THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^*~^7^ OV AJS AK1H1LL. Little and IVise ; LESSONS FROM THE ANTS, THE. CONIES, THE LOCUSTS, AND THE SPIDER;. BY - ' WM. WILBERFOECE NEWTON. WESLEYAN CONFERENCE OFFICE, . 2, CASTLE-STREET, CITY-ROAD ; * SOLD AT .66, P A T E R N O S T E R -RO*W . PRINTERS, HATTON HOlTSE, FARRINQOON ROAD. LONDON, E.O. Mil I. PZ CONTENTS. PAGE THE ANTS -. .7 THE CONIES . . . . . .- 31 THE LOCUSTS , .. . . . . . 49 THE SPIDER .' .71 48408? LIBRARY ' I. THE ANTS. THE ANTS. ' There be four things which are little upon the earth, but tney are exceeding wise : the ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their* meat -in the summer.' PEOVERBS xxx. 24, 25. King Solomon wrote the .-*- greater portion of the Book of Pro- verbs, these words were written by a man named Agur. We know very little about him. Some people have thought t*hat Agur was another name for Solomon, because the word Agar means he gathered/ and Solomon was a -great gatherer of proverbs and wise sayings. But it is more probable that Agur was some sage or philosopher of the period, who used to speak wise words that were remembered at the time, an^noted down by the person who gathered together * this collection of proverbs, In tlie thirty-first chapter we. meet with .another of these local sages, King Lemuel, of JJ LITTLE AND WISE. whom we know next to nothing- as. compared with what we know of- King Solomon ; and yet his words are as wise and as g'ood as any that are found in the Bo.ok of Proverbs. But whoever this Agur was, one tiling he knew. . He was very familiar with animals, and knew their habits and ways. Some people love to have animals about' them; others don't care anything about pets." Some persons have great power over animals, and can teaeh them all sorts of tricks, and can make them do -just what they wish them to do ; other persons have no more power over the wills of animals than they have over the cast-iron lions and dogs on front* door-steps or in the gardens. I think it does us all good to t>e with animals. A horse in the stable gets to know you when you come in to see him. He neigh^-t you, and notices if you are going over to the box where the oats are kept. He likes to have you near him. So it is with an affectionate dog;, he cannot. bear to be alone ; he loves human comnany. Sir. THE ANTS, 11 Walter Scott, who" wrote so many -books at his beautiful- place called Abbotsf ord, always had his greyhounds by his . side in his library. The poet' Cowper, who wrote such beauti- ful hymns and poetry, had a whole family of pet hares, in which he used to take the greatest delight. Pet birds and 'cats, parrots that talk so strangely, and all such domestic animals, help us to be kind and' tender and compassionate, and to think of others. Just set liow much good has been done in teaching people to be kind by the ' Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.' If hard-hearted people are fined for being cruel to animals, it will teach them after' a while, as the Bible says, to consider the life of one's beast ; and if people begin to be kiad to animals, then after a while' they will learn to be kind to little children and to grown-up people. To come back to Agur, then, the man who. wrote this text, whoever he may have been, it is a pretty sure thing 12 LITTLE AND WISE, that he knew a good deal about animals and h#d studied their habits and ways. ' Little and wise.' This is what these four sermons are about. We are going to look at the ants, the conies, the locusts, and the spiders. These are the words of Agur, ' There be four, things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise : the .arrts are a jpeople not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer ; the conies are but a feeble folk, yet they build their houses in. ' the rocks ; the locusts have no king, yet they, go forth ^all of them by bands ; 'the spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.' First of all, then, come the ants. Our sermon to-day is about them. We learn three lessons frpm these little creatures. .1. FIEST of all we'learn a lesson from what the ants are. * They are a people not strong.' They are a very .little race of people, some- thing like the pigmies found -in Liliput, according to the story of Gulliver's Travels. Why, the ants are only insects, the very weakest sort of animals that can be found ; they 'are so small that we can hardly call them animals ; and yet we are told that they are very wise. It is not true that mg people are always great or wise. Wisdom- is a matter of quality, not of quantity. There used to be- a piece of. poetry in one of the school readers, about a little boy and his father who were talking of Alexander the Great. It begins with the little fellow asking the question, ' How big was Alexander, pa ? The people call him great ! ' When we are -young we are a people not strong, but we can surely do something wise . while r we are little. We need not wait until LITTLE AND WISE. r ; we are grown up. Our first lesson, then, is ^ from -what the ants are. They are little people, a people not strong; and yet they are 'very wise. If the ants were to wait until they grew up to be big before they began to be. wise, they would always remain little and foolish. I suppose the little baty ants grow up into what they call big ants ; but then they are all very little .after 'all. When an ant sees us walking along, we must look ly^e moving mountains ; 'and the garden \vhere his ant-hill is, is the same to him as the world to us. They are -a people not strong, and" yet they do what they can. If you have ever examined an ant-hill, you have found that it is built just like a city. There are streets in it, and gates, a'nd thousands of little " holes where the different ants live, and these are like our houses. They build their cities according to some plan of their own ; and they have their storehouses and places of supplies in which they keep their food for the winter* just as we find food kept in " the storeroom of some fort. And now. I want to tell you about some little people who were not strong like gr.own-up men 'and women, but who were wise in what they did, like the little and wise ants. Down on the coast of Kent, near-Dover, in England, there was a .little girl named Mary Anning. Her f atheiabad been a fisher- man, and .had been lost at' sea, and her "mother had a very haroUtimo of it in getting on with the poor little fatherless children ' and in bringing them up. Little Mary was very fond of going down on the beach and hunting for what she called ' coor osities.' She used to take her little baby brpiher in a playcart that she had, and ' she w'ould fasten another waggon to it, and in this second waggon she put all the pieces of seaweed, and the curious pebbles ^nd shells and stones which she found on the sea-shore. Then she madfe a . pretty little' museum for herself with cur- tains to it, and she labelled the different specimens, and numbered them; and, by 16 LITTLE. AND WISE.' degrees, she had a catalogue- of them all -written out,' to explain her museum to visit- ors. At last, when she was about fifteen years old, she had such a fine collection ' that the people^ who came down to the sea-shore for the summer used. to drive to Mary's little house to see her museum ; and in this way she w%s a help to her mother : for the strangers always gave her a present of & sixpence or a shilling as they, left the h^ousa, just as they did 'when they' visited the lighthouse and the life-saving station. One day the bones of some monster lizard were found near Mary's "home by an agent and collector for the famous British Museum in London. Some of the scientific people were sure they were the bones of a mammoth, an animal which lived thousands of years a.go. But one bone was wanting. If they only had that one bone, all would be right. At last somebody said' there was a fisher?, man's daughter named Mary Anning, down near Dover, who had quite a collection of curiosities, and perhaps she might have a THE ANTS. 17 part of this bone. So a man was sent down to see Mary's collection. He arrived at her house with a trunk full of what do you think ? not clothes, but bones ! Then he put them out on the floor and looked at all the specimens Mary had, and sure enough, there was the very identical bone that was missing : it fitted right into the socket,, and was just the one thing that was wanting. Soon after this there was a vacancy in the British Museum among the female librari- ans ;* and the once little Mary Anning who used to hunt about for ' coor osities ' was appointed ; and ever after that took good care of her poor mother and her little sisters. Now there was a girl who was wise while she was little. She did not waste her time. She did not spend it all in play ; she tried to help her mother and improve herself, and Grod blessed that poor fisherman's daughter and made her the means of -doing good while she was receiving good ! Let me tell you another story. About two hundred and sixty years ago B 18 LITTLE AND WISE. a poor boy of sixteen was seen travelling on foot in the south of England. He carried over his shoulder, at the end of a stick, all the clothing he had in the -world, and had in his pocket an old leathern purse with a few pieces of money given him by his mother, whpn with a sad heart she took leave "of him on the road, at a short distance from y;heir own cottage door. His name was John : he was the son of poor but honest people; and he had six brothers and five sisters, all of whom had to work hard for a living. He was an honest lad, and at fourteen was disappointed in getting a place as parish clerk, .and at last, with his parents' consent, set out to get employment. In the city of Exeter, to which he first went, he met with no success ; but as he looked on the beautiful cathedral, and in the book- sellers' windows, a strong desire came over him to become a scholar. He set out at once for the University of Oxford,"some two hundred and sixty miles off, walking all the way. By night he slept in a barn or on the THE ANTS. 19. sheltered side of a hay-rick.. He lived wholly on bread and water, with an occa- sional jug of milk as a great luxury. When he arrived at the splendid city of Oxford his clothing was nearly worn out and was very dus.ty, and his feet were so sore that he could hardly walk, and his spirits were greatly depressed. * He had heard of Exeter College ii0 Oxford. Thither, he went; and to his great delight he was engaged to carry coal into the kitchen, and to clean pans and kettles and do all that kind of work. Here, while scouring his pans, he might often be seen reading a book. His studious habits soon attracted the attention of the authorities, who admitted him into the college as a ' poor scholar,' providing for . all his wants. He studied hard, and was soon at the head of his class. He rose to great eminence as a scholar, was very useful as a minister of Christ ; and, many years before his death*, which took place when he was seventy-three years of age, he visited B2 THE ANTS. 21 his father aird mother, who were delighted to see their son not only a c great scholar ' bat an eminent bishop of the Church. Such is the history of Dr. John Prideaux, who used to say, ' If I had been parish clerk of Uxborough I should never have been Bishop of Worcester.' Now, my dear children, such stories as these about little people who were not ver^ great or strong, and who yet accomplished a'great deal of good, show us how, like the ants, we can be little and wise in doing what we can. . This first lesson, then, from the ants is found in what they are. They are a people not strong, yet they are wise. . II. Qur SECOND lesson from the ants is found in what they do. They 'prepare their meat. 1 When a vessel goes to -sea on a long voyage, the steward who has charge of all the provisions, puts pleoty of prepared food 22 LITTLE AND WISE. on board, such as canned vegetables and fruits and salted meats and fish. Those are called ' prepared vegetables,' and ' prepared meats.' They are put up long before they are used, and are preserved from the air and from all possibility of decay. And so, too, when an army marches, there is one very important branch- called the commissariat department. It is .in charge of an officer called the quarter-master ; and it;is his duty to provide suitable food and provisions for the men and horses and all the different parts of the army. This takes a great deal of planning and forethought. A quarter- master-general must see a long way ahead ; he must" not provide only for the day, or the week, or even the month, but he must pro- vide for months to come ; for if the men and the horses have not food enough, they cannot march or fight, and there will surely be trouble. Just think, then, how very wise these little insignificant ants must be, to think of the future as they do, and prepare for it when it is afar off. THE ANTS. 23 We know that in an ant-hill, which is an ant-city, they have soldiers and policemen and hard-working day-labourers, whose busi- ness it is to go out and bring home food and store it away in their barns for winter. Travellers who have watched all sorts of ants tell us that sometimes in Africa and other Eastern countries, different tribes of ants have regular pitched battles ; they meet and fight by thousands ; and the conquering army takes possession of the captured city, and carries off the food that has been stored there, and makes slaves of the poor defeated ants, just as Alexander the Great, and King Cyrus, and Julius Caesar did with cities and men in their days. How very wonderful all this is ! How strange a thing it is to see all this system and forethought among such little bits of creatures as. the ants ! This is one .of the great works of the ants, then, to provide or prepare their food. They cannot work in the winter time. There is no food for them when the snow is on the ground ; and so they plan for their underground 24 LITTLE AND WISE. cities in the summer time ; and they send out their thousands of day-labcrurers to hunt for little, particles of food to be stored away in their granaries for the \jinter, just as Joseph sent out the Egyptians to gather food in the years of plenty before the days of famine canie. And here it is that the lesson comes home to us all. We must prepare for our future : we must not live only for the present. And there are three kinds of meat we must get, for meat means strength, you know ; and these kinds are, meat for the body, meat .for the mind, and meat for the soul. Once when some of the disciples had gone away to get food, one of them who remained behind asked Jesus if He had any meat. Our Lord's words to hiin were, ' My meat is to do the work of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work.' He meant by this to teach His disciple that there were other kinds of strength than that which came to the body by food. . We must learn, then, how to get strength for the body, how to live. . THE ANTS. 25 how to form good habits for the time when we must work for ourselves. It is when we are young that our habits are formed, and we ought to learn how to be systematic an.d persevering- in the way in which we do our work ; so that we shafl*be able to make our own living .or to prepare our own meat when the time for this comes. But this is not the only kind of food that we want to get. Our minds' and our souls must have food quite as well as our bodies. Some people never have hungry minds or souls until they grow up and feel the need of knowing about God. Jesus said in His sermon upon the mount, * Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall be filled.' That is, if they had an appetite for righteousness, if they were hungry after goodness, they would relish it when they saw it, just as you relish your food after a long walk or drive in the open air on a cold day. When we are young our parents supply us with food for our bodies ; but .we our-' 26 LITTLE AND WlSJS. selves by our studies at school and at home and in church, must prepare the food for our minds and souls. You know how dis- agreeable a thing it is to eat something sour or bitter, which leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Well, my dfear children, bad books, and bad thoughts, and wicked words, leave just such a bad taste in the mind. Evil thoughts and words will poison our souls just as the paint in certain kinds of candy, or as the red stain of some berries, poisons our bodies. Bad words and thoughts and books will stick in the memory for a whole lifetime ; you cannot get them out. And so, my dear children, when you prepare your meat for life, get good meat, good food that is pure and fresh and sound. Don't let bad books get possession of your mind ; don't let evil thoughts and wishes get into your soul, or after a while you will be hungry for this bad food. People who eat good, sound, wholesome food will have a good appetite, and those who eat bad' food will have a bad appetite. Now, then, dear THE ANTS. 27 children, try for the good appetite for*your minds ; pray for it ; seek to get good meat for life, ; be as busy as the hardworking bee is for the food which it gathers, or as the industrious little ant is, that tries so hard to prepare its own meat. Don't get evil thoughts and wishes into your mind, but learn to be hungry after knowledge and righteousness, for that is the kind of meat your souls should live on. III. But then, THIRDLY, we learn from these little ants a lesson of the time when we ought to prepare this meat.' ' The ants are a- people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.' Once upon a time, according to an old fable, there was a merry grasshopper, who chirruped away and hopped about through the grass all summer as happy as he could be. A big bumblebee saw him and said, ' Look out for the winter, my friend, or you '11 starve.' Then a hard-working ant asked 28 LITTLE AND WISE. him to help him to roll along a big piece ot .bread which he had found. ' Xot I,' said the grasshopper. * I 'm no fool ; yo,u don't catch me working like a slave, with such lovely sunshine as this all about us.' . ' But there 's a winter coming on,' said the ant, 1 and what will you do then, with the cold weather and the snow on the" ground ? ' ' 0, I '11 wait .till it comes,' replied the- grasshopper ; ' and, besides, I never sav a winter, and I don't believe it is as bad as people say.' And away he jumped over the tall grass. But at last the leaves fell, and it grew very cold, and the -snow came, and- the poor grasshopper had the rheumatism in his fine legs, and he. did not know how he- was to live. He went to the beehive and begged them to take him in, but they said - they had no room for loafers. Then he went to the ant-hill and tried to get in, but he was told at the door that they had no food to spare for those who would not work ; and so the poor grasshopper died. He was larger than either the bee or the TJIE "ANTS. . 29 ant ; but he was not wise, lie did not prepare his food in the summer. King Solomon says in one place that there is a time for everything : a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to labour and a time to rest. Summer time is the season for work. Everything helps us at this timp. It is then that the farmers take good care that nothing hurts their growing crops ; so that in the winter they can have plenty of pro- visions both to eat and to sell. They are wise like the little' ants, and prepare their meat in the summer. And, my dear children, now is the summer time of your prepara- tion ; as you are now, so in all probability you will be when you are grown up. See to it, then, that you do these three things. First, be wise while you are young, as the ants are wise while they are little ; secondly, prepare your food honestly by your own efforts, as the ants do ; and thirdly, prepare this in the summer. Don't wait until the winter comes, prepare your meat now ; and 30 LITTLE AND WISE. then when you grow up you will not be hungry and forsaken. Let the poor, hard- working little ant, black and ugly though he be, teach you these three lessons : Be wise as well as little. Work. Work in your summer time. And when you feel like being lazy and careless, remember Solomon's words : ' Go to the ant, thou sluggard ; consider her ways and be wise ! ' II. THE CONIES. THE CONIES. ' There be. four things which are little upon the ea^th, but they are exceeding wise : . . . the conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks.' PEOVEEBS xxx. 24, 26. r I THESE conies were little rabbits or -*- squirrels. They were caught for the sake of their skins, which were covered with thick rich fur. .Even to-day among hatters and furriers there is a certain kind of stuff very much tike felt, .which is called cony cloth. It is used as one of the niaterials out of which to make hats and caps. The conies of our text v/ere very timid little creatures. They were afraid of being caught, so they built their houses high up on the rocks and deep down in them. You may have seen sometimes in the country little, red squirrels running along stone walls and fences. If you have ever tried 'to catch them, you have found c 34 * LITTLE AND WISE. that they run very quickly and disappear in the rocks. Well, this was- just the way these conies lived. They built their houses far up in the rocks, SQ that when the freshets came and the ground was all soak- ing with water, these little fellows were perfectly safe. And you know our Saviour ended His wonderful sermon on the mount by telling of two men ; one was foolish and built has house upon the sa'nd, and it was all washed away ; the other was wise, and when the wind blew and the rain descended and the floods came and. beat upon that house, it fell not, because it was founded upon a rock. We know that this world on . which wo live is built up of different layers or strata of .rocks. You will learn all about thia when you come to study geology. "You will find all sorts of hard names given to these different layers in the rocks. And those names are very difficult to spell, and pro- nounce, and remember. 89 I shall not give any of them now. Under all these different 36 . LITTLE AND WISE. layers of rocks, it is " supposed, about thirty miles below the earth's surface, there is a hidden fire, and this earth of ours is like a great bronze ball with fire and fiery gases inside of it. And volcanoes like Mount Etna or Mount Vesuvius are just like great chimneys, and carry off the smoke and steam of these underground forces. When . people dig down into the earth the come to clay and water and stones of different kinds, but the last stone, below which they cannot get, is the granite. There is nothing stronger or firmer than the granite, though the ancients thought thore was a rock called adamant, made up of diamonds, which no power on earth could break. . Well, my dear children, you and I are" made up of different layers of character, just in the way in which the earth is made up. Some people have very bad layers of bad habits : they will all crumble away before sin, just as a piece of lava .stone will crumble, before the rubbing' of a hard brush. There THE CONIES. 37 are other people who have built the houses of their characters upon good, strong, honest rock. Their souls are like 'the famous Rock of Gibraltar ; they cannot be stormed into sin, and they cannot be undermined ; for there are the two ways. of taking a man, just as soldiers take a fort. Sometimes you can storm a person and frighten him into surrender; and then 'he can be slowly undermined, and can be taken in this way. In every army there are those who belong to what is called the * storming party ; ' it is their work to head the forlorn hope, and go to the front and fight ; and there are those who are called ' sappers and miners- ; ' it is their work to dig trenches and make tunnels and mines under the walls of the city or fortification 'that has to be taken and then put powder in there and blow everything up. Now then what kind of rock are we built on ? Can we be easily stormed ? Can we be easily undermined ? Do we yield to 38 LITTLE AND WISE. temptations when our great enemy, Satan, puts temptations in our way ? Do we surrender to sin when evil thoughts get into our hearts and tempt ns to do wrong ? Are the layers of . rock on which our houses are built good and firm and strong ? Are we like .the conies, which, though they are little and are but a feeble folk, yet are exceeding wise and make their houses in the rocks ? These are the. questions we ought to ask ourselves. We ought to build our houses, the-houses of our souls, on* these three kinds of rock : *they will be to us like the granite to the earth. ' They are these Honour. Generosity. Love. I. FIEST of all comes Honour. What a wonderful thing this is. We can- not hear it or see it, or perceive it in any THE CONIES. 39 way with our Censes ; we cannot handle it, or take it out of our souls and look at it ; and jet a true man would rather lay down his life than lay his honour in the dust. This thing is all from God. He has put this sense of honour in our souls. It is a part of the image of God in wtdch we are all created. It is the lowest layer in our . character, and holds us firmly to God and to ouf sense of duty when everything else gives way. . This was what- made the martyrs so firm and strong. They could not turn their backs upon their Lord. Their soul of honour would not let them do this. When Polycarp, one of the early- Christian martyrs, was told bef orefhe went into the arena to meet the lions, that he could even then be saved, if he would only deny Jesus ^Christ, he said, ' My Lord has neyer denied me, and I shall not deny Him . now.' Think of the three hundred Greeks who defended the Pass of Thermopylae against the thousands and thousands of Xerxes' 40 LITTLE AND WISE. Persian army. There they stood, though they knew it would be death, though it would have been* a very easy thing to run away, and though one by one they were cut down until they all perished. What was it which kept them there ? Only their sense of honour to their country ; only this" strong layer in their characters, this rock on which their natures were built. And just so it was w r ith the six hundred of the Light Brigade, who in the Crimean War rode up to the Russian guns, along a valley which was as death, simply because they ha"d been told to do so by their commander. And even though the order was found out to be a mistake, their sense of duty to their country would not for one moment let them disobey. Contrast this fine sense of honour with the cowardly conduct of Benedict Arnold, the one great traitor of the Ameri- can -Revolution. He grew tired of the hard struggle for freedom; and he thought it would be a fine thing .after all to get out of it. THE CONIES. 41 :it seemed to him as if the money he could .v.oeive by betraying th& forts on the Hud- son would be better in the long run than his mere sense of honour towards the American army, and so it came to pass, that he broke his pledge, and threw away all sense of honour, and lived to be hated and de- spised by both nations. And, my dear children, we can never be true brave boys and 'girls, until we have this feeling of honour so strong in us that it will hold us to our duty and teach us to resist everything that struggles with our sense of that which is right. We must have this sense of honour to God, to our parents^ to our com- panions, and to our teachers, so that we would rather die than be false or cowardly. This feeling of honour in our lives will be like the keel or the centre-board to a vessel : it will steady us, as we .move on through life, and will keep us upright and true ; it will keep us from blushing for shame at our wrong-doing ; we shall after a while be able to trust ourselves, and thus, though we may 42 . LITTLE AND WISE. be little, we shall be wise, like the conies, in building our house high up on the solid rock, II. The SECOND layer in the rock of our -char- acter required to make us wise as well as strong, is Generosity. Here a*e two tea-kettles : one is fuH of cold water and is upon the ground; the other is on the stove, and is singing away and giving off all the water it has in the form of steam. The one on the ground with the cold water, in it' looks surly and is silent,' The other is giving out in steam all the bubbling water it contains ; it seems to sing and speak, it is so busy and so happy ; it can hardly contain itself, and the lid kteeps bobbing up and down, because there is so much going on insMe. And' what is it which makes all this difference between these" two tea-kettles ? Simply the fire; the warmth of the 'stove giving 'itself away to the kettle makes the THE CONIES. 43 kettle in turn give -away the water in the form of steam. Here are two locomotives. One of them has water in its boiler and coal in its tender; but the engineer wishes to keep them perfectly safe. He is afraid of wast- ing the coal and losing the fire, and there- fore he never uses fhem. The other loco- motive uses the coal and the water, and hurries along the track with the express train behind it. Which does the most good ? Which ke*eps in good order the longest ? Which answers -the end for which it was made, the one that rusts away from want of use, or the one that uses up the coal and water, and drags the cars along after it ? Well, my dear children, just what the fire, making the steam, is to the singing tea- kettle and the active locomotive, generosity is to the human heart. We must learn to give, to be unselfish, to think of others and. live for them, and not only for ourselves, if we wish to be truly happy and of any real use in the world. 44 LITTLE AND. WISE. ' Are you not going to save a peach for your little brother ? ' asked a lady of her little girl when they were coming down from a house which they had been visiting, and in which the lady had given the child two or three peaches. ' yes, certainly, mamma,' replied the little girl ; ' I mean to give him one. See, I am saving the rotten one for Tommy.' My dear children, do not try -to be mean or selfish, for selfishness will eat into your very soul, until it destroys all that is good there. Be generous, be unselfish-, build your house high up on this second layer in the rock; this generosity. You can take a little boy, andean dwarf, him so that he will be always little, simply by putting a heavy weight on his head, or by making him exercise in a certain way at a gymnasium. And just in the same way "you can make a man's nature little, and his heart no larger than a pigeon's egg, by teaching him when a boy to be selfish and mean. THE CONIES. . 45 Selfishness will crumble the foundation of a man's character all away, b.t generosity will give him a good strong layer to build on III. And then, LASTLY, there is Love. "This is the highest, uppermost layer in the rock in which we ought to build. Every- thing that is good and fresh and fair in the world is planted in love; just as the trees and the flowers of the garden are planted in the deep rick soil, and not in the thick yellow clay. Sometimes boys think that it isn't manly to love, that love only belongs to women and children, bat that men ought never to be sorry, or shed a tear, or love a great deal ; but this is one of the greatest mistakes in the world. This is the reason why sisters are more loved as a general rule than brothers, because they "love more, in return. I know- some boys who are ashamed to kiss their father, because they think it is not manly, and it shows a man is weak and hasn't any 46 LITTLE AND WISE.^ pluck. I suppose it is" because Judas be- trayed our Itord with a kiss that people think men can never love as much as women can. But Judas wasn't a true man. He "had no honour, generosity, or love. The rock of his nature was rotten and crumbling. His' kiss was deceit. 'But we ought all to e willing to learn to'love. Jesus said that all the teaching of the law and the prophets hung upon love. And all true success in life, all great results, depend upon this third layer of character, love. If we love our studies we shall not wish . to stay avay from school ; ii; we love our Sunday-school we shall always l)e promptly in our places ;' if you love your parents you will wish not to give them pain and trouble) by disobeying them, or by hurting theii feelings in any way. If you love God, you will keep His com- mandments ; .if you really love your Saviour, you will try to do all you honestly can to be His sincere servant. You krfbw, - everything depends upon THE CONIES. 47 getting at the right souree and spring, and fountain-head of motion. A -musical box will not play until you start the slide and let the wound-up . tune begin to work itself off. A spring-gun will not go off until the trigger is pulled in the right way. Sick- ness cannot be cured until the right medicine 'goes to the right spot. When the Israelites first were le(J out of .Egypt, they came to some water in the desert, which they were thirsting for, but they found they couH not drink it. It was bitfcer, and they called it Marah. Then, when they complained aboul it, and began to rebel, God told Moses tc cut down a certain tree, and throw it' into the water, and it would make the watei sweet. Well, just in the same way,, having love in our hearts is like going to the source of the stream, and making it. all sweet and pure. Love is the great spring and source of activity, because we generally do what we love to do ; and thus, whether it is for sin or for goodness, love is the highesf .48 LITTLE AXD WISE. motive that we can ever have. Be wise, then-, even, if you are little, and build your house on this last and strongest of sell the layers in the rock, this common but all- powerful motive of love. ' Now, then, dear children, remember these three habits, these three layers in the rock of our character, upon which we are to build, just as the cony, who is little, but is wise 'in the foundation he makes, builds his house firmly and safely on the rpcks. Then when temptations come, and we are in danger of losing all thought of God and the hereafter, we -shall be, by God's grace, like the wise man w.ho built his house upon the rock ; and so we shall be safe for ever ! Ill THE LOCUSTS. BWAEM OF IX)CTJSTS. THE LOCUSTS. 'There be four things which are. little upfch the earth, but they are exceeding wise : . . . the ' locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them f>y bands.' PROVERBS xxx. 24, 27. N.OW we come-to tlie locusts, It doesn't seem at first, sight as if these locusts could teach us very much or as if we should find any particular lesson in this text, ' The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them- by bands.' It looks at first like a hard .lesson, out of which we cannot squeeze any .juice. But let us see if' - there is not a sermon here for us all. But, first, I .want to tell you something about these locusts. You know we read about them many times in the Bible. When the plagues came to Pharaoh and the Egyptians, one of them was a plague of locusts. They came by thousands. In and out of the rooms, on the food and on the D2 52 LITTLE AND WISE. tables and beds, wherever people went, there were the wretched locusts ! They would eat up everything they could find, and even devour the woo'd-work of houses, as we read .in the tenth chapter of Exodus. In the book of the prophet Joel- we read some- thing more about them. There they are compared to an army of men making a great noise in their flight. We are told that John the Baptist ate locusts and wild honey. It is supposed that the locusts were ground up with flour and made into cakes, and salted, and cooked over a fire, as the .poor people of the. East used to cook them. And in the Book of the .Revelation we read about locusts, T\there they are compared to the evil .spirits under Satan. But in this text of ours they are described as going forth by- bands without any leader or king* Now, if you watch a long string of wild fowl sailing along the coast to the south in autumn, you wilj. find that the old birds head the bunch, and that generally some one is leader. Or il you study the THE LOCUSTS.^ 63 habits and ways of sheep, you will find that a great herd of them, runfling along the road, are sure to Jbe following some old ram, the head of the line, and the major-general of them all. But we are told that. these locusts do not follow a king, but go in bands. They fly as it were in. a hollow square, and each seems to know where they are all going. A gentleman who watched these locusts in Persia and Syria says that when he saw them coming, it was like the most furious hailstorm that we can imagine. He says their flight was slow and uniform ; that their noise resembled that of rain ; and that the sky was darkened, and the light of the sun considerably weakened. In a moment the terraces of the houses, the streets, and all the fields were covered by* these insects, and in two days they had devoured nearly all the leaves of the plants. And now that we. know a little about these Eastern locusts, of which our- text tells us, and can think of them as being large^r, and coming in^ greater "quantities, than we ever 54 LITTLE AND WISE. see in this country, I want to tell you what the subject is that we are going to talk about. It is this : ' Self-control is better than obedience ! ' Now then let us find out what self-control is, and what obedience is, and draw these two lessons, 1st. Every one must know for himself, 2nd. Every one must act for himself. THE LOCUSTS. 55 Every one must know for himself. These locusts have no one to guide them, and no king or ruler over them, and yet they know what to do; and they all mote just as if the millions of them were only one great locust. God has taught them by instinct' how they are to fly, and which way . they a're to turn, and they don't- need any one to explain it to -them. And just so it is with bees in their wonderful instinct for hiving. They go out on excursions far away from their hives, or their homes in the bee-trees, and yet they never get lost ; they always find their way back, and they go so straight that people call the straightest line a bee line. And the conscience within us is just like the instinct of these locusts and bees ; but we have to learn for ourselves, and think for ourselves, and act for ourselves from what we know. Animals never go to school to learn anything, except perhaps some trained 56 LITTLE AND WISE. animals- like jumping dogs and bears and acting canary birds. To think of animals learning and studying always makes us laugh : we read such things in story books and fables and pictu^je books for the nursery. But we have- to learn almost everything. Sopn you will be out in life for' yourself, Then you will not have your father and mother to lean on, but you will have to think and act for yourself. You will go forth in bands, in the company of others, without any king or guide but your con- science within you and God above you ; and then you will have to act for yourself ; you will not be able to turn to your parents for their advice that you may do what they say. Self-control is like a man walking along the road himself. Obedience -is like a horse walking with a bit in his mouth. Self- control is obedience to God's law ; and it is an excellent kind of obedience. If we do what is right ourselves because we know it is right, it is better than always waiting to' be told what we ought to do. THE LOCUSTS. 57 Let me tell you story of a little fellow whose presence of mind and self-control were much better than the habit of waiting to be told what he was to do. It was in the streets of the town of Weser in Germany that this event happened. He was playing one day with his sister, four years old, -who was alarmed by the cry of some men who were in pursuit of a mad dog. The boy, looking around, saw the dog running toward him ; and, instead of making his escape, he took off his coat, and wrapped it round his arm. He then faced the dog, holding out the arm covered with the coat ; and the dog attacked the coat, and worried it until the men came up and killed him. The men asked the boy why he did not run and avoid the dog, which he could so easily have done. * Yes/ said the little hero. ' I could have run. from the! dog, but if I had, he would have bitten my little sister ; so, a's I couldn't run away from her, I gave -him my coat, that he might tear it ! ' There was a little fellow whose self-control and presence 58 LITTLE AND WISE. of mind "were better than any obedience. If he had waited for his father or some one to tell him what to do, would he have. sav,ed his .little sister ? No, indeed ! That boy, like^the locust^, had no king ; but he knew how to govern himself ! We must all learn to know for ourselves. As the light "of the sun comes into our dwellings and our churches through the window panes, so the light of truth must come into our souls. Conscience is just like the jury in a law-case. First one side gives its view, and then the other, and at last the jurymen go out to settle the matter, and bring in the verdict to the judge. And we must learn to know and judge for ourselves. Some time ago there was a boy who burned down his%iother's barn, because she would not let him go skating with the other boys. When the police heard of it, they arrested him, and he said, ' My mother has forgiven me, and I 'm very sorry for what I 've done.' ' yes,' said the officers ; .' that may be, but the State has not forgiven you ; you have to THE LOCUSTS. 59' be tried by the State yet.' That boy did not- know that when he sinned 'against his mother he sinned against the State. So we ought all to know that when we sin against ur parents and our friends and those about us, we sin against Grod ; we must all know these things, each one for himself. Let me tell you' a story about a little girl who forgot this. Whether it was the sun streaming into the room, or the robin that sang so loudly in the apple-tree that did it, Jessie was waked up uncommonly early. She sat up 'in bed, tossed back her hair, and gazed out over the garden and the fields, and away to the hills. It was all so fragrant and so fair that Jessie herself felt bright and sweet. ' O, I 'm going to be just so good to-day ! ' and the little girl smacked her lips as if she had been going to eat a ripe, peach. She would do everything exactly right all day, like that little girl in her Sunday-school book. So, to begin with, she dressed her- self all alone. She wasn't going .to trouble 60 LITTLE AND WISE. anybody; not if it did stretch, her little arms' to button her own frock. ' Now I'll surprise mother with a fresh vase on the breakfast table,' thought Jessie. ' If you could have seen her 'flitting like .a, humming bird from one bed of flowers to another, you could almost have read on her face the happy thoughts of her heart. '0, won't mother be pleased when she sees this ! And then I '11 tend the baby and keep him as still as a mouse, and I '11 be pleasant to Hal, if he does tease me half out of my senses. Then I '11 be ready in good time for school, and won't I be as good as a ' kitten, and get to the head of the class ! Miss Bell will be glad, and will give me a ten, and I will go with that Susan Jones that nobody speaks to. Then I'll have father's dressing gown and slippers for him when he comes home to night, and mother will tell him what a comfort Jessie has been. '.Now, if. I could only reach those roses, my bouquat would be perfect ! ' So up she THE LOCUSTS. 61 ' climbed on the trellis, and broke the highest spray of the prairie rose. It was hard for her to get up, and harder to get down, with both hands full of flowers ; and she pre- sently - t found herself landed flat . on the ground. The fall hurt her a little, but she tried not to mind it, and walked up the path ? thinking how brave and patient she was not to cry. Jessie met her mother in the porch. . But poor Jessie ! Instead of the cry of delight she expected, she heard in tones of displeasure, ' Why, my child, how- could you get so be-draggled and dirty so early in the morn- . ing.? I should think you had drenched yourself in the dew, and then rolled in the path. Your pretty clean frock is fit for no- thing but the wash. You may go and put on your brown one.' Now Jessie hated her brown dress, and she was ready to cry for bitter disappoint- ment as she went to her room, dressed her-. self, and came down late to breakfast. Her roses and pinks were wilting in the porch.. 62 JLITTLE AtfD WISE. She had no heart to take care' of them now. But when her father bade her good morn- ing, and said, quite Soberly,, * Our Jessie must try to get up in better time,' she felt it was more than she could bear. She could not tell him that she had been up an hour, trying to prepare a pleasure for them all, and resolving to be the best of all good girls. Still she was not quite discouraged. After breakfast she took little Dick from the floor, and began to rock him in her arms. But somehow the little fellow began at once to scream, and Bridget came to the door, calling out, ' Indade, Miss Jissie, ye shouldn't be after botherin' that babby ! * Just at this moment Jessie caught sight of Hal tying a United States -flag to the tail of her cat. Now the child could bear any- thing better than an insult to her puss, and she cried, 'Now, Hal, I think you should be ashamed, big boy as you are, to be teasing a poor little cat. Kitty, kitty, kitty ! ' -' . THE LOCUSTS. C3 1 Pshaw, Jessie ! it doesn't hurt her ; every cat ought to show her colours.' ' My cat needn't.' * Then she 's an old traitor.' : ' She isn't a traitor ! ' cried Jessie, stamp- ing her little foot, with flashing eyes. ' She 's a patriot! .1 think you are a traitor and a rebel, and a cruel, naughty boy ! ' ' Why, sweetie, don't " let your angry passions rise"!' exclaimed Hal, with pro- voking coolness. Poor Jessie dashed off to her own rodm, hid her face in her pillow, and cried as if her heart would break. After all her. reso- lutions, and her efforts, she had displeased her father .and mother, made the baby cry, and. got very angry with Hal. She felt as if it was of no use to try to be good. In- stead of getting any credit for it, she was blamed more than ever. The trouble was that Jessie had tried to please everybody but the Lord Jesus Christ. She had been in such a hurry to be good, that she had forgotten the only Friend Who ; 64 LITTLE AND WISE. could make- her so. If she had thought most of Him, and done everything for His sake, she would not have been disappointed, for He always knows just what we mean. Now, rtfy dear children, remember this first lesson from our subject, that self go-v- ernment is better than obeying others. Remember, first of all, every one of us must govern himself rightly, must know for himself. II. AND what comes next ? Why, when we know what it is right for us to do, then we ought always to do it. The second lesson we learn is, that every . one of us must act for himself. After knowledge comes action. ' To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not,' says the Bible, ' to him it is sin.* Our Saviour, you. will remember, told His dis- ciples at one time a parable about two sons. The father said to one of them, ' Go, work to- THE LOCUSTS. 65 day in my vineyard^' and he said, ' I go, Sir,' and went not. Then he told tlie other to go, and he would not, but afterwards, when he had more light and knew for himself, he repented and went. In the one case the good intention never, became a good action ; in the other case the disobedience was changed into repentance and obedience. Let me tell you one' story more, and then I shall have done. Far down Maple Lane, in the little red brick house by the mill, lived Gertrude. White. She was a sweet little girl, about nine years old. If she had a few freckles on . her little round face, and was slightly lame, it did not prevent her being a great favourite with everybody in Cherry ville. Gertrude had only one great trouble. Will Evans would insist on calling her How- head,' whenever they met. At- such times ghe would pout, turn very red, and go home to her mother, much discontented and out of temper. Gertie's mother was a good woman, a widow, supporting herself and two 66 LITTLE AND WISE. children by dressmaking. Nothing pleased her so much as to see her children well- behaved and exemplary. One day little Gertrude came running home in much ex- citement, and, tossing her little sun-bonnet half across the room, said, in a burst of anger, 'Mother, I can't bear this any longer. Will Evans has called me " Old Towhead " before all the girls, and bear it I won't ! ' 'My daughter,' said the kind mother, ' will you please bring me the Bible from the table ? ' Gertrude silently obeyed her mother. 1 Now will my little daughter read to me the seventh verse of the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah ? ' Slowly and softly the child read how the blessed Saviour was afflicted and oppressed, yet opened not His mouth. She sighed as she said, 'Mother, do you suppose they called Him names ? ' Mrs. White placed her work upon the table ; and, taking Gertrude upon her lap, she read from the holy Book the passages THE LOCUSTS. 67 which speak of His being reviled but revil- .ing not again. Not many minutes passed before Ger- trude's eyes were filled with tears and her heart with (Jeep tenderness, as the sorrows of the Son of God were brought before her mind. When she went to bed that night, she asked of God that He would help her to. bear with meekness the injuries and trials of the world. He delights to answer such petitions, and always will do so when they are offered in faith and sincerity. Not many days passed before Gertrude met Will Evans going to school ; and, remembering her prayer and the. resolution she had formed, she actually smiled at him. This was such a mystery to him that he could not muster courage, to call after her, if, indeed, he felt any inclination ; but he watched her till she had turned the corner, and then went to school in a very thought- ful mood. Before another week had passed, they met. again, and- Will at once asked E2 :LI ASKED GEBTEUDE'S FOSGIVEXESS. See-pa THE LOCUSTS. .69 Gertrude's forgiveness for his unkindness in calling her names. Gertrude was very ready to forgive, and they soon became friends, Will saying, - 1 used to like to see you get cros's, but when you smiled, I couldn't stand that.' Gertrude told Will of her mother's kind conversation that after- noon, and of its effects upon her ; meanwhile Will did not reply, but his moistened eyes showed what he felt, and he said he would never call her names again. And thus her Christian action conquered him. Now, my dear children, remember these two lessons : if we wish to be true men and women and rule ourselves, we must knew what to do, every one for himself ; and we must learn to act, every one for himself. Remember this, ' Self-control is better than obedience.' Remember the locusts who have no king, no one to tell them what to do or to guide them, and yet know when and where and how they are to fly, each one for himself, when ' they go forth all of them by bands.' 70- LITTLE AXD WISE. God wants every one of us to know His will and His truth and to do it. He has given us our reason and the Bible and the conscience within us to govern us. And " then Jesus will guide us and be our true King to help us do what is right, if we pray- to Him.. He will guide us with His counsel here, and, after that, will receive us to Himself for ever. IV. THE SPIDER. TH-E SPIDER. 4 There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise : the. spider taketh hold with her hands, ajid is in kings' palaces.' PROVERBS xxx. 24, 28. f I iHIS is the last sermom about these -4- little creatures who are "wise as well as little. First we had the ants, who are little but are wise in working in the summer time ; then we had the conies, who are little but are wise in the foundations they made ; then we had the locusts, who are little but are wise in making self-control better than obedience ; and now . we have the spider, who is wise in aiming to build high ! But, before proceeding further, I want to tell you something about the spider, and then show you that he is wise, FIRST, in working with the hands God has given him, and, SECONDLY, he is wise in working in the best 74 LITTLE AND WISE. ,vay and in. the best place. Now it would not be right in me to go on any further without first explaining to you that the word spider here in this text means lizard *or crawling in- sect. These creatures in warm countries j3ome into the houses and into every part of them. We know when the plagues were in Egypt, they came into every place where they could find ropm enough to crawl. Here, you know, hi our own land, we can keep bats and beetles and flying bugs- and flies and mosquitoes out of our houses by having wire netting stretched across the windows. But even this will not answer sometimes, and flies will bite us in the hot weather, and mosquitoes will come singing around us, making a noise through the mosquito netting, and saying, 'Let me in let me. in ! ' q,nd we are after all not very much better off than the people who live in the warm, tropical climates. Well, I suppose this man Agur, who wrote this chapter in the book of Proverbs, might be sometimes in the king's palace, THE SPIDEE. 75 where the soldiers and the nobles and the great men of the land were, and there he might see some poor little lizard or spider crawling up the wall, just as if it had been in a barn, or as if the whole place had belonged to it. So he made a note of it, and put it here in this bundle of proverbs. We all know how spiders come into our parlours and- make their cobwebs in them. We always think of them as having a par- lour of their own, because we all remember that little song : ' Will you walk into my parlour ? Said the spider to the fly : 'T is the prettiest littte parlour That ever you did spy.' And just as spiders now-a-days come into the very best rooms of 6ur best houses and make themselves perfectly at home there, so in old times they used to come even into the king's palaces, and go climbing up, and spinning their webs just as we have often seen them do. There are many kinds of spiders, big and little, mild and fierce 76 LITTLE AND W'SB. spiders which are all body and no legs, and spiders which are all legs and no body. These last are old friends of ours ; we know them by the old familiar name of daddy- long-legs. They look in the distance like boys playing at football ; you see a round ball in the middle and nothing but legs kicking out on all sides of it. But somebody may say : ' Well, but this text speaks about FOOT OF SPIDEE MAGNIFIED. the spider's hands. We know spiders have legs, plenty of them, but have they hands ? ' Now if you take a spider's foreleg, which is the same to it as a hand, and put it under a microscope, you will find there little fingers or claws, which are the same to the spider as our thumb and forefinger are to us. They help the spidar to take hold of his THE SPIDEE. 77 food, and finger his way to his web, just as an ice-man takes hold of the ice with his nippers, or as a dentist pulls out a tooth with those ugly, black, rough-looking in- struments, which are usually hidden away in a drawer so that people cannot see them. GABDEN SPIDER. Another curious thing about the spider is the power of spinning his web .out of his own body. When we set to work to build a house we have to get all the materials together, the bricks and the mortar and the 78 LITTLE AND WISE. wood ; but the spider simply begins to spin, and soon he has his house built. Then think how convenient this habit is if he falls. He just lets out a thread, which takes hold of something standing out, and down he comes, as easily as if he were in an hotel elevator. Think how convenient this power would be to us in case of a fire ! All we should have to do would be to fasten a web to the window, and come down, out- side of the burning building. But these poor spiders have their ups and downs, their accidents and disasters, as we have ours. They tremble when they see a chambermaid with a. broom, for that always means death to them. I have been talking about the spider and its habits, its joys and its sorrows : now let me stop and see how it teaches us. What then do we loarn from this text, ' The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in king's palaces.' THE SPIDEK. 79- I. And, FIRST, I said the spider is wise in working ivith the hands which God has given him. How many people there are who say, ' J if I were only such a person ' ' if I were only a rich man, or the President of the -United States, or a grand duke, how many good and great things I would do.' But, my dear children, success, in life depends upon .the way in which we use the powers which God has given us, not in waiting and wishing for more. Many years ago in. Paris, there was a little boy named Cffisar Ducornet. He was a bright, cheery, little soul, but he had a terrible affliction. He was born without hands and arms. How dreadful this was. Many little children would think such a trouble quite an excuse for being, not only idle, but fretful; but little Csesar thought quite differently. He determined to try to 80 LITTLE AND WISE. be content, and to make the best use he could of the limbs which he had. ,He had heard that some people cpuld use a pen almost as well with their toes as with their fingers ; and as he had always longed to be able ta draw, he thought he would try if he could not hold a pencil in the same way. It must have felt very strange and . awk- ward at first ; but Caesar was not to be easily daunted ; and by degrees he grew quite clever with his toes, and very much . pleased he must have been when he had finished his first drawing. And you must not think that his pictures were only done to amuse himself, and were worth nothing. They were beautifully and carefully drawn, so that nobody would ever -have guessed that they were done by a little boy without hands. There was once a poor man in England who was a cobbler. He lived at Ports- mouth, and was very poor. He mended shoes for a living. One day while he was THE SPIDER. 81 stitching away, he was seized with the strong desire to do some work for his Lord and Master. But what could he do ? He had no money, and no position, and no in- fluence, and he was a cripple. His name was John Pounds.. Though he worked hard, he could not make much of a living. To add to his trials, he had the charge of a little nephew, who was lame like himself. As he could not afford to send him to school, or to clothe him properly, he thought he would bo his teacher. Then he said to himself, ' I may as well have two scholars as one ; ' and he asked the child of a very poor woman to come to his shop ancl learn his letters. The two little scholars got on so well, that he invited a third, and a fourth ; until, after a time, he had around him a class of forty poor ragged children : and of these about twelve were little girls. It must have been a strange sight to see John Pounds in the cobbler's shed, now knocking the sole of a shoe, then hearing a boy repeat A, B, C ; now stitching away with both his hands, 82 LITTLE AND WISE. and then teaching a child to repeat a text of Scripture. Sometimes he would follow a very poor boy in the streets and would offer a roast potato to bribe him to his school. Was not John Pounds a happy man ? To be sure he was. He was more happy than many rich men ; for the smiling faces of his scholars always filled him with joy. And he was always so kind, and had such cheerful and merry ways of teaching, that the boys could not fail to be pleased and improved. After their lessons were over, he would sometimes lay down his lapstone, and have a game with them. If they were absent and ill, he visited and nursed them. If they had no bread to eat, he spared a few pence, and bought them food. He also taught them to cook their food, and to mend their clothes and old shoes. It is no wonder, then, that they loved him very much. See, then, w r hat one poor man could do ! Work with the power which God has given you. That is the first lesson we learn THE SPIDER. 83 from the diligent little spider who ' taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces.' II. Now comes the other lesson which we learn from the spider : Work in the best way and in the lest places. The spider likes palaces ; he likes to get up to the ceiling. To be sure he will spin his web in a barn, and will throw out his net wherever he can, but generally he likes to get pretty high up in the parlour. In other words, he is an ambitious little fellow, and I don't think any of us can blame him for liking the best rooms in a house. Let me tell you a story about a little boy who took hold with his hands, and by work- ing in the best way and in the best places that he knew of literally came to be in kings' palaces. A great many years ago in the little town of Cortona, in Italy, there were two play- mates, children of peasants, named Pietro F2 84 LITTLE AND WISE. and Tliomasso. But we will call them by their English names Peter and Thomas. Thomas was taken to Florence, and be- came page or servant to a very rich cardinal who lived there in a magnificent palace. Little Peter missed his playmate very much. He used to wonder what Thomas was doing, and how he was getting on, as he watched the sheep in his master's field. At last he made up his mind to go to Florence, and hunt up his old friend, and see if he himself could not study in some way and become a painter, because he was very fond of drawing, and seemed to have a great turn for it. He thought that if he could only get there, he should be able to learn to draw, and to become an artist too ; and this was his great desire. The journey was one of great difficulty; but when that was over, and he found him- self in Florence, his first thought was to find the great house where his little friend lived. At last he was at the door ; and, after he had waited a little while, Thomas appeared. 86 LITTLE AND WISE. He was very much surprised, and greatly pleased, to see his old playmate, and led him up to the little garret where he slept, that they might have a little chat, and settle their plans. It was soon agreed that as Thomas had plenty to eat, and Peter had nothing, they should divide the food ; and that as the bed would hold two, they should sleep together ; and both looked forward to many happy hours in their little garret home. The next thing to be done was to get pencils and paper for his drawings; but how that was to be done was not so easily settled. Neither of them had any money, or any chance of getting money, and little Peter's face grew rather long at this disap- pointment. Must he really give up all hopes of becoming a painter and a great man ? Must he go back to his sheep in the old vil- lage of Cortona, and give up all his fine plans when they seemed so near being fulfilled ? No; little Thomas had thought of another plan. The walls of the garret were white, THE SPIDBE. 87 and would do instead of paper ; and if lie could not buy pencils for his friend, lie could get him plenty of charcoal ; and since nothing better could be got, the little artist was soon hard at work with these rough materials. The little garret was soon covered with his sketches ; and soon Thomas had managed to obtain a small sum of money, and to buy for Peter the long wished-for paper and pencils. With these he set vigorously to work. Every morning as soon as it was light, he stole down from his little room into the street, and went from one church to another: for you know that in the Roman Catholic churches of Italy there are very many beautiful pictures ; and it was on purpose to copy these that little Peter had come to Florence. Now many of the paintings had been done by some of the greatest artists that ever lived ; and yet this little fellow, who had never drawn at all, except with charcoal on the white walls of his garret, was not afraid to try to copy them. OS LITTLE AND WISE. All the day he spent in this manner ; and when night came, he trotted back to his little friend, qnite happy and quite ready for his supper, which Thomas always took care to have ready for him ; and thus day after day passed merrily and busily with the two little boys. At last their secret was discovered. The cardinal who was Thomas's master had de- termined to have this palace repaired and improved ; and it happened that one day, when he was going over it with the builder, he visited the very highest rooms in the house, and at last came to the little garret where Peter and Thomas slept. The room was quite empty ; for Peter was out in the town, and Thomas was down in the kitchen. But the drawings on the wall at once caught the cardinal's eye. They were not the rough charcoal sketches which Peter had first made ; those had been rubbed out long ago ; and now there were many beauti- f al drawings, which showed that a clever little artist had been there. I suppose no THE SPIDEE. 89 one in the house had ever heard of Peter. Certainly the cardinal had not, who thought that it was his servant Thomas who had thus ornamented his room. He sent for him that he might tell him how much he admired his works ; and when he heard from him the history of his little friend, how he had longed to become a painter, how hard he had worked to learn to draw, and how he had lived in that house for two whole years, he wished very much to see him and talk to him himself. ' When he comes home to-night, you may bring him to me,' he said to Thomas, who was delighted to find that the drawings of his dear Peter were admired by such a great personage as his master, who was so clever and so learned. The evening came, but no Peter appeared ; he had run away. Day after day passed, and nothing was heard of him, till Thomas began to think something dreadful had happened to him. At last he was discovered at an old con- vent, where he had made friends with the 90 LITTLE AND WISE. monks, and obtained their leave to copy a picture winch was in their chapel. He was brought back to the palace and presented to the cardinal, who received him most kindly, and a little while after, to his great delight, placed him under the care of one of the best Italian artists. I dare say he often thought, when he was grown up and had become a great and clever painter, of the days passed in that little garret at the top of the cardinal's palace, and of his first attempt to draw on the white wall with a piece of charcoal; and very glad he must have been that he had not been discouraged by all his difficulties, but had persevered till success came; till by taking hold with his hands he was in kings' palaces. My dear children, try to remember these two lessons about the industrious little spider, who is so busy and so ambitious and so persevering. Remember, it is always right to be busy and persevering and am- bitious in a right cause. We must be ir THE SPIDEE. 91 earnest to be Christians and to do right, if God's blessing is to rest upon us. Remember what King Solomon said, ' Seest thou a man diligent in business ? he shall stand before kings.' Let us be wise in working with the powers which God has given us ; let us not waste time in wishing we were like other people ; and let us be wise in working in the very best way we know how, and in doing well whatever we undertake to do. And this finishes the sermons about these four little creatures, who are wise as well as little. First, you know, we had the ants, 'A people not strong, but who prepare their food in the summer.' We had three lessons from the ants. 1st. From what the ants are. 2nd. From what the ants do. 3rd. From the time in which they do it. Then the next Sermon was about the conies, who are a feeble folk, and yet build, their houses upon the rock. 92 LITTLE AND WISE. You know, in that sermon I talked about the different layers in the rocks, and I said we ought to have three layers in our char- acters, if we wanted to be good and true men and women : and these three layers are 1st. Honour. 2nd. Generosity. 3rd. Love. Then the third Sermon was about the lo- custs, who have no king, and yet go forth all of them by bands. I said, you will remember, that the locusts taught us the great truth that self-control is better than obedience, and we drew from it two lessons : 1st. That every one must tldnl; for himself! and 2nd. That ever oney must act for himself. And now we learn from the spider, who taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces, that every one of us must work with the powers God has given us ; and that we should work in the very lest way wo know of and in the very best places. THE SPIDER. 93 Think of this lesson every time you see a poor little spider climbing up a wall to find the best place he can in which to spin his web. Think how much better your hands and your brains and your whole life are than the spider's. Think how hard-work- ing and persevering and ambitious these little creatures #re, and then try at home, in the Sunday school, in the day school, to be the very best children and scholars and Christians you can ; and thus you will be happy in climbing up into the bright places in which God wishes to place you. Just think, then, what a great lesson you owe to the little spider ! Remember this sermon about the spider, and remember all these little creatures who are wise as well as little ; and may God help you all to be wise. For, as King Solomon says, ' Wisdom is the principal thing, there- fore get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding. Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding ; for the merchandise of it is 94 LITTLE AND WISE. better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies : and all the things thou canst desire are not to be com- pared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand ; and in her left hand riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.' BATMAN BEOS. AND LILLY, FAEBINGDON EOAD, E.G. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE WESLEYAN CONFERENCE OFFICE. TWOPENNY SERIES. Imperial 32mo., Enamelled Covers, with Illustrations. 1. The Sun of Righteousness. 2. The Light of the World. 3. The Bright and Morning Star. 4. Jesus, The Saviour. 5. Jesus, The Way. 6. Jesus, The Truth. 7. Jesus, The Life. 8. Jesus, The Vine. 9. The Plant of Renown. 10. Jesus, The Shield. ONE PENNY SERIES. 1. The Woodman's Daughter. By LILLIE M. 2. The Young Pilgrim. The Story of Louis Jaulmes. 3. Isaac Watkin Lewis. A Life for the Little Ones. By Eev. MAKK GUT PBARSE. 4. The History of a Green Silk Dress. 5. The Dutch Orphan. Story of John Harmsen. G. Children Coming to Jesus. By Rev. W. CROOK, D.D, 7. 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