\ * 1-J I J I u. LJ PUBLICATIONS OF THE ROBERT CHARLES BILLINGS FUND ISSUED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM I LeForestier s Relation. Autobiography and Voyages of Frangois LeForestier, 1749-1819, a refugee from Mauritius and a teacher in New England. A recently discovered manuscript edited by Hasket Derby, M.D. 1904. II ToplifFs Travels. Letters from Abroad in the Years 1828 and 1829, by Samuel Topliff, Proprietor of the Merchants News Room in Boston. From the original manuscript. Edited with a memoir and notes by Ethel Stanwood Bolton. 1906. Ill The Athenaeum Centenary. The Influence and History of the Boston Athenaeum from 1807 to 1907, with a record of its Officers and Bene factors, and a Complete List of Proprietors. 1907. "The Influence of the Athenaeum on Literature in America." By Barrett Wendell. IV The Anthology Society. Journal of the Proceedings of the Society which conducts the Monthly Anthology & Boston Review, Boston, Oc tober 3, 1805, to July 2, 1811. With an introduction by M. A. DeWolfe Howe. 1910. V Confederate Literature. A List of Books and Newspapers, Maps, Music and Miscellaneous Matter printed in the South during the Confederacy, now in the Boston Athenaeum. Prepared by C. N. Baxter and J. M. Dearborn. With an Introduction by James Ford Rhodes. 1917. Confederate literature A LIST OF BOOKS AND NEWSPAPERS MAPS, MUSIC, AND MISCELLANEOUS MATTER PRINTED IN THE SOUTH DURING THE CONFEDERACY, NOW IN THE BOSTON ATHEN^UM PREPARED BY CHARLES N. BAXTER AND JAMES M. DEARBORN WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY JAMES FORD RHODES PRINTED FROM THE INCOME or THE ROBERT CHARLES BILLINGS FUND THE BOSTON ATHENAEUM 1917 E - .5 B ROBERT CHARLES BILLINGS FUND PUBLICATIONS NUMBER FIVE Contents PAGE I. INTRODUCTION i BY JAMES FORD RHODES II. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. PUBLICATIONS i III. STATE PUBLICATIONS 32 IV. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS PRINTED IN THE CONFED ERATE STATES DURING THE PERIOD OF THE CIVIL WAR 80 V. TRACTS 141 VI. Music 147 VII. MAPS, BROADSIDES, ETC 151 VIII. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 154 INDEX i 8 i 3G7503 INTRODUCTION MODERN historical teachers talk continually of the sources. You must go to the sources is the burden of their counsel to their students who desire to construct an historical narrative. Their advice is proper, but older men who started with the term of original authorities, that means the same thing, weary of the word sources, not because the idea suggested is not sane, but because an extension is given to the meaning by ambitious writers, who spare no pains and criticize others whose pains are not exerted in the same direction. There are men, for instance, who are not satis fied with an Act of Congress as printed in the Revised Statutes, but must go to Washington to get a sight of the original engrossed copy. They envy the man who had to consult the Journal of the Confederate Congress in manu script, and they would like to spurn the well-printed copy furnished them by a beneficent government. They envy Nicolay and Hay, whose work was in advance of the print ing of the Official Records, and who therefore were obliged toward the end of their History to consult the Records in manuscript in the War Department archives. It may not be well to emphasize this excessive labor as modern, apply ing modern to the period of the scientific teaching of history in colleges and universities; for Bancroft, according to Thomas Wentworth Higginson, fell into "that error so common with the graphic school of historians the exag- iii iv INTRODUCTION gerated estimate of manuscripts or fragmentary material at the expense of what is printed and permanent." In the Confederate room of the Boston Athenaeum these source advocates and the older men may meet on common ground. The sources for the study of the unique life in the Southern Confederacy are there. Many bound volumes of Confederate newspapers, magazines, and reviews; school books of arithmetic, reading, spelling, geography, and grammar; "Maxims of War," one of which, Napoleon s, was in constant use by Stonewall Jackson; serious books, sermons, and tracts; almanacs and railway guides; novels and stories to entertain the soldiers who found camp life irksome; all these may be found in this room, the mate rials of which were gathered for the future historian. The source-fiend may indeed regret that many reports of battles and other official documents have found their way into the Official Records, as in his view each copy or reproduction reduces the value of the source. Moreover, he is not satis fied without seeing other collections, and so he journeys to New York, Philadelphia, Washington, and Cleveland, to the Southern cities and other places where he hears of Confederate material, and exhausts himself in this thorough search, but is happy as he reflects that his procedure is according to the canons of scientific investigation. His tire some journeys might have been spared had he asked one of the courteous attendants to bring him the volume of Emerson wherein he gives one of his views of travel. "The soul is no traveller," Emerson wrote; "the wise man stays at home. . . . He who travels . . . travels away from himself. . . . Travelling is a fool s paradise." INTRODUCTION v The older man settles himself in the Confederate room, and as he gazes at the bound volumes of newspapers and at the other volumes, the outside aspect of which is elo quent of the life in the Southern Confederacy, he thanks his stars that he has such a privilege, and he blesses the men who had the forethought to make so valuable a collection for him as he thinks and writes of society at the South. But the eager and ambitious source-fiend looks at his labor and says, But you should see the collec tions in Philadelphia, in Washington, and in Cleveland; you cannot arrive at the truth unless you go to the bottom. The bottom is here, replies the older man. This collection, with the priceless Official Records and other books bearing on the subject at hand, is all that I can compass. My mental digestion is not equal to more. Pray let me remain in my comfortable home, independent of the sleeping-car con ductor and porter, hotel clerk, and librarian in a strange library, the method of which, however admirable, is not the Athenaeum method. And the older man, with right on his side, remains. He digests his material and, believing with Carlyle that "there is the indispensablest beauty in knowing how to get done," he does not fathom even the material in his beloved Athenaeum. The wise men who brought it together at the end of the Civil War laid out too much for him, but he does his best to show his apprecia tion of their labor and forethought; and as he sits in that classic Library, hallowed by so many fond associations, he reads, observes and reflects. It matters little to the old-fashioned student whether the Confederate collection in the Athenaeum is the best vi INTRODUCTION in the country. He believes that it is second to none and he knows that it suffices for his wants. As he pursues his studies he has the student s feeling of gratitude to those who had so marvelously anticipated his wants. With great interest he reads the report of the Committee on the Library for January, 1866 : "The sudden collapse of the Rebellion in the early part of the year, seemed to the Committee to furnish an opportunity which should be instantly used, of obtaining the newspapers and other publications issued at the South during the war; and of which very few had ever gone beyond the Confederate States. These fugitive publications had a peculiar historical interest and unless secured promptly, before they were destroyed or had fallen into the hands of collectors, they would be forever beyond our reach. A Poor Richard s Almanac of the year 1752 is priced on an English sale catalogue at five times its weight in gold. And one hundred years hence, a Rebel almanac, or a dingy file of Southern newspapers may, perhaps, reach a corresponding value. One of the Committee [Mr. Park- man] who was visiting Richmond soon after its capture was supplied with funds for the purpose, and made very valuable purchases; among which was a file of the Richmond Examiner from February, 1861 to March 31, 1 865 the last paper printed before the city was evacuated. From this file, not a paper is missing not one torn or mutilated in any manner. He also secured some important books and pamphlets. The Librarian afterwards opened a correspondence with persons in many of the Southern cities, by means of which a very large and valuable collec tion of rebel documents and publications has been made. INTRODUCTION vii Files nearly complete have been secured of the following daily newspapers printed in the Confederate States dur ing the war, viz : Richmond Enquirer, Richmond Whig, Richmond Dispatch, Richmond Sentinel, Augusta (Ga.) Sentinel, and Mobile Advertiser. Several other partial files have also been obtained. Complete files of the Southern Punch (an imitator of its London namesake), Southern Illustrated News, Magnolia, Southern Literary Messenger, and Record, all published at Richmond, have also been purchased." This report was undoubtedly written by the Librarian, William F. Poole. To his activity more than to any other one man is due this remarkable collection, a credit to the Athenaeum and to Boston. The Trustees, with far-seeing wisdom, at a previous meeting had voted "that the action of the Library Com mittee in procuring rebel newspapers, books and documents be approved and that they be requested to continue their endeavors to procure such papers." No historian can have other than a thrill when he knows that Francis Parkman, the greatest of his craft in America, was not only one of these Trustees, but bore an active part in securing this material. At the close of the Civil War he visited Wash ington and Richmond to see the battlefields, which appealed to his picturesque nature, and, furnished with a proper amount of funds, he procured much Confederate material. More valuable than the money were the training and experi ence applied to his task. The literary historian affirms that you can do naught without the proper atmosphere. If you are going to write about the South, he believes that you must go to that region viii INTRODUCTION to get it. It is proper to inquire whether this indeed be necessary. True, if one could have been South during the war or during Reconstruction, one would have had an experience impossible to derive from historical documents. But what boots it to visit the new South, which "hurrahs for the old flag and an appropriation," which is full of energy and desire for money-making, which knows the value of its great crop of cotton and has gone into its manufacture, and which has shown its belief in diversified industries? If one desires to witness such a reconciliation as has never before taken place after a civil war, if one wishes to study patriotic fervor, let one go to the Southern States ; but imagination will better create the Southern Con federacy in the Confederate room of the Athenaeum. It is food for thought to turn over badly printed and bound books, to note newspapers gradually reduced in size, printed on half sheets, on brown and on wall paper. Said Lincoln in his second inaugural address : " Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other." How well is this illustrated in the Athenaeum. There is u The Soldier s Pocket Bible. Issued for the use of the army of Oliver Cromwell. [Original title-page.] The Soldier s Pocket Bible, con taining the most (if not all) of those places contained in Holy Scripture, which do show the qualifications of his inner man that is a fit soldier to fight the Lord s battles, both before the fight, in the fight, and after the fight; which Scriptures are reduced to several heads, and fitly applied to the soldier s several occasions, and so may supply the want of the whole Bible, which a soldier INTRODUCTION ix cannot conveniently carry about him; and may be also useful for any Christian to meditate upon, now in this miserable time of war." After the Confederate victories of 1 862, the Bishop of Georgia, preaching in Christ Church, Savannah, affirmed that "Our cause is in harmony with the purposes of God in Christ Jesus" ; but when sorrowing over the death of Bishop and General Polk, he tried to con sole the congregation with, "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy." After the defeats of 1863, the Bishop of Alabama preached on "Future Good. The Explanation of Present Reverses," while a minister took for his subject, "The Battle is God s." As one immerses himself in this material, one cannot help appreciating Motley s remark, as he was studying the old letters and documents of the sixteenth century in the Brussels archives : " It is something to read the real bona fide signs manual of such fellows as William of Orange, Count Egmont, Alexander Farnese, Philip the Second, Cardinal Granvelle, and the rest of them. It gives a realizing sense, as the Americans have it." One finds a suggestion of the blockade in the "Book of Common Prayer" printed in London for "the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America," as pasted on the front fly-leaf of this book is this printed label, "From the cargo of the Anglo-Rebel Blockade Runner, Minna, captured December 6, 1863 off Wilmington by the Government Dispatch Ship Circassian" But before the date of this capture the Episcopal Church at the South doubtless found the supply of their vade mecum from England precarious, for one may learn in the Athe naeum Confederate room that their bishops and clergy x INTRODUCTION appealed to their brethren at the North to send down two or three thousand prayer-books; and the United States government gave permission for passing these through the lines of the Union Army. What delights the source-fiend in this collection is an object of fault-finding by the universal critic. A part of the collection, the critic avers, has ceased to be useful. Many of the reports, messages, and other official documents and much of the correspondence have been reprinted in the "Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies," where they are systematically arranged and conveniently indexed. It is true that some of the books and pamphlets collected by Mr. Poole and Mr. Parkman have no longer the value then attributed to them ; but they could not know that our Government would embark upon an historical work, impossible in Europe, and that it would have the faithful cooperation of the defeated as well as that of the victors. Their collection was made soon after the close of the Civil War (say 1865-66), while the first volume of the Official Records was not published until 1881. Rating properly this unique work, the fact remains that, for a study of the life in the Southern Confederacy, the collection in the Athenaeum possesses inestimable value. JAMES FORD RHODES. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA PUBLICATIONS Constitution. Constitution of the Confederate States of America. Adopted unanimously by the Congress of the Confederate States of Amer ica, March n, 1861. Savannah: John M. Cooper & Company. 1861. 22 pp. 8. Congress, February i8th, 1862 March i8th, 1865. By authority. The Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of America, commencing with the first session of the First Con gress; 1862. Carefully collated with the originals at Richmond. Edited by James M. Matthews, Attorney at Law, and Law Clerk in the Department of Justice. To be continued annually. Rich mond: R. M. Smith, Printer to Congress. 1862. This is the cover-title. The work consists of two parts with separate title-pages as follows: Public Laws of the Confederate States of America, passed at the first session of the First Congress; 1862. . . . v, (i), 56, ix pp. 8. Private Laws of the Confederate States of America, passed at the first session of the First Congress; 1862. ... 6, (i) pp. 8. The omitted portions of these title-pages are identical with the corresponding part of the cover-title. By authority. The Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of America, passed at the second session of the First Congress; 1862. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Printer to Congress. 1862. 2 CONFEDERATE STATES Congress Continued. Public Laws . . . v, (i), 57~92, ix pp. 8. Private Laws ... 2 p. 1., [7-8] pp. 8. By authority. The Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of America, passed at the third session of the First Congress; 1863. . . . Richmond: R. M. Smith, Printer to Congress. 1863. Public Laws . . . viii, 93-170, xx pp. 8. Private Laws ... 2 p. 1., 9-12 pp. 8. By authority. The Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of America, passed at the fourth session of the First Congress; 1863-4 ---- Richmond: R. M. Smith, Printer to Congress. 1864. Public Laws . . . vii, (i), 171-252, xxiii pp. 8. Private Laws ... 2 p. 1., 13-16 pp. 8. By authority. The Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of America, passed at the first session of the Second Congress; 1864. . . . Richmond: R. M. Smith, Printer to Congress. 1864. Public Laws . . . viii, 253-288, xii pp. 8. Private Laws ... 2 p. 1., 17-18 pp. 8 Military Laws of the Confederate States, embracing all the legislation of Congress appertaining to military affairs from the first to the last session inclusive, with a copious index. J. W. Randolph: 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va., 1863. 92, xvi pp. 12. This has a shorter cover-title. Laws of Congress in regard to Taxes, Currency and Conscrip tion, passed February 1864. Printed by order of the Virginia Senate. Richmond: James E. Goode, Senate Printer. 1864. 35 PP. 8. An Act to further provide for the public defence. [Approved April 16, 1862.] Richmond: 1862. 8 pp. 8. No title-page. This contains on pages 4 to 5, "An Act to amend an Act entitled An Act, to provide further for the public defence/ approved PUBLICATIONS 3 Congress Continued. April 16, 1862." Approved September 27, 1862; and on pages 5 to 8, "An Act to exempt certain persons from military duty, and to repeal an act entitled An Act to exempt certain persons from enrolment for service in the army of the Confederate States, approved 2ist April, 1862." Approved October II, 1862. An Act to impose regulations upon the foreign commerce of the Confederate States, to provide for the public defence. [Approved February 6, 1864.] Richmond: 1864. IO pp. 8. No title- page. This contains on pages 4 to 10: "Regulations to carry into effect the Act to impose regulations upon the foreign commerce of the Confederate States, to provide for the public defence, approved 6th February, 1864." This is signed at the end: G. A. Trenholm, Secretary of Treasury. James A. Seddon, Secretary of War. Approved 3d August, 1864. Jefferson Davis. Address of Congress to the People of the Confederate States. [Richmond: 1864.] 8pp. 8. No title-page. This is a "Joint resolution in relation to the war." It is signed by T. J. Semmes, J. L. Orr, A. E. Maxwell, Committee on the part of the Senate; J. W. Clapp, J. L. M. Curry, Julian Hart- ridge, John Goode, Jr., W. N. H. Smith, Committee of the House of Representatives; and also by Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker of the House, and seventy other representatives. Report of Evidence taken before a Joint Special Committee of both houses of the Confederate Congress, to investigate the affairs of the Navy Department. P. Kean, Reporter. Richmond, Va: Geo. P. Evans & Co., Printers, "Whig" Building. [1863.] 472 pp. i pi. 8. Minority Report of the Special Committee to Investigate the Affairs of the Navy Department. Richmond, 1863. 4 pp. 8. No title-page. There are two reports, one signed by Lucius J. Dupre, and the other by H. S. Foote. 4 CONFEDERATE STATES Senate. Rules for conducting business in the Senate of the Confederate States of America. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. i8pp. 16. The cover-title is the same. Report of the Committee on Finance on the Bill (H. R. 18) to lay taxes for the common defence, and carry on the government of the Confederate States. [Senate Report, No. 9. April 6, 1863. Three hundred copies ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1863.] 14 pp. 8. No title-page. Report of the Minority of the Committee on Finance on the Bill (H. R. 379) to levy additional Taxes for the year 1865, for the support of the Government. [By Mr. Oldham. Senate, Feb. 28, 1865. Ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1865.] 18 pp. 8. No title-page. This contains on pages II to 18, "A Bill to levy additional Taxes for the Common Defence and Support of the Government." Report of the Select Committee to whom was referred that portion of the Message of the President of the Confederate States, of the 1 3th instant, relating to the Action of Congress during the present Session. [By Mr. Orr. Senate, March 16, 1865. Read; concurred in; injunction of secrecy removed, and report ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1865.] 8 pp. 8. No title-page. Letter from Gen. Wise. January 3, 1864. To Hon. Jas. Lyons, John R. Chambliss and others, of the Virginia Delegation in Congress, endorsing without reserve the memorial of Generals Hardee, Stevenson and other officers, dated December 17th, 1863, from the "Army of Tennessee," respecting the army. [Presented by Mr. Lyons. Senate, Jan. 9, 1864. Referred to the Commit tee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1864.] 2 pp. 8. No title-page. PUBLICATIONS 5 House of Representatives. Resolution on Finance. [By Mr. Hilton. House of Repre sentatives No. 9. December 14, 1863. Referred to the Special Committee on Currency, and ordered to be printed.] [Rich mond: 1863.] 2pp. 8. No title-page. Resolution. [By Mr. Chambliss of Virginia. House Resolu tion, No. 21. Dec. 14, 1863. Referred to Special Committee on Currency, and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1863.] 2 pp. 8. No title-page. Report of the Special Committee, on the recent military disas ters at Forts Henry and Donelson, and the Evacuation of Nash ville. Hon. H. S. Foote, Chairman, H. C. McLaughlin, Clerk. Richmond : Enquirer Book and Job Press. Tyler, Wise, Allegre and Smith. 1862. 178 pp. 8 Report of the Committee on Quartermaster and Commissary Departments. [By Walter Preston, Chairman. House of Rep resentatives, February 13, 1864. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1864.] 3 pp. 8. No title-page. Report of the Committee of Claims, on memorial and accom panying papers of Major Caspar Tochman. [James Farrow, from Committee.] Richmond, 1864. 39 pp. 8. No title-page. Report on the Condition of Government Cotton, contiguous to the Mississippi and its tributaries. [By the Chair. House of Representatives, May 17, 1864. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1864.] 7 pp. 8. No title-page. Report of Committee on Claims. In the Case of Mary Clark. House of Representatives May 29, 1863. [Richmond: 1864.] 4 pp. No title-page. 6 CONFEDERATE STATES House of Representatives Continued. Report of the Special Committee to inquire into certain out rages of the enemy. [W. N. H. Smith, Chairman.] Richmond, 1864. 3 pp. 8. No title-page. Minority Report of the Committee of Ways and Means on the Tax Bill. [By A. S. Colyar. House of Representatives, May 23, 1864. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.] [Rich mond: 1864.] 4 pp. 8. No title-page. Minority Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, on the Suspension of the Habeas Corpus, by act of February I5th, 1864, of the First Congress of the Confederate States, entitled "An Act to suspend the privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus in certain cases." [By Mr. Garland. House of Representatives, May 28, 1864. Ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1864.] 17 pp. No title-page. House of Representatives.] [Secret Session. A Paper con taining a Statement of Facts relating to the approaching Cotton Crisis. By George McHenry. Richmond, Dec. 31, 1864. 87 pp. 8. Two letters are placed at the beginning of this pamphlet. One is a letter from F. S. Lyon, Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, to Mr. McHenry, dated January 6 1865, enclosing a resolution of the Committee, requesting Mr. McHenry to furnish information on cotton. The other letter is the reply of Mr. McHenry, dated January 8, 1865, enclosing the information wanted. Report of the Joint Select Committee appointed to investigate the Condition and Treatment of Prisoners of War. [By Mr. Perkins. House of Representatives, March 3, 1865. Laid on table and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1865.] 17 pp. 8. No title-page. Proceedings and speeches on the announcement of the death of Hon. William M. Cooke, of Missouri, in the House of Repre sentatives of the Confederate States, on the i8th of April, 1863. Richmond: Smith, Bailey & Co., Printers. 1863. Cover-title. 19 pp. 12. PUBLICATIONS 7 Provisional Congress, February 4th, 1861 February 1 7th, 1862. Provisional and permanent Constitutions, together with the Acts and Resolutions of the first session of the Provisional Con gress, of the Confederate States. 1861. Mongtomery, Ala.: Shorter & Reid, Printers and Binders. 1861. 160 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Acts and Resolutions of the second session of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States. 1861. Montgomery, Ala.: Shorter & Reid, Printers and Binders. 1861. 122 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same, except that the publishers are Barrett, Wimbish & Co. The Athenaeum copy lacks pages 107-108. Acts and Resolutions of the second session of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States, held at Montgomery, Ala. Richmond: Enquirer Book and Job Press. By Tyler, Wise, Allegre & Smith. 1861. 119 pp. 8. Acts and Resolutions of the third session of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States, held at Richmond, Va. Rich mond : Enquirer Book and Job Press. By Tyler, Wise, Allegre & Smith. 1861. 94 pp., i 1. 8. Provisional and permanent Constitutions, of the Confederate States. Richmond: Tyler, Wise, Allegre and Smith, Printers. 1861. 159 pp. 8. This contains on pages 33 to 159 the following: Acts and Resolutions of the first session of the Provisional Con gress of the Confederate States, held at Montgomery, Ala. Rich mond: Enquirer Book and Job Press. By Tyler, Wise, Allegre & Smith. 1861. Acts and Resolutions of the fourth session of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States, held at Richmond, Va. Rich mond : Tyler, Wise, Allegre and Smith, Prs. 1862. 106 pp., I L, 19 PP. 8. The cover-title is the same. 8 CONFEDERATE STATES Provisional Congress Continued. The Athenaeum copies of these four Richmond editions of the Acts of the Provisional Congress are bound in one volume, with the name of L. T. Wigfall stamped at the bottom of the back. Louis Trezevant Wigfall was a Brigadier General in the Confederate Army, and also a Senator from Texas in the First and Second Congresses. Compilation of the Tariff Act of the Confederate States of America, approved May 2ist, 1861, showing the rates of duties payable on imported goods, wares and merchandise, from and after September 1st, 1861, alphabetically arranged; also containing recent Acts of Congress and circulars of the Treasury Depart ment, relative to commerce, navigation and the revenue ; together with the warehouse system, forms of custom house blanks; pro tests and appeals; tables of foreign weights, measures and cur rencies, reduced to the standard of the Confederate States; rules for admeasurement of vessels for tonnage, &c. Arranged by P. E. Walden, Deputy Collector, Custom House, Port of New Orleans. New Orleans: Printed and Published by Corson & Armstrong, 59 Camp Street. 1861. I p. L, vii, 16 pp., I 1., 17-282 pp. 8. Half roan. There is a small printed slip of corrections inserted at page 91. The Import Tariff, and other Revenue Laws, also, the laws Prohibiting the payment of money due to citizens of the United States; Prohibiting the exportation of cotton, except through Southern ports ; Regulating the navigation of the Mississippi, etc. The export duty on cotton; The navigation and light laws; etc., etc. Wm. Bloomfield, Jun., Publisher, 13 Bank Place, (up-stairs,) bet. Gravier and Natchez sts., New-Orleans. 1861 Cover-title, 34 pp. 24. Tariff of the Confederate States of America approved by Congress, May 21, 1861. To be of force from and after August 31, 1 86 1. Charleston: Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell, 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1861. Cover- title, 1 6 pp. 8. PUBLICATIONS 9 Provisional Congress Continued. An Act to alter and amend an act entitled "An Act for the Sequestration of the Estates, Property and Effects of the Alien Enemies, and for Indemnity of citizens of the Confederate States, and persons aiding the same in the existing war with the United States," approved August thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. [Richmond. 1861.] No title-page, upp. 8. By authority of Congress. The Statutes at Large of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, from the institution of the government, February 8, 1861, to its termination, February 18, 1862, inclusive. Arranged in chrono logical order. Together with the Constitution for the Provisional Government, and the permanent Constitution of the Confederate States, and the Treaties concluded by the Confederate States with Indian tribes. Edited by James M. Matthews, Attorney at Law, and Law Clerk in the Department of Justice. Richmond : R. M. Smith, Printer to Congress. 1864. xvi, 411, xlviii pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Proceedings on the announcement of the death of Hon. John Tyler, January 2Oth, 1862. Published by order of the Congress, by J. J. Hooper, Secretary. Richmond : Enquirer Book and Job Press. Tyler, Wise, Allegre and Smith. 1862. 54 pp. 8. President. Inaugural Address of President Davis, delivered at the Capitol, Monday, February 18, 1861, at I o clock, P. M. Montgomery, Ala.: Shorter & Reid, Printers, Advertiser Office. 1861. 8 pp. 8. Message of the President. Gentlemen of the Congress, [at the opening of the second session of the Provisional Congress. Montgomery, April 29, 1861.] [Montgomery: 1861.] 24 pp. 8. No title-page. io CONFEDERATE STATES President Continued. Message of the President. To the Congress of the Confed erate States of America, [at the opening of the third session of the Provisional Congress. Richmond, July 20, 1861.] [Rich mond: Ritchie & Dunnavant, Printers. 1861.] 14 pp. 8. No title-page. This contains on pages 9 to n, the letter of Jefferson Davis to Abraham Lincoln, dated July 6, 1861, in regard to the treatment of the Confederate prisoners captured on the schooner Savannah. President s Message. To the Congress 6f the Confederate States, [at the opening of the fifth session of the Provisional Con gress. Richmond, November 18, 1861.] [Richmond: 1861.] 8 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President, and Report of Albert Pike, Commis sioner of the Confederate States to the Indian Nations west of Arkansas, of the results of his mission. Richmond: Enquirer Book and Job Press. Tyler, Wise, Allegre & Smith. 1861. 38pp. 8. The President s Message is dated at Richmond, Dec. 12, 1861. The Report of Albert Pike covers pages 7 to 38. Message of the President. Richmond, October 8, 1862. To the Senate, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of War, submitting copies of all orders which have issued from the War Department suspending the writ of habeas corpus. [Richmond: 1862.] (n)pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. To the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Confederate States, [at the opening of the third session of the First Congress. Richmond, January 12, 1863.] [Richmond: 1863.] 16 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Feb. 7th, 1863. To the House of Representatives of the Confederate States, [stating] that no private property of citizens either in, or not in the army has been seized and confiscated by [his] order. [Richmond: 1863.] i p. 8. No title-page. PUBLICATIONS 11 President Continued. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., February 27, 1863. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of War, covering a list of the civilian prisoners now in custody at the military prison at Salisbury, N. C. [Rich mond: 1863.] 7 pp. 8. No title-page. Estimates for the Support of the Government from July I, to December 31, 1863. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., April n, 1863. To the Senate and House of Representa tives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury. [Richmond: 1863.] 54 pp. 8. No title-page. President s Message. To the Senate and House of Representa tives of the Confederate States, [at the opening of the fourth session of the First Congress. Richmond, December 7, 1863.] [Richmond: 1863.] 29 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Dec. n, 1863. To the Senate and House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, covering estimates of sums needed for the public service among the Indian tribes. [Richmond: 1863.] 4 pp. 8. No title-page. Correspondence between the President and General Joseph E. Johnston, together with that of the Secretary of War and the Adjutant and Inspector General, during the months of May, June and July, 1863. Published by order of Congress. Rich mond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. 64 pp. 8. This is a Message of the President to the House of Representa tives, dated at Richmond, January 29, 1864. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., January 7, 1864. To the Senate and House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of the amount "necessary for the payment of interest on the removal and subsistence fund due the Cherokee Indians in North Carolina." [Richmond: 1864.] 2 pp. 8. No title- page. 12 CONFEDERATE STATES President Continued. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., January 12, 1864. To the Senate and House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting "the condensed estimates of appropriations required for the sup port of the Government for the period from January I to June 30, 1864, inclusive." [Richmond: 1864.] 7 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Jan. 18, 1864. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communica tion from the Secretary of War, covering copies of regulations and orders relative to the payment of assessments of damages made by commanding officers in the field, "without intervention of courts martial or boards of survey." [Richmond: 1864.] 4 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Feb. 5, 1864. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of War, relative to the steps taken to carry out the provisions of the act of Congress "in relation to the arrest and disposition of slaves who have been recaptured from the enemy". [Richmond: 1864.] 3 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Febuary (sic) 5, 1863 [1864]. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] com munications from the Secretaries of the Treasury and of War, relative to the amount of money forwarded to the trans-Mississippi department since the adjournment of Congress, and to the ad justment of claims against the Government for articles illegally impressed and not paid for at the time. [Richmond: 1864.] 14 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Feb. 8, 1864. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of War, relative to the "domestic passport system" now enforced upon citizens travelling in some parts of the Confederate States outside of the lines of the armies. [Rich mond: 1864.] 9 pp. 8. No title-page. PUBLICATIONS 13 President Continued. Veto Message. To the House of Representatives of the Con federate States of America, return [ing] the act entitled "An act to provide for wounded and disabled officers, soldiers, and sea men, an asylum to be called The Veteran Soldiers Home/ 1 [Richmond, Va., February n, 1864.] [Richmond: 1864.] 2 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Feb. 12, 1864. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communica tion from the Secretary of War, submitting copies of papers relating "to the trial and conviction of W. E. Coffman by a mili tary court," and to "a writ of habeas corpus issued from the circuit court of Rockingham county, Va., to prevent the execu tion of said Coffman." [House of Representatives, February 13, 1864. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.] [Rich mond .-1864.] 10 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Feb. 15, 1864. To the Senate and House of Representatives, submit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of War, covering an estimate of an additional appropriation required by the War Department. [Richmond: 1864.] 2pp. 8. No title-page. President s Message. To the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Confederate States of America, [at the opening of the first session of the Second Congress. May 2, 1864.] [Richmond: 1864.] 5 pp. 8. No title-page. President s Message in relation to the suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus. To the House of Representatives of the Confederate States of America. [Richmond, Va., May 20, 1864. By the Chair. House of Representatives, May 29, 1864. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1864.] 2 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. To the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Confederate States of America, [at the opening of the second session of the Second Congress. Richmond, Novem ber 7th, 1864.] [Richmond: 1864.] 13 pp. 8. No title-page. 14 CONFEDERATE STATES President Continued. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., November n, 1864. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] com munications from the Secretaries of the Treasury and of War, relative to the tax in kind and other taxes collected from the several States for the year 1863. [Richmond: 1864.] 18 pp. i folded table. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Dec. 15, 1864. To the Senate and House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of War, relative to the increase of the amount to be appropriated [to pay for horses of volunteers killed in action.] [Richmond: 1864.] 2pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] the reports made by the heads of the Treasury and War Departments, relative to the subject embraced in the act of 6th February, 1864, entitled "a Bill to impose regulations upon the foreign commerce of the Confederate States, to provide for the public defence." [Richmond, Va., Dec. 20, 1864.] [Richmond: 1864.] 17 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Jan. 4, 1865. To the Senate of the Confederate States, transmit [ting] a communi cation from the Secretary of War, covering a copy of the official report of General J. E. Johnston, relative to operations of the Army of Tennessee. [Senate, Jan. 9, 1865. Referred to Com mittee on Military Affairs. Feb. 17, 1865. Message and accom panying documents ordered to be printed, and injunction of secrecy removed.] [Richmond: 1865.] 14 pp. 8. No title- page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Feb. 3, 1865. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of the Navy, covering copies of his correspond ence with the Governor of North Carolina relative to " coals of the steamer Advance ". [Richmond: 1865.] 12 pp, 8. No title-page. PUBLICATIONS 15 President Continued. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Feb. 3, 1865. To the Senate of the Confederate States, transmit [ting] a communi cation from the Secretary of War, relative to "the number of persons in each State exempted for military service by reason of being claimed as State officers," and to "the number of ex emptions and details for express, telegraphic and rail road com panies, &c." [Senate, Feb. 7, 1865. Laid on table and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1865.] 8 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. To the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Confederate States of America, submit [ting] the report of the [Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, the Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, and the Hon. John A. Campbell, Commissioners to confer with the President of the United States with a view to the restoration of peace. February 6th, 1865.] [Richmond: 1865.] 4 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Feb. 15, 1865. To the Senate of the Confederate States, transmit [ting] communica tions from the Secretary of the Navy and the Postmaster General, relative to the number of white men between the ages of 18 and 45, and of negroes, whose services are necessary to their respective departments. [Senate, Feb. 16, 1865. Laid on the table, and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1865.] 9 pp. 8. No title- page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Feb. 20, 1865. To the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communica tion from the Secretary of War, relative to the non-destruction of the cotton in the city of Savannah, before its evacuation by our military forces. [By the Chair. House of Representatives, February 22nd, 1865. Referred to Committee on Military Affairs.] [Richmond: 1865.] 2pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., Feb. 20, 1865. To the Senate and House of Representatives, transmit [ting] a communication from the Secretary of War, covering an estimate 16 CONFEDERATE STATES President Continued. for an additional appropriation required by the Department. [By the Chair. House of Representatives, February 22, 1865. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1865.] 2 pp. 8. No title-page. Message of the President. Richmond, Va., March 13, 1865. To the Senate and House of Representatives, transmit [ting] copies of the correspondence in regard to the proposed conference to adjust terms of peace by means of a military convention. [Richmond: 1865.] 3 pp. 8. No title-page. Department of Justice. Report of the Attorney General. Richmond, January I, 1863. To the President. [Richmond: 1863.] 13 pp. 8. No title- page. This contains on pages 5 to 13, the "Report of the Superintendent of Public Printing". Report of the Attorney General. Richmond, 1st November, 1864. To the President. [Richmond: 1864.] 6 pp. 8. No title-page. This contains on pages 3 to 6, the "Report of the Superintendent of Public Printing." Judiciary Department. Rules of the District Courts of the Confederate States of America, for the Districts of Georgia, under the Act entitled "An Act for the sequestration of the estates, property and effects of alien enemies." Together with the Act of Congress. Savan nah : W. Thorne Williams. 1861. 29 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. Rules of Practice under the Sequestration Act for the District Courts Confederate States, for the District of Alabama. Adopted, November, 1861. Mobile: By S. H. Goetzel & Co., Dauphin Street. 1861. 10 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. PUBLICATIONS 17 Judiciary Department Continued. The Sequestration Cases, before the Hon. A. G. Magrath. Report of Cases under the Sequestration Act of the Confederate States, heard in the District Court for the state of South Carolina, in the city of Charleston October Term, 1861. Arguments of Wm. Whaley, Nelson Mitchell, C. Richardson Miles, J. L. Petigru, L W. Hayne, J. W. Wilkinson, and Ed. McCrady, Esqs. To which is added the Opinion of Judge Magrath, in the several cases, and the Sequestration Act of the Confederate States: also, the Confiscation Act of the United States. Reported by J. Woodruff, Phonographic Reporter. Published by request. [Charleston: 1861.] 68pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Navy Department. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, to January i, 1863. Richmond: Macfarlane & Fergusson, 1862. 2 p. L, 38 pp. 8. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States to January i, 1864. Richmond: Macfarlane & Fergusson, Printers. 1864. 96 pp. 8. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Letter of Secretary of the Navy. Richmond, April 7th, 1862. To the President, submit [ting] copy of the detailed report of Flag Officer Buchanan of the brilliant triumph of his over the vastly superior forces of the enemy in Hampton Roads, on the 8th and 9th of March. [Richmond, 1862.] 3-13 pp. 8. No title-page. The "Report of Flag Officer Buchanan" covers pp. 5-13. Proceedings of a Naval General Court Martial, in the case of Captain Josiah Tattnall. Richmond : Macfarlane & Fergusson, 1862. (7), 90, (i) PP. 8. 1 8 CONFEDERATE STATES Navy Department Continued. Report of the Secretary of the Navy. Richmond, November 5, 1864. [To] the President. [House of Representatives, Novem ber 7, 1864. Referred to Committee on Naval Affairs. December 5, 1864. Reported back and ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1864.] 52pp. 8. No title-page. [Uniforms of the Confederate States Navy.] [Richmond. 1861?] 81. Folio. The Athenaeum copy lacks the title-page and consists of litho graphs by E. Crehen of Richmond. Patent Office. Rules and Directions for Proceedings in the Confederate States Patent Office. Richmond: Enquirer Book and Job Press. By Tyler, Wise, Allegre & Smith. 1861. 47, ix pp. 16. The cover-title is the same. Report of the Commissioner of Patents. Richmond, Jan. 1864. To the Speaker of the House of Representatives, C. S. A. [Rich mond: 1864.] 15 pp. 8. No title-page. Post Office Department. Confederate States of America, Post Office Department. Instructions to Post Masters. Richmond, Va. Printed by Ritchie & Dunnavant. 1861. 23 pp. 16. A List of Establishments, Discontinuances, and Changes in Name of the Post Offices in the Confederate States, since 1861. [Richmond: 1 86-.] 27 pp. 8. Advertisement of December 31, 1862, inviting Proposals for carrying the Mails of the Confederate States in the states of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia, from July I, 1863, to June 30, 1867. John H. Reagan, Post master General. Proposals received until 3 P. M. March 31, 1863. Decisions by April 30, 1863. [Richmond: 1862.] 102 pp. " PUBLICATIONS 19 Post Office Department Continued. Report of the Postmaster-General to the President, April 29, 1 86 1. Montgomery, Ala. [Senate, February 10, 1865. Ordered to be printed.] [Richmond: 1865.] 44 pp. 8. No title-page. Report of the Postmaster General. Richmond, Va., Novem ber 7, 1864. To the President. [Richmond: 1864.] 21 pp. 8. No title-page. Correspondence between the President of the Virginia Central Rail Road Company and the Postmaster General, in relation to Postal Service. Richmond, Va. Printed by Ritchie & Dunna- vant. 1864. 25 pp. 8. Surgeon-General. Regulations for the Medical Department of the Confederate States Army. Richmond, Va. Ritchie and Dunnavant, Printers. 1861. 61 pp. 8. Half roan. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, medical, econom ical and agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with practical information on the useful properties of the trees, plants, and shrubs. By Francis Peyre Porcher, Surgeon P.A.C.S. Prepared and Published by the order of the Surgeon-General, Richmond, Va. Charleston: Steam-Power Press of Evans & Cogswell, No. 3 Broad Street. 1863. xxv, 60 1 pp. 8. Half roan. A manual of Military Surgery. Prepared for the use of the Confederate States Army. Illustrated. By order of the Surgeon- General. Richmond: Ayres & Wade, Illustrated News Steam Presses. 1863. iv, 5-297 pp. 30 pi. 12. Half cloth. This copy was issued to Surgeon George S. Blackie, and has his bookplate. 20 CONFEDERATE STATES Treasury Department. Montgomery, Feb. 6, 1861. Circular Instructions No. I. Regulations relative to importations from places above the Con federate States, by vessels navigating the Mississippi and other Rivers. [Montgomery: 1861.] 14 pp. 8. No title-page. Supplement Instructions for the Collectors of the War Tax. Richmond, Dec. 26, 1 86 1. [Richmond: 1 86 1.] 6pp. 8. No title-page. Instructions for Collectors of Taxes. Richmond, May 15, 1863. [Richmond: 1863.] 15 pp. 8. No title-page. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Richmond, Decem ber 7th, 1863. [To] Hon. T. S. Bocock, Speaker of the House of Representatives [Richmond: 1863.] 19 pp. 8. No title- page. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Richmond, Nov. 7, 1864. [To] Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, President pro tempore of the Senate. [Richmond: 1864.] 56 pp. 8. No title-page. This contains on pages 19 to 37, the "Report of the Commissioner of Taxes", and on pages 39 to 56, the "Estimates of appropria tions for the period from January ist to June 30th, 1865." Documents accompanying Report of Secretary of the Treasury. Report of Commissioner of Taxes. Richmond, November, 1863. [Richmond: 1863.] 45 pp. I folded table. 8. No title-page. Abstract of Drafts of members of the C.S. House of Repre sentatives, paid by E. C. Elmore, Treasurer C.S. during, the Recess of Congress, after April 18, 1863, under authority of Act of April 1 6th, 1862. [Richmond: 1863.] No title-page. 2 pp. 8. Signed: E. C. Elmore, Treasurer C.S., Per W m D. Nutt, C.C. December 7, 1863. PUBLICATIONS 21 Treasury Department Continued. Richmond, February 22, 1864. Regulations and Instructions for carrying into effect the Act of February 17, 1864, "to reduce the currency and to authorize a new issue of Notes and Bonds". [Richmond: 1864.] 8 pp. 8. No title-page. Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury. Rich mond, May 1 4th, 1864. [To] Hon. T. S. Bocock, Speaker of the House of Representatives, transmit [ting] tables of Commerce and Navigation for the year ending September 30, 1863. [Rich mond: 1864.] 51 pp. 8. No title-page. War Department. [General orders. No. 9, 1861.] Uniform and Dress of the Army of the Confederate States. Richmond : Chas. H. Wynne, Printer, 94 Main Street. 1861. 5, [29] pp. illus. Folio. The text is supplemented by lithographs of soldiers in uniform, by E. Crehen. General Orders from Adjutant and Inspector-General s Office, Confederate States Army, in 1862; prepared from files of Head quarters, Department of S.C., Ga., Fla. With a full index. Charleston: Evans & Cogswell, No. 3 Broad Street. 1863. xxvi, 159 pp. 12. Pp. 143-144 are mutilated. General Orders. 1863. [Richmond, 1863.] 8. No title- page. The Boston Athenaeum has the following 10 General Orders for 1863: General Orders, No. 81. June II. 6 pp. No. 90. June 26. 2 pp. No. 91. June 27. 2 pp. No. 92. June 29. I p. No. 93. June 30. I p. No. 95. July 7. 6 pp. No. 105. July 29. i p. No. 117. Sept. 3. 2 pp. No. 118. Sept. i. i p. No. 120. Sept. 8. i p. 22 CONFEDERATE STATES War Department Continued. General Orders. 1864. Richmond, 1864. 8. No title-page. The Athenaeum has the following 32 General Orders for 1864: General Orders, No. 3- No. 4- No. 5- No. 6. No. 19. No. 21. No. 27. No. 28. No. 31- No. 32. No. 58. No. 59- No. 61. No. 62. No. 63. No. 64. No. 65. No. 66. No. 67. No. 68. No. 69. No. 70. No. 72. No. 73- No. 74- No. 75- No. 76. No. 77- No. 84. No. 85- No. 86. No. 87- Special orders, No. 180. Jan. 9, 1864. 2 pp. Jan. u, 1864. i p. Jan. 13, 1864. 2 pp. Jan. 14, 1864. 2 pp. Feb. 10, 1864. 3 pp. Feb. 20, 1864. 5 pp. March 2, 1864. 2 pp. March 4, 1864. 2 pp. March 10, 1864. 4 pp. March n, 1864. 3 pp. July 4, 1864. 10 pp. July 8, 1864. i p. July 29, 1864. 52 pp. July 30, 1864. 5 pp. August 6, 1864. 2 pp. August 10, 1864. 31 pp. August 15, 1864. i p. August 1 6, 1864. 2 pp. August 1 6, 1864. 2 pp. August 26, 1864. i p. August 27, 1864. 2 pp. August 29, 1864. i p. September 15, 1864. i p. September 22, 1864. 2 pp. September 22, 1864. i p. September 26, 1864. 2 pp. October 5, 1864. i p. October 8, 1864. i p. November 2ist, 1864. 2 pp. December i, 1864. i p. December 5, 1864. 3 pp. December 10, 1864. 13 pp. Aug. ist, 1864. 8 pp. General Orders. 1865. Richmond, 1865. 8. No title-page. The Athenaeum has the following 7 General Orders for 1865: General Orders, No. i. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. January 6, 1865. 3 pp. February 6, 1865. I p. February 8, 1865. I p. February 8, 1865. 8 pp. PUBLICATIONS 23 War Department Continued. General Orders, No. 6. February 14, 1865. I p. No. 7. February 16, 1865. 2 pp. No. 8. February 23, 1865. i p. General Orders from Adjutant and Inspector-General s Office, Confederate States Army, from January, 1862, to December, 1863, (both inclusive.) In two series. Prepared from files of Head-Quarters, Department of S. C., Ga., and Fla. With full indexes. Columbia : Steam- Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell. 1864. xlvii, 159, lix, 276 pp. 12. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. General Orders from the Adjutant and Inspector General s Office, Confederate States Army, for the Year 1863, with a full index. Compiled and corrected under authority of Gen l S. Cooper, A. & I. G. By R. H. P. Robinson, of the Adjutant and Inspector General s Office. . . . Richmond : A. Morris, Publisher. 1864. 244 pp. 12. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. General Orders from the Adjutant and Inspector-General s Office, Confederate States Army, from January I, 1864, to July i, 1864, i nclusive. Prepared from files of Head-Quarters, Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. By R. C. Gilchrist, Acting Judge Advocate General. With full Index, Explanatory Notes, and such Decisions of the War Department as could be collected touching matters of general concern to the service. Columbia: Evans and Cogswell. 1864. xxxv, 161 pp. 12. This has a cover-title, identical with the title-page, except that there is a period after "Index", and the word "Also" is interpo lated there. Instruction for heavy artillery ; prepared by a board of officers, for the use of the army of the United States. Richmond, Va. 24 CONFEDERATE STATES War Department Continued. West and Johnston, 145 Main St. 1862. xvi, 272 pp. 39 pi. 12. This is a reprint of an old Federal war manual. The Ordnance Manual for the use of the Officers of the Confederate States Army. Prepared under the direction of Col. J. Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance, and approved by the Secre tary of War. First edition. Richmond: West and Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1863. 546 pp. 33 pi. 12. Army Regulations, adopted for the use of the Army of the Confederate States, in accordance with late acts of Congress. Revised from the Army Regulations of the old United States Army, 1857; retaining all that is essential for officers of the line. To which is added, An Act for the establishment and organiza tion of the Army of the Confederate States of America. Also, Articles of War, for the government of the Army of the Confed erate States of America. Richmond, Va. : West & Johnston, Publishers, No. 145 Main Street. 1861. 200 pp. 8. Half roan. Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States, and for the Quartermaster s and Pay Departments. The Uniform and Dress of the Army. As published by authority of the Secretary of War. The Articles of War, as amended by Act of Congress. Also, All the Laws appertaining to the Army. Revised edition. New Orleans: Bloomfield & Steel, Publishers, 60 Camp-street. 1861. 262,107 pp. 12. Half sheep. The Boston Athenaeum copy is damaged by water. Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States, 1862 . . . Richmond, Va. J. W. Randolph, 121 Main St. 1862. xxiv, 420 pp. 2 plans. 12. Boards. Regulations [for guidance of medical officers]. March 26, 1862. [Richmond, 1862.] 2 pp. 8. No title-page. PUBLICATIONS 25 War Department Continued. Regulations for the Subsistence Department of the Confeder ate States. Richmond: Ritchie & Dunnavant, Printers. 1862. 54 pp. 3 folded tables. 8. Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States, with a full index. By authority of the War Department. . . . Richmond : West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1864. xxx, 432 pp. 2 plans. 12. Half cloth. Regulations for the Army of the Confederate States, 1864. Revised and Enlarged with a new and copious Index. Third and only reliable edition, in which are corrected over 3,000 important errors contained in the editions published by West & Johnston. . . . J. W. Randolph, 12 1 Main St., Richmond, Va. 1864. xxiv, 424 pp. 2 plans. 12. Cloth. Supplemental Report of the Secretary of War. March 17th, 1862. [To the President, presenting a narrative of the negotia tions for the exchange of prisoners.] [Richmond : 1862.] 27 pp. 8. No title-page. Report of the Secretary of War. Richmond, January 3, 1863. [To] His Excellency Jefferson Davis, President of the Confed erate States of America. [Richmond: 1863.] 17 pp. 8. No title-page. Report of the Secretary of War. Richmond, Va., April 28, 1864. To His Excellency Jefferson Davis, President, &c. [Rich mond: 1864.] 37 pp. 8. No title-page. This contains on pages 25 to 37, the "Report from Conscription Bureau", John S. Preston, Colonel and Superintendent. Report of the Secretary of War. Richmond, November 3, 1864. To the President of the Confederate States. [Richmond: 1864.] 36 pp. 8. No title-page. This contains on pages 19 to 21, the "Report of the Agent of Exchange", Robert Ould; and on pages 23 to 36, "Estimates." 26 CONFEDERATE STATES War Department Continued. Official Reports of Battles. Published by order of Congress. Richmond, Va. : Enquirer Book and Job Press. 1862. 571 pp. 8. Contents: Evacuation of Pensacola Navy Yard, Forts, &c.; Bom bardment of Fort Henry; The Battle of Fort Donelson; Report of the operations of the Army in New Mexico; Report of the evacuation of Columbus; Reports of the Battles of Shiloh; Report of the evacuation of Jacksonville; Report of the bombardment of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the fall of New Orleans; Report of the affair at South Mills; Report of operations on Tennessee River and at Bridgeport; Report of the affair at Prince ton; Report of engagement with small boat of the enemy on Crooked River; Report of evacuation of Corinth, and retreat to Tupelo, Miss.; Report of the engagement on James Island; Report of the expedition into Kentucky; Report of operations on the Peninsular ; Report of expedition to Pinckney Island ; Report of the affair near Gallatin; Report of operations at Bridgeport and Battle Creek; Report of the three engagements with the enemy near Richmond, Ky. ; Answer of Colonel Forrest to interro gations propounded by the Special Committee of the House of Representatives of the Confederate Congress, charged with the duty of enquiring into the management of the Quartermaster and Commissary Department, about the time of the surrender of the city of Nashville. Official Reports of Battles, embracing the Defence of Vicks- burg, by Major General Earl Van Dorn, and the Attack upon Baton Rouge, by Major Geneal (sic) Breckinridge, together with the reports of the battles of Corinth and Hatchie Bridge; the expedition to Hartsville, Tennessee ; the affair at Pocotaligo and Yemassee; the action near Coffeeville, Mississippi; the action and casualties of the brigade of Colonel Simonton, at Fort Donel son. Richmond, Va. : Smith, Bailey & Co., Printers. 1863. 170pp. 8. Message of the President. Jan. 24, 1863. Official Reports of Battles. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. 98 pp. 8. Message of the President, Jan. 7, 1864. Contents: Skirmish at Olive Branch Church; Operations in Northwestern Virginia; Battle of Fleetwood. PUBLICATIONS 27 War Department Continued. Official Reports of Battles ; embracing Colonel Wm. L. Jack son s Report of expedition to Beverly; Major General Price s Report of evacuation of Little Rock; Major General Steven son s Report of Battle of Lookout Mountain; and Lieutenant Colonel M. A. Haynes Reports of engagements at Knoxville, Limestone Creek and Carter s Station. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. 72 PP . 8. Message of the President. Feb. 15, 1864. Official Reports of Battles. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer, 1864. 98 pp. 8. Message of the President. March n, 1863. Contents: Engagement at Fort M Allister; Report of engage ments at Fayette Court-House, Cotton Hill, Ganley, Charleston, and pursuit of the enemy to the Ohio; Battle of Seven Pines; Report of Capture of Gunboat J. P. Smith in Stono River; Battle of Richmond, Kentucky; Capture of Munfordsville; Battle of Perryville; Report of an affair with the enemy between Big Hill and Richmond, on the 2Qth August, 1862. Reports of the operations of the Army of Northern Virginia, from June 1862, to and including the Battle at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. In two volumes: volume i. [volume ii.] Rich mond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer, 1864. Vol. I. 627 pp. Vol.11. 602 pp. 8 Message of the President, Dec. 23, 1863. Contents: Vol. I. General Lee s Report; Battles of Port Republic and Cross-Keys; Operations around Richmond. Vol. II. Battle of Cedar Run; Summer Campaign of 1862, from the Battle of Cedar Run, to and including the Battle of Sharpsburg; Battle of Fredericksburg. Report of General G. T. Beauregard of the Defence of Charles ton. Published by order of Congress. Richmond : R. M. Smith, Public Printer, 1864. 93 PP- 8. Message of the President, Feb. 12, 1864. 28 CONFEDERATE STATES War Department Continued. Report of Brigadier General Echols, of the Battle of Droop Mountain. Published by order of Congress. Richmond : R. M. Smith, Public Printer, 1864. 16 pp. 8. Report of Major General Hindman, of his operations in the Trans-Mississippi District. Published by order of Congress. Richmond : R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. 26pp. 8. Message of the President, Jan. 13, 1864. Report of Lieutenant General Holmes of the Battle of Helena ; also, Report of Lieutenant General A. P. Hill of the Battle of Bristoe Station; also, Report of Major General Stevenson of Expedition into East Tennessee. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer, 1864. 64 pp. 8. Message of the President, Jan. 19, 1864. Official Reports of Generals Johnston and Beauregard of the Battle of Manassas July 2ist, 1861. Also Official Reports of the Battle of loth Sept., Brig. Gen. Floyd commanding; Engage ment at Oak Hill, Mo., Brig. Gen. Ben McCulloch command ing; Engagement at Lewinsville, Sept. nth, Col. J. E. B. Stuart commanding; Engagement on Greenbrier River, Oct. 3d, Brig. Gen. H. R. Jackson commanding; Engagement at Santa Rosa Island, Oct. 8th, Maj. Gen. Braxton Bragg commanding; En gagement at Leesburg, Oct. 2ist and 22d, Brig. Gen. N. G. Evans commanding; Bombardment of Forts Walker and Beauregard, Nov. 7th, Brig. Gen. Thomas F. Drayton commanding; Engage ment at Piketon, Ky., Col. John S. Williams commanding; Battle in Alleghany Mountains, Dec. I3th, Col. Edward Johnson commanding; Battle of Chustenahlah, which took place in the Cherokee Nation, on the 26th of Dec., 1861, Col. James Mclntosh commanding; Battle of Belmont, Nov. 7th, Leonidas Polk, Major-General commanding. Richmond: Enquirer Book and Job Press. By Tyler, Wise, Allegre & Smith. 1862. 144 pp. 8. Report of General Joseph E. Johnston, of his operations in the Departments of Mississippi and East Louisiana, together with PUBLICATIONS 29 War Department Continued. Lieut. General Pemberton s Report of the Battles of Port Gibson, Baker s [Creek, and the siege of Vicksburg. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer, 1864.] 213 pp. 8. Paper cover. Message of the President, Dec. 29, 1863. The lower part of the title-page is torn off. Report of General Robert E. Lee, and subordinate reports of the Battle of Chancellorsville ; also, Reports of Major General J. E. B. Stuart and Brigadier General Fitz Lee, of cavalry en gagements at Kelleysville. Also, Report of Brigadier General W. H. F. Lee, and subordinates, of cavalry operations of the 1 4th and I5th of April, 1863. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer, 1864. 149 PP- 8. Message of the President. Dec. 31, 1863. Report of Major General Loring of Battle of Baker s Creek, and Subsequent Movements of his Command. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. 29 PP. 8. Message of the President, Jan. 26, 1864. Report of Brig. Gen. John S. Williams of Operations in East Tennessee, from 27th September to I5th October, 1863. Pub lished by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. 9 pp. 8. Message of the President, Feb. 8, 1864. Report of the Engagement at Staunton River, June 25th, 1864. [To] Brigadier General James L. Kemper. [Richmond, 1864.] 3 pp. 8. No title-page. This is signed: B. L. Farinholt, Capt. commanding Post. Page 3 is wrongly numbered 4. Official Report of the Battle of Chickamauga. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. 234 pp. 8. Message of the President. May 19, 1864. 30 CONFEDERATE STATES War Department Continued. Bureau of Conscription, Richmond, March 18, 1864. Circular No. 8. [Richmond: 1864.] 20 pp. 8. No title-page. This contains on pages II to 20, General Orders, No. 26 of the Adjutant and Inspector General s Office. Correspondence between the War Department and General Lovell, relating to the Defences of New Orleans. Submitted in response to a resolution of the House of Representatives passed third February, 1863. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1863. 123 pp. 8. Message of the President, March n, 1863. This contains on pages 91 to 123, "Correspondence between the President, War Department and Governor T. O. Moore, relat ing to the Defences of New Orleans". Official Correspondence between the Agents of Exchange, together with Mr. Quid s Report. Richmond: Sentinel Job Office. 1864. i p. 1., 63-149 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Organization of the Army of Northern Virginia, (commanded by General Robert E. Lee) November 30, 1864. [Richmond. 1864?] ii pp. 8. Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry, relative to the Fall of New Orleans. Published by order of Congress. Richmond: R. M. Smith, Public Printer. 1864. 206 pp. 8. Message of the President. June 8, 1864. The Book of Reference, for regular and volunteer officers and soldiers of the Confederate States Army ; containing the Articles of War ; Laws, organizing the Confederate States, to provide for the public defence, to make further provision for the public de fence, to raise an additional force to serve during the War ; also the Uniform as prescribed. W m Bloomfield, Jun., Publisher, No. 13 Bank Place, New Orleans. 1861. Cover-title. 32pp. 8. Has this Addenda: In consequence of a change being made in the Uniform since the publication of this book, the Uniform has been omitted in this edition, and published in a separate book, according to the new regulations. PUBLICATIONS 31 Commissioners of Appraisement. Proceedings of a Convention of the Commissioners of Appraise ment, held in Montgomery, Alabama, Sept., 1864, with names and address op (sic) officers and members. Montgomery: Mont gomery Advertiser Book and Job Office. 1864. 16 pp. 8. This Convention of the Commissioners of Appraisement from the states of Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee was called at the request of the Secretary of War. STATE PUBLICATIONS Alabama. Governor. Message of Governor A. B. Moore, to the House of Repre sentatives of Alabama, January 14, 1861. House . . . 5000 Copies. Montgomery, Ala.: Shorter & Reid, State Printers, Advertiser Office. 1861. 16 pp. 8. Proclamation by the Governor of Alabama. Montgomery, Ala., August 5, 1861, recommend [ing] that the women of Ala bama, in each county, city, town, village and neighborhood, form "Soldiers Aid Societies". [Signed] A. B. Moore. [Mont gomery: 1 86 1.] i p. 8. Alabama. General Assembly. Acts of the Second Called Session, 1861 and of the First Regular Annual Session of the General Assembly of Alabama, held in the city of Montgomery, commencing on the 28th day of October and second Monday in November, 1861. Andrew B. Moore, Governor until December 2, 1861. John Gill Shorter, Governor. Wm. H. Crenshaw, Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives. Robert M. Patton, President of the Senate. Mont gomery, Ala.: Montgomery Advertiser Book and Job Office. 1862. 304 pp. 8. Boards. Acts of the Called Session, 1863, and of the Third Regular Annual Session of the General Assembly of Alabama, held in the city of Montgomery, commencing on the I7th day of August and the 2d Monday in November, 1863. John Gill Shorter, Governor until Dec. ist, 1863. Thomas H. Watts, Gov ernor. Walter H. Crenshaw, Speaker House Representatives. Robert Jemison, Jr., President of the Senate until Aug. 24, 1863. Thomas A. Walker, President of the Senate. Montgomery, Ala. : Saffold & Figures, State Printers. 1864. 248 pp. 8. 32 STATE PUBLICATIONS 33 Alabama. General Assembly Continued. Acts of the Called Session, 1864, and of the Fourth Regular Annual Session of the General Assembly of Alabama, held in the city of Montgomery, commencing on the 27th day of September and the ad Monday in November, 1864. Thomas H. Watts, Governor. Walter H. Crenshaw, Speaker House Representa tives. Thomas A. Walker, President of the Senate. Mont gomery, Ala.: Saffold & Figures, State Printers. 1864. 218 pp. 8. Pages 195-218 are imperfect. Alabama. Convention. Ordinances and Constitution of the state of Alabama, with the Constitution of the Provisional Government and of the Confederate States of America. Montgomery: Barrett, Wimbish & Co., Steam Printers and Binders. 1861. 152 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same, except that the publisher is the Montgomery Advertiser Book and Job Printing Office. Florida. General Assembly. ist Sess. 1 2th Gen. Ass., 1862. The Acts and Resolutions adopted at the ist Session of the I2th General Assembly of Florida, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November 17, 1862. Published by authority of law, under the direction of the Attorney General. Tallahassee : Office of The Floridian & Journal. Printed by Dyke & Carlisle. 1862. vi, ( i ) , 8-79, iv pp. 8. The cover-title is the same, except that the date of the imprint is 1863. Florida. Senate. Senate Journal. Journal of the Proceedings of the Senate of the General Assembly, of the state of Florida, at the Eleventh Session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November i8th, 1861. Tallahassee: Office of The 34 CONFEDERATE STATES Florida. Senate Continued. Florida Sentinel. By Edwin A. Hart. 1861. 308 pp., I 1., 20 pp. 8. The paging is very erratic: pages 17 to 24 are numbered 25 to 32; pages 241 to 249 are omitted; after page 278 the numbering begins again with 276; there are two pages numbered 280 being both sides of the same leaf. Senate Journal. Journal of the Proceedings of the Senate of the General Assembly, of the state of Florida, at the Twelfth Session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November i7th, 1862. Tallahassee: Office of The Florida Sentinel. Printed by Edwin A. Hart. 1862. 252, 80 pp. 8. Senate Journal. Journal of the Proceedings of the Senate of the General Assembly, of the state of Florida, at the Twelfth Session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November i6th, 1863. Tallahassee: Office of The Florida Sentinel. Printed by Edwin A. Hart. 1863. 233, (i), 76pp. 8. The Athenaeum copy lacks pages 49 to 76 of the supplement. Senate Journal. Journal of the Proceedings of the Senate of the General Assembly, of the state of Florida, at the Thirteenth Session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November 2ist, 1864. Tallahassee: Office of The Florida Sentinel. Printed by Edwin A. Hart. 1864. 127, (i), 1 6 pp., i 1., 17-30 pp. i table. 8. A leaf containing a correction is inserted after page 16 of the supplement. In the Athenaeum copy pages 9 and 10 of the supple ment are mutilated. The supplement to each of these four Senate Journals is entitled "Documents accompanying the Governor s Message". Florida. House of Representatives. House Journal nth Sess. A Journal of the Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the STATE PUBLICATIONS 35 Florida. House of Representatives Continued. state of Florida, at its Eleventh Session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November 18, 1 86 1. Tallahassee : Office of The Floridian & Journal. Printed by Dyke & Carlisle. 1861. 333, (3), 38 pp. 8. The title-page of the Athenaeum copy is imperfect. House Journal I2th Sess. A Journal of the Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the state of Florida, at its Twelfth Session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November 17, 1862. Tallahassee: Office of the Floridian & Journal. Printed by Dyke & Carlisle. 1862. 311, (i), 102 pp. 8. House Journal I2th [i3th] Session. A Journal of Proceed ings of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the state of Florida, at its Twelfth Session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, November 16, 1863. Tallahassee: Office of The Floridian & Journal. Printed by Dyke & Carlisle. 1863. 189, (i), 76 pp. 8. House Journal I3th [i4th] Session. A Journal of Proceed ings of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of the state of Florida, at its Thirteenth Session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Monday, Novem ber 2 ist, 1864. Tallahassee: Office of The Floridian & Journal. Printed by Dyke & Sparhawk. 1864. 169, (i), 30 pp. i table. The supplement to each of these four House Journals is entitled "Documents accompanying the Governor s Message". Florida. Convention. Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention of the People of Florida, begun and held at the Capitol in the city of Tallassee (sic), on Thursday, January 3, A. D. 1861. Tallahassee: Office of the Floridian and Journal. Printed by Dyke & Carlisle. 1861. H2pp. 8. 3 6 CONFEDERATE STATES Florida. Convention Continued. Proceedings of the Convention of the People of Florida, at Called Sessions, begun and held at the Capitol in Tallahassee, on Tuesday, February 26th, and Thursday, April i8th, 1861. [Tallahassee: 1 86 1.] Cover-title, 70 pp. 8. Journal of the Convention of the People of Florida, at a Called Session, begun and held at the Capitol, in the city of Tallahassee, on Tuesday, January 14, 1862. [Tallahassee: 1862.] no pp. 8. Georgia. Governor. Message of His Excellency Joseph E. Brown, to the Extra Session of the Legislature, convened March loth, 1864, upon the Currency Act; Secret sessions of Congress; The late Conscrip tion Act ; The unconstitutionality of the Act suspending the privi lege of the writ of habeas corpus, in cases of illegal arrests made by the President ; The causes of the war and manner of conduct ing it; And the terms upon which peace should be sought, &c. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printer Milledgeville, Ga., 1864. 48 pp. 8. Annual Message of Governor Joseph E. Brown, to the Georgia Legislature, assembled November 3rd, 1864. [Woodcut of seal of Georgia.] Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, Printers. Milledgeville, Ga. 1864. 29 pp. 8* >0 Georgia. General Assembly. The Code of the state of Georgia. Prepared by R. H. Clark, T. R. R. Cobb and D. Irwin. Atlanta, Georgia: Published by John H. Seals. Crusader Book and Job Office. 1861. xxiii, (i), 1057, (0 PP. 8. Sheep. Public Laws of Georgia, passed by the General Assembly, at its session held in November and December, 1861. Embracing all the Acts and Resolutions of general interest, together with all changes in court calendar. Compiled and published by H. H. STATE PUBLICATIONS 37 Georgia. General Assembly Continued. Waters, Secretary Ex. Department. To whom all orders for the pamphlet must be addressed. . . . Federal Union Power Press. Milledgeville, Ga. 1861. 47, (i)pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Acts and Resolutions of a public character, of Georgia, passed in 1 862, to which will be added those to be passed at the Adjourned Session in 1863. . . . Compiled and published by H. H. Waters, Secretary Executive Department. . . . Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers Milledgeville, Ga. 1862. 79, (i) pp. 8. The "Acts and Resolutions passed at the Called Session held in March and April, 1863" cover pages 49 to 79. Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Georgia, passed in Milledgeville, at an Annual Session in November and Decem ber, 1862; also Extra Session of 1863. Published by authority. Milledgeville: Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers. 1863. 255 PP. 8. The Extra Session has a separate title-page (page 119) as follows: Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Georgia, passed in Milledgeville, at the Called Session in March and April 1863. Published by authority. Milledgeville: Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers. 1863. The cover-title is: Laws of Georgia, passed in November and December, 1862, and March and April, 1863. Public Laws of Georgia, passed by the General Assembly, at its session held in November and December, 1863. Compiled and published by H. H. Waters, Secretary Executive Department. To whom all orders for the pamphlet must be addressed. . . . Con federate Union Power Press. Milledgeville, Ga. 1863. 30, (2) PP. 8. Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Georgia, passed in Milledgeville, at an Annual Session in November and Decem ber, 1863; also, Extra Session of 1864. Published by authority. 38 CONFEDERATE STATES Georgia. General Assembly Continued. Milledgeville : Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Print ers. 1864. 1 74 pp. 8. The Extra Session has a separate title-page (page 117) as follows: Acts of the General Assembly of the state of Georgia, passed in Milledgeville, at the Called Session in March 1864. Published by authority. Milledgeville: Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printers. 1864. The cover-title is: Laws of Georgia, passed in November and December, 1863, and March, 1864. Waters Pamphlet of the Public Laws of Georgia, passed at the Extra Session in March 1 864. Embracing many important Acts and Resolutions. . . . Compiled and published by authority of the General Assembly, by H. H. W T aters, Sec y. Ex. Dept. . . . Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printer Milledgeville, Ga., 1864. 24 pp. 8. Resolutions passed by the General Assembly of Georgia, on the igth day of March, 1864, declaring the late Act of Congress for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus unconstitutional ; also, Resolutions, passed on the same day, setting forth the prin ciples involved in the contest with the Lincoln government, and the terms upon which peace should be sought. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printers, Milledgeville, Ga. 1864. 8pp. 8. Papers relative to the mission of Hon. T. Butler King, to Europe. Confederate Union Power Press. Milledgeville, Ga. 1863. 16 pp. 8. Georgia. House of Representatives. Rules of the House of Representatives for the Session of 1864. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, Printers. Milledgeville, Ga. 1864. 7 PP. 8. Report of House Committee on Western and Atlantic Rail road. To the General Assembly of Georgia. [Ordered 1000 STATE PUBLICATIONS 39 Georgia. House of Representatives Continued. copies for the House.] [Milledgeville: 1862.] 32pp. 8. No title-page. This is signed by P. B. Monk, Geo. S. Black, Ben B. Moore, Jas. S. Hook, Committee. Resolutions expressive of the determination of Georgia to prosecute the present war with the utmost vigor and energy. [Presented by the Chair. House of Representatives, Jan. n, 1864. Laid on the table and ordered to be printed.] [Milledge ville: 1864.] 2pp. 8. Georgia. Adjutant and Inspector General. Report of the Adjutant and Inspector General with accom panying papers, for the year 186263. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Prniters (sic), Milledgeville, Ga. 1863. Cover- title, 44 pp. 8. Ordered Two Hundred copies for the House. Annual Report of the Adjutant and Inspector General of the state of Georgia, made to the Governor, October 26, 1864. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printers, Milledge ville, Ga. 1864. 24 pp. i folded table. 8. Georgia. Comptroller General. Annual Report of the Comptroller General, of the state of Georgia, made to the Governor, October 21, 1862. Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers Milledgeville, Ga. 1862. 48pp. 8. The Athenaeum copy lacks pages 49 to the end. Annual Report of the Comptroller General, of the state of Georgia, made to the Governor, October 16, 1863. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printers. Milledgeville, Ga. 1863. 126, 69 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. 40 CONFEDERATE STATES Georgia. Comptroller General Continued. Annual Report of the Comptroller General, of the state of Georgia, made to the Governor, October 17, 1864. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printer Milledgeville, Ga., 1864. 134, 47 PP. 8. The cover-title is the same. Comptroller General s Office, Milledgeville March 31, 1863. [To] His Excellency Joseph E. Brown, Governor, [submitting a consolidated schedule of the beneficiaries of the indigent soldiers* family fund. Ordered 200 copies for the House.] [Milledge ville: 1863.] 8 pp. 8. Georgia. Commissary General. Annual Report of Jared I. Whitaker, Commissary General of Georgia, September 3Oth, 1864. [Macon: 1864.] 22 pp. 8. No title-page. Georgia. Quartermaster General. Annual Report of Ira R. Foster, Quartermaster General of Georgia, for fiscal year ending October 15, 1864. Office at Mill edgeville, Georgia. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, Print ers. Milledgeville, Ga. 1864. 23 pp. 8. Georgia. Treasurer. Report of the Treasurer of the state of Georgia, October 16, 1863. [Milledgeville: 1863.] 12 pp. 8. No title-page. Report of the Treasurer of the state of Georgia, October 15, 1864. [Milledgeville: 1864.] 13 pp. 8. No title-page. Georgia. Convention. Journal of the Public and Secret Proceedings of the Convention of the People of Georgia, held in Milledgeville and Savannah in 1861. Together with the ordinances adopted. Published by order of the Convention. Milledgeville, Ga. : Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers. 1861. 416 pp. 8. Sheep. STATE PUBLICATIONS 41 Georgia. Penitentiary. Annual Report of the Principal Keeper and Book Keeper of the Georgia Penitentiary, for the fiscal year ending 1st October, 1862. Boughton, Nisbet & Barnes, State Printers. Milledge- ville, Ga. 1862. 31 PP- 8. Annual Report of the Principal Keeper and Book Keeper of the Georgia Penitentiary, for the fiscal year ending ist October, 1864. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printer Mill- edgeville, Ga., 1864. 30, (i)pp. 8. Georgia. Atlanta. The Code of the city of Atlanta, containing all the Acts of the Legislature of the state of Georgia incorporating the same and all of the Ordinances now of force in said city. Compiled and arranged by Judge Jethro W. Manning, May, 1863. At lanta, Georgia: Intelligencer Steam- Power Presses. 1863. 96, viii pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Georgia. Savannah. Report of Thomas Purse, Mayor of the city of Savannah, for the year ending 3Oth September, 1862. To which is added the Treasurer s Annual Report. Savannah: E. J. Purse, Printer. 1862. 31 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. The city treasurer was Geo. W. Davis. Louisiana. Governor. Annual Message of Thomas O. Moore, Governor of the state of Louisiana. To the General Assembly. January, 1 86 1. Baton Rouge: J. M. Taylor, State Printer. 1861. 14 pp. 8 ( The cover-title is the same. 10 42 CONFEDERATE STATES Louisiana. Governor Continued. To the Citizens of the state of Louisiana, admonish [ing] every one whose rights may be violated under pretence of military authority to appeal promptly to the courts of justice. [Shreve- port: 1864.] 2pp. 12. No title-page. This is signed: Henry W. Allen, Governor of Louisiana. Shreve- port, La., July 5th, 1864. Annual Message of Governor Henry Watkins Allen, to the Legislature of the state of Louisiana. January, 1865. [Shreve- port:] Printed at the Office of the Caddo Gazette. [1865.] Cover-title, 20 pp. 8. Louisiana. Legislature. Acts passed by the Sixth Legislature of the state of Louisiana, at its First Session, held and begun in the city of Baton Rouge, on the 25th of November, 1861. Published by authority. Baton Rouge: Tom Bynum, State Printer. 1861. 105, 105, (i), 7, (i),7, (i),6, 6pp. 8 This has a title-page in French as follows : Actes passes par la Sixieme Legislature de 1 etat de la Louisiane, a sa Premiere Session, tenue et commencee en la ville de Baton Rouge, le 25me jour de Novembre 1861. Publics par autorite. Baton Rouge: Tom Bynum, Imprimeur d Etat. 1861. The acts are printed in English and French with a separate paging for each language. Each act has the same page number in each text, and the English and French texts are on opposite pages. The cover-title is the same, except that the date is 1862. The covers are made of ledger paper. Louisiana. House of Representatives. Report of the Finance Committee, to the House of Representa tives of the state of Louisiana. Baton Rouge: J. M. Taylor, State Printer 1861. 25 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. This is addressed to Hon. C. H. Morrison, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and is signed by H. Phillips, Chairman of the Finance Committee, March nth, 1861. STATE PUBLICATIONS 43 Louisiana. Convention. Official Journal of the Proceedings of the Convention of the state of Louisiana. By authority. New Orleans: J. O. Nixon, Printer to the State Convention. 1861. 330 pp. 8. There are no pages 97 and 98, page 99 continues page 96. There are two pages numbered 291. There is a French translation of the Journal on pages 113 to 223, with the following title-page (page 113) : Journal Official de la Convention de 1 etat de la Louisiane. Par autorite. Nouvelle Orleans: J. O. Nixon, Imprimeur de la Con vention. 1861. The ordinances passed by the Convention printed in French and English, with the French text on the even pages and the English on the odd pages, cover pages 226 to 292 [293]. The French title- page (page 226) and the English title-page (page 227) are as follows: Ordonnances passees par la Convention de 1 etat della Louisiane pendant la session, commencant le 23 de Janvier et finissant le 25 Mars 1861. Officiel. Nouvelle Orleans: J. O. Nixon, Im primeur de la Convention. 1861. Ordinances passed by the Convention of the state of Louisiana, during its session, commencing on the 23d of January, and ending on the 26th of March, 1861. Official. New Orleans: J. O. Nixon, Printer to the Convention. 1861. The Constitution covers pages 295 to 330, and has the following title-page (page 295) : Constitution of the state of Louisiana, as amended by the State Convention of 1861. New Orleans: J. O. Nixon, Printer to the Convention. 1861. Louisiana. Saint Landry. An Ordinance organizing and establishing Patrols for the Police of Slaves in the Parish of St. Landry. Opelousas: Printed at the Office of the Opelousas Patriot. 1863. 29 pp. 12. Printed in English and French on opposite pages. Ordained October 29th, 1862 by Elbert Gantt, President, Jos. D. Richard, Clerk, of the Police Jury of the Parish of St. Landry. Mississippi. Legislature. Laws of the State of Mississippi, passed at a regular session of the Mississippi Legislature, held in the city of Jackson, No- 44 CONFEDERATE STATES Mississippi. Legislature Continued. vember & December 1861, and January, 1862. Jackson, Miss. Cooper & Kimball, State Printers. 1862. 333 pp. 12. Laws of the State of Mississippi, passed at a called and regular session of the Mississippi Legislature. Held in Jackson and Columbus, Dec. 1862 and Nov. 1863. Selma, Ala. Cooper & Kimball, State Printers. 1864. 256 pp. 12. Laws of the State of Mississippi, passed at a called session of the Mississippi Legislature, held in Macon, March and April, 1864. Meridian, Miss. J. J. Shannon & Co., State Printers. 1864. 106 pp. 12. The Athenaeum copy lacks the title-page. Laws of the State of Mississippi. Passed at a called session of the Mississippi Legislature, held in Macon, August, 1864. Meridian, Miss. J. J. Shannon & Co., State Printers. 1864. 64 pp. 12. Laws of the State of Mississippi, passed at a called session of the Mississippi Legislature, held in Columbus, February and March, 1865. Meridian, Miss. J. J. Shannon & Co., State Printers. 1865. 71 pp. 12. Militia Law of the State of Mississippi, Approved January 24, 1862, with sections ix and x of the Revised Code and the Act Supplemental Thereto, approved January 29, 1862. Jackson: Cooper & Kimball, State Printers. 1862. 32 pp. 8. Resolution of the State of Mississippi, asking the passage of a law reducing the ad valorem tax of five per cent, upon property and credits to two and one-half per cent., and to extend the time of payment of said taxes to the first of November, 1 864, instead of the first of June, 1864. [Senate, May 13, 1864. Ordered to lie upon the table and be printed. By Mr. Brown.] [Richmond: 1864.] No title-page, i p. 8. STATE PUBLICATIONS 45 Mississippi. Convention. Journal of the State Convention and Ordinances and Resolu tions adopted in January, 1861, with an Appendix. Published by order of the Convention. Jackson, Miss., E. Barksdale, State Printer. 1861. 256pp. I table. 8. A leaf containing extracts from the revised reports of the Conven tion, as published in the Mississippian, is inserted by the printer after page 50. Journal of the State Convention and Ordinances and Resolu tions adopted in March, 1861. Published by order of the Con vention. Jackson: E. Barksdale, State Printer. 1861. 104 pp. 8. North Carolina. General Assembly. [Executive and Legislative Documents. Second Extra Session 1861. Raleigh : John Spelman, Printer to the State. 1861.] 8. There is no title-page. The Athenaeum has Documents I to 8 as follows: Document No. i. A Bill to change the Jurisdiction of the County and Superior Courts. 5 pp. Document No. 2. Communication from Public Treasurer. 16 pp. Document No. 3. Table of the Population of the State of North Corolina (sic), according to the 8th Census, arranged by Counties Alphabetically. 3 pp. Document No. 4. Special Report of the Quartermaster and Pay master General. 6 pp. Document No. 5. Report of the Commissary-General. 3 pp. Document No. 6. Report of the Military Committee. 4 pp. Document No. 7. Statement by the Quartermaster and Pay master General. 13 pp. Document No. 8. Statement by the Quartermaster and Pay master General. 2 pp. [Executive and Legislative Documents. Session i862- 63. Raleigh : W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863.] 8. The title-page is wanting. There is an index. This volume con tains twenty-four documents as follows: Doc. No. i. Governor s Message with accompanying documents. 53 pp. 3 tables. 46 CONFEDERATE STATES North Carolina. General Assembly Continued. Doc. No. 2. Constitution of the Confederate States of America. 20 pp. Doc. No. 3. Constitution of North Carolina, &c. 44 pp. Doc. No. 4. Rules of Order. 17 pp. Doc. No. 5. Officers and Members of the General Assembly. 12 pp. Doc. No. 6. Treasurer s Report for the two Fiscal Years ending September soth, 1862. 40 pp. Doc. No. 7. Report of the Comptroller of Public Accounts, for the Fiscal Year, ending September 30, 1861. 193 pp. Doc. No. 8. Report of the Comptroller of Public Accounts, for the Fiscal Year ending September 3Oth, 1862. 220 pp. Doc. No. 9 has the following title-page: Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools, of North- Carolina, for the Year 1862. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1862. 72 pp. i table. Doc. No. 10. Response of Public Treasurer to Resolutions of the House of Commons. 48 pp. Doc. No. ii has the following title-page: Report of President, Directors & Superintendent of the Insane Asylum of North-Carolina, for the Years Ending October 3ist, i86i- 62. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1862. 29 pp. i table. Doc. No. 12. Report of the Joint Committee on Insane Asylum. 8 PP . Doc. No. 13. Report of Salt Commissioner at Saltville, Virginia. 10 pp. Doc. No. 14. Report of the President and Board of Directors, Principal, Treasurer, and Auditor of the North-Carolina Institu tion for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. 23 pp. Doc. No. 15. Report of the Joint Standing Committee on the North Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. 6 pp. Doc. No. 1 6. Report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. 4 PP. Doc. No. 17. Report of the Treasurer of the University of North Carolina. 3 pp. Doc. No. 1 8. Inaugural Address of Gov. Z. B. Vance, delivered in front of the Capitol, in Raleigh, September 8th, 1862. 10 pp. Doc. No. 19. Special Message of Gov. Vance and accompanying documents. 16 pp. Doc. No. 2O. Bank Statements. 77 pp. Doc. No. 21. Letter of the President of the Chatham Railroad. 4 PP- Doc. No. 22. Communication from the Gov. of Georgia. 4 pp. STATE PUBLICATIONS 47 North Carolina. General Assembly Continued. Doc. No. 23. Communication from Public Treasurer. 2 pp. Doc. No. 24. Report of the Joint Select Committee appointed under a joint resolution to enquire into the causes why soldiers were paid in Confederate Treasury Notes instead of North- Carolina Treasury Notes. 31 pp. [Executive and Legislative Documents. Session 1863. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863.] 8. Title-page is wanting. The Athenaeum has only the following document: Doc. No. 6. Report of the Public Treasurer. 47 pp. 2 tables. This is the same as Doc. No. 6. Ses. i864- 65, except that the latter lacks the two tables. Executive and Legislative Documents. Extra Sessions 1863- 64. Raleigh : W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1864. Vari ous paging. 8. This volume consists of the title-page, index, and twelve docu ments: three of the Extra Session, 1863, called the May Session, 1863 in the index; four of the Session i864~ 65, called the Novem ber Session, 1863 in the index; and five of the Adjourned Session, 1864, called the May Session, 1864 in the index. Extra Session, 1863. Doc. No. i. Governor s Message and Treasurer s Report. 16 pp. Doc. No. 2. Report of Joint Select Committee on the Currency. 3 PP- Doc. No. 3. Memorial of Literary Board. 4 pp. Session 1864-1865 [Adjourned Session, 1863.] Doc. No. i. Governor s Message. 8 pp. Doc. No. 6. Report of the Public Treasurer. 47 pp. Doc. No. 7. Report of the Comptroller of Public Accounts, for the Fiscal Year, ending September 30, 1863. 222 pp. Doc. No. 9 has the following title-page : Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools of North- Carolina, for the Year 1863. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 32 pp. i table. Adjourned Session, 1864. Doc. No. i. Governor s Message and accompanying documents. 129 pp. I table. 48 CONFEDERATE STATES North Carolina. General Assembly Continued. Doc. No. 6. Treasurer s Report. 12 pp. Doc. No. 7. Report of Auditor of Public Accounts. 4 pp. Doc. No. 8. Report of the State Commissioner on Cherokee Bonds. 6 pp. Doc. No. 10. Report of the State Salt Commissioner. 6 pp. [Executive and Legislative Documents. Session 1864 65. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1865.] 8. Title-page is wanting. The Athenaeum has only the following document: Doc. No. 7. Report of the Comptroller of Public Accounts for the Fiscal Year, ending September 30, 1864. 182 pp. Public Laws of the state of North Carolina, passed by the General Assembly, at its First Extra Session of 1861 : Raleigh: John Spelman, Printer to the State. 1861. 83-245 pp. I 1., vipp. 8. "Statements of the Comptroller of Public Accounts, for the two fiscal years ending September 30th, 1859 and 1860" occupy pages 115-245. Private Laws of the state of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly, at its First Extra Session, 1861. Raleigh: John Spelman, Printer to the State. 1861. 271-280, viii pp. 8. These two titles are bound in one volume with the following cover-title: Laws of the state of North Carolina. i86o- 6i. Also for the First Extra Session, 1861. Public Laws of the state of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly at its Adjourned Session of 1863. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 36, iii pp. 8. Private Laws of the state of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly at its Adjourned Session of 1863. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 32, ii pp. 8. After page 32 is inserted a leaf containing an act in regard to Deserters, which "was accidently omitted in the published laws of the July session, 1863." STATE PUBLICATIONS 49 North Carolina. General Assembly Continued. Public Laws of the state of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly at its Adjourned Session of 1864. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1864. 32 pp. 8. Private Laws of the state of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly at its Adjourned Session of 1864. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1864. 43, iii pp. 8. Page iii of the index is numbered iv. These four titles are bound in one volume with the following cover-title: Laws of the Extra Sessions of the General Assembly of the state of North-Carolina i863~ 64. Public Laws of the State of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly, at its Session of 1862 63: together with the Comptroller s Statement of public revenue and expenditure. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 54 pp. 8. The Comptroller s Statement has the following half-title: State ments of the Comptroller of Public Accounts for the two fiscal years ending September 30th, 1861 and 1862. Public Laws of the state of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly, at its Adjourned Session of 1862 63: Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 82, iv pp. 8. Private Laws of the state of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly at its Session of i862- 63. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 36 pp. 8 ( lO Private Laws of the state of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly at its Adjourned Session of i862- 63. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 85 pp. 8. Public Laws of the state of North-Carolina, passed by the General Assembly at its Called Session of 1863. Raleigh : W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 23, ii pp. 8. 50 CONFEDERATE STATES North Carolina. General Assembly Continued. Private Laws of the state of North Carolina, passed by the General Assembly at its Called Session of 1863. Raleigh : W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 14, vi pp. 8. The foregoing six titles are bound in one volume. North Carolina. Senate. Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, at its Second Extra Session, 1861. Raleigh, N. C. : John Spelman, Printer to the State. 1861. 240, iv pp. 8. Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, at its First Session, 1862. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1862. 172, iii pp. 8. Journal of the Senate of the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, at its Second Session, 1863. Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. I p. 1. 5-124, iii pp. A Bill to change the jurisdiction of the County and Superior Courts, to regulate the trial of certain actions, therein, and for other purposes. [Senate Bill, No. I. 2d Ex. Ses. 1861. Intro duced by Mr. Lane, of Wayne.] Raleigh : John Spelman, Printer to the State. 1861. 5 pp. 8. No title-page. North Carolina. House of Commons. Journal of the House of Commons of the General Assembly of the state of North-Carolina, at its Second Extra Session, 1861. Raleigh : N. C. : John Spelman, Printer to the State. 1862. 268, ivpp. 8. Journal of the House of Commons of North-Carolina, at its Session i862- 63. Raleigh : W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1862. 288, xviiipp. 8. A Bill authorizing the Governor to issue Commissions to hold Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and for other purposes. [House Bill. No. 270. i862- 63. Introduced by Mr. McKay, of Cum- STATE PUBLICATIONS 51 North Carolina. House of Commons Continued. berland and Harriett.] [Raleigh : W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863]. 2 pp. 8. No title-page. Resolutions concerning personal liberty. [House Resolutions. No. Ses. i862- 63. Introduced by Mr. Cowles, of Yadkin.] [Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863.] 2 pp. 8. No title-page. Resolutions in relation to the liberty of the people. [House Resolutions. No. 245. Ses. i862- 63. Introduced by Mr. Foy, of Onslow.] [Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863.] 2 pp. 8. No title-page. North Carolina. Convention. Journal of the Convention of the people of North Carolina, held on the 2Oth day of May, A.D., 1861. Raleigh: Jno. W. Syme, Printer to the Convention. 1862. 193 pp. 8. Journal of the Convention of the people of North Carolina. Second Session. Held in November and December, 1861. Raleigh: Jno. W. Syme, Printer to the Convention. 1862. 86pp. 8. Journal of the Convention of the people of North Carolina. Third Session. Held in January and February, 1862. Raleigh: Jno. W. Syme, Printer to the Convention. 1862. 119 pp. 8. Journal of the Convention of the people of North Carolina. Fourth Session. Held in April and May, 1862. Raleigh: Jno. W. Syme, Printer to the Convention. 1862. 109, iii pp. 8. These four journals were all printed at the same time. They are bound together in one volume. There is a continuous signature numbering. There are 66 signatures, 65 of eight pages, and the last of three pages. The indexes are all at the end of the volume. Ordinances of the State Convention, published in pursuance of a resolution of the General Assembly, [Ratified nth Feb., 1863.] Raleigh: W. W. Holden, Printer to the State. 1863. 93 " (0> ii, ii pp. 8. This is bound with " Public Laws of the State of North Carolina, 1862-63." 52 CONFEDERATE STATES South Carolina. Governor. Executive Documents. No. 5. Correspondence between Isaac W. Hayne, Special Envoy, and the President, relating to Fort Sumter. Charleston: Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell, No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Street 1861. 17 pp. 8. Message No. i of His Excellency M. L. Bonham, to the Legis lature at the Regular Session of November, 1863. Columbia, S. C. Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1863. n pp. 8. This has a cover-title, identical with the title-page. South Carolina. General Assembly. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, passed in December, 1861. Printed by order of the Legislature, in conformity with the Statutes at Large, and designed to form a part of the thirteenth volume, commencing with the Acts of 1 86 1. Columbia, S. C. : Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1862. v, 88 pp. i 1. xiv pp. 4. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, passed in December, 1862 and February and April, 1863. Printed by order of the Legislature, in conformity with the Statutes at Large, and designed to form a part of the thirteenth volume, commencing with the Acts of 1861. Columbia, S. C. : Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1863. vi, 89-171, xiii pp. 8. An Act to provide for the relief of the families of the soldiers, sailors, and marines in the service of this State or the Confederate States. Columbia, 1864. 10 pp. 8. No title-page. This has the word "Circular" at the top of the first page, and the following note : Office of the Auditor of S. C., Columbia, December 23, 1864. "The following Act . . . , is published for the information of the Soldiers Boards of Relief in the State." James Tupper, Auditor of South Carolina. STATE PUBLICATIONS 53 South Carolina. General Assembly Continued. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, passed in September and December, 1863. Printed by order of the Legislature, in conformity with the Statutes at Large, and designed to form a part of the thirteenth volume, commencing with the Acts of 1861. Columbia, S. C. Charles C. Pelham, State Printer. 1864. v, 169-231, xi pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Pages 169-171 of the previous volume are reset and reprinted. Reports and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, passed at the Annual Session of 1861. Colum bia, S. C. : Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1861. 357 pp. 8. Pages 337-344 are supplied in manuscript. Reports and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, passed at the Annual Session of 1862. Colum bia, S. C. : Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1862. 418 pp. 8. A Discourse before the General Assembly of South Carolina, on December 10, 1863, appointed by the Legislature as a day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer. By B. M. Palmer, D. D., of New Orleans, La. Columbia, S. C. Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1864. 24 pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. South Carolina. Senate. Journal of the Senate of South Carolina : being the Session of 1861. Columbia, S. C. : Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1861. 248??. 8. The Athenaeum copy lacks all pages after 248. Journal of the Senate of South Carolina: being the Session of 1862. Columbia, S. C.: Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1862. 335 PP. 8. 54 CONFEDERATE STATES South Carolina. House of Representatives. Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina: being the Sessions of 1861. Columbia, S. C. : Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1861. 340 pp. 8. There is one leaf of errata inserted after page 306, and another leaf after page 340. Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina: being the Session of 1862. Columbia, S. C. : Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1862. 464, vi pp. 8. South Carolina. Auditor. Report of the Auditor of South Carolina, on Claims against the State for Slaves lost in the Public Service. Columbia, S. C. Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1864. 19 pp. 8 South Carolina. Commissioner of the Code. Portion of the Code of Statute Law of South Carolina. Sub mitted to the General Assembly, as required by A. A., 1859, xii, 762, 4. By J. L. Petigru, Commissioner of the Code. No. 2. Charleston : Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell, 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1861. xxviii, 177-536 pp. 4. This has a cover-title as follows: Report of the Commissioner of the Code Book II. Portion of the Code of Statute Law of South Carolina sub mitted to the General Assembly, as required by A. A., 1859, xii, 762 4. By J. L. Petigru, Commissioner of the Code. Books III, IV, V. Charleston : Steam Power Presses of Evans & Cogs well, No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1862. xxxv, 537- 651, 112 pp. 4. The second paging is for Militia Law and Addenda et Corrigenda. In the index the pages are given as though the book were con tinuously paged from 537 to 764. STATE PUBLICATIONS 55 South Carolina. Comptroller General. Report of the Comptroller General to the Legislature of South Carolina, November, 1864. Columbia, S. C. Charles P. Pelham, State Printer. 1864. 67 pp. 8. This has a cover-title, which is identical with the title-page. South Carolina. Convention of 1860-1861. The Address of the People of South Carolina, assembled in Convention, to the People of the Slaveholding States of the United States. Printed by order of the Convention. Charles ton : Evans & Cogswell, Printers to the Convention, No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Street. 1860. 16 pp. 8. This has a cover-title which is identical with the title-page, except for one variation, "Streets" for "Street." The Correspondence between the Commissioners of the State of So. Ca. to the Government at Washington and the President of the United States; together with the Statement of Messrs. Miles and Keitt. Printed by order of the Convention. Charles ton : Evans & Cogswell, Printers to the Convention, No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Street. 1861. 26 pp. 8. Declaration of the immediate causes which induce and justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union; and the Ordinance of Secession. Printed by order of the Convention. Charleston: Evans & Cogswell, Printers to the Convention, No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Street. 1860. 13 pp. 8. This has a cover-title which is identical with the title-page, except for two variations, "cause" for "causes," and "Streets" for "Street." Journal of the Convention of the People of South Carolina, held in 1860 6 1. Together with the reports, resolutions . . . Published by order of the Convention. Charleston: Evans & Cogswell, Printers to the Convention. No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1861. 421 pp. 8 10 56 CONFEDERATE STATES South Carolina. Convention of 1860-1861 Continued. Report on the Address of a portion of the members of the General Assembly of Georgia. Printed by order of the Conven tion. Charleston : Evans & Cogswell, Printers to the Convention. No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1860. 6 pp. 8. This is signed W. F. De Saussure, On behalf of the Committee [on the Address to the People of the Southern States]. Decem ber 22, 1860. Ordinances and Constitution of the State of South Carolina, with the Constitution of the Provisional Government and of the Confederate States of America. Charleston : Evans & Cogswell, Printers to the Convention. No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1861. 96 pp. 8. Bound with Journal of the Convention, above. South Carolina. Convention of 1862. Convention Documents. Report of the Special Committee of Twenty-one, on the communication of His Excellency Governor Pickens, together with the Reports of Heads of Departments, and other papers. Columbia, S. C.: R. W. Gibbes, Printer to the Convention. 1862. 181 pp. 8. South Carolina. Charleston. Census of the City of Charleston, South Carolina, for the Year 1 86 1. Illustrated by statistical Tables. Prepared under the authority of the City Council by Frederick A. Ford. Charleston : Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell, No. 5 Broad and 109 East Bay Street. 1861. 271 pp. 8. This has the following cover-title: Census of Charleston South Carolina for 1861 Charleston: Steam-Power Presses of Evans and Cogswell, No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Street. 1861. Tennessee. General Assembly. Public Acts of the state of Tennessee, passed at the extra ses sion of the Thirty-third General Assembly, April, 1861. Pub- STATE PUBLICATIONS 57 Tennessee. General Assembly Continued. lished by authority. Nashville, Tenn.: J. O. Griffith & Co., Public Printers, Union and American Office. 1861. viii, 3-103 PP. 8. Tennessee. Senate. Senate Journal of the Second Extra Session of the Thirty-third General Assembly of the state of Tennessee, which convened at Nashville on Thursday, the 25th Day of April, A.D. 1861 Nashville: J. O. Griffith and Company, Public Printers. 1861. 204 pp. 8. Tennessee. House of Representatives. House Journal of the Second Extra Session of the Thirty-third General Assembly of the state of Tennessee, which convened at Nashville on Thursday, the 25th Day of April, A.D. 1861 Nashville: J. O. Griffith and Company, Public Printers. 1861. 224 pp. 8. Texas. Legislature. Laws of the Eighth Legislature of the state of Texas. Extra Session. By authority. Austin: Printed by John Marshall & Co., State Printers. 1861. 70 pp. 8. General Laws of the Ninth Legislature of the state of Texas. By authority. Houston : Printed by E. H. Cushing, Telegraph Book and Job Establishment. 1862. 64, xii pp. i 1. 8. General Laws of the Extra Session of the Ninth Legislature of the state of Texas. Published by authority. Austin : Printed at the Office of the Texas Almanac. 1863. 44 pp. 8. General Laws of the Tenth Legislature, of the state of Texas. Published by authority. Houston: Printed at the Office of the Galveston News. 1864. 60 pp. 8. General Laws of the Tenth Legislature, (Called Session,) with the Provisional and Permanent Constitutions of the Con- 58 CONFEDERATE STATES Texas. Legislature Continued. federate States; also, the Constitution of the state of Texas. Houston, Texas: Printed at the Galveston "News" Book and Job Office. 1864. 64 pp. 8. General Laws of the Tenth Legislature (Second Extra Ses sion,) of the state of Texas. By authority. Austin: Printed at the "State Gazette" Book and Job Office. 1865. 28pp. 8. Texas. Convention. The Constitution of the state of Texas, as amended in 1861. The Constitution of the Confederate States of America. The Ordinances of the Texas Convention: and An Address to the People of Texas. Printed by order of the Convention and the Senate. Austin: Printed by John Marshall, State Printer, 1861. 40, 40 pp. 8. The first 40 pages contain the Address and the Constitution of Texas ; the second 40 pages contain the Constitution of the Con federate States and the Ordinances of Texas. A Declaration of the causes which impel the state of Texas to secede from the Federal Union. [Austin, 1861.] 6 pp. 8. No title-page. This is signed by the President and all the members of the Convention. Reports of the Committee on Public Safety to the Convention of the People of the state of Texas, which assembled at Austin, the 28th January, 1861, and re-assembled on the 2d day of March, 1 86 1 : containing the Missions to San Antonio, to the Rio Grande, and to the N. W. Frontier. Gen l Roger s Mission to Louisiana, to procure arms and the Conference of the Sub-Committee with the late Gov. Houston, with accompanying documents. Austin: Printed by John Marshall, State Printer. 1861. 173 pp. 8 C )0 Virginia. Constitution. By the Governor of Virginia. A Proclamation [publishing the] New Constitution of Virginia, proposed for adoption, by the Convention. 1861. Richmond, 1861. 32pp. 8. No title-page. STATE PUBLICATIONS 59 Virginia. Governor. Gov. Letcher s Message to the Virginia Legislature. Jan. 6, 1862. Richmond (?), 1862. 9-16 pp. 8. No title-page. This contains on pp. 14-16 the following: Message of Jefferson Davis to the Congress of the Confederate States. November 18, 1861. Virginia. General Assembly. Documents. Richmond 1861. 8. No title-page. This volume contains the following documents : Doc. No. VI. Report of the Treasurer of Virginia, 1860 & 1861. Doc. No. VII. 1859- Doc. No. VIII. Second Auditor s Report to the General Assem bly of Virginia, transmitting the Accounts of the Fund for Internal Improvement, of the Sinking Fund, and of the Debt and Resources of the State, 1859-60 & 1860-61. Doc. No. IX. Report of the Dean of the Faculty of the Medical College of Virginia, 1860 & 1861. Doc. No. X. 1860. Doc. No. XL 1860. Doc. No. XII. Report of the Rector and Visitors of the Univer sity of Virginia. June 30, 1861. Doc. No. XIII. 1860. Doc. No. XV. Report of the Superintendent of Public Edifices, 1859-60 & 1 860-6 1. Doc. No. XVI. Report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, 1859-60 & 1 860-6 1. Doc. No. XVIII. Biennial report of Board of Directors of the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, for the fiscal years 1859-60 & 1 860-61. Doc. No. XIX. Report of the President and Directors of the Western Lunatic Asylum, for the fiscal years 1859-60 & 1860-61. Doc. No. XX. 1860. Doc. No. XXI. Report of the Board of Visitors of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, for the fiscal years ending Sept. 30, i86o& 1861. Doc. No. XXII. 1860. Doc. No. XXIV. Report of the Attorney General, 1 860-61. Doc. No. XXV. Report of W m . H. Peters, Commissioner, ap pointed by the Governor to make an Inventory of the Property taken from the U. S. Government, at the Navy Yard, Gosport, and in and near Portsmouth, Virginia. 1861. 60 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. General Assembly Continued. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed in 1 86 1, in the eighty-fifth year of the Commonwealth. Rich mond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1861. 379, 73, il. 8. Contains the following: (i) Appendix. Ordinances adopted by the Convention of Virginia in Secret Session, in April and May 1861. (2) Ordinances adopted by the Convention of Virginia in June and July 1861. (3) Resolutions adopted by the Virginia State Convention, July I, 1861. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed in 1 86 1 -2, in the eighty-sixth year of the Commonwealth. Rich mond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862. 182 pp. 8. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed at Extra Session, 1862, in the eighty-sixth year of the Common wealth. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862. 34, u, i6pp. 8. This contains the following: (i) Ordinances adopted by the Con vention of Virginia, at the Adjourned Session in November and December 1861. (2) The Constitution of the Confederate States of America, adopted March n, 1861. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed at Called Session, 1862, in the eighty-seventh year of the Common wealth. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862. 36pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed at Called Session, 1863, in the eighty-eighth year of th^ Common wealth. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. 57 PP. 8. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed at Adjourned Session, 1863, in the eighty-seventh year of the STATE PUBLICATIONS 61 Virginia. General Assembly Continued. Commonwealth. Richmond : William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. 154 pp. 8. An Act amendatory of an Act passed October 27, 1863, en titled an Act to authorize the Arrest of Deserters by the Civil authorities. Passed January 20, 1864. Richmond, 1864. 2 pp. 8. No title-page. This is signed : Wm. F. Gordon, Jr. C. H. D. and K. of R. Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, passed at Session of 1863-4, in the eighty-eighth year of the Common wealth. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1864. 107 pp. 8. Sketches of the Acts and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of Virginia. 1863-64. [Richmond? 1864.] 22pp. 8. Resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia asserting the jurisdiction and sovereignty of that state over her ancient boundaries. [By President pro tempore. Senate, May 19, 1864. Laid upon the table and ordered to be printed.] [Rich mond: 1864.] 2pp. 8. No title-page. Address of the General Assembly to the Soldiers of Virginia. Richmond: 1864. 4 pp. 8. No title-page. This address was adopted March 9, 1864. It is signed by a Senate Committee of three, and a House Committee of five. Virginia. Senate. Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Virginia: begun and held at the Capitol in the City of Richmond, on Tues day, the first day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two being the eighty-sixth year of the Commonwealth. Extra Session. Richmond: James E. Goode, Senate Printer. 1862. 453, 44 pp. 8. Appended to this are the following Documents for the Extra Sessions, 1862-63: 62 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. Senate Continued. Doc. No. I. Appendix to Governor s Message. 24 pp. Doc. No. II. Communication transmitting Resignation of Senator H. W. Thomas from the Twenty-fourth District. May 10, 1862. 5 PP. Doc. No. III. Appendix to Governor s Message. 45 pp. Doc. No. IV. Communication transmitting Correspondence be tween State and Confederate Officers relative to Conscription. October I, 1862. 12 pp. Doc. No. V. Communication relative to Members of the House of Delegates who were taken prisoners by the enemy. October 6, 1862. 5 pp. Doc. No. VI. Appendix to the Governor s Message. 54 pp. Doc. No. VII. Communication from the Governor of Virginia transmitting communications from the Governors of Georgia and Florida. January 9, 1863. 12 pp. Doc. No. VIII. Communication relative to transportation by railroads in the Confederacy. January 10, 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. IX. Communication from the Governor of Virginia relative to appropriation for Virginia soldiers in the Confederate Army. January 12, 1863. 3 pp. Doc. No. X. Communication from the Governor relative to Abraham Lincoln s Proclamation of Emancipation. January 20, 1863. 8 pp. Doc. No. XI. Communication from the Governor of Virginia in response to Resolution of the Senate relative to Ordnance Department. January 20, 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. XII. Communication from the Board of Visitors of the Virginia Military Institute. January 23, 1863. 24 pp. Doc. No. XIII. Communication from the Governor of the State relative to Reprieves, Pardons, &c. January 24, 1863. 14 pp. Doc. No. XIV. Communication from the Governor of South Carolina relative to debt of Confederate States. January 28, 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. XV. Communication from the Governor of Virginia transmitting copy of a communication addressed to Abraham Lincoln. January 29, 1863. 8 pp. Doc. No. XVI. Report of the Senate Committee on Confederate Relations relative to Virginia State Line. February 3, 1863. 5 pp. Doc. No. XVII. Communication from the Governor relative to Virginia State Line with accompanying documents. February 7, 1863. 35 PP. Doc. No. XVIII. Communication relative to guaranteeing Con federate War Debt by South Carolina. February 16, 1863. 7 pp. STATE PUBLICATIONS 63 Virginia. Senate Continued. Doc. No. XIX. Communication relative to Virginia Ranger Companies in the state service. February 17, 1863. 8 pp. Doc. No. XX. Communication from the Executive of Virginia in regard to state arms, etc. February 18, 1863. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXI. Resolutions of the Legislature of North Carolina vindicating her loyalty to the Confederate States. February 20, 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXII. Report of the Senate Military Committee in regard to disbursements of the appropriations to the Virginia Military Institute. February 21, 1863. 42 pp. Doc. No. XXIII. Report of Joint Committee on salt. 5 pp. Doc. No. XXIV. Minority Report of Salt Committee. March 10, 1863. 6 pp. Doc. No. XXV. Report of the Senate Select Committee relative to national sinking fund. March 13, 1863. 29 pp. Doc. No. XXVI. Substitute of R. A. Coghill for Joint Resolu tion of the House relative to supply of salt. March 14, 1863. 8 pp. Doc. No. XXVII. Report of the Senate Select Committee to investigate fire at the public warehouse and accompanying docu ments. March 20, 1863. 21 pp. Doc. No. XXVIII. Communication announcing death of Colonel Charles Blue the Penitentiary Superintendent. March 23, 1863. 3 PP. Doc. No. XXIX. Report of the Committee on Confederate Rela tions relative to sequestration of property. March 25, 1863. 5 pp. Doc. No. XXX. Communication from the Governor of Virginia transmitting a letter from President Davis relative to transporta tion by railroads. March 26, 1863. 5 pp. Doc. No. XXXI. Report of Joint Committee on Salt. March 27, 1863. 6 pp. Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Virginia: begun and held at the Capitol in the City of Richmond, on Mon day, the seventh day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three being the eighty-seventh of the Commonwealth. Richmond : James E. Goode, Senate Printer. 1863. 233, 25 pp. 8. Appended to this are the following twenty-one documents: Doc. No. I. Appendix to the Governor s Message. 18 pp. Doc. No. II. Communication from the Auditor of Public Ac counts responsive to a Senate Resolution. December 9, 1863. 33 PP. 64 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. Senate Continued. Doc. No. III. Communication from the Governor of Virginia in relation to Removal of Machinery from State Armory. Decem ber n, 1863. 12 pp. Doc. No. IV. Communication relative to Officers of the United States who resigned their Commissions in the Federal Army and Navy. December 14, 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. V. Communication from the Governor of Virginia, transmitting Reprieves, Pardons, &c. December 18, 1863. 27 pp. Doc. No. VI. Communication relative to Naturalization Laws of State of Virginia. December 19, 1863. 4 pp. Doc. No. VII. Report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to the General Assembly. January 6, 1864. 13 pp. Doc. No. VIII. Communication from the Auditor of Public Accounts responsive to resolution of the Senate. January 21, 1864. 6 pp. Doc. No. IX. Communication from the Auditor of Public Ac counts relative to outstanding Va. Treasury Notes. January 22, 1864. 6 pp. Doc. No. X. Communication from the Governor of Virginia concerning the Organization of Reserved Force. January 25, 1864. 7 pp. Doc. No. XI. Report of the Joint Committee to examine the Treasurer s Office. January 29, 1864. 3 pp. Doc. No. XII. Report of the Joint Library Committee on Reso lution to them referred. February I, 1864. 3 pp. Doc. No. XIII. Report of the Joint Committee on Executive Expenditures. February 2, 1864. 3 pp. Doc. No. XIV. Report of the Senate Select Committee on Do mestic Manufactures. February 9, 1864. 7 pp. Doc. No. XV. Report of the Committee of Privileges and Elec tions relative to Election of Senator in the Twenty-third Sena torial District. February n, 1864. 9 pp. Doc. No. XVI. Report of the Joint Committee on Salt to the General Assembly. February 22, 1864. 9 pp. Doc. No. XVII. Report of the Committee on Public Institutions relative to Impressment of Buildings. February 24, 1864. 4 pp. Doc. No. XVIII. Supplemental Report of the Senate Select Com mittee on Domestic Manufactures. February 24, 1864. 4 pp. Doc. No. XIX. Communication from the Board of Public Works in regard to Production and Distribution of Salt. March I, 1864. 9 PP- Doc. No. XX. Report of the Joint Committee relative to Con scription of State Officers by the Confederate Government. March 4, 1864. 8 pp. STATE PUBLICATIONS 65 Virginia. Senate Continued. Doc. No. XXI. Report of the Joint Committee of the General Assembly of Virginia appointed to investigate charges of abuse and inhumanity to Conscripts at Camp Lee. March 10, 1864. 10 pp. A Bill for furnishing badges of honor to Virginia officers and soldiers. [Bill No. 81.] Richmond, 1865. 3 pp. 8. No title- page. Virginia. House of Delegates. Documents. Session of 1861-1862. Richmond: 1862. 8. No title-page. Doc. No. V. Biennial report of the Auditor of Public Ac counts, 1860 & 1861. [Richmond: 1862.] 696 pp. 8. Cover-title: Auditor s Report. 1861. Documents. Called Session, 1862. Richmond: 1862. 8. No title-page. The Documents for the Called Session of 1862 and the Adjourned Session of 1863 are bound together with the following label on the back of the volume: Documents 1862 & 1863. There are seven documents for the Called Session of 1862 as follows : Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia and Accom panying Documents. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862. xiv, 40 pp. 8. Doc. No. II. Correspondence between the Governor of Virginia and the Secretary of War, &c. &c. &c. 17 pp. Doc. No. III. Report relative to the Salt Contracts of Stuart, Buchanan & Co. September 29, 1862. 3 pp. Doc. No. IV. Governor s Communication in response to a Reso lution of the House of Delegates, adopted September 27, 1862. 4 PP- Doc. No. V. Report relative to the Condition of Virginia Sick and Wounded Soldiers. September 30, 1862. 5 pp. Doc. No. VI. Governor s Communication transmitting Sundry Documents from State and Confederate Officers. 9 pp. Doc. No. VII. Governor s Communication relative to the State Troops, &c. &c. &c. 15 pp. 66 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Documents. Adjourned Session, 1863. Richmond: 1863. 8. No title-page. The Documents for the Called Session of 1862 and the Adjourned Session of 1863 are bound together with the following label on the back of the volume: Documents 1862 & 1863. There are forty-five documents for the Adjourned Session of 1863 as follows : Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia and Accom panying Documents. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. xxxii, 54 pp. Doc. No. II. Report of the Board of Visitors of the Virginia Military Institute. July 1862. 61 pp. Doc. No. III. A Financial Statement by the Auditor of Public Accounts. January 1863. 39 pp. Doc. No. IV. Report of the Adjutant General, year ending September 30, 1862. 54 pp. Doc. No. V. Report of the Colonel of Ordnance. October 30, 1862. 15 pp. Doc. No. VI. Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Penitentiary Institution, year ending September 30, 1862. 34 pp. Doc. No. VII. Communication relative to Reprieves, Pardons, etc. 1863. 13 pp. Doc. No. VIII. Report of the Board of Visitors of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, for Fiscal Year ending Septem ber 30, 1862. 22 pp. Doc. No. IX. Report of the President and Directors of the Central Lunatic Asylum, for Fiscal Year 1861-2. 12 pp. Doc. No. X. Resolution of Florida. 3 pp. Doc. No. XI. Governor s Communication transmitting Docu ments from Alabama, January 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. XII. Consolidated Return of the State Troops under command of Major General Floyd. January 1863. 8 pp. Doc. No. XIII. Governor s Communication transmitting Sundry Documents relative to Freedom to Slaves. January 1863. 8 pp. Doc. No. XIV. Report of the Committee on Confederate Rela tions, relative to Impressments, January 1863. 3 pp. Doc. No. XV. Virginia Military Institute. Semi-Annual Exam ination . . . January 1863. 24 pp. Doc. No. XVI. Report of General Floyd, relative to the Troops under his Command, &c. &c. &c. 6 pp. Doc. No. XVII. Governor s Communication in answer to a Reso lution of the House of Delegates, of January 23, 1863. 3 pp. STATE PUBLICATIONS 67 Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Doc. No. XVIII. Governor s Communication transmitting the Report of the Directors of the Penitentiary, January 1863. 6 pp. Doc. No. XIX. List of Officers of the Virginia State Line. 1863. 8pp. Doc. No. XX. Report relative to Detail of Drafted Slaves. 1863. 3 PP. Doc. No. XXI. Governor s Communication transmitting his Letter to President Lincoln. 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXII. Testimony before the Committee on Extortion. 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXIII. Memorial of the Rail Road Companies of Virginia, praying Relief from Taxation on Military Freight and Travel. 1863. 5 pp. Doc. No. XXIV. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, relative to the Pay and Allowances of the Public Guard. 1863. 15 PP. Doc. No. XXV. Report of the Board of Public Works, relative to the Southwestern Turnpike. 1863. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXVI. Report of Committee of Conference relative to the Discharge from Military Service, of Persons who have furnished Substitutes. 1863. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXVII. Testimony taken before the Committee on Extortion. 1863. 8 pp. Doc. No. XXVIII. Testimony of Messrs. Crenshaw and Whit- field, taken before the Committee on Extortion. 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXIX. Governor s Communication transmitting Docu ments from North Carolina. 1863. 6 pp. Doc. No. XXX. Report of the Committee on Confederate Rela tions on the Governor s Message in regard to Colonel Zarvona and others. 1863. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXXI. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs on the Memorial of Cadet Daniel. 1863. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXXII. Governor s Communication relative to the Removal of a Prisoner from the Jail of Franklin County, &c. &c. &c. 10 pp. Doc. No. XXXIII. Governor s Communication transmitting Documents from the Secretary of War. 1863. 8 pp. Doc. No. XXXIV. Report of the Select Committee on the sub ject of Transportation of Private Freight on the several rail roads, &c. &c. &c. 4 pp. Doc. No. XXXV. Roster of Officers of the Virginia State Line. 1863. 10 pp. Doc. No. XXXVI. Governor s Communication transmitting Re port of Adjutant General relative to the State Line. 1863. 5 pp. 68 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Doc. No. XXXVII. Contract between Joint Committee of Senate and House of Delegates, and John N. Clarkson, in relation to a Supply of Salt, &c. &c. &c. 4 pp. Doc. No. XXXVIII. Minority Report of the Joint Committee of Senate and House of Delegates, relative to the Contract for Supply of Salt, &c. &c. &c. 6 pp. Doc. No. XXXIX. Governor s Communication transmitting Documents from V. M. Institute, relative to the Case of Cadet Daniel. 1863. 12 pp. Doc. No. XL. Report relative to the Treatment of Negro Slaves, on the Fortifications around Richmond. 1863. 3 pp. Doc. No. XLI. Report of Col. L. R. Smoot, Quartermaster General of Virginia, relative to the Virginia State Line. 1863. 8pp. Doc. No. XLII. Governor s Communication transmitting Docu ment from Gen. Richardson, Adjutant General of Virginia. 1863. 5 PP. Doc. No. XLII I. Contract entered into between the Joint Com mittee of Senate and House of Delegates and Smith, Buchanan & Co. in Relation to a Supply of Salt. 1863. 4 pp. Doc. No. XLIV. Governor s Communication transmitting a Letter from President Davis, relative to Transportation of Private Freight. 1863. 5 pp. Doc. No. XLV. Messages of the Governor of Virginia, pub lished in pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Delegates, Adopted March 30, 1863. 163 pp. Documents. Called Session, 1863. Richmond, 1863. 8. No title-page. There are nineteen documents for the Called Session of 1863, as follows: Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia, and Accom panying Documents. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. xvii pp. Appendix. 17 pp. Doc. No. II. Report of the Board of Visitors of the Virginia Military Institute. July 1863. in pp. Doc. No. III. Communication relative to Returns of Elections of Governor, etc. 1863. 3 pp. Doc. No. IV. Papers relative to the Recent Call for Slaves to Work on Fortifications. 1863. 8 pp. Doc. No. V. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, relative to the Finances of the State. 1863. 6 pp. STATE PUBLICATIONS 69 Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Doc. No. VI. Report of the Board of Public Works, acting as Supervisors of Salt Works. 1863. 2O pp. Doc. No. VII. Report of the Superintendent of the Penitentiary. 1863. 7 PP- Doc. No. VIII. Report of the General Agent of the Penitentiary, relative to the Purchase of Raw Materials, &c. &c. &c. 4 pp. Doc. No. IX. Report of the Joint Committee on the Public Library. 1863. 18 pp. This contains on pages 7-18: Report of the Secretary of the Com monwealth to the Joint Library Committee. 1863. Doc. No. X. Governor s Communication transmitting Documents from Georgia. 1863. 9 pp. Doc. No. XI. Reports from Generals Cooper and Dimmock relative to Troops, Arms, etc. 1863. 7 pp. Doc. No. XII. Report relative to Abolishing the Office of Pay master of the Virginia Forces &c. &c. &c. 19 pp. Doc. No. XIII. Communication from the Auditing Board rela tive to Commutation of Clothing, &c. &c. &c. 8 pp. Doc. No. XIV. Report of the Committee on Banks relative to the Currency, &c. &c. &c. 10 pp. Doc. No. XV. Governor s Communication transmitting Sundry Documents relative to Confederate Taxes, &c. &c. &c. 17 pp. Doc. No. XVI. Report relative to the Contested Election from the County of Halifax. 1863. 6 pp. Doc. No. XVII. Minority Report relative to the Contested Election from the County of Halifax. 1863. 4 pp. Doc. No. XVIII. Report of the Joint Committee on Salt rela tive to the Letter from Governor of Georgia. 1863. 4 pp. Doc. No. XIX. Report of the Joint Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Supervisors of Salt Works, &c. &c. &c. 4 pp. Documents. Session of 1863-1864. Richmond, 1863-64. 8. No title-page. The documents for the Called Session of 1863 and for the Session of 1863-64 are bound together with the following label on the back of the volume: Documents 1863 & 1864. There are thirty-six documents (three different documents are numbered XV.) for the Session of 1863-64, as follows: Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia, and Accom panying Documents. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. xxiv pp. Appendix. 18 pp. 70 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Doc. No. II. Biennial Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, 1862 & 1863. 37 pp. Doc. No. III. Report of the Treasurer of Virginia, 1862 & 1863. 27 pp. Doc. No. IV. Second Auditor s Report to the General Assembly of Virginia, transmitting the Accounts of the Fund for Internal Improvement, of the Sinking Fund, and of the Debt and Resources of the State, 1861-62 & 1862-63. 55 pp. Doc. No. V. Second Auditor s Report of the State of the Literary Fund, for the Years 1862 & 1863. 24 pp. Doc. No. VI. Report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, 1863. 10 pp. Doc. No. VII. Report of the Adjutant General, year ending September 30, 1863. 10 pp. Doc. No. VIII. Report of the Captain in Charge of the Ordnance Department. November 1863. 10 pp. Doc. No. IX. Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Penitentiary Institution, Year ending September 30, 1863. 32 pp. Doc. No. X. Report of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. 1863. 10 pp. Doc. No. XL Report of the Dean of the Faculty of the Medical College of Virginia, 1863. n pp. Doc. No. XII. Report of the Board of Visitors of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, for years ending September 30, 1862 & 1863. 22 pp. Doc. No. XIII. Report of the President and Directors of the Central Lunatic Asylum, for the Fiscal Years ending Septem ber 30, 1863. 42 pp. Doc. No. XIV. Report of the Weighmaster of Live Stock, 1863. 3 PP- Doc. No. XV. Biennial Report of the Board of Public Works to the General Assembly of Virginia, 1861-62 & 1862-63. 20 pp. Doc. No. XV. (sic) Reports, Returns and other Documents relative to Joint Stock Companies, other than Rail Roads. 1862 & 1863. 85 pp. Doc. No. XV. (sic) Annual Reports of the Rail Road Companies of the State of Virginia, 1862 & 1863. 309 pp. Doc. No. XVI. Communication relative to Pardons, Reprieves, etc. December 1863. 23 pp. Doc. No. XVII. Governor s Communication relative to the State Naturalization Laws, &c. &c. &c. 4 pp. Doc. No. XVIII. Inaugural Address of the Governor of Vir ginia. 1864. 13 pp. STATE PUBLICATIONS 71 Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Doc. No. XIX. Communication from the Auditor of Public Accounts, transmitting Statistical Tables. 1864. 16 pp. Doc. No. XX. Governor s Communication transmitting Docu ments from Georgia. 1864. 6 pp. Doc. No. XXI. Resolution against extending the Provisions of the Conscription Act. 1864. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXII. Report relative to the Eligibility of Thos. E. Betts to a Seat in the House of Delegates. 1864. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXIII. Report of the Superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute, January 1864. 4 pp. Doc. No. XXIV. Documents responsive to Enquiries made of the Governor, relative to Purchases in Europe, &c. &c. &c. 9 pp. Doc. No. XXV. Report relative to Abolishing the Quarter master s Department of the Virginia Forces. 1864. 4 pp. Doc. No. XXVI. Report of the Joint Committee on Salt, relative to the Contract with Stuart, Buchanan & Co. &c. &c. &c. 9 pp. Doc. No. XXVII. Statement made by Superintendent John N. Clarkson, relative to the Operations at the Salt Works. &c. &c. &c. 4 pp. Doc. No. XXVIII. Minority Report of the Joint Committee on Salt, relative to Supplying the People with Salt, &c. &c. &c. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXIX. Answer of Superintendent J. N. Clarkson, relative to the Condition of the Salt Works. &c. &c. &c. 4 pp. Doc. No. XXX. Report of the Committee on Confederate Re lations, relative to Exemption of State Officers. &c. &c. &c. 4 pp. Doc. No. XXXI. Report of the Committee on Confederate Re lations, relative to Impressment of Public Buildings, &c. &c. &c. 4 PP- Doc. No. XXXII. Report of the Committee on Confederate Relations, relative to Officers Resigning out of the U. S. Service, and Entering the Service of Virginia, &c. &c. &c. 8 pp. Doc. No. XXXIII. Report of the Joint Committee, relative to Exemption of State Officers, &c. &c. &c. 8 pp. Doc. No. XXXIV. Report of the Joint Committee on the Treat ment of Conscripts at Camp Lee. &c. &c. &c. 10 pp. The Athenseum has also a bound volume containing Documents I to 14 with the following label on the back: Message and Docu ments 1863 Documents. Called Session, 1864. Richmond, 1864. 8. No title-page. The Athenaeum has the following unbound documents of the Called Session of 1864: 72 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Doc. No. II. Report of the Board of Visitors of the Virginia Military Institute. July 1864. 93 pp. Doc. No. III. Special Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, on the Financial Condition of the Commonwealth, &c. &c. &c. 182 pp. Doc. No. IV. Synopsis of the Financial Condition of the Treas ury. September 30, 1864. 5 pp. Doc. No. VI. Report of the Adjutant General. September 30, 1864. 7 pp. Doc. No. VII. Report of the Chief of Ordnance. September 30, 1864. 20 pp. Doc. No. VIII. Report of the Quartermaster General of the State of Virginia. 1864. 5 pp. Doc. No. X. Report of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. 1864. 24 pp. Doc. No. XL Report of the Attorney General of the State of Virginia. 1864. 6 pp. Doc. No. XII. Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Penitentiary Institution, Year ending September 30, 1864. 28 pp. Doc. No. XIII. Report of the Board of Visitors of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, for the Fiscal Year ending Sept. 30, 1864. 24 pp. Doc. No. XIV. Special Report of the President and Directors of the Central Lunatic Asylum. 1864. 10 pp. Doc. No. XV. Joint Resolutions in relation to the Existing War, and as to Negotiations for Peace, &c. &c. &c. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXIX. Report, in part, of the Committee on Federal Relations. Title-page lacking, pp. 3-5. Documents. Session of 1864-1865. Richmond, 1864-65. 8. No title-page. The Athenaeum has the following unbound documents of the Session of 1864-65. Doc. No. V. Communication from the Auditor of Public Ac counts, in response to Senate Resolution. January 5, 1865. 7 pp. Doc. No. VI. Communication from the Second Auditor, in re sponse to Resolution of the Senate. January 7, 1865. 4 pp. Doc. No. VII. Governor s Response to Resolution of the General Assembly relative to Exempting State Officers. January 12, 1865, 8pp. Doc. No. IX. Communication in regard to Transportation Charges by Internal Improvement Companies. January 21, 1865. 51 pp. STATE PUBLICATIONS 73 Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Doc. No. XII. Statement relative to Escape of Slaves to the Enemy, transmitted by First Auditor. February I, 1865. 7 pp. Doc. No. XIX. Report of the Commercial Agent of Virginia, with the Accompanying Documents. 1864. 12 pp. Doc. No. XX. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, rela tive to the Apportionment of Representation, &c. &c. &c. 42 pp. Doc. No. XXII. Governor s Response to the Resolutions of the General Assembly, relative to State Exemptions, &c. &c. &c. 8 pp. Doc. No. XXIII. Supplemental Report of the Commercial Agent of Virginia. 1864. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXIV. Report of the Superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute, relative to Pay and State Cadets. 1865. II pp. Doc. No. XXV. Official Report of the Commandant of Cadets of the Battle at New Market, &c. &c. &c. 14 pp. Doc. No. XXVI. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, relative to Collection of Taxes, &c. &c. &c. Doc. No. XXVIII. Report of the Superintendent of Salt Works, relative to the Capture of Saltville, &c. &c. &c. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXIX. Report of the Paymaster General of Virginia. 1865. 4 pp. Doc. No. XXX. Resolutions passed at a Meeting of the Four teenth Virginia Infantry January 24, 1865. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXXII. Report relative to the Transactions of the Executive connected with Furnishing Supplies to the People, &c. &c. &c. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXXIII. Report of the Second Auditor, relative to Stocks held by the State in Banks, etc. 9 pp. Doc. No. XXXV. Governor s Communication on the subject of Pardons, Reprieves, etc. in 1864. 21 pp. Doc. No. XLIII. Documents relative to the subject of Salt, &c. &c. &c. 207 pp. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Session of 1861-62. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1861. 382 pp. 8. There is a leaf of errata inserted after page 356. Appended to this is the following: Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia and accom panying documents. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1861. xxiv pp. 8. 74 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia for the Extra Session, 1862. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862. 73 pp. 8. Appended to this is the following: Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia, and accom panying documents. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862. xiii pp. 8. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia; for the Called Session of 1862. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862. 87 pp. 8. Appended to this is the following: Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia, and accom panying documents. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1862. xiv pp. 8. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Adjourned Session, 1863. Richmond : William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. 321 pp. 8. Appended to this is the following: Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia, and accom panying documents. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. xxxii pp. 8. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Called Session of 1863. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. 222 pp. 8. Appended to this is the following: Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia, and Accom panying Documents. Richmond : William F. Ritchie, Public Printers. 1863. xvii pp. 8. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Session of 1863-1864. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. 278 pp. 8. Appended to this is the following: Doc. No. I. Message of the Governor of Virginia, and Accom panying Documents. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1863. xxiv pp. 8. STATE PUBLICATIONS 75 Virginia. House of Delegates Continued. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Called Session of 1864. Richmond: William F. Ritchie, Public Printer. 1864. 8. The Athenaeum has pages 1-96. Calendar of the House of Delegates, February 13, 1865. [Richmond: 1865.] 8 pp. 8. Virginia. State Collector. Circular, July ist, 1864. To the District Collectors and Assessors of Virginia. Richmond, 1864. 4 pp. 8. No title- page. This is signed : Thos. C. Green, State Collector of Va. Virginia. Convention. Documents. Richmond, 1861. 8. No title-page. This volume contains the following documents, numbered I to 38, and 40 to 54: Doc. No. I. Communication from the Executive of the Common wealth, transmitting the Credentials of Commissioners from South Carolina and Mississippi. 8 pp. Doc. No. II. Communication from Hon. Henry L. Benning to the President of the Convention, transmitting his Credentials as Commissioner from Georgia. 3 pp. Doc. No. III. An Ordinance to Dissolve the Union between the State of Georgia and Other States, &c. 3 pp. Doc. No. IV. Report of the Committee of Elections on the Re turns of the Votes for and against referring the action of the Convention to the People. 3 pp. Doc. No. V. Report of the Committee of Elections shewing who are elected Members of the Convention. 6 pp. Doc. No. VI. An Ordinance touching Contested Elections, passed by the Convention February 21, 1861. 3 pp. Doc. No. VII. Communication from the Executive of the Com monwealth, transmitting a Report from the Adjutant General in response to a Resolution of the Convention, calling for infor mation concerning the Militia and Volunteers of the State, &C. 6pp. 76 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. Convention Continued. Doc. No. VIII. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, show ing the aggregate number of persons returned delinquent by the Sheriffs of the Commonwealth for the non-payment of taxes for 1860; also the aggregate amount of such taxes. 9 pp. Doc. No. IX. Supplementary Report from the Committee of Elections concerning the vote on the question of referring the action of the Convention, etc. to the People. 6 pp. Doc. No. X. Report from the Committee appointed to inquire whether any movement of arms or men has been made, by the General Government, to any fort or arsenal in or bordering upon Virginia, indicating a purpose for attack or coercion, and accom panying document. 5 pp. Doc. No. XL Communication from the Executive of the Com monwealth, transmitting a Report from the Commissioners appointed to represent this Commonwealth, in the Conference which convened in Washington City, on the 4th day of February, 1861. 8pp. Doc. No. XII. Communication from Hon. John W. Brocken- brough, addressed to Hon. John Tyler, Ex-President of the United States, and Hon. George W. Summers. 8 pp. Doc. No. XIII. Report of the Committee to confer with the Editors of the Richmond Enquirer to ascertain whether the Pro ceedings of the Convention could be published upon a separate sheet without any other matter. 4 pp. Doc. No. XIV. Population of the State of Virginia, according to the Eighth Census, taken June I, 1860. 7 pp. Doc. No. XV. Communication from a Committee on behalf of the Conference Convention of Maryland. 4 pp. Doc. No. XVI. Communication from the Executive of the Com monwealth, transmitting Communications from the President of the State Convention of Arkansas. 16 pp. Doc. No. XVII. Report from the Committee appointed to wait upon the President of the United States to ascertain his policy toward the Confederated States, and the response from the Federal Executive. 6 pp. Doc. No. XVIII. Resolutions, adopted by the "Convention of the People," at Metropolitan Hall, in the City of Richmond, April 18, 1861. 5 pp. Doc. No. XIX. Report oe (sic) the Committee on the subject of Taxation. 3 pp. Doc. No. XX. Report in relation to the Authority of the Federal Government within the limits of this Commonwealth. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXI. Report in relation to the Duties of Post Masters and Officers in the Revenue Service. 4 pp. STATE PUBLICATIONS 77 Virginia. Convention Continued. Doc. No. XXII. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth nominating Brigadier Generals, and transmitting a statement of the Reasons for his action in the case of General Fauntleroy. 6 pp. Doc. No. XXIII. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, transmitting the advice of the Council, &c., in regard to the officers of the Virginia Navy. 10 pp. Doc. No. XXIV. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, transmitting a statement of the number and rank of the officers of the Provisional Army of Virginia. II pp. Doc. No. XXV. A communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, transmitting two ordinances and accompanying papers. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXVI. Report from the Committee on Rail Road Connections with accompanying documents. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXVII. Report of the Committee of Elections upon the Resolution of Mr. Wysor in regard to absent members. 4 pp. Doc. No. XXVIII. Second Report from the Committee on Rail Road Connections. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXIX. Communication from the Auditor of Public Accounts, transmitting a tabular statement showing the federal population of this Commonwealth under the census of 1860. 7 pp. Doc. No. XXX. Report from the Committee to reapportion representation in the Congress of the Confederate States. 10 pp. Doc. No. XXXI. Report from the Committee on the subject of the Stores, Machinery, and Property, captured at Harper s Ferry. II pp. Doc. No. XXXII. Report of Committee on Confederate Rela tions, prescribing the time for which volunteers are to be mustered into service. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXXIII. Report of the Select Committee on Amend ments to the Constitution of Virginia. 16 pp. Doc. No. XXXIV. Report of the Committee on Elections. 6 pp. Doc. No. XXXV. Message from the Execttive (sic) of the Com monwealth, with accompanying documents, showing the military and naval preparations for the defence of the State of Virginia, &c. &c. 95 pp. Doc. No. XXXVI. Supplemental Message from the Executive of the Commonwealth, showing the military and naval prepara tions for the defence of the State of Virginia. 62 pp. Doc. No. XXXVII. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts, exhibiting the white, free and slave population, and the value of real estate and personal property. Arranged by districts. 10 pp. 7 8 CONFEDERATE STATES Virginia. Convention Continued. Doc. No. XXXVIII. Report of the Committee on Elections, on the cases of Sherrad Clemens, Caleb Boggess and Benjamin Wil son. 3 pp. Doc. No. XXXIX. Not in the volume. Doc. No. XL. Message from the Executive of the Common wealth, transmitting a Report of Wm. H. Peters, Commissioner, appointed by the Governor to make an inventory of property taken from the United States Government, at the Navy Yard, Gosport, and in and near Portsmouth, Virginia. 168 pp. Doc. No. XLI. Report of the Committee to whom was referred the Communication of the Executive of the Commonwealth, in relation to officers of the army and navy of the United States who have resigned and returned to Virginia. Adopted by the Conven tion of Virginia December 6, 1861. 3 pp. Doc. No. XLI I. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, in relation to the movement of troops in North- Western Virginia. 3 pp. Doc. No. XLI 1 1. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, transmitting reports from Col. Charles Dimmock and Lt. Col. James H. Burton, in reference to the stores, ma chinery, &c., at Harper s Ferry. 8 pp. Doc. No. XLIV. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, submitting an advice of Council, in relation to the Manufacture of Gunpowder. 5 pp. Doc. No. XLV. Communication from the Executive of the Com monwealth, submitting an advice of Council, relative to connec tions with several rail roads in the state. 5 pp. Doc. No. XLVI. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, in response to a Resolution of the Convention, requesting information as to the number and names of Aids to the Governor. 4 pp. Doc. No. XLVII. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, returning the Nomination of Francis I. Thomas, with accompanying documents. 8 pp. Doc. No. XLVIII. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, transmitting a list of vessels employed by the State of Virginia, as reported by Captain S. Barren. 5 pp. Doc. No. XLIX. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, returning the nomination of Alfred Beckley, as Colonel of Volunteers. 6 pp. Doc. No. L. Communication from the Executive of the Common wealth, transmitting the Nominations of Benjamin S. Ewell, John A. Campbell and William Smith, as Colonels of Volunteers. 3 PP- STATE PUBLICATIONS 79 Virginia. Convention Continued. Doc. No. LI. Communication from the Executive of the Com monwealth, transmitting the nomination of Richard Thomas Zar- vona, as Colonel of Volunteers. 3 pp. Doc. No. LI I. Communication from the Executive of the Com monwealth, transmitting a Communication from Hon. L. P. Walker, Secretary of War, in relation to the time of service of the volunteer forces of Virginia. 5 pp. Doc. No. LI 1 1. Communication from the Executive of the Commonwealth, transmitting a Communication from Hon. L. P. Walker [Hon. J. P. Benjamin], Secretary of War. 5 pp. Doc. No. LIV. Communication from the President of the Con federate States, transmitting the credentials of Hon. Alexander H. Stevens [Stephens]. 5 pp. Addresses delivered before the Virginia State Convention by Hon. Fulton Anderson, Commissioner from Mississippi, Hon. Henry L. Benning, Commissioner from Georgia, and Hon. John S. Preston, Commissioner from South Carolina, February 1861. Richmond: Wyatt M. Elliott, Printer. 1861. 64 pp. 8. This has a cover-title, identical with the title-page. Convention between the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Confederate States of America, [entered into and agreed to, in the City of Richmond, on the 24th day of April, 1861]. Rich mond, 1 86 1. 45-46 pp. 8. No title-page. Ordinances adopted by the Convention of Virginia at the Ad journed Session in June and July 1861. [Richmond, 1861.] 47-73 PP. 8 10 Speech of George W. Richardson, of Hanover, in Committee of the Whole, on the Report of the Committee on Federal Rela tions in the Convention of Virginia, April 4, 1861. Richmond: Printed at the Whig Book and Jqb (sic) Office. 1862. 32 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS PRINTED IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES DURING THE PERIOD OF THE CIVIL WAR Abrams, A. S. A full and detailed History of the Siege of Vicksburg, by A. S. Abrams, of New Orleans. Atlanta, Georgia : Intelligencer Steam Power Presses. 1863. 80 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same, except that the notice of copyright is added between the author s name and the imprint. Analytica, pseud. The Problem of Government, in the light of the Past, Present and the Future. By Analytica. Is respectfully dedicated to the rulers of the world, by the author. [Entered according to Act of Congress.] Published by the Author. Box 438, Richmond, Va. 1862. 23 pp. 8. Andrews, R. Snowden. Andrews Mounted Artillery Drill ; compiled according to the latest regulations from standard military authority, by R. Snow- den Andrews, Lieutenant-Colonel commanding Battalion Artil lery. Charleston: Evans and Cogswell. 1863. 164 pp. 53 pi. showing formations, etc. 8 pi. music. 12. Atlanta Amateurs. Original songs of the Atlanta Amateurs, containing more truth than poetry. Published by request of our numerous patrons. Price, 25 cts. Atlanta, Ga: "Intelligencer" Print, 1861. 16 pp. 8. Cover-title. So MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 81 Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road. Fourth Report of the President of the Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road, February i, 1863. Savannah: George N. Nichols, Printer. 1863. 31 PP. 8. The cover-title omits the imprint. The Athenaeum copy lacks pages 3-12. Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road. Tenth Report of the President and Directors of the Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road Co. to the Stockholders, January ist, 1864. Savannah, Ga. George N. Nichols, Printer. 1864. 39 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. [Bagby, George William.] The Letters of Mozis Addums to Billy Twins. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street, 1862. I p. L, 87 pp. 8. The cover-title omits the imprint. The Ballot Box, the Palladium of our Liberties. New Orleans, July, 1863. [New Orleans:] Printed for the Compiler. 1863. 65 PP. 8. Baptist General Association of Virginia. Address of the Baptist General Association of Virginia, June 4th, 1863. Richmond? 1863. 8pp. 8. No title-page. Barde, Alexandre. Histoire des Comites de Vigilance aux Attakapas par Alex andre Barde . . . Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Louisiane). Imprimerie du Meschacebe et de 1 Avant-Coureur. 1861 2 p. L, vi, 7-428 pp. 16. The Battle of Fort Sumter and First Victory of the Southern Troops, April I3th, 1861. Full accounts of the Bombardment, with Sketches of the Scenes, Incidents, etc. Compiled chiefly from the detailed Reports of the Charleston Press. Published by request. Charleston : Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogs- 82 CONFEDERATE STATES The Battle of Fort Sumter, etc. Continued. well. No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1861. 32 pp. 8. Paper covers. The Leiter copy has 35 pp. and a map. [Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant?] Principles and Maxims of the Art of War ; Outpost Service ; General instructions for battle; Reviews. Charleston: Steam- Power Press of Evans & Cogswell, No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay streets. [1863.] 32 pp. 8. Bible. No. 1 6. The Soldier s Pocket Bible. Issued for the use of the army of Oliver Cromwell. [Original title-page.] The Soldier s Pocket Bible, containing the most (if not all) of those places contained in Holy Scripture, which do show the qualifications of his inner man that is a fit soldier to fight the Lord s battles, both before the fight, in the fight, and after the fight; which Scriptures are reduced to several heads, and fitly applied to the soldier s several occasions, and so may supply the want of the whole Bible, which a soldier cannot conveniently carry about him ; and may be also useful for any Christian to meditate upon, now in this miserable time of war. With the Soldier s Prayer, and Battle Hymn. . . . [Charleston: South Carolina Tract Society. 186-.] i6pp. 8. Bible. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated out of the original Greek ; and with the former trans lations diligently compared and revised. Augusta: Confederate States Bible Society, Instituted in the year 1862. Printed by Wood, Hanleiter Rice & Co. Atlanta, Ga. 1862. 303 pp. 24. Half cloth. The Athenaeum has another copy with the following added : The Book of Psalms: translated out of the original Hebrew; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. 80 pp. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 83 Bible. The Psalter, or Psalms of David. Richmond, Virginia. J. W. Randolph. 1863. 180 p. 32. Bible Society. Second Annual Report of the Bible Society of the Confederate States of America, 1864; with the Constitution of the Society, its list of patrons, life directors, members, etc. Augusta, Ga. Steam Power Press of Stockton & Co. 1864. 24 pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Bilbo, Col. W. N. The Past, Present, and Future of the Southern Confederacy: An Oration delivered by Col. W. N. Bilbo, in the city of Nash ville, Oct. 12, 1 86 1. Nashville, Tenn. : Published and for sale by J. D. W. Green & Co., Booksellers, No. 6 Union Street. 1861. 47 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Bingham, William. A Grammar of the Latin Language: for the use of Schools, with exercises and vocabularies. By Wm. Bingham, A.M., of the Bingham School. Greensboro, N. C. : Published by Sterling, Campbell & Albright. Richmond, Va., W. Hargrave White. 1863. i 1. iv, 304 pp. 16. Half cloth. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Black Republican Prayer. No title-page, i p. 8. The Boys and Girls Stories of the War Contents : General Stone wall Jackson. Commodore Foot and Colonel Small, etc. etc. West & Johnston, Richmond. [1863.] Cover-title. 32 pp. Illus. 32. 84 CONFEDERATE STATES Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. Lady Audley s Secret. By the Author of "Lady Lisle," "Aurora Floyd," "John Marchmont s Legacy," etc. Mobile: S. H. Goetzel. 1864 293 PP- 8. The author s name is given on the cover-title, and also the titles of two more of her books. The names of the printers, Farrow & Dennett, are at the bottom of the page. The covers are made of wall-paper. There are two pages of advertisements at the end. Branson, L. First Book in Composition, applying the principles of grammar to the art of Composing : also, giving full directions for punctua tion; [Ornament showing an open book with two illustrations on each page.] especially designed for the use of Southern Schools, by L. Branson, A.M. Raleigh: Branson, Farrar & Co. 1863. vi, 9140 pp. 12. Boards. There is a blank leaf between page vi and page 9. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Brown, Joseph Emerson and Fullarton, Allan. Correspondence between Governor Brown and A. Fullarton, Acting British Consul, resident at Savannah, in reference to the Liability of British Subjects, resident in Georgia, to perform Military Duty. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printers. Milledgeville, Ga. 1863. 15 pp. 8. Brown, Joseph Emerson and Seddon, James Alexander. Correspondence between Governor Brown and the Secretary of War, upon the right of the Georgia Volunteers, in Confederate service, to elect their own officers. Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, State Printers. Milledgeville, Ga., 1863. 16 pp. 8. Browne, Rev. George Y. Browne s Arithmetical Tables, combined with easy Lessons in Mental Arithmetic. For beginners. By Rev. Geo. Y. Browne, A.M. Tuscaloosa, Ala Atlanta, Ga. : Franklin Printing House. J. J. Toon, Publisher and Proprietor. 1865. viii, 9-32 pp. 24. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 85 Bruce, Eli M. Remarks of Hon. E. M. Bruce, of Kentucky, in the House of Representatives of the Confederate States of America, June 9th and loth, 1864, on the financial policy of the government. [Rich mond: 1864.] 13 pp. 8. No title-page. Buchanan, W. Jefferson. Maryland s Crisis: a political outline. By W. Jefferson Buchanan. "Through a glass darkly." J. W. Randolph: 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va. 1863. 16 pp. 12. Buchanan, W. Jefferson. Maryland s Hope ; her Trials and Interests in connexion with the War. By W. Jefferson Buchanan. "Depressa Resurgit." West& Johnston, 145 Main Street, Richmond. 1864. 62pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Buckholtz, L. von. Tactics for officers of infantry, cavalry and artillery, arranged and compiled by L. v. Buckholtz. Richmond, Va. : J. W. Ran dolph. 1 86 1. 121 pp. 1 6. Cloth. Cover-title: Science of War. Bullions, Rev. Peter. An analytical and practical Grammar of the English Language. By Rev. Peter Bullions, D.D. Revised by Rev. B. Craven, D.D. Raleigh, N. C. : Published by the N. C. Christian Advocate Pub lishing Company. 1864. 192 pp. 12. Boards. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page except that the author s name is spelled "Bullion". Caesar, Caius Julius. Caesar s Commentaries on the Gallic War, with a vocabulary and notes by Wm. Bingham, A.M., of the Bingham School. Greensboro, N. C. : Published by Sterling, Campbell & Albright 1864. 290 pp. 8. Boards. 86 CONFEDERATE STATES The Camp Follower containing the following stories: The Cock Fight ; The Wife s Stratagem, How I coated Sal, The Champion, Whar no Wood is, thar the Fire goeth out, and many other humourous sketches, anecdotes, poetry, etc. designed for the Amusement of the Camp. [Augusta, Ga.] Published by Stock ton & Co. Southern Field and Fireside Office, 1864. Cover-title, 64 pp. 8. Campbell, Rev. William A., and Dunn, William R. J. The Child s First Book. By Campbell and Dunn. Approved by the Educational Association of Virginia through their com mittee. Richmond : Ayres & Wade. 1864. 48pp. Illus. 12. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page except that it has an ornament above the imprint. Cardozo, Jacob Nathan. A Plan of Financial Relief, addressed to the Legislature of Georgia, and Confederate States Congress, as originally pub lished in the Atlanta Southern Confederacy, by J. N. Cardozo. Atlanta, Ga. : J. H. Seals & Co. s Power Press. 1863. 37 pp. 8. Gary, R. Milton. Skirmisher s drill and bayonet exercise (as now used in the French army), with suggestions for the soldier in actual conflict; compiled and translated for the use of the volunteers of the state of Virginia and the South, by R. Milton Cary, Capt. F Company ist Regt. Va. Vols . . . Richmond, Va. : West and Johnston, 145 Main St. 1861. 56 p. diagram, 7, 24 pi. 12. Limp cloth. Casey, Silas. [By authority] Infantry Tactics, for the instruction, exercise, and manoeuvres of the soldier, a company, line of skirmishers, battalion, brigade, or corps d armee. By Brig. Gen. Silas Casey, U. S. Army. Vol. III. Evolutions of a brigade and corps d armee. Columbia : Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell. 1864. 1 60 pp. 29 pi. 24 o MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 87 Chaudron, Adelaide De V. Chaudron s series. The First Reader, designed for the use of Primary Schools. Second edition. Adopted for use in the Public Schools of Mobile. By A. De V. Chaudron. Mobile, Ala.: W. G. Clark & Co., Publishers. 1864. 57 pp. Front. 12. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Chaudron, Adelaide De V. Chaudron s series. The Second Reader, designed for the use of Primary Schools. Second edition. Adopted for use in the Public Schools of Mobile. By A. De V. Chaudron. Mobile, Ala.: W. G. Clark & Co., Publishers. 1864. 96 pp. Front. 16. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Chaudron, Adelaide De V. Chaudron s series. The Third Reader, designed for the use of Primary Schools, Adopted for use in the Public Schools of Mobile. By A. De V. Chaudron. Mobile, Ala.: W. G. Clark & Co., Publishers. 1864. 150 pp. 12. Boards. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Page 150 is incorrectly numbered 119. Chaudron, Adelaide De V. Chaudron s Spelling Book, carefully prepared for Family and School Use, [Woodcut, by A. De V. Chaudron. Mobile: S. H. Goetzel. 1865. 48 pp. Front., illus. 12. The cover-title is identical with the title-page except that the fol lowing is printed both at the top and at the bottom of the page: Fourth edition Thirtieth thousand. Chisolm, John Julian. A Manual of Military Surgery, for the use of surgeons in the Confederate States Army; with an appendix of the Rules and Regulations of the Medical Department of the Confederate States 88 CONFEDERATE STATES Chisolm, John Julian Continued. Army. By J. Julian Chisolm, M.D., Professor of Surgery in the Medical College of South Carolina, Surgeon in the Confederate States Army, etc. Second edition revised and improved. Rich mond, Va. : West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1862. xii, 514 pp. I folded table. 12. Cloth. Christison, John. A complete Grammar of the French Language ; with exercises and dialogues, for the use of schools and private students. By John Christison, Teacher of Modern Languages in the Dundee Public Seminaries. First C. S. A. from fifteenth Edinburgh edi tion. Carefully revised by F. W. Rosier. Richmond : Geo. Dunn & Co., Publishers. 1863. 143 pp. 16. Half-cloth. Clarimonde : a tale of New Orleans life, and of the present war. By a Member of the N. O. Washington Artillery. Richmond: M. A. Malsby, Corner of I4th and Main Streets. 1863. 79 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. There are four unnumbered pages of advertisements at the end. Clarke, H. C. The Confederate States Almanac, and Repository of Useful Knowledge, for 1862. Compiled and Published by H. C. Clarke, Vicksburg, Mississippi. [1862.] For sale by all booksellers in the Confederacy. 80 pp. 16. The cover-title is the same except that it has at the top: Second edition. Price, 25 cents. The Athenaeum copy lacks the Almanac, pages 3-16. Clarke, H. C. Clarke s Confederate Household Almanac, for the year 1863 being the third year of the independence of the Confederate States of America. H. C. Clarke, Publisher, Vicksburg, Miss. 1863. Cover-title, 23 pp. 12. There is a woodcut in the middle of the page between 18 and 63. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 89 Clarke, H. C. The Confederate States Almanac, and Repository of Useful Knowledge. For the year 1864: being bissextile or leap year; the fourth of Southern Independence; and, until July 4th, the eighty-eighth of the independence of the United States. Astro nomical calculations for the latitude and meridian of Augusta, Ga., and Richmond, Va., by T. P. Ashmore, Americus, Ga. Compiled by H. C. Clarke, Mobile, Ala. [1863.] 119 pp. 16. Clarke, H. C. Diary of the War for Separation, being a daily chronicle of the leading events and history of the Present Revolution, from the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln to the Battle of Shiloh; con taining full and minute statements of all the battles, skirmishes and engagements, lists of killed and wounded, number of forces engaged, etc. etc. Also Notes of the War, with biographical sketches of Confederate Generals, remarkable events, etc. Edited by H. C. Clarke. Vicksburg: Clarke s Southern Publishing House. 1862. 56pp. 8. The Athenaeum copy is badly soiled and pages 27-30 are torn out. Cobbs, Nicholas H., Bishop of Alabama. Fourth edition. The Doubting Christian Encouraged. By the late Rt. Rev. Nicholas H. Cobbs, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Alabama. Uniontown, Ala: Printed at the Daily Herald Book and Job Office. 1864. 13 pp. 12. [Collier, Robert R.] Correspondence and Remarks on two occasions in the Senate of Virginia, on the subject of martial law and arrests and con finement of civilians by military orders. Richmond. 32 pp. 8. The title-page of the Boston Athenaeum copy is imperfect. Collins, Wilkie. The Stolen Mask ; or the Mysterious Cash-Box. A story for a Christmas fireside. By Wilkie Collins. Columbia, S. C. : 90 CONFEDERATE STATES Collins, Wilkie Continued. Steam Power-Press of F. G. DeFontaine & Co., 1864. Cover- title. 31 pp. 8. This has a woodcut of a young lady on the back cover. The Confederate. By a South Carolinian. "Respice finem." Mobile: S. H. Goetzel & Co. 1863. 102 pp. 12. The cover-title is: The Confederate. Farrow & Dennett, Print. The Confederate First Reader: containing Selections in Prose and Poetry, as reading exercises for the younger children in the Schools and Families of the Confederate States. Richmond, Va. Published by G. L. Bidgood, No. 121, Main Street. 1864. viii, 9-120 pp. 12. The cover-title is identical with the title-page except that it has "young" insteaH of "younger", and the publisher s first name is given in full, "George", and the street number is 161. Confederate States Almanac for the year of our Lord 1864 being bissextile, or leap year, and the 4th year of the independence of the Confederate States of America. Calculations made at Uni versity of Alabama. Published for the trade by Burke, Boykin & Co., Macon, Ga. S. H. Goetzel, Mobile, Ala. [1863.] Cover-title, 20 pp. 12. There are four unnumbered pages of advertisements at the end. [Cooke, John Esten.] The Life of Stonewall Jackson. From official papers, cotem- porary (sic) narratives, and personal acquaintance. By a Vir ginian. [Four lines from a letter of Gen. Lee to Jackson.] Richmond: Ayres & Wade. Illustrated News Steam Presses. 1863. xii, 13-305 pp. Front, (lithograph of Gen. Jackson.) 12. This has a woodcut of General Jackson on the cover. There are six unnumbered pages of advertisements at the end. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 91 Cooper. Cooper s Cavalry Tactics, for the use of Volunteers : to which is added, a Manual for Colt s Revolver. New-Orleans: H. P. Lathrop, 74 Magazine Street. Jackson, Miss. Power & Cad- wallader. 1861. 48 pp. 36 figures on 4 pp. 12. Page 48 is wrongly numbered 42. Cross, Mrs. Jane T. H. Duncan Adair: or, Captured in escaping. A story of one of Morgan s men. By Mrs. Jane T. H. Cross. Macon, Ga.: Burke, Boykin & Company. 1864. 51 pp. 16. The cover-title is the same. Cross, Rev. Joseph. Camp and Field. Papers from the portfolio of an Army Chaplain, by the Rev. Jos. Cross, D.D. Book Second. Macon, Ga. : Burke, Boykin & Company. 1864. 160 pp. 16 The cover-title is the same. Cross, Rev. Joseph. Camp and Field. Papers from the portfolio of an Army Chaplain. By the Rev. Jos. Cross, D.D. Books Third and Fourth. Columbia, S. C. Printed by Evans and Cogswell. 1864. 390 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. The Athenaeum copy lacks signature 8 (pages 85-100) ; in its place is signature 18 (pages 205-220). Curry, John P. Volunteers Camp and Field Book. Containing useful and general information on the art and science of war, for the leisure moments of the soldier. Richmond : West & Johnston, 145 Main Street, 1862. 144 pp. 24. Cloth. o 92 CONFEDERATE STATES Dabney, Rev. Robert Lewis. A Memorial of Lieut. Colonel John T. Thornton, of the Third Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A. By the Rev. R. L. Dabney, D.D. Richmond, Va: Presbyterian Committee of Publication. 1864. 22 pp, 12. Dagg, John Leadley. The Grammar of the English Language. Book First. Pro gressive lessons in English Grammar. By J. L. Dagg, D.D., late President of Mercer University, Ga. Macon, Ga. : Burke, Boykin & Company. 1864. 164 pp. 16. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Signature D, pages 33-44, of the Boston Athenaeum copy is missing; in its place is signature D of "Camp and Field" by Joseph Cross. Daniel, Charles T. William and Annie ; or, a Tale of Love and other Poems, by Charles T. Daniel, A.B. of the command of General John H. Morgan, C. S. A. Guelph: Printed at the "Herald" Book and Job Establishment, Wyndham St. 1864. vii, 9-112 pp. 24. Davis, J[ames] Lucius. The Trooper s Manual: or Tactics for Light Dragoons and Mounted Riflemen. Compiled, abridged and arranged, by Col. J. Lucius Davis, Graduate of the United States Military Acad emy, West Point ; formerly an officer of the United States Army ; and for many years Commander and Instructor of Volunteer Cavalry. Richmond, Va. Published by A. Morris. 1861. ix, 11-284 pp. 16. Half roan. [Davis, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Moragne).] The British Partizan: a tale of the olden time. By a Lady of South Carolina. Macon, Ga.: Burke, Boykin & Company. 1864. 4, 9-157 PP. 1 6. The cover-title is the same. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 93 [De Fontaine, Felix Gregory.] Marginalia; or, Gleanings from an army note-book. By "Personne," Army Correspondent of the Charleston Courier. Columbia, S. C. : Steam Power-Press of F. G. DeFontaine & Co. 1864. 2 p. 1., iii, 248 pp. 8. The cover-title is slightly different. There are eight unnumbered pages of advertisements at the end. Dejarnette, Daniel C. The Monroe Doctrine. Speech of Hon. D. C. Dejarnette, of Virginia, in the Confederate House of Representatives, Janu ary soth, 1865, pending negotiations for peace. [Richmond: 1865.] 20 pp. 8. No title-page. Delchamps, J. J. [Copy-right secured.] Love s Ambuscade; or The Sergeant s Stratagem a war drama, in three acts. By J. J. Delchamps. As played on several evenings to full houses at the Mobile Theatre. Mobile: A. G. Horn, Conti Street. 1863. Cover-title, 70 pp. 24. The covers are made of wall-paper, and the title is printed on the colored side. [Delchamps, J. J.] W. B. Spiced Slaugh for Southern Digestion. Dish No. 3. For the use of Members of the Order. By order of the Publish ing Committee. C. of G. A., Order of W. B. Mobile : Printed A. G. Horn & Co., Conti Street. 1862. 16 pp. 8. This was published by the "Order of Working Brothers". Delchamps, J. J. W. B. Spiced Slaw for Southern Digestion and other Papers. Written for the Order of W. B. by J. J. Delchamps. With the Constitution of the Order. By order of the Publishing Commit tee, C. of G. A., Order of W. B. Mobile: Printed by A. G. Horn, Conti Street. 1863. 62 pp. 12. 94 CONFEDERATE STATES Doggett, Rev. David Seth. A Nation s Ebenezer. A Discourse delivered in the Broad St. Methodist Church, Richmond, Virginia, Thursday, Septem ber 1 8, 1862: the Day of Public Thanksgiving, appointed by the President of the Confederate States. By Rev. D. S. Doggett, D.D. : published by special request. Richmond, Va. : Enquirer Book and Job Press. 1862. 18 pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Doggett, Rev. David Seth. The War and its Close. A Discourse, delivered in Centenary Church, Richmond, Va., Friday, April 8th, 1864, by Rev. D. S. Doggett, D.D., Pastor, on the occasion of the National Fast. Published by the Soldiers Tract Association, M. E. Church, South. Richmond: Macfarlane & Fergusson, 1864. 20 pp. 12. Edgeville, Edward. Castine. By Edward Edgeville. Southern Field and Fireside Novellette, No. 2. New series. Raleigh : Wm. B. Smith & Co. 1865. 32 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same, but between the title and the author s name there is a ghastly woodcut showing the heroine, Castine, disguised as a soldier, leaning on the end of her musket, and surrounded by several skulls mounted on sticks. Edwards, Weldon N. Memoir of Nathaniel Macon, of North Carolina. By Weldon N. Edwards. Raleigh: Raleigh Register Steam Power Press. 1862. 22 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. [Elliott, Stephen, Bishop of Georgia.] Funeral services at the burial of the Right Rev. Leonidas Polk, D.D. together with the sermon delivered in St. Paul s Church, Augusta, Ga., on June 29, 1864: being the feast of St. Peter the MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 95 [Elliott, Stephen, Bishop of Georgia] Continued. Apostle. They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy. Psalm cxxvi, 6. Columbia, S. C. Printed by Evans & Cogswell. 1864. 28 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Elliott, Stephen, Bishop of Georgia. God s Presence with the Confederate States. A Sermon preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on Thursday, the I3th June, being the day appointed at the request of Congress, by the President of the Confederate States, as a day of Solemn Humilia tion, Fasting and Prayer. By the Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, Rector of Christ Church. Published by Request of the Vestry. Savannah : W. Thorne Williams. 1861. 21 pp. 8. Bound with this is the same author s "Silver Trumpets". The cover-title is: Two Sermons preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on the Qth and I3th June, 1861. By the Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, D.D. Elliott, Stephen, Bishop of Georgia. Our cause in harmony with the purposes of God in Christ Jesus. A Sermon Preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on Thursday, September i8th, 1862, being the day set forth by the President of the Confederate States, as a day of Prayer and Thanksgiving, for our manifold victories, and especially for the fields of Manassas and Richmond, Ky. By the Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, D.D., Rector of Christ Church, and Bishop of the Dio cese of Georgia. . . . Savannah : Power Press of John M. Cooper & Co. 1862. 23 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Elliott, Stephen, Bishop of Georgia. The Silver Trumpets of the Sanctuary. A Sermon preached to the Pulaski Guards in Christ Church, Savannah, on the Second Sunday after Trinity. Being the Sunday before their departure to join the Army in Virginia, by the Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, D.D., Rector of Christ Church. Published by Request. Savan nah : Steam Press of John M. Cooper & Company. 1861. 12 pp. 8. 96 CONFEDERATE STATES Elliott, Stephen, Bishop of Georgia. Continued. This is bound with the same author s "God s Presence with the Confederate States". Elliott, Stephen, Bishop of Georgia. "Vain is the help of man." A Sermon preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on Thursday, September 15, 1864, being the day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer, appointed by the Gov ernor of the state of Georgia. By the Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, D.D., Rector of Christ Church. . . . Macon, Ga. : Burke, Boykin & Company. 1864. 13 pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. "Erskine", pseud, and "M., W." A Controversy between "Erskine" and "W. M." on the practicability of suppressing Gambling. Richmond: Printed at the Whig Book and Job Office. 1862. 96pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the State of Georgia. Minutes of the Fourth Annual Convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the State of Georgia, convened in St. John s church, Spaulding County, Ga., on the I4th day of July, 1864. Savannah, Georgia: Power Press of George N. Nichols. 1864. 24 PP. 8. [Fane, Julian Henry Charles, and Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, 1st Earl.] Tannhauser; or, The Battle of the Bards. A poem. By Neville Temple and Edward Trevor. Mobile: Published by S. H. Goetzel & Co., 33 Dauphin Street. 1863. xi, 13-125 pp. 8. The cover-title is simply Tannhauser. Fentonhill, John. Joan of Arc : an opinion of her life and character, from ancient chronicles. By John Fentonhill. Richmond : J. W. Davies, Pub lisher. 1864. iv, 76 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 97 Finley, Rev. I. R. The Lord Reigneth. A Sermon preached in Lloyd s Church, Sussex County, Va. Sunday, August 16, 1863, by Rev. I. R. Finley, D.D. Richmond: Soldiers Tract Association, M. E. Church, South. Chas. H. Wynne, Printer. [1863.] 20 pp. 16. The First Reader, for Southern Schools. Raleigh: Published by the N. C. Christian Advocate Publishing Company. 1864. ?4PP- 12. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Folsom, James Madison. Heroes and Martyrs of Georgia. Georgia s record in the revolution of 1861. Macon, Ga. : Burke, Boykin & Company. 1864. 164 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Ford, Sally Rochester. Raids and Romance of Morgan and his men, by Sally Rochester Ford, Author of "Grace Truman," "Mary Bunyan," "Romance of Free Masonry," &c., &c., &c. Second edition. Mobile: S. H. Goetzel. 1864. 332 pp. 8. The cover-title omits the other books written by the author. The covers are made of wall-paper. There are two pages of advertisements at the end. Fowler, Abijah and Josiah. The Southern School Arithmetic ; or, Youth s Assistant. Con taining the most concise and accurate rules for performing opera tions in Arithmetic, adapted to the easy and regular* instruction of youth, for the use of schools, &c. By A. & J. Fowler, Teachers of Arithmetic. Revised by M. Gibson. To which is annexed an appendix containing mensuration of surfaces, tables of foreign money, and book-keeping. Stereotype edition. Richmond : West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1864. vi, 7-184 pp. 12. Boards. This has an abbreviated cover-title. 98 CONFEDERATE STATES Fowler, William H. Guide for Claimants of Deceased Soldiers; being Instructions to army officers and to claimants, with a Collation of the laws of Congress and the Orders from the War Department, and the Rules of practice in the offices of the Second Auditor and Comp troller of the Treasury, concerning the settlement of the claims of deceased officers and soldiers. By Col. W. H. Fowler, Super intendent Army Records and Agent to adjust the claims of deceased soldiers for the state of Alabama. Revised and approved by the Second Auditor and Comptroller of the Treasury, and adapted to general use. Richmond, Va. Geo. P. Evans & Co., Printers. 1864. 72 pp. 12. Paper covers. Free Market of New Orleans. Report of the Committee of the Free Market of New Orleans established for the benefit of the families of our absent volunteers, together with the List of Contributions, Number of Markets, and Families supplied, from i6th August to 3ist December, 1861, inclusive. New Orleans: Printed at the Bulletin Book and Job Office. 1862. viii, 66 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Fremantle, Arthur James. Three months in the Southern States: April, June, 1863. By Lieut.-Col. Fremantle, Coldstream Guards. Mobile: S. H. Goetzel. 1864. 158 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. The covers are made out of wall paper. Fun for the Camp. A comic medley. [Cartoons.] Columbia, S. C. Published by B. Duncan. [1862] 40 pp. 8. Georgia Relief and Hospital Association. Report of the Board of Superintendents of the Georgia Relief & Hospital Association to the Governor and General Assembly MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 99 Georgia Relief and Hospital Association Continued. of Georgia, with the Proceedings of the Board, convened at Augusta, Ga., October 28, 1863. Augusta, Ga. : Steam Press of Constitutionalist. 1863. 51 pp. 8. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Georgia Relief and Hospital Association. Report of the Executive Committee of the Georgia Relief & Hospital Association to the Board of Superintendents, with the Proceedings of the Board, convened at Augusta, Ga., October 29, 1862. Augusta, Ga. : Steam Press of Chronicle & Sentinel. 1862. 39 pp. 8. Paper cover. Gilchrist, Robert Cogdell. The Duties of a Judge Advocate, in a trial before a General Court- Martial, compiled from various works on military law. By Captain R. C. Gilchrist, Acting Judge Advocate General, Department So. Ca., Ga., and Fla. Published with the appro bation of the Secretary of War. Columbia, S. C. Evans and Cogswell. 1864. 47 pp. 12. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Gilham, William. Instruction for Field Artillery, extracted from Gilham s Manual for Volunteers and Militia. Richmond, Va. West & Johnston, 145 Main St. 1862. 78 pp. 12. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Gilham, William. Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States. By William Gilham, Colonel of Volunteers, Instructor of Tactics, and Commandant of Cadets, Virginia Military Institute. Richmond, Va. West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1861. xxiv, 25-559 PP- 5 folded tables. 12. Cloth. ioo CONFEDERATE STATES Gilmer, John Harmer. Confederate States vs. John H. Gilmer. Substance of the Opening Argument of John H. Gilmer, with authorities; and the Opinion of Judge Halyburton construing the Sequestration Act, &c. Richmond, Va. : West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1862. 31 pp. 8. Gilmer, John Harmer. Letter addressed to Hon. Wm. C. Rives, by John H. Gilmer, on the existing status of the revolution, &c. [Richmond: 1864.] 1 6 pp. 8. No title-page. This letter is dated November I, 1864. Gilmer, John Harmer. Opinion of John H. Gilmer on the Conscription Act. [Rich mond 11862.] 8pp. 8. No title-page. This is addressed at the end to Capt. R. E. Kyle and others, and dated Richmond, July 8, 1862. Gilmer, John Harmer. The State Convention. [A letter to] Messrs. J. R. Hum phreys, Higgins, and others. [Richmond: 1861.] 4 pp. 8. No title-page. This is signed at the end, and is dated at Richmond, January 19, 1861. Gordon, George A. "What will he do with it?" An Essay, delivered in Ma c onic Hall, Savannah, on Thursday, October 27, 1863, and again by special request, on Monday, December 7, 1863. For the benefit of the Wayside Home in Savannah. And repeated with slight alterations for similar objects in Augusta, Milledgeville, Macon, Atlanta, LaGrange and Columbus, by George A. Gordon, Col. 63d Regiment Georgia Volunteers. Published by request. Savan nah, Ga. George N. Nichols. Printer. 1863. 28 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS ICM. "Government or No Government," or, The Question of State Allegiance. A Tract for Churchmen. Mobile : Farrow & Den nett, Book and Job Printers, No. 3. North Water Street. 1861 i6pp. 8. This contains extracts from the Philadelphia Bulletin, the Church Journal and the Mobile Daily Tribune, also, a Letter to the Editors of the Church Journal by W. T. Walthall, Esq., and a Letter of Rev. Joseph J. Nicholson, in answer to Bishop Potter. Green, Duff. Facts and Suggestions relative to Finance & Currency addressed to the President of the Confederate States. By Duff Green. Augusta, Ga. ; J. T. Paterson & Co., Lithographers and Printers, 1864. Cover-title, 80 pp. Diagrams (i a plate). 8. Grier. Grier s Southern Almanac for the states of Georgia, South Carolina, [Woodcut, seal of Georgia.] Alabama, and Tennessee. For the year of our Lord 1862 being the second of Southern Independence, and (until 4t (sic) July,) the eighty-sixth of the independence of the United States. Calculated for the meridian of Georgia, S. Carolina, Alabama & Tennessee, by Samuel H. Wright, A.M., M.D. Published for the Trade by F. H. Singer, Augusta, Ga. E. Knapp & Co. : Savannah, Ga. [1861.] Cover- title, 23 pp. 12. Grier. Grier s Southern Almanac for the states of Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, [Woodcut, seal of Georgia.] Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee. For the year of our Lord 1863 being the third after bissextile or leap-year, and the third of Southern Independence, and (until 4th of July,) the eighty-seventh of the independence of the United States. Calculated for the latitude and meridian of Augusta, Ga., and will serve for the adjacent states, by T. P. Ashmore, of Americus, Ga. Published for the Trade by F. H. Singer, Augusta, Ga John M. Cooper & Co., Booksellers & Stationers, Savannah, Ga. [1862.] Cover-title, 23 PP. 12. io-2 CONFEDERATE STATES H., Miss M. J. The Rivals: a Chickahominy Story. By Miss M. J. H., of Virginia. Illustrated. Richmond : Ayres & Wade. 1864. 61 pp. Illus. 12. One of the illustrations is printed on the cover. Hall, Rev. William A. The Historic Significance of the Southern Revolution. A Lecture delivered by invitation in Petersburg, Va., March I4th and April 29th, 1864. And in Richmond, Va., April 7th and April 2 ist, 1864. By Rev. William A. Hall, of New Orleans Battalion Washington Artillery. Petersburg: Printed by A. F. Crutchfield & Co., Bank, Street, 1864. 45 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Hardee, William Joseph. The only copy-right edition. Rifle and Infantry Tactics, re vised and improved by Maj. Gen. W. J. Hardee, C. S. Army. Eighth edition. Vol. I. Schools of the soldier and company: Instruction for skirmishers. [Vol. II. School of the battalion.] Mobile: S. H. Goetzel. 1863. Vol. I. 228 pp. front, and 31 pi. Vol. II. 232 pp. 37 pi. (pi. 3-67 and one unnumbered one.) 24. Cloth. Hardee, William Joseph. The only copy-right edition. Rifle and Infantry Tactics, re vised and improved by Lieut. Gen. W. J. Hardee, C. S. Army. Ninth edition. Vol. I. Schools of the soldier and company; Instruction for skirmishers. [Vol. II. School of the battalion.] Mobile: S. H. Goetzel. 1863. Vol. I. 228 pp. front, and 31 pi. Vol. II. 232 pp. 37 pi. (pi. 31-67 and one unnumbered one.) 24. Cloth with wall-paper sides. Plates 35 and 36 missing. Hardee, William Joseph. The only copy-right edition. Rifle and Infantry Tactics, re vised and improved by Col. W. J. Hardee, C. S. Army, first MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 103 Hardee, William Joseph Continued. edition. Vol. I. Schools of the soldier and company; Instruc tion for skirmishers. Mobile: S. H. Goetzel & Co. First year of the Confederacy. 97 pp. 8. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. The Boston Athenaeum copy has manuscript additions. Hardee, William Joseph. The only copy-right edition. Rifle and infantry tactics, revised and improved . . . Third Edition. Schools of the soldier and company; Instruction for skirmishers. Mobile: S. H. Goetzel and Co. First year of the Confederacy. 250 pp. front. 31 pi. music. 24. Half roan. Has an autograph of Capt. M. Stuart on the title-page and a pen and ink portrait on the back of the frontispiece. Hardee, William Joseph. Rifle and Infantry Tactics, revised and improved by Brig. Gen. W. J. Hardee, C. S. Army. Published by order of the Governor for the use of the North Carolina Troops. Raleigh, N. C. : John Spelman, Printer to the State, 1862. 144, iv pp. 8. Half cloth. Hardee, William J., and Goetzel, S. H. Memorial to the Congress of the Confederate States. [Mobile : 1863.] 6 pp. 8. No title-page. This memorial asks for a special copyright for Hardee s "Rifle and Infantry Tactics". It is dated at Mobile, December 14, 1863. Harris, W. A. The Record of Fort Sumter, from its Occupation by Major Anderson, to its Reduction by South Carolina Troops, during the administration of Governor Pickens. Compiled by W. A. Harris. . . . Columbia, S. C. : South Carolinian Steam Job Print ing Office. 1862. 50 pp. 8. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. There is a half-leaf, Addendum to No. 5, inserted after page 12. 104 CONFEDERATE STATES Hassel, B. Deutsches A-B-C und Erstes Lese-Buch. Herausgegeben von B. Hassel. Richmond, Va. 1863. 64 pp. 24. Gedruckt in der Office des Richm. Anzeigers. This has wall paper covers. Henry, Gustavus Adolphus. Speech of Hon. Gustavus A. Henry, of Tennessee, in the Senate of the Confederate States, November 29, 1864. [Rich mond: 1864.] 13 pp. 8. No title-page. Harrington, W. D. The Captain s Bride, a tale of the war, by W. D. Herrington, 3rd N. C. Cavalry, Author of "The Refugee s Niece," "The Deserter s Daughter," etc. Illustrated Mercury, Novelette No. I. Raleigh: William B. Smith, 1864. Cover-title. 22 pp. 8. There are two pages of advertisements at the end. Herrington, W. D. The Deserter s Daughter. By W. D. Herrington, 3rd N. C. Cav., Author of "The Captain s Bride," "The Refugee s Niece," etc. Southern Field and Fireside Novelette, No. 3. New series. Raleigh: Wm. B. Smith & Co. 1865. 27 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. There are five pages of advertisements at the end. Hill, H. P., & Co. Published monthly. Price fifty cents. H. P. Hill & Go s Confederate States Rail-Road Guide, containing the time-tables, fares, connections and distances on all. the rail-roads of the Con federate States; also, the connecting lines of rail-roads, steam boats and stages. And will be accompanied by a complete guide to the principal hotels. With a large variety of valuable informa tion, collected, compiled and arranged by J. C. Swayze. [Wood- MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 105 Hill, H. P., & Co. Continued. cut of train of cars.] Griffin, Georgia: H. P. Hill & Co., Pub lishers, and for sale by all Booksellers in the Confederacy. [1863.] [Three lines, copy-right notice.] 96 pp. 24. This is the number for April, 1863, as is stated on the cover-title. The cover-title is much abbreviated, and contains two woodcuts, one of a train of cars, and one of a steamboat. The last nineteen pages contain advertisements. Hill, H. P., & Swayze, J. C. Published monthly. May Number 2. Hill & Swayze s Con federate States Rail-Road & Steam-Boat Guide, containing the time-tables, fares, connections and distances on all the rail-roads of the Confederate States ; also, the connecting lines of rail-roads, steam-boats and stages. And will be accompanied by a complete guide to the principal hotels. With a large variety of valuable information, collected, compiled and arranged by J. C. Swayze. [Woodcut of train of cars.] Griffin, Georgia: Hill & Swayze, Publishers, and for sale by all Booksellers in the Confederacy. [1863.] [Three lines, copyright notice.] 96 pp. 24. The last twenty-two pages contain advertisements. The front cover of the Athenaeum copy is missing. Hill, Theophilus Hunter. Hesper, and other Poems, by Theo. H. Hill. [Six lines of verse from Thomas Gibbons.] Second edition. Raleigh, N. C.: No. 12 Fayetteville Street, Branson, Farrar & Co., Publishers. 1863. 2 p. 1., 11-96 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. The covers are made of wall-paper, and the title is printed on the colored side. In the Athenaeum copy pages 77-80 are missing. Hopkins New-Orleans 5 cent song-book [New Orleans, 1861.] 1 8 pp. 1 6. Illustrated. One of the famous and rare Confederate song books ; contains among others "God save the South," "Lincoln going to Canaan," "Jackson of Alexandria," "New Orleans hard times." io6 CONFEDERATE STATES Hugo, Victor. Les Miserables. (The Wretched.) A Novel. By Victor Hugo. A new translation, revised. In five parts: I. Fantine. II. Cosette. III. Marius. IV. St. Denis. V. Jean Valjean. Part I. Fantine. Part IV. Saint Denis. Part V. Jean Val jean. Richmond: West & Johnston. 1863-64. Part I. viii, 9-204 pp. Part IV. I p. 1., vii-viii, 9-173 pp. Part V. viii, 9-173 PP- 8. The cover-titles are somewhat different. The Athenaeum lacks Parts II and III, and its copy of Part IV lacks signature n, pages 153-168. Hurst, M. B. History of the Fourteenth Regiment Alabama Vols. with a list of the names of every man that ever belonged to the regiment. By M. B. Hurst, Chief Musician I4th Regiment Alabama Volun teers. Richmond: 1863. Cover-title. 48 pp. 12. Hymns for the Camp Raleigh : Biblical Recorder Print. 1864. xii, 13-127 pp. 32. Hymns for the Camp. Third edition, revised and enlarged. . . . [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 127 pp. 32. The Jack Morgan Songster. Compiled by a Capt. in Gen. Lee s Army. Raleigh N. C., Branson & Farrar, Fayetteville Street. 1864. Cover-title, 64 pp. 24. Jamison, David Flavel. The life and times of Bertrand Du Guesclin: A History of the Fourteenth Century. By D. F. Jamison of South Carolina. Charleston: John Russell. 1864. 2 vols. Frontispiece. 8. Johnson, L. An elementary Arithmetic, designed for Beginners : embracing the First Principles of the Science. By L. Johnson. A.M., Pro fessor of Mathematics in Trinity College. Raleigh, N. C., Branson & Farrar, Fayetteville Street. 1864. 154 pp. 1 6. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 107 Johnson, L. Continued. This has the same imprint on the cover, and the following title: Johnson s Common School Arithmetic. The following printed slip is pasted on the front fly-leaf: "If one Confederate soldier can whip 7 Yankees, how many soldiers can whip 49 Yankees?" p. 44. Johnson, Robert Ward. Speech of Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, in the C. S. Senate, Febru ary 9th, 1864, on the Bill to limit and define the terms of office of the principal officers or heads of departments. Richmond: James E. Goode, Printer. 1864. 19 pp. 8. Jones, John Beauchamp. Wild Western Scenes ; or, The white spirit of the wilderness. Being a narrative of adventures, embracing the same characters portrayed in the original "Wild Western Scenes," over one hun dred editions of which have been sold in Europe and America. By J. B. Jones, Author of the first series of "Wild Western Scenes." [New series.] Richmond: M. A. Malsby, Publisher. 1863. iv, 124 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. Joynes, Edward Southey. Education after the War. A Letter addressed to a member of the Southern Educational Convention, Columbia, S. C., 28th April, 1863. By Edward S. Joynes, A.M., Professor of Greek Literature in William and Mary College, Va. [Pub lished in the Southern Literary Messenger, and re-printed for the use of the Convention.] Richmond: Macfarlane & Fergusson, Printers. 1863. 16 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Judd, H. O. Look within for Fact and Fiction consisting of instructing sketches, and thrilling narratives. By H. O. Judd. Macon, Ga. : Published for the Author. 1864. 204 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. io8 CONFEDERATE STATES Juridicus, pseud. The Recognition of the Confederate States considered in a reply to the letters of " Historicus" in the London Times. By Juridicus. Originally published in the Charleston Courier. Charleston, S. C. Evans & Cogswell, 3 Broad Street. 1863. 41 pp. 8. Keiley, Anthony M. Prisoner of War, or Five Months among the Yankees. Being a narrative of the crosses, calamities, and consolations of a Peters burg Militiaman during an enforced summer residence North. By A. Rifleman, Esq., Gent. Published by West & Johnston, Main Street, Richmond, Va. [1865.] 120 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. The preface is dated January ad, 1865. Lander, S. Our own School Arithmetic. By S. Lander, A.M. Greens boro, N. C. : Published by Sterling, Campbell & Albright. Rich mond, Va., W. Hargrave White. 1863. vi, 7-224 pp. 16. Boards. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Lee, Charles Henry. The Judge Advocate s Vade Mecum: embracing a general view of military law, and the practice before courts martial, with an epitome of the law of evidence, as applicable to military trials. By C. H. Lee. Richmond: West and Johnston, No. 145 Main Street. 1863. 251 pp. 8. Half sheep. Lee, Charles Henry. The Judge Advocate s Vade Mecum : embracing a general view of military law, and the practice before courts-martial of the army and navy, with an epitome of the law of evidence, as appli cable to military and naval trials. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Richmond: West and Johnston, No. 145 Main St. 1864. 308 pp. 8. Half sheep. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 109 Lee, James K. The Volunteer s Hand Book: containing an abridgment of Hardee s Infantry Tactics, adapted to the use of the percussion musket in squad and company exercises, manual of arms for riflemen, and United States Army regulations as to parades, re views, inspections, guard mounting, &c. By Capt. J. K. Lee, of the First Regiment of Virginia Volunteers. Seventh thousand. Richmond, Va: West & Johnston. No. 145 Main Street. 1861. 96, ii pp. 1 6. Limp cloth. Lefranc, Emile. La Verite sur 1 Esclavage et TUnion aux Etats-Unis, par Emile Lefranc. [Printer s ornament enclosing the initials E. F.] Nouvelle-Orleans : Imprimerie Franco-Americaine, 122, rue de Chartres. 1861. I p. 1., 227 pp. 8. The cover-title is: La Verite sur 1 Esclavage et 1 Union suivi d un resume de la statistique et de 1 histoire des Etats-Unis, textc frangais et anglais, par Emile Lefranc. The imprint is slightly different. There is no English text in the Athenaeum copy. [Le Gal, Eugene.] The School of the Guides, for the use of the Army of the Confederate States, with questions. Richmond, Va. : West & Johnston. 1862. 71 pp. 24. Limp cloth. Lester, W. W., and Bromwell, William J. A Digest of the Military and Naval Laws of the Confederate States, from the commencement of the Provisional Congress to the end of the First Congress under the permanent Constitution. Analytically arranged by Capt. W. W. Lester, of the Quarter master-General s Office, and Wm. J. Bromwell, of the Depart ment of State, Attorneys-at-law. To be continued every session. Columbia : Evans and Cogswell. 1864. vii, 8 330 pp. 8. Half calf. no CONFEDERATE STATES The Life of James W. Jackson, the Alexandria hero, the slayer of Ellsworth, the first Martyr in the cause of Southern independ ence; containing a full account of the circumstances of his heroic death, and the many remarkable incidents of his eventful life, constituting a true history, more like romance than reality. Pub lished for the benefit of his family. Richmond. West & John ston, 145 Main Street. 1862. 48 pp. 8. The Life of Lieut. Gen. T. J. Jackson. By an Ex-Cadet. Rich mond, Va. Printed and published by James E. Goode. 1863. vi, 7-128 pp. 8. The Life of Thomas J. Jackson. By an Ex-Cadet. Second edi tion, revised and enlarged by the author. Richmond: James E. Goode. 1864. 196 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. Lloyd, W. Alvin. Price one dollar. Railroad time tables and advertisements, published monthly. Lloyd s Southern Railroad Guide, contains the time tables, stations, connections, distances and fares, on all the railroads throughout the Southern States, with a Guide to the principal watering places, and summer resorts, sketches of the different cities and towns in the South, and interesting reading matter in each number of the guide, also, a List of the best kept hotels, with a list of all the cotton and woolen factories in the Confederacy, with names of proprietors and the post office of each factory. W. Alvin Lloyd. Oct r, & Nov r, 1863. Mobile, Ala. I58pp. 12. This is Old Series Vol. IX, or New Series Vol. I. No. 6. The cover-title is much shorter, and has a woodcut of a train of cars. Pages 64-157 contain advertisements. Lloyd, W. Alvin. Price five dollars. Railroad time tables and advertisements, published monthly. Lloyd s Southern Railroad Guide with new MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS in Lloyd, W. Alvin Continued. Railroad Map ; contains the time tables, stations connections and distances on all the railroads throughout the Southern States, with a guide to the principal watering places and summer resorts, sketches of the different cities and towns in the South, and inter esting reading matter in each number of the guide, also, a list of the best kept hotels. W. Alvin Lloyd. June, 1864. Atlanta, Ga. Price five dollars. 136 pp. 12. This is Vol. XI. No. V. The cover-title is much abbreviated, and has a woodcut of a train of cars. The last ninety pages contain advertisements. Lowe, Enoch Louis. Ex-Gov. Lowe s Letter to the Virginia Legislature. [Rich mond :i 86 1.] 4 pp. 8. No title-page. This letter is addressed to Hon. James L. Kemper, Speaker of the House of Delegates of Virginia, and is dated at Ashland, Va., December i6th, 1861. McCabe, James Dabney, Jr. The Aid-de-camp ; a romance of the war. By James D. Mc Cabe, Jr. Published by W. A. J. Smith: Richmond. 1864. H3 PP. 8. The cover-title is the same, except that the names of the printers, Macfarlane & Fergusson, are at the bottom of the page. There are two pages of advertisements at the end. McGill, John, Bishop of Richmond. Faith, the Victory ; or, A comprehensive view of the principal doctrines of the Christian Religion. By Rt. Rev. John McGill, D.D. Bishop of Richmond. . . . Richmond : J. W. Randolph, 121 Main Street. 1865. viii, 336 pp. 12 , o Macleod, Norman. Wee Davie. From the twenty-seventh London Edition. Richmond, Va: Presbyterian Committee of Publication. 1864. 52 pp. 8. ii2 CONFEDERATE STATES MacMahon, T. W. Cause and Contrast: an essay on the American Crisis. By T. W. MacMahon. Richmond, Va. West & Johnston. 1862. xv, 192 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. This has the following inscription: To Frank S. West, Esqe with the sincere regards of his much obliged friend, The Author. Macon & Brunswick Rail Road Co. Fifth annual Report of the President and Directors of the Macon & Brunswick Rail Road Co. to the Stockholders. Macon, Ga. : Burke, Boykin & Co., Steam Book and Job Printers. 1864. 15 PP. 8. The cover-title is abbreviated. Mahan, Dennis Hart. An Elementary Treatise on Advanced Guard, Out-Post, and detachment service of troops, and the manner of posting and handling them in presence of an enemy. Intended as a supple ment to the system of tactics adopted for the military service of the United States, and especially for the use of officers of militia and volunteers. By D. H. Mahan, Professor of Military and Civil Engineering, and of the Science of War, in the United States Military Academy. New Orleans: Bloomfield & Steel, Booksellers and Stationers. 1861. 143 pp. 24. Cloth. Mahan, Dennis Hart. Summary of the course of permanent fortification and of the Attack and Defence of Permanent Works, for the use of the cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. By D. H. Mahan, Pro fessor of Military Engineering, etc., etc. Edition presented to War Department, C. S. A., by Col. Blanton Duncan. Columbia, S. C. : South Carolinian Steam-Power Press. 1863. 352 pp. 8. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 113 Mangum, Rev. Adolphus Williamson. Myrtle Leaves ; or Tokens at the Tomb. By Rev. Adolphus W. Mangum. Raleigh, N. C. Branson & Farrar, Fayetteville Street. 1864. vi, 7-132 pp. 12. This has a cover-title with the same imprint, but with the fol lowing title: Myrtle Leaves, a book peculiarly adapted to the Times. By Rev. A. W. Mangum. Second edition. (Revised and Enlarged.) Manual of the Lance and Lance Exercise : for the Cavalry Service. By a Field Officer. Savannah : Steam Power Press of John M. Cooper & Co. 1862. 15 pp. 12. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Marmont, Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de, due de Raguse. The Spirit of Military Institutions, by Marshal Marmont, Duke of Ragusa. Translated from the last Paris edition (1859), and augmented by biographical, historical, topographical, and military notes ; with a new version of General Jomini s celebrated thirty-fifth chapter, of part I, of Treatise on grand military oper ations. By Frank Schaller, Colonel 22d Regiment Mississippi Infantry, Confederate Army. Columbia, S. C. : Evans and Cogs well. 1864. 278pp. 12. Half cloth. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. [Marsh, Catherine.] A Sketch of the Life of Capt. Hedley Vicars, the Christian Soldier Richmond : Macfarlane & Fergusson, Printers. 1862. Cover-title, 34 pp. 16. The following note is prefixed to this: The following sketch of Capt. Hedley Vicars, from his life by Miss Marsh, has been pre pared, hoping that thus abridged, it may obtain wide circulation, and under the blessing of God, prove more extensively useful to the soldiers of the Confederate Army, who have left their homes and are exposing their lives in our defence. ii4 CONFEDERATE STATES A Message from the Army of the Valley of Virginia. [Camp of Smith s Brigade, Feb. 10, 1865.] 1865. I p. 8. No title-page. This is a set of resolutions adopted at a meeting of the 36th and 6oth regiments and 45th battalion Virginia infantry, Smith s brigade, Wharton s division. Meynardie, Rev. Elias James. The Siege of Charleston ; its history and progress. A Dis course, delivered in Bethel Church, Charleston, S. C., Novem ber 19, 1863, (Thanksgiving Day.) By Rev. E. J. Meynardie. Published by request. Columbia: Steam-Power Press of Evans & Cogswell. 1864. 15 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Miller, A. E. Third edition. 47th year of publication. Miller s Planters & Merchants State [Woodcut, part of the seal of South Caro lina.] Rights Almanac, for the year of our Lord 1864: being bissextile or leap year, and 4th of the independence of the Con federate States. Calculated for the horizon of Charleston, So. Caro. But also adapted to South-Carolina and the adjacent states. By Robert Garlington, Professor of Math. & Astro., Newberry College, S. C. Containing the astronomical calculations, and time of high water. To which are annexed also, the Hebrew calendar for the year 5624; and the days observed as the principal festivals and fasts by the Protestant Episcopal Church. The executive officers &c. of the Confederate States government. The chief officers of the state of South-Carolina and of the city of Charleston, &c., &c. With the times of holding Courts in South-Carolina, and other general information ; with a gardener s calendar, (condensed) for each month, at the head of the page, &c. The calculations are made to mean time, and the tides for Charleston Bar. Charleston, S. C. Printed, Published and Sold, Wholesale & Retail by A. E. Miller, No. 351 King Street. Also sold by Welch & Harris, same place and by Booksellers generally throughout the state. [1863.] Cover-title, 48 pp. 8. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 115 Minnigerode, Rev. Charles. Power: a Sermon preached at St. Paul s Church, Richmond, on the 1 3th November, 1864. By Rev. Charles Minnigerode, D.D. [Published by request.] Richmond, Va. W. H. Clem- mitt, Book and Job Printer, 1864. 2O pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Moore, Mrs, M. B. The Dixie Speller. To follow the First Dixie Reader. By Mrs. M. B. Moore, Author of the Dixie Series. Raleigh, N. C. : Branson & Farrar. 1864. iv, 5-120 pp. Illus. Woodcut (on title-page). 12. Boards. This has on the cover the same imprint and the following title: The Dixie Elementary Spelling Book. For the use of common schools. By M. B. Moore. Moore, Mrs. M. B. The First Dixie Reader ; designed to follow the Dixie Primer. By Mrs. M. B. Moore. Raleigh: Branson, Farrar & Co. 1863. 63 PP. 24. The cover-title is enclosed within a border. It has the same im print except that the year is 1864, and a slightly different title. Moore, Mrs. M. B. The Geographical Reader, for the Dixie Children. By Mrs. M. B. Moore. Raleigh: Branson, Farrar & Co., Publishers. Biblical Recorder Print. 1863. 48 pp. 6 maps. sq. 12. Boards. The cover-title is identical with the title-page except that it omits the first "the", and that it has a woodcut between the title and the author s name. The last six pages are devoted to the advertisement of new pub lications of the publisher. Moore, Mrs. M. B. Primary Geography, arranged as a Reading Book for Common Schools, with Questions and Answers Attached. By M. B. Moore. n6 CONFEDERATE STATES Moore, Mrs. M. B. Continued. (Second edition.) Raleigh, N. C., Branson & Farrar, Fayettc- ville Street. 1864. 48 pp. 6 maps. sq. 12. Boards. This is the second edition of "The Geographical Reader". The cover-title is slightly different from the title-page and has a woodcut between the title and the author s name. Moore, Rev. Thomas Verner. God our Refuge and Strength in this War. A Discourse before the Congregations of the First and Second Presbyterian Churches, on the day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer, appointed by President Davis, Friday, Nov. 15, 1861. By Rev. T. V. Moore, D.D. Richmond, Va. Published by W. Hargrave White. 1861. 24 pp. 8 )0 [Mundt, Frau Clara, pseud.} L. Muhlbach. Joseph II. and his Court. An historical novel, by L. Muhl bach. From the German, by Adelaide DeV. Chaudron. Vol ume L [Volume II.] [Volume III.] [Volume IV.] Mobile: ,S. H. Goetzel, Publisher. 1864. Vol. I. 240 pp. Vol. II. 240 pp. Vol. III. 139 pp. Vol. IV. 152 pp. 12. The cover-titles are the same, except that they have at the top of the page, Copyright Secured, and at the bottom, Farrow & Dennett, Printers, Mobile. The covers are made of wall-paper. [Mundt, Frau Clara, pseud.] L. Muhlbach. Henry VIII. and his Court, or, Catharine Parr. A historical novel. By L. Muhlbach. From the German, by Rev. H. N. Pierce, D.D. Volume I. [Volume II.] Mobile: S. H. Goetzel, Publisher. 1865. Vol. I. 142 pp. Vol. II. 143 pp. 12. The cover-titles are the same. The covers are made of wall-paper. The Mystery Revealed; or, The Way of Peace. No place. [186-.] Cover-title, 49 pp. 12. No title-page. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 117 Napoleon I. The officer s manual. Napoleon s Maxims of War. Rich mond, Va. : West & Johnston. 1862. 159 pp. 24. Neely, Rev. John. The Confederate States Speller & Reader: containing the Principles and Practice of English Orthography and Orthoepy systematically developed. Designed to Accord with the " Present Usage of Literary and Well-Bred Society." In three Parts. For the use of schools and families. By Rev. John Neely. Published by A. Bleakley, Augusta, Ga. 1864. iv, 5-190 pp. 12. Boards. The cover-title is the same except that the year is 1865. Nolan, Lewis Edward. Cavalry, its History and Tactics. By Captain L. E. Nolan, 1 5th Hussars. First American, from the second London, edition. Columbia, S. C. : Evans and Cogswell. 1864. xii, 2O2 pp. 16. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Oldham, Williamson S. Speech of W. S. Oldham, of Texas, upon the Bill to amend the Conscript Law, made in the Senate, September 4, 1862. [Richmond: 1862.] 16 pp. 8. No title-page. Oldham, Williamson S. Speech of Hon. W. S. Oldham, of Texas, on the Resolutions of the state of Texas, concerning peace, reconstruction and inde pendence. In the Confederate States Senate, January 30, 1865. [Richmond: 1865.] 13 pp. 8. No title-page. Patten, George. Cavalry Drill and Sabre Exercise, : compiled agreeably to the latest regulations of the War Department, from standard military authority. By George Patten, (sic) Richmond: West & John ston, 145 Main Street, 1862. 165 pp. 93 figures. 16. The cover-title is shorter, and has the figure of a mounted trooper on it. ii8 CONFEDERATE STATES Phoenix Rifles. Constitution of the Phoenix Rifles, of Charleston, S. C. Adopted Nov., 1861. Charleston, S. C. : Printed by James Phynney, In the rear of 48 Broad-st. 1862. 12 pp. 8. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. A slip containing additional matter is inserted at the end. Pierce, Rev. Henry Niles. Sermons preached in St. John s Church, Mobile, on the I3th of June, 1 86 1, the National Fast appointed by His Excellency Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America ; by the Rector: Rev. H. N. Pierce. Mobile: Farrow & Dennett, Book and Job Printers, No. 3 North Water Street. 1861 12 pp. 8. This contains two sermons: God our only Trust, and Deliver us from Evil. Pocket Almanac, 1865. Petersburg, Va. Published by the Evan gelical Tract Society. Depository, No. 18 Bank St, Petersburg Express Print [1864]. 24 pp. 32. Pollard, Edward Albert. The First Year of the War. By Edward A. Pollard, Author of "Black Diamonds," etc. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1862. viii, 17-374 pp. 8. Pollard, Edward Albert. The First Year of the War. By Edward A. Pollard, Author of "Black Diamonds," etc. Corrected and improved edition. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1862. xvi, 1 7-406 pp. 8. [Pollard, Edward Albert.] A Letter on the State of the War. By one recently returned from the enemy s country. [Richmond: 1865.] 8 pp. 8. This is signed by the author at the end. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 119 Pollard, Edward Albert. Observations in the North : eight months in prison and on parole. By Edward A. Pollard. Richmond: E. W. Ayres, Corner Ninth and Main Streets. 1865. vii, 9-142 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Pollard, Edward Albert. The Rival Administrations: Richmond and Washington in December, 1803. By E. A. Pollard, Author of "The First and Second Years of the War." " Peccata nocentium nota esse oportet et expedit." Justinian. Richmond: Published for the Author. 1864. 4 p. 1., 32 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Pollard, Edward Albert. The Second Year of the War. By Edward A. Pollard, Author of "Black Diamonds," etc. "Durate! et vosmet rebus secundis servate." ^neid. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1863. x, 17-326 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same, except that the year is 1864. Pollard, Edward Albert. The Southern Spy. Letters on the policy and inauguration of the Lincoln War. Written anonymously in Washington and elsewhere. By Edward A. Pollard, of Virginia. Author of rt Black Diamonds." [Four lines from Horace.] Richmond, Va. West & Johnston : 145 Main Street. 1862. 118 pp. 16. This is the third edition with a preface dated at Richmond, November, 1861. The first edition was issued in Baltimore in 1861 without the name of either the author or the printer. The title-page is as follows: Letters of the Southern Spy, in Washing ton and elsewhere. [Four lines from Horace.] 92, 3 pp. 12. The cover-title is The Southern Spy. The third edition omits one of the letters in the first edition, and adds three other letters. 120 CONFEDERATE STATES Pollard, Edward Albert. The Two Nations : a Key to the History of the American War. By Edward A. Pollard, Author of "The First and Second Years of the War." Richmond : Ayres & Wade. 1864. i6pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Porcher, Francis Peyre. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests. 1863. See Confederate States. Surgeon-General. Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States. Address of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America, to all the Churches of Jesus Christ throughout the earth. Adopted unanimously at the organization of the General Assembly in Augusta, Ga., December, 1 86 1. Published by order of the Assembly. [Augusta, 1861.] Cover-title, 17 pp. 8. Press Association of the Confederate States. Private. The Press Association of the Confederate States of America. I. Introduction. 2. Organization of Press Associa tion. 3. Constitution. 4. Minutes of Board of Directors 1st Session. 5. Rules of Press Association. 6. Minutes of Board of Directors 2d Session. 7. Report of Superintendent. 8. General instructions and rules for press reports. Printed by order of the Board of Directors. Griffin, Georgia: Hill & Swayze s Printing House. 1863. 56 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Press Association of the Confederate States. Private. Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Press Asso ciation, embracing the Quarterly Reports of the Superintendent, October and January. Fourth Session Atlanta, Oct. 14, 1863. Fifth Session Augusta, Jan y 14, 1864. Printed by order of the Board. Atlanta, Ga. : Franklin Steam Publishing House, J. J. Toon & Co., Proprietors. 1864. 62 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same, except for this note at the top of the page: See second page of cover. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 121 Preston, Mrs. Margaret (Junkin). Beechenbrook ; a Rhyme of the War. Richmond : J. W. Ran dolph, 121 Main St. 1865. 64 pp. 8. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. The Army and Navy Prayer Book. Diocesan Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Virginia. Rich mond: Chas. H. Wynne, Printer. 1864. 96 pp. 32. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. The Army and Navy Prayer Book. Diocesan Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Virginia. Rich mond: Chas. H. Wynne, Printer. 1865. 95 pp. 32. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments; and other rites and ceremonies of the church, accord ing to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confed erate States of America: together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. Richmond, Virginia: J. W. Randolph. M.DCCC.- LXIII. [London: Printed by G. E. Eyre and W. Spottis- woode.] 512 unnumbered pp. 48. Full roan with gilt edges. This has the following printed label pasted on the front fly-leaf: From the cargo of the Anglo-Rebel Blockade Runner Minna, captured December 6th, 1863, off Wilmington, by the Government Dispatch Ship Circassian, Capt. W. B. Eaton. The following is bound with this: Selections from the Psalms of David in metre; with Hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public worship. Richmond, Virginia: J. W. Randolph. M.DCCC.LXIII. 235 pp. 48. The second part of this has a separate title-page (page 115) as follows : Hymns, suited to the feasts and fasts of the Church, and other occasions of public worship. Richmond, Virginia: J. W. Ran dolph. M.DCCC.LXIII. 122 CONFEDERATE STATES Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. A Catechism, to be taught orally to those who cannot read; designed especially for the instruction of the Slaves, in the Prot. Episcopal Church in the Confederate States. Raleigh: Office of "The Church Intelligencer." 1862. 47 pp. 24. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. Journal of the Proceedings of the General Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of Amer ica, held in St. Paul s Church, Augusta, Ga. from Nov. I2th to Nov. 22d, inclusive, in the year of our Lord, 1862. With an appendix, containing the Constitution, a digest of the Canons, a list of the Clergy, and of the officers of the General Council, etc. Augusta, Ga. : Steam Press of Chronicle & Sentinel, 1863. 216, 15, xiii pp. ii. 59, viii pp. 21. 8. The Constitution, etc., has a separate title-page and pagination as follows: Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America and Digest of the Canons adopted in General Council, in Augusta, Georgia, November, 1862. Augusta, Ga. : Steam Power Press Chronicle & Sentinel. 1863. xiii pp. i 1. 59 pp. Page xiii is incorrectly numbered xii. Bound with this is the following: Pastoral Letter from the Bishops ... to the Clergy . . . Nov. 22d, 1862. 15 pp. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. Journal of proceedings of an Adjourned Convention of Bishops, Clergymen and Laymen of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Confederate States of America, held in Christ Church, Columbia, South Carolina, from Oct. i6th to Oct. 24th, inclu sive, in the year of our Lord 1861. Montgomery: Montgomery Advertiser Job Printing Office. 1861. 45 pp. I 1. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. The Order for daily Morning and Evening Prayer according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 123 Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. Continued. States of America, together with the Ante-Communion Office and a selection of occasional prayers from various offices of the Book of Common Prayer. Published by authority of the Joint Committee on the Book of Common Prayer, appointed by the first General Council of the Church in the Confederate States of America. Atlanta, Georgia: R. J. Maynard, Publisher. 1863. 47 PP- 8. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church to the clergy and laity of the Church in the Confederate States of America. Delivered before the General Council, in St. Paul s Church, Augusta, Saturday, Nov. 22d, 1862. Augusta: Ga. : Steam Power Press Chronicle & Sentinel. 1862. 15 pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page except that the imprint is omitted. This is also bound with the "Journal of the General Council, 1862". The Athenaeum also has a copy with the following title: Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of the Protestant Church to the clergy and laity of the Church in the Confederate States of America. Delivered before the General Council, in S. Paul s Church, Augusta, Saturday, Nov, 22, 1862. 16 pp. This has no printed imprint, but the name, Jas. S. Waters, Balto., is stamped at the bottom of the page with a rubber stamp. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. Proceedings of a meeting of Bishops, Clergymen, and Laymen, of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States, at Montgomery, Alabama, on the 3d, 4th, 5th, & 6th of July, 1861. Montgomery: Barrett, Wimbish & Co., Steam Printers and Binders, 1861. 28 pp. 8-. This has a cover-title slightly abbreviated and omitting the imprint. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. Proposed Constitution and Digest of Revised Canons for the government of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confed- 124 CONFEDERATE STATES Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. Continued, crate States of America, reported to the adjourned convention of bishops, clergymen and laymen of said church, held in Christ Church, Columbia, S. C., in October, 1861. Columbia, S. C: Steam Power-Press of R. W. Gibbes. 1861. xvi, 61 pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Protestant Episcopal Church in Alabama. Journal of the proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Conven tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocese of Ala bama, held in St. John s Church, Montgomery, on the 2d, 3rd, 4th and 6th of May, A.D. 1861. Mobile: Farrow and Dennett, Book and Job Printers, No. 3 North Water Street. 1861 48 pp. I folded table. 8. This has a shorter title without the imprint on the cover. Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia. Journal of the Sixty-Eighth Annual Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia. Held in St. Paul s Church, Rich mond, on the 2Oth, 2ist and 22nd May, 1863. Richmond: MacFarlane & Fergusson, Printers. 1863. 88 pp. 8. Cover-title. Title-page mutilated. Providential Aspect and salutary tendency of the Existing Crisis. [Two lines of verse.] New Orleans: Picayune Office Print, 66 Camp street. 1861. 36 pp. 8. This was copyrighted by Isaac Bridge. The cover-title is the same. Quelques considerations sur la defense de TEtat de la Louisiane et sur FOrganisation de ses Milices. Nouvelle-Orleans : Im- primerie de J. Lamarre, Passage-de-la-Bourse, 96. 1861. 59 pp. 8. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 125 Quintard, Rev. Charles Todd. Balm for the Weary and the Wounded. By Rev. C. T. Quin tard, Chaplain 1st Tenn. Reg t C. S. A. Columbia: Evans & Cogswell, Printers. 1864. 85 pp. 24. Randolph, Rev. Alfred Magill. Address on the day of Fasting and Prayer appointed by the President of the Confederate States, June 13, 1861. Delivered in St. George s Church, Fredericksburg, Va., by Rev. A. M. Randolph. Fredericksburg : Printed at the Recorder Job Office. 1861. 16 pp. 12. Remarks on a Volunteer Navy. By a Georgian. Atlanta, Georgia : Intelligencer Steam Power Presses. 1864. 16 pp. 8. Remarks on the Manufacture of Bank Notes, and other Promises to pay. Addressed to the Bankers of the Southern Confederacy. Columbia, S. C. : Steam Power-Press of F. G. DeFontaine & Co. 1864. 31 pp. Front. 8. The cover-title is the same. Remarks on the policy of prohibiting the Exportation of Cotton. By One of the People. Charleston: Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell, No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Street. 1861. 20 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Renfroe, Rev. J. J. D. "The Battle is God s." A Sermon preached before Wilcox s Brigade, on Fast Day, the 2ist August, 1863, near Orange Court- House, Va. By J. J. D. Renfroe, Chaplain loth Alabama Regi ment. Richmond : Macfarlane & Fergusson. 1863. 27 pp. 8. Reply to Professor Hodge, on the " State of the Country." Charles ton: Steam-Power Presses of Evans & Cogswell, No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1861. 32 pp. 8. This is signed Friends in Council, but is attributed to William John Grayson. The cover-title is the same. 126 CONFEDERATE STATES Rice, John H. A system of Modern Geography, compiled from various sources and adapted to the present condition of the world ; expressly for the use of schools and academies in the Confederate States of America. In which the political and physical condition of the states composing the Confederate States of America are fully treated of, and their progress in commerce, education, agriculture, internal improvements and mechanic arts, prominently set forth. By John H. Rice. 1862. Atlanta, Georgia: Franklin Printing House. Wood, Hanleiter, Rice & Co. 1862. 91 pp. 4. Boards. The cover-title is slightly different and has a woodcut between the title and the author s name. Richardson, William H. A Manual of Infantry and Rifle Tactics, with Honors paid by the troops, Inspections Reviews, &c. Abridged and compiled by Lieut. Col. Wm. H. Richardson, Graduate and formerly assistant Instructor of Tactics, Virginia Military Institute. Richmond, Va. Published by A. Morris. 1861. xii, 13-360 pp. i folded plate. 24. Half sheep. Roberts, Joseph. The Handbook of Artillery. By Capt. Joseph Roberts, Fourth Regiment Artillery United States Army. J. W. Randolph: 121 Main Street, Richmond, Va. 1861. 168 pp. 16. This has paper covers made of old ledger paper. Root, Sidney. Primary Bible Questions for Young Children. By S. Root. Third Edition, Revised, enlarged and improved. Atlanta, Georgia. : J. J. Toon & Co., Publisher s and Proprietors, Frank lin Steam Printing House. 1864. 80 pp. 24. The cover-title is the same. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 127 The Royal Ape : a dramatic poem. Richmond : West & Johnston, No. 145 Main Street. 1863. 85 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. The Athenaeum copy was the gift of C. C. Coffin and has his autograph. Ruffin, Edmund. Agricultural, geological, and descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina, and the similar adjacent lands. By Edmund Ruffin, of Virginia. Raleigh : Printed at the Institution for the Deaf & Dumb & the Blind. 1861. xi, 13-296 pp. 8. The cover-title is shorter. The Sabbath School Wreath. A collection of hymns, compiled by a Sabbath School Teacher. For the benefit of the children in the Confederate States. "Oh, Come, Let us sing unto the Lord!" Ps. xcv. Raleigh: "Spirit of the Age" Office. 1864. 94 pp. 24. St. Paul, Henry. Our Home and Foreign Policy, by Henry St. Paul. Novem ber, 1863. Printed at the office of the Daily Register and Adver tiser. 1863. 23 pp. 8 Sanders, George N. Appendix to the Life and Times of Duncan K. McRae, by George N. Sanders, Esq., with his Letter of resignation to Gov ernor Vance, as Colonel of the 5th North-Carolina Troops, &c., &c., &c. Raleigh: "Standard" Print. 1864. 48pp. 8. Savannah, Albany and Gulf Rail Road Company. Ninth annual Report of the President and Directors of the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Rail Road Company, to the Stock holders. May, 1863. Savannah, Georgia. George N. Nichols, Printer. 1863. 34 pp. I folded sheet containing 9 tables. 8. The cover-title omits the imprint, is abbreviated, and has a wood cut of a train of cars. 128 CONFEDERATE STATES Schley, John. Our Position and our true Policy. [Augusta: 1863.] Cover- title, ii pp. 8. This is signed by the author at the end, and is dated at Augusta, February 2, 1863. Schreiner, Hermann L. The Gen. Lee Songster, being a collection of the most popular sentimental, patriotic and comic Songs. Arranged by Hermann L. Schreiner. Published by John C. Schreiner & Son : Macon and Savannah, Ca. (sic) Schreiner & Hewitt: 1865 Augusta, Ga. 1865 Cover-title, 36 pp. 24. Scott, John. Letters to an officer in the army; proposing Constitutional Reform in the Confederate Government after the close of the present war. A supplement to "The Lost Principle." By John Scott, of Fauquier, C. S. Army, Author of "The Lost Principle." [Two lines from Jeremiah, and five lines from Bacon.] Richmond: A. Morris, Publisher. 1864. 82 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Scott, Winfield. Infantry-tactics; or Rules of the exercise and manoeuvres of infantry . . . Evolutions of the line. Raleigh. Printed at the office of the State Journal. 1862. 66, iii pp. 8. Bound with W. J. Hardee s, Rifle and infantry tactics, revised and improved. 1862. Seals, A. B. Rockford: a Romance. By A. B. Seals. Atlanta, Georgia: Franklin Printing House. Wood, Hanleiter, Rice & Co. 1861. 276pp. 12. Cloth. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 129 Seat, Rev. W. H. The Confederate States of America in Prophecy. By the Rev. W. H. Seat, of the Texas Conference. Nashville, Tenn. : Printed for the Author, at the Southern Methodist Publishing House. 1861. vi, 7-144 pp. 16. The Seven Days Battles in Front of Richmond. An outline narrative of the series of engagements which opened at Mechanics- ville, near Richmond, on Thursday, June 26th, 1862, and resulted in the defeat and retreat of the Northern army under Major- General M Clellan. Compiled from the detailed accounts of the newspaper press. Richmond: West and Johnston, 1862. 45 pp. 8. Sewell, Mrs. Mary. Mother s Last Words. A ballad. By Mrs. Sewell, Author of "The Children of Summerbrook," "Our Father s Care," &c. From the thirtieth London edition. Richmond, Va: Presbyterian Committee of Publication. 1865. 28 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. Sewell, Mrs. Mary. "Our Father s Care." A ballad. By Mrs. Sewell, Author of "Mother s Last Words," "Homely Ballads," "The Children of Summerbrook," &c. From the twenty-seventh London edition. Richmond, Va: Presbyterian Committee of Publication. 1864. 27 pp. 12. This is Tract No. 70. The cover-title is the same. [Shepperson, Dr. William G.] War Songs of the South. By Bohemian. Richmond: 1862. 216 pp. 12. The Athenaeum copy lacks the title-page. i 3 o CONFEDERATE STATES [Simms, William Gilmore.] Sack and Destruction of the city of Columbia, S. C. to which is added a List of the property destroyed. Columbia, S. C. : Power Press of Daily Phoenix. 1865. 76 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same, except that between the title and the imprint it adds the following: Originally published in the Columbia Daily Phoenix. Smythe, Charles W. Our own Elementary Grammar, intermediate between the Primary and High School Grammars, and especially adapted to the wants of the Common Schools. By Charles W. Smythe, A.M., Author of a series of English Grammars, and Principal of the Lexington English and Classical School. Greensboro , N. C., Published by Sterling, Campbell & Albright. Richmond, Va. : W. Hargrave White. Columbia, S. C. : Townsend & North. 1863. 148 pp. 1 6. Boards. The cover-title is the same. The Athenaeum copy lacks pages 121-144; in their place it has pages 97-120. Smythe, Charles W. Our own Primary Grammar, for the use of Beginners. By Charles W. Smythe, A.M., Author of "A series of English Gram mars," and Principal of the Lexington English and Classical School. Third edition. Greensboro , N. C. : Sterling, Campbell & Albright. Richmond, Va. : W. Hargrave White. Columbia, S. C. : Townsend & North. 1863. 72pp. 16. Boards. The cover-title is the same. Smythe, Charles W. Smythe s School Grammar. Our own School Grammar, de signed for our schools and academies, as a sequel to the "Primary Grammar." By Charles W. Smythe, A.M., Principal of the Lexington English and Classical School, and Author of "Our own Primary Grammar." Greensborough, N. C., Sterling, Campbell & Albright. Richmond, Va. W. Hargrave White. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 131 Smythe, Charles W. Continued. Charleston, S. C. M Carter and Dawson. 1862. v, 7-208 pp. 12. Boards. The title on the cover is the same, but the imprint is slightly different. The Soldier s Hymn-Book: for Camp Worship. Soldiers Tract Association, Virginia Conference, M. E. Church, South. 1863. 64 pp. 32. The Soldier s Hymn-Book: for Camp Worship. Sixty-third Thousand. Soldiers Tract Association, M. E. Church, South. 1864. 64 pp. 32. The Soldier s Visitor. Richmond, Va: Presbyterian Committee of Publication. In Mrs. Mary Sewell s "Our Father s Care." Songs of Love and Liberty. Compiled by a North Carolina Lady Raleigh, N. C., Branson & Farrar, Fayetteville Street, 1864. 62 pp. 24. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Songs of the South. J. W. Randolph, 121 Main Street, Rich mond, Va. 1862. Cover-title, 72 pp. 24. The covers are made out of a piece of blank ledger paper. Songs of the South. J. W. Randolph, 121 Main Street, Rich mond, Va. 1863. Geo. P. Evans & Co., Printers, "Whig" Building. Cover-title. 70, ii pp. 1 6. The covers are made out of a piece of used ledger paper showing the entries on the inside. Southern Telegraph Companies. [To] Hon. J. H. Reagan, Post Master Gen l. [Statement of condition of affairs, relation of lines in the Confederate States to the American Telegraph Companies, reports of meetings, etc.] [Richmond. 1862.] No title-page, 27 pp. 8. 132 CONFEDERATE STATES Southern Telegraph Companies Continued. This is dated May 19, 1862, and signed: W m . S. Morris, Pres t Southern Teleg. Go s. The Southern Zion s Songster; Hymns designed for Sabbath Schools, Prayer, and Social Meetings, and the Camps. Compiled by the Editor of the North Carolina Christian Advocate. Raleigh : Published by the N. C. Christian Advocate Publishing Company. 1864. 128 pp. 32. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. Spence, James. The American Union; its effect on national character and policy, with an inquiry into secession as a constitutional right, and the causes of the disruption. By James Spence. First Amer ican edition, from the fourth and revised (English) edition. Richmond: West and Johnston. 1863. xxiv, 262 pp. 12. The cover-title is the same. Stark, Alexander W. Instruction for field artillery; compiled from Standard Mili tary Authority; embracing Schools of the Piece, Battery, and Battalion or Evolutions of Batteries; with an instructive appen dix. Prepared by Major A. W. Stark. Published by authority of the Secretary of War. Richmond : A. Morris, Publisher. 1864. xvi, 17-264 pp. 12. Half cloth. Sterling, Richard, and Campbell, J. D. Our own First Reader: for the use of Schools and Families. By Richard Sterling, A.M., Principal of Edgeworth Female Seminary, and J. D. Campbell, A.M., Professor of Mathematics and Rhetoric. Stereotype edition. Greensboro, N. C. : Pub lished by Sterling, Campbell, and Albright. Richmond, Va. : W. Hargrave White. [1862.] vi, 7-96 pp. Front., illus. 16. Boards. The title on the cover is the same, but the imprint has an additional publisher. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 133 Sterling, Richard, and Campbell, J. D. Our own Third Reader: for the use of Schools and Families. By Richard Sterling, A.M., Principal of Edgeworth Female Seminary, and J. D. Campbell, A.M., Professor of Mathematics and Rhetoric. Stereotype edition. Greensboro, N. C. : Published by Sterling, Campbell, and Albright. Richmond, Va. : W. Har- grave White. [1863.] 224 pp. Illus. 16. Boards. This was copyrighted in 1862, but the preface is dated January 1863. This edition was stereotyped in Edinburgh. The title on the cover is the same, but the imprint has an addi tional publisher. Stewart, Rev. Kensey Johns. A Geography for Beginners. By the Rev. K. J. Stewart. [Woodcut showing a palmetto tree.] Palmetto series. Illus trated with maps and engravings. Richmond, Va. : J. W. Ran dolph. M.DCCC.LXIV. viii, 223 pp. Front., illus., maps. 12. Cloth. This has ten folded maps, including the frontispiece, which are not entered in the table of contents. This has the following half-title: Stewart s Course of Geography: comprising a complete system of instruction concerning the natural and political divisions of the world; designed to aid the student in obtaining accurate and systematic information upon all geo graphical subjects; and so arranged as to avoid taxing the memory with unnecessary statistical details. Stiles, Rev. Joseph Clay. Capt. Thomas E. King ; or, A word to the army and the coun try. By Rev. Joseph C. Stiles, D.D. Charleston, S. C. : The South Carolina Tract Society. 1864. 56pp. 24 o Stiles, Rev. Joseph Clay. National Rectitude the only true basis of National Prosperity. By the Rev. J. C. Stiles, D.D. Petersburg: Evangelical Tract Society. 1863. 45 pp. 8. 134 CONFEDERATE STATES Eleventh Edition ! Enlarged ! The Stonewall Song Book, being a collection of patriotic, sentimental and comic Songs. [Illustration showing the Confederate flag standing beside a cannon.] Richmond: West & Johnston. 1865. Cover-title, 72 pp. 24. No. i.] October. [Vol. I. Price, 50 cts. The Stranger s Guide and Official Directory for the city of Richmond. [Woodcut, seal of Virginia.] Showing the location of the public buildings and offices of the Confederate, state and city governments, resi dences of the principal officers, etc. [Richmond.] Geo. P. Evans & Co., Printers, Whig Building. 1863. Cover-title, 31 pp. 24. S[wain,] Miss Margie P. Mara: or, a Romance of the War. A poem. By Miss M. P. S., of Sunny-Side, Selma, Ala.: Mississippian Steam Book and Job Office 1864. 81 pp. 12. Thorn well, James Henley. The State of the Country: an Article republished from the Southern Presbyterian Review. By J. H. Thornwell, D.D. Columbia, S. C. : Southern Guardian Steam-Power Press. 1861. 32 pp. 8. This is reprinted in The Life and Letters of James Henley Thorn- well, D.D., LL.D. by Benjamin M. Palmer. Richmond: 1875. pp. 591-610. To the Congress of the Confederate States. [Richmond: 186-.] 15 PP- 8. No title-page. This contains seven short articles reprinted from the Richmond Sentinel; each article is signed at the end "The People". Tucker, J. W. Thoughts on Truth ; as applied to practical Christianity. An Address delivered before the High School of the Rev. Collin Murchison, Unionville, S. C., June, 1864. By the Hon. J. W. Tucker, of St. Louis, Missouri. Mobile, Ala : Printed at Army Argus and Crisis Office. 31 pp. 8. This has a cover-title identical with the title-page. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 135 Turner, Henry D. Vol. 4. No. 8. Turner s North-Carolina Almanac, for the year of our Lord [Woodcut of the Capitol of North Carolina.] 1862: being second after bissextile, or leap year. Calculated for the latitude and meridian of Raleigh, N. C., by David Richard son, of Louisa County, Va. Raleigh : Published and Sold, Whole sale and Retail, by Henry D. Turner, at the North Carolina Bookstore. Raleigh Register Steam Power Press, Print. [1861.] Cover-title, 36 pp. 8. Turner, Henry D. Vol. 4. Second edition. No. 10. Turner s North Carolina, Almanac, [Woodcut of Capitol of North Carolina.] for the year of our Lord 1864: being bissextile, or leap year the eighty-eighth of American Independence, and the third of the Confederate States. Calculated by David Richardson, of Louisa County, Va. Raleigh : Published and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Henry D. Turner, at the North Carolina Book Store. [1864.] Cover- title, 32 pp. 12. Turner, Henry D. No. i. Turner s North Carolina Almanac, [Woodcut of Capitol of North Carolina.] for the year of our Lord 1865: being the first after bissextile or leap year, the eighty-ninth of American Independence, and the fourth of the Confederate States. Calculated by David Richardson, of Louisa County, Virginia. Raleigh: Published and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Henry D. Turner, at the North Carolina Book Store. Daily Confederate Print, Raleigh. [1865.] Cover-title, 32 pp. 12. Uncle Buddy s Gift Book, for the Holidays. Augusta, Ga: Blome & Tehan, Publishers. 1863. 96 pp. 16. The cover-title adds the following before the imprint: containing a variety of tales, translations, poetry, chronology, games, anec dotes, conundrums, &c., &c. 136 CONFEDERATE STATES Vernon, Charlie. Mary Barker, by Charlie Vernon. Second edition. Raleigh, N. C. Branson & Farrar, Fayetteville St., 1865. 72 pp. 12. The cover-title has the following additional matter after Mary Barker: a thrilling narrative of early life in North Carolina. Characters: Mary Barker; Tonlin, the Chief s Son; Velna, the Chief s Daughter; Gatlin, the Renegade. Viele, Egbert Ludovickus. Handbook of Field Fortifications and Artillery; also Manual for Light and Heavy Artillery. With illustrations. By Egbert L. Viele, Late U. S. A. Captain Engineers, Seventh Regiment, N.G. J. W. Randolph, 121 Main St., Richmond, Va. 1861. 124 pp. 7 pi. 12. Cloth. The Virginia Primer. [Woodcut of seal of Virginia. Two lines of verse.] Richmond: J. R. Keiningham, 211 Broad Street. 1864. 32 pp. Illus. 24. The cover-title is the same. [Walker, John.] The Palmetto Dictionary ; in which the meaning of every word is clearly explained and the sound of every syllable distinctly shown ; exhibiting the principles of a pure and correct pronuncia tion. [Woodcut showing a palmetto tree.] A new edition, care fully revised, corrected, and enlarged. Richmond, Va. : J. W. Randolph. 1864. I p. 1. xx, 731 pp. Front, (port, of John Walker.) 16. Cloth. Wallis, Severn Teackle. Reply of S. Teackle Wallis, Esq., to the Letter of Hon. John Sherman. Published by the Officers of the First Maryland Infantry. [Richmond? 1863.] 19 pp. 8. Warder, T. B. and Catlett, James M. Battle of Young s Branch ; or Manassas Plain, fought July 21, 1 86 1. With maps of the battle field made by actual survey, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 137 Warder, T. B. and Catlett, James M. Continued. the various positions of the regiments and artillery companies placed thereon, with an account of the movements of each, pro cured from the commanding officer, or an officer of the regiment. Also, an Account of the Battle. Also, the battleground of the 1 8th July, 1 86 1, with General Beauregard s Report of said battle. By T. B. Warder Jas. M. Catlett. Richmond : Enquirer Book and Job Press. Tyler, Wise, Allegre and Smith. 1862. 157 pp. map. 16. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. The Leiter copy has two folded maps. Warren, Edward. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for field and hospital. By Edward Warren, M.D. Surgeon General of the state of North Carolina, formerly Professor in the University of Maryland. Frist (sic) edition. Richmond, Va. West & Johnston, 145, Main Street. 1863. xii, 13-401 pp. 12. Half cloth. Warren, Kittrell J. History of the Eleventh Georgia Vols., embracing the Muster Rolls, together with a special and succinct account of the marches, engagements, casualties, etc. By Kittrell J. Warren. Richmond, Va: Smith, Bailey & Co., Printers. 1863. 58 pp. 8. The cover-title is identical with the title-page. Warrock. Warrock s Virginia and North Carolina Almanac for the year of our Lord 1864, being bissextile or leap year, the eighty-eighth of American independence, and the third of the Confederate States. Calculated by David Richardson of Louisiana County, Va. Richmond : Printed by James E. Goode, Main street, oppo site Farmers Bank. [1864] 36 unnumbered pp. 16. Warrock. Warrock s Virginia and North Carolina Almanac for the year of our Lord 1865, being the first after bissextile or leap year, the 138 CONFEDERATE STATES Warrock Continued. eighty-ninth of American Independence, and the fourth of the Confederate States. Calculated by David Richardson of Louisa County, Va. Fiftieth edition. [Woodcut.] Richmond : Printed by James E. Goode, Main Street, opposite Farmers Bank. [ 1 865.] 36 unnumbered pp. 12. Webster, Noah. Third Southern edition. The elementary Spelling Book, being an Improvement on "The American Spelling Book." By Noah Webster, LL.D. The cheapest, the best, and the most extensively used spelling book ever published. Macon, Ga. : Burke, Boykin and Company. 1865. 137, 7 pp. 16. The cover-title is the same except that the publishers are J. W. Burke and Company. The last seven pages consist of advertisements of J. W. Burke & Co. s publications. West & Johnston. Descriptive Catalogue of Publications issued by West & John ston, 145 Main Street, Richmond. [Richmond:] C. H. Wynne, Printer. [1864.] Cover-title, 24 pp. 8. Wheeler, Joseph. A Revised System of Cavalry Tactics, for the use of the Cavalry and Mounted Infantry, C. S. A. By Major General Joseph Wheeler, Chief of Cavalry, Army of Tennessee, C. S. A. Mobile: S. H. Goetzel & Co. 1863. i p. 1. 220, 104, 108, xiv pp. 38 pi. 24. Half cloth. Wilmer, Richard Hooker, Bishop of Alabama. Future Good The Explanation of Present Reverses : a Sermon preached at Mobile and sundry other points in the state of Alabama during the spring of 1864. By the Rt. Rev. Richard H. Wilmer, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Alabama. [Pub lished by request.] . . . Charlotte, N. C. : Protestant Episcopal Church Publishing Association. 1864. 24 pp. 1 6. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS 139 Wilson, Mrs. Augusta Jane (Evans). Macaria; or Altars of Sacrifice. By the Author of "Beulah." [Two lines from Melvill.] Second edition. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1864. 183 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Wood, Mrs. Ellen Price. East Lynne; or, The Earl s Daughter. By the Author of "The Heirs of Ashley," "The Earl s Secret," "The Red Court Farm," etc. Richmond: West & Johnston, 145 Main Street. 1864. 224 pp. 8. The cover-title is the same. Wood, Mrs. Ellen Price. Mrs. Haliburton s Troubles. A novel. By Mrs. Henry Wood, Author of "The Channings" and "East Lynne." [Vol ume II.] Richmond: West & Johnston, Publishers, 145 Main Street. 1865. Vol. I. 136 pp. Vol. II. 120 pp. 8. The volume number is not on the title-page of the first volume. The World in Miniature ; or Diamond Atlas of every nation and country both ancient and modern, embracing of the Confederate States, United States and Canadas of North America a complete set of township maps ; to which is prefixed an important Treatise on Physical Geography, beautifully illustrated with carefully col ored charts and engravings, constituting with the handsomely exe cuted maps of the work, over one hundred embellishments and illustrations. New Orleans; Published by William F. Stuart, 88 Gravier Street. 1861. 30 pp. [97!.] illus. 12. York, Rev. Brantley. An Analytical, Illustrative, and Constructive Grammar of the English Language accompanied by several original diagrams, exhibiting an occular (sic) illustration of some of the most difficult principles of the science of language; also an extensive 140 CONFEDERATE STATES York, Rev. Brantley Continued. glossary of the derivation of the principal scientific terms used in this work, in two Parts, for the use of every one who may wish to adopt it. By Rev. Prof. Brantley York. Third edition. Multum in parvo. [Two lines of verse.] Raleigh: W. L. Pomeroy, Publisher. 1862. xv, 21-219 pp. Diagrams. 8. Half roan. York, Rev. Brantley. York s English Grammar, revised and adapted to Southern Schools, by Rev. Brantley York. Third edition. Raleigh, N. C. : Branson, Farrar & Co., Fayetteville Street. 1864. ix, 120 pp. i 1 of errata. Diagrams. 8. Boards. The cover-title is the same. TRACTS Advice to Soldiers. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. This is Tract No. 44. Atkinson, Rev. Joseph M. Casting our burden on the Lord. By Rev. Joseph M. Atkin son. [A new tract for soldiers.] [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 16. No title-page. Tract No. 10. Broaddus, Rev. Andrew. It is a fearful thing to live. By Rev. Andrew Broaddus. Dedicated to our faithful soldiers. [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 77. Broadus, Rev. John Albert. We pray for you at home. By Rev. John A. Broadus, D.D., ofS. C. [Raleigh: 186-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 65. Burrows, John Lansing. The Christian Scholar and Soldier. Memoirs of Lewis Minor Coleman, Professor in the University of Virginia Lt. Col. of First Reg t., Va. Artillery. By J. L. Burrows, D.D. [Raleigh :] 1864. 32 pp. 24. Tract No. 109. The Christian s Consolation, or The Operations of Faith. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 120. 141 1 42 CONFEDERATE STATES Christ s Gracious Invitation. [For the soldiers.] [Raleigh : 186-.] 8 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 25. Crumly, William W. The Soldier s Bible. By William W. Crumly, Chaplain of Georgia Hospitals, Richmond. [Raleigh: 186-.] 16 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 82. Dagg, Rev. John L. Proclamation of Peace. By Rev. J. L. Dagg, D.D. [Raleigh : 186-.] 4 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 68. Denison, Mrs. Mary Andrews. Angel Lilly. [An incident in the life of the child angel.] By Mrs. Mary A. Denison. [Raleigh: 186-.] 8 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 1 12. Do you love God? [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 105. Do you want a friend? [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 24. No title- page. Tract No. 51. Faith in God. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 130. Fowles, Rev. James H. My Spirit shall not always strive." By Rev. J. H. Fowles, ofS. C. [For the soldiers.] [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 4 pp. 16. No title-page. Tract No. 29. TRACTS 143 Friendly Conversation. [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 24. No title- page. Tract No. 53. The Gate of Prayer. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 117. The Great Gathering. [For the soldiers.] [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 4 pp. 1 6. No title-page. Tract No. 19. Grasty, Rev. John S. Faith and Works. By Rev. Jno. S. Grasty. [Raleigh : 186-.] 4 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 114. Nos. 113 and 114 form a single pamphlet. Grasty, Rev. John S. A great Question asked? By Rev. Jno. S. Grasty Fincastle. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 4 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 113. Grasty, Rev. John S. A noble Testimony. By Rev. John S. Grasty, Fincastle. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 116. [Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta.] Noah s Carpenters. [Raleigh: 186-.] 8 pp. 24. No title- page. Tract No. 115. Hoge, Rev. William James. The Improvident Traveller. By Rev. Wm. J. Hoge, D.D., of Va. [From "Blind Bartimeus."] [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 31. 144 CONFEDERATE STATES Hoge, Rev. William James. What wilt thou that I should do? By Rev. Wm. J. Hoge, D.D., ofVa. [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 36. Kingsbury, Rev. Theodore Bryant. The great Amnesty. By Rev. Theodore B. Kingsbury North Carolina Conference. [Raleigh: 186-.] 8 pp. 24. No title- page. Tract No. 97. The Life Preserver. [For the soldiers.] [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 1 6. No title-page. Tract No. 27. Lovest thou Me? [For the soldiers.] [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 1 6. No title-page. Tract No. 20. Mclntosh, William H. How long have I to live. Wm. H. Mclntosh. Pastor Baptist Church. Marion, Ala. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. Tract No. in. Martin, Rev. Joseph Hamilton. Come thou with us, and we will do thee good. By Rev. J. H. Martin, Knoxville, Tenn. [Raleigh: 186-.] 8 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 71. Moore, Rev. Thomas Verner. What can I do ? By Rev. T. V. Moore, D.D., Richmond, Va. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 4 pp. 16. No title-page. Tract No. 37. A Mother s parting words to her soldier boy. [A new tract for soldiers.] [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 18. TRACTS 145 The Precious Blood of Christ ; or How a soldier was saved. [For the soldiers.] [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 4 pp. 16. No title-page. Tract No. 28. Prepare for Battle. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 4 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 83. Pressense, Edmond de. The French Soldier. From a letter of M. De Pressense of Paris. [For the soldiers.] [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 22. Proctor, Rev. J. A. A Tract for the Soldier. By Rev. J. A. Proctor. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 84. Seeley, Rev. L. W. A Living Oracle. By Rev. L. W. Seeley, D.D., of Richmond, Va. [Raleigh: 186-.] 8pp. 16. No title-page. Tract No. 39. The Sentinel. By a Lady at a Military Post. [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 8. Shiloh, a Sermon. [Raleigh: 186-.] 8 pp. 24. No title-page. This is a Confederate Tract, but it has no number. Shuck, Rev. L. H. "Home, Sweet Home." By Rev. L. H. Shuck, of N. C. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 74. 146 CONFEDERATE STATES Sir Henry Havelock, the Christian Soldier. [Raleigh: 186-.] 1 6 pp. 24. No title-page. This is a Confederate Tract, but it has no number. The Soldier. An affecting narrative of facts. [Selected for the soldiers.] [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 15. The Voice of Washington and his Confederates, in council and in the field. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 86. Wellborn, Rev. Marshall Johnson. For the Confederate Army. By Hon. M. J. Wellborn, Colum bus, Ga. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 8pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 63. Where are the Christians in the Army ? By a Lady of North Caro lina. [Raleigh: 1 86-.] 4 pp. 16. No title-page. Tract No. 34. Where are you going? [Raleigh: 186-.] 4 pp. 16. No title- page. Tract No. 48. Whither bound? By the Chaplain loth Virginia Cavalry. [Raleigh: 186-.] 8 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. 72. Wingate, Rev. W. M. I have brought my little brother back. By Rev. W. M. Win- gate, of Wake Forest College, N. C. [Raleigh: Board of Mis sions of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. 186 .] 8 pp. 24. No title-page. Tract No. n. MUSIC Augustin, J. A., and Eaton, Edward O. Now that you love me. Words by J. A. Augustin. Music by E.O.Eaton. Augusta. [1864.] To my love. Badarczevska, Thekla. The maiden s prayer, composed for the piano-forte by T. Badar- zewska. Macon, Ga. : Published by John C. Schreiner & Son. n.d. Cameron, S. F. Close up the ranks. Composed by a refugee in London, ad dressed to soldier comrades in the field by Chaplain Cameron. By permission respectfully inscribed to Miss Constance Gary. Richmond, Va. 1864. Cameron, S. F. God save the Southern land. Words & music adapted from an English ballad by Chaplain Cameron, C. S. A. Respectfully dedicated to the soldier s friend, Mrs. J. Peterkin. To be sold for the benefit of soldiers and needy families. Richmond, Va. 1864. Carrie, , and Schoeller, Henry. I will not quite forget. Words by Carrie. Composed and arranged for the piano-forte by Henry Schoeller. Augusta, Ga. : Published by Blackmar & Bro. [1863.] Clarkson, W. D., and Becker, D. The prisoner s lament. Words by W. D. Clarkson. Com posed and dedicated to Miss Anna Ford, of Woodstock, Ga., by D. Becker, M.D. Augusta, Ga. [1863.] Collins, P. E., and Fitz, Newton. The banner of the South. Words by P. E. Collins, Esq. of Mobile. Music by Newton Fitz. Mobile, Ala. Published by J. H. Snow, 29 Daulphin St. [1861.] Respectfully dedicated to the Southern Confederacy of States by the author. i 4 8 CONFEDERATE STATES Eaton, Edward O. I dream of thee ; or, By the camp-fire s lonely watch. Augusta, Ga.: Published by Blackmar & Co. [1864.] Elliott, G. W., and Thomas, John R. Bonny Eloise the belle of the Mohawk Vale, a song with chorus. Written by G. W. Elliott. Composed by J. R. Thomas. [Southern Edition.] Augusta, Ga. : Published by Blackmar & Bro. 1 86 1. [Exile, pseud.], and Bayley, T. E. Richmond on the "James" and Bingen on the Rhine. Music composed by T. E. Bayley. [Words by Exile.] Augusta, Ga. : Published by Blackmar & Bro. [1864.] To L. E. Brooks, C. S. N. Fontaine, Lamar, and Hewitt, John H. All quiet along the Potomac, to-night. Dedicated to the Un known Dead of the present Revolution. Words by [Mrs. Ethel- inda (Eliot) Beers; erroneously attributed to] Lamar Fontaine. Music by J. H. Hewitt. Columbia, S. C. Published by Julian A. Selby. n.d. "Good Bye Sweetheart, Good Bye." Favorite ballad, with pianoforte accompaniment. Richmond, Va. Lithographed and published by Geo. Dunn & Company. [1863.] Halphin, Earnest, and Ellerbrock, Charles W. A. God save the South! Words by Earnest Halphin. Music by Chas. W. A. Ellerbrock. Baltimore. Published by Miller & Beacham. Republished by Blackmar & Bro., Augusta, Ga. n.d. Hensler, William L. Pensiviana, valse sentimentale. [2nd Edition.] Augusta, Ga. [1862.] To Miss Julia Sherwood, Griffin, Ga. Hewitt, John H. The unknown dead, as sung by Miss Ella Wren. Macon, Ga. [1863.] To Maj. David Bridgford, C. S. A. Series title: The musical olio. MUSIC 149 Hewitt, John H., and Ilsley, E. Clarke. Yes we think of thee at home. Answer to: Do they think of me at home. Words by J. H. Hewitt. Music by E. Clarke Ilsley. Augusta, Ga. [1864.] To Miss Letty Yonge. Kennedy, Morgan C., and Eaton, Edward O. Violetta; or, I m thinking of a flower. Words by Morgan C. Kennedy, Esq. Music by Edward O. Eaton. Augusta, Ga. [1862.] Inscribed to Misses Maria W. Skelton & Kate S. Finney of Virginia. Kilgour, J. M., and Peticolas, C. L. Harp of the South. Awake! A Southern war song. Words by J. M. Kilgour. Music by C. L. Peticolas. Richmond, Va. [1863.] Lahache, Theodore von. Confederates Polka March as played by Jaeger s Brass Band. Augusta, Ga: Published by Blackmar & Bro. [1864.] Macarthy, Harry. The Bonnie Blue Flag, a Southern patriotic song, written, arranged, and sung at his "personation concerts," by Harry Macarthy, the Arkansas comedian. New Orleans : Published by A. E. Blackmar & Bro. [1861.] To Albert G. Pike, Esq., the poet-lawyer of Arkansas. Macarthy, Harry. Missouri ; or, A voice from the South, written, composed and sung at his personation concerts by Harry Macarthy. New Orleans. Published by A. E. Blackmar & Bro. [1861.] Macarthy, Harry. The Volunteer ! Or, It is my country s call, written, composed and sung at his personation concerts by Harry Macarthy. New Orleans. Published by A. E. Blackmar & Bro. [1861.] To the New Orleans cadets. 150 CONFEDERATE STATES Nordendorf, C. Rock me to sleep, mother: a brilliant study for the piano; respectfully dedicated to Miss Fannie Southerlin. By C. Norden dorf. Danville Female College. Columbia, S. C. 1863. Nordendorf, C. When this cruel war is over: an elegant adaptation for the piano. By C. Nordendorf, Danville, Va. [Richmond? 1863.] [Inscribed to Misses Nannie & Marie Walters.] Pape, Charles O. Silver bells mazurka, composed and respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Jefferson Davis by Charles O. Pape. Columbia, S. C. P. L. Valdry Lith. n.d. Randall, James Ryder, and Eaton, Edward [O.]. There s life in the old land yet. Poetry by Jas. R. Randall, Esq. Music by Edward Eaton. Augusta, Ga. n.d. To the Maryland Society, Richmond, Va. Requier, Augustus Julian, and Pierce, Mrs. N. H. A year ago. Words by A. J. Requier, Esqr. Music by Mrs. N. H. Pierce. Mobile. [1861.] Sawyer, Charles Carroll. When the boys come home! Words and music by Charles Carroll Sawyer. Augusta, Ga. n.d. Published by Blackmar & Bro. To Mrs. Myler Armstrong, Meridian, Miss. Sawyer, Charles Carroll, and Tucker, Henry. When this cruel war is over. Words by Charles C. Sawyer. Music by Henry Tucker. Macon, Ga. n.d. Sawyer, Charles Carroll, and Tucker, Henry. When this cruel war is over. Ballad. Words by Charles C. Sawyer. Music by Henry Tucker. Richmond, Va. Lithogd. and published by Geo. Dunn & Compy. n.d. MUSIC 151 Schreiner, Hermann L. Love-spell mazurka. Macon, Ga. [1864.] To Miss Ella Courvoisier of Savannah, Ga. Schreiner, Hermann L. Minnie Lee. Macon, Ga. [1864.] To Miss Kate M. Payne, Macon, Ga. Schreiner, Hermann L. Take me home. Macon, Ga. [1864.] The Southern Wagon ; respectfully hitched up for the president, officers and men of the Confederate army. Mobile. Published by Joseph Block. [1862.] Stanton, H. S., and Noir, A. Dixie war song. Written by H. S. Stanton, Esq. Arranged by A. Noir. Augusta, Ga. Published by Blackmar & Bro. [1861.] To the boys in Virginia. Visher, Albin. I cannot forget thee. Ballad, as sung by Madame Ruhl. Com posed by Albin Visher. Augusta, Ga. : Published by Blackmar & Bro. [1864.] Webster, H. D. L., and Webster, J. P. Lorena. Poetry by Rev. H. D. L. Webster. Music by J. P. Webster. Augusta, Ga. : Published by Blackmar & Bro. n.d. Series title: The Exotics, Flowers of song transplanted to South ern Soil. Webster, H. D. L., and Webster, J. P. Paul Vane; or, Lorena s reply. Poetry by H. D. L. Webster. Music by J. P. Webster. Macon, Ga. n.d. Series title: Parlor Gems: a collection of the most popular songs and duetts, with piano accompaniment. MAPS, BROADSIDES, ETC. City of Richmond. Map of part of the city, showing the burnt districts. Richmond: Published by W m . Ira Smith. Drawn on stone by C. L. Ludwig. [1865.] 10 x 15 inches. Map of the Southern Rail Roads, n.d. 17 x 26 inches. The Siege of Vicksburg. Its approaches by Yazoo Pass and other routes. Mobile. Published by S. H. Goetzel & Co. 1863. Lithographed by W. R. Robertson, Mobile. 15^ x 20 inches. Sketch of the country occupied by the Federal & Confederate armies on the i8 th & 21 st July 1861. Taken by Capt. Saml. P. Mitchell, of I st Virginia Regiment. Richmond, Va. : Published by W. Har- grave White, n. d. 13 x 17 inches. Report of Sale of Slaves. 1863. Manuscript. Enrolled An Act to amend an Act entitled "An act to regulate the supplies of Clothing to enlisted men of the Navy during the War," approved April thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. This is signed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and by the President pro tempore of the Senate and is signed also, June 7, 1864 by Jefferson Davis. Manuscript. 152 MAPS, BROADSIDES, ETC. 153 Attention, [poem.] Baltimore. Oct 16, 1861. Broadside. Confederate Money. A scrap-book containing about a hundred Confederate notes. Confederate States Army. General orders No. 1 12, from the Assistant Adjutant General s Office, Headquarters, Army of the Peninsula. Bethel, Va. 1861. Broadside. The Daily Citizen. July 2, 1863. Vicksburg, Miss. 1863. This is a fac-simile of the last Confederate newspaper that was printed in Vicksburg. Declaration of Independence of the State of South Carolina, Dec. 20, 1860. Broadside. Down Trodden Maryland, [poem.] Baltimore. March 4, 1862. Broadside. The Guerillas, a Southern war song. 1862. Broadside. Invoice of Subsistence Stores (Provisions) delivered by Capt. R. H. Vaughan, A.C.S., to Col. B. D. Fry, at Yorktown, on the eighth day of April 1862. The bill reads: One barrell 41 gals Whiskey @ 85. $34.85. John Morgan s Raid. Air Campbells are Coming. Broadside. Kentuckians, To Arms ! ! ! [poem.] Louisville, Ky. 1861. Broad side. King Cotton. Broadside. Lay of the Last Rebel. Tune "Joe Bowers." Broadside. 154 CONFEDERATE STATES The Merry little soldier, [poem.] Broadside. An Ordinance to dissolve the Union between the State of Alabama and other states united under the compact styled "The Consti tution of the United States of America". Montgomery, Jan. 1 1, 1 86 1. Broadside. A scrap-book containing printed forms, such as Report of Soldier s Death. Hospital Regulations. Medical Certificates. Confederate Bonds. Protestant Episcopal Church Certificate of Baptism. Also, an assortment of envelopes and writing paper. The Southern Flag, [poem.] n.d. Broadside. The Southern girl with the home-spun dress. Written by a South ern Lady, [poem.] Broadside. A Southern rebuke for Northern fusionists. Broadside. State of South Carolina. An ordinance to dissolve the Union between the State of South Carolina and the other states united with her under the compact entitled "The Constitution of the United States of America." An 1865 fac-simile. Stonewall Jackson s Way. [By John Williamson Palmer.] [poem.] n.d. To Arms ! to Arms ! defend the soil of Maryland, dear Maryland. 1862. Dedicated to William P. Morgan of Virginia, president of the graduating class of the University of Maryland, by his fellow students. Folder. Wearing of the Grey. By O. K. P. [poem.] Broadside. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS In this list the mutilated copies are marked with an tf m" and the evening editions with an "e". But July lQ22(m) should be taken to mean that only the last mentioned number is imperfect. Cross references are given, but not always. Many titles are entered under "Daily", "Weekly", "Tri-Weekly", instead of the name or the place. As respects several newspapers the time of the Confederacy is extended to indicate completeness of sets. Union newspapers are not noticed. L Abeille de la Nouvelle-Orleans. New Orleans. 1862. 1862: April 1-3, 5, 7-1 1, 14-19, 21-24, 26, 29. This is the French edition of the New Orleans Bee. Army Argus and Crisis. Mobile, Ala. 1864, 1865. 1864: Vol. I, no. n, Aug. 13. " 27, Dec. 3. 1 29, 17. | 30, 24. 1865: " " 32, Jan. 7. 33, 14- 34, 21. 35, 28. 1 36, Feb. 4. 37, ii. ; 38, 18. 39, " 25. 40, Mar. 4. 1 41, " ii. 42, 1 8. 43, 25. 1 44, April i. " 45, " 8. i55 156 CONFEDERATE STATES Atlanta Commonwealth. See Commonwealth. Atlanta Daily Gazette. Atlanta, Ga. 1863. Aug. 28, Sept. 2-4, 8(m), 1863. Sept. 3 is misdated Sept. 2, and Sept. 4 is misdated Sept. 3. Atlanta Daily Reveille. Atlanta, Ga. 1864. Vol. I, no. i, April 16, 1864. Atlanta Intelligencer. See The Daily Intelligencer. The Weekly Atlanta Intelligencer. Atlanta Press. Atlanta, Ga. 1864. April 12-15, 1864. These numbers are printed on one side of the leaf only. They were issued through the combined efforts of the four Atlanta papers, the Appeal, the Intelligencer, the Register, and the Southern Confederacy, during a strike of their printers. Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel. See Daily Chronicle and Sentinel. Augusta Constitutionalist. See Daily Constitutionalist. Weekly Constitutionalist. Tri- Weekly Constitutionalist. La Bandera. Brownsville, Texas. 1863. Sept. i8(m), 1863. This is printed in Spanish. On the other side of the leaf is the Fort Brown Flag. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 157 Barnwell Sentinel. Barnwell, C. H., N. C. 1861, 1864. 1861: July 6, Aug. 24, Sept. 14, Oct. I2(m), 19, Nov. 2(01), 9, 23, 3o(m),Dec. 14. 1864: Sept. 24, Oct. 22, Dec. 3, 24. [The Bohemian.] Christmas, 1863. "A rare Bohemian, full of jests and fancies." Old Play. The Bohemian. [No. I.] Price One Dollar. Richmond, Va. G. W. Gary, Printer. [1863.] Cover-title, 40 pp. 8. "The present number of the Bohemian has been issued as an ex periment. If it shall meet with the success that the Proprietors desire for it a second number will be issued in a few weeks; and, if the success of their experiment will justify it, the Proprietors hope to establish it permanently." The Cavalier. Yorktown, Va. 1863. Dec. 21, 1863. The Athenaeum copy is inserted between the Dec. 14 and Dec. 28, 1863 numbers of the Sentinel (Richmond). Central Presbyterian. Richmond, Va. 1864. April 14, 1864. The Charleston Daily Courier. Charleston, S. C. 1861-65. 1861: July 29-31; Aug. 1-3, 6-10, 13-16, 20, 2i(m), 22-24, 27-31; Sept. 2-7, 9-14, 18-21, 23-28, 30; Oct. 1-5, 7-12, 14-19, 21-26, 28-31; Nov. 1-2, 4-9, 11-15, i9-22(m), 23, 25-30; Dec. 2-7, 9, n-i3(m), 14, 16-21, 23-25, 27, 28, 30, 31. 1862: Jan. i, 3, 4, 6-11, 13-18, 20-23; Feb. 10, 21, 24-28; Mar. 3-8, 10-15, 17-22, 24-29, 31; April i-4(m), 7-12, 14-18(111), 21-25, 30; May 1-3, 5-10, 12-16, 20-23 (m), 24, 26-31 ; June 2-7, 9-14, 16-21, 23-27, 28-30; July 1-4, 7-12, 14-19, 21, 22, 24-26, 28-31; Aug. i, 2, 4-9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30; Sept. 1-6, 8-13, 15-18, 20, 22-27, 29, 30; Oct. 1-4, 6-1 1, 14-18, 20-25, 27-31; - Nov. i, 3-8, 10-15, 17-22, 24-29; Dec. 1-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-25, 27, 29-31. 1863: Jan. i, 3, 5-10, 12-17, 19-24, 26-31; Feb. 2-7, 9, io(m), 11-14, 16-21, 23-28; Mar. 2-5, 7, 9-14, 16-21, 23-28, 30, 31; April 1-3, 6, 8-u, 13-18, 20-25, 27-30; May i, 2, 4-9, 11-16, 158 CONFEDERATE STATES The Charleston Daily Courier Continued. 18-23, 25-30; June i-4(m), 5(01), 6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-26, 29, 30; July 1-4, 6-1 1, 13-18, 20-25, 27-31; Aug. i, 3-8, 10-15, 17-21, 24-29, 31; Sept. 1-5, 7-12, 14-19, 21-26, 28-30; Oct. 1-3, 5, 6, 8-10, 12, i3(m), 14-17, 20-22, 24, 26-31; Nov. 2-4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12-14, 16-19, 21, 30; Dec. 1-5, 7-10, 12, 14-19, 21-25, 28-31. 1864: Jan i, 4-9, 11-14, 16, 18-23, 25-27, 28, 30; Feb. 1-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, 29; Mar. 1-5, 7-12, 14-19, 21-25, 28-31; April i, 2, 4-8, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30; May 2-7, 9-14, 16-21, 23-28, 30, 31; June 1-4, 6-1 1, 13-18, 21-25, 27-30; July i, 2, 4, 6-9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30; Aug. 1-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, 29-31; Sept. 1-3, 5-10, 12-17, 19-24, 26-30; Oct. 3, 5, 6-8, 10-13, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24-29, 31; Nov. 1-3, 5, 8-12, 14-16, 18, 19, 21-26, 29, 30; Dec. 2, 6, 7-10, 12, 14-17, 20-24, 27-31. 1865: Jan. 4, 6, 7(m), 10-12, 17-21, 23-28, 30, 31; Feb. 1-4, 6-9. Charleston Tri- Weekly Courier. Charleston, S. C. 1861, 1863. Dec. 17, 1861; Jan. 15 (m) ; Feb. 12; April 23, 1863. The Charleston Mercury. Charleston, S. C. 1861-65. 1861: Jan. i, 3-5, 7-12, 14-19, 21-24, 26, 28-31; Feb. i, 2, 4-9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-28; April 1-6, 8-1 1, 15-20, 22-27, 29; May 2, 4, 7-11, 13-18, 21 ; June I5(m). 1862: Jan. 17; April 21; June 9, 21; July I, 19. 1863: Feb. 17; Mar. 4, 19; April i, 7, 8, 14-18, 20-23, 28(m), 30; May 2, 4, 6, 7; July 18, 20, 24, 30; Aug. 7, 10, 12, 13, 17, 27; Nov. 23, 25, 26. 1864: April 5; June 2, 7, 15, 17, 18, 21, 30; July 8, 20; Aug. 2, 5, 9; Sept. 12, 17, 20, 27; Oct. 13, 21 ; Nov. i, 2, 5, 7, n, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 24; Dec. 5, 8(m), 14, 17. 1865: Jan. 30; Feb. 2, 7. The Charleston Mercury (Tri-Weekly). Charleston, S. C. 1861-1864. 1861 : Jan. I7(m) ; Feb. 26(m) ; April 6(m), 9(m) ; June 22(m), 27(m) ; Aug. 15, I7(m) ; Oct 5, 17, 19, 29, 31 ; Nov. 5, 9, I2(m), i6(m), I9(m), 23, 26; Dec. 5, I2(m), 3i(m). 1862: April 22; June 10. 1863: Feb. 5; April 28; May 2; July 18; Dec. 22. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 159 The Charleston Mercury Continued. 1864: Jan 23, 26; Feb 4(01), 9, 25(01) ; Mar. i, 29; April 14, 26; May 5, io(m), 24, 31; June 14; July 9(m), 14(01), 26(m) ; Sept. iy(m), 27(m); Oct. 6, 13, 15, 18, 20; Nov. i(m), 15, 22; Dec. i(m), 10, 2o(m), 24(01), 31(01). Chattanooga Daily Rebel. Chattanooga, Tenn. 1862-1864. 1862: Dec. 31. 1863: July 30. 1864: Mar. 18, 22, 27; April 21, 22; June 10, 14, 18, 19. The title varies, i. e. Daily Rebel, Daily Chattanooga Rebel. The Children s Friend. Richmond, Va: Presbyterian Committee of Publication. Issued twice a month. In Mrs. Mary Sewell s, "Our Father s Care." Christian Advocate. Raleigh, N. C. 1865. Mar. 21, 1865. Christian Banner. Fredericksburg, Va. 1862. June u, 24, 26, 1862. Christian Sun. Suffolk, Va. 1862. May 1 6, 1862. Chronicle and Sentinel. See Daily Chronicle and Sentinel. Church Intelligencer. Raleigh, N. C. 1863. April 17, 1863. Columbus Times. Columbus, Ga. 1864, 1865. 1864: Mar. io(m), n, 15-19, 21-26, 28-31; April I, 2, 5-8, 25. 1865: Jan. 25(e), 27(e), 3o(e). 160 CONFEDERATE STATES The Commonwealth. Atlanta, Ga. 1861, 1862. 1861: April 4, 23-25; May i, 2, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 27-3i; June i, 3, 4-8, n, 12, 14, 15, 17-22, 24-29; July 1-3, 5, 6, 8, 11, I5(m), 17, 18, 20, 31 ; Aug. 2, 3, 16, 22; Sept. 2, 4, 7, 10, n, 13, 19-21, 23, 24, 26-3o(m) ; Oct. 1-3, 5, 7-10, 14-19, 21-26, 28, 29, 31 ; Nov. i, 2, 4-6, 8, 9, 11-14, 16, 18-23; Dec. 5-7, 10-14, 23, 24, 27, 28. 1862: Oct. 28, 29, 31; Nov. i, 3-8, 10-12, 14, 15, 17-22, 24-29; Dec. 1-6, 8, 13. The following numbers are misdated: Nov. 20, 1861 is misdated Nov. 19; Dec. 12, 1861 is misdated Dec. n ; Oct. 29, 1862 is mis dated Oct. 28; and Nov. 15, 1862 is misdated Nov. 14. Confederate States Medical and Surgical Journal. Rich mond, Va. 1864. Vol. I, No. 2, Feb. 1864. The Confederate Union. Milledgeville, Ga. 1864. May 31 ; June 21, 1864. The Countryman. Bellville, Texas. 1864. Vol. IV, No. 43, July I 9 (m), 1864. The Athenaeum copy has only one leaf (not the first). The Countryman. Turnwold (Near Eatonton), Ga. 1863. Aug. 18, 1863. Daily Argus. Memphis, Tenn. 1862. Feb. 20 (m), 1862. Daily Book. Norfolk, Va. 1862. April 26; May I2(e), 1862. Daily Chronicle and Sentinel. Augusta, Ga. 1862-1865. 1862: June 9(m), io(m); July 2(e), l(m), 4(m), io(m), I2(m), I4(m), I7(m), i8(m), 29(m) ; Aug. I7(m), 19(01), 27; Sept. 7(m) ; Oct. 7(m), 2i(m), 3i(m) ; Nov. 15; Dec. 23(111). NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 161 Daily Chronicle and Sentinel Continued. 1863: Jan. 2(m), 6(m), I4(m), i8(m), 23(01), 25(m), 27(m), 29(m); Feb. i(m), 14(111), 26(m), 28 (m) ; Mar. 5, 6, 6(e), 7(e), 11, 12, 13, 14(01), 2i(m) ; April 4, 19(1*1), 23, 24; May i, 10, 15, 16, 19, I9(e), 23, 26(e), 27, 27(e), 28, 29(e), 3o(e) ; June i(e),3(e),6(e),8(e),9, 13(01, e), 15 (e), 17, 18, 19, I9(e), 20, 2o(e), 22(e), 23(e), 24(e), 25(e), 26(e), 27(e), 28; July i(e), 2, 3, 4, 7(e), 11, ii(e), 19, 2i(e), 22, 23, 24(e), 25(e), 26, 27(e), 28, 29(e), 30, 3o(e), 31, 3i(e) ; Aug. i(e), 3(e), 4(0), 5, 5(e), 6(e), 7(e), 8(e), ii(e), 13, I4(e), is(e), 16, 17(0), i8(e), 19, I9(e), 20, 21, 22(e), 24(e), 25, 27, 27(0), 28(01, e), 29(e);Sept. i, i(e), 2, 2(m, e), 3, 4(0), 8, 8(e), 9(e), n (10, e), I5(e), I7(e), 18, i9(e), 2o(e), 2i(e), 22, 23(e), 25(e), 26(e), 29(e), 3o(e); Oct. 5(01, e), 6(e), 7, 7(e), 8(e), 9(01, e), 10, io(e), 12, I4(e), i5(e), I7(e), 19, 2o(e), 2i(e), 22(e), 24, 25, 26(m, e), 27(e), 28(e), 29, 29(0), 30, 31. 3i(e); Nov. i, 3(e), 4, 6(e), 7(e), 9(e), io(e), u, n(e), I2(e), I3(e), I7(e), i8(e), 2o(e), 2i(e), 23(e), 24(0), 25, 26(e), 26(e) [two differ ent], 27(e), 28, 28(e), 30; Dec. i(m, e), 2(e), 3(e), 3(e) [two different], 4(e), 5(e), 6, 7(e), 8(e), 9(e), 10, ii(e), 12(13), H(e), i7(m, e), 18, 19, I9(e), 2O, 2i(m, e), 22(e), 23(e), 24(e), 26, 27(28), 29(01), 29(e), 3<>(e), 3i(e). 1864: Jan. i, 2(e), 3, 5(e), 6, 7(e), 8(m), 8(e), 9(e), 10, ii(e), I2(e), I3(e), i6(e), 17, i8(e), i9(e), 20, 21, 2i(e), 22(e), 23(e), 24, 25(e), 27(e), 28(e), 29(e), 30, 3o(e), 31; Feb. i(e), 2(e), 3(e), 4(e), 5, s(e), 6(e), 7(m), 9, io(m), 13, I3(e), I7(m, e), i8(e), 19, 2o(e), 22(e), 23(e), 24(e), 25(0), 26(e), 28, 2 9 (e); Mar. i(e), 2 (e), 3 (e), 4, 4(e), 5(e), 6, 7 (e), 8(e), 9, 9(e), 10, io(e), I2(m,e), H(e), I5(m,e), i6(e), I7(e), i8(e), 19, I9(e), 20, 2i(m, e), 22, 22(e), 23(e), 24(e), 25, 25(e), 27, 28(e), 29, 29(01, e), 30(0), 3i(e); April i(e), 2(e), 3, 4(01, e), 5(e), 6, 7(01, e), 9 (e), 10, ii(e), 12 (e), 13 (e), H(e), I5(e), 17, i8(e), I9(e), 2o(e), 2i(e), 22(e), 23(e), 23(e) [two different], 24, 25(01, e), 26(e), 27(e), 28, 29, 29(e), 3O(e) ; May i, 2(e), 3(e), 4(0), 5(e), 6(e), 8, 9(e) [Second ed.], io(e), n, ii [Second ed.], n(e), 12, I2(e), I3(e), I3(e) [two differ ent], i4(m, e), 14, 15, i6(e), I7(e), i8(e), i9(e), 20, 20(01, e), 2i(e), 22, 23(e), 24(01, e), 26, 26(e), 28(e), 29(01), 3o(e), 31; June i(m,e), 2(e), 5(m), 7(e), 8(e), 9(e), io(e), n(m,e), 14, I5(e), i6(e), i7(e), i8(e), 19, 20(01, e), 21 (e), 22(e), 23 (e) [Second ed.],24(e), 25(e), 26, 28(e), 29(e), 3o(e) ; July i, i(e), 2(e), 4 (e),5(e),6(e),7(e),8(e),9,9(e), io(m), ii(e), i 2 (e), I3(e), I4(e), i6(e), 17, i8(e), I9(e), 2o(e), 2l(e), 22(e), 23, 23(e), 25(e), 26(e), 27(0), 28(e), 29(e), 3o(e), 31; Aug. 2(e), 162 CONFEDERATE STATES Daily Chronicle and Sentinel Continued. 3(e), 3(e) [two different], 4(e), s(e), 6, 6(e), 7, 8(e), 9(e), io(e), n(e), I2(e), I3(e), 14, I5(e), I7(e), I7(e) [two differ ent], I9(e), 2o(e), 21, 22(e), 23(e), 25, 25(e), 26, 27(e), 28, 29(e), 3o(e), 3i(e) ; Sept. i (e), 2(e), s(e), 4, 5(e) [Second ed.], 6, 6(e), 7, 7(e), 8(e), 9(e), io(m,e), II, I2(e), is(e), 14(6), 15, i6(e), I7(e), I9(e), 2o(e), 2i(e), 22(e), 22(e) [two differ ent], 23, 23(6), 24(6), 25, 26(e), 27, 27(e), 28, 28(e), 29(e), 30, 3 o(e) ; Oct. i (e), 2, 3 (e), 4 (e), 5(e), 6(e), 7 (e), 8(e), 9, io(e), n(e), n(m, e) [two different], I2(e), I3(e), I4(e), I5(e), I7(e), i8(e), i9(e), 2o(e), 2i(e), 22(e), 23, 24(e), 25(e), 27(e), 28(e), 29(e), 30, 3i(e); Nov. i(e), 2, 2(e), 3(e), 4(e), 5(e), 6, 8, 8(e), 9(e), io(e), ii(e), 12, I2(e), 14(6), i5(e), 16, 17, i8(e), I9(e), 2i(e), 22(e), 23(e), 24(e), 25(e), 26(e), 27, 28(e), 2 9 (e), 3 o(e); Dec. i(e), 2 (e), 3 (e), 4, 5(e), 6, 7(e), 8(e), 9(e), io(e), n, i2(e), I3(e), I4(e), I5(e), i6(e), i7(e), 18, i9(e), 2o(e), 2i(e), 22(e), 23(e), 24, 24(e), 27(e), 28(e), 29(e), 3o(e),3i, 3i(e). 1865: Jan. 1,4, 4(e),5, 6, 7, 8(m),9(e), 10, ii(e), I2(e), I4(e), 15, i6(e), i7(e), i8(e), I9(e), 20, 2o(e), 2i(e), 22, 24, 24(6), 25(e), 26(e), 27(e), 28, 28(6,29), 3o(e), 3i(e); Feb. i(e), 2(e),3(e),5, 6(e),7(e),8(e),9(e), io(e), ii(e), 12, 13(6,12), I4(e), I5(e), i6(e), I7(e), i8(e), 19, 21, 2i(e), 23(e), 25, 26, 27(e), 28(e); Mar. i(e), 2(e), 3(e), 4, 5, 7, 8(e), 9, 10, 12, 15, I5(e), I7(e), 19, 2o(e), 21, 22, 23, 24(6), 25, 26, 27(e), 28, 29(e), 3o(e), 3i(e); April 2, 3(e), 4, 4(e), 5, 6(m, e), 7, 7(e), 8(e), 9, n, I2(e), 13, 14, I5> 16, 18, I9(e), 20, 2i(m), 22, 23, 24, 24(6), 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; May 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(e, 9), 9(10), 10, io(e), n, 12, 13, 14, I5(e), 16, 17, I7(e), 18, 19, 20, 21, 22(e), 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29(e), 31. The following numbers are misdated: Sept io(e), 1863 should be Sept n(e). Dec. 13 " " " Dec. 12. Dec. 28 " " Dec. 27. Jan 29, 1864, " " Jan. 28. Feb. 12, " " Feb. 13. May 9, May 8. May 10, " " May 9. Daily Confederate. Raleigh, N. C. 1864. Mar. 22, 23, 26, 30, 1864. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 163 Daily Conservative. Raleigh, N. C. 1864. April 25, 26, 27, 1864. See also: Weekly Conservative. Daily Constitutionalist. Augusta, Ga. 1861-1865. 1861: Sept. 15(111). 1862: June ii ; Aug. 7, 8, 27. 1863: May 9, 20, 26; June 7, 14, 16, 23, 24; July 3, 7, 12, 13, 26; Aug. u, 14; Sept. 20; Oct. i, 11, 25; Nov. 3, 8, 15, 22, 27, 29; Dec. 13. 1864: Jan. i; Feb. n; Mar. n; April 22; June 10, II, I2(m), 16, 19, 26, 28; July 3, 7, n, 17, 24, 30, 31; Aug. n, 13, 18; Sept. 3, 13-15, 17, 20, 22; Oct. 4, 11, 13, 14, 19; Nov. 13, 20, 26; Dec. 14, 25. 1865: Feb. 26; Mar. 9, 23, 26; April 7(e), io(e), n, 12, 16, 18, 22-24, 26, 27, 29; May 28. Many of these numbers are bound with the Daily Chronicle and Sentinel. The number for Sept. 20, 1863 is placed after the num ber for Feb. 19, 1865. Jan. i, 1864 is misdated Jan. i, 1863. See also: Tri-Weekly Constitutionalist, and Weekly Constitu tionalist. Daily Delta. New Orleans, 1861, 1862. April i7(m), 1861; May6(e), 1862. The evening issue, May 6, 1862, has title: Evening True Delta. Daily Dispatch. Richmond, Va. 1861-1865. 1861: April 23; May 16; June 13, June 17, June 19, June 20 Dec. 31, excepting: July ii ; Sept. 2, 19, 21, 26, 30; Oct. 4, 9, 28, 29; Nov. i, 4, 6, 7, 8, n, 16; Nov. 19, 26. 1862: Jan. i Dec. 31, excepting: Feb. 7; June 25, 26; Sept. 19; Nov. 12, 15, 18; Dec. 5, 6, 9, 26. 1863: Jan. i Dec. 31, excepting: Jan. 15; Feb. 13; Mar. 28; May 9, 14; Aug. 22, 25, 27; Sept. 2, 3; Oct. 14; Dec. 26. 1864: Jan. i Dec. 31, excepting: Feb. 9, 20 ; April 9 ; May 4 ; July 23 ; Sept. 3, 30 ; Nov. 1 7 ; Dec. 26. 1865: Jan. 2 April i, excepting Mar. n. The following issues are mutilated: July 5, 8, 1861; Jan. ii, Aug. 29, Dec. 23, 1862; Jan. 6, 1865. There is an Extra for June 20, 1863. 1 64 CONFEDERATE STATES Daily Express. Petersburg, Va. 1862-1864. 1862: Mar. 25; April 17(111). 1863: Sept 7. 1864: Mar. 22, 26, 28-31; April I, 2, 5-7, 11-14, 16, 21-23, 25-30; May 14; July 18-21, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30; Aug 1-3, 5, 8-13, 16, 18-20, 22-27, 29-31; Sept. 1-3, 5-10, 15-17, 19-24, 26-30; Oct. i, 3-7- See also: Weekly Express. (The) Daily Intelligencer. Atlanta, Ga. 1861-1863, 1865. 1861 : April 4; May 10, 11, I7(m), 29; June 13, 18; July 10, 13, 14, 16-18, 20, 22(m)-25; Aug. 3, 6, 29; Sept. i, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17-20, 26, 27; Oct 3, 5, 15, 17-19; Nov. 8; Dec. 12, 14, 15. 1862: Oct. 28-31 ; Nov. i, 2, 4, 6-8, 11, 14, 16, 18-21, 25, 26, 29, 30; Dec. 2-7, 9. 1863: June 3. 1864: Mar. 19, 22. 1865: Jan. 28; Feb. 2, 3. The Athenaeum has also a copy of the evening edition for July 24, 1861. See also: The Weekly Atlanta Intelligencer. Daily Journal. Wilmington, N. C. 1862, 1864. April 21, 1862; April 5, 1864. Daily Morning News. Savannah, Ga. 1861-1864. 1861: Jan. 5(m), 25(111). 1862: April 21, 24. 1863: Feb. ii ; Mar. 6, 7, 9, n, 12, 25; April 10; May n; July 17, 24, 25(01) ; Aug. 7(m), n, 13; Sept. 10, 11, 15; Nov. 3; Dec. 14, i8(m), 21 (m). 1864: Jan. 5-7, 10, 20; Feb. 4, 18, 24; Mar. 7, 8, io(e), I4(e), i6(e), I7(e), i8(e), 2o(e), 2i(e), 22(e), 23(e), 24(e), 25(e), 27(e), 28(e), 29, 3o(e), 3i(e); April 3(e), 4(e), 5(e), 6(e), 7(e), 22(m), 23, 27; Nov. 29. Daily Nashville Patriot. Nashville, Tenn. 1862. Jan. 24, 1862. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 165 Daily Picayune. New Orleans, La. 1862. 1861 : April 17. 1862: July 1-3, 6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, 29, 3o(m). Daily Progress. Raleigh, N. C. 1864. Sept. 8, 19-21, 1864. Daily Register. Augusta, Ga. 1864. Oct. 5, 1864. (The) Daily Register. Knoxville, Tenn. 1863. May 12, 1863. Daily Register. Petersburg, Va. 1864. April n, 1864. Daily Richmond Enquirer. Richmond, Va. 1861-1864. 1861 : April 17 Dec. 31, excepting: April 29; May i, 4, 8, 9, n, 14, 28, 29, 30, 31; June 10, 14, 22; July 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 17, 20, 22, 24, 27; Aug. 7, 24; Sept. 4, 5, 11; Sept. 30; Oct. 2-5, 7, 14; Nov. 16, 18, 19; Dec. 26. 1862: Feb. 25; Oct. ii ; Dec. 3, 24. 1863: Jan. 12, 26, 28; Feb. 4, 5, 7, 16, 21, 23; Mar. 2, 5, n, 16, 18, 23, 24, 25, 30; April 2(m), 6, 9, 15; May 2, 6, 7(01), 9, n, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25; June 6, 8, 10, n(m), 13, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29; July i, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, ii, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30; Aug. i, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 24; Sept. 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30; Oct. i, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 31 ; Nov. 4, 5(m), 7, u(m), 12, 16, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 28, 30; Dec. 2(m), 3, 5, 7, 8-12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 28, 30, 31. 1864: Jan. i Dec. 31, excepting: Jan. 2, 3, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 29; Feb. 2, 3, 5, 6, 9-11, 12, 13, 16-19, 22-26; Mar. 1-3, 8, 11, 14-19, 22, 25, 28, 29; April i, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 22, 27, 29; May 3, 6, 10, 20, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31 1 June 3, 7, 16, 21, 30; July i, 2, 9, 12, 13, 29, 30; Aug. 9, 13, 17, 18, 25, 26, 31 ; Sept. i, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19-23, 26, 27, 29, 30; Oct. i, 10, 19; Nov. 8, 17, 29; Dec. i, 8, 12, 20, 26. i66 CONFEDERATE STATES Daily Richmond Enquirer Continued. Jan. i, 1864 is imperfect. April 25, 1861 is misdated April 26. June 23 " " " June 25. July 19 " " July 18. July 26 July 27. Friday, Aug. 23, 1861 is misdated Thursday, Aug. 23, and Friday, Dec. 27, 1861 is misdated Dec. 28. Jan. 4, 1864 is misdated Jan. 3. Sept. 15, Sept. 14. Daily Richmond Examiner. Richmond, Va. 1861-1865. April 18, 1861 Mar. 31, 1865, excepting April 9, 1864. The following numbers, all of 1864, are mutilated: April 25; May n, 24, 25, 26, 31; June 4, 9, 15, 22; July 5; Aug 6, 8, 9; Sept. 12, 27; Oct. 6, 8, 12, 26, 27; Dec. 5, 6, 13, 27. Daily Southern Carolinian. Columbia, S. C. 1861, 1864 Feb. 26, 27, 1 86 1 ; April 5, 6, 1864. Daily Southern Confederacy. Atlanta, Ga. 1861-1864. 1861: Mar. 9; April 19, 21; May 2, 9, 16, 17, 21-23, 25, 26, 28-31; June I, 4, 5, 7, 8, II, 12, 15, 16, 18-23, 25-30; July 2-4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 1 6-1 8, 20; Aug. i, 29, 30; Sept. 3-8, 15, 17, 20-22, 24-29; Oct. 1-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, 29-31; Nov. 1-3, 5-10, 12-17, 19-24; Dec. 5-7, 10-15, 22, 24, 25, 27(m)-29. 1862: Aug i, 7; Oct. 24, 28, 30, 31 ; Nov. i, 2, 5-7, 11-16, 18-20, 22, 25, 26, 28-30; Dec. 2-7, 9(m). 1863: Dec. 3. 1864: Jan. 27, 29-31; Feb. 2, 3; Mar. 10, u, 15, 16, 18-20, 22-24, 27, 30, 31; April, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 23; May i; June 9, 15-19. 21,29; July 5, 6. The numbers for Oct. 2, 3, Dec. 27, 1861, and Dec. 9, 1862, are mutilated. The number for June 15, 1861, is misdated June 5; that for Oct. 4, 1861, is misdated Oct. 5, and that for Dec. 9, 1862, is misdated Dec. 8. (The) Daily Southern Guardian. Columbia, S. C. 1863, 1864. 1863: April 27; July 2, 8; Aug. 12, 28; Sept. 9(^1), 21-25, 28(m)-3o; Oct. i, 30; Nov. 19; Dec. 2, 10, 21. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 167 (The) Daily Southern Guardian Continued. 1864: Jan. I4(m), 15(111), 28; Feb. 2, u, i8(m), 29(01); Mar. 19, 22(m), 31; April 4, 5, 22, 23, 30; May 9, 14(01); June 17; Aug. n, 31 ; Sept. 13, 19; Oct. 21. The issue for Nov. 19, 1863 is much smaller than the others and has the title: The Daily Guardian. Daily State Journal. Goldsboro , N. C. 1861. April 5, 1861. Daily Sun. Columbus, Ga. 1864, 1865. Mar. i8(e), 29(0) ; April 3, 1864; Jan. 28, 1865. Day Book. Norfolk, Va. 1862. May 16, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 1862. De Bow s Review and Industrial Resources, Statistics, etc. de voted to commerce, agriculture, manufactures, internal improve ments, education, political economy, general literature, etc. " Commerce is King." Edited by J. D. B. De Bow. Vol. XXX. New Orleans, La., and Charleston, S. C. 1861. iv, 684 pp. 8. De Bow s Review and Industrial Resources, Statistics, etc. . . . Vol. XXXI. New Orleans, La., and Charleston, S. C. 1861. iv, 560 pp. 8. The Athenaeum copy lacks pages 303-332. De Bow s Review and Industrial Resources, Statistics, etc. . . . Vol. XXXII. New Orleans, La., and Charleston, S. C. 1862. 340 pp. 8. No title-page. This volume consists of two double numbers for January-Febru ary and March-April, 1862. De Bow s Review and Industrial Resources, Statistics, etc. . . . Vol. XXXIII. Columbia, S. C. 1862. 96 pp. 8. No title- page. This volume consists of one number, that for May-August, 1862. The fall of New Orleans caused a temporary suspension of the Review. 1 68 CONFEDERATE STATES De Bow s Review and Industrial Resources, Statistics, etc. . . . Vol. XXXIV. Columbia, S. C. 1864. 104 pp. 8. No title- page. This volume consists of one number, July, 1864, or July and August, as is stated on the cover-title. The publication of the Review was suspended from August, 1862, until July, 1864. Educational Journal, devoted to education, morality, arts and sciences; Vol. VIII, no. 33, Aug. 20, 1863. Forsyth, Ga. 1863. [Evening Whig. Richmond, Va. 1865. April 6, 8, 1865.] Union issues. See also: Richmond Whig. Flake s Weekly Bulletin. Galveston, Texas. 1864. Vol. II, no. 15, June 12, 1864. (The) Floridian and Journal. Tallahassee, Fla. 1864. Mar. 12, 1864. Fort Brown Flag. Brownsville, Texas. 1863. Sept. i8(m), 1863. On the other side of the leaf is La Bandera. Galveston Weekly News. Houston, Texas. 1863. May 27, 1863. See also: Tri-Weekly News. Goliad Messenger. Goliad, Texas. 1864. Vol. VI, no. 14, July 16, 1864. The Helena Weekly Note-Book. Helena, Ark. 1862. Vol. IV, no. 29, Jan. 9, 1862. (The) Houston Daily Telegraph. Houston, Texas. 1864. July 22; Aug. 1 8, 1864. See also: Tri-Weekly Telegraph. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 169 Knoxville Daily Register. Atlanta, Ga. 1863. Sept. 15, 16, 19, 25, 30; Oct. 6-10, 12-14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29-31; Nov. i, 3, 1863. Lynchburg Virginian. Lynchburg, Va. 1864. May 3, 1864. Macon Daily Confederate. Macon, Ga. 1864. Mar. 15, i6(m), 17-19, 22-27, 29-31; April 1-3(111), 5-8, 12, 1864. Macon Daily Telegraph. Macon, Ga. 1863, 1865. Sept. 23; Nov. 30, 1863; Jan. 28, 1865. The number for Jan. 28, 1865 has the title: Macon Daily Tele graph and Confederate. Macon Tri- Weekly Telegraph. Macon, Ga. 1864. April 5, 1864. The Magnolia; a Southern Home Journal. Richmond: 1862 1865. 2 vols. Vol. I, no. i, Oct. 4, 1862 vol. I, no. 51, Sept. 26, 1863; vol. II, no. i, Oct. 3, 1863 vol. Ill, no. 19, April I, 1865. (The) Memphis Daily Appeal. Memphis, Tenn. 1862-1864. 1862: Jan. io(m), n(m); Feb. 9(m), n(m). [1863: July 29; Aug. 26,27, 29, 3i; Sept. 4, 5, 8, 10-12, 15-19, 21, 23-26, 28-30; Oct. 3, 5-8, 10, 12-14, 16, 19-24, 26-31 ; Nov. 2-7, 9-12, 14, 16-21, 23, 25(morning)25(e), 26, 28; Dec. 1-3, 5(morn- ing), 5(e), 7. 8, 10-12, 16-23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31- 1864: Jan. i, 2, 4, 6 (morning), 6(e), 7, 9, 11-16, 18-24, 26-30; Feb. 2-7, 10-13, 16(14-15)16-20, 23, 25, 26(m), 28; Mar. I, 3-6, 8-12, 15, 17(16), 17, 18, 19, 20, 22-26, 29(28), 30, 31; April 1-3, 5-8, 19, 24(22-24), 24(24-25), 26, 27, 28, 29; May I (April 30-May i), 1(1-2), 3, 4, 8(7-8), 8(8-9), 11(10-11)11, 12, 13, 15(14-15), 15(15-16), 18-20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29; June i(m), 3, 5(4~5) 5(5~6), 7, 10, n, 14-19, 21-25, 28, 29; July i, 3(2-3), 3(3-4).] The 1862 numbers only are Confederate. The others, enclosed in brackets, are Union. 170 CONFEDERATE STATES Memphis Daily Argus. Memphis, Tenn. 1862. Feb. 4, n, 1862. The Athenaeum has only the second leaf of the number for Feb. 4, 1862. Memphis Weekly Avalanche. Memphis, Tenn. 1862. Vol. IV, no. 45, Jan. 21, 1862. Mobile Army Argus and Crisis. See Army Argus and Crisis. Mobile Daily Advertiser and Register. Mobile, Ala. 1862- 1865. 1862: Jan. 28. 1863: Feb. i, 3, 4-28; Mar. i(m), 3-8, 10-15, 17-22, 24-27, 29, 31; April 1-5, 7-12, 14-19, 21-26, 28-30; May 1-3, 5-10, 12-17, 19-24, 26-31; June 2-4, 6, 7, 9-14, 16-21, 23-28, 30; July 1-4, 7-12, 14-18, 21-26, 28-31; Aug. i, 2, 4-9, 11-16, 18-21, 23, 25, 26; Oct. 16, 18; Dec. 4-6, 8, 10, 24(111), 25, 30, 31. 1864: Jan. i, 3, 5-10, 12-17, 19-24, 26-31 ; Feb. 2-7, 9-14, 16-21, 23-28; Mar. 1-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, 29-31; April 1-3, 5-8, 10, 12-17, 19-24, 26-30; May I, 3-8, 10-15, 17-22, 24-29, 31; June 1-5, 7-12, 14-19, 21-26, 28-30; July 1-3, 5-9, 10, 12-17, 19-24, 26-31; Aug. 2-7, 9-14, i6-2i, 23-28, 30, 31; Sept. 1-4, 6-1 1, 13-18, 20-25, 27-30; Oct. i, 2, 4-9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30; Nov. 1-6, 8-13, 15, 16, 18-20, 22, 26, 27, 29, 30; Dec. 1-4, 6, 7, 9-1 1, 13-16, i8(m), 20, 21-25, 28-31. 1865: Jan. i, 4-8, 10-15, 17-22, 24-29, 31 J Feb. 1-5, 7-12, 14-19, 21-24, 26, 28; Mar. 1-5, 7-1 1, 13-19, 21, 22, 24-26, 28-31; April i, 2, 4-9. The following numbers are mutilated: Feb. 6, Mar. I, May 2, 21, Dec. 24, 1863; May 18, 1864. Mobile Daily News. Mobile, Ala. 1865. 1865: April 13-20, 2o(Extra), 21-24, 26-30; May 2-14, 16-21, 23-26. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 171 Mobile Daily Tribune. Mobile, Ala, 1863, 1864. 1863: Aug. 27, 29, 30; Sept. i, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16-20, 22-27, 29; Oct. 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13-15, 17, 20-22, 25, 27-31 ; Nov. i, 3-5, 7, 8, 10-15, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 29; Dec. 2, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31. 1864: Jan. 8, 10, 12, 19, 20, 22, 28, 31; Feb. 2, 7, n, 12, 14, 25, 28; Mar. i, 4, 8, 22; April 6, 10, 17, 26; July 27, 29; Aug. 6, 12, 25, 31 ; Sept. 24, 29, 30; Oct. 2, 3 (Extra, 9 A.M.), 9; Dec. 1-3. 1865: Jan. 11, 13; Feb. 3, 7, 9; Mar. 4. Mobile Evening News. Mobile, Ala. 1863-1865. 1863: Mar. 28; Sept. 14, 18, 30; Oct. 5, 12; Nov. 3-5, 21, 23, 30. 1864: Jan. 2, n, 23, 25; Feb. i, 22; Mar. 14; May 16, 17; July 4, 25; Aug. i, 8, 15, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29(01) ; Sept. 5(m), 12, 16, 21, 22, 26-28; Oct. 3, 10, 24, 31; Nov. 14, 17, 21 ; Dec. 12, 27, 31. 1865: Jan. 3, 16, 30; Feb. 6, 7, 13, 14; Mar. 6, n, 13, 20, 27; April 3. Mobile Evening Telegraph. Mobile, Ala. 1863-1865. 1863: Sept. 15, 24; Oct. i, 27; Dec. 7. 1864: Feb. 16; Mar. 28; May 2, 9; Aug. 24, 26, 27, 30; Sept. i; Oct. 19. 1865: Mar. 7. This was published by the Mobile Daily Tribune. (The) Mobile Weekly Mercury. Mobile, Ala. 1861. Vol. IV, no. 50, Aug 4, 1861. Montgomery Daily Advertiser. Montgomery, Ala. 1863-1865. 1863: Dec. 17. 1864: Feb. 20; Mar. 9, 16-20, 22, 23, 25-27, 29-31; April 1-8, 20, 21, 23; July 19-24, 30; Aug. 2, 5. 1865: Jan 24. Montgomery Daily Mail. Montgomery, Ala. 1861-1865. 1864: Mar. 9, 16-20, 22-27, 29-31 ; April 1-3, 5-8, 12-17, 19-24; July 19-24, 26-28, 30, 31 ; Aug. 2-5, 7, 9-14, 1 6-2 1, 23-25, 27, 28, 30, 31; Sept. i, 2, 7-1 1, 14, 16-18, 20-21, 23, 25, 27. 172 CONFEDERATE STATES Montgomery Daily Mail Continued. 1865: Jan. 25, 28, 29. July 19 Aug. 7, 1864, and Sept. 7, 1864 Jan. 29, 1865, are noon editions. Morning Bulletin. Memphis, Tenn. 1861. April 20, 1861. Morning Mississippian. Selma, Ala. 1864. Mar. 12, 16, 17, 19; April 19, 1864. Nashville Daily Gazette. Nashville, Tenn. 1862. Vol. XXXIX, no. 59, Jan. 25, 1862. New Orleans Bee. New Orleans. 1862. April 12, 30, 1862. See also the French edition: LAbeille de la Nouvelle-Orleans. New Orleans Daily Crescent. New Orleans, La. 1861. April 17, 1861. The North Carolina Standard. Raleigh, N. C. 1864. Feb. 23 (m), 1864. The Athenaeum has only the second leaf. This is the Semi-Weekly Standard. See also: Weekly Standard. North Carolina Times. New Berne, N. C. 1864. Sept. 9, 1864. (The) Patriot. Greensborough, N. C. 1864. Mar. 17, 24, 31; April 7, 1864. (The) Record of News, History and Literature. Richmond. 1863. Vol. I, no. i, June 18, 1863; vol. I, no. 26, Dec. 10, 1863. The Athenaeum number for June 18, 1863 is bound between the June 17, and June 18, 1863 issues of the Sentinel (Richmond). NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 173 The Richmond Age, a Southern Eclectic Magazine. Richmond: Wm. M. Burwell & Ernest Lagarde, Editors & Proprietors. 1864-1865. 400 pp. 8. No title-page. Only five numbers of Vol. I. were issued, as follows: January, February, March, and April, 1864, and January, 1865. Richmond Dispatch. See Daily Dispatch. Richmond Enquirer. See Daily Richmond Enquirer. Richmond Sentinel. See The Sentinel. Richmond Whig and Public Advertiser. Richmond, Va. 1861- 1865. 1861 : April 19, 23 ; May 3, 7, 10, 14, 21, 24, 28, 31 ; June 7(), 14, 18, 25, 28; July 2, 9, i6(m), 19, 26, 30; Aug. 2, 6, 9, 13, 20; Sept. 3, 10, 13, 20, 24, 27; Oct. i, 4, 8, 18, 25, 29; Nov. i, 5, 8, 9, 26, 29; Dec. 3, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 31. 1862: Jan. 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31; Feb. 7, n, 14, i8(m), 21, 25, 28; Mar. 4, 7, 11, 14, 21, 25, 27; April i, ii(m), 15, 18, 25, 29; May 2, 6, 9(m), 13, 16, 20, 30; June 10, 13, 20, 24; July 29; Aug. i, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 26, 29; Sept. 2, 5, 9, 12, 23, 30; Oct. 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31 ; Nov. 4, n, 21, 25, 28; Dec. 2, 5, 16, 25. 1863: Jan. 2 Dec. 29, excepting: Jan. 9, 16, 20; Mar. 3, 19; Nov. 3; Dec. 11. 1864: Jan. i Dec. 31 (complete). 1865: Jan. 3 Mar. 31, excepting Mar. 17. Mar. 21, 1865 is misdated Mar. 12. The following numbers are mutilated: Jan. 2, 6, 27; Feb. 13; Mar. 20, 27, 1863. 174 CONFEDERATE STATES [Richmond Whig. Richmond, Va. 1865. April 17-19, 27, 1865.] Union issues. See also: The Evening Whig. (The) Savannah Republican. Savannah, Ga. 1861-1865. 1861: Jan. 14, 22; Oct. 10. 1862: Jan. 9; April 16, 17, 22, 23, 26; May 16, 27; June 19, 24, 26, 27; July 4, 10, 14, 15; Aug. n, 12, 14, 18, 22, 28; Sept. 9, 16, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29; Oct. 14, 20, 21, 23; Nov. 5, 8, 15; Dec. 3, 5, 6, 10, n, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25. 1863: Jan. 31; Feb. 10, 19, 25; Mar. 9, n, 12, 18, 3o(e) ; April 3(e), 4(01, e), io(e), I5(e), I7(e), 2o(e); May ii(e), I7(m, e), 27(m, e), 28(e) ; June 3o(e) ; July I3(m, e), 23(111, e) ; Aug. i(e), 2(m,e), 5(e), 6(e), io(e), u(e), I7(e), i8(e), 23(e), 25(m,e); Sept. i(e),2(e), s(c), 4(e), 5(e), 7(e), 8(e), 9(e), io(e), I2(e), I4(e), i5(e), i6(e), i8(e), 2i(e), 24(e), 25(e), 26(e), 28(e), 29(e), 3o(e) ; Oct. I2(morning), 22(e), 24(e); Nov. 4(e), I9(e), 2o(e) ; Dec. i8(e), 25(e), 3i(e). 1864: Jan. i(e), 5 (e), 7(e), I2(e), i8(e), 2 8(e); Feb. i(e), 24(6); Mar. 9(e) ; June i(e), 2(e), 3(e), 6(e), 7(e), 8(e), i8(e),2o(e),2i(e),24(e),3o(e) ; Aug. i(m, morning), 3 (morn ing), 5(e), 9(e), i6(e), 29(e); Oct. 3(e), 6(e), io(e), i7(e), i8(e), 22(e), 25(e), 26(e), 27(e), 28(e), 29(e) ; Nov. 23(morn- ing) ; Dec. 31 (m, morning). 1865: Jan. 2 (morning), 3 (morning), 4(morning), 5 (morning), 6 (morning), 9 (morning). Selma Evening Dispatch. Selma, Ala. 1864. Mar. 25; April I ; May 7, 10, 1864. Selma Evening Reporter. Selma, Ala. 1864. Mar. 26, 31, 1864. (The) Sentinel. Richmond, Va. 1863-1865. 1863: Mar. 31; April 3, 4, 7, II, 13, 24; May 9, I2(m), 16, 18, 19, 22; June 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22-24, 25, 26, 30; July 2, 3, 6, 7, 8(m), 9, 14(111), 18, 2o(m), 24(01), 28(111) ; Aug. n, I2(m); Sept. 9-1 1, 16, 18, 19, 29; Oct. i, 3, 4, 8, 13, 21, 27, 28, 30; Nov. 3, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 175 (The) Sentinel Continued. 4> 6, 7, 9, 13, 17, i8(m), I9(m), 2o(m), 21, 23, 26(m), 27, 28, 3o(m) ; Dec. I, 2, 4, 5(m), g(m), 14, 28(m), 29. 1864: Jan. i, 8, 9, 12, 15, 21, 30; Feb. i, 8, 28; Mar. 1-5, 7-11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22-26, 28-31; April i, 2, 4-8, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30; May 2-7, 9-14, 16-21, 23-28; June 1-4, 6, 7, 10, u, 13, 14, 1 8, 20-25, 27-30; July i, 2, 4(m)-8, 24, 25, 27-30; July I, 2, 4(m)-8, 9(Extra, 4 P.M.), 14-16, 18-21, 23, 25, 26-30; Aug. 2, 6, 8, 9-13, 15-20, 22-27, 29-31; Sept. 3, 5, 6-8, 10, 19, 21, 27; Oct. i, 3~6(m), 8, 10-12, 14, 15, 17-22, 24-29, 31; Nov. 1-5, 7-12, 14-16, 18, 19, 21-26, 28-30; Dec. 1-3, 5-10, 12, 28, 29(01), 30, 31- 1865: Jan. 3-7, 9-14, 17, 19-21, 23-28, 30, 31; Feb. i, 2, 4, 6-n, 13-18, 20-25, 27, 28; Mar. 1-4, 6-10, 13-15, 18, 20-25, 27-31. (The) Sentinel (Semi- Weekly). Richmond, Va. 1863, 1864. June 12; Aug. 21; Oct. 16, 1863. Jan. 26; Mar. 31, 1864. (The) Soldier s Visitor. Richmond, Va. 1864. June 1864. The Athenaeum copy is inserted between the May 28 and June I, 1864 numbers of the Sentinel (Richmond). Southern Christian Advocate. Augusta, Ga. 1863. Sept. 17, 1863. Southern Churchman. Richmond, Va, 1862. Feb. 7, 1862. Southern Confederacy (Atlanta). See Daily Southern Confederacy. Southern Confederacy. Macon, Ga. 1864, 1865. Sept. 17, 1864; Jan. 27, 1865. 176 CONFEDERATE STATES The Southern Episcopalian : a monthly periodical. Edited by Rev. C. P. Gadsden, and Rev. J. H. Elliott. "Woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel." [List of Contents.] Vol. VIII. April, 1 86 1. No. i. Charleston: Printed and Published by A. E. Miller, No. 3. State-Street, near Broad. [1861.] . . . Cover-title, 56pp. 8. There is a slip of addenda inserted at the end. Southern Field and Fireside. Augusta, Ga. 1864. New series. Vol. II, no. I, Jan. 2, 1864 vol. II, no. 18, Aug. 30, 1864. The Southern Illustrated News. Richmond. 1862-1863. Vol. I, no. i, Sept. 13, 1862 vol. I, no. 42, June 27, 1863. (The) Southern Literary Companion. Newman, Ga. 1864. Vol. V, no. 23, June 15, 1864. The Southern Literary Messenger; devoted to every department of Literature and the Fine Arts. Au gre de nos desirs bien plus qu au gre des vents. Crebillon s Electre. As we will, and not as the winds will. Vol. XXXII. New Series, Vol. XL January to July, 1 86 1. Richmond : Macfarlane & Fergusson, Proprietors. 1861. v [iv], 1-80, ii, 81-160, i, 161-484 pp. Illus. 8. Pages 240-248 are incorrectly numbered 340-348. The Athe naeum copy lacks pages 417-422 (June number), and also two fashion plates. The Southern Literary Messenger ; devoted to every department of Literature and the Fine Arts. . . . Vol. XXXIII. New Series, Vol. XII. July to January, 1861. Richmond: Macfarlane & Fergusson, Proprietors. 1861. iv, 476 pp. 8. The Southern Literary Messenger ; devoted to every department of Literature, and the Fine Arts Volume XXXVI [XXX- IV]. Richmond: Macfarlane & Fergusson, Proprietors. 1862. vi, 698 pp. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 177 The Southern Literary Messenger ; devoted to every department of Literature, and the Fine Arts. . . . Volume XXXVII [XXXV]. Richmond: Macfarlane & Fergusson, Proprietors. 1863. iv, 748pp. 8. The Southern Literary Messenger; devoted to every department of Literature, and the Fine Arts. Volume XXXVIII [XXX- VI]. January to June, 1864. Richmond: Wedderburn & Al- friend, Proprietors. 1864. 384 pp. 8. No title-page. The Southern Monthly. Vol. I. No. I. Memphis, September, 1 86 1. 80 pp. Lithograph of Gen. P. T. Beauregard, folded map of Manassas. 8. The Athenaeum copy is badly soiled, and pages 71-80 are mutilated. The Southern Monthly. Vol. I. No. 6. Memphis, February, 1862. 401-480 pp. Two lithographs, Brig. Gen. S. B. Buckner and Maj. Gen. W. J. Hardee. illus. 8. Attached to this number are pages 33-48 of "Idlewild", a novel. (The) Southern Presbyterian. Columbia, S. C. 1862, 1864. New series. Vol. II, no. 10, Jan. n, 1862; vol. IV, no. 7, Jan. 28, 1864. Southern Punch. Richmond. 1863, 1864. 2 vols. Vol. I, no. i, Aug. 15, 1863 vol. I, no. 25, Feb. 6, 1864; vol. II, no. i, Feb. 13, 1864 vol. II, no. 25, Oct. 2, 1864. Southern Standard. Trenton, Tenn. 1862. Vol. VII, no. 10, Jan. 4, 1862. Tri- Weekly Constitutionalist. Augusta, Ga. 1863, 1864. 1863: Oct. 9, 14, 16, 18. 1864: Jan. 17(01) ; Feb. 5, 12, 28; Mar. 6, 2o(m), 27; Mayi8(m). See also: The Daily Constitutionalist; also, Weekly Constitu tionalist. 178 CONFEDERATE STATES Tri-Weekly Courier. See Charleston Tri-Weekly Courier. Tri-Weekly News. Houston, Texas. 1863. July I3(m), 29(m); Aug. 5; Sept. 9(m), 1863. See also: Gal- veston Weekly News. (The) Tri-Weekly State Gazette. Austin, Texas. 1863. June 27; July 7, 9, 14, 1863. (The) Tri-Weekly Telegraph. Houston, Texas. 1863,1864. Vol. XXIX, no. 3, Mar. 23(01), 1863; vol. XXX, no. 23, July 9, 1864. Washington Dispatch. Washington, N. C. 1861. Vol. V, no. 23, Dec. 3, 1861. Washington Telegraph. Washington, Arkansas. 1865. April 5, 12; May 10, 1865. (The) Weekly Atlanta Intelligencer. Atlanta, Ga. 1861. 1861 : Feb. 20, 27 ; Mar. 6, 13, 20, 27 ; April 3, 10, 17, 24; May I, 8, 15, 22; June 5, 12; July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 ; Aug. 21 ; Sept. 4, II, 1 8, 25; Oct. 2, 9. See also: The Daily Intelligencer. Weekly Conservative. Raleigh, N. C. 1864. April 20, 1864. Weekly Constitutionalist. Augusta, Ga. 1861, 1862, 1864, 1865. 1861 : Jan. 9; Mar. 2o(m) ; May 29 (m) ; June 12 (m) ; July 17; Aug. I4(m), 21, 28; Sept. 4, 11; Oct. i6(m), 30; Nov. 6, 13, 2o(m),27; Dec. 4. 1862: Jan. i(m). 1864: Sept. 14(01) ; Oct. 12, 19; Dec. 21 (m). 1865: Feb. i. See also: The Daily Constitutionalist; also, The Tri-Weekly. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 179 Weekly Express. Petersburg, Va. 1864. May 13 (m), 20, 1864. The Athenaeum copy for May 13 is inserted between the May 13 and May 14, 1864 numbers of the Sentinel (Richmond) ; and the copy for May 20 is inserted between the May 20 and May 26, 1864 numbers of the Sentinel. Weekly Junior Register. Franklin (Attakapas) Parish of St. Mary, La. 1863. Feb.-; May 2, 9, 1863. The number for May 9 is printed on wall-paper. The February Athenaeum copy has but one leaf (not the first). Weekly News. Kosciusko, Miss. 1862. Dec. 20, 1862. (The) Weekly Panola Star. Panola, Miss. 1862. Vol. VII, no. i, Jan. 23, 1862. Weekly Register. Lynchburg, Va. 1864, 1865. Dec. 24, 1864; Feb. 4, 1865. Weekly Standard. Raleigh, N. C. 1863, 1864. 1863: Oct. 7, 21 (m), 28(m). 1864: Jan. 6(m); April 6; June i(m). The number for Jan. 6, 1864 is misdated 1863. This is the Weekly edition of the North Carolina Standard. INDEX Abeille, L , de la Nouvelle-Orleans, 155; English edition, New Orleans Bee, 172. Abrams, A. S., Full and detailed history of the siege of Vicksburg, 80. Act amendatory of an Act to authorize arrest of deserters by civil authorities, 61. Act for establishment and organization of the army, 24. Act for the sequestration of the estates, property and effects of alien enemies, an act to alter and amend, 9 ; Rules of District Courts under, 16. Act to amend An act to provide further for public defence, 2, 3. Act to amend "An act to regulate the supplies of clothing to enlisted men of the Navy during the war," 152. Act to exempt certain persons from mili tary duty, 3. Act to further provide for the public de fence, 2. Act to impose regulations upon the for eign commerce, 3. Act to provide for relief of families of soldiers, sailors, and marines, 52. "Act to regulate the supplies of clothing to enlisted men of the Navy during the war," 152. Acts and resolutions of the Provisional government, 7, 8. Address of Congress, 3. Addums, Mozis, pseud,, Letters to Billy Twins, 81. Adjutant and Inspector General, corre spondence with the War Department and J. E. Johnston, 1 1 ; General orders from, 21, 23, 30, 153. Advance, steamer, correspondence on coals of, 14. Advanced guard service, 112. Advertiser, Montgomery Daily, 171. Advertiser and Register, Mobile Daily, 170. Advice to soldiers, 141. Advocate, Christian, 159. Age, Richmond, 173. Agent of Exchange, Report, 25; Esti mates, 25; Official correspondence, 30. Agricultural resources, 19. Agriculture, progress in, 126; De Bow s Review devoted to, 167, 168. Aid-de-camp, The, in. Aids to Governor, Communication on number and names of, 78. Alabama, Ordinances, 33 ; documents from, 66 ; Grier s Southern almanac for, 101 ; History of Fourteenth Regi ment, 1 06. Commissioners of Appraisement, Proceedings, 31. Constitution, 33 Convention, Ordinances and Con stitution, 33 ; Ordinance to dissolve union, 154. District Courts, Rules of practice under sequestration act, 16. General Assembly, Acts, 32, 33. Governor, Message, 32 ; Procla mation, 32; Andrew B. Moore, 32; John Gill Shorter, 32; T. H. Watts, 32, 33- House of Representatives, W. H. Crenshaw, Speaker, 32, 33. Senate, R. M. Patton, President, 32; R. Jemison, Jr., President, 32; T. A. Walker, President, 32, 33. All quiet along the Potomac to-night, song, 148. Allegheny Mountains, battle in, 28. Allegiance, state, The question of, 101. Allen, Henry Watkins, To the citizens of Louisiana, admonishing those whose rights are violated to appeal to courts, 42 ; Annual message, 42. Almanac, Confederate States, for 1862, 88; for 1864, 89; Clarke s Confeder ate household, for 1863, 88; Confed erate States, for 1864, 90; Grier s Southern, for 1862, 1863, 101 ; Mil ler s planters and merchants state rights, for 1864, "4; Pocket, 1865, 118; Turner s North Carolina, 1862, 1864, 1865, 135; Warrock s Virginia and North Carolina, for 1864, 1865, 137, 138. Altars of sacrifice, 139. American crisis, essay on the, 112. American spelling book, improvement on, 138. American telegraph companies, relation of lines in Confederate States to, 131, 132- American union, The, 132. 181 1 82 CONFEDERATE STATES American war, key to history of, 120. Analytica, pseud., Problem of govern ment, 80. Anderson, Fulton, Address before Con vention, 79. Anderson, Robert, Record of Fort Sum- ter from its occupation by, to its re duction, 103. Andrews, R. Snowden, Mounted artillery drill, 81. Anecdotes, The camp follower contain ing, 86; Uncle Buddy s gift book con taining, 135- Angel Lilly, 142. Appeal, Atlanta, combines with other papers to publish Atlanta Press, 156. Appeal, Memphis Daily, 169. Appraisement, Commissioners of, Pro ceedings, 31. Appropriations, estimates of, July-De cember, 1863, II ; January-June, 1864, 12. Arc, Joan of, 96. Argus, Army, and Crisis, 155. Argus, Memphis Daily, 160, 170. Arithmetic, Southern school, 97 ; Ele mentary, 1 06, 107; Our own school, 108. Arithmetical tables, with lessons in men tal arithmetic, 84. Arkansas. Convention, Communication from, 76. Arms, Gen. Roger s mission to Louisiana for, 58 ; Communication on state, 63 ; Reports on, 69 ; Report on movement of, to any fort or arsenal in Virginia, 76. Armstrong, Mrs. Myler, When the boys come home, dedicated to, 150. Army, Regulations for Medical Depart ment of, 19; Manual of military sur gery for, 19; uniform, 21; Ordnance manual for, 24; Regulations, 24, 25; act for establishment of, 24; articles of war, 24; Book of reference for, 30; laws to raise an additional force, 30; Report on transfer of Virginia state line to, 62 ; Communication on state line, 62 ; School of the guides for the, 109; A word to the, 133; For the Confederate, tract, 146; Where are the Christians in the? 146. Army and navy prayer book, 12 1. Army Argus and Crisis, 155. Army of Northern Virginia, operations of, 27; Organization of, 30. Army of Tennessee, Letter endorsing memorial of, 4. Army of the Peninsula, General orders No. 112, 153. Arrests, illegal, made by President, 36 ; of civilians by military orders, Corre spondence and remarks on, 89. Articles of war, 24, 30. Artillery, Instructions for heavy, 23, 24; Mounted artillery drill, 80 ; Tactics for officers of, 85 ; Instruction for field, 99, 132; Handbook of, 126; Hand book of, also manual for light and heavy, 136. Arts, and sciences, Educational Journal devoted to, 168; Fine, Southern Liter ary Messenger devoted to, 176, 177. As we will, and not as the winds will, 176. Ashmore, T. P., astronomical calculations for latitude and meridian of Augusta, Ga., and Richmond, Va., 89 ; calcu lated Grier s Southern almanac, 101. Atkinson, Joseph M., Casting our burden on the Lord, 141. Atlanta, Code, 41. Atlanta Amateurs, Original songs con taining more truth than poetry, So. Atlanta Appeal combines with other papers to publish Atlanta Press, 156. Atlanta Commonwealth, 160. i Atlanta Daily Gazette, 156. Atlanta Daily Reveille, 156. Atlanta Daily Southern Confederacy, 166. Atlanta Intelligencer, Daily, 1 64 ; Weekly, 178; combines with other papers to publish Atlanta Press, 156. Atlanta Press, 156. Atlanta printers, strike of, 156. Atlanta Register combines with other papers to publish Atlanta Press, 156. Atlanta Southern Confederacy, Plan of financial relief published in, 86. Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road, Fourth re port, 8 1 : Tenth report, 81. Atlas, Diamond, of every nation and country, 139. Attakapas, Histoire des Comites de Vigi lance aux, 81. Attention, poem, 153. Attorney General, Reports, 16. Au gre de nos desirs bien plus qu au gre des vents, 176. Augusta, Ga., astronomical calculations for latitude and meridian of, 89 ; Ad dress adopted at, 120; General Council of Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. held in, 122, 123. Augusta Constitutionalist, Daily, 163; Tri-Weekly, 177; Weekly, 178. Augusta Daily Chronicle ar>d Sentinel, 160162; purchased, vii. Augusta Daily Register, 165. Augusta Southern Christian Advocate, 175- Augusta Tri-Weekly Constitutionalist, 177. Augustin, J. A., Now that you love me, song, 147. Austin Tri-Weekly State Gazette, 178. Avalanche, Memphis Weekly, 170. INDEX 183 B Badarczevska, Thekla, The maiden s prayer, 147. Badges of honor to Virginia soldiers, Bill for, 65. Bagby, George William, Letters of Mozis Addums to Billy Ivvins, 81. Baker s Creek, battle of, 28, 29 ; Lieut. Gen. Pemberton s Report, 28, 29; Maj. Gen. Loring s Report, 29. Ballot box the palladium of our liberties, 81. Balm for the weary and the wounded, 125. Bancroft, George, exaggerates estimate of manuscripts, iii, iv. Bandera, La, 156; Fort Brown Flag is on other side of leaf, 156. Bank notes, Remarks on manufacture of, 125. Bank statements, 46. Banks, Report on stocks held by state in, 73- Banner of the South, song, 147. Baptism, Protestant Episcopal Church certificate of, printed form, 154. Baptist General Association of Virginia, Address, 81. Barde, Alexandre, Histoire des Comites de Vigilance aux Attakapas, 81. Barnwell Sentinel, 157. Ban-on, S., list of vessels employed by Virginia, 78. Baton Rouge, attack on, 26 ; session of Legislature held in, 42. Batteries, evolutions of, 132. Battle, General instructions for, 82 ; Hymn, 82 ; Prepare for, tract, 145. Battle Creek, operations at, 26. "Battle is God s," ix, 125. Battle of Fort Sumter and first victory of southern troops, 81, 82. Battle of the bards, The, 96. Battles, Official reports of, 26-29. Bayley, T. E., Richmond on the "James," song, 148. Bayonet exercise, 86. Beauregard, Gustave Toutant, Report of defence of Charleston, 27; Report of battle of Manassas, 28 ; Principles and maxims of the art of war, 82 ; Official report of battle of Bull Run, i8th July, 1861, 137. Beauregard, Fort, bombardment of, 28. Becker, D., The prisoner s lament, song, 147. Beckley, Alfred, Communication return ing nomination of, as Colonel, 78. Bee, New Orleans, 172. Beechenbrook, 121. Beers, Mrs. Ethelinda (Eliot), All quiet along the Potomac to-night, song, 148. Bellville Countryman, 160. Belmont, battle of, 28. Benjamin, Judah Philip, Communication on punishment of crimes of soldiers, 79. Benning, Henry L., Communication, with his credentials as Commissioner, 75 ; Address before Convention, 79. Belts, Thomas E., Report on eligibility of, to seat in House of Delegates, 71. Beverly, expedition to, 27. Beverly s Ford, cavalry operations at, 29. "Bible, Both read the same," said Lin coln, viii; Soldier s Pocket Bible, viii, 82 ; New Testament, 82 ; Book of Psalms, 82; Psalter; or, Psalms of David, 83 ; Selections from Psalms of David, 121 ; questions, Primary, 126; Soldier s, 142. Bible Society, Second annual report, 83. Big Hill, affair between Richmond and, 27. Bilbo, W. N., Past, present, and future of the Southern Confederacy, 83. Bingen on the Rhine, 148. Bingham, William, Grammar of the Latin language, 83 ; vocabulary and notes to Caesar s Commentaries, 85. Bishops, Pastoral letter from, 123. Black, George S., signer of Report on Western and Atlantic Railroad, 38, 39. Black Republican prayer, 83. Blackie, George S., his copy of " Manual of military surgery," with his book plate, 19. " Blind Bartimeus," The improvident traveller from, 143. Blockade runner, "Book of common prayer from," ix, 121. Blue, Charles, Communication on death of, 63. Bocock, Thomas S., signer of Joint reso lution in relation to the war, 3 ; Re port of Secretary of Treasury to, 20 ; Communication from Secretary of Treasury, 21. Boggess, Caleb, Report on case of, 78. Bohemian, pseud., War songs of the South, 129. Bohemian, The, 157. Bonds, regulations for new issue, 21 ; printed forms, 154. Bonham, Milledge L., Message, 52. Bonnie blue flag, The, Southern patriotic song, 149. Bonny Eloise the belle of the Mohawk Vale, song, 148. Book, Daily, 160. "Book of Common Prayer," from the cargo of the Anglo-Rebel blockade runner, Minna, ix, 121. Book of reference, 30. Book-plate of G. S. Blackie, 19. Boston Athenaeum, report of the Commit tee on the Library, Jan., 1866, quoted, 1 84 CONFEDERATE STATES Botany, medical, 19. "Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God," said Lincoln, viii. Boundaries, of Virginia, Resolution as serting jurisdiction over, 61. Boys and girls stories of the war, 83. Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, Lady Audley s secret, 84. Bragg, Braxton, commander at engage ment at Santa Rosa Island, 28. Branson, L M First book in composition, 84. Breckinridge, John C., attack on Baton Rouge by, 26. Bridgeport, operations at, April 29th, 1862, 26; Aug. 27th, 1862, 26. Bridgford, David, The unknown dead dedicated to, 148. Brigadier Generals, Communication nom inating, 77. Bristoe Station, battle of, 28. British partizan, The, 92. British subjects in Georgia, Correspond ence on liability of, to military duty, 84. Broaddus, Andrew, It is a fearful thing to live, 141 ; We pray for you at home, 141. Broadsides, 152-154. Brockenbrough, John W., Communication to J. Tyler and G. W. Summers, 76. Bromwell, William J., Digest of mili tary and naval laws, 109. Brooks, L. E., Richmond on the "James" dedicated to, 148. Brown, Albert G., Resolution of Missis sippi Legislature asking a law reducing the ad valorem tax, 44. Brown, Joseph Emerson, Message, 36 ; Annual message, 36 ; schedule of bene ficiaries of Indigent Soldiers Family Fund submitted to him, 40 ; Corre spondence with A. Fullarton on lia bility of British subjects in Georgia to perform military duty, 84 ; Correspond ence on right of Georgia volunteers to elect their officers, 84. Browne, George Y., Arithmetical tables, 84. Brownsville Fort Brown Flag, 168. Brownsville La Bandera, 156. Bruce, Eli M., Remarks on the financial policy of the government, 85. Brussels archives, Motley s remark on reading the bona fide signs manual of William of Orange, Count Egmont, etc., ix. Buchanan, Franklin, report of his triumph in Hampton Roads, 17. Buchanan, W. Jefferson, Maryland s crisis, 85; Maryland s hope, 85. Buckholtz, L. von, Tactics for officers of infantry, cavalry and artillery, 85. Buckner, Simon Bolivar, lithograph of, 177. Buddy, Uncle, Gift book for the holidays, 135- Buildings, Report on impressment of, 64. Bull Run, battle of, i8th July, 1861, Official report, 137; Sketch of country occupied by Federal and Confederate armies, 152. Bulletin, Morning, 172. Bullions, Peter, Analytical and practical grammar of the English language, 85. Bureau of Conscription, Report of, 25 ; Circular, 30. Burrows, John Lansing, The Christian scholar and soldier, 141. Burton, James H., report on stores, ma chinery, etc., at Harper s Ferry, 78. By the camp-fire s lonely watch, song, 148. Cadets, Report on state, 73 ; Official re port of Commandant of, of battle at New Market, 73. Cassar, Caius Julius, Commentaries on the Gallic war, 85. Cameron, S. F., Close up the ranks, song, 147; God save the Southern land, song, 147. Camp, Fun for the, 98 ; Hymns for the, 106. Camp and field, 91. Camp follower, 86. Campbell, J. D., Our own first reader, 132; Our own third reader, 133. Campbell, William A., Child s first book, 86. Campbells are coming, John Morgan s raid, to air of, 153. Canada, township maps of, 139. Captain s bride, 104. Captured in escaping, 91. Cardozo, Jacob Nathan, Plan of financial relief, 86. Carlyle, Thomas, believes "there is the indispensablest beauty in knowing how to get done," v. Carnifex Ferry, battle of, 28. Carrie, I will not quite forget, song, 147. Carter s Station, engagement at, 27. Gary, Constance, Close up the ranks, ded icated to, 147. Gary, R. Milton, Skirmisher s drill and bayonet exercise, 86. Casey, Silas, Infantry tactics, 86. Castine, 94. Casting our burden on the Lord, 141. Catechism to be taught orally, 122. Catharine Parr, 116. Catlett, James M., Battle of Young s Branch or Manassas Plain, 136, 137. Cause and contrast, 1 12. Causes of the war, 36. Cavalier, The, 157. INDEX 185 Cavalry, Tactics for officers of, 85 ; Tac tics, 91 ; Manual of the lance for, 113; history and tactics of, 117; drill, 117; tactics, Revised system of, 138. Cedar Run, battle of, 27. Central Presbyterian, 157. Chambliss, John R., Letter to, from Gen. Wise, 4; Resolution, 5. Champion, The, 86. Chancellorsville, battle of, 29. Chaplain loth Virginia Cavalry, Whither bound ? 146. Charleston, engagement at, 27; defence of, 27; Census of, 56; Battle of Fort Sumter compiled from reports of press of, 8 1, 82; Siege of, 114; Miller s planters and merchants state rights almanac, 1 14. Charleston. City Council, Census of Charleston, 56. Charleston Daily Courier, 157, 158 ; The recognition of the Confederate States considered, published in, 108. Charleston Mercury, 158; Tri-Weekly, 158, 159- Charleston Tri-Weekly Courier, 158. Chatham Railroad, Letter of President, 46. Chattanooga Daily Rebel, 159. Chaudron, Adelaide De V., First reader, 87; Second reader, 87; Third reader, 87; Spelling book, 87; translator of Joseph II. and his court, 116. Cherokee Indians, interest on fund due them, 1 1 ; battle of Chustenahlah in the Cherokee Nation, 28 ; Report on Cherokee bonds, 48. Chickahominy story, A, 102. Chickamauga, battle of, 29. Children s Friend, The. 159. Child s first book, 86. Chisolm, John Julian, Manual of mili tary surgery, 87, 88. Christian Advocate, 159. Christian Advocate, Southern, 175. Christian Banner, 159. Christian religion, doctrines of the, in. Christian scholar and soldier, 141. Christian Sun, 159. Christianity, Thoughts on truth as ap plied to practical, 134. Christian s consolation, 141. Christison, John, Complete grammar of the French language, 88. Christ s gracious invitation, 142. Chronicle and Sentinel, Daily, 160-162. Chronology, Uncle Buddy s gift book con taining, 135. Church Intelligencer, 159. Church Journal, extracts from, 101 ; Letter to editors of, 101. Churches of Jesus Christ throughout the earth, Address to, 120. Churchman, Southern, 175. Chustenahlah, battle of, 28. Circassian, Government dispatch skip, captures the Anglo-Rebel blockade runner, Minna, ix, 121. Citizen, Daily, 153. Claims, Committee on, Report on memo rial of G. Tochman, 5 ; Report on case of M. Clark, 5 ; for articles illegally impressed, 12; for slaves lost in pub lic service, 54 ; Guide for claimants of deceased soldiers, 98. Clapp, J. W., signer of, Joint resolution in relation to the war, 3. Clarimonde, 88. Clark, Mary, Report of Committee on Claims on her case, 5. Clark, Richard H., prepares Code of Georgia, 36. Clarke, H. C., Confederate States alma nac for 1862, 88, for 1864, 89; Con federate household almanac for 1863, 88; Diary of the war for separation, | 89. Clarkson, John N., contract for supply of salt, 68 ; Minority report on con tract, 68 ; Statement on salt works, 71 ; Answer on condition of salt works, 71- Clarkson, W. D., The prisoner s lament, song, 147. Clemens, Sherrad, Report on case of, 78. Clergy, list of, 122. Close up the ranks, song, 147. Clothing, Communication on commutation of, 69 ; Act to amend "An act to reg ulate the supplies of, to enlisted men of the Navy during the war," 152. Cobb, Thomas Reed Rootes, prepares Code of Georgia, 36. Cobbs, Nicholas H., Bishop of Alabama, Doubting Christian encouraged, 89. Cock fight, 86. Code, of Georgia, 36; of Atlanta, 41; of South Carolina, 54. CofTeeville, Miss., action near, 26. Coffin, Charles Carleton, gives The royal ape, with his autograph, 127. CoflFman, William E., trial of, and writ of habeas corpus to prevent execution of, 13. Coghill, R. A., Substitute for resolution on supply of salt, 63. Collier, Robert R., Correspondence and remarks on martial law and arrests of civilians, 89. Collins, P. E., Banner of the South, song, 147. Collins, Wilkie, The stolen mask, 89. Columbia, S. C., Adjourned Convention of Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. held in, 122, 123, 124; Sack and destruction of, 130. i86 CONFEDERATE STATES Columbia Daily Phoenix, Sack and de struction of Columbia, S. C., originally published in, 130. Columbia Daily Southern Carolinian, 166. Columbia Daily Southern Guardian, 166, 167. Columbus, Miss., evacuation of, 26 ; session of Alississippi Legislature held in, 44. Columbus Daily Sun, 167. Columbus Times, 159. Colyar, A. S., Minority report on the tax bill, 6. Come thou with us and we will do thee good, 144. Comites de Vigilance aux Attakapas, Histoire des, 81. Commentaries on the Gallic war, 85. Commerce, Act to impose regulations upon foreign, 3 ; circulars relative to, 8 ; report on bill to impose regulations upon foreign, 14; tables of navigation and, 21 ; Report of Commercial Agent, 73 ; Supplemental report, 73 ; progress in, 126; De Bow s Review devoted to, 167, 168. "Commerce is king," 167. Commissary Department, Report of the Committee on, 5 ; management of at surrender of Nashville, 26. Commissioner of Taxes, reports, 20. Commissioners of Appraisement, Proceed ings, 31. Committee of Twenty-One, Report on communication of Governor Pickens, 56. Committee on Public Safety, Reports, 58. Commodore Foot and Colonel Small, 83. Commonwealth, The, 160. Companies, joint stock, Reports, returns, etc., on, 70. Composition, First book in, 84. Confederacy, Southern, Macon, 175. Confederacy, Southern, Past, present, and future of, 83. Confederate, The, 90. Confederate, Daily, Raleigh, 162. Confederate, Macon Daily, 169. Confederate, Macon Daily Telegraph and, 169. Confederate first reader, 90. Confederate household almanac for 1863, 88. Confederate notes, 153. Confederate states almanac for 1862, 88 ; for 1864, 89; for 1864, 90. Confederate States Medical and Surgical Journal, 160. Confederate States of America in proph ecy, 129. Confederate States rail-road guide, 104, 105. Confederate States speller and reader, 117. Confederate Union, 160. Confederates polka march, 149. Confiscation act of the United States, 17. Congress, Statutes at large, i, 2; Mili tary laws, 2 ; Laws on taxes, currency, and conscription, 2 ; Act to further provide for public defence, 2, 3 ; Act to impose regulations on foreign com merce, 3 ; Address, 3 ; Report on affairs of Navy Department, 3 ; Minority re port on Navy Department, 3 ; Report of Committee on action of, 4 ; Mes sage on secret sessions of, 36; Report on representation in, 77 ; Plan of finan cial relief addressed to, 86 ; collation of laws concerning claims of deceased soldiers, 98; Memorial to, 103; To the, seven articles, 134; Act to amend "An act to regulate the supplies of clothing to enlisted men of the Navy during the war," 152. Conscription, laws in regard to, 2; Re port of Bureau, 25; Circular of Bu reau, 30; Message on act, 36; Corre spondence on, 62 ; of state officers, Report on, 64 ; Resolution against ex tending act, 71 ; Report on exemption of state officers, 71 ; Response to reso lution on exempting state officers, 72 ; Response to resolutions on state ex emptions, 73; Opinion on act, 100; Speech upon law, 117. Conscripts, Report on abuse of, at Camp Lee, 65, 71. Conservative, Daily, 163; Weekly, 178. Constitution, i; 7; 9; 33; 46; 56-58; 60. Constitution of the Provisional govern ment, 7; 9; 33; 56-58. Constitution of the United States, Ordi nance to dissolve union under compact styled, 154. Constitutional reform, Letters proposing, 128. Constitutionalist, Daily, 163; Tri- Weekly, 177; Weekly, 178. ^ Conundrums, Uncle Buddy s gift book containing, 135. Convention between Virginia and Con federate States of America, 79. Cooke, John Esten, Life of Stonewall Jackson, 90. Cooke, William M., Proceedings on the death of, 7. Cooper, . Cavalry tactics, 91. Cooper, Samuel, General orders compiled under authority of, 23 ; Report on troops, arms, etc., 69. Corinth, evacuation of, 26 ; battle of, 26. osette, 1 06. otton, Report on government, contigu ous to the Mississippi, 5 ; Paper on the crisis in, 6 ; laws prohibiting export of, 8 ; export duty on, 8 ; non-destruc- INDEX 187 tion of, in Savannah, 15; list of fac tories, 110; Remarks on prohibiting exportation of, 125. Cotton, King, broadside, 153. Cotton Hill, engagement at, 27. Countryman, The, Bellville, Texas, 160. Countryman, The, Turmvold, Ga., 160. Courier, Charleston Daily, 157, 158; Charleston Tri-Weekly, 158. Court martial, of J. Tattnall, 17; Duties of a Judge Advocate in trial before a general, 99; practice before, 108. Court of Inquiry on fall of New Orleans, 30. Courts, County and Superior, Bill to change jurisdiction of, 45, 50; of Oyer and Terminer, Bill authorizing, 50, Si- Courvoisier, Ella, Love-spell mazurka dedicated to, 151. Cowles, Andrew C., introduces Resolu tions concerning personal liberty, 51. Crebillon, Prosper Jolyot de, Au gre de nos desirs bien plus qu au gre des vents, Electre, As we will, and not as the winds will, 176. Crehen, E., lithographs of uniforms of navy, 18; of uniform of army, 21. Crenshaw, Joseph H., Testimony on ex tortion, 67. Crenshaw, Walter Henry, Speaker, House of Representatives of Alabama, 32, 33. Crenshaw, William H. See Crenshaw, Walter Henry. Crescent, New Orleans Daily, 172. Crisis, Army Argus and, 155. Crisis, Providential aspect of existing, 124. Cromwell, Oliver, "The Soldier s Pocket Bible" issued for his army, viii, 82. Crooked River, engagement on, 26. Cross, Mrs. Jane T. H., Duncan Adair, 91. Cross, Joseph, Camp and field, 91. Cross-Keys, battle of, 27. Crumly, William W., The soldier s Bible, 142. Currencies, foreign, 8. Currency, laws in regard to, 2; Resolu tion on finance, Resolution, No. 21, referred to Committee on, 5 ; Regu lations to reduce, 21 ; Message on act, 36; Report on, 47, 69; Facts and suggestions relative to, 101. Curry, J. L. M., signer of Joint resolu tion in relation to the war, 3. Curry, John P., Volunteers camp and field book, 91. Custom House, forms of blanks, 8. D Dabney, Robert Lewis, Memorial of J. T. Thornton, 92. Dagg, John Leadley, Grammar of the English language, 92 ; Proclamation of peace, 142. Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, 171. Daily Advertiser and Register, Mobile, 170. Daily Appeal, Memphis, 169. Daily Argus, Memphis, 160, 170. Daily Book, 160. Daily Chattanooga Rebel, 159. Daily Chronicle and Sentinel, 160162. Daily Citizen, 153. Daily Confederate, Macon, 169. Daily Confederate, Raleigh, 162. Daily Conservative, 163. Daily Constitutionalist, 163. Daily Courier, Charleston, 157, 158. Daily Crescent, New Orleans, 172. Daily Delta, 163. Daily Dispatch, 163; purchased, vii. Daily Express, 164. Daily Gazette, Atlanta, 156. Daily Gazette, Nashville, 172. Daily Guardian, 167. Daily Intelligencer, 164. Daily Journal, 164. Daily Mail, Montgomery, 171, 172. Daily Morning News, 164. Daily Nashville Patriot, 164. Daily News, Mobile, 170. Daily Picayune, 165. Daily Progress, 165. Daily Rebel, Chattanooga, 159. Daily Register, Augusta, 165. Daily Register, Knoxville, 165, 169. Daily Register, Petersburg, 165. Daily Reveille, Atlanta, 156. Daily Richmond Enquirer, 165, 166; purchased, vii ; Report on publishing proceedings of Convention on separate sheet, 76. ! Daily Richmond Examiner, 166; pur chased, vi. Daily Southern Carolinian, 166. Daily Southern Confederacy, 166; com bines with other papers to publish Atlanta Press, 156. Daily Southern Guardian, 166, 167. Daily State Journal, 167. Daily Sun, 167. Daily Telegraph, Houston, 168. Daily Telegraph, Macon, 169. Daily Tribune, Mobile, 171. Damages, payment of assessments of, made by officers in the field, 12. Daniel, Charles T., William and Annie, 92. Daniel, William A., Report on memorial of, 67; documents on case of, 68. Davis, James Lucius, Trooper s manual, 92. Davis, Jefferson, approves Regulations to carry into effect the Act to impose reg ulations upon the foreign commerce, 3 ; i88 CONFEDERATE STATES Inaugural address, 9; Message, 9-16, 59; letter to A. Lincoln on treatment of Confederate prisoners, 10; Reports to, 25 ; letter on transportation by railroads, 63 ; letter on transportation of private freight, 68 ; appoints Na tional Fast, 118; signs Act to amend "An act to regulate the supplies of clothing to enlisted men of the Navy during the war," 152. Davis, Mrs. Jefferson. See Davis, Mrs. Varina (Howell). Davis, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Moragne, The British partizan, 92. Davis, Mrs. Varina (Howell), Silver bells mazurka dedicated to, 150. Day Book, 167. Deaf, Dumb and Blind, North Carolina Institution for, Report, 46 ; Virginia Institution for, Report, 59, 66, 70, 72. De Bow, James Dunwoody Brownson, editor of De Bow s Review, 167, 168. De Bow s Review and Industrial Re sources, 167, 1 68; fall of New Or leans causes suspension of, 167; sus pended August, 1862 July, 1864, 168. Debt, Communication on, 62 ; war, com munication on guaranteeing, 62. Declaration of independence of South Carolina, 153. Defence, public, Act to further provide for, 2 ; Act to amend An act to further provide for, 2, 3 ; laws to provide for, 30 ; to make further provision for, 30. De Fontaine, Felix Gregory, Marginalia, 93- De Jarnette, Daniel C., Monroe doctrine, 93- Delchamps, J. J., Love s ambuscade, 93 ; Spiced slaugh for Southern digestion, 93- Deliver us from evil, 118. Delta, Daily, 163. Denison, Mrs. Mary Andrews, Angel Lilly, 142. Department of Justice, 16. De Saussure, William Ford, signer of Report on Address of General Assem bly of Georgia, 56. Deserters, Act in regard to, 48 ; Act amendatory of an Act to authorize arrest of, by civil authorities, 61. Deserter s daughter, 104. Deutsches A-B-C und erstes Lese-Buch, 104. Diamond atlas of every nation and coun try, 139- Diary of the war for separation, 89. Dictionary, Palmetto, 136. Dimmock, Charles, Report on troops, arms, etc., 69 ; report on stores, ma chinery, etc., at Harper s Ferry, 78. Dispatch, Daily, Richmond, 163. Dispatch, Selma Evening, 174. Dispatch, Washington, N. C., 178. District Courts, rules of, under the Act for the sequestration of estates of alien enemies, 16; Sequestration cases, South Carolina, 17. {Dixie reader, First, 115. Dixie speller, 115. Dixie war song, 151. Do they think of me at home? Yes we think of thee at home, answer to, song, 149. Do you love God? 142. Do you want a friend? 142. Doggett, David Seth, A nation s Ebene- zer, 94 ; The war and its close, 94. Domestic passport system, 12. Donelson, Fort, Report on the disaster at, 5 ; battle of, 26 ; action and casualties at, 26. Doubting Christian encouraged, 89. Down trodden Maryland, poem, 153. Drafted slaves, Report on detail of, 67. Drafts of members of House of Repre sentatives, 20. Drayton, Thomas F., commander at bom bardment of Forts Walker and Beau- regard, 28. Du Guesclin, Bertrand, Life and times of, 1 06. Duncan Adair, 91. Dunn, William R. J., Child s first book, 86 % Dupre, Lucius J., signer of Minority re port on affairs of Navy Department, 3. Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis, 119. Earl s daughter, The, 139. East Louisiana, operations in department of, 28. East Lynne, 139. East Tennessee, expedition into, 28 ; operations in, 29. Eaton, Edward O., Now that you love me, song, 147; I dream of thee; or, By the camp-fire s lonely watch, 148 ; Violetta ; or, I m thinking of a flower, 149; There s life in the old land yet, ISO- Eaton, W. B., captures Anglo-Rebel blockade runner Minna, 121. Echols, John, Report of battle of Droop Mountain, 28. Economical resources, 19. Edgeville, Edward, Castine, 94. Education, after the war, 107; progress in, 126; Educational Journal, 168; De Bow s Review devoted to, 167, 168. Educational Association of Virginia, ap proves Child s first book, 86. Educational Journal, 168. INDEX 189 Edwards, Weldon N., Memoir of Na thaniel Macon, 94. Egmont, Lamoral, Count, Motley on reading bona fide sign manual of, ix. Election, contested, from County of Hali fax, Report on, 69, 77; Minority re port on, 69 ; Report shewing who are elected to convention, 75 ; contested, Ordinance touching, 75. Eleventh Georgia Volunteers, History of, 137- Ellerbrock, Charles W. A., God save the South, national hymn, 148. Elliott, G. W., Bonnie Eloise the belle of the Mohawk Vale, song, 148. Elliott, J. H., editor of Southern Epis copalian, 176. Elliott, Stephen, Bishop of Georgia, quoted, ix ; Funeral services at burial of L. Polk, 94, 95 ; God s presence with the Confederate States, 95 ; Our cause in harmony with the purposes of God, 95 ; Silver trumpets of the sanc tuary, 95, 96; Vain is the help of man, 96. Ellsworth, Ephraim Elmer, Life of J. W. Jackson, the slayer of, no. Elmore, E. C., drafts paid by him to members of House of Representatives, 20. Emancipation, Proclamation of, Communi cation on, 62. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, "The soul is no traveller," iv. English language, Analytical and prac tical grammar of, 85 ; Grammar of, 92 ; Analytical, illustrative, and con structive grammar of, 139; York s English grammar, 140. Enquirer, Daily Richmond, 165, 1 66. Envelopes and writing paper, assortment of, 154. Episcopalian, The Southern, 176. Erskine, pseud., Controversy on suppress ing gambling, 96. Estimates for the support of the govern ment, ii. Europe, Papers relative to mission of T. B. King to, 38; Documents on purchases in, 71. Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Georgia, Minutes of fourth annual convention, 96. Evangelical Tract Society, publishers of Pocket almanac, 1865, 118. Evans, Nathan G., commander at en gagement at Leesburg, 28. Evening Dispatch, Selma, 174. Evening News, Mobile, 171. Evening Reporter, Selma, 174. Evening Telegraph, Mobile, 171. Evening True Delta, 163. Evening Whig, 168. Ewell, Benjamin S., nomination of as Colonel, 78. Examiner, Daily Richmond, 166. Exchange, of prisoners, negotiations for, Report of Agent of Exchange, 25 ; Official correspondence of Agents, 30. Executive officers, 114. Exile, pseud., Richmond on the "James," song, 148. Exotics, flowers of song transplanted to Southern soil, 151. Express, Daily, 164; Weekly, 179. Express companies, number of exemptions and details for, 15. Extortion, Testimony on, 67. Faith and works, 143. Faith in God, 142. Faith, the victory, in. Fane, Julian Henry Charles, Tannhauser, 96. Fantine, 106. Farinholt, Benjamin L., Report of en gagement at Staunton River, 29. Farnese, Alexander, Duke of Parma, Motley on reading the bona fide sign manual of, ix. Farrow, James, of the Committee of Claims on memorial of G. Tochman, 5. Fasting, humiliation and prayer, day of, December 10, 1863, discourse, 53; National Fast, April 8th, 1864, dis course, 94; 1 3th June, 1861, sermon, 95, 118; Address, 125; Sept. 15, 1864, sermon, 96; Nov. 15, 1861, discourse, 116; 2ist August, 1863, sermon, 125. Fauntleroy, Thomas T., reasons for ac tion in case of, 77. Fayette Court-House, engagement at, 27. Federal relations, Report on, 72. Fentonhill, John, Joan of Arc, 96. Field and Fireside, Southern, 176. Field and hospital, Epitome of practical surgery for, 137. Field artillery, Instruction for, 99. Field fortifications, Handbook for, 136. 5th North Carolina troops, Letter of resignation as Colonel of, 127. Finance, Resolution on, 5 ; Remarks on financial policy, 85; Plan of financial relief, 86; Facts and suggestions rela tive to, 1 01. Fine Arts, Southern Literary Messenger, devoted to, 176, 177. Finley, L R., The Lord reigneth, 97. Finney, Kate S., Violetta ; or, I m think ing of a flower, inscribed to, 149. Fire, at public warehouse, Report on, 63. First book in composition, 84. First Maryland Infantry, Reply to Letter of J. Sherman published by officers of, 136. CONFEDERATE STATES First reader, 87; Confederate, 90; for southern schools, 97; Dixie, 115. First year of the war, 118. Fitz, Newton, Banner of the South, song, 147. Five months among the Yankees, 108. Flag, Fort Brown, 168. Flag, The Southern, poem, 154. Flake s Weekly Bulletin, 168. Fleetwood, battle of, 26. Florida, Advertisement for proposals for carrying mails in, 18; General orders from files of Department of, 21, 23; Proceedings of Commissioners of Ap praisement from, 31. Attorney General, Acts and reso lutions of General Assembly published under direction of, 33. Convention, Journal, 35, 36; Pro ceedings, 35, 36. General Assembly, Acts and reso lutions, 33. Governor, Documents accompany ing message, 34, 35; communication from, 62. House of Representatives, Journal, 34, 35- Senate, Journal, 33, 34. Floridian and Journal, 168. Floyd, John Buchanan, commander at battle of Carnifex Ferry, loth Sept., 1861, 28; Consolidated return of state troops under command of, 66 ; Report on troops under his command, 66. Folsom, James Madison, Heroes and martyrs of Georgia, 97. Fontaine, Lamar, All quiet along the Potomac to-night, song, erroneously attributed to, 148. Foote, Henry S., signer of Minority re port on affairs of Navy Department, 3 ; chairman of Committee on Military disasters at Forts Henry, Donelson, etc., 5. For the Confederate army, 146. Ford, Anna, The prisoner s lament, dedi cated to, 147. Ford, Frederick A., prepares Census of Charleston, 56. Ford, Sally Rochester, Raids and ro mance of Morgan and his men, 97. Foreign weights, measures and curren cies, 8. Forrest, Nathan Bedford, on manage ment of Quartermaster and Commis sary Department at surrender of Nash ville, 26. Fort Brown Flag, 168; La Bandera on other side of leaf, 168. Fortifications, Papers on call for slaves to work on, 68 ; Summary of course of permanent fortification, 112; Hand book for field, 136. Foster, Ira R., Annual report of Quarter master General of Georgia, 40. Fourteenth Regiment Alabama Vols., History of, 106. Fourteenth Virginia Infantry, Resolutions at meeting of, 73. Fowler, Abijah and Josiah, Southern school arithmetic, 97. Fowler, William H., Guide for claimants of deceased soldiers, 98. Fowles, James H., My spirit shall not always strive, 142. Foy, James H., introduces Resolutions on liberty, 51. Franklin County, Va. Jail, Communica tion on removal of a prisoner from, 67. Franklin Weekly Junior Register, 179. Fredericksburg, battle of, 1862, 27. Fredericksburg Christian Banner, 159. Free Market of New Orleans, Report, 98. Freedom to slaves, documents on, 66. Freight, military, Memorial on taxation on, 67; private, Report on transpor tation of, on rail roads, 67 ; private letter on transportation of, 68. Fremantle, Arthur James, Three months in the Southern States, 98. French army, Skirmisher s drill and bay onet exercise as used in, 86. French language, Complete grammar of, 00 oo. French soldier, The, 145. Friendly conversation, 143. Friends in Council, sign Reply to Pro fessor Hodge, 125. Fry, Birkett D., Invoice of subsistence stores delivered to, 153. Full and detailed history of the siege of Vicksburg, 80. Fullarton, Allan, Correspondence with Governor Brown on liability of British subjects in Georgia to perform mili tary duty, 84. Fun for the camp, 98. Fusionists, Southern rebuke for Northern, broadside, 154. "Future Good," ix, 138. Gadsden, C. P., editor of Southern Epis copalian, 176. Gallatin, affair near, 26. Gallic war, Commentaries on, 85. Galveston Flake s Weekly Bulletin, 168. Galveston Weekly News, 168. Gambling, Controversy on suppressing, 96. Games, Uncle Buddy s gift book contain ing, 135- Ganley, engagement at, 27. Gantt, Elbert, Ordinance organizing pa trols for police of slaves, 43. INDEX 191 Gardener s calendar, 114. Garland, Augustus H., Minority report of the Committee on the Judiciary on suspension of habeas corpus, 6. Garlington, Robert, calculated Miller s planters and merchants state rights almanac, 114. Gate of prayer, 143. Gatlin, the renegade, in Mary Barker, 136. Gazette, Atlanta Daily, 156. Gazette, Nashville Daily, 172. Gazette, Tri- Weekly State, 178. Gen. Lee songster, The, 128. General orders, War Department, 21 23, 30- Geographical reader, 115. Geography, Primary, 115, 116; System of modern, 126; for beginners, 133. Georgia, Rules of District Courts of, under sequestration act, 16; Advertise ment for proposals for carrying mails in, 18; General orders from files of Department of, 21, 23; Proceedings of Commissioners of Appraisement from, 31; woodcut of seal, 36, 101 ; code, 36; documents from, 69, 71; Correspondence on right of volunteers of, to elect their officers, 84 ; Heroes and martyrs of, 97; Grier s Southern almanac for, 101 ; Volunteers, His tory of Eleventh, 137. Adjutant and Inspector General, Report, 39 ; Annual report, 39. Commissary General, Annual re port, 40. Commissioner to Virginia, Creden tials, 75 ; Address, 79. Comptroller General, Annual re port, 39, 40 ; schedule of beneficiaries of Indigent Soldiers Family Fund, 40. Convention, Journal, 40 ; Ordi nance to dissolve the union, 75. General Assembly, Code, 36; Public laws, 36-38; Acts, 37; Reso lutions, 37, 38; Papers on mission of T. B. King to Europe, 38 ; Acts in corporating Atlanta, 41 ; Address, 56; Plan of financial relief addressed to, 86. Governor, Message, 36; Annual message, 36; Communication from, 46, 62 ; letter on salt, Report on, 69 ; Correspondence with A. Fullarton on liability of British subjects in Georgia to perform military duty, 84 ; Corre spondence on right of Georgia volun teers to elect their officers, 84. House of Representatives, Rules ; Report of Committee on Western and Atlantic Railroad, 38, 39; Resolutions to prosecute the war with vigor, 39. Penitentiary, Annual report, 41. Quartermaster General, Annual report, 40. Treasurer, Report, 40. Georgia Relief and Hospital Association, Report, 98, 99. Georgian, A, pseud., Remarks on a vol unteer navy, 125. Gibson, M., revised Southern school arithmetic, 97. Gilchrist, Robert Cogdell, compiler of General orders, 23 ; Duties of a Judge Advocate, 99. Gilham, William, Instruction for field artillery, 99 ; Manual of instruction for volunteers and militia, 99. Gilmer, John Harmer, Confederate States vs., substance of his argument, 100; Letter to W. C. Rives, 100; Opinion on conscription act, 100; The state Convention, 100. Gleanings from an army note-book, 93. God our only trust, n8. God our refuge and strength in this war, 116. "God save the South," song, 105; na tional hymn, 148. God save the Southern land, song, 147. God s presence with the Confederate States, 95. ! Goldsboro Daily State Journal, 167. Goliad Messenger, 168. "Good bye sweetheart, good bye," ballad, 148. Goode, John, signer of, Joint resolution in relation to the war, 3. Gordon, George A., What will he do with it? 100. Gordon, William F., Jr., signer of Act amendatory of an Act to authorize arrest of deserters, 61. Gorgas, Josiah, edits Ordnance manual, 24. Gosport, Navy Yard, Report on property taken from United States at, 59. Government, Problem of, 80. Government or no government, 101. Grammar, of the Latin language, 83 ; of the English language, Analytical and practical, 85 ; of the French lan guage, Complete, 88; of the English language, 92 ; Our own elementary, 130; Our own primary, 130; Smythe s school, 130, 131; of the English language, Analytical, illustrative and constructive, 139; English, York s, 140. Grande, Rio, mission to, 58. Granvelle, Antonio, Cardinal, Motley on reading the bona fide sign manual of, ix. Grasty, John S., Faith and works, 143; A great question asked? 143; A noble testimony, 143. 192 CONFEDERATE STATES Grayson, William John, Reply to Pro fessor Hodge on " State of the coun try," 125. Great amnesty, The, 144. Great gathering, The, 143. Great question asked? 143. Green, Duff, Facts and suggestions rela tive to finance and currency, 101. Green, Thomas C., signs Circular as State Collector, 75. Greenbrier River, engagement on, 28. Greensborough Patriot, 172. Grier s Southern almanac for Georgia, South Carolina, etc., for 1862, 1863, 101. Guardian, Daily, 167. Guardian, Daily Southern, 166, 167. Guerillas, The, Southern war song, 153. Guide for claimants of deceased soldiers, 98. Guides, School of the, 109. Gunpowder, actvlce on manufacture of, 78- H H., M. J., The rivals, 102. Habeas corpus, Minority report on sus pension of, 6 ; War Department orders suspending the writ of, 10; writ of, to prevent execution of W. E. Coff- man, 13; suspension of writ, 13; un- constitutionality of act suspending the writ, 36, 38. Halifax County, Report on contested election from, 69 ; Minority report on contested election from, 69. Hall, William A., Historic significance of Southern revolution, 102. Halphin, Earnest, God save the South! national hymn, 148. Halyburton, James D., opinion constru ing sequestration act, 100. Hampton Roads, battle of, 17. Harcourt, Sir William George Granville Venables Vernon, reply to the Letters of, 1 08. Hardee, William Joseph, Letter from Gen. Wise endorsing his Memorial on the army, 4, 5 ; Rifle and infantry tactics, 102, 103; Memorial to Con gress, 103; abridgment of his Infan try tactics, 109; lithograph of, 177. Harp of the South, awake ! war song, I49 t Harper s Ferry, Report on stores, ma chinery and property captured at, 77, 78. Harris, W. A., Record of Fort Sumter, 103. Hartsville, Tenn., expedition to, 26. Hartridge, Julian, signer of Joint reso lution in relation to the war, 3. Hassel, B., Deutsches A-B-C und erstes Lese-Buch, 104. Hatchie Bridge, battle of, 26. Havelock, Sir Henry, the Christian sol dier, 146. Hay, John, obliged to consult the records in ms., iii. Hayne, Isaac William, argument in se questration cases, 17; Correspondence on Fort Sumter, 52. Haynes, Milton A., reports of engage ments at Knoxville, Limestone Creek and Carter s station, 27. Heavy artillery, manual of, 136. Heber, Reginald, Bishop of Calcutta, Noah s carpenters, 143. Hebrew calendar for 5624, 114. Helena, battle of, 28. Helena Weekly Note-Book, 168. Henry, Gustavus Adolphus, Speech in Senate, 104. Henry, Fort, Report on the disaster at, 5 ; bombardment of, 26. Henry VIII. and his court, 116. Hensler, William L., Pensiviana, valse, 148. Heroes and martyrs of Georgia, 97. Herrington, W. D., The captain s bride, 104; The deserter s daughter, 104. Hesper, 105. Hewitt, John H., All quiet along the Potomac to-night, song, 148; The un known dead, 148; Yes we think of thee at home, 149. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, says Bancroft held exaggerated estimate of manuscripts, iii, iv. Hill, Ambrose P., report of battle of Bristoe Station, 28. Hill, H. P. & Co., Confederate States rail-road guide, 104, 105. Hill, H. P. & Swayze, J. C., Confeder ate States rail-road and steam-boat guide, 105. Hill, Theophilus Hunter, Hesper, 105. Hilton, Robert B., Resolution on finance, Hindman, Thomas C., Report of his operations in Trans-Mississippi dis trict, 28. Histoire des Comites de Vigilance aux Attakapas, 81. Historic significance of Southern revolu tion, 102. Historicus, pseud. See Harcourt, Sir W. G. G. V. V. History and Literature, Record of News, 172. Hodge, Charles, Reply to, on "State of the country," 125. Hoge, W r illiam James, The improvident traveller, 143; What wilt thou that I should do? 144. Holmes, Theophilus H., Report of battle of Helena, 28. Home, sweet home, 145. Honors paid by the troops, 126. INDEX 193 Hook, James S., signer of Report on Western and Atlantic Railroad, 38,39. Hooper, Johnson J., publishes Proceed ings of Congress on the death of J. Tyler, 9. Hopkins New-Orleans 5 cent song-book, 105. Horses of volunteers, payment for, 14. Hospital, Epitome of practical surgery for field and, 137; Regulations, printed form for, 154. Hospital Association, Georgia Relief and, Report, 98, 99. Hotels, List of the best kept, no, in. House of Representatives, Resolution on finance, 5 ; Resolution, 5 ; Report on military disasters at Forts Henry and Donelson, and evacuation of Nashville, 5 ; Report on Quartermaster and Com missary Departments, 5 ; Speech in, 93 ; Report on memorial of G. Toch- man, 5 ; Report on government cotton contiguous to the Mississippi, 5 ; Re port on case of M. Clark, 5 ; Report on outrages of enemy, 6 ; Minority report of Committee of Ways and Means on tax bill, 6 ; Minority report on suspension of habeas corpus, 6 ; Paper on Cotton crisis, 6 ; Report on prisoners of war, 6; Proceedings, death of W. M. Cooke, 6 ; drafts of mem bers, 20 ; inquiry into management of Quartermaster and Commissary De partment at surrender of Nashville, 26 ; Correspondence on defences of New Orleans in response to resolution of, 30. Houston, Sam, conference with, 58. Houston Daily Telegraph, 168. Houston Galveston Weekly News, 168. Houston Tri- Weekly News, 178. Houston Tri-Weekly Telegraph, 178. How a soldier was saved, 145. How I coated Sal, 86. How long have I to live, 144. Hugo, Victor, Les miserables, The wretched, 106. Humiliation, fasting and prayer, day of, i ^th June, 1861, sermon, 95 ; Nov. 15, 1861, discourse, 1 16. Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, Re port of Peace Commissioners, 15; Report to, 20. Hurst, M. B., History of the Fourteenth Regiment Alabama Vols., 106. r ymns, for the camp, 106; suited to feasts and fasts of the Church, 121 ; Sabbath school wreath, 127; Soldier s hymn-book, 131; Southern Zion s songster, 132. I I cannot forget thee, ballad, 151. I dream of thee, song, 148. . have brought my little brother back, 146. I m thinking of a flower, song, 149. I will not quite forget, song, 147. "Idlewild," pages 3348 of, attached to Southern monthly, 177. Illegal arrests made by President, 36. Illustrated News, Southern, 176. Ilsley, E. Clarke, Yes we think of thee at home, song, 149. Importations by vessels navigating the Mississippi and other rivers, regula tions for, 20. ! Impressments, Report on, 66. I Improvident traveller, The, 143. j Inaugural address of President Davis, 9. I Independence, Speech on Resolutions on, 117. j Indians, Treaties with, 9; Report on nations west of Arkansas, 10; sums needed for public service among, n. Indigent Soldiers Family Fund, schedule of beneficiaries, 40. j Indispensablest beauty in knowing how to get done," Carlyle believes there is, v. i Industrial Resources, De Bow s Review and, 167, 1 68. Infantry, Tactics for officers of, 85 ; Tac tics, 86, 128; tactics, Rifle and, 102; tactics, Manual of, 126; mounted, Revised system of cavalry tactics for, 138. Insane Asylum of North Carolina, Re port, 46. Inspections, 126. Instruction for skirmishers, 102, 103. Instructions for heavy artillery, 23, 24. Intelligencer, Daily, 164; Weekly At lanta, 178; combines with other papers to publish Atlanta Press, 156. Internal improvement, of Virginia, Re port on fund for, 59, 70 ; companies, Communication on transportation charges by, 72; progress in, 126; De Bow s Review devoted to, 167, r 68. Invoice of subsistence stores, 153. Irwin, David, prepares Code of Georgia, 36. Isaac P. Smith, gunboat, capture of, in Stono River, 27. It is a fearful thing to live, 141. It is my country s call, song, 149. Ivvins, Billy, Letters to, 81. J J. P. Smith, gunboat. See Isaac P. Smith, gunboat. Jack Morgan songster, 106. Jackson, Henry R., commander at en gagement on Greenbrier River, 28. Jackson, James W., Life of, no. 194 CONFEDERATE STATES Jackson, Thomas Jonathan, uses Napo leon s "Maxims of War," iv ; stories of, 83; Life of, 90, 110; Stonewall song book, 134; Stonewall Jackson s way, poem, 154. Jackson, William L., report of expedition to Beverly, 27. Jackson, session of Mississippi Legisla ture held in, 43, 44. Jackson, Fort, bombardment of, 26. "Jackson of Alexandria," song, 105. Jacksonville, evacuation of, 26. Jaeger s Brass Band, Confederates polka march as played by, 149- James Island, engagement on, 26. Jamison, David Flavell, Life and times of Bertrand Du Guesclin, 106. Jean Valjean, 106. Jemison, Robert, Jr., President of Senate of Alabama, 32. Joan of Arc, 96. "Joe Bovvers," Lay of the last rebel, to tune of, 153. John Morgan s raid, ballad, 153. Johnson, Edward, commander at battle in Alleghany Mountains, 28. Johnson, L., Elementary arithmetic, 106, 107. Johnson, Robert Ward, Speech in Senate on bill to limit terms of office, 107. Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, Correspond ence with the President, n; Opera tions of Army of Tennessee, 14; Offi cial report of battle of Manassas, 28 ; Report of his operations in depart ments of Mississippi and East Louisi ana, 28, 29. Joint resolutions in relation to the war, 3. Joint stock companies, Reports, returns, etc., on, 70. Jomini, Antoine Henri, baron de, new version of his Treatise on grand mili tary operations, 113. Jones, John Beauchamp, Wild western scenes, 107. Joseph II. and his court, 116. Journal, Daily, 164. Journal, Floridian and, 168. Joynes, Edward Southey, Education after the war, 107. Judd, H. O., Look within for fact and fiction, 107. Judge Advocate, Duties of in trial before general court martial, 99 ; Vade me- cum of, 1 08. Judiciary, Committee on the, Minority report on suspension of habeas corpus, 6. Judiciary Department, 16, 17. Junior Register, Weekly, 179. Juridicus, pseud., Recognition of the Con federate States considered, 108. Justice, Department of, 16. Justinian, " Peccata nocentium nota esse oportet et expedit," 119. K Kean, P., reporter of Report of Commit tee to Investigate Affairs of Navy Department, 3. Keiley, Anthony M., Prisoner of war, 108. Keitt, Laurence Massillion, Statement, 55- Kelleysville, cavalry engagement at, 29. Kelly s Ford, cavalry operations at, April 14, 15, 1863, 29. Kemper, James L., Report of engagement at Staunton River to, 29 ; Letter ad dressed to, iii. Kennedy, Morgan C., Violetta ; or, I m thinking of a flower, song, 149. Kentuckians, to arms! ! ! poem, 153. Kentucky, expedition into, 26. Kilgour, J. M., Harp of the South, awake! war song, 149. King, Thomas Butler, Papers relative to his mission to Europe, 38. King, Thomas E., account of, 133. King Cotton, broadside, 153. Kingsbury, Theodore Bryant, The great amnesty, 144. Knoxville, engagement at, 27. Knoxville Daily Register, 165, 169. Kosciusko Weekly News, 179. | Lady at a military post, pseud., The sentinel, 145. Lady Audley s secret, 84. Lady of North Carolina, pseud., Where are the Christians in the army? 146. Lahache, Theodore von, Confederates polka march, 149. ; Lance, Manual of the, 113. Lander, S., Our own school arithmetic, 108. Lane, William K., introduces Bill to change jurisdiction of County and Su perior Courts, 50. Latin language, Grammar of the, 83. Laws, in regard to taxes, currency and conscription, 2 ; organizing Confeder ate States, to provide for public de fence, to make further provision for public defence, to raise an additional force, 30 ; concerning claims of de ceased soldiers, collation of, 98. j Lay of the last rebel, 153. Ledger paper, covers of, 131. j Lee, Charles Henry, Judge Advocate s vade mecum, 108. Lee, Fitzhugh, report of cavalry engage ments at Kelleysville, 29. Lee, James K., Volunteer s hand book, 109. I Lee, Robert Edward, Report of opera tions of Army of Northern Virginia, 27; Report of battle of Chancellors- INDEX 195 ville, 29; commander of Army of Northern Virginia, 30; four lines, from letter of, 90 ; Jack Morgan song ster, compiled by Capt. in army of, 106; Gen. Lee songster, 128. Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, report of cavalry operations of I4th and I5th ! of April, 1863, 29. Lee, Camp, Report on abuse of conscripts , at, 65, 71. Leesburg, engagement at, 28. Lefranc, Emile, La verite sur 1 esclavage j et I union aux Etats-Unis, 109. Le Gal, Eugene, School of the guides, 109. Lester, W. W., Digest of military and naval laws, 109. Letcher, John, Message, 59. Letter on state of the war, 118. Letters of Mozis Addums to Billy Ivvins, 81. Lew insville, engagement at, 28. Liberty, Resolutions on personal, 51; Resolutions on, of people, 51. Life of James W. Jackson. 110. Life of Lieut. Gen. T. J. Jackson, no. Life of Thomas J. Jackson, 110. Life preserver, The, 144. Light artillery, manual of, 136. Light dragoons, Trooper s manual, tactics for, 92. Light laws, 8. Limestone Creek, engagement at, 27. Lincoln, Abraham, his second inaugural address quoted, viii ; letter of J. Davis to, on treatment of prisoners captured on the Savannah, 10; principles in volved in contest with his government, 38 ; Communication on his Proclama tion of emancipation, 62 ; communica tion to, 62; Letter to, 67; letters on policy and inauguration of Lincoln war, 119; The royal ape, 127. "Lincoln going to Canaan," song, 105. Lincoln war, letters on the, 119. Literary Board, Memorial, 47. Literary Companion, Southern, 176. Literary fund, Report on, 70. Literary Messenger, Southern, 176, 177. Literature, general, De Bow s Review devoted to, 167, 168; Record of News, History and, 172; Southern Literary Messenger devoted to, 176, 1/7- Little Rock, evacuation of, 27. Live Stock, Report of Weighmaster, 70. Living oracle, A, 145. Lloyd, W. Alvin, Southern railroad guide, Oct r. & Nov r., 1863, June, 1864, i I0 > in- Look within for fact and fiction, 107. Lookout Mountain, battle of, 27. Lord reigneth, The, 97. Lorena, song, 151. Lorena s reply, song, 151. Lovest thou me? 144. Loring, William W., Report of battle of Baker s Creek, 29. Lost principle, Supplement to The, 128. Louisiana, operations in department of East, 28, 29 ; Gen. Roger s mission to, for arms, 58 ; Quelques considera tions sur la defense de la Louisiane et sur 1 organisation de ses milices, 124. Constitution, 43. Convention, Official journal, in English and French, 43 ; Ordinances in English and French, 43. Governor, Annual message, 41, 42; To the citizens, admonishing those whose rights are violated to appeal to courts, 42. House of Representatives, Report of Finance Committee, 42. Legislature, Acts, in English and French, 42. Love and liberty, Songs of, 131. Love-spell mazurka, 151. Lovell, Mansfield, Correspondence on defences of New Orleans, 30. Love s ambuscade, 93. Lowe, Enoch Louis, Letter to Virginia Legislature, in. Loyalty, of North Carolina, Resolution vindicating, 63. Ludwig, C. L., map of Richmond drawn on stone by, 152. Lunatic Asylum, Eastern, Biennial report, 59 ; Western, Report, 59 ; Central, Report, 66, 70, 72. Lynchburg Virginian, 169. Lynchburg Weekly Register, 179. Lyon, Francis S., letter to G. McHenry requesting information on cotton, 6. Lyons, James, Letter to, from Gen. Wise endorsing the memorial of Generals Hardee, Stevenson, etc., 4. Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, 1st Earl, Tannhauser, 96. M M., W., Controversy on suppressing gambling, 96. McAllister, Fort, engagement at, 27. Macaria, or Altars of sacrifice, 139. Macarthy, Harry, The bonnie blue flag, Southern patriotic song, 149; Mis souri ; or, A voice from the South, song, 149; The volunteer! or, It is my country s call, song, 149. McCabe, James Dabney, The aid-de camp, iii. McClellan, George Brinton, defeat of Northern army under, 129. McCrady, Edward, argument in seques tration cases, 17. McCulloch, Benjamin, commander at en gagement at Oak Hill, Mo., 28. CONFEDERATE STATES McGill, John, Bishop of Richmond, Faith, the victory, in. McHenry, George, Paper on the cotton crisis, 6. Machinery, removal of, from State Ar mory, 64; captured, Report on, 77, 78. Mclntosh, James, commander at battle of Chustenahlah, 28. Mclntosh, William H., How long have I to live, 144. McKay, Neill, introduces Bill authoriz ing Courts of Oyer and Terminer, 50, 51- McLaughlin, H. C., clerk of the Com mittee on Military Disasters at Forts Henry, Donelson, etc., 5. Macleod, Norman, Wee Davie, in. MacMahon, T. W., Cause and contrast, 112. Macon, Nathaniel, Memoir of, 94. Macon, session of Mississippi Legislature held in, 44. Macon & Brunswick Rail Road Co., Fifth annual report, 112. Macon Daily Confederate, 169. Macon Daily Telegraph, 169. Macon Southern Confederacy, 175. Macon Tri-Weekly Telegraph, 169. McRae, Duncan K., Appendix to Life and times of, 127. Magnolia, The; a Southern home jour nal, 169; purchased, vii. Magrath, Andrew Gordon, Opinion in sequestration cases, 17. Mahan, Dennis Hart, Elementary treat ise on advanced guard, out-post, etc., service, 112; Summary of course of permanent fortification, 112. Maiden s prayer, The, 147. Mail, Montgomery Daily, 171, 172. Mails, proposals for carrying, 18. Manassas, battle of, July 21, 1861, 28, 136, 137- Mangum, Adolphus Williamson, Myrtle leaves, 113. Manning, Jethro W., compiler of Code of Atlanta, 41. Manual of military surgery, 19, 87, 88. Manual of the lance, 113. Manufactures, domestic, Report on, 64 ; Supplemental report on, 64 ; De Bow s Review devoted to, 167, 168. Manuscript sources over-estimated by historical teachers, iii, iv. Maps, 152-154. Maps, township, 139. Mara; or, A romance of the war, 134. Marginalia, 93. Marines, Act for relief of families of, 52. Marius, 106. Market, Free, of New Orleans, 98. Marmont, Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de, due de Raguse, Spirit of military institutions, 113. Marsh, Catherine, Sketch of life of Capt. Hedley Vicars, 113. Martial law, Correspondence and re marks on, 89. Martin, Joseph Hamilton, Come thou with us and we will do thee good, 144. Mary Barker, 136. Maryland, First Infantry, Reply to Letter of J. Sherman, published by officers of, 136; Down trodden Mary land, poem, 153; To arms! to arms! defend the soil of, ballad, 154. Conference Convention, Communi cation on, 76. Maryland Society, Richmond, There s life in the old land yet, dedicated to, 150. Maryland s crisis, 85. Maryland s hope, 85. Matthews, James M., editor of Statutes at large, i ; editor of Statutes at large of the Provisional government, 9. "Maxims of war," Napoleon s, 117; used by Stonewall Jackson, iv. Maxwell, A. E., signer of Joint resolu tion in relation to the war, 3. Mechanic arts, progress in, 126. Mechanicsville, narrative of engagements which opened at, 129. Medical and Surgical Journal, Confed erate States, 160. Medical botany, 19. Medical certificates, printed form for, 154- Medical College of Virginia, Report of, 59, 70. Medical Department of army, Regula tions for, 19; Rules and regulations of, 87, 88. Medical officers, Regulations for, 24. Medical resources, medical botany, 19. Memphis Daily Appeal, 169. Memphis Daily Argus, 160, 170. Memphis Morning Bulletin, 172. Memphis Weekly Avalanche, 170. Mental arithmetic, Lessons in, 84. Mercury, Charleston, 158; Tri-Weekly, 158, 159- Mercury, Mobile Weekly, 171. Merry little so-ldier, The, poem, 154. Message from Army of Valley of Vir ginia, 114. Messages of the President, 9-16, 26-30, 59- Messenger, Goliad, 168. Meynardie, Elias James, Siege of Charles ton, 114. Miles, C. Richardson, argument in se questration cases, 17. Miles, William Porcher, Statement, 55. Military authority, rights violated under pretence of, 42. INDEX 197 Military duty, Act to exempt certain persons from, 3 ; number of persons exempted for, 15; discharge from, of persons who have furnished substi tutes, 67 ; Correspondence on liability of British subjects in Georgia to per form, 84. Military freight and travel, Memorial on taxation on, 67. Military Institute, Virginia, Communi cation from, 62 ; Report on disburse ments of appropriations to, 63 ; Report of, 66, 68, 71, 72; documents on case of Cadet Daniel, 68 ; Report on pay and state cadets, 73. Military institutions, Spirit of, 113. Military laws, 2; general view of mili tary law, 108; Digest of, 109. Military surgery, Manual of, 19, 87. Militia, law of Mississippi, 44; law of South Carolina, 54; Manual of in struction for, 99 ; Elementary treatise on advanced guard, out-post, etc., serv ice for, 112; Organisation des milices de la Louisiane, 124. Milledgeville, Acts of General Assembly of Georgia, passed in, 37; office of Quartermaster General at, 40 ; Con vention held in, 40. Milledgeville Confederate Union, 160. Miller, A. E., Planters and merchants state rights almanac, 114. Minna, Anglo-Rebel blockade runner, " Book of Common Prayer from the cargo of," ix, 121. Minnie Lee, ballad, 151. Minnigerode, Charles, Power, sermon, US- Miserables, Les, 106. Mississippi, operations in department of, 28, 29; Proceedings of Commissioners of Appraisement from, 31; Grier s Southern almanac for, 101. Commissioner to Virginia, Creden tials, 75 ; Address, 79. Convention, Journal; extracts from revised reports of, 45. Legislature, Laws, 43, 44; Militia law, 44 ; Resolution asking a law re ducing the ad valorem tax, and to ex tend time of payment, 44. Mississippi River, government cotton contiguous to, 5 ; laws regulating navigation of, 8 ; money forwarded to Trans-Mississippi department, 12; Regulations for importations by vessels navigating, 20; operations in Trans- Mississippi district, 28. Mississippian, Morning, 172; extracts from revised reports of Mississippi Convention as published in, 45. Missouri ; or, A voice from the South, song, 149. Mitchell, Nelson, argument in sequestra tion cases, 17. Mitchell, Samuel P., Sketch of country occupied by Federal and Confederate armies, 152. Mobile, First, Second, Third reader for public schools of, 87. Mobile Army Argus and Crisis, 155. Mobile Daily Advertiser and Register, 170; purchased, vii. Mobile Daily News, 170. Mobile Daily Tribune, 171; extracts from, 101 ; Mobile Evening Tele graph published by, 171. Mobile Evening News, 171. Mobile Evening Telegraph, 171. Mobile Weekly Mercury, 171. Money, Confederate notes, 153. Monk, P. B., signer of Report on West ern and Atlantic Railroad, 38, 39. Monroe doctrine, 93. Montgomery, Ala., Proceedings of con vention of Commissioners of Appraise ment in, 31 ; sessions of General As sembly of Alabama held in, 32, 33; meeting of Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A. at, 123; meeting of Protestant Episcopal Church in Ala bama at, 124. Montgomery Daily Advertiser, 171. Montgomery Daily Mail, 171, 172. Moore, Andrew Barry, Message, 32 ; Proclamation, 32 ; Governor of Ala bama until Dec. 2, 1861, 32. Moore, Ben B., signer of Report on West ern and Atlantic Railroad, 38, 39. Moore, Mrs. M. B., Dixie speller, 115; First Dixie reader, 115; Geographical reader, 115; Primary geography, 115, 116. Moore, Thomas Overton, Correspondence on defences of New Orleans, 30 ; Annual message of Governor of Louisi ana, 41. Moore, Thomas Verner, God our refuge and strength in this war, 116; What can I do? 144. Morality, Educational Journal, devoted to, 1 68. Morgan, John Hunt, story of one of his men, 91; Raids and romance of, 97; Jack Morgan songster, 106; John Morgan s raid, ballad, 153. Morgan, William P., To arms! to arms! defend the soil of Maryland, dedicated to, 154. Morning Bulletin, 172. Morning Mississippian, 172. Morning News, Daily, 164. Morris, William S., Hon. j. H. Reagan, Post Master Gen l, statement, rela tions of telegraph lines in Confederate States to American companies, 131, 132- 198 CONFEDERATE STATES Morrison, C. H., Report of Finance Com mittee addressed to, 42. Mother s last words, 129. Mother s parting words to her soldier boy, A, 144. Motley, John Lothrop, remarks on real izing sense given by reading the bona fide signs manual of William of Orange, Count Egmont, etc., ix. Mounted artillery drill, 80. Mounted riflemen, Trooper s manual, tactics for, 92. Mrs. Haliburton s troubles, 139. Mumfordsville, capture of, 27. Mundt, Clara, Joseph II. and his court, 116; Henry VIII. and his court, 116. Music, 147-151. Musical olio, The, 148. Musket, percussion, Hardee s infantry tactics adapted to use of, 109. "My spirit shall not always strive," 142. Myrtle leaves, 113. Mysterious cash-box, 89, 90. Mystery revealed, The, 116. N Napoleon I., "Maxims of war," 117; used by Stonewall Jackson, iv. Nashville, Report on the evacuation of, 5 ; management of Quartermaster and Commissary Department about time of surrender of, 26; Senate convenes at, 57; House of Representatives convenes at, 57. Nashville Daily Gazette, 172. Nashville Patriot, Daily, 164. National rectitude only true basis of national prosperity, 133. Nation s Ebenezer, A, 94. Naturalization laws of Virginia, Com munication on, 64, 70. Naval general court martial of J. Tatt- nall, 17. Naval laws, Digest of, 109. Navigation, laws, 8 ; circulars relative to, 8; tables of commerce and, 21. Navy, Registers, 17; Uniforms, 18; Remarks on a volunteer, 125 ; Act to amend "An act to regulate the sup plies of clothing to enlisted men of, during the war," 152. Navy Department, 17, 18; Report of Committee to Investigate Affairs of, 3 ; Minority report, 3 ; Correspond ence on coals of steamer "Advance," 14; number of white men and negroes necessary to, 15; Report, 1864; Uni forms of navy, 18. Navy Yard, Gosport, Report on property taken from United States at, 59, 78. Neely, John, Confederate States speller and reader, 117. New Berne North Carolina Times, 172. New Market, battle of, Official report, 73- New Mexico, operations in, 26. New Orleans, fall of, 26 ; Correspond ence on defences of, 30; Proceedings of Court of Inquiry on fall of, 30 ; Clarimonde, a tale of, 88 ; Report of Free Market of, 98 ; fall of, causes suspension of De Bow s Review, 167. New Orleans, L Abeille, 155; French edition of New Orleans Bee, 155. New Orleans Bee, 172; French edition, L Abeille dela Nouvelle-Orleans, 155. New Orleans Cadets, The volunteer ! song, dedicated to, 149. New Orleans Daily Crescent, 172. New Orleans Daily Delta, 163. New Orleans Daily Picayune, 165. New-Orleans 5 cent song-book, 105. New Orleans hard times, 105. New Testament, 82. News, Daily Morning, 164. News, Galveston Weekly, 168. News, History and Literature, Record of, 172. News, Mobile Daily, 170. News, Mobile Evening, 171. News, Tri-Weekly, Houston, 178. News, Weekly, Kosciusko, 179. Newspapers and periodicals, 155-179. Nicholson, Joseph J., Letter in answer to Bishop Potter, 101. Nicolay, John George, obliged to consult the records in manuscript, iii. Noah s carpenters, 143. Noble testimony, A, 143. Noir, A., Dixie war song, 151. Nolan, Lewis Edward, Cavalry, 117. Nordendorf, C., Rock me to sleep, mother, study for piano, 150; When this cruel war is over, adaptation for piano, 150. Norfolk Daily Book, 160. Norfolk Day Book, 167. North, Observations in the, 119. North Carolina, Population, table of, 45 ; Report why soldiers were paid in Confederate Treasury notes, 47 ; docu ments from, 67 ; Rifle and infantry tactics for troops of, 103; Agricul tural, geological, and descriptive sketches of lower, 127; Troops, Letter of resignation as Colonel of 5th, 127; almanac, Turner s, for 1862, 1864, 1865, 135; Mary Barker, thrilling narrative of early life in, 136; almanac, Warrock s Vir ginia and, for 1864, 1865, 137, 138. Auditor of Public Accounts, Re port, 48. Commissary-General, Report, 45. Commissioner on Cherokee Bonds, Report, 48. INDEX 199 - Commissioners of Sinking Fund, Report, 46. Comptroller of Public Accounts, Report, 46-48 ; Statements, 49. Constitution, 46. Convention, Journal, 51 ; Ordi nances, 51. General Assembly, Executive and legislative documents, 45-48 ; Rules of order, 46 ; Officers and members, 46 ; Report of Committee on Insane Asy lum, 46 ; Report on causes why sol diers were paid in Confederate Treas ury notes, 47 ; Report on currency, 47 ; Public laws, 48, 49 ; Private laws, 4850; Laws, 48, 49; Reso lution vindicating her loyalty, 63. Governor, Correspondence on coals of steamer "Advance," 14; Message, 45, 47; Inaugural address, 46; Spe cial message, 46. House of Commons, Journal, 50 ; Bill authorizing Courts of Over and Terminer, 50, 51; Resolutions con cerning personal liberty, 51; Resolu tions on liberty of people, 51. Literary Board, Memorial, 47. Military Board, Report, 45. Quartermaster and Paymaster Gen eral, Special report, 45 ; Statement, 45. Salt Commissioner, Report, 46, 48. Senate, Journal, 50; Bill to change jurisdiction of County and Superior Courts, 50. Superintendent of Common Schools, Report, 46, 47. Treasurer, Communication from, 45; Report, 46-48; Response to Resolutions. 46 ; Communication, 47. North Carolina Christian Advocate, Southern Zion s songster compiled by editor of, 132. North Carolina Insane Asylum, Report of, 46 ; Report on, 46. North Carolina Institution for Deaf, Dumb and Blind, Report, 46. North Carolina Lady, A, pseud., com piler of Songs of love and liberty, 131. North Carolina Standard, 172; Weekly Standard is weekly edition of, 179. North Carolina Times. 172. North West Frontier, Mission to, 58. Northern fusionists, Southern rebuke for, broadside, 154. Northern Virginia, Army of, operations, 27; Organization, 30. Norton, Hon. Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah, Bingen on the Rhine, 148. Note-Book, Helena Weekly, 168. Notes and bonds, Regulations for new issue, 21. Now that you love me, song, 147. o Oak Hill, Mo., engagement at, 28. Observations in the North, 119. Office, Speech on bill to limit terms of, 107. Officer s manual, The, 117. "Official Records of the Union and Con federate Armies," reports, messages, and other official documents reprinted in, x. Official reports of battles, 2629. Ohio River, pursuit of enemy to, 27. Oldham, Williamson S., Report of the Minority of the Committee on Finance j on the Bill to levy taxes, 4 ; Speech upon bill to amend conscript law, 117; Speech on Resolutions on peace, recon struction, etc., 117. j Olive Branch Church, skirmish at, 26. One of the People, pseud., Remarks on prohibiting exportation of cotton, IZ5- I Operations of faith, 141. I Order for morning and evening prayer, 122, 123. Order of Working Brothers, publishers of Spiced slaugh for Southern diges tion, 93. | Ordinance to dissolve union, between Alabama and other states, 154; be tween South Carolina and other states, 154- Ordnance manual, 24. Original songs containing more truth than poetry, 80. j Orr, James L., signer of Joint resolutions in relation to the war, 3 ; his Report on the action of Congress, 4. Quid, Robert, Report of Agent of Ex change, 25, 30. " Our cause in harmony with the pur poses of God," ix, 95. "Our Father s care," 129. Our home and foreign policy, 127. Our own elementary grammar, 130. Our own first reader, 132. Our own primary grammar, 130. Our own school arithmetic, 108. Our own school grammar, 130, 131. Our own third reader, 133. Our position and our true policy, 128. Outpost service, 82, 112. Outrages of the Enemy, Report of the Committee on, 6. Oyer and Terminer, Bill authorizing courts of, 50, 51. P., O. K., Wearing of the grey, poem, 154. Palladium of our liberties, Ballot box the, 81. 2OO CONFEDERATE STATES Palmer, Benjamin Morgan, Discourse on day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, 53. Palmer, John Williamson, Stonewall Jackson s way, poem, 154. Palmetto dictionary, 136. Palmetto series, 133. Panola Star, Weekly, 179. Pape, Charles O., Silver bells mazurka, 150. Papers from the portfolio of an army chaplain, 91. Pardons, Communication on, 62, 66, 70, 73 ; Communication transmitting, 64. Parkman, Francis, makes valuable pur chases in Richmond soon after its cap ture, vi ; visits Washington and Rich mond to see battlefields, vii ; books collected by him have no longer the value then attributed to them, x. Parlor gems, a collection of songs and duetts, 151. Parole, eight months in prison and on, 119. Passport system, domestic, 12. Past, present, and future of the Southern Confederacy, 83. Pastoral letter, 123. Patent Office, Rules for, 18; Report, Jan., 1864, 18. Patriot, The, 172. Patriot, Daily Nashville, 164. Patten, George, Cavalry drill and sabre exercise, 117. Patton, Robert Miller, President of Sen ate of Alabama, 32. Paul Vane ; or, Lorena s reply, song, 151. Pay Department, Regulations for, 24. Payment of money due to citizens of the United States, laws prohibiting, 8. Payne, Kate M., Minnie Lee, song, dedi cated to, 151. Peace, Report of Commissioners, to con fer with President of United States, 15; Correspondence on conference, 16; terms upon which it should be sought, 36, 38; Joint resolutions on negotiations for, 72 ; Monroe doctrine, speech pending negotiations for, 93 ; Speech on Resolutions on, 117; Proc lamation of, tract, 142. "Peccata nocentium nota esse oportet et expedit," 119. Pemberton, John C., Report of battles of Port Gibson, Baker s Creek, and siege of Vicksburg, 28, 29. Peninsula, Army of, General orders No. 112, 153. Peninsular, operations on the, 26. Pensacola Navy Yard, forts, etc., evacua tion of, 26. Pensiviana, valse, 148. People, The, To the Congress of the Confederate States, 134. Periodicals, Newspapers and, 155-179. Perkins, John, Report of the Committee to Investigate the Condition and Treat ment of Prisoners of War, 6. Perryville, battle of, 27. Personne, pseud., Marginalia, 93. Peterkin, Mrs. J., God save the South ern land, song, dedicated to, 147. Peters, William H., Commissioner to make Inventory of Property taken from United States at Navy Yard, Gosport, Report, 59. Petersburg Daily Express, 164. Petersburg Daily Register, 165. Petersburg militiaman, crosses, calamities and consolations of a, 108. Petersburg Weekly Express, 179. Peticolas, C. L., Harp of the South, awake! war song, 149. Petigru, James Louis, argument in se questration cases, 17; Portion of code of statute law of South Carolina, 54. Philadelphia Bulletin, extracts from, 101. Philip II., King of Spain, Motley on reading the bona fide sign manual of, ix. Phillips, H., chairman of Finance Com mittee, 42. Phoenix Rifles, Constitution, 118. Physical geography, Treatise on, 139. Picayune Daily, 165. Pickens, Francis Wilkinson, Report on his communication, 56; reduction of Fort Sumter during administration of, 103. Pierce, Henry Niles, translator of Henry VIII. and his court, 116; Sermons, National Fast, 118. Pierce, Mrs. N. H., A year ago, song, 150. Pike, Albert, Commissioner to the Indian nations west of Arkansas, Report, 10; The bonnie blue flag, song, dedicated to, 149. I Piketon, Ky., engagement at, 28. I Pinckney Island, expedition to, 26. I Plan of financial relief, 86. j Pocket almanac, 1865, 118. Pocotaligo, affair at, 26. ! Poetry, The camp follower containing. 86; Uncle Buddy s gift book con taining, 135. I Police of slaves, patrols for, 43. | Political and physical condition, 126. \ Political economy, De Bow s Review de voted to, 167, 1 68. Polk, Leonidas, sermon at the burial of. quoted, ix ; commander at battle of Belmont, 28 ; Funeral services at burial of, 94, 95. INDEX 201 Pollard, Edward Albert, First year of the war, 118; Letter on state of the war, 118; Observations in the North, 119; The rival administrations, 119; Second year of the war, 119; The Southern spy, 119; The two nations, 120. Poor Richard s Almanac of 1752 priced at five times its weight in gold, vi. Poole, William F., Report quoted, vi, vii ; books collected by him have no longer the value then attributed to them, x. Porcher, Francis Peyre, Resources of southern fields and forests, 19. Port Gibson, battle of, 28, 29. Port Republic, battle of, 27. Post masters, instructions to, 18; Re port on duties oi, 76. Post Office Department, 18, 19; num ber of men necessary to, 15; Instruc tions to post masters, 18; List of establishments, discontinuances, etc., in post offices, 18; Advertisement for proposals for carrying mails, 18; Re ports, 19; Correspondence with Vir ginia Central Rail Road, 19; State ment to, 131. Post offices, list of, 18. Potter, Alonzo, Bishop of Pennsylvania, Letter in answer to, 101. Power, sermon, 1 15. Prayer, Black Republican, 83 ; Gate of, 143- Prayer-books, Confederate bishops and clergy appeal to the North for, ix, x ; Army and navy, 121 ; Book of common prayer, 121 ; Order for morning and evening prayer, 123. Precious blood of Christ, 145. Prepare for battle, 145. Presbyterian, Central, 157. Presbyterian, Southern, 177. Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States, Address to all churches of Jesus Christ, 120. President, Report on Message on action of Congress, 4; Inaugural address, 9; Message, 9-16, 26-30, 59; Corre spondence with J. E. Johnston, n; Veto message, 13; Correspondence on defences of New Orleans, 30; illegal arrests made by, 36 ; Correspondence on Fort Sumter, 52 ; Facts and sug gestions relative to finance and cur rency, addressed to, 101 ; appoints day of humiliation, fasting and prayer, 95, 116, 118, 125. Press, Atlanta, 156. Press Association of the Confederate States, Organization, Constitution, Alinutes, Rules, etc., 120. Pressense, Edmond de, The French sol dier, 145. Preston, John Smith, Report from Con scription Bureau, 25 ; Address before Convention, 79. Preston, Margaret Junkin, Beechen- brook, 121. Preston, Walter, chairman of the Com mittee on Quartermaster and Commis sary Departments, 5. Price, Sterling, Report of evacuation of Little Rock, 27. Primary Bible questions, 126. Primary geography, 115, 116. Primer, The Virginia, 136. Princeton, affair at, 26. Principles and maxims of the art of war, 82. Printers, strike of, 156. Printing, Public, Reports of Superintend ent of, 1 6. Prisoner of war, 108. Prisoners, of war, Report on condition of, 6 ; Confederate, captured on the Savannah, 10; civilian, list of at Salisbury, N. C., 11; negotiations for exchange of, 25 ; Report of Agent of Exchange, 25 ; removal of a prisoner from Jail of Franklin County, 67; Prisoner of war ; or, Five months among the Yankees, 108 ; eight months in prison, 119. Prisoner s lament, song, 147. ! Private laws, I, 2. | Private property, has not been seized or confiscated by order of the President, 10. i Problem of government, 80. j Proclamation of peace, 142. Proctor, J. A., Tract for the soldier, 145. Progress, Daily, 165. Promises to pay, Remarks on manufac ture of, 125. Prophecy, Confederate States of America in, 129. Protestant Episcopal Church in Ala bama, Journal of 3oth Annual Con vention, 124. Protestant Episcopal Church in the C. S. A., festivals and fasts of, 114; Army and navy prayer book, 121 ; Book of common prayer, 121; Selections from Psalms, with hymns, 121 ; Hymns, 121 ; Catechism, 122; Journal of Council, 122; Journal of adjourned convention, 122; Constitution, 122; Order for morning and evening prayer, 123; Pastoral letter from the bishops, 123; Proceedings, 123, 124; Pro posed constitution and digest of revised canons, 123, 124; certificate of bap tism, printed form, 154. Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia, Journal of 68th Annual Council, 124. Protests and appeals, 8. 202 CONFEDERATE STATES Providential aspect and salutary tendency of existing crisis, 124. Provisional Congress, Provisional and permanent constitutions, 7; Acts and resolutions, 7, 8 ; Compilation of tariff act, 8 ; Import tariff and rev enue laws, 8 ; Tariff, 8 ; Act to alter "An act for sequestration of estates of alien enemies," 9. Provisional Congress, Statutes at large, 9 ; Proceedings, death of J. Tyler, 9. Psalms, Book of, 82 ; Psalter, 83 ; Selec tions from, 121. Public Advertiser, Richmond Whig and, 173- Public buildings and offices, location of, 134- Public edifices, Virginia, Report of Su perintendent, 59. Public Guard, Report on pay and al lowances of, 67. Public Laws, I, 2. Pulaski Guards, sermon preached to, 95, 96. Punch, Southern, 177. Purse, Thomas, Report of Mayor of Savannah, 41. Q Quartermaster s Department, Report on, 5 ; Regulations for, 24 ; management of at surrender of Nashville, 26. Quelques considerations sur la defense de la Louisiane, 124. Question of state allegiance, 101. Quintard, Charles Todd, Balm for the weary and the wounded, 125. R Raids and romance of Morgan and his men, 97. Railroads, exemptions and details for, 15; transportation by, Communication on, 62 ; Letter on transportation by, 63 ; Memorial of, on taxation on mili tary freight and travel, 67 ; Report on transportation of private freight on, 67; Letter on transportation of pri vate freight on, 68 ; Annual reports of, 70 ; connections, Report on, 77, Second report on, 77 ; advice on con nections with, 78 ; Fourth, Tenth, re port of Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road, 8 1 ; guide, Confederate States, 104; Southern, guide, no, in; Ninth annual report of Savannah, Albany and Gulf Rail Road Company, 127; Map of Southern, 152. Raleigh, N. C., Turner s North Carolina almanac calculated for latitude and meridian of, 135. Raleigh Christian Advocate, 159. Raleigh, Church Intelligencer, 159. Raleigh Daily Confederate, 162. Raleigh Daily Conservative, 163. Raleigh Daily Progress, 165. Raleigh North Carolina Standard, 172. Raleigh Weekly Conservative, 178. Raleigh Weekly Standard, 179. Randall, James Ryder, There s life in the old land yet, song, 150. Randolph, Alfred Magill, Address on day of fasting and prayer, 125. Ranger companies, in Virginia service, Communication on, 63. j " Rare Bohemian, A, full of jests and fancies," 157. Raw materials, Report on purchase of, 69. | Reader, First, 87, 97; Second, 87; Third, 87; Confederate first, 90; Deutsches A-B-C und erstes Lese- Buch, 104; First Dixie, 115; Geo graphical, 115; Confederate States, 117; Our own first, 132; Our own third, 133. | Reagan, John H., Advertisement for pro posals for carrying mails, 18; State ment to, 131. I Rebel, Chattanooga Daily, 159. Recognition of Confederate States con sidered, 1 08. ! Reconstruction, Speech on Resolutions on, 117. \ Record of Fort Sumter, 103. j Record of News, History and Literature, 172; June 1 8, 1863 bound between June 17 and 18, 1863 of Sentinel, 172; purchased, vii. i Reference, Book of, 30. ; Register, Atlanta, combines with other papers to publish Atlanta Press, 156. i Register, Daily, Augusta, 165. | Register, Daily, Knoxville, 165. Register, Daily, Petersburg, 165. Register, Knoxville Daily, 169. Register, Mobile Daily Advertiser and, 170. Register, Weekly, Lynchburg, 179. Register, Weekly Junior, 179. Regulations for Medical Department of army, 19. Relief and Hospital Association, Georgia, 98, 99. Remarks on a volunteer navy, 125. Remarks on manufacture of bank notes, 125. Remarks on policy of prohibiting ex portation of cotton, 125. I Remarks on the financial policy, 85. | Renfroe, J. J. D., "The battle is God s," 125. j Reply to Professor Hodge on "State of the country," 125. ] Reporter, Selma Evening, 174. i Representation, Report on apportionment of, 73 ; Report on reapportionment of, 77- INDEX 203 Reprieves, Communication on, 62, 66, 70, 73 ; Communication transmitting, 64. Republican, Savannah, 174. Requier, Augustus Julian, A year ago, song, 150. Reserved force, Communication on or ganization of, 64. Resources of southern fields and forests, 19. Reveille, Atlanta Daily, 156. Revenue, circulars relative to, 8; laws, 8. Revenue Service, Report on duties of officers in, 76. Reverses, Future good the explanation of present, 138. Reviews, 82, 126. Rice, John H., System of modern geog raphy, 126. Richard, Jos. D., Ordinance organizing patrols for police of slaves, 43. Richardson, David, calculated Turner s North Carolina almanac, 135; War- rock s Virginia and North Carolina almanac, 137, 138. Richardson, George W., Speech on Re port of Committee on Federal Rela tions, 79. Richardson, William H., documents from, 68 ; Manual of infantry and rifle tactics, 126. Richmond, Ky., engagements near, 26 ; battle of, 27; affair between Big Hill and, 27. Richmond, Va., operations around, 27; Senate held in, 61, 63; Report on treatment of negro slaves on fortifica tions around, 68 ; Resolutions by Con vention in, 76 ; Convention entered into in, 79 ; astronomical calculations for latitude and meridian of, 89 ; and Washington in December, 1863, 119; Annual Council of Protestant Episco pal Church in Virginia held in, 124; Seven Days Battles in front of, 129; Stranger s guide and official directory for, 134; Map of burnt districts, 152. Richmond Age, The, 173. Richmond Daily Dispatch, 163 ; pur chased, vii. Richmond Enquirer, Daily, 165, 166; purchased, vii; Report on publishing proceedings of Convention on separate sheet, 76. Richmond Evening Whig, 168. Richmond Examiner, Daily, 166; pur chased, vi. Richmond on the "James," song, 148. Richmond Sentinel, 174, 175; Semi- Weekly, 175; purchased, vii; To the Congress of the Confederate States, re printed from, 134; Record of News, History and Literature for June 18, 1863, bound between June 17 and 18, 1863, 172; Soldier s Visitor inserted between May 28 and June i, 1864, 175- Richmond Soldier s Visitor, 175. Richmond Southern Churchman, 175. Richmond Whig, Union issues, 174. Richmond Whig and Public Advertiser, 173; purchased, vii. Rifle, and infantry tactics, 102; Manual of arms for riflemen, 109; Phoenix Rifles, Constitution, 118; tactics, Man ual of infantry and, 126. Rifleman, A., Esq., Gent., pseud., Pris oner of war, 108. Rights violated under pretence of mili tary authority, 42. Rio Grande, mission to, 58. Rival administrations, The, 119. Rivals, The, 102. Rivers, regulations for importations by vessels navigating the, 20. Rives, William C., Letter to, on status of revolution, 100. Roberts, Joseph, Handbook of artillery, 126. Robertson, W. R., map of siege of Vicks- burg lithographed by, 152. Robinson, R. H. P., compiler of General orders, 23. Rock me to sleep, mother, study for piano, 150. Rockford, a romance, 128. Rogers, James H., mission to Louisiana for arms, 58. Romance of the war, A, 134. Root, Sidney, Primary Bible questions, 126. Roster, officers of Virginia state line, 67. Royal ape, The, 127. Ruffin, Edmund, Agricultural, geological and descriptive sketches of lower North Carolina, 127. Ruhl, Madame, I cannot forget thee, as sung by, 151. s Sabbath school teacher, A, pseud., com piler of Sabbath school wreath, 127. Sabbath school wreath, 127. Sabre exercise, 117. Sack and destruction of Columbia, S. C., 130. Sailors, Act for relief of families of, 52. Saint Denis, 106. Saint Landry, La., Ordinance organizing patrols for police of slaves, 43. St. Paul, Henry, Our home and foreign policy, 127. St. Philip, Fort, bombardment of, 26. Salisbury, N. C., military prison at, list of civilian prisoners in. n. Salt, Report of Commissioner, 46, 48 ; Report on, 63, 64; Minority report on. 2O4 CONFEDERATE STATES 63, 71 ; Substitute for resolution on supply of, 63 ; Communication on dis tribution of, 64 ; Report on contracts of Stuart, Buchanan & Co., 65 ; con tract for supply of, 68 ; Minority re port on contract for, 68 ; works, Report on, 69 ; Report on salt relative to letter from Governor of Georgia, 69 ; Report on contract with Stuart, Bu chanan & Co., 71 ; Statement on works, 71 ; Answer on condition of works, 71 ; Documents on, 73. Saltville, Report on capture of, 73. San Antonio, Mission to, 58. Sanders, George N., Appendix to Life and times of Duncan K. McRae, 127. Santa Rosa Island, engagement at, 28. Savannah, non-destruction of cotton in, before its evacuation, 15; Convention held in, 40 ; Report of Mayor, and Treasurer s Annual report, 41 ; Acting British Consul at, Correspondence on liability of British subjects in Georgia to military duty, 84. Savannah, schooner, letter of J. Davis to A. Lincoln on the treatment of Con federate prisoners captured on the, 10. Savannah, Albany and Gulf Rail Road Company, Ninth annual report, 127. Savannah Daily Morning News, 164. Savannah Republican, 174. Sawyer, Charles Carroll, When the boys come home! song, 150; When this cruel war is over, ballad, 150. Schaller, Frank, translator of Spirit of military institutions, 113. Schley, John, Our position and our true policy, 128. Schoeller, Henry, I will not quite forget, song, 147. School of the battalion, 102. School of the guides, 109. Schools, Common, Report of Superin tendent, 46, 47. Schools of the soldier and company, 102, 103. Schreiner, Hermann L., The Gen. Lee songster, 128; Love-spell mazurka, 151; Minnie Lee, ballad, 151; Take me home, ballad, 151. Sciences, Educational Journal devoted to, 168. Scott, John, Letters proposing constitu tional reform, 128. Scott, Winfield, Infantry tactics, 128. Scrap-book, 154. Seal, of Georgia, woodcut of, 36, 101 ; of South Carolina, woodcut of part of, 114; of Virginia, woodcut, 134, 136. Seals, A. B., Rockford, a romance, 128. Seat, W. H., Confederate States of America in prophecy, 129. Secession, of South Carolina, Declara tion of causes, 55; of Texas, Declara tion of causes, 58; Credentials of Commissioners from South Carolina and Mississippi, 75 ; Credentials of Commissioner from Georgia, 75 ; Ordi nance to dissolve the union between Georgia and other states, 75 ; inquiry into as a constitutional right, 132. Second reader, 87. Second year of the war, 119. Secret sessions of Congress, Message on, 36. Seddon, James Alexander, signer of Reg ulations to carry into effect the Act to impose regulations upon the foreign commerce, 3 ; Correspondence on right of Georgia volunteers to elect their officers, 84. Seeley, L. W., A living oracle, 145. Selma Evening Dispatch, 174. Sclma Evening Reporter, 174. Selma Morning Mississippian, 172. Semmes, T. J., signer of Joint resolutions in relation to the war, 3. Senate, Rules, 4; Report on Bill to lay taxes, 4 ; Report of minority of Com mittee on Finance on Bill to levy addi tional taxes, 4 ; Report on Message of President on action of Congress, 4 ; Speech in, 104, 107. Sentinel, Barnwell, 157. Sentinel, Daily Chronicle and, Augusta, 160162. Sentinel, Richmond, 174, 175; Semi- Weekly, 175; purchased, vii ; To the Congress of -the Confederate States re printed from, 134; Record of News, History and Literature for June 18, 1863, bound between June 17 and 18, 1863, 172; Soldier s Visitor inserted between May 28 and June i, 1864, 175. Sentinel, The, tract, 145. Sequestration, of the estates, property and effects of alien enemies, act to alter and amend an act entitled, An act for the, 9 ; Rules of District Courts under the act, 16; cases, South Caro lina, 17; Act, 17; Report on, 63; Opinion on act, 100. Sergeant s stratagem, The, 93. Seven Days Battles in front of Richmond, 129. Seven Pines, battle of, 27. Sewell, Mary, Mother s last words, 129; "Our Father s care," 129. Sharpsburg, battle of, 27. Shepperson, William G., War songs of the South, 129. Sherman, John, Reply to Letter of, 136. Sherwood, Julia, Pensiviana, valse senti- mentale dedicated to, 148. Shiloh, battle of, 26. Shiloh, sermon, 145. INDEX 205 Shorter, John Gill, Governor of Alabama, 32- Shuck, L. H., "Home, sweet home," 145. Silver bells mazurka, 150. Silver trumpets of the sanctuary, 95. Simms, William Gilmore, Sack and de struction of Columbia, S. C., 130. Simonton, Charles Henry, action and casualties of his brigade at Fort Donel- son, 26. Sinking fund, of North Carolina, Report on, 46 ; of Virginia, Report on, 59, 63, 64, 70. Sir Henry Havelock, 146. Skelton, Maria W., Violetta ; or, I m thinking of a flower, song, inscribed to, 149. Skirmisher s drill and bayonet exercise, 86; Instruction for skirmishers, 102, 103. Slaveholding states of United States, Ad dress to, 55. Slavery, La verite sur 1 esclavage et 1 union aux Etats-Unis, 109. Slaves, recaptured from the enemy, 12; patrols for police of, 43 ; claims for those lost in public service, 54; Com munication on Proclamation of emanci pation, 62 ; documents on freedom to, 66; Report on detail of drafted, 67; Report on treatment of negro, on forti fications around Richmond, 68 ; to work on fortifications, Papers on call for, 68 ; escape of, to enemy, Statement on, 73 ; Catechism for, 122 ; Report of sale of, 152. Smith, Isaac P., gunboat. See Isaac P. Smith, gunboat. Smith, W. N. H., signer of Joint reso lution in relation to the war, 3 ; chair man of the Committee to Inquire into Outrages of the Enemy, 6. Smith, William, nomination of, as Col onel, 78. Smith, Buchanan & Co., contract for sup ply of salt, 68. Smith s brigade, Wharton s division, reso lutions of, 114. Smoot, L. R., Report on Virginia state line, 68. Smythe, Charles W., Our own elementary grammar, 130; Our own primary grammar, 130; Smythe s school gram mar, 130, 131. Soldier, The, an affecting narrative, 146. Soldiers, paid in Confederate Treasury notes instead of North Carolina Treas ury notes, Report on, 47 ; Act for re lief of families of, 52; Boards of Relief, 52; Address to, 61 ; appropria tions for Virginia, 62; Bill for badges of honor for, 65 ; Report on condition of sick and wounded, 65; Communi cation on punishment of crimes com mitted by, 79 ; Volunteers camp and field book, information for, 91 ; Guide for claimants of deceased, 98 ; Advice to, 141; French soldier, tract, 145; Tract for the soldier, 145 ; printed from, for report of soldier s death, 154. Soldiers Aid Societies, Proclamation rec ommending women of Alabama to form, 32. Soldier s Bible, 142. Soldiers Family Fund, beneficiaries ot Indigent, 40. Soldier s hymn-book, 131. "Soldier s Pocket Bible," viii, 82. Soldier s prayer, 82. Soldier s visitor, 131. Soldier s Visitor, Richmond, 175; inserted between May 28 and June i, 1864, of Sentinel, 175. Songs, Original, containing more truth than poetry, 80 ; Hopkins New-Orleans 5 cent song-book, 105; Jack Morgan songster, 106; Gen. Lee songster, 128; War, of the South, 121 ; of love and liberty, 131 ; of the South, 131 ; Stone wall song book, 134. Songs of love and liberty, 131. Songs of the South, 131. "Soul is no traveller," Emerson wrote, iv. Sources, over-estimated by historical teachers, iii, iv. South, War songs of the, 120; Songs of the, 131. South Carolina, Sequestration cases in District Court for, 17; Advertisement for proposals for carrying mails in, 18 ; General orders from files of Depart ment of, 21, 23; Proceedings of Com missioners of Appraisement from, 31 ; Soldiers Boards of Relief, Act pub lished for, 52 ; Communication on guaranteeing war debt by, 62 ; Grier s Southern almanac for, 101 ; reduction of Fort Sumter by troops of, 103; Miller s planters and merchants state rights almanac adapted to, 114; wood cut, part of seal of, 114; chief officers of, 114; times of holding courts in, 114; Declaration of independence of, 153- Auditor, note in Act to provide for families of soldiers, sailors and ma rines, 52 ; Report on claims for slaves lost in public service, 54. Commissioner of the Code, Portion of code, 54. Commissioner to Virginia, Creden tials, 75 ; Address, 79. Commissioners to Government at Washington, Correspondence, 55. Comptroller General, Report, 55. Constitution, 56. Convention of 186061, Address to people of slaveholding states of United 2O6 CONFEDERATE STATES States, 55 ; Declaration of causes of secession, 55; Journal, 55; Report on address of General Assembly of Georgia, 56; Ordinances, 56; Declaration of independence, 153; Ordinance to dis solve union between South Carolina and other states, 154. Convention of 1862, Documents, 56. General Assembly, Acts, 52, 53 ; Act for relief of families of soldiers, 52; Reports and resolutions, 53; Dis course before, on day of fasting, hu miliation and prayer, 53. Governor, Executive documents, 52 ; Message, 52. House of Representatives, 54. Senate, Journal, 53. South Carolinian, A, pseud., The Con federate, qo. South Mills, affair at, 26. Southerlin, Fannie, Rock me to sleep, mother, dedicated to, 150. Southern Carolinian, Daily, 166. Southern Christian Advocate, 175. Southern Churchman, 175. Southern Confederacy, Daily, Atlanta, 1 66; combines with other papers to publish Atlanta Press, 156. Southern Confederacy, Macon, 175. Southern Episcopalian, The, 176. Southern Field and Fireside, 176. Southern flag, The, poem, 154. Southern girl with the home-spun dress, poem, 154. Southern Guardian, Daily, 166, 167. Southern Illustrated News, 176; pur chased, vii. Southern Lady, A, pseud., The Southern girl with the home-spun dress, poem, 154- Southern Literary Companion, 176. Southern Literary Messenger, 176, 177; purchased, vii. Southern monthly, 177. Southern Presbyterian, 177. Southern Presbyterian Review, State of the country republished from, 134. Southern Punch, 177; purchased, vii. Southern railroad guide, no, in. Southern railroads, Map of, 152. Southern rebuke for Northern fusionists, broadside, 154. Southern spy, The, 119. Southern Standard, 177. Southern States, Three months in, 98. Southern Telegraph Companies, Hon. J. H. Reagan, Post Master Gen l., state ment, condition, relation to American telegraph companies, etc., 131, 132. Southern wagon, The, song, 151. Southern Zion s songster, hymns, 132. Southwestern Turnpike, Report on, 67. Special orders, War Department, 22. | Spelling book, 87; Confederate States speller, 117; Elementary, 138. I Spence, James, The American union, 132. i Spiced slaugh for Southern digestion, 93. i Spirit of military institutions, 113. Spy, The Southern, 119. Standard, North Carolina, 172. Standard, Southern, 177. Standard, Weekly, 179. Stanton, H. S., Dixie war song, 151. Star, Weekly Panola, 179. Stark, Alexander W., Instruction for field artillery, 132. State allegiance, The question of, 101. State Gazette, Tri-Weekly, 178. State Journal, Daily, 167. " State of the country," Reply to Pro fessor Hodge on, 125 ; article on the, 134- State officers, Report on conscription of, 64; Report on exemption of, 71 ; Re sponse to resolution on exempting, 72. State rights almanac, 114. Stationery, assortment of, 154. Statistical tables, Communication with, 71- Statistics, De Bow s Review and Indus trial Resources, 167, 168. Statutes at large, i, 2 ; of the Provisional government, 9. Staunton River, engagement at, 29. Steam-boat guide, Confederate States, 105. Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, Report of Peace Commissioners, 15; Credentials of, 79. Sterling, Richard, Our own first reader, 132; Our own third reader, 133. Stevenson, Carter L., Letter from Gen. Wise endorsing his memorial on the army, 4, 5 ; report of battle of Look out Mountain, 27; report of expedition into East Tennessee, 28. Stewart, Kensey Johns, Geography for beginners, 133. Stiles, Joseph Clay, Capt. Thomas E. King, 133; National rectitude only true basis of national prosperity, 133. Stocks, held by state in banks, Report on, 73- Stolen mask, The, 89, 90. Stonewall Jackson s way, poem, 154. Stonewall song book, 134. Stono River, capture of gunboat Isaac P. Smith in, 27. Stores captured, Report on, 77, 78. Stories of the war, Boys and girls, 83. Stranger s guide and official directory for Richmond, 134. Strike of Atlanta printers, 156. Stuart, James Ewell Brown, commander at engagement at Lewinsville, 28 ; report of cavalry engagements at Kelleysville, 29. INDEX 207 Stuart, M., autograph of, 103. Stuart, Buchanan & Co., Report on salt contracts of, 65, 71. Subsistence Department, Regulations for, 25. Subsistence stores, Invoice of, 153. Substitutes, Report on discharge from military service of persons who have furnished, 67. Suffolk Christian Sun, 159. Summer campaign, 1862, 27. Summers, George W., Communication to, 76. Sumter, Fort, Correspondence on, 52; Battle of, and first victory of southern troops, 81; Record of, 103. Sun, Daily, 167. Superintendent of Public Printing, Re ports, 1 6. Supplies, Report on furnishing, 73. Surgeon-General, Regulations for Med ical Department, 19; Resources of southern fields and forests, 19; Man ual of military surgery, 19; Rules and regulations of Medical Depart ment, 87, 88. Surgery, Military, Manual of, 19, 87; Epitome of practical surgery for field and hospital, 137. Swain, Margie P., Mara ; or, A romance of the war, 134. Swayze, J. C., Confederate States rail road and steam-boat guide, 105. Tactics, for officers of infantry, cavalry and artillery, 85; Infantry, 86, 128; Cavalry, 91 ; for light dragoons and mounted riflemen, 92 ; Rifle and in fantry, 102; supplement to system of United States, 112; Manual of infan try and rifle, 126; Revised system of cavalry, 138. Take me home, ballad, 151. Tale of love, A, 92. Tales, Uncle Buddy s gift book contain ing. 135- Tallahassee, 1st session of iath General Assembly held in, 33; Iith-I3th ses sion of Senate held in, 33, 34; nth 1 4th session of House of Representa tives held in, 34, 35 ; Convention held in, 35. 36. Tallahassee Floridian and Journal, 168. Tannhauser, 96. Tariff, Compilation of the act, 8 ; Import and other revenue laws, 8 ; Tariff, 8. Tattnall, Josiah, court martial, 17. Taxes, laws in regard to, 2 ; Report on bill to lay, 3 ; Report of minority Committee on Finance on, 3 ; Minority, report Committee of Ways and Means on bill, 6; tax in kind and other taxes, 1863, 14; war tax, 20; Instructions for collectors, 20 ; Report of Commis sioner of, 20 ; Resolution asking a law reducing ad valorem tax, 44 ; on mili tary freight and travel, Memorial of Rail Road Companies on, 67; docu ments on, 69 ; Report on collection of, 73 ; Report on persons delinquent for non-payment of, 76 ; Report on taxa tion, 76. Telegraph, Houston Daily, 168. Telegraph, Macon Daily, 169; Tri- Weekly, 169. Telegraph, Mobile Evening, 171. Telegraph, Tri- Weekly, 178. Telegraph, Washington, Ark., 178. Telegraph companies, number of exemp tions and details for, 15; Southern, Statement, condition, relation to Amer ican, etc., 131, 132. Temple, Neville, pseud., Tannhauser, 96. Tennessee, expedition into East, 28 ; operations in East, 29 ; Proceedings of Commissioners of Appraisement from, 31 ; Grier s Southern almanac for, 101. General Assembly, Public acts, 56, 57- House of Representatives, Journal, Senate, Journal, 57. Tennessee, Army of, Letter from Gen. Wise endorsing the memorial of, 4, 5 ; operations of, 14. Tennessee River, operations on, 26. Terms for peace, 36, 38. Terms of office, Speech on bill to limit, 107. Texas, Speech on Resolutions of, on peace, reconstruction and independence, 117. Committee on Public Safety, Re ports, 58. Constitution, 58. Convention, Ordinances, 58 ; Ad dress, 58; Declaration of causes of its secession, 58. Legislature, Laws, 57; General laws, 57, 58. Thanksgiving, Day of public, September 1 8, 1862, discourse delivered, 94; sermon preached, 95 ; November 19, 1863, discourse delivered, 114. There s life in the old land yet, song, 150. "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy," ix. Third reader, 87. Thomas, Francis I., documents on nomi nation of, 78. Thomas, H. W., resignation from Senate, 62. Thomas, John R., Bonny Eloise the belle of the Mohawk Vale, song, 148. Thornton, John T., memorial of, 92. Thornwell, James Henley, The state of the country, 134. 208 CONFEDERATE STATES Thoughts on truth, 134. Three months in the Southern States, 98. Times, Columbus, 159. Times, North Carolina, 172. To arms ! to arms ! defend the soil of Maryland, ballad, 154. To the Congress of the Confederate States, 134.. Tochman, Caspar, Report of the Com mittee of Claims on his memorial, 5. Tokens at the tomb, 113. Tonlin, the chief s son, in Mary Barker, 136. Township maps, 139. Tract for the soldier, 145. Tracts, 141-146. Trans-Mississippi, money forwarded to department, 12; operations in district, 28. Translations, Uncle Buddy s gift book containing, 135. Transportation, by railroads, Communi cation on, 62 ; letter on, 63 ; Com munication on charges by internal im provement companies, 72. Treasury Department, circulars on com merce, navigation, and revenue, 8 ; Estimates for support of government, 1 1 ; sums needed for Indian tribes, 1 1 ; interest on fund due Cherokee Indians, ii ; appropriations, January June, 1864, 12; money forwarded to trans- Mississippi department, and claims for articles illegally impressed, 12; Report on bill to impose regulations upon for eign commerce, 14; Regulations on importations by Mississippi and other rivers, 20; Supplement instructions for collectors of war tax, 20 ; Instruc- tions for collectors of taxes, 20; Re port, 20 ; Abstract of drafts of mem bers of House of Representatives, 20 ; Regulations to reduce currency, 21 ; Communication, tables of commerce and navigation, 21 ; rules of practice in settlement of claims of deceased soldiers, 98. Treasury notes, Soldiers paid in, Report, on causes, 47 ; of Virginia, Communi cation on, 64. Treaties with Indian tribes, 9. Trenholm, G. A., signer of Regulations to carry into effect the Act to impose regulations upon the foreign commerce, Trenton Southern Standard, 177. Trevor, Edward, pseud., Tannhauser, 96. Tri-Weekly Constitutionalist, 177. Tri-Weekly Courier, Charleston, 158. Tri-Weekly News, 178. Tri-Weekly State Gazette, 178. Tri-Weekly Telegraph, Houston, 178. Tri-Weekly Telegraph, Macon, 169. Tribune, Mobile Daily, 171. Trooper s manual, 92. True Delta, Evening, 163. Truth, Thoughts on, 134. Tucker, Henry, When this cruel war is over, ballad, 150. Tucker, J. W., Thoughts on truth, 134. Tupelo, Miss., retreat to, 26. Tupper, James, note in Act to provide for relief of families of soldiers, sail ors, and marines, 52. Turner, Henry D., Turner s North- Carolina almanac for 1862, 1864, 1865, 135. Turnwold Countryman, 160. Two nations, The, 120. Tyler, John, Proceedings of Congress on the death of, 9 ; Communication to, 76. u Uncle Buddy s gift book for the holidays, 135- Uniform of army, 21, 24, 30. Uniforms of navy, 18. Union, Ordinance to dissolve, between Alabama and other states, 154; be tween South Carolina and other states, 154- Union issues, of Evening Whig, 168; of Memphis Daily Appeal, 169; of Rich mond Whig, 174. United States, laws prohibiting the pay ment of money due to citizens of, 8 ; confiscation act, 17; Instructions for heavy artillery, 23, 24; Army regula tions revised for Confederate army, 24; Address to people of slaveholding states of, 55; property taken from, at Navy Yard, Gosport, Report on, 59 ; Communication on officers who re signed commissions in army and navy, 64 ; Report on movement of men or arms by, in Virginia, 76 ; Report on authority of, in Virginia, 76 ; Report on officers of army and navy of, who have resigned and returned to Vir ginia, 78 ; army regulations of, as to parades, reviews, etc., 109; Supple ment to tactics for military service of, 112 ; defeat of army of, under McClel- lan, 129; The American union, its effect on national character and policy, 132; township maps of, 139. Constitution, Ordinance to dissolve union between Alabama and other states under compact styled "The Con stitution of the United States of Amer ica," 154; Ordinance to dissolve union between South Carolina and other states, 154. Military Academy, Summary of course of permanent fortification for cadets of, 112. INDEX 209 President, Report of Peace Commis sioners to confer with, 15; Report of Committee to, and response, 76. University of Alabama, Calculations made at, 90. University of North Carolina, Report of Treasurer, 46. University of Virginia, Report, 59, 70, 72. Unknown dead, The, song, 148. Vain is the help of man, 96. Vance, Zebulon Baird, Inaugural ad dress, 46 ; Special message, 46 ; Letter of resignation to, as Colonel, 5th North Carolina Troops, 127. Van Dorn, Earl, defence of Vicksburg by, 26. Vaughan, R. H M Invoice of subsistence stores delivered by him to Col. B. D. Fry at Yorktown, 153. Velma, the chief s daughter, in Mary Barker, 136. Verite sur 1 esclavage et 1 union aux Etats-Unis, La, 109. Vernon, Charlie, Mary Barker, 136. Vessels, rules for admeasurement of, 8 ; list of, employed by Virginia, 78. Veteran Soldiers Home, Veto message on, 13. Veto message, 13. Vicars, Hedley Shafto Johnstone, Sketch of life of, 113. Vicksburg, Defence of, 26 ; siege of, 28, 29 ; Full and detailed history of siege of, 80; Siege of, map, 152; fac-simile of last Confederate newspaper printed in, 153- Viele, Egbert Ludovickus, Handbook for field fortifications and artillery, 136. Violetta ; or, I m thinking of a flower, song, 149. Virgil, Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis, 119. Virginia, Advertisement for proposals for carrying mails in, 18; operations in northwestern, 26 ; Internal im provement fund, 59 ; Memorial of rail road companies on taxation on military freight and travel, 67 ; Com munication with statistical tables, 71 ; Report on movement of arms or men in, 76 ; Population of, 76 ; Report on authority of federal government in, 76 ; Communication showing federal population, 77; documents showing military and naval preparations for defence of, 77; Supplemental message on defence of, 77 ; Report on popula tion and value of property, 77; Report on officers of United States who have resigned and returned to, 78 ; list of vessels employed by, 78 ; woodcut of seal of, 134, 136; and North Carolina almanac, Warrock s, for 1864, 1865, 137, 138. Adjutant General, Report, 66, 70, 72 ; Report on state line, 67 ; docu ments from, 68 ; Report on militia and volunteers, 75. Attorney General, Report, 59, 72. Auditing Board, Communication on commutation on clothing, 69. Auditor, Communication from, 63, 64 ; Communication on Treasury notes, 64; Biennial report, 65, 70; Financial statement, 66 ; Report on pay and al lowances of Public Guard, 67; Report, 68 ; Communication, with statistical tables, 71 ; Special report on financial condition, 72 ; Communication in re sponse to resolution, 72 ; Report on apportionment of representation, 73 ; Report on collection of taxes, 73 ; Re port on persons delinquent for non payment of taxes, 76 ; Communication showing federal population, 77; Re port on population and value of prop erty, 77. Auditor, Second, Report on fund for internal improvement, sinking fund, debt and resources, 59, 70 ; Re port on literary fund, 70 ; Communi cation in response to resolution, 72 ; Report on stocks in banks, 73. Board of Public Works, Communi cation on salt, 64 ; Report on South western Turnpike, 67 ; Report on salt works, 69 ; Biennial report, 70. Central Lunatic Asylum, Report, 66, 70, 72. - Commercial Agent, Report, 73 ; Supplemental report, 73. Commissioner to make Inventory of Property taken from United States at Navy Yard, Gosport, Report, 59. Commissioners of Sinking Fund, Report, 59, 64, 70. Commissioners to Conference in Washington, Report, 76. Constitution, 58 ; Report on amend ments to, 77. Convention, Ordinances, 60 ; Reso lutions, 60 ; Documents, 75-79 ; Re port on votes on referring action of, to people, 75 ; Report shewing who are elected members, 75 ; Ordinance on contested elections, 75 ; Report in re sponse to resolution on militia and volunteers, 75 ; Supplementary report on referring action of, to people, 76 ; Report on movement of arms or men to, or in Virginia, 76 ; Report whether proceedings could be published upon separate sheet of Richmond Enquirer, 76 ; Report of Committee to President of United States, 76 ; Resolutions, 76 ; 2IO CONFEDERATE STATES Report on taxation, 76 ; Report on au thority of federal government in Com monwealth, 76 ; Report on duties of post masters and officers in revenue service, 76 ; Report on rail road con nections, 77 ; Report on resolution on absent members, 77; Report on repre sentation in Congress, 77; Report on stores, machinery, etc., captured at Harper s Ferry, 77; Report on time for which volunteers are to be mus tered, 77 ; Report on amendments to constitution, 77; Report on elections, 77 ; Report on cases of S. Clemens, C. Boggess and B. Wilson, 78 ; Report on officers of army and navy of United States who have resigned and returned to Virginia, 78 ; Addresses before, 79 ; Ordinances, 79 ; Speech of G. W. Richardson in, 79 ; The state Conven- j tion, a letter, 100. Convention ivitk Confederate States \ of America, Convention, 79. Council, advice on manufacture of gunpowder, 78 ; advice on connections with rail roads, 78. Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution, Report, 59, 66, 70, 72. Eastern Lunatic Asylum, Biennial report, 59. General Assembly, Resolution on boundaries, 4 ; Documents, 59 ; Acts, 60, 6 1 ; Act amendatory of an Act to authorize arrest of deserters by civil authorities, 61 ; Sketches of Acts and joint resolutions, 61 ; Resolution assert ing jurisdiction over ancient boundaries, 6 1 ; Address to soldiers, 61 ; Report on salt, 63, 64; Minority report on j salt, 63, 71 ; Substitute for resolution on supply of salt, 63 ; Report on ex amination of Treasurer s office, 64 ; Report of Library Committee, 64, 69 ; Report on executive expenditures, 64 ; Report on conscription of state officers, 64; Report on abuse of con scripts at Camp Lee, 65, 71 ; Bill for badges of honor to officers and soldiers, 65 ; Report on discharge from military service of persons who have furnished substitutes, 67; contract for supply of salt, 68 ; Minority report on contract for salt, 68; Report on salt, letter from Governor of Georgia, 69 ; Re port on salt contract with Stuart, Bu chanan & Co., 71 ; Joint resolutions on the war, 72 ; Response to resolution of, on exempting state officers, 72 ; Re sponse to resolutions on state exemp tions, 73; Letter to, in. Governor, Proclamation, 58 ; Mes sage, 59, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 74; Appendix to message, 62, 63 ; Com munication from, 62-71, 73, 75-79? Report on executive expenditures, 64 ; Correspondence with Secretary of War, 65 ; Communication on state troops, 65 ; Letter to President Lincoln, 67 ; Communication on returns of elections of, 68 ; Communication on naturaliza tion laws, 70 ; Inaugural address, 70 ; Response to resolution exempting state officers, 72 ; Response to resolutions on state exemptions, 73 ; Report of trans actions of, in furnishing supplies to people, 73 ; Communication on pardons, reprieves, etc., 73 ; Communication nominating Brigadier Generals and reasons for action in case of General Fauntleroy, 77; Communication on movement of troops in North Western Virginia, 78 ; Communication on num ber and names of Aids, 78. House of Delegates, Communica tion on members taken prisoners, 62 ; Documents, 65-74; Communication in answer to resolution of, 66 ; Report on currency, 69 ; Report on contested election from County of Halifax, 69 ; Minority report on contested election from County of Halifax, 69 ; Report on eligibility of T. E. Betts to seat in, 71; Journal, 73-75; Calendar, 75. Library, Report on resolution, 64 ; Report on Public, 69. Militia, Report on sick and wounded soldiers, 65 ; Communication on state troops, 65 ; Consolidated return of state troops, 66 ; Report of Gen. Floyd on troops under his command, 66 ; List of officers, 67; Roster of officers, 67 ; Reports on troops, arms, etc., 69 ; Resolutions at meeting of Fourteenth Infantry, 73 ; Report on, 75 ; number and rank of officers of Provisional army of, 77 ; Report on time for which volunteers are to be mustered into service, 77 ; Communication on time of service of volunteer forces, 79 ; Skirmisher s drill and bayonet exercise for, 86. Navy, advice in regard to officers of, 77. Ordnance Department, Communica tion on, 62 ; Report of, 66, 70, 72. Paymaster General, Report on abol ishing office of, 69 ; Report of, 73. Penitentiary, Communication on death of Superintendent, 63 ; Report of, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72 ; Report on purchase of raw materials, 69. Quartermaster General, Report on state line, 68 ; Report on abolishing, 71 ; Report of, 72. Salt Works, Report on, 69 ; State ment, 71 ; Answer on condition of, 71 ; Report on capture of Saltville, 73. Senate, Journal, 61,63; Documents, INDEX 211 61-65; Report on state line, 62; Communication on state line, 62 ; Re port on disbursements of appropriations to Virginia Military Institute, 63 ; Report on sinking fund, 63 ; Report on fire at public warehouse, 63 ; Re port on domestic manufactures, 64 ; Report on election of senator in twenty- third district, 64 ; Supplemental report on domestic manufactures, 64; Com munication in response to resolution of, 72 ; Remarks in, on martial law and arrests of civilians, 89. State Armory, Communication on removal of machinery from, 64. State Collector, Circular, 75. Superintendent of Public Edifices, Report, 59. Treasurer, Report, 59, 70 ; Report on examination of office, 64 ; Synopsis of financial condition of, 72. Weighmaster of Live Stock, Re port, 70. Western Lunatic Asylum, Report, 59- . Virginia, Army of Northern, operations of, 27; Organization, 30. Virginia, Army of Valley of, Message from the, 114. Virginia Central Rail Road, Correspond ence with Postmaster General on postal service, 19. Virginia Military Institute, Communica tion from, 62 ; Report on disbursements of appropriations to, 63 ; Report of, 66, 68, 71, 72; documents on case of Cadet Daniel, 68 ; Report on pay and state cadets, 73. Virginia prime^ 136. Virginian, Lynchburg, 169. Visher, Albin, I cannot forget thee, ballad, 151. Voice from the South, A, song, 149. Voice of Washington and his confeder ates in council and in the field, 146. Volunteer, The; or, It is my country s call, song, 149. Volunteers, Manual of instruction for, 99 ; Elementary treatise on advanced guard, out-post, etc., service for, 112. Volunteers camp and field book, 91. Volunteer s hand book, 109. W Walden, P. E., editor of Compilation of the tariff act, 8. Walker, John, Palmetto dictionary, 136. Walker, Leroy Pope, Communication on time of service of volunteer forces, 79. Walker, Thomas A., President of Senate of Alabama, 32, 33. Walker, Fort, bombardment of, 28. Wall-paper, covers of, 84, 93, 97, 98, 104, 105, 116; printed on, 179. Wallis, Severn Teackle, Reply to Letter of J. Sherman, 136. Walters, Marie, When this cruel war is over, inscribed to, 150. Walters, Nannie, When this cruel war is over, inscribed to, 150. Walthall, W. T., Letter to editors of Church Journal, 101. War, Joint resolution on, 3, 72 ; Articles of, 24 ; causes and conduct of, 36 ; Resolutions to prosecute it with utmost vigor, 39 ; Principles and maxims of the art of, 82; Boys and girls stories of, 83 ; Maryland s hope, her trials and interests in, 85; Clarimonde, a tale of the, 88; Diary of the, 89; Volunteers camp and field book, in formation on, 91; and its close, 94; Letter on status of revolution, 100; Historic significance of Southern revo lution, 102; Maxims of, 117; First year of the, 118; Letter on state of the, 118; Second year of the, 119; letters on policy and inauguration of the Lincoln, 119; key to history of American, 120. War and its close, The, 94. War debt, Communication on guarantee ing, 62. War Department, 21-30; orders sus pending writ of habeas corpus, 10; civilian prisoners at Salisbury, N. C., ii ; Correspondence with Adjutant and Inspector General and J. E. Johns ton, ii ; payment of assessments of damages by officers in the field, 12; slaves recaptured from the enemy, 12; money forwarded to trans-Mississippi department, and claims for articles illegally impressed, 12; domestic pass port system, 12; on trial of W. E. Coffman, and a writ of habeas corpus, 13; appropriation for, 13-15; pay ment for horses killed in action, 14; report on bill to impose regulations upon foreign commerce, 14; number of persons exempted for military serv ice, 15; non-destruction of cotton in Savannah, 15; General orders, 2123, 30 ; special orders, 22 ; Correspond ence on defences of New Orleans, 30; Correspondence with Governor of Vir ginia, 65; Documents from, 67; Com munication on time of service of vol unteer forces, 79 ; Correspondence on right of Georgia volunteers to elect their officers, 84; orders concerning claims of deceased soldiers, 98. War songs of the South, 129. War tax, Instructions for collectors, 20. Warder, T. B., Battle of Young s Branch, or Manassas Plain, 136, 137. Warehouse, system, 8 ; Report on fire at public, 63. 212 CONFEDERATE STATES Warren, Edward, Epitome of practical surgery for field and hospital, 137. Warren, Kittrell J., History of Eleventh Georgia Vols., 137. Warrock s Virginia and North Carolina almanac for 1864, 1865, 137, 138. Washington, George, Voice of, in council and in the field, 146. Washington, Conference in, Report of Commissioners, 76 ; Richmond and, in December, 1863, 119; Southern spy written in, 119. Washington Dispatch, Washington, N.C., 178. Washington Telegraph, W ashing t on, Ark., 178. Watering places, guide to, no, in. Waters, H. H., compiler of Public laws of Georgia, 36, 37; Acts and resolu tions, of Georgia, 37; Waters Pam phlet of Public laws of Georgia, 38. Watts, Thomas H., Governor of Ala bama, 32, 33. Way of peace, The, 116. Ways and Means, Committee of, Minor ity report on the tax bill, 6. We pray for you at home, 141. Wearing of the grey, poem, 154. Webster, H. D. L., Lorena, song, 151; Paul Vane; or, Lorena s reply, 151. Webster, J. P., Lorena, song, 151; Paul Vane; or, Lorena s reply, 151. Webster, Noah, Elementary spelling book, 138. Wee Davie, in. Weekly Atlanta Intelligencer, 178. Weekly Avalanche, Memphis, 170. Weekly Bulletin, Flake s, 168. Weekly Conservative, 178. Weekly Constitutionalist, 178. Weekly Express, 179. Weekly Junior Register, 179. Weekly Mercury, Mobile, 171. Weekly News, Galveston, 168. Weekly News, Kosciusko, 179. Weekly Note-Book, Helena, 168. Weekly Panola Star, 179. Weekly Register, 179. Weekly Standard, 179; weekly edition of North Carolina Standard, 179. Weights, measures and currencies, for eign, 8. Wellborn, Marshall Johnson, For the Confederate army, 146. West, Frank S., inscription to, 112. West & Johnston, 3,000 errors in their editions of Regulations for the army, 25 ; Descriptive catalogue of publica tions, 138. West Point, Military Academy at, Sum mary of course of permanent fortifica tion for cadets of, 112. Western and Atlantic Railroad, Report on, 38. Whaley, William, argument in seques tration cases, 17. Whar no wood is thar the fire goeth out, 86. Wharton s division, Resolutions of, 114. What can I do? 144. What will he do with it? loo. What wilt thou that I should do? 144. Wheeler, Joseph, Revised system of cav alry tactics, 138. When the boys come home! song, 150. When this cruel war is over, adaptation for piano, 150; ballad, 150. Where are the Christians in the army? 146. Where are you going? 146. Whig, Evening, Richmond, 168. Whig, Richmond, 174. Whig and Public Advertiser, Richmond, 173. Whiskey, bill for, 153. Whitaker, Jared I., Annual report of Commissary General of Georgia, 40. Whitfield, George, Testimony on extor tion, 67. Whither bound? 146. Wife s stratagem, 86. Wigfall, Louis Trezevant, his name stamped on back of Richmond editions of Acts and resolutions of the Pro visional Congress, 8. Wilcox s Brigade, sermon before, 125. Wild western scenes, 107. Wilkinson, J. W., argument in seques tration cases, 17. William, of Orange, Motley on reading bona fide sign manual of, ix. William and Annie, 92. Williams, John S., commander at en gagement at Piketon, 28 ; Report of operations in East Tennessee, 29. Wilmer, Richard Hooker, Bishop of Ala bama, "Future good," ix, 138. Wilmington, Anglo-Rebel blockade run ner Minna captured off, 121. Wilmington Daily Journal, 164. Wilson, Mrs. Augusta Jane (Evans), Macaria ; or, Altars of sacrifice, 139. Wilson, Benjamin, Report on case of, 78. Wingate, W. M., I have brought my little brother back, 146. Wise, Henry Alexander, Letter, endors ing the memorial of Generals Hardee, Stevenson, etc., 4. "Woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel," 176. Women, Proclamation recommending those of Alabama to form Soldiers Aid Societies, 32. Wood, Mrs. Ellen (Price); East Lynne ; or, The Earl s daughter, 139; Mrs. Haliburton s troubles, 139. Woodruff, J., reporter of Sequestration cases, 17. INDEX 213 Woolen factories, list of, no. Word to the army and country, A, 133. Working Brothers, Order of, publishers of Spiced slaugh for Southern diges tion, 93. World in miniature, The, 139. Wounded, Report on condition of Vir ginia soldiers sick and, 65. Wren, Ella, The unknown dead, as sung by, 148. W r retched, The, 106. Wright, Samuel H., calculated Grier s Southern almanac, 101. Writing paper, assortment of, 154. Wysor, Benjamin F., Report on resolu tion of, 77. Y Yankees, Five months among the, 108. Yazoo Pass, map of approaches to Vicks- burg by, 152. Year ago, A, song, 150. Yemassee, affair at, 26. Yes we think of thee at home, song, 149. Yonge, Letty, Yes we think of thee at home, dedicated to, 149. York, Brantley, Analytical, illustrative, and constructive grammar of the Eng lish language, 139; York s English grammar, 140. Yorktown, Invoice of subsistence stores delivered at, 153. Yorktown Cavalier, 157. Young s Branch, Battle of, 136, 137. z Zarvona, Richard Thomas, Report on Message on, 67 ; nomination of, as Colonel, 79. Zion s songster, Southern, 132. PRINTED BY THOMAS TODD CO. 234211 ^ L uJJ ^ <^ a * ^ I \ (CD LIBRARIES r