r UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIFE OF BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON. 18/ 2 - /tTAT 72 LIFE OF BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON, BRITISH RESIDENT AT THE COURT OF NEPAL, MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE ; FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY ; A VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY, ETC. By sir WILLIAM WILSON HUNTER, K.C.S.I., M.A., LL.D. , A VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY, ETC. JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. LONDON : 1896. • • •,• • • ; • •,• • Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. I lis H5SH"5 Oaken Holt, Ccmnor, Near Oxford. Dear Mrs. Hodgson. TJtis book owes muck to your care and skill in col- lecting private letters. I also thank you for other help, and for many touches of the inner nature of him whose life it records. It would have been his zvish that an effort to perpetuate his monory should be associated luith your name. I beg therefore to dedicate it to you. Believe me. Sincerely yours, W. W. HUNTER. September \st, 1896. t^«J> 4 .7349 [ vii ] C O N T E N T S. CHAPTER I. PAGE IIOYHOOD : iSoO — 1816 ....... I CHAPTER II. OLD HAILKYFiUKY : 1816 — ^1817 13 CHAPTER III. FIRST YKAR IN INDIA : CALCUTTA, 1818 — 1819 . . .22 CHAPTER IV. FIRST API'OINTMKNT : KU.MAUN, 1819 -1S2O 33 CHAPTER V. EARLY YKARS IN NLPAL — AND A CHKCK : 1820 — 1824 57 CHAPTER VI. A SOLITARY HKART 66 CHAPTER VII. ASSISTANT RLSIDLNT IN NEPAL: 1825 — 1833 93 CHAPTl.k VIII. RESIDENT IN NLl'AL : 1833 TO THE FALL OF UHI.M SEN IN 1839 '26 CHAIIER IX. LAST FOUR YEARS OF RESlDENTSHIl- IN NII'AI. : 1839 — '^43 I 77 Vlli CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PAGE THE DARJILING RECLUSK : 1845 — 1858 . . . 237 CHAPTER XI. HODCSON AS A SCHOLAR ....... 261 CHAPTER XI 1. HODGSON AND THK HILL RACES ...... 284 CHAPTER -XIII. HODGSON AS A NATURALIST 302 CHAPTER XIV. THi: CHAMPION Or VERNACULAR EDUCATION • 3IO CHAPTER XV. CONCLUSION : LAST YEARS 325 APPENDICES. Appendix A. — List of Presentations of Sanskrit MSS. and Tibetan Printed Books by Mr. Hodgson to Learned Societies, and Catalogues of his Sanskrit Manuscripts, with Separate Lndex 337-356 Appendix B. — List of Unpublished MSS. on Nepal presented BY Mr. Hodgson to the India Office. . . . 357-361 Appendix C. — List of Mr, Hodgson's Buddhist, Ethno- logical, AND Miscellaneous Writings and Books . 362-367 Appendix D. — List of Mr. Hodgson's Zoological Writings AND Drawings ; with List of New Genera and Species FIRST DESCRIBED BY HIM . . . . . . 368-378 INDEX .... 379-390 [ix] LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. PCRTRAITOF BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON IN HAILEY- nURY GOWN, AGED 1 7. BY MRS. CARPENTER (NIECE OF SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE) . . . To filCC fi. 23 2. SKETCH OF NEPAL RESIDENCY TAKEN BY LIEUT. WILLIAM HODGSON, 1 836 ,, „ 84 3. BHIM SEN THAPPA, PRIME MINISTER OF NEPAL . „ „ I3I 4. BUST OF BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON, /ETAT. 44. BY T. E. THORNYCROFT „ ,,176 5. KINCHINJINGA, AS SEEN FROM MR. HODGSON'S HOUSE AT DARJILING 11 11 245 6. PHOTOGRAPH OF BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON, /ETAT. 71. TAKEN IN 1S7I „ ,, 328 7. PORTRAIT OF BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON, /KTAT. 72. BY MDE. STARR CANZIAM. TAKEN IN 1872. . FrOtttisft'eCe 8. PHOTOGRAPH OF BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON, JE1A1. 91. TAKEN BY MRS. BRIAN HODGSON IN 189I . To foCC p. 333 Tlie illustrations have been prepared and the photographs taken by Mrs. Brian Hodgson, from the originals now in her house at Abinger. Surrey. The inscription on the cover is an epitome of the Buddhist faith, as given m one of the Sanskrit MSS. discovered 1»> Mr. Hodgson in Nepal, and may be rendered : — "The cause of all things hath Buddha « xplaincd. The great Sramana hath likewise explained the cause of the e.xtinci; 11 of all things." [ I ] LIFE OF BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON. 1800 — 1894. CHAPTER I. BOYHOOD : 1 800 — 1 8 1 6. BRIAN HODGSON died in 1894, in his ninety-fifth year. Had he died seventy years previously, he would have been mourned as the most brilliant youni; scholar whom the Indian Civil Service has produced. Had he died in middle life, he would have been remem- bered as the masterly diplomatist who held quiet the kingdom of Nepal and the warlike Himalayan races throughout the disasters of the Afghan war. Had he died at three-score years of age, he would have been honoured as the munificent Englishman who enriched the museums of Europe with his collections, enlarged the old boundaries of more than one science, and opened up a new field of original research. He outlived his contemporaries. In 1883 the learned Italian, Count Angelo di Gubernatis, when introduced to him, exclaimed : " Surely not the veritable Hodgson, the founder of our Buddhist studies ! He, alas, is dead these many years." In 1889, when Oxford conferred on him her degree of D.C.L., the Shcldonian rang with welcome to the beautiful white-haired scholar who seemed to have stepped I 2 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. forth from a byi:jone world. Many of his honours came to him when young ; some arrived too late. There is a story of how a thrifty monarch sent his too tardy largesse to the bard Ferdousi. But as the mules laden with bags of gold entered the eastern archway of the poet's city, the poet's bier was borne out by the western gate. The chief services which Hodgson rendered to his country are the least known. The distinctions conferred on him by learned societies in many lands made him conspicuous among Orientalists during the first half of this century. But it was as British Resident at an Indian Court that Hodgson earned his highest claims upon the nation. He was a civilian diplomatist on whom, during a dark hour of our rule, fell the task of upholding the British supremacy in a hostile military State, unsup- ported by force of arms, and with only his personal in- fluence to sustain his counsels. The work done for our Indian Empire by such men, as distinguished from Soldier Politicals, is yet unrecorded. I purpose to tell the story of one of them from the official documents written on the spot, and now for the first time laid open to the public eye. The story may be wanting in the dramatic effects of the Soldier Political's career, with a treaty in one hand and a sword in the other. But it will disclose certain aspects of the British suzerainty of India not hitherto realised. We shall learn how a young civilian was trained in building up newly annexed districts, left waste by the misrule of a usurping Himalayan Power, into a peaceful and prosperous British province. We shall then see him at his first lessons in dealing with the usurping Himalayan Power itself We shall next find him holding back that Power from our frontier, with a nation of warriors exultant at the destruction of our Afghan army and fiercely straining in his leash. We shall watch him thread his perilous way through the intrigues of rival queens, royal kinsmen, and mayors of the palace, guarded solely by I.] BOYHOOD: 1800— 1816. 3 his own immovable calm amid their tragedies of massacre poisoning, torture, suicide, and exile to the snows. After twenty years of thankless labour we view him emerge from the homicidal scene, followed by the tears of the prince and the acclamations of the people. From first to last we find his conduct regulated by two motives — the desire to preserve the integrity of the kingdom to which he was accredited, and the determination to render its integrity a source of strength instead of danger to the British Government. We also discern how many annoyances the East India Company would bear rather than destroy the independence of a Native State by annexation. I have referred at some length to the public aspects of Brian Hodgson's career. For no man recognised more keenly than he that an Indian civilian must be judged, first of all, by his public work. Xor would any one have more despised a scholarly reputation gained by the neglect of official duties. But his many-sided activities made themselves equally felt in his public and in his private life. Condemned by ill-health to isolation in the Himalayas throughout his whole Indian career, far away from books, and shut off from the inspiring sympathy of brother students, he used his solitude as a vantage-ground for original research. The situation which would have been another man's despair, he turned into an unique opportunity. He proved to all who may come after him that neither loneliness nor ill-health, nor personal peril, nor harassing public cares, need preclude a true worker in India from rendering great services to scholarship and winning an enduring fame. Brian Houghton Hodgson was born at Lower Beech, in the parish of Prestbury, Cheshire, on February ist, iSoo. He came of a long-lived stock, and was the fourth in succession of four Brian Ilodsjsons whose lives extended 4 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. from 1709 to 1894. The average age of his three imme- diate progenitors and their wives amounted to eighty-five years each, and he himself died at the ripe age of ninety- four.' He used to say modestly that his ancestors were remarkable for nothing unless it was for their longevity and love of field sports. The earliest surviving of the family pictures, a full-length portrait of a forefather five generations back by Vandermyn in 1728, now in the possession of Sir Arthur Hodgson of Clopton, represents a striking-looking man holding a gamecock. His descendant, the subject of this book, was an enthusiastic student of all wild creatures, and in spite of bad accidents he hunted with two packs of hounds till nearly seventy years of age. The grandfather, Brian No. 2 in the subjoined list, figures as a man of considerable property in Derbyshire. For some time he lived at Wootten Lodge, Staffordshire, " a fine old castellated mansion," according to the District History, "said to have been designed by Inigo Jones." '•* Wootten Lodge was famous in the seventeenth century for its Royalist defence against the Parliamentary troops, and down to the middle of the eighteenth for its well-stocked deer-park of one thousand acres. But it is now best remembered as the favourite retreat of Jean Jacques Rousseau during his sojourn in England. David Hume had procured for the philosopher the neighbouring house of Wootten Hall at a nominal rent, " an agreeable and ' Brian Hodgson (1st), great-grandfather, died 1784 aged 75. Elizabeth his wife Brian Hodgson (2nd), grandfather Ellen his wife Brian Hodgson (3rd), father Catherine his wife Brian Houghton Hodgson, born 1800, Average of the 6 previous lives and his own (7) 86 years. Total 602 * The History a?id Topography of Ashbourn and the I 'alky of the Z>^hbour at Conf^lcton. In 1816 Mr. Pattison was a Director of the East India Company, of which he became Chairman two years later. He secured a nomination for his old friend's son to the Company's Civil Service, and Brian, having passed a successful exami- nation, was allowed to enter Haileybury College nearly a twelvemonth before attaining the regulation age of seventeen. This change in 18 16 marks the end of Brian Hodgson's schooldays. It may be well to pause before entering on the new career which then opened to him, and dwell for a moment on the other members of the home circle from which he was soon to be separated. The mother's influence seems to have given a charm to the daughters, and her character a force to the sons, which led to a successful establishment in life for all her children. The eldest daughter, Catherine, born 1798, married Mr, Laurence George Brown and settled prosperously in Canada. The second daughter, Ellen, born 1802, married Huibert Gerard Baron Nahuys van Burgst, a Major-Gencral in the Dutch Army. She accompanied her husband to Java, where he held high offices as Resident at the Court of Surakarta and Member of the Council of Netherlands India.' Baron Nahuys' sister was the wife of Count Schimmelpenninck, the Grand Pensionary of Holland. We have had a glimpse of this Ellen (Baroness Nahuys) as Brian's companion on his wild cross-country rides in Essex. She grew into a woman of remarkable beauty, and was long known at the Court of Holland as La Belle Anglaise. She lived to the age of eighty, leaving a son and three daughters who married into families in the Netherlands."^ In her widowed old age Brian made his house her home, and watched over her with fraternal piety during her last illness (1878). ' His remarkable and brilliant services form the subject of an inte- resting Dutch family history : Reminiscences of the Public and Private Life (1799 — 1849) of H. G. Baron Nahuys van P urgst (Arnhem, 1858). ' The son left three daughters, Helen, Huberta, and Fanny, who are now the representatives of this branch of the Houghton Hodgsons. I.] BOYHOOD: 1800—1816. II The third dauj:;htcr, Ann, born iSoS, died in girlhood. The fourth, Frances, born 18 10, was the " Dearest Fanny" with whom Brian kept up an affectionate correspondence throughout their whole lives. His affection was warmly reciprocated. " Though but a child of eight when he went to India, in iSiS," writes one of the family, "and although they did not meet again till 1844, yet she was brought up by her mother (who herself idolised her eldest sonj to think there was no one like Hrian. Her admira- tion for her brother and her devotion to him were ab.solutc. She always spoke of him as 'the most perfect of human beings ! ' " We shall see with what pathetic playfulness Brian tried by his letters during his long absence in India to warm that admiration for an almost unknown ideal into a human affection for an exile pining for sisterly love. She married Pierre Baron Nahuys, the .son of General Iluibert Nahuys by a previous wife, and therefore a step-son of her sister Ellen. The Baron Pierre had a distinguished career, and became Governor of Overyssel, one of the Seven Provinces of Holland. Of the three sons, Brian the eldest forms the subject of this book. The second son, William, born 1805, entered the Bengal Artillery, and died as a young Major of great promise. Brian was devotedly attached to him, and we shall find the two brothers together at the Residency at Nepal. The third brother and youngest child, Filward Lcgh Hodg.son, born 181 3, obtained an appointment to the East India Company's Civil Service, through the influence of the .same family friend, Mr. James Pattison, who had given Brian his nomination sixteen years pre- viously. Edward was at Haileybury from 1829 to 1831, and carried off seven prizes during his three terms.' He served in India as A.ssistant Commissioner of Meerut from 1832 to 1835, and died there on July 3ril of the latter year. > Memorials oj Old HatUybury CoIUgf, by K. C. iJanvcrs. Sir M. Monier-Williams, Sir Stcuart Baylcy, Percy Wigram, and other ron- tributors \^Crnstablc & Co., 1894), p. 397. 12 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. i. I have presented the several sisters and brothers at the outset, as the following pages will deal almost exclusively with the work of Brian himself, cut off from his kindred during the next quarter of a century by a third of the circumference of the globe. Yet in order to understand the man it is necessary to bear in mind the background of home life which was always present in his memory. During his long isolation in Nepal, that well-loved family group seemed to stand out for him with an ever-increasing distinctness. The recollections of the patient father who had borne the buffets of fortune, of the brilliant young mother with her circle of distinguished and admiring friends, of his sisters and brothers, half of whom were to die young while the other half were to be scattered over the old and new hemispheres — these were the recollections which during twenty-five years supplied the human links between the solitary worker among the Himalayas and the outward world. [13] CHAPTER II. OLD HAILEYI5URY : 1816— 1817. HAILEYBURY COLLEGE, which Brian Hodgson entered in 1816, was not unworthy of the magnificent design of its founders. It formed the embodiment in stone and lime of the East India Company's resolve to govern well the empire which they had won. From 1600 down to the second half of the eighteenth century the Company's servants, alike in England and in India, had been sea- captains, merchants, and mercantile clerks. Their territorial conquests from 1757 onwards demanded an entirely different class of men. But the necessity of making the " annual investment " wherewith to pay an annual dividend for some time obscured the change which had taken place. A generation of officials passed away before the Court of Directors definitely realised that they had grown into the Sovereign Power in India, and that their main function was government rather than trade. It was not until the year 1800 that a regular institu- tion was formed for the training of the civil servants of the Company. This institution, known as the College of Fort William, was established by the far-seeing Marquis VVelleslcy in Calcutta. The Court of Directors, however, considered its scope too wide, sanctioned it only on a reduced scale, and determined to create a place of education of their own in England for their young civil servants. Their intention, cxjircsscd in 1802, received effect in 1805 by the purchase of the Ilaileybury estate in Hertfordshire for ;t5,900. The building was completed in 1809 at an esti- 14 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. mated cost of ^^50,000. Durini^ the intervening years from 1806, the new institution carried on its work temporarily at Hertford Castle under the title of the East India College Herts. In 181 3 Parliament enacted that it shall not be lawful for the Court of Directors to nominate, appoint, or send to the Presidencies of Fort William, Fort St. George, or Bombay, any person in the capacity of Writer, unless such person shall have been duly entered at Haileybury College, and have resided there four terms, and shall pro- duce a certificate of having during the period duly con- formed himself to the rules and regulations of the same. * While the entrance into the Company's administrative service was thus restricted to young men specially trained at Haileybury, the doors of Haileybury were jealously guarded. The nominations to the covenanted Civil Service formed the most valuable patronage exercised by the Directors of the East India Company, and the chief share of it naturally fell to their relatives or intimate friends. But the long list of their nominees proves that, outside their immediate family circles, it was exercised in a noble spirit. Many a Director conscientiously used his patronage as a solatium to officers worn out in the Company's wars, and hard pressed to find an opening for their sons. The scars and buffets of his father's ill-requited service formed John Lawrence's chief recom- mendation for Haileybury, and gave to India the future saviour of the Punjab. From the hour that a lad entered the College it impressed on him the lesson of integrity which the earlier servants of the Company had found so hard to learn. No youth was admitted with- out two certificates : one as to his personal character ; 'Act 53 Geo. III. 0. 155, quoted in Memorials of Old Haileybury College (Constable, 1894), p. 18. The minimum residence was after- wards reduced to three terms (a year and a half), or in times of urgency even to two terms. During a considerable period, students above the age of eighteen who obtained certificates of High Distinction might proceed to India after only two terms. II.] OLD HAILEYBUKY: 1816— 1817. I 5 the other, a solemn declaration that the Director who had given his nomination made no pecuniary gain by the transaction. In 1 8 16 the professional staff of the College consisted chiefly of Cambridge men. It was therefore with peculiar pleasure that Professor William Smyth of that University undertook to launch the eldest son of his fair correspondent in what was practically a coterie of his old college friends. He took Brian to Hailcybury, and settled him as a guest in the house of Malthus, the Professor of Political Economy, until he should pass his entrance examination. Malthus was elected a Fellow of Jesus in 1793, the year thai William Smyth entered at Cambridge. The Rev. Joseph Hallct Batten, a Fellow of Trinity, Cambridge, and a high Wrangler as well as an excellent classic, had been appointed Principal of Hailcybury College in 181 5. The Dean was the Rev. Charles Webb Le Bas,' fourth Wrangler in 1800, and also a Fellow of Trinity. The Rev. Henry Walter, a second Wrangler and one of the most genial of men, had just joined as Professor of Chemistry and Natural History,- and perhaps gave an impulse to Brian's taste for the study of beasts and birds which was to become one of his main pleasures throughout life. Malthus^ received his friend's protege kindly, and for a season retained him as his guest. The foundation of an intimacy was thus laid which for the first time turned the young student into a thinker, and brought him into • Appointed Professor of Mathematics in 1S13; Dean 1814; Principal (in succession to Dr. Ratten) 183S. » In i8i6. ' Thomas Robert Malthus, born 1766; Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, 1793 (not 1797) ; issued his lirst Essay on the Principles of Population 1798, and the greatly altered editioti 1803; Professor of History and Political Economy at the Kast India College, Herts, 1805 — 1834; issued his Corn-Law Pamphlets \Z\\-\'^,\\\s Inquiry into the Nature of Rent 1815, and his Principles of Political Economy 1820; died 1834. l6 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. contact with eminent men. Malthus had then reached the height of his fame, and his house formed a resort of the intellectual Whigs of the day. Lord Jeffrey and the Edinburgh Reviewers, Sir James Mackintosh (who became Professor of Law at Haileybury two years later ^), and statesmen of higher if more temporary note were frequent visitors to the Haileybury philosopher. It happened that the period of Brian's residence there was one of great literary activity even in Malthus' busy life. For he was recasting the rent sections for the seventh edition of his Principles of Population (1817), and full of the ideas to be embodied in his crowning work on Political Economy published in 1820. But the unique position which Malthus held in the College did not altogether depend on his reputation with the outer world. One of the original professors appointed in 1805, he had acted as its literary champion," and was at this very time preparing his final rejoinder to its opponents. He was not only the most famous member of the teaching staff, but he was also the public representa- tive of the system with which the professors and students were alike identified. His sweetness of temper that served as an armour against the bitterness of theological opponents — " one of the serenest and most cheerful " of men, says Miss Martineau — and his nobility of aim which never sought personal preferment, made him both the favourite and the hero of Haileybury College. His friend- ship was the best passport for a newcomer, and Brian found himself at once within the family circle of the professorial staff. In after-life Hodgson used to relate how he sat silent in a corner many an evening, listening to the talk of distinguished men whose names he had previously only known through the newspapers. On one occasion Lord ' From 1818 to 1824. - e.d. Letter to Lord Gra7iville (in defence of the East India Col- lege), 1813 ; Statc?ncnts respecting the East India College, 18 17. II.] OLD IIAILEYBURY: 1816— 1817. IJ Jeffrey^ had been induced to read out an article which praised the language of Shakespeare as rich but never diffuse. The company, suspecting that Jeffrey was the author, agreed as to Shakespeare, yet with a malign pleasantry wished they could say as much for the some- what ornate style of the reviewer. Jeffrey quietly read out again a concluding passage of his article containing yEnobarbus' description of Cleopatra's galley : — " The barge she sat in, Uke a burnished throne, Burnt on the water ; the poop was beaten gold : Purple the sails, and so perfumed that The winds were love-sick with them. The oars were silver, Which to the tune of lutes kept stroke." " You see," said Jeffrey, " that tJiough the sails were purple and the oars silver, they wafted her not less swiftly than if they had been made of homespun and deal. Gentlemen, / wrote the article." Upon which all the company laughed and clapped their hands. I repeat the story as Hodgson told it more than half a century after- wards. It formed one of his cherished bits of jetsam from the Disputationcs Hailcyburioiscs to which the kindness of Malthus gained him admission. The new impulse given to Hodgson's mental activity was of rather a discursive character. But from the outset he showed an aptitude for the native languages, and obtained a prize for Bengali at the end of his first term (May 1816). During his second year he brought home to his delighted mother the prize for classics (May 181 7), and continued to win a prize for Bengali at each of his half-)'carl>' examina- tions during his stay at the College. In December 1817 he passed out of Hailcybury as gold medallist and head of his term. Haileybury was not designed to supply a strictly pro- fessional training to the East India Company's civil servants. It carried further their previous school-studies in classics ' 1 give him the title by which he is most generally known, altliough Jeffrey was not promoted to the Scottish Bench until 1S34. 2 l8 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON [chap. and mathematics. It also grounded them in the general principles of law and political economy, and in the history and languages of India. The higher instruction in these last-named branches it left to the College of Fort William in Bengal, or to corresponding studies in Madras and Bombay, l^ut the residence at Ilaileybury did for the young Indian civilians what no system or device had ever done for them before. It bred up and knit together a service with a strong and honourable esprit de corps, a knowledge of each other's characters, and a mutual trust. Some of Hodgson's intimates at Haileybury became, as we shall see, rulers of great provinces. Many of them continued his friends through life. Whatever its later shortcomings, the essential service rendered by Haileybury to the nation was this — that during half a century when India could only be held by a compact, self-reliant, and honest British bureaucracy, it produced the compactest, most self-reliant, and most honest bureaucracy which the world had ever seen. One of Hodgson's fellow-students, Charles Fraser, was destined to render good service as the Governor-General's Agent, that is as political ruler, in the Sagar and Narbada Territories. Another, William Dampier, besides holding many high offices, practically created the police of Bengal. A third. Sir George Clerk,' became for a short time Lieu- tenant-Governor of the North-West Provinces, and twice Governor of Bombay. A fourth. Sir Frederick Currie, Bart., was Foreign Secretary to the Government of India during the great Sikh struggle under Lord Hardinge, Resident at Lahore under Lord Dalhousic, and one of the most influential Members of his Council. Both Clerk and Currie, after their retirement from India, rendered valuable service for many years on the Council of the Secretary of State, and both of them continued warm friends of Hodgson to the end of their long lives. Another of his best-loved • G.CS.I. and K.C.B. 11.] OLD HAILKVIJLKY; 1816-1817. I9 Hailcybury companions, the Honourable Frederick Shore, closed a career of high promise, and of some achievement, by a too early death. Curiously enough, sons of the two civilian Governors-General of India, Lord Teignmouth and Sir George Barlow, entered Ilaileybury in the same year as Brian Hodgson, and the three went Uj Calcutta in 1818. Four other Bengal civilians who attained to high eminence overlapped Brian's residence at the College : John Lowis, one of Lord Dalhousie's Members of Council ; Ross Donelly Mangles, Secretary to the Bengal Government, and after his retirement a Member of the Court of Directors and of the Council of the Secretary of State ; Sir Henry Ricketts, K.C.S.I., a Member of Council under Lord Hardinge ; and Sir Robert Hamilton, K.C.B., the Governor-General's Agent in Central India during the Mutiny, who had the courage to override the orders of the Governor-General on the memorable occasion of March 1858. I have particularised the foregoing members of the service as all of them went, like Brian Hodgson, to Bengal, and continued his friends throughout his career. Other tlistin- guished officers, including Sir Daniel Elliott and Sir John Pollard VVilloughby, who were with him at Hailej'bury went to Madras and Bombay. But with few exceptions these soon fell out of his knowledge. The life at I laileybury seems to have somewhat resembled that at the Universities during the .same period, except that there was rather less dissipation and a more direct control. Hodgson frequently got a day's hunting, and he seems to have enjoyed a good deal of hospitality from the families in the neighbourhood. The Lady Salisbury of that time took notice of the lad one day when he was struggling on a hired horse to keep in the first Hight with the hoimds, and her balls at Hatfield were among the most brilliant rect)llections of his Haileybury days. But it was the distinguished statesmen who from time to time comi)limcnted the College by a visit that impressed themselves most deeply on his memory. On one occasion the family friend, Mr. James 20 LIFE OK BRIAN HODGSON. [chap Pattison ' who had given Brian his nomination, and who was also an intimate friend of George Canning, came down with the celebrated Minister to Haileybury and brought him into young Hodgson's room. Canning, then President of the Board of Control, was full of the thoughts of Indian imperial .sway which made him accept the Governor-Generalship some years later." " He stood with his back to the fire," Hodg.son used to relate, " and put his hand inside the breast of his coat, |X)uring forth words which fired my ambition. He drew a brilliant sketch of the career po.ssible for an Indian civilian, showing how ever)'thing was open to a man of ability and industry up to the Governor-Generalship. Then telling mc to read Orme and learn how India had been won, he took up the story himself, and in a quarter of an hour had given me a most masterly n'sumc of Indian history." Those fifteen minutes put ideas and aspirations into Brian's head which were destined to bear fruit in due season. The great Minister had touched the youth with the magic wand of his genius, and one touch suflFiced. During his holidays Brian was much at the house of his kinsman Robert Hodgson, Dean of Carlisle. The Dean, being also Rector of St. George's Hanover Square, resided most of the year in town, and having a clever wife, his house in Grosvenor Street was a popular one. Brian became a devoted admirer of the Dean's daughters, more especially of Henrietta who grew up into a woman of beauty and of social charms. He also spent many happy days in the quiet rectory of his uncle Edward ' Deputy Chairman of the Court of Directors in 1817, when Hodgson was at Haileybury ; Chairman in the following year, 1818, and again in 1822. * On the news of the intended retirement of the Marquess of Hastings reaching England early in 1822. But before Canning sailed Lord Castlercaghs tragic death made it necessary that Canning should fill his place at the Foreign Oftice, and with many regrets he resigned the Governor-Generalship in the autumn of the same year. Lord Amherst went out instead. II.] OLD HAILKYBURY 1816^-1817. 21 Hodgson,' whose first wife, a highly accomplished musician, made Moore's Irish melodies an abiding mcmoiy for Brian : a memory that often came back to him in the loneliness of his Himalayan years. To his cousin the son of the Rector, and now Sir Arthur Ihxigson of Clopton, I gratefully acknowledge my debt for interesting materials for this book. But Brian's own home, with its beautiful and talented tnothcr, the generous patient father, and tho spirited group of sisters and brothers now looking «»ut like himself with expectant eyes ujx)n the world, remained as ever the dominant chord in his life. ' Rector of Kickmansworth. [22] CHAPTER III. FIRST YEAR IN INDIA. CALCUTTA, 1S18-1819. HAVING passed out of Haileybury as medallist and head of his term in December 1817/ Brian Houghton Hodgson sailed in the following year round the Cape of Good Hope to Calcutta. ' His Haileybury certificate runs thus : — "We, the Principal and Professors of the East India College, do hereby testify that Mr. Brian Houghton Hodgson having been nomi- nated a Student of the College by the Court of Directors of the Honourable East India Company, has resided therein Four Terms, and has duly conformed himself to the Statutes and Regulations of the College. "The said Brian Houghton Hodgson has also attended the Public Examinations of May 1 8 16, in which he gained a prize in Bengalese, and passed with great credit in other departments ; December 1816, in which he gained a prize in Bengalese, and was highly distinguished in other departments; May 18 17, in which he gained a prize in Classics, a prize in Political Economy, a prize in Bengalese, and was highly distinguished in other departments; December 1817, in which he gained the medal in Classics, a prize in Bengalese, and was highly distinguished in other departments. " The College Council, in consideration of his distinguished Industry, Proficiency, and Conduct, place him in the First Class of Merit; and assign him the Rank of First on the List of Students now leaving College for the Presidency of Fort William. " Given under the College Seal, and signed in behalf of the College Council, this fifth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen." Signed, J. H. Batten, Principal. Countersigned, Edward Lewton, Registrar. BRIAN HOUGHTON HODGSON. I8I7-;CTAT 17 CHAP. III.] FIRST YEAR IN INDIA: 1818—1819. ~3 The Englishmen of those days started early in life. Hodgson was, after all, only a lad of seventeen, with enough of Latin and Greek to enable him to quote Horace or to make an iambic, a fair specimen of the sixth form boy at a public school in the present day. But he carried with him from Haileybury a habit of original observation which a sixth form boy rarely imbibes at our public schools. Its professorial system of imparting instruction by means of lectures, although compatible with a good deal of indolence and sham work, was highly stimulating to the keener class of youthful intellects. In the hands of Malthus political economy became a living science, dealing with the actual facts and needs of humanity, and quicken- ing young minds with ideas instead of cramming them with formulae. Malthus was, in fact, the dominant influence in Hodgson's intellectual horoscope. He found him a young aristocrat in social feelings and sympathies ; he left him an advanced liberal in politics. But for the inspiration of Malthus, the youthful civilian would scarcely have embarked on a comprehensive study of the institutions and constitutional problems of Nepal, or struck into the great conflict over popular education in India with a scheme of his own. How closely the lad had listened to Malthus' lectures, his prize in Political Economy at Haileybury attests. Hodgson to the end of his life used to sum up his political creed in a quotation, learned at Haileybury from Bacon's Essay of Innovations : " All this is true, if time stood still : which, contrariwise, moveth so round that a froward retention of custom is as turbulent a thing as an innovation ; and they that reverence too much old times are but a scorn to the new." The love of liberty and the generous respect for the liberties of others, with a belief in their capacity for ex- ercising those liberties aright, which Malthus impressed on Hodgson's awakening mind, resisted the effacing influences of time and of a bureaucratic career. Even w hen, as a man 24 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. of eighty-six, Hodt;son had to choose between the old hberaHsm now identified with the Unionist party in politics, and the new liberalism associated with Irish home-rule, he did not fear to take the plunge. Although living in a circle of Tory country-gentlemen, he followed Mr. Gladstone in all the later developments of that statesman's pohcy, and died with an unshaken belief in its results. This courageous belief in the future of humanity, and in the power of a people to work out its own salvation, gave a beautiful youthfulness to his old age. It furnishes the key to many of the activities of his life. If one had to differ from him as to its practical application, one could not withhold a feeling of reverence for the enthusiasm which years did not chill nor public disappointments daunt. Meanwhile Hodgson was a young civilian not yet eighteen. The scheme of a junior civilian's training in those days included at least a year at the College of Fort William in Calcutta, for the further study of the native languages and of Indian law. Brian accordingly found himself a member of a small and close fraternity of very young men, who had a good deal of leisure on their hands and who were deter- mined to enjoy it. The contemporary descriptions of their life are not always edifying. As a whole they seem to have been a body of spirited English lads let loose a little early in life, tasting sometimes too freely of the first pleasures of an independent income, and indulging in extravagances at which they afterwards smiled, but which crippled not a few for many a year. Calcutta society looked at their follies with a lenient eye, and made much of those who cared for its blandishments. For after all they were a well- spring of perpetual youth in a small official community which was apt to feel very weary ; almost all of them had friends or relatives among the seniors ; and each one of them had the possibilities of a brilliant career. It is difficult for an Anglo-Indian of the present day to realise how small and how official Calcutta then was. The new Charter in 1813 had broken down the Company's 111.] FIRST YEAR IN INDIA: i8l8— 1819. 25 monopoly of the East India trade, while maintaining it as regards China. But the influx of independent mer- chants and capitalists who were to raise Calcutta to one of the commercial capitals of the world had scarcely set in. The non-official Englishman, unless he belonged to one of the half-dozen great agency houses closely united by family ties with the Services, was regarded as an inferior person. Under the old system, if a merchant or planter did not come out under the protection of the Company, he was an "Interloper" in the eye of the law. He still remained an interloper in the eye of society. On his part, he regarded the governing body with the jealousy, and sometimes with the injustice, of an outsider. A plate published in London in 18 16, the year that Hodgson entered Haileybury, shows the pagoda tree as " Exhausted," but with Indian officials still eagerly clambering up the mutilated stem, which an elephant is breaking off at the root. A period of rapid fortunes in India had given place to one of commonplace ostentation. The depravity of the " nabobs " of the last century, whom Burke and Sheridan scourged — sometimes laying the lash on the wrong shoulders as is the way with orators — had been followed by the dull and pompous officials over whom Thackeray, himself the .son and grandson of Bengal civilians, made .savage laughter. Barwcll bawling to his footmen to " bring round more curricles " was succeeded in Engli.sh literature by the fatuous coward Josh. Sedley, and by Binnie the plethoric cynic. Sedley is Thackeray's portrait of the ignoble class of Bengal civilians of the prc- Haileybury type, which still supplied some of the leaders of Calcutta society at the time of Hodgson's arrival. Haileybury, and the aims which Haileybury repre- sented, had during the preceding twelve years done something to improve upon that type. But although the Indian services then, as at all times, produced high- minded and able men, and administrators who have never 26 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. been surpassed, the general tone of Calcutta society remained much more orientalised than it now is. India was a place of exile to a degree which we of the present day can scarcely understand, and the exiles found far fewer interests outside the routine of their ordinary work. The alleviations of Indian existence which we regard as matters of course — a cheap and abundant supply of ice, the European telegrams every morning at breakfast in varied and well-written newspapers, the weekly mail from England with its budget of letters and new books, the summer trip to the hills, and the inexpensive frequent holiday home — were all unknown to our forerunners in Bengal at the beginning of the century. On the other hand they had the hookah, the heavy midday meal, and the still heavier afternoon sleep. Eng- lish ladies, although more numerous than formerly, had not yet acquired an absolute predominance in Calcutta, or completely imposed their social standards. Some of the great Calcutta houses have wings or annexes which are still pointed out as the native female apartments of those days. Calcutta society, which now strikes a new- comer as bright and friendly, only left an impression of w^eariness in the memoirs of a century ago. Macaulay's recollections of the Calcutta dinner-parties as combining the dulness of a State banquet and the confusion of a shilling ordinary refer to a period not long after Hodgson's arrival. This unattractive picture of Anglo-Indian society in its earlier developments is borne out by contemporary accounts from widely different hands. It was the P. and O. Company that Europeanised the social life of Calcutta. Indeed the struggle between Eastern and Western influences upon the habits and standards of our countrymen in India forms not the least curious chapter in the history of our Asiatic rule. Even towards the end of the transition stage, the stage contemporary with Brian Hodgson's service in India, the tone was widely different from what it now is. The III.] FIRST YEAR IX INDIA: 1818— 1819. 27 Bombay Courier for 1830,' the letters of a lady written from Madras a few years afterwards,'- and the Rev. Charles Acland's experiences in Bengal from 1842 onward, tell the same dull unflattering tale.^ Henry Martin records* some striking examples of Indianised Englishmen in the decade preceding Hodgson's arrival. One of the forgotten benefits conferred by Hailcybury upon Anglo-Indian society was its tendency to stamp the old indulgences as bad form. For Haileybury disciplined the young civilians in the use of comparative liberty, and imbued them in some measure with the responsibilities which attach to independence. They came out to India with much the same feeling in regard to the more vulgar forms of dissipation as that of undergraduates at the Universities in their third year. Hodgson, who always remembered his mother's look of disgust when gentlemen who had drunk more than enough lurched into her drawing-room after dinner, did not find orgies amusing. He used to tell how, on arriving in Calcutta, the colonel of a crack regiment and his fellow-passenger on the voyage asked him to dine at mess. No sooner was the cloth re- moved than several large cases of wine, which the hospit- able colonel had brought out with him, were deposited on the floor. The host then locked the door, put the key into his pocket, and, turning to the company, said, " There, gentlemen, is your night's work." Before the evening was over, most of the gallant entertainers and their guests were under the table. But the colonel magnanimously allowed Hodgson to pass the bottle on the score of his youth, and did not oblige him to sit out the revel. ' Quoted in Dr. George- Sinitlis Life of John Wilson, D.D., F.R.S., P- 54- * Letters from Madras (iuriiit; the Years 1836 — 1839, by a Lady. John Murray, 1843. ■• A Popular Account of the Manners ami Customs of India, by the Rev. Charles Acland, late Chaplain of Cuttack. ' Letter dated March 14th, i'&o?>.— Henry Martin, by George Smith, LL.D., pp. 221, 222. Ed. 1S92. 28 LIKE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Hodgson soon found friends of another sort. His aunt, the Dean's wife, had Indian connections and gave him introductions to them. Two of these, Sir Charles and Lady D'Oyly, took a likiny; to the young man, and made their house his home. Sir Charles belonged to a family which has enjoyed an almost hereditary distinction among Bengal civilians. He himself had the accomplishments of a man of taste, sketched cleverly in water-colours, and was the leading dilettante in Calcutta society of that day. His father, Sir John D'Oyly of Shottisham, M.P., the sixth Baronet, retrieved the family fortunes by Indian service. Curiously enough, he held in the previous generation the same office to which his son and successor Sir Charles was appointed in the year that Hodgson reached India — the controller.ship of customs in Calcutta. Sir Charles, the seventh Baronet, rose during the course of his forty years' service to high positions in Bengal, but it was as a man of brilliant talents, rather than as an adminis- trator, that he formed the delight of his contemporaries. The Marquess of Hastings, then Governor-General, was so charmed with him that he resolved to bring him on his personal staff. A commission in the Calcutta Militia enabled Lord Hastings to appoint him Honorary Aidc- de-Camp, in addition to his civil duties. D'Oyly took up his residence in Government House in that capacity, and married one of two beautiful sisters, second cousins of Lady Hastings,' who were also staying in the house. The other sister married the young officer who became General Sir Walter Raleigh Gilbert. It was not only in the gay world that Sir Charles D'Oyly played a leading part. Bishop ' The Marchioness of Hastings was Countess of Loudon in her own right. Her second cousin, Elizabeth Jane Ross, who married Sir Charles D'Oyly, was the daughter of Major Thomas Ross, R.A. I am indebted here and elsewhere to the admirable Family Book of the D'Oylys, unpublished, in the possession of the present Sir Charles D'Oyly of Dorsetshire. Sir Charles has also a portrait of his predecessor, the seventh baronet and Hodgson's friend, as a strikingly handsome man in the uniform of the Calcutta Militia, temp. circ. 1S14. III.] FIRST YEAR IN INDIA: 1818—1819. 29 Hcbcr describes him as " the best fjentlcman artist 1 ever met with," rich in the then rare gift of seeing the beautiful and the picturesque in Indian rural life.' In 181S he was thirty-seven years of age, and in the prime of his j^roductive energy. During the preceding five years he had published the volumes ^ of sketches and letterpress, one of them en- graved from his original drawings by John Landsccr, which made D'Oyly's fame in England. He dashed off trifles — portraits, hunting scenes, and caricatures — for his friends with a never-failing flow of humour, and Hodgson cherished a portfolio of D'Oyly's sketches made during his early days in Calcutta. Lady D'Oyly had also a clever pencil, and a light touch scarcely to be distinguished from that of her husband. She was one of the first Englishwomen whose portraits of ladies of the Indian zananas have come down to us. In 18 1 8 she was a charming woman of twenty-nine spirited and with a noble heart. She conceived for Hodgson a friendship which lasted unbroken during fift\- seven years, until her dc;ith in 1875. The eleven years of difference in their age gave her the influence of a fascinating and mature young woman over Hodgson's adolescence, and helped to form his mind and ideals — one of the most valuable experiences that can happen to a man on his entrance into life. When Hodgson retired from India forty years afterwards, no summer passed without an interchange of hospitalities. Her annual visit of a month to his house at Aldcrley was kept up as long as her health allowed her to leave home. She became in turn the dear and trusted friend of both the ladies whom he married, and retained for the old man of seventy-five the same generous interest and ' Mebt-r's Narrativf of a Journey Ihroui^h the Upper Prmnnces of India, 1824-25, Vol. I., p. 314. John Murray, Kd. 1828, * The European in India, 1813; Antiijuitirs of Da(ca, with engravings by John Landsccr from Sir Charles D'Oyly's drawings, 1814-15. His subsequent works were Tom Kaw, the Griffin: a EnrUzque Poem, 1828, and Sketches on the Snv Roiui in a Jonmey from Calcutta to Gyah, 1830. 30 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. admiration which she had accorded to the bright youth of eighteen. Her portrait, in the collection of General Sir Charles D'Oyly, represents a tall aristocratic woman past middle life, with finely cut features and a look of firm intelligence almost amounting to command. As an inmate of the D'Oyly 's house, Hodgson found himself among the pleasantest set in Calcutta. In a dull society, clever and agreeable people defend themselves from the circumambient mass by means of coteries. Lady D'Oyly's coterie was the most brilliant, and in its way the most exclusive of her time — exclusive not as regards social position, for there is a frank equality among the Indian services, but in the more serious matter of the exclusion of bores. It was fortunate for Hodgson that during his first year in India, the only year he was ever to spend in Calcutta or in fact anywhere out of the wilds of Nepal, he had thus the opportunity of becoming known to the rising men of the Government, the men who were to grow into Chief Secretaries, Members of Council, and Governors of Provinces throughout his service. Lady D'Oyly's influence practically decided Hodgson's Indian career. The most attractive appointments in those days of conquest and annexation were political residentships and assistant-resi- dentships at the Courts of the Native Princes. These appointments the Governor-General, Lord Hastings, kept in his own hand. Lady D'Oyly, as the close friend and relative of the Marchioness of Hastings, brought her hand- some prot^g^ into the inner circle of Government House, and opened for him the path to one of the most coveted positions for a young civilian when the opportunity arose. Meanwhile Hodgson was pursuing his studies at the College of Fort William. The position which he had obtained as head of his year at Haileybury fired his ambition for further distinction, and he determined to read for honours in Sanskrit and the vernacular languages. But the first year in India is a trying one to an English constitution, and Hodgson did not in any way economise in.] FIKST YEAH IN INDIA: 1818— 1S19. 3I himself. Always a pretty bo)-, he had now acquired that delicate beauty of face, ver\- unusual in an Knossiblc that any can surjiass the Himala)'a, as I have seen it at sunset on an evening in October from the ranges thirty or forty miles from the great peaks. One such view in particular, from Binsar in Kumaun, stands out vividly in my remembrance. This mountain is 8,000 feet high, covered with oak and rhododendron. Towards the north you look down over pine-clad slopes into a deep valley, where, 6,000 feet below, the Sarju runs through a tro- pical forest. Beyond the river it seems to the eye as if the peaks of perpetual snow rose straight up and almost close to you into the sky. From the bottom of the vallc\' to the top of Nanda Devi you see at a glance almost 24,000 feet of mountain. The stupendous golden or rose- coloured masses and pinnacles of the snowy range extend before you in unbroken succession for more than 250 miles, filling up a third part of the visible horizon, while on all other sides, as far as the eye can reach, stretch away the red and purple ranges of the lower mountains. ' In a hundred ages of the gods.' writes one of the old Sanskrit poets, ' I could not tell you of the glories of Himachal." Few influences exercise a more permanent effect on a young Indian civilian than the character and conduct of the first officer under whom he serves. The new- comer's standards of work, and his conceptions of duty towards the people around him, receive an impress at starting which is seldom afterwards effaced. This held true even in later times when civilians went out to Imlia as grown-up men after a University career, some of them as distinguished Fellows of their College. It holds true to this day. A third of a century still leaves fresh in my memory the enthusia.stic ailmiration which I had for some. 36 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. and the equally unqualified (although I now hope less deserved) contempt with which I regarded others, of the officers under whom I passed the opening years of mj' service. Eighty years ago, when civilians joined their first appointment as mere lads, the personality of the man with whom they were first placed had an even greater influence. Their critical faculty with the habit of forming judg- ments for themselves had not so fully developed, and they insensibly adopted the methods, views, and idiosyncrasies of the senior who was their first instructor and guide. A working District Officer turned out a series of working assistants ; a sporting District Officer made sporting assistants ; a District Officer with a taste for revenue administration trained the men who were destined to con- duct the land-settlement of provinces ; while a District Officer who did what was right in his own eyes, with as little regard as possible to the central control, produced a useful stubborn breed who were prepared to fight for their own measures, or mistakes, against all the authority of distant Secretariats and Boards. Brian Hodgson was fortunate in his first master. George William Traill, then Commissioner of Kumaun, formed one of the group of strong-handed administrators whom Lord Hastings' conquests developed. In order rightly to understand this type it must be remembered that the five years preceding 1819, when Hodgson went to Kumaun, had seriously tested the resources of the British power in India. Since Lord Moira, better known by his later title as the Marquess of Hastings, assumed the Governor- Generalship in 18 13, he had been forced into three wars of the first magnitude. In 18 14 and 181 5 he conducted the two Nepalese campaigns which, after critical reverses to our troops, compelled Nepal to enter into a subsidiary alliance, and to cede to us the Himalayan States of which Kumaun formed part. In 18 17 he hurled the strongest British force yet seen in India, numbering IV.] FIRST APPOINTMENT: 1819— 1820. 37 120,000 men, against the Pindaris, and stamped out their bandit armies with a thoroughness which left no alternative but absolute submission or flight to the jungles, where one of the last of their leaders perished by a tiger. In 18 18 he had to face the separate but simultaneous rising of the three great Maratha Powers at Poona, Nagpur, and Indore. He crushed them by battles sometimes fought in the teeth of tremendous odds, and annexed the territories which now form large portions of the Bombay Presidency and the Central Provinces. It was a time that called forth strong men. Lord Hastings had re-made the map of India, and he needed civilians with courage and independence of resource to convert his disorderly conquests into peaceful British provinces. Among these administrators of the transition stage, Traill occupied a foremost place. One of the first- fruits of the Haileybury system,' he arrived in India in 1 8 10, and after five years' service was appointed in 181 5 assistant to the Honourable E. Gardner, the political officer with the Nepal expedition. Mr. Gardner had conducted the political business of the campaign, and at the end of it, in April 1815, he had the satisfaction to make the con- vention by which the Nepalese ceded to us the territories that included Kumaun.- He was appointed Commissioner of Kumaun, and Traill was posted as his assistant in May i' a period of internecine struggles in Kumaun itself,- and before 1780 the Hindu Rajas had lost all their lowland possessions except the lihabar forest tract. A worse calamity .soon afterwards befell Kumaun. The Gurkhas, who made themselves masters of Nepal in the middle of the i8th century, resolved to push their conquests westward, and in 1790 invaded the Kumaun hills. During twent>'-four years they oppressed Kumaun with such cruelty that " no sooner had the British forces entered the hills (in 181 5) than the inhabitants began to join our camp, and bring in supplies of provisions for the troops." " " Their tyranny has passed into a proverb, and at the present time, when a native of these hills wishes to protest in the strongest language in his power against some oppression to which he has been subjected, he exclaims that ' for him the Company's rule has ceased, and that of the Gurkhas has been restored.' " * which the Koliillas dispossessed in 1744, rose to power in the twelftli century a.d, Vikram Chand (circ. 1400) is alleged to have been the thirty-fourth ruler in succession from the founder, Som Chand, who. Iiowevcr, is placed by Batten, in his Report, as late as 11 78 a.d. A mean between the extreme dates is generally taken for the commence- ment of the Chand dynasty in Kumaun — say the tenth century A.D. ' Report on the Kiimann and Rohilkund Tarai, by J. H. Batten, fiien .Senior Assistant Commissioner (afterwards Commissioner) of Ivumaun, dated October tjtii, 1844, para. 8. Printed by order of the I.ieutenant-Governor of the North-Western Provinces: Agra, 1S51. * Idem., paras. 9, 10. ' Mr. E. T. Atkinsons Report, ilated August 31st, 1S77, para. 57. This Report is printed in the volumes of the I^'orth-W'e stern Provintfs Gazetteer. *■ LUm., para. 54. 40 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. The initial measures for converting this shattered princi- pality into a British province were being taken at the time when Hodgson reached Kumaun. The Gurkhas had roughly divided each district into a number of petty military commands, sharply enforced a fixed sum from the Gurkha officer in charge of each, and practically left him and his soldiers to wring as much as they could out of the people. " The consequence was that villages were left waste ; the inhabitants fled into the densest and most impenetrable jungles." ^ The first object of the British officers was to restore confidence and to render exactions impossible by fixing the revenue demand. The extortions of the Gurkha soldiery afforded no safe basis of assessment, so Traill had to fall back on the system of taxation under the old Hindu dynasty. He found it made up of a variety of imposts, such as transit duties on goods, taxes on trade, on cultivation, on mining, on law-suits, on the manufacture of glii or clarified butter, on weaving, on grazing cattle, on commodities produced from the land, and a variety of " presents " or forced gifts to the Raja on the occasion of births, marriages, and the various incidents of agricultural life. These taxes were continued and others added by the Gurkhas. Such a s}'stem strangled trade and industry, and was prohibitive of progress among the working population. It had, in fact, been designed to maintain in pomp and idleness the Hindu royal family and its crowds of retainers. The British officers gradually relinquished the old oppressive imposts one after another, until only three of the most equitable of them remained : the land revenue, mining royalties, and grazing on forest dues. Traill and his assistant Hodgson marched from hamlet to hamlet, and, after long and apparently inconclusive talks with the elders, fixed some sort of rough a.ssessment on each cultivated valley or hill-side. Their only roads ' Atkinson's Report on Garhvval District (part of Kumaun), p. 27. ut supra. IV.] FIRST APPOINTMENT: 1819— 1820. 4 1 were narrow footpaths and zigzags up ihc precipices, sometimes mere ledges cut out of the rock with a thou- sand feet of sheer descent below. Their shelter was a little hill-tent, a dismantled tower, or a draughty temple, often open on three sides to the storms. But they were both young men, indeed astonishingly young considering the duties assigned to them. Hodgson was nineteen, Traill under thirty, and they went joyously to work " to settle " the province. They found the greater part of it owned by petty proprietors who derived their title from various sources — from grants by the old Rajas, from purchase, from military or " service " tenures, or from long-established occupancy. Most of them hoed and watered their fields with their own hands, but some cultivated by means of an inferior order of tillers of the soil who were mere tenants at will. Besides these three classes there were various inter- mediate ranks of grantees. In all cases the fundamental ownership was vested in the State, or rather the State had a fundamental right to a first charge on the produce of the land. The rights of the several classes had to be ascertained, and the assess- ment to be regulated accordingly, from a rate which only represented a light land-tax to a rate which amounted to a substantial rent. It was a work of classification as well as of assessment, and much patience was required in enforcing a reasonable amount for the Government with- out infringing on the var)Mng rights of the separate orders interested in the lantl. It is easy to classify the tenures of an Indian district on paper. But it is very difficult to make any such classification correspond with all the facts. The difficulty, in the case of the first attempts at a land-.settlement in Kumaun, was enhanced by the fact that Traill .and Hodgson had to deal with old rights and claims impaired or broken down b>' twenty-four years of Gurkha usur- pation — that is to say, with rights that had more or less lapsed during almost a whole generation as Indian life 42 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. was then reckoned. It was further complicated by the inchoate rights and claims which had grown up during that period. If Traill or Hodgson had brought to their task a long experience of the revenue system of any of the older provinces of British India, with the precon- ceptions which such an experience develops, it might have hindered rather than helped them. For the state of things with which they were called to deal was essentially diverse ; even a universal term like rMinhtdar, or landholder, has a different meaning in Kumaun from what it has in Bengal. In Kumaun it connotes no particular form of ownership, but is " apparently synonymous with cultivator, whether proprietor or tenant." ' To the two young British of.icers in 1819, the landholders of Kumaun must have seemed a confused mass of hereditary proprietors, here- ditary occupants holding as tenants at will, and occupants h('lding as prandial serfs or as domestic slaves. All classes had a more or less hereditaiy claim to con- tinue to cultivate their plots as long as they paid the diverse and by no means clearly defined charges upon them. There were " resident " cultivators with village rights, and " non-resident " cultivators who, although desti- tute of such rights, usuall)' held on more easy terms/'' The competition at that time in Kumaun was not for land, but for labour to till it ; and cultivators from outside could make the best bargain. There were also grazing rights, forest rights, irrigation rights, and monopolies in water- power for mills. Out of this confusion Traill had to develop some sort of revenue system, and in the mean- while he had to collect an actual revenue within each twelve months. He seems to have gone sensibly to work. In the first years he looked little to the future, and tried to find what each hamlet could practically pay without hardship. Then ' The proprietors of land in Kumaun are called thhatwatis. — Atkin- son's Report, para. 33. * They still apparently do. — Atkinson's Report (1877), para. 35. IV.J FIRST APPOINTMENT: 1819—1820. 43 he proceeded to a more exact survey of the resources of the province, and it was durin^; this period, 1819-20, that Hodgson served as his assistant. The results were embodied in Traill's memorable Report of 1822-23. Then followed a period of settlement for terms of years, but it was not till 1846, eleven years after Traill had left the district, that a definite settlement could be safely carried out* Even that settlement was only for twenty years, and more than half a century elapsed after Traill and Hodgson's labours before the regular North- West system of a thirty-years' settlement could be applied to Kumaun. Meanwhile Brian Hodgson learned mountaineering in a practical school. " The inter-reticulations between these ranges," wrote Mr. Atkinson,- " present an extraordinary maze of ridges, peaks, and crags, with a few narrow strips of culturable land along the banks of the rivers in the lower portions of their courses." However inaccessible a spot of cultivation might be, if Hodgson was told off to assess it, he had to find his way thither. Many of the gorges could only be ascended by repeatedly crossing dangerous rivers, over which he had to pass with the help of men swimming upon gourds.'' The bridges, where bridges existed at all, tested pretty severely the nerve of the traveller and the steadiness of a young head. Traill has left a vivid account of them. The most solid sort " consists of a single spar thrown across " a gorge, or of successive blocks of timber projecting each a little beyond the other from both sides till they meet in the middle on the cantilever principle, their usual width being that of two or three trunks uf trees. " The third description of bridges, called the jhula" continues Mr. Traill, " is constructed of ropes ; two .sets of cables being stretched acro.ss the river, and the ends secured in the banks. The roadway, consisting of slight ladders of ' Official Reports on Kutnaun (Agra, 1851), pp. 2:3 ft sfij. * Atkinson's Report, para. 4. ' Traill's Report, p. 5. Agra reprint, 1S51. 44 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. wood two feet in breadth, is suspended parallel to the cables by ropes of about three feet in length. By this arrangement the horizontal cables form a balustrade to support the passenger while reaching from step to step of the ladders. To make the jhula practicable for goats and sheep, the interstices of the ladders are sometimes closed up with twigs laid close to each other. A construction of this kind necessarily requires a high bank on both sides, and where this evident advantage may be wanting, the deficiency of height is supplied by a wooden gallows, erected on the two banks, over which the ends of the cables are passed. The fourth and most simple bridge consists merely of a single cable stretched across the stream, to which is suspended a basket traversing on a wooden ring ; the passenger or baggage being placed in this basket, it is drawn across by a man on the opposite side by means of a rope attached to the bottom." ^ It was by the two latter kinds of bridges that Hodgson had generally to make his way across the ravines, with torrents roaring hundreds of feet below. Traill set about the construction of the two more substantial classes of wooden bridges first described ; many of the still existing ones date from his time, although their timbers have been renewed. He says that iron chain bridges, like those described in Turner's Tibet, appear to have once been used in Kumaun, but that no remains of them .survived. In Hodgson's time the public works of the old Hindu dynasty had disappeared, while those of the new rulers were just being begun. The only beasts of burden in the Kumaun hills were then sheep and goats, with an occasional yak-cow. The sheep carried burdens of ten to sixteen pounds of salt or borax in worsted pockets slung over their backs, the goats from twelve to twenty-four. But the larger breed of sheep from Tibet, somewhat resembling an Ice- land ram, could march their five miles a day under loads of forty pounds. ' Traill's Report, pp. 5, 6. IV.] FIRST APPOINTMENT: 1819— 1820. 45 Travelling in the hills brought Hodgson very near to the people. The common hardships and common dangers established a bond between the young Englishman and his native followers such as has seldom a chance of growing up in the official intercourse of lowland districts. Every day he discovered qualities in them which won his esteem — powers of endurance, steadiness of nerve, resource in unexpected difficulties. The hill races can laugh heartily, and they understand a joke. Sometimes the single file of travellers would be suddenly stopped by a long train of pack-sheep coming round a projecting rock, on a ledge so narrow as to seem to render it inevitable that one or the other of the lines should be forced over the precipice. For, as Traill tells us, no attempt had ever been made by the native rulers to construct roads " calculated for beasts of burden."' When he and his assistant met one of these strings of goats or sheep, it was Traill and Hodgson with their following that had to clamber up or down the rock, for the line of animals absolutely refused to give way. In the Kumaun hills the etiquette of the road, as well as the necessities of the situation, compelled the human travellers to get out of the path. Hodg.son must have clung as best he could to the face of many a precipice, amid the good-natured laughter of his retinue, while the train of borax-laden sheep passed by. His love of sport endeared him to the hill-men. At that time elephants roamed throughout the Bhabar forest, and wild beasts were so common that the British Government had to offer rewards for their destruction. In one year, even at a subsequent period, 45 tigers, 124 leopards, and 240 bears were destroyed in Kumaun proper at a cost of Rs. 1,400 to the Treasury. The fauna of the district is widely varied, from the great carnivcrs and nilgai and many species of deer in the lower tracts, to the wild goats of the higher ranges, and the wild \ak,- the > Traill's Krporl, p. 4. Agra reprint, 185 1. » Banchaum {/)0s gntftit-ns). — Atkinson's Re|)ort, j>ar.i. 10. 46 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. wild sheep,' and the Ovis Aiiunon among the snows. Reptiles, from the enormous boa-constrictors sometimes thirty feet long in the submontane jungles, to the Halys Himalayanus in the forests 10,000 feet above the sea, were numerous. Many interesting species of birds also fell to the young ornithologist's gun. As late as 1876 several thousands of the beautiful Kumaun pheasants were shot, without regard to their age, sex, or condition, by European dealers for the sake of their skins. The taste for natural history which Hodgson had imbibed from Professor Walter at Haileybury now became one of the pleasures of his life. His main duty was, under Traill's direction, to collect data for the revenue-settlement of the following year, 182 1. The last land-assessment of the Gurkhas, made in 181 2 when their oppressions had depopulated the province, amounted to Rs. 241,122,^ besides customs, miscellaneous imposts, and the innumerable intermediate extortions levied by their local agents. After the British drove out the Gurkha usurpers in 181 5, Gardner and Traill at once perceived that, if they were to repeople Kumaun and to tempt back the cultivators to its deserted villages, they must cut down the Gurkha assessment by one half. They accordingly celebrated the first . year of British rule by reducing the land-assessment to Rs. 123,577.^ The popu- lation which had fled from the Gurkha oppression to the jungles quickly responded to our milder and justcr ad- ministration. Hill-sides that had fallen out of cultivation were hoed up again. Villages long left without an ' Bharal {Ovis nahura). — Atkinson, para. 10. 2 Appendices to Traill's Report for 1822-23, Statement D. Agra reprint, 1851. In all these statements the term Kumaun includes the district of British Garhwal, as the Commissionership of Kumaun does at the present day. ^ Idem., Statement D. The gross demand from the province by the last Gurkha settlement in 181 2 was Rs. 268,977 (besides extortions by local agents). The givss demand of the first British settlement in 1815-16 was Rs. 132,723, without extortions. — Appendices to Traill's Report. IV.] FIRST APPOINTMENT: 1819-1820. 47 inhabitant began once more to send forth curls of smoke from their deserted hearths. During each of the following years the land-revenue spontaneously increased notwith- standing the abolition of old taxes,' and by 1 8 19, when Hodg- son began his work in Kumaun, it exceeded Rs. 1 50,cxx)." In 1819-20 the improvement went on rapidly, and Traill determined to inquire into the whole subject of the capa- bilities of Kumaun. With the help of Hodgson each village was visited, and arranged in one of four classes : as revenue-paying, revenue free for military or other "services," "assigned to temples," or "deserted." Even as late as 1822, after a great extension of tillage had taken place, the " deserted " villages exceeded 2,000, or more than a quarter of the whole revenue-paying villages in the province — a lasting witness to the miseries inflicted during the Gurkha usurpation. When we received the province in 1815, the land actually out of cultivation, owing to the oppressions of the Gurkhas, was probabl)- not less than one half of the cultivable rent-paying area.^ About a thousand villages were exempted for " services " rendered or as temple lands, and a moderate assessment roughly averaging Rs. 20 per village was levied from the remaining 7,892 revcnue-i)aying hamlets. The total land- assessment made by Traill and Hodgson for 1821 was under Rs. 170,000, or an average of about Rs. 4^ from each house in the revenue-paying district.^. A " hou.se " usually con- tained several families/ or grown-up sons : " The number ' Among others, Rs. 14,016 of transit duties on trade. — Traill's Report, Appendice.s, p. vii. * Idem., Statement I). ' In 1824 Traill reported 187,273 bisis (or units of land — vitU post, p. 50) as "waste," against 215,310 under cultivation. But it does not appear liow much of the " wa.ste " in Kumaun and Garhual was really cultivable. — Traill's Report, Supplementary Statement, p. viii. Reprint of 1851. ' There were 39,369 houses in the revenue-paying villages of Kumaun including Garhwal, 4,599 in the villages assigned to temples, and 681 in the revenue-free villages. — Traill's Report, Appendices, Statement .\. 48 LIFE OV BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. of hamlets consisting of one house," says Traill, " is very- great." ' This settlement, based on the data collected in 1819-20, carried a little further the principles which had been acted on since our deliverance of the country from Gurkha oppres- sion six years previously. Broadly speaking, it assigned a fixed demand to each village, based upon an examination of the actual capabilities of the village lands. The Gurkha system had been one of confiscation and squeezes. " The countr}'," wrote Traill in his Report of 1822-23, " including all the villages hitherto reserved for the support of the Court and their attendants, was parcelled out in separate assignments to the invading army." " The villages were everj'wherc asses.sed rather on a consideration of the sup- posed means of the inhabitants than on any computation of their agricultural produce. Balances soon ensued, to liquidate which the family and effects of the defaulter were seized and sold. The consequent depopulation was rapid and excessive." - For a time indeed it seemed that, under Gurkha rule, the only alternative for the Kumaun hill-men lay between flight to the jungles and the sale of themselves and their women and children into slavery on the Indian plains. It was in vain that the central Gurkha Government in Nepal tried to arrest the depopulation of Kumaun. It had, indeed, issued a commission of inquiry from the Nepalese capital to fix the Kumaun revenues at reasonable rates. Much of its machinery for the collection of the revenue, and its registers of village cultivation, were continued by the British administration. But notwithstanding a Gurkha inspection of the resources of each village, the Gurkha " assessment must be viewed," says Traill, " rather as a tax founded on the number of inhabitants than on the extent of cultivation." ^ In spite of an elaborate system • Report, p. 12. Reprint of 1851. * Traill's Report, pp. 41, 42. Agra reprint, 1851, ' Traill's Report, p. 42. rv.] FIRST APP0INTM?:NT: 1819— 1820. 49 of returns and registers, made up village by village and bearing the seal of the Gurkha State, " the absence of a controlling power on the spot rendered the arrangement almost nugatory." ' The Gurkha revenue-agents and soldiers squeezed the last drop out of the people in Kumaun ; in the Garhwal district their exactions were so heavy that even the Gurkha military chiefs found it impossible to enforce them. \Vc have seen that the legal demand of the Gurkha Govern- ment, apart from the extortions of its local agents and their underlings, amounted to the double assessment which our officers thought reasonable when the province passed under British rule. According to the Gurkha system, the cultivators who remained were responsible for making good the whole revenue. But the depopulation under the Gurkha oppressions had rendered it impossible for the Gurkha taskmasters to wring the full demand out of the remaining inhabitants. Fiscal brutalities and depopulation kept pace together, the revenue balances under the Gurkhas "annu- ally increasing from the attempt to enforce the full demand." ' The settlement of 1 820-2 1 , following upon Traill's previous reforms, put an end to this state of things for ever. In order to adjust fairly the taxation of the land, Traill and Hodgson made a sort of revenue census. They not only counted the villages and arranged them into the four classes mentioned on p. 47 ; they also made a careful estimate of the number of houses and the quantity of cultivated land in each village, together with the number of buffaloes, cows, and oxen. The tabular statements which they were thus enabled to prepare look very complete. But, as a matter of fact, Traill and Hodgson had to arrive at the area under cultivation by a .series of guesses instead of by actual measurement. The>' adopted the native system, current throughout the hills, of calculating the area of fields by the supposed quantity of grain which would be ' Traill's Report for 1822-23, P- 42. * ItUm., p. 42. 4 50 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. required to sow them. The unit of land was the bisi, which, as the term implies, meant tn'cnty " measures of seed." ' The superficial area of a bisi of land differed widely, as the grain was sown much more sparsely on poor lands near the summit of the cultivated hill-sides, than on rich lands at the base of the mountains or on alluvial patches in the valleys. It was the only method of arriving at an equitable adjustment of the land-tax then practicable in Kumaun, and it rendered the demand from each village fairly pro- portionate to the aggregate produce of the village lands. With these materials before him and proceeding as far as possible on the old native registers, Traill assisted by Hodgson let out the revenue-paying area of the pro- vince in 7,883 lots, a lot usually corresponding to a village." But before doing so they had to determine a question, the most important of all in its influence on the contentment of the people. Who was the person in each village entitled to receive the Government lease ? Here too they followed the old native system, and merely carried our administrative arrangements a step further along the lines adopted on our first acquisition of Kumaun in 18 15. Almost every village had its representative man, who was recognised to have a right to engage for the land- revenue with the ruling Power. This title he might derive from several distinct sources : from hereditary pre- scription, or from election by the co-sharers in the village lands, or in the case of clan-communities by election of the clans. As a rule a son succeeded his father in the office, unless deemed incapable by reason of youth or of feebleness of character, in which case the village co-sharers or the clansmen (as the case might be) chose another representative from among themselves. The representative or head-man ^ of a Kumaun village > Nalis. * There were 7,902 "khalsa, " or direct revenue-paying villages, and 7,883 separate leases. — Traill's Report for 1822-23, Appendices, .State- ments A. and D. ^ Padhan, a vernacular corruption of the Sanskrit pradhan, chief, IV.] FIRST APPOINTMENT: 1819—1820. $1 had distinct privileges and distinct obligations. He paid the land-tax, in the first place for his own share of the cultivated lands. With the aid of the village assembly the head-man allotted a fair proportion of the total village as- sessment to each cultivator, collected the whole, and handed it over to the revenue officer. He managed the distribution of the uncultivated lands, letting them out to applicants and accounting for their rental to the co-parcenary village body. Perhaps the most difficult duty of the head-man was to make good the losses arising from fields falling out of cultivation. The death of a husbandman without heirs, or his migration to another village, left for the moment a deficit in the general collections. This deficit the head- man had to rai.se.' He called a "general assembly" of the village co-sharers, and with their consent added a per- centage to the land-tax of each of the co-parceners in the cultivated lands. The vacant holding pa.s.sed for the time into the general stock of uncultivated lands, in which the villagers had rights in common. The remuneration of the head-man consisted of an allotment of revenue-free land,* averaging about five per cent of the whole cultivated area in Kumaun proper, together with fees on marriages. A useful rej^resentative person of this sort grew into importance under the British system of adjusting the principal. The term was used throviRlioiit India for widely different classes of functionaries, from the Prime Minister at a Hindu Court, and the eight chief civil and military officers of tlic Maratha State as established by Sivaji, to a villagf htad-maii, or a respectable cultivator with hereditary riglits. ' For an account of this .system of joint responsibility, by wliicli the village commune had to make up the land-tax of deceased or defaulting members, sec my lienf^al MS. AVrcn/i (4 vols. , 1894), Introduction, p. 54, etc. Under the Mughal revenue settlements it developed into a regular abwab or extra tax, the ttajai. * Termed Hfk I'lulhanihari, and amounting practically to 5,(XX) bisis out of a total of 101,^24 fn'sis of revenue-paying laiui in Kumatm proper. In the Garluval district the system varied. — Traill's KrjKirt for 1822-23, P- 5-> compared with Appendices, Statement D. 52 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. land-revenue fairly to the capabilities of each village. He became " the village ministerial officer entrusted with the collection of the Government demand, and with the supervision of the village police." * During the inquiries of Traill and Hodgson in 1819-20, he formed an invaluable link between the British officers and the people. It was from constant intercourse with the village head-men that the two young investigators chiefly obtained the informa- tion which made up Traill's Statistical Sketch of Kuviaun two years later. The collection of the materials for that work opened out a new world to Hodgson, although his share in collecting them was a subordinate one. It is impossible now to distinguish his contributions. But the habit of systematic inquiry into the population, their history, language, social institutions, and economic conditions, which Traill impressed upon Hodgson in his first years of service, became the keynote of Hodgson's whole official career. It is surprising how long a really good piece of work lives in India. The Report for which Traill and his assistant were gathering the materials in 1819-20 became the basis of the administrative handbook to the province. It was published in the Asiatick Researches in 1828;^ entered largely into Batten's Settlement Reports of Kumaun from 1 842 to 1 848 ; was reprinted by order of the Lieutenant- Governor of the North-Western Provinces in 185 1 ; supplied the materials for the account of Kumaun ^ written by Mr. Atkinson^ in 1877 for the Statistical Survey of India ; and then started life afresh in the article " Kumaun " ' Traill, quoted in J. H. Batten's Report on Garhwal, dated August loth, 1842, para. 20. ' Under the title of " Statistical Sketch of Kumaun," Asiatick Re- searches, Vol. XVI. (Calcutta, 1828), pp. 137-234. ^ As No. I of The Official Reports of the Province of Kumaun. Secundra Orphan Press, Agra, 1851. *• Dated Naini Tal, August 31st, 1877, and printed in the Gazetteer volumes of the North-Western Provinces. ^ Mr. E. T. Atkinson afterwards became Comptroller-General of IV.] FIRST APPOINTMENT: 1819— 1820. 53 in the Imperial Gazetteer of India. That article reproduced in 1886 some of the ipsissima verba of Traill written in 1823. If any young Indian civilian, in the solitude and ill- health amid which some of his earlier years may be spent, feels inclined to despond about the reality of his work, let him read the foregoing paragraph. No lives could be more solitary than those of Traill and Hodgson in Kumaun, and few civilians have had to struggle so hard with ill- health as the latter during the first part of his Indian service. Yet not only their work but their very words are alive and bearing fruit to this day. There is something very refreshing in the sight of these two young men setting to work with almost boyish zest to take stock of the terra incognita of a new British province. They found the population divided into two classes : human beings and ghosts. Of both classes Traill furnishes an equally serious account. The ethnical origin of the various human races in the mountains is discussed, and a realistic description of their customs winds up with a tribute to their integrity. " Of the honesty of the hill people," writes Traill, " too much praise cannot be given. Property of all kinds is left exposed in every way, without fear and without loss. In those districts whence periodical migration to the Tarai takes place, the villages are left with almost a single occupant during half the year, and though a great part of the property of the villagers remains in their houses, no precaution is deemed necessary, except securing the doors against the ingress of animals, which is done by a bar of wood, the use of locks being as yet confined to the higher chis.se.s. In their pecuniary trans- actions with each other, the agricultural classes have rarely recourse to written engagements ; bargains concluded by the parties joining hands (Jiath mama) in token of assent Finance to the Government of India, and tilled the ofticc of President of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. His comparatively early death cut short a career of usefulness both to the Indian administration and to Oriental scholarship. 54 LIt'E OK BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. prove equally effectual and binding as if secured by parchment and seals." ' But the most complete details are reserved for " the ghost tribe," which Traill informs us " is divided into many varieties. The first and most formidable is the Bhut," or ghosts of persons who have died a violent death, by murder, drowning, or public execution, and to whose vicmcs due funeral honours have not been paid. These require to be appeased by sacrifices and offerings. " Masan or imps are the ghosts of young children, the bodies of whom are buried and not burnt, and who prowl about the villages in the shape of bears and other wild animals. Tola or will-o'-the-wisps are ghosts of bachelors, that is males who may die at mature age unmarried," dwellers in solitary places and contemned by other ghosts. The Airi or ghosts of persons killed in hunting wandered about the forest in which their death occurred, and might be heard from time to time hallooing to their spectral dogs. The Acheri or hill fairies were the ghosts of young female children, who flitted about the tops of mountains, producing wondrous optical illusions among the distant ranges, and descending at dusk to play in the valleys. The Deos or demons formed a numerous and malignant class ; " indeed scarce a village but has its peculiar Deo."- I have condensed the foregoing paragraph to show the minute character of the inquiries conducted by Traill and his assistant not only into the social conditions, but also into the inner life of the people. It would be easy to multiply interesting examples of the customs and super- stitions which they were thus enabled to record. I confine myself to one more passage from Traill's Report dealing with the judicial procedure by ordeal which he found in full work in Kumaun. " Three forms of ordeal were in common use : First, the Gola Dip, which consists in receiving in the palms of the • Traill's Report, p. 64. Reprint of 1851. - Traill's Report for 1822-23, PP' 65-67. IV.] FIRST APPOINTMKNT: 1819—1820. 55 hands, and carrying to a certain distance, a red-hot bar of iron. Second, the Kami Dip, in which the hand is plunged into a vessel of boiling oil, in which cases the test of truth is the absence of marks of burning on the hand. Third, Tarazu-ka Dip : in this the person undergoing the ordeal was weighed at night, against stones which were then carefully deposited under lock and key and the seal of the superintending officer. On the following morning, after a variety of ceremonies, the appellant was again weighed, and the substantiation of his cause depended on his proving heavier than on the preceding evening. " The Tir-ka Dip, in which the person remained with his head submerged in water, while another ran the distance of a bowshot and back, was sometimes resorted to. The Gurkha governors introduced another mode of trial by water, in which two boys, both unable to swim, were thrown into a pond of water, and the longest liver gained the cause. Formerly, poison was, in very particular causes, resorted to as the criterion of innocence : a given dose of a particular root was administered, and the party, if he survived, was ab.solvcd. A further mode of appeal to the interposition of the deity was by placing the sum of money, or a bit of earth from the land in dispute, in a temple before the idol. Either one of the parties volunteering such test then, with imprecations on himself if false, took up the article in question. Supposing no death to occur within six months in his immediate family, he gained his cause ; on the contrar)', he was cast in the event of being visited with any great calamity or if afflicted with severe sickness during that period.'" Hodg.son seems to have given satisfaction to his young chief, and in 1820 an unexpected piece of promotion befell him. Mr. Stuart the assistant to the British Resident at the Court of Nepal died,'^ and the Resident, Gardner, ' Traill's Report, pp. 29, 30. ' Robert Stuart, Haileybury 1808-9; India 1 8 10; dicii Marcli i4tli, 1820. 56 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. iv. wanted a thoroughly competent man to replace him. Stuart had been a contemporary of Traill at Hailcybury, and went out to India in the same year. Traill was Gardner's assistant in Kumaun, as Stuart was his assistant in Nepal. Gardner would naturally consult Traill in filling the vacant post, and probably on Traill's recommendation Hodgson was appointed. Sir Charles D'Oyly may have put in a good word for him at headquarters in Calcutta, but it is almost certain that so junior an officer as Hodgson would not have been selected for this responsible position if he had not already made his mark and been strongly recommended by his immediate superior. Indeed it is difficult to imagine a better training (brief as it was) for his new duties at the Gurkha capital of Nepal than Hodgson received in Kumaun. He learned at first hand the process by which a territory was being redeemed from Gurkha misrule and converted into a prosperous British province. Traill started in 1815 on the old native methods of administration, except when they conflicted with justice or humanity. By three years of experimental settlements ^ he patiently found out in what particulars those methods were defective. He then commenced a careful investiga- tion of the conditions and actual capabilities of the province, with a view to a more permanent arrangement based on the ascertained facts. These inquiries, conducted throughout 1818-20, yielded the materials for the fourth British settle- ment of Kumaun in 1820-21," and for the general Report on the province for 1822-23. Traill had the art of getting the most out of his assistants and of stamping his personality upon them. In less than two years he not only taught Hodgson how to inquire, but also implanted in him a love of inquiry which was destined to extend, in more than one direction, the boundaries of human knowledge. * For 1815-16, 1816-17, 1817-18. - Samvat, 1877. [57] CHAPTER V. EARLY YEARS IN NEPAL — AND A CHECK. 1820— 1824. HODGSON carried with him from Kumaun a very grateful remembrance of his first master. " I was much struck," he writes in his brief autobiographical notes, " by the simple yet efficient method of administrating the province, a new acquisition tenanted by very primitive and poor tribes. The Commissioner (Traill) who spoke and wrote the local language, dispensed with all formalities, settled cases in court like the father of a family, and encouraged every one who had a complaint to put it in writing and drop it into a slit in the court door, of which he kept the key. Answered viva voce, in court or out. He was of active habits, and went everywhere throughout the province, hearing and seeing all for himself. His cheerful simple manners and liking for the people made him justly popular. Took a hint from him when myself in authority in Nepal as to the way of becoming popular." Nor was his new chief Gardner, under whom Traill also had made his mark, less gifted with qualities which win the admiration of a generous youth. " Found at Kathmandu," continue Hodgson's jottings, " in the head of the embassy another man to form myself upon, a man with all the simplicity and more than the courtesy of Traill, — a man who was the perfection of good sense and good temper ; who, liking the Nepalesc and understanding them, was doing wonders in reconciling a Court of Chinese proclivities to the offensive novelty of responsible international dealing 58 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. through a permanent diplomatic establishment in their midst — a Court whose pride and poverty made it, more- over, jealously fretful at the novel sight of the costly and ? pompous style then inseparable from our Indian embassies." ^ | The Honourable Edward Gardner was the Marquess of Hastings' right-hand man in bringing Nepal into treaty relations with the British. Edward Gardner and his cousin, Lieut-Colonel William Gardner, had mainly effected the conquest and annexation of Kumaun which turned the tide of the Nepal war in our favour. Descended from the gallant Gardner of Coleraine, who commanded a com- pany within Derry during the memorable siege, the family rose to distinction in the person of Admiral Sir Alan Gardner " in the reign of George the Third. The Admiral received a peerage for brilliant services prolonged over more than half a century. One of his nephews William Linnseus Gardner,^ after chequered experiences in the British army, married an Indian princess, and concluded a career of military adventure with the Marathas by taking pay as a leader of irregular horse under Lord Lake {circa 1804). His kinsman, Edward,^ fifth son of ' Notes written by Brian Hodgson about 1881, and given to me by Mrs. Hodgson. - Born 1742; entered royal na\-y 1755; lieutenant of the Bellona 1760; Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty's ships in Jamaica 1786; fought in Lord Howe's actions of May 29th and June ist, 1794; Baronetcy 1794; second in command in the action off Port L'Orient, 1795 ; Irish peerage 1800; peerage of the United Kingdom 1806; died 1809 (according to Foster's Peerage, December 30th, 1808). ' Born 1770; died 1835. See the spirited notice in the Dictiottary of National Biography, and article " Kasganj " in my Imperial Gazetteer of India, Vol. VIII., pp. 59, 60. Ed. 1886. * Born 1784; arrived in India as a Writer 1802; Registrar and Assistant to Magistrate of Aligarh 1805 ; Assistant to Resident at Delhi 1808; acting Judge and Magistrate of Moradabad 1813 ; Commis- sioner and Governor-General's Agent in Kumaun 1814; Resident in Nepal 1816; for a short time Resident for the Native States in Bundelkhand and Superintendent of the Narbada Territories 18 19, but presently resumed the Residency in Nepal ; retired from the Service 1829; died in England October 5th, 1861. — hidia Office MS. Records. v.] EARLY YEARS IN NEPAL: 1820— 1824. 59 Admiral Lord Gardner, entered the Bengal Civil Service in 1802. He early distinguished himself in political employ- ment, and in the districts which had formed the scene of Lord Lake's campaign of 1802-3. In 18 14 the Marquess of Hastings employed the two cousins Edward and William Gardner in the central or Kumaun expedition against the Gurkha power. The success of its operations was in no small measure due to Lieut. -Colonel William Linnaeus Gardner's tact and knowledge of the native character. Edward, as political officer with the force, put the seal of peace upon the conquest of Kumaun. Colonel W. L. Gardner after further service in Central India, the North- Western Provinces and Burma, at the head of his irregular cavalry known as Gardner's Corps,^ settled down with his princess on a property which they bought in Etah District, and there they both died within a month of each other at a ripe age in 1835. His cousin the Honourable Edward became, as we have seen, the first Commissioner of Kumaun, and was promoted by Lord Hastings after the ratification of the Treaty of Segauli to be the first British Resident in Nepal. Hodgson came to Nepal at a time when this stirring period had given place to a reaction of sullen acquiescence. After half a century of aggression and insolence the Nepalese had been forced to submit to our arms. The Company's earlier relations with them tended, indeed, to encourage a contempt for its power.- In 1767, at the time of the Gurkha usurpation of Nepal, we had declared in favour of the legitimate but effete Ncwar Raja of Kath- mandu, and despatched to his aid a force which never ' Otherwise the 2nd Local Horse. - The following summary is condensed from .Sir Charles Aitchison's Treaties and Eno;agcmcnts, Vol. IL, Part III. (Ed. 1876); H. T. Prinsep's Historv of the Political and Military Transactions in India during the Administration of the Marquess of Hastings, iS 13-1823, Vol. I. (Ed. 1825); and General Sir John Malcolm's Political History of hidiafrom 1784 to 1823 (Ed. 1826). 60 LIFE OK BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. got farther than the juiv^ly outskirts of the country — the deadly Tarai. In 1792 the Gurkhas, having completely subjugated Nepal, were encroaching on Tibet and advanced as far as Digarchi, the Lama of which was spiritual father to the Emperor of China. The Chinese Emperor replied to their insolence by a mighty army. The Nepal Court sought the favour of the British by means of a commercial treaty/ and Lord Cornwallis offered to mediate between China and Nepal. But before our envoy reached the frontier, the Chinese general had imposed an ignominious submission on the Nepalese within a few miles of their capital Kathmandu. During the first twenty-five years of our intercourse we had thus appeared to Nepal equally incapable as an opponent and as an ally. This tradition survived during a generation, and, as we shall see, affected the attitude of the Nepal Court throughout Hodgson's whole residence. The commercial treaty of 1792 speedily became a dead letter, the Nepalese encroached on our frontier, and a new treaty in 1801 ended in our further discomfiture.'^ On that occasion we mixed ourselves up with the domestic disputes of the reigning family in Nepal. The treaty of 1 80 1 provided, inter alia, for the appointment of a British representative at the Court of Kathmandu, and Captain Knox was appointed to the post. But he was treated with such contumely as to compel him to withdraw from Nepal in 1803, and on January 24th, 1804, Lord Wellesley formally dissolved our alliance with the Nepalese. The next eight years formed a period of unavailing rcmon.strance against Gurkha aggressions along the whole length of our frontier. The Gurkhas seized one piece of territory after another. Only on a single occasion did they give up their prey, and on that occasion only when a ' Dated March ist, 1792, and numbered LI. in Aitchison's Treaties, Vol. II., p. 159. Ed. 1876. * No. LII. in Aitchison's Treaties, II., pp. 161-164. v.] EARLY YKARS IX NEPAL: 1820—1824. 61 British detachment was despatched to retake possession of the lands at the point of the bayonet (1810). In the next year they again crossed our frontier, and their forcible entry among an unwilling population gave rise to the first border skirmish. Lord Minto was at length compelled to recognise that a gradual invasion of the British districts was being carried on. After trying in vain to effect a settlement by commissioners, he formally called on the Gurkha Government in June 181 3 for redress. Before the reply — a most unsatisfactory one — arrived, Lord Hastings ' had assumed the Governor-Generalship. The alternative forced upon him was simple. " I might shrink," he wrote, " from the declaration plighted by Lord Minto, abandoning the property of the Company, sacri- ficing the safety of our subjects, and staining the character of our Government ; or I had to act up to the engagements bequeathed to me, and to reprove the trespass of an in- satiable neighbour." - The war which followed is a matter of general histor)', and has been lately summarised by a military expert of no ordinary skill.^ It must suffice here to state that, after an unsuccessful campaign by four British columns in 1S14, the struggle was renewed in the following year. In April 181 5 the troops under Lieut.-Colonel Gardner forced the centre of the long-extended frontier of the Nepalese dominions, and occupied Kumaun. The fall of its capital Almora took the heart out of the Gurkha army, already tired of a protracted conflict, and enabled our western column operating from the Sutlej to secure possession of the Simla and Punjab hill-states. Our troops thus set free in the west were emplo)'ed to reinforce the British army ' Throughout I call Lord Moira by his latt-r and best-known title of Marquess of Hastings. * Nepal Papers, 992. Quoted. 11. II. \\iIsoirs History of British India from 1805 to 1835, ^*"'- 'I- !'• 7''. loctnote. Ed. 1846. ' It forms Chapter IV. of the admirable monograph on Thf Afarqtuss of Hastings, written by Major Ross-of-Bladensburg, C'.H., for tlu- Rulers of India Series, 1S93. 62 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. advancing in the cast from Bengal upon Kathmandu. In the spring of 1816 it imposed terms of peace within a short distance of that capital. After exhausting every device of procrastination the Nepalese delivered to our victorious general, Sir David Ochtcrlony, " at half-past two o'clock p.m. on the 4th of March, 1816,"^ a treaty by which ihey renounced all claims to the lands in dispute before the war, ceded extensive territories, and engaged never to employ any European or American without our consent. Nepal thus entered into subordinate alliance to the British power. To secure that the new relationship should be effectually maintained, it agreed "that accredited ministers from each shall reside at the Court of the other." - It was this Treaty of Segauli that the Honourable Edward Gardner had been appointed in 18 16 to carry out. The task was made easier for him by the frankly cordial atti- tude which the Governor-General adopted towards Nepal from the moment that hostilities ceased. Lord Hastings, " with a view to gratify the Raja in a point which he has much at heart,""' authorised Gardner to soothe the wounded honour of the Nepalese by giving them back, for a pecuniary consideration, a part of the Tarai conveniently separated from the British boundary. Lord Hastings aimed at converting Nepal from a troublesome neighbour into if possible a friendly, or at least a quiescent, ally. Gardner was exactly the man to give effect to the Governor-General's policy " that all future causes of misunderstanding should be avoided."* During the thirteen years of his residcntship at Kath- mandu, he preserved an attitude of benevolent non-inter- ' Sir David Ochterlony's endorsement. — Aitchison's Treaties, Vol. II., p. 168. Ed. 1876. ^ Treaty of Segauli, Article 8. — No. LIII. in Aitchison's Treaties, Vol. II., pp. 166-168. ^ Memorandum of December 8tli, 1816, signed "Edward Gardner"; and counterpart letter and document from the Raja of Nepal, received on December nth, 1816. — Aitchison's Treaties, Vol. II., pp. 168-171. * The Marquess of Hastings, by Major Ross-of-Bladensburg, p. yj. v.] EARLY YKARS IN NEPAL: 1820-1824. 63 ferencc and abstained from raising any new questions. That long period added not a single document to our public engagements with Nepal, and Sir Charles Aitchison's authoritative narrative of our diplomatic transactions passes without comment from 1S16 to 1832.' This policy of non- intervention was rendered possible by the long predomin- ance of the minister Bhim Sen Thappa, who had witnessed the whole course of the war and had definitely although reluctantly recognised the invincible force of the British arms. Mr. Gardner found Bhim Sen in complete control of the factions which made up the Gurkha nation. Soon after Gardner's arrival at Kathmandu the nominal Raja died, leaving an infant two years old as his successor. Bhim Sen remained in power as Prime Minister, with the Queen- Mother as nominal Regent during the long minority. He conciliated the Gurkha chiefs by keeping up a large standing army, and by a display of almost insolent indif- ference to the British Resident. At the same time he avoided any cause of actual rupture with the English power. Gardner perfectly understood the position. His business was to do nothing, so he and the Prime Minister, while privately good friends, maintained in public an attitude of haughty aloofness, like two estimable augurs without a wink or a betraying smile. Hodgson too was not long in realising the situation. After the first pleasure in his promotion wore off, he by no means relished the prospect of doing nothing for an indefinite period in an out-of-the-way corner of India. Gardner, a man of only thirty-six in 1820, was evidently a fixture in Nepal for life. Hodgson, fresh from his robust training in Kumaun, shrank from .so prolonged a study in the art of looking on. Instead of the world of administra- tive activities into which Traill had launched him. he now found him.sclf shut up in the narrow round of Residency routine, and forbidden to .stray further than a morning's ' Aitchison's Treaties and EngagenuHts,\Q\. II., p. 152. Ed. 1876. 64 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. ride from its walls. His friends at headquarters bestirred themselves, his Persian proficiency at College remained on record, and after two years of laissez-faire in Nepal he was brought into the Foreign Office, Calcutta, as acting Deputy-Secretary in the Persian Department.^ So in 1822, after barely five years in India, Hodgson's great chance in life came to him. The Deputy-Secretary- ship was in itself one of the chief prizes of the junior service. It might lead to the very highest positions — to Governor-General's Agencies, to Council, or to the govern- ment of a province. It gave almost certain opportunities for personal distinction. A Bengal civilian with a fair amount of talent and industry had only to follow step by step the line of promotion which it naturally opened up, in order to enjoy an interesting and a lucrative career. But before long it became apparent that the pleasant places at headquarters were not to fall to Hodgson's lot. The climatic complaints which had formerly driven him from Calcutta again fastened on him, and with a more lasting hold. The Calcutta autumn of 1823, like that of 1819, tried him severely, and by the end of the year the old alter- native was once more forced upon him, an appointment in the hills or a grave on the plains. To him also as to many an eager soul, from the days of Baruch the son of Neriah downwards, came the message : " And seekest thou to do great things for thyself?" A voyage to England might have restored his health, and opened afresh to him the brilliant career which stretched its vista before his eyes. But a voyage to England was for him impossible. He had already become the bread-winner of an unprosperous far-off home, and he could not intermit the support on which his parents in large measure depended. In the present case there was no means of breaking the fall. The office of Assistant at the Nepalese Residency had been filled up, and Hodgson " at the beginning of * November 1822. — India Office MS. Records. v.] EARLY YEARS IN NEPAL: 1820-1824. 65 1824 returned to Kathmandu to assume charge of the post-office there." • T'or more than a year he recruited his health in that subordinate post. In 1825 the assistant- residentship again fell vacant, and Hodgson was reappointed to it.- But the hope of a career in the great arenas of Indian diplomacy and administration, opened up by the deputy-secretaryship in the Foreign Office, had closed to him for ever. He knew that if he were to continue to live in India his life must be spent in Nepal. ' Rajendra Lala Mitra, Preface to The Sanskrit Btiddhist Literature 0/ Nepal {CaXcxxiia, 1882), and India Office MS. Records. ^ India Office MS. Records. [66] CHAPTER VI. A SOLITARY HEART. SO in 1824 Hodgson returned to Kathmandu, seeing clearly that for him an Indian career was circum- scribed by stringent limits. A pent-up valley in the Himalayas which he could traverse in a forenoon, and beyond which no European might penetrate, was hence- forward to be his world. How he converted his misfortune into an opportunity, and used his isolation as the poet employs the narrow bounds of the sonnet to perfect his work, forms the story of this book. His life was to be one of solitary labour, with small chance of recognition, and indeed with little thought of the outer world. The best memorial of him is his work, and I shall try to show what he was by a plain statement of what he did. I thus fulfil his own wish, a wish expressed in many gentle ways during the last twenty-five years of his life, when I had the happiness to call him friend. He has, of a truth, left so vast and multiform a mass of labour that there is danger of his individuality being buried beneath its own creations. While therefore the following chapters of this volume will be almost exclusively occupied by a record of his work, it seems well, before we enter upon it, to get a clear idea of the man. It may save interrup- tions in the subsequent narrative, and explain certain of its episodes, if we carr)- with us .some perception of his per- sonality — sensitive, high-minded, I had almost said haughty, careless of praise yet longing for love — and of that insatiable spirit of exploration into many regions of human know- ledge which marked him out among men. CHAi>. VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. 67 Hodgson soon discovered th.it intense mental activity, even when it brings success, docs not satisfy a man's whole nature. He began to feel the hunger of the heart which forms so marked a feature in the lives of Englishmen who have rendered great services in India. Almost from the outset he managed to send part of his salary to his mother, and the straitened household at Canterbury had got into the habit of depending on him for no incon- siderable part of its income. The father never recovered the loss of his fortune in middle life, and although his com- mandantship of the Martello Towers led to another small military appointment, whose duties he faithfully and modestly discharged, it became clear that Brian must be a main support of the family. The younger children grew up to regard Brian as a sort of tutelary power rather than as one of themselves — a power working in the myste- rious distance for their good, and capable of being specially invoked when each brother or sister had to be furnished forth in life. Hodgson, however, was no mere benevolent abstraction, but a very .solitary man longing for human affection. Like many an Anglo-Indian brother and father, he felt that he was growing to be an outsider to the dear ones at home, and he would gladly have exchanged all their gratitude and admiration for a little love. Especially did he feel this in regard to his favourite sister Frances, always throughout life his " dearest Fan." She was only a child of eight when he left for India, and her early fondness for him as a comrade soon faded away into veneration for a distant benefactor. But veneration is rather trying to a healthy- minded youth of twenty-five, and 1 lodgson, in his letters to her, half attempted to live up to it and half tried to break it down into some warmer siUerly feeling. A few extracts from these letters will show the inner nature of the man. He felt forced to play the mentor, yet hated the part. The first which has been preserved wa^ written to his 68 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. sister when about fifteen. In judging of the style one must remember that it was .still the age of fraternal responsibility and of the suppressed and ornamental position of girls. It might have been written by an elder brother in one of Jane Austen's novels, and consequently contains passages which may make a modern girl stamp her foot. " Kathmandu, Nepal.' ' ' December i j/, [ 1 82 5]. " My sweet Fan ! — A letter under date May 23rd, from our dearest mother, gives me a charming account of your talents, industry, and acquirements. You love music and promise to excel. You have possessed yourself of those elegant languages French and Italian. How I long to hear my sweet Fanny sing an Italian song with all the taste and feeling of a genuine lover of music ! And as you take pains to accomplish yourself in these fascinating arts, I doubt not that you bestow your talents and industry with equal or greater zeal on the acquisition of more important arts — the noble arts of self-command, of a just control over your thoughts and affections ; and the constraining of both into a steady course of action sufficiently rigid in regard to yourself, and sufficiently gentle and considerate in regard to all others. Gentleness, dearest Fan, is the crown of womanhood, and, when accompanied by spirit and talent, forms the perfection of your .se.x in the eyes of ours. " I am very glad to hear you are fond of reading, because books open sources of satisfaction more permanent, more within our own command, more various, and more suited to a cultivated mind than any other which this world affords to us. Accident or good luck led me to turn my attention early towards books, and I can assure you, from experience, that during the past six years I have drawn the chief joys of my life from this fount. " I do not, however, mean to read you a lecture, dearest Fan — I am a laughing philosopher, if philosopher at all — ' Received at Boulogne, May 23rd, 1826. VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. 69 and so little am I used to this grave mood that the deep interest I take in your happiness could alone have moved me to assume it. You will, my pretty one, readily believe, and seriously think on, what a brother tells you — a brother who speaks to you from the distance of half the world. Wisdom in the conduct of life is nothing mysterious or hard to find. Children may comprehend it. ' She crieth aloud in the streets,' as Scripture says ; and the only secret is, not to know, but to act up to her injunctions — which even the most sensible and well-disposed cannot do with- out early disciplining themselves to habits of self-denial and of consideration for others. Let the very look of your parents be a law to you — give your sister's wish the preference to your own — and, in general society, ever re- member that all mankind love themselves better than they love you. Consequently the quality most agreeable to them is modesty — the most disagreeable is pride or vanity. " Ah, dearest Fan, 'twill be many a long year before I can hope to see you, and in saying what I have said, no possible motive can have influenced me but the desire to make you lovely in the eyes of those who will see you, I beg you will henceforward write to me once every month or two months, and in my future letters I will be more gay and gallant. I am very well, and busy among my blutT friends from Tibet, who are now here on their annual visit. Will has had a fever, but is doing well and on his way to Bhartpur with the army. I got, long ago, the dear lock of your hair, with one of Ellen's, and I sent you a lock of mine. Ever, sweet Fan, your affectionate " liKIAN. " " Will " (his brother William, born 1805) had obtained a nomination to the Company's military service from the same family friend, Mr. James Tattison, to whom Ikian owed his own appointment. After three years at Addis- combe, William received his commission in 1S23,' and ' Addiscombe 182023; date of commission as Second Lieutenant 70 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. shared in the prize-money on the capture of Bhartpur by- Lord Combermere in January 1827. But he paid for his good luck by a long illness, and during the next two years he was constantly on sick-leave, most of which he spent as Brian's guest in Nepal.' Brian nursed him back to health again, but William's constitution seems to have been permanently undermined, and his subsequent life in India was a struggle against ill-health broken by intervals of good service. Brian had ample room for the invalid in his official abode as Assistant Resident — a pleasant two- storied villa in the Indo-Italian style with a handsome pillared portico, shaded by trees, and surrounded by a garden and park. In 1829 the Honourable Edward Gardner resigned the service, and Hodgson became Acting Resident in Nepal. " My superior in office here," he wrote to his sister Fanny on April 23rd, 1829, " left this Residency March ist, since which time I have been cJiarg^ (Taffaires, and they tell me I shall soon be confirmed in the exalted post in which I now only officiate. I am a great man, with a great house and great establishment, and, what is far better, possessed of a high and honourable charge. Whether all this is to last or not will depend on the Governor-General. Our dearest mama bids me come home, but how can I leave my present glorious prospect of confirmation as Resident in full ? And even were that prospect suddenly overcast, alas I have not the means to visit England. William, if he be careful, may do so in five or six years, and without injuring his advancement." June 6th, 1823; Lieutenant, September 28tli, 1827; Captain, June 6th, 1838; Major, G. O., June nth, 1838 ; died at Mhow, June 12th, 1838. — India Office Records. ' Leave for six months to Nepal on sick certificate, G. O., March 5th, 1827; extended for four months on sick certificate, G. O., November 29th, 1827 ; leave extended for twelve months in Nepal on sick certifi- cate (which cancels his last extension), G. O., December 8th, 1827 ; and again extended for three months to rejoin, G. O., November 21st, 1828. — I?tdia Office Records. VI.] A SOLITARY HKART. 7 1 The truth is that his youni^cst brother, Kdward Lcgh Hodgson, had this year (1829) U) be started at liailcybury, and the demands upon Brian's purse more than consumed his income. As the correspondence goes on, Hodgson keenly feels that he is becoming more and more of a brother in the abstract to the charming sister now blossoming into womanhood. He envies the warmer relationship between the younger members of the family. " Trust me, sweet Fan," he writes on September 22nd, 1829, "there lives not a person, not even ' Darling Will,' who loves you more than I do." He thanks her for her lively letter and hopes .she is as cheerful in actual life. " Sure I am that that eternal sunshine of the mind which makes us prized and cherished wherever we go is the best gift of Heaven when it is constitutional, and one which it is our first duty to strive to possess ourselves of, if we are not naturally endowed with it. By this, however, I do not mean the shining with a glaring lustre in large parties, but the .shedding the ' useful light ' of cheerfulness round the little circles in which we ordinarily dwell. The former is entirely a vulgar merit, but the latter, the crown of manhood, and yet more, of womanhood." Hodgson's letters disclose the difficulty (felt by how many a "big brother" in India!) of readjusting their tone, which was once suitable to the little girl whom he had known and loved, but who had now grown into a young woman. She seems to have felt it also, and to have let him know that she did. By this time Hodg.son had moved into the Residency, where he kept an open table for his assistant and the officer of his escort — the " two guests " referred to in the following letter, dated May 7th, 1830: — "My DEAREST Fan, — I owe you two letters, and must endeavour to pay them by one long if not agreeable one. You seem vexed at me for still, as you deem, considering you and writing to you as a child. Vou are utterly 72 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. mistaken, my dear sister. I entertain no such notion of you, but, on the contrary, am thrice proud of your sense, talents, and accompHshments ; and as for my letters to you, good lack, what is there for me to talk of? This is the veriest retreat in the world, and, without change of scene, event, or character, I live on in it, as from day to day, so from year to year. " What shall I say to a mercurial, accomplished girl of your age unless I draw upon my imagination for topics? Shall I be content to tell you that 1 usually, at this .season when the mornings are cold and foggy, rise at eight o'clock, go to breakfast at nine, get up from the breakfast-table at ten ? Then, alas ! indite a public letter to Government acquainting the Right Honourable the Governor-General of the continued disposition of the Court of Kathmandu to maintain the relations of amity and concord for some time past so happily established. Or turn over some of my heaps of raw materials for the future investigation of the manners and institutions of the Nepalese, and sigh to see how far from sufficient for the object in view those materials still are, after ten years of search. Or mount my horse and follow the strenuous idleness of woodcock- shooting ; or take up my Cuvicr and seek in him how to dispose some of my now numerous and valuable ornitho- logical specimens ; or pore over some book taking a general and scientific view of the subject of law — more for edification, in this last instance, than pleasure. " Thus, one way or other, I more or less rationally con- sume the hours till about four o'clock, when, if I have not been shooting, I put my hat on head, take my stick in hand, and stroll forth, the very model of a country gentle- man, to look at my garden, my grounds, or my farmyard. At six, home to dress for dinner, which is served at half- past six o'clock. Eating and drinking and chat, or billiards or backgammon, till nine, when my two guests retire and I draw my chair to the fireside, and, taking up the last work that has reached me from my bookseller in Cornhill, VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. 71 read and meditate till midnight, or haply till one o'clock. Then to bed, and so ends the day. " Then for the variations. Say, I indite no solemn trifling about amity and concord to the Governor-General, but have some heroic talc to tell how Gopi Mohan Das, a Ncpalcse, crossed the frontier, seized and carried off into this territory from under the shadow of the Company's wing, Deo Datt, Bengali ; said Deo Datt having five years before bought some timber of said Gopi Mohan, and perseveringly excused himself from paying for the same. " Or perchance (as has this very hour occurred) the Court scribe comes to me and explains how a Captain So- and-so, the Company's public agent for supply of timber, won't settle his accounts with one Girdhari Choudry, a Nepalese timber merchant. Meanwhile, in all probability, the said Captain has already paid and settled all that was and is due to said Choudry ; and, moreover, has had the unheard-of effrontery and cruelty to bid said Choudry produce his books before a set of arbitrators of both nations, in order that these books and those of the Captain may show how matters stand between the litigants. " Say, I go not a-woodcock-shooting because birds are .sadly scarce and the toil too great for the spoil, why then if I must ramble, and 'tis too fine weather to sit at home, I am off to some grassy bank with my comrades and a basket of prog, and we three dream away the day in Jacques' style. Or haply I go alone, for my companions are no antiquaries, and explore some old Buddhist temple and muse and meditate, like the famous Roman amid the Ruins, upon the changes and chances of this mutable world. Mere arc before me the traces of a creed which once divided with Br.iliinaiiism the minds of the Hindus, but of which no visible trace, nay, not even an intelligible legend, remains in all the vast continent of India ! " The end of my paper ! Why then it is time to let you know that, as the Governor-General lately passed up the country, he stayed three days with the D'Oylys. and that 74 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. excellent woman Lady D. (for mama says I must not call her Eliza) attacked the great man upon his usage of me, making me do the Resident's work and giving me only half the pay. The Right Honourable the Governor- General said I was a proper person enough, and applauded the talent manifested in a recent report made by me, and added what a thousand pities it was I was so very young. There, Mistress Fanny, you see you are not the only body in the world who has reason to be wrathful because some folks will have it that he or she has not come to years of discretion ! The truth is that these are saving times, and the Governor-General the prince of political economists. And verily, if he does not supersede me, he will keep me charge d'affaires for another year for the sake of the saving. " He showed my said report to the Lord Bishop, and the Church joined the State in applauses : as the Church told Lady D'Oyly (for the Church too is migratory in India) when recently said Church personified, alias the Bishop, passed Patna on his or its way down to Calcutta. Yet I get only half-pay, and am beginning now and then to con over Falstaff s apostrophe to Honour ! And yet I am well and happy, and, but for our dear parents, have enough and to spare. " And now, having got the advantage over you in pro- spect, by the inditement of this so long and charming epistle, I have a great mind to have my scold too, in return for yours. *' Tell me. Fan, how is it that your letters to William come so much more from the heart than those to me? It is like soul to one and the body to the other : and cousin Mary too can write to dearest William ! And sister Fan and cousin Mary can finally and decisively settle that one brother is a dear, frolicsome, spirited fellow, fit to fill woman's eye and heart, whilst the other is the most perfect of beings — that is the greatest bore, simply ! " So long as I lived in the world I was, by all men's VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. 75 voice, a 'lady's man,' and truly I feel not that I am altered, albeit I have not seen the fringe of a petticoat for eight years, and therefore dare not speak positively. But then I am, I must be, a bookworm ! Books I love ! But arc they all grave books ? and does my love of books make me less bold a rider, less keen and good a shot, less able at billiards, cricket, quoits ? Perhaps the whole secret of the misapprehensions is, that you and Will remember each other perfectly, you and I most imperfectly. " Alas, alas, and as for letters, consider what a different condition I stand in to that of William in respect to the letters I must write and receive from our dearest parents. I must talk and feel gravely when I take up the pen, and so must they. Nor can it be otherwise until, with God's blessing, I have been enabled to take off entirely the load that has ever pressed on them since my reason and memory dawned — a day of liberation for them, how ardently longed for by me, and surely now not far off ! " Thus it is that you have come to imagine me to yourself as a most grave and reverend senior brother, who could not even sympathise heartily with a sister because she was a woman. Dearest Fanny, you do me grievous wrong by such imaginings. For wise or foolish in what- ever degree, I have ever worshipped woman, and have ever held her to be worthy the worship of the highest and greatest of our sex. " And now I must conclude. William has latel\- taken a trip to the Western Hills, and has come back to Mecrut in perfect health and spirits. A thousand thanks for your pretty little present, which I kiss for thy sake now at this moment as I hold it in m)- hand. God bless thee, dearest, and think of me no longer as the ' most perfect of human beings,' but as a most affectionate brother merely, and one whom nature made of so ga>' a temperament that even all our domestic woes have not turned me serious. I never peeped into Trophonius' cave, and never mean ti' do till you cease to love me." -jd LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Hodgson's hope of being appointed full Resident in Nepal was not immediately realised. He held the officiat- ing appointment for two years after Gardner's retirement in 1829, but the Governor-General very properly thought him too young for the permanent responsibility of so involved and important a position. So in 1S31 T. Herbert "\Iaddock (afterwards Sir Herbert) was sent to Kathmandu. -Maddock was four years senior to Hodgson and had recently held high political offices in the Native States, including perhaps the most important of all — the Residency in Oudh. He soon satisfied himself that Hodgson, young though he was, might be entrusted with the management of the Nepalese Court, and he seems to have impressed this view on the Governor-General. Indeed Hodgson's work and reports had by that time attracted high praise, not only at headquarters in Calcutta, but also from the Court of Directors in London. Accord- ingly, when Maddock took furlough in 1833, Lord William Bcntinck appointed Hodgson, having just completed his fourteenth year of service, to be Resident in Nepal. Maddock carried away from Kathmandu a fi.xed opinion as to Hodgson's sterling qualities which made him a friend for life, and enabled him to speak with conviction in the final crisis of Hodgson's career. The income of the Resident was ;^4,ooo a year. But Hodgson, abstemious in his personal habits, had borrowed sums to send home, and still owed money to his banker. His one ambition in life was to free his parents from the burden of debt " that had ever pressed on them since his reason and memory dawned." He al.so spent considerable amounts on the purchase and copying of Buddhist or Sanskrit manuscripts, and the preparation of zoological specimens, which he presented in a munificent spirit to the Asiatic and other learned or scientific Societies. But if his public and private liberality prevented him from saving, it richly rewarded him in the way most congenial to his nature. By this time, as we shall vi] A SOLITARY HEART. T/ see in subsequent chapters, he was beginning to be recognised in Europe as a man of unique research into the languages, religion, and zoology of the Himalayan regions. He had also the happiness of aiding to set forth his youngest brother on his start in life as a Bengal civilian in 183 1-2, and of again receiving his soldier brother William as his guest at Kathmandu. William had a return of ill-health in 183 1,' and spent another whole year with Brian. But the sense of isolation becomes more intense as the years roll on. In 1833 he writes to his sister : " I am, and long have been, secluded from society, without wife, child, or any other object of affection." He is afraid of" petrify- ing within," and begs for less respect and a warmer love. At the same time he feels the stern pleasures of re- sponsibility and work. Here are a few paragraphs from a letter to " my dearest Fan," dated October 32nd, 1833- " I am thirty-three — the last thirteen years passed in the wilderness without wife, children, or the presence of a female. No change, no society ! What think you I am likely then to be ? Something, at least, sweet Fan, standing in need of more of your affection than I h.ive yet experienced. So entirely are we strangers to each other's habits and occupations, that I feel the awkwardness of a stranger in attempting to interest you in what con- cerns me, and in asking you to repay me in kind. Alas ! this should not be, should not have been. To William you are a constant and garrulous correspondent, and yet William loves you not better than I do. and stands far less in need of feminine affection. I think I shall begin a Diary, and send it you from time to time through my London bookseller. " I am, and have been since February, Resident Minister ' Granted leave to visit Katlimandu on sick certiticate for nine inoDths, G. O., March 5th, 1831 ; extended for four months to rejoin. G. O., November 4th, 1831.— //////Vi Office Records. 78 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. at this Court, the only independent ^ one now left in India. Sufficient honour for thirty-three ! But my situation is by no means so agreeable as it might be if these bar- barians did but know their own good. Instead of which they are insolent and hostile, and play off on us, as far as they can and dare, the Chinese etiquette and foreign polity. The Celestial Emperor is their idol, and, by the way, whilst I write, the [Nepalese] sovereign himself is passing by the Residency in all royal pomp to go three miles in order to receive a letter which has just reached Nepal from Pekin. There they go! Fifty chiefs on horseback, royalty and royalty's advisers on eight ele- phants, and three thousand troops before and behind the cavalcade ! They have reached the spot. The Emperor's letter, enclosed in a cylinder covered with brocade, hangs round the neck of a chief ; the Prince descends from his elephant to take the epistle, a royal salute is fired, the letter is restored to the chief, who, mounted on a spare elephant, is placed at the head of the cavalcade, and the cortege sweeps back to the capital. " Shall I tell you how I spend a day ? Breakfast at ten, business till two. Then luncheon, after which I read till five. From five to seven drive or ride out, dinner at eight, chat with the gentlemen - till ten, and read again till twelve or one, my bedtime. The roads are not very carrossable, but well suited for riding at all seasons, and I am a cheerful and bold cavalier. The valley, about sixteen miles long and broad, is beautiful except in winter. At present it presents an unbroken sheet of golden rice, just ready for the sickle. When the major part of the crop is down— there being excellent quail-shooting in the standing patches — but for the consciousness of doing wrong by injuring the poor peasant, I should enjoy the amusement. That feeling has latterly made mc give up 1 As distinguished from the feudatory States. ^ His staff, consisting of his assistant, the officer in command of his escort, and his surgeon. VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. 79 shootiniT in the crops, and I shall this year confine myself to the woods, wherein pheasants and woodcocks may be found. The wood-shooting lasts from November till March, and during that time one may be abroad all day without fear of the solar beam. " At other seasons I read and read and read, and love nothing so well as my books. Yet have I a fund of con- stitutional gaiety and feeling ; only there is no one to draw upon it ! " Zoology in the branches of birds and quadrupeds amuses me much. I have three native artists always employed in drawing from nature. I possess a live tiger, a wild sheep, a wild goat, four bears, three civets, and three score of our beautiful pheasants. A rare menagerie ! And my drawings now amount to two thousand. The antiquities, too, of the land afford me much entertainment. I pore over the pictorial, sculptural, and architectural monuments of Buddhism by the light of the ancient books of the sect ; and the learned Thebans of your isle appear to gather up my gleanings with eagerness. But the past chiefly interests me as it can be made to illustrate the present — the origin, genius, character, and attainments of the people. " I have published a good deal alrcad}' in the Asiatic Society's Transactious of London and of Calcutta. In the Journal des Savmis there is a review of my sketch of Buddhism by a famous scholar of Germany, in which I am given all sorts of laudation and placed at the head of all who have treated the subject. I sent home for you my diploma as Ambassador, and also the Court of Directors' public thanks for my papers researching into the institutions, laws, and resources of this kingdom. "William has been ill again, but is now well in thi- Western Hills. He will be down soon and meet Kdward at Meerut. Edward is well and strong, and his promise as good as you could wish. He has reached Meerut, and commenced his public career. The Governor-General's 8o LIKE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. private secretary, who was very kind to him at Calcutta, speaks most highly of him. The D'Oylys have returned from the Cape, and are now at Calcutta. He has been very ill, and I fear is but a bad life. She is all that I desire to honour and love. " Dearest, I have just got your letter of May 2nd. Heaven bless you and make you thrice happy in your marriage. Give my love to Pierre,* and make him write with you to me. . . . God bless you. With fondest love to all, believe me, sweet Fan, thine affectionate "B. H. Hodgson." If I quote from more than one letter the routine of his daily life, it is in order that the reader may realise the gentle monotony which pervaded his whole twenty years in Nepal. In 1834 his brother William had another breakdown in health, and Brian determined to give him a more complete change of climate than could be obtained in Nepal. A subaltern of artillery who was an invalid during more than half his service formed a heavy drain on the fraternal purse. " I mean to send him to the Cape," Brian writes to Fanny on September 15th, 1834, "where he will draw his full pay, save money if he pleases, and enjoy a fine climate. Eighteen months hence I can recommend him to come here and command my escort in the room of Captain Robinson, who will then retire. " I am now sojourning at a caravansery on the summit of the ridge of mountains limiting the valley to the east. The spot is about one thousand feet above the valley, and enjoys a much cooler and more bracing temperature, which, I am sorry to sa)', is but too needful for me just now. During all August 1 suffered from liver, and am still com- plaining, though better. Send me a particular account of your new [married] establishment and mode of life. With- ' Her husband, Baron Pierre Nahuys, afterwards Governor of Overj'ssel. VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. 8 1 out such minute touches continually renewed, our ^reat distance gradually renders cvcrythinj^ indistinct. " My society is unchanging and limited to my suite — a secretary, commander of escort, and surgeon, all ver>' pleasant folks in their various ways. The first is a brother- civilian, young, sceptical, and gay. The second, a worthy captain of foot, selfish but discreet, and whose scientific pursuits form an odd contrast to the plain and unformed character of his mind in other respects. He has a charm- ing temper, the continual sunshine of which is worth all the intellectual gifts of fifty abler persons. The doctor is about my own age, and is sensible, spirited, and amiable. " After breakfast I discharge my official duties, which, though responsible, are not onerous, and then read. M\- favourite amusements of the sedentary kind arc researches into the origin, genius, and attainments of the various singular races of men inhabiting Nepal. Its birds and quadrupeds likewise agreeably diversify my easier hours of study. After lunch, billiards for an hour, and then reading till eventide, when I exercise on horseback or in vehicle. After dinner, chat only, eked out from books — no cards, our society being too limited and peculiarly connected for that. " In the six colder months I follow the woodcock and pheasant with all the energy of a Nimrod, and I always deeply relish the sweet air and noble scenery of this fine region. Upon the whole my life, though monotonous, flags not, nor is liable to tedium, and with good health I should not envy the Monarch of Great Britain. In about six or seven years I hope to rejoin you, with the aid of my pension and my slender savings in prospect ; for still I am in debt. God bless you and your husb.md. Your most affectionate brother, " H. 1 1. llniH'.SON." Next year, 1S35, brought a great sorrow to Hodgson. His brother Edward, the young civilian, whom he described 6 82 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. a few months before as " well and merry at Meerut," died. The poor lad, like Brian a keen sportsman, caught a fatal fever from snipe-shooting in the swamps. Like Brian also, he had distinguished him.sclf at Haileybury, carrying away six prizes in Arabic, Hindustani, and Bengali. He ended his brief Indian career in his very first appointment as Assistant Commissioner at Meerut, in July 1835.^ Brian, after breaking the news to his father, tried to comfort his sister in their common bereavement " Mv OWN DEAR Fanny,- — How I sympathise with your regrets for young Edward — the last and so recently known and seen of your brothers ! But do not mourn unduly. Happy, thrice happy they who quit this troubled scene ere the bloom of their virtuous feelings has been rubbed off ! Poor boy, he dreamed not of fatal con.sequences, and of course left no will. The Registrar of the King's Court will administer : his debts will become mine ; and I have taken measures to secure the possession of whatever may serve to remind us of him, such as his prize books, trinkets, etc. " Already had he given evidence of such talents and dispositions as made his immediate superiors forward to employ and advance him. In his private capacity he had won so much respect from the society of Meerut that all the station combined to honour his remains. Let these things be your consolation. " I write to you from a cottage on one of the boundary ridges of the valley, built for my convenience by the Court, which is growing very civil and courteous. The cottage is a pretty domicile, though small, and commands a double view of the valleys of Nepal proper and of Nayakot, to the east and west respectively. The elevation is 2,5CX) feet above the former, 3,500 above the latter, and 7,000 ' His short sen'ice is thus summed up in the India Office MS. Records: Edward Lcgh Hodgson, 1S32, arrived September 22nd as writer ; 1833, Assistant to Commissioner of Revenue and Circuit, Meerut Division ; died July 3rd, 1835, at Meerut. * August 1st, 1835. VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. 83 higher than the sea-level, as indicated by the boiling of water at 199" of Fahrenheit's Ihermometcr, as well as by the barometer. At present the foggy or rather misty drizzle is inconvenient, but the temperature is charming — 65° being the maximum heat. " There is not much level space, but the undulations of the hill's summit are graceful, and covered by superb forest of rhododendron, oak, and numberless Laurifolias. The sward is an emerald, and the familiar tokens it displays of England in its daisies, fern, thistle, and colewort, arc dear to the exile ! Parallel with the course of the ridge, one can walk and ride a native pony with case and pleasure. But there is no transverse development of flat ground ; and in the direction of either valley, a lusty bound from the door might carry you a good way towards either ! " I am felling, and digging, and sowing potatoes and oats — yea, with my own proper hand. Somewhat to the admiration of the Court gentry, who, however, have very little of the pompous inanity of Asiatic high-breeding about them, and, I believe, value me the more for my simple habits. The air and exercise do me good, nor have I for five years been so well at this season as I am now ! I want William and his little wife to join me,' and think I shall be able to effect this object in December. He will command my bodyguard of two hundred soldiers, and his wife may perhaps help to wean me from some bad bachelor habits. William is now at Patna preparing to wed, and if he join me, he will stay there till the cessa- tion of the malaria at the foot of the hills allows him to come up. " Marriage will make him more careful of his health. As he is now near thirty, it is well that it should be so : especially since seclusion has, I suspect, fixed my proud and shy natural character against incurring the hazards ' A project never to be realised, and probably in the state of public feeling in Nepal at that time regarding "a white-faced woman" not possible of realisation. Sec post, p. S6, footnote. 84 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. of possible rejection. I have cherished in my soh'tude by means of literature quick sensibilities, whilst I have lost the aptitude of indulging them, except speculatively and in reference to my beloved home. Thou, dearest Fan, shalt preside over my table, if it be God's pleasure that we meet again in England. God bless you, dearest." Hodgson had now for some years been established in the Residency, and his love of gardening did much to beautify its surroundings. It was a spacious, indeed an imposing, edifice in that Indo-Gothic style which has grown up in spite of some ridicule in Bengal, and of which perhaps the best-known examples arc the Cathedral and the High Court at Calcutta. He delighted in the thought that it afforded ample room for him to make a home for his brother and newly wedded wife, and for any family which might come to the couple. A steady income of ;i(^4,ooo a year enabled him not only to provide new comforts for his parents in England, but to pay off the debts which he had previously incurred for that purpose. The staff of native copyists and draughtsmen whom he employed to copy Buddhist manuscripts and to draw his collection of Himalayan birds and mammals now ceased to be felt in his annual expenses. For the aggregate pay of a dozen such assistants did not much exceed Rs. 3,000 (;^30o) a year, less than his salary for a month. Honours, too, began to rain upon him. The Royal Asiatic Society and the Linnean Society in England elected him to their bodies with flattering expressions of regard. The Zoological Society of London sent him their diploma as a corresponding member. The Societe Asiatique de Paris and the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle paid him high distinction. Scholars and naturalists of worldwide fame sought a correspondence with him : Csoma de Korbs, Burnouf, Jacquet, Mohl, Prinsep, S. Wilkinson, [Lord] Macau lay. By the middle of 1837, he had got together the materials i VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. 85 for a great illustrated work on the Birds and Mammals of Nepal. The Museum d'Histoirc Naturclle de Paris and other learned bodies came forward as supporters, three hundred and thirty subscribers were already registered in India, and in July 1837 he was able to write to his father that the means of publication were secured. " I make sure of three hundred and fifty to four hundred subscribers, and if we say i^io per copy of the work, this list should cover all expenses. Granted my first drawings were stiff and bad, but the new series may challenge comparison with any in existence." In another letter, with his usual generosity, he makes over the property in the book to his father. All he required was an assistant in England to catalogue his birds, and carry out some technical details, for which ";^ioo shall be forthcoming." He would thus be enabled to go on without interruption with his Zoology of Nepal, to which he hoped to put the finishing touches by 1840. Hodgson's official work at this time acquired an un- wonted importance from factious struggles among the Gurkha chiefs, and from the palace intrigues of the royal family destined soon to end in revolution. The Governor- Gencrar began to fix an anxious eye on his Xepalesc neighbour who had already cost the British two hard- fought campaigns. Hodgson noted the signs of the gathering storm, and found himself unexpectedly a person- age of importance in the great game of Indian politics. I advert for a moment to these public and literary aspects of his work, as they throw a side-light on his inner life, which forms the sole subject of this chapter. He had never been so busy or in such good health, and in April 1837 he was able at last to write to his sister that he had got rid of his debts. " I am beginning to save a little money ! But I must pay Rs. 50,000 to get the pen- sion,' and I am not worth half that sum now. So if I ' Of ;^i,ooo a year after twenty-five years' service. Then as now, the Indian Government contributed only a portion (now not exceeding 86 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. must wait till I amass a few pounds of my own beyond the pension, I shall hardly be able to leave India in 1840, as I purpose doing if I can." He had hoped to take leave for three years to England in 1S40, and then resign at the end of his furlough in 1843, when he should have com- pleted his twenty-five years of service. Moreover a new source of happiness had come into Hodgson's life. He had formed a domestic connection with a Musalman lady which, although not amounting to marriage in the legal sense, was strictly observed as such by both parties as long as she lived, and extended over twenty years. No Englishwoman was allowed to reside in Nepal, then considered a dangerous outpost of British diplomacy.* Of Hodgson's domestic relations at this period I shall only say that he communicated them frankly to his own family, and watched with a father's care over his children, who were brought up by his sister in Holland with all the advantages to which his position entitled them. They formed a well-spring of comfort in his heretofore solitary existence, and their early deaths were a deep sorrow to him. It is characteristic of him that there was no concealment on the subject either at the time or when he subsequently married, and it would have been his wish that I should deal with the matter in the same candid spirit. The year 1837, which found him in good health, free from debt, in the enjoyment of scholarly fame and high j[Jboo a year; of a civilian's pension. Each officer has to pay up the equivalent of the remaining ;^4oo; usually much more. In some cases a Bengal ci\'ilian's contributions from his pay exceeded, and still exceed, the whole actuarial value of his pension of ^1,000. ' Even as late as 1843, on Sir Henry Lawrence being appointed Resident in Nepal, "there were 'many fears and misgivings that he might not be allowed to take his wife to a country where no white- faced woman had ever been seen ' ; for as in China so in Nepal there was a tradition that ' tlie introduction of a foreign woman would be the downfall of feheir empire.'" — Mrs. Lawrence's Journal, quoted in Sir Herbert Edwardes' Li/c of Sir Henry Lawrence, Vol. L, p. 449. Ed. 1872. VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. 87 official distinction, was destined to end in a sickness which seemed unto death. His old malady returned in an aggra- vated form, and forced him to seek the specialist aid which could only be obtained in Calcutta. Flight from India and a sea voyage again appeared his only chance, l^ut a crisis took place, apparently caused by the bursting of a tumour in the liver, and he once more rallied. In March 1S38 he was able to return to Nepal. In April he writes to his mother that he is .so much stronger " that I hope I shall ere long shake off the last dregs of my obstinate disease." His recovery perhaps saved the East India Company a war with Nepal. \Vc shall afterwards see with what a cool head and firm hand he steered his course through the next five years of palace intrigues and fits of turbulent insolence towards the British Power. His strength and spirits rose with each new danger, and in December 1839 he assures his sister of his re-established health. " I am grown pru- dent and money-making," he adds, " though somewhat l.itc in the day. My children are well, and make my heart glad and soft amid all the rough obstructions of life." Part of Hodg-son's influence with the Nepal chiefs was due to the extraordinary reputation which he acquired at this time as a man of ascetic life, deeply versed in divine thing.s. His Buddhistic learning won the friendship of their Tibetan over-lord, the Grand Lama him.self. His unwearied search after Sanskrit manuscripts and his tran- scriptions of Hindu texts endeared him to the pandits about the Nepal Court. Always an abstemious man, he became after his severe illness in 1837 almost a Brahman in regard to food and drink. In 1839 he wrote to his si.stcr, " I t(juch not meats or wines, and find the Indian habits of fcx)d well suited to the climate." By his strictly vegetarian diet he acquired the sobriquet of " The Hermit of the Himalayas," and a sanctity in the eyes of the Nepalcse only equalled by that which Csoma de Koros gained in the snowcd-up monastic cells of Tibet 88 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. But the year 1838, while it saw him on the road to renewed health and increased usefulness, brought the second great sorrow of his life. His brother William had been transferred to the Horse Artillery in 1835/ and Brian hoped, as we have seen, to obtain for him the com- mand of his escort as Resident in Nepal. These fraternal plans were cut short by the renewed illness of Captain Hodgson, who reached his Majority on June nth, 1838, after only fourteen years' service.- It was an empty pro- motion. He died on the very next day at Mhow, June 1 2th, 1838, and his young widow went home to England very desolate. She had buried her infant a few months before. So the two younger brothers passed away, full of youth- ful promise, and Brian was left as the sole surviving son. He had during nearly twenty years been the mainstay of the Canterbury home, and he now devoted the whole powers of his gentle and chivalrous nature to comfort his bereaved parents. Brian could give them the satisfaction of knowing that both his brothers were cared for in their last hours by his friend [Sir] Robert Hamilton. He had soon to calm his mother's anxieties for his own safety amid the crisis in Nepal brought on by the Kabul war. Throughout that expedition, and after the annihilation of the British army with which it closed, his position was one of extreme peril. Indeed at certain junctures it seemed as if the best that could be hoped for the Nepalese Resident was that he would not get murdered until it became convenient to the Indian Government to avenge his death. His letters home ridicule the idea of personal danger. It is doubtful whether he himself ever gave it a thought, although " the force " to which he refers lay too far off within our own provinces to be any safeguard against a massacre at the Residency in Nepal. He makes the whole situation appear to his parents as merely an occasion for > General Order dated May 22nd, 1835. - General Order dated June nth, 1838. VI.] A SOLITARY HKART. 89 pleasant things being said of him by the authorities in India. "My dearest Mother," he wrote in 1840, "don't let the nonsense of the papers alarm you. 'Tis all stuff and ever has been. Before, I was unarmed as it were ; whereas I have now a force close at hand consisting of five regiments, with guns, etc." He then quotes from .some letters which he had just received. " I cordially congratulate you," the Secretary of the Government had lately written to him, *' on your important successes. The credit will remain with you in Indian history." "You have been placed in a situa- tion very delicate and trying," wrote our Resident with the neighbouring King of Oudh, " and you have done your work with wisdom, nerve, and promptitude." And so on throughout those trying years, the tone in his letters growing more and more reassuring in regard to himself, as our blunders in Afghanistan culminated towards the extermination of a British army in the snows, " My dearest Father," he writes in 1841, " I have just gut my mother's welcome letter of January, and truly rejoice to hear from such dear lips the echo of the public applauses you speak of, and of which I have received yet more since then. I have had another negotiation, another struggle, another victory. Yet all is unsettled, and my ambition is bounded just now to keeping things anyhow together until the return of the season of action in November, when 1 .sadly fear it will be indispensable to inflict the long-merited and long-provcjked punishment. " I have now temporised successfully for three eventful years during which Government's hands were full, as they are, alas ! still. Alack, alack, all is going wrong again in and beyond the Punjab. The Sikhs in anarchic rebellion, Kandahar afresh disturbed, and the I'ersians moving on Herat which the virtual ruler there has tendered to them, having expelled our luivoy and caused him to flee. All these untoward events are glad tidings to the insolent and restless faction of our Rani or Queen of Nepal, who is my 90 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. great opponent, and only effective one indeed, the Raja being but a poltroon who fights behind her petticoat. Enough of politics, however. As for personals, I am pretty well and gradually growing stronger since the attack of 1837, but after all a poor creature as to health, though I live the life of a literal hermit. You must remember, however, that I never was strong, and therefore have no right to expect to be so now. " My boy and girl are well and growing up fast. I must send them to school in the Western Hills ere long, unless you will take charge of them, but I may not put you to that trouble. It is long since you told me aught of the Cheshire folks, or of my boyhood friends C. Hutton, J. Davenport, the Nassaus, etc. My tenderest love to Fanny and Ellen, and to my mother, to whom I am sending a pair of shawls. Your ever affectionate son, "B. H. Hodgson." The final catastrophe in Afghanistan arrived, and on February 28th, 1842, Lord Auckland made over the Governor-Generalship of India to the Earl of Ellenborough. Hodgson had, as we saw, wished to take furlough in 1840, with a view to retiring from the service on the completion of his covenanted period of twenty-five years in 1843. But the critical situation in Nepal rendered it impossible that he should be spared. Indeed, on the approach of the dangers which our Afghan policy brought about, from 1840 onward to the annihilation of our army in 1842, Hodgson gave up any idea of quitting his post. Until March 1842 everything seemed to promise him an honoured close to his career. But the new Governor- General, Lord Ellenborough, came out with a strong predisposition against the measures and the men of his predecessor. It will be necessary, in the chapter dealing with Hodgson's public career, to refer fully to Lord Ellenborough's action in regard to Nepal. It must there- fore suffice to say that Hodgson, like other trusted agents VI.] A SOLITARY HEART. pi of Lord Auckland, speedily found his position slippin^j from under his feet. " My dearest Fan," he wrote ' to his sister not five months after he had received the public and private thanks of Lord Auckland for the masterly firmness with which he had tided Nepal over the crisis, " I am ashamed of having neglected you so much. But, dearest, I have been over- whelmed in a sea of troubles political, owing to the misapprehension of the new head of my Government, as well as to the knavery of this State. I am still struggling and striving, and heartily hope I shall be able to open the new Governor-General's eyes in time to prevent mischief to the public interests, owing to his promptness going too far ahead of his necessarily limited knowledge. I cannot say more, intelligibly nor even properly, but may add that for a month past I have been deprived of my secretary, whom I found it expedient to send to the Governor-General in lieu of self, when feeble health inca- pacitated me for such a journey. I have therefore only with me my surgeon Dr. Burnley ; but he is a very amiable person, and I am used to small society. If 1 can disentangle myself from Nepalese affairs by December, I purpose to hasten home to our beloved parents. . . . " I am still ailing as usual, but better than I was last year or the year before at this season, and if it please God I shall gradually master the fierce attack of 1837. My children are well, and their sweet prattle and infant arts soften my heart and amuse my leisure, I shall take them home with me, for I have no idea of putting off the highest duties of our nature at the suggestion of mere vanity or convenience. I wish I could hear that you had a prattler or two ; but if not, by-and-by I shall borrow your help to train mine. All your details of your domestic establi.sh- ment and visits to England interest me greatly. Vou can never be too minute on such topics, nor indeed on an>' that interest you, for detail is the soul of correspondence. I ' Letter dated August 2nd, 1842. 92 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. vi. hear from all quarters the praises of your excellent husband, to whom give my love, and believe me, dear Fan, your most affectionate brother, "B. H. H." The opening paragraph of this letter shows the good temper with which Hodgson endeavoured to meet the change in his position. But that position soon became untenable. Lord Ellenborough had resolved on a new policy towards Nepal. Before the end of Lord Ellen- borough's first year of office, Hodgson began sadly to realise that his power for usefulness had departed. "Oh that the Governor-General had not tied my hands!" In the same year his long tenure of office as Resident in Nepal came to a close, and in February 1844 he retired from the Indian Service. The object of this chapter has not been to record his official labours, or his achievements in literature or scholar- ship. His many-sided public labours will be dealt with in due course. But I have thought it right first of all to try to show the man apart from his work — very solitary, perhaps unduly sensitive, of strong family affections, the mainstay of the distant parental home, and asking with a pathetic insistence, not for gratitude, but only for a little sisterly love. [93] CHAPTER VII. ASSISTANT RESIDENT IN NEPAL. 1S25-1S33. T RETURN now to the public aspects of his career. 1 In 1824 Hodgson went back to Nepal with a heavy heart. " Sensible that by remaining there," runs one of his brief notes, " I might indeed acquire a special qualifica- tion for the embassy, but must disqualify myself for any- thing elsewhere ; while owing to my youth the chance of obtaining, on a vacancy occurring, so desiderated a post as that of Minister at the Court of Nepal was next to nothing "—he sought the counsel of an experienced friend Mr. William Butterworth Bayley had been one of the group of talented young civilians whom Lord Wclleslcy formed around him.self( 1798- 1805) with a view to trainin- up an Indian diplomatic service. Lord Wellcslc>- not only reorganised the Native States on the basis of subsidiary alliances or Protectorates, which remains to this day • he also determined to create under his own eye a school of officers who should perpetuate his foreign and feudatory policy. Some of these young " Politicals," as they were called, became in due time ambassadors ; others controlled great Native States; others, after taking part in the annexation of the Ceded and Conquered Provinces were recalled to the higher branches of thegeneral,administration Among the most distinguished of this last class was William lUitterworth Bayley. the only Bengal, civilian 'who has ever held the position of Acting Governor-General of India, and also that of Chairman of the Court.of Directors 94 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. at home. It is a curious instance of the longevity of some Anglo-Indian families that the son' of Lord Wellcslcy's young Political in the first years of the century now holds, during its last decade, the office of chief Political Secretary at the India Office — after an Indian service of his own extending over thirty-four years and ending as Lieutenant- Governor of Bengal. Mr. Butterworth Bayley was a member of the Governor- General's Council when Ilodg.son came to him for advice. " Having listened attentively to my statement," writes Hodgson, " Bayley replied : ' True, Nepal is in every sense peculiar, and in the present quiet times you can learn little there. But we have had one fierce struggle with Nepal, and we shall yet have another. When that event occurs there will be very special need for local experience. Go back and master the subject in all its phases, and then, •despite your youth and the many men your seniors in the service who will try to get the embassy, you will have a fair chance of succeeding.' " " ' Sir Steuart Colvin Bayley, K.C.S.I. This was written in 1895, Sir Steuart Bayley has since tiien been appointed a Member of the Council of the Secretary of State for India. ' Mr. William Butterworth Bayley's life, and that of his father the philanthropist, are given in the Dictionary of National Biography , Vol. VII. As Mr. W. B. Bayley was an important influence on Hodgson's career, I subjoin the list of his ser\ices from the India Office MS. Records. Bayley, William Butterworth : 1799, arrived November 6th, as Writer; 1803, Assistant in Governor- General's Office and to Persian Translator; 1S05, Deputy Registrar to Sadr Diwani and Nizamat Adalat ; Assistant to Registrar and Translator of the same Court; 1807, Persian and Hindustani Trans- lator to Commissioners of Settlements in the Ceded and Conquered Provinces ; Registrar to the Sadr Diwani and Nizamat Adalat ; 1808, Member of Committee of the General Post Office; 1809, Judge and Magistrate of Dacca Jclalpur; 1810, Judge and Magistrate of Burdwan ; 18 14, Fourth Judge of Provincial Court of Appeal at Bareilly, aftenvards at Dacca ; Officiating Secretary, Revenue and Judicial Departments; 1815, Secretary, Revenue and Judicial Depart- ments; 181 7, Acting Chief Secretary ; 1 8 19, Cliief Secretary to Govern- ment ; 1820, Member of Council of the College of Fort William ; 1821, Member of the Presidency Records Committee; 1822, Acting Member VII.] ASSISTANT RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1825—1833. 95 " I did as I was advised," adds Hodgson, and subsequent events fully justified Mr. Baylcy's advice. Hodgson not only succeeded to the Residency, but his supreme know- ledge of Nepalese affairs enabled him to carry the interests of the Government of India through a crisis which, under less experienced guidance, must have forced on us a campaign. " Fortunately," writes the learned and im- partial historian of Nepal, "by the skilful management of the Resident, Mr. Hodgson, war was averted."' Meanwhile Hodgson, on being finally reappointed Assistant in 1825, discovered that the little world in which he was to be isolated for the next nineteen years (1824 — 1843) was an extremely curious one. Its three central figures were the Queen-Regent, the Prime Minister, and the British Resident : the two former, personages with romantic histories and strong wills of their own ; the third, a man of unwearied patience and tact The story of the Princess Tripuri,- Queen-Regent of Nepal, reads like an Eastern tale. When Hodgson was reappointed Assistant Resident in 1S25, she had been a widow for twenty-one years. Her husband — a bad, weak, and cruel youth — had " shared the fate which has attended every Gurkha Raja of Nepal," says the official narrative,' almost since the date of the Gurkha conquest. of the Supreme Council of the Govcriior-Cfeiioral ; 1823. President of the Council of the College of Kort William ; Member of General Com- mittee of Public Instruction ; 1825, Head Member of the Supreme Council i 1828, Provisional Governor-General of India (appoittUd March 13///); President of tlie Board of Trade; 1S30, Vice-President and Deputy Governor; on furlough to Europe December 26th; 1834, retired from Service May 1st on an annuity ; 1S33, elected a Director of the E. I. Company July 23rd ; scr\-ed on the Direction till 1858 ; Deputy Chairman in 1839; Chairman in 1840; died May 29th, i860, at St. Lconards-on-Sea. ' History of Kepal, by Daniel Wright, M.A., M.D., p. 55 (Cambridge University Press, 1877). ' Her Highness tlie Maharani Lalit-Tripur-Sundari Devi. * Report dated Kathmandu, July 24th, 1837, written by Officiating Assistant to the Resident, Nepal (Dr. A. Campbell), under Mr. g6 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. During three generations/ from 1777 onwards, that fate had been to succeed as a child to a distracted sovereignty, to be debauched during a long minority by Ministers ambitious of retaining their power, and to reach young manhood designedly unfit to rule, and half insane from premature vices. The unfortunate prince ' who succeeded as an infant in 1777^ grew up a slave to fits of "un- controlled ferocity and passion."'' He married three wives. The first was the Princess Tripuri, daughter of a Raja — " a virtuous and high-minded lady,"* but childless. The second was the daughter of a middle-class landholder. The third was a beautiful Brah- man girl whom the young prince kidnapped and forcibly seduced. The avenging gods smote her with small-pox, and she died, or poisoned herself, after the birth of a child. The young king in his first fury shot down the images of the gods with cannon charged to the muzzle. Then con- Hodgson's direction, and forwarded with marginal notes by Mr. Hodg- son to the Government of India. Tlie copy which I have used is in the Secret and Political Department of the India Office, and has never been made public. It consists of three parts. The first or introductory part I uniformly cite for the sake of brevity as Repoii. of 1837, the other two as Principal Ti-ansactioiis, according to tlieir official headings in the India Office Records. ' The Gurkha dynasty of Nepal, from its foundation, 1765, to the end of the period dealt with in this book, 1843, was as follows: (i) Prithi Narayan, founder of the Gurkha dynasty in Nepal, conquered that countr>* between 1765 and 1769 ; died 1774 (Wright's Native Genealogy, p. 290). (2) Singh Pratab, his son, added further conquests and died 1777 (Wright's Genealogy, p. 290). (3) Ran Bahadur Sah, his son, succeeded as an infant; abdicated 1799; murdered 1804; was the husband of Queen Tripuri. (4) Sri Girbhan Yuddha Vikram Sah, his son, succeeded as an infant; died 1816. (5) Sri Rajendra Vikram Sah, his son, succeeded when two years old ; was nominally king during Hodgson's whole residence in Nepal; deposed 1847. I follow the dates in the Court Genealogy translated in Wright's History of JNepal, p. 290. - Ran Bahadur Sah. ' Wrights Genealog)', p. 290. A marginal note to Campbell's Report, p. 4, gives 1775. ^ Report of \2>2,7, p. 8. * Idem. vii.] ASSISTANT RKSIDKNT IN NEPAL: 1825—1833. 97 scicncc-strickcn b\* her death, .'uul urged on by the public horror at the " seduction or ravishment of a Hrahman's daughter," ' he resigned the throne in favour of her son, and in or about the year 1S02 retired to a reh'gious h'fc at Benares. The high-born Princess Tripuri, in spite of much cruel treatment by her husband, accompanied him into exile. The more worldly second wife, of middle-class origin, remained in Nepal and became regent for the infant king — the son of the Brahman girl. But the besotted father, although he gave up his royal title and assumed a new religious name, continued to be the brutish madman under a devotee's dress at Benares that he had been on the throne of Nepal. His faithful high-born wife, at length wearied out by his insults and outraged in every feeling as a woman and a princess, found herself compelled to abandon him to his vices, and went back to Nepal. The second wife, fearing the loss of her position as regent, .sent a force to capture the Senior Queen on the road. But the Princess Tripuri declared that " as every kind of outrage had been already committed on her, there was nothing but loss of life to fear, and that would not prevent her making her way good." The troops, struck by her courage, declared in her favour, and conducted her in triumph to the capital, contending " with each other for the honour of carrying her palankeen." '•' She speedily ousted the .second queen, and established herself in the government. Her husband determined to profit by her success, gave up his religious garb at Benares, and returned to Nepal to claim his own. The faithful Tripuri received him back, but in 1S04 he was assassinated in open Court by an ofTicer whom he had in a rage ordered for execution. The Prime Minister arranged for the second queen to immolate herself on the funeral pile, while the Princess Tripuri retained the regency and held it for twenty-eight years. On the death of the boy-king, the ' lu/torl 0/ i%y7 , p. S. * Iiirm., p. 21. 7 98 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. son of the Brahman girl, in 1816, Queen Tripuri still remained regent on behalf of his infant son and successor until her own death in 1832. It was this remarkable woman, faithful as a wife, politic and patriotic as a princess, who ruled Nepal as Queen- Regent during the whole period covered by the present chapter. The actual government was in the hands of the Prime Minister, Bhim Sen — the most famous of the line of soldier-statesmen who have de facto governed Nepal from the Gurkha conquest in 1768' to Sir Jang Bahadur in our own times. Bhim Sen, while still a youth, had followed the exiled king and Queen Tripuri into their exile at Benares, and had helped in the short-lived restora- tion of his royal master. On the assassination of the latter in 1804, Bhim Sen became Prime Minister, and retained the office with an iron grip for thirty years, until it came to his turn to perish miserably in 1839. The secret of his long rule was that he thoroughly under- stood both the fears and the aspirations of the military tribes of Nepal. The fear of these brave mountaineers was the establishment of a British ascendency ; their aspiration was to extend their conquests at the expense of our Indian frontier. To the British he appeared to be a " vigorous, ambitious, and unprincipled opponent." '■ To the Nepalese he seemed to be a stern master, whose yoke, though grievous to bear, was better than the evils which ' This year is taken as tlie official date of tiie conquest in the royal genealogy of Nepal. — Wright, p. 290. - Captain Hamilton, quoted in para. 17 of a memorandum by Dr. A. Campbell, Officiating Assistant to the Resident in Nepal, on the relations of the British Government and Nepal down to 1834, in two parts, headed " Principal Transactions and Early Intercourse." This valuable State paper was drawn up in 1837 under the instructions of Mr. Hodgson as Resident, and embodies his matured views on our relations with Nepal. I quote from the copy in the Political and Secret Department of the India Office, and for the sake of brevity, as already mentioned, I refer uniformly to it as Principal Transactions. It formed Parts II. and III. of the Report of 1837, described ante, p. 95, footnote. VII.] ASSISTANT RKSIDKNT IN NEPAL: 1825—1833. 99 it averted, lihim Sen was the first Nepalcsc statesman who grasped the meaning of the system of Protectorates which Lord W'ellcslcy had carried out in India. He .saw one Native State after another come within the net of Briti.sh subsidiary alliances, and his policy was steadily directed to save Nepal from a similar fate. He also per- ceived that the Gurkha race, having conquered Nepal and the hill valleys eastwards and westwards at the foot of the great Himalayan wall on the north, had no further outlet for its warlike energy except southwards on the Indian plains. How to meet these two conditions, to stealthily encroach upon British territory and yet to prevent liritish reprisals which might bring Nepal under the British ascend- ency, were the almost irreconcilable tasks which Bhim Sen set before him. During the first ten years of his Prime- Ministership he did not quite appreciate its difficulties. Judging from the ineffective interferences of the East India Company in Nepalese affairs from 1765 to 1801, he failed to realise the strength which it could now put forth. Between 1804 and 1813 he accordingly allowed a long scries of raids and encroachments on the Indian plains, the .seizure of British territory and the carr)'ing into captivity of British .subjects. In .so doing he merely continued and improved upon the old predatory policy of Nepal. In a single British district the magistrate had to report that "between 17S7 and 181 3 upwards of two hundred villages had been seized by the Nepale.se on one or other un- justifiable pretext." ' Nepal was somewhat rudely awakened to the change which had taken place in the power of the British Company by Lord Hastings' demand in 181 3 for the evacuation of the most recently seized districts " within twenty-five days." liut lihim Sen could not bring himself to believe in the change, and declared for war. ' Report of the Magistrate of Tirlioot, quoted in Principal TrattS' actions, para. 17. 100 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. " Through the influence of your i^ood fortune and that of your ancestors," he thus solemnly addressed the boy Raja in full darbar, " no one has yet been able to cope with the State of Nepal. The Chinese once made war on us, but were reduced to seek peace.^ How then will the English be able to penetrate into our hills ? . . . The small fort of Bhartpur" (which Lord Combermere had failed to take in 1805) "was the work of man, yet the English, being worsted before it, desisted from the attempt to conquer it. Our hills and fastnesses are formed by the hand of God, and are impregnable." - The war which followed in 18 14 — 18 16 convinced Bhim Sen, once and for ever, as to the reality of the British power — " a power," he declared, " that crushed thrones like potsherds." ^ He resolved that, whoever might henceforth go to war with the Company, it should not be Bhim Sen. But, as we shall see, he had no objection to sympathetic correspondence with other Native States at war, or on the brink of war, with the British. His own efforts were henceforth confined to rendering our victory over Nepal as little productive as possible of results. This was by no means easy. Lord Hastings perfectly understood the situation, and insisted, as the price of peace, on conditions which should effectually curb Nepal. The richest part of that State, and the part which furnished it with the sinews of war, was the lush, unhealthy border- land at the foot of the hills — the Tarai. Lord Hastings declared that the cession of the Tarai was the first con- dition of a truce. " Nepal will never consent to give you up ' A ludicrous reversal of the facts, but one which still figures in tlie Court Chronicle of Nepal. — Wright, p. 2S2. - Speech of Bhim Sen " as First Chief of the State " to the Nepalese Council, March 18 14. — Principal Transactions, para. 20, footnote. ^ Quoted in Dr. H. A. Oldfield's Sketches from Nepal, Vol. I., p. 299 (2 vols., London, 1880). Dr. Oldfield had access to the Residency Records, and, notwithstanding such slips as Gardiner constantly for Gardner the first Resident, he made a good use of them. VII.] ASSISTANT RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1825-1833. 101 the Tarai," the Nepalcse replied to our envoy, Mr. Gardner. *' Take the Tarai and you will leave us without the means of subsistence, for the hills without it are worth nothing." ' It wa.s precisely because Lord Hastings knew that the loss of the Tarai would disable Nepal for further aggres- sions that he determined to have it. " Mr. Gardner's orders were peremptory," and after another struggle Nepal gave up the Tarai by the Treaty of Segauli in i8i6.- Then Bhim Sen's turn came. He first, by skilful diplomacy, obtained a retrocession of part of the eastern Tarai as a special favour from Lord Hastings to the young Raja, and in return for relieving us of certain pecuniary obligations.' He then, by even more skilful obstructions, endeavoured to render nugatory our demarcation of the frontier. By 1819 these delays amounted to a contuma- cious disregard of the treaty, and nearly led to chastisement by a British force. I^him Sen next changed his tactics from open obstruction to covert frustration. Boundary pillars were erected, but unsurveyed gaps were left for future encroachments, and for endless annoyance to the British officers. The rugged hills and dense jungles, in the ab.sence of a scientific survey, favoured uncertainty. Dr. Oldfield states that the boundary between Nepal and Oudh was not finally adjusted until 1830, and that between Nepal and the British territories not for some years later.* It was reserved for Hodgson as Resident to wring a com- plete settlement from Bhim Sen.^ For many years after we impo.sed our conditions of peace upon Nepal in 18 16, ' Principal Transactions, para. 25. * " From the river Kali on the west to tlic river Tista on the east, with the exception of Birtwal Khas, and of such portions of the Tarai lying between tiie Gaiidak and the Kasi, into which the British authority had not been introduced, or was not in actual course of introduction." — Principal Transai:tions, a.d. 1S16, para. 33. ' Vide ante, p. 62. Campbell described this retrocedcd tract in 1837 "as the mine from which they (the Nepalese) drew tlieir chief net monicd resources." — Principal Transcutions, para. 44. ' Sketches from AV/rt/, Vol. I., p. 306 (London, 1880). * Principal Transactions, para. 38. 102 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. the spirited Queen-Regent and the astute Prime Minister prevented some of the most important of them from becoming operative. The third figure at the Nepalese Court was the British Resident, the Honourable Edward Gardner, with whom we are already acquainted.^ Lord Hastings' fixed idea was that in 1816 he had broken the military force of Nepal for ever. The vast wars on which he found himself in the following year forced to embark against the Pindaris and Marathas made him disinclined to give heed to any symp- toms that might interfere with this preconceived view. It was the business of the Resident in Nepal to keep things quiet. Mr. Gardner was precisely the man to accomplish the task. But in accomplishing it he was constrained to a degree of self-effacement which encouraged the Queen-Regent and Prime Minister in their policy of dexterous frustra- tion. The traditional attitude of Nepal had been " to keep us totally in the dark as to whatever transpired within the mountains ; to refuse all effectual explanations of differences ; and to find and make opportunities of aggression, too small individually to kindle into actual flame our anger." ^ One of the chief objects of our cam- paign in 181 5-16 was to put an end to this state of things by establishing a British Resident in Kathmandu. Lord Hastings' ultimatum to the defeated Nepalese when they tardily sought peace was " that they must take the Resident or war." ^ No sooner was a Resident accepted than the Queen-Regent and the Prime Minister began to try to isolate him as effectually as if he were non-existent. At first, indeed, a force of Nepalese soldiers was planted between the Residency and the capital to prevent any communication, and it was " given out in the city that any one so offending shall be punished."* Throughout Vide ante, pp. 37, 57, 58, 59. ^ Idetn., para. 52. Principal T?-ansactions, para. 52, * Idetn., para. 55. VII.] ASSISTANT RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1825— 1833. IO3 Mr. Gardner's tenure of office, the Prime Minister impressed on the Nepalese chiefs " that intercourse with the Resi- dency must inevitably lead to the formation of a discon- tented faction in the State, and that treaties expressly forbade such intercourse. Whilst under these pretexts he debarred one and all from the privilege of personal intercourse with us, he had little difficulty in persuading the Nepalese vulgar, great and small, that he alone was fit to cope with us in politics." ^ Although Gardner acquiesced in these frustrations, he winced under them. Before long he perceived that Lord Hastings had by no means broken the military power of Nepal. As a matter of fact the Nepalese army was graduall)- raised in numbers and efficiency to a point unknown before the war. At the same time the mercantile arrangements between Nepal and India were reduced almost to a dead letter by skilful obstructions, and by the Prime Minister's denial of justice to merchants who engaged in the trade. Gardner's assistant, Hodgson, also realised the situation, and after some years of experience grew restive under it. Gardner, although not caring himself to change the passive policy to which he had been so long accustomed, does not seem to have objected to the efforts of his junior to prepare the way for a stricter enforcement of our treaty-rights. With his sanction Hodgson collected the materials for placing the British Government in possession of the com- plete facts regarding the military, commercial, and judicial problems involved. " The ordinary round of duties devolving on an assistant in an Indian embassy," writes the learned native com- mentator on the Hodgson Sanskrit manuscripts,-' " is limited enough. But an officer in a foreign Court has many opportunities of collecting and digesting valuable ^ Prbicipal Transactions, para. 58. ' The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal, by Rajendra Lala Mitra, LL.D., C.I.E., p. v. (Calcutta, 1882). 104 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. information, and Mr. Hodgson utilised them to the utmost. While working as assistant to the Resident, his attention was first directed to the military organisation of Nepal, and his studies resulted in two memoirs giving details regarding the then existing force of the Nepal Darbar, the military tribes and races from which it was drawn, their tribal names and classification, their physical and moral qualities as soldiers, their pay and discipline, as also the manufacture of their arms and ammunitions. . . . Mr. Hodgson next turned his attention to the commerce of Nepal with the people of the plains on this [Indian] side, and with those of Central Asia and China on the other. For some time before the first Nepal war this commerce was extensive, and Mr. Hodgson's object in the papers he wrote on the subject was to furnish practical directions, routes, and details about travelling and customs-house charges, with a view to revive that commerce, and divert the people from their warlike propensities. . . . The legal administration of the country also found in him an able and most faithful historiographer." I have quoted the above sentences from Rajendra Lala Mitra, because he was in personal communication with Hodgson, and they serve to fix the period to which the three classes of inquiry belong. The results were after- wards published in different forms, and at various dates : in the Asiatic Researches and Transactions of the Bengal Asiatic Society; as State papers in Volume XX VH. of Selections from the Records of the Government of Bengal; again in Professor Summers' Phtrnix, a monthly magazine for Eastern Asia ; and finally in Hodgson's collected works and essays.^ But whatever shape they ultimately took, Hodgson commenced the collection of the materials for them when Assistant Resident, as part of a systematic scheme for bringing Nepal within the knowledge of the British Government. He soon perceived that, in a country without trade- ' Triibner & Co., one volume, 1874; two volumes, 1880. VII.] ASSISTANT KESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1825—1833. 105 outlets, the natural and inevitable occupation of the people is war. Military service was the only means by which the classes above the .servile tillers of the soil could find scope for their energies. The Queen-Regent and the Prime Minister knew that their own tenure of office depended in the long run on their fulfilling this funda- mental condition of providing a career of arms for the chiefs and high-spirited castes in Nepal. As the years of enforced peace went on, and those castes suffered no depletion from war, the standing army had to be con- stantly increased. In 18 16 Gardner estimated it at 10,000 men. By 1819 it had been raised to 12,000, and in 1831 it reached 15,000. The last figure, however, was the " peace establishment which is in constant pay and under regular discipline, and is only one-third of the force that Nepal could, at a very short notice, call into the field ; and that in a most efficient condition, well drilled, well armed v/ith muskets and bayonets, and tolerabl)' well accoutred." ^ This was the first problem, the problem of finding some safe outlet for the activities of the military castes, which Hodgson set himself to solve. It was complicated by two difficulties — the Nepalese .system of service by rotation, and the increased means of supporting it which we our- selves, by the rendition of part of the Tarai, had given to Nepal. " The .system of army enlistment," says the Report afterwards drawn up under his instruction when Resident, " is one of annual rotation, the usage of the [Nepalese] Government requiring an entire change of the whole army every year from full pay to no pay. And supposing this usage to be kept up as it has hitherto been, the Govern- ment has always in its power to treble the amount of its force without much loss of its eflRciency. For the quickly recurring periods at which the men are restored to pay and di.scipline, and the abhorrence of the military tribes in Nepal to engaging in other pursuits than that of arms, ' Principal Transactions^ para. 62. I06 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. ensures the return of the Dhakcriah (or soldier off the roll) but little wanting in his proper accomplishments as an efficient soldier." ' Hodgson's first difficulty, therefore, was that the whole upper classes in Nepal were organised into a hereditary force, whose sole career in life was military service. His second was that by the retrocession of part of the Tarai after the war of i8 15-16, " as an earnest of our good- will," Lord Hastings had himself supplied the means for maintaining and developing this system. The Tarai, or rich malarial borderland at the foot of the hills, " from being a tract nearly depopulated previous to the war," had become under the security of possession guaranteed by Lord Hastings to Nepal " a source of net revenue to the amount of ten lakhs a year " (then over ;^ 100,000). " What we regarded as not worth retaining in 1816 now yields a noble revenue, and has capabilities of affording three times the amount." - The solution of the difficulty which Hodgson urged upon the British Government was to draft a considerable number of the surplus soldiery of Nepal into our own army. The idea was not altogether a new one. General Ochterlony had noted the fighting qualities of the Gurkhas during the war, and in 181 5 the Governor-General enlisted four Gurkha corps from the disbanded Ncpalcsc troops.' Their strength having been subsequently reduced, the Commander-in-Chief, Sir Edward Paget, proposed in 1825 to augment them by recruits from the Nepal dominions. But Mr. Gardner as Resident, while cordially acknow- ' Principal Transactions, para. 63. '^ Idem., para. 64. (Written in 1837.) ' Namely, the Sirmur Battalion at Nahun, the ist and 2nd Nasiri battalions at Subathu, and a fourth local corps in Kumaun from troops who came over at the close of the campaign. — Record of the Services of the 2nd Gurkha (the Sirmur Rifle) Regiment in the Military Department. I am indebted to General Sir Oliver Neumarch, Military Secretary in the India Office, for access to this and other papers bearing upon the history of the British Gurkha Regiments. vii.] ASSISTAXT RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1825—1833. IO7 lodging their merits as soldiers, " believed that even on entering our service the Gurkhas would not separate themselves entirely from their native country, as they could not remove their families from Nepal, and he opined that, however faithfully they might conduct themselves on general occasions, in the event of any future rupture with Nepal they possessed that feeling of patriotism which would induce the greater part of them to adhere decidedly to their natural allegiance." ' He conceived a better plan would be to negotiate " with Nepal for the service of a portion of her organised troops as mercenaries." Nepal was quite ready to fall into the latter arrangement, and it was perhaps under the Prime Minister's prompting that Mr. Gardner suggested it. Hut the employment of .separate bodies of foreign mercenaries was opposed to the militar\- policy of the British Government of India, and nothing came of the proposal. It was at this point that Hodgson took up the question and placed it on a broader basis. " Mr. Hodgson," says the Report drawn up under his instructions, " is in favour of our opening the ranks of our army to the surplus soldiery of Nepal." -' One of his la.st acts as Assistant Resident was to submit to the Government of India the conclusions at which he had .slowly arrived and his plan for giving effect to them. Mr. Gardner had then been succeeded as Resi- dent by Sir Herbert Maddock, who.se vigorous understand- ing clearly grasped the importance of Hodgson's views. It must be remembered, in reading the following extract, that Hodgson was comparing the Gurkhas not with the military races of the Punjab now in our service, but with the Company's regiments as then recruited in the Gangetic valley. That his comparison was nui unjust may be gathered from independent military witnesses. In 1S15 General Ochtcrlony had "confidentially" informed the Governor-General " that thi- Company's .sepoys could not ' Principal Transactions, para. 64. • Idem., para. 64. I08 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. be brought to match the Gurkhas." ' Shortly after the formation of the Sirmur battalion in 1815, Colonel Nicolls, in command of the forces assembled at Sitapur, reported the Gurkhas to be " the only corps with the army properly equipped for hill service." ^ Hodgson thus sums up his Report^ to the Government in 1832 : — "These Highland soldiers, who despatch their meal in half an hour, and satisfy the ceremonial law^ by merely washing their hands and face and taking off their turbans before cooking, laugh at the pharisaical rigour of our sepoys who must bathe from head to foot and make Puja ere they begin to dress their dinner, must cat nearly naked in the coldest weather, and cannot be in marching trim again in less than three hours — the best part of the day. In war the former [t.e. the Gurkhas] carry several days' provisions on their backs ; the latter [the Company's old sepoys] would deem such an act intolerably degrading. The former see in foreign service nothing but the prospect of gain and glory ; the latter can discover in it nothing but pollution and peril from unclean men, and terrible wizards and goblins and evil spirits. "In masses, the former [the Gurkhas] have that indomit- able confidence, each in all, which grows out of national integrity and success ; the latter [the Company's sepoys] can have no idea of this sentiment, which however maintains the union and resolution of multitudes in peril better than all other human bonds whatever. ' rrituipal Transactions, para. 64. - Record of the Sen-ices of the 2nd Gurkha Regiment in the Military Department of the India Office. ' Dated October 1832. This Report was, by permission of the Government, placed before the Asiatic .Society at its meeting of January 9th, 1833, and has been frequently printed : e.g. in i\\e Joicrnal of the Bengal Asiatic Socict\\Vo\. II., 1833; Selections from the Records of the Government of Bengal, No. XXVII. (Calcutta, 1857); Hodgson's Collected Essays, Part II. (Triibner, London, 1874) ; and in various State papers. I quote from its final official form, as reproduced in the Report for the Government of India drawn up under Mr. Hodgson's instructions when Resident in 1837. VII.] ASSISTANT RKSIDENT IN NKPAL : 1825— 1833. 109 " I calculate that there arc at this time in Nepal no less than 30,000 Dhakeriahs, or soldiers off the roll by rotation, belonging to the Khas, Muggurs, and Gurung tribes (three chief military tribes in Nepal). I am not sure that there exists any insuperable obstacle to our obtaining in one form or other the services of a large body of these men ; and such are their cncrg\- of character, love of enterpri.sc, and freedom from the shackles of caste, that I am well assured their services, if obtained, would soon come to be most highly prized. In my humble opinion they arc by far the best soldiers in India, and if they are made participators of our renown in arms, I concci\e that their gallant spirit and unadulterated military habits might be relied on for fidelity; and that our good and regular pa>', and noble pension establishment, would serve to counterpoise the influence of nationalit)'." This Report by Hodgson in 1832. although it won the thanks of the Government and probably decided Lord William Bcntinck to appoint him as Resident of Nepal, resulted in no immediate action. It came in the midst of the twelve years' peace between the fall of Bhartpur in 1827 and the first Kabul war in 1839. It was in vain that one military expert after another called attention to the importance of providing some counterpoise to the pampered sepoys of the Gangetic valley, and urged the recruitment of the Gurkhas as a new element of strength and safety. Lord Dalhou-sic's prescient mind did, indeed, realise the necessity. He reorganised the local Gurkha battalions into regiments in 1850, and one of his last acts in 1S56 was to urge the increase of this force as essential to our security in India. He urged in vain.' A \ear later, w lien the Mutin\' of 1S57 broke upon Northern huiia, the authorities fell back when too late on Hodgson's scheme, which would, humanly speaking, have rcndereil such a catastrophe impossible. ' For refcrcnrcs to tlic (jucstion in its general Ijoarinp iipon the Mutiny, see my IJfc oj Dalliousic, pp. z\x, zzz (The Clarendon I'rcss, Kd. 1S90) no LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Hodgson himself, by his close intimacy with Sir Jang Bahadur, exercised at the height of the crisis an important influence on the decision of the Nepalcse Minister to place at our disposal the Gurkha force which did such good service. We shall see the part which Hodgson played in persuading Lord Canning to accept the proffered Gurkha troops. As usual Hodgson sank his personality and only lamented, not that his own counsels, but that those of acknowledged military authorities had been so long and fatally neglected. "It is infinitely to be regretted," he wrote in 1857, "that the opinions of Sir H. Fane, of Sir Charles Napier, and of Sir H. Lawrence, as to the high expediency of recruiting largely from this source, were not acted upon long ago." ' Hodgson's scheme for relieving the growing pressure of the military castes in Nepal was not confined to recruit- ing alone. He believed that until some peaceful outlet could be provided for the productions and commercial capabilities of Nepal there would be chronic unrest. " By depriving her of a third of her territory," says the Report drawn up under his instructions at a later period when Resident, " and girding her on all sides by our own Provinces, we imagined that of necessity she would gradu- ally abandon her thirst for arms and conquest, turn her thoughts and resources to the peaceful arts of commerce and agriculture, and ere long be changed from a hostile power which skirted our dominions for about eight hundred miles, to a less powerful, quiet, and peaceable neighbour and ally. The reverse of this is the case, and at this moment [1837] Nepal holds a station of offensive power to the full as great as she did in 1814." The Report goes on to urge that " the second means " {i.e. in addition to enlistment of the Gurkhas in our regiments) " for quieting ' This passage has been quoted by Captain Eden Vansittart, 5th Gurkhas, in his Notes 07i the Gufkhas, p. 32. — Superintendent of Government Printing, Calcutta (Calcutta, 1890). Military Department, India Office. VII.] ASSISTANT KESIDKNT IN NKI'AL: 1825—1833. Ill the pas.sitjn for arms ainong the military tribes of Nepal i.s a due attention on our part to the encouragement and increase of commerce." ' Hodgson, in regard to his tradc-proixj.sals, found the initial task of obtaining the necessary data a protracted one. It occupied him during many years while A.ssistant Resident, and it was not until acting temporarily as Resident, in i's. The creditor may reply that he cannot wait, having immediate need of the money ; and if so, one of the chaprassis [orderlies] of the court is attached to the debtor, with directions to see to the producing of the mone)' in court by any means. The debtor must then produce money or goods, or whatever properly he has, and bring it into court. The judge and examining officers, calling to their assistance three or four merchants, proceed to appraise the goods produced in satisfaction of the debt, and immctliately discharge it ; nor can the creditor object to their appraisement of the debtor's goods and chattels. In matters thus arranged, that is, where the defendant admits the cause of action to be valid, 5 per cent of the property litigated is taken from the one party, and 10 per cent from the other, and no more [as court-fees]. " If the defendant, when produced in court in the manner above described, denies instead of confessing the debt, then the plaintiff's proofs are called for ; and if he has only a simple note of hand unattested, or an attested acknowledgment the witnesses to which are dead, then the judge and examining officers interrogate the plaintiff thus: 'This paper is of no use as evidence; how do you propose to establish your claim ? ' The plaintiff may answer : ' I lent the money to the father of the defendant ; the note produced is in his handwriting, and my claim is a just claiin.' Hereu{X)n the plaintilT is required to pledge him.self formally to prasecute his claim in the court in which he is, and in no other. The words enjoining the plaintiff thus to gage himself arc AVr/" Vhapo ; and the mode is by the plaintiff's taking a rupee in his hand, which he closes, and strikes the ground, exclaiming 120 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. at the same time, ' My claim is just, and I gage myself to prove it so.' " The defendant is then commanded to take up the gage of the plaintiff, or to pledge himself in a similar manner to attend the court duly to the conclusion of the trial, which he does by formally denying the authenticity of the document i)ruduccd against him, as well as the validity of the debt ; and upon this denial he likewise strikes the earth with his hand closed on a rupee. The rupee of the plaintiff and that of the defendant, which are called beri, are now deposited in court. The next step is for the court to take the fee called karpan, or five rupees from each party. The amount of both beri and karpan is the perquisite of the various officers of the court, and does not go to the Government. The giving of karpan by the parties implies their desire to refer the dispute to the decision of the ordeal ; and accordingly, as soon as the karpan is paid down, the judge acquaints the Government that the parties in a certain cause wish to undergo the ordeal. The necessary order is thereupon issued from the Darbar ; but when it has reached the court, the judge and examining officers first of all exhort the parties to come to an understanding and effect a settlement of their dispute by some other means. If, however, they will not consent, the trial is directed to proceed. " The ordeal is called nyaya, and the form of it is as follows : The names of the respective parties are inscribed on two pieces of paper, which arc rolled up into balls, and then have puja offered to them. From each party a fine or fee of one rupee is taken : the balls are then affixed to staffs of reed, and two annas more are taken from each party. The reeds are then entrusted to two of the Jiavildars [beadles] of the court to take to the Queen's Tank ; and with the havildars, an examining officer of the court, a Brahman, and the parties proceed thither, as also two men of the C/iaviakhalak (or Chamara) caste.* ' A low aboriginal caste, in India skinners and leather-workers. The VII.] ASSISTANT KESIDKNT IN NEPAL: 1825—1833. 121 " On arriving at the tank, the examining officer again exhorts the parties to avoid the ordeal by adopting some other mode of settling the business, the merits of which arc only known to themselves. If they continue to insist on the ordeal, the two havildars [beadles], each holding one of the reeds, go, one to the east and the other to the west side of the tank, entering the water about knee-deep. The Brahman, the parties, and the CJiauiakhalaks, all at this moment enter the water a little way ; and the Brahman performs worship to Varuna in the name of the parties, and repeats a sacred text, the meaning of which is that mankind knows not what passes in the minds of each other, but that all inward thoughts and past acts are known to the gods Surya, Chandra, Varuna, and Yama ; and that they will do justice between the parties in this cause. " When the piija is over, the Brahman gives the tilak ' to the two Chainakhalaks, and says to them, ' Let the champion of truth win, and let the false one's champion lose ! ' This being said, the Brahman and the parties come out of the water, and the CJuxviaklialaks separate, one going to each place where the reed is erected. They then enter the deep water, and at a signal given, both immerse themselves in the water at the same instant. Whichever of them first rises from the water, the reed nearest to him is instantly destroyed, together with the scroll attached to it. The other reed is carried back to the court, where the ball of paper is opened, and the name read. If the scroll bear the plaintiff's name, he wins the cause ; if it be that of the defendant, the latter is victorious. " The fine calledy//7/ossess." * Yet he firmly tells his Government that a British Residency in Nepal was little more than a sham under the conditions which had for years been imposed upon it. " I am decidedly of opinion that it were better to put an end to the ludicrous mockery of Chinese foreign polity which the Minister has endeavoured to play off against the Residency since its establishment here."' On a recent occasion, when Mr. Maddock sent the Residency Munshi on a message of courtesy to the Raja, the Munshi was refused admi.ssion to the Prince's presence. " He was ke|)t." says the official 1830/9 1840. by Mr. J. K. Tickcll. the Assistant Kcsidcnt. uxre aftcr- ward.s printed for the use of the Foreign I)epartm«-nt. But I had not se«n this printed m'-morandum when I examined t)ie .\!S. Cunsullatiotvs in the India Offirc. ' Resident of Nepal to Politiral Se«Tctar)' to Government of India, dated Jimc 3rd, t^y—/nJta Office A/SS. » /dVw. 9 130 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. narrative, " in a remote part of the palace, and required to give his message to some people of no condition." * Among other means of isolation, the Prime Minister increased the restrictions always placed on the officers of the Residency as regards excursions in the neighbourhood. This was carried so far as to incite the peasants to give trouble to the Resident or members of his staff while out shooting. Hodgson did not condescend to officially remonstrate for such petty annoyances, but he hit upon a rather ingenious device, and one which struck the Oriental imagination. " I sent my two last and best setters to the Minister's young son with a message that, as I had given up shooting in the fields, he was welcome to the dogs and would find them excellent ones." The Minister sent to say how sorry he was that his friend was no longer enjoying his usual sport, and asked the reason. Hodgson gently let the grounds of his annoyance appear in the conversation which followed, without laying stress upon them. The Prime Minister, who had a hill-man's sense of humour, saw that if he was to render the new Resident's position isolated it must be by some less paltry plan, and for the moment all was geniality and goodwill. The Governor-General, however, on hearing of these insolent restrictions, directed the Resident to make reprisals by refusing passports to Nepalese subjects proceeding to the Indian plains. Meanwhile the Prime Minister began to discover that the death of his old ally and mistress, the Queen-Regent, was not an unmixed gain. Official appointments in Nepal, from the highest downwards, were nominally for twelve months only. The theory was that all public offices were, ipso facto, vacated each year and had to be formally re- newed. This meant a change of the whole official body, or of as many of the officials as the ruling authority chose, at the annual ceremony of the Panjani, to exclude. Bhim Sen, being the ruling authority, had had his Prime- ' Secret Consultations, No. 24, of March 5th, 1833. — India Office MSS. i BH.M StN THAPPA- PREMIER or N , p ;, , /tTAT 62 . VIII.] RESIDENT I.\ NEPAL: 1S33— 1839. 131 Ministership renewed as a matter of course during the previous twenty-eight years from 1.S05. But he took advantage of the custom to render the civil and mihtary services entirely dependent on his favour, ;ind removable at his will. There was, however, a d)'nastic party of "royal kinsmen"' in Nepal whose claims the Queen- Regent had wisely respected. Her death .set free the Prime Minister from this restraint, and he promptly used his freedom. " So heavy a hand has Bhim Sen for the last thirty years laid - on the Nepalese chiefs," says the official record for 1833, "that, palpable and shameful as is his usurpation for years past of their rights, and now of the Raja's also, not one of them dares confront him openly."^ It had not occurred to Bhim Sen that the custom of annually vacating all offices at the Fanjani could be ap- plied to his own. He was now to find that the death of the clear-headed old Queen was allowing new forces to spring into existence with which he would have to reckon. Hodgson saw the change coming, and at once realised what it meant alike to the Prime Minister and to the British position at Kathmandu. He firmly but courteously- insisted on his Munshi being admitted to the Raja's pre- sence, when sent on business from the Residency direct to the Prince. Without the right of direct audience it was impossible to know whether the communications of the British Government ever reached the Raja's ears. Within a month after he became Resident he submitted a confi- dential letter in his own handwriting to the Governor- General on "the .state of parties in Nepal." Having described the relations of the Resident to the Raja with whom our treaty was made in 1816, he proceeds as follows : — ' ' Generally but somewhat loosely spoken of as "tlie Ciiauntrias,' of whom we shall presently hear more. ' Tlie word is written Uvi'd in the MS. Consultations. ' Resident of Nepal to Political Secretary to Government of India, December 19th, 1833. — India Offict- MSS. * The Resident to the Political Secrctarj- to Government, dated 132 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. " A long minority followed his death, which minority has just expired, and durini]^ it all our intercourse has been with the Minister who, it seems, has grown so great by virtue of two minorities (with but a short interval between them), and thirty years of almost uninterrupted sovereign sway, that he cannot now subside into a subject and is determined to keep the Raja a cypher, as in his nonage, both with respect to power and to observance also as far as possible. Almost every office is filled with Bhim Sen's creatures ; he and his family monopolise all the loaves and fishes. Mere children ' of his kindred hold high commands. The ancient families of the Pandis and others who, by the constitution of this State, are entitled to share its counsels and exercise its highest offices, are excluded almost wholly from the one and other, besides being treated with habitual contumely by Matabar Singh, Bhim Sen's overbearing and heedless nephew. " The Raja is hemmed into his palace, beyond which he cannot stir unaccompanied by the Minister, and then only to the extent of a short ride or drive. Even within the walls of his palace, the Minister and his brother both reside, the latter in the especial capacity of 'dry nurse ' to His Highness. "Last year the Raja desired to make an excursion into the lower hills to shoot. He was prevented by all sorts of idle tales and obstructions. This year he proposed visit- ing his palace at Nayakot, the winter residence of his fathers ; again he was prevented as before. Of power he has not a particle, nor seems to wish it. Of patronage he has not a fraction ; and is naturally galled at this, as well as at being sentinelled all round by Bhim Sen's creatures even within his own abode, at being debarred from almost February l8th, 1833. The letter is too long for quotation in full, and I omit passages and proper names not essential to understanding the general situation. — hidia Office MSS. ' E.^^. Colonel Shamsher Singh, aged 13, and Colonel Bahadur Jang, aged 12 years. VIII.] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1833— 1839. 133 all liberty of locomotion, and of intercourse with the Sirdars and gentry of the country. " In segregating him from his own gentry very plain and gross means arc used ; in segregating him from us, it is necessary to be more decorous and indirect!)- to effect thi: object. Non-intercourse is called the established etiquette of the Court. All sorts of idle rumours and fictions are employed to alarm him in respect both to our personal qualities and public designs. If he would go into the Tarai, he is told that the l^'eringhis will .seize the oppor- tunity of taking the valley whilst the troops are in honorary attendance upon him. Docs he propose visitin" Nayakot? He is informed that the Resident in his com- pany will spy out the nakedness of the land. " The Feringhis (it is eternally rung into his ear) have seized and conquered all [India] : they are the ablest and most designing of men ; they have been kept eighteen years from devouring Nepal .solely by the unparalleled vigilance and energy of Bhim Sen. All pleasant com- munications from and with the Residency are studiou^^ly thrown into the shade. All unpleasant ones, however trivial, are studiously glared upon the eyes of the Raja and of the other chiefs, not a soul among whom nor any attendant of theirs or of the Raja's being suffered to come near the Residency and learn the simple verity. And in this state of things any fiction, however gross, relative to our characters or views ma\' be made to tell more or less with the naturally proud and suspicious Sirdars, and with the hopeless little recluse who occupies the throne. " The Raja has been purposely so trained as to possess little energy of body or mind, so that had not his wife turned out an ambilious woman he would probably have submitted quietly to political nonentity, or but for her vigilance have been spirited into his grave .as soon as he had begot a succes.sor. "Hut his wife is both spirited and clever, and she is incessantly upbraiding him for suffering himself to be 134 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. incwcd up in his palace and rendered a mere idol {inatcr kodeota) for occasional exposure to the worship of the multitude. The Raja has alrcad\- learnt from her to feci indignant at his personal insignificance and at this state of surveillance and restraint, and it .seems probable that the continued operation of these expostulations, backed by hints from his nobles and chiefs, will ere long make his political nonentity especially in respect to patronage equally galling to him. Perhaps from prudence, much more likely from habitual dependence, the Raja has as yet most charily and slowly manifested signs of disgust, and his wife, irritated by his slowness, has, it is said, avowed to his friends her resolution to claim the rule of the kingdom in his name as the mother of two male children, in case he cannot soon be moved to assert either his personal or political liberty. " During the Panjani just terminated, there was however a sort of pause, and the I^emier was reinvested with the ensigns of his office. Other trivial indications have appeared within the last twelve months, and if they could be relied on as evidence of a deliberate design to strip Bhim Sen of his power, the counsels which dictated this cautious mode of procedure must be acknowledged to be consummately prudent. P'or Bhim Sen and his family monopolise the whole military command of the kingdom with the exception of the province of Sali. Almost every office is filled with the Minister's creatures ; and his long and exclusive direction of affairs has denuded the opposite party of all experience as well as all power and patronage. '• Nevertheless no one knows better than Bhim Sen that, though the soldiery have been taught to look to him alone for pay and employ, they arc too national not to abandon him at once for their Prince, if the Raja (as his grandfather in similar circumstances actually did) possessed the nerve to make a direct appeal to them against the Minister. And however Bhim Sen may have fortified himself by alliances, he cannot but be sensible viii] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1833—1839. I3S that the Gurkhali olif^archy possess a weight of adverse right which needs only to be put in motion by the sovereign himself to crush him and his family to pieces. " Lastly, the members of Bhim Sen's family are not cordially united with him, except Matabar Singh and he is too headstrong to be trusted. " All these circumstances have combined to render Hhiin Sen of late provokingly captious and suspicious towards us ; lest, 1 suppose, the Raja should perchance be undeceived as to the figments palmed on him relative to our personal impracticability and political dishonesty. The Minister, in defiance of custom alike and of decency, would now restrict still further the very little direct commerce ever maintained between the Resident and the Maharaja. " The Minister is a great man and an able one, whose talents and energy constitute our best stay. Kver>'thing consistent with rectitude and the maintenance of a neutral policy .should be willingly conceded to him. Hut there is too little justice in his monopoly of all power and all observance on the one hand, and on the other too much fraud in the use he makes of the utter ignorance of us to which he has reduced the opposite party, including the Prince and the mass of the gentry, to suffer us either in equity or in policy to allow him just now to raise fresh obstacles in the wa\' of the very trivi.il intercour.se we have ever maintained directly with the Court. With prudence and tact we may gradually and noiselessly recur to the model of Mr. Gardner's and the late Raja's inter- course, at least in matters of form, and must leave its adoption in matters (if business to events and the pleasure of the Uarbar. " Distressing indeed it may be to witness the subordinate condition of the sovereign and the almost degraded lot of the gentry ; but the aff.iir is their own, not ours. \Vc can but follow their movements, and are only concerned not quietly to acquiesce in a yet more restricted intercourse l}6 LIFE OK BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. with ourselves, because usa<;c is against the further restriction, and because an unfair use would be made of it to our injury. " The spirit of the Royal and Ministerial parties may be conceived from the fact that the Raja, having fallen ill last rains, resolutely and against all possible exertions of influence refused to employ the Court physician, from an avowed fear of being poisoned or otherwi.sc made away with, as he said his father and grandfather had been, by Bhim Sen's procurement. The quarrels of the faculty and the disgrace of the Court physician made the matter public ; and I am sorry to say the general opinion was that the Raja's allegation was true in all its parts both as respected himself and his father. The physician is a creature of the Minister's, and has now held the office of Raj Vaidya for thirty yeans. " Parties animated by such sentiments towards each other as the above anecdote reveals must be warily avoided. Whilst we maintain a cordial intercourse with Bhim Sen so long as he can keep his seat propria vi^^ore, we must endeavour to act so as, despite the non-intercourse chicane, to convince all parties that we are sincerely and utterly indifferent and impartial, and arc disposed to cultivate equally friendly relations with all or any which may stand forth as the constituted authority. " I have, etc. " (Signed) B. H. HODGSON, Resident. "Nepal Residency, February i8//r, 1S33. " P.S. — This letter has been copied for obvious reasons with my own hand, and I need hardly say it .should be placed for some time in special deposit, out of the reach of all clerks and office people. — (Signed) B. H. H., Resident." I have quoted from this confidential report at some length, for it not only sets forth with clearness the political situation with which Hodg.son had to deal, but also the principles which from the beginning and throughout the VIII.] KESIDKNT IN NKPAL: 1833—1839. 1 37 whole ten years of his Residenlship regulated his own conduct. His aim was to secure that the communications of his Government should reach in an ungarbled form the responsible head of the Nepalcsc State. As the Raja had now entered on his twentieth year (1S33-34J, he was held to have attained his majority, and however he miijht be kept under the influence of the Prime Minister it was with the Raja himself that the British Government claimed the right to deal. Before the year 1S33 passed Hodgson's estimate of the situation was justified by the event. The Raja, bac! also reached Nepal of .1 projected invasion of India by ' Tho Kcsidcnt to the I'olitical Secretary to Govenimcnt, dated Dcccmhrr i itli, iK;v -fmiii il-tur \fSS. 138 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Persia and Russia. Forthwith the Nepalese Court des- patched "an experienced spy" to Lahore and Teheran, and opened up clandestine negotiations with several of the great landholders within our own frontier. The rumoured Russian invasion of India proved to be merely a rumour ; but a confederacy between Nepal and the Sikhs — the two Hindu powers who retained their independence on our north and north-western frontier — opened up a vista of dangerous contingencies. In 1834 a fresh outburst of military aggressiveness took place in Nepal on the report of " our having marched the whole of our available force to the westward against Man Singh of Jodhpur, and thereby having left our territories on the Nepal frontier unprotected." " The Darbar," Hodgson reported, " as far as Bhim Sen could influence its sentiments, would hail the demonstration with joy, and would be ready to second it the moment such a course could be taken with any degree of prudence." ^ " This feeling, however, was quickly crushed by the news of the capitulation of Jodhpur." The barometer of Nepalese hostility against us, as he pithily puts it, rises or falls with each rumour of our being in trouble with other States. It must be borne in mind that the war party was the one permanent party in Nepal. As I have already explained, all the non-servile population (except the Brahmans) were hereditary soldiers whose only career was arms. An appeal to the military instincts of the Nepalese was, therefore, always a popular appeal. From 18 16 to 1832 Bhim Sen supported by the old Queen-Regent had held undisputed sway, and he had made only such moderate concessions to the national military proclivities as might keep him on fair terms with his countrymen while pursuing his own ends. But in the struggle for the Prime- Ministership which began to develop after the death of the Queen-Regent in 1832, not only he but every one of his ' The Resident to the Political Secretarj' to the Government of India, dated December 19th, 1833. — India Office MSS. viii.] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1833—1839. I39 rivals had to court the aid of the military c.istcs. The British Residency was the centre of the opposite or peace influences. Hhim Sen had experienced a British war, and as long as he was left to himself he was resolved not to repeat the experience. lie had therefore, while .secured by the prestige of the old Queen-Regent, only used the war party as a convenience. He now found that his rivals were bidding for the support of the war party in eager earnest. It .soon became a race as to who should gratify with most disregard to ulterior consequences the war instincts of the ruling castes. This state of things lasted, amid revolutions and massacres, from the death of the Queen- Regent in 1832 down to the establi-shment of Jang Baha- dur's power in 1845, when, by a crowning butchery, Nepal started once again under the rule of an absolute Prime Minister. During the intermediate thirteen years the war party was the supreme part>' in Xcpal. Throughout the first ten and most aggressive years it fell to Hodgson's lot to maintain peace. Bhim Sen's appeal to the martial spirit of the chiefs for a time brought him fresh strength. In spite of the Raja's failing support and of the open hostility of his principal queen, the commencement of 1834 disclosed "Bhim Sen and his family in the possession of every provincial command throughout Nepal, with the exception of the government of Doti, which was held by a Chauntria or collateral member of the Royal I'amily." ' The Prime Minister accordingly began the year in no mood for arrangements with a view to promote commerce with India or to secure a legal status to British subjects trading in Nepal. Negotiations went on nevertheless, for Bhim • Secret Consultations, No. 74, of Jiitniary iSth, 1841. ///ermit the re-export of any manufactures of Nepal and Tibet to pay a duty of 4 per cent Kuldar, lui valorem, in the British provinces ; and British and Hindustan produce, an im[Hirt duty at Nepal of 5 per cent .Muhindra Mulli rupees, ad valorem, accordiiiK to the market rates in Nepal. 2nd. No other or further duty to be paid in cither Slate on any conditions. 3rd. The entire duty above-mentioned to l)e levied and paid at once. 4th. Proposes a limited number of Custom-Houses in either State, of which a list is given, seventeen in Britisli India and twenty-one in Nepal. 5th. Provides for the punishment of any Customs Officers infringing the provisions of Clause 2. 6tli. .Speedy justice to be available to merclianls of either .State on any ground of complaint arising from extortion, etc., of Customs OfHcers in British India or Nepal. 7th. Appeals from the decisions of tiie cnUectors ot Customs in either Stale to be referred through the Resident. 8th. Lists of the produce of either State to Iw prepared and authenticated by the CfOvemor-Gencral and Raja of Nepal, ami goods hitherto free of dut)- to remain so. 9th. The treaties of 1792 and 1801 A.n. to be considcreu rescinded. — Excerpts from the letters of the Resuient aS Kathmatuiu to the Goi'eniment of India, from 1830 to 1840, compiled by Mr. J. R TickcU, para. 18. 142 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chak British- Indian coinage that once passed its Customs' line. While these negotiations were going on, Bhim Sen received the first unmistakable warning of his coming downfall. lie represented the great Nepalesc house of the Thappas, which he had raised to supremacy on the ruins of another powerful family the Kala Pandis. The Pandis had been all-powerful at the beginning of the century, and it was with Damodar Pandi as Prime Minister that our envoy Captain Knox treated in 1801. Knox described Damodar Pandi as a man " possessing a plain sober understanding, moderation with great firmness, void of artifice, and as a soldier unrivalled in Nepal for gallantry and conduct." ' He and his house were soon afterwards destroyed by Bhim Sen. The murder of the King in 1805 left the Oucen-Rcgent and Bhim Sen in absolute power, and the Pandis broken by beheadings, exile, and confiscation. During thirty years the latter did not dare to reassert themselves, and the chief rivals of Bhim Sen since the Queen-Regent's death in 1832 had been those of his own household. His younger brother Ranbir Singh ingratiated himself with the boy-King, says Hodg- son, as " the constant attendant on his childhood," and on the death of the Queen-Regent he became General Commandant of the Nepal Army. Not content with this important office, he incited the young King to join with him in ousting his elder brother Bhim Sen from the Prime- Ministership, in the hope of securing the reversion for himself. Two years of family intrigue followed, in which a nephew of the Prime Minister, Matabar Singh, also came to the front as a staunch supporter of the Prime Minister in his efforts to curb Ranbir's ambition. If Ranbir enjoyed the secret favour of the King, Matabar had the enthusiastic support of the troops, with whom his youth and gallant ' Quoted in Campbell's official memorandum drawn up under Hodgson's supervision in 1837, pp. 9, 17, etc. VIII.] RKSIDKNT IN NKPAL: 1833— 1839. '43 bcarini; made him a favourite. In 1834 he received a check through the influence of Ranbir. liut "such was the popularity he enjoyed among the Gurkha soldiery that on his resigning the command of the two battalions formerly under him, the whole of them with the exception of two hundred men laid down their arms, refusing to serve under any other leader." ' The King became afraid, tried to con- ciliate Matabar, and in November 1834 appointed him General Commanding the Eastern Districts with 3,000 troop.s. So far the old Prime Minister and his loyal nephew had held their own in the family intrigue. The year 1S34 was not to close, however, without reveal- ing that the Prime Minister had enemies very different from those of his own house. The heir of the Pandis, whom Bhim Sen had ruined and exiled in the early years of the century, suddenly came forward, and petitioned the King for the restitution of the family honours and estates. " This sudden revival of claims nearly extinct for thirty- one years, and after so complete an extirpation as the Kala Pandis had undergone through means of the very man now paramount in the State, struck all with astoni.shmcnt.""^ The bt)ldness of the measure, together with the favourable manner in which the Raja received the petition, seemed to the Resident to indicate .some .secret influence in the palace. As a matter of fact the Pandis had secured the support of the Raja's senior or princip.d wife. " l*"rom this date may be reckoned the commencement of a counter- revolution and of those intrigues of the Kala I'andis which eventually succeeded .so well in the overthrow of their rival [Bhim Sen], and in repaying the cruelties which they had ihem.selvcs suffered at his hands." ^ l^y the beginning of 1S35 .seven factions had develojxd ' Excerpts from Ihf I^tUrs 0/ the Residtnt at KathmaHiiu, para. 20. Ranbir's corps, when their commandcT had met with a temporary check in his intrigurs in December 1S33, had done the same thing. * Excerpts frotn the I.ttters of tJte Resident at Kathmandu, para. l\. Secret Consultations.— /«/// illustrated by splendid success in arms, and supported by the unsophisticated simplicity of the Highland character. They have neither arts nor literature, nor commerce, nor a rich soil to draw off their attention from arms ; and they have that lusty hardihood of character and contempt of drudgery which make war especially congenial. " I have often said, and now repeat, that when in 18 16 we drew a line round the territory of these men, leaving them no outlet save upon ourselves, we should either have crippled them effectually or have insisted on a change in their institutions, giving the surplus soldiery employment in our own armies. We did neither : we did nothing then or subsequently; and we now see the fruits of our mistakes • Excerpts ffom the Letters 0/ the Resident at Kathmandu. Tickell's Memorandum, para. 36. * Succeeded Lord Metcalfe in 1836. ^ Letter from B. H. Hodgson to J. R Colvin, Esq., Private .Secretary to the Governor-General, dated June 24th, 1837. vm.] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1S33— 1839. I5> or indifference. Rulers are too apt to fancy that, when they make a great effort, the crowning work has been achieved once and for all ; and calmly and justly as Lord Hastings characterised the people and the war before and pending its progress, no sooner was it over than he insensibly stole to that conclusion. " In the twenty years that we have been here since the war, we have seen nothing but drills and parades, heard nothing but the roar of cannon or the clink of the hammer in arsenal or magazine. Soldiers have been and are heads of the law and finance at Kathmandu, and administrators of the interior : soldiers have been and are everything, and they are and have been headed by a plenary viceroy (Rhim Sen) of that old stamp which must support its habitual aggression at home by pandering to the soldiery, and teaching them to look to aggression abroad. " It is a remarkable fact, moreover, that since we had first to do with this Darbar in 1792, we have had to deal exclusively with a military mayor of the palace — in other words with a man having, by the essential tenure of his .=tation, one hand against his prince and the other against his neighbours. " The Raja or head of the Outs is young himself, has two young wives and seven young children. Reasonable indulgence and addiction to pleasure of various kinds may be expected from them, though not from their old and iron-minded opponent. And if a young Court once gave way to recreation, there would soon be a diversion of funds inconsistent with the past and existing sacrifice of all things to an incjrdinate and useless army." After describing the various factions in Nepal, he pro- ceeds : " But is there no probability of a contest between the parties, and would not their cutting each other's throats in a civil war be a sufficient security of us? I do not expect any strife in the shape of civil war, though the chiefs may, more inojonim, draw their swords on each other. Nor do I deem it a .safe presumption that a civil 156 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Avar, if it occurred, would benefit us. Civil wars have rather a tendency to feed than to quench martial spirit and poAver ; and if one broke out here, I should expect it to be diverted />iy' /as ct nefas upon us before it had raged three months. But there is no probability of its occurrence. The unsophisticated character and eminent nationality of the Nepalesc soldiery, as they have ever stayed domestic war in past times, so they doubtless will in the future. There is no instance of it in the turbulent history of the people ; and, cypher as the Raja has been and still seems to be, and omnipotent as the Minister has been and still seems to be, no one here doubts that if the former willed the death of the latter, the Minister's head would be as speedily off as was that of Damodar (the Bhim Sen of his day) in 1802. I, therefore, neither expect civil war, nor think it could possibly advantage us if it occurred. In all human probability it would speedily afford occasion for the turbulent and reckless to assault us, come what might of the struggle. " So long as order prevails so long I think we could, if wc deemed it expedient, by coming forward distinctly to countenance the weaker party at present, give it the pre- ponderance. But I would not advise such a proceeding unless the Minister were clearl}' seeking to drive things to extremity with us, because he felt that quiet must undo him at home. This sort of crisis excepted, I would con- tinue looking on merely as heretofore until the expected change occur ; or, until having occurred, it produce no amendment or promise of amendment. If the change come not soon or come without improvement, I would take the first fair occasion of a reckoning with Nepal. If the change seems to tremble in the balance, wanting but a simple manifestation on our part in favour of the legitimate head of the State, that manifestation should be made by- and-by, and under a distincter probability of quiet efficacy than now exists. In the mode there need be no inter- ference so called. For we are certainly entitled to have our viii.] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1833-1839. ^57 crencral views and purposes fairly stated in Darbar, and a civil letter from the Governor-General to the Raja, say- in- that his Lordship had for some time past expected the agreeable news of his Highncss's majority, would, under many probable phases of party, suffice." lIod<^sons prediction that the feuds of the chiefs, how- ever deadly to themselves, would not lead to civil war m Nepal proved correct. Throughout the military revolutions and massacres of the next eight years there was not one popular rising. The people let the rival nobles kill each other and obeyed whichever faction for the time being spoke in the name of royalty. Hodgson also diagnosed the situation aright when he declared that the best way of maintaining our influence in Nepal was to insist on our claim for direct communication with the Raja, who alone had a permanent stake in the maintenance of the dynasty. The Resident urged this view not only on the new Governor-General Lord Auckland, but also on the great Indian statesman who, after acting as Governor-General for a year, had been appointed Governor of Agra. M cannot help thinking," he wrote to b.r Charles Metcalfe > on July 15th, 1837. "that unless we mean to wait upon Providence, and passively expect another war, we ou-ht if need be to insist on effectual access to the le.ritim'iitc head of the State, who has for many reasons by far the -reatest interest in peace and quiet. All others, scrambling for distinction and advancement, must gain them by a°nd through the army, which is the beginning, the middle, the end. Hence the perpetual interested striving of these soldier-ministers to strengthen and increase the army The Raja has suffered as much as wc by this system • and the Raja is obviously the only man here who has enough of his own. if he can hold it, and has con- sequently no interested perpetual craving for personal advancement. All others arc cupidi novarnm rcrum : the Raja alone may rest as he is." ' Altjrwards Lord Metcalfe. 158 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Lord Auckland adopted these views. In a cordial letter through his Private Secretary ^ he thanked Hodgson for his exposition of Nepalcse affairs, and declared that " the Government is desirous that you should do all that you prudently can to acquire and maintain a free personal intercourse with the Raja on all matters in which we are concerned. It will be a great point gained to win his con- fidence, and to give him, by courting frequent and direct communication with him, confidence in himself To seek immediate access to him on occasions in which we arc closely interested is a legitimate object, our measures for securing which cannot involve us in the evils which might follow, sooner or later, were we to be exposed to any suspicion of sharing in the party conflicts by which the Darbar is likely to be divided. It will be enough if your sentiments on internal affairs be asked for, to aid the Raja in keeping the control of the Government in his own hands, and in selecting prudent, impartial, and honest counsellors." Before this confirmation of his views could be received, Hodgson's policy of steadily looking to the Raja as the responsible head of the State (by whatever faction he was for the moment controlled) had borne a severe test. In July 1837 Ranjang Pandi was publicly reinstated in his ancestral possessions, and the nominees to whom Bhim Sen had granted them were turned out. Ranjang now boldly stood forth as the accuser of the Prime Minister's nephew in the charge of incest which had been hushed up last year. At the same time the Raja, fearing that the army would side with Bhim Sen's family, put a stop to the practice of the chiefs moving about with their usual military retinues. The Prime Minister's party having thus been weakened by partial deprivation of office and stripped of their armed followers, an occasion was sought for striking the long-meditated blow. ' MS. letter from J. R. Colvin, Esq., Private Secretary to tlie Governor- General, dated August 31st, 1837, to B. H. Hodgson, Esq. viii.] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: ICS33— 1839. 1 59 Chance soon gave the opportunity. On July 24th, 1S37, the Raja's youngest son died suddenly, and a rumour was spread that the child had fallen a victim to poison designed by Bhim Sen for its mother, the Senior Queen, who was the mainstay of the rival Pandi faction. In the panic, Ranjang Pandi was appointed Prime Mini.ster. Bhim Sen was "seized, ironed, and thrown into prison, while the whole of his family were placed under close arrest ; Matabar Singh being shortly after ironed in the same manner as his uncle." ' The doctor who attended the child was subjected to excruciating agonies till he denounced Bhim Sen's party ; he was then crucified." The chief royal physicians and the whole kindred of Bhim Sen were in- carcerated, " proclaimed outcasts, and their property con- fiscated. They were fearfully tortured to induce them to confess, but not a syllable to criminate any one was elicited." ^ As a matter of fact the whole charge was an invention trumped up by the Pandis to secure Bhim Sen's overthrow, as they themselves confessed six years latcr.^ The revolution was no sooner completed than the conspirators feared they had gone too far. The dynastic party of " royal collaterals " ^ remonstrated with the King. Ranjang the Pandi was forced to make over the Prime- Ministership to Raghunath the Brahman. The chief royal physician, who had been branded with a hot iron and out- casted, was restored to favour. Bhim Sen and his nephew Matabar were released. But the aged Minister's .spirit ' Excerpts from the Letters of the Resident at Kathmmuiu to Government. Tickell's Memorandum, para. 38. * This is the word used in Tickell's Memorandum, para. 42, when referring back in 1839 to the transaction, both in the original MS. and in the printed office copj*. The piiysician is merely said to have been " tortured to death " in para. 38 of the same manuscript report. " Oldfield's Sketches fmm Nepal, Vol. I., p. 310. Ed. iSSo. 1 have not found documentary evidence at the India Ollice that torture was on this occasion applied to Bhim Sen or his relatives. But Dr. Oldfieid, as Resident Surgeon at Kathmandu, had access to the local records. * Idem., p. 336. ' The Chauntrias. l60 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. was broken. On his being brought into the Darbar " the old man fell on his face at the Raja's feet and was forgiven, with the restoration to him of his garden house, which had been confiscated during the late commotion, and the settle- ment of a pension of Rs. 3,000." ' A few days later he had another audience from the Raja and even from his inveterate enemy the Senior Queen. He received a dress of honour and a caparisoned horse, and " returned to his garden house followed by crowds of soldiers and by the people of the city." ' The new Brahman Prime Minister astutely used the fallen statesman as a support against the Pandis, now his chief rivals for power. The ruined relatives of Bhim Sen were honourably received at Court, and attended through the city by enthusiastic crowds " cheering them to their thresholds."^ It almost seemed as if the violence of the Pandi was to be checkmated by the craft of the Brahman. Ranjang Pandi, alarmed by the popular demonstrations in favour of Bhim Sen, asked leave from the Raja to retire to a religious life at Benares. But the Raja, apprehensive that the complete withdrawal of the Pandi would leave the other factions too powerful, refused, and accused Ranjang of veiling under a pretended pilgrimage to Benares his intention to seek service with the Sikh ruler at Lahore. His Highness hinted at another turn of fortune's wheel, and so kept the Pandi faction in reserve for any occasion which might arise. One of the first acts of the Brahman Prime Minister was to remodel the military organisation on which Bhim Sen had rested his power. The masses of troops hitherto concentrated in the capital were dispersed throughout the countrv. Large numbers were sent to strengthen the frontier garrisons ; 3,000 infantry with artillery were marched off to stations in the interior. But military inno- ' Excerpts frotn the Ixttcrs of the Resident at Kathmandu. Tickell's Memorandum, para. 39. » Id<;m., para. 40. ^ Idem. viii] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1833— 1839. 161 vations arc apt to be unpopular, and the politic Brahman shifted to the shoulders of the Raja whatever odium mi^ht attach to the reform. 1 Ic modestly presented himself as chief of the civil administration, while the King stood forth as its military head. Meanwhile the national pride was flattered by missions to the Sikh Government at Lahore and to the Court of Persia. The army also was maintained at its overgrown strength of 19,000 men actually under arms, with twice that number of an effective reserve. Hodgson had to keep an anxious eye on the frontier now alive with 2,500 additional soldiers, chiefly old praetorians from the capital full of ignorant swagger and contempt for their British neighbours. In September 1837 he wrote to his father that the revolution in Nepal has " at last alarmed the British Government into alacrity and interest ; and I find myself holding by general admission a highly important trust." The year 1837 had proved one of incessant labour to the Resident. In March Hodgson wrote to Lady D'Oyly rejoicing in his good health, and hoping to be able to retire in 1841.' But his liver complaint returned with new aggravations in the autumn, and in a hurried letter to his father on December ist, 1837, he says that it "has forced a sea-voyage on mc. I shall go to the Cape with the D'Oylys who arc bound for England, and I shall, I hope, be able to come back to my post here next cold weather." He made a will leaving to his father his valuable collec- tions, or rather those which he had not already presented to learned and .scientific societies. That was all he had to bequeath, except some small savings in cash to his children. " Alas, 1 have no money to speak of, and what I have, therefore, must go to my poor children, who will probably be kept in India to save you trouble and to better them as natives of this land." Amid his public cares and ill-health he finds consol.ition in his little ones. ' Letter to Lady D'Oyly dated .March 5th, 1837. II l62 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. " A bit of music or my boy's voice," he writes to Lady D'Oyly, " melts me to gentleness." The ferment in Nepal did not, however, allow him the much-needed year of rest. Hodgson had to recover from his illness as best he could by a change to Calcutta, and then returned to his post. Next year, 1838, was one of palace intrigues. The Senior Queen violently supported the Pandis ; their leader received the general command of the troops, while his brothers and relatives crowded into the highest offices around the person of the Raja and through- out the provinces. The Junior Queen less effectively urged the restoration of Bhim Sen who " continued at large " amid the plaudits of the soldiery, and was still allowed to present himself at Court. In February the disputes of the two ladies flamed up beyond control upon the Senior Queen demanding the Prime-Ministership for her favourite Ranjang, the head of the Pandis. As the poor Raja shuffled according to his wont, " she furiously left the palace, declaring she would never return unless her will was obeyed, and repaired to Pushpali-nath, about three miles from the city, attended by Ranjang." ^ So completely did she dominate her feeble husband that, in spite of the scandal, " during her stay there the Court attended daily with the Raja himself on her. This," adds the official report in 1 840, " is the first- mentioned of similar vagaries with which this headstrong woman has up to this day continued to be the torment of the whole Court." Bhim Sen's gallant nephew Matabar, under pretext of a hunting party to catch elephants in the Tarai, slipped off to the holy city of Benares on the British plains, and thence to the Sikh capital in the Punjab. The Brahman Prime Minister began to spin a web of intrigue for the union of the two great Hindu powers on our northern frontier, the Nepalese and Sikhs, against us. Even the ' Excerpts from the Letters of the Resident. Tickell's Memorandum, para. 42. vin.] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1833— 1839. 163 Raja plucked up spirit to declare that, " as the English and Musalmans have united, it was time for the Hindus to look to themselves." But another outburst of his wife's fury left him little leisure for distant diplomacy. No longer content with demanding the Prime-Ministership for her favourite Pandi, she began to plot for the deposition of the Raja, the placing of her young son on the throne and the expulsion of the British representative. By July 1838 she would have forced the Raja's consent but for the Brahman Prime Minister's remonstrances. He pointed out that so disgraceful a surrender to the Pandis would alienate the army, and drive many of the chiefs to seek protection from the English. The Senior Queen again quitted the capital in a rage, declaring " that she would never return unless the throne was abdicated in favour of her son, and Ranjang made Prime Minister." The miser- able Raja knew not whither to turn. The whole body of nobles held sulkily aloof from the henpecked husband ; his Brahman Prime Minister resigned, and waited in religious retirement until the feminine tyranny should be overpast. The despised and deserted King sought for comfort in superstitious auguries. Mis timorous soul had long been accustomed to consult omens ; indeed earth- quakes and portents form a large part of the Court chronicle of his reign.' The impostors whom he now con- sulted foretold, probably on the prompting of the Queen, "fearful reverses, the downfall of Nepal, and the triumph of the English ; and so effectually wrought on his fears as to compel him to quit the palace."- He at last got his wife back by appointing her favourite Pandi to the Primc- Ministership. ' See the very curi(Mis enumeration in Chapter IX. of the translation from the Parbatiya in Dr. Wright's History of Nepal, pp. 2^18-271 (Cambridge University Press, 1877). ' Excerpts from the Letters of the Resident. Tickcll's Memorandum. I quote from my extracts from the original Secret Consultations in the India Office MS. Records. l64 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Bhim Sen now saw that his only chance lay in the protection of the British. Me unfolded to the Resident the conspiracy against our power, unaware that Hodgson had silently watched each mesh as it was being woven. In January 1838 three messengers disguised as religious mendicants brought a rumour to Nepal of a rupture be- tween the British and the Court of Ava. Forthwith Nepal despatched an emissary to Burma, taking Sikkim and Assam by the way. As the year advanced, negotia- tions which the Nepalese believed to be profound secrets, but each move in which Hodgson recorded with an im- perturbable face, were carried on with the great Native States of India, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Gwalior, Sindhia, Haidarabad, the Marathas and the Sikhs ; while communi- cations were opened with China, Afghanistan, and Persia. Three thousand additional rounds of powder and cannon- shot were served out from the central arsenals to the garrisons along the British frontier of Nepal. At length Bhim Sen " privately sent secret information to the Resident that the Darbar were prepared for hostili- ties in October, should the accounts received from Ava, Pekin, and Lahore be favourable by that time."* As rumours thickened of our being in trouble with Burma, Afghanistan, and Persia, the Darbar became impatient, " and the Raja was formally petitioned by a body of Chiefs in Council to expel the Resident at once — a proposition to which he tacitly listened." '■ The expulsion would probably be accompanied with massacre, and fears were felt in Calcutta lest the furious Queen's favourite, now become Prime Minister, might murder Hodgson and his staff to win popularity with the army, and to commit the King irrevocably to war. Hodgson maintained an attitude of calm which almost seemed indifference, and kept up his polite intercourse with the Court as if nothing were happening which could not • Excerpts from the Letters of the Resident, ut supra, p. 81, * Idetn. VIII.] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1833—1839. 165 be adjusted in the ordinary course of diplomacy. On his remonstrance the King issued royal mandates in September recalling several of the secret emissaries to the Native States. At the same time he still more secretly sent forth new ones. His Highness even went so far as to address a complimentary letter to Lord Auckland " professing the most amiable views towards the British Government." Amid these courtly hypocrisies the unhealthy months slipped by during which Nepal might have struck her blow ; and with the commencement of the cold weather came the news that a British force was ordered to assemble on the Nepal frontier. Hodgson well knew how little was to be expected from this order. The Governor-General, Lord Auckland, had asked him in the summer of 1838 for a confidential report on the military resources of Nepal ' and her intrigues with the Indian feudatory States." But he had also warned Hodgson that actual hostilities against Nepal must be deferred till the Afghan expedition was concluded.' In September Lord Auckland informed him that there was no present intention of dealing with Nepal further than by strengthening our line of communications on the Ganges.' Subsequent letters made this still more clear. But for- tunately they were private ones. Hodgson kept his own counsel, but allowed the rumours of an as.sembling force to freely reach the Ncpalese Court. The opportunity for an attack on our frontier had for the time passed and the Nepalese Court changed its tone. ' Letters from John Kusscll C'olvin, I'rivate Secretary to Governor- General (marked " Private "), to B. H. Hodgson, dated Simla, June 14th, 1838. These and all otlier letters from Mr. J. R. Colvin are quoted from the M.S. volume.s kindly placed at my disposal by his son, Sir Auckland Colvin, K.C.S.I. '' The same to the same, dated July 2nd, 1838. ^ The same to the same, dated August 28th, 1838. * The same to the same, dated September 28th, 183S. In the task of copying tliese Colvin letters, nr of making excerpts, Mrs. Hodgson has given valuable aid. 1 66 LIFE OK BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. The complaints by the British frontier magistrates which had accumulated throus^hout the year 1838 were inquired into ; refugee criminals were given up ; a just settlement was even volunteered by Nepal in regard to the Sikkim boundary. Hodgson's brave and skilful policy received its crowning triumph on November 28th, when " the Darbar sent a written promise to the Resident, insuring in future the administration of impartial justice to British subjects trading in Nepal." His absolute unconcern while his life lay at the mercy of any palace-prompted tumult, and the silent completeness with which he had outwitted their machinations, won the admiration of the Chiefs and at the same time tickled their Highland sense of humour. It also frightened the King. The Darbar now granted, as a pleasantry of the moment, the judicial rights to British subjects which Hodgson had failed to wring from it by years of laborious diplomacy. Hodgson had meanwhile not only to calm the fears of his parents at home, but also to mourn the death of his last surviving brother the Horse Artillery Captain, and to find money to pay his debts and to send the young widow to England. " My dear Parents," he wrote in an undated scrap of a letter, but which appears to belong to the Christmas season of 1H38, " I steal a moment from official writing to tell you I am well, and that you need entertain no fears for me though war ensue with Nepal, as it probably will imme- diately. I have striven heartily and affectionately to save Nepal. . . . Oh that I had more health and strength to meet the crisis, but He will support me upon whom is my main reliance, even God Almighty. Love to Fanny and Ellen, and believe me ever your devotedly affectionate son. God ever bless you both and give you many happy returns of this season." Captain William Hodgson died on June 12th, 1838. " In every requisite of a Horse Artillery officer," his colonel commandant had written in the previous year on viii.] KESIDExNT IN NEPAL: 1833-1839. 167 Lord Auckland's withdrawing Captain Hodgson to a staff appointment, " I know of few to equal, none to surpass him."' His transfer to the Horse Artillery and recent marriage had been a drain on Brian's purse : his death now left behind a legacy of money troubles. " I have been obliged," he writes to his father on August 12th, 1838, "to / send Mary some money (Rs. 1,000), and I fear I shall be ^ called on for more — not that I love money, but that I fear poverty and India on account of my health." This was only the commencement of fresh claims upon him. Among other items Brian became responsible for a loan of ;^ 1,000 borrowed by his brother. The widow begged him to repay himself in part from some money which came in ; " but," adds Hodgson, " I have not the heart to take it." ' I mention these matters, not because Hodgson attached importance to them, but because they enable us to understand the private worries which aggravated his ill- health, and made his public anxieties more difficult to bear. The necessity of paying up the Rs. 50,000 towards his pension to enable him to retire at the end of his service began to haunt him. His full twenty-five years would ex- pire in 1843, and his period of actual residence in 1S41. He feared that his ailment would not allow him to go on working longer than the earlier date. Vet the constant demands on his purse by his parents and brothers had prevented him from laying by a sufficient sum to purchase his pension. " I must calculate on every sous before- hand," he wrote to his father early in 1839, "and know what I have to rest on. I am but in weakly health, and should retire as soon as my time is out." The year 1838 closed with a full recognition by the British Government of the gravity of the situation in Nepal. The corps of observation to be assembled under Colonel Oglander on the frontier could not be got together ' Letter from Colonel Boileau, ilaled February 9th, 1S37 * Letter to liis latlier, dated Kebruarj' 1st, 1S39. I68 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. in an effective form,^ as Lord Auckland was then engrossed with preparations for his Afghan war.- In September 1838 the Governor-General plainly said that it was not possible for him to do more than strengthen our troops along the line of the Ganges.^ Hodgson was informed, however, that in event of an outbreak the forces in our provinces bordering Nepal would be at his disposal. In a letter to his father, dated September 1838, he had written : " The Gurkhas are behaving as childishly as hostilely, and I fear I shall be Vinable to keep the peace, though I have now discretionary power over three divisions of the army, amounting to nearly 20,000 men, with which we are to make a cordon sanitain to endure pending the absence of the Kabul force from India. I fear the cordon may be broken, despite my cares to preserve it ; since it must be seven hundred miles long and liable to attack at any point by an active and enterprising enemy." Such a cordon, if it merits that name, might be useful to avenge his death, but was too far off to prevent a massacre. The truth is that the Afghan war proved as much as Lord Auckland could manage at one time, and the best he could hope for Nepal was that the Resident would keep things quiet till the storm in Afghanistan blew over. This is precisely what Hodgson did during the four eventful years which followed, from the establishment of our forces in Afghanistan in 1839 till the annihilation of the Kabul garrison in 1842. But the inability of the Government to make an effective display of force, or even to maintain a firm attitude, seriously weakened his hands. He by no means mistook the momentary good-humour ' I make this statement on the authority of a marginal note by Hodgson on p. 314 of Oldfield's Sketches fro7n Nepal, Vol. I. (1880). 2 Lord Auckland decided to send a British force to Kabul in July 1838. — John Russell Colvin, by Sir Auckland Colvin, p. 116 (Clarendon Press, 1895). ' Letter from Lord Auckland's Private Secretary to B. H. Hodgson, dated Simla, September 28th, 1838. VIII.] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1835—1839. 169 of the Darbar towards the close of 1838 for a permanent amendment of its ways. '* We have narrowh' escaped a war with Nepal," he wrote to his father h\'bruary ist, i^39. "and now I see many symptoms that the escape was but temporary, and that unless our Governor-General make up his mind to more resolute remonstrance than heretofore, Gurkha presumption and duplicity will speedily enforce our taking up arms against Nepal." The Nepalcse Court had by this time discovered that our threatened demonstration on its frontier was only a threat — not to be realised while Lord Auckland had Afghanistan on his hands. Accordingly it began the year 1839 by " publishing prophecies predicting our downfall through- out the plains." ' At home it got ready again for war. Throughout the year the arsenals and military workshops resounded with preparation. Sixty-four new cannon were cast, while by April two hundred cannon " of brass and leather " were under manufacture, and 800,000 pounds of powder with 100,000 round shot and 1,200,000 musket balls were ordered. Muskets were to be turned out at the rate of five a day. Two experienced captains were deputed to stockade the hills on the border, and a war-census was taken. It returned the population fit to bear arms — that is, from twelve to sixty years of age — at 400,000 persons. All this was very popular with the chiefs, but Ranjang I'andi, who now made himself sole Minister with the help of the Senior Queen, found that it cost mone)-. It was in vain that he retrenched the public expenditure. " The strictest parsimony " failed to yield the needful supplies. " As high in favour at Court as he was feared and detested by the people," he devised a scheme of resumptions, ' Excerpts J nnn tJit' Lifters 0/ tJir Resiclr/tt at Kathmandit to Govcrn- mcnt. TickeU'b Memorandum. For tliis year 1839 1 quote invariably from the original MS. copy in the India Office, countersigned by Hodgson. As I follow its text closely, it is not needful to constantly refer to it in footnotes. It and the letters separately quoted are the aiitlioi ities for all statements in the following pages dealing with this evcrtful year 1839. I/O LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. forced benevolences, and forfeitures " falling little short of open robbery. He commenced operations by ostenta- tiously giving up to the State his own lands which he had held on rent-free tenure," and then called on the other chiefs to do likewise. All rent-free grants since the downfall of his father in 1802 were to be resumed. The chiefs were at the same time subjected to a system of money contributions ; from a single one of them a forced loan of ;£^30,ooo was demanded. Fines also were " mercilessly levied on the most frivolous pretences for acts so long past as to have been almost forgotten." One noble family found itself suddenly called upon for ;^8o,ooo^ another for ^20,000 ; while ^^2,500 were extorted from a poorer man on the plea of his having instigated a friend " to intercede for Bhim Sen and his family when in chains." " Soldiers were scattered over the country enforcing these exactions," and the acclamations of the new Prime Minister's war promises speedily turned into an outcry against the extortions of his war finance. Ranjang Pandi tried to stem the public hatred by clutch- ing more strenuously at the supreme power. The leader of the Brahman party was compelled to give up his last pretence of joint authority, and to retire in real earnest to his devotions. The King's collaterals had indignantly declared " that they who are of the royal race will not be subjected to any one but the Raja, and that to obey a Khas (Ranjang's tribe) is intolerable degradation." ^ Ranjang retorted by calling them " royal menials," who have no title to discharge the noble duties of war and of politics.^ He elected, in fact, to trust solely to his influence over the Senior Queen, and disdained alike the wrath of the chiefs and the detestation of the people. The poor King, with his usual feeble craft, thought that he himself might perhaps come to the top in the turmoil. So he kept ' Letter from B. H. Hodgson to the Officiating Secretary with the Governor-General, dated April 14th, 1839. — India Office MSS. * Idem. VIII.] KESIDKNT IN NEPAL: 1833—1839. I71 RanjiUij^ in suspcn.sc as to his formal confirmation in the Prime-^Ministcrship, while allo\vin<^ him to discharge its duties and to bear its odium. Ranjang's ministry was one of spoliation, and the chiefs, as Bhim Sen had predicted, began to turn their eyes to the British. The following paragraphs in a secret despatch from Hodgson to Herbert Maddock,* who had preceded him as Resident in Nepal and was now the Secretary to Government in attendance on the Governor-General, shows the gradual development of the drama, then drawing to its bloody close. '■ Even now, though Ranjang is not yet confirmed in the Premiership, and perhaps may not, after all, be so, yet under his predominate secret influence many severities arc inflicted and more apprehended, and the great body of the Chiefs is extremely disgusted and discontented. The Senior Rani's irregular and violent ambition is said to find a ready tool in Ranjang for the accomplishment of her particular purposes, on condition she prove herself (as she professes to be) equally pliant in regard to his particular ends. She wants the Raja to resign in favour of her son ; Ranjang wants revenge on his numerous enemies ; and the Raja, though he dreads with reason both the one and the other, and thus continues to withhold the [confirma- tion in the] Premiership from Ranjang, yet gradually gives way to his imperious spouse, seduced by extravagant promises of the mighty things which Ranjang is to achieve against the Company, when once he has the complete direction of affairs. Meanwhile every step he makes to power is marked by actual or threatened retaliation and severity at home, and by secret instigations of every species of covert hostility abroad. " He appears not in any matter, but he really guides all through the Senior Rani, and he it is who so often marred the Raja's better purpose when his Highness was ready to lay aside severities at home and intrigues on the plains. ' Dated Nepal Residency, April 14th, 1839. 172 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. " All persons of mark now look to the Company's Government, and earnestly hope that the Governor-General will ere long be led to address the Raja in such terms as may frighten him into justice at home and abroad, and redeem him from the toils of the Rani and [Ranjang] Pandi, whose unjust and irregular ambition threatens equal mischief to the State in its domestic and in its foreign relations. " Several times the Raja has been made to hesitate and draw back from his meditated injustice. . . . The Junior Rani dreads that her children will be sacrificed to the jealousy of the Senior Rani, their eyes being put out or their lives made away with by foul practices, and she is meditating some possible means of appeal to the Resident. " The Court physicians have destroyed themselves be- cause banishment proved no protection to them, and they were loaded with irons and otherwise oppressed after they had been again spared and even sent to their destination. The Court has therefore the blood of these Brahmans upon its head, and all persons anticipate misfortunes to the kingdom therefrom. Bhim Sen's brother has turned /rtX-zV to escape from perpetually renewed alarms, and Bhim Sen considers himself safe only because his nephew Matabar is beyond the Darbar's power, and would join the English and open the way to their armies to Kathmandu if Bhim Sen were presently made away with. The Darbar earnestly desires to get back Matabar Singh and also Ranudat Sah to Nepal, and the Governor-General should take good care that neither of them yet returns, for whilst they are below, the Darbar will never dare to come to extremities with the Company. " The Raja's temper is spoilt and soured, so that the most respectable chiefs are repeatedly subjected to coarse abuse or to actual or threatened extortions, upon pretence of bribery and malversation in office under the long ad- ministration of the Thappas. Meanwhile secret intrigues with the plains with a view to excite discontent among VIII.] RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1833-1839- ^73 the Company's subjects and conspiracy amongst its de- pendent allies are going on as actively as ever. " There are now at Kathmandu secret envoys from all the following States: Gwalior, Satara, Baroda Jodhpur Jaipur, Kotah, Bundi. Rewa, Panna, and the i unjab Dhyan Singh); and the intercourse thus set afoot the Darbar is determined to maintain. Meanwhile, partly from dread of the consequences of such perverseness and partly in order to be ready fully to meet the expected opportunity of open rupture, hostile preparations of all sorts continue to be actively made. " Between fear and hate the Darbar suffers not itsclt to have a moment's rest, but so little is it governed by prudence in its proceedings that, at the very moment when it would fain break with the Company, it scruples not to misuse and alarm in an extreme degree the great majority of those Chiefs who alone could second its wishes in the event of war. A rash and violent woman aiming at uncontrolled sway governs the Darbar, and all men of experience anticipate the worst that can happen unless renewed dread of the Company should speedily recall the Raja to safer counsels and more resolution in abiding by them. I have, etc. -j^^^.. " B. H. Hodgson, Resident Ranjang Pandi perfectly understood the situation. A coalition of the Chiefs led by Bhim Sen, and enjoying the goodwill of the British Resident, would frighten the feeble Raja into a spasm of independence which might sweep the Pandi faction out of Nepal. Ranjang did not yet dare to attack the British Resident. He also feared to murder Bhim Sen lest the gallant Matabar. who was now safe at the Sikh Court, should return on the flood-tide of popular indignation and avenge his uncle's death. lo get rid of this stumbling-block it was reported > about thi. « Excerpts from the Utters of the Resident at Kathmandu for 1839. ut supra. India Oflke MS. Secret Consultations. 174 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. time that the Darbar had hired secret agents to poison Matabar Singh, who were shortly to set out with that intent to the Punjab." At the same moment a fresh charge of poisoning was trumped up against Bhim Sen in the palace. The Court physician was instigated, under threats of torture, to implicate the ex-minister in an imaginary attempt to poison the Senior Queen — an attempt alleged to have taken place six months before ! The aged Bhim Sen, " in whose favour none dared now to lift a voice, was reduced to the most abject and affecting appeals to the Resident." But the Raja still hesitated to take the plunge into the infamy of a judicial murder of the old Minister. The King, accompanied by one of the royal collaterals who was for a time joint Prime Minister with Ranjang, came in person to the Residency and laid the accusation before Hodgson. The Resident calmly but firmly pointed out the insufficiency of the evidence, " and with a view to the physician's life being spared, recommended his banishment from the city, as securing future peace within the palace." Even this failed to satisfy the furious Senior Queen and her favourite Pandi. The Court physicians committed suicide to escape torture. The younger Queen, as we have heard, went in hourly dread for her children's lives ; and Bhim Sen's brother^ sought safety under the garb of a wandering religious mendicant. The iirst batch of victims were already in their graves, but their kindred remained. " The family and relations, male and female, of the physician who was crucified last year were seized ; five had their noses cut off, and eleven, after being tortured in hopes of extorting confessions criminating certain chiefs, were given to perpetual slavery as outcasts." ^ Two of the Court physicians who had not • Ranbir Singh, who had only a few years ago been intriguing against his elder brother for the Prime-Ministership. * These and all other quotations without a separate reference are from the Excerpts from the Letters of the Resident, as before mentioned. viii.J RESIDENT IN NEPAL: 1833 -1839. 17$ killed themselves were horribly mutilated. One of them, "a Brahman and whose life was therefore sacred, was burned on the forehead and cheeks till his brain and jaws were exposed." ' The other was impaled alive, and his heart torn out while he was still living. The Prince looked on as these horrors were perpetrated, but no word could be wrung out of the victims to incriminate Bhim Sen. The Senior Queen " almost publicly avowed her determination to procure the Raja's abdication in favour of her eldest son." Every effort was made to lure back Matabar Singh to Nepal (the secret emissaries having failed to poison him), in order that " both he and Bhim Sen might be decapitated." The last scene in the tragedy opened with a new set of accusations against Bhim Sen — accusations to which his persecutors no longer took the trouble to give even a show of probability. He was first charged with poisoning the widow of the Raja who died as far back as 18 16, then with poisoning that long-deceased Raja himself " The old man thus beset," says the official narrative,-' " courageously defended himself, demanding why, if such charges had been really made, they had not been produced against him on his first arrest in 1837 ; denounced the papers as forgeries, and called for confrontation with his accusers. But his defence and his appeals were alike unheeded ; not a voice was raised in his behalf throughout the Darbar. The Chiefs sat by in dejected silence, and the Raja giving way to, or feigning, a burst of indignation, denounced him as a traitor and had him hurried off in chains to a prison. "It is needless to trace further his cruel persecutions. Like a convicted felon, he lingered in his dungeon during his few remaining days ; his ears were assailed from day to day with threats of renewed torments — with being ' Oldfield, Vol. I., p. 316 (Ed. 1880), apparently writing from local records which have not come under my notice in the Secret Consultations preserved at the India Office. * Excerpts from the LctUrs of the Resident at Kathnuindu, nt supra. 1/6 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. viii. exposed plunged up to the neck in a heap of human ordure and filth, with having his wife paraded naked through the city — till, totally worn out by accumulated torments, the wretched man anticipated further malice by committing suicide. On July 20th he inflicted a wound in his throat, with a kukri, of which he died nine days after. His corpse was refused funeral rites, but dismembered and exposed about the city, after which the mangled remains were thrown away on the river-side, where none but the dog and vulture dared further heed them." No sooner was the outrage complete than the terror- stricken Raja hastened to excuse himself to the Resident. Hodgson listened, then coldly replied "that the whole of the transaction was foreign to the duties of my station, and that I could only express my acknowledgments for the official communication made to me by the Darbar."^ But he laid a full account of the proceedings before the Governor-General. " Thus has perished," he concludes in words not unsuited to the tragical moment, " the great and able statesman who for more than thirty years had ruled this kingdom with more than regal sway, just two years after his sudden fall from power in 1837 — prior to which event the uniform success of nearly all his measures had been no less remarkable than the energy and sagacity which so much promoted that success. He was indeed a man born to exercise dominion over his fellows alike by the means of command and of persuasion. Nor am I aware of any native statesman of recent times, except Ranjit Singh, who is, all things considered, worthy to be compared with the late General Bhim Sen of Nepal." ' ' Report from the Resident to the Deputy Secretary with the Governor-General, dated July 30th, 1839, para. 4. — India Office MSS. * Idem., para. 6. z^;?^-^^^^^^^- I e-»*- - -CTAT 44-. ^77] CHAPTER IX. LAST FOUR YEARS OF RESIDENTSHI!' IN NEPAL. 1839 1843. THE Queen and her favourite Pandi now breathed more freely. But they felt that, as long as a British Resident watched their proceedings, the game of hostility to the British Government was a dangerous one. They vented their wrath on the kindred of the dead Prime Minister, declared his whole clan incapable of holding any State employment for seven generations, and drove forth his relatives, who had already been banished to the moun- tains, still farther into the snows. All grants of lands made by him or by the late Queen-Regent from 1804 onwards were confiscated, and their holders, many of whom had received them as payment for public services, were without mercy turned adrift. Hodgson's air of indifference to the intrigues against the Residency, intrigues which the Queen knew he was well informed of, nonplussed her. She thought he must cer- tainly have some power of destruction in reserve. His health improved and his spirits rose as he realised that Lord Auckland was too busy with Afghanistan to spare any force for Nepal, and that the Resident must depend entirely on his own courage and resource. They " are ready to break forth," he wrote to his father in July 1S39, " or at least to break the treaty and expel the envoy, /.»•. myself. There is great pleasure to me in the excitement and in the responsibility, and now Government readily admits that I was a prophet when I Umg ago told Lord Bentinck to beware of the future, assuring him that what 12 1/8 LIFE or BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. he then called a sinecure would by-and-by come to be considered the most important diplomatic office in India. So it has proved. My health is pretty c^ood, and I am ever mindful of you all." The Governor-General saw clearly that the death of Bhim Sen left the war party supreme in Nepal, but he could only take notice of it in empty words. There is indeed a feeble magniloquence about Lord Auckland's reply which the presence of his Afghan complications can alone excuse. " I am directed to state," wrote his secre- tary,' " that the measures of indignity, insult, and cruelty which the Government of Nepal has adopted towards the late and able Minister of that State, have been viewed by the Governor-General with feelings of extreme disgust and abhorrence. They pourtray a spirit of vindictive hatred towards the late General Bhim Sen, venting itself on its unfortunate victim by outrages so atrocious and unmanly as to lead to the belief that the moral feeling of the Court has been much vitiated since the deposition of Bhim Sen, and that, under the present system and the present Govern- ment, the manners of the people will rapidly sink into a state of barbarity from which they were being gradually weaned by a long course of pacific rule, under an able and comparatively enlightened administration." Hodgson did what he could with this weak-kneed back- ing, lie made the Raja understand the danger to his dynasty which the resentment of the Governor-General implied. The poor Prince again drew away from the war party. In the summer of 1S39 he had begun "to talk of the fate of the Company being in his hands,"- and had been interdicted by the Queen from intercourse with the Residency. Before autumn was over Hodgson brought ' Letter from T. H. Maddock, Secretary to the Government of India with the Governor-General, to the Resident in Nepal, dated Simla, August 15th, 1839. — India Office MSS. ■ Excerpts from Letters of the Resident. Tickell's Memorandum, lit supra. Secret Consultations, India Office MSS. IX.] LAST FOLK YEAKS IN NKPAL : 1839—1843. 1/9 him to reason, dexterously usinj; the Raja's necessity for finding a wife or wives from India for the heir-apparent. This plea had enabled the Xepalese Darbar to send its emissaries to the Native Courts throughout Northern India " under the old pretence of seeking for brides." ' The age of the heir-apparent nc^w rendered it a necessity in sober earnest, and Hodgson politely informed the Raja that his envoys would receive passports through the British pro- vinces only if he acted justly by the Hritish- Indian traders in Nepal. The negotiations dragged themselves on through various phases of duplicity, but b\' October 1839 Hodgson had once more checkmated the war party left rampant by Bhim Sen's death in July. He wrote to Mr. Thoby Prinsep on October iSth, 1839, that he had for the present stopped Nepal in her perilous course." " I have been debating with her for three months to exact from her an honest and practical atonement in place of the dishonest and idle phrases and compliments with which she .sought to cover the past and to shift for the future. She offered me, at the beginning of that {)eriod, a Kharita(or letter) for the Governor-General full of all excellent discourse, rounded off with a tender of her troops to us to fight be\ond the Indus and elsewhere. She conceived, or rather proposcci and wished, that this magnificent piece of humbug should procure her a pardon for all ill-deeds and .schemes of the last two years, besides obtaining present leave for her to .send a gorgeous and numerous mi.ssion through the Rajput States under pretence of marriage, but really to bravado away the shame of her ejection from those parts eighteen months ago, and to come to some .sort of untlerstanding with their rulers. ' Idem. • In lliis and in other letters I give only the paragraphs directly bearing on the political situation. Henry Thoby I'rinscp was then Officiating Secretary to the Government of huli;i in the Secret and I'olitical Dcpartmrtit. l8o LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. " I was obliged to be wary at first and to temporise. But gradually I have grown bolder, and I have at last compelled the Darbar to admit, by the silent abandonment ■of it, that this mission to the Rajputs was a fraud ; whilst I have refused either to forward the Kharita to the Governor-General or even to let a real marriage mission go to the districts on this side the Ganges, until the Darbar has, verily and in deed, done me right and justice in those several special instances wherein she has admitted my claim and pledged herself to redress o\'er and over again. " These reforms 1 have now, I think, nearly carried, after such delays and evasions and tricks to tire patience as I never saw nor dreamt of before. I have been on the verge of success apparently twenty times during the debate, when the Darbar has gone off again at a tangent. " The points I have gained from the Darbar are of some value, and if the greater politics of India go well for some time to come, I may be able to keep the Darbar to the new course which those points will define for her. But at present she consents and signs with the worst will to the work, and she will bolt if temptation again arise. Yours ever, " B. H. Hodgson." The agreement which Hodgson thus wrung from Nepal in the teeth of the war party now forms No. LVI. of Sir Charles Aitchison's Treaties and Engagciiioits. It bears date November 6th, 1839, and the translation runs as follows : " According to your (J.e. the Resident's) request and for the purpo.se of perpetuating the friendship of the two States, as well as to promote the effectual di.scharge of current business, the following items are fixed : 1st. All secret intrigues whatever, by mes.sengers or letters, shall totally cease. 2nd. The Nepal Government engages to have no further intercourse with the dependent allies of the Company beyond the Ganges, who are by treaty precluded from such intercourse, except with the Resident's IX.] LAST FOUR YEARS IN NKPAL : 1839— 1843. I Si sanction and under his passports. 3rd. Witli the land- holders and men of position on this side of the Ganges, who arc connected by marriage with the royal fimily of Nepal, intercourse of letters and persons shall remain open to the Nepal Government as heretofore. 4th. It is a<;reed to, as a rule for the 'guidance of both Governments, that in judicial matters, where civil causes arise, there they shall be heard and decided ; and the Nepal Government engages that for the future British subjects shall not be compelled to plead in the Courts of Nepal to civil actions having exclusive reference to their dealings in the plains. 5th. The Nepal Government engages that British subjects shall hereafter be regarded as her own subjects in regard to access to the Courts of Law, and that the causes of the former shall be heard and decided without denial or delay, according to the usages of Nepal. 6th. The Nepal Govern- ment engages that an authentic statement of all duties leviable in Nepal shall be delivered to the Resident, and that hereafter unauthorised imposts not entered in this list shall not be levied on liritish subjects." For the moment the war party in Nepal was cowed. Hodgson permitted the complimentary letter to the Governor-General to be despatched along with the treaty, and the Court even begged to be allowed to send an equally complimentary mission to wait on his E.xcellency — with the most violent of the war party at its head ! Suddenly, on a rumour that Lord Auckland had been recalled for harshness towards the .Amir of Afghanistan," the projected mission was dropped " in a manner wantonly disrespectful towards his Lordship."- When the rumour turned out to be false the proposal was ostentatiously revived in the hope that the Nepalcse envoy " would be able by a personal interview with the Governor-General to obtain his Lord- ship's sanction to the numerous deputations which Nepal ' Dost Muhammad. ' Secret Letter from the Kesideiit to the Secretary with the Govenior- Gencral, dated November 25th, 1839. 1 82 LIFE OY BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. wished to send forth all over India, under pretext of the heir-apparent's approaching marriage, to select brides or to issue invitations for the ceremony."' Hodgson's letters at this period disclose a hopelessness of keeping the Nepalese Court to any engagements what- ever, but also a resolve to constantly occupy its attention with minor matters until Lord Auckland should be set free from Afghanistan to deal seriously with the situation in Nepal. The violence of the war party helped Hodgson's design. For it established such a reign of terror inside the palace and throughout the country that the Raja's family as well as the chiefs began to look to the Residency as their one source of security. The Senior Queen and her favourite Pandi, carried their persecution of the Junior Queen so far as to accuse her of criminal conversation with a captain in the Gurkha army. The Raja saw the malevolence of the charge, and it fell to the ground. Presently they renewed the attack by an accusation " of misprision of treason." This, although also foiled, threw the younger Queen " into the greatest distress and fear for her life and children, and induced her to appeal secretly to the Resident to procure for her the protection of the British Government." - The year 1840 thus opened with the war party again supreme in Nepal, headed by the Senior Queen and her favourite Pandi, but with the Court in the meshes of its late engagements to Hodgson, and with the Junior Queen and the royal collaterals looking for support to the Residency. The Governor-General, notwithstanding his entanglements in Afghanistan, began to feel that a war with Nepal could not much longer be staved off. On ' Excerpts from Letters of the Resident, ut supra. - Excerpts frotn Letters of the Resident at Kathtna7idu, Tickell's Memorandum, ict supra. In making my final reference to these " Excerpts," which conclude with the year 1839, I beg to e.vpress my obligation to Mr. H. W. Garrett, of the Political Department, India Office, under whose supervision copies were made for me from the Secret Consultations (MSS.). IX.] LAST FOUR YEARS IN NEP.\L : jS3.;— 1843. 183 January 9th, 1840, his Private Secretary wrote strongly to Hodt^son about " the idle vapourin-^^s and futile intrii^ucs by which the Nepal Darbar Ivas been bringing upon itself present ridicule and laying the seeds of its future punish- ment." ' Hodgson meanwhile occupied the Ncpile-e Government with perpetual discussions about carrying out its agreement to deliver up Thugs and the bandit- leaders sheltered within ils frontier, and he procured the issue of stringent orders for their surrender. The truth is that the Queen and her favourite were preparing their grand coup^ and were as anxious to gain time as Hodgson himself. Meanwhile they laboured to render the British Govern- ment odious in every way to the chiefs and people. They first tried to draw Hodgson into a palace scandal. On May 5th, 1840, the marriage of the heir-apparent simul- taneously to two ladies was celebrated. Shortly after the ceremony the Briti-sh Resident was summoned to a private interview with the Senior Oueen and the Raja. The Queen declared with affected consternation that certain ill-omened marks had been discovered on the bodies of the brides, and that the marriages must at once be dis.solved. Hodgson carefully abstained from giving any opinion, for he knew it was certain to be mi.srepresented. The Queen, indeeil, had got up the .story partly to entrap the Resident, partly as a move in her policy of keeping the King in perpetual distresses in order to disgust him with the cares of royalty, and to induce his resignation in favour of her son with herself as regent. Foiled by Hodgson's reticence, she presently di.scovered that the marks were only temporary and of no significance. She next tried to win popular favour by a romantic outrage upon the British frontier. On April I2th, 1840, half a hundred Gurkha braves suddenly appeared at the great fair held in Ramnagar Forest, eight miles within • J. R. Colvin to n. H. HocIrsoi). dated Camp bt-yoiid Dholpiir, January 9th, 1840.— Vol. VIII., p. 217, of the Avicklaiid MSS. 1 84 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON- [chap. our provinces. After forcibly levying the bazaar dues, they established their permanent headquarters in the neighbourhood, called on the inhabitants of ninety-one iiritish villages to come in, and told them that their terri- tories were henceforth part of Nepal, to whose Government alone the revenues must be paid. They then stationed Gurkha soldiers in each of the villages thus seized, and threatened to deport to Nepal for punishment any local official who dared to convey information of the transaction to the British authorities. " In fact a large tract of country, eight or nine miles broad, by twenty or twenty-five in length [say 200 square miles], had been entirely cut off from the British dominions." ' Hodgson promptly demanded the withdrawal of the Gurkha soldiers, the punishment of the authors of the aggression, compensation to the villagers, and an ample apology to our Government. But the Queen and her favourite Pandi, being now almost ready to strike their long-meditated blow, protracted the negotiations and meanwhile denied redress. As Hodgson had no force behind him, he had to keep his temper and do what he could by remonstrances. The Queen and her favourite, elated by impunity, resolved to at once raise a war- fund b>' cutting down the pay of the troops, pretending that the reduction was being carried out by the Raja under orders from the British Government. Having thus pre- pared the way, they awaited with calmness the military rising which they knew would follow, and hoped that in the confusion the Raja would be deposed and the Residency burnt to the ground. They had not to wait long. Early on the morning of June 2 1 St, 1840, the Nepalese army at the capital, 6,000 strong, broke into revolt at a general parade, at which the reduction of their pay was to be officially ' Narrative of events in Nepal in 1840, prepared by Lieutenant C. H. Niclioletts, Assistant Resident, dated September 30th, 1853, para. 7. — India Office Records. IX.] LAST FOUR YEARS IN NKPAL: 1839— 1843. 185 announced. On the preceding evening the Queen cleverly .secured the pcr.son.s of the British Resident and his staff. " I was called," writes Hodgson in a private note, '* to the Darbar ostensibly for a mere formal visit. I went as usual with the gentlemen of the Residency at 7 p.m. At 10 o'clock I rose to go, but the Raja begged ine to stay awhile, and so again at i i o'clock, and again I think at midnight. Still something was always urged by the Court to keep us, and though no adequate cause was a.ssigned, I assented in order if possible to discover the real cau.se of our deten- tion. I felt there was .some cau.se, and possibl\- a serious one, as I whispered to Dr. Campbell,* and I wanted to fathom the mystery. " Soon after midnight, at a sign from one of the Raja's attendants, his Highness asked mc to go to the Queen's apartments. 1 went. Her Highness received me with scant civility, and presently grew angry and offensive with reference to business. I replied at first seriously," and then pa.sscd to compliments ending in a jest. " This made her laugh, and under cover of the momentary good-humour the Raja carried mc off, apparently only too happy to have thus easily got me through an interview demanded by his virago of a wife, who wiis the prime mover in all the mischief then brewing. It was daylight when I and the gentlemen left the palace, and shortly after came rumours of an uproar in the Nepal cantonments. It was reported to me that the troops at the cai)ital were in a mutinous state, and were threatening mischief to the Residency, they having been told that the Resident had been all night insisting on a reduction of the Gurkha army by in- structions from his Government. " Ere long the report of the mutiny was confirmed by the appearance of a large body (A soldiers in arms moving on the Residency. Arrived at an o[x:n space two hundred yards from the embassy-house, the troops called a halt and helil a palaver. The men objected to perpetrate so ' The Residency Surgeon and Honorary Assistant KcsidciU 1 86 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. cowardly an act as the destruction of the Resident, ' he being a good 'gentleman long known to them, and ahvays kind and courteous to them and their families.' The palaver ended in a deputation of a select body of them to the Darbar to say that, if they were to do such a deed, they must have a Lal-mo/iar (a formal order under the royal seal) to that effect." Hodgson contrived to inform the Raja that the object of the strange detention of himself and staff during the night had been seen through, and that measures were already taken to secure vengeance, if needful, for their deaths. The Queen, believing her arrangements for a rising complete, withdrew in the early morning from the capital, so that, whatever happened, the Raja would have to bear the consequences alone. " Just as the deputies of the soldiers reached the palace and made their statement, the Resident's Head Munshi arrived there and acquainted the Darbar that the pretence of mutiny to cover violence was transparent, that intelligence to that effect had been transmitted to the Governor-General by two different channels, and that the messengers had already got clear off towards the plains. The effect of this double move by the soldiers and by the Resident was to put a quiet extinguisher on a ruse of the Darbar which might easily have resulted in a scene of bloodshed, furens quid femina possit being an old truth." ^ Meanwhile horrors were taking place in the city which prove that, throughout that night and forenoon, the lives of the British officers had hung by a thread. Hodgson's easy good-humour with the Queen probably saved himself and his staff from murder in the palace or at the moment of quitting it. His calmness next morning in resting his safety on his character as ambassador, and disdaining any contemptible show of self-defence, certainly saved the Residency from the troops. If a single shot had been fired from the Residency walls, the mutineers would not ' Private note written by Mr. Hodgson, without date. IX.] LAST FOUK YEARS IM NEPAL: 1S39-1843. 187 have halted but would have carried the ijatc with a rush. Hodgson kept his escort of two hundred men perfectly quiet, he kept his officers perfectly quiet, he swiftly took measures for acquainting his Government with the facts, and then he threw the responsibility for his safety as an ambassador upon the Raja and his Ministers. If we admire the gallantry, or even the gallant futility, with which Indian envoys have defended themselves by paltry escorts to the last living man, we must yield a yet higher respect to the unmoved civil courage with which Hodgson faced the storm and weathered it. For meanwhile the mutinous troops had sacked the palace of the royal collateral who posed as nominal Prime Minister, gutted the houses of five other chiefs, members of the Ministry, and loudly demanded that the Raja should himself come forth and redress their grievances. Next day, the 22nd, the Raja summoned up courage to harangue them ; and the troops, with the habitual loyalty to the person of their sovereign .so characteristic of the Gurkhas, ceased from further outrages, liut the excitement con- tinued in their quarters, and on June 23rd, 1S40, the following message was conveyed to the army from the Raja and his Senior Queen : -' *' The English Government is powerful, abounding in wealth and in all other resources for war. I have kept well with the English .so long, because I am unable to cope with them. Besides, I am bound by a treaty of amity, and have now no excu.se to break it ; nor have I money to support a war. Troops I have, and arms and ammuni- tion in plenty, but no money. This is the reason why I have reduced your pay. I want treasure to fight the English. Take lower pay for a year or two, and when 1 have some money in hand, then I will throw off the mask and indulge you in war." To this the troops replied by their deputies at a parade ' I repiodiice this frank proclamation aiul tlic reply of tiic troops Irom Oldlic'ld, Vol. I., pp. 3i.S, 319. Ed. ibSo. 1 88 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. which the Maharaja attended in person. " True the English Government is great ; but care the wild dogs of Nepal how large is the herd they attack ? They arc sure to get their bellies filled. You want no money for making war ; for the war shall support itself. We will plunder Lucknow and Patna. But first we must get rid of the Resident, who sees and forestalls all. We must be able, unseen, to watch the moment of attack. It will soon come ; it is come. Give the word and we will destroy the Resident," " and we will soon make the Ganges your boundary. Or if the English, as they say, are your friends and want peace, why do they keep possession of half your dominions? Ixt them restore Kumaun and Sikkim. These are yours ; demand them back ; and if they refuse, drive out the Resident, and let us have war." ^ The Raja asked time for deliberation. But the secret hopes of the Queen that the Residency would be sacked in the tumult had been disappointed, and she hesitated to ofificially authorise the outrage. The grievances of the army were accordingly redressed, and the reduction of pay was not insisted on. She contented herself with having placards posted outside the palace exaggerating our diffi- culties and reverses in Afghanistan. The arsenals and gun factories were kept in full activity ; the military spirit was fanned throughout the country by the old device of a war- census, which returned the fighting population at 400,000 men.-' Lord Auckland had awakened to the fact that, what- ever his embarrassments in Afghanistan, the situation in Nepal brooked no further delay. He instructed his Private Secretary to write at once to Hodgson that there would be no hesitation as to moving troops to the Nepal frontier if necessary." He also forwarded a public despatch, " with ' Oldfield, Vol. I., pp. 31S, 319. Ed. i88o. 2 Idem., p. 321. 3 J. R. Colvin to Brian Hodgson, dated July iStli, 1840.— Vol. XI. of the Auckland MSS., p. 252. IX.] LAST FOUR YEAKS IN NEPAL: 1839— 1843. 189 regard to the forcible occupation of our territory at Ramnagar " (the ninety-one villages). He instructed Hodgson to intimate to the Nepal Darbar " that your Government has viewed the continued usurpation of British territory with extreme displeasure," and to demand, immediate redress. Hodgson was to declare "that the Government of India will speedily feel itself compelled, if such satisfaction be not fully afforded, to march its troops to the frontier to vindicate its honour, and to relieve its subjects from the intolerable violence to which they arc exposed." ^ Armed with the knowledge that his threats would be backed by troops " if necessary," Hodgson took up so strong an attitude as to obtain the redress without the actual employment of force. Ample satisfaction wa.s obtained for the seizure of the ninety-one villages and tract of two hundred square miles within our frontier, and the money-compensation for the villages was deposited in the Residency treasury.'- A .series of direct representations were also forced on the Raja which convinced him that the safety of his dynasty depended on the dismissal of the Queen's favourite Pandi from the Ministry. " The Governor-General in Council in reviewing these trans- actions," Lord Auckland wrote to Hodgson,^ " has to thank you for the marked ability, firmness, and judgment with which you have met a long course of adver.se and evasive negotiation on the part of the Nepal Government, and he begs you to accept his cordial acknowledgment of your sei-vice on the occasion." Lord Auckland, in the stern mood brought on by the peril of the Residency on July 2ist. 1S40, had asked Hodgson to advise him whether the object of the antici- ' (Juotfd frf)m the (irall ciespatcli enclosed in the Private Secretary's letter jnst referred to. ■' From Ufticiating Secretary to the Government of India, dated October 26th, 1S40, para. 5, to the Resident at Kathmand\i. * Despatch from the Government of India to the Resident, dated October 20th, 1S40, para. 9. — Hodgson Private Papers. IQO LIFE or BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. patcd war with Nepal " shall be the entire subjugation of the country, or the raising up of another Gurkha Government or administration " ' on terms favourable to our interests. Hodgson leaned to mercy, and he soon found that Lord Auckland's entanglements in Afghanistan rendered it im- possible to spare a force for Nepal in any respect equal to " the entire subjugation of the country." Early in October 1840 he was, with compliments on his "ability and tem- perate perseverance," warned that troops were not then available, and that " when they may be moved into camp is uncertain."'" Later in the month this warning was officially repeated." Hodgson was again made to realise that he must still depend on himself. He accordingly^ directed all his efforts to accomplish the change of Ministry by negotiations, and to secure by peaceful means what Lord Auckland had in August only hoped to obtain by a war. Throughout the whole year he wrote home in high spirits and with a perfect confidence in his own resources. " Don't be alarmed," he reassured his father — " don't be alarmed at the stuff you see in the papers as to my situation here." " I hope Brian docs not make too light of his situation," is his father's docket on this letter, " but I wish he was well out of it." " Our Government," Hodgson goes on to explain, " wants to get rid of * other affairs ' before it takes Nepal in hand ; and ' other affairs ' have arisen successively fresh and fresh during the last three years, while Nepal's insolence has thus been stimulated. All our temporary devices have been used up, so that the Gurkhas are now 'laughing in our beards.' They are very insolent and faithless, experimenting perpetually on the limits of ' Letter from the Private Secretary (J. R. Colvin), dated August 28tli, 1840, toB. H. Hodgson.— Auckland MSS., Vol. XIII. ' The same to the same, dated October loth, 1840. — Auckland MSS., Vol. XIIL ^ Secretary to Government of India, dated October 26th, 1840, para. 12, to the Resident at Kathmandu. IX.] LAST FOUR YEARS IN NEPAL: 1839-1843. IQI our forbearance with(jut open war." ' " M\- health is pretty good, and I am prudent and careful of it fur your sakcs, feeding and drinking hke a hermit, and casting research and mental labour aside, as soon as my office duties are discharged." ■ By the end of October Lord Auckland said plainly that an expedition against Nepal was for that year impossible. He applauded Hodgson's efforts U) obtain b)' diplomacy the change of Ministry which he had anticipated as the result of a war. At the beginning of November he officially authorised the Resident " to promote to the utmost degree, consistent with prudence, the object of procuring the removal of the present Ministers of Nepal, and the appoint- ment of a friendly and honest administration in their place." ' The day before this despatch w:'.s written in Calcutta Hodgson had secured the desired result at Kathmandu, and a change in the Nepalese Ministry had been quietly carried out. On November 1st, 1840, the Queen's favourite Tandi was dismissed, and one of tlie royal collaterals " was nominated to the Premiership."* This meant the i)ublic abandonment of the war party bj- the Raja, and congratu- lations poured in upon the Resident. "' I congratulate you," wrote Mr. Thob\' Trinsep, now a member of the Governor-Generars Council, " on the i.ssues of your late troublesome negotiations. They are all you could wish, and will gain you great and justly earned credit here and in Europe." Colonel Caulfield, the Resident at Lucknow, and as such the British representative nearest to the Nepalese frontier, e.xpressed a soldier's hearty admiration. " You have been placed in a situation ver)' delicate and trying, and you have done your work with wisdom, nerve, ' Letter to his lather, dated May 20tli, 1.S40. ' To the same, dated July 8tli, 1840. ' Letter Irom the .Secretary tf) the Government of India (confidential), dated November 2nd, ICS40. * Narrative ol events in Nepal, su/> anno 1840, by Lieutenant Niclio- letts, Assistant Ke.;ident, para. 13. — India Office Records. 192 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. and promptitude, meriting the approbation of Government and the encomiums of all." ^ " I congratulate you on your important successes at Kathmandu," wrote the Secretary to the supreme Government. " The credit will .stick to you in Indian history." - It was felt, indeed, that Hodgson had single-handed saved the necessity of a war at a time when war would have been an impo.ssibility for the British Government. His skilful diplomacy was compared with the miserable entangle- ments into which we were being enmeshed in Afghanis- tan. " We entirely concur," wrote the Court of Directors to the Governor-General, " in the praises which you have bestowed on Mr. Hodgson."^ He had performed his diffi- cult task without even a show of force. " Actual military operations," the Governor-General's Private Secretary wrote to him at the beginning of December, " cannot be thought of for this season, and you will remark that any violence or injury to you will be the greatest possible embarrass- ment to your Government I " * " The military demonstration," as that Government had truly called it,' turned out to be only a demonstration. It consisted of a camp under Colonel Oliver at some dis- tance within our own border.*' " The notion of defending 500 miles of frontier by a fixed camp of 3,000 bayonets," wrote Hodgson in a private memorandum, " needs but to ' Letter dated November i6th, 1840. In citations from the Hodgson Private Papers, I am sometimes (although seldom) unable to verify from tiie official despatches, and have to quote from extracts or copies. - George Bushby, Secretary to the Government of India, dated November 14th, 1840. — Hodgson Private Papers. ' Despatch from the Secret Committee of the Court of Directors, dated January 29th, 1841, para. 7. — Hodgson Private Papers. * J. R. Colvin t© B. H. Hodgson, dated Calcutta, December 2nd, 1840.— Auckland MSS., Vol. XIII. * Letter from the Secretary to the Government of India, dated February 15th, 1 841, para. 2, to the Resident. ^ The force consisted of one squadron, 6th Light Cavalry ; the 12th, 40th, and 56th Native Infantry ; a detail of Artillery ; and a detach- ment of Irregular Cavalry. — Oldlield, I. 322. IX.] LAST FOUK YEARS IN NEPAL: 1S39— 1843. 193 be clearly st;itcd to show its absurdity. Vov myself, I have always carefully endeavoured to ^uard atjainst any such supposition when I have advised the movement of British [/>. Indian] troops, and have expressly stated that the object of such movement was merely to impress this Darbar with a conviction of the serious li|j[ht in which its conduct was regarded." Long before the camp could be formed Hodgson secured the objects for which the demonstration had been designed. Encouraged by the approval of the Governor-General, he followed up the dismissal of the Queen's favourite Pandi on November ist, 1840, by obtaining the appointment of a coalition Ministry composed of the royal collaterals who were always on the side of dynastic safety, and of the Brahman Raghunath who had proved himself a man of peace. The Senior Queen stood aside, watchful and vindictive, but powerless for the present. The Raja commenced the year 1841 by presenting a remarkable document to the Resident, in which he recounts the changes just made and his reasons for making them. " The Governor-General, Lord Auckland," .so runs this royal missive,' " has written stating that it was necessar}- and proper to dismiss from office the individuals who had disturbed the friendly feeling existing between the Hriti.sh and Nepal Governments, and to appoint in their places others who had the good of the two Governments at heart, and that until the individuals who had .so behaved have been dismissed, there could be no real friendship on the part of my Government. " According therefore to the note received from you, I have inquired into the matter, and have decided upon dismissing those persons who have disturbetl the gocKl understanding existing between the two ("lovernments, a*^ shown in the subjoined list." ' "Translation of a Yaddasht from the Maharaja ol .Nipal to the address of the Resident, dated Saturday, January 2nd. 1841." — Hodgson Private Papers. >3 194 I-ll-'E OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. The document goes on to say that " whatever the Prime Minister and his colleagues now appointed may see fit to do in order to strengthen the bonds of real friendship be- tween the two Governments will meet with my approval." It quaintly concludes with lists of the " Individuals Appointed" and "Individuals Discharged" in parallel columns. The nobles, particularly the royal collaterals and the Brahmans, rallied round the Raja and hailed with acclama- tion the change. Thanks to the British Resident, the reign of terror under the Queen's favourite was at an end. • The spiritual leaders, royal kinsmen, and chiefs of Nepal " joined together to the number of ninety-four, and signed a declaration friendly to our Government, taking on them- selves the responsibility for the safety of the British Resident in event of another mutiny or tumult such as occurred in the previous July. The document forms a curious proof of the personal esteem which Hodgson, with his firmness in public and his Brahman-like abstemiousness in private life, had won from the Ncpalese nobility. The British Government considered it of such importance as to give it a permanent place in its Treaties and Engage- ments with Native States.^ " We the undersigned Gurus, Chauntrias, Chiefs, etc., of Nepal, fully agree to uphold the sentiments as written below, viz. — That it is most desirable and proper that a firm and steady friendship should exist and be daily increased between the British and Nepal Governments ; that to this end every means should be taken to increase the friendly relations with the Company, and the welfare of the Nepal Government ; that the Resident should ever and always be treated in an honourable and friendly manner ; that if, nevertheless, any unforeseen circumstance ' " Translation of an Ikrar-namah, signed by the Gurus, Chauntrias, Chiefs, etc., of Nepal, dated Saturday, Poos Soodi 9th, 1897, or January 2nd, 1841." — Aitchison's Treaties, Engagements, and i^anads, Vol. II., pp. 178, 179. Ed. 1876. uc.] LAST FOUR YEARS IN NEPAL: 1839—1843. 195 or unjust or senseless proceeding should at any time arise to shake the friendly undcrstandint; which ought to exbt between the two Governments, or to cause uproar or mischief at Kathniandu, we should be responsible for it." Signed by the ninety-four chiefs. Lord Auckland, full of his embarrassments in .Afghan- istan, had scarcely ilared to hupe for success from Hodgson's unaided efforts in Nejjal. Onl\' twelve days before the above documents were signed, he wrote des- pondently to Hodgson, lamenting " that the expectations of effectual assistance from the well-disposed chiefs of Nepal, on which you had in the first instance been led to rely, have not been realised." ' All the Governor- General could urge on I lodgson was to avoid a " direct collision" "at a moment when it might be impossible to render to you vigorous protection and support."'" It was thercfuie with the greater sense of relief that Lord Auckland received the Raja's missive of January 2nd, 1841, and the "agreement entered into by .several influential chiefs and other individuals to maintain the alliance between the two Governments." " The Governor-General in Council, I have the honour to inform you," .says the official despatch, " has been pleased to express his entire approval of your procecdinL,^s during the anxious jioriod of tliese negotiations." ' Hodgson was now master of the situation. The Senior Oueen, frantic at the discomfiture of her favourite, resolved to quit the country, and in February 1841 set off on a pilgrimage to Benares. The poor Raja once more lost heart, and followed her with intent to bring her back or to bear her company. Lord Auckland declared that this attempt " to enter the British territories without a pass- ' Thr Sc'crcfan' tr) the Govtrninrnt of Iiuiia, dated IVcrmlKT J 1st, 1840 (scerrt), to the Resident at Kathmandti. — Auckland MSS. ' tiUm., para. 6. * Letter from thr Secretary' to the Government of India, dated January 25th, 1S41, para, z (secret), to the Resident at Kallimandu. — Auck- Jand MSS. 19^ LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. port must, in the actual state of the communications between the two Governments, be regarded as in the highest degree indecorous and unwarrantable." ' On Hodgson fell the delicate task of persuading the royal party to come back. The Queen, imagining from the British Resident's efforts to procure her return that he must regard her as a very important personage, celebrated her re-entry into the capital by at once summoning her favourite Pandi to her presence ! -' The city walls were placarded with denuncia- tions of the coalition cabinet, and with threats against the life of the new Prime Minister.^ I'A'ery thing .seemed once more to point to a counter-revolution. In these intrigues the Senior Queen found a new ally. Her eldest son, the heir-apparent, although only about twelve years old,^ had acquired considerable importance since his marriage, and his mother played upon his jealousy of the Junior Queen's children to make him her tool. " This young prince," writes the historian of Nepal, " who appeared to have a most ungovernable temper, as well as a most inhuman disposition, amused his leisure hours by acts of the grossest cruelty performed not only upon animals but upon men, who were tortured and mutilated in his presence upon the slightest and often most unjust grounds, for no other object than to gratify his brutal passions. The Raja, instead of exercising any restraint upon these excesses of his son, constantly tried to evade all responsi- bility for his own acts under cover of pretended coercion on the part of the prince, of whose violence he professed to be afraid." "■ ^ Letter from the Secretary to the Government of India, dated March 3rd, 1841, to the Resident at Kathmandu. -' Assistant Resident Nicholetts' Memorandum, sub anno 1841, para. 17. — India Office Records. ^ Idem., para. 26. ^ Sri Surendra Vikram Sah, born 1829. — Native Chronicle, quoted by Wright, p. 284. Ed. 1877. * Oldfield, Vol. I., p. 326. Ed. 1880. Dr. Oldfield was Residency Surgeon at Kathmandu from 1850 to 1863, and Honorary Assistant Resident during the last four years of that period. IX.T LAST FOUR YKAKS IX NEPAL: 1839—1843. 197 The Quccn-Mothcr, still intent on deposing her husband and ruling as regent during the minority of her son, managed to put the young prince to the front on all public occasions. In May 1S41 the British Resident and the officers of his suite attended the marriage of the Raja's second son. At this :;rcat ceremonial, says the official report, " it was generally noticed as strange that the heir- apparent preceded his Highness the Maharaja in the cortege." ' The Raja as usual succumbed to the influence of the Senior Queen, and the Coalition Ministry found their good intentions towards the British Government stultified by her palace intrigues. In January 1841 the Raja, when appointing that Ministry, had written to the Governor- General a letter of frank repentance. " I beg to inform your Lordship that I take shame to myself for the various mis- understandings which have taken place, owing to the wicked advice of my late counsellors, and that I am determined to adopt measures for the prevention of such a state of things in future. 1 therefore hope and trust that your Lordship will kindly pardon and overlook the i)ast." " Be- fore three months jiassed, the new Ministers were trembling for their heads ; all redress was denied for fresh wrongs on British subjects ; fugitives from British justice were harboured within the Nepalese frontier ; and a counter- revolution had been .secretly accomplished, leaving the Coalition Ministry nominally responsible for the vindictive policy of the Senior Queen. In April 1S41 the (iovernor-General had to face the possibility of the Coalition Ministry, ajipointed in January under British auspices, being subjected to the horrors perpetrated on I^him Sen and his supporters two years previou.sly. .All he could do was to instruct Hodg.son " to ' As.sistnnt Kcsidciit Nicliolctts' 'S.nr:iU\c, suf> an/iv iS4i,para. 21. — /n(//n Office Records. * Translation of a Kh which accorded little with the offensive tone which he manifested in their defence, so long as they were enter- tained. His administration was not an illustration of any marked and consistent cour.se of policy ; it was an aggregation of isolated facts. It resembled an ill con- structed drama, in which no one incident is the result of that by which it was preceded, nor a just and natural preparation for that which is to follow. Everything in it 206 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Stands alone and unconnected. His influence shot across the Asiatic world like a meteor, and, but for the indelible brand of shame indented in Sind, like a meteor its memory would pass from the mind with its disappearance."^ On his arrival in Calcutta Lord Ellenboroutrh found the Government of India rallying from the Kabul disaster. On March 15th, 1842, that Government, with the new Governor-General at its head, laid down a programme to retrieve its honour.- All garrisons in Afghanistan then surrounded by the enemy were to be relieved. A strong point was made of re-occupying Kabul " even for a week," so that " we should retire as a conquering, not as a de- feated power." Unfortunately Lord Ellenborough proceeded shortly afterwards to the interior, unattended by his Council. On receiving further bad news from the North- Western frontier his courage failed, and in April he ordered the withdrawal of our forces from Afghanistan — the southern force to Sukkur on the Indus, the northern force " into positions within the Khaibar." The British generals hesitated to accept what they deemed a disgraceful and disastrous change. By the middle of May the Governor-General began to veer round to a bolder policy, and acquiesced in their postponement of the withdrawal. As they made their force felt in Afghanistan, Lord Ellenborough gradually regained con- fidence, and sanctioned their advance on Kabul. But he had not the courage to boldly avow the fact of his vacillation. On July 8th, 1842, he even wrote to the Secret Committee that his instructions had induced Major- General Pollock to contemplate a forward movement ! Only two days previously he had penned a remarkable ' The History of the British Empire in India^ by Edward Thornton, Vol. VI., pp. 548, 549. Ed. 1841-45. - The two following .sentences are condensed from the instructions of the Government of India to Sir Jasper Nicolls, the Commander-in- Chief, dated March 15th, 1842. IX.] LAST FOUR YKAKS IN NEPAL: 1839— 1S43. 20J letter to the Oucen, apparently with a view to c^loss over his change of mind. He represented to her Majesty that what was in reality an advance of an army of retribution upon Kabul was mercl)' an option given to Cieneral Nott " of retiring by the route of Ghazni and Kabul, instead of that of Ouettah and Sukkur, to the Indus." ' It is not needful here to inquire how far this vacillation was justified. It suffices to state that, taken along with the moral cowardice of the attempt to gloss it over, it caused dismay to the British administrators throughout India, and an outburst of jubilation among the disaffected of the Native Chiefs. In Nepal, which lay adjacent for si.x hundred miles to our main line of communication through Northern India and could cut it at half a dozen points, the effect was startling. To the war party it seemed that, not only the time had come, but also the man. It appeared incredible that the British fortunes in India would ever again be entrusted to such feeble hands. They got the Court astrologers to declare that the heir-apparent was an "Incarnation" destined to " extirpate the Fcringhis."- Our military demon- stration towards the Nepalese frontier was forgotten upon the withdrawal of the standing camp in February 1842, and the Pandi faction " was daily amusing the young prince with mock fights between the English and Gurk- has. The English were represented by a .set of low- caste ragamuffins drcs.sed in Briti.sh uniform and with faces painted white, antl under the command of some pariah who was attired in full-dress uniform of an English general. The Gurkhas were commanded by a .son of the late Premier and by Kulraj Pandi him.self Of course these actions were all made to end in the ignominious defeat of the ' Letter from Lord KlIenborouKli to tlic yuecn, dated Allahabad, July 6th, 1842. — The Indian Administration of Lord Eili-nborou^/t, being his letters edited by Lord Colchester, p. 39. Ed. 1874. * Assistant Resident Nicholetts' Memorandnm, stit> anno 1842, para. 29, etc. 2o8 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. supposed British forces ; and the poor devils who repre- sented them were in the end often seriously, and even cruelly, maltreated by the victorious Gurkhas in order to add a little more life and piquancy to the burlesque. A little real blood being shed would be sure to make the exhibition more attractive to his Royal Highness." ' Two months after the news of the annihilation of our Kabul force, the war excitement in Nepal exploded in an outrage on the Residency. The Raja, finding himself powerless to control his son, announced his intention of abdicating in the prince's favour. The peace Ministry of the royal collaterals found themselves equally powerless to control the war party, and could only give a trembling support to the Resident by secret warnings. A lawsuit with a British-Indian subject trading with Nepal was made the pretext for an outbreak. This man, Kasinath by name, the representative of a mercantile house at Benares, had during two years ^ been living within the Residency bounds under medical treatment for a painful disease, while prose- cuting his claims and defending counter-claims in the dilatory courts of Kathmandu.^ Suddenly on the morning of April 23rd, 1842, writes Hodgson in one of his private notes, " my people hurried into my room with the intelligence that the Raja attended by a large train was approaching the Embassy, and that in rear of him but in sight was a regiment of soldiers with loaded arms. " The news came from the friendly Ministers, who, taken by surprise, could only send me a word of caution and hurry after the Raja to the Residency. Accompanied by Dr. Christie, who happened to be with me at the moment, I hastened to the entrance gate, at the .same time sending 1 Oldfield, Vol. I., p. 327. Ed. 1880. - Statement by Lieutenant F. .Smith, in command of the Resident's Escort (Appendix VII., Secret Consultations of the Government of India, August 3rd, 1 842, No. 66). — India Office MSS. ^ The case is stated at great length in the Petition of Kasinatli Mull of Benares to the Resident at Kathmandu, dated February 27th, 1842. — Secret Consultations of August 3rd, 1842, No. 51. IX. LAST FOUR YEARS IN NEPAL: 1839— 1843. 209 word to the commanding officer of my escort to bring his men quickly for the ostensible purpose of making the usual salute to the sovereign. I thought that, in case of contem- plated violence, the presence of the escort for the purpose of salute might prove a deterrent, though of course no efifectual protection if the worst came to the worst. When I got to the gate the Raja had already arrived with his son and a huge posse of retainers and chiefs, among the latter the friendly Ministers. " With little preface the Raja said to me he had come to demand and to insist on the surrender of the merchant. 1 explained that he could not be given up, because the case was not one of disputed jurisdiction but of strong-handed interference with all legal proceedings." ' " Kasinath then, at Mr. Hodgson's request," says the official narrative," " made his obeisance to the Raja and declared he had no wish or intention of opposing him, and that all he wanted was justice. The Raja then ordered him to be .seized." " Notwithstanding the Raja's vehemence of demand," to resume from Hodgson's own note, " I steadfastly but courteously continued to refuse compliance. His High- ness at length rushed at the poor merchant and attempted to bear him off. I threw my arm round the merchant and said sternly to the Raja, * You take both of us or neither.' This was more than the Raja could screw up his resolution to do, although his hot-headed son urged him to do it with abu.sc and even blow.s. Seizing the moment, I made an appeal to the Raja's better feeling (I had known him from his boyhood), and thus at length I cast the balance against the mischief-makers. But it was not until ' Hodgson's liabitual moderation when speaking of an opponent appears here. The scene is described by the Escort Ofliccr in his official narrative as follows : " I found the Kaja in a great passion and insisting that Kasinath slioiild be given up to him. The Resident remonstrated, saying he was a British subject and could not. The Raja then became ver>- violent. ' Lieutenant F. Smiths Statement, «/ supra (India Office MSS.). * Lieutenant F. Smiths Statement, ut supra. 14 2IO LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. a full hour of imminent risk had elapsed, during which the friendly chiefs, as they passed and repassed me in the surging crowd, dropped in my ear the words : ' Be patient and firm ; all depends on you. We cannot act now, but we can and will exact an apology when the Raja's fit of violence has abated, and we have got him away.' " Later in the day, the Raja and his heir-apparent made a second attempt in person to seize the man — an attempt again frustrated by Hodgson's calm determination that they must take himself as prisoner as well as the merchant, or neither. Eventually they calmed down and sent the friendly Ministers to negotiate with the Resident, Hodgson declared " that he could only be guided by the rules of his office ; but if they would prepare a statement of the case and their decision, he would submit it to the Governor-General in Council for his orders." ^ In the end the merchant of his own accord went with the friendly Ministers and made his obeisance to the Raja, the Prime Minister and chief spiritual head of the State "being security for his safety and return to the Residency." Hodgson reported the occurrence to his Government, and received in answer a letter dated May 8th, 1842, which disclosed the change of attitude towards him that had accompanied the change of Governor-Generals, Lord EUcnborough " had been led to indulge the hope that the communications between the two States would henceforth have been of the most amicable and courteous character." ^ It is scarcely needful to repeat that neither his predecessor Lord Auckland, nor his Council in Calcutta from whom the new Governor-General was then separated by six hundred miles, nor Hodgson himself, had ever indulged in any such hope of permanent cordiality. • Lieutenant F. Smith's " Statement of what occurred on Saturday, April 23rd, 1842." — India Office MSS. - Secret Consultations of the Government of India of August 3rd, 1842, No. 67, Letter from the Secretary to the Government of India with the Governor-General to the Resident in Nepal, dated Allahabad, May 8th, 1842, para. ■}>.— India Office MSS. IX.] LAST FOUR YEARS IN NKPAL: 1S39— 1843. 211 Lord Ellcnborough, therefore, heard of the recent affair " with much disappointment and regret." He was good enough, however, to say that " his Lordship cannot believe that you would act in a manner so entirely contrary to the known views and wishes of your Government as to attempt to extend the privileges of British subjects or your own authority beyond the just limits which the laws of nations and a solemn Treaty assign to them ; still less that you would evince a want of personal consideration for a friendly and independent sovereign. Nor could his Lordship believe, on the other hand, that that sovereign could so far forget his personal dignity and the obligations of the public law and Treaty as to offer an intentional insult to the Representative at his Court of a sincerely friendly Power and to place under prosecution a British subject." Meanwhile his Lordship thinks that the State presents on their way from Nepal, in honour of his accession to the Governor-Generalship, " at a moment when the cloud of misunderstanding has passed over the sun of friendship," *' should await the period when that sun shall burst forth in all its former effulgence to give light and splendour and prosperity to two great and friendly States." Hodgson did not know exactly what to make of this letter in Lord Ellenborough's finest vein. He felt that somehow he was placed on his defence by a Governor- General absolutely ignorant of the situation. The letter was to be communicated to the Raja — a letter not only full of pompous inanities, but one which would, in Hodg.son's judgment, untlo the good results of Lord Auckland's policy in Nepal and endanger the lives of the friendly Ministers. He therefore determined to take ujx)n himself the respojisibility of not delivering it. He com- municated, however, a modification of its views to the Raja in less injudicious terms, reported his action to the Governor-General, and hoped for his Lordship's approval when the facts were fully laid before him. The Governor- General replied, after some intermediate rebukes, that "the 212 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. step you have taken is not only in direct disobedience of the instructions you received, but it may tend to produce serious embarrassment to the Government, by compeUing it to adopt an extreme course with respect to the Raja of Nepal at a time when it is certainly not desirable to create a division of the British forces and to impose new burdens on the finances." His Lordship directed, therefore, that " you will be relieved in your situation of Resident at the Court of Nepal at the earliest period at which the season and the exigencies of the public service may permit such relief to take place." ' There were circumstances which rendered this decision peculiarly harsh. It was the decision of the Governor- General alone, without a single member of his Council to advise him — of a Governor-General who had only been a few months in the country, and who was so completely ignorant of our relations with Nepal that he asked Hodgson during the same summer for a return of the Nepalese troops which he imagined to be at the Resident's disposal ! Lord Ellenborough possibly thought that Hodgson had not taken advantage of the opportunity afforded to him for explaining matters in person to his Lordship. In his letter of May 8th the Governor-General expressed his desire for a personal conference, and directed Hodgson " to join his camp as soon as the season will permit you to do so." Lord Ellenborough was not aware that, for a man in Hodgson's state of health, the journey through the Tarai for some months to come meant probable death. Hodgson deputed his secretary to the Governor- General's camp, with excuses for his personal attendance until the malarious months should be pa.st. But this only gave further offence." ' Letter from the Secretary with Governor-General to the Resident of Nepal, dated Allahabad, June 2ist, 1842. — Hodgson Papers. " Letter from the Secretary to the Government of India with the Governor-General to the Resident at Kathmandu, dated June 12th,. 1842, para. 2. — India Office Records. IX.] LAST FOUR YEARS IN NEPAL: 1839— 1843. 21 3 The essential point was that Hodgson had declined, at his own risk and pending further instructions, to carry out orders which in his opinion would have frustrated the policy that Lord Auckland and his Council had built up in Nepal, and which would have imperilled the lives of the peace Ministers whom that policy had raised to office. " I believed," he at once wrote to the Government on receipt of his dismissal, " that the literal execution of your orders of the 8th ult. threatened immediately and suddenly to destroy the whole fabric of that policy ; perhaps also to bury in its ruins numerous di.stingui.shed chiefs, whose pledges of co-operation had been as solemnly tendered to as accepted by my Government, and the services of the principal of whom in the capacity of Ministers of this State had just received the highest applause from the Governor- General in Council ; and lastly to precipitate that very crisis which Lord Ellenborough sought to avoid, as well as to strip us of all the means to meet it when it came. " I believed, moreover, that these far-reaching effects, enveloped as to their sources and quality in the transac- tions of the four years just past, could scarcely have been at all present to the mind of the Governor-General, by reason of his Lordship's so recent arrival, when the instructions in question were is.sued ; and that it was my duty, therefore, to pause and explain them ; carefully in the meantime studying to ward off all risk of crisis during his Lordship's delibera- tion, and endeavouring, if possible, to accomplish the end and object of his orders, so that it might be done in sure exemption from that risk. Whilst intent upon the realisa- tion of these es.sential points, I considered myself as virtually accomplishing my instructions." ' It is not needful to weigh nicely the arguments for and against the line of action which Modg.son adoptcil. In failing to carry out the orders of the Governor-General he ' Letter from the Resident in Nopal to T. H. Maddock, Esq.. Secretary to tlie Govcriinienl of Iiuli.i with the Guvornor-Gencral, dated June 30th, 1842, paras. 4, 5, 6. — Hodgson Papers. 214 LIKE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. took on himself a vcrj- serious responsibility, and he was ready to abide by the consequences. Such a case could scarcely arise at the present day. The more rapid means of communication by railway, post, and telegraph have placed the British Agents at Native Courts in daily, or if necessary in hourly, touch with the Governor-General in Council. All the facts and arguments known to a Political Resident may now within a few minutes be laid before the central Government, and his action in any crisis embodies the decision of that Government with the whole circum- stances before it The constitution of the Government of India has also undergone alterations which would have saved Lord Ellenborough from this and similar exhibitions of impetuous temper. The reversal of our policy towards a Native State could not now be the act of the Governor- General alone, but must be the outcome of the joint deliberations of the Viceroy and his Council. But while changes in the constitution of the Government of India give a somewhat academic character to criticism of the course adopted by Hodgson, it is right to under- stand the view which then prevailed. The British Agents at Native Courts were frequently compelled by their remoteness to act independently of the central Govern- ment, and sometimes to disregard instructions which they knew to be based on insufficient information. Sir John Malcolm, perhaps the greatest of all the great Indian " Politicals," clearly stated the duties and responsibilities of such a position. At a critical juncture in his own career he declared that the considerations which must regulate his conduct were different from those which should guide an officer at headquarters. " Your station and mine," he wrote to Political Secretary P'dmonstone, " are widely different. As an officer of Government acting immediately under the Governor- General you have, in fact, only to obey orders, and are never left to the exercise of your discretion and judgment, as you have a ready reference in all cases that can occur IX.] LAST FOUR YKAKS IN NKI'AL : 1839—1843. 21 5 to the suj)crior authority, with whom, of course, ever)' re.spon.sibihty rests. Under such circumstances, a secretar)' that chooses to be of a different opinion — that is to say, to maintain different opinions — from a Governor-General, has, in my opinion, no option but to resign ; and his non- resignation ' would, on such occasion, appear extraordinary to every person acquainted with the nature of his office, which is obviously one of an executive, not of a delibera- tive nature. " Now look at my situation. Placed at a great distance from the Governor-General, and acting upon instructions of a general nature — obliged constantly to determine points upon my own judgment, as there is no time for reference — liable to be called upon by extraordinary exigencies to act in a most decided manner to save the public interests from injury, it is indispensable that the sentiments of my mind should be in some unison with the dictates of my duty ; and if they unfortunatcl\' are contrar)' to it I am not fit to be employed, for I have seen enough of these scenes to be satisfied that a mere principle of obedience will never carry a man through a charge where such large discretionary powers must be given, with either honour to himself or advantage to the public." ' This was the view of the highest class of Indian Poli- ticals in Hodgson's time, and his early training had been under a man who held that view very strongly. His first master George Traill, the" King of Kumaun,'" inculcated it both by precept and example. It is a view which, as I have shown, has ceased to be applicable to the modern conditions of Indian government, and which need not be discussed here. Lord Ellenborough thought he had to deal with a Political Resident who. in Malcolm's emphatic ' The word in the originul is " resignation," probably an error in copying. The word inaintain is in itahcs in the original. ' Lives of Indian Officers, by Sir Jolin William Kayc, Vol. I., pp. 164-5. London, 1.S67. * Vide ante, p. 38. 2l6 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. words, seemed disposed " to maintain different opinions " from himself, and he dealt with him in a fit of temper.^ Forty years afterwards, Hodgson with the calm of old age recorded his view of the transaction. The new Governor-General, he wrote, although away from his Council and in opposition to his Foreign Secretary, who was the only responsible officer with him, summarily con- demned " the tried and successful policy of his predecessor," and ordered a dangerous communication to be made to the Raja of Nepal. " It seemed to me impossible to follow such a course, and, as his Lordship declared that his object was peace, I ventured to disobey orders which I thought would certainly imperil it." ' The Secretary to the Government in Calcutta, when he heard of the matter, wrote privately to Hodgson, con- gratulating him on his wise and courageous action. " You have taken a judicious course, and I make no doubt that Lord Ellenborough (since his first instructions having learnt and reflected more of what had passed under his predecessor's rule) will approve your proceeding, and com- mend the tact and judgment with which you have adapted the orders received to the situation of things and parties at Kathmandu."^ This letter was written three days before Lord Ellen- borough's brusque removal of Hodgson from his post on June 2 1 St, 1842. But its forecast seemed to be promptly realised. For Lord Ellenborough himself, after a night's reflection, began to have misgivings as to his impetuous act, and the same Foreign Secretary who had been ordered to write with his own hand the official letter of the 21st ' On June 3rd and June 12th Lord Ellenborough, without con- descending to notice Hodgson's plea for further deliberation, practically reiterated the order to deliver a translation of the letter to the Raja in extcnso. - Autobiographical Memoranda written by Mr. Hodgson in 188 1. — Hodgson MSS. ^ Letter from G. A. Bushby to B. H. Hodgson, dated Calcutta, June 18th, 1842. IX.] LAST FOUR YKARS IN NKPAL: 1839— 1843. 217 superseding Hodgson, wrote on the 22nd, and again with his own hand, the following confidential letter to the man whom he had yesterday recalled in disgrace : — " Mv DKAR Hodgson,' — Lord Kllenborough has been speaking to-day about you, expressing in the kindest terms his sense of your merits, services, and abilities ; saying that he hoi)cd an opportunity would occur of employing ycu to your liking in some other field, and suggesting that the letter of yesterday being kept a profound secret, you should act on the former summons,-' and consider yourself as only waiting for a favourable season to obey it, and to come and pay your respects to his Lordship, and explain to him the state of affairs in Nepal. " I am awaiting a further report from you before dis- posing of Kurbeer and his presents. I fancy Smith ^ will be dismissed soon. " We shall have a pretty strong force ready to move on your frontier in the cold season, unless the present clouds arc in the meantime entirely cleared away. Be of go<>cl cheer, and believe me, etc., "T. H. Maddock." Meanwhile, long before either the letter of dismissal of June 2 1 St or the soothing epistle of the 22nd could reach Nepal, Hodgson had addressed an official despatch to the Government which still further modified Lord Ellenborough's views. On June 21st, the very day when his recall was being passionately penned at Allahabad, Hodgson was calmly pointing out the measures by which a change of policy, if insisted on by the new Governor- General, could be safely accomplished. liy this time Hodgson saw that what Lord Ellcnborough really wanted » Letter from T. H. Maddock, Kscj.. to B. H. Hodgson, dated Alla- habad, June 22nd, 1842. — Hodgson Papers. * I.e. the summons to come in i>crson to the Governor-General's camp. ' Lifiitcnant Smith, the Assistant Krsident, whom Hodgson l.ad deputed to tlie Governor-Generals camp as his substitute. 2l8 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. was to put an end to the active support which Lord Auck- land had given to the peace party in Nepal, and to the Ministers (appointed with Lord Auckland's direct approval at the beginning of the year) who were pledged to a peace programme. Hodgson felt it his duty once more to set forth the disad\antages of such a change — a change which must throw Nepal into the hands of the war faction and bring a war Ministry into power. At the same time he showed that if time were allowed, and if arrangements were made for giving shelter to the peace Ministers within our provinces, the change could be effected without any immediate rupture. His letter, with its somewhat feeble parentheses and modifying clauses, is written in a very different tone from his plain-spoken despatches to the previous Governor-General of whose confidence and support he felt sure. If the change of policy were determined on, he wrote on June 2ist,^ " it is difficult to contemplate the character of the present ruler of Nepal and his son, and entertain a hope that satisfactory relations with Nepal will be maintainable in their time upon the present footing ; for, if relieved from their present councillors, they will speedily fall back into the arms of the Kala Pandis whose views and sentiments, as already explained, cannot, it will be seen, well admit of change, pledged as they are to the ancient polity of the kingdom, a policy more grievous to us than any ordinary war, and necessarily, too, leading to one. " We should therefore, I apprehend, be still prepared for the worst by upholding our friends here, who, besides, in quieter times abroad might possibly successfully inoculate their sovereign or his son with their own just opinions as to the ruinous unsuitablcncss to the new position of Nepal, since the war, of her ancient and cherished maxims of polity. ' Despatch from Resident in Nepal to the Secretary to Government of India with the Governor-General, dated June 22nd, 1842, paras. 23 to 27. — Hodgson Papers. IX.] LAST rnUR YEARS IN NKPAL: 1839—1843. 219 " At all events, it is most desirable that the chanj^c from our existing policy towards Nepal to another should, if possible, be quiet and gradual, and be deferred until our affairs arc adjusted with Afghanistan and China, but especially the latter, where, if we be finally and effectively victorious, I should not wholly despair of seeing the Maharaja [of Nepal] eventually subside into a preference for the maxims of the new school and contentedly acquiesce in the future guidance (for guided he must be) of his present councillors. " Otherwise those councillors should be allowed, on their resignation, an asylum if need be in our provinces ; but, short of this, their resignation, if voluntary and not too long deferred, may probably suffice for their protection here. And, indeed, if it be the Governor-General's decided determination that their peculiar connection with me do forthwith cease, I think I could so communicate that intelligence to them as to lead to their safe resignation, retaining at the same time their goodwill and voluntary unofficial good offices. . . . " In the foregone despatch I trust I have satisfied the Right Honourable the Governor-General that there has been nothing whatever in my recent proceedings more than the natural, and necessary, and consistent sequel of what had gone before, under the direct repeated sanction and instructions of the Governor-General in Council, to whom every step of my proceedings was submitted at the moment it was made, and from whose wisdom, therefore, I might have expected the correction of any ujiintentional error." The receipt of this despatch appears to have made Lord l^Uenborough reflect. On Jul\' r)th he wrote a frientlK' private letter to 1 Iod.;son, speaking of the change of policy in the hypothetical mood, but sensibly enough remarking that " if a change of system should be adoptetl in treating with the Nepal Government," it had better be carried out by new men. " No testimony is, I assure you, required 220 L?FE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. to sati'^fy mc that you arc a most zealous and a very able servant of the Government ; but I am certainly of opinion that, if a change of system should be adopted in treating with the Nepal Government, you are so mixed up with a party there that you would be unable to act efficiently in carrying out such new system. It would succeed better in other, even if much less able, hands." ^ After further consideration Lord Ellenborough decided, however, that Hodgson's intimate knowledge of Nepal, and his hold on the affections of the people, made him the safest man for carrying out " the change." On July 26th he wrote an appreciative letter in his own hand to Hodgson, and a fortnight later he followed it up by a public despatch in which he expressly left it to Hodgson to take such measures as he (Hodgson) thought best to introduce the new policy. The private letter of July 26th runs thus : " I have much reliance upon your ability and upon the extensive knowledge you possess of the Maharaja and his people ; and I can have no doubt that you will, to the utmost, exert your ability and use your knowledge for the purpose of maintaining the existing relations of amity between the British Government and Nepal." ^ The public despatch of August 8th maintains in temper- ate terms Lord Ellenborough's instructions for a change of policy, but leaves Hodgson to dissolve what seemed to his Excellency to be a too close connection of the British Government with the Nepal Ministry at his (Hodgson's) own time and in his own way. " SlR,^ — The Governor-General has again had under his * Lord Ellenborough to B. H. Hodgson, dated Allahabad, July 6th, 1842. — Hodgson Papers. - Lord Ellenborough to B. H. Hodgson, dated Allahabad, July 26th, 1842. — Hodgson Papers. ^ Letter from the Secretary to the Government of India with the Governor-General to the Resident in Nepal (Secret Department, No. 661), dated Allahabad, August 8th, 1842. — Hodgson Papers. IX. I LAST FOUK YEARS IX NEPAL: 1839—1843. 221 consideration your letter of June 22nd, and your several other letters respectincj the existing connection between you as the British Minister at the Court of Nepal and the Ministers of that State. " 2. His Lord.ship cannot doubt that, however temporar)- circumstances may liavc seemed to render expedient that connection, it is frauL;ht with future evil, ;ind should at the earliest practicable period be suffered to expire. " 3. You have been already made acquainted with the Governor-General's sentiments upon the subject. " 4. The Governor-General leaves it to your discretion to decide in what manner your conduct should be regulated .so as gradually to withdraw the liritish Government from a false position without injury to the persons who may rely upon its support, asupj^ort really inefficacious for their protection, although its open and abrupt withdrawal might possibly involve them in new and serious danger. "5. It is obviously impossible to give from hence precise and absolute directions as to the conduct which should be pursued with respect to a Sovereign who has more of insanity than of reason, and an Heir-apparent who is alto- gether insane. You must be guided by your own judg- ment, a.ssisted by your long and intimate knowledge of the people of Nepal, in gradually bringing back the policy of your mission to the only safe and legitimate course, or that of abstaining from interference in the internal affairs of the State to which you are deputed, and relying for the due protection of Briti.sh interests upon the knowledge entertained of British power. 1 have the hontnu' to be, etc., etc. (Signed) 1". II. I\I.\i)i)OrK, Secretary to Govern- ment of India." Hodgson had got all he could reasonably hope for. His resistance to the new Governor-General's haste after a change of policy in Nepal ended in Lord KUcnborough leaving it to Hodgson himself to gratluall)' and safely effect the change at the time and in the manner which Hodgson thought best. We shall presently sec that 222 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Hodgson skilfully carried out the uncongenial task thus entrusted to him. But meanwhile the governors of the British provinces in Northern India and the Supreme Council in Calcutta had not looked on unmoved at the spectacle of an experienced and a valued Representative at a Native Court being recalled in a moment of heat by the new Governor-General. Lord Ellenborough inflicted this disgrace on the man to whom his predecessor had, almost with his last words, expressed his deep obligation for the security of the Northern Indian frontier and the main line of communication during the disasters of the Afghan war. To Lord Auckland, the dexterous manage- ment of Nepal by Hodgson seemed the bright spot in the political horizon. Lord Ellenborough, as one of his first acts after he got beyond the reach of his Council, recalled Hodgson without the knowledge of his Council, and he attempted to conceal his action from his Council. He abstained from sending a copy of Hodgson's recall to the Supreme Government in Calcutta.^ A private letter from the Foreign Secretary announcing the intended conceal- ment is docketed in Hodgson's handwriting as follows : " 1 answered, July loth, that I cared not whether Lord Ellenborough cancelled his despatch of June 21st (ejecting me) or not ; but expected if that despatch were recorded, my answer to it should be so likewise." A diligent search in the India Office Records proves that that despatch, recalling Hodgson, was never brought upon the Consulta- tions of the Government of India, nor reached the Court of Directors at home. If such a proceeding attracted the grave disapproval of Lord Ellenborough's colleagues in Council, it excited the indignation of the governors of the British provinces and of the British representatives at Native Courts. For not one of them could be sure that his turn might not come next. Had Lord Ellenborough officially withdrawn his ' Letter from the Honourable Thoby Prinsep, then a Member of the Governor-General's Council, to B. H. Hodgson, dated July i8th, 1842. IX.] LAST FOUR YEARS IN NEPAL: 1S39— 1843. 223 public despatch of June 21st recallin;^ Hodgson, he would have earned the praise of magnanimity for retricvin<^ a hasty error when placed in possession of the complete facts. Had he communicated that despatch to his col- leagues in Council, it would have given them the oppor- tunity of discussing the whole question of Xcpalese policy with the new Governor-General. But instead of officially recalling his public despatch or of giving his colleagues the possibility of expressing their sentiments upon it, he dis- armed Hodgson's fears by a series of private letters asking him to keep the public despatch " a profound secret," and assuring Hodgson of his Excellency's high opinion as to his ability and capacity for dealing with the situation in Nepal. Hodgson was in fact neither officially recalled nor was his resistance officially condoned. Among many letters of sympathy which he received, one of the most sensible came from the sober-minded administrator who then governed Northern India, and who had had the nearest opportunities of watching Hodg.son's work. To this saga- cious and responsible ruler of the British provinces adjoin- ing Nepal, it seemed impossible that Lord Ellenborough had not clearly realised his mistake, and he advi.ses Hodgson to treat the whole matter as a piece of petulance on the part of a new and an inexperienced Governor- General. " Believe me," the Lieutenant-Governor of the North- western Provinces wrote to Hodgson on July 22nd, 1842, " that you attach more weight and importance to the pettish effusion that has caused you .so much uneasiness than it deserves. One of the mo.st unpleasant rellections to those who, like myself, really long to see the Governor- General commence his administration well, is that he has contrived at starting to make men careless of his praise and heedless of his censure. Hand incxpcrtus loquor, for I too have come in for my share of his rebuffs; and if I were much in love with dignity, I should feel very much out of humour. As it is, though the absurdity irritates 224 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. me for a moment, it always amuses ; and I find myself often constrained to laut;h, even when persuaded that I ought to be angry. I am satisfied that he tiow sees that he was on the verge of falling into the tremendous blunder of provoking a war with Nepal, and will be glad enough to find that nothing more is said of the despatch intimating his displeasure at your course of policy, although his stubborn pride will not admit of his acknowledging any mistake. His prepossessions against our service are intense, and lead him into much that is unfair and foolish." ' This mild if contemptuous view of Lord Ellenborough's conduct was not generally adopted. It seemed to many that Lord Ellenborough had committed himself to the same devices against a high Political Officer as he had practised upon his military chiefs.- In regard to those devices I shall only quote the words of the politest of Indian historians in summing up Lord Ellenborough's too subtle instructions to the Commander of the army then struggling to retrieve the British honour in Afghanistan. " It is not to be believed that the Governor-General pur- posely framed his orders so as to screen himself in any case from blame, while he might secure some share of the praise due to successful enterprise, if enterprise should be determined on. This is not even to be imagined ; but if the existence of such an intention could be credited, he might have been expected to issue instructions precisely like those which were actually transmitted by him to General Xott."^ ' Letter from tlie Honourable J. C, Robertson, Lieutenant-Governor of the North-Western Provinces, to B. H. Hodgson, dated July 22nd, 1842. — Hodgson Papers. -' Even Sir Jasper Nicolls, the sagacious Commander-in-Chief whose advice, if followed, would have averted the Kabul disaster, was deprived " of the power of influencing affairs." — See Colonel W. W. Knollys' admirable memoir of Sir Jasper Nicolls, based on MS. and other contemporary sources, in the Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. XLI. 3 History of the BritishEmpirc in India, by Edward Thornton, Esq., Vol.VI., p. 366(1845). IX.] LAST F(JLk YKAkS IN NEPAL: 1839—1843. 22$ Meanwhile Lord Kllcnborough was quite willing to take any credit to himself for Hodgson's judicious treatment of the Nepalese imbroglio, although that treatment was based on the policy of the preceding Governor-General. On July 6th, 1842, the very day on which Lord Kllenborough in his letter to Hodgson had relegated his hastily ordered change of policy in Nepal to the hypothetical mood (" if a change of system should be adopted "),' his Excellency also wrote with his own hand to the Queen : " The Raja of Nepal has made an ample apology for his disrespectful conduct towards the Briti.sh Resident at Kathmandu, and there is every present appearance of continued peace with that State."-' In Lord EUcnborough's privately expressed opinion, therefore. Hodgson had successfully dealt with the situation upon the lines laid down by Lord Auckland ; and he had so dealt with it a month before Lord Kllenborough finally determined, by his despatch of August Sth,^ to abolish Lord Auckland's policy and to introduce a new policy of his own. To the high officials around Lord Kllenborough it seemed, indeed, that his Kxcellcncy had sufficiently re- tracted his impetuous despatch to Hodgson of June 21st. " I would take the overtures now made b>' Lord Kllen- borough," wrote a Member of his Council * to Hodgson on July loth, 1S42, " as earnest of a desire to make amends for past brusqueries, and perhaps as evidence of a growing opinion in favour of the particular course followed by you which has been so successful." From the Foreign Secretary in attendance on Lord Kllenborough and the Lieutenant- Ciovernor of the North-West letters f(jllowed in a similar .strain." " Your conduct is vindicated in the amplest manner." ' yit//' antt, p. 219. * History of thf Indian Adminisltation of lj>td ElUiifforou^h, by I^rd Colchester, p. 37. Kd. 1S74. ' Vidt anif, pp. 220, 221. * The Honnurablf Thnhy I'rinsep. ^ Lrttcrs from T. H. M.nldock. datrd July iith, 1S42. aiul from the Honourable j. C. Kobcrtsoii. dated July 16th, 1842.— ^n«>dgs<>n MSS. 226 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap wrote Mr. Secretary Bushby on August 23rd, " and I con- gratulate you on this issue." l^A'ery one who knew of the matter now advised Hodgson to let it drop. Bright times appeared to be before him. For as the army of retribution went on with its work in Afghanistan, Hodg.son's difficulties in Nepal disappeared. Those diffi- culties had mainly arisen from the fact that the Nepalese Court well knew, during the past three years, that our whole available forces were occupied beyond the north- western frontier. The crowning successes of the Briti.sh arms at Ghazni and Kabul in the summer and early autumn of 1842 set free our victorious troops for any complication in Nepal. The Nepalese war party had, moreover, been discredited by the failure of their predictions of the down- fall of the British power in China and Afghanistan. Hodgson, therefore, found it possible to disengage himself from the peace Ministry in Nepal without the risk of the war party usurping the control of the King. He made the Maharaja understand that henceforth his Highness must manage his own affairs without the active support of the British Resident accorded under Lord Auckland's policy. That support had been absolutely necessary to prevent the war party in Nepal forcing a war upon the East India Company while its armies were locked up in Afghanistan. The reason for the exceptional support by the British Resident to the Maharaja and to the peace Ministry in Nepal having ceased, that exceptional support was, during the autumn of 1842, quietly withdrawn. Hodgson succeeded in giving a simple and natural appearance to the change ; yet the Maharaja felt that it imperilled not only the peace Ministry but also his personal safety. Conscious of his inability to control the insane turbulence of his son, he desired to evade the responsibility for it by an informal abdication of the throne. He wished in fact to retain the pomp of majesty without its risks and cares. The Chiefs came to Hodgson as usual for advice ; so also did the Maharaja ; but Hodgson would ix.J LAST FOUR YKARS IN NKPAL: 1S39— 1843. 22; only cxcrci-sc liis influence so far as to persuade both parties to a peaceable settlement amoni,^ themselves. The King, findini; it impossible to lean any further upon the strong arm of the Resident, and finding it equally imposs- ible to do without the support of a firmer nature than his own, placed himself unreservedly in the hands of his wife, formerly known as the Junior Queen, but who. since the death of the Senior Rani in 1841, had become sole Queen.' Meanwhile the I Icir-apparent, emboldened by Hodgson's withdrawal from the sphere of influence, launched out on his atrocities with a free hand. The King showed himself powerless to control his son ; and his subjects, in December 1 842, began to hold tumultuous assemblies and took the matter into their own hands. " The people complained," says the official record of this revolution, "that they could not obey two masters, adducing numerous instances in which the Raja had allowed them to be punished by his son for obedience to his own com- mands, whilst for all the murders, maimings, beatings, and insults perpetrated by the Heir-apparent, the Maharaja had evaded authorising prevention, or making atonemeni in a single instance. At one of these meetings, when about eight thousand persons were present, a committee was named to draw up a petition for presentation to the Maharaja for the due protection of the legitimate rights, public and personal, of all his subjects. This petition being approved of by the country was sanctioned and ratified by the Maharaja on December 7th, amidst the kiUil applause of the assembled multitude." - Hodgst)n's counsels contributed in no small measure to the i)eaceful result of this revolution. Within si.x months he had tarried out Lortl KUenborough's policy of uith- ' Kor tlu- sakf oi rkarnc^s I shall continue to S|H-ak of Iut as the Junior yufcn. ' Ofticial Narrativ.' of Kvcnts in Nepal, su/> (inno 184J, by Assistant Resident LieuttMiant Nicholctts, para. yz. India Dff'ur Rfcoriii. 228 LIKE OK BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. drawal, and he had carried it out in such a way as to avoid danger either to the Maharaja or to the peace Ministers who trusted to his support. As a matter of fact the, change left the Maharaja in a stronger position than his Highness had held since the death of the old Prime Minister, Bhim Sen, in 1839, for it left him in the first flush of a good understanding between himself and his people, with the peace Ministry re-established in power, and with the strong arm of the Junior Queen to lean on. Had Hodgson thought of his personal interests he would now have quitted the scene. He had long ago fixed 1 84 1, or at the latest 1842, as the date of his retire- ment from Kathmandu. But the incessant labours and anxieties of the past three years, since the British armies entered Afghanistan, rendered it impossible for him to complete the private researches on which he was engaged for his great treatise on Nepal. He therefore desired to remain for one year more, now that the quiet of the times allowed him to resume the studies on which the fruition of his life's work depended. Lord Elllcnborough seemed so satisfied with Hodgson's diplomatic successes that Hodgson could, without loss of self-respect, express his wish. He did so, and received in good faith the Governor- General's consent, unmindful of a warning conveyed by one of Lord Ellenborough's own colleagues in Council. " Lord Ellenborough," Mr. Thoby Prinsep wrote to Hodg.son, " cannot but approve what you have done. But he will do so dryly, because he will like you none the better." The Junior Queen no sooner felt herself in authority than she resolved to make her authority absolute. The year 1843 opened with the announcement to the Resident that she had been invested with political powers. Forth- with she began to intrigue for the supersession of the two sur\'iving sons of the deceased Senior Queen in favour of her own children. How to get rid of these two lives between her eldest son and the throne became the IX.] LAST rOL'K YKAKS IN NEPAL: 1839— 1845. 229 one object of licr life. The bloody intrii^ucs which fill the Ncpalcsc annals during; the next four years reached their acute sta^e after Hodgson left in 1843, and they form no part of this biography. Hodgson's succcs.sor had to stand by and see the tragical drama drag itself to its close. I pause for a moment to summarise the chief events from 1843 to 1847. The Queen found that the peace Ministry, consisting of the royal collattrals and Hrahmans — the spiritual advisers of the kingdom were no tools for the work she had in hand. l**or they represented the legitimist party in Nepal, and notwithstanding the Senior Queen's hatred of them to the day of her death, they could not be seduced into setting aside the rights of her .sons. The Junior Queen accordingly brought back to power Matabar Singh, nephew of the late Prime Minister l^him Sen. That free-lance hail for some lime .settled down to C(imfortablc e.xilc at Simla, on an allowance of Rs. I.OCX) a month from the British Government. Th<,' Queen took advantage of his somewhat hesitating return, in 1843, to slaughter the Pandi leaders who, four years previously, had supported the Senior Queen in procuring the ruin of Hhim Sen and his house. The official records for 1844 arc a dreary narrative of commotions and decapitations.' Tho.se for 1845 open with the murder of Matabar Singh, recently appointetl Prime Minister for life amid thi- treacherous cajoleries of the King who afterwards claimed credit for firing the first .shot point-blank into his body. The wountled Minister fell at his master's feet " and begged for mercy for his mother and children. But as he spoke some one struck him from behind, and as his hands were stretched out in supplication one of the attendants cut him with a sword across the wrists."' Next year, 1846, pnKluccil a still bloodier list of assassinations and massacres, planned by the Queen and the menial of the palace whom she had ' Assistant Resident Nicholctts' Confidential Summary, paras. 43 to 48. — Imiia Office Records. ' Idem., sub ohmo 1845, para. 50. 230 LIKK OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. raised to favour. ' The poor Raja quitted his kingdom under the decent pretext of expiating these murders by a joint pilgrimage with the Queen to Benares, leaving the Heir-apparent to govern as best he could. ^ The end came in 1847. The Heir-apparent seized the throne. The Queen was banished, and eventuall}' died in exile. The Raja was deposed, and for a time shut up. He spent his remaining years as a State prisoner, while Jang Bahadur (the nephew of Matabar murdered in 1845, and grand-nephew of the great Minister Bhim Sen done to death in 1839) established himself as Prime Minister and Mayor of the Palace for life. Such were the results of Lord EUenborough's policy in Nepal. They bore bitter fruits for >ears after Lord EUcnborough had himself been recalled. In almost his last letter to the Resident whom he appointed in super- session of Hodgson, Lord EUenborough still insisted upon that policy, and ordered the new Resident to gloss over the fact of his (Lord EUenborough's) own recall: "My successor will do all I should have done. You may tell the Court that he has been selected, among other reasons, be- cause he is my brother-in-law and most confidential friend." ^ Hodgson had, happily for his own peace of mind, left long before the last acts of the tragedy. I therefore confine myself to quoting the parting words of the Heir- apparent to the King his father, when deposing him from the throne. " Your Highness, uniting with the Kaia Pandis, caused General Bhim Sen Thappa to be murdered ; then joining the party of the Thappas, you had the Pandis put to death. Afterwards, in conjunction with the Rani, you caused the death of Matabar Singh ; again, contrary to all precedent in your dynasty of fourteen generations, you gave absolute power to the Maharani, and so caused ' Assistant Resident Nicholetts' Confidential Summary, si(/> auiio 1846, paras. 61 to 70. * /dcm., paras. 68, 69, 73, 74. ' Lord EUenborough to Major Lawrence, dated Calcutta, June I7tli, 1844. Merivales Lt/e of Sir Henry Lawrence, Vol. II., p. 5. Ed. 1872. IX.] LAST KOUk YEARS IN NKrAI. 1839—1843. 23 1 the massacre at the Kot ; and now, lastly, you arc scndinjj orders for the murder of the present Minister, for no offence whatever." ' Kxactly four years before this remarkable piece of filial frankness, Lord KUenborou^h dismissed Hodgson from the post of Resident. His Excellency was quite willing to take credit for the skilful treatment of Nepal, in the second half of 1842 .ind first months of 1843, by the man whom he had recalled by a public despatch and then privately made friends with by demi-official letters. Hut Lord Kllenborough, finding that no one felt disposed to tjive the Governor-General any credit for the success, began to nourish feelings towards Hodgson of which more than one warning was conveyed by friendly hands. In March 1843 Secretary Maddock found himself set free from the distasteful duty of acting as the mouihjiiece cr iStli. 1844. ' Datcil iJcccmbcT 21 at, 1S44. 16 242 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap in India alone. It will cost me but a couple of years. Even if I fail I may be quieted by the reflection that failure came not till every effort had been made to avert it. If I succeed I shall come back comforted and strcnriticeps in respect of knowledc^e of the Eastern Himalaya, its peoples, products, and natural history. From the above date till early in 1850, when I left Sikkim, my intercourse with Mr. Hodg.son was uninterrupted. Hodgson was then in his forty-ninth year. After re- tiring from the .service and visiting England, he returned to India with the view of continuing his researches in the Ethnography and Zoology of Northern India. He se- lected as his residence Darjiling, then a little-known locality in an unknown countr}'. He had three good reasons for his choice. It promised him absolute freedom from the trammels of society. It was in a central position in respect of the field of his future labour. His old friend and medical attendant, Dr. Campbell, who had been also his assistant at the Nepal Residency, had lately been appointed Superintendent of Darjiling and to the political charge of our relations with the State of Sikkim. Hodg.son's dwelling was in a narrow clearing of the majestic forest that then clothed the mountains of Sikkim on every side, and crept up to the very walls of the few houses of which the station consisted. It was a modest bungalow afterwards called Bryanstone, ' of the ordinary- Anglo-Indian type, with two rooms (dining-room and sitting-room) in front ; two bedrooms with bath-room behind ; a verandah in front and on the sides ; and supplementary sleeping apartments and offices in the rear. Occupying the slope of a ridge over 8,000 feet high, facing the north at an elevation of 7,500 feet, it commanded a view of the snowy Himalaya unrivalled for grandeur and extent. Immediately in front at abtjul forty-seven miles distant, Kinchinjiiiga, one of the three loftiest mountains in the globe, rears itself to 28,178 feet above the .sea-level, and 20,000 feet above that of Hryanstone. From its vast ' At Krst named Herbert Hill, after Sir Herlx-rt Maddock who had built it as a residence for lumself, and iVom wliom Hodgson bought it in 1847.— VV. \V. H. 2 so LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. shoulders the perpetually snowed range is continued east and west for about seventy miles, without the smallest break of the snow-line even in the height of summer. It is a wonderful panorama, startling in its effect when first revealed by the rising mists on a cloudless morning. The eye spans the intervening gulf of interlacing ranges, divided by rushing streams and clothed with tropical forests, until it is arrested by the dazzling amphitheatre of silvery crests. During the whole of my two years' stay at Sikkim, Nepal, and Himalaya, Hodgson was an inv^alid, suffering from the effects of fevers contracted in Nepal and from incurable sleeplessness. He often told me that he did not know what sleep was, so active was his mind and so brief were the snatches of repose which nature must have demanded, and which no doubt she obtained, however little the patient was conscious of it. He slept in one of the supplementary apartments alluded to above, and not unfrequcntly passed days and even weeks there, during which I never saw him except to give some simple remedies for his distressing ailment. Ever since his arrival at Darjiling he had lived the life of a hermit. With the exception of a short visit from Sir James Colvile and his sister, he had received no visitor until my advent. Nor had he admitted to his house any one in the station except his old friend Dr. Campbell. The latter informed me that his Nepal life would have been almost equally one of solitude but for the society of the most intellectual of the high-caste Nepalese of the Court, and of the learned Lamas of Kathmandu and especially of Tibet, the latter of whom made frequent visits to him in Nepal. During the rainy season of 1848 we were very much together, and I remember no more delightful hours of my life than the evenings we spent chatting over our cheroots by the light of the wood fire, with the pile of logs for fuel alongside, gleaming with lambent light from the presence X.] SIR JOSEPH HOOKKKS KKCOLLECTIONS. 251 of a phosphorescent fundus in the tlcc.iyin- b«'irk — to us a constant source of wonderment and speculation. This may not now be so frequent a phenomenon in the forests of Sikkim as it was half a century ago, before the reckless clearances took place which have resulted in the modifica- tion of the climate. At the period referred to, it was often difficult to get one's pony to pass the piles of logs stacked by the wayside, so bright was the light the\' emitted. There was no " skating over thin ice " in our discussions and controversies. He encouraged me to dispute his theories, especially on the structure and geology and glacia- tion of the Himalaya and Tibet. He viewed these from his wide reading and his experience in the Valley of Nepal ; I, from what I had seen in the Antarctic regions and else- where. We kept early hours, though what they were I do not clearly recollect. Breakfast was I think at eight, dinner about three, and tea at eight, with nothing between. The forenoon was devoted to study, and we rode for a couple of hours late in the afternoon. Except when he went down to the plains for a few months in winter to escape the cold and damp of Darjiling, he never once to my knowledge walked a yard from his home. On leaving Nepal 1 lodg.son gave up his studies in Buddhist Literature, and confined his attention to the four subjects which he pursued with ardour at Darjiling. Those were the furtherance of Vernacular I'-ducation in India ; the study of the Races of Northern India and their lan- guages ; the physical geography of the Himalaya and Tibet ; and the zoology, especially the ornithoK)gy, of .Sikkim. Of these subjects the last was probably the least prolific in results. I'or in the first place the zoology of Sikkim is not materially different from that of Nepal, which he had for twenty years so diligenth' and succcs.s- fully explored. In the .second place the ubicjuity and density of the Sikkim forest, the spar.scne.ss of its popula- tion and the humidity of its climate, are obstacles to the collection and preservation of specimens. In the third 2 C2 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. place ihc religion of the country being Buddhist, the Lamas taught, and the as yet unsophisticated people believed, that the taking of life would be followed by disasters to their flocks and crops. During my travels in the interior I was accompanied by a couple of Hodgson's trained huntsmen for the pur- pose of procuring specimens for him, and it was a source of vexation to me that I could do so little for a friend who did so much for me. But what could I do but comply when, on arriving at a village with good sporting ground around, I was met by a troop of Lamas from the Buddhist monastery bringing presents, with the request that my attendants should not shoot or even fish within the range of their spiritual functions ? Returning to the chimney-corner of Bryanstone, an in- exhaustible source of conversation was provided by the volumes of the Asiatic Society s Transactions, \hc Gleanings in Sciejice, and the Bengal Asiatic Society's Journal. I made a point of reading every article that I could at all understand. These repertories of half a century of Oriental literature and science Hodgson was ever ready to talk over with me, thus adding tenfold to their interest and in- structiveness. It was delightful to find him .so thoroughly acquainted with the writings of his predecessors and so enthusiastic an admirer of them. As regards the Gleanings in Science, established in 1829 by his friend the lamented James Prinsep (one of the most brilliant geniuses that India ever knew, but cut off after a brief career), and the Bengal Asiatic Society s Journal, no one contributed so largely to their contents as Hodgson ; no fewer than a hundred and eighty papers, the latest dated 1858, bearing his name as author. It was, however, towards extending the benefits of Vernacular Education to the natives of India that Hodgson's energies were principally directed during my stay in Sikkim. To that end, amongst other of his projects, a leading one was the construction of an Atlas of Physical X.] SIK JOSEPH HOOKKKS RECOLLECTIONS. 253 Geography suited for schools. In this I had the gratifica- tion of co-operating with him, and man)- and long were our discussions upon the nature and extent of the work. They resulted in his asking me to ccnnmunicate his views to Baron Humboldt, with the request that, if he approved of the plan proposed, he would indicate an author com- petent to suppU' an elementary treati.se on the physics of the globe with maps. At the same time he offered a liberal gratuity in advance for authorship out of his own pocket, and procured .subscriptions among his friends to provide for its translation into the vernacular. Baron Humboldt recommended as author a man distinguished for his knowledge of the subject, and who accepted the com- mission, but never completed the work. One half was supplied : it was long and learned enough, but totally unsuited to the requirements ; and as a further gratuity was demanded for its completion, the project in the con- templated form had to be abandoned. This leads me to the subject of the Physical Geography of the Himalaya, upon which our discussions were long and often animated, for we differed considerably in our conceptions of the structure of the chain and its relations to the geography of the countries adjacent to it. His own conclusions were communicated to X.\\q Journal of the Bengal Asiatic Society whilst I was still in Sikkim, in a very remarkable and learned cs.say. wherein the whole subject of the mountain and its river-systems, peoples, and productions is treated with a fulness of knowledge of which I had not a fracticjn. In the early spring of iS.iQ, I spent a fortnight with Hodgson in the 1 arai and plains at the foot (if the Sikkim Himalaya. It was the only excursion we took together, and a very enjoyable one it was. The Tarai at that time formetl a belt t)f jungle about ti-n miles in breadth, virulently malarious in summer, and always swarming with wild animals. It was in this tract that Lady Canning was struck down in i8$i by the fever which carried her 2 54 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. off, brought on by a few hours' halt in the forest for the purpose of sketching. It has since been opened up and much of its forest is replaced by tea-plantations. Having horses and tents,, we passed the time most agreeably in shooting, botanising, and zoologising. Except a violent earthquake at Titalya, a delightful sail in double canoes down the rapids of the Tista river in the gorge where it leaves the mountains, and the cheering fact that Hodgson threw off most of his ailments for the time, there were no incidents of the trip of any moment to record. It remains to say that I cannot convey any adequate idea of the amount of active interest which Hodgson took in the success of my Sikkim explorations, of his .solicitude for my welfare, health, and comfort during the many months that I was cut off from intercourse with any but natives. I owe it entirely to his personal influence with the late Sir Jang Bahadur that I was permitted in 1848-9 to travel in Eastern Nepal, over ground never before or since traversed by any European, and to visit the jealously guarded passes of the Nepalese Tibet frontier. He further exhausted every effort to persuade the same potentate to allow me to spend the season of 1850 in going through the Himalaya from Sikkim to Kathmandu. In this Hodgson supplemented the strong representations in my favour made by Lord Dalhousie. Their joint efforts would, I believe, have been successful, were it not that Jang Bahadur urged that he was about to visit England, and could not be responsible during his absence for my per- sonal safety in a kingdom where jealousy of Europeans was a universal feeling, and where his own tenure of power was precarious. Nor were Hodgson's good offices confined to helping me in my work alone. During my travels in Sikkim I was dependent on Darjiling for food-supplies for myself and my people, as the Sikkim Raja had issued orders that neither grain nor flesh was to be sold to me. Thanks to the energy of Dr. Campbell (the Superintendent), parties X.J THE DARJILING RECLUSE: 1845— 1858. 255 of coolies were orgcinisLcl to carry food to mc from Darji- ling with more or less of regularity — a most difficult task during the rains when the unbridged torrents and malarious valleys rendered transport tedious and dangerous. Never one such party arrived without letters, newspajiers, and often books from Hodgson, and a liberal addition to my commissariat of good things from his cellar and larder. With these recollections of Sir Joseph Hooker, I close the personal aspects of Hodgson's life at Darjiling. In 1853 Hodgson made a short visit to his relatives in England and Holland, and became attached to Miss Anne Scott, daughter of General Henry Alexander Scott, R.A. Her family had during several generations rendered valuable service to their country, and the early death of her brother Robert closed prematurely what promised to he a distin- guished public career. Hodgson married Miss Scott at the British Embassy at the Hague, both families being then abroad. A few weeks later he started again for Darjiling with his wife. The four years which followed were the happiest he ever spent in India. He found at length that companionship and sympathy for which he had .so long pined. During his later years at Darjiling he had the gratifica- tion of being invited by Sir Jang Bahadur, the all-powerful Minister in Nepal, to direct the education of his son-in- law, then heir-apparent to the throne. The young prince was sent to Darjiling to be under Hodgson's eye. The friendly relations thus maintained by Hodgson with the Nepalese Court bore good fruit during the Mutiny of 1857. Hodgson accompanied his wife, when in ill-hcallh, to Calcutta and availed himself of his personal intercourse with Lord Canning to advocate the acceptance of a Gurkha contingent from Nepal. The task was a some- what delicate one. Hodgson knew well that any open 256 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. action taken by him as a private person might give offence to our Resident at Kathmandu. He also found a strong feeling in Government House against trusting the Nepalesc proffers of aid. " You praise these Gurkhas like your husband," said Lady Canning to Mrs. Hodgson, " but I can assure you that they are looked on here as being little better than the rebels." In May 1857 Jang Bahadur, on hearing of the outbreak of the Mutiny, placed the whole' military resources of Nepal at the disposal of the British Government. Lord Canning after some hesitation accepted a contingent of 3,000 Gurkhas in June, but his acceptance was a half-hearted one and left a feeling of disappointment on Jang Baha- dur's mind. Some correspondence took place between him and Hodgson, partly through the medium of his son-in-law, the heir-apparent and Hodgson's late pupil whom Jang Bahadur had charged Hodgson " to treat as your own son." In the end Jang Bahadur arranged that his son-in-law should meet Hodgson in Calcutta in the autumn, when the Jang was determined to again press his army and his personal service on the Governor-General. Owing to new complications the meeting did not take place, but Hodgson proceeded to Calcutta in October 1857 and urged on Lord Canning a frank acceptance of Jang Bahadur's offer. The friendship of the Chief Justice of Bengal, with whom Hodgson was staying, afforded him frequent access to the Governor-General and we get a pleasant glimpse of more than one interview with Lady Canning. " Aunt Caledon's ' friends, the Hodgsons, came to see me," Lady Canning writes on November 4th, 1857. "^ ^vas de- lighted with Mr. H. He is clever and amusing and very quaint. He has the highest opinion of Gurkhas, and considers thern the best soldiers in the world in all ways, ' The Countess of Caledon, to whose family Mrs. Hodgson was related. X.] THE DARJILING RECLUSE: 1845— 1858. 257 especially for discipline, provided no one interferes with their domestic concerns." ' " I urged," Hodgson wrote in one of his private papers, " the great value, negative and positive, of the proffered aid of Nepal for putting down the Mutiny. I said that I was not unaware of the suspicions generally entertained of the [Ncpalese] Darbar, but that I nevertheless felt convinced, if the Jang were fairly trusted and put into the hands of a representative of his Lordship having tact, experience and a liking for the Gurkhas, good faith would be kept with us, sonae useful military service done for us, and above all in importance at such a moment, the spectacle exhibited of the Hindu State pay excellence in alliance and co-operation with us. " I then pointed to the great ability of the Jang, as demonstrated by that wonderful career which had made him the virtual ruler of his country, and to the oppor- tunities for rightly estimating our power which the Jang had enjoyed during his visit to England. Such ability concurring with such opportunity, I continued, could hardly be at fault, and the exigencies of the Jang's position must make a personal connection with us of value to him. That, further, a man of the Jang's talents could not have noted in vain the risks his country had run in times past from collision with a Power which again and again he hail seen rise superior to every difficulty. Lastly, I pointed out to Lord Canning that Nepal most eagerly coveted the restoration of the Western Tarai. Recent events had placed it at our disposal ; and the prospect of the grant of it to Nepal, while it might form a tie on the Jang, would offer to us the means of most conveniently rewarding the Darbar for faithful .service." ■ Lord Canning, after a careful official incjuiry, accepted this view. He gratified Hodgson by telling him that Ik- ' Lady Canning's Journal, November 4tli, 1857 : quoted in Thr Story of Two Noble IJves.hy Augustus J. C. Hare, Vol. II., p. 339. Ed. 1893. - Hodgson Papers. 17 258 LIFE OK BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. had selected one of Hodgson's personal friends, Sir George MacGregor, as the British officer to be attached to Jang Bahadur during the joint military operations. Indeed Sir George himself wrote to Hodgson that he believed not only his own appointment but the whole scheme practically resulted from Hodgson's insistence with Lord Canning. A new arrangement* was come to with Jang Bahadur under which he himself marched into our disaffected territories with a force that ultimately formed a complete little army of 17,000 men. The valuable work done by that force under Jang Bahadur's leadership is recorded in history." It suffices here to note that Lord Canning's orders to Brigadier MacGregor to join Jang Bahadur's army, as representative of the Government of India during the joint operations, were dated December 4th, 1857, exactly one month after Lady Canning's entiy in her journal. The development of the Gurkha regiments in the British service after the Mutiny, on the lines so long urged by Hodgson, forms one of the most remarkable chapters in the history of our Indian army. I have dwelt on the earlier stages of that development in a previous chapter.^ The old local battalions constructed out of the conquered or disbanded Nepalesc troops after the war of 181 5 had been embodied into three Gurkha regiments by Lord Dalhousie in 1850. Hodgson's representations backed by the opinions of Lord Canning's military advisers led to the formation of the 4th Gurkha Regiment in 1857.* The battalion which afterwards became the 5th Gurkha Regi- ment was raised in the following year. Our whole Gurkha ' Colonel Malleson's History of the Indian Mutiny, pp. 321 et scq., Vol. II. Ed. 1879. I thank Colonel Malleson for kind aid in this part ot my work. - Letter from the Right Honourable the Governor-General to Colonel MacGregor, C.B., dated Calcutta, December 4th, 1857. ^ Vide ante, pp. 106- no, etc. * It appears from the Hodgson Papers that he was also in Calcutta in June 1857, and it seems probable that he began at once to urge the capabilities of the Gurkhas on Lord Canning. X.] THE DARJILING RECLUSE: 1845—1858. 259 force was rcor^^aniscci on a permanent regimental basis in 1861 as a result of the lesson learned in 1857. With subsequent additions it now numbers fifteen regiments, nearly 14,000 strong, of whom about 13,000 are Gurkhas and the remainder hillmen from ncij^hbouring tribes.' At the end of the chapter I shall give a note showing in detail the growth of the Gurkha regiments in the army of British India. Hodgson's idea, which he had urged in vain in 1832,- and for which he obtained a partial acceptance in 1850 and 1857, has borne abundant fruit. Throughout the past quarter of a century wherever there has been hard fighting to be done by our Indian trcjops, or wherever honour could be earned, the Gurkha regiments have been to the front, conspicuous for their gallantry and light-hearted endurance of the perils and privations (jf the campaign. During his last years in Bengal Hodgson had the pleasure of seeing the practical realisation of another of his cherished schemes. In 1S54-55 the views which he had long advo- cated in regard to vernacular education were adopted as the basis of public instruction in India. Unfortunately in 1857 his wife's health gave wa\', and she had to leave for Europe. As the doctors could hold out no ho{)e of her ever again being able to bear the climate, Hodgson gave up iiis life's work at Darjiling and returned to England for good and all in the summer "f 1858. Note on the Growth of the Gurkha Recimknts IN THE BkITISH-INDIAN ARMY.' 1ST Gurkha Regimknt. — The Nusserec Battalion was raised 011 April 24th, 1815, and was in iS^o designated tlie 66lh Gurkha Regiment of Bengal Liglit Infantry, taking the place of the (>6tli Bengal Infantr\', ' A return kindly supplied to me by General Sir Oliver Ncwmarch, K.C.S.I., Military Secretary at the India Oflice, gives the exact total of the Gurkha regiments at 13,734 in February 1895. * Vidf ante, p. icx;. ' From information furnished by the Military Department in the India Office, 1895. 26o LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. X. whicli was disbanded for mutiny. This became the ist Gurkha Regiment in 1861, and a 2nd Battalion was added in 1886. A new Nusseree Battalion was formed in 1850, and disbanded on the reduction of the army in 1861. 2ND Gurkha Regiment. — The Sirmoor Rifle Regiment was raised on April 24th, 181 5, and was made a Gurkha regiment in 1850. It was called the 2nd Gurkha Regiment in 1861, and a 2nd Battalion was added in 1886. 3RD Gurkha Regiment. — The Kemaoon Regiment, which was raised on April 24th, 1815, was reserved for Gurkhas in 1850. It was desig- nated the 3rd Gurkha Regiment in 1861, and a 2nd Battalion was added in 1887. 4TH Gurkha Regiment. — This regiment was raised in 1857. It became the 4th Gurkha Regiment in 1861, and a 2nd Battalion was added in 1886. 5TH Gurkha Regiment. — The Huzara Gurkha Battalion was raised in 1858, and was designated the 5th Gurkha Regiment in 1861. A 2nd Battalion was added in 1886. These two battalions of the 5th Gurkhas belong to the Punjab Frontier Force. In addition to these there are the three Assam Corps, now called the 42nd, 43rd, and 44th Gurkha (Rifle) Regiments of Bengal Infantry, the 9th Gurkha (Rifle) Regiment of Bengal Infantr)', and the 39th (The Garhwal Rifle) Regiment of Bengal Infantry, altogether fifteen regi- ments of Gurkhas and hillmen. In round numbers nearly 14,000 men, each regiment being 912 strong. [ 26. ] CHAPTER XI. HODGSON AS A SCHOLAR. HODGSON'S contributions to scholarship were of three kinds. lie was the largest and most muni- ficent collector of manuscripts, ancient texts, and vernacular tracts that ever went to India.' He was also an erudite student of the new materials which he thus collected, nor did the originality of his conclusions less impress his contemporaries than the stores of buried learning which he brought to light. Having gathered together his data and used them so far as his hard-earned leisure allowed, he handed them over to the learned Societies of India and Europe in tru.st for scholars who could bring to their investigation the final processes of modern research. His magnificent liberality enriched not only the British Museum, the India Office Library, and the Asiatic Societies in Great Britain and in India, but also the Institute of France and the Societc' Asiatique de Paris with treasures which have not even yet been completely explored. Hodgson had a passion for collecting. By rare good fortune he found himself set down in a part of Asia isolated from European scholarship and as a ficUl for the collector absolutely untouched. \\ ithin a few months of his definite return to Nepal in 1824 a stream of manuscripts, specimens, and antiquarian curios of many ' Catalogue' 0/ the liuddhist Sanskrit AfSS. in the Unrvrrsity Uhrary, Catn/>rid<^f (Eel. 1S83), Preface, p. vii, byMr. Cecil Bendall. .MA .whom I have to thank lur much kind aid. 262 LIFK OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. sorts began to flow into the Asiatic Society in Calcutta fronn the \oung Assistant Resident at Kathmandu. Hodgson had. however, not only a virgin field as a collector ; he also appeared on the scene at the precise moment when a collector in that field obtained for the first time the facilities which made it possible for others to use his collections. In the very year that Hodgson returned to Nepal, Dr. Carey was preparing his Grammar and Dictionary of the Tibetan Language — the language of the suzerain power of Nepal and the one great language of culture in Central A.sia. Hodgson saw his opportunity) and in December 1824 he submitted a memorandum to the Bengal Asiatic Society setting forth the prospects of new discovery thus opened up. It is a remarkable pro- duction for a young enthusiast in his twenty-fourth year.^ " The stores of Tibetan literature need no longer remain a sealed fountain to us for want of a knowledge of the language in which they are recorded. All therefore that remains to be done is to procure these works, and to this object I will cheerfully address myself It must be satis- factory to scholars to learn that in acquiring this new instrument [the Tibetan language] they will not meet with any great difficult>^ For although the vernacular tongue of Tibet may be radically distinct from Sanskrit, its learned language certainly bears the closest affinity (sic)." He then refers to the collection of over sixty manuscripts and texts which he is despatching to the Society, and hopes they " will be found as intrinsically valuable as they are bulky. I pro- cured them from the archives of [the Buddhist monastery of] Svayambhu-nath, and from the poor traffickers and ' Memorandum by B. H. Hodgson, dated December 5th, 1824. Space compels me to condense. I am only able to give extracts, and I change the word " Bliotiya " to its modern equivalent " Tibetan." — MS. Records of the Bengal Asiatic Society. I take this opportunity to express my obligations to Sir Charles Elliott, K.C.S.I., as President of the Society, and to Mr. C. R. Wilson as its Secretary (1894), for their generous response to my numerous applications for materials preserved in the Society's manuscript archives. XI.] HODGSON AS A SCHOLAR. 263 monks who annu.illy vi-it Nepal. Many of the works arc mere fra;4mciits, and partialU' destroyed by time or dirt — popular tracts suited to the capacity and wants of the humbler classes of .socict)', amonj^ whom they were found by me not without frequent surprise that literature of any kind should be so common in such a region as Tibet ; and that it should be so widely diffused as to reach persons covered with filth and posses.sed of not one of those thousand luxuries which, at least in our ideas, go before the great iuxur)- of books. " Printini^ is probably the chief cause of this great diffusion of books [in Tibet], nor can I account for it unless by supposing that the hordes of priests, secular and regular, with which the country swarms have been driven by the tedium of their life to these admirable uses of their time. The invention of printing the Tibetans no doubt got from China. But the universal use they make of it is a merit of their own. The poorest fellow who visits this valley is seldom without his religious tract,' and from every part of his dress dangle charms - made up in slight cases whose interior exhibits the neatest workmanship in print." Referring to the abundance of manuscripts, specimens of which he then forwarded, Hodgson comments on the universal use of writing in Tibet as scarcely less remarkable than the wide diffusion of printed books. These manu- scripts he had obtained " from the humblest individuals" ; " their numbers and variety " are worthy of note. " The printing of Tibet is performed by wooden block presses, \\hich however are often beautifully engraved. Their writing exhibits fine specimens of very graceful penman- ship." In this vast unexplored field Hodgson found treiisure- ' I'oti in the origiii.il. ' Mantras, given as jantras in my ropy of Hodgson's MS. memor- andum. This memorandum was partly utilised in Hodgson's Essay ot" 1828 ; p. 35, etc., of Trilbncr's reprint of 1S74. 264 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. troves on every side. He only regretted the inadequacy of his private means to the task before him. " Nepal," he wrote privately,' " has many old valuables going fast to oblivion, and Tibet probably has many more. But these things are very expensive. What I have already sent have cost mc sundry rupees too numerous to be mentioned — yet given most cheerfully.'- I saw the other day a house full of manuscripts, hardly one legible, and the instance I am told is not a solitary one in this valley. Do look at the first five numbers on my list. That is, look at the great work so indicated, and tell mc if in so large a body some soul of Tibetan literature must not needs be found." The task to which Hodgson thus devoted himself as a young man, he steadily carried out during his whole Indian career. "He collected," says Burnouf, "a larger body of original documents on Buddhism than had up to that time been ever gathered together either in Asia or in Europe." ^ Yet Burnouf had examined not a sixth part of the enormous mass of materials with which Hodgson endowed the libraries of Europe and India, when death cut short the French scholar's design of completely ex- ploring the Hodgson manuscripts as the basis of a monumental work on Northern Buddhism. Fifteen years ago I printed catalogues of 399 Sanskrit manuscripts * and Buddhist works thus presented by Hodgson. It is .scarcely too much to .say that, with the exception of ' Letter to Mr. Bayley, dated Kathmandu, December 5th, 1824. ^ Hodgson's successor in the collection of MSS.in Nepal, Dr. Wright, offered as much as ^150 for an MS. of the Mahavastu, and failed to get it. — Mr. Cecil Bendall in the Abhandlun^ dcs FUnftcn Inter- nationalen Orictitalistcn Congresses gehalten zu Berlin im September, 1881, p. 201. ^ Introduction a I'llisioire du Buddhisme Itidie7i, par E. Burnouf (quarto, Paris, 1844; 2nd Ed. 1876), p. i. * Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts Collected in Nepal by Brian Houghton Hodgson, Esq., F.R.S. Compiled by Sir William Hunter, K.C.S.I., LL.D. Triibner, 1881. XI.] HODGSON AS A SCHui.AK. 265 Mr. Bcndall's researches into the Sanskrit MS. texts at Cambridj^c, and Prof, Ninacr's contributions, almost all the oriijinal work among northern liuddhist manuscripts in France, Great Britain, and India has during the past half- century been based upon materials collected by Hodgson. Some of these manuscripts are of extreme age. The dry climate of Nepal is admirably adapted for the preser- vation of documents. Its isolated position saved it from the havoc of the Musalman invasions, amid which so many of the literary treasures of ancient India perished. The very early use of paper in Tibet supplied an alternative .substance more enduring than the brittle palm-leaves employed for the purpose in India, and to some extent also in Nepal.* Even the decline of learning in Nepal tended to conserve the memorials of its ancient scholarship. Many of the old Nepalcsc manuscripts survivetl for centuries forgotten and unrtad. In certain of them, dating as far back as the eleventh ccntur\', the powder-chalk is as fresh as when it was put in by the scribe to keep the leaves from sticking. But if not read, these old manu- scripts were guarded in their wrappings of fine silk as sacred heirlooms, " with all the superstitious care that an ignorant people can sometimes give to the monuments of an unknown learning."* The Ncpalesc annals of the twelfth century A.I>. relate how, when a village was in flames, a Brahman widow fled from her burning house with only her infant son, a little model of her Buddhist shrine, and a holy text written in letters of gold in her arms. It was to this same twelfth century that the oldest manu.script sent by Hodgson to • As an example of IIocIrsoii's minute iiuiuiries into cverythinj; con- nerted with the pahroKra|)hy and manuscripl.s of Nepal, see his curious note written in 1831 " C)n the Native Method of making the Paper denominated in Hindustan, Nepalcsc." Reprinted, with a post- script by Dr. Campbell, in Hodgson's Kssays (TrUbncr, 1880), Vol. II.. pp. 251-254. ' Mr. C'ecil HendaU's paper in the Al'hantHiim; dfs Fiinften Inter- nalionaUn OrU-tttalisUn Cotij^resscs (18S1), p. uifo. Hcrlin, ivSSj. 266 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. England belongs.* It holds a place of honour among the treasures of the Royal Asiatic Society in London and bears a date corresponding to 1165 A.D. A somewhat older manuscript of 1141 A.D. was forwarded by Hodgson to the Societc Asiatique de Paris, and he presented one still more ancient to the Asiatic Society of Bengal, dated 1 07 1 A.D.- The results arrived at by Hodgson from his personal study of the materials which he collected form the subject of the concluding part of this chapter. Those results amounted to a new revelation to the Western world of scholarship, and earned for Hodgson the title given to him by Eugene Burnouf as " The Founder of the true study of Buddhism on the basis of the texts and original remains." After himself investigating his materials, Hodgson at once distributed them among the great Oriental Societies for the use of other scholars. This distribution will be detailed in Appendix A. A very brief summary must here suffice, and I fear that even the briefest summary may tax the patience of readers not specially interested in the subject. Hodgson selected six famous libraries as the depositories of his Buddhist texts. To the Asiatic Society of Bengal in Calcutta he presented, from 1824 onwards, 94 Sanskrit Buddhist manuscripts ; to the College of Fort William, 66 ; to the Royal Asiatic Society, London, 79 ; to the India Office Library, London, 30 ; and to the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 7. Having thus placed at the disposal of J^ritish scholars a munificent endowment of manuscripts, he en- riched French Orientalists with a scarcely less splendid donation of 147 — transmitted to Burnouf and the Societe • The Ashtasaliasrika Prajnaparaniita, No. i in my List of 1881. * I make tliis statement on the authority of a letter from Mr. Cecil Bendall to me, dated December i6th, 1895. Mr. Bendall noted on this manuscript when passing through Calcutta. It is tlie Prajnaparamita Ashtasahasrika, No. A 1 5 of Rajendra Lala Mitra's catalogue, where, by an obvious error in converting the dates, it is dated 1231 a.d. XI.] HODGSON AS A SCHOLAR. 267 Asiatiquc de Paris.' Each one of these six collections, with the exception of the small one presented to Oxford, suffices for an encyclop.x'dic treatment of Northern Buddhism. The collection in the Bengal Asiatic Society at Calcutta supplied the materials for Dr. Rajcndra Lala Mitra's monumental work on The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal"^ — perhaps the hiijhest achievement of Hindu scholarship in this century. That in the Royal Asiatic Society's Library, London, has been catalogued by two of the most eminent Sanskritists of our day — Professor Cowell of Cambridge and Professor Eggcling of Kdinburgh."' The Hodgson manuscripts at the India Office. London, and in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, are enumerated in the lists of my Appendix A. The 147 manuscripts which Hodgson sent to Paris had a more distinguished destiny. They at once attracted the attention of the brilliant orientalist Eugene Burnouf. To France belongs the glory of having founded the first professorial chair for Sanskrit in P^uropc, and to Burnouf the honour of first placing the study of Buddhism on a scientific Western basis. This he accomplished from the materials supplied by Hodgson. His great work on the History of Buddhism was, as he tells us, con- structed from the manuscripts presented by Hodgson to the Paris Asiatic Society in 1S37. Not onl)- in that ' Some of them were copied by Hodgson's pandits at the expense of the Soci6t6 Asiatique de Paris. — Burnouf. InlrodMCtion a P llistoirc du Budd/iismc, p. 4. Ed. 1876. » Published by tlic Asiatic Society of Bengal, large 8vo. 1882. Rajendra also publislied the Lalita-Vistara and the Ashtasahasrika Prajna-paramita from the MS.S. presented by Hodgson to the liengal Asiatic Society. In regard to another copy of the Lalita-Vistara MS. sent by Hodgson to Paris, M. Burnouf wrote: "Ce beau manuscrit, qui a etd- i-crit avec le dcvanagari du Nepal. m"a *t6 envoy6 dc Kathmandu par M. Hodgson en Avril 1836.'" Sec also Rajendra Lala Mitras Descriptivf Catalogue of Sansknt AfSS. in the Librarj- of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Part L Calcutta, l!i77- ' Vol. VUL of \.\\c Journal of the Royal Asiatic Socif/v. New Scries. 1876. 268 LIFE OV HRIAN HODGSON. [chap. work,' but also in his final one, l^urnouf acknowledged Hodgson as the original discoverer of the materials out of which his genius reared so splendid a structure. Burnouf's letters attest his personal admiration for the solitary scholar in Nepal, and he addresses Hodgson as his " illustrious friend." ' He gave the impulse to that enthusiasm for Hodgson among Continental savants which induced the French King to send the Legion of Honour to the Hima- layan recluse, the Institut de France to appoint him a Corresponding Member, and the Soci(jte Asiatique de Paris to commemorate his services by a gold medal. The crowning work of liurnouf's life, published after his death and forming as it were his literary testament, bears the following dedication : " A Monsieur Brian Houghton Hodg- son, membre du service civil de la Compagnie des Indes, comme au fondateur de la veritable etude du 13uddhisme par les textes et Ics monuments."^ The six collections of the Hodgson manuscripts referred to in preceding pages have all been catalogued, and each of them has to a larger or smaller extent been utilised. But, besides these, Hodgson presented two collections to France and England which yet await the scrutiny of the European scholar. In 1858 he sent a mass of Sanskrit manuscripts and Buddhist drawings to the Institute of France, in whose library they now repose. In 1864 he presented to the Secretary of State for India another large collection of manuscripts in Sanskrit, Persian, and Newari. The distinguished scholar who was then Librarian to the India Office recorded the collection to be of " eminent importance, if only [as] embracing materials ' Introduction a I' Histoirc du nudd/iis>nc ludicn (Psivis, 1844; 2nd Ed. 1876), pp. I, 5, etc. See also A. Weber in the Litcrarischcs Ccntral- blatt^ No. 17, April 24tli, 1875. - Choix de Lettrcs d'Eugcnc BiirnouJ, 1825 — 1852, No. CLXI., pp. 441, 444. Paris, 1 89 1. ^ Dedication of Le I^tus dc la Bontic Loi (quarto, Paris, 1852), being a translation of the MS. of the Saddharma-pundarika, presented by Hodgson (No. 27 in my published list of the Hodgson MSS.) to Burnouf. XI.] HODCSON AS A SrU()l,Als 269 from which fcjr the first time the histor)-. political, religious, and linguistic, of Nepal might be digested by a com- petent scholar." ' This statement I can personally confirm, as I examined the collection while on sick-leave from India in 1867.- They originally filled three trunks, and have not yet been completely utilised." I give a list of their contents in Appendix H, in the hope that .some competent student will undertake the task. The collections heretofore dealt with consist of manu- scripts in the San.skrit language.* Hodgson, however, rendered a service of scarcely less importance to European scholarship by his collections of the Tibetan classics. These classics arc embodied in two vast encyclopardias of sacred learning and philosophy aggregating 345 or 367 volumes, known as the Kahgyur and Stangyur. The\' are Tibetan versions of Sanskrit texts, printed fr(jm wooden blocks after the Chinese manner. The KahgNur forms an encyclopa;dia of 123 volumes, containing the doctrine and moral precepts of Huddha as arranged b}' his chief disciples after his death.' The Stangyur is a still vaster collection of 224 volumes aggregating 76409 leaves, each about two feet long." It forms a cycle of Tibetan learning, ' Report by tlie Librarian, Dr. FitzEdward Hall, to the Sccretar>- of State for India, dated August 9th, 1864. * When collecting the materials for my Comptv\itivt' Dutionan' of the LMtti^uai^es of India ami Hii^h Asia, based on the Hodgson MSS. (Trilbnrr, cjuarto, 186S) — a work for whicli my opportunities and my knowledge were then inadequate. ' This collection is now preser\'ed at the India Oftice Library in wooden boxes and brown-paper parcels. Professor Somers borroweti a packet in 1870; Dr. Burgess borrowed anotlier in 1877, and the catalogue in 1882; Professor n<'noldi borrowed two parcels in 1882. But tile Librarian writes to me, December iSth, iS<)5, that these M.SS. " have not been really worked up." * K.xccpting the miscellaneous papers in tlie three trunks presentci. to the India Oftice, and the Buddhist drawings presented to the Institute of France. * Its " three Repositories "correspond to the so-called Buddhist Tripi- tika of China and Japan, although differing in arrangement .ind contents. ' Life of AlexiituU-r Csottui de KOrOs, by Theodore Duka, M.D. (Trtib- 2/0 LIFE OF l^KIAN HODGSON. [chap. apparently the joint compilation of Indian pandits and Chinese or Tibetan literati, and includes commentaries on the Kahgyur, with ori'^inal treatises on religious rites, ceremonies, philosophy, arts, and sciences. Hodgson obtained two sets of these encyclopaedias of Tibetan literature. The first set he transmitted to the College of Fort William, whence it passed in 1829 to the Bengal Asiatic Society, of whose library it still forms a chief ornament.* Whether this first set was altogether a gift from Hodgson, or paid for in part, I am unable to deter- mine." The second set was presented to Hodgson about nine years later by the Grand Lama of Tibet himself, as the highest possible mark of honour to a learned foreigner — an iionour unprecedented in the annals of Tibet. It was a costly work, first printed in 1731 from blocks still used at a famous Buddhist monastery of Central Asia.^ The Russian Government lately paid £2,000 for a copy of one half the series. Hodgson with his usual munificence pre- sented this set to the Court of Directors in 1838. It forms 345 magnificent folios which bear his name in the India Office Library, part of them still in their curious Tibetan wrappers, the remainder bound in calf and morocco. They arc unique in Europe. Seven years later Hodgson endowed the British Museum, in 1845, with the Tibetan ner, 1885), p. 49; letter from Csoma de Koros, dated May 25th, 1825. I take this opportunity of expressing my many obligations to Dr. Duka in regard to Hodgson's Tibetan researches. The Stangyur (which I have personally examined) makes 222 volumes in the India Office set. ' The present Secretary to the Bengal Asiatic Society (Mr. C. R Wilson), in forwarding to me copies of the correspondence of July 1829, adds: "It shows that the Kahgyur MSS. were presented by Hodgson to the College of Fort William, and hence were transferred to the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1 have tried to find out when Hodgson presented the MSS. to Fort William College, but hitherto without result." ^ Rajendra Lala Mitra, who examined the Hodgson collection in Calcutta, merely says : " The first set is now preserved in the library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal." ^ Near Tashilumpo. XI.] HODGSON AS A SCHOLAK. 271 translation of the rrajna-paramita — a vast work in five volumes and 100,000 vcrst\s.' The enormous extent of these Tibetan collections may be realised from Burnoufs statement that while Hodijson sent between 1824 and 1829 fifty volumes of Sanskrit to the Calcutta Asiatic Society, he sent four times as many in Tibetan. The materials which Hodgson thus accumulated he utilised by a process of his own. His methods were by no means rapid ones. " Soon after my arrival in Nepal (1821)," he wrote, " I bc,i:jan to devise means of procuring some accurate information relative to Buddhism."' At first he met with serious difficulties, " arising out of the jealousy of the people in regard to any profanation of their sacred things by a European. I nevertheless persevered." With the aid of a venerable pandit he obtained a list of Buddhist sacred texts hidden away in the monasteries of Nepal. Having won the old man's confidence, he persuaded him to gradually procure copies of the most important of the manuscripts. He then drew up a series uf (}uestioiis on the religion and philosophy of Buddhism as actually existing in Nepal. The answers which he (jbt;uned he tested from the original manuscripts, with a result generally confirmative, but not always satisfactory in respect to th*. relative age and authority of the texts cited. " Thus one step led tf) another, until I conceived the idea of drawing up, with the aid of my old friend and his books, a sketch " of " Buddhism." " When, however, I conceivetl that design, lie says vcr>' simply, " I little suspected where it would lead me. I began ere long to feel m\' want <<( languages, and to confess the truth of patience, and almost looked back with a sigh to the tolerably full and accurate account of ' CorrrspoiuliuR to the Sanskrit MS. I'rajiia-paraniita, .*'es " which Hodgson opened up. He expresses his astonishment and the general admiration of scholars at " the perfect clearness with which Hodgson unravelled so extremely intricate a web." What had until Hodgson's appearance on the scene been " so many riddles," ' Letter from Eugene Burnouf to Hodgson, dated August 28th, 1837. The Hodgson Private Papers contain several extremely interesting letters from Burnouf, Jaquet, and Jules Mohl, the Secretary of the Soci6te Asiatique dc Paris. I have to thank Mrs. Brian Hodgson for the extreme lucidity with wliich these letters and other manuscript materials have been arranged. If the present volume siiould be so fortunate as to awaken an interest in the subject, I liope tliat a collection from the Hodgson Papers may be subsequently issued. 278 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. guessed at from second-hand sources, were answered by Hodgson once and for all from the original texts.^ " Mr. Hodgson's illustrations of the literature and origin of the Buddhists," wrote Csoma do Koros, the generous Hungarian scholar who stands out as the sole rival of Hodgson in the field of Himalayan research, " form a wonderful combination of knowledge on a new subject with the deepest philosophical speculations, and will astonish the people of Europe." ^ If the debt of Continental scholarship to Hodgson was great, it is not too much to say that the original materials which he collected, and the conclusions which he derived from them, formed during half a century the basis of the study of Northern Buddhism in our own country.^ Mountstuart Elphinstone records in his History of India that even his general " account of the Bauddha tenets is chiefly derived from the complete and distinct view of that religion given by Mr. Hodgson." •* A .specialist like General Sir Alexander Cunningham^ wrote to Hodgson, " I found in your work the only clear and intelligible account of Buddhism." The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain, in its memoir of Hodgson after his death in 1894, sums up his services in a sentence borrowed from The Times obituary : " To him the world still owes the materials for a knowledge of the great proselytising faith which was the one civilising influence in Central Asia." Hodgson had quite unconsciously achieved a masterpiece of research. He tells us somewhat pathetically that until ' Condensed from Albrecht Weber's remarkable article in the Liter arischcs Centralblait^ No. 27, April 24tli, 1875. I thank Professor Thomas Miller, formerly of Gottingen, now of Strasburg, for a transla- tion of this article which he kindly forwarded to me. ^ Csoma de Koros in the Bengal Asiatic Society s Journal, July 1842. ' I do not of course include the Chinese or Japanese Buddhism of the Far East, nor the Southern Buddhism of Burma and Ceylon. ^ History of India, by the Honourable Mountstuart Elphinstone. Footnote 53, p. 114. Ed. 1874. ^ Afterwards Director-General of the Archaeological Survey in India. Letter to Hodgson, dated Gwalior, April 15th, 1851 XI.] HODGSON AS A SCHOLAR. 279 after the publication of his first essays " he had never seen one line of" "any Continental writer's lucubrations on Buddhism." But in his researches, as throughout his official career, he converted his very disadvantages into elements of greatness ; and his isolation gave to his views that stamp of originality which is the highest form of genius in scholarship. Needless to say that such origi- nality gave rise to some controversy in Europe. His first critic was Abel Remusat. But Remusat, although a dis- tinguished Sinologist, editor of the Journal des Savants, and the founder and first secretary of the Paris Asiatic Society, had the old imperfect knowledge of Buddhism derived from secondary texts and Chinese or Mongolian transla- tions. Dying in 1832, before he had time to grasp the full significance of Hodgson's discoveries, his criticisms only served to mark the vast stride which Hodgson's work rendered possible in Buddhist research. " In dealing with Abel Remusat," says Weber briefly, " Hodgson had an easy task." Another and more prolonged controversy arose with Tumour, the representative of the Southern or Pali school of Buddhism. This controversy bifurcated into two sets of conflicting theories. In the first of them, that liuddhism issued out of ancient forms of the Brahmanical faith and to a certain extent in hostility to Brahman institutions, Hodgson was correct.' In his second theory, which claimed for the Sanskrit texts of Northern Buddhism priority over the Pali sacred writings at least in the region of philosophic doctrine, Hodgson went too far. 1 le himself, with characteristic honesty, afterwards recognised " that the honours of Ceylonese literature and of the Pali language are no longer disputable." - " ]?ut," writes Albrecht Weber in summing up the discussion," if Hodgson went at first ' I coiiline myself to Weber's broad dictum, without referring to the nicer modiHcatious rendered necessary by recent results of scholarship. * Postscript to dissertation on " The I'ravrajya V'ratra," Essays. p. 145 (1874). 28o LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. too far, his grounds almost throughout were perfectly reasonable, and it is still a great treat to read the papers connected with this controversy — a controversy which at the time mightily stirred the friends and representatives of Indian studies." * In the little temporary controversy between the friends of Hodgson and Csoma de Koros as to the dates of their work, Burnouf assigned to Hodg.son the honours of priority. But, as we now know, the two solitary workers were both making similar discoveries in far separated regions of the Himalayas, unknown to each other, during the very same years.- Since Hodgson's time there have been several .students of the first class in the field of Northern Buddhism in its wider sense, as including the Buddhism of all Central Asia, China, and Japan. The indefatigable patience of Samuel Beal, the scholarly grasp of the American diplomatist Woodvillc Rockhill, the fine touch of Cecil Bendall, and the minute local scrutiny of Austine Waddell, to mention only a few of those best known in this country,^ have carried Buddhist research into regions into which Hodgson did not penetrate. But by the common consent of these scholars their work started from the basis supplied by Hodgson, and, while amplifying, have not superseded it. His work fails of course in several respects to fulfil the punctilious demands of modern scholarship. The accounts of the original texts which he discovered were derived from a number of separate pandits, and they do not always harmonise. Nor did he realise the necessity ' Literarischcs Centralblait, No. 17, April 24th, 1875. Burnouf's earlier views may be studied in Section VII. of his Histoire die Bnd- dhisme Indten, pp. 512-524, particularly 517, 2nd Ed. '' Burnouf, ut supra, pp. 6, 7. The letters of Csoma de Kciros, published in Dr. Duka's Life, prove that the discoveries of the two Himalayan scholars were contemporaneous, although Hodgson had the good fortune to communicate his first to the world. '* But not forgetting Jaeschke the Danish missionary, I. J. Schmidt the St. Petersburg lexicographer, the German brothers Schlangint- weit, that unwearied Indian worker Sarat Chandra Das, and the Bengal palaeographer Rajendra Lala Mitra. XI.] HODGSON AS A SCHOLAR. 3Sl for that exactitude in quotation which is now i i'^^oroush- enforced from bibliographers. Even when Sanskrit authorities are cited, the chapter and stanza arc seldom indicated. Further stumbling-blocks arise from references to section.*-- of texts without giving the name of the whole work. The explanation is that Hodgson laboured in solitude and to satisfy his own craving for research, un- acquainted with the rules of the European technique of his study, and calmly unconscious of the little annoyances which that unacquaintance might cau.se to Western scholars. His methods of quotation must be regarded as rnetnoruc tcchnicic for his own well-stored mind, rather than as an example for imitation by other student.s. But the most exacting of European scholars have been the most ready to acknowledge the slightness of these de- fects compared with the magnitude of the work achieved. The rooms containing the Hodgson manuscripts in the great public libraries of India, I'Ingland, and I'Vancc still form places of pilgrimage for the modern students of JUiddhism. " You may be sure," wrote Albrecht Weber to I lodg.son ' in referring to " the path you have opened," " that its importance will be more and more acknowledged every year. This summer that splendid collection of pictorial, sculptural, and architectural illustrations which you presented to the Institute of France in memory of the illustrious scholar l''ugene lUirnouf, will form the object of a visit to Paris of a scholar most eminently qualified to make a right use of it, I mean A. Schiefner, a member of the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg." The same scholarly pilgrimages go on to this hour. When the brilliant palaeographer of the Cambridge L'niversity and the British Museum, Mr. Cecil Bendall, made his journey to Northern India in 1S85, the Hodgson col- lection at Calcutta was almost the first shrine which he visited. ' Lcltrr from Professor Albrecht Weber to IV \\. Hodgson, dated April 24th, i860. 283 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. It would be difficult to name a modern expert more careful to avoid undue praise than Professor Bcndall Before starting on his archaiological travels, he repaired to Mr. Hodgson in his Gloucestershire retirement for inspira- tion and counsel. He has now favoured me with his final views on the man whom he publicly described as " the greatest and least thanked of our Indian Residents." ' In spite of paLtographic imperfections, which Professor Bcndall is strict to mark, he declares that Hodgson's works " form the most important contribution to the bibliography of the literature " of Buddhism.' He points out that masses of the original materials collected by Hodgson are still unutilised, and expresses a conviction that, as more of his manuscripts come to be published, the details furnished in even the earliest essays of Hodgson will prove valuable " in deciphering the often difficult texts." I have cited Professor Bcndall because, sooner or later, a man's place in scholarship must depend on the verdict of specialists. But Hodgson's work was many-sided, and while one set of modern students have been specialising in the bibliographical branch of his labours, another set have also been specialising in his local and antiquarian researches. Hodgson supplied the original materials for both. Among local experts Avho have followed on Hodg- son's foot-tracks, Mr. Austine Waddell holds a unique position. He is the first European who, with a scientific training and equipped with the resources of modern scholar- ship, has penetrated the esoteric Buddhism of Tibet. He broke through the reserve of the priests by himself purchasing a Lamaist temple in full working order, and carrying on its daily ritual at his own cost. The officiants conceived the idea that he must be a reflex of the Western ' A Journey of Literary and Ardiaoloirical Research in Nepal and No7-thcrn India ( 1 884— 1 885), by Cecil Bendall, M. A., Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and Professor of Sanskrit in University College, London, p. 11. Cambridge University Press, 1886. - MS. " Note on Mr. B. H. Hodgson's Essays," forwarded to me by Professor Bendall, October 1 89.:!^ I XI.] HODGSON AS A SCHOLAR. 283 Buddha, Amitabha himself, and so "overcame their con- scientious scruples and imparted information freely." ' Mr. Austinc Waddell tjratefully recognises Hodgson as " the father of modern critical study of Buddhist doctrine."- Before starting afresh for India in 1S95, Mr. Waddell heard that I was engaged on a Life of Hodgson and wrote to me as follows : ^ " A somewhat intimate acquaintance with the south-west frontiers of Tibet brought me into contact with the almost cncyclopajdic scientific work which had been performed there by Mr. Hodgson, and more detailed exainination deepened the sense of our indebtedness to him. His Buddhist researches mark ri distinct epoch in the advance of our knowledge of this many-sided system. His masterly inquiries furnished a vast array of new facts which disclosed the true structure and developments of the faith, and .soon dissipated the fantastic theories prevalent in Europe which had till then done duty for original investigation. With admirable skill he struck the keynote to the study of Indian Buddhism. This may be heard even in his earliest papers. And the salient points which he singled out still serve as stepping stones across many a dreary waste of Indian histor)'. " Of scarcely less importance arc his detailed studies of specific dogmas and developments. Many of these, belong- ing to Ncpalese liuddhism, remain our only authorities on the subject. So very full, indeed, are his writings that .several of the so-called discoveries of later scholars arc to be found in his condensed text or teeming footnotes." To these appreciations by the two great living expcrt.s, the one on the bibliographical and the other on the his- torical and philosophical sides of I lodgson's Buddhist work, it would be rash for a biographer to add a single sentence. ' The DndiUtism of Tibcl or Lumatsm, by L. Aiibtii.c- \N aUaoll M.B. Preface, p. i.\-. Allen dv Co., 1895. ' Idem., p. .\ii. ' Under date Kcbruary i ith, 1895. Space restricts mc to a few e.xtracts from Mr. Anstine Waddells communication. [284] CHAPTER XII. HODGSON AND THE HILL RACES. HODGSON'S work among the Sanskrit texts and his collaboration with Sanskrit pandits brought him to the core of the Aryan civilisation of India. To whatever race Buddha belonged, there can be no question that Buddhism developed into the national religion of India under Aryan influences, and that its original Scriptures were written in one form or other of Aryan speech. But the Aryans in India, as in Europe, form only a top-dressing to thick layers of earlier races. Those remnants of primi- tive humanity have in Europe been almost crushed out of sight by the superincumbent mass, or were amalgamated with it. In India they may be studied as distinct types of man. The mountains which wall out the Indian peninsula from Asia, and the dense forests of the table-land and ranges in the heart of India itself, furnished asylums for these human survivals of a prehistoric age. India thus forms a vast museum of races — of races not in a fossil state, but warm and breathing, living apart in their own communities, amid a world of suggestive links with a past that has elsewhere disappeared. The aboriginal peoples of India have, as it were, been hidden away in hill- caves, until the great ethnical movements subsided beneath which they would otherwise have been buried. The outer ranges of the Himalayas, amid which Hodgson passed his whole Indian career, supply an unrivalled field for the study of such tribes. In this branch of knowledge also Hodgson found himself a pioneer. The English have CMAP. XII.] HODGSON AND THK HILL RACES. 285 .studied, and they understand, the Aryan populations of India as no conquerors ever studied or understood a sub- ject race. The East India Company grudged neither honours nor solid rewards to any meritorious effort to ilkistrate the people whom it ruled. Those efforts led to a .series of discoveries which rolled back the horizon of human knowledge. They proved that the higher races of India derive their civilisation from that Aryan or noble stock which has radiated to Kuropc, America, and .Austral- asia, and which is now almost co-extensive with civilised mankind. At an early period it became known that another element had entered into the composition of the Indian people ; but an ignoble element, destitute of literature, and, for the most part, now huddled away in forests fatal to European life. The very lu.stre of the Aryan discoveries threw the non-Aryan peoples of India into a deeper shade. Practical usefulness and the gloss of fashion were for once on the same side. Indian scholars crowded into a field in which every honest seeker might hope to find ore, and kept aloof from a study in which they could look for little sympathy and from which they expected small results. To this neglected study of the non- Aryan races of India Hodgson devoted himself in the full maturity of his powers. His lUiddhistic researches and his marvellous collections of Sanskrit manuscripts formed the work of the earlier portion of his career in Nepal. The essays on the abori- gines of India were chiefl)' issued during his thirteen years' retirement in Darjiling(iS45 — 1858), freed from the burdens of official life. The.se ethnological contributions to learned societies greatly exceed in number and bulk his Buddhistic essays. They occupy nearly a half of the volume of his collected works issued in 1874, the whole of one volume issued in 1880, ant! tht greater part of the other volume published in the same year. With some l.uropcan scholars, indeed, Hodgson's ethnological work ranked as the chief service which he rendered to the world. Latham, Schleicher, 286 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. Lassen, Max Mliller, Professor Owen, Dr. Barnard Davis, and others welcomed his discoveries as a new revelation. He thus for a second time stepped forward in the enviable position of a man who has new knowledge to impart to the world. The admiration which he enjoyed from Aryan scholars in Europe during the thirties, he again won from non-Aryan scholars during the fifties. In 1854 Bunsen declared him to be " our highest living authority and best informant on the ethnology of the native races of India." Hodgson approached this part of his life's work by deliberate advances. He first made a complete study of the habitat of the Himalayan aboriginal tribes. His essay "On the Physical Geography of the Himalaya" appeared in the fonrnal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1849, and was reprinted by the Bengal Government as a State Paper in 1857. It attracted the attention of Baron von Humboldt, who wrote of Hodgson in high terms to the President of the Bengal Asiatic Society.^ Hodgson's very first page arrests the attention of the reader. " I had been for several years a traveller in the Himalayas, before I could get rid of that tyranny of the senses which so strongly impresses all beholders of this stupendous scenery with the conviction that the mighty maze is quite without a plan. My first step towards freedom from this overpowering obtrusiveness of impressions of sense was obtained by steady attention to the fact that the vast volume of the Himalayan waters flows more or less at right angles to the general direction of the Himalaya, but so that the number- less streams of the mountains are directed into a few grand rivers of the plains." Hodgson then relates how he began to investigate the phenomena of the convergence of these innumerable trans- verse streams. His final step was achieved when he brought into causal relation the angles of the outer ranges and inner snowy peaks with the radiating points of the ' Baron von Humboldt to Sir J. Colvile, President of the Bengal Asiatic Society, March 1855. xii.] HODGSON AND THK HILL KACES. 287 feeders of each ^rcat river. These ideas had occurred to him many years before in Nepal, but it was during his retirement in Darjiling that he worked them into a complete system. Sir Jo.scph Hooker, who had the oppor- tunity of testing Hodg.son's facts by observations of his own on the spot, thus formuhites Hodgson's results.' From the central axis of the Himalayas a succession of secondar)- chains take their origin, separating the great rivers which flow into the plains of India. " Here also," wrote Max Miillcr in Hunscn's Pliilosopliy of Utiiversal History; " wc owe much to Hodgson's genius. His map of the natural divisions of the Himalaya is in truth a ^aimnairi raisonn(fe of this irregular mountain-utterance " — five peaks constituting four river basins, and three transverse climatic divisions. Hodg.son had also the good fortune to supply materials for the solution of the river problems of Northern India itself. It is known that tiic three might}' river systems of the Indus, the Sutlej, and the Ikahmaputra take their rise near to each other, not on the Indian side of the Hima- layas but on the northern or Tibetan side. During the first eight hundred miles of their course the Indus and Hrahmaputra are es.sentially rivers of Central Asia, with the vast ranges of the Himalayas between them and India. But while thus rising on opposite sides of the same sacred mountain, the Indus turns westward and forces a passage through the Western Himalayas into the Punjab, and so eventually to the Arabian Sea. The Brahmaputra, on the other hand, turns eastward from its source, and eventually bursts through a gorge of the Kastern Himalayas into Assam, and so reaches the Bay of Bengal on the opposite side of India. Its course of eight hundred miles along the Tibetan or Central Asian trough on the north of tlu- Himalayas still ' Hooker and Tliompson's Flora Indica, Vol. I., pp. 167-185: con- densed too much for inverted commas. ' Vol. I., 359. Kd. 1S54. lVoI. III. of Christianity and MaHkimi.'] 288 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. remained unexplored when Hodgson wrote. It was only known that a great river called the Sanpu flowed eastwards along the Central Asian trough, while a great river called the Brahmaputra burst through the Eastern Himalayas into Assam. Indications that these two rivers formed different sections of the same stream were not wanting. But they were not complete. Hodgson's inferences while in Nepal, and the geographical details which he supplied, raised these indications almost into proof. The evidences of the Sanpu and the Brahmaputra being one and the same river, wrote Pemberton in 1839, " are greatly strengthened by Mr. Hodgson's MS. map forwarded to the Surveyor-General. I consider this so satisfactory that nothing but ocular demon- stration to the contrary could now shake my conviction." ' Hodgson thus based his study of the aboriginal tribes of the Himalayas upon the foundation of their physical surroundings. But as we shall see he was also a zoologist, and he did not overlook the important data supplied by the anatomical structure of the tribes themselves. After long and patient labour he collected the materials for the study of that structure, and especially for the craniology of the aboriginal races. With his usual generosity he placed his materials, including one hundred carefully verified skulls, at the disposal of European men of science. " Mr. Hodgson early felt," says Dr. Barnard Davis, the learned author of the Crania Britaiinica, " that the most interesting object of natural history is man himself, and he devoted his unremitting attention to the study of the many curious tribes with whom his long residence in India brought him in contact."" "In European museums these crania are very rare," wrote Sir F. Mowat, " owing to the difficulty of procuring them amongst races practising cremation." " Professor Owen, then and perhaps still the greatest master ' Pemberton's Report on Bhutan, 1839. - Paper read by Dr. Barnard Davis before the British Association, May 1863. ^ Paper read before the Etlmological Society in 1867. XII.] HODGSON AND THE HILL RACES. 289 of ethnological anatomy whom the world has seen, reported in grateful terms on the collection which Mr. Hodgson supplied.' Anthropometric measurements of non-Aryan types of man form a valuable feature of his essays. The Ethnological Society elected him an Honorary Fellow, then a rare distinction — Darwin, Layard, and Rawlinson being at that time, I am informed, almo.st the only other Englishmen thus honoured by the Society. The physical structure of the Himalayan aborigines, and the geographical conditions amid which they lived, formed, however, only the basis of Hodgson's ethnological work. He recognised that, apart from all written records, man creates his own history in his customs, his religion, and his speech. We shall presently see how he applied this principle to a comprehensive study of the whole aborigines of India. But Hodgson was essentially a worker who built up from the facts around him. Before entering on the more general aspects of his ethnographical studies, I propo.se to summarise one of his earliest papers on three tribes who came within his immediate observation in the Sub-Himalayan tracts. Hodgson's es.say " On the Kocch, Bodo, and Dhimal Tribes" was published in Calcutta in 1847, ^"^ forms the first half of one of the volumes of his collected works issued in 1880. Latham, the leading British ethnologist of the middle of this century, pronounced it to be "a model of an ethnological monograph." - Its structure is simple almost to sternness. Disdaining a word of introduction, it starts with the vocabularies which Hodgson had for the first time collected among the hill races. It then evolves, also for the first time, a grammar of their speech. Finally, it sets forth in a learned disquisition the origin, location, numbers, religion, customs, character, and condition of the tribes. The vocabulary was constructed by 1 lodgson ujxjn a ' Report of I'rofessor Owen to tlie British Association, May 1863. * Ethnology of the British Colonies, p. 114.. 19 290 LIFE OK BRIAN HODGSON. [char plan which he believed would illustrate not only the origin of the tribes, but also the stages of mental and moral development through which they had passed. He secures his first aim by a complete list of terms for the simple natural objects and conceptions which form the common property of primitive races, and by which he afterwards traced back their relationship to other prehistoric peoples using allied words. lie effects his second purpose, and arrives at a clear view of the stage of development that the tribes had reached, by a collection of terms dealing with the employments, appliances, and concepts of rising grades of civilisation. His dictionary of the speech of these three tribes occupies seventy-one closely printed pages. It starts with names of things and beings : the terms connected with the earth, water, air, fire, and their products. The parts of the human body are exhaustively enumerated in the three languages, followed by terms for the appetites, affections, and various kinds of food. The higher physical wants of man are exhibited by the words for his dress, ornaments, and games. The vocabulary then enters into the terms deal- ing with animal life, quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fish, and insects. The vegetable creation is next passed under review. A long and careful list supplies the words in the three languages for grains, fibres, oils, greens, tubers, spices, dyes, drugs, trees, and fruits, together with the various parts of plant structure. Having thus furnished the words common to primitive laces and susceptible of linguistic comparison with other branches of the same stock, Hodgson entered on the pro- cess of differentiation by means of lists of words dealing with the more advanced stages of human progress. He collected a complete dictionary of the natural and political ties of the family and the race. The names of occupations follow, from those of the primeval hunter, herdsman, and fisherman, through the builder and metal-worker up to the lawyer, finance minister, banker, and bankrupt. The two XII.] HODGSON AND THE HILL RACES 291 last terms were only found in one of the three languages. In a similar way the more abstract forms of nouns arc exhibited, together with copious lists of words illustrative of trade, relij^ion, learning, literature, and the fine arts. The particles, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs arc then .ct forth upon a carefully thought out system and in full detail. Hodgson notes .several unexpected phenomena in the vocabularies of these tribes. " What can be more striking, {i)T example," he says, " than ' agriculture ' being expressed by the term ' felling ' or ' clearing the forest ' ; than the total absence of any term for ' village,' for ' plough,' for horse,' for ' monej',' of any kind ; for nearly every opera- tion of the intellect or will, whether virtuous or vicious ; md lastly, for almost every abstract idea, whether material or immaterial." ' The second part of the essay is devoted to the grammar of two of the tribes, the Bodos and Dhimals. The original structure of the language of the Kocch had been .so com- pletely overlaid by Aryan forms that it was merged into a corrupt Bengali. Few pieces of philological work have more human interest than this effort to compel a living speech never before reduced to writing to yield up its ^iruclural laws. Hudg.son starts by inventing an^'ortho- graphy for the two languages, neither of which " {kjsscsscs, nor ever did |X)ssess, an)' alphabet or books." - The gram- matical forms of substantives, their genders, casc.s, and numbers, are carefull)' explained. The adjective is then leak with, followed b\- the various classes of pronouns, the system of numerati(jn, and the verb. As one of the many curious facts brcuight to light, Hodgson jx)ints out that the cardinal numbers extend to only seven in Boilo and to ten in Dhimal. I'or higher quantities the tribes hail to imix)rt terms frc^m the Indian plains. The grammar concludes with comments uixin the multi- ' Hodgson's MiscellttHfOMs Essays, Vol. I., p. 103. TrUbncr, 1880. ' ItUm.y p. 7c. 292 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. tude of languages among the Himalayan tribes, or of dialects not mutually intelligible. After a catalogue of such dialects within a comparatively small area, Hodgson remarks : " What a wonderful superfluity of speech, and what a demonstration of the impediments to general inter- course characterising the earlier stages of our social pro- gression. How far these languages, though now mutually unintelligible to those who use them, be really distinct ; how far any common link may exist between them and the rest of the aboriginal tongues of India — so as to justify the application of the single name Tamulian to them all — are questions which I hope to suppl}^ large means of answering, when I have gone through the hill and Tarai tongues of this frontier." ^ We shall presently see how thoroughly Hodgson carried out this project. Having reduced the unwritten speech of the tribes to a written language and set forth its structure and com- ponent parts, Hodgson devotes the third section of his essay to a systematic survey of their customs, status, and religion. For while he clearly understood the value of words and grammatical forms, as the revealers of the ethnical affinities and social transitions of the race, he understood not less clearly the evidence which can be derived from their traditions, habits, and creeds. " The condition or status of the Bodo and Dhimal people," he says, " is that of erratic cultivators of the wilds. For ages transcending memory or tradition, they have passed beyond the savage or hunter state and the nomadic or herdsman's estate, and have advanced to the third or agricultural grade of social progres.s, but so as to indicate a not entirely broken connection with the precedent con- dition of things. For, though cultivators all and ex- clusively, they are nomadic cultivators so little connected with any one spot that neither the Bodo nor Dhimal language possesses a name for village." - ^ Hodgson's Miscellaneous Essays, Vol. I., p. 103. Trubner, 1880. * Idem.^ p. 117. XII.] HODGSON AND THE HILL RACES. 293 The practice of nomadic cultivation Hodgson found to be characteristic of many non-Aryan races scattered throughout India. To him indeed we owe the first accu- rate study of this curious link between the hunting or pastoral stage and that of settled agriculture. At^zui in annos mutant et snpcn'St Hirer. The Himalayan tribes whom Hodgson first observed do not cultivate the same field or remain in the same collection of huts beyond the fourth or sixth year. After the jungle has grown again they sooner or later work back to their former clearings, burn down the forest afresh, and again raise crops for a few years from the thus richly fertilised soil. As no permanent rights grow up there is no possibility of raising a continuous rent. They accordingly pay tribute to the local Rajas by a capitation tax of so many rupees for each household ; or by a corvee of forced labour ; or by an annual payment of one rupee per " agricultural imple- ment." The term " agricultural implement " really repre- sents " as much land as thej- can cultivate therewith," for there is no land measure. They reckon that the\' can raise thirty or forty rupees' worth of produce with one iinple- ment, so that the impost of one rupee on it forms but a light land-tax. " There is no separate calling of herdsman or shepherd, or tradesman or shopkeeper, or manufacturer or handicraft, alien or native, in these primitive societies which admit no strangers among them, though they live \^ on perfectly amicable terms with their neighbours, and thus can always procure, by purchase or barter, the very few things which they require and do not produce them- selves." ' Hodgson thus marked out in bold and simple lines tlie four great differences between the status of the non-Aryan races in the Indian hill countries and that of the Aryan dwellers on the plains. Their nomadic tillage and migra- tory hamlets stand forth in contrast with the settled agriculture and permanent villages of the Ar)'an low- ' WoAgson's MisccLUxiteou^ Essays, Vol. I., p. 119. Ed. 1S80. 294 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. landers. Their taxation on the basis of the household or of the agricultural implement contrasts with the universal land-tax of the Indo-Ar}'an pale. The absence of any differentiation of employment equally contrasts them with the strict subdivision of labour on which the Aryan caste system in India is to a large extent based. Even more important is the non-admittance of strangers among them compared with thehelot craftsmen such as low-caste potters, leather-workers, barbers, and village menials whom the Aryans throughout India incorporated as the substratum of their social organisation. The non-Aryan hillmcn whom Hodgson first studied had neither servants nor ^slaves nor aliens of any kind among them. A perfect equality prevailed under the elected or semi-hereditary head of the hamlet. They do not marry beyond the limits of their own people. " Chastity is prized in man and woman, married and un- married." Although divorce is simple it is .seldom resorted to. The wife has freedom of movement and on the whole is well treated. Female infanticide is unknown. " Daughters, on the contrary, are cherished and deemed a source of wealth, not poverty ; for every man must buy his wife with coin or labour, and it is very seldom that the price comes to be redemanded by the wronged and unfor- giving husband. There is no bar to remarriage, and widow-burning is a rite held in abhorrence." ' The Bodos and Dhimals bury their dead with simple yet decent reverence, instead of adopting the Hindu custom of cre- mation. But fixed graveyards or permanent tombs are precluded by their migratory habits. Having thus described the social status of the non- Aryan tribes, Hodgson proceeds to examine the ties of blood and customary law which bind together their com- munities. He then enters at very great length into their religion, or rather into their rites and festivals, and the attributes of the numerous deities who make up their ' Hodgson's Miscellaneous Essays, Vol. I., i). 123. Ed. 1880. 1 Ml] HODGSON AND THK HILL RACES. 295 pantheon. " Language and mytholog)-," he wrote on his title-page, "constitute the internal, true, and only history of primitive races, and are by far the be.st exponents of their real condition as thinking and acting beings." This thought he expresses again and again, and some of his most interesting work is merely an expansion of it. Space precludes me, however, from entering on the complex questions to which it gives rise. I must con- fine myself to the remark that for the first time the materials were brought together for an intelligent study of the gods many and rites still more numerous which make up the religion of the non-Aryan tribes in the Himalaya. It is not surprising that such an essay, bearing on every page the stamp of original research, should have attracted attention from scholars both in India and Europe. Dr. Latham referred with admiration to its " bold yet cautious criticism and varied observation." ' " I have again and again ransacked the Asiatic Rcseafc/ies and other authorities for information on the ancient history of Bengal,"- wrote a more exacting specialist, Mr. Logan, " but I am convinced that in India history must be the slight superstructure and ethnology the solid basis. Hodgson will do more to clear away the rubbish and to restore the lost annals of the Gangetic valley than Lassen with all his erudition and talent for historic research." Lassen himself was a student of Hodgson's work and ex- pressed his " high sen.se of admiration " kn the .services which Hodgson had rendered.^ But while Hodgson thus started, as was his wont, from the facts immediately under his observation, he discerned that they were capable of wide uses. He conceived the idea of a complete and systematic survey of the whole ' Varieties of Man, preface, p. S. * Journal of the huiian Archipela;^o lor J;imiar)' and February 1854. * Letter from Professor Clir. Lassen to \\. W. IkxJgson, dated November aoth, iSGo. 296 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. non- Aryan races in India, with a view to working out their mutual affinities and of fixing their position among the great families of mankind. He accordingly solicited the aid of fellow-workers throughout every province of India in which the non-Aryan tribes still maintained their identity. His essay on the Kocch, Bodo, and Dhimal served as a model for the facts which he sought to obtain in regard to each one of the far-scattered tribes. Finding, however, that that model involved a minute study and a continuity of research beyond the possibilities of Indian officials burdened with the daily duties of administration, he wisely curtailed his demands. He issued a shorter vocabulary of words for which the equivalents were to be obtained in every non- Aryan language in India. " So powerful a stimulus and so successful an example," ' to use the words of Professor Max Miiller, created a whole school of fellow- labourers in this field of research, and the most distin- guished members of that school have recorded the inspiration under which they worked. " My investigations," wrote Laidlaw, the great student of the Karen tongue, " were originally undertaken to assist, however humbly, those researches on the aborigines of our own and the neighbouring countries \shich Mr. Hodgson is prosecuting with such admirable zeal and success." ' Hodgson's list of words was adopted as a standard not only by private scholars, but by scientific departments of the Government of India. " The following vocabulary," observes Dr. Oldham, founder of the syste- matic geology of India, " is framed upon that given by Mr. Hodgson, and by him applied to so many Indian races and borderers." ^ ' Bunsen's Philosophy of Universal History applied to language and religion, I. 353. Ed. 1854. * Jourtial of the Royal Asiatic Society, Part I., 1854. ^ On the Geological Stnccturc of the Khasi Hills, with Observations on the Meteorology and Ethnology of that District. Quarto. Calcutta, 1854. XII.] HOUGSOX AND TlIK HILL RACES. 297 With unwearied patience Hodgson worked up the results thus obtained by himself and others. 1 have said that his ethnological papers form by far the largest part of his collected works. Indeed they would of themselves suffice for the sole labour of an industrious life. 1 heir main result was to explore the ethnical affinities of the non-Ar>an races in India, and to establish the common origin of many of these widely dispersed remnants of primeval man. He classed them as the Tamulian family of tlie colossal Turanian division of the human race. Some of his con- clusions went too far. Some have been modified by the light of more recent research. With him philology was the handmaid of ethnology, and Turanian philology was then in its infancy. He was aware of the insufficiency of his standard li.st of words, and of the objections which might be raised alike to its contents and to their arrange- ment.' But those who have brought the most complete knowledge to the scrutiny of his work are the most appreciative of its merits. To Professor Conrady 1 am indebted for a manuscript review extending over thirty-si.\ pages, and dealing ex- haustively with what Hodgson accomplished and with the points in which he fell short of success. A striking feature of this monograph, as of those kindly furnished to me by Professor Bendall and Dr. Austine Waddell on Hodgst)n's Buddhist researches, is the personal warmth of affection which they express to a man whose work was done nearly half a century ago. " Gratitude is due to him from all who, like myself," Professor Conrady writes to me, "arc labourers in the field of Indo-Chinese comparative philolog)*. Other branches of Indian learning ma>' praise him for the untiring activity which has ojiened man>- new fields of labour ; but lndo-Chine.se i)hilology must honour ' He took as its contractt'd basis the collection of words which Dr. Brown (the learned author of Gramtnatical Notufi of thf Assamese iMti^uage, printed at Sibsagar in 1848) had adopted for the dialects of Kwrthcr India. 29S LIKK OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. in him a past master, I mii^ht even say its real founder. He was the bold pioneer wlio not only gathered in rich linr^uistic materials from rcL^ions hitherto scarcel)' known b)- name, but who also sifted the chaotic mass, and with a creative hand combined it into a family of many members." He showed that the languages of Further India and of the Himalaya and Tibet (whose relationship he had intuitively divined as far back as 1827) formed with Chinese one closely related family. He maintained that the monosyllabic, the isolating, and polysyllabic agglu- tinating languages differed only in their degree of development and not essentially. He was the first discoverer of a connection between the tone accents and the auxiliaries. His proofs of a Turanian unity of language by a simple comparison of lists of words cannot hold its ground, and although he studied profoundly the grammatical structure of the languages, his materials in some cases fell short of scientific proof Yet his materials led him also to brilliant discoveries in structure by which it has been established that the Indo-Chinese languages are based upon an original agglutinating form, such as is still possessed in rich varieties of development by the Ural- Altaic, Dravidian, and Kolarian tongues.^ Science does not forget the pathfinder. Professor Conrady thus concludes : " What is still more admirable than the glance of genius over spaces yet unsurveyed is the unselfish search after truth. I cannot, therefore, better close my review than with some words of Hodgson himself — words characteristic of his plan of work and of the strenuous fidelity of the worker : ' I trust that the whole tenour and substance of my essay on the Kocch, etc., will suffice to assure all candid persons that I am no advocate for sweeping conclusions from insufficient premisses ; and ' The foregoing statements are condensed from Professor Conrady's elaborate MS. note, which will, I hope, be published hereafter in its complete German form. XII] HODGSON AND THK HILL RACES. 299 that I desire to see the ethnology of India conducted upon the most extended scale, with careful weighing cA every available item of evidence that is calculated to demonstrate the unity or otherwise of the Tamulian race' " ' Kach honest worker adds something, more or less, to the sum of knowledge. But the more of yesterday dwindles into the less of to-day, and the discoveries of one genera- tion become the axioms of the ne.xt. The spirit abidcth. At the end of this biography will be found a sufficient list of Hodgson's writings* — some two hundred erudite papers, four books, and three volumes of Collected Ivssa>'s. It was a vast contribution from a single worker to human learning. Yet it is not the bulk of Hodgson's writings that makes the strongest impression on one who, like myself, has examined them as a whole. It is rather the original character of the materials which they furnish and of the sources whence they were drawn. There is, moreover, about them a quality which exercises a more enduring influence upon generous students of succeeding times than originality itself. It is the personality of the man. Ever)'where we are struck by what Professor Conrady calls " the glance of genius " ; by the freshness of a powerful intelligence ; and by that single-minded search after truth which, even more than the quest of knowledge, forms the highest qualit}' of a great investigator. To Hodgson the Himalayan borders and their dwellers were not merely subjects for abstract research. He saw in those cool uplands a possible field for European colonisa- tion which might become a new source of strength to the British Empire in India. This view he had early formed, and it grew upon him during his long retirement at Darjiling. In 1S56 he urged it with .so much force that the Bengal Government rcprintetl his paper as the first of ' Last paragraph of Dr. Conrady's MS. monograph. I thank I'ro- fessor T. MilU-r of Strasburg for his kind aid in thr translation of Dr. Conrady's manuscript. ' Appendices C and D, pp. y^^>1•}^S 300 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON [chap. its Selections from the Public Records in 1857.* He arrayed all the arguments furnished by the gradation of climates from the plains to the snows ; by the robustness of European child-life in the hill station of Darjiling ; and by the varied possibilities for farming afforded by the different degrees of moisture and the fertility of the soil. Hodgson looked forward not only to the rearing of the more costly of sub-tropical products under European supervision in the Himalayas, but also to agricultural settlements by the British race. With " fifty to one hundred thousand loyal hearts and stalwart bodies of Saxon mould " on the Himalayas, he says, " our Empire in India might safely defy the world in arms against it." ^ This last expectation has not been fulfilled, nor docs it seem likely that the European agriculturist will ever be able to compete with the cheap labour of the native hill- men in raising cereals and the ordinary class of crops. But Hodgson's other expectation has been abundantly accom- plished. Tea-planting, which he singled out as the most suitable of the sub-tropical products for the Himalayas, has been developed with a success and upon a scale which not even he ventured to anticipate. When Hodgson wrote there seemed indeed to be little hope of such a development. But he himself had proved the possibility of growing tea when Resident in Nepal, and he persisted in calling atten- tion to the field for European enterprise thus opened up in our own Himalayan districts. " How much iteration is needed may be illustrated by the simple mention of the fact that the fitness of the Himalayas for tea-growing was fully ascertained twenty- five years ago in the valley of Nepal, a normal character- ' Selections from the Records of the Govcrnmetit of Bengal, pub- lished by authority, No. XXVII. (Calcutta, 1857). This paper was after- wards reprinted in the volume of Hodgson's Collected Essays, pp. 83 et seq. Triibner, 1874. - Selections from the Records of the Government of Bengal, No. XXVII., pp.9, 10(1857). xil.j HODGSON AND THK HILL KACES. 3OI istic region as well in regard to position as to elevation. Tea seeds aiid plants were procured from China through the medium of the Cashmere merchants then located at Kathmandu. They were sown and planted in the Resi- dency i^arden, where they flourished greatly, flowering and seeding as usual, and, moreover, grafts ad /ibifutn were multiplied by means of the nearly allied Eury'a {Camellia) kisi which, in the valley of Nepal as elsewhere through- out the Himalaya, is an indigenous and most abundant species. These favourable results were dul>' announced at the time to Dr. Abel, Physician to the Governor- General, an accomplished person with special qualifica- tions for their just apprcc'ation. And yet, in spite of all this, twenty years were suffered to elapse before an\- effective notice of so important an experiment could be obtained." ' The four hundred tea-plantations now (1896) established in Darjiling and along the outskirts of the hills, with the five millions sterling invested in them, besides the great area under tea in the neighbouring provinces of Assam and Cachar, form the best commentary on Hodgson's forecast. He saw, with a clearness of vision not given to any other man of his time, the opening which the Himalayan spurs and sub-montane tracts afforded for a new British industry in India.^ ' Written in 1856. Hodgson's Collected Essays, pp. 87, 88 (1874). - Tea-planting was experimentally conducted in Assam from 1834 onward, and rapidly developed after 1851. But the capabilities of Darjiling and tiie Duars, i.e. of the Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan districts, were first brouglit conspicuously before the Government and the public by Mr. Hodgson. The experimental tea-cultivation in the Residency garden in Nepal, that is to say, the first attempt to grow tea in a Himalayan district, was made by Hodgson himself. [ 302 ] CHAPTER XIII. HODGSON AS A NATURALIST. SAINTE-BEUVE quotes with approval the limits which Lord Jeffrey placed upon excursions by a man of letters into the domain of science. Hodgson's physical researches were so highly specialised that any such excursions into them by me would be unsafe and pre- sumptuous. His zoological contributions to the Asiatic Society date from February 1824, when as a young Assistant Resident in Nepal he began to forward speci- mens of animals characteristic of the Himala}'as — the wild dog of Tibet, the shawl goat, the four-horned sheep, and the yak-cow.^ During the next seven years he made a careful study of the types around him,^ and embodied the results in a paper on "The Mammalia of Nepal" for the Bengal Asiatic Society in 1831. This he followed up in 1836 by a synoptical resume oi the Mammalia of Tibet, and, after intermediate revisions, by a "Catalogue of the Mammals of Nepal and Tibet brought down to 1843," the last year of his residence in Nepal.^ Perhaps, however, his most valuable work for this department of zoology consisted of contributions on individual animals. His observations were made at first ' Letter from B. H. Hodgson to the Secretary of the Bengal Asiatic Society, dated February 29th, 1824. — Asiatic Society's MS. Records. - His first article on birds, published in tlie Gleatiings in Science, appeared in 1829 ; but on mammals a paper of his appeared as early as 1826, in TillocKs Magazine, on the Chiru {Pantholops Hodgsofii), a new species of antelope, which was by him first made known, and a speci- men sent to Dr. Abel, who described it and called it after Mr. Hodgson. 3 Calcutta Journal of Natural History, Vol. IV., 1844, p. 284. CHAP.xni.] HODGSON AS A NATURALIST. 303 hand in the forests and mountains amid which they roamed, and which had never been explored b\' a Fluropcan naturalist. He developed a faculty of accurate description and of anatomical drawing rarely acquired by a solitary self-taught worker, which made his contributions highly prized by the museums and Zoological Societies of Europe. Besides discovering thirty-nine new genera and species^— including the Budorcas Taxicolor, a new j^oius of bovine antelopes— he contributed no fewer than fifty- one separate papers on the Himalayan mammals to scientific bodies between the years 1830 and 1843, chiefly to \\iz Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. On returning to India in 1845 he resumed work on the Himalayan mammals in his new Darjiling home. Twenty- nine papers on their species, habits, and structure con- tributed to scientific journals attest his activity in this department during the following period of his life, an activity continued down to 1S58, the very last year of his stay in Bengal. A list of eighty of his papers on the Mammalia, from 1830 to 1858, will be found in Appen- dix D to this book. Charles Darwin in his Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, when discussing the origin of the domestic dog, mentions that Hodgson succeeded in taming the young of the Canis primar.uts, an Indian wild dog, and in making them as fond of him and as intelligent as ordinar>- dogs. Darwin was also indebted to Hodgson's writings for information on the occurrence of dew-claws in the Tibetan mastiff, and for other details of variations which he observed in the cattle, sheep, and goats of India. Hodgson's special work as an Indian naturalist wiis done, however, not in the domain of mammal life, but as an ornithologist. A magnificent .series of contributions ' I present his original discoveries in the department ol m.imnials (39 genera or species) in the form of a list kindly drawn up by Mr. Lydckker and supplied for this book by Sir WilHam Klowcr. K.C.H. (Appendix U). 304 HODGSON AS A NATURALIST. [chap to scientific journals, of which I am able to enumerate forty-two/ from 1827''^ to the last years of his residence in Bengal, gradually elevated him to the highest rank of original ornithologists of his day. Instead of myself attempting to form an estimate of his services to this branch of science, I shall confine myself to an appreciation of them kindly drawn up for me by the greatest of Indian ornithologists now living, Allan Octavian Hume, C.B. Mr. a. O. Hume on Hodgson's Ornithological Work. " Mr. Hodgson's mind was many-sided, and his work extended into many fields of which I have little knowledge. Indeed of all the many subjects which, at various times, engaged his attention, there is only one with which I am well acquainted and in regard to his researches in which I am at all competent to speak. I refer of course to Indian Ornithology, and extensive as were his labours in this field, they absorbed, I believe, only a minor portion of his intellectual activities. Moreover his opportunities in this direction were somewhat circumscribed, for Nepal and Sikkim were the only provinces in our vast empire whose birds he was able to study in life for any considerable period. Yet from these two comparatively small provinces he added fully a hundred and fifty good new species to the Avi-fauna of the British Asian Empire, and few and far between have been the new species subsequently dis- covered within the limits he explored. But this detection and description of previously un- known species was only the smaller portion of his con- tributions to Indian Ornithology. He trained Indian ' Given in Appendix D. I have reason to infer that this list is incomplete. - Letter from B. H. Hodgson to the Bengal Asiatic Society, dated March 8th, 1827, forwarding a nev^^ species of snipe and stating in what it differs from the common kind. There may perhaps be earlier communications from Hodgson on Himalayan birds in the Society's MS. Records. xiii.] MR. HUMES NOTE. 305 artists to paint birds w itli extreme accuracy from a scientific point of view, and under his careful supervision admirable large-scale pictures were produced, not only of all the new species above referred to, but also of several hundred other already recorded ones, and in many cases of their nests and eggs also. These were continually accompanied by exact, life-size, pencil drawings of the bills, nasal orifices, legs, feet, and claws (the scutellation of the tarsi and toes being reproduced with photographic accuracy and minuteness), and of the arrangement of the feathers in crests, wings, and tails. Then on the backs of the plates was preserved an elaborate record of the colours of the irides, bare facial skin, wattles, legs, and feet, as well as detailed measurements, all taken from fresh and numerous specimens, of males, females, and young of each species, and over and above all this, invaluable notes as to food (ascertained by dissection), nidification and eggs, station, habits, constituting as a whole materials for a life- history of many hundred species such as I believe no one ornithologist had ever previously garnered. His numerous papers in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and elsewhere, gave to the scientific world some portions of the information thus collected, information which has been freely utilised by subsequent writers. A good deal more was reproduced from his notes in my Game Birds of India and Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, but I fear that a still larger portion remains which, owing to changes in numbers, dislocation of sheets, fading ink, and half-obliterated pencil writing, only he himself could have utilised as it merited. Without overlooking the good work of Horsfield, Sykes, Raffles, Walden, Tickcll, Hutton, and others of the past generation in the F,ast, or of Boddaert, Latham, Shaw, Temminck, Gould, Jardine, and many others in the West, we may yet safely affirm that the great advance made in our knowledge of the birds of British India during the last fifty years has been more directly due to the labours of 20 3o6 HODGSON AS A NATURALIST. [chap. three men — Blyth, Hodgson, Jerdon — than to those of any six others, if not of all others put together. Of these three, Blyth, from the force of circumstances, was in India mainly a cabinet naturalist ; his chief work being to stir up others to collect and observe, to name new species coming to the Museum, and lay the foundations of a comprehensive synthesis of our Indian birds. Several of his monographs in the Journal of the Bengal Asiatic Society show how thoroughly qualified he would, under more favourable conditions, have become to write a scientifically satisfactory history of our Avi-fauna ; but ill- health and domestic troubles, and the relentless pressure of the almost mechanical work of the Museum in a damp hot climate inimical to Natural History collections, combined to bar Blyth's path, and he passed away leaving perhaps less tangible records of his great work than Jerdon who was in many respects his disciple. Jerdon on the other hand was a field naturalist pur sang, who had himself shot and watched in a wild state more than half of the species that he included in his book. He was an ornithologist first and last, and though he dabbled with mammals and reptiles in later life, he gave all his best days and thoughts to birds. Jerdon had great perseverance, and defective as it may now appear to us, he produced the first comprehensive work on India's birds. But how much of this is really Blyth's, with whom he worked morning, noon, and night whilst writing the work and passing it through the press, I doubt whether either he or Blyth himself had any idea. Hodgson combined much of Blyth's talent for classifica- tion with much of Jerdon's habit of persevering personal observation, and excelled the latter in literary gifts and minute and exact research. But with Hodgson ornithology was only a pastime or at best a parergon, and humble a branch of science as is ornithology, it is yet like all other branches a jealous mistress demanding an undivided alle- giance ; and hence with, I think, on the whole, higher xni.] MR. HUME'S NOTE, 307 qualifications, he exercised practically somewhat less in- fluence on ornithological evolution than either of his great contemporaries. But I need not seek to discriminate too nicely between this illustrious trio who all three, directly and indirectly, powerfully influenced their own and next succeeding generation, and by their words and works raised up scores of followers to complete and perfect the work the)' had so effectively inaugurated. Enough that there is no Indian ornithologist living to whom the memories of these three great pioneers are not dear and sacred, and that so long as this fascinating study has any votaries in our Indian Empire, so long will the names of Blyth, Hodgson, and Jerdon be remembered, cherished, and revered." Thus far Mr. Hume. It remains for me to present in the fewest words a summary of Hodgson's zoological contributions as a whole. " As a collector, ' writes Mr. W. T. Blanford, " he was at the time unrivalled." ' Besides the numerous specimens shot, skinned, and stuffed or pre- served by himself, and given by him to the Asiatic Society and other public institutions between 1827 and 1843, he made two magnificent donations aggregating 10499 specimens to the British Museum. The first of the.sc collections, as we saw at a previous page,- was arranged at Canterbury on his visit to England and made over to the British Museum in 1844. The second was presented to the Museum on his final return from India in 1858. The two collections placed at the disposal of the British Museum, and from which it made its selections, included 9,512 specimens of birds, 903 of mammals, and 84 of reptiles : total 10,499. " In the List of the Specimens of Maiinnalia in the Collection of the British Museum published in 1 843," ' Natural Science, a Monthly Rtvicw, No. 30, August 1894, p. 152. * Vide antt\ p. 240, 308 LIKE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. writes Mr. VV. T. Blanford, " Mr. Hodgson's name is attached, in the ' Index of Donations,' to a larger number of references than any other donor's, and at this time only his first contribution to the national collection had been received. Subsequently two separate catalogues of his presented collections were published, one in 1846, the other in 1863." The large selections thus made by the British Museum did not, however, exhaust Hodgson's collections. The Museums of Paris, Leyden, Edinburgh, Dublin, and other national or university institutions of the kind in Europe, America, and India, were enriched by his munificent donations. The distinctions showered upon him by the Zoological Societies of man>- countries attest their grateful sense of his scientific work. It was as a draughtsman and accurate describer of new varieties and species that Hodgson rendered his crowning service to ornithology. His drawings, done by himself or by paid assistants whom he trained, cover about 2,000 folio sheets,^ many of them containing several subjects. This magnificent collection was also placed by Hodgson at the disposal of the British Museum, which retained a certain number, including 55 sheets of reptiles. The remainder, comprising 1,241 sheets of birds and 567 of mammals, he presented to the Zoological Society of London in 1874." Of these donations Mr. W. T. Blanford writes : " A better idea of Mr. Hodgson's energy than any that can be derived from lists of specimens or even from a perusal of his papers is afforded by the drawings presented by him to the British Museum, or, still better, by the original copies that have found an appropriate resting-place in the Library of the Zoological Society of London. These ' I have details of 1,863 sheets, namely Birds 1,241 sheets, Mammals 567 sheets, Reptiles 55 sheets. - " Of these so given, 1,115 sheets of birds were lent in 1870 to A. O. Hume, C.B., for his projected work, conditioned that they be delivered to the Zoological Society when done with."— Note by Hodgson in his Private Papers. xiii.J HODGSON AS A NATURALIST. 3^9 drawings represent many hundreds of mammals and birds, and fill several large folio volumes, the same species being sometimes drawn three or four times. Each sheet, besides the figure of the whole animal, generally contains drawings of details of the external and internal structure, and the paper is crowded with manuscript notes on the localities, habits of life, breeding, nidification, and measurements. " In some respects he was in advance of the >cience of the day. He was fully alive to the importance of geo- graphical distribution, and was the first to attempt a demarcation of the zones of life, resulting from differences of elevation, in the Himalayas."^ With the.se words I close the present chapter. I have tried to show from Hodgson's Private Papers the quantity or volume of his zoological work. Its quality can be judged of only by experts. " His papers," wrote his illus- trious fellow-worker Jerdon, " are distinguished by a deep research and great acumen." - " No wonder," says the Hungarian record of his .services, " that the great .scientific institutions of Europe have overwhelmed him with honours."^ ' Natural Science^ August 1894, p. 152. ' Preface to The Birds of India, by Dr. T. C. Jerdoii. Calcutta. 1862—1864, 3 vols. ; and 1877, 2 vols. ^ Obituary notice in the Vasarnapi Ujsa;j[ of Budapest, August 1 ith. 1895. [ 3IO ] CHAPTER XIV. THE CHAMPION OF VERNACULAR EDUCATION. HODGSON was best known to the Indian world of his day as the champion of popular education in the mother-tongues of the people. During the first twenty years of his service a controversy gradually waxed fierce as to whether the vehicle for higher instruction in Bengal should be the English language or the classical languages of India. The dispute reached its height in 1835, the English party being chiefly represented by Lord Macaulay and Sir Charles Trevelyan, the Orientalists by Horace Hayman Wilson, Henry Thoby Prinsep, and John Russell Colvin. The necessity of developing a system of State education for India on a great scale had become im- perative, but the equal balance and incompatible demands of these two parties brought about a dead-lock. " All educational action had been at a standstill for some time back," writes the son of Sir Charles Trevelyan and nephew of Lord Macaulay, " on account of an irrecon- cilable difference of opinion in the Committee of Public Instruction : which was divided five against five on either side of a controversy, vital, inevitable, admitting of neither postponement nor compromise, and conducted by both parties with a pertinacity and a warmth that was nothing but honourable to those concerned." ^ At this point Hodgson struck into the controversy. He declared that if the education of the Indian peoples were * The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, by Sir George Otto Trevelyan, M.P., Vol. I., p. 400. Ed. 1876. CHAP, xiv] CHAMTION OF VERNACULAR EDUCATION. 31 I to become a reality it must be conducted neither in Enc;lish nor in the classical langua^^cs of India, but in the living vernaculars of each province. To the heated disputants Hodgson seemed to be proposing " a middle course." The great Sanskrit scholar of Bengal in our day described it as a " via media " which failed at the moment to obtain adoption.^ But, in point of fact, Hodgson raised the whole previous question as to the proper aim and scope of State instruction in Bengal. His two letters in 1835 "On the Education of the People of India" lifted the subject out of the arena of academic controversy, and relegated the wranglings of Anglicists and Orientalists to the somewhat comical place which they now occupy in Indian history. Hodgson's proposals became the basis of Indian Public Instruction through the medium of the vernacular tongues, as adopted by the Court of Directors' Despatch of 1S54 and as finally reorganised by the Education Commission of 1882. In order to understand the permanent effects of his labours in this field, it is needful to glance back at the state of opinion when he emerged upon the scene. The Indians have always enjoyed the reputation of being a learned people.- Mcgasthencs, the Greek Ambas- sador to the Gangetic Court about 300 15.C., found a grave and polished society ; and the rich stores of Sanskrit literature surviving to the present day confirm his descrip- tion. The education of a Brahman, according to the four prescribed stages of his life, extended over at least twelve years. The Buddhist supremacy in India placed instruc- tion on a more popular basis. The vast monastery of Nalanda in the seventh century A.D. compares, as to the number and zeal of its students, with the much later universities of media,n'al Europe. After the Muhammadan ' Rajctidra Lala Mitra, LL.D., CLE., in the preface to his Sanskrit Buddhist Literature o/i\'epal, pp. \\\, viii. Calcutta, 18S2. ' 1 condense this and the next paragraph from tlie Report of the Indian Education Commission of \'6'i>2, paras. 19 and 20. 312 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. conquest of India in the eleventh century the Mosque also became a centre of instruction and literary activity. Alike among the Musalmans and the Hindus the promotion of education on the basis of the classical languages of India formed a recognised duty of the State. The East India Company, on succeeding to the sove- reignty of Hindustan, aimed only at discharging the duties fulfilled by the previous Ruling Powers. It respected educational endowments, and for a time confined its own educational activity to the foundation of Hindu and Muhammadan seats of learning of the ancient type. But by degrees the need of training native officers in the language of the conquerors called into existence schools of a new type. The Parliamentary Charter of 1813 provided a yearly sum of Rs. 100,000 from the revenues for education. In 1823 the Indian Government appointed a Committee of Public Instruction to superintend the expenditure. This body was guided by two fundamental principle}?. First, to discharge the traditional duty of the Ruling Power by encouraging the instruction which the learned classes really desired — that is to say, instruction in the sacred or classical languages of India. Second, as its school- fund was inadequate for any system of general education, to apply it to the instruction of the higher classes, in the hope that education might filter down through them to the people. It was in the application of these principles that an irreconcilable difference arose. The learned section of the upper classes clung to their old types of education in Sanskrit, Persian, and Arabic. The other desired an education in the English tongue which would fit their sons for professional and official careers. In 1834 [Lord] Macaulay who had newly arrived as Law Member of Council, was appointed President to the Committee of Public Instruction. On February 2nd, 1835, he penned as Member of Council the famous minute which practically decided the subject. xiv] CHAMPION OF VERNACULAR EDUCATION. 3^3 " How stands the case ? " he wrote,' " \Vc have to educate a people who cannot at present be educated by means of their mother-ton^mc. We must teach them some foreign language " — that is to say either English, or the classical languages of India such as Sanskrit, Arabic, or Persian, which were equally " foreign " to the common people. "The question now before us is simply whether, when it is in our power to teach this [English] language, we shall teach languages in which, by universal confession, there are no books on any subject which deserve to be compared to our own ; whether, when we can teach European science, we shall teach systems which, by uni- versal confession, whenever they differ from those of Europe, differ for the worse ; and whether, when wc can patronise sound philosophy and true history, we shall countenance, at the public expense, medical doctrines which would disgrace an English farrier, astronomy which would move laughter in the girls at an English boarding- school, history abounding with kings thirty feet high and reigns thirty thousand years long, and geography made up of seas of treacle and seas of butter." Macaulay's powerful advocacy, with its mingled argu- ment and sarcasm, carried the day with the Governor- General. Lord William Bentinck issued a Resolution declaring that the medium of higher State education in India should be the English language. Hut Hodgson, in his quiet retreat in Nepal, was neither convinced by the arguments nor frightened by the wit of the brilliant new Member of Council. To Macaulay's clear-cut conclusions, formed after a few months' residence in Bengal, Hodgson modestly but firmly opposed the views which he had arrived at after nearly twenty years of Indian study and experience. He published two letters in the Fncnd of India, then the leading newspaper in Bengal, in which he ' Minute in C. ^ Education Return to the House of Commons, July 1870, p. 319. 324 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. xiv. object therefore of the inquiry of the Commission should be the present state of elementary education throughout the [Indian] Empire, and the means by which this can everywhere be extended and improved." ^ It is not needful to detail the steps by which effect was given to these instructions. It must suffice to say that, after visiting each of the great provinces of India, examin- ing a hundred and ninety-three witnesses, and consider- ing three hundred and twenty-three memorials signed by over a quarter of a million of persons, a plan was carefully worked out. The vernacular languages were definitely recognised as the medium of instruction, not only in the indigenous and primary schools, but also in a great part of the curriculum of secondary education. Hodgson's views received a precision and an extension which, when he began his advocacy of popular education fifty years previously, he had not dared to hope for. The primary schools ceased to be regarded as mere nurseries for forcing up little boys into English-teaching institutions. The Commission definitely declared " that primary educa- tion be regarded as the instruction of the masses, through the vernacular, in such subjects as will best fit them for their position in life, and be not necessarily regarded as a portion of instruction leading up to the University." ^ Of the four million pupils in Indian schools and colleges recognised by the State in the last year of Hodgson's life, three and a half millions ' were receiving education entirely in the vernacular, and the remainder partly in the ver- nacular and partly in the English language. This was the result for which Hodgson began to labour as a young man of thirty-five, and which he saw accomplished at the age of ninety-four. ' Resolution of the Government of India, dated February 3rd, 1882, para. 8. ' Indian Education Commission's Report of 1883, para. 676. 3 Parliamentary Statistical Abstract Relating to British India, for 1893-4. [ 3^5 ] CHAPTER XV. CONCLUSION : LAST YEARS. WE have seen that his wife's failing health induced Hodgson to quit India for good in 1858. But an- other reason also weighed heavily with him. His mother had died in 1851, and his father, old and solitary, pined for the companionship of his only remaining son. Such pleadings from a father of ninety-two are difficult to resist : with a devoted son like Hodgson they were irresistible. He had intended to complete the materials for his History of Nepal during another year in Darjiling, and, having sent home Mrs. Hodgson in 1857, to follow her at the end of 1858 or early in 1859. But on receiving the news of his father's illness he resolved to sail for Europe at once. " The General ^ and Ellen's letters just to hand," he wrote to his wife at the end of 1857, "speak most despondently of my father's state, and of the ardent hopes he has of my speedy presence. So 1 must cast away my long-cherished ambition of writing that History of Nepal for which I have been collecting materials during half my life, and ha.sten to do my duty to those most dear to me. I shall hardly have a month at Darjiling, and must then hurry down to Calcutta to prepare for my voyage." Hodg.son knew well that this sudden departure meant the frustration of his life's work. The manu.scripts which he had already collected for the History of Nepal tilled three large boxes and arc .set forth in Appendix B. I^ut ' General the Baron Huibert Gerard Nahuys, wlio married Hodgson's sister Ellen. 326 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. although copious they were not yet complete, and they failed to furnish a continuous narrative. Hodgson had however the satisfaction of knowing that, although too late to sec his father alive, he had done his utmost to gratify his last wish. The old man died in January 1858, at the age of ninety-two. Hodgson had counted the cost, and he paid it without a murmur. He had already distributed his other collections, manuscripts and zoological specimens and drawings, to the great libraries and museums of England and the Continent. On his return to Europe he found a new generation of scholars at work on them, and he deemed it unfitting to reappear as a competitor in a field on which he had won triumphs forty years before. The same con- siderations influenced his decision in regard to the History of Nepal. Dr. Oldfield, appointed Residency Surgeon in Nepal in 1850, seven years after Hodgson had completed his long term as Resident and retired from the public service, was already amassing materials for the two post- humous volumes which bear his name.^ Before long an investigator more laborious and more exact, Dr. Daniel Wright, was appointed to the same post as Surgeon to the Resident at Kathmandu." Other inquirers into the Nepalesc annals also began to appear on the scene. Hodgson felt that it would be alike undignified and un- generous for him to enter the lists against these younger men. He accordingly, as we have seen,^ made over his collections for a History of Nepal to the India Office Library in 1864, for the use of all workers in the field of Nepalese research. In this act as in every other, his single thought was not to win fame for himself, but to render his original collections available to the world of scholars. ' Sketches from Ncpal^ Historical and Descriptive^ by the late Henry Ambrose Oldfield, M.D. 2 Vols., London, 1880. - His work, a History of Nepal from the Parbataya and other native chronicles, is still the standard account of the Nepalese dynasties. Cambridge University Press, 1877. ^ Ante, pp. 268, 269. XV.] CONCLUSION. 32/ With this gift to the India Office in 1864, Hodgson's life as a public worker comes to an end. It is only with his life as a worker that the present volume deals. In regard to the thirty years of private happiness that still lay before him, he himself would have desired me to be brief. For he felt strongly that a man's claim to recogni- tion from the world is the work which he does for the world. The fewest words, therefore, are best. On his arrival in England in 1858, he had the reward of seeing his wife recover her strength, and of himself starting on a new life of robust health such as he had never before known. The truth seems to be that the Hodgson constitution was peculiarly liable to the complaints incident to the Indian climate. His two brothers died young of Indian fever on the plains ; he only managed to keep himself alive through a life-long struggle with fever and liver by residence in the hills. On the other hand, the family constitution had unusual powers of resistance to the ailments which shorten human life in the temperate zone. His si.x immediate progenitors, male and female, averaged the great age of eighty-five years, the youngest among them dying at seventy-five. When set free from the unfavourable con- ditions in India which had killed his two brothers, his constitution reasserted its hereditary vigour, and he ex- ceeded even the family term of longevity, by living in perfect health and with all his faculties complete to the age of ninety-four. On his return to England he took up his abode at The Rangers, Dursley, in Gloucestershire ; partly to be near his wife's parents who lived at Cheltenham. In 1867 he migrated to the beautiful Grange at Alderley under the Cotswold Hills, and there he spent the remainder of his days. In January 1868 he underwent a great sorrow — the loss of his wife. Her father and mother, General and Mrs. Scott, had formed a vcr)' united family with the Hodgsons 328 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. since the return of the latter from India, and both the father and mother died in his house.^ In the second year of his widowerhood he married Susan, daughter of the Rev. Chambre Tovvnshend of Derry, County Cork, and granddaughter of General Oliver, R.A. Twenty-five years of married life still lay before him — a life of unclouded happiness with a wife capable of sharing his interests, much younger than himself, yet devoted to him with the perfect affection which noble natures inspire and feel. It was in 1868 that I became acquainted with Hodgson. I was then a young Indian civilian at home on sick-leave, and writing a book on the non-Aryan races of Bengal. I can never forget the first impression which he made upon me. His tall spare figure, finely cut features, ruddy cheeks, abundant grey hair, military moustache, and a certain air of distinction with which he held him- self erect as he stood welcoming me on his door-step, by no means suggested the venerable scholar whom I had always associated with his name. He might have been a famous general, or an ambassador in retreat, or a country gentleman of the courtly school who had kept his figure at its best by field-sports — in fact anything rather than the learned recluse who had made a European reputation long before I was born. As I came to know him better I found that his charm of manner concealed a wealth of erudition which, living as he did among country neighbours, he was shy of dis- ' The Family Tablet of the Scotts in Londonderry Cathedral thus records their deaths : — " Sacred to the Memory of Anne, the beloved Wife of Lient.-General H. A. Scott, Royal Artillery, Daughter of Robert Alexander, Esq., of Boomhall near this city, died at The Rangers, Dursley, Sept. i8th, 1865, aged 85. "And of the aforesaid General H. A. Scott, R.A., who died at the Grange, Alderley, Gloucestershire, August ist, 1868, aged 89. "And of Annie his daughter, Wife of B. H. Hodgson, Esq., Retired List of the Bengal Civil Service, who died also at the Grange, Jan. 3rd, 1868, aged 52." A7i^^^ XV.] CONCLUSION. 329 closing. His memory was singularly retentive, full of the incidents of a period which to me seemed already historical, yet keenly alive to every new interest, scholarly, political, and artistic, of the hour. He formed a most attractive link between the present and the past. At times he poured out recollections of the heroic days of the East India Company ; at others he would discuss the last new book, or the Volunteer movement, of which he was a generous supporter from its commencement, or the most recent phase in home and Continental politics. Often the only liberal in the company of strongly conservative squires, whenever Gladstone's name was mentioned at his table, he would lift his glass with a courteous smile to his opponents around him, and say in a gentle voice, " Here's to Gladstone ! God bless him : the greatest statesman of the day." His politics and his scholarship he kept, as a rule, for his friends. His courtesy was for all men. Whether people differed from him or not, they could not help admiring him. He was popular in the hunting field, and rode with two packs of hounds until the last of several accidents at the age of sixty-eight — a concussion of the brain. He lived the pleasant life of a country gentleman with a good stable, an annual visit to London, and during his later years the Riviera in spring. In 1 883 he and Mrs. Hodgson built for themselves a permanent home for the winter months at Mentone— the " Villa Himalaya" nestled among flowers and lemon-groves, and commanding a noble view of mountains and sea. His public appearances were rare. In 1874 he took part in a deputation, on the opening up of trade with Tibet, to the Duke of Argyll, then Secretary of State for India. But his true life lay in his Gloucestershire home. Its fine old gardens were a constant delight to him, and he seldom returned from his morning's ramble without an armful of flowers. He lived in the open air. Many an hour of quiet reading he spent under the shade of a 330 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. noble mulberry tree, enriching the margins of his books with erudite notes on a little table by his armchair. Although he did not hunt after the age of sixty-eight, he continued a vigorous horseman until eighty. He rode up to eighty-six, familiar with every gate and bridle-path of the lovely country along the edge and spurs of the Cotswolds. He was happy in his neighbours, his nearest ones being the old Gloucestershire family of Hale, dis- tinguished in the army and the Church and descended from the famous Sir Matthew Hale. The eminent lawyer, Attorney-General Sir John Rolt, lived at Ozleworth not far off. Miss North, whose collection of flower-paintings occupy a special house at Kew built at her own expense, passed her closing years in a home and garden filled with her favourite exotics, a few minutes' walk from the Grange. To the Grange itself came many visitors famous in their own paths of life. Sir Joseph Hooker, President of the Royal Society, Sir Henry Yule, the finest Indian historical scholar of our day, Sir Donald McLeod who had splendidly governed the Punjab, Sir Walter Elliot from the Scottish border. Professor Max Miiller from Oxford, Professor Cowell from Cambridge, Dr. Needham Cust, Sir James Colvile, President of the Bengal Asiatic Society, and Arthur Grote, President of the Royal Asiatic Society, were a few of the men of note who made Alderley Grange unique in its way among English country homes. Hodgson had the rare gift of attaching to himself young men. As his older friends dropped off a new generation of scholars seemed to spring up in their places — Professor Bendall of the British Museum, Professor T. Miller of Strasburg, Professor Tawney, and many others. The summer months spent in London, or at a charming residence at Wimbledon, kept Hodgson abreast with the outside world. His winters on the Riviera were made bright by groups of friends, some of them the sons or grandsons of the men who had welcomed him into the XV.] CONCLUSION. 33 ^ world of European scholarship more than half a century before. Renan, one of his latest visitors, used to say that it was from his great master Burnouf that he had learned to reverence the name of Brian Hodgson. Gcorg von Bunsen maintained unbroken the friendship which his father had bequeathed to him with the Darjiling recluse. The more distinguished of the English colony on the Riviera also flocked around the picturesque old scholar : soldiers like General Chamberlain and General Sir Montagu McMurdo ; diplomatists and famous frontier officers like Sir Lewis Pelly and Sir Donald MacNabb ; philologcrs, historians, and political economists like Sir Monier Williams, Lord Acton, and Sir Louis Mallet. To the very last he had the faculty of making new friends. Count Angelo di Gubernatis, after meeting Hodgson at Florence in 1883, wrote: "It was a real festa to us all to make the acquaintance of such a man, so eminent, so simple, and so good." The eager interest which he took in everything on his travels was very striking. At eighty-two he went on a pilgrimage to Horace's Farm in the Sabine Hills, and made many-sided notes on the historical and classical associations of ancient and mediiEval Rome. Scarcely less striking was his intense love of nature. The wooded clefts of the Cotswolds or the rich expanse of the golden valley of the Severn in summer, and the daily drive in the perfect winter climate of Mentone, were to him a constant delight. When over ninety he would never fail to watch the sun setting across the Mediter- ranean, softly repeating to himself Byron's lines : — " Parting day Dies like the dolphin, whom each pang imbues With a new colour as it gasps away, The last still loveliest, till — 'tis gone — and all is gray." ' In home-life he was a pattern of courtesy. His servants ' Childe Harold, Canto IV., stanza xxix. 332 LIFE OF BRIAN HODGSON. [chap. both in India and in England were devoted to him, and scarcely ever left him except in the case of marriages or deaths. If anything occurred to fret him he never allowed himself to utter a hasty word, but went quietly to his own room and remained there. " It is good," he used to say on such occasions, " to commune with your own heart and be still." He was not inclined to discuss religious subjects, and would sometimes repress unwarranted attempts to draw him out by quietly observing, " I do not care to talk about the unknowable." The assumption of exclusive salvation sometimes put forward by British Christians made him indignant. Almost the only retort he ever made was to the sneer of a worthy Dean who questioned whether there was anything in Buddhism. " Sir," replied Hodgson, *' Buddhism is simply the creed most widely spread over the face of the earth. It has more followers than any other religion in the world, and it is older than our own. It has a vast and learned literature. Perhaps you might find it not unworthy of the attention of an educated man or even of a dignitary of the Church." During the whole period that I knew him, the last twenty-five years of his life, he had reached a calm beyond the perturbations of worldly ambitions and honours. It was only by accident that one would have discovered that the genial and dignified host at Alderley was an honoured member of the most exclusive Societies of Europe. I doubt, indeed, whether any Englishman of our century received distinctions from so many learned bodies repre- senting both the scientific and the scholarly sides of research. Certainly no Englishman who spent his life in India has ever done so. Those who knew Hodgson best thought of the man himself, and very little of the rewards that might have come to him. But to those who did not know him, this Life would be incomplete without a reference to the recognitions conferred on him — from the Member- ship of the Institute of France, and the Fellowship of the Royal Society in England, to the Honorary Membership ! HodosnDPiiu- 169 I - /ETAT 9 I XV.] CONCLUSION. 333 of the great Societies of Italy, Germany, America, and India.' It was a reputation not confined, however, to the honours' lists of learned bodies. Hodgson had a living existence in the world of younger scholars and naturalists as remarkable as his own personal vitality in old age. In the animal kingdom many species and genera of mammals and birds bear his name.-' In the vegetable kingdom he is remembered by the genus Hod<:;sonia Jieteroclita and by the beautiful rhododendron which Sir Joseph Hooker dedicated to him. Almost every work on Indian Buddhism. Indian ethnology, or the non- Aryan languages of India written during the past three-quarters of a century begins by grateful acknowledgments of his labours. The re- ferences to him in the writings of Professor Max MuUer —the Orientalist of genius of our age — would make a little index by themselves. The epoch-making Buddhist treatise of the first half of the century— Burnoufs Lotus ' The following is a list of some of them, arranged in order of time : — 1828. Corresponding Member of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain. Vice-President of the Society 1876. 1832. Corresponding Member of the Zoological Society, London. Received their medal 1859. 1834. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Science, Turin. 1835. Fellow of Linnean Society. 1837. Corresponding Member of the 5^a>7r'/5[j/7 ] APPENDIX A. PREFACE. The manuscripts collected by Mr. B. H. Hodgson may be arranged under the following four heads : — I, Sanskrit Buddhist Works (144 Vols.).' Discovered by Mr. Hodgson in Nepal in 1824, and distributed as follows between 1827 and 1845 • — MSS VI. (rt) To Calcutta, in 1827. Given originally to Library of Fort William (now in Bengal Asiatic Society's Library) 66 Vn. To Calcutta. Library of Asiatic Society of Bengal (some of these were copies made for the Society) 94 L (\ in. Six lines in a page. Modern writing. 32. Ekavimsatistotram (Tarastotram). — 4 leaves. 9 in. by 3 in. Five lines in a page. Modern writing. 33. Bhadracharipranidhanam. — In 56 (? 57) couplets. 7 leaves. 10 in. by 3 in. Six or seven lines in a page. Dated Nepala-Samvat 942 (a.d. 1822). 34. Namasangiti-tika, entitled Gudhapada. — In fifteen chapters. 180 palm leaves. 12 in. by 2\ in. Seven lines in a page. Old. Some pages are sadly defaced. 35. Namasangiti-tippani, entitled Amritakanika. — .Another commentary on the same work ; and other treatises. 62 leaves, numbered 7-55, 66-78. 12 in. by 2 in. Ten lines in a page. Very minutely written about the end of last centur}-. 36. Bhairavapradurbhava-natakam. — 1 15 leaves. 11 1 in. by 6 in. Ten lines in a page. The first leaf is missing. 37. Samputodbhava. — In eleven kixlpas, &ds:\\ oi {o\\\ prakaranas. \Tj palm leaves. I2i in. by i| in. Five lines in a page. Old. 38. Samvarodaya-mahatantram. — In 33 patalas. 94 leaves, iii in. ty 3^ ''!• I'ive lines in a page. Modern writing. 39. Yogambaratantram. — 27 leaves. 10 in. by 3 in. Five lines in a page. Modern and careless writing. 40. Dvatrimsatkalpa-mahatantraraja. — Two chapters {kalpas) only, viz. the Ilei'ajra and the Dakinijasamvara-vtahataittram. 48 leaves. !2 in. by 3 in. Six lines in a page. Modern writing. 41. Krishnayamaritantra-tika. — In fifty-four /rtA/A?,?. 182 leaves. 13 in. by 2A in. Five lines in a page. Modern handwriting. 42. Kriyapanjika, by Kuladatta. - In three//V7/v7/v?«rtjr. 46 leaves liin. by 3] in. Seven lines in a page. Oldish. 342 APPENDIX A. 43. Tattvajnanasamsiddhi-tippani. — Incomplete at the end. 8 palm leaves. I2| in. by i| in. Six lines in a page. Old. 44. The Aparardha of the Guhyasamaja. — In fifteen patalas. 121 leaves, lo^ in. by 3^ in. Six or seven lines in a page. Modern careless handwriting. 45. Pindapatravadanakatha. — 9 leaves. io| in. by 2|- in. Five lines in a page. Modern. 46. Ekallaviratantram [Chandamaharoshanatantram]. — In twenty-five patalas. 50 palm leaves. 8i in. by 3 in. Seven or eight lines in a page. Old. 47. Mahakalatantram. — In ih.\riy patalas. 53 leaves. 10^ in. by 3 in. Seven lines in a page. Dated Samvat ()2i (a.d. 1801). 48. Bhutadamaratantram. — In twenty-six patalas. 57 leaves. 13 in. by 35 in. Five lines in a page. Modern writing. 49. Kalachakra-tantram. — In five patalas. 180 leaves. lo| in. by 4 in. Six lines in a page. Modern writing. 50. Sarvadurgatiparisodhanam. — 99 leaves. 8^ in. by 2j in. Five lines in a page. Modern writing. 51. Durgatiparisodhani. — Apparently part of the preceding work, though differing in the beginning. 31 leaves. 12 in. by 3 in. Five lines in a page. Dated Samvat ()i() (a.d. 1799). 52. Tantraslokasangraha. — 154 slokas. 13 leaves. 16^ in. by 3 in. Eight lines in a page. Oldish. Much worm-eaten. 53. (Gitapustakam.) — A collection of 139 vernacular hymns, without title, the above designation being given on Mr. Hodgson's slip. 76 leaves (of which i, 70, and 75 are missing). 8| in. by 3 in. Five lines in a page. Dated (after hymn 133) Samvat 825 (a.d. 1705). 54. Kankirna-tantram. — 26 leaves (and three patrankas). io| in. by 3I in. Seven lines in a page. Dated ^a^/wa^ 944 (a.d. 1824). 55. Dharani-sangraha. — 240 leaves. 15^ in. by 4 in. Six lines in a page. Dated Samvat gii (a.d. 1791). 56. Pancharaksha. — 152 leaves. 12 in. by 2| in. Five lines in a page. Dated Samvat 887 (a.d. 1767). Some leaves have been supplied by a more modern hand. 57. Pancharaksha. — 40 leaves. 10 in. by 2| in. Five lines in a page. Oldish. 58. Vasudhara-dharani. — 21 leaves. 14 in. by 3 in. Five lines in a page. Dated Samvat y^c) (a.d. 1639). 59. A collection of Dharanis, called Saptavara on the wrapper. — 26 leaves. 8^ in. by 2^ in. Five lines in a page. Oldish. 60. Grahamatrika. — Identical with the last portion of the preceding MS. 13 leaves. 9^ in. by 2| in. Five lines in a page. Dated Samvat 818 (a.d. 1698). HODGSON MSS. IN ROYAL ASIATIC LIBRARY. 343 61. Pratyangira-dliaraiii, — 14 leaves, gh in. by 3 in. Five lines in a page. Written in the last century. 62. Manjusri-pratijna. — 22 leaves. 10 in. by 3 in. Six lines in a page. Written a.d. 1835. 63. Satasahasri Prajnaparamita. — Tlie second Khanda, from the I2lh to the 25th parivarta. 329 leaves. 15 in. by 7 in. 17-20 lines in a page. Modern. 64. Meghasutram. — The 64th and 65th parivartas. 32 leaves 1 lA in. by i\ in. Five lines in a page. Modern. 65. Adhivasanavidhi. — Partly vernacular. 200 leaves. 12^ in by 3A in. Six lines in a page. Modern handwriting. 66. Prayogamukham. — On the philosophy of grammar. 48 leaves. 1 1 in. by 3A in. Six or seven lines in a page. Dated Samvat 918 (a.d. 1798). 67. Anumanakhandam. — 69 palm leaves. 12 in. by i\ in. Eight or nine lines in a page. Old. 68. Shadangayoga-tippani. — 29 palm leaves. 12 in. by 2 in. .Si.x or seven lines in a page. Oldish. 69. Adikarmapradipa. — 13 palm leaves (of which fol. 11 is missing). (2A in. by 2 in. Five lines in a page. Old. The date (in the reign of Dcvapala ?) is given at the end in letters. It requires some familiarity with the character to make out the wxiting. 70. Poshavidhanam. — 6 palm leaves. \\\ in. by 2 in. Seven lines in a page. Old. Apparently formulas and invocations. 71. Ahoratravratakatha. — In slokas. 8 leaves. 14 in. by 3 in. Six lines in a page. Written in the latter part of last centur>'. 72. Balipujavidhi. — On Tantric ceremonial. Partly vernacular. 40 leaves folded into one continuous roll. 7] in. by 2^ in. Five lines in a page. Dated Samvat 908 (? 808). 73. Nishpannayogambali [°yogambaratantram]. — 66 leaves. 12 in. by 3 in. Six lines in a page. Dated Samvat <^^^ (a.d. 1S24). 74. Dravyagunasangraha. — A treatise, in slokas, on various subjects connected with cookery and eating. 30 palm leaves. 12 in. by 1 in. Six lines in a page. Dated Samvat 484 (a.d. 1364). 75. Kamasastram. — Vernacular. In thirteen pratic/ic/i/it'das. 19 leaves. 13I in. by 2J in. Six lines in a page. Last century. 76. Ashtamivratamahatmyam. — Vernacular (Newari). 60 leaves. Si in. by 3 in. .Six lines in a page. 77. Mahapratyangira-mahavidyarajni-Dharani. — 21 leaves of blackened paper. 8 in. by 2^ in. Five lines in a page, written alternately in yellow and white paint, there being three of the former and two of the latter. Dated Sam-vat 944 (a.d. 1824). 78. Dhvajagrakeyura-Dharani. — 3 leaves. Size, paper, and handwriting as in the preceding MS. 344 APPENDIX A. 79. Collection of Dharanis. — 21 leaves. Size, paper, and handwriting as in preceding MSS. Generally three white and two yellow lines in a page. Cf. No. 59. 80. Satasahasrika Prajnaparamita. These liuge volumes had escaped the notice of Messrs. Cowell and Eggeling, but were found by Professor Bendall upstairs. See his letter of April loth, 1888, to the Academy, 11. Sanskrit MSS. presented to the India Office Library by Mr. Hodgson. 1. Panchamaharakshasutra. 2. Sphotikavedya, by Narada. 3. Kamaratna. 4. Tattvakaumudi (commen- tary on Maghakavya, by Bhava- datta). 5. Suprabhastava. 6. Bhimasenanamadharani. 7. Vajraviramahakalamantra- rajahridayadharani, by Vajravira. 8. Ganakamandana, by Nandi- kesvara. 9. Pushyamahatmya. 10. Sarasangraha, byChanakya. 1 1 . Syamarahasya, by Purnan- anda. Haravali. Chaurapanchasika, with a commentary. 14. Lokanathasundarashtaka 12. IS- 15. Sikhasamuchchaya. 16. Namashtottarasataka. 17. Durgatika, by Jagaddhara. 18. Bodhicharyavatara, by San- tideva. 19. Avadanasataka (called Sata- kavadanakatha). 20. Saradatilaka. 21. Dharmasangraha. 22. Vagvatitirthayatraprakasa, by Gauridatta. 23. Gunakarandavyuha. 24. Sragdharastotra (2743 '^)" 25. Dasakrodhaviradhyana. 26. Padmapanika stuti. 27. Pratyangirastotra. 28. Astrology. 29. Alphabets. 30. Sragdharastotra (2473 ^)- ' III. Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. from Nepal, published at PP- 2)2>°~2>2i^ of Burnoufs " Catalogue des Livres Imprimcs et Manuscrits'' {Paris, 1854). I. Da9abhumi9vara, I'un des 9 Dharmas (livres canoniques) des Bud- dhistes. Oblong, 142 fol. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. (No. in Catalogue 73.) 2 Prajna paramita ; recueil philosophique qui renferme la partie speculative du Buddhisme ; I'un des neuf livres canoniques des HODGSON MSS. IN PARIS. 343 Buddhistes. 423 fol. Avec une vignette servant de frontispice. —1 gros vol. oblong, belle 6criture. Caract^res Devandgaris Nepalais (74). 3. Samadhiraja, k- Koi de la Contemplation. Oiwrage narratif, lun des 9 Dharmas, ou livres canoniques des Buddliistes. Caractcres Sanskrits du Nepal. — i vol. oblong (75). 4. Le mfime que le precedent. Caracteres Sanskrits duN6pal.— i vol. oblong, 205 fol. (76). 5. Tathagata-gouhyaka, I'un des neuf Dharmas (ouvrages canoniques) des Buddhistes.— I vol. oblong, belle 6criture sanskrite du Nd-pal, 6. Gandavyuiia. L'un des neuf Dharmas (livres canoniques) liud- dhiques. Ouvrage narratif. Oblong. Caractere Sanskrit du Nepal, 362 fol. (78). 7. Le meme que le precedent. Oblong. Caract. D6vanigaris N^pSIais, 295 fol. provenant dc la ventc de M. E. Jacquct, h. qui M. Hodgson I'avait envoye en 1835 (79). 8. Le mfime que le precedent. Tres-beau manusc. oblong. Caractere Sanskrit N6palais, 427 fol. (80). 9. Lankavatara. Dcscente a I'ile de Lanka. L'un des neuf Dharmas. ou livres canoniques des Buddhistes. Caractcres Sanskrits du Nepal, 159 fol —I petit vol. oblong (81). 10. Suvamaprabhasa, la splendeur dc I'edat de lor. Traitc philo- sophique considere comme l'un des neuf livres canoniques des Buddhistes, Caract. Sanskrits D^ivanSgaris, 120 fol.— i vol. oblong {82). 11. Prajnaparamita, on la perfection dc la Sagesse. L'un des livres fondamentaux du Buddhisme NOpalais, ouvrage ecrit en Sanskrit, avec les caracteres D6vanagaris du Nepal. Ce beau et precieux manuscrit m'a 6te donn6 par M. Hodgson en 1S37 (Ao/e ti^ M. E. Buniouf).— \ vol. oblong, 302 fol. (83). 12. Meghasutra. Traite Buddhiciue, lun de ceux ([ui sont consideres comme reveles par Cakyamuni lui-mOme. Caract.ire Devanagari. — I petit vol. oblong, 39 fol. (84). 13. Sukhavativyuha. TraitC- Buddhique, du genre dc ceux que I'on nomme Mahayanasutras, ser\'ant de grand vehicule ; tres viin^re des Buddhistes NOpalais. (JV/- I'lntrod. a IHistoire du Bud- dhisme indicMi, p. 99 et suiv.) Caract. Sanskrits Devanftgaris.— I vol. oblong, 64 fol. (85). 14. Lalitavistara. Histoire de Cakyamuni, depuis sa naissancc jusqu'i sa mort. L'un des ouvrages reputes sacrcs an Nepal. 1 1 est C-crit en Sanskrit, en prose melee de vers ; les gathfts ou stances portent dc nombreuscs traces de pr^krit. Ce beau manuscrit, qui a etc ecrit avec Ic devanSgari de 346 APPENDIX A. N6pal, m'a ete envoye de Katmandu par M. Hodgson, en Avril 1836 i^Note de M. E. Burnouf). — i vol. oblong, 232 fol. (86). 15. Le meme que le precedent. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — 1 vol. oblong, 262 fol. (87). 16. Dipamkaravadana. Legende du Buddha futur nomme Dipamkara. Belle ecriture ddvanagari.— i vol. oblong, 5 1 fol. (88). 17. Vasantatilaka. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. Petit traite en I'honneur de Vadjra Sattva, le sixieme des Bnddhas surhumains, selon les Nepalais. — Un petit vol. oblong, 16 fol. (89). 18. Bodhitcharyavatara. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. Legende de Bodhitcharya ; livre buddhique. — i vol. oblong, 55 fol. (90). 19. Mahavastu. Grande Collection d'histoires. Recueil de legendes relatives au fondateur du Buddhisme et a ses contemporains. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — i vol. oblong, 39S fol. Envoys par M. Hodgson, Mai, 1841 (91). 20. Karanda Vyuha ou Gunakarandavyuha. Construction de la Cor- beille des Qualites. Poeme a la louange d'Avalokitecvara, le plus venere des Bodhisattvas. Caracteres Sanskrits du N6pal. — I vol. oblong, 63 fol. (92). 21. Meme titre que le precedent, mais ecrit en prose. Parait etre le recit primitif qui a servi de texte au poeme. ( Voir I'lntroduction a I'Histoire du Buddhisme indien, pp. 220 et 221.) Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal, un peu cursifs, mais tres-soign6s. — i petit vol. oblong, 92 fol. (93). 22. Mahavastu avadana. Legendes buddhiques. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — i vol. oblong, 532 fol. (94). 23. Djatakamala " La Guirlande des Naissances." Legendes bud- dhiques. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Oblong, 191 fol. (95). 24. Kriyasangraha " Recueil de Ceremonies " (Buddhique). Carac- teres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Oblong, 112 fol. (96). 25. Divyavadana. Legendes buddhiques. Caracteres Sanskrits De- vanagaris. — i vol. oblong, 447 fol. Envoye par M. Hodgson (97). 26. Divyavadana. Recueil de Legendes buddhiques. Caracteres Devanagaris. — Oblong, 231 fol. (98). 27. Saddharmapundarika '' Le Lotus de la Bonne Loi." Caracteres Devanagaris. — i vol. oblong, 224 fol. (99). 28. Le meme que le precedent. En caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Oblong, 205 fol. (100). 29. Durgati parigodhani. Traite buddhique. Caracteres Sanskrits du devanagaris. — Oblong, loi fol. (101). 30. Vajrasana sadhana mala. Traite pliilosophique a I'usage des Bud- dhistes. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Oblong, 153 fol. (102). 31. Bhuvanadipika. Traite buddhique. Caracteres devanagaris du Nepal.— Oblong, 85 fol. (103). HODGSON MSS. IX PARIS. 347 32. Pancharakcha. Ouvrage buddhique. (F(9/> Introduction a I'Histoire du Buddhisme indicn, p. 462.) Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal.-- - Oblong, 140 fol. (104). 33. Nadiparikcha. Trait6 buddhique, incomplet. Caracteres San- skrits du N6pal. — Oblong, 5 fol. (105). 34. 7 feuilles manuscrites, sur lesquelles sont ecrits en forme dc tableaux les noms des divinit6s honorees par les Buddliistes, et quelques formules de prieres. Caracteres devanagaris tres-lisibles. Deux de ces feuilles sont ii deux colonnes et portent une traduction en persan (106). 35. Atcharyakriya-Samutchtchaya. Traite rituelique a I'usage des Buddhistes. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — i vol., 163 fol. (107). 36. Dharanisangraha. Recueil de formules magiques (Buddhique). Tres-belle ecriture devanagari. — Oblong, 168 fol. (108). 37. Mahamantranusarini. Ouvrage buddhique, qui traite des Mantras ou formules magiques. Caracteres Sanskrits devanagaris. — i vol. oblong, 158 fol. ( 109). 38. Samvarodayatantra. Ouvrage qui contient des prieres, des formules magiques, et des details des diverses ceremonies, usitees chez les Buddhistes. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — i petit vol. oblong (no). 39. Bhutadamara Tantra. Traite buddhique du genre des precedents. Caractere devanagari. — Un petit vol. oblong, 47 fol. (m). 40. Samputodbhava Tantra. Traite mystique a I'usage des Bud- dhistes. Caractere devanagari. — Un vol. oblong, 135 fol. (i 12). 41. Pratyangira Mahavidya. Petit traite relatif k la deesse Durga ou Parvati, d'apres les idees empruntees aux Civai'stes par les Buddhistes. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Un petit vol. oblong, 28 fol. (i 13). 42. Dharmakocavyakhya. " Commentaire sur le Tresor de la Loi." OuvTage philosophiquc qui traite des diverses sectes buddhiques. Caractere devanagari. — Un vol. oblong, 583 fol. (ll4\ 43. Abhidhanottarottara. Traite buddhique. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Un petit vol. oblong, 215 fol. (115). 44. Le meme que le precedent. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Un petit vol. oblong, 154 fol. (116). 45. He Vadjratantra. L'un des Tantras, ou rituels ascetiques des Buddhistes. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Un petit vol. oblong, 66 fol. (117). 46. Le mOme que le precedent. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — \1\\ petit vol. oblong, 55 fol. (118). 47. Mahakala Tantraradja. Ouvrage ascetique qui renferme des for- mules mysterieuses et divinatoires en usage chez les Buddhistes. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Un petit vol. oblong, 62 fol. (1 19). 34^ APPENDIX A. 48. Le meme que Ic precedent. Caractercs Sanskrits du N6pal. — i petit vol. oblong, 47 fol. ( 120). 49. Karavira Tantra. Traite ascetique a I'usage des Buddhistes. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — i petit vol. oblong, 102 fol. (121). 50. Krichnayamari-tantra. Traite Buddhique du mfime genre que le precedent. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — I petit vol. oblong, 60 fol. (122). 51. Le m6me que le precedent. Buddhique. Caracteres Sanskrits du N6pal. — I petit vol. oblong, no fol. (123). 52. Yogambara Tantra. Traite Buddhique du meme genre que les precedents. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — i petit vol. oblongs 63 fol. (124). 53. Suprabhata Stotra. Stances en I'honneur de Buddha. Beaux caracteres devanagaris. — i petit vol. oblong (en paravent), 32 plis(i25). 54. Vadjrasutchi. Traite de polemique contre la division des castes. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — 5 fol. oblong. Le texte de cet ouvrage a ete lithographic et traduit en anglais (126). 55. Vadjrasutchi. Caracteres Sanskrits devanagaris. — i vol. oblong, 16 fol. (127). 56. Kalyana-Pantchavimcatika Stuti. Vingt-cinq stances pour in- voquer les Divinites Buddhiques. ( Voir le Lotus de la Bonne Loi, pp. 500 et 501.) Caractdres devanagaris. — i petit vol. oblong, 4 fol. (128). 57. Buddliavinaya. Traite de discipline Buddhique. Caracteres de- vanagaris du Nepal. — I petit vol. oblong, 102 fol. (129). 58. Djvalavalitantra. Traite mystique (buddhique). Caracteres San- skrits du Nepal. — Oblong, 79 fol. (130). 59. Suvarnarprabha. La splendeur de I'eclat de I'Or. Traite mystique a I'usage des Buddhistes. Caracteres Sanskrits du Nepal. — Oblong, 120 fol. (131). IV. In the Bodleian Library, Oxford. (From Printed Catalogue of Sanskrit MSS. at Oxford by Prof. Aufrecht.) I. Lit. Nepal. Folia palmarum 99. t a. Foil. 1-68. Karandavyuha-mahayanasutra. Buddh. t b. Foil. 69-99. Gosringaparvatasvayambhuchaityabhattara- koddesa, libellus in octo capita (parichheda) divisus, auctore Gayachandra. Buddh. HODGSON MSS. IN OXFORD AND PARIS. 349 2. Lit. Nepal. Charta Ind. F0II.61. t Kallaviratantra, vel Cliandamaliaroshanatantra, in viginti quin- que patala divisum. Buddli. ( Kkallasiratantra in Cowell ^ Eggeliiig's list.) 3. Lit. Nepal. Charta Ind. Foil. 74. t Sukhavati\'yuha-mahayanasutra. Buddh.' 4. 5. Lit. Nepal. Charta Ind. Vol. I., foil. 141 ; Vol. II., foil. 145. t Prajnaparamita, capp. 1-32. Buddh. 6. Lit. Nepal. Charta Ind. Foil. 195. t a. Foil. I 173. Dharani, invocatioiies et formulcc mystica*. Buddh. t d. Foil. 174-195. Kapisavadana, capita decern. Buddli. 7. Lit. Nepal. Charta Ind. Foil. 190. t Lalitavistara, Sakyamunis Buddhae vita. Buddh. V. Catalogue des Livres Buduuiques, Lcrits en S.vnskrit, que M. B. H. Hodgson a fait copier an Nepal pour k coinpte de la Socieie Asialiqiic, ct qui pitl etc preseiites an Conscil dans sa seance dt I i^Jnillet, 1837.* ("Journal Asiatiqnc," ///we Scrie, Tome /K, 296-98 ; 1837.) TiTRES DES OUVRACES, «8= |8§- 5"^ a f- fc U S .©•OS 1 1 « 5 i-Ji 682 25,080 I. Rakrha bhagavati Prathamakhanda . 570 44 2. Rakcha bhagavati Dvitiyakhanda 534 47 25.098 3. Rakcha bhagavati Tritiyakhanda 534 47 25.098 4. Rakcha bhagavati Tchaturthakhanda 5S2 43 25.025 5. Pantchavimcatisahasrika . 461 54i 25,015 6. Svayambhupiirana .... •52 25 3,800 7. Samputodbiiavatantra 211 14 2.954 8. Kakchaputantra .... 57 31 1.592 9. Pantchakrama 33 18 612 10. Pantchakramatippani 14 iS 306 II. Rachtrapalavadaua .... 57 '7i 997 12. Sugatavadana ..... 75 16 1,200 13. Bodhitcharyavatara . . 56 18 1.008 14. Kapicavadana 38 15 570 15. Upochathavadana .... 2J 18 17 39' 16. Kathinavadana .... «4 252 ' Principal authority for Huddhisni in Nepal, and first work issued (origin.tl text) by Clarendon Press.— B. H. H. * L'original dc ce catalogue, (kril en Sanskrit, el dai(i du 39 Scptembre, 1836, a, par d6;ision du Consoil, il6 di*jX)Sfeaityabha/- /arakoddeja, IV. \b. Grahamatr^ka, i. 60 ; vii. 19. Grahamatrika-dharawi, vii. 21. Gu»akara«fl?avyuha, i. 19 ; 11. 23 ; iii, 20, 21 ; VI. 10 ; VII. 22 ; viii. I. Gvalavalitantra, in. 58 ; v. 49. Haravali, 11. 12. He Vajfratantra, in. 45, 46. INDEX TO LISTS OF MANUSCRIPTS. 355 Him^val-khawda, vir. 24. A'aityapungava, i. 22 ; vi. 35 ; vii. 13 ; VIM. 15. Kakshaputamra, v. 8. Kala^akratanira, 1. 49. Kallaviralantra, or A'Aa«iavi»ijatisahasrika, v. 5. Paranathanania, vi. 27. Parwasavari, vn. 57. Piwrt'apalravadana, v. 17 ; vi. 36 ; vii. 58. Piwrfapatravadanakatha, I. 45. Poshavidhana, I. 70. Praj^naparamita, i. i, 63; in. 2, m; IV. 4, 5 ; VI. 1, 2, 3 ; vn. 52-56 ; vin. i8. Prasasti, vn. 59. Pratyangira, vi. 22, 24, 26 ; vii. 6a Pratyangiradharawi, I. 61 ; Vlli. 13. Pralyangiramahavidya, ni. 41. Pratyangir:\stotra, 11. 27. Prayogamukha, I. 66 ; vi. 32 ; VU. 6i. Pm'n-paddliaii, vn. 51. Pu//yaprotsahana, I. 26. Pushyamahatmya, n. 9. Rakslia-bhagavati, v. 1-4. Kasli/rapalavadana, v. 11. 356 APPENDIX A. Ratnamalavadana, VII. 62. Ratnapariksha, i. 10 ; V. 48 ; vi. 47. Ratnavadana, v. 32 ; vi. 51. Rudrakalpavadana, vii. 62b. Saddharnialankavatara-mahayanasutra, I- 5- Saddharmapuwrt'arika, 1. 6 ; iii. 27, 28 ; VI. 7 ; VII. 63 ; viii. 20. Sadhanamalatantra, V. 52. Sahakaropadei^avadana, v. 39. Sa/t/Jakratavadanasvalpa, v. 35. Sai&j6akratavadanav;7hat, v. 36. Samadharaja, i. 4 ; ill. 3, 4 ; vii. 65 ; via. 23. Sanipu/odbhava, i. 37. Sampu/'odbhavatantra, ill. 40 ; v. 7. Sa;«varodayamahatantra, 1. 38. Sawvarodayatantra, iii. 38. Saptakuinarikavadana, v. 33 ; vi. 62 ; n. 65. Saptavara (a collection of Dhaia7/is), i. 59 ; VII. 75, 82. 5aradatilaka, 11. 20. Sarasangraha, II. 10. 5ardulakar«avadana, v. 44 ; vi. 63 ; VII. 64. Sarvadurgatiparijodhana, i. 50. Sarvakatarfanavadana, i. 11. iatasahasrika. See Pragnaparamita, I. 63. 5atavadana, v. 50. Satyavadana, vi. 61 ; vii. 76, 83. Shacfangayogai'ippawi, I. 68. ;5ikhasamu.^^aya, 11. 15. Skandapura«a, vi. 41. Spho/ikavedya, II. 2. Sragdhara, VI. 20 ; viii. 8. Sragdharastotra, 11. 24, 30. Sragdharastotra with 7'ika, 1. 29. Sragdhara vadana-/ika, vii. 77. .Sringabheri, v. 19 ; vi. 50 ; vii. 67. 5ringabherivratavadana, vi. 64 ; vii. 68. Stotrasangraha, i. 30 ; vi. 45 ; via. 3. Sugatavadana, i. 12 ; v. 12 ; vi. 28 ; VII. 70. Suiandravadana, vi. 55 ; va. 69. Sukhavativyuha-mahayanasutra, I. 20 ; III. 13 ; IV. 3 ; VI. 29 ; vii. 71 ; viii. 6. Sumagadhavadana, v. 27 ; vii. 78. Sumbrodaya Tanlra, via. 4. Suprabhastava, II. 5. .Suprabhata, vii. 72. Suprabhatastotra, III. 53. .Supravarta-fiibha, VI. 59. Suratnaratnakara, VI. 31. Suryapr;\fiiapti-/ika, VII. 79. Suvarwaprabha, III. 59 ; vi. 8 ; vii. 73. Suvarwaprabhasa, i. 8 ; ai. 10. Suvar«avar;?avadana, v. 31 ; vi. 48 ; VII. 80. Swarna Prabha, via. 24. Swayarabhupurawa, i. 17, i8, 23 ; v. 6 ; VI. 9 ; va. 74, 81 ; via. 14. Swayambhupurawamahat, v. 21. .S'yama-^'~ataka and Kinnari-gataka, 1. 16. .S'yaniarahasya, a. 11. Syaina Jatakam, I. 16. Tantriwlokasangraha, i. 52. 'raia.?atanama, va. 84 ; via. 7. Tathagataguhyaka, la. 5 ; va. 85 ; via. 22. Tattvajfnanasawsiddhi-tippawi, i. 43. Tattvakaumudi, a. 4. Uposhadhavadana, VI. 56 ; vil. 86. Uposhadhavadana and Doshanirwaya- vadana, i. 15. Uposhathavadana, v. 15. Ushwisha-vi^ya, vii. 87. Vai^ikavadana and Gandharvikavadana, I. 25. Vajrasannasadhanamala, iii. 30. Vajfrasattvapara^ka, v. 57. VagrasMki, iii. 54, 55 ; v. 64 ; vi. 66 ; VII. 91. Va^navidarawa, vii. 90. Va^aviramahakalamantrara^h/'jdaya- dhara«i, a. 7. Vagva/itirthayatraprakara, II. 22. Varahikalpatantra, v. 60. Vasantatilaka, la. 17. Vasantalilakatantra, v. 62. Vasudharadliarawi, i. 58. Vasundhara-stottra-iatanama, vii. 89. Vasundhara-vrata, vil. 88. Vinayasutra, V. 29 ; VI. 42 ; VII. 92. Virakiuavadana, v. 63 ; VI. 52, 53 ; VII. 94. Vratavadananiala, va. 93. Yogambaratantra, 1. 39; la. 52. [357] APPENDIX B. MR. HODGSON'S PRESENTATION OF HIS MSS. TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA. The Rangers, Durslev, Gloucestershire, August 2itd, 1864. To the RiG}n Ho.\. Sir C. Wood, G.C.B., M.P., Secretary of State for India. Sir, — Having recently submitted to the summary inspection of Mr. Hall, Librarian of the India Office, a great mass of MSS., collected during a long course of years by me in Nepal, when Resident at the Court of Kathmandu, with a view to illustrate the natural and civil history, the literature, languages, religion, institutions, and resources of that little-known country, and Mr. Hall having concurred with me ill opinion that these materials, how crude soever their present state, are eminently calculated to subserve the ends for which they were gradually amassed, and also that by being deposited in the India Office Library they are most likely to be turned to fitting use, I iiereby beg to tender them to your acceptance for the said Library, and to acquaint you that lists m English and Hindi of the contents of the MSS. are in the hands of the Librarian. I may mention, summarily, that these MSS. contain int^r alia : — 1st. Twenty-three V'asavalis, or Native Chronicles, partially trans- lated and chronologised by the help of coins and inscriptions. 2nd. A great mass of original documents, relative to the land rcveiuie and to the custom duties. 3rd. Ditto relative to the Anny — its amount, discipline, distribution, system of payment, tribes constituting the soldier>', etc., etc. 4th. Ditto, relative to the law and legal administration. 5th. Ditto, relative to the general Etluiograpiiy — its amount and constituents, lingually and physically considered. 6th. Ditto, relative to the customs and manners of the population. 358 APPENDIX B. 7th. Register of Barometer and Thermometer kept at Kathmandu during several years, and tables of prices. 8th. Topography, being twenty-two itineraries, sketches, maps, etc., etc. 9th. A large mass of papers, relative to the prevalent religion, or Buddhism, in fifty-eight separate bimdles of papers. loth. Ditto, relative to the languages and literature, being thirty-six Sanskrit sastras, and seventeen Lepcha and fourteen Limbu books. I have the honour, etc., B. H. HODGSON. LIST OF MSS. PRESENTED BY MR. HODGSON TO THE INDIA OFFICE LIBRARY, AUGUST, 1864. TRUNK No. I. The first large bundle contains the Chronicles of the Kings of Nepal in twenty-five lesser bundles, which are divided into two parcels, the one containing the Vasavalis of the Newari dynasty, the other those of the Gurkhali dynasty. L — Newari Chronicles. 1st. Of Raja Pratap Mall. 2nd. Of the Shepherd Kings (Gopal) of Nepal, or the early mythic history, in nine parts. 3rd. Dates of reigns of Kings of Kathmandu, Bhatgaon, and Patan, from coins,' inscriptions, etc., etc. 4th. History of Raja Vishnu Mall of Patan, 5th. Chronicles of the Kings of Nepal, Newari, and Gurkhali, and of the latter's connexion with Chitor, given to me by the late Sovereign of Nepal. 6th. History of Raja Mahendra Mall. 7th. History of Nepal, according to the Buddhists and to the Brahmans. 8th. Persian translation of 7th. 9th. Jit Mohan's (my kliardar or scribe) abstract of all the above. loth. Sundry papers, mostly repetitions of the first eight documents above. nth. History of Raja Siddh Nar Siuh of Patan. 12th. EngUsh translations of the Vasavalis, in two volumes, with some Persian addenda, — both by my office people. 1 Coins annexed. MSS. PRESENTED TO THE INDIA OFFICE. 359 II. — GuRKHALi Chronicles. 1st. A large roll given to me by the King of Nepal (Kajendra Bikram Sah), containing tlie Chronicles of the Sovereigns of his (the Gurkhali) dynasty. 2nd. History of the conquest of Garli (Garhwal) given to me by Balbhanjan Handi (a member ol the Ministry in my time). 3rd, Royal and Thappa Vasavalis, given to me by Matabar Singh Thappa Hate Prime Minister). 4th. Account of Raja Ran Bahadur Sah. 5th. Names of the successive Rajas and Chiefs of Nepal, from tlie time of Raja Nar Bhupal to that of Rajendra Bikram Sah (the late Sovereign). 6th. The Family Histories of the Rajas and Chiefs. 7th. Chronology of the above from coins, etc. 8th. History of Raja Prithvi Narayan Sah. 9th. Brahmanical Statement of the Early History of Nepal, from the Hemvat Khand of the Skand Purana. loth. History, from Raja Prithvi Narayan Sah to Ran Bahadur Sah. nth. A Gurkhali Vasavali. given to me by Lakshmi Bilas (Court Moonshee). 1 2th. Account of the Regent Ran Bahadur. 13th. English translations of the above, by my office people, In five volumes. TRUNK No. 1. — The second large bundle. It contains, in five lesser bundles : — 1st. Hindu Drama on the Death of Kansa, as acted before the Court and Embassy, with some English remarks on the representation. 2nd. Various Itineraries, in Nagri, in Persian, and in English, twenty- two in all. 3rd. Account of the Institutions and Customs (Sthithi) of the Newars, got from Nilgirvanand (one of the judges of the chief metropolitan tribunal in my time). It contains an account of their annual festivals, after the Almanack; nf their classification, or Jat-Mala ; and of their agriculture, including a large collection of original Talpatras, or title deeds, — the whole included in eight lesser bundles, and some of them translated into English or Persian. 4th. Thirty-six papers relative to Buddhism, as detailed in the Nagri list hereto appended. 5th. Twenty-two more papers relative to Buddiiism, as per list just named. 36o APPENDIX B. TRUNK No. 2. The first large bundle contains nine lesser ones, as follows : — 1st. Customs Revenue of Nepal, or Jagat Bhansar. 2nd. House Tax of Nepal, or Savani phagu, from River Mechi to River Bheri. 3rd. Total Revenue of the District of Bhatgaon. 4th. Total Revenues and Expenses of the District of Patan. 5th. Receipts and Outgoings under the head of Tosha Khana. 6th. Alienations of Public Revenue, under the heads of Mana Choul and Chap-Chapeli, or grants of land for charitable and other uses. 7th. The Land Revenue (Pota) of the District of Patan. 8th. Ditto of the District of Bhatgaon. 9th. Bundle of Sundries relative to the Revenues of Nepal. The secoftd large bundle contains thirteen papers, as follows : — 1st. Expenses on account of the Military Band of the Compu (Troops stationed at the Capital). 2nd. Pay and Allowances (Khua-Khangi) of the Officers of the Army. 3rd. Cities and Villages assigned as Pay (Khua) to the Officers of the Srinath Regiment. 4th. Pay and Allowance of one hundred and thirty-one Privates and Non-commissioned Officers of the Compu. 5th. Total Expenses of the Government, including Army, Civil Service, etc., etc. 6th. Total Receipts of the Chiefs or Bharadars from hereditary lands (Birtha and Gut) and from salary (Khangi). 7th. Account of the Army. 8th. Stations of the Army ; where and in what numbers posted over thf: whole kingdom. 9th. Adjustment of the Pay of the Army or Raibandi. loth. Sundry Scraps in English relative to the Army, llth. A Volume in EngUsh, on the Army, etc. I2th. Three Volumes in English, on the Classification of the People (thar) ; on the Judicial System ; on the Customs (Jagat-bhansar) ; and o;i the Army, with some papers in Persian and in Khas (language of the Gurkhalis) on the same subject. 13th. Pay and Allowances (Khet-Khua) ' of the Srinath Regiment. ' Privates get Khet (land) only. Officers get Khet (land) and Khua (sundry dues from village communities). Khet and Khua — Khangi, or total receipts. MSS. PRESENTED TO THE INDIA OFFICE. 361 The third large bundle contains six lesser ones, as follows : — 1st. Revenue of the District of Patan, as much as is realised in the Tusal Court ; and tiie Land Revenue (Pota) of the District of Bhatgaon. 2nd. Questions and Answers on the Judicial .System of Nepal. (Originals of the paper included in No. 12, supra.) 3rd. F'ive Volumes and some Scraps in English, on tiie Land Revenue (Pota) of Nepal. 4th. Narrative in English of the Relations of the British Government with Nepal. 5th. Two Volumes in English, aud Sundrj' Scraps in Hindi, on the Revenue of the Nepal Tarai or Lowlands. 6th. Sundries in English. The fourth large bundle contains twenty-seven lesser ones, all relative to the Land Revenue (Pota) of the District of Bhatgaon, whereof the details are given in the subjoined Hindi list. The fifth large bundle contains twenty-one lesser bundles, all on tlie Land Revenue (Pota) of the District of Kathmandu, whereof particulars are given in the Hindi list. The sixth large bundle contains, in Khas and in English, Statement of the Revenue of the Province of Jumla, as per details in Hindi list. TRUNK No. 3. Its first large bundle contains eight lesser bundles, as follows : — 1st. Sketcli Map of the Valley of Nepal. 2nd. Table of Prices in Nepal during a long series of years, recorded in English. 3rd. An English Volume about Nepal. 4th. Enumeration of the Population of Nepal, taken from the official lists of the collectors of the ta.x (capitation) called .Sawani-Phagun. 5th. Thermometer and Barometer, as kept at Kathmandu for several years for me by Captain Robinson. Signed, B. 11. HODGSON. [362] APPENDIX C. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF B. H. HODGSON'S PUBLISHED WRITINGS, Drawn up under Mr. Hodgson^ s supervision,^ but not incUiding his zoological papers, which form Appendix D to this book. The more important of his still unpublished materials in the India Office Library arc shown separately as Appendix B. The following are the heads under which the papers are set down : — 1. — Physical Geography of Himalaya and Tibet. II. — Topography of ditto. III. — Ethnography of Tibet, Himalaya, Western Indo-China and India (Turanian or Non-Aryan). IV.— Buddhism. V. — Literature and Antiquities. VI. — Hindu Law and Legal Practice, as seen in Nepal. VII. — Miscellaneous. VIII.— On National Education for the People of India. Included among " Books ' (No. i). IX. — On Trans-Himalayan Commerce, by the Line of Nepal. In- cluded among "Books " (No. 4). X.— Collected Works ; three volumes, 1874 and 1880. The total number of the papers, as per following list, is 184 ; of the books, 4 ; and of the volumes of collected works, 3. Books. 1. Letters on National Education for the People of India, styled Pre- eminence of the Vernaculars. Serampore : ist Edition, 1837 ; 4th Edition, 1847. 2. Literature and Religion of the Buddhists of the North. Serampore : 1 841. » I thank Dr. Oliver Codrington for kindly checking this list from the Asiatic Researches and Journals of the Bengal and the Royal Asiatic Societies. HODGSON'S PUBLISHED WRITINGS. 3^3 3. Aborigines of India. Vol. ist on the Kooch, Bodo, and Dhimal. Calcutta: 1847. 4. No. XXVII. of Selections from the Records of the Government of Bengal. Calcutta : 1857. Collected Works. 1. Essays on the Languages, Literature and Religion of Nepal and Tibet, together with papers on the Geography, Ethnology and Commerce of those countries. Trubner : 1874. i Vol. 2. Miscellaneous Essays relating to Indian subjects, in two volumes Triibner: 1880. 2 Vols. The scattered papers to be next given appeared in the subjoined publications, here quoted in full for the better understanding of the curt style of citation below. 1. Researches of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 2. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal. 3. Gleanings in Science, being Prinsep's Precursor of Journal of ditto. 4. Transactions and Journal of the Agri-Horticultural Society of India. 5. Bengal Sporting Magazine. 6. Meerut's Universal Magazine. 7. Corbyn's India Review. 8. M'Clelland's Journal of Natural History. g. Madras Asiatic Society's journal of Literature and Science. 10. Quarterly Oriental Magazine. (Tlu abm'e 10 in India.) 1 1. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society. 12. Journal of ditto. 13. IVoceedings of tlie Zoological Society of London. 14. Gray's Zoological Miscellany. 15. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. ( The Inst 5 in London. ) Now for the List as classiHcd above : — I. — Physical Geogkapiiv. 1. Pliysical Geography of Himalaya. Joiini. As/a/. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVIII. (1849). Reprinted in Sflnd'ons from Record.^ of Gm/eriitncfit of r>cii<.^al. 2. Two Papers relating to the Himalaya and Mount Everest. Geol. Sac. Ffoc, Vol. I. (1857), pp. 345-35'- / 364 APPENDIX C. II.— Topography. 1. Route from Kathmandu to Tazedo. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVI. (1832). 2. Route from Kathmandu to Pekin, with Remarks on the Physical Geography of Tibet. Joiirn. Asiat. Soc. Bcfig., Vol. XXV. (1856), pp. 473-497- 3. Route from Kathmandu to Darjeeling. Joiirti. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVII. (1848). 4. Measurement (Official) of the Great Military Road throughout Nepal, from Kumaon to Sikim. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 5. Cursory Account of the Valley of Nayakote. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. X. (1841). 6. The Seven Cosis of Nepal. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVII. (1848). 7. Route of two Nepalese Embassies to Pekin, with remarks on the Watershed and Plateau of Tibet. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXV. (1856), pp. 473-497- III, — Ethnography and Ethnology. 1. On the Languages, Literature and Religion of Nepal. Rcseaixhes Asiat. Soc. Be7tg., Vol. XVI. (1828). 2. On the Military Tribes of Nepal. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beti^., Vol. II. (1833)- 3. On the Newars, or People of Nepal Proper (Mythic History of, from the Swayambhu Purana, etc.). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. III. (1834). 4 and 5. On the Aborigines of the Sub-Himalayas. Jotirn. Asiai. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVI. (1847), pp. 1235-1244; Vol. XVII. (1848), pp. 469-477, 547- 6. Comp. Vocabulary of Sub-Himalayan Dialects. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVI. (1847), p. 1245. 7. The Aborigines of Central India. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVII. (1848), Pt. 2, pp. 550-558. 8. Ethnography and Geography of the Sub-Himalaya. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVII. (1848). 9. On the Chepang and Kusunda Tribes of Nepal. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVII. (1848), p. 655. 10. On the Trans-Himalayan Tribes of Hor-yeul, Sog, Yeul, and Sifan. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVII. (1848). 11. A Brief Note on Indian Ethnology. Joitrn. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVIII. (1849). 12. Aborigines of Southern India. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVIII. (1849). PP- 350-359- HODGSON'S PUBLISHKD WRITINGS. 365 13. On the Tibetan Type of Mankind. Jourti. Asiat. Soc. lieng., Vol. XVII. (1848). 14. .Aborigines of North-Eastern India. Joiini. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVIII. (1849), pp. 451-460. 15. Ditto. Jouni. Asiat. Soc. Ben<(., Vol. XVIII., W. 2, pp. ^7-<)76. 16. On the Aborigines of the Eastern Frontier (North ol Assam). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVIII. (1849), Vt 2, pp. <^»67-976. 17. On the Aborigines of the North-East Frontier (Assam, and South of it). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol. XIX. (1850), pp. 309-317. 18. Aborigines of the South. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XIX. (1850), pp. 461-466. 19. On the Koch, Bodo, and Dhimal People. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVIII. (1847). p. 702. 20. On the Mongolian Affinities of the Caucasians. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXII. (1853), pp. 26-76. 21. On the Indo-Chinese Borderers, and their Connexion with the Himalayans and Tibetans. Jourti. Asiat. Soc. Beng.. Vol. XXII. (1853), p. 26. 22. Sifan and Horsok Vocabularies. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXII., p. 121. 23 and 24. On the Aborigines of the Nilgiris. Two papers. Jourtt. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXV^ (1856), pp. 31-38, 498-522. 25. On the Broken Tribes of Nepal (Comparative Vocabularies of). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vols. XXVI. and XXVII. (1S57-8), P- 3I7- 26. Aborigines of the Eastern Ghauts. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXV. (1856), pp. 39-52. 27. On the Kiranti, Bahing, and Vagu Tribes of Nepal. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXVI. ^1858), pp. 372. 429. 486. IV.— Papers on Buddhism. 1. Notices of tlic Languages, Literature, and Religion of Nepal and Tibet. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVI. (182S), p. 409. Reprinted in Illustrations of the Literature and Religion of the Buddhists (Serampore, 1841 ) ; also in Trilbner's Volume of 1874. 2. Sketch of Buddhism, derived from tlie Bauddha Scriptures ol Nepal. Transiwtiotts of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. II. (1S28), p. 222, and Appendix \'., p. ixxvii. Reprinted in Illus- trations, p. 49 ; also iu Triibner's Volume of 1S74. 3. On the Extreme Resemblance between many of the Symbols of Buddhism and Saivism. Oriental Quarterly Magazine, Vol. VII. (1827), p. 218, and Vol. VIII. (1828), p. 252. Reprinted in Illus- trations, p. 203 ; also ill Tnibuer s \'()lunie of 1874. l^^ APPENDIX C. 4. A Disputation respecting Caste by a Buddhist. Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. III. (1829), p. 160. Reprinted in Illustrations ; also in Triibner's Volume of 1874. 5. European Speculations on Buddhism. Jonm. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. III. (1834), p. 382. Reprinted in Illustrations; also in Triibner's Volume of 1874. 6. Remarks on M. Remusat'.s Review of Buddhism. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. III. (1834), pp. 425, 499. Reprinted in Illus- trations ; also in Triibner's Volume of 1 874. 7. Notice of Adi-Buddha and of the Seven Mortal Buddhas. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. III. (1834), p. 215. Reprinted in Illus- trations; also in Triibner's Volume of 1874. 8. Note on the Inscription from Sarnath. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. IV. (1835), p. 241. Reprinted in Illustrations; also in Triibner's Volume of 1874. 9. Quotations from Original Sanskrit Authorities in Proof and Illus- tration of the Preceding Article. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. V. (1836), pp. 29, 71. Reprinted in Illustrations; also in Triibner's Volume of 1874. 10. Note on the Primary Language of the Buddhist Writings. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI. (1837), p. 682. Reprinted in Illus- trations ; also in Triibner's Volume of 1874. 11. The Pravyajya Vrata, or Initiatory Rites of the Buddhists, accord- ing to the Puja Khanda. Reprinted in Illustrations. V. — Papers on Literature and Antiquities. 1. On Bauddha Inscriptions. Jourji. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. III. (1834). 2. On Ancient Inscriptions in Characters of the Allahabad Column. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. III. (1834), p. 481. 3. On Sarnath Inscriptions. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. IV. (1835), p. 211. 4. On the Ruins of Samaran (Simroun). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. IV. (1835). 5. On Tibetan Inscriptions. Jourti. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. IV. (1835), p. 196. 6. On the Relics of the Catholic Missions in Tibet and Nepal.' Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XVII. (1848). 7. A Translation of the Naipalya Devatu Kaglana. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XII. (1843 and 1857). » A collection of books that had belonged to Christian missionaries who were expelled from North-East Asia by the Mantcbu dynasty of China, and which were given to Mr. Hodgson by the Grand Lama of Tibet and were by him pre- sented to the Pope. These books filled six bo.xes. HODGSON'S PUBLISHED WRITINGS. 367 VI. — Papers on Law. 1. On the Law and Legal Practice of Nepal. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Socidy, V'ol. 1. (1834). Reprinted in Miscellaneous Essays (Triibner, 1880). 2. Some Account of the Systems of Law and Police in Nepal. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. I. (1834). Reprinted in Mis- cellaneous Essays (Triibner. 1880). 3. On the Administration of Justice in Nepal. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XX. (1836). VII. — Miscellaneous Papers. r. On Trans-Himalayan Commerce. Written in 1831. Published in Selections from Records of Gov., No. XXVII., in 1857; also reprinted in Triibners Volume of 1874. 2. On the Paper of Nepal. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. I. (1832). 3. On the Cultivation of Hemp in Nepal. Transactions of the Agri- cultural Society of India, Vol. VIII. (1838). 4. On the Silkworms of India. Journal of the Agricultural Society of India, Vol. IV. 5. On the Wool of Tibet. Journal of the Agricultural Society of India, Vol. V. (1846). 6. On the Colonisation of the Himalaya by Europeans. Selections from Records, 1857 ; also in Triibner's Volume of 1874. Mr. Hodgson reissued tlie most important of the foregoing papers in three volumes of collected Essays (one volume in 1874, and two volumes in 1880), published by Triibner & Co., London. [368] APPENDIX D. CATALOGUE OF PAPERS BY B. H. HODGSON ON MAMMALS AND BIRDS. Taken from Royal Society Catalogue of Scientific Papers.^ 1. Account of the Chiru, or Unicorn of the Himalaya Mountains (Pantholops Hodgsoni). Tilloch, Phil. Mag., Vol. LXVIIL (1826), pp. 232-234. Edinb. Jou7-ti. Sci., Vol. VIL (1827), pp. 163, 164. Ferussac, Bull. Sd. A^at., Vol. XV. (1828), p. 141. Froriep, Notizen, Vol. XV. (1826), pp. 274-276. 2. Sur la Portee du Rhinoceros. Ferussac, Bull. Sci. Nat., Vol. VIL (1826), pp. 436, 437. Froriep, Notizett, Vol. XIV. (1826), col. 55, 56. 3. On the Growth and Habits of a Young Rhinoceros. Edinb. Joiirn. Sci., Vol. VII. (1827), pp. 165, 166. 4. On a New Species of Buceros (B. Nepalensis). Gleanings in Science, Vol. I. (1829), pp. 249-252. 5. On the Chiru, or Antilope Hodgsonii, Abel. Gleanings in Science, Vol. II. (1830), pp. 348-35 1- 6. On the Bubaline Antelope (Antilope Thar). Gleanings in Science, Vol. I. (1831), pp. 122, 123, 327. 7. Some Account of a New Species of Felis (F. Moormensis). Glean- ings in Science, Vol. I. (1831), pp. 177, 178. 8. On some of the Scolopacidae of Nepal. Gleanings in Science, Vol. I. (1831), pp. 233-243. 9. Contributions in Natural History (the Musk Deer and Cervus Jarai). Gleanings in Science, Vol. I. (1831), pp. 320-324. 10. Description and Characters of the Chiru Antelope (Antilope Hodgsonii, Abel). Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. I. (1831J, pp. 52-54. 11. Note relative to the Account of the Jarai. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. I. (1832), pp. 66, 67. 12. Further Illustrations of the Antilope Hodgsonii, Abel. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. I. (1832), pp. 59-63 ; Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. 1.(1833), pp. no, III. ' Those on ethnological subjects omitted, as they have aheady appeared in Appendix C. Mrs. Hodgson has kindly undertakenthe responsibility for the Appendices and their orthography. HODGSON'S ZOOLOGICAL PAPERS. 369 13. On the Mammalia of Nepal. Joitrn. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. I. (1832). pp. 335-348. 14. Characters and Descriptions of New Species of Mammalia and Birds from Nepal (Felis Moormensis, Antilope bubalina, Buceros Nepalensis). Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. II. (1832), pp. 10-16; Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII. (1833), pp. 178-186. 15. On a New Species of Buceros (B. Nepalensis), Dhanesa, Ind. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII. (1833), pp. 178-186. 1 6. On a Species of Aquila (circaetus) and Dicrurus. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII. (1833), Pt. 2, pp. 13-26. 17. On the Migration of the Natatores and Grallatores. as obser\'ed at Kathmandu. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII. (1833), Pt. 2, pp. 122-128. 18. The Wild Goat (Capra Jharal) and the "Wild Sheep (Ovis Nayaur) of Nepal. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII. (1833), Pt. 2 pp. i-'q- 138. 19. On the Ratwa Deer of Nepal (Cervus Ratwa). Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII. (1833), Pt. 2, pp. 139-149. 20. Description of the Buceros Homrai of the Himalaya ; with Ana- tomical Observations by Dr. M. T. Bramley. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII. (1833), Pt. 2, pp. 168-188. 21. Description of the Wild Dog of the Himalaya (Canis primavus). Asiatic Researches, Vol. XVIII. (1833), Pt. 2, pp. 221-237. 22. Characters of a New Species of Perdix (P. Lerwa). Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. I. (1833), p. 107. 23. Description and Characters of the Wild Dog of Nepal (Canis primaevus). Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. I. (1833), PP- ii'. U-- 24. Note on the Chiru Antelope (Gazella Hodgsoni, Abel). Jouni. Asiat. Soc. Beiig., Vol. I., pp. 59, 66 ; Vol. III., p. 138. 25. Letter on the Distinction between the Ghoral (Antilope goral, Hardw.) and Thar (Antilope Thar, Hodgs.). Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. II. (1834), pp. 85-87. Oken, Isis, 1835, col. 1039. 26. On the Mammalia of Nepal. Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. II. (1834), PP- 95-99- 27. On the Characters of the Jharal (Capra Jharal, Hodgs.), and of the Nahoor (Ovis Naiioor, Hodgs.), with Observations on tiie Dis- tinction between the Genera Capra and Ovis. Zool. Soc Proc Vol. II. (1834), pp. 106-1 10. Froriep, Notizen, Vol. XLIV. (1835), col. 129-134. LInstitut, Vol. III. (1835), pp. 121-123. 28. Description of the Bearded Vulture of the Himalaya (Gypaetos [Vultur] barbatus). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. IV. (1835), pp. 454-457. Bibl. Univ., Vol. VIII. (1837), p. 212. 29. Red-billed Erolia. Joimt. Asiat. Soc Beng., Vol. IV. (1835), pp. 458-461. 24 370 APPENDIX D. 30. Synopsis of tlie Thar and Ghoral Antelopes. Jonm. Asiat. Soc. Beng.y Vol. IV. (1835), pp. 487-489. 31. On the Wild Goat and Wild Sheep of the Himalaya, with Remarks on the Genera Capra and Ovis. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol. IV. (1835), pp. 490-494, 710. A7in. Set. Nat., Vol. V. {Zool.) (1836), pp. 299, 300. 32. Specific Description of a New Species of Cervus (C. elaphoides). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol. IV. (1835), pp. 648, 649; Vol. V. (1836), pp. 240-242. 33. Synopsis of the Vespertilionidae of Nepal. Joitrn. Asiat. Soc. Beug., Vol. IV. (1S35), pp.699, 7°°- 34. Note on the Red-billed Erolia, or Clorhynchus strophiatus. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol. IV. (1835), p. 701. 35. Description of the Little Musteline Animal (Putorices Kathiah) denominated Kathiah Nyul in the Catalogue of the Nepalese Mammalia. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng,, Vol. IV. (1835), pp. 702, 703. With Postscript to the account of the Wild Goat of Nepal. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol. IV. (1835), p. 710. 36. Indication of a New Genus of the Carnivora (Ursitaxus inauritus), with Description of the Species on which it is founded. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XIX. (1836), pp. 60-69. 37. Description of Three New Species of Paradoxurus (P. hirsutus, P. Nepalensis, P. lanigerus). Asiatic Researches, Vol. XIX. (1836), pp. 72-87. 38. Notices of the Ornithology of Nepal. Asiatic Researches, Vol. XIX. (1836), pp. 143-192- 39. Description of a New Species of Columba (C. Nepalensis). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. V. (1836), pp. 122, 123. 40. Summary Description of some New Species of Falconidae. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. V. (1836), pp. 227-230. 41. Synoptical Description of Sundry New Animals enumerated in the Catalogue of Nepalese Mammals. Jourii. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. V. (1836), pp. 231-238. 42. Notes on the Cervus Duvaucelii, Cuvier, or C. elaphoides and Bahraiya, Hodgs. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. V. (1836), pp. 240-242. Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. IV. (1836), pp. 46, 47. 43. Description of Two New Species belonging to a New Form of the Meruline Group of Birds, with Indication of their Generic Character (Cochoa purpurea, C. viridis). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. V. (1836), pp. 358, 359. 44. On a New Genus and Species of the Meropidae (Bucia Nepalensis). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. V. (1836), pp. 360, 361. 45. On a New Piscatory Genus of the Strigine Family (Cultrungus flavipes). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol. V. (1836), pp. 363, 364. HODGSON'S ZOOLOGICAL PAPP:RS. 37I 46. Postscript to the Account of Ursitaxus (Meles Labradorius) printed in the XlXth Vol. of the Asiatic Researches. Jourti. Asiai. Soc. Bcng., Vol. V. (1S36), p. 671. 47. Note on Zoological Nomenclature. Joiirn. Asiai. Soc. Beng., Vol. V. (1S36), pp. 751.752. 48. Additions to the Ornithology of Nepal. Journ. Asiat. Soc. fleng., Vol. V. (1836), pp. mo-T]\. 49. On some of the Scolopacidae of Nepal. Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. IV. (1S36), pp. 7, 8. 50. On the Lachrymal .Sinus in Antilope Thar and Cervus Aristotelis, Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. IV. (1836), pp. 39, 40. 5 1 . On Seven New Species of Vespertilionida; observed in the Central Region of Nepal. Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. VI. (1836), p. 46. 52. On Three New Genera or Sub-genera of Long-legged Thrushes (Tesia, nobis, Larvivora, Paludicola), with Descriptions of their Species. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol. VI. (1837), pp. 101-103. 53. Description of Three New Species of Woodpecker (Picussultaneus, Vivia Nepalensis, Picus pyrrhotis) and of Malacolophus melano- chrysos. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI. O837), pp. 104-109. 54. Indication of a New Genus of Insessorial Birds (Cutia). Journ. Asiat. Soc Beng., Vol. VI. (1837), pp. 110-112. 55. On a New Genus of the Sylviadae, with Description of Three New Species (Yuhina gularis, Y. occipitalis, Y. flavicollis). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol VI. (1837), pp. 230-232. 56. On some New Genera of Raptores, with Remarks on the Old Genera. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI. (1837), pp. 361-373. 57. New Species of Scolopacidae (Indian Snipes). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI. (1837), p. 489. 58. Description of the Gauri Gau of the Nepal Forest (Bibos subhema- chalus). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI. (1837), p. 499. Wiegmann, Archiv, Vol. VI. (1840), pp. 263-267. 59. On a New Genus of the Plantigrades (Urva cancrivora), with an Appendi.x by A. Campbell. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI. (1837), pp. 500-565. 60. On the Hibo~, Gauri Gau, or Gaurika Gau of the Indian Forests (Bibos cavifrons, B. classicus, W. /Vristotelis). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI. (1837), pp. 745-749. 61. Indication of a New Genus belonging to the Strigine Family, with Description of the New Species and Type. Madras Jaunt., Vol. V. (1837), pp. 23-26. 62. On Two New Genera of Rasorial Birds (Lcrva, Arborophila). Madras Jnurn., Vol. V. (1837), pp. 30C-306. 63. On the Structure and Habits of the Klanus m<;lanopterus M,i,irti<; Journ., Vol. VI. (1837), pp. 75-78- 372 APPENDIX D. 64. On a New Species of Plieasant (Phasiaiius crossoptilon) from Tibet. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VII. (1838), pp. 863, 864. 65. On a New Genus and Two Species of tlie Fissirostral Tribe (Raya sericeogula, R. rubropygea). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VIII. (1839), pp. 35, 36. 66. (Three) New Species of Meniline Birds (Sibia picaoides, S. nigri- ceps, S. Nepalensis). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VIII. (1839), p. 37. 67. On Cuculus (Pseudornis) dicruroides. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VIII. (1839), pp. 136, 137. 68. On Three New Species of Musk (Moschus) inhabiting the Himalayan Districts (M. chrysogaster, M. leucogaster, M. saturatus). Journ Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VIII. (1839), p. 202. 69. Summary Description of Four New Species of Otter. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. VIII. (1839), PP- 3'9i S^o. Ann. Nat. Hist., Vol. V. (1840), p. 27. 70. On the Common Hare of the Gangetic Provinces, and of the Sub- Himalaya ; with a Slight Notice of a Strictly Himalayan Species. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. IX. (1840), pj). 1183-1186. Ann. Nat. Hist., Vol. VIII. (1842), pp. 231-234. 71. Three New Species of Monkey (S. schistaceus, hodie Pithex oinops, P. pelops), with Remarks on the Genera Semnopithecus and Macacus (Pithex, nobis). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. IX. (1840), pp. 121 1-1213. 72. Classical Terminology of Natural History. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. X. (1841), pp. 26-29. 73. On the Two Wild Species of Sheep (Ovis ammonoides, O. Nahoor) inhabiting the Himalayan Region, with some Brief Remarks on the Craniological Character of Ovis and its Allies. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. X. (1840), pp. 230-234. 74. Illustrations of the Genera of the Bovinae. Part I. Skeletons of Bos, Bibos, and Bison, the Individuals examined being the Common Bull of Nepal, the Gowri Gao of Nepal, and the Yak. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. X. (1841), pp. 449-470. 75. Note on the Cervus elaplius (elaphoides ?) of the Saul Forest of Nepal {hodie C. affinis, nodis). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. X. (1841), pp. 721-724. 76. Notice of the Marmot (Arctomys Himalayanus) of the Himalaya and Tibet. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. X. (1841), pp. 777, 778. 77. On a New Organ in the Genus Moschus. Joiirn. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. X. (1841J, pp. 795, 796. 78. On a New Species of Lagomys inhabiting Nepal (Lagomys Nepal- ensis, nobis). Jotii'n. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. X. (1841) pp. 854, 855. Ann. Nat. Hist., Vol. X. (1842), pp. 76, TJ. HODGSON'S ZOOLOGICAL PAPERS. 37^ 79. Notice of a New Korm of the Glaucopinsc, or Kasorial Crows, in- habiting tlie Northern Region of Nepal — Conostoma ictnodius (Nobis, type). Journ. Asia/. Soc. lien^.. Vol. X. ( 1841), pp. 856. 857. Ann. Nat. Hist., Vol. X. (1842), pp. 77-79. So. Classified Catalogue of Mammals of Nepal fcorrected to end of 1841, fifst printed in 1832). Journ. Asiat. Soc. I>en^., Vol. X. (1841), Pt. 2. pp. 907-<;i6. Calcutta Journ. A'at. Hist., Vol. II. ( 1842), pp. 212-221 ; Vol. IV. (1844J, pp. 2S4, 285. 81. Notice of the Mammals of Tibet. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XI. (1842), pp. 275-288. 82. On the Civet of the Continent of India, Viverra orientalis (/wdie melanunis). Calcutta Journ. .\'at. His/., Vol. II. (i842», pp. 47-56. 83. On a New Species of Prionodon (P. pardicolor). ('alcutta Journ Nat. His/., Vol. II. (1842), pp. 57-60. 84. New Species of Rliizomys discovered in Nepal (R. badius. Bay Bamboo Rat). Calcutta Journ. Nat. His/., Vol. II. (1842). pp. 60, 61, 410, 41 1. 85. European .Notices of Indian Canines, with Kurthtr Illustrations ol the New Genus Cuon vel Chrysicus. Caku//a Journ. Nat. Hist . Vol. II. (1842), pp. 205-209. 86. On a New Species of Mustela '." known to the Ncpalese Commerce as the Chuakhal Mustela? Calotus, nobis. Cahul/a Journ Nat. Hist., Vol, n. (1S42). pp. 221-223. 87. Appendi.x to Account of Cuon primacvus, the Wild Dog, or liuansu Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist., Vol. II. (1842), pp. 412-414. 88. Description of a New Genus of F"alconida" (Aquila pemigra) /<>ur>i Asia/. Soc. Reng., Vol. XII. (1843), pp. 127, 128. 89. Catalogue of Nepalcse Birds. Journ. Asia/. Soc. lu-ng.. Vol .\II (1843), pp. 301 -3 '.1. 447-450- 90. Notice of Two Marmots found in Tibet (Arctomys Himalayanus of Catalogue, potius Tibetensis, hoilic tnihi, and A. Hemachalanus). Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol. XII. (1843), pp. 409-414. 91. On a New Species of Cervus (C. dimorphe). Journ. Asiat. Soc. lirng.. Vol. XII. (1843), pp. 8S9-89S. 92. .Summary Description of Two New Species of Klying Squirrel (Sciuropterus chrysotrix, Sc. senex). Journ. Asiat. So<: Heng , Vol. XIII. (1844), pp. 67, 68. 93. On the Lfiotrirhaiie Birds of thr Sub-Himalayas, with some Additions and Annotations: a Synopsis of the Indian Pari, and of the Indian Kringillidfc, by K. Blyth. Journ Asiat. Sor. Beng., Vol. XIII. (1844). Pt. 2, pp. 933-963- 94. On the Rats, Mice, and Shrews of the Central Region ol Nepal Ann. Na/. His/., Vol. XV. (1845), pp. 266-270. 374 APPENDIX D. 95. Characters of Six New Species of Ncpalese Birds. Ann. Nat. Hist., Vol. XV. (1845), pp. 326, 327. 96. On Nepalese Birds. Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. XIII. (1845), pp. 22-38. 97. On the Wild Sheep of Tibet, with Plates (Ovis ammonoides, mihi). JoiifJi. Asiai. Soc. Bcng., Vol. XV., pp. 338-343. 98. Description of a New Species of Tibetan Antelope (Procapra picticaudata). Jourii. Asiat. Soc. Bc7i|. 1 16. On the Buzzards of the Himalaya and Tibet. Calcutta Jount. Nat. Hist., Vol. VIII (1848), pp. 94-97. 117. Note oil the Kiang. Calcutta Jount. Nat. Hist., Vol. \I1I. (.1848), pp. 98-100. I iS. The Polecat of Tibet, n. sf>. Jount. Asiat. Soc. Heng., Vol. XVIII. (1849), pp. 446-450- 119. On the Takin (Budorcas taxicolor) of the Eastern Himalaya. Jount. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XIX. (1850), pp. 65-75. 120. On the Shou or Tibetan Stag (Cen-us affinis). Jount. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XIX. (1850), pp. \(^(^-\(v^, 518-520. 121. On the Shou or Tibetan Stag (C. affinis, mihi). Jnurn. Asiat. Soc. Bcng., Vol. XX. (1851), pp. 388-394. 122. Catalogue of Nepalese Birds. Jount. Asiat. .b'oc. Bcng., Vol. XXIV. (1855), pp. 572-582. 123. On the Geographical Distribution of the Mammalia and Birds of the Himalaya. Zool. Soc. Proc, Vol. XXIII. (1855), pp. 124-128. 124. On a Now Perdicine Bird (.Sacpha Hodgsoni;t) from Tibet. Jount. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXV. (1856), pp. 165, 166. 125. On a New Species of Lagomys [h. Curzoniae) and a New Mustela (M. temon) inhabiting the North of Sikhim and tlu- Proximate Parts of Tibet. Jount. Asiat. Soc. Bcug., Vol. XX\T. (1857), pp. 207, 208. Ann. Nat. Hist., Vol. I. (1858), p. So. 126. Description of a New Species of Himalayan Mole (Talpa macrura). Jount. Asiat. Soc. Bcug., Vol. XXVII. (1858), p. 176. An/t. Nat. Hist, Vol. II. (1858), p. 494. 127. Notes on Certain Species of Silkworms, Indigenous to India. /ntfia Agric. Soc. Jount., Vol. VI. (1848), pp. 167-181. B. H. Hodgson and K. W. S. Frith. LIST OF MK. HODGSON'S ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS. I. Zoology. I. Specimens: — Birds 9.512 Mammals .... 9^3 Reptiles, etc ^4 Total .... 10,499 All presented to the British Museum in 1843 and 1S58. A series reserved by the Museum for itself, along with all the Reptiles ; and the rest (duplicates) distributed to the ( hief European and American Societies. 376 APPENDIX D. 2. Drawings : — Sheets. Birds 1,241 Mammals . . . . . . . -557 Reptiles 55 Total .... 1.853 The above drawings received back from the British Museum (less the Reptilian ones, which were retained), given in 1874 to the Zoo- logical Society of London. II. Ethnography. 1. Specimens 79 2. Drawings, including duplicates 107 Specimens all given to British Museum. Drawings given to Christie Collection, 46 sheets ; to Anthropological Society of London, 61. LIST OF NEW GENERA AND SPECIES OF MAMMALS FIRST DESCRIBED BY B. H. HODGSON, ESQ. Kindly contributed by Sir William Henry Flower, K.C.B., Director of the Natural History Branch of the British Museum} Order PRIMATES. Family Cercopithecid^. 1. Sctnnopithectis schistacctis, Hodgson. Order INSECTIVORA. Family Talpid^e. 2. Talpa micrura, Hodgson. Family Soricid^e. 3. Soriculus caudatus (Hodgson). 4. ,, macruriis (Hodgson). Order CHIROPTERA. Family Rhinolophid.^. 5. Rhinolophus tragatus, Hodgson. 6. Hipposideriis armiger, Hodgsoa Family VESPERTlLiONiDyE. 7. Synotus Darjelingensis (Hodgson). 8. Vesperiilio formosus, Hodgson. ' I also thank Mr. Lydekker for the actual preparation of this list. HODGSON'S NEW GENERA AND SPECIES. 377 Order CARNIVOl^. Family ViverriD/E. 9. IJnsang pardicolor (Hodgson). 10. Para(iox~itms lani 339"43' i^i- Atkinson, E. T., his Report on Kumattn, 37-9, 42-3, 45-6 ; his Report on Garh7val District, 40. Auckland, Lord, 90, 154. 202-3, 204 ; his policy in Nepal, 154- 226 ; his letters to Hodgson, 165, 168, 183, 190-2, 195 ; his thanks .ind congratulations to Hodgson, 189, 191, 198-9. 203-4: his ap- preciation of Gurklia soldiers, 201 ; his recall, 203. Ajifrecht, Professor, 348. B. Barlovj, Sir George, 19. Batten, Joseph Ha I let, Piincipal of Haileybury College, 15, 22 ; his Jxcporton the Kumaun and Rohilkund Tarai, 39. Bayley, Mr. William Butter- wort li, 93 ; his advice to Hodg- son, 94 ; his advice carried out' by Hodgson, 124. Bayley, Sir Steuart Colvin, K.C.S.I., 94 ; his contributions to Memorials of Old Hailey- bury College, II. Beat, Samuel, a student of Nor- thern Buddhism. 280. Bcndall, Cecil, M.A., 282; his Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrit MSS., 261, 265; his fourney of Literary and A rch- (fological Research in Nepal and Northern India, 282 ; his letter noting a mistaken date of a Nepalese IVIS., 266 ; his higher studies of Buddhism, 280; his views on the bibliographic side of Hodgson's Buddhist work. 282 ; j acknowledgments of his help in 1 this book, 2O1, 338. j Bengal Asiatic Society, its Asia- I tic Researches, 104. 272, 363 ; its I Transactions, 104, 236, 252 ; its Journal, 108, 2^6, 252, 253, 276. I 286, 303, 305, :^hT^ ; Proceedings of the Society, No. 62, 335 ; manuscript records of. 262. 302 ; I contributions of Csoma de Koros and of Blyth to its Journal, 278, :;8o INDEX. 306 ; meeting held in honour of Hodgson, 235-6; its President's address at the meeting of May, 1866, 323; its President (Sir C. EUiolt, K.C.S.I.), 262; Hodgson's gifts to the Society, 261, 266-7, 281, 337-8, 352-3 ; Hodgson as Honorary Member of, ^;^^. Befitinck, Lord William, ap- points Hodgson Resident of Nepal, 109, 124-5; "Sxx?, Resolu- tion declaring that the State education in India should be in the English language, 313 ; Hodgson opposes his views, 318. Bhabar, forest track, 34, 39 ; fauna of, 45. Bhartpur, fort in Nepal, 100, 109. Bhivi Sen llrappa, Prime Minis- ter of Nepal, his relations with Mr. Gardner, 63 ; Prime Minister of Nepal, 98; his policy, 99 ; his war against the English, 100 ; his diplomacy and tactics against the English, loi ; his settlement with Hodgson of the boundaries of Nepal, loi ; his obstruction of commerce between Nepal and India, 103; his ambition, 127; his settlement of the Nepal boun- daries, 128; his conciliatory measures towards Hodgson, 128-9 ; ^is isolation of the British Residency, 129-30; his despotic administration, 131-2; his power over the Raja, 133-5 ! his nego- tiations with Hodgson, 139, 1 40-1 ; his severities to the Pandis, 142 ; his downfall, 142-6, 151-3, 159, 174-6 ; his suicide, 176; his character, 176; indig- nities towards his relations, 177 ; result of his death, 178-9. Bhutan, its commerce, iii. Birds in Kumaun. See Ornitho- logy. Blanford, TV. T., his article in Natural Science, 307-9. Blyth, an ornithologist, authority on Indian birds, 306-7, 2^'^^'], 348-9. Boddaert, his ornithological work in the West, 305. Bodleian Library, Oxford, Hodg- son's gifts to, 266-7, 337' 348-9. Bodos, the, a tribe of hillmen in India, 289-95. Boileau, Colo7iel, 167. BotaTiy of Darjiling and the Himalayas, 246. Bralnnan, education of a, 311. Brahman party , the, in Ne;palese Government, 145, 153-4, 229. Brahffian physicians tortured in Nepal, 172-5. Brahma7iism, Hodgson's opinion on its difference from Buddhism, 273- Brah/naputra, the, its source on the Tibetan side of the Hima- layas, 287. British Museum., Hodgson's gifts to, of his zoological collections, 240, 307-8, 326, 375-8 ; of his orni- thological collections, 308-9, 326; of his Tibetan Buddhist MSB., etc., 270-1, 326, 338 ; Hodgson's donations quoted in the List of the Specimens of Mam.m,alia in the Collection of the British Mttseum, 307-8. Brown, Dr., Grammatical Notices of the Assamese Lan- guage, 297. Brown, Lauretice George, 10. Buddhis^n, Hodgson's collection of original documents on, 264-5, 266-8, 271-2, 337-56, 359; his articles on, 104, 272-6, 362-3, 365-6 ; his defence of, 332 ; his knowledge of, 283 ; contro- versies on, 279-80. Bunsen, his Philosophy of Uni- versal History, 287, 296 ; his opinion of Hodgson's ethnolo- gical discoveries, 286, 331. Bunsen, Georg von, 331. Bunyiu Nanjio, his help, 338. Burke, Edmtmd, referred to, 25. Burnouf, E., his Introduction a r Histoire du Buddhisme In- dien, 264, 267-8, 276-7, 280 ; his letters in Choix de Lettres d' Eugene Burnouf, 268 ; his opinion of Hodgson's Sanskrit and Tibetan collections on Bud- dhism, 264, 266, 271, 276-7. Also 344-8, 337. Bushby, George, Secretary to the INDEX. 381 Government of India, his letters, 192, 216-26. Calcutta, the College of Fort William, 13, 24 ; Hod^-son's gifts to, 266, 270-1, :^T,-], 351. Calcutta, Life and society in, at the beginning of the century, 24-32 ; its trade with China via Nepal, 113, 114, 115. Calcutta Englishman, the, quoted, 321-2. Calcutta Journal of Natural History, Vol. IV., Hodgson's contributions to, 302. Calcutta School Book Society, 319. Caledon, Countess of, aunt to Lady Canning, 256. Campbell, Dr. A., Officiating Assistant to the Resident of Nepal ; his Report, 95-107, iii, 142, 185 ; Superintendent of Darjiling, 249. Canning, George, 20. Canning, Earl, Governor-Gene- ral of India; Hodgson's in- fluence on Lord Canning's deci- sion to accept Gurkhas into the British-Indian army, 110, 255-8. Canning, Lady, her death in the Tarai, 253 ; referred to, 256, 258. Carey, Dr., Grammar and Dic- tionary of the Tibetan Lan- guage, 262. Caul^eld, Colonel, 191-2. Central Asia, Hodgson's account of its trade, 111-5, 126-7. Chamber laiti^ Ge?ieral, 331. Chand dynasty in Kuviau7i , 38-9. Chandra, a Hindu god, 121. Chauntrias, the party of Royal Collaterals in the Nepalese Government, 131, 139, 144, 153, 159, 170, 174, 182, 191, 193-4, 208, 229. China, its trade with India, 113, 127. Christie, Dr., 208. Clarendon, Thomas, second Earl of, his influence on Hodgson, 7, 8. Clerk, Sir George Russell, G. C.S.I. , K.C.B., 18. 223-4. Cloete, General Sir fosias, 31. Codrington, Dr. Oliver, his help acknowledged, 362. Colchester, Lord, his Indian Administration of Lord Ellen- borough, 207, 225. College of Fort William. See Calcutta. College of Surgeons, Hodgson's zoological gifts to, 241. Colvile, Sir James, Advocate- General, Calcutta, and President of the IBengal Asiatic Society, 247-8, 330. Colvin, Sir Auckland, K.C.S.I., 1 6s ; his John Russell Colvin, 168. Colvi?!, John Russell, Private Secretar)' to Lord Auckland, letters from and to, 154, 158, 165, 168, i»3, 188-90, 192, 310. Comber mere. Lord, 100. Conrady, Professor, his MS. re- view of Hodgson's philological work, 297-9. Cortiwallis, Lord, 60. Covcell, Professor, his Catalogue of Hodgson's collection of Bud- dhist Sanskrit literature, 267, 337. 339-43 ; his Buddha- Cartta of Asvaghosha, 273 ; visits Hodgson in Gloucester- shire, 330 ; his help acknow- ledged, 338. Craftiology, Hodgson's studies of, 288-9. Csoma de Koros, Alexander, 278; his Himalayan discoveries con- temporaneous with Hodgson's, 280 ; his letters. Life of, 280. Cunningham, General Sir Alex- ander, 278. Currie, Sir Frederick, 18. Cust, Dr. Needham, 330. 1). Dalhousic, Lord, 18; his reorgani- sation of the Gurkha battalions into regiments, 109, 258 ; on Indian Education, ^s'^z. I Damodar, Prime Minister of Nepal, his execution, 1^6. ' Dam pier, William, 18. ' I Danvers, F. C, his contributiocs :;82 L\DEX. to Memorials of Old Hailey- bury College, ii. Darjilitig, 243-327. Darwin, Charles, 289 ; Variation of Animals and Pla7its taider Domestication^ 303. Davis, Dr., his school at Maccles- field, 8-9. Davis, Dr. Barnard, 286, 288 ; Crania Britannica., 288. Dhimals, the, a tribe of hillmen in India, 289 ; their nomadic cultivation, 292-3 ; their burial rites, 294; their religion, 295. Dictio7iary of National Bio- graphy, referred to, 58, 94, 224. Dost Muhammad, Amir of Afghanistan, 181. D'Oyly, Sir Charles and Lady, their friendship with Hodgson, 28-32, 73-4, 80, 124, 147-9, 161-2; drawings and sketches, 28-9. D'Oyly, General Sir Charles (9th Baronet), 30. Duka, Theodore, M.D., his Life of Alexander Csoma de Kor'ds, 269, 270. Edtuardes, Sir Herbert, his Life of Sir Henry Lawretzce, 86. Eggeling, Professor, his Cata- logue of Hodgson's collection of Buddhist Sanskrit literature, 267, 339-43- Ellenboroiigh, Earl of, pre- disposed against Hodgson and other " Politicals," 90-2, 204 ; his policy and administration, 204-6 ; vacillation regarding Af- ghanistan, 206-7 ; conduct in Nepalese affairs, 210-3, 215-7, 219-25, 227-8, 231-4; letters to Hodgson, 220, 232-3 ; recall of Hodgson as Resident, 212, 222, 223, 231-3 ; result of Lord Ellen- borough's policy in Nepal, 230; recalled by the Court of Directors, 2},2^ ; indignation at the India House against him, 237; Sir J. Colvile's opinion of his conduct to Hodgson, 247. Ellerton, Mr., his vernacular schools at Malda, 319. Elliot, Sir Walter, 330. Elliott, Sir Charles, K.C.S.I., 262. Elliott, Sir Daniel, 19. Elphinstone, the Hon. Mount- stuart, 278. Ethiiological Society elects Hodg- son an Honorary' Fellow, 289, Ethnology, Hodgson's study of, 244-5, 249, 285-99; ^^s ethnolo- gical contributions to learned societies, 285-6, 326, 364. Fane, Sir H, his opinion on the Gurkha soldiers, 110. Fauna of the Hi}?talayas, 45-6 ; Hodgson's studies and dis- coveries in, 302-3, 308-9; his collections and donations of specimens, 240, 307-9, 368-75. Ferdousi, anecdote of, 2. Flower, Sir William, K.C.B.,303, For shall, J., Secretary to the Trustees of British Museum, 240. Eraser, Charles, 18. Friend of India , Mf , 3 1 3 -4 , 3 2 1 - 2 . Gardner, Colonel William Lin- nceus, 58-9, 61. Gardner, Hon. E., Commissioner of Kumaun and Resident at the Court of Nepal, t,-j, 57, 58, 59, 61-2; first British Resident in Nepal, 62-3, 102 ; resigns the service, 70, 124; his peaceful policy as Resident, 102-3 ; his estimate of the Nepalese army, 105 ; his suggestion to employ Nepalese soldiers as mercen- aries, 107. Garrett, H. W., \2>2. Gilbert, Sir Walter Raleigh, 28. Gould, Mr., his ornithological work in the West, 305. Grote, Arthur, President of the Royal Asiatic Society, 330. Gubernatis, Cozcnt Angela di, his INDEX. 3^3 meeting with Hodgson at Flor- ence, 1,331- Gurkha regiments; Hodgson s advocacy of the employment of Gurkha soldiers, 107-9, no, 126, 255-8. iiurkhas, the ; their oppression of Kumaun, ,59, 40 ; their land- assessment and revenue, 46 ; driven out by the British, 46 ; depopulation of Kumaun by their fiscal severities, 47-8 ; their con- quest of Nepal, 60 ; their con- flict with China, 60 ; and with the British, 60-1 ; their defeat and submission, 62. For their subsequent history, sec Nepal. Guru AfaAas/tay, or Hindu school- master, 318. H. Haileybury College, 10, 13-21 ; form of certificate to students on leaving, 22. Hale, family of, 330. Hall, Dr. FitzEdward, Report on Hodgson's gift of Sanskrit, Persian, and Newari MSS. to the India Office, 269, 357. Hamilton, Sir Robert, 19, 88. Hardinge, Lord, 18, 19. Hare, Augustus J. C, 257. Hastings, Marquess of, 28 ; his conquests and wars, 33, 36-7, 61,99, 100' his treaty with Nepal, 100, loi, 102, 155. Hcbcr, Bishop, his Narrative of a yourney through the Upper Provinces of India quoted, 29. Himalayas, trade of, 111-5; their tribes, language, customs, and religion, 284-6, 288-99 ; rivers, 287-8 ; fauna and zoology, 45-6, 244. 253, 302-3, 307-9; height, 245, 249; omitholog)', 46, 251, 304, 307-9 ; botany, 246, 287 ; reptiles, 307-8 ; as a field for Huropean colonisation, 299-300 ; tile development of tea planta- tions in, 300-1. History and Topography of Ash- bourne and the I alley of the Dove, referred to, 4. History of Nepal, by Daniel Wright (.r^tf Wright). 291, 268-9, 326; H. A. Oldtield's Sketches from Nepal {see Oldfield). Hodgson, Sir A rthur, of Clopton, 4, 21. Hodgson, Brian Houghton, his life summarised, 1-6 ; his mother, 6, 7, 8 , her death, 325; school-days at Macclesfield and Richmond, 8, 9 ; nomination to India Civil .Service, 10 ; Hailey- bur)'life. 13-21, 23 ; George Can- ning's visit to his rooms, 20 ; passes out of Haileybury, 22 ; in- fluence of Professor Malthus on his views, 23-4 ; first year in India, 22-32 ; Sanskrit and Per- sian studies, 2)2 ; Assistant to the Commissioner of Kumaun, 32-6 ; Traill's influence on him, 38 ; mountaineering and sport in Kumaun, 43-5 ; taste for natural history, 46; land-assessment of Kumaun, 40-56 ; appointed Assistant Resident in Nepal, 56 ; appointed Deputy Sec- retary in the Persian Depart- ment of the Calcutta Foreign Office, 64 ; illness in Calcutta, 64 ; reappointed Assistant Resi- dent in Nepal, 65 ; his private life in Nepal, described chietlyby his letters, 66-92 ; his help to his family, 67, 76, 88 ; is appointed Acting Resident in Nepal. 70 ; his scientific pursuits, 79, 84. 85 ; his domestic relations, 86 ; serious illness, 87 ; his ascetic life, %"] ; public career as As- sistant Resident in Nepal, 93- 125 ; completes the settlement of the boundary of Nepal. 101 ; collects materials for in- forming the British Government of the militar)', commercial, and judicial strength of Nepal, 103-4 ; h'-'' efforts to draft the Gurkhas into the British army, 104, 109 ; his influence during the Mutiny, 110; his Report on Himalayan and Central Asian trade, 11 1-5; his judicial Re- ports, 116-23: Resident in Nepal, 125, 126-76; settlement 384 INDEX. of boundaries by Hodgson and Bhim Sen, 128 ; Hodgson's en- couragement of trade, 129 ; re- ports to the Governor-General on " the state of parties in Nepal," 131-6 ; insists on deal- ing directly with the Raja, 137; improvement in commercial in- tercourse, 140-1, 180-1 ; corre- spondence with Lady DOyly, 147-9, 161-2; his money anxieties, iSi-2, 167; his confidential ac- count to Lord Auckland of the Gurkhas, 154-7 > ^^^ ill-health, 161 ; his insight into Nepalese intrigues, 164 ; his dangerous situation, 164, 168 ; his apparent indifference, 165-6, 177; suc- cess of his policy, 166; death of his brother William, 166-7 ; impending war in Nepal, 167, 169 ; Hodgson's description of the Nepalese Court, 171-3 ; last four years in Nepal, 177-236; his negotiations with the Raja, 178-84, 190, 228 ; revolt of the Nepalese army, 184; troops promised by Lord Auckland to support Hodgson, 188-9 > ^O"' gratulations on having averted war, 191 -2 ; obtains a coalition Ministry in Nepal, 193 ; friendly declaration of the Nepalese towards the British, 194-5 ; Lord Auckland's reliance on Hodg- son's judgment, 199; final letters of thanks from Lord Auckland to Hodgson, 203-4 ; T-ord Ellen- borough's arrival and change of policy towards Nepal, 204-13 ; Hodgson's review of the matter forty years later, 216 ; change of policy towards Nepal, 217- 221 ; Hodgson's difficulties in Nepal disappear on our success in Afghanistan, 226 ; success- fully carries out Lord Ellen- borough's policy, 226-8 ; predicts evil result of Lord Ellen- borough's policy in Nepal, 230 ; Hodgson's recall by Lord Ellenborough, 231-3 ; ap- pointed Assistant Sub-Commis- sioner at Simla, 233 ; farewell of the Raja and Nepalese to Hodgson, 234 ; his reception in Calcutta, 234-5 ; retires from the service, 236 ; arrival in England, 237 ; resolves to return to India, 239-40 ; disposal of his zoo- logical collections, 240-1 ; his life and work at Darjiling, 243- 327 ; marries Miss Scott, 255 ; takes charge of the education of the heir-presumptive to Nepal, 255-6 ; again advocates the em- ployment of Gurkhas in the Indian army, 255-60 ; his work as an Oriental scholar, 261-83 > ^^^ researches among the non-Aryan and hill races of India, 284-301 ; his work as a naturalist and ornithologist, 302-9 ; the advo- cate of education in the ver- nacular languages of India, 310-24 ; final return to England and last years, 325-35 ; death of his mother, 325 ; illness and death of his father, 325-6 ; Hodgson gives his collections and manuscripts for his H/s- tory of Nepal to the India Office Library, 326-7 ; his home in Gloucestershire, 327 ; death of his first wife, 328 ; second marriage, 328 ; life in England and winters on the Riviera, 328-32 ; his tolerant views on religion, 332 ; his old age and humble opinion of his work and life, 334 ; his death, 335 ; his Miscellaneous Essays re- lating to Indian Subjects, 314- 317; his Illustrations of the Literature and Religion of the Buddhists, 272 ; his Disputa- tion respecting Caste, 274-5 ; his essay On the Physical Geo- graphy of the Hifnalaya, 286 ; his essay On the Kocch, Bodo, and Dhimal Tribes, 289-95 ; his paper on The Mammalia of Nepal, 302 ; his Catalogue of the Mammals of Nepal and Tibet, 302 ; his paper on the Pantholops Hodgsoni, 302 ; his Two Letters on the Education of the People of India, 311,314, INDEX t. ,- 3«^: 315 ; his Collected^ Works, 334. For full lists of Hodgson's MSS., published writings, scientific contributions, and donations, see Appendices, pp. 337-78. Hodgson, Mrs., 165 ; her arrange- ment of Hodgson MSS., etc., 277 ; Dedication to, v. ; List of Illustrations, ix. Hodgson, Edward, 11, 81-2, 151. Hodgson, Fanny, 1 1, 68-77, 80, 82, 85-6, 91-2, 239, 241-2, 245-8. Hodgson, Dr. Robert, Dean of Carlisle, 5, 20 ; his Life of the Rt. Rev. Beilby Porteus, D.D., Bishop of London, 9. Hodgson, William, 11, 69, 70, 75, 80, 88, 151, 166, 167. Hooker, Sir foseph Dalton, K.C.S.I., C.B., F.R.S., his Himalayan fournals, or Notes \ of a Naturalist, 243-5 ; \i\s Re- collections of Hodgso?i's Darji- \ ling days, 248-55 ; his Flora \ Indica, 287 ; his opinion of Hodgson's life and researches, I 243-4, 253; he joins Hodgson, ] 245 ; last visit to Hodgson, 334. Hooker, Sir William, father of Sir Joseph Hooker, 247. Horsfteld, ornithological work in the East, 305. Houghton, Catherine, 5. Houghtofi, William, 5. Howell, yl. Z'., 318. Humboldt, Baron von, correspon- dence with Hooker, 246, 253; and Hodgson, 253; letter to Sir J. Colvile, 286. ' Hume, Alia?! Octavian, C.B., review On Hodgsons's Ornitho- logical Work, 304-7 ; his Game Birds of India, Burma, and Ceylon, 334. Hunter, Sir William Wilson, K.C.S.I., his Life of Dalhousie, 109 ; his Catalogi/e of Sanskrit Manuscripts collected in Nepal by Brian Houghton J/odgson, 264, 271 ; his Comparative Dic- tionary of the Languages of India and High Asia, 269 ; his Bengal Alusalmans and its dedication to Hodgson, 334 ; his impression of Hodgson, 328-9. Ilutton, ornithological work in thr Kast, 305. I. India Ojjice Library, Hodgson's gifts to, 261, 266, 270, 326-7, m-'^. 344. 357-61. India Office MSS., Secret Con- sultations, etc., 128-31, 137-9, 173, 176, 178, 182, 191, 208, 210 ; Lieutenant F. Smith's Statement, 208-10; Records, 233. Indiafi Educatioti Commission , Report of, 311, 324. India?! Mutiny, 109, 255-6, 258. Indus, the, its source, 287. Institute of France, Hodgson's gifts to, 261, 268, 338 ; honours conferred on Hodgson by, 268, 332-3- faeschkc, a Danish missionary, 280. fang Bahadur, Prime Minister of Nepal, 98, 139, 23 ) ; Hodg son's influence on, no, 254-6; his life summarised, 146; hr requests Hodgson to direct the education of his son-in-law, 255 ; he commands the (iurkha army for the British during the Mutiny, 258. Jaquct, his letters to Hodgson. 277. Jardinc, Sir William, omitlio- logical work, 305. Jeffrey, Lord, 16, 17, 302. ferdoft. Dr. J'. C, 306-7 ; his Birds of India, 309. jfodhpur, capitulation of, 138 ; intrigues between Nepal and, 164, 173. Jodrell, of Hcnbur)-, 8. fournal des Savants, 279, 338. Kabul war, its effect on Nepal. 8S, 164, 200 ; the Nepalese threaten war, 168-9, 177, 190; the warlike attitude of the ^5 386 INDEX. Nepalese, 181-2 ; our reverses exaggerated and consequent warlike preparations in Nepal, 188 ; Lord HUenborough's vacil- lating policy in Kabul, 206-7. Kahgyur, the, one hundred and twenty-three volumes containing the doctrine and moral precepts of Buddha, 269 ; presented to Hodgson by the Grand Lama of Tibet and given by Hodgson to the India House, with another copy to the College of Fort William, 270, 338. KasJnath Mull, of Benares, his lawsuit in the courts of Kath- mandu, 208-10. Kathtnandu, commercial routes to, III ; its merchants, 112; its commerce, 113 ; the British posi- tion at, 131; secret envoys at, 173. Kayc, Sir "John William, quoted, 215. Ki7ichinjinga, 245, 249. Knollys, Colonel W. W., memoir of Sir Jasper Nicolls, 224. Knox, Captain, 142. Kocch, the, Hodgson's study of their language, etc., 289-95. Koros, Cso77ia de. See Csoma de Koros. Kumaun and Garhwal, 33-58 ; effect of our conquest of Kumaun on the Nepal war, 61-2 ; com- merce of Kumaun, iii. L. Laidlaw, student of the Karen tongue, 296. Lake, Lord, 58. Lamas, of Kathmandu and Tibet, 250, 252 ; their reception of Aus- tine Waddell as Amitabha or the Western Buddha, 282-3. Lassen, Professor Charles, his welcome of Hodgson's ethnologi- cal discoveries, 286 ; his letter to Hodgson, 295. Latham, Ethnology of the British Colonies, 289 ; his Varieties of Man, 295 ; his ethnological work in the West, 305. Lawrejzce, Lord, his nomination to Haileybury College, 14. I Lawrence, Sir Henry, his opinion ' on Gurkha soldiers, no ; Resi- dent in Nepal, 233, 234. ^,,« J Layard, 289. Le Bas, Professor, 1 5. LJst of honours^ etc., conferred on Hodgson, 333. Logan^ his Journal of the Lndian Archipelago quoted, 295. Long, Rev. James, his Preface to Adam's Reports, 318, 320. Lydekker, his list of Hodgson's discoveries quoted, 303, 376. M. Macaulay, Lord, his views on Education in India, 310, 318. MacGregor, General Sir George, C.B., 258. Mackintosh, Sir Jatnes, 16. MacNabb, Sir Donald, 331. Maddock, Sir Herbert, Resident of Nepal, 107, 125, 129; secret despatch from Hodgson to, 171. Malcolm, Sir John, his views on the responsibility of British Agents at Native Courts, 214, 215. Ma lies on. Colonel, 258 ; his His- tory of the Indian Mutiny, 258. Mallet, Sir Louis, 331. Malthus, Professor, at Hailey- bury, 15, 16; his influence on Hodgson, 23. Mafnmals, Hodgson's contribu- tions on, collections and dona- tions of, 244-5, 302-3, 307-9, 363, 368-78. Mangles, Ross Donelly.^ 19. Manuscripts, Hodgson's collec- tions and donations of, Appen- dices, 337-61. Marshall, his ornithological work with Hume, The Game Birds of India, Burma, and Ceylon, 334- Martin, Henry, 27. Martineau, Miss, 16. Malabar Singh, Prime Minister in Nepal, 132, 135, 142, 143, 145, 146, 149. 150, 151. 153. 158, J59» 162, 172-5, 229 ; his murder, 229. INDEX. 3^7 A/ay, Mr., a missionary, his ver- nacular schools in India, 319. McLeod, Sir Donald, 330. AIcMurdo, General ^tr Mania- gu, 331. Megasthenes, Greek Ambassador to India in 300 n.c, 311. Memorials of Old Haileybury College, II, 14. Merivale, his Life of Sir Henry Lawrence, 230. Metcalfe, Lord, 1 50. 1 54, 1 57- Miller, Professor Thomas, 278, 299. 330. Mtnto, Lord, 61. Mitra, Rajendra Lala, his San- skrit Buddhist /literature of Nepal, 32, 65, 103-4, 1 16-7, 267, 311; his Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit MS S., 266-7; 270, 280, 311, 339. Mohl, Jules, letters to Hodgson, 277. Moira, Lord. See Hastings. Monier Williams, Sir, 11, 331. Mowat, Sir F., 288. A/iiller, Professor Max, 286-7, 296, 330. 11?^^ 338- A/useums,oi Paris, Leyden, Edin- burgh, Dublin, etc., Hodgson's gifts to, 308, 326 ; British, sec British Museum. N. Nahuys, General the Baron I/uibert Gerard, marriage to Ellen, sister of B. H. Hodgson, 10 : letters to Hodgson, 325. Nahuys, Baron Pierre, 1 1 ; mar- riage with Frances, Hodgson's youngest sister, 11, 80; Hodg- son's visit to them, 239. Napier, Sir Charles, his opinion on Gurkha soldiers, no. Nepal, war and treaty with, 36-7, 58, 62-3 ; Nepal after the war, 124 ; crisis in, brought on by the Kabul war, 88 ; war prevented by the skilful management of Hodgson, 95 ctscq.; government of Nepal by the Queen- Regent and P>lum Sen Thappa, its Prime Minister, 98-101 ; trade between Nepal and India, 103, 104, 127, 199; military service, 105; Hodg- son's Report on Nepal, 11 1-5, 126; judicial system, 115-23, 166; boundaries of Nepal, loi, 127-8 ; commerce, 128, 147, 180 ; parties in Nepal, 13 1-6 ; the war party, 138-9 ; commercial treaty with the English, 140 ; criminal extradition, 149-51, 166, 181 ; military organisation remodelled by Raghunath Pandit, the Brah- man Prime Minister, 160-1 ; pre- parations for war against the British, 167-9, 177, 182, I^8, 190, 198 ; intrigues of the Court against the Residency, 177, 183, 185, 188 ; marriage of the heir- apparent, 179, 180, 183; nego- tiations between Hodgson and Nepal, 179-81, 183-4, '9°; attack on the British frontier, 183-4; attack on the Residency, 185-6; change of ministry, 191, 193 ; cruel disposition of the heir-ap- parent, 196, 227 ; death of the Senior Queen, 199; outrage on the Residency, 208-10; British support withdrawn, 226-7 ; Mata- bar Singh appointed Prime Minis- ter and murdered, 229; deposition and imprisonment of the Raja, 230 ; Jang Bahadur appointed Prime Minister, 230 ; Sir Henry Lawrence appointed Resident, 233 ; affectionate farewell of the Raja and Nepalese to Hodgson, 234 ; Nepalese soldiers during the Mutiny. 258 ; ancient manu- scripts of Nepal, 265-6 ; Hodg- son's gifts of Nepalese MSS. to learned Societies, 260-7 ; the dialects and literature of Nepal, Nciv march. General Sir Oliver, K.C.S.I., 100, 259. Nicholetts, Lieutenant C. //., Assistant Resident in Nepal, his Narrative of /ivents in Nepal, 184, 191, 196-7. 202, 207, 227, 229, 230. Nicholson, fohn, of Balrath, friendship with Hodgson, 8. Nicolls, Sir Jasper, his opinion 388 INDEX. on Gurkha soldiers, io8; in- structions to, when Commander- in-Chief, 206 ; his advice in regard to the Kabul war, 224. Nofth, Miss, 330. Nott, General, 207, 224. O. Ochterlony, General, 106-7. Oglander, Colo7iel, 167. Oldfield, Dr. Henry Ambrose, M.D., his Sketches from Nepal, Historical and Descriptive, loo-i, 146, 159, 168, 175, 187-8, 192, 196, 208, 231, 326. Oldham, Dr., his work Oji the Geological Structure of the Khasi Hills, 296. Oliver, General., R.A., 328. Ornithology, Hodgson's study of, 46, 251-2, 303-9; Hume's works on, 305, 334 ; various orni- thologists quoted, 305-6 ; Hodg- son's ornithological collections and donations, 307-8, 326 ; cata- logue of his ornithological papers, 368-75- O' Shatighnessy, Professor Sir W., his Address to the Medical College, Calc2itta, 321. Ozidh, boundary between Nepal and, loi. Owen, Professor, his selection from Hodgson's presentations to the College of Surgeons, 241 ; his reception of Hodgson's eth- nological discoveries, 286 ; his Report to the British Associa- tion quoted, 289. 0;^;-6?'j welcome to Hodgson, i. Paget, Sir Edward, Commander- in-Chief, 106. Panjani, the annual vacating of offices, 130, 131, 137, 153. Pattison, Maxey and James, 6, 10, II, 20. Pekin, its trade route to St. Petersburg, 112; and to India via Nepal, 112. Pelly, ^;>- Z^ztzir, diplomatist, 331. Pemberton,h\s Report on Bhutan, 288. Philology, Hodgson's researches and discoveries in, 289-98. Physical geography of the Hima- layas, 286-7 » Hodgson's discus- sions with Sir J. Hooker on, 253- Pollock, Major-General, 206. Porteus, Bishop of Chester and London, 5, 9. Prinsep, Henry Thoby, 179, 222 ; letter of congratulation to Hodgson, 191 ; informs Hodgson of Lord EUenborough's intended concealment of Hodgson's re- call, 222 ; advises Hodgson to accept the overtures made by Lord Ellenborough, 225; warns Hodgson of Lord EUenborough's dislike, 228 ; one of the principal representatives of the Oriental- ists in the controversy on Ver- nacular Education in India, 310. Prinsep, James., 252, 302. R. Raffl.es., his ornithological work in the East, 305. Raghunath Pandit, 145, 153-4, 159, 160, 162-3, 170, 193. Rajefidra Lata Mttra. SeeM\\.xdL. Ranbir Singh, 142-4, 174. Rajijang Pandi, leader of the Pandi faction in Nepal, 145-96. Ranjit Singh, 137, 176. Rawlinson, 289. Reid, T. We?nyss, his Life of Lord Hozighton, 247. Remus at, Abel, 279. Reiian, 331. Reptiles, Hodgson's collection of, 307-8, 375-6. Ricketts, Sir Henry, K.C.S.L, 19. Robertson, Ho7i. J. €., 223-5. Rockhill, Wbodville, student of Northern Buddhism, 280. Rohillas, in Kumaun, 38-9. Roll, Sir John, 330. Ross-of-Bladensburg, 61-2. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 4, 5. Russia, its trade in Asia, 112-3, 127. INDEX. 389 Sarnie- Beuve, 302. Salisbury, Lar/y, 19. Sanpu, the, 288. Sanskrit AISS., Hodgson s. Sec Manuscripts and Buddhism. Sarat Chandra Das. 280. Schie/ner, A., 281. Schlangintweit, 280. Schmidt, I. J., 280. Scott, Miss Anne, daughter of General H. A. Scott, R.A., her marriage with B. H. Hodgson, 255 ; her illness in Darjiling, 295, 325 ; her death, 327. Scott, General Henry Alexander, R.A., 255 ; his death, 328. Secret Consultations. See India Office MSS. Segaiili, treaty of, 62, loi. Selections from the Records of the Government of Bengal, Vol. XXVn.. 104, 108, III, 1 17-8, 300. Shaw, 305. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 7, 25. Shore, Hon. Frederick, 19. Smith, Lieutenant F., 217. Stnith, Dr. George, 27. Smyth, William, 7 ; his influence on Hodgson's early life. 15. Socicte Asiatitjue dc Paris, Hodg- son's gifts to. 261, 266-7, 281, 337. 339-43, .149-50, 353; its founder and first secretary. 279 ; bestows a gold medal on Hodgson, 268, 27V, 333. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 319. Stangyur, two hundred and twenty-four volumes containing commentaries on the Kahgyur andtreatises on Tibetan religious rites, ceremonies, arts, philo- sophy, and sciences, 269, 270 ; two sets presented by Hodgson to the India House and the College of Fort William, 270, 338. Stcivart, Captain, 3U;. Strachey, Sir John, 34-5. Stuart, Robert, 55. Summers, Professor J„ his Phoenix, a monthly magazine for Eastern Asia, 104, 272. Surya, a Hindu god, 121. Sutlej, the, its source, 2S7. Sykes, his ornithological work in the Hast quoted, 305. T. Tarai, the, 34. icoi, 105 ; its revenue, 106; its boundaries, 128; its unhealthiness, 199; I^dy Canning dies of fever caught in passing through, 253 ; Hodgson prevented from crossing, 212 ; Sir J. Hooker's description of it, 253-4 ; the proposal to restore the Western Tarai to Nepal, 257; language of its people, 292. Taivney, Professor, 330. Teign mouth. Lord, 19. Temminck, 305. Thackeray, IV. i1/., 25. Thappas, the faction headed by Bhim Sen. 145. 172. Thompson, his Fl^ra Indica, 287. Thornton, Edward, his History of the British Empire in India quoted, 206, 224, 233. Thugs, 150. 183, 199. Tibet, its commerce via Nepal, 113; its language and litera- ture, 262-3 ; its manuscripts, 263-4 ; the early use of paper in. 265 ; Hodgson's collections of Tibetan classics. 269-71, 338; the Buddhism of, 273-6, 283 ; the dog of, 302. Tickcll, J. R., \\\s Excerpts from the Letters of the Resident at A'athmatidu to Goiernmcnf, 128-9, 139- 141. 143. '49- '54. '59. 160, 162-4, 169, 174-5. 17^^-9. 182 ; his ornithological work in the East, 305. Townshend, Rii: Chambrt, of Derry, 328. Townshend, Susan, 328. Traill, George William, 36-56, 57, 116, 215; his Report on Kumaun, 33-55. 'Jrevelyan, Sir Charles, 310. Trn>elyan, Sir George Otto. M.P., 310. iK^- 390 INDEX. Tripurt, the Maharani, 95-8, 102 ; her death, ii-] ; its effect on Nepalese affairs, 129-31, etc. Trotter, Ca;ptai?i L. J., 200. Turnout-, 279. V. Vansjttart, Captain Eden, his Notes on the Gurkhas, no. Vartma, a Hindu god, 121. Vasarfiapi Ujsag, 309. Verfiac7ilar Education in India, Hodgson's efforts towards ex- tending, 251-3, 310-24; schools and colleges for, 316-9, 321-2, 324 ; Macaulay's view, 313 ; Hodgson's opposition to that view, 313-5, 318; Mr. John Adam's view, 318-9. W. Waddell, L. A us tine, M.B., 280-97. Walden, 305. Walter, Henry, 15, 46. Weber, Albrecht, 268, 277-8, 280-1. Wellesley, Marquess, 13, 60 ; his " Politicals," 93 ; his system of Protectorates, 99. Wigratn, Percy ^ 11. wTlloughby, Sir John Pollard, 19. Wilson, C. R., 262. Wilso7i, Dr. yohn, 320. Wilson, Horace Hay man, 61. Wood, Sir Charles, 357. TVootten Lodge, Staffordshire, 4. Wright, Daniel, M.A., M.D., 95-6, 98, 100, 127, 163, 196, 326. Yak, the Himalayan cow, 45, 302. Yama, a Hindu god, 121. Yule, Sir Henry, 330. Zoology, Hodgson's papers on collections, and donations, 240-1, 244, 302-9, 363, 368-78. Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. WORKS BY SIR WILLIAM WILSON HUNTER. THE ANNALS OF RURAL BENGAL. Sixth Editiox. l6s. " It is hard to over-estimate the importance of a work whose author succeeds in fascinalinp: us with a subject so generally regarded as unattractive, and who on questions of grave importance to the future destiny of India gives the results of wide research and exceptional opportunities of personal study, in a bright, lucid, forcible narrative, rising on occasion to eloauence." — Times. 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