a very efficient form of detector and very satisfactory for telephones, it is unsuitable for the operation of our most sensitive relays, which require direct current, because it, like the hetrodyne, produces an alternating current for indicator operation.* * For complete description of the hetrodyne receiver and U. S. Navy test data, see Proc. Institute Radio Engineers, Vol. i, part 3, 1913; a complete description of the Goldschmidt frequency transformer is contained in Proc. Inst. Radio Engrs., Vol. 2, No. i, 1914. CHAPTER XXI METHODS OF INCREASING RECEIVED EFFECTS Various means for increasing the intensity of received signals have been proposed and utilized within the past ten years. These are called amplifiers, amplifones, variable re- lays, intensifiers, etc., but the generally accepted term is amplifier. It may be defined as a relay which modifies the effect of a local source of energy in accordance with variations in received signals and, in general, produces a larger indica- tion than could be had from the incoming energy alone. If a really satisfactory amplifier were available the serious- ness of the detector problem in radiodynamics would be greatly reduced, for then a receiving detector possessing the necessary stability, though lacking in sensitiveness, could be employed. To fulfill this requirement, an amplifier must, first of all, be capable of amplifying with a high ratio; and, next in im- portance to this, it must neither be subject to burnouts nor mechanical disturbances; this presupposes no necessity for readjustment for at least several hours; simplicity is also a very desirable element. Amplifiers may arbitrarily be classified as follows: 1. Microphonic contact amplifiers. 2. Generator amplifiers. 3. Vacuum tube amplifiers. 4. Hetrodyne amplifiers. Of these the microphonic contact amplifiers were the first to be developed, and they are most used. They consist 175 176 RADIODYNAMICS essentially of a combined telephone receiver and transmitter, the same diaphragm serving both. The rectified received currents flow through the telephone electromagnet on one side of the diaphragm the consequent vibratory motion of which alters the resistance of the adjustable microphonic con- tact on the opposite side. Those in use for radiotelegraphy usually are so made that they will give a maximum response FIG. ioo. only for impulses of the correct group frequency. These are called spark-tuned or monotelephone relays. The common types employ a diaphragm as the mechanically tuned element. The Pickard, Ruhmer, Brown, and Telefunken amplifiers are examples of this type. Others have a steel reed with a very pronounced period of vibration, to increase the selectivity. Lowenstein has constructed a very sensitive instrument of this type. The instrument devised by F. C. Brown is shown in Figs, ioo and 101. This type of amplifier has the disadvantage of being subject to vibration, jars, and sounds; it also requires frequent ad- METHODS OF INCREASING RECEIVED EFFECTS 177 justment. Although exploited commercially by several lead- ing radio companies it has never been extensively adopted for commercial use, even for radiotelegraphy. The generator amplifier consists of a small generator through the field coils of which the rectified received currents are made to flow. The armature currents, with all the charac- teristics of the field currents, but much amplified, are used for indicator operation. Alexanderson has built such an FIG. 101. Connection diagram of Brown relay. amplifier, which he designed especially for telephony, and succeeded in securing amplification ratios as high as 20 to i. It is believed that amplifiers based on this generator prin- ciple present the most satisfactory solution of amplification problems. They are not subject to mechanical disturbances; they cannot be burned out, and they can be constructed for high amplification ratios. Driven continuously by a small electric motor, a generator amplifier would require no atten- tion or adjustment. They also lend themselves easily to spark tuning when a variable condenser is connected across the field coils. Vacuum tube amplifiers have been brought out independ- ently by Lowenstein and DeForest. With three vacuum tube 178 RADIODYNAMICS detectors arranged in cascade it is claimed amplification ratios as high as 120 to i have been obtained. Such an arrange- ment is shown in Fig. 102. These instruments though possessing a high amplification ratio, and not greatly affected by jars or vibration, have a multiplicity of adjustments and sometimes are thrown out of operation by very strong signals, which produce the familiar "blue arc." Although not so desirable as the generator amplifier, they are much more satisfactory than the micro- phone amplifiers, and may yet be brought to the desired state of perfec- tion.* The beats principle has been applied by Fessenden for amplification purposes in radiotelegraphy. In the latest form of this receiver, which, as before stated in the chapter on detectors, is called the Hetrodyne re- ceiver, a local source of undamped and variable high-frequency oscillations is arranged so as to act on the receiving antenna circuit, and so adjusted that the fre- quency of its alternations is very nearly equal to the frequency of the incoming waves . The effect of these two very nearly equal frequencies, as in acoustics, is to form electrical beats, or alternate additions and subtractions of the two independent forces, of a periodicity equal to the difference between the two original frequencies. The incoming frequency is fixed, but the local frequency can be altered at will, and any beat frequency desired can be produced to suit the acoustic conditions. When no beats are produced the two frequencies are equal; * For complete description of the DeForest Audion Amplifier, see Proc, Inst. Radio Engrs., Vol. 2, No. i, 1914, page 24. METHODS OF INCREASING RECEIVED EFFECTS 179 obviously by calibrating the local source of oscillations, a very useful means of measuring the exact wave length of a distant transmitter is furnished. It is said amplification ratios as high as 20 to i have been secured with such an arrangement. The principal difficulty with this system, however, is a reliable generator for the local oscillatory currents at the receiver. Arcs are troublesome and require constant attention; high-frequency alternators are very cumbersome (existing types weighing at least 1000 pounds, and possessiig a rotor which makes 20,000 r.p.m.) and at the same time expensive. For this reason it would be next to impossible to utilize this amplifying principle for torpedo control, unless some simple and reliable wave gen- erator be developed.* * See Proc. Inst. Radio Engrs., Vol. i, Part 3, 1913. The author in 1911 under the direction of Mr. Fritz Lowenstein experimented successfully with vacuum tube rectifiers as a means of producing sustained high-frequency os- cillations for use in beat amplifying and selective systems and also as a wave- generator for radio telephony. (For a very complete consideration of micro- phonic contact amplifiers, see extracts from a paper presented before the I. of E.E., London, which appeared in the Elec. Rev. and Western Elect., Vol. 56, Nos. 23 and 24, "A Telephone Relay," I and II.) CHAPTER XXII RELAYS The importance of a relay in a radiodynamic system is second only to that of the detector, and its requirements are just as exact. That is, it must have great sensitiveness, ruggedness, stability, and small inertia. The sensitiveness necessary in the relay to bridge a given distance depends upon a number of factors, namely, the height and power in the transmitting antenna, and the efficiency of the receiving detector, or detector and amplifier. Obviously these factors must be taken into consideration for the reason that they are interdependent. For torpedo control it is of little consequence what the sensitiveness of any single one of the receiving instruments is so long as the final result, namely, the opening and closing of the relay contact, can be reliably effected from the transmitter at the required distance, and so long as the combination is immune to dis- turbances of whatever nature which must be encountered. The sole function of the detector, amplifier, and relay in mechanism control is to open and close an electric circuit at the will of the control operator. Any combination of the above-named instruments that will accomplish this result with absolute reliability is a satisfactory solution of the prob- lems involving each of the three elements separately. That combination, however, which is most simple, least cumber- some, and least expensive is to be preferred. In radiodynamic work where the distance is not limited by vision, as it is with torpedoes, each of the elements should have the maximum sensitiveness in order that the distance 180 RELAYS 181 of operation may be as great as possible. The desirability of this is evident for such use as call-bell operation in radio signaling. Relays are commonly classified as polarized and non- polarized. The motion of the movable element in the former reverses with a reverse in the direction of the current energiz- ing it, while in the latter the motion is always unidirectional. In the polarized relays either an armature consisting of a permanent magnet, or a coil through which the current flows, is the movable element. No. 554. FIG. 103. Polarized relay of the high-resistance type. (Courtesy J. H. Brunnell & Co.) The non-polarized types usually have a soft iron armature or core which is always attracted in one direction regardless of the direction of the current in the electromagnet or solenoid influencing it. The most sensitive non-polarized relays, such as those used in telegraph offices, require a current of three or four milli- amperes to trip them. The most sensitive of the polarized type, as developed for use with coherer receivers by the Marconi, Slaby-Arco, Ducretet, Telefunken, and other com- panies, require about 400 microamperes under operating con- 182 RADIODYNAMICS ditions. Such a relay is shown in Fig. 103. Movable coil relays, with permanent magnet fields and solid local circuit contacts as previously described are more sensitive than the above ferric armature types, requiring in the neighbor- hood of 200 microamperes for operation. When fitted with strong electromagnetic fields and a mercury-platinum contact arrangement, the movable coil relays can be made to operate reliably on from about 30 to 5 microamperes, depending on the mechanical disturbances encountered. A very sensitive galvanometer of ordinary construction and about 1000 ohms resistance will give a visible deflection with less than one ten-millionth of a volt, but such an instru- ment requires a very solid support, such as a heavy masonry pillar, and the slightest vibration or current of air will cause the delicately suspended coil to move. Suspension coil gal- vanometers, though possessing very high sensitiveness, can- not be used for relays because of their extreme delicacy. Even uni-pivot galvanometers, such as the portable Paul instruments, which will give a go-degree deflection for 10 microamperes, though at least ten times as sensitive as the author's modification of the Weston dual-pivot relay, cannot be used for relay purposes except under ideal conditions in the laboratory. They require leveling screws, and though not to quite so great a degree as the suspension coil galvanom- eter, are still much too delicate for use aboard a torpedo. Likewise galvanometers of the vibration type like Eintho- ven's, which are capable of use in radio receiving stations for recording messages photographically over great distances, are not rugged enough for torpedo control work. The capillary electrometer can be used as a relay, but, as before stated, its sensitiveness is not sufficiently high. It is believed that the remodeled Weston relay, as used by Hammond, is the most satisfactory instrument for this kind of work. CHAPTER XXIII TORPEDO ANTENNA It is not the purpose here to discuss the many details in connection with the ordinary types of antenna used for radio work and means for supporting them. I wish merely to make a few remarks on antennae for special use in torpedo control work, and briefly to describe the most recent pro- posals for improvement of this essential part of the receiving apparatus. Obviously, as shown long ago by Marconi, the receiving antenna should be as high as possible, since the received cur- rent increases with the height. Marconi enunciated at one time an empirical law that, for simple vertical sending and receiving antennas of equal height, the maximum working telegraphic distance varied as the square of the height of the antennae. The experiments of the General Electric Co., of Berlin, also roughly agree with Marconi's law. Dr. L. W. Austin has worked out a formula, which, taking into account the antenna heights as well as the transmitting power and atmospheric absorption, gives the approximate signaling range of any transmitter and receiver.* The length of the horizontal portion of an antenna is also of some importance. We see then that for our torpedo we require an antenna of the greatest possible height and length. It is very doubtful whether, with the type of craft used for torpedoes, this height * For a discussion of this equation, see Austin, L. W., Bulletin Bureau Standards, 1911, Vol. VII, No. 3, pp. 315-363, "Some Quantitative Experi- ments in Long Distance Radio Telegraphy." 183 184 RADIODYNAMICS could be made to exceed the length of the vessel. The best practice, as shown in the antennae, in use on the submarine boats of the navies of the world, substantiate this statement. I , The 40-foot Radio in the Gloucester experiments had a three-wire inverted L-type antenna, with 6-foot spreaders of light bamboo; it was about 20 feet above the water and about thirty feet long, supported by two 3 -section masts made of the lightest steel tubing con- sistent with strength. These weighed about 15 pounds each. The antenna wire was of the usual phosphor-bronze variety having 7 strands of No. 22 wire. A single 1,000,000- volt strain insulator between each spreader and mast-head blocks furnished the neces- sary overhead insulation. For the leading-in insulation a 5oo,ooo-volt roof type leading-in insulator was used. This was protected from the flying spray by an improvised hood. These insulation precautions were taken as a result of experiments which proved their necessity with the potential- operated vacuum detectors. Experiments were made with this antenna in the effort to increase its effective length. By increasing its length it would be possible to increase its natural wave length and thus di- minish the value of the energy absorbing loading inductances necessary for tuning to the transmitted waves. In this connection a field worthy of experimentation is one FIG. 104. Common type of radio tower. TORPEDO ANTENNAE 185 which covers the possibilities relative to variation of trans- mitting wave length between two antennae of widely different natural periods. , It is well known that a transmitting antenna will operate most efficiently only at that wave length corresponding to the natural period of the antenna with just sufficient induc- tance in series for coupling to the closed circuit. If the wave length be increased energy-absorbing loading inductances are necessary; if decreased, an energy-absorbing series capacity must be used. The receiving oscillatory system likewise has a definite wave length for which it will operate most efficiently, and for the same reasons. It is known, however, that the current in an oscillatory circuit is inversely proportional to the wave length, so that although the receiving antenna is operating inefficiently at a wave length below its natural wave length, it is possible that the receiver, as a whole, works at an in- crease in efficiency. Again, while the receiver works best with short wave lengths, the power that can be handled by a transmitting antenna decreases with its natural wave length, and so it is possible that the large transmitting powers made possible by high, large capacity, long wave length antennae will entirely overbalance the detrimental effects due to in- efficiency in the reception of the waves. This presents an interesting field for experimentation.* At the suggestion of Dr. Lee DeForest, the "Radio's" antenna was fitted with an extension in the form of two long wires attached to the after spreader and reaching down to a light wooden float 30 or 40 feet astern; the swift motion of the boat kept the wires taut. Long pennant-like pieces of cloth * See "Optimum Wave-length in Wireless Telegraphy," by A. H. Taylor, Physical Review, Vol. i, No. 4, Apr. 1913, pp. 321-325. Also, "Determination of Wave-length in Radio Telegraphy," A. S. Blatterman, Electrical World, Vol. 64, No. 7, Aug. 15, 1914, pp. 326-329. l86 RADIODYNAMICS through which light wires connected to the rear end of the antenna were woven, and which stood out almost horizontally from the mast head when the boat was in motion, were also tried. Neither method, however, was found of any material benefit. Water Antenna. A very novel form of antenna was in- vented several years ago by Fessenden. It consists of a stream of water thrown vertically upward through a coil of copper tubing by a centrifugal force pump. Although possi- bly inoperative in fresh water a torpedo so equipped might be practicable in salt water, which has a higher conductivity. The hollow coil serves as a means of coupling the water antenna to the receiving apparatus. The apparent advantage of such an aerial conductor is that it cannot be shot away by the enemy. No data relating to actual use, either experimental or practical, of an antenna of this type can be found. The U. S. Navy has experimented with submerged receiving antennas, for use in signaling to submarine boats equipped with radio apparatus. The antenna consisted of a type of conductor, very heavily insulated with rubber and other in- sulating compounds, known as "rat- tail." The antenna wire was thus completely insulated from the water, although be- neath its surface. The author assisted in these tests which were made at Washington, in 1909. Audible signals were received with such an antenna in the Potomac river at Alex- andria, Va., about seven miles from the two-kilowatt trans- mitter at the Washington Navy Yard. These tests after considerable experimenting at Charleston and Boston with submarine boats were finally discontinued. Another type of antenna, which has a marked directive effect, and experimented with by Dr. Franz Kiebitz, of the General Telegraph Department, of Berlin, has aroused con- siderable interest within the past two years. A straight wire TORPEDO ANTENNA iSj is stretched horizontally a few feet above the earth, and the receiving apparatus connected in the middle. The best directions of reception are those to which the free ends of the wire point. In other forms the two ends are grounded; in still others only one end is grounded, the receiving apparatus being connected near that end.* * See Proc. Inst. Radio Engrs., Dec. 1915: " The Effectiveness of the Ground Antenna in Long Distance Reception." CHAPTER XXIV RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Pneumatic Steering Apparatus. The latest development in torpedo-control apparatus has been to discard electric steering gear, and to adopt apparatus designed for use with FIG. 105. The head telephones enable the operator to listen to the control impulses; the instrument in front of the operator is a searchlight control apparatus. compressed air. In Figs. 105 and 106 may be seen a control operator at the Hammond Laboratory. Fig. 107 is a view of this Laboratory, and Fig. 108 is a view of Hammond's latest boat. 188 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 189 This change has made possible a great simplification of apparatus, and a corresponding increase in reliability; inci- dentally it has also increased the accuracy of control because of the swiftness with which the operations are performed. FIG. 106. The gratifying results now being secured with pneumatic apparatus are ample evidence of the truth of the afore- mentioned statement that simplicity is a highly important factor in apparatus where adjustment is not possible; and that even very simple electric devices are uncertain in their action. There are only three operations necessary for the control igo RADIODYNAMICS of a dirigible torpedo, namely: (i) rudder to port, (2) rudder to starboard, and (3) engine control. The following is one FIG. 107. of a number of pneumatic systems devised by the author with this " simplicity" idea in mind. In addition to the FIG. 108. simple and rugged nature of the apparatus it also possesses the advantage that, unlike other systems, it does not require RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 191 an especially trained operator; even with the simplest of the old systems, such as Gardner's and Hammond's, a very con- siderable amount of practice is necessary in order to attain expertness in the boat's control. This system was designed in 1912 for use with selector systems in which a gradual back and forth rectilinear motion of the movable selector element, as distinguished from the Wire/ess Controlled Rudder FIG. 109. step by step circular motion of some, can be secured. Three of the author's methods as well as that of Gardner's, are adaptable for this purpose. As shown in Fig. 109 the function of the movable selector element is to control air valves, which in turn control the energy used in performing the desired operations. A brief description will serve to explain the action of the apparatus. Normally the transmitting impulses are of such character IQ2 RADIODYNAMICS that the valve V is partially open, thus allowing compressed air to escape from the tank to the cylinder. At this normal position the pressure inside the cylinder reaches a certain value and then remains constant, due to the pull of the large spring S, and to the action of the adjustable escape valve E. If the valve V is opened wide the piston moves quickly, and with great power to the left, due to the fact that the escape valve cannot take care of this increased inrush of air; if the valve is closed farther than the normal position, the piston will be moved in the opposite direction by the spring S. By this means, the rudder, as shown, can be made to move to either side as swiftly or as slowly as de- sired, and maintained in any position, simply by altering the position of the steering wheel at the transmitting station. This alters the speed, or the ratio of on to off periods, of the impulses. Thus any inexperienced operator can steer the boat. For engine control a rotary valve (not shown) operated by the solenoid, is used. This has but two kinds of positions corresponding to start and stop. When it is desired to start the engine, one turn of the steering wheel to the extreme right (farther than for the hard over position) is made; the operation for stopping is exactly the same. This can be done quickly so that no interference with the steering evolu- tioned need be experienced. The required air pressure is maintained in the tank by a compressor actuated by the propelling motor. Another system of the writer's depends on the selecting action of a dash-pot retarded solenoid apparatus. By send- ing an impulse of one second, then allowing a short break, and then holding the impulse again, number one circuit can be operated. For the other circuits the first impulse need only be changed to 2, 3, 4, etc., seconds, according to the number of the circuit to be operated. The circuit continues RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IQ3 to be closed as long as the last impulse is held; when it is stopped the selector arm returns to the normal position. Not mentioning the work now being carried on both in the United States and in Europe on the control of trains by control systems based on electromagnetic induction at dis- tances of a few feet, the latest development along the lines of distant control has been reported from France and Italy in connection with the "F ray" naval experiments made in the Solent. It may be worth recalling that Signor Ulivi made a number of experiments in the presence of the French authorities at Villers-sur-Mer in August of 1913. "The 'F rays' were originally discovered by a professor at the University of Nancy, and there has been considerable controversy from time to time as to their potency, and some have even doubted their existence. On the other hand, ac- cording to certain reports, the effects obtained by Signor Ulivi were wonderful, and amazed the French authorities. No less a personage than General Joffre is said to have been impressed by them, and to such an extent that he asked the inventor to prepare a plan by means of which an enemy's magazines and powder supplies might be blown up from a distance. "What Signor Ulivi has since done in France has remained a profound secret; in fact it is not known whether he has done anything at all. Immediately after the first articles had appeared in the papers, in August of 1913, it is understood he was asked to go to England to submit some tests to the British Admiralty. His experiments in France were chiefly carried out at Havre and Villers-sur-Mer. They were wit- nessed by General Joffre, General Curieres, de Castelnau, Major Ferrie, and a delegate of the Minister of War, Captain Cloitre. The first tests consisted of a series of submarine mines of which there were ten, placed at intervals of 600 meters. Signor Ulivi, at i the appointed moment, touched IQ4 RADIODYNAMICS a lever, and one by one the mines exploded without any visible agent. He declared that he had done it by a con- centration of the power of F rays. He was next asked to blow up some powder magazines in an old hulk, which he also did successfully. " The technical officers who had witnessed the tests next wanted to prepare mines in their own way and defied him to explode them. This he is alleged to have refused to do at one moment, and a discussion arose. Were the experiments sincere or not? The question was asked and sides were taken at the time; but the dispute was suddenly hushed up or dropped. The fact is that every subsequent move of Signor Ulivi has been shrouded in mystery."* Self-Directing Torpedoes. The latest tendencies along torpedo-control lines have been towards the development of apparatus which will give a tor- pedo the power of self -direction. In 1912 the author, in collaboration with John Hays Ham- mond, Jr., developed such an apparatus, which was called an " orientation mechanism." It is more generally known now as the "electric dog." It is shown in Figs, no, in and 112. "This orientation mechanism in its present form, consists of a rectangular box about three feet long, one and a half feet wide, and one foot high. This box contains all the in- struments and mechanism, and is mounted on three wheels, two of which are geared to a driving motor, and the third, on the rear end, is so mounted that its bearings can be turned by electromagnets in a horizontal plane. Two five inch condensing lenses on the forward end appear very much like large eyes. * Extract from an article in the "London Times." RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 195 "If a portable electric light be turned on in front of the machine it will immediately begin to move toward the light, and, moreover, will follow that light all around the room in many complex manoeuvers at a speed of about three feet per Pony Relay Wiring Diagram- Electric Dog FlG. I 10. second. The smallest circle in which it will turn is of about ten feet diameter; this is due to the limiting motion of the steering wheel. Upon shading or switching off the light the dog can be stopped immediately but it will resume its course behind the RADIODYNAMICS moving light so long as the light reaches the condensing lenses in sufficient intensity. " The explanation is very similar to that given by Jaques Loeb, the biologist, of reasons responsible for the flight of moths into a flame. According to Mr. Loeb's conclusion, which is based on his researches, the moth possesses two minute cells, one on each side of the body. These cells are sensitive to light, and when one alone is illuminated a sensa- FlG. III. Interior of Electric Dog. tion similar to our sensation of pain is experienced by the moth; when both are equally illuminated, no unpleasant sensation is felt. The insect therefore keeps its body in such a position, by some manner of reflex action, as will in- sure no pains, and in this position the forward flying motion will carry it directly toward the source of light. "The orientation mechanism possesses two selenium cells, corresponding to the two light sensitive organs of the moth, which, when influenced by light effect the control of sensitive relays, instead of controlling nervous apparatus for pain pro- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 197 duction, as is done in the moth. The two relays controlled by the selenium cells in turn control electromagnetic switches which effect the following operations; when one cell or both are illuminated the current is switched onto the driving motor; when one cell alone is illuminated, an electromagnet is energized and effects the turning of the rear steering wheel. The resultant turning of the machine will be such as to bring the shaded cell into the light. As soon and as long as both FIG. 112. Electric Dog in Action. cells are equally illuminated in sufficient intensity, the ma- chine moves in a straight line toward the light source. By throwing a switch, which reverses the driving motors con- nections, the machine can be made to back away from the light in a most surprising manner. When the intensity of the illumination is so decreased by the increasing distance from the light source, that the resistances of the cells approach their dark resistances, the sensitive relays break their respec- tive circuits, and the machine stops. "The principle of this orientation mechanism has been 198 RADIODYNAMICS applied to the Hammond dirigible torpedo for demonstrat- ing what is known as attraction by interference. That is, if the enemy tries to interfere with the guiding station's con- trol, the torpedo will be attracted to it. The torpedo is fitted with, apparatus similar to that of the electric dog, so that if the enemy turns their search light on it, it will immediately be guided toward that enemy automatically. "In order that the search light used by the control opera- tor may not have this same effect, use is made of a gyroscope to keep the turn table upon which the cells are mounted, in a fixed position relative to the earth. In this way no mat- ter how much the torpedo turns, or in what direction it is traveling the selenium cells will always face from the shore and toward the attacking battleship in the open sea. "By means of two directive antennae, instead of two sele- nium cells the same principle may be applied for attraction by interference when Hertzian, instead of light waves are used. Sound waves might also be utilized in a similar man- ner so that the sound reaching the torpedo (which would be equipped with two submerged microphones made sensitive and directive by megaphone attachments) from the pound- ing of the battleships engines and other machinery, would effect its attraction in a way analogous to the attraction of a source of light for the orientation mechanism. It is just possible, too, that similar apparatus could be used for the detection of submarines, or for defense against them.' 7 The electric dog operates in a single plane, the horizontal; the author has developed plans for extending its operations to both horizontal and vertical planes, by using two sets of the orientation apparatus operating at right angles to one another. These plans include the use of all forms of radiant energy. * Extract from a paper on Torpedo Control by the author in the Purdue Engineering Review, 1914. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 199 With such a double orientator a new defense against the submarine becomes possible. Captain K. 0. Leon of the Swedish navy has already applied the electric dog principle to the automatic direction of torpedoes, the soun4 waves sent out through the water from the hull of a ship acting as the attracting stimulus; it, is but a step to apply a double "orientator of this type to torpedoes that will seek out and destroy any submarines within its range of hearing. This same type of automatic director is suitable for use with aerial torpedoes, explosive-laden mechanical moths, which will sweep down upon the ships of the air with a sting that will blow them into a thousand pieces. The electric dog which now is but an uncanny scientific curiosity may within the very near future become in truth a real "dog of war," without fear, without h^art, without the human element so often susceptible to trickery, with but one purpose; to over- take and slay whatever comes within range of its senses at the will of its master. INDEX Adams, Prof., experiments of, in electromagnetic induction signal- ling, 15. Amplifiers, classification of, 175. De Forest's, 50. Generator, 177. Hetrodyne, 178. Lowenstein's, 62. Microphonic, 175. Monotelephonic, 141. Vacuum tube, 177. Antennae, Austin's law for height of, 183. Circuit adjustment of, 134. Marconi's law for height of, 183. Of Kiebitz, 186. On "Pioneer" 125. On "Radio" 185. Submerged receiving, 186. Torpedo, 183. Water (Fessenden), 186. Armstrong and Orling, capillary elec- trometer, 172. Austin, Dr. L. W., experiments by, with radiotelegraphic sender, 72. Formula of, for antennae height, 183. Automatic recording telegraph, 3. Balloon, dirigible, of Roberts, 86. Battle-range torpedo control, 124. Bell, Alexander Graham, experiments of, in electromagnetic induction signalling, 15. Photophone of, 9. Plan of, for marine signalling, 17. Beck, experiments of, in torpedo con- trol, 100. Berger, H. Christian, apparatus of, in earth conduction, 71. Bolometer, 10, 41, 51. Boys, radiomicrometer of, 51. Branley, codal selector of, 141. Control system of, 105. Protective device of, 106. Branly, experiments with Hertzian waves, 27. "Branly tube," or coherer, 28. Bull, Anders, codal selector of, 141. Capillary electrometer (Armstrong & Orling), 172. As relay, 182. Cells, silenium, 57. Selectivity of, 63. Codal selector, of Anders Bull, 141. Branley, 141. Walter, 141. Wirth, 141. Coherers, 171. Branly's, 28. Control energy, choice of, 34. Control systems, classification of, 89. Beck's, 100. Branley's, 105. Deveaux's, 96. Hammond's, of torpedoes, 122. Knauss's, TOO. Wirth's, 100. Cooke, W. F., needle telegraph of, 3. Crooke's radiometer, 10, 51. Crystal rectifiers, 172. Current, density of, 8, 9. d'Arsonval, radiomicrometer of, 51. Davy's sound-relaying system, 10, n. 201 2O2 INDEX De Forest, amplifier, 50. Vacuum-tube rectifier, 129. Density of current between earth- plates, 8, 9. Detectors, 167. Capillary electrometer, 172. Electrolytic, 172. Ion controller (Lowenstein), 24. Magnetic, 171. Potentio, 134. Radiant heat, 46. Thermal, 171. Thermoelectric, 48, 171. Vacuum, 173. Deveaux's dirigible torpedo boat, 96. Diathermanous materials, 45. Dirigible torpedo boat (Deveaux), 96. Dolbear, Prof., electrostatic system of, 19. Double orientation mechanism, 194. Duddell's thermogalvanometer, 10, 171. Duddell-Thompson arc, 142, 147, 160, 163. Earth conduction, 3, 67. Experiments in selective control, offered by, 67. Low resistance of, 8. Plan of Berger, 71. Plates (Steinheil), 9. Edison, dirigible torpedo c/, 86. "Tasimeter" of, 10, 52. "Electric Dog," 194. Electric wave producers, 159. Electrolytic detector, 172. Electromagnet, invention of, 3. Electromagnetic induction, 76. Laws of, 3. Telegraph, 3. First overland system of, 3. Development of, 4. Signalling, 15. Electromagnetic sounder, 4. Wave systems, 27. Later improvements in, 32. Marconi, early experiments of, Tesla, experiments of, 28. Electrometer, capillary, 172. As relay, 182. Electrons, effect of ultra-violet rays on, 64. Electrostatic telegraph systems, 10. Of Le Sage, 4. Of Lowenstein, 23. Electrostatic and electromagnetic in- duction, 74. "F Ray," discovery of, 193. Experiments of Uiivi in, 193. Faraday, discovery of laws of elec- tromagnetic induction by, 3. Fessenden, Prof., hetrodyne receiver of, 167, 173, 178. Interference preventer of, 142. Submarine signalling system of, 36. Water antennas of, 186. Franklin, Benjamin, experiments of, 2. Invention of torpedo by, 78. Frequency transformer (Golcl- schmidt), 174. Fulton, Robert, experiments by, with torpedoes, 78. Gale, Prof., experiments of, in water conductivity, 13. Galileo, early theory of, 6. "Galvanic excitation" of Steinheil, 8. "Galvanic induction of" Steinheil, 8. Galvanometers, 2. As relays, 182. Gardner, John, sensitive vibratory re- lays of, ii. Torpedo control, system of, 93. Galvanoscope, 2. Gauss, experiments of, 2. INDEX 20 3 Generator amplifier, 175. Goldschmidt, Dr., frequency trans- former of, 174. Goose quills, use of, for insulation, 3. Gray, Stephen, early discovery by, 2. Hammond, John Hays, Jr., experi- ments by, 107. Steering apparatus of, 114. Torpedo control, system for coast defence, 122. Hammond radio research laboratory, work of; 107. Heat, detectors of, 10. Heliograph, i. Henry, invention by, 3. Hertzian waves, 77. Branly's experiments with, 28. Lodge's experiments with, 28. Hetrodyne receiver (Fessenden), 167, 173, 178. Indians, signalling by, i. Indicator currents in radio receivers, experiments of G. W. Pierce in, 150. Nature of, 150. Induction-conduction telegraph sys- tems (Preece's), 25. Inductive effects in telephone circuits, IS- Infra-red or heat waves, selectivity of, 44. Use in torpedo control, 41. Interference preventer, 159. Of Fessenden, 142. Ion controller detector (Lowenstein), 24. Knauss, experiments of, in torpedo control, 100. Leon, Capt. K. O., experiments with torpedoes, 199. Le Sage of Geneva, 2. Electrostatic telegraph of, 4. Leyden jar, discovery of, 2. Light telephony, 60. Lindsay, James Bowman, experiments of, in water conductivity, 14. Lodge, Sir Oliver, experiments with Hertzian waves, 28. Lowenstein, amplifier of, 62. Electrostatic telegraph of, 23. Ion controller detector, 24. Magnetic detectors, 171. Marconi, early experiments of, 31. Law of, for height of antennae, 183- Marine signalling, Bells plan for, 17. Method of Rathman, 18. Method of Rubens-, 18. Method of Strecker, 18. Microphonic amplifier, 175. Micro-radiometer (Weber), 47. Monotelephone amplifier, 141. Morse, foundation of overland system, 3- Development of overland system of, 4- Sounder of, 4. Experiments of, with earth con- duction, 12. Report of, to government, 12. "Multipliers" of Steinheil, 8. Muschenbroek of Leyden, 2. Nichol's radiometer, 51. Orientation mechanism (" Electric Dog"), 194- Applied to Hammond dirigible tor- pedo, 197. Double, 198. Experiments of Captain Leon with, 199- Oersted, discovery by, 2, 4. 2O4 INDEX Parabolic reflectors, 42. Photophone, of Bell and Tainter, 9. Pierce, Prof., G. W., experiments of, in indicator currents in radio re- ceivers, 150. Pliny, early discovery by, 2. Pneumatic steering apparatus, 188. Potentio detector, 134. Adjustment of, 135. Poppoff s receiver, description of, 30. Preece's induction-conduction system, description of, 25. Radiant energy in ether and air, vibration frequencies of, 33. Radiant heat detectors, 46. Classification of, 47. Radio control, experiments in Europe, 193- Recent developments in, 188. Radiodynamic torpedo (Tesla), 85. Radiodynamics, sound waves in, 36. Radio-Goniometer (Bellini and Tosi), 44, 140. Radiometer, 51. Radiomicrometer of d'Arsonval and Boys, 51. Radio receivers, indicator actions of, 163- Indicator currents in, 150. Radiotelegraph, experiments with, (Austin), 72. , First, 10. Power of transmitter, 35. Range of received power, 35. Radio tower, common type of, 184. Rathbone, Charles, discovery by, 14. Receivers, hetrodyne (Fessenden), 167, 173, 178. Poppoff s, 30. Selective, 137. "Whip-crack" effect in, 137. Receiving wave detector, Varley's use of, 27. Rectifiers, crystal, 172. Vacuum tube of De Forest, 129. Reflectors, parabolic, 42. Relay, capillary electrometer as, 182. Galvanometer as, 182. Importance of, 180. Improvements of, 1 26. Invention of, 5. Non-polarized, 181. Polarized, 181. Resonance, 141. Sensitive vibratory, of Gardner, n. Resonance relay, 141. Roberts, dirigible balloon of, 86. Romagnesi of Trent, discovery by, 2, 4- Sacher, Prof., E., experiments of, in induction, 15. Schilling, telegraph of, 2. Schweigger, discovery by, 2, 4. Searchlights, electric atmospheric ab- sorption and dispersion of rays, 45- Invisibility of rays, 43. Selective receivers, 137. Selective transmitter-receiver unit, 145- Selectivity, means of obtaining, 145. Selectors, 89. Branley's, 92. Codal, 141. Hiilsmeyer's, 93. Walter's, 92. Self-directing torpedoes, 194. Experiments of Capt. Leon with, 199. Orientation mechanism applied to, 199. Semaphore system, i. Signalling, early methods, i. Flag, i. Submarine (Fessenden's apparatus for), 36. 'INDEX 205 SUenium, 57. Cells, 57. Selectivity of, 63. Sims, dirigible torpedo of, 86. Siren interference machines, 143. Sonorescent property of substances, 10. Sound waves in radiodynamics, 36. Sound-relaying system, of Davy, 10. Sounder, electromagnetic, of Morse, 4. Steering apparatus (Hammond), 114. Pneumatic, 188. Steinheil, system of telegraphy of, 2. Radio-telegraphic system of, 10. Scheme of earth-plates of, 9. Use of railway by, 3. Wireless telegraph of, 6, 9. Sturgeon, invention by, 3. Submarine signalling, Prof. Fessen- den's apparatus for, 36, 40. Tainter, Sumner, photophone of, 9. "Tasimeter," Edison's, 10, 52. Telautomaton (Tesla), 84. Teledynamics, development of, 4, 5. Teledynamic system, principal parts of, 33- Telefuncken, transmitter of, 139. Telegraph, automatic recording, 3. Electrostatic, 4-23. Electromagnetic, 4. First invented, 2. First overland, 3. First in U. S., 4. Needle, 3. Wireless, 6, 12. Telephone, inductive effects in, 15. Invention of, 14. Wireless, 14. Telephony, light, 60. Tesla, Nikola, early experiments, 28. Invention of wirelessly controlled vessel, 83. Radiodynamic torpedo ot, 85. Tesla, Nikola, Telautomaton of, 84. Thales, early discovery by, 2. Theophrastus, early discovery by, 2. Thermal detectors, 166, 171. Thermocouple, 49. Thermoelectric detectors, 48, 171. Thermogalvanometer, Duddell's, 171. Thermo-electric pile, 9. Thermopile, 41, 48. 7 Of Coblentz, 49. And galvanometer relay, 51. Thermostat, 53. Torpedo, advantages and disadvan- tages, 83. Antennae of, 183. Battle range, control of, 124. Coast defense (Hammond), 122. Control systems for, 93, 96, 100. Demonstrations of, before U. S. War dept., 121. Description of, 79. Dirigible, 86, 102. Experiments of Leon with, 199. First test of, 78. Invention of, 78. Methods of launching, 80. Radiodynamic (Tesla), 85. Self-directing, 194. Transmitter of Telefuncken, 139. Trowbridge, Prof., John, study of electromagnetic induction signal- ling, 15- Ultra-violet radiations, 64-66. Ulivi, experiments of, in F Rays, 193- Vacuum-detector, 173. rectifier, of De Forest, 129. Vacuum-tube, amplifier, 177. Varley's use of receiving wave detec- tor, 27. Vibration frequencies of radiant energy in ether and air, 33. 206 INDEX Waiter, codal selector of, 141. Watson of Llandaff, early discovery. by, 2. Wave systems, electromagnetic, 27, 28,31,32. Waves, infra-red, 41, 44. Weber, micro-radiometer of, 47. Wheatstone, needle telegraph of, 3. Automatic recording telegraph of, 3- "Whip-crack" effect in receivers, 137. Wilkins, J. W., experiments of, with earth conduction, 14. Willoughby Smith, discovers proper- ties of silenium, 57. Wilson, Ernest, invention by, of wire- less control of vessels, 83. Wireless telegraphy, 6. First, of Steinheil, 6. Later, of Steinheil, 9. Practical, 12. Wireless transmission of energy, ex- periments of Nikola Tesla, 28. Wireiessly controlled vessels, system for (Wilson), 83. Invention of (Tesla), 83. Description of, 84. Wirth, codal selector of, 141. Experiments of, in torpedo control, 100, 102. Zickler, Prof. E., use of ultra-violet rays in telegraphy, 65, 66. LIST OF WORKS ON ELECTRICAL SCIENCE PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY ' D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, 25 Park Place, New York. ABBOTT, A. V. The Electrical Transmission of Energy. A Manual for the Design of Electrical Circuits. Fifth Edition, enlarged and rewritten. With many Diagrams, Engravings and Folding Plates. 8vo., cloth, 675 pp Net, $5.00 ARNOLD, E. Armature Windings of Direct-Current Dynamos. Exten- sion and Application of a general Winding Rule. Translated from the original German by Francis B. DeCress. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, 124 pp $2.00 ASHE, S. W. Electricity Experimentally and Practically Applied. 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