Jaupl flNA ■6815 Hj532 ■l^ D ■ 0—^ ^^^H ^ ^^^^^^1 S ^^^^H 1- a ^^^^H 7 ^^^° ^^^^^^1 iL UBBA 1 CM C ^^B 8— ^> ^^^1 2 ^i ^^^H ■ Official Souvenir CLEVELAND PUBLIC AUDITORIUM CLEVELAND • OHIO MCMXXII v't--^».v<*->*.*'::<.*,.;S/,.'^ Cleveland Public Auditorium — as it will appear from the Mall when proposed addi- tions have been made to main building. -"W^ »IL Jm tXitt mEMIEK PftUl A MONUMENT CONCEIVED AS A TRIBUTE TO THE IDEALS OF CLEVELAND, BUILDED BY HER CITIZENS AND DEDICATED TO SOCIAL PROGRESS, IN- DUSTRIAL ACHIEVEMENTS AND CIVIC INTEREST Fred Kohler Mayor HERE is a just pride in turn- ing over to the people of Cleveland and to their guests and visitors, this Public Audi- torium, the finest structure of its kind in the land. Built by the people of this City, it should prove a permanent in- spiration and benefit to them and to those who are to follow. Mayor. 151 JFMALINE JANES WKOLCOMB J J SHEA BALPH ! DIRECTOE 'f PUBLIC SERVICE sTwccMMissiorep secketaey tohatoe DlGECTOe=f PUBLIC WELFARE Mayor Kohler and his official family. 161 RECTED by the people of Cleveland for their education and entertainment, the Auditorium is dedicated to tlie service of the community. The bond issue that meant its erection was carried by the largest majority in the history of the munici- pality in a campaign characterized by Cleveland's unequalled spirit of co-operation and public progress. The great central section of the building, completed under the auspices of the present administration, indicates that the edifice will surpass in magnitude, efficiency and attractiveness, any structure of its class in this or foreign countries. The public hall will provide our people with a great variety of entertainment, expositions, musical attractions and educational fea- tures; will give Cleveland a vast amount of advertising of a practical and profitable kind throughout the world; will promote the city's commercial welfare by drawing to Cleveland many thousands of visitors who will patronize our business interests; in short, will mean a happier, bigger and more progressive city. ^Vith the spirit of one for all and all for Cleveland, let us, through our enthusiasm and patronage, contri- bute to the success of the Auditorium and thus advance the interests of the city we are proud to call home. Cf^<^ Chairman, Committee of One Hundred Organizations. [7J #*»i^: The Main Foyer 18) ^'-r'" IJDavid LitliL'ow The Story of the Cleveland Public Auditorium pIE need of an adequate public auditorium was first realized in 1874 when Cleveland, after securing the national Saengerfest, had no building large enough to house the gathering and was forced to erect a temporary structure. The civic minded citizens of the day bespoke the need anfl advantages of a great public hall, but with the great gathering over, interest died away, business called and the idea dropped. The project was not revived again until twenty years later when Cleveland again secured the national Saengerfest. Again it was found necessary to build a temporary Auditorium, and again a public agitation for a permanent hall was launched but was soon allowed to subside. Not until 1909, when Cleveland held a great industrial exposition, was the need of an Auditorium brought forcibly to the public's attention. For the exposition the city was again forced to erect a great temporary struc- ture on what is now the site of the city hall. When the exposition closed and it was necessary to tear down the $60,000 building that had housed it a new agitation for a permanent edifice arose. As a result an Auditorium Committee was appointed by the Chamber of Commerce, and for several years this committee kept the proposed project before the public. This led in 1916 to a meeting in the office of Mayor Harry L. Davis, at which representatives of civic organizations agreed to combine in an effort to carry a bond issue for the purpose of financing a public hall. A committee was formed to direct the project. It was composed of the following representative citizens: William Ganson Rose, Chairman; Stanley L. McMichael, Secretary; Hon. INIyron T. Herrick, Treasurer; E. H. Baker, Scott Cannell, F. H. Caley, Judge John H. Clarke, William G. Davies, Mayor Harry L. Davis, Samuel Halle, J. W. Hart, Arch. C. Klumph, WiUiam P. Leach, Bascom Little, William G. Mather, Victor Morgan, F. F. Prentiss, L. G. Rawson, John J. Wood. Under the guidance of this committee a general organization was built, which numbered 116 associations and more than 200,000 members. The culmination of a spirited and inspiring campaign came with the passage of the bond issue. Thus, after the years of public agitation, years of planning and building, Cleveland has been given the finest, the most beautiful public Auditorium in the country. As is fittingly inscribed upon its walls it is a "monument conceived as a tribute to the ideals of Cleveland, builded by her citizens and dedicated to social progress, industrial achievements and civic interest." Interior, Main Aiidiloriinn. 1101 The Story of the Cleveland Public Auditorium — Continued The Auditorium, which cost ai)proxiuialeiy $0,500,000, occupies an entire city block. The huihling forms the fourth unit in CU'vchuid's famous orouj) p\;\n for j)uhhc huildiui^s u|)on tlu> MalL The Federal l}uii(hng. county court house and cily iiail iuivc been occupied for some time. Other buihhugs will follow and. when the last unit of the f^roup has been comi)leted. a tract of 104 acres will be occuj)ied exclusively by j)ublic buildings, beautiful lawns and spacious walks and boulevards. Designed in the Italian Kenaissance style, the building is of modern tirej^roof construction. The exterior is faced w'ith variated Indiana lime- stone from the quarries at Bedford. Indiana, and sujiplied and set by the Ohio Cut Stone Company of Cleveland. The ])ink granite base course is from the cjuarries of the Maine New Hampshire Oranite Co., Redstone, N. H. The entire interior marble treatment was supplied and set by R. M. Allen Comi)any, Cleveland, and the material selected from the quar- ries of the Vermont Marble Co., Proctor, \[. Nearly all of the plaster, sand, lime, cement and brick used in the structure were supplied by the Cleveland Builders Supply & Brick Co., and also the Builders Supply & Fuel Co., all of Cleveland. The metal lath and furring was furnished by the Harris-Murray Co., Cleveland. This .Vuditorium is rejjorted to be the largest plastered structure in the world. The j^lastering of the entire edifice was done under the supervision of the Smallwood Plastering Co., Cleveland. The main entrance to the auditorium is from Lakeside Avenue. Other entrances and exits are from the ^Nlall and from East Sixth Street. The main nuirbled lobl)y is enriched with ornamental bronze grilles and railings supplied by the ^Michaels Art Bronze Co., and the rich quarry tile floors of the non-slip type were laid by the ^'enetian Art Mosaic Co. One proceeds through this lobby to the entrance of the Auditorium proper, or by a grand marble staircase, ten feet wide, down to the great FLxhibition Hall below. Visitors entering the Auditorium projjer are awed by the magnitude and dignity of the arena which stretches before them. Here is a hall over 300 feet long and 'ilo feet wide and over 80 feet from main floor to glass ceiling. The span is made of steel trusses, this and the other steel work of the building furnished and erected by the King Bridge Co., Cleveland. The wooden scaffolding for the steel work l)eing furnished by the Cray Lumber Co., Cleveland. Not a single column is used in the main arena. The view is, therefore, unobstructed and any one of the 1 '-2,000 people who can be seated in this great room can see the other 11,099 visitoi's. The Arena of the Auditorium is practically at street level. The seating arrangement consists of removable seats for the Areiui or main floor, and permanent upholstered seats in amphitheater arrangement ui)on east, west and north upjjer and lower balconies. The entrances to both upper and lower balconies are on the third floor, from spacious corridors, encircling entire balcony. nil Interior, Main Auditurium, with seats removed for exposi- tion purposes. [121 The Story of the Cleveland Public Auditorium — Continued The regular seating equipment of the Auditoriiun, furnished by the American Seating Co., Chicago, inchides 11,635 seats, of which 4478 are upon the Arena floor, '-^444 in the lower balconies and 371, S in the upper balconies and 1100 upon the stage. With supplementary facilities 13,000 people can be easily seated in the Auditorium. When not in use seats and other portable material are hauled to storage rooms in the building on industrial power trucks furnished by the Cowen Truck Co., Holyoke, Mass. A feature of the great hall is the stage overlooking the Arena floor. This also may be used for exhibits or meetings. It is (50 by 104 feet and has an opening 7'-2 feet wide and surmounted by an arch i'i feet inches high. The opening is fitted with a steel and asbestos curtain, the largest curtain ever made, weighing over 40 tons with its counterweights, and was furnished by the Argus Enterprises, Inc. This curtain is operated by hydraulic power from special equipment installed by the makers of the curtain. Four permanent stage settings of great beauty were painted and installed by the New York Studios, while from the stage ceiling, 100 feet high, is suspended the most wonderful and complete counterweighted, steel cable, stage rigging system ever designed, this being supplied and installed by Peter Clark of New York City. The stage, which is one of the largest in the country, contains facilities for staging from the smallest act to the largest grand opera production. Dressing and wardrobe I'ooms are provided on each side of the stage proper, sufficient in number to accommodate 200 of a chorus and over 30 private rooms for stars, all equipped with individual make up tables and lavatories, special toilet facilities and lounging quarters. A large rehearsal room is also provided at one side of the stage. Electric elevators furnished by the Warner Elevator Co., Cleveland, provide access to dressing rooms located on six floors. li> ^ colors of lights with their combinations are provided for effects, and all scenery is hung from the spacious gridiron, excess boxes and equipment are taken to a large store room under stage by means of an electric platform elevator which rises from the basement to stage level. A feature of the Auditorium proper which calls forth special attention is a pipe organ, costing $100,000, having 10,010 pipes and 150 direct speaking stops, which was installed by the Skinner Organ Co., of Boston. This musical instrument, one of the largest, is said to be the finest in the world, and is operated by two 30 H. P. and one 10 H. P. motors. A distinctive feature of the organ is the console, which contains five manuals and is mounted on an electric elevator in front of the stage, which will permit of its being lowered out of sight when occasion requires. The pipes and chambers are located on the right stage wings and are invisible from the arena. The echo organ is at the extreme north end of the arena. In addition to the organ a Mason and Hamlin concert grand piano is provided, which may be operated from the organ console by special attachment or independently. 113] rroscenium Arch and Stage. 1141 The Story of the Cleveland Public Auditorium — Continued The acoustic properties of the Auchloriu.n are consi.lere.l anu.MK ex- pert as ranking amoHK the best in the counl.y. These 7>-l>'>---- obtained as the result of the design and treatnient l.y the architect t the buihliu"-. J. H. ]^IacDowell. who is cons.dere.l an authority on acou- sti^.s The special absorbent acoustic plaster specihed and used by the architect in the ceiling and wall panels of the Arena is the P'-l^'^; ;' The Mechanically Applied Products Co.. of Cleveland am is call 1 "Macoustic" plaster. This company also supplied and laid the mastic Hoor in all of the Committee Rooms and offices. Illumination of the Auditorium proper is obtained by the indirect method. ^Vho among those gazing at the great sweep of the ceiling would ouess that it conceals intricate equipment for lighting purposes.^ Approxi- mately 1075 lamps of ^200 watts each of white light, consuming normally "oo kilowatts of electricity, and located behind a held ot glass panel i'n the ceiling eighty feet above the floor of the Arena, diffuse a flood ot soft li-ht to the Auditorium below; there are also amber, red and blue lights of equal capacity behind this glass screen, al on dimmer c-on ro . -Vdditional illumination is supplied by a urther sys em of injhrect light- ing upon the side walls just below the ceiling and behind he balus rades. >1 t^ spaced approximately U feet apart under the lower balconies lluminate the Arena below. The metal ceding light frames, as well as the steel windows throughout the building, were furnished by the Intei- national Casement Company, while the light and P«^^'^;; ^"""ffl"'!.^;^"- duits were supplied and installed by the ISlartien Electric Co., of Cleveland. A special feature of the Auditorium illumination is the ability to dim <.radually from full intensity to darkness on all coloi-s and to hold the hghts dimmed from one to two hours. The main switch board is located in the basement and all lighting is under what is known as »^f "^^ic controL These switches and dimmers are all operated from the stage tiom a low voltage control board and are all instantaneous and autouiatic and is termed a "Remote control system," supplied by the Hub Electric Co., of Chicago. The magnetic dimmers and operating plates wei-e manutac- ired by the Ward Leonard Electric Co., of Mt. Vernon, N. Y. The large reflectors above the glass ceiling which direct the I'f % do^^mw^^^^^^^^^ suDDlied bv the I. P. Frink Co., and the reflectors back of the balustiade, 1 e^-oot hgl^ s on the stage are the product of the X-Ray Lighting Com- pany of Chicago; a feature of the colored eflFects is obtained by directing whife light through stained glass known as "Pyrex Heat Resisting. This eliminates gelatine slides which are inflammable and commonly used. In the motion picture projection room, located upon the fourth floor at the center of the north end of the auditorium, are specially built motion picture projecting machines, the largest ever installed inanutactured by the Motiograph Company, Chicago, and installed by the Oliver Mov- ing Picture Silpply Co., of Cleveland. They flash a picture a dis ance o 330 feet to the screen upon the stage, the picture being 2-Heet by 30 feet This firm also supplied and installed all flood and spot ight projec- tors most of which are located in a large beam projecting below arena Console of the Wonderful $100,000 Pipe Organ and one of the elaborate stage settings. [16] The Story of the Cleveland Public Auditorium — Continued ceiliiifi'. Ill this beam is a fireproof room 40 feet long, S feel wide and S feet higli, arranged to direct light onto stage and orchestra pit and organ console. The Auditorium itself is heated I)y the air used for ventilation. This system is reversible for furnishing upward ventilation in summer. The ventilating system in the Auditorium can also be arranged for re-circula- tion, thus effecting considerable economy at times when the building is not fully occupied nor rec|uired to be kept at normal temjjerature. The volume of air delivered to and from the hall is im])ressive. In the Audit- orium alone it is possible to deliver 1H,00(),()0() cubic feet of fresh air each hour. Twenty-seven million cubic feet of air can be taken out each hour by mechanical means. This ventilating system, the largest in the state of Ohio, jierhaps the largest of its kind in the country, is housed in a great chamber between the ceiling of the Auditorium and the roof some 30 feet above. In this .space are air washers, lieaters, blowers, motors, pumps, automatic dam- pers, steam mains, valves and all other auxiliaries required for a complete ventilating and heating system. Special steel, concrete and wood floors, made to suit the curve of the ceiling, have been built between the trusses to support this equipment, which was furnished by the Chappel Warren Co., The J. C. Boehm Co., and the Buffalo Forge Co. The Exhibition Hall in the basement is also ventilated on the same scale. It is possible to supply and withdraw no less than 4,500,000 cubic feet of air each hour from this portion of the building. All air is taken from top of building, washed with water and cooled in the summer and heated in the winter. In order to convey the great volume of air to the proper points in the great structure, air ducts varying in size from six feet square to 10 feet square are required. The air ducts are built of galvanized sheet iron. No less than three hundred tons of sheets and many tons of other materials were required to build the ducts, this metal and material being furnished and placed by the J. C. Boehm Co., of Cleveland. Air shafts and underground airways forming part of the actual struc- ture of the building, are built of brick and reinforced concrete. It is possible to drive an automobile through many of these hidden air passages. The outer corridors, offices and entrances are heated by a vacuum steam heating system with direct radiators. Practically all of the radiators are under automatic temperature regulation to prevent overheating and waste. The steam heating service is furnished by the Cleveland Illum- inating Co. The demand for steam for the heating system and for heating the air for ventilation is so great, however, that when the outside temper- ature drops to 20 degrees and lower, the steam mains in the street are not large enough to provide all the steam that is required in the building. A private steam plant of 1000 boiler horse power capacity has therefore been installed by the City under contract with the Chappel and \Yarren Co., to furnish all steam required by the building that cannot be obtained 1171 The Lounge. 1181 The Story of the Cleveland Public Auditorium — Continued from the street mains. Tliese hollers are oil huniers. Tiie entire liealinj;'. pUnnhing and ventilating installation was designed by Clark-MacMiillen and Kiley of New York. In order that the patrons of the building will not have to drink l(>i)id water to queneh their thirst. ;i drinking system has been installed by the ^V. G. Cornell Co., to furnish pure filtered eold water free, at all seasons of the year. The refrigeration equipment for this serviee was snpj)lied and installed by The Hibbard Co., Cleveland. To protect life and the valual)le exhibits which will be shown in the exhibition hall in the basement, an automatic (irinnell .Sprinkler System has been installed in that jjortion of the building. Sprinklers are also installed in all other hazardous places in the l)uilding. In addition to this sprinkler system, the building is eciuijijied with two Underwriters' Fire Pumps with automatic control. These i)umps begin to operate automatically as soon as a hose valve is opened at any part of the building, thus furnishing high pressure water for fire protec- tion at all fire hose stations in the building. It is also possible for the City Fire Department to connect into the fire mains and the sprinkler system of the building from two sides, thus practically eliminating the fire hazard. S])ecial ])rovision has been made for cutting ott" the stage from the Auditorium. This is done instantly by means of a water screen or curtain which is operated by a quick opening automatic valve on the stage, furnishing a continuous sheet of water across the entire proscenium opening, as well as the automatic lowering of the asbestos steel curtain. A central vacuum cleaning system has been provided for removing dust and dirt from all parts of the building. The importance and need of such equipment will be appreciated by all busy housekeepers and others when it is noted that the actual floors of the main building have an area of over 150,000 square feet. The building as a whole is equipped with three kinds of electric current. Double thrown automatic switches at the main switchboard will insure continuity of operation throughout the building. If one source of supply fails the other is imm^ diately available. The switchboard itself is a marvel of its kind and was built by the Cleveland Switch Board Co. One floor below the Auditorium is the great Exhibition Hall, which is intended primarily for expositions. This hall, 121 feet (> inches by '■2,S5 feet, contains 28,()G.S square feet .^i exhibit space. Adjoining exhibition hall at the south enri are two conference rooms fifty by twenty-three feel which may also be used for displays. In Exhibition Hall a service station is located 5 feet above the floor upon the north side of each f)f the forty columns which support the arena floor. The services provided at these stations include hot and cold water, compressed air, gas, high and low pressure steam, vacuum, vacuum cleaner, electricity, both direct and alternating current, special service pipes for acids and drainage pipes for water, telephones, etc. fl91 Typical East and West Cor- ridor. Balcony entrances. [201 The Story of the Cleveland Public Audkonum— Continued Tl.P Fxhibition Hall is illuminated by .li.ec-l liKhlinK- 1" ll'<^ '^''^"^^^l ventilating grilles. - e . T1,P flnnr of llie FAliibition Hnll ami basement has a covering of grano- litS^^^as bait! a'ncUn general V^-^-^y'^''^^^ 'i^Sll^rtb'Sto? C " Sve,r,!frT!Caf :,rre'^iu;gT;^:t:;;tb pmmmm of exhibitors. . . " ttenlation between the first, seeond and 'W'''' A™- ^-^^ ^^J^SS :111 '^^ullXr^^^r ::t^rSniMt"anS-at^re'3^^^ rU'raS S sta^^rwa,s two eaeh al™^ the e^st_^and^west eorrtdors^ conveniently spaced, aie 9 teet wme iium t remainins construction with terrazzo, tile or marble tacmg. Rv means of additional wide ramps the largest automobile or truck can be driven t to Arena floor and on down to Exhibition Room. riroulation upon the basement floor is afforded by spacious corridors parallel and along the side of the grand staircase. For the convenience of conventions and organization gatherings eigS\-o\t/trrooms, completely equipped and ^-^^^^^^^ nnon the second floor. In addition there is a great lounge loom, lux r rsb'Stted Mural paintings, which.form part ot ^1- de-ra ion m In room'and also the two large mui^lsm ^^;^^\^Z^c^^ David Lithgow, Artist, Albany, ^'^•. V k H T ^nnnld Co Cleveland, throughout the building were supplied by H. Leopold Co., i^leveiana. Interior. Exhibition Hall. In.set .■iliow.t arrangement of Service Station in pillars to meet all needs of exhibi- tors. [ii] The Story of the Cleveland Public Auditorium — Concluded For the safety and convenience of the pubHc ample emergency features are installed. Electric lamps which receive current and are controlled separately from the ordinary lighting circuits are provided for all main corridors, passageways and exits. Approximately 124 electric signs of the Polarite type direct the ])ul)lic through the building and aid in identifying Committee Rooms, Booths, Check Rooms. Offices, Toilets and Rest Rooms and other stations. This equipment was installed by the Martien Electric Co., Cleveland. Four booths facing the corridors at the north end of the building, two on each side of the entrance to the main floor, may be used for cigars, news, theater tickets, flower or refreshment stands, taxicabs, etc. Twenty-eight telephone l)ooths on the main floor at the north end of the building are connected with two telephone exchanges. Adjacent to the telejihone exchanges are two telegraph offices. The wood flooring, where used for arena and stage, was laid by the J. J. Cassidy Co., Cleve- land. In the basement is located a barber shop with shower baths and dressing rooms adjoining. Throughout the building are ample lavatory conveniences with sanitary eciuipment installed by the Standard Sani- tary ]Manufacturing Co., and the West Disinfecting Co. Exit facilities are so arranged that, according to a test by the Fire Department, the entire building can be cleared of UJ.OOO people in four and one half minutes. All interior doors and frames are of metal with baked enamel finish; these were manufactured and set by Riester and Thesmacher Co.. Cleve- land. The large exterior doors to all entrances and exits are the product of Wm. Moore and Co., Cleveland. For the convenience of Conventions and Exhibitions, booths of various sizes and forms are at the command of the Exhibitor: these are collapsible and were furnished by the Forschner Company. Hardware fittings throughout the building were furnished by The W. Bingham Co., Cleveland. Steel coat racks and counters were furnished by The Van Dorn Iron Works Co., Cleveland. ]\Iirrors throughout the building by the Cleveland Window (ilass and Door Co. The paint used on both interior and exterior was furnished by the Sherwin- Williams Co., Cleveland and was applied with brushes furnished by the J. S. ^'erhunce Co. The Smith and Oby Co.. Cleveland, handled the huge amount of plumbing work requu-ed throughout the building. The excavation for the foundation was the work of the P'red ]\. Jones Co., Cleveland. The mammoth roof was laid by The Carey Co. The iron marques, banner poles and lamps which ornament the exterior came from the Moss Iron Works Co., iron grill work for ventilating and heating purposes was furnished by the Republic Structural Iron \\'orks. The outside drainage sewer work was done by J. J. Donnelly, Cleveland. Window glass throughout the building was furnished by the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. [23] The Group Plan of the Pro- posed Public Buildings of the City of Cleveland. [24] An Architectural Achievement 'By J. Harold MacDowell, Architect w J. Harold MacDowell Architect HEX the responsibility of designing and plan- ing a building of any magnitude is laid upon one's shoulders (although he may be well versed in architecture and a trained architect with ample experience) it is natural that his dreams and fancies will tend to carry him beyond the line of utility. Many of these preliminary thoughts are but floating air bubbles in the sunlight, beautiful to look upon but not of any practical use. The desire of every architect is to create architectural monuments that might be called masterpieces by his fellow artisans. Through these preliminary thoughts, with which the architect has to cope, it is true that one receives the thoughts and impressions that aid him in conceiving, designing, constructing and completing the thing that he set out to do. All this is more particularly true with a project such as the Cleveland Auditorium, which is filled with problems from the most intricate archi- tectural and mechanical features to the largest and most complex engi- neering and constructional details. To conceive, design and construct an Auditorium supposed to meet the demands of Educational, Civic and Industrial functions, and the process of interweaving masses of materials into a building so that all parts will respond in a functionary manner to the various uses demanded of it, so that its audiences and visitors are given to approve not only of its beauty but its practicability, is no mean task, and the power that made all this possible was the untir- ing, perpetual efforts and concentration of mind and energy of those detailed to the task. In looking at a structure such as the Cleveland Auditorium all that one can see is the surface of the interior or exterior and seldom stops to realize what is behind the surface; the miles and miles of electric wires [2«I EDWIN BAXTER FBBKKMELL AAM^CASLIN G.DMCOWINF Public Auditorium, Ways and Means and Building Committee. Other members are G. A. Gesell, Lincoln G. Dickey, [261 An Architectural Achievement — Concluded and pipe, hundreds of tons of steel, hundreds of carloads of all sorts of materials all bound and laid together for their specific purpose, products of mines, quarries, forest and industries from almost every part of this country and many foreign countries; it is only then that one begins to realize the task of those responsible for the selecting and placing of those materials which serve best in their respective places. While the Cleveland Auditorium may be considered a Monument to the Ideals of Cleveland, it may also be properly classed as its Temj)le of Art, for where can over 13,000 people gather under one roof, seated in upholstered opera chairs with one clear vision of the stage and entire sm-roundings, listen with perfect comfort to the largest Grand Opera production, a symphony or choral recital or to the melodious tones of one of the largest organs ever built; and after visiting some of the Indus- trial Exhibitions that have been held within its walls, who could say that it is not also a "Hall of Industry?" The real glory comes only at the completion of a building and this was especially true with this Auditorium, when the Owner — The Public of Cleveland — who had entrusted the work into the care and judgment and into the hands of those who had made it a reality — declared their satisfaction and approval of the thing they had dreamed for so many years, and it was then that the old adage stood distinctly before me "Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well." Therefore, may the Cleveland Auditorium stand long and function well in the purposes and uses for which it was designed. (S)uaud Lill [27[ b- in < L J^ WBOJlvnd tt St 1«8] ©David l.ithc.uv The Place of the Auditorium in Civic and Community Life 'By Fred Kohler, iSMayor TT took the city of Cleveland a little longer than it '■ did Aladdin. That's true. Aladdin had merely to rub a magic lamp and a palace appeared. But those palaces of Aladdin would not compare for an instant with the practical palace the citizens of Cleveland have built for themselves. It was several years ago that Cleveland got its happy idea of building, in the very midst of its Managerof Auditorium busiucss scction, a bcautiful and practical building for public gatherings, concerts, expositions, and con- ventions of every sort, to belong to the city itself. For this task, Cleveland rubbed its magic lamp of civic spirit. The building itself is another story, but its usefulness to the com- munity is so vital that it must be considered separately. No one can with certainty forecast what the Auditorium will mean to the city. Already acclaimed by visitors from every part of the country as unquestionably the most perfect building of its kind, the fulfillment of its usefulness must depend upon the policy of its operation. The very vastness of the hall makes the cost of operation a tremen- dous item. Two general policies faced the government of our city. First: To operate the building without thought of monetary return and at a great deficit. Second: To operate it as though it were a privately owned build- ing and put the yardstick of commercialism on every event, on all con- ventions, and gatherings of every kind. Neither of these policies commended themselves to the administration. The first policy was manifestly impossible as the city had no funds for such a purpose. The second policy would defeat the ideals of its builders, [29] 10 < cH • iw5 'i^'ti L " " " I ■ s ■ -/— ** o- ; IS "liil 3 c 1301 The Place of the Auditorium in Civic and Community Life — Concluded the citizens of Cleveland; conventions would he driven away and all that would remain would be a place of amusement erected at a tremendous cost. It was necessary to find another solution. Again Cleveland's magic lamp of civic spirit was rubbed and there appeared a group of public spirited citizens who organized under the leadership of a Ways and Means Committee, and without any possibility of receiving anything in return, put an immediate solution before the administration. Taking the Auditorium entirely out of politics, this committee raised a fund of $100,000 to pay any deficit of operation during the present administra- tion. Hand in hand with the best business talent of the city and the Manager, Lincoln G. Dickey, the new policy was worked out. It seems certain that the Auditorium in the period of its usefulness will net some return to Cleveland, if properly operated, aside from prestige and favorable pub- licity. With this at stake building managers worked out the best program of physical management; budgets were prepared and a schedule of prices formulated. The policy adopted is a happy medium. Conventions and events of like nature that bring people and money to Cleveland are operated at an actual loss. Commercial ventures must return a small profit to offset these losses, for the schedule says plainly that Cleveland citizens did not build this building so that private individuals should reap a golden harvest. In other words, if money is to be made the operating fund must have its just share. The original committee which conferred with the administration in the formation of the Ways and Means Committee consisted of F. H. Goff, Chas. a. Otis, and Alva L. Bradley. 311 ^-^■S-LKT' Premier Press Senicc Cleveland &l:>^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES Architecture & Urban Planning Library, 825-2747. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. NO PHONE MAR 2 D 1987 MAR 27 1987 REC'D AUPL, PSD 2339 9/77 ■tffllW" L 005 854 174 9 UC SOUTHr-r: t^r D 000 572 382 ;^,^^.tr m--^:^:$mmm