A REPERTORY O F T H E ENDOWMENTS OF VICARAGES In the D I O C E S E S of CANTERBURY and ROCHESTER, By Dr. DUCAREL, F. R. and A. SS. COMMISSARY of the CITY and DIOCESE of CANTERBURY* LONDON, PRINTED BY J. NICHOLS. M.DCC.tXXXII. [Price 3*. 6y he renounces all the Right, Title, and Intereft, that he had by virtue of a certain Competition made in the Time of Henry Chicheley, Abp. of Canterbury, between the then Vicar of Beausfiekl and the then Prior and Convent of Cumber- well. Dated June 26, 1613. Reg. Abbott. Pars i ma . fol. 397, a. b. (MS, Lambeth.) BERFRESTONE, Red. This little R.etory, in the Patronage .of St. John's College, Oxford, is now augmented by Queen Anne's Bounty, arid 200!. railed by ths faid College. .BETHERSDEN, Vic. Abp. Juxon augmented this Vi- carage out of the Great Tithes, i ol. per Ann. by Indenture, dated 17 April, 2 8 Car. II. (L. L.) PIDDENDEN. Reel:. SeeCRANEBROKE. B 4 Boc- 8 DIOCESE OF BOCLAND, alias BUCLAND, hodie Cur, Defcriptio limitum et finium paroch. de Bocland. Leiger Book of St. Martin at Dover, fol. 254, b. (MSS. Lambeth. N24i.) Augmented by Abp. Juxon. 12!. per Ann. By Indentures, dated 4 July, 1 3 Car. II. and another dated 10 March, 23 Car. II. (L. L.) Appropriatio did. Eccl. Priorat. S t; < Martini de Dover. Dat. apud Cher- ring, 8 Kal. Nov. A. D. 1364. Leiger Book of St. Martin Dover, fol. 107. a. (MSS. Lambeth.) BOCTON fubtus le Blen, Vic. Sententia Judicum delegat in caufa Decimar. provenient. de quodam fundo vulg. dift. Clyvemarfh infra parochiam de Bolton Underblane, inter Decan. et Capit. Cant, ct alios partem appellant, et Robertum Thomp- CANTERBURY. 9 Thompfon, Vicar de Bolton Under- blane partem appellat. Dat. 20 Febr. A. D. 1567. (Chart. Antiq. R, 262. Archiv. Cantuar.) BONINGTON, Reft. Unio Ecclefiarum de Hurfl al. Faw- kenhurft et de Bonington. Dat. 16 die Nov. A. D. 1583. Reg. Whitgift, vol. I. fol. 449 ( MSS - Lambeth.) BOUGHTON, al. BOCTON ALUPHE, Vic. See WESTWELL. BOXLE. Vic. See STURMOUTH. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. Id. Feb. A. D. 1377. Reg. Sudbury, fol. 124. a, b. (MSS. Lambeth.) Se- veral Inftruments relating to this Church are printed from the Ar- chives of the See of Rochefter, in Dr. Thorpe's Regiftrum RorFenfe, p. 1 77 to p. 185. Sententia fuperDecimis, dicWicarie A. 0.1403. Among theCriartae An- to DIOCESE OF tiquae in the Augmentation Office, marked D. i o i . The vicar of Boxley has a Pennon of 81. per Annum out of the Exchequer. BRABOURNE, al. BRADBORNE, Vic. Augmented by Archbimop Juxoii 1 61. per Ann. By Indenture, dated 5 Sept. 13 Car. II. and another, dated 6 Oft. 23 Car. II. (L L.) Perambulation of the Parifh of Bra- bourn, anno 10 Ric. I. and a copy of the Ordination of this Vicarage, is" ^ extant in a manufcript marked A. 1 1 . fol. 68. a. in the Archives of Can- terbury Cathedral. Portio Vicar de Bradburne affignata d'no Thome de Banftede, Vicar. Ibid, per Fratrem Hugonem de Faloniis, Priorem de Horton, A. D. 1445. Certificatio finium et limitacionum parochie de Braborne, anno 10 R. I. (i. e.) A. D. 1198. CANTERBURY, n 1198. Regiftr. Priorat. de Horton, Chart. 239, 241. 243. MS. penes Tho. Aftle, Arm. 1781. BRADSOLE. See LEYSDOWN. BREDGAR, Vic. Dotatio Vicariae, dat. 8 die Nov. A. D. 1391. Reg. Morton. Dene Bourchier et Courtney, fol. 214. a. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) BROKLAND, Vic. See COLREDE. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. apud Otte- ford 15 Kal. Auguft.A.D. 1360. Regift. Iflip. fol. 162. a. (MSSw Lambeth.) Printed in X. Scriptores col. 2087. Ordinatio Vicaria? per Simonem Cant. Archiep. (SansDate.) Regiiler of St. Auftin, Cant, called the Blacke Boke, MS. in the Cotton Library (now in the Britifh Mufeum) mark- ed FaulUna A. i. fol. 232. b. PROMFIELD. See LEEDS. BROOK, 12 DIOCESE OF BROOK, Re&. Conventio inter Dominum Henri- cum Prior, et Convent. Eccl. Chrifti Cant, et Dominum Adam Reft. Eccl. B. M. de Broke, fuper Deci- mis, A. D. 1316. Chartular Eccl. Chrifti Cant. Chart. 135. et 136. CANTUAR. Civitas. Unio Ecclefiarum S t?e . Mildredae, Omnium San&orum, ac S C3e . Marias ad Caftrum in civitat. Cantuar. Dat. apud Lambeth 29 die Septembr. 1684. Licentia regia fuper unione predict. T. R. apud Weftminfrer, 14 die Oaob. A. D. 1684. Reg. San- croft fol. 252. a, b. (MSS. Lambeth.) . S T *. CRUCIS Weftgate, Vic. Ordinatio Vicariae S ta! . Crucis Weft- gate, Cant. Dat. apud' Saltvvood, 5 Id. Junii, A. D. 1347. (Printed in Somner's Antiq. of Canterbury, pag. 74 and 78.) Copia CANTERBURY, 13 CANTUAR. Civitas. CopiaCompofitionis dih vicariae ex- tat in MS. notat. A. n. fol. 38. b. in Archiv. Eccl. Cathedral. Can- tuarienus. Inquifitio ad quod dampnum fi do* minus Rex concedat Simoni Tan- ner et aliis quod ipii unum Mefuag. et unum Gardinum cum pertin. in parochia S tae . Crucis de Weftgate, Cantuar. dare poffint et affignare Roberto Raynhull, Vicar Ecclefiaa S c *. Crucis in Weftgate, et Succef- foribus fuis, Capt. apud Cant, die Mercur. prox. ante feftum Nat. Beate Mar. Virg. Anno regnor Ric. Regis Angl. et Francis 16. (Chartas antiquce A. 219.) Archiv. Can- tuar. S !i> DUNSTANI, Vic. Ordinatio Vicarise S tl Dunftani, Cant. Dat. apud Mortlake 1 6 Kal. Aug. H DIOCESE OF CANTUAR. Civitas. Aug. A. D. 1322. Regift. Rey- nolds, fol. 1 02. a. (MSS. Lambeth.) Printed in Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury, Appendix N LlXX. a. P-74^ Augmentatio VicariiE facia per Jo- hem (Stratford) Cant. Archiepum, 3 Kal. Aug. A. D. 1342. Statuens ut Conventus S t! ' Gregorii Cant, qui Ecclefia appropriata fuit, de- cimas minores, oblationes, &c. vi- cario olim affignate, annuam 2 mar- carum penllonem perfolvat. (Liber de Rebus ad Archidiaconatum Can- tuar. fpetantibus, Liber niger didus in 8 V0 . fol. 42. (MS. Wharton, p. 97. N 582. MSS. Lambeth.) In 1 66 1 this vicarage was aug- mented out . of the Great Tithes by Abp. Juxon. This Vicarage had 200!. given by AJbp. Tenifon, by 5 which CANTERBURY, tg CANTUAR. Civitas. which it enjoys Queen Anne's Bounty. St. GREGORY'S Priory, near Can- terbury. To this Priory of Regular Black Canons were appropriated the fol- lowing Parfonages; viz. Betriche- dene, St. Dunftan, Elmefted, Li- vingfborne, Natindon, North-Gate, Stallesford, Taninton, Waltham, and Weftgate. To the augmenting thefe Vicarages and Curacies, Abp. Juxon gave 210!. per Ann. out of the Great Tithes, A. D. 1661. Some of them were augmented 2oL per Annum, as Waltham and others. I fupppfe more or lefs, as the Abp. thought was needful. Bimop Kennet (Cafe of Impropriations, p. 256.) fays, there were 2 or 13 Vicarages of Curacies belonging to this Priory. But 16 DIOCESE OF CANTUAR. Civitas. But I have hitherto met with no more than thefe ten. . S tae . MARGARETS Eccl. Compofitio inter Reel:. Eccl. S^. Margaretse Cantuar. et Capellanos de Hofpitali pauperum Sacerdotum in Cantuaria, fuper oblationibus, ob- ventionibus, &c. (fans Date.) Red Book of Canterbury, MS. in the Cotton Library (now in the Britifh Mufeum) marked Claudius D. X. fol. 100. b. 101. a. . S ri . MARTINI, Reel. Exemplification of a Decree of the Court of Firft-fruits, for reducing the Taxation of the Parfonage of Saint Marten withowte the Walles of Canterbury, from nyne Powndes x per an. (at which Rate it was for- merly charged with the Payment of Firfl-fruits and Tenths) to 61. 5 s, CANTERBURY. 17 CANTUAR. Civitas. 58. 8d. Dat. 26 Nov. anno regni Reg.Edw dl . 6". i mo . In which Decree is contained a Par- ticular of the Tithes, &c. due to the Rector of the faid Church. (Archiv. Cantuar.) S tae . MARI^ Northgate,. Vic. Ordinatio Vicar. S. Mariae North- gate Cantuar. Jura Vicarias Hof- pitale de Northgate exceptum Onera Vicarii (printed in Somner's Antiquity of Cant. Appendix, p. 73.) Declaratio per Robertum, Prior, ec- clefias Chrifli Cant, et ejufdem loci Capitulum, fede Cant, vacante, Dat. 10 Kal. Novemb. A. D. 1348. fuper Ordinatione Vicarise Beatae Mariae de Northgate Cant, que ordinata fuit, A. D. 1346. menfis Novemb. die 4. (Regiftr.E.fol. i2.a.)MSS. Cantuar. Executio fuper Ordinatione Vicarise C de 18 DIOCESE OF CANTUAR. Civitas. de Northgate, Dat. Cantuar. 10 Kal. Novemb. A. D. 1348. (Regift. P. fol. 54. b.) Ibid. Eccl. B. M. de BREDENE et S TI . EDMUNDI DE REDYNGATE. Unio diet. Ecclefiar. facta fede Cant, vacante per Prior, et Capit. Cant. 3 die Nov. A. D. 1349. (Reg. E. Eccl. Chrifti Cant.) fol. 46. a. b. Eccl. B. M. ad CASTRUM et Sandi JOHANNIS dicli Pauperis. Inquifitio fuper unione dicl. Eccle- fiar. 5 Kal. Julii, A. D. 1349. (Reg. Eccl. Chrifti Cant. fol. 46. b.) S tl . PAULI. Vic. Ordinatio Vicar. S li . Pauli Cantuar. Refervata Rectori Onera Vi- carii Jura Vicarii Dat. 5 Id. De- cemb. A. D. 1268. (printed in Som- ner's Antiquity of Cant. Appendix, ' 2 pag. CANTERBURY. 19 CANTUAR. Civitas. pag. 73. and in X. Scriptores Col. 2095.) A. D. 1268, a Vicarage was con- ftituted here by Hugh Mortimer," Official to Boniface Archbimop of Canterbury, by the confent of the Abbot of St. Auftin, and Hamo Doge, Parfon of this Church, the laft Reftor here. The Vicar had all Obventions, Profits, &c. and was to pay the Archdeacon's Procu- rations, and all other ufual Onera. Dr. Harris's Hift. of Kent, p. 234. * S d . PETRI, Reel. Licentia Regis Edw di 3-,. concefla Richardo de Langedon, quod ipfe unum mefluagium cum pertin. fuis dare poffit Thomae Perfonae S d . Petri Cant, pro manfo fuo habend. (ibi et fucceiforibus fuis Statuto de terris, &c. in manum mortuam non po- nendis non obftante. Dat. apud C 2 Weiim, 20 DIOCESE OF CANTUAR. Civitas. Weftm. 5 die Decemb. anno regni fui Angl. 25. et Francie 2. (Chartac Antiquae R. 227.) Archiv. Cantuar. Ecclefia S t; . Petri Cantuar. folvit annuam penfionem 6 fol. 8 den. Thefaurar. Cantuar. Regiftr. Hen- rici Prioris Cantuar. ab A. D. 1285. ad A. D. 1327. MS. in the Publick Library at Cambridge, marked E. e. v. fol. 31. Charta Richardi de Langedone con- cedens Thomae Perfonas S u . Petri Cant, et Succeflbribus fuis, unum meffuagium, cum pertinen. fuis ec- clefiae S tl . Petri contiguum. Dat. 26 Sept. ann. regni Reg. Edvva 1 . III. 27. (Chartae Antiquae, A. 209.) Ibid. Arbitratio fa&a a Nat. Brent, Mil. LL.D. de 13 fols. & 4 den. annu- atim folvendis Reftori Eccl. S t; . Petri Cant, pro Decimis cujufdam Prati juxta CANTERBURY. 21 juxta Situm Domus Fratrum mi- norum. Dat. 22 April, A. D. 1636. (Chartas Antiquae. A. 192 ) Ibid. CHALLOCK, Chapel to Godmermam. Augmented by Archbifhop Juxon lol. per ann. By Indenture, 22 Aug. 13 Car. II. and another dat. 30 Dec. 23 Car. II. (L. L.) CHARLTON, Reft. Memorand. de Decimis Reft, de Cherlton. Leiger Book of St. Mar- tin at Dover, fol. 253. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) CHART, juxta Sutton, Vic. Appropriatio dift Eccl. Prior, et Convent, de Ledis per Walter Cant. Archiepum. Dat. apud Lambeth, ii Kal. Aug. A. D. 1330, Reg. Reynolds, fol. 96. a 97. b. (Printed in Dr. Thorpe's Regiftrum Roffenfe, p. 207, 208, 209.) C 3 CHART- 22 DIOCESE OF CHART MAGNA, Reft. Several Bounders of certain lands belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and lying in the Parifh of Great Chart, being old Copies of three Indentures, one dated 23 Sept. 34 Hen. VIII. another dated 20 June, 4 Jac. I. another made by the Te- nants of the faid Lands, dated 29 Oft. 1614. Chart2eMifcellaneae,vol. VI. N 64. (MSS. Lambeth) Com- pofitio inter mag. Reginald de Lori- don, Red. Eccl, de Charte, ex una parte, et Prior, et Convent. S. Gregorii, Cantuar. ex altera ihper quibufdam Decimis, &c. Aft. A. D. 1238, menfe Decembri MS. in the Publick Library at Cambridge, marked LI. 11 15 fol. 66. Certificat Nichol. Decani et Ca- pituli de Meideflane, quod Chart eft Matrix Ecclefia, et non Capella de Sut- CANTERBURY. 23 Suttune. (Chartas antiquae Z. 54.) Archiv. Cantuar. . Dotatio Vicariae de Chertae juxta Le- des, per Walter. Archiep. Cant, apud Lambeth, 4Kal. Marcii, A. D. 1320. (Chartas Antiquas, Z. 75.) Ibid. Sententia de confuetudine et modo decimandi infja parochiam de Chart, Decauatus de Button, per Thomam Archlepifcopum Cant, lata in Caufa Decimarum, inter Priorem et Con- vent. deLedes, et Johannem Hadde, parochianum didas ecclefiae. Dat. apud Cranebrok, j die Julii, A. D. 1400. (Chartas Antique, Z. 7 6.) Ibid. CHARTHAM, Red. Compoiitio lupsr quibufdam decimis redditibus pofleffionibus et rebus aliis inter Prior, et Convent. S. Gregorii Cant, et Mag. Robert, recto rem Eccl. deCharteham. Acl.anno 1227 meufe Septembr. Chartas et Conceffiones C 4 24 DIOCESE OF faftae Canon icis S. Gregorii Cantuar. MS. in the publick Library at Cam- bridge, marked LI. 1 1 15. fol. 66. CHISTELETT, Vic. Ordinatio Vic. Dat. apud Lambeth, Id. Feb. A. D. 1345. Printed in X. Scriptores, col. 2115. Augmented by Abp. Sheldon, lol. per annum. By Indenture, dat. 13 July, 23 Car. II. (L. L.) See a Competition between the Abp. of Cant, and the Abbot of St. Auftin's, Cant. Dat. A. D. 1331. in which is an Account of the En- dowment of this Vicarage. Regiftr. Album. (MSS. Lambeth.) Copy of the Ordination of this Vi- carage, and its prefent State (Temp. Bancroft) will be found at fol. 327. of a MS. of Abp. Bancroft, in the Bodhiau CANTERBURY. 25 * Bodleian Library, marked, m. p. Archp. S. CLYVE S tz . MARGARETS, Vic. Conventio fuper Decimis inter Vi- carium S tae . Margaretae de Clyve, et Sacriftam Dovorr. Dat. Cantuar. die Jovis in vigil, fefti B. Thomas Apoftoli, A. D. 1296. (Leiger Book of the Priory of S l . Martin at Dover, fol. 144. a.) MSS. Lambeth. Augmented by Archbimop Juxon, 26!. per ami. By Indenture, dat. 22 June, 13 Car. II. and another 21 July, 28 Car. II. (L. L ) COLREDE, Vic. See Ewell, al. Temple Ewell. Confirmatio Capituli Eccl. Chrifti Cant, fuper Donatione Eccliar. de Apoldre et Col rede Prior, et Convent. S t; . Martini de Dovorr. Deductis inde cpmpetentibus vicariis, fcilicet in Eccl. de Apoldre vicaria xvi. Ma rear. 26 DIOCESE OF Marcar. et in Eccl. de Colrede vi- caria xii Marcar (fans Date.) Leiger Book of the Priory of S'. Martin at Dover, fol. 1 87. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) Compoiitio inter Abbat. et Convent, de Langcdon et Prior, et Convent. S tl . Martini de Dovorr. fuper De- cimis de Popefhale infra Paroch. de Col rede Fata autcm fuit ifta Compoiitio apud Cantuar. in Ec- clelia Majori, in Natali Domini prox. poft confecrationem Hugonis Foliot, in Herfordenfem Epifcopum Pontificat. domini Honorii Pape tercii anno quarto (i.e. A. D. 1219.) Ibid. fcl. 1 3 8. a. Conventio fata inter Prior, et Con- vent S u . Martini de Dovorr. et 'Abbat. et Convent, de Langcdon, 1 u per minutis dccimis tenementi predicli Abbatis et Convent, quocl tenent de Priore et Convent, de Cumb- CANTERBURY. 27 Cumbwell in Paroch. de Colrede. Dat. in diem fefti S d . Dionifii A. D. 1227. Ibid. fol. 1 88. b. Supplicatio et Confirmatio Mona- chor. Cantuar. fuper Eccl. de Apoldre (fans Date.) Ibid. fol. 227. a. Donatio Stephani (Langton) Cant. Archiep. et Cardinalis de Ecclefiis de Apoldre et Colrede Prior, et Con- vent. S". Martini de Dovorr (fans Date.) Ibid. Confirmatio Capituli Eccl. Chrifti Cant, fuper Donatione Eccliar. de Apoldre et Colrede (fans Date.) Ibid. fol. 227. b. Collatio Eccl. de Apoldre refervata penfione Prior, et Convent. S r '. Mar- tini de Dovorr. (fans Date.) Ibid. Alia Collatio Eccl. de Apoldre curn Capell. de Albeneia refervata pen- fione 28 DIOCESE OF {lone x. folidor. Prior, et Convent. S d . Martini et Jure falvo (fans Date.) Ibid. fol. 228. a. Tranfa&io inter Ecclefias de Apoldre et Broclande fuper Decimis. Dat. apud Lameyam, A. D. 1203. do- minica prox. ante feft. Sanctor. Fabiani et Sebeftiani. Ibid. fol. 228. a. Tranfactio inter perfonam de Broc- lande et Prior, et Convent. St'. Mar- tini de Dovorr. fuper penfionibus, &c. pro Apoldre. Dat. in Eccl. Chrifti Cant. A. D. 1224. in Cra- fHna Converfionis S li . Pauli. Ibid, fol. 228. b. Difinitiva Sententia contra Rec- to rcm de Brokelonde pro Eccl. de Apoldre, fuper fpoliatione 36 Cor- porum bladi, &c. Dat. Cant. 8 Id. Junii, A. D. 1318. Ibid. fol. 229. b. Sen- CANTERBURY. 29 Sententia pro Eccl. de Apoldre, pro Decimis contra Rectorem de Snar- gate (fans Date.) Ib. fol. 230. b. Finalis concordia inter Prior, et Con- vent, S tJ . Martini deDovorr. et Rec- torem de Snargate, fuper Decimis. Dat. Men. Nov. in vigil S tae . Kate- rinae, A. D. 1240. Ibid. fol. 231.3. Compotitio inter Prior, et Convent. Sd. Martini de Dovorr. et Rector, de Kenardyntone, fuper Decimis infra limites Eccl. de Apoldre et Kenar- dyntone. Dat. in Eccl. ChrifH Cant. Anno 2 do poft tranflat. B. Thomas Martiris. Ibid. fol. 231. b. Compoiitio inter Ecclelias de Apoldre et Kenardyntone fuper Decimis. Dat. 5 Id. Mart. A. D. 1228. Ibid, fol. 231. b. Compofitio inter Abbat. et Convent. S ri . Auguflini Cant, et Prior, et Con- vent. 3 o DIOCESE OF vent. S t i. Martini de Dovorr. fuper Decimis quarundam terrar. in Ho- rinbroke et Sherle infra limites pa- roch. de Apoldre. Dat. menfe Au- gufti, A. D. 1247. Ibid. fol. 232. b. Fines et limites Eccl. de Colrede cum capell. de Poplemale. Ibid. fol. 25.2. b. Decretum Mag. Tho. de Cant. Com- miffar. Cantuar. generalis fuper qua- darn penfione vi. Marcar. Vicar, de Colrede debit. Dat. apud Lambeth, 1 8 Kal. Sept. A. D. 1346. Ibid. fol. 252. b. Inquifitio fuper penfion. predift. Ibid. fol. 254, a. Aug- mented by Abp. Juxon 20!. per Ann. By Indenture, dat. 1 1 June, 14 Car. II. and another, 22 Mar. 22 Car. II. Unio vicariarum de Sibertfwell et Colrede. Dat. 13 die Feb. A. D. 1584. CANTERBURY. 31 1584. Reg. Whitgift, vol. I. fol. 459. (MSS. Lambeth.) Sententia Official, d'ni Archidiaconi Caatuar. lata inter Prior, et Convent, ma- tt after, de Horton, et Johannem Ret. Eccl. de Snergate. fuper Decimis de Wytenewatfeld, de fabis feminat. Ibid, et de avenis. Dat. A. D. 1319. Die Lima? prox. pofl dominicam qua cantatur ofiicium mifericordias do- mini (Regiftr. Priorat. de Horton, MS. hodie penes Tho. Aftle, Arm. fol. 117, 1 1 8, no. et fol. 149.) Unio vicariarum de Sibertfwold, alias Shepherdfwell et Colreade. Dat. 21 . die April. A. D. 1680. Regiflr. Bancroft, fol. 384. a. b. (MSS. Lam- beth.) S. S. COSMI et DAMIANI, in le Blean, Vic. Ordinatio Vicar. S. S. Cofmi et Da- miani in le Blean DecimjE apud Nat- 3 2 DIOCESE OF Natyngdon. Onera Vicarii. Dat. apud Otteford, Non. Auguft. A. D. 1375. Reg. Sudbury, fol. 6. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) and printed in Somner's Ant. of Canterbury, 4to. London, 1640, in the Appendix, P- 399- At Milkhoufe Street, in this parifh, was built, a little before the general Suppreffion of Religious Houfes, a Free Chapel (now in ruins) de- dicated to the Holy Trinity, to which was given lands for its En- dowment, which were valued at its Demolition at 84!. ys. 10 |d. per Annum, (which Lands were granted to Sir John Baker of Sifenhurft. (MS Lewis.) CRANEBROKE, Vic. Augmentatio portionis Vicar, de Cranebfoke. Dat. 6 Id. Maii, A. D. 1364. Reg. Iflip, fol. 201. b. Alia i n CANTERBURY. 33 in Reg. Wittlefee, fol. 44. b. Dat. 4 Non. ' Junii, A. D. 1371. (MSS. Lambeth.) Memorand. quod A. D. 13/1, Ri- chardu's Prior et Convent. Ecclefiae Chrifti Cant, confirmaverunt con- firmationem Domini Will. Archiepif. fuper donationem * Semonis Archie- pifcopi fui predeceHbris de fex mi- libus de Tawod conceffis vicariae de Cranebroke, de decimis Silvecedue, ad Ecclefiam de Cranebroke perti- nent. (Reg. F. fol. 37. b.) MSS. Cantuar. Commiffio in negotio moto inter Re&ores de Bydindenne et de Crane- broke, fuper quibufdam limitibus ac jure parochiali et quibufdam aliis, dire&a G. de Middleron et Ric. de Stanhowc. Dat. apud Lameth, 7 * Semonis ; IK Orig. D kal. 34 DIOCESE OF kal. Julii, A. D. 1314, Reg. Rey- nolds, fol. 9. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) DEAL CHAPEL. Built by Ad of Parliament 9 Queen Anne, dedicated to St. George the Martyr, and confecrated by Abp. Wake in 1715. By the Aft of Confecration, the Chapel Wardens are to allow to the Capellane lool. per Annum. The faid Capellane to be nominated by the Archbifliop of Canterbury, who is Patron of the Mother Church. MS. Lewis. DEBTLING, Vic. Augmented by Archbifliop Juxon, 7!. 6s. 8d. per aim. befides the old penfion of al. 135. 4d. By Inden- tures, dated 16 Aug. 13 Car. II. and 29 May, 27 Car. II. (L. L.) Abp. Tenifbn by his Will gave 2 col. towards augmenting this poor Vi- carage, CANTERBURY. 35 carnge, which, together with Queen Anne's Bounty, has encreaied the Income i61. per Annum. DODDINGTON, olim DUDINTUNIA, Capella, hodie Vic. A Penfion referved to it by Dr. Parker, Archdeacon of Canterbury, of 40!. per ami. by Leafe. Dat. 2 Aug. 27 Car. II. (L. L.) Richardus (Wetherfhed) Cant. Ar- chiepifcopus, &c. Noveritis quod dilehis filius et clericus nofter M. Girardus, cum eflet perfona Ecclefiae de Ten ham, ad preces Hugonis filii Herevici, conceffit Capellas de Du- dintunia, ut Decims 20 acrarum de cffarto de Pidinge, ad ufus Capellae in perpetuum recipiantur, et per dilpoiitionem capellani, et 2 aut 3 parochianoium fidelium expendan- tur, ad fartatecta, libroS, D z mcnta, ^ DIOCESE OP menta, et ornamenta eidem Capellas : neceffaria. Nos autem hanc con- ceffionem ratam habemus, &c. Tef* tibus Will. Archidiacono Glo. et Moyfe Capellanis, M. Rogero de Rolvefton, &c. (Ex Archivis EccL Chrifti Cant. MS. Wharton, p. 61. N 582. MSS. Lambeth.) DOVOR, S d * Jacobi, Reft. Compofitio inter Magiftrum et Con- fratres Domus Dei, et Reftor. S t! Jacobi Dovorn fuper jure percipiend* et h abend. Decimas. Ibid. Dat. apud Lambeth, 16 die Mail, A. D. 1509* Reg. Warham, foL 338. a, b. (MSS. Lambeth.) Abp. Tenifon gave 200!. towards augmenting this little Rec- tory. EASTBREGGE, Eccl. (The Church demolimed*) See HOPE, near ROM- .. NJEY. Con- CANTERBURY. 37 Concerning theTithes of this Parifh, I have met with the following old Deeds ; viz. " Proceflus inter Prior. " et Convent, de Horton et Rec- " torem Eccl. de Hope juxta Rom- " ney, de Decimis provenientibus de " terris dominicis Maneriorum de " Honeychild et Eaftbrigge, ac etiam " de terris tenentium de feodo Ma- " nerior. predictor, in Marifco de " Romene exiftentibus in parochiis " Ecclefiarum de Hope et Eaft- " ^"gg e > A. D. 1310." Thefe Inftruments, marked Chart. 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, and 187, are contained in the Regifter Book of the Priory of Hor- ton in Kent, which MS. is now (1781) in the Library of Thomas Aftle, Efq.) D 3 EAST- 38 DIOCESE OF EASTCHURCH, Vic. v Endowed with all the Tithes. Harris's Hift. of Kent, p. 108. De conceflione undecim acr, et dim. Abbat. et Convent, de Dunis (Cif- tercicn. Ordinis) in Paroch. Eccl. de Eftcherch et conceffio VIII. fol. vicar, de Eftcherch et fucceflbribus fuis. Dat. A. D. 1300. fecundo die menfe Junii. (Augmentation Office, Chart. Mifcellanea?, marked D. 99.) EASTLANGDON, Reel:, et NORTH- BOURNE, Vic. Concordia facia inter Rectorem ec- clefue de Eaft Langdon et Vicarium Eccl. parochial, de Northbourne, de annna folutione quatuor folid. ditto Vicario et fuis fuccefforibus, et confirmata per Abbat. et Convent* Mori. Beati Auguftini Cant. i die mentis April. A. D. 1396. In qua quid Charta parochiani ecclefias de Eaft- CANTERBURY. 39 Eaftlangdon memorantur teneri, ad reparationem ecclefias de North- bourne. (Regift. R. fol. 31. a.) MS. Cantuar. Confirmatio domini Will. Archiep. Cant. Dat. Cant. 3 April. A. D. fu- pradi&o. (Ibid. fol. 31. b.) Confirmatio Prior, et Capit. Cant. 4 April. A. D. fupradido. (Ibid.) EAST-SUTTON, Vic. Augmented 24!. per ann. by Arch- bifhop Juxon. By Indentures, dat. 6 Mar. 13 Car. II. and 6 June, 26 Car. II. (L. L.) EASTRY, Vic. See WOODNESBORNE. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. Kal. Sept. A. D. 1291. Chartae Mifcellaneas, Vol. XI. N 3 75. (MSS. Lambeth.) Alia Ordinatio. Dat. 2 Non. Aug. A. D. 1367. Reg. Langham, foL 129. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) Compofitio inter Prior, et Capit. D 4 Eccl. 4 o DIOCESE OF Eccl. Chrifti Cant, et Anfelmum Reftor. Eccl. de Eaftry fuper De- cimis de Eaftry et Lyden, A. D. 1291. Chartular. Eccl. Chrifti Cant. Chart. 174. CprnpoiitiointerRedoremdeEaftria, et Prior, et Convent* n . Martini de Dovorr. fuper Decima; de La Me- , iKiTe, VaL Worthe -Mcnnefle, AV. A. D. 1229. Leiger Book of the Priory of. .St. Martin at Dover, fol. i64.'h. (MSS. Lambeth?) , Confirmatio Richardi (Wetherfhed) Cant. Archiepifc. fuper Corapofitione premifTa de Decima. Ibid. Dat. ut fupra. Compofitio inter Priorem et Capit. Cantuar. et Vicarium ecclefise de EaOry, de portione fua quam ha- bebit in eadem. Confirmata per Siinoncm Cant. Archiepifcopum, spud le Forde, ^ Non. Augufli, A.D CANTERBURY. 41 A. D 1367. (Regift. Berthona, pars I. fol.' 39. a) et Charts An- tique, E. 56. MS. Cantuar. Fines et Limites Paroch. de Eaftry. (Charts Antiquae, E. 1:3. 129. et Regift. Berthona, pars i. fol. 46.) MSS. Cantuar. Fin alls concordia inter Elemofinarium eccleiia? Chrifti Cant, ac Thomam V r icarium ecclefix de Eaftry, iuper rnanio Vicarias, 5 Aug. A. D. 1368. (Chartae An- tiquae, T. 132 ) Archiv. Cantuar. E AS TRY, Vic. et B. MARINE SAND- v/ici, Vic. Sententia in caufa Decimar. de ter- ris in campo vocato Puttokidowne, infra limites parochiae de Eaftry provenientium. Inter Priorem et Convent. Cant, partcm a. 1276. Reg. Vet. Cart. Eccl. ChrifU Cant. In Bifhop Moore's Library at Cambridge. Unio Ecclefiarum de Waltham et Petham. Dat. apud Lambeth, 4 die Julii 1698. Confenfus domini Gulielmi Honywood, Baronet, pa- tron i Vicar, de Petham ad union em praedift. Dat. 4 die Julii, 1698. Reg. Tenifon, pars i ma . fol. 116. a, b. (MSS. Lambeth.) The Impropriation is charged with Forty Shillings a year to be paid as an Augmentation to the Vicar of Petharn. (MS. Lewis, p. 127.) WARE- CANTERBURY. 117 WAREHORNE, Reft. Concerning a Modus of one Shilling for every acre of marfh-land. See the Cafe of Ric. Bate, Rector, v. Sir Charles Sedley and others, in the Exchequer, 1726. In Vezey's Re- ports, Vol. II. Cafe 1 7 5, Concerning a Modus for Hay and Small Tithes. See the Cafe of Bate, v.Hodges (in the Exchequer, 1722.), in Bunbury's Reports, 196. Compoiitio fuperDecimis inter Prior, et Convent, de Horton et Hamonern Ret. de Warehorne per Sententiam Delegator. Papae Innocentii III. Dat. in Eccl. ChriftI Cant. 7 Julii, 1 220. (Reg. Priorat. de Horton. fol. 145 to 148.) WESTBERE, Reel:. Compofitio inter Priorem S. Gregorii Cant, et Redtorem de Weftbere fuper quadam quantitate avenae ac rebus. 1 3 aliis, n8 DIOCESE OF aliis. Dat. Lateran. 8 Kal. Mart, anno pontificatus Papas Innocentii III. fe- cundo. Honorius Redor folvet tres fummas avenge fecundum menfurarn qua menfaratur frumentum in civi- tate London, folvendas apud Rifle- burn intcgre fcilicet ad natale Do- mini ; falvo reftori Eccl. de VVeft- bere omni jure parochiali in ho- minibus deRefleburn. Retent. Prior, et Convent. S. Gregorii folummodo decimas totius bladi omnium ho- minum prediclor. deRhTeburn, A.D. 1221. Chartx et. Conceffiones fa6tas Canonicis S. Gregorii Cantuar. MS. in the Public Library at Cambridge, maiked LI. 1 1. 15. WEST CLIVE, Vic. Among the Archives of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury is a Bull of Pope Boniface VIII. granting the faid Church to the Monks there, in CANTERBURY. 119 in proprios ufus, and granting an annual Pennon of Five Pounds Ster- ling for the Maintenance of the Vicar. The Bull is dated Avignon, 4 Kal. Sept. Anno Pont. i; that is, A. D. 1303. WESTHETH, Vic. Before the Civil War, here was paid to the Vicar 1 2 pence per acre of marfhland ; but he who then had it, to ingratiate himfelf with the People, abated 2 pence an acre, fo it has been at 10 pence ever fince. (MS. Lewis, p. 199. b.) WEST WELL, Vic. Augmented by Archbifhop Juxon 30!. per ami. By Indentures, dated 23 April, 14 Car. II. and another, 20 Oa. 27 Car, II. (L. L.) Archbifhop Tenifon gave in his life- time 50!. towards putting the Vi parage-houfe, which was gone pretty I 4 much 20 D 1 O C E S E O F much to decay, into better repair, but it was laid out by his Grace's Truftee not fo much tq the Advan- tage of the Houfe as it might have been. (MS. Lewis, p. 200.) Dotatio Vicar, de Weftwell, per Henricum de Northewode, Rec torem diete Eccl, die S t! . Martini, A. D. 1298. (Chartse Antiq. W. 185.) Archiv. Cantuar. Literae teftimoniales fuper afligna- natione portionis Vicar, die Weftwell, per Reclorem ejufdem ecclefise. Dat. fede Cant, vacante, per Henricum Priorem eccletfae Chrifti Cant, in, oetav. S ri . Martini, A. D. 1293. (Reg. Berthona, part. 2. fol. 308. b.) MSS. Cantuar. Compofitio inter mag. Joh. de la More, Reel. Eccl. de Weftwell et Steph. de Wilmington, Reel:, de . Bo&on Alulphi, fuper decimis de Hamelitis CANTERBURY. 121 Hamelitis de Shotingdon, Chilber- ton, et Wike. Dat. apud Saltwood, 7 Id. Aug. 1305. fol. 39. a, b. of a MS. in the Lambeth Library, marked N 244. WHITSTAPLE, Vic. Augmented by Archbifhop Juxon lol. per arm. By Indentures, dated J4 March, 22 Car. II. and another 14 May, 22 Car. II. (L. L.) Appropriatio eccleiiae de Whitftaple, et affignatio ftipendii xii. marc, ca- pellano diftae ecclefias, per Thomam Archiepifc. Cant, apud Lambeth, fub anno ab incarnatione Domini 1477. ^ e Febr. 10. (Regift. S. fol. 102, 103, 104, 105.) MSS. Can- tuar. Confirmatio Prioris et Capit. Cant. Dat. 27 die Martii, A. D. 1512. (Ibid. fol. 105. b.) WING- 1-22 DIOCESE OF WlNGHAM, Cur. Formerly a College. (See NON- INGTON.) WOODCHURCH, Reft. Sententia d'ni Johannis (Peccham) Cant. Archiep'i fuper DecimisEccl. parochial, de Wodechirche. Dat. apud Wyngham, 4 Kal. Och con- fecrat. noftre tertio (i. e. A. D. 1 28 1.) Reg. Peccham, fol. 177. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) WOODNESBORNE, VlC. In the Deanry of Sandwich, was ap- propriated to the Abbey of Leedes, and on the DirTolution of that Abbey was granted by King Henry VIII. to the Dean and Chapter of Ro- chejfter, with the Patronage of it. The Church, dedicated to St. Mary, was of the Patronage of one AHelma, who gave this Church to the Prior and Convent of Leedes, and for that purpofe CANTERBURY. 123 purpofe furrendered it into the hands of Archbimop William (Cor- boyl) about A. D. 1122. who gave and granted it to the Canons, &c. in proprios ufus perpetuo poffiden- dam, fpecialiter ad inveniendum Ca- nonicis, &c. neceiiaria indumenta. In 1267, a Difpute arofe between the Prior and Convent of Ledes, Rectors of this Church, and Sir Adam Vicar, about the fmdl Tithes, of the Crofts and Curtlages, in the Parim of Woodnefberghe, which was thus determined by the Prior of the Conventual Church of Rochefter, the Pope's Delegate to judge in this Controverfy, viz. that the faid Prior and Convent, Rectors of the. Church of Woodnefberghe, mall, quietly, for ever, wholly receive, without any exception, all the great- er Tithes of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Beans, J24 D I O C E S E O F Beans, Peafe, and of every fort of Blade, anting or to arife, of all Lands, Crofts, Curtlages, &c. within the faid Parifh ; and that the faid Prior and Convent mall yearly pay for ever, to the faid Adam and his Suc- ceffors, half a Seam of Barley, and half a Seam of Beans, at the Na- tivity of the Lord. In 1280 another Difpute was tried before the Arch- deacon's Official, betwixt the Re- ligious and Sir William, perpetual Vicar of this Church, about the payment of the Procuration of the Archdeacon of Canterbury, cum in Ecc/ejta de IVoodneJbergbe memorata uifitawrtt, which was adjudged to be paid by the Vicar (MS. Lewis, p. 210.) Compofitio de limit, parochial, inter Eccleiias de Eaftri et Woodnef- burghe, viz. inter Prior, et Convent. Eccl. CANTERBURY. 12$ Eccl. Chrifti Cant, ratione porcionis quam receperunt nomine benefici in Eccl. paroch. de Eaftri, &c. et Prior, et Convent, de Ledes, ratione Eccl. paroch. de Woodnefberghe, quam in proprios ufus tenent, A. D. 1302. Chartulary of Canterbury Cathedral Chart. 1 83. WOT TON, Reft. Augmented by Archbifhop Juxon 40!. per ann. Bifhop Kennet's Cafe of Impropriations, p. 256. WYCHAM, Reel:, et Vic. hodie Wick- hambreux. Unio et confolidatio Vicar, de Wy- cham ad Eccl. di&i loci. Dat. 7 Kal. April. A. D. 1322. Reg. Reynolds, fol. 102. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) Compofitio inter Prior, et Convent, de Thunebrigg et Rad. Rector. Eccl. de Wycham fuper Decimis, A. D. 1238, 126 DIOCESE OF 1238. (In the Chapter Houfe at Weftmiufter.) WYE, Capella et Schola. Charta Regis Henrici VIII. con- cedens Waltero Butler, Armig. Se- cretario Katherinas Reginas Angliac, quafdarn Rectorias nuper Collegio de Wye modo difiblut. fpe&antes, falvofalarlo 13 lib. 6 folid. et 8 den. folvend. ludimagiftro, et ftipend. 17 lib. folvend. duobus Capellanis apnd Wye, a difto W. Butler inveni- endis. Dat. 15 die Martii, anno regni fui 36. (Chartae Antiq. R. 25. Archiv. Cant.) Alfo at the Rolls Chapel, 20 pars Pat. 36 Hen. VIII. Afterwards, anno 2 Car. I. another Grant of Wye, &c. was made to . Robert Maxwell, Efq. (in Purfuance of a Commiffion iffued under the Great Seal, to enquire into the Vio- lations, CANTERBURY. 127 lations, Omrffions, and Defaults, committed by Walter Butler and his Heirs, againft the faid Letters Patent of 36 Hen. VIII. and alfo of an Inquifition taken at Eaft Green- wic, 3 die Oft. anno 20 Jac.) Pro- vifo that the faid Rob. Maxwell and his Heirs mail pay yearly to the Schoolmafter of Wye fixteen Pounds Sterling ; and that he fhall find one Chaplain to officiate at Wye, and pay him yearly Fifty Pounds Sterling for his Salary. T. R. 19 die Jan. See Sexta pars Paten, de anno regni Regis Caroli Secundi. See alfo Decima nona pars Paten, de anno Regis Caroli quinto. (In the Rolls Chapel.) WYVELESBERGH, Vic. Ordinatio Vicarias. Dat. 5 Kal. Junii, A. D. 1356. Reg. Iflip. fol. 119. a, b. (MSS. Lambeth.) I Dr. i 2 8 D I O C E S E O F Dr. Carter, by his laft Will, gave the Leafe which he had of the Parfonage of this Parifh, from the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, to the Vicar of this Place ; the ac- cuftomed Fine for renewing this Leafe every Seven Years being 2il. The Vicar pays 3!. per ann. to the Receiver of the faid Church, to be lodged in Bank, in order to the abovefaid Renewal. (MS. Lewis, p. 204.) Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. 5 Kal. Aug. A. D. 1360. (printed in X. Script. Col. 2090. 2 1 2O. Ct2I22. Ordinatio Vicarize per Simonem (Mepeham) Cant. Archiepifc. Dat. apud le Ford, 5 Kal. O61. pont. fui VII. (i. e. A. D. 1333.) Regifter of St. Auftin Cant, called the Blacke Boke, MS. in the Cotton Library (now in the Britifh Mufeum) mark- ed Fauftina A. i. fol. 127. a, b. AD- [ I2J, ] ADDENDA TO THE DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. A LDINGTON, Reft. Of this Church the great Erafmus was Re&or, by the Importunity of his Patron Archbp. Warham. He was collated to it March 22, 1511; but he foon refigned it, on condition of a Penfion of 20!. a year being paid to him out of it by Dr. John Thornton, the Archbimop's Suffragan ; but there being a Mif- underflanding betwixt him and Erafmus about paying this Penfion, K and 1 3 o ADDENDA. and Thornton being betides taken up with a multiplicity of Bufmefs in doing his Suffragan's O^Hce, the Archbifhop collated Richard Mafte'rs, A.M. Nov. 1 8, i5?4 f whom Erafmus gives this Character; " that " he was a young Man, well Ikilled " in Divinity." He was hanged with the others concerned with that Impoftor Elizabeth Barton, a Ser- vant Maid of thisParifh, commonly called The Holy Maid of Kent- (MS. Lewis, p. 5.) BlDDENDEN, Reft. Here is a Free-fchool, founded by one of the Family of Mayney of this place, A. D. 1522, endowed with a Houfe, and 20!. per ann. in the Gift of Feoffees. A Farm called by the name of The Bread and Cheefe Farm, rented at about ADDENDA. i 3 i about 1 81. per anrt. *, and from its being given for a Free-gift of Bread and Cheefe, to be given on every Baiter-day, which is thus beftowed ; viz. To all the pooreft Sort a Three-penny Loaf of Bread and Nuncheen of Cheefe; and to the richer, a little Manchet and Bit of Cheefe ; the Remainder to be di- ftributed in money to the Poor. Given by two Perfons, Women,- who were Twins, and joined to- gether in their bodies^ who are faid to have lived together 'till they w r ere betwixt 20 and 30 Years old. The Eftate in the Hands of Feoffees ; and the Bread and Cheefe is diftributed by the Parifh Officers to all that are at Church on Eafter-day, after Di- vine Service. Ibid. p. 35. * Six pounds at firft. K a GOOD- i 3 2 ADDENDA. GOODKESTONE, Donative. Goodneftone Donative, or rather a perpetual Curacy, in the Deanery of Bridge, This Church was appropriated to the Provofl and Canons of the Col- legiate Church of Wingham, by whom was allowed to the Priefl who officiated here a yearly Penfion of 3!. 6s. 8d. * above the Small Tithes. On the Diflblution of the College, a Grant was made, &c. It is now Part of the Eftate of Sir Brooke Bridges, Bart, who is the Donor of this little Donative. Ibid. p. 114. OSPRINGE, Vic. Jufl by the Way-fide was an Hof- pital called Maifon Dieu, or Domus * Now about 50!. a Year. Dei, ADDENDA. 133 Dei, ereted, as it is faid, by Henry III. It confifled of a Matter, who was failed Magifter Hofpitalis Beatae Ma- riae Virginia de Ofpringe, three re- gular Freres, pr Brethren *, whofe Profeffion was of the Order of the Holy Crofs, and of two Secular Clerks, whofe Office it was to pray for the fouls of Henry III. his Pre- deceflbrs and Succeflbrs ; and alfo to be hofpitable, and give Enter- tainment to the King in his Progrefs this way, who had therefore an. Apartment here called Camera Regis, and to the poor and needy Paflen- gers and Pilgrims. Here likewife the Knights Templars, and after them the Hofpitallers, are faid to haye repofed themfelves in * Freibyteri Converfi. K 3 their ADDENDA. their Progrefs towards their other Demefnes in this County. After the Diflolutjon of the Alien Priories, the Parfpnage of Ofpringe was appropriated to this Houfe ? as was the Parfpnage of Hed- crone ; the other part of their re- venue lay at Lurenden, in Chal- lock, and at Hokeling, Ryde, Marfh, and other places in the Ifle of Shepway. In the 2 id Edw. IV. * the Mailer of this Houfe or Hofpital dying, and foon after one of the Brethren, the others fufpecled that it was the Plague of which they died, and ac 7 cordingly all in great hafte left the Houfe, without fo much as choofing another Matter : By this means the Society was diffolved, and the Eftate belonging to it efcheated to the * A D. 1482. 5 King, ADDENDA. 135 King, to whom it continued to be- long till i o Hen. VIII. when that Prince beftowed the Scite of this Houfe, and the Eftate belonging to it, on the Matter and Fellows of St. John's College, in Cambridge. The Temporalities of this Houfe were valued in King Richard the Second's time at 5 il. 55. Ibid. p. 1 1 6. A MEMORIAL concerning the Fall of OSPRINGE STEEPLE, en tered and fubfcribed at a Veftry, October 20, 1695. The Steeple of Ofpringe was built of Flints, and very antient. The form was circular, like a round Tower; and by fome, thought to be a Danifh Building, and before the Conquefr.. Over the Steeple was a tali Spire or Sharp, covered with Shingles of the height of fifty feet K 4 or 136 ADDENDA. or more above the Flint- work ; the Weight whereof did prqbably haflen the Fall. It appears now tjiat the whole Fabrick was all over decayed, rotten and ruinous, both in the Flint and Wood-work, and not likely to have held out much longer. But on Friday, being the eleventh Day of October, 1695, at which Time his Majefty William theThird, King of England, pafled by in his return from the Campaign in Flanders, the Bells were ordered to be rung for joy, to exprefs the Affections of this Neighbourhood to the King, &c. and fo continued to ring fome Hours after his Majefty pafled by ; when about Three of the Clock in the Afternoon the whole Fabrick fell down, whilft they were in the act of ringing, without Damage to any Perfon, or to the Body of the Church, the Timber being generally all ADDENDA. 137 all fpoiled, but the Bells fafe, only the Canons of the great Bell broke. Edward Wamfley, ") f , , Edward Worrall, j Churchwarden '- Willam Mitchel, Overfeer of the Poor. Jonathan Bernard, Vicar. John Knowler, Thomas Lake, TheMarkofGeorge[C]Dinly. Ib.p. 1 1 6. One 0ffh sndcn fourcti on E aster [ '38] A LIST of the TERRIERS exhibited and remaining in the RE- GISTRY of the CONSISTORY COURT of CANTERBURY. Parishes. Dates. another No Date - No Date AlcTng-on M 725, 1630 All Saints, Canterbury No Date Acris May 21, 1630 St. Alphage, Can- , terbury - J Alkham - May 6, 1630 Brookland ' June 9,16:0 Boxley - i x ay 22, 1630 Bilfingron - No Date Bredhurft - Auguft 22, 1615* Brenzett, 2. one No Date another No Date ' _ ' Birch- LIST of TERRIERS, &c, 139 Parifhes. Dates. Birchington - No Date Bonnington - May 23, 1630 Beakfbourn - May 6, 1630 Boughton under thel fifeanone -j another Auguft 30, 1615 and another May 12, 1630 Bredhurft, 2. oie May 10, 16^,0 another May 18, 1637 Biihopsbourne - May 6, 1630 Brabourn - No Date Bennenden - April 30, 1630 St. Mary Bredman, 1 , f Canterbury _^lj May 10, 1630 Barfreftone - May 10, 1630 May 2, 1630 Brook. - April 28, 1630 St. Mary Bred in, 1 A n. t Canterbury _!_} Auguft 24, 1615 Bough ton Monchelfea April 27, 1630 Bobbing - April 23, 1630 Burmarlh - April 20, 16^0 Challock, 2. one March 10, 1638 Chart next Sutton April 26, i 630 Chiilet - May 20, 1630 Coledred - ?vjay 9, 1630 le Fern - May 3, 1630 Little i 4 o LIST of TERRIERS, &c, Pariflies, Dates, Little Chart May 10, 1630 Cheriton May 9, 1630 Great Chart May 9, 1 630 Chillenden May 6, 1630 Challock, a fecond -November 10, 1615 Charing, 2. one Auguft 24, 1615 another -April 9, 1630 f No Date exhibited Chillham -^ April ^ ^^ Dimchurch i&3 Deal May 6, 1630 Denton April 27, 1630 Doddington -May i, 1630 St. Dunftan, Can- "1 A u l6 terbury J Debtling October 13, 1615 Eaft Langdon No Date Elham No Date Elmftone No Date Elmfted April 28, 1630 Egerton Odober 1 Eaftrv, 2. one --No Date another Auguft 24, 1637 Ewell April 27, 1630 Fordwich May 1 2, 1 630 Frinfted April 30, 1630 Faverlham -April 13, 1630 Fairfield Auguft 23, 1615 Frittenden April 27, 1630 Guftone LIST of TERRIERS, &c. 141 Parishes. Dates. Guftone - ; May j, 1630 Goudherfl - May 25, 1630 St. George^ Canter- ~) ,/r , bury _ JMay 13, 1630 Gravenev - May 7, 1630. Harrietfham No Date Little Hardres May 25, 1630 Hawkinge - No Date Hawkhurft - May io 3 1630 Hacking-ton, alias 1 ** ^ , St. Stephen's ..} May 16, !6 3 o Holy Croft, Weft- ) M 6 gate, Canterbury J J 6 ' Monks Horton May 3, 1630 Halflow - May 3, 1630 Hartlip - May 10, 1630 Hope - May 3, 1630 Hougham - ' \ April 29, 130 Hinxhill - April 20, 1630 Haftingleigh - April 28, 1630 Harbledown April 28, 1630 Great Hardres ' ( , ., . , ,. l6 3* - 1 hibited May i, 1630 Hearne - Auguft 28, 1615 Hollingbonrne Auguft 20? 1615 St. James's, Dover 1638 Ick- <42 LIST of TERRIERS, fcfo Parifhes. Dates. Ickham, 2. one Augnil 25, 1615 another May 12, 1630 Kingftone Kennington Kingfdown Kingfnorth May 3, 1630 May 10, 1630 April 26, 1630 No Date Littlebourne April 2, 1630 St. Lawrence, Thanet May 24, 1630 Linfted Lymlnge Luddenham Lympne Lenham Loofe Leaveland 1 .infnn May 16, 1630 i_ IvTlV TO T f\ 1 f*t ( No Date^ exhibited { May 1 2, 1630 May 9, 1630 April 30, 1630 May 5, 1630 |\/T OTT /I 1 f\ *} f~\ Monkton, 2, one July 7, 1630 mother July 17, i68a St. Mary in the Marih June 7, 1630 Milfted May 16, 1630 Midley May 14, 1630 St.Martin,Canterbury May 9, 1630 Merfham ____ May i, 1630 Marden May 3, 1630 Milton LIST of TERRIERS, &r. 143 Parities. Dates. Milton by Sitting- | Mg6 bourne J J Minfter in Thanet -May 13, 1630 St. Mary Magdalen,] Apr}1 2?> l6s<> \_/ant. J St. Nicholas at Wade June 10, 1630 Newenden May 7, 1630 New Ghurch -May 26, 1630 Norton May 7, 1630 Nekton 02_J May If 16JO Nonnington Auguft 29, 1615 Northborne May 7, 1630 Ofpringe May 22, ib Orleilone May 16, Otham -May 2 4, 1630 Owre May 3, 1630 Otterden May 10, 1630 Prefton (by Faver- 1 $e temb l6 lham) J St. Peter, Thanet - May 22, 1630 Prefton (by Wing- 1 N( ham) J Poftling No Date St. Peter, Canterbury May n, 1630 Patrixbourne May 6, 6^0 Pctham Apiil 18, .6^0 St. 144 LIST of TERRIERS, &c. Parishes. Dates. St. Paul, Canterbury April 28, 1630 Ringwould May n, 1630 Rodmerfham May 10, 1630 Ruckinge May i, 1630 River April 28, 1630 Reculver O&ober i, 1630 Old Romney May 17, 1630 Ripple May 6, 1630 New Romney, 3. one No Date another July 7, 1634 another Auguft 29 j 1615 Saltwood Auguft 25, 1615 Standford Auguft 23, 1615 Sandherft September 24^ 1630 Sturry May i, 1630 Staple, 2, one Auguft 22, 1615 another - May 28, 1630 Sittingbourne 1630 Stockberry May 20, 1630 Stowting May 16, 1630 Seafalter No Date Sevington May 16, 1630 Stourmouth May 3, 1630 Stallesfield May 13, 1630 Snave May 4, 1630 Smarden May 2, 1630 Sheldwich May 9, 1630 Stapleherft May 10, 1630 Swackliff April 6, 1630 Sellinge LIST of TERRIERS, fr. 145 Parifhes. Dates. Sellinge : April 27, 16:0 Smeeth, 2. one Auguft 27, 1615 another May ic, 1630 Sheperdfwell. alias", . , Sibertfwould _) May z, 1630 Sutton, by Dover --April 27, 1629 Tunftall - May 17, 1630 Tilmanfton -( ? ?te ?M 63<> ' "^ \ bitedMay 12, 1630 Tong . - May 3, 1630 Upchurch May 10, 1630 Weftwell, 2. one -March 3, 1634 Warden - May 13, 1634 Warehorne - June 21, i6;o Willefbortiugh May 15, 1630 Woodnefborough May n^ 1630 * T71 ./iii f No Date, exhibited Whitftable - 1 T,, ' [ May 14, 1630 Walmer - April 29, 1630 Witch ling - May 6, 1630 Whitfield, alias f No Date, exhibited Beaufield (_ May 12, Walderihare ^ May 12, 1630 Wickhatnbreux -May 3, 1630 Womenfwould, -May i, 1630 Waltham - April 28, 1630 Weftbecr - - April 28, 1630 L Weft- i 4 6 LIST of TERRIERS, Parifhes. Dates. Weft-Langdon {*| Weflwell, another Auguft 23, 1615 Woodchurch, 2. one Auguft 23, 1615 another May 15, 1637 Wootton, 2, one May 10, 1630 another - May 2, 1675 Witterfham - October 25, 1615 Adifham, with the ") No Date exhibited Chaple of Staple/ May 14, 1744 Challock - - April 16, 1745 Godmedham - April 15, 17^5 Ickham - May 5, 1744 St. Nicholas at Wade May 12, 1 744 Nonnington and "1 Mav . . .... Womenfwould - j Ma ? M X 744 Reculver and Hoath May 29, 1 746 Sturry - -May 29, 1746 Saltwood - Augnlt 26, 1750 Weftwell - April 9, 1751 {Exhibited at the ComrnifTary's Vifita- tion April 27, 1747. A A LIST of the TERRIER^ remaining in the REGISTRY of the ARCHDEACON of TERBURY; Parifhes. Dates. .,- M terbufy, 2. one J 7 theother September 23, 1635 Appledore, 2. one Augufl 20, 1615 another In the Year 1637 Acris ' - No Date AfKford - September 2, 1615 Boxley, 2. brie Auguft 18, 1615 another In the Year 1637 Bought Bo U ghtonMalherb,J another June 20, 1637 Bobbing, 2. one Augufl 20, 1615 another May 19, 1637 L 2 BeflWy 148 LIST of TERRIERS, &c. ParHhes. Berfted, 2. one another Borden, 2. one another Bennenden - Eapchild Biddenden Boxley Brenfett Barfreftone Bredgar Bicknor Bonnington - Brookland t / Beauxfield Burmarfh - Brabourn Dates. The Date not perfedt September 22, 1634 Auguft 26, 1615 May 18, 1637 October i , 1615 September 4, 1615 September 13, 1615 {May 1 8, in the 3d Year of Edward VI. _ f No Date, exhibited I Auguft 20, 1615 Auguft 17, 1615 Auguft 21, 1615 September 15, 1615 Auguft 21, 1615 Auguft 27, 1615 October 16, 1615 Auguft 28, 1615 Odober 18, 1615 Bilfington ' - - September 20, 1615 Barham - June 8, 1634 Bifhoplbourn - June 22, 1634 Brook - Auguft 18, 1615 Bough ton Moncheliea Auguft 20, 1615 Chartham - Auguft 25, 1615 St. Cofmus Blean Auguft 25, 1615 Great Chart - Odober 1,1613 Crundal - No Date St. LIST of TERRIERS, &c. 149 Parifhes. Dates. St. Clement Sandwich October 6, 1615 Charlton, 2. one November 5, 1615 another May 4, 1634 Coldred September 22, 1615 Cranbrook, 3. one September 28, 1615 another April 20, 1634 and another May 22, 1637 Chillenden September 30, 1615 Capel le Fern Odtober 18, 1615 Chiflet, 2. one Auguft 17, 1615 another f No Date exhibited \ July 17, 1682 Cherriton, 2. one Auguft 18, 1615 another May 4, 1637 Doddington Denton St. Dunftan, terbury Dimchurch Elham Eythorn Ewell Elmfted Eaftling, Frinfted Fordwich Folkftone Auguft 29, 1615 No^Date Ca ^|oa:ober 27, 1615 September 17, 1615 1 No Date, exhibited j Auguft 2<5, 1615 Auguft 26, 1615 _. . Aupuft 2 n i6iC Auguft 19, 1615 Auguft 21, 1615 November 2, 1615 L 3 Fever- I 5 o LIST of TERRIERS, &c. Parifhes. Dates. Feverfham - September n, 1615 Goodneftone, by "1 A ^ Feverfham -j Au uft 2O > l6l 5 Goudherft - September 17, 1615 St. George, Canter- "I c t , E J _ September 1 8, 1615 bury Graveney Little fJardres Halden, 2. one October i, 1615 Hope September 30, 1615 Auguft 21, 1615 another June 14, 1634 - - No Date Harrietiham. 2. one-- September 17, 1615 another October 7, 1663 Hackington Horton Hartlip Havvkinge Hougham Headcorn H alftow Hothfield Hinxhill - September n, September 4, 1615 Auguft 21, 1615 No Date ( ^ ^ e:cVlbi ? d [ September 21, 1615 - Auguft 18, 1615 December 31, 1615 - September 30, 1615 -No Date Hawkhurft, 3. one - September 17, 1615 another May 5, 1634 and another -- May 13, 1637 JIam, 2. one No Date another .. I No Date, exhibited [ oeptember 25, 1037. Hailing- LIST of TERRIERS, &c. 151 Pflrifhes. Dates. Haftingleigh r- Auguft 18, 1615 St. John's, fhanet, J T ., , -l Inthe Year l6i5 2. one another - In the Year 1637 Iwade, 2. one - Dated Auguft 1615 another June 4, 1637 Kingftone - Auguft 22, 1615 Kingfnorth - No Date Kenardington, 2. one September 16, 1615 another -June 29, 1637 Kingfdo\vn Auguft 10, 1615 Lynton - No Date Lydden -- Auguft 18, 1615 Littlebourne - Odlober 16, 1615 Weft Langdon Auguft 27, 1615 Lenham - September 12, 1615 Leave! and - September 12, 1615 Langley - September 13, 1615 Eaft Langdon, 2. one No Date another - In the Year 1 634 T - n A [No Date, exhibited - { Auguft 31, .615 Leyfdown - Oftober 3, 1615 St:i,avvrence,Tha-j N D net, 2. one J , f No Date, exhibited an0thcr ( May 10, 1637 Lympne - September 4, 1615 L 4 St. 152 LIST of TERRIERS, Parifhes. Dates. Great another - May 4, 1634 Harden - September 17, 1615 Milfted - Augufl 22, 1615 Little Mongeham ( * Date, exhibited |_ April 29, 1615 i- n. TU i N Dates exhibited Mmiler, Thanet < c u \ September n, 1615 St. Mary Sandwich - No Date St. Mary in the Marfh September 17, 1615 Molafli October i, 1615 Milton, by Sitting- ] c i_ bourne __j September 2, 1615 Merfham Augufl 20, 1615 Minfter in Sheppy Auguft 27, 1615 Murilon No Date Norton Augufl 31, 1615 Newenden, 2. one -- September 8, 1615 another June 9, 1634 Nackington - { * D e > "^^^ I Augufl 27, 1615 n (by Sit- ' NCVVT LIST of TERRIERS, &c. 153 rariihes. Dates, ( } September^, 16 , 5 Northborne September 14, 1615 Newnham Auguft 29, 1615 Owre [ No Date, exhibited I Auguft 29, 1615 Ofpringe, one September 18, 1615 another In the Year 1637 and another In the Year 1760 Orleftone September 15, 1615 Otterden September 26, 1615 St. Peter, Canterbury Auguft 16, 1615 St.Jeter, Thane^ j ^^ another May 22, 1637 Preflon (by Faver- 1 T L v ' In the Year Pluckley Ripple Ring would River Rodmerlham flainham May 4, 1634 Auguft 7, 1615 October i, i6i Auguft 1 8, 1615 September q, i6ijj Old Romney Sellinge Selling Snargate No Date AllOTllft -7O 1 fit Auguft 30, 1615 No Date Stalef, ,154 LIST of TERRIERS, &c. Pariflies. Dates. Stalcsfield Auguft 23, 1615 Swackliff Auguft 19, 1615 Stowting September i, 1615 Saodherft, 2. one Auguft 21, 1615 another - June o, 1634 foiling f No Date, exhibited' I May 30,.- 163 7 Sbeldwich No Date Sutton (by Dover) Auguft 20, 1615 Stone in Oxney April 17, 1634. S.evington -September 20, 1615 Sturry Auguft 19, 1615 Smarden, 2. one Auguft 20, 1615 another -May 22, 1637 Sholden October 20, 1615 Shadoxherft September 26, 1615 Mttingbourne In the Year 1615 Sheperdfvvell Od:ober 15, 1615 Snave ,. - Odober 4, 1613 Stockberry, ?. one -- Angnft 21, 1615 another May K, 1537 Stodmarili Auguft 21, i 615 ' Sutton Valence, 2. one Auguft 21, 1615 another May 10, 1634 Throwleigh September 5, 1615 Tenterden, 3 one - Auguft 9, 16/5 another -June 13, 1634. and another - December i, 1637 Tilmanftone September 30, 161 ; Thorn- LIST of TERRIERS, &c. 155 Parishes. Dates. ^ hornham Augufl 21,1615 Tong Augufl 22, 1615 Tenham O&ober 2, 1615 Tunftal September 21, 1615 Ulcomb June 19, 1637 Upchurch Auguft 20, 1615 Wotton Auguft 20, 1615 Wickhambreux )2 .j IntheYeari( , one J * another May n, 1637 Woodnefcorougb, 1 Kovembe ' r 6 fi 2. one J > another April 12, 1675 Witchling September 21, 1615 Walmer October 9, 1615 Wormlhall Auguft 22, 1615 Willefborough No Date Waltham September 24, 1605 Warden Auguft 24, 1615 Warehorn, 2. one - No Date another May 17, 1637 WeftbeeV September 30, 1615 "\Veft Hythe September 5, 1615 ENDOW- ENDOWMENTS O F VICARAGES IN THE DIOCESE O F ROCHESTER. ENDOWMENTS of VICARAGES I N T H E DIOCESE of R O C H E S T E R. A YLESFORD, VlC. Ordinatio feu ComponYio Vicariae Reg. Hamo de Hethe, fol. 32. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. apud Trot- tefclive, 17 kal. Aug. A. D. 1293. Appropriatio dift. Eccl. Hoipital. B. M. de Strodes per G. Roffen. Epifc. (E. Regiflr. Eccl. RofFeu.) Conceilio Prioris et Convent. Roffeii. fuper appropriatione Eccl. de Aylef- ford. ibid. Confirrnatio Hubert! Cant. Archiepi. fuper appropriatione predict, ibid. Coiifirmatio Ricardi Regis fuper appropriatione predict* ibid. Printed in Mr. Thorpe's Re- i6o DIOCESE Of giftrum Roffenfe, p. 149. 152. 153, which is hereafter called R. R. AYNESFORD, Vic. (Peculiar Cant.) SeeEYNESFORD andFRENYNGHAM. By Indenture Tripartite, dat. 14 Nov. 33 Can II. between Francis Porter, Rector of the Parifh Church df Aynesford, in the County of Kent, of the Firft Part; George GifFord, of Pennisj in the Parifh of Fawkemam, in the faid County of Kent, Efq< of the Second Part ; and Edward Tilfon, Vicar of Eynsfbrd aforefaid, of the Third Part. A yearly Rent of 20!. is referred tof the Vicar of Aynesford and his Suc- ceffors out of the Recltory. (Lam- beth Leafes.) Confirmed A. D. 1667; alfo confirmed 25 June, 1707, in Purfuance of the Queen's Letter to the Bifhops, Deans, &c. for the Augmentation of Vicarages See 3 the kOCHESTE R. if the Archbifliop of Canterbury's En- try Book, vol. Up ii2. HARMING, alias BARMINGE, Reft. Conceffio Annuas penfioriis duorum Solidorum de Eccl. deBarrhling Priori ct Convent, de Ledis per G. RofFen. Epifc. (fans date) E. Reg. Eccl. Roffen. Decretum fuper Unk)ne Ec- clefiarum de Banning et Nittlef- tede. Dat. in Eccl. de Nittleftede, 24 April, A. D. 1408. Autog. penes Dec. et Capit. RofFen. (printed in R. R. p. 161, 162.) BEXLEY (Peculiar Cant.) Vic. Affignatio porcionis Vicarii de Bexle (fans date) fed tempore Stephani Ivangtoiij ^Jaitt. Archiep'i, i: e. inter A. D. jfc!6 er*A. D. 1229. Reg. Warham, f. 151. (MSS. Lambeth.) Ordinatio Vicariae de Byxiiill, per S. (i. e. Stephanum Langetdn) Cant. Archiep'um ; olim appropriat. Prior. M et 162 DIOCESE OP et Convent. Sti Trinitatis London, per W. (i. e. Will. Corboyl) Cant. Archiep'um. Hiis Teftibus Mag. Si- mone de Langeton fratre noftro, Mag. Will, de Harden, Mag. Tho. de Frefcham, Rob. de Briftoll, Mag. Adde Tilnea, Mag. Walter de He- mefham, Mag. Joh. Phyfico, Will, tie Bofco, Joh. de W T altham, Vin- centio de Norwico, et multis aliis. In part of an original Regifter Book of the Priors of the Trinity, London, formerly A. D. 1767. in the Library of James Weft, Efq. (in Lord Shtl'ourne's Library, 1781.) Interlo- cutaria fententia Mag. Reynerii de Viterbio Auditoris Papae fuper deci- mis dit. Eccl. Dat. 13 Jan. A. D. 1 255 Taxatio Vicarias per (S. Lang- ton) Cant. Archiep'um, et 23 Chart. Antiq. ad did. Eccl. fpe&ant. ex- . tant hodie (1781) in the Chapter Houfe at Weftminfter. ROCHESTER. .165 BlR LING, VlC. Decretum Johannis (Stafford) Cant. Archiep'i fuper Augmentations por- cionis Vicar, de Birling. Dat. in Eccl. de Lamehithe, 20 die Maii, A. D. 1447. Archivi Eccl. Cathe- dral. Roffen. Printed in R. R. p. 171. et feq. Proceedings upon the Augmentation of this Vicarage, Act. Cur. Confifl. RofFen. 1436. 1443. foL 193. a. 194. a. 195. a. 230. a. 234; a. 242. b. 248. b. 257. b; BRADSTEBE, Reft. (Peculiar Cant.) Inquifitio facia de Terris Glebal. fubftract. per Parochianos de Brad- ftede et fententia Simonis (Iflip) Cant. Archiep'i de Gleba Eccl. pre- dict. Dat. apud Maghfield, 10 kah Julii,^A. D. 1352. Reg. Iflip. foL 57. b. (MSS. Lambeth;) 1BRENCHLEY, VlC. The Rectory was imprdpriated to M 2 Car- t> I O C E S E O F Cardinal College, Oxon. See Strype's Eccl.'Memor. Vol. I. N 28. Appen- dix. Appropriatio did:. Eccl. Monafter. de Thonebregge, et Ordinatio Vi- cariae, per H. RtifFen. Ep'urn. Orig. penes Dec. et Cait. RorTen. (Printed InR. R. p. 185.) BURHAM, ViC. ' The particular Endowment and Onera of this Vicarage are in Regiftr. E. Lowe. f. 204. b. Or- dinatio Vicarias. Dat. apud Burgham, 4 kal. Dec. A. D. 1302. Reg. Will, de Bottlefliam, f. 126. b. Inqui- fitio et Dotatio Vicarias. Dat. 4 Nov. 1445. ibid. fol. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. 4 kal. Dec. A. D. 1302. Reg. Priorat: Hofpit. S. Joh. Bibl. Cotton. Nero E. VI. (Printed in R. R. p. 196.; On ROCHESTER. 165 On the 26 April, 1567, the Crown granted a Leafe of the Rectory and Tithes of Burgham to Do&or ... * Cefar for 2 1 Years, paying annually to the Vicar of Burgham two Quar- ters of Corn. (Particulars of Leafes in the Augmentation Office, Kent, Roll V. N XXII.) CHALKE, Vic. Ordinatio Vicarial A. D. 1327. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, f. 3. Alia Ordinatio. Dat. apud Hallynge, 24 die Maii, 139 1. Reg. J. de Bottle- iham, f. 14. a. (Printed in R. R. P- 205.) CH AT H AM. See ROCHESTER CHURCHES. CHESLEFEILD, Reel. Decretum Johannis Roffen. Ep'i de annua penfione folvend. Re6toii de Cheflereild de quodarn Campo in * Sic Orig. M Fame- 166 DIOCESE OF Farneborough. Reg. Spir. Eccl. RofFen. (Printed in R. R. p. 354. et feq.) CHEVENING, Reft. A Commiffion for Exchange of Lands in this Parifh between the Earl of Stanhope and Edward Gee, D. D. Reft, of Chevening. Dat. 14 June, 1 7 1 8. Reg. Wake. Vol. I. fol. 376. a. (MSS. Lambeth.) CHIDINGSTON, Redt. Archbifhop Wake's Licence to Tho. Jenifon, the Rector, to take down- line ufelefs Buildings belonging to the Parfonage Houfe, A. D. 1728, 14 Sept. Reg. Wake, vol. II. p. 3 2 5- Another Licence to the faid Rector to make fome Alterations in the Parfonage Houfe, dated 6 Aug. *~733 &. fo| j 2 ^. a. b. (MSS, Lambeth.) CLYVE, ROCHESTER. 167 CL YVE, al. CLIFFE, at Hoo (Peculiar. Cant. Reft.) Compofitio inter Prior, et Capit. Cant, et Mag. Ricardum Re&orem Eccl. de Clyve de Decimis Marif- corum ibid. Ad. in Eccl. Parochial, de Boxele, menfe Maii, anno Gra- tie 1229. Chartae Antique C. 230. Regiftratur in Libro C. f. 42. a, (penes Dec. et Capit. Cantuar.) Charta indentata diclse Compoii- tionis. Charta; Antiquae. C. 231. (ibid ) Confirmatfo Ricardi Archiep'i Can- tuar. fuper eaderr} Compoiitione. Dat. ut fupra. Reg, C. f. 43. a. (Ibid.) Tranfcriptum Compofitionis inter Priorem et Capit. Cant, et Mag. Ricardum quondam Rectorem Eccl. de Clive de Decimis. Item Tran- fcriptum Connrmationis Ricardi Ar- chiep'i Cant. Ad. Anno Gratie M 4 1229^ 168 DIOCESE OF 1229, rnenie Mali. Dat. fub figilloi Henrici Prioris S\ Gregorii in Craf- liiio S". Barnabe' Apofloli A.D. 1 277, Chartap Antique. 0.4:7. Ibid. Confirmatio Johannis Archiep'i Cant. Compoiitionis olim facie et confir- mate per Ricardum Archiep. Cant. Dat. A. D. 1229, inter Prior, et Capit. Cant et Mag. Ric. de Wa- lingford. Red. Eccl. de Clive. 4e Decimis Barcariorum de Cly ve. Dat. apud Slyndone, 6 Id. O6t A. D. 1291, Chartae Antique. C. 388. Re- 5 gift, in Lib. C. f. 44.. a. Ibid. CHarta Hugonis de Mortuomari Reloris Eccl.. de Clive de Decimis non petendis Berchariorum et Mo- lendinorum Prioris et Capit. Cant, in Parochia de Clive ; ac Decimis Minoribus ex Manerio fuo de Clive proventibus. Salvo jure fuccefibr. Dat. A. D. 1254. Die Dominica 3 ante ROCHESTER. 169 ante Feftum beat! Martini hye- malis. Chartue Antiquae. C. 439. (Ibid.) Compofitio inter eofdem et Mag. Richard de Stratford. Reft. Eccl. de Clyve fuper eifdem Decimis. Dat. .London. A. D. 1277. Menfe Nov. Chartas Antiquae. B. 337. Regift. in Lib. E. f. 43. a. (Ibid.) Compofitio inter eofdem et D'um Pbilippum de Wyleby Rector. Eccl. de Clyve de eifdem Decimis. Dat. London, Non. April. A. D. 1283. Chartae Antique. C. 237. Regi- ftratur in Lib. C. fol. 43. a. (Ibid.) ConfirrnatioJohannisArchiep'iCant. fuper eadem Reg. C. f. 43. b. (Ibid.) Alia Charta de eadem Materia. Chartae Antique. C. 262. (Ibid.) Acta in Caufa Decimar. inter Pri- orem etCapit. Cant, et Johannem de Beflane, Redor Eccl. de Clive, 10 Februarii, 170 DIOCESE OF Februarii, A, D. 1 289. Chartae Anti- quae. C. 219. (Ibid.) Compofitio inter eofdem et eundem Mag. Joh'em de Bcftane de decimis apud Clive. Dat. Cantuar. kal. Au- gufti, A. D. 1290. Reg. C. f. 44. a. (Ibid.) Rengnatio Mag. Joh'is de Beftan, Rectoris de Clive de Decimis Ma- rifcor. de Clive. Dat. Kal. AugufK, A. D. 1290. Chartae Antiquae. C. fo. 90. 12}.. (Ibid). A*Sla in Caufa Decimarum inter eofdem et Jacobum de Cobeham, Rea. Eccl.de Clive, 2 8 April, 1305. Charts Antiquae. C. 1 24. (Ibid.) CCBHAM, Vic. See Shorne. COWDHA^I, Vic. Appropriatio diet. Eccl. Prior, et Convent. Monafterii Monial de Kil- bourne, perThomam RofFen, Ep'um. Confirmatio ejufdem per Prior, et Capit. ROCHESTER. 171 Capit. Roffen. Dat. apud Trotted cliff, 27 Junii, A. D. 1377. Li- centia Regia fuper approprlatione praedift. i Dec. anno 50. E. 3. Reg. J. Fiftier, fbl. 56. a. Nomina Cam- porumDecime de Bettrede in Paroch. de Codham. (Printed in R. R. p. 264.) CRAY, ST. MARY CHAPEL. See OR- PINGTON. CUXTON, al. COOKSTONE, Reft. Conventio inter Redlorem de Cu- cleftane et Magiftrum Hofpital. B. M. de Strode fuper Decimis in Pa- rochia de Cockelftane, A, D. 1277. Reg. Temp. Roffen. f. 22. a. Charta Redloris de Cokelilane fuper Pen- fione annua 10 fbl. conceffa Hof- pitali de Strode folvenda de Eccl. de Cokeftane, A. D. 1295. (^ r i n ted in R. R p. 259, 260.) DA- 172 DIOCESE OF DAREN TH (Peculiar Cant.) Vic,;/ : > OrdinatioVicaria:. Reg. Spirit. Roffen. F. fol. 14. b. 83. b. 84.3. Appropriatio diet. Eccl. facia Mo- pachis Roffen. (fans date) in Ar- chivis Dec. et Cap, Roffen. Aug- mentatio Vicariae de Darenth. A. D. 1 290. E. Reg. Spiritual Eccl. Roffen. Ordinatio Johannis Cant, Archiep'i fuper portionibus Eccl. de Darente, Dat. apud Mortlake, 3 Die Dec. A. D. 1292. E. Reg. Eccl. Roffen. Articles .of Agreement about Lands, Tenements, &c. within this Parifh, between 1 the Prior and Convent of Rochefrer and John Crepehegge, dated 12 Feb. 20 E. IV. Compo- litio inter Vicarium de Darente et Inhabitantes infra precinctum Ca- pelle de Helles. Dat. apud Oteford. ult. die Jan. A. D. 1522. Printed in R. R. p. 272. top. 278. This laft ROCHESTER. 173 laft Compofition is alfo extant iu Reg. Warham, fol. 31 7. a. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) DARTEFORD, Vic. Ordinatio Laurent. RofFen.Ep'i fuper penfione decem marcarum fol vend. Prior, et Convent. Roffen. per Vi- carium de Darteford. Dat. 10 kal. Aug. A. D. 1299. Autog. penes Dec. et Cap. RofFen. - Ordinatio WalteriCant. Archiep'ifuper eaderru Dat. apud Lamhethe, 19 kal. Sept. A. D. 1300. Certificatio Sententice Diffinitive in Caufa inter Vicariurrt de Darteford et Ep'um Roffen. fuper Penfione decem Marcarum per Irt- fpeximus. Dat. Cant. 7 kak Julii, A. D. 1313. Sententia fuper Decimjs. Dat. 4 kal. Aug. A. D. 1315* Autog. penes Dec. et Cap. RofFen* Certificatorium Executionis Man- dati Officialis Cant, fuper Penlione decem 174 DIOCESE OF decem marcarum debit. Priori et Conv. Roffen. et proveniente de Vicaria de Darteford. Dat. apud Stone, 1 6 kal. April, A. D. 1323. E. Reg. Temp. Ep. Roffen. Printed in R. R. p. 294. to 308; Ordinatio penfionis Vicarise de Dar- teforde, et Modifkatio Dotation is Vicarice de Darteforde, per Wal- terum Cant* Archiep'um. Dat. apud Lambeth, 4 kal. Aug. A. D. 1315. Reg. Job. Fimer, fol. 140. a. (Print- ed in R. R. p. 302.) DENNINGTON. See FRENDISBURY. DOWN CHAPEL* See ORPINGTON; No Account of tbe Endowment. Recloria appropriat. Priori et Con- vent. Eccl. Cbrifti, London. Act. Vifit. Archid. Roffen. 1504. fol. 9. b. Compofitio facta inter Con- ventum ROCHESTER. 175 ventum et Parochianos de Lefnes de annua Solutione decem Solidorum nd Ornamenta et Libros Altaris Ec- clefiiE. A. D. 1432. Reg. J. Lang- don, fol. 99. b. Item Decemb. 20, 1400. MSS. Eccl. Cantuar. A. u. fol. 44. b. EAST GREENWICH. See GREENWICH. ELTHAM, Vic. The Re&ory firft appropriated to the Abbey of Keynfham, now be- longs to Oriel College, Oxon. At. Cur. Confift. RofTen, 1443. 1468. fol. 294. a. Appropriat. Abbat. et Convent, de KeynuSarrr. Aft. Vis Archid. RofFen. fol. 7. b. Advocatio concefla a Gu- lielmo Comite Gloceftri< Abbatias de Kayne, inter annos 1148. 1186. et Ecclef. Appropriat. Maii, 1242. Reg. Hamo de Hethe. f. 27. b. The 176 D I O C E S ' 6 F The Tythes of Mottingham belong to the Church of Rochefter, being antiently given to it by' one Auf- gotus of Chyle Church^ and though claimed by the Reclor of .Eltham, A. D. 1 176, and by the Vicar after- wards, in 1 234, yet, by the Judge- ment of Richard (Wetherfed)-Abp. of Canterbury, as well as of Richard (de Wendover) Bp; of Rochefterj both which Determinations 1 ' are 're- maining among the Archives of the Church of Rdchefter, it y was de- termined to belong to that CathedraL Dr. Harris' sHlftory of Kent, p. 1 1 ;< ^A'ppropriatioEccl deEltham, Abbat. de Keynefham (fans date) Aflenfus Prioris Roffen. fuper Appropriatione dia. EcclefigeV Dat. Roffen. kal. Junii, >!?4^. Charts Jchannis Bath et \Vell eh. ""Ep'i fuper Conceffione Eccl. Abbat. de Keynemam. Dat ROCHESTER. 177 Dat. 6 Id. Dec. A. D. 1314. Con- ceffio Decimarum Hamletti de Mot- tingham in Parochia de Eltham fa&a Monachis de Rochefter. De Decimis iifdem. (Printed in R. R. p. 334. et feq.) EYNSFORD, Vic. (Peculiar Cant.) See AYNESFORD. FARLY,Vic. See WEST FARLEY, Vic. Dotatio Vicariae per Gilbert. Ep'um Rofifen. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, f. 9. a. An Augmentation made to the Vicarage by Wm. Wells, Bp. of Rochefter, and exhibited by the Vicar in a Suit with the Abbey of Leeds, Dec. 14, 1444, Act. Cur* Confift,. RofFen. 1444. 1468. fol. 17. b. 70. a. wherein is a particular Account of the Value and Endow- ment of this Vicarage, fol. 95. a. FARNIXGHAM, Vic. See EYNSFORD and FRENNYNGHAM. N Copy 178 DIOCESE OF Copy of a Decree of the Court of Exchequer in Favour of the Dea and Chapter of Canterbury, againft Sir Anthony Roper, Knight, for a Penfion of 1 2!. per Annum, hTuing out of the Manor of Charton, in the Parifh of Farningham. Dat. 4. Nov. 1622. Chart* Mifcellaneas, voh VI. N c 65. (MSS. Lambeth.) FRECKENHAM (Diocef. Norwicen. De- can. FORDHAM in Comit. SufF.) Pe- culiar. Ep'i RofFen. Vic. Vide primam Ordinationem dicl. Vicarise ab Ep'o Laurentio inter annos 1250 et 1274. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, fol. 230. a. Alia Ordi- natio didtee Vicariae. Dat. 17 kal. Julii, A. D. 1347. Ibid. fol. 232. (Printed in R. R. p. 361.) Anno 14 E. I. Epu's RofFenrls eft Advocatus EccL de Frekenham ad quern pertinent. LX. Aer. hie redd. 3 f er ROCHESTER. 179 per Ann. Ep'o lid. faciend. tertiam partem unius feftab Hundred, de Lacford. Regiftr. Abbat. Edmundi, fol. li i. ^RENDISBURY, VlC. Conceffio Glebas Vicar, per Thorn. Ep'um Roffen. Reg. Spir. Rofferu E. foL 13. b. Dat. Roffen. 7 Id. Sept. A. D. 1289. (Printed in R. R.p. 371.) _ Conceilio Deeimar. de Frendesbar, de Dennington et Suthflet, ad Prior. RorFen. per Joh'em Cant. Archiep. Dat: apud Hailing in Craft. Purif. B. M. A. D. 1280. Reg. Cart. Vet. Conv. Eccl. X ci . Cantuar. (In Bp. Moore's Library at Cambridge.) FRENNYNGHAM (Peculiar Cant.) Vic. Li mites paroch. de Eynesford et Frennyngham Charts Antique. E, 114. 128. (Penes Dec. et Capit; Cantuar. )Charta Stephani Archiep*i N 2 Cant. i8o DIOCESE OF Cant, de Ecclef. de Einsford et Frenningham, et de portione Vicarii de Frenningham, A. D. I 225, menfc Novembr. Chartae Antiquae. F. 52. Q.^ 173. et Regiflratur in Libro C. fol. 32. a. (Penes Dec. et Capit. Cantuar.) Compofitio inter Priorem Eccl. Chrifti Cant, et Vicarium de Fren- nyngham Decanat. de Shorham, et Affignatio portionis ejufdem Vicar. Ratincat. per Joh'em Archiep. Cant, apud Lambeth. Die 20 menf. Maii, A. D. 1348. Regiftr. Liber diftus Extra Kane. fol. 9, 10, u. (Pen. Dec. et Capit. Cantuar.) Portiones affignate Vicar. Eccl. de Frennyng- ham per Dominos Priorem et Con- vent. Cant. (Chartas Antiquas. Q^ 174. Ibid.) Copia atteftata Compofitionis inter ' Priorem Eccl. Chrifli Cant, et Vicar. de ROCHESTER. 181 de Frennyngham confirmate per Joh'em Archiep. Cant. 20 Mali, 1348. Chartae Antiquae. (^174. (Ibid.) Dotatio Vicariis de Frennyngham, per Joh'em Archiep. Cant. 20 Mali, 1348. Charts Antiquae. Q^ 175. quae etiam patet in Libris magnis Reg. viz. B. f. xi. et C. f. 32. (Ibid.) GlLLINGHAM, CUm LlDSING CAPEL. Vic. (Pec. Cant ) At Lidfmg, is now a Chapel of Eafe to Gillingham, and hath been fo time out of mind. It is endowed with all Tithes, and here Divine Service is performed ; but there are only (even houfes in this place. Dr. Harris's Hift. of Kent, p. 131, GOUDHERST, Vic. Reftitutio Decimarum Vicario de Goudherft per Robert um Cant. Ar- N 3 chiepu'm DIOCESE OF chiep'um Reg. Winchelfe, fol. 202. a. 203. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) pREENWICH, Vic. Ordinatio Vic. 1218. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, fol. 28. Red. appropriat. Priori et Convent, de Shene, A&. Vif. Archi'd. Roffen. fol. 7. b. Ap- propriat. Abbati et Convent, de Gant in Flandria inter annosuS? 1191. a Papa Clemente Reg. Hamo de Hethe, fol. 28. a. Appropriationes Ecclefiarum de Le- yefham et Efte Greenwich (fans date) Regiftr. Joh. Fifher, fol. 81. a. Confirmatio Appropriationum pre- di6t. Ibid. Compofitio inter Rec- torem et Vicarium de Levefham. Dat. apud Lamehith, 10 die Mail, A.D. 1431. ibid. fol. 81 b. HADLOW, Vic. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. apud Stone, jo kal. Aug. A. D. 1287. Reg. Hamo ROCHESTER. 183 Hamo de Hethe, fol. I2.b. (Printed in R. R. p. 381.) UALLYNG, Vic. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. 6 die Mail, A.D. 1538. Reg. Joh. Hiliey, fol. 196. a. (Printed in R. R. p. 400.) HALSTOW, Red. Charta Laurentii RofFen. Ep'i con- cernens penfionem de Halgefto et B. M. in Hoo. Dat. Bromleghe in Craft. Afceniion is Dominicae. A.D. 1274. Sententia diffinitiva fuper Decimis Eccl. de Halgftow. Dat. apud RofFen. 21 Nov. A. D. 1476. E. Reg. Temp. Eccl. RofFen. (Print- ed in R. R. p. 404. et feq.) HIGHAM, Vic. Ordinatio Vicarial Reg. Hamo de Hethe, f. 22. b. Capella S. Jacobi infra Eccl. Parochial, de Higham, Jan. 4. 1485. Lib. V. Teft. f. 68. b. N 4 Will 184 DIOCESE OF Will of Wm. Roelf, who bequeathed the Church houfe, fol. 69. b. MJGHAM, Re&. See LILCHURCH. Appropriat. Prioriffe et Convent, Ibid. Aft. Vif. Archid. Roffen. 1 504. f. 1 1 . b. et dein Magiftro Metcalf et Sociis S". Joh'is Colleg. Cantab. A. D, 1523 yel 1524. fol. n. a. 67. a. Sententia lata per CommhTarium, Maii 19, 1523 ; et confirmata ab Epifcopo Martii 28 die, et ab Ar- chidiacono Mart. 29. et a Convent. Roffen April 1.15. 24. ib. 14. b. 15.3. Appropriat. PrioriiTas et Sanft. mo- nialibus ibidem (fub nomine autem Lillecherche) inter annos 1166 et et 1 1 83. Vicaria autem poftea ordi- nata fuit inter annos 1265 et 1298. Tempore Aufeticae PiiorifTas. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, f. 22. b. Hpo. See CLYVE, al. CLIFF, at Hoo. Hoo ROCHESTER. 185 Hoo ALL SAINTS. Vic. Ordinatio Vicarias i 327. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, fol. 76. Augmentatio Vicariae. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, fol. ' 86. a. Hoo, al. ST. WARBURGH, Vic. Pritna Ordiuatio Vicarize. Dat. apud Trottefclyve, 4 Non. April, A. D. 1327. Secunda Ordinatio. Dat. Id. Mart. J 337* ^ e &' Hamo de Hethe, fol. 148. h. et Reg. Spir RofFcn. F. fol. 1 6. a. (Printed in R. R. p. 423. et feq) HORTON KIRBY, Vic. Appropriaiio dil. Eccl. Magiftro et Confratribus Collegii de Cobham. 3 Ric. II. 1380. Tanner Notit. p. 7-27. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. apnd Hal- lyng, 10 die April 1378, Reg. fob. Fifher, fol. 79. b. Reg. Sudhurv, fol. 1 86 DIOC6SEOF fol. 42. b. (MSS. Lambeth.) Printed in R. R. p. 431, et feq. ISELHAM (Norwic. Dioc.) Peculiar. Ep'i RofFen. Vic. A Determination of Benedict Bp of Rochester, on a Difpute between the Relor and Vicar of Ifelham, and the Convent of St. Jacutus *, about a Claim of Tithes. Dat. apud Frekenham, prid. id. Sept. A. D. 1219. Reg. Temp. Roffen. fol. Vac. ante fol. i. (Printed in R. R. p. 437.) Conceffio et Confirmatio Glebae Vi- cario de Ifelham, ab Ep'o RofFen. et Con ven tu. Dat RofFen. 4 Non. Junii, A. D. 1 290. Reg. Spirit. RofFen. F. fol. 83. a. MSS. Eccl. Cantuar. A. 2. fol. 44. b. (Printed in R. R. p. 9.) KEMSING cum SEALE, Vic. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. apud Ber- * A Be-nediftine Abbey, in the Diocefe of Dole, mondfey, ROCHESTER. 187 mondfey, Ot 13, 1402. Reg. T. Bottlemam, fol. 177. Compofitiq fuper Ordinatione pre- dict. Dat. in Monafter. de Bermond- fey, 13 Dec. A. D. 1422. ibid. fol. 178. (Printed in R. R. p. 451. et feq.) KYNGESDON, olim Vic. hodie Redl. Augmentatio Vicariae. Dat. apud Hallynge, 9 die Aug. A. D. 1436. (Printed in R. R. p. 454.) Poftea haec eccleiia de Kyngeidon conver- titur cum Vicaria in Rec~loriam per novam Compolitionem temp. Rev. Patris J. Lowe, Reg. J. Lowe, fol. LAMBERHURST, Vic. See Particulars of the Endowment in the Regifter of J Lowe, f. 211. b. Reel. Appropriat. Priori et Con- vent de Ledys, Adi. Vif. Archid. Roffen. in 1504 fol. 6. a. ConcefT. a Rob. 4e Crepito Corde Canon, de Ledes i88 DIOCESE OF Ledes et Appropriat. inter annos 1125 et 1 138. Reg. Hamode Hethe, f. 9. a. io. a. Dotatio Vicariae. Dat. 7 Aug. A. D. 1447. Reg. W. de Bottelfliam. LEGHE, hodie, LIGTH, Vic. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. apud Roffen. 25 Feb. A. D. 1353. Reg. H. de Hethe, fol. 281. a. Alia Ordinatio, Dat. apud Tonebregge, 1 3 die Feb. A. D. 1393. Reg. W. deBortlefham, fol. 46. b. (Printed in R. R. p. 464. et feq.) LEWISHAM, Vic. See GREENWICH. Chartae Ordinationis Vicariae. facl. annis 1218. 1289. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, fol. 28. Appropriatio diet. Eccl. Priori et Convent, S ri . Petri Gandevenfis *. (fans date. E. Reg. Spirit. Ep. Roffen.) Confirmatio Appropriati- * St. Peter at Ghent, a Benedidine Abbey in Auftriaii Flanders. onuin ROCHESTER. 189 onum Ecclefiar. de Lewimam et Eftgrenewich per Ricardum RofFen. Ep'um. Dat. apudTrottefclive, A.D. 1239. ibid. Compofitio inter Rector, et Vicar, fuper Decimis. Dat. apud Lambeth, 10 Die Maii, A. D. 1431. (Printed in R. R. p. 470. et feq.) LILCHURCH, Vic. Ordinatio VicariiE de Lilchurch, per Walterum RofFen. Ep'um. HiisTeft. W. Archidiacone Roffenfi Magiitro R. de Lenham, &c. Ex Autograph, penes Magiftrum et Socios Coll. S. Joh'is Baptift Cantab. Printed in Monaft. Angliae. vol. II. p. 885. and in R. R. p. 176. See Higham. LUJ.LYNG&TONE, Reel, et LULLYNG- STONE Capella. Com politic five Ordinatio fuper De- cimis inter Reclorem de Lullyng- flone, et Capellanum de Lullyng- ftone. Dat. S die Ocl. A. D. 1412. Bibl. D I O C E S F Bibl. Cotton. Fauftina C. V. f. 1 16; a* bl Unio Rectoriae et Vicar, de Lullyngftone. Dat. 23. April, A. D. 1712. Reg. Spirit. Roffen. (Printed in R. R. p. 477-) EAST MALLING. (Peculiar. Cant.) Vie. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. apud Cher- ryng 5 kal. Mart. A. D. 1363. Reg. Iflip. f. 202. a. b.- (MSS. Lambeth j (Printed in R. R. p. 488.) WEST MALLING, Vic. Ordinatio VicariiE. Dat.- apud Hal-" lynge 7. kal. Julii, A. D. 1339. Reg; Hamo de Hethe, f. 1 23. a. (Printed in R, R. p. 484.) Sir Robert Brett, in the year 1620; gave 52!. (Taxes deducted) charge- able on an eftate in Lincolnihire, of Sol. per Ann. for the following ufes^ viz. I os. per Week fora Clergyman to read prayers and preach every ROCHESTER. 191 Saturday in this parifh throughout the Year, and los. to be equally dif- tributed among 20 poor People of the Parifh at the fame time, who fhall attend the Service. The Le<2ure is preached by five neighbouring cler- gymen, who are appointed by Truf- tees; but the Vicars of Eaft and Weft Mailing muft always be of the Number of Preachers. MEREWORTH, Reel. Relaxatio fuper annua Penfione fol- venda per Rectorem de Mereworth Monafierde Ledes. Dat. 20 die No^ Anno 12 Hen. VII. A Terrier of all the Lands, Tithes, Profits, and Emoluments of the Parfonage of Mereworth, taken the 2 id of July, 1634. From the Parifh Regifter. (Printed inR. R. p. 497.) MOTTINGHAM Tythes. See ELTHAM. NETTLESTED, Rtcl. United 192 DIOCESE OF United to HARMING. SeeBARMiNG* NOCKHOLT, olim OKOLT. (Peculiar Cant.) Chapel to Orpinton and Cray. The Boundaries of the Parifh and Lordfhip of Okolt, anno 3 Regis Edwardi Quarti. Lib. diet. Extra Kant. fol. 1 8. a. (penes Dec* et Capit. Cantuar.) NORTH CRAY, Rec. Actum Juridicum fnper Unione Ec^ cleiiarum et Parochiarum de Ro- kefley et North Cray. Dat. apud Croydon, Kal. April, A. D. 1557* Autog. penes, Dec. et Capit. Roffen. (Printed in R. R. p. 588. et feq.) KORTHFLETE, (Peculiar Cant.) Vic. Appropriatio Eccl. de Northflete, Reg, R. fol. 78. 79. 80. 81. (penes Dec. et Capit. Cantuar.) Portio Vi- carii quadrngina Marc. Ibidem, fol. 81. b. OR- ROCHESTER. 193 ORPINGTON (Peculiar Cant.) Vic. Charta Hugonis de Mortuomari Rec- toris Eccl. de Orpunton, de Decimis Minoribus non petendis ex Manerio Prioris et Capit. Cant, de Orpen- tum provenientibus, falvo Jure Suc- cerTorum ejus, A. D. 1254. Charta? Antique C. 439. (penes Dec. et Capit. Cantuar.) Rob. Say, D. D. provoft of Oriel College, Oxon. and Rector of Or- pington, on granting a new leafe of the Parfonage of Orpington, abated 400!. in the fine, in confideration whereof the leffee was bound to pay annually an Augmentation of 26!. 135. 4d. to the Vicar of Orpington cum St. Mary Cray, and of 13!. 6s. Sd. to the Curate of Down, a Chapel dependant on the faid Rec- tory. O This I 9 4 DIOCESE OF This Leafe bears date 23 Auguft, was confirmed by the Bimop on the ^oth, and by the Dean and Chapter on the 3 1 ft of the fame month, A. D. 1687, and is entered in the Regifter of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. Copia Ordinationis Ricardi Cant. Archiep'i (A. D. 11/3-) fuper Vicar, de Orpington cam ligillo (Archiv. Eccl. Cathedral. Cantuar. MS. A. ii. p. 38. b.) Provilio Manfi et Affignatio parcelle terrae Vicario de Orpington per Will. (Courtney) Cant, Archiep'pum. Dat. apudCroy- don, 9 die April. A. D. 1393. Con- firmatio Prior. etCapit. Eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. predict. Affignationis. Dat. 20 die April. A. D. 1393. Reg. Morton Dene Bourchier et Courtney, fol. 189, a, b. (MSS. Lambeth.) WEST ROCHESTER. 195 WEST PECCHAM, Vic. Ordinatio feu Compofitio Vicaria^ Dat. apud Bromleigh, 14 kal. Nov. A. D. 1387. Reg. Harno de Hethe. f. n. a. (Printed in R. R. p. 514.) Tithes belonging to it, as taxed 1 5 Edw. III. See MS. Eccl. Cantuar. A. it. fol. 50. a. PEMBURY, al. PEPINGBURY, Vic. It appears by the Return to Bp. Bradford's Injunctions, by Mr. Ri- chard Woodward the Vicar, 26 Sept. 1724, that there is an Aug- mentation to the Vicarage out of the Manor of Bayhall. Appropriatio Eccl. de Pepinberi M>- bat. et Convent, de Begham. Dat. apud Trottefclive, 9 kal. Dec. 1278. See Ad. Vif. Archid. RorTen in 1504. f. 6. a. Decan. Oxon. S. Fri- defwidas proprietar. 1529. Fol. 80. a. See Reg. Hamo de Hethe, fol. 19. a. O 2 Printed 196 DIOCESE OF Printed in R. R. p. 518. Granted to the College of Cardinal Wolfey, Oxon. anno 1528. (Strype's Eccl. Mem. Vol. I. p. i r i. N J 29.) PENSHURST (Peculiar Cant.) Reft. Dimifiio ad firmam proTermino 99 annos per Rek in the Library of the Dean ani Chapter of Weftm'.nfter, p. 34. The Impropriation in the Dean and Chapter of Weftminfter. Lord Wil- loughby of Broke is Leflee ; the O4 Cu at : 200 DIOCESE OF Curate has 20!. per Ann. as by Letter to the late Dr. Browne Willis, from Mr. Pugh, Curate thereof. Dat. Feb. 7, 17^. SHORNE, Vic. D'n's Will. Pepyr, Vicarius, legavit fuccefforibus fuis Vicariis Meffua- gium fuum in quo inhabitavit, fie quod non vexent Executores pro re- paratione Vicariae, ex Teftamento fuo. Dat. Jan. 27, 1470. Lib. iv. f. 50. b. Archiv. RofFen. Thomas Page, of Shorne, by Will, dated June i, 1495, invefts in the Vicar and Truftees his Tenement, called Normans, lying and being in Upper Shorne, for a Dwelling houfe for the Vicar, as long as the World mall endure. Lib.v. f. 273. b. (ibid.) Appropriat Prioratui Sti. Salvatoris de Bermundefeya, Reg. "Temporal. RofFen. fol. 78. a. Appro- ROCHESTER. 201 Appropriatio Eccldiar. de Cobham et Shornes Eccl. S. Salvatoris de Ber- rnundefeya Reg. J. Fiftier, fol. 97. a. Confirmatio Appropriationis Eccle- fiar. predict, per Thomam Cant. Archiep'um, ibid. (Printed in R. R. p. 229, 233.) SNODELAND, Red. Concordia fuper Decimis inter Rec- tores de Snodeland et de Waldeham. Dat. apud Trotteiclyve, 24 die Sept. A. D, 1402. Reg. J. Botelefham, fol. 1 80. b. (Printed in R. R, p. 605.) SOUTHFLETE. See FRENDISBURY. STANSTED CHAPEL. Chapel to Wrotham, according to Eclon. Kilburn, p 255. fays, " This Parifh * was formerly parcel of the " Pari(h of Wrotham ; and the " now Church here, a Chapel " to that Parifh Church; but " about 202 DIOCESE OF " (about 13 years fmce) this " Stanfted was made a Parifli by ". Parliament." SeeWROTHAM, STOKE, Vic. Ordinatio Vicariae. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, f. 31. b. Taxatio Vicarise (fans date) Reg. Fifher. (Printed in R. R. p. 622.) Ordinatio Vicariae per Walter, de Cantalupe, Wigorn. Ep'um. Dat. apud Blekeleigh, in Feft. Epiph. A. D. 1242. (Reg. Vet. Cart. Eccl. Chrifti Cant, in Bp. Moore's Li- brary at Cambridge.) STROODE. See ROCHESTER CHURCHES. SUTTON at HONE, Vic. Appropriatio Capellae de Kingefdune in Paroch. de Sutton, per Bene- diftum RofFen. Ep'um, et Ordinatio Vicariae (fans date) Bibl. Cotton Do^ mitian A. X 9. Appropriatio Eccl. de Suttone cum Capellis de Kingef- downe ROCHESTER. downe et Wilmingtone Prior, et Con- vent. Roffen. Dat. apud Lambethe, A. D. 1253. * n Craft. S. Katharine Virginis. Autog. penes Dec. et Capit. Roffen. Ordinatio altera Vicar, de Kingefdune et Sutton. Dat. apud Hallinge 9 die Aug. A. D. 1436. Reg. Temp. Roffen. fol. 130. a. (Printed in R. R. p. 653, 654, 656.) This Vicarage is endowed with Hay, Wood, and other fmall Tithes, and with about 24 Acres of Glebe. It hath an old Peniion of 4 Nobles per ann. and of Wheat, Rye, Barley, and Peafe, out of the Parfonage; and (ince the Reformation there is an Augmentation to it of lol. per ann. Dr. Harris's Hift. of Kent, p. 306. SUTTONE, Vic. et WILMINGTONE, Vic. Compofitio inter G. Ep'um Roffen. et 204 DIOCESE OF et Priorem et Convent, ejufdem Ec- clefiae de Advocationibus et Decimis diverfarum Ecclefiarum, in qua af- ilgnantur Portiones Vicar, de Suttone et Wilmingftone, Reg. G. fol. 286. b. (penes Dec. et Capit. Cantnar.) The Leflee of Button at Hone is to pay yearly to the Vicar 20 Bufhels of Wheat ; alfo to the Vicar of Wilmington one Quarter of Wheat, one Quarter of Rye, one Quarter of Barley, and one Quarter of Peafe, with the Annual Penfion of 26 Shillings and 8 Pence in Money. Parliamentary Survey of the Manor and Reftory of Sutton at Hone, dated Jan. 9, 1 649. (MSS. Lambeth.) TERRIERS. ^Thofe of the Archbifhop's Pecu- liars are now (1781) depolited in the Record Room over the Gateway of Lambeth Palace, and are under the ROCHESTER. 205 the Cuftody of the Archbifhop's Receiver. TESTON, al. TERSTON, Vic. Appropriatio Rector de Tefton Pri- orat. et Convent, de Ledys Aft. Vif. Archid. Roffen. in 1504. fol. 4. b. Conceff. a Rob. de Crepito Corde Canon, de Ledes et Appropriat. inter annos 1125 et 113^. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, f. 9. a. 10. a. TUDELY, Vic. Ordinatio Vicariae. Dat. in Eccl. Cathedral. Roffen. 17 die Sept. A. D. 1398. Reg. W. Botlefham. f. 120. a. TUNBRIDGE, Vic. Appropriatio Reftorie Prior, et Con- vent. Sti. Joh'is Jerufalem Aft. Vif. Archid. Roffen. in 1504. fol. 5. b. Vide Appropriationem inter annos 1 1 47. et 1183. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, f. 12. a. WA- 206 DIOCESE OF WATRINGBURY, Vic. Appropriatio Re&orise Priori et Con- vent, de Ledys A3:. Vif. Archid. RofFen. in 1504. fol. 4. a. Ecclefia concefla Priori et Convent, de Ledes ab Hamone Filio Ricardi de Watringberry, inter annos 1104 et 1176. Reg. Hamo de Hethe, f. 9. b. WESTERHAM, cum Capell. de EDEN- BRIDGE, Vic. OrdiaatioVicariaetemp. Hamo Hethe' Reg. H. de Hethe, fol. 37. a. Appropriatio diet. Eccl. Prior, et Convent. Eccl. Chrifti Cant, et Taxatio Vicariae. Dat. apud Hal- lynge, 25 die Jan. A. D. 1327 Reg. Priorat. Eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. (Print- ed in R. R. p. 679. et feq. WEST FARLEY, Vic. Appropriatio dicl:. Eccl. Monafter. de Ledis et Ordinatio Vicariae (fans 4ate), ROCHESTER, 207 date), Reg. Spir. Eccl. RofFen. (Printed in R. R. p. 353.) WOLDEHAM, Reel. See SNODELAND. Memorandum de Decimis qiiae per- tinent ad Abbatiflam de Mallinge in parochia de Woldham et inqui- ficio fac~la per Thomam de Alkham et tenentes ibid. 26 E. III. Reg. Eccl. Roffen. (Printed in R. R. p. 694.) WROTHAM, (Peculiar Cant.) Vic. See STANSTED Chapel. Ordinatio Vicariae (tans date), fed circa A. D. 1364. Reg. Iflip. f. 205. a. (MSS. Lambeth.) Declaratio D'ni Tho. Arundell, Cant. Archiep'i, fuper portioneVicar. de Wrotham. Dat. apud Otteford. 7 die Jan. A, D. 1402. Reg. Arun dell, pars i m % f. 357. b, (MSS. Lam- beth.) i 2 o8 DIOCESE OF Licentia habitantibus juxta Ca- pellam de Plaxtoll infra limites parochiae de Wrotham Divina Officia Audiendi et Sacramentum Eucha- riftae recipiendi in dicta Capella. 8 Dec. 1711. This is extant in the Archbifhop of Canterbury's Entry Book. VI. 65. (It had been antiently ufed for Religious Offices.) An Order and Directions fet down V-- by Dr. King, &c. touching a Courle to be obferved by the Afleflbrs to their Taxations of the Church, and the Walls of the Church-yard of Wrotham, in Kent, and to be ap- plied generally upon Occafions of like Reparations to all Places, in England whatfoever. (Godolphin's Abridgement of the EcclefiafKcal Laws. Appendix, p. 10. Quarto, 1687.) WYL- ROCHESTER. 209 WYLMINGTON, Vic. See BUTTON, at HONE. See SUTTONE and WIL- MINGTONE. Augmentatio Vicariae. Dat. in Hof- pital. de Strode, 28 die Julii, A. D. 1436. E. Reg. Spirit. Ep'i RofFen. (Printed in R. R. p. 689.) YALDING, Vic. OrdinatioVicarias. 3Kal. Mart, anno 22 H. de Hethe. (Printed in R. R. p. 145.) ^ In 1528, this Rectory was granted to Card. Wolfey's College at Oxford. Strype, Eccl. Mem. Vol. I. p. n. Appendix. N 29. Habuit olim Eccl* de Brenchelfey pro CapeJla fua. I N- [ 210 ] INDEX OF CHURCHES IN THE DIOCESE of CANTERBURY. A LDINGTON, Bredgar, p. 11 J\ p. i. 129 Brokland, ib. Aldintone, i Bromfield, ib. i&lkhara, 2 Brook, 12 Appledore, ib. Cantuar. ib. Aft, ib. Sti. Dunftani y 13 Afhford, 3 Sr. Gregory, 15 Babchild, ib. Stas.Margaretae,i6 Beakifbourn, 4 Sti. Martini, ib. Beauxfield, 6 Sta?. Maria?, j 7 Berfreftone, 7 de Bredene, 18 Betherfden, ib. Sti. Johannis, ib. Biddenden, 7. 130 Sti. Pauli, ib. Bockland, 8 Sti. Petri, 1 9 Bo&on, ib. Challock, ' 21 Bonington, 9 Charlton, ib. Boughton, ib. Chart, ib. Boxle, ib. Chart Magna, 22 Brabourne, 10 Chartham 23 Bradfole, ii Chiftelett, 24 6 Clyve, INDEX. 211 Clyve, Sta?. Mar- Goudherft, p. 52 garettse, p. 25 Gravcney, ib. Colrede, ib. Guffitona, 53 S. S. Cofrai et Da- Hackington, 55 miani, 31 Halftowe, 56 Cranebroke, 32 Harclres, 59 Deal Chapel, 34 Haftingley, ib. Debtling, ib. Hawkhurft, 60 Doddington, olim Hawking, al. Ha- Dudintunia, 35 kinge, ib. Dovor, 36 Hedcorn, 61 Eaftbregge, ib. Herbledowne, Sti. Eaftchurch, 38 Nicholai, ib. Eaft Langdon, ib. Herne, 62 Eafl Sutton, 39 HernhilJ, 63 Eaftry, ib. Hollingbourn, ib. Eaftry, et B. Marine Hope, juxia Rom- Sandwici, 41 ney, 64 Egerton, 43 Hollingborne, 65 Elham, 44 Honeychild Ma- El mflede, 47 nor, 66 Ewell, ib. T Jothe, ib. Eythorn, ib. Hougham, olim Fairfield, 48 Hugham, 67 Fawkenherft, ib. St. John Baptid, Feverftiam, ib. in Thanet, 68 Folkftone, 49 I wade, al. Wade, 6? Godmarfham, 51 Kenarton, al. Ke- Godwyneflon, 52 nardington, ib. Gcodneftone, 132 Kcnyngton, 70 p 2 Kyn- INDEX. ftIZ Kyng'efncde, p. 70 Sti. Laurentii, in Thanet, 71 Leeds, cum Brom- feild, ib. I.enham, ib. Leyfdown, 72 Lide, 73 Littleburne, ib. Livingeburn, 74 Loofe Chapel , ib. Lydden, 75 Lynfled, ib. Lynton, ib. Muidflone, 76 Harden, 77 Men ft re, ib. Mid ley, 79 Middleton, ib. Milton, juxta Sit- tingbourn, 80 Monketon, ib. Nackington, 8 1 Newchurche, 82 Newenden, ib. Newington, 83 Newfcle Capclla, 84 Sti. Nicolai, et Om- nium Sanftorum, in Thanet, ib. Nonynton, p. 86 Norborne, 87 Norborne, cum Shoulden, 87 Ofpringe, 132 Oftenhanger, al. Eaflingher, 87 Otringdenne, 88 Overland Chapel, ib. Ovvre, al. Oare, 89 Patrikesbourn, ib. St. Peter, in the Iflc of Thanet, ib. Petham, 90 Pevington, ib. Pluckley, 91 Poplelhale, ib. Poftiing, , . * ib. Prefton, juxta Wingham, ib. Reculver, 93 Rippcle, 97 Rolvynden, ib. Old Rumney, 98 Romenal, hodie New Rumney, ib. Saltwode, cum . Hythe, 100 Sandwich, St. Clement, ib. S and- I N 3) K X. 213 Sardwich, B. Thcriichaci, p. no Marios, p. 101 Thrdegh, a!. Felly ng, ib. Throw-icy, in Sefaher, et Hern- Tiimenftoo, 112 hill, ib. Tonge, 1X 3 Sheldwick, 102 Tuniu!!, 114 Sheperdfwell, al. Uppechirche, ib. Sybertefvvealde, 103 Walder&are, 11 5 Smallhirhe, 104 Wai mere, ib. Snargate, 105 Waitham, et Pct- Snaves, ib. ham, 116 Sralesfit'ld, ib. Warehorne, 117 Stanford Chapel, ib. Wcftberc, ib. Stapleherft, ib. Weft Clive, 118 Stodmerfb, 106 Weflheth, 119 Stokebury, ib. Wetlwell, ib. Stone Chapel to Whitftaple, 121 Tenham, ib. Wingliorn, 122 Stone in Oxene, 107 Woocichurch, ib. Sturmouth, 108 Woodnesborne, ib. Sturreye, 109 Wotton, I2 5 Swinckfield, ib. Wycham, ib. Tanterden, ib. Wye, 126 Tenham, no Wyvelesbergh, 127 Thaningfon, ib. INDEX INDEX OF CHURCHES IN TKE DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER. Aylesford, p. Aynesford, Barming, al. Bar- ininge, Bexiey, Biding, Bradftede Brenchley, Burham, Chalke, Chatham, Cheflefeild, Chevening, Chidingfton, Clyve, al. Cliffe, at Hoo Cobham, Cowdham, Cray, St. Mary Chapel, Cuxton, al. Cook- Hone, 159 Dareftth, p. 172 160 Darteford, 173 Dennington, 174 161 Down Chapel, ib. ib. Earith, ib. 163 Eaft Greenwich^ 175 ib. Eltham, ib. ib. Eynsford, 177 164 Farly, ib. 165 Farningham, ib. ib. Freckengham, 178 ib. Frendisbury, 179 166 Frennynham, ib. ib. Gillingham, 181 Goudherft, ib. 167 Greenwich, 182 170 Hadlow, ib. ib. Hallyng, 185 Halftow, ib. 171 Higham, Vic. ib. Higham, Reft. 184 ib. Hoo, ib. Hoo INDEX. 215 Hoo All Saints, p. 185 Rochefter, St. Ni- Hoo, al. St. War- cholas, p. 198 burgh, Horton Kirby, Ifelham, Kemfing cum Scale, Kyngefdon, Lamberhurft, Leghe, Lewilfham, Lilchurch, Lullyngftone, Eaft Mailing, Weft Mailing, Mereworth, Mottingham, Nettlefted, Nockholt, North Cray, Northflete, Orpington, Weft Peccham Pembury, al. Pe- pingbury, Pcnftiurft, ib. RochefterChurches,ib. ib. Rokefley, 199 186 Ryarfri, ib. Shoreham, ib. ib. Shoreham, cum 187 Otford, ib. ib. Shorne, 200 1 88 Snodeland, 201 ib. Southflete, ib. 189 Stanfted Chapel, ib. 189 Stoke, 202 190 Stroode, ib. ib. Sutton at Hone, ib. 191 Suttone et Wil- ib. mingtone, 203 ib. Terriers, 204 192 Teflon, al. Ter- ib. fton, 205 ib. Tudely, ib. 193 Tunbridge, ib. 195 Watringbury, 206 Wefterham, cum ib. Edenbridge, ib. 196 Weft Farley, ib. PlackftallChapel,i97 Woldeham, 207 Plumfted, ib. Wrotham, ib. Rochefter, St. Mar- Wylmington, 209 garet's, ib. Yalding, ib. FINIS. u * A 000018179 2