LIBRARY OF THK University of California. MRS. MARTHA E. HALLIDIE. Class :^).)^V?-?!J S^U'^cic^'6^^1;^^'^ y'^^Af\^f\r\'^^^'2f\r^, A. S. W AULID IE, SAN FRANCISCO. if€W iiiiicLkV' .^;ar^qA?^^'*^w Pi ^fsf\^^^f\f\^m ftWi^^Ank^^SXS^ ^&'^^^^^ ^m^'^^M i&i ?\^*AA^' ^"^''"^■Wmm^T^:, ^mm '^^?^r!?!^»*RfPtJ^P'^?©«^^W ^^m^ 'm^^m^if- ^5<^^>^A^:'^'^^ ^^bKf^^AhhK V^aaa 81^^, '"A^'^^/^An' M^-afis AA..f\A^V:^J5 ^0^ r'^^.^^^«*^^/* '«« 1 ^tndd:i '?««??; mm- ^a'^.K^A. "^flii* ^A^i*!.- X-. 1 =? f '> i\,ri -^"•.-•^.....v ^. d^ U^- S-^-^^^^'-^-T^^" A GENERAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, AREANGED IN CLASSES, OFFERED FOE SALE BY BERFARD QUARITCH. The benefit which is derived from literature will depend, not so much upon the literature itself, as upon the skill with which it is studied, and the judgment with which it is selected." — JBwcWe's Civilization, i. 1858, p. 247. LONDON: 15 PICCADILLY, 1870. V ^ 'T LONDON : G. NORMAN AND SON, PKINTEES, MAIDEN LANE, COYENT GARDEN. London^ 15 Piccadilly, July 1870. NOTICE. The present volume comprises a complete copy of the latest Series of my Catalogues, issued from January 1869 to July 1870. They are here bound up, in the order of their issue, with a Table of Contents, and a hrief Index, the compilement and publication of a comjolete one, such as accom- panied the series of catalogues for 1868, having been found too laborious and expensive. I continue to devote all my energies to the service of Collectors, Scho- LAE3 and Librarians, and I trust that the present Catalogue, embodying the bibliographical labours of my establishment during the last eighteen months, will sufficiently demonstrate to the public how far I deserve their patronage. Every kind of literary or bibliographical Commissions can be executed ; and all important Sales in England and on the Continent are attended by me personally. BERNARD QUARITCH. 93493 CONTENTS. PAGES Periodicals, CxcLOPiEDTAS, Publications of Learned Societies, Issues of Private Presses . . . 1 — 74 European Philology, Poltglotts, Languages and Literature OF the Minor INationalities op Europe . . 75 — 119 European Manuscripts ..... 120—141 Paljeographt, Diplomatics, G-lossartes, Penmanship, Biblio- graphy OF MS. Literature . . . . 141 — 148 Occult Sciences, "Worships, Philosophical Sects . . 148 — 159 Geography, Voyages, and Travels . . . . 102 — 224 America .... 206—224 AmericaQ Languages . . . 224 — 225 Sciences (the) and Natural History . . . 226—315 Games, Sports, and Exercises . . . . 316 — 331 Cookery .... 825 Music, Songs ... . 325—331 Proverbs of all Nations . . . . . 331 Bibliography, Literary History, Typography . . 332—349 Military Sciences . . . . . . 349 — 353 Naval Sciences . . . . 353 Parliamentary History, Political Economy, Law . . 354 — 361 Bibles and Testaments ... . . . 371 — 392 Theology, Ecclesiastical History . .. . . 392 — 422 Passionals, Lives of Christ . 405—407 Liturgical Literature . . . 412 — 422 Classics . . . . . . 422—458 Latin Miscellanies . • . . 454 — 458 English Books ..... 459 — 543 England .... 527—530 Ireland . . . . 530—536 Scotland .... 537—540 "Wales . . . . . 540—543 Erench Literature • . . . . . 544 — 500 German Literature .... 500 — 569 Italian Literature ..... 569—591 Italian Language .... 569 „ Dialects .... 570 „ Bibliography .... 591 Italy ..... 588 Manuscripts ..... 592 Antiquities, Heraldry, Genkalogical History, Chroni- cles, Arch^ologt, Chro:ifed with types in al- most perfect facsimile tf the original Manu- Bcript, with some plates of exact facsimiles, siL price (f the complete work, £32, or each volume separately, £6. Eomce, 1868 Only 250 copies will be printed. Vol. V is already issued, containing the New Testament, which can be supplied for £6. The first four volumes will appear in course of time, containing the Old Testament ; and the sixth will be published last, with critical notes, lists of alter- ations, etc. The immense superiority of this fa- mous MS. to all the other early codices may be conceived from the admitted fact that it was written in the fourth century of the Christian era. It has never before been published except in an unsatisfactory and unreliable edition. BUCKLE, History of Civilization in Eng- land, (the second volume contains Civihzation in Spain and Scotland) 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. Zls) cloth, 3U 1864-66 the same, new edition, 3 vols, post 8vo. (pub. at 24,«) cloth, 205 1868 EASTLAKE'S Household Taste in Tur- niture, Upholstery, etc. 8vo. plates, some colored, aud. nnmei'oiis woodcuts, (pub. 18^) cl. \5s 1868 HICKESII Linguarum Vett. 8eptentrion- alium Thesaurus grammatico-criticus et archsBO- logicus, 3 vols, folio, portrait and plates, calf, £3. 3* Oxon. 1703-5 HOFFMANN'S Japanese Grammar, royal 8vo. XIII and 352 pp. xd. 10* Leiden, 1868 A most copious Japanese Grammar. JAMrS Salaman and Absal, an allegory, translated from the Persian (by E. Fitzgerald), %yo. frontispiece, cloth, Zs Qd 1856 An elegant metrical version of a celebrated mystical love-poem. It faithfully renders the sj»irit and character of the original, thus afifording a valuable contribution for the study of the Sufi literature. The translator is known by his admir- able version of the Quatrains of 'Omar Khayyam. KEMBLE'S Horae Ferales, or Studies in the Archteology of the Northern Nations, edited by A. Franks, impl. 4to. 34 plates of prehistoric Art, most of them colodred, (pub. at £3. 3*) cloth, £2. 1863 Full of valuable materials. The late Mr. Kemble made important excavations in Northern Germany. KINGLAKE'S Invasion of the Crimea, its Origin and Progress to the Death of Lord Haglan, 4 vols. 8vo. maps, (pub. £^. Ss) cloth, £2.12s6d 1863-68 the same, Vols. 3 and 4, second edition, front. (just published at 34s) cloth, 28s 6d 1868 LEPSIUS, the XXII. Egyptian Royal Dynasty, with some remarks on the XXVI and other Dynasties of the New Kingdom ; trans- lated by Dr. Bell, 4to. with 2 folding plates, cloth, 6s 6d 1858 LUEBKE'S History of Art, translated by Bunnett, 2 stout vols, royal 8vo. with 403 wood- cuts, (pub. £2. 2s) gilt cloth, 35s 1868 The only complete History of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, comprising : 1. Ancient Art ; 2. Classic Art ; 3. Art of the Middle Ages ; 4. Art of Modern Times up to the 19th Century. MARRYAT'S History of Pottery and Porcelain, Mediteval and Modern, third edition, 8vo. 6 coloured plates and many woodcuts, in- cluding potter's marks, (pub. at £2. 2*) cloth gilt, £1. 155 1868 MARSHMAN'S History of India, from the earliest period to the close of Lord Dal- housie's administration, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. (pub. 22s6d) cloth, \8s9d 1867 MITCHELL'S Practical Assaying, edited by Crookes, third edition, thick 8vo. pp. 697 and Ivii, numerous woodcuts, (pub. 21*) cloth, lis 6d 1868 NORTHCOTT'S Lathes and Turning, simple, mechanical and ornamental, 8vo. 239 illustrations, (pub. I8s) cloth, I5s 1868 PURCHAS'S Directorium Anglicanum: being a Manual of Directions for the Right Cele- bration of the Holy Communion, for the Saying of Matins and Evensong, and for the Decent and Orderly Performance of all other Rites, Func- tions, Offices, and Ceremonies, of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England, edited by the Rev. Frederick Geoegb LEE, D.C.L. small 4to. best large type edition, with 16 plates of Church Ceremonies, (pub. at 2l«) vellum, 10s 6d 1865 This celebrated work of the extreme High Church is full of Learning, and of interest to all who study Church questions. The new edition, which is sold for I2s is printed in small type, and omits the Psalms in some of the Services. SCOTT RUSSELL'S Naval Architecture, consisting of 167 Line Engravings, and 724 Pages of Descriptive Text, 3 vols, atlas folio, {published hy Day S^ Sons, at £42.) unbound, £2. 2s 1865 The bulk of this work is so great that a charge of 5* is made for packing. Such an enormous re- duction has seldom been witnessed in the price of a valuable new book. Over-production is the cause. WATSON'S (J. Y.) Indian Plants. Index to the Native and Scientific Names of Indian and other Eastern Plants and Products, imperial 8yo. 637 pp. double cols. (pub. at £\. 11* %d) qloth, 26* 3d ;8§§ PERIODICALS, CYCLOPAEDIAS,x.c. ,op^^ ^ PUBLICATIONS OP LEARNED SOCIETIES^ " ISSUES OP PRIVATE PRESSES. ABBOTSFORD Club: 1 ROMANCES of Sir GUY of WAEWICK, and Eembrun his son ; now first edited from the Auchinleck MS. stout 4to. black letter, plates, cloth, £2. 2s Edinhuryh, 1840 Only 100 copies were printed. " This metrical Romance is allowed to surpass all the other Ciub publications in a philological point of view, and as illustrative of ancient manners." 2 LIBER CoNVENTUS S. Katherine Senensis prope Edinburgum, 4to. cloth, uncut, 15^ ih. 1841 3 GARDYNE'S (A.) Garden of grave and godlie flowers; Garden's Theatre of Scottish Kings ; with miscellaneous poems by Z , IjV^-dye, 4A.0. printed withm horders, hf. morocco, uncut, 25* ih, 1845 4 HAWES (Stephen) Conversyon of Swerers and a Joyful! Medytacyon to all Englonde of the Coronacyon of Kynge Henry the Eyght, 4to. woodcuts^ Us. £2. 2s ih. 1854 5 A PENNI WORTH OF "VVITTE : Florice and Bkuncheflour ; and other Pieces of Ancient English Poetry, selected from the Auchinleck MS. 4to. cloth, 36-4. 10* ib. 1857 Abbeville Society: 6 Memoires de la Societe d'Emulation, 1857 a 1860, thick 8vo. plates, sd. 5s Abbeville, 1861 ACADEMIE des Sciences de Paris: 7 Memoires de l'Institut National des Sciences et des Arts: Sciences Morales et Politiques, 3 vols. 1798-1814 Litterature et Beaux-Arts, 5 vols. 1798-1814 Savans Etrangers, Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques, 2 vols. 1806-11 Base du Systeme Metrique Decimal, par Delambre, Tom. I. a III. rare ^ 1806-10 Kapports et discussions de toutes les classes de l'Institut sur les ouvrages admis au concours pour les prix decenniaux 1810 Memoires presentfts par divers savans, a I'Academie des Sciences, 15 vols. 1827-58 Academic des Inscriptions, Savans etrangers, Ire serie.Tom. 2-5, in 5 vols. 1846-50 2me Serie, Antiquites de France, Vols. 1-5, in 7 vols. 1843-65 Academic des^Sciences Morales et Politiques, 2me Serie, Tom. 1-9 1837-55 Savans Etrangers, sciences morales, Tom. I-II. 1841 47 — together, 54 vols. 4to. with niawj plates, sewed and in bds. £25. Paris, 1798-1865 8 Memoires de I'Academie : Comptes Rendus, 1847 a 1861, Tom. XXIV-LII, 29 vols. — Tableau General dee Comptes Rendus, Tomes Ire a XXXI, 1835-50, 1 vol. 1853— Supplement aux Comptes Rendus, Tome 1, 1856 — together 31 vols. 4to. twenty-one vols, neat in hf. calf, and ten sd. a very neat set, £10. , ib. 1847-61 9 TxlBLEAU GENERAL raisonne methodique des ouvrages contenus dans les Memoires de I'Academie jusques 1788, 4to. sd. rare, £2, Faris, 1791 ACCLIMATISATION Society of PARIS: 10 Bulletin mensuel de la Societe Imperiale Zoologique d'Acclimatation, Ire Serie : Tom. lY-X, (without IV. Nos. 9, 10 ; V, 3, 4 ; IX) ; 2iome Serie: Tom. I-III no 7, (without III. no 6) — together 3 vols, and 75 numbers, 8vo. (pub. 100 francs) sd. 32* Faris, 1857-66 JELFRIC Society: 11 PUBLICATIONS of the^lfric Society, the Complete Series, the Homilies of ^Ifric, parts 1-10 — Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, 2 parts — The Dia- logues of Solomon and Saturn, 3 parts, edited by J. M. Kemble — together 15 parts, 8vo. sd. scarce, £2. 10s 1843-48 12 — the same, the Homilies of ^Ifric, Parts, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8— Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, Part I. — Dialogues of Salomon and Saturn, Part II. — together 7 parts, 8vo. sd. 10s 18i3-47 - Jl 2 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Agricultural Society of ENGLAND : 13J0UENAL of the Eoyal Agricultural Society, Piest Seeies. Nos. 17-53 (without 44, 46, 50, 3 nos.) forming Vols. VII-XXV. Second Seeies, Nos. 1-6, forming "Vols. I-III, with I]s^dex to the Tirst Series, 8vo. (pub. £17. Is) uncut, £5. 1846-67 Agricultural and Horticultural Society of INDIA : 14 TEANSACTIONS and Proceedings, from the beginning in 1835, the complete set of the above, 8 vols. 8vo. £4. 10s Calcutta, 1838-51 15 the same. Vols. I-III, and the Proceedings separate, for 1840 and 1842, Jan. to June, (1840 wants No. for October) forming Vols. I, II, of the Trans- actions, and I-IV. No. 6 of the Proceedings — 3 vols, and 17 parts, 8vo. 2 vols, cloth, 1 hf. calf, rest sd. 25s ib. 1839-42 16 Monthly Joue:n^al, continued under the title JorETTAL, from beginning in 1842, Vols. I — IX pt. 3, and X pt. 1, 8vo. numerous plates, some coloured, in parts, £4. 10* ib. 1842-57 17 the same. Vols. Ill, IV, V, pts. 1-3 ; VII, VIII. (wanting pt. 2), IX. — together 6 vols. 8vo. one vol. clothy the 7^est sewed, £2. IQs ib. 1844-57 18 the same. Vol. VII separatelyy 8vo. with map of the Tea tracts dis- covered by Bruce in 1839, bds. 10s 1840 Contents of Vol. VII. — Bruce's Report on the manafacture of Tea, pp. 38— Masters' Calcutta Flora, pp. 45 — On the Mezangurree Silk of Assam, and the plants whereon the worm feeds — On the different breeds of Cattle on the Western side of the Peninsula of India, pp. 18 ; etc. 19 ALMANACH de GOTHA, 16mo. various volumes from 1813 to 1866, nu- merous plates and portraits, sold separately Gotha, 1813-66 20 Genealogisches Taschenbtjch der GEIFLICHEN Hauser, for the years 1844-9, 52-55, 57, 58, 59 and 1865— together 14 vols. 16mo. portraits, cloth, 205 1844-65 21 Genealogisches Taschenbuch der EEEIHERELICHEN Hauser, for the years 1848-9, 55, 57, 59—5 vols. 16mo. portraits, cloth, 10s 1848-59 22 AMERICAN ALMANAC and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the years 1830-60, 31 vols. sm. 8vo. twenty-seven vols. hf. bd. and four sewed, £S. lOs Boston, 1830-60 A most useful periodical, comprising a Calendar for each year, Astronomical informa- tion, miscellaneous hints and observations, statistical and other particulars respecting the United States and all other countries. AMERICAN Academy : 23 Memoies of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Eiest Series, 1783, Vol. I. (series completed in 4 vols.) bd. Boston, 1785 — JVeio Series, Yols. I to YI, YIII, Cambridge, 1833-63 — together 4 vols, and 8 pts. 4to. plates, 568. 1785-1863 24 the same. New Series, Yols. I, II, Y, YI, 4to. two thick vols, cloth, and four parts, numerous plates, some coloured, £S. Cambridge, U. S. 1833-59 25 the same, New Series, Yol. I. 4to. coloured maps and plates, cloth, 12s 1833 Contents : Several interesting and valuable articles, amongst which are :— Jackson and Alger on the Mineralogy and Geology of Nova Scotia— A Dictionary of the Abnaki Language, in North America, by Father Sebastian Kasles, edited by Pickering, pp. 375- 574— Nuttall on the Birds of Massachusetts, etc. 26 Proceedings, Yols. I, II pt. 3, lY (wanting pt. 1), Y pts. 1-3, YI, YII pts. 1, 2— together 2 vols, and 9 parts, 8vo. sd. 36* Boston and Cambridge, 1848-65 AMERICAN Antiquarian Society: 27 Aech^ologia Ameeicana : Transactions and Collections of the Society, Yols. I, II, 8vo. maps, plates and cuts, 25.*? Worcester, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1820-36 Illustrative of the aboriginal Keligions, Antiquities, Ethnology, and Languages, with Vocabularies. TEANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 3 28 American Journal of tlie Medical Sciences, Nos. 1-8, forming Vols. I-IV, 8vo. plates, sd. 10? PhiladelpUa, 1827-29 29 AMERICAN JOURNAL of Science (and Arts), conducted by Professor SILLIMAN, (continued afterwards by him and others), from the com- mencement in 1818 to 1867, First Series, Nos. 1-89, beinj? Vols. I-XLIV, 1818-43-Second Series, Nos. 1-128, forming Vols. I-XLIII pt. 2, 1816-G7 — together 87 vols. 8vo. hoards and seioed, 3612. Kew York and Neio Haven, 1818-67 The Second Series commenced in 1846. AMERICAN Oriental Society: 30 JOUENAL, Vols. I — V, 870. plates of facsimiles, etc. in parts, uncut, £5. Boston, New York, Sfc, 1817-56 This periodical contains learned arfcicles by Burnouf, Lassen, Whitney, and other emi- nent Orientalists. AMERICAN Philosophical Society: 31 Transactions, from the beginning in 1769 to 1818, First Series, complete, 6 vols, and Second Series, Vol. I, — together seven vols. 4to. maps and plates, five in Jif. calf, and two in hds. not uniform in size, £5. Philadelphia, 1771-1818 32 tlie same, Eirst Series, Vols. I-V, 4to. four vols. hf. hound, one in hds. £2. IO5 1771-1802 Several other early volumes in stock, to be sold separately. The American Philosophical Society was the first, and the American Academy the second Literary Society in America. They received original contributions from Franklin, Priestley, and the most eminent men of the time. 33 PEOCEEDINGS oe the AMEEICAN Philosophical Society, Nos. 45, 48-54, 63-70, 73, 74, (being part of vol. 6, Vols. 6, 7, 8, 9, and 2 parts of Vol. 10), 18 parts, plates, some coloured, 8vo. sd. 305 Philadelphiay 1853-65 A very important series. It contains articles on various branches of science, written by some of the first savants in America. AMERICAN Ethnological Society : 34 Teansactions, Vols. I — III pt. 1, 8vo. plates, hds. 325 JSTeio York, 1845-53 35 the same, Vols. I and II, 8vo. 15^ 1845-48 36 the same, Vol. I, 8vo. 5^ 1845 Contents of Vol. I : Gallatin on the semi-civilized nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America, pp. 1 — 352, plates — Troost's Account of Ancient Remains in Tennessee, plates, pp. 355-420 — Turner on the discoveries of Himyaritic Inscriptions in Southern Arabia, and the attempts made to dccipher.them, plates of Inscriptions, pp. 423-91. " II : Hale's Indians of North- West America, and Vocabularies of North America, with an Introduction by Gallatin, pp. clxxxviii and 130— Squieron the Aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, plates and cuts, pp. 131-207 — Kafn (Chas.) on the Ancient Geography of the Arctic Kegions of America — Dwight's Sketch of the Polynesian Language, etc. etc. „ III. pt. 1 : Bartram's Observations on the Creek and Cherokee Indians, with Notes by fSquier, etc. AMSTERDAM Royal Institute: 37 ViiEHANDELiNGEN, Derde Eeeks Deel IV, 4to. numerous hotanical plates, cloth, 55 Amst. 1851 38 BiJDRAGEN tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkande van Nedeklandsch Indie : Vols. I-IV. in 3 — Nieuwe Volgreeks, Vols. I, II.: together 6 vols, in 5, 8vo. plates, four vols, in cloth, and a part, 255 Amst. 1852-58 39 "Weeken : Afdeeling II. : Mlilier, Eeizen, 2 vols. : Vries, Eeize, door Leupe en Siebold ; Javaansche Woordenboek — Catalogtjs van de Boekerij, Vol. I in 2 vols.— 6 vols. 8vo. sd. 105 1857-60 AMSTERDAM Academy: 40 Verhandelingen der Koninkltjke Akademie van "Wetenschappen, Vols. IV- VI, 4to. numerous plates, sd. 15s 1857-58 A 2 4 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Amsterdam Academy — continued. 41 VEESLAGTEN en Mededeelingen : Natuuekunde, Yola. I-XVI (wanting X), 1853-62— Letteekunde, Vols. I- VII, 1855-63— together 22 vols. 8vo. plates, £3. 10s 1853-6i ANASTATIC Drawing Society : 42 Delineations of ANCIENT ECCLESIASTICAL, MILITAET and DOMESTIC EDIFICES, SEPQLCHEAL MONUMENTS, Fonts, Brasses, Stained Glass, Tiles, Armour, Dress, Jewellery, Plate, Embroidery, Furniture, Carviugs, Illuminations of Ancient Manuscripts, Copies of Eare Prints, Portraits, Seal><, Coins, Heraldry, &c. &c. 8 vols. 4to. 491 plates, with some additional ones, containing an immense 7iumher of antiquarian and architectural Jl(/ures, boards, £1 . IO5 Ashhy de la Zouch, privately printed, 1855-62 43 • the same, large paper, India proofs, 8 vols, folio, some additional plates inserted, Ids. £L2. 12.§ 1855-62 These copies are from the library of the Rev. J. M. Gresley, who was Secretary of the Society. The publications are very valuable, very rare and very interesting. The designs were taken with much judgment and discretion from Monuments existing in England, many of them almost inaccessible, from being in remote districts, or in possession of private Families. Anglia Christiana {Society) : 44 Chronicon Monasterii de Bello, nunc primum typis mandatum, 8vo. half mo- rocco, not printed for sale, 45 Qd 1846 45 ANNALEN DEE PHYSIK, augefangeu von Erdr. Gren, fortgesetezt von Gilbert, Poggendorf, etc. Vol. 34-49, 51-57, 61-76, 79-110, 176-186, 204-7 — together 85 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, 38 vols, hf bd. 5 sewed, the rest in bds. ^10. Leipzig, 1810-67 46 Annales d'Horticulture et de Botanique, ou Elore des Jardins des Pays-Bas, et Histoire des Plantes Neerlandaises aux Indes Orientales, de I'Amerique, et du Japon, redigee par Siebold et Vriese, Vols. I-III, roy. 8vo. many finely coloured plates of plants, (pub. at 75 fr.) in parts, 305 Leide, 1858-60 47 ANNALES (et JOUENAL) DES MINES, from the beginning in 1794 to 1847, as follows : Journal des Mines, avec la Table, 39 vols, in boards 1794-1815 Ann ALES DES Mines, Troisieme Serie, Vols. I-XVIII, 1832-40 ; Quatrieme Serie, Vols. IX-XI, 1846-47— Cinquieme Serie, Vols. I-VI, 1852-54—27 vols, ten hf. bound, the rest sd. 1832-54 — together 67 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, £15. 1795-1847 Sets of this important periodical are now rare ; especially the early series. 48 the same. Journal, Vols. 1-38 (without 36), and Index to 1-28, 38 vols. 8vo. hf calf £5. 5s 1794-1815 49 ANNALES DES PONTS ET CHAUSSEES, des le commencement en 1831 jusqu'a 1865, savoir : Serie I, Memoires, Vols. I — XIX; Lois et Ordon- nances, 10 vols; Seuie II, Memoires, 20 vols. ; Lois, 10 vols. ; Personnel, III— X; Serie III, Memoires, 20 vols. ; Lois, 10 vols. ; Personnel, 10 vols. ; Tables Generales, 1 vol. ; Serie IV, Memoires, I — X; Lois, I — V; Per- sonnel, I — V ; together as described, 129 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, 65 vols, hf calf gilt, tlie rest sd. £27. Paris, 1831-65 50 ANNALES'DES VOYAGES, de la Geographic, et de I'Histoire, avec des memoires historiques sur I'origine, la Langue, les moeurs, etc. des peuples, et une table generale, par MALTE BEUN, 23 vols, (without V. and VI.) 1809-14 — Eyries et Malte Brun, Nouvelles des Voyages, Vols. I— XX. (without XV.) et une Table Generale des Matieres et des Planches, 1819-23 — together 43 vols, and 2 pts. 8vo. several hundred maps and plates, the first twenty-tJiree vols, hf Id. the rest in cloth, bds. 26s JParis, 1803-30 TEANS ACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 5 61 Annales de la Propagation de la Foi, collection faisant suite aux Lettres' edifiantes, Tom. I-XIV, 14 vols, in 7, thick 8vo. plates^ lif, hound, 36* Lyon, 1827-42 French translations of Missionary Reports from America, China and other Countries. 52 ANNALS of Pkilosopht, for 1800-2, edited by Garnett and others, Vols. I— 111, 8vo. 1801-4 — Annals of Philosophy, or Magazine of Chemistrj', Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, edited by Thomson, 16 vols. — New Series, edited by Phillips, Vols. I, II ; — together 21 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, (pub. at <£13. 10^) hf. cf. 26s 1813-21 53 Annals of Oriental Literature ; Vol. I, {all published, 8vo. no title) hd. 5s 1820 Contents : Bopp's Comparison of the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Teutonic Languages, being the first Essay which brought that distinguished Scholar into repute, and obtained for him the appointment of Professor extraordinary of oriental languages at Berlin — Translation of the Maha Bharata — Review of the Burhan i Kata —Translation of Firdausi, etc, 54 ANNALS of NATUEAL HISTORY ; or the Magazine of Zoology, Botany, and Gi-eology, continued under the title Annals and Magazine of Natural History, conducted by Sir W. Jardine, P. J. Selby, Sir W. J. Hooker, and others ; Series I, 20 vols. 1838-47— Series II, 20 vols. 1848-57 ; Se- ries III, 20 vols. 1858-67; Series IV, Nos. 1-2, 1858— together 60 vols, and 2 parts, 8vo. complete from the commencement in 1838 to Feb. 1868, several hundred plates, some coLorRED, £27. 1838-68 65 Annuaire des Deux Mondes, histoire generale des divers etats, 1858-65, Tom. 9, 11, 12, 13, 4 vols, stout roy. 8vo. sd. Is Qd Paris, 1860-66 56 ANNUAL EEGISTEE, or View of History, Politicks, and Literature, from its commencement in 1758 to 1852, Vols. I-XCIV, with the General Index, very fine set in calf gilt, 1758-1819 — Annual Eegister, 1853-1861, being Vols. XCV-CIII, nine vols, in boards, 1854-62— together 104 vols. 8vo. Baron DimsdaWs copy, £^1. 10s l7o8-62 Entirely of the genuine edition, and having the scarce General Index published in 1826, thus forming a most desirable set. The continuation can be supplied in boards. This valuable publication originated with Eobert Dodslcy, at the suggestion of Edmund Burke, who for some years was the principal contributor. It contains many most powerful and valuable articles from his pen ; and forms our most valuable record of historical and political events during the last hundred years. ANTHROPOLOGICAL Society : 57 Waitz, Introduction to Anthropology, edited with the author's additions, by Collingwood, Vol. I, 8vo. 10s 1863 58 Broca, Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo, edited by Blake, 6s 1864 59 VoGT (Carl) Lectures on Man, his place in Creation and in the history of the Earth, translated and edited by Hunt, 8vo. 120 woodcuts of Skulls and other human remains, 9^ 1864 60 PoucHET, the plurality of the Human Eace, translated and edited by Beavan, cloth, 7s Qd ... ^^^^ 61 Blumenbach's Anthropological Works, with his Life, and Hunter's Disserta- tion on the Varieties of Man, translated and edited by Bendyshe, 8vo. 7s Qd 1865 62 Gastaldt, Lake Habitations and Eemains of Italy, translated and edited by C. H. Chambers, 8vo. 37 woodcuts and 2 plates, 7s Qd 1865 63 Memoirs read before the Anthkopoloqical Society of London, Vol. I, 1863-4, containing 15 Memoirs by Pellows of the Society, 8vo. woodcuts and Qplatesy IQs 1865 64) together the complete set, 7 vols. 8vo. (pub. £4i. 4s) cloth, £S. 3s 1863-65 65 ANTHEOPOLOGICAL Review, Vols. I-II, in 7 parts, 8vo. (pub. 28s) sd. 21s 1863-64 Antiquaires de 1' Quest — See Memoires. Aech^ologia ^liana — See Newcastle. Aech^oloqia Cantiana — See Kent. AKCH.rEOLOGlA SCOTICA— /See SCOTTISH. 6 BEENAED QUAETTCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 6G AECHtEOLOGIA, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Abttiquity published by the SOCIETY of ANTIQUAEIES of London, 37 vols, numerous plates, Vol. I to XXXV, half blue morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, and Vol. XXXVI- XXXVII in 4 parts, 1770-1858— Index to first fifteen volumes and Catalogue of the Library, 2 vols, in 1, 1809-lG— Liber Quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Grarderobae 28 Edwardi I (1299-1300), half morocco, uncut, uniform, 1787 — Collection of Ordinances and Eeu^ulations for the Eoyal Household and Eeceiptsin Ancient Cookery, half hound, 1790—37 vols. 4to. neatly and uniformly hf. Id. blue morocco, tmcut, and 2 vols, {in 4< parts) in cloth, from Sir Charles Price's library, £1S. 1770-58 Such a fine uncut copy does not easily occur. See also as a companion amongst the 8vos. Sir Charles's beautiful uncut copy of the Gentleman's Magazine. 67 the same. Vols. XVIII 1 ; XXX 1 ; XXXII -XXXIX, with Index to Vols. 16-30, 4to. plates, 18 parts (pub. at £16. 0^ Qd) seven in cloth, rest in hds. ^10. 1815-63 68 the same, Vols. XXXIV 2; XXXV — XXXVIII, 4to. (pub. at £10. 165 Q>d) sice vols, cloth, three seived, £6. IO5 1852-60 69 AECHiEOLOOIA CAMBEENSIS, a Eecord of the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the Journal of the Cambrian Arcbaiological Association, EiRST Series, 4 vols. — Second Series, 5 vols, — together 9 vols. 8vo. many hundred plates of Coins, Views, Antiquities, etc. £7. IO5 1846-54 A very valuable andinteresting publication, throwing great light upon the early history of Wales, by the discovery of early MSS. Antiquities, &c. Archssological INSTITUTE : 70 Ecclesiastical a:n'd ARCiiiTECTrRAL Topography of England : I, Bedford- shire ; II, Berkshire ; VII, Suffolk ; 3 parts 8vo. plates and cuts, sd. 7s Gd 1848-55 71 Journal of the ARCHiEOLOGiCAL INSTITUTE of Great Britain, a com- plete set from the commencement in 1814 to March 1867, parts 1 to 93, being Vols. I-XXIV part 1, 8vo. extensively illustrated with plates and woodcuts, (pub. at £23. 2*) sewed, £12. Lond. 1844-67 72 another copy. Vols. I — XIX, calf extra, gilt edges ; and Nos. 77-88 sewed, 8vo. many engravings, from Sir Chas. Price's library, £15. 15s 1844-65 ArchBBological ASSOCIATION : 72*JorRNAL of the Arciijsological ASSOCIATION, l^os. 1-24, forming Vols. I- VI ; and Vol. XXI — together 7 vols. 8vo. onany plates and woodcuts, (pub. at about £6. Gs) sd. £2. 10s 1845-65 73 Aechj^ologist (the), and Journal of Antiquarian Science, Nos. I — X, being Vols, I, and II pts. 1-4, 8vo. plates and cuts, sd. 6s 1841-42 ARCHITECTURAL Society: 74 Publicatio:ns of the Society, from the beginning in 1848 to 1864, divided as follows : Essays and Illustrations, published during the first five years, 12 parts, with 99 plates and GG woodcuts, rare 1848-53 Dictionary of Architecture, including the Biographical as well as Tech- nical and other portions of Art and Science, part 1-14 — Illustrations to the Dictionary of Architecture, 9 parts, with above 100 plates and upwards of 200 woodcuts 1852-64 — together 35 parts or nos. roy. 4to. plates and woodcuts, sd. £15. 156' 1848-64 A few early parts for sale separately. This important and comprehensive work (the only one of the class in any language), honoured by the support and countenance of the leading scientific and artistic bodies, is an invaluable authority for reference on all matters relating to the art and science of Architec- ture, and will be found to merit a foremost place in the libraries of all amateurs and artists, and of itublic bodies and educational establishments of all countries. The Annual Sub- scription is One Guinea. TRANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 7 ARCHITECTURAL Institute of Scotland : 75 TjiANSACTiONS,yrom tliG commencement^ Sessions I-YIT, or Yds. I-V, 1850-57, in 2 vols, royal 8vo. numerous ]i)lates, cloth, uncut, 36^ Edinhurgh, not published, 1851-57 76 Archiv fiir wissenschaftliclie Kunde von Russland, herausg. von ERMAN Band I-IX, (I. toants pts. 1 and 2) 9 vols. 8vo. folding maps and plates, sd. 20s Berlin, 1811-50 77 Aechiyes Diplomatiques, recueil de diplomatie et d'histoire, depuis le com- mencment en Jan. 1861 jusqu'a 1863, no 9, {loantinq 1861, Nos. 4, 12 ; 1862, 5, 8, 9, 11-12 ; 1863, 8)— together 2 vols, and 19" parts, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Paris, 1861-63 78 ARCHIYIO STORICO ITALIAISTO ossia raccolta di opere e documenti finora inediti o divenuti rarissimi risguardanti la Storia d'ltalia, Tomo I — XYI parte 2, being 17 vols. 1842-51— Appendiee, Nos. 1-29, 1842-53— together 46 vols, large 8vo. (pub. at 300 fr.) sd. uncut, very cheap, £4. 10s Firenze, 1842-53 Collection interessante, dont les 1 7 premiers vol. se composent d'ouvrages separes, savoir : Pitti, Storia fiorentina, I vol. — Roncione, Diario delle cose avvenute in Sienna, 1 vol. — Vite di illustri Italiani, 2 vols. — Chroniche pisane diverse, 1 vol. — Foscarini, Storia arcana ; Mal- piero, Annali veneti, 1 vol. — Malpiero, Annali et cronaca veneziana, 1 vol. — Roncione Storie pisane, 1 vol. — Documenti sulla storia di Napoli, 1522 al 1667, raccolta da Fr. Palermo, 1 vol. — Lettere di Pasquale di Paoli, 1 vol. — P. Nores, Guerra di Paulo IV. 1 vol. — Parali- pomeni di storia piemontcse, per cura di Scarabelli, I vol. — C. Galvani, Delle genti e delle favelle loro in Italia, 1 vol. — Chronaclie della citta di Perugia, 1 vol. en 2 part, 1850-1. — Tomasi, Sommario della storia di Lucca, 1847, 1 vol. — Documenti della milizia italiana, 1851, 1 vol. — Indice tripartite della prima serie dell' Archivio storico, 1858, 2 vols, de 200 pp. A New Series has now been commenced, of which 36 livraisons are published, price £8. The " Archivio Storico Italiano" is the best modern historical Collection published in Italy, forming a worthy companion to the works of Muratori. 79 ARMY LIST, published by the War Office, containing a List of the Officers of the Army and Eoyal Marines, from 1781 to 1853, (wanting 1783, 1785- 89, 91-93, 1802, 4, 5, 7, and 1827)— together 58 vols. 8vo. morocco, calf , and half calf, a valuable Military Directory for upwards of seventy years, £2. IQs 1781-1853 80 AET JOUENAL, a complete set, from the beginning (under the title of Aet Union) in 1839 to February 1866, as follows : Series I, 1839 to 1846 ; II, 1847 to 1854 ; III, 1855 to 1861 ; IV, 1862 to February 1866, roy. 4to. (pub. 3634. 5^) upwards of a thousand beautiful plates and numerous wood- cuts, all in parts, Mr. FairhoU's copy, 56I8. 1839-66 ARUNDEL SOCIETY: 81 A peheect Set of the BEAUTiruL, raee (and exteemelt intricate) Publications of the Aeundel Society : complete from the commence- ment in 1849 to 1866 inclusive, 3640. 1849-66 82 the same, with all the EXTEA PLATES as correctly described in division No. 3, £63. 1849-66 It is almost impossible now to obtain a complete set, several volumes and many of the plates being out of Print. Sets made up for owners of imperfect copies as far as possible ; some of the plates being very diiBScult to procure. Division No. I: TEXT. 1849-50 Vasari's Life of Fra Giovanni Angelico da Fiesole, translated by Bezzi, roy. 8vo. 21 plates. 1 853 Edskin's Notice of Giotto and his Works in Padua, part I. impl. 8vo. 1864 liusKiN's Giotto, part II. impl. 8vo. 1855 DiGBY Wyatt's Notices of Sculpture in Ivory— Oldfield's Catalogue of Specimens (rf Ivory-Carvings, 9 photofj7^aphic illustrations ; the two in one volume. 1856 Layard's Memoir on the St. Sebastian of Perugino, impl. 8vo. 1867 Layard's Memoir of Ottaviano Nelli and bis Fresco, impl. 8vo. 8 BEENAED QUABITCH, 15 PICCADIIiLT, LONDON. AEUifDEL Society— continued. 1859 Latard's Memoir on the three Frescoes of Pinturicchio in Spello Cathedral, impl. 8vo. 1852 Layard's Memoir on the Fresco of Giov. Sanzio, impl. 8vo. 1860 Illustrated Title-page and List of the Series of Wood-engravings of Giotto's Frescoes in the Arena Chapel, at Padua, oblong folio. Layard's Memoir of Domenico Ghirlandaio and his Fresco of " The Death of St. Francis," impl. 8vo. Ruskin's Giotto, part III. impl. 8vo. 1865 Weale's Memoir of Hans Memling, impl. 8vo. Division No. II: PLATES. 1849-50 Fra Angelico.~A Copper-plate by Gruner, " The Distnoution of Alms by St. Lawrence/' 1851-51 Fra Angelico. — Four plates of Frescoes : " St. Stephen before the Council." " St. Bonaventura." " St. Matthew." " St. Thomas." 1851-2 Fra Angelico. — Two Engravings by SchafFer : " St. Lawrence before the Emperor Decius." " The Pieta," from the Fresco by Giotto. 1852-3 Giotto. — Eight Engravings on Wood, by Mess. Dalziel, from Frescoes in the Arena Chapel, Padua, 1—8. 1853 Six similar Engravings from the same, 9—14. 1854 Eight similar Engravings from the same, 15 — 22. 1855 Four similar Engravings from the same, 23 — 26. 1856 Two similar Engravings from the same, 27 — 28. Giotto. — View of the Interior of the Arena Chapel at Padua, printed in colours, verij rarr^ £4. 4*. Pietro Perugino. — Chromolithograph of the Fresco, " The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian." Five outlines of portions of figures in the same Fresco. 1857 Giotto. — Two Wood-Engravings in continuation of the series from the Arena Chapel, 29—30. Pinturicchio. — Chromolithograph of the Fresco, " Christ among the Doctors," in Spello Cathedral. Ottaviaxo Nelli. — Chromolithograph of the Fresco, "Virgin and Child.'* Four lithographed outlines of the Heads traced from these Frescoes. 1858 Giotto. — Four Wood-Engravings in continuation of the Series from the Arena Chapel, 31—34. Pinturicchio. — Chromolithograph of "The Nativity," in Spello Cathedral. LuiNi.— Chromolithograph of the Fresco, " St. Catherine buried by Angels,'* in the Brcra Gallery, Milan. Pinturicchio. — Engraved outlines from tracings of two Heads in ** The Nativity." LuiNi. — Engraved outlines from tracings of two Heads in the " St. Catherine," ' 1859 Giotto. — Two W^ood-Engravings in continuation of the Series from the Arena Chapel, 35—36. Leonardo da Vinci. — Chromolithograph of the Fresco of the " Madonna and Child," in the Monastery of St. Onofrio, Rome. Outline of the Head of the Virgin, from the same Fresco, Giov. Sanzio. — Chromolithograph of the Fresco at Cagli, *' The Madonna and Saints," and " Resurrection of our Lord." Engraved outline of the Head of an Angel in last-mentioned Fresco. 1860 Giotto.— Two Wood-Engravings in conclusion of the series from the Arena Chapel, 37—38. Ghirlandaio, — Chromolithograph of the Fresco, " Death of St. Francis," in the Church of S. Trinita, Florence. Chromolithograph of Heads of a Bishop and of a Priest, from the same Fresco, on the scale of the original. 1861 Seven ChromoHthographs from Frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel : — *' The Fall," by Filippino Lippi ; " The Expulsion," by Masaccio ; the two on one sheet. " The Tribute Money," by Masaccio, " St, Peter Preaching," by Masolino; "St. Peter Baptizing," by Masolino ; the two on one sheet, Masaccio.— Two Heads from the Fresco of "The Tribute Money," on the scale of the original, 1862 Fra Angelico.—" St. Stephen distributing Alms," a copper-plate by Schaflfer, from the Fresco, TEANSACTIONS OE LEAItNED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 9 x^EUXDEL Society — continued. 1862 Masolino de Panicale. — "St. Peter and St. John healing a Cripple," and " St. Peter raising Petronilla," a chromolithograph after the Frescoes, in the Church of the Carmine, Florence. On one sheet. Head from the " Raising of Petronilla," on the scale and in exact imitation of the original. FiLippiNO Lippi. — " St. Peter delivered from Prison," and " St. Peter in Prison visited by St. Paul " after Frescoes, in the Church of the Carmine, at Florence. On one sheet. Head from " St. Peter in Prison, visited by St. Paul." 1863 Fra Angelico. — A Copper-plate from the Fresco, " St. Stephen thrust out before his Martyrdom." Masaccio and Lippi. — A Chromolithograph of the Fresco, " SS. Peter and Paul raising the King's Son," and " The Homage to St. Peter." On one sheet. ■ Head from the same Fresco on the scale of the original. Masaccio. — Chromolithographs of " SS. Peter and John healing the Sick by their Shadows," and " SS. Peter and John giving Alms," from Frescoes in the Church of the Carmine, at Florence. On one sheet. Head from " SS. Peter and John giving Alms," on the scale and in exact imitation of the original. 1864 Raffaelle. — A line Engraving by Gruner, from the tapestry, "The Conversion of Saul," in the Vatican. Fra Angelico. — Aline engraving by Stoelzel, " St. John," in continuation of the series from the Frescoes in the Chapel of Nicholas V. in the Vatican. LuiNi. — A Chromolithograph from the Fresco, "The Presentation in the Temple," at Saronno. A Chromolithograph of a Head from the same Fresco, on the scale and in exact imitation of the original. 1865 Fra Angelico. — Aline Engraving by SchiifFer, " St. Sixtus giving money to St. Laurence for Alms," in continuation of the series from the Frescoes in the Chapel of Nicholas V. in the Vatican. Memling. — Five Chromolithographs from the " Triptych," in the Hospital of St. John at Bruges, representing the following subjects : — " The Adoration of the Magi." " The Nativity," and " The " Presentation in the Temple." On one sheet. " St. John the Baptist," and " St. Veronica." On one sheet. TJncut^ £2. Is 6//. 1866 Ghirlandaio. — " The Last Supper," a Chromolithograph from a Fresco in the Church of the Ognisanti at Florence. LuiNi. — " The Adoration of the Magi," a Chromolithograph from a Fresco at Saronno. Division No. III.—EXTEA PLATES. Tliese ivere not issued to Subscribers, but sold separately at high prices ; most of them are out of print and very rare. CHROMOLITHOGRAPHS. 1. Giotto. — Portrait of Dante, from a Fresco in the Bargello, at Florence. 2. Fra Angelico. — "The Annunciation," from a Fresco in the Convent of St. Mark, at Florence. 3. Benozzo Gozzoli. — *'St. Augustine lecturing on Rhetoric," from a Fresco at S. Gemignano. 4. Andrea Maktegna. — " The Conversion of Hermogenes the Sorcerer," from a Fresco in the Church of the Eremitani, at Padua. 5. PiNTURiccHio. — " The Annunciation," from a Fresco in the Cathedral at Spello. 6. Francesco Francia. — "The Marriage of St. Cecilia," from a Fresco in the Church of St. Cecilia, at Bologna. 7. Francesco Francia. — " The Burial of St. Cecilia," from a Fresco in the Church of St. Cecilia, at Bologna. 8. LuiNi. — " Christ among the Doctors," from a Fresco at Saronno. 9. Andrea del Sarto. — " The Madonna del Sacco," from a Fresco in the Cloister of the Annunziata, at Florence. 10. Three Capital Letters, coloured in facsimile, from the Choral Books of St. Mark's, the Duomo at Florence, and the Piccolomini Library, Siena. 11. LuiNi. — " The Marriage of the Virgin," from a Fresco at Saronno. 12. Raffaelle. — " The Four Sibyls," from a Fresco in S. Maria della Pace, at Rome. 13. Andrea del Sarto. — " The Nativity of the Virgin," from a Fresco in the Convent of the Annunziata, at Florence. 14. Fra Bartolomeo. — " The Annunciation," from a FrescO in the Villa of the Frati di S. Marco, at Florence. 10 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Abu^^del Society — continued. 15. Fra Angelico. — " The Coronation of the Virgin," from a Fresco in the Convent of St. Mark, at Florence. 16. Andrea Maxtegna. — "St. James the Greater before Herod Agrippa," from a Fresco in the Church of the Ercmitani, at Padua. 17. Eaffaelle.— " St. Peter delivered from Prison," from a Fresco in the Stanza of the Vatican. Books of ENGRAVINGS. 1. An Alphabet of Capital Letters, from the Choral Books of St. Mark's, the Duomo at Florence, and the Piccolomini Library at Siena, 23 plates engraved in outline, with the letter F COLOURED inj'acshnile, in one volume. 1862 2. PiNTURiccHio. — Outlines of three Heads, traced from the Fresco of "The Annunciation," at Spello. PHOTOGRAPHS. Tintoretto. — " Christ before Pilate," and " Christ bearing the Cross," from two Paintings in the Scuola di San Rocco, Venice ; with Ruskin's Description. 83 AEUNDEL SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS TOE 1867, as described below (instead of £7. 75 Qd) £5. 10s .— 1867 I, First Publications. Grhirlandajo. Peeachtng of John the Baptist, Chromolithograph from a Fresco in S. Maria Novella at Florence, £1. 7s Qd Eazzi. Ecstasy of S. Catuertke, Chromolithograph from a Fresco in San Domenico at Siena, £1. 7s 6d EafFaelle. Maetyedom of St. Stephen, Engraving on India Paper, from the Tapestry in the Vatican, 2Qs II, Second Publications. Ghirlandaio. Zachaeias namit^'G uis So:n" John. Chromolithograph form the Fresco in S. Ilaria Novella at Florence, £1 . 7s 6c? EaiFaelle. Poetet, Chromolithograph from the Fresco in the Stanze of the Vatican, 20s III, Extra Publications, (jS'o. 18). Baffaelle. Theology, a Chromolithograph from a Fresco in the Stanze of the VaticaUi £1. 84 PUBLICATIONS OF THE AEUNDEL SOCIETY EOE 1868, as de- scribed below (instead of 365. 7^) £4. 15s 1868 I, First Publications. Eilippino Lippi. SS. Petee and Paul eefoee Neeo ; and the Mae- tyedom of St. Petee, Chromolithograph from the Fresco in the Bran- cacci Chapel. On one sheet, 21s Brothers Van Eyck. The Adoeation of the Lamb, Chromolithopraph from the centre panel of the altar piece in the Cathedral of St. Bavon, at Ghent, £1. lis Qd Notice of the Beancacci Chapel, by Layaed, explanatory of the chromolithographs published in 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1868, roy. 8vo. 6s II, Second Publications. Eilippino Lippi. The Vision of St. Beet^aed, Chromolithograph from the Painting in the Badia, at Florence, £1. 7s Gd Andrea Del Sarto. The Peocessioij of the Magi, Chromolithograph from the Fresco in the Cloister of the SS. Annunziata, at Florence, 21s The Council of the Arundel Society having decided that 1500 impressions were as large a number of each plate as was desirable to print from the stones, have since 1867 divided the list of subscribers into First Subscribers and Second Subscribers. The First Subscribers are those 1500 gentlemen whose names stand first on the Society's Books. The rest are Second Subscribers, receiving quite distinct publications ; and from the List of these will be filled up the vacancies which occur in the List of First Subscribers. A First Subscriber can pay a double subscription, and be thus both a First and Second Subscriber ; and so obtain all the publications. TEANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 11 85 Asiatic Miscellany : Original Productions, Extracts from Curious Publica- tions, with pieces in Persian and English^ Sanscrit and JEnglish, etc. 2 vols. 4to. loormed, native binding, 10s Calcutta, 1785-86 8G another copy, 2 vols. 4to. no title to Vol. I, and a few leaves mended, hf. calf, Is Qd 1785-86 87 ASIATIC Annual Eegister; or View of the History of Hindustan, and of the Politics, Commerce, and Literature of Asia, from the commencement in 1798 to 1811, 12 vols- in 13, 8vo. all ptjelisiied, hf calf, 86^ 1800-12 88 ASIATIC EESEAECHES, or Transactions of the Society instituted in Ben- gal for inquiring into the History, the Antiquities, the Arts and Sciences, and Literature of Asia, 20 vols, and Index, 4to. numerous plates, a fine copy, newlij hound in calf, very neat, 5630. Calcutta, 1788-1836 The volumes are sold separately as follows: — Yol. 1, 10^; IF, 10.9 ; III, 12^; IV, ]05; VL 105; VII, 10^; VIII, 15*; IX, 10s; X, 10s ; XI, 205 ; XII, 105; XIII, 125; XIV, IO5 ; XV, IO5 ; XVI, 205; XVII, 15*; XVIII, 563. ; XIX, £2. IO5 ; XX, ^63 ; Index, 305 Complete sets arc of very rare occurrence. It contains the learned Essays of Colebrookc, Sir William Jones, Carey, Strachey, Dr. Wallich, Roxburgh, etc. " They are full of the most curious and valuable intelligence in every possible form and on every possible subject." — Dibdin. Continued in the Bengal Journal. 89 ASIATIC EESEAECHES, the English reprint, Vols. I-XII, 8\o. plates, calf gilt, 365 1806-18 This is all that was published of the London reprint ; Vols. 13-20 can only be had in the Calcutta original edition. ASIATIC Society of BENGAL : 90 Journal op the Asiatic Society of Bengal, complete from the beginning in 1832 to 1866, being A^ols. I-XXXV, with the PEOCEEDi:ffGs, separately for 1865-66, in 21 Nos. 8vo. with all the numerous plates and Tables of Co?!- tents, UNCUT, quite perfect, excessively rare, 5648. Calcutta, 1882-66 Published in the following order :— Series I, 1832 to Dec. 1838, 84 Nos. ; Series II, Jan. 1839 to Dec. 1846, 89 Nos. or Nos. 85 to 173, Old Series; Series III, (publishing at the present time), 1847 to 1868, in which the old numeration stopped short at No. 297, being the end of Vol. 33, 1864. In 1865 the Society commenced to issue the Journal in two divisions ; I. History, Literature, etc. ; II. Physical Science ; and in this order it has con- tinued to be pubhshed. In 1866, the Proceedings commenced to be published separately, a number every month. It is necessary to make this statement, in order to prevent any mis- take arising from the manner in which tl>e Journal is at present published, as, now that the two sub-divisions are made, the numeration is wholly destroyed when the volumes are bound. All the early volumes are out of print in Calcutta, and sell there at exorbitant prices. The Bengal Journal is a continuation of the "Asiatic Kesearches ;" it is a most valuable periodical, devoted to Oriental Literature, Science, Antiquities, Geography, Art, &c. No public library can do without this important work ; it forms, with the Asiatic Researches, one of the noblest monuments of British dominion in the East. 91 GLEANINGS IN SCIENCE, a monthly periodical, in 3 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, £3. 12* Calcutta, 1829-31 These Gleanings, edited by Prinsep, formed the forerunner of the Bengal Journal, and copies are now of the utmost degree of rarity. 92 PKINSEP'S Useful Tables, printed as an Appendix to the Journal of tlie Asiatic Society, 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. containing the Indian Coins, Weights, and Measures, Chronological Tables, and the Generic Characters of Roxburgh'' s Flora Indica, with plates of Coins, etc. hf. bd. 32* Calcutta, 1833-46 Each part can be had separately, as follows : Part I, 3 plates, 5s ; II, 55 ; III. Pidding- ton's Tabular view of the generic characters in Roxburgh's Flora Indica, pp. xi. & 15(3, 25s. This extremely rare work should be added to a set of the Bengal Journal. ASIATIC Society of GREAT BRITAIN and Ireland : 93 Transactions, complete, 3 stout vols. 4to. plates of facsimiles, etc. (pub. at £9. 7s) cloth bds. 2Ss ; or, hf calf, 32s 1825-35 Sets completed at a moderate rate. This valuable publication upon the learning, lan- guages, and antiquities of the East, contains amongst the names of its contributors those of Professor Wilson, G. C. Haughton, Davis, Morrison, Colebrookc, Humboldt, Dorn, Grotefend, and most of the eminent Oriental Scholars of the day. This may be called the, first Division of the Publications by the Hoyal Asiatic Society of England. The continuation or secoJid appeared in 8vo. as follows. 12 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Asiatic Society— contmued. 94 JOUENAL of the EOYAL ASIATIC Society of Great Britain and Ireland, from the beginning to 1863, 8vo. the First Series, complete as/ar as published, 20 vols. 8vo. many plates, (pub. at £11. 10*) sd. £8. ; or hf. hd. very neat, £10. 1834-63 95 the same, New Series, Vols. I and II, 4 parts, Svo. many plates, sd. 18* 1864-63 Asiatic Society, BOMBAY Branch: 96 JOUENAL of the Eoyal Asiatic Society, BOMBAY Branch, from the beginning in 1841 to 1857, being Vols. I-V., or Nos. 1-20, 8vo. numerous maps and plates of Ancient Inscriptions, CoinSy Scientific Observations, etc. £5. 10s Bombay, 1844-57 97 the same. Vols. I, II, III, pt. 2 ; IV, pts. 1 and 3— together 2 vols. hf. bd. and three parts, 8vo. numerous maps and plates, £,1. 16^ ib. 1844-53 Containing translations and articles by the most learned writers upon the Languages and Literatures of India, its Ancient Temples and Worships, Historical Antiquities and Numismata ; as well as its Natural History, etc. Asiatic Society, CEYLON Branch: 98 JOUENAL of the Ceylon Branch of the Eotal Asiatic Society, from the beginning in 1845 to 1859, Nos. 1, 3, 5—11, or Vols. I-III, pt. 3, in nine parts, 8vo. plates, sd. rare, £2. 10s Colombo, 1845-60 98* the same, 1845-59, Nos. 1, 3, 6 — 8, 10, 11, in seven parts, 8vo. sewed, 25s ii. 1845-60 Asiatic Society, NORTH CHINA Branch: 99 Journal of the North China Branch of the Eotal Asiatic Society, Series I, Vol. I, Nos. 2, 3 ; Vol. II, 1 ; Series II, Noa. 1, 2 ; 5 parts, 8vo. plates, sd. rare, SOs Shanghai, 1859-66 ASTRONOMICAL Society: 100 MEMOIES, complete from the commencement of the series in 1821 to 1857, Vols. I- XXVIII, large 4to. numerous plates, (pnb. at about £32.) rare, 3618. 1822-60 101 MONTHLY NOTICES, containing Abstracts of papers and reports of the proceedings, from 1831 to 1837, being Vols. I-XXVIII, 8vo. twenty -two volumes bound in 11, hf. calf neat, and 6 volumes in parts, very rare, £10. 10* 1839-67 Vols. 3-7, and 27, are out of print ; 1 and 2 can be had. 102 ATHENJEUM (The) London Literary and Critical Journal, from the com- mencement, No. 1, Jan. 5, 1828, to No. 1731, Dec. 29, 1860, complete, 33 vols, in 36, stout 4to. (pub. at about £30.) cloth, £5. 1828-60 The early volumes are very rare. 103 Athen-SIUM Cltjb, Eules and Eegulations, Lists of Members and,Donations to the Library, for the years 1826, 27, 38, 40, 44, 48, and 1851— seven vols. 24mo. bds. 15s 1826-51 AUSTRIAN Imperial Academy of Sciences : 104 Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften : Mathe- MATiscH-NATURWissEFscnArTLTCHE Classe, Band I — VII, and IX, folio and impl 4to. with numerous coloured plates, also a separate vol. of plates, 1850-55 — Philosophisch-historische Classe: Band I— VI, and VIII, folio and imp. 4to. coloured plates, with 2 separate folio Atlases containiny coloured plates of ancient remains, etc. 1850-57 — Sitzungsberichte : Ma- thematisch-naturwissensohaetliche Classe, Vol. I — XXVII. 8vo. 1849-57 — Philosophisch-historische Classe, Vols. I-XVII, XXI, parts, XXII, XXIII, 8vo. 1848-59— Das Verbriiderungs-Buch des Stiftcs S. Peter zu Salzburg, von Karagan, folio, 1852— the series as described, folio, 4to. and Svo. £12. Wien, 1848-59 TEANSACTIONS OE LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 13 AusTitiAN Imperial Academy oe Sciences — continued. 105 AECHIV fiir Kunde osterreichischer Geschichts-Quellen, 1848-1849, parts 1 to 5, Jahrgange 1849-1857, being Vols. I-XV. part 1, XVII parts 1 aud 2, and XVIII part 1, 8vo. numerous 'plates, £2. 5s 1848-57 106 EoNTES Eebum Austrtacarum : Erste Abtheilung : Scriptores, Band I. ; Zvveite AbtheiluDg: Diplomataria et Acta, Band II — X, XIII and XV. ; 12 vols. 8vo. 305 1850-57 107 MoNUMENTA Hapsrtjrgica : Actenstiicken und Briefen zur GescMchte des Ilauses Habsburg, 1473-1576, parts I, II, in 4 vols. 8vo. 5* 1853-57 108 NoTizENBLATT, Bcilagc zum Archiv, Erster Jahrgang, 1851, 24 nos. ; 1852, Nos. 1-10 — together 34 nos. 8vo. sd. 6s 1851-2 109 Almanack der Akademii, fiir 1852-1858, Vol. II- VIII, seven vols, post 8vo. hds. Gs 1852-58 110 ATTI deir Accademia Pontificia delSTuovi LTIN'CEI; from the commencement in 1847 to 1866, being Vols. IV, VI, sessione 1-5 ; VII, 3-5 ; X. 6, 7 ; XI without sessione 6 to end ; XII without session! 1, 2, 3 ; XIII, XIV- XVI ; XVII, 4, 5 ; 47 parts impl. 4to. numerous plates, from Prof. Fara- day's library, £2. Boma, 1851-64 A valuable publication chiefly treatinj^ of Astronomy, but embracing a variety of other scientific subjects, correspondence of foreign Savans, etc. 111 Ayellino (F. M.) Bulletino Archeologico Napoletano, 1 Nov. 1842 al 1 Ottob. 1844, 35 numbers in one vol. 4to. fine plates of Archaeology, the larger ones mounted, hf. russia, uncut, rare, IQs ifapoli, 1843 112 BANKER'S MAGAZINE, Journal of the Money Market, and Eailway Digest, from January 1848 to December 1862, published monthly, being Nos. 46 Us, to 225, {wanting No. 47, 105, 106, 119, 136, 202, 211, 220,) together 173 Nos. 8vo. (pub. at £13. 10^ sd. 32^ 1848-62 113 Bank of England. Names and Descriptions of the Proprietors of un- claimed Stock, 1780-90, 8vo. hd. uncut, rare, 10s 1791 114 BANKEIJPT EEGISTEE. The Merchant and Trader's Magazine, and Perry's Bankrupt and Insolvent Gazette, from January 1826 to December 1855, with Indexes to each volume, 30 vols. 12mo. hf hd. £3. lOs 1826-55 BANNATYNE Club : 115 PA PEES relative to the Eegalia of Scotland, presented by "W. Bell, 4to. a number of curious and interesting documents, with plates, bds. 36s Edinb. 1829 116 Eountainhall's Historical Observes, 4to. the additional sheets only, 3s 6c? JEdinb. 1840 117 BLACK BOOK of TATMorTii, with other Papers from the Breadalbane Charter Eoom, stout 4to. printed in black letter facsimile, with numerous ILLUMINATED plates of Knights in Armour, cloth, rare, £7. 10s Edinb. 1855 118 Tracts by Dr. Gilbert Skeyne, Medicinar to his Majesty (James VI.) 4to. cloth, 5s ib. 1860 119 Tracts by David Eerguson, Minister of Dunfermline (one of the fathers of the Eeformation in Scotland) 1563-72, 8vo. cloth, ijs 1860 120 ANCIENT SCULPTUEED MONUMENTS of the County of Angus, including those at Meigle in Perthshire, and one at Eordun in the Mearns, (by Chalmers), atlas io\\o, 2^ fine large plates, rare, £7. 10s Edinb. 1848 An important volume, containing representations of numerous interesting relics from the earliest times in Scotland. 121 BAPTIST Missionary Society, Periodical Accounts, 6 vols. 8vo. portraits and maps, russia gilt, 25s Clipstone, 1800-17 A very valuable and rare publication, with contributions by Carey, AYard, Marsh- man, and other learned missionaries on the Religious Systems, the Antiquities, Natural History, &c. of India. 14 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. BASELER Naturforschende Gesellschaft : 122 Yeehandlijngen, vom Anfang in 1854 bis 1866, Vols. I — lY pt. 2, 8vo. in 14 parfsy S2s Basel, 1854-66 123 the same, Yols. I— lY pt. 2, (without I pt. 8, and II pt. i) 8vo. plates, sd. 20s ib. 1854-66 124 BATAYIAASCH aENOOTSCHAP van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, derde Druk, Yols. I— XXI. 21 vols, in 22, 8vo. cloth, 5^5.— Yols. XXII, XXYI, XXYIII, XXXL nine vols. 4to. maps and plates, containing quite a Cy- clopcedia of information on the East, especially on the Languages, Ethnology , Antiquities^ History, Geography, and Statistics of the Indian Archipelago, £25. Batavia, 1S25-64 125 the same, Yols. I— XYI, XYIII— XXI, 8vo. 20 vols, in 21, fifteen vols, uniform in calf gilt, the rest in hds. — Yols. XXII — XXYI. 4to. Ids, £15. 182557 126 the same, Yols. I — XIY, XX, XXI, 8vo. original editions, 16 vols, in 17, seven in hf. calf gilt, the rest not uniform, Br. HorsfieMs copy, £2. IO5 1779-1847 Yolumes of thu Series can be supplied separately at 7* each. 127 Belgium. Bulletins de la Societe royale de Botanique de Belgique, Tom. I, II, in 5 parts, 8?o. plates, sd. 2s ^d BruxelleSy 1862-3 Bengal JouBisrAL— see Asiatic Society. 128 BENGAL SPOETING Magazine, or Eastern Miscellany of Oriental Eield Diversions and Natural History of the G-ame Denizens of India, con- ducted by Stocqueler, from the beginning in 1833 to 1842, 19 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, some coloured, hf. calf neat ^ eaee, £10. Calcutta, 1833-42 BERLIN Academy : 129 NouTEAiJX Memoires de I'Academie Eoyale des Sciences et Belles Lettres, avec I'histoire, 1771-1774 et 1779-80, (3 vols. 4to. plates. Ids. 15* 1773-6-82 130 Berlin Academy Papees. A Collection of 31 yaluable and impor- tant Dissertations and Works on Philology, Ancient Art and Litera- ture, with many plates, in 2 portfolios, 4to. red morocco, 16s Berlin y 1846, etc. This collection includes, A. Philology : Hagen, die Schwanen-Sage ; Bopp, Georgische Sprache ; Schott, das Altaische Sprachen-Geschlecht; Hagen's Artus : J. Grimm's Deutsche Sprache ; etc. in all, 13 parts. — B. Ancient Art: Gerhard's Agatho- damon ; Gerhard's Eros ; Welcker's Lesche zu Delphi ; Panof ka, der Vasenbildner Panphaios ; Panofka's Perseus ; Gerhard's Kunst dor Phoenizier ; together 8 parts, with plates — C. Scientific ; Karsten, die Vegetations Organe der Palmen, with plates, and others by Bessel, Encke, &c. together 10 parts. BERLIN Geographical Society: 131 Monatsbeeichte iiber die Verhandlungen der Gtesellschaft FiiE Ebd- kunde zu Berlin, 4 vols. 1839-43 ; JS'eue ^olge, 1844-53, 10 vols. — together 14 vols. 8vo. sewed, 25s Berlin, 1839-53 X32 BERLINER Asteonomtsches JAHRsrcH, von ENCKE, vom Anfang, 1831 bis 1863, 33 vols. 8vo. (pub. at about 110 Thaler), hf calf neat, £2. 10s Berlin, 1829-60 A valuable series, important also for the memoirs of practical Astronomy inserted by the learned editor, whose name is second to none in the list of discoverers and ob- servers. A set of 26 vols, priced, 1858, Eriedlander, 32 Thaler. 133 BIBLIOPHILE (le) Belge, 6 vols.— Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige, fonde par M. le Baron de Reiffenberg, 4 vols. — together 10 vols. 8vo. portraits and facsimiles, half calf gilt, £2. Bruxelles, 1845-54 An interesting bibliographical periodical, containing notices of Early Printers, valuable articles on old Books, Manuscripts, Public Libraries, etc. Reviews of new Books, .a»d other useful information. TEANSACTIONS OP LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 15 134 BIBLIOTHEQUE de l'Ecole des CHAETES, Eevue d'Erudition consacree principalement a I'Etude du Moyen-Age, 24 vols, royal 8vo. many fac- similes of ancient Documents^ etc. in parts as isstied (pub. at 5614. I85) iJlO. Paris, 1839-02 This copy is complete from the commencement to the above date, and includes all the tables as far as issued. 135 another set, Vols. I— XYI in 97 pts. roy. 8vo. scl. £5. 1839-54 136 another portion, Series I. Vols. 1—3, Series II. Vols. 2, 3 — together 5 vols. 8vo. hf hd. 25* 1839-47 This is one of the most important and interesting publications relating to Medieeval MSB. The cost of publication was 125 a volume. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES : 137 ALLIBONE'S (S. A.) Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and Bei- TisH AND Ameeican Authoes, to the middle of the 19th Century, con^ taining 30,000 biographies and literary notices, Vol. 1, {all yet ptiMisJied) stout impl. 8vo. 24^ Pliiladelphia, 1859 138 BIOGEAPHIE UNIVEESELLE, ancienne et moderne, ouvrage entiere- ment neuf, 52 vols. — Mythologie, 3 vols. — Supplement, tomes 56-85, (A— Vil.) sd. £15. Paris, Michaud, 1811-28-64 Still the best Biographical Dictionary, the Supplement is the scarcest portion of the work, and is sold separately for £10. 10*. 139 BIOaEAPHIE UNIVEESELLE [MICHAUD] ancienne et moderne, ou histoire par ordre alphabetique de la vie publique, de tous les hommes qui se sont fait remarquer par leurs ecrits, leurs actions, leurs talents, leurs vertus, ou leurs crimes, Vols. 1-25 (A-Mac), impl. 8vo. double columns (pub. at £12. 12*) sd. £^. Paris, 1854-56 The continuation can be supplied at 9.v per volume. Bodleian Libeaet Publications. — See Oxfoed. 140 BoLETiM E Annaes do CoNSELHO Ultramarino, Pevreiro de 1854 ate Margo de 1856, 22 parts, 4to. maps, 12s Lishoa, 1854-56 Containing Decrees in Council, Treatises, etc. of the Portuguese Government in its colonial and foreign relations. 141 Bologna. Monumenti Istorici pertinenti alle provincie della Eomagna, Serie I, Statuti, torn. I. fasc. 1-3, 3 parts, folio, sd. 5s Polopia, 1863-4 142 BOMBAY Medical and Physical Society's Transactions and Proceedings, from the beginning in 1838 to 1857 : fiest seeies. No. I— VIII, 1838-47 ; new seeies, III, 1855-56 ; together 9 vols. 8vo. unhound, rare, £3. 10s Bombay, 1838-57 143 the same, eiest seeies, Nos. I, II, IV, VI, (IV wants pp. 145-56, at end of vol.) 4 vols. 8vo. 10s ib. 1838-43 BOMBAY Geographical Society : 144 Teansactions and Proceedings, from the beginning, in 1836 to 1863, Vols. I — XVI, 8vo. numerous plates, some coloured, £15. Bombay, etc. 1847-63 A scarce and valuable periodical, containing much historical and ethnological matter, Vocabularies and grammatical sketches of several languages and dialects, etc. Sets comT pleted. 145 the same, 1837 to 1863 ; as follows : Jan. 1837 ; May to August, 1839 ; May and August, 1840 ; May, 1844 to December, 1846 ; 1848 ; 1849-50, (Vol. IX); 1856-58, (XIII and XIV); 1860-62, (XVI);- together 4 vols, and 9 parts, 8vo. (one part ivormed), numerous plates, sd. £5. ib. 1837-63 BOMBAY Literary Society : 146 Teansactions of the Society, consisting of translations from the Chinese, the Persian, etc. dissertations on Hindoo Mythology, Ethics, Antiquities, Mahomedan Mysticism, comparison of the Gipsy and Hindostanee lan- guages, plan of a comparative Vocabulary of Indian Languages by Sir J. Mackintosh, on Cuneiform Inscriptions, etc. 3 vols. 4to. numerous plates of Anti(juities, Pacsitniles, etc. bds. ov, a fine copy in loliolc calf neat , 35^ lol«7-^t| 16 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 147 BOMBAY QUARTERLY REVIEW, from the commencement, January 1855 to September 1858, Vols. I— VIII, being Nos 1 to 14, (without No. 3)— together 13 Nos. 8vo. 25s Bombay, 1855-58 Containing many valuable articles on the Ethnology, Philology, and Natural History of India. Sets completed. 148 Bombay Monthly Magazine of Selections from the British Periodicals, No. X. May 1841, 8vo. 6s Bombay, 1841 149 BOREL D'HAUTERIVE, Annuaire de la Pairie et de la Noblesse de Erauce, et des Maisons Souveraines de I'Europe, from the commencement in 1843 to 1863, 20 vols. 12mo. many hundred Goats of Arms, sd. £5. Faris, 1843-63 The first volume is very rare. BONAPARTE. Publications of his Imperial Highness, Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte : 150 Parabola de Seminatore, ex Matthseo, in 72 Europcsus linguas ac dialectos versa charac- teribus expressa Romanis, 8vo. rare, 25* 1857 151 Canticum Cauticorum Salomonis, 3 Vasconicis dialectis Hispaiiia versum, ab Uriarte et L. L. Bonaparte, 4to. printed in hluck, red, and (jreen, \bs 1858 152 Canticum trium puerorum in 7 dialectos Vasconieas versum, 4to. 4* &d 1858 153 idem, in 11 dialectis Vasconicis, a L. L. Bonaparte, 4to. new phonetic types, 7s 6d 1858 154 Dialogues Basques : Guipuscoans, Biscaiens, Labourdins, Souletins, par Iturriaga, Uriarte, Duvoisin, et Inchauspe, avec deux traductions Espagnole et Franqaise, 8vo. 27^ 1857 155 BASQUE BIBLE: Biblea, edo Testament Zahar eta Beiria Duvoisin Kapitainak, latinezko Bulgatatik lehembiziko aldiko Laphurdiko eskarara itzulia. Luis-Luziano Bonaparte print- zeak argitara emana : La Sainte Bible, traduite pour la premiere fois en langue Basque, Dialecte du Labourd, par le Capitaine Duvoisin, editee par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte, impl. 8vo. 1365 pp. double columns, in five parts, £9. 1859-65 156 Celtic Hexapla: the Song of Solomon in all the living dialects of the Gaelic and Camhriaih languages (in English, Irish, Gaelic, Manx, French, Welsh, Breton), 4to. 20a 1858 157 Apocripha, Gaelic Alhannaich, le Alasdair Macgriogair, 8vo. £2. 1860 The Gaelic Apocrypha had never been printed before. 158 Evangile de Saint Mathieu, en Breton de Vaimes, par Terrien, 16mo. 6^ 1857 159 Vangelo di San Matteo, in dialetfo 3Iilanese, da Picozzi, 16mo. 15« 1859 160 in dialetto Bergamasco, da Locatelli, 16mo. 15^ 1860 161 m dialetto Piemontese, 16mo. 65 1861 162 in dialetto Genovese, da Olivieri, con osservazioniLinguisto-comparativc svlla. pronunzia Genovese, da L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. 155 1860 163 in dialetto Friulano, dal Conte P. dal Pozzo, 16mo. 155 1860 164 in dialetto NapoUtano, da un letterato di Napoli, l6mo. 155 1861 165 Libro di Hut, in dialetto Siciliano, da Scalia, 32mo. 4* %d. 1860 166 Storia di Giuseppe : Capi 37 e 39-45 della Genesi, in dialetto Sardo Logudorese da Spano, seconda edizione, 8vo. 15* 1864 167 Profeziadi Giona, in dialetto Sardo Cagliaritano, da Abis, 16mo. 4s Gd 1861 168 Storia di Giuseppe : Capi 37 e 39-45 della Genesi, in dialetto Cagliaritano, da Abis, 8vo. 155 1861 169 Cantico de' Cantici, in dialetto Sardo centrale, 16mo. 45 &d 1861 170 Vangelo di S. Matteo, Logudorese, da Spano, 16mo. 155 1858 171 Vangelo di S. Matteo, in dialetto Corso, 16mo. 155 1861 172 Evangelio de S. Matteo, en el dialecto Asturiano^ por un natural de Asturias, con co- operacion de L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. 155 1861 173 Evangelio de S. Matteo, traducido al dialecto Gallego, por Santa Maria, con observaciones sobre la pronunciacion Galiega, Asturiana, Castellana y Portuguesa por L. L. JBonaparte, 16mo. 155 1861 174 Solomon, the Song of, in Lowland Scotch, by Kiddell, 4to. 45 6^ 1858 175 Solomon, the Song of, in twe7ity-five English dialects : Lowland Scotch, three versions ; of Northumberland; Newcastle, two versions; Cumberland, two varieties. North and Central; Durham, Westmoreland, North Yorkshire, Craven, North Lancashire, West Yorkshire, Sheffield, Lancashire (Btdton), Devonshire, East Devonshire, Somersetshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Corawall (Jiving dialect), Sussex and Norfolk, and Saxon-English; 25 parts, 16mo. £3. 55 1858-61 176 Solomon, the Song of, versified in the dialect of the Colliers of Northumberland, by Eobson, 4to. 75 ^d I860 177 Ewangeelje fen Matthewcs : Evangelic van Matthcus vertaald in Land-Frieschy^oox Hal- bertsma, 4to. 275 1858 TEANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 17 Bonaparte — contimced. 178 Storia di Giuseppe Ebreo, in dialetto Sardo Tempiese, da Porqueddu, 8vo. 15j 1862 179 Gospel of St. Mathew in Lonland Siotcli^ by Henderson, 16mo. 15y 1852 180 Langue Basque et Langues Finnoises, par le Prince L. L. Bonaparte, 4to. 245 1862 181 St. Matthew, the whole Gospel of, in the Devonshire Dialect, 16mo. 155 1863 BONN and Breslau Academy : 182 Yertiandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leop. Carol. Akademie: Nova Acta Physico-Medica AcademisB CsesarejB Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curio- sorum. Vol. XVI, Supplement ; XVII, part 1 and 2, and Supplement ; XVIII, 1, 2, and 2 Supplements ; XIX. 1, 2, and 2 Supplements ; XX, i, 2 ; XXI, 1, 2, and Supplement ; XXII, 1, 2 ; XXIII, 1 ; roy. 4to. many plates, some of the volurnes hound in lif. calfy and arranged according to scientific classification^ not in the order of publication, the rest in d stout parts, £Q. Vrastisl. et Bonn. 1832-51 183 another Series, consisting of Vol. XVIII, pt. 2, and Supplement; XIX, Supplement; XXI. pt. 2; XXIV, pt. 1; XXV, pts. 1, 2 ; XXVI, pt. 1 — together 8 vols. roy. 4to. many plates, one vol. cloth, the rest sewed, £2. 10s 1841-57 BOSTON Society of Natural History : 184 Journal of Natural History, from the beginning in 1834 to 1862, Vols. I — VII, pt. 3, 8vo. numerous plates, some coloured, six vols, and 3 parts, £5. 15s Boston, 1836-62 1S5 the same. Vol. I, pt. 3; V, pts. 1-3; VI; VII, pts. 1-3— together 1 vol. hf calf and 7 ports, 8vo. numerous plates, £2. 10s ib. 1836-62 186 BOYLE'S COURT GUIDES, various volumes, from 1812 to 1861, 16mo. and 12mo. separately at 2^ 187 BEITISH AiiCHJEOLOGiCAL Association's Journal, Vol. XXI, in 4 parts, 8vo. 1^ plates, and numerous cuts (pub. £1. lis Q>d) sd. IQs 1865 BRITISH ASSOCIATION : 188 Eepoets of the BEITISH ASSOCIATION for the Promotion of Science, from the commencement in 1831 to 1858, 28 vols. 8vo. numerous engrav- ings, many coloured, 19 vols, in half calf the rest bds. 56IO. 1831-59 The continuation can be supplied at a moderate rate. Odd volumes can be supplied at a reduction. BRITISH MUSEUM Publications : 189 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Gr^cum, e Cod. MS. Alexandrino descrip- tum a C. Gr. Woide, cum Appendice, royal folio, large paper, ^5. 3 786 Of this very valuable work, presenting a facsimile of a very precious old Greek Manu- script, only 50 copies were printed on this fine large paper ; 450 copies were printed of the regular edition, and ten copies on vellum, but of these only 6 had the notes and illustra- tions. 190 CATALOGUE of the Ilarlcian MSS. now in the British Museum, with Indexes, 3 vols, large folio, calf gilt, 255 1808 191 Description of Ancient Terra Cottas, by T. Combe, atlas 4to. Large Taper, 4.0 fine plates, bds. 20s 1810 192 COMBE (Taylor) Veterum Populorum et Eegum Numi qui in Museo Britannico adservantur, roy. 4to. 35s 1815 193 COMBE, Hawkins, and Cockerell, Description of the collection of Ancient Marbles in the British Museum, 10 parts or vols. 4to. an immense number of plates by Corboidd, (pub. £21. 25 Qd) bds. £8. IO5 1812-45 194 the same, large paper, parts 1-4, atlas 4to. bds. 325 1812-20 195 , the same, part XI, edited by Birch, impl. 4to. large paper, (pub. 564. Us (>d) bds. £3. 35 1861 196 VETUS TESTAMENTUM, Graece e Codice MS. Alexahdriko, qui Lon- dini in Bibliotheca Musei Britaunici asservatur, typis ad similitudinem ipsius Codicis Scripturae fideliter descriptum, cura et labore H. H. Baber, B 18 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. British Museum 'PvLblico.tions— continued. 3 vols. impl. folio, (pub. at £18. 18s) bds. £6. Gs ; or bound in 2 vols, in blue MOROCCO extra, jointSy gilt edges, £10. 10s 1816-21 Priced, 1834, Straker, £14. 145 ; 1837 and 1840. Payne and Foss, russia, £26. 5s ; Dr. Hawtrey's copy fetched, 1853, £''13. 15*. The edition was confined to 250 copies. Woide's edition of the New Testament of the same Codex, bound uniformly, should be bought with the Old Testament. 197 BIBLIOTHEC^ EEOliE Catalogus, 5 vols. ;)or/r«iVs— Catalogue of the Maps, Prints, Drawings, etc. presented by George IV. ; together 6 vols, roy. folio, £6. 15s ^ ^ 1820-29 198 Catalogue of the Maps, Prints, Drawings, etc. separate issue in 2 vols. 8vo. 12.S ■ 1833-43 199 Catalogue of Additions to the Museum in 1831-39, 7 vols, royal 8vo. Ids. 12s 1833-43 200 CATALOGUE of MSS. in the British Museum, New Series, Vol. 1, part 1, the Aeundel ; parts 2 and 3, the Buenet Manusceipts, and Indexes, folio, pfates of facsimiles ({)ub. £3. Is) bds. £2. 2s 1834-40 201 ■ the sanie, part I. the Aetjndel MSS. folio, the plates coloueed, (pub. at £4. Us 6d) bds. £2. 2s 1834 202 the same, parts 2 and 3, in 1 vol. folio, calf neat, 36s 1840 Contents : part II, Bumey Manuscripts, with 4 facs. ; part III, Forshall's Index to the Arundel and Bumey MSS. 234 pp. 203 BONOMI (J.) and E. AEUNDALE, Gallery of Egyptian Antiquities m the British Museum, with Descriptions by S. Biech, 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. with 67 plates, mostly coloured (pub. at £2. 2s) cloth, 30s (? 1840) 204 EoESHALL (J.) Description of the Greek Papyri in the British Museum, part 1, atlas 4to. bds. 7s 6d 1839 205 CATALOGUS Codicum Oeientalium Musei Britannici, 3 parts in 4, large folio, facsimiles (pub. at £2. 10s) bds. £2. 1837-47 Contents: I. Codd. Syriaci et Carshunici; II. Arabici, 2 parts; III. Aethiopici. Sets completed. 206 HIEEATIC PAPTEI. Select Papyri in the Hieratic character from the collections of the British Mnseum with Hawkins* prefatory Eemarks, parts I. to III. royal folio, 168 plates, (pub. at £4. 7s) bds. £S. 12s) 1841-44 207 Select Papyri, (Second Series), part II, plates 1-19, containing the Abbott and D'Orbiney Papyri, roy. folio, bds. 15s 1860 This ought to be called Vol. II, part 1, instead of "part II," as it is really part 4. 208 CATALOGUE of the Printed Books, Vol. I. A to Azz, sm. folio, cloth, IGs 1841 This volume contains 91 admirabl,e rules for Cataloguing. The article Academies supplies a valuable Bibliography of all the Transactions of Learned and publishing Societies. 209 BIBLIOTHECA GEENVILLIANA, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. cZ. £10. 10sl842.48 Very rare. Vols. I. and 11. are out of print ; only a few copies were published. 210 Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British Museum, in the years 1836-45, with Indexes, 2 vols, stout roy. 8vo. 20s ] 859 211 Catalogue of the Manuscript Maps, Charts, and Plans, and of the Topographical Drawings in the British Museum, 2 vols, royal 8vo. (pub. at 20s) cloth, 7s dd 1844 212 INDEX to the Additional MSS. with those of the Egeeton Collection, acquired in the years 1783-1835, folio, only one hundred and fifty printed, not for sale, cloth. Sir F. Madden^s private copy, 36*4. 10s 1849 .213 HOMEE. Eragraents of the Iliad of Homer, from a Syriac Palimpsest, edited by "William Cueeton, M.A. atlas 4to. (pub. at £^. 3s) cloth, 30s 1851 These fragments are supposed to be of as early a period as the fifth century of our era. Faithfully engraved copies of some of the leaves are appended to this great treasure fbr Greek Scholars, the body of the work being printed in the types of ihe Codex Alexandrinus. They nearly approach the manuscript itself. TRANSACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 19 British Museum Publications — continued. 214 LAYARD (A. H.) Assyrian Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character^ recently discovered, and uow in the British Museum, folio, 98 plates, bds. l%s J851 215 Rawlinson and Norris. The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, Vol. I. : Historical Inscriptions of Chaldsea, Assyria, and Babylonia ; Vol. II. : Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Assyria, 2 vols, royal folio, 140 plates, hds. 35s 1861-6(5 Natural History Series : 216 GUNTHER'S Catalogue of Acanthopterygian Fishes in the B. M. Collection, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 35.« 1859-62 217 WALKER'S List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the B. M. Parts 1 — 27, 12nio. served, £5. 1854'63 218 WEST WOOD'S Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the B. M. Collection, Part L: Phas- mida*, royal Svo. 48 p'atf^s, cloth, 30« 1859 219 GRAY'S Catalogue of Lepidopterous Insects, Part I.: Papilionid^, roy. 4to. 13 J^'nehJ COLOURED PLATES, bd.s. 21 S 1852 220 Catalogue of Shield Reptiles, part 1, Tortoises, 4to. 50 pfafcs, W.<. £2. \0s 1855 221 Ca.tai.ogub of M.AMidAhiA, 3 psLrts, plates and woodcuts, 17s 6d 1850-52 222 List of Mammalia, />;«^g«, 2.y 6<7 1843 223 Catalogue of Mammalia, and Birds of Nepal, presented by B. H. Hodgson 1846 224 Catalogue of Mammalia, and Birds of New Guinea, Svo. Is &d 1859 225 Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific, 8vo Is 6d 1859 226 Catalogue of the Genera and Sub- Genera of Birds, 45 1855 227 List of Birds, 4 parts in 5, 25 3^ 1848-69 228 Catalogue of Reptiles, 3 parts. 7s 1844-49 229 Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes, 4« 1858 230 Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects, 6 Y>ai'ts, plates 1847-52 231 List of Hemipterous Insects, 2 parts, jo/fl)f^j?, 11« 1851-52 232 Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira, 8vo. S.< 1857 233 Catalogue of Halticidae— Physapodes and CEdipodes, part 1, Svo. plates, 7s 1860 234 Catalogue of Hispidae, Svo. platen, &s 1858 235 List of Crustacea, 2s 1847 236 Catalogue of Crustacea, part 1, all published, 6d 1855 237 Catalogue of Myriapoda, part 1, 1« 9<£ 1856 238 List of Myriapoda 1844 239 Catalogue of Neuropterous Insects, 4 parts, 8s 6d 1852-53 239*Guide to the Systematic Distribution of the MoUusca, part 1, all puhlUhed, Svo. 5s 1857 240 Catalogue of the Collection of Mazatlan Shells, 8* 1S57 241 Catalogue of Mollusca, parts 1, 2, and 4, all published, woodcuts, 8« 1849-53 242 List of Mollusca, part \,allpiihlhhed, ^d 1855 243 Nomekclature of Molluscous Animals and Shells, part 1. all published, \s 6d 1850 244 Catalogue of Amphibia, part 2, all published, plates, 2s 6d 1850 245 Catalogue of Batrachia Salientia, Svo. plates, 6s 1858 246 List of Fish, part 1, Chondropterygii, all published, plates, 3« 1851 247 Catalogue of Fish, by L. T. Gronow, 3.? 6^/ 1854 248 Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Y\&h, plates, 2s 1856 249 Catalogue of Apodal Fish, Svo. p/«/'e*, 10« 1856 250 List of Osteological Specimens, 2.V 1847 251 Catalogue of Bones of Mammalia, Svo. 5* 1862 252 List of Lepidopterous Insects, Papilionidae, Erycinidae, and Appendix, 3 parts, 3« 6^ 1847-56 253 Specimen of a Catalogue of Lycaenidae, 4to. coloured plates, £1. l« 1862 254 List of Lepidopterons Insects, 24 parts, £4. 9.y 1854-62 255 List of Hymenopterous Insects, 2 parts, Zs6d 1846-48 256 Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects, 7 parts, 12mo. many plates, Zis Qd 1853 59 257 List of Dipterous Insects, 7 Y^&xis, woodcuts, 27s 1848-55 258 List of Homopterous Insects, 4 parts and Supplement, plates, 20s 6d 1850-58 259 Catalogue of Coleopterous Insects parts 7, 8, and 9, all publhhed, plates, 9s 1853-56 260 Catalogue of Conchifera, 2 parts, 3* 6rf 1853-54 261 List of Mollusca and Shells, collected, etc., by Eydoux and Souleyet,.8c? 1855 262 List of Shells of the Canaries, 1« 1854 263 List of the Shells of Cuba, 1* 1 854 264 List of the Shells of South America, 2s 1 854 265 Catalogue of Phaneropneumona, 5s 1852 266 Catalogue of Pulmonata, part 1, all published , woodcMtf, 2» 6d 1855 267 Catalogue of Auriculidae, Pi'osei-pinidae, and Truncatellidae, \s ^d 1857 B 2 20 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILDY, LONDON. British Museum Publications— cow^mwec/. 268 CATA-LOQVEofEjitozoa., plates, 2s 1853 269 List of British Animals, 17 parts, £1. 14s 2d 1848-55 270 Catalogue of British Hymenoptera, part 1, all published, plates, 6? 1855 27 1 Catalogue of Fossorial Hymenoptera, Formicidae and Vespidae, plates, Gs 1858 272 Catalogue of Ichneumonidae, 1* 9cZ 1856 273 List of British Curculionidse, Is 1856 274 Catalogue of Recent Echinida, part 1, all published, plate, 3s 6d 1855 275 Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa, 2 ip&rts, plates, 32s 1852-54 276 List of British Diatoraaceae, Is 1859 277 Catalogus Concharura Bivalvium, pars 1.: Veneridse, 12mo. 1853 278 Catalogue of Seals and Whales, seeojid editioii, 8vo. woodcuts, cloth, \0s 1866 BRUSSELS Academy: 279 BuLLETiK de I'Academie Eoyale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux- Arts de Belgique, for 1859, 1860, 1863-66, seven stout vols. 8vo. numerous plates ; Annuaire de I'Academie, 1860, 1864-66, 4 vols. 12mo. ; together 11 vols, sewed, 1859-66— Comptes Eet^dus des Seances de la Commission Eoyale d'Histoire, ou Recueil de ses Bulletins ; Serie I, Vols, i, yi-x, xii, et la Table pour les tomes t-xyi ; Serie II, Vols, ii-xii ; Serie III, Vols. i-iii ; together 20 vols, in 40 parts, 1842-61 — together 31 vols. 8vo. plates, in parts, 563. \0s Bruxelles, 1835-66 280 COLLECTIOlSr de CHEONIQTIES BELGES inedites, publiee par ordre du Gouvernement : — Le Chevalier au Cygnc et Godefroid de Bouillon, Poeme historique, avec un Glossaire par Gachet, 3 vols, in 4, 1846-59 — Le Eoman en Vers de Gilles de Chin, Annales d'Auchin, etc. in 1 vol. 1847 — Antiquitas EcclesisB Andaginensis S. Petri : Chronique de I'Abbaye de Eloreffe, etc. in 1 vol. 1848 — Eolations des Troubles de Gand sous Charles Quint, 1 vol. 1846— Chroniques des Dues de Brabant, par Edm. de Dynter, public par De Earn, 3 vols, in 4, 1854-60 — together 9 vols, in 11, 4to. {pub. a?^ 184 francs), sewed, .£4. Briixelles, 1846-60 281 MfeMOiEES de I'Academie, Tom. XXI, plates, 4to. sd. 10s ih. 1848 281*BETDGES (SirEgerton) The TOPOGEAPHEE, a series of original Articles illustrative of the Local History and Antiquities of England (edited by Stebbing Shaw and Sir EgertonBrydges), 4 vols. 8vo. ^S plates, calf neat, 285 ; or anotlier copy in lif. russia, uncttt, £2. 5* 1789-1791 Bindley 's copy fetched £2. 5« ; the Fon thill, £3. 10s ; the Stowe copy, £2. 2*. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Architectural and Archseological Society : 282 Eecoeds, Vols. I — III, 8vo. plates in parts, rare, £3. Ayleslury, 1854-66 283 BULLETINS or the Campaigns, 1793 to 1816, 19 vols. 12mo. hf. bd. 12s 1793-1816 There was no Bulletin published for 1802 ; and those for the years 1803, 1807, 1810, and 1814, are wanting to this set. 284 CABANIS, JoxJENAL fiir Ornithologie, Vols. I— VIII, in 4, 8vo. numerous plates, many coloured, half calf neat, £4. Cassel, 1853-60 The continuation can be supplied at the rate of 12^ the yearly volume. 285 CALCUTTA JornNAL of Natubal History, containing the discoveries in Indian Geology, Zoology, Botany, etc. conducted by John McClelland, W. Geiffith, and others ; from the beginning in April 1840 to its ter- mination in July, 1847, 30 Nos. forming 8 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, seven volumes half bound and four parts, veet bare, £ 10. Calcutta, 1841-47 286 — — another set, Nos. 1—24, being Vols. I— VI. in parts, uncut, £Q, 1841-46 287 another set, Nos. 1 — 23, or Vols. I— VI. part 3, tmcut, £4. 10s 1841-46 288 another set, Nos. 1—19, 22, 23, four vols. bd. and 5 parts, £3. 10^ 1841-45 289 another set, :N'os. 1—14, 16, 17, 22, 23, 18 parts, £2. 10s 1841-45 Odd Nos. in stock to complete sets. The Title to Vol. VIII. was Jieva- printed. TRANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 21 290 Calcutta Monthly JorRNAL, a Register of Occurrences throughout the British Domiuions in the East, Second Series, Vols. I- VI, sm. 8vo. lif. calf, 55 Calcutta, 1833-34i 291 CALCUTTA Medical and Physical Society's Transactions, Vols. I-IX, in 10 vols. 8vo. coloured opiates, Ids. £4. Calcutta, 1825-45 292 the same, Vols. I — VIII. pt. 1, in 9 vols. 8vo. coloured plates, six vols. half hound, and three in boards, uncut, £2. IQs ib. 1825-36 The above Transactions contain valuable papers by the best scientific men in India. 293 CALCUTTA REVIEW, from the beginning in 1844 to 18G4, being Nos. 1 — 79, or. Vols. I — XL, complete, 8vo. seven vols. hf. calf, the remainder in quarterly parts, uncut, £10. Calcutta, 1854-64 Nos. 39 and 40, intended for an Index, were never published. Numbers sold separately. 294 CAMBEIAN QUAETERLT MAGAZINE and Celtic Eepertory, 5 vols. 8vo. with various pieces of Music, 2 vols. hds. the rest in pts. 25s 1829-33 Valuable articles upon Wales, its people, language, literature, History, and Antiquities. 295 CAMBEIAN EEGISTEE, the complete series, 1795-1818, 3 vols. 8vo. frontispieces and maps, a rare and valuable periodical, £'2. lOs 1795-1818 296 the same. Vols. I. IL 8vo. 20^ 1795-96 Full of important contributions to illustrate the Language, Literature, Antiquities, and History of Wales. 297 CAMBEO-BEITON, from the commencement in September, 1819, to June, 1822, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf , ms 1820-22 Containing valuable articles on the Welsh Language, Welsh Poetry, Topographical and Biographical Notices, etc. 298 CAMBEIDGE Camden Society's Transactions, Pts. I, ll,;plate8, 4to. sd. 10* Camhr. 1841-42 299 CAMBEIDGE Mathematical Joitknal, edited by E. L. Ellis, Series I, 4 vols. (pub. £3. 13*) 1837-45 — Camekidge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, edited by W. Thompson, 9 vols. (pub. at £7. 4*) 1845-54 — Oxford, Cambridge, and Dublin Mathematical Journal, Vols. I, II, (pub. at 20s) 1862-63 — together 15 vols. 8vo. a complete set of the three Series, very rare, £15. 15* Cambridge, 1837-63 CAMBRIDaS Observatory: 300 ASTEONOMICAL OBSEEVATIONS made at the Observatory of Cam- bridge, by Q-. B. Airy and Eev. James Ciiallis, for the years 1828-1845, 1852-60, Vols. I-XVI, XIX, XX, roy. 4to. twelve vols. hf. bd. uncut, and six in bds. presentation copy to Professor Schumacher, £2. 10* 1829 64 301 CAMBEIDGrE Uniteesity Calendar, from the beginning in 1796 to 1854, {wanting 1798, 1824, 37, 40, 42—44, 46—53) together 43 vols. 12mo. (pub. at Qs and Qs 6d a volume) £2. I65 Cambridge, 1796-1854 CAMBRIDGE Philosphical Society : 302 TEANSACTIONS, from the beginning in 1819 to the present. Vols. I— X, pt. 2, 4to. numerous Scientific and Geological plates, some coloured, the first vol. hf. calf, the rest in parts, scarce, £18. Cambridge, 1822-64 Vol. V. plates 3 — 6 not published. Odd volumes in stock for the completion of sets. 303 CANADA Directory for 1857-58, containing the names of the principal in- habitants in the Cities, Towns, and Villages, etc. stout roy. 8vo. large folding Map, 1544 "pp. double columns, cloth, 7s Qd Montreal, 1858 304 CANTON Eegister, Vols. Ill, IV, VII-IX, from January 1830, to December 1839, (Vols. I-III. of the Canton Price Current bound up with Vols. 7, 8, 9,) 5 vols. ; Canton Press (the) Nos. 209-73, or Vols. V and VI, nos. 1-13, from October 1839 to Dec. 1840, together 6 vols. sm. folio, printed on silk paper, and bound in silk covers, £2. \Qs Macao and Canton, 1830-40 Two very interesting weekly newspapers, containing valuable articles on the language and history of the country. 22 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 305 Canton Miscellany, Nos. 2-5, Svo. printed on silk paper, cloth, 10s 1831 Containing very interesting articles on the language, literature, and manners of the people. 306 Cape of Good Hope Almanac and Annual Eegister for 1856, by De Villiers, 12mo. cloth, Ss Gd Cape Town, 1855 CELTIC Society : 307 Publications of the Celtic Societt, founded MDCCCXLV; the complete Series of 6 vols, royal 8vo. portraits (sold to subscribers for £7.) clean copy in cloth, £2. 2s 1847-53 Incorporated with the Ieish Abch^ological Society, see post. 308 CEYLON CALENDAE and ALMANAC, and Compendium of useful information, for the years 1835, 1837-38, 1840-47,1849-50, 1852-53, 1856- 59, together 19 vols. Svo. several large folding mapa, tables of census, with lists of Native Headsmen and Kandyan Chiefs, Tables of Roads, ^c. very scarce^ (pub. £G. 7s) calf, and morocco, £2. Colombo, 1835-59 300 CHESS PLAYER'S CHRONICLE, edited by Staunton, from the beginning in 1841. First Series, 13 vols. 1841-52; Second Series, Vols. I-IX, 1853-56; Third Series, Vols. I-IV, pt. 6, 1859-62 ; together fourteen vols. hf. calf^ the rest in parts, 8vo. frontispiece and ivoodcuts, (pub. at £17. Is Od), £10. 1841-62 310 the same. Vols. I to VIII, 8vo. containing an immense number of Games with diagrams, (pub. £4. 16^) cloth, £2. 10s 1841-47 311 CHESS PLAYER'S MAGAZINE, edited by Lowenthal, July 1863 to Oc- tober 1867, being Nos. 1-52, or Vols. I-VI, pt. 6, together 6 vols. Svo. numerous woodcuts, in parts, (pub. at £2. 12*) sd. rare, £2. 2s 1863-67 CHESTER Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society : 312 Journal, parts 2, 8, 5, Svo. plates, an interesting periodical, 10s 1852-58 CHETHAM Society: 313 Publications, consisting of Remains Historical and Literary connected with the Counties of Lancaster and Chester, complete from the beginning in 1833 to the conclusion in 1863, 64 vols, including the General Index, sm. 4to. cloth, gilt back, contents lettered, ^828. 1844-65 Contents. I. Brereton's Travels, 1634-35, by Hawkins.— II, Ormerod's Military Proceedings in Lancashire, Civil War. — III. Chester's Triumph, 1610. — IV. Martindale's Life, by Parkinson. — V. Hibbert, Ware, Lancashire Memorials of 1715. — VI. Pott's Discovery of Witches, by Crossley. — VII. James Iter Laiicastrense, by Corser. — VIII. Raines' Notitia Cestriensis. — IX. Heywood's Norris Papers. — X. XI. Hulton's Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. - XIl. Heywood's Moore Rental, — XIII. Worthington's Diary, by Crosslev, I. — XIV. Assheton's Journal, by Raines. — XV. S. Werburge's Life, by Haw- kins. — XVL Whalley Chartnlary, IH. — XVII. Beaumont's Warrington, 1465.— XV^in. Newcombe's Dmrv, bv Hevwood.— XIX, Notitia Cestriensis, II, 1.— XX. Whal- Icv Chartulary, IV, — XXI.'XXII, Notitia Cestriensis, II. 2, 3.— XXIII. Robinson's Golden Mirror.— XXIV. Chetham Miscellanies, I.— XXV. Allen's Defence of Stanley. —XXVI, XXVII Autobiography of Newcombe.— XXVIII. Jacobite trials at Man- chester, 1694. — XXIX. Heywood's Stanley Papers, I. — XXX. Hulton's Penwortham Documents. — XXXI. Stanley Papers, II. — XXXII. Byrom's Journal and Remains, 1,1. —XXXIII, Lancashire and Cheshire Wills, — XXXIV, Byroms Journal, I, 2.— XXXV. Harland's Shuttleworth Accounts.— XXX VL Diarv of Worthington, II. 1.— XXXVII. Chetham Miscellanies, II.- XXXVIII. French's Church Libraries of Turton. XXXIX. Farington's Farington Papers.— XL. Byrom's Journal, II, 1. — XLI. Shuttle- worth's Accounts, II.— XLII. Booker's Didsbury and Chorlton Chapels — XLIII, Shut- tleworth's Accounts, III. — XLIV. Byrom's Journal, II. 2. — XLV. Wilson's Miscellanies, by Raines.— XI.VI. Shuttle worth's Accounts, IV.— XLVII. Booker's Birch Chapel, Manchester. — XLVIII. Jones' Tracts on Popery. — XLIX, L. Lancashire Lieutenancy under Tudors and Stuarts. — LI. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills, II. — LII. Corser's Collectanea Anglo- Poetica. I. — LII I. Harland's Mamecestre, I. — LIV. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills, III. — LV. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica, II. — LVI. Mamecestre, II. — LVII. Chetham Miscellanies, III.— LVIIL Mamecestre, HI.— LIX. LX. Chantries of Lancaster, by Raines. — LXI. Abbott's Journal, Trials, 1694— LXII. Discourse of the Warr in Lancashire.— LXIII. Court Leet Records of Manchester. — LXIV. Jones' Tracts on Poper}', II. General Index to Vols. 1-30. Various volames can be supplied teparately. TRANSACTIONS OP LEARNED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 23 CHEMICAL Society of London : 814 Memouis of the, for 18il-48, 3 vols. 1843-48 — Quarterly Journal of the Cliernical Society, Series 1, 15 vols. 1818-(32 ; — Series II, edited by Watts, Yols. I-IY, 1863-66 — together 22 vols. 8vo. in parts, as published, £8. 1841-66 315 CHINESE REPOSITORY (on the History, Statistics, Language, etc. of China and the adjacent countries), from the beginning, Vols. I-XX, a comjjlete set, with General Index, 21 vols. 8vo. map and plates, cloth, £28. Canton, 1832-51 316 another perfect copy, 20 vols, and the Index, 8vo. five vols, in hf. calf, the rest in cloth, £24. 1832-51 317 the same, Yols. 1-XIII ; XIY, Nos. 1, 3, 4, 8, 9 ; XY, Nos. 3, 6-10 ; XVI, 1 ; XIX, 1, 9-12 ; XX, and Index, complete, 8vo. eleven vols, in cloth, the rest in parts, £10. 1832-51 318 the same, Yols. I-XI ; XII, wanting pp. 1-18 ; XIII, nos. 3-6, 8, 10; XIY, 1-4, 10, and Index complete, eleven vols, in cloth, the ve^t parts, £7. 105 1832-51 319 the same, Yols. I-III ; lY, 3-12; Y, 1-8, 12; YI-X; XI, 3-6, 8; XII, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10-12 ; Xlir, 10— eight vols, cloth, rest parts, £5. 1832-43 320 the same, Yols. I-UI ; lY, 3-6, 8-12 ; Y, 7-8 ; Yl-X, eight yoh. cloth, rest parts, £4. 1832-41 321 the same, Yols. I-III ; lY, 5, 8-11 ; Y, 3, 8 ; YI, 2-12 ; Yll-X, calf, cloth, and parts, £3. 1832-41 322 the same, Yol. I, 2-7, 9-12 ; II, 2-8; III, 4-12; lY, 5, 9-11 ; YI, 7-12 ; Yll-X, hf. calf cloth, and parts, £2. 10^ 1832-41 The entire remaining stock of this valuable Repository was destroyed by the Chinese during their destruction of the British Factories near Canton. " This work, edited by the late Dr. Morrison, contains a great variety of valuable and curious papers." — MacCulloch. This periodical is of great importance to Oriental scholars; its scarcity is so great that few of the public Libraries of England can boast of complete sets ; on the Continent the work is vainly sought after. Abel Remusat could never get sight of it ; and complains of it in his preface to his Chinese Grammar. China is a world of its own on this Globe ; so much independent thought and so many wonderful achievements in Arts, Literature, and Industry, are entirely peculiar to the Chinese, that European readers will derive the greatest interest and profit from the careful study of this " Chinese Repository,'* which embodies the most accurate inibrmation on the Celestial Empire. 328 Chinese and Japat^^ese Eepositort, edited by Summers, Nos. 1-12, forming Yol. I, July 1863, to June 1364, 8vo. cloth, new, ISs 1864 Containing the latest information connected with the Literature, History, and Peoples of Eastern Asia ; transactions, extracts, etc. 324 CHRONICLES (English) and HISTOEICAL TEACTS: The HARLEIAN MISCELLANY, a collection of Scarce, Curious, and Enter- taining Pamphlets and Tracts, selected from the Library of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford ; with historical, political, and critical annotations by Oldjs and Park, 10 vols. 1803-13 SOMEES (Lord) Collection of Scarce and Yalu able Tracts ; second edition, revised, augmented, and arranged by (Sir) Walter Scott, 13 vols. 1809-15 Arnold's Chronicle, or the Customs of London, 1 vol. 1811 Eabyan's Chronicles of England and France ; with preface and Index by H. Ellis, 1 vol. 1811 Proissart's (Sir John) Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, etc. translated from the French by John Bourchier, Lord Berners ; reprinted from Pynson's edition of 1523 and 1525, with an Index, 2 vols. 1812 Grafton's Chronicle, or History of England, 2 vols. 1809 Hall's Chronicle, containing the History of England, 1 vol. 180il. 24 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Chronicles (English) and Historical Tbacts — continued. Hardyng's Chronicle, with a continuation of Richard Grafton, with Index by Hy. Ellis 1812 Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 6 vols. 1807-8 Joinville (.John Lord de) Memoirs, containing a History of Louis IX, King of Erance ; with notes by Thomas Johues, 2 vols, in 1, maps and plates 1807 Monsteelet's Chronicles, containing an account of the Wars between the Houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the Possession of Paris and Nor- mandy by the English, etc. translated by Th. Johnes, with Index, 5 vols. plates Hafod Press, 1809 Eastell's Pastime of the People, or Chronicle of the Realm of England : — — together 45 vols. 4to old rusna, marbled edges, 5650. 1808-15 A remarkably cheap set of the English Chronicles and Historical Tracts. 325 Chronological Institute of London, Transactions, Vol. I, and II pts. 1, 2, 6 parts, 8vo. sd. 18^ 1852-61 325* another copy. Vol. I and II, pts. 1-4, in 8 parts, 21s 1852-63 Civil Engineers' Institution : 326 TRANSACTIONS, complete set, from the beginning in 1836 to their dis- continuance in 1839, 2 vols, and 1 part, 4to. plates, cloth, 20s 1836-39 327 Minutes or Peoceedings from 1844 to 1862 (being Vols. IILXXI ; wanting Yll, pt. 1, VIII, IX, and X, pt. 1), with General Index of the first 20 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and ivoodcuts, in parts, £10. 1844-62 328 CIVIL ENG-INEER and Architect's Journal, from the beginning in October 1837 to October 1861, Vols. I to XXIV. 4to. numerous plates and cuts, 19 vols, bound in cloth, the remainder in 58 partSy £10. 1837-61 A similar set, unbound, recently priced in a bookseller's catalogue, £15. 15^. 829 CLERGY LIST, from 1841 to 1859, (without 1857-58), 17 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £7. 105) cloth, 12s 1841-59 330 COLLECTION DES MEMOIRES Relatifs a l'Histoire de ERANCE, depuis le Regne de Philippe- Auguste, jusqu'a la Paix con clue en 1763, par Petitot et MoNMERQufe, 131 vols. 8vo. sd. uncut, Alison's copy, ^•16. 165 Paris, 1824-47 331 COLLECTION des Dissertations, Notices, &c. relatifs a THistoire de Erance, par C. Leber, J. B. Salgues, et J. Cohen, 20 vols, sd uncut, £2. 2s Paris, 1826-38 332 CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, or Elower-garden displayed, in which the most ornamental foreign plants, cultivated in the opeu ground, the green-house and the stove are accurately represented in their natural colours ; to which are added their names, class, order, generic and specific characters, according to the system of Linnaeus, their places of growth, continued by J. Sims, S. Curtis, and W. J. Hooker; from the commence- ment in 1786 to Dec. 1856, together 83 vols, the three series complete, roy. 8vo. 4957 beautifully coloured plates, an excellent copy, ^645. 1786 (1793) 1856 A collection which is rarely found so complete, and in such good condition, con- taining : — Series I, Vols. 1-53, being vols. 1-14 by W. Curtis ; vols. 15-42 by J. Sims ; vols. 43-53, or New Series, vols, l-ll by J. Siins, /?Z«/<;5 1-2704, with text, 1786-1826, and first 42 vols. 1817. Series 11, Vols. 54-70, or New Series, vols, l-ll, plates 2705-4131, by S. Curtis and Sir W. J. Hooker, with text, 1827-44. Series III, comprising the plants of the royal gardens of Kew and of other botanical establishments in Great Britain, with suitable descriptions, and a supplement of botanical and horticultural information. Vols. 71-82, or Third Series, vols. 1-12, plates, 4132-4957, Sir W. J. Hooker, Avith text, 1845-56. The Third Series, which is the scarcest portion, is published at 2 guineas per volume, and appears regularly. The twelve volumes of 3rd Scries, described above, were alone published at £25. 4*. TEANSACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 25 333 CURTIS' Botanical Magazine, Third Series, Vols. I— XXII, (or LXXI— XCII, of the whole work), plates, 4132—5167, with text, 22 vols, royal 8vo. fourteen vols. hf. calf, and the rest uncut, ^630. 1845-66 Odd vols, in stock for the completion of sets. 334 Hooker's Companion to the Botanical Magazine, 2 vols. roy. Svo. numerous coloured plates, cloth, Qs 1835-36 CORNWALL Royal Geological Society : 335 Teansactions, Vols. I — V, Svo. map and plates, Ids. uncut, rare, £S. 12s Fenzance, 1818-43 336 the same, Vol. II, Svo. coloured maps, Ids. 10s ib. 1822 DANISH Scientific Society : 337 Det Konqelige Danske Yidenskabernes Selskabs Philosophiske og His- toriske Afhandlinger, Deel I — V, 1823-36 — Naturvidenskabelige og Ma- thematisk Afhandlinger, 12 vols, complete series, 1824-56 — Femte Beelcke, Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afdeling, Bind I-III, 1849-53 : together 20 vols. 4to. upwards of 250 plates, bds. £S. 10s Kjobenhavn, 1823-53 338 DICTIONNAIRE (Nouveatj) d'Histoire Naturelle, appliquee aux Arts, a rAgriculture, a la Medicine, etc. par une Societe de Natural istes et d'Agri- culteurs, nouvelle edition, refondue et augmentee, 36 vols. Svo. several hundred plates, calf, £2. Faris, 1816-19 Priced, 1824, £21. \2s ; 1836, £8. 8.?; 1847, £7. 17* 6tZ and £8. 18* 6^/. With coloured plates, I sold a copy, 1856, hf. bd. £1. IO5. A valuable set of books for a Public Library. This Dictionary was compiled by the most eminent scientific men in France ; each article was written by the most competent person in the branch of the subject he undertook, and their names are a sufficient guaran- tee for their excellence, viz. : Biot, Bosc, Chaptal, Dcsmarest, Du Tour, Lamark, La- treille, Lucas, Olivier, Richard, Sonnini, Vieillot, Virey, and others. 339 Dieteichsen'3 Almanack and Book of Greneral Information, 1838 to 1863, 26 years in 5 vols, hf calf, and 3 Nos. sm. Svo. rare, 7s Qd 1838-63 DILETTANTI Society's privately printed Works : 340 Antiquities of lONA, published by the Society of Dilettanti, 3 vols. impl. folio, many f 71 e engravings, hds. uncut, £5. 5s 1797-1821-1840 The third volume is that which has the most commercial value. 341 Unedited Antiquities of Attica, comprising the Architectural Remains of Eleusis, Rhamuus, Sunium, and Thoricus, impl. folio, 20* 1817 342 Specimens of Ancient SCULPTURE, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek and Roman, selected from different Collections in Great Britain, by the Society of Dilettanti. With an Inquiry into the Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology, by R. Payne Knight, 2 vols, royal folio, 133 beautiful engravings, (pub. at £39. 8s) bds. £10. 1809-35 Of Vol. II. very few copies were printed, only for the members of the Dilettanti Society. 843 Beondsted's Bronzes of Siris, now in the British Museum, impl. folio,^Z^^^5, bds. 7s 6d ' 1836 344 PENROSE (C. F.) Inyestigation into the Principles of Athenian Archi- TECTUEE, impl. folio, 4^2 fine plates, some elaborately coloured and gilt, bds. £5. " 1851 345 COCKERELL (0. R.) Temple of Jupiter Panhellenius at JEgina and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassse near Phigaleia, in Arcadia, royal folio, 13 vignettes and 2^ fine large interesting plates, half morocco, £2. 125 6g? 1860 the above Works, forming a PEREECT SET, sold together : 9 vols. impl. folio, £23. 1797-1860 A complete set, like the above, cost to the original Subscriber about £200. ; and from the limited number of copies issued, docs but very rarely occur. 2e BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK 316 DOCUMENTS INfiDITS sur l'Histoibe de France, publies par ordre 7u Boi (Louis Philippe) et par les soins du Ministre de I'Instruction Pubiique (M. Gruizot), &c. 81 vols. 4to. with Atlas folio of plates and plans, all uni- formly hound in hf calf gilt, contents lettered, from Lord JP aimer ston's Library, with his hooJc-plate, £32. 10* Paris, Imp. Eoyale, 1810-52 Contents : Rapport au roi et au ministre de I'instr. publ. 2 vols. — Proces-verbaiix des seances du conseil de Charles VIII. 1 vol. — Les Olim p. Beugnot, 4 vols.— Livre des metiers de Et. Boileau, 1 vol.— Chronique des Keligieux de St. Denys, 6 vols. — Les quatre livres des Rois trad, du franQ. du 12 siecle, 1 vol. — Didron, Iconographie chretienne, 1 voI_ — Documents hist. extr. de la Biblioth. roj. 2 vols. — Cartulaires des abbayes de St. Bertin' et de St. Pere de Chartres, 3 vols. — Chronique des Dues de Normandie, 3 vols. — Archives de la ville de Reims, 10 vols. — Ouvrages ined. d'Abelard p. Cousin, 1 vol.— Lettres de rois, reines, etc. cours de France et d'Anglet. 2 vols. — Hist, de la croisade contre les Albigeois, 1 vol. — Cronique de Bertrand Du Guesclin, 2 vols —Paris sous Phillippe le Bel, 1 vol.— Proces des Templiers, 2 vols. — Papiers d'etat du Cardinal de Granvelle 9 vols.— Journal des etats-gen. de Tours, 1484, 1 vol. — Negociations diplomat, entre la France et TAutriche, 1506, 2 vols. — Captivite de Francois I. I vol. — Pieces diverses rclat. au regne de Francois II. 1 vol. — Proces-verbaux des etats-gen. de 1593, 1 vol. —Lettres missives de Henry IV. 6 vols. — Relations des ambasss. Venitiens (16 siecle), 2 vols. — Correspond, de H. Escoubleau de Sourdis, 3 vols.— Negociations relat. a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV. 4 vols. — Memoires milit. sur la guerre de la succession d'Esp. 9 vols, et atlas gr. fol. (59 planch, et 76 tableaux). Priced, 1866, H. Bohn, 67 vols, only, £65. " This most important publication consists exclusively of Historical Works never before printed. Its value, therefore, in a historical collection cannot be over-rated. The cost of its publication was enormous, and was defrayed by the State. The several volumes are of the greatest value to the politician, diplomatist, the antiquarian, and the civil and ecclesiastical historian, edited as they are with notes and illustrations by Thierry, Barante, Michel, Weiss, Mignet, G£n. Pelet, Michelet, &c." Dublin Directories: 347 Gentleman's and Citizen's Almanack, compiled by John W. Stuart, and continued by Watson, from 1734 to 1848 (wanting 1735-39, 1741, 1745, 1751-55, 1757-59, 1761-63, 1767, 1768, 1771-72, 1778, but quite complete from 1799) — together 92 vols. \2mo. and ^vo. not uniform, in morocco, calf, and hf calf £7. 10s Lublin, 1734-1848 348 THOM'S Irish Almanac and Official Directory, with the Post Office, Dublin City and County Directory, from 1849 to 1861, together 13 vols. stout 8vo. cloth, and calf several large folding maps (pub. at £8. 5* 6d) 15s Lublin, 1849-61 DUTCH Early TextSociety : 349 Weeken uitgegeven door de Yeeeenigtng tee Beyoei>eeing dee Otjde Nederlandsche Letteekunde, med Verslagen en Berigten, from the beginning in 1844 to 1848, 22 parts 8vo. £2. 6« Leiden, 1844-48 350 DUCHESNE (A.) Histgei^ NOEMANNOEUM Sceiptores Antiqui, Ees ab illis per Galliam, Angliam, Apuliam, Capuse Principatum, Siciliam et Orieutem gestas explicantes, ab anno 838 ad 1220, ex MSS. Codd. fere omnes nunc primum editi, folio, very fine copy in Russia, £^. Lutet. Paris. 1616 A cheap copy of this valuable set of all the Norman Chroniclers. Priced, 1826-8, Payne and Foss, £6. 6.d 1863 Waldron's Description of the Isle of Man, printed in 1781, edited, with Notes, by Harrison, l{)s&d 1845 513 Massachusetts Histoeical Society, 3rd Series, Yol. X, roy. 8vo. Ids. 10s Boston, 1849 Contents: The Winthrop Papers, pp. 126; — Memoirs of J. Davies, J. Pickering, and W. Lincoln, pp. 40; — Indexes, Chronological Tables, and list of Authors, in 10 vols, of the 3rd Series. 514 MASTEE of the EOLLS' PUBLICATIONS. The Chronicles and Memo- rials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages ; published by the authority of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Master of the Eolls. I. The Chronicle of England, by John Capgrave, edited by Hingeston 1858 II. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon, edited by Stevenson, 2 vols. 1858 III. Lives of Edward the Confessor, edited by Luard 1858 IV. Monumenta Franciscana, edited by Brewer 1858 42 BERNAED QUAHITCH, 15, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Master of the Rolls Publications — continued V. Fasciculi Zizaniomm Magistri Johannis Wyclif, cum Tritico, ascribed to Tho. Netter of Walden, edited by Shirley 1858 VI. The Buik of the Chroniclis of Scotland, by Wm. Stewart, edited by Turn bull, 3 vols. 1858 VIL Johannis Capgrave liber de Illustribus Henricis, edited by Hingeston 1858 Vin. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis, by Thomas of Elmham, edited by Hard- wick 1858 IX. Eulogium (Historiarum sive Temporis), edited by Haydon, Vols. I. 11. 1858-60 X. Memorials of Henry the Fifth, King of England, edited by Cole 1858 XI. Munimenta Gildhallce Londoniensis, edited by Riley, Vol. I. 1859 XII. Fr. Eogeri Bacon Opera quaedam hactenus inedita, edited by Brewer 1859 XIII. Bartholomaei de Cotton, Monachi Norwicensis, Historia Anglicana, edited by Luard 1859 XIV. The Repressor of over much Blaming of the Clergy, by Reginald Peacock, edited by Babington, Vols. I. II. 1860 XV. Giraldi Cambrensis Opera, edited by Brewer, Vols. I. II. III. 1860-61 XVI. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several original Authorities, edited, with a translation, by Thorpe, Vols. I. II. 1861 XVn. Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the reign of Henry VIL by T. D. Hardy, 2 vols, in 3 1862-64 Together, 27 vols, royal 8vo. most of the volumes containing facsimiles of Ancient Documents, etc. hf. bound, £10. 10s 1858-65 MAURITIUS Royal Society : 515 Trans A.CTio]!«^s, September 1847 to August 1819, 2 parts, 8vo. plates, sd. 2s 6d Mauritius, 1849-50 Each part contains the transactions and proceedings for a year. They contain a variety of information upon scientific subjects, including also Ethnological disquisitions on the Malagasv, Malay, and Polvnesian races. 616 MECHANICS' MAGAZINE, from the beginning, August 1823, to July 1852, 57 vols. 8vo. portraits, and an immense nu?nher of wood engravings, (pub. at about 56IO. \0s vmhound) neat in If. calf, £8. 1823-52 Such a fine clean set of this valuable Magazine is of uncommon occurrence. It com- prises notices of all tbe Scientific improvements and discoveries of the present age, with biographical and literary notices, &c. An indispensable book for a country library or literary institute. 517 tbe same. New Series, January 1859 to 27tli September 1861, Nos. 1-144, forming parts i — xxxiii, or Yols. I-VI, 4to. an immense num- ber of woodcuts, sd. £2. 10s . 1858-61 MEDICO-BOTANICAL Society : 518 Transactions, 4 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. plates, bds. 10s 1822-37 519 MEEEUT Universal Magazine, 16 JNos. in 4 vols. 8vo. a miscellaneous literary periodical, plates, hf. calf, yert rare, 568. 10^ Agra, 1835-37 520 MEMOIEES de la Societe des Antiquaires de l'Ouest, 1855 a 1856, Vols. I-IX, XX-XXIII; Bulletins et Eapports, 1838-43, 1853- 57 ; together 15 vols, and 19 parts, large 8vo. numerous maps and plates of Antiquities, £2. Ids Poitiers, 1836-57 MEMOIRES sur THistoire de la FRANCE: 521 PETITOT, Collection Complete des Memoires sur la Erance, Premiere Serie, depuis le regno de Philippe Auguste jusqu'au commencement da XVIIe Siecle, ayec des notices sur chaque ouvrage, 52 vols. Paris, 1819- 26 — Petitot et Monmerque, Collection complete des Memoires sur I'Histoire de Erance, Seconde Serie, depuis Favenement de Henri lY. jusqu'a la Paix de Paris en 1763, avec des notices sur chaque ouvrage, 79 vols. Paris, 1820 29— together 131 vols, 8vo. (pub. at £40. unbound), hf bd 5620. Paris, 1819-29 This valuable series of Memoirs has now become scarce. 522 MEMOIEES, Nouvelle Collection, pour servir a I'Histoire de EEANCE, depuis le Xlllme siecle jusqu'a la fin du XYIIIme, precedes de Notices pour caracteriser chaque auteur des Memoires et son epoque ; suivis de I'analyse des Documents historiques qui s'y rapportent, par MM. MiCHAiJD et PouJOULAT : Collection terminee, 32 vols, royal 8vo. double columns, neatly half bound, calf gilt, contents lettered, 5612. Paris, 1836-39 TEANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 43 Memoires des Antiquaires de France: 523 MEMOIRES de l'ACADEMIE CELTIQUE, ou reclierclies sur les Au- tiquites Celtiques, Gauloises et FranQoises (par MM. Lavallee, Cambry, Eloi Johanneau, Dulaure, Mangourit, Alex. Menoir, Pougens, Legonidec, Lerouge, Baudouin de Maisonblanche, etc. etc.) 5 vols, plates of Antiqui- ties, 8vo. calf gilt Faris, 1807-10 L'Academie Celtique a et6 reorganisee.sous lenom de Societe des Antiquaires de France. MEMOIEES et dissertations sur les Ai^tiquites rationales et Etran- geres, publics par la Societe Eotale des Antiquaires de France, 10 vols. 1817-31— Nouvelle serie, 10 vols. 1836-50— Troisieme serie. Vol. 1. 1852 — together 21 vols. 8vo. plates, calf extras with impl, 4to. Atlas of 17 plates, half calf gilt Faris, 1817-52 the above 2 lots in 27 vols, sold together for £8. 1807-52 524 MEMOIEES du MUSEIJM d'Histoire Naturelle, par les professeurs de cet etablissement, 20 vols. 4to. complete with Index, numerous plates, sd. £2. 10s Paris, 1815-32 525 MEMOIEES de la Societe d'Histoire Natueelle de Paris, depuis le commencement, 1823-28, Vols. I-IV, 4to. ^Opiates, some coloured, hf calf, £2. Paris, 1823-28 526 MEECUEIO PEEUANO de Historia, Literatura, y Noticias publicas que da a luz la Sociedad Academica de Amantes de Lima, 12 vols. sm. 4to. Lima, 1791-95 527 the same. Vols. 7—12, 4to. vellum, £7. 10s 1793-95 The above interesting collection of Periodical Writings is of the greatest rarity. Thorpe, in one of his Catalogues, states that a gentleman had assured him he could meet with but one copy in his travels through Spain, for which he was asked upwards of £30. Its rarity may be imagined from the fact that Bolluert (Antiq. Res. Peru, p. 141) states that it lasted three years, and consisted of ni7te volumes. He says, " this learned work met with great opposition, more especially from the church." It is generally found defective, and copies vary to a considerable degree. Some Nos. have been omitted, while the pagination remains coiTect ; and sometimes there are two with the same No., although the text runs on correctly. The last part of Vol. XI is number 382, yet the first of Vol. XII. receives the number 583, from which the numeration proceeds to the end (No. 611), although nothing is deficient. The periodical seems to have been produced under great difficulties and discouragements ; it was suppressed by the Spanish government, as the enlightened opinions which the French Revolution had first set afloat were winning ix)pularity amongst the educated youths of Spanish Peru. There is a sort of indignant bitterness in the title of the last volume which is stated to be " dado a luz por uno de los individuos de la Sociedad." 528 MICEOSCOPIC JOUENAL, and Structural Eecord, by Coopee, 2 vols, in 24 parts, 1841-43 — Quarteelt Jouenal of Microscopical Science, in- cluding Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London, edited by Lancaster and Busk, from the beginning in 1852 to 1868, First Series, 33 Nos. forming 8 vols. ; Second Series, Nos. 1—29, being Yols.I^VIIi pt. 1 ; — together 13 vols. hf. calf neat, and 33 parts, 8vo. several hundred plates and woodcuts, some coloueed, a very nice set, 5610. 10^ 1841-68 529 another set, Miceoscopical Joueij^al, by Coopee, 2 vols. 1841-43 — QuAETEELT JouENAL, First Scrles, 8 vols. ; Second Series, Nos. 1 — 23, or Vols. I— YI pt. 3— together 9 vols hf calf and 27 parts, 8vo. ^610. 1841-66 530 the same, Cooper's Journal, Nos. 1 — 12, forming Vol. I 1841 — QuAETEELY JouENAL, Flrst Sorles, 8 vols. ; Second Series, Nos. 1 —15, 17, 23, 26 — together 1 vol. hf. calf, the rest in 5^ parts, 8vo. 5g?. £8. 10s 1841-67 Complete sets are scarce. Nos. 2, 17, 22 and 26 of the Quarterly Journal, are out of print. Parts can be supplied separately. 531 Milan. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali, 1859-63, being Yols. II ■ — Y, 4 vols. 8vo. 31 large folding plates, sd. 10s Milano, 1861-63 532 Mining- Eeyiew, from April 1831 to July 1835, 3 parts, (y, vi, vii) 8vo. plates, sd. 7s Gd ' 1831-35 44 BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 633 MINES DE L' ORIENT, exploitees par une Societe d' Amateurs (De Murr, Rosenmiiller, Eichhorn, Klaproth, Hammkr, etc. also with the German title EuNDGRUBEN DES Oeients, 6 vols. plotes and facsimiles, (pub. at £8. IO5) hf. calf neat, £5. Viennae, 1809-18 Priced, 1847, £9. 9* ; Klaproth's copy fetched, 123 fr. ; 1855, Earl of Munster's, £6. 6.?. Modena Scientific Society: 534^ Memorie di Matematica e di Eisica della Societa Italiaua delle Scienze in Modena, Tom. XIX, and XX fasc. 1, 2 vols. 4ito. portraits and plates, sd. 10s Modena, 1823-28 535 MONITEUR Universel (le) ou Gazette Nationale, depuisle commencement, avec I'introduction 'liistorique, Mai 5, 1789, jusqu'a 30 Decembre, 1802, 28 vol8. royal folio, hf. russia, a bargain, 565. Paris, 1789-1802 The early volumes of the Moniteur, published at the period of the French Revolution, are verv scai'ce. MONMOUTHSHIRE Antiquarian Association: 536 Transaction's for 1854, 1858-Gl, and 1H63-- together 7 parts roy. 8vo. 57 plates, four parts in 1 vol. hf. morocco, and three sd. rare, e£2. Newport, 1854-G3 Added to the set are three antiquarian treatises on Monmouthshire, by Octavius Morfjan, Thomas Wakeman, and John E. Lee, with 38 plates. MOSCOW Academy : 537 ME MOIRES de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou, Tom. I — XIX pt. 1, 4to. plates, mostly coloured, very scarce, £20. Moscou, 1811-GO 538 the same, Tom. I pt. 2 ; II, IV, pt. 1, in 3 vols. 4to. plates, 1806-13 — Nouveaux Memoires, Tom. II, VII, XI, XII, XIII, livr. 1, 4 vols, aud a part — together 7 vols, and a part, 4ito.five hf. hound, not uniform, the rest sd. £4. 10^ Moscou, 1806-60 539 BULLETIN de la Societe Imperiale des NATURALISTES de MOSCOU, redige par Renard,/rom the beginning in 1829 to the first no. q/* 1864, (without 1839, pts. 3, 4, 5) large 8vo. several hundred plates, many finely coloured, in parts, s635. Moscou, 1829-64 Parts supplied new for 8* each ; odd numbers when in stock offered for 4^ each. MUNICH Academy : 540 Heintz, das Eiirstenthum Pfalz-Zweibriicken, Bd. I, portraits, 1833 ; MoRTTZ, die Grafen von Sulzbach, T, Geneal. tables, 1833 ; Abhandl. d. histor. Classe, II, pts, 2, 3, 1839-40 ; Abhandl. d. mathem.-physik. Classe, III, VIII pt. 3, 1840-60; Koch-Sternfelu, Topographische Matrikel, 1841 ; together 3 vols, and 4 parts, 4to. sd. 20s 1833-41 541 MURATORII Rertjm Italicartjm SCRIPTORES, ab anno 500 ad 3 500, 25 vols, in 28, Mediol. 1723-51— TARTINII Rerum Italtcarcm Scrip- tores, 2 vols. Florent. 1748-70 — together 27 vols, in 30, folio, maps, fac- similes, etc. vellum, yert rare, £38. 1723-70 The necessary Supplement by Tartinius is rarely found mth the original work. 542 NATURAL HISTORY REVIEW, a Quarterly Journal of Zoology, Botany, Geology and Palaeontology ; conducted by Haliday, Harvey, aud others, aud continued by Busk, Sclater, and others, a complete set, from the commencement in 1854 to 1865, being First Series, 7 vols, and Second Series, Vols. 1 — V — together 12 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, (pub. at £8. 10s Qd) £^. 10s . 1854-65 543 the same. First Series, Vols. IV. to VII. 4 vols. 8vo. plates and cuts, (pub. at ^3.) cloth, 20s 1857-60 544 NATUURKUNDIGE VEREENIGING in Nederlaisdsch Indic Tijds- CHRiFT voor Nederlandsche Indie, Vols. I — XXVI. 8vo. nmnerous maps and plates, £24. Batavia, 1850-63 An important periodical for the Natural History of tlic Dutch Indies, in all its de- partments. The most distinguished writers upon these subjects have contributed to its pages. The first three volumes have long been out of print, very rare, and are wanting in most sets. Every sixth volume begins a new series. 545 Nautical Alman-ac^ 1861-68, 8 vols. 8vo. (pub. 20s) sd, Qs 1861-68 TEANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 45 54G NATIONAL CALENDAR, and Annals of the UNITED STATES, by Peter Force, for the years 1820 to 1836, being Vols. I— XIV, 14 vols. 12ino. plates, hf. bound, £2. IGs Washington, 1820-36 547 NAVAL CHRONICLE, containing a general Biographical History of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom, from 1799 to 1818, 40 vols, large 8vo. numerous portraits of the Commanders, plates of Engagements, etc. a fine and perfect set, hf. russia, ^'5. 5^ 1799-1818 Priced, 1845, Thorpe, ^10. 10a- ; 1843, Hearne, £10. ; Longmans, £7. 7^ ; 1844, £7. 10*. This most interesting work contains the completest account of the great Naval War; comprising elaborate details of all the engagements, copies of the dispatches, memoirs of Admirals, anecdotes, sketches, etc. An admirable set for a Naval or Military library. NAVAL Architects Institution : 518 Transactions from the commencement in 1860 to 1866, Vols. I — VII, with a General Index to the whole, seven vols. 4to. 100 large folding plates, {sold to Subscriber's only for £12. 12s) cloth, £8. 8s 1860-66 549 the same. Vol. IV, ^io. pates, doth, £2. 2s 1863 These Transactions are extremely difficult to obtain, being printed for the members only, and not for circulation. NEUCHATEL : 550 NouYEAUX MfeMOiRES de la SociExfe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles, Vols. I— V in 3 vols. 4to. nicmerous large folditig plates, some coloured, four vols, in two, hf. calf, and one sd. rare, ^3. Neuchdtel, 1837-41 NEWCASTLE Society of Antiquaries : 551 AKCH^OLOGIA ^LIANA, or miscellaneous Tracts relating to Anti- quity, Vols. I — IV complete, in 12 parts, sd. eare, £5. 10^ Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1816-55 552 New Seeies, continued in 8vo. Parts 1 — 12, plates, sd. £2. Ss 1856-59 553 NEW England Magazine, by J. T. and E. Buckingham, from the commence- ment in July 1831 to June 1835, 8 vols. 8vo. portraits, hf calf gilt, 30« Boston, 1831-35 An interesting periodical containing valuable Biographies, Ilistorical, Philological and Literary Notices, Original Communications, etc. NEW ENGLAND Historic Genealogical Society: 554 NEW ENGLAND Historical and GENEALOGICAL Eegistee, Eiest Seeies, complete, 10 vols. 8vo. numerous fine portraits, plates, frontis- pieces, etc. half calf, eare, £8. Boston, 1847-56 555 the same, Vols. 1 — IX, 8vo. new in cloth, £5. 10s Boston, 1817-55 Including papers on the early Records of the State, facsimile signatures of the first settlers ; tracing the families of New England to their European progenitors: a very interesting periodical. NEW HAMPSHIRE Historical Society: 556 Collections of the New Hampshiee Histoeical Society, Vols, 1 — VI, without III, 5 vols. 8vo. three in bds. uncut, two in cloth, rare, £2. 10s Concord, 1824 Containing a variety of interesting matter relative to the early settlement, the conflicts with the Indians, the wars of the last century, original letters of Washington (with facsimile signature), Hancock and others, in connection with the War of Indepen- dence; exciting episodes of the adventures of the Borderers amongst the Red Men, etc. NEWSPAPERS (Early English): 557 BRITISH MERCURY (the), printed for the Company of the Sun Fire- office in Threadneedle-street, behind the Royal Exchange, Nos. 396 — 518, February 1712 to May 1715, sm. folio, bound, £2. 1712-15 " A Brief Historical and Chronological Account of all the Empires, Kingdoms, and States of the World, and all things remarkable that have happen'd in them, from the Creation, to this present time." 558 KINGDOM'S INTELLIGENCER (the) of the affairs now in agitation in England, Scotland, and Ireland, together with Eorrain Intelligence, continued under the title of the Intelligencer, December 1661 to December 1664, 2 thick vols. sm. 4to. rough calf, uncut, rare, £S. I65 To prevent false Newes, 1661-64 This newspaper was published by the King's command, about four times a month, and was the best and most authentic paper of the period. The advertisements are very curious, and much valuable historical information may be found in these volumes. 46 BERNAED QUARITCII, 15 PICCADILLY; LONDON. Newspapers— cow^iww^J. 559 MEECUEIUS AULICUS, communicating the Intelligence and Affaires of the Court to the rest of the Kingdome, May 14, 1(343 to July 20, 1615, about 25 numbers — Letter from Mercurius Civicus to Mercurius Eusticus, 1643 — hoth printed secretly, without place or printer, sm. 4to. sd. £>1. 2s 1643-45 560 MEECDEIUS ELENCTICUS, Communicating the unparalell'd Proceed- ings at Westminster, the Head-quarters, and other places, discovering their designs, reproving their crimes, and advising the Kingdome, January to July, 1618, 24 nos.^ — Continuation of our weekly, July 6, 1632 — Con- tinuation of the true Diurnall of passages in Parliament, no. 3, Jan. 1641 — Mercurius Britannicus, communicating the affairs of Great Britaine, nos. 3, 6, 122, March 1646 to May 1648, 3 nos.— Every Dale Journall in Parliament, Jan 1647 — Scottish Dove, April 1646 — Mercurius Demo- critus, Nov. 1652 — together, as described, an interesting lot, 255 1641-52 561 Middlesex Joijenal (the) : or. Chronicle of Liberty, from No. 184 (June 5, 1770) to No. 507 (June 30, 1772) in 1 very stout vol. royal folio, hf. hd. uncut, 3G5 1770-72 This curious Newspaper was published 3 times a week, and cost 1\ii per number, it contains many forgotten Facts, Anecdotes, and a varied Correspondence on the topics' of that period. 562 Pjresent (The) State of Europe, or the Historical and Political Mercury, giving an Account of all Public Occurrences that are most considerate in every Court, from October 1690, to October 1691, witli curious reflections on every state^ sq. 8vo. old hf. calf, £1. 5s 1690-91 563 Present (The) State of Europe, or the historical and political Monthly Mercury, Vol. XXYI; from August 1715 to July 1716, 8vo. hds. 12s 1715-16 564 NEW TOEK; The Natural History of New, York, published by the authority of the State of Nev7 York, viz. : — Zoology. Mammalia, Ornithology, Eeptiles, Fishes, MoUusca and Crustacea, by J. E. de Kay, 5 vols. S19 plates, (of which the Birds, 151, MoUusca and Cretacea, 53 plates coloured) cloth, £10. 1842 BoTAi^Y, by John Torrey, M.D. 2 vols. 161 plates, coloured Mineralogy, by L. C. Beck, M.J). 8 2?lates, 20s 1843 G-EOLOGY, by W. "W". Mather, E. Emmons, L. Yanuxem, and J. Hall, 4 vols. 81 plates, mostly coloured Paleontology, by J. Hall, 4 vols. S9S plates Agriculture, by E. Emmons, 5 vols. 193 plates (of which Fruits, 91, and Lepidoptera, 43 plates, with others, coloured) together 21 vols, royal 4to. 94] Plates, of which about 640 are beautifully COLOURED after nature (pub. at £40.) cloth, £21. New York, 1842-61 The articles to which a price is attached are sold separately. NEW YORK Lyceum of Natural History : 565 Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History, from the beginning in September 1823, to June 1861, being Vols. I-VII, 8vo. numerous maps and plates, some coloured, hf. calf rare, £5. New York, 1824-61 566 NICHOLS' BIBLIOTHECA TOPOGEA.PHICA BEITANNICA : Collec- tions towards the History and Antiquities of the English Counties, 10 vols, stout 4to. numerous plates and Genealogical tables, calf gilt backs, £60. 1780-90 This is the great collection which must precede all other works on topographical history and antiquities. Almost all copies vary amongst themselves in extent and other- wise ; but in every case the prices they fetch at sales are very high. The above copy has the List of the Society of Antiquaries {facsimile reprint) in the last volume, but has not Ironside's Twickenham. Otherwise the copy is quite complete, even in the two excessively rare Supplementary Volumes. To every great library this work is iudi&~ pensable. TEANSACTIOlSrS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 47 567 NICHOLS, COLLECTANEA Topographica et Genealogica, 8 vols. roy. 8vo. complete, with Indexes, cloth, hds. £5. 10s J. B. Nichols and Son, 1834-43 Containing Additions to Dugdale's Baronage, from the MS. collection of Townsend, Windsor Herald, edited by Sir Chas. Geo. Young, Garter : Extracts from Cartularies, Registers of Burials in Westminster Abbey, Sales of Bishops' Lands, Sepulchral Inscrip- tions, Pedigrees of Families, &;c. &c. NORDISKE Oldskrift Selskab (Northern Antiquarian Society) : 568 KoNGELiGE NoRSKE Videnskaberssels^kabs Skrifter, i det 19de Aarhun- drede, 2 vols, in 1, stout small 4to. foldings maps and plates, hf. calf neat, rare, 10s Kjohenhavn, 1817-27 568*]S'OEDISK TIDSSKEIFT for Oldkyndiglied (Historical and Philological Transactions), Vols. I, 11, 1832-33— Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1836-43, 1852-55, 1861, in 10 vols. 1837-61— Anttquaeisk Ttdsskkift : Bulletin de la Societe, 1843-54, 1861-63, 6 vols. 1845-63— Memoiees de la Societe, 1836-49, 5 vols. sd. 1838-52 — together 23 vols. 8vo. numerous fine plates of Antiquities, Runic and Cuneiform Inscriptions, etc. one volume whole calf the rest in parts, £12. 12s Copenhagen, 1832-63 Sets completed. Historical Publications : 569 PoENMANjfA SoGUE, eptir gomlum Handritum utgefnar ad tilhlutun bins Norrsena Pornfraeda Pelags, 12 vols, with facsimiles 1825-37 Oldnoediske Sagaee, udgivne i overssettelse, 12 vols. 1826-37 I^OEDiSKE PoETiDS Sagaee, eftcr den udgivne gamle Nordiske Grundskrift, af Rafn, 3 vols. 1829-30 IsLENDiNGA SoGTJE, cptir gomlum Handritum, 2 vols. 1829-30 togetber 29 vols. 8vo. calf extra, a fine set, from Hiss Currer's library, £16. Kjohenhavn, 1825-46 670 ScEiPTA HiSTOEiCA IsLANDOEUM, 12 vols. 8vo. sd. £4<. 1828-46 This is the Latin translation of the above article " Fornmanna Sogur." 571 ANTIQUITATES AMERICANAE, sive Scriptores Septentrionales Eerum Ante-Columbianarum in America, Islandice, Danice, et Latine, ed. Eafn pro Soc. Antiq. Septemtr. impl. 4to. 18 maps and plates of facsimiles from the ancient MSS. etc. sd. 20s Hafniae, 1837 572* the same, thick papee. stout impl. 4to. hds. 32s 1837 NORFOLK and NORWICH ArchaBological Society : 573 NORFOLK AECHJEOLOOY, or miscellaneous Tracts relating to the Antiquities of the County of Norfolk, Vols. I-Y pt. 1, 8vo. numerous maps, plates, some coloured, and woodcuts, Pedigrees, etc. four vols, cloth, and a part, £5. 6s Norwich, 1847-56 NORMANDY, Antiquaries of: ^ 574 Memoiees de la Societe des Antiquaiees de Normandie, 1824-30, 7 vols. 8vo. sd. Caen, 1825-30 — Archives de la Norraandie, par Du Bois, plates, 8vo. sd. Caen, 1824 — Seances Generales tenues en 1841 par la Societe Erangaise, plates, sd. Caen, 1841 — Annuaire dea cinq departe- ments de I'Ancienne Normandie, par I'Association Normande, 1842 et 1845, 2 thick vols. 8vo. sd. Caen, 1841-44 — together 11 vols. 8vo. sd. 25s Caen, 1824-45 575 Northumberland, DURHAM, and NEWCASTLE-tjpoi^-TYNE Natural History Society, Transactions ; Vol. I pts. 1, 3 ; II pt. 2, three parts 4to. portrait of T. Bewick, and numerous large folding plates and maps {some coloured), sd. eaee, 30* Newcastle, 1830-38 576 NOTES and QUEEIES, a Medium of intercommunication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc. a complete set, from the com- mencement, 1849 to 1864, being Series I, 12 vols, with Index ; Series II, 12 vols, and Index ; Series III, Vols. I — VI — together 30 vols, and 2 Indexes, sm. 4to. ^7. 15^ 1849-64 48 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON". 577 NOTICES et EXTEAITS des MANUSCJilTS de la Bibliotheque da Eoi, Vols. I-XIY, XVI, XYII, XYIII parti, XIX pt. 2— in 22 vols. 4to. plates, calf neat, £iO. Paris, 1787-1858 580 the same, Yols. 1— XII in 13 vols. 4to. bds. £6. 10^ 1787-1831 581 the same, Yols. I— XI, 11 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £4. 10* 1787-1827 582 the same, Yols. I— YIII, 4to. French calf gilt, £2. 8s 1787-1810 A book for a good scholar, full of historical information. Many valuable Oriental and Greek MSS. of the Bibliotheque Imperiale of Paris are here printed for the first time, in the original and with a French translation, by such scholars as Silvestre de Sacy, Sainte-Croix, Abel-Remusat, De Guigues, Salute- Martin, La Porte-du Theil, and others. 583 NUMISMATIC Jouunal, CHEONICLE, and Numismatic Societv*s Pro- ceedings, from the beginning in 1836: Journal, 2 vols. 1837-38; Chronicle, Yols. I — XX, 1838-58 ; together 22 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, half calf neat, £Vo. 15« ' 1836-58 Complete sets are very scarce. Several numbers in stock to be sold separately. 584 Oeiental Magazine and Calcutta Eeview, Nos. 1-12, forming Yols. I, II, 2 vols. 8vo. hf russia, 14* Calc. 1823 Containing, besides Reviews, many original articles on Oriental languages ; etc. 585 OEIENTAL SPOETING Magazine, Yols. II— Y, 4 vols. 8vo. plates of birds and animals, hf. bd. 20s Bombay, 1829-32 586 Oeiental Spoeting Magazine, Yol. I., 8vo. plates, half calf, a different pub- lication from, the preceding, half calf, 7s Gd Calcutta, 1835 ORIENTAL TRANSLATION COMMITTEE'S PUBLICATIONS. 587 PUBLICATIONS of the Oriental Translation Fund, Large Paper Subscrip- tion copy, (except 2 or 3 works, of which no copies were printed on Large Paper,) 72 distinct works, forming 50 vols. impl. 4to. 45 vols. impl. 8vo. in all 95 vols, with many maps and plates, (subscription price and original cost j6304. 10s) clean and newy offered separately at £81. lis, the whole series for £48. 1829-65 the same, the small paper issue, demy 8vo. and demy 4to. £40. 1829-65 Sets Completed. On Purchases above ^ 5. a discount of 25 per cent. *) .,, t £15. 35 ^, ' ^'^^^^ £25. 50 allowed. The following is a List of the works, and the prices at Avhich they are supplied separately : 1. Ibn Batuta, the Travels of, translated, with Notes, illustrative of the History,Geo- graphy, Botany, Antiquities, etc., occurring throughout the work, by the Rev. S. Lee, D.D. 4to. £1. 1829 2. Jahangueir, Memoirs of the Emperor, written by himself, and translated from a Persian Manuscript, by Major David Price, 4to. 10« 1829 3. Macaril'S, Patriarch of Antioch, Travels of, written by his attendant Archdeacon, Paul of Aleppo, in Arabic, translated by F. C. Belfour, M.A., 5 vols. 4to. £3. 3* 1820-37 4. Han Koong Tsew ; or, The Sorrows of Han : a Chinese Tragedy, translated from the original, with Notes, and a specimen of the Chinese Text, by J. F. Davis, F.R.S. 4to. 45 1829 .5. Neamet Ullah ; History of the Afghans, translated from the Persian of NeameC Ullah, by Dr. B. Dorn, 4to. £1. \s 1829-37 6. The Fortunate Uxion, a Romance, translated from the Chinese Original, with Notes and Illustrations ; to which is added, a Chinese Tragedy, by J. F. Davis, F.RS. 2 vols. 8vo. 156' 1829 7. Yakkun N ATT anna wa, a Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the Ceylon System of De- monology ; to which is appended the Practices of a Capua, or Devil Priest, as described by a Budhist ; and Kolan Nattannaw^a, a Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the characters assumed by Natives of Ceylon in a ^Masquerade, illustrated with plates from Cingalese designs, translated by J. Callaway, Bvo. 6.? 1829 8. Hatim Tai, the Adventures of, a Romance, translated from the Persian, by Duncan Forbes, M.A. 4to. 12.* U 1830 9. Ali IIazin, the Life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin, written by himself, translated and illustrated with Notes explanatory of the History, Poetry, Geograi)hv, etc., by F. C. Belfour, M.A. 8vo. 8* U ' I83a TEANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 49 Oriental Translation Committee's Publications— co^^^^MZMec?. 10. Ali Hazin, the Life of Sheikh Mohammed AH Ilazin, written by himself, edited from two Persian Manuscripts, and noted with their various Readings, by F. C. Belfour, 8vo. Ss Gd 1831 11. Memoirs of a Malayan Family, written by themselves, and translated from the Original, by W. Marsden, 8vo. 2s 1830 12. History of the War in Bosnia, during the years 1737, 38, and 39, translated from the Turkish, by C. Fraser, 8vo. 3* 1830 13. The Mulfuzat Timury; or, Autobiographical Memoirs of the Mogul Emperor Timur. Written in the Jagatai Turki Language ; turned into Persian by Abu Talib Hussaini ; and translated into English, by Major C. Stuart, (map of Transoxania.) lOs 1830 14. The History of Vartan, and of the Battles of the Armenians ; containing an Account of the Religious Wars between the Persians and Armenians, by Elisaeus, Bishop of the Amadunians, translated from the Armenian, by C.F. Neumann, 4to. 8s 1830 15. The Life of Hafiz ul Mulk, Hafiz Rehmut Khan. Written by his Son Nuwab Must'ujab Khan Bahadar ; and entitled Gulistan-i-Rehmut, abridged and translated from the Persian, by C. ElUott, Esq. 8vo. 4^ 1834 16. Miscellaneous Translations from Oriental Languages, 3 vols. 8vo. 12* 1831-34 17. Haji Khalifeh's History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks, translated from the Turkish, by J. Mitchell. Part L 4to. 56- 6^7 1831 18. Translations from the Ctiinese and Armenian, by C. F, Neumann, 8vo. lOs 1831 19. The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa ; Arabic and English, edited and translatad by F. Rosen, 8 vo. 8s 1831 20. FiRDUsi. Shah Nameh of the Persian Poet Firdusi, translated and abridged in Prose and Verse, with Notes and Illustrations, by J. Atkinson, Esq., 8vo. 24s 1832 21. The Geographical Works of Sadik Isfahani ; and a Critical Essay on Various Manuscript Works, Arabic and Persian, translated by J. C, from Original Persian MSS. in the Collection of Sir William Ouseley, the Editor, 8vo. 8s 1832 22. The Tezkereh al Vakiat; or, Private Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Hu- mayun. Written in Persian by Jouher. Translated by Major C. Stewart, 4to. 8s 1832 23. The Siyar-ul-Mutakherin ; a History of the Mahomedan Power in India during the last Century, by Mir Gholam Hussein-Khan. Revised from the Translation of Haji Mustafa, and collated with the Persian Original, byG. Briggs, Vol. L 8vo. lis 6^ 1832 24. HoEi Lan Ki ; or, I'Histoire du Cercle de Craie. Drame en Prose et en Vers ; traduit du Cbinois, et accompagne de Notes. Par Stanislas Julien, 8vo. 7s 6d 1832 25. San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets ; ou, Apercu general des Trois Royaumes, traduit de rOriginal Japonais-Chinois, par J. Klaproth, (5 Maps) 8vo. and 4to. 12s 1832 26. Annals of the Tdrkish Empire, from a.d. 1591 to 1659, translated from the Turkish, by C. Fraser, Vol. I, 4to. 15s 1832 27. Kalidas.e Ragiiuvansa Carmen. Sanskrite et Latine. Edidit A. F. Stenzler, 4to. £1. Is 1832 28. MiRKiioND. History of the Early Kings of Persia, from Kaiomars, the first of the Peshdadian Dynasty to the Conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great, translated from the original Persian of Mirkhond, entitled the Rauzat-us-safa, with Notes and Illustrations, by Dr. Shea, 8vo. 6s 1832 29. Customs and Manners of the Women of Persia, and their Domestic Superstitions, translated from the Original Persian Manuscript, by J. Atkinson, Esq. 8vo. 4s 1832 30. The Tdiifat-ul-Mujahidin; a History of the First Settlement of the Mohamme- dans in Malabar, and of their subsequent Struggles with the Portuguese, translated from the Arabic, by Lieut. M. Rovvlandson, 8vo. 4s 1833 31. Alfiyya ; ou. La Quintessence de la Grammaire Arabe : Ouvrage de Djemal-eddin Mohammed, connn sous le nom d'Ebn Malec. Publie en Arabe, avec un Commcn- taire, par Silvestre de Sacy, 8vo. 6s 6d Paris, 1834 32. EVLIYA Efendi, Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa in the Seven- teenth Century, translated from the Turkish by J. voh Hammer, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, £1. 4s 1834-50 33. A Description of the Burmese Empire ; compiled chiefly from Native Docu- ments, by the Rev. Father Sangermano ; and translated from his MS. by W. Tandy, 4to. 12s 6d 1834 34. ANNALES des EMPEREURS du JAPON, traduites par M. Isaac TITSINGH. Ouvrage revu, complete et corrige, sur I'Original Japonais Chinois, accompagne de Notes, et precede d'un Apercu de I'Histoire Mythologique des Japonais, par J. Kla- proth, 4to. £1. ^ 1835 35. Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus, by Ram Raz, Native Judge and Magistrate at Bangalore, 48 plates, royal 4to. £1. 1 Is 6d 1834 36. HARIVANSA ; ou, Histoire de la Famille de Hari ; Ouvrage formant un Appen- dice du Mahabharata : et traduit sur I'Original Sanscrit par A. LANGLOIS, 2 vols. 4to. £2. 16s 1835-36 D 50 BERINTAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. .. '' Oriental Translation Committee^s Publications— cow^mw^c?. 37. The Didascai.ia ; or, Apostolical Constitutions of the Abyssinian Church, trans- ' lated from the Ethiopic, by T. Piatt, Esq., 4to. 85 1834 i 38. Les Aventures de Kamrup, par Tahcinuddin ; traduites de I'Hindoustani par M. 1 Garcin de Tassy, 8vo. 1834 ; 39. The Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi, translated ' from the Hebrew, by C. H. F. Bialloblotzy, 2 vols, 8vo. £1. 1837 i 40. The Political and Statistical History of Gujerat, translated from the Per- ; sian, by J. Bird, 8vo. 1835 ] 41. Le Livre des Recompenses et des Peines, traduit du Chinois, par Stanislas ] Julien, 8vo. \7s 1835 i 42. HAJI KHALF^ Lexicon Enctclop^dicum et Bibliographicum, edidit G. ■ Fluegel, 7 vols. 4to. complete, clotJi, £6. 6s Leipzig, 1835-54 j the same, 7 vols. impl. 4to. large paper, cloth, £9.9^ 1835-54 ] 43. Chronique d'Abou-Djafar Mohammed Tabari, traduit du Persan, par L. Dubeux, '■ Vol. I. 4to. \0s 1836 : 44. Laili and Majnun, a Poem, from the Persian of Nazami, by J. Atkinson, Esq. 8vo. '• 1836 45. Mythology : Kennedy's (Lieut.-Col. Vans) Researches into the Nature and Affinity of Ancient and Hindu Mythology, 4to. xx and 494 pp. (pub. at £2. lis 6d) \ cloth, 15s 1831 ! 46. The Sankhya Karika ; or. Memorial Verses on the Sankya Philosophy ; trans- ; lated from the Sanscrit, by H. T. Colebrooke, Esq. Also, The Bahshya, or Com- ■ mentary of Gaurapada ; translated and illustrated by an original Comment, by H. \ H. Wilson, 4to. 10^ 6d 1837 ; 47. Makrizi, Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de I'Egypte. Ecrite en Arabe par Taki- : eddin-ahmed-Makrizi. Traduite en Francais, par M. Quatremere. 2 vols. 4to. ^ complete, £2. 2s 1837 ■ 48. Rig Veda Sanhita, Sanskrite et Latine, edidit F. A. Rosen, 4to. £1. Is 1837 ' 49. Kumara Sambhava, Sanscrite et Latine, edidit Stenzler, 4to. 205 1837 \ 50. Practical Philosophy of the Muhammadan People. Exhibited in its professed \ connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other ; ' being a translation of the Akhlak-i- Jalaly. the most esteemed Ethical Work of ! Middle Asia, from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muhammad Asaad ; with References \ and Notes by W. F. Thompson, 8vo. 8s 1839 -^ 51. The Vishnu Purana ; a system of Hindu Mythology and Tradition, translated j from the Original Sanscrit, and illustrated by Notes derived chiefly from other Pu- ] ranas, by H. H. Wilson, 4to. large paper, £4. 4^ 1840 , 52. Al-Makkari. The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain, translated by \ Pascual de Gayangos, 2 vols. 4to. £3. 8s -, or, large paper, £4. 4« 1840 ] 53. BiDPAi's Fables. — Anvar-i Suhaili : or the Lights of Canopus; being the celebrated [ work of Husain Va'iz u'l Kashifii, translated for the first time into English prose \ and verse (on the same principles as the author's translation of the ' Gulistan'), with •; an elaborate Preface and copious Notes by E. B. Eastwick, royal 8vo. (pub. at £2. 2*) ; cloth, 16s 1854 ; 54. El-Mas'udis Historical Encyclopaedia, entitled " Meadows of Gold and Mines of ; Gems," translated from the Arabic by Dr. A. Sprenger, Vol. I. 8vo. I6s 1841 : 55. Sama Veda. Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda, by the Rev. J. Steven- • son, 8vo. 7^ 1841 i 56. Speci3ien8 of the Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the Adventures and Impro- ' visations of Kurroglou, the Bandit-Minstrel of Northern Persia ; and in the Songs ' of the People inhabiting the Shores of the Caspian Sea. Orally collected and trans- i lated by A. Chodzko, 8vo. 12* 6d 1842 57. Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary. Translated from the Arabic by Baron | Mac Guckin de Slane, Vols. I and II, 4to. (to be completed in 4 vols.) £3. 3* ; or, I Large Paper, £4. 4s 1842-45- 58. History of Hyder Naik, otherwise styled Nawaub Hyder Ali, by Meer Hussein All I Khan Kirmani. Translated from an Original Persian MS. by Col. W. Miles, 8vo. ; lOs 1842 i ■59. The Dabistan ; or School of Manners. Translated from the Persian, with Notes, : &c. by D. Shea and A. Troyer, 3 vols. 8vo. £1. Is 1844 i €0. History of the Reign of Tipu Sultan, being a Continuation of the Neshani Hyduri. i Written by Mir Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani j transl. by Colonel W. Miles, 8vo. \ 8s 6d 1844 I 61. Ouseley's (Sir Gore) Biographical Notices of Persian Poets; with Critical and Ex- ] planatory Remarks ; prefixed to which is a Memoir of the Author, by Rev. J. Rey- = nolds, 8vo. 6s 1846 ; €2. Sakoontala, or the Lost Ring, a free Translation, in prose and verse, of Kalidasa's < Drama, by Monier Williams, M.A., late Professor of Sanscrit at Haileybury College, \ TEANS ACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 5l Oriental Translation Committee's Publications— coTt^me^e^?. formerly Boden Scholar in the University of Oxford, foolscap 4to. 300 pp. printed in, the highest style of art^ iUnsfrated by original designs on wood, mid enriched with head arid tail pieces and borders in gold and colours, (pub. £2. 2.'<) cloth, 2\s 1855 63. The Kalpa Sutra, and Nava Tatva. Two works illustrative of the Jain Religion and Philosophy ; translated from the Maghadi, with an Appendix, containing Re- marks on the Language of the Original, by the Rev. J. Stevenson, D.D. 8vo. 9^ 1848 64. Corpus Ignatianum, a complete Collection of the Ignatian Epistles, in Syriac, Greek, and Latin, and an English translation of the Syiiau text, copious Notes, and introduction by W. Cureton, royal 8vo. 155 ' 1849 65. Makamat ; or Rhetorical Anecdotes of Abu'l Kasem al Hariri, of Basra, translated into English Verse and Prose; and illustrated with Annotations, by the Rev. T. Preston, 8vo. 1850 66. SriciLEGiUM Striacum, edited and translated by Rev. W. Cureton, roy. 8vo. 9.? 1855 67. Indian Chronology: Brown's (C. P.) Carnatic Chronology: The Hindu and Maho- medan Methods of reckoning Time explained, with Essays on the systems, symbols used for numerals, a new titular method of memory, historical records, and other subjects, 4to. xvi and 90 pp. double coinmyis, cloth, 5* 1836 68. Japanese Lyrical Odes ; Translations of the Hyak Nin Is'Shiu, by a Century of Poets, into English Verse witli Explanatory Notes, the text in Japanese and also in Roman letter, with a full Index ; Catalogues of Books referred to, and Lists of Titles, &c. &c. by Dr. F. V. Dickens, 8vo. pp. ix. 52, xviii, xvi, vi, xvi, printed on toned paper, extra cloth^ gilt edges, 10s M . London, 1866 69. RuBAiYAT of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer-Poet of Persia, rendered into English verse, sq. 8vo. xviii and 30 i)p. sd. Is &d 1858 70. Kitab-i-Yamini ; Historical Memoirs of Early Conquerors of Hindustan, and Founders of the Ghaznavide Dynasty, translated from the Persian, by the Rev. Jas. Reynolds, B. A. 8vo. 12^ 6rf 1858 71. JuLiEN, Methode pour dechiffrer les noms Sanscrits qui se rencontrent dans les livres Chinois, 8vo. Large Paper, cloth, 125 1861 Of the above publications there are some eritirely out of print, and no copies remain in the possession of the Society ; they are, however, retained on the List to show the compo- sition of " A COMPLETE SET." OSSIANIC SOCIETY: 588 TEANSACTIONS of the OSSIANIC SOCIETY, Vols. I-YI, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 5s Dublin, 1854-61 Consisting of ancient works illustrating the history and literature of Ireland, from the earliest times, edited from the original manuscripts by O'Kearney, O'Daly, O'Grady, and others, with the text printed opposite each translation. Oxford and Bodleian Libraries — see Class " Bibliogeapht" 589 Oxford Graduates. A Catalogue of all Graduats in Divinity, Law, and Physick : andof all M.A.'s and Doctors of Musick, wlio have regularly proceeded, or been created in the University of Oxford, between 10th October, 1654, and 10th October, 1726, 8vo. with much valuable information, morocco, gilt edges, rare, 15* Oxford, 1727 590 Oxford. Jackson's Oxford Journal, from 23 June, 1792, to Dec. 1806, 11 vols, royal folio, half bou7id, uncut, £8. 8s Oaf. 1792-18G6 591 OXFOED, Cambridge, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics, edited by Whit- worth, Casey, and others, Nos. 1-14, forming Vols. I-III and IV pts. 1-2, 8vo. plates, 3 vols, half calf, and 2 parts, £2. 2s Cambridge, 1862-67 PALJIONTOGRAPHICAL Society: 592 Monographs of the, complete from the beginning in 1847 to 1865, 17 vols. 4to. about 700 plates, (published at ^£17. 17s plus commission to agents), sd. £15. 16s 1848-65 These publications are unrivalled in the Scientific Literature of Europe, and are sought after by the Savants of all countries ; for this reason copies readily sell at the original subscription price. If purchased in the regular way of business the price would at least be double. 593 PAPVVOETirS (J. W.) Alphabetical Dictionary of about 50,000 Coats of Akms, belonging to Families in Grreat Britain and Ireland, forming an extensive^Ordinary of British Armorials, parts I — XIII. roy. 8vo. (subsci'ip- tion price £6. 6.v) sd. £n. 10s 1858-03 Printed for Subscribers onlv. The continuation can be supplied by me at 21,^ per anuura. d2 62 BERNARD QUARITOH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. PARIS Geographical Society : 694 BULLETIN de la Societe de Geograpliie, Vols. I to XX in 10 -Deuxieme Serie, Vols. I and II. in 1 vol. — Quatrieme Serie, Vols. I to XIII, XIV, without part 83, XIX— Cinquieme Serie Vol. II No. 7, Vol. Ill No. 18, IV without No. 22, V-VII ; Vol. VIII 2 parts only— together 22 vols, in 11, 8vo. hoards, the remainder in parts, £4<. 10s Paris, 1822-64 595 Rectieil de VOTAQ-ES et de Memoires, publie par la Societe de G-eographie, 6 vols, in 5, 4to. maps and plates, hf. hd. £2. 16s Paris, 1824-40 596 -— Vol. I. : Voyages de Marco Polo, avec variantes, par Maltebrun, 1824 — Vol. II. : Traductions de I'Arabe, Itineraires, Monumens du pays arrose par TOhio, Antiquites de I'Amerique, 2 parts, with 1^ plates, 1^27 — 2 vols. 4to. half morocco, uncut, 24s Paris, 1824-27 597 — Vol. II: Traductions de I'Arabe, etc. in 2 parts, 4to. 1^ plates. Ids. 7s ed ih. 1825 698 PAXTON'S MAGAZINE of BOTANY and ELOWERING PLANTS. ^ A complete set of this elegant and valuable Work from its commencement. Complete in 16 large vols, royal 8vo. emhellished with 700 splendid co- xorEED ENGEATiNGS, (pub. at 3828. 55) hf. morocco, rare, £16. 16s 1834-49 598* another copy, in calf gilt, 3614. 145 This beautiful and esteemed work is a complete storehouse on every subject con- nected with horticulture. The articles are contributed by the most eminent horticulturists, gardeners, and amateurs of the day. Pennsylvania Geological Society: 599 Transactions, Vol. I. part 1, 8vo. 6 plates, sd. Qs Philadelphia, 1834 Pennsylvania Historical Society: 600 PrBLiCATioNS for 1845-46 : Denton's New York, 1670 ; Senter's Expedition against Quebec, 1775 : Townsend's Battle of Brandywine, 1777 ; and Pro- ceedings of the Society, Nos. 1-8, — in 1 vol. 8vo. plans and plates, cloth, 6s Philadelphia, 1845-46 601 Contributions to American History, roy. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d ih. 1858 602 PENNSYLVANIA. EEGISTEE op Pennstlyania, devoted to the Preser- vation of Documents, etc. respecting the State, edited by Hazard, Vols. I.-XVI. impl. 8vo. hf calf, very rare, £3. 15s ih. 1826-36 Triibner's Guide mentions 15 vols, only, i.e., from 1828 to July, 1835. PERCY Society: 603 Publications of the Peect Society : Eeprints of Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages, edited from origiual Manuscripts and scarce Publications, hf hd. maroon moeocco, 80 vols, sm. 8vo. marhled edges, 5630. 1840-52 604 the same, 94 parts, complete, forming 30 vols, sm 8vo. and the siJPPEESSED TBACT " Quippes for a Newfangled G-entlewoman," uncut, £26. 10s 1840-52 Only 250 copies of these Publications were issued for subscribers, and as the Society has broken up, complete copies have become scarce. Many separate volumes in stock to complete sets. 605 PERTZ, MoFiJMENTA GEEMANIiE Histoeica, inde ab anno Christi 500 usque ad annum 1500 auspiciis societatis aperiendis fontibus rerum G-erma- nicarum medii aevi, edidit Geor. Henr. Pertz ; Vol. I — XXI. folio, plates of Charters, hf hd. calf neat, uniform set, uncut, £72. Hannover, 1816-68 606 Scriptorum Tomus XVII, folio, hf. hd, uncut, £2. 10s Hann. 1861 The work consists of two Series ; Scriptores, 1 7 vols. ; and Leges, 4 vols. Of this valuable and stupendous publication very few copies were printed, and they occur rarely for sale. Vols. 5, 6, 7, are out of print ; complete sets sell therefore beyond the publishing price. TRANSACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 53 607 PETERMANN'S GEOGRApniscnE Mittheilungen. Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' G-eographischer Anstalt iiber wnchtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie, 1855-66, 12 vols. — Erganzungs- heffce, Nos. 1-17 — 4to. numerous coloured maps and plates, (pub. £8. 4*) some volumes very rare now, £5. Gotha, 1855-66 60S the same, 1855-59, 5 vols. 4to. coloured maps and plates, (pub. at £^. Zs) in parts, 255 ib. 1855-59 PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY: 609 JouR^TAL and Teat^sactions, from the beginning in 1841 down to January, 1866, riEST SERIES, edited by Jacob Bell, 19 vols. : 12 vols. hf. calf, 6 vols, in Nos. with Index to Vols. I-XV, 1 vol. cloth; new series. Vols. I-YII, Part 5, in Nos, — together 25 vols. 8vo. portraits and cuts^ (pub. £15. in Nos.) 20 vols, uniformly hound in half calf neat, one vol. in cloth, tlie rest in Nos. £S. 16s ' 1842-66 610 Another set, from the beginning in 1841 to April 1865, with Index to Vols. I-XV. — together 23 vols, and eight parts, 14 vols, half calf, the rest in parts, £2. 16* 1842-64 611 PHILADELPHIA Dieectoet and Register for 1820, by Whitely, 12mo. hd. scarce, 10s JPhiladelphia, 1820 612 PHILADELPHIA Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences, edited by Chapman, Dewes, etc. Eiest Seeies complete in 18 Nos. or 9 vols. {wanting Nos. 2, 3, 9) ; Second Seeies, Nos. 1-7, or Vols. I-IV pt. 1, —together 22 parts, 8vo. plates, sd. £2. 10s ib. 1820-26 Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences : 613 Proceedings, from 1857 to 1863, in 7 vols. 8vo. (the first volume wants the title), plates of Natural History, the bieds and insects coloured, hf. calf very neat, from Mr. Gurnefs Library, rare, £5. 15s ib. 1857-64 The eariier volumes can be supplied. 614 PIIILLIPPS (Sir Thomas) Institutiones Clericorum in Comitatu "Wiltoniss ab anno 1297 ad annum 1810, edente T. Phillipps, Baronetto, 2 vols, in 1, folio, bds. new, privately printed, rare, £4. 10* Typis Medio- Montanis (Middle Hill), 1825 PHILOBIBLON Society Publications : 615 Bibliogeaphical and Historical Miscellanies, 8 vols. 1851-64 Herbert of Cherbury (Edward Lord) Expedition to the Isle of Ehe 1860 Villars (Marquis de) Memoires de la Cour d'Espagne sous le Begne do Charles II. (1678-1682), photographic portrait 1861 Inventaire de tons les Meubles du Cardinal Mazarin 1861 — together 11 vols. sm. 4to. exteemely eaee, being printed for members only, £24. 1854-61 This original copy contains in Vol. VIII. of Miscellanies 67 pages not in later ones, entitled : ^'' An Account of an Annual Religious Cenxmomj practised htj the Mandan Tribes of American Indians, by George Catlin^^ PHILOLOGICAL Society: 616 PEOCEEDmaS OF the PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY for 1842-53, 6 vols. 8vo. (subscription price 15 guineas), with the Appendix to Vol. VI, being Loewe's Circassian Dictionary, pp. 177 — Teansactions of the Philological Society, 1854-65, including the Supplementaet Volume for 1864, containing the Liber Cure Cocorum, Hampole's Pricke of Con- science, and the Castel of Love, 11 vols. (pub. at £8. 4*) — together 17 vols. 8vo. six vols, hf calf neat, the rest in cloth, uncut, (pub. at about £25.) 568. 8^ 1842-65 617 PlIRENO LOGICAL JOURNAL, from December 1837 to October 1817, jN'ew Series, Vols. I— X, in 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, 30s Edinb. 1838-47 54 BERNAED QU IRITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 618 PIERER'S UNIYEESAL LEXIKON: AVorterbuch der Wissenscfhaten, Kiinste und Gewerbe, 84 vols, in 17, stout roy. 8vo. double columns, second improved edition y with oblong sm. folio Atija.s, hf. morocco, di'd. lOs Altenburg, 1810-46 The most complete Encyclopaedia in existence, by 200 learned and practical writers. POLITICAL ECONOMY Club Publications, 8vo. cloth : 619 A Select Collection of Early English TRACTS on COMMERCE, from the originals of Mun, Robeets, North, and others, with a Preface and Index, edited by J. R. M'Culloch, Esq. 1 vol. 8vo. 56*4. 4« ' 1856 620 A Select Collection of scarce and valuable TRACTS on MONEY, from the original of Yaughan, Cotton, Petty, Lowndes, Newton, Prior, Harris, and others ; with a Preface, Notes and Index, edited by J. R. M'Culloch, Esq. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, only 100 copies printed, £4. 4s 1856 621 PORTFOLIO (The), or a Collection of State Papers, illustrative of the History of our Times, Nos. 1 to 45, being I — Y, and all published of Yol. YI, 6 vols. 8vo. seve7^al maps and plates, 5fc*3. 3s 1835-37 622 Peinsep (H. T.) General Register i)f the Honourable East India Company's Civil Servants of the Bengal Establishment, from 1790 to 1842, with list of Gov-ernors- General of India, royal Svo. 7if. bound, 6s Calc. 1844 623 PUNCH, from the commencement in July 1841, to December 1863, 45 vols. 4to. many thousand spirited ivoodcuts, clotliy an original and clean copy, £9. 1841-63 The re-issue of this popular periodical has very poor impressions of the plates. 624 QUARTERLY REYIEW, from its commencement in 1809, down to October 1846, being Nos. 1-156, or Yols. I-LXXYIII. with the first and second Indexes (beins: Yols. XX. and XL.) having also the general List of Contents to Yols. I-LXXIII. (printed for private circulation), 8vo. 66 volumes bound in hf. russia, the rest in JVos. £5. 1809-46 The publishing price of the above set was £48. in Nos. The Index volumes are very rare ; the third Index (being Vol. LX.) is not in this set, which has, however, the valuable list of the Contents of the Quarterly Review, from its commencement, which was printed for private circulation in 1844. The Continuation from December 1846 to the present, can also be supplied at a moderate rate. 625 QUARTERLY JOURNAL of Pure and Applied MATHEMATICS, edited by Sylvester, Eerrers, and others, from the commencement in 1855 to 1867, Nos. 1-33, forming Yols. I— YIII, and IX pt. 1, 8vo. plates, in parts, rare, £5. 1857-67 626 the same, Nos. 1-7, 9-10, 12, 13, 20, 1855 to October 1862, 12 Nos. 8vo. plates, sd. £2. 10s 1857-62 627 QUARTERLY MUSICAL Magazine and Review, 10 vols. Rvo. hf calf gilt , Mr. ChavpelVs copy, £4t. 1818-28 Mr. W. Chappell says : Vols. 9 and 10 are " introuvable," having been sold as waste paper; these vols. (9 and 10) were not, Dec. 1866, in the British Museum. 628 QUARTERLY JOURNAL of SCIENCE, Nos. 1-12, forming Yols. I-III, 8vo. plates, in parts, (pub. at £3.) sd. £1. 18s 1864-66 QUEBEC Literary and Historical Society : 629 Transactions of the above, 1824-29, Yols. I-III, 8vo. plates, bds. rare, £2 16s Quebec, 1829-37 630 the same, Yols. I-III pt. 1, 2, 8vo. plates, bds. £2. 2s 1829-33 Vols. II. contains a Grammar of the Huron Language. 631 Racing Calendae, from 1805-63, 12mo. vai-ious volumes in stock to be sold separately 1805-63 RADCLIFFE Observatory : 632 Johnson's (M. J.) Astronomical Observations made at the RadclifFe Observatory, Oxford, in the years 1840 to 1862, Yols. I-XIY, XYII- XXII, with the Catalogue of Stars for 1845, 21 vols. roy. 8vo. (pub. at about 5611. 5s) cloth, £3. lOs Oxford, 1842-62 I TRANSACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 55 AY Society: 633 Publications, from the beginning in 1845. A. The 8vo. Series. Reports on the progress of Zoology and Botany, 25 6^/ 1845 Steenstrup on the Alternations of Genera- tions, 3 ;//«^^'.>f, 5.? 1845 Memorials of John Ray, 2.v 6'/ 1846 Reports and Papers on Botany, pits. 5s 1846 Meyeu, Botanical Geography, 35 6d 1847 Reports on Zoology, 3s 6d ' 1847 Oken, Elements of Physiophilosophy, a valuable work, lOs 1847 Correspondence of John Ray, 5^ 1848 Agassiz, Catalogue of Books, &c. on Zoo- logy and Geology, 4 vols. 30s 1848-54 Vols. 3 and 4 separately at 10* each. Reports and Papers on Botany, by Henfrey, 3^ 6d 1849 Baird on British Entoraostraca 1850 Darwin, Monograph of Cirripedia, 2 vols. with 40 plates, 35.1 1851-54 Leigh ton on Angiocarpous Lichens, 30 coloured plates, \0s &d 1851 Botanical & Physiological Memoirs, 65 1853 Hofmeister on the Higher Cryptogamia, ^5 plates, 18* ' 1862 Bowerbank on the British Spongiad^e, 2 vols. 37 plates 1864-66 Douglas and Scott's British Hemiptera, Vol. I : Hemiptera-Heteroptera, 2\ plates 1865 Brown (Robt.) Miscellaneous Botanical Works, 2 vols. 1866-67 Forbes (Prof.) Monograph of the British Naked-Eyed Medusae, 13 plates, partly coloured, \Qs M 1848 Alder and Handcock's Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca, complete in 7 parts, forming 2 vols, folio, 82 platex, most of them beautifully COLOURED (pub. £9. 125) £4. is 1845-55 One of the most elaborate scientific publications produced in Europe ; highly esteemed and sought after by Continental Sa^'ants. The early parts are out of print, but are in stock, and can be sup- plied by me. Allman, JFresh Water Polyzoa, 11 coloured plates, out of print, £3. 3s 1856 Williamson's Recent Foraminifera, 7 plates^ bds.£\.\s 1857 Huxley's Oceanic Hydrozoa, 12 plates, bds. £1.1* 1858 Blackwall's Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 parts, impl. 4to. 29 finely co- loured plates, containing a large number of figures, bds. £3. 3* 186 1-64 Carpenter's Foraminifera, 22 plates, bds. £1. Is 1862 Giinther's Reptiles of British India, 26 fi?ie plates, £2. 1864 Flower's Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea, by Eschricht, Reinhardt, and Lillejeborg, 6 plates 1866 Nitzsch's Pterylography, translated from the German, edited by P.L. Sclater, 10 plates, bds. 1867 Parker on the Structure and Development of the Shoulder-girdle and Sternum in Vertebrata, 30 coloured plates, bds. 1868 B. The folio Series. Burmeister on the Organization of Trilo- bites, by P.Bell and Forbes, 6 plates, out ifi print. Is 1846 In all 24 vols. 8vo. gilt tops, and 18 parts, folio, THE COMPLETE SET, as described, cloth, jflS. 18^ 1845 68 The articles to which a price is affixed are sold separately. Reale Istituto Lombardo: 634 Atti, Vol. I, II, e III fase. 1-16, in 27 parts, 1858-63 ; Memorie, Serle III, Vol. I fasc. 1 ; together 28 parts, imp. 4to. plates, 18s Milano, 1858-65 Scientific, antiquarian, literary, and artistic papers. RECORD Conimission Publications: 635 DOMESDAY BOOK; seu Liber Censiialis Willelmi L Eegis Angliao inter Archives regni in dome AVestmonasterii asservatus, 2 vols. 1783 — Indices and General Introduction to Domesday, 1 vol. 1816 — Addita- nienta ex Codice Antiquissimo, Inqnisitio Eliensis, Liber Winton, Boldon Book et Indices, 1 vol. 1816 — together 4 vols, large folio, facsimiles, lif. russia, £V1. 1733-1816 tlie same, Vol. Ill, roy. fol. containing the General Introduction and Indices, hds. 366- 1816 When the latter volumes, titles, indexes, etc. were put forth, but a very limited number were printed on Large Paper, and the early vols, being all of that description, copies too frequently present an unsightly combination. The vols, here are all, as they should be, uniform in size, and the copy possesses the leaf in the "Exon Domesday," which, when the work was about to be printed, was discovered to have been abstracted ; not very long ago, after many years of absence, this leaf was accidentally found, miles away, among some family papers, and then printed. In every way this is a very desirable copy of " the most valuable piece of anticjuity possessed by any nation." Almost every page of Dngdale's Baronage may be referred to as evidence of the importance of this census to the Genealogist. " The Domesday Book of William the Conqueror is unquesliouably the mOst valuable 1535= 50 . BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Record Commission "Pvihlicditions— continued. record of property possessed by any nation in Europe, whether we consider the extent, the variety or the iniportance of the infonnation it contains. In this inestimable survey, the various manors arc arranged under the names of tlie tenants in Capite, who were those who held of the King as the supreme lord of all the lands in England ; thus exhibiting in the clearest manner the original distribution of property, at the time of the Conquest, throughout the kingdom ; and presenting us with a view, which is nearly complete, of all the persons who, in the first twenty years after the Conquest, formed the Barons of England — the progenitors of those who, in subsequent times, were the active agents in wresting from King John the great Charter of our Liberties." Muviford's Domesday Book of Norfolk. 636 RoTULi Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati, accurante T. D. Hardy, 2 vols, large folio, cloth, 30s ^ ^ 1833-44 637 RoTULi Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati, cura T. D. Hardy, Vol. I, pars 1, (ab anno 1201 ad 1210), large folio, cloth, 10s 1835 638 ANCIENT Laws and Institutes of ENG-LAND under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, from ^tlielbirlit to Cuut, with an English Translation of the Saxon ; the Laws of Edward the Confessor, William the Conqueror, and Henry I. ; also Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, 7th — 10th Century ; and the ancient Latin version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws, with Glossary, etc. folio, cloth, 35^ 1840 638* the same, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth. 285 1840 639 ANCIENT Laws and Institutes of WALES, with an English Translation of the Welsh Text, some Latin Transcripts, Indices and Glosssry, folio, cloth, £2. 1841 640 the same, 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth, SGs 1841 611 DocuMEis'TS illustrative of the English history in theXITI — XIY Centuries, from the Exchequer Records, edited by H. Cole, folio, {onli/ 250 copies printed, at £2. 5s 6d), cloth, 16s 1844 642 REEVE (Lovell) CONCHOLOGIA ICONICA, or Monographs of the G-enera of Shells, including Latin and English Descriptions of all the Species known at the time of publication, with their synonyms and refer- ences, copious remarks on their characters, affinities, and circumstances of habitation, iviih coloured figures by Soweuby of the Natural si^e, parts 1 — 253, being Vols. I — XIV, complete, hf. russia, and Vol. XV in 9 parts, sd. all as yet published, 4to. beautiful coLoniFD plates, portrait of Lamarch and 2 photographs of Lovell Reeve, Lovell Reeve's OWn COpy, £80. 1843-66 643 the same. Vols. I — XIV, 4to. Hugh Cuming's copy, half calf contents lettered, £70. 1843-64 This work was introduced at the commencement of the year 1842, with a view of forming a complete ilhistrated encyclopaedia of Shells ; the undertaking being mainly stimulated by the vast amount of new and imperfectly known materials collected by Hugh Cuming, Esq., during two prolonged voyages of fourteen years duration, in both the old and new hemispheres. The zeal and excellent discrimination with which the researches of this eminent naturalist were prosecuted, especially in noting localities and circum- stances of habitation, have added a value to his collection far beyond that of any hitherto formed ; and the friendly interchange of specimens effected since his return to England, with various Museums and Collectors both in Europe and America, has furnished his cabinet with nearly all the desiderata, which either did not occur to him in his travels, or are inhabitants of those regions he had not the opportunity of visiting. The perfect condition in which Mr. Cuming's specimens are preserved, is another feature in the col- lection which renders it peculiarly serviceable for the purpose of illustration ; and the author of the " Conchologia Ironica* has not failed to embrace this opportunity of pre- senting each species in its finest state of preservation, and of the natural size, excepting those which on account of their minuteness, require the assistance of the microscope. Of the .species hitherto published so large a proportion are new to science, and the number recorded under the head of each genus, exhibits so material an increase upon any former or contemporaneous list that the author might be supposed to have exercised more freedom in the introduction of new species than the nature of his materials permit ; he however states, that every species underwent the test of a rigid comparison, and none ia recorded as new, but those which seemed to have a character sufficiently permanent and unapproachable. TEANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 57 OM RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW, the Two Series complete, 1(5 vols. 8vo. half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut,, fine copy, ^10. 10^ 1820-28 The First Series, published under the superintendence of Southern, 14 vols. 1820-26 ; the Second Series, edited by Southern and (Sir) N. Harris Nicolas, 2 vols. 1827-28. " An excellent review of our eai'ly literature, to which the editor of these pages has been much indebted." — Lowndes. A valuable storehouse of learned reviews of good old books in the departments of Early English Literature, History, Travels, &c. It is to be regretted that the Scholars of England do not now gather under a competent editor, and bring out as the result of their studies a similar periodical. Regie Deputazioni di Storia d'ltalia. Q^^ Atti e Memoeie della Regia Deputazione di storia Patria per Romao"N"a, Anni I, II, 2 parts, Bologna, 1862-3 — Provincie Modenese e Pakmigiane, Vols. I, II, in 10 parts, Modena^ 1863-5 — together 12 parts, impl. 4to. sd. 7s 1862-65 646 REUSS (J. D.) Repertorium Commentationum a Societatibus Litterariis edi- tarum, secundum disciplinarum ordinem digestum, 16 vols. sm. dto. (pub. at 46 Thaler) hds. ms Gottingce, 1801-21 A most valuable classified Index to the Contents of the Transactions of all the Learned Societies of Europe before 1800. The Index, now publishing by the Royal Society of England, commences with the year 1801, and forms thus a continuation to Reuss. 647 REVUE ZOOLOGIQUE, par la Societe Cuvierienne, continued under the title of Revue et Magazin de Zoologie, pure et appliquee, par MM. Guerin-Meneyille et Ad. Eocillon, First Series, 11 vols. 1838-48 ; Second Series, Vols. I-VI, 1849-54 — together 17 vols. 8vo. numerous plates of JBirdSj Insects, etc. some finely coloured, new lif. calf, £S. 10s Faris, 1838-54 618 REVUE ISTUMISMATIQUE, publiee par Cartier et L. de la Saussate, des le ler Janvier 1836, jusqu'a Decembre 1859, as follows : — liere Serie, 20 vols, and vol. of Tables, 1836-56; Ilieme Serie, Vols. I-IV, 1856-59— together 24 vols, in 113 parts, large 8vo. quite complete, onang plates and engravings, vert rare, £14. 145 Faris, 1836-60 G49 another set, from 1836 to ]858, Vols. I-XVII, XIX, and XXI (Table Generale to the first 20 vols.) ; and 2me Serie, Vols. I-ill, pt. 4, 8vo. many plates, sd. £9 1836-58 Many odd parts in stock ; sets completed. 650 Rhea, Zeitschrift fiir Ornithologie, herausg. von Thienemann, Heft 1, 2, royal 8vo. sd. 10s Leipz. 1846-49 RHEINLAENDISCHER Verein : 651 JAnRBiioiiEE des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlais'de, Vols. 1- 24, & Index, in 8 vols. 8yo. plates ofHoman Antiquities, bds. £>2. 551842-57 Ces annales contiennent des memoires fort importants concernant I'archeologie clas- sique et elireticnne. Le livre est publie aux frais de la societe. 652 REVUE Gew^crale de 1' ARCHITECTURE et des Travaux Publics, Vols. I- XIX. impl. 4to. with ahove 1000 plates, (pub. at 800 francs), £14. Faris, 1840-61 Vols. 1 — 4 are neatly half bound bright calf; Vols. 5 — 11 at present wanting, will be supplied shortly; Vofs. 12 — 18 half dark calf; Vol, 19 is unbound. The continuation. Vol. XX to XXII can be supplied for £2. each. 653 Rome. Atti dell' Accademia Romana di iVrcheologia, 2 vols, in 3, 4to. mang ArcJicBologioal and Architectural plates, bds. 24* Boma, 1821-25 Priced by Henry Bohn, £2. \5s. 654 Roorkee. Professional Papers printed at the Civil Engineering College, Nos. 1, 2, 4, 7, and No. 2 of the Papers prepared for the College, Vmballa, 1850; 5 parts 8vo. many plates, sd. rare, 12s Roorkee, 1850-55 ROXBURGHE Club : 655 Powel (D.) Love of Wales to their Soveraigne Prince : a relation of the Solemnity at Ludlow on the creation of Charles Prince of Wales in 1616, 4to. hf. bound, tmcuf, £2. 5s 1837 58 . BERXAED QUARITCH, 3 5 PICCADILLY, LONDON. EOXBURGHE CLUB— continued. 656 THE BLACK PllINCE, an historical Poem, written in French, by CuAjf- DOS Herald, with translation and notes by Coxe, 4to. facsimile, half morocco, uncut, £4. 4a* ]842 G57 HOUSEHOLD BOOKS of Jolm (Howard) Duke of Norfolk and Thomas (Howard) Earl of Surrey, 1481-90, edited by J. Patke Collier, 4to. ^4. 105 1844 Printed from MSS. formerly in the possession of the Duke who was killed at Bos- worth. G50 UNTON. Correspondence of Henry Unton, Knt. Ambassador from Queen Elizabeth to Henry IV. of Erance, 1530-40, from the originals and authentic copies, edited by Steyenson, 4to. £4. 4s 1847 660 SHERLET BROTHERS, an historical Memoir of the Lives of Sir Thomas, Sir Anthony, and Sir Robert Sherley, by one of the house, 4to. hf. hounds £2. 2s 1848 661 ALEXANDER Romance. The nlliterative Romance of Alexandeb, from the unique MS. in the Ashmolean Museum, edited by Stevenson, in old English, with a Glossabt, 4to. £3. 3s 1849 662 THE ATENBITE of INWYT, written in the dialect of the County of Kent, by Dan Michel, of Northgate, in the year 1340, now first printed from the autograph MS. in the British Museum, edited with a Glossary by Rev. Jos. Steyenson, 4to. printed for the 40 members, £4t. 1855 663 SEYNT-GRAAL, or the Sank Ryal ; the History of the Holy Graal, partly in English Verse, by H. Lonelich, SJcijnner, temp. Henry VI, and wholly in French Prose by Sires Robiers de Borron, edited by Furniyall, Vol. I, 4to. hf. morocco, uncut, only 100 copies printed, £6. 5s 1861 664 ROBERD of BRUNN^'S Handlyng Synne (written a.d. 1303) with the French Treatise on which it was founded, Le Manuel des Pechiez of William of Waddington, edited by Furniyall, a7id now first printed, hf. morocco, uncut, only 100 copies printed, £o. 6s I862 ROYAL ACADEMY : 665 Exhibition Catalogues of the Royal Academy, 1769 {the first, very 7'are) to 1866, sm. 4to. 4 vols. hf. russia, and 20 parts, uncut, £21. 1769-1866 Added is the rare Catalague for 1769 of the Royal Society of Artists. The follow- ing rare pieces are bound up in the first volume : — Baretti's (J.) Guide through the Royal Academy- -Catalogue of Paintings, &c. now exhibiting by the Society of Sign-Paiuters, fl. satire, by Bonnel Thornton and George Colman the elder, 1762— Sir J. Reynolds's Discourse delivered at the opening of the Royal Academy, January 2, 1769. Q6Q another set, 1769, 1775 to 1863 (without 1778, 1825, 1856, 3 Nos.) sm. 4to. 3 vols, hf hound, and 45 parts, sd. ^612. 12* 1769-1863 Sets completed. ROYAL ENGINEERS : 667 PAPERS on subjects connected with the Duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers, 10 vols. 4to. numerous maps, plans and plates (pub. at £15. 2s) cloth, £^. 10s 1844-49 668 Pkofessional Papers on Subjects connected with the Duties of theCoEPS OF Royal Engineers, New Series, Vols. I-XIV, 14 vols. roy. 4to. with numerous large folding maps of machines, fortifications, bridges, docks, railway works, etc. cloth, £10. lOs 1851-56 669 Corps Papers and Memoirs on Military Subjects of the Royal and East India Company's Engineers, Vol. I, stout royal 8vo. 64 plates and many woodcuts, cloth, RARE, 365 1818-50 TEANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 59 670 EOYAL KALENDAE and Eider's British Merlin, for 1762, 1774, 1775, 1788-89, 1792-98, 1800, 1801, 1806, 1810, 1811, 18 14, 1851, 1859, together 20 vols. 12rno. {some of the volumes have bound up with them, the *' Com,- panion' and the Index, and a few are accompanied by the East India Calendar) morocco and calf, £3. 1762-1859 ROYAL Institution : 671 Proceedings, from the bep^inning in 1851 to 1864, Nos. 1-39, forming Vols. I — IV pt. 3 {without No. 33) 8vo. discourses by Faraday, Murchison, Owen, Lyell, Forbes, etc. one vol. in cloth, the rest in parts, £2. I6s 1851-64 ROYAL SOCIETY : 672 PHILOSOPHICAL TEANSACTIONS of the Eotal Society of London AT LARGE, a Complete set, from the commencement in 1665 to 1800 (being Vols. I to XC) in old calf— Maty's Index to the First Seventy Volumes, 1 vol. old calf — Spratt's History of the Eoyal Society, 1 \o\. plates, old calf, 1722— Transactions, 1801 to 1866 (being Vols. XCI to CLVI) in new hf calf neat, £150. 1667-1866 A complete set of the unabridged edition, from the beginning to the end of 1866. The difficulty of obtaining original editions of the early volumes, in any state, and especially in good condition, is well known. Hence the possession of a copy of the Trans- actions at large is a great rarity, even in public libraries. 673 PHILOSOPHICAL TEANSACTIONS of the Eoyal Society of London; from the commencement in 1665 to 1800, abridged, with Notes, &c. by C. Hutton, G. Shaw, and E. Pearson, 18 vols. 1809— PHILOSOPHICAL TEANSACTIONS, at large, from 1801 to 1861, 61 vols.— together 79 vols, in 81, 4to. uniform in hf calf, £^0. 1809-61 674 another set, Abridged, 1665 to 1750, by Lowthorpe, Martin, Eames and Motte, 17 vols. 1721-56 — Transactions at large, 1751 to 1800, with Maty's Index to 1-70 — together 65 vols. 4to. whole calf, £12. 1665 (1721).180O 675 PEOCEEDINGS of the Eoyal Society from the beginning :— Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Transactions, and communicated, 1800-54, Nos. 1-102, forming 6 vols. 1830-54 Proceedint^s, in continuation of the Abstracts, from Pebruary 1854 to Nov. 30, 1867, being Nos. 1-96, or Vols. VII— XVI pt. 3, 8vo. (pub. at about £9. 10*) one vol. hf russia, the rest sd. £Q. 15s 1830-67 676 the same. Proceedings of the Eoyal Society, from commencement in February 1854 to May 1867, being Nos. 1-93, or Vols. VII-XV complete, 8vo. in parts, £S. 10s 1854-67 Royal Society of LITERATURE : 677 TEANSACTIONS of the Eoyal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom, 3 vols, in 6 parts, 4to. First Series complete, many plates of Hieroglyphics, etc. (pub. at £9. 19^ Qd) bds. 25s ; or, whole calf SOs 1827-29 678 the same. Second Series, Vols. I-VI, 8vo. articles on Assyrian and Egyptian Monume7its, etc. many plates ^ two vols, cloth, the rest in parts, uncut, £3. 1843-59 Royal Institute of British Architects : 679 Sessional Papers for 1855-59, 1862-63, 4 vols. 4to. numerous plates and plans, sd. £3. 3^ 1855-63 680 St. Helena Calendar and Dictionary, for 1834, 8vo. sd. very rare, 7s Gd St. Helena, 1834 6S0*St. James's Magazine and Heraldic and Historical Eegister, edited by J. Bernard Burke, Nos. i.-xii., being Vols. I, II, 8vo. numerous plates of Arms, Sf^c. (pub. 306') in parts, 12s 1849-50 GO BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. SAINT PETERSBUEGH Academy: G81 PETEOPOLITANtE ACADEMLE Scientiarum Commentarii, ab anno 1726 ad annum 1716, 14 vols. JPetropoli, 1728-51 — Nova Acta, pro annis 1783-98, {without Vol. XIII), 14 vols. ih. 1783-1806— Memoires de TAcademie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, avec I'Histoire de I'Academie, pour les annees, 1803-18, Tom. I-VI, 6 vols. ih. 1809-18— together 34 vols. 4to. numerous plates, 4 vols. sd. 2 in calfy the rest half hound, YEET EAEE, ^16. Petvop. 1782-1818 682 EECUEIL des ACTES de la Seance Publique, 1834, 1836, 1837, 1840, 1843, 1844, 6 parts, sd. 1834-45 — Memoires, 6me Serie, Sciences Matbematiques et Physiques, Vols. lY-YII, sd. 1844-59~Bulletin Scientifique, Yols. I- X, many plates, 1836-42— Classe Physico-Mathematique, A^ols. I-XYI, 16 vols. 1843-58 -Classe Historico-Philologique, Yols. I-XIII, 1844-56— Bulletin de I'Academie, YII-XI, no 2, 1863-66 — together, the seines as descrihedy numerous plates, 30 vols in hoards, the rest seived, £12. 1834-66 683 Bulletin Scien-tifique, Yols. I-X, (wanting Nos. 9, 10 of Yol. YI), 10 vols. 1836-42— Classe Physico-Mathematique, I-IY, IX-XYI, 12 vols. 1843-58 — Memoires par Divers Savans, YII, 1854 — together, as descrihed, £4. 105 1836-58 684 Melai^ges Greco-Eomains tires du Bulletin Historico-Philologique de I'Academie, Tom. I, livr. 1-5, large 8vo. plates, sd. 7s Gd 1850-54 SAINT PETERSBURGH ArchaBological and Numismatic Society: 685 Memoires de la Societe d'Aech^ologie et de Numismatiqtjk de St. Petersbourg, avec les Bulletins, publics par le Baron de Kohne, Yols. I-YI, 8vo. 12S plates of Coins, hf. calf, £2. 10s St. Fetersh. 1847-52 SAINT PETERSBURGH Geographical Society: 686 Zapiski, Yiestink', etc. Eusskago Geoguaphicheskago Obshchestya (Memoirs, Proceedings, etc.) 91 parts, roy. 8vo. from the beginning in 1846 to 1864, not all consecutive, £3. 10* Sanltpeterh. 1849-64 Consisting as follows : Vols.— I— IX, XI — XIII (being 1846-59') ; Zapiski, 1861, pts. 1—3 ; 1863, pts. 3, 4 ; 1864, pts. 1, 2— Yiestink, 1851, pt. 1, Vol.1 ; 1852, 6 parts; 1853, pts. 1—3 ; 1856, pts. 4, 5, 6 ; 1857, pts. 1—3 ; 1858, pts. 1—7 ; 1857, pts. 10, 11, 12 (Vol. XXVII) : XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, 1860— Geogr. Izvestia, 1848-50, in 17parts — Comptes Eendus, 1850-63, without 1861, 13 parts. 687 Schlegel's Indische Bibliothek, eine Zeitschrift, Band l-III, Heft 1, in 9 parts, 8vo. all puhlished, sd. 7s Gd Bonn, 1823-30 687*SCHUMACHEE (H. C.) Asteoi^omische Nachetchten mit Fortsetzungen, von A. C. Petersen, P. A. Hansen, und C. A. F. Peters, Bd. I-LIII, {ivithout 48-50), 1823-60— Erganzungs-Heft, 1849— General Eegister ausgearbeitet von G-. A. Jalin, 2 vols. 1851-56 — together 53 vols, in 52, 4to. one in cloth, the rest in parts, teet eaee, £20. Altona and Hamburg, 1823-60 C88 SCOTS MAGAZINE, containing a general view of the Eeligion, Politicks, Entertainments, etc. in Great Britain, and a succinct Account of Public Affairs, Foreign and Domestic, /roin the beginning in 1739 to 1817, 79 vols. — The New Series, under the title of the Edinbuegh Magazine, and Literary Miscellany, 1817 to 1826, 18 vols. — together 97 vols. 8vo. A COMPLETE SET, hf calf rare, £12. Edinb. 1739-1826 Priced, Thorpe, 1838, hf. mor. £35.; Roxburghe, 65 vols, only, produced £38. 17*. A set was purchased by Mr. Heber for £73. 10*. 689 the same, Edinbuegh Magazine, and Literary Miscellany, being the New Seeies of the Scots Magazine, 18 vols, (without Vol. 9), 8vo. hf. calf 26s 1817-26 An extremely interesting and valuable periodical, ranging over a great number of years. It forms a useful companion to a set of the Gentleman's Magazine. Complete sets are of rare occurrence. TRANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 61 G90 SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS, selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies, Societies, Foreign Journals, etc. edited by Taylor, 5 vols, in 21 parts, 1836-52 — New Series : Natural Philosophy, edited by Tyndall and Francis, Parts 1-4, 1852-53 — together 25 parts, 8vo. plates, (pab. at £6. 185) rare, £5. 15s 1836-53 SCOTTISH Society of Antiquaries : 691 ARCII^OLOGIA SCOTICA ; or, Transactioi^s and Historical Account of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1780 to 1851, Vol. TIV, 4to. fnaj)s and plates of Ancient Memains, Inscriptions, etc. three vols. lif. calf, and 3 parts, £4. 4s F.dinlurgli, 1782-1857 692 Smellie's Account of the Institution and Progress of the Society of An- tiquaries of Scotland, 4to. sd. 12s 1782-84 A companion to the above, as only a brief abstract of it is inserted in the Transactions. 693 Proceedings of the Society of A:ntiquaries of Scotland, Vol. I, and II, pts. 1, 3, sq. 8vo. many plates, one vol. i^i new calf antique and 2 partSy rare, 30s Edinburgh, 1855-59 694 Synopsis of the Museum of the Society, sm. 8vo. looodcuts and facsimiles, THICK paper, only 10 copies printed, cloth, 7s Qd Edinb, 1849 SCOTTISH Society of Arts : 695 Transactions of the above, Vols. Ill pt. 5 ; IV pts. 1-3 ; V ; VI — in 12 parts, 8vo. map and plates, sd. 25s Edinh. 1851-64 696 SHANGrHAI Almanack and Directory, for 1856 — Miscellany or Companion to the same, for 1857 — together 2 parts, 8vo. sd. scarce, 10s Shanghai, 1856-7 Containing articles on the Geography, History, Popular Beliefs, etc. of China. 697 SHAW AND NODDEE'S NATURALIST'S Misoellany, with the General Indices, upivards of 1000 plates accurately coloured, 24 vols, hf hound crimson morocco 1790-1813 Leach and Nodder's Zoological Miscellany, being Descriptions of New or Interesting Animals, 149 heautifully coloured plates, 3 vols, half mo- rocco 1814 together, the perfect set 27 vols, large 8vo. a very clean, sound and well coloured copy in hf. red morocco, £7. 10s 1790-1814 Silesian Forest Union: 698 Veehandlungen des Schlesischen Torst-Vereins, 1849-63, parts 1-15, sm. Svo. maps and numerous plates of Trees ^ Animals, etc. sd. 15s Breslau, 1849-63 Silliman — See American Journal. SKANDINAVISKE Litteratur-Selskab : 699 Skrieter, 21 vols, in 11, 12mo. plates, hf calf, 80s Kjohen. 1805-26 Finn Magnusen, Eask, Nyerup, Miiller, Moller, Molbech, and other distinguished writers contributed to this valuable periodical. SMITH (C. Roach) Privately printed Works : 700 Keport on Excavations made on the site of the Eoman Castrum at Ltmne, in Kent, in 1850, with Notes, etc. by Elliott, small 4to. 9 plates, hf. calf uncut, 12s Qd Printed for the Subscribers, 1852 701 CATALOGrUE of his Museum of London Antiquities, plates and cuts, Svo. hf. calf, uncut, 24s Printed for Subscribers only, 1854? 702 FAUSSETT (B.) Inventorium Sepulchrale : an Account of Antiquities dug up in Kent, edited by 0. E. JSmith, 4to. portrait and plates, some coloured, cloth, 30s Printed for Subscribers only, 1856 703 ILLUSTEATIONS of Eoman London, 4to. frontispiece and 41 plates of Roman Antiquities, Tesselated Pavements, Statues, Edifices, etc. some of them coloured, half calf, printed for the subscribers and not published, £2. 1859 62 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Smith (C. E(3ach) Privately Printed AVorks — continued. 704 COLLECTANEA ANTIQUA ; Etchings and Notices of Ancient Eemains, illustrative of the Habits, Customs and History of Past Ages, Vols. I- VI complete, 8vo. about 300 Archceologieal Plates and Etchings, many of which are coloured, in parts, a fine uncut set, rare, £12. Printed for subscribers only, 1848-68 A complete copy of this extremely valuable publication, so far as published : the early volumes are all out of print. Many separate parts in stock for the completion of sets. "Mr. Eoach Smith has brought to his task a thorough and familiar acquaintance with the writings of Roman and Greek authors, which enables him to interpret at a glance the significance of isolated and otherwise inscrutable facts and illusions. But besides these acquirements he possesses an enthusiastic spirit which has neither been daunted by opposition, nor chilled by indifference ; and to this we owe the results recorded in hfs splendid volumes. How many thanks are due from all historical and antiquarian en- quirers to Mr. Roach Smith for his public-spirited labours ! Fortunately, he needs no other memorial than this his greatest work, to attest his labours and services." Leicester Chronicle. 705 SMITH'S (Dr. P.) DICTIONAET of Greek and Eoman Biography and Mythology, 3 stout vols. 8vo. illustrated by numerous engravings on wood^ (pub. £5. 15s Qd) doth, £4. 4^ 1861-58 706 Dictionary of Grreek and Eoman Antiquities, stout 8vo. illustrated by nearly five hundred engravings on wood, second impi^oved and enlarged edi- tion (pub. at £2. 25) cloth, 32s 1859 707 Dictionary of Grreek and Eoman GtEOGRaphy, 2 stout vols. 8vo. (pub. at £4.) cloth, £3. 5s 1856-57 708 Dictionary of the Bible, comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geo- graphy, and Natural History, 3 vols, large 8vo. many woodcuts (pub. at £5. 55) cloth, £4<. 4s 1863 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION : 709 Contributions to Knowledge, a complete series to 1865, Vol. I-XIY, roy. 4to. containing a large number of plates, woodcuts and diagrams, (pub. at £28.) four vols, in cloth, ten vols, sewed, Professor Faraday's copy, £15. Washington, 1848-65 Including, with many other valuable dissertations, the following ; Squier's Aboriginal Monuments, Gray's Plantse Texanae, Whittlesea's Ancient Works in Ohio, Rees' Dakotah Grammar and Dictionaiy, Harvey's Nereis Boreali- Americana, Mayer's Mexican History and Archaeology, Bowen's Yoruba Grammar and Dictionary, Leidy's Fauna of Nebraska, Coffin on Winds, Bailey's Microscopical Organisms, Jones' North American Vertebrata, Brewer's North American Oology, Kane's Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas, etc. The following vols, can be supplied separately : in. Locke, Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism, &c. 4* 6d 1852 IV. Kigg's, Dictionary of the Dakota Language, 95 1851 V. Leidy, Flora and Fauna within Living Animals, &c. 12* 1853 VII. Lapham's Antiquities of Wisconsin, 55 plates — Leidy on the Extinct Sloths, &c. 305 1855 IX. Meech, Relative Intensity of the Heat and Light of the Sun upon different latitudes of the Earth, &c. 24s 1857 X. Harvey, Nereis Boreali- Americana, &c. 28^ 1858 Nereis Boreali- American a, Part I, coloured plates, (pub. 125) cloth, 7 s 1852 XI. Brewer, North American Oology, &c. 285 I860 Brewer's North American Oology, Fart I, Raptores and Fissirostres, coloured platen, (pub. £1.) clotli, I2s 1857 XII. Kane, Astronomical Observations in the Arctic Seas, &c. 28* 1860 710 Ais^NUAL Reports for 1850, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1859-62, 1865, contain- ing Lectures delivered before the Members and a large amount of Scien- tific information, and Eeport on discovery of Neptune, 1850, and Report on Catalogues of Libraries, 1850— together 8 vols, cloth, and 3 parts 8vo. 20* Washington, 1850-65 TEANSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 63 711 Smithsonian MISCELLANEOUS Collections ; from the commencement in 1862 to 1867, Vols. 1 to 7. 8vo. plates, woodcuts, (pub. 367.) sd. Pro- fessor Earaday's copy, £^. 10« Washington, 1862-67 Contents : Vol. 1. Meteorology — 2. Chemistry, Catalogue of Portraits of Indians, Catalogue of Birds, Reptiles, and Shells — 3. Diptcra and Coleoptera of North America, Scientific Periodicals — 4. Neuroptera and Lepidoptera of N. and S. America — 5. Biblio- graphy of N. Amer. Conchology — 6. Diptcra, Trypetidee, Scromyzidae, Ephydrinidse — 7. Bats, Shells, Invertebrated Fossils, &c. &c. On sale separately : Stanley's Portraits of N. Amer. Indians, Catalogue, 8vo. 5.? 1852 Catalogue of Coleoptera of the U. S. by Melsheimer, Svo. (pub. %s) 5s 1853 Catalogue of N. Amer. Serpents, by Ba'ird and Girard, 8vo. (pub. 4^) 2^ Qd 1853 Guizot's Meteorological and Physical Tables, 2nd edit. 8vo. 634 pp. (pub. 12«) sd. 2s 1859 Loew's Monograph of Diptera, Part 1, Svo. (pub. 6a-) sd. 4s 6d 1862 Social Science : 712 TEANSACTIONS of tlie National Association for the Promotion of Social Science from the commencement in 1857 to 1865, 9 vols. Svo. (pub. at £9. 95) cloth, £3. 3^ 1857-65 Societe Frangaise pour la Conservation des Monuments : 713 BuLLETiJS" Monumental, ou Collection des Memoires et de renseignements, par la Societe Fran^aise pour la conservation des Monuments, par M. de Caumont, Tom. X-XIII, or Ire Serie Tom. X, and 2me Serie Tom. I-III — four vols. 8vo, plates and cuts, sd. 10s Paris, 1841-47 714 Congees Archeologique de France. Seances Generales tenues a Perigueux et a Cambrai, en 1858, XXYe Session, 8vo. cuts, sd. 6s 1859 SOCIETY of Antiquaries : Tra-Nsactions — See Arch^ologia. 715 Proceedings, First Series, 4 vols. 1843-59— Second Series, Yols. I, II, 1859-64 ; together 6 vols. 8vo. cuts and plates, one vol. hf. calf gilt, the rest in parts, rare, £6. 10s 1843-64 SOCIETY of Arts: 716 Transactions, 1846-48, 2 parts sq. 8vo. 52 plates, several of them (Mosaics, specimens of Bookbinding, ^c.) coloured and Illuminated, Ss Qd 1847-49 Society of Engineers : 717 Transactions for 1866, Svo. numerous large folding plates, cloth, 12s Qd 1867 SOMERSETSHIRE Archaeological and Natural History Society : 718 Proceedings at the Meetings held during the years 1849 to 1858, Yols. I- X, 8vo. numerous plates and etchings, some in colours, £3. 10s Taunton, 1849-58 719 the same, Proceedings for 1851, 1852, and 1854, 3 vols. 8vo. nu- merous plates, one vol. hf calf, and two sd. 20s 1852-55 A very interestiag collection of papers upon the local Antiquities and Natural History. 720 Bowen's Memoir of William Baker, Sec. of Somersetshire Arch. Soc. 8vo. cloth, 2s Qd ib. 1854 SPALDING CLUB : 721 PUBLICATIONS of the Spalding Club : a complete set from the com- mencement to 1864, as follows: — Gordon (J.) History of Scots Affairs, 1637-1641, ed. Robertson and Grub, 3 vols. 1841 Miscellany of the Club, ed. John ^ixxdirt, J ai'si7)xile of autographs, 5 vols. 1841-52 Gordon's Touns of Aberdeene, ed. Cosmo Innes, viap and 4 plates 1842 Extracts from the Presbytery Booke of Strathbogie, 1631-1654, ed. John Stuart 1843 Fragment of a Memoir of Field Mareschal Keith, 1714-34, written by himself 1843 Collections for a History of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff, ed. Joseph Robertson, 4 vols. 1843-62 Gordon (P.) Short Abridgement of Britane's Distemper from 1639 to 1649, ed. Jolin Dunn 1844 Blakhal (G.) Breiffe Narration of the Services done to three noble Ladyes, 1631-49, ed. John Stuart 1844 Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of Aberdeen, 1398-1625, 2 vols. ed. John Stewart 1844-48 G4i BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Spalding Club Publications— coTz^mz^e^:?. Eegistrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis, cd. Cosmo Innes, 2 vols, illuminated plates and facsimiles 1845 Selections from the Records of the Kirk-Session, Presbytery, and Synod of Aberdeen, 1562-168], ed. John Stuart 1846 A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Eose of Kilravock, ed. Cosmo Innes, fac- simile» a7id vie7cs 1848 Spalding (John) Memorialls of the Trubles in Scotland and in England, 1624-1645, ed. John Stuart, 2 vols. 1850-51 Letters Illustrative of Public Aifairs in Scotland, addressed by contemporary Statesmen, to George, Earl of Aberdeen, 1681-84, cd. John Dunn 1851 Innes (T.) Civil and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland, 80-818, ed. Geor. Grub 1853 Fasti Aberdonenses ; Selections frojn the Records of the University and King's College of Aberdeen, 1494-1854, ed. Cosmo Innes, frontispiece 1854 SCULPTURED STONES of SCOTLAND, ed. John Stuart, 2 vols. fol. 306 plate/^, cloth, RARE, £25. 1856-67 Vol. 2 can be supplied separately for £15. 15« " After such an examination, we need scarcely say that these two volumes of Mr. Stuart are a noble monument of Scotch archaBologicaf zeal. The execution of the drawings, their transfer to the stone, and the whole " getting up" of the books leave nothing to be desired." — AthencBum, Aug. 17, 1867. Baibour (Johne) The Brus ; from a Collation of the Cambridge and Edinburgh Manu- scripts, ed. Cosmo Innes 1856 Book of the Thanes of Cawdor, 1236-1742, ed. Cosmo Innes, 2 plates and facsimile^ \%s Edinburgh^ 1859 Passages from the Diary of Genl. Patrick Gordon, 1635-1699, ed. Joseph Robertson Aberdeen, 1859 Diary of Alexr. Brodie of Brodie, and of his Son, 1652-1685, ed. David Laing ib. 1863 Forbes (D.) Account of the Familie of Innes, 1898, ed. C. Innes ih. 1864 Together 33 vols. 4to. cloth, uncut, and 2 \oh,io\io, half bound, from the library of the late John Phillips, R.A. with his bookplate, £30. Aberdeen and Edinburgh, 184^1-67 The Spalding Club, which has done so much for Scottish Antiquities, has just com- pleted a magnificent and valuable work, The Sculptured Stones of ScotUmd, under the able editorship or rather authorship of Mr. John Stuart, secretary of the Club and of tlie Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. This work, the first volume of which was issued in 1865, consists of an extensive series of lithographic plates, representing stones which exist in Scotland, as well as of illustrative specimens from the neighbouring districts of England. In addition to these are plates of ornamental metal work and of MS. decora- tion from the early Irish Books of the Gospels. A long and elaborate introduction by Mr. Stuart enters fully into many questions which originate in a consideration of the art and intention of these interesting memorials, and is characterized as well by learning and research, as by a thoroughly common-sense treatment of the subject. " It is in this Pictish district of Scotland that the most interesting of the memorial- pillars, figured in ITie Sculptured Stones of Sooilafid, are found." 2'he Times, September 3rd, 1867. SPANISH Academy : Obbas publicadas per la Real Academia de la Histoeia, 722 Ajbar MACHMua (coleccion de Tradiciones) Cronica anonima del Siglo XI, dada a luz por primera vez, en Arabigo y Uspafiol, anotada por Lafuente y Alcantara, impl. 8vo. pp. 265 and 165, sd. 145 Madrid, 1867 The Spanish transcription of the title somewhat disguises this valuable work, which would in France or England be called the 'Ahhbdr Madjmu'a. It contains a history of Musulman affairs in Africa and Spain from about the year 70 to 150 of the Hedjrah, and involves a mass of geographical and other matter, for which special appendices are an- nexed. The work was compiled in the eleventh century from the popular traditions and official authorities which related to the conquest of Spain, as well as the political and literary history of the conquerors. Only one old copy of the original Manuscript is known, from which two transcripts Tvere made in recent years. Don Emilio de Lafuente died a short while since ; but this volume remains an ample testimony to his great learning and ripe scholarship. It is published by the Spanish Royal Academy of History as the first volume of a *' Coleccion de Obras Arabigas de Historia y Geografia." 723 ALFONSO EL SABIO (el Key) Las Siete Partidas, cotejadas con varios codices antiguos, 3 vols. 4to. sd. 285 ^d Madrid, 1 807 Best edition of this famous and remarkable code, with the variants at foot of each page. It is a monument of Language as well as of Legislation. See a long description in Purton Cooper's Catalogue of the Spanish Law books in Lincoln's Inn Library. TEANSACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 65 Spanish Acsidemy— continued. 723 Alfonso el Sabio, Opusculos Legales, cotejados con codices antiguos : Espejo de los Dere- chos, Fuero Real, etc. 2 vols. 4to. srH. 1 5s Madrid, 1836 724 Arias y Miranda, Influjo sobre la Espana de su dorainacion en America, impl. 8vo. sd. 3s ib, 1854 725 Ayoea (Gonzalo) Cartas, 1503, con su vida, 12mo. sd. Is ib. 1794 726 Cean Bermudez, Sumario de las Antigiiedades Romanas que hay en Espana, en especial las pertenecientes a las Bellas Artes, sm. folio, nd. 7s Madrid, 1832 727 CORTES. Coleccion de Cortes de los Reynos de Leon y de Castilla dada a luz per la Real Academia, 38 parts {all published'), 4 to. sd. Z2s Madrid^ 1836-45 This, which is the"original edition, was never completed, owing to the disturbances that prevailed at the time in Spain. The following article is the renewed publication. 728 CORTES de los Antiguos Reinos de Leon y de Castilla, por la Real Academia, Vols. I, IT, III, stout sm. folio, well printed on thick paper, sd. £3. ib. 1861-66 This edition is carefully arranged in chronological order, and exactly reproduces the ancient texts, with notes. These volumes include the Cortes of the years 1020-1473. 729 Delgado sobre el Gran Disco de Theodosio, sm. 4 to. plate, sd. 2s 6d 1849 730 Diccionario Geografico-Historico de Espana por la Real Academia, Seccion 11 ; La Rioja, Logrono, etc. por Govantes, con Suplemento, 4to. sd. Is 1846-51 731 Diccionario de Voces Espanolas Geograficas, 4to. sd. 2s {m. 1820) 732 ESPANA SAGRADA : Theatro Geografico-Historico de la Iglesia de Espana, por el P. Henrique FLOREZ, Manuel Risco, y otros, Vols. I— L, sq. 8vo. plates, sd. £15. ]0s ib. 1754-1866 Any recent volumes can be supplied separately. 733 Fernandez y Gonzalez, Estado de los Mudejares de Castilla, irapl. 8vo, sd. 8s ib. 1866 Displaying a great profundity of historical and oriental learning. 734 FLOREZ, la Cantabria, en tierapo de los Romanos, 1786 — Florez vindicado del Vindicador de la Cantabria, por Risco, 1779—2 vols. 8vo. sd. 6s 6d 17 79-86 735 Memorias de las Reynas Catholicas, Historia Genealogica de la Casa Real de Castilla y de Leon, 2 vols. sq. 8vo. 155 ib. 1790 736 Mendez, Vida de Florez, 8vo. portrait, sd. 4s 6d ' ib. 1860 737 CoLECCiON de Fueros y Cartas-Pueblas ; Catalogo, 4to. sd. 5s 1852 738 Hurt ADO, Munda Pompeiana, roy. 8vo. sd. 10.? Madrid, 1861 A memoir on Spain in the time of the Romans, and its Antiquities. 739 Janer, Condicion social de los Moriscos de Espafia, causas de su expulsion, etc. impl. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Madrid, 1857 740 Indice de los Documentos procedentes de los Monasterios suprimidos. Sec. I: Castilla y Leon, roy. 8vo. 7* 6d Madrid, 1861 741 Informe sobre la Disciplina Ecclesiastica, 8vo. sd. Is 6d 1786 742 Janer, el Compromiso de Caspe, impl. 8vo. facsimiles, Arms, and Catalan extracts, sd. 5s Madrid, 1855 743 Llorente, Memoria hi«torica sobre la opinion nacional de Espana acerca de la Inquisicion, 8vo. sd. 4s 1812 744 MEMORIAL HISTORICO ESPANOL : Coleccion de Documentos, Opusculos, y Antigiie- dades que publica la Real Academia, Vols. I — XIX, sq. 8vo. plates oj' Coins, etc. sd. £5. 5s ib. 1851-65 745 MEMORIAS de la REAL ACADEMIA de la Historia, Vols.I-VIII, 4to. mamj plates, sd. £4. lOs ib. 1796-1852 746 DiscuRSOS leidos en las Sesiones Publicas, desde 1852, impl. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d 1858 747 MEMORIAS de Don FERNANDO IV. de Castilla : Tomo I., su Cronica ; Tomo IL, la Coleccion Diplomatica que comprueba la Cronica ; arregladas y anotadas por Benavi- DES, 2 vols. 4to. £1. 176' 6d ib. 1860 748 Navarrete, Disertacion sobre la Historia de la Nautiea, sq. 8vo. sd. 4s ib. 1846 749 OVIEDO. Historia general y natural de las Indias, Islas y Tierra-firme del Mar Oceano, por el Capitan Gonzalo F. De Oviedo y Valdes, Vols. I-IV, sm. folio, maps and plates, sd. £3. 15* ib. 1851-55 750 Paulo Quadrado, Elogio historico de A. D. de Escano, impl. 8vo. sd. 5s ib. 1852 751 Risco (Manuel) La Castilla, Historia del Cid, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d ib. 1792 752 Historia de Leon y de sus Reyes, 2 vols. sq. 8vo. sd. lOs ib. 1792 753 RosELL, Historia del Combatc de Lepanto, impl. 8vo. sd. 4s ib. 1853 754 Saez, Demonstracion del valor de las Monedas de Espafia (Enrique IV y Carlos IV) 4to, sd. 6s 1805 755 Valesquez, Ensayo sobre los Alphabetos de las Letras desconocidas en las antiguas Me- dallas y Monumentos de Espana, sm. 4to. 20 plates of Coins, vellum., 7s Cd Madrid, 1752 756 VILLANUEVA (J. L.) Viage Literario a las Iglesias de Espana, (y de Mallorca. etc.) con observaciones, 22 vols. 8vo. plates of inseriptiofis, monuments, etc. sd. £2. \5s ib. 1803-52 A valuable work, containing numerous notices of ancient Rituals, accounts of rare boolvs and monasterial libraries, MSS. etc. 06 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Spanish Academy of Science: 757 Memorias de la Eeal Academia de Clencias, Tomo I-IV, YI complete. Eesumen de Trabajos Mineralogicos, 1865, 15 parts, impl. 8vo. plates, sd. £S. 15s Madrid, 1S50-65 758 LiBEOS del Saber de Astronomia del Eet D. Alfonso X. de Castilla, com- pilados anotados y comentados por Don Manuel Eico y Sinobas, 4 vols, royal folio, plates and astronomical tables, loards, £3. 10s Madrid, 1863-66 759 SPOETING MAGAZINE, or Monthly Calendar of the Turf, the Chase, and other Diversions, Second Series, Vol. YIII-XXV, (without XX), being from November, 1833, to December, 1842, (with the Eacing Calendar of each Tear), 17 vols. 8vo. numerous fine engravings, (pub. £12.) Ids. 564. 1833-42 760 NEW SPOETING MAGAZINE, Yols. YII-XIX, {end of First Series) ; New Series, Yols. I-IY, being from May 1834, to December 1842, with the Eacing Calendar for each Tear, 17 vols. 8vo. many fine j)lates, 4to. (pub. at 3612.) Ids, £S. 18s 1834-42 Statistical Society: 761 JoTJENAL, complete from the beginning in May 1838 to December 1863, Yols. I-XXYI, and Index to Yols. I-XY, 8vo. (pub. 36I8. 4s) £5. 15s 1839-63 762 STUD BOOK (The General), containing the Pedigrees of Eace Horses from the earliest Accounts to 1856, 8 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £8. 15*) four vols, in calf and four in Ids. .£3. 10s 1808-57 763 another copy, 8 vols. 8vo. six in Jif calf two in Ids. £3. IQs 1827-57 Several volumes in stock to be sold separately. SURREY ArchsBological Society: 763*Cgllectiois^s, Yols. I-lII, 8vo. pedigrees^ maps and plates of Brasses, Coats of Arms, ^c. sd. 36s 1856-65 SURTEES Society: 764 SuRTEEs' ISociett's Publications : a set from the commencement, 48 vols. 8vo. all consecutive, cloth, many of the volumes now out (f print and very scarce, £36. 1835-65 The articles priced will be sold separately, with the usual allowance for Cash. Contents : 1. Reginaldi Libellus de admirandis Beati Cuthberti Vii'tutibus, 15* 1835 .2. Durham Wills and Inventories, pt. 1, 30* 1835 5. The Towneley Mysteries ; or Miracle Plays, 15« 1836 4. Testamenta Eboracensia, Vol. I, 36« 1836 5. Sanctuariura Dunelra. and Beverlac. ; or, Registers of the Sanctuaries of Durham and Beverley, 1.5.S 1837 6. The Charters of Finchale Priory, 15* 1837 7. The Catalogues of the Old Monastic Library at Durham, &c. 10* 1838 8. Miscellaneous Biography, the Lives of King Oswin and S. S. Cuthbert and Eata, 105 1838 9. The Three Historians of Durham, Coldingham, Graystanes, and Chambre, &c. 1.5* 1839 10. The Ritual of the Church of Durham, Latin and Saxon, 15* 1840 11. Jordan Fan tosme's Anglo-Norman Chronicle of War between England and Scotland in 1173-4, 15* 1840 12. The CoiTcspondence, Inventories, &c. of the Priory of Coldingham, 15* 1841 13. The Liber Vita? of the Monastery of Durham, 10* 1841 14. The Correspondence of R. Bowes, Esq. Elizabeth's Ambassador to Scotland, 15* 1842 15. A Description of the Monuments, Rites, and Customs of the Church of Durham prior to the Dissolution, 10* 1842 16. The Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter, Vol. 1, 15* 1843 17. The Correspondence of Matthew Hutton, Archbishop of York, 15* 1843 18. The Accounts of the Bursar of the Monastery of Durham, from 1530 to 1534, 15* 1844 19. The Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter, Vol. II, 15* 1844 20. The Life and Miracles of St. Godric, of Finchale, by Reginald, 15* 1845 21. Depositions, &c. from the Ecclesiastical Court of Durham, 15* 1845 TEANSACTIOIS'S OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. GT Surtees Society — continued. i 22. Ecclesiastical Pro. of Bp. Barnes, 15^ 18.50 23. Latin Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 16* 1851 24. Memoir of Robert Surtees, scarce^ .36-? 1852 25. Boldon Buke, a Survey of the See of Durham, 10.« 6^ 1852 26. Wills and Inventories from the Archdeaconry of Richmond, 14^ 1853 27. Pontitical of Egbert, Archbishop of York, 723-766, Us 1853 28. Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels, 14.« 1854 29. Inventories of the Benedictine Houses of Jarrow and Monk Wearmouth, 12* 1854 30. Testamenta Eboracensia, Vol. 2, 25^ 1855 31. Obituary Roll of Ebch ester and Burnley, 12* 1856 82. Bishop of Hatfield's Survey, 1.5;? 1857' 33. Rural Economy in Yorksliire in 1641, 12.? 1857 34. Acts of the High Commission Court of Durham, 14« 1857 £5. P'abric Rolls of York Minster, 25.« 1858 36. Dugdale's Visitation of Yorke, 1665-66, out of print, £2. \0s 1859 37. Miscellanea, 25« 1858 38. Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham, part 2, £2. 1860 39. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels, part 2, 10.? 1861 40. Depositions from the Castle of York, relating to Offences committed in the Northern Counties in the XVIIth Century, 30.? 1861 41. Tonge's (Thomas, Norroy King of Arms) Heraldic Visitation of the Northern Counties in 1530 ; with an Appendix of other Heraldic Documents relating to the North of England, edited by W. H. D. Longstaffe, with engravings of the Coats of ArmSy scarce, 285 1863 '42. Walbran's Memorials of Fountains Abbey, Vol. I, woodcuts of seals, etc. out of print 1863 43. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels, part III. : S. Luke, Anglo-Saxon and English interlineal, edited with the reading of the Rushworth MS. and Notes by Waring, cloth ^ 14.? 1864 44. The Priory of Hexham, its Chroniclers, Endowments, and Annals, edited by Raine, Vol.1, comprising ancient Chronicles and other documents^ numerous plates and wood- cuts of Monuments, etc. £2. 2.? 1865 45. Testamenta Eboracensia, a selection of Wills from the registry at York, Vol. Ill, 8vo. cloth, 25s 1864 46. The Priory of Hexham, by Raine, Vol. II, containing Title Deeds, Black Book, etc. 16.S 1865 47. Remains of Dean Granville, Vol. II, selections from his correspondence, diaries, etc. \6s 1865 Vol. I. was contained in No. 37. 48. Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels, Vol. IV. {the last) containing St. John, with facsimile, 16* 1865 SWEDISH Antiquarian Society. 7G5 S^ENSKA Folk-Sagor och Aefveiityr, af Hylten Cavallius ocli Stephens, Vol, 1, 1844, original worh, afterwards carried on in the following series : Samlingar af iSwenska Eornskrift Sallskapet, Nos. 1-15, 18, 23, 24; 19 parts in 17, with the Aarsmoten for 1845-52, in 4 parts — together 23 parts in 21, 8vo. containing reprints of ancient Swedish and JVorse Bo- mances, SOs 1844-55 SYDENHAM Society; 766 Publications, A complete set from its foundation in 1843 to 1857, 39 vols. 8vo. and 1 vol. folio, together 40 vols, plates, some coloured, issued to sub- scribers at £15. 155, cloth gilt and lettered, top edge gilt, £5. 1843-57 767 NEW SYDENHAM SOCIETY'S Pablications, a set from the commence- ment in 1859 to 1861, without Vols. lY and IX, 10 vols. 8vo. cloth lettered, £2. 5s 1859-61 SYRO-EayPTIAN Society : 768 OPtlGINAL PAPEES, 2 parts; Eeports and Transactions from the be- ginning in 1844 to I860; bound together in 1vol. ^yo. calf gilt, with Series of Lithographed Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, No. 1 {all published) consisting of 6 large plates in folio, £2. 1844-60 769 Original Papers, 2 parts, 8vo. {all imblished) 7s 1845-50 68 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 770 TASMANIAN Journal (The) of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, etc. Vol. I, 8vo. {loanUpp. 307-18) hf. hound, 10s Tasmania, 1842 Contains articles on the Birds, Mammals, etc. of Australia ; Catalogue of the Birds of Tasmania ; Mythology of the New Zealanders, etc. 771 THEOLOGISCHE SlUDIExY und Kritiken : eine Zeiischrift fur das gesammte Gebiet der Theologie, in A\erbindung mit Grieseler, Liicke und Nitzsch, berausgegeben von C. Ullman und F. "W. C. Umbreit, 1828-56 ; mit Register, 1828-47, 31 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £1(j.) cloth, £^, 10s Hamh. und Gotka, 1828-56 The numbers from 1859 to 1862 in stock. TOPOGRAPHICAL Department of the War Office : Publications issued under the direction of Colonel Sib ITenrt James. 772 DOMESDAY BOOK, or the Great Survey of England of William the Conqueror, a.d. 1086, photo-zincographed by Her Majesty's command at the Ordnance Survey Oflfice, Southampton, Colonel Sir H. James, Director. The following Counties have been published, each forming a separate vol. impl. 4to. cloth Bedfordshire, 8s 1862 Lincolnshire, \0s 1863 Berks, 8* 1863 Middlesex, Facsimile of, 8* 1861 Bucks, 8s 1863 Norfolk, 23s 1864 Cambridgeshire, \0s 1862 Northamptonshire, 10* 1863 Cheshire, including part of Nottinghamshire, 10* 1863 T^ancashire, 8s 1863 Oxfordshire, 8* 1863 Cornwall, Facsimile of, 8s 1861 Rutlandshire, 8* 1863 Derbyshire, 8s 1862 Shropshire, 8* 1863 Devonshire, 10* 1862 Somersetshire, 10* 1862 Dorsetshire, 8s 1862 Staffordshire, 8* 1862 Essex, 165 1862 Surrey, Facsimile, 8* 1862 Gloucestershire, 8* 1862 Literal extension and Translation, 14* HAMPSHiRE, Facsimile of, 10* 1862 1862 Herefordshire, 8* 1862 Sussex, Facsimile of, 8* 1862 Hertfordshire, 10* 1863 Warwickshire, Facsimile, 8* 1862 Huntingdonshire, 8* 1862 Wiltshire, 10* 1862 Lancashire, 8* 1863 Worcestershire, 8* 1862 Leicestershire and Rutland, 8* 1862 Yorkshire, 21* 1863 Historical Atlas of Ireland : „_-• 1. TX T. . . p T -i__-J /-_ -irfr>n\ ' „„J UWJLiiJU yxJXk^x^j jLwu xi-uuieuo njapa ui Aicitiiiu \K:a,. a.u\jkjj 1^152,000 ^^^ 3148000, facsimiled from the original MS. in the British Museum, coloured round the margins, on a single sheet 1862 Copy of portion of an A]S"ciE 1ST Manuscript in the British Museum, by Lawrence Nowell, Dean of Lichfield, who died in 1576 ; being the text to illustrate the above Maps, folio, 80 pp. lithographed, sewed 1862 Containing an authentic description of Ireland, from the time of Henry IL, and giving the Princes and Chiefs, with details of their troops, resources, etc, YiEW of the Siege of Exnt skilled 1592, taken from McGruire by Captain Dowdall, facsimile from the original plan, " made and dun by John Thomas, Solder," a very curious plan on a large sheet, representing an episode of JElizabetk's Wars in Ireland, plain, or coloured 1862 ATLAS OF ULSTEK, executed about the year 1609, in 31 Maps, each on a sheet measuring 28 in. by 22, plain, extremely important series of Maps 1862 1. A G en eralle description of Ulster ; 2. Tyrone; 3. Tyrconnelle ; 4 and 5. Baronie of Knockninnie ; 6. Clancally ; 7. Clinawley ; 8. Maghery Steffanah ; 9. MahheiyBoy; 10. Lurgh and Cole Mackernan ; 11 and 12. Donganon ; 13 and 14. Loghinisholin ; 15 and 16. Strabane ; 17. Omey 5 18. Clogher; 19. Loghtie; 20. Tallogh Garvie ; 21. Clanchy ; 22. Castle Kahin ; 23. Clonmahowne ; 24. Tollachconco ; 25. Tollaghaghe ; 26. Orier ; 27. Fues ; 28 and 29. Oneilan ; 30. ^rdmagh ; 31. Toghrany. These Maps possess much interest, as exhibiting the titles from the Crown of the landed proprietary of the present day in Ulster. — the above Maps and text, bound together in 1 vol. large folio, the mops plain, half bound, £2. IQs 1862 774 the same, the MAPS COLOURED, calf gilt, rare, £12. 1862 TEANS ACTIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 69 Thompson — see Annals. 775 TiJDSSCEirT voor Nederlandsch-INDIE, uilgegeven door Dr. W. E. van Hoe veil, a set as described below ^ 8vo. and roy. 8vo. 19 nos. in bds. the rest in parts, £5. Batavia, 1838-48, Zalt-Bommel, 1854-59 Jahrgang, I. Vol. 1 ; III, 2 vols. ; IV, 2 vols. ; V, 2 vols. ; VI— IX, 16 vols. ; X, parts 1,2; XVI — XXI, 12 vols. ; these last 12 volumes being in royal octavo. This periodical is full of the most varied information ; the History, Ethnology, Science and Philology, of the East. 776 TOPOGEAPHEE and GENEALOGIST, edited by John G. Nichols, 3 vols. 8vo. 1840;?/?. cuts, (pub. at £3. 3.?) cloth, 32« 1846-8 These volumes abound with topographical and genealogical researches, Pedigrees, Household Books, Heraldic Memoranda, Notes on Churches, Deeds, Chronicles, Sepul- chral Monuments, &c. The great extent of this work is seen by the contents of the 3 Indexes : I. that of Matter ; II. that of Places ; III. that of Persons ; these latter contain References to no less than 4500 Places and 5660 Families, many of them with their exact Pedigrees: this excellent collection is of the greatest interest to all students of Genealogy and Family Histoiy. TURIN ACADEMY'S Transactions: 777 Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences de Turin, 40 vols. 4to. com- plete SET OP THE FIRST SERIES, from the beginning in 1759 to 1838, £27. Turin, 1759-1838 Collation. First Division. Miscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica Societatis privatae Tauri- nensis, 5 vols. (Vols. II- V, entitled Melanges de Philosophic), very scarce, 1759-73 Vols. I — V Second Division. Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences, 1784-1800, 6 vols. 1786- 1801 VI-XI Third Division. Sciences Physiques et Mathematiques, 5 vols. 1805-13 — Littera- ture et Beaux Arts, 5 vols. 1803-13 XII— XXI Fourth Division. Memorie della Reale Academia delle Scienze, 19 vols, (of which the first has a French title), 1816-38 XXII— XXXIX 778 the same, as follows : — Memoires de TAcademie des Sciences, 6 vols. 1786-1801— Sciences Physiques et Mathematiques, Vols. I-III, 1805-9 — Litterature et Beaux Arts, Vols. I-III, 1803-9 — Memorie della Eeale Academia delle Scienze, Vols. 2, 3, 4, 7-11, 16,17 (or Vols. 23-38, as described, of the i'ourth Division), 10 vols. 1818-35— together 22 vols. 4to. numerous large folding plates, 12 vols, uniform in ichole calf the rest sd. the series, as described, £T . 10s Turin, 1786-1835 779 Turin Academy's Transactions. Seeie Seconda : Memorie della Eeale Academia delle Scienze di Torino, "Vols. I-XX, stout royal 4to. many plates, sd. £30. Torino, 1839-63 780 the same, Vols. IV and VI, 2 vols. roy. 4to. plates of Botany, etc. some coloured, hf calf 30^ Torino, 1842-44 TYNESIDE Naturalist's Field Club: 781 Teansactions, Vols. I, II ; III, pts. 2 and 3 ; and VI, 8vo. numerous plates, in 13 parts, sd. £2. 10s Newcastle on Tyne, 1846-64 782 TWYSDENI (Rogeri) Historige Anglicanse Scriptores X. ex vetustis MSS. nunc primum in lucem editi : adjectis variis Lectionibus, Glossario, Indi- ceque copioso, 2 vols, folio, pine paper, calf, £3. 12^ 1652 A very important collection of Early English Chronicles, viz.: — I. Simon Dunelmiensis. II. .Joannes Prior Hagustaldensis. III. Kichardus Prior Hagustaldensis. IV. Ailredus Abbas Rievallcnsis. V. Radulphus de Diceto. VI. Joannes Brompton. VII. Gervasius Durobornensis. VIII. Thomas Stubbs. IX. Guil. Thorn. X. Henricus Knighton. " The learned and ample glossary appended to this ad- mirable collection was prepared by the famous William Somner. Hearne tells us that even the Puritans, affecting to be Macma'^es, with Cromwell at their head, displayed something like a patriotic ardour in purchasing copies of this work as soon as it ap- peared." — Dibdin. Collation : It has to be stated that there exist no p. 2297 to 2310. Priced, 1843, Payne and Foss, vellum, £6. 6s ; 1849, Rodd, russia, £6. and £6. 10.?; at Col. Stanley's sale a copy fetched £13. 105. — Large Paper copies were priced, 1829, Thorpe, £14. 145; 1832, Payne and Foss, £9. 9^. 70 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 783 UG-OLTN I Thesaurus Antiquititum Sacrirum; complectens selectissima Ciarissimorura Virorutn Opuscula, in quibus veterum Hebrgeorum Mores, Leges, Institute, Eitus Sacri et Civilea illustrantup, 34 vols. fo\io, Jlne sety Italian vellum, £45. Venetiis, 1744-60 A collection of first-rate importance, being for Sacred History and Philology, what the Thesaurus of Grsevius and Gronovius is for the Antiquities of Greece and Rome. It " comprises above 500 valuable treatises by eminent writers of all countries, wtth 4 general Indexes. A list of the contents will be found in Dr. Parr's Catalogue, pp. 109 — 119, and in the Catalogue of the Royal Institution. UNITED SERVICE Institution: 784 JouRifAL, from the commencement in July 1857, to November 1867, being Vols. I to XI, part 4, with the Supplements, (Nos. 1-46) 8vo. illustrated with a large number of plates and woodcuts, (pub. at about ^'8. 8^) £>?>. 5s 1857-67 785 another set, July 1857 to May 1866, being Yols. I-X, part 1, with Supplements, (Nos. 1 to 38 without 36), 4 vols, cloth lettered, the re- mainder in parts, £2. 1857-66 UNITED STATES Government Publications : 786 HITCHCOCK'S Final Eeport on the Geology of Massachusetts, with a Catalogue of Specimens, 2 vols, royal 4to. numerous cuts and 55 large plates of Fossils, Strata, etc. cloth, £1. 10^ Amherst {Mas.) 1841 787 UJVITED STATES EXPLOEING EXPEDITION, during the years 1838- 42, Narrative by Commander Wilkes, 5 vols, royal 4to. superior Library edition^ with numerous plates and woodcuts, Atlas of maps, impl. 4to. PROOFS, cloth, £10. Philadelphia, 1845 Only 100 copies were printed, by the United States Government, of this larger edi- tion, for presents. 788 another edition, with Atlas of maps, 6 vols. impl. 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, cloth, £4. 14^. 6d 1845 One of the most interesting works ever published. It contains an exhaustive account of the Geography, Natural History, Customs, Religions, etc. of the South Sea Islands, South America, etc. 789 HALE'S Ethnography and Pftilologt of the Expedition, forming Vol. VII of the Expedition, imperial 4to. cloth, £{5. ib. 1846 Vert rare. It contains an immense number of separate Vocabularies and Gram- mars of the Oceanic islands, besides a general Polvnesian Lexicon. 790 CASSIN (John) MAMMALOGY and ORNITHOLOaY, roy. 4to. cloth, with a folio atlas, containing 42 finely coloured plates of Birds and Mammals, hf mor. £5. ib. 1858 791 GEAT (A. M.D.) Botais^t: Phanerogamia, royal 4to. cloth, with a folio atlas, containing 100 plates, the atlas hf. morocco, £4. 10^ JSIeto York, 1854 792 SCHOOLCEAFT'S Historical and Statistical information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Ijs^dian Tribes of the Ujvited States. 6 parts, complete in 6 stout vols. impl. 4to. genuine original edition on a large paper, about 500 plates, most of them coloured, ofVieivs, and of Ancient Pottery, Cooking Utensils, Picture Writing, Written Music, Alphabets^ etc. of the Indians^ (pub. at £25 4^) cloth, nncut, £U. Us Philadelphia, 1851-60 A work which contains a vast amount of interesting and valuable information on the Manners and Customs, Antiquities, Intellectual capacity, Ph^^sical type, Language, Art, etc. of the American Indians, iirith com^iarative vocabularies, the whole most profusely illustrated with beautiful coloured plates. 793 Astronomical Expedition. Gtilliss, U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 1849-52 (Chile, Ais^des, and the Pampas, with their Natural History), 3 vols. 4to. maps, views, and numerous plates of Natural History, those of Ornithology coloured, cloth, £2. 10s Washington, 1855-56 TEAIVSACTIONS OF LEAENED SOCIETIES, PEEIODICALS. 71 United States Government FuhliGSLtions— continued. 794i Astronomical Expedition — the same, Vols. I, II. 4to. coloured plates of Ornithology and Mammals, lif. hd. 30* 1855 Vol. Ill contains the purely astronomical portion of the work. 795 Mississippi Expedition": Eeports of Explorations and Surveys, to ascertain the most practical and economical Eoute for the Eailroad from the Missis- sippi Eiver to the Pacific Ocean, made under the direction of the Secretary of AVar in 1853-54, according to Acts of Congress, of March 3, 1854, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854, 12 vols, thick 4to. maps and many hundred plates, some coloured, illustrating the Botany, Geology, Orni- thology, Ichthyology, ^c. of the countries surveyed, hound, not uniform, ^4. 105 ' Washington, 1855-00 796 the same, complete, from Yol. I to Yol. XII, Book II, 12 vols, in 13, 4to. calf neat, £Q. 15 1855-60 Contents : — Ethnography, 10 plates ; Philology, containing Vocabularies of North American Language ; Botany, plates ; Geology, many plates, some coloured ; Birds, finely coloured plates of the different species; Fish, plates; Reptiles, plates ; Mammalia, plates; etc. etc. This fine work reflects the highest credit on the United States Government. The later -volumes are very rare in Europe. 797 Coast Survey : Eepoet of the Superintendent (Professor Bache) shew- ing the progress of the Survey in 1855-58, 4 vols. 4to. nmnerous maps and plates, cloth, £2. 10^ Washington, 1856-59 798 New York. DOCUMENTS relative to the Colonial Histoet of the State of New York, 1663-1778, procured in Holland, England, and Erance, by J. E. Brodhead, Agent, edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, 10 vols. roy. 4to. numerous maps^ including facsimiles of JEarly Charts , etc. cloth, £4i. hs Albany, 1856-58 799 Commercial Relations: Eepoet on the Commercial Eolations of the United States with all foreign Nations, E. Elagg, Superintendent, 5 vols. 4to. 4 in cloth, 1 in hf. mor. £3. 10s Washington, 1856-59 The fourth and fifth volumes contain Consular Returns and other official communi- cations from foreign agents of the Government. 800 EMOEY'S Eeport of the United States and Mexicau?- Boijn^daet Suevet, 3 vols, stout 4to. numerous plates and maps, including also a complete JVa- tural History of those regions, with copious illustrations, those of Costume and Ornithology beautifully coloijeed, calf £2. Qs Washington, 1857-59 801 Colorado. — Ives' Eeport upon the Colorado Eiver of the AVest, explored in i 1857-58, 4to. maps and numerous plates and cuts of Views, with coloured f portraits of Indians, and Natural History, cloth, 14* 1861 802 Vermont. Hitchcock, Hagee, and Hitchcock, Eeport on the Geology, 2 vols. 4to. maps and plates, cloth, 32« Claremont, JSF.W. 1861 TJPSALA Universitiits Sternwarte: 803 Eeeeactoes-Beobachtungen, 1862-64, large 8vo. cloth, 7s Upsala,lS64i UPSALA Academy : 804 NOVA ACTA Eegise Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis, Series Tertia, Vols. I-III, IV fasc. 2, V and VI fasc. 1, 4to. plates, sd. £5. 5s Upsal. 1855-66 805 another set, Vols. I-III, IV 2, V 1, 4ito. plates, sd. £S. 10s Upsal. 1855-64 806 VETEEINAEIAN (The), A Monthly Journal of Veteeinaey Science, edited by Professors Moeton and Simonds, from January 1842, to Mar. 1866, being Series 2-4: Nos. 169-459, forming Vols. XV-XXXIX pt. 3, of the entire range, without Nos. 349-54, 8vo. numerous plates and «^ woodcuts, (pub. £22. 4^ 6d in parts) bound in 41 vols. hf. calf the re- mk mainder in parts, £12. 16s 1842-66 Hp7 the same, Eiest Seeies, Vols. I-IV, 4 vols. 8vo. Ids. uncut, 18s 1828-31 I 72 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 808 VALLANCEY, Collectanea de Eebus IIibernicis, published from ori- ginal MSS. and illustrated by notes and remarks, in 6 vols. 8vo. portrait and nu7nerous plates and cuts, a fine set in calf gilt, formerly Sir W. Ouselei/'s copy,£G.Gs Dublin, 1770-1801 Beyond the pieces mentioned in Lowndes' collection, this set has the following : — in Vol. 1, general title and leaf of contents, as well as leaf of advertisement at end of No. 2; Vol. II, a general title ; Vol. Ill, in No. 10, Ship Temple, a plate, and at page 577, 2 plates and 2 tables ; in Vol. IV, the rare slip, paged 212* ; in Vol. V, a general tillo and the rare star pages, 147*, 148*, besides the bis plate 10 in the series of 1-13. Vol. VI, consists only of the pieces mentioned by Lowndes as VI, part 1 ; the other pieces afterwards printed are seldom met with, most of the copies of Vol. VI having been sold as waste paper. There is a blunder in Lowndes' description of Vol. Ill, which requires rectification ; he includes as part of No 12 in that volume, the " Ancient History of Ire- land Vindicated," which was only published in Vol. IV, as No. 14. VAN DIEMEN'S Land Royal Society: 809 Papers and Proceedings, Vols. I-III pt. 1, 8vo. plates, in parts, sd. rare, £2. 10^ Tasmania, 1849-55 VICTORIA Philosophical Institute: 810 Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute for the Promo- tion of Science, 1854-55 — Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria, Vol. I, 1855 — Transactions of the Philosophical Institute, Vols. I-III, IV pt. 2, 1857-60 — together 5 vols, and a thick part, 8vo. plates, sd. £2.16* Ilelbourne, 1855-60 The above three Institutes were amalgamated, after the publication of the first volume of each of the two first mentioned ones. 811 Vienna: Geographical Society. Mittheilungen, redigirt von Poettprle, 1857-62, as follows: Jahrgang I, Heft 2; II, 1-3; 111,1-3; V; VI; in 8 parts, roy. 8vo. plates and maps, sd. 7s 6d Wien, 1857-02 Vienna — See ante Austrian. WARTON CLUB: 812 History of Pulk Pitz "VVarine, an outlawed Baron in the Eeign of King John, by "Wright, Old French and English, sm. 8vo, sd. 5s 1855 818 Latin Themes of Mary Q. of Scots, from her MS. by Montaiglon, sm. 8vo. 45 1855 814 Warwiokshire Antiquarian Magazine, Parts 1, 2, (all yet published), roy. 8vo. plates and Pedigrees, 21s Warmck, 1860-62 814* Weekly Journal (The) from March 1714, to July 1722, not consecutive, with numerous Broadsides and Tracts bound up at the end, including Letters, Speeches, Political Pamphlets, etc. sm. folio, half calf gilt, 36« 1714-22 WELSH Manuscript Society: 815 LIBER LANDAVENSIS, Llyfr Teilo, or Ancient Register of the Cathedral Church of Llandafll^ in Latin, with English Translation and^ Notes, by Rev. W. J. Rees, roy. 8vo. facsimiles, cloth, scarce, 2\s Llandovery, 1840 816 lOLO MANUSCRIPTS. A Selection of Ancient Manuscripts in Prose and Verse, from the Collection made by E. Williams, lolo Morganwg, with English Translations and Notes by his Son Taliesin Williams ab lolo, roj. 8vo. plate, cloth, 28^ Lland. 1848 817 REES (W. J.) Lives of the Cambro-British Saints of the Fifth and immediate succeeding Centuries, royal %yq. frontispiece and facsimiles, cloth, £2. 2s 1853 818 DOSPARTH EDEYRN Davod Aur : Ancient Welsh Grammar, compiled in the 13th Cen- tury by Edeyrn the Golden-tongued ; with y Pum Llyfr Kerddwriaeth, or Rules of Welsh Poetry, and Translation and Notes by the Rev. J. Williams Ab Ithel, 8vo. (price to no7i-v> embers, £2. 2s), cloth, \Ss Llandovei^y, 1856 819 MEDDYGON MYDDFAI, Medical Practice of Rhiwallon and his Sons ; with the Llyn-y- Fan, or Legend of the Lady of the Lake ; edited by Williams Ab Ithel, with notes and translations by John Pughe, 8vo. cloth, 18^ 1862 820 HERALDIC VISITATIONS of Wales and part of the Marches, under the direction of the Kings at Arms, by Lewts Dwnn, in Welsh, edited, with numerous explanatory Notes, by Sir S. Rush Meyrick, 2 vols. impl. 4to. rare, £12. 10* 1846 together 2 vols. 8vo. ; 3 vols, royal 8yo. ; and 2 vols. impl. 4to. facsimiles and plates, cloth f uncut, £18. * Llandovery, 1840-62 TEANSACTIONS OV LEAENED SOCIETIES, PERIODICALS. 73 WELSH Metropolitan Institution: 821 Teansaction^s of the Ctmmeodobion or Metropolitan Cambrian Institu- tion, 3 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 25s 1822-28 822 the same, Vol. I, 8vo. bds. 7s 6d 1822 Contents of Vol. I : — Essay on the Antiquity of the Welsh Tongue ; On the general cultivation of the Welsh Language ; Historical Essay on Wales ; Essay on the Harp ; Law Triads of the Ancient Britons ; etc. Interesting essays on the language, history, and antiquities of Wales, with genealo- gical and bibliographical disquisitions. Wernerian Natural History Society: 823 Memoirs, from the beginning in 1808 to 1839, being Vols. I-YIII, pt. 1, (all published), 8vo. 7 vols, hf. calf^ and 1 'part., many plates, some coloured, £2. 125 Edinburgh, 1811-39 824 West of Engla-nd Jouenal of Science and Literature, 1835-6, 10 parts (all published) in 1 vol. 8vo. plates, hf. calf, Is Qd Bristol, 1836 A valuable publication, which, besides treatises on various subjects of Natural His- tory, has also many interesting memoirs of Comparative Philology, Slavonic Ethnogra- phy, and a sketch of a Berber Grammar by Newman. 825 WIEGMANN'S Aechiv fiir Naturgescbichte, fortgesetzt von Ericlison, Jahr^. I-Xy, in 15 vols. 8vo. £4. Berlin, 1835-49 826 WILLEMS (T. F.) Belgisch Museum voor de Nederduitsche Tael- en Let- ter-kunde en de Geschiedenis des Yaderlands, 10 vols. 8vo. plates, ports, and facsimile, hf. bd. uncut, 36« Gent, 1837-4i6 Interesting Collection of Treatises about old Flemish Literature and History. WILTSHIRE Topographical Society.- 827 WILTSHIE-E Abchaeological and Natural History Magazine, published by the Society formed in that County, 1853, Nos. 1-20 being Vols. I-IX, part 2, 8vo. numerous plates of Antiquities, Bedigrees, etc. 7 vols, cloth, gilt edges, and 5 jiarts, sd. 364. 10s Bevizes, 1854-65 828 the same, Vols. I- VII, without Nos. 3 to 8, 8vo. parts, 36« lb. 1854-62 829 AUBREY'S Natural History of Wiltshire, edited by Britton, 1847— Brit- ton's Memoirs of Aubrey, portrait, 1845 — 2 vols. 4to. cloth, 30s 1845-47 830 YOUNG'S Annals oe Ageiculture, and other useful Arts, 45 vols. 8vo. plates of Implements, etc. A complete and vert fine set, in calf gilt, £6. 15s Bury St. Edmunds, 1790— London, 1806 "The works of Arthur Young should have a prominent part in every economical library." — Maculloch. " The works of Arthur Young did incomparably more than those of any other indi- vidual to introduce a taste for agriculture, and to diffuvSe a knowledge of the art in this and other countries. They are written in an animated, forcible, pure English style ; and are at once highly interesting and instructive. It has been truly said, th^t if great zeal, indefatigable exertion, and an unsparing expense in making experiments, can give any one a claim to the gratitude of agriculturists. Arthur Young deserves it more than most men." — Kirwan^s ' Irish l^ansactiona' as quoted in ' Penny Cyclopadia* 831 ZACH (Freyherr Er. von) Monatliche Corresponded z zur Beforderung der Erd und Himmels-Kunde, Januar 1800 bis December 1813, 28 vols. 8vo. 103 plates of portraits, maps and diagrams, hf. bound, £2. 16^ Gotha, 1800-14 882 ZEITSCHRIFT der Deutschen Morgenlspndiacben Gesellschaft, Vols. I- XX, numerous plates — Register zu Band I-X — Jahresbericht fiir 1845-6, 2 vols, in 1, hf. caZ/^— together 22 vols. 8vo. (pub. 80 Thlr. in parts) sd. £8. Leipzig, 1847-66 833 the same, 22 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, hf. calf neat, sb'lO. 1847-66 834 the same. Vols. I-XIV, — Jahresbericht fiir 1845-6, pt. 1— 8vo. 14 vols. one in hf. calf, the remainder in parts, £5. 1847-60 835 the same, Yols. 1-IX, 8vo. eight vols, in cloth, and one in parts, £4. 1847-55 74 BER]S"AED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 836 ABHANDLUNGrEN fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes, herausg. von. d. Deutschen Morg. Gesellschaft, Vol. I and II, pts. 1, 2, ia 6 ])arts, 8vo. (all publisli«^d), sd. £2. I65 Leipzig, 1857-60 Contents : Windischmann's Mithra, Mythengeschichte ; FJugel's Al-Kindi, der Philosoph der Arabcr: Haug, Fiinf Gathas Zarathustra's Zend und Lutein, mit Erk- larung, 2 parts; Weber, das Catrunjaya Mahatmyam ; Lepsius die Syr. Bricfe des Igna- tios ; Abbadie, Hermiae Pastor, Aethiop. et Lot. 837 ZEIT8CHE,IFT des OESTERfiEiCHiscHEN Ingenieur- und Architekten- Yereins, redigirt von Herr, Jahrgang Ylll, No. 9, to XYIII, Heft 3, not consecutive^ 74 parts, roy. 4to. numerous plates, sd. £2. Wien, 1855-66 In the series, the following parts are absent : 1856, No. 1—8; 1857, No, 1 — 8 ; 1861, Nos. 11, 12; 1862, Heft 7, 8, 10—12; 1864, Heft 1 ; 1865, Heft 1, 8 — 11 ; 1866, Heft 1. 838 ZEITSCHEIFT fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, herausgegeben von Ewald, Gi-abelentz, Kosegarten, LASSEN, Neumann, Hodiger, und Eiick- ert, Yols. I-YII, plates of Alphabets, 8vo. cloth, £2. 12s Gd Gbttingen u. Bonn, 1837-50 840 Zeitscheift fiir die gesammten Naturwissenscbaften redigirt von Giebel und Siewert, Yols. XXII-XXIII, 8vo. sd. 10s Berlin, 1863-64 841 ZIEGENBALG. Der Konigl. DaNiscHEN Missionarien aus Ost-Indien eingesandte Bekichte, Tbeil I — LX, in 5 vols, verv stout sq. 8vo. plates, vellum, £5. " Ralle, 1718-46 842 ZOIST (Thej, a Journal of Cerebral Physiology and Mesmerism, Nos. 1-52, or Yols. I-XIII, 8vo. plates, (pub. £6. IQs) in parts, £4. 10^ 1843-55 843 ZOOLOGICAL JOUENAL, edited by Bell, Children, and Sowerbt, con- tinued by Yigors, 5 vols. 8vo. -with 147 finely coloured plates, (pub. 5611. 195) hf. calf, £2. ; calf neat, £2. 10^ 1825-35 ZOOLOGICAL Society of London : 844 Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London, 1830-32, 2 vols. — Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1833-1865, (pub. £d. 18^), 31 vols. — together 33 vols. 8vo. £7. 10* 1831-65 This Series has no plates. 845 the same : Proceedings of the Committee, and Proceedings of the Society, 18 vols. ^ 1830-47 Proceedings of the Societj'- of London, with Illustrations, from the com- mencement of this issue, in 1848, to 1866, 18 vols, ivith above 600 co- loured plates, (pub. at £38. 7^) —together 36 vols. 8vo. £25. 1831-66 846 TEANSACTIONS of the Zoological Society of London, 5 vols. impl. 4to. many coloured vlates of Mammals, Birds, Fish, Insects, etc. (pub. at £29. V7s) in parts, £18. 18s 1835-66 g47 ^-_ the same, Yols. I-IY, 4to. numerous coloured plates, (pub. at £22. 18*) in parts, £10. 1835-62 848 • — the same, Yols. I complete, II part 1, III complete, imp. 4to. many coLOJjnED plates of Mammals, Birds, Fish, Insects, etc. (pub. at £19. 13s) in parts, £3. 16s 1835-46 These valuable publications consist of contributions from the most eminent natural- ists, among whom may be mentioned Yarrell, Bennett, Hope, Owen, Gould, Curtis, Eiip- pell. Bell, Cuvier, etc. Contents of the Set : — Vol. I, containing 59 Plates 11, 71 „ in, 63 „ IV, 78 „ V, Parti, containing 13 Plates Y, „ 2. „ 13 „ „ 3 „ 13 „ 4 „ 10 „ » 5 ., 15 „ Published at £ s. d. 4 18 5 6 6 4 11 8 2 6 1 4 1 5 1 10 1 10 G 1 10 ^f/^ Annual Subscription For Foreign Countries 4s. 5s. No. 247. Published Monthly. Price 4d. CATALOGUE OP WOEKS ON EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY, folggbtte, f anpajg^s and Hf^ratut;^ of ili^ CONTENTS : Albanian 80 French Dial. 109 Moldavian 112 Russian 115 Anglo-Sason 89 Frisic 99 Norse 104 Sarmatian 113 Basque 80 GseUc 83 Polish 115 Scandinavian 99 Bohemian 114 German Dial. 92 Polyglotts 75 Servian^ etc. 116 Breton 82 Germanic 88 Provencal 109 Slang 119 Celtic 81 Gipsy 119 Rheetiau 111 Slavonic 113 Comparative Gothic 89 Romaic 112 Swedish 107 Grammar 75 Icelandic 104 Romance or Ugrian 117 Cornish 83 Irish 84 Latin 109 Welsh 85 Danish 102 Iiapponic 118 Romances no Wallachian 112 Dutch 96 Magyar 118 Rouman and Ru- Wendish 113 Finnish 117 Manx 85 monsch 112 Yakout 119 offered for CASH at the aflS^xed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors West from Regent Circus. ]L®mo)(DH. ffniBmiDFAmir, a©©®o To insure prompt attention^ all orders to be addressed direct to Mr. QuAEiTCH, hookseller, 15 Piccadilly ; or to the Boohseller from whom this Catalogue was received. The Boohs are warranted perfect, and in fine Library condition. O. NORMAN, PEINTBK, MAIDEN LANE, COVENT GAKDEN, LONDON, W.C. THE MARQUIS of HASTINGS' LIBRARY, Important Sale at Nottingham of the very Valuable and Extensive Library of Books, removed from Donnington Park, late the property of the MARQUIS OF HASTINGS, containing^ many rare specimens of early English and Foreign Typography^ Manuscripts in the European and Oriental Languages^ County Histories^ Genealogies^ early Voyages and Travels^ fine Boohs of Prints^ Illustrated Works ^ early Poetry and Romances^ the Drama^ Facetice, Glassies^ and General History, Me. Beenaed Qtjaeitch will attend the sale personally, and oiFers his ser- vices to execute Commissions ; the Library contains upwards of 20,000 volumes, among which may be noticed Nichols' Leicestershire; Nash's "Worcestershire; Borlase's Cornwall ; Plot's Staffordshire ; Dugdale's Warwickshire, Monasticon, and other Works ; Halstead's Cenealogies ; Anderson's History of the House of Tvery ; Wynkyn de Worde's Cronycle, 1497 ; the Chronicles of Monstrelet, Troissart, Holinshead ; and several early printed Bibles ; a Manuscript of the Four Evangelists, in the handwriting of John Wiclie ; beautifully illuminated Missals; John Grower's Poems, MS. on vellum, with Arabesque borders and illu- minations ; Irish Manuscripts ; John Taylor, the Water Poet's Works ; Michael Drayton's Works; early editions of Gower, Chaucer, and Spenser; the Works of Leland, Hearne and Strype ; Museum Plorentinum; Galerie du Palais Eoyal ; Bowyer's Hume ; Stow's History of London, 1753 ; Purchas's Pilgrimes ; Lava- ter's Physiognomy ; Claude's Liber Veritatis, 1777 ; Catesby's History of Caro- lina ; Sloane's History of Jamaica ; Drake's History of York ; Audebert's Histoire Naturelle; Boccacio's Decameron, 1527; Green's rare Tracts, &c. ; mostly in very fine condition, many being on large paper, in morocco and russia bindings. Collectors of Missals^ Early Printed Booksj Eare Bibles^ Travels, etc., may obtain the Catalogue from Mr. Quaritch. for 1^. *^«* Commissions will be executed by Mr. Quaritch on the usual terms. 75 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY; POLYGLOTTS, COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR, ANTHROPOLOGY. Including many works from the Library of the late Peofessoe Foebes. 1 ADELUNG- (J. C.) Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde, mit wichtigen Beytragen zweyer grossen Sprachforscher, fortgesetzfc von Vatee, 4 vols. 8vo. containing the " Lord's Sapper'"* in 500 Languages and Dialects, half calf 285 Berlin, 1806-17 2 the same, Vols. 1-3, Svo. calf 10s 1806-12 A History of all the known Languages and Dialects, with an account of the books printed in or relating to them, and above 500 different specimens, consisting chiefly of the Lord's Prayer. Divided as follows : Vol. I. Asiatic Languages, 1806— IL European Languages, 1809— III part, 1, African Languages. 1812— III, part 2, American Lan- guages, continued, 1816— IV. Supplement, by Vater ; Hamholdfs Supplement on the Basque Language ; Vater's Nachtrage zum III. Bande, 1817. " Adelung's Mithridates contain specimens of all the known Languages of the world ; a work as classical to the comparative philologist as Blackstone's Commentaries are to the Lawyer." — Latham. " Le Mithridate, quoique parseme d'erreurs graves, n'est pas moins pour cela uii des ouvrages les plus savans et un de ceux qui honorent le plus le siecle qui I'a vu naitre." Balbi. 8 ADELTJifG (F.) Uebersicht aller Spraclien und Dialekte, 8vo. 2s Qd St. Pet. 1820 4 A UNDT, Urspruag der Europ. Sprachen, 8vo. cloth, Ss 6d Frankf 1818 5 BALBI (Adr.) Atlas Ethnogeapktque du Globe, on Classification des Peuples auciens et modernes d'apres leurs Langues ; precede d'un coup d'oeil sur I'Histoire de la Langue Sclave, et sur la marche de la Litterature enKussie — Introduction a 1' Atlas Ethnographique, Tome I, (all published)— together, one vol. 8vo. and one impl. folio, with about 700 Vocabularies, hf calf neat, neatly hf. bound, 25s Paris, 1826 C Atlas Etbnograpliique, impl. folio, without the Svo. introduction, old bds. 5s ; clean in bds. 7s (5d 1826 This work consists of Charts classifying languages according to the ethnographic kingdoms, which are followed by comparative tables of elementary words in every known language ; the introduction contains a vast collection of valuable and interesting informa- tion on the general principles of the science. 7 BEEGHAUS, Physikalisclier Atlas : Meteorologie, Hydrologie, Geologic, Erd- magnetismus, Pflanzengeographie, Thierg^ographie, Anthropographie, und Ethnographic, 8 parts in 1 vol. fol. 93 coloured maps, hf russia, £S. Gotha, 1852 8 Bindseil's allgemeine vergleichende Sprachlehre, 8vo. pp. 701, cf 4s Hamb. 18^8 9 BONAPARTE {Prince Louis Lucien) Parabola de Semiuatore ex Evangelio Matthaei, in 72 Europasas Liuguas ac Dialectos, versa, 8vo. hf. bd. morocco, 20s Privately printed, 1857 10 BOPP, YEEGLETCHEJ7DE Geammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, Latein- ischen, Litthauischen, (Altslawischen), Gothischen und Dentschen, 6 parts in 2 vols. sm. 4to. cloth, 20s ; or, 1 vol. hf. calf 25«; or, 2 vols, in calf 2Ss Berlin, 1833-49 11 another copy, 6 parts in 1 vol. very stout sm. 4to. calf neat, 30^ 1833-42 12 Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Slavonic Languages, translated from the German by Lieut. Eastwick, conducted through the press by H. IL Wilson, 3 vols. 8vo. complete, (pub. at £^. 7s 6d) cloth, SOs 1856 Professor Bopp gives numerous and undeniable proofs of the close connection which subsists between the sacred language of the Hindus nnd iho Inngnncres of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as those of the Celtic, Teutonic and Sclavonic nations. 76 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 13 BOPP, Yergleichende Grammatik, zweite ganzlich umgearbeitete Ausgabe, 3 vols. 8vo. in parts, £2. 5* ; or, hf. calf gilt, £% 15* 1856-Gl 14 Conjugationssystem d. Sanskrit-Sprache in Yergl. mit d. Griech. Lat. Pers. und Gerinanischen Sprachen, 8vo. sd. 5s FranJcf. 1816 15 Vocalismus, Kritiken iiber Grimm's Deutsche Grammatik und Graffs Sprachschatz, 8vo. hf calf, 5s ^ Berlin, 1SS6 IG Glossarium Sanscritum, in quo omnes Eadices et Vocabula usitatis- sima explicantur et cum Vocabulis Graecis, Latinis, Germanicis, Lithu- anicis, Slavicis, Celticis comparantur, 4to. hd. 15s Berlin, 1847 17 BOEDE'S Bokeof the Introduction of Knowledge, 4to. reprint in blacfe Utter, of the extremely rare original edition, London, Wyllyam Copland, (1542), Ids. 25s 1814 Only 120 copies printed. A very curious account of all the Countries in Europe and W. Indies divided into 39 chapters ; of each Country a specimen of the Language is given, with an interlineal translation. It is the first English hook which contains Voca- bularies of the Arabic, Turkish, and Gipsey, (called Egyptian) Tongues. It is specially interesting on this last account. 18 CALEPINI Dictionarium undecim linguarum : Latino-Hebraico-Grseco-Gallico- Italico-Germanico-Belgico- Hispanico- Polonico- Ungaeico- Angltcum, cum Onomastico, very thick folio, pp. 1582 and 302, double cols, hound, 30s Basilece, 1598 19 DiCTiONAEiUM Lat., Ital., Dalmatisch, Bohmisch, Polnisch, Teutsch, Ungarisch, obi. sm. 4to./r*^ a parallel Dictionary of all, afterwards each language ren- dered separately in Latin, title and part of preface wanting, hds. 9s Pragce, 1605 20 DIEFENBACH, Lexicon Comparativum Linguarum Indo-Germanicarum : Vergleichendes Woerterbuch der Gothischen Sprache, mit Beriicksichti- gung der Eomanischen, Lithauisch-Slavischen und Keltischen Sprachen, und Zuziehung der Einnischen Eamilie, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 1830 pp. (pub. at 365) cloth, 18s; or, neatly hound, 245 Frankfurt, 1851 21 Doen's Verwandschaft des Pers. German, und Griech-Lat. Sprachstammes, 8vo. sd. 4s Hamburg, 1827 22 EICHHOEE, Parallele des Langues de I'Europe et de I'lnde, 4to. hf. calf 15s ; or, roy. 4to. hf calf, 20s Paris, 1836 One of the indispensable works for the study of Comparative Grammar. 23 FOX [George, the Quaker'] John Stubbs and Benj. Euelet. A Battledoor for Teachers and Professors to learn Singular and Plural ; You to Many and Thou to One (in many Languages), sm. folio, original title imperfect, one reprinted added, original calf, eaee, 27s 1660 This copy has the rare extra slip of " More Errors" pasted on the leaf of Errata. Amongst the " many languages" besides the Oriental, are the Saxon, Welsh, Manx, L'ish, Cornish, Bohemian, Slavonic, Polish, Lithuanian, etc. There is an Appendix of curious colloquial and free phrases in English, which are stigmatised as improper. 24 Gaeniee, Eernandez, Donati, Glasemaker, Dialogues en 4 Langues, Franc. Espagn. Ital. et Flamende, 12mo. vellum, Gs Amst. Elzevir, 1656 25 Hallenbeeg, Disquisitio denominibus in Lingua Suiogothica " Lucis et Yisus" cultusque Solaris in eadem lingua vestigiis, 2 vols. 12mo. hds. 7s Qd Stock. 1816 A work on Comparative Mythology, much more extensive than the title indicates. HEEVAS (D. Lorenzo) Idea dell' Universo, 19 vols, in 5, small 4to. half calf, 36s Geseiia, 1778-87 The first 16 volumes contain : Storia della vita dell' Uomo; Elementi cosmografici : Viaggio estatico al mondo planetario ; Storia delle Terra ; Vol. XVII. Catalogo delle Lingue. XVIII, Trattato dell' Origine, forraazione, meccanismo ed armonia degl' Idiomi ; with numet'ous Tables of comparative vocabularies, including many American. XIX. Arithmetica di quasi tutte le nazioni conosciute, a very learned philological work. EUEOPEAN PHILOLOaY, POLYGLOTTS, ETC. 77 27 HERVAS, Idea dell' Universo, another copy, with Yol. 20 and 21, 21 vols. ill 7, 4to. COMPLETE, calf neat, £4i. 4s Gesena, 1778-87 Contents of : Tomo XX. Vocabulario Poligloto ; Tomo XXI. Saggio pratico delle Lingue. 28 HERA^AS, Catala.go de las Lenguas de las Naciones conocidas, 6 vols, small 4to. hf. bound, calf neat, £S. 3s Madrid, 1800^5 Particularly valuable by reason of the detailed accounts of American Languages, sent to the author by the Jesuit Missionaries, 29 HoLMBoE, det Norske Sproojs Ordforraad, 4to. 510 pp. sd. 12s Wien, 1852 A learned Ethnological Dictionary of Old-Norse, showing the connection with Ancient Persian, Zend, Sanscrit, Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Armenian, Georgian, Old German, Gothic, English, Hindustani, Litthuanian, etc. An invaluable body of materials for the philological Student. 30 KENNEDY'S (Lieut.-Col. Yans) Researches into the Origin and Affinity of the principal Languages of Asia and Europe, 4to. with 11 plates of Ancient Alphabets and Inscriptions^ (pub. at £2. 12s 6d) hf. calf neat, 25s 1828 31 — Researches into the Nature and Affinity of Ancient and Hindu Mytho- logy, 4to. (pub. at £2. 12s (jd) cloth, 18s 1831 32 Latham's Nationalities of Europe, 2 vols. 8vo. (pnb. 32s) cloth, 20s 1863 33 Latouche, Echo du Panorama des Langues, 8vo. pp. 768, cloth, 4s 1836-37 A valuable and suggestive work on onomatopoeic philology. 34 Lepsius' Standard Alphabet for reducing languages and graphic systems to a uniform orthography, 8vo, Fine Paper, bds. 7s Qd 1855 35 MARCEL, Oratio Dominica 150 Unguis versa, propriis cujusque characteribus expressa, roy. 4to. bds. 15s Parisiis, 1805 36 Meidingee's vergleichendes etymologisches Worterbuch der gothischteutoni- schen Mundarten, 8vo. bds. 7s Frankfurt, 1833 37 Dictionnaire Comparatif et Etymologique des Langues Teuto-Gothiques (Gothique, Haut-Allemand ancien et mod., Anglo-Saxon, Ancien Saxon, Islandais, Suedois, Danois, Neerlandais, Anglais), trad, de I'Allemand, 8vo. m and 628 pp. treble cols, cloth, 12s 1833 38 die deutschen Volksstamme, 8vo. pp. xi. and2dQ, with map, an important philosophical and ethnographical work, bds. 2s Qd Frankf 1833 39 MINSHEU, Ductor in Linguas. The Guide into (Eleven) Tongues, viz. English, British or Welsh, Low Dutch, High Dutch, Erench, Italian, Spanish, Portugueze, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, etc. folio, 30s 1617 Best edition of this curious old Polyglott; the 2nd edition omits the Welsh and Por- tugueze. 40 MONBODDO (Lord) Origin and Progress of Language, second (and best) edition, 6 vols. 8vo. portrait, fine copy, in hf. morocco^ gilt top, uncut, £2. 10* 1774-92 Many of the ideas contained in this learned book, which were formerly ridiculed as singular and chimerical, are now receiving more respectful consideration. 41 MULLEE (Max) Lectures on the Science of Language, delivered at the Royal Institution in 1861, fifth edition, revised^ 8vo. (pub. at 12s) new in cloth, 10s 1866 42 the same. Second Series, stout 8vo. (pub. at 18s) cloth , 15s 1864 Possessors of the first volume should add to it this Series, containing the following Lectures: I. Introduction: New materials for the Science; II. Language and Keason; III. The Physiological Alphabet; IV. Phonetic Change; V. Grimm's Law; VI. On the Prin- ciples of Etymology ; VII. On the powers of Roots ; VIII. Metaphor ; IX. Mythology of the Greeks; X. Jupiter the supreme Aryan God; XI. Myths of the Dawn; XII. Modern Mythology. 43 NEMNICH'S allgemeine Poltglotten-Lexicon der Natur-Geschichte, 8 parts in 7 vols. sm. ^to. a Latin Alphabet with polyglot explanations, and aha separate alphabets, German, English, Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, and Danish Norse and Icelandic, bds. 15s Hamburg, 17039-8 f2 -'^"'^ 78 BEENABD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 44 NEMNICH'S Neues Waaren-Lexikon in zwolf Sprachen, German, English, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Modern-Greek, and Latin, 3 vols. sm. 4to. containing 10 separate alphabets, hf. calf gilt, 7s 6d Hamburg, 1831 45 NOTT AND GLIDDON, Indigenous Eaces of the Earth, with monographs on Philology, Cranioscopy, Palaeontology, etc. by Maury, Pulsky and Meigs, stout large 8vo. plates and cuts, cloth, ISs Philadelphia, 1857 46 the same, impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, 25s 1857 47 Types of Mankind : or Ethnological Eesearches, based upon Ancient Monuments, Paintings, Sculptures, and Crania of Eaces, stout 8vo. mang cuts, cloth, ISs ^ ^ ib. 1857 48 OEATIO DOMINICA plus centum Linguis, versionibus, aut characteribus reddita, folio, hf. bd. 10s Auqspurg, verlegt von J. U. Krause, das iibrige durch J. C. Wagner {dr. 1690) A very rare volume, including three American languages, Chinese, Tatar, Siamese, Malagassy, Tamil, the Orkney dialects. Some specimens of printing types are included. 49 PALLAS, Sravnitelnye Slovari : Otdielenie Pervoe : Evropeiskie i Aziatskie Yazyki ; Linguarum totius orbis Vocabularia comparativa, Augustissima? cura collecta, Pars I. : Europae et AsiaticsB Linguae, 2 vols. 4to. all pub- lished, hf calf, £2. 4^ ; or, hf morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £2. \0s SanJctpeterb. 1787-89 Containing the Preface by Pallas, which is frequently wanting. 50 Sravnitelnyi Slovar [Yocabulaire' comparatif de toutes les langues et dialectes de toutes les peuples soumis a laEussie, et des differentes langues du monde, y compris celles de TAfrique ; par les soins de Theodor Jan KiEWiTCH, en Busse,'] 4 vols. 4to. hf calf, £5. 5s 1790-91 " Ouvrages tres curieux et rarest. Le premier contient un choix de 286 mots Russcs, avec leurs traductions dans les diverses langues d'Europe et d'Asie, au nombre de 200. Le second presente les mots similaires des differentes langues du monde, ranges en un seul ordre alphabetique et accompagnes de leur traduction russe." — Brunet. Klaproth says of these works, that they comprise most valuable materials for the study of Comparative Philology, though collected without critical judgment. The work of Jan Kiewitch includes the African dialects, entirely omitted by Pallas. 51 PAREOT (J. L. von) Yersuch einer Entwicklung der Sprache, Abstammung Greschichte, Mythologie, und biirgerlichen Yerhaltnisse der Liwen, LaTTEN, Eesten, mit Hiublick auf einige benachbarte Ostseevolker, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. with folio Ethnological Atlas, containing the Esthonian, Old Scandi- navian, Gothic, Old Prussian, Romance, Finnish, Lapponic, Old Russian, Hungarian, etc. Languages in tabular form, bds. 14* Stuttgart, 1828 52 new title-issue, 8vo. and folio, hf cnlf BucMe's copy, ISs Berlin, 1839 The resemblances of the Celtic Dialects with the Esthonian Languages are very acutely pointed out in these volumes. Besides the parallel lists in the Atlas, the second volume consists almost entirely of comparative vocabularies, containing the Celtic and many languages and dialects not mentioned in the Atlas. PHILOLOGICAL Society: 53 PKOCEEDINGS of the PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY for 1842-53, 6 vols. 8vo. (subscription price 15 guineas), with the Appendix to Yol. YI, being Loewe's Circassian Dictionary, pp. 177— TEANSACTIONS of the Philo- logical Society, 1854-66, including the Supplementary Yolume for 1864, contaiuing the Liber Cure Cocorum, Hampole's Prickle of Conscience, and tlie Castel of Love ; and the Supplement aey Yolume for 1866, being Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt, ed. Morris, 13 vols. (pub. at about £9. 16s)— together 19 vols. 8vo. six vols, half calf neat, the rest in cloth, uncut, (pub. at about £26. 12s) a perfect set, from the library of Lord R. Montagu,£lO. 1842-66 54 the same, TEANSACTIONS of the PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1854-65, 10 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £8. 136-) cloth, uncut, £4. 10s 1854-65 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY, POLYGLOTTS, ETC. 79 55 PICTET (Adolphe) Origines Indo-Europeennes, les Aryas, primitifs, essai de Paleontologie Linguistique, 2 vols- impl. 8vo. sd. £2. 12s 6^ Faris, 1859-63 bQ POTT'S Etymologische Eobschungen auf dem Gebiete der Indo-Germa- nischen Sprachen, mit Bezug auf die Lautumwandlung im Sanskrit, Griecb.- Lateiu., Littau- uud Gothischen, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, ISs ; or, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf, bd. 20s Lemgo, 1833-36 57 Wurzel-Worterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen, 2 vols. 8vo. 1379 pp. sd. 18s Detmold, 1867 These two volumes form the second part of a new edition of the Etymologische For- scliunrjen. 5S die Personennamen insbesondere die Eamiliennamen unter Beriick- sichtigung der Ortsnamen, 8vo. pp. 16 and 721, sd. 7s (jd Leipzig, 1853 59 Doppelung als ein Biidiingsinittel der Sprache, 8vo. sd. Ss 6d Lemf/o, 1862 GO PHICHAED'S (J. C.) Eesearches into the Physical History of MANKIND, 5 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, several coloured, (pub. at £^. 2s 6d) cloth, £S. 1^1-47 61 PIUCHARD'S Natural History of MAN, and Inquiries into modifying Influences on the different Tribes of the Human Family, fourth edition, enlarged by Norris, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 62 coloured plates of the Maces of the Earth, and 100 woodcuts, (pub. at 38^) cloth, 2Ss 1855 62 Six Ethnographical Maps in illustration of the Natural History and the Ptiysical History of Man, impl. folio, coloured, with a sheet of letterpress, (pub. at 245) cloth bds. 12s ' 1818 Dr. Prichard in his Kesearches has shown " that to execute such a design as his, we must combine the knowledge of the physiological laws of nature with the traditions of history and the philosophical comparison of languages. Mr. Lyell quotes Dr. Prichard's books more frequently than any other." — WhewdVs lud. Sc. III. 483. 63 Eeehoest's Mariner's and Merchant's Polyglot Techinal Dictionary, obi. 8vo. upwards of 10,000 words in English, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, French, Ital., Spanish, Eortug., and Russian, ivith table of coins, bds. 7s 6d 1850 61 EocciiA A Cameeino, Bibliotheca Apostolica Yaticana, sm. 4to. 2 plates, a history and description of the library, with numerous Folyglott Alphabets and specimens of a great number of languages and dialects, vellum, 12s Roma, 1591 Amongst the specimens will be found the Pater Noster in Irish, Welsh, and Chinese, as well as in Slavonic in the Cyrillic characters. 65 EODING'S allgemeines Woeterbuch der MAEINE, in alien Europaischen Seesprachen, nebst Erklarungen, 4 vols. 4to. pp. 1829, containing firstly a German Dictionary, explained in Engl., Dutch, French, Ital., Portug., Span., Danish, and Swedish, and a reverse Index for each of these languages, with 115 illustrative plates, hf. bd. 30s; or in 2 vols, hf vellum, 36s Hamburgh, Nemnich, 1795-96 66 EuDBECKii Specimen usus Linguae Gothica), addita Analogia Linguaj GothicaB cum Sinica, ncc non EinnonicsB cum Ungarica, sq. sm. 8vo. bound, 5s Upsal. 1717 Probably the first work that pointed out the aflSnity between the Magyar and Finnish languages. 67 SCHISCHKOEE, Vergleihendes {sic) Worterbuch in 200 Sprachen, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous CoiJiparative Vocabularies, with extensive annotations, hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, rare, 26s St. Petersburg, 1838 68 SCEIECKII (Adriani) Originum Eerumque Celticarum libri XXIII — Monito- rum Secundorum libri V — 2 vols, in 1, thick sm. folio, old calf gilt, 12s Ypris Flandorum, 1614-15 A singular philological work, finding Dutch roots for words in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and other languages. 80 BERNAllD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 69 Schleicher's Compendium der vergleichenden Grammatik der Indo-Geri niaiiiachen Sprachen: Lautlehre, Eormeulehre, und Anhang, 3 pnrts in 1 vol. 8vo. 764 pp. hf. calf gilt, 12s Weimar, 1861-62 70 (SOMERVELLE) Poltolot Dictionary, 2 vols, folio, modern MS. con- taining a Vocabulary of about 50,000 English words, explained in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Modern Greek, and Maltese, hf. hd. £3. 10* circ. 1830 71 STEWART (Col. M.) Remarks on Languacre, roy. 4to. sd. 255 1850 Very rare: only twenty- five copies printed, and merely for private distribution. 72 VANDER-MILII Lingua Belgica, ace. qusedam ad omnes linguas pertinentia, sm. 4to. bd. 5s Lugd. Bat. 1612 Eare, and one of the fiist works on Comparative Philology ever published. The affinities between the Teutonic and the Persian languages are pointed out. 73 Vater's Proben Deutschen Volks-Mundarten, Seetzen's Linguist. Nachlass, etc. with long Vocabularies from the Asiatic, African, and American lari- guages, hf. calf neat, ^s Leipz. 1816 71 — , Analektender Sprachenkunde, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. rich in tables of Asiatic and American languages, map, hf calf Ss 6d Leipzig, 1820 75 the preceding 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf 6s iS16-20 76 Vergleichungstafeln der Europaischen Stammspracben und Slid-, West- Asiatischer ; Rask's Thrakische Sprachclasse ; etc. 8vo. hf. bd. Ss 6d Halle, 1822 77 Literatur der Grammatiken, Lexika und Wortersaramlungen aller Sprachen von Jiilg, 8vo. sd. 4* 0^ Berlin, 1847 78 YuLCANius de Literis et lingua Getarum sive Gothorum.; ace. specimina variarum linguarum, 16mo. bds. 10s Lugd. Bat. 1597 With Runic, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Persian, Icelandic, Welsh, and Basque speci- mens, and Gipsy Vocabularies. 79 Winning's Manual of Comparative Philology, Affinity of the Indo-European Languages, 8vo. cloth, 45 1838 80 Zeuss, die Deutschen und die Nacbbarstamme, 8vo. viii and 780 pp. half calf IQs Miinchen, 1837 A learned Ethnological work, giving an ample account of Ancient Tribes and Races of Europe. 81 TRACTS AND OPUSCULA. Sclileiermacher, Morphologic der Sprache ; Ballhorn's Alphabete ; Magyar-German Grammar; Polisb-German Gram- mars ; Gros, Pouesies Provengalos ; Elor et Blanceflor ; Heilmaier's Ro- maische Spracbe ; Trikoupe Istoria, Tom. A ; Wallachian Grammar ; and others — together 27 parts, 4to. 8vo. and 12mo. including Welsh, Russian, Romaic, and other linguistic works, 16s 1763-1860 ALBANIAN : 82 HAHN'S Albanesische Studien, impl. 8vo. map and facsimile, 700 pp. hf. mor. gilt top, uncut, 28s Jena, 1854 This Avork is divided in 3 parts: Geography and Ethnography of Albania, 347 pp.; Grammar, Songs and Proverbs, 169 pp.; Dictionary, 244 pp. " Much valuable information will be found on classic topography and mediaeval history; on the Slavonic colonization of the Eastern empire which corresponded with the Gothic conquest of the West: on Skanderbeg, and on the present political position of the Albanian race, who will probably very soon take a prominent part in the history of the East in oppo- sition to the Hellenic people." — AthencBum, April, 1854. 83 Lecce, Osservazioni grammaticali nella Lingua Albanese, sm. 4to. hf bd. 5s ,,*«^TT„ Boma,Vl\6 BASQUE: 84 AsTAELOA, Apologia de la Lengua Bascongada, 6 Ensayo de su Perfeccion y Antiguedad sobre todas las que se conocen, sm. 4to. 24 aud 452 pp. calf ^ 6c? Madrid, 1803 85 the same, sm. 4to. calf extra, gilt top, uncut, 10s 1803 Priced, 1831, Bohn, 245. A very learned antiquarian and philological work, proving the antiquity and isolated position of the Basque Language. EUEOPEAN PHILOLOGY, POLYGLOTTS, ETC. 81 86 Abbadie et Chaho. Etudes Grammaticales sur la Langue Euskarienne, 8vo. sd. 12s Paris, 18e36 87 Eeflexiones filosdficas en defensa de la Apologia,12mo. sd. 5* Madr. 1804^ 88 Dialogues Basques : Guipuscoatis, Biscaiens, Labourdins, Souletins, par Itur- riaga, Uriarte, Duvoisin et Inchauspe, avec deux traductions Espagnole et Eran^aise, 8vo. 27s 1857 Only 251 copies print ed for Prince Lucien Bonaparte. 89 Dissertation sur la Langue Basque, 8vo. hf. calf, 9^ Bayonne? 1830 90 (EREO) Observaciones filosdficas en favor del Alfabeto primitivo, 8vo. calf, 165 Pamplona, 1807 91 el Mundo Primitivo, Antiguedad y Cultura de la Nacion Bascon- gada, Tomo L (all published ) 8vo. neatly bd. 7s Madrid, 1815 92 Alphabet of the Primitive language of Spain, from the works of Erro, large 8vo. bds. 10s Boston, TI. S. 1829 93 HAREIET, Gramatica Escuaraz eta Erancesez : Dictionnaire Basqiie-Eran^. et EranQ-Basque ; Eemarques sur la langue Basque, in 1 vol. 12mo. 512 pp. rare, £2. 10s Bayonan, 1741 94) LAEEAMENDI, Arte de la Lengua Bascongada, 12mo. 20* Salamanca, 1729 95 Diccionario Triliugue del Castellano, Bascuence, y Latin, 2 vols, folio, rare, £8. 85 San Sebastian, 1745 Collation : preliminary matter, 229 pp. Dictionary, 828 pp. Supplement, 8 pp. Errata, 8 pp. 96 Diccionario, nueva edicion publicada por Zuazua, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 4to. uncut, £2. 10s San Sebastian, 1853 The only Basque Dictionary ; of great importance to the Linguist. Larramendi spent all his life in the composition of this grand work ; no other Basque Dictionary has been printed since. Copies sold formerly for upwards of £20. ; 1843, Salva, 200 fr. " Cet ouvrage est un des plus importants pour les personnes qui se livrent a I'etude du basque, et nous dirons en toute assurance que c'est la plus difficile a recontrer de tous ceux qui sortirent des presses espagnoles pendant le siecle dernier." — Salva. 97 Lecluse, Grammaire et Vocabulaire Basque-Fran^ais et Erangais-Basque, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. rare, 20s Toulouse, 1826 98 MICHEL {Franc.) le Pats Basque, sa population, sa Langue, ses Moeurs, sa Litterature et sa Classique, 8vo. 548 pp. including Songs in Basque and French, with the Music, and a Biogra-phieBasque, 7s 6fi? Paris, 1857 90 OIHENAET, Proverbes et Poesies Basques, sm. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt, 20s Bordeaux, 1847 100 POCA, de la antigua Lengua, Poblaciones, y Comarcas de les Espanas, en que se tocan algunas cosas de la Cantabria, por Andres de Poga de Yizcaya, sq. 8vo. very rare, £2. 12s 6d Bilbao, Mathias Mares, 1857 101 Tztueta, Guipuzcoaca Provinciaren Condiara edo Historia, account of Guipuzcoa, Vocabularies in Basque and Spanish, hf. calf 6s Donostian, 1847 CELTIC LANGUAGES: 102 Baezaz-Breiz : Chants populaires de la Bretagne recueillis et publies, avec uue Traduction Eran^aise, des JN'otes et les Melodies originales par Th. Hersart de la Villeraarque, 2 vols, with music, 10s Paris, 1846 103 BOPP, die Celtischen Sprachen in ihrem Yerhaltnisse zum Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Germanischen, Litthauischen, and Slawisclien, 4to. hf bd. 18s Berlin, 1839 Bound up with " Graefe, das Sanskrit- Verbum ina Vergleich mit dera Griech. und Lateinischen." — St. Pet. 1836. 104 BULLET, Memoires sur la Langue Celtique, avec un Dictionkaibe, ren- fermant tous les termes de cette langue, 3 vols, folio, bds. entirely uncut, £5. Besangon, 1754-60 The Dictionary is contained in Vol. II. and III : it is draAvn from the vocabulary of the Welsh, Cornish, Irish and Scotch Gaelic, Breton and Basque, besides whicli compari- sons from various other languages are added. Vol. I. contains an Ethnological Dictionaiy of Geographical names. 82 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Celtic LsiJigvLagea—conti7iued. 105 Davies' Celtic Researches, on the Origin, Traditions and Language, of the Ancient Britons, roy. 8vo. bd. 10* 1804f 106 DIEFENBACH, Celticj^, Sprachliche Documente zur Greschichte der Kelten, &c. 4 vols, in 1, 8vo. (pub. at 28«) hd. Us Stuttgart, 1839-40 Contents : — Linguistic Documents for the History of the Celts, serving also as an addition to Comparative Philology in general ; II. Genealogical History of the Celts ; III. The Iberian ami the British Celts. 107 Edwakds (W. ¥.) Recherches sur Ics Langues Celtiques, 8vo. kf. calf, 12* Paris, Impr. Roy ale, 1844 This learned work gained the Volney Medal of the Academic dcs Inscriptions in 183i. 108 EiiiCKii Comment, de Druidis Occident, populorum philosophis, cum aliis opusculis catalogoque scriptorum de iisdem, sm. 4 guage, but by elegant and felicitous renderings into English verse, from the pens of Fur- long, Heury Grattau Curruu, and others. EUEOPEAN PHILOLOGY, POLYGLOTTS, ETC. 85 Irish — continued. 160 (Hallidat), Gaelic Grammar, by E. O'C. l2mo. hcls. 45 Qd DuUin, 1808 16 L lEISH AECHtEOLOGICAL (and Celtic) SOCIETY'S Publica- tions, printed at the University Press, Dublin, a complete set, 21 vols. 4to. (cost to subscribers, £12.) cloth, £14. Dublin, 1841-64 162 MAC CUETIN'S Elements of the Irish Language, explained in English, sm. 8vo. ivith the Irish Supplement, An Teaguisg Chriosdaidhe a bpros agus a n-Dan, calf neat, \2s Lovain, 1728 163 English-Irish Dictionary and Grammar, by Conchobhar O'Beaglaoich and Aodh Mac Cuirtin, 4to. map, calf neat, scai'ce, Sir Charles Price's copy, SQs Faris, 1732 164 Neilson's Introduction to the Irish Language : Grammar, Dialogues, Ex- tracts from MSS. half calf , 35 ijd Dublin, 1808 ^ 165 O'BEIEN (J.) Eocaloir Gaoidhilge-Sax-Bhearla : Irish- English Dictionary, 4to. 55 and ^20 pp. double cols, calf, I85 Paris, 1768 166 the same, second edition, revised and corrected, 8vo. cloth, 155 Dublin, 1832 167 O'Brien (P.) Practical Irish Grammar, 8vo. I65 Dublin, 1809 168 O' Curry's Lectures on the MS. materials of Ancient Irish History, stout 8vo. 26 plates of facsimiles of Irish MSS. at all periods^ (pub. 145) cloth, IO5 Dublin, 1861 169 O'Dalt (Aenghus) Tribes of Ireland, a Satire, Irish and Ejiglish, by O'Do- novan, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Dublin, 1852 170 O'DONOYAN'S Grammar of the Irish Language, 8vo. cloth, rare, I85 1845 The best existing Irish Grammar, written by a scholar thoroughly acquainted with that tongue. 171 O'E/EILLY, Sanas Gaoidhilge Sagsbhearla ; Irish-English Dictionary, with the Supplement and a compendious Irish Grammar, 4to. I85 Dublin, 1817 172 the same, new edition, carefully revised and corrected, with a Sup- plement containing many thousand Irish words, by Dr. O'Donovan, stout 4to. 725 pp. double colu?nns, cloth, 20s Dublin, 1864 173 Prophecies of St. Columbkille and others, Irish and English, by O' Kearney, 12rao. cloth, 35 6d Dublin, 1856 174 OSSIANIC SOCIETY'S Transactions, from the beginning in 1853, 6 vols. 8vo. all published, cloth, £2. 16s Dublin, 1853-61 Containing works of early Irish Literature, edited with transactions and notes by O'Kearney, Connellan, O 'Grady, and other well known scholars. 175 [Stoke's (Whitley)] Three Irish Glossaries : Cormac's (IX Century), O'Davoren's, and a Glossary to the Calendar of Oingus, 8vo. (pub. IO5 6d) cloth, 75 1862 176 Vallancet's Essay on the Antiquity of the Irish Language, Svo. with nume- rous valuable MS. annotations by the late Duncan Forbes, sd. 7s Gd 1822 177 Weight's Modern Irish Grammar, 12mo. cloth, Is 6d 1855 Manks : 178 Creegeen (Archibald) Dictionary of the Manks Language, with the expla- nations in English ; interspersed with many Gaelic Proverbs, 8vo. 188 pp. double cols, bds. 10s Douglas, 1885 179 KELLY (Eev. J.) Practical Grammar of the Ancient Gaelic, or Language of the Isle of Man, usually called Manks, 4to. 28* 1804 180 WILSON (Thomas) Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man, Principles and Duties of Christianity, Manks and English, small Svo. calf, 26s London, 1707 This is the first book printed in the Manx language, and is of extreme rarity. Welsh : 181 Brut t TrwTsoGiON, the Chronicle of the Princes, Welsh and English, edited by Williams ab Ithel, royal Svo. facsimiles, hf bd. 10s 1860 182 BuNYAN. Taith y Pererin : Pilgrim's Progress, in Welsh, Svo. ivoodcuts, hf calf, Qii Caernarfon, ca. 1840 86 B. QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Welsh — continued. 183 CADWEDTGAETHj^rlaitli Gymraeg, 8vo. a Welsh Grammar, printed in curious phonetical characters, specially cut, hf. hd. rare, 7s i',d Llundain, 1808 18J< Daftdd ap Gwilym, Barddoniaeth, ogrynhoad Owen Jones, sm. 4to. 44 p/?. of Introduction in English and ^^S pp. of Welsh poetry of the XlVth Cen- tury, hf. russia, \0s ; or, calf gilt, 10s 1789 185 DA VIES (J.) Antiquae Liuguse Britannicae nunc vulgo dietse Cambro-Britan- nicse, et Linguae Latinse, Dictionariuni duplex ; accesserunt Adagia Britan- nica, sm. folio, Welsh-Latin and Latin-Welsh, title mended, sound copy in calf, £2. ^ 1632 18(3 Antiquae Linguae Britannica, dictae Cambro-Britannicaa, Cymraecse vel Cambricae, Eudimenta, 16mo. old calf, fine copy, V6s Lond. 1621 " A most elaborate and excellent work." — Nicholson. 187 Edwards, y Ffydd Ddiffuant, l2rao. hds. 2s ijd 1856 188 EVANS (Rev. D .S.) English- Welsh Dictionary, adapted to the present State of Science and Literature, 2 vols. 8vo. 1962^^. double cols, calf 35^ Denbigh, 1852-58 189 Evans ([Daniel] Silvan) Llythyraeth yr laith Gymraeg, 18rno. cloth, 2s Caerfyrddin, 1861 190 Evans (Theoph.) Drych y Prif Oesoedd, 12mo. original edition, wanting title, hf russia, 4.v (jd Amwythig, 1740 191 reprint, edited by John Williams, 12mo. bd. 2s 6J Caerfyrddin, 1854 192 English- Welsh Dictionary, second ed, improved, 8vo. bds. 3s ib. 1812 19S Grotius, Gwiricnedd v Grefydd Gristionogol, argraf. gau Silvan Evans, 12mo. calf 2s Qd " ib. 1854 194 Hanes " Ardderchogg Lu y Merthyri," 12mo. lives of martyrs, with numerous cuts of the tortures, bds. 3s Qd Caernar. (1855) 195 loNAWR (Dafydd) Gwaith, dau olygiad M. Williams, 12k\o. port, cloth, 3s Q>d Dolgellau, 1851 197 Jones (W. E.) Gweithoedd Cawrdaf, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. poetry and prose, cloth, 5s Caernarfon, 1851 198 JONES (Ehys) Gorchestion Beirdd Cymru : neu Elodau godidowgrwydd awen, 4to. Welsh Poetry of the XVth Century, bd. 12s Amwythig, 1773 199 Lew^ts Glyn Cothi (Welsh Bard, temp. Henrv VI.) Poetical Works in AVelsh, with Eng. Notes, 8vo. 15s * 1837 200 Llvwarch Hen, Heroic Elegies and other pieces, W'^elsh and English, by Owen, hf. calf, 15s 1792 Bound up with : Poetical Works of Edward Richard, Welsh, 1811 — Proceedings of the Cymmrodorion,1821— Davies, Rhyddid (Eistedfodd Essay) 1791. 201 MABINOGION (The) from the Llyfr Coch o Hergest, and other ancient Welsh MSS. wdth English trant^lation and notes, by Lady Charlotte Guest, 7 parts in 3 vols, royal 8vo. numerous woodcuts and facsimiles of the old Welsh and other MSS. hf. citron morocco, gilt top, uncut, £S. 8s 1838-49 " We must not forget the services rendered to her country by Lady Charlotte Guest, . whose Mabinogion is an inestimable treasure. There are the favourite topics of the most celebrated troubadours of mediaeval Europe to be found in all their primitive beauty and simplicity ; and without any disparagement to Sir Thomas Mallory or Mr. Tennyson, few can have any notion of the primitive beauty of these old tales till they read them in ' The 'Mabinogion:'— Athenauyn, No. 1814, Aug. 2, 1862. 202 MoRUS (Huw) Eos Ceiriog, 2 vols. 12mo. songs and poems composed about the end of the seventeenth century, bds. 12s Wrexham, 1823 203 Mteyrian Archaiology (new edition) Half Vol. I. roy. 8vo bds. 4s Qd Denbigh, 1861 EUEOPEAN PHILOLOGY, POLTOLOTTS, ETC. 87 204 MY VYRIAN AECHAIOLOaY OE WALES, collected out of Ancient Ma- nuscripts, (by Owen Jones), 3 large vols. 8vo. hf. russia,Dr. Owen JPuglies copy, WITH HIS EMENDATIONS, £15. 1801-7 " Of all the labourers in the field of Celtic antiquities, none deserves more honour- able remembrance than Owen Jones, the poor peasant of Myvyr, who, unassisted by patronage, devoted his life to the preservation of the literature of his country. He came up to London, a poor boy, engaged as a clerk in some city establishment, and after forty years of self-denial, with the accumulation of his scanty earnings, published the Myvyrian Archaiology, at his own cost, in 1801 and 1807. It was a work which might have been done by a king, an institution, or a society of the noble and the learned ; but it was accomplished, and scrupulously accomplished by a poor Welsh peasant." AthencBum, No. 1814, Aug. 2, 1862. 205 Nash's Taliesin ; or the Bards and Druids of Britain, 8vo. 9« 1858 206 Owen (Rev. N.) British Eemains: History of the Marchers, Armorial Bear- ings and Names of ancient Welshmen, Discovery of America by the "Welsh more than 300 years before Columbus, a Poem of Taliesin, Memoirs of Llwyd, etc. 8vo. Large Paper, calf neat, ISs 1777 207 OWEN (William) AVelsh and English Dictionary, compiled from the Law, History, Poetry, Proverbs, etc. of the Ancient Britons, with Quotations, 2 vols, royal 8vo. 245 1793 The title states that a Grammar is prefixed, but this was not published till 1803, when the Dictionary and Grammar were issued together as follows. 208 Welsh and English Dictionary, with numerous illustrations from the literary remains and living speech of the Cymry, to which is prefixed a Grammar, 3 vols, in 2, stout 4to. Large Paper, hf hd. 30^ 1803 209 the (Tramraar of the Welsh Language, large 8vo. hf cf 5s 1803 210 PUGHE (W. Owen) Dictionary ofthe Welsh Language, explained in English, to which is prefixed a Welsh Grammar, second edition, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, £3. Ss ; hf calf, neat, £3. 10^ Denbigh, 1832 This is the second edition of Owen's work, the author having changed his name. 211 Prichard's Welsh Minstrelsy, 8vo. hds. 2s Qd 1824 212 Eees (Eev. R) An Essay on the Welsh Saints, or the Primitive Christians, usually considered to have been the Founders of Churches in Wales, 8vo. scarce, 24^ 1836 213 EEES. Cambro-Brytannicae Cymraecaeve Linguae Institutiones et rudi- menta, conscripta a J. D. Ehaeso Monensi, high 4A>o.fine copy in old calf very rare, £5. Lond. 1592 Collation : title, prefaces and Emend. 12 leaves ; pp. 1-304 (folding-sheet between 4 and 5). 214 Eowland's Welsh Grammar, 12mo. third edition, cloth, 4* 6^ Bala, Saundersony 1868 In the JPress, price to Subscribers, 15s 215 EowLANDS, Llyfryddiaeth y Cymry, (Cambrian Bibliography,) by the late Eev. William Eowlands, edited and augmented by the Eev. D. Silvan Evans, Bector of Llanymawddwy, Merionethshire f^" Persons in possession of Welsh books, or books relating to Wales, printed be- tween 1546 and 1803, both years inclusive, are urgently requested to communicate their title, dates, and sizes, to the Editor, that the work may be rendered as complete as possible. Subscribers' Names are requested to be sent to B. Q. 216 ScHULTZ, Influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia. 8vo. 5^ 1841 217 SKENE, the Four Ancient Books of Wales, containing the Cymric Poems attributed to the Bai-ds of the Sixth Century, in Welsh and Bnglish, by W. E. Skene, 2 stout vols. 8vo. map andfacs. (pub. at 366') cloth, SO* JEdinb. 1868 Contents — Vol. I : Ch. I-X, valuable Introductory Essays ; Translations of the Poems A-Z. Vol. II : The Welsh Poems, Juvencus, the Black Book of Caermarthen ; the Book of Ancurin; the Book of Taliesin; the Book of Hcrgest ; Appendix and Judex. 88 B. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Welsh— continued. ^i tt- ^ r xi 218 Stephens (Thos.) Literature of the Kymry ; an Essay on the History ot the Lantruage and Literature of Wales, 8vo. cloth, lOs Llandovery, 1849 2L9 TALiESiN,a collection of Eisteddfod and other Poems, and Essays, in Welsh, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 7s 6d Hhuthyn, 1859-61 220 WALTEES (Eev. John) English- Welsh Dictionary, with Proverbs, &c. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 25« Benhigh, 1828 The best English-Welsh Dictionary, and serving as the converse part to Owen's Welsh- English Dictionary. Welsh Manuscript Society: 2'>1 LIBER LANDAVENSIS, Llvfr Teilo, or Ancient Register of the Cathedral Church of Llandaft, in Latin, with English Translation and Notes, by Rev. W.'J. Rees, roy. 8vo. fwe- similes, cloth, scarce, 2^s Llandovery, 1840 222 lOLO MANUSCRIPTS. A Selection of Ancient Manuscripts in Prose and Verse, from the Collection made by E. Williams, lolo Morgan wg, with English Translations and Notes by his Son Taliesin Williams ab lolo, roy. 8vo. plate, cloth, 28^ Lland. 1848 223 REES (W. J.) Lives of the Cambro-British Saints of the Fifth and immediate succeeding Centuries, roy. 8x0. frontispiece un<1 facsiviiles, cloth, £2. 2s 1853 224 DOSPARTH EDEYRN Davod Aur : Ancient Welsh Grammar, compiled in the 13th Cen- tury by Edeyrn, the Golden- tongued ; withy Pum Llyfr Kerddwriaeth, or Rules of Welsh Poetry, and Translation and Notes by the Rev. J. Williams Ab Ithel, 8vo, {price to von- viemberx, £2. 2s) cloth, ISs Llandovery, 185G 225 MEDDYGON MYDDFAI, Medical Practice of Rhiwallon and his Sons; with the Llyn-y-Fan, or Legend of the Lady of the Lake ; edited by Williams Ab Ithel, with notes and translations by John Pughe, 8vo. cloth, \Ss ; or, calf gilt, 20s 1862 226 BARD DAS ; or a Collection of Original Documents illustrative of the theology, wisdom, and usages of the Bardo-Druidic System, with translations and notes by Williams ab Ithel, Vol. I, 8vo. cloth, 2\s 1862 227 HERALDIC VISITATIONS of Wales and part of the Marches, under the direction of the Kings of Arms, by Lewys Dwnx, in Welsh, edited with numerous explanatory Notes, by Sir S. Rush Meyrick, 2 vols. impl. 4to. bare, £12. 12* ' 1846 — together 3 vols. 8vo. ; 3 vols, royal 8vo. ; and 2 vols. impl. 4to.facs7miles and plates, clotJi, uncut, £\9. Llandovery, 1840-62 228 Williams' (Eev. Eob.) Enwogion Cymru : a Biographical Dictionary of Emi- nent Welshmen, from the earliest times to the present, and including every name connected with the Ancient History of Wales, 8vo. (pub. at 16*) cloth, 13« Qd 1852 229 Williams (Eev. John) Gomer : analysis of thelanguage and knowledge of tlie ancient Cymry, with specimens of the oldest poets, etc. 2 parts, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1854 GERMANIC LANGUAGES: 230 GrElMM (Dr. Jacob) Deutsche G-eammatik, 4 vols, stout 8vo. hf. hd. calf neat, 36« Gottingen, 1822-37 231 the same, 4 vols. 8vo. calf neat, £2. 1822-37 " The Deutsche Grammatik of Grimm is the work not of an age, nor of a century, but like the great History of the Athenian, KTi]}ia tlq del. It is the Magazine whence all draw their facts and illustrations ; a monument of learning, industry, comprehensiveness, and aiTangement." — Latham. *' In this astonishing work a whole family of languages has for the first time found an expositor, and as it were an historiographer, placed on the summit of the comparative linguistic analysis of our age. Grimm's Teutonic Grammar comprehends the bcandi- navian as well as the German languages in all their ramifications, reduces each of them to its most ancient forms, and follows it down from that point through the whole course of its development : this colossal work forms an epoch in the history of ethnological history." — The Chevalier Bunsen. 232 HICKESII LINGU AEUM Y ett. Septenteiottalium ( Anglo-Saxon, Ifoeso- Goth. Franco-Theotisc. Island.) Thesaurus Grammatico-Criticus et Ar- chaeologicus, 3 vols, in 2, ioWo, facsimiles and jdates of Anglo-Saxon coins, old calf, £2. 2s ; or calf gilt, rebacked, £S. Ss Oxon. 1703-5 Sold in Home Tooke's sale for £14. 14*, and in Willett's for £12. 12^; priced 1836, Thorpe, £8. 8* ; 1840 and 1848, Payne and Foss, £12, 12s EUEOPEAN PHILOLOGY, POLYGLOTTS, ETC. 89 Germanic LELngvLB,gea— continued. 233 HICKESII. TnESAUrtUS, 3 vols. roy. folio, large papee, size oftJie pages 17 inches hij 11, portrait^ facsimiles and plates of coins, with an additional portrait of Wanley, a heautiful copy in old russia, £5. 15s Oxon. 1703-5 Copies on really Large Paper are very rare. Priced by Payne and Foss, £14. 14,? ; a very fine copy in morocco, £30. ; priced, 1837, £12. \2s ; Heath's copv fetched £5. As 6^7; Brockett's £26. \^s " This work has had so many just praises given to it at home and abroad, that few English readers can be strangers to its contents." — Nicolson. Many valuable portions of this grand work are taken from original Saxon MSS. now lost. An indispensable work for consultation to the student of Anglo-Saxon Literature, containing Icelandic, Anglo-Saxon and Gothic Grammars and Dictionaries ; also valuable Anglo-Saxon frag- ments. " Hickes displays throughout great erudition, unwearied industry, and sometimes successful investigation; it is enriched with numerous engravings of Ancient Monuments, Runic inscriptions, various documents, and specimens of Poetry that are not elsewhere to be found in print." — Rask. 234 Hickes, Institutiones Grammaticse Anglo- Saxonicse et Moeso-Gothicse, cum JoDSD Grammatica Islandica et catalogo librorum Septentrionalium, ace. Bernardi Etymologicon Britannicum, 4to. calf 7s 6d Oxon. 1689 235 LYE, DiCTioNARiUM SAXOiPfico- et Gothico- Lattnum : accedunt Eragmenta Versionis Ulphilanae, necnon Opuscula qusedam Saxonica^^ edidit, non- nuUis Vocabulis auxit, Grammaticam utriusque Linguae prsemisit O. Man- ning, 2 vols, folio, calf neat, 36-s ; or o^ussia extra, £3. 3s 1772 Priced, 1849, Rodd, £5. 105 ; 1844, Macpherson, £5. 55 ; 1847, calf, £4. lOs ; russia, £5. 18* and £6. 65 ; vellum, £5. 55. Purton Cooper's copy fetched, 18.53, £4. ; Heath's copy, £5. 55 ; Home Tooke's, with MS. notes, £34. A leading feature in Lye's Anglo- Saxon Dictionary is, its giving also the Gothic equivalents, omitted in Bosworth. These volumes include "Grammatica Anglo- Saxonica et Moeso-Gothica," and "Pragmenta vers. Ulphilanae et Opuscula qusedam Anglo- Saxonica." 236 MiCH^ELEE, Tabulae parallelse antiquiss. Dialectorum Teutonicarum, Moeso- Goth. Eranco-Theotiscae, Anglo-Sax., Eunicae, Islandicae, etc. cum Cora- mentariolo, 2 vols, thick 12mo. hds. 7s Oeniponte, 1776 AYachter — see post, subdivision Teutonic. 237 TEN KATE (L.) Aenleiding tot de Kennisse van het verhevene Deel der 'Ne- derduitsche Spralie, waerin hare Grondslag, Kragt, Onderscheiding, etc. overwogen, en tegen het Allervornaemste der Taelverwanten, Moeso- Gotthisch, Frank-Duitsch, Angel-Saxisch, Hoogduitseli en Yslandscb, vergeleken word, 2 vols. 4to. ethnological map of Europe, calf or vellum, bs Gd Amst. 1723 An important philological work ; which although professing to treat specially of the Dutch language is however of very great value for the study of all the old Scandinavian and Teutonic dialects. Gothic : 238 ULEILAS. Yeteris et Novi Testamenti, Yersionis Gothicce fragmenta quae supersunt, cum Glossario et Grammatica, ed. Gabelentz et Loebe, 3 vols, in 1, 4to. half morocco, gilt top, uncut, 36.9 Lips. 1843-46 239 Ulphilanje Yersionis fragmenta, McBso-Gothice^ ed. Hire, sm. 4to. hf. bd. 4^ Upsalice, 1763 240 GOTHIC Bible, Grammar and Yocabulary : MASSMAN'S ULEILAS. Die heiligen Schriften alten und neuen Bundes in Gothischer Sprache : Gothic with the Greek and Latin text on opposite pages, with notes, a Glossary, a Grammar, and an historical Introduction, 8vo. xcii and 812 pp. (pub. at 145) sd. 7s 6d Stuttgart, 1857 To the Anglo-Saxon and good English Scholar, the above work will prove of great utility and interest. 241 Skeet's Moeso- Gothic Glossary and Grammar, square 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1868 Anglo-Saxon or Ancient English : 242 AELEEIC SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS, the Complete Series, the Homilies of iElfric, parts 1-10 — Poetry of the Codex Yercellensis, 2 parts — - The Dialogues of Salomon and Saturn, 3 parts, edited by J. M. Kemble ; together 15 parts, 8vo. £2. 16* 1843-48 90 B. QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, L0ND0:N. Anglo-Saxon or Ancient English - continued. 2^3 ANCIENT LAWS and Institutes of England, comprising Laws of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, from J^thelbirht to Cnut, Saxon and lEnglisli ; the Laws of Edward the Confessor, William the Conqueror, and Henry the Eirst ; also Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, Anglo-Saxooi and English, with the ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws, and Glossary, etc. large folio, cloth, 28* Record Commission, 1840 244 the same, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. bds. 305 1«40 245 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (the) edited with a translation by Thorpe, 2 vols. roy. S\o. facsimiles, hf. hd. 16^ 1861 246 BED^ Opera: Bseda} Historia Ecclesiastica G-entis Anglorum ; Eadem a Bege Aluredo Anglo- Saxonic^ reddita; Vita S. Cudbercti ; Historia Abba- turn Wiremuth. et Gyrwensium. ; Epistola ad Ecgberctum ; de Locis Sanctis; Martyrologium, cum auctario Elori ; Vita, etc. cura et studio Johan. Smith, folio, best edition, map and plates, £2. 10^ Cantahr. 1722 Priced, 1829, Thorpe, mor. £7. 175 6d ; 1842, Stewart, £4. 105. Large Paper, Eodd, £6. 10.N\ 247 Benson, Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicura, lexico Somneri auctius, 8vo. bd. 2s 1701 248 BEOWULF. Poems of Beowulf, the Travellers' Song, and the Battle of Finnes-Burh, Anglo-Saxon and English, with Historical Preface, Glossary, and Philological Notes, by John Mitchell Kemble, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, only 100 copies printed, £2. 18^ 1833-37 249 BEOWULF, the Anglo-Saxon Poems of, with a literal translation, notes, glossary, &c. by Thorpe, 8vo. cloth, Is Qd Oxf. 1855 250 Bkowulfes Beorh, 0/<^-^^z^eZ5^, medDanske Anmserkningerved Grundtvig, sm. 8vo. sd. 5s Kiob. 1861 251 Beo-wulf og Scopes Widsidh, AngelsaxisTc og Dansk, af Schaldemose, 8vo. sd. 6s Kj'ob. 1851 " The interest of the poem of Beowulf is not confined to the Philologist : it also interests the antiquary and the historian in a very high degree. In it we have the most lively sketches of a state of society, which our imagination could never have pictured to us without it, and we have contemporary illustrations of manners and customs, which will solve a host of doubtful questions. We never in our life met with a poem so full of beautiful and striking passages as the Komance of Beowulf. 252 BOETHIUS de Consolatione Philosophiae, King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version, with English translation by Cardale, 8vo. calf, 20s 1829 253 BOSWOETH'S Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, with aPuEFACE on the Origin and Connection of the Germanic Tongues, a Map of Languages, and the Essentials of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, stout royal 8vo. pp. clxxvii, 721 pp. treble cols, and folding table, best edition, cloth, 35^ 1838 254 Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary, 8vo. 278 pp. treble columns, cloth, 10s 1848 255 Origin of the English. Germanic, and Scandinavian Languages and Nations, etc. roy. 8vo. ivith map of Eur op. languages, 14^ 1848 256 Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with a history of the langnage and introduction on the origin of writing, hf. calf, 7s 6d 1823 257 C^DMON'S Metrical Paraphrase of j)arts of the Holy Scriptures, Anglo- Saxon and English, with notes by Thorpe, roy. 8vo. (pub. at 21s) bds. 12s Soc. Antiq. 1832 258 Account of Caedmon's Metrical paraphrase, by Ellis, 4to. 53 quaint engravings of Saxon Art, from the original MS. of the 10th Century, including a facsimile of the first page of text ^ hf. calf, 10s 1833 259 COCKAYNE'S Leechdom, Wort-Canning, and Starcraft of Early England, a collection of inedited documents, illustrating the History of Science before the Conquest, Anglo-Saxon and English, with Notes and Glossary, 2 vols.i-oy. ^\o. facsimiles from ancient Saxon MSS. hf. bd. uncut, 20s 1865 Two long ):vcfaces form a suitable introduction to the curious pieces contained in these vohmies, whicli are equally interesting from a philological and from a medical point of view. EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY. 91 — ■ — — ^^~ — ~~ — ' — ' ■ — ■ — ■ — — — — — — ♦■ Anglo-Saxon or Ancient "English— continued. 2G0 CODEX EXONIENSIS : a collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, from a MS. in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, with an English Trans- lation by Thorpe, roy. 8vo. xiy. and 546 pp. ISs Soc. Antiquaries, 1842 261 CONTBExlEE'S Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, 4to. laege paper, £2. 2s 1865 Priced, 1834, Pickering, calf, £3. 3«. 262 Elstob, Ancient Engh'sh-Saxon Homily on the Birth-day of St. Gregory, Anglo-Saxon and English, with notes, 8vo. calf, 35 1709 263 Heliai^t, Poema Saxonicum seculi noni, nunc primum edidit Schmeller, 4to. bds. 45 ; or Fine Paper, Qs Monachii, 1830 264 Heptateuchus, liber Job, et Evangelium Nicodemi, Anglo- Saxonice, cum Hist. Judith fragm. Dano-Saxonice, ed. Thwaites, large 8vo. calf, 15^ Oxon. 1698 265 JTJNII (E.) Etymologicum Anglicanum, auctum ab E. Lye, cum vita, auctoris et Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, folio, large paper, port, by Vertue, gilt calf extra hy A. Tarrant, Sir Charles Price's copy, £2. 12^ Qd Oxon. 1743 Presentation copy from Lye to John Davys, with his autograph. The vocabulary of this learned work is English, explained in Latin, with the etymologies, and comparisons from the Gothic and all cognate languages. 266 KEMBLE'S Saxons in England : a history of the English Commonwealtli till the period of the Norman Conquest, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, rare, £2. 10^ 1819 ''His greatest work : full as it is of the deepest and most suggestive learning, it is; eminently unsatisfactory in point of form, and far indeed from realising its second title, ' A History of the English Commonwealth to the period of the Norman Conquest.' " Saturday Beview, February 20, 1804. 267 LAPPENBERG'S History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, trans- lated from the German by Benjamin Thorpe, with additions and correc- tions, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 21*) cloth, 7s 6d 1844 268 Orosius, Compendious Llistory of the World, JGng Alfred^s Anglo-Saxon Version, with English translation hy Bosworth, roy. 8vo. Ixiv. 133 and 168 ^p. 14 'plates of facsimiles, MS. and coloured map of the world, according to Orosius and Alfred, (pub. at 16s) cloth, 8s 6d 1859 269 PALGEAVE'S (Sir E.) Eise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, during the Anglo-Saxon Period, with Proofs and Illustrations, 2 vols. 4to. bds. scarce, £5. 1832 " This is, beyond all competition, the most luminous work that has ever been pro- duced on the early institutions of England. It is to Mr. Palgrave that recourse will be had by the curious antiquary, the inquirer into the origin of English jurisprudence, and by him who loves to trace, in the calm mirror of history, the restless waves of human action," — Edinburgh Beview. 270 PSALTEEIUM Davidis, Saxonice et Latine, a Spelmanno editum, sm. 4to. calf RARE, £2. Londini, 1640 271 Eask, Angelsaksisk Sproglaere, med Laesebog, Syo. facsimile, cloth, 3s 6d Stockholm, 1817 272 the same, Fine Paper, sd. 5s 1817 Original edition in Danish of the best Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 273 Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, with Praxis ; enlarged and im- proved by the author, edited by B. Thorpe, 8vo. plates, hf bd. 7s 6d Copenhagen, 1880 274 the same, 1830 — Gwilt's Eudiments of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, 1829 — The Will of King Alfred, reprinted from the Oxford edition of 1781, Anglo-Saxon and English^ with notes, 1828 — in 1 vol. 8vo. calf extra, marbled edges, I2s 1828-30 275 SAXON CHRONICLE, Anglo-Saxon and English, with Notes, critical and explanatory, chronological, topographical and glossorial Indices, and a Grammar, by Ingram, 4to. map and plates of facsimiles and coins, Ids. 385 ; or, hf calf gilt top^ uncutj £2. 5s 1823 92 BEENAED QUAEITCII, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Anglo-Saxon or Ancient English — continued. 276 SOMNEEI (G-iil.) Dictionarum Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum, voces plirasesque prsecipuas Anglo-Saxonicas cum Latinii et Anglica interpretatione com- plectens ; ^Ifrici Abbatis Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, cum Glossario BUG ejusdem generis, folio, 80s Oxon. 1659 Tetclied, Parr's sale, £5. 10* ; Perry's, russia, £5. 55 ; 1S19, Sotheby's, £6. ; 1866, Sotheby's, £6. "A work highly deserving of mention, which bears honourable witness to the learn- ing and industry of its author. The Grammar of Aelfric is a relic, curious in itself, and valuable to the student."— i?fl,97/. In his list of subscribers and patrons, appears the name of " Gulielmus Lillcy, Astrologus." 277 Thoepe's Analecta Anglo-Saxom'ca, a selection from various authors, (Aelfric? Aelfred, Lajamon, the Ormulum, etc.) with Glossary, small 8vo. new edu tion, (pub. at 20s) cloth, Qs 1846 278 Anglo-Saxon version of the Holy Gospels, sm. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1842 Late Saxon, Middle English. 279 LAYAMON'S BEUT : or Chronicle of Britain, a Poetical Semi-Saxon Paraphrase of the Brut of Wace, with literal translation, notes, and Gram- matical Glossary by Sir Frederick Madden, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. facsimiles. Ids. £2. 1847 "A highly important publication. The entire Poem is now placed within reach of those who have neither opportunity nor inclination to grapple with the obscurities of MSS. ; and this has now been done under a very careful eye, and with a rich accompani- ment of elucidations." — Garnett^s E-says^ p. 128. 280 OEMULUM (The), now first edited from the original MS. in the Bodleian, with notes and Glossary, by White, 2 vols. 8vo. jplates of facsimiles, (pub. at 2ls) cloth, lis ^d Oxford, 1852 281 Small's English Metrical Homilies, from MSS. of the 14th Century, with introduction and notes, square 8yo. facsimile, (pub. 12^) cloth, 9s Edinh. 1862 Old and Low German Dialects. 282 Adelung, Altdeutsche Gedichte, 2 vols. 12mo. sd. 3^; hf calf 4eutschen Poesie, Svo. sd. 4s Qd Berlin, 1812 Avery valuable work, with specimens from the most'ancient poets down to the 16th century. 305 IIALTAU8, Glossarium Germanicum Medii ^vi, maximam partem e Diplomatibus, multis praeterea aliis Monimeutis tarn editis quam ineditis adornatum, 2 vols, in 1, folio, bound, 20s Lipsiae, 1758 306 the same, folio, large fine paper, calf 30s 1758 A very valuable I-exicon of Old German, indispensable to the reader of Old Charters, Old Law Books, and Old Divinity. 307 Jeroschin (Nicolaus) die Kronike von Pruzinland, herausg. von Strehlke, 4to. a metrical chronicle of the 14ith centiLry, in old Mittelhoch Deutsch, hf. calf, 12s Gd Leipzig, 1861 308 Ki]S"derliis"g's Geschichte der Nicder-Sachsischen Sprache, nebst Musterung seiner Denkmahle, 8vo. bds. Sir Francis Palgrave's copy, 3s QdMagd. 1800 309 KflDRuN, mittelochdeutsch und Deutsche mit Abhandlungen von Ploennies, etc. Svo. map, hf. calf neat, 7s 6d Leipzig^ 1853 G 2 94 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Old and Low German BiBlects— continued. 310 KERCKENOEDENINGE: Wo ydtmit Christlyker Lere, Vorrekinge der Sacramente, Ordination der Denere des Evangelii, ordentlyken Ceremo- nien in den Kercken-A^isitation Consistorio unde Scholen, im Hertochdome tho Mecklenborch, etc. geholden werdt, sq. 8vo. large icoodcut coat-of- arms on the hack of title, with musical notes to the chanted parts, fine copy, calf gilt, 30s Bostoch, Dietz, 1557 " Interesting as a monument of the Symbolism of the early Lutheran Church," — Si?u/et\ A very curious book, no less for the quaint Low-German in which it is written, than for its exposition of the doctrines and ceremonies then observed by the Reformers. 311 LAMPEECHT, Alexander, Gediclit des Xllen 3 ahrh. Ilittelhochdeutsch icnd Deutsck, nebst Einleitung, etc. von Weisman, 2 vols. 12mo. bds. Ss ; or hf morocco, 5s 6d Frankf. 1850 312 MANESSEN'S Sammlungvon (clx) Minnesingern, herausg. von Bodmer, 2 vols. Zyrich, 1758-9 — Eetzer's Nachlese zu Sineds Liedern, Wien^ 1784 —3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf Id. Vis 1758-84 313 MEIG-EEIUS de PanurgiaLamiarum. dat ys : Nodige und nutte Under- richtinge, etc. in Low German, sm. 4to. calf neat, eaee ai^d curious, 25* Homlorchf 1587 Dedicated to Frederick King of Denmark, by the author, pastor of Nordtorp in Holstein. 314 Meusel, Sammlung Grermanischer AViirzel-Wbrter, 4to. 400^;?. sd. 2s ; cloth, 35 Halle, 1776 315 NIBELUNG-EN LIED zura ersten IMale aus der llandschrift ganz abge- druckt von Myller, 4to. Lachmank^'s copy^ corrected throughout in his autograph, sd. Qs Berlin, 1782 316 NiBELUNGEiS' Noth und Klage, von Lachman, Altdmitsch, 8vo. 3^ iSd 1841 317 ZwANziG ALTE LIEDEE von den Nibelungen, herausg. von Lachmann", roy. folio, heautif ally printed in large type on thick paper, cloth bds. £2. 10s Berlin, 1840 A veiy fine specimen of modern typography. '' Edition de luxe, tiree a 106 exempl. seulement, pour etre distribues en cadeaux." The ordinary selling price of a copy is £3. 10s 318 NIEBELUNGEN Lied, iibertsetzt von Marbach, roy. 4to. printed within ornamental icoodcut borders, and with numerous large and beautiful illus- trations by Bendeman and Hiibner, bds. 25s Leipzig, 1840 319 Nibelungen Noth, bearbeitet von Pfizer, 4to. numerous beautiful woodcut vignettes and illustrations by Carolsfeld and Neureuiher, cl. 21s Sfuttg. 1843 320 MiiLLEifHOFE, Geschichte der Nibelungen Not, sm. 4to. bds. 4^ Gd Braunschiv. 1855 Bound up with *' Liliencron u. Miillenhoff, Zur Eunenlehre" Halle, 1852 321 EiiCEEET, Oberon und die Pipine : iiber d. Ursprung d. Nibelungensage, 8vo. sd. 2v Qd Leipz. 1836 322 Oeleichs Sammlung alter und neuer Gesez-Biicber der Stadt Bremen, aus original Handschriften, Alt-I^iedersachsischi stout 4to. fine paper, fac- similes, calf 12s Bremeny 1771 323 Otfkid, Krist, das alteste hocbdeutscbe Gedicht, IX Jahrh., herausg. von Graff, ^to. facsimiles, cloth, uncut, XOs K'dnigsb. 1831 324 OTFEIDI Evangeliorum liber : Evangelien Buch, mit Gunst des Herrn Hermann Eiedesel in truck verfertiget, 12mo, fine copy in old red morocco extra, yeet eare, 364. Basil, 1571 The third and fourth leaves of the " Prefatio," being signatures a 4 and a 5, are wanting. Collation : Title, Praefatio, Vorred, Dictionary, being signatures a to ^ 4, in eights ; prologus, text, etc. pp. 1-574. 325 Par^netici Veteees : Columbanu;', Tyrol Eex Scotorum, Winsbekius, etc. cum notis Goldasti, sm. 4to. engravings, vellum, 7s i5d Insulce, lac. Acron. 1604 Old German Poems, with valuable philological notes. No more was published. EUEOPEAN PHILOLOaT. 95 Old and Low German Bialecta— continued. 326 EETNKE YOSZ de Olde, nyge gedrucket, mit sidlikem Yorstande und schonen Eiguren erluchtet und verbetert, sm. 4to. in old Low German or Saxon, with numerous spii^ited laoodcuts, that on title coloured^ without leaves 220-221, and the 8 leaves of tables, otherwise a remarkably fine, clean, and sound copy, hf. bd. yery raee, £4. {Rostock) Ludowich Diets, 1549 327 Eeinekb de Vos, mit dem Koker, sm. 4to, in Low German, reprint of the edition o/1498, hf. calf uncut, (Ss Woljfenbiittel, 1711 328 Eeincke Yos, nach der Ausg. von 1498, mit Glossar, Yon Hoffman von Eal- lersleben, 8vo. hf calf ^s Qd Breslau, 1834 329 Eeinwald's Hennebergisches Idiotikon, mit Yergleich. anderer Grerman. Dialekte, 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. 4.9 Qd Berlin, 1793-1801 The Henneberg dialect is remarkable for its close resemblance to English. 330 EiCHEY, Idioticon Hamburgense, oder "VYorterbucli der in und um Homburg gebrauchlichen Nieder-Sachsischen Mundart, 8vo. portrait, fine copy, in vellum, 21s Hamburg, 1755 331 EuDOLE Yox Ems, der gute G-erhard, eine Erzabung, lierausg. von Haupt, 8vo. old High German, Ms. 2s 6d Leipzig, 1840 332 EusH. Beuodeu Eausch, was wunders er getriben hat, von Endlicher, 12mo. Old German and Danish, only 50 copies printed, hf morocco^ 145 Wien, 1835 Bound up with " Nyerup's Almindelig Morskabsloesning," extracts from the old romances, etc. etc. — Kjob. 1816. 333 ScHADE, Satiren und Pasquille aus der Eeformations-Zeit, 3 vols. 8vo. (new, 15s), sd. ds Hannover, 1863 A very interesting work, shewing the state of feeling existing with regard to the Reformation amongst the people of Germany, and containing many curious specimens of the colloquial language of the time. 334 SCHEEZII Grlossarium G-ermanicum Medii JEvi,potissimumDIalecti Suevicae; edidit, illustravit, supplevit, Oberlinus, 2 vols, folio, calf, 18s ; or 2 vols. in 1, folio, caf Us Argent. 1781-84 " Ouvrage le plus ample pour etudier les anciens dialectes dont a ete formee la lan- gue allemande. C'est une suite au Glossarlum lingua franciccs, du Thesaurus de Schilter." Brunei. 335 SCHILTEEI Thesatjeus Antiquitarum Teutonicarum, Ecclesiasticarum, Civilium, Litterariaram, Monumenta Erancica, Alemannica, Saxonica, Biblica, Ecclesiastica, et Civilia, cum Glossario Teutonico non et LingusB solum inservituro sed et Antiquitatibus abundanti, 3 vols, folio, facsimiles of Ornaments in Ancient MS. calf very neat, £2. lOs TTlmce, 1727-28 336 tbe same, 3 vols, folio, eine and laege papee, vellum, £3. 18s 1727-28 " Schilteri Thesaurus Teutoniciis est un recueil rempli de documents precieux pour I'histoire civile et litteraire de I'Allemagne a I'epoque Carlovingienne; vendu 125 fr." Bru7iet. A most valuable collection of the earliest monuments of the Northern Languages in Europe, containing the works of Otfrid, Notker, Willeram, an Anglo-Saxon list of the Gospels for Sundays and Festivals, Erancic Laws, Rhythmus Antiquus de Carolo Magno, etc. The third volume is entirely occupied by the Glossary. " The Thesaurus of Schilter is a real mine of Erancic Literature. The text is founded on a careful collation of all the MSS. to which he could obtain access, and these are highly valuable for their antiquity and correctness." — Warton'» English Poetry by Price. 337 SCHMELLEE, die Mundarten Bayerns, grammatisch dargestellt, mit Erzah- lungen, Sing-Stiicken, etc. 8vo. hf. calf, 9^ Miinchen, 1821 338 Bayeeisches "Woeteebijch. Sammlung von Wortern und Ausdriic- ken die in den lebenden Mundarten, sowohl als in der altern Provincial- Litteratur, etc. verkommen, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2, Stuttg. 1827-37 One of the best German Provincial Glossaries, the result of careful studies and dili- gent comparative researches with constant references to other Teutonic and Scandinavian Dialects. 96 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Old and Low German HialectQ— continued. ■ 339 Schmid's Schwiibisches Worterbuch, 8vo. 030^;?. sd. 9s Stuttgart, 1831 340 SCHUEREN(Gherard van der) Teuthonista of Duytscblender, uitg. door Booiizajer, met Vorrede van Clignett, 4to. bds. 9s Lei/den^ 1804 341 the same, 4ito. fine paper, bds. 18^ 1804 Only 180 copies were struck off of tliis reprint of the first or German-Latin part of a very rare old German and Latin Vocabulary, printed at Cologne, 1477, the last copy of which fetched at Singer's sale, X-26, and of which, some time ago, Mr. Q. placed a very fine copy in the library of his Highness Prince Louis Lucieu Bonaparte. Besides being carefully edited, this reprint has the advantages of a preface and a bibliographical list of Old German Vocabularies of the XV and XVI centuries. 342 SCHUTZE, Holsteinisches Idiotikon, oder Sammlung plattdeutscher, alter und neugebildeter Worte, Wortformen, Uedensarten, Volkwitzes, Sprich- worter, und aus dem Spracbscbatze erldarter Sitten, Gebraucbe, Spiele, etc. der liolsteiner, 4 vols, in 2, sm. 8vo. bds. lU ; or, hf. bd. neaty 24^ Kamb. 1800-6 A valuable Glossary of Low German, comprising a collection of Ancient andModern Low German Words, Idioms, Witticisms, Proverbs, Nursery and other Khyraes, Anec- dotes, and Expressions illustrating the Manners, Customs, Games, and Pestivals of the Holstciners. 343 Schwenck's Worterbuch der Deutscben Spracbe, in Beziebung auf Abstam- mung, etc. 8vo. with comparisons and roots from cognate Languages, sd. 2s Gd Franckf. 1838 344 Uebeefeldee's Kiirntneriscbes Idiotikon, von Mayer, 16mo. 262 pp. sd, 2s 6d lUagenfurf, 1 862 345 YOCABULAEIIJSex quo, sq. 8vo. 172 leaves (nto t in eights), of which the first is the title, the last blank, Latin explained in old German, fine copy in the original hogskin and boards, £2. 10^ s. I. et typog. 1480 With the signature of the original proprietor, •' Johannes Protzer, 1498," on the fly-leaf. 346 VOCABULABIUM Latino-Tetjtois-icum, Incipit Yariloqnus . . . compilatas p venerabilem ingrura iohem Melber de G-erolczhoeen, etc. stout sm. 4to. 213 leaves, 34 lines to a full page, Latin e.cplained in old German, the first 7 leaves supplied in contemporary MS. hi the original stamped hogskin, with bosses and clasps, very rare, £2. s. I. eta. (circa 1483) 347 YOCABULAEIIJS incipiens Teutonicu ante Latinum, sm. 4to. 249 leaves, of which the last is blank, 36 lines to a full page, old High German explained in Latin, some wormholes, hf. bd. very rare, 36^ s. I. et a. (Spirce, Lrach, 1483) The German first ; most of these Early Vocabularies commence with the Latin. 348 AVACHTEEI Glossaeium Gekmanicum, continens origineset autiquitates totius Linguae Gcrmanicae, 2 vols, in 1, folio, fine paper, vellum or calf 12s ; or, fine copy, calf gilt, 18^ Lips. 1737 849 tbe same, 2 vols, in 1, stout folio, large paper, hf. bd. 8O5 1737 350 AVillerami in Canticum Canticorum Parapbrasis, Francice, Lat. et Uely. cum Glossario, 1598 — Jiinii Observationes, 1655 — 12mo. sd. 4^ 1598-1655 351 {Alt-Frankische) Uebersetzung des Ilobenliedes, in doppelten Tex- ten, mit "Worterbucbe, von Hoffmann, 8vo. bds. 2s Gd hreslau, 1827 352 ZIEMANN'S Mittelhochdeutscbes AYorterbucb, nebst Grammatiscber Einleitung, large ^\o. pp. 16 and 720, double cols. hf. calf neat, 9s Quedlinb. 1838 353 the ^d,mQ, fine paper, calf neat, 12s 1838 Dutch and Flemish : 354 Ahn's Grammar of tbe Dutch Language, small 8vo. cluth, 3* 1860 355 BILDEEDIJK'S Taal- en DichtkundigeYerscbeidenhedeu, 13 vols. 8vo. plates, bds. los Botterdam, 1824 356 de Menscb (after Pope's Essay on 'Man), Svo. several fine plates, calf 2s Am&t. 1808 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY. 97 Dutch and Flemish— contmued. 357 BoMHOFF, Dictionnaire Hollandais-Eran^ais et FranQais-Hollandals, 3 vols. in 2, stout sm. 8vo. upwards q/2500 pp. double cols, cloth, 12s Ley den, ca. 1840 358 D'Arst, Grand Dictionnaire Erancois-Flamen, et Flamen-rran9ois, avec les ternies de Marine, de Venerie, &c. et une Grammaire Franyaise, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. engraved title, vellum, '\0s TItrecht, 1643 A rare and curious volume ; interestiug for the orthography and the orthoepical signs which indicate the manner of old French pronunciation. 359 Deutsch-HollUndisches imd HoUand.-Deutsclies "Worterbuch, 2 vols. 12mo. ealj^ Is Gd Zutphen, 1819-23 8G0 Fleischauer, HoUandische Spradilehre, 12mo. hf. calf, 2s Qd 1826 Dutch Folk-Lore : 361 De A^rouwen-Peirle (Helena, Griseldis en Florentine), woodcuts, Brussels 1711 — Spiegel der Jonkheyd, in Script-type {Lettres de Citnlite), ih. s. a. — Leven der Moeder Gods, black letter, Gend, 1765 — Nieuwen Spiegel der Jongheyd in Eym vertoont door F. Loys, ih. 1810 — Programme des Fetes a Arras, Arras, 1815 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. woodcuts, hf. calf, £1. 16* 1711-1815 362 Another collection. Leven van de h. Godelieve, singularly rude woodcuts, Gend, s. a. — Bidder Malegys, Amst. 1638 — Vier Hems-Kinderen (Quatre Fils Aymon), woodcuts, Antw. 1619 — Jan van Parys, woodcuts, ih. s. a, — Helias den Eidder met de Zwaen, woodcuts, ih. 1610 — Valentyn en Ours- son, ih. 1624 — Keyzer Carol V. woodcuts, ih. 1712 — Dobbelen Zielentroost, curious cut on title, Gend, 1740 — Vander Linden, Eeyze nae bet H. Land, 1638, woodcuts, ih. cir. 1780 — Nouveau Voyage de Jerusalem, Bruxelles, {cir. 1750) — Leven en Martelie van Carolus Bonus Graeve van Vlanderen, Antw. 1628 — Eeynaert de Vos, very rude woodcuts, ih. 1661 — Historie van Julius Csesar, woodcuts, s. a. — in 1 vol. stout sq. 8vo. hf. calf, a64. 4s Bee. XYII-XYIII *j^* The two preceding numbers are offered together far £5. 363 Another collection. Historie van Fortunatus Borse, woodcuts, Antwerpen, s. a. — Nieuw Lied-Boek, Gend, 1771 — Historie van den wandelenden Jode, Antw. s. a. — Historie van S. Anna, ih. s. a. — Ovidii Konst der Minnen, Amst. s. a. — Historie van den wandelenden Jode, Brussel, s. a. — Leven en Mirakelen van den H. Drogo, Brugge, 1719 — Nieuw Lied-Boek genaemt den vrolyken Speel-Waegen van J. de Euyter, black letter, ivoodcuts, Antw. s. a. — in 2 vols. 12mo. hf. bd. from the library of the late George Smith, Esq. 36s Sec. XVIII These collections of scarce editions, which, as appears from the ' Approbations,' were intended for school-reading, — form a complete treasury of what was popular literature during the middle ages, but had now come down to the hands of children and peasants. 364 Heelu, Cbroniquede la Bataille de Woeringen (1288), par Willems, st. 4to. old Flemish, with Notes, Glossary, S^c. hf. hd. 6s Brux. 1836 365 Heideescheidt, Grammaire Flamande, 12mo. hf. calf, 4^ Malines, 1842 366 Hoffmann (von Fallersleben) Horae Belgicae, partes I — YII, 8vo. fac- similes, 145 Vratisl. 1830-45 366* the same, complete, 11 parts in 4 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, Ws 1836-57 A valuable collection of ancient Dutch Poems: the seventh part contains a " Glos- sarium Belgicum." 367 HOLTEOP'S Englisli-Dutcli and Dutch-English Dictionary, 2 vols, stout 8vo. 185 ^ Bordr. 1789-1801 368 the same, revised and enlarged bj Stevenson, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf neat, 245 Amst. 1823-24 369 Jaausvelt, Hollandisches Lesebuch, 8vo. Beading Book and Dictionary, hds. 35 Qd Emmerich, 1833 98 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Dutch and Flemish— con ^mz^^^. 370 JAGER'S Taalkundig Magazijn, of Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Neder- duitsche Taal, 4 vols. 8vo. vellum, or hf. calf gilt, uncut, 34« Rotterdam en Deventer, 1835-42 A valuable collection of Philological Dissertations. 371 JAEGER'S (A.) New Pocket Dictionary, English-Dutch, and Dutch- English, with catalogue of the irregular verbs, sq. 16mo. over 700 pp. double cols, cloth, 5s Gouda, 1862 372 KATJSLER'S Denkmaler Altniederlandischer Sprache und Litteratur nach ungedruckten Quellen : Reim Chronik von Flandern : Altniederlandische Gedichte XIII-XV. Jahrhunderts, 2 vols. 8vo. frontispiece and facsimile, bds. 20s Tubingen, 1840-44 373 KILIANI DUFFL^I Etymologicum Teutonicse LingusB sive Diction arium Teutonico-Latinum, prsecipuas Teutonicse LingusB dictiones, Latine inter- pretatas, et cum aliis Linguis collatas complectens j cum notis, ed. Hasselt, 2 vols. 4to. best edition, hf. bd. uncut, 25s Traj. Bat. 1777 374 KRAMERS, Dictionnaire Hollandais-Eran^aij^, et Franc^ais-Hollandais, 2 thick vols. 8vo. nearly 4000 pp. double cols. hf. bd. 30« Gouda, 1859-62 Very clearly printed, and copious beyond all others in the number of significations and nses of words, this Dictionary is unquestionably the best of its kind. 375 LENNEP (J. van) Romantisciie Weeken: de Pleegzoon, Ferdinand Iluyck, de Roos van Dekama, Elizabeth Musch, Onze Voorouders, Vier verspreide Yerhalen, 14 vols. 12 mo. frontispieces, new in cloth, £2. \0s Rotterdam, 1859-60 Entertaining romances by a novelist of the first class. 376 Maeelant, der Naturen Bloeme, uitg. door Bormans, Deel I. roy. 8vo. fac- simile, sd. 5s Brussel, 1857 377 MoNE, TJbersicht der Niederlandischen Yolks-Literatur alterer Zeit, 8vo. cloth, 4s Tub. 183S Very useful from a bibliographical point of view. 378 Naamlijst (Alphabetische) van Boeken, in Noord-Nederland uitgekomen, 1790-1832, 2 vols, in 1, sm. stout 4to. giving the price, publisher's name, etc. of each and including Pe7'iodicals, hf. mor. IGs Gravenh. 1832-35 379 Beinaeet de Vos, Episch Fabeldicht van de XII-XIII Eeuw met Aen- merkingen en Ophelderingen van J. F. Willems, royal 8vo. plates, russia extra, IQs Gent, 1850 380 BoMAN du Renaed, traduit d'apres un texte Flamand, par Willems, aug- mente par Delepierre, 8vo. hf caf gilt, 5s Paris, 1837 381 the same, 1837 — Reiuardus Vulpes, Latine, ed. Mone, Stutfg. 1832, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf bd. uncut, 7s 6d 1832-37 382 SEWEL'S Dutch-English and English-Dutch Dictionary, to which are prefixed an English and Dutch Grammar, augmented by Buys, 2 vols. 4to. bd. 10s Amst. 1766 383 Speengee taj^ Eijk, Yaderlandsche Spreekwoorden, en Zegswijzen, met Nalezingen en Vervolg, 3 vols. 8vo. bds. 12s Rott-erdam, 1835-36-38 384 Stallaeet, Cours de langue Flamande, 2 vols. 12mo. sd. 4s Gand, 1858-60 385 STOKE (Melis) Hollandse Jaarboeken of Rijm-Kronijk, door Alkemade, io\\o,^^ fine po7'traits page size, and 2 other plates, vellum, 12s Leyden, 1699 386 Rijmkronijk, med historic-, oudheid-, en taalkundige Aanmerkingen door Huydecoper, 3 vols. 8vo. vellum, 7s 6d Leyden, 1772 387 Dlenspiegel's Leven, 16mo. rude cuts, hf bd. 35 6 J Gend, s. a. (1810) 388 Vandenhoyen, la Langue Flamande, son passe tt son avenir, large 8vo. map of Low German countries, half bound, As JBrux. 1814 389 Van dee Pyl, Grammaire HoUanduise, 8vo. //. calf ds Gd 1820 390 Dutch Grammar, with a great number of Exercises, 8vo. calf gilt, 9s Rott. 1819 391 the same, second edition, by Laurey, 12mo. hf calf, Qs 1862 EUEOPEAN PHILOLOGY. 99 Dutch and "Flemish— continued. 392 Yeehaal van veele Diefstallen, sq. 8vo. History of Burglars and Bohhers, IS j)07'traits and 5 plates, calf, very curious, 7s 6d Amst. 1710 393 Yeesnaeten, Achter de Grordijn, vijf Tooneelstukken, 8vo. (Dutch Flays) sd. Qs Gent, 1863 394 Vlaeedings Redenrtck-beegh, sm. 4to. very curious Symbolical Flays, woodcutSy in the frontispiece Apollo performing on the Bass-Viol, hf. hd. 7s Gd Amst. 1617 395 YONDEL'S (J. V.) Weekej?": Poezy of verscheide Gedicliten, 2 vols. Franeker, 1682 ; Treurspelen, 2 vols. Amst. 1720 ; Yirgilius vertaelt, 2 vols. Amst. 1660-1737 ; Ovidius, Amst. 1671 ; Palamedes, Toonnel, Warande de Dieren, etc. Amersfoort, 1736 ; Eespiegelinghen van Godt, etc. Amst. 1662 j Davids Harpzangen, etc. Amst. 1696 ; together 10 vols, stout sq. 8vo. portraits and plates^ old calf gilt, Mr. Buckle's copy, 30* 1660-1736 Vondel was the greatest poet of Holland ; Milton has been accused by the Dutch of stealing from him some of the ideas of Paradise Lost. 396 WETLAND (P.) Nedeedtjitsch Taale:undig "Wooedenboek, 11 vols. in 6, 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 12s Amst. 1798-1811 397 the same, in 4 stout vols, tree-marh. calf gilt, hy Biviere, £2. 10s 1799-1811 398 "Weeninck's Pocket English-Dutch, Dutch-English Dictionary, 2 parts in 1 vol. sq. 18mo. bd. 5s lS24i 399 Williams, Engelsch Nederduitsche Gesprekken, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d Zutph. 1849 400 "VYILLEMS (J. E.) Oude Ylaemsche Liederen : Elemish Songs, ivith the Music, impl. 8vo. laege and thick papee, hf. calf, uncut, a handsome book, 365 Gent, 1848 Only a few copies were printed on thick paper, Frisic, both Dialects. 401 Outzen's Glossabium dee Eeiesischen Speaohe, besonders in nord- friesischer Mundart, zur Yergleichung rait den verwandten German, und nordischen Sprachen, sm. 4to. half calf neat, uncut, \2s Q>d Kopenhagen, 1837 402 "Wassenbeegh, Taalkundige Bijdragen tot den Erieschen Tongval, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf vellum, 5s Franeker, 1806 Containing the Idoticon Frisicum, the Dissertation on Frisian Names, Friesche Gedichten, &c. SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE : 403 EAETHOLiNrs (Er.) de Naturae mirabilibus, sm. 4to. dark calf, 12s Hafniae, 1674 On page 164 commences : de studio linguae Danicae. 404 Eaetholini Antiquitates Danicae de causis contemptse a Danis adhuc gentilibus Mortis, sm. 4to. engravings of Antiqidties, vellum, 9* ib. 1689 405 the same, loith a portrait and plate additionally to what appeared in the first edition, vellum, 12s ib. 1690 406 Bjoenee, de Orthographia linguse Suio-Gothica), cum harmonia linguae Moeso- et Scando-Gothicae, sm. 4to. bds. 35 Qd Stockh. 1742 407 BiECHEEODii Disquisitiones Antiquitatum Daniae Gentilis, 7 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, rare, 7s i5d FLavnicB, 1701-18 408 BULLAEII Eomano-Sueo-Gothici recensio, auctore Magno a Celse, FEolmice, 1782 — Bergman, Accessionis ad recensionem Bullarii prolego- mena, pp. xvi. and 1-40, Abacs, 1797 — Lindhult, ad Bullarium accessio nova, 2 parts, Upsal. 1854 — all in 1 vol. sm. 4to. bds. very rare, 25s 1782-1854 409 Celsii Bibliothecae Upsal. Historia, 8vo. Large Paper, hf cf 5s Zips. 1745 100 BERNAED QFAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Scandinavian Languages and LiteiSituTe—confinued. 410 Dalins, Geschiclite Schwedens, 3 vols, in 4, sm. 4ito.hf. hd. 6s Greif. 1756-G3 HoLMBOE. — ^ee ante p. 77. 411 PANT (E. M.) Scriptores Eerum Suecicarum Medii Aevi, Yol. I. folio, /ac- similes, hds. 10s UpsalcSi 1818 This collection is to be completed in 3 vols, but only two have yet appeared. 412 EINNI JOH.ANNAEI Historia Ecclesiastica ISLANDIAE, 4 vols. Havnicd, 1772-78 — Annales Biornonis de Skardsa, Islandice et Latine, ed. Ketilson, 2 vols, in 1, Hrappseyae in Islandia, 1774-75 — Sagan af Gunn- laugi, Island, et Latine, Kafn. 1775 — 7 vols, in 6, 4to. fine paper, calf gilt, £6. 105 1772-78 Finnus Johannaeus is very rare, especially when on Fine Paper. 413 IHEE, Grlossarium Suio-Gothicum, in quo tarn hodierno usu frequentata Yocabula, quam in SBvi medii scriptis obvia, explicantur, et ex Dialectis Moeso-Grothica, Anglo-Saxonica, Anglica, Alemannica, Islandica ceterisque Gothicis et Celticis illustrantur, fol. 2 vols, in 1, old calf yZQs TTpsalce, 1769 414 the same, folio, calf gilt, £2. 2^ 1769 415 LANGEBEK, Suhm, Engelstoft, et Weblauff, Sceiptoees Eerum Da- NiCARUM Medii -^vi, partim hactenus inediti, partim emendatius editi, 8 vols, folio, plates, half calf neat, jglO. Rafnice, 1772-1834 410 the same, 8 vols, of which YI, Yll, YIII are ujpon thick fine paper, calf, gilt hacks, £10. 1772-1834 The great collection of Danish Mediaeval Chronicles, parallel with that of Bou- quet for France, and that of Pertz for Germany. Vols. 1-4 are in stock : price £2. 105 ; Vols. 5 to 8 can be imported new. 417 Messenius. Olai Historia Suecorum Gothorumque, sq. 8vo. vellum, arms of Skytte, Baron in Duderof on sides, 12s Stockholm, 1615 NoRTHERN^ Society of Antiquaries. — See page ^. 418 MUENTER (F.) Kirchengeschichte von Danemark und Norwegen, 3 vols. in 4, 8vo. half calf gilt, 35s Leipzig, 1823-33 419 Oelrichs, Dani83 et Siieciae litteratse opuscula, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. half calf, 9s Bremce, 1774-76 Contents: Odhelii Conv. ling. Pers. cum Goth.; Printz de Adagiis Suio-Goth. ; Nording de Eddis ; Frondel, Lingua Samar. ; Bartholinus de Holgero ; Bioerner de Vare- gis J Vita Oddi Jaculatoris, Isl. Lat. Dan., etc. etc. 420 (Percy's) Five Pieces of Eunic Poetry, translated from Icelandic, 1763 — Song of Solomon, translated, title injured, 1761!, in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. calf, 5s 1763-64 421 EUDBECKII (Olai) ATLANTIC A, sive Manheim, vera Japheti posterorum sedes ac patria, Latine et Suecice ; cum Indice, 2 vols, folio, curious wood- cuts, sound copy in vellum, £'2. 2s Upsalce, 1675-89 422 the same, with the folio atlas o/'43 maps and plates, andtwochro~ nological tables, besides frontispiece containing portrait of the author, fine copy in vellum, rare, £5. 15s (1675-89) " Ouvrage precieux contenant de savantes recherches sur les Antiquites du Nord en general et celles de la Suede en particulier." — Brunei. "I cannot close these observations without making some mention, and enforcing the recommendation, of the celebrated work called Rddbeckii Atlantica, which is doubtless amongst the greatest guns of a well chosen collection." — Dibdiii's Lib. Comp. 423 Samlinger til det Norske Folks Sprog og Historie, 3 vols, in 9 parts, 4to. sd. Is Qd Christiania, 1833-35 424 Schleswig. Nationality and Language in Sleswick or South Jutland, 8vo. a Danish view, hf. calf, 42. ih. 1763-81 A copy priced by Thorpe, 1824, £8. 8*. 478 Eask's Danish Grammar, second edition, by Eepp, 8vo. hds. 5s Cop. 184G 479 Eesen (P. H.) Kong Christians II. Danske Lov-Boger, sm. 4to. large paper, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, 10s Kiohenh. 1684 480 Skandinayiske (Det) Literatur-Selskabs Skrifter, 21 vols, in 11, 12mo. plates, hf calf 25s ib. 1805-26 Scientific, Literary, Antiquarian, and Philological Transactions ; contributed by Finn Magnusen, Rask, Nyerup, Miiller, Molbech, Moller, and other distinguished writers. 481 Thiele's Danske Eolkesagn, 3 vols. 8vo. hds. 5s ib. 1818-20 482 Danmarks Eolkesagn, new edition, nearly ZOO poems added^ 2 vols. Bvo. bds. 10s 1843 104 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Danish — continued. 483 "Weylle, Glossarium Juridicum Danico-Norvegicum, det er, alle gamle Danske oc Norske Glosers rette Forklaring, sm. 4to. calf, 7s 6d Kidh. 1652 484 "WOLFF, Dansk og Engelsk Ordbog : Danish-English Dictionary, 546/)^. treh. cols. 1779 — Berthelson's English-Danish Dictionary, 1754 — to- gether 2 vols. 4to. uniform in calf, 2bs 1754-79 The two form the most copious Dictionary of the Danish and English languages. Icelandic and Old Norse. 485 BIOBNONIS de Skardsa Annales, Island, et Lat. cum notis, edd. Olavius et Ketilson, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf niorocco, gilt top, uncut, rare, 21s Hrappseyce in Islandia, 1774 486 CORPUS Juris SuEO-GrOTORrM Antiqui : "Westgota och Ostg5ta-Lagen, udgifven af Collin och Schlyter, 2 vols. 4to. a series of Ancient Zaivs, in the Old Norse Tongue of Sweden, with inti^oductions, notes, and GtLOssart, hf calf 2Ss Stockholm, 1827-30 487 EDD A SAEjMUNDAE hinns Froda; EJda Eythmica sen antiquior, vulgo Ssetnundina dicta, Pars I, Odae Mythologicse, 1787 ; II. OdsB Mythico- Historicae, 1818 : III, Voluspa, Havamal, et Eigsmal ; Island, et Latine, cam variis lectionibus, notis, et glosariis, 3 vols. 4to. neatly hf. hound, £2. 18s Hafniae, 1787-1828 488 the same, Fine Paper, 8 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £4. 15s ih. 1787-1828 Priced, 1841, £%. 6* ; 1848, £1. ; 1849, £6. &s. 589 the same. Part I, 4to. Fine Paper, calf gilt, 32s 1787 490 Edda Saemundar hinns Froda : carmina veterum Scaldorum, Island, a Bask, Holm, 1818 — Altnordische Sagen und lAediev, Island, durch Hagen, Breslau, s. a. — in 1 vol. 8\^o. hf. morocco, 16s 1818 491 Edda Saemundi alias Woluspa, philosophia antiquissima Norvego-Danica, Isl. et lat. cum notis, ed. Besenio, sm. 4to. vellum, rare, 22s JECaJfn. 1673 Edda minor — See Snorre 492 EDDA. A Thessa Bok ser Skryfud Edda Saemundar Sigfusson ar Froda, eptir Authographo Arna Magnfssonar, 2 vols, folio, Icelandic MajS^u- SCRTPT as -prepared for publication hy Paul Jonson Widalin, of Iceland, Ms. £Z. 10s ca. 1800 A most important MS. which ought to be collated with the printed text of the Edda. This codex is differently arranged from that which was followed by the printed work, published in 3 vols. 4to. It commences with the Voluspa, or Volo-Spa, which in the latter is the concluding portion, and it affords different readings, of which one may be exemplified : — Commencement of the Voluspa in Vol. III. of the Edda, 1828,— Hliods bid ec A liar Kindir Meiri oc minni Mavgo Heimdaller, etc. Commencement of the Voluspa in this MS.— Hliods bid ec allar (Helgar) Kindir Meiri oc minni Maugo heimdalar, etc. 493 EDDA, den Aeldre; Samling af de nordiske Folks aeldste Sagn og Sange, ved Saemund Sigfusson hin Erode, oversat og forklaret ved Fik^ Mag- NUSEN, med mytbolog. Ordbog, 4 vols. 12mo. hf calf gilt, 24s Kfob. 1821-23 494 EGILS-Saga, sive-Egilli Skallagrimii Vita, ex MSS, legati Arna-Maguseani, Islandice et Latine, cum notis, 4to. 25s Haunice, 1809 495 Erici Begis Lex Siellandica : Sjellandske Lov. Isl. og Dansk, af Kolderup- Bosenvinge. 4:to. facsimile, hf calf, 5s Kibb. 1821 496 EsPOLiN, Islands Arbsekr i Sogu-formi, Deild xi, xii, 2 vols. 4to. sd. 7s Gd Kaupmannah. 1854-55 These two volumes contain the Annals of Iceland from 1773 to 1832. EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY. 105 Icelandic and Old Norse — continued. 497 EJ^^KEYINGA SAGA eller Eaeroboernes Historic, Islamhk, FceroisJc, og Dansk, af Eafn, roy. 8vo. sd. 4s Gd Ejohenhavn, 1832 498 dieselbc, Islandisch, Fdroisch, JDdniscJi, und Deutsch, von Eafn und Mohnike, roy. Svo. Thich Paper, map and facsimile, hf. calf, 10s Kopenhagen, 1883 499 FOENALDAE Sogue Nordrlanda, eptir gomlum Handritum, utgefnar af Eafrij 3 vols. S\o. facsimile, hd. £2. 5s KaupmannaJi. 1829-30 Por the translation, see under Danish, No. 471 500 GisLi Saga. Story of Gisli the Outlaw, (translated) from the Icelandic by Dasent, sm. 4to. 2 maps and ^flne illustrations by Mildmay^ cloth, Qs minb. 1866 501 GEAGAS, Codex Juris Islandorum Antiquissimus, Island, et Lat. cum comment. Schlegelii, etc. edd. Monrad, Thorlacius, Werlauff, Miiller, et Einn Magnussen, 2 vols. 4ito. fine paper, facsimile, sd. 22s Havnice, 1829 502 GUNNLAUGI SAGA : Sagan af Gunnlaugi Ormstungu ok Skalid-Eafni, sive Gunnlaugi Vermilinguis et Eafnis Poetse Vita, ex MSS. legati Arna- magn. Island et Lat. cum notis et dissertationibus (de Lingua Islandica, etc.) 4to. plates, 25s Hafnicey 1775 503 Guta-Lagh : der Insel Gothland altes Eechtsbuch, Alt-Nord. und Alt- und Neu-Beutsch, von Schildener, 4to. Ids. 4s Greifsioald, 1818 504 HALDEESONII Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum, cura Easkii cum prse- fatione P. E. Mulleri, 2 vols, small 4to. stained, hf. calf neat, 25s Havnice, 1814 505 the same, tine papee, 2 vols. sm. 4to. hf. russia, £2. 1814 The only work which can lay claim to the title of a complete Icelandic dictionary. 506 HEEYAEAE Saga ok Heidrekskongs ; hoc est Historia Hervorse et Eegis Heidreki, Island, et Lat. ed. Step. Biornonis, 4to. fine papee, hf onorocco, uncuty top edge gilt, 16s Hafnioe, 1785 507 Hird-Skeaa, gamle Norslz og DansTc, med Eorklaring, etc. af Holmar og Hvitfeld, sq. 12mo. hf. hd. rare, 7s (Sd Kiob. 1666 508 Jus Aulicum antiquum Norvagicum, cum "Witherlags-Eaett, Island. Dan. et Lat. curis Eesenii, sq. 12mo. 729 pp. hds. 5s Hajf. 1673 509 ISLANDS Lakdnamabok, hoc est liber Originum Islandiae, Island, et Lat. 4to. £2. 2s Havnice, 1774 510 IwAN och Gawain, 8vo. an ancient Norse Romance in verse, half calf, 6s Stochh. 1845 511 JOHNSTONE, Antiquitates Celto-Scandicse, Island, et X«/.— Antiquitates Celto-Normannicee, containing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, Lat. and Lngl. etc. — 2 vols. 4to. hds. uncut, 12s ; or, in 1 vol. hf. calf, 15s IlavnicBy 1786 512 KONGS-SKUGG-SIO : Speculum Eegale, Islandice, Dan. et Lat. edidit et notis illustravit Einersen, thick 4to. 25s Soroe, 1768 Like most old Icelandic productions this Chronicle records every remarkable event that happened among the Norwegians, Danes, Greenlanders, and others. One chief point of value in it is a curious and circumstantial account of Ireland in the Eleventh Century. 513 Keakumal, sive Epicedium Eagnaris Lodbroci regis Daniae, Islandice, Danice et Gallice, ed. Eafn, 8vo. bds. 5s Kioh. 1826 514 KTJNrNGA ok Hoedinga Styrilse ; Eegum Principumque Institutio, ed. Schefferus, folio, ancient Swedish and Latin, hf. hd. 6s Holmice, 1669 515 the same, with frontispiece^ Large Paper, folio, vellum, gilt edges, 12s ... «6. 1669 516 Laxd^la-Saga, sive Ilistoria de Eebus gestis Laxdolensium, cum notis Thorkelini, Islandice et Latine, 4to. pine papee, 4to. 25s Kafnice, 1826 517 Magnus, Gula-Things-Laug ; Jus Commune Norvegicum, Island. Dan. et Lat. 4to. facsimiles, Fine Paper j hf. calf 12s Havnice j 1817 106 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOIS". Icelandic and Old Norse — continued, 518 NiALs Saga, Latine, cam G-lossario et notis ed. Thorkelin, sm. 4ito. facsimiles ofMSS. pp. xxxii. and 872, 20^ Havn. 1809 519 the same, sm. 4to. fit^-e paper, calf, 24s ih. 1809 520 OLAFS TEYGaVASONAR SAGA, 3 pts. woodcut portrait, the last leaf of part 1 mended, 1689 — Sagan Landnama Islands, 1688 — Christendoms Saga, 1688— Schedse ara Prests Proda, 1688 — Jonssine Graenlandz Saga, woodcuts, 1688 — all in Icelandic, in 1 vol. stout sm. 4to. calf, excessiyelt EAEE, £5. Skalhollte (Iceland), 1688-9 One of the largest and scarcest works printed in Iceland ; all the pieces relate to the first settlement in Iceland and Greenland. 521 Olaf. Saga om Kong Olaf den Hellige, IslandsJc, 8vo. sd. 35 Qd Christiania, 1853 522 OEKNETINGA SAGA, sive Historia Orcadensium, a prima Orcadum per Norvegos occupatione ; Saga Hins Helga Magnus ae, Island, et Lat. ed. Jonaeus, 4to. fine papee, Jif. bd. 26s Hafnice, 1780 523 EASK. Vejledning til det Oldnordiske Sprag, 8vo. sd. 2s Kob. 1832 524 Oldnordisk Laesebog, sm. 8vo. sd. 3s 6c? ib. 1833 525 Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Korse Tongue, translated from the Swedish, by Dasent, 8vo. cloth, 8s Qd; or, hf. calf, 10s 1843 526 Etmbegla, sive Eudimentum Computi Eccles. et Annalis vett. Island. Isl. et lat. ed Biornonis, cum aliis dissert, sm. 4to. Fine Paper, plates, calf scarce, 14s Havn. 1780 527 SNOEEE STUELESON'S HEIMSKEIJMGLA; Historia Eegum Norve- gicorum, nova editio aucta, Islandice, Baniceet Latine, opera G. Schoning, 6 vols, in 3, folio, tnaps, etc. hf bound, uncut, £o. 10s HavnicB, 1777-1826 528 The Heimskeingla -, or Chronicles of the King of Norway, trans- lated from the Icelandic, with a preliminary dissertation, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 36s) cloth, 20s 1844 529 Tfverborna Atlingars Edda, Island, Suec. et Lat. ed. Goransson, sm. 4to. sd. 5s Tlpsala, (? 1745) 530 EDDA ISLANDOEUM conscripta per Snorronem Sturlae, Island. Dan. et Lat. edita opera Eesenii, first edition, 1665 — Eddse Saemundi Woluspa, philosophia antiquissima Norvego-Danica, Island, et Lat. cum notis Eesenii, 1665 — Ethica Odini pars Eddae Saemundi vocata Haava- maal. Island, et Lat. ed. Eesenio, HaunicB, 1665— together 3 parts in 1 vol. sq. 8vo. vellum, £2. Havnice, 1665 " Livre tres rare et important, vendu £4. Hibbert ; 295 Caillard." 531 SYEEEIS, Noregs Konungs, Saga : Sverreri Historia, Island. Dan. et Lat. edid. Thorlacius et Werlauff, folio, fine papee, hf bd. 16s Havnice, 1813 532 Thoegilsson (Arii) Islendinga-Bok, Isl, et Lat. ed. Bussseus, cum Lexico, sq. 8vo. hf bd. ^s Havn. 1733 533 THOELAKSSONA^EIslenzk Ljodabok, 2 vols. 12mo. Poetical Translations from the English, German, Danish, and other languages, bds. 2 Is Kaupmannahofn, 1842-3 534 Yeeeltus, Gothrici et Eolfi historia, Isl. et Suec. — Monumenta Lapidum Eunicorum, 48 woodcuts of Runic Inscriptions, page size — in 1 vol. 12mo. hf bd. 7s 6d ^ TIpsal. 1664 535 Index linguae veteris Scytho-Scandicae ex MSS. etc. collectus, ed. Eudbeck, folio, Dictionary of Old Norse, explained in Latin and Danish, sm. folio, 306 pp. double cols, vellum, 7s Gd TJpsalw, 1691 536 Idem opus, 1691 — Lundii Notae in Lexicon Verelii, 14 additional pp. published afterwards — in 1 vol. sm. folio, calf, 16s 1691, etc. 537 "WILKINA SAGA, sive Historia "Wilkinensium, Theoderici Yeronensis, ac JN"irLTJNGOEUM, etc. Island. Suec. et Latine^ edidit J. Peringskiold, folio, genealogical tables, hf. bd. rare, £2. 2s Stock. 1715 '* Get ouvrage, qui est tres curieux, est rai'c hors du royaume de Suede."— i?M Fresnoy. EUEOPEAN PHILOLOGY. 107 Swedish. 53S Atterbom", samlado Dikter, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. Gs TTpsala, 1837 539 Svenska Siare ocli Skalder, (3 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Upsala, 1841-52 539# the same, Vols. I-IV, sm. 8vo. hf. hd. 5^ ^ 1841-47 540 Bellman's sammlado Skrifter, chiefly poetical, 5 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf, 7s Gd Gothehorg, 183G-38 541 Bjorkeoren et Ntsteom, Dictionnaire Frangois-Suedois et Suedois- rran9ois, 3 vols, in 2, sm. 4to. hf calf, 5s 1794-95 542 Bremer, Hemmeni den nya verlden, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 10s Slockh. 1853 543 Brunmark's Swedish Grammar, 12mo. ids. Ss 6d 1805 544 Swedish Grammar, by Wahlin, 12mo. hds. 2s Gd 1825 545 Bruzelius, Sweriges Historia, sm. 8vo. hf hd. 5s Lund, 1830 546 Choraei, samlade Skaldestjcken, 8vo. hf. hd. Ss Gd Oereh^o, 1815 547 CONEESSIO EIDEI, det aer then Christeliga Troos Bekannelse i Sweriges Eijke, 1593, sq. 8vo. vellum, 25s Stockholm, 1663 548 CoTJSiNERNA, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. a novel, sd. 5s Stockholm, 1836 549 Daa, Svensk-Norsk Ordbog, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Swedish- Danish Dictionary, with references to Icelandic, etc. errata defective, hf calf Gs Kristiania, 1839-41 550 DELEN, Eransyskfc och Svenskt Lexikon, 2 vols. 4to. 970 pp. trehle cols, hf calf 20s Stochholm, 1814-19 551 Swedish-English Pocket Dictionary, Orehro, 1829 — Granberg's English-Swedish, Stockholm, 1807—2 vols. 18mo. hound, 10s 1807-29 552 DiETERiCH, Schwedische Grammatik, 12mo. hf. calf, 2s Gd Stock. 1840 553 Eenberg, Beskrifning om Upsala och des Antiquiteter, med Eelation om sidste Brandon, narrow 12mo. cuts, calf, 5s Upsala, 1703-4 554 Geijee (E. G.) Svenska Eolkets Historia, 3 vols. 8vo. hds. tcncut, 21s Oerehro, 1832-6 555 Gronltjnd, Larobok i Engelska Spraaket : English Grammar for Swedes, 12mo. cloth, 5s Stock. 1856 556 Halliman, Latinskt-Svenskt och Svenskt-Latinskt Hand-Lexicon, 2 vols. in one, thick 12mo. hf. calf, 5s Oerehro, 1806 557 Iduna : en Skrift for den Nordiska Fornalderns Alskare, 10 parts in 3 vols. 12mo. plates, hf calf full of valuahle Archceological articles, 10s Stockholm, 1816-24 558 IHEE, Swenskt Dialect Lexicon, sm. 4to. 200 pp. in double cols, a col- lection of ivords in 29 Swedish dialects, and of the cognates in five other languages, hf. morocco, uncut, 18s Upsala, 1766 559 IHRE, Glossarium Suio-Gothicum, in quo tarn hodierno usu frequentata Yocabula quam in ^vi Medii scriptis obvia, explicantur, et ex Dialectis Mceso-Gothica, Anglo-Saxonica, Anglica hodierna, Alemannica, Islandica, ceterisque Gothicis et Celticis illustrantur, 2 vols, in 1, folio, calf, 36s ; or, a tall copy in old calf gilt, £2. 2s Upsalice, 1769 Usually priced 20 Thalers in Germany. Druiy's copy fetched £6. 65. " Ouvrage tres estime." — Brunei. " One of the best Dictionaries of any language in Europe ; it is a masterpiece of criticism and erudition." — Boucher. Highly praised by Jamieson. 560 Kellqren's samlade Skrifter, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. Swedish Tragedies, etc. por- trait, half calf 5s Stockholm, 1811 561 KYEKIO-LAG och Ordning som Carl XI, 1686, hafwer laatit forfatta, och 1687 publicera, narrow 12 mo. original calf clasps, gilt edges, rare, 20s Stockholm, 1697 562 Lagerbring's Swea Bikes Historia, ifraan de iildsta tider til de narwarande, 4 vols. sq. 8vo. wormed, hf. hd. 12s Stockh. 1769-83 563 Lenstrom, Svensk Loesebog : Svensk prosa og Poesi, 8vo. hf. hd. 5s Kjoh. 1843 564 Leopold, samlade Skrifter, 3 vols. 8vo. hf calf neat, 7s Gd Stockh. 1814 H 108 BEENAED QCTAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Swedish — continued, 565 Mat's Swedish Grammar, sm. 8vo. sd. Zs : cloth, 5* StocJch. 1849 566 PEEINGrSKIOLDI ]>[onmiienta Sueo-Gothica ; liber primus, Uplandiae partem primariam Thiundiam coutincns, Sueo. et Lat. 1710; (liber secun- dus), Monumenta Ullerakerensia cum Upsalia Nova illustrata, Suec. 1719 ; 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, numerous plates and cuts of Monuments, Edifices, Coins, Seals, Facsi^niles, etc. old calf, £2. 165 Stockholmice, 1716-19 The two parts are very rarely found together. Among the plates are curious fac- similes of ancient Paintings. 567 QviNNORNA, 3 vols, in 1, 12m o. a Swedish Novel, cloth, 7s 6d Stockh. 1836 568 EIJM KEOENIKOE. Twaagambla Swenske Eijm Kronikor, uthgaangne af Hadoephio, 2 vols, in 1 very stout sq. 8vo. partially stained, and some leaves of Index a little wormed. If. vellumy rare, 12s Stockholm, 1674-76 The first Chronicle is a short, the second a very long one. The edition by Messenius, 1616, contains about half of the longer chronicle. 569 Then gamble Eijm Kroni es forsta Deel, 1222-1439, offuerseed aff Messenio, 12mo. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, from Heher^s library, 24s Stockholm, 1616 570 Serenius English-Swedish Dictionary, second edition, with additions, 4to. hf hd. calf, 5s ; calf gilt, 7s Nykoping, 1757 An excellent i3ictionary, with the Gothic and other etymologies. 571 Spegel, Glossarium Suio-gothicum, eller Swensk-Ordabook, sm. 4to. with English, French, Danish, Germati, Anglo-Saxon, and other equivalents for most of the words, calf 9s Lund. 1712 572 Stagnelii samlade Skrifter, 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. cloth, 7s Gd Stockholm, 1830-33 573 SvENSKA Folk- Visor, af Geijer och Afzelius, Yol. Ill, 8vo. with SO pp. of Music, sd. 5s ib. 1816 574 SYEEIKES Eikes Lagh-Bokee : Land, Stadz, Yplandz, Wastgotha, Oestgotha, Soderman, Wastmanna, och Helsing-Lagh, 10 vols, in 1, st. folio, original calf, clasps, rare, 21s Stockholm, 1663-66 " This work is of the greatest rarity and value." — Sir F. Palgrave's 31 S. note, 675 Stensk Spraaklara, utgifven af Svenska Akademien, 8vo. hf bd. 5s Stockholm, 1836 576 SvENSKA Konungalangden, 8vo. ports, of Swedish Kings, cloth, 3s Qd ib. 1843 577 SUENSKA Eolkets Historia, 5 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt, 28s ib. 1834-54 A valuable History of Sweden, with a very extensive Index. 578 TEGNEE, Smarre samlade Dikter, Yol. I : Foems, 8vo. bd. 2s Qd 1828 579 the same, new edition, 8vo. hf bd. 3s Qd 1832 580 Erithiofs Saga, in Swedish, 8vo. music, cloth, 5s Stock. 1827 581 Erithiofs Saga, a Legend of the North, English translation, by G. S. (Stevens), 8vo. with plates and music, bds. 7s 6d Stockholm and London, 1839 582 Walltit, samlade Yitterhets-Arbeten, 2 vols, in 1, 18 mo. cloth, 5s Stock. 1851 ^83 TJtmIrkta och Klassiska Arbetei?' af Swenska Eorfattare, Yols. I-YII, in 5 vols. 18mo. hf calf gilt, 21s Stock. 1836-37 Co>^TENTS : Lidner's Arbeten, 2 vols. ; Stagnelii samlade Skrifter, 3 vols. ; Bergklints och Ehrensvards Skrifter, 2 vols. 584 WESTE, Dictionnaire Suedois-Erangois et Erangois-Suedois, 4 vols. 8vo. hf bd. 25s Stockholm, 1795-1807 585 WIDEGEEN'S Swedish-English Lexicon, 4to. 898 pp. double columns, bound, 4s 6c? Stockholm, 1788 686 — the same, 1788 — Delek, English- Swedish Lexicon, 2 vols. 1806-7 3 vols, in 2, 4to. uniformly bound in hf. calf, 25s Stock. 1788-1807 587 Swedish-English Dictionary, 1788— Serenius, English-Swedish Dic- tionary, Nykoping, 1757 — 2 vols. 4to. not quite alike in size, but uniform in hf calf neat, 18s 1757-88 588 WiESELGBEN, Svcriges Skona Litteratur, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 10s Lund, 1833-35 A valuable history of Swedish Literature* EUEOPEAN PHILOLOGY. 109 ROMANCE OR LATIN LANGUAGES : *^* For French, Spanish, and Portuguese — see a separate Catalogue. 5S9 DIEZ, Grammatik der Romanischen Sprachen, 3 vols. 8vo. IQs Bonn, 1836-44 590 Zweite, neu verfasste Ausgahe, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, 24^ ih. 1856-60 A comparative grammar, and the best that has been published on the subject. 591 Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen, vermehrte Ausgabe, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. including all the Romance languages, 18* 1861-62 592 Etymological Dictionary of the Romance Languages, by Donkin, Svo. pp. 428, of which 15 pp. double cols, contain a reversed English Index, cloth, new, 15s 1S64 593 EATNOUARD, Choix de Poesies originales des TuorBADouES, eonte- nant une Grammaire Romane, Dissertation sur les Cours d' Amour, Poesies, Biographies des Troubadours, et la Grammaire comparee des Langues de TEurope Latine, dans leurs rapports avec la Langue des Troubadours, 6 vols. Svo. calf gilt, scarce, £8. 15s I^aris^ 1816-21 594 the same, Vols. 2 to 6, Svo. sd. £3. 10s 1820-21 A good price would be given for Vol. I. Contents : Vol. I. Grammaire Romane — II. Sur les Troubadours ; les Cours d'Amour ; Monuments de la Langue Romane avantces Poetes — III. Pieces Amoureuses, 1090-1260 — IV. Tensons, Complaintes, sur les Croisades, Sirventes — V. Biographic des Troubadours — VI. Grammaire comparee des Langues de I'Europe Latine, dans leurs rapports avec la Langue des Troubadours. Copies on Papier Velin were priced, 1845, Bossange, mor. £12. 12* ; 1849, mor. £14. 145. 595 RATNOUARD, Lexique Roman, ou Dictionnaire de la Langue des Trou- badours, comparee avec les autres Langues de I'Europe Latine, precede de uouvelles Recherches historiques et philologiques, d'un Resume de la Grammaire Romane et d'un Nouveau Choix des Poesies originales des Trou- badours, 6 vols. Svo. (pub. at £5. 5* sd.) hf bd. red morocco gilt, uncut, £3. 125 Paris, 1838-44 " Les travaux de Mr. Raynouard sont destines a remplir une grande lacune dans I'histoirc litteraire du moyen age. L'erudition de Mr. R. est aussi etendue que solide ; mais ce qui est bien plus admirable encore, c'est la critique lumineuse, la m6thode vraiment philosophique qu'il apporte dans toutes ces recherches." — Sohlegel. 596 RAYNOUARD, Grammaire comparee des langues de I'Europe Latine, dans leurs rapports avec la langue des Troubadours, Svo. yellum paper, hf morocco, gilt top, uncut, 18s Paris, 1821 Langues d'Oc et d'Oil, French Dialects, Old French. 597 (Achahd) Dictionnaire de la Peovence, et du Comte-Yenaissin, Erancj- Provencal, et Prov.-Erang., 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, 12s Marseille, 1785 598 Beeonie, Dictionnaire du Patois du Bas-Limousin, par Vialle, 4to. 354 pp. double cols. hf. bd. Ss Gd Tulle (1823) Valuable for the folk-lore, proverbs, etc. preserved in its pages. 599 Cambeesiee, Dictionnaire Walon-Erangois, Svo. calf gilt, 14« Liege, 1787 600 EiEEABEAs, Roman von, Provenzal. von Bekker, 4to. hf. morocco, 7s 1829 COl (FRANCOIS) DiCTiONNAiEE Roman, "Walon, Celtique et Tudesque, par un Benedictin de Vannes, 4to. laeqe papee, sd. 7s 6d -, or, calf neat, 10s Bouillo7i, 1777 602 GiLiON de Trasignyes (vieux Roman), public par "Wolif, Svo. hf. cf Zs 1839 603 GouDELiN, las Obros, e Diccionari Moundino-Eran9. 12mo. port, cf 7s Gd Amst. 1770 604 GuiLLAUMB d' Orange, chansons de Geste, des XI et XII siecles, publie par JoNCKBLOET, 2 vols. Svo. sd. 12s La Haye, 1854 605 Hatoulet et Picot, Proverbes Bearnais, avec un Vocabulaire, '^vo. fine paper, hf. russia gilt, 9« Paris, 1862 606 (Hecaet) Dictionnaire RoucH-Erangais, 16mo. ZIO pp. half morocco, hs Valenc. 1826 607 3me edition, Svo. 496 pp. hf calf, ds ib. 1834 110 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Eomance or Latin LsLiigdiguea— continued. 608 HONNOEAT, Dictionnaiee Proven^al-Feancais, ou Dictionnaire de la i Langue d'Oc, ancienne et moderne, coutenant pres de 100,000 mots, avec \ la jprononciation, 4 vols. dto. £2. 18* Digne^ 1840-47 ; This valuable work is full of historical, antiquarian, and scientific, as well as philo- \ logical knowledge. ■ 609 JASMIN (Coiffur) las Papillotos, 1825-1843, 3 vols. 8yo. plates and wood- \ cuts, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. Vis Qd Agen, 1843 ^ Modem Proven9al Poems. 610 JATJBEET, Glossaire du Centre de la Prance, avec Introduction et deux Supplements, 2 vols, and 2 parts, large 8vo. sd. 14* JParis, 1855-57 i 611 KELHAM'S Domesday Book illustrated, containing an Account of that ; Eecord, a translation of difficult passages, an alphabetical explanation of ; the Latin Terms, Abbreviations, etc. 8vo. ca/f, 30s 1788 ■ 612 Keller's Romvart : Beitrage zur Kunde mittelalterlicher Dichtung, 8vo. ^ 718 pp. of extracts from MSS. in Italian libraries, etc. hf calf, 7s \ Mannh. 1844 i 613 Un Miracle de nostre Dame, 4to. sd. 6s 1865 i 616 Lacombe, Dictionnaire du Vieux Langage Pran9ois, avec le Supplement ' con tenant la langue Eomane et la Normande, 9 — 15e Siec, etc. 2 vols. : 8vo. calf, 15s Faris, 1766-67 i 615 La Fontaine, Fables Causides, 8vo. in Gascon, tvith a Dictionary, portrait, \ old calf gilt, 6* Bayonne, 1776 1 616 (Metiviee) Bimes G-uernesiases par un Catelain, avec Glossaire, 8vo. ' numerous grotesque woodcuts of Gxi^ernsey Ife and manners, cloth, 10s Guernesey, 1849 '\ 617 Michel (!Fr.) Lais Inedits des 12e et 13e Si^cles, sm. 8vo. calf extra, gilt i edges, 6s Paris, 1836 618 MiEAL Moundi, 12mo. poeons ivith Dictionary, calf 7s Gd Toulouso, 1781 ! 619 MiSTEAL, Mireio (MireiUe) poeme provenqal, avec la traduction, 12mo. 3* Qd \ Faris, 1859 \ The original poem upon which the celebrated opera has been founded. i 620 Olitet (Pabre d'), le Troubadour, Poesies Occitaniques du XIII Siecle, \ Prov. et Francais, 2 vols. 8vo. calf Qs Faris, 1804 i 621 Bellas, Dictionnaire Proven9al et Pran9ois, avec Proverbes, etc. 4to. S2Qpp. 1 double colwnns, bd. 2s Qd Avignon, 1723 '■. Very valuable for the explanation of old terms used in Falconry and the Chase, ■ which cannot be found elsewhere. j 622 Pluquet, Contes Populaires, Prejuges, Patois, Proverbes, etc. 8vo. half calf gilt, 5s Bouen, 1834 \ 623 POUGENS (C.) Tresor des Origines et Dictionnaire grammatical raisonne ; de la Langue Pran9aise : Specimen, impl. 4to. laege papee, hf. morocco \ extra, gilt top, uncut, ZOs Faris, 1819 i A very learned work, divided into two parts, each explaining an alphabet of A to C. 624 PouGENS, Archeologie Prancaise, Yocabulaire de mots anciens tombes en j desuetude, propres a etre restitues, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. 4j? Faris, 1821-25 ^ 625 Eitmes et Eefrains Tournesiens, 1477-91, roy. 8vo. hf morocco, gilt top, \ uncut, 12s Societe des Bibliophiles de Mons, 1837 ^ Romances. \ 626 EoMANs des XII Paies : Li Eomans de Beete aus grans pies, precede : d'une dissertation sur les Eomans des Douze Pairs, sm. 8vo. pp. Ix. and i 198, sd, 10s Faris, 1836 i 627 Eomans dou Chevalier au Lyon von Crestien von Troies, herausg. von \ Holland, 8vo. sd. Is Qd Hannover, 1862 \ EUEOPEAN PHYLOLOGT. Ill Romances — continued. G2S EOMAN DU EENAET, publie d'apres les MSS. de la Bibliotheque du Eoi des XI He, XI Ve, et XVe si^cles, par Meon, etc. 4 vols. 1836 — Sup- PLfeMENS, variantes, et corrections, publics d'apres les manuacrits de la Bibliotheque du roi et de la Bibliotheque de 1' Arsenal, par Chabaille, 1 vol. 1835 — together 5 vols. 8vo. plates, lif. calf extra, gilt tops, uncut, £2. 8* Paris, 1826-35 The best edition of this extraordinary Mediaeval Romance in " Old French." The fourth vohnne contains "Renard le Nouvel," with Musical accompaniments. G29 EoTiiE, les Eomans du Eenard, analyses et compares, 8vo. laege paper, sd. 10s Qd Paris, 1845 630 EOMAN de Mahomet, et livre de la Loi au Sarrazin — Eoman da Comte de Poitiers — Lais d'Ignaurcs, et du Trot — par Eeinaud, Michel, et d'autres, 8vo. 3 vols, in 1, illuminated facsimile, hf. bd. 10* / or, calf gilt, 12s Par. 1831-32 631 EOMAN DE LA VIOLETTE ou de Gerard de Nevers, en vers du XIII Siecle, par Gilbert de Montreuil, publie pour la premiere fois par F. Michel, roy. 8vo. numerous facsimiles, hf morocco, gilt top, uncut, 2Ss Paris, 1831! 032 EOQUEFOET, Glossaire de la Laiigue Eomane, 2 vols. %\o. frontispiece and facsimile, hf hd. 15^ Paris, 1808 633 Supplement au Glossaire, avec deux dissertations sur I'origine des Eran^ais, etc. 8vo. sd. 25* 1820 634 Glossaire et Supplement, 3 vols. 8vo. hf calf, 36^ y ovfine copy in calf gilt, £2. 5s 18U8-20 " This valuable work is indispensable to all students of the old French Romance Literature, also of equal importance to those engaged in reading old charters and historical documents. " M. le Roquefort a, par son glossaire, acquis des droits a la reconnaisance de tous les amis de I'ancienne litterature." — Pauiin. Fans, Editor of the " Roman de Berte.^' 635 Saint-Surin", Tllotel de Cluny au moyen-age, et autres poesies, Svo. bds. 4* Paris, 1835 630 S(AUVAGES), Dictionnaire Languedocien-Erangois, avec un recueil de Proverbes et de dictons Languedociens et Provengaux, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 9s ; or bound in 1 vol. calf extra, gilt edges, 15s JSfismes, 1785 637 le meme, nouvelle edition augmentee, avec la vie de I'auteur, 2 vols. sd. 8vo. sd. Us ; or, half calf, 15s Alais, 1820-21 638 Serventois et Sottes Chansons, large 8vo. Poems of the XIII- XIV. Cen- turies, with Glossary, few copies printed, hf morocco, 8s Valenciennes, 1833 639 TEISTAN, recueil des Poemes relatifs a ses aveutures composes en Fran^ cois, en Anglo- Normand, et en Grec, dans les XII et XIII siecles, publie par Michel, 3 vols. 12mo. (pub. £2.) cloth, 36s 1835-39 The third volume contains & Nouveau Recueil, discovered and published some years later than the others. 640 WAGE, le Eoman de Eoii et des Dues de Normandie, publie pour la pre- miere fois d'apres les manuscrits, par Pluquet, 2 vols. Svo. facsimiles, 36s JRouen, 1827 641 Eoman de Brut, avec commentaire, glossaire, etc. par le Eoux de Lincy, 2 vols. %yo. facsimiles, 35s Rouen, 1836-38 642 Pluquet sur la vie et les ecrits de Wace, 4to. large paper, frontispiece^ Ids. Is Qd Bouen, 1824 Ehaetian, Romansch and Ladinisch dialects. 643 Conradf, Eomanisch-Dcutsch und Deutsch-Eomanisches Worterbuch, 2 vols, square 16mo. 470 pp. double cols. sd. 5s Zurich, 1823-28 644 GoLDMACHERDORF en Eumousch, and 2 other Momansh works, sm. Svo. 3s Qd Cuera, 1820-41 645 Hebel, Istorias Biblicalas, Svo. bds. os 1831 112 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Rhaetian, Romansch and Ladinisch dialects — continued. 646 NOTT DA Porta, e D. Binna, Eaims Spirituals chi contegnan I'inter His- toria dil V. e N. Testam. 2 vols, in 1, thick 24mo. with some of the Musict Ids. S6s Scuol, 1748 647 EoBAEi Compendium Eeligionis Christianse : Cuort Compilgiamaint da la Eeligiun Christ ianee, 12mo. original hdg. kaee, 15* Stradaj 1693 Rouman, or Moldo-Wallachian : 648 BOBB, Dictionariu Eumanesc, Lateinesc, si Uuguresc, 2 vols, stout sq. 8vo. pp. 656 and 578 double columns^ a Wallachian Dictionary explained in Latin and Magyar, hf. hd. 27s Clus, 1822-23 649 MiKnESKU,Karte pentru a invetza Limba Prantchez, 8vo. Grammar dialogueSj etc. in the modified Slavonic character, Ids. 6s Kraiov, 1852 650 STANLEY (Hon. Henrj) Eoumais^ Anthology, or Selections of Eouman Poetry, ancient and modern, being a collection of the National Ballads, and of some of the modern poets' works ; with an Appendix containing translations of some of the poems, notes, etc. 8vo. with illuminated titles, every page ornamented and surrounded hy a horder, executed in gold and colours in the Byzantine and Turkish style, cloth extra, gilt edges, a supeeb vOLrME, IO5 iSd Hertford, 1856 ROMAIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE : 651 Bellegaede, I'lnterpiete Prangais en Grece, Dialogues in French and Romaic, Greek and Latin characters, hf calf 4s 6c? J^aris, 1829 652 Beakdes' Neugriechische Sprache und seine Verwandtschaft mit der Deutschen, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Lemgo, 1862 653 XPT20n0TA0Y ^W-qviKa ApxaLo\ojy]}xara, 8vo. essays on Ancient Greek, the first hook of Homer in Greek and Momaic, the author s life, etc. hf hd. hs Athen. 1853 654 COEPE'S Introduction to Neo-Hellenic or Modern Greek ; containing a Guide to its Pronunciation and a Epitome of its Grammar, 12mo. vi. and 152 pp. with an Appendix of 22 pp. cloth, 5s Printed for the Author, 1851 " The increasing commerce of Greece, and the probabiHty that a new and valuable literature will shortly adorn the land of Eschylus and Thucydides, render a book like the present particularly acceptable. It is concise, clear, and satisfactory." — Westminster Rev, 655 CEUSII Turco-Grsecia, descriptio Grsecorum status imperio Turcico, ab amissa Constantinopoli, ad hsec usque tempora, Gr. etLat. fol. comprehend- ing commentaries, epistles, the Dutrachomyomachia in old Romaic, etc. 1584 — Ejusdem Germano-Graecia, Orationes et Carmiua, 1585 — in 1 vol. folio, vellum, S6s Basil. 1584-5 These works contain the celebrated correspondence betwixt the Lutheran and Greek Churches. 656 DavieeSj Dictionnaire Prangais et Grec-Vulgaire, 12mo. hf hd. 3s Qd Paris, 1880 657 Deh^que, Dictionnaire Grec moderne Pran^ais, sq. 16mo. 700 pp. douhle cols, hound, 5s Paris, 1825 658 EAAHNISMOS, rofxog A: FpajLifiaTiKrj, Svo. IhO pp. a Grammar of Classical Greek, hf. vellum, Qs Leips. 1835 659 FASH [Avdifxs) AE^t/cov 'EXXrjvtKov irpoq ^Epcrlv tcjv irtpX rsg waXaisg Suy/jOa^eTc £vao-;^oX8/xsvwv, tK^omg tt^wttj, liri'^aaia BAavrr?, 3 vols. 4to. portrait, a copious dictionary of Ancient , explained in Modern, Greek, calf, £2. 2s Venetia, 1809 660 rOYAAS, H MaXto-o-a tCjv ^ABr]vCjv, avyypa/uLfxa Trapio^iKov, 8vo. a scientific and literary journal, confainioig the 12 Qnonthly numhers for 1864, 5^. 5s Athen. 1864 661 KOYMA5 Aec,lkov ^la Tovg jueXfrtuvrar ra tojv TTaXaiwv EXXtjvwv LOWNDES, Ae^fKov rrig AyyXiKtjg Ka\ VpaiKiKrig rXwcro-rjc^ Modern Greek and English Lexicon and an Epitome of Modern Greek Grammar, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf, rare, £2. 16s Corfu, 1827-37 667 English-Modern Greek Lexicon, with Grammar prefixed, 8vo. bds. 305; calf, 28s; ov, calf extra, uncut, S68 Corfu, 1827 668 MANOY TO, Kara K\eavOr]v koX 'A^pOKOfinv, 7r6vr}jULa TroijueviKov, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Triest. 1802 669 MAXABAPATAS [Tr)g) avvrofir], 'QaXatapaTay /xcrayXwr. airo ts Bpaxfxav. wapa TaXavs, 8vo. sd. 10s AtMn. 1847 Translation of an ancient Sanscrit abridgment of the Mahabharata. 670 POLTMERES, English-Romaic Lexicon, 8vo. 661 pp. double columns, hf. bd. 10s JErmoupolei, 1854- 671 SoMAVEEA, Tesoro della Lingua Greca-Yolgare ed Italiana, Greco-Ital. ed ItaL- Greco, 2 vols, in 1, stout 4to. calf, 6s Parigi, 1709- 672 Theochaeopoxjlos, Grammaire Grecque, partie 1 : Lexicologie, 8vo. sd. Ss 1830 673 Dialogues, etc. French, English, and GreeJc, 12mo. calf gilt, 45 Paris, 1828. 674 TPIKOYnH 'l^OjOia Tr\g 'YX\v)viKr\g 'ETrava^aorewCj 4 vols. 8vo. sd. 16s 1853-57 675 ^'EK^oaec ^iVTspa diopOcjOeLaa, 4 vols. 8vo. sd. 24s 1860-62 The best and most authentic history of the Greek war of Independence. The lan- guage is such as a student of the ancient classics could easily read. 676 VARVATI (C.) Notiveau Dictionnaiee Eeancais-Geec Modeeke, publie par Geogandas, 4 parts in 2 vols, stout roy. 8vo. 2874 pp. treble cols, cloth, 15s; or, half calf, 20s Athenes, 1860 The most copious and complete work of its kind. 677 YlANTI. BAANTH Ai^LKOv irpoxupov Tr\g 'EXXrjvtK^C VXcjcrarrig, fieOtpiuLr)vevov rag Xe^eig elg rriv airXriv AtaXcKrov, 4to. 791 pp. treble cols, in Modern Greek, sd. 7s 6d Venet, 1821 SARMATIAN LANGUAGES. 1. Lithuanian and Lettish; and II. the Sclavonic Languages, viz. Bohemian^ Croatian, Illyrian, Polish, Russian, Slovenish, and Wendish. 678 Bambas, Eormbildung der slavischen Sprache, roy. 8vo. sd. 2s Praze, 1861 679 DoBEOWSKY, Cyrill und Method, der Slawen Apostel, 8vo. sd. 35 Qd 1823 680 Glagolitica, iiber die Glag. Literatur, Slaw. Liturg., Dalmat. Uebersetz., etc. von Hanka, sm. 8yo. facsimiles, sd. Is 6d Prag, 1832: 114 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Sarmatian Languages — continued. 681 DoBROWSKT, Slaviu : Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Mythologie, Gescliichte, Altertliiimer, Literatur, und Sprachkunde der Slavischen Volker, mit Auhang von Hanka, sm. S\o. facsimiles, sd. 7s Qd JPra^, 1834 682 KoHLii Introductio in historiam et rem literariam Slavorum, 12mo. facsim. bd. 55 Alton. 1729 Very valuable for the history of Sclavonic dialects, and their early typography. 683 Pott, de Borusso-Lithuanicae tarn Slavicis quam Letticis Unguis principatu commentationes, 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. hf. calf, 15* Halls, 1838-41 A valuable work for the comparison of the Slavonic and Lettish languages. 684 Schafaetk's Slawische Altertliiimer, von Aehrenfeld und Wuttke, 2 vols. 8vo. lialfcalf 16s Leipzig^ 1843-44 685 Talti's historical view of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations, 8vo. cloth, 12s New York, 1850 686 We^'zig, Slavische Yolkslieder iibersetzt, 12mo. Ids. Is Qd Salle, 1830 687 Zaluski Specimen Historiae Polouse, sq. 8vo. vellum, 8^ Warsav. 1735 688 SIESTEENCEWICZ de BOHUSZ, Eecherches historique sur I'origine des Sarmates, des Esclavons, et des Slaves, 4 vols. 8vo. maps, sd. 25s St. Fetersh. 1812 A very learned and valuable work, grounded on immense and well-digested reading. Bohemian. 689 DoBROWSKY, Geschichte der Bdhmischen Sprache, 12mo. facsim. 4* Fraffy 1818 Containing also the literary history of the people. 690 Hagek ex LiboQan, Keontka Czeska ; Historia Boemorum usque ad E. Ferdinandum, in 2 vols, stout 4to. 500 pp. with upivards of 100 quaint taoodcuts, representing Manners, Customs, Coats of Arms, Warfare, etc. hds. £2. Frague, reprint of edition of 1541 The original of this interesting Bohemian Chronicle is excessively rare ; only a small edition was made of the reprint, which has now become scarce. 691 DONATI Methodus, de Etymologia partium Orationis, cum. interpret. Boemica, correcta k M. Collino et G-. Nigrino, 12mo. interlineal Latin and Bohemian, original wooden hds. rare, fine copy, 32s s'. I. et typ. (? Fragcd) 1588 692 JiEECEK, die Echtheit der Koniginhofer Handschrift, 8vo. fragments of Ancient Bohemian Songs, sd. 4^ 6c? Frag, 1862 693 JTJNGrMANN, Slownjk Cesko-Nemecky, Bohemian-Latin- German Dic- tionary, COMPLETE, A-Z, 5 vols. 4to. rare, £Q. 155 Fraze, 1835-39 This is the great Bohemian Dictionary pubhshed by the Koyal Academy of Prague. 694 KoNECNT, Anleitung zur Erlernung der Cechischen Sprache, 8vo. hf. cf 5s Wien, 1842 695 PoBOZNA KifjZKA o blaho-slawene Panne Marygi a preciste Eodicce Syna Bozjho, od . . . . Kasspara Aeseniusa, 18mo. vellum, 12s Fraz, 1629 696 RESCHELII (T.) Dictionarium Latino- Bohemicura, stout sm. ^to. fine copy in the original pig shin, very scarce, 20^ Olomucii, 1650 ' 697 EOS^ (Wenceslai Johannis) Czech orecnost, sen G-rammatica Linguae Bohemicse, cum diversis idiomate Boemico metrice compositis Carminibus, stout 12mo. old calf, 22s Micro-FragcB, 1672 698 Safaeik, Pocatkowe Staroceske Mluwnice, Grammar of old Bohemian, roy. 8vo. sd. 2s Fraze, 1845 699 Toms AS, Bohmisch-Deutsch-Lateinisches Worterbuch, mit Dobrowsky's Vorrede, 8vo. hf. calf 5s Frag, 1791 700 Bulgarian. Radtjlov, Utchebnik za B'lgarskyi Tazyk, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Bolgrad, 1863 Croatian, see Servian. lUyrian, see Servian. Lusatian, see Wendish, EUEOPEAN PHILOLOGY. 115 Old Prussian : 701 Habtkxoch, Alt- und Neu-Preussen oder Preussische Historien, 2 vols. iu 1, folio, maps, plates, full-length portraits of the Teutonic Knights, and Views, in the style of Hollar, 25« Frankfurt, 1684 The fourth chapter contains a treatise on the Old Prussian Language, with com- parisons of various dialects. 702 Yater, die Sprache der alten Preussen, Sprachlehre, Worterbucli, etc. 8vo. cloth, 5s Braunsch. 1821 Polish : 703 Bandtke's Polnisch-Deutsclies Worterbuch, Bresl. 1806 — Moszczenski, Deutsch-Polnisches Worterbuch, Leipzig, 1791 — together 2 vols, ver^ stout 8vo. 12s 1791-1806 704 Polaisch-Deutsches Worterbuch, thick 8vo. pp. xl. 1992, morocco, 7s 6t/ ... Breslau, 1806 705 CNAPII Synonyma seu Dictionarium Polono-Latinum, 12mo. citron morocco, gilt edges, 2Ss Calissii, 1698 Lord Kothesay's copy fetched, 1855, £2. 5«. 706 Ebkesti Polnisclies Handbiichlein, uebst Spriichwortern, etc. thick 12mo. vellum, 6s Schweidn. 1689 707 Peedra (A. F.) Komedije, 5 vols. 8vo. sd. 10s Lwow, 1830-34-38-39 708 Joel's Polnische Grammatik nach Ollendorf's Methode, sm. 8vo. hds. 4^ Qd FranJcf 1857 709 Kancyoital i Modlitwy Eabozne (Bolish Rymn Boole), 2 vols, in 1, narrow 12rao. morocco, gilt edges, 7s Gd Brzegu, 1816-18 710 LINDE, Slownik Jezyka Polskiego {i. e. Dictionary of the Polish Language), 6 vols, in 5, 4to. upwards of 4^000 pp. douhle columns, hf. calf, £Q. Warszawie, 1807-14 " Chaque mot Polonais, outre son explication en Allemand et Latin, est rendu dans les treize autres Dialectes de la Langue Sclavonne, viz. Bohemien, Croate, Kusse tant vulgaire que liturgique, Bosnaique, Carniolien, Dalmate, Kagusain, Sclavon, Sclovake, Sorabe ou Wende, Slavon de Hongrie, Winde de Styrie." — Fillet. 711 POLISH-English and English-Polish Dictionary, 2 vols, large 8vo. upwards of 900 pp. treble columns, sd. 245 Berlin, 1849-51 712 PosEN". Eoczniki Towarzystwa Przyjaciol Nauk Poznanskiego (Transactions of the Posen Scientific Society), Tom. I, roy. 8vo. 625pp. plates, a valuable series of treatises on Polish History, Antiquities, ^'c. containing curious Notes upon Bolish Bunic inscriptions, »d. 5s Poznan, 1860 Bussian : 713 Biblical History. Istoria Yetkhago i Novago Zavieta, 2 vols, in 1, roy. Svo. 700 neat illustrations on wood, sd. 5s St. Pet. 1840-39 714 DiCTiONNAiRE Eran9ois-Eu8se, 2 vols. 4to. hf bd. Gs St. Pet. 1786 * 715 Q-EAMMATIN and Parenogo, English-Eussian Dictionary, 4 vols, in 2, 4to. bd. rare, 20s Moskva, 1808-17 Only the first volume appears with the name of Grammatin. 716 Heard's Practical G-rammar of the Eussian Language, with the Key, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. calf, 10s St. Petersb. 1827 717 HEYM, Dictionnaire portatif Eusse Eran9ois et Allemand, 4 vols. 1 6mo. the 3 Alphabets complete, calf neat, \0s Biga, 1804-5 718 KAEAMZIN, Istoria Gosudarstva Eossiiskago, izdanie Einerlinga : History of Eussia, in Bussian, 4 vols. roy. Svo. portrait, sd. 10s 6d St. Petersburg, 1844 718* the same, with the folio Atlas of 72 maps, hf. red morocco, £2. 10s 1844 Best edition of this valuable work. The fourth volume contains alphabetical In- dexes. The Atlas is very valuable, and shows the progressive development of the Slavonic races from the earliest times. It is very valuable also from an ethnographic point of view, as exhibiting the original elements of modern nationalities. 719 LiEDoviTZ, Kupecheska Sistema i Torgova Nauka, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. cf. 10s Moskva, 1789 116 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOjST. Hussi an — con tin ued. 720 MEMOESKI, Eossiiskae Grammatika, i Istoria Slavjeno-Eossiiskago Yazyka, 8vo. hf. Id. 3^ 6J Moskva, 1823 721 MOSKOW. Utchrejdenie Imper. Yospitatelnago, 5 parts in 1 vol. stout 4to. frontisp. and numerous engravings on text 3 with 3 folding coloured plans, calf, \0s St. Pet. 1767-68-64 722 PoLiEENAE Zyiezda {the Folar Star) izdavaemae Iskanderom (Heezen) i Ogareveim, 1855-59, Yols. I, III — Y, 4 vols. 8vo. entertaining articles of Bomantic and general Literature, Poetry, etc. in Russian, (pub. at 82«) sd. 165 1857-59 723 EEIFF'S Parallel Dictionaries of the Eussian, Erench, German, and English Languages, with Grammars, 4 vols, ^tout B(\.12viio.f our Alphahets, hf bd. 27s Karlsruhe, etc. 1853-52-54-50 724 the same, reissued, 4 vols. sq. 12mo. sd. new, 30^ ih. 1862-61 725 Schmidt's Eussisch-Deutschesund Deutsch-Eussisches Worterbuch, 2 stout vols. sq. 16mo. 1912 pp. double cols. hd. 7s 6d MosTcwa, 1839 726 Srajenie pri Borodiny : a Broadside eontainhig a large coloured engraving, of the Battle of Borodino, with a Russian inscription in five lines at foot, very rude and curious, 12s 1812 727 SrMAROKOY, Elegii Liebovnya, Ody Torjestvennya, Eklogi : Poems in Russian, veil. Qs. St. Pet. 1774 728 Syintln", Kartini Eossii, izdannya Delacroa, sm. 4ito. numerous fine plates of scenery, costume, etc. 7s 6d St. Petersb. 1840 729 TATISTCHEW, Dictionnaire complet Erangois-Eusse, scconde edition^ 2 stout vols. 8vo. calf, 6s ib. 1798 730 (troisieme) seconde edition, revue et augmentee par I'auteur, 4to. bound, 15s Moscou, 1827 731 Yoltchkov, Leksikon Phrantsuskoi-Niemetskoi-Latinskoi i Eossiiskoi: Erench-German-Latin-Eussian Dictionary, 3 vols. 4to. calf 7s Qd St. Peterb. 1785-87 Servian, Herzegovinian, Montenegrin, Illyrian, etc. 732 Della Bella, (Ardelio) Dizionario Italiano-Latino-Illirico, con Gram- matica, sm. 4to. hf. russia, 10s ; calf, uncut, IQs Venezia, 1728 733 (seconda edizione) prima edizione Eagusea, ricoretta e emendata, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf calf, 18s Ragusa, 1785 The editor of this edition mentions the great rarity of the former one, and the high prices paid for copies. 734 KAEADC HITCH, Lexicon Serbico-Germanico-Latinum, roy. 8vo. hf. calf, 12s Vindob. 1852 735 MICALIA, Blago Jezika Slovinskoga : Thesaurus Linguae Illyricae, Illyrico-Italo-Latinus, stout 12mo. 863 pp. double cols, calf neat, from the library of Lord Stuart de Rothesay, 21s Laureti, 1649-51 With the " Grammatika Talianska, Loreiu, 1649," prefixed. 736 ScivoT (Xivot) Gospodina Jesusa Christa, 4to. Life of Christ, with that of the Virgin Mary at end, Lllyrian, hf bd. 7s Mnezik {Venice), 1764 737 STIJLLI Lexicon Latino-ltalico-Illyricum, ditissimum ac locupletissimum, cum Proverbiis, etc. 2 vols. Budae, 1801 — Lexicon Ill^rico-Italico- Latinum, Ragusae, 1806, 2 vols. — Yocabolario Italiano-Iliirico-Latino, 2 vols. Ragusa, 1810— together 6 vols. 4to. ^610. 1801-10 738 • — Lexicon Latino-Italico-Illiricum, 2 vols. 4to. sd. 10s ; or, hf. russia, 14s Budae, 1801 739 Yocabolario Italiano-Illirico-Latino, 2 vols. 4to. bd. rare, £Z. Ragusa, 1810 740 YoLTiGGi, Eicsoslovnik Illiricskoga, Italianskoga i Nimacskoga Jezika, stout Bvo. lllyrian-ltalian- German Dictionary, hf. morocco or calf, 9s U Becsu ( Vienna) , 1803 EUROPEAN PHILOLOaT. ii7 Slavonic (Old) The Church Language : 741 DoBROwSKi, Institutiones Linguae Slavicae dialecti veteris, stout 8vo. 722 pp. plates, 10s ... Vindob. 1822 742 MiKLOSiCH, Lexicon LingusB Slovenicse veteris dialecti, 4to. Ids. 25s VindoboncE, 1850 A Dictionary of the ancient Sclavonic, with explanations in Greek, Latin, &c. 743 MInIa, Miesetz Septemveii: Eitual, Month of September, etc. in the Church Slavonic language, folio, original stamped binding, gilt edges and gauffered, \0s Ifoskva, 1758 A liturgical work for the use of the Greek Church. 744 POLYKARPOV (Feodor) Dictionarium trilingue hoc est Dictionum Slavouicarum Graecarum et Latinarum Thesaurus, sm. 4to. calf gilt ^ very rare, £1. IO5 Mosquae, 1704 The author was Director of the Moscow Printing Press. 745 SLOVAR Tserkovno-Slayyenskago i ErssxAGO Tazyka, sostavlennyi vtorym' otdieleniem' Imperatorsko'i Akademii Nauk', 4 vols. roy. 4to. a Dictionary of the Church Slavonic explained in Russian, by the Imperial Academy of Sciences, sd. £2. 5s ; or 4 vols, in 2, hf bd. £2. 10s Sanktpeter. 1847 Slovak : 746 Beei^'OLak's Schlowakische Grammatik, sm. 8vo. bds. 4* Ofen {Buda)j 1817 Slovenish, Windish : 747 GuTSMAN, Deutsch-Windisches "Worterbuch, sm. 4to. bds. 10s Klagenfurt, 1789 748 (Kopitae) Grammatik der Slav. Sprache in Krain, Karnten und Steyer- mark, 12mo. hf. russia, 10s Laibach, 1808 Pp. 385-460 comprise a valuable Bibliography of Early Sclavonic publications. 749 (Maeeius a Santantonio) Glossarium Slavicum in supplementum ad primam partem Dictionarii Carniolici, sq. 8vo. with the cognate words in various languages, bds. Qs Viennae, 1792 750 MuEKo's Slowenisch-Deutsches imd Deutsch-Slowenisches Worterbuch, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. calf 12s Qratz, 1833 FINNISH, or UGRIAN LANGUAGES : Hungarian, Finnish, Lapponic, Altaic, etc. 751 SAJNOVICS, Demonstratio, idioma XTngarorum et Lapponum idem esse, 4to. sd. 10s Safnifs, 1770 751* the same, royal 4to. laege papee, hf calf neat, very rare, 28s ib. 1770 752 STRAHLENBERG'S Description of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary, with Polyglot table of 32 Tartarian Dialects and Kalmuck- Mungalian Vocabulary, sm. 4to. calf 16s 1738 Finnish : 753 EuEEN, Einsk Spraaklara, sm. 8vo. hf. bd. 65 Aabo, 1849 754 Ganandee, Mythologia Eennica, eller Eorklaring ofver de Nomina propria Deastrorum, Locorum, Yirorum, etc. sm. 4to. with extracts and transl. from old Finnish Foems, sm. 4to. hf bound, 10s Aabo, 1789 A work of great interest and value, alphabetically arrange 1. 755 Helenitjs, Einsk och Svensk, samt Svensk och Einsk, Ord-Bok, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. 1220 pp. double cols, hf russia gilt, 10s Aabo, 1838 756 JUSLENII Lexicon, Eennico-Latino-Suecicum, sm. 4to. 567 pp. hf. morocco, uncut, rare, 36s Stockholm, 1745 757 K ALE W ALA, taikka "Wanhoja Karjalan Runoja, Suomen kansan muino- sista ajoista, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. russia gilt, 27s Helsing. 1835 758 another edition, quite different from the preceding in its text, roy. 8vo. hf calf gilt, 18s ib. 1849 Both these editions are published by the Finnish Society of Literature. 118 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. | rinnish — continued. 759 L60UZON Le Due, la Pinlande, son Histoire primitive, sa Mythologie, etc. avec le Kalewala complet, en Franqois^ 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf, calf^ 15s I Paris, 1845 ] Full of valuable information with regard to all the peoples of Finnish race. ! 760 SuoMEN Historia, (in rinnish, edited by Kainonen) sm. 8vo. hf. russia gilt, \ 5s Helsing. 1839 : 761 EENYALL, Lexicon Linguae Einnicse, Finnico-Latino Germanicum, 2 vols, i in 1, 4to. hf. russia, gilt top, uncut, rare, £2. 10s Ahoce, 1826 762 SvEEiGES Eikes Landslag och Stadslag, ofversatt paa Finslca af Thomae, • 2 parts 4to. sd, 7s 6d Helsingf. 1852 | 763 Uusi SiJOMENKiELiNEN Wirsi-Kirja, 1695, 2 pts. in 1 vol. narrow 12mo. a Finnish Liturgy, old stamped hinding, 7s Qd Stockholm, 1779 i Lapponic : 764; FiELLSTEoM, Grammatica Lapponica, 12mo. bd. 7s Gd Solmiae, 1738 765 Ganander, Grammatica Lapponica, 12 mo. hd. 4iS Holmice, 1743 ; 766 HoGSTEOM, Beskrifning ofwer de til Sweriges Krona lydande Lapmarker, \ 12mo. hd. 8s Gd Stockholm, (cir. 1740) j 767 IHEE, Lexicon Lapponicum, Lapp.-Suec.-Latinum, cum Indice Suec.-Lap- j ponico, necnon Grammatica Lapponica edd. Lindalil et Oehrling, 4to. hf. : calf 18s Holm, 1780 ■ 76S the same, 4to. fine papee, hd. 24s; or, verg neatly hound, 30s 1780 ; 769 ScHEoTEE, Einnische Eunen, Finnisch und Deutsch, 8vo. plate of Music, hf \ red morocco, gilt top, 9s Upsala, 1819 ■ 770 Stockfleth, Norsk- Lappisk Ordbog, stout 8vo. hf. calf lOs Christ. 1852 ; Magyar: \ 771 Belitjs de Yetere Litteratura Hunno-Scythiaca, 4to. hds. 2s Gd Lips. 1718 j 772 Bloch, Ungarische Grammatik, 8vo. hds. 3s Festh, 1842 : 773 C sink's HrNGAEiAN Grammar, Exercises, and Vocabulary, with a Sketch of ' Hungarian Literature, sm. 8vo. cloth, Gs Gd 1853 774 Detjtsch-Ungaeisches und TJngarisch-Deutsches Y^orterbuch, nach Holz- ] mann, Scheller, Pariz-Papai und von Marton, bearbeitet, 2 vols. 8vo. hds. J 14s Festh, 1827 775 Gtongtosi, koltemenyes Maradvanyi egybe-szedett Dugonics, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. portraits, fine copy in old green morocco, gilt edges, 7s Gd Poson. 1796 j 776 Kalmae, Prodromus Idiomatis Scythico-Mogorico-Chuno- (seu-Hunno-) ; Avarici, 8vo. calf, 5s Posonii, 1770 i 777 Majee (Istvan) Nepnevelestan, 8vo. historical and statistical account of the \ Magyars, hds. 4s Gd Budan, (cir. 1850) \ 778 Nationalliedee der Magyaren, Deutsch, 12mo. loith "^explanations of Hun- ; garian Words and Names, hf calf, 3s Gd 1852 \ 779 Wbkey's Hungarian Grammar, with poetical Specimens, 12mo. cl. 5s 1852 j Siryenish : 780 Wiedemann, Grammatik der Sxejaenischen Sprache, Svo. sd, 3s Gd ' \R.jal, 1847 i Tcheremissic : 781 Wiedemann, Grammatik der Tscheeemissischen Sprache, 8vo. sd. 5s Beval, 1847 -i Wotiak: 782 Ahlquist, Wotisk Grammatik, jemte Spraakprof och Ordforteckning, 4to. ' hf. calf, 12s Helsingfors, 1856 \ Published by the Fintfi^h Society of Sciences. 783 TViedem:ann's WoTJAKiacHE Grammatik, nebst wotjakisch-deutschem u. ; deutsch.-wotjak. "Worterbuche, 8vo. (?/(?M, 6s Beval, l%ol \ EUEOPEAN PHILOLOGY. 119 Yakout or Yazygian: 784 Sjogren, Wohnsitze und Yerhaltnisse der Jatwagen {inhabiting Livonia, Sec. XIII.) roy. 4to. hf. Id. Is St. Fetersh. 1S5S &IPSEY LANGUAGE AND SLANG: 785 DiCTioNi^AiEE du Bas-LaDgage usite parmi le peuple, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. 10s 6d Paris, 1808 786 Grellmann liber die Zigeuner, 12mo. ivith Vocabularies ^ hf. bd. 6s 6d 1787 787 on the Gipsies, by Eaper, 4to. with Vocabularies in Gipsey, Hindu- stani and English, calf neat, Qs VJ^l 788 Pott, die Zigeuner in Earopa und Asien, ethnograpMsch-lingnistische Un- tersuchung, vornehmlich ihrer Herkunft und Sprache, containing Intro- duction and Grammar, Dictionary and Specimens, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. half morocco, 185 Halle, 18M-5 789 EoMANOES DE Germania, con Yocabulario, por Hidalgo, discurso de la expulsion de los Gitanos, etc. 12mo. calf, 6s Madrid, 1779 The Germania of Spain is a Spanish Thieves' slang, not Gipsej Proper. 790 EoTWELLSCHE Grammatik oder Spracbkunst, und Wokterbuch, 12mo. hf. bound, 6s Frankf 1755 791 SuNDT, Beretning om Pante- eller Landstrygerfolket i Norge, sm. 8vo. with Glossary of Norwegian Gipsey Slang, bds. 7s 6d Christ. 1850 792 Trattato dei Bianti ovver Pitocchi e Yagabondi, col modo d'imparare la Lingua Furbesca, IGmo. sd. 7s 6d ; or, hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, 10s Italia, 1828 Only a limited number printed. Pp. 73-125 contain i^Q Modo da parlar Furhesco, with Vocabularies, ect. Boui^oin, les Arts Arabes : Architecture Menuiserie, Bronzes, Phxfonds, Vitraux, etc. et le trait general de I'Art Arabe, livraisons 1 — 10, folio, 7vith 23 'plates, some in colours, £2. Paris, 1868 This work is to be published in 40 livraisons at 5 fr. each, with 4 plates. Hebrew Lexicon: Gesenii Thesaurus philologicus Linguae Hebraeae et Chal- DAEAB Veteris Testamenti, cum Indicibus, additamentis, etc. 3 vols, in 1, very stout 4to. pp. 4, 1522, 6, a7id 116, double coluntus, (pub. at £2. 11*) strongly hf, bound morocco, £2. ^ Lipsiae, \829-58 The best Hebrew Dictionary extant, including the necessary Fasciculus Novissimm by Roediger, wanting in many copies, and which contains the Latin Index, emendations, and additions. Hunter's Comparative Dictionary of the Languages of India and High Asia, with a Dissertation, sm. folio, pp. x and 224, (pub. £2. 2.9) cloth, new, 35a' T86P The importance of this work, the lirst of it' kind may be estimated by the fact that there are 80,000,000 of non-Aryan people, in India or on its borders, and that England has to govern and to utilize not the Indc Jermanic race of Hindoos alone. The excel- lence with which Mr. Hunter has achieved his task is amply warranted by the names of the scholars whc assisted him. The vocabulary consists of 186 words, given at the head of the pages in French, German, English, Russian, and Latin ; to which interpreta- tions are subjoined in the 120 languages alluded to on the title, as well as 13 others (Sanskrit, Arabic, Basque, Finnish, Magyar, Chinese, Japanese, etc.). Japanese Dictionary: HEPBURN, Japan- ese and English Dictionary, with an English and Japanese Index, impl. 8vo. pp. xii, 558, and 132, double cols, cloth, new, £5. {Shanghai,) 1867 An excellent Dictionary, and the first publication of the kind which can be useful to an Englishman. The early Portuguese Dictionary of Rodriguez is no longer to be met with, its I'ecent French translation is stiU and likely to remain, fragmentary, the Russian one of Golovnin is practically useless, and the old Latin of Colladius has no value. This work was evidently printed in China, or perhaps in Yeddo, although it bears the imprint of London. Shahrastani (Abti '1-Fath Muhammad) Kitab-u '1-Milal wa '1-Nihal, Book of Reli- gious and Philosophical Sects, in Arabic, edited by Cureton, 2 vols, royal 8vo. sd. 2os Or. Text Soc. 1842-6 This great work, an exposition of the doctrines of many ci-eeds, was composed A. H. 521, and is one of the most valuable productions of Arabic literature. Its high importance at the present time, when the study of old creeds and mythologies is so universal, may be estimated from an abridgment of the con- tents. It comprises an account of the Musulmans and all their numerous sects ; the Jews ; Christians and their sects; Magi, Zoroastrians, Manichaeans, and other claimants of revealed religion ; Sab£eans; the Hermetic philosophy; the Greek Philosophers and their schools, from Thales to Porphyrins; the systems of Muhammadan doctors, especially Avicenna ; the pre-Islamite religion of Arabia ; Brahminism, Buddh- ism, and the other religions of India, concluding with an account of Hindu philosophers. Shakespeare Folklore : Dr. W. Bell, Shakespeare's Puck, and his Folklore, Illus- trated from the superstitions of all ages, with a final chapter of proofs of Shakespeare having lived in Germany, three vols. 12mo. illustrated with plates and. ivoodcuts, (pub. ^\sU) cloth, \28 1852-67 ''Royal Crescent, Cheltenham, Aug. 23, 1852. " Accept my best thanks for the first volume of your ' Puck.' It is a most interesting work, and I am astonished at the vast quantity of matter you have brought together on the subject. I say this on just hastily running it over : I must read it carefully. HeartOy wishing you success in this volume, and the early appearance of the second, — I am, &c., " J. BoswoRTH, LL.D., F.S.A." " That portion of this volume (Vol. 2) in which Dr. Bell seeks to prove that Shakespeare resided in Germany will be found of considerable interest."— Notes and Queries, Dec. 2, 1860. February, 1869. DESIDERATA; OR, BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE, BY BERNARD QUARITCH, BOOKSELLER, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Any Gentleman having some of the hooks of this List Jor sale at a fair value^ will oblige by stating to Mr. Quaritch their titles, dates, condition and price. t^' Offers of BooTcs without a price, are declined; and need not be made. When Owners of Books offer them above the market value, they receive no answer. On desire acheter les Livres suivants. Les personnes qui en auraient cL vendre, sont pries defaire savoir a Mr. Quaritch le litre exact, la condition et le prix de chaque oiivrage propose. Atlas Historique ou Nouvelle Introduction a I'Hist. de la Chronologie et a Ja Geographic, avec Supplement, 7 vols. ioXvOyAmst. 1721 Aristotelis Opera, 4 vols. 8vo. Didot, 1848, ^c. Buckinghamshire Architectural and Archaeo- logical Society : Records of. Buckingham- shire, Svo. Vol. I. Nos. 1, 4, 7, and all after 8 „ II. „ 1,5, and all after 8, if any „ItI. ,, 2, and 4 to 7, (end of vol.) Browne (Rev. R. G. S.) On the Mosaic Cos- mogony Cambridge Mathematical Journal, — a complete set ; or the following Nos. First Series of 4 vols, edited by Ellis, Nos. 7 to 10, 13 to 21, and all after 22, 1839-4 Second Series, called Cambridge and Dub- lin Mathematical Journal, commencing in 1846, ed. by Thomson, Nos. 7 to 11, 16 to 18, 24, 30, 32, 35 to end of Vol. IX. Oxford and Cambridge, and Dublin Mes- senger of Mathematics, No. 7 Cartesii Principia Fhilosophica Contant et Eilippi Theatres del'Europe, 2 vols, folio Cousin, CEuvres Philosophiques, ca. 20 vols. Svo. Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, by Griffiths, 16 vols. Svo. with plain plates Fencing, Works on Fergusson's Illustrated Handbook of Architec- ture, 2 vols. 8vo. 1855 Forbes, Ras Mala, 2 vols. Svo. Gaudar's Synopsis Helvetica, Svo. Geologist (The)— A set Gerhard's Etruskische Spiegel, Vols. I to IV Gruteri Inscriptiones, 4 vols, folio, Amst. 1707 Halliwell's Yorkshire Anthology — Baker and Noweil's Supplement, only, 1854 Hind's Labrador, 2 vols. Bvo. Hoare's Modern Wiltshire : The "Heytesbury" part only, {i.e. pt. II. of the Work) Hnmphreys and Jones' Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages, atlas folio Kemble's Codex Diplomaticus, Vol. I. Large Paper, Svo. (Engl. Hist. Socy.; Koch's Synopsis Florae Germanice et Helveticse, 2nd edit. 2 vols. Manilius, Astronomicon libri V. 4to. Nurem- berg, Joh. de Regiomonte, *. a. {ca. 1472) Marshall's Life of Washington, 5 vols. 4to. Mumby, Flora de I'Algerie, PariSy 1S47 New York, Natural History of, 21 vols. 4to. Pantschatantrum ed. Kosegarten, large 4to. Pars I. Bonn. 1848 Partis II. particula secunda, and all after, (I have partis II particula 1) Philosophical Transactions, Vols. 18 to 21 Picart, Ceremonies Religieuses, 1 1 vols, folio Plautus : Evans Lexicon Plautinum Lond. 1853 Reddie's Enquiries into International Law, 2nd edit. Svo. 1851 Tennis (La Paume) any Works on, in English or French Thibaut, I'Art de I'Epee, large folio Tytler's History of Scotland, with Index, 7 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1845-50 Vsaari's Life of Fra Angelico, (pub. by the Arundel Society) Willkom et Lange Prodromus Florae Hispanicse, Svo. Stuttgardt, 1861 No. 248. Annual Subscription An. PubUsbed Monthly. For Foreign Countries Ss. Price 4.d. CATALOGUE OP EUROPEAN MANUSCRIPTS, CHIEFLY From the Libraries of the late MARQUIS OP HASTINGS, Donnington Park, Leicestershire ; and of the late Dr. WELLESLEY, Master of New Inn, Oxford. WOEKS oir p A L ja o a E A P H Y, DIPLOMATICS, MEDIEVAL LATIN GLOSSAEIES, PENMANSHIP, BIBLIOaRAPHY OP MANUSCRIPT LITERATURE; THE OCCULT SCIENCES, BELIOIOUS WORSHIPS, PHILOSOPHIOAL SECTS, SEOBET ASSOCIATIONS, &c. AND MISCELLANEOUS PURCHASES FROM Til JLBMIY m Til MAMl^IS ®f lASTIMlSS. offered for CASH at the aflaxed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors "West from Regent Circus. ita(DKrin)(DHp EHiimEE, asoSc To insure prompt attentioriy all orders to be addressed direct to Mr. QuAEiTCH, bookseller, 15 Piccadilly; or to the Bookseller from tphom this Catalogue was received. The Books are warranted perfect, and in fine Library condition. «. IfOSMAX AHD BOX, PRINTBKS, XAIDBN LANE, COTXNT «ABDXN, LONDON, ^.a EUROPEAN MANUSCRIPTS, Chiefly from the Libraries of the late MARQUIS OF HASTINGS, Donnington Park, Leicestershire; and of the late Dr. WELLESLEY, Master of New Inn, Oxford. 1 ABEEGAYENNY BAEONAGE. Treatise of the Nobility of this Eealme according to the Lawe, sm. 4to. clearly written Manuscript, q/" 142 pp. with several genealogical tables, rough calf, from Dr. Wellesley's library, £4. 4* Circ. 1590 This is probably the Autogra]>li MS. of one of the great legal luminaries of Elizabeth's reign, perhaps of Sir Edward Coke himself. It is an elaborate work on the law of here- ditary nobility and its application to a special case ; and was prepared on the occasion of the famous law-suit in which the peerage of Abergavenny was disputed between Lady Mary Fane, daughter of Henry Neville, the last Baron, who died in 1586, and her cousin Edward Neville. When judgment was given in favor of the latter in 1603, the lady received the title of Baroness Le Despenser as an acknowledgment by the king of the ahih'tv with which her case had been supported. 2 ALCHEMY. Here beginneth the Book of the EOSAEY OF THE PHI- LOSOPHEES, more diligently compiled, folio, clearly written MS. of 203 pp. with 20 ILLUMINATED DRAWINGS, heightened with gold and silver, bound, from the libi^ary of the Marquis of Hastings, ^612. 12^ In Lubeck, the 24M day of the moneth of October in the year of our Lord, 1588 An extremely curious and singular book, illustrated by paintings which are no less remarkable for their strange symbolism. It is not a translation of the Ilomriuni Philoso- phoi'um. of Arnoldus de Villanova, but is an original work on the true method of trans- muting metals, the Philosopher's Stone, the Elixer of life, etc. Under the heading of "Conjunction or Coupling," and that of " Eertnentation." the drawings (in all of which there is an appearance as though they were meant to illustrate some fabled story of the Sun and Moon), are very peculiar. 3 Lapis Philosophordm. Observations of the Secrets of Nature, etc. in 1 vol, oblong 12xno. plaiii MS. about 260 pp. calf, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, £2. 2s Sec. XVII, 4 LiJLLY (Eaymond) Christophorus Parisiensis, Isaacus Hollnndus, Hugo de Parma, and others. Experiments (in Alchemy) with the notes of Dr. Moulin, sm. folio, plain MS. of 267 pp. calf, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, £3. 3s Sec. XVil. Dr. Moulin's curious notes occupy the greater part of the volume. 5 Moulin (Dr.) Conctrningthe Philosopliical Dissolution, folio, about 170 pp. of clear MS. calf, from the 3Iarquis of Hastings' library, £3. 3s Sec. XVII, The above four works possess the highest interest for students of the old Alchcmistic and mystical Philosophv. 6 ALPHABETS OF AEMS, with Forme of Granting Arms, &c. stout sm. 4to. b20 pp. containifig several thousands of Names of English, Welsh, Irish, and French Families, tvith descriptions of their arms, and their localities ; Manuscript, yrow the Collection of John Holland, ivhose bookplate, engraved by Hogarth, is pasted inside the cover, calf £8. cir. 1587 At the end is a Manuscript, entitled " The Order of Lordes and Ladyes with the Eunerall of the Queue of Scotts att Peterborough." 6*ALPHABET OF AEMS (probably by William Cadt, whose Arms are painted on the first leaf), folio, 160 pp. Manuscript, with various Coats of Arms in colours and in trick, old calf, £d. 9s 1620-60 This valuable old MS. written at the commencement of the 17th Cent, contains the Names of 4000 Eamilies, with description of their Armorial Bearings. It would be of great interest to the Genealogist as the Counties arc given with most of the Names, and information of so special a kind has probably never been published. Gf ALPHABET OF AEMS (A—Sn), fulio, 200 pp. Manuscript, distinctly toritten, half calf £2. Sec. XVIL VVith about 12,000 English names, and a fylding separate leaf of Drawings to explain the heraldic terms. 121 BEENAED Q[JAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 7 ANTIPHONAEIIJM, cijm Notis MUSI CIS, folio, Manuscript on vellum, 165 leaves, with very quaint painted capitals^ the musical notes written in Neuma or Neumes {with only one central line), old red morocco gilt, in good preservation, £36. ? Scec. XI. This VENERABLE and highly interesting relic of antiquity, attributed to the 11th century, is similar in character to a Graduale, bearing date of 1071, which fetched the sum of £80. (No. 154, at Payne's sale, Sotheby's, June 20, 1860), and probably came from the same church. For the History of Sacred Music this is a most important volume, as in the Anti- phonarium are preserved those beautiful Chants which the Venerable Bede was so anxious to introduce into our cathedrals, and which admirers of solemn grandeur consider were no way improved when Guido d'Arezzo introduced, in this same century, his newly invented system, of sol-fa-ing. 8 AEMOEIAL blasonne, un gros volume, contenant environ 5000 Armoiries de Families pour la plupart Italiennes, executees par diverges mains pendant le cours de deux siecles, oblong 4to. in wooden hoards covered with old calf, m. 10s Sec. XVL a XVIII. II se trouve dans ce recueil plusieurs noms de families Frangaises, Allemandes, Espag- noles, et Sclavonnes, ce qui fait supposer qu'il est d'origine Venitienne. II y a aussi quel- ques noms Anglais et Irlandais, comme Cavenaghi, Neale, Morgani, Dapples, Ossoreo, Onaghten, etc.—circonstance tres-rare qui augmente beaucoup la valeur du Manuscrit. > Les armoiries plus anciennes semblent avoir ete faites au seizieme siecle, par une seule personne ; elles sont tres-habilement dessinees et coloriees, et de beaucoup superieures aux autres qu'on pent avoir ajoutees irregulierement de temps a autre. 9 AEMOEIAL OF FLANDERS. GENEALOGiEif-BoEK, in Dutch, sm. folio, a heautiful original MS. very carefully written, 452 pp. ivith 805 painted Coats of Arms, Genealogical lists of about 10,000 names, and large Minia- ture of the 15th Century, a most important volume, calf 5630. 1630-40 " MS. tres precieux du XVIIe siecle. II est orne d'une quantite de blasons en or et en couleurs, et precede d'une miniature de la grandeur du volume, representant la rhetorique sous la forme d'une femme entouree de professeurs et d'eleves." This frontispiece is one of the most remarkable features of the book. It was probably executed about the year 1400, and exhibits the characteristic features of good Flemish Art. 10 AEMOEIAL and CHEONICLE of LOEEAINE and BEABANT, in Flem- ish: Genealogia principum Lotharingiae et Brabantiae, etc. sm. folio, a valuable and well-written MS. of 478 pp. beginning with 1191, carried down to 1616, and by later hands to 1744 ; appended is a List of the Town Council of the City of Heetogen Bosch (Bois le Due), fi^om 1629- 1742, ivith the year of death added to most of the names — injured at Sotheby's fire, the margins burnt, and the text somewhat waterstained, in a whole blue morocco case, lettered on the back " Cronych van Brabanty'^ £^. 1616-1744 11 Bedfordshire. Arms of the Gentry described, some emblazoned, 12mo. MS. from Dr. Wellesley's library, 5s cir. 1830 ll*BEDroiiDSHiEE. Ancicut Epitaphs, principally from Brass plates in the County of Bedford, Arms of Bedfordshire Families, 4to. very neat Drawings and text, vellum, from Dr. JVelleslcys library, 15s cir. 1820 A curious and interesting collection for the antiquary. 12 BEENAED, Saint. Epistolse V. de modo vivendi, Speculum Monachorum, Epistola admonitoria, de vita solitaria, ad parentes ; Tractatus de ordine vitae et morum institutione ; de ioteriore Domo ; de edificando conscien- ^ tiam ; de gradibus humilitatis et superbie ; de gradibus coufessiouis ; de ' gradibus obedientie, Sermones, Preces, etc. 8vo. MS. on vellum in the] original Medicean binding, £3. 3^ Sec. XIV. j En reliure Mediceenne. Des initiales, deux sont enluminees et rehaussees d or, les j autres peintes. A la fin du volume, se trouve, ajoute par une main plus recente, un sermon j du Saint sur la Messe, avec la date de 1453. Au feuillet 201 se voit une ancienne Laude \ Italienne, qui commence ainsi : *' Sempre te sia in dilecto Chil mondo anima mia te sia in \ dispcQto ;" et qui est fort-curieuse. \ 13 Beenardi, Sancti, Opusculum de laudibus Virginis ; Sermones 65, et Tnstitutio \ quomodo canere et psallere debeamus. Manuscrit sur yelin, d'une belle i ecriture, mais endomma«^e par Taction de feu, 4to. 25s Vers la fin du quatorzieme siecle] iif cQftlTY EUEOPEAN MANUSCEIPTS. 122 BIBLICAL CODICES : 14 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRZRCE.very stout square small 8vo. Manuscript on VELLUM, with MINIATURES of the Four Evangel- ists, leauiifully 'Jbound in red morocco extra, elegantly ornamented on hack and sides after the antique, vellum fly-leaves, enclosed in a solander case covered with rich crimson velvety and lined inside with white silk velvet, by Bedfobd, £200. Sec. XI-XII. This elegant little MS. contains the Pour Gospels, the Acts, and the Epistles, thus needing only the Apocalypse to be a perfect Codex of the jN'ew Testament. It is well known that M88. of the Acts and Epistles are very much scarcer than those of the Gospels, — and on that account, the present MS. may justly be considered the most valuable in the collection catalogued here. The order in which the Epistles arc arranged, differs wholly from that which is used in the printed editions, and the text will afford valuable matter for collation. It is noticeable that in the baptism of the Eunuch (Acts viii. 37) the formula of belief, which appears in the received text, is omitted ; this fact alone being sufficient to prove that the scribe followed a good ori- ginal. The statement about Silas (Acts xv. 34) is also omitted. It has the passage concerning the " three Witnesses," and in the words concerning the Passion, is also in harmony with the received text. The inscriptions at the end of the different Epistles, differ from those in other MSS. and in printed editions. There is a curious note at the end, written in capitals by the scribe, who gives his name in it. It shews that he had not had the intention to include the the Apocalypse in his New Testament ; or perhaps it was want- ing in the original he used. The inscription is rendered thus : " As sweet as is the tranquil haven to sea-wanderers So sweet to scribes is the final period. loannikios the Monk." The character in which the body of the book is written is a beautiful minute cursive, with divisions generally observed between the \vords, but otherwise shewing all the marks of antiquity, such as the right-angled notes of breathing, the peculiar form of the letters, the absence of the dative iota, etc. The Canon of Eusebius is not prefixed to the text, but there are tables to the Gospels, a Menology, portion of the Psalms, etc. written in an ancient hand on paper, and forming the beginning and end of the volume. On the whole the present Manuscript is one of very great interest for the scholar and the collector. 15 EVANGELTA IV^ Ge^ece, cum Caisone Eusebii^ small 4to. Splendid Manuscript on VELLUM, beautifully written in a very clear hand, the Canon of Fmsebius within elegant borders, richly illuminated in gold and colours, the headings of each Gospel in letters of gold within elahorately illuminated ornaments, numerous capitals in gold ; adorned with Three large MINIATURES OF St. Matthew, St. Mark, and St. John, executed in colours on a gold ground in the Byzantine style,boundin h'own Levant morocco, elegantly ornamented on back and sides after the antique, vellum fly-leaves, and gilt edges, enclosed in a solander case covered in rich crimson velvet, and lined inside with white silk velvet, by Bedford, a perfect gem, £250, Scec. XI. A Manuscript no less precious for its text, than as a specimen of Greek Art in the Eleventh Century. The paintings which represent St. Mark and K 2 123 BEENAED QtJABlTCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. St. John (that of Matthew being damaged by loss of colour) are infinitely \ superior to the ordinary character of the work in old MSS. The design and ■ the execution are alike admirable. Indeed the graceful style of ornamenta- tion used in the borders to the Canon (arches of gold richly decorated, sup- I ported by light pillars of coloured marbles) as well as the Grospel-headings, \ is quite sufficient to place this MS. amongst the most valuable Codices of \ the Greek Gospels, from an artistic point of view. The handwriting is an elegant cursive with headings in a small uncial character ; and resembles that of the specimens given in the Pal. Sacra of i Westwood, " Early Greek MS. No. 5," and also that of plates 46 and 49 in \ D'Agincourt, Yol. III. Its antiquity is clearly denoted by the absence of divisions between words (except of course at the end of sentences), and the ; form of the breathings, which are of the quadrate (or half h) shape, which ; Montfaucon says ceased to be usual after the tenth century. The iota is : never written subscribed to the dative, but is generally affixed at the end of j the word (and occasionally omitted). Another poinc for remark is the use ; of the epenthetic v before consonants ; but this is not always seen in the ; text. Abbreviations are only adopted in the words and names usually so 1 found even in the earliest MSS., and in a few places where terminations are I contracted for want of space. It is often supposed that cursive MSS. are ] all of a comparatively modern origin, but the fact is that this kind of writ- j ing was known as early as the Sixth Century, and came into general use in j the Ninth, at which period also the employment of ornamentation began. ' Accents and breathings were adopted in writing so far back as the Seventh \ Century. The text is one of very much importance to the biblical critic ; for it i does not appear to have been ever collated, and. yet it offers an immense i number of valuable Various Headings. It agrees more nearly with the ' '^ Codex Ephraim rescriptus" (Y Century) and the " Codex Bez2e" than \ with the other early ones ; but it is very remarkably different from the J latter (Beza's) in the Story of the Woman taken in Adultery. It has the ' famous passage (Mat. yi. 13) — " on crov kanv y ^aaiXeia." John T. 3 & 4, \ presents the doubtful words, cited by Tertullian, but varies very much from ; the Alexandrine Codex. It leaves out the words '* Kai Trvpi" in Mat. in. 11 ; \ but gives the ^^ mriau) fiov^ in Mat. ty. 10. — The leaf which should contain Luke XIX. 10 — 26, is cut away, and there is no painting of this Evangelist's i figure. Otherwise it is quite complete ; and a very remarkable feature of i the MS. are the prologues to each Gospel, differing from the known prefaces i of the Fathers as given by Erasmus and Mill. ! On the last leaf is a memorandum in Greek recording the birth of a | daughter, named Theodora, on the second of October (St. Justin's day), in ' the year of the World 6828 (1320 a. c), in a much more modern writing ! than the Gospels. 16 EVANGELIA GRiECE, smalUto. Manuscript on VEL- ; LUM, bound in brown antique morocco elegant^ blind and gold tooled after the j untique, stained vellum fly-leaves and gilt edges, in a solander case, covered in \ rich crimson velvet, lined inside with white silk velvet, the original covers pre- served in flap, by Bedford, £100. Scec. XII — XIII. i In a very regular and uncommon style of penmanship, the letters being j large, round, clear, and perfectly uniform. The aspirations are marked in j the same manner as at present, that is, by curved lines ; but on the other | hand, the dative iota is only twice subscribed, and everywhere else omitted, j the i and the v are generally crowned with two dots and the letters retain \ the archaic form, almost as much as the MSS. a century older. Itacism ; EUEOPEAlSr PHILOLOGY. 124 frequently occurs. The various readings which the text affords are very numerous. Even the verbal alterations are remarkable in themselves, one of the most frequent turns of phrase being to substitute the article 6c and a verb for 6 and a participle — as, 6g av aTroXeXvjjLevrjy ya/jricrr] for 6 aTroXe- XvjjiEvrjp yajnTjffag. It has the disputed words ev r^ 0av€p6>(Mat. vi. 6), but the freedom of the scribe almost wholly through the MS. in his position and use of words is very great. If the Bible MSS. are to be divided into classes of versions, this one belongs to the school of the Beza Codex preserved in Cambridge. It has similar subscriptions at the end of the Gospels, to those noted as remarkable by Montfaucon, (Pal. Graec. p. 306), stating the number of (TTf)(Oi and prjfjiaTa. 17 EVANGELIA GE^CE, sra. 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM, hound in brown morocco elegant, in imitation of the antique^ stained vellum Jly-leaves and gilt edges^ in a solander case covered outside with crimson velvet, and lined inside with white silk velvet, the original covers preserved in flap, ly Bedfoed, £52. 10* Sec. XI— XII Elegantly written in a bold regular character, displaying great freedom of penmanship. As a specimen of ancient Greek calligraphy it is highly to be coDsidered, although there are several lacunse in the text, which follows pretty closely the Alexandrine version. Of course there are various read- ings to take the attention of the critic, but the collector will chiefly regard this MS. for its age, in connection with the beauty and simplicity of its clear rounded penmanship. The first leaves of Matthew's Gospel are mis- sing. The dative iota is subscribed and the curved notes of aspiration used. There are no spaces observed between the words of a sentence and the cus- tom of beginning a word at the end of a line and carrying it into the next, without any regard to the break, is universal through the volume. The shape of the characters is wholly antique and very graceful. 18 EVANGELIUM S. Matthsei Grgeco^Latinum, small folio, MS, of the XYth Century, on Paper, with Miniatures, damaged hyfire, in a morocco case, with flaps , £15. Saec. XY. A very interesting volume, containing several very singular Miniatures executed in colours, in a style marked by oriental influence, The Devil tempting Christ is one of the subjects. In 1465 this Manuscript was pre- sented to the Convent of St. Epiphanius. It begins with two Epistles of St. Jerome, after w^hich follows a sort of commentary an the arrangement of the Gospels. An epistle of St. Ambrose in Latin, and the Nicene Creed in Greek ; with a record of the donation of the book, are found at the end. The text of the Gospel is quite perfect, w^ith the exception perhaps of a few letters. 18*PSALTERIUM DAVIDIS, Greeco-Latine, sm. 4to. a fine MANUSCRIPT of Italian workmanship^ on 130 leaves, the Greek and Latin in parallel columns with rubricated initials, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 15s Sec. XV. The rarity of MSS. written in the two languages is well-known. The Greek is written in a small upright character, very clear; and the Latin in a somewhat larger hand, with the peculiar long f occurring in every position of a word. There are some prayers in Italian at the end of the Psalms. 125 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK 19 BIBLIA L ATINA. Tres-beau Manuscrit ancien, sur VELIN, folio, 238 leaves, original oalc hoards^ covered with stamped leather ^ £30. Sec. XII. Ce Manuscrit, precieux par son antiquite et son importance, ainsi que par la beaute de Tecriture, commence avec Gen. xxxy. et termine a IV. Eeg. xviii. 27. Le Pere Vercellone I'a decrit dans ses " Varise Lectiones vulgat. Lat. Bibl. editionis," oil il le cite comme " Codex U." Le texte qu'il presente appartient k la recension qu'on appelle d'Alcuin, mais, malgre leur generale similitude, il y a des "Lectiones varise" tres- importantes. 20 BIBLIA LATINA^ cum prolog-is Sancti Hieronyini et Indice, stout small folio, fine Manuscript on VELLUM, written in double columns, within double ruled lines, tvith the capitals in blue and red, some of the initials very neatly ornamented, bound in Levant gros-grain blue moi^occo elegant, richly tooled sides after the antique, vellum fy-leaves, gilt edges, by Bed- rOED, £32. Sec. XIV As appears from the names scattered here and there on the margins, this MS. belonged to an English family of the name of Folliott or Ffolliett, about the time of Queen Elizabeth This circumstance gives an additional interest beyond the intrinsic merit of the volume, and suggests the possi- bility that it is of English origin. Perhaps a closer examination of the text would show some peculiarities to confirm this conjecture, which, if correct, would make the MS. very valuable. A few lacunre appear in the text, and it is consequently sold not subject to collation. 21 BIBLIA LATINA Vulgata, cum Prologis^ 12mo. MS. beau- tifully and very minutely written on the finest abortive VELLUM, with 44 lines per page, the writing on each page occupying a length of scarcely more than four inches, with large initials, and rubrics and capitals in red and blue, a Table of the meanings of about 5000 Hebreiv names at end, and, with the exception of the last leaf, in superb preservation, citron morocco, gilt edges, £25. Sec. XIV. This beautiful little MS. has been in English hands for more than three hundred years, as appears by the words " Jhon Ston oweth this boke," written on the last leaf, in a handwriting of the Sixteenth Century. 22 BIBLIA Sacra Latina, cum Prologis B. Hieronimi^ stout 12mo. Manuscript on VELLUM, with richly iLLUMi^fAXEn capital letters, morocco super extra, covered with blind tooling in the old style, ^'15. 15^ ScBC. XIY. An Italian MS. of very high interest as bearing the presentation- inscription, dated 1476, of a Eoman Catholic saint, S. Marcus of Bologna. It is written in double columns, each containing forty-five lines in a space of 4i inches. This elegant MS. recommends itself by the beauty and regu- larity of the hand- writing, and its perfect state of preservation. EUBOPEAN MANUSCEIPTS. 126 23 BIBLIA LATlNA veteris et Novi Testamenti, cum libris apocrypliicis, very stout sm. 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM^ 424 leaves, heau- tifully written in very minute and elegant character, with ornamental coloured initials and above 150 small MI^lATUliES in gold and colours illustra- tive of the biblical history, each executed within a large initial letter, an elegant ample border round the first page, green vellum, gilt edges, from the Mnschede collection at Haarlem, £63. circ. 1400 A beautiful Manuscript in the finest state of preservation and vrritten on the thinnest vellum, in letters so neat and small that every page is occupied by two columns of 56 lines each. It is apparently of French origin, judging from the lilied sceptre which is held by the King in the illustration to JScclesiasticus. Each of the miniatures represents some subject in the book of which it adorns the initial letter, and the grotesque element is almost entirely absent, which is a circumstance very unusual in the illuminated MSS. of the time. The first leaf of Grenesis is wanting ; otherwise the volume is quite complete and in very fine condition. The first page of prologue is particularly excellent, the ornamental borders being light and elegant, and the initial- miniature executed with remarkable delicacy and minuteness. The tout ensemble of the MS. is very attractive, and it really is a charming example of Calligraphy and Illumination. 24 BIBLIA LATIN A, a primo Ileg'um libro usque ad librum Hester, cum prologis Sancti Hieronymi, large folio, a beautiful German MS. of 165 leaves on YELLUM., with thirteen finely executed Miniatures in large initials {mostly ^\ inches square'), eight of them illuminated in gold and colours, the other five etched, the writing large and clear in an elegant Gothic character ; the beginning and end slightly damaged, whole bound morocco, blind-tooled, gilt edges, £26. ca. 1440 The uncoloured Drawings are done with so much softness, delicacy, and minuteness that they have a wonderful resemblance to engravings. 25 EVANGELIA Quatuor, Latine, cum Prologis, Argu- MENTis ET Breviariis, Latine, Small folio, fine Ancient Manuscript on VELLUM, with canon of Eusebius, picture of St. Matthew, and initial letter finely ornamented in the Byzantine style, without the leaf containing the commencement of St. Mark's Gospel, bound in gros-grain red morocco elegant, handsomely ornamented after the antiq^ue,vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, enclosed in a solander case covered in rich blue Geneva velvet, and lined inside with white silk velvet, lettered on morocco, by Bedfoed, £72. Sec. XI. Probably of Italian origin. The Breviarium and the Canon, and some other parts of this Manuscript, are written in a hand which belongs rather to the Twelfth than to the Eleventh Century. The remainder of the book is in a fine clear character, with more of the Roman than of the Gothic type in it. The capital letters display the peculiar slender form, in vogue at that time ; V has always the appearance of a Y ; and the non-capital y is represented crowned with a dot. The note of interrogation is a mark above the line, resembliug a written w. The original text was full of variations from the accepted form of the Vulgate, but a later hand (13th century) has made corrections and addi- 127 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. tions in many places. This corrector evidently regarded the codex with much veneration, since he destroyed nothing ; the mode adopted by him being to write the substituted word above the original one, without touch- ing the latter, and in the case of words and phrases which he considered superfluous or interpolated, to mark them by a line of dots beneath. But even his corrections have not always the effect of restoring wiiat is considerd the true language of St. Jerome. It is curious that in Matthew xxiv., the following verse is added on the margin, in the handwriting of the original scribe, to be inserted after the 41st verse : " Duo in lecto, unus assumetur, et alter relinquetur." As a third part to the very remarkable passage con- tained in verses 40 and 41 , this is interesting. In a few instances the MUSIC of some passages is written above the line in red ink. The striking verses 19-22 in Matthew viii. were omitted by the original scribe, but are added at the side by the corrector. The name of the writer is written on the last leaf " Ambeosius me ScEiPSiT," after four lines which indicate that he had the intention of continuing his transcription of the Testament. 26 BLASON. Compendio della Scienza Araldica, e Gmoco d'Armi, petit in 4to. d'environ 250 pp., d'une ecriture tres-nette, demi-rel. mar. 25s Environ 1620 Illustre de dessins des armes. La premiere partie contient une exposition de la science h^raldique ; dans la seconde se trouve une description historique des annoiries des princes et etats d'Europe. 27 BEEVIAEITJM EOMANUM, 4to. ajlne Manuscript written in red and IJack, upon VELLUM, containing all the priestly offices of the Boman Churchy with several large ornamental initials^ painted on gold and enclosing MINIA- TURES, the first page encircled by an elaborate border, containing 5 Minia- tures, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, from Trotter Brocketfs collection, £20. 1464 It may be remarked that Breviaries — tlie books which were carried about by priests for their continual study— are, for that very reason, the rarest of all the old Liturgical MSS. This volume cost Mr. Brockett £21. 28 BEOOKE (Eaufe, Torke Heraulte) AEMES OP JAMES I. and his NOBI- LITIB, Autograph Ma]susceipt, beautifully written on a long Boll of Vellum (20 feet by i5\ inches), mounted on green silk, with 188 Coats op Aems, emblazoned in gold, silver, and colours, £21. 1605 This exquisite piece of herald's work would be an elegant adornment for any private collection, but its fittest resting-place would be the library of the College of Arms. It is authenticated by the signature of the Herald, at foot of the MS. 29 BUClIAlSrAN (George) Ane Detection of the Duinges of MAEIE, Quene of ScoTTES, touohaud the murder of her husband, sm. 4to. Anglicised and modernized copy of the latter part of Buchanan's work, 116 pp. bds. ZOs circ. 1750 A copy of the printed original, a very rare book, in lot 536 of the Marquis of Hastings's sale, was stolen by some educated thief. ^0 CAELAYEEOCK, SIEGE OE. Le Assault de' Karlaverok, sm. 4to. MS. a very legibly written transcript in the autograph of Edward Bowe Mores, from a copy made by B. Glover, So?nerset Herald, 1587, of the original very early and decayed Manuscript, calf from Dr. Wellesley' s library, 12* cir. 1780 31 Cenci, Eelazione della morte di Giacomo e Beatrice Cenci e di Lucrezia Pe- tronia loro matregna, Patricidi, Settembre, 1559, 8vo. russia extra, gilt edges, 20s about 1620 Une des histoires les • plus tragiques que les annales sanguinaires d'ltalie nous ont fournies. Le Poete Anglais, Shelley .e fait une tragedie fameu&e sur ce sujet. EUROPEAN MANUSCEIPTS. 128 32 CesareOi Agostino. L'Arte del Navigare, con il regimento della Tramontana e del Sole ; vera Regola del Elusso e Eeflusso delle Acque, sm. 4to. well- written MS. of 114 pp. with 9 drawings of which three have moveable pieces , Ids. 28^ 1585 MS. curieux, evidemment prepare pour la publication. L'auteur doit avoir ete grand mathematicien et calculateur ; le ttux et reflux de la mer, particulierement sur les cotes de TAngleterre et de I'Espagne, y sont completement traites. 33 CLIMACO. Incomincia el prolago del frate che volo:are9o questo libro decto CEIMACO (Santa Scala del Paradiso) 4to. fine MS. on VELLUM, 390 pp., hound in green morocco extra, gilt edyes., hy Bedford, £40. cir. 1375 La premiere page de I'ouvrage est ornee d'une magnifique lettreinitialeet d'une bordure, contenant quatre portraits de l'auteur et d'autres figures. La plus grande figure, qui est contenue dans la lettre initiale, est d'une execution artistique tres-belle, evidemment de main de maitre. — Les Manuscrits de la " Scala Paradisi," de " Jovanni Abbate, del Munis- tero del Monte Si nay," sont fort-rares et beaucoup recherches, a cause de I'incoiTection des editions imprimees, a I'egard desquelles le Comte Mortara, dans son catalogue des MSS. Italiens de la Bibl. Bodleienne, fait cette observation : — " Stimiamo che sieno tutte pessime ; onde volendosi egli citare, converra far uso di te&ti a pennn." La traduction Italienne se fit en 1300, et cette copie, qui a tous les prologues, ainsi que le Sermon a la fin, semble avoir ete ecrite environ un demi-siecle apres. 36 CICERO (M. T.) de Oratore ad Quotum Fratrem ; Sallustii Crispi in M. T. Ciceronem Oratio et in Sallustium Oratio Ciceronis ; Epistola Lentuli ad Senatores Eomae ; Pontius Pilatus E.egi Claudio ; Epistola Csesaris co- piata ex Exemplari Jiabito ex exemplari Petrarce, quam ipse Petrarca auream dicit ; Plutarchi Epistola ad Trayanum Imperatorem ; C. Eabricius et Q. ^milius Consules Pirrho Regi ; Josephus de Christo — in 1 vol. 4tto.Jine Manuscript of 135 leaves upon VELLUM, with elegant Arabesque initials illuminated in gold and colours, the first page decorated hy a beautiful border of interlaced work, adorned with figures of birds, a butterfi,y and flowers, having the arms q/" Antonitjs DE Campanatiis painted in the lower compartment, an elegant Manuscript, in very fine preservation, caff gilt bach, £15. 1458 The De On/ fore ends on the obverse of folio 127, and is thus subscribed by the copyist : ** Marci Tullii Ciceronis de Oratori libri expliciunt. Scripti per me Petrum Suuilden Leo- dien, Dyoc. Anno a nativitate domini mcccclviii. tempore potestatorie Venerabilis ac egregii viri domini Antonii de Campanatiis Juris civilis doctoris famosissimi tunc t'pis co'is Medicine potestatis clarissimi. It is followed by the other pieces above mentioned which end on the obverse of folio 135. 37 COLNETT (Lieut. J.) Voyage for Whaling and Discovery round CAPE HOEN into the Pacific Ocean, folio, autograph Manuscript, with several exquisite Drawings in water colours, splendidly hound in red morocco, super extra, joints, hroad borders of gold, gilt edges, £15. 1795 An account of Colnett's voyage was published in 1798, but it only contained 8 charts, and none of the fine illustrations which are in the MS. now offered for sale. This magni- ficent volume was presented by the author to Sir Philip Stephens, Bart., one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to whom the work is dedicated. Sold previously for £31. 10.«. 38 COMMISSIONS, Eeports, Letters Patent, Warrants, etc. relating to the Army a7id the Navy, during the reign of Charles II, James II, William and Mary, and part of Queen Anne's, folio, 345 pp a well-written and appa- rently an official copy belonging to the Commissioners of Excise in the begin- ning of the last century, bd. £3. 1702-3 Many of the documents concern the colonial dominions of the crown. 39 COENWALL. A Collection of 200 Coats of Arms in Trick, with Index, sq. 8vo. Manuscript, 230 pp. old calf, £1. 1620 Evidently prepared with critical accuracy, as appears from the occasional memoranda of the compiler, stating the source of verification. 40 CKAYEN, Catalogue raisonne de I'ffiuvre de George Frederic SCHMIDT, sm. 8vo. portrait ; hound up loith a very neatly written English translation, and divided into 2 vols, small 8vo. hf bd. ueat,27s Londres, 1789-1830 129 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOlSr. 41 E VANG ELI AEIUM GRJilCUM, imp. 4to. ancient Greek MS. of the XI century, on VELLUM, in a clear bold and square character, almost without contractions, with large Illuminated Initials, not wholly perfect, richly bound in darh red morocco extra, gilt edges ^ £40. Sec. XI. A selection from the four Gospels, used by the priests for reading aloud and preaching from. There are occasional notes added to mark the inflexions of the voice and the intonation. The character of the handwriting in this venerable relic is early cursive, and there is no distinctive space between the words except at the end of a sentence or clause. There is neither subscribed nor ascript iota to mark the dative case ; the breathings are generally noted by the peculiar character shaped like a headless cross lying down; and the forms of the letters in the head lines, as well as the colours used in illumination, are of archaic kind. All these circumstances combine to prove the high antiquity of the MS. It forms a very valuable specimen of Byzan- tine calligraphy of the best description. 42 EVANGELIARIUM LATINTJM, stout sm. 4to. a very fine early MS. on VELLUM, with 3 pages of Music in Neumes, and 30 MINIA- TURES and large Initials, executed in a most singular style of Art, the Evangelists depicted with wings and 'presenting a grotesque and monstrous appearance, in the original leather covered wooden binding, £84. Circa 1040 Dedicated to the Virgin by the original scribe or owner, in four monkish verses, written in uncial characters, on the first page, as follows : Virgo Maria, tuus Hunc librum dat tibi seruus Abbas Euofrictus Prumiensis nomine dictus Kespice reddentem Tibi jureque vota voventem Tu pia, placatum Faciasque tuum sibi natura. Huprecht, Prince-Abbot of Priim, ruled between the years 1026 and 1068. A very precious volume : there is something strange and striking in every one of the illustrations. The winged evangelists, with heads like dogs and lions, are not the least curious feature of the book; and there are several fine initials of quaint and ancient character. Some of the paintings appear imbued with a typical or symbolical signification. There is one large drawing, full page size, in which the ground is all gold ; an angel's figure painted on it, upholding a cloth, against which the crowned and bleeding head of Christ looks forth from the page ; the letters I. H. S. in gold under- neath. The second, third, and fourth pages are occupied by a curious deed of gift from Eeinhardt de Kumersheim to the Monastery, made in presence of the Abbot AVolfram, who ruled from 1077 to 1103, so that it is about fifty or sixty years later than the rest of the book, with the exception of two pages of still more modern composition, betw^een the music and the text, in which the dependencies of the Abbacy are recounted. 43 EVESHAM (Alexander, of Wellington, Herefordshire^ Armes, and other Col- lections . . . gathered and sett in this booke, square 12mo. minute MS, , ivith numerous curious Drawings of Arms, etc. original English calf binding, with ornamental sides, rebached, and enclosed in a case lettered on bach "Heraldic Manuscript, IWO;' from Dr. Welleslefs library, £6. lOs 1584 Chiefly relating to Herefordshire, with an Index added in a later hand. The volume also contains : Sizes of Standards ; Orders to be observed when the King goeth in battle ; Notes on Heraldry; Arms of the 12 Tribes, 3 Kings of Cologne, theCsesars, etc. At the end of the book, the author has written the following quaint quatrain : Though losse of goodes greueth sore Yet losse of tyme greueth me mor For losse of goodes I may attainc But losse of tyme corns never againc. EUROPEAN MANUSCEIPTS. 130 44, EOPPENS (J. F.) Chronique de la Yille de BEUXELLES, folio, Autoqeaph Manuscript, lif. hd.from the Library of M. de Servais, and also that of the Bev, Dr. Wellesley, 20s cir. 1758 This is perhaps one of the valuable unpublished Supplements to the Bibliotheca Bel- gica, which were known to exist in MS., but have never been printed. The volume ought to be amongst the public records of Belgium. 45 GAINSFOED. The one and twenty Battaille^ of gorfee ^Btantasiiut, with the unmatc'hable Life and Death of Eichard. Nevill (£aiU of OTavlutcfee syrnamed in his tyme the Darlinge and Efavorite of Kinges ; by Thomas Gaynsford, Esq: small folio, unpublished Autograph Manuscuipt o/200 pp., the last two leaves defective, hound in rough calf from the Marquis of Hastings* library, £21. cir. 1620 A PRECIOUS Manuscript, being undoubtedly the autograph and only existing copy of an unknown work by an old English historian. The list of Gainsford's printed books will be found in Lowndes' Manual, all published between 1616 and 1619, and now of very great rarity. The present MS., perhaps the most interesting of all his writings, is dedicated to Kobert Lord Rich, who was made Earl of Warwick by King James in 1618. 46 GENOA. Geossi, Easti delle Eamiglie Nobili di Genova; in-folio, 271 if.,avec Index de 4 pp., rel. en velin, £5. Environ 1610 Manuscrit precieux, contenant les annales et les genealogies de 222 families nobles, est d'une grande importance pour I'histoire de ITtalie. La valeur du Manuscrit est de beaucoup augmentee par les annoiries qui sont dessinees 9a et la dans le volume. 47 GENEALOGIES of British Noble Families, MS. on 184;?;?. of paper, roy. folio, neathj tvritten and tabulated, containing genealogical lists of nearly 200 titled families, beginning with Aylesbury (Bruce) and ending with Went- worth, £^. lOs 1770-96 48 GOMBAUD. Les OISEAUX de le GUTANNE, peints par Ogier pe Gombaud, 2 vols, royal folio, 1(J8 original coloured drawings, contain- ing representations of 4^29 different species of Birds, AN UNIQUE AND YERY VALUABLE UJN PUBLISHED W O^K on the Natural History of Guyana, neatly bound in hf. green morocco gilt, the Gem of Mr. Gur- net's library, £7^. Cayenne, 1803-8 This extraordinary work is the production of a French gentlemen named Ogier de Gombaud, who had been exiled to Guyana for somepolitial reason, at the beginning of the present century. While there he determined to write the history of the birds of that coun- try, and the above are his original drawings, with the descriptions. Not the least curious feature in the book is the dedication to the Eternal, in which he implores the blessing o Providence on the work, and thanks him in that he has given him " le courage, les talens, pour copier ses inimitables.ouvrages, les moyens de le faire, la sante pour les finir dans un horrible pays oii Ton lutte sans cesse entre la vie et la mort." The birds are painted in a peculiar manner, white being apparently used as the ground-colour, while the other colours are beautifully worked in, each 'feather being distinctly delineated. This method gives the drawings the appearance of oil-paintings, and their fine effect can only have been the result of the most tedious labour and wonderful perseverance. The different species arc character- istically figured, the Vultures, Eagles, Falcons and other Raptores being represented cap- turing or devouring their prey. The Cypselidas (Swifts) are represented with their peculiar nests, the Caprimulgidae (Goatsuckers) hunting moths; and the appearance of every picture is further enhanced by the tasteful arrangement of scenery and foliage. The birds are faithfully coloured, and some of the brighter-plumaged ones, such as the Orioles, Tana- gers. Toucans and Trogons are very finely painted. There are three plates of Trochilidac (Humming birds) containing representations of 37 different species, and introducing the well-known anecdote of the Tarantula. The first volume embraces the various genera as far as the Kingfishers and the Todies, while the second, commencing with the Woodpeckers, which comprise some of the best drawings, gives figures of all the other genera down to the Terns and Petrels. Mr. Gurney has made some MS. observations with reference to many of the species, but the majority are not yet scientifically named, and many figures of birds could be identified which are not now found in Guyana, thus rendering the work of peculiar interest with regard to the Natural History of that country at the end of the last century. 131 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 49 GUELF EAMILY. G-enealogiaD Principura Guelforum, large 8vo. 2 Genea- logical Tables and 41 Drawings of Figures, {Portraits of Guelfs), carefully traced from an old German Manuscript, with the names ajffixed to each, half morocco, 32« ca. 1828 The original Manuscript from which this one is traced, was fonnerly in the possession of the famous antiquary, Schilter. It derives no little interest and value from its connexion with the royal family of England. 50 HALLEY (Edmoad 'the Astronomer) Journals of VOYAGES in his Majesty's Pink, the Paramore, intended for the discovery of the Variation of the IVIagneticall Compass, (1698, 1699, and 1701), 3 parts, two in one vol. roy. folio, calf, and the third small folio, sd. diagrams, small charts, and tables, from the Marquis of Hastings'* library, £2. Vis Qd 1700-1 The first two Journals are fair copies made for Halley ; the third, 1701, is in his autograph. Some of the results of these important voyages were laid before the Royal Society, but the Journals were never published. 61 HASTINGS' LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Books, MSS. and Prints, the pro- perty of Earl Moira, Donington Castle, Leicestershire, sm. folio, neat MS, hf bd. 20s circ. 1825 52 HAYES' (C.) Drawi>^gs of Birds. A collection of Thirty-five Original Draw- ings by this celebrated Ornithological Draughtsman, exquisitely finished in colours, each named, and having the artisfs signature, impl. folio, green MO- Eocco, super extra, gold tooling on sides, gilt edges, by J. Wright, £%. 1808-11 Recently priced £10. 10^. 53 HERALDIC COLLECTIONS. A very interesting and curious large folio volume of Heraldic Papers of the XYIth and XYIIth Centuries, consisting of Pedigrees, copies of Grants of Arms, (some in the Autographs of the famous Antiquaries and Heralds Camden, Peter Le Neve, Sir R. St. George, R. Cooke, Dethick,and others), Arms emblazoned and in trick, &c. mounted in a volume, large folio, bound in russia, from Dr. Welleslefs library, 5620. 1590-1700 Most of the documents are apparently the originals made by the rarions heralds at the request of members of families, copies of which were delivered over to the inquirers. A pedigree of the Kings of England, in the handwriting apparently of Camden, ends with Queen Elizabeth, and Arabella Stuart, in 1590. The volume contains, among other papers, the arms and crests of the Knights of the Bath made in 1616, Pedigrees Of the Families of Dowdall, Browne, Walgrave, Warren, Malpas, Tamhorn, Villers, Stafford, Strangwaies, Oxenbridge, Dod, Halse, James, Frere, Beauchamp, Martyn, Sydenham, Walcott, Savage, Bacon, Weston, Shaw, St. John, Plow- den, Hare, Kendall, Cavendish, Wilson, Dixwell, Perkins, Lennard, Browne, Dering, Tin- dall, Tylston, Gefferey. Midleton, Bowyer, ice. &c. Many of the coats of arms are em- Uazoned on a larye scale. This volume contains documents of incalculable value for future writers, and must be regarded as one of Dr. Wellesley's greatest treasures. 54 HIERONTMI Epistol^. Petit-in-folio, MS. sur VELIN, ret. en parchemin, 5ei2. Ferrare, 1467 Beau manuscrit, ecrit sur 286 ff. de tres-fin et blanc velin. La premiere page est encadree dansune bordure arabesque des plus belles, renfermant unegrandeinitiale,etdeux figures peintes, dont I'une semble etre ^cusson. La souscription a la fin du volume demontre que " Joannes Grassus Carpensis" de Fen-are en fut le scribe, et qu'il termina le manuscrit le 28 de Fevrier, 1467. Une autre note an commencement, est ^crite par " Frater Baptista Pannetus, ordinis Carmel." qui avait charge Grassus de I'execution de ce manuscrit et d'un autre de Suetonius. 55 HOLLAND (John) Heraldic Manuscripts, chiefly Extracts from Harleian MSS. sm. 4to. with drawings of Goats of Arms in colours, old calf, \5s ca. 1680-1800 56 HOROLOGrlUM Magnum et Troparium, Horas Officii Diviai coutinens, Graeccthiok sm. ^to. fine Dyzantine Manuscript upon Bomhyx paper, dated in the year 6982, a.m. of the Constantinopolitan Mra,in the original binding, having a portion of one leaf torn off, £8. 1474 This beautiful specimen of Greek Caligraphy is mentioned in Mr. Coxe's Eeport to Hi M. Government on Manuscripts in the Levant. It measures 8 inches by 5\ EUEOPEAN MANUSCRIPTS, 132 57 INNOCENTII III (Lotharii) Opera Minora: de Contemptu Mundi ; de Virtutibus et Yitiis ; Veteris ac Novi Testaraenti Biblia versiculis compre- hensa ; Tractatus Theologici ; de Sacraraentis ; Sermones ; de Pollucione Nocturna, 12mo. Manuscript on yellum (310 pages), luritten by an English scribe, having on first leaf the autograph of F. Nog de Sandwico (Sandwich), calf gilt, £4. 4^ Sec. XIV. Of these works, by the Pope who obliged King John of England to sun-ender and do homage for his crown, Cave only mentions the de contemptu Mvndi, and the Sermones. 58 IRISH AND SCOTCH MSS. A small 4to. volume, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, containing the following pieces : — 1. GIRALDI CAMBRENSIS Topographia Hibernige, not perfect, beginning at the end of the fifteenth chapter, and occupying 24 leaves, beautiful MS. on vellum Sec. XIY. AVith some marginal notes in an Elizabethan hand. The last leaf contains the table of contents and also a curious Map ofEngland, Ireland, and the Orkneys. Copies of this work are extremely rare, especially ancient ones, and the difference between them and the printed text is very great. 2. Petri Adelfunsi prajfatio iu Clericalem Disciplinam, 1 leafofVQl. air. 1400 S. Htjgonis de S. Vi'Ctore Excerpta de libris Sacramentorum, 18 Uaves, elegant MS. on vellum Sec. XIV. 4. CaleiitJ avium Hospitalis ^bertfonen^lg, 6 leaves containing the calendar for the twelve montlis, with Illuminated Initials, Borders, and 24 elegant little Miniatures of remarkably fine execution, on thin vellum circ. 1395-1400 Several notes have been added, during the years 1400 to 1540 con- cerning the deaths of eminent persons, amongst whom we find JAMES I. in February 1437 ; " DAVID de LYNDYSAI, . . . Com. de CRAU- EORD," whose death is dated the 10th of March 1407 (not February as stated in the Lives of the Lindsays) ; ROBERT II. in 1390 ; ROBERT DE BRUYS, 1329 ; PATRICK Earl of STRATHERYN in 1412 ; EUFEMIA, COUNTESS of STRATHERYN in 1415 ; HENRY DOUGLAS, 1392. The connection of this MS. with the history of the noble families of Scotland, especially the Lindsays, gives it an additional value beyond its rarity as a specimen of Scotch missal-paintine. 5. Writ of Edward I. in Latin, confirming the election of "William Eitz- John as Bishop of Ossory, one leaf of vellum London, 1302 6. Irish Elegies upon the Lives and Deaths of distinguished personages, Archbishop Cantwell of Cashel, James Purcell, Baron of Luaghma, etc. (including an account of Sir John Mandeville " Seon Manndual") 19 leaves of neatly written MS. in an ele^^ant Irish character, on vellum, with the signature of the owner " Cahill Conwye is Booke " in an Elizabethan hand circ. 1500 7. QuATUOR Principia Nature, etc. : a philosophical treatise in Irish, elegantly written, on 19 leaves o/vellum Sec. XV. The excessive rarity of really old Irish MSS. on vellum is well known. A number of modern transcripts upon paper fetched enormous prices at the late Hastings sale. The above two articles (Nos. 6 and 7) are mentioned in Lhuyd's catalogue of Irish MSS. (at the end of the Archse- ologia) as belonging to Lord Clarendon. 8. Account of Ireland and its language, 7 8vo. leaves of paper, folded, partly in Spanish and partly in Latin, but evidently by an Irish priest dr. 1630 9. The Nine Worthies, in old English verse, wanting the commencement, but well preserved and clearly written upon paper, 8 leaves with about 28 lines per page circ. 1400 The language is very curious, and although a certain metre is observed, yet for the most part there is no rhyme. — : together in 1 vol. old calf ' A PRECIOUS COLLECTION, £100. Sec. XIV-XVIL A representative of the Trustees of the British Museum is said to have spent two 133 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. days in the examination of this wonderful volume— certainly the most valuable in the Library of the Marquis of Hastings. But he was sufficiently inconsiderate to let this treasure slip from his hands at the sale. 59 KEATING- (Geoft'rey) Foeus Feasa ar Eirinn, le Seatlirun Ceating, folio, neat Irish MS. of the History of Ireland, pp. xxiii. and 174, bound in old calf from the Marquis of Hastings^ library^ i*2l. 1718 Extremel}^ valuable, as it is well known how great a difference exists between the original work and the printed editions of the translation. The text itself has never been published. The great rarity of MSS. of Keating's History of Ireland, is shewn by the circumstance that there is only an imperfect copy in the celebrated Stowe collection of Irish MSS. O'Connor, in the Bibl. Stowensis mentions the existence of four copies in various places. The above may perhaps be one of the four. 60 KEATINGr. Tm Bior-ghaothe an Bhais, re Seuthrun Ceiting : the Three Darts of Death, by Geoffrey Kea.ting, author of the History of Ireland, sq. 8\o. vert/ neat MS. 341 pp. from the library of the Duhe of Sussex, old ca/f £2. Qs Copied by Richard Tubber, 1710 This MS. was originally presented by Sir William Betham to the Duke of Sussex. ITALIAN POETRY: Gi (BOCCACCIO, Cicerchia, Mattia da Prato, etc.) Passio:n"e di Giesu Cristo — Eisarrezione di G-esu Cristo — Vendetta di Tito — Di del Giudizio, 4 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Manuscript, in semi- Gothic letter, hf bd. £5. Sec. XIV. A very valuable Testo di Lingua, in ottava rima, comprising an unknown and unpublished Poem on the Fall of Jerusalem. It is the third piece in the volume, and embodies a curious legend about the Emperor Titus, who is supposed to have been secretly a Christian, and to have avenged the passion and death of Christ by the slaughter of the Jews and the capture of the sacred city. The final verse contains a curious wish that the Christians should act like him and rescue the Holy Sepulchre from the " Saracen dogs." A similar legend exists in prose, unpublished also, as appears from the mention by Palermo (MSS. della Palatina, p. 298), but it is shorter and less complete than the valuable poem now offered for sale. The Pafsione was first published in the 15th century, and has been reprinted from MSS. in the present century, but the present copy dift'ers very materially from the other versions, and is of much importance for the collation of the text. The Rhurrezione was also printed in the form of Kappresentazione at an early period, but also with considerable difference. The MS. is divided as follows :— The Passion consists of 265 stanzas, and begins on the obverse of the first leaf, ending on the obverse of the thirty- fourth, with a drawing of the Cross, Crown of Thorns, etc. beneath the last stanza. The Resurrection begins thus : "El altro di chella' paschua seghuia," on the obverse of the thirty-fifth leaf and ends on the obverse of the 67th, consisting of 260 stanzas. The Revenge of Titus consists of lOti stanzas, and occupies leaves 68-86. (The corner of leaf 78 has been torn off, so that a few words are missing). The Judgment-Day occupies leaves 87-96, and contains 68 stanzas. All the MS. is in one handwriting, and displays various peculiarities of orthography and language which are very interesting from a linguistic point of view. The letters I and r are interchangeable, as in grolia for gloria, sprendore for splendore, multiprichata for multiplicata, etc. The scribe writes ellautre domie for ele altre and other similar words — which seems to indicate a northern origin. 62 GALLO DE MON IE SANO (Phylenio). Per la Florida Madona Lylia Veta. di virtu ornatyssima, Sonetti e altre Eime ; in-8vo. demi-rel. maroquin, £8. Ss Sec. XV. La premiere page est ornee d'une belle bordure a figures, contenant le portrait de la dame, et en has un dessin qui porte les mots : *' Hos coniunxit amor." Une note manus- crite au commencement du volume, le decnt ainsi : — " Grazioso codice del XV. Scritto ad imitazione del Petrarca. Conosciuto dal Roscoe che nella sua vita di Leone X., dice esser vissuto verso la meta del XV. sec. A quanto pare egli non e conosciuto n6 dal Quadri ne da Tiraboschi." 63 SxALTEEIO. Versione del Salterio e dei Cantici che si leggono nel Breviario, in elegie Latine e Toscane, opera di JS". N. Sacerdote Fiorentino, in-folio, demi-maroquin, non-royne, £2. Sec. XVII. Manuscrit inedit, en deux parties, dont la premiere contient une version Italienne en distiques rimes, et une version metrique Latine. La seconde partie contient la meme ver- sion Latine, et une nouvelle traduction Italienne in ottava rima, avecletexte de la vulgate en tete. La preface au lecteur assure que le traducteur n'avait pas eu I'intention de livrer son ouvrage au public, mais que les louanges de ses amis I'avait decide autrement. Une note endorsee donne a I'auteur le nom de Scarpona. EUEOPEAN MANUSCEIPTS. 134! 64 CAPASSO, Nicola. Prove di Omero stravestute a la Napoletana, con Indice di Parole Napoletane, 2 parties en 1 vol. in-4to. Manuscrit de plus de 500 pp. rel. en veau, 365 1760 Ce MS. semble avoir ete prepare pour la publication par Gennaro Aversa qui le dedie a James Gray, I'Ambassadeur Anglais en Sicile. Plus tard, on publia le texte dans le recueil des poetes Napolitains, (dont Capasso est le principal) mais sans le Lexique qui donne tant de valeur a ce Manuscrit. G5 JOSE PHI (Fiavii) Autiquitates Judaicse, Latine versae per Euffinum Pres- byterum Aquilejensem, Liber I — XI cap. 8, folio, Manuscript on VELLUM 167 leaves, ancient wooden binding, with the title written on the side, under a covering of transparent horn, £70. Sec. X. Written ia a fine bold Latin character, closely similar to that of the Rabanus MS. in Corbie Abbey, executed in the 9th century, of which Mabillon gives a facsimile, (de Re Diplora. 363). The diphthong aj is always written with separate letters, and the genitive case of Joxeplius has, not an i, but &. y at the end, crowned with a dot. The first nine leaves are supplied in a handwriting probably of the thirteenth century. In the added pages, the text is divided into chapters and adorned with three initials, but in the older MS. there are no divisions. This is undoubtedly one of the most ancient MSS. extant of the Latin ver- sion of Josephus. I have only seen a notice of two other copies, both of the twelfth cen- tury, and one of them very imperfect, which are at Oxford. QQ JUSTINI clarissimi historici super historiis Trogi Pompei Epythoma. 4to. fine MS. on VELLUM, 125 leaves, hound in parchment, £8. 15s Sec. XIY. Beau manuscrit sur vi:LiN, la premiere page ornee d'une elegantebordured'arabesques, les initiales peintes et rehaussees d'or. L'ecriture est d'un caractere Itahen tres-net et lisible, mais le style en a quelque chose qui lui est particuliei. 67 Knight (Robert) Names and Arms of all the Baronets and Knights of the Bath, 1603-16, 12mo. MS. 0/48 leaves, ahove 200 Coats of Arms, emblazoned in colours J and curious dedication, hf. calf, from Dr. Wellesleg's library, 10s 1616 Bound up with "Dugdale's Usage in beaming Arms, 1682," etc. 68 LECTION AEIITM site Evangelistarium, G-rsece, large 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM, a fragment of an ancient Church Service, finely written in a large hand, in double columns, bound in red morocco extra, ^fc'lO. 10s Sec. XIIL Interesting as an example of the workmanship of the period. There are some curious initial letters, coloured ; and the whole character of the handwriting i§ antique and primi- tive. The dative iota is always omitted, the i// has the cross-shape, and the i and v are dotted. 69 LEWIS (A.) Discription of both the Universities of CAMBRIDGE and OXFOHD, with their Amies, and the Armes of every Colledge in both of them, with the firste Founders and principall Benefactors ; of the number of Bishoprijcks in England and Walles, with their Armes, and the Armes of diuers Bishops that ruled in that sea, with a Catalogue of their names, 12mo. Manusctiipt, 363 pp. very neatly written by A. Lewis, sometime Student in Cambridge, andl^^ coloured drawings of Coats of Arms, and MS. Index added by T. Willement, Esq., purple velvet, gilt edges, £10. 1587 The Oxford and Cambridge description ends on page 86, and the 89th is occupied by an emblazoned coat of Arms of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Chancellor of Ox- ford, L587. 70 LITUEGIA GE^CA, cum MUSICA. The Service for the Transfiguration, in Greek, with MUSICAL NOTATIONS, 12mo. Manuscript on paper, bound in red morocco extra, ornamented back and sides after the antique, by Bedford, 5610. 10^ Sec XV. This very curious MS. was written in the island-of Crete, as appears from the heading — " Kai ravra KaOiog \pa\\ovTai Trapa Kvp. fSfViSiKTov E7n(TK0 7iro7rov\ov UpioTioTraTra ttoXbcvq Fv9tifivr]g." The town of Rhythimnais in the north of Candia or Crete, as appears from Ptolemy, and perhaps an examination of the records of Venetian domination in that island may shew the exact time when the Protopapa flourished. The Music is singularly noted, and it is remarkable that where one syllable accompanies several notes, the vowels are duplicated or triplicated in spelling, as the case may be. There are two old vellum fly- leaves covered with Greek writing of the 10th or 11th Century. 135 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 71 LONGMATE. Alphabet of Arms, collected by Barak Longmate, from 1760 to 1793, with References placed before the Names, showing the Authorities from which collected, thick roy. 4to. Ma.nuscript, containing Twenty ikousand Names , with description of Coats of Arms, russia, gilt edges, £l2.12s 1793 The reference to an authority, which is added in every instance, gives this MS. a greater vahie than most other books of the same kind, whether printed or in manuscript. It is the work of a thoroughly experienced and practical Armorialist. 72 MATTHEWS (Admiral) Official Copies of Documents used on the Court Martial upon Admiral Matthew^s, in all 24 pieces, sm. 4to. 20s 1745 A curious lot ; the result of the investigation was not made public, but the Admiral retired from the navy. The charge against him was that he had failed to defeat the com- bined French and Spanish fleets opposed to him at Toulon in 1744. 73 MEDICI. Recueil de cinq opuscules manuscrits sur I'bistoire de la famille des Medici et de leiir domination k Florence, 12^ Sec. XVIII. 1. Copied'une " Cronichetta sopre le azioni di Lorenzo dei Medici, in forma di lettera di B. Salimbeni a Guicciardini," 137 pp. pet. in-fol. ; 2. Origine e Descendenza della casa de' Medici, 153 pp. in-4to. ; 3. Copie du Testament de " Gio : Gastone ultimo dei Medici," 1731, 20 pp. in-12mo. ; 4. Confutazione dellostorico M. Bruto in riguardo alle accuse date a Cosirao de' Medici, 17 pp. in-4to. ; 5, Estratti dell' opere di G. Bianchini, 78 pp. in-4to. Medici, Loeenzo dei — see post Priscian. 74 MILAN. Arme Milanesi, etc. Un tres-gros volume in-folio, i-el. en cuir de russie, £W. Ws Sec. XVII. Manuscrit contenant pres de 15,000 Armoiries coloriees, par diverses mains; quelques unes fort grandes. Lesnoms des families sontajoutes, etant pour la plupart Italiens, parti- culierement Milanais, mais beaucoup d'autres, Allemands, Esclavons, rran9ais, Espagnols, Flaraands, Anglais et Ecossais s'y trouvent aussi. Les dessins sont rudes et le blasonne- ment tres-peu artistique, mais lelivre doit avoir beaucoup de valeur, comme grand Tresor d'Armoiries. 75 MISSALE ROMANUM, small folio, MS. upon VELLUM, written in large and regular Gothic characters, with 7'uhricated initials, some of them iLLrMiNATED and very large, and the M.VS1C noted in various places ^ in the original wooden binding, the upper face inlaid iirith brass plates, charged with elaborate tvork, one large central figure in high relief ahnost nine i?iches long, executed in b?'ass, with two ivory figures of less size, at the side, and four smaller figures carved in the corners, 3680. Sec. XIY. A very remarkable specimen of mediaeval work in metals, and ivory. The cover alone would make this MS. one of the most curious articles to be seen in a gentleman's library. 76 MUSIC. A very curious ENaLTSH MS. of the early part of the Seven- teenth Century, containing Antony Holboene's Cradle of CojfCEiTES, La- crimsB by Dowlande, Blundeuill's last farewell, by W. Hollis, and Fancies, Galliards, etc. by Dowlande and others, many of whose names are uumen- tioned by Burney and Hawkins, small folio, in original stamped calf bind- ing, £5. circa 1620 Most of the Music in this volume cannot be found elsewhere, and as nothing is more eagerly sought for at the present time than the works of early English Composers, it is dif- ficult to prize too highly the MS. now offered to collectors. 77 ORDINAEY OF AEMS, sm. 4to. Ancient Manuscript, containing several hundred Coats of Arms, neatly emblazoned in colours, with a couple of rude portraits, cnlf neat, from Dr. PFe/leslefs library, £4<. 10s cir. 1500-1G50 The greater part of the book of Arms was executed about the end of Henry VII's reign,and the rest by continuators at various times till the middle of the seventeenth century. 78 OBDINAUT OF AEMS, gq. 8vo. MS. 59 very neatly emblazoned Coats of Arms, chiefly of English country families, hf bd. 20s cir. 1000 EUEOPEAN MANUSCEIPTS. 136 79 OFPICIUM Beatae Virg-inis Marioe secundum Consuetudinem Curise Eomanse cum Calendario, 16mo. Manuscript on VELLUM, heautifully I written ly an Italian Scribe /or a Member of the Family of ALDOBEAitfDiNr, whose Arms are painted heneatli the first two Miniatures^ adorned withletters of gold, illuminated capitals, elegant borders, and 11 sw^er& miniatures, I cnEFS-D'(EUTRE of their hind, and evidently done by a master hand, bound in blue velvet, gilt edge^, £92. circa 1490 From Sir Thomas Gage's library. Amongst illuminated Missals and Books of Hours, this little Gem must take the very highest rank. Such an example of Calligraphic Art is not easily met with. lu that age of Tuscan magnificence, when Art and Li- terature both revived and rose to the summit of their grandeur, all that genius could devise was lavished to adorn the luxuries of the great, and this beautiful little Prayer- Book is a specimen of what could be accomplished at the desire, and for the pleasure of a great Prince of the Church. 80 ORDINARY OF ARMS, sm. folio and sq. 8vo. 2 vols, above 1500 Coats of Arms neatly tricked, some being the originals inlaid, and others " carefully tricked from those which were much decayedy^ copied by F. JPawcey, 1831, bound, £6. 105 cir. 1600, and 1831 Formerly in the possession of Peter Le Neve, with a few notes in his autograph. The Arms chiefly relate to families in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, Kent, Yorkshire, and Shropshire, although there are numerous examples from other counties. They are particularly valuable as shewing tYv^full quarterings of many important families and personages. There is a good Index at the commencement of the folio volume. There is also a curious drawing of an Earl and Countess's Hearse. 81 ORDINARY OF ARMS, thick sm. 4to. Manuscript, 165 draicings of Coats o/Arms and Crests, many of them coloured, with a complete Index added, which contains over 2500 names, vellum, £9. Scec. XVII. Under the different headings Bears, Trefoils, Death's Heads, Bones, Stags, Unicorns, Toads, Spiders, &c. &c. the names of Families are given bearing them in their Arms. The manuscript appears to have belonged to Richard Mawson, Portcullis (who died on the same day, Sept. 2, 1745, the warrant was made out for appointing him Windsor Herald), and it afterwards passed into the possession of John Warburton, Somerset. It came finally to Willement, who bought it of Barak Longmate. 82 ORDINARY OF ARMS. Collection of Arms, being the "Work-book of Thomas Pe:n'son, Arms-Painter at the Signe of the Kings' Arms, on LudgateHill, folio, neatly tricked Drawings, with Index of about 400 names, hf caf £3. 16^ 1691 This collection is valuable and interesting, as it consists chiefly of the Arms of English, Scotch, and Irish Nobility of the 17th century, with their Crests, Supporters, and Mottoes, which are not easy to obtain. Thomas Penson was probably descended from William Tenson, Lancaster Herald, 1613, Most of the drawings in this book are considerably older than the date given above. At the end there is a large Coat of Arms, marked at the side *' sent out of France in July, 1559," at foot of which appear the following rhymes: — The Armes of Mary Queen Dolphines of France The noblest Lady on earth for till advance Of Scotland Queene and of England also Of Ireland als God hath providitt so. 83 OXFORD. Deeds and Documents relating to Property in the City of Oxford, apparently in the ownership of Bjllliol College, 5 on parchment and 3 on paper, 25s 1604- 1701 84j parliament. Rights of Electors determined by the House, folio, MS. 0/306 pp. neatly written and ruled, with alphabetical Index, old calf, I ; £2. lOs circ. 1711 Very valuable as containing a digest of all the legislation u])on the franchise down to 1711, with respect to every town and borough in England. The compiler intended to have done the same for Scotland, but very little has been added. 137 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 85 PADUA. DoTTi de' Dauli, Alessandro. Dell' edificatione di Patalamia al Monte Rosso, detto poi Engania e da Antenore re-edificata, fu nominata Patavia laqual fu poi chiamata Padova con la narratione delle cose piu notabili di essa e delle sue Pamiglie. Petit in-4;to. relie en vieux maroquin rouge, richement dore, les annoiries de Vauteur peintes sur les plats, £15. 15s 1622 " Manuscrit original d'un ouvrage utile et interessant qui est reste inedit. It est bien- 6crit, et contient environ 180 armoiries blasonnees, avee Fhistoire des families nobles a qui elles appartenaient, arrangee en ordre alphabetique, et un Indice pour trouver les noras des families dont une description particuliere n'est pas donnee." This useful and beautiful volume was formerly in the possession of Lord North, whose book-plate is on the cover. 86 PALAFOX y Mendoza, I'Archeveque de la Puebla. Beatificationis et Canonizationis ejus Animadversiones Bottinii aliorumque ; pet. in-folio, re'/m, £2. 10s 1690-99 Recueil des divers documents et lettres des dignitaires de la Societe de Jesus et autres rclatifs a la dispute entre les Jesuites en Mexique et I'Archeveque, en Espagnol, en Italien, ou en Fran^ais, la plupart manuscrits. Tons ces saints peres professent de ne pas croire que Palafox fut I'auteur de la lettre horrible qu'il ecrivit a I'egard des Jesuites — cette lettre etant le seul obstacle a sa canonisation. 88 PATENT ROLLS of Edward IL, Richard I., and John, and Pipe Rolls of Stephen and Henry II., transcribed by Roger Dodsworth, the well-known Antiquary, folio, oieat MS. hf. calf, 564. 5s cir. 1660 Some of Dodsworth's collections were published between 1655 and 1673, under the title of Monasticum Anglicanum, but the contents of the present MS. were never printed. The volume contains in addition printed Patents of Creation, Grants of Supporters, Form of Retour, &c., MS. copies of Licences to wear Foreign Orders, &c., also numerous cuttings from the London Gazette respecting Changes of Name and Assumption of Arms, Royal Appointments, and Grants of Title, with MS. Index. 89 PEERAGE OF ENGLAND, sm. folio, very neat MS. of 69 leaves, rough calf, from the Marquis of Hastings' Library, £12. circ. 1642 Evidently written by some personage of high position. This MS. contains the names of all the peers who held titles (with an account of their origins, etc.) in the" most happy raigne " of Charles I. 90 PEERS. Arms of English Peers, temp. Q. Elizabeth, sq. 8vo. Manuscript, from the Collections of Barak Longmaie and Willement, with their Autographs, 70 Coats o/'Aems very neatly tricked, hf russia, 24s cir. 1590 A curious MS. The name of Cecil, Lord Burleigh, is written Sitsill, which no doubt represents the old pronunciation. 91 PLATING, Bartholomei, Vitse Sixti TV. pars ; cum Diariis et commentariis Jacobi Yolterani, 1478 — 84, prsefato Onuphrio Panvinio ; Diarii di Gentile Delfino, 1316 — 1480, e di Stefano Infissura sin' al 1494, e di Sebastiano Branca Talini sino al 1517 ; en un gros volume, in-4to, velin, . £2. Sec. XVII. Manuscrit important pour I'histoire de I'eglise ; la partie de I'ouvrage de Platina qui forme la premiere section du volume, en est la seule piece qui ait ete imprimee. 92 PORTOLANO, ove si contiene tutto il costaggio di Terra Eirma comin- ciando dal Porto S Mario, dentro Gibilterra, e si gira sino alia montagna Erminia, folio, with Ij^dex, MS. upon paper, much damaged by fire, but the text complete, in a blue morocco case, with flaps, £2. 10s Scec. XVII. 93 PoETUGAL. Traites, en Latin, sur la Loi de Mariage, etc., par Acosta, Barboza, Valasco, Da Veiga; en un volume, in-folin, velin, 15s 1577-80 Manuscrit d'environ 600 ff., un peu endommage, tres-bien ecrit, avec des lettres initiales curieuses. 94 PRISCIANI GRAMMATICA. Ars Prisciani viri eloquentissimi Gram- matici, sm. 4to. 211 ff. original Medicean linding, £10. 10s Sec. XIII. Manuscrit precieux, sur velin, dans la reliure que lui donna le grand Laurent de _ Medicis, dont il formait partie de la bibliotheque. Les lettres initiales sont tres-curieuses dans le genre grotesque et entrelace ; et le texte presente beaucoup de leqons diverges qui seraient fort utiles pour une nouvelle edition de cette grammaire. Le scribe a ecrit les citations grecques en lettres onciales. L'inscription " ad Julianum Consulem," qui a ete omise par Krehl, se trouve en tete du texte. Le deux derniers feuillets sont d'une main plus modeme. EUROPEAN MANUSCEIPTS. 138 95 PRISCIANI de Grammatica, Libri XV. j pet. in-4to. 243 fF. maroquin brun, tr. dor. £1. 10s ^ec. XV. Manuscrit important, ecrit sur velin. Le premier et les derniers feuillets sont endom mages, mais le livre est autremcnt complet, dans una belle ecriture Italienne, orne de capitales, peintes et rehanssces d'or. Le texte en est tres pur, et les citations Grecques sont ajoutees par une autre main que celle du scribe. Les differences qui existent entre ce Manuscrit et I'edition imprimoe de Krebl sont rcmarquables : une collation en serait necessaire pour toute edition future. On voit I'inscription ad Juliavum Consulem, et le dernier livre (XV.) est le meme que Krehl a reparte en deux (XV. et XVI.) II est remarquable que a MS. nc fait par mention de Theodoras. 9G RACINE. Grotii, Excerpta ex Tragoediis et Comoediis GraDciis, Greece et Latins . cum notis et Indice, sm. thick 4to. maroon morocco, gilt edges, hg Lewis, Sir J. L. .Knight Bruce^s copy, £2. lOs Parisiis, J 626 " Volume peu commun." — Brunei. This book contains manuscript notes in the autograph of the celebrated Racine, with his name on the title. They include additions to the text, and French translations. The present copy fetched £4. 4^ at Renouard's sale. 97 RECEIPTS for Medicinal Purposes, for Drinks, the making of Wines, Metheglina, Ales, Balsams, Oyntments, folio, 53 leaves, with Index, hd. from the Library of the Marquis of Hastings, £2. 10s circ. 1620 A very curious MS. To most of the receipts the names of the persons who had tried them are given, including Lady Derry, Mrs. Wright, Lord Manie, Lady Worcester, etc. 98 REGISTRE de BRIEFS, 12rao. a curious old MS. on vellum, inscribed with the preceding title by the former owner, (Sir TV. Ouseleg), containing Charters, Letters, and Ordinances issued by Edward 11. in Latin, old vellum binding, formerly in the possession of George Lascelles, with his Signature and Coat of Arms, £3. 10s Sec. XIV- XV. These copies were probably made not long after the date of the original instruments. The MS. is of itself very interesting, as having almost certainly been the note-book of some old English lawyer. On one page there is a list of the Judges of Assize in the year 1320. 99 Repp's Translations and Imitations, in Icelandic, from Wellesley's Anthologia Polyglot ta, sm. 8vo. autograph MS. of this celebrated scholar, hf. bd. 5s cir. 1830 100 RETURNS of His Majesty's Eorces, from December 1768 to September 1775, apparently prepared monthly, but not entirely consecutive, 43 vols, sm. 8vo. neatly written Tables of Synoptical Statistics, old red morocco, gilt edges, £4. 4^ 1768-75 101 RICCl, Giuliano de. PeioristaEioeetjtino nel quale ^ il s unto et il ristretto delle Casate e Eamiglie Eiorentine antiche e moderne con un' Aggiunta sino al 1606 ; pet. in-folio, velin, £6. Gs Environ 1700 Manuscrit important inedit. La preface de Ricci est datee de 1596 ; mais il scmble que d'autres mains ont continue I'histoire jusqu'en 1700. Les noms sont ranges en ordre alphabetique. 102 ROME. Relatione curiosa delle Eamiglie di Roma, con Supplimento, ^/>. 108 and 51 — Discorso de Cardinali, 90 pp. ; Alcuni Prelati in riga di esser cardinali, 14 pp. ; Discorso sopra il Papa ed il Sacro CoUegio, 1680, 47 /;/?.— Fazioni dei Cardinali, 5 pp. — Relatione della Corte di Romafatta dal Marchese di Bigliore, Ambasciatore di Savoia appresso il Pontefice, 1675, 102^^. ; all in 1 vol. sm. 4to. in neat handwriting, hf. calf, £3. 3^ 1670-80 A very interesting Biographical and Historical collection. The account of the Roman families gives their genealogies, pedigrees, and short lives of the members. The Discorso contains biographies of all the living Cardinals and the Prelates who would next be raised to the purple, with a curious account of the factions into which they were divided. This subject is continued in the supplementary pieces. The value of the Ambassador's relation may be estimated by the fact that it was a circumstantial account prepared for his master to whom it is addressed. He met Queen Christina at the Pope's Court. 103 Rome. Ordi^^i e Statuti dell* AccAnEMiA del Disegno de' Pittori, Scultori et Architetti di Roma, sotto il titolo e padrocinio di San Luca ; pet. in- folio, bas. 18s Vers 1630 Manuscrit sur papier, de 211 pp., de beaucoup d'importance pour I'histoire del'Art. L 2 139 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 104 SCLOPPETAEIAN MEMOEANDA, by Mr. PBiTCnETT, consisting of Extracts, Cuttings, original MS. Observations and Experiments upon Eifles, Eevolvers, G-uns, Bullets, Bayonets, etc. with illustrative Drawings, a most valuable and importa7it collection, in 3 vols. sm. folio, tinted vellum, £5. 1850-63 At the present time of experiments in fire-arms, this collection ought to prove in- teresting and valuable. 105 SCOTLAND. Aems of Scotch Nobtlitt, roy. 8vo. Manuscript, luith 54 coats in trick, and alphabetical index, bound, from Dr. Wellesley^s library, 255 cir. 1600 John Holland, the Herald-Painter, was the owner of this book. It was first pre- pared, as will appear from the text on p. 16, before James VI. became James I. The earlier alterations were made evidently in the reign of Charles I. 106 SENECA TEAGrCEDI^ decern, cum Glossis, small folio, beautiful Italian MS. on fine vellum, witli the initials elegantly illuminated in gold and colours, bound in old gilt russia in the Harleian style, £75. Sec. XIV. This most valuable Manuscript contains a vast number of Various Readings, very important for the collation of printed editions, and the rectification of the text. Copies, especially in complete state, are very rare ; one amongst the Arundel MSS. Brit. Museum is perfect, another amongst the Burney MSS. is defective ; two, in Lincoln College and All Souls' at Oxford, are defective and not so early by a century as the above. One in Merton College, equally old, has only seven Tragedies ; and there is no copv in the libraries of Lambeth, Durham, the Palatine at Florence, or that of the Dukes of Bur- gundy, Brussels. The glosses or running comments in the present MS. afibrd very valuable interpretations and elucidations of the text. 107 SPAIN. NoBiLiAEio Genealogico de las Casas Ylustres y de los Eeyes de Espaiia ; in-folio, ^00 pp. veau, £5. 1620 Manuscrit important in^dit, illustre de 34 armoiries peintes et 27 grands arbres genealogiques. Un poeme sur I'origine et les blasons des Rois d'Europe, precede le texte. L'auteur cite partout ses autorites. 108 LAUNAT, Sieur de. Ordre de la Bande ou de TEscliarpe Eouge institue au royaume de Castillo. In 4to. manuscrit, relit en velin, £2. 16^ 1668-1680 Texte en rran9ais, avec 62 armoiries blasonnees, et le dessin d'un Chevalier de Tordre, arme. A la fin du volume se trouve, en Espagnol, une " Recopilacion de algunos varones ilustres del apellido De Tello." De Launay etait Premier Heraut des Etats de Flandre. 109 YELASCO. Despacho confirmatorio de los Blasones de Armas Noblesay G-enealogia que correspond en a Don Clemente Eernandez de Velasco ; in 4to. charte officielle ecrite Sur velin ornee de deux grands arbres genealogi- ques de 4 armories blasonnees, d'autres peintures, d'initiales enlumin^es, etc., mais endommagee, rel. en maroquin rouge, £8. 8s Madrid, 1798 The Charter contains interesting historical information regarding the Genealogical descent of the Velasco Family, and its connection with the most noted and famous houses of the old Spanish Aristocracy. 110 OSORIO. Copia de la real cartee xecutoeia de Hidalgijia despachada en favor de Don Juan Francisco Osorio, descendiente de Don Juan Gromez Butron ; in 4to. charte officielle sur Velin avec 7 Armoiries blasonnees, endommagee, maroquin rouge, £5. 5s Madrid, 1777 Les blasons sont de families Osorio, Butron, Mora, Escovar, Arnalte et Castellane. 111 STATUTI, Costumi, ed Ordinazioni della Sagea Eeligione Gteeosolimitana. Petit-in-folio, 134./! rel. en velin, £2. l(5s (1632) ManuHcrit inedit, portant sur le plat de la reliure les mots " Camera Segreta." 112 THERAMO (Jacobus de) Compendium de Eedemptione Generis Humani, Consolatio Peccatorum nuncupatum et apud nonnullos Belial vocitatum sive processus Luciferi contra Jesum. In-folio, maroquin, S6s Aversa, 1463 Manuscrit tres-curieux de 118 flP"., mais endommage par I'eau. On sait quel est le sujet de ce roman grotesque: le diable intente un proces contre le Christ pour lui avoir derobe les ames du Purgatoire, et les deux partis plaident leur cause devant Salomon, qui en est le juge. EUEOPEAN MANUSCRIPTS. 140 113 THERAMO (Jacobus de) Belial, in Tei3tsch, folio, 70 leaves, neat old Ger- man Manuscript on paper, with 35 lar^e and spirited DRAWINGS, coloured and partly illuminated with gold, representing the various scenes of Chrisfs singular law-suit with the JDevil, stamped Dutch vellum, 38120. Dated 1450 These singular drawings arc of no common order ; in design and execution they re- call some of the best productions of the early German artists. The volume is thus in- scribed at end ; " Anthonius Riittel de Pairmenchingn hoc scripsit domino sou Gabriele Miiller, hoc tempore scriptor suus, 1450." On the first page appears the following in- scription by a former owner: "Mir Matheus Swartzen geherig, 1531, vom allten Michel Ewller kaufft." The language of the translator's preface is curious, he states," Ich han mich gedacht ich woll mich versuclien ob ich ze teiitsch miig pringn daz puch daz da betracht ob Ihst Marien sun daz recht hab gehabt da er die hell uu die tuefel hat beraubt." 114 THORKELIN, Lexicon Islandico-Latintjm, stout roy. 8vo. neat ttn- PUBLISHED MS. Ids. £2. IQs Kaupmannah. circ. 1790 Dedicated to the first Marquis of Hastings, when Lord Rawdon, as follows : Ver- duligum Herra sinum Lavardi Rawdon er thessi Orda-Bok tileignut," This MS. the work of one of the greatest masters of Old Norse that ever lived, is almost invaluable to scholars of the present day for whom Icelandic lexicography has accomplished so little. 115 VENICE. Chronica de tuta la provintia de Venexia : 1 . Come Atila Ela- gelum Dei vene ia Italia e la destrutione lui fexe. . ♦ . 2. De li Re e Inparadori. ... 3. De tuti li offitii e dignita de Venexia. ... 4. Chronica {jusqua 1490). ... 5. Tute le Chasade de li Zen til Homini de Venexia. . . . En un volume, pet. iu~fol. rel. en velours, tr. dor. £12. 12s Environ 1500 Manuscrit inedit, contenant 170 Armoiries Blasonnees, avec quelques pages ornees de bordures peintes et initiales enluminees. 116 CRONICA di tutti li Dogi di Venetia con le Aemi loro et origine delle Casate. Pet. in-4to. demi-rel. £4. 4* (Fenise, 1556-1658) Manuscrit inedit, contenant 107 armoiries blasonnees, avec une courte notice sur chaque Doge. Le titre est encadre dans une bordure peinte a figures. La plupart du volume, depuis le commencement jnsqu'a I'election de Laurentio Priuli en 1556, est d'une ecriture belle el ronde ; la continuation est sans doute de la main de quelqu'un qui herita le manuscrit. Ni les blasons ni I'ecriture de cette partie ne sont comparables a ceux de la premiere. . 117 FAMIGLIE VENETE, un gros volume pet. in-4to. reZ. en marogfuin rouge, tr. dor. £8. 10s 1631 Manuscrit de 825 pp. contenant des notices de 160 families Venetiennes, avec plus de 220 armoiries blasonnees, et un index alphabetique. 118 LIBRO DE NOBILI, con li nomi, che sono nati sino 1659 con tutti li sponsalitii, et di casata in casata la sua Aema, in-12mo. veau, £4. 4« 1659 Manuscrit de 450 pp. avec 218 armoiries blasonnees, et un index alphabetique de 195 families. 119 FAMIGLIE DI VENEZIA. Pet. in-4to. veau, £4. 4« Sec. XVL " Manuscrit du 162 pp. contenant des notices de 130 families illustres, avec 171 armoiries blasonnees." With autograph of Wm. Ouseley on the cover, and on the sides the arms of the Latton Family, with motto, " Mors potior macula," stamped in gold. 120 VERONA. ScHERLi, Griacomo. Brevi notizie delle cose piu rimarcabili della citta di Verona. Pet. in. 4to. hroche, 25s 1752 Manuscrit inedit de 123 pp. prepare pour la publication, avec une preface datee de "VcroiiG 17^2 121 WILLEMENT (T.) Index to the Effigies of Saints, Prophets, etc. stout sm. 8vo. MS. tvith a List of the Works which have been consulted, and references to the same hy means of initial letters, above 150 pp. entirely occupied by writing, the rest of the booh blanhy calf, a most useful work, £2. 6s ^ [1813] 122 WOLEE (General) Copy of Orders written by him, folio, neat MS. bd. from Marquis of Hastings* sale, £2. 16s circa 1759 Beginning with Instructions for young officers, and proceeding with the Orders he issued from 1748 in Scotland till 1759 in Canada, up to the day before his death. This MS. forms a perfect picture of the mind and the career of the famous soldier who fell at C^ucbec. m BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 123 XENOPHON de Yita Cyei, translatus per Poggium Elorentinum, sm. ] folio, VERY BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN Manusciipt, upon the purest vellum 124 leaves in Boman characters, with beautiful illuminated border on ^ the first page, and the capital letters in the best Italian style, in the \ original stamped calf binding, a very old specimen, in excellent preservation, \ £9. 15^ Scec. XV. i An interesting monument of the famous Poggio Florentine, who filled the position of : Apostolic Secretary to so many Popes — amongst them, John XXIII ; and whose name ; has descended to our time, not merely as the author of the " Facetiae" afterwards used by • La Fontaine, but as one of the most learned and energetic of the restorers of ancient lite- ! rature. His visit to England about the year 1420 is also to be remembered; although \ he gained by it little beyond a flattering reception from the notorious Cardinal Beaufort. This MS. translation of Xenophon is rare, and was never printed, but it was used by i one of Poggio's sons as the text from which to publish an Italian version of the Cyropsedia, j which appeared at Florence in 1521. 124 Miscellaneous MS8. an old French book on Veterinary subjects, an Italian ; work on Matlieraatics, with neat diagrams, Genealogies of the Houses of ; Foix and Bt^arn, Notes of Medals, Biographical Memoranda, Spanish Pro- j verbs with English interpretation. Titles and Extracts from Books relating ! to Italy, Memorandum of the Genealogy of the Mac Leeds of Lewes, ! List of Stammbiicher, in German, etc. a folio parcel, from the library of \ the Marqiois of Hastings, SOs Sec. XVII-XVIII j PALiEOGRAPHY, DIPLOMATICS, MEDIEVAL LATIN GLOSSARIES, PENMANSHIP, BIBLIOGRAPHY OP i MANUSCRIPT LITERATURE. \ 125 ADEI4-N, Catalogus Codicum MSS. Bibliothecae Academicae Gissensis, 4to. \ facsimiles, sd. 4iS ; or, fine paper, bds. 7s Francof 1840 < 126 ANDEESONI Selectus Diplomatum et Numismatum SCOTIA Thesaurus ' Gum Indice JS'ominum et expositione praecipuarum Familiarum cura Eud- dimanni, roy. folio, containing 110 plates of Coins, Ancient Seals, CiiARTERS, etc. fine impressions, russia neat, £12. Edinb. 1739 ', The only authentic record of the Genealogies of the Great Families of Scotland. | ' Nearly the entire edition of this extremely scarce and valuable work was destroyed by fire. Hibbert's copy fetched £12. 127 Aeundel Manusceipts, Catalogue of the, in the Library of the College of ^ Arms (by Sir C. G. Young, Yorlc Herald), royal 8vo. cloth, 12s ■ Not published, 1829 i 128 ASTLE (Thos.) on the Origin and Progress of "Writing, folio, Second Edi- j TioN, with additions, large paper, portrait, the plates unfolded, containing 1 facsimiles of early Writings, (pub. £10. 10*) russia extra, £4<. 5s 1803 Priced, 1824, Rivington and Cochrane, £5. 5* ; fetched, 1859, Sotheby's, £5. lOs. ^ 129 Bachelin, Description du livre d'Heures de la maison de Schoenborn, imp. : folio, 2 facsimiles, sd. 2s Gd Paris, 18G8 j The beautiful MS. described in this brochure, was sold by auction, at Comte de ] I'Espine's sale, on the 3rd December, 1868, for 28,000 fr., not including expenses. 1 130 BAEEOIS, Elements Carlovingiens linguistiques et litteraires, 184G — Lecture litterale des Hieroglyphes et des Cuneiformes, 1853 — Dactyliologie et ; LaDgage Primitif, restitue d'apres les monuments, (avec appendice de) Lexeologie Grecque, 1850 — 3 vols. in. 2, 4to. about 100 plates, some coloured, from Egyptian, Assyrian, Etruscan, Greek, Roman, and other \ monuments, hf morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £^. 3* Paris, 1846-53 \ 130*BICKHAM'S Universal Penmanship, folio, about 212 plates of English, Gothic, \ and Court-hand Penmanship, embellished with elaborate flourishes and en- gravings, old calf 155 ; or, a fine copy in hf calf, 22s 1743 '\ A humourous sketch on the old Writing Masters is found in D'Israeli's Curiosities of Literature, Sec. Series. \ PALEOGRAPHY, DIPLOMATICS, ETC. 142 131 BIBLIOTHEQUE de l'Ecole des CHAETES, Eevue d'Erudition consacree principalement a r:^tude du Moyen-Age, 24 vols. roy. 8vo. many facsimiles of Ancient Documents^ etc. (pub. at £14. 18^) in 'parts as issued, £10. Paris, 1839-62 This copy is comi3lete from the commencement to the above date, and includes all the tables as far as issued. 132 another set, Vols. I— XYI in 97 pts. roy. 8vo. sd. £5. 1839-54 133 another portion. Series I. Vols. 1 — 3, Series II. Vols. 2, 3 — together 5 vols. 8vo. hf hd. 255 1839-47 This is one of the most important and interesting pnblications relating to Mediaeval MSS. The cost of publication was 125 a volume. British Museum Catalogues : 134 CATALOGUE of MSS. in the British Museum, New Series, Vol. I. part 1, the Aeundel ; parts 2 and 3, the BrRNEY Manuscripts, and Ijsdexes, folio, plates of facsimiles (pub. ^3. I.9) bds. 32« 1834-40 135 CATALOGUS Codicum Orientaltum Musei Britannici, 3 parts in 4, large M. facsimiles (pub. £2. lO^) hds. £2. 2s 1838-47 Contents : I. Codd. Syriaci et Carshunici ; II. Arabici, 2 parts ; III. Aethiopici. Sets completed. 136 CATALOGUE of the Harleian MSS. now in the British Museum, with Indexes, 3 vols, large folio, calf gilt, 26s 1808 137 BOISSENII Grammato-Graphices ; vari^e scripturae Einblemata Belgicis, Ger- manicis, Italicia, Hispanicis, Gallicis, et Latinis characteribus exarata, obi. fol. 48 plates of ornamental Penmanship , fine copy, vellum, 22s Amst. 1605 138 Carlisle Manuscripts (The) in Lambeth Library ; an account of Greek Manuscripts, chiefly Biblical, of the late Professor Carlisle, by Hy. J. Todd, roy. 8vo. hds. 7s Gd London, s. a. (? 1830) 138*Cecchetti, la Scuola di Paleografia in Venezia, atlas 4to. 9 plates of facsimiles, hds. I6s Venezia, 1862 139 Catalogue des Manuscrits de la BiBLioTH^QrE Eoyale des Dues de BOUB^ GOGNE, public par ordre du Ministre de I'lnterieur (par J. Marchal), 3 vols, folio, numerous facsimiles of Miniatures, hf russia, £2. 2s 1842 A glorious monument to the Art-taste of the House of Burgundy. 140 CHAMPOLLION, Paleograpbie des Classiques Latins, Liv. I. Introduction. folio, 2 plates of 7 facsimiles, stained, 3^ Qd 1837 141 CuRiEiTSE und deutliche Anweisung zu zierlicber Teutscher Schreib-Art wie auch Zeichnung und Eeisz-Kunst, smallest 4to. 24 engraved leaves of Ornamental Letters, old calf gilt haclc, £2. Franchfurth, Bourgeat, 1714 142 DANIEL (K.) Compendium of the usuall Hands, with sundry Figures of Men, Beasts, and Birds, done a la volee, oblong 4to. 67 leaves, all contain^ ing ornamental specimens of calligraphy, engraved hy E. Cocker, hroken old calf, £1. 12s 1663 Including Armenian, Slavonic, Arabic, and Indian Languages. 143 DUCANGE, Du Eresne, Glossariumad Scriptores mediae et infimsQ GEiECI- TATIS, in quo Grseca vocabula novata) significationis, aut usus rarioris, Barbara, Exotica, Ecclesiastica, Liturgica, Tactica, Nomica, latrica, Bota- nica, Chymica explicantur, eorum notiones et originationes reteguntur ; complures ^vi Medii ritus et mores, dignitates ecclesiasticse, moua8tica9, palatinse, etc. recensentur ; acced. Appendix cum Etyraologico Linguae Gallicoe, etc. 2 vols, in 1, folio, calf, £5. 5^ Lugduni, 1688 " Livre tres recherche, ct dcvcnu pcu commun." — Brunei. 144 DUCANGE, Glossarium Mediae et iNEiMiE Latit^itItis, auctum Monachis Ord. S. Bened., cum Supplem. CARPENriEni, et Addit. Adelungii et aliorum digessit Henschel, 7 vols, thick 4to. plates of Coins, Monor/rams, etc. sd. £8. lOs Par. Didot, 1810-50 143 BEENAED QUAEITCH 15, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 145 DU CANGrE (C. Dufresne Domini) G-lossarium ad Scriptores raedise et infimsR Latinitatis, 6 vols, portraits and plates, including those of Coins, Faris, 1733-36 — Carpentier (D. P.) Glossarium Novum seu Supplemeutum ad auctiorem Glossarii Cangiani editionem, 4 vols, plates, ib. 1766 — to<2;ether 10 vols, folio, old French calf, £S. 10s Paris, 1733-66 Priced, 1828, £12. 12^ ; 1831, £1.5. ; 1832 and 1843, £15. 15.?— Large Paper, the Duke of Grafton's copy, £16. 16.?; 1840, £18. 185 ; in 1847, £14. 14« ; Drurj's copy- fetched £11. 13.V ; Brockett's, £13. \Zs. The editions, 3 vols, folio, Paris, 1671 : 3 vols, folio, Franco/. 1681, and Lugd. 1688 — are of no value. 146 DUCANGE et CAEPENTIEE, Glossaeitim Scriptorum Medii Mn, in Epitomen redactum multisque verbis et dicendi formulis auctum, ab Adelijxg, 6 vols, 8vo. fne copy in calf gilt, £3. 10* Halce, 1772-84 " Dr. Parr gave £12. 12* for this book, and considers it one of the best in his library." — Bill. Parriana. •• This is a work in very great estimation. It contains a fund of the most curioua, amusing, and useful intelligence."— Dihdin. Many Antiquaries prefer Adelung's edition even to the original folio edition in 10 vols. " Without the Glossary of Ducange nothing can be done satisfactorily in the study of history previous to the sixteenth century : we can hardly decipher a single parchment without having recourse to these pages." — H. L. Jones. A very useful work to all engaged in Antiquarian studies, givipg full particulars about Mediaeval Ceremonies, Customs, Laws, etc. containing also obsolete Technical Terms of every kind. 147 GOUGH (R.) Account of a rich illuminated Missal, executed for John Duke of Bedford, Eegent of France, 4to. portrait and plates, fine copy, red morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, 24s 1794 148 EoTJCAED, della Pittura sui Manoscritti di Yenezia, impl. 8vo. cloth, 9* Venezia, 1857 149 HALTAUS, GLossAnirM Geemanicijm Medii ^ti, maximam partem a Diplomatibus, multis prseterea aliis Monimentis tam editis quam ineditis adornatum, 2 vols, in 1, folio, hound, 15^ Lipsice, 1758 150 HAEDT (Ig.) Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptoram Ge^coritm Bibliothecee Eegise Bavaricse, cum Indicibus, 5 vols. 4to. yellxjm papee. Dr. Dihdin s copy, calf gilt, by C. Lewis, £2. 2s Monachii, 1806-12 Priced by H. Bohn, £7. 75. 151 HODGKIN, Caligraphia Gra?ca et Poecilograpbia Graeca, imp. 4to. 4< printed and 19 engraved leaves of elegant specimens, 2s 6d 1794 152 Hugo de Scribendi Origine, opusc. de Scribis, adj. Trotz, 8vo. plates, veVum, 55 Traj. 1738 153 HUMPHEEY'S Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages, with an Account of the Development and progress of the Art of Illumination from the lYth to the XVIIIth centuries, impl, folio, laege papee, illustrated by a series o/" 31 examples of the size of the originals, selected from the most beautiful of the MSS. of the various periods, executed on stone, and most beautifully printed in gold, silver, and colours by Owen Jones, (pub. at £16. 165) hf bd. red morocco, £10. lO.*? 1849 A low price for such a beautifal work. In 1855, Bemal's copy, mor. fetched £12. The illustrations, all of the exact size of the originals, arc from the most celebrated and splendid MSS. in the Imperial and Royal Libraries of Vienna, Moscow, Paris, Naples, Copenhagen, and Madrid ; from the Vatican, Escurial, Ambrosian, and other great Libraries of the Continent ; and from the rich Public, Collegiate, and Private Libraries of Great Britain. 154 HUETADO (Juan) Arte de ESCEIYIE i Contar ; Tratado de AEITH- METICA donde se contienen las Eeglas mas necessarias, con algunas otras curiosas y prouechosas, sm. oblong 4to. 52 leaves, printed on both sides uifhin borders, containing many examples of different styles of Fenmanship, fine copy in vellum, very rare, £3. 3^ Milan, 1618 The Arithmetical Treatise of this Spanish author is almost unknown. The work is not mentioned ty Brunet or Professor de Morgan. PALEOGRAPHY, DIPLOMATICS, ETC. 144 154*IE1AETE (J.) Regi« Bibliotliecao Matritensis Codices aR^ci M8S. Vol. I. all puhlisJied, folio, hf. hcl. 155; russia, 205 Matriti, 1769 155 JOHNSON'S (J.) Copy-Book, (oblong) smallest 4to. 21 specimens of Penman- ship, engraved in 1641, sd. uncut, £2. 16^ 1669 A very rarc and beautiful book of its class. 156 KEMPIS (Thomas a) l'IMITATION DE JESUS-CHRIST, traduction du Chancelier de Marillac, avec la reproduction des aDciens MSS. depuis le Vie jusqu'au XVIIe siecle, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. a most sumptuous edition, the text printed within borders, extending to upwards of 400 pages, each of which is decorated with elegant designs, copied from exquisite specimens in EAELT Byzantine, Oriental, Flemish, Italian, or French Art ; coloured according to existing originals in 3Iissals, Books of Devotion, Poems, Sfc. ^c. mang pages finished in gold and silver, each leaf mounted on a guard, (pub. at £12. in parts, cost of binding £4.) hound in purple morocco, gilt edges, £12. Paris, Curmer, 1*856 The second is an Appendix Volume, with the following contents : — Delaunay, des auteurs presumes de limitation de Jesus-Christ ; 4 portraits photo- graphies. Denis, Ferd. — Histoire de Tornementation des manuscrits ; avec lettres ornees et fleurons, d'apres les MSS., Siec. VI-XVII., a valuable vork. Catalogue bibliograph. des MSS. reproduits et des imprimes cites, aceompagne d'or- nements. Index des manuscrits et imprimes reproduits ou cites dans I'lmitation, avec figures de Holbein, etc. 157 KOPP, Bildcr und Scbriften der Vorzeit, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous plates of facsimiles of early MSS. also numerous Alphabets in the text, bds. 20s Mannheim, 1819-21 158 KOPP, Pal^ographia Critica, 4 vols. 4to. (pub. at £16. 16s) bds. £4.45; or hf bd. green morocco, uncut, £5. 10s 1817-19 A most important and valuable work, containing several thousand new characters, expressly struck for it, to represent the endless varieties of styles, the abbreviations, etc. in the early Greek and Roman Writing. They are arranged in form of a Lexicon, ex- plained in the regular Greek and Roman characters, and followed by reverse Indexes. The work further contains several large folding sheets of facsimiles. The cost of the publication amounted to several thousand pounds, and was entirely defrayed by the learned author, in whose lifetime only a few copies were circulated amongst Public Libraries and his friends. 159 LAMII Catalogus Codicum Manuscrlptorum qui in Bibliotheca Riccardiana Florentiae adservantur, folio, vellum, 18s Liburni, 1756 A well made Catalogue of a beautiful Collection of Manuscripts, with numerous quotations, especially from the Early Italian Codices. 160 LxlNGrLOIS, Essai sur la Calligraphie des Manuscrits du Moyen-Age, et leg Ornemects des livres d'Heures imprimes, large 8vo. frontispiece and 15 plates of Initial Letters, Miniatures, etc: hf bd. neat, 12s Rouen, 1841 161 LUDEWIG- (J. P.) Reliqui^ Manuscriptorum omnis ^vi Diplomatum ac Monumentorum ineditorum adhuc, 12 vols, in 9, 12mo. plates, good copy in vellum, 30s ; or 12 vols. 12mo. beautiful copy in old calf gilt, £2. Francof Lips, et JSalce, 1720-41 162 MABILLON de re Diplomatica libri VI ; accedunt commentarius de antiquis regum Francorum palatiis, veterum Scripturarum varia specimina, etc. 1706 — Supplementum, 1704 — 2 vols, in 1, stout roy. folio, large paper, upwards of 60 large plates of Facsimiles of Old Charters, etc. and woodcuts, old calf, £2. Lut. Paris, 1704-9 Priced, 1818, Longman, £6. 10.?; 1831, £3. lO.s 1854, £3. 135 6^. " Ce livre est regarde comme le chef-d'oeuvre du savant bt'nedictin, qui en estl'anteur. Lc supplement est beaucoup plus rare que le livre auquel il apparticnt, parceque, scion toute apparence, les exemplaires en ont ete tires a plus petit nombre. 145 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 163 MARSAND, I Manoscritti Italian! della Regia Biblioteca Parigina descritti ed illustrati, 2 vols. 4to. lif. green morocco extra, uncut, top edges gilt, from Dr. Wellesleys library, 20s I*arigi, 1835-38 164 MITARELLI, Bibliotheca Codicum Manuscriptorum Monasterii S. Michaelia Venetiarum, cum Appendice Librorum Impressorum Sec. XV, large folio, hf. Id. uncut, 12s Tenet. 1779 165 MOELLER, Schreib-Kunst Spiegel, sm. obi. 4to. 43 elaborate plates, bds, rare, 20s Lubech, (1644-60) 166 MONTFAFCONI Pal^ographia GniECA, sive de Ortu et Progressu Lite- rarum Grraecarum, et de variis Scriptionis GrsecsD. generibus, itemque de Abbreviationibus, etc. ioWo, frontisp. and plates of facsimiles of Inscriptions, Monuments, etc. old calf, £2. Faris, 1708 " An invaluable work, which has done the same in reference to Greek MSS. that the ' Ees Diplomatica' of Mabillon has done for the Latin." — Dr. Clarke. " A work illustrating by a considerable number of plates, and learned dissertations, the whole history of Greek writings, with the variations of the Greek characters from the earliest times down to the present. This was almost the first work on the subject, and it has served as the text-book for all students of this branch of Greek Literature." H. L. Jones, Genfs Mag. Bee. 1855 167 MONTFA.TJCON, Bibliotheca Coisliniana, olim Segueriana, MSS. Geaecorum in ea descriptio, aliaque ad Palaeographiam pertinentia, folio, ;?Z^^e5 ««fi? facsimiles from Greek MSS. old calf gilt, 15s Paris, 1715 168 Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum Manuscriptorum Nova, ubi describuntur qu8B innuraeris Bibl. continentur, 2 vols, folio, ca/f 25s Paris, 1739 A learned work, giving an Account of the Manuscript Treasures of Italy, France, and Germany, with ample Indexes. 169 NATIONAL MANUSCRIPTS: A Series of Photo-Zincograpliic Eacsimiles of some of the most interesting of our National MSS. by Sir Henry James, Director of the Ordnance Survey; with translations and notes by Sanders, atlas 4to. cloth, 21s 1865 This Series consists of Royal Charters and Grants, and the Letters of Royal and eminent or remarkable persons, and includes some of the most remarkable Original Docu- ments in the Record OflSce, including the most perfect original copy of Magna Charta extant. They are not only of historical interest, but also illustrate the changes in our language and hand- writing from the reign of William the Conqueror to that of Queen Anne. To be completed in 4 parts. 170 NETHERCLIFT'S Handbook to Autographs, a ready guide to the handwriting of distinguished men and women of every Nation, with biographical Index, sq. 12mo. about 600 Autographs, cloth, ISs 1862 171 NETHEKCLirT's Autograph Souvenir, a collection of autograph letters, inte- resting documents, &c. i7i facsimile, roy. 4to. hf. morocco, 14s 1865 172 NICOLSON'S (Archbp. Wm.) English, Scotch, and Irish Historical Libraries, giving a short View and Character of most of our Historians, either in print or manuscript; account of Records, Law-Books, Coins, &c. roy. 4to. BEST EDITION, russia gilt, 25s 1776 " The best preparatory book for the study of Irish history." — Bibliotheca Hibernica. In this work Bp. Nicolson has pointed out the sources whence all information relating to the history of this country is to be derived." — Roane's Ecclesiastica. 173 NOUVEAU TRAITE de DIPLOMATIQUE, ou Ton examine les fondemens de cet Art, on etablit des regies sur le discernement des Titres, et l*oa expose historiquement des Caracteres des Bulles Pontificales et des Diplomes, par deux Religieux Benedictins de S. Maur (Toustain et Tassain), 6 vols. 4to. numerous plates of Ancient Writings, Charters, Diplomas, Documents, Sfc. old calf gilt, £8. 10^ Paris, 1750-65 174 the samp, laeqb paper, 6 vols, royal 4to. old French calf gilt, fine copy, £12. 1750-65 The best book on Diplomatics, indispensable to every Public Library. PALAEOGRAPHY, DIPLOMATICS, ETC. 146 175 O'CONOE, BiBLiOTHECA MS. Stowensis : a Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Stowe Library, with Appendix, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. green morocco^ uncut, top edge gilt, kaee, 568. 85 Buclcingham, 1818-19 Very scarce, 200 copies having been printed for private circulation, by the Duke of Buckingham. A necessary Supplement to the Scriptores, being continually referred to iu the very learned Dissertation. This valuable collection of Manuscripts was cheaply bought in one lot by the Earl of Ashburnham for £8000. " Learned and upright, the lineal descendant of Roderick O'Connor, king paramount of Ireland at the time of the Anglo-Norman Invasion, Dr. O'Conor lived only to complete this monument of the literature of his country, of which his forefathers were the last native and independent rulers." — Sir J. Machenzie. 176 PALATINO, Libro nel qual s'insegna a Scriver ogni sorte Lettera, Antica et Moderna, di qualuoque natione, con le sue regole et misure et essempi, sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION, ivoodcuts on titlef numerous engravings of oena- MENTAL LETTERS, Combinations, debuses, etc. vellum, £2. Momce, 1561 177 Compendio del Gran volume de I'Arte del bene et leggiadramente Scrivere tutte le sorti di Lettere et Caratteri, sm. 4to. woodcuts (rebus), ornamental letters, etc. vellum, 36^ Roma, 1566 A later edition of the preceding. 178 Palermo (P.) Manoscritti della I. e E. Palatina di Pirenze, Vol. 1, stout 4to. Firenze, 1853 Comprises a detailed description of 572 Italian MSS. with an Index. 179 PAEIS (Paulin) Les Manuscrits Prangois de la Bibliotheque du Eoi, leur Histoire et celle des textes AUemands, Anglais, Hollandais, Italiens, Espagnols, de la memo collection, 7 vols. 8vo. hf. calf 30s Faris, 1836-48 Fetched, 1857, Sotheby's, £3. 180 the same, large paper, 7 vols. impl. 8vo. bds. uncut, £2. 10s 1836-48 " Cette histoire fait connaitre le nom des principaux scribes, les plus beaux MSS. les omemens plus anciennes et bizarres; ou Ton trouve des dessins d'eglises, de vaisseaux, de costumes, &c. la date des MSS. &c." 180*EAMSAY, Tacheographie, ou I'Art d'Escrire aussi viste qu'on parle, latin et franq. 18mo. folding plates, old morocco, gilt edges, 30s Faris, 1681 181 EODEIGUEZ, Bibliotheca Universal de la Polygraphia Espauola, royal folio, with 12G plates, exJiibiting specimens of the writing of different ages, £4. 4s Madrid, 1738 This work is invaluable, and in fact indispensable to all persons who are engaged in examining MSS. The plates exhibit the various kinds of writings, from the earliest time down to the seventeenth century. " Get ouvrage dont les exemplaires sont peu communs est precieux, a cause des modules d'ancienne ecriturcs qu'il contient; les Benedictins auteurs du 'Nouveau Traite de Diplomatique,' le citent avec eloge." — Brunei. 182 EUD, Codicum Manuscriptorum in Bibl. Ecclesiae Duxelmensis Catalogus Classicus, cum Appendice, folio, bds. 1 8s ; red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 5s BunelmicD, 1825 183 SABAS, SpEciMiNA Pal^ograpiitca Codd. Grsecorum et Slavonicorum Bibl. Mosquensis Synodalis, SaDC, VI — XVII, sm. folio, 62 plates, with Latin and Bussian text, half calf 36s Mosk. 1863 184 SCHILTEEI Tuesaurus Antiquitarum Teutonic arum, Ecclesiasticaram, Civil ium, Litterariarum, Monumenta Prancica, Alemannica, Saxonica, Biblica, Ecclesiastica, et Civilia, cum Glossario Teutonico non et Linguae solum inservituro sed et Antiquitatibus abundanti, 3 vols, folio, facsimiles of Ornaments in Ancient MS. fine paper, bd. £2. 2s ZJlmce, 1727-28 " Schiltcri Thesaurus Teutonicus est un recueil rempli de documents precieux pour I'histoire civile et litteraire de I'Allemagne a I'epoque Carlo vingienne; rendu 125 fr," liruTiet. 185 SCHWANDNEE de Calligraphiae Nomenclatione et Cultu, large folio, 158 plates of elaborate specimens of Ornamental Fenmanship, Alphabets ivith most eJ eg ant flourishes, hf. calf, £2. 5s Viennae, 1756 186 SEEVIDOEI (Dom. Maria de) Eeflexiones sobre el Arte de Escribir, 2 vols. folio, one consisting oflOo plates, calf LS. Madrid, 1789 147 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 187 Shelton (T.) Tachygraphy, 12mo. frontispiece and plates of Shorthand j calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 12s Qd E. Tracy, London Bridge, 1710 188 SILVESTRE PALEOGEAPHIE UNIVEESELLE. Collection de fac- simile d'ecritures de tous les peuples et de tous les temps, tires des plus authentiques documents de I'art graphique, chartes et manuscrits existant dans les archives et les bibliotheque de France, d'ltalie, d'AUemagne et d'Angleterre; publiee, d'apres les modeles ecrits, dessines et peints sur les lieux memes, par M. Silvestre, accompagnee d'explications historiques et descriptives, 4 vols, atlas folio, original edition, with 300 magni- ficent plates, containing specimens of evert style of Calligraphy and Facsimiles of the Miniatures, from the choicest Missals and Charters in the " Bibliotheque ITationale" many of them splendidly illuminated, (pub. at £75. in parts) French half bd. green morocco extras top edges gilty uncut, a picked subscription copy, £,Q0. JParis, 1841 A TRULY MAGNiCENT ^yoRK, now VERY RARE, published under the auspices of Louis Philippe. Marked in a contemporary Catalogue £75 ; by Payne and Foss, 1848, £63.; Lord Rutherford's copy fetched, 1855, upwards of 80 guineas. The London issue of this work is inferior, as a number of the stones got broken during their shipment to England. One of the finest books in the world, and the most interesting to the Scholar and the Man of Taste. Three hundred Facsimiles of the choicest Manuscripts in Europe, need no other recommendation than the statement of the fact. The work cost nearly Twenty Thousand Pounds in getting up. 189 SILVESTRE'S UNIVERSAL PALEOQUAPHY, or a Collection of Fac- similes of the Writings of every Age, taken from the most authentic Manuscripts existing in the Libraries of France, Italy, G-ermany, and England ; by M. Silvestre, containing upwards of 300 large and most beautifully executed facsimiles, taken from Missals and other MSS. most richly illuminated in the finest style of art, new and improved edition, 2 vols, atlas folio, the text in 2 vols, royal 8vo. — together 4 vols, elegantly hf bound morocco extra, gilt edges, £24. 1850, etc. The best work on the manuscript Literature of Ancient and Mediaeval times. The finest possible specimens are given of MSS. in every European and Oriental Language; of such Languages as Greek and Latin many Specimens of every century and every style are represented. The number of reproductions of Italia];*, French, and German Miniatures is very considerable. 190 SILVESTRE, Paleogeaphie Universelle : a number of plates and letter- press descriptions, from this magnificent work, to be sold separately at the following prices : CoLOUEED plates, 21« each Tinted „ 5&* ,, Letterpress 2« Qd per leaf 191 Simonides. Stewart's Memoir of Constantino Simonides, with a defence of the authenticity of his MSS. 8vo. some MS. correspondence between the Greek and Dr. Bell inserted, a curious pamphlet, 5s 1859 192 SPELMAIS'NI (Henr.) Glossarium Archaiologicum, continens Latino-Barbara, Peregrina, Obsoleta, et novatae Significatiouis Vocabula, fol. portrait, best edition, calf, 25s; fine copy in calf, 30* Bond. 1687 193 Teereros t Pando, Paleografia Espaiiola, que contiene todos los modes cono- cidos que ha habido de escribir in Espaiia, 8vo. numerous facsimiles of old MSS, vellum, 9s Madrid, 1758 194 TEERY'S New and Complete Book of Cyphers for the use of Artists and others, 4to. engraved on 25 plates, sd. 12s 1786 195 TODD (H. J.) Catalogue of the Archiepiscopal Mantsceipts in the LiBEARY of LAMBETH Palace, with an Account of the Archiepiscopal Registers and other Records there preserved, iolio, facsimiles^ half calf , [Privately Printed,] extremely eare, £5. 5s Bond. 1812 PAL^OGEAPHY, DIPLOMATICS, ETC. 148 196 TEINCHEEA, Syllabus G-raecarum Membranarum jamdiii JNeapoli et in Casi- nensi coenobio delitescentium, Greece et Latine, roy. 4to. bds. 36^ Neapoli, 1865 Includiug a number of curious documents written in the barbarous Greek of Southern Italy during the Middle Ages. 197 Upcott's Original Letters, Manusceipts and State Papers collected by him, roy. 4to. a catalogue with facsimile autographs, etc. sd. 7s ijd Privately printed, 1836 198 VAINES (Dom de) Dictionnaire de Diplomatique, contenaut les Eegles pour dechiffrer les anciens Titres, Diplomes, et Monuments, ainsi qu'a justifier de leur Date et Autbenticite, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous plates of Charters and Facimiles of MS 8. half calf uncut, or plain calf, 20s ; calf gilt, 28s Paris, 1773-74 199 VESPASIANO (Frate) il perfetto Modo d'imparare a scrivere tuite le sorti di Lettere Cancellaresche, Corsive et moderne, coUe Soprascrittioni di Lettere missive, oblong small 4to. 10 pp. of letterpress, and 85 of engraved orna- mental letters, etc. half calf neat, £2. Venetia,lG20 199*WACHTEEI Glossaeium Geemanicum, continens origines et antiquitates totius Linguae Germanicae, 2 vols, in 1, folio, fij^'e papee, vellum or calf lOs Lips. 1737 200 WALTHEEI Lexicon Diplomaticum, Abbrevationes Syllabarum et Yocum in Diplomatibus et Codicibus a Sec. VIII ad XYI usque occurrentes ex- ponens, juuctis Alphabetis et Scripturae Speciminibus, cum prefatione Jungii, 3 parts in 1 vol. folio, last edition, 225 plates of Mediceval Alpha- bets and Contractions, and 28 plates of Facsimiles, all with explanations, £3. 10s Vlmce, 1756 A magnificent volume. In consequence of variations existing between copies, the collation of the above is given. Title and 1 1 prel. printed leaves ; the Alphabet of Con- tractions in 4.59 columns ; facsimile specimens of Early Manuscripts, Tab. 1-22 ; printed index, 19 leaves. 201 WESTWOOD (J. 0.)Pal830grapliia Sacra Pictoria: a series of Illustrations of the Ancient Versions of the Bible, copied from Illuminated Manuscripts executed between the Fourth and Sixteenth Centuries, royal 4to. original copy, 50 beautiful plates of Miniatures and Facsimiles of Ancient Manu- scripts, executed in gold and colours, half morocco, £3. 3* W. Smith, 1843-5 202 • — : Illuminated Illustrations of the Bible copied from select MSS. of the Middle Ages, imp. 4to. laege paper, 40 plates, beautifully illuminated, half red morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. 10s 1846 Rare, and in this size uniform with the Palaeographia Sacra. 203 WESTWOOD'S Miniatures and Oenaments of ANGLO-SAXON and lEISH MANUSCEIPTS ; One Volume, imperial folio, illustrated in a Series of fifty four superb plates, most elaborately executed in exact facsimile of the originals in Gold and Colours; ivith a descriptive text to each Plate, serving as a History of British Palceography and Pictorial Art, (pub. at £21.) cloth, £17. 17s 1868 208* the same, royal folio, superbly and elaborately bound in moeocco, Keltic ornaments on sidee, gilt edges, a binding expressly designed for this work, a masterpiece o/Bedfoed's skill, £28. 10* 1868 0^ In order that the Subscription List might absorb the entire number of Copies printed. Professor Westwood had stipulated with the Publisher that 200 should be the entire Edition, and that the Stones should then be destroyed, — this has been done. Only few copies remain for sale. A detailed prospectus can be had on application. 204 Wright's Court Hand Eestoeed, or the Student's assistant in reading old Deeds, Charters, Kecords, &c. sm. 4to. 23 plates of Writing^ cloth, 10s Gd 1864 149 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. OCCULT SCIENCES, RELIGIOUS WORSHIPS, PHILOSOPHICAL SECTS, SECRET ASSOCIATIONS, ETC. CJiieJly from the library of the late Marquis of Hastings, removed from Donnington Park, Leicestershire. 205 AGEIPPAE (H. C.) Opera, 2 stout vols, large stout 12mo. many Astrological cuts, a good sound copy, ISs Zugduni, Bering fratres, s. a. 206 ALBEETU8 MAGNUS de Secretis Mulierum, etc. Amst. 1702 Clavicula hermeticae IScientiae : La Clavicule de la Science hermetique, latin etfran^. ih. 17 ol Themis atjrea ; the Laws of the Fraternity of the EOSIE CEOSSE, by Count M. Maier London, L656 This extremely rare work contains the' Laws and Mysteries of the Kosicrusians. A Hermetical Banquet drest by a spagiricall Cook, 162 pp. only 1652 the above 4 very curious works in 1 thick vol. 18mo. calf; from Don- ning ton Park, £2. 2s 207 Albert le Grand, Admirable Secrets, 18mo. cf. 3s 6d Lion, 1743 208 Albert LE Petit, secrets merveilleux de la Magie naturelle et Cabalistique, 18mo. cf. 5s Lion, 1743 209 Alciiymie, le texte d', et le Songe-verd, 12mo. calf 7s Gd Paris, 1695 2L0 Antonii Panormitae Hermaphroditus, primus in Germania edidit et Apo- phoreta adjecit F. C. Forbergins, Cohurg, 1824 — Barbatmn furem Tertia Mensa manet : Eikosimechanon, Melocahi, L824, 20 objectionable plates in ovals — in 1 vol. half green morocco, extremely rare, £2. 10s 1824 211 Apparitions. Ferriar's Essay towards a theory of Apparitions, sm. 8vo. half calf, 5s 1813 212 Aratus. Grotii Syntagma Arateorum, Or. et Lat. sm. 4to. 44 plates of curious Astronomical symbols, vellum, 7s 6d Lugd. Pat. Plantin, 1600 213 Bacon's Essays, with annotations by Whately, 8vo. 4ith edition, cloth, with Lord R. Montagu's autograph, 7s Qd 1858 214 Batrhofeer, Idee und Geschichte der Philosophic, 8vo. cloth, 2s Qd 1838 215 Blakey's History of the Philosophy of Mind, from the earliest period to the present time, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 18s 1850 216 BOEHME'S (Jacob) sammtliche "Werke, von Schiebler, 7 vols. 8vo. sd. 12s Leipzig, 1860-47 217 BEHMEN'S (Jacob) WOEKS, to which is prefixed the Life of the Author, with figures illustrating his Principles. Left by the Eev. "W. Law, 4 vols. fine tall copy, full russia, almost uncut, £15. 15s 1764-81 A very remarkable copy; the first volume is full of valuable and important MS. notes, by an orig-inal and kindred thinker : S. T. COLERIDGE, Avritten in 1818. This copy ought to be secured for a public Library, as the MS. notes deserve the careful attention of a future editor. 218 BEUCKEEI (Jac.) Historia critica Philosophise, a mundi incunabulis ad nostram usque aetatem, 6 vcls. ^to. portrait vellum, 36s Lipsice, 1742 Still the standard boo^^ for the best view of all the ancient systems of philosophy of the East and West, and descending also to Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, and the moderns. Priced, 1839, Thorpe £3. 13^ fSd ; 1844, Longman, £2. 18^; 1847, £3. 3«; 1848 Payne and Foss, £5. 5.«. 219 Beowi^" (John P.) The Dervishes ; or Oriental Spiritualism, 8vo. cuts, cloth, 10s Qd 1868 220 BEUNO, de Specierum Scrutinio, et Lampade Combinatoria Eaymundi LuUi Pectoris Heremitse omniscii, propemodumque divini, 12mo. cuts, calf, 20s Pragce, Georg. Nigrinus, 1588 " Memini me olim vidisse et legisse hunc Librum Vitembergae ex Bibliotheca B. Polyc. Leyseri, postea Prof. Helmstad. mutuo acceptum. Keperitur etiam inter Raym. Lulli Opera." — Yoigt. OCCULT SCIENCES, ETC. 150 221 JoEDANi BRVNI, Nolani Camceracensis, Acrotismus, seu Eationes Articu- lorum Physicorum adversus Peripateticos Parisils propositorum, etc. 12mo. citron morocco^ gilt edges ^ with autograph, presentation copy from the author to Kaspar Kegler, of Rostock, £3. 3^ Vitemhergce, apud Zach. Crato, 1588 Brevem Libelli hujus recensionem habes apud Bayle in Diction. Eistor. T. I. p. 679, sq. This work contains the Theses, which Bruno disputed at Paris, with the arguments upon which they are grounded, against Aristotle and his followers. This copy fetched, 1828, Sotheby's, £3. 35 ; and was priced, 1840, by Thorpe, £4. 4*. 222 Betant, a new System of Ancient Mythology, 6 vols. 8vo. plates, 36s 1807 This work embodies the prescientific notions of Mythology. 223 BUHLE, Histoire de la Philosophie Moderne, traduite per Jourdain, 6 vols. 8vo. calfiieat, S2s I'aris, 1816 22-1 Cabalists. The Count of G-ABALIS : or, the extravagant Mysteries of the Cabalists, in 5 pleasant discourses on the Secret sciences, by P. A. with short Animadveesions, 18mo. calf, 6s 1680 225 another version, by A. L. A. M. 18mo. cf 7s 1680 In this version the translator rails against that of the preceding one, and declares : that translator has made the Devil tell lies in a postscript of Animadversions. 226 [Cachet,] la Metapbysique, qui contient I'Ontologie, la Theologie naturelle et la Pneumatologie, 8vo. red morocco extra, gilt edges. Arms on sides, very fine copy, ZOs JParis, 1753 227 Castaniza's Spiritual Combat : or the Christian Pilgrim in his spiritual Conflict and Conquest, by Lucas, 18mo. cf 6s 1698 228 Chemical Aphoeisms : The Fame and Confession of the Eraternity of E: C: commonly of the EOSIE CEOSS, by Eugenius Phil. 1652 — Cheiragogia Heliana, a manuduction to the philosopher's Magical Gold ; to which is added : Zoroaster's Cave, 165*— 153 Chymical Aphorisms, 1688- -in 1 vol. 18mo. calf 16s 229 Cheistie's Essay on that earliest species of Idolatry, the worship of the Elements, roy. 4to. 2 plates coloured in facsimile from Chinese originals, hf calf uncut, 12s Norwich, 1814 230 Ceeuzee's Symbolik und Mythologie, 4 vols. — Mone's Geschichte des Heiden- thums im nordlichen Europa, 2 vols. — together 6 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and cuts, hf. calf neat, 26s Darmstadt y 1819-23 The two Supplementary volumes are scarce and were never reprinted ; they contain the Mythological Systems of the Fins, Slavonians, Scandinavians, Germans and Celts. 231 Ceollii Basilica Chymica, thick 12mo. vellum, 6s Genevae, 1643 233 Demonologia : or Natural Knowledge revealed, being an expose of ancient and modern Superstitions, post 8vo. bds. 6s 1827 234 Digby's (Sir Kenelm) Two Treatises : the Nature of Bodies, and the Nature of Man's Soul, smallest thick 8vo. author's portrait added, fine tall copy, 12s 1658 235 Chymical Secrets and rare Experiments in physick and philosophy, by Hartman, 12mo. calf 7s 6d 1682 236 DEUMMOND ([Sir W.]) Academical Questions, Vol. I, 4to. {all puhlished), calf gilt, fine copy, 26s 1805 237 — — Oedipus Judaicua, plates, 8vo. Ids. 30^ 1811 238 Dollingee, Heidenthum und Judenthura : Yorhalle zur Geschichte des Christenthums, thick 8vo. clothy Qs Begenshurg, 1857 239 Du Eeesnot, Histoire de la Philosophie flermetique, 3 stout vols. 12mo. sd. 10s Faris, 1742 240 DUPUIS, Origine de tons les Cultes, ou Eeligion universelle, 3 vols. 4to. original edition, numerous curious plates, £2. 2s JParis^ 1794 241 '■ the Plates separately, 4to. 21 plates, hf 6d. 12s 1795 151 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 244 DuPTJis, nouvelle edition, avec la vie par Auguis, 7 vols. 8vo. with 4to. Atlas qf24i curious plates, comprising the Symhols of the Ancient Meligions, ^3. Far is, 1822 An Atheistical work, which resolves the system of Christian belief into zodiacal symbols. Dupuis collected every passage which could make the resemblance of Christianity and the Oriental religious systems more marked, and concluded that Christianity was only an emanation of the philosophical school which had flourished ia the East long before its divine founder appeared. 245 FABEE'S Origin of Pagan IDOLATET, 3 vols. 4to. frontispieces, very fine copy, scarce, £7. 7s 1816 The standard text book of all Mythological scholars. 246 Fltjdd, Philosophia Moysaica, sm. folio, cuts, old calf 10s Gaudae, 1638 247 FOEBES LESLIE, the Early Eaces of Scotland and their Monuments, 2 vols. 8vo. 60 plates of Monuments, Hiei'oglyphics, etc. to illustrate the history and ancient race?, of the British isles, (pub, 32^) clothy new, 27s Udinh. 1866 Based upon the immense recent increase of scientific knowledge, this work testifies strongly to the author's great breadth of view and depth of learning. 248 GUILIELMI Alyeeni Episcopi Parisiensis, Ilathematici perfectissimi, eximii philosophi, OPEEA omnia, editio novissima aucta ab F. Hotot, 2 vols, folio, old calf neat, 20s Paris, 1674 249 Helmont's Paradoxal Discourses concerning the Macrocosm and Microcosm, or the greater and lesser World, sm. 8vo. calf, Qs 1685 250 Herbert's (Edw. Lord) Ancient Eeligion of the Gentiles, by Lewis, sm. 8vo. calf neat, 7s 6d London, s. a. (? 1700) 251 Hetwood's Life and Prophecies of Merlin, 8vo. bds. Ss Gd 1813 252 HOEST (G. C.) Zauber-Bibliothek, oder von Zauberei, Theurgie und Man- tik, Hexen, Damonen, Gespenstern, etc. 6 vols. 8vo. Mne Paper, very curious cuts, hf calf, 25s Mainz, 1821-26 253 HUME (David) Philosophical Works, including all the essays, with the important alterations, 4 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf, £2, \0s Edinburgh, 1826 254 Hutchinson's historical Essay concerning Witchcraft, sm. 8vo. old calf gilt, 12s 1720 255 Kant's Kritik der reinen Yernunft von Hartenstein, 8^ o. portrait, hf calf 5« Leipzig, 1853 256 Critique de la Eaison pure, par Tissot, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 5s 6d 1845 257 KING'S (C. W.) GNOSTICS and their Eemains, Ancient and Medieval, 8vo. with numerous fne plates and woodcuts, (pub. at 15^) cloth, 12s 6d 1860 " With many of the conclusions at which the author arrives we do not agi-ee ; but we must do Mr. King the justice to say, that the learning, research, and logical ability he displays are such as to make his work worthy of study by all who are interested in the history of the past and passing religious of the world." — Athe?iaum, Nov. 26, 1S64. 258 KIECHEEI Oedipus AEGYTIACUS, hoc est Universalis Hieroglyphicae Veterum doctrinae temporum invidia abolitae instauratio, 3 vols, in 2, small stout folio, many plates and woodcuts, hf vellum, £3. 10^ Borneo, 1652-54 A wonderfully learned work, giving an account of the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries, the Mythology and Cabala of the Jews and Arabs ; the Scientific Knowledge of the Egyptians and Jews, their Alchemy, Magic, etc. ; altogether the learned Jesuit produced a work which is indispensable to all who pursue Cabbalistic and Mythological studies. 259 Layinheta (Bernhardi de) Opera omnia, quibus tradidit Artis Eaymundi LuUii explicationem ad Logica, etc. edente Alstedio, thick 12mo. vellum, 7s Qd Colonic, 1612 260 LiQTJOE Alchahest, or a discourse of that immortal dissolvent of Paracelsus and Ilelmont, by Pyrophilus, 18mo. calf Qs 1675 In the same volume is bound up : the Urim and Thummim, and a Caveat for Alchymists. OCCULT SCIENCES, ETC. 152 2G1 LECKY'S (W. E. H.) History of the Eise and Influence of the Spirit of RATIONALISM in Europe, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 25^) cloth, 21s 1865 " Mr. Lecky has written an admirahle book, full of learning and acute criticism, on the modernization of the Christian theology ; it is exceedingly full of facts illustrative of the vitality and decay of dogmatic ideas. His account of the belief in witchcraft, for instance, and of the persecution which that belief entailed at the period when the minds of men were first disturbed by the encroachments of modern scepticism, is exceedingly instructive."— Pa?^ Mall Gazette, April 5, 1865. "Mr. Lecky receives in the fifth article, \_Edmburgh Review, April, 1865} the praise he so well deserves for the boldness of his opinions and the beauty of his style. It is said of him, that no other Irishman since Burke, has devoted his talents with equal success to political philosophy."— 7'/te Reader, April 22, 1865. 262 LuKEN, les Traditions de I'llumanite, on la revelation primitive de Dieu, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 5s ^ 1862 263 LULLII (Eaimuudi) de Secretis naturse sive quinta essentia libri IT. ; ace. Alberti Magni de Mineralibus libri II, 12mo. old calf, 6s Argent. 1541 264 libelli aliquot Chemici, 12mo. hf. bd. 5s Basil. 1600 265 Opera, 1617 — Clavis Artis LuUianae, opera Alstedii, 1633 — in 1 vol. very stout sm. 8vo. plates, vellum, 20s Argent. 1617-33 266 Magia Ad AMIGA : or the Antiquitie of Magic, by Eugenius Philalethes — The Man Mouse taken in a Trap— in 1 vol. 18mo. calf, 7s Gd 1650 267 Maeechal, Dictionnaire des Athees, anciens et modernes, deuxieme edition, augmentee par G-ermond, large 8vo. hf. bd. calf neat, rare, 20s Bruce. 1833 268 [Martin] la Eeligion des Gaulois, tiree des plus pures sources de I'Antiquite, par le E. P. Dom (Jaques Martin) religieux benedictin, 2 vols. 4to. plates, fine copy in veau fauve, 20s Paris, 1727 269 Mater, Ilistoria Diaboli sen commentatio de Diaboli, malorumque spirituum existentia, etc. 8vo. calf gilt, 10s Tubingce, 1780 In this curious work are found dissertations on the existence of spirits, the state of the Devil before and since the Fall, his power over the human body and mind, etc. 270 Morell's Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the 19fch Century, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Is Gd 1846 271 MtJLLEE (Max) Chips from a German "Workshop, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 24s) cloth, 20s 1868 Vol. I. Essays on the Science of Religion ; II. Essays on Mythology, Traditions, and Customs. 272 NicoLS (Th.) A Lapidary, or History of Pretious Stones, smallest 4to. the Scientific matter mixed up with a relation of the Cabalistic properties of the Stones, hf. calf, 16s Cambr. 1652 273 OCKHAM (of Corpus Christi) Quodlibeta septem una cum tractatu de Sacra- mento altaris vener. fratris Guilhelmi de Ockam Anylici, folio, sound copy, £2. IGs Argentine, 1491 274 Tractatus de Sacramento altaris, 12mo. fine copy in purple morocco, gilt edges, very rare, £2. 2s Parisiis, Petrus Levet, s. a. 274*Paracelsus his Archidoxes, disclosing the genuine way of making Quintes- sences, Arcanums, Magisteries, Elixirs, etc. bound tip with A Book of Eenovation and Eestauration — in 1 vol. 12rao. calf, 7s Gd 1661 275 Perkins, Dis^course of the Damned Art of Witchcraft, 12mo. portrait, limp vellum, 245 Cambridge, 1608 276 PEUCEEI Commentarius de praecipuis £)ivinationum generibus, in quo a Prophetiis autoritate divina traditis etc. discernuntur artes et imposturse diabolicae, thick 8vo. very fine copy in stamped pigskin, 21s Servestae {Zerbst) 1591 277 Philosophie divine (la) appliquee aux luraieres naturelle, niagique, astrale,- surnaturelle, celeste ct divine, par Keleph Ben Nathan, 3 vola. 8vo. sd. 5s 1793 M 153 BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 278 PICI MIEANDULAE opera omnia ; item Cabala J. Eeuchlini, stout folio, calf, sound copy, 26s Basil. (1572) Pages 411-732 contain: Disputationes in Astrologiam ; pp 733-900, Reuchlin, de 279 PiSTOEii AETIS* CABALISTICAE Sceiptoees, stout folio, fine copy in vellum, 35^ Basil. 1687 Contains : Ricius de coelesti Agricultura, Ilabi Josephi Porta Lucis, Leo Hebr. de Amore; Reuchlin, de Arte Cabal. ; Abraham de Creatione, etc. 280 PEETIOSA Mahgaeita novella de Thesauro ac pretiosissimo Philosophorum Lapide, collectanea ex Arnaldo, Ehaymundo, Ehasi, Alberto, per Janum Lacinium, 12mo. stained, red mo7'occo, 9* Venet. Aldus, 1546 281 Peoblemks Sceptiques, lSm.0. fine copy in old red morocco, gilt edges, from the Colbert Library JParis, 1666 282 EiTTEE, Histoire de la Philosophie Ancienne, traduite par Tissot, 4 vols. 8vo. half calf neat, 25s . Paris, 1835-36 283 SAINTE-CEOIX, Eecherches sur les Mysteres du Paganisme,seconde edition par Silvestre de Sacy, 2 vols. 8vo. yellum paper, sd. 2Hs Paris, 1817 284 SAINTINE, la Mytbologie du Ehin, roy. 8vo. with a profusion of bold and singular woodcut illustrations by Doee, hf calf neat, gilt top, uncut, 15s Paris, 1862 A curious work, partaking of the grand and the grotesque ; and in which the superstitions of the Rhine are traced back to the Scandinavian and Sanscrit mythologies, and compared with other religious traditions. 285 Salmon, Seplastium, the complete English Physician, or the Druggist's Shop opened, containing above 600 chymical processes, thick 12mo. calf 7s Qid 1693 286 SALVEETE, des Sciences Occultes, ou Essai sur la Magie, les prodiges et les miracles, large 8vo, second edition, hf calf, 8* Qd Paris, 1863 287 Occult Sciences : the Philosophy of Magic, Prodigies and apparent Miracles, by Thomson, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Is Qd 1846 288 SANDIVOGIUS' new Light of ALCHYMIE ; also a Chymicall Dictionary explaining hard places and words in the writing of Paracelsus and other obscure Authors, smallest 4to. old calf neat, 10s Qd 1650 289 Saeesbeeiensis (Joannis) Policraticus, sive de nugis Curialium et vestigiis philosophorum, ace. ejusdem Metalogicus, 2 vols. 12 mo. vellum, 6s Qid Lugd. Bat. 1639 290 ScHAUPLATZ geheiraer philosophischer Wissenschaften : der Chiromantia, Physiognomia, Cabala, Cryptologia, Steganographia, etc. thick 12mo. plates, ids. 35 Qd Regensburg, 1770 291 SoLDAu's Geschichte der Hexen-processe (Trials for Witchcraft,) 8vo. hf calf 6s Stuttgart, 1843 292 SPENCE'S Polymetis; or, Agreement between the Works of the Eoman Poets and the remains of the Ancient Artists, folio, fine portrait, 41 large plates, and numerous finely engraved vignettes, in the text, of Ancient Art, chiefly of a Mythological character ^ fine copy from Baron Bimsdale^s library, 36s 1747 293 SPEN CLE'S (Herbert) Philosophical Works : The Principles of Psychology 1855 Eirst Principles, second thousand 1863 The Principles of Biology, 2 vols. 1864-67 —together 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, £2. 2s 1855-67 Ilerbert Spencer is the most conspicuous of all the modern Thinkers of Europe. 294 SPINOZA. Exposition des Sentiments de Spinoza ; avec un examen de la refu- tation faite par Mr. Eegis de Spinosa, sur I'existence et la nature de Dieu, sq. 8vo. ca. 1750 295 EorcHEE de Caeeil, Eefutation inedite de Spinoza par Leibniz, 8vo. sd. 7si5d Paris, 1854 Tire a 100 exemplaires pour I'lnstitut de France. RELiaiONS, SUPERSTITIONS, ETC. 154 29(5 Stiulinq (J. H.) The Secret of Hegel, being the Hegelian system in origin, principles, form and matter, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 366') clothy 18s 1865 297 T. B. Treatise of SPECTERS ; or, an History of Apparitions, Oracles, Pro- phecies, Dreams, Visions and Revelations ; and the cunning DELrsio^'s of the DEVIL, smallest folio, calf qilt, £3. Ss 1658 This curious work contains several thousand stories about Witches, Witchcraft, Devils, Evil Spirits, etc. extracts from ancient and mediajval writers. It appears as if the Christian Keligion had only been able really to establish itself and to upset these ■ superstitious beliefs, after the founding and ramified working of such Societies us the Royal Society of England. 298 Toland's Works, with his Life : History of the Druids ; Books ascribed to the Apostles ; the South-sea Scheme ; Nazarenus ; etc. 2 vols. 8vo. calf neat, lOs 299 Thyon's Treatise on Dreams and Visions, wherein the causes, natures and uses of Nocturnal Representations, and the Communications with Angels, as also Departed Souls, to Mankind are unfolded, 18mo. calf 10s 1695 300 (TUCKER'S) Light of Nature pursued by Edward Search, Esq., &c. 7 vols. Hso. first edition^ fine copy in old calf gilt, rare, £2. 2^ 1768-77 301 WIEGrLEB (Johann Christian) die NAxiiRLiciiE Magie, aus allerhand be- lustigenden und niitzlichen Kunst-stiicken bestehend, mit Martius' Un- terricht, 20 vols, in 19, 8vo. numerous plates, half calf 26s Berlin und Stettin, 1789-1805 AMERICAN (Indian of Guatemala.) 302 POPOL VUH, le Livre Sacre et les Mythes de I'Antiquite Americaine ; avec les Livres heroiques des Quiches, par Brasseur de Bourbourg, Svo. plates, sd. 18s Faris, 1861 BUDDHISM: 303 CUNNINGHAM'S (A.) Bhilsa Topes ; or Buddhist Monuments of Central India, comprising a sketch of the History of Buddhism, 8\o. plateSy cloth, scarce, 305 1854 304 BURNOUF, Introduction a I'Histoire du Buddhisme Indien, Yol. L rov. 4to. {all published) £2. 10s P^Ws, 1844 This work contains analyses of the sacred books of Nepal and Thibet, and of the Buddhistic literature in Sanscrit. 305 Hardy (R. Spence) Eastern Monachism ; origin, laws, rites, etc. of the order of mendicants, founded by Budha, Svo. cloth, 10s 1850 306 Manual of Budhism, in its modern development, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1860 307 Legends and Theories of the Buddhists, compared with History and Science, post 8vo. cloth, 10s 1866 308 MAHAWANSO in Roman Characters, with the translation subjoined, and an Essay on Pali Buddhistical Literature by Turnoue, Vol. 1 (all pub- lished), 4to. bds. S2s Ceylon, 1837 309 MAHAVANSI, Raja-Ratnacari and Raja-Yali, forming the Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon, with a Collection of Tracts illustrative of !l^uddhism, translated from the Singhalese by Upham, 3 vols. Svo. (pub. at £2. 2s) cloth, 20s 18^^2 310 SCHLAGINTWEIT'S Buddhism in Tibet, illustrated by literary documents and objects of Religious Worship, with an account of the Buddhist sys- tems preceding it in India, Svo. text, engravings of Deities, specimens of Languages, etc. and large folio Atlas with 20 plates of facsimiles of Tibetan Frayers, cloth, £2. 2s 1803 311 UPHAM'S History and Doctrine of Budhism, with Notices of the Kap- pooism or Demon- Worship and Bali Incantations of Ceylon, folio, 4^3 plates, from Singhalese designs, of Deities, etc. (pub at £3. Zs) hf morocco, gilt topj uncut, £2. 10s 1829 155 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 312 UPHAM, Budhism, with the plates colouked (pub. at £5. 5« in bds.) hf. calf* £4i. 4* ' 1829 €ABIRISM: 313 FABEE'S Mysteries of the Cabiri, or the Great Gods of Phenicia, Samo- thrace, Egypt, Troas, Greece, Italy and Crete, 2 vols. 8vo. 255 Oxford, 1803 314 Eelandi Dissertatioues Miscellanea (de Paradise, de diis Cabiris, etc.) 3 parts, 12mo. vellum, 10* Traj. en Ehen. 1707-13 CHIROMANCY : 315 Bartholomei Coclitis Chyromantie ac Physionomie anastasis, sm. folio, old calf lOs Bononie, Hieronymus de JBenedictis, 1523 316 HASIUS. Prefatio laudatoria in artem Chiromanticam (autore J. Hasio), smallest 4to. numerous very boldly drawn woodcuts of Hands, with Caba- listic Cyphers, old veau fauve, verp fine copy, with rough leaves, from the Yemeniz library, £4i. 4^ Impressum Augustce per loannem Erffordianum, Anno Domini MDxviiii Dans toutes ses marges, temoins. La souscription est suivie d'un privilege, et precedee de vers dus a la plume de Richardus EbruUus poeta Cesareiis : In laudem loannis Hasii Memmingensis artiii, lurium, et medicinarum doctoris. Chyromancie principis. Get ouvrage, un des plus anciens sur la cliiromancie, n'est pas mentioune dans le Manuel de Brunei. 317 INDAGINE (John, Trieste) Briefe Introductions, bothe naturall, pleasaunte, and also delectable unto the Art of Chiromancy, or Manuel divination, and Phisiognomy ; translated into Englishe by Eabian Withers, 18mo. hluch. htkXi numerous cuts, fine copy in old red morocco, 25^ Lond. J, Bay, 1558 DRUIDS: 318 Dayies' Celtic Eesearches, on the Origin, Traditions; and Languages of the Ancient Britons : with Introductory Sketches on Primitive Society, royal 8vo. bds. Vis 1804 319 Davies' Mythology and Eites of the British Druids, ascertained by national documents, with an appendix of ancient poems and extracts, and remarks on Ancient British coins, royal 8vo. bds. Vis 1809 " Davies, of Olverton, vi^hose Celtic Eesearches and Mythology of the Druids are full of that curious information which is preserved nowhere but in the Welsh remains." SoUTHEY, Qy. Review, Vol. .59, p. 254. 320 HIGGINS, Celtic Druids, showing that the Druids were the Priests of Co- lonies from India, 4to. numerous plates and cuts of Stonehenge, Carnac, and other Cyclopean worJcs in Asia and Europe, bds. 36* 1829 320* the same, laege papee, roy. 4to. bds. £2. 12s 1829 321 JONES (Inigo) Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone Heng on Salesbury Plain, restored, iolio, portrait by Hollar, and numerous plates of these wonderful Ruins, old calf, 24^ 1725 322 Pelloutiee, Histoire des Celtes, et particulierement des Gaulois et des Ger- mains, nouvelle edition augmentee, 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, 12s JParis, 1771 323 STUKELEY (Dr. W.) Itinerarium Curiosum : or an account of the An- tiquitys and remarkable Curiositys in Nature or Art, observ' din travels thro' Great Britain, folio, fiest edition, with ICO plates of English cele- brated ancient Sites ; Roman and Celtic Remains and Ruins, etc. 1724 — STONEHENGE, a Temple restored to the British 'Dvmdi^, portrait and 35 plates, 1740 — ABUEY, a Temple of the British Druids, volume the second, 40 plates, 1743 — together 3 vols, folio, 176 curious plates, not quite uniform, in old calf gilt, an oeiginal copy, £5. 1724-43 524 • The Stonehenge and Abury, 2 vols, in 1, folio, plates, old calf neat, £2. 2s 1740-43 The Stonehenge and Abury were reprinted czVca 1835. Priced, 1825, Thorpe, the original edition, *' Stonehenge and Abury" only, ^14. 14^ j 1828, Payne and Poss, £14. 14* ; 1855, Baker's copy fetched £5. Is 6d. EELIGIONS, SUPEESTITIONS, ETC. 15G DRUZES : 325 CHUECHILL'S (Col.) MOUNT LEBANON: a Ten Tears' Eesidence, from 1842 to 1852 ; describing the Manners, Customs, and Eeligion of its Inhabitants, with a full and correct account of the Druze Keligion, and containing Historical Eecords of the Mountain Tribes, from Personal Inter- course with their Chiefs and other Authentic Sources, by Colonel Churc- hill, Staff Officer on the British Expedition to Syria, third edition^ 3 vols. " 8vo. with a large folding Map of the Mountain Range of the Lehano7i^ por- tomits and vieivs,l^^^—Yo\.lSf . The DRUZES and the MAEONETES under the Turkish Eule, 1862 — together 4 vols. 8vo. with a General Index to the 4 vols, printed uniformly, (pub. at 35*) cloth, 10s 1853-62 The second volume contains an elaborate Expose of the Drdze Keligion, its His- tory, Doctrines, and Administration, based upon original Druze Manuscripts. EGYPTIANS (ANCIENT) : 326 BUNSEN, Egypt's Place in Universal history, translated by Cottrell, 4 vols. 8vo. including an Egyptian Grammar and Dictionary, with plates of Egyp- tian Divinities, Hieroglyp fdcal writing^ etc. (pub. at 365. 85) new in cloth, £4. lOs 1828-60 327 PEICHAED'S Analysis of Egyptian Mythology, and examination of Egyp- tian Chronology, roy. 8vo. plates and coloured frontispiece, calf, I85 1819 328 WILKINSON'S Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Eeligion, and History, both SERIES, 6 vols. 8vo. with 600 plates and cuts, illustrative of their Eaintings, Monuments, Sculptures, etc. some in coLOUiis, cloth, £6. 15s 1837-41 FREEMASONRY : 329 Buhle's Ursprung der Orden der Eosenkreuzer und Ereymaurer, sm. 8vo. //. calf gilt, Qs Gbttingen, 1804 The learned author traces Freemasonry not further than the time of Charles I. , and has an extremely low opinion of the tricks of the Rosicrucians. 330 Manual de los Masones Libres del Eio de la Plata ; Masoneria Escoc. para la Confed. Arg. ; Eegl. de la Log. de S. Juan ; in 1 vol. 8vo. morocco, 6s Buenos Aires, 1 856-58 331 Eeanckenberg, Eaphael oder Artzt-Engel, 1639, 4to. bds. 7s 6d Amsterdam, 1676 332 Oliyer's (Eevd. Gr. Dr. Dy.) Historical Landmarks of Ereemasonry, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous illustrations, cloth, 12s 1846 333 EECUEIL precieux de la MACJONNEEIE Adonhiramtte, contenant les Cathechismes des quatre premiers Grades, etc. 2 vols. — La vraie Magon- nerie d' Adoption, et Cantiques Magonuiques, 1 vol. ; in 1 vol. 1787 — L'Etoile flamboyante, ou Societe des Eranc-Magons, A V Orient chez le Silence, 2 vols, in 1 — the foregoing bound in 2 vols. 18mo. old red morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1787, etc. 334 Eobison's Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Eeligions and Govern- ments of Europe, carried on in the secret Meetings of the Ereemasons, Illuminati, &c. 8vo. hf hd. 5s ' 1798 INDIAN MYTHOLOGY : 335 Bjornstjerna, Theogony of the Hindoos, their philosophy and cosmogony, 8vo. cloth, 5s * 1844 336 COLEBEOOKE'S (H. T.) Miscellaneous Essays, 2 vols. 8vo. best edition, numerous facsimiles from early Indian MSS. and Inscriptions, hds. rare, 36s 1337 A rich assemblage of materials for the History and explanation of the Vedas. 337 COLEMAN'S (C.) Mythology of the Hindus, with Appendix comprising the Minor Avatars, etc. 4to. with 39 plates illustrative of the p7nncipal Hindu Deities, cloth, 32s 1832 . 338 the same, 4to. hf hd. 35s 1832 157 BEENAKD QIJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK Indian Mythology, —continued. 339 EEKaUSSON'S Illustrations of the Eock-Cut Temples of India, roy. folio, 19 Jlne large tinted plates ^ hf. morocco, with 8uo. text and 10 smaller plates^ in cloth, 355 1845 340 the 8vo. text and 10 plates separately, cloth, 7s Gd 1840 341 Frere's Old Deccan Days ; or Hindoo Fairy Lei2;ends, current in S. India, thick post 8vo. plates and cuts, cloth, new, 10s 6d 1868 342 MAUEICE'S Indian Antiquities, 7 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, chiefly illus- trative of the Ancient Worships of India, calf gilt, 30* 1800 A very curious work, containing Dissertations relative to the ancient geographical divi- sions, the pure system of primeval theology, the grand code of civil laws, the original form of government, the widely-extended commerce, and the various and profound literature, of Hindostan : compared throughout with the religion, laws, government, and literature of Persia, Egypt, and Greece, the whole intended as introductory to the history of Hindostan, upon a comprehensive scale. 343 MODE'S Hindu Pantheon, royal 4to. ivith 10^ plates, comprising the ivhole range of Indian Deities, fine copy in calf gilt, d^5. 1810 344 MUIR'S Original Sanscrit Texts on the Origin and progress of the Eeligion and Institutions of India ; collected, translated into English, and illus- trated with notes, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, rare, £3. 16s 1858-63 345 the same, new edition, Vol. I, 21s ; Vol. Ill, IGs ; 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 34s 1868 Vols. 2 and 4 are not out yet. It is difficult to obtain a set of these valuable Essays, of the greatest service to the Com- parative Mythologist. 346 DUPEEEON (Anquetil) Oupnek'hat, i.e. Secretum tegendum ; Opus ipsa in India rarissimum, continens antiquam et arcanam Doctrinam e qua- tuor sacris Indorum Libris, Eak Beid, Djedjr Beid, Sam Beid, Athr- BAN Beid, e Persico in Latinum conversum et uotis illustratum, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, SOs Argent. 1801-2 347 EAMMOHUN EOY'S Translation of the principal Books, Passages, and Texts of the Yeda, 8vo. calf, 12s 1832 348 EIG-VEDA-SANHITA. A Collection of Ancient Hindu Hymns, consti- tuting the first Ashtaka, or Book of the Eig-Yeda, translated from the Sanskrit by H. H. Wilson, Yols. I— lY. 8vo. cloth, £2. 16s 1850-66 The first volume is entirely out of print. 349 YISHNU PUEANA, a system or HINDU MYTHOLOGY aud tradition, translated from the original Sanscrit, and illustrated by notes derived chiefly from other Puranas, by H. H. Wilson, 4to. xcii and 704 pp. hf. red morocco gilt, rare, ^63. 10* 1840 Published by the Oriental Translation Eund, but now completely out of print. The " Vishnu Purana" embodies the real doctrine of the Indian Scripture, the "Unity of the Deity." IRELAND (Ancient) : 350 Keaij^e's Towers and Temples of Ancient Ireland, their origin and history, sm. 4to. many woodcuts, (pub. £1. lis 6d) cloth, 21s Dublin, 1867 351 PETEIE'S Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, origin and uses of the EoirND Towees, impl. 8vo. numerous ivoodcuts, (pub. 2Ss) cloth, 21s 6d Dullin, 1845 See also Druids. JUDAISM. 352 Chiariis^i, Theorie du Judaisme, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 5s Paris, 1830 353 DEUMMOND (Sir William) Oedipus Judaicus, 8vo. 16 plates, containing numerous engravings, from ancient religious and symbolical monuinents, hie- roglyphics, etc. ids. SOs Privately printed, 1811 354 the same, new edition, 8vo. cloth, 10s 18^0 EELIGIONS, SUPERSTITIONS, ETC. 158 Judaism — continued. 355 ENOCH. The Book of Enoch the Prophet, translated from an Ethiopia MS. by Laurence, Syo.' cloth, 7s Oxford, 1838 356 Nicolas, des Doctrines Eeligieuses des Juifs, pendant les deux Siecles an- terieurs a I'ere chretienne, 8vo. hf^ morocco, fs 6d Faris, 1880 PARSEES and Ancient Persians: 357 Dabistan, or School of Sects, in Persian, roy. 4to. calf, £2. 2s {Calcutta), 1809 358 the same, translated by Shea and Troyer, 3 vols. 8vo. bds. 20s 18M» An interesting account of Religious Worships, especially that of ancient Persia. 359 DESATIB/ or sacred writings of the Ancient Persian Prophets, ancient Persian, with Commentary and Glossary, and Englisli, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. calf neat, 36s Bombay, 1818 360 HAUGr'S (M.) Essays on the Sacred Language, "Writings, and Eeligion of the Paesees, 8vo. ink marked, cloth, 18s Bombay, 18G2 A work of the greatest interest to all students of the Zend-Avesta, and the Religion of Zoroaster; pages 42-119 contain a Grammar of the Zend Language, the Zend words in the Roman letters. 361 HYDE (T.) Historia Eeligionis veteetjm Peesarum, eorumque Mago- rum ; Zoroastris Yita, ej usque et aliorum Vaticinia de Messiah ; Primi- tivae Opiniones de Deo ; Originate Orientalis Sibyllse Mysterium ; Zoro- astris liber Sad-der, Latiue ; cum speciminibus lingua) veteris, etc. 4to. best edition, plates, old calf neat, £2. 2s Oxon. 1760 Hibbert's copy fetched £3. 35 ; Stanley's, £4. 10*. " The most learned work upon the religion of the ancient Persians which has appeared." — Butler. " A work of pro- found and various erudition, abounding with many new lights on the most curious and intresting subjects, filled with authentic testimonies which none but himself could bring to public view, and with many ingenious conjectures concerning the Theology, History, and learning of the Eastern Nations. This work has now become exceedingly scarce." — Chalmers. "Full of learned researches." — Heeren. 362 Ehode, die heilige Sage und das Eeligions System der alten Baktrer, Meder und Perser oder des Zend Volks, 8vo. hf. calf, 10s FranTf. 1820 363 WILSON (John) The Paesi Eeligiojs", as contained in the Zand-Avasta, and propounded by the Zoroastrians of India and Persia, 8vo. cloth, eaee, 305 Bombay, 1843 This author, whose profound learning is everywhere apparent in his work, passes in review all that had already appeared concerning the Parsees. The Appendix contains Eastwick's translation of the Zartusht-Namah, the Sifat i Sirozah, etc. PRIAPEIAN WORSHIP : 364 [DULAUEE] des Divinites G-eneratrices, ou du Culte du Phallus chez les anciens et les modernes, 8vo. several pencil memoranday calf gilt, a curious work, 30s ' Baris, 1805 L'on y trouvera le rapprochement d'un grand nombre de traits epars dans une im- mensite de livres peu*conmiuns, dont I'ensemble offrira une face nouvelle." — Preface. 365 KNIGHT'S (Eichard Payne) Account of the Eemains of the Worship of Peiapus, lately existing at Isernia, in the Kingdom of Naples, etc. etc. ; 4to. with 18 plates, calf, the Earl of Munster's copy, £6 ; or, a fine tall copy in bds. uncut, rare, £7. 10s Privately printed, 1786 Priced, 1814, Longman's, £15. IS.f ; 1845, Payne and Foss, £7. Is, and 1846,<£6. 66-. Copies sold by auction, Horace Walpole's, £22. ; Astle's, £14. 3* &d ; Taylor Combe's, £11. 11* ; 1807, Brand's, £16. 166' ; 1824, Sir Mark Sykes's, £9. ; 1860, Mitford's, £8. 366 O'BEIEN (Henry) on the Eound Towers of Ireland, or the Mysteries of Eree-Masonry, of Sabaism, and of Budhism unveiled, with the Preface, 8vo. cuts, cloth, clean copy, 28^ 1834 Very rare. " In O'Brien's work on the Round Towers of Ireland may be found much curious matter ; and a good deal of light is thrown on the Horrors of Serpent or Boodhist Worship. It is, however, a Avild and irrelevant book, and by no means to be recommended to the general reader, independently of the nature of its details." "Proofs drawn from every possible branch of human XQiwiim'^.^' — Spectator. 159 EERNARD QUAEITCH, 1^ PICCADILLY, LONDON. Priapeian Wovshii^— continued. 367 POLIPHILUS. Le Tableau des riches Iityentions, couvertes du voile des feintes amoureuses qui sont representees dans le Songe de Poliphile, exposees par Beroalde, smallest folio, title engraved with several symbo- lical designs, and numerous very curious woodcuts through the text, some very large, that which represents the worship of Priapus in perfect order, very fine copy in vellum neat, eaee, 565. Paris, 1600 SERPENT WORSHIP : 308 Deane's Worship of the Serpent traced throughout the world, Svo.plates, bds. 12s 1830 369 the same, second edition considerably enlarged, 8vo. calf neat, 20« 1833 A very learned but singular work, devoted to prove that the worship of the serpent was universal ; and examining the religions of Babylon, Persia, Hindustan, China, Mexico, Britain, Scandinavia, Italy, Illyricum, Thrace, Greece, Asia Minor and Phoenicia, Scythia and Africa. 370 PERG-USSON'S Tree and Serpent Worship ; or Illustrations of Mythology and Art in India, in the first and fourth centuries after Christ, from Sculptures of the Buddhist Topes at Sanchi and Araravati, super royal 4to. 250 pp. 100 plates, (pub. at £5. 5s) Id. £4i. 16s 1869 MISCELLANEOUS PURCHASES AT THE SALE OF THE LIBRAKY OF THE LATE MARQUIS OF HASTINGS, DONNINGTON PARK, LEICESTERSHIRE. *^* Other Purchases from this important Sale tvill appear in future Catalogues. Albanian. Hahn's Albanesische Studien, imp. 8vo. map and J'acsi mile, 790 pp. bds. 16« Wkn, 1853 This work is divided in 3 parts : Geography and Ethnography of Albania, 347 pp.; Grammar, Songs, and Proverbs, 169 pp. ; Dictionary, Albanian-German and German-Albanian, 244 pp. America: Hernan Cortes. Fifth Letter to the Emperor Charles V, containing an Ac- count of his Expedition to HONDURAS, translated from the original Spanish by Don Pascual de Gayangos, 8vo. pp. xvi and 156, including Index, cloth, new, Is 6d Hakluyt Societi/,-l86S Of this last letter of Cortes, " the most important of all in a geographical point of view," only two MSS. are known to exist. It was published for the first time by Navarrete, about 1845, in Vol. IV. of the " Colec- cion de documentos ineditos," and since then, in 1866, by Don P. de Gayangos. But it is now given in Eng- lish for the first time, and " to those English readers who take an interest in geographical discovery, and who know how imperfect our knowledge has hitherto been, and is still, of the regions traversed by Cortes in his wonderful march across Central America, the translation of this letter — in every respect one of the most interesting ever addressed to the Empcvo;' — can- not fail to be acceptable." American BibUography. ASHER (G. M.) Bibliographical and Historical Essay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to New Netherland, sm. 4to. large folding map ajter N. Vischer, and 3 views of the old city, sd. 20s Amsterdam, 1868 the same, Large Paper, roy. 4to. sd. £2. 1868 Collation: Title, preface, and introduction, lit pp. ; descriptions, pp. 1-222 ; alphabetical index, 223- 34; Additions and Corrections, 3 pp.; List of Maps and Charts (dated Amst. 1855) as Supplement to the Bibliogr. Essay, pp. 1-22 ; List of Names, 23 engraved pages. American Bibliography : HARRISSE (H.) Bibliotheca Americana vetustissima, or Description of Works relating to America, published between 1492 and 1551, 4to. hf. calf, uncut, £4. 4* New York, 1866 This important publication is the most complete and satisfactory work of its kind. The descriptions are accurate, notwithstanding a few typographical blunders, and a collation of each book is attached. Its arrangement is chror.ological, but an alphabetical index is added. MISCELLANEOUS PIJECHASES. 160 Cornish Grammar and Vocabulary: (TONKIN and GWAVAS) Archseologia Cornu-Britannica, an Essay to preserve the Ancient Cornish Language, with Grammar and Cornish-English Vocabulary, by William Pryce, 4to. portrait of Dolly Pentreath in- serted, bds. 305 Sherborne, 1790 Prince L. L. Bonaparte was the first person who pointed out the true authorship of the work so unjustly ^ arrogated hy Pryce. Frisic Asega-Buch, ein alt-Friesisches Ge- setzbuch der Kiistringer, alt-fries., dentsch, und latein., von Wiarda, 4to. hf. calf, gilt top, uncut, 1 2* herlvi ,1805 Frisic Richthofen, Friesische Rechtsquellen und Altfriesisches Worterbuch, 2 vols. 4to. about \2.0Qpp. double cols, one vol. If. morocco gilt, one in cloth, 25* Berlm and Gottingen, 1840 The Rechtsquellen are very curious, not only from the linguistic, but also from an historical and antiqua- rian point of view. The Dictionary consists of nearly 600 pp. Germanic GRIMM'S Deutsche Rechts-Al- terthiimer, 2 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. caf, 9s Gottiwjen, 1828 Homeri Opera Omnia, Graece, ex recen- sione Demetrii Chalcondylae, cum Herodoti Plutarchique vitis Homeri, et Dionis Chrysos- tomi dissertatione, Editio Princeps, 2 vols, folio, A FINE COPY, in E'tgllsh red mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, from the 3Iarquis of Mastings' library, £96. Florent. Bernardvs Nerlius, 1488 Priced, 18 i3. Payne and Foss, £84. ; Heath's copy fetched £94. IO5; Willetfs, £88; 1853, Dr. Hawtrey's, £70. " Splendour, rarity, value, truly exquisite." Dibdin. " On no edition of any classic have bibliographers been more eloquent or bestowed a greater share of praise than on this most magnificent and esteemed work, without exception the most beautiful book the Greek press produced in the fifteenth century ."<—il!/os5. Horatii Flacci Opera, 2 vols. 8vo. First ISSUE (^roith the " Post est'') very fine copy of Fine's superb edition, engraved throughout, in old English red morocco extra^ gilt edges,from the Marquis of Hastings' library, £10. Londini, Johannes Pine, 1733 A vague notion exists that there are only two issues of Pine's Horace, the first issue with the error on Caesar's head, Vol II. page 108, "Postest;" the second issue, the error corrected into " Potest." This is only half the truth. Pine's coppers were worked perhaps a dozen times, and as recently as 1775 a num- ber of impressions were taken, after which they seem to have disappeared. Lhuyd's Archseologia Britannica, the Languages, Histories, and Customs of the Original Inhabitants of Great Britain, from Collections in Wales, Cornwall, Bas-Bretagne, Ireland, and Scotland, Vol. I. {all published), am. folio, old calf fine copy from the Marquis of Hastings' library, £2. 2s Oxf. 1707 No higher testimony of Lluyd's wonderful learn- tng could be adduced than the fact that the Irish-Eng- lish Dictionary included in the above volume, notwith- standing the later works of O'Brien, O'Reilly, O'Dono- van, and others, is still the best of its kind. The Archaeologia also contains a Comparative Celtic Dicti- onary, a Welsh Vocabulary, a Breton Grammar and Dictionary, a Cornish Grammar, an Irish Grammar, a British Etymologicon, and a Catalogue of Welsh and Irish MSS. Ornaments. Owen Jones's Grammar of Ornament, impl. folio, the original folio EDITION, 101 large and exquisitely coloured plates, executed in, Chromoiithography^ com- prising 3000 examples of the decorations of all ages and nations, with descriptive letterpress and woodcuts, (subscription price £19. 19*), hf. morocco, gilt edges, £12. 12* 1856 The original edition has become very rare; it i« preferred to the new edition by Art-workmen on ac- count of the larger scale of the ornaments represented Perkins* Italian Sculptors : being a His- tory of Sculpture in Northern, Southern, and Eastern Italy, impl. 8vo. 29 etchings by the author, and woodcuts (recently pub. at £2. 2s) cloth, 35s 1868 This volume is issued as a companion to the au- thor's work on the Tuscan Sculptors. Polyglott in Seven Languages: (Ar- NAUDi a Caraglio, Colloquia et Diction a- riolum SeptemLinguarum,obl. 12mo. English, German, French, Latin, Spanish, Italian and Dutch, bd. the Marquis of Hastings' copy, 25« A7itv. 1616 A rare and curious little volume. The English portion is very quaint, and belongs to a period of the language older than the book itself. Polyglott. Fry's Pantographia, roy. 8vo. AU phabets and specimens of all the ktiown lan- guages of the world, calf gilt, from the Mar- quis of Hastitigs' library, \Qs 1799 , Polyglott. Epithalamia exoticis linguis redrita, (a J. B. De Rossi) roy. io\io, fine engravings, calf gilt, from the Marquis of Hastings* library, £2. 2« Parma (Dodoni), 1775 A beautiful specimen of Bodoni's press, dedicated to Victor Amedeus III. of Sardinia. It is a collection of Polyglott Epigrams or Votive Inscriptions on the Nuptials of Prince Carlo Emmanuele of Piedmont with Marie Adelaide Clotilde of France, supposed to be addressed by 25 cities, with a translation in Latin of each. Tbe languages are chiefly Oriental, including even Sanscrit and Tibetan. At the head of each ori- ginal is a beautiful vignette typifying the city, and above each translation the medallion of a prince. The most valuable part of the book is De Rossi's philologi- cal preface. The poem in Italian, " Mnemosyne,' at the end, is wanting in many copies. Polyglott. PICTET Origines Indo-Europ6- ennes, ou les Ayr, Priraitifs, Partie I. roy. 8vo. hf. bd. 10s Paris, 1859 Reed, Treatise on Shipbuilding in Iron and Steel : with detail of Construction, etc. 5 plates of sections, and numerous woodcuts, (pub. at 306') cloth, 25s 1869 This is the text book on which examinations In Naval Architecture will mainly be based. Rembrandt's Life and Works : Vosmabr, Rembrandt Harraensg. van Rijn, sa vie et sea (Euvres, 8vo. 526 pp. facsimiles, sd. lOs 6d La Haye, 1868 Scandinavian. GRAGAS, Codex Juris Is» landorum Antiquissimus, Island, et Lat. cum comment. Schlegelii, etc. edd. Monrad, Thor- lacius, Werlauff, Miiller, et Finn Magnussen, 2 vols. 4to. fine paper, facsimile, hf green morocco gilt, 25s Havnia, 1829 161 B. QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Scandinavian. GUNNLAUGI SAGA : Sa- gan af Gunnlaugi Ormstungu ok Skalld- Rafni, sive Gunnlaugi Vermilinguis et Rafnis Poetae Vita, ex MSS. legati Arnaraagn. J.s- land et Lat. cum notis et dissertationibus (de Lingua Islandica, etc.) 4to. Fine Paper, plates, calrf neat, from the Marquis of Hastings* li- brary, 20s Mafnia, 1775 Scandinavian. NIALS SAGA, Latine, cum Glossario et notis ed. Thorkelin, sm. ^to. fac- similes of MSS. pp. xxxii and 872, hf. morocco gilt top, uncut, 25* Havn. 1809 Somerville on Molecular and Microscopic Science, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. numerous woodcut illustrations (just pub. at 2\s) cloth gilt, ITs^d 1869 Spanish. Alcantara (J. Godoy) Historia cri- tica de los falsos Cronicones, obra premiada por la Real Academia de la Historia, Svo. 343^sM. Mad7'id, 186S One of the most excellent works in modem Span- ish literatta-e. It critically estimates the historical Talue of the varioua chroniclers and historians of the past. Texier, Byzantine Architecture : being a Collection of Monuments of the Earliest Times of Christianity in the East, accompanied by Historical and Archaeological Descriptions, by Charles TEXIER, Member of the Institute of France, Honor art/ Fellow of the Royal In- stitute of British Architects, and of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Munich : and R. Pop- PLEWELL PULLAN, r.R.I.B.A., Architect to the Budrum Expedition, Agent for the Di- lettanti Society in Asia Minor, large folio, about 120 pages of text, with 12 fine engrav- ings, 17 chromo-lithographs, and 60 plates^ (pub. at £6. 6«) gilt cloth, gilt edges, £2. 2* 1864 Of the many books offered at a reduced price, none is more sure to rise than the above really valu- able work, the best on the interesting subject of By- zantine Architecture, Illustrated by nearly 100 elabo- rate plates. Welsh Grammar. Rowland's Grammar of the Welsh Language, with copious examples from writers, third edition, improved, sm. Svo. pp. xvi and 254, cloth, 5s , JSala, 1865 ARCHITECTURAL MONUMENTS OF SPAIN. Monumentos Arquitectonicos de Espaiia, publicados a expensas del Estado bajo de la direccion de una Comision Especial creada por el Ministerio de Eomento. Parts XXXIII an^ XXXIV, atlas folio, illustrated toith Sfine large plates, of which one is beau- tifully printed in colours, heightened with gold, vignettes on the letter- press, and capital letters in coloues Madrid, Imprenta y Calcograjphia Nacional, 1868 Mr. Quaritch, having been appointed agent for this publication, will supply the continuation at 21* per part. . List of Plates. Part 33. \ On one plate, gold, silver^ and colourt. Oviedo. Cruz de la Iglcsia de Fucntes. Arqueta de la Camara Santa. Arqueta de Sta. Eulalia. XiOOn. Fachada lateral de la Catedral. TJjo. (Concejo de Mieres.) Detalles de la Iglesia de Ujo. Hellin y Lagos. Sepulcros. Part 34. Villatoro. ( Burgos). Monasterio de Fres del Val. On the text. Leon. Seccion Longitudinal del Catedral. Oviedo, Provincia de, Sepulcros existentes en el Claustro de la Cokginta de CoradongR ' Iglesia Parroquial de San Juan de Priorio. Guadalajara. Palacio de los Duques del Infantado (d«taili). No. 249. Annual Subscription Aa. Published Monthly. For Foreign Countries 6s. Price Ad, CATALOGUE OF WORKS ON GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, EARLY DISCOVERIES IN AMERICA, ASIA, AFRICA, AUSTRALIA; ATLASES, ETC. offered for CASH at the afiOxed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors West from Regent Circus. ]L(DHIO(DSJ. iiffmUX, fl©(B®c To insure prompt attention, all orders to he addressed direct to Mr. QuARiTCH, bookseller, 15 Piccadilly ; or to the BooTcseller from whom this Catalogue was received. The Boohs are warranted perfect, and in fine JAhrary condition. O. NORMA.K AND SON, PKINTBES, MAIDBN LANE, COVENT GABDKN, LONDON -W-.C. NOW ON VIEW, THE OLD ENGLISH, CLASSICAL AND THEOLOGICAL LIBRAEY, rOEMED BY Br. JOHN WYNNE, BISHOP of St. ASAPH, and afterwards op BATH AND WELLS, Between the years 1680 and 1740; wliich descended upon his death, along with the mansion and library at Soughton Hall, Flintshire, North "Wales, to the Bankes family, of Corfe Castle, Dorsetshire, into which his daughter intermarried ; and was preserved at Soughton Hall ever since, in the possession of the descendants of H. Bankes, Esq., until now purchased by Mr. Quaritch. Also on View, FINE BOOKS OF PRINTS, RARE GALLERIES, SPANISH ENGRAVINGS, FBOM THE LIBBABX 01" THE MARQXJIS OP SALAMANCA, formed "by th.e em-ineixt Spaixish. IPainter, JOSE DE MADRAZO, of MADRID. Mr. Quaritch begs to call the attention of Scholars^ Librarians, and Collectors to his extensive Stock of VALUABLE BOOKS, consisting of the best Works of every Literature of the civilized world. A GENERAL CATALOGUE, arranged in Classes, 1 vol. 8vo. half morocco, 1,130 pp., containing 15,000 Books, offered at moderate prices, is now ready, price 7s The following New Catalogues can be had at 2d each : — Cat. 246. PERIODICALS, Transactions of Learned Societies, Issues of Private Presses. Cat. 247. EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY, Polyglotts, Languages and Literature of the Minor Nationalities of Europe. Cat. 248. ANCIENT EUROPEAN MANUSCRIPTS : mostly upon Vellum with Illumi- nations, including 15 Early Biblical Codices of the 10th to the 14th Centuries, with the conventional Portraits of the Evangelists ; Armorials of the Noble Eamilies of England, Italy, Spain, and Belgium ; Early Codices of the Greek and Roman Classics ; Unpublished Histo- rical Documents, chiefly from the Libraries of the late Marquis op Hastings, Donnington Park, Leicestershire ; and of the late Dr. Wellesley, Master of New Inn, Oxford. Works on Palaeography, Diplomatics, Mediaeval Latin Glossaries, Penmanship, Bibliography of Manuscript Literature ; the Occult Sciences, Religious Worships, Philosophical Sects, Secret Associations, &c., and Miscellaneous Purchases from the LIBRARY of the MARQUIS of HASTINGS. Cat. 20. A MISCELLANEOUS CATALOGUE of Very Cheap Books, new and old, in all Departments of Literature. Cat. 12. DESIDERATA, or a List of BOOKS WANTED to PURCHASE for Cash. This List is sent gratis to any Gentleman who is desirous of parting with the whole or a portion of his Library. 162 GEOGRAPHY. VOYAGES, AND TRAVELS. Abyssinia — See Alvarez, Bruce, Damianus, Portuguese. I ADVENTURE, and BEAGLE. Narrative of the surveying Voyages of H. M. Ships Adyentuee and Beagle, 1826-36, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, by King, Eitzrot, and Darwin, 3 vols, and 1 vol. Appendix, together 4 vols. 8vo. numerous fine plates, maps in the covers, (pub. at £3. 16*) cloth, £2. IO5 1839 Africa:— 2 Smith's Voyage to Guinea, 8vo. plates of Natural History, calf, 12s 1744 With a great deal of curious information upon social subjects which are shunned by other writers. 3 Thirty Different Drafts of Guinea, by "W. Smith, Surveyor to y® Eoyal African Company of England, obi. folio, large map of Africa, by Senex, and 30 Views and Maps, hy Gray, calf, 12s London, J. Clarke, s. a. (cir. 1742) 4 PETERMANN'S Account of the Progress of the expedition to Central Africa, under Eichardson, Barth, Overweg, and Vogel, 1850-53, impl. folio, por- traits and maps, (pub. 30*) cloth, 16s 1854 5 Algemeine Welt-Historie, Theil XXV. und XXVI. 2 vols, in 1, stout 4to. maps and plans, vellum, 7s ijd Salle, 1763-64 Containing the History of Japan, and of the European Colonies in the East. 6 ALLEN (Capt. William) and Thompson (T. E. H.) Narrative of the Expedition to the Niger in 1841, under the command of Capt. Trotter, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and cuts, with Comparative Vocabulary, (pub. at 32s) 22^ 1848 7 • Picturesque Views on the Eiver Niger, 1832-33, obi. folio, 12 large litho- graphs, containing numerous fine sketches of scenery, (pub. at 25^) cloth, 5s 1840 8 Papers relative to Voyages and Discoveries in Africa, collected in 1 vol. 8vo. 7?iaps, hf. calf gilt, 5s (1840-50) 9 ALVAEEZ (Francisco) ho PEESTE JOAM das Indtas : verdadera Informa- 9am das Terras do Preste Joam, sm. folio, large woodcut on title, and curious woodcut initials, without the extremely scarce final leaf containing the printer's mark, limp vellum, £5. 15^ {Coimbra) Luis Bodriguez, 1540 10 the same, a completely perfect, fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedfoed, yeet eare, £15. 15^ 1540 " Edition precieuse de cette relation." II ANDEESON (J.) Political and Commercial Considerations relative to the Malayan Peninsula and the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca, sm. 4to. hf. bd. rare, 25s Frince of Wales' L&land, 1824 12 (Andeeson) Exposition of the political and commercial relations of the Prince of Wales' Island with the States on the east coast of Sumatra, sm. 4to. hf bd. rare, 155 ^ ^ ^ Prince of Wales' Island, 1824 13 Archipelago. Description historique et geographique de I'Archipel, Neuweid, 1789 ; Eandolph's Island in the Archipelago, Oxford, 1687, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf russia, 7s 6d 1687-1789 14 AEG-ENSOLA. (B. Leonardo de) Conquista de las Islas Malucas, sm. folio, en- graved title, a wormhole through some leaves, hf caf 25s Madrid, 1609 Priced, 1824, Thorpe, mor. £5. 15« 6rf; 1826, Thorpe, mor. £2. Ss. 15 Aeqensola, Conquete des Isles Moluques, traduite de I'Espagnol, 3 vols. 12mo. maps and numerous plates, a pretty little book in oldcf gilt, 12s Amst. 1706 " It is one of the most pleasing of the minor Spanish histories ; full of the traditions found among the natives by the Portugueze when they first landed, and of the wild adven- tures that followed when they had taken possession of the islands." — Ticknor III. p. 143. 16 AETHUS {O., Dantiscus) Historia Indiae Orientalis, ex variis auctotibus col- lecta, 12mo. a little wormed, vellum, 20s Colonice, 16 )8 The dedication is dated from Francfurt, where Arthus was employed by De Bky ; the above may be considered an Epitome of the Petits Voyages of the De Bry Series. N 163 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK 17 ATKINSOIN'S Travels in the regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor, and the Eussian acquisitions on the confines of India and China, roy. 8vo. map and 83 woodcuts, (pub. ^2s) cloth, 2l5 1861 Atlases :— 18 JOMAED, MoifUMENTs de la GfeoGRAPHiE ou Eecueil d'Anciennes Cartes Europeennes et Orientales, accompagnees de Spheres, de Mappernondes et Tables Cosmographiques, d'Astrolabes, etc., depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu' a I'epoque d'Ortelius, publies en fac-simile de la grandeur des originaux, atlas folio, 50 maps, (numbered 1-21, with subnumeration) (pub. £25.) ha/f morocco, £6. 10* Qd Faris, 1854-62 A magnificent assemblage of maps, brought together for the purpose of tracing the history and progression of geographical discovery. 19 BEELINGEEI (Francesco) Septe Giornate della Geographia (interzaEima), large folio, a fine and perfect copy, with all the 31 Maps engraved on copper, the first page ornamented with an illuminated initial and border, and the arms of a contemporary owner {cross-keys and antlers, with the initials T. S.) painted at foot, and the initial letter of each booh elegantly illuminated, calf, £15. Firenze, Nicolo Todesco, (cir. 1480) Priced, 1840, Payne and Foss, with title and register, mor. £16. 16* ; in 1847, £21. ; Sold in ] 848, at Paris, 461 fr. — Francesco Berlinghieri, a Florentine, contributed greatly to the study of Italian Poetry by this popular work on Geography. It must have been published about the year 1480, as the Duke of Urbino, to whom it is dedicated, died in 1482. Perfect copies are of rare occurrence. It is supposed that this is the first book ever printed with copperplate maps. 20 PTOLEM^I Cosmographia, opus Domini Nicolai (Donis) Gerinani, large folio, with the 32 woodcut maps, one page slightly defective, fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, £5. TIbne, 1486 Priced by Longman, £8. This edition is much rarer than the preceding one of 1482, which contained these maps for the first time. Very few copies of it are known, while the earlier edition frequently occurs for sale, both upon paper and on vellum. 21 PTOLEM^I LiBEE Geogeaphi^, cum tabulis et universali figura et cum additione locorum quae a recentioribus reperta sunt (cum annotationibus Bern. Sylvani Eboliensis), royal folio, title printed in red, 92 leaves, of which the last 30 contain the large woodcut maps, with the letterpress printed in red and blue upon them, calf neat, good sound copy, 568. 10s Yenetiis, J. P. de Leucho, 1511 Very rare. It is three years later than the Roman edition with Ruysch's map which contained the first delineation of America. The map of the world, which comes last in the above volume, represents the New World in an extremely curious way. Brazil, a large tract, is called Terra Sanctse Crucis, the Orinoco and Amazon are both laid down with tolerable correctness, and the upper outline of the continent bears the words, " Cani- balu romon." The continuity is broken by the margin, in consequence of the peculiar plan of the map, so that next above Cuba and Hispaniola appear near their proper places ; and far beyond them, at the same degree of latitude as Ireland, an unfinished shore, with the words " Regalis Domus," indicates the northern continent, while Labrador (Terra Labo- ratoris) is represented as an island off the coast. What makes this Atlas of most import- ance is that every map in it embodies an original design, by an accomplished geographer, who laboured to reform the science according to the newest lights. It is also remarkable for the manner in Avhich the names ar(i printed on the maps— this having been done by types after the woodcut had been worked oflf. This is the first instance in which such a method of operation was ever adopted. 22 CL AUDIT PTOLEMAEI Geographicse Enarrationis libri octo Bilibaldo Pirckeymhero interprete, (ace.) annotationes J. de Eegio Monte, folio, printed in Boman characters, in double columns, within woodcut borders, with curious woodcut initials, 50 large woodcut maps, calf, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, £10. 10s Argentoragi (sic) J. Grieninger, 1525 Very rare : I can only trace the sale of a single copy, which was imperfect and which I had myself in 1868. Even the Bodleian Library possesses only an imperfect one, and there is no copy in the Grenville Library. Harrisse {Bibl. Americaiid) never saw one, describing it only from the catalogue of a private collection. The maps are the same as those in the edition of 1522, but the latter is not so rare as that of 1525. Sheet 27 contains aEOGEAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TEAYELS. 1C4 Atlases — continued. the famous map of Laurentius Frisius, dated 1522, and entitled " Orbis typus univer- salis," which bears the name "America." The discovery of Columbus is described on the sheet numbered 28, and the two inner pages of that sheet contain a Map of America, or rather of the Western Ocean and Terra Nova, with the Islands. The continent extends from C. del Marusiano in N. America to Rio de Cananor in S. America. Again, the last map, which represents Gronlandia et Russia, is really a map of the Eastern Hemisphere, but also contains portions of the American coasts. As the collation is always Incorrectly given, an exact description is appended. Folios 1-82, numbered, including title ; annota- tions of Regiomontanus, 14 leaves, unnumbered ; Index Ptolemsei, 34 leaves, unnumbered; followed by the Maps. I. General Ptolemsean map; sheets numbered 1-26 ; Orbis typus universalis, unnumbered, in this copy misplaced after general Ptolemsean map; sheets 30-34 ; 36 (in error for 35) ; 36-45 ; 46, 47, both on one sheet ; 48 and 49. 23 TOLOMEO (C.) Geografia tradotta da G. Euscelli, con exposition! del medesimo, 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. 60 maps, {including those o/ America), two apparently wanting, fine copy in the original hinding, eare, 35^ Venetia, 1561 These maps of America are original, as well as the text relating to them. This first editionofRuscell's translation contains Zeno's remarkable chart (drawn in the fourteenth century) of the Northern regions of Europe and America, which appeared first in 1558. 24 PTOLEMY I Geograpllia, Latine, cum tabulis ad mentem auctoris restitutis per Mercatorem, folio, engraved title and 28 large maps engraved on steel, calf, £3. 3* iS^^—injine, Colon. 1578 First edition of Ptolemy with Mercator's series of Maps. 25 PTOLEMAEI Geographise libri octo Grceco- Latini cum tabulis ad mentem auctoris restitutis per Mercatorem, a Montano recogniti, large folio, superb frontispiece, portrait of Mercator, and 28 large maps engraved on steel, with a large MS. plan inserted amongst the 5 maps of Africa, shewing the course of the Nilefrom the Delta to Sennaar, according to Norden's ohservations, calf neat, £3. Amst. Hondius, 1605 Formerly the property of Philip Sydney, Earl of Leicester, in 1 704. These two edi- tions of 1578 and 1605 contain only the ancient Geography, as restored to its most correct state by Mercator, being thus really the true text of Ptolemy's work. 26 PTOLEM^I Theatrum GEOGRAPHiiE Yeteris : 1. Geograpbia, Gr. et Lat. ad codices Palatinos, opera Berth : II, Itineraria Antonini, ProvincisB EomanaB, Civitates Gallicse, Itinerarium a Burdigala ad Hierosolymam ; Tabula Peutingeriana, cum notis Yelseri ; Ortelii Tabulae aliquot — in 1 vol. large folio, original issue, engraved title, and 49 carefully engraved maps, fine copy in russia extra, £2. IQs Amst. Elzevir, 1618-19 27 another copy, second issue, maps and engravings, neatly coloured, Dutch vellum, gilt edges, £3. 3^ 1618-19 With slight alteration in first engraved title and addition of a second ; variations in some of the maps, and the text to the British Isles, Spain, Germany, Sicily, and Palestine, printed in different form from the preceding. 28 another copy, third issue, with fresh va7nations in the maps, very fine copy in old calf gilt, £4<. 4s 1618-19 This issue contains the latest revisions from the hand of Hondius, and is thus perhaps the most satisfactory copy. It contains a map of Greece newly engraved, near the end of the volume (which has also, strange to say, been substituted for the older one, in the first of the two preceding copies) and a map of Palestine, entirely redesigned. " Recueil prtcieux." — Bmnet. It is difficult to obtain a fine large copy of this, the best edition, of Ptolemy's Geo- gi-aphy. Copies fetched, Dent's, mor. £8. 12* 6r/ ; Hibbert's, russia, £6. Qs ; Edwards's, hogskin, £8. 8^ ; Dr. Sumner's, russia, £6. 10*. Cropped copies sell low. 29 LAFEEEI'S Koman Atlas. TAYOLE Moderne di Geografia de la maggior parte del Mondo di diversi autori raccolte et messe second o I'or- dine di Tolomeo, con i disegni di molte citta, in 1 vol. imp. folio, 71 large maps and engravings, hf hd. £Q. 10s RomcB, 1554-72 A VERY RARE and magnificent work, published partly in Rome and partly in Venice, with privilege from both the Pope and the Republic. It was the best, most complete and most correct Atlas which had till then appeared. The designs are engraved by various hands : Lafreri and Salamanca of Rome, Bertelli, Forlano, and Zalterio of Venice, Cas- taldi, Camotius, and others. They include three Maps of the World, all exhibiting the American continent, — the first one being on a dilFcreut scheme from the others, having the N 2 165 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Atlases — continued. poles as centres for the two hemispheres laid open, the second being, " ab Orontio olim descripta," and the third " later and more correct than any hitherto published, as is shewn by America,'' etc. The map of England was drawn by English residents in Rome, as appears by the subscription dated 1558. The second world-map is dedicated by Jo. Paulus Cimerlinus toHenry Earl of Arundel. The part specially relating to America consists of 4 single mops: Cuba, Hispaniola, Peru (which is a good map of entire South America), and New France (which is a good map of entire North America, including the strait of Anian. now Behring's, the existence of which was disputed at that time). It is remark- able, as shewn in these maps, how far the chorography of the regions now comprised in Canada and the States, was developed seventy years after the discovery of America. Even the quite-recent regearches of Jacques Cartier were already utilized. Besides the 71 en- graved single and double leaves, there are 6 pages of letterpress, containing names of places. 30 OETELIUS. Theatrum Orbis Terraetjm, ihietz mitt vielen neuwen Landtafflen gem ehret, folio, yrow^/5j9zeca, «^^ 68 leaves of maps, all neatly coloured by a contemporary hand^ in tlie original binding, from P. F. von Siebold's library, £15. On title, 157S— at end, Antorff, 1572 The edition with German text is by far the rarest issue of the Atlas of Ortelius, and is remarkable for its peculiar and manifold specimens of type, in some instances block printing being apparently employed. The orthography and style of language are rather barbarous, but it is not merely a verbal translation of the Latin first edition, which ap- peared in 1570. It is a special edition, and in many parts, indications are given of its difference from the Latin text ; as for instance in the preface, and at the description of Spain, where he reasserts and justifies his statement, made in the first edition, that the Spanish empire was the largest that ever existed ; in the text to Poland, where he men- tions having seen an Aurochs at Antwerp in 1570 ; and in various other places. There are also fifteen new maps added to the original set of fifty-three which were published in 1570 ; and some of these are dated 1572 and 1573. Amongst the additions are fresh maps of the British Isles, furnished to Ortelius, with corresponding text, by Humphrey Lluyd, the Welsh antiquary. The map of Russia is by Antony Jenkinson, and dedicated to Sir Henry Sydney, governor of Wales. Daniel Rogers, another Englishman, also con- tributed assistance to the geographer, and a Latin epigram by him is prefixed to the work. The map of the New World, is, for the time, singularly correct and full of detail ; and the ' advance of discovery in North America is notably remarkable. There is a curious circum- stance noted in the text relating to the New World. It is that " these lands have caused our countries to be filled Avith sugar ; so that it is now used in every kitchen, and as an article of daily food, while formerly it was, with us, found only in apothecaries' shops and employed as a medicament." This statement will be new and interesting to the persons who have read that the cultivation of sugar was only introduced by the Spaniards into America shortly before the time of Ortelius. 31 OETELII Theateum Oebis Tereartjm, opus nunc tertio recognitum et auctum, 1589 — Paeergon in quo veteris GeographisB aliquot Tabulae, 1584 Nomenclator Ptolemaicus, 1584 — in 1 vol. roj. folio, the frontispiece, maps, and' the engravings elegantly colotjeeb by a contemporary hand, fine copy^ in ancient calf binding, with Coat of Arms on the sides, formerly in the library of the Earl of Coventry, with his autograph on the title, £5. Antv. 1589-84. The number of Maps in the Theatrum is 167, contained on 100 leaves; in the Parergon, there are 12 ; so that this edition comprises 59 maps more than the original one, and 44 more than the preceding edition in German. The additional maps are dated in various years from 1584 to 1589. That of China is dated 1584, and in the text on the back of it, contains two Chinese words, in the Chinese character ; so that this Atlas is really the fivftt European book in which Chinese characters appeared, being one year earlier than the work on China published by Gonzalez de Mendoza, at Rome, in 1585, to which the priority has hitherto been attributed. The book is a very fine one, printed in bold, clear types, upon strong and thick paper ; being in this respect superior to the other editions. The colouring, which is remarkably good and harmonious, and causes a consider- able accession of distinctness in the maps, gives a special value to this copy. In the text to the map of Valentia, there is a singular statement made, which is wholly altered in the later edition. It is this : " Ager-hujus urbis ( Valentice) ubique a Mauris colitur Avorumque prosapiam lingua Arabica et religione Mahumetana palam et vulgo profitentur in hunc usque diem ; conniventibus Rege et Inquisitione." This startling charge is modified in the 1590 edition to " . . . a gente e Mauris oriunda et paternum sive ovitum ser- monem ac fere vitae morem adhuc retinente colitur." GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TEAVELS. 166 Atlases — contin ued. 32 Oetelii Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore re- cognitum multisque locis castigatum et quamplurimis novis Tabulis atque comraentariis auctum (1590) — Parergon sive veteris Geograpbise aliquot Tabulae (1591) — Nomenclator Ptolemaicus, 1591 — 3 parts in 1 vol. royal io\io, frontispiece, fine portrait, and 202 uncoloured maps, heautifully en~ graved, with small Bible prints round the map of Palestine, and the march of Abrahaniy etc. vellum, £7, Antv. Plautin, 1590-1 Best edition of the work. It contains in the Theatrum, 1 1, and in the Parergon, 14 maps in addition to those of the preceding Latin edition. But what gives it greater value is the circumstance that the map of the world is re-engraved, as is also that of America, and that a map of the Pacific Ocean is added, all with the object of giving its true form to the New Western Continent. In this edition of Ortelius, which thus is entitled to the name of an Edifio Pr'niceps or Parens, South America is for the first time drawn with a correct outline, differing considerably from all the maps previously published, and the upper portion of North America is also materially changed. The additional number of details, names of places, etc. upon tbesc maps render the edition a very re- markable one. Nor is it less remarkable for the delineation of New Guinea, in the map of the Pacific Ocean ; that debated land being clearly drawn as an island, with a strait dividing it from Australia, The names of places are given upon the north, while the southern shore, although without names, is completely drawn, with its bays, rivers, and islets. Now the fact that New Guinea was an island is supposed to have first become known from the discovery and navigation of the strait by Torres, after whom it is called, in 1606; and the general belief concerning Australia has hitherto been, that the Dutch first discovered it in 1610. These important additions and alterations seem to have been chiefly effected in 1589. Ortelius makes a strange linguistic statement in the text to Iceland (which is one of the additional maps) that Icelandic and Ancient German are the same language, he having compared the former tongue with the Francic Gospels of Otfried. 33 EARLY DUTCH CHAETS. Pour large sheets of vellum, some of them much damaged hy ivater, containing Mapa of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, including the Coast of China, India, Polynesia as far as New Guinea, Africa, parts of Europe^ and the greater portion q/" South Ameeica, loith the name Brasilia, £7, 10s circ. 1600 Probably the work of one of those famous navigators whose daring and enterprise carried them round the world, and raised the Dutch Republic to its once great eminence of wealth and power. 34 MEECATOE-IS Atlas Minoe a J. Hondio plurimis aeneis tabulis auctus atque illustratus, stout oblong 4to. many maps, the text in German, fine copy, in the original hogsJcin, with the arms and portrait of Henricus Julius, Duke of Brunswick and Lunelurg, and the initials H.I.K. 1624, stamped in gold on the sides, £2- 2s Arnhemii, 1621 Includes maps of the World, of the American continent, Virginia et Florida, Cuba, St. Domingo, Jamaica, S. America, the Straits of Maghellan. 35 MEECATOEIS (Gerardi) et I. Hoxdii Atlas Noyus sive descriptio geo- grapliica totius Orbis Terrarum, 3 vols. impl. folio, frontispieces and 318 large Maps, all finely coloured, many of them having portraits and coats of arms, some leaves discoloured, and a hole burnt through the margins of three, vellum, £10. Amst. 1638 A splendid work, bearing the highest testimony to the learning and labour of the editors. The latest geographical discoveries are incorporated in their work, and contribu- tions by the best authorities in each country are made use of. This is the first Atlas con- taining anything like a fair description of the United States ; the settlements of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, the establishment of James' City, and the position of Fort Orange and New Amsterdam (the future city of New York), being all clearly laid down, although then but a few years in existence. It is interesting to observe the records on the map of New England, of the recent English investigations. Besides the general map of the world, there are seventeen special maps for America and its parts. A voyage from Bermuda to Ireland in an open boat, by five Englishmen, is noticed as an unprecedented fact. Another feature of the work is its amplitude of detail in the maps of Eastern Europe ; and two large maps which shew the courses of the Rhine and the Danube are also valuable and uncommon. 167 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Atlases — continued. 36 MEECATOEIS et Hondii Atlas ou Eepr^sentation du Monde universel et des parties d'icelui, 3 vols. imp. folio, frontispieces and Maps, all finely coloured, many containing portraits and coats of arms^ very fine copy in vellum, edges gilt and gauffred, £12. 1633-39-39 In many respects a better edition than the Latin. The text is only in part a transla- tion, and contains a great number of details omitted in the Latin issue. It is evidently the work of a superior hand, and in many places disagrees in judgment from the statements of the other edition ; as for instance, may be observed in the remarks on Seneca's prophecy about America. The text to the general map of America is also quite different. There is in this edition a notice of the Pilgrim Fathers' voyage, and the founding of the town of Plymouth, which does not appear in the Latin one. Again, Smith's adventures in Virginia are not alluded to in the latter, while they are in the French copy. There are in the text to Europe numerous ethnological and linguistic particulars, which are omitted in the Latin. The text to England, Ireland, and Lithuania, is much more ample and correct, and to that of France many historical details are added ; but on the other hand the Latin contains an additional map of Southern Muscovy, an additional general map of Juliers, Cleves, etc., a second map of Bois-Le-Duc, and has an essay on the old Prankish language, not in the French edition. In the Latin, also, the maps of Franconia and Morocco, are entirely new and re-engraved on a different plan. On the other hand, in the French edition, besides the general superiority and greater extent of the text, there is a map of Hamburg and the Elbe borders, a map of Henneberg, one of Breslau, and one of Ancient Sicily, all of them omitted in the Latin. The text to Palestine is different in the two editions. 37 LTJBIN (Augustini) Orbis Augustinianus sive Conventuum Ordinis Eremi- tarum Sancti Augustini descriptio, engraved title, list of promnces, and 60 coloured mops, including 7 of America, hy Luhin ; Topographia Augus- tiniana, frontispiece and 22 views of the different Augustinian Convents, etched by Albert Flamen ; in 1 vol. obi. 4to. old red >ioeocco, gilt edges, from the Lamoignon library, ivith the book-mark, extremely rare, £o. JParis, 1659 38 POETULANUS. Dutch Charts of the Pacific Ocean, comprising tlie Coasts of China, Japan, Formosa, the Philippine and contiguous Islands, Borneo, Cambodia, Malacca, etc. elaborately designed and executed upon 2 large sheets of vellum and 4 larger sheets of paper ^ nearly four feet in length by nearly three feet in breadth, from P. F. von Siebold's library, £5. cir. 1660 Apparently drawn up by some Dutch Mariner while engaged in a voyage of discovery, and displaying great accuracy in all its details. 39 VAN LOON, Klaer lichtende Noort Ster, ofte Zee- Atlas, waer in vertoont werde de Gelegentheyht van alle de Zee-kusten des Aerdgebodens, roy. folio, elegant coloured frontispiece and 45 double maps, all carefully COLOUEED, with beautifully illuminated Coats of Arms, etc. vellum, calf hack, £10. Amst. 1661 A very valuable work, unmentioned by Asher in his excellent Bibliography of the Atlases and maps relating to the New Netherlands, although its North American charts are infinitely superior to, and different from that of Blaeu and of Van Keulen mentioned below. It is unquestionably the best Atlas representing the coasts of the New United States yet published to that time. 40 BLAEU (Jo.) Atlas Majoe sive Cosmographia Blaviana, 11 vols, atlas folio, frontispieces illuminated and the maps coloured, engravings of geographical instruments, costume, etc. without frontispieces to Vols. II. III. V. XI. bound in vellum painted green, gilt edges, £8. 10^ Amst. 1662-65 This magnificent work has been veiy unjustly depreciated ; its intrinsic value is very great, especially with regard to the maps of England, Scotland, and Ireland, which are copious to an extent previously unknown. It might even be regarded, by the collector of works on Amej'ica as the first special Atlas of the future United States, just as Wytfhet (see post in alphabet) was the first special Atlas of America. It is also the first Atlas of Scotland, the maps and text for this division of the work having been prepared by John Scott and Robert Gordon. In Vol. VIII. the first leaf or two are slightly damaged. 41 LIGHTNING COLUMNS (The) or Sea-Mirrour, containing the Sea- Coasts of the Northern, Eastern and Western Navigation, setting forth all the Ports, Eivers, Bayes, Eoads, Depths and Sands, etc. for the use of all Sea-Men, with a brief instruction of the Art of Navigation, 3 vols, in 1, royal folio, engraved titles, numerous maps, charts and woodcuts, half bound, 155 Amst. 1677 GEOGEAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TRAVELS. 168 Atlases — contin ued. 42 VAN KEULEN'S ATLAS : The Geeat and newly enlarged Sea Atlas or Water- "World, containeing exact descriptions of all the Sea Coasts of the whole World, impl. folio, frontis'piece on title, and 153 coloured Maps, douhle size, loith a text in the heginning, an interesting and excellent Atlas in the original old calf gilt, sta^nped on the sides, £2. 2^ Amsterdam, 1682 Including no less than 38 American Maps, which are particularly valuable for the Cartography of the present United States and the more northerly regions. 43 D'ANVILLE, Atlas General, narrow elephant folio, containing 34 large maps, most of them on douhle sheets pasted together, coloured, green vellumy 15* 1737-56 44 .. the same, a later edition in atlas folio, containing 4i^ maps on 55 leaves, some of the maps on double sheets pasted together, and including the maps of the two Hemispheres re-engraved hy Barbie du Bocage, to shew the advance of discovery to the year 1780 ; besides a collection of 46 smaller maps from other works ofJD'Anville scattered through the Memoires of the Academic des Inscriptions, bds. 30* 1737-80 A very valuable and important series of Maps, giving in many instances, especially with regard to America and Polynesia, information which appeared here for the first time. For example, the Australian researches are laid down, and in the map of S. America it is to be remarked that 50,000 square leagues, according to French measure, are figured with details, which in all previous maps had been left blank as unknown. The additional maps of the later edition are : France, 2 maps ; Western and Slavonic Europe, 2 maps ; Persian Gulf, Phoenicia, Euphrates, West Africa, Central Africa, Guinea, Antient India ; without mentioning the other maps which are no less valuable and illustrative of Geography although they do not form an integral portion of the work. 45 VAN DEE MAELEN, Atlas Universel de Geographie Phisique, Politique, Statistique et Mineralogique, sur rechelle de ^^-^i-^^^ 6 vols, in 3, atlas folio, 373 coloured maps, hf bd. £2. Brux. 1827 46 Spruneb's Historico- Geographical Hand- Atlas, from a.d. 476, obi. roy. 4to. 26 coloured maps, (pub. 15a) cloth, 7s Gd 1861 47 WTLD'S General Atlas of Modern Geography, consisting of a complete collection of Maps of the four Quarters of the Globe, delineating their Physical features and coloured to siiow the limits of their respective States, including also the latest Geographical and Nautical Discoveries, atlas folio, containing 65 maps, hf russia. Sir John Rennie's copy, £2. 1841 48 AERO W SMITH (J.) London Atlas of Universal Geography, exhibiting the Physical and Political Divisions of the various Countries of the World, royal folio, 67 coloured maps, (pub. £7. V7s) hf. russia gilt, £5. 5s 1842 49 SOCIETY ATLAS. Geiseral Atlas published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, compiled from the latest and most authentic sources, with the Plans of the Cities, the Star Maps, and the general Index, 2 vols. sq. roy. folio, 218 large coloured maps, (pub. at £10. 10s) ; or, half morocco, gilt edges, £3. 3^ 1844 50 the same, maps plain, but all mounted on canvas, bound in one thick vol. square folio, hf russia, uncut, £2. 1867 (1844) The above is still the best and most extensive Atlas, comprising Modern and Ancient Maps ; original copies have clearer impressions of the maps than those issued now. 51 BEEGHAUS. Phtsikalischer Atlas : Meteorologie, Hydrologie, Geo- logic, Erdmagnetismus, Pflanzengeographie, Thiergeographie, Anthropo- graphie, und Ethnographie, 2 vols, folio, 93 coloured maps, (pub. £6. 6s) half russia, £2. 16s Gotha, 1852 A truly admirable work, embracing a vast variety of information, well digested and arranged. 169 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Atlases — continued. • 52 KEITH JOHNSTON, Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena, new and enlarged edition, impl. folio, 35 large double maps, and 7 other engravings on text, coloured, to shew the distribution of races and formations, etc. (pub. £12. 12^) hf. morocco, £4. 45 Edinburgh, 1856 See post. Index. 53 BLACKIE'S Imperial Atlas of Modern Geography, embracing the most recent discoveries and the latest political divisions, atlas 4to. 101 large coloured onaps, with an Index of places containing over 120,000 names, (pub. 365. 5^) hf. morocco, £2. 2* 1860 54 Bennet and Wyk, Dutch Settlements and Voyages of Discovery in every part of the World, to illustrate the original relations, 8 sheets of Dutch Maps, with the Carte generale des possessions Neerlandaises anx Indes Occi- dentales and the Carte des lies Bali, etc. par Carnbee, and Miiller, Kaart van Nieuw Guinea ; together the lot, 20^ 1846 55 Africa. Wyld's Map of Africa, 6 sheets, each 32.^ in. by 22, in impl. 8vo. case, cloth, 5s 1851 56 America. AEEOWSMITH'S American Atlas, 12 large coloured Maps, all newly designed, folded and bound in 1 vol. atlas folio, hf russia, arms on the sides, YERT EARE, £2. 16* 1804-20 57 America. POPPLE'S Map of the British Empire in America, with the adjacent Erench and Spanish Settlements, roy. folio, 21 large maps, with Views of New York, Quebec, Mexico, the Niagara, etc. coloured, hf. bd.2^s ; or with the maps plain, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1733 "The above maps seem to have been laid down with great accuracj, and to show the position of the provinces more truly than any yet extant." — Edmuiid Halleij. 58 Cook et Lane, le Pilot e de Terre-Neuye, ou Eecueil de Plans des Cotes et des Ports de cette He, impl. folio, 12 large sheets beautifully engraved for the French Government, mostly after the English designs of Capt. Cook, 25* Faris, 1763-85 The best Atlas in existence for this part of the North American continent. See post Wytfliet. 59 Arabia. 5 G-erman Maps of parts of Arabia, by Zimmermann, Schimper, Gali- nier, etc. 7^ 6 J 1840-46 60 Egypt. Wilkii^^son's Topographical Survey of Thebes, Tape, Thaba, or Dios- polis Magna, 6 large sheets, rare, 20s 1830 61 England. Ordnance Survey of England and Wales, about 100 large sheets, coloured, mounted on canvas and folded, in 15 stout impl. 8vo. cases, half russia, (pub. about £30.) lettered with the names of the counties, £7. 10s cir. 1805-40 62 Greenwood's Map of Yorkshire, executed for the Trigonometrical Survey, 9 large sheets (pub. £5. 5^) Sir Mark Sykes' copy, £2. 2s 1818 Added are : Pickernell's Plan of the Harbour and Town of Whitby, a large neat Drawing, 1 838 ; Survey of Plymouth Sound, 1822 ; and map of Bedhampton Park, Hants, 1811. 63 Europe. ITINEEAEIUM EUEOP^ Provincias continens iis qui iter aliquo suscipiunt longe necessarium, obi. sm. 4to. being an Atlas of Europe of the sixteenth Century, containing frontispiece and 88 maps, all engraved with the utmost delicacy, vellum, 36* 1587 The forty-first plate is a folding one, larger than all the others, containing a view of the " Territorium et Dominium Kerpense et Lommerschum Ducatus Brabantiae," by Gerard Stempel, of Gouda, Canon of St. George of Cologne, 1587 ; with two Coats of Arras. This Atlas, which shews a wonderful advance of geographical knowledge, and which we may presume to be the work of Stempel, engraved in Holland, and published in Cologne, appears unknown to the bibliographical writers. The frontispiece is in De Ery's style ; and perhaps this Atlas is one of the earliest works of one of that family. GEOaRAPHT, YOYAaES, AND TRAVELS. 170 Atlases — continued. 64 Eng^land. Plans. A volume, imp. folio, containing 14 large engravings, four of which relate to London, one to Norwich, one to Durham, one of the Earl of Pembroke's Park at Wilton, plan of Carthagena 1739, Ghent 1708, Dantzic, Siege of Quebec 1759, Battle of Thonhausen 1759, Portobello 1740, and Jernegan's Design for a silver vase; with. Tolley's Drawdng of a plan of Milford Haven, 1762, hd. £6. Qa 1708-59 65 Europe. QUADUS (Math.) Europae totius orbis terrarum partis praestautissi- mae, universalis et particularis descriptio, sm. folio, engraved title, 73 large and fine maps with portraits of princes and Coats of Arms in the corners, fine copy in original stamped vellum, 36* Coloniae, Bussemechery 1594 Quadus published in 1608, the Fasciculus GeograpMcus, a work much better known than the present, and also less rare. A feature of great value in the work now described is the first sheet — Typvs Orhis Jdrrfl?*Mw— containing an elaborate map op AMERICA. Q>Q France. CASSINI, CAMrs, et Montignt, Carte de la Prance, coloured and mounted on canvas, and enclosed in 30 large Svo. cases, with leather hachs, to resemble a series of hooks, £3. (Paris, 1747-87) " Cette Carte est tres-bien executee, et sa publication a fait epoque dans I'histoire de la topographic ... La collection .... s'est vendue autrefois de 800 a lOUO fr." — Brunei. 67 Denaix, Atlas Physique, Politique et Historique de Prance, atlas folio, 17 coloured maps and plates, hds. 7s 6d Paris, 1855 68 Michel, I'lndicateur fidele on Guide des Yoyageurs, 4to. engraved title, pretty frontispiece, and 19 coloured maps, old calf 7s 6d ib. 1785 69 Germany and Scandinavia. Wieland's Schweden und Norwegen, 1853 ; AViebel's Charte von Helgoland, 3 parts, 1844-45 ; Hijmeeet's Karte von Kurfiirstenthum Hessen, c2>. 1840; and 4 other German maps, 5s 1840-53 70 Greece and Rome. Various maps and plans of the classical world and its remains, in a roy. folio bundle, 10* 1880-60 71 Holland. 'T Ilooge Heem-Kaed-Schap van Ehynland, atlas folio, richly illu- minated title and 14^ double Maps on a large scale, very finely executed in gold and colours, old Dutch calf, 20s 1740-44 This elegant series of Maps, in which every detail is beautifully finished, so as almost to resemble a MS. was executed for and under the supervision of the authorities to shew the complete system of Dykes and Sluices throughout Holland. 72 Hungary. Lipszkt, Mappa generalis Eegni Hungariae partiumque adnex- arum Croatiae, Slavoniae, etc. atlas folio, 11 maps, 3 leaves of explanations, hf calf neat, 7s 6d Pesthini, 1810 73 Ireland. Taylor's Map of Kildare, with views, ow 6 ?«rye 5^ed Paris, 1830 158 CAMUS, Memoire sur les Grands et Petits Voyages (de De Brt) et les Voyages de Thevenot, 4to. the best hibliography for De Bry and Thevenot, Ids. or half calf, 10s Paris, 1802 159 CAET'S Collection of Statutes affecting New South "Wales, containing all the Statutes of practical utility to the present time, 2 very stout vols, smallest folio, (pub. £4. 4s) cloth, 36s Sydney , 1861 The Index is very complete, and occupies 185 pages, in double columns. aEOGEAPHT, VOYAGES, AND TRAVELS. 176 IGO CAET WRIGHT (J.) the Preacher's Travel to the confines of the East Indies, through the great countreyes of Syria, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Media, Hircania, and Parthia, with the author's returne by the way of Persia, Susiana, Assiria, Chaldsea, and Arabia, sra. sq. 8vo. ivith some MS. con- temporary/ rhymes on the hach of title, otherwise a fine copy, bare, £5. 1611 Portion of this curious volume is a relation of the Sherleys' entertainment in Persia. 161 CHAKDIN (Jean) Voyages en Peese et autres lieux de I'Orient nouvelle edi- titiou augmentee du Couronnement de Soliman II, etc. 4 vols. 4to. best EDITION, portrait and numerous plates, beautiful copy in olive mobocco extra, gilt edges, from Baron Dimsdale's library, £4. 15^ Amst. 1735 Marked by James Bohn, £4. As. Fetched, 1855, Sotheby's, morocco, £4. 8*. 162 ■ le meme, nouvelle edition, avec des notes par L. Langlcs, 10 vols, 8vo. and imperial folio Atlas, containing portrait, map and 83 plates, .£3. 35 Paris, 1811 163 the same, 10 vols. 8vo. without Atlas, hf russia, 7s 6d ' 1811 " Among the many travellers who have thrown light on the Persian Empire, Chardin has always been considered as the one to whom Europe is most indebted. He devoted his life, as it were, to a knowledge of Persia. He made long and repeated visits thither; he traversed it in length and breadth, from the Caspian to the ocean." — Murray's Asia. 164 Caucasus : WiLKmsoN's Description of Mount Caucasus, translated from Eeinegge and Bieberstein, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates, bds. 6s 1807 165 Voyages dans Ics Pays entre la Mer Noire et la Mer Caspienne avec un VocA- BULAiEE des Dialectes du Caucase, 3 parts in 1 vol. large map, calf, 7s 6d 1798 The tabular Vocabularies are very valuable. 166 CENTENO (Amaro) Historia de Cosas del Oriente ; descripcion de Asia, his- toria delos Tartaros, de Egipto y de Hierusalem, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. calf, gilt back, £2. 12^ Gd Cordova, Diego Galvan, 1595 Priced by Thorpe, £6. 6.?—" Ouvrage devenu rare. £9. 9s 6d White Knights." — Brunei. Collation : Preliminary leaves, including title, 8 leaves ; text, leaves 1-62; title of parte segunda ; fF. 64-138 ; 4 leaves of table. 167 CHESNEY'S (General) Expedition to the Euphrates andTigris,1835-37, with geographical and historical notices of the regions between the Nile and the Indus, 2 vols, stout royal 8vo. 97 plates and woodcuts, with folio atlas of maps in case (pub. at 3fc*3. 3s) cloth, 1850 168 the Atlas separately, roy. folio, 14 large folded maps, mounted on canvas, hf morocco^ 563. 3s 1849 " Colonel Chcsney has peculiar claims on our notice. Few men possess more ex- tensive knowledge, personal and other, of the geography and statistics of the East. His testimony may always be accepted as important." — Athenoeum, Feb. 18, 1854. 170 Cluyeeii Introductio in universam Geographiam, cum notis a Bunone, sm. 4to. front and 46 maps, calf, 3s Qd Amst. 1697 171 COOK'S (Capt. J.) Three Voyages, the complete set, as follows : Hawkes- worth's Collection of Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere, 3 vols, good impressions of the plates and maps — Second Voyage to the S. Pole and Eound the World in 1772-75, second edition, 2 vols, good impressions — Third Voyage to the Pacific in 1776-80, third edition, 3 vols, good impres- sions — together 8 vols, royal 4to. and 1 royal folio Atlas of maps and plates, 5 vols, calf, 3 vols, and atlas, half calf £6, 1773-83-77-85 Priced, 1826, Thorpe, calf, £15. 155 ; 1829, Thorpe, £12. 12« ; 1826, J. Bohn, mor. £25. hf. bd. £14. 14^, bds. £12.; 1840, James Bohn, russia, £14. 14^; 1841, Thorpe, rus- sia, £8. 8«; 184.3, James Bohn, mor. £21.; 1845, Payne and Foss, calf, £12. 125— W. Berry's copy, russia, fetched, 1857, £13.; D. Turner's, with a few add. plates, £11. IQs ; Bernal's, 1655, russia extra, £l7. 1.55. 172 COOK and KING, Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1776-80, 3 vols. roy. 4to. maps, russia gilt, with impl. folio atlas of plates and maps, half russia, £2. 12s 1784 177 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLr, LONDON. 173 Coedi]!^er's (J.) Description of Ceylon, containing an account of the country, inhabitants, and natural productions, etc. 2 vols. 4to. 25 plates, calf neat, 10s 1807 174 COEYATS Cetjdites hastily gobled up in five Moneths trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy, Ehetia, coinoiily called the Grisons country, Heluetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Germany, and the Netherlands ; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcomee in the county of Somerset, & now dispersed to the nourishment of the trauelling Members of this Kingdome (by Thomas Coryate), sm. 4to. engraved title (containing Author* s portrait) hy Hole, besides the frequently wanted printed title-page (Theee ceude Yeines, &c.) and all the plates^ size SJ inches hy Gj-g-, russia, joints, gilt edges, £14. 1611 175 another and very fine copy, 8i inches hy B^^g, in russia extra, gilt edges, from the library of the late J. T>. Lewis, 56*21. 1611 176 another copy, the finest and largest in existence, 8|^ inches hy 6^^, in morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Medfern, £42. 1611 This copy comes from the magnificent library of the late George Smith, Esq., whose MS. note thus describes it: "Having carefully noted the condition of nearly (I might perhaps say absolutely) all the copies of this work which have been offered for sale within the last twenty years, I believe I am justified in stating that none of them was equal in dimensions to this. This copy .... may .... be considered an unrivalled specimen of this original edition." 177 COYEET'S (Captaine) True and Almost Incredible Eeport of an Englishman, that (being cast away in the good Ship called the Assension, in Cambaya the farthest part of the East Indies) trauelled by Land thorow many vn- known Kingdomes and great Cities, with a Discovery of a Great Emperour, called the Great Mogoll, a Prince not till now knowne to our English Na- tion, sm. 4to. black Itiitx, old calf, rare, 26s 1631 Nassau's copy fetched £6. 8.? 6^ ; Hibbert's, £4. 10.?. 178 CEAWFIJED'S History of the Indian Archipelago, 3 vols. 8vo. plates of Coins, Music, Views, Costumes, etc. calf gilt ^ 27s 1820 179 Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and adjacent countries, 8vo. map, (pub. at 16^) cloth, 12s 1856 180 Cunt. Journal de voyage du Docteur Cuny, de Siout a El- Obeid, 1857-58, (Upper-Egvpt) par Malte-Brun, 8vo. map, sd. 2s 6d Paris, 1863 181 CuNiNGHAM (William) The Cosmographical Glasse, conteinyng the pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, Geographic, Hydrographie, or Nauigation, sm. folio, ruled throughout, with numerous fine woodcuts, but without the portrait and the plan of Norwich, calf, 30s John Day, 1559 There is a separate article on America at the end of this rare and learned work. 182 Daendels ( Go uyerneur- General) Staat der Nederlandsche Oostindische Be- zittingen, in 1808-11, 4 vols, folio, bds. 12s Gravenhage, 1814 Printed by order of the Dutch Government, and not for sale. 183 DAMIANUS a Goes. Eides, Eeligio, Moresque Aethiopum sub imperio Pre- ciosi Joannis (vulgo Presbyteri) degentium, cum enarrat. confoederationis inter Aethiopes et Lusitanos initae ; Deploratio Lappianae gentis, etc. 12mo. with specimens of JEthiopic, veau fauve extra, I65 Parisiis, 1541 184 eadem opuscula, cum aliis, ab autore recognita, sm. 4to. hf bd. ISs Lovanii, 1544 185 DAMPIEE'S CoLLECTioif qp Yotages. New Yoyage round the World, 4 parts in 2 vols. 1699; Voyage to New Holland, etc. in 1699, with Con- tinuation, 2 vols. 1705-9— together 4 vols, in 3, 1699-1705-9; Vol. IV. containing Eunnel's Voyage round the world, and Cowley's, Sharpe's, "Wood's, and Eoberts' Voyages, 2 vols, in 1, 1729; together 6 vols, in 4, maps and plates, calf neat, 30* 1699-1729 GEOGEAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TEAYELS. 178 186 Dampier's Voyages, best edition, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. containing all the preceding pieces, as well as AVafer's Description of the Isthmus of America, clean copy, fine impressions of the numerous maps and plates, old calf gilt, scarce, £2. " 1729 Hibbbert's copy fetched £4. 9* ; Bernal's, at Sotheby's, 1865, calf extra, £5. I2s6d. " To this work, written in the style of a plain blunt sailor, and full of coi'vect infor- mation, particularly relating to the numerous Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Cook, Byron, and others have been greatly indebted." — Lowndes. 187 D'ANVILLE, Eclaircissemens Geographiques sur la Carte de I'Inde, 4to. sd. 45 1763 188 Memoires sur I'Egypte, ancienne et modeme, 4to. maps, calf gilt, 5s 1766 189 Etats formes en Europe apres FEmpire Eomain, 4to. JJ. 2s Gd 1771 190 Davy's Account of the interior of Ceylon, 4to. map, cuts, and plates of Cos- tiime. Views, Mythology, etc. some coloured, (pub. £3. 13^ Qd) 10s 1821 191 Notes on the Ionian Islands and Malta, with remarks on Constanti- nople and Turkey, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates (pub. 32s) hf cf IQs 1842 192 Davidson (John, F.E.S.) Notes taken during Travels in Africa, 4to. plates, cloth, 7s 6d Printed for private circulation, 1839 193 DELL A VALLE, Viaggi divisi in tre parti : la Turchia, la Persia, e I'lndia, 3 parts in 4 vols. sm. 4ito. first edition, vellum, 325 Boma, 1650-63 193* seconda impressione, con la vita dell' autore, 4 vols. sm. 4to. portrait, vellum, £2. 2s Eoma, 1662-58 194 the same, 1650-63— Funerale di Sitti M. Gioerida della Valle, {his Mesopotamian loife whose hody he brought to hury in Home) portrait and plate, loith polyglott inscriptions, 1627 — in 4 vols. sm. 4to. calf, 36* 1627-63 195 another edition, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. hf vellum gt. 10.9 Brighton, 1845 196 Descartes, Histoire et Geographic de Madagascar, 8vo. map, (pub. 8 fr.) sd. 2s Qd 1846 197 Devtez, Dictionnaire Geographique des Pays Bas, 8vo. half calf , 7s 6d 1819 198 DUMONT d'Ukville, Voyage ArToun nr Monde, execute par ordre du Eoi, sur la Corvette I'ASTEOLABE, pendant les annees 1826-29, 11 vols, royal 8vo. and 1 vol. 4to. of nautical and meteorological observations, &c. with 5 imperial folio atlases, containing 582 fine plates and maps, those of Natural History beautifully coloured, (pub. at 2000 francs) a fine copy of this magnificent ivork, in hf citron morocco, gilt tops, uncut, from Mr. Gurney's Library, ^48. Paris, 1830-34 Contents : Zoologie, par Quoy et Gaimard, 4 vols, of text, 198 coloured plates. Botanique, par Lesson et Richard, 1 vol. of text, 80 plates, some coloured. Entomologie, par Boisduval, 1 vol. of text, 12 coloured plates. Histoire du Voyage, 5 vols, of text, portrait and 243 plates, some coloured. 199 DUNTON'S (John, London Mariner) True Journall of the Sally Eleet, pro- ceedings of the Voyage, list of Sally Captives, and places where they dwell, small 4to. map of the three Toivns, calf gilt, 27s 1637 Priced, 1825, by Thorpe, morocco, £4. 145 6d. The author was commander of the ship Leopard, in this expedition against thq Turkish and Sallee pirates, under Admiral Carteret. 200 DU PINET (Ant.) Plantz, Pourtraitz, et Descriptions de plusieurs Villas et Eorteresses tant de I'Europe, Asie, & Afrique, que des Indes, & Tebees Neuves ; folio, map of the tvorld and numerous curious woodcut maps and views of Cities, among them Jerusalem, Algiers, Cuzco, Mexico, ^c. very fine copy in old calf gilt, rare, £6. Qs Lyon, 1564 " Quoique rare, cet ouvrage etait nagu^re a trSs-bas prix : 75 fr. Louis-Philippe." — Brunet. An interesting feature in this work is that in the beginning it treats critically of the existing state of cosmography, and gives a list of trustworthy atlases and maps. It also contains an original portrait of Erasmus, engraved after a drawing from the life. The world-map is remarkable Ibi' tlio orrrcct:iess with which South America is delineated. O 179 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 201 DuQUEST^E, Yoyage to and from the East Indies — Le Maiee's Yoyages to the Canaries, Senegal, and Grambia — 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. plates, calf, 7s Qd 1696 202 Dutch Possessions in the East and West, containing a Collection of about 60 Tracts and Works on Java, Sumatra, Sueinam, etc. with maps and plates collected hy P. F. von Siebold, the lot, £2. The collection includes the following : Modera, Reis naar N. Guinea 1830 Muller, Sumatra 1837 Nederlands Oostindische Bezittingen 1843 Nederlands Oost-Indie door Van der Aa, 13 parts ■ 1846 Palembang, s. 1810, maps 1822 Reis naar Paramaribo, Suriname 1842 Saxe- Weimar, Campagne de Java en 181 1 1834 Strehler, Batavia 1833 Sturler, Gebiet van Palembang 1843 Sturler, Reis naar Java 1846 Suriname, de Regiering 1845 Teenstra, overzeesche Bezitt. 2 vols. 1846-47 Bataafsche Betzittingen in Oost-Indien 1799 Blume, Indische Bij 1843 Nasporingen op Borneo 1842 Boelhouwer, Sumatra's West-Kust, 1831-34 Bm-gst, Ned. Indie privatelij printed, 1847 Daendel's Java 1816 Domis, Java 1836 Jomard, Collections de Cartes geogr. 1831 Kolonie Suriname, maps Arnhem, 1826 Korthals, Sumatra 1847 Lahge, het Eiland Banka, maps 1850 Lans, Suriname 1842 Michiels, Sumatra 1846 Mijer, Codificatie in Ned. Indie Batavia, 1839 202*Dtjtch at Ambotxa. Eelation of the barbarous proceedings against the English, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. ^to. vellum, curious, 255 1624 203 EDEN (E.) History of Trauayle in the WEST and EAST INDIES, and other Countreys lying eyther way towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes : with a Discourse of the North-west Passage : augmeuted and finished by E. Willes, sm. 4jto. black lettee, russia, gilt edges, old style, tvith arms of J3. V. TTtterson stamped in gold on sides, yeet eaee, £12. 12s It. Jugge, 1577 Comprising Peter Martyr's Decades, Oviedo's Nat. Hist. West Indies, Barthema's Travels, etc. etc. 204 Engelmann, Bibliotheca G-eographica : Yerzeichniss der yon 1750 bis 1856 in Deutschland erschienenen Werke "iiber Greographie und Eeisen, stout 8vo. 1525 pp. hf. morocco gilt, 12s Leip. 1857 205 Etsinga (P. P. Eoorda van) Eeizen en Lotgevallen, (in Java, etc.) 4 vols. 8vo. hoards, Zs Qd Amst. 1830-32 205* Handbook der Land en Yolkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie, 4 vols. in 3, 8vo. plates, hoards, IQs Amst. 1841-42 With copious information about Java, later than that of Eaffles ; and also about China and other Eastern Countries. 206 FACSIMILES van Oude Hollandsche Eetsei^ uit de verzameling van Erederik Muller te Amsterdam op stein overgebragt yan E. Spanier : Titles of 20 very rare editions of Dutch Yotaqes, and 10 plates of the 2 editions of Massa Desceiptio detectionis feeti (1612 and 1613), admirably executed in facsimile and printed on fine Dutch paper manu- factured before the year 1650, oblong 4to. £6. 's Gravenhage, (1868) 207 EELLOWS (Charles) Journal during an Excursion in Asia Minoe, roy. 8vo. map, with many plates and cuts of jRuins, Views, Inscriptions, etc. (pub. at 28^) cloth, 155 1839 208 ' Discoveries in Lycia, stout roy. 8vo. plates and woodcuts of Antiquities, Coins, Greek lnscriptio7is, etc. (pub. £2. 2s) cloth, 30^ 1841 209 Eischee, Sibirische Geschichte, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, sd. a learned and valuable worh, 55 St. Pet. 1768 210 ELINDEES' Yoyage to TEEEA AUSTEALIS, for the purpose of completing the discovery of that vast country, prosecuted in the years 1801-3, in the Investigator, the Porpoise, and the Cumberland, 2 vols, small 4to. many fine plates, in bds. with roy. folio atlas of 18 large plates, hf. calf gilt, £S. 10s 1814 The Atlas is very rare, and most copies of the book arc without it. This has been occasioned by its extreme importance from a geographical point of view, in giving the first really accurate surveys of Australasia. GEOaEAPHT, VOYAGES, AND TEAVELS. 180 211 Elacourt, Eelation de la Grande Isle Madagascar, 4to. large paper, map and numerous plates of manners and customs, N'atural History, ^c. old calf, J 2s With specimens of translations from the Madccassy language. Troyes, 1G61 212 FoESTER (J. E.) ObservatioDs made during a voyage round the AVorld, 4to. maps, calf 7s Gd 1778 213 ' Geschiclite der Entdeckungen und Schiffabrten im Norden, 8vo, 3 veru valuable maps, hf calf, 7s 6d T'ranlcf. a. d. Oder, 1784j 213*Feter's Account of East-India and Persia, being Nine Years Travels, 1672-81, folio, portrait, map, and plates, calf fine copy, 36s 1698 214 EUNNELL (AVilliam) Voyage round the AVorld, containing an account of Dampier's Expedition to the South Seas, 1703-4, the Author's Voyage from Amapalla, Mexico, to East India, etc. sm. 8vo. onap and plates^ calf neat, 10s 1707 215 GAZETTEEE OE THE WOELD, or Dictionary of Geographical Know- ledge, edited by a Member of the Eoyal Geographical Society, with Ap- pendix, 14 vols, in 7, roy. 8vo. doulle columns, maps, icoodcuts, and 120 en- gravings on steel, (pub. at 569. 96') £4. 5* 1851-56 The best and most complete of all Gs letteers, and forming a complete body of modern Geography, physical, political, statistical, iistorical and ethnographical. 216 GELL (Sir W.) Itinerary of Greece, with an account of the monuments, 1801-6, roy 4tb. 2^ fine plates, (pub. at £2. Vis 6d) calf 10s 1810 217 Itinerary of the Morea, 7;^«p, 3 817 — Itinerary of Greece, map, 1819 -2 vols. sm. 8vo. calf gilt, 8s Gd 1817-19 218 i-- Itinerary of the Morea, sm. Svo. oiia^^, hds. 6s 1817 219 Narrative of a Journey in the Morea, 8yo. frontisp. cloth, 6s 1823 " That laudable curiosity concerning the remains of classical antiquity which has of late years increased among our countrymen, is in no traveller or author more conspicuous than in Mr. Gell." — Lord Byron. 220 GEO GE A PHI GEJECI MINOEES, Graece et Latine, cum prolegomenis, annotatione, et indicibus, ed. Mullerus, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. with Atlas of 29 coloured maps, hf hd. 36^ JParis, 1855-61 221 GEOGEAPHI^ VETEEIS Scriptoees Grj^ci MINOEES, Gr. et Lat. (ed. Hudson) 4 vols. 8vo. maps, old calf gilt, rare, £5. Oxoniiy 1698-1712 Priced, 1830, Payne and Foss, morccco, £12. 12a^ ; 1842, £8. 85. 222 GOUVEA (Antonio de) Jornada do Arcebispo de Goa Dom Erey Aleixo de Menezes Primaz da INDIA OEIENTAL quando foy as Serras do MALAVAE, y Lugares em que morao os ai^tigos Chris tianos de S. Thome — Stnodo Diocesano da Igreia e Bispado de Angamale, dos antigos Christa5s, etc. — in 1 vol. sm. folio, very fine copy, red morocco extra, £5. 5^ Coimbra, 1606 Not mentioned by Boucher de la Eicharderie. This curious and interesting Journey, termed by Brunet " volume rare et recherche,^' is not in the Grenville collection. The subject of the work is one of extreme interest — 'yhe existence of Christianity in India since the time of the Apostles. 223 GOSSELLIN, Geographic des Grecs analysee, 4tc. 10 large Maps, old calf gilt, 7s Gd Paris, 1790 224 Geographic des Grecs analysee, 1790 — Eecherches sur la Geographic des anciens, 4 vols. 1798-1813 — together 5 vols, large 4to. calf, gilt backs, 385 1790-1813 The four volumes alone priced 1830, Payne and Fo?j, £5. ; Black and Armstrong, £4. 4;?. 225 Grelot, Voyage de Constantinople, 4t6. large v^w of the Seraglio, and other plates, calf, 6s Paris, 1680 226 GEEY (now Sir George) Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North West and Western Australia, 1837-39, 2 vols. 8vo. large map enclosed in the cover, and numerous plates, some colowedj representing Aboriginal Monuments, etc. (pub. at SGs) cloth, Ms 1841 o 2 181 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 227 HAKLUTT (Eichard) Navigations, Voyages, and Discoveries, made by the English nation, small folio, a corner torn of the first leaf of 'preface^ other- wise a fine copy in calf £5. 1589 Original edition ; very rare. " This volume, which has the advantage of an Index, differs materially from the first volume of the edition, 1599-1600." — Such is Lowitdes' statement, but his observation is rather superfluous, considering that this volume is the original edition of Hakluyt's voyages, which, in their second form, were recast and amplified into three volumes. 228 HAKLUYT. Collection or EAELY VOYAGES, TEAVELS, and Dis- coveries of the Englisli Nation, made by Sea or Overland, within the compass of these 1000 years (edited by Gr. Woodfall), 5 vols, royal 4to. reprinted with additions from the rare edition of 1599 (pub. at 3615. 15s), calf neat, 5612. 125 1809-12 Rare : only 250 copies were printed. 229 the same, 5 vols. impl. 4to. large paper (pub. at 3631. IO5) Ids. 3617. 10*; or, russia extra, marhled edges, Sir Simon Taylor's copy, £20. 1809-12 Rare : only 75 copies were printed on Large Paper. 230 Hall (Capt. B.) Fragments of Voyages and Travels, the tliree series, 3 vols, each, together 9 vols. 16mo. (pub. at 4:5s) hf calf gilt, scarce, 30s 1831-33 231 Voyage to the West Coast of Corea and Loo-Choo, vs^ith Clifford's Loo-Choo Vocabulary, etc. 4to. 7 coloured plates and 4i maps, {i^uh. at £2. 2s.), bds. 15s 1818 232 Hamilton's Eesearches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, plates, and woodcuts (pub. 38s) hf bd. 16s 1842 233 HAEEIS' Collection of Voyages and Travels, continued with large additions, by Dr. Campbell, 2 vols, large folio, numerous maps and plates, cf £2. 1764 Best edition, superseding that of 1705. Priced, 1840, Payne and Poss, £3. 13* 6d) cloth. 20s 1835 Praised by Gliddon as a very valuable work. 245 HiiGEL, das Kabul- Becken, folio, maps of the mountain districts between the Hindu Kosh and the Sutlej, etc. bds. 7s 6d Wien, 1850 246 Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab, with account of the Sikhs, roy. 8vo. portrait, large map and plates, (pub. 18s) cloth, 7s 6d 1845 247 HULSIUS' Voyages, etc. : Dritter Theil Warhafftiger Eelation der dreyen newen Schifffahrt so die Hollander gegen Mitternacht, 1594-96, verricht, wie sie Nordwegen, Lappiam, Biarmiam, und Eussiam oder Moscoviam umbsegelt haben, Hochteutsch von Hulsium, tertia editio, sm. 4to. xvi. and 96 pp. 32 plates, sd. £2. 16s Frankfurt, Hulsii Wittibe, 1612 248 Vierte Schiifart : Warhafftige Historien einer wunderbaren Schiffart, welche Ulrich Schmidel, 1534-54, in Americam oder JN'ewen Welt bei Brasilia und Eio della Plata gethan, 4to. vii and 103 pp. map and 11 plates, sd. £2. 10s Norih. Hulsius, 1599 249 EylfFter Schiffart ander theil, oder Kurtzer Verfolg der Eeyse so von den Holl- und Seelandern in die Ost Indien, 1607-12, unter dem Admiral P. "W. Verhuffen verrichtet worden, 4to. 168 pp. and 8 plates, sd. £2. IQs Frankf. Rulsii Wittibe, 1613 250 HuLSiTJs' Teayels, Collations of the Eirst Editions, parts 1-26, 1598-1650, sra. 4to. to bind with a set, 8 pp. 21s Privately printed, 1860 This careful collation is by a Nobleman, and conducted through the press by the ad- vertiser. The collation is the most correct ever made, giving the contents and date of every part, the number of preliminary, printed and blank leaves, further the exact descrip- tion of every map and plate. 251 AsiiER. Bibliographical Essay on the Collection of Voyages and Travels, pub- lished by Hulsius and his Successors, 4to. bds. 7sijd Berlin, 1839 252 HUMBOLDT, Asie Centrale, Eecherches surles Chaines de Montagues et la Climatologie, 3 vols. 8vo. map and 8 tables, a fine copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, from the library of the Due d' Orleans, very rare, £5. 55 Paris, 1843 252*HrMBOLDT, Eoquette, Vie et travaux du Baron A. de Humboldt, 4to. L. P. 2parts,t>s Paris, 1861 253 HUTCHINSON'S (Thomas) Ten Years' Wanderings amongst the Ethiopians, Hvo.frontisp. (pub. 14^) cloth, 6s 1861 254 IDES (YsBRANTs) Three Years' Travels from Moscow overland to Pekin, with Kao's description of China, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. 7nap and 20 fine plates of costume, views, etc. good copy in calf neat, 18s ; or, a fine copy in russia, 28s 1706 See also ante Brand. The Whiteknight's copy fetched £4. 5s; Willet's, £2. 7^ ; Dent's, £2. 16«; Sotheby's in 1860, £1. 11*. " Relation curieuse ; elle se paye, £'2. a £4. en Angleterre."— -Srt^we^ 255 Ides, Eeize naar China van Moskou over Grroot Ustiga, Siriania, Permia, Sibirien, etc. 4to. map and plates, vellmn, 7s 6d Amsf. 1710 256 INDEX GEOGEAPHICUS, a list of the principal places on the globe, com- piled with reference to Keith Johnston's Atlas, but applicable to all mo- dern Atlases, impl. 8vo. (pub. 21*) cloth, 14s 1864 Comprising the names of about 125,000 places, with the latitude and longitude, and a reference to the map. 257 JACKSON'S Account of the Empire of Moiiocco and the district of Suse, with an account of Timbuctoo, 4to. maps and plates, some coloured, beautiful copy in old English red morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Marquis of Hasting' s library, 24s ^ 1809 183 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 258 Jacob's Travels in the South of Spain, in letters written, 1809-10, 4 PLATES of Natural History, Birds, Fishes, Mammals, etc. russia, 25* 1790 Rare in the coloured state. 499 AYOODS' History of the Discovery* and Exploration of Australia, 2 vols. 8vo. frontispiece and large folding map, within covers, (pub. 28*) cloth, \^s 3 865 500 WTCHE (Sir Peter) Relation of the River NILE, of its Sourse and current, written by an eye-witness who lived many years in the Abyssine Empire, 16mo. calf, 15« * " 1669 A book almost unknown to all the recent writers on the Sources of the Nile. 501 YULE'S Narrative of the Mission to the Court of AYA, in 1855, with Notices of the Country, Government and People, 4to. large map in covers, and many tinted plates of Costume, Scenery, etc. and ivoodcuts, (pub. £2. 12s Qd) cloth extra, gilt edges, 36^ 1858 EASTERN EUROPE, comprising the Countries inhabited by the Slavonian, Magyar, and Rouman Races of Purope, *:jj:* " Eor Turkey " — see the Oriental Catalogue. 502 Alcock (Thomas) Travels in Russia, Persia, Turkey, and Greece, 1828-29, 8vo. map and plate, bds^ privately printed, 9s 1831 203 BEENARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 503 BAER uud Helmersek, Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Bussisohen Reiclies uiid der angranzendeu Lander Asiens, Vols. I— XVII, 8yo. maps and plates, sd. 285 ^t- PetershurgJi, 1839-52 Contains valuable modern Travels, chiefly in Central Asia, with an account of the Zoology and the Languages of those countries described. Nestor's Chronik ; Helmer- sen's China, Buchara, Chokand ; Hagemeister, Asie Occidental ; Helmersen's Reise nach dem Ural ; Basiner's Chiwa ; Wrangell, Russ. Besitz. N.W.-Kuste von America. 50Ji BATTHYAN (Ign. Comit. de, Episcopi Trausyl.) Leges Ecclesiasticae regoi Hungariae et provinciarum adjacentium, 3 vols, large folio, engravings of Seals, etc. hf. calf, uncut, £2. 10^ Alhae Carolinae et Glaudiopoli, 1785-1827 Avery valuable collection of Councils, Synods, Decrees, etc. from the earliest times ; no less important for Ecclesiastical History than for the history of Eastern Europe. 505 BEAUPLAN, Description d'Ukranie, qui sent plusieurs provinces de Pologne contenijes depuis la Moscovie, jusques a la Transylvauie, sq. sm. 8vo. map andplates, vellum, 14s Bouen, 1661 Rare ; I cannot trace any other copy as having occurred for sale. 506 BIZOZEEI (Simpliciano) UngriaEestaurada : baxo eljugo {sic) de la tirania Otliomana y baxo el dominio de Leopoldo II, traducido (del Toscano) por un curioso, small 4to. 44 plates consisting of T portraits and 37 views of towns, limp vellum, 36s Barcelona, 1688 Unmentioned, either as to the Italian original or Spanish translation, by Salva, Brunet, Ebert, and the Bodleian Library catalogue. The book must be one of extreme rarity. 507 Bosnia. Peetusiee, la Bosnie dans ses rapports avec TEmpire Ottoman, 8vo. calf gilt, 5s Paris, 1822 507*Schimee:'s politische Geschichte des Kongr. Bosnienund Kama, 867-1741, 8vo. engraving of Seals, hf calf, 7s Qd Wien, 1787 508 BEONIOVII Tartari?e descriptio, item TransylvanisB ac Moldavise, etc. de- scrip tio Georgii Eeichersdorff, item Wernherus de admirandis Hungarise aquis, sm. folio, laege maps, calf neat, arms on sides, good copy, 325 Colon. Agr. 1595 509 BuDA. Conquest of the city of Buda, by the Duke of Lorraine, smallest 4to. plate of JEsseck, sd. 5s 1681 510 Castelnatj, Essai sur I'Histoire de la IN'ouvelle Eussie, Voyage en Crimeoj etc. 3 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, sd. 6s Baris, 1820 511 CHAPPE D'AUTEEOCHE, Voyage en Siberie, 1761, les moeurs, les usages des Eusses, etc. 2 vols, in 3, laege papee, 53 heautiful plates hy Le Brince, with Atlas of SI large maps ; together 4 vols, very fine copy in old French calf gilt, 20s Baris, 1768 Priced, 1818, Longmans, £12. 12*. Eetched, 1813, Col. Stanley's at Evans's, mor, £26. 15,f. The Atlas contains map No. 10, " Carte des Vosges," which is frequently wanting. 512 CIAMPI, Biografia critica delle antiche reciproche Corrispondenze dell' Italia colla EussiA, colla Polonia, ed altre parti Settentrionali, 3 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. alout 900 pp. hf calf, gilt top, uncut, 18s Firenze, 1834-42 A great work, happily conceived, well executed, and full of the most interestin g details. It is not a mere catalogue : extracts from the books, and accounts of the author s are met with in every page. 513 CoLso:jf, les Principautes de Moldavie et de Valachie, 8vo. sd. 4s Qd ; or hf. russia, neat, 6s Baris, 18'S9 This book throws strong light upon a subject with which few people are acquainted. 514 CEOMERUS de origine et rebus gestis Polonorum, tertium recognitus, folio, with a fine icoodcut portrait of Sigismund King of Boland, good copy in limp vellum, 10s Basil. 1568 ^15 PoLONiA sive de Origine et rebns gestis Polonorum, stout folio, por- trait of Xing Stephen, and 2 maps, with several pages of MS. French notes at end hy a former owner, Le Maistre, {Sec. XVII?) calf 16s ColonicB, 1589 Fourth and best edition, with the author's continuation down to the tune of republi- cation. GEOaBAPHT, VOYAQES, AND TRAVELS : Eastern Europe. 204 516 Day's Eussian Grovernment in Poland, with narrative of the insurrection of 1863, 8vo. cloth, 3s ijd 1867 517 Erdmann, Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Innern von Eussland, 3 vols, 8vo. with maps and plates in two 8vo. cases, hf. calf, 9s Biga, etc. 1822-26 This learned work contains many valuable Statistical Tables and Vocabularies. 518 Palk's Beytrage zur topograph. Kenntniss des Eussischen Eeichs, 3 vols. 4:to. map and 39 plates of Natural History, Costume, etc. hf. calf, 7s Gd St. Pet. 1785-86 Vol. III. pp. 575-.582 contains a Vocabulary in 4 Tartar Languages. 519 EoETis' Travels into Dalmatia, with an account of the manners and customs of the Inhabitants, 4to. plates of Costume, Natural History, etc. fine copy, gilt calf lOs 1778 520 Eeancke, Alterthiimer Daciens, sq. 8vo. 2s Qd Wismar, 1836 521 Game A, Voyage dans la Eussie meridionale, avec Vocabulaire Circassien et Georgien, 1820-24, 2 vols, thick 8vo. map, sd. 5s Paris, 1826 522 Gmeli]S^'s Eeise durch Eussland zur Untersuchung der drey Natur-Eeiche, 1768-72, 3 vols. 4to. maps, ivith numerous plates of Natural History, and pretty engravings of Views, etc. Ids, 7s 6d St. Pet. 1770-74 523 Griselini, Geschichte des Temeswarer Banats, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. large folding map, plans, plates of coins, etc. and Wallachian Vocabulary, an interesting historical, geographical, and antiquarian worJc, hds. 7s 6d Wien, 1780 524 Hacqtjet's physikalisch-politische Eeisen, 1788-89, in die nordlichen Karpa- then, 4 vols. Hyo. plans and coloured plates of Costumes and Natural His- tory, hf. calf, 10s Nurnberg, 1790-96 525 Hauteville, Account of Poland, containing a geogr. description of the Country, the manners of the Inhabitants, the manner of electing and crowning their king, etc. sm. 8vo. calf, 9s 1698 526 HEEBEESTAIN. Comentari della Moscovia et parimente della Eussia, com- post! per Sigismondolibero Barones in Herberstain, Neiperg, et Guetnhag, tradotti in lingua Italiana ; religione delli Moscoviti, discrittione di tutto rimperio Muscovitico, e alcuni luoghi vicini, sm. 4to. large woodcut map and 6 woodcuts of Arrns, Costume, and Accoutrements, occupying each a page, calf £2. 2s Ven. Pedrezzano, 1550 " This translation is extremely rare." — Adelung^s Hefjhestian. 1818. 527 — — Eerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii Sigismundi liberi Baronis in Herberstain, Neyperg, et Guettenhag, folio, map, old calf gilt, 32s Basil. 1551 A relation by Pauhis Jovius of another embassy to Eussia, was added to this editioii. Contents : — Russiae et Moscoviae descriptio ; De Religione ; Chorographia ; Itineraria in Moscoviam, etc. — With this work are bound up ; Machumetis et Successorum Vitse — Confutationes Legis Mahumeticae— Historiae de Saracenorum sive Turcarum origine ; of about the date of 1550. 528 Herberstain". AnELUNa's Siegmund Ereih. von Herberstein, und seine Eeisen in Eussland, 8vo. portraits, hf. vellum, 7s Gd St. Pet. 1818 529 HEEBEETI de Eulstin" Chronica sive Historiae Polonicae descriptio, sm. 4to. portrait of Sigismund, clean copy in the original oak bds. rare, 18s Pasil. (1571) 530 Hungary. Ekgel's Geschichte des alten Pannoniens und der Nebenlander des Ungrischen Eeichs, 4to. 2 portraits, sd. 3s Gd Halle, 1797 531 HUPEL'Stopographische Nachrichtenvon Lief- und Ehstland, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. maps andplates, vellum, 22s Piga, 1774-82 A work of immense statistical research, and of very great merit. 532 Lengnich, Jus Publicum Eegni Poloni, 2 vols, in 1, thick 12mo. portrait, cf 6s Gedani, 1742 533 Lrcio, Historia di Dalmatia, et in particolare delle Citta di Trau, Spalatro, e Sebenico — Ltjcii Inscriptiones Dalmaticae — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. vellum, 7s Gd Venetiis, 1673-74 534 Materberg, Voyage en Moscovie, 12mo. vellum, IBs Leide, 1688 205 BEENAKD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LO]S"DO]S^. 535 Moldavie. Histoire de la Moldayie de la Yalachie, par M. C. . . ., 12mo. sd. 5*; or, hf. calf gilt ^ uncut, Is Gd . Neucliatel, 1781 536 Moravia : WOLNY, die Markgrafschaft Maliren topogr., stat., und historiscb gescliildert, 6 vols, in 7, 8vo. 5 large maps, German bds. 36s Brunn, 1835-46 An excellent, statistical work. 537 OGrERII (Caroli) Ephemerides, sive Iter Danicum, Suecicum, Polonicum ; Borbonii Epistolse ad Comitem Avauxium, etc. sm. 8vo. vellum, very rare, 245 Lut. Paris, 1650 " Relation bien faite et d'une grande exactitude ; fort estimeedans le nord de I'Europe." Br u net. " On y trouve, dit I'Abbe Goujet, des particularit^s curieuscs. — Ogier accepta la place de Secretaire du Comte D' Avaux nomme ambassadeur pres des cours du Nord." Bioffruph le Universelle, 538 PALLAS, Travels through the Southern provinces of the Russian Empire, 2 vols. roy. 4to. large paper, pretty coloured plates of Views, Costumes, and maps and plans, russia extra, £2. 1802-3 " Tout est precicux dans son Voyage." — Boucher de la Richarderie. 539 Palma, Notitia lierum Hungaricarum, 3 vols, stout sm. 8vo. portrait and tables, calf, Qs Pest, 1785 540 Perry's (Capt. John) State of Eussia under the present Czar, etc. 8vo. large mapy old calf, 7s Gd 1716 541 Peter I. Emperor of Eussia, Life of, containing a description of Eussia, the birth and rise of the Empress Catherine, and the crimes and trial of the Czarewitz, sm. folio, hds. uncut, 7s Gd 1739 542 PISTOEII PoLONiCiE Historiae Corpus : hoc est, Polonicarum Eerum Latini recentiores et veteres Scriptores, 3 vols, in 1, very stout folio, stamped calf rare, £2. 10s Basil. 1582 A vast body of the most important materials, containing 33 separate words, and in- cluding those of Cromer, Miechow, and Guagnini. 543 PossEVENi Muscovia; de rebus Muscoviticis, etc. 18mo. map, calf neat, os; or, fne large copy in vellum, Qs Antv. Plantin, 1587 544 PEAY, xinnales veteres Hunnorum, Avarum et Hungarorum ab anno ante natum Christum 210 ad A. C. 997, 1 vol. 1761— Annales Eegum Hun- gariaa, ab A. C. 997 ad 1564, 5 vols. 1763-70— together 6 vols, folio, fine uniform copy in calf gilt backs, from the Hastings' library, 3^4. VindoboncB, 1761-70 The best and most authentic work on the subject. Gibbon has acknowledged his obli- gations to this autlior — a learned Jesuit, whose labours are worthy to rank beside the great achievements of the Benedictines. 545 PuBiTSCHKxV, Series Chronologica rerura Slavo-Bohemicarum ab A. C. 490 ad 874, sm. 4to. old calf gilt, 5s Vien?iae, 1770 546 EatsKe's History of Servia and the Servian Eevolution, translated by ]\[rs. Kerr, 8vo. 7nap (pub. 15^) cloth, Gs 1847 547 Russia. Das A^eriinderte Eussland, sm. 4to. po7't. maps and plates, 7s Gd Francf 1744 This work, which details the condemnation of Peter the Great's son, and was the Hrst to call attention to the aggrandizement of llussia, Avas rigidly suppressed. 548 Moscovie. ISTouveaux Memoires sur I'Etat present de la grande Eussie ou Moscovie, 2 vols. 12mo. 7naps, old calf, 7s Gd Paris, 1725 A translation of " das Veranderte Eussland," with additional pieces. 549 ScHOETTGENius de Originibus Eussicis, 7 valuable dissertations in 1 vol. sm. 4to, sd. 45 ; or, hf bd. 5s Dresd. 1729-31 550 SMITHES (Sir Thomas) Voiage and Entertainment in Eussia, sm. 4to. very LARGE COPT, {apparently on a larger paper than usual) icith many uncut lower margins, blue morocco super extra, gilt edges, hj F. Bedford, £25. N. Butter, 1605 Copies of this work have become excessively rare of later years, none having ap- peared for sale for a long time. The present is perhaps a large taper copy. GEOaEAPHY, YOYA^GES xlND TEIYELS : Eastern Europe. 20G 551 Stobch, Gemalde d. Euss. Eeiches ; Supplement-Band zum V, YI, YII Theil, sm. 4to. statistical tables and 8 maps, calf, Ss Qd Leipz. 1803 552 Strahl (P.) das gelehrte Eussland, 8vo. cloth, a valuahle Literary History from the dth to the ISth century, Is Gd Leipzig, 1828 553 Geschichte der Euss. Kirclie, Yol. I. (988-1588), Halle, 1830— Strahl und Herrmann, Geschichte des Euss. Staates, 5 vols. Ilamb. 1832-53 — 6 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. 10s 1830-53 551 STEITTEEI Memoriae Populorum, olim ad Danubium, Pontum Euxinum, Pa- ludem Moeot., Caucasum, Mare Caspium, etindemagis ad Septemtr. inco- lentium (Gothorum, Yandalorum, Longobard. Hunn. etc.) 4 vols. 4to. calf gilt, 365 I*etropoli, 1771-79 555 the same, large paper, 4 vols. 4to. cf gilt, £2. 10* 1771-79 Priced, 1857, Asher, Berlin, 4 vols, in 6, sewed, 65 francs ; fetched by auction, 1847, Sotheby's, £4, 8a'. " Important pour I'histoire de la formation de tons les etats du nord." — Techenev. " All the passages of the Byzantine history which relate to the Barbarians, are com- piled, methodised and transcribed, in a Latin version by the laborious Stritter, in his ' Me- moriae, etc' " — Gibbon. 55G SviGNiNE (Paul) Description de St. Petersbourg et de ses environs, Buss, et Frang. 3 vols, in 1, 4to. numerous plates. Ids. 5s St. Pet. 1816-18 557 Transylvania. Treueneeld, Siebenbiirgen's geogr.-, topogr.-, statistisches Lexilion, 4 vols, in 2, stout 8vo. alphabetically arranged^ about 1750 pp. hf calf 32s Wten, 1839 A very valuable Gazetteer. 558 YsEVOLOJSKY, Dictionuaire geographique-historlque de I'Empire de Eussie, 2 vols, and Supplement, in 1 vol. stout 8vo. hf. calf 7s 6d St. Pet. 1833 559 Wichmak^n's Darstellung der Eussischen Monarchic, 2 Abth. und 2 Anhangen, 4 parts in 1 vol. 4to. large paper, valuable statistical tables, hf. russia, V2s Leipz. 1813 Relates to Mining and the Natural Resources of the Empire. 559*'Wilk:inson" (Sir Gardner) Dalmatia and Montenegro, with journey to Mostar in Herzegovina, remarks on the Slavonic nations, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. fine copy, maps and cuts {pub. at £2. 2s) cloth, 10s 1848 AMERICA. Works relating to the Early Discovery, History, Geography, Archaeology, Mines, etc. of NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA, and the WEST INDIES; also Early Monuments of the American Printing Press. 560 BIBLIA INDICA NOY^ ANGLIC. Mamusse Wunnsetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 4to. Eliot's Indian Bible, includ- ing the Neio Testament and a metrical Version of the Psalms, fine copy in the original calf binding, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £120, Cambridge, (Dfassachusetts), 1685-80 Excessively rare. Collation : Title and dedication to the Hon. Robert Boyle, 2 leaves ; Old Testament, a to ppppp 2 in fours, making 426 leaves ; New Testament, including title, signatures A to Kk 2, 130 leaves ; the Psalms in metre, Kk 3 to Yy 4, .53 leaves ; 1 leaf of Annotations, and a final blank leaf. No other copy has occurred for sale for nearly seven years. The last which turned up in London, was a Duplicate of the Bodleian Library ; it was sold by B. Q. to America, where it has since been disposed of by auction, fetching nearly 2000 dollars. The present is a matchless copy. 561 ACOSTA, de natura Noyi Orbis, 12mo. fine copy in velhm, 25s Colon. Ayr. 1596 The Latin edition is the original, the Spanish one a translated or rewritten work. 562 ACOSTA, Historia natural v moral de las Indias, sixtb edicion, 2 vols. sm. 4to. calf 10s ' Madrid, 1792 The first edition was published at Seville in 1590. 207 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 563 ACOSTA, Naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies ; translated from the Spanish by E. Q-., sm. 4:to.Jl?ie copy in calf gilt ^ £>^. 4* ,• or, very fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, aCG. 15* London, 1604 Acosta composed part of his work in Peru, and the remainder on his return to Europe. It is one of the most valuable and interesting of the early Spanish writers upon America. Edward Grimeston is said to have been the transl itor. Joseph de Acosta, ne a Medina del Campo, vers I'an 1 539, passa, apres avoir pro- fesse la theologie ^ Ocana, en 1571 aux Indes Occident, et fut le second Provincial de I'ordre des Jesuites au Perou ou il sejourna pendant 17 ans, II mourut recteur a Sala- manque, le 11 fevrier, 1600. Son ouvrage, estime a juste titre, a ete re-imprime assez souvent et traduit dans presque toutes les langues. V. de Backer, I. 1. ^^(S^ AcuGNA, Acarete, Grrillet and Bechamel. Voyages and Discoveries in South America, 8vo. 2 onaps, calf, 14ts 1698 Valuable for its information concerning La Plata, Paraguay, etc. 564*ALAMAN, Historia de MEJICO, desde los primeros movimientos que pre- pararon su independencia en el 1808 hasta la epoca presente, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. 22 ])ortraits and 13 other plates, lif. calf, £5. 15* Mejico, 1849-52 565 Andeesoj^", Beschryving van Tsland, Groenland, ende Straat Davis, sm. 4to. onaps and plates, bds. uncut, 5s Amst. 1776 ^ With a small Dictionary, Grammar, and specimens in Danish, Dutch, and Green- landish. 566 Anttinez y Acevedo, Memorias sobre la Legislacion del Comercio de los Es- panoles con sus colonias de las Indias Occidentales, sm. 4to. sd. 7s 6d Madrid, 1797 567 Atidotjin", Etudes sur I'Histoire d'Haiti, 2 vols. 8vo. j^ortrait, sd. 5s Paris, 1853 568 AELEGUI, Chronica de la Provencia de S. Erancisco de Zacatecas, la que dedica a S. Francisco, D. J. de Erreparaz en nombre de Er. P. Navarrete, sm. 4to. lionp vellum, £5. Mexico, 1737 Very rare and valuable. This work is apparently unknown to the bibliographers, as it is not mentioned by Brunet, Salva, Eich, or Stevens. Collation : Title and pre- liminary matter, 1.5 leaves ; text, pp. 1-412 ; table, 9 leaves. 569 Armitage's History of Brazil, from 1808 to the abdication of Don Pedro I. in 1831, 2 vols.*8vo. portraits, (pub. 24^) hf hd. 7s Gd 1836 570 BACKUS (Isaac) History of New-England, with particular reference to the Baptists, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 8vo. without title to Vol. II. hf Id. £2. lOs Boston, 1777 — Providence, l78i Very rare. A third volume was published in 1796, but the above two volumes form the complete work as originally issued, (Lowndes does not quote a third at all) and contain a single index for both. 571 Bancroft, History of the United States, Yols. I.-IY, 8vo. to the year 1760, portraits, map and plates, (pub. at £2. 85) cloth, 2s Boston, 1848-52 572 BAECIA, Historiadoees Peimitivos de los Indias Occidentales, que junto, traduxo en parte, y sacb a luz, ilustrados con eruditas Notas, y copiosos Indices, D. Andres Gonzalez Barcia, 3 vols. sm. folio, old calf, il2. Madrid, 1749 This valuable collection is very rare, because of the accidental destruction by fire of a great number of copies. Moreover, very few copies have all the sixteen parts that were published. The present one has not the final piece, A Voyage to Arabia (which by right ought not to have been included), but has the rarer parts containing the Cartas of Cortes, and the examen of the Narration of Cabeza de Baca. 573 Baelaei Iterum per octennium in Brasilia et alibi gestarum narratio, thick 12mo. portrait and plates, vellum, 12s Clivis, 1660 574 BAETLETT (J. E.) Literature of the Eebellion ; a Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the United States, works on Slavery, etc. roy. 4to. laege papee, cloth, uncut, £2. 2s Boston, JJ. S. 1866 A very creditable specimen of American typography, elegantly printed on fine thick paper. 575 BELKNAP (Jeremy) History of New Hampshire, 3 vols. 8vo. map, clean ropy, original bds. £2. 10s Philadel and Boston, for the Author, 1784-92 A rare and valuable work. The first and second volum'es contain the political his- tory, and the third volume the geography and natural history. GEOaEAPHT, VOYAGES, TRAVELS : America. 208 576 Belteami, Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi, avec des Observations sur plusieurs Nations Indiennes, leurs Beligions, Superstitions, etc. 8vo. 327 pp. Ids. rare, 7s Nouvelle-OrUans, 1824 577 Beis'ZONIs (H.) Novse Novi Orbis Historiae ; res ab Hispanis in India Occi- dentali gestae, Lat. opera Calvetonis, 12mo. vellum, fine copy, 21s Oenevce, 1578 First edition of the L^tin ; with additional matter. A MS. note on fly-leaf describes Chauveton as " htereticus, mendax, calumniator, et . . . prsedicator Calvinista." 578 BEENALDEZ (Andres) Historia de los Eeyes Catolicos D. Eeenaitdo y Da. Isabel, Cronica inedita del siglo XV (con introduccion de Lafuente y Alcantara), 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 18s ; or the 2 vols, in one, hf, morocco, uncut, 255 Oranada, 1856 A veiy valuable and interesting chronicle, published here for the first time, after having for three centuries and a-half shared the neglect and obscurity which Antonio deplored as the fate of all good early writers. Bernaldez was an eye-witness of the events that he describes, and on intimate terms with Ponce de Leon and the other great men of the time. The history of England and Scotland is also woven into his pages ; and his Chronicle may be said to conclude with an account of the battle of Flodden Field. Not the least interesting part of his work is the description of the Discovery of America, Vol. I. pp. 269-334, and his account of COLUMBUS, avhom he knew and adjured. He calls him a " Mercador de libros de estampa," which is more likely to be a correct desig- nation than that usually given to the great navigator. 579 Beyerlet, Histoire de la Virginie, 12mo. 14 plates of Indian Costumes, calf, 95 Amst. 1707 580 BISSELII Argonautica Americana, historia Petri de Victoria ac sociorum, 16mo. engraved title and map of the two Americas, fine copy in old red MOEOCCO extra, from Lord Stuart de Bothesafs library, 25* Monachii, 1647 581 Bogota. Eejistro Oficial de Hacienda ; todos los decretos sobre negocios de Hacienda hoi vijentes, sm. folio, sd. 7s 6d Bogota, 1845 582 Bollaeet's Antiquarian, Ethnological, and other Eesearches in New Granada, Equador, Peru, and Chile, 8vo. plates of antique relics, scenery, etc. with Mosca Vocabulary, (pub. 15^) cloth, 9s 1860 583 BouLTOJ^ (D'Arcy) Sketch of his Majesty's Province of Upper Canada, 4to. map, sd. 7s Gd 1805 584 BEULII Historia Peruana Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini, veteris novaeque Peruviae notitia de origine, moribus, etc. Peruanorum, 2 vols, in 1, sm. fol. fine copy in vellum, £3. Antverpiae, 1652 Very rare. I have only met with one other copy which I sold in 1860 for £3. 15s. The work is not mentioned by any of the bibliographers. 585 BUCCANEEES. Voyages and Adventures of Capts. Barth. Shaep and others in the South Sea, also Capt. Van Horn surprizing Vera Cruz, with the Eelation of Sir Henry Morgan's Expedition and his taking Panama, etc. 12mo. hf calf, 10s 1684 586 Bfenaby's Travels in North America in 1759-60, 4to. hf bd. 9s 1775 587 Caryer's Travels through the interior parts of North America, 1766-68, (with Vocabularies) second edition, 8vo. 2 maps and 5 plates {only 4 mentioned in t-he Directions), fine copy in calf, 15s 1779 588 Casas, Eemedios para reformacion de las Indias, sq. 8vo. £2. Sevilla, Oroberger, 1552 589 CASAS. MiROiR de la cruelle et horrible Tyrannic Espagnole perpetree au Pays Bas, par le Tyran Due de Albe, et aultres Comandeurs de par le Eo'y Philippe le de'uxiesme. On a adjoinct la deuxiesme Partie de les Tyrannies commises aux Indes Occtdentales par les Espagnols (par B. de LAS Casas), 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. numerous engravings of Cruelties, very fine copy in old French red mokocco, gilt edges, £1Q. IQs Amst. 1620 Brunet's collation of this very rare book is erroneous in giving 87 leaves as the contents of the first part, instead of 88 (the two last leaves being each numbered 87). 209 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 590 CASAS (Bart, de las) Tratados Varios : I. Treynta Proposiciones muy juridicas, en las quales se tocan muchas cosas pertenecientes al derecho sobre los Infieles Sevilla, Trugillo, 1552 II. Disputa, o Controuersia entre Bartholome de las Casas y Gines de Sepulueda sobre las conquistas de las Indias ih. id. 1552 III. Tratado sobre la materia de los Tiidios ih. id. 1552 IV. Eemedios para retbrmacion de las Indias ih. Croherger, 1552 V. Brevissima Eelaeion de la destruycion de las Indias — Peda^o de una Carta y Eelaeion Trugilloy 1552 YI. Tratado comprobatorio del imperio soberano sobre las Indias, the rarest of all the pieces ih. id. 1553 Together 6 parts, sm. 4to. blacfe If ttci* 1552-3 De Bure, in whose time only five parts were known, speaks of their excessive rarity. Richarderie has no other particularisation of parts than those noticed by De Bure ; nor Avas Llorente, in his notice of the works of Las Casas, better informed, as he only men- tions the first five. 591 Eegionum Indicarum per Hispanes olim devastatarum descriptio, sq. 8vo. engraved title, and numerous fine engravings in the text hy De Srij, a few slight worm-holes in the margins, sd. uncut, rare, S2s Seidelhergce, 1664 592 Conquista dell' Indie Occidentali, Spagnuolo e Ital. per Ginammi, sq. 8vo. being a translation of the ^^ Disputa o Controversial' vellum, 10s Yen. 1645 593 CAYO, los Tres Siglos de Mexico durante el Gobierno Espafiol hasta la entrada del ejercito Trigarante ; obra publicada con Suplemento por BusTAMANTE, 4 Yols. iu 2, sm. 4to. If. calf neat, £4. 4s Mexico, 1836-38 Rare. When Brunet's second part was printed in 1860, he did not know of the existence of the fourth part. 594 Chalmers' Introduction to the History of the Eevolt of the American Colonies, from the State Papers of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10* Boston, U.S. 1845 595 Chappe d'Auteeoche, Yoyage en Californie, 1760, 4to. plan of Mexico, plates, astronomical tahles, sd. Ss Qd Paris, 1772 596 CHAELEYOIX, Histoire de I'lsle Espagnole, on de S. Domingue, ecrite sur des Manuscrits de J. B. Le Pers, 2 vols. 4to. onaps, calf, gilt backs, £2. 10s Paris, 1730 597 Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle-Erance, et Journal d'un Yoyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionnale, 3 vols.4to. numerous maps, plates, and vignettes, culfgilt, £3. 3* Paris, 1774 " De toutes des relations de Canada, c'est dans celle-ci, qu'on pent s'instniire le mieux sur les nombreuses peuplades qui y etaient repandues, et dont quelques-unes sub- sistent encore." — Boucher. The careful accuracy with which this work was executed, may be estimated by the fact that the maps, dated 1743, are marked with the latest discoveries, in 1742, in tlie extreme north of America. 598 CiiAUMONOT, {Missionuire dans la Nbuv. France, 1688), Yie par lui-meme, sq. 8yo. large paper, cloth, privately printed, \0s JVbuvelle York, 1858 With appendix of the " Voeu a la Vierge" in the Huron language. 599 Chevalier (Michel) Le Mexique, ancien et moderne, sm. 8vo. 022 pp. sd. Ss (jd ^ Paris, 1863 600 CniQUiTos. Geschichten derer Chiquitos und anderer von denen Patribus der Gesell. Jesu in Paraquaria neu-bekehrten Yolcker, etc. stout 12mo. stamped hogskin, rare, 14« Wienn, 1729 Containing much information regarding the natives of Taragnay. GEOaEAPHT, VOYAGES, AND TEAVELS: America. 210 601 CIECA DE LEON (Pedro de) Parte Primera de la Ciironica del Peru, que tracto la deuiarcacion de sus prouincias, descripcion dellas, fundaciones de las ciudades, costumbres de ios Indios, y otras cosas estrnnas, folio, black hittx, niunerous curious woodcuts, £10. Seuilla, Montesdoca, 1553 Priced, 1832 and 1837, Tajne and Foss, £12. Vis-, fetched, Hibbert's, £9. 9*; 1855, Lord Stuart de Rothesay's, £10. — With the Autograph signature of the author at the end of the volume. 602 CIEQA, Parte priiiiera de la Chronica del Peru, 12mo. second edition, wood- cuts, a fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges, 564. 4* Anvers, Steelsio, 1554 This is a different edition from that published by Martin Nucio in the same year, in Antwerp. " The first part only was printed : the 2nd and 3rd parts were seen in MS. at Madrid some time ago, but it is not known what became of them." — Midi. Rich after- wards obtained and disposed of the MS. of the third part. The second has not yet been found. *^* " Auctor tredecim fere annorum puer ad occidentales Indos Peruanamque plagam transfretavit, militiamque ibi secutus, plus quam septemdecim annos in his oris conmio- ratus est. JFructum tarn long® pere^rinationis eximium quidem is edidit in libro isto cujus vero pn'ma tantun purs prodlit : rtliquce tres vulde ac omnibus desiderantur.^' — Meuselius from Nic. Antonius. 603 CISNEKOS (Diego de) Sitio, Naturaleza, y Propriedades de la Ciudad de Mexico, sq. 8vo. engraved title and porti^ait, vellum, £4. 4:s Mexico, 1618 Very rare. This curious work is the production of a physician, with astrological tendencies, and the title is engraved by a Dutchman resident in Mexico. It is not men- tioned by Salva, nor by Brunet. 604 CLAYIGEHO, Storia antica del Messico cavata da' MSS. e dalle Pitture antiche degl' Indiani, ecc. 4 vols. 4to. map and numerous plates, vellum, 365 Cesena, 1780-81 605 GOLDEN (Cadwallader) History of the Eive Indian Nations of Canada, with accounts of several other Indian nations, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. map, fine copy in old calf, 2^s 1747 606 CoLETi, Dizionario storico-geografico dell' America Meridionale, 2 vols, in 1, 4io. sd. 15* Venezia, 1771 607 COLUMBUS. De insulis inventis. Epistola Cristoferi Colom (cui etas noi>tra | niultu debet : de Insulis in mari Indico nup | inuetis. Ad quas perquirendas octauo antea | mense: auspicijs et ere inuiclistsimi Fernandi Hispaniarum Re^is missus fuerat), ad Mas:- | nificuin diiin Kaphaelez Sanxis : eiusde sere- | nissimi Kegis Thesaurariii iiiis^a. qunm nobi | lis ac litterat' vir Aliander d' Cosco: ab His | pano ydeoniate in latinu conuertit: tercio kls Maij M.cccc.xciii. Pontificatus Alexandri I Sexti anno primo, smallest 4to. 8 leaves, with 4 woodcuts, page size, lif. morocco, gilt top, £2. 25 1493 Facsimile reprint on old paper, by the Pilinski process, so exactly reproducing the original that few eyes could detect the difference. Only a few copies were executed. The original letter would be worth an incalculable sum at the present day. 608 CoLOMB (Christophe) Lettre de, sur la Decouverte du Nouveau Monde, pub- liee d'apres la rarissime version Latine, Latin et Fran(;ais, par de Kosny, roy. 8vo. sd. 4s 6d 1865 609 Columbus. Lettera rarissima di Crlstoforo Colombo, riprodotta e illustrata dal Cavaliere Morelli, half calf 7s Gd JBassano, 1810 610 Wagner, Colombo und seme Entdeckungen, nach Spotorno, 12mo. portrait, hf bd. 2.? Qd Leipz. 1825 611 CoNDAMiNE, L'elation d'un Voyage dans I'Amerique Meridionale, 1745, 8vo. map, calf, 10s Faris, 1745 612 la meme, 1745 — Lettre sur I'emeute k Cuenca au Perou, 1739, coutre les acadeuiiciens envoyes pour la mesure de la terre, avec les pieces jut^ti- ficatives, 1745-46—2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf bd. IGs 1745-46 613 Conquest op Canada, by tlie author of " Hochelaga," 2 vols. 8vo. portraits, cloth, 10s 1849 211 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. i 614 CORDOVA t Ukrutia, las tres Epocas del PERU, o compendio de su his- toria, 8x0. plans of the battles of Liberation, hf morocco, £B. 16s Imprenta del autor (Lima), 1844 ; Very rare, wanting in all the Public Libraries of Europe and N. America. ; 616 CORTES JI von dem Newen Hispanien, so iin Meer ^egem Nidergang, zwo I gantz lustige vnnd fruchtreiche Historien, an dem grossmachtigisten i villi bervvindtlichisten Herren Carolum V. Romiachen Kaiser, Kiiuig in « Hispanien, etc. sm, folio, fine copy, oak boards, rebacked, £2. 5s Augspurg, VlJiart, 1550 ; Collation: Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 1 leaf; P. Ulhart zu dem Leser, etc. 3 leaves; Argument, 1 leaf; the work itself, I to 39; blank leaf; die ander Histori, title, 1 leaf; i Innhalt, 1 leaf; text, folios 1-60.— Rare; not mentioned by Brunet ; who only knew of the existence of the second part, which he, in common with the compiler of the Gren- ville catalojrue, presumed to be a separate work printed about 1534. ! This edition in German contains at the end eit^ht chapters (leaves 51-60) concerning the further discoveries made in America down to 1543, which do not exist in any of the Latin or Spanish editions. | 616 CouETE DE LA Blanchardieee, Nouvsau Voyage fait au Perou, 12mo. plate \ of birds' heads, calf 2s Qd I*aris, 1751 617 Denis, Pete Bre>ilienne a Rouen, 1550, avec la Theogonie du Bresil et des \ Poesies Tupiques, large %xo. folding plate, sd. 6s Paris, 1851 i 618 DIAZ DEL CASTILLO (Bernal) Historia de la Conquista de la Nueva i Espaiia, 4 vols. 12mo. sd. 15s Madrid, Cano, 1795-96 619 DrAZ DEL Castillo (Bernal) True History of tlie Conquest of Mexico, trans- : lated by Keatinge, 4to. map, bds. 7s 6d 1800 ; 620 DRAKE (Sir Francis) Reviyed : Calling upon this Dull or Effeminate Age, '< to follow his Noble steps for Gold and vSilver. By this Memorable Rela- ' tion, of .... a third Voyao:e, made by him into the West-Indies, in the ; yeeres 72 and 73 ... . by Philip Nichols, Preacher ; Reviewed by Sir : Erancis Drake himselfe, portrait on title, 1628 — The World Encom- : PASSED by Sir Francis Drake .... carefully collected out of the Notes \ of Master Francis Fletcher, 1635 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. portrait on title ] and 2 other portraits of Drake inserted, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by ^ Bedford, some uncut leaves, £10. Nicholas Bourne, 1628-35 ^ 621 DRAKE (Sir Francis). The World encompassed (1577-80), being his next \ Voyage to that to Nombre de Dios, carefully collected out of the notes of ■ Francis Fletcher, sq. 8vo. cut close, and some of the marginal letters lost, '■ bare, 28s 1635 622 Eder, Descriptio Provinciae Moxitarum in regno Peruano, 8vo. map and \ 5 plates, sd. 7s 6d Budae, 1791 \ 623 ENS (Gaspar) West- unnd Ost- Indischer Lustgart: Erzehlung wann die \ Newe Welt erfunden, etc. worden, sq. 8vo. pp. viii, 236, and 436, vellurn, ' 28s Cdllen, 1618 A rare and little-known volume : it is an account derived from all the voyages made ; up to the time, and contains some matters which had not appeared in any previous work. 624 ESCALONA, Gazophylacium Regium PERrBiciJM, in quo omnes materiae i spectantes ad jura regalia Peruana tractantur, 2 parts in 1 vol. folio, fne \ copy, vellum or calf, 36* Matriti, 1775 ^ A work of great importance for the history of Spanish rule in South America, espe- ' cially with regard to revenue and finance. The greater part is in Spanish. Priced, ' Asher, 1858, 130 fr. \ 625 ESQUEMELING, Bucaniers of America, or a true Account of the most \ remarkable Assaults upon the Coasts of the West-Ivdies, by the Buca* i niers of Jamaica and Tortuga, with the Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan ; and additional relations of Capts. Cook and Sharp, 4 parts making two \ vols. bd. in 1, sm. 4to. with all the important maps, and the portraits and \ plates complete, calf gilt, very fine sound copy, £5. 5^ ~ 1684-85 * Very rare in this fine and perfect state. See also post, Oexmelin. j I GEOaEAPHT, YOTAaES, AND TEAYELS : America. 212 626 ESCUDEEO, Noticias Estadisticas del Estado de Chihuahua, reirapresas de orden del Supremo Grobierno, 8vo. cloth^ very rare, £S. 10s Mexico, 1834 627 EsPiNOSA (Juan) Diccionario Eepublicano, stout sm. 8vo. sd. 25s Lima, 1855 An expression of democratic and advanced ideas in the form of a dictionary, including manv curious articles. 628 EONSECA t UKEUTIA, Historia General de Eeal Hacienda, obra hasta ahora inedita, 6 vols. 8vo tabfes, hf. caff, £6. 6s Mexico, 1845-53 Originally prepared by order of the Viceroy, Conde de Revillagigedo, but never pub- lished during the Spanish domination. 629 EOEBISSEEI (Martini, Angli) Navigationis in regiones Occidentis et Sep- tentrionis narratio historica, ex Gallico sermone in Latinum translata per Ereigium, 16mo. woodcut occupying two leaves, representing a man in a canoe hunting wild fowl, with other men on shore, fine copy in moeocco, gilt edges, eare, £2. Norihergoe, 1580 630 EOEBISSEEI Historia Navigationis a.c. 1577, jussu EeginsB Elisabetbae ia Septemtrionis et Occidentis tractum susceptae, a Ereigio translata, smallest 4to. engraved frontispiece, one corner of which contains a map of Davis* Sh^ait, etc. morocco back, 20s Hamh. 1675 631 EossEY, le Mexique, 8vo. 582 pp. sd. 35 Qd 1857 632 Eeeziee, Eelatiou du Voyage de la Mer du Sud a Chily et Perou, 1712-14 ; avec une Cbronologie, 4to. numerous plates and maps, calf, fine copy, 65 Par. 1732 633 Voyage to the South-Sea, and along the coasts of Chili and Peru, with a Postscript by Dr. Halley, and an account of Paraguay, 4to. numerous plates and maps, calf, \0s VlVl 634 GAGE (Thomas) the English -American, his travail by sea and land, or a New Survey of the WEST INDIAS, Voyage in Mexico, Chiapa, Guatemala, etc. with Grammar of the Indian tongue called Poconchi, smallest folio, lE'irst Edition, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1648 A most entertaining and instructive book, notwithstanding the singularly supersti- tious tales that are narrated in it. It is curious that Gage used the word " party" in its modern cant sense of " individual." 635 the same, fourth edition, 8vo. with large Map of Central America and the Islands, bd. Is 6d 1693 636 GAECIA DE PALACIO (Diego) Instrucion Nauthica, para el buen uso y regimiento de las Naos, su tra(?a y govierno conforme a la altura de Mexico, sm. 4to. woodcut diagratns, calf, gilt back, with the artns of the Conde de 8. Vicente on the sides, £4i. 4s Mexico, Pedro Ochurte, 1587 Excessively rare. I can only trace the existence of one other copy. At the end of the volume, there are 56 pp. of a curious Vocabulary of nautical terms,' alphabetically arranged. 637 GAECILASSO DE LA VEGA (El Tnca) Primera parte de los Comentarios Eeales, del Origen de los Tncas, Lisboa, 1609 — Historia General del Peru, Cordova, 1617—2 vols. sm. fol. first edition, not uniform, %2s 1609-1617 " L' edition originale, peu commune et tres recherchee."— -B/V/neA. I sold a copy in 1858, for £4. ; priced, 1824, Thorpe, <£4. 4^ ; a copy fetched, 1859, Sotheby's, £4. 10*. 638 Historia del Peru, sm. folio, stained vellum^ \0s Cordova, 1617 639 Primera Parte de los Commentaries reales de el Origen de los Incas, su idolatria, leies, y govierno, vidas y conquistas, 1723 — (Segunda Parte) Historia general del Peru, guerras entre Pizarros y Almagros, 1722 — La Elorida del Inca, con Ensayo Chronologico para la historia general de la Elorida, por Gabriel de Cardenas (Ant. Gonzales de Barcia), 2 vols. 1723 — together 4 vols, folio, vellum, the fourth volume wormed, £'i. 5* Madrid, 1722-23 g40 another copy, vv^ithout the Ensayo de Cardenas, 3 vols, in 1, folio, calf, from the library of the Prince de Pons, £Z. 3* 1722-23 q2 213 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 641 Garcilasso de la Vega Commentaries Eeales e Historia del Peru, 2 vols. folio, calf good copy, 365 1723-22 642 Historia del Peru, sm. folio, wormed, vellum, 10s ' 1722 Very authentic and highly esteemed histories. " The author (says Pinkerton), as a descendant of the princes of Teiu, has been peculiarly minute relative to the religion, government, laws, customs, and manners of the ancient inhabitants of Peru, as well as the productions of that country." *' His knowledge of the Peruvian language has enabled him to correct some errors of the Spanish writers, and he has inserted some curious facts taken fromauthois whose works are now lost." — Robertson. 643 aAEDNEE'S Travels in the Interior of Brazil, 1836-41, 8vo. map andfrontis- jpiece, (pub. ISi) cloth, 7s ijd 1846 644 second edition, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1849 644*Georgia. Gkneral Account of all Monies and Effects received and expended by the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, folio, title and 2jp. 18, 15^ 1733 645 GIO. GIOSEPPE di S. Teresa, Istoria delle Guerre del Brasile tra Portogallo ed Olanda, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, engraved title, 2 portraits and 23 large folding maps, vellum, 32s , Moma, 1700 A well written book, by an author thoroughly acquainted^with the country he described. 646 GEYN^I (Simonis) Novus Orbis Eegionum ac Insularum Veteribus incogni- tarum, sin. folio, fjest edition, ivith the original large folding map, hy Sebastian MunHer, ivhich is generally wanting, or replaced by others, old calf, rebacked, eaee, £3. 106* Basil. Hervagius, 1532 647 the same, sm. folio, tvitJiout map, vellum, fine copy, 12s 1532 The above volumes contain the voyages of Columbus, Cadamosto, Amerigo Vespucci, Marco Polo, etc. In the map, the New World is represented as two islands or continents, separated at the isthmus of Darien ; the northern portion is called ''Terra de Cuba," the lower "Ame- rica, Terra Nova." 648 GUTIP:EEEZ de Eubaloava, Tratado historico. politico, y legal de el Co- mercio de las Indias Occidentales — Pioyecto para Galcoiies y Flotas de el Peru V Nueva Espana, ivith date, 1720 — 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. vellum, fine copy, £2. 2s Cadiz, 1750 A very rare work, entirely unknown to the bibliographers. It is not mentioned by Brunet, Sal va. and Ticknor. Rich only mentions the Supplement, dated 1720. Books printed at Cadiz are very rare. 649 Hall (Basil) Forty Etchings from Sketches made vrith the Camera Lucida, in North America, 1827-28, roy. 4to. map, 40 pretty plates of Views, etc. half russia, 12s 1829 650 HAEEISSE (H.) Bibliotheca Vetustissima : a description of works relative to America, published between 1492 and 1551, stout impl. 8vo. 520 pp. half calf uncut, £4. 46- New York, 1866 651 the same, large paper, cloth, uncut, £8. 8« 1866 Elegantly printed on very superior ]iaper. This important publication is the most complete and satisfactory work of its kind. The descriptions are accurate, and a col- lation of each book is attached. Its arrangement is chronological, but an alphabetical index is added. 652 HAVANA. Durnford (Elias) Three Views, of the City, Harbours, etc. of the Havana, oblong royal folio size, Avith 5 views in the United States and Canada, and 2 others, all rare, 25s (1740-70) 653 Haywahd's Gazetteer of the United States of America, thick Svo. double co- lumns, map and portrait, calf Qs Hartford, Ct. 1853 654 Heller's Eeisenin Mexico, 1845-48, 8yo. onaps, plate, and icoodcuts, sd. 5s Leipzig, 1853 GEOGEAPHY, VOYAGES, AJSD TRAVELS: America. 214 655 HELPS' Spanish Conquest in America, its relation to the history of Slavery and the government of Colonies, 4 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £3.) cloth, 25* 1855-61 656 HERIOT S Travels through the Canadas, with a comparative view of the manners and customs of the Indian nations of North and South America, 4to. onap and 27 pretty colour kd plates, Jif. hd. rare in this state, 24.s' 1807 Chapter xx. or pp. 569-602, treats of the Indian Languages, and contains a Vocabu- lary of the Algonquin Tongue. 657 HEREEEA (Antonio de) Descripcion de las Indias Occidentales — Historia General de los hechos de los Castellanos en las Lslas i Tierra firme del Mar Oceano, en Decades — together 9 parts in 4 vols. sm. fol\o, frontispieces ivith portraits, Best Edition, fine copy in Spanish calf, £4. 4s Madrid, 1730-26 (at end 1728) 658 Historia General de las INDIAS OCCIDENTALES, 6 de los hechos de los Castellanos en las lslas y Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano, 4 vols, con- taining 8 Decades, folio, numerous portraits and plates, uncut, eare in this state, hf. hd. £2. l2s Amheres, 1728 Priced, 1855, Thorpe, £3. 135 %d ; 1855, £3. 12s ; fetched at Christie's in 1859, £3. 155 ; 1860, Puttick's, £3. Us. 659 HERKERA, Description des Indes Occidentales qu' on appelle aujourdhuy le Nuuveau Monde ; a la quelle sont adjoustees quelques autres descrip- tion des mesmes pays, avcc la Navigation de Jacques Le Maire, sm. folio, 17 maps, with other engravings, fine copy in old calf, £2. 2s Amst. M. Colin, 1622 660 HISTOEIADORES PRIMITIVOS 13e INDIAS, coleccion dirigida por Vedia, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf calf 27s Madrid, 1852 A valuable collection, comprising the Five Letters of Cortes, Gomara's History, Re- laciones a Cortes, Oviedo, Nat. Hist, de las Indias, the Florida and Comentarios of Cabeza de Vaca, the Conquista of Bernal Diaz, and the Chronicles of Peru by Xerez, Cieza, and Zarate. The cost of original editions of these writers would be enormous. 661 Hoadly's Records of the Colony of New Haven, 1638-4!9, and 1653 to 1655, with the Code of 1656, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 14s Hartford (Connec.) 1857-58 662 HONTERI (Joannis) Rudimenta Cosmographica (Carmen) 12 mo. 13 woodcut ma/js, that of the world including Amekica ; fine copy, ivth autograph of Denportes, the French poet, old French red morocco, gilt edges, rare, 16s Antverp. J. Richard, s. a. (ca. 1540) This map of America belongs to the old Ptolemy series. 6G3 HUGHES' Natural History of Barbadoes, folio, map and 29 plates, calf, 18s 1750 QQ4< HUMBOLDT, Yues des CORDILLERES, et Monumens des Peuples Indi- genes de TAmerique, impl. folio, vellum paper, 66 large plates of Mexican Ficture-writing , Hieroglyphics, Bas-relief, Costumes, Views, ^c. many of them FINELY COLOURED, (pub. at 567 fr.) red morocco extra, gilt edges, from Mr. Gurney's library, £7. Baris,\^lO The greater part of the copies now in the market want from page 272 to page 350, and plates 50-69. The most beautiful and generally interestiig of Humboldt's works, at a fourth of the original^price. *' Humboldt traced with the hand of a master the outline of a vast picture, future travellers can only assist in filling up. ' — Ward's Mexico. In this work the Picture-writing of the Mexicans first received the attention and the ample treatment which are due to a literature as strange and important in the records of the New World, as that of Egypt in the Old. 665 HUTCHINSON (Mr., Governor of the Colony) History of the Colony (and Province) of Massachuset's Bay, 1628-1750, with the Charter, second edi- tion, 2 vols. 8vo. calf £2. 16* 1765-68 666 History of the Province of Massachuset's-Bay from 1691 to 1750, 8vo. calf, VERT rare, £2. \0s Boston, Xeio England, 1767 This is the original American edition of Vol. H. of the preceding work, and bears the author's autograph inscriptions. It is bound up with " a short view of the history of the colony, 17t)9," an anonymous tract from the English point of view. 215 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 667 JEFFEESON (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia, large folding Map and tables, Ids. uncut, or calf, 27s 1787 A book of extensive research ; treating every subject connected with the state in such a manner as to be deservedly considered an American classic. The map includes Virginia, Maryland, Dela^ware, and Pennsylvania. 668 Jeffeey's Description of the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the Coast of the West Indies, sm. 4to. 32 maps and plates, calf 10s 1762 669 JOSSELTN (John) Account of Two Voyages to New England, wherein you have the setting out of a ship, with the charges ; the prices of all necessa- ries for furnishin<3; a Planter and his Family ; a description of the coun- trey, natives, and creatures, etc.— Chronological Observations of America, from the year of the world to 1673 — 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. original calf, £^. 45 Giles Wiildows, 1674 A RARE AND CURIOUS little volumc, dedicated to the Royal Society. Only one copy has turned up for sometime, which was sold at Puttick's in 1861. The author first sailed for America in 1638 and returned finally to England in December 1671. His narrations are extremely interesting and valuable. He states that at that time, there were not much less than a million of English, Scotch, and Irish in New England. 670 JUAN T ULLOA, Eelacion Historica del Yiage a la AMEEICA MEEI- DIONAL, hecho para medir algunos grados de Meridiano Terrestre, y venir en conocimiento de la verdadera figura y magnitud de la Tierra, con el Origen de los Incas, 5 parts in 4 vols. 4to. maps and plates, calf gilt, 24s Madrid, 1748 (571 ■ — the same, 4 vols. — Observaciones Astronomicas y phisicas en los Keynos del Peru — together 5 vols. 4to. Spanish calf gilt, £2. Madrid, 1748-68 672 the same, 5 vols, in 3, high 4to. Large Papeb, mang maps and plates, hf bd. £2. 105 ; or calf gilt, £S. 1748-73 " Ouvrage fort estim^." — Brunei. 673 Juan and Ulloa's Voyage to South America, translated from the Spanish, 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, calf, 7s Gd 1758 674 NoTiciAS SECKETAS de AMEEICA, sobre los reynos del Peru, de Quito, de Nueva Granada y Chile, presentadas en Informe Secreto, y sa- cadas a luz por Don David Barry, 2 parts in 1 vol. roy. 4to. portraits, green vellum back, i4. 4* Londres, 1826 " Ouvrage curieux, ecrit cinquante ans avant sa publication." — Bruvet. These secret memoirs were prepared for the Spanish Government, and give a complete exposition of the enormities and abuses committed and permitted by the colonial administration, Kingsborough— See No. 273. 675 KUNSTMANN (Fr.) The Discovery of America. Entdeckung Amerikas nach den altesten Quellen geschichtlich dargestellt ; mit einem Atlas alter bisher ungedruckter Karten, 4to. Text, sd. and very large folio Atlas of 13 maps, £4. Miinchen, 1859 Of extreme value and interest ; drawn from sources inaccessible to ordinary research. 675*LAET (Joannis de) Novus Orbis seu Descriptio Indise Occidentalis, folio, 14 large and beautifully engraved Maps of America, also some ivoodcuts of Ameri- can Natural History, Best Edition, fine copy in vellum, uncut, from the library of Bishop Wynne, £o. 5s Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1633 676 Histoire du Nouveau Monde, folio, 14 maps, fine copy, in vellum, £2. 10s 1610 The special value of this work and these editions consists in its maps of North Ame- rica, New England and iSew Netherlands, from which succeeding writers copied. Mr. Asher, in the Bibliographical and Historical Essay, says that he could not find a copy of the French edition in Holland, and was therefore obliged to quote Ternaux' description. 677 LAET, Historie ofte Jaerlick Verhael van de Yerrichtinghen der Geoc- troyeerde West-Indische Compagnie sedert haer Begin tot 1686, sm. folio, 12 maps, vellum, £S. Ss Leyden, Elsevier, 1636 A work of great authority containing a detailed history of the proceedings of the . Dutch West Indies Company, over which Laet held the advantageous position of director. GEOGEAPHY, VOYAGES, AND TEAVELS : America. 216 678 Lahontan, Voyages dans rAmerique Septentrionale, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. 2^ maps, plates and views in Canada, old calf gilt, \2s La Say e, 1703 With Vocabulary of the Algonquin language of Canada. 679 LAFITAU, Histoire des Decouvertes et Couquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde, 2 vols. 4to. map and numerous portraits and plates, calf, 20s Faris, 1733 This work treats almost entirely on the Eastern conquests of Portugal. 680 LEJAEZA, Analisis Estadistico de la provincia de Michuagan en 1822, sra.4to. folding tables, hf Id. 365 Mexico, 1824 681 Leon t Gam a, Descripcion historica y crouologica de las dos Piedras que se hallaron en Mexico, 1790, sq. 8vo. 3 large plates, a valuable treatise on old Mexican Mythology and Chronology, calf, \hs Mexico, 1792 682 Lerdo de Tejada, Comercio esterior de Mexico, desde la Conquista hasta hoy, 4to. table, half morocco, 20s Mexico, 1853 Dedicated to Santa Anna, the president of the Eepublic. 683 LEEII Historia Navigationis in Brasiliani quae et America dicitur,12mo. wood- cuts, including a large separate folding one, vellum. Vis Geneves, 1594 This rare book contains a vocabulary of the Brazilian language. 684 LIBEEATOE (The) edited by "William Lloyd Garrison, Vol. III. Nos. 1-52, imp. folio, hf. bd. 25s Boston, Jan. to December, 1833 An early and valuable portion of the famous abolitionist newspaper. It contains some curious predictions which have been verified in recent years. 685 LONG'S History of Jamaica, or general survey of the ancient and modern state of that Island, 3 vols. 4to. map and plates, fine copy, bds. uncut, rare in this state, £2. 10^ 1774 " A work of sterling merit." — Stevenson, Priced, 1836, J.Bohn, £4. \0s ; 1837 and 1840, Payne and Foss, £6. 6^. Sold at Dr. Heath's sale for £14. 15^ ; the Fonthill, £11. 686 LOEENTE (Sebastian) Historia del PERU : I, Historia antigua del Peru ; II, Historia de la Conquista; III, Historia del Peru,bajo la dinastia Aus- triaca, 1542-98 ; 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco gilt, £3. 16^ Lima, 1860-63 The best modern work on Peruvian history, well and temperately written. 687 LORE^^ZANA, Conciltos Provinciales de MEXICO, primero y segundo, 1555 y 1565 ; Concilium Mexicanum tertium, 1585, cum Statutis cura et expensis F. A. a Lorenzana, Archipraesulis ; 3 vols, in 2, sm. folio, vellum, VERY RARE, £^. 3s Mexico, 1769-1770 Priced, 1822, Thorpe, £%. 65 ; 1846, Stewart, £5. 5.« ; Salva priced a copy, £3. 3*, and remarked, " these two parts are seldom found together." Aguirre in his collection of Spanish Councils, only giv^es the third of the above. 688 LuDEcrs, Reise durch die mexikauischen ProvinzenTuiiialipas, Coh;ihuila, und Texas, 1834, 8vo. bds. 3* ^d Leipzig, 1837 689 MARQUES, Brasilia Pontificia, sive speciales facultates Brasiliae Episcopis concessae, cum appendice, sm. folio, calf, vert rare, £3. Ulyssipone. 1749 Not mentioned by Silva, in the Diccionario Bihlionrnphico Porfuguez. Collation : Half title and title, 2 leaves ; Dedication, 6 leaves ; Ad Lectorem, 2 leaves; Facultates, etc. 2 leaves ; Series librorum, 6 leaves ; pp. 1-486 ; Index, pp. 1-66 ; Errata, p. 70. 690 Martin's Hudson's Bay Territories and Vancouver's Island, 8vo. map, cloth, 35 Qd 1849 691 Martius von dem Rechtszustande unter den Ureinwohnern Brasiliens, 4to. map, bds. a very interesting work, 5s Munchen, 1832 692 MARTTRIS (Petri) ab Angleria de Rebus Oceanicis et Novo Orbe decades tres ; item de Babylonica Legatione ; item de rebus ^thiopicis opuscula Damiani a Goes, stout sm. 8vo. in the original hogskin, with clasps, 25s Colonicd, 1574 693 MATHER (Cotton) Magnalia Christi Americana ; or the Ecclesiastical His- tory of New England, from 1620 to 1698, folio, the map in facsimile, tall copy in the original calf, £4. 8s 1702 Contents : I. Antiquities ; 11. The Lives of the Governors of New England ; HI. The Laves of 60 Divines of New England; IV. An account of the Univer!?ity of Cam- bridge, New England ; V. Acts and Monuments of the Church of New England ; VI. Wonderful Providences on divers persons in New England ; VII. The Wars of the Lord, or di«!tnrbnTif»p<3 of tbp Cht'rnVipries. There are some chapters specially devoted to a description of the New World. The author was a Maltese by birth, but resided at Katisbon as a commander of the order of St. John. A piece of verse at the end is addressed to him by Edmujid Hollyng. M.D. an Englishman, in Ingolstadt. 716 NAVARRETE, Relation des Quatre Voyages entrepris par Colomb, 1492- 1504, avec diverses pieces inedites, 3 vols. 8vo. 2 inaps, 2 portraits, and facsimile, 7s 6d Faris, 1828 717 NEAL'S (Dan.) History of New Ejs'GLAnd, containing an account of its affairs to the Tear 1700, with the present State of Mew England, and an Appendix, containing their present Charter, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. large map, fine copy in calf, 18s 1720 New England Puritan Divines, Works of: 718 Apologie of the Churches of New England for Church Covenant, sent over to Master Bernard in 1639 ; Answer of the Elders of New England unto nine Positions, written in 1689, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. limp vellum, '60s 1643 719 Chukch Government and Church Covenant discussed, in an answer of the Elders of New England to 32 Questions — Letter requesting the judg- ment of the Brethren in New England concerning nine positions, with their answer and the reply ; 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. limp velh^m, 2Ss 1643 219 BEBNAED QUABITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. New England Puritan Divines — continued, \ 720 Cotton (Eev. John) of Boston, New England, Doctrine of the Church ; i Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, published by Groodwin and Nye ; -j 2 vols, in 1, 4to. limp vellum, 36* 1643-44 \ 721 G-OODWIN, Nye, and others, Apologeticall Narration ; Observation and An- notations upon the Apologeticall Narration ; Anatomy of Independency, \ a commentary upon the Apologeticall Narration ; M. S. to A. S. with a i plea for Libertie of Conscience and observations on the Apologeticall " Narration; Dijrt's Epistolary Discourse to Goodwin, Nye, and Hartlib; ; 5 vols. sm. 4to. vellum, £2. 10s 1643-44 : 722 Dat-Beeaking if not the Sun-rising of the Gospel with the Indians in ■ New England, sm. 4to. vellum, £2. 25 1647 A rare piece, written by " a minister of Christ in New England so eminently • , . ; faithfull that what he here reports .... is not to be questioned," according to \ Nathan. Warde, the writer of the preface. It includes small specimens of the native i language. ' 723 Mather (Eichard) and William Tompson (Pastor of Braintree, New Eng- \ land) Modest and Brotherly Answer to Mr. Charles Herle his book ' against the Independency of Churches, sm. 4to. vellum, 16s 1644 ; 724 Eo&EES (Nathaniel) a Divine now in New England, Letter discovering ^ the cause of God's continuing wrath, sm. 4to. vellum, 18s 1644 < 725 Newsman's Interpreter: a Description of several Spanish Territories in ' America, particularly those against which the English have a design, \ 18mo. "^ folding plans, poor copy, Jif. hd. very rare, 10s Manchester, 1741 : 726 NODAL (Bartolome Garcia and Gonqalo), Eelacion del Viaje qve \ hizieron al descubrimiento del Estrecho Nuebo de S. Vicente y recono- ; simjo. del de Magallanes, sq. 8vo. with the raee map, fine copy in old \ Spanish red morocco, with the royal arms of Gastille on the sides, £10. j Madrid, Correa de Montenegro, 1621 \ Vert rare. — Twelve prel. leaves : viz. Engraved title with Portraits of the two ; brothers Nodal, the reverse blank; ' Fee de aprouacion,' 3 pp.; * Suma del priuilegio,' ] 1 p.; ' Tassa,' 1 p.; 'Erratas,' 1 p ; 'a Don Fernando Carillo,' 3 pp.; *A1 Lector,' 5 pp.; ' Advertencias,' 3 pp.; ' Variacion de la aguja,'3pp.; 'Reglas,' 2 pp.; Text, 65 num- ] bered leaves ; ' Tabia para saber las Horas,' etc. 1 leaf; ' Relacion sumaria de los Ser- 1 vicios de los Capitanes Bartolome Garcia de Nodal y Gongalo de Nodal hermanos,' leaves j numbered 2-15. At fol. 35 there is the very rare copperplate Map entitled ' Reconoci- | miento de los Estrechos de Magellanes,' etc. I. de Courbes sculpsit. 13^ by 15^ inches. \ Fetched, 1860, Puttick's, £12. " More than one copy has been sold for 30 guineas." \ — Rivh. The map is almost always wanting, and from the well-known jealousy, or ; policy rather, of the Spanish Government, was probably inserted in very few copies. The i Rev. Mr. Crofts believed his own copy to be the only perfect one in England— that iu J the British Museum being deficient of the chart. i 727 NODAL (Barth. Garcia, y Gonzalo de) Eelacion del Viage al descubrimiento j del Estrecho nuevo de S. Vincente, etc., con las Derrotas de la America \ Occidental por Echayelar, 2 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. with the map, calf, scarce, \ 365 Cadiz dim) \ The strait of San Vincente had been traversed by Le Maire shortly before the bro- ■ thers Nodal, and his name has remained to designate it. But the Spanish map has a ] special value of its own, and is more detailed than Le Maire's. ; 728 O'CALLAGHAN, List of Editions of the Scriptures and parts thereof printed \ in America previous to 1860, v^rith introduction and bibliographical notes, ' stout impl. 8vo. hf morocco, gilt top, uncut, presentation copy from James \ Lenox, Esq. to Archdeacon Cotton, £4. 4s Albany, 1861 ; 729 Oexmelin, Histoire des Avanturiers qui se sont signalez dans les ludes, 2 vols. \ in 1, stout 12mo. maps and plates, calf, Vis Paris. 1688 ; Best history of the Buccaneers, by one of themselves. See ante, Esquemeling. ^ 730 Oldendoeps G( schichte der Mission der Evangel. Briider auf den Caraib- \ Iseln, S. Thomas, S. Croix, S. Jan. 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 8vo. with an \ article " von der verschiedenen Sprachen der Neger,'' and comparative talle, ' maps and plates^ 16s Barhy, ] 777 ! aEOGRAPHY, YOTAGES, AND TEAYELS: America. 220 731 ORDENANZAS DEL PERU, dirigidas al Rey por Don D. Melchor de Navarra, Yirrey de estos Reynos, recogidas por Ballesteros ; y nueva- mente aiiadidas las Ordenanzas del Conde de Super- Unda, Yirrey, Tomo Primero (all puhlisJied) , sm. folio, vellum, 565. 5* Lima, 1758 Collation: 23 preliminary leaves, and folios 1-339; followed by Indice, 35 leaves. This very rare book is not mentioned either by Brunei or Salva. 732 OYAGLIE (Alonso d') Historica Relatione del Regno di CILE, sm. folio, without map, with 14 plates and 18 woodcvts, hf. Id. \Ss Roma, 1646 Collation of the Italian edition : Title, 1 leaf; Prolog. 2 leaves ; (tabula geogra- phica regni Chile wanting')', Avvertimenti, 1 leaf; the body of the work pp. 1-378, with 14 unnumbered plates ; Seconda protesta, 1 leaf ; a ISeries of Churches and Buildings, etc. 12 pp. engraved on wood ; alcune Isole, 6 pp. engraved on wood. 733 OYALLE, Historica relacion del Reyno de Chile, smallest folio, without large Map, with numerous plates and woodcuts, pp. 87-96 supplied in neat MS. therefore sold not subject to collation, Lord Stuart de Rothesay's copy, 30s Roma, 1646 734 OYIEDO. Historia general y natural de las Tndias, Islas y Tierra-firme del Mar Ocean 0, por el Capitan Gonzalo F. De Oviedo y Yaldes, publicala la Real Academia de la Historia, cotejada con el codice original, ilustrada con la vida del autor, etc. por Amador de los Rios, 4 vols, folio, mops and piates, hf. morocco, gilt tops, £6. Madrid, 1851-55 The third part of this important history, which comprises the entire of the fourth volume, had never before been published 735 Page (Thomas J.) La Plata, the Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay, 1853-56, 8yo. large map and many woodcuts, (pub. 18s) cloth, 10s New York, 1859 A book of especial interest at the present time. 736 Panama. Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Panama. Svo. hf. bd. rare, 36s 1744 An interesting volume, containing all the dispatches and correspondence of Admiral Vernon in 1741 and 1742. 737 Peeez-Rosales, Essai sur le Chili, H'^o. plan, hf. calf, 10s Sambourg, 1857 738 Peenettt, Histoire d'un Yoyage aux Isles Malouines, avec des Observations sur le Detroit de Magellan et sur les Patagons, 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plates of Natural History, calf gilt, 15s Raris, 1770 Containing a large amount of information upon Paraguay. 739 Peru. MEMORIAL DE LOS YIREYES que hnn gobernado el Peru, durante el Tiempo del Coloniaje Espanol, irapresas de orden suprema, 6 vols. sm. folio, large map, cloth, 56*10. . Lima, 1859 A work of extreme interest, edited by M. A. Fuentes, at the desire of the Govern- ment, from important MS. relations existing in the Archives of Peru. It ranges from the earliest time to 1790. 740 Potosi. Real Cedula de Incorporacion de el Banco de Potosi a la Real Hacienda, y Ordenanzas paru su regimen, sm. folio, calf, 7s 6d Madrid, 1795 741 Peescott's History of the Conquest of Peru, 2 vols. 8vo. two portraits, cloth, 10s New York, 1848 742 Conquista de Mexico, traducida por Navarro, Tomo II, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Mexico, 1845 743 RALEGHE (Gualtherus). Brevis & admiranda descriptio Regni Guianae, adornante Jodoco Hondio, sm. 4to. plates, 4, 5, 7, vellum, 24s 1599 Rare. Bound up with a copy, not quite perfect, of Schmidel, Navigatio, 1599. 744 Ramon de la Sagea, Histoire de I'lle de Cuba, 2 vols, 8vo. statistical plates, hf bd. 10s Raris, 1844 745 Rayeneau de Lussan, Yoyage a la Mer de Sud, avec les Elibustiers de I'Amerique, 18mo. calf Qs Raris, 1690 746 Red Rivee. Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's settlement of Kildonan, its destruction and massacre of the Governor, etc. 8vo. map^ sd. 5s " 1817 221 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 747 Reichaudt, Nicaragua, nach eigeuer Anschauung, 1852, 8vo. plates, cloth, 3s. Qd Braunschw, 1854 718 RELA.TION of the Invasion and Conquest of Flo rid a by the Spaniards under the Command of Fernando de Soto, transl. from the Portuguese, with disco- veries made in the island of California, etc. 12mo. hf. bd. rare, 20* 1686 749 REMESAL (Antonio de) Historia de la Provincia de S. Vinceute de Chyapa y Guatemala de la Orden de S. Domingo, folio, vellum, Lord Orford's copy, YEET BARE, £5. Madrid, 1619 750 RICH, BiBLioTiiECA Americana Nova: Catalogue of Books in various languages relating to America, printed since the year 1700 (to 1844) with Supplement, 3 parts in 2 vol:'. Swo.cloth, rare, £6. 1835-(41)-i6 751* tlie same, without Supplement, 2 vols. 8vo. a few MS. additons and corrections, cloth, ^*4. 4s 1836-46 752 RIVERO y USTARIZ (M. E. de) Coleccion de Memorias Cientificas, Agricolas e Industriales, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, plates, and views of Indians, and cuts of Antiquities, hf calf £2. 2s Bruselas, 1857 One of tiie most learned and valuable books ever produced by a South American writer. 753 [ROCHEFORT] Histoire naturelle et morale des lies Antilles de I'Amerique, avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe, 2e edition, revue et augmentee, sm. 4to. nearly ^0 plates, of which three are on separate leaves, the rest engraved on letter-press, old calf 12s 1665 754 Roche FoucAULT LiAxN court. Travels through the United States, the country of the Iroquois and Upper Canada, 1795-97, with account of Lower Canada, translated into English by Neumann, 4to. map, bds. 12s 1799 755 SANDOUAL (Don Sebastiati) Pretensiones de la Villa Lnperial de POTOSI propuestas en el Real Consejo de las Indias, folio, in the original vellum, very fine copy, £8. 8^ Mad?'id, Gonzalez, 1634 This is an extrlmelt scarce work, unmentioned by Brunei, Salva. and Ticknor ; and I can find no copy noticed in booksellers' catalogues. It appears from a MS. note of Mr. Nilsen's that Humboldt was never able to obtain one. This copy was purchased at Lord King>borough's sale in Dublin, for Mr. Nilsen. 756 SCHMIDEL (Huldenci) Vera Historia admirand^ cuiusdam naviga- TiONis, quam . . . ab anno 1534 usque ad annum 1554 in American! vel Nouum Mundum, iuxta Brasiliam et liio della Plata, confecit, sm. 4to. map, portrait, and plates, fine copy in old red morocco, from the Yemeniz Library, £5. Noribergce, impensis Levini Hulsii, 1599 Collation : Title, with engraving of Schmidel on horseback ; leaf containing portrait ; dedication, with engraved coat of arms, 1 leaf ; p. .3 — 101. Large folding map between pp. 6 and 7; and fifteen leaves of engravings, marked as illustrating the following chapters : 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 20, 21, 25, 28, 30, 36, 42, 44, 47, 54. Several of these plates are frequently wanting — indeed, very few copies contain many of them. 757 SCHMIDT (Ulric von Straubingen) Warhafftige Beschreibunge aller .... Schiffarten, audi viler unbekanten erfundnen Landtschafiften, etc. 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. ioMo, fine copy, in blue mor. ^'1. 10s Frankf Feirabend, 1567 First Edition of Schmidel's voyage. *' Volume tres rare." — Brunei. Brunet appears never to have Keen the book, as the title given by him is incorrect. Collation : Title and Vorrede, 5 leaves ; folios 1 — 110 ; (Second Part) folios 1—59, and final leaf with imprint, and mark of the printer, Martin Lechler. This second part contains the first and oiiginal edition of the American voyages of Ulrich or Hulderic Schmidel, whose name appears on the title as Ulrich Schmidt, of which the preceding Latin edition is an improved translation. 758 ScHMiDTMEYER, Travels into Chile over the Andes, 1820-21, with Sketches of the Mines and Metallurgy, etc ^Opiates, mostly coloured, hf cf lbs 1824 758*SENEX New G-eneeal Atlas, with historical account and alphabetical Index, imp. folio, 34 very large coloured maps, calf 2bs 1721 Chiefly interesting for the copiousness of its information concerning America, which is illustrated by seven immense maps. At the beginning the list of subscribers, containing about 1000 names, is accompanied by the engraved coat of arms of each. 759 SiVERs' Bericht von Grrohnland, sq. 8vo. map and 3 plates, hf. cf 105 ITamb. 1647 GEOOEAPHY, VOYAQES, AND TEAVELS: America. 222 760 SIMON (Fr. Pedro) Primera parte de las Noticias historiales de las Conquis- tas de Tierra Firme en las Indias Occidentales sm. folio, enyravtd jronlis- piece^ calf^fme copy, 255 Cuenca^ Domingo de la Iijlesia, 1626-27 A very rare book, of which parts 2 and 3 were never jjublished. The present copy- has 5 prehminary leaves ; Brunct gives the number in his collation as 7. 761 SOLIS (Ant. de) Historic de La Conquista de Mexico, poblacion y progresses de la America Septentrional, sm. folio, first EDixioif, frontis- piece, calf, 15s ; or, ajitie copy in Spanish morocco extra, 20s Madrid, 168-1 Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £\. Us (Sd; 1826, with Salazar, Conq. de Mexico, 1743, £3. 3s 762 Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, Segunda paute, por Salazae y Olarte, sm. folio, calf, scarce, £2. {Cordoha, 1743) 76i3 Segunda parte, segunda edicion, sm. folio, calf I85 Madrid, 1786 764 Conquista de Mexico, both parts, 2 vols. 4to. best edition, 2 maps, portrait of Cortes, hy Titian, engraved by Selma, portrait of De Solis, and many beautiful plates, designed and engraved by Spanish artists, Spanish calf extra, gilt edges, £3. 1783-84 765 • the same, 2 vols. 4to. red morocco extra, gilt edges, £4i. 10s 1783-84 A masterpiece of Spanish typographical and artistic skill, unsurpassed by any other Spanish work, and scarcely rivalled by the illustrated Don Quixote, 4 vols. 4to. Ibarra, 1780. Priced, 1837, Payne and Foss, £6. 6* ; 1848, mor. £5. 5s, and calf, £4. 45 ; LARGE THICK PAPER, 1848, Payne and Foss, calf, £5. 5s 766 SoNNEscHMiD, Mineralogisclie Beschreibung der Bergwerks-Iteviere von Mexico, 8vo. calf gilt, privately printed, 36* Schleiz, 1804 767 SOUTHEY'S History of BRAZIL, 3 vols. 4to. (pub. at £7. los),ljds. uncut. Sir Charles Price's copy, scarce, 5b*4. 10s 1810-17-19 "An admirable work, full of information nowhere else to be obtained." 768 Squier's Nicaragua, its people, scenery, monuments, and the proposed inter- oceanic Canal, 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plates of monmneuts, etc. some coloured, cloth, 185 New York, 1852-53 769 STEPHEN'S (J. L.) Travels in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates of Aboriginal Monuments, cloth. Ids. New York, 1856 770 Sturtz, Eeview, financial, statistical, and commercial, of Brazil, 8 vo. clAs 6d 1837 771 Taylor (John) Selection from Humboldt's works relating to Mexico, with notes, 8vo. plate and large map, mounted on canvas, calf gilt, 10s 18.4 772 TEBNAUX (H.) Bibliotheque Americaine on Catal. des Ouvrages relatifs a I'Amerique qui out paru depuis sa Decouverte jusqu'a I'an 1700, 8vo. half calf uncut, rare, 20s Paris, 1837 773 TocQUEYiLLE de la Democratie en Amerique, 4 vols. 8vo. 28^ Paris, 1835-40 774 TOKQUEMADA (Juan de) Veinte i un Libros Eituales, i Monarquia Indiana, con el Origan y Guerras de los Indies Occidentales, sus pob- laciones, descubriraiento, conquista, conversion y otras cosas maravillosas, 3 vols, folio, engraved titles, map, best edition, nice clean copy in Spanish vellum, £2. 16^ Madrid, 1723 " Ouvrage fort curieux, le plus complet que nous ayons sur I'ancien Mexique."- Brimef., The author was for a long time resident in New Spain, atid has inserted in this work some very interesting observations. Gonzalves de Barciu edited this new edition, which Brunet says is " la plus reciierchee." " Ouvrage important sur Ihistoire d' Amerique reimprime par les soins de I'indefatigable Barcia."— .SM//-a. Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £3. 13.> &d ; Quaritch, hf. cf. £4. 8.s ; fetched at Lord Rothe- say's sale, £4.; 1858, Puttick's, £3. lO.v; Lahge Paper, priced, 1824, Thorpe, bds. £8. 8.v; 1830, Payne and Foss, bds. £4. 4*; and 1838-7, £3. 3.s-. ; fetched, Conde's, £3. 156-; Lady Webster's mor. with 2 leaves of Vol. 3 supplied from a small paper, £12. 775 Tylou (G.B.) Analiuac, or Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern, 8vo. 7nap, cuts, and coloured plates, (pub. 12*) cloth, 8^ 1861 776 Ulloa, Noticias Americanns : entretenimi^ntos phisicos-historicos sobre la America Meridional y la Septentrional Oriental; de las Anti«;uedades, sobre la Lengua, etc. sm. 4to. calf, 2os Madrid, 1772 777 segunda edicion, sm. 4to. sd. 5s; vellum, Gs ib. 171)2 778 Nachrichten, mit Zusiitzen, 2 vols, in 1, hf. calf, 7s 6d Lepiz. 1781 223 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY", LONDON. 779 Vallejo, Memoria en que se trata de algunos puntos relatives al Sistema del Mundo y formacion del Globo terrestre, sm. 4to. a treatise upon Mines and Mining chiefly relative to the New World, hf. calf, 18* Apparently printed at Mexico. Madrid ( ? Mexico) 1839 780 VELASCO (Juan de) Historia del Reino de QUITO de la America Meri- dional, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. calf neat, £3. 3^ Quito, 1841-44 Very rare : History, Antiquities, Geography, and Natural History of the country. 781 Yelasco (.lose Francisco) Noticias Estadisticas del Estado de Sonoea, 8vo. hf. calf 185 Mexico, 1850 782 VEITIA LINAGE, Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occidentales, sm. folio, fine tall copy ivith the frontispiece, vellmn, £3. 3s Sevilla, 1672 Fetched, IS.'jo, Lord Stuart de Rothesay's copy, £4. 15*. " Ce livre est rare." — Brunei. Collation : Engraved title, and printed title, 2 leaves; Censuras, Licence, and Errata, 6 leaves ; "Hedication, 1 leaf; Al Lector, and Advertencia, 5 leaves ; Soneto, 1 leaf ; Indice, 2 leaves ; pp. 1-299 ; libro seguudo, 1-264 ; Indice, 35 leaves ; Colophon, 1 leaf. 783 Venezuela. CO DAZZI, Atlas Fisico y Politico de la Eepublica de Venezuela, roy. folio, frontispiece, text, and 19 coloured maps, of which the first two are World-maps, bds. £4. 4s Caracas^ 1840 784 Venegas, Natural and Civil History of California, translated from the Spanish, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates, calf, fine copy, 30s 1759 784*ViT)AURE, Gescliichte des Kon. Chile, sm. 8vo. map, hf cf 3s 6^ Hamb. 1782 785 VILLAGUTIERRE Soto-Mator, Historia de la Conquista de la provincia de el Itza, de la mediaeion de Guatimala a Yucatan, la. Parte, {all pub- lished) stout folio, frontispiece, limp vellum, £5. 5s Madrid, 1701 Very rare ; Robertson seems to have been unacquainted with it, although he treats of Guatemala and Yucatan. Priced, 1855, Quaritch, Lord Rothesay's copy, cf. ext. £7. 10s ; fetched, 1859, Lady Webster's, calf, £4. 12*. 785*"WArEii (Lionel) Voyage and Description uf the Isthmus of America, giving an account of the Indians, their Language, etc. sm. 8vo. inap, no plates, calf, 15s 1699 786 "Walpole's Pour Years in the Pacific in H. M. S. " Colliugwood," 1844-48, 2 vols. 8vo. woodcuts, half calf gilt, 15s 1850 787 Ward's Mexico in 1827, 2 vols. 8vo. two large maps and twelve fine plates, 15s 1828 788 WARDEN, Chronologie Historique de L'AnfeRiQUE, 10 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £2. 16s Paris, 1826-44 This forms Vols. IX — XVIII of the Art de verifier les Dates ; and is the only com- plete authentic history of the whole American continent. 789 West Indies. Description of the principal objects of the present war in the West Indies, 8vo. maps, hf morocco, 7s Qd 1741 790 WEST-INDISCHE SPIEGHEL, waer inne men sien kan alle de Eylanden, Provintien, Lantschappen, Mexico en Peru, door Athanasium Inga, Pe- ruaen, sm. 4to. engraved title, 2 onaps of North and South America on separate leaves and other engravings in the text, somewhat stained, vellum, 21s Amst. J. en J. Pietersz. Wachter, 1624 A curious book composed under a pseudonym and apparently very little known. The engravings are in the De Bry style and very pretty. 791 WILLIAMS (Samuel) Natural and Civil History of VERMONT, 8vo. map, calf 36s Walpole, I. Thomas and D. Carlisle, 1794 792 WILSON (E. A.) New History of the Conquest of Mexico, roy. 8vo. many woodcuts, cloth, 7s Philadelphia, 1859 A work full of new and striking views, antagonistic to Prescott. 793 WTTELIET (C.) Descriptionis Ptolemaicse Augmentum sive Occidentis Notitia, sm. folio, map of the world, and 18 maps o/" Ameeicats" Countries, each occupying two pages, vellum, £2. Lovanii, 1597 First edition of this celebrated work, the most complete Atlas of America published up to that time. The text is a compilement of all then existing information. Appended is "Asia secundum rationes geographicas delineata, Ursellis, 1600," 14 maps. GEOGEAPHT, YOTAOES, AND TEAVELS: America. 224 794 WYTFLIET, Magin, et autres, Histoire universelle des Indes Occidentales et Orientales et de la conversiou des Indiens, 3 vols, in 1, sm. folio, maps a little wo7^med, Jif. hound, 365 Douny, 1611 The first of the three parts composing this volume is generally supposed to be a translation of the preceding article. It is not merely such, for although the maps are precisely the same, the text is very considerably changed ; large augmentations from more recent sources of knowledge are given, and a few judicious omissions made in it. The second part contains four maps on two leaves. The whole outline of New Guinea is given in part 1, the famous strait is marked, and the separation of that island from Australia distinctly laid down. 795 XEEES (Fr.) Libro primo de la CoNQrisTA del PEEU et provincia del CUZCO de le Indie Occidentali (on second leaf:) tradotta in lingua Italiana per Dominico del Gaztelu, sq. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, £5. 5s Vinegia, Stepk. da Sabio, 1535 796 — ' — the same very tall copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, hg Bedford, £7. 7s 1535 Very rare. Collation : Title, with large woodcut of imperial arms ; second leaf, containing a more ample title, with the translator's name and arms on the back, dedication, 2 leaves ; text, 58 leaves, bearing signatures to/ in eight, and (/, ten leaves. The statement clearly made on the second title concerning the translator and the original work disposes of the confusion of Brunet and Harrisse on the subject. It proves the book to be a version of the Spanish one printed at Seville by Perez (in 1534) and that the translator was a native of Tudela in Navarre. 797 YUCATAN, Case of the agent to the settlers on the coast of Yucatan and the late settlers on the Mosquito shore, 4 parts in 1 vol. 4to. hf. bound, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, a collection of official papers, PRIVATELY FEINTED and YEEY EAEE, £2. 2^ 1789-93 798 ZEKO, Connmentarii del Yiaggio in Persia, et dello Scoprimento di Erislanda, etc. 12mo. the large folding map being not the original, but Zurla's reprint, 7norocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 16s Venet. 1558 This map designed in 1380, is the earliest in existence relating to the northern parts of America and Europe. It was published for the first time in 1558. 799 Zoegdeagee's Groenlandsche Visschery on Walvischvangst, sm. 4to. maps, hf bound, Ss 6d Gravenh. 1727 800 Zucchelli, Eelazioni del Viaggio e Missione di Congo nell' Etiopia Inferiors Occidentale, sm. 4to. pp. 438, vellum. Vis Venezia, 1712 Although not stated on the title, Zucchelli was twice in Brazil, and this volume contains an account of his voyage there as well as in Africa. GRAMMARS and DICTIONARIES of the AMERICAN LANGUAGES. Aymara : 801 TOEEES EIJBIO (Diego de) Arte de la lengua Aymara, 12mo. title, approbacion, and last 9 leaves in neat MS. limjp vellum, very rare, £2. 16s Lima, 1616-17 Collation : Title and leaves numbered 2-52 ; Vocabulario (Espanol-Aymara), 21 leaves unnumbered ; Confessionario, etc. (Aymara y Espanol), 18 leaves numbered 1-17 ; Prologo, 1 leaf; Vocabulario Aymara (-Espanol) ; Letaniade N. Senora, Acto de contricion, en Aymara, 16 leaves. Brazilian : 802 FIGUEIEA (Luis) Arte de (j}-rammatica da lingua Brasilica, 12mo. bound, £4i. Lisboa, Deslandes, 1687 Very rare ; consisting of title, with three other preliminary leaves, and pp. 1-168. A damaged copy was priced in 1860, SOfr. Chilene : 803 EEBEES (A.) Arte de la lengua general del Eeyno de Chile, con un dialogo Chileno-Hiapano muy curioso, la doctrina Christiana, Chilena y Castellana, vocabulario Hispano-Chileno y un Calepino Chileno-Hispano mas copioso, stout 12mo. 15 preliminary leaves, including title, and 683 pp. limp vellum, eaee, £2. I2s. Qd. Lima, 1765 A peculiarity of this work which largely increases its value, is that it contains *'Coplas varias " in the Chilene language. 225 BEENARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. \ Caribbean : ' 801 EAYMOND BRETON, Dictionaire Caraibe-Erangois, mesle de Eemarques \ historiquea pour resclaircissenent de la Langue, 1665 — Dictionaire ; Eranvoit^-Caraibe, 16i)6 — Catechisme Cardibe et Franqois^ 1664 — 3 vols. I in 1, 16ino, the first title mended, calf, hare, £5. lOs Auxerre, 1664-66 ■ A lexicographical production of extreme rarity. The author, a Dominican, was ': sub-prior of the Monastery of Preaching Friars at Blainville ; and one of the first four \ Erench Missionaries deputed to the Island of Gardeloupe, now called Guadeloup, and the Caribbee Islands. He also wrote a Caribbee Grammar, published 1667. See aho No. . -\ Guarani : ! 805 RUIZ (Antonio) Tesoro de la lengtja Gtjabani, thick sq. 8vo. vellum, \ rare, very fine copy, £10. Madrid, 1639 ! Collation : 8 prel. leaves, and leaves 1-407. "Livre devenu fort YSirc."—Bnmet. i A very curious part of this book is the attempt to explain by phonetic signs the I pronunciation of the Guarani words. ; Kiriri : 806 MAMIANI, Arte de Grammatica da Lingua Brasilica da naQom Kiriri, | 12mo. hf. morocco, £5. Lishoa. 1699 | Very rare. Collation; Title, with 7 other prelimimary leaves ; and pp. 1-124. | Lord Stuart de Rothesay's copy fetched in 1855, £5. 15.s. Mexican : 807 AEENAS (Pedro de) Vocabulario Manual de las Lenp^uas Castellana y MexicHua, en que secontienen las palabras . . . mas comunes en . . . comunicacion entre Espanolos c Indios, 16mo. cut close, hoards, very rare, £2. 10s Mexico, 1683 Sold in 1852 for £3. 15*. \ 808 • another edition, 16mo. vellum, 25s JPuebla, 1793 \ 809 CAROCHI, Compendio del Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, dispuesto por Paredes, sq. 8vo. engraved fro ntisfAece rppresenting Ignacio de Loyola, and \ 12 preliminary leaves including title and index, text pjp. 1-202, vellum, very \ RARK, £1j. Mexico, 1759 \ 810 G-ASTELLF (Anton'o Yasques, el Eey de Pigueroa) Arte de Lengua ; Mexicat^^a, corregido por Olmedo y Torre, Spanish 4to. title and prologue, \ etc. 2 leaves ; text 51 leaves, limp vellum, yeiiy rare, £5. Fuehla, i726 \ Otomi : \ 811 GUADALUPE RAMIEEZ, Breve Compendio de todo lo que debe saber \ el Christiauo, en lengua Othomi (y Castellana) sq. 8vo. printed with \ characters invented for the lanyuage, hf. morocco^ formerly belonging to \ Fouchc, £S. Mexico, 1785 ■ Title and Preface, 3 leaves ; Censure, 1 leaf ; Approbations and cancelled Errata, ; 4 leaves; New Errata, 1 leaf; pp. 1-80; Epitome, large folding sheet in 5 columns. \ The first 17 pages are in explanation of the letters, etc. \ Moxa : 812 MAEBAN (Pedro) Arte de la Lingua Moxa, con su Yocabulario y - Cathecismo, stout 16ino. vellum, £^. Lima, 1701 \ One of the rarest of the Spanish-American philological books. Collation: Title, \ dedication, approbations, etc. 8 leaves ; Arte and Vocabulario (Spanish-Moxa and Moxa- ] Spanish) pp. 1-664; Catechismo, pp. 1-203. In the Catechism in this copy, pp. 145-162 \ are missing. \ 813 TORRES EUBIO, Arte de la lengua Quichua con Vocabulario \ QuiCHUA, y otro Vocabulario Chinciiaisuyo, por Figueredo, 12mo. ] EXTREMELY RARE, 56*20. {Lima, 1700) \ 814j Arte y Vocabulario de la lengua Quicbua anadio Figueredo, ahora I niievameute corregido y auiiientado en vocables y notas, etc. 16mo. \ vellum, rare, £G. Lima, 1754 ; I sold a copy in 1858 for £7. 7^. Collation: Title and dedication. 6 leaves ; Arte \ de la Quichua, leaf 4-,') 1 ; Doctrina Christiana, 52-72 ; Vocabulario Indico Castellano \ y Vocabulario Castellano Indico, pp. 72-212 ; Vocabulario de la Lengua Chinchaisuya, y algunoa modos mas usados do ella, por el P. Juan dc Figueredeo, 213-231 ; Confes- i sionario en Quiclina, 231-254^ Indicc, 5 pp. i MISCELLANEOUS PURCHASES AT THE SALE OP THE LIBEAEY'Of THE LATE MARQUIS OF HASTINGS, DONNINGTON PARK, LEICESTERSHIRE. •»* Otlier Purchases from this iviportant Sale will appear in future Catalogues, Cornish Dictionary : Williams Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum : Dictionary of the An- cient Celtic Language of Cornwall, in which the words are elucidated by copious Examples from Cornish Works, with translations, and the Synonyms in Welsh, Armoric, Irish, Gaelic, and Manx, 3 parts in 1 vol. 4to. 400 pp. half morocco gilt, £2. 2s Llandovery, 1862-65 Besides the cognate languages above mentioned, illus- trations are also added from the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Gennan, etc. Danish. Wessels samtlige Skrivter, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. portrait, half caf, 2s &d Kjob. 1817 Dozy et Engelmann Glossaire des Mots Espagnols et Portugais derives de I'Arabe, seconde edition tres-considerablement augmen- tee, %so.pp. xxii and 427, sd. 10s Leijde^ 1869 A valuable and interesting work, entirely replacing everything previously written on the same subject. It is not only a necessary supplement to all Spanish Diction- aries, but it supplies likewise numerous deficiencies in the Arabic wordbooks, and in the Glossaries of mediaeval terms. It is no less useful from an historical and antiquarian point of view. Dutch. VONDEL'S (J. V.) Werken, 11 vols, stout sq. 8vo. numerous portraits^ and symbol- ical and other plates, fine copy in vellum, £2. 1 6s 1645-1722 Vondel was the greatest poet of Holland; Milton has been accused by the Dutch of stealing from him some of the ideas of Paradise Lost. Contents : Vol. I. Palamedes, Treurspel, Amersf. 1707 ; Hekeldigten, ib. 1707; Ovidius, Heldinnebrieven, Amst. 1715; II. Virgilius Werken vertaelt, {in prose), ib. 1646; Horatius, Lierzangen en Dichtkunst. Lat. en Holl.ib. 1703 ; III. Virgilius, Werken, vertaelt {in poetry), ib. 1696; IV. Treurspelen, 10, pieces, ib. 1654-93 : Toonselschilt, ib. 1661: Palamedes {another edition), ib. 1652; Treurspelen, 14 pieces, Amst. IGdS—Eotterd. 1695; VI. Ovidius, Herschep- pinge, ^msif, 1671; VII, VIII, Poezy of verscheide Ge- dichten, met Vondels Leven, Franeker, 1682 ; IX, Warande der Dieren; Amst. 1682; de Helden Codes, tb. 1699 ; Too- neel des MenscheliUken Levens, i6.1666; X. Bespiegelingen van Godt, JRott. 1700 ; Davids Harpzangen, Amst. 1696 ; Joannes,i6. 1696; XI. Altaer-Geheimenissen.ATewZeft, 1645 ; Brieven, Am,st. 1087; Heerlyckheit der Kercke, Kolen, 1663; deVaderen, Leyde, 1722. Van den Bergh, de Nederlandsche Volks Romans, 8vo. an interesting piece of literary history, 2s (id A mst. 1 837 Dwight's Modern Philology, its disco- veries, history, and influence, 8vo. coloured maps, cloth, 5s New York, 1 859 Gaelic: ARMSTRONG'S Gaelic- English and English Gaelic Dictionary, with Gaelic Grammar, 4to. (pub. £3. 136- 6^) calf extra, 2 Us 1525 OSSIAN'S Poems, Gaelic and Latin, by Macfarlane, with dissertation by Sir John Sin- clair, a translation from the Italian of the Abbe Cesarotti's Controversy, with Notes, etc. by J. M. Arthur, published under the sanction of the Highland Society, 3 vols. 8vo. plates, hf. calf, 36* 1807 — — Phingaleis, Lattne, a Macdonald, large 8vo. ?\f. morocco gilt, uncut, Is Qd Ed. 1820 Icelandic. HALDERSONII Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum, cura llaskii cum praefatione P. E. Mulleri, 2 vols. sm. 4to. hf calf, Z2s MavnicB, 1814 The only work which can lay claim to the title of a complete Icelandic dictionary. KoRMAKs Saga sive Kormaki CEgmundi filii vita, Isl. et Lat. sm. Svo. Fi7ie Paper, hf. calf, 7s 6d Ilnfn. 1832 Kkistni Saga, religionis Christiana in Island- iam introductio ; necnon Thattr af Isleifi Biskupi, Isl. et Lat. sm. 8vo. hf. caf Is 65 Hafi. 1773 Ltngbte, Eseroiske Quseder om Sigurd Eof- nersbane og bans ^t, Faroisk og Dansh, 8vo. no title, hf calf, 5s (Sjob.) 1822 Einari Historia Literaria Islandia, sm. 8vo. hf calf a valuable work, 7s 6d Havn. 1786 Muller (Max) Languages of the Seat of War, with Survey of Semitic, Arian, and Tu- ranian Languages, 8vo. cloth, 2s 65 Leipz. 1855 Siestrzencewicz de Bohusz, Precis des Recherches historiques sur I'Origine des Slaves on Esclavons et des Sarmates seconde edition revue, 4to. 3 maps and aplate, hf calf, rare, 2S« St. Pet. 1824 Tham's Bohmische Sprachlehre, von Hanka, 12mo. hds. 3* 65 Prag, 1821 SOMNERI DictionariTim Saxonico- Latino-Anglicmn, voces phrasesque prrecipuas Anglo- Saxonicas cum Latina et Anglica inter- pretatione complectens ; ^Ifrici Abbatis Gram- matica Latino-Saxonica, cum Glossario suo ejusdem generis, folio, calf , stained , 30s 0x071. 1659 Welsh Dictionary : PUGHE (W. Owen) Welsh-English Dictionary, with Welsh Gram- mar prefixed, second and improved edition, 2 vols. port. 1832 -WALTERS, English- Welsh Dictionary, with dissertation on the Welsh Language, third edition, 2 vols. 1828— together 4 vols. roy. Svo. forming the best Welsh and English Dictionary, cloth, £4. 4* Denbigh, 1828-32 ZEXJSS, Grammatica Celtica, e monu- mentis vetustis tam Hibernicte Linguse quam Britannicaa dialect! Cambric£B, Cornicae, Ar- moricas, nee non e Gallicae priscoe reliquiis,2 vols. 8vo. 1 167 pp. bds. 24« Lipsia, 1853 The most learned Celtic Polyglott hitherto published. The immense stores of Philological research treasured up in these two volumes leave them unsurpassed in any de- partment of Linguistics. -^— ejusdem editio altera, cm-ante Ebel,rasc. I, Svo. 12s Berol. 1869 Radlof, Neue Untcrsuchungen des Kelten- thumes zur Aufhellung der Urgeschichte der Teutschen, Svo. bds. 3a 65 Bonn, 1822 April, 1869. BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE, BY BERNARD QUARITCH, Bookseller^ 15 Piccadilly, London. Any Gentleman having some of the books of this List for sale at a fair value, will oblige by stating to Mr. Quariteh their titles, dates, condition and price. C^ O^ers of Books without a price are declined ; and need not be made. When owners of Books offer them above the market value, they receive no answer. Alsedo y Herrera Compendio historico de la Provincia de Guayaquil, 4to. 1741 Agrarise Rei Auctores, 4to. Paris, 1614 Alburquerque Coello, memorias diarias de la guerra del Brasil, 4to. Madrid, 1654 AllhallowF. History and Antiquities of All Hal- lows, Barking, 4to. London, Joseph Maskell, 1864 Avesta von Spiegel : Leaves 1 to 10 Fargard of Vendidad in Zend Text Bahar-i-Danush, by Scott, 3 vols. 12mo. Bentham's Principles of Morals and Legislation, 2 vols. 1823 Blair's Slavery amongst the Romans, Bvo. Edin- burgh, 1833 Bobb Dictionariu Rumanesc, Lateinesc, si Unguresc, 2 vols. 8vo. Clus, 1822-23 Bruton's Newes from the East Indies, 4to. 1638 Boethius, Latin translation of the Organon of Aristotle, ca. 1550 - Opera, fol. 1546, if they include the trans- lation of Aristotle. Carriglio, discorso apologetici, folio (^Mad. 1658) Carbajal Espinosa, historia de Mexico, 2 vols. 8vo. Mexico, 1862 Castillo (A. de) el devoto peregrino, Viage de - Tierra Santa, with plates, 4to. Madrid, 1 656 Coleccion de documentos ineditos para la histo- ria de Espana, 45 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1842-64 Colin de Plancy, collection de legendes, 7 vols. 8vo. Pains, 1844-47 Colonna (Guido di) Historia Trojana — not the edition of 1489, but one printed across the page (not in double cols.) preferred Couperin Pieces de Clavecin, 3e. and 4e. livre, edition originale, folio (ca. 1713) ■ ■ L'Art de toucher le Clavecin, ed. originale Cohen Medailles Consulaires, 4 to. Paris, 1857 Medailles Imperiales, 6 vols. 8vo. 1859-62 Da Costa on the Dionysian Artificers Daubeny's Description of Volcanoes, 8vo. Documentos para la historia de Mejico — the Four Series complete, Bvo. Mexico, 1853-57 Douglas' Baronage of Scotland, folio, 1798 Dulaure Divinites Generatrices ou Culte du Phallus, 8vo. 1805 Dupuis Origine de tons les Cultes, 7 vols. Bvo. and 4to. atlas, Paris, 1822 Engineering, 1867, complete — or Jan.— June, separately Florencia (Fr. de) Hist, de la Provincia de la compania de Jesus de Nueva Espafia, folio, Mexico, 1694 Garcia, Indies de el Nuevo Mundo, 16mo. Va- lencia, 1607 Gessneri Historia Animalium, 5 vols, folio, Ti- guri, 1551-89 Glossarium Eroticum Linguae Latinse,8vo. Pan*, 1826 Gough's Coins of the Seleucidae in the Duane Cabinet, 4to. Goya, caprichos inventados y grabados al agua fuerte, folio, 80 plates, an original copy, Ma- drid, 1799 Gu Idi, Monumentos de Mejico, 12 plates, 3Iexico, 1841 Hakluyt Society's Publications — a set, or 18 Documents on Spitzbergen 19 Middleton's Voyage 21 Benzoni's Travels 23 Champlain's W. Indies 24 Expd. into Valley of the Amazons 25 Early Indie, of Australia 26 Embassy to Timour 27 Hudson 28 Expedition for El Dorado 30 Galvano 32 Varthema 33 Cieza de Leon 34 Pascual de Andagoya 35 Stanley's Malabar Help's Friends in Council, 4 vols. Hope, on Fencing, 1707 Holland, Correspondencia de Lord Holland con Quintana, por Ferrer del Rio, Bvo. Madrid, {ca. 1855) Horatius, Parisiis, 1799, Didot Icaza, Coleccion de las Antiguedades Mexi- canas que existen en el Museo Nacional, 13 plates, folio, Mexico, 1827 Juan de la Anunciacion, Sermonario en lengua Mexicano, 4to. Mexico, Ant. Ricardo, 1577 Knight's Worship of Priapu8,4to. \7QQ, fine copy Larea, Cronica de la orden de N. S. padre S. Francisco, etc. 4to. Mexico, 1643 (Lecky's) Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland, Bvo. 1861 Lecluse Grammaire Basque, Bvo. Toulouse, 1826 Letters. A Select Collection of Letters by Eminent Persons, 2 vols. London, 1755 Linnsei Mantissa, edition of 1771 Linnse Systema Naturse ; — no particular edition, but a well bound copy Lozano Compania de Jesus en Paraguay, 2 vols. ioMo, Madrid, 1754-55 Provincia del Gran Chaco, Bvo. with or without the map, Cordoba, 1 733 McPherson's Fragment of Ancient Gaelic Poems, translated, Bvo. 1760 Medhurst, Chinese Dictionary, 4 vols. Bvo. Magnus, (Joan.) de Omnibus Gothorum Re- gibus Historia, folio, RomcB, 1559 Manchester Geological Society's Transactions, Vol, 1 and following Morga, sucesos de las islas Filipinas, 4to. Mexico, 1609 Museo Mexicano, 4 vols. Bvo. Mexico, 1843 Ochino, Fourteen Sermons translated by A(nne) C(ook), Bvo. Oroseo y Berra, Geografia de las lenguas y carta etnografica, de Mexico, etc. Mexico, Andrade, 1864 Ovalle, Reyno de Chile, folio, Roma, 1646 Oviedo (Gon9. Hern, de) la historia gen. y nat. de las Indias, folio, Sevilla, I. Cromberger, 1535 Peele's Works, 8 vols. Bvo. uncut, Pickering Annual Subscription For Foreign Countries 4s. 58. No. 250. Published Monthly. Price 4d, CATALOGUE or WORKS ON SCIENCE AND NATURAL HISTORY. CLASSES GROUPED WITHIN THE GENERAL ALPHABET: PAGE PAGE PAGE Agrriculture 228 Crustacea 260 Meteorology 293 Amphibia, Reptilia 229 Engineering, Machi- Microscope 293 Anatomy 230 nery, Canals, Hy- Mineralogy 293 Anthropolo^ry 232 draulics 262 Mining and Metal- Arts and Manufactures 232 Entomology 268 lurgy 294 Astrology 233 Geology 275 Ornithology 297 Astronomy 234 Ichthyology 279 Palaeontology 306 Botany 23fi Infusoria 281 Physical Sciences 309 Chemistry 254 Mammalia 284 Volcanicity 314 Couchology, MoUusca 256 Mathematics 286 Zoological Soc. Publ. 315 Craniology 259 Medicine 292 Zoophytes 315 offered for CASH at the aflaxed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors West from B»egent Circus. IL(DUI0)(DI5r, WAY, fl§(B®c To insure prompt attention^ all orders to be addressed direct to Mr. QuARiTCir, bookseller, 15 Piccadilly ; or to the Bookseller from whom this Catalogue was received. The Books are warranted perjecty and in fine Library condition. NOKMAN AMD SON, PBINTEKS, MAIDJiN LANE, COVEi;! OAKl^aN, LONUON, W.C. NOW ON VIEW, THE OLD ENGLISH, CLASSICAL AND THEOLOGICAL LIBBABT, FOEMED BY Dr. JOHN WYNNE, BISHOP op St. ASAPH, and afterwards op BATH AND WELLS, Between the years 1680 and 1740; which descended upon his death, along with the mansion and library at Soughton Hall, riintshire, North Wales, to the Bankes family, of Corfe Castle, Dorsetshire, into which his daughter intermarried ; and was preserved at Soughton Hall ever since, in the possession of the descendants of H. Bankes, Esq., until now purchased by Mr. Quaritch. Also on View, FINE BOOKS OF PRINTS, RARE GALLERIES, SPANISH ENGRAVINGS, rEOM THE LIBEAET OF THE MARQUIS OF SALAMANCA, formed "by tlie emirient Spanish. 3?ainter, JOSE DE MADRAZO, of MADRID. Mr. Quaeitch begs to call the attention of Scholars^ Librarians^ and Collectors to his extensive Stock of VALUABLE BOOKS, consisting of the best Works of eyery Literature of the civilized world. A GENERAL CATALOGUE, arranged in Classes, 1 vol. 8vo. half morocco, 1,130 pp., containing 15,000 Books, offered at moderate prices, is now ready, price 7< The following New Catalogues can be had at 2d each : — Cat. 246. PERIODICALS, Transactions of Learned Societies, Issues of Private Presses. Cat. 247. EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY, Polyglotts, Languages and Literature of the Minor Nationalities of Europe. Cat. 248. ANCIENT EUROPEAN MANUSCRIPTS : mostly upon Vellum with Illumi- nations, including 15 Early Biblical Codices of the 10th to the 14th Centuries, with the conventional Portraits of the Evangelists ; Armorials of the Noble Families of England, Italy, Spain, and Belgium ; Early Codices of the Greek and Roman Classics ; Unpubhshed Histo- rical Documents, chiefly from the Libraries of the late Marquis of Hastings, Donnington Park, Leicestershire; and of the late Dr. Wellesley, Master of New Inn, Oxford. Works on Palaeography, Diplomatics, Mediseval Latin Glossaries, Penmanship, Bibliography of Manuscript Literature ; the Occult Sciences, Religious Worships, Philosophical Sects, Secret Associations, &c., and Miscellaneous Purchases from the LIBRARY of the MARQUIS of HASTINGS. Cat. 249. Catalogue of works on Geoqbaphy, Travels, Early Discoveries in Am^ica, Asia, Africa, Australia ; Atlases ; etc. Cat. 20. A MISCELLANEOUS CATALOGUE of Very Cheap Books, new and old, in all Departments of Literature. Cat. 12. DESIDERATA, or a List of BOOKS WANTED to PURCHASE for Cash. This List is sent gratis to any Gentleman who is desirous of parting with the whole or a portion gf hi& Library. 228 NATURAL HISTORY, WORKS OP SCIENCE, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, ENGINEERING, MINING, MECHANICS, MATHEMATICS, ASTRONOMY. Chiefly from the libraries of the following eminent Naturalists, LA PRES- NAYE, MALHERBE, LOVELL REEVE, H. CUMING, Dr. R. K. GREVILLE, P. E. von SIEBOLD, the Japanese Scholar; W. H. Harvey; Dr. J. Forbes Royle; and J. van der Hoeven, of Ley den. For Transactions of Societies and Scientific Periodicals — see separate Catalogue. 1 AG-ASSIZ, Etudes sur les Glaciers, royal %no. ivith JRoijal folio Atlas of ^2, plates, hf. hcl. 32s ^ Neuchatel, 1840 2 Catalogue Ecfcyporum Ecliinodermatum Eossiliam Musei Neocomeiisis, 4to. rare, 3^ Qd 1810 8 Materiaux pour servir a une Bibliotb. Zoologiqiie et Paleontologique (Academies et A— Z.) 1 fasc. in 1 vol. stout folio, hf, calf rare, £3. 3^ Neuchatel, 1842-45 4 NoMENCLATOE ZoOLOGicus, coutincns Nomina systematica Generum Animalium, cum Indice universali, VI fasciculi y 4to. sd, £2. 2s Solodicri, 1842-47 5 — Catalogue op Books, &c. on Zoology and Geology, edited by Hugh Strickland, 4 vols. 8vo. 25* ^ Bay Society, 1848-54 Vols. 3 and 4 separately at 7^ 6fZ each. AaRICULTURE, Gardening and Rural Economy : 6 Agea Disteict, Papers on the Irrigation of, from theOotunghun Hiver, 15 co- loured plans, sm, folio, sd. 7s Gd Roorkee, 1853 7 Bacon, Eeport on the Agriculture of Norfolk, laege papee, 4 219 GUIMPEL (F.) WILLDENOW und HAYNE, Abbildung der deutschen ; HoLZAETEN fiir Eorstmanner und Liebhaber der Botauik, 2 vols. 4to. loith \ 216 verj/ fine coloured plates and a Supplement containing 23 plates, \ calf neat, uncut, gilt tops, fine copy, £3. 10s Berlin, 1815-20 220 HAEVEY (W. H) PHYCOLOGIA BEITANNICA ; or History of; British Sea "Weeds, containing coloured figures of all the species of Algae i found in Great Britain, arranged systematically, with descriptive letter- j press, 4 vols. 4to. large paper, 360 coloured plates, (pub. ^20.) cloth, i 3612. 12s 1846-51 The " Phycologia Britannica " forms a complete illustrated history of all the Sea- | Weeds inhabiting the shores of the British Islands ; an entire plate, with a few exceptions '■ in which it is unnecessary, being appropriated to each species. In addition to a charac- \ teristic figure of the specimen of the natural size, the detail of fructification and growth is exhibited in different degrees of magnitude, with that fidelity and minuteness, for the \ delineation of which the author is alone competent, from his knowledge of their structure, ' developed by the improved powers of the microscope. To effect a proper degree of deU- j cacy in the figures, each subject is printed in its own tone of colour, the shades and varie- ' ties of tint being added by the pencil ; and of the letter-press two pages are devoted to i each plate or species, including generic or specific characters and ample descriptions, geo- ' graphical distribution, synonynies, references, and a general summary of observations. j The beauty, variety, and extraordinary delicacy of colour of the marine Algaa have : ever rendered this tribe of plants a favourite object of study ; but hitherto a serious want , has been felt of an adequately illustrated work, devoted to these plants. The admirable : figures by Greville, comprise but a few of the most remarkable species, while the plates \ in the 'English Botany,' are, in several instances, drawn from imperfect specimens, and ! do not afford that justice to the subject which modern discoveries and improvements ren- \ der necessary. J 221 Harvey ("W. H.) Genera of South African Plants, second edition, edited by : "VV. J. Hooker, 8vo. half morocco, uncut, 20s Cape Town, 1868 \ 222 HASSALL'S History of the British Fresh- Water Algse, including the | Desmidiese and Diatomacese, 2 vols. 8vo. 103 tinted plates, cloth, £2. 10s -, '. or half calf, £2. 12s 1845 223 Hasskarl, Catalogus Plantarum in horto botanico Bogoriensi cultarum i alter, 8vo. 2* 6d Bataviae, 1844 ! 224 the same, 1844 — Hortus Bogorieusis descriptus sive Eetzise editio \ aucta, Pars I. sd. Amst. 1858—2 vols. 8vo. 5s 1844-58 ; 225 Hatne (F. C.) getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneikunde j gebrauchlichen Gewachse, wie auch solcher welche mit ihnen verwechselt , werden konnen, Vols. I. to lY. \d2 finely coloured plates, hf. russia. uncut, ' £2. 5s Berlin, 1805-16 i 226 HEDWIG (J.) Theoria Generationis et Fructificationis Plantarum Crypto- ] gamicarum Linnaei, 4to. S7 finely coloured plates, fine copy in old gilt tree- : marbled calf, by Kalthoeber, 25s ~ Petropoli, 1784 ; 227 HEDWIG (Jo.) Species Muscorum Frondosorum descriptae et Tabulis seneis \ illustratse : opus posthumum editum cum Supplementis I, II, III, a F. \ Schwaegrichen, 9 parts in 4 vols. 4to. with 337 finely coloured plates, \ half calf binding brohen, £4i. 10s Lips. 1801-30 i 228 Herbal, Early Low German : OETUS SANITATIS : Hir hevet an de ' lustighe und nochlighe Gaerbe der Suntheit, smallest folio, many ^ curious woodcuts, vellum, £3. IGs Lubeck, Arnd, 1492 | Valuable to Philologists ; many English popular names for Plants and Flowers will ' find here their synonyms. i NATUEAL HISTOEY, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 244^ Botany — con tinned. 229 Herbal, Early English: William TUENEE'S Heeball, or Book of the Natures and Properties, as well of the Bathes in England as of other bathes in Germanye and Italye, 3 vols, in 1, folio, many woodcuts^ fine cojpy in calf extra, gilt edges, £4i. 4* Collen, Arnold JSircJcman, 1568 One of the most extensive English books ever printed in Germany. Very few copies must have come to England, as the book is very rare. 230 Heuflee, Elora Cryptogama vallis Arpasch, Carpat. Transylv. impl. folio, 7 Jine plates by the nature-printing process, 7s Viennae, 1853 231 HoFMEiSTEE on the Higher Cryptogamia, and Eructification of the Coniferse, 8vo. 65 plates, 18s Bay Society, 1862 232 HOOKEE'S (Sir W. J.) MUSCI Exotici, containing the Figures and Descriptions of Foreign Mosses, and other Cryptogamic Subjects, 2 vols. 8vo. 152 plates, cloth, uncut, 32* 1818-20 233 the same, lakge papee, 2 vols. 4to. the plates remarkably well coloured, hf. bd. £5. 1818-20 Priced, small paper, plates iincoloured, 1855, cloth, £2. 5^ ; Large Paper, colom-ed plates, 1840, J. Bohn, unbound, £7. 75. Collation of the plates : — 1-12, 25-96, 121^176 ; with additional plates, Nos. 49-60. 234 HOOKEE'S Flora Boreali- Americana ; or, the Botany of the Northern Parts of British America, 2 vols, royal 4to. 238 plates and large map, mounted on linen, scarce, £6. Qs 1829-40 235 Flora Boreali- Americana, Parts 1-6 (Yol. I), 4to. 118 plates, half russia, £2. 1829-33 236 British Flora, Vol. I, Phanerogamous Plants, ^rd edition, 8vo. 7nan\/ MS. notes and additions, hf. bound, 10s 18;:)5 237 Icones Plantarum, New Series, Vols. I.-IV, 400 plateSj with descrip- tive letter-press, 4 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £5. 125) sd. 15s 1842-44 Vol. V. can be supplied for 286-. 238 HOOKEE (Sir W. J.) and E. K. aEEYILLE, Icones Fillcum ; or Figures and Descriptions of Ferns, 2 vols, folio, 240 plates, half green morocco, gilt edges, £8. 8s 1829-31 239 the same, 2 vols, folio, 24iO finely coloueed plates (pub. at 3^25. 4« in parts) half green morocco, marbled edges, £12. ; or, half green MOEocco EXTRA., gilt edges, scarce, £12. lis 1829-31 240 HOOKEE'S BOTANY of the ANTAECTIC YOTAaE of the Erebus and Terror in 1839-43 :— I. Floea Antaectica, 2 vols. 4to. 198 coloueed plates, (pub at £10. 15*) half russia, gilt edges, £10. 10* 1844-47 II. Floea JN^oviE ZELAifDiiE, 2 vols. 4to. 130 colotjeed plates, (pub. at £13. 2* 6d) half russia, marbled edges, 56IO. 10s 1853-55 III. Floea Tasmanije, 2 vols. 4to. 200 coloueed plates, (pub. at £17. 10*) half russia, gilt tops, £14. 14* 1860 the 3 works forming one set, 6 vols. impl. 4to. half hound russia, £28. 1844-60 241 HOOKEE'S (J. D.) Ehododendeons of Sikkim- Himalaya ; being an Account of the Ehododendrons recently discovered in the Mountains of Eastern Himalaya, edited by Sir W. Hooker, impl. folio, with 30 large coloueed plates by W. Fitch, (pub. at £3. I65) half blue morocco, gilt edges, £S. Ss 1849-51 242 HOOKEE (J. D.) Illusteations oe Himalayan Plants, chefly selected from drawings made for the late J. F. Cathcaet, impl. folio, 24 large and finely coloured plates by Fitch, (pub. at £5. 5s) bds. £2. 16s 1855 243 HooKEE and Thomson's Flora Indica, being a Systematic Account of the Plants of British India, Yol. I. Eanunculacese to Farmariacese, 8vo. cloth, 15s 1850 245 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Botsiny— continued. 244 HOESFIELD'S Plants jAVAificiE Eariores descrlptse, iconibusque illus- tratae quas in insula Jata, 1802-18, legit et investigavit Thomas Horsfield, e siccis descriptiones elaboravit Bennett j observationes structuram respi- cientes adjecit Eobeettjs Beown, 4 parts, folio, lar^e map and 50 heauti- fully coloured plates, (pub. at £8. 85) sd. £2. 2s 1838-52 245 HOETUS INDICUS MALABAEICUS, continens Eegni Malabarici omnis generis Plantas rariores, adornatus per H. van Eheede van Draakenstein et J. Casearium ; commentariis illustravit Arnoldus Syen, 13 vols, in 8, large folio, comprising 794 folding plates, the name of each Plant in Latin, Tamul, Sanscrit, and Arabic, old calf, £8. IO5 Amst. 1678-1703 246 the same, Partes I — V. in 5 vols, folio, containing 299 plates of fruit trees, old calf, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, 2hs Amst. 1678-85 Mr. A. B. Lambert paid Edwards, the bookseller, £47. 5* for a copy ; none has oc- curred in London sales for many years. Priced, 1854, Miiller in Amsterdam, 325 florins, Ouvi-age estime et recherche dont les exemplaires sont rares. Vendu avec la Ilora Malaharica, petite brochure, 1061 liv. a I'hotel de Bullion, en 1786 ; 721 liv. chez le due dela Valliere, en 1784 ; maisordin. 500 a 600 fr. 247 JACQUIN (N. J.) Plantaeum baeioeum Hoeti C^saeei Schcenbeun- NENsis Desceiptiones ET IcoNEs, 4 vols. royal fol. finely coloueed plates, {pub. at £70.) half darh morocco, 5610. 10s VienncB, 1707-1804 Priced, J. Bohn, 1835, £36. H. G. Bohn, £25. Stevens's sale, 1859, £12. ]2s. 248 JoHNSONi (Th.) Mercurius Botauicus, sive Plantarum gratia suscepti Itineris anno 1694 descriptio — Itineris in Cambria 1641 descriptio, ed. Ealph, sm. Bvo. hf vellum, 7s Gd Lond. 1641, repr. 1849 Part II. is an account of the flora of Wales, and a description of the country, with a catalogue of plants. 249 Jones and Kingston, Ploea Deyoniensis, or a Catalogue of the plants growing wild in the County of Devon, arranged according to the Linnaean and natural systems, 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. hf calf neat, 7s 6d 1829 250 JussiETJ, Monographie des Malpighiacees, famille de plautes, 4to. col. plates, hf green morocco, 15s Paris, 1843 Bound in the same volume are, Decandolle, Famille des Myrtacees, 22 plates — Trinius, Species Graminum Stipaceorum— Choisy de Convolvulaceis, plates— Brown's Kafflesia, col. plates, 1821. 251 KELAAET, Flora Calpensis : Contributions to the Botany and Topography of Gibraltar, 8vo. plates and map, cloth, Ss 6d 1846 252 KuNTH, Agrostographia Synoptica, Vol. I. : Enumeratio Plantarum ; Vol. II. Descriptiones Specierum Novarum ; 2 vols. 8vo. plates, calf gilt, 7s Gd Stutg. 1833-5 253 — Tabulae phycologicaa oder Abbildungen der Tange, 2 vols. 8vo. 200 coloured plates, in cases. Dr. Greville's copy, rare, £2. IGs ib. 1849-52 254 Species Algarum, hf. calf or cloth, 8s Lipsice, 1849 255 Ledeboue, Plora Eossica, Vol. 1, 8vo. coloured map, hf calf, 2s Gd 1842 256 Lehman, Plantae Preissiana? sive Enumeratio Plantarum, quas in Australasia Occidentali et Meridionali annis 1838 — 1841, collegit Preiss, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 105 Ramburgi, 1844-7 Lichenes : 257 HOEFMANN (G-. E.) Descriptio et Adumbratio Plantarum qu^ Lichenes dicuntur, 2 vols, in 1, folio, laege papee, 48 coloured plates, russia, 32s Lipsice, 1790-94 258 Hoffmann, descriptio et adumbratio plantarum quae Lichenes dicuntur, cur. Veloso, Vol. 11. 8vo. 48 coloured plates, fine copy in old Spanish crimson morocco, with the royal arms of Portugal on the sides, 10s Ulissipone, 1801 259 Leighton on Angiocarpous Lichens, 8vo. coloured plates, lOs Gd Bay Society, 1851 NATURAL HISTOEY, WORKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 246 Botany — contin ued. 260 MiJLLER (Ferd.) EragraentaPhytographisB Australia), Vol. 1, 8vo. 10 plates, containing numerous figures, cloth, ov half calf, 10* Melbourne^ 1858-59 261 SUHAERERI (L, E.) Liclienum Helveticorum spicilegium, 12 parts in 1 vol. 4to. hf calf gilt, uncuty 27s Bernae, 1823-42 Rare; only 250 copies were printed. 262 LINDLET (J.) Eosarum monographia, or a Botanical history of ROSES, royal 8vo. 19 coloured plates, (pub. at 2I5) Ids. 7s Gd 1820 263 SERTUM ORCHIDACEUM, a Wreath of the most beautiful Or- chidaceous Flowers, royal folio, frontispiece and 4i9 plates, no text, unbound, £2. 10^ 1840 264 the same, the plates coloured, unbound, £7. 1840 265 the same, royal folio, frontispiece and 49 plates, beautifully coloured, with text (pub. at £13. 10s) uncut, £10. 1838-40 266 Folia Orchidacea, an enumeration of the known species of Orchids, parts 1 to 7, 8vo. (pub. at 15^) sd. 9s Published for the Author, 1852-5 267 Theory and Practice of Horticulture, 8yo. plates (pub. at 15s) bds. 7s 6d 1855 268 LiNDLET and Moore, Treasury of Botany, with a glossary of botanical terms, 2 vols, stout 12mo. numerous plates by Adlard, and an immense number of tvoodcut illustrations by Fitch and Branston, cloth, 15s 1866 269 LINN^I Flora Zeylanica, ed. Hermann et Giinther, small 3vo. plates, calf, 6s Holmicd, 1747 270 LOUDON'S (J. C.) Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum, or the Trees and Shrubs of Britain, 8 vols, in 6, Syo. four with text and four ivith above 400 plates of Trees, and upwards of 2500 beautiful ivoodcuts of Trees and Shrubs (pub. at £10.), half calf , £3. 5s 1838 271 LouREiRO (J. de) Flora Cochinchineusis ed. Wildenow, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, Gs Berol. 1793 272 Lowe, Primitise Faunae et Florae Maderse, etc 4ito. plates, 9s Cambr. 1831 273 LXJNAN, tlortus Jamaicensis, or a Botanical Description, and an Account of the Virtues, 4 836* the same, sm. 8vo. private portrait inserted, red morocco, 12s ib. 1804 337 Uesini, Arboretum Biblicum, st. 12mo. plates, vellum^ 5s Norim, 1663 251 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Botany — continued. 338 VENTENAT (E. P.) Jardin de la Malmaison, 2 vols, in 1, imperial folio, TELLUM PAPEE, Containing 120 exquisitely beautiful coloured plates hy Redoute, with descriptions, russia, hroad leather joints and gilt edges^ £6. Qs Far is, 1803-7 Priced, 1836, Bossange, £21. ; Treuttel, £16. 165 ; H. G. Bohn, £11. Us. Sold at White Knight's sale, £23. 25. One of the most beautiful books of its class, printed at the expense of the Empress Josephine, and published at 800 francs, equivalent here to £32. 339 YOIGT, Hortus Suburbanus Calcuttensis : a Catalogue of Plants cultivated at the E. I. Co.'s Botanical Garden, Calcutta, by G-riefith, roy. 8vo. witJi Latin and English Indexes, cloth, IQs " Calc. 1845 340 YEIESE (W. H. D.) Illustrations d'Oechidees des Indes Orientales, ou Choix de Plantes Nouvelles de la Eamille des Orchidees, atlas fol. three livraisons, (all published) 18 superbly coloured plates, same size as those of Bateman, to lohich work thisjorms a complement, (published at about £8.) in a parcel, £2. lOs La Haye, 1855 This necessary complement to Bateman is very rare. A few copies only were printed by order and under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of the Dutch Colonies, Mr. Charles F. Pahud. 341 WALLICH, Plantae Asiaticse Eariores, or Descriptions and Figures of a select number of unpublished East India Plants, 3 vols. impl. fol. contain- ing 300 most heautifully coloured plates, very fine copy in hf. green morocco, gilt edges, £1^. 1830 32 342 another copy, 3 vols. hf. blue morocco, gold borders, edges uncut, £16. 16s 1830-32 343 the same, parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 11, each containing 25 beautifully coloured plates (pub. £2. 2s) sd. sold separately, each part 25s 1829-32 Each part, containing 25 plates, was published at 2 guineas ; the work was completed in 1 2 parts. The finest and most beautiful of all the Botanical works published in this or any other country. There were only 250 copies issued for the original Subscribers. 344 "Wallich Tentamen Florae Nepalensis, large fol. no title, ^0 plates and Q^ pp. of text, hf bd. rare, 25s Calcutta, ? 1830 345 — Numerical List of dried specimens of Plants in the East India Com- pany's Museum, collected under the superintendence of Dr. Wallich, 258 lithographed pages, folio, lists of Families and Genera added, hf. russia, uncut, 25s {London) 1828 _ This list was prepared by order of the Company, on the occasion of the distribution of their duplicates of Indian Plants to various Societies. 346 WALPEES (J. F.) Eepeetoeium Botanices Systematicae, 6 vols. 8vo. hf calf £3. 10s Lips. 1842-47 A valuable catalogue of plants, with Latin descriptions, based upon the works of De- candolle and Endlicher. 347 "Watson's (J. F.) Indian Plants. Index to the Native and Scientific Names of Indian and other Eastern Plants and Products, imperial 8vo. 637 pp, double cols. (pub. at £1. lis 6d) cloth, 26s 6d 1868 348 WIGHT.— ICONES PLANTAEUM INDI^ OEIENTALIS ; or Figures of Indian Plants. By Dr. Eobert AVright, F.L.S. Surgeon to the Madras Establishment, 6 vols, royal 4to. 210 plates, including those given in the author's " Illijsteations" and '* Neilgheeet Plants," but plain instead of coloured (pub. at £11. 10s) cloth, £10. Madras, 1838-56 349 ILLUSTEATIONS OF INDIAN BOTANY; or Figures illus- trative of each of the Natural Orders of Indian Plants, described in the Author's "Prodromus Florae PeninsulsD Indiae Orientalis," but not con- fined to them. By Dr. E. Wight, F.L.S. Surgeon to the Madras Esta- blishment, 2 vols. 4to. containing 205 coloueku plates, only a few copies left (pub. at ^9. 9s) hf bd. £Q. Qs ib. 1838-50 NATUEAL HISTOET, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 252 Botany — con tinned . 350 WIGHT.— PEODEOMUS ELOE^ PENINSULA INDI^ OEIEN- TALIS ; containing abridged Descriptions of the Plants found in the Peninsula of British India, arranged according to the Natural System. By Drs. E. Wight, F.L.S. and Walker Arnot, Vol. l,8vo. (pub. atlGs), cloth, 7s 6d Loud. 1834 351 CONTEIBUTIONS TO THE BOTANY OF INDIA. By Dr. Eobert Wight, F.L.S. 8vo. (pub. at 7* 6^), cloth, 5s ih. 1834 355 WIKSTEOM (J. E.) Conspectus Litteraturaj Botanicae in Suecia, 8vo. bd. an excellent alphabetical biography, 5s Solmiae, 1831 353 Withers on the Acacia Tree, witb observations on planting, manuring and pruning, 8vo. cloth, 7s Gd 1842 BEDFORD (Duke of) Botanical Publications: 353*P1NETUM WOBUENENSE, or a Catalogue of the Coniferous Plants in the Collection of the Duke of Bedford, at Woburn Abbey, systematically arranged by James Forbes, imp. 8vo. 67 most beautifully/ coloured folding plates, and a front, boards, uncut, £20. 1839 Only 100 copies of this beautiful work were printed, all for private circulation. 353**SALICTUM WOBUENENSE: or a Catalogue or Willows, Indi- genous and Foreign, in the Collection of the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey; systematically arranged, by James Forbes, imper. 8vo. 140 beau- tifulhj coloured plates, boards, uncut, £20. 1829 Of this fine volume only fifty copies have been printed. The above two works will be sold together for £35. 354 Botanical Tracts in 8vo. size. A very interesting and valuable collection, including Brongniart sur les vegetaux Phanerogames, 143 pp. 1827— Dumortier, Florula Belgica, 1827 -AVinch, Geograpbical Distribution of Plants, 1819— Catalogue of Medical Plants, 1826— Torrey, Plants of tbe Eocky Mountains, 1827 — Cambessedes, Monographic du genre spirea, 1824— Torrey's North American Oenera of Plants, 1831— Marshall on the Coco-nut Tree, 1832— Dumortier, Commentationes Botanicae, 1822 — Desvaux, Opuscules, 1831— Trevelyan, Vegetation of the Faroe Islands, 1835 — Meyen, Vegetable Physiology, 1839— Forbes on Botany, n. d. — Swartz, Lichenes Araericani, 1811— Desvaux, Nomologie Botanique, 1817 ; and many others, bound in 5 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, hf bound, from Dr. Qreville's library, hf calf, 25* 1819-35 355 Botanical Tracts: A valuable Collection of 58 Modern Tracts and minor works, relating to the Science of Botany, with numerous plates, in 3 vols. 4to. half calf, and a 4Za^e5 of Water Works and Engineering, russic extra, gilt edges, from Sir John Bennie's library, £4. 4« Bologna, 1820-24 j 5^8 Nuova EACCOLTA d'Autori che trattano del Moto dell' Acque, 7 vols.! ^Ti\?l\4:io. plates, vellum, 2\s Parma, 1760-68 ^ 549 EAMELLI (A.) Diverse et artificiose Macbi:n^e, fol. portrait and 195 plates of hydraulic and other Machinery, printed within woodcnt borders, the text\ in Italian and French, good copy in old calf, £2. 5s Parigi, 1588; 550 Schatz-Kanimer Mechanischer Kiinste, sm. folio, ISl plates of in-i ventio7is and various mechanical works, hf russia, 10s 1620^ 551 Eaucouet de Charleville, I'Art de faire de bons Mortiers,8vo./i/! hd. 4«6c? 1828 : i NATURAL HISTOET, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 266 IjUgineenng— continued. 552 EENNIE (Sir John) Theory, Eormation and Construction of Britisli and Eoreign Harbours, Docks, and Arsenals, 2 large and splendid vols. impl. folio, illustrated hy 123 large engravings, comprising plans and details of every description of the most celebrated British and JForeign Docks^ liar- hours, and Naval Arsenals or Dockyards, from the earliest period to the present time, including all recent improvements, (pub. a618.) newly hf hd, moroco, 3613. 1854 553 ' the same, India peoofs, complete in 21 parts, atlas folio, a subr scriber's copy, (pub. at 5624.) sd. very rare in this state, £15. 155 1854 554 ' the same, parts I-XIII, impl. fol. plates 1-75, 72 plates, £5. The history of the most ancient maritime nations affords conclusive evidence of the importance which they attached to the construction of secure and extensive Harbours as indispensably necessary to the extension of commerce and navigation, and to the success- ful establishment of colonies in distant parts of the globe. To this important subject, and more especially with reference to the vast extension of our commerce with foreign nations, the attention of the British Government has of late years been worthily directed ; and as this may be reasonably expected to enhance the value of any information which may add to our existing stock of knowledge in a depart- ment of Civil Engineering as yet imperfectly understood, its contribution at the present time may become generally useful to the Engineering Profession. The Plates are executed by the best mechanical Engravers ; the views finely engraved under the direction of Pye : all the Engineering Plates have dimensions, with every ex- planatory detail for professional use. 555 EiJHLMANi^", Hydromecbanik, Leipzig, 1853 — Weisbach, Experimental-Hy- draulik, Freiburg, 1855 — 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. many cuts. hf. calf, 4* 6c? 556 SMEATON'S Eeports and Miscellaneous Papers on Civil Engineering, 4 Tols. in 3, 4to. portrait and numerous plates, calf extra, £3. 3s 1812-14 Priced, 1836, Weal e, £5. \bsU. 557 SMILES' Lives of the ENGINEEES, with an account of their principal Works, 3 vols. — Lives of Boulton and Watt, 1 vol. —together 4 vols. 8vo. portraits and many woodcuts (pub. at £^. 4^) cloth, £2. 18* 1862-65 A Supplement to the above is : 558 WOECESTER (Marquis of) CENTUET of INVENTIONS: the Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the second Marquis of Worcester ; to which is added a Eeprint of the Century of Inventions, 1663, with a Com- mentary thereon, by Het^-rt Diecks, C.E. 1 vol. 8vo. 650 pp. portrait and woodcuts, (pub. at 24^) cloth, 7s Gd 1865 *' Mr. Dircks has produced a work of singular merit ; the historical part is full, accu- rate, well arranged, bristling with facts and correspondence, the only authentic memorial in existence of one of the most remarkable men of a remarkable age. In the mechanical and scientific part Mr. Dircks is professedly at home, his descriptions are perspicuous, and his judgment of the merits of the different articles in the Century of great authority. It is in many respects a unique book, and must have a place in every complete library." Daily News, April 13, 1866. 559 Tardtp, Methode d'Encaissement de Eivieres, de Marais, de la Mer et generalement des Terrains sabloneux ou vaseux, atlas folio, 29 plates, hf hd. 7s 6d Paris, 1757 560 Taetaglia, Nova Scientia, TIri delle Artiglierie — Eegola di solevare fondate Navi, in 1 vol. sq. 8vo. numerous curious moodcuts, not subject to collation, bds. 7s Vinegia, 1558-62 561 TELEOED'S (Thomas) Life, written by himself, containing a Narra- of his Professional Labours, edited by Eickman, 4to. ivith an imperial folio Atlas containing a fine portrait and ^^ plates of Bridges, Harbours, Docks, the Menai Suspension Bridge, etc. hf russia neat, rare, Sir John Mennie's copy, £Q. 1838 562 Historical and descriptive account of the Menai Strait Suspen- sion Bridge, with a brief notice of Conway Bridge, atlas fo.'io 17 plates of plans, sections, ^c. hf calf £2. 10s 1828. 267 BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Engineering— continued. 5(53 Teaitk des Moyens de rendre les Eivieres navigables, 8vo. plates of Jetties, Locks, Bridges, etc. calf, 3« ^d Amst. 1696 564 TREDGOLD on the STEAM ENGINE, comprising an account of its Invention and Progressive Improvement, and an Investigation of its Prin- ciples, new edition, considerably enlarged ; with an Appendix on Steam Navigation, Steam Naval Aechitectuee, &c. by Woolhouse and others, 2 vols. 4to. li'^ finely engraved plates, russia extra, So. 1838 565 Teedgold (T.) on the Steam Engine, enlarged by Scientific men, and edited by W. S. B. Woolhouse, 2 vols. vol. I. Text, with portrait and woodcuts, in roy. 4to. and vol. II. containing 125 engravings, in fol. bds. 35s 1838 Illustrations of STEAM MACHINERY and STEAM NAVAL 566 567 Aechitectuee, an Atlae to the enlarged edition of Tredgold's work on the Steam Engine, atlas folio, portrait and 125 very fine elaborate large plates (pub. at £12. 12*) hf. hd. morocco, £5. 1839 on the strength of Cast Iron and other metals, with an extensive table of the properties of materials, 2 vols. 8vo. 4th edition^ with notes hy Hodgh'nson, 9 plates, (pub. at 24s) Ids. 65 1842-46 568 Tuenbull's Report on the Potomac Aqueduct, roy. folio, 27 plates of ma- chinery and plans, hf. calf 7s Gd 1836 569 Turning. HoLTZAPrrEL (C.) Tuening and Mecha:nical Manipulation 3 vols. 8vo. ivoodcuts, cloth, £2. 5« 1846-50 570 PLUMIER, I'Art de Tourner, ou de faire en perfection toutes sortes d'Ouvrages au Tour, fol. with 71 plates, slightly stained, cf 10s Lyon, 1701 571 Plumibe, nouvelle edition augmentee, folio, 80 plates, old calf gilt, SOs Paris, 1749 572 Supplement a tous les Ouvrages sur I'Art du Tourneur, 4to. 22 folding plates, sd. 5s Farts, 1848 573 Wood (N.) on Eailroads, and Interior Communication in General, 8vo. third edition, very greatly enlarged, with 13 large plates, and several new woodcuts, (pub. at 561. lis Q)d), hf. cf 5s 1838 574 MiNOE W0EK8 and Tracts on ENGINEERING, HYDRAULICS, ME- CHANICS, etc. together 53 works, viz., 18 in folio, 12 in 4to. and 23 in 8vo. the lot £2. 16s: Folios, including : Act for the rebuilding of London Bridge, with Ben u ie's desia u 1823 Aiilagnier, la Navigation du centre, de Test et du nord de la France Paris, 1841 Calcutta. Water courses of the Deyra Doon, N.W. Prov. 1845 Report on the Ganges Canal, Hurdwar to Cawnpore and Allahabad, plates 1845 Darcy, Le mouvement de I'eau dans les Tuyaux, 12 plates Paris, 1857 Devillez, trav. de percement du Tunnel sous les Alpes, 8 plates Liege, 1863 Etzel, Oesterreich. Eisenb. 2 vols. col. plates Wien, 1864 Girard, Hidraulique, 13 plates Paris, 1863 Metropolitan Main Drainage, 1857, 11 large viaps 1858 4tos. ehiefiy Atlases, including : Bonnin, Travaux d' achevement de la Digue de Cherbourg, etc. 1830-53, 13 plates Paris, 1857 Harcourt, De I'Eclairage au Gaz, 16 plates[ib. 1863 Leblanc, Descr. d'un pont suspendu sur la Vilaine, a la Roche-Bernard, 12 pi. 1841 J^avier, Memoire sur les Pont Suspendu?, 17 plates Weale's Iron Eoofs of recent construction, 15 plates 1859 Weidler, De Machinis Hydraulicis, 2nd edn. Vitemb. 1733 Svos. including : Barlow, Strength and stress of timber, iron, etc. plates, hf. cf, 1826 Bourdais, La resistance dea Mat^riaux appl. a la constr. des Ponts, etc. Paris, 1859 Core, Guide commercial des Constructeurs- Mecaniciens, etc. ib. 1860 Cousinery, Tables a I'usage des Ingemeurs, plates , l\f. cf. ib. 1846 Dejardin, Routine de Tetablissemcnt des Voutes, plates ib, 1865 Grimaud, Des Eaux publiques ib. 1863 Madrid : Conduccion de Aguas, maps 1849 Roffiaen, Des Constructions Hydrauliques, plates ib. 1861 Tide Tables for the English and Irish Ports, 1844-61, not consecutive, 1 vol. If. cf and 7 parts 1844-60 Williams, Combustion of Coal and prevention of smoke, cuts, cl. 1854 NATURAL HISTORY, WORKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 208 Engineering, &c.— continued. 575 TJbaldi (Gruidi) e marchionibus Montis Problematum Astronomicarum lib. VII. small folio, engraving of a sphere on the title, and numerous cuts, vellum, fine copy, 12s Tenet. 1609 576 Mechanicorum Liber. In duos Archimedia eequeponderantium libros paraphrasis, no title, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, containing a large number of cuts of Mechanics, vellum, 10s Pisauri, 1577 576*ENOELMAifN, Bibliotlieca Zoologica et Palaeontologica, Vol. I. 8vo. sd. Qs Leipzig, 1846 A list of workB on Natural History, published in the years of 1700 to 1846, with prices. 576** Carus und Engelmann, Bibliotheca Zoologica, 2 vols. Bvo. sd. 30* Leipzig, 1861 Comprises all works (and Dissertations in Periodicals) in tho department of Zoology, published from 1846 to 1860. ENTOMOLOGY: 577 ABBOT'S (J.) Natural History of the rarer Lepidopteeous Insects of Geobgia, by Sir James SMITH, 2 vols, folio, 104 coloured plates of Butterflies, with the Chrysalis and Caterpillars, also the Plants on which they feed, a most beautiful coloured copy (pub. at £25. 4^s bds.) russia, gold borders, gilt edges, £6. London, 1797 Sold to the former owner for £18. 185. " The Insects are charmingly represented in all their mutations ; and on such large and characteristic specimens of their food, the whole plants as well as insects being scien- tifically delineated and described, that this publication is to the full as valuable to the Botujiist as it is to the Entomologist : we never before beheld the sister sciences walk so closely and so engagingly hand in hand, as in these interesting yolnmes. It is TRULY A Flora et Entomologia." — Uarvorth 578 Baebut, Genres des Insectes de Linne, eclidntillons d'insectes d'Angleterre, 4to. French and English front, and 23 plates, calf neat, from J. H. Gueis'By's library, 6s Londres, 17 SI 579 , the same, the plates, finely coloured, half calf, 12s 1781 The above is an illustration of the Genera of Linnseus exemplified by various speci- mens of British Insects. 580 Bees. Warder's True Amazons, or Monarchy of Bees, 12mo. calf, Zs 6d 1742 581 BLACKWALL'S Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 parts, impl. 4to. 29 finely coloueed plates, containing a large number of figures, bds. £3. Ss Pay Society, 1861-64 582 BuEMETsTEB (H.) Manual of Entomology, translated with Notes by Shuck- ard, thick 8vo. pp. xii and 632, frontispiece and 32 plates, partly coloured, (pub. 2O5) half morocco, uncut, 10s 1836 583 CRAMER et STOLL, PAPILLONS EXOTIQFES des Trois Parties du Monde, I'Asie, I'Afrique, et I'Amerique, axed le Supplement, 5 vols. 442 plates, 1779-91— STOLL, Representation des Cigales, des Punaises, des Spectres, des Mantes, des Sauterelles, des Grillons, et des Blattes, 4 vols, in 3, 120 plates, 1718-1813— VOET, Catalogue Systematique des Coleop- teres, avec I'explieation en Franqais, en Latin, et en Hollandais, 4 vols, in 2, 105 ^Zai'^s— together 13 vols, in 10, roy. 4to. 667 beautifully coloured plates, containing several thousand representations of insects, a great many RETorcHED IN COLOURS by an artist from specimens in the late owner's collection, unique copy, in Dutch calf extra, gilt edges, 3638. 10s Amsi. et La Haye, 1779-1806 This fine copy is from the library of Miss Currer, and originally that of Raye de Breukelerwaert, who has written on the fly leaves, *• Exemplaire choisi dont les objects ont ete repeints sur les Origiuaux de mon Cabinet." See also Voet. 269 BERNABD QTJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. I Entomology — continued. 58Ji CUETIS'S BRITISH ENTOMOLOaT, or illustrations and Descriptions ; of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland, containing: COLOUEED FTGUEES FROM NATURE of the most rare and beautiful species,! and in many instances of the plants upon which they are found: best] edition, complete in 16 vols. roy. 8vo. with 770 most carefully coloured^ PLATES, (pub. at £43. IQs) a fine oriffinal copi/ in boards^ uncut, £21. 1824-39: The accurate delineation and colouring of the plants in this work render it almost, if | not quite, as valuable a book to the Botanist, as it is to the Entomologist. The Ci/- ■ pripedium Calceolus (Ladies' Slipper) represented inaccurately in Sowerby's English! Botany is correctly drawn in this work. ' 585 CTJVIER'S Animal Kingdom, Class Insecta, Being Yols. 14 and 15 of the! entire work, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. large paper, 140 beautifully coloured PLATES, cloth, uncut, £2. IGs 1832 586 DEJEAN (Le Comte) et Boisduval (M. J. A.) Iconographie et Histoire i ISTaturelle desCoLEOPTeRES d'Europe, continuee par Ch. Aube, 5 vols. ^ 8vo. 269 coloured ^Zfl^es (pub. at 336 frs.) half calf gilt, £5. 5s ' Far is, 1839-36 587 DONOVAN'S Natural History of the Insects of CHINA, a new edition, ; brought down to the present state of Science, with systematic characters! of each species, synonyms, indexes, and other additional matter, by J. O. ' "West wood, royal 4to. containing upwards of 220 figures and descriptions in a series of 50 beautifully coloured plates, cloth, rare, £2. 6s 1842 588 Natural History of the Insects of India, a new edition with Addi- i tions by J. O. Westwood, roy. 4to. 58 coloured plates, cloth, rare, £S. 3s ; 1842! 589 DOrBLEDAT, Westwood, and Hewitson's Genera of Diurnal LEPIJ DOPTEEA ; the generic characters, a notice of their Habits and Trans- j formations, and a Catalogue of the Species of each Genus; 2 vols, folio,^ 86 CO JjOVH^d plates, half russia gilt, very rare, £21. 1846-52- 590 DOUGLAS and SCOTT'S British Hemiptera, Yol. I: Hemiptera-Hete- roptera, 8vo. 21 plates, 305 1865 \ 591 DKUEY'S Natural History of Exotic Insects, JEnglish and French, 3: vols, roy 4to. genuine edition, 150 beautifully coloured plates J^ Harris,! (pub. at 3612. 12s) hf green mor. gilt top, uncut, £4. 4* 1770-82 \ 592 DEUET'S Exotic Entomology, with Addition, by J. O. Westwood, 3 vols.j 4to. 150 coloured plates, hf morocco, uncut, £3. I65 1837 i 593 DuMERiL, Considerations sur la Classe des Insectes, 8vo. coloured plates, \ containing upwards of ^00 figures hf red morocco, 24* Paris, 1823 J 594 Duncan on Eoreign Butterflies, 12mo. thirty coloured plates, cloth, 4s Qd Jardine* s Naturalists Library, 18581 595 DuPONCHEL, Catalogue methodique des Lepidopt^res d'Europe, stout 8vo.' interleaved, half calf, 9s Paris, 1844 1 The above contains a general Index to the great work of "Godart et Duponchel surj les Lepidopteres. , ^ ' 596 DU VAL et EAIEMAIEE, Genera des COLEOPTEEES d'Europe, des-j sines par Mignaux, 123 livraisons, forming 3 vols, and part of the 4th, roy. 8vo. about 360 coloured plates (pub. at £10. ISs 3c?) sd. £7. 10s Paris, 1854-63 597 ESPEE (E. J. C.) European and Exotic Butterflies. Die Schmet- terlinge in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen, complete, ' with the Supplements, in 11 vols. (Text, 5 vols, in 6 ; Supplement, 1 vol. ; \ Plates, 5 vols.) sm. 4to. an original copy , plates finely coloured, bd. rare,] £7. 10s Erlangen, 1777-94J An admirable work, in which Esper has also figured many of the Caterpillars and j the Plants on which they feed. • NATUEAL HISTOEY, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 270 Entomology — continued. 698 EABEICII (J. C.) Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta cum Sup- plemento et Indice alphabetico, 8 vols, in 5, 8vo. calf gilt edges, 36« HafnicB, 1792-99 599 GEEE (Charles de) Memoires pour servir k I'Histoibe des Insectes, 7 vols, in 8, stout, 4to. portrait and 238 fine plates containing several tliou- sand figures^ very fine copy in old French marhled calf extra, very rare, £14. 145 Stockholm, 1752-78 Priced, 1824, "Wood, £18. 18^. ; 1830, £21 ; Hibbert's copy fetched, £15. 15*. " Get ouvrage, un des meilleurs que nous ayons sur cette partie de I'histoire naturalle, est fort recherche et difficile a trouver. Le premier volume surtout est fort rare parceque I'auteur, mecontent de son peu de succes, detruisit, dit-on, une partie de I'edition." Brunet. "De Geer's Entomology is one of the most valuable that ever appeared on this class of animals ; it is full of original and important observations, accurate descriptions, and delineations of external structure." — Swainson. 600 Geofeeot, Histoire des Insectes, 2 vols. 4to 22 coloueed plates, calf, 7s 1709 601 GODAET et DUPONCHEL, Histoire naturelle des Lepidopteres ou Papillons de Erance : Diurnes, 2 vols. — Crepusculaires, 1 vol. — Nocturnes, 8 vols, in 10 — Supplement, 4 vols. — Monographie des Zygenides, 1 vol. — Catalogue methodique des Lepidopteres, 1 vol. — together 17 vols, in 19, 8vo. 560 coloured plates, (pub. at 807 fr. sd.) half calf neat, 36,13. Paris, 1821-44 602 GODAET (Histoire Naturelle des Lepidopteres, ou Papillons de Erance : Nocturnes Vols. I.-Y. and VI. livr. 1-9, bound in 8 vols. 8vo. 236 coloured plates, hf. calf, uncut, £2. Vis COLLATION OF THE PLATES. Planche explicative . 1 Diurnes : Vol. I. 39 plates redesigned 6 Vol. II. . 12 Crepusculaires, Plates 13-22 28 Nocturnes 314 Paris, 1822-23 SUPPLEMENT. Diurnes Crepusculaires Nocturnes Monographie des Zygenides . 50 12 . 90 8 Total 560 603 GTLLENHAL, Insect a Suecica, Classis I. : Coleoptera sive Eleuterata, complete in 4 vols. 8vo. whole bound, russia neat, 36s Scaris, 1808-27 604 GrEAY (Gr. E.) Entomology of Australia, Part I, Monograph of the Genus Phasma, royal 4to. 8 coloured plates by Bayfield, cloth scarce, 27s 1833 605 HAEEISON (M.) Exposition of English Insects, described and arranged according to the Linnean System, roy. 4to. text in French and English, frontispiece and 21 coloured plates, " a beautiful work in great estimation^'' hf bd. uncut, 15s 1782 " Moses Harris was the best painter and engraver of Insects of his day, besides being a most accurate describer." — Swainson. 606 HAEEIS' (T. W.) Treatise on some of the Insects injurious to Vegetation, new edition, enlarged and improved, 8vo. 8 beautifully coloured plates, and numerous woodcuts, cloth, 16* Boston, 1862 607 the same, large paper, large 8vo. (pub. at £2. 2s), cloth 27s 1862 608 Hope's Coleopterist's Manual, containing the Lamellicorn Insects of Lin- naeus and Eabricius, and the Predaceous Land and Water Beetles of Linnaeus and Eabricius, 2 parts, 8vo. 8 plates, some coloured, cloth 12s 1837-8 Humphreys — see "Westwood. 609 INSECTA BEITANNICA: Diptera, by E. AValker; Micro-Lepi- DOPTERA Tineina, by Stainton ; together 4 vols. 8vo. 40 well executed plates, (pub. at £5.) cloth, £3. 10s 1851-54 The necessity of such a series of Entomological publications, to complete the great chain of works on Natural Productions of this country, will be evident to all interested in the History of our native Fauna. 271 BEBNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Entomology — continued. 610 JABLONSKY tjnd HERBST'S Ni^TURSTSTEM aller bekannten in- und auslandischen Insekten— Kafer und Schmetterlinge (Coleoptera and Lepi- doptera). Schmetterlinge, Theil I-VI. Berlin, 1783-93 — Kafer, Theil I-Y, ih. 1785-93 ; together 11 vols. 8vo. 226 finely coloured plates of hut- terflies and beetles, calf gilt, £2. 2s Berlin, 1783-93 611 the same, with the continuation, 20 vols. 8vo. with 2 oblong 4tto. atlases, containing upwards of 500 plates, comprising several thousand coloured figures, complete (pub. at £iO,) hf. green morocco, marbled edges, £16. Berlin, 1783-1801 612 KIEBY and SPENCE, Introduction to Entomology, 4 vols. 8vo. portrait, and 58 plates, many coloured, calf neat, 285 ; or a fine copy in bright calf gilt, from Mr, Ourney's library, 36^ 1818-26 613 Klug (Er.) Entomologische Monographieen, 8vo. 10 coloured plates, contain- ing 102 subjects, hf red morocco, 10s Qd Berlin, 1824 614 LEWIN'S Lepidopterous Insects of New South Wales, 4to. 19 colouiied PLATE8, hf bd. very rare, 30^ 1822 615 LUCAS, Histoire naturelle des LipinoPTiEES d'Etjeope, 2nde Edition, 8vo. 80 OOLOUEED platcs, representing 400 insects, cloth, 28* Paris, 1864 616 Histoire naturelle des L6pidopt6res Exotiques, 8vo. 80 coloured plates representing 400 insects, cloth, 16* JParis, 1864 The above rolumes offer to the public in an extremely cheap form, a very good intro- duction to the history of the world's Lepidoptera, and the correct colouring of the plates i render identification easy. 617 LYONET, Traite Anatomique de la Chei^ille qui ronge le Bois de Saule, \ 4ito. plate of the apparatus and good impressions of the 18 anatomical plates \ by the Author, fine copy, calf gilt, 21s La Haye, 1762 I 618 • the same, laege and thick papee, 4to. calf gilt, 28s ; or, laegb | PAPEE, very fine copy in old French red moeocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1762 i 619 MACLEAY'S (W. S.) Horse Entomologicas, or Essays on the Annulose \ Animals, Vol. I, parts 1, 2 (all pub.) 8vo. Z plates, presentation copy to Dr. \ Cantor, with his autograph and that of the Author, 564. 4* 1819-21 \ 620 the. same, Part I, 8vo. bds. 15s 1819 \ 621 Annulosa Javanica, illustrating the natural affinities and analogies of j the Insects collected in Java by Horsfield, No. 1 (all published) roy. 4to. i plate containing 9 figures, (pub. at. 10s Qd) sd. 5« 1825 | 622 Macleat on the natural distribution of Insects and Eungi, 4to. 1823 — ^ Comparative Anatomy of the Thorax in winged Insects, and reply to M. Virey, 8vo. 1830— -Bemarks on the Natural History of two Annulose Gre- ' nera, coloured plate, 4to. 1834 — Bicheno on Systems and Methods, with \ answer by Macleay, 8vo. 1829 — together six tracts in one vol. 4to. Br. i Cantoris copy, with his autograph, 36s v. y. ', 622*MAESHAM, Entomologia Britannica, Vol. I ; Coleoptera, 8vo. all pub. half calf neat, 7s 6^ 1802 ■ 623 Coleoptera Britannica, 2 vols. 8vo. being a new edition of the above \ volume, with 30 coloijeed plates, calf gilt, 21s (1802) \ 624 Maetelli, Chiave del Calendario Gregoriano, 18mo. half morocco, 5s \ Lione, 1583 \ 625 MAETYN (T.) Aeanei, or Natural History of Spiders, including the prin- \ cipal part of Albin's Work on English Spiders, and the whole of Clerck's publication on Swedish Spiders, revised and enlarged, impl. 4to. coloured frontispiece, 2 plates representing medals given to the author, 2S plates, com- prising numerous beautifully coloured figures, old calf gilt edges, 36s ; or, a beautiful copy in crimson morocco extra, with joints, silk linings, and gilt edges, by Staggemeiee, £2. 16s 1793 625* the same, no title, roy. 4to. 27 coloured plates, boards, 12s 1793 Triced, 1824, Rivington, £4. 45 j 7839, Longman, half bound, £3. lOj ; 1847, £3. 135 &d. NATUEAL HISTOET, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 272 Entomology — continued. 626 MEIGEN (J. W.) Systematische Bescheeibubtg dee bekanntek EuROPliscHEN zwEiFLliGELiGEN Insekten (Diptera), 7 vols. 8vo. 74 well-executed plates^ those in Vol. 7 coloured, cloth, £2. ; or, half calf neat, £2. lOs ^ Aachen, 1818-20 und Hamm, 1822-38 C27 MOUFETI (T.) Ineectorum sive minimorum Animalium Theatrum, ab Wottono, Gesnero et Pennio inclioatum, sm. folio, numerous woodcuts of insects and their tra7isformations, large cut of a beehive on the title, fine copy in citron morocco, gilt edges, hy De Itome, 18* 1634 627*MULSANT, Opuscules Eutomologiques, 4 parts or vols. roy. 8vo. plates, sd. IQs JParis, 1852-53 628 Peeciieron", Bibliograpliie Entomologique, des ouvrages publies jusqu'^ 1834, des Monographies et Memoires, avec table, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 4* ; or, 2 vols, in 1, hf morocco, 7s 6d Farts, 1837 A masterpiece of Bibliography — of great use to Entomologists. ' 629 EATZEBUEG, die Eoest-Insekten, oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der in den "Waldern Preussens und der Nachbarstaaten als schadlich oder niitzlich bekannt gewordenen Insekten, 8 vols. 55 plates, many coloured, and numerous woodcuts, 1839-44 — Die Ichnetjmonen der Eorst-Insecten, ein i nbang zur Abbild. der Eorst-Insecten, 3 vols. 7 plates, and several ivoodcuts, 1844-52 — together 6 vols. 4to. loards, uncut, £4i. 4iS ; or, three vols, in russia extra, gilt edges, and three in hds. £5. 5a Berlin, 1839-52 630 EEAUMUE, Memoires pour servir a THistoiee des Insectes, 6 vols, stout sm. 4to. with 267 plates, containing many thousand engravings of Butter- flies, l^oths, ^c. with their Chrysalides and Gaiter pillars, also the Plants on which they feed, calf neat, 32s ; ov,fine copy in old calf gilt, £2. 2* Paris, 1734-42 631 ECESEL'S IirsEKTEN-BELi7STiGUN&, mit " Supplement von' KLEEMAN, 5 vols, small 4to. several thousand beautiful engravings of Butterflies, with their Chrysalides and Caterpillars, the plates very carefully coloijeed, 4 vols, in Dutch calf, the Supplement half calf, £Z. 6s Numb. 1747-61 Collation: Vol. i. Pages 64, 60, 64, 312, 48 and 48 ; Plates, coloured, 10, 10, 8, 63, 13, and 17. Vol. ii. Pages 24, 72, 28, 16, 32, 76, 200, 64, and 52 ; Plates 2, 9, 3, 6, 4, 17, 30, 13 and 10. Vol. iii. Pages 624; Plates 101. Vol. iv. Pages 48 and 264; Plates 40. The fifth vol. is a Supplement to Roesel by Kleeman, left unfinished without a title. 632 Kleeman's Supplement, separately, no title, sm. 4to. coloured plates, uncut, 14.f (1761) 633 SAMOUELLE. The Entomologist's Useful Compendium, 8vo. a double set of 12 plates, plain and coloured, hf. calf, 8s Qd 1819 634 Entomological Cabinet, being a Natural History of British Insects, 2 vols, 16mo. 144 coloured plates, (pub. at £2. in Nos.) hf calf, IQs 1833-34 635 SAT'S (Thos.) Complete Writings on the ENTOMOLOGY of Noeth Ameeica, edited by John Le Conte, with memoir by Ord, 2 vols. 8vo. 64 coloured plates (pub. at £4. 4« in bds, half calf gilt, £2. 10s New YorJc, 1859 636 SCH^EFEEI Icones Insectorum circa Eatisbonam indigenorum, 3 vols. roy. 4to. 280 coloured plates, laege papee, old calf extra, £2. 2s Batisb. 1766 Marked, an earlv coloured copy, £7.15*. Priced, 1824, £6. 6« ; 1856, 28 thalers ; 1859, 25 thalers; 1840, James Bohn, £5. 5« ; H. Bohn, 1847, £4.4^ and £5. 5 j. 637 SCHOENHEEE, Stnonymia iNSECTOErM; Genera et species Curculion- idum, cum synonimia hujus familise; species hactenus minus cognitae, a Gyllenhal, Boheman aliisque illustratse, 8 vols, in 16, 8vo. sd. £4i. 14« Paris, 1833-45 273 BERNAED QFABITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Entomology — continued. 638 SEPFS (J. C.) DUTCH INSECTS: Beschouwing der Wonderen Gods in de minstgeachte Schepzelen, of Nedeelandsche Insecten, Vols. I-YI and VII, pp. 1-84, 4to. 319 beautifully coloured plates, (pub. at 300 florins) 3 vols, hf, hd. uncut , two vols. hJs. the rest unbound, £6. Amsterdam, 17G2-1844 Vols. I-IV, priced, 1835, £22. 125 ; Vols. I-V, priced, 1843, £15. 15* ; Vols. I-V, and part of VI, priced, 1847, J612. 12* ; Vols. I-IV, priced, 1855, Artaria in Manheim, 120 fl.; a set similar to the above, priced, 1855, Friedlaender in Berlin, 68 Thalers. 639 STAINTON, Zellee, Douglas, and Ebet, Natural History of TINEINA, in English, Erench, German, and Latin, 9 vols. 8vo. numerous finely co- loured plates, (pub. at £5. 12s) cloth, £4. 10* Van Voorst, 1855-65 640 Lepidopteea ; Tineina, being the third volume of the " Insecta Britannica," Svo. plates (pub. 18s) cloth, 10s 1854 641 • see ante Insecta Britannica. * 642 STANDISH, LEPIDOPTEEA BEITANNICA : a Series of upwards of 1000 finely coloured Drawk^gs, remarkably accurate and faithful, of the rarer Moths and Butterflies found in England, a beautiful volume, impl. 4to. (leaves 1-8, 1-19, 1-218) ^reen morocco, super extra^ gilt edges, £15. ca. 1840 This extremely important volume, the result of 40 years' research, possesses great scientific merit and artistic beauty. On the page opposite each Drawing is a neatly writ- ten tabular form giving : No. of plates. Latin. Names. Numbers on each plate. English Names. The Genus. 643 Stein, Yergleichende Anatomie und Physiologic der Insecteu in Monogra- phieen bearbeitet ; erste Monographie : die weiblichen Geschlechts-Organe der Kafer, folio, 8 plates, sd. 14s Berlin, 1847 644 Stephens (J. E.) Systematic Catalogue of British Insects, being an attempt to arrange all the hitherto discovered Indigenous Insects, stout Svo. (pub. at 27s) hds. 7s M 1829 645 Stoll, representation des Spectres, des Mantes, des Sauterelles, des Gril- lons, des Ciiquets, et des Blattes, Holland, et Franc. Divisions 1, 3, 4, 4to. plateSy 1-18, 16-126, la-Qa, finely coloured, hf. hd. uncut, 20s Amst. 1787 646 Wahlberg (J, A.) et Boheman (C. H.) Insecta Caffrarife, annis 1838-1845 collecta. Coleoptera. 3 vols. Svo. plates, hf. calf, 24s Holmice, 1848-57 647 WALCKENAEE (Baron) et P. Gervais, Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Apteres, 4 vols. Svo. and Alias of 152 plates, containing numerous figures of Spiders, mostly coloured, half calf gilt, £2. 2s Paris, 1837-47 648 WALKEE (Er.) and Jekel (H.) Insecta Saundersiana, or characters of undescribed Insects in the Collection of W. "W. Saunders : Diptera, 4 parts in 1 vol. 1856 — Coleoptera, 2 parts — Homoptera, 1 part. 3 in 1 vol. 1855- 58 ; together 8 parts, Svo. plates, cloth and hf caf, 12s 1855-58 649 the same, Coleoptera, by Jekel, parts I. II. plates, sd. 5s 1855-60 650 WESTWOOD'S (J. O.) Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects ; comprising an Account of the Habits and Transformations of the different Eamilies ; a Synopsis of all the British, and the more remarkable Eoreign Genera, 2 vols. Svo. above 150 woodcuts, comprising about 2000 figures (pub. at £2. 5s) cloth, 30s 1839-40 651 Oriental Entomology, 4to. containing 40 beautifully coloured plates of the rarer and more beautiful Insects of India and the adjacent Islands, hf. russia, £2. 12s 6d ^ 1848 651* Arcana Entomologica, or illustrations of new, rare, and interesting Insects, 2 vols. roy. ^yo. finely coloured plates, hf. hd. £'6. 3s 1841-45 652 WEST WOOD and Humphreys British Butterflies and their Transforma- tions, with Characters and Descriptions by J. O. Westwood, 4to. 42 coloured plates j cloth, £2. 10* 1841 NATUEAL HISTOET, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 274 Entomology — continued. 653 the same, a reissue, cloth, £2. 2s 1848 The best Illustrated popular work on Butterflies. 654 WEST WOOD and Humphreys, British Moths and their Transformations, 2 vols. 4to. best edition^ 124 heautifully coloured plates^ hf, russia^ original copy, rare, £7. lOs 1848-51 The Alphabetical list of the English names of Moths does not exist. 655 "WIEDEMANN, Ausser Europaische zweifliigelige Insekten, 2 vols. 8vo. 12 plates, cloth, from F. Walker's library, \2s Hamm, 1828-30 656 WOLFE (J. E.) Icones Cimicum descriptionibus illustratsD, 5 parts in 1 vol. 4to. containing 20 coloueed plates of Insects^ hf green morocco, marh. edges, rare, £2. Erlangce, 1800-11 657 WOLLASTON'S Insecta Madeeensia, being an account of the Insects of the Islands of the Madeiran Grroup, royal 4to. 13 coloured plates, containing 7S figures of Beetles, etc. (pub. at £2. 2s) cloth, or hf calf gilt, 21« 1854 658 Zetteestedt, Orthoptera Sueciae, 8vo. cloth, 5s Lundce, 1821 659 Entomological and other Tracts, collected by Dr. Cantor. Catalogue of Hemiptera in the Collection of the Eev. E. W. Hope, 1837 — Guilding, Insects infesting the Sugar Cane, plates, 1827 — Daewin (C.) Questions ou breeding of Animals, witli autograph letter to Br. Cantor, 1839 — Lykll (C.) Addresses delivered at the Geological Society, 1837 — Lyell (C.) on the Cretaceous and Tertiary Strata of Seeland and Moen, plates and cuts, 1835 — Thompson, on the Irish Hare, 1838 — Ditto, on a new Sub-genus of Fishes, 1837 — Wheatstone (C.) on the Physiology of Vision, 1838 — Directions for collecting Zoologisal Specimens and Plants— In- struction pour les Voyageurs, sur la maniere de recueillir les objets d'histoire naturelle, and several others, 8vo. and 4to. bound in 1 vol. 4to. boards, 185 v. y. 660 Erebus and Terror. ZOOLOGY of the Voyage of the Erebus and Terror, under the command of Captain Sir C. J. Eoss, E.E.S., during the years 1839 to 1843, edited by J. EIGHAEDSON, and J. E. GEAT, complete in 18 parts, royal 4to. the plates of animals and birds beautifully coloured, extremely rare, 36IO. 1844-47 Sold separately : — Fishes, by J. Eichardson, QO plates, £2. Mammalia, by J. E. Gray, 49 plates, some coloured, 36* Botany of— see Hooker (i. D.) As Dr. Richardson justly remarks, this was the most pre-eminently scientific expe- dition that ever sailed from Europe. The above work forms a complete handbook to the Natural History of New Zealand, and the best talent of the land was employed in describing and classifying the collections. The plates are beautifully drawn, and highly finished by artists of well-merited celebrity, and altogether this is one of the most beautifully got up of all the scientific voyages. It is very scarce and difficult to procure. 661 rireworks. Kunkel's Confirmation of Chymical Philosophy — Stahl's Original of Metallick Veins and Fritschius' Pyrotechnical Metallurgy, 8vo. ccdf 5s 1730 6G2 Feux d' Artifice, Traite de, pour le Spectacle, Syo. plates, calf 2s 6d 1747 663 Fischee (G.) Zoognosia, tabulis synopticis illustrata, 3 vols. Vol 1. 4to. Vols. II. and III. 8vo. kf calf 13s 6d Mosquce, 1813-14 664 FoEBES (J. D.) Norway and its Glaciers visited in 1851, with Journals of Excursions in the high Alps of Dauphine, Berne and Savoy, royal 8vo. plates in lithotint and the large map, cloth, 245 Edinburgh, 1853 6G5 FOESKAL, Flora -^gyptiaco-Arabica sive Descriptiones Plantarum per u^gyptum et Arabiam detectarum — Descriptiones ANiMALiUM,ed.Niebuhp —2 vols, in 1, 4to, ^3 plates and map, calf gilt, 12s Havnice, 1775 666 Descriptiones Animalium, quae in Itinere Orientali observavit, edidit Niebuhr — Materia Medica Kahirse, with the names in Arabic and Latin, 4to. map^ boards, 5s, or half calf 6s ib, 1775 275 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. G67 FoESKAL Icones rerum naturalium, quas in Itinere Oriental! depingi curavit ; P. Forskal, edidit Niebuhr, 4to. with 43 plates, hd. 5s ib. 1776 \ 668 ToRTUNB (R.) Journey to the Tea Countries of China, with a notice of the i E. India Company's plantations, Syo. front, and woodcuts (pub. 15s) cloth, \ 7s 6d 1852 \ 669 ERASER (Louis) Zoologia Typica, or Eigures of new and rare Mammals and I Birds, described in the Proceedings or exhibited in the collections of the \ Zoological Society of London, imp. 4to. with 70 lar^e and finely coJjOTJiiiET) plates o/ Mammals, Bieds, and a few plants (pub. at £7. 9s 6d), \ half morocco, £5. London, published by the Author, 1849 | ERETCINET. Voyage autour du monde sur les Corvettes, TUraiiie et la Phy- ' sicienne, 1817 k 1820 : as follows : 670 Histoire du Voyage, Vols. I, II, roy. 4to. with Atlas in royal folio, 112 ■ plates on India paper, many coloiteed, £5. 5s 1825-29 i 671 Zoologie, par Quoy et G-aymard, 1 vol. roy. 4to. and Atlas, roy. folio, 96 plates, 80 of which are coloueed, India paper, £15. 1824 672 Botanique, 1 vol. royal 4to. and royal folio Atlas of 120 plates on India ■ paper, £5. 1826 \ 673 Observations du Pendule, 4to. 12s 1826 i 674 the above, together 5 vols. roy. 4to. and 3 vols. roy. folio, uniform in \ gilt russia, binding of one volume broken, 5618. Faris, 1824-29 j GEOLOGY, Geognosy : . . . . ■ 675 Blake ("VV. P.) Report of a Geological Reconnaissance in California, in ' 1853, with Appendix by Agassiz and others, impl. 4to. woodcuts, lithotitif] plates, and many geological maps, cloth, 20s ^ew York, 1858; 676 Beandee. Eossilia Hantoniensia collecta, et in Museo Britannico deposita ■ a G. Brander, 4to. nine plates, Latin and English text, hf calf 45 Qd 1766 ■ 677 Beonqniaet, Tableau des Terrains de I'l^corce du Globe, 8vo. hf cf 2s 1829 ' 678 BUCKLAND'S Geology and Mineralogy, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10* 1836^ 679 CoNTBEAEE and Phillips, Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, j part 1, all published, sm. Bvo. coloueed map, bds. 7 s 1822] 680 CORDA (C. C. I.) Beitrage zur Elora der Vorwelt, fol. 60 lithographic plates] of fossil plants, boards, 2\s -^'*«yj 1845 681 De laBeche's Tabular View of Rocks, one large sheet, with coloured dia-X gram, mounted on canvas, folded and bound in impl. 4ito. hf calf 6s 1828^ 682 D'Hallot, Precis Elementaire de Qeologie, thick Syo. foldi}ig plates, sd.. 4* 6d Faris, 1843] Geological Museum : 683 Geological Suevey and Museum of Peacttcal Geology, Memoirs,^ 3 vols, in 4i, plates, hf morocco extra, gilt tops, wwcw^, 1846-66 — British; Organic Remains, Decades I-X, 2 vols, hf calf neat, and 2 parts, 1849-61^ ~ — Monograph, part 1, 1859 — Records of the School of Mines, Vol. I,] parts 1 and 2, in 2 vols, cloth, 1852-53— Mining Records for 1852, 1854, i 1856-65, in 11 parts, by Hunt, 1855-66 — De la Beche and and Reeks,; Catlogue of British Pottery, 1855 — Eorbes' Tertiary Eluvio-Marine for-: mation of the Isle of Wight, 1856— Smyth's Iron Ores of of the North: and Midland Counties, 1856— Hull's Geology of Cheltenham. 1857—; together 8 vols, and 19 parts, roy. 8vo. a very valuable collection, £10. 1846-66! 684 the same. Geological Survey and Museum of Practical Geology, Me- moirs, Vols. I and II, in 2 vols, plates, 1845-48— British Organic Remains, Decades T-IX, 1849-58— Mining Records for 1856, 1859-59, 1863, in 4 parts, by Hunt, 1857-64 — Porbes' Tertiary Pluvio-Marine formation of; the I sle of W ight, 1856— together 3 vols, cloth^ and 14 parts., sd. £2. IGs 1857-64 i NATURAL HISTORY, WORKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 276 Geology — continued. 685 HITCHCOCK'S Einal Report on the Geology of Massachusetts, with a catalogue of Specimens, 2 vols. roy. 4to. numerous cuts and 55 large plates of Fossils, Strata, etc. cloth, 305 Amherst (Mas.) 1841 (386 — — Report on the Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, especially its Eossil Eootmarks, roy. 4to. 60 lithographic plates, and folding tables, cloth, 25^ Boston, 1858 687 Hrai, naturhistorische Alpen-Reise, 8vo. maps and views of the Glaciers, hf Id. 55 _ Solothurn, 1830 688 Humble (Wm.) Dictionary of Terms used in the Study of Geology and Mineralogy, 8vo. pp. 470. double cols. (pub. I65) cloth, 5s Gd 1860 689 Humboldt (A. de) Eragmens de Geologie et de Climatologie Asiatiques, 2 vols, in 1, map, half calf, 4s (jd Paris, 1831 690 Essai Geognostique sur le Gisement des Roches, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Paris, 1823 691 Lecoq (H.) Siemens de Geologie et d'Hydrographie, 2 vols. 8yo. front, and plates, hf calf 45 Qd ih. 1838 692 LINDLET and HUTTON, Eossil Flora of Great Britain, or figures and descriptions of Yegetable Remains found in a fossil state, 3 vols. 8vo. 230 plates, cloth, uncut, rare, £6. 1831-37 693 the same, hf blue morocco, uncut, £7. 1831-37 694 the same, Yol. 1, in 2 parts, 8vo. 39 plates (pub. £2. 4^) cloth, 365 1831-3 6G5 LYELL'S Principles of Geology, new edition, Yol. 2, completing the work, numerous illustrations, (pub. I65) cloth, 13s Gd 1868 696 Manchester Geological Society's Transactions, Yol. 1, 8vo. plates, cloth, 10s 1841 697 MURCHISON'S Siluri/ln System, founded on Geological Researches, in various Counties of England and Wales, with descriptions of the Coal Eields and overlying Eormations, 2 vols. impl. 4to. plates, with large map mounted on cloth, in uniform case, hf. calf extra, £4. 45 ; or 2 vols. hf. morocco, marbled edges, £4. IO5 1839 698 the same, 2 vols, in 3, roy. 4to. geological maps, engravings, and plates of Fossils, hf. calf gilt, uncut, having the 3 large mays in a zinc case, auto- graph presentation from the Author to W. J". JBroderip, Esq. rare, £6. 16s 1839 " The recent labours of Mr. Murchison in the border counties of England and Wales, have ably filled up what has hitherto been a blank page in the history of this por- tion of the vast and important Systems of Kocks, included under the Transition series ; and have shewn us the lines which connect the Carboniferous systems wtth the older Slaty rocks." — Buckland's Gecl. I. 528. 699 Murchison' s Outline of the Geology of the Neighbourhood of Cheltenham, revised by H. E. Strickland and Buckman, 8vo. map and 13 plates of fos- sils, cloth, 185 Cheltenham, 1844 700 MURCHISON'S GEOLO GT of RUSSIAin Europe and the Ural Mountains, by R. Murchison, E. de Yemeni], and Count A. von Keyserling ; Yol. I. Geology ; Yol. II. Paleontologie {in French), 2 vols. roy. 4to. ivith 7 Maps and Geological Sections, 12 Views, and 50 plates of Fossil Bemains, chiefly K Shells, loiih numerous woodcuts, (pub. at £8. 85) cloth bds. £4. 45, or half morocco, marbled edges, £4. I85 1845 Contents : Vol. I. Geology, with Views, plates of Corals,, and 7 large Maps. Vol. II. Palaeontology, 50 plates. 701 Oldham (T.) on the Geological Structure of part of the Khasi Hills, in Bengal, with Observations on the Meteorology and Ethnology of that Dis- trict, 4to. large maps and plates, a Vocabulary of the Khasi dialect, cloth, 7s Gd Calcutta, 1854 277 BJIRNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Geology — continued, i 702 OEYNnAiJSEN, Yersuch einer geognostisclien Beschreibung von Obersclilesien ; 8vo. map and large folding tables, hf. calf, ^s Essen, 1822, j 703 OWEN (David Dale) Eeport of a Geological Survey of AViscois'sin, | Iowa, and Minnesoto, and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska Territory, j 2 vols. roy. 4to. numerous tcoodcuts, with Illustrations, consisting of large \ map and 46 plates, those of Strata coloured, many of them very large, and \ folding, a very valuable ivork, executed by authority of Congi^ess, (pub. at 5^3.) cloth, 20s Philadelphia, 1852 j 704 PHILLIPS (John) Illustrations of the Geology op Yorkshire, a de- \ scription of the Strata and Organic Eemains, 2 parts : the Yorkshire \ Coast, and the Mountain Limestone Districts, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. coloured \ Geological Map, and 49 plates, Sections of Fossils, and folding diagrams^ \ (pub. at £4. 4s) calf gilt, loith an interesting autograph letter of the Author, \ to Mr. J. B. Giles, enclosing an engraving of the Irish JElk, ichich is in- serted ; a number of scientific names also added t" apparently by Mr. Giles, £2. 16s ' ^ 1835-36 1 705 ScROPE (G. P.) Memoir of the Geology of Central France, including the j Volcanic Formation of Auvergne, the Veray and the Yivarais, 4to. with j oblong 4to. atlas of maps and plates, bds. 18s 1827 j Presentation from the author to Prof, Porbcs. ! 706 TuoMEY (M.) Eeport on the Geology of South Carolina, 4to. mapandfron- \ tispiece, cloth, 22s Columbia, S. C. 1848 ' 707 Whitehurst's (John) Inquiry into the State and Formation of the Earth; deduced from Facts and the Law of Nature, 4to. second edition considerably enlarged, portrait and 7 plates, hf bd, uncut, 7s Qd 1786 708 Geological Memoirs, a collection of Tracts by the most eminent French geo- logists, including Beaumont, Brongniart, Ferrand, Ferussac, Desnoyers, Eozet, Bone, etc. etc. and three English, Hall, AYatt, and Sedgwick, illus- trated loith a number of plates, some coloured, in 3 vols. 4to. and 3 vols. 8vo. presentation copies, bds. 36s 1807-28 709 Geological Tracts in English, 25 in 8vo. including Addresses from Sir C. Lyell, and others, 1851-60 — Howse, Geologv of Durham, 1863 — Symonds, Old Bones, 1860 ; and others, 15s ' 1837-65 710 Minor WOEKS and PAMPHLETS on GEOLOGY, a Collection of ninety pieces by the first Geologists of the day, bound in 9 vols. 8vo. 6 vols, in cloth, and 2 vols, in half morocco, from thelibrary of Geo. B. Burnell, £Jsq. £2. 10s The following is a list of the principal contents : — America* Dawson's Tertiary Fossils of La- brador Dawson's Air Breathers of the Coal period, Nova Scotia, joZft^'i- 1863 Lea's Tertiary Testacea of the U. S. 1848 On new species of Uniones Lea on a new Mollusk 1855 Marcon on Rocks of Texas 1861 Baines, on Coal 1859 Boucher de Perthes, rHomme Ante- diluvien i860 Bowerbank on Spongiadai 1862 Clarke on Geol. discoveries in Aus- tralia Sydney, 1861 De Luc, Traite de Geologic 1809 Dowker, Tertiary Strata in Kent Edwards on Fossil Remains of a new Freshwater Mollusc, plates 1860 Entromostraces Fossiles de Maestricht, plates 1850 Hart, on Fossil Deer of Ireland, plates 1 825 Lyell, Supplement to 5th ed. of Manual of Geo- logy 1857 Mackie on Dover Cliffs Hanson's Geology of Darlington 1856 Moore's New Brachiopoda, jjlates Murchison's Black earth of Russia 1842 Prestwich, on Geology of London and Environs, several tracts Ramsay's Geology of Arran, viap 1841 Rickman, on Cyrena Dulwichiensis 1 860 Scrope's Formation of Volcanic Cones and Craters 1859 Suess, Distribution of Brachyiopoda 1860 Symonds' Geology of Worcester and Hereford Railway 1862 Water Springs at Grays 1860 NATUEAL HISTOEY, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 278 711 Geological Tracts in Erencli and German : Sclilotheim, Petrefactensamm- lung, GotJia, 1832 — Terquem, Mollusques Eossiles, comprenant la Moqo- graphie des Myaires de M. Agassiz, 5 large plates, Metz, 1855 — Eenevier Excursions Geologiques, Lausanne, 1855 — Gaudin, Elore Eossile de Lau- sanne, ib. 1856 — Koninck, Paleontologie, Bruxelles, 1857-58, and many others in 1 vol. Svo. numerous plates, hf. calf, and a parcel, y^OTw Dr. Gre- ville's library, Qs 1832-63 712 GEAY (J. Edw.) Illustrations of INDIAN ZOOLOGY, consisting of coloured plates of new or hitherto unfigured Animals from the Collection of Major General HAEDWICKE, 20 parts, forming 2 vols, royal folio, 200 heautifully coloured ^Z«^^5, (pub. at £21. seived), morocco extra, gilt edges, £16. 16^ 1830-34 713 the same, 2 vols, in 1, magnificently hound in green morocco, by Bed- ford, from the library of Prof Vrolik, £18. 18* 1830-34 714 another copy, not quite perfect, above 190 coloured plates, 36IO. IO5 1830-34 715 Herald (H. M. S.) Zoology of the Voyage of the Herald, during 1845-51, edited by Professor Forbes : Vertebrals by Sir J. Eichardson, roy. 4to. S3 plates, of lokick 17 are double (pub. at £2. 2s), cloth, 15s 1864 Contents : Title, etc. pp. i-xii. ; Part I., Mammals, p. 1-142 ; Reptiles, pp. 143- 156 ; Fisii, pp. 156-172. Plates, Mammals, i-xxiv ; Reptiles, xxv-xxvii ; Fish, xxviii-xxxiii. 710 HEENANDI (Franc.) Eerum Medic arum Nov^ Hispantjg Thesaurus, seu Plantarum, Animalium, Mineralium Mexicanorum historia, ex suis relationibus conscriptus a N. A. Eeccho ; in ordinem digesta a Lynceo, cum notis, Indice, et Historiae Animalium et Mineralium libro, stout folio, engraved fro7itispiece and several hundred ivoodcuts, remarkably fine sound copy, limp vellum, very rare, £5. JRomce, 1621 JFirst edition, not mentioned in Brunet. A copy fetched at Piittick's, 1859, limp vellum, £8. 15*. 717 the same, (editio secunda) folio, several hundred woodcuts of American 'Plants, Quadrupeds, Birds, etc. titles inlaid, good copy in calf rebacTced, £2. 10s y or in old red morocco, gilt edges, £3. IO5 Eomce, 1651 718 HEENANDEZ (F.) Opera cum edita, tum inedita, ad autographi fidem et integritatem expressa, jussu Eegio, B vols. 4to. fine copy in old crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, 32^ JSIatriti, Ibarra, 1790 Priced, 1841, calf, £2. IO5. The 3 vols, contain the Historia Plantai'um Novsb His- panise Libri xxiv. much enlarged from the Author's Manuscript. 719 Histoire Naturelle : a Collection of various tracts. Eorskal, Icones rerum Naturalium, quas in itinere orentali depinxit, ed. Niehbuhr, 43 plates, some coloured, 1776 — Braak's Eesponsio, 209 pp. 1821 — Bonaparte, Catalogo degli Ilggelli Europei, 1842 — Jan, Iconographie Descriptive des Ophidiens, coloured ^/a^^s, 1859 — Dumeril, Catalogue des Eeptiles dans le Museum d' Histoire Naturelle de Paris, 223 pp. 1851— Catalogue des Mammiferes et des Oiseaux d'Algerie, 158 pp. 1858 ; and many others, 2 vols. Svo. and 1 4to. together 3 vols, numerous plates, hf bd. £2. 1776-1859 720 HOESFIELD (T.) Zoological Eesearches in JAVA, and the neighbouring Islands, royal 4to. 65 fine coloured plates and 7 of Anatomy, (pub. at £8. 8s) cloth, £2. 10s; calf £2. 16s 1824 " The present work of Dr. Horsfield discovers several specimens of Animals hitherto unknown to Zoologists, and which are not in the large collection at Paris or Leyden, It is form«d with much care, and will be of great use in the advancement of natural science." Bulletin (jeneral et universel des annonces et. de Nonvelles Scientifiques. " This is a valuable work. The plates, by Mr. W. Daniell, are in his best manner, and those containing the Anatomical details are superior to any hitherto published in this coun*r\\'^ — Phil. Mag. u 2 279 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 721 Hooker (J. D.) Himalayan Journals, or Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal : tSikkim, aud Nepal Himalayas, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. maps, plates^ nnd illustra- \ iions, (pub. 865) cloth, 20s 1854 ; 721*HUGHES' Natural History of Barbadoes, folio, laege paper, map and 29 \ plates, fine copy, hf. bd. uncut, 18^ 1750 ! ICHTHYOLOGY : i 722 BENNETT'S Selections of Rare and Curious Fishes found upon the coast ; of Ceylon, from drawings made on the island, with names in Cinghalese,, \ roy. 4to. 30 beautifully coLorEED plates, heightened with gold and silver, \ (pub. 565. 5s) half morocco, 25* 1834 | 723 the same, a re-issue, coloured plates, 35s 1851 \ 724 BLEEKER, ATLAS ICHTHYOLOG-IQUE des Indes Orientales Neer^ landaises, livraisons 1 — 20, large folio, beatjtifullt colouret) plates qf\ fishes, (pub. at £18. l^s) from Frof Yrolik's library, £10. Ayjist. 1862-65 : 724* the same, parts 18, 19, and 20, large folio, coloured plates, pub. ; £2.145 " 1864-51 This fine work is still in course of publication ; the continuation can be supplied. \ 725 BLOCH (M. E.) Ichthtologie, ou Histoire Natfeelle Geneeale ; et Particuli^ee des POISSONS, 12 vols, in 6, royal folio, with 432 ; beautifully coloured engravings of Fish^ quite perfect, an original copy, ] the plates elaborately coloured, and heightened tvith silver, a fine copy in half blue MOROCCO, marbled edges, £24. Berlin, 1785-97 , 726 the same, LARGE PAPER, 12 vols, in 6, roval folio, a really laege \ papee copy of this grand work, the BEST EDITION, ivith 432 beaut fully \ coloueed engravings of Fish, quite perfect, an original copy, the plates ! elaborately coloured, and heightened with silver, a fine copy in hf blue ' MOEOCCO, gilt edges, £34. Berlin, 1785-97 | Still the best work on Fishes as far as the plates are concerned. Perfect copies are | rare in this country, owing to an accident which destroyed the great portion of the last i six volumes immediately after their publication. " One only regrets that a work so essential to every ichthyologist should be so expen- \ sive." — Swainsoyi. 727 BOUSSUETI (F.) de Natura Aquatilium Carmen, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. por- \ trait, and several hundred ivoodcuts of Fishes (including the Monk and j Bishop Fishes), calf gilt, veey eaee, fro?n Professor Vrolik's library,' £2. 2^ Lugduni, 1558 | This curious work forms a pictorial History of Fishes, each engraving being explained i by short Latin verses, epigrammalical in form. There are many singular figures of Mon- ; sters amongst the specimens, but generally the woodcuts are well and accurately done. 728 BOWDICH'S (Mrs. T. E.) Feesh-watee Fishes of Great Britain drawn I and described, imp. 4to. 47 Drawings of Fish, beautifully executed in colours, heightened icith silyee and gold, the names added in MS. by the \ authoress, with printed text, (published bj subscription in parts at £12. 12*) '■ calf extra, gilt edges, teey bare, £9. 1828 ' 729 CANTOR, Catalogue of Malayan Fishes, from the Journal of the Asiatic | Society of Bengal, 8vo. 461 pp. with 7 plain and 7 coLorEED plates drawn \ by the author, sd. 2Ss Calcutta, 1850 ' 730 CUYIER et VALENCIENNES, Histoire Naturelle des POISSONS (ouvrage contenant plus de 5000 especes de ces animaux, distribuees con- \ formement a leurs rapports d'organisation, avec des observations sur leur ; anatomic, et des recherches sur leur nomenclature ancienne et moderne), 22 vols. 8vo. (550 plates (pub. at 375 /r.) hf calf £10. 10^ Varis, 1828-49 ; 731 • the same, 22 vols, in 27, 8vo. with 650 coloueed plates, and the \ Atlas of 8 Anatomical plates bound separately in folio {pub. at 72o francs) \ —together 28 vols, neatly hf bd. calf, £16. Faris, 1828-49 \ 732 the same, laege papee, 22 vols. 4to. 650 coloueed plates (pub. at ; 876/r.) unbound, £18. 18a- 1828-49 ^ NATUEAL HISTOEY, AVOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 280 Ichthyology — continued. 733 DAY'S EISHES OE MALABAE, royal 4to. 20 2)lates engraved hj the author, hf. morocco neat, £2. 2s 1865 78i the same, with the plates coloured hy hand, hf. morocco extra, £4. 4s 1865 The work contains full descriptions of every species collected by the Author in or near Cochin, as well as those recorded by other observers as from the Malabar Coast of India. The species most adapted for eating, salting, or the manufacture of isinglass or fish oils are pointed out, as Avell as those which are indigestible or poisonous when employed as human food, or inflict irritating or venomous wounds. The work is illus- trated by twenty highly finished figures engraved on copper by the Author. The whole edition consists of only 250 copies, a small portion of them only issued with COLOURED PLATES. Nearly the whole edition has been at once subscribed for ; immediate orders are therefore required to secure a copy.— Bernard Quaritch. 735 HAMILTON (Feancis Buohanan) Account of the Fishes found in the Eiver GtANGES, and its branches, 4to. and folio Atlas of 39 Jlne plates, 2 vols. (pub. at £6. 6s) hf. calf, 20^ Edi7iburgh, 1822 736 the same, 2 vols. hf. morocco, very neat, 27s ih. 1822 A very valuable contribution to the knowledge of the Ichthyology of the East. 737 Madeira (Fishes of) A portion of a "Work, being Vol. I, no title, 4to. 196 paijes of tfoct, with 17 beautifully coloured plates, hf. calf, 25* ca. 1840 738 MEIDINGEE, Icones Piscium Austeije indigenoriim, roy. folio, 40 finely COLOURED ^Za^e*, £2. 10s Viennae, 1785-90 A companion to Bloch's great work. 739 Monro, Structure and Physiology of Fishes explained and compared with those of Man and other Animals, large folio, 44 la7ye folding plates, with descriptions, showing the anatomy of fishes, hds. 12s IJdin. 1785 740 Platfair and Gunther's Fishes of Zanzibar, 4to. 21 plates, 6 of them coloured, with 153 pages of letterpress, including a list of the Mshes of the whole East Coast of Africa, (pub. at J£3. 3^) gilt cloth, £2. 1866 741 EONDELETIUS de Piscibus Marinis, folio, with several hundred woodcuts of Fishes, including two very curious representations of the " Monk Fish" jt and the " Bishop Fish," fine copy in old French calf extra, hy De Eome, w^ from the library of Marshal Massena, 36* Lugduni, 1554 Hn2 EONDELET, Histoire des Poissons, traduite de Latin, par Joubert, 2 vols. ^B' in 1, sm. folio, portrait and several hundred fine woodcuts, hf fnorocco, 21s, ^B^ a beautiful clean and perfect copy, in excellent preservation throughout, ^Hr green Morocco extra, gilt edges, from Baron Dimsdale's library, £2. 16s Lion, 1558 "With all its defects, this early specimen of ichthyology has great and even extra- ordinary merit in the excellency of the woodcuts copiously introducerl in its pages ; they are bold and accurate, and in general so characteristic that nearly all the species may at once be identified."— S';^. The orthography adopted in this work is remarkable, as an early specimen of Phonetic spelling. 743 EUSSELL (Dr. P.) Description and Figures of 200 FISHES, collected at Yizag:ai)atam, on the Coast of Coromaudel, 2 vols, royal folio, 171 plates, beautifully coloured, and heightened with silver, mmbered 1 to 208 {some never having been published, as stated in text), hf russia, £10. 1803 744 WEBB (P. Barker) et Berthelot, Icthyologie des lies Canaries, ou Histoire JN'aturelle des Poissons decrits par Valenciennes, 2 parts, atlas 4to. 26 plates, with several coloured ones and two drawings added, boards, 2Ss 745 "WiLLUGiiBEii de Historia Piscium libri lY, ed. J. Eaius, folio, above a hundred plates, calf, 7s Gd 1685 746 YAEEELL'S History of British FISHES, first edition, 2 vols. 1836— Supplements by Yarrell, 2 pts. iu 1 vol. 1839— together 3 vols. 8vo. above 400 superb woodcuts, (pub. at £3. 3* aud 15*) cloth, £2. U)s 1836-39 281 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Ichthyology — continued. 747 YAEEELL'S History of British FISHES, third edition, 2 vols. 870. port. and 522 ivoodcuts, (pub. at £3. Ss) cloth, £2. 12s 6d 1859 ; 748 . . the Supplement, by Sir J. Eichardson, with a portrait and Memoir^ ' 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d 1860 ; This work, which contains a complete history of the Ichthyology of Great Britain, ■ including many species never before noticed, is illustrated with figures of the Fishes j mostly taken from the subjects themselves, and numerous vignettes, drawn and engraved | by the most eminent artists. \ INFUSORIA : Bacillaria^ Besmidicecs^ BiatomacecB, "Phytozoa^ Protozoa^ Rotatoria^ | Tardigrada : 1 749 ALLMAN, Monograph of the Eresh "Water Polyzoa, imp. 4to. 11 coloured \ plates, out of print, £2. 2* 1856 | 750 EHEENBEEGr'S Infusoria : Die iNFUSioirs-THiEECHEir als volkommene \ Organismen, in 2 vols royal folio, with 64 very finely coloured plates, i containing several hundred figures, (pub. at £18.) Ids. rare, £11. 10* i Leipzig, 1838 '. The grandest publication of its kind ; copies are already becoming very scarce. j " It should be recollected that Ehrenberg, with a thirty -shilling microscope, produced ' his great work on the Infusoria : a work with which British microscopy has nothing to ; compare, although it has spent thousands of pounds annually on its instruments." — Dr. \ Lankester^s Schleiden^s Botaiiy, p. 580. 761 EOEBES (E.) History of British Star Eishes, and other animals of the ; Class Echinodermata, numerous ivoodcuts and elegant vignettes, (pub. 15s) : cloth, 12s ed Van Voorst, 1841 | 752 the same, roy. 8vo. laege paper, numerous woodcuts and elegant ' vignettes, cloth, SOs 1841 . 753 GEEGOEY (Dr. W.) Few Eorms of Marine Diatomacese found in the I Eirth of Clyde and in Loch Eine, 4to. Q plates, containing numerous figures, \ heautifuUy drawn hy the late Dr. Greyille, sd. 7s 6d JEdin. 1857 \ 754 GEEVILLE (DE.) Pamphlets on DIATOMACE^. Descriptions of j New aio) Eaee Diatoms, parts 12 to 18, 10s 1863-65 ^ Odd parts supplied. DESCRiPTioisrs of New Genera and Species of Diatoms from the South \ Pacific, 8 parts, 8vo. 3 plates, sewed, 10s 1863 ' Descriptio'NS of New Species of British Diatomaceje, chiefly observed by the late Professor G-regory, 8vo. one plate, sd. Is Qd n. d. • Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Diatoms from Hong Kong, 8vo. ] one plate, sd. 2s 1865 ; Descriptions of some New Species and "Varieties of Navacul^e, &c. observed j in Californian Gtjano, 8vo. one plate, sd. 2s 6d 1859 ! Descriptions of Diatomace^ observed in Californian Guano, 2 plates, \ sd. 2s 6d n. d. Descriptions of some New Diatomaceous Eorms from the West Indies, 8vo. one plate, sd. 5s n. d. ] On Camptlodiscus, &c. 8vo. 1 plate, sd. 5s n. d. '■ A Monograph of the Genus Auliscus, 8vo. 2 plates, sd. 5s. n. d. I 755 Huxley's Oceanic Hydrozoa, imp. 4to. 12 plates, hds. £1. Is Bay Society, 1858 ; 756 KUTZINa, die Kieselschaligen Bacillarien oder DIATOMEEN, new issue, \ 4to. ^0 plates, in portfolio, 34^ Nordhausen, 1865 ' 757 MILLEE (J. S.) Natural History of the CEINOIDEA or Lily-shaped i Animals, with Observations on the Genera Astoria, Euryale, Comatula, | and Marsupites, roy. 4to. coloured plates, halfhd. neat, £2. Bristol, 1821 ; Priced, 1824, Wood, £2. 12^6^; 1843, Jas. Bohn, £2. 8*. I 758 MiiLLER (J.) and J. Henle, Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen. ■ 3 parts in 2 vols, folio, complete, 200 pp. Text and 60 coloured plates, (pub. 32 thalers) hoards, 36^ Berl. 1841 . KATUEAL HISTOEY, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 282 Infusoria — continued. 759 PEITCHAED (A.) History of Infusoria, including the Desmidisese and DiatomacesB, British and Foreign, enlarged edition, thick 8vo. pp. 9G8, and 4:0 plates, jnostly coloured, cloth, £2. 2^ 1861 760 Eabenhorst, die Siisswasser-Diatoraaceen fur Ereunde der Mikroskopie, royal 4to. Tplates, Qs Leipzig, 1853 Irrigation — see Agriculture. 761 Ives (J. C.) Eeport on the Colorado Eiver of the West, explored in 1857-58, 4to. plates illustrating the Geology and Palceontology, with views, cloth, 15s Washington, for the U. S. Government, 1861 762 JACQUIN (N. J.) Miscellanea Austriaca ad Botanicam, Chemiam, et his- torian! naturalem spectantia, 2 vols. sm. 4to. numerous coloured plates, calf gilt, from Baron Dimsdale's library, Qs Vindohonce, 1778-81 763 Collectanea ad Botanicam, Chemiam et Historiam Naturalem spectantia. Vols. I— III, roy. 4to. large paper, coloured plates^ calf, gilt bachs, 22s Vindob. 1786-89 764 JAEBINE (Sir W.) Naturalist's Library, a complete set, 40 vols. 12mo. portraits, vignettes, and upwards of a thousand coloured plates, ats" ORIGINAL copy, hf. bd. contents lettered, a neat set, £8. J^dinburgh, ISSSAS Contexts : — Mammalia, 13 vols. ; Ornithology, 14 vols. ; Entomology, 7 vols. ; Ichthyology, 6 vols. By far the best and completest history and illustration of animated nature that has ever appeared. It is in every sense of the word a Naturalist's Library, embracing the result of the labours of all the great natural historians brought down to the latest period. " We could hardly have thought that any new periodical would have obtained our approbation so entirely as the ' Naturalist's Library ;' but the price is so low, the coloured plates so elegant, and their descriptions so scientific and correct, that we cannot withhold our wannest praise. It is a perfect bijou, and as valuable as pretty." — Literary Gazette. "■ This book is, perhaps, the most beautiful, and the cheapest series ever offered to the public." — Athenceum. 765 JEE VIS'S Eecords of Ancient Science exemplified and authenticated in the primitive universal standard of Weights and Measures, with Appendix, 8vo. sd. 10s Calcutta, 1835 766 JONES (T. Eymer) Outlines of the Organisation of the Animal Kingdom, and Manual of Comparative Anatomy, stout 8vo. 400 woodcuts, second edition, (pub. £1. \\s 6d) cloth, 18s 1855 767 JouRDAN, Dictionnaire des termes usites dans les Sciences Naturelles, 2 vols. in 1, stout 8vo. calf, iSs Paris, 1834 768 KJEMPEEEI Amoenitates Exoticae, reJationes rerum Persicarum et Ulterioris AsisB, stout sm. 4to. numei-ous plates, old calf, 7s Lemgoviae, 1712 769 Kelaart, Prodromus Eaunae Zeylanicee : Contributions to the Zoology of Ceylon, and Appendix, 8vo. cloth, Qts Ceylon, 1852 770 Keyserling (G-raf) "Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Eeise in Petschora-Land im Jahre 1843, 4to. with folio atlas of 22 plates of Fossils and shells, cloth, 10s St. Petersburg, 1846 771 LACEPEDE (Comte) CEuvres completes, Discours, Histoire des Quadrupedes Ovipares, des Cetacees, Serpents, Poissous, 12 vols, of text and 1 of plates, in all 13 vols, large 8vo. beautifully coloured plates, half calf, from Malherbe's library, 36^ 1830 772 LAMAECK, Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans VERTesRES ; deuxieme edition, par Beshayes et Milne Edwards, 11 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £4. 85), seivedy £2. I65 ; or hf. calfneat,£S. 12s ib. 1835-45 Best edition of this celebrated work. 773 Latretlle, Memoires sur I'Histoire Naturelle des Insectes, de Geographie Ancieune, etc. 8vo. sd. 2s Paris, 1819 774 Families Naturelles du Eegne Animal en ordre analytique, thick 8vo. 570 pp. hf red mor. 3s (jd Paris, 1825 283 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. : 775 Lecoq (H.) Annales Scientifiques et Statistiques de I'Auvergne, Tomes I, i et II, 8vo. geological plates, cloth, 10s Clermont-Ferrand, 1828-9 i 776 Eaux Minerales da Massif Central de la Prance, en rapport avec la ■ Chimie et la Geologie, 8vo. sd. 3« 1864 j LINNiEAN Society: \ 777 TRANSACTIONS of the LiNNiEAN Society, from the commencement in 1791 \ to 1865, Vol. I. to XXV, with General Index to the 25 vols. 4to. a \ great number of plates, (pub. at about 3684.), uncut, £25. 1791-1865 778 the same, 25 vols. Vols. I — XV, half calf , the remainder in parts, £25. I 1791-1865 \ The reduced charge which the Society now makes for Vols. I-XX, is £20. ; and Vols. XXI-XXV are published at £24. Sets completed at a little above half the pub- ' lishing price. 779 PROCEEDINGS from the commencement in November 1838 to February ! 1865 : Proceedings, 1888-55, 2 vols. — Journal of the Pboceebings : ] —Botany, Nos. 1—47, or Vols. I— X, pt. 7, 1856-58 ; Zoology, Nos. : 1 — 42, or Vols. I — X, pt. 2, with Supplements to Botany, I — V, and | Zoology IV — together 11 vols. 8vo. one half calf the 7'est in parts (pub. at i £9. 2*) £6. 15s 1838-68 i 780 another set. Botany, Vols. I— VII, 1857-64 ; Zoology, Vols. I— VJI, : 1857-64, with all the Supplements, — together 12 vols, in 6, hoai^ds, and two inparts, (pub. at 5^4. 4*) £2. 2^ 1857-64 ' 781 Magic. Del Rio (M. A.) Disquisitionum Magicarum lib. VI. quibus con- : tinetur accurata curiosarum artium, etvauarum superstitionum confutatio, ' thick sm. 4to. old stamped hogsMn, with clasps, 15s Moguntice, 1612 ; 782 AVIEGLEB'S natiirliche Magie : Natural Magic, consisting of amusing ; and useful Optical Delusions, Tricks, Mathematical, Alchemical, Chemical, ' Electric and other contrivances, etc. 20 vols, in 19, small 8vo. hf. calf, 25s : JBerlin, 1789 \ 783 WiLKiifs' (Bishop) Mathematical Magick, or the wonders of Mechanical \ Geometry, 12mo. calf, 2s 6d 1691 • 784 MACGILLIVRAT (W.) Natural History of Dee Side and Braemar, edited by Dr. Lai^kester, 8vo. map and plates, enriched with a number of \ PHOTOGRAPHS of the Sccuery of this picturesque district, cloth, £7. 7s 1855 \ Very rare. Printed for private circulation by command of Her Majesty the Queen. \ MAMMALIA : 785 AUDEBERT, Histoire Naturelle des SINGES et des MAKIS, royal folio, ; 63 COLOURED plates, fine copy on vellum paper, morocco neat, gilt edges, ' from Malherbe's library, £5. lOs Francfort, 1799 (Paris, 1797) ; 786 ■ the same, vellum paper, royal folio, earliest impressions of the « 63 plates, most beautifully coloured after nature, a7id a spirited \ drawing also executed in colours, which serves for frontispiece, fine original \ copy, in marbled calf extra, gilt edges, unique copy, £10. ! Paris, an VL 1797 ! Priced, 1824, Wood, £14. ; 1842, Bohn, £8. 8^ ; North's copy fetched £11. Us ; Sir : M. Sykes' £14. 3s &d. In this choice copy, from the libraries of Raye de BreukelerAvaert '\ and Professor Vrolik, the plates have all been carefully retouched, and in some instances i corrected from the specimens in the cabinet of the former owner. In ordinary copies the monkeys are merely represented in natural attitudes, but in this copy the plates have '■ been embellished by an artist, scenery and foliage added, so that the figures, beautifully \ executed in Audebert's best style, gain an additional charm from the tasteful way in \ which the artist has performed his work. : " Ouvrage curieux, et d'une execution magnifique." — Brunei. 787 AUDUBON and BACHMAN.— QUADEUPEDS of North AMEEICA, i complete, 3 vols, atlas folio, and descriptive Text in 3 vols. roy. 8vo. 150 magnificent plates, the Animals richly coloured from nature, with appro- ; priately coloured back-grounds of Trees or Forest Bcenery, hf. bound moroccOy gilt edges, scarce, £65. New York, published by J. J. Audubon, 1845-54 ; NATUEAL HISTOEY, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 284 Mammalia — continued. 788 AUDUBON. Quadeupeds of North America, part of Vol. III. atlas folio, plates 106-115, 124, 126, 127, 128, 130-150, leing 35 plates most exquisitely coloured, £3. IO5 New York, 1848 The worthy companion of Audubon's great work on Birds. There is no equally- grand Avork on Mammals pnblished in Europe. A public Institution should secure the above copy. 789 AUDUBON and BACHMAN'S Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, Text, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. leautifully coloured, ivhich complete the large folio series, cloth, £6. Qs New York, J. J. Audubon, 1846-54 790 BELL'S (Thomas) History of British QUADEUPEDS, including the Cetacea, 8vo. nearly 200 fine ivoodcuts, 30* 1887 791 the same, roy. 8vo. large paper, £3. 10s 1837 792 Dahlbom (A. G-.) Studia Zoologica, Swedish, vol. I, part I, with atlas of plates of monkeys, including the Gorilla, 2 vol. in 1, 8vo. with autograph note {in English) from author added, cloth, 8* Qd Lond. 1856-57 Domestic Animals: 793 COATES (G.) Herd Book, Supplement, Boncaster, 1829— Vol. Ill, Pontefract, 1836 — Vol. IV. Improved Short Horned Bulls, Doncaster, 1843 — Vol. V, in 2 parts. Cows, ib. 1844 ; together 5 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, hds. £2. 16s 1829-44 794 Moll et Gayot, la Connoissance G-enerale du Boeuf, etudes deZootechnie pratique sur les Eaces Bovines de la Erance, de I'Angleterre, etc. large 8vo. 83 woodcut illustrations, half calf , 10s Paris, I860 795 Horse. Magne, Hygiene Veterinaire appliquee. Etude des Eaces Che- valines Erangaises et des Moyens de les ameliorer, 8vo. ivoodcuts, half calf, 4ts 6d Paris, 1857 796 ViLLEROT und Muller, der Pferdeziichter. Anleitung zur Kenntniss der gesammten Pferdenwissenschaft, Handbuch fiir Cavallerie Offiziere, etc. roy. 8vo. woodcuts, and 20 lithographic plates, hy Sach, half calf , 15s Mamz, 1858 797 Veterinary Science. Societe Veterinaire des Departemens du Calvados et de la Manche, Memoires de la lere annee, 8vo. half calf, 7s Bayeux, 1830 798 (Esterreichische Vierteljahresschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Veter- inarkunde, Bande 21-22, 8vo. half calf, 6s Wien, 1864 Containing papers on the Rinderpest. 799 Minor Works and Tracts : An important collection of 37 Veterinary pamphlets and publications, collected by Prof Gamgee, many being pre- sentation copies from the authors, in 7 vols. 8vo. half calf , 32s v. y. Amongst them are the following : — Lecoq, Operation de rHyovertebrolomie, plate Lyon, 1841 Papin, d'enflure des Vaches 1854 Rudinger, Verbreitung des Sympatheticus in der Animalen Rdhre, plates 1863 Andral, Composition du Sang des Animaux Domestiques 1842 Barlow, Inflammatory Diseases in Domestic Animals 1851 Bellamy, la Vache Bretonne Rennes, 1857 Bonnet, sur rinfection Purulente Lyon, 1855 Charlier, das Castriren der Kuhe 1856 Chauveau, Structure de la Come 1853 Dauphin, Conseils aux Bergen, plates Paris, 1850 Dieterichs iiber das Alter der Pferde, 12 plates of Horses teeth 1837 Ercolani, Glandule Cutanee degli Animali 1854 Furstenberg, der Ruminations Prozess, pi. 800 GOULD'S Monograph of the Macropodid^e, or family of Kangaroos, Parts I and II, impl. folio, 30 finely coloured plates by Eichter, (pub. at £6. 6s) hds. £4. 10s 1841-2 This interesting monograph is not yet finished. Saint Cyr, Bronchite du Chien 1856 Schwab, Physiologic der Hausthiere 1836 Leuret, Recherches sur la Digestion et Lassaigne 1825 Perseguers, sur la Medecine Veterinaire 1847 Zeis, Kranker Knochen vorweltlicher Thiere Leip. 1856 285 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. MSimmBlidi— con fimted. 805 GOULD'S MAMMALS of AUSTRALIA, 13 parts, forming 3 vols. impl. folio, 180 BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED ;?7«^(?6' (pub. at £40. 19s) £30. 1845-63 806 HARRIS (Capt. W. S.) Portraits of Game and WILD ANIMALS of SOUTH AFRICA, with descriptions of the Field Sports, impl. folio, 30 Jlne COLOURED lithographs, (pub. £10. 10s) hf. red morocco, £3. 16s 1840 807 HARTENFELSZ, Elephantographia curiosa, seu Elephanti descriptio, sq. 8vo. frontispiece and 27 very fine plates, calf gilt, 12s Erford. 1715 A most interesting Monograph, giving not only the Natural History, but also the various Uses of that Animal, including its Worship as a divinity. 808 JERDON, the MAMMALS of India ; a Natural History of all the Animals known to inhabit Continental India, large 8vo. cloth, 15s Roorhee, 1867 809 MURRAY (A.) G-eographical Distribution of MAMMALS, with a copious synonymic list of Species, stout 4to. 103 coloured plates and maps, shewing the geographical distribution of each separate family , (pub. at £3. 3s) cloth, £1. lis U 1866 " A book of such solid and sterling merit that we feel no apology to be due to our readers for bringing to their notice what cannot now be called a new publication. Our re- grets should, if anything, take the form of excuses for not having found an earlier oppor- tunity of drawing attention to its marked, and in many respects, exceptional merits." Saturday Eeviero. 810 PETERS (Dr.) Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach Mossambique, in den Jahren 1842 bis 1848 ausgefuhrt ; Zoologie, Part I. : (Saugethiere) 4to. 46 plates of Mammalia accurately coloured, with anatomical details, pre- sentation copy to M. Temminck, half morocco neat, from Mr. Gurney's library, £2. 10s Berlin, 1852 811 SCHREBER (J .von) MAMMALIA. Die Saugethiere in Abbildungen nach der Natue, mit Beschreibungen, fortgezetzt von Gtoldfuss und Wagnee, 7 vols. 1826-46 — Supplement, fortgezetzt von Wagner, 5 vols. 1850-55— the plates bound separately in 4 vols. — together 16 vols. 4to. half calf illustrated icith over 700 plates, most carefully coloured, from the library of Prof Yrolik:, of Amsterdam, 5620. Hrlangen, 1775-1855 812 the same, Text, 7 vols, in 3 — Supplement, 5 vols, in 3 — Plates to the 12 vols, bound in 4— together 12 vols, bound in 10, illustrated ivith 787 plates, BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED, (pub. at 322 thalers) extremely fine copy in calf extra, top edge gilt, uncut, £30. Erlangen, 1826-55 Priced, 1863, TVeigel, unbound, 200 thlr.; Williams and Norgate, 1854, unbound, with only 4 vols, of Supplement, £31. 10*. The above work embraces the order of Mammalia from the genus Homo, down to the genus Capra, and in most cases contains a coloured illustration of the male and female of each species. The synonyms are carefully collected from the works of Linnaeus, Gmelin, Pallas, and other celebrated naturalists, and are sometimes given in eight or ten different languages. 813 Temminck (0. J.) Monographes de Mammalogie, avec des planches d'Oste- ologie faisant suite aux Notices de Cuvier, Tome 1, royal 4to. plates, sd. 6s Faris, 1827 814 "WALTON (Elijah) The CAMEL, its Anatomy, Proportions, and Paces, roy. folio, 94ifine large plates, some coloured, showing the entire frame of the animal in all its various parts, postures^ and powers, (pub. at £4 4*) clothe gilt edges, £3. 3s 1865 "An unsurpassed example of this monographical kind of anatomical science." Onen?s Anatomy of VeHebrates, preface, p. vi. "■ The drawings of the animals in their different positions . . . are characterized by a degree of boldness that no artist would have ventured on, had he not been assured of the extent of his knowledge. 1 cannot speak too highly of the painstaking and con- scientious execution of this truly magnificent work." — The Field, 19th May, 1866. " The monograph as illustrating the . . . postures . . . the anatomy, in short, of form, is not only as extensive and varied as can possibly be required, but drawn with extraordinary accuracy and with great power." — Athenoeum, 15th April, 1865. " A really valuable addition to natural history." — Sportsman, I9th Oct. 1865. NATUEAL HISTOET, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 286 Mammalia — continved. SJ5 WATEEHOUSE'S Natural History of Mammalia, 2 vols, stout large 8vo. 41 Ji7ie engravings, finely coloured, and mcmerous woodcuts, (pub. at 56*3. Ss Gd) cloth, 36* 1846-8 Contents: — Vol. I. The Order of ^larsupiata, or Pouclicd Animals, with 22 illus- trations engraved on steel, and 18 engravings on wood. Vol. II. The order of Eodentia, or Gnawing Mammalia, including Index to Tech- nical names, and Index to the English and other Local Names, with 22 illustrations engraved on steel, and engravings on wood. This volume is sold separately for 285. 816 Mammalia, a bundle of Tracts on, some with coloured plates : — Blumen- bacb, de Animalibus, 1820 — Boie uber Cordylus Cataphractus, 1820 — Bojani de Uro nostrate comment, plates, 1825 — Maximilian (Prinz) Nage- thiere, 1839 — Meyen Saugethiere, colou7'ed plates, 1833 — Otto, eine neue Antelopenart, 1820 — Ogilby's Mammalogy of the Himalayas, 1841 — Grant on Characters of extinct Animals — Horsfield on New Mammalia, 1855 — Bowdicb, Natural Classifications of Mammalia, 1821 — eight tracts on Whales ; and others, in all 33 tracts, from Dr. Cantor's and von Siebold's collections, 12s 1800-55 MATHEMATICS : 817 ABEL, CEuYEES completes, avec des notes et developpements par Holmboe, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. calf, 30s ; or hf. Id. uncut, 32^ Christiania, 1839 La seule edition des ceuvres de ce grand Mathematicien. 818 ACADEMIE Eotale des Sciences. Eecueil de plusieurs Traitez de Mathematique, 6 parts in 1 vol. impl. folio, diagrams , fine copy in old red morocco extra, gilt edges, royal arms on sides, £2. Paris, 1676 Including " Blondel, Resolution des 4 problemes d' Architecture." 819 Almanac. The Ladies Diary; or, the Woman's Almanack, for 1736 (no 1743) to 1747, in 1 vol. 12mo. containing many Mathematical pro- blems, with their solutions, also Aenigmas, Parodoxes, etc. calf, 5s 1736-47 820 Apollonii Pergsei Conicorum libri TV. cum comm.entariis Claudii Eichardii, fol. 30 plates of diagrams, portrait on title, vellum, Is Qd Antverpice, 1655 821 Aebogast, du Calcul des Derivations, 4to. sd. 7s Strasbourg, 1800 822 Baereme, livre facile pour aprendre I'Arithmetique, curious engraved title and advertisement of the Author, 12mo. calf, 5s Paris, 1672 823 Baerow (Is.) Lectiones XVIII. in quibus Opticorum Phsenomenon ration es invesl;igantur, sm. 4to. folding plates, calf, 5s 1669 824 BETTINI Aerarium Philosophiae Mathematicse, 3 stout vols. sm. 4to. frontispiece to each volume, portraits, and numerous woodcuts, good sound copy in the original binding, 12s Bononice, 1648 At the end of Vol. II. is a supplement, de Sandalio, Cithara, Microcosmo, Arcu, Tympano. 825 Bettini, Eecreationes Mathematicse, folio, tvoodcuts, bds. Qs 1059 826 BEENOUILLI ( Jac.) Opera, 2 vols. 4to. 49 plates of mathematical dia- grams. Vol. 2 stained, calf 24ts Genevce, 1744 827 Bhascara Acharya, Lilawati, a treatise on Arithmetic and Geometry, from the Sanscrit by Taylor, 4to. diagrams^ bds. Qi Bombay, 1816 828 BiJA G-ANiTA, or Algebra of the Hindus, from the Sanscrit by Strachey, 4to. bds. Qs ca. 1812 829 Blum, Cours complet de Mathematiques, 2 vols. 8vo. tables and diagrams, calf gilt, 9s JParis, 1844-45 830 Boole's (George) Treatise on Differential Equations, crown 8 vo. (pub. 14s) cloth, ^s 1859 831 Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences, crown 8vo. (pub. 10s 6^) cloth, 7s 6d I860 832 Bougainville, Traite du Calcul Integral, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, 7s 6i Paris, 1754 287 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADIL];iT, LONDON. M-SLthemsitics— continued. 833 CAMBEIDGE Mathematical Journal, edited by E. L. Ellis, Series I Vol. I., (pub. at 15^) 1837-39 — Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, edited by W. Thompson, Vols. I-IX. pt. 2 (pub. at £6. 125) 1845-54 — together four vols. c»lfneat^ and twenty parts^ sd. very rare, £8. Cambridge, 1837-54 834 CAMUS, Cours de Mathematiques, trois parties : Arithmetique, Greometrie, Mechanique Statique, 4 vols. 8vo. diagrams, calf, 7s 6d JParis, 1749-52 835 Cape's Course of Mathematics, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, 12s 1857 836 CHASLES, Eecherches de Geometric Pure sur les lignes et les surfaces du second degre, 1829 — Proprietes generales des Cones du 2d degre, 1830 — Coniques Spheriques, 1831 — 3 vols, in 1, 4to. hds. 30« Bruxelles, 1829-31 837 Choqtiet et Meter, Traite elementaire d'Alg^bre, ^th edition^ 8vo. Jif. calf gilt, 35 Qd Paris, 1849 888 Clayii (C.) Algebra, sm. 4to. calf, 3* Qd ^ 1809 839 COCKER (E.) Decimal Arithmetick, whereunto is added his Artificial Arithmetick, also his Algebraical Arithmetick, revised, corrected, and pub- lished by John Hawkins, First edition", 2 parts in one vol. 12m o. calf fine copy, 36* 1685-84 Early editions of Cocker's popular treatises on Arithmetic are extremely rare, and bring high prices, I cannot trace the sale of a copvof the above. 840 COLEBKOOKE (Sir H. T.) Algebra, with Arithmetic and Mensuration, translated from the Sanscrit of Brahmegupta and Bhascara, 4to. viii. Ixxxiv. and 378 pp. (pub. at £3. 3*) calf neat, 30^ 1817 Few copies were ever sold under the original cost of three guineas, and many learned Scholars have been deterred by the high price from the purchase of this elaborate and profound work. 841 Co:ndillac, la Langue des Calculs, ouvrage posthume, 8vo. calf 2s 6d Paris, 1798 842 COSSALI, Origine, trasporto in Italia, e primi progressi dell' ALGrEBEA, storia critica con nuove disquisizioni analitiche e metafisische, 2 vols. roy. 4:to. plates, sd. 14*; or half russia neat, 20s Farma, Ueale Tipogr. 1797-99 843 Cousin, Traite de Calcul Differentiel et de Calcul integral, 2 vols. 4to. fold- ing plates, sd. Zs Qd Paris, 1796 844 CEAMER (G-.) Introduction a 1' Analyse des Lignes Courbes Algebriques, 4to. 33 plates, old calf, scarce, 24^ Geneve, 1750 " Ouvrage fort estime et devenu rare ; vendu 47 fr. De La Lande." — Brunei.. 845 De Moegan (Aug.) Differential and Integral Calculus, thick 8vo. pp. 785 and 64, cloth, 7s 1842 846 Diophanti Alcxandrini Arithmeticorum Lib. VI. Gr. et Lat. cum commen- tariis C. Gr. Bacheti, sm. folio, ^r*^ edition, calf, fine copy, 12s Lutet. Paris, 1621 847 Dialling. Otia Mathematica seu Opusculum tripartitum ; I. de Horolo- giis Secathericis, II. de Optica Delineatoria, III. de Optica Mechanica, 12mo. plates of dials, etc. vellum, 5s Salislurgi, 1710 848 Dynamic Curves, Thirty-five beautifully Engraved Plates, proofs before LETTERS, 8vo. hds. 5s ca. 1830 This pretty volume would serve as a pattern book for an amateur turner. 849 EMEESON (William) Works. Cyclomathesis, or an easy introduction to the several branches of the Mathematics : Treatise of Arithmetic, 1763 — Doctrine of Proportion, 1763 — Elements of Geometry, 1763 — Doctrine of Fluxions, 1757 — Elements of Trigonometry, 1764 — Treatise of Algebra, 1764 — Arithmetic of Infinites, 1767 — Elements of the Conic Sections — I^ature and Properties of Curve Lines — Elements of Optics, 1768 — Per- spective — Mechanics, or the Doctrine of Motion, 1769 — Projection of the Sphere, 1769 — Laws of Centripetal and Centrifugal Eorce — System of NATURAL HISTOEY, WORKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 288 Mathematics — continued. Astronomy, 1769 — Mathematical Principles of Geography, 1770 — Dialling —together 17 vols, in 9, 8vo. calf, £2. 1757-1770 So complete a set as the above is very rarely to be met. " The works of this able mathematician are in high estimation." — Lowndes. 850 EUCLID. The Elements of G-eometrie of the most auncient philosopher Euclide of Megara, faithfully translated by Billingslee, with a preface by John Dee, Eiest En^glish Edition, folio, title within an emblematic border, diagrams, sound coj^y throughout^ hut wanting the last page, half hound, 20s Imprinted hy John Baye, 1570 This edition has a very curious preface by the famous Dr. Dee, the astrologer ' Given at his poore house at Mortlake.' 852 EUCLIDE, (Euvres d', en Grec, en Latin, et en Franqais, par Peyrabd, 3 vols. 4to. hf. hd. morocco, uncut, £2. Paris, 1844 853 EUCLIDIS Elementorum sex priores libri, recogniti ^ Melder, I6mo. dia- grams, bds. uncut, Jine copy, 14s Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1673 854 ■ Elementorum libri priores sex, item undecimus et duodecimus, cum Notis, etc. Simsoni, roy. 4to. uncut, 3s Qd Glasguce, 1756 855 Elements, viz., the first six books, with the 11th and 12th by Sim- sou, roy. 4to. cuts, very Jine copy in calf gilt, 21s Glasgow, 1756 This work professes to be a pure edition of Euclid, and one in which the errors of Theon and others are corrected, and some of Euclid's demonstrations restored. At the end are 80 pages of Notes by the editor, explaining the differences of this edition and the Greek text, and giving his reasons for the alteration. 856 EULERI Theoria Motus Corporum Solidorum seu Rigidorum, cum Suppl. sm. 4to. bds. uncut, 12s Bostochii, 1766 857 Institutioues Calculi Integralis, Yols. I to III, 4to. very fine copy in bright caf gilt, rare, 18s Petropoli, 1768-70 858 Methodus inveniendi Lineas Curvas, sive Solutio Problematis Isope- rimetrici, 4to. plates, calf, Qs Gd Lausanncs, 1744 859 Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. 16 plates, 15s Lugd 1797 860 Eabrt in Arithmeticam Boethii epitome, cum figuris,et Morsiani Arithmetica, vellum, 3s Qd Basilece, 1553 861 EiNEi (Orontii) de Solaribus Horologiis et Quadrantibus libri IV. sm. 4to. woodcut diagrams, fine copy in vellum, rare, 10s Paris. 1560 862 Eleming (P.) Geometrical Solutions of the Quadrature of the Circle, sm. folio, cloth, 9s Montreal, printed for the Author, 1850 863 Poster (S.) Miscellanies, or Mathematical Lucubrations, published by Twysden, ^\\o, plates, calf, 10s 1659 " An esteemed work." — Lowndes. 864 Emsii Arithmeticae practicsB methodus facilis, 12mo. woodcut on title, vellum, 3s Gd JVitebergce, 1547 865 GALILEO GALILEI Opere, 2 vols, stout sm. 4to. many cuts, edizione PRIMA, vellum, BOs Bologna, 1656-65 865* the same, thick paper, extremely rare, only one other copy known, caf, gilt edges, £^. 10s ib. 1656-65 866 GOMPARST (Godefroyd) Ung Liuret du Copte, contenant plusieurs sim- ples exemples questions et demandes a la Rigle de Troix et Practique duysantes conuenables et prouffitables a la marchandise, oblong 24mo. blacfe Utter, bd. £2. 10s Anvers, Symon Cocq, n. d. (ca. 1520) Vkry rare and curious. Collation : A to S, in eights, including the title, and the preface, " Au benivolent Lecteur." This preface is curious and quaintly-phrased, and has an odd conclusion in rhyme of a dozen lines sonnet-fashion. Gomparst seems to have been a teacher " de ceste subtile Industrie d'Algorisme." 289 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Mathematics— continued. 867 HA AN (Bierens de) Tables d'Integrales Definies, {Deel IK of the Ver- '] handelingen der Kon. Akad. von WetenscJiappen) 4to. hf. calf, 32^ j Amsterdam, 1858 j 868 HUTTON'S Eecreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, 4 vols. \ 8vo. with nearly 100 plates, russia neat, 24* 1803 * 869 Tracts on Mathematical and Philosophical Subjects, the Theory of j Bridges, the Force of Grunpowder, the Practice of Artillery, etc. 3 vols, j 8vo. russia neat, 12s 1812 i 870 — Course of Mathematics, composed for the use of the Eoyal Military ; Academy, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, ^s 1803-11 \ 871 the same, te^itli edition, with many corrections and improvements, hy •> GrEEGORT, 3 vols. russia neat, 21s 1831-32 i 872 Mathematics, corrected by Gregory, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 1841 i 873 Jean, Arithmetique au miroir, 12mo. engraved throughout, vellum, 2s Qtd 1649 | 874 LACROIX (S. P.) Traite du Calcul Differentiel et du Calcul Integral, j 3 vols. 4to. seconde {la derniere) edition, plates, half calf , 'S6s ; or hf. calf\ gilt, £2. 2s ; or cf neat, £2. 8s Paris, 1810-19 j 875 Lacroix, Traite des Differences et des Series, thick 4to. 582 i^p. plates, half\ calf 10s ib. 1800 | 876 LAPLACE, (Euvres, edition publiee par le Gouvernement, 7 vols. 4to. i uncut, £10. 10* Faris, Impr. Boy ale, 1843-47 ■ 877 the same, 4to. Tomes Y, VI, YII, hf calf, £4^. Paris, 1846-7 j Contents: Tome V. Mecanique Celeste, livres 11 a 16- Tome VI. Exposition du; Systeme du Monde — Tome VII. Theorie analytique des Probabilites. , 878 Le Seur et Jacquier, Elemens du Calcul Integral, 2 vols. 4to. plates, calf, ' 6s Parme, 1768 j 879 L'Hopital (De) Analyse des Infiniment Petits, sm. 4to. cf 6s Paris, 1696 \ 880 Ltbri, Histoire des Sciences Mathematiques en Italie, jusqu'a la fin dui XVIIe Siecle, 4 vols. 8vo. sd. 15s Paris, 1838-41 j 881 Mauro (M.) Annotationi sopra la lettione della Spera del Sacro Bosco, 8vo. \ curious Astronomical engravings, vellmn, 12s Firenze, 1550 ■ 882 MENNHERR, Arithmeticque contenant plusieurs belles Eegles et ques-, tions utiles aux Marchands, 12mo. bd. rare, 30^ Anvers, 1570 A curious old work of questions in Exchange, Practice, and other arithmetical rules. : Collation : a to x, in eights, including title, dedication, etc. at the beginning, and the \ address, " Au Lecteur," and subscription at the end. 883 Ltjetke, Observations du Pendule Invariable, executees dans un Voyage j autour du Monde 1826-29, 4to. sd. 7s 6d St, Petersbourg, 3836] 884 MiscELLAi^EA CuRiosA Mathematica, a quarterly Scientific periodical, Nos. I 1 to 9, all published, sm. 4to. plates, rare, 26s London, E. Cave, 1749; Contents : Algebra, Trigonometry, Chances, Astronomy, Geometry, Gunnery, and \ 160 new Problems with Solutions. j 885 MOIGNO (L'Abbe) Lemons de Calcul Differentiel et de Calctjl In--- TEGRAL, redigees d'apres les Methodes et les Ouvrages publies ou ii\edits ] de M. A. L. Cauchy, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, rare, £2. 16s Faris, 1840-44 _^ 886 Mon-teregui (Jo.) de Triangulis lib. V. woodcuts, Norimb. 1533 — lb. del Quadratura Circuli, woodcuts, 1533 — Apiani Quadrans, curious ivoodcuts\ of the constellations, Ingoldstadii, 1532 ; and an imperfect treatise onj measuring heights, woodcuts — together 4 vols, in one, old stamped binding^ 12s 1532-33 •887 MONTFEEEIER, Dictionnaire des Sciences Mathematiques, purcs et appliquees, avec le Supplement, 3 vols. imp. 8vo. 80 plates, calf, £2. Brux. 1838-40 JSIATUEAL HISTORY, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 290 Mathematics — continued. 888 MONTUCLA (J. E.) Histoire des Mathematiques, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours ; tableau et developpemenfc dea decouvertes, Yies et contestations des Mathematiciens, etc. 4 vols. 4to. portrait and plates, lif. Id. calf, £4^. Paris, 1797-1802 889 the same, 4 vols. 4to. calf neat, Mr. JohnsorCs {Badclijfe Ohserver) copy, £5. Paris, 1799-1802 The best and only complete History of the Mathematical Sciences. 890 MoxoN (Gr. E.) Mathematics made easie, or Mathematical Dictionary, 12m0' portrait and curiously engraved Astrological plates, calf, 5s 1701 891 Murhard's Litteratur der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, 5 vols. 8vo. bds. a Bibliography arranged in classes and chronologically, 15* Leipzig, 1797-1805 892 NEWTON (Isaac) Opera (Mathematica) quae exstant omnia, commentariis illustrabat Sam. Horsley, 4 vols. impl. 4to. diagrams, calf gilt, £5. Lond. 1779 898 the same, with vol. Y, containing the JJnglish Works : Chronology, Prophecies of the Holy Writ, History of Scripture Texts — together 5 vols. impl. 4to. old calf neat, £8. 155 1779-85 894 ODDI (Mutio) de gli Horologi Solari, 1614— Dello Squadro, 1625— Eabrica et Uso del Compasso polimetro, 1633 — 3 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. numerous cuts, presentation copies, with author's autograph inscriptions, vellum, £1. 3Iilnno, 1614-33 Montucla in his " Histoire des Mathematiques," I. 730, speaks thus favourably of the first treatise, and another on the same subject, " Ces deux traites sont remarquables par diverses ])ratiques ingenieuses et plus de geometric profonde qu'on n'en trouve d'ordinaire dans les livi'es de ce genre." Some of the cuts are very prettily designed. 895 Oppel, Analysis Triangulorum, 4to. 98 pp. and 13 plates, bd. 5s Bresdce, 1746 896 PAPPI Alexandri Mathematicge Collectiones, a Eed. Commandino in Lati- num converssB et commentariis illustratse, sm. folio, diagrams and cuts of mechanical appliances, old calf gilt, fine copy, £2. 2^ Venetiis, 1588 897 PoMODORO, Geometrica Prattica, folio, first edition, engraved title, with a Cardinal's arms, plates, fine copy, vellum^, rare, not mentioned by Brunei nor by Be Morgan, 7s Boma, 1599 898 PONCELET, Traite des proprietes projectives des figures, 4to. diagrams, and several MS. notes and additions in English, hf calf, uncut, rare, £2. Paris, 1822 A very useful work to all who study the descriptive geometry and geometrical men- suration of property. 899 EiccATi (Conte G.) delle Corde ovvero Eibre elastiche Schediasmi fiscio- matematici, 4to. 7 plates, bds. 6« Bologna, 1767 A scarce work, celebrated in the history of mathematical Acoustics. Optics : 900 ALHAZENI Opticae Thesauri lib. YII, et ejusdem liber de Crepusculis et Nubium ascensionibus, item Yitellionis lib. X, cum comment, in Alha- zenum a Eisuero, folio, cuts of diagrams, bds* 18s Basilece, J572 " Volume peu commun." — Brunei. 901 NICEEON, la Perspective curieuse; avec I'Optique et la Catoptrique de Mersenne, 2 vols, in 1, folio, diagrams, vellum, 18^ Paris, 1652-51 902 the same, 2 vols, in 1, folio, old calf \5s ib. 1663-51 903 SMITH (E.) Compleat System of Opticks, with remarks, etc. 2 parts in 1, very stout 4to. numerous plates, calf 12s Cambridge, 1738 904 SABT:tfE's Account of Experiments to determine the figure of the Earth by the Pendulum, etc. 4to. maps, (pub. at £2.) cloth, 7s 6d 1825 291 BEENAED QCJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. ; Mathematics — continued. j 905 Sacrobusto, Sphera, cum Commentis Esculani, Capuani, Fabri Stapiilensis, • etc. folio, gotjiic Utter, diagrams^ hf. morocco^ 9^ Veneb. 1518 . 906 ScHONEEi G-nomonice, hoc est ; de descriptionibus Horologiorum lib. III. : small folio, numerous ivoodcuts and folding diagrams, calf gilt, 12s \ I^orihergce, 1562 j 907 SOUCIET at G-ArBiL, Observations Scientifiques tirees des anciens livres ] Chinois, 3 vols, in 2, 4to. large folding plates, calf 20s Paris, 1729-32 \ 908 STOFLEEINI Elucidatio fabricae ususque Astrolabii, 1224— Ejusdem j Calendarium Eomanum, 1518-79, necnon Abacus Eegionum, etc. 1518 — \ 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, numerous woodcuts of Astrolabes, and smaller cuts i of cities, of the Seasons, etc. good sound copy, vellum, 30s Oppenheym, 1518-24 \ 909 Elucidatio Astrolabii, 12mo. woodcuts, a scarce edition, 7s Paris, 1570 \ 910 SPOTTISWOODE (W.) Meditationes ANALTTiciB, 5 parts complete, j 1847 ; Elementary Theorems relating to Determinants, 1851 ; together i 6 parts, 4to. sd. rare, S5s 1847-51 i These valuable papers are extremely scarce. It is by these Meditations that Mr. Spottiswoode proved his fine scientific genius, and became elected a Fellow of the Royal • Society. | 911 Terquem, Bulletin de Bibliographie, d'Histoire, et Biographie Mathe- \ matiques, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Paris, 1855-57 j 912 THEODOSII de Sphaericis libri a Yogelin restituti, sq. sm. Syo. woodcut on \ title, and diagrams, hf hd. rare, 32* Viennce, 1529 ; 913 ToREiCELLii Opera Q-eometrica : de Sphsera, et Solidis Sphseralibus, sq. 8vo. : vellum, 10s Plor entice, 1644 ; 914 TwiLT, Toet-Steen van d' Algebra Spetiosa, hound up with other curious \ works on Geometry and Arithmetic, etc. in 1 vol. stout sq. 8vo. vellum, 5s I Amst. 1669, etc. \ 915 Waring (E.) Meditationes Algebraicee et Analyticse, 2 vols. 4ito. folding tables : and plates, calf 10s Cantab. 1782-85 \ 916 Wilson's Elements of Conic Sections, in which the general properties are j derived from the nature of the Hyperbola and its Asymptoms in the cone, | sm. Svo. folding plates of diagrams, sd. 5s Madras, 1845 \ Very few copies of this work have reached Europe. I 917 WoLEius (C.) Elementa Matheseos universse, 5 vols. sm. 4to. portrait, and '. a large number of mathematical diagrams, calf gilt, 10s Halce, 1742 j 918 ZucHETTA, Prima parte della Arimmetica, folio, portrait of the Author on the ' title, and of his patron, C. Papa on the dedication, limp vellum, scarce, 12s \ Brescia, 1600 Fetched, 1857, 40 fr. — Quoted only in his Index by Professor de Morgan, who appa- i rently was not able to find a copy to give the title. 919 Mathematical Tracts, 79 in 4to. A collection of valuable tracts by Whewell, ; Stokes, and others, chiefly from the transactions of the Eoyal and Cam- : bridge Philosophical Societies, including Morgan, Integral Calculus, 1851 \ — Stokes, Variation of Gravity, 1849— Booth, Elliptic Integrals, 1854 — \ Murphy, definite Integrals, 1835 — Hamilton, Dynamics, 1834— Whewell, - Laws of Motion, 1834— Kelland, System of Particles, 1837 — Davies, Equations of Loci, 1832— Lockhart, Eesolution of Equations, 1837 — Landen, or Lorgnas' Converging Series, 1781 — Gompertz on Porisms, 1850— Herschel on Sound, 1849— Cauchy, Calcul Infinitesimal, 1823, &c. \ £2. 10s 1781-1857 ' NATURAL HISTOEY, AVORKS OK SCIENCE, ETC. 292 920 Mathematical Tracts, a collection of 52, in 8vo. containing some very valuable essays by Wheuell, Lockhart, Jerrard, and other;^, includino^ Lockhart's Cubic Equations, 1813 — Jerrard, Mathematical Researches, 1832 — Carnot on Infinitesimal Analysis, Oxford, 1832 — Tate's Factorial Analysis, 1845 — AVhewell's Conic Sections, Cambridge, 1846 — Jerrard's Resolution of Equaiions, 1858, and also some foreign tracts on Mathematical Science by Schomlich, Cantor, Terquem, SchnUse, and others, £2. 1812-61 MEDICINE. 921 Ainslee's Materia Indica ; or articles employed by the Hindoos and others in Medicine, Arts and Agriculture, second edition, 2 vols. 8vo. the names in Tamul, Cingalese, Arabic, Persian, Malay, Chinese, French, German^ Ital. Span. bds. 15s ; or hf. calf neat, 18* ^d 1826 922 Cleyer (Andrese) Specimen Medicinie SInicse, sive opuscula medica ad mentem Sinensium, sq. 8vo. 80 very curious plates from Chinese originals, and numerous cuts, calf, rare, IHs Francof. 1682 A MS. note in the fly-leaf states, "I bought this mysterious book at the auction of old nonjureing Dr. Beaufbrd's books, in St. Colomb, Novr. 1721." 923 Frettagii jiurora Medicorum Galeno-Chymicorum, sq. 8vo. engraved title, a curious work of medical prescriptions, calf, 5s 6d Francof 1630 924 HoLLYBUSH. A most excellent and perfecte Homish Apotiiecarye or Homely Physick Booke for all the Grefes and Diseases of the Bodye, translated out of the Almaine Speche into Engiishe by Jhon Hollybush, small folio, hinck kittx, very fine clean copy in calf with the contemporary autograph of Nicholas Parker, £2. 2^ Imprinted at Collen by A. Birckman, 15G1 John Hollybush was the translator of the New Testament, published by Coverdale, in 1.538. It is probable that he was a refugee in Germany, on account of his adherence to the Reformation. This work is a collection of recipes apparently intended for domestic practice, and some of the maladies are described with a plainness not suitable to the present age. 925 Le Clerc, Histoire de la Medecine, 4to. plates, calf Qs Amst. 1723 Contains an account of celebrated physicians. 926 Mangeti Bibliotheca 8criptorum Medicorum veterum et recentiorum, 4 vols. in 2, stout folio, several portraits, 15s Geneva:, 1731 Priced, 1840, Payne and Foss, £.3. 3^. 927 MEDICiE AETIS PKINCIPES, post Hippocratem et G-alenum, Grseci Latinitate donati, et Latini, 5 vols, in 2, folio, numerous curious cuts, illus- trative of surgical operations and instruments in ancient times, calf gilt, fne copy, 20s Paris, 1567 Priced, 1831, bound by DeRome, £6. 6* ; 1848, Payne and Foss, red morocco, £5. 5*; Evans' copy fetched £9. 9s ; Didot's fine copy in morocco, 137 fr. An important collection of the Medical and Empirical writers of Ancient Greece and Rome. To Antiquaries who wish to have the sources of many Mediaeval superstitions these volumes will prove attractive. Contents : — Greek writers : Actuarius— N. Myrepsus — Aretaeus— RufFus Ephesius — P. Aegineta— Aetius — Al. Trailianus. Latin nriters: Celsus — Scrib. Largus— Marc. Empiricus — Fragmenta. " Collection estimee et difficile a trouver bien conditionee." — Brunet. 928 VAN SWIETEN" (G.) Commentaria in Boeehaave Aphorismos de Cog- noscendis et Curandis Morbis, 5 vols. 4ito. front, very fine copy, in bright old French ked morocco, gilt edges, in most perfect condition, HI. 10s Parisiis, 1771-73 929 Webb's Pathologia Indica, or the Anatomy of Indian Diseases ; and Medical Pathology, 8vo. hf calf 12s Calcutta, 1818 930 Willis (T.) Affectionum Hystericae et Hypocondriacse Pathologia spas- mod ica vindicata, de Sanguinis accensione, et de raotu musculari, sm. 4to. portrait by Loggan, plates, calf. 85 1670 931 Wise's Commentary on the Hindu System of Medicine, 8vo. cloth, 5s Calcutta, 1845 X 293 BEENARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. ] Medicine— co7itinued. 932 Ameeican Medical Tracts, by various Authors, 19 in one vol. 8vo. half calf, '■ 12s Philadelphia, 1801-27 ' A very curious collection of so many Philadelphian Tiacts. ] 033 Medical Pamphlets, a collection of 12 in 1 vol. Syo. from Prof. Gamblers ' lihra7y, half calf 7s 6d v. y. \ Murchison on continued Fevers 1858 j Naturforschung und Hunianitiic BeHin, 1H61 ^ Pensieri suUe Scienze Medico-chirurgicheitaliane i Tnrin, 18.56 . Percy on Veratrum Viride PhUochlphin, 1864 Voelcker on the Scouring lands of Central ■ Somerset 1862 i Condy on Air and Water 1862 Crisp on an Agricultural Mu- seum 1860 Dor, die Kohlensaure 1857 Dor, Bains de Mer de la Suede 1861 Mackay on German Yeast 1861 934 Mebrett, Pinax rerum naturalium Britanniarum, 12mo. ^ives an intpresting ' account ichere certain Plants, Animals and JFossils, are found in England, \ calf 2s 6d 1667 I METEOROLOGY: \ 935 BoiiuN (K.) Discourse concerning the origine and properties ofWiND, with I an Historical Account of Hurricanes, 12mo. calf curious, 5s Oxford, 1671 , 936 another copy, with which are bound up: Amman, Surdus loquens, i Amst. 1692 — Menagii Historia Mulieruin pbiicsopliarum, Amst. 1692 — in 1 vol. 12mo. cf Qs Gd 1671-1692 \ 937 EoMME, Tableau des Vents, des marees, et des courans, 2 vols. 8vo. clo/h, '■ 6s Paris, 1806 \ 938 ScHRETBERs' Beitrage zur Geschichte und Keuntniss meteorischer Stein- j and Metal-masseUj folio, nitie plates of meteoric masses, sd. 9s. Wien. 1820 1 939 Meteorological and Naval, chiefly those for determining latitude, &c.,\ including Burw^ood, ISun's true bearing, 1864 — Maury's sailing directions, | 2 vols, stout -:to. 1855-9 — Gales in the Atlantic, 1857 — Shadwell's table i for determining Latitude at Sea, 1849 ; and many others, in all 20 4to. and j 13 8vo. some hound, with two large bundles of charts, 10s 1849-64^ MICROSCOPE : \ 940 Adam's Essays on the Microscope, with a liistory of Insects, 2nd edition, i additions by Kanmacher, front. 4to. and oblong 4:to. atlas of 32 plates of] Microscopic Inatruments, Animalcula, ^c. bds. Gs 1798 \ 941 Baker (H.) The Microscope made easy, with an account of the Discoveriesi made by the Microscope, 8\'o. plates, calf 6s 1743 \ 942 Griffith and Henfret's Micrographic Dictionary, a guide to the investi- ] gation of the nature of Microscopic objects, stout 8vo. 45 plates, some \ coloured, and 812 woodcuts, (pub. £2. 6s) cloth, £1. 16s 1860 ] 943 Microscopical Tracts, 10 pieces in 1 vol. 8vo. half calf 7s 6d 1850-56 j Containing the following Lister on Muscular Tissue of the Skin, plafe Seeberg de textura Membranse Pituitariae Nasi, : plate Dorpati, 1856 , Detilippi, Larva del Bombyx Mori 1864 | Cima, degli Umori dell' Occhio 1860 I Nachet, Nouyeau Microscope pour demonstrations anatomiques, cuts 1854 Reissner, Kenntnis der Haare des Menschen und der Saugethiere, plates 1854 MINERALOGY: 944 BEUDANT (Y. S.) Voyage Mineralogique et Geologique en Hongrie, \ pendant I'annee 1818, relation historique, 4 vols. 4:to.the fourth being the Atlas, containing numerous onaps and plates, sd. 18s Paris, 1822 945 CoRSi, Trattato delle Pietre Antiche, thick 8vo. sd. Ss 6d Roma, 1833 94(3 Pietre Antiche, edizione terza con notabile aggiunta al terzo libro, 8vo. portrait, hf. vellum gilt, 5s Boma, 1845 Including an account of various kinds of marbles. \ 947 Feeraea, Mineralogia della Sicilia, sm. 4to. hf cf rare, 7s 6d Catania, 1813 ] NATUEAL HISTOEY, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 294 Mineralogy — contin ued. 9i8 MiNERALOGisTES (Aiiciens) du Eoyaume de France, avec des Notes par Gobet, 2 vols. 8vo. if. calf, ^s Paris, 1779 949 Pyrenees. Essai sur la Mineralogle des MoNTS-PriiEiNEES, avec un Cata- logue des Plaates, 4to. large folding plates, Jine copy in veaufauve, iOs Paris, 1781 950 EosE, Mineralogisch-geognostische Eeise nacli dem Ural, dem Altai, und dein Kaapischen Meere, 2 vols. 8vo. mapsy plans, and plates, kf. calf, 7s 6d Berlin, 1837-42 951 SOWEEBY'S BEITISH MINEEALOGY; or coloured figures intended to elucidate the Mineralogy of Great Britain, 5 vols. 8vo. 550 plates, BEATJTirULLT COLOUEED, (pub. in Nos. at 2^17. 5*) calf gilt, £9. 9s 1804-17 952 "WiESiNa (A. L.) Marmora et adfines aliquos Lapides coloribus suis exprimi curavit (Lat. et Germ.) sm. folio, 12 coloured plates of 72 varieties of Marble, kf hd. 22s Nurnherg, Vli^ 953 Zerrenner (Dr. Carl) Anleitung zura Gold- Platin- und Diamanten- Wascheu, sm. 4to 3 large folding plates. Ids. 15s Leipzig, 1851 MINING AND METALLURGY : 954 AGEICOLA de Ee Metallica, et Animantibus Subterraneis, iolio, many fine woodcuts, EARLIEST IMPRESSIONS, ^rtc copy in old calf 245 Basil. 1556 951* the same, a beautiful copy in red morocco, gilt edges, by De Rome, £5. Basil 1556 955 alia editio, folio, very numerous woodcuts, Jif bd. 18s 1561 956 idem, cum tract, de Subterraneis, de effluentibus ex terra, de Eossi- libus, etc. folio, woodcuts, hf vellum, 12s Qd Basil. 1617 957 ANNALES (et JOUENAL) DES MINES, from the beginning in 1794 to 1847, us follows : Journal des Mines, avec la Table, 39 vols, in boards ' 1794-1815 Annales des Mines, Troisieme Serie, A^ols. I-XVI [I, 1832-40 ; Qaatrierae Serie, Vols. IX-XI, XVII-XX, 1846-51 --Cinquieme Serie, 20 vols, com- plete, 1852-61— Sixieme Serie, Vols. I-IX, 1862-66 ;— 53 vols, ten hf bd the remainder sd. 1832-66 —together 92 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, £20 1795-1847 Sets of this important periodical are now rare ; especiallj the early series. 958 the same Journal, Vols. 1-38 (without 36), and Index to 1-28, 88 vols. 8vo. hf calf £5. 5s 1794-1815 959 Bavarian Mining Laws : Lori, Sammlung des Baierischen Bergrechts und Berg- Eechts- Geschichte, folio, stamped monastic binding, 12s Munchen, 1764 960 BERGWEEKSFEEUND (der), ein Zeitblatt fur Berg- und Hiittenleute, Vols. I-XXIl, (without II, XI, XII), 19 vols. ^^o. plates, bds. £S. 10s 1839-60 The first vol. is very scarce. 961 Berlin Mining Journal : Zeitschrift fiir das BEEG-, HuTTEN- und SALINENWESEN, in dem Preussischen Staate, berausg. von CAE- NALL, Vols. II, VI, pt. 1; X, 1, 2; XI, 4 —Catalog der Bibliothek, 1852 —together 2 vols, and 5 parts, 4to. with 35 plates, sd. 30s Berlin, 1852-63 9(i2 Bertcht vom Bergfbau, sm 4to. 18 plates, bds. 7s 6d Leipzig, 1772 963 Bibliotheca METALLICA, oder Bergmannischer Biicher-Vorrath, das ist: Zehn gelelirte Manner welche von Bergwercks- Sauhen geschrieben baben, ism. 4to. bds. 7s 6d 1728 96i BoRjf uud Trebra, Bergbaukunde, 2 vols, 4to. plates, hf. bd. calf 12s Leipzig, 1789-90 X 2 295 BERNAED QUAEITCII, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. i Mining and Metallurg-y — continued. 1)65 Brealau. Jahrbuch des SCHLESISCHEN Vebeins fiir Berg- und Hiit- I tenwesen, A^ols. I-III, 3 vols. 4to. plates, 25s Brealau, 1859-61 \ 966 BRUCKMANN (F. E.) Magnalia Dei in Locia Subterraneis oder luterir- \ dische Schaz-Cammer aller Konigreiche und Lander, in Beschreibung allep mehr als 1600 Bergwerke, very thick folio, with Supplement, portrait and numerous plates ^ vellum, £4.4* Braunschweig Sf Wolf. 1727-34 ! Very rare, especially Avith the Supplement. A general Histoiy of the Mines in I all parts of the Globe; pp. 1069-1136 contain: ''Designation aller Bergwercke in 1 AMERICA. 967 Cahtophilus de antiquis Auri, Argenti, Stanni, Aeria, Eerri, Plumbiquej EoDiNis, 4to. bds. 5s Viennce' l7o7'. 968 CoEPUs Juris et Systema rerum METALLICAEUM ; oder neu verfasstes ' Berjj- Buch, bestehend aus alten Collectaneis von Bergwercks- Sachen: } I. Encelii Tractat von Metallischen Dingen i II. Em alter Tractat von Erkanntnuss der Kliiffte - III. Deuceri Corpus Juris Metallorum ) IV. Berg- Ordnungen 1 V. A. V. 8chonberg's Berg- Information — in 1 vol. folio, plates, vellum, rare, £2. 10s 'Franchfurt, 1698 j 969 Ceamee's Art of Assaying Metals, ^tout 8vo. plates, calf, \0s 17411 970 Delius, Anleitung zu der Bergbaukunst, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. calf, 12s Wien, 1806! 971 Freybergische Ausbeut-Bogen, from 1726 to 1800, 3 vols, folio, hf. calf 36« ! Freijberg, 1726-1800 : A careful report of the yield of the Freyberg mines. \ 972 EEEIBEEGr. Kalendar fiir den Sachsiscben Berg- und Hiittenmann, 1827, | 1829, 1830, 1835, 5 parts, 8vo. plates, sd. Freyberg, 1827-85! jAUEBUCiifur den Berg- und Huttenmann, 1830-33, 1836-38, 1853-6,, 1858-68, 21 vols. 8vo. large folding plates of mines and mininy, sd. —the above 2 Series, sold together lor ^2. 10^ ib. 1827-68- 973 Sachsische Bergwerks-Zeituog, Vols. I-III, 1852-54, in 1vol. 4:io. plates,- bds. 7s 6d lb, 1852-54 ; 974 Beeg-und HiiTTENMANNiscHE Zeitung, mit besonderer Beriick-j sicbtigung der Mineralogie und Geologie ; herausg. von Hartmann, Borne- Diann. und Kerl, 1851 to 1863, 13 vols. 4to. mang large folding plates, three "; vols. sd. the rest in bds. £S. 10s Freiberg, 1851-63!: 975 GAMBOA (Don F. X. de) Commentarios a las Ordenanzas de Minas, folio, ^ plates, one small diagram cut out, vellum, 25s JUadrid, 1761 ■ 976 Hartz Mountains. Holzmann, Hercynisches Archiv oder Beitriige zur. Kunde des Harzes, 4 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 10s Halle, 1805; Eelates chiefly to Mining. 'i 977 Eeeiesleben, Bergniannlsche und mineralogische Bemerkungen liber den] Harz, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Leipzig, 1795 978 Heedee's Tiefe Meissner Erbstolln, roy. 4to. large map, hf bd. 7s Qd Leipzig, 183; 979 the same, 4to. new title onlg, sd. t)s Freiberg, 184 980 HoLLTJi^nER, Tagebuch einer metallurgiscli- tecbnologischen Eeise dure Mahren, Bohmen, eincn Theil von Deutschland und der JXiedejlande, 8vo, with 27 p fates, bds. 7 s {5d A urn berg, 182 981 KAKSTEN'S Archiv fiir Bergbau und Hiittenwesen, Vols. 1-XX, in I 20 vols, small 8vo. with 83 large jjlales, German bds. £2. 10s J BreslaU' und Berlin, 1818-31 j 982 Kerl, Oberharzer Iluttenprozesse, 8vo. bds. 5s 6d Claudhal, 1852 1 983 Lehmann, Chronik der Ereien Bergstadt Schneeberg, 3 vols, in 1, stout 4to. j cloth, 12* Schneeberg, 1837-401 KATUKAL HISTORY, WOEKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 296 Milling and Metallurgy — continued. 981 Liege Mining Journal. Revfe Universelle des Mines, de la Metallur^ie, etc. appliques a I'Industrie, sous la direction de Cuyper, 1863-64, Tomes XllI-XVJ, in 12 parts 8vo. ivith 89 large folding plates of Mining^ Public Works, etc. (pub. at 72 fr.) sd. 2 U Liege, 1863-64 985 LoHNLY!>s, Bericht von Bergwercken, folio, numej^ous plates of Mining and Smelting operations, vellum, £-2. I65 Stockholm and Hamburg, 1090 986 Madrid. Eevista Mineka, Periodico cientifico e industrial, redactado por una Sociedad de Ingenieros, Vols. I-XVI, in 16 vols, 8vo. numerous plans and plates, hf. calf neat, J:3. 10^ Madrid, 1850-65 987 MATHE8II (Jo.) Berg Postilla, eder Sarepta darinn von allerley Bergvverk uud Metallen, Bericht gegeben wird ; sampt der Joachim-sthalischen Chro- niken bis aufF 1578, folio, stamped vellum, S6s Numb. 1587 A valuable and rare work. 988 Minas Geraes. Memoria sobra a Capitania das Minas geraes ; seu terri- torio, China e Produe(?6es Metalicas, sobre a necessidade de se restabelicer e animar a Minerac^ao do Beazil, 1799 — Proposals for a Diamond Con- tract in the Minns geraes by Andrada, 1740 — Sobre o Q.uinto : Diamond Contract, Spanish Coinage, etc. — On Diamonds — Memoria sobre a Caza da Moeda da Baliia, etc. — a valuable collection of Documents on the Minas GERAES (Bahia) copied from the originals by an English Mining Engineer, 1 vol. folio, 200 pp. clearly ivritten,from Southey's collection, £2. 2^ ca. 1800 988*MITCHELL'S Manual of Practical As^^ayini?, third edition, h^ Crookes, stout 8vo. nearly 200 woodcuts, (pub. 28*) cloth, new, 25s 1868 989 New York. MINING- Magazine (the), devoted to Mines, Mining opera- tions, Metallur. 4s New York, 1853-56 990 Peithnee's Geschichte der Bohmischen und Mahrischen Bergwerke, 2 vols. in 1, folio, plates, calf gilt, 2os Wien, 1780 991 PERCY'S Metallurgy: Ivon 2in^^{eQ\, htoxxtSYO. numerous folding plates and upwards of 200 woodcvts, cloth, £2. 2s 1864 992 PHILLIPS (J. A.) The JMiiiing and Metallurgy of GOLD and SILVER, large S\o. frontispiece, 84 woodcuts and 8 folding plates (f machinery, ^"c. (pub. at 30sJ cloth, 25s 1867 993 BoswAG (C.) les Metaux Precieux consideres au point de vue economique, 8^0 platen, some coloured, hf. calf, a valuable work, \2s Paris^ 1865 994 Safety Lamps. Des Moyens de soustraire I'Exploitation des Mines de Houille aux chances d'Explosion, 8vo. sd. 3s Qd JBruxelles, 1840 995 CoMBi-:s, 1' Aerate des Mines, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Liege, 1839 996 SAIJNT-xiNGE, Praktische EiSENHiixTENKUNDE, oder systemati:?che Beschreibuni? des Verfahrens bei derlioheisenerzeugung und der Stabeisen- fabrication, bearbeitet von Hartmann, zweite vermehrte Auflage, 3 vols. 4to. with oblong roy. folio Atlas, containing 78 large plates of Machinery, by Le Blanc, hf calf, £2. 2s Weimar, 1842-43 997 Saxon Mines. Albinus Meiszniche Land und Berg Chronica Description des Landes so zwischen der Elbe Sala and Siidodischen Bohmischen Gebirgen gelegen, folio, cuts of arms, vellum, 32s Dresden, 1589 Bound up with the above is : Meissnische Bergk Chronika, darinnen von den Bergwercken des Landes zu Meissen gehandelt wirdt. Dresden, 1590. 998 SCHLUTTER (C. A.) de la Fonte des Mines, des Fonderies, etc. trad, de I'Allem. par Hellot, 2 vols. 4to. numerous plates of milling, very neat, old calf, 24s l^aris, 1750-53 999 Tin Mines, Zinbergkwercks Ordnung auff die Bergwerck : Hengst, Per- ninger, Lichtenstadt, etc. small fulio, sd. veey i?aee, £2. 8s Zwickau^ W. Weyerbeck, 1548 1000 Vienna. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir Berg- und lliittenweseu, redigirt von Hingenau, Vols. 1, II, V, 3 vols. 4to. plates, bds. 12s Wien, 1853-57 ^97 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Mining and 'M.eiallviTgy— continued. 1001 Jaiirbich der Kniserl.-Konigl. Geolog. Reich sanstalt, Vols. I ; II, pts. 2, 4 ; 111, 2, 3, with Index to'I-X— 8 parts, 8vo. srf. V2s ib. 1850-o3 1002 Berg- und lliittenmanni.-ches Jahrbuch, von Tunner, Grimm, und Faller, Vols. VI, IX, Xlll, XIV, 6 vols. 8vo. with 41 large folding plates, sd. 15« ib. 1857-65 1004 Minor AVoEKS, Tracts and Periodicals, viz. : 2 vols, folio, 4G in 4to. and 17 in 8vo. in all 05 works, on MINING, METALLURGY, Mineralogy, Scientific Travels, collei ted at much trouble and ex[)ense by Nic. Aiidr. NiLSEN, during his Travels in Europe and in America : the lot, £3. 16s Kuper, Recherches experiment sur I'esticite des Me\SiU-ii.,7}iap and p/aftts 6V. Peter.-^b. 1860 Melzer, De Hermundurorum Metall. Argent. Fieib. 1655 Nortzfeldt, Sorthings-Efterretnings Chrhtiama. 1851 Atlas du memoire sur I'Extrac- tion de la Ilouille, appl. aux minus du Grand-hornu, 12 plates. A vol. con- taining ZO plates oj mining machiiuri/, etc. Brux. 1857 4to. indiidhig : Boeckh, Laurischen Silberw. in Attica 1815 Comptes Rendus des Travaux des Ingenieurs des Mines, 1833-41, 9 vols. Fan.«, 1834-42 Fiedler, De Metallis, dissert, physica 1648 riade, De re MetalHca Midiani- tarum Edomitarum, et Phoenicura Lipfi. 1791 Eriese, Die Bergw. prod. d. Oesterreich Mon. ///. r/'. Wien. 1852 Ubersicht des Oester- Sachsische Bergwerks Zeitung, 2 vols. Ireib. 1853-4 8vo. includhig : Archiv fiir Mineralogie, etc. Bd. XXVI Berlin, 1854 Burat, Gites Metalliferes de TAlgerie Paris, 1846 Gruner,DieMineralgesch.derSehweiz Bern, 1774 Martius, Wanderung. durch Eranken und Thii- ringen Erlangen, 1795 Merwiirdig. d. Bergstadt Kuttenberg und Silber- Bergwerke Wien. 1825 Niemann, Hand. fiirHarzreisende Halber.^f. 1824 Rivaz, Des Eaux Minerales des Casiellamare, etc. Naples, 1834 reich,///.r/". 1855 Herder, der tiefe Meissner Erb- | Wanderung im Riesen-Gebirge, 27 plates \ stolln, viap Freib. 1847 j Landesliut, 1821 i 1005 MURRAY (Andrew) Geographical distribution of Mammals, with a copious ■ synonymic list of species, stout 4to. coloured plate and an immense number ^ of coloured maps, shewing the geographical distribution of each separate ■ family, (pub. at £^. 3«) cloth, £1. lis 6d 1866 i MoLLrscA — see Conchology. i 1006 MtLLER (O. E.) Zoologia Danica, seu Animalium Danife et Nor- \ \eoisd rariorum ac minus notorum Descriptiones efc Historia, 4 vols, folio, j 160 fnelg coloured plates, hf hound, £6. 10s Haunice, 1788-1808 \ Priced, Wood, £16. 16«, J. Bohn, £14., H. G. Bohn, £10. 105. j 1007 Vermium Terrestrium et Eluviatilium seu Animalium Infu- ' soriorum, Helminthicorum et Testaceorum non Marinorum Historia, • 2 vols, in 1, 4to. calf 5s Haunice, 1773-4 ; 1008 Ortctographia Carniolica, onder physikalische Erdbeschreibung des ■ Ilerzogthums Krain, Istrien, und zum Theil der benachbarten Lander, ; 4 vols, maps and plates of minerals, etc. Leipzig, 1778-9 — Hacquet Plantse i Alpinae Carniolicse, plates, Viennce, 1782; together 5 vols, in 2, 4to. calf \ 10s 1778-82 ' ORNITHOLOGY. 1009 AUDEBRT et VIELLIOT, Storia naturale generale dei Colibri, degli \ Uccelli Mosca, delle Galbule e dei Promeropi, tradotta da Giuseppe di \ Teresa, 2 vols, folio, plates, containing over 200 coloured illust^^ations \ of the known species of Birds of Faradise, Sunbirds, ^c. hf morocco, gilt \ edges, £2. Milano, Locatelli, 1830-40 i 1010 AUDUBON'S BIRDS OE AMERICA, 4 vols, elephant folio, con-l sis ting of 435 beavtifulhj coloured plates, each bird being represented the \ full size of life, with its prey, an original subscribers copy, £200. 1826-38 ; Collation.— Titles to each volume, 4 leaves : Plates 1 to 435. Plate 254 is erro- \ neously numbered 256, and plate 260 is numbered 240, Nos. 256 and 240 being repeated. J NATUEAL HISTORY, WORKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 298 Ornithology : 1011 AUDUBON'S Birds of America: the large folio edition, plates 1 to 20, and 800 to 385 inclu.^ive, the birds the full size of life, magntficently COLOURED, one plate ^'5., ten plates dilO. \0s, the lot to be sold for £2\. 1828 These plates include figures of the great American Turkey, male and female, and the great Eagle, the full size of life, and being in an uncut state are perfect in condition, those in bound copies being frequently damaged by the binder's knife ; the plates be- longing to vol. 4 include the water birds, of m hich the brilliant plumage is rendered with the greatest fidelity to nature. 1012 AUDUBON S Birds of America, from drawings made in the United' States and their territories, 100 parts forming 7 vols. imp. 8vo. with 500 FixXE COLOURED PLATES, £20. (pub. at £36.) cloth, uncut New York, 1856 Audubon is celebrated for the truth and accuracy of his descriptions, and chiefly for the vigour and life-like character of his drawings. To those naturalists and collectors who have not room in their library for the magnificent work as it was originally issued by the author, this handsome edition will be found very useful. To each species there is a full description, and the illustrations are beautifully executed by Bowen from the author's own drawings. They possess all the animation which characterises the plates in the lari>e edition, of which they are reduced copies. 1013 AUDUBON'S Ornithological Biography; or an Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America ; accompanied by Descrip- tions of the Objects represented in the Work entitled, " The Birds of America," 5 vols imp. 8vo. half red morocco, gilt top, edge uncut, pre-'ieii- tation copy to Br. Hooker, rare, £9. Edinb. 1831-39 1014 the same. Vols. I-III,imp. 8vo. calf gilt, £^. 5« 1831-35 1015 Synopsis of the Birds of North America, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1839 Bewick's Birds — see: Fine Arts Catalogue — Woodcuts. 1016 BONAPARTE (C. L., Prince of Canino) American Ornithology, or Natural History of the Birds of the United States not described by Wil- son, 4 vols, atlas 4to. 27 finely coloured plates, half morocco, uncut, tery RARE, £10. Philadelphia, 1825 For the eoviplefe rvorh, see Wilson. 1017 Conspectus (^enerum Avium, cum Indice per Tinsch, 3 vols, largo 8vo. sd. new, £2. 4« Lugd. Bat. 1850-6r 1018 BKOOKICK'S Falconer's Favourites, fol. containitig 6 plates of Hawko and their Prey, life size, beautifully coloured, with Descriptions, cloth, 3(5* 1865 Very few copies printed. 1019 BUFFON, Flinches ENLUMiNEES a I'Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux, 5 vols. Iblio. large paper, containing 864 magnificently coloured plates ofbird^, half calf uncut, £6. Vds {Paris, 1771-86) 1020 DES MUilS, IcoNOGRAPHiE Ornithologtque : Nouveau Recueil general de planches peintes d'Oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de complement aux planches enlummees de Bnffon et aux planches coloriees de Temminck et Luugier de Ciiartrouse, avec texte, figures par Prevot et Oudard, com- plete in 1 vol. folio, 72 superbly coloured plates, £8. 85 Paris, 1845-49 1021 Iconographie ornithologique, Liv. I. imp. 4to. 6 coloured plates, \2s Paris, 1845 This beautiful work, now out of print, and very scarce, forms a "Complement" to BufFon's rianches Enluminpes and Temminck and Laugier's Planches Coloriees. The plates, from the pencil of M. Oudard are beautifully executed. The new work, " Exotic Ornithology," by Messrs. Sclater and Salvin, now in course of publication, will form a suite to the " Iconographie." Those who possess the works of 13uffon or Temminck, and all intending subscribers to the "Exotic Ornithology" should also have this fine work of'Dcs Murs. 1022 Des Muks, Traite general d'Oologie Ornithologique au point de vue de la classification, stout 8vo. sd. I85; or neatly bound in half green morocco, jrom Mr. Gurnefs library, 20^ id. 1860 The best work on Oology. 299 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Ornithology : 1023 Dubois (C. F.) Planches coloriees des oiseaux de TEurope et de leurs oeufs, 91 livraisons, 4to. at 2s each ^rwor. 18G8 1024 EYTON (T. C.) Monograph of the Anatidae, or Duck Tribe, (including the Geese and Swans), 4to. with 24 plates {of which 6 are coloured) and upwards of 70 woodcuts of Bills and Feet, cloth hds. bare, £4. 4* 1838 1025 OsTEOLOOiA. Avium ; or a sketch of the Osteology of Birds, 2 vols. 4to. 116^??^ zincographic plates, with introduction and 249 pages of text, (pub. at £^. 8s) cloth, £7. 5s Wellington, 1867 1026 Supplement to Osteologia Avium, 4to. 18 plates of skeletons, and Trachea of the Anatidae, cloth, 30s 1027 Eyton's (T. C.) History of the rarer British Birds, with a catalogue of British Birds including the naturalized species, 8vo. very nicely executed woodcuts, cloth, 7s Qd 1836 1028 the same, laege paper, roy. 8vo. cloth, 18s 1836 1029 Another copy, large paper, roy. 8vo. ivilh the Author's Autograph and Book-plate, and the cancel-leaf 25-6, clothe wicut, 24s 1836 1030 Eaber, das Leben der Hochnordischen Vogel, 2 parts, complete in 1 vol. 8vo. synoptical tables, half calf neat. Is Qd Leipzig, 1825-26 1031 EiNSCH (O.) die Papa^eien, 2 vols. 8vo. map and structural plates, 2 vols. large 8vo. (pub. at £2. 5s kSd) sd. 34s Leiden, 18G7-8 1032 German Ornithological Society. Naumannia, Archiv fiir Ornithologie, herausgegeben von E. Baldamus, Vols. I — IV. 8vo. in 12 parts, numerous plates, coloured, (pub. 33s) sd. 20s Stuttgart, 1S51 1033 GiLii Agri Romani bistoria naturalis ; Ornithologia, 8vo. 24 plates of birds, clean copy in vellum, 7s Qd MomcB, 178 L 1034 GOMBAUD. Les OISEAUX de le GUYANNE, points par Ogier de Gombaud, 2 vols, royal folio, 168 original coloured drawings, containing representations o/'429 different species of Birds, AN UNIQUE AND ViERY VALUABLE UNPUBLISHED WORK on the Natural History of Guyana, neatly hound in hf green morocco gilt, the Gem of Mr. Gurnet's library, £75. Cayenne, 1803-8 This extraordinary work is the production of a French gentleman named Ogier de Gombaud, who had been exiled to Guyana for some political reason, at the beginning of the present century. While there he determined to write the history of the birds of that country, and the above are his original drawings, wirh the descriptions. Not the least curious feature in the book is the dedication to the Eternal, in which he implores the blessing of Providence on the work, and thanks him in that he has given him "le courage, les talens, pour copier ses inimitables ouvrages, les moyens de le faire, la sante pour les finir dans un horrible pays ou I'oii lutte sans cesse entre la vie etla raort." The birds are painted in a peculiar manner, white being apparently used as the ground-colour, while the other colours are beautifully worked in, each ieuther being distinctly delineated. This method gives the drawings the appearance of oil paintings, and their line effect can only have been the result of the most tedious labour and wonderful perseverance. The dif- ferent species are characteristically figured, the Vultures, Eagles, Falcons and other Raptorcs being represented capturing or devouring their prey. The Cypselidup (Swifts) are representee! with their peculiar nests, the Caprimulgid* (Goatsuckers) hunting moths ; and the appearance of every picture is further enhanced by the tasteful arrangement of scenery and foliage. The birds are faithfully coloured, and some of the biighter- plumaged ones, such as the Orioles, Tanagers, Toucans and Trogons are very finely painted. There are three plates of Trochilidas (Humming birds) containing representa- tions of 37 different species, and introducing the well-known anecdote of the Tarantula. The first volume embraces the various genera as far as the Kingfishers and Todies, while the second, commencing with the Woodpeckers, which comprises some of the best drawings, gives figures of all the other genera down to the Terns and Petrels. Mr. Gurney has made some MS. observations with reference to many of the species, but the majority are not yet scientifically named, and many figures of birds could be identified which are not now found in Guyana, thus rendering the work of peculiar interest with regard to the Natural History of that country at the end of the last century. 1035 GOSSE (P. H.) Birds of Jamaica, impl. 8vo. 55 beautifully coloured plates by the author, hf. green morocco gilt, from Mr. Gurney' s library, £3.105 1849 NATURAL HISTORY, WORKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 300 OvmthologY ~ confinued. 103G GossE, Tenby: a sea-side holiday, 8vo. 24 coloured plates hi/ the author, cloth, 7s ^d 1852 This little volume is of great interest to the Microscopist. 1037 GOULD (JOHN) BIRDS of Europe, 5 vok. impl. folio, containing four Hundred and Eorty-nine beautifully coloured plates of Birds, chiefly in pairs, and in lifelike attitudes, genuine and jp erf ect,hj. bound russia yilt, marbled edges, a subscriber's copy, very cheap, ^'80. 1837 Gurney's copy fetched jfe'QS. 1038 the same, parts 1-8, impl. folio, 160 coloured plates, cloth boards, £15. 1832-33 The most complete book of reference to the Ornithology of Europe, and one that should be in every nobleman s and gentleman's library, for besides being beautifully illus- trated, it gives in a concise manner a complete description of each bird. Every plate is a picture in itself, and the birds, admirably drav^^n by the author, Mrs. Gould, and Mrs. Lear, are represented in the most life-like and characteristic attitudes, while the large size of the work has enabled the artist to depict almost all of the natural size. To the naturalist it is indispensable as a work of reference, while by the collector it will be found a most handsome library book and one which for beauty of illustration will never be surpassed. 1039 GOULD'S Icones Avium, or Figures and descriptions of new and inte- resting species of Birds, forming a Supplement to his previous works, 2 parts, impl. folio, 18 C0Jj0Vn¥.\i plates, bds. rare, £2. 5* 1837-38 Two parts only appeared, the first containing the commencement of a monograph of the Caprimulgida;, or Goatsuckers, of which 8 species are here delineated. They em- brace the rarest species of this remarkable family, and the peculiar texture of their plu- mage was never in any other work so truthfully drawn. Part 2 contains some rare birds, not elsewhere described. 1010 GOULDS' BIRDS of AUSTRALIA, complete in 7 vols, atlas folio, ivith 600 plates, most caekfully coloured, (pub. in 36 parts at three guineas, making £113. 8s) in parts, now entirely out of print, ^*84. 1848 Gurney's copy, 18 parts, fetched £92. 1041 the Supplement, 4 parts, atlas folio, coloured plates, (pub. at £12.12s)bd.^lO,lOs 1851 '* We must still consider the * Birds of Australia* to be, on the whole, the most re- markable of the magnificent series of works for which the name of John Gould must ever remain famous in the annals of our science. The special journey to the Anti- podes, undertaken for the collection of materials, the number and importance of new forms and T\ew facts thus brought to light, and the complete novelty of the whole subject ren- dered the *' Birds of Australia" one of the most extraordinary works ever produced by the unassisted efforts of a private individual." — lOis. 1862. 1042 GOULD'S BIRDS OF ASIA, Parts 1—20. impl. folio, all yet published, with 316 large and beautifully coloueed plates {pub. at diQQ. 3^) bJs. £45. 1850-68 Gurney's copy fetched £46. The later works of Gould have been distinguished for the exquisite finish of the illus- trations, but none is so remarkable in this respect as ' The Birds of Asia.' Drawn with all the fidelity which characterises his earliest productions, the birds represented in this work may be seen in the romantic beauty of their native haunts, and many of the bright- hued flowers of the East will be found figured in these mngnificent illustrations. 1043 GOULD'S Monograph of theTROCHILID^,or HUMMING B]RDS. f) vols, in 25 parts, complete, (pub. at £7S. 15«) ivith 3G0 magnificently co- LOUiiED^/a/es, original subscription copy, £4:2. 1819-61 A copy in 1862 fetched £60. ; another in 1863, £62. " Anxious to render his representations of these lovely objects as faithful as possible, the Author instituted a series of experiments upon a new mode of colouring, which has been so far successful, that the birds are as closely imitated as Art can hope to see ac- complished." — Author's advertisement. 1044 Introduction to the Trochilidsp, or Humming Birds, 8vo. cloth, not published, 12* i^ijl 301 BEKNAED QUAMTCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Ornithology— continued, lOio GOULD'S Handbook to the BIEDS of AUSTRALIA, by John Goult) F.E.S. &c. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, 36s 1865 " Nearly twenty years have elapsed since my folio work on the birds of Australa was completed. During that period mony new species have been discovered, and much additional information acquired respecting those comprised therein ; it therefore ap- peared to me that a careful leswut of the entire subject " [in an octavo form] *• would be acceptable to the possessors of the former edition, as well as to the many persons in Aus- tralia who are now turning their attention to the ornithology of the country." 1046 GRAY (G. K) The GENEEA bf BIEDS, comprising their generic cha- racters, a notice of the Habits of each Genus, and an extensive List of Species referred to their several Genera, 3 vols, folio, with Appendix and Index, illustrated bij about 350 superb plates , the Birds fully coLorEED, the details plain, by D. AY. Mitchell, (pub. at £31. IO5) hf. bd. mor. uncut, £28 1841-49 The scientific merit of Gray's text, and the artistic beauty of Mitchell's plates, render the above a most desirable work for any library. Very few copies ever turn up under the present price of 30 guineas ; it is one of the most Scientific works on Ornithology pub- lished in Great Britain, equally complete and accurate with the costly works of Gould. 1057 Heerkens, Aves Erisicse, 3 Lalin poems on Birds, 8vo. hf. calf, Zs 6d 1788 1048 HAYES' (C.) DiiAWijfGS of Birds. A collection of Thirty-five Original Drawings by this celebrated Ornithological Draughtsman, exquisitely finished in colours, each named, and having the artisfs signature, impl. folio, green morocco, super extra, gold tooling on sides, gilt edges, by J. Wright, £^. Recently priced je 10. 10*. 1808-11 1049 JERDON'S (T. C.) iLLrsTRAxioNs of Ijs^dian Ornithology, complete, 4 parts in 1 vol. royal 8vo. 50 superbly coloured plates of new, un- figured and interesting species of Birds, £5. Madras, 1845-47 1050 the same, part III, roy. 8vo. containing plates 26 to 40, coloured, 15* ^6. 1846 1050* the same, royal 4to. large paper, 40 coloured plates, tvith MS. notes, hf morocco, rare, £6. i5s ib. 1845-47 1051 the same, part 11, roy. 4to. plates 13 to 25, coloured, 20s 1843 1051* the siime, part IV, roy. 4to. plates 26 to 40 coloured, 206* 1846 1052 JERDON S Birds of India, a Natural History of all the Birds known to inhabit Continental India, 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. cloth, £3. 10s Calc. 1862-64 1053 the same, Vol. II. in 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 26s 1863 64 1054 KJ^RBCELLING, Ornituologia Danica: Danmark's Fugle, 8vo. with folio Atlisof 96 cOLOUUED^/aifes, comprising 600 engravings of the Birds of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands, sd. £2. 16.s; or half russia qilt, from Mr. Gurney s library, £3. 10s Kiob. 1852 1055 Kkider, Ornitiiological and Oological list of JNorth America, 4to. a taxi- dermist's catalogue, hf calf, interleaved, 5s Philadelphia, n. d. 1056 LATHAM'S General Synopsis of Birds, 6 vols. Supplement 1 vol. and Index 2 vols, together 9 vols. 119 coloured plates, russia neat, the Marquis of Hasting' s copy, £5. 55 178L-90 1057 LEMAIRE'S BIRDS OF EUROPE. Lemaire, Histoire ISaturelle des Oiseaux d'Europe, original edition, 8vo. 80 plates, containing repre- sentations of 200 birds, etc. from the Due d' Orleans' library, £2. 12s; or half calf gilt, from Malherhe's library, rare, £2. 10s Paris, De Bure, n. d. 1058 the same, new edition, 8vo. ^0 plates, representing 200 birds, cloth, 20s Paris, Savy, 1864 1059 LEMAIRE et Prevost, Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux Exotiques 8vo. 80 coloured plates, representing 200 birds, cloth, 20s Paris, 1864 The above two volumes should be bought as a companions to Lucas' Lepidopteres. The plates are very well executed, and moreover the volumes contain some notes about the presemng and mounting of Birds and Butterflies. NATURAL HISTOEY, WORKS ON SCIENCE, ETC. 302 Ornithology — continued. lOtiO LEOTAUD, Oiseaux de I'lle de la Trinidad, (Antilles) royal 8vo. hf. hound, uncnt, £2. '.O^ FoH d' E--;po(^ne, 1866 Oiivragc publie par souscription nationale. Very rare in Europe. Collation^ : XXII and 562 pp. Tables I-Vill and I-IV. 1061 LESSON, Histoire Naturello des OisEAUX-MorcnEs, 8vo. with 85 coloured plates, £2. 10s Paris, 1829 1062 Histoire naturelle des COLIBRIS, avec Supplement a F Histoire des Oiseaux- Mouches, 8vo. Q^ coloured plates (pub. at about SbV) the margins of the last 10 leaves slighlhj wormed^ hf. calf 2ls ; or, a fine copy in green morucco, gilt edges, Sijs ib. 1837 1063 Les Thochilidees, ou les Colibris, et les Oiseaux-Moucbe, suivi d'un Index GiiXEiiAL, 8vo. 66 coloured plates, green morocco, gilt edges, £2. ib. 1831 1064 the preceding three works, 3 vols. roy. Svo. uniformly hf bd. green morocco, gilt tops, uncut, fine large copies, .£4i. 10s 1829-31 1065 LE VAILLANT'S 13ieds of Aeeica : Histoike Natueelle des Oiseaux D'AERIQUE, 6 vols, royal folio, yellum paper, about 303 plates, finely coloueed, (pub. at £61.) hf. bound, uncut, from Malherbe's library, £18. Paris, 1824 1066 HisToiEE NATUEELLE DES OISEAUX DE PARADIS et des Rolliees, suivie de ceile des Toucans et des Barbus, 2 vols, royal folio, elegantly printed on stout paper, with 113 plates of the Birds of Paradise, Boilers, Toucans, and Barbpfs, representing many of them in their different chur act eristic attitudes, bkauti fully coloured, after nature, (pub. in pnrts at 081 frs.) a very fine copy in marbled calf extra, gilt edges, from Professor Vroli/c's library, £ 1 0. 10^ Paris, Didot, 1806 Priced, 1829, Longman, £20. ; 1848, morocco, £18 ; North's copy fetched £45. 1067 la meme, avec le volume des Peomeeops, des Gucpiers et des CouEOucous, qui y fait suite, 3 vols. impl. folio, LARGE VELLUM] PAPER, 19)^ plates beautifully coloueed, wirA a duplicate set plain proofs before Utters, (pub. 2376 fr.) an extremely choice copy, very rare in this state, half red morocco, uncut, from Mr. Gurnefs library, £32. Paris, 1806-7 " Ouvrage d'une execution magnifique." — Brunei. Eor the suite *' Histoire des Perroquets" see post St. Hilaire. 1068 Lewin (J. W.) Birds of New South Wales, royal 4to. 18 coloured plates, hf bd. scarce, 30^ Sydney, 1813 A specimen of one of the first efforts of printing and engraving in Australia. 1068*LEWIN (AV.) Bteds of Great Britain systematically arranged and described, in French and English, 8 vols, in 4, folio, large paper, 277 and 58 plates beautifully coloueed, hf. morocco, gilt edges, bi/ Bering, £7. 15* l79o This fine work has now become very rare, the small issue printed having been eagerlj bought up by collectors. 1069 MACGILLIVRAT (W.) HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS Indigenous and Migratory, with an account of the principal organs of birds and obser- vations relative to practical ornithology 5 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, half green morocco, 3fc'4. 10* 1837-52 1070 MALHERBE (A.) Faune Ornithologique de la Sicile, roy. 8vo. laeqe papee, 8vo. hf calf (jilt, from Mr. Gurncy s library, lOs Metz, 1843 1071 MIDDENDORFF'S Sibirische Rtise Bd.*iI,Th. 11, Lief. 1 : Wirbelthiere, roy. 4to. 26 coloured plates of Birds, etc. 20s St. Peters. 1853 1072 Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary of British Birds, second edition, with a Plan of Study, and many new articles and original observations by James Rennie, Svo. half morocco, 7s i5d 1831 303 BEENAKD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. OimthologJ —continued. 1073 Mliller (Joh. J/«^Z J) 13 „ ZOOPHYTES : 1263 Daka (J. D.) Structure and Classification of Zoophytes, roy. 4to. woodcut illustrations, bds. 21s Philadelphia, 1846 1264 Ellis and Solan^dee, Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, 4to. ^2 finely engraved plates, clean copy in hf calf, 22s 1786 1265 JOHNSTON (a.) History of the British Zoophytes, 8vo. first edition, ^1^ plates, and 51 woodcuts, (pub. at 30s) cloth, 16s Fdin. 1838 1266 History of the British Zoophytes, 2 vols. Svo. 2nd edition, 7 4i plates, and 87 woodcuts, cloth, rare, 34s 1847 1267 History of the British Sponges and Lithophjtes, Svo. cuts andi 25 tinted plates^ (pub. 30s) clothf 24s Van Voorst, 1850 Contents of the Set -.— ' Published at Published at £. s. d. £. s. d. 4 18 Vol.V. Part4,contai Qing 10 Plates 1 10 5 6 6 j> 5) »> 15 „ 1 10 4 11 8 2 6 * J^» >» 1) » 5> 2, „ 14 „ 1 A 1 16 1 1 r! f\ 10 „ 1 lb 14 >i 3? »» 6 „ 1 16 15 >» *> » 13 „ 1 16 1 10 Arabic. MUTANABBII CAEMINA, cum Commentario Wahidit, Arahice, ex libris MSS. qui Yindobonse, Gothae, Lugd. Bat., atque Berolini asservantur, edidit, indicibus instruxit, varias lectiones adnotavit, Diete- EICT, 4to. Tif. calfi gilt topf uncut, £2. 2s Berolinij 1861 Best Edition of the works of Mutanabbi, who has been emphatically styled by Hammer " der grosste Arabische Dichter," and first edition of the Commentary. The Calcutta edition of the Diwan is incorrect and inconveniently arranged. Donovan's (E.) natueal histoet of beitish insects in their several states, with the periods of their transformations, their food, economy, &c. and the History of such minute insects aa require investiga- tion by the Microscope, 16 vols, in 8, large 8vo. complete, with 576 finely coLorEED PLATES of Insects, their Chri/salides, and Caterpillars, and the plants on which they feed, hf. calf, £l. 10« 1792-1813 Me. QiTAElTCH has now for distribution the following Catalogue, and will he happy to iali:e commissions for tlie sale — Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Poetique, dun AMATEUE, Dont- la vente aura lieu Hotel des Commissaires-priseurs, rue Drouot, Salle No. 5, au premier etage, le Lundi 26, Avril I860, et jours suivants ^ une heure et demie precise, par le ministere de M. Delbergue-Cormont, Commissaire-priseur, Eue de Provence, 8. Pontes Eran9ais et Italiens, Chansonniers, Conteurs, Art dramatique, Paceiies, Chasse, Livres Imprimes sur Peau de Yelin, Belles reliures anciennes et modernes : GSuvres de Savonarole Paris, Auguste Aulry Any May, 1869. BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE BY BERNARD QUARITCH, JBooJcselleTj 15 Piccadilly, London, Gentleman having some of the Books of this List for sale at a fair value, will oblige by stating to Mr. Quaritch their titles, dates, condition and price. Offers of Books without a price are declined ; and need not be made. When owners of Books offer them above the market value, they receive no answer. Annals and Mag. of Natural History ; Series II. Vols. 8 to 10. III. Vols. 12 to 20 Austin's Cements Bastard (le Comte) Peintures et Ornements des Manuscrits du IV Siecle jusqu'a la fin du XVIe, atlas folio, 20 livraisons Bazancourt's Sebastopol, English translation — War in Lombardy, English translation Behmen's Works translated by Rev. W. G. Law, 4 vols. 4to. 1764-81 Bible, Latin et Fran9ais, De Sacy, 3 vols, folio, Paris, 1715 Bologna Gallery : Rosaspina Pinacoteca di Bo- logna, folio, 72 plates, Bologna, 1830 Cabinet du Roi, a complete set Centuriatoricis Magdeburge, Basel edition, 1562, Vol. IV. (Centuria Sexta) Christina, Queen of Sweden ; Relation of the Life of, 4to. 1656 Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 1855, and following Eliot's Massachusetts Grammar, 8vo. Boston, 1822 Evelyn's Sylva, First edition, folio, 1664 Emmet, Tentamina de Mensium Fluxu, 12mo. London, 1752 Flandin, Voyage en Perse, 6 vols, large folio, a good bound copy. / have the 2 vols, of Text Histoire Litteraire de la France, Vols. 1^24, 4to. Paris, 1733-1862 Hartlaub's Ornithologie West Afrikas, 8vo. Holtzappfel's Turning Manipulation, 3 vols. 8vo. Hooker and Thomson's Flora Indica, Vol. 1. 8vo. Interest of Great Britain considered with rela- tion to the DiJBFerences between the Northern Potentates, 8vo. 1716 Jungmann, Slownjk Cesko-Nemecky, 5 vols. 4 to. Lahontan, Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentr. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. 1703 Letters relating to the Seizing of the Swedish Minister, 8vo. 1717 Lindley's Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants, London, 1840 Letters (Three) Upon the full Powers given, etc. pp. 34, 1717 Levaillant O'seaux d'Afrique, 6 vols. impl. 4to. a cheap copy Loudon's Greenhouse Plants, 1 vol. 4to. origi- nal issue Lyttelton's (Lord) Dialogues of the Dead, 8vo. 1760 McPherson's Civil Procedure, 2 vols. 8vo. 1850 Martini Atlas Sinicus, large folio, 1654 Meadowe (Ph.) Wars betwixt Sweden and Den- mark, 8vo. 1677 Mirror for Magistrates, ed. Haslewood, 3 vols. 4 to. uncut Mechanic's Magazine, 8vo. Vols. 58 to 69 (1853-58) Mill's Unsettled Questions of Political Eco- nomy, Svo. Monroe's Expedition with the Scots Regiment in 1626, folio, 1637 Patkul, Anecdotes concerning, 8vo. 1761 Peele's Works, 3 vols. 8vo. second edition of Vols. I and II. Pickering, 1829, an uncut copy Pineda Spanish-English and Eng.-Span. Dic- tionary, folio, London, 1740 Plaute Comedies trad. par. Linniers et Dacier, 10 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1719 Poliphilo, folio, Aldus, 1499 On cherche un bel exemplaire, grand de marges, dans sa reliure originale, mon client paierait un bon prix pour un bel exemplaire. Poole's Index to the Periodical Literature of America Revue des DeuxMondes, July 1867, to the pre- sent time Robinson's Supplement to the Vitruvius Bri- tannicus, in five vols. impl. folio Rodriguez, Bibliotheca de la Polygraphia Espa- riola, royal folio, Madrid, 1738 Rohrbacher hist. univ. de I'eglise Catholique, 29 vols. Svo. Paris, 1857-61 Roxburgh's Flora Indica, by Carey, 3 vols.8vo. Rutter's Shepheard's Holyday, 12mo. 1635 Sacy Expose de la Religion des Druzes, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838 Santiago, de la Lagufia (Conde de) descrip. breve de la muy noble, y leal ciudad de Zaca- tecas, with map and plate, 4to. Mexico, 1732 Scott's History of the Haliburtons Smith's Zoology of South Africa ; Birds only, 4to. Smith's Voyage to Guinea, 8vo. 1744 Snaith, Study of Fortification Spencer's Principles of Psychology, Svo. 1855 First Principles, Svo. 1863 Biology, 2 vols. 8vo. 1864-67 Spix and Martins' Flora Brasiliensis, folio, Vienna, 1840 Sutton's Oriya Grammar and Dictionary, royal Svo. Cut tack, 1841 Tattam's Apostolic Constitutions, Coptic and English, Svo. 1849 T. B,'s Treatise of Specters, smallest folio, 1658 Turner's Views in England and Wales, 2 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, PROOFS Vargas Machuca, Milicia y Descrn. de las Indias, 4to. Jfadrid, 1599 Vasquez, Chronica de la provincia de Guatemala (Francescan Order, IVew Spain) 2 vols, folio, Guatemala, 1714-16 Vetancourt, Teatro Mexicano, sm. folio, Mexico, 1698 Villemain CEuvres, 14 vols. Svo. Paris, Didier Vivian's Scenery of Spain and Portugal, fol. 1839 Walton's Polyglot Bible, Vols. 1. and 11. only White's Ephemeris— recent years Worsaae's Danes and Northmen, Svo. 1852 No. 251. Annual Subscription 48. Published Monthly. Tor Foreign Countries 5s. Price 4d. CATALOGUE OP GAMES, SPORTS, EXERCISES : CHESS, FALCONRY, HUNTING, MUSIC; BIBLIOGRAPHY, LITERARY HISTORY, TYPOGRAPHY, ENCYCLOPEDIAS, MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCES, PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY, POLITICAL ECONOMY, JUEISPEUDENCE, LATEST PURCHASES from the Library of the late L. H. PETIT, Esq. offered for CASH at the aflSxed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors IVest from Regent Circus. tt.(Difio)'DH» ijiffKig, um> To insure prompt attention, all orders to be addressed direct to Mr. QuARiTcn, bookseller, 15 Ficcadilly ; or to the Bookseller from whom this Catalogue was received. The Books are warranted perfect, and in fine Library condition. & NOKJtAM A5D SON, PW.NTEBS, MAIDEN LANB, 00VJ2MT QAKDBN, LOMi>ON, yf,0. 370 LATEST PUECHASES. Wigram (G. V.) The Englishman's Greek Con- cordance of the New Testament, with Index, LARGE PAPER, movocco, £3, 3« 1839 Wigram (G. V.) The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament, with Indexes, 2 vols, large paper, morocco^ gilt edges, £5. 5* 1842 Wormius (O.) De Danica Literatura antiquis- sima (Runica) yulgo Gothica dicta. Accedit Specimen Lexici Runici, 2 vols, in 1, half bound, 7s ed ITqfnia, 1651 f^ 1650 Young (T.) Hieroglyphics ' collected by the Egyptian Society, with Continuation by the Royal Society of Literature, arranged by T. Young, M.D. 2 vols, in 1, plates, morftccn, gilt edges, £7. 7^ 1823-28 Zoega (G.) De Origine et TJsu Obeliscorum, plates, vncut, 7s Romce, 1789 310 GAMES, SPORTS, AND EXERCISES. 1 BAENES or BERNEES (Dame Juliana) Book of ST. .ALBANS, containincr the Treatises of HAWKING ; HUNTING ; Coat-Aemoub ; EISHING ; Blasin& of A EMS. Eeprinted in facsimile from the Edition printed by AVynkyn de Worde in 1496, with biographical and bibliographical Notices by J. Haslewood, small folio, hintk letter, woodci(f.% russia, gilt edges, from Mr. Corsers librari/, £10. 10.? * 'l810 2 GENTLEMAN'S Eecreation (The) in 4 parts, viz. : Hunting, Hawking, Fowl- ing, Fishing, stout sm. 8vo. fourth edition, numerous plates, fine copy in russia, gilt edges, 20s 1697 Appended is : Man wood's Forest Laws. 3 Mercubialis de Arte Gymnastica, editio aucta figuris authenticis Coriolani exornata, 4to. plates and numerous woodcuts of every variety of Ancient Gymnastic feats, vellum, uncut, \Qs Amst. 1672 It is most desirable that many of these Games and amusements should be revived in our days. I STEUTT'S Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, including the rural and domestic Eecreations, Games, Mummeries, Shows, etc. ; new edition, with an Index by Hone, impl. 8vo. large paper, with 140 engravings se- lected from ancient Paintings, all coloured, cloth, now scarce, £1. Us 6d 1833 ANGLING : 5 Herbert, Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the United States and British North America, 8vo. woodcuts of fishes, (pub. at 16*) cloth, ds 1840 6 OPPIAN'S Haheuticks of the nature of Fishes and Fishing of the Ancients, translated from the Greek, with an account of Oppian's Life, and a Cata- logue OF nis Fishes, by John Jones, 8vo. large paper, old English red morocco, gilt edges, £2. Oxford, 1722 7 EoNALDS, Fly-Fisher's Entomology, 8vo. 20 coloured plates of natural and arti- ficial Insects, ^'c. cloth, 9^ 1839 8 WALTON AND COTTON'S Complete ANGLEE ; with the Lives of the Authors and Notes by J. Hawkins, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. portraits and plates, old calf, 9s 1760 9 WALTON and Cotton's Compleat Angler, by Browne, eighth edition (the 4th of Part II by Cotton), 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. plates and woodcuts, old calf, rare, fine copy, 25s 1772 10 the same, with lives of the authors and notes by Sir J. Hawkins, 8vo. portraits, plates, and woodcuts, hds. 22s Bagster, 1808 11 the same, 32 mo. Pickering^ s diamond edition, green morocco, gilt edges, lOs 1824 12 AV ALTON (I.) and C. COTTON'S Complete Angler, with notes by J. Major, 8vo. LARGE PAPER, India PROOF plates and tcoodcuts, bds. 36« 1824 13 WALTON and COTTON'S Complete Angler, with original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. proofs, Pickering's splendid edition, with 61 plates, portraits and vignettes, by Stothard, Inshipp, etc. (pub. at £10. 10s) very fine copy, half morocco, uncut, £6. 1836 14, the same, INDIA PROOFS of the beautiful engravings, ^reen morocco extra, gilt edges, £12. 1836 15 the same, INDIA PROOFS, 3 vols. impl. Svo. a very choice picked COPY in qreen morocco super extra, borders of gold, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford, £18. 18* 1836 10 The Set of INDIA PEOOFS before letters, separately for illus- trating, royal 4to. large paprr, unbound, very rare, £S. lOs 1836 317 BEENAED QUAKITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Angling — continued. 17 AVlLLIiVMSON'S British Augler, or Pocket Companion for Gfentlemen- I'isliers, 12mo. plates, calf, fine copy, rare, 20s 1740 18 Zouch's Lilb of Isaac Walton, including Notices of his Contemporaries, 4to. LAiiGE VA^VEVi, fine plates, portraits of Walton and Cotton, India proofs, olive morocco, (jilt edges, £2, 10s 1823 ARCHEEY : 19 Hansard (Gr. A.) The Book of Archery, with illustrations of the Antiquity of the Art, 8vo. 39 plates, leautifully engraved on steel after Stephanoff, green morocco, gilt edges, 16* 1840 20 Shotterel (Eob.) and Thomas Durfey, Archerie revived, or the Bow-man's excellence, sm. 8vo. 2 plates. If. hd. rare, 7s 1676 21 Billiards. Mardon's Billiards : Game 500 up, tvith diagrams, 8vo. bd. 7s Qd Brighton, 1849 CARDS AND GAMES OF CHANCE : 22 Bettinelli (Saverio) II Giuoco delle carte, poemetto con annotazioni, 2nd edition, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Cremona, 1775 23 PLEMISH CAEDS. A Complete Suit of 36 cards, 24mo. size, ornament- ally worked in coloured silks upon pasteboard, having the figures completed by painting, in a book-shaped calf case, tvith clasp, gilt edges, £3. 10s Scec. xvii. Probably of old Dutch workmanship ; there are 9 cards in each hand or set, viz. Heer, Vrouw, and Boer, as Courtcards ; Ace, and then the six to the ten. There is a 'great deal of Ornamentation in the shape of Flowers, etc. worked in silk upon each card ; and the courtcards are very curious and elaborate. 24 FKENCH CAEDS, a Pack of 52, 18mo. size, curiously engraved by V. G. i?., ivith subjects of Costume, grotesque figures, landscapes, of which the card- mnrks are made to form part, the Court cards in colours, in the original carton case, £2. 16s ' ca. 1770 25 GERMAN CAEDS. A Pack of 32 Picquet Cards, 18mo. size, printed from rudely engraved wood-blocks, very eare a'SB curious, £2. 10s circ. 1650 26 SOUTH SEA PLAYING CARDS. " April-Kaart of Kaart Spel, van Momus, naar de nieuwste Mode," a set of 53 curious engraved Dutch cards, issued during the South Sea Mania, in illtistration of the prevailing folly, with some cuttings relating to English cards of a similar nature, from '' JSotes and Queries'' portrait of John Laio, mounted in 1 vol. sm. 4to. green mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, very scarce and curious, £4. 106* cii^ca 1720 27 JOLLIA'ET, Texcellent Jeu du Tricque-Trac, tres doux esbat es nobles com- pagnies (1650) — Academie ou Maison des Jeux, Picquet, etc. 1604 — 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. limp vellum, rare, 21s JParis, 1604-50 28 MUENEE (T.) Chartiludium Logicse, sen Logica poetica vel memorativa, opera, notis et conjecturis J. Balesdens, 12mo. with very curious and spirited ivoodcuts, vellum, very rare, 3Gs JBaris, 1629 This book, like the other works of the author, is of the greatest rarity. Murner was the first inventor of this species of publication, but veiy many were afterwards published. They were received with much delight by the literary world at the time, and the council which acquitted him of witchcraft, expressed their opinion that he was rather a divinity than a magician, and worthy of all honour. The woodcuts in this edition are copied from the first, and are of the same marvellous description. It is quite as rare as the first edition, and is called by Vogt '* liber eximi® raritatis, Morhofio nunquam visus." This copy cost £2. \9>s. GAMES, SPOUTS, AND EXERCISES. 318 Cards and Gaines of Chance — continued. 29 PLAYING CAEDS and CARD PLAYERS. A Collection of Eacsimiles of early and curious Playing Cards ; cuttings relating to South Sea Playing Cards ; h. Pack of " Transfigured [comic] Playing Cards ;" Humourous Coloured Caricatures, "Twopenny Whist," "A Real Rubber," "Indian Rubber," " All Fours," etc. with autograph letter and private portrait of S. W. Singer, author of "Researclies into the History of Playing Cards," neatly mounted, arranged, and hound in 1 vol. roy. 4to. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, with borders of gold on the sideSf a very curious and amusing volume, £2. ' ^ ^ {cir. 1750-1850) 30 RoBEET HouDiN, les Tricheries des Grecs devoilees, Tart de gagner a tons les jeux, 8vo. cuts of tricks, sd, 4* Paris, 18G1 ni Roulette. L'Art du bien-jouer a la roulette ou principes raisonnes des chances, etc. 8\'0. curio^is frontispiece and tables, cloth, ijs Paris, 1823 g^THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ENGLAND,^ WESTMINSTER, WILLIAM OAXTON, 1474. 32 CAXTON'S GAME AND PLAY OF CHESS MOEALIZED, (translated 1474) first edition, folio, 65 leaves (of the 72), bound in old russia gilt, £400 gpnpf ()it> t()C laft bap of 5Q?ard)e tl)c per of our Sorb ®ot>, a t()oufanb fourc (}onbvcb ax(^ Ixyiiii. » . . An extremely large, though somewhat imperfect copy of the first book PRINTED IN ENaiAND, from Caxton's press. Mr. Blades quotes 9 copies (4 perfect, 5 imperfect), tlie present is tlie lOth known copy, and is taller than even the Grenville — hitherto the tallest known copy ; my copy measures 11 1 inch in height by 8 in width, w^iilst the Grenville copy (also imperfect) is only 11 inches high. Collation of my copy : Zi)i^ S3oofc contepnct!) iiii tvaptced 1 leaf 3:M§ fir|l c!)aptter of t{)e fivjlt txactatt I leaf Xi)^ trout^e for to bo Suj^ice rigf)t Wt)f(t), etc. to the end . 62 leaves. The last leaf with the date : 3n conqucrpnge l)t6 ri(^()tfun tn{)critance, ending: ft)nt)ff)eb, etc. 1474 l leaf 65 leaves. My copy wants therefore 7 leaves, the two blank ones being out of question. The imperfections include the first leaf, and two leaves in the second chapitre of the fourth tractate, the end is all right. I should be glad to hear of any imperfect copy of this Avork, which would supply me with what I Avant. In the mean time this " EELIC " of the Inftmcy of Printing in England, can be seen by Buyers of Bare books. See Dibdin's Bibl. Spenc. IV. p. ISO. Xo copy of this edition has been sold for years ; in 1813, Alchorne's copy, wanting first two leaves, the last two leaves and two leaves in the second chapter of the fourth tractate, fetched at Evans's, £54. 12^. The value of this class of books has much risen siPice then, and may now be con- sidered, as ten limes greater. z 2 319 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON In comparing the first edition of " Caxton's Game of Chess" with the second, one perceives many variations in tlie spelling. I consider the Jirsf edition to be the most interesting, for a variety of reasons : 1. It is the first book printed in England, 2. It is the Editio princeps of the English version. 8. It shows the Art of Printing in its crudest form. 4. It has a Post-script not in the second edition. Both editions run on together to the passage on the last page of the second edition : 2(ttb a mon thc^i lpi>i)tb in i{y\)^ wcdb wit()i>ut Kvtuc§ Iwcth not a§ a man but a6 a bcftc» The first edition ends thus : 2Cnt) therefore nn; x\^\)X reboubtet' ^orb S P^^^^V i^lmigl^tp Qob to fai>e t{)i ^t)n9 our fot)erain lort> to 9t)\?e l)tm grace to pffue aS a ^^nge tabounbc in alt oertue^ | to be afftfleb \\>\ih aii otl)er !)i» lorbeS in fud) u)t)fe V)n f)i6 noble rotjamc of (Snglonb w\a\) profperc | babounbe \\\ i>ertue^ anb X)\\ fpnne mat; be efd)en)ib juftice fepte | the rot;ame befenbeb cjoob men rewarbeb malefactour6 punt)Pib tl)e t;ble peple to be put to (abourc \\\\i be un^tl) tl)e noblea of tl}e ropame map regne glorioufh;. Sn conquerpnge bi^ rigbtfuU inberitauncc 1 t{)K\t i>errat)pea§ anb cbarite map cnbure in botl) \M ropame^ anb rl)at mard)anbife mat) h\\it bi6 tour§ in fud)e tvife t\)ai et)ert) man efd)etre ft;nne | anb encrefe in i>ertuou§ oecupaciond I ^rapnge t;our goob grace to refj"et)t?e tl}i*o litt;ll anb fpmple boof mabe unber tbe bi^P^ i^n^ fbabotv of t;our noble protection bt; l)t;m tl)at i6 pour moft bumble fert>ant in gree anb t^ant'e *2(nb 3 fball prat;e almigbtt; gob for pour long lt)f r tvelfare \ trbid^e be prefert^e '^Cnb fenbe t)otv tl;accompUf l)ment of t)our \)X)Z noble iot)ou§ anb vertuou^ befir§ lim^w : | : gpnppjb tl)e laft bat; of mard)e tbe t;er of our lorb ^gob a, tl;oufanb four bonberb anb Irriiii/* : . : /. The second edition ends thus : S^b^nne late et)ert; man of tvbat tonbt;cion ije be tiyxi rebt;tb or b^ritb ti)\^ litel boo! rebbe. U\Xt tberbt; enfaumple to amenbe l;pm. ^rplicit per Sarton. 33 CAXTON'S (Wm.) Game and Playe of the Chesse, folio, ivoodcuts, lif. hound, d62. 2s Explicit per Caccton, circa 1475 This is a most exact lepriut of the second edition of this work, as originally printed by Caxton, admirably reproduced from types expressly cast for the purpose by Mes.irs. Figgins, the woodcuts have also been copied with very great accuracy, and the whole is printed on a peculiar paper, made for the purpose. CHESS: 34 Alexandre, Encyclopedie des Echecs, resume comparatif en tableaux synop- tiques, oblong folio, sd. 7s Gd Paris, 1837 35 Allgaieb's An\vei>«uug zum 8chachspiele, 8vo, with Q folding fahles, hf. calf, 45 Qd Wieh, 1823 36 the same, 7th edition, 8vo. 25 ib, 1841 37 Cancellieei, Biblioteca ragionata degli Scrittori del G-iuoco degli Scaeclii, con un Tratatello sul Giuoco stesso, tradotto dalluglesc, 8vo. large 2')aper, hf. calf gilt, uncut, Is Qd Venezia, 1824 88 CABRERA, il Gioco de gli Scacchi, 4to. calf neat, 28^ Militello, 1617 Dr. Forbes's copy fetched in 186,8, at Hodgsop's, the extraordinary price of £7. 8^ the same, translated, with j^ddition^l nptes by Lewis, 8vo. tcoodcnts of games, hf moroceo, uncut, 10^ 1822 GAMES, SPOKTS, AND EXE1IC18ES. 320 Chess — continued. 40 CESOLE (Griacobo da) Opera Kiiova sopra il Cliuooo belli Scacchi, inti- tulata Costume delli Huomini et ufficii delli Nobeli, 12mo. very fine copy^ in red morocco extra, (jilt edgesj hy Petit, tert rare, £3. Vinegia, Bindoni ^' Pasini, loSii Chess Chroxicle — see Catalogue of Periodicals 42 EORBES'S History of Chess from its Invention in India, till its Establish- ment in Western and Central Europe, 8vo. icoodcuts and ^ folding diagrams:, (pub. at 155) clotlh 105 Qd 1860 43 Gat. Bibliographie anecdotiqnc de Jeu des Echecs, J2mo. ///. calf gilt, gilt top, 95 Paris, 1864 Contains a complete J^ist of all tlie works in the French language on Chess, together Avith the chief writings in other languages on the same subject. Only 2G0 copies printed; 44 Game of Chess, an easy introduction to the, 12mo. Ms. 2s 1816 45 GiFoco DEGLi ScACcnr. A^olgarizzamento del libro dc' Costumi sopra il Ginoco degli Scacchi di Cessolo, 8vo. curious fdcsimiles from the Early MS. hf morocco, privately printed, 95 Milano, 1829 46 Harrwitz, British Chess Eeview, Vol. 1, Svo. hf. hd. rare, 18? 1858 47 No. 14, being the first number of Vol. II. 8vo. rare, 3s Gd 1854 48 KOCH, Codex der Schachspielkunst, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, lOs Magdeburg, 1813-14 4.9 Elementarbuch der Schach-spielkunst, Magd. 1828 — Unterricht im Schachspiele, mit 100 Spielen des Stamma, Berlin, 1780; in 1 voh sm. 8vo. hf bound, k)s 50 Lakge's Handbuch der Sehach-aufgabeu, Svo. sd. 85 Qd 1862 51 Lasa (Yon der) Leitfaden fiir Schach-spieler, Svo. diagrams, cloth, 45 Berlin, 1848 52 Lewis, Selection of Games at Chess, played at the Westminster Chess Club, Svo. 85 6^^ 1835 53 Lewis (W.) A Treatise on the Game of Chess, with 25 new chess problems on diagrams, Svo. (pub. at I85) cloth, 55 1844 54 LiCHTENSTEix, der Schach-Kiinstler, 12mo. 25 1847 55 LoLLi, Osservazioni sopra il Giuoco degli Scacchi, fol. cf 20s Bologna, 1763 56 London and Edinburgh Chess Clubs : the Games of the Match of Chess played between 1824-28, with remarks by Lewis, and additional Appendix, numerous diagrams, 1829 — Silber-schmidt, das Gambit oder Angritfund Yertheidigung, plates, Braunschweig, 1829 — in 1 vol. Svo. hf cf 7s Qd 57 Mauvillon, belehrende Unterhaltung fiir junge Scliachspieler, 4 vols. 24mo. bds. Is Qd Essen. 1831 58 Mnemonik des Schachspieles, 2 vols. 16mo. 85 0^ Wien, 1842 59 Nelto, das Schachspiel unter zweien, Svo. 25 1827 60 Orell's Schach-biichloin, Svo. numerous large tables, hf calf 7s Aarau, 1840 61 PoiiLMAN, Polish Game of Draughts, ISli— The Game of Draughts, 1823, 2 parts, 25 62 Rust, Anleitiiug zur Erlernuug des Schachspiels, 12mo. 25 1834 63 Stamma on Chess, with openings of Games and 100 critical Situations, sm. Svo. cuts, bds. Ss 1819 64 Schmidt's Literatur des Schach-spiels, Svo. half calf 9s Wien, 1847 65 Theory of Chess, a treatise of the principles of this Game, Svo. 2s 1799 66 Tretingadacharya Shastree, Essays on Chess adapted to the European mode of Play, translated from the Sanscrit, sq. Svo. a curious collection of problems and solutions, sd. printed for subscribers only, 20s Bombay, 1814 321 BERNARD QUABITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Chess — con tin ued. 67 SELEIS'I (Gustavi) das Schacli- oder Konig-Spiel: diesem istzu ende ange- fiiget ein sehr altes Spiel genandt Eytbmo-Machia, 5 parts in 1 vol. small folio, engravings, fine copy in the original calf, gilt and gavffred edges, with the author's presentation inscription stamped in gold on the sides, "Au- gustus Junior D. G. Dux B. et Luneb. done dedit Johani Einx C. B. Z. Z. L. anuo 1624," £4<. 4s Lipsice, 1617 — at end, gednicht diirch Lorem Koher, hey Henning Qrosz zufinden, 1616 The accomplished author of this learned book was Augustus, Duke of Brunswick and Liineburg, who under the same pseudonym of Selenus, wrote other works besides, including a well-known treatise on Cryptography. Finx was probably an eminent citizen of Magdeburg, as the arms and seal of this city arc also stamped on the sides.— Collation : Printed half-title; engraved title ; privilege, preface, etc. 10 leaves ; folding slip of Talmla ; title-page to first book ; text, pp. 1 — 496, including the engraved titles of Books 2, 3, 4, and of the Kythraomachia ; and final leaf of imprint, with mark. There is a large engraving of a game of chess played by the duke and another person, the prince checkmating his opponent, with two other figures as spectators, at p. 216 ; and in the Rythmomachia, there are also two separate engravings at pp. 462 and 464. This work has been said to be ''perhaps the best ever written on the subject, whether historical or practical." 6S Works on Chess: Stein, Nouvel Essai sur le Jeu des Ecliecs, La Rage, 17S9 — Silbeeschmidt, Lehrbucli des Scbachspiels, Wolfenbiittel, 1845 — in 1 Tol. 8vo. hf. Id. 5s DANCING: 69 THE DANCIING MASTER: or Directions for Dancing Couxthy Daxces, with the Tunes to each Dance, for the Treble -Violin, the whole Worlc revised and done on the New-Ty\l Note ; Yol. I. 11th Edition, containing 858 Tanes, 1721— Yol. II. the Uh Edition, containing 360 Tujies, 3 728— together, 2 vols, in 1, oblong 12mo. engraved frontispieces, old calf, rare, 20s 1721-28 This copy wants 5 leaves. A third volume exists, which, with these 2, contains all the Country Dances in existence at the time of its publication. 70 NoYEREE (J. G.) Essay on Dancing, 8vo. p>ortrait, large paper, old red mo- rocco, gilt edges. Sir Charles Price's copy, 14is 1782 71 TOMLINSO:s^ (Kellom) Art of Dancing, 4to. 36 plates of Dances, with Tunes, portrait added^ extremely rare, the only copy sold for years, £4i. 4s Published for Subscribers only, 1735 72 WILSOX (T.) Complete System of English Country Dancing, 4to. tvith dia- grams, 7s Od 1820 73 Deportment. NIVELON (F.) Rudimentc of Genteel Behaviour, 4to. 12 fne engravings of female and male figures in different Attitudes, engraved by L. P. Boitard, calf rare, £2. 1737 FALCONRY : 74 BELANY'S Treatise on Ealconry, S\o. frontispiece, boards. Is Qd Berwiclc-on-Tweed, 1841 A work by an enthusiastic si)ortsman ; privately pkinteb. 75 BRODEICK'S Ealconer's Favourites, folio, containing 6 i)lates of Hawks and their Prey, life size, beautifully coloured, with Descriptions, cloth, £2. 2s Very few copies printed. 1865 76 LATHAM (Symon), La^tham's Falconry, or the Faulcon's Lure and Cure, in two Books, 2 parts in 1 vol. smallest 4to. curious woodcuts, green morocco extra, by Bedford, £S. 10s Lond. Thos. Harper, 1633 77 the same, 2 vols, in 1, smallest 4to. woodcuts, yery fine and large copy, with several rough margins, calf extra, by Bedford, £3. IQs 3633 78 the same, 2 vols, in 1, smallest 4to. an additional plate by Merian in- serted, calf neat, from Miss Currers library, £2. 1633 79 .— the same, 2 vols, in 1, 16mo. numerous ivoodcuts, calf 25^ 1658 Inglig' copy fetched 3U Grf ; Bindley 'j? the same mm. GAME^, SPdliT8, AND EXERCISES. 322 Falconry — continued. 80 SALYIN and Brodrick, Falconry in tlie British Isles, impl. 8vo. 24 heauti- fully COLOURED plates of hawks by Brodrich^ cloth gilt^ yery rare, £3. 10« 1855 Tlic above work is undoubtedly tlie best one ever produced on this popular pastime, and contains full descriptions of all the birds employed, with an account of their habits, modes of training, etc. 81 SCHLEGEL et AVULVERIIOEST, Traite de FArcoN>'ERiE, atlas folio, 92 pp. of text, with 17 lai-ge plates of the nolle Sport of Falconry, designed hy the celebrated Sonderland and M, Wolf consisting of frontispiece, two grand Views, two coloured plates of Trappings, Instruments, and Imple- ments, and 12 large splendidly coloured plates of Falcons, (pub. at ^68. 8s unbound), half morocco, gilt edges, a splendid tvorh, an original Z0^y,fr07n Frofessor Vrolih's library, £5. 15,9 Leiden et Liisseldorf 1844-53 Witli a very carefully made Catalogue RAisoxNi; of all the works relating to Falconry in Greek, Latin, French, the Romance Dialects, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Persian, Turkish. 82 THUANIJS. II Falconiere di Tuano, con Ucellatura a Vischio di Bargeo, Latino ed Italiano da Bergantini, sm. folio, frontispiece^ portrait, and vig- nettesy calf, 7s 6d Vinezia, 1735 83 tlie same, sm. folio, printed on coarse ti^'TED paper, vellum, scarce^ 365 . 1735 FENCING, Sword Exercise, Tilting : 84! MAEOZZO (Achille, Bolognese) Arte delF Armi, ricorretto et ornato di nuove figure in rame da Griulio Eontanap/^^ore, sm. 4to. engraved title page^ and numerous spirited Ftchings of Fencing and Sivord'cise, etc. fine large copy in red morocco Ciictra, rotcgh gilt edges, by Bedford, numerous uncut leaves, £4'. is Venetia, 1568 85 Opera nova, sm. 4to. numerous fine cuts of Fencing with broad and small Arms, hf morocco gilt, £2. 2s ; or antique calf 32s s.l. e.a. (?1600) In this apparently later edition the Cuts, engraved on Avood, are of a larger size. HORSEMANSHIP : 80 iVUBBT (C.) Histoire Pittoresque de I'Equitation, ancienne et mo- derne, impl. folio, 24 large lithographic plates, each surrounded by a great number of small very spirited Sketches, half red morocco, top edge gilt, £1. 10s Faris, 1833-34 87 COLEMAN on the Foot of the Horse, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. numerous very accurate plates of Sections of the Horse's Hoof, calf extra, 28^ 1798 88 EISEMBERa (Barone de) La Perfezione e i Difetti del Cavallo (in Italian and French), folio, 119 engravings of Horses, and portions of them, calf, 12s Firenze, 1753 89 Grey (Thomas de) Compleat Horse-man and expert Ferrier, sm. sq. 8vo. equestrian portrait, the Marquis of Carnarvon's copy, calf, 16s 1670 90 LOCATELLf, II Perfetto Cavaliere, opera corredata di Stampe delle varie specie de' Cavalli, con la Scuola di Cavalleria di Gueriniere, 4to. 47 plates of Horses, Horsemanship, Anatomy, etc., of tchich 24 are coloured, calf extra, beautiful copij, qilt edges, 285 Milano, 1825-27 91 NEWCASTLE (Giiillaume Marquis et Comte de) Metliode nouveUe et In- vention extraordinaire de dresser les Chevaux, les travailler selon la Nature et parfairc la Nature par la Subtilite de I'Art, large folio, first axd most ESTEEMED EDITIOJN', ivitli fine impressions of the beautiful engravings (include ing portraits of the Cavendish Family) after Diepenbehe, calf, gilt edges ; from the Library of " H. Cavendish," £11. 14.9 Anvers, 165S 92 NEWCASTLE (Duke of). ^ Methodo et Invention nouvelle de dresser les Chevaux, roj^al folio, frontispiece dated 1658, and 42 large and beautiful engravings, after Diepenhelce, of Horsemanship, original impressions, old calf gilt, £10. 10« ' Anvers, 1658 323 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Horsemanship - continued. 93 NEAVCASTLE. Another copy, folio, fine engravings {wanting plate 33) old calf, £4. 10* ^ ^ Anvers, 1658 134 Methode de dresser les Chevaux, seconde edition, royal folio, with all tliefne plates of the first edition^ old calf gilt ^ 5t*6. lO^* Londres^ 1735 95 Greneral System of Horsemanship, 2 vols, in 1, atlas folio, original English Edition, icith the same 42 large plates and 20 plates in the second volume, here published for the first time, old russia, binding neathj mended^ full gilt bach, £12. 1743 The Duke of Newcastle's Horseiiiiinship contains Portraits of many of the Nobility of his time, including Charles II., the author and his family, &c. 96 PLUVINEL, Instruction du Roy en I'exercice de monter a cheval, folio, frontispiece, portrait of Fluvinel, and b^ fine plates of Horsemanship, vellum, £2. 8s Amst. 1666 07 Richaedson's Horsemanship and Instructions for Breaking, fq. 8vo. plates, hf morocco, uncut, Zs 6d 1853 08 RJ DINGER, Representation des Chevaux de Manege et de la Campagne, royal 4to. ij2 plates, calf gilt, £2. Ss Augipurg, 1760 09 TACQt^ET (J.) Philippica ou Haras de Chevaux, 4to. portrait and i^ates, fine copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, scarce^ £4i. is An vers, 1614 The title, surrounded by a beautiful border, is a neat and charming production. ' HUNTINa, Shooting, etc. 100 Bakee, Remarks on Rifle guns, fowling pieces and fire arms in general, 8vo. plates, hf. bd. Ss Gd 1825 101 CARCANO Sfoezino, tre libri degli Uccelli da Preda, la vera cognitionc deir Arte de' Struccieri, il modo d'ammaestrare tutti gli Augelli di rapina, et un Trattato de' Cani, 12m o. icoodcut initials, limp velhrn, rare, 20s Venetia, 1586 102 CHASSE DU CERF. Les Dons des Enfaus de Latone, avee un Diction- naire des Termes usites dans la Chasse, et les Tons de Chassc et Fanfiires il une et deux Trompes, 8vo. front. 7 plates and Music, hf. red morocco, uncut, 18« Faris, 1734 103 CORSINI (Accursio) Apologctico della Caccia, ove dopo narrati i vitij da scrittori rimproverati, scopronsi le sue virtu, etc. sm. 4to. limp vellum, 18s Bergamo, 1626 104 DANIEL'S RURAL SPORTS, 3 vols. roy. 4to. laege papee, numerous plates by John Scott and others, bds. los 1812 . 105 DiCTioNNAiEE theoi'ique et pratique de Chasse et de Pesche, 2 vols. 12mo. hf bd. 5s Paris, 1769 106 FRIDERICI IL Imp. Reliqua librorum de Arte Yenandi cum Avibus, cum Alberti Magni cap. de Falconibus, Asturibus et Accipitribus, commen- tariis Schneideri, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. plates, russia gilt, fine copy, 16« Lipts. 1788-9 107 MELTONIxlN (The) or the Pleasures op the CHASE Developed. Elucidating a System of FOXHUNTING as followed by the IMembers of the far-famed Quorn Hunt, theoretically taught on improved Principles in 30 Short and progressive Lessons, calculated to enable the timid Rider to become a complete "Artiste," and thereby gain the enviable title of a Meltonian. Folio. A Series of Thiety-one coloijeed DRAWINGS ON Spoeting Subjects. Also 34 Emblematical boedees, most cleveelt executed with pen and ink, icith descriptive text tcritten iti a neat hand, the whole mounted on stout paper, and bound in half crimson morocco, from the library of Fred. Parr, Fsq. £5. (? 1810) An elegant drawing-room acquisition to the Sportsman. " Dedicated to Sir Edward Joseph Symythe, Baronet, and the Shropshire Hunt," by the author of " The Deccanite, or Hog Hunter of India," etc. aAMES, SPOBTS, AND EXEKCISES. 324 Hunting, Shooting, etc.— continued. 108 rOUlLLOUX (Jacques de) La VENERIE, augmentee du Miroir de Fau- co^'NERiE par P. Harmont dit Mercure, 4to. woodcuts, illustrated with ABBiTio^sAi. plates hy Howitt, ^'c. calf gilt, very good copy, £S. 10s Paris, 1640 109 Heink (J. A.) liber die kleine Jagd, 4to. fine papee, 27 plates of Birds and their Eggs, finely colour ed, green roan, gilt edges, 10s Dresden, 1827 110 Hutchinson's Dog Breakiog, post 8vo. 4/A edition, many cuts, cloth, 12s 1865 111 iBoUu^. J>en^aj)t \t Iiure M aaoj) i^loiusJ et De la a^opne 2^aci0 qui parle du deduit de la eliasse a toutes bestes sauuaiges conic eerfz : biclies : dais : clieureulx : lieures : saugliers : loups : regnardz : et loutres. Auec le stillo de faulconnerie : Et aussi les subtillitez dar- cberie : conteuat plusiurs manieres pour predre toutes sortes doyseaulz tat a la tonnelle que a la pipee : et altres nouvelles chases trouuees pour les prendre, smallest 4to. lettVfS gisi\^it{m^, numerous extremely quaint wood- cuts, very fine copy in old calf gilt, gilt edges, £40, Imprime noimellement a paris j^cir lehan Trepperel, demourant en la jRne nenfue nostre Dame alenseigne de lescu de France, sans date (P1490) Exemplairc ilc Huzanl, tie I'lnstitnt, avec te.moixs. 112 51e aibre iiu 3^o^ iWoliug et Ue la ai\oj)ne ^mo, nouvelle edition, conforme aux Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Hoyale, ornee do gravures faites d'apres les vignettes de ces Manuscrits ; avec une Preface par E. Blaze, impl. 8vo. printed upon VELLUM, cloth, uncut, £40. Paris, 1839 Extremely rare. 0^'Lv TWO COPIP^S were phixted on Vellum ; this copy i from the library of the late Duke of Orleans, with ancat stamp attesting the fact on the hall- tide. 113 OLINA, Uccelliera overo discorso della natura e proprieta di diversi uccelii, 4to. beautiful first impressions of the plates, after designs hy Titian, calf. Viscount Harberton^s copy, rare, £2. i5s Poma, 1622 114 the same, new edition, large 4to. good impressions of the plates, calf, 36* Poma, 1684 Bcckman, in his history of Inventions, mentions the illustrations of this book as being accurate, and the birds are drawn in very natural positions, the plumage being remarkably well delineated. Altogether the illustrations of this little volume must be considered, for the period at which they were executed, very fine specimens of the draughtsman's and engraver's art. The birds represented are chiefly song-birds, or game, and full and interesting descriptions (with woodcuts) arc given of the various modes of trapping them. The book is full of interest to the Naturalist, Bird-fancier, and lover of falconry, and field sports. 115 RAIMONDI (Eugenie) Delie CACCIE Libri (iuattro, Aggliintiovi 'ii questa nuoua impressionc altro Caccie che spcrse iu altri libri, sm. 4to. engraved title, and numerous plates, fine copy in overlapping vellum, c/ilt edges, £2. {Venetia, 1630) 110 Eaimondi (Eugenie) delle Caccie libri iv, small 4to. engraved title and plates, good large copy in vellum^ £2. 12s (id s. a.~ dedication, Venetia, 1630 325 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON Hunting, Shooting, etc. — continued. 117 SCLOPPETAEIA, or Considerations on the nature and use of Eifled Baehel Guns, by a Corporal of Eiflemen, 8vo. plates^ very rare, hda. £2. Ss 1808 This work, which is of very gi-eat scarcity, embodies ideas and opinions wliich were half a century in advance of their time. It was pubHshed at £3. 35, as mentioned in Lowndes ; and no copy can lie traced in booksellers' or sale catalogues, which proves that only a very limited number can have been printed. 118 SPADONI (Nicola) La Caccia dello Schioppo con settantaquattro docu- menti ; per fare un bravo, e valente cacciatore da schioppo, 18mo. red morocco extra, rjilt edges, £2. Bolorjnaf 1673 119 SHIELEY'S (E. P.) English DEEE Parks, with Notes on the' Manage- ment of Deer, sq. 8vo. plates, (pub. at 21^) cloth, 17s Gd 1867 120 AVEYDTWEEGK. Yogel zufahen mit Eaubvogeln, Netzen, etc. ; Wildt fallen mit Netzen, 8tricken, etc. ; Eisch zufahen mit Netzen, Eeusen, etc. und wie man alios darzu dienlich bereytteu, auffziehen, halten un macheu sol, Franckfurt am Meijn, 1851 — Tappic (Eberhardi) Waidwerck und Eederspiel, von der Ilabichen unnd Ealcken, Strasshurg, Cammer Lander^ 1542 ; in 1 vol. smallest 4to. curioits icoodcutSj bds. uncut, extremely rare, £2. 18« 1531-42 121 Tennis. A Treatise on Tennis, by a Member of the Tennis Club, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1822 COOKERY, CARVING, EARLY RECEIPT BOOKS. England : 122 x\da:m's Luxury and Eve's Cookery or Kitchen Garden displayed or the Art of raising and dressing all Kitchen-stuff, etc. 12mo. calf, 55 1744 France : 123 ALMA2fACH DES GouEMANDS, 8 vols. 16mo. plates, hf. cf. 21s Paris, 1810-12 124 LA YAEENNE (Sieur de) Le Cuisinier Erangois, 12mo. velhm, £2. 2s 1652 125 A^iARD, le Cusinier Imperial, 8vo. hf. morocco, Ss 6d 1806 Italy: 126 GIEGHEE, Trattati : I, il modo di piegare ogni sorte di Panni ; II, lo Scalco ; III, il Trinciante — 1 vol. obi. Svo. j^ortrait, ttoo folding plates, and plates of Carving, numbered 1-6, 1-4, 1-58, fne copy, vellum rare, BOa^ Padova, 1639 127 Jabrin's Italian Confectioner, or Economy of Desserts, 8vo. plates, bds. 5s 1829 128 PiSANELLi; Trattato della natiira de cibi e del bare, 12mo. vellum, 7s vd Bergamo, 1587 129 SCAPPI (Bartholemeo) Opera con laquale si puo ammaestrare qual si voglia Cuoco, Scalco, Trinciante, o Maestro di Casa, divisa in sei libri, sq. 8vo. numerous plates, calf gilt edges, 2ds Venetia, 1610 130 SCAPPI (M. B.) dell Arte del Cucinare, con il Mastro di casa Trinciante, sm. 4to. 27 plates of cooldng apparatus and utensils, ^c. old calf, 2\s Venetia, 1643 Spain : 131 Mabtinez MoNTifio, Aate de Cocina, Pasteleria, Vizcocheria, y Conserveria, 12mo. vellum, 7s 6c? Barcelona, 1763 MUSIC, SONGS. 132 AaiTADO, Dscuela de Guitarra, impl. 4to. eng^raved throughout, vellum back, 10.orl rait by Vertve, and the eare ekoxtispieces, I good copy, veiij neat in calf, £15. I5s 1719-20 I An unbound copy of this rare book sold at Puttick's, Marcii 3rd 1869, for £^'2. ] although it did not contain the frontispieces which are in the above. i An incomplete copy is in stock, from which imperfections can be supplied. The richest collection of Old English Songs. " Poor Tom Durfey ! who would have expected to have seen his witty works en- '. shrined in the martyrology of books, a punishment to the toiy interest. It appears that the members of the renowned Kit Cat Club requested their founder to bake some mutton i pies with Durfey's Works imder them. On one occasion the Club complained that the , pies were never baked enough, when Christopher Kat, the pastrycook, swore that Durfey's i Works were so cold that the dough could not bake for them." — J. Y. i 157 Eastcott, Sketches of the origin, progress, and effects of Music, with an : account of the ancient Bardr, and Minstrels, 8vo. calf, 8s Qd Bath, 1793 j 158 Encyclopedie Methodique. MITSIQl^E publiee par Erameut, Ginguene, et De Momigny, 2 vols. 4to. bds. 30^ Paris, 1791-1818 \ Very rare; wanting in most Musical Libraries. 159 ENGEL'S (Carl) Music of the most Ancient Nations, particularly of the j Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews, with special reference to recent dis- \ coveries in "Western Asia and in Egvpt, 8vo. v:ifh numerous illustrations, > cloth, 12s ^'' 1864 1 160 El^TIS (J. F.) BlOGRAPIIlE UXIVERSELLE dcS MusicicUS et BrELIOGIlAPIIIE ; Gkxeeale de la Musique, 8 vols, large 8vo. sd. 32« Pru:c. 1837-44 { 161 EOGLIANO (Ludovico) Musk'a Tiieorica doclo siniul no dilucide^ pertractatn, in qua quamplures de harmonicis intervallis non prius • tentataB continentur speculationes, sm. folio, woodcuts, rrnsT EniTrox, j fine copy, dark calf, vekt raei:, £1. 10s '■ Venet.per J. Anloaimn ctj'ralres de Sahio, 1529! 1 MUSIC, SONaS. 828 162 GAFURII (Franchini) de ITarmonia Musicorum Instrumentorum Opus, folio, venj ntriom itJoodcufs,fnela)ye copy, in dark calf, very rare, £4:. lOs Mcdiolanl, per Gotardum l^ontaiiiim Calcogra'phum, 1518 Tliis work coutaius the short life of the author by rantaleone Melegiilo, from Avhich Dr. Barney borrowed the materials for his account of him, and also the woodcut of Gafori lecturing. At the end of the volume is also a woodcut representing a performer on the organ. "Cette edition renferme plusieurs pieces de vers latins en I'lionneur de Jean Grolier ot pn'sente I'ecusson de ce tresoricr de FranQois lor.'''— Brunef. 163 GERBEETUS de Cantii et Miisica Sacra a prima Ecclesiae setate usque ad presens tempus, 2 vols. 4to. numerous j)Iates of facsimiles of ancient Music, calf, 36* Sa7i Bias. 1774 164 GLAEEz\.NI (II. L.) I/odccacliordou sive Traciatus de Cantiouum Musi- earum Modis, folio, orir/inal stamped binding, very rare, £5. Basil. 1547 An Eakly Musical Woek of considerable intrinsic value, " Ouvragc important, oii I'auteur a reuni des cxemples choisis parmi les chef- d'oeuvre des meilleurs maitres de son epoque." — Brunct. 165 Graduale Eomanum juxta Missale ; Autipliouarium Romanum juxta Brevi- arum SS. concil. Trident. 2 A'ols. 8vo. iL'ith the Gregorian music noted throughout, old calf gilt, los Lutecicc. Paris. 1723-34 166 nAEMOKlCOiS' (The), a Journal of Music coutaining Essays, Biography, aud Miscellanies, 11 vols. 4to. icith jJort raits of eminent composers, and numc' rous and icell selected i)ieces of music, with words, of the most celehrated masters, hf calf scarce, £2. %s 1823-33 167 IIAAVKINS (Sir John) General History of the Science and Practice of Music, 5 vols, with 51 portraits J and numerous engravings of Musical Instruments, many pieces of old Music, ^'c. halfrussia uncut, £5. 5s 1776 167* the same, 5 vols. 4to. russia extra, £o. 1776 A very esteemed work. Ilarwood's copy fetched, 1858, at Sotheby's, £6. 7* Gd. 168 HOGG'S JACOBITE EELICS of Scotland, being the Songs, Airs, and Legends of the Adherents of the House of Stuart, with the Music, both SERIES, complete, 2 vols. 8vo. calf extra, ly Bivitre, uncut, £5. Bdinh. 1^1Q-21 The Second Scries is not so scarce as this the Fikst. " James Hogg, miraculous James Hogg, with his bright fancies, and quaint thoughts, his humour, and his true-souled naturalness."— /?7«7i Quartcrhj. 169 Husk, an account of the Musical Celebrations on St. Cecilia's day, and a col- lection of Odes, 12mo. cloth, 2s 1857 170 JONES' Musical and Poetical Eelics of the Welsh Bards (third edition,) Yol.l. frontispiece, pp. 123-185 are engraved Music, hds. 18^ s. a, The Welsh Songs with an English translation, and a History of the Bards. 171 KELLY (Earl of) Minuets and Songs, edited by Kirkpatrick Sharpe, 4to. portraits and palates, boards, 20s Edinburgh, 1836 Only 60 copies printed. The Earl of Kelly was much esteemed for his musical abilities by his contemporaries. 172 KIECHEEI Musurgia, sive Ars Magna Consoni ct Dissoni, 2 vols, in 1, folio, plates, vellum, 20s 1650 173 KiRCHEEi MusuEGiA UNIVERSALIS, sive Ars Magna Consoni et Dissoni in X libros digesta, engraved titles, plates and ivoodcuts, A eemarkallt fine COPT, 2 vols, in 1. folio, bright old crimson Monocco gilt, from the " Biblto- THECA CoLBEETiNA," with arms on the sides, and monogram on the bach of the binding, the arms and monogram being seldom met with together, £5. 5^ Bomtp, 1650 173* the same. Vol. II. folio, calf, 7s ed 1650 174 LASSUS(OiiLANDi de) Magnum Opus MUSICUM, complectens Omnes Can- tiones quas Motetas vulgo vocant, tam antea editas quam hactenus non- dum publicatas, a Eerdiuando et Eudolpho authoris filiis collectum, thk SIX PAKTS COMPLETE; 6 vols, Small Mio, pigsl'in, good copy, ^€15. Monachii, 1604 This very rare Collection contains 512 Motets, by Orlando de Lassus. 329 BERNAED QUAKITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 175 LANDEIN (M.) les Plaisirs de Meudou. Contre-Danse et autres Danses, Svo. engraved throughout loith Figures ami Music, autograph of D. Cerutti, calf, Sir Charles Price's copy, 36a' Paris, s.d. 17G LA BOEDE, Essai sur la Musique, [auciemie et modeme, 4 vols. 4to. with many plates, and engraved music, in Pi-ench calf gilt, £2. 16^ Paris, 1780 " Ouvrag-c tlont la' plus grande partie est ecrite par I'Abbe Roussier. Co qui regarde la Theorie Musicale dcs Grecs, est de lui, et on y voit briller I'erudition la plus pro- fonde." — Biographie Univo'sclle. La Borde is pronounced by Buniey to be a " very diligent and patriotic enquirer after every species of music that can do honour to his country." 177 MAETINI, 'Storia della Mn^ica, 3 vols. 4to. plates, half morocco, uncut, ZQs ; or calf neat, £2. 2s. Bologna, 1757-81 177*MAEX, Musikalische Kompositionslohre praktiscli-theoretisch, 4 vols. 8vo. full of musical exercises, sd. 20s Leipzig, 1847-51 178 MEIBOMIUS, Antiquae Musicae Auctores septem, Graece et Latine, ace. Martianus Capella de Miisiea, 2 vols, in 1, sm. lio, folding diagrams, calf fine copy, £2. 5s Amst. Elzevir, 1052 The ancient authors here produced are Aristoxenes, Euclid, Nicomachus, Alypius. Gaudentius, Baccliius, and Aristides Quintillianus. 179 MoLiTYA ErssKAVO Naroda, a Eussian national song, 8vo. music and words, 2 portraits, sd. Is Gd {? St. Petersburg, 1840) 180 MOELEY (Thos.) A plain and easie Introduction to practicalle Musicke, sm. folio, hf bd. very rare, £2. London, Peter Short, 1597 181 the same, reprinted, 4to. hf bd. 9s 1771 182 MOOEE'S Irish Melodies, with symphonies and accompaninents, by Sir J. Stevenson, Numbers I — VI, in 3 vols. sm. folio, hf bd. ISs Dublin, 1807 183 Musical Biography, or Memoirs of the Lives and AYritings of the most Eminent Musical Composers and Writers who flonrished during the last 3 Centuries, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 5s 1814 184 MUSICAL MISCELLANY, being a Collection of Choice Songs set to the Violin and Flute by the most eminent Masters, 6 vols. \2mo. frontispieces ivith Music and Words of about 400 Songs, £2. 10s. ' 1729-31 Goldsmid's copy fetched £3. 3s. 185 NO VI EEUTTI MUSICALI, Madrigali a cinque voci di diversi eccellen- tissimi Musici, Canto, Alio, Tenor and Pass parts, 4 vols. sm. oblong 4to. clean cojnes, bds. £2. Ss Anversa, P. Phalesio, IGIO Compositions of A, Striggio, G. M. Xanino, A. Stabile, G. B. Moscagiia, A. Crivello, A. Zolio, Iv. Giovanelli, P. Bellasio, F. Soriano, G. A. Dragoni, V. Isnardi, B. Roi, Gio. Crocc, G. G. Gastoldi. L. Luzascei, Principe di Venosa. (t. B. Mosto, M. A. Ingegneri. H. Necclii, G. Priuli, F. Anerio, G. Ileremita, A. Formica, etc. 186 Oliphant (Th.) La Musa Madrigalesca ; a Collection of Madrigals, Ballets, and Eoundelays, etc. chiefly of the Elizabethan Age, with remarks and annotations, Svo. (pub. at 12*) cloth, 6s 1837 187 PADBEIJE (Cornelis, Musicijn van Haerlem) Kusies, in't Latjn ges- chreven door Joannes Secuudus, endein Duytschc vaersen ghesteldt door Jacob Westerbaen, met een Basso Continue door Cornelis Padbrue 5 parts, u'ithout title and last leaf to Cantus, oblong Svo. sd, 38^ f Amsterdam, by Broer Jansz, 1641 Very rare. I can find no reference to Padbrue as a musician, nor does this Dutch translation of the Kisses of Sccundus appear to be known to any bibliographer. There are 6 pages of commendatory verses following the title by Scriverius, J. Broster Jansen, etc. 188 PENNA (Lorenza) li Primi Albori Musicali per li principianti della Musica Figurata : Canto Eigurato, Contrapunto e I'Organo 6 Clavicembalo, sm. 4to. portrait, large woodcut of the hand and scale at p. 0, bds. uncut, 30^; or, calf extra, gilt edges, the Duhe of Marlborough' s copy, 33a* Bologna, 1696 Best edition of this rare and curious work, containing the author's last additions. See Burney's History, iii. 539. 189 PIESENNIK ili EtlSSIISKICH Narodneich, Popular Eussian Melodies, music and words, 3 vols. roy. Svo. all engraved with some English notes in pencil, half calf 26s * St. Petershirgh, circa 1780 MUSIC, SONGS. 330 190 Playfoed (J.) Select Ayres and Dyalogues for 1, 2, and 3 voyces, to the Theorbolute or Basse-viol, smallest folio, Ids. 27s 1659 191 QUAETERLY MUSICAL Magazine and Review, 10 vols. 7if. calf gilt, Mr. ChappelVs copy, £3. 10* 1818-28 Mr. "\V. Chappel says : Vols. 9 and 10 are " introuvable," having been sold as waste paper; these vols. 9 and 10) were not, Mr. Chappell said, Dec, 1866, in the British Museum. 192 Richteb's Treatise on Harmony, translated by Taylor, 4to. (pub. 7.9 Qd) clothe 3« Qd 1864 193 RITSON'S (J.) Select Collection of English SONGS with the Music, 3 vols. sm. S\o. Jine vignettes hy StotJiard, riEST edition, tine papee, old marbled calf gilt, scarce, SSs 1783 Triced, 1834, Pickering, £3. '3s. 194 SCOTTISH SONGS. A Select Collection of Original SCOTTISH AIRS for the Voice, with introductory and concluding Symphonies and Accompa- niments for the Pianoforte, A^iolin, or Elute and Violoncello, by PLEYEL, HAYDN, WEBER, BEETHOVEN, etc. ; with Verses, Scottish and English, adapted to the Airs, including upwards of 100 on BURNS' S SONGS; the whole collected and edited by G. Thomson, 5 vols, folio, neiv edition, with many Additions and Lnprovernents, JPortrait of Burns, and four other engravings, hds. uncut, £2. 16* 1826 195 Sime's Edinburgh Musical Miscellany, or Collection of Scottish, English and Irish Songs, set to music 2 vols. 12mo. calf neat, 30* ^dinb. 1792 196 Simpson's (Christopher) Compendium of Practical Musick, with Lessons for Viols., etc. 12mo. old calf rare, 10s 1678 197 Smith's SCOTISH Minsteel : a selection from the Vocal Melodies of Scot- land, arranged for the Voice and Pianoforte, 6 vols, in 2, large 8vo. en- graved througliout, If. bd. cf 24^ Edinburgh, JPurdie, s. a. 198 TAUBMAN, Heroick Poem to the Duke of York on his return from Scot- land, with some choice songs and medleys on the Times, 4to. omisic and tcords, If. bd. 12s 1682 The poem is remarkable only for its disgusting servility. 199 Thesaueus Musicus, a Collection of 2, 3 and 4 part songs, several of them never before printed, with some choice dialogues set to Music, by the most Eminent Masters, viz. Bloav, Puecell, Handell, Weld on, and others, 2 vols, in 1, impl. 4to. hf calf, los London, s. a. ( ? 1790) 200 TRAVERS (John) Eighteen Canzonets for two and three Voices, (the words chiefly by MattheAV Prioe), sm. folio, title, dedication, list of subscribers, table, and pp. 1 — 64 entirely engraved of Songs and Music, half morocco extra, gilt edges, 1k)s circ. 1750 201 UNIVERSAL MUSICIAN, (The) or Songster's Delight, large 8vo. engraved throughout icith music and vignettes, bds. uncut, £3. 35 n. d. {? 1730) 202 Vocal Music, or the Songster's Companion, contaiuing a new and choice col- lection of Songs, with the 3Iusic prefixed to each, 2 vols. 16mo. calf, 7s Gd London, JR. Ilorsfield, ( ? 1729) 203 "Waceeebaetii, Music and the Anglo-Saxons, an Account of the Anglo-Saxon Orchestra, Syo. facsimiles, cloth, 2s 6d 1837 204 WOLTZ (J.) Nova Musices Oeganicj: taeulatuea : Ein newe art teutscher Tabulatur etlicher Motteten und geistlichen Gesiingen, mit 4 und mehr Stimmen compouirt, welche auff Orgeln, etc. gebraucht werden, ^ ' 3 vols, in 1, fol. musical shorthand, fine copy, velluon, £3. Basel, 1617 205 ZARLINO (G.) tutte le Opere : Istitutioni e Dimostrationi Harmoniche ; con Sopplimenti Musicali, 4 vols, in 2, folio, cuts, fine copy in limp vellum, rare, £2. 6s Venetia, 1588-89 There apj cars to have been no title published to Vol. II. Fetched, 1858. Pnttick £4. 10s. ;]31 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. PROVERBS OP ALL NATIONS. 20G Collection (A) of Sentences, Fables, and Peovekbs, for the use of Students at the College of Fort William, 8vo. russia, 5s Serampore, 1801 207 Gruteki Fiorilegium ethico-politicum, accedunt Gnomae Parcrmiaoque Gra?- toriim, item Proverbia Gerinanica, Italica, Belgiea, Galliea, Ilispanica et Britannica (English), 2 stout vols, vellum, 10s Franco/. lGlO-11 208 Mehy, Histoire generale des Proverbes, Adai^es, Apophthegraes, 8 vols. 8vo. sd. Qs ^ Faris, 1828-29 209 Arabic. PREYTAG, Amtiial al Aeab : Aha bum Proyeebia, vocalibus instruxit, Latine vertit, commentario illustravit efc edidit G. W. Preytag ; insunt a Meidanio collecta Proverbia, commentatio, indices tres et Addenda, 4 vols. 8vo. 2900 pp. (pub. at £4^. Us Gd) 8vo. Jif, calf, nncitt, £3. 3^ Bonnae, 1838-43 210 BFRCKHARDT'S Arabic Proverbs of the Modern Egyptians, 4to. hi very rare, £4. 4s 1830 211 Basque. Oiiienart, Proverbes et Poesies Basques, sm. 8vo. Jif. calf neat, uncut, 21s 1847 212 Bengali and Sanscrit. MORTON'S Collection of Proverbs, Bengali and San. scrit, with English translation, 8vo. cloth, 16s Calcutta, 1832 213 English. Ray's English Proverbs, also Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, etc. with a collection of English words not generally used, sm. ^so. fourth edition, calf neat, 12s ^ 1768 214 French. Le Roux j)e Lixcy, Livre des Proverbes Eran^ais, avec introduc- tion et Bibliographie, 2 vols. 12mo. hf. calf, old citron morocco extra, 7s Paris, 1842 215 Matinees SENONOISES, ou Proverbes EraD^ois, 8vo. 548 pp. curioitslg hound in variegated morocco, citron and red, inlaid ivith flowers, Jl2. 2s Sens, 1789 216 QuiTAED, Dictionnaire des Proverbes de la Langue frangaise, 8vo. hf calf^ 7s Qd Baris, 1842 217 Low German. Schambach's Niedex^deutsche Sprichworter, 8vo. containing 717 proverbs, with explanations, etc. 2s Qd Gott. 1863 218 Italian. Eiacchi, Proverbi Toscani di Cecchi, 8vo. sd. 2s Gd Firenze, 1820 218* PENSA, Epigrammi Toscani, sm. 4to. old red morocco, gilt edges, 9s Monte Begale (Sicili/), 1570 219 Pescetti, Proverbi ItalianI, 1603 — Proverbi Italiani et Latini, 1602; in 1 vol. 18mo. vellum, 12s Verona, 1602-3 220 the same, reprinted, 18mo. vellum, 10s Qd Venetia, 1629 221 Jewish. Ben Sirje Proverbia, Hebr. et Lat. a Drusio, cum scholiis, etc. sq. 8vo. old calf gilt, 7s 6d Franekerae, 1597 222 Tendlaij (Abraham) Sprichworter und Redensarten Deutsch-Jiidischer Yorzeit, als Beitrag zur Yolks-, Sprach-, und Sprichworter-Kunde, 8vo. 12 and 425 pp. hf. calf, 6s Frankfurt, 1860 223 Magyar. Ballagi, Magyar Peldabeszedek, sq. 16mo. 8313 Magyar proverbs, with numerous examples from other languages, bds. 4s Qd Pest, 1855 224 Persian and Hindoostanee. Roebuck's Proverbs, and Proverbial Phrases in the Persian and Hindostanee Languages, compiled and translated chiefly by the late Capt. T. Eoebuck, edited by Professor H. H. Wilson, stout 8vo. hf. russia, 24s Calcutta, 1824 In addition to the translation of the Proverbs, many of them are fnrther illustrated by a comparison with tiie analogous proverbial phrases of the West, and by an expla- nation of their tendency, or the circumstances on -which they are founded. 225 Portuguese. Adagios, Proveebios, Rifaos e Anexins da lingua portugueza, por P. E. 1. L, E L., 8vo, calf 10s lishoa, 1780 BIBLIOGRAPHY, LITERARY HISTORY, ETC. 332 Sanscrit — See Bengali. 226 Spanish. Collins' Dictionary of Spanisli Proverbs, compiled from the best authorities in tlie Spanish Language, transkted into English, with expla- natory illustrations from the Latin, Spanish, and English Authors, sm. 8vo. 292 pp. cloth, 85 1828 " I am of opinion, Sanclio, that there is no Proverb Avhich is not true, because they are all sentences drawn from experience itself, the Mother of all the Sciences." — Don Qni;rute, part I, cap. 21. 227 MAL LARA, la Philosophia vulgar, primera parte quo contiene Mil Refranes glosados, stout sm. folio, old calf, a good sound copy, though cropped, 305 Sevilla, Ileninndo Diaz, 15G8 228 ^JJNEZ (Co7Jiendador Hernan) Refranes o Provebbios en Romance glosa- dos, folio, o^emarlcahly fine copy in brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bed- ford, £7. 7.9 Salamanca, Juan de Canova, 1555 Cost of the binding, £3. 135 6//. Meerman's copy fetched 50 fl. 280 NUNEZ, Refranes o Proverbios en Romance que coligio y glosso el Comenda- dor Hernan Nuiiez ; Filosofia tulqar de Juan de Mal Lara, en mil refranes glossados, todos hasta aora impresses; las Quatro Cartas de Blasco de Graray, hechas en refranes, stout sq. 8vo. red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, tert rare, £6. 6* Madrid, Juan de la Quest a, 1619 This is the first edition containing the Proverbs of MdI Lara. The Colophon is dated 1618. Nunez' work is indispensable to the readers of Don Quixote. In the last edition the editors have left out many proverbs which they thought objectionable. 231 SORAPAN de Rieros, Medicina Espanola, contenida en Proverbios vulgares de nuestra Lengua, stout sq. 8vo. bd. 12s Madrid, 1616 " Ce livre, tres rare et fort curieux est, ainsi que son titre I'annonce, un veritable Traite de Medecine fonde sur les Proverbes vulgaires de I'Kspagne. ... II m'a semble fort curieux, ct I'auteur y fait preuve d'une erudition singuliere ct tres ttenduc." DurLESSiS, liihl. Pare.m'iolorjy . 232 XIMENEZ Paton. Proverbios Morales, Heraclito de Al. de YARROS, con- cordados por Bart. Ximenez Paton, sm. 4to. bd. 20s Baec^a, 1615 233 the same, new edition, sq. sm. 8vo. calf, Ford's copy, 7s (5d Lisboa, 1617 This collection of Spanish proverbs is tlic Heraclito of Barro?, to which Ximenez added the Latin correspondents. 234 Swedish. PRINTZ, Grunde.v, BoETiiirs, Disserfcationes de Adagiis Suio- Grothicis, in ^Qg. Acad. Upsal. praeside Iiire propositae, 1769-71, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf calf uncut, very rare, 2os Upsaliw, 1769-71 BIBLIOGRAPHY, LITERARY HISTORY, TYPOGRAPHY, ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. 235 A DRY (J. F.) Catalogue raisonne des YARIORUM, 3 vols, stout square 8vo. very neat autograph and unpublished manuscript of this learned and laborious Bibliographer, ivith valuable critical notes, old blade morocco, gilt edges, £2. (c«. 1790-1800) 236 Aleoambe, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Soc. Jesu, cum Catalogo religiosorum pro fide interempt. folio, including the names and icorTcs of many Englishmen and Irishmen, vellum, 7s Antverp. 1643 237 AMES (Jos.) Typographical Antiquities, or History of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland, enlarged bj AV. Herbert, portraits and plates of Printer s Devices, etc. 3 vols, royal Ito. large Vh.^^\<, good copy in rnssia, TERT SCARCE, £S. lOs 1785-90 238 AMES' and Dirdin's Typographical Antiquities : a list of Early English Printers and Books, with references to Herbert's edition of Ames, and Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, by S. R. Mattland, 4to. 32 pp. double columns, sd. 5s n. d. This hst is indispensable to the possessor of either of the above mentioned works, and forms a complete ][ndex to the early English books contained h\ both of them, See also DiBPiN, 2 A 333 B. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 239 ANTONIO (Nic.) Bibliofcheca Hispana, Yetus et Nova, sive Hispani Scrip- tores qui ab Octaviani Augusti jevo ad 1684 floruerunt, curanto Franc. Perezio Bayerio, 4 vols, folio, Jlne copi/ in Spanish binding, £2. lijs Mafriti, 1778-88 An invaluable body of information concerning Spanish books and authors. It must be considered as the key-stone of every Spanish library. Dr. Dibdin, in his " Library Companion," regrets its rarity, and values the small paper at £12. 12^. 240 AEG-ELATI (Pliilippi) Bibliotlieca Scriptorum Mediojanensium, 2 vols, in 4, folio, hf. velhm, 3Gs ; or, calfffilf, £2. 2s Mediolani, 1745 lias prefixed, " Saxii Historia Literario-Typographica Mediolanensis ab 1465 ad 1500," and "Catalogus Librorum Mediolani editorum Seculo XV." 241 AUDIFFREDI (J. B.) Catalogus Historico-Criticus Eomanarum Editionum Sgeculi XY. — Ejusd. Specimen Hist. Crit. Editionum Italicarum Sseculi XV. 2 vols, royal 4to. calf neat, £1. 8^ Bomce, 1783-94 "These are productions of veiy great importance to the Bibliographer. Audiffredi appears to have had access to the first libraries in Italy ; and his care, accuracy, and research, entitle him to a superiority over all his predecessors. These two volumes should be in every bibliographical collection. They are rare and dear." — Dibdiii. 242 BACKEE (Au^. et Al. de) BIBLIOTHEQUE des ECEIYAINS de la COMPAGNIE DE JESUS, on Notices Bibliograpliiques de tons les ouvrages publics par les Membres de la Compagnie de Jesus, depuis la fondation de I'ordre jusqu'a nos jours, des Apologies, des Controverses religieuses, et des Critiques litteraires suscitees a leur sujet, Yols. I — YII, impl. 8vo. uncut, all pnllislied, £5. 10s Liege, 1853-61 Nearly all the volumes are out of print. This valuable work contains a comprehensive list of the writings of all the Jesuits, and also an account of the different editions, with their collation, &c. Each volume forms a complete and independent alphabetical Series. 248 Baker MSS. Index to the Baker Manuscripts, by Four Members of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 8vo. Ms. 10s Camh. 1848 This collection, the greater portion of which is in the British Museum, is very rich in MSS. relating to English Counties, Cambridge and its University in particular. 244 Banditti Juntarum Tjpograpbiae Annales, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 7if. Id. unciU, 5s Ziicae, 1791 245 BAEBIEE, Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes, avec des Notes Ilistoriques et Critiques, 4 vols. 8vo. last and best edition, vellum, £2. 165 ; or, 7if. calf neat, £3. 10s Faris, 1822 246 the same, tellitm: papeb, 4 vols, large 8vo. red morocco extra, edges rough gilt, £7. Paris, 1822 Original cost of the book £6., of the binding £3., makes £9. Even copies on ordinary paper have now become scarce. " Ouvrage le plus considerable, le plus detaille, et le plus instructif qui ait paru sur les anonymes. II n'est pas possible de repandrc plus d'erudition dans un ouvrage de cette nature ; les notes nombreuses et savantes annoncentdesrecherches immenses." — Pcif/not. 247 Manne, Nouveau Eecueil d'Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes, 8vo. sd. 55 Paris, 1834 248 nouvelle edition, 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Lyon, 1862 249 BAEBOSA MACBADO (Diogo) Bibliotueca Lusitana Historica, Critica, e Cronologica, na qua! se compreliende a noticla dos Authores Portuguezes e das obras que compuseraon, 4 vols, folio, as usual a few leaves water- stained, fine copy, in red morocco, gilt edges, £20. Lisboa, 1741-51 A very rare and intrinsically valuable publication. — See Brunct. Conde's copy fetched £12. 12* ; Ileber's, £11. ; fetched at Sotheby's in 1851, £11. \\s ; Lord Strangford's copy fetched £19.; since then copies have become much scarcer. Of the third volume nearly the whole edition was burnt. "Machado's Eibliotheca Lusitana is the great authority on all matters of fact in Portuguese literary history. It is one of tlie amplest and most important works of literary Biography and Bibliography ever published ; but, imhappily, it is also one of the rarest, a large part of the impression having been destroyed in the fire that followed the great earthquake at Lisbon in \:b5."~'Tkhwr, 1849, IIL ». 151. BIBLIOGEAPHY, LITERARY HISTOEY, ETC. 334 250 BAEEETO (Castilho) Eelaiorio acerca da Bibliotheca nacional de Lisboa, vols, post 8vo. lif. calf, uncut, 36^ Lishoa^ 1844< Vol. II. contains the Early printed Book?;. 251 BAYLE, Dictionn-aike iiistortque' et critique, troisikme edition, 4 vols. 'Rotterdam, 1720, with the 2 lives of King David — Ciiaufepie, Nouveaii Dictionnaire historique et critique, Amsterdam, 1750, 4 vols. — together 8 vols, folio, calf neat, £4. 10* 1720-50 252 Dictionnaire historique, cinquieme edition, 4 vols. 1740 — Chaufepie, Supplement, 4 vols. 1750 — together 8 vols, folio, old calf neat, ^3. lO^ 1720-50 253 BAYLE, Dictionnaire historique et critique, notes extraites de Chaufepie, .Toly, Marchand, etc. 16 vols. 8vo. French hf calf velhm corners, £5. 15s JParis, 1820 25 1 the same, 16 vols. 8vo. hf calf uncut, £6. 10^^ 1820 '*Bajlc Avas a man of immense but desultoiy reading ; of a subtle nnderstanding, invincible patience, and not less indomitable industiy. The notes are the grand field in which Bayle delighted to pour forth his knowledge ; and I believe that his 'Life oi" Nero' furnished a Greek quotation at a late state trial. If sceptical, he was peaceablv disposed, although constantly assailed. Even his ' magnum opns' the Dictionary, was criticised before it appeared. Jurieu, Saurin, and Le Clerc were unable to rnfiie the calmness of his temper, or embitter the sweetness of his retirement. He told Des Maizeanx, that from twenty to forty he worked fourteen hours a day— and, in fact, he never kncAv what leisure was." — Dibdins Library Compnnwn. 2:)5 BAY;LE, a GENEEAL DICTIOXAEY, historical, biographical, and critical, including the whole of Bayle, with corrections and observations, and several thousand lives never before published, Life of Bayle, etc. by Beunard, Birch, Lockman, Sale, and others, 10 vols, folio, fine copy in old calf neat, £5. 1734-41 256 BECDELIEYEE (Comte) Biographic Lic%eoise, ou Precis Historique et Chronologique de toutes les Personnes qui se sont rendues ceiebres, etc, 2 vols. 8vo. hf morocco, marhled edges, 16^ Liege, 1836-7 257 BELOE (Eev. W.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 vol's, hf calf, 25s 1807-12 258 BEENAED (A.) de I'Origine des Debuts de I'lmprimerie en Europe, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, Ws 1853 250 BEENABD (Aug.) GEOFEEOY TOEY, Peintre et Graveur, Premier Imprimeur Eoyal, Eeformateur de I'Orthographie et de la Typographic sous EranCjOis Icr, 8vo. hf red tnorocco, 10s Faris^ 1857 260 . the same, papier velix, 8vo. hf morocco gilt, 20s 1857 261 BiBLiOGRAPniE des Ouvrages relatifs a L'A:NrouR, aux Femmes, an Mariage, 8vo. second edition, sd. 2os Faris, 1864 262 BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO-POETICA : Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of rare Old Poetry, formed by Park and Hill, on sale by Longmans, (by A. r. Griffith), roy. 8vo. woodcut frontispiece, portraits and initials, hf. calf neat, 18s ; ov, calf extra, 21s 1815 BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES: 263 ALLIBONE'S (S. A.) Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and Bri- TiSK AND American Authors, to the middle of the 19th Century, con- taining 30,000 biographies and literary notices, Vol. 1, {all yet published) stout impl. 8vo. cloth, 21s Fhiladelphia, 1859 264 BIOGEAEIA degli Italiani illustri del Secolo XVIII e dei Contemporanei, compilata da letterati Italiani e pubblicata per Tipaldo, 8 vols. 8vo. sd. 12s Venezia 1834-41 265 BiOGRAPHiE Universelle des CONTEMPOEAINS, ou Dictionnaire his- torique des Hommes vivants ou morts depuis 1788 jusqu' a nos jours, (avec le Supplement), 5 vols. 8vo. hf. mor, marl), edges, 32« Faris, 1836 The hest work on ^Eodern French Biography. " These .5 volume's, printed with diamond type, comprise the matter of 20 vols, printed in the ordinary tvpe. 2a2 ' 335 BERXAItD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Biogn^aphical 'Dictiona>nes—conHmied. 2()G BlOGRArillE UNIVERSELLE, aiicieiinc et uiodeme, ouvragc cniiere- ' ment ueuf, 52 vols. — Mythologie, 3 vols. — Suppl§:ment, tomes 56-85, : (A.— Yil.) sd. £12. 125 Paris, Micliaud, 1811-28-64 i 267 the same, 85 vols. 8vo. hf. crtlf neat, tlie Supplement gilt, for letter distinetion, a bargain, £\4i. 1811-61 i Still the best Biographical Dictionary. The Supplement is the scarcest portion of the I work, and is sold separately for ilO. 10*. ' i 268 BIOGEAPHIE UNIVERSELLE [MICHAIID] ancienne et moderne, ou 1 histoire par ordre alpliabetique de la vie publique, des tons les hommes qui se sont fait remarquer par leurs ecrits, leurs actions, leurs talents, . leurs vertues, ou leurs crimes, Vols. 1-25 (A-Mae), impl. 8vo. double i columns (pub. at ^12. lOs) sd. £1. Faris, 1851-60 The continuation can be supplied at lOs per volume. Bodleian Libeaet. — See Oxford. ' 269 BioGBAPHiE GENEEALE (Nouvclle) par Dr. Hoefer, Tome I-XLII (A-Simiaue), 8vo. sd. £4. 4s Faris, Didot, 1857-46 270 DaisTEs, Tables biograpliiques ct bibliograpliiqucs des Sciences des Lettres i et des Arts, stout 8vo. Jif. morocco, uncut. Vis Qd Paris, 1866 ; 271 KOSE'S Biographical Dictionary, 12 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, ArcJideacon Bobin- son's copy, £^. IO5 1848 272 BINDLEY (J.) Catalogue of the very valuable Collection of British ' PORTRAITS (the Bindley, Granger, &c.) Miscellaneous PRINTS, \ Drawings, &c. 3 parts, lahge papee, 1819 — Catalogue of his Collection ; of MEDALS, inlaid, 1819— Catalogue of his extensive LIBRARY, 4 parts, inlaid, 1818-20 — together 8 parts in 2 vols. 4to. icith the prices \ and purchasers* names of all the articles neatly icritten in 3IS. ; green mor. . e^rti^a, joints, gilt edges, by Ilering, £7. 10s 1818-20 i 273 BOTFIELD (Beriah) Notes on the Cathedral Libraries of England, roy. 1 8vo. cloth, Dr. Longley, the Archbishop of Canterbury^ s copy, £2. ISs 1849 i 274 the same, royal 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt top, uncut ^ very rare, ^63. 1819 i 275 BOTFIELD'S Pifefationcs ct Epistolic Editionibus Principibus Auctorum j Veterum praepositse, curaute Beriah Bottield. — Jlso with the title : " Pre- ■ faces to the first editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and the Sacred \ Scriptures, London, 1861," Ito. (pub. at aS5. 5^) hf morocco, uncut, 205 Cantabrigiw, 1861 \ A most important contribution to the Literature of Bibliography. Mr. Botfield's \ IxTRODucTiON, pp. i- — Ixxvi. writtcu in English, conveys to the reader the clearest notion ! of the History and Uncertainty of the Early Manuscript Literature and its transition to ■ the relatively speaking mucli more critical and certain Printed Literature. The Prefaces extend from page 1 — 666 ; the Index editorum, from p. 667-674. \ Some of the Prefaces are in Greek : all have been reprinted with scmpulous accuracy. I Of each author tlie exact Title of the Editio Princeps is given, with a most accurate : Collation, and the rnimber of lines to the page, so important in editions issued withont 1 a date. These prefaces "were in almost all cases written by the first Scholars of the time, and • contain a vast bulk of historical, paleographical and critical facts, which have hitherto : been inaccessible to Scholars on account of the great rarity of these Editiones Principcs. %* Mr. B. Quaritch will be most happy to assist collectors in procuring any of the Authors they may desire to possess. 276 Bowyer. Nichols's biographical and literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer, Printer, F.S.A., 4to. portrait, with a valuable Index, referring to the chief literary men of the 18th century, hf calf, 7s Qd 1782 277 Bbadburi's Nature Printing, 1856 ;* Manufacture of Bank Notes, 2 plates, 1856 ; Printing, 1858 : 3 tracts in 1 vol. 4to. blue morocco extra^ 10s Gd 1856-O^i BlBLlOGKAPlir, LITEIUKY Hl^STOBi:', MC. 536 278 Beaun, Notitia Historico-Litteraria de libris, usque ad anuum 1479, im- prcssis, 2 parts iu 1, 4to. ivith 11 plates of Alphahets used If/ the early printers, sd. 7s Aug. Vindel. 17bl8 270 BKEITKOPF, Ursprung der Spielkarteii, Eiufiihruiig des Leinenpapiei^es, uud Anfaug der Holzsclineidekunst in Europa, 2 vols. IL j^lateSy tit e second I'ol. contalninff the histori/ of Fenmanshlp, 11 oodcarvinq, Paintinf/, etc. hf id. Us ' ' Leipzig, 1784.-1801 2bO iiber deu Druek der gcographisclien Charten, two Essays, 4to. Qnap, I'ls Leipzig, 1777 281 British Museum: De la Eicia^sIKiie, Catalogo dos MS8. Portuguezes no Muj^eu Britannico, Svo. sd. 7s Lishoa, lSo4i 2b2 BEUNET. Manuel du Librairc et ae F Amateur de Livres ; avcc la Table en forme de Catalogue raisonne, cinquieme edition refondue et augmentee, (J vols. roy. Svo. £4>. 10s Paris, 1860-25 2Sl> Bkuxet (G.) La Erancc litterairc au XYe. siecle, ou Catalogue Eaisonne des Ouvrages imprimes en langue Erancaise jusqu'a I'an 1500, Svo. sd. \2s Paris, 1S65 Only 300 copies printed, A valuable catalogue, giving tlic prices at whicli early printed French books have sold recently. BEY'DGES (Sir E.) Bibliographical "VVoeks : 284 BlIYDGES' Censura Literaria, containing Titles, Abstract j?, and Opinions of Old English Books, 10 vols. Svo. secoj^'d and best edition, the articles arranged under headings, and chronologically, icith a General Index, fine copy, calf gilt, very scarce, 2613. 1815 An exceedingly valuable and interesting Bibliography of Old English Literature ; in most cases the Prefaces and Extracts from tlie work are given, as well as a Keview of their contents. 285 BEYDGES (Sir E.) Biographical Works: Censura Literaria, containing Titles, Abstracts, and Opinions of Old Euglisli Books, SECOND edition, with the Index, 10 vols. Svo. 1815 British Bibliographer, witli communications from Haslewood, Ery, Park, and others, 4 vols. Svo. portraits, only 250 copies printed 1810-11; Restituta, or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in English Literature revived, 4 vols. Svo. 1814-16 Phillips (Ed.) Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, third edition, edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, Svo. only 100 copies printed Geneva, 1824 — Together 19 volumes, Svo. a tert fine set, uniformly lonnd in red MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, ly Mackenzie, £82. IQs 1810-24 280 BuRCKiiABD, Bibliotheca Augusta AYolffenbutteli, 4to. vellum, 4^ Lip)s. 1744 287 CAMUS, Notice d'un Livre imprime a Bamberg en 1462, par Albert Pfister, 4iio. facsimile plates of the engravings, printing, water -marks, ^x. Ms. 4^ JParis, 1799 288 the same, royal 4to. large paper, bds. 7s Gd 1799 289 Memoire sur la collection des Grands et Petits Voyages, et sur les Voyages de Tlicvenot, 4to. hf calf, ISs 1802 290 Catalogue des Ecrits, Gravures, et l)essins condamnes depuis 1814 jusqu'a 1850, 12mo. hf morocco, 5s Faris, 1850 291 CAEAYO^N" (A.) Bibliographie historique de la Compagnie de Jesus, stout 4to. G12 pp. sd. Us Paris, 1864 Contains 4370 articles, and an Appendix : Ouvragcs sur les Missions. CATALOGUES OF LIBRARIES : 292 Berne MSS. Simierl Catalogns Codionm MvSS. Bibliotliecao Bernensis, 8\o. facs. hd. 2s Gd Bern. 1760 293 Cambridge. Cranwell (E.) Index of Englisli Books printed before 1600, in Trinity College Library, Cambridge, Svo. cloth, Gs 1847 33/ J3ERNAED QUAElTOH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONJDON. Catalogues of Libraries — con tinned. 29-1 ymitli (J. J.) Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Gonville and Cajus College, Cambridge, Svo. cloth, 7s Gd 1849 295 Chahlemont's (Lord) Catalogue of his Books and Manuscripts, sold at Sotheby's, August 11, 1865, Svo. o-itled and inked, half morocco. 10s Qd 18G5 29G CREVENXA, Catalogue raisoune de sa collection de livrcs, 6 vols, in 3, 4to. halfhoxind^ 16s Amstel. 177 o '' Catalogue curieux, dont le 5c tome renferme diverses lettrcs inedites d'hommes celebres du 16e et du Kcsiecle. Vcndii 55 fr. M'Carthj." — Bruvet. Pnced, 1832, Payne and Foss, £3. 3^ ; 1837 and 1833, £3. 297 DiDOT (A. F.) Catalogue raisonne des Livrea de sa Bibliotheque, Tome I Livres avec gravures sur Bois, Solennites, Eomans de Chevalerie, Livr. I, Svo. 383 pp. sd, Gs Qd Paris, 1867 298 DENT (John) Sale Catalogue of his splendid, curious and extensive Lib- rary, 2 parts, icith prices and names — Sale Catalogue of Dent's Coins — 3 parts in 1 vol. Svo. half morocco^ uncut, 28^ 1827 299 the same,roy. Svo. with names and prices, and a MS. Letter of J. II. Burn, looJcseller, concerninrj the lihrary, inserted^ hf vellum, uncut, 22s 1827 300 East India Company: Catalogue of the Library, roy. 8vo. clotk os 1845 Arranged in Classes, cliiefly Oriental books. 301 Eyton Sale : Catalogue of the Library of J. AY. K. Eyton, Esq., Svo. ruled, with prices and purchasers' names, hf. morocco, 24s Sothehfs, 1848 302 Geneva. VArcHER (L.) Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Publique de Gencte, 2 vols% Svo. avec une table alphabdtique de 134 pp. des noms d'Auteurs, half morocco, 12s GenevCy 1834 303 Grave. Catalogue of tlie Library of the late Mr.^E. G-rave, printseller, mounted on 4^o. paper, loith the prices and purchasers' names, hf. bd. 7 s (jd Leigh, Sothelij ^' Son, 1803 The sale realized £1023. 304 Groningen University Library : Catalogus librorum Bibliothecse TJniversita- tis quae Groningre est, curante Eerde, Limburg Brouwer, et Hecker, 3 parts, folio, bds. 7s 6d Groningfp, 1833-51 ,305 Grenville Catalogue : Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. Bibliographical Notices of the Library of the E-ight Hon. Thomas Grenville, by Payne and Foss, 1842, 3 vols, large Svo. cloth, £10. 10^ ' 1842-48 806 HANKOTT (P. A.) Catalogue of lis Splendid Library, 5 parts in 1 vol. stout royal Svo. laege papeti, MiS. prices and names, hf green morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, the Earl of Clare's copy, £2. 2s 1833-34 This magnificent library fetched a sum of about £23,000. 807 Hoare Library : NICHOLS (J. B.) Catalogue of the Hoare Library at Stourhead, Co. Wilts ; to which is added a Catalogue of the Paintings and Drawings, royal Svo. icith an alphahetical Index, cloth, £5. 5^ 1840 Very rare,— printed for private use. 308 HOLMES (John, of Betford) Descriptive Catalogue of the Books in his Li- brary, the whole series, with Supplements and Indexes, complete, 5 vols, in 2, S\o. 2^ortrait J half morocco, gilt tops, £2. 2s Norwich, 1828-37 A catalogue, Avith copious notes, of a fine collection, csijecially rich in Early English Literature. Collation : Vol. I. portrait, title, 2 prelim, leaves, pp. 1-310, Errata; Vol. II. title, 3 prelim, leaves pp. 1-286, Errata ; Vol. III. plate of library, title, 3 prelim, leaves, pp. 1-295 ; Vol. IV. 2 prelim, leaves, pp. 1-224, including Index ; Supplement, title, 2 prelim, leaves, pp. 1-34. 309 Klaproth, Catalogue de scs Livres et MSS. (vendus 1840), 8vo. 2sQ,d 1839 310 Ltt3ri Catalogues : Splendid Manuscripts, sold March 28, April 5 1859 Choicer Portion of the magnificent Library, Aug. 1, 15 1859 Mathematical, historical, bibliogr. and miscell. Library, Ap, 25, May S 18G1 felBLIOaEAPHt,«LlTi:ilABi' IllSTOKY, ETC. 338 Libri CditBlogVLes— continued. Mathematical, 2nd portion, sold July 18-26 1861 Ancient Manuscripts and Printed Books, July 25-29 1862 Objects of Art and Yertu, sold June 1 1864 — together 6 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. 10s 1864 311 Mineralogy. Partsch, Katalag der Bibliothek des K. K. Mineralieu Cabi- nets in AVien, a well classijied Catalogue of Scientific Boohs, mapSy impl. 8vo. sd. 3* Qd Wien, 1851 312 North. Catalogue of the curious Library of John North, East Acton, 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. ruled andjyriced, calf gilt, 10s Qd Evans, 1819 313 Payne (John, late Payne and Foss) Catalogue of rare and fine Books and Manuscripts, sold at Sotheby's, April 20^May 1, 1857, 8vo. ruled and priced, 7s Gd 1857 314 PEIRSON (Eev. AV.) Bibliotheca Peirsoniana, Catalogue raisonne of his Library, sold at Sotheby's, 1815, 8vo. tvitk the names and prices in MS. hf calf, 5s 1815 315 Pinelli. Bibliotheca M. Pinellii Yeneti a Morellio descripta, 6 vols. 8vo. calf 7s Gd Venetiis, 1787 316 ROXBUEGHE (John Duke of) Catalogue of his Library, the Sale Clerk's copy, interleaved in 4:to. with the prices and puechasees' names and the Ledger, a portrait of the Duke inserted, 2 vols. 4to. halfrussia, and some loose papers^ £^.Gs 1812 317 SxiCT (Silvestre de) Catalogue de sa Bibliotheque, 3 vols. 8vo. a most valuable Catalogue of one of the best Oriental Libraries ever collected, sd. 10s 1842-47 318 Sion College. Reading, Bibliothecae Cleri Londinensis in Collegio Sionensi Catalogus, folio, calf, 7s 1724 This valuable Libraiy still continues to prosper, and is much utilized by the earnest Theological students of London. 310 Sotheby's Sale Room*: A List of the original Catalogues of the principal Li- braries which have been sold from 1744—1828, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1812 320 Sussex's Library: Pettiqeew's Bioliothega Sxjssexiana, a descriptive Cata- logue, with historical and biographical notices, of the MSS. and printed Books in the library of the Duke of Sussex, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. portrait and several 2)latcs of facsimiles, bds. 32s 1827-30 Especially valuable for the extensive collection of Bibles, very accurately catalogued. 321 Stockholm MSS. Stephens, Brittiska och Fransyska Handskrifterna uti Kongl. Biblioth. i Stockholm, 8vo. sd. Ss 6d Stockh. 1848 322 Wellesley's (Rev. .Dr.) Library ; Catalogue of the Sale of this Collection at Sotheby's, Nov. 8—24, 1866, roy. 8vo. sd. 4:S Gd 1866 323 the same, neatly priced and named, roy. 8vo. cloth^ lOs 1866 324 Willet. Catalogue of the Library at Merly, sold at Sotheby's, December 1813, 8\o. prices and ptur chasers' names added in MS. hf. bd. 2s Gd 1813 325 Yemeniz Catalogue : Table des Prix d' Adjudication delaYente Temeniz, roy. 8vo. sd. 2s Gd 1867 326 the same, laege papee, impl. 8vo. sd. 2s Gd 1867 327 CAXTON (William) England' s first Printer, the Life and Typography of, with Evidence of his Typographical connection with Colard Mansion the Printer at Bruges, by AV". Blxd'E.^, plates and facsimiles, 2 \o\^. 4i:io. half moroccOy £4. 4* 1863 328 Cole (J.) Bibliographical and Descriptive Tour from Scarborough to the Library of a Philobiblist in its Neighbourhood (Archdeacon 1\ Wrang- ham), 8vo. laege papee, bds. £1. 16^ Scarborough, 1824 320 COLLIER'S Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, accompanied with copious Extracts, in Averse and Prose, alphabetically arranged, which during the last fifty years have come under the observation of J. Payne Collier, 2 vols. 8vo. con- sisting of above 500 'pages each, (pub. at .£3. 3*') hf. bound morocco extra, £2. 2s 1865 ;^39 BEilNAKD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLl, LONDOX. 330 Ceapelet, Etudes sur la Typographic, Tome I, all published, 8vo. 408 pp. calf extra, by ZewiSy 10a* Faris, 1837 331 Datis (W.) Journey round the Library of a Bibliomauiac, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. LARGE PAPEE, V/lCUf, £1. IQs 1821-25 332 DE BURE, Bibliographic Instructive, avec Supplement par Gaignat, 9 vols. sq. Svo. LAEGE PAPEE,^/ie wiiform set in calf neat, arms on sides, £2. ISs Faris, 17G3-69 " The articles are chosen with discernment, and the descriptions very exact."— Brunet. 333 DE BURE, et Nxon, Catalogue des livres de la Bibliotheque du Due de La Valliere, le partie, 3 vols, with the Supplement, containing the prices, etc. 1 vol. : 2e partie, G vols. — together 10 vols. 8vo. veaii. fauve^ 155 Faris, 1783-84 334 DELANDINE, Bibliotheque de Ltox: Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque, leurs anciennete, leurs auteurs, leur ecriture, etc. 3 vols. ; Livres de Belles Lettres, 2 vols. ; Theatre, 1 vol. — together 6 vols. Svo. French calf gilt, Buchle's copy, \Ss Faris, 1812 335 Manuscrits de le Bibliotheque de Lyon, 3 vols. 1812— Memoires Bibliographiques et Litteraires (1^12), very rare — 4 vols. Svo. marbled calf gilt, 2Vs ' 1812 335*DELANDINE, Memoires Biographiques et litteraires, Svo. If. calf tincuf, iOs Lyon, 1819 A vahiable bibliofivapliical volume, giving an account of Manuscripts and Early printed books in the public Libraries of Lyons ; an Essay on Manuscripts and the materials on Avhich they are written ; remarkable MSS. in Europe; " Manuscriptiana ;" Typo- grapliy ; the Bibliography of the History of Early printed Books, 336 DELEPIEERE, Macaroneana, ou Melanges de Litterature Macaronique, THICK PAPER, Svo. caJf extra, gilt edges, 27.9 Brighton S,- Faris, 1852 337 another copy, thick papee, Svo. red morocco extra, r/ilt edges, £2. 1852 338 Analyse des travaux de la Societe des Philobiblou de Londres, Svo. /{/! morocco, 5s 1862 339 De Rossi, Dizioiiario Storico degli Autori Aeabi piu celebri e delle principali loro Opere, Svo. caf gilt, 14s Farma, 1807 340 D'HEHBELOT, Bieliotheque Oeie^^tale, avec les corrections et additions de Schultens^ continuec par Alsdelou et Galand, 5 vols. 4to. eest -edi- tion, portraits, If bd. £4. 4s; or, fine copy, calf gilt, £ij. La Ilaye, 1777-79 341 DIBDIN'S TYPOGEAPHICAL Antiquities of ENGLAND, Scotland, and Ieeland, begun by AMES, augmented by Herbert, and now greatly enlarged, 4 vols. 4to. ports, facsimiles, and numerous engravings on wood, (pub. at 5614. 14s) hf bd. calf uncut, £9. 9s 1810-19 342 another copy, 4 vols. 4to. hf calf uncut, gilt tops, £8. 10s 1810-19 343 another copy, 4 vols. 4to. bds. uncut ^ £8. 15s 1810-19 344 the same, laege papee, 4 vols. impl. 4to. hf. vellum, uncut, £So. 1810-19 345 DIBDIN, The Lincolne NOSEGAY, sm. Svo. only 36 copies printed, a beau- tiful specimen of C. Lewises binding in citron morocco, gilt edges, lined with blue leather having tooled borders, the sides and bach covered with gold tooling {consisting of the daisy and other flowers worlced in compartments), copied from a volume formerly bound for Marguerite de Valois, Queen of France, £6. 15s (ISll) 346 DIBDIN, BIBLIOMANIA, Svo. ivoodcuts, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, from the Farl of Clare's litjrary, £3. 10s 1811 347 DIBDIN'S BIBLIOMANIA, or Book Madness, new edition, with Supple- ment, and a Key to the Names, wood engravings, stout royal Svo. second edition, uniform in size with the author's other Bibliographical Works^ li'oodcuts of facsimiles y etc. boards, uncut, ^^4. 10s 1842 BIBLIOGliAPHY, LiTEEARY HISTOEY, ETC. 340 34:8 DIBDIN'S BIBLIOTHECA SPENCEHIANA, or Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the 15tli Century, and of many valuable first editions, in the possession of the Earl Spencer, 4 vols. ; ^Edes Althor- pianae, or an Account of the Mansions, Books and Pictures at Althorp, with a Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 2 vols. ; Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the loth Century, lately forming part of the Cassauo Library ; with General Index to the 7 vols, of the Spencer Collection — 7 vols. impl. 8vo. numerous fine facsimiles of early woodcuts, and a Series of Portraits contained in the Ficture Gallery (pub. £22. hds.) hf Id. green morocco, gilt tops, uncut, 56I8. 186' 1814-23 Published as follows: Bibl. ^Spenc. 4 vols. 1814, £14. 14^; Aedcs Althorpiaiiac, portraits and plates. 2 vols. 1822, £G. Gs ; Cassano Catalogue, 21^ — Priced, 1825, AVheatley, mor. £29. 8.S ; 1829, Longmans, mor. £18. 18.«? ; 1837, Payne and Foss, mor. £18. 18^; 1840, Jas. Bohn, £18. 18,s\ 319 DIBDIN, -Edes Althorpianie, and Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 2 vols, royal 8vo. numeroiis ivoodcuts, and many very fine portraits, being a complete Series of the Portraits of the Spencer family, and others at Althorp, russia neat, £5. 55 ; or, russia extra, £Q. (Ss 1822 350 J^^des Altliorpiana?, 2 vols, royal 4to. Jj^uge vat En, j^froofinipressions of the portraits and plates, red moeocco super extra, uncut, top edges, gilt, by Bivers, £15. 1822 A beautiful book; the ruiiTitAirs give to this work an eminent interest. 351 CASSANO LIBEAET. Dibdix's Catalogue of the Books printed in the 15th Century, lately part of the Duke di Cassano Serra's Library now the property of Earl Spencer, impl. 8vo. cloth, 14^ 1823 Joseph llaslewood's copy, Avitli .1 curious Circulars by Dibdin addressed to him. 352 DIBDIN, Bibliographical Deca^ieron, 3 vols, royal 8vo. numerous beauti- ful engravings, bds. uncut, £12. 1817 353 the same, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. red morocco super extra, uncut, top edges gilt, by Holloicay, £18. 1817 351 DIBDIN, BiblioctRapiiical, Antiquartax, axd Picturesque Tour in TEANCE and GEEMANY, 3 vols, roval Svo. many portraits and plates, bds. uncut, £\2. " ' 1821 355 the same, 3 vols. roy. Svo. a choice picked copy, with the autograph of Dr. Dibdin, at the end of each volume, beautifully bound in green morocco extra, gilt edges by C. Lewis, 3618. 18^- 1821 35G DIBDIN'S Tour in FEANCE and GEEMANY, 3 vols, in 4, impl. 8vo. numerous fine plates, port, vignettes, o?i India paper, large paper, PROOFS, ONLY oxe huxdred COPIES PRIXTED, icholc bouud in MonoccOj gilt edges, by C. Lewis, £60. 1*821 This beautiful Large Paper co]>y has the 2 scarce plates, the large " Diane de Poic- tiers" and the " Prater of Vienna ;" also a set of Lewis's Sketches of the Costume of France and Germany, India piioois. 357 (Dibdin) Bibliophobia : Eemarks on the depressed state of Literature by Mercurius Eusticus, with notes by Cato Parvus, Svo. bds. uncut, 12a' 1832 358 the same, large paper, royal Svo. bds. uncut, £i. IQs 1832 350 DIBDIN'S Eemiuiscences af a Literary Life, (with Index), 2 vols. Svo. por- trait and engravings, calf gilt, £2. 4:s 1836 360 DIBDIN'S Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Pictusesque Tour in the Northern CouxNties of ENGLAND, and in SCOTLAND, 2 vols. roy. Svo. over 100 plates, facsimiles of early prints, portraits, bds. £1. 10* 1838 361 the same, 2 vols. rov. Svo. red morocco extra, bordej-s and gilt edgesy £o. I2s ' 1838 362 the same, Large Paper, 3 vols. impl. Svo. calf extra, gilt edges, £2k 1838 363 the same. Large Paper, in 3 vols. impl. Svo. proofs on india paper, red morocco, super extra, gilt tops, uncut, £S2. 1838 34.1 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. \ 3G4 DIBDIN'S Libeaet Companion, or the young man's guide and the old man's . comfort, in the choice of a library, second edition, stout 8vo. hds. 25s 1825 i 365 DEYANDER (James) Catalogus JBibliothecao Historico-Naturalis Josephi , BA^'KS, Baroneti, 5 vols, in 9, Svo. interleaved, lif. calf, £2. ; or, fine copi/ i in calf gilt from Hiss Currer's lihrari/, £2. 10s 1798-1800 ] rriced, 1825, Thorpe, £8. }SsG((; 1830, Payne and Foss, £0. Gs ; 1830, LoiigmaD, , £4. 105; 1842, Nattali, £4. 145 Gd. A singularly well made Catalogue, in classified ^ order, giving careful calculations of the number of pages and plates of each work, with a i General Index. ■ 366 DupoNT, Histoire de I'lmprimerie, 2 vols, impl, 8vo. heautifulli/ 2)rinted within \ lorders Oil file Y-ELLVU :p±ve'r, 27 s Paris, 1854i \ 367 EBERT'S allgemeines Bibliographisches Lexikon, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. sized paper, stained ly ivet, lif Id. Vds Leipzig, 1821 \ 368 EDWAEDS' (Edward) Memoirs or Libraries, including a Handbook of i Library Economy, 2 vols, stout Svo. plates, those of hindings illuminated, \ {y)\\]x4^Ss) cloth, ms 1859 ■ 369 Libraries and Founders of Libraries, Svo. i^p. xx. 503, and 2 talles I (pub. at 18*) cloth, 12s 1864 \ 370 — Libraries and Founders of Libraries, roy. Svo. large paper, russia \ extra, gilt edges, £2. 10s 1861 ' The present volume, the introductory chapters excepted, occuijies a ground Avhich wa» hut touched on in the " Memoirs of Libraries (1859)." It is at once a new and independent Avork, and a continuation of the preceding work on the same subject. 371 EGL^IAEA y Eguren, Bebliotheca MEXICANA, sivc Eruditorum historia virorum qui in America Boreali nati, vel alibi geniti, in ipsam domicilio ant ; studiis asciti, quavis lingua scripto aliquid tradiderunt, eorumque prsesertim \ qui factis et quibusvis Scriptis floruere cditis aut ineditis (A — C), sm. folio, \ vellum, £10. 10s Mexici, 1755 \ Very raee. Ouvrage curieux, mais dont il n'a paru que le premier volume (A — C). ! Fort peu d'exemplaires sent parvenus en Europe: 50 fr. Raetzel. — Bninet. The only copy quoted by Bruuet was sold early this century, long before the present prices of American Iviterature were thought of. The present copy came from the Heber Library. 372 ErcHHOFF, Tableau de la Litterature du Nord au Moyen Age, en AUemagne, en '■ Angleterre, en Scandinavie et en Slavonic, Svo. hf. hd. morocco gilt, 10s ' Paris, 1857 \ 372*ENaELMANN, Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis, Bucher in 1700-1846 i erschienen, Vol. I, Svo. icith prices, 12s Leipzig, 1816 i 373 Supplement-Band : Bibliotheca Zoologica, enthalteud die in Periodis- ! chenWerken aufgenommencn, mid die von 184:6-60 erschienenen Schriften, ' 2 vols, stout Svo. with prices^ cloth, 30s ih. 1861 " These catalogues arc considered indispensable by every Zoologist."—/. U, Grey. '\ 374 Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Grcecorum et Latinorum, Svo. \ 48 and 508 pp. hf. calf, Is ih. 1847 \ 375 Bibliotheca Philologica, of Grammars, Dictionaries, etc. for the study of Greek and Latin, Svo. sd. 2s 1853 376 Bibliotheca G-eographica : Verzeichuiss der seit 1750 bis 1856 in .■ Deutschland erschienenen Werke liber Geographic und Eeisen, stent Svo. hf. mor. 12s 1857 ' 377 FABRICII Bibliotheca Latixa mediae et infiinse aetatis, cum Supplemento ' Schoettgenii, editio prima Italica a MANSI correcta et aucta, 3 vols. 4to. BEST EDITION, fine copy in vellum, rare, 564. 10s Fatavii, 1754 J 378 FALKENSTEIN'S Geschichte der BuciiDRrcKERKUi^ST in ihrer Entstehnng 1 und Ausbildung, Yerzeichniss der Drucker bis 1500, etc. 4to. vjnvards of ] 40 facsimiles of the early prodicctions of Typography, some coloured .^^peci- ' mens of types, etc. do fh.lCys: or, hf morocco, ISs ' Leipz /. i' 40 \ BiiiLiOGliAPiir, LlTEliAlii' liiSTOllY, ETC. U2 379 FisCHEE (Gr.) Beschreibung typograpliischer Selteuheitcn Beytrageii zur Erfinclungsgescliiclite der Buchdruckerkimst, 6 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. facsimiles from the earliest works of Guttenherg, etc. lif. calf, 10s ; or 2 vols. 'iu 1, hf calf gilt, 12s Mainz, 1800-4 o60 EOPPENS, BiBLTOTiTECA Beloica, sivc Viroriim in Belgio vita scriptisque illustrium Catalogue librorumque nomenclatura, 2 vols, stout Svo. ivitli the complete series of Portraits, calf 3Gs Bi'iixellis, 1739 38 1 the same, 2 vols. 4to. lo(S portraits, inclmling 14 luhicli are additional, verg fine copy, old calf gilt, £3. 10^ 1739 382 FE-ANCKII Catalogus Bibliotliecae Buxatiaxae, 7 vols, in 4, stout sm. 4to. COMPLETE, v)ith references to reviews in learned Transactions^ a valuable catalogue, vellum, 28-? Lipsice, 1750-66 383 Fraxklix, Histoire cle la Bibliotlieque Mazarin, sm. 8vo. cloth. Is Qd Paris, 1860 384 FREEE, Manuel du Bibliograplie Normand, des ouvrages relatifs a la Nor- mandie depuis Torigine de i'Lnprimerie, avcc des notes biographiques et I'histoire de I'lmprimerie en IN'ormandie, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. 1135 pp, double columns, cloth, 305 llouen, 1858-60 .')85 Freytag, Adparatus litterarius ubi libri antiqui et rari recensentur, 3 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, 7s 6d Lips. 1752 386 Gray (Dr. J. E.) a second Letter to the Earl of Ellesinere on the management of the Library of Printed Books in tlie British Museum, Svo. 58 pp. sd. Is Gd ^ 1849 Printed for private distribution only. " The best Account of Libraries, their Catalogues, and how they are arianged." 387 Gresswell's Annals of Parisian Typography, 8vo. bds. 5s 1818 388 Grolier. LE EOUX de LINCY (M.) Eeeherclies sur Jean Grolier, sur sa Tie et sa Bibliotheque suivies d'un Catalogue des Livres qui lui ont appar- tenu, impl. Svo. large vaveu, facsimile of a Letter and of a choice specimen of a Binding, morocco stq^er extra, joints, uncut, top edges gilt, the sides ornamented luith gold tooling in the Grolier style, £3. 8s Paris, 1866 389 Grotefbnd, Gesehichte der Buchdruckereien in Hannover und Braunschweig, 4to. icith 9 facsimiles, hf calf 9s ■ Hannover, 1840 390 GriGARD, Bibliotheque Ileraldique de la France, Svo. 527 pp. double columns, a valuable Bibliography of worJcs on Ileraldrg, chiefly French, hf calf gilt., 16s (jd * Paris] 1861 391 GUTENBEEG. Meyer (H.) Gutenberg-Album, 1840, roy. 4to. fine por- traits, plates, facsimiles, etc. a richly illuminated ivorJc, issued in commemo- ration of the fourth Gutenberg Centenary, morocco extra, gilt edges, arms on sides, 30s . Braunschweig, 1840 392 Hand-List of Early English Literature in the Malone Collection, Svo. cloth, 8s (Sd 1S60 393 Hand-List of Early English Literature in tlie Douce Collection, Svo. cloth, Ss6t/ ' 1860 Only 51 copies printed for private circulation of eacli of the above by Mr. IIalli^YelI. 394 Ha>'sard's Typographia : the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing, thick royal Svo. numerous portraits, diagrams, etc. hf. morocco, an excellent prac- tical book, 18s 1825 395 HAliRISSE (H.) Bibliotheca Americana tetustissima, or Description of AVorks relating to America, published between 1492 and 1551, impl. Svo. hf calf neat, £1. 4s Xew York, 1866 396 the same, large paper, roy. 4to. cloth, uncut, £7. 7s JS'ew York, 1866 This important publication is the most complete and satisfactory work of its kind. The descriptions arc accurate, and a collation of each book is attached. Its arrangement is chronological, but an alphabetical index is added. 397 HAETSHORNE (C. H.) Book Rarities in the University of Cambridge, large paper, impl. Svo. plates, uncut, Sir Charles Price's copy, £2. 2* 1829 343 J3EKAA1ID QUAIUTCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LOAUO.X. 398 HAZLITT ( W. C.) Handbook to the Popular, poetical and dramatic Litera- ture of Great Britain, thick 8vo. hf. hd. russia, 2os 1867 399 HEINECKEN (Baron) Idee Generale d'lme Collection complette d'Estampes, avec une Dissertation sur I'Originc de la Gravure, et sur les premiers Livres d'Images, stout 8\'o. facsimile jylates of the early Block Books, and other engravings in the infancg of the art, calf 30\^ ; or fine copy in russia extra, £2. Leipsic, 1771 100 HEINSIUS. Allgemeines BiicHEii-LEXicox, ocler volLstiindiges alphabetisches Verzeichniss, der von 1700 bis zu Entle 1801, erschienenen Biicher, welchc in Deutschland und in den durch Sprachc und Literatur damit vcrwandten Liindern gedruckt worden sind, 13 vols. 4to. hf calf neat, £o. Leipziq, 1812-62 101 HisTOiRE de la BIBLIOPHILIE, Keliures, Eecherches sur les Bibliotheques des plus celcbrcs Amateurs, Armorial des Bibliophiles, 10 parts, impl. folio, containing \1 plates of facsimiles of superb specimens of Art-Binding, £3. 10* Baris, Techener, 1861-61 102 IIOLTEOP (J. W.) MoNUMENS TrpoGiiAPiiiQUEs des PAYS-BAS au XYc Siecle, Collection do Eac-simile d'apres les originaux conserves a la Biblio- theque Eojale de La Haye et ailleurs, complete, 21 livraisons forming 1 vol. atlas Ito. map and 133 plates ofXylographic and early Typogbaphical impressions, (pub. at £12.) in parts, £10. La Haye, 1857-68 Only 200 copies printed. The 20th Livr. is cxpcctes mdxx, LeijJ. 1802 —Annalen von 1521-26, Numb. 1805—3 vols, iu 2, sm. 4to. hf. calf, 305; or, hf. calf, uncut, 36* 1788-1805 46J Peignot, Repertoire bibliographique uuiverscl, Svo. bds. 12s 1812 462 PIERER'S Unia'ersal Lexikox oder encyclopadisches AVorterbuch der Wisscuschaften, Kiiustc und Gcwerbc, 34 vols, in 17, large folio, with oblong sm. folio Atlas of 64 plates, containing about 2000 figures ; one of the most useful books of its kind, bf. bd. £3. Alteub. 1840-46 463 Plarri (Vine.) Theatrum Anonvmorum et Pseudonymorum, ed. Eabricius, 2 vols, folio, old calf 7s Gd " Ilamh. 1708 464 PuY DE MoNTBiiux, Rcchcrches Bibliographiques sur quelques Impressions Neerlandaises du 15c du 16c )6\{iQ\Q,^\o. facsimiles, hf. calf 6s Leide, 1836 165 the same, 1836 — Bibliograph. Zeldzaamheden, Hertogenb. 1818 — Westreeneu, Boekdrukkuust in Nederland, Hage, 1829 — Beschrijving van een Biblia Pauperiun en dc Ars Moriendi, Amst. 1839 — in 1 vol. Svo. hf. bound, uncut, 7s Gd 1818-19 166 RENOUARD, Annales dc I'lmprimerie des Aide, seconde edttiox, 3 vols. royal Svo. large paper, plates, hf calf, tuicvt, 285 Paris, 1825 467 the same. Third edition, Svo. hf morocco, 30^ Paris, 1834 468 the same, LARQ-E PAPER, impl. Svo. morocco super extra-^ gilt edges, by Bedford, £6. 1834 3i7 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 4-69 RICH, Catalogue of Books. (Part I.) Books relating principally to Ame- rica, Sec. XVI— XIX, alphahetical, i^p. 1-40 ; Part II, Miscellaneous Books, pp. 41-101 ; 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 101 pp. hf. morocco, %)s 1837 470 Bibliotheca Americana, Nova Vol. II. 1801-44, 8vo chtli, 20^ ; or, printed on one side only, calf, 12.9 184G 471 Rtmbault's Bibliotheca Madrigaliana, Bibliographical Account of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England, xvi-xtii Centuries, 8vo. cloth, scarce, 7s Qd 1847 472 RIYE (Abbe J. J.) la Chasse aux Bibliographes et Anfciquaires mal advises, 2 vols. THICK PAPER, uucut, froM the Library of the Able de St. Legev, ivho has added a printed Life of the Author, and a Letter respecting this Worh, £1. 12s Londres (Ai.r), 1788-89 478 SANTANDER (De la Serua) Catalogue des Livres de sa Bibliotheque, avec des notes bibliographiques et litteraires, et le Suppleme^tt, 5 vols, in 4, 8vo. ivith 5 folding plates of Water Marks, hf. calf, 14^ JBrux. 1803 This Library was sold off in Paris in 1809. '' An extensive collection of interesting Avorks. This Catalogue, which is rarely seen in our own country, is well worth a place in any library." — BiMiu's Bibliomania, p. 127. " C'est un des meilleurs ouvrage en cc genre, les Notices bibliographiques sont trcs bien faites." — Peignot. 474 Santandee, Dictionnaire Bibliographique choisi avec un Essai sur I'Origine de rimprimerie et une notice des Imprimeurs, 3 vols. 8vo. pine paper, sd. Us Brnx. 1805-7 Priced, 1840, Payne and Foss, £1. 7« ; Roscoe's copy fetched £1. 15?. 475 8ART0RI, Catalogus Bibliographicns Librorum in Bibliotheca Caes.-Reg. Theresiana extant, cum access, originum typogr. Vindobon. 4fco. containing the Fifteenth Century editions, calf neat, only 100 copies printed, 20s Viennce, 1801 476 SAV^RIEN, Histoire des Philosophes modernes, 8 vols. 12mo. frontispieces, and about 50 portraits by Francois, including Hobbes, £acon, Locke, Eras- mus, Bayle, Spinosa, Descartes, JSewton, Leibnitz, etc. caf, 16* Paris, 1773 477 SCHELHORNII (J. G.) Amocnitates LiteraricT, 14 vols, in 7, 12mo. plates, hf. green morocco, gilt edges, 28* Francof. et Lips. 1730-1 478 Scheller's Bucherkunde der Sassisch-Niederdeutschen Spraclie, 8vo. a most interesting ivork, icith philological notices, bds. Os Braunschweig, 1826 479 SERAPEUM. Zeitschrift fiir Bibliotbekwissenchaft, Han d sch rift enk undo und altere Litteratur : lierausgegeben von Dr. R. Naumann, Vol. I to XXIV. 8vo. plates, bds. uncut, £6. 10*- Leipzig, 1840-63 A very valuable periodical, devoted to Bibliography, Literary History, Palaeography, and Ancient Literature, 480 Smyth's (Admiral AV. H.) Synopsis of his published and privately printed AVorks, royal 4to. cloth, lOs Frivately printed, 1864 481 ScHEoDEE, Incunabula Artis Typographicje in Suecia, 4to. sd. 9s TJpsal, 1842 482 SMITH (J. British Consul at Venice). Catalogus Librorum rarissimorum ante M.D. excusorum, sm. 8vo. rare, jyrivately printed, James Bindley's copy with his autograph, vellum, 10s s. I. ^' a. 482* Bibliotheca Smithiana, sen Paschalii Catalogus Librorum Jos. Smithii Angli, sm. 4to. hf. bd. 10s ; or, hf. culfgilt, uncut, IQs Venetiis, 1755 The Addenda contains " Prefationes et Epistolae voluminibus editis appositae ante annum MCCCCC." 483 STEVENS' Historical Nuggets : Bibliotheca Americana, account of rare books relating to America, 2 vols. 12mo. a Bookseller's Catalogue, priced ^ cloth, £3. 3^. 1862 484 Stockmetee und Rebee, Beitrage zur BASLER Buchdruckergeschichte, herausg. von der Histor. Oesellsch^ft, rov. 8vo. with facsimiles, cloth. Is Basel, 1840 BIBLIOaEAPHY, LITEEAEY HISTORY, ETC. 348 485 TANNEllI Bibliotueca BiiiTANNico-HiiiEUNicA, aivc de Scriptoribus qui in Anc![lia, Scotia et Hibernia, ad saeeuli X.VII initium floruerunt, praefixa est WiLKiNSii praBfatio, folio, fine copy in old calf, very jiabe, £G. lOs 1748 In the margins arc notes and additions in pencil by the late Mr. Petrie of the Tower. 48G TIRABOSCHI (G-.) Biblioteca Modenese, o Notizie degli Scrittori di Modena, G vols. 4to. calf gilt, 3G5 * Modena, 1781-8G 487 ToLDY UXD Fextery, Ilandbucli der Uxgrisciien- Poesie, 2 vols, large 8vo. Selections from the chief Magyar poets, with biographies, etc. Ids. 7s JPesth, 1828 Tory (G-eoffroy) — see Bernard. 488 TRACTS. Traite de Bibliographie, par Boulard, 1804— Petite Bibliotlieque Clioisie — Abus ea Librairie, Chalon, 1841— De la Magonuerie et des Bib-' liotheques Speciales— De la Reliure en Erance au XIX Siecle, par Nodier — Du Langage Macaronique, etc. — 11 parts in 1 vol, sm. 8vo. hf. morocco, an interesting collection, 7s Gd 1804-41 489 Trixius, Freydenker- Lexicon, oder Einleitung in die Greschichte der neuern Ereygeister, ihrer Schriften und deren AViderlegungeu, thick 12mo. hf bd. 6s . Leipzig, 1759 490 Types. BROGIOTTCS. Indice de Caratteri con Tinventori e norai di essi, nella Stampa Vaticana o Camerale, 8vo. vellum, IQs Boma, 1628 Containing Specimens of Types in the European and Oriental languages of all dC' scriptions, and including several pages of Musical notes. 491 YANDERHAEGrHEN, Bibliographie Gantoise, Recherchea sur la vie et le3 travaux des Imprimeurs de Gtaxd (1483-1850), dans les XV-XYIII Siecles, Vols. I.-IV. large 8vo. numerous facsimiles of Typographical 3£arks, sd. 28* Gaud, 1858-62 Only 250 copies were printed ; the work will be finighcd in five vols. "C'est une etude serieuse, raisonnee, approfondie, parsemec de faits piquants, d'aper5us ingenieux de documents curieux, etc." 492 YAN PRAET, Catalogue des livres imprimes sur telin, de la Bibliotheque du Roi, 5 vols, in 4, Paris, 1822: Tom. \l. Supplement, 1828 -Cata- logue des livres imprimes sur velin qui se trouvent dans les Bibliotheques tant publiques que particulieres, pour servir de suite au catalogue des livres de la Bibliotheque du Roi, 3 vols. Paris, 1824 ; Tom. lY. Supplement, 1828 — together 9 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 140 fr. sd.) hf. bd. red morocco, gilt tops, the Yemenis copy, £6. Os Paris, 1822-28 Only 200 copies were printed. " L'importance et la grandc valeur des livres decrits, I'exactitude rigoureusc des descriptions, et les anecdotes interessantes que la savant redac- tcur a su y repandre, nous font regarder ce catalogue comme un des plus curieux qui existent." — Brunet. 493 YASSALLO (Dr. Cesare) Catalogo dei libri nella pubblica Biblioteca di Malta, 4 vols, in 1, royal 8vo. hf. bd. neat, 12s Valletta, 1843-44 A carefully classified Catalogue of an excellent and very useful library. 494 Yateb's Litteratur der Grammatiken, Lexika, und AVortersamlungen aller Sprachen, von Jiilg, 8vo. sd. Ss Gd; cloth, 6s Berlin, 1847 495 YRIES (A. de) Eclaircissement sur I'llistoire de I'luvention de I'lmprimerie, et Arguments des Allemands en faveur de leur pretention a I'lnveution, trad, pai* Noordziek, 2 vols. roy. 8vo, hf. calf gilt, 14.s La Ilaye, 1813-45 490 the same, 1843-45 — Tvveetal Bijdragen betrekkelik de Boekdrukkuust, van A. D. Schenkel, Gravenh. 1844 — in 1 vol. 8vo. hf red morocco, 18« 1843-45 497 AYARMHOLTZ, Bibliotheca Historica Sueo-Gothica, 15 vols, in 7, 8vo. a bibliographical account of books relating to Swedish history, with critical notes in Sivedisk, hf bd, £2. lOs Stockholm, 1782-1817 2 B 349 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 498 WELLEE, Annalen der poetischen National-Literatur der Dcutschen im XVI und XVII Jahrluiuderfc, 2 vols. Svo. a classified cataJorjiie, with collations, and a Geneeal Index, hf. calf, gilt tops, uncut, l^s Freiburg, 1862-64 499 AVoLFii (J. C.) Monumenta Typograplnca, 2 vols, stout 12mo. hf. vellum, 4« ; or, russia neat, 7s Qd Hamh, 1740 500 AVOOD'S (Anthouy) Athenae Oxonienses : an exact History of all the "Writers and Bishops educated at the University of Oxford, second edition, 2 vols, folio, Jif vellum, uncut, 5fc*3. 10s 1721 This was Humphrey Wanley's copy, and the MSS. additions and notes in this first volume are in his handwriting. Dr. Bliss never saw them. 501 WOOD'S xA^THEXiE OXONIENSES: An exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their education in the University of Oxford ; to which are added the Fasti, or Annals of the said L^niversity ; new edition with additions, and a Coxtiis'TJAtiox by Dr. Bliss, 4 vols. roy. 4to. (pub. at £15. 15*) calf neat, £10. 1813-20 502 another copy, in 5 vols. impl. 4to. with numerous duplicate leaves, containing Vaeiatioxs of importance, calf neat, from Haslewood's library, £12. 12.S . 1813 503 the same, 5 vols, atlas 4to. LAEG-E PAPEE (only 25 copies printed), purple MOEOCCO extra, leather joints, gilt edges, ly Clarhe and Bedford, £4i5. 1813-20 " More care, attention, accuracy, and valuable enlargement, from an inexhaustible stock of materials (some of them contemporaneous) has rarely been witnessed, than in the editorial labours of Dr. Bliss." 504 Wyclif. Shirley's Catalogue of the original Works of John AVyclif, Svo. clotJi, 4ts Gd . " Oxford, 1865 505 ZAPF, Annales Typographise xlugustanse, 1466-1530, cum Veith de origine et incrementis Artis typogr. small 4to. facsimile, old calf gilt, 7s Gd Jug. Find. 1778 50tj Eeisen in einige Kloster Schwabens, durch den Schwarzwald und in die Schweiz, 4to. 13 plates of facsimiles of illuminations, and early 3fSS. hf. bound, 7s Gd JErlangen, 1786 507 Aelteste Buchdrukergeschichte Schwabens, Verzeichnisz aller bis 1500 in Ulm, Eszlingen, &c. gedrukten Biicher, Svo. hds. 2s Gd TTlm, 1791 503 Bibliographische Nachrichten von einem alten Lateinischen Psalter und andern biblischen Seltenheiten, 15 Jahrh. sm. 4to. 4 plates, sd. 5s 1800 509 Zeltxeei Theatrum Virorum Eruditorum qui Typographiis Operam prsestite- runt, 12rao. portrait, vellum, 7s Gd JVorimb. 1720 MILITARY SCIENCES AND MILITARY HISTORY. 510 AIDE-MEMOIEE to the Military Sciences, framed from Contributions of officers of the different Services, and edited by a Committee of the Corps of EoTAL Engineers in Dublin, 3 vols, in 6, royal Svo. tvith several hun- dred engravings andivoodcuts, (pub. at £4. 16*) cloth, £2. IGs 1853-62 511 Anderson's (Eobert) Genuine use and effects of the Grunne — Tables of Pro- jection— To hit a Mark — To Cut the Eigging— 4 works in 1, sm. 4to. half calfGs . 1674-90 512 BAEEIEFE'S Military Discipline, or the Toung Artilleryman, wherein is dis- coursed the postures of Musket and Pike, the Swedish Brigade, etc. sm. 4to. best edition, portrait, plate, and 2 plans, old calf, 12s Gd 1643 613 BazancoURT, TExpedition de Crimee, jusqu'a la prise de Sebastopol, 2 vols. Btout Syo. sfl. ds Gd; or, half calf, gilt hack, 7s Gd paons, 185^ MILITAET SCIENCES AND MILITAEY HISTOEY. 350 514 AEMY LIST, from Jan. 1853 to Dec. 1855, 12 vols. Umo. ^reen morocco— Hart's Army List, and Militia List, from 1S56 to 1860, in 5 vols, large 8vo. half green morocco — together 17 vols. 25s^ 1853-60 515 BEG-BIE'S History of the Madras Artillery, and the East India Company's power in Sonthern India, 2 vols. — Migout on Gun Carriages ; I)e Brack's Advance Posts of Light Cavalry, % vols.— 4 toIs. 8vo. plates, calf, 10s Madras, 1852-49-50 516 Bolton's Eemarks on the defective state of Fire Arms, explanation of a new Grunlock, 8vo. red morocco, gilt edges, rare, 4^ 6J 1795 517 (BOUSMAED) Essai general de Fortification et de I'Attaqueet Defense des places, 3 vols. 4to. calf with folio Atlas oj ^7 'plates, hf Id. 5s Berlin, 1797-99 518 le Supplement, " Tentatives a faire pour perfectionner I'Art de Forti- fier les Places," 1 vol. 4to. calf Ss 6d Paris, 1804 519 CLAESZ, Arithmetische ende Greometrische Practijcke der Bosshieterye, alle het Ghene dat een Constapel is te weten, sq, 8vo. mang engravings shelving the mathematical system of Artillery practice, hound up with Haveuiauni Astrsea, Francf. 165D, half hound, 7s Botterd. 1641 520. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles of the AYorld, from Marathon to Waterloo, 8vo. eighth edition, cloth, 85 1858 521 Crimean War : MacClellan (Capt. now Genl.) Eeport on the Seat of War in Europe, in 1855-56, 4to. map and numerous cuts, hf calf 10s Washington, 1857 522 Dahlgren's (the Admiral) Boat- Armament of the U.S. Navy, 8vo. coloured frontispiece and 12 plates, hf hd. 10s Philadelphia, 1856 523 DELAISTEE, Science de I'lngenieur, des Chemins, des Fonts, des Canaux et des Aqueducs, 3 vols. 4to. 6^ plates, half calf 12s Lyon, 1825 52i DiDiox (General) Traite de Balestique (calculations on the velocity and power of Shot), 8vo. sd. 45 Qd 1860 525 DEINKWA TEE'S History of the Siege of Gibraltar, with an account of that garrison, 4to. numerous p)lans and plates, russia neat. Vis (yd 1786* 526 ExcHiiiiDioN of Fortification, or a handfull of Knowledge in Martial affairs, 12mo. many plates, hound, (Ss 1645 527 EL^LEE'S True Principles of Gunnery, translated, with explanations, by Bi'own, 4to. Large Paper, plates, old red morocco, gilt edges, 12s 1777 528 FEEGUSSON'S Essay on a proposed system of Fortification ; with hints for its application to our National Defence, impl. 8vo. plans, cloth, very rare, 165 1849 529 Flayigxy, Examen de la Poudre, sm. 8vo. French calf gilt, gilt edges, ^s Amst. 1778 530 FoY (General) Histoire de la Guerre de la Peninsule, sous Napoleon, 4 vols. Hvo. folding tahle and facsimiles, hf calf neat, 9.9 Paris, 1827 531 GAUGLEE de Gempex, Essai d'une description de Tarmement raye de I'lnfanterie Europeenne en 1858, 2 vols. 8vo. ^0 folding plates loith draw- ings of the mechanism of all the rifled fire-arms of the European Armies, green morocco extra, gilt top, gilt arms on the sides, uncut, 2Qs Paris, 1858 " This book gives the most minute details on the ^Manufacture, and the value for Mi- litary purposes of the different rifled Infantrj-Fire-Arms of all the European powers." 532 GHEYN (Jacob de) Wapenhandelinge van Eoers, Musquetten ende Spies- sen, achtervolpjende de ordre van Maurits Prince van Orangie, 3 parts in 1 voL folio, 117 plates, each representing a Soldier in rich Uniform, with his Musket or Lance, an original copy witli very fine impressions, vellum, £3. I65 Gravenhage, 1608 533 Guibert, Essai general de Tactique, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. plates, hf hd. 4^ 1773 534 HUTTON'S Tracts, Mathematical and Philosophical, Vol. 1, all puhlished, 17SG—tuith other pieces, all in 1 vol. sm. 4to. plates, russia, 7s 1776-86 f)35 — -, — Force of fired Gunpowder, 4to. plate^ half russia^ 63 J778 ^ 2 3J 2 351 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 586 JOMINI, Traite des grandes OperatioDs militaires, 8 vols. 8vo. and 4to. Atlas ' of 29 Maps, stained, hf. hd. lOs Paris, 1811-16 537 JOMINI (Le General, Baron de) Histoire Critique et Militaire des Gueeees DE LA EETOLrTioN ; precedee d'une introduction presentant le Tableau suecint des mouvemens de la politique europeeune, depuis Louis XIV. jusqu'a la Eevolution, et celui des principales causes et des principaux evenemens de cette Eevolution, 1792-1803, 15 vols. sd. and folio Atlas of 61 plates, (pub. at l7l fr.) Paris, 1820-24— Histoire des Guerres de Fre- deric, comparees au systeme moderne, 3 vols. 1818 — together 18 vols. 8vo. calf neat, and folio Atlas, hf. hd. calf, £S. 16s 1818-24 538 JOMINI, Peincipes de la STEATEGIE, developpes par la relation de la Campagne de 1796 en Allemagne, 1 vol. — Histoire des Guerres de Fre- deric II, comparees au systeme moderne, 1 vol. — Precis de I'Art de la Guerre ; complete, par I'histoire de la Guerre de Sept Aus, 1 vol. — together 3 vols, royal 8vo. and 3 Atlases, one the Maps of the " Seven Tears War," 9 7?iaps ; one the " Wars of the French Eevolution," 38 onaps ; and one, of the " Great Military Operations," 25 maps — the lot as de- scribed, 36s * Bruxelles, 1841-42 " This work is one of the most important and the most complete that has ever been written, on au event ever memorable. The author, a profound thinker, appears every where filled with the importance of his subject. Although the style of Jomini is by no means equal to the models which the ancients have left us, although it is seldom pure, and frequently betrays a foreign hand, it has, however, some remarkable qualities to re- commend it. Jomini relates events in a striking manner, describes battles and military movements vividly, and lucidly describes the conduct of military enterprizes." Hevue Encye. vol. 8, p. 63. 539 JONES (Gen. Sir H. D.) Eeports relating to the Ee^Establishment of the Fortresses in the Netherlands, 1814-30, 8vo. map, clothe printed for private circulation, £2. 1861 540 MADEAS AETILLEEY. Eepository Exercise, compiled by Colonel Frith —-Proceedings of the Artillery Select Committee, 1824-32 — 2 vols. fol. lithographed, with 125 plates, containing an infinite number of fine sketches to illustrate valuable experiments and improvements in Artillery, hf hd. not uniform, 15s Fort St.- George, 1830-34 541 Ltdii Syntagma de Eo Militari, sm. iio. pjlates of military Pageants, calf gilt, arms on the sides, 6s Gd Dordraci, 1698 542 MEMOEIAL de l'Aetilleeie, ou Eecueil de Mcmoires relatifs au service de de TArtillerie, redige par le Comite, 5 vols, of text, loith numerous plates and tables, and 1 vol. of Atlas, 6 vols. — Memoeial de TOfficier du Genie, Experiences et Procedes a perfectioner la fortification et les constructions militaires, redige par le Comite, 1 vol. text and plates — together 7 vols. 8vo. hf hd. tmcut, 20s Paris, 1823-27 543 Militaie-Enoyclopadie (Allgemeine) herausg. und bearbeitet von einem Yerein deutscher Offiziere, etc. 3 vols, large 8vo. hds. 12s Leipzig, 1861 544 MITCHELL (Sir T. L.) Atlas of plans of the principal battles, sieges, and afiairs in which the British Troops were engaged during the war in the PENINSULA and the South of Feaxce, 1808-14, with impl. 4to. text, elephant folio, coiitaining 87 magnificent coloured maps on a large scale, strongly hf hd, morocco, Lord Farnham's copy, £%. 10s 1841 Priced, 1842, Longmans, £18. This important work is taken from the original and authentic plans, and the text from the papers of Sir George Murray, and no expense was spared by the publisher to make it a fitting record of British valour. It forms an indispensable adjunct to the valuable his- tory of Sir W. Napier. 545 NAPIEE'S History of the War in the PENINSULA and in the South of France, 1807-16, 6 vols. 8vo. original and best edition, numerous plates, hf. cf neat, £4>. 16s 1828-40 "A History of which the style is universally admitted to b^ a model of force, eloquence, and correctness."— ^Ja^wrrfoj/ Mevierv. Ap, 16, 1864, MILITARY SCIENCES AND MILITARY HISTORY. 352 54iG Norton (Robt.) tlie Gimiier, shewing the whole practise of Artillery, with the • makiug of hveworks, sm. folio, numerous plates of cannons^ etc. Dulce of Sussex's copy, old calf fjood copy. Vis Qid 1628 ^Vl Notice historique des DesceDtes dans les isles Britauniques, depuis Gruil- laume le Conqiierant, 4to. If. bd. 2s Qd Paris, 1798 518 Nye (Nathaniel) the Art of Griinnery, sm. 8vo. ivitli the rare portrait hy Hollar, and ivoodcuts, old calf, 20s 1648 Nye was Chief-Engineer and Master Gunner of Lord Fairfax's Army, and showed skill in both capacities during the siege of Worcester ; he was considered one of the best IMathemuticiaus of his time. 519 POLYBE, Ilistoire de, noiivellement traduite par Thuillier, avec un Com- mentaire, etc. 6 vols. 4to. numerous plans and plates, calf 7s Gd Paris, 1727-30 550 Rochelle. Mervault (RocJielais) Journal des Choses plus memorables qui se sont passees au dernier Siege de la Rochelle, 12mo. old calf, 12« Bochelle, 1641 Ouvrage tres curieux ct d'une grandc rarete. 551 SAINT REMY (Surirey de) Memoires d'Artillerie, 2 vols. sm. 4to. frontia- piece and VI plates, old calf gilt bach, 21s Paris, 1697 552 — - — the same, 2 vols. sm. 4to. plates, nice copy in calf gilt, 22s. Amst. 1702 553 Saxe (Maurice, Comte de) Esprit des Loix de la Tactique et de differentes Institutions Militaires, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. containing 6G folding plates, calf, Qs Franchfort, 1762 554 SCLOPPETARIA : or Considerations on the nature and use of Rifled Barrel Guns, roy. 8vo. large paper, front, and 10 plates, If. morocco, uncut, £4.4.? 1808 This work, wliich is of very great scarcity, embodies ideas and opinions which were half a century in advance of their time. It was published at £3. 3*, as mentioned in Lowndes ; and no copy can be traced in l)ooksellers' or sale catalogues, which proves that only a very limited number can have been printed. 555 SIBORNE'S (Capt. W.) History of the AYar in Prance and Belgium in 1815, containing minute details of the Battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, "Wavre, and Waterloo, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 185 1844 556 the Atlas to the above, 14 maps, having suffered from London smoJce and dust, 10s 1844 557 SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL, 1854-55 ; Journal of the Operations conducted by the Corps of Royal Engineers, by (Major) H. C. Elphinstone, and (Greneral) Sir H. Jones, 2 vols, ivith 24 large folding Maps and plans in stout 4:to. case — Reilly's Account of the Artillery Operations of the Royal Artillery and Naval Brigade, 1 vol. — together 4 vols. 4to. hf ino- rocco, £4i. 4s Printed by order of the Government, 1859 558 SIMIENOWICZ (Casimir) Eeuerwerks -oder Artillerie-Kunst, folio, title in German but the text entirely in French, very numerous plates, old calf gilt, Vis Franclcfurt, 1676 559 G-reat Art of Artillery, translated by Shelvocke, folio, 23 copper plates of FireivorJcs and Fire-Arms, hf. bd. 6s ; or, caJf, lOo' 1729 560 Simons' Leading Principles of Gunnery, 8vo. cloth, 'Ss Qd Calcutta, 1858 561 Smith (Thos.) the Art of Gunnery, with serviceable and practical conclusions belonging to that Art, smallest 4to. icoodcuts, bds. Os 1643 562 Stuart's History of Infantry, 8vo. largest paper, half morocco, 6s 1862 563 Sutcliffe's Practice, proceedings, and Lawes of Arms, out of the doings of most valiant Captaines, smallest 4to. closely cut, caf, 10.9 1593 564 YAUBAN (M. lo Marechal) Momoiro pour sorvir dTnstrnction dans la con- dnite des sieges, et dans la dt'fonso des places, 4to. u'itli 20 plates of forti- f cation, old calf, Os Leide, 1740 565 -— de I'Attaque et de la defense des places, 2 vols. 4to. 40 plates, calf giltj lOs La Haye, 1737-42 353 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 56G Valtukils de Re Militari, small folio, numerous plates of primitive machines of war, and cannon, old calf, scarce, (js Parisiis, 1534 567 VEG-ETIUS de Re Militari, ace. FrontiniiH, .Eliauuy, Modcstus, etc. sm. folio, with mani/ very large fine tvoodcuts of curious militari/ Contrivances and Instruments, some of the plates (jiving an idea of the first working of Artillery ^ fine copy in vellum, 35^ Lutetice, 1652 568 tlic same, ^\o. plates, 3s Qd Vesalice, 1670 589 YICTOIRES, Coiiquetes, Desastres efc Gluerres Civiles des Erangais de 1792 a 1S15, 28 \ols. 8vo. numerous plans of battles, sieges, etc. Yds. 1-27, calf gilt, Yol. 28 sewed, £2. IGs ■ Paris, 1818-25 570 "Ward (R.) Animadversions of AYarre ; or a Military Magazine of the truest rules, and ablest instructions, witli divers new Inventions, sm. folio, engraved front, hy Marshally woodcut capitals and plates, old calf , Gs London, 1639 571 WELLINGTON'S Despatclies during his various Campaigns in India, Den- mark, Portugal, the Low Countries, and Prance, by Colonel Gurwood, 8 vols. roy. 8yo. best ej)Itio:s, portrait, (pub. at ^'8. lO^) cloth, £5. 5* 1844-47 572 WILKINSON (General James, Z7. >S^. Army) Memoirs of my own Times, 3 vols, stout large 8\o. facsimiles, hf Id. uncut, rare, 32s Philadelphia^ 1816 An interesting history of American affairs from 17.70 to 1815. NAVAL SCIENCES. 573 BONNEFOUX et Paris, Dictionnaire de Marine a voiles et a vapeur, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. witli 17 folding plates of Ships, calf neat, 21s JParis, A. Bert rand, s. a. (1856) 574 DEEEICK (C.) Memoirs of the rise and progress of the Eoyal Navy, 4to. frontispiece, hds. 2s Qd ; or calf neat, 6s 1806 575 ENCTCLOPEDIE METHODIQDE : Art Natale et Architecture Marine, 3 vols, in 6, with 4to. atlas, containing VJ 2 plates, mostly folding, of Shipbuilding, armament, etc. hf bd. £1. Fadoue, 1784-91 576 Hatward (Edw. of Chatham) The sizes and lengths of Eiggings for all his Majesties Ships and Erigats, very sm. folio, calf 10s 1660 577 NAVAL CHEONICLE, containing a General Biographical History of the Eoyal Navy of the United Kingdom, from 1799 to 1818, 40 vols, royal 8vo. numerous portraits of the Commanders, plates of Engagements, ^c, a fine and perfect set, half russia, £5. 1799-1818 Priced, 1845, Thorpe, £10. 10^; Hearne, £10. ; Longmans, £7. 7^ ; 1844, Willis, £7. 10*. This most interesting work contains the completest account of the great naval war, comprising elaborate details of the engagements, copies of the despatches, memoirs of Admirals, anecdotes, sketches, &c. An admirable set for a naval or military library. 578 SCOTT EUSSELL'S Modern System of Natal AROniTECTijRE, consisting of 167 Line Engravings and 724 Pages of Descriptive Text, folio doujble elephant, published by Day & Sons at £42, enclosed in 8 portfolios, 563. 35 1865 579 Paris (Amiral) L'Art Naval, Etat actuel de la Marine, 1862, atlas folio, 20 plates of details of Iron-dads, machinery, etc. 5s 1863 580 Zastrox, Histoire de la Eortification Permauente, oblong folio, 18 large plates, 7s ed Liege, 1846 354- PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY, POLITICAL ECONOMY, LAW, JURISPRUDENCE, Chlejlyfrom the library of that indefatifjaUe collector, the late Nic. Andr. NiLSE?f,EsQ. 581 America. A Collection of Minor "Works on the Finances and the Commerce of American and other States, in all 15 pieces, in 4 vols. 8vo. 25s Duport, dela production des Metaux precieux au Mexiquc 1843 Eraser, Gleanings in Ireland : Agriculture, Mines, Fisheries 1802 Kohne (Bemh.) Miinzwesen der Stadt Berlin Berlin , 1837 Neumann's Erdkunde, Vol. VI. 1859 Wappaeus, Republiken von Siidamerika 1843 Gosselman, Syd-Araerikanska Staterna, 240 pp. very rare Nykoping, 1840 A valuable account of Valparaiso, Chili, Peru, Bolivia, Equador, New Granada, and Venezuela. 582 Anderson, Origin of Commerce, containing a History of the great Commercial Interests of the British Empire, 4 vols. 4to. calf 16s 1801 583 ANNUAL EEaiSTER, or View of History, Politicks, and Literature, from its commencement in 1758 to 1852, Vols. I-XCIV, with the General Index, very fine set in calf gilt, (1758-1819) — Annual Register, 1853-1861, being Vols. XCY-CIII, nine vols, in boards, 1854-62 — together 104 vols. 8vo. JBaron Dimsdales copy, 5630. 1758-1862 The continuation can be supplied in boards. 584 . Another set, 1758 to 1862, Vols. I-CIY, with the General Index, a beautiful set, newly bound in lif russia, gilt tops, UNcrT — Vols. C V-VIII, four vols, in cloth, 1864-66 — together 109 vols, in 110, Syo. from the library of Lord E. Montagu, £32. 1758-1866 The two sets described above are entirely of the genuine edition, and hotli have the scarce General Index pubhshed in 1826, thus forming most desirable sets. This gi-eat publication originated with Robert Dodsley, at the suggestion of Edmund Burke, who for some years was the principal contributor. It contains many most powerful and valuable articles from his pen ; and forms our most important record of historical and political events during the last hundred years, 585 ASSIZE OF BREAD and other Assizes or Weights and Measures, by John Powell, sm. 4to. 64 small curious woodcuts in squares, four at the head of each page in the table of weights, with quaint couplets over each, hf bd. uncut, 165 1714 586 Australia. GOLD Discovert in Australia: a most interesting- collection of Newspaper Scraps, Parliamentary Eeports relating thereto, in 6 vols* folio, and 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, from the libi^ary of N. A. Nilsen, £6. This very curious collection includes the following : Hargraves, Australia and its Gold Fields, 8vo. portrait 1855 Correspondence relative to the Recent Dis- covery of Gold in Australia Feb. 3, 1852 Further Papers June 14, 1852 map and plates F»h. 28, 1853 Aug. 16, 1853 Feb. 1854 Further Papers Dec 1854 Jtdy, 1855 Feb. 1856 July, 25, 1856 Aiig. 25, 1857 Many Minor Reports 1855-62 Gold Fields' Commission of Enquiry, Victoria Melbourne, March, 1855 This collection is especially curious, and has been brought together with much industry. 587 BALDASSERONT, delle Assicurazioni Maritime, 5 vols. 4to. sd. lOs Fir. 1801-4 588 Bank Annuities, an analysis of, from the first year of their Creation (1731) to 1774, with a correct account of the Supplies and Ways and Means voted in the last Sessions of Parliament, by T. Ashmore, a 4to. tract of 2^ pages, uncut, very rare, 14« 1774 355 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 589 BANKERS' MAGAZINE, Journal of the Money Market, and Railway Digest, a complete set, from the commencement in April, 1844, to January, 1869, being Vols. I- XXIX, pt. 1, 8vo. twenty-three vols. lif. calf, the rest in parts, (pub. at about £25.) 5^12. 1844-69 590 the same, from January 1848 to December 1862, being Nos. 46 his, to 225, {wanting No. 47, 105, 106, 119, 136, 202, 211, 220,) together 173 Nos. 8vo. (pub. at ^13. lOs) sd. £b, 1848-62 591 Baudeillabt, T. Bodin et son temps, tableau des Idees Economiques au 16me siecle, 8yo. sd. 3s Paris, 1853 592 BENTHAM (Jeremy) AVorks: Panopticon, 2 vols. 1791— Tactique des Assemblees Legislatives, par Dumont, 2 vols. 1826 — Chrestomathia, 1816 — On Codification, 1817 — On Parliamentary Reform, 1817 — Church of Englandism, 1818 — Defence of Usury, 181*8 — Theorie des Peines et des Recompenses, par Dumont, 2 vols. 1818 — Traites de Legislation, par Dumout, 3 vols. 1820— Letters to Count Toreno on the Penal Code, 1822 — Fragment on Government, 1823 — Principles of Moral Legislation, 2 vols. 1823— Book of Pallacies, 1824— Treatise on Judicial Evidence, 1825 — too;ether 20 vols. 8vo. various bindings, £d. lOs 1791-1825 593 CEuvres, 8 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, 20s Brux, 1829 594 BENTHAM'S Wobks, now first collected; under the superintendence of his executor, John Bowring, 11 vols, large 8vo. (pub. at £9. I85) cloth, uncut ; or hf. hd. green roan, £4. 1838-43 595 *^ Traites de legislation civile et penale, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 65 ^ Paris, 1802 596 — — Panopticon, or the Inspection House : Penitentiaries, Prisons, Hospi- tals, Schools, etc. 2 vols. 12mo. calf, 35 Qd 1791 597 Tracts : Springs of Action, 1817— Swear not at all, 1817— Liberty of the Press, 1821— To his Fellow-Citizens of France, 1830-31— Parliamentary Candidates, 1831— Church Reform, 1831— On the Penal Code of Spain, 1822- Police Magistrate's Salary, 1825— Truth versus Ashhurst, 1823— Corporation and Test Acts, 1827 — Lord Eldon, 1825— Lord Brougham displayed, 1832 — The Bankruptcy Bill— Emancipate your Colonies, 1830 — On the Commercial System, 1821 — Codification Proposal, 1822 — Radical Reform Bill, 1819— Parliamentary Reform, 1818— in 3 vols. 870. hf. calf 325 598 BErsT, Sciagraphia juris monetandi : Miintz-Gerechtigheit im Teutschen Reich, sm. 4to. calf, os Leipzig, 1745 599 BLAifCAED, Manuel du Commerce des Indes et de la Chine, folio, map, hf calf, 7s 6d Paris, 1806 COO BRITTON, the French text carefully revised with an Engl, transl. introduc- tion and notes by F. M. Nichols, 2 vols, royal 8vo. cloth, SOs Oxf 1865 601 CAPPER'S Port and Trade of London, historical, statistical, local and general, 8vo. cloth, 105 1862 602 Corpus Jueis Ciyilis Romani, recensuit Gebauer et Spangenberg, 2 vols. 1776-97 — JiJSTiNiAyi Authenticse seu Novelise Constitutiones, Gr. et Lat. ed Hombergk et Spangenberg, 1797—3 vols, large 4to. hf. Id. uncut, 165 Gott. 1776-97 "Edition collationec sur Ics meilleiirs textes, tant MSS. qu'iinprimes."— iV'/«^^ 603 CANCIANUS. Barbarorum Leges Antiqua), cum Notis et Glossariis, 5 vols. in 3, i^X\Q,'glates of facsimiles, hf. calf neat, £3. IO5 Venet. 1781-92 A valuable and very learned work. 604 CiBBAEio, della Economia politica del Medio Evo, 8vo. sd. os Torino, 1839 605 ' Economie politique du Moyen Age, par Barneaud, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Paris, 1859 006 Commerce. Les Interets des Nations de 1' Europe developes relativement au Commerce, 2 vols. 4to. hds. 10s Leide, 1766 A remarkably well-written book j it cost Mr, Nilsen £,\.\s. PAELTAMENTART HISTOET, LAW, ETC. 356 607 Cowell's Interpreter or booke containiug the signification of such words and termes as are mentioned in the law writers, smallest 4to. old calf, 5s 1637 60S Credit Foncier. Des Institutions de Credit roQcier en Allemagne et en Belgique par Eoyer, 1 vol. 1845 — Credit Foncier et Agricole dans les etats de I'Europe ; nouveaux documents, par Dumas et Josseau, 1 vol. J 851 — together 2 stout vols. 18mo. sd. 7s Paris, 181-5-51 609 CUJACII (Jac.) Opera omnia, 11 vols, folio, lottom corners of first volume stained, old cafneat, £(j. Neapoli, 1758 Priced, 1849, Longman's, £10. 10^ ; 1846, Stewart, £11. 11.?. 610 Dayenant, Discourses on the publick Kevenues and on the Trade of England, 2 vols. 1691-98— Essay upon ways and means of supplying the "War, 1695 — together 3 vols. 8vo. calf 5s 611 DICTIONNAIEE Universel de COMMEECE et de la NAVIGATION, 2 very stout vols, royal 8vo. 7f. calf neat, 18s Paris, 1859 612 DUMONT (J.) et J. EOUSSET, Corps tjj^iyersel Diplomatique du Deoit des GrENS : ou Eecueil des Traites de Paix, d' Alliance, etc. faits en Europe depuis Charlemagne jusqu'a present, 16 Parts in 8 vols. Aonst. 1726-31— Supplement, 5 vols.' ib. 1739— Histoire des Traites de Paix du XVIIIe Siecle (par J. Y. de Saint-Prest), 2 vols. ih. 1725— Negociations secretes touchant la Paix de Munster et d'Osnaburg, 4 vols. La Haye, 1725-26 — together 19 vols, folio, quite complete, fine copy in Butcli vellum, scarce, £6. 10s 1725-39 Pru'cd, 1840, Jas. Bohn, £20. ; Payne and Foss, ,£21. ; 1845, Bossangc, £25. "Sir James Mackintosh, speaking of Diplomatic and Conventional Law, observes : * So much of these Treaties has been embodied in the General Law of Europe, that no • man can be master of it who is not acquainted with them. The knowledge of them is necessary to Negociators and Statesmen." Tins IS A WORK or vast and curious erudition. 613 DopiN (Baron) Porce Productive des Nations depuis ISOO jusqu'a 1851, 2 vols. 8vo, calf neat, 10s 1858 614 EccARDi (G.) Leges Prancorum, Salicae et Eipuariorum, cum additionibus variis, ex MSS.tis et Codicibus ; accedunt : I. Pormulae veteres Alsa- ticae ; Leibnitii lib. de Origine Prancorum ; III. Annales Prancici Eegni ; Postgaardi emendationes, sm. folio, engravings representing toHure on the rack, calf extra, 15s Lipsics, 1720 615 Emeeigon, Traite des Assurances et des Contrats a la Grosse, 2 vols. 4to. calf 105 3Iarseille, 1783 " A very valuable and important work.^'—McCullocli. 616 EssAi sur les Monnoies, ou reflections sur le rapport entre I'Argent et les Denrees, 4to. calf gilt, Is Qd Paris; 1746 616*Galiani, della Moneta, sq. 8vo. cloth, 5s J^fapoli, 1780 617 Fisheries : Method of curing White Herrings and all "White Pish, 1750— Considerations upon the "White Herrings and Cod Pisheries, 1749— in 1 vol. Svo. hf morocco, uncut, eaee, 5* 1749-50 618 Pleetwoo]) (Bishop) Chronicon preciosum ; or an account of English Gold and Silver Money, 8vo. plates, with above 100 engravings, calf Ss 6d 1745 619 GILBAET'S Woeks, complete, 6 vols. Svo. (pub. at £3. 18*) cloth, £2. 16s 1865-66 Vols. I. II. Practical Treatise on Banking — III. Logic of Banking — IV. History and Principles of Bauking — V. Lectures and Essays— YI. Logic for the Million. Gilbart's name lias often been quoted in both Houses of Parliament, on questions of Banking and Finance, as that of a Practical man, whose opinions on all questions con- nected with his trade (that of a banker) deserve the utmost attention. Whenever an unsnccessful company is wound up, it is invariably found that Gilbart's maxims have been sinned against. ^ Gilbart's works have iTeen long out ot print, and a new edition has been most urgently called for by demand from home and abroad. 357 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 620 GrAiiNiEK, sur la valeur des Monnaies de Compte chez les peuples de I'Anti- quite, 1817— Second Memoire, 1817 — LETEOJfjfE, des Monuaies grecques et romaines, 1817 — in 1 vol. 4to. cloth, 7s Qd Paris, 1817 G21 Germany. Heunisch, das Grosa-Herzogthum Baden, 8vo. map, hf. calf, 5s Heidelherg, 1857 622 Gold Question, a Collection of Works, Tracts, and Extracts, bound in 6 vols. 8vo. a very curious lot, 25^ Including : Browne, on the Gold Question 1852 Scheer, Californian and Australian Gold Dis- coveries i852 Johnson, Supplies of Gold 1852 Californian and Australian Gold 1852 The Increase of Gold 1852 Maclaren, upon Money 1853 Gold Fields of Australia and Gazetteer of the Gold Mines, maps 1853 Bergfalk, Guldets Framtid Upsala, 1853 Maclaren, on the Silver Standard 1856 Bergbau Sachsens auf Gold 1805 Lewis, Geschichte des GiO\(iiQ.s, plates Grdtz, s. a. And many others. 623 G key's Parliamentary Government considered with reference to Eeforni, \ with Suggestions for the Improvement of our Representative .System, and 1 an Examination of the Eeform Bills of 1859 and 1861, by Earl Grey, new I edition, revised throughout, with additional Chapters, 8vo. cloth, Q>s 1865 \ 621 Habringtox's Oceana and other "Works, with Life by Toiand, roy. 4:io. hest ) edition, calf, the 3Larqids of Hastings^ copy, 7s Qd 1771 i 625 HATSELL'S Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons, new \ edition, enlarged, 4 vols. 4to. new and very neat, hf. bd. picrple morocco, \ gilt tops, uncut, £3. 16^ 1818 ; In 1855 Bernal's copy fetched £3. 3^ ; the work has since become much scarcer ; it ? is a most useful book to a young Member of Parliament. 626 HOUSE of COMMONS, JOURNALS of the, a complete set from 1 \ Edwaed YI. 1547, to 30-31 Victoria, 1867, 122 vols. 3.803-68— ; General Indexes, from 1547 to 1865, by Burney, Dunn, Moore, and Vardon, 7 vols. 1825-57— together 129 vols. vols. 1-90, and the 7 vols, of ' Index, large foJio, vols. 91-122 in a smaller size — 125 vols, uniformly Id. in hf. roan, uncut, and 4 vols, unhound, a very fine set, Lord R. Montagu's ' copy, £20. 1803-68 ^ A most desirable set for the library of a Member of Parliament or a PubUc j Institution. \ 627 HuTCHESON (A.) Collection of Treatises relating to the National Debts and : Eunds (1717-19), and relating to South Sea Stock and Scheme (1720-21), 1 with the rare additional Paper, dated 13 May, 1721, calf, Sir Charles \ Price's copy, 20* • 1721 I 628 JENKINS. Wynne's Life of Sir Leoline Jenkins, Judge of the High \ Court of Admiralty, Ambassador and Plenip. for the general peace of ' Nimeguen, and Sec. of State to K. Charles 11. ; wherein are related the most remarkable transactions of those times, both foreign and domestic, ; 2 vols. foHo, 'portrait, calf, rare, £2. 16^ 1724 | 629 KOCH, Histoire des Traites de Paix- entre les Puissances de 1' Europe, \ depuis la Paix de "Westphalie, ouvrage entierement refondu, augmente, et \ continue par Schoell, 15 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £3. Paris, 1817-18 , Priced, 1841, £7. 17* 6^ ; 1845, £6. 16* 6^. \ " This work is not only valuable for its rich collection of facts, recorded with clear- ' ness and precision ; but it is also distinguished for the most scrupulous impartiality, and j that philosophical order which presents every event in the most interesting point of " view." — Burlier. \ 630 Leber, Memoires sur I'appreciation de la Eortune privee au Moyen Age, i Paris, 1842— Whewell on Political Economy and Taxation, Camhr. 1831 ■ — Schott, Topographic der Producte des Chinesischen Eeiches, Berlin, . 1842— in 1 vol. 4to. cloth, 7s Gd ^ ] PAELIAMENTARY HISTORY, LAW, ETC. 858 631 MACPHERSON'S (D.) Annals of COMMERCE, Manufki^k^i^ and Navigation, with brief Notices of the Arts and Sciences connected with tliem ; containing the Commercial Transactions of the British Empire, and other Countries ; with a large Appendix, containing Chrono- logical Tables of the Sovereigns of Europe, the Prices of Corn, Altera- tions of Money, &c. and a Commercial and Manufactural Gazetteer, 4 vols. 4to. (pub. at £8. 8s in hds.) tvhole loimd omssia neat, £2. 2s 1805 "This must be allowed greatly to exceed any work of the kind which wc before possessed, in regard to the quantity and accuracy of information which it contains. It will worthily occupy a place in the library of the statesman, and the scholar, of the private gentleman, and the merchant." — 3IonthUj Beview. 632 MAD OX (Thos.) Firma Burgi, or an historical Essay concerning the Cities, Towns and Buroughs of England, taken from the Becords, folio, calf, 10s 1726 633 — Baronia Anglica, an History of Land-Honors and Baronies, and of Tenure in capite, verified by Becords, folio, interleaved, hf hd. uncut, 20.9 1736 634 the same, folio, the Marquis of Hastings' copy, 2\s 1741 635 the History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, 2 vols. 4to. second edition, calf 20s 1769 636 MjlIITe:s-s, Guide Diplomatique, ou traite des Droits, des Immunites et des devoirs des ministres publics; nouvelle edition, par Hoffmanns, 3 vols. 8vo. half morocco, 12s Paris, 1837 637 MILL'S System of LOGrIC, being a connected view of the principles of Evi- dence and the methods of scientific investigation, 2 vols. 8vo. third edition, (pub. at 25s) cloth, 145 1851 638 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. new in cloth, 21s 1868 639 — Principles of POLITICAL ECO]SrOMY, 2 vols. 8vo. sixth edition, (pub. at 3O5) new in cloth, 26s 1865 640 the same. People's edition, doii^ble columns, 1 vol. post 8vo. cl 55 1868 MONEY: 641 De Moj^-etaeum AFaMENTO, variatione, et diminutione tractatus varii, ex bibl. Gr. A. Thesauri in hoc volumen redacti, ed. Tarinus, stout small 4to. vellum, gilt, rare, 9s Aug. Taurin. 1609 642 Yaeious Teacts ais^d Minoe Woeks o^ MONEY, BANKING, CUE- EENCY, etc. bound in 14 vols. 8vo. 28* Includvig the following : — Bank Charter Act 1847 Locke,Review of the universal remedy for all dis- Conduitt's Observation on our Gold and Silver Coins 1774 Correspondence about the Bank of England 1833 Digest on Banking and Commerce 1826 D'Ysarn, la Baisse du Prix courant St. Petersh. 1829 German Tracts, by Augustin, August Hoffmann, Westphal, and others, in 2 vols. Haggard's Misc. Papers Windsoo', 1860 History of Banks 1837 Law (John) Money and Trade Glasgow, 17.50 eases incident to Coin 1696 Currency of Clipt-Money 1696 Further Considerations concerning liaising of the value of Money 1695 Miiller, Thcorie des Geldes 1816 Murhard Theorie des Geldes und derMiinze, 1817 Pollard, Banking, Currency and Taxation 1845 Regulating ( the) Silver Coin made easy 1696 Remarks upon the Bank of England 1705 Rise (the) of the Stocks 1721 Sinking Fund, the Cnse of the 1735 Swedish Tracts on Banking, 1 vol. Landrin, de I'Or 1851 j Taxes, State of our ; Taxes upon Funds 1714 Locke on Money, Interest, Trade, etc. 1696 Vaughan's discourse of Coin and Coinage 1675 London and Westminster Bank (the) 1834 1 643 SoETBEEB, Hamburg's Miinz-verhaltnisso, Ifamh. 1846— Bonneville, Me- mento monetaire et d'Orfevrerie, 1852 — Bank- und Greld-Eragen, 1855 — the lot, 3,9 Gd Custom House Ledger Extracts: an Account of Coin and Bullion exported from 1699 to 1792, Manusciiipt, and otber Documents in 1 vol. folio, cloth^ 10s ^ ca. 1800 359 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 615 ]\IOBLEY'S Indian Law Eeports : an Analytical Digest of all the Eeported : Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in India, in the i Courts of the Hon. East-India Company, and on Appeal from India, by \ Her Majesty in Council, together with an Introduction, Notes illustrative ; and explanatory, with an Appendix, by William H. Morley, of the Middle : Temple, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law, Member of the Eoyal Asiatic Society ; of Paris, 3 vols, royal 8vo. (pub. at £10. 10*) cloih, rare, £5. 6s 1850-52 - 64i6 Norman English Laws : EITZHERBEET (Sir A.) La nouvelle natura Bre- i vium, nouvellement composee par G-. Eastell, stout 12mo. calf, tcith auto- 1 graph of Wh, Kennett, JBp. ofPeterloroicgh, 10s ; London, Richarde Tottyllf 1553 ; The margins of this curious volume are annotated in a neat old hand. ' G17 OYEESTONE (Lord) Tracts and other publications on Metallic and Paper CUEEENCY (edited by J. E. McCulloch), stout Svo. cloth, very ; rare, £2. 8s 1857 i 648 the same, new edition, published for sale, Svo. cloth, SQs ^ 1858 j 048* Evidence given by Lord Overstone, before the select Committee of the i House of Commons of 1857 on the Bank Acts, with additions, 8vo. cloth, very rare, £2. 10s 1858 ' 649 PAELIAMENTAEY or Constitutional HISTOEY of England from the earliest times to King Charles II. 24 vols. Svo. old calf, neat, SGs 1762 ; 650' Patterson's Science of Einance, post Svo. 710 pp. cloth, 7s (jd 1868 j i551 PETYT, Jus Parliamentarium : or the ancient Power, Jurisdiction, Eights and ; Liberties of Parliament, folio, calf neat, 20s 1739 I 652 POETEOLIO (The), or a Collection of State Papers, illustrative of the Hi?- : tory of our Times, Nos. 1 to 45, being I — Y, and all published of Yol. YI, ; 6 vols. Svo, several maps and plates, hf. calf neat, £2. 18s 1836-37 ; 653 PITCAIEN'S (Eobert) Collection of the Criminal Trials in Scotland, from! 1483 to 1624, embracing the entire Eeigns of James lY. and V". Mary , Queen of Scots, and James YI. compiled from the Original Eecords and \ MSS. with historical Notes and Illustrations, ^?/«2f Walter Scott. ; 654 Poland. Priedericb, hist.-geogr. Darstellung Alt-und Neu- Polens, thick Svo. ! maps, cloth, 7s Berlin, 1830 j 655 Portugal. "Wagener, Notizen iiber Portugal, 12mo. 2* Qd 1810 i 656 Pufeis^dobf's Law of Nature, and Nations, by Kennett, with Barbeyrac's notes, edited by Carew, folio, calf, 7s Qd 1729 657 EiCARD, Traite general du Commerce, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf 7s 6d Amst. 1781^ 658 EOE (Sir Thos.) Negotiations of, in his Embassy to the Ottoman Porte,^ from 1621-28, folio, calf, £2. 2s 1740 1 659 EoEBrcK (J. A.) History of the Whig Ministry of 1830 to the passing of: the Eeform Bill, 2 vols. Svo. (pub. 28s imhound) new calf gilt, 16s 1852 j 660 Russia. Hermann, Beytriige /Air Physik, Astronomie, etc. dor Eussischeni und angrenzenden Lander, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. cloth, 4,9 Qd 1786-7 ' 660*pRTEBE iiber Eusshind's Handel und Lidustrio, 3 vols. sm. 8yo. hds. 6s 1796-8' PARLIAiyiENTAEY HISTORY, LAW, ETC. 360 661 SAERI, Gius Publico Sicolo, 2 vols. 4to. ivith the vortraits of the Kings of Sicily, hf Id. Qs FalermOy 178G 662 SAYIGNY (F. C. von) Gescbichte des. Romischeu Eechts im Mittelalter, 6 vols. 8vo. calf extra, £2, \0s lleidelherg, 1834-50 663 ScHULiN, Wechsel iind Miinz- Gesetze (Dutch, English, and Danish Laws on Bills of Exchange and Currency) 8vo. hf calf 3s Qd 1827 664 Scotland. Skene's Regiam Majestatem : the Auld Lawes and Constitutions o^ Scotland, fra Malcolme II untill James I. in the Scottish dialect, high 4to. old calf 10s Edinburgh, 1609 SPAIN : 665 Arcas (A. Ramirez) Manual de las Espanas, 8vo. 2^ Gd 1859 666 Benitez, Escrutinio de Maravedises y Monedas de Oro antiguas, su valor, reduccion, y cambio a las monedas corrientes, small 4to. calf extra, gilt edges, lOi' Gd Madrid, 1763 Valuable and rare. 667 TJlloa (Don Bernardo de) Restablecimiento de las Eabricas y Comercio Espafiol, 12mo. vellum, 5s 3fadrid, 1740 Speeches : 668 BURKE'S (E.) Speeches, 4 vols, old calf, 8s Gd 1816 G69 another copy, 4 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1816 670 HUSKISSON'S (AYilliam) Speeches, with a Biographical Memoir, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, half calf 2Ss 1831 671 Stapleton's Eoreign Policy of Great Britain, from 1790-1865 : Intervention and Non-intervention, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1860 672 Stuwe, Handels-zuge der Araber unter den Abbassiden durch Afrika, Asien und Oat-Europa, 8vo. map, half calf, Ss Gd 1836 673 Sweden. Eorsell, Statistik von Schweden, map, 1835 — Die Yerwaltung Schwedens, 1841 — Ueber die Banken, 1843 — Tabellen— in 2 vols. 8vo. bd, 4isGd Taxation : 074 The Royal Teeasury of England : or an historical account of all Taxes, from the Conquest to this year, sra. 8vo. cf Ss Gd 1725 675 The Histohy of our National Debts and Taxes, from 1688 to 1751, 8vo. second edition, cf 4* Gd 1753 676 Thesaurus de augmento ac variatione Monetarum, small 4to. calf 5s Francof 1610 677 TooKE (Thos.) Thoughts and Details on the High and Low Prices of the 30 years, from 1793 to 1822, second edition, 8vo. Ids. Gs Gd London, 1824 G78 History of Prices, and of the State of the Circulation, from 1793 to 1856 inclusive, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, very rare, £7. 15^ 1838-56 " Tooke's principles, confirmed as they have bceu by the events of the last three years, are steadily making way with reflecting men, and will probably, at no distant period, be universally regarded as forming the basis of all true monetary science." Morning Chronicle, 679 TRAITES Publics de la Royale Maison de Savoie, avec les puissances etran^ geres, depuis la Paix de Chateau- Cambresis, publics par ordre du Roi, 5 vols, royal 4to. half hound, uncut, 20s Turin, 1836 680 Tracts and Minor Works on COMMERCE, etc. the lot 12^ Gd Including : Folio. Report from the Trustees of the South Sea Com- pany Jan. 25, 1722 Final Report of the Trustees of the Forfeited Estates in Scotland April 17, 1725 %vos. Cattaneo, Inst, agrarie appl. all' Irlandia 1847 Rasmussen, Danske Afrik. Komp. Historic 1818 Eichhorn, Ost Ind. Handel 1775 Iliillmann, Byzant. Handel 1808 Reinhard, Commerce of Great Britain 1805 Malthus, Political Economy 1835 3G1 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. G81 TEACTS. A valuable .and curious Collection of Tracts, from the Library of Sir Hibbert Ware, soii^e ia MSS. on the TEADE of Glreat Britain, in one vol. folio, cloth, £3. 1774-91 Co^ TENTS : (No. 1.), Memorial concerning the Linen and Hempen Manufactures of Great Britain. 4to. 67 pp. 1766 — (No. 2) A proclamation to all Spinners and Dealers in Linen-Yarn, in the Counties of Mayo and Sligo, 1784 — (No. 3.) Keport of the Committee of Manufac- turers of Great Britain, 4to. 1785— (No. t.) I»"ish Propositions, folio, 1785— (No. 5.) Com- mittee of the Fustian Trade, 1784 — (No. 6.) Duties on Importation to the United States, * 1789— (No. 7.) Importation of Cotton, MSS. 1791— (No. 8.) An Attempt to Ifetablish uni- versal weight and measure, by AVilliam Martin, 39 pp. 1794 — Statement of the population of the town and parish of Manchester, MSS. 1773-4— (Nos. 9 and following.) Bills of Mortahty for Liverpool and Glasgow, 1818 and 1832 — and Tables of Parliamentar\' Re- presentation, s. a. G82 VATTEL, Droit des Gens, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, uncut, Qs 1820 683 Welz (G. de) la Magia del Credito svelata, 2 vols. 4to. bds. Q>s Naples, 1824 Q\d4< "Weskett's Theory, Laws, and Practice of Insurance, folio, 7?f. riis si a, uncut, verij rare, 28* 1781 "Held in high estimation." — Maceulloch. 685 Wheaton's Elements of International Law, with a Sketch of the History of the Science, 2 vols. 8vo. hds. 7s 183G 686 V7ool. The Golden Eleece, or the Trade, Interest, and "Well Being of Gt. Britain considered, with remarks on the Rise, Progress, and present decay of the Woollen Manufactures, and the Heads of a Bill to prevent the illegal exportation of Wool, &c. a 4ito. tract of^^^^ages, vncut, very rare,^s N. D. about 1732 LATEST PURCHASES TEOM THE extensive and Valuable Library of tlie late LOUIS HAYES PETIT, Esq., with the additions made since his death by the late EEV. JOHN LEWIS PETIT. OCTAVOS. Abu Zakariya Yahya El Nawawi. Biogra- <2:raphical Dictionary of Illustrious Men, chiefly at the beginning of Islamism, in Arabic. Now first edited by Dr. F. Wiisten- feld, 9 parts, 42.'< Gottingeu, Oriental Tract Society, 1842-47 Alexi (J.) Grammatica Daco-Romana sive Vala- chica, imcnt, 2s 6ortrait of La Fontaine and plates, calf extra, £1. \s Paris, 182.5 Perishta (M. K.) History of the Rise of the Mahomedan Power in India till 1612, trans- lated by Brigg-s 4 vols. £3. 3* 1829 Gesneri (C.) Mithridates exprimens Differentia Linguarum cum Commentario Caspari Waseri, calf extra, gilt edges, \0s 6d Tiguri, 1610 Goudelin (P.) Le Ramelet Moundi et Diccion- nari Moundi (Dictionnaire de la Langue Tou- lousaine), morocco, gilt edges, 12s Tonlouse, 1638 Grenville (Rt. Hon. T.) Bibliotheca Gren- viLLiANA, or Bibliographical Notices of Kare and Curious Books forming part of the Library of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Grenville, by John Thomas Payne and Henry Poss, 3 vols, scarce, £8. 15* 1842-48 Grimm (Dr. J.) Deutsche Grammatik, 4 vols. nncnt, £\. 8« Gottingen, 1822-26-31-37 Grimmi (J.) Weisthiimer, 3 vols. 12^ ih. 1840-4 Grollman (P. L. A. von) Gaunerisch-Teutsch und Tcutsch-Gaunerisch Wcrterbuch, 9.5 Geissen, 1822 Gyarmathi (S.) Affinitas Liuguoe Ilungaricje cum Linguis Pennicis, Vocabularia Dialecto- rum Tartarorum cum Hungarica eomparata, morocco, gilt edges, Is Qd Gottingcp, 1709 Haack (P. W. ) Vocabularium Litthuanico-Ger- manicum et Germanico-Litthuanicum, 5s Halle, 1730 Hseberlin (D.) Analecta medii iEvi ad illus- tranda Jura et Res Germanicas, 5* Norimhergce et Lipsice, 1764 Hammer-PurgstaU, Geschichte der Goldenen Horde in Kiptschak, das ist der Mongolen in Russland, 9* Pesth, 1840 Heptateuchus, Liber Job, et Evangelium Nico- demi, Anglo-Saxonice. Edidit Thwaites, calf, \2s OxonicB, 1698 [Herbert (Hon. A.)] Nimrod, a Discourse upon certain Passages of History and Pable, 4 vols. calf extra, gilt edges, £12. lis 1828-29 Kare, most of the copies having been destroyed. Hindu Law. A Digest of Hindu Law, trans- lated by Colebrooke, 3 vols, calf gilt, £3. 1 65 1801 Hodgson (B. H.) Illustrations of the Literature aud Religion of the Budhists, 205 Serampor^f 1841 Holtrop (J.) English-Dutch and Dutch-EnglisW Dictionary, 2 vols, calf extra, 7s 6d \ Dordrech t and A visterdam, 1 7 8 9 - 1 80 1 j Ignatii (S.) Corpus Ignatianum ; a comiilete^ Collection of the Ignatian Epistles, translated.! by Cureton, 15* 1849^ Jaffur (S.) Qanoon-e-Islam, or the Customs of^ Aloosulmans of India, translated by Dr. Herk-: lots, with GXos&siry, plateft, \5s * 1832 1 Jornandes Episcopus Ravennas, de Getarumj sive Gothorum Origine. Isidori Chronicon^ Gothorum, Vandalorum, Suevorum et Wiso- : gothorum, and other Treatises, vellum, is 6d I in ofic vol.] Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, from : January 1832 to November 1846, 15 vols, in ' 21, Vol. I to ^ half bound, the rest in cloth, ' £12. 10* Calcutta, 1832-46 j Junius (A.) Nomcnclator, conteining Proper. Names and apt Termes for all things, Eng- i lishcd by Higgins, with dictional Index by; Pleming, calf extra, gilt edges, £1. 8»' 1585' Klaproth (J.) Reise in den Kaukasus und nachi Georgien, 2 vols, maps, 1812 — KaukasiscliM Sprachen, 1814, 20^ 3 vols.i At the end of Vol. II, Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren.l Koran. (The) Translated from the Arabic, witlii Notes, and a Preliminary Discourse by George^ Gale, 2 vols, calf gilt, 9s * 1812^ [Larramendi (P. M. de)] De la Antiguedad^ y Universalidad del Bascuenze en EspaDa, ' morocco, gilt edges, very scarce, \5s i Salamanca (1728)'i [Larramendi (P. M. de)] El Impossible ven^j cido : Arte de la Lengua Bascongada, mo- \ rocco, gilt edges, scarce, I85 ih. 1729 ' Lechaude d'Anisy, Extrait des Chartes eti autres Actes Normands ou Anglo-Normands, ; qui se trouvent dans les Archives du Calvados, \ 2 vols, and folio Atlas, £1. Is Caen, 1834-351 Leibnitii (G. G.) Collectanea Etymological Illustrationi Linguarum veteris Celticae, Ger- \ manicte, Sallicae, aliarumque inservientia cum^ Praefatione Ecardi, 2 vols, morocco, gilt edges, i 16* Hanover ce, 1717 i Le Maire (Le Sieur) Voyages aux lies Cana- j ries, Cap-Verd, Senegal et Gamble sous AI. ; Dancourt, map and plates, \9>s ' Suivant la Copie a Paris, 1695 ^ Lenning (C.) Encyclopiedie der Preimaurerci, 3 vols, uncut, \0s Leipzig, 1822-28 i Lepsii (C. R.) Inscriptiones Umbrica} et Oscje \ ad Ectypa Monumentorum a se confecta. \ Commentationes, vellum paper, calf extra, I gilt edges, Is 6d Lipsice, 1841 ' Lewis Glyn Cothi (a celebrated Bard who i flourished in the Reigns of Henry VI, Edward ^ IV, Richard III, and Henry VH) Poetical' Works, in Welsh, edited with Notes, &c. by ] the Rev. W. Davies and the Rev. J. Jones for ] the Cymrodorion Society, calf extra, gilt edge.^, \ \%s Oxford, ]'8^: I Liturgia Anglicana, the Book of Common ) Prayer in English, with a Translation into the Mohawk Language — A New Edition, with the ] Gospel of St. Mark translated into the Mo- i hawk Language by Captain Brant, an Indian ] of the Mohawk Nation, plates, red morocco ■ extraj gilt edges, rare, £5. 1787 ■ LATEST PUECHASES. 364 Liturgla Anglieana, the Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, and some other Offices of the Church, witli a Collection of Prayers and Scripture Sentences translated into the Moliawk Language, calj\ rare, £2. Quebec, 1769 Liturgia Anglieana, Order for Morning and Evening Prayer and Administration of the Sacrament, and some other Offices of the Church of England, with a Collection of Prayers and Sentences from Holy Scripture, formerly translated into the Mohawak or Iroquois Language, with Con-ections and Ad- ditions by Daniel Claus, red viorocco, rare, £1. 12* ih. 1780 Llywar? Hen, Prince of the Cumbrian Bri- tons, Heroic Elegies and other Pieces, in Welsh, with a literal Translation by William Owen, itticut, scarce, 9* 1792 Prefixed is a Life of Llywarlt edges, Us ^'^ ^"^ '^"^- 387 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Halderson (B.) Lexicon Islandico-Latino- Danicum ex MSS. Legati Arna-Magnffani cura R. K. Raskii edituin ; preefatus est P. E. Miiller, 2 vols, fine paper, russia, scarce, £2. 165 Havuice, 1814 Hervas (Abbate D. Lorenzo) Idea dell' Universo, die coiitiene la Storia della Vita dell' Uomo, Elementi Cosmografici, Vinggio Estatico al Monde Planetario e Storia della Terra, 21 vols. in 10, vellum, scarce, £1. 5jr Cesena, 1778-87 Hervas (El Abate D. Lorenzo) Catalogo de las Leiiguas de las Naciones conocidas, y Nume- racion Division y Clases de estas segun la Diversidad de sus Idiomas y Dialecios, 6 vols, in 3, calf extra, gilt edges, £3. 3* Madrid, 1800-5 Japicx (G.) Friesclie Ryinlerye op nyz trog- noaze in forbettere Trog E. Epkema, 3 vols, in 1, portrait, uncut, Is Q)d To Ljeauwert, 1821 Kelly (Rev. J.) Practical Grammar of the Antient Gselic, or Language of the Isle of Mann, calf extra, gilt edges, rare, £1. ^s 1804 Klaproth (J.) Asia Polyglotta, and folio Atlas, \os Paris, 1823 Kopp (U. T-) Palaeographia Critica, 4 vols, por- trait and plates, large paper, morocco extra, gilt edges, and folio Atlas, £o. 5s Mannhemii, 1 817-29 Mahawanso in Roman Characters, with the translation by Turnour, Vol. I, with Index and Glossary, 16^ Cei/lon, 1837 Marsden <,W-) Dictionary of the Malayan Lan- guage, calf extra, gilt edges, £1. 5s 1812 Nibelunge Not mit der Klage in der altesten Gestalt mit den Abweichungen der gemeinen \ L&'=art herausgegeben von Karl Lachmann, 3s 6d Berlin, lt'26 Wouveau Traite de Diplomatique, par deux Religieux Benedictins (Dom Ch. Fr. Toustain et Dom Tassin), 6 vols, jjlates, calf gilt, £5. 17 s6d Paris, 1750-65 Nunez (El Comendador H.) Refranes o Pro- verbios en Romance y la Filosofia Vulgar de Juan de Mai Lara en mil Refranes glossados, rus.sia, gilt edges, £1. lOs Madrid, 1619 Nunez. Another edition, morocco, scarce, £2. 2s Lerida, 1621 Nyerup (R.) og J. E.«Ivraft, Almindeligt Lit- teratur-lexicon for Danmark, Norge, og Island, 2 vols, in 1, toned paper, calf extra, 12.S Xjobenhavn, 1818-20 O'Connor (C.) Rerum Hibernicarum Sckip- tores Veteres, 4 vols, morocco, excessively rare, £45. Buckinghaviia;, 1814-26 O'Connor Bibliotheca MS. Stowensis: a descriptive Catalogue of the ^Manuscripts in the Stowe Library, with Appendix, 2 vols, in 1, hf. morocco, uncut, scarce, £7. 10.« Buckingham. 1818-19 Olearius (P.) De Fide Concubinarnm in Sacer- dotes ; et de Fide Meretricum in suos Ama- tores Questio deterniinata a J. Hartlieb,t)Iacft letter, with woodcuts on title-pages, 30.« Augusta, per Johannern Froschauer, 1506 O'Reilly (E.) Irish-English Dictionary and Irish Grammar, caf extra, £1. Dublin, 1817 Oriental Translation Fund. A series of Ninety-two Volumes of these valuable and interesting Translations, No. 1 to 63 of "Lowndes," large paper, £28. 4to. and 8vo. 1829-48 Oriental Historical Manuscripts in the Tamil Language and translated, with annotations by W. Taylor, Missionary, 2 vols, uncut, 7s P>d Madras, 1835 Ostersson (C.) Glossarium Juridicum Danico- Norvegicum, vellum, 5s Kiohenhuffn, 1652 Otfrid, Krist, das alteste von Otfrid im neunten Jahrnunderte verfaszte Hoch Deutsche Ge- dicht, kritisch herausgegeben von Graff, 7s 6d K'6 Higgler g, 1831 Pardessus (J. M.) Collection des Lois Mari- times anterieures au XVIlIc Siccle, 5 vols. £3. 10s Paris, 1828-34 Pasqualino CAbbate) Vocabolario Siciliano Etimologico, Italiano e Latino, 5 vols, half ru.%sia,30s Palermo, 1785-95 Peyron (A.) Lexicon Linguie Copticje, 18* Taurini, 1835 Polycarpi (T.) Dictionarium Trihngue hoc est Dictionum Slavonicarum, Grsecarum et Lati- narum Thesaurus ex variis antiquis et recen- tioribus Libris collectns et juxta Slavonicum Alphabetum in Ordinem dispositus, coif extra, gilt edges, rare, £3. 3* Moxqua, 1704 Pryce (W.) Cornish Grammar and Cornish- English Vocabulary (with the Lord's Prayer, Belief and Commandments in ancient and modern Cornish, and a Collection of Proverbs, Mottoes, Songs, &c. in the vulgar Cornish ; also Letters wrttten by E. Lhuyd to T. Ton- kin), calf gilt, £1. 105 Sherborne, 1790 Raffles (Sir T. S.) History of Java, 2 vols, map and plates, rtissia extra, gilt edges, £2. 10* 1817 In the Appendix: A comparative Vocabulary of the Malaya, Javan, Madurese, Bali, and Lampung Languages. Also, short comparative Vocabularies of other Dialects. Renvall (G.) Lexicon Linguae Finnica?, cum Interpretatione duplici, 2 vols, in 1, £2. 15* Abocp, 1826 Richthofen (Dr. K. F. von) Friesische Rechts- quellen, 95 Berlin, 1840 Roig (M. J.) Lo Libre de les Dones e de Cor- cells donats a son Nebot En Balthasar Bou, Senyor de Callosa, in the Valencian Dialect, calf, very scarce, \5s Valencia, 1735 Sehcettgenii (C.) Horse Hebraicae et Talmu- dicce in universum Novum Testamentum, 2 vols, portrait, calf extra, £3. 15* Dresdce, 1733-42 Sehroeter (Rev. F.) Dictionary of the Bhotanta or Boutan Language, edited by Marshman, with a Grammar of the Bhotanta Language by Sehroeter, edited by W. Carey, D.D. oalf gilt, £ 1 ^ 2 vols, in 1 Tod (Lieut. Col. J.) Annals and Antiquities of Raiast'han, 2 vols, viaps and plates, £10. IC* 1829-32 Torra (P.) Dictionarium sen Thesaurus Catalano- Latinus Verborum ac I'hrasium, calf extra, £1 \g Barcinone, 1683 At the end are inserted Reglas dc Ortografia. LATEST PURCHASES. 368 Torra(P.) Dictionarium, sen Thesaurus Catalano- Latinus Verborum et Phrasium, calf extra^ gilt edgeSi very scarce y £1. 5 s Barcinone, 1701 Uliilse Veteris et Novi Testamenti Versionis Gothicas Fragmenta quae supersunt, cum Glos- sario et Grammatica Linguae Gothicee, edide- runt H. C. de Gabelentz et Dr. J. Loebe, 2 vols. VELLUM PAPER, morocco extra, gilr erfges, £2. 8s Lipsiae, 1843-46 trifilas. Aliud Exemplar, 3 vols. £1. C* Lipsiae, 1843-46 United States Exploring Expedition during 183S-42, under the command of Charles Wilkins, U.S.N. Ethnography and Philology by Horatio Dale, Philologist of the Expedi- tion, vrrt/ rare, £5. 5s Philafldphia, 1846 A most valuable series of Vocabularies. Venne (A. vande) Tafereel van de belacchende Werelt; met by- gevoegdc Raedsel-Spreucken, plates, cnlf, 18« In 's Graven Hage, 1635 Volkslieder der Wenden in Ober- und Nieder- Lausitz aus Volksmunde aufgezeichnet, und mit Sangweisen, Uebersetzung,Erlauterungen, Abhandlung iiber Sitten und Gebrauche, und einem Anhange ihrer Marchen Legenden und Sprichworter herausgegeben von Leopold llaupt und Johann Ernst Schmaler, 2 vols. vififis and plates (those of costume coloured), £1. 4s Grimma, 1841-43 (1844) Westwood (J. O.) Pal^ographia Sacra PiCTORiA ; being a Series of Illustrations of the ancient Versions of the Bible, copied from Illuminated MSS. executed between the IVth and XVIth Centuries, with 50 richly illv.mi. vatfd engravings. £3. 3* 1843-45 Wolfli (Jo. C.) Bibliothcca Hebra?a, 4 vols, por- traits, vellum, £2. Ilamburgi, 1715-33 FOLIOS. Atlas, containing Linguistische Tafeln and At- lante Linguistico d'Europa di Biondelli, half russia, gilf edtjes, \V)s Milano, 1841 Barth ( J. A.) Pacis Annis 1814 et 1815 fojdera- tis Armis restitutue Monumentum, calf extra, gilt edges, \5s Viutidavice, 1818 Containing specimens of above 100 languages. Basque Airs, with the Words and Music, £2. 2s Donostiau, 1526 Biblia Polyglotta. Pentateuch us Mosis, Josua, Judicum, Liber, et Kuth, Ebraice, Chaldaice, Grsece, Latine, et Germanice, ex Dispositione et Adornatione Eliia Hutteri, 8 parts in 1 vol. cnlt, £2. 2s s. I. et a. A sixth column on each leaf is very Irregularly printed, as the language varies, and sometimes is occupied by a Version in Slavonic, Saxon, French, or Italian. Biblia. Vetus Testamentum Grajcum, cum variis Lectionibus, edidit R. Holmes (et Edi- tionem absolvit J. Parsons), 5 vols, blue mo- roico extra, gilt edges, £10. Oxonii, 1798-1827 Biblia Islandica, morocco, gilt edges, very rare, £8. 106' Iloolum, 1G43 Biblia Slavica sive Venedica per Georgium Dal- matinum, versa ad Versionem Lutheri— Biblia tu ie, use suetu pismu, Stariga inu Noviga Testamenta Slovenski tolmazhena skusi Juria Dalmatina — Bibel, das ist, die gantze heilige Schriflfl, 3 vols, in 1, woodcuts, a beautiful COPY IN THE original BINDING, with fill- length portraits of Luther and Mdarichthon stamped on sides, gilt edges, extremely rare, £lO.\Qs ' Wittemberg, 1583 Biblia quci ei tut la Soinchia Scartira, ner tuts ils Cudischs d'ilg Veder a Nief Testament, cun ils Cudischs Apocryphs messa giu ent ilg Languaig Kumonsch da la Ligia Grischa, morocco, with j.dnts, and vellam fly leaves, rare, £4. 4* Coira,18\8 Biblia Sacra tradiitta in Lingua Romanscha d'Ingadina Bassa, fne copy in russia, yilt edge^, very rare, £1. Bc^wl, 1743 Novum Testamentum Polyglotton (Sy- riacae, Ebraice, Graice, Latine, Germanice, Bohemice, Italice, Hispanice, Gallice, Anglice, Danice, et Polonice) Studio et Lahore EliiB Hutteri, 2 vols. £2. 10* Noribergce, 1599 Bluteau (R.) Vocabulabio Portuguez e Latino, com Supplemento, 10 vols, fne copy i?i Spanish vellum, very rare, £2. 16* Coimhra e Lislwo, 1712-28 Boccaccio (J.) Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence, and Conversation (The Decameron), 2 vols, in 1, with both title-pages, woodcuts, calf gilf, £5. _• 1625 Boeckhii (A.) Corpus Inscriptionum GrsBcaruiu, 2 vols, and Vol. 3, parts I, II, £5. Berolini, 1828-43-48 Burton (J.) Excerpta Hieroglyphica, a Series of Plates (I to LXI), half cat f gilt , £2. 2.* obi. fol. Qaliirah, 1825-29 Caries (P. Fr. F.) Diccionario EspaiIol La- tino-Arabigo, ^ yols. caf extra, gilt ed(/es^ £]. 5s 3Iadrid, 1787 Canina (L.) Ricerche suU Architettura pin Propria del Tempii Christiani, plates, ldi- zioNE SECONDA, £3. 3* JRomo, 1846 ChampoUion le Jeune, Grammaire Egyptieniie, uncut, V(Ty scarce, £3. 3.s Paris, 1826 Curzon (Hon. R. ) Catalogue of Materials for Writing, Early W^ritings on Tablets and Stones, &c. with facsimiles, £2. 16« 1849 Privately printed, for circulation among the author's friends. Diccionario de la Lcngua Castellana com- puestoporla Real Acaderaia Espauola, 6 vols. Spani^-h vellum, £4. 4s Madrid, 1726-39 Diccionario Catalan-Castellano-Latino, por I). Joaquin Esteve, y D. Joseph Belvitges, y D. Antonio Jugla y Font, 2 vols, in 1, calf extra, 15« Barcelona, 1803-5 Duchesne. Histori* Normannorum Scriptores Anti(jui, edidit And. Duchesne, russia, gilt e'ges, £4. \5s Paris, 1619 Florio (J.) Queen Anne*s New World of Words or Dictionarie of the Italian and English Tongues, whereunto are added Necessarie Rules for the Italian Tongue, 2 vols, in 1 , portrait by Hole, ealf extra, £1. 16* 1611 3G9 BEENAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Garcia (F. G.) Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mundo e Indias Occideutales, vellum, £1. 1.? 3Iadnd. 1729 Isabelle (M. E.) Les Edifices Circulaires ET LES Domes, plates, some in colours^ large PAPER, russla extra, gilt edges and joints, £7. 7s Paris, 1855 Kircher (A.) CEdipus JEgyptiacus, 3 vols, in 4, plates, lliuaniis's copy, calf gilt, £2. 16? Romcp, 1652-54 Knight (H. G.) Saracenic and Norman Re- mains, to illustrate the Normans in Sicily, plates, half morocco, £2. 16.9 1840 Kramer (M.) Nider-Hoch-Teutsch und Hoch- Nider-Teutsch Dictionarium Sinonymico- Phraseologico-Sintacticum, 2 vols, in 1, vel- Inm, I2s Number g, (1719) Larramendi (P- M. de) Diccionario Trilingue del Castellano, Bascuence y Latin, 2 vols, calf, very scarce, £8. 8s San Sebastian, 174.5 Xjasor a Varea (A.) Universus Terrarum Orbis Scriptorum calamo delineatus, 2 vols, platts, parchment, scarce^ £2. 16^ Putnvii, 1713 Lenoir (M. A.) Statistique Mondmentale de Paris, plates, thoKC of the windows and paint- ings coloured, half russia extra, gilt edges. Paris, n. d. — Third series, parts 26 to 33, in •ni'appers. ib. n. d. — Explication des Planches, 4to. ib. 1867, £6. I5s Le PeUetier (Dom Louis) Dictionnaire de la Langue Bretonne, calf, \8s Pari^, 1752 Lepsii (C. R.) Inscriptiones Umbricae et Oscae quotquot adhuc repertae sunt omnes ad Ectypa Monumentorum a se conf ecta editae. Tabulae , calf extra, gilt edges, £1. 4.« LipncB, 1841 IiUdolf (J.) Grammatica ^thiopica, Franco- furti, 1702— Ludolfi Lexicon jEthiopico-La- tinum,?*. 1699 — Ludolfi Grammatica Linguse Amharicae quae vernacula est Habessinorum, ib. 1698— Ludolfi Lexicon Amharico-Latinum, ib. 1698, calf gilt, scarce, f 1. 5s in one vol. Maps of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, including Plans, Maps of the Stars and Index, by the Rev. James Mickle- burgh, 2 vols, coloured maps, half ru'tsia, £2. 16.S impl. 4to. 1844 Marsden (W.) Plates to the History of Sumatra, with 4to. text, £1. 7* atlas fulio, ISIO Meninski (F.) Thesaurus Linguarum Ori- ENTALiUM. Turcicas Arabicae Persicae cum Inteipretatione Latina, Germanica, Italica Gallica et Polonica. Item Grammatica Turcica cum adjectis Praeceptis grammaticis Arabicse el Persicse Linguae. Accedit Complementum seu Onomasticon Latino-Turcico-Arabico- Persicum, 5 vols, calf gilt, best edition, rare, £5. 5s Viennce, 1680-87 Meninski (F.) Lexicon Arabico-Persico- TuRCicuM, adjecta ad singulas Voces et Phrases Significatione Latina, ad usitatiores etiam Italica : nunc secundis Curis recognitum et auctum (a B. de Jenisch et F. de Klezl), 4 vols. LARGE paper, colfgilt, £1. I2s ib. 1 780 Morland (S.) History of the Evangehcal Churches of the Valleys of Piemont, portrait by Lombart and plates, morocco, gilt edges, scarce, £8. 8s 1658 Irterfpeiped ■with curious documents, f everal in the Vaudois Dialect. Parry (J.) The Welsh Harper, being an exten- sive Collection of Welsh Music, 7* 6d 1 839 Penny Cyclopaedia, 27 vols. Jiumerous plates, 1883-43— Supplement to the Penny Cyclo- paedia, 2 vols. ib. 1845-6, £3. Zs 29 vols. Photii Myriobiblon Graece ; cum notis Hoeschelii et Versione Latina et Scholiis A. Schotti, russia, \8s JRothoniagi, 16 "3 Propagandse Fidei Collegium. Mariae Ade- laidi et Victoriae Mariae Serenissimis Regni Galliarum Principibus Feminis quod praesentia sua honestaverint, &c. et typographium laudaverint Sac. Congregationis Prassides singulas Characterum Formas de Infantis Jesu Laudibus Typis impressas in obsequii gratique animi argumentum d. o. c. (^Roma), 1794, in 37 layignages, very rare, 10s Psalterium Hebraeum, Graecum, Arabicum et Chaldeum, cum tribus Latinis Interpretationi- bus et Glossis studio Augustiui Justiniani editum, vellum, £1. 12* Genua, P. P. Porus, 1516 The first printed Polyglott Psalter, with Life of Colombus as a Gloss to Psalm xix. 4. Ptolomaei (C.) Geographia, Grsece et Latine, edente P. Bertio, 2 vols, in 1, ihap.", best edi- tion, russia extra, £5. 155 Lugd. Bat. Is. Elzevirius, 1618 B>ll8esi (J. D.) Cambrobrytannicoe Cymrsecseve Linguae Institutiones et Rudimenta, calf gilt, rare, £\. 5s 1592 Rumpolt (M.) Ein new Kochbuch, numerous woodcuts by Jost Amman, half bound, very scarce, £3. 10s Franhfort, 1587 Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica, Stephanus Stephanius summo studio recognovit Notisque uberioribus illustravit, 2 vols, in 1 , cuts, russia, gilt edges, 7s 6d Sorce, 1644-45 Sharpe (S.) Egyptian Inscriptions from the British Museum, from Tracings by J. Wil- liams, 7 parts, numerous plates, £2. IQs 1836-41 Silvestre, Paleographie Uniterselle, avec d'Explications historiqucs et descriptives par MM. Champollion-Figeac et Aime Cham- pollion Fils, 4 vols, numerous interesting fac- similes, A magnificent copy of this splen- did work, hf. bd. morocco, uncut edges, £57. royal folio, 1841 Somner (G.) Dictionarium Saxonici-Latino- Anglicum. Accesserunt JElfrici Abbatis Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, cum Glos- sario suo ejusdem Generis, russia, gilt edges, £1. 105 Oxonii, 1659 Suiceri (J- C ) Thesaurus Ecclesiasticum e Patribus Graecis Ordine Alphabetico, 2 vols. best edition, vellum, rare, £3. Zs Amst. 1728 Texier (Ch.) Description de l'Armenie, LA Perse et la Mesopotamie, 2 vols, many very p7ie plates, (pub. at £31. 10s) bds. uncut, rare^ £21. Paris, 1842 Ware (Sir J.) Whole Works conceniing Ireland, translated into Enghsh and continued to the beginning of the present Century, by Harris, 2 vols, portrait by Verfue, and plates, calf, scarce, £7. 7* Pnblin, 1764 No 252. Annual Subscription 4-8. Published Monthly. For Foreign Countries 5s. Price 4d. CATALOGUE OP RARE BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS, THEOLOGY, LITURGICAL LITERATURE, HORAE, PASSIONALES, COMMON PRAYERS, MISSALS FOR THE SARUM USE PRINTED ABROAD; GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, INCLUDING MANY EDITIONES PRINCIPES AND ALDINES; offered for CASH at the affixed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors VTest from Regent Circus. (^^ To insure prompt attention^ all orders to he addressed direct to Mr. QuAHiTCii, bookseller J 15 Piccadilly ; or to the Bookseller from whom this Catalogue was received. The Books are warranted perfect^ and in fine Library condition. a. MOEMAK ANU SOS, PBIHTEBS, MAIDEN I.ASK. COYBMT-GARDE!?, LONDON, W.C. BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE, BY BERNARD QUARITCH, Bookseller, 15 Piccadilly, London. Any Gentleman having some of the hooks of this List for sale at a fair value, will oblige by stating to Mr. Quaritch their titles, dates, condition and price. C^ Offers of Books without a price are declined ; and need not he made. When owners of Books offer them above the market value, they receive no answer. Agrariae Rei Auctores, 4 to. Paris, 1614 Alburquerque Coello, memorias diaiias de la guerra del Brazil, 4to. Madrid, 1654 Allhallows, History and Antiquities of All Hal- lows Barking, 4to. London, Joseph Maskell, 1H64 Ancient Laws of England under Anglo-Saxon Kings, 2 vols. 8vo. 1840 Arcbseologia Cantiana, Vol. I- 1 II. Arlegui Provincia de S. Francisco de Zacatecas, 4to. Mexico, 1757 Army List — a set from the beginning to 1860. Asiatic Society's (of Gt. Britain) Journal, Vol. 2 Austen's (Miss') Novels — the old 8vo. edition Avila Lengua Mexicana, r2mo. Mexico, 1717 Antiquaries (Society of) Annual Lists: 1827-37— 1839-42— 1844 46— 1849— 1859-60-1864—1867 Baralt Hist, de Venezuela, 1/97-1830, 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841 Bastard (le Comte) Peintures et Orneraents des Manuscrits du IV Siecle jusqu'a la fin du XVle, atlas folio, 20 livraisons Bazancourt's War in Lombardy, English trans- lation Beaudelaire CEuvres, (including " Les Fleurs du Mai") Becker et Derschau, Gravures en bois, Vol. IV. 1853: I have Vols. 1, 2, 3 Behmen's Works, translated by Rev. W. G. Law, 4 vols. 4 to. 17(J4 81 Behn's (Mrs. Aphra) iNovels Bergeron, Art du Tounieur, 3 vols. 4to. Bernardo de Nantes Katecismo Indico da Lin- gua Kariri, Timo. Lishoa, 1709 Bible, Latin et FrauQais, De Sacy, 3 vols, folio, Paris, 1715 Blacwod, Martyre de la Royne d'Ecosse, 8vo. Edinb. 1588 Blake's Songs of Innocence Bobb Dictionariu Ruraanesc, Lateinesc, si Unguresc, 2 vols. 8vo. Clus, 1822-23 Boccaccio's Decameron, English, 2 vols, folio, Ja'jgard, 1625-20 Bronajniart Vegetaux Fossiles, 15 parts, 4 to. 1828-38 Browning's Poems, 2 vols. l2mo. 1849 Bruton's Newes from the East Indies, 4 to. 1638 Cabinet du Roi, a complete set Camot, Reflexions sur la Puissance motive du Feu. Bvo. Paris, 1826 Carbajal Espinosa, historia de Mexico, 2 vol.*. 8vo. Meiico, 1862 Carriglio, discorsoapologetici, folio {Mad. 1658) Castillo (A. de) el devoto peregrino, Viage de Tierra Santa, with plates, 4to. Madrid, 1656 CharapoUion, Pantheon, 4to. coloured plates Chesney's Euphrates Expedition— the atlas separately — roy. folio, 1849 Christina, Queen of Sweden ; Relation of the Life of, 4to. Modena, 1656 Clough's Pali Grammar, 8vo. Colombo, 1824 Colebrooke's Diffest of the Laws and Regula- tions, 3 vols, folio, Calcutta, 1807 Coleccion de documentos ineditos par la histo- ria de Espafia, 45 vols. 4 to. Madrid, 1842-64 Colin de Plancy, collection de legendes, 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844-47 Colombo (Fernando) Historic, con la Vita di Cristoforo Colombo, 12mo. Venet. 1571 Colonna (Guido di) Historia Trojana— not the edition of 1489, but one printed acro&s the page (not in double cols.) preferred Couperin Pieces de Clavecin, 3^'. and 4e. livre, edition originale, folio (ca. 1713) L'Art de toucher le Clavecin, ed. originale Da Casta on the Dionysian Artificers Daubeny's Description of Volcanoes, 8vo. Descartes' QEuvres Completes, 11 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-26 Diaz, Conquista de la Nueva Espana, folio, Madrid, 1632 Diaz de Castillo Conq. de la N. Espana, 4 vols. 12mo. Madrid, 1795-96 Dilettanti Society : Historical Notices of Dilettanti Soc. 4to. 1855 Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, plate 53 "Bacchus and Hope:" or an imperfect copy having this plate Documentos para la historia de Mejico — the Four Series complete, Svo. Mexico, 1853-57 Doyle's Foreign Tour of Brown, Jones, and Robinson, 4to. 1854 Drayton's Polyolbion, both parts, folio, fine copy, ivith all the maps Dulaure Divinites Generatrices ou Culte da Phallus, Bvo. 1805 Dupuis Origine de tous les Cultes, 7 vols. Svo. and 4to. atlas, Paris, 1822 Du Cerceau (Androuet) Hastiments de France, 2 vols, folio; or Vol. II. of the edition of 1576. I have Vol. I. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 1860 to New Series, Vol, XI, and following Eliot's Massachusetts Grammar, 8vo. Boston, 1822 Ellis's Zoophytes, by Solander, 4to. 1786— or Plate 1 separately Elyote's Dictionarie, sm. folio, 1538, and the edition of 1552 Emmet, Tentamiiia de Mensium Fluxu, 12mo. London, 1752 Engineering, Vol. 3 (Jan.-June, 1867), folio Evelyn's Sylva, First edition, folio, 1664 Flandin, Voyage en Perse, 6 vols, large folio, a good bound copy. I have the 2 vols, of Tejrt Florencia (Fr. de) Hist, de la Provincia de la compania de Jesus de Nueva Fspafia, folio, Mexico, 1694 Garcia de Palacio Instruccion Nauthica, 4to. Mexico, 1587 Garcia, Indios de el Nuevo Mundo, 16ino. Valencia, 1607 871 BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS, in many Languages. 1 HEBREW BIBLE Manuscript : THE PENTATEUCH, the Megilloth (Esther, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecelesiasticus, Can- ticles) the Book of Job, the Haphtaroth, all with the Targum of Ojxkelos, and the Masorah: together 3 vols. (Yol. 1, 105 leaves, Vol. 2, 156 leaves, Vol. 3, 190 leaves), atlas 4to. on Vellum, written in a fine hold character^ "probably of German execution^ in double columns^ bound, £36. cir, 1400 A splendid MS. formerly in the possession | the inscription at the end of Deuteronomy, which of the great De Rossi, who has prefixed to each shews that the book was written by Isaac bar volume a list of a few of the variants. The text Simhha for the Rabbi Meir bar Nathan. The is written in the right hand column, the Chaldee great Number of VARI^E LECTIONES Targum in the left. De Rossi has decided, from supplied by this Codex renders it of the greatest' internal evidence, that the MS. was not executed importance to students of the Hebrew Scrip-" later than the year 1411, and probably was tm-es. earlier. This opinion is presumably derived from 2 BIBLIA Sacra POLYGLOTTA, complectentia Textus Originales, Hebraicuni, (cum Pentateucho Samaritano), Chaldaicum, Grsecum, versionesque anti- quas Samaritanam, Grsecam, Chaldaicam, Sjriacam, Arabicam, ^thiopicam, Persicam, et Yulgatam Latinam, cum omnium Translationibus Latinis, et apparatu, appendicibus, tabulis, &c. edidit Briauus AYaltontjs, 6 vols, fine portrait by Lombart, engraved title and other plates by Hollar, eotal copy, Lond. 1657 — E. Castelli Lexicon Heptaglotton, Heb. Chald. Syr. Sam. ^thiop. Arab, et Pers. cum omnium Grammaticis, 2 yo\&. portrait by FaitJi- orne, ib. 1699 — together 8 vols, royal folio, superb copy in pitrple moeocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £60. A magnificent copy, in the finest possible condition, ruled with red lines. It has the rare Dedication to Charles II. and the 'loyal' Preface which was substituted for that of the Protector, on the accession of Charles II, There are but few libraries which possess a copy of this impor- tant work in the superb binding of Mr. Bedford. ' ' This Polyglot is of the utmost importance to a critic, not only on account of the extracts which it contains from a variety of important MSS., but particularly on account of the Oriental versions, from which he must collect various readings of the New Testament. Though seve- ral of the MSS. which are quoted in the Polyglot have since that time been more accurately col- lated, and no one would now have recourse to that edition for the reading of the Codex Alex- 1657-69 andrinus or Cantabrigiensis ; yet some of the MSS. which Usher had collected, have never since been examined. Mill and Wetstein have inserted those readings in their collections as they found them in the Polyglot. Now, as errors of the press are unavoidable, especially in a work like Wetstein's, it is necessary to have a recourse to the Polyglot whenever a doubt arises in regard to the accuracy of a quotation by Mill or Wet- stein, in order to see whether these MSS. which were collated for the London Polyglot, have the readings in question or not." Bp. Marsh's Michaelis: It is not generally known that Walton's Polyglott Bible contains the best and most nearly complete collection of the various Taegums. CASTELLI, Lexicon Heptaglotton, 2 vols, stout folio, portrait, without the dedi- cation to Charles II, vellum, £3. Ss Lond. 1586 BIBLIA SACEA POLYGLOTTA, Textus Arcbetypos Yersionesqiie praecipuaa ab Ecclesia antiquitus receptas necnon versiones recentiores complectentia ; accedont Prolegomena in Textuum Arcbetyporum Versionumque antiqua- rum Crisin literalem, auctore Samuele Lee, large stout folio, blue morocco extra, gold borders, gilt edges, £6. Qs Londini, Bagster, 1831 ume are, Varice lectiones in versionem Septua- ginta virorum, Novum Testamentum Graecum, Pentater.chum Hebrceo-Samaritanum ; and the whole of the New Testament in Syriac. A nevf issue just now produced costs £8. 8#, although it is necessarily inferior to the originai edition, being merely a reprint. 2 D An excellent Polyglot edition of the Bible, in Ilehrem, Greek, Latin, English, French, Ger- man, Italian and Spanish, now scarce. All of them are printed in 12mo. size, so that the Hebrew, English, Greek and Latin occupy four quarters of each left-hand page, and the others occupy the right hand. At the end of the vol- 372 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 5 POLTGLOTTEN-BIBEL : Die heilige Schrift alten und neuen Testaments, bearbeitet von Stier und Theile, 4 vols, in G, stout roy. 8vo. vellum gilt, £3. 3s Bielefeld, 1854-55 The Old Testament is in four languages ; t he Hebrew original, the Greek of the Septua- gint, the Latin of the Vulgate, and Luther's German translation, 5 yols. The sixth contains the New Testament in Greek, Latin, and Ger- man. 6 PSALTERIUM in quatuor linguis Hebrsea, Grseca, Chaldsea et Latina, edidit Potkenus, sm. folio, calf gilt, 24s Colonice, 1518 The version called Chaldee on the title is I simply a corrupt colloquial dialect. Ethiopic, that language being supposed in Pot- | *' Edition beaucoup plus rare que celle de ken's time to be the true Chaldee, while the Ian- Genes. Vend £4. 4*, FmeWL"— Brunei. guage known as Chaldee was considered to be | 7 PSALTEEIUM Hebreum, Grecu, Arabicii et Chaldeu, cum tribus latinis inter- pretationibus et glossis, (cura Justiniani) sm. folio, fine copi/y ruled through- out, in vellum, £2. 16s Genucs, Forrus, 1516 This is the first Polyglott ever printed with pride as a Genj)ese i_n_ the recent glories of his the characters peculiar to each language. It is remarkable for Giustiniani's commentary upon the 19th Psalm, " coeli enarrant," where his 8 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM (Polyglotton) Syriace, Ebraice, Grace, Latine, Germanice, Bohemice, Italice, Hispaniee, Gallice, Anglice, Danice, et Polo- nice, studio et labore Elise Hutteri, 2 vols, stout folio, Editio Princeps of the Hebrew text, hf. hound, £2. 10s Noribergce, 1599 compatriot COLUMBUS, induced him to insert an account of AMERICA and a Life of its DiSCOVEKER. " This very rare and interesting Polyglott is the only one which exhibits so many as Twelve Languages, and is curious for its Early English Version. It contains the first edition of the New Testament in Hebrew." " The manner in which the Hebrew is printed in this Polyglott renders it very useful to Stu dents ; the radical letters of the Hebrew words being printed in full characters, and over the line the radical or radicals that may be wanting. The serviles are printed in hollow characters from type cast for the purpose. The ingenuity and advantage of this method have been universally admitted." — Bihlio. Siissex. 9 BIBLE of Eyeey Lai^d, a History of the Scriptures in every Language in which translations have been made, with specimens of Characters, Alpha- bets, and Coloured Ethnogeaphical Maps, etc. 4to. numerous maps and plates of specimens, (pub. at 42s) hf morocco, 30* (1851) The best book ever published by Bagster, I and Biblical critic, equally valuable to the Philologist, Ethnologist, | 10 Specimens of 65 versions of the Holy Scriptures, printed by the British and Eoreign Bible Society, 4to. bds. 3* Qd 11 Compltjtensian Bible, Goezens Yertheidigung ider Complut. Bibel — Semler's genauere Untersuchung zur "Widerlegung Goezens~2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Ids. 7s Qd 1765-66 1 2 AMERICAN - INDIAN. ELIOrS MASSACHUSETTS BIBLE, First Edition. Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up-Biblum God naneesvve Nukkone Testament kah wonk Wuskii Testament, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. russia extra, fine copy^ from the library of Mr, Petit^ £200. Cambridge, (U. Sj 1663-61 would be truly a " cheap price"— i.e. a low one, for the first edition. Yet, with this striking in- dication before him, as well as the date and the collation (both accurately given in my catalogue), which ought to have been enough for the merest tyro in American bibliography, he presumes to say that my description was '* calculated to de- ceive," simply because I had, in a note, treated the "Indian Bible" as a single work, without re- gard to the two issues, in stating that no other copy had turned up for sale in England since the Bodleian duplicate was sold in 1862. That state- CoLLATiON ; Title and Names of Books, 2 leaves ; Genesis to Malachi, signatures A to Mmmmm ii in sheets of four leaves ; title to New Testament, 1 leaf; St. Matthew to Revelation, A ii to Xx iii in fours ; blank leaf ; Metrical Psalms, A to N 2 in fours ; ending with one leaf of notes or errata. " For a copy of the first edition, £120. would be a cheap price." — American Bibliopolist. A copy of the second edition of the above Bible is described inCat.24r9, sub No.560,and priced£120, which as the *• Bibliopolist" judiciously observes, BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. 373 ment was perfectly correct and true ; it might, perhaps, have been more precise to add the words ** of either edition" after " no other copy," but such mere rerbal exactness was quite unneces- sary after a description in which the title, the date, and the collation had been properly set forth, in a catalogue addressed to lovers and con- noisseurs of American literatui-e, not to persons either ignorant of or indifferent to the existence of Eliot's Bible and its two editions. I need scarcely allude to the " Bibliopolist's" insinuation with regard to the leaf of Names of the Books that " this would appear to be wanting," which he probably cast out in order to make my " col- lation" aj)pear inaccurate, and so to strengthen his accusation, — for the leaf ppppp 2 set down by me as the last of the Old Testament, contained those apparentlf/ waiitinr/ Names. In conclusion, I have to admit that I was in error with regard to the price the Bodleian duplicate had fetched in America, when I said " nearly 2000" instead of "exactly 1130" dollars; this was a hearsay statement, vaguely recollected, without any written record to ensure correctness. 13 Amharic. Biblia AmJiarice, vertit Abu-Eumi, ed. Pell Piatt, 4to. calf, 7s Grl 1844. 14 Aneiteum. Gospel of Luke, in Aneiteum, 8vo. hds. 5s 1857 15 Anglo-Saxon. Heptateuchus, Job, et Evangelium Nicodemi, Anglo-Saxonice^ llistoriaB Judith Eraginentum, Dano-Saxonice, edidit E. Thwaites, 8vo. frontis- piece, calf, 15s Oxon. 1698 16 PSALTERIUM Davidis Latino-Saxonicum Yetus a J. Spelmanno editum, sm. 4to. FINE COPT, formerly Sir W. DugdaWs, from 3Iiss Currer*s library, in purple morocco extra, gilt edges, 363. 12^ Lond. 1640 Upon the title is written ♦' Ex dono Henrici I This is Sir Wm. Dugdale's Writhig, E.R.M." .Spelmanni Equitis ;" and underneath, " N.B. | (Edward Kowe Mores.) 17 HALGAN GODSPEL (Da) on Englisc; the Anglo-Saxon version of the Holy Gospels, edited from the original MSS. by Benjamin Thorpe, 12mo. (pub. at 12*) cloth, Is Qd 1842 18 Gospel accordiDg to St. Matthew, in Anglo-Saxon (two texts), and (ancient) NortJiumhrian versions synoptically arranged, (edited by J. M. Kemble and C. Hardwick), 4to, cloth, 10s Cambridge, 1858 The Northumbrian is from the Lindisfarne Gospels, and is interlineal with the Latin text. 19 Aztec. EYANGELIAKIUM, Epistolaeium et Lectionarium Aztectjm, sive Mexicanum, ex antique Codice Mexicano nuper reperto depromptum, cum prsefatione, interpretatione, adnotationibus, Glossario, edidit Bee- FARDINUS BiONDELLi, folio, pp. xlix and 576, with facsimile, only 400 copies printed, on stout writing paper, uncut, £4, Mediolani, 1856-60 The very interesting Codex, of which the above is a careful reprint, was discovered in Mexico by Beltrami in the year 1826, and came into the hands of the present editor by purchase from the heirs. It is composed in the purest and most elegant Nathuatl that was ever written, by Bernardino Sahagun, a Spanish Monk of the Franciscan order, with the assistance of two scions of royalty in Anahuac, one the son of Montezuma, the other the son of the Prince of Tezcuco — and purports to be a " postilla" on the Gospels and Epistles. Sahagun arrived at Mexico in the year 1529, and lived and laboured with great success in that country for fully sixty Of his manv works in and on the Nahuatl language, the above is the only one which has been saved from perdition. Mr. Biondelli has accompanied Sahagun's text by a Latin version, has added a copious Vocabulary, Nahuatl and liatin, and by his introductory ob- servations, has thrown considerable light not alone upon the Nahuatl language, its affinity to other families of language, its grammatical pecu- liarities, but also upon the traditions, institutions, and monuments of the Aztecs — thus forming a complete treasury of everything appertaining to the ancient Mexicans. Altogether this is a volume which cannot be dispensed with by the student in linguistics. years, ut nis many works m ana on 20 Arabic. HOLT BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testaments in the Arabic language (edited by Carlyle) 2 vols, in 1, stout folio, large paper, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Duke of Sussex's library, £2. 2s JVewcastle-on-Tgne, 1811 Only twelve copies were printed in this form. 21 Holt Bible, in Arabic, a new translation, made by Paris-el-Shidiac, (the elegant scholar, now a converted Musulman at Constantinople) 8vo. purple morocco extra, 10s London, Christian Knowledge Society, 1857 22 New Testament, in Arabic, 4to. calf, 2s London, 1828 23 New Testament, in Arabic, 8vo. Id. 4^ Qd 1841 2 D 2 374 BEENAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 24 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Arabice, ex Bibliotheca Leidensi edente Erpenio, eq. 8yo. Jine copy in ancient citron morocco, gilt edges, from tlie library of the Malta Protestant College, YERY eaee, 20s Leidcs, 1616 The title page bears the following parody of i no God but God, and the Messiah is his son.*' a well-known Mohammedan formula — " There is I 25 Basa. G-OSPELS of Mattbew and John, and Acts, in Basa, {First Edition) 12mo. hf. morocco, uncut, 36s Edina, Liberia, 1844 No copy in any Public Library in Europe. 26 Basque. BASQUE BIBLE: Bible Saindua, edo Testament Zabar eta Berria, Duvoisin Capitainak latinezko Bulgatatik lehembiziko aldiko Lapburdiko eskarara itzulia. Luis-Luziano Bonaparte printzeak argitara emana : La Sainte Bible, traduite pour la premiere fois en langue Basque, Dialecte da Labourd, par le Capitaine Duvoisin, editee par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte, impl. 8vo. 1365 pp. double columns, in five parts, £7. \0s ; or, in 7if. red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford, £9. 1859-65 The advertiser offers this valuable privately printed work under the actual cost. 27 Eyaijtelio, S. Mathiuren Arabera, 8vo. calf gilt, 7s Gd Bayonan (? 1830) 28 Bohemian. NOWY ZAKON : New Testament in Bohemian, 18rao. woodcut title, very fine copy, from Dr. Hawtrefs library, elegantly bound in red mo- rocco, gilt leaves by Clarice, excessiyelt bare, £2. \0s Wytissteny, 1596 29 the same, laege paper, 12mo. red morocco extra, gilt edyes^ £3. 35 1596 Priced by Thorpe, £5. 5s, A beautiful little volume, printed in a small Gothic character. 30 Breton. Testamant Neyez, troet e Brezounek gant Legonidec, sm. 8vo. calf, 4s Qd Angoulem, 1827 31 Eyangile de Mattbieu, en Breton de Yannes, par Terrien, 16mo. sd. Qs ; or, russia extra, gilt edges, 9s Prince L. L. Bonaparte, 1857 32 Bulgarian. Noyyi Zayt^t, 8vo. hf bd. 7s Gd Smyrnie, 1840 33 izdanie vtdro, 8vo. bd. Is ib. 1850 34 Chinese. Old Testameis^t, new edition, printed in the third year of the pre- sent Emperor (Tung Che), in beautifully clear type, 7 vols, in 2, 4to. cloth cases, 36s Song Kong (? 1866) 35 Coptic. Job, in Coptic and English, by Tattam, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1846 36 Psalterium in Dialectum Copticse Linguae Memphiticam translatum cum Notis edidit M. Gr. Schwartze, 4to. hf. bd. Gs Gd LipsicE, 1843 87 NoYUM Testamentum ^gyptium, Coptice et Latine, ed. Wilkins, 4to. calf 15s / or, calf extra, 20s Oxonii, 1716 38 Eyaxgelia IY in Dialecto Linguae Copticae Memphitica edidit cum Notis M. Gr. Schwartze, 2 parts, 4to. bds. 7s Gd Lips. 1846-47 39 Coptic and Arabic. Book of the Eoue Gospels, in Coptic and Jrabic, fine bold type, folio, calf neat, 7s Gd Lond. 1847 40 Danish. Biblia, det er, den ganske Hellige Skrifts Boger, 2 vols, in 1, thick 8vo. cfdf 3s Gd Kiobenhavn, 1819 41 Psalme-Bog, narrow 16mo. old red morocco extra, 7s Gd Kjobenhavn, 1780 42 Nye Testamente, 18mo. morocco, gilt edges, 4s 1859 43 Dutch. BIBLIA BELGICA. Bibel met horen Boecken, ende ele boeek mit alle syne capitelen, 2 vols. 4to. first edition of the Bible in Dutch {without the Psalter, which did not appear before 1480), with coloured capital letters, slightly wormed and some leaves wanting, but having beginning and end perfect, £5. Delfin Hollant, byons Jacob Jacobssoen ende Mauricius Yemantzoen, 1477 Priced, perfect, H. Bohn, £7. 7s; Thorpe, £5. 5^; sold in the Crevenna sale 224 francs. 44 Biblia Belgica dat is de gantsche heylighe Schrift grondelick verduytschet, 12mo.fine copy in Dutch calf gilt, 27s Leyden, 1599 A very scarce edition of the " Deux Aes Bybel." BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. 375 45 DEN BIBEL, iuhoudende dat Oude ende Nieuwe Testament, sm.4to.j^weco^y in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. .Ss GhedrucJct ly Lenaert der Kinder en, 1563 It is a beautifully printed volume, and con- tains the Apocrypha, including even the third and fourth book of Ezra and the third book of Mac- cabees. Rare and curious, as having been printed in a uMp on the North Sea ! " Rarissima sunt hsec Biblia et sane mirabile auditu tvpographum Lee- nardum artem suain in navi inter ipsos maris fluctus exercuisse." — (Vogf.^ 46 Biblia Sacra. Hollaxdica, thick folio, illustrated with 1228 wood engravings hy 0. Van Sichem, after Albert Durer, Aldergraver, Penex, Lucas of Leyden^ Weirx, and others, original oak hoards, covered with impressed leather, with clasps, £2. 6s Antwerpen, 1657 47 BiJBEL, volgens het Besluit van de Synode, 1618-19, 8vo. calf, 4^ 1863 48 PSALTEE ix Dutch. DIE SOUTER wel verduytscht wt die heylige oft Hebreeusclie sprake . . . Verclaringlie des . . . Psalters .... door Johanem Biigenhag .... vorrede Martini Butzer, etc. sm. 4to. title within woodcut border, very fine copy in old calf from the Mnschede library, £8. 8s Giedruct te Basel bi 7ni Adam Anonymus, 1526 Collation : 24,597, and 33 pp. It is the I lated " in goeden verstandeliken Duytsche" by First Edition of Bugenhagen's Psalter trans- | Adam Petri de LangendorfF. 49 English. BIBLIA, the Byble, that is, the Holt Scriptures of the Olde and JN'ew Testament, faythfully translated (by Mtles Coverdale, Bishop of Exeter, 1535), stout 4ito. portrait, facsimile of the woodcut title, etc. (pub. at 355) calf gilt, 21s 1535; reprinted 1847 50 BIBLE, in which are contayned the Olde and TsTewe Testament, translated into Englysh by Thomas Mathew, (John Eogers) stout foHo, First Edition of Jfatthew's Bible, Mack idttx, with seven of the preliminary leaves, also having the title to the Prophets and Apocrypha, and extending to fol. CVII of the Bevelacyon of St. John, original binding, £25. Grafton and Whitchurch, 1537 This edition is of great importance in the annals of the. English Bible. It may be called the second version, as it was the first after Cover- dale's, from whose text it was published with im- provements by Rogers. Collation : (Title and preliminary matter as far as leaf 7 of Contents, wantmg.) Table of pryncypall matters, etc. leaves 8 to 14, containing the large woodcut of Adam and Eve on the reverse of 14 ; Genesis to Solomon's Ballet, folios 1 — 247 ; Prophets, 1—94 ; Title to the Apocrypha within the 15 woodcuts; Esdras, etc. 2 — 18 (wanting leaves 60, 61, and the blank leaf at end) ; New Testament, 2—107 (wanting folios 97 and 108 — 112). The margins are cut into the letterpress, portions of the volume are in very poor condition and there are some small defects. Sir Mark Sykes' copy fetched £78. 15*; 1845, Fletcher's, £105. ; Lea Wilson's copy, at Gar- diner's sale, 1854, £150. title to the Prophets within the 16 woodcuts . 51 BIBLE, THE GEEAT. ^'{je Bgble in ISnglss^^, that is to saye the content of all the holy Scrypture, bothe of ye olde and newe testament, stout folio, a copy of Crom well's Bible, often but wrongly called the first edition of Cranmer's, not perfect, very tall copy, in the original binding^ excessively rare, A most desirable copy for completion by facsimile; Mr. Harris would be glad to receive the commission. The title and five succeeding preliminary pages, and also the title preceding the third book of Esdras, are wanting. The first couple of leaves, and the last two, as also a few in the middle Fynisshed in Apryll, Anno 1539 of the work is in good condition. The titles and woodcuts of the " Great Bible" are considered su- perb, and have been attributed to Hans Holbein ; the type is large and beautiful, and the paper excellent. The extreme rarity of the above Bible may be imagined when it is stated that Gardiner's copy fetched £121. of the book are defective ; but the greater portion 52 BIBLE, that is, the Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament, folio, engraved title with elaborate border, by William Hole, with red lines, beautiful copy in red morocco, super extra, gilt edges, by Biviere, £9. B, Barker, 1607 See the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, Vol. V, p, 72. 376 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 53 BYBLE (The) in Enqlyshe, that is to say the contet of al the holy scripture both of ye Olde and Newe Testamet, with a prologe thereinto made by the reverende father in God, Thomas (Cranmer) archbysshop of Canterbury, stout folio, black letter, with woodcuts^ sold as per collation helow, with the first four pp. (21 — 21) of Mr. Fry's Description of the Great Bible, printed as a specimen on vellum, £50. 1540 A Copy of Ckanmer's celebrated First Edition of the Holy Scriptures; (the first part, ending with Deuteronomy, being from the issue of November, 1540) having a large orna- mental letter at the commencement of Romans, with the initials E. W. (Edward Whitchurch) within the same wood-block ; and title to the New Testament designed by Holbein, defective, but having the arms of Thomas Lord Cromwell not defaced ; and also fol. Lxvi marked xLvi. No title ; Prologue, 2 leaves (the third want- ing) ; Names of the Bookes, 1 leaf; Genesis, etc. leaves i — iii, vi— Ixxxiv, the last defective ; title to second part, 1 leaf ; Job, etc. leaves ii — cxxiii ; Psalmes, etc.ii— cxxxii (cxxxi being also marked cxxxii) ; the Apocrypha (title wanting ) folios ii — Ixxx; New Testament, title defective; Matthew, etc. leaves ii — ci. Thus there are eight leaves, in- cluding one title, altogether wanting. See Lea Wilson's Catalogue, No. 8, for the description of the book as far as the end of the first part ; and No. 7 for the remainder. The volume has very large margins and IS FINE AND SOUND, Avith Very few exceptions. From Joshua to the end of the whole Bible, this copy is the first edition printed by Cranmer. 51 BIBLE, now lately with greate industry and diligence recognized (after Mathew^s Bible by Edm. Becke), with Tyndall's Notes and Prologues, folio, black Utter, numerous cuts, Title to Old Testament, and the two final leaves of Index in facsimile, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, £80. Imprinted by John Bay and William Seres, 1549 Dr. Adam Clarke's copy of this edition was i Priced, Thorpe, I847, £52. 10*. sold for £31 . 105. Gardner's fetched in 1854, £40. | 55 BIBLE (the) , that is the Holy Scriptures, conteined in the Old and New Tes- tament, translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, with most profitable annotations, stout small 4to. with the Scripture Genealogies, good copy in old blue morocco, gilt edqes, £2. 10s london. Barker, 1599 56 HOLIE BIBLE [The *01d Testament] faithfully translated into English out of the authentical Latin, with Argument of the Bookes, &c. 2 vols. sm. 4to. very good copy, with a few wormholes in ojie volume, blue calf, gilt edges, £5. Doway, 1609-10 For the Douay Version of the New Testament, see post, No. 64. 57 Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, diligently revised, with mar- ginal notes (by John Canne), 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. old red moeocco ext^^a, gilt edges, from the library of Randolph, Bishop of London, I85 Bill, 1698 A scarce edition, printed in a very minute type. 58 BIBLE (Holy) the Authoeised Version, roy. folio, illuminated binding, most beautifully printed by Baskerville, with a large clear type, fine clean copy, red MOEOCCO, richly gilt sides, £0. Cambridge, John BasTcerville, 1763 This is one of the most beautiful books ever I for £10. 15*, Dr. Heath's for £9, and Rev. T. printed. Sold in the Duke of lioxburghe's sale | Williams for £8. 10*. 59 Bible (The Holy), Old and New Testaments, newly translated out of the ori- ginal tongues, and with the former- translations diligently compared and revised, 4to. woodcut frontispiece, bound in whole eed moeocco, extea gilt, gilt edges, a beautiful specimen of binding, 865 Baskett, 1767 60 BIBLE, PiCTOEiAL, with Notes, 3 vols. 1836— Common Prayer, with Steb- bing's Notes, 1 vol.— together 4 vols, royal 8vo. illustrated ivith many hun- dred woodcuts, (pub. unbound at £4. 10s) blue morocco, marbled edges, £2. 16s 1836 61 Bible (Holy), containing the Old and New Testament, royal 4to. large type, handsomely bound in purple inorocco extra, from the library of the late Ad- miral Fitzroy, 26s Oxford, 1839 A beautiful family Bible. BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. 377 63 BIBLE (Holy) containing the Old and New Testament, with the Apocryphal Books in the earliest English Versions made from the Latin Vulgate, by John Wtcltffe and his followers, edited by the Kev. Josiah Eorshall and Sir Eredeetck Madden, the two versions printed in parallel columns^ and tJie notes underneathj cloth, £5. 10* Oxford University JPresSy 1850 It is astonishing, considering the widely spread Bible Worship in England and America, that the above scholarly edition of the really FIRST ENGLISH BIBLE should be so much neglected, both by the religious world and by Philologists. All the known Manuscripts (170 in number) of the English translations of the Old and New Testament by Wycliffe and his followers have here been most carefully collated by the first Palaeographer in England, and an accurate text of Two Versions has thus been obtained. This publication is the best issued for years from the Oxford University press, — England should be proud of this Literary Monument, a glorious inheritance from" the Middle Ages. The ample critical notes and various read- ings will prove of great interest to Saxon and English Scholars. The previously existing editions of the New Testament, 1731, 1810, 1848, were all printed from one Manuscript only ; their value is very slender. 64 NEW TESTAMENT, translated by the English College at Ehemes ; set forth the Seco:nd Time by the same College returned to Doway, with one new- Table of Heretical Corruptions, and annotations augmented, sm. 4to. calf, SOs ; very fine copy, purple moeocco, gilt edges, scarce, £2. 10s Antwerp, Daniel Vervliet, 1600 This second edition of the English Koman Catholic Testament is as scarce as the first. 65 ENOCH the Prophet (the Book of) an apocryphical production, discovered in Abyssinia ; translated from the Ethiopic, by Laurence, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Oxf 1838 ^^ E:srocH restitutus, or an attempt to separate from the Books of Enoch the book quoted by St. Jude, by E. Murray, 8vo. hds. 5s 1836 67 Lewis' History of the translations of the Bible into English ; with a list of editions, 8vo. plate, hf caff, 6s 1818 68 SMITH'S DiCTioiTART oe the Bible, comprising its Antiquities, Biogra- phy, Geography, and Natural History, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, (pub. at £5. 5s) £4i. 5s 1863 68*WILSON (Lea) Account of Editioi^s of Bibles, Testaments, Psalms, and other Books of the Holy Scriptures, in English, in his Collection, 4to. hog- skin, gilt top, uncut, privately printed, and none for sale, very scarce, £7. 17s 6d 1845 The extreme care taken by the late Mr. Wilson in the compilation of this will always render it a valuable book of reference for colla- tions, &c. The number of copies printed was very small ; some say 50, others 120 ; nearly all were given to public libraries. It is in conse- quence gradually rising in price. As some irregularity occurs in the paging, the following collation is given : Title with coat of arms on reverse ; Preface, 3 leaves ; text, pp. 1-136; Appendix, pp. 129*-136* ; then pp. 137-352, including Index. 69 Esquimaux. Eiye Books of Moses, in Esquimaux, 12mo. calf, 2s 6d 1841 70 New Testament. Testamentetak tamedsa : 12mo. calf, 2s Gd London, 1840 71 Eyanqelium okausek tussarnersok gub, etc. The Eour Gospels in the Esqui- maux Language, by P. Egede, 12mo. sd, very scarce, 15s Kiobenhaun, 1744 72 Ethiopic. Biblia Veteris Testamenti, ^thiopice, ed Dillmann. Tomus I, et Tomi II pars 1 {all pullished) : Pentateuchus, Josua, Judices, Euth, Eeges, in 4i pts. 4to. sd. 25s Lips. 185S-61 73 PSALMORUM Liber et (16) alia Cantica Biblica JEthiopice ; cum Syllabario Linguarum Chaldaearum {JEthiopicarum) ; impressum ingenio et impensis Joannis Potkeis", sm. 4^to. fine woodcut of King David harping printed in red ink on the first leaf, hf hd. bare, £2. Bomce, 1513 The first book printed in the JEthiopic cha- | Chaldean was only a con-upt dialect, racter. Potken insists that this is the true Chal- Priced. 1827, Thorpe, £5. 5.?, and 1841-2, dean language, and that the hitherto so-called | £4. As-, 1837-40, Payne and Foss, £4.4*. 378 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 74 PsALTEEiUM cum Cantico Canticorum, etc. Aethiop. cura Ludolphi, sm. 4to. LAEGE PAPER, neatly hound, 7s Gd Franc. 1701 This rare issue was doubtlessly intended for I European characters, distribution in Africa, as it does not contain any j See ante No. 65, QQ. 75 Feejean. New Testament, in Fiji, 12mo. calf, 5s 18G3 76 Finnish. Biblia, Wanha ja Uusi Testament], thick sm. 8vo. calf, 7s Gd S. Fietarh. 1817-14 77 Uusi Testament!, 8vo. calf, 5s Forwossa, 1850 78 French. LA SAINTE BIBLE, avec les livres des Machabees, fol. fine wood- cuts, vellum, 20s Lyon, Ian de Tournes, 1554 A Protestant version, including the Apocry- I pastors, and richly adorned with vignettes, pha, executed under the revision of the Genevan | 79 BIBLE (la) qui est toute la saincte Escriture, contenant le Vieil et le Nouueau Testament, 4 parts in 2 vols. 12mo. beautifully pointed in very minute cha- racters, ivith numerous woodcuts, maps, etc. fine copy in old French calf extra, EAEE, £2. 10^ (Geneve,) Franqois Etienne, 1576 doubt, to the orthodox. The woodcut of Eden, and the map between leaves 55 and 56 of the New Testament, are missing. The Music of the Metrical Psahns is given ; and in the Calendar there is a curious list of fairs. " Jolie edition imprimt^e en tres-petits carac- teres et ornee de figures sur bois finement gravees." — Brunei. It is perhaps the earliest book ever printed with types so minute and elegant. A contemporary proprietor has written on the titles " Bible Huguenotte," as a warning, no 80 Bible, qui est toute la Saincte Escriture du vieil et'nouveau Testament, Pseaumes en rime avec la Musique, Confession de Fo^y, etc. in 1 vol. stout sm. 8vo. en- graved title, minute type, old calf , gilt edges, 7s Gd Fochelle, 1616 81 NouTEAU Testament enFrangois, (par J. Le Fevee d'Estaples), 12mo.j^72e woodcuts and ornamental initials, commencing with the first Fpistle of St. Faul to the Corinthians, and wanting one or two pages at the end, antique calf 27s Basle, 1525 The above is the first edition in which the j St. Paul. Acts of the Apostles appear after the Epistles of | 82 NoI7veau Testament, traduit du Latin en FranQois par un Docteur de la Sor- bonne, 12mo. a very pretty hooh, printed loith small clear type, calf neat, gilt . edges, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, very rare, £2. 2* [J^Ions, Migeot, 1666] Leaf A 1, intended to hold the title, is blank, missions d'imprimer, dated Cambray, 1665, Lou- and has the autograph of "T. Huntingdon," vain, 1666, and Bruxelles, 1666 ; the Testament, pp. 3— 25 contain a preface; pp. 26—28, Per- pp. 29— 280, Table 4 leaves, not paged. 83 NoTTYEATj Testament, en Francois, selon I'edition vulgate, thick 12mo. vellum, ^sGd Brux. 1674 84 Cotton's Memoirs of a French New Testament with the Mass and Purgatory, with Kiddle's Reflections on the same, 8vo. sd. 3^ Gd 1863 85 German. PSALTEE- Teutscii, folio, woodcut initials coloured and illuminated, fine copy in the original stamped hogskin binding, £G. Niirnberg, J. Petreius, 1525 Very rare. This copy corresponds "with I rarity and peculiarities, in Vol. Ill, Deutsche the description of his own copy given by Gotz, Bibeln, p. 158. and may be the same. See his account of its | 86 DEU PEOPHET JONA (auch Habbacuc) auszgelegt durch Martinu Luther, 2 parts in 1 vqI. sm. 4to. Habbacuc wants leaf A 1, in the onyinal stamped binding, 36* s. I. 1526 This volume cannot be identified with any I published in the year 152G. of the editions which bibliographers mention as j 87 PEOPHETEN (AUe) nach Hebraischer sprach verteutschet, sm. folio, tcoodcut title, in the original binding, £4<. 4* Augspurg, S. Otmar, 1527 An excessively rare edition of the ^Yorms one. It is quoted by Goetz, III. 215, as"eine Bible translation by Hatzer and Denken, wholly hochst seltene Ausgabe.'" idifierentfrom that of Luther, but also a Reformed BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. 879 88 BIBLIA : die gantze Heilige Schrifft Deudsch Mart. Luth. Theil IV, Y, yi,ia 1 vol. sm. folio, an immense number of fine looodcuts coloured and illuminated, frontispiece damaged, and a few oilier small defects, in the original binding, Wittemberg, Hans Lufft, 1534 and was obliged to rest contented with a mere sight of one copy then supposed unique. Goetz in describing this edition of Luther's Bible says it is the one " welche unter alien Ausgaben der Bibel Lutheri mit Recht Princeps heissen kann." {Deutsche Bibeln, III. 1G6 — 171) where he also says that Kraft was right in naming this edition " die allerrareste." EXCESSIVELY RARE, £6. lOs A copy of this Bible fetched at Holland's sale in 1860, £66. Contents of the above : Die Propheten alle Deudsch ; Apocrypha ; das Newe Testament. The existence of this Bible has fre- quently been denied by the learned men of Ger- many, in consequence of its extraordinary rarity caused by the destruction of most copies at a later period by the Roman Catholics. John George II of Saxony was unable to obtain one for himself, 89 BIBEL Teutscii, das ist alle Biicher Altsund Neiiws Testaments, den urspriing- liehen Spraachen nach, aufFs aller treuwlichest, mit Concordantien, 2 parts in one stout volume, smallest folio, old red calf gilt edges, from the Enschede collection, £8. Ziirych, Christ. Froschouer, 1552 A beautifully printed book in the very finest I fresh as if it had only been printed yesterday, state of preservation : the paper is as clean and | 90 Die Gantze Bibel, der unspriingliche Ebraisclien unnd Griecliischenn warheyt nach aufFs aller treuwlichest verteutschet, stout sq. 12mo. fine copy, red MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, £7. 10s Ziirich, G. Froschower, 1530 In the Swiss dialect, and printed in a peculiar I partly of the Gothic character, type which partakes partly of the Roman and | 1)1 Biblia, die Heilige Schrift, Luther's Ubersetzung, 12mo. cf gilt,2s 6d J3asel,17 79 92 DIE HEILIGE SCHBIFT, nach Dr. Martin Luther's Ubersetzung mit Ein- leitungen und Anmerkungeu, herausg. durch Geulach, 6 vols, in 7, 8vo. hf calf, 26s Berlin, 1847-48 This edition of the Bible occupies in Ger- I England, the editor being one of the most eminent many the same place which Scott's Bible does in j amongst the Evangelical party. 93 [Uas NEWE TESTAMENT Deutzsch] Second Edition of Luther's Transla- tion, 2 parts in 1 vol. folio, woodcuts, fine copy in the original binding, £10. 10s (JVittemberg, 1522) Extremely rare. This precious vo- lume is an unknown second edition of Luther's Testament. To judge from the comparisons afforded by Goetz, it must have fol- lowed the first, and preceded the so-called second edition of 1522 ; on both of which, for their rarity and intrinsic value, he lavishes the most extreme eulogies. Indeed a volume which has escaped the researches of the many bibliographical inquirers into this subject, may safely be styled unique. The first page is foliated I-CI ; a blank leaf follows, then a " Vorred"of 5 leaves, and after- wards the second part numbered I-LXXVIII leaves. 91 DAS NEWE TESTAMENT mit Heyss verteutscht; fol. large and beautiful woodcut of the Adoration, and small cuts at the commencement of each book, as well as woodcut capitals throughout, a few insignificant wormholes, large copy in the 07'iginal stamped binding, oak covers, very rare, £3. 16s Nurmberg, Frid. Feypus, 1524 and contains the prefaces to each book ; and so rare as to have been unknown to Palm, whilst Goetz emphatically places it *' amongst the great- est book-rarities." This edition is curious from a typographical error in the V. chapter of the Epistle to the Galatians, v. 6, where the words ' Glaube^ and '■ Liebe,^ are made to usurp each other's places. It is one of the most beautifully printed editions, 95 NEWE TESTAMET gantz yetzt klarllch ausz dem rechten grundt teutscht, mit gargelerten Yorreden, etc. 12mo. woodcuts, very fine copy in old Veiie- tian morocco, gilt gavffrS edges, £Q. Basel, T. Wolff, 1524* This third Basel edition by AVolff, — which is a republication of Luther's text,— is very rare. 9G NEW TESTAMENT durch L. Emser siilige vteuscht, 12rao. woodcuts, some of which have been coloured, in the original binding, £2. 10s Leyptzick, 1528 97 Andeh Thatl des Evangelii S. Lucas von der Apostel GtESChicute (durch M. Luther), 12mo. printed on vellum, with initial woodcut, green mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, vert rare, aC3. 6s (F 1522-30) This portion of Luther's translation of the New Testament contains the entire Acts of the Apostles, and is only called " Ander Thayl," bpcause the Acts were formerly treated as the second part of St. Luke's Gospel. There is no date, nor can a description of this edition be found in Goetz or elsewhere ; but from a aom-. parison with the other editions, it niust have been printed between 1522 and 1630. 380 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK 98 Low German. BIBLIA dat ys de gantze Hillige Schrift, Dudescli, D. M. Luther, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, one leaf mended, titles tvithin woodcut borders largely illtistrated, russia, good copy, £3. 16* Magdehorch, Wolffganq KircTiner, 1578 Rare. Goetz derotes four pages of his edition." It is the first edition of the Low Saxon work to a fiill and particular description of this Bible with marginal notes, volume, which he styles " a very remarkable 99 OLLDE TESTAMENT (the Pentateuch) DudescTi Maet. Ltjthee, 12mo. in the dialect of Lower Saxony, woodcuts, fine copy in the original stamped pig- skin, clasps, EXCEEDiis-QLT RAEE, 3^8. WittembercJi, iV. Schyrlenz, 1525 This edition is not mentioned by Gotz or Brunei. 100 Dat Nte Testament Lntheri, mit Eiguren, Summarien unde ConcordantieD, 12mo. numerous woodcuts, vellum, 14« TVittenlerg, 1613 101 Giese's historische Nachricht von der Bibel-Uebersetzung Lnthers, herausg. von Eiederer, I (all published), sm. 8vo. hf. vellum, 7s Gd Altdorf, 1771 102 GOEZEN'S Historie der gedruckten Niedersachsischen BIBELN, 1470-1621, Halle, 1775 — Yerzeichniss seiner Samml. seltener und merkwiirdiger Bibeln, 1777 — Palm's Historie der Bibel-Ueberzetzung Lutheri, 1617-34, von Goezen, 1772 — together 3 vols. 4to. half calf neat, gilt tops, 25« Salle, 1772-77 103 Steigei^beegee, Literarisch-kritische Abhandlung ub«$r die zwo alleralteste gedruckte deutsche Bibeln, sm. 4to. ^facsimiles, hds. 7s Munchen, 1787 104 Old German, Francic. OTEEIDI EvANOELioErM liber : Evangelien Buch, rait Gunst des Herrn Hermann Eiedesel in truck verfertiget, 12mo. fine copy in old red onorocco extra, by De Eome, veet eaee, £3. 10s Basil, 1571 tionary, etc. being signatures a to ^ 4 in eights ; prologus, text, etc. pp. 1-574. The third and fourth leaves of the " Pre- fatio," being signatures a 4 and a 5, are wanting. Collation : Title, Praefatio, Von-ed, Dic- 105 German Jewish. Das Neue Testament, German in Hebrew JRabbinical Oha- racters, 12mo. calf Ss 6d 1820 106 New Testament for Polish Jews, a German dialect in Hebrew character, 8vo. calf Ss 6d 1821 107 Gothic Bible, Geammae and Vocabulaet : Massman's Ulfilas. Die Heiligen Schriften a] ten und neuen Bundes in Gothischer Sprache, Gothic, with the Greek and Latin text on opposite pages, with notes, a Glossary, a Grammar, and an historical Introduction, 8vo. xcii and 812 pp. (pub, at Us) sd. 10s Stuttgart, 1857 To the Anglo-Saxon and good Enghsh I utility and interest, scholar the above work will prove of great | 108 TJLEILAS. Veteris et Novi Testament! Yersionis Gothicce fragmenta quae supersunt, cum Glossaeig et Grammatica, edd. Gabelentz et Loebe, 3 parts in 2 vols. 4to. velltjm papee, whole hound in olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Clarice and Bedford, £2. 8s Lips. 1843-46 109 EYANGELIA ab XJlfila ei Grseco Gothice translata, cum parallelis versionibus Sueo-Gothica, Islandica et vulgata Latina ; accedit Glossarium Ulphila- Gothicum Unguis affinibus auctum per Junium et Stiernhielm, 2 vols, in 1, smallest 4ito. facsimile, best edition, morocco, gilt edges, from the libraries of Lord Strangford and Sir F. Madden, £2. StocMolmice, 1671-70 110 SACEOErM Evangeliorum versio Gothica, ex Codice argenteo emendata cum interpretatione Latina et annotationibus Benzelii, edidit et Grammaticam Gothicam praemisit Lye, 4to. cloth, 7s 6d Oxon. 1750 111 TJlphil-E Yeesionem Gothicam nonnullorum Capitum EpistolsB Pauli ad Eomanos, e codice MS. emit commentatus est E. A. Knittel, 4ito. frontis- piece, and twelve facsimiles of the MS. usually wanting, new hf calf top edge gilt, 25s Brunovic. (1762) 112 Massman, AuslegUDg des Evangelii Johannis in gothischer Sprache, 4to. Gothic and Latin, with a Glossary (pp. 121-182), facsimile, sewed, 5s Munchen, 1834 BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. 381 113 Greek. BIBLIA Theias delade G-raphes Palaias te kai Neas, Greece, (juxta Septuagiuta) cura Andr. Asulani, 3 vols, in 1, folio, very fine and large copy in blue morocco^ gilt edges, the Duke of S^oxlurghe^s Arms on sides, £12. Tenet. Aldus. 1518 114 the same, imperfect (wanting title, prelim, leaves, leaves 221-2, 228, and 343 to end), unbound, 12s Venetiis. Aldus. 1518 The Rev. T. H. Williams' copy, much inferior to the first above, fetched £14. In this rare and beautiful edition, the text of the Septuagint was published for the first TIME, ai the Complutensian edition, although printed in 1516, did not appear till 1520. It is a fine specimen of the Greek topography of Aldus, and is very correctly executed with a beautiful character. Copies in a fine perfect state, like the present, are very rare. See Renouard, Brunet, Home's Introduction, Bibliotheca Sussexiana, etc. 115 DIVINA SCEIPTUEA, nempe Veteris et Novi Testamenti omnia, a viro doctissimo recognita, Greece, folio, lae&e PjLPER, vellum, from the library of the DuJce of Sussex, 25s Venetiis, 1687 ''Edition belle." — Brunet. "Parum obvia attamen splendida." — Le Long. 116 BiBLiA. he men Palaia Diath. kata tons LXX. ek ton Alexandr. Cheirogr. ; he de Kain6 ek tea Kyrillou Ekdoseos, stout 4to. calf \0s Mostha, 1821 117 the same, Large Paper, roy. 4:to.fne copy, neatly bound, 15s 1821 118 YETUS TESTAMENTUM Grsdce juxta Septuaginta ex auctoritate Sixti V editum (studio Antonii Carafse), folio, ivith the scarce leaf of " Corrigenda,^* fine copy, russia, £4. 5s Bomce, F. Zannetus, mdlxixvi (i) 119 the same, folio, without the leaf of Corrigenda, beautiful copy in old red morocco extra, gilt edges, arms on sides, from the libraries of De Thou, the Hon. F. North, and Dr. Wellseley, £3. IQs 1587 professed to be a strict copy of the famous Codex Vaticands of the Septuagint. This edition has received the commendations of all learned men, from Morinus to Masch ; it is said to approach nearer to the pure text than any preceding one, and has, indeed, been the model of almost every subsequent edition." — Vibdin. *' Belle edition rare et assez rocherchee.' Bru7iet. " Editio proestantissima." — Masch. " A beautiful edition of great rarity and value." — Home. " This is a very beautiful and magnificent edition, well known to the curious, and particu- larly valuable to the critical student, as it is 120 BIBLIA aRiECA: Vetus Testamentum, secundum LXX. Graece et Lat, cum Scholiis Eomanae editionis; accedit Novum Testamentum, Greece^ cum versione Latind vulgata, studio J. Morini, '6 vols, stout folio, large i^A^EUjfine co^y in old veaufauve gilt, £2. Ids JParis, 1628 Presentation copy from the publisher to the Jesuit College of Paris. " In great request, not only for its neatness I Hartwell Home. and correctness, but also for the learned notes." J 121 YETUS TESTAMENTUM Grsecum ex Yeraione Septuginta juxta exemplar Yaticanum, sm. 4to. large paper, calf extra, gilt edges, fine copy, rare, 18« Lond, 1653 122 YETUS TESTAMENTUM, Grace, ex Yeraione LXX ad fidem MS. Alexan- drini a Grabe editum, nunc vero exemplaris Yaticani etc. lectionibus lo- cupletatum et criticis dissertationibus illustratum, ed. Breitingerus, 4 vols. 4to. best edition of the Septuagint, very fine copy in russia extra, gilt edges, £2. IGs Tiguri, 1730-32 123 YETUS TESTAMENTUM Graecum, curis Holmes et Parsons, 5 vols, large folio (pub. at £25. in sheets), beautiful copy in hf calf neat, uncut, £9. 15« Oxon. 1798-1827 124 Another copy, 5 vols, folio, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, from Mr. Fetit's library, £10. 10* 1798-1827 The Dean of Peterborough's copy fetched, 1853. £11. 10*. 125 YETUS TESTAMENTUM, Graece e Codice MS. Alexandrino, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, typia ad similitudinem ipsius Codicis Scripturae fideliter descriptum, cura et iabore H. B. Barer, 3 vols, in 9 parts, impl. folio (pub. £18. ISs), bds. £9. 9* 1816-21 Priced, 1834, Straker, £14. 145; 1837 and 1840, Payne and Fobs, russia, £26. 5s ; Dr. Hawtrey's copy fetched, 1853, £13. 15*. This edition was confined to 250 copies. Woide's edition of the "New Testament" of the same Codex, should be bought with the above. 382 BEEIN'ARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 126 He Palaia DiATHeKe kata tous hebdomekonta, ek tou ea Moscha ektyp. alexandr. Kodekos metatypotheisa, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Athen. 1843-50 127 Vetus Testamentum Graecum sec. Septuaginta, ed. Van Ess, 8vo. hf. mo- rocco, 10s Lips. 1855 PsALTERiUAi Grr8DCum. — See Latin, BLANCHiifi Vindiciae. 128 PSALTEE/ION, (cum aliis hymnis) Greece, sq. 8vo. the headings and title printed in red, the initials in ancient Byzantine characters, with awoodcut on one title page, A^ T^DiTios OF exteeme raeity, /«e <^opi/, beautifully bound in morocco extraygilt edges, hy Aitkin, £6. Qs Venetiis, C. Zanetti, 1547 Dr. Hawtrey's copy sold for £11. 10.t. 129 Daniel secundum Septuaginta ex tetraplis Origenis, sq, 8vo. bds. 3« 1774 130 NOVUM INSTEUMENTUM, Greece et Latine, diligenter ab Ebasmo Eo- TEEODAMo recognitum et emendatum, cum annotationibus, folio, editio PRINCEPS, very fine, clean, and tall copy, in blue mor. joints^ gilt edges, by Rod well, from Archdeacon Cotton's library, £>\0. 10s JSasilcee, 1516 A most desirable copy of this interesting volume, which, as the first published Greek Tes- tament, must always claim a prominent place in ever}' library. Hibbert's copy fetched £10. 10* ; Dr. Haw- trey's, £10. 15* ; and it is now some time since any copy has occurred for sale. Its extreme rarity is dwelt upon by Home and other biblio- graphers. The disputed text of the ' three witnesses', 1 John Epist. v. 7, is not contained in this first edition with the annotations of Erasmus. 131 NOVUM TESTAMENTUMomne,tertio jam ac diligentiusab Eeasmo Eo- terodamo recognitum, Greece et Latine, folio, nuumeous woodcut borders and Capitals, old calf gilt, fine tall copy, £2. Basil. Frobenius, 1522 MENT published. There are many manuscript notes, and some passages have been erased, ap- parently by ecclesiastical authority. Sir Mark Sykes' copy fetched £4. 4* ; Hib- bert's £.3. This is the third edition of Erasmus' recension, which was the first Greek Testa- 132 Novum Testamentum graece, ex bibliotbeca regia, 2 vols. 24mo. old calf, the Hastings^ copy, 7s 6d Luietiae, B. Stephanus, 1568 133 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Ge^cum, cum lectionibus variantibus et notis, studio J. MiLLii, editio secunda, ex recensione L. Kusteei, large folio, laege paper, very fine copy^ calf neat, 20s LipsicSy 1723 A very handsome book; priced, 1832, I Spencer. V. p. 105. Payne and Foss, £4. See Dibdin's Biblioth. | 134 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Gr^cum editionis recepta?, cum lect. var. nec- non commentario pleniore ex scriptoribus veteribus Hebrseis, GrsBcis et Latinis, historiam et vim verborum illustrante, opera et studio J. J. "VVET- STENII, 2 vols, folio, maroon morocco, gilt edges, J)rury*s copy, £5. 5s Amst. 1751-52 Mark Sykes' copy, fetched £8. 5s ; Roscoe's £7. Purton Cooper's copy, russia, 1855, £5. 10^; 1853, D. Turner's copy, £5. K No sound critic should be without this in- valuable work." — Hales. Priced, 1822, £10. 10* ; 1840, £7. 17,*. 6^ ; 1840, morocco, £12. 12.?; 1831, £8. 8*. Sir 135 Novum Testamentum Greece, ex ed. "Wetsten. sm. 4to. printed in a beautiful minute type, calf, 7s Qd Glasg. Foulisy 1759 136 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Graecum, e Cod. MS. Alexandeino, descriptum a C. G. WoiDE, royal io\\o, fine copy in blue morocco, gilt back, £2. IQs 1786 137 Appendix ad editionem Novi Testament! a Woide descripti in qua con- tinentur Fragmenta N. T. juxta interpretationem Tkebaidicam vel Sahidi- cam, Copticeet Latine, roj. fol. bds. d^3. 16s Oxonii, 179U 138 the same, in 3 parts, the edges cut close, with numerous MS. notes by Archdeacon Tattam, 20* 1799 139 Novum Testamenium Gra?cum, editio nitidissima, 48mo. with frontispiece, cloth, 7s 6d Londini, Bickering, 1828 140 GEEEK TESTAMENT, with Bnglishnotea by Dr. S. T. Blomfield, 2 vols. 8vo. 7th edition, cloth, 10s 1847 141 GEEEK TESTAMENT: critically revised text, various readings, marginal references, prolegomena, and commentary, by Dean Alfoed, complete in 4 vols, divided into 5, Svo. (pub. at £5. 2s) new, in cloih, £4. 4* 1859-62 BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. 383 142 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Greece: antiquissimorum codicum textus in ordine parallelo dispositi ; accedit collatio Codicis Sinaitici; edidit Edvardua H. Hansell, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco^ £>2. 5s 1864 143 QUATUOR EVANGELIA Greece, cum variantibus lectionibus Codd. Vati- can!, Barberini, Laurentiarii, Viudobonensis, Escurialensia, Hayniensis, et versjionum Syrarum, edidit Biiicii, stout folio, large paper, facsimiles, very fine copy in vellum extra, gilt, from Miss Currers lihrary, £4. \0s Havnice, 1788 Very rare. See Bibl. Spenceriana, V. p. 121. 144 EvANGELiUM SECUNDUM Matthjeum cx codice in Bibl. Collegii Trinitatis juxta Dublin, opera Barrett, cum alppendice, 4to. ti/pes in facsimile of the original, ids. clean copy, 7s Gd Dublin, 1801 145 CODEX ZACYNTHIUS, Greek Palimpsest Eragnients of the Gospel of St. Luke, ed. by S. P. Tregelles, impl. ^io. printed in facsimile type, hf russia, 20s . . , IS^l 146 BEUDER, Concordantiae omnium vocum Novi Testament! primum a Schmidio editse, nunc auctss et emendatse, 4to. Jif hd. morocco, '60s ; or calf neat, 32s Lips. 1853 147 ENGLISHMAN'S Greek Concoedaxce of the New Testament, with In- dexes Greek-English and English- Greek, (by G. V. AVigram) roy. 8vo. 1036 pp. double cols. (pub. 42s) cloth 32s 1844 148 the same, irapl. 8vo. large paper, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford, uniform with the Hebrew Concordance, No. 181 i'3. 3s 1839 149 TEOMMII (A.) Concordantiae Grsecae versionis dictsD LXX Interpretum, 2 vols, folio, calf extra. Lord Robert Montagu's copy, £3. 15s Amst. 1718 150 the same, 2 vols, folio, calf super extra, full gilt backs, a splendid copy, 564. 10s 1718 This is a Concordance of the Alecranrlri)ie copy of the Greek ISeptuagint, with the corre- sponding Hebrew words. The Index of the second volume furnishes a valuable Hebrew- Greek Lexicon, by giving the Hebrew words with their various renderings in Greek. For methodi- cal and judicious arrangement, it is peihaps the best Concordance published in any language ; and it is particularly useful as a key to the Alex- andrine Greek, which is the basis of the Evan- gelical. — Dr. Hales. 151 ScHLETJSN^ERi novum Lexicon Grseco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum, 2 vols. in 4, 8vo. EiNE PAPER, calf gilt, 16s ' Lipsice, 1808 152 Greenlandish New Testament, 8vo. calf 2s 6d 1822 153 Guernsey French. Evangile de St. Matthieu traduit en JVormand de Guerne- sey, par Metivier, 24mo. sd. 15s Frivately printed by Prince L. L. Bonaparte, 1863 154 Gujerati. New Testament, translated by the Serampore Missionaries, 8vo. calf, 7s 6d Serampore, 1820 155 Hebrew. PEOPHETiE Priores et Posteriores, Llebraice, cum commentariis Kimchi, 2 vols, small folio, bd. from the Duke of Sussex's collection, £7. 10s (Soncino, 1485) affixed to the other volume, which, howeyer, was printed by the same printer, perhaps a little earlier. They are remarkable as specimens of the earliest Hebrew typography. See Bibl. Excessively rare. A few letters are want- ing on the first page of Vol. I ; also on two leaves in Isaiah, signatures ^^ and ItD- The volume containing the Prophetaj Priores was printed at Soncino in 1485 ; but there is no place or date Sussex. I. pt. p. 222. 156 BIBLIA HEBEAICA (curante Yatablo) : Pentateuchus , Prophetse Priores (id est) Josue, Judices, Samuel, Eeges ; Paralipomena ; 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. fine copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, £2. 10s Barisiis, Ji. Stephonus, 1540-44-43 Besides the title " Liber Genesis," which Lc j general title to the Pentateuch, there is also a Long remarks as erroneously given up for a j separate one, " Quinque Libri Legis." 384 BEENARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 157 BiBLiA Hebki-ICA, 13 parts in 6 vols. 16mo. without title to Genesis, vellum, a pretty little edition, \0s Antv. JBlantin, 1566 158 BIBLIA HEBKAICA, sm. ^to. fine copy in Hue morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s Anversa, Plantijn, 340-42 (1580-82) A very beautiful and correct edition. — See Le Long. 159 BIBLIA HEBEAICi^, edidit Zachariah Crato, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. calf, S2s Wittemherg, 347 (1587) Rare. " Adeo rara et infrequens est hoec editio ( omissa, Wolffio vero non Integra sed tantum ut in iterata editione Parisiensi Longiani operis j quoad partes nonnullas nota sit." — Le Long. 160 BIBLIA HEBEAICA, sine Punctis, (edente Abraham ben Eliezer), 4 vols. 24mo. heautifully printed iti very minute square type, fine copy in old calf gilt, gilt edges, from the library of the late Marquis of Hastings, £2. 2s HanovicB, Jacohus Hdne, 1610 A very rare edition. The fourth volume I and a note that it had been presented to him by bears the signature of The. Skelton, T.C.D., 1718, | Parael, Bishop of Clogher. 161 BIBLIA ttniteesjl et Hebeaica : (Yetus TESTAMENTrM Heiraice) cum (interlinear!) Latina interpretatione X. Pagnijsi ; Novum Testamentum Gr(scu7n cum vulg. interp. interlin. Latina Aria? Mois^tani ; accesserunt Apocryphi, edd. Slontano aliisque, cum Indice, Eomanis correctionibus, etc. in 1 vol. stout folio, fine copy in calf gilt, from Dr. Hawtrey's library, 33s LipsicB, Xirchnerus, 1657 162 BiBLiA Hebeatca, 2 vols, in 1, stout 12mo. calf, 5s Amst. Athias, 1661 163 BIBLIA HEBEAICA cum punctis et comment. Easchi seu E. Sim. Jarchi, studio Dav. Nunnes Torres, 4 vols. 12mo. vellum, 20s Amst. Emm. ben Joseph Athias, 1700-3 164 BiBLiA Hebeaica, ed Michaelis, 2 vols. 8vo. bd. 3s Halce, 1720 165 BIBLIA Hebeaica, sine punctis, accurante Forster, stout sm. 4to. calf, the Marquis of Hastings' copy, ISs Oxon. 1750 166 YETUS TESTAMENT CJM Hebraicum {sine punctis), cum variis lectionibus ed. Kennicott, 2 vols, large folio, calf £2. 2s; or, russia, marbled edges, £2. 10s Oxon. 1776-80 One of the most laborious and certainly the pared all the Hebrew MSS. in Europe to obtain most splendid effort of modern times for the ad- the above correct version, vancement of Biblical literature. Kennicott com- 167 BIBLIA HEBEAICA, ad fidem receusiouis Masoret, cum variis lectionibus Kennicotti et De Eossi, edd. Doederlein et Meisner, 4 parts in 2 vols. sm. Svo.fne copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s i5d Lips. 1793 168 Biblia Hebraica, cum pimctis, secundum editionem Athise recensuit Yan der Hooght, thick 8vo. hf calf, 3s ed 1825 169 Pentateuch, Megilloth and Haftarotb, in Hebrew, vrith verbal translation in German, Hebrew characters, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 3s Qd Furth, 1812 170 Rabbinical Bibles. BIBLIA HEBEAICA, cum Masoris, Targumque, necnon commeutario Eabbinorum, ed. Bombeeg, editio nova, 4 vols, large folio, bds. £2. 10s Venezia, P. and L. Bragadin, 1617-18 This edition is said to have undergone the censure of the Inquisition. 171 BIBLIA HEBEAICA, cum utraque Maboea et Taegum, item cum com- mentariis Eabbinoeum, studio Buxtoefii, 2 vols, in 1, stout folio, old calf, *£^. 4s Basil. 1618-19 172 BIBLIA Magna Hebeaice, Editio Eabbinica, (Mikra Gedula), cum utraque Masora et Targumis, 4 vols, royal folio, wanting two preliminary leaves, fine copy in old russia, £9. Amst. 1724-27 173 PENTATEUCH, the Five Megilloth, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, with Eashi's Commentary, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. bds. 25s Venetia, Zuan di Gara, 1595 174 PENTATEUCHUS, Hebraice, cum Targum Chaldaico, quinque Megilloth et Haphtaroth, atque introductione Jacobi filii Chaiim, Hebr. stout 12mo. the introductory leaves a little wormed, but the text complete, russia neat, edges gilt and gauffered, veet eaeb, £5. 6s Venesia^ Bomberg^ 287 (1527) BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. 385 175 PENTATEUCHUS Hebraice, cum punctis, sm. 4ito. beautifidly printed. Hue Monocco, ffilt edffes, £2. 10s Parisiis, ex off. Rob. Stephani, 1543 176 Pentateuchus Hebraice, cum Targum Onkelosi commentariisque^Eabbinicis Easchii et Aben Ezrse, ex recena Jablonski, 4 vols. 8vo. Jif. calf, 12s Berolini, 1705 177 Pentateuch, in Hebrew, With. German translation in Hebrew characters, called the Targum of Ashknazi, and two commentaries, Tikken Sophrim and Beor, 4 vols. 8vo. caJf, 7s Qd Berlin, (1783) 178 PSALTEEIUM Hebraice, cum commentario Eabbinico Davidia Kimchi, folio, printed in a fine typcj original stamped hogskin^ eaee, 30« Isny, 302 {s. d. 1542) 179 ENGLISHMAN'S Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament, an attempt at verbal connexion between the Original and the translation, with Indexes, second edition revised, 2 stout vols, royal 8vo. (pub. at £3. 13* Qd) a most valuable and useful book, £3. 3* 1843 180 • the same, 2 vols. sm. folio, laege papee, cloth, £3. 10^ 1843 181 Another copy, Laege Papee, olive morocco extra, gilt edges by Clarke and Bedford^ uniform with the Greek Concordance ante. No. 148, £5. 5s 1843 182 EwALD und Dukes, Beitrage zur Geschichte der altesten Auslegung und Spracherklarung des alten Testamentes, 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf calf gilt, 7« 6d Stuttg. 1844 183 EUEEST, Yeteris Testamenti ConcordantisB Hebraicse atque Chaldaicae, cum Lexico duplici, stout folio, (pub. at £4. 4*, sd.) £S. 10s Lips. 1840 The best and most complete Concordance to the Old Testament, comprising every Hebrew and Chaldee word : with a modern Hebrew and a Latin Index, &c. This is a noble monument of German learn- ing and industry, the accuracy and typographical execution of which reflect the highest honour on the author, as well as on the printer and publisher.'* 184 Geigeb, Urschrift und TJebersetzungen der Bibel in ihrer Abhangigkeit von der innern Entwickelung des Judenthums, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 7s 6d Breslau, 1857 185 "Wilson's English, Hebrew, and Chaldee Lexicon and Concordance of the Old Testament, second edition, 4to. cloth, 21s 1866 186 Hebrew-Spanish. To bah Neviaim va Ketuvim, 4to. the Old Testament in HebreWy tvith a parallel version in the Spanish dialect of the Jews, in Babbi- nical characters, hf. morocco, 7s Qd Vienna, 1851 The Spanish-Hebrew version is linguistically very curious. 187 Hindui. New Testament, altered from Martyn's Oordoo translation, by Bowley, 8vo. calf, 3« Qd Calcutta, 1826 188 Hindustani. Bible : Old and New Testament, Hindostani, Boman character, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. bd. 7s Qd Calcutta, 1843 189 New Testament, Boman character, 12mo. cloth, 2s Qd Mirzapore, 1845 190 Hungarian. New Testament : Testamentoma Magyar, Caroli Gaspar, 18mo. black morocco, gilt edges, 7s Qd s, I. e. a. (? 1720) 191 Icelandic. BIBLIA, thad er, oll Heilog Eitning, utlogd a Norraenu, med Eormaalum D. Marth. Luth. 3 vols, in 1, folio, including the Apocrypha, titles within woodcut borders, bound in black morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 10* Hoolum, 1644 only copies of which I have any note in my bio- graphical memoranda. Extremely rare. Payne and Foss, in 1826, priced a copy £31 . 10.?. That and one other which Thorpe possessed thirty years ago, are the 192 BIBLIA ISLANDICA thad er oil Heilog Eitning utlogd a Norraenu, 2 vols. 4to. calf extra, rare, fine copy, from Dr. Hawtreys library, £2. 5s Kaupmanna-H&fn, 1747 Nicol's copy fetched £3. 3*. 193 BiBLiA, thad er auU Heilaug Eitning, 2 parts in 1 vol. stout 8vo. about 1600 pp. calf, Qs Kaupmannahaufn, 1813 194 Indo-Portuguese. O Noto Tebtamento, 8vo. calf, 7s Qd 1826 386 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 195 Irisli. Bible. Sean Tiomna agus Tiomna Nuadh, 2 vols, in 1, stout roy. 8vo. hy Bedel and O'Donnell, bd. Qs JDublin, 1827 196 BiOBLA Naomhtiia, 2 vols, in 1, stout 16mo. calf, 2s 6d 1830 197 Leabhuir na Seintiomna, ar na ttarruing go Graidhlig tre cliuram Bedel : Old Testament, 4to. first editioi^, calf, SGs 1685 198 TiOMis-A Nuadh ar na tharruing go Goidheilg re O'Domhnuill, 4^to. first edition of the JSew Testament, calf 306- ' Lunnduin, 1681 199 the same, a fine copy in russia extra, gilt edges, from tTie library of Mr. Fetit, 35^ 1681 200 Italian. BIBIA Yolgare, tradotta de la Hebraica et Greca verita, (per D. Nicolao de Malermi) sm. folio, numerous woodcuts, very fine copy, in tlie original oak boards covered with leather, from Dr. Welleslefs library, £4<. 4^ Venetia, 1553 Very rare in such condition as the above copy, which is clean and fair throughout. The last leaf is blank on the obverse, and bears a large full size woodcut on the reverse. This 201 BIBIA, clie si chiama il Vecchio (et il Nuovo) Testamento, nuovamente tra- dutto in lingua volgare, con molte et utili annotation!, figure e carte, 4to. in the original binding (rebaclced) emblematic tooling on the sides, rare, £2. 10* Stampato {in Ginevra) appi'esso Francesco Barone, 1562 202 the same, 4ito.fine copy in hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 2s 1562 " C'est la traduction de Brucioli, retouchee I refugies a Geneve, par Filippo Eustici." — Brunei. dans le style et adaptee a I'usage des protestauts | 203 BIBIA, cioe, il Yecchio et il Nuovo Testamento, translati in lingua Italiana da Giovanni Diodati, 4s 6d London, 1600 222 another edition, 16mo. vellum, 2s C^d 1678 This curious treatise exposes the wonderful I the Vulgate, that of Sixtus V. in 1590, and that discrepancies between the two Papal editions of | of Clement VXII. in 1592. 2 E 8S8 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 223 BIBLIA SACEA vulgatas editionis Sixti V. jussu recognita, large thick folio, engraved title, old red morocco, 18s Antv. Flantin, 1603 224i EYANaELIAEIUM QUADEIJPLEX Latinae veesionis antiqtjae seu veteris Italicae, nunc primum in lucem editum ex Codicibus Manuscriptis, sub auspiciis Johannis V. Eegis Lusitaniae, a J. Blakchino, 2 vols, folio, Thick Faper, numerous fine FACsiMiLEsyrow ancient MSS. Codices of the Scriptures, chiefly European, hf. russia, £2. iSs ; or, vellum, £3. Bomae, 1749 Two plates in Part II. intended to be placed before p. 592 were never published. 225 BLANCHINI (Jos.) Vindiciae Canonicarum Scripturarum vulgatae Latinae editionis, seu Vetera Bibliorum fragmenta, juxta Grraecam vulgatam et hexa- plarem, latinam antiquam italam, duplicemque Hieronymi translationem nunc primum edita, stout folio, with frontisp. and facsimiles of Greek MSS.- hf Id. neat, rare, 26s Romae, 1740 Appended is " Psalterium duplex cum Can- in Roman letters. This is a curious document ticis juxta vulgatam graecam Ixx seniorum et for establishing the ancient pronunciation of the antiquam latinam italam versionem," the Greek Greek. 226 CONCOEDANTI^ Biblioeum Saceoeum Yulgatse Editionis, cura et studio F. P. DuTEiPo:^, royal 4to. half calf, £2. 2s Paris, 1838 227 EUPEETUS (Abbas Monasterii Tuitiensis) Commentarius in Mattliseiim, Colonics, 1526 — Commentarius in Evang. Johannis, Colonice, Birckman, 1526 — Comment, in Apocalypsin Joannis, numerous curious woodcuts, and Dedi- cation to Henry VIII. Colonice, Birckman, 1526 — 3 vols, in 1, stout folio, EiEST Editions, euste clean copies, old oaken hoards, pigskin hacks, £7. 10s Colonice, 1526 *'A MOST INTERESTING VoLUME TO THE Biblical Collector. The first work con- taining two impressions of the large woodcut of St. Matthew, which occurs in the only known fragment of The Newe Testament, in Eng- LYSSHE (translated BY WiLLIAM TyNDALE), assumed to have been begun at Cologne in the office of Peter Quenteil, and finished printing at Worms by Peter Schoeflfer, 1525, (now in the Grenville Collection.)" "The Apocalypse contains about 20 large well-executed woodcuts (one of them dated 1525) which were no doubt origii)ally intended for Tyndale's New Testament, l:he printing of which was so strangely interrupted by the treachery of JoHANN CocHLiKiJs, then residing at Cologne, seeing this very book of Rupertus through the Press, who in another work confesses that he contrived to seduce some of the workmen of the neighbouring printer, Quenteil, into a pot house, and having loosed their tongues, drew out from them their secret that they were working on a- New Testament in English for a certain English- man (Tyndale). The opponent of Luther thus became the frustrator of Tyndale." " This curious volume also contains some of the excessively rare ornamented Capital letters (large and small) from the identical wood blocks used in Coverdale's Bible of 1535. * Sunbeams, it is said, may be extracted from cucumbers, but the process is difficult.' Perhaps from the above facts an expert bibliographer may extract light and evidence regarding the secret printing abroad of Tyndale's Testament and Coverdale's Bible' 229 Lettish. Ta Biiibele : Wezza un Jauna Derriba, un Apocrypha, 3 parts in 1 vol. stout 8vo. calf, with clasps, Lord Stuart de Botliesay's copy, 7s 6d Bihga, I79i 230 Litthuanian. Neues Testament, Beutsch und Litthauisch, von Qvandt, thick 12mo. hf vellum, ^s Koniysherg, 1727 Lusatian — see Wendish. 231 Magyar. Szent Biblia, Karoli Caspar altal, 3 vols, in 1, 12tr>o. with tie Music of the Psalms, hf. morocco, Zs 6d Ultrojekt. 1794 232 SzENT Biblia, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf Ss 6d Kdszegen, 1840 233 Uj Testamentoma, very stout 12mo. 7naps, vellum, 15^ Lauhanban, 1754 234 Malay. Biblia Malaice, ed AVillmett, 2 vols, iu 1, very stout 8vo. pp. 1304 and'4^2S, Arabic character, calf, 4is BCar I e mi, 1820 -24i 235 the same, the editor's copy, green morocco, gilt edges, 16s \ 820-24 236 Psalms, in Malay, Arabic character, sq. 8vo. lithographed, hf hound, 3^ Qd {Singapore, dr. 1830) 237 New Testament, in Malay, Arab. char. 8vo. lithographed, sd. 4^ {cir. 1840) 238 Etangelien en Handeliugen der Apostelen, in Nederduyts ende Maleys door Euyl, Hasel, en Heurnium, 4to. labge papeb, vellum, 25s Amst. 1C51 BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS. 889 239 Gospel and Acts, in Malayan, Roman character, by Hyde, sq. 8vo. calf, scarce and citriotis, 9s Oxford, 1677 240 Gospels, in Malay, Arab. char. 8vo. lithogr. sd. 2s Qd (Singapore, cir. 1840) 241 Tafsie Indjil Mattheus, sq. 8vo. Rom. char. hf. hd. 3s 6g? Batavia, 1841 242 Manks. Yn Alible Casherick, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf, 5s 1819 243 Maori. Genesis, now first translated into Maori, 12mo. cloth, 4s ^d New Zealand, 1845 244 New Testament, in Maori, 12mo. 2s 6c? Ranana, 1841 245 Mongolian. Genesis, separately, by Yuille, 4to. large paper, hf. hd. 5s Selenginsk, Siberia, 1830 246 Matthew, John, and Acts, narrow sm. folio, Id. 5s St.'Petersh. {cir. J 840) 247 Mpongwe. Gospel of Matthew, 12mo. bds. 3s Gaboon, West Africa, 1850 248 Multani. New Testament in the Mooltan Language, 8vo. calf, 7s 6d Serampore, 1819 249 Negro-Dutch. Psalm-Boek voor die Neger-Gemeenten na S. Thomas, S. Croix, en S. Jean, sm. 8vo. calf, £2. 10s Barby, 1774 250 Die Nywe Testament, set over in die Creols Taal, stout sm. 8vo. nearly 1206 pp. calf, 36s Copenhagen, 1781 251 Neffro-English. Njoe Testament, 8vo. calf, rare and curious, 20s 1829 252 Ojibwa. New^ Testament, with Orthoepical Kev, 12mo. calf 12s New YorTc, 1844 253 Persian. Pentateuch, in Persian, 4to. bds. 5s Calc. 1828 254 Novum Testamentum, Persice a Martyno trausl. 4to. ivith MSS. notes and corrections by Donald Macpherson, of Astrachan, half calf, 3s Gd Betropoli, 1815 255 New Testament, Persian, by H. Martyn, 8vo. cloth, 8s Qd Calc. 1842 256 Polish Bible. Biblia Sw^ieta. Biblia Polonice, large folio, first edition of THE SOCINIAN TRANSLATION INTO PoLISII, Macfe IctttT, WOodcuts, EXCE5*- sitelt rare, but several leaves mended, and wanting first leaf of dedication of N. Radzivill {at whose expense the booh was printed), portion of z vi. {in Apocalypse?) and 7 leaves of alphabetical table, sold therefore with all faults, in the original oak boards, covered with stamped russia, st'lO. Brescz, 1563 The rarity of this edition is so great that i din, gave 100 guineas for two incomplete copies only three or four perfect copies are said to be in to make one perfect, and Brunet records a copy existence. The present copy is very large and wanting the table (probably this) as selling for. would be found well adapted to form the nucleus £26. in Heber's sale. of a perfect one. Lord Spencer, says Dr. Dib- \ 257 EWANGELIE y Epistoly tak Niedzielne iako, etc. przez J. Wufka, 24mo. fine copy in stamped calf binding, vert rare, 36s Krakovie, 1593 258 Romaic. Ta Biblia metapbrasthenta, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf 7s 6d Oxon. 1850 259 Romaic and Greek. Kainp, DiATHeKe diglottos, to prototypon kai he ex ekeinou dia Maximo u ton Kallioupolitou genomene Metaphrasis, 2 vols, in one, 4to. vellum, 20s (Genevce), 1638 " Edition rare." — Brunet. See Dibdin's Bibl. Spenceriana. 260 Romaunsch (Grisons Dialect). BIBL A (La S.) quel ei : Tut la Soinchia Scartira ner tuts ils Cudisclis d'ilg Yeder a Nief Testament, cun ils Cudischs Apocryplis, messa giu ent ilg Languaig Kumonsch de la Ligia Grischa, folio, fine copy in the original stamped binding, clasps, £2. 10s Coira, 1718-17 261 — — another copy, folio, dark morocco super extra, gilt edges, £10. 10s 1718-17 This is the First Edition of the Bible in the the patronage of George I. of England, is rarely Ladinish Dialect of the Romanese Language spoken by the Ladins, who reside on the confines of Italy. This version, made for the nse of the Pro- testants of the Grison country, and printed under to be found in fine condition. These copies have not the dedication to George I., which was in- serted only in the copies intended for England. Priced, 1834, H. Bohn, £12. 125 ; Ditto, £8. 85. Dr. Hawtrey's copy fetched £8. in 1853. 262 NiEF Testament, editiun nova da Cariscli, 8vo. with a list of Romansch ver- sions since 1560, hf. bound, Gs Quera, 1856 2 E 2 390 BEBITAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 263 Romansch (Engaddin dialect) : LA SACEA BIBLA, tradutta in liagua Eu- manscha d'Engadina Bassa, 4 vols, in 1, stout folio, with the Apocryphal Books at the end^ curious woodcut titles containing several compartments of JigureSj forming frontispieces both to the Old and New Testaments, in the ori- ginal stamped binding j clasps, £^. Scuol, (Schulc), Jacob Dorta, 1679 264 ■ the same, folio, a picked copy in oliye morocco extra^ gilt edges, a615. 1679 265 BIBLIA (La Sacra) tradiitta in Lingua Eomanscha d'Ingadina Bassa, vertida e stampada avant temp tras lavur da Jac. Ant. Yulpio et Jac. Dorta a Yul- pera , la II Editiun augmentada da Nott da Porta, folio, very fine clean copy in russia extra, gilt edges, £3. 10s Scuol, 1743 266 the same, folio, a superb copy in olive Morocco super extra, teey bare, £12. 1743 This version is in the dialect of the Lower I of Diodati. It is wanting in almost all the Eng- Grisons, and is made upon the Italian translation I lish Collections. 267 BiBLiA o vero la soinchia scritiira-del Velg Testamaint cun ila Cudeschs Apo- crifs, stout 8ro. 2280 pp. bd. 12s Qd Coira, 1815 268 N9UF S. TESTAMAINT da noas Signer Jesu Christi huossa da noef vertieu in EoMArNsCH our da I'originagl Graeo, 12mo. in the dialect of Upper Enga- din, vellum, fine copy, yery rare, j£4. ; or, a beautiful copy in morocco extra, very rare, £5. 10s Basel, Decker, 1640 269 Rouman, Wallachian. Noul Testament oul Domnouloui I sous Christos, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Smirna, 1888 270 Samaritan. Gesenius de Pentateuchi Samaritani origine, 4to. 2^ Qd Halae, 1815 271 Sanscrit. Genesis and part of Exodus, 12mo. bds. 2s Qd Calc. 1843 272 Sechuana. Bibela ea Boitsepho, Kabo I, Genesis to Kings, 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d Kuruman, 1853 273 Servian. Noyi Zayt^t preveo Karadjitch, 8vo. bd. Qs TJBetchu (Vienna), 1847 274 Singhalese. Bible, 3 vols. 4to. calf neat, 15s Colombo, 1819 275 New Testament. Evangelium, etc. in de Singaleesche Tale, door Eybrants en Philipsz, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. curious sealskin binding, rare, 12s ib. 1780 276 New Testament in Singhalese, 12 mo. sd. 5s ib. 1847 277 Slavonic. NO VII ZAVTET : New Testament, in the Church-language of the Slavonic races, stout sm. 4to. engraved title and figures of the Evangel- ists, in the original binding, stamped with gold on the sides, the edges gilt and gaufered, £2. 2s Mosk. 1738 278 NO VII ZAVYl^T. New Testament, in the old Church-Slavonic language, very stout sm. 4to. engravings, fine copy in the original stamped binding, gilt and gauffered edges, rare, 21* {Moscow), 1798 279 Spanish. BIBLIA (La) que es los sacros libros del viejo j nuevo Testament©, trasladada en Espanol [por Cassiodoro de la Eeyna], small 4to. first issue, very fine copy in the original vellum binding, gilt and gauffered edges, 30* {Basle), 1569 280 the same, sm. 4^9^i ^t commencement, and X x 4-G at end, exteemelt eaee, calf, from Archdeacon Cotton's library, £12. 12* Mmprynted at London, in Flete-strete, at the sygne of the Sonne, by Wynkyn de Worde, the xiii. yere of ye reygne of cure most naturell soverayne Lorde kynge Henry ye Eyght ofyt. name. Fynysshed ye yere of our Lorde, M.ccccc.xxi. the viii. day of October One of the rarest productions of Wynkyn de | Priced, 1826, Baynes, £18.; 1854, Gardner's Worde's press. It contains some marvellous rela- copy fetched £26. 10*; 1858, Sotheby's, a wormed lions drawn from Scriptural and Secular Histories. | copy, £21. 10*. 360 Gladstone (Eight. Hon. AY. E.) The State in its relation with the Church, 8yo. cl. 8s Gd 1838 361 Church Principles considered in their results, 8vo. hf. calfgilt^ Is 6d Both with pencil notes by Lord R. Montagu. 1840 362 Hanserd Knollys Society's Publications:— AVoRKs of early English and other Baptist "Writers: — Teacts on Liberty of Conscience and Persecution, 1614-1661, with Historical Introduction by E. B. Underbill 1846 BuNTAN (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, from the Eirst Edition, with Introduction by G. OfFor 1847 Beoomhead Eecords, 1640-1647, with Introduction by E. P. Underhill, very scarce 1847 AViLLiAMS (E.) Bloudy Tenent of Persecution, with Introduction by E. B. Underhill ^ 1848 Canne (J.) on the Necessity of Separation from the Church of England, with Introduction by the Eev. C. Stovel 1849 Van Beaoht (T. J.) Martyrolos:y of the Churches of Christ, commonly called Baptists, during the Eeformation, translated from the Dutch, edited by E. B. Underhill 2 \oh. frontipiece 1850-53 Du Veil (C. M.) Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, with Historical Introduction by the Eev. E. A. Cox 1851 Eecords of the Churches of Christ gathered at Eenstanton, AVarboys and Hex- ham, 1644-1720, edited with Introductory Notice by E. B. Underhill 1854 Confessions of Eaith, and other Documents, illustrative of the History of the Baptist Churches of England in the 17th Century, edited with Intro- ductory Notice by Underhill 1852 — the set complete, 10 vols. 8vo. uniformly and neatly bound in calf, gilt tops, uncut, rare, ^4. 15s 1846-54 This Society is dissolved. 363 JONES' (Eev. AV., of Nayland) Theological, Philosophical, and Miscella- neous AVorks, with Account of his Life and Writings, 12 vols. 8vo. {the only complete edition), dark calf gilt, scarce, £2. 2s 1801 talent of writing upon the deepest subjects to the plainest understanding." — Bp^Hm^sley. " He was a man of quick penetration, of extensive learning, and the soundest piety. And he had beyond any other man I ever knew, the 364 MARTIN MAE-PEE LATE : Hay any AVorke for Cooper: or a brief Pistle directed by waye of an hublication to the reverende Byshopps, sm. 4to. hf morocco, with many uncut leaves, 36s Printed in Europe, not farre from some bounsing Friestes [1588] . An answer (by J. Penry) in ridicule of the I Cooper of Winchester. Admonition to the People of England, by Bishop | THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTOEY. 397 English — continued. 3G5 Pahker's (Lord Bishop of Oxford) Eeasoiis for abrogating the Text im- posed upon all Members of Parliament, 1678, 18mo. old calf, 7s Gd IIoly-Bood House, 1688 366 PuBiTANS. Shepard's (Thomas, Pastor of Camhridge, New Ejtgland), Parable of the Ten Virgins, being tlie substance of divers sermons now published from the Authors own notes by Jonathan Mitchell of Cambridge, and Th. Shepard of Charles-Town in New England, sm. folio, original bdg. 10s 1660 367 WHITGIFT (J.) Defense of the Aunswere to the Admonition against the lleplie of T. C. [Thomas Cartwright], sm. folio, woodcut title, black Xtikx, original binding, with heads of the Reformers stamped on the sides, 24s //. Binnemanfor Humphrey Toycy 1574 The Admonition itself is printed entire in a small type. 368 Scotch Divinity. NAPEIR of Marchiston (John, Lord) Plaine Discovery of the whole Eevelation of St. John, whereunto are annexed certaine Oracles of Sibylla, sm. ^to. fine copy in calf 7ieat, gilt edges, hy Clarice and Bedford, £2. 10s John Norton, 1611 Fathers of the Church : 369 COTELEEII (J. B.) SS. Patrum Apostolicorum Opera vera et supposi- titia, Gr. et Lat. editio nova, auxit, recensuit, et notulas aliquot suas et aliorum adspersit Jo. Clericus, 2 vols, folio, hest edition, calf £2. 16s Amst. 1724 370 PATEUM APOSTOLICOEIJM, SS. Barnabse, Hermje, Clementis Romani, Ignatii, Polycarpi, Opera Genuina, cum Iguatii Epistolis, Gr. et Lat. cura E. EussEL, 2 vols, large 8vo. laege thick paper, in the original calf, very scarce, £3. 18s 1746 The Eev. Theod. WiHiams' copy fetched £6. 15^. 371 ATHANASII (Sti.) Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. 2 vols, folio, full length por- trait, vellum, from the Rev. Dr. Maitland's library, 25s Colon. 1686 372 AUGUSTINI (S. Aurelii) Opera, studio Monachorum ordinis S. Benedicti, 11 vols, in 8, folio, (wants the title to Vol. 3) calf red edges, £9. 15s Parisiis, 1689-1700 373 AUGUSTINE. Queste illibro di Sancto AUGUSTINO de la CITA di DIO, sm. folio, fine large copy, in calf neat, gilt edges, £2. 16s Sine notd {circa 1475) Fetched at the Marquis of Hastings's sale, Jan. 1869, £8. 8*. 374 AUGUSTINI (S.) Liber de sacta viRamiTATE, sm. 4to. 21 leaves, rubri- cated, EEMAEKABLT FINE COPY, in green morocco gilt, edges uncut, 5^15. sine notd (? 1460) One op the earliest specimens of Typo- I similar to that of the Catholicon of 1466 attri- GRAPHY IN EXISTENCE. It is printed in a type 1 buted to Gutenberg. 375 BEDtE (Venerabilis) Opera Omnia, 8 vols, in 6, folio, best edition, wood- cuts, the original stamped hogshin binding, fine clean copy, £3. Basil. 1563 Eede was the brightest ornament of the 8th century, and one of the most eminent fathers of the English church. Fuller says, " Let a Sophis- ter begin with his Axioms, a Bachelor ot Arts proceeds to his Metaphysicks, a Master to his Mathematicks, and a Divine conclude with his Controversies and Comments on Scripture, and they shall find Bede better in all, than any Chris- tian writer in that age, in any of those arts and sciences." 375*Beiinaedi, Sancti, Opusculum de laudibus Virginis ; Sermones Q6, et Insti- tutio quomodo canere et psallere debeamus,4to. Manuscript o;i vellum, finely written but injured by fire, 25s Sec. XI V^. 398 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LOKDON. Fathers of the Chvuch-— continued. 376 BEENAED, Saint, Epistolae Y. de modo vivendi, Speculum Monachorum, Epistola admonitoria, de vita solitaria, ad parentes ; Tractatus de ordine vitsB et morum institutione ; de interiore Domo ; de edificando conscientiam ; de gradibus humilitatis et superbie ; de gradibus confessionis ; de gradibus obedientie, Sermones, Preces, etc. 8vo. MS. on vellum in the original Medi- cean hinding, £3. 3s Sec. XIV. " En reliure Mediceene. Des initiales, deux sont enluminees et rehaussees d'or, les autres peintres. A la fin du volume, se trouve, ajoute par une main plus recente, un sermon du Saint sur la Messe, avec la date de 1453. Au feuillet 201 se Toit une ancienne Laurie Italienne, qui commence ainsi : " Sempre ta sia in dilecto Chil raondo anima mia te sia in dispecto ;" et qui est fort-curieuse." 376*CHEYSOSTOMI (Sancti Joannis) OPEEA OMNIA, Graece et Latine nova Interpretatione, Prsefationibus, Notis, variis lectionibus, illustrata et nova Vita, Appendicibus, Onomastico, Indicibus, locupletata studio Mont- faucon, 13 vols, large folio, portrait, best edition, calf neat, £18. I'aris, 1718-38 377 another copy, 13 vols, folio, ^ne cojpxjy hf. russia, uncut, gilt tops, rare in this state, £20. Faris, 1718-38 had read every line of them, and one might also Priced, 1830, Thorpe, half inissia, £31. 10* ; 1832, Payne and Poss, £31. \0s -, Stewart, £31. 10* ; another time, £25., or in calf, £30. ; 1849, Payne and Foss, with holes in the titles, vellum, £26. 5s ; vellum, £25. " We recommend the writings of Chrysostom to the perusal of those who have time, and whose care of souls will admit of it. Barrow, it is said, fancy it, from the clearness and volubility of his style. Nor are his works of use only to the Divine — the Historian will find much in them to notice ; and the scattered allusions in his writings to cus- toms, usages, &c. will yield fruits which have never yet been fully gathered." 378 CLAUDIANUS MAMEETUS de Statu Animse, Petro Mosellano recog- nitore, sm. 4to. title within woodcut border after Holbein, fine copy in old French blue morocco extra, gilt edges, ZOs Basil. 1520 A very rare and curious work, devoted to I of angels, proving the incorporeal nature of the soul, and | 379 CLEMENTIS Alexandrini Opeea qij^ extant, Gr. et Lat. recognita et illustrata per Joannem Potterum Episcopum Oxoniensem, 2 vols, in 1, fol. BEST EDiTioif, russltt, £2. 12s Qd Oxonii, 1715 380 the same, 2 vols, folio, ^7ie large copy in old calf, from the library of Bishop Wynne, £3. 3s 1715 Priced, 1842, J. C. Stewart, fine copy, £6. 13*; I Weigel, 36 thalers. A copy in old calf, fetched, another, £5. 16*; 1848, Payne and Foss, wormed, 1856, Sotheby's, £4. 13*. £1.:s; 1855, the Bristol Bibliopole, £5. 155; 1856, J 381 GEEGOEII MAGNI (Sancti) Bapce Primi, Opera Omnia, Editio Bene- dictina, studio et labore Dion. Sammartheni, et Guil. Bessin, Monachorum St. Mauri, 4 vols, folio, old calf gilt, £4. IO5 JParis, 1705 Priced 120 fr. by Brunet. 382 Mob ALT di Sancto Gregorio Papa sopra illibro del beato Job ppheta (volgarizzati da Zanobi da Strata), 3 vols. sm. folio, Editio Princeps, vellum, gilt backs, from Dr. Wellesley's library, £8. Firenze, Nicholo di Lorenzo delta Magna, 1486 Excessively Rare. This is one of the I Testi di Lingua, works cited by the Accademia della Crusca, as | 383 DiALOGTJS. {At end) Hye hatt ain end das puch genant dyalogus sacti Gregorii pape, 1473 — Visio Tundali, zu teutsch, die gesicht TuD(]ali — Yon einem Bischoff Forsee genant — Wunderzaichen in Sicilia — Kunst des Sterbens — Tractatus quatuor novissimorum, Teutsch, 1473 — in ^ yol folio, printed with a very quaint gotUo type on 194 leaves, including ^^J THEOLOGY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTOEY. 399 Fathers of the ChvLTGh— continued. frontispiece, calf neaty fine copy, with xylograpTiic frontispiece representing Saint Gregory in conversation with his Deacon Peter^ extremely rare, £2. \Qs 1473 very rare productions of t!ic press established by the Prior Melchior de Stamham, in the Monastery of St, Uh'ich and Afra at Augsburg, and is mi- nutely described by Panzer in his Annalen, 1788, p. 71, Although in High German the word was is constantly used instead of war. Priced, 1842, Thorpe, £4. 14« 6^. These six tracts, " in dem Kloster St. Ulrich gedrukt, 1473," bear the same degree of rarity as our books printed at St. Albans. It is one of the 384 HIERONYMI (Sancti Eusebii) Opera post recensionem Benedictinam denuo ad MSS. Eomanos, Ambrosianos, Veronenses, castigata, quibusdam ineditia monumentis aucta et illustrata studio Dominici Yillaesii, 11 vols, folio, hest edition, vellum, eaee, £10. 15s Veronce, 1734-42 "Edition plus complete, et generalement cstimee que celle des Benedictins de S. Maur : le savant Scipio Maffei y a eu quelque part." Brunei. Priced, 1831, Straker, £24. ; 1834, Leslie, £20.; 1834, £18. 18^; 1848, Payne and Foss, £25.; 1849, £21.; 1853, £16. I65 ; 1856, Weigel, llOThalers. 385 HIERONYMI (D.) Epistol^, Libri contra Hjereticos et Commentaria in quatuor Prophetas Majores, in Ecclesiasten, in duodecim Prophetas Minores, vita Hieronymi, etc. ed. Mariano Victorio, 5 vols, in 4, folio, red morocco, super extra, silk linings, gilt edges, Syston Park copy, £3. Romce, Paul Manut. 1565-71 385*HIEEONYMI Epistol^, sm. folio, MS. on VELLUM, hound in parchment. Ferrare, 1467 Grassus Carpensis" de Ferrare en fut le scribe, et qu'il termina le manuscrit le 28 de Fevrier, 1467. Une autre note au commencement, est ecrite par "Frater Baptista Pannetus, ordinis Carmel." qui avait charge Grassus de I'execution de ce manuscrit et d'un autre de Suetone. £12. Beau manuscrit, ecrit sur 286 fF. de tres-fin ct blanc v6lin. La premiere page est encadree dans une bordure arabesque des plus belles, renfer- mant une graade initiate, et deux figures peintes, dont I'une semble ^tre ecusson. La souscription a la fin du volume demontre que " Joannes 386 INNOCENTII III (Lotharii) Opera Minora: de Contemptu Mundi ; de Virtutibus et Vitiis ; Yeteris ac Novi Testamenti Biblia versiculis compre- hensa ; Tractatus Theologici ; de Sacramentis ; Sermones ; de PoUucione Nocturna, 12mo. Manuscript on vellum (310 pages), written hy an English scribe, having on first leaf the autograph of P. Noy de Sandwico {Sandwich), calf gilt, £4. 4s Sec. XI Y. Of these works, by the Pope who obliged I homage for his crown, Cave only mentions the King John of England to surrender and do | de contemptu 3fundi, and the Sermones. 386*JoANNis DAMASCENI Opera Omnia quae exstant et ejus nomine circum- feruntur, Graece et Latine, opera et studio Lequien, 2 vols. roy. folio, LARGE PAPER, old French calf gilt, £3. 10s Parisiis, 1712 Large paper copies are rare. A small paper I meilleure que Ton ait donnee de ce pere." copy priced, Eivington, £4. 1 4^ 6^. " Edition la | Brunei. 387 JusTiNi Martyris Opera Omnia, Or. et Lat. cum Notis, admonitionibus et prefatione illustrata, opera et studio (D. Prud. M^ran), Congr. S. Mauri, folia, vellum, fine copy, 30s Paris. 1742 " Bonne edition. — Brunei.'* SuiCERi Thesaurus — see under Churcli History. 388 THEOPHYLACTI Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. edita (a J. De Eubeis et Finettio) 4 vols, folio, apparently large paper, fine copy in new calf gilt, BARE, £12. 125 Venetiis, 1754-63 Priced, 1857, Nutt, £16. 16j. readings of the Greek text, that are found in his Editio Optima of every thing by this Father; quotations from the New Testament Scriptures. and the princeps editio of various of his Homi lies, Commentaries, and Orations, and Dialogues. Theophylact flourished A.D. 1070. His Com- mentaries have been valued not only for their excellent literal explications, but for the important Professor Stuart observes that " Theophylact comprises all that is valuable in Chrysostom, while at the same time he has given to the whole more ease, simplicity, and compactness." 400 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. French : 3S9 BOUEDALOUE, Oeuvres completes, 16 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, £2. Versailles, 1812 390 BOSSUET, Oeuvees completes de, 12 vols, royal Svo. douUe columns, fine copy, Hue calf gilt, £4i. 10s Paris, Qaume, 1845 391 MASSILLON, CEuvres, 13 vols. Svo. portrait, hf calf gilt, 35^ Far. 1816 " Edition a k fois belle, correcte et impriniee sur beau papier." — Brunei. 392 Jansenists : Histoire Generale du JaDsenisme, 3 vols. 12mo, numerous por- traits, old calf gilt, 15* Amst. 1700 393 AENAULD (A.) Ses Oeuyees completes, (y compris la Perpetiiite de la Eoi et la Vie de I'Auteur, le tout publie par G-. du Pac de Bellegarde) 48 vols, in 51, 4to. a fine copy, in vellum, scarce, £6. 10* Lausanne, 1775-83 Priced, Ogle and Duncan, £36. ; 1824, now scarce, and very rare when they are complete, including the celebrated " Perpetuite de la Foi, which was separately published, and which, ac- cording to Bayle, gave occasion to the most re- markable dispute that was ever raised between the Eoman Catholics and the Protestants. Rivington, £26. 5* ; 1832, Payne and Foss, £21 1840, £16. 16*; 1841, Leslie, £15. 15* ; 1846, Stewart, £14. 14*. One of the most famous writers amongst the Port-Royalists, and perhaps the most learned and able of his ov/n party. Copies of his works are 394 Protestants. Coqueeel, le Christianisme Experimental, 12mo. 7if. Hue morocco, 2s Gd Paris, 1847 395 D'AUBiaNE (J. H. M.) Histoire de la Eeformation dul6me siecle, 3me edit. 3 vols. Svo. hf calf gilt, 18s Paris, 1839-42 396 the same, 4ith edition, 3 vols, hf calf 12s Ptnixelles, 1844 397 Geaxdpieeee, Essais sur le Pentateuque, eclaircissement sur ses difficultes, Svo. sd. 2s 6d Paris, 1840 German : 398 Baxter (E.) Allgemeine Predigtsammlung, aus den "Werken der vorziig- lichsten Kanzelredner, 3 vols. Svo. hf calf gilt, gilt tops, IQs Leipzig, 1841-44 399 Handbuch (kurzgefasstes exegetisches) zum Alteis" Testament, 17 parts in 8 vols. Svo. (pub. at £1. 4^ sd.) half calf neat, £2. 16^ Leipzig, 1841-42 Separately : nesis, von Knobel. 2d ed. — XII. Exodus und Le- viticus, V. Knobel — XIII. Numeri, Deuterono- mium und Josua, von Knobel — XIV. Psalmen, von Olshausen — XV. Die Biicher der Chronik, von Bertheau — XVI. Das Hohe Lied, von Hitzig. Die Klagelieder, von Thenius — XVII. Esra, Ne- chemia und Esther, von Bertheau. Part I. Die 12 kleinen Propheten, von Hitzig 3d ed. — II. Hiob, von Hirzel. 2d ed. by Olshau- sen — III. Jeremia, von Hitzig — IV. Samuel, von Thenius — V. Jesaia, von Knobel. 3d ed — VI. Richter und Euth, von Bertheau — VII. Spriiche Salomo's, von Bertheau. Prediger Salomo's von Hitzig— VIII. Ezechiel, von Hitzig— IX. Konige, von 0. Thenius— X. Daniel, von Hitzig— XL Ge- 400 JAEOSLAI a S. Alexio Theologia historico-dogmatica, 3 vols, in 1, thick 4to. laege papee, stamped pigskin, rare, ZQs Jaurini (Raab) Streibig, 1738-40 Books printed at Raab, in Hungary, are very few and scarce. This is one of the earliest. 401 Mohlee, ]a Symbolique ou exposition des Contrarietes dogmatiques entre les Catholiques et les Protestans, 2 vols. Svo. sd. 7s Gd 1836 402 ScHWAEZ, Predigten aus der Gegenwart, 2 vols, in 1, Svo. hf. hd. Qs Leipzig, 1861-22 403 Theeemin, das Kreuz Christi, Predigten, ^th edition, 4 vols. Svo. cloth, 10s Berlin, 1851 404 Tholxjck's Predigten iiber Hauptstiicke des Christliclien Glaubens und Lebens, 4 vols. Svo. cloth, 7s Gd Hamburgh, 1847-51 405 Stunden christlicher Andaclit, stout Svo. hf. calf gilt top, uncut, 4s M Haml. 1841 THEOLOaY, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTOET. 401 Heresies : 406 Pluquet, Dictionnaire des Heresies ; Memoires pour servir a I'histoire des Egaremens de I'Esprit Humain, 2 thick vols. 12mo. old calf c/ilt, Vis Paris, 1764 407 Ittig, Appendix dissertationis de Haeresiarchis Aevi Apostolici, sm. 4to. calf, 7s (id Lips. 1696 408 Gnosticism. MATTER, Histoire Critique du Gnosticisme, et de son in- fluence sur les sectes religieuses et philosophiques des six premiers siecles de Fere chretienne, 2 vols, and atlas of plates — together 3 vols. sd. 20s Paris, 1828 409 Manicheism. BEAUSOBEE, Histoire critique de Manichee et du Mani- cheisme, 2 vols. 4to. calf extra, 28s Amst, 1734-39 A valuable work, the very best upon the important subject of which it treats. Huguenots— see ^05^ Eeformers, France. Italy: 410 CHAVALCA (Era Domenico) el devotissimo & utile libro die si chiama la Disciplina degli Spirituali, smallest 4to. vellum, calf hack, 7s Gd s. I. et typ. nom. {? Fiorenza, cir. 1490) Rare ; a copy fetched £1. lis at one of Mr. Libri's sales. 411 (PuNOi LiNGrA) bellissimo et utile Tractato contra il Peccato della Lingua, sm. folio, large copy, hf hd. 18* finit per Nicholaum Florentie, (s. a. circ. 1480) Priced, Payne and Foss, £3. 3^. 412 PuNGi Ltkgtja: Tractato cotra el Peccato della Lingua, 1490 — Libro molto devoto & spirituale de ERrcTi della Lingua, elegant woodcut of the ascension on title, 1493 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, hd. 36« Firenze, Lorenzo di Ilathio ^ Giovanni de Piero, 1490-93 Priced by a former owner, £5. 413 Meditazione sopra I'Albero della Cruce, testo di lingua, 16mo. sd. 2s Gd Verona, 1828 414 EAPPEESENTAZIONI del Secolo XYI. A collection oe 30 eaee cuRiors Pieces, early Miracle Pla.ys, hound in one vol. sm. 4to. old red morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Yemeniz library, £35. 1572-87 For contents, see No. 12822 of the General Catalogue, 1868. Inquisition : 415 LLOEEjN'TE, Histoire critique de I'lnquisition d'Espagne jusqu' a Eerdin and YII, traduite par Pel Her, 4 vols. 8vo. half calf neat, with the autograph of Baron StocJcmar, the friend of Prince Albert, 2Ss Paris, 1818 " The great storehouse from which are to be I the subject than can be found in all other sources drawn more well authenticated facts relating to I put together." — lYc/uior, I. 415. 416 PiiiLiPPi A LiMBORCH liistoria Inquisitionis, cui subjungitur liber senten- tiarum Inquisitionis Tholosanae, folio, tvith plates representing penitents in different dresses^ before undergoing punishment and execution, vellum, 10s A?nst. 1692 Jesuits : 417 A COLLECTION of 24 curious pieces, three of them printed, the rest MS., concerning the proceedings of the Jesuits, their persecution and expulsion from Portugal, by the order of the famous Carvalho Marquis de Pombal, and the condition of their affairs elsewhere, in a stout 4to. volume, bound, and lettered on the bach Miscellanea, 36^ 1758-73 These very curious and interesting documents guese. They have also some value in relation to are in various handwritings, most of them in America, as they incidentally treat upon the Jesuit Italian, but some in Spanish, Latin, and Portu- settlements in Paraguay and Brazil. 418 COLLECTION of Letters from the Jesuits to the Kings of Portugal, etc. with Replies, folio, legibly written MS. in Portuguese^ very interesting, calf gilt, £2. Saec. XVIIL 402 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOIST. Jesuits — con tin ued. 419 CoNTBACT des Jesuites avec le Maire d'Angoulesme par lequel il appert comme ils usurpent les droicts des universitez; defenses des Universitez, arrest du Conseil 1624, etc. in 1 vol. stout 12mo. a few leaves wormed, vellum, G* Faris, 1625-34 420 HOSPINIANI (Eod.) Historia Jesuitica ; item de Jesuitarum Dolis, Erau- dibus, Imposturis, cruentis consiliis, seditiosa et sanguinolenta Doctrina, folio, vellum, 30* Tlguri, 1619 421 POLITIQUE (la) des Jesuites ; La Decadence de I'Empire papal, 1 vol. 12mo. calf, 3« 6^ Londres, 1688 422 Oliver's Collections towards illustrating the Biography of the Scotch, Eng- lish, and Irish Members of the Society of Jesus, 8vo. russia extra, \0s 1845 423 Secreta Monita Societis Jesu, Latin and English, 12mo. calf, very curious. Is Qd 1723 Jews: 424 EWALD (H.) Geschichte des Yolkes Israel bis Christus, mit Anhang, 6 vols. 8vo. calf extra, hy Clarice, £2. 10* Gottingen, 1851-55 Nothing has yet appeared to weaken the I masterpiece, acknowledged preeminence of this grand historical | 425 Bedarrii>e, les Juifs en France en Italie et en Espagne, 8vo. sd. Qs Paris, 1859 426 Champagnt, Eome et la Judee au temps de la chute de Neron, 66-72 a. J. C. 8vo. sd. 4« Qd 1858 427 Chiaeini, Theorie du Judaisme appliquee a la reforme des Israelites de tons les pays de I'Europe, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 5s Paris, 1830 428 Depping, les Juifs dans le Moyen Age, 8vo. sd. 3^ Qd Brux. 1844 429 GiovANiy^i Di Q-iovANNi, I'Ebraismo della Sicilia ricercato ed esposto, sm. 4to. vellum, rare, 20s Palermo, 1748 A curious history of the state of the Jews during the Middle Ages. 430 Hallez, des Juifs en France, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd 1845 431 Malo, Histoiredes Juifs, 8vo. calf neat, 5s Qd Paris. 1826 432 MISCHNA, sive totius Hebraeorum Juris, Eituum, Antiquitatum, ac Legum oralium systema, cum clarissimorum Eabbinorum Maimonidis et BartenorsB Commentariis integris, Hebraice et Latine, ed Gr. Surenhusius, 6 vols, folio, plates. If Id. uncut, £5. Amst, 1678-1703 433 OCKLEY'S History of the present Jews, 18mo. calf, 2s 6d 1711 434 PHILONIS JIJDAEI Opera Omi^ia, Gr. et Lat., cum notis, edente T. Manget, 2 vols. roy. folio, best edition, in old calf gilt, £8, 85 1742 435 the same, 2 vols. roy. folio, large paper, original old calf, with the hook-plate of a Cardinal, ^11. 10* 1742 436 SALYADOE, Jesus Christ et sa doctrine, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf 3* Qd 1838 437 Histoire des Institutions de Moise, et du Peuple Hebreu, 3 vols. 8vo. ¥' c(^¥^ 9^^^ *0P^ 1^^ ^^ Paris, 1828 438 Seder Olam. Curo^'icon HEBRiEORrM, Majus et Minus, Hel. et Lat. ed. Meyer, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. vellum, 7s 6d A^nst. 1690 Valuable for the extensive commentary which illustrates the doctrines and customs of the Jews. 439 STEHELIN'S Eabbinical Literature ; or the Traditions of the Jews contained in the Talmud and other mystical writings, Buxtorf s account of their reli- gious customs and ceremonies, and an Inquiry into the origin, &c. of these traditions, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. calf, rare, £3. 10s 1748 440 TOVET'S (D'Blossiers) Anglia Judaica; or the History and Antiquities of the Jews in England, 4to. plate, calf neat, 27s Oxford, 1738 Fetched, 1855, Bernal's copy, £2. 441 WOLFII BiBLiOTHECA Hebrea, sive Notitia tum Scriptorum Hebr. cujus- cunque satatis, tum Scriptorum qua) vel primiam exarata vel ab aliis conversa sunt, ace. Gaffarelli Index Codicum Cabbalisticorum, 4 vols, stout sm. 4to. portraits and frontispiece, Jine copy in vellum, £2. 10^ Hamburgi, 1715-33 THEOLOGY, ECCLESIAS TICAL HISTOEY. 403 Mediaeval Scholastic Theology: ~ ' " ~ 442 DTJNS-SCOTI (Joannis, Doctork euhtiUs, Angli, A.D. 1308) Opeea Omnia qua, hucusque reper.n potuerunt, notis, Scholiis et Commentariis illustrata oui W»m r'i ° ?]-?^r- ?o^'"^°'"i Professoribus (edente Luc. Wadding, L/J^ .1 i?qq ^.nf ,?"'^T.''.T'^ ^^'^ '?''^7 "^. ^ '^' ^^ " ^»"^- I 30 guineas for a copy "^ bcotus, that for years the advertiser vainly offered ^^ 413 DUNS-SCOTUS in quatuor libros SententiaVum ; nunc noviter recosmitae per Hugonem Cavellum, mbemum, 4 vols, in 2, folio, cal}neX rZe,^£t *"' ^Tiuf^\ V?:''r' ^'•'•^fr^g^''""' ^"i'^-. Alexandri de Ales i%VfIl ^rJli'' , " SuMME Theologicr, 2 parts in 1 vol. large stout folio, two Moravians f J^uremberge, Kohurger, 1482 ''^^ ^rI?/ (David) alteundneueBriider-Historie: ««««.««< «/i^. J&r«rf«» A.AX- ■J^'^'^^'^'"' their Traveh, ^c. thick sm. 8vo. 868 pp. c«K 7. M Barbv 1771 F.^rd^'^T^'' 1 °"Sme de la doctrine et des Firentie. do I'/^fse des Mormonism : ' ■^"'^*- ^758 ^^^ ^iSon nW°^f v^ MOEMON : an account written by the hand of Mormon r first P,rl'° fr7.-*''Mj''"'\°'' ?'=?•''' *^»"^»^'<^'l by Joseph Smith, jun., iirst European edition, 12mo. bound, very rare and curiam, 25s . 448 Howe's History of Mormonism and inquf Lre^t-^^i^St^SX t ..r. -}^'^°- o«"o»s frontispiece, hf bd. 15s PainesvilUi Ohio^^lm MysticisL" tITosK vll;;2sT'''"'^' '""'' ''' '" ''"''''"' ^^^ ''^ '''^ *^^ ^4'?n^7no ^^^1°^^ Mysterium Magnum, eine Auslegung iiber Genesis, thick ttLj^If' ^^'"'^f^f «' "'^^^ nt^mero^s neat additions, corrections and alterations, apparently by the edUor for a new edition, fine copy in stamped ' " ^^^y eurious work, £3. 16« -^^ j^„,^f i(^^q "kliT ^'"/f ^""l™^'^ Brkantniss des grossen Geheimnisses der Gottselig- ' ^e't-. Got' geoffenbaret im Fleisch, bestehende in Auszug aller seinen vemlus "'"^^ ^"^ ^P- ''''""" emblematidl frontispiece, 4n^ pf.^17 ^^io-f «'""''. by a disciple, of all the works and theories of Bohme!^"''"'' ^^^^ 451 tULLII DE Animabus Paqanoeum libri quinque, in quibus de iis qui Ito'^n/rf ™ utroque sexu celeberrimi fuerunt disputatur, 2 vols. sm. 4to. OEIGWAL EDITION, ruled with red ink throughout, fine copy in old French A VEKT baTeT." n f ,' ''^^ ['^"fff.""'^ 9^ edges, £3. 15s Mediolani, 1622-33 he CanThe aJIoTt?'TT. ^T^' "-esearch, that it forms one of the nfost inSstIng tained faZtt.tS 'he'S^nsi'ns'to'peTdltion- ^""""^ '- '"^ "'^'"'^ °^ ""^ '''"»- -'"''• 452 Delepieeee, Livre des Visions ou I'Enfer et le Ciel decrits par ceui qui les ont vus, sm. 4^to. photographs of scenes in Hell (/), hf. morocco, gilt top%ncut, 4.^,^ HAPm /-D 4. •^ A i. .. n . Londres,tire a 25 exemplaires, (1865) 4o3 HAEDI (Petri) Anterotica: de Amoeis Qeneeibus, sm. 4to. printed in a minute and peculiar type, very fine large and clean copy, in the original vellum wrapper, £2. 12s Tarvisii, Oerardus de FlandHa 1492 Sold, Roscoe's £5. ; La Vallierc, 72 fr. " On J tre l'amour."li?n.,..^ NotwUhstandin^ how Ire' t::X'^Z: "^^ "^^^ ''' bibliographers j ever, that the work t af^u^T^^li ^;, '' Ouvrage de th^ologie .ystiqu. dirig. con- | T Z^^^^J^Z^^^^^^ On lit sur I'un des plats : Vng. qu il. tousiours. dvre. E. G. Et sur Tautre : En. tout, patience, E. C. Volume de 195 ff. cbiffres, plus un blanc, regies. Eutre le 4e feuillet (lequel est chiffre xciii) et le 5e on trouve deux feuillets supple- mentaires non chiffres, contenant au verso du ler et au recto du 2e un errata imprime en caracteres romains. Le recto du ler et le verso du 2e sont 404 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. | — _ ___ — — _ I Mysticism, Theosophy, Visionaries — continued. 454 [GAIGNY (Jean de)] Le liure de -n^ouuel imprime faisant mention i DES SEPT PAEOLLES que nostra benoist saulueur & redepteur lesuchrist ^ dist en larbre de la croix : avec aucunes expositions & contemplatioDS sur ; icelles : extraictes des dictz et sentences des docteurs autetiques & i approuuez de saincte eglise auec aucunes additions utiles & prouffitables ■ concernans lesdictes parolles, 12mo. numerous woodcuts, original binding in '' Hack calf, gilt edges, from the Yemeniz lihrary, ^611. 10s Faris, 1538 i occupes par deux gi'andes figures de Jesus. A la < fin de I'errata on lit ce naif avertissement : " Nota ! que es histoires de ce present liure ou les Larros i sont attachez de cordes (qui est vng erreur) fault i quilz soyent clouez de cloux, ainsi que est touche i en ce present liure." L'ouvrage est imprime en caracteres go- ; thiques et en caracteres ronds. L'exemplaire est i dans toutes ses marges avec xfiMorNS. (Y.) \ 455 KEMPIS (Thomas a) de Imitatione Christi, recensuit Yalart, ISmo. plates^ \ purple morocco, gilt edges, Bishop of Rochester's copy, rare, 36s I Faris, typis Barhou, 177S > 456 alia editio, ed. Beauzee, 18mo. laege paper, purple morocco, gilt ; edges, hy Boeerian, £2. 2s ib. 1789 ' " Thomas a Kempis," is the rarest work of the Barbou series. 457 LriGi de G-ranata, Memoriale della Yita Christiana, nuovamente tradotto \ dalla lingua Spagnuola per Camilli, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. woodcuts, ancient \ olive morocco, gilt edges, 12s Venetia, 1601 j 458 LULLII (Eaymundi) Arbor Scientie (opus in quo omnium scientiarum traditur notitia), sra. 4to. several woodcuts of trees, with mystical significa- tions, vellum, a very curious book, 18s Lugduni, 1515 459 PALTZ (Johannis de) Celifodina absconditos Scripturse Thesauros pandens, cum Supplemento, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. two large woodcuts on the titleSy pigskin, with clasps, £2. Lyptzigk, 1515-16 A very curious work written by one of the I was sent to dispose of indulgences, missionary predecessors of Tetzel, who, like him, | 460 EUSCA (Ant.) de Inferno, et Statu Daemonum ante Mundi exitium, sm. 4to. diagrams of Hell, Sfc. very fine copy in old red morocco extra, silk linings, and gilt edges, by Derome lejeune, £4. 4* Mediol. 1621 " Ouvrage curieux, vend. 52 fr. mar. r, Mac Carthy." — Brunei. 460*SWEDENBOEa, de COELO et ejus mirabilibus et de INFEENO, ex auditis et visis, 4to. hf bd. very rare, £2. 16s Londini, 1758 Printed without the name of the Author or the Printer. 461 Clavis Hieroglyphica Arcanorura naturalium et spiritualium, 4to. sd. 7s Qd ^ Bond. 1784 m 462 du commerce entre I'ame et le corps traduit par Parraud, 8vo. calf ] 7sQd ^ ^ Londres, 1785 i 463 Traite curieux des charmes de I'Amour Conjugal dans ce monde et dans I'autre, traduit par Brumore, sm. 8vo. sd. Qs Berlin, 1784 i 464 de la nouvelle Jerusalem et de sa Doctrine celeste traduit par Chas- \ tanier, 8vo. sd. 7s Qd Bond. 1782 1 465 Leven van Em. Swedenburg, met Aanm. door Hamelsveld, 8vo. 5s i Amst. 1790 I 466 TAriiER (Dr. John, of Strasburg) his History and Life : with 25 of his Sermons, temp. 1340, translated from the German by S. Winkworth, sq. 8vo. 7s Qd 1857 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 405 PASSIONALS, LIVES OP CHRIST, LEGENDS OP SAINTS. 467 Passionael. "Hyr hevet sik an dat SAMEE DEEL der hilghen levent unde to deme erste male van deme leve hilge lerer Sute Ambrosi' de bisschope." Onfol 181, " Hijr hevet sik an dat WINTEE DEL." At the end, " Hyr endiget sik der hillige levent dat een seer nutte speeghel is der minschen," 2 vols, in 1, stout large fol. (15^ inches by 11) 450 leaves, blacfe letter, Eubric initials, numerous woodcuts, in the original oak binding, partly uncut, £>1Q. {? LiibecJc, 1470) A very beautiful copy of a work in the Low Saxon dialect, unknown to most bibliographers. Hain cites a copy, wanting, as he states, the two leaves of table ; but which also wanted the Re- gister that is to be found in this copy (misplaced between IF. 402-3), and the existence of which he was not aware of. He attributes the work to the concluding portion of the fifteenth century ; but it is considered to be thirty years earlier. The correctness of this estimate may be seen by a comparison of this primitive and unf oliated vo- lume with the following edition of 1492. This enormous volume, filled with very curious wood engravings, is, without contradic- tion, one of the most interesting monuments of Ancient German typography. 468 PASSIONALE. Hier beghint dat LIJDEN EN DIE PASSI ons heeren IhG XpT, eii die teykene ende die miracule die hij dede etc. — At end : '* Dit bouck is voleyndet tot Haerlem in Hollat Anno 1483, den tienste dacli in decebri," 8vo. 32 curious woodcuts, coloured {and without doubt so issued by the publisher) but with the Jaces of the figures intact, calf, from the Enschede collection, £70. Haarlem, 1483 The only copy known of this book, 34 autres pour sa Passion de 1482 (Holtrop, WHICH IS THE FIRST PRINTED AT Haarlem 419). En 1488 Claes Leeu a Auvcrs s'est WITH A DATE. The book consists of Signatures a to I in eights, the last two leaves of I being blank. The preservation of these leaves is one of the most extraordinary features of the book. The woodcuts are very singular specimens of rude and early art, yet the faces are well done. " Les caracteres sont ceux de Jacob Bel- LAERT, dont la marque typogr. se trouve au vp du 86e ou dernier feuillet. Le ler feuilletest bianc au r9 et contient au vo. une gravure sur bois qui represente le Christ en discours avec les Pharisiens. Les gravures sur bois dont ce livre est orne, au nombre de 32, proviennent de G. servi des memes planches (de toutes, au nombre de66);-en 1490 Peter van Os a Zwolle (de 3 de ces planches seulement), et en 1496 les Freres conferenciers {Collacie-broeders') a Gouda (de toutes les 66.) M. Ensched^, qui a observe ces particularites, y ajoute dans une note au commenc. de cet ouvrage : * II est digne de re- marque que Geraert Leeu s'est servi depuis 1484 des memes caracteres avec lesquels les livres de Bellaert sont imprimees; ilssont done probablement tallies a Harlem.' — Dans la 9e livr. des 3fonumenfs, Typogr. de M. Holtrop on trouve un fac- simile de cet ouvrage rarissime." Enschede attributed it to Christian Snellaert. It is printed in the same character as the Psalter of 1487. Leeu a Gouda qui s'en est servi, ainsi que de 469 ONS HEEEEN PASSIE, met ter Yerrisenisse ende met ten Eiguren, sm. 4to. 33 rude woodcuts in contemporary colouring, vellum, £15. _ Gheprendt te D elf in Hollant, 1487 Very rare. There is no printer's name, ~ ' but the book is supposed to come from the press of Jacob Jacobsson (printer of the first Dutch Bible) or of H. Eckert van Hombergh. But M. 470 PASSIONAEL. Hyr hevet syk an dat Passionael : Unde dat Levend der Hylgben : unde to deme ersten dat SAMER DEEL— /o/. 207, Hyr hevet syk an dat Winter Deel — In fine : Hyr endigbet sik dat passionael efte der Hyllighen levendt mit velen nyen mercklike schone historien, . . . uth deme latino in dat dudesck ghebracht, stout folio, 418 leaves, with many quaint and rude woodcuts, probably used here for the first time, all the cuts entirely free Jrom colour, singularly fine sound copy, calf veet rare, ^68. 10* Lubeckt Arnd, 1492 An early edition of the Passionale in Lovsr German ^ for reviews see Panzer's Annalen, page 194 ; von Seelen Select, litterar. p. 632 ; Suhl's Verzcichniss, p. 55 : Helmst Biblioth. Bruns. Beitr. zur krit. Bearb. p. 177 ; Goetze Merkwiirdigkeiten Band 2, p. 463. — Goetz ri- dicules the contents of this work, but he adds, tliat he must praise the Low German translator for occasionally doubting the truth of these stories. This edition contains several ORioiNAr. Legends, extremely fabulous, not in the Latin and High German editions. The language of the work is considerably advanced in comparison with that of the older edition above. The style is en- tirely altered, the book being rewritten with va- riations. 2 F 2 406 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 471 LEUEN ONS LIEFS HEREN Jhestj cheisti (Hier beghint dat). At end' " Gheprent te Ley den in Holland bij die viscapelle." — II. Hier beghint een boec van die vier oefeninglien Bonauenture. At end : " Gheprent te Leyden Int iaer o. h. 1496." III. Die guide Letanyen vander passien ons iiefs here ihesu cristi. At end, the typogr. ivorh of Godfr. Bach of Antwerp, — 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. ancient culfhinding, with clasps, ^12. (? 1495-) 145)9 " Ces trois opuscules sont imprimes avec les memes caracteres et omcs de gravures sur bois. M. HoLTROP attribue le second a la presse de Hugo Janssoen van Woerden. Le dernier 472 DAT Boec tanden LEVEN ONS LIEES HEEEN Ihu Cristi, sm. folio, numerous large and small woodcuts, uncoloured, the first leaf slightly mended^ hut in other respects a fine well-preserved copy in the original boards, covered with leather, £18. Zwoll, hy Feter Os van Breda, MCCCC cxix (1499) feuillet, qui manque dans I'exempl. dccrit par lui (521), contient la meme gravure que I'avant- dernier." have remained uncoloured, notwithstanding that it was the practice of the publishers in those days to have them coloured by hand before issuing, adds a special interest and value to the present copy. The woodcuts which give so much import- ance to the book, are all well-designed and full of spirit, though their character is quaint and curious, and the execution rude. The book is described by Holtrop (506), and by Renouvier. The singular circumstance that the engravings 473 PASSIO DoMiifi, litteraliter et moraliter ab Henetco de Eiem^eia expla- nata, sq. sm. 8vo. 16 leaves, including title, on which is a large engraving, ivith several small and curious woodcuts in the text, bds. vellum bach, veex eaee, £2. 5* Oppeheym, s. a. (cir. 1500) One of the very few and rare books printed I are very scarce, in Oppenheim at that early period. Specimens ] 474 PASSION AEL. Dit es d'leye ons liees heeeen Ihesu Ceisti . . . met addicien van schoonen moralen en geesteliken leeringhen eh devoten medi- tacien, sm. folio, woodcut on title, about 200 I'ude and curious engravings through the booh, plain ; with painted initials, original oak boat^ds covered with stamped calf, eaee, £^. 10s Anticerpen int hugs vd Delft, Henrich Echert vd Momherch, 1503 475 Tboeck ya]!^dee LEUEN GIN'S HEEREN Jhestj Cheistt, (Ludolphi des Carthusers) sm. folio, 53 coloured wood engravings, singularly quaint and striking, vellum-covered boards, with clasps, £8. lO-s Gheprint . . . tAntwerpen bij mij Gheraert de Leeu, 1487 werp two years before the date of this remark- able production. Holtrop (178) describes the volume. Rare. This copy comes from a conventual library, as appears from the MS. note " Dit boeck toe behoert die sustere va Sinte Clare tEnchusen." Leeu had left Gouda for Ant- 476 MOMBKITII de Dominica Passione libri sex, sm. 4to. very fine clean copy in vellum, EAEE, £3. 10s Mli. Zarotus, {cir. 1475) 477 EErAEDENT in Epistolam secundam D. Petri apostoli, Paris, 1601 — Historia Christi, Dei et Domini, 1605 — together 2 vols. 12mo. vellum, 7s 6d Paris, 1601-5 478 Steauss, Life of Christ, translated from the fourth German edition, 3 vols. 8vo. BEST EDITION, cloth, £2. 2s 1846 479 the same, 3 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges by Clarke, £2. 16s 1846 480 STRAUSS (D. E.) Yie de Jesus, ou examen critique de son histoire, traduite de I'Allemand par Littre, 2 vols. Svo. sd. 10s Qd ; or calf gilt, 15s Paris, 1839 481 HIEEOISTYMO. ComiBcia la tavola sopra la Yita el Teansito et gli Miea- COLI del beatissimo Hieeontmo doctore excellentissimo, sm. 4to. 126 leaves, the first page of the work adorned ivith a contemporary illuminated boedee, BED MOEOCCo extra, £6. Qs S. I. typ. et anno {cir. 1471) Excessively rare. I can only trace the existence of two other copies : one in Lord Spencer's libraiy, and an imperfect copy on vel- lum in the Bibl. Imp^riale. At Libri's sale in 1857, the eight leaves which contain the saint's life, alone fetched 51 fr. Dibdin's description of Lord Spencer's copy agrees with the above, except that he gives four leaves for the table, which is a mistake for four pages. "Edition tres rare Les caracteres sont les memes que ceux d'un Horace sans date et d'un opuscule de S. Basile, imprime en 1471.''— Br U7iet (V. 1321) THEOLOaY: PASSIONALS, LEGENDS OF SAINTS. 407 482 LEGENDS SANCTOEUM (cura Jacobi a Yoeagine), stout sm. folio, very fine copy in the original oak hoards, £6. Qs Impressi (sic) per Johannem Zainer in opido Vlmy (cir. 1476) Very rare. This is the edition described i of 1833, with this observation: " Zainer's pro- by Brunet, v, column 1366, and by Panzer, iv, I difctions are so rare, that only one specimen, J). 458. I can only trace the sale of one other I the ^sop, also printed without date, is found in copy, which was mentioned in Thorpe's catalogue I Eai-1 Spencer's Ubrary."^ 483 LEG-ENDA SANCTOEFM AUEEA quae alio nomine dicitur Hystoria Lon- gobardica, stout sm. iolio, fine large copy, with rough leaves, bound in russiu, blind tooled, £5. Conradus Winters de Somherch, 1481 This very rare edition contains a Supple- I in the earlier ones, but were first added by ment of additional leaves which did not appear | Winters. 484 LEGENDS SANCTOEUM, quas collegit in unum Frater Jacobus Januensis, folio, initial letter richly illmninated, very fine large copy xvith bough leayes, in the original oak hoards covered with stamped leather, and protected hy brass centres and cornerSj an elegant specimen of the binding of the time, in singularly fine preservation, £9. 9.s JPer mandata Anthonii Kohurger Nurenhurge impr. 1482 Very rare. This edition, which has the of booksellers and auctioneers during the past additional lives, is not mentioned by Brunet, and thirty years. I cannot find any notice of it in the catalogues 485 LEG-ENDA SANCTOEUM, qu^ Lombaedica nominatur Historia, sm. folio,. 3Litt£ns ffiotj}{ciS, printed in double columns, capitals rubricated, without the first leaf of table, otherwise a fine copy in russia, £3. 10s Colonice, 1485 Fetched at Dawson Turner's sale £3. 6s. j present copy bears an inscription by the Rev. The late editions cut out all the objectionable and Robert Baynley, 1570, who had bought it for irreverent stories which appeared in this. The | three shillings and fourpence. 486 NATALIBUS (P. de) Le premier (et second) volume du Cathalogue des Sainctz et Sainctes, nouellement translate de Latin en Francois .... {heading of prologue) recuilliz de diners liures par Pierre des Natalies, 2 vols. in 1, sm. folio, numerous woodcuts, fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges by Lortic, £15. 15s Faris, Galliot du Pre, 1523-24 Collation: Vol.1. Title and 7 other pre- minary leaves, ff. 1—421, and a separate leaf liminary leaves, and ff. 1—285 (185-186 skipped with printer's mark at end. The motto of the in numeration). Vol. II. Title, 9 other preli- printer's mark is " Vogue la Guallee." Quakers: 487 BAECLAII (E. of Vry, Aberdeen) TheologisB vere Christiange Apologia, sm. 4to. old English blue morocco gilt, gilt edges. Baron Dimsdale's copy, £2. 105 Amst. 1676 Rare original edition of this celebrated I styled the " Quintessenz der Quacker Lehre." defence of the Society of Eriends, which has been J Rationalism and Philosophy : 488 DUPUIS, Origine do tons les cultes, ou Eeligion TJniverselle, 7 vols, in 10, 8vo. LAEGE PAPEE, with 4to. Atlas of "11 folding plates, hf bd. £2. 5s Paris, 1795 A very learned work, the foundation of all I studies, and he carefully compares all the Re- the modern systems of Comparative Mythology, | ligions of the Ancients with theii* systems of lately popularized by Professor Max Miiller. Astronomy. Bupuis' work is based upon most extensive j 489 Evidence of the Eesurrection critically examined, sm. Syck sd. an anti-Chris* tian tract, privately prittted, 3s 6d 1865 491 MAEECHAL (Sylvain) Pictionnaire des Athees, anciens et modernes, deuxi^me edition, augmentee par Lalande et Germond, large 8vo. hf calf gilt, rare, 24s Bruxelles, 1833. In this singular Dictionary many of our dis- atheists from passages- extracted from their tinguished philosophers (such as Bacon, Locke, writings. Bolingbroke, Berkeley, &c.) are proved to be 492 M[akeciial] roiir et Contre la Bibl«, 8vo. half calf 15* Jerusalem^ 1801 408 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 493 SABUNDE (Eaymundi de) Theologia Naturalis sive LI BEE CEEATUEA- EUM, specialiter de Homine et de natura ejus in quantum homo, sm. folio, Editio Princeps, large copy, in brown morocco, gilt edges, jt*6. Baventrice, R. Paffroed {cir. 1484) This is the first edition of a famous book in he translated it into French in 1568. The pro- which philosophy and religion are remarkably logue of this first edition was omitted in later blended. Montaigne admired it and identified ones, having been included in the Index Expur- his own principles with those of Sabunde, when gatorius. 494 Saiktes, Histoire critique du Eationalisme en Allemagne, in ^vo. calf neat, 5s Paris, 1841 495 SPINOZA Opera, cum vita auctoris, ed. Paulus, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. bd. 15s Jena, 1802-3 Reformers: 496 PULLEE (Thomas, D.D.) Abel Eedivitus ; or, the Dead yet speaking. The Lives and deaths of the Moderne Divines, written by several able and learned Men, sm. 4to. blatk \dizx, engraved title by Bd. Vaughan, and small heads, besides the rare portrait of Fuller, prefixed, Jine copy in the original calf binding, from the library of Bishop Wynne, rare, £S. 3s 1651 Priced, 1824, Rivingtons, £3. 135 6rf ; | Harwood's in 1859, £4. 35 ; at Sotheby's in 1863, fetched at Prince's Sale in 1858 £3. 18.t ; at I £4. ; another copy in the same year, £6. 497 GEEDESII (D.) Historia Eeformationis sive Annales Evangelii seculo XVI. renovati, 4 vols, numerous portraits of the early reformers and divines, includ' ing the Englishmen, Groningce, 1744-52 — Ejusdem Specimen Italise Eefor- matse, Lugd. Bat. 1765— together 5 vols. sm. 4to. vellum neat, very fine copy, £2. 10s 1744-65 England : 498 COYEEDALE. A Spyrytuall and moost precyouse Pearle, teacbyng all Men to love and imbrace the Crosse, sett forth by the most honorable Lorde the Duke hys Grace of Somerset, as appeareth by hys Epystle set before the same, ]2mo. sheet fH supplied in contemporary MS. calf neat, £3. 3^ Bond. Givalter Bynne, 1550 Very kare : Sir Mark Sykes' copy sold for £10. 105, the present one fetched at Ban- dinel's sale in 1861, £5. The Protector Duke of Somerset saw the work in MS. durinpr his con- finement in the Tower, and it afforded him so much comfort, that on his release he caused it to be printed and graced it with a preface The book has no indication that he was not the author ; but it appears that the original German was by Werdmiiller, and the translation by the great English reformer Coverdale. The former owner, " Thomas C * * * London, Habar- dasher," about 1570, has added several prayers ih MS. at beginning and end, which are very curious. firmed, and the Heretikes finely fetcht over the coales. 499 BECON (T.) Works, in Verse and Prose, diligently perused and corrected, 2 vols, old calf, blacfe letter, YEet -rA-U^, first volume not quite perfect, £8. J. Bay, 1560-64 Probably the scarcest of the works of the Old Reformers to find complete and in good state. 500 BEEHIVE (The) of the Komish Churche, translated out of Dutch into EngHsh by G. Gilpin the Elder, thick 12mo. old calf 18« Imprinted at Bodon, at the Three Cranes in the Vinetree, by Thomas Bawson, for John Stell, 1580 A worke of al good Catholikes too bee read and most necessary to bee understood : wherin both the Catholike Religion is substantially con- 50L [JEWEL] An Apologie, or auDswer in defense of the Church of England, concerning the state of Eeligion used in the same, translated into Eiiglishe, small 4to. very fine cgpy, calf extra, gilt edges, £4. 4« Bondini, Borde save the Quene (E. i2.) 1562 " This translation is different from the trans- I logy." — MS. note. lation as it is in Jewel's defence of this Apo- | 502 Sanderus de origine ac progressu Schismatis Anglicani, ed. et auctus per E. Eishton, 12mo. vellum, fine copy, 10s iSd Colonice Agrip. 1585 503 idem opus, nunc addita Appendice P. Eibadeneirae, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. a wormhole through some of the margins, vellum, IQs Colon. 1610 The appendix of Ribadeneira, which is en- tirely additional in this edition occupies 183 pp. This work of the Jesuit Sanders, although formerly stigmatised as a false and pernicious production, has recently been eulogized in the Saturday Review as the best existing History of the Reformation in England. THEOLOGY: EEFOEMEES. 409 504 POLE (Cardinal). Poll (Reginaldi) de Concilio liber, 15G2 — Eeformatio AngliaB, ex decretis Eeginaldi Poli Cardinalis, 1562 — 2 vols. sm. 4to. -fine large and clean copies, in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £Z. Momce, P. Manutius, 1562 Priced, Thorpe, £4. 14* 6. ^?2c?/;?y with the words, "To him be glory for ever. Amen," purple morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1661 <504 Another edition, sm. 4to. 101pp. ending with, " To him bee," etc. purple morocco extra, gilt edges, a splendid copy, most of the leaves uncut, £3. 16s 1661 All of the preceding different editions are ! Appended to the last one is '* A true and perfect very rare, and are not mentioned in Lovrndes. I I copy of the whole disputation at the Savoy, etc. Jiave met with no trace of the sale of a copy. ' printed in the year 1662," 4 leaves. 605 Selectioi^ of 176 Hymns, for the Use of the English Eeformed Church at Amsterdam, 4to. with the Ifusic, calf gilt, 7s 6d Harlem, JSnschede, 1821 606 PosiE of Godly Prayers, made by Nicholas Themylthorpe, one of the Queens Gentlemen Sewers, 32mo. vellum, 10s 1676 Bound up with a Koman Catholic Prayer I " Mr. Ballantyn," wanting title and part of pre- Book, printed about the same period, the work of j face. €07 PUECHASE'S DiEECTORirM Anglicats^um, a manual of directions fur the light celebration of the Eites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the ancient use of the Church of England, second edition revised by the Eev. P. G. Lee, sm. 4to. 15 plates of Vestments, and other ecclesiastical furniture, vellum, 7iew, 21s 1865 608 Lutherans. KIECHEN-OEDNUNG, wie es inn WolfFgang's Pfaltzgraven bey Ehein, Hertzogen in Baiern, Gravens zu Veldentz, Fiirsitenthumben unnd Landen, etc. gehalten — KIECHEN-GESANNG, Teutsch und Lateini^ch, davon in Newbergischer und Zweybruckischer gleichfoermiger Kirchen-Ordnung Melduni^ Geschicht, all the Music, with leaf of Arms at end — 2 vols, in 1, fulio, verg fine copies in calf, antique style, carmine edges, £Q. Nilrmherg, 1570 Vkry Kare. These Articles and Injunc- | by Herman de Wida, "the good Archbishop," tions were formed, in a great measure, upon the | and which had been drawn up by Martin Bucer. canons of the Council of Cologne, promulgated | Melancthon and Brentius prepared them by the LITURMCAL LITEEATUEE, ETC. 421 desire of the elder Wolfgang, of Bavaria, and they were first issued at Deuxponts (Zwei- briicken) in 1557, and at Neiiberg in 1560; and finally settled and published in 1570 by his son. The portions of Scripture are taken from Luther's version, and the Litany, Creed, and Communion Service are the same as those still in use in the Lutheran Church. This volume, which is elegantly printed in red and black, with musical notes, is a valuable relic of a branch of the Lutheran Church, which no longer exists. (509 Maebukgee Gesangbuch von 1549 lieraus. von Eanke, sd. 35 Qd Marlurg, 1862 610 LUTEEEI Cateciiismus, ofwersatt pa American-Virginiske Sprakkt, 12mo red morocco extra, £4. 45 Stockholm^ 1696 Collation. Title and preface, 16 pp. ; text, 160 pp. Pp. 133 — 160 contain a Vocabularium Barbara- Virgineorum, of which the first leaf is a separate title. The few copies of this extremely curious volume, partly in the language of the Indians of Virginia, which have appeared for sale have always sold for high sums. Being printed for the use of the Indians in Virginia, almost the entire edition was exported. 611 Twv EicfcArjo-fwy rrjg BfA-ytJcric AidaorKoXia kot- Ta^ig, 4to. LARGE PAPER, Liturgy of the Reformed Church of Holland, all in llodern Greek, vellum^ 12s Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1648 612 Waldenses. Li 150 sacri Salmi di Davide ed alcuni Cantici Ecclesiastici accordati alio Melodie di Lobvvasser da Planta, 12mo. loith the Music, black morocco, gilt edges, 12s Strada^ 1740 Dedicated to George II. King of England. Ethiopian Church. 613 Modus Baptizaj^di, Preces et Benedictiones quibus Ecclesia ^thiopum utitur, item Missa qua Sacerdotes communiter utuntur, ex lingua ^thiopica conversa, smallest 4to. hf. calf, 12s Lovanii, 1550 Greek Church. 614 HOEOLOGrlUM Magnum et Troparium, Horas Officii Divini continens? Greece, thick sm. 4A,o.fine Byzantine Manuscript upon Bomhyx paper, dated in the year 6982, a.m. of the Gonstantinopolitan Era, in the original hinding, having a portion of one leaf torn off, £8. 1474 This beautiful specimen of Greek Caligraphy I Government on Manuscripts in the Levant. It is mentioned in Mr. Coxe's Report to H. M. | measures 8 inches by 5^. 614*LECTIONxlEIUM sive Evangelistarium, Grsece, large 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM, a fragment of an ancient Ghurch Service, finely written in a large hand, in double columns, bound in red morocco extra, £10. 10* Sec. XIII. Interesting as an example of the workman- ship of the period. There are some curious initial letters, coloured ; and the whole character of the handwriting is antique and primitive. The dative iota is always omitted, the -^ has the cross- shape, and the t and v are dotted- 615 LITUEaiA aEiECA, cum MUSICA. The Service for the Transfiguration, in Greek, with MUSICAL NOTATION, 12mo. Manuscript o^ paper, bound in red morocco extra, ornamented back and sides after the antique, by Bedford, £10. 10^ Sec. XV. This very curious MS. was written in the island of Crete, as appears from the words — "»:at ravra kuOwq \pa\XovTai Trapa Kvp. ^tvtSiKrov ETTtCr/COTTOTTOuXoV HpiOTOJTraTTa TToXewQ FvOsifi- VT]g.'* The town of Hhythimna was in the north of Candia or Crete, as appears from old maps, and perhaps an examination of the records of Venetian domination in that island may shew the exact 615*HOEOLOGIUM continens quae in sequenti paginasunt scripl-a, Greece, 12mo. printed in red and black, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bozerian, from the Yemeniz library, £5. Florentice, Hceredes Fhilippi Juntee, 1523 This rare edition of a rare volume is not I the Giunta typography, and very attractive to the mentioned by Brunet, but it is a line specimen of | lover of choice old books. 2 g3 time when the Protopapa flourished. The Music is singularly noted, and it is remarkable that where one syllable accompanies several notes, the vowels are duplicated or triplicated in spelling, as the case may be. There are two old vellum fly- leaves covered with Greek writing of the 10th or 1 1th Century. 422 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 616 NIKHOOPOY (ApxLeirKTK, A^paxav.) KvpiaKo^pofiiov : ipfxriveia Kai ofiiXia £ig TO Kara iracFav KvpiaKr^v EvayyaXiov, 2 vols. 4to. Dominicale €fthe Greek Church in Greek, calf, gilt edges, 10s Moscha, 179G Jewish Church. a Collection of Hebrew Prayers, very stout 12mo. heautifully and gold, £10. 165 616*TEPHILLA printed in black and gold, tvith the voivel points, upon vellum, blue morocco readers who have made a study of that subject. The writer of an article on the Makhazor in Wet- zer and Welte's Kirchen - Lexikon, states that "fur die vollstandigste und geschatzteste von alien Ausgaben gilt die von Bologna, 1541." This was because the present edition was unknown to him, in consequence of its extreme rarity, the edition of 1541 being merely a reproduction of it. exti'a, gilt edge Very rare. It is mentioned by Van Praet at No. 9 of the first volume of the " Livres Im- primes sur velin," being quoted by him from the catalogue of De Rossi's Library. This precious volume of Hebrew Prayers, according to the rite of the Roman Synagogue, derives additional value beyond its rarity, from the pieces of festal poetry which are interspersed, and which, being imbued with the old mysticism of the Talmud, are of very great interest to Mormon Churc \l—See ante, under " Theology, Mormonism." CLASSICS. GREEK AND LATIN WRITERS OF ALL PERIODS. Ancient History, Topography of Greece and Rome, Byzantine Historians, Ancient Worships, etc. Manuscript Codices: 617 BOETHIUS de Consolatione Philosophijb, sm. folio, Illuminated Manu- cript on Vellum, probably of Italian workmanship, with painted border of figures round the opening page, the first initial and four others adorned with figures of the author, etc. calf gilt, £10. circ. 1400 A comparison of this text with the Leyden to transfer the quotations to his own copy being edition of 1771 and the variorum notcc, shews wholly failures, yet he had before him a good that a collation of the present MS. would be original. Some peculiarities of Ihe orthography necessary for a future edition of Boethius. It are — the rejection of double consonants, as in confirms some conjectural emendations and rec- modem Spanish ; the occasional use of s for x ; tifies many readings; so that, although the scribe the spelling oi faties for Jacies, oi amonitione for was evidently quite ignorant of Greek, his efforts admonitione. 618 CICEEO (M. T.) de Obatoee ad Quintum Pratrem ; Sallustii Crispi in M. T. Ciceronem Oratio et in Sallustium Oratio Ciceronis ; Epistola Lentuli ad Senatores Eomse ; Pontius Pilatus Regi Claudio ; Epistola Csesaris copiata ex Exemplari habito ex exemplari Fetrarce, quam ipse Petrarca auream dicit ; PJutarclii Epistola ad Trayanum Imperatorem ; C. Eabricius et Q. JEmilius Consules Pirrho Regi ; Josephus de Christo — in one vol. 4to. fine Manuscript of 135 leaves upon VELLUM, tvith elegant Ara- besque initials illuminated in gold and colours, the first page decollated by a beautiful border of interlaced work, adorned witJi figures of birds, a butterfly and flowers, having the arms of Antonius de Campanatiis painted in the lower compartment, an elegant Manuscript, in very flne preservation, calf gilt back, £15. 1458 The De Oratore, ends on the obverse of folio 127, and is thus described by the copyist: "Marci Tullii Ciceronis Oratoris libri expliciunt. Scripti per me Petrum Suuildcn Leodien. Dyoc. anno a nativitate domini mcccclviii. tempore potesla- | torie Venerabilis ac egregii viri domini Anton ii de Campanatiis Juris civilis doctoris famosissimi tunc t'pis co'is Medicine potestatis clarissimi." It is followed by the other pieces above mentioned which end on the obverse of folio 135. CLASSICS, GEEEK AND LATIN WRITEES. 423 G19 JUSTINI clarissimi hiatorici super liistoriis Trogi Pompei Epythoma, 4ito. fine MS. on VELLUM, 125 leaves, the first page adorned ivith an elegant arabesque border, the initials painted and heightened ivith gold, the writing executed in a very neat hut someiohat peculiar character^ hound in parchment^ £8. 155 Sec. XIV. G20 OVIDII METAMOEPHOSEON Libri I-VI, sm. folio, Manuscript on 65 leaves of paper, in magnijicent preservationy hound in vellum, £5. Italy, circ. 1420 A valuable text, stopping short eighty-four lines from the end of the sixth book. It is very neatly and regularly written, with corrections which indicate extreme accuracy on the part of the scribe, who however follows a semi-Italian ortho- graphy of his own throughout the book. Manu- scripts of Ovid are very rare, few libraries, even 621 PEISCIANI aEAMMATICA. Ars Prisciani viri eloquentissimi Grammatici, sm. 4to. MS. on Vellum, 211 leaves, original Medicean binding, 2610. 10s Sec, XIIL the public collections of the European states, con- taining any. Consequently a Codex which, like the present, offers a large number of various read- ings, must bo considered highly important and valuable for citation in future editions of the work. readings. The Greek citations are written in uncial characters. The text begins with the inscription "ad Julianum Consulem.'^ The last two leaves are in a more modern hand. Valuable Manuscript, formerly in the posses- sion of Lorenzo de Medici, of whose library it formed an important part. The initial letters are very curious in the grotesque and interlaced style; and the text presents a large number of various 622 PEISCIANI de Grammatica Libri XV., sm. 4to. MS. on vellum, 243 leaves, broivn morocco, gilt edges, £7. 10s Important and valuable Manuscript. The first and last leaves are damaged, but the book is otherwise complete, in a fine Italian hand, adorned with capitals painted and heightened with gold. The text is very pure, and the Greek citations are added by another hand than that of the scribe. 623 SENECiE TRAGffiDI^ decern, cum Glossis, small folio, beautiful Italian MS. on fine vellum, with the initials elegantly illuminated in gold and colours, bound in old russia gilt in the Harleian style, £75. Sec. XIV. Sec. XV. The differences between the MS. and Krehl's edition are remarkable; a collation of them would be required for any future edition. It has the inscription "ad Julianum Consulem," and the last book (XV) is the same as that which Krehl has divided into XV and XVI. This most valuable Manuscript contains a vast number of Various Readings, very important for the collation of printed editions, and the rec- tification of the text. Copies, especially in com- plete state, are very rare ; one amongst the Arundel MSS. Brit, Museum is perfect, another amongst the Eurney MSS. is defective ; two, in Lincoln College and All Souls' at Oxford, arc defective and not so early by a century as the above. One in Merton College, equally old, has only seven Tragedies; and there is no copy in the libraries of Lambeth, Durham, the Palatine at Florence, or that of the Dukes of Burgundy, Brussels. The glosses or running comments in the present MS. afford very valuable iuterpretations and elucida- tions of the text. Printed Books. 624 Aelian's Tactiks, or Art of embattailing an Army after ye Grecian manrer, by Bingham, small ioMo, fine frontispiece and numerous plates, hf bd. 7s Gd London, 1G16 625 ^SCHYLI Teagcedi^ sex, Greece, sm. 8vo. Editio Princeps, very fine copy in old red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 12s 6d Venet. Aldus, 1518 " Vendu, beaux excmp. 84 fr. D O 90 fr. Larchcr." — Brunei. This edition, which has always been sought after by the curious on account of its rarity, pos- sesses a far greater claim to the notice of scholars; for notwithstanding tliat it has been the fashion with bibliographers to decry it as " incori'cct and 626 AEScnTLi Tragoedloe sex, Greece, 12mo. old red morocco, gilt edges, Ss Pa?'is, Adrian Turnebi, 1552 627 Tragoediae YII, graece, cum scholiia graecis Petri Victorii, 4to. old rough calf, the Marquis of Hastings's copy, 7s GU Faris, Stephanus, 1557 iviperject," it was chiefly by its means that Wellauer was enabled to give a much purer text than had been done by any of his predecessors ; or in his own words : " In lectionibus Aldinis complures reperiuntur, vel dignae, quae in textum recipiantur, vol certo ita comparatiB, ut conjecturis ab intcrpretibus prolatis, prceferendce sunt." 4U BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOIS'. 628 ^scHTLrs. Tragoediae, Greece, ex recensione Porsoni, folio, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £d. lOs Glasgow, Foulis, 1795 The so often quoted account of this edition given in the Pursuits of Literature does not appear to be accurate. The fact is, that Porson furnished Foulis with a corrected copy of Pauw's edition, from which an 8vo. impression Was struck off in 1794, but was kept back till 1806. In the mean time IMr. Foulis piiblished this magnificent folio (the impression of which is said to have been limited to 1 1 copies on Large Paper and 52 on 629 ^SOPI et GABRiiE Fabellae, Greece et Latine, Phomutus de IS'atura Beorum, Greece; Palaephatus de non credendis Historiis, Greece; Heraclides de AUegoriis, Greece ; Collectio Proverbiorum, Greece, etc. small folio, fine large copy in MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, rare, £5. 5^ Aldus, 1505 small paper). — Mus. Crit. 1813. — The size of the volume is exactly that of the large paper Homer, likewise printed by Foulis, and when illustrated by Flaxman's plates, the two works form an ele- gant and desirable series. Priced, 1882, Payne and Foss, £8. 8*; Didot's copy fetched, 1810, mor. 615 fr. — See Dibdin's Bill. Spencer. Vol. V, p. 123. execution of it is magnificent, and it is considered as one of the finest of the Aldinc classics." Renouard is elaborate in his account of this '-''rare et belle edition,^' as he calls it. Sir Mark Sykes' copy fetched £20. " Vendu 126 fr. Didot;"' 124 flor. Meennan ; 300 fr. Renouard. This beautiful edition is called by De Bure, •* rare and nmch sought after by the curious ; the 630 Alui Manutii de quaesitis per Epistolam lib. III. 3 parts in one vol. 12mo. head of Aldvs on title, fine copy in old red mar. gilt edges, 12s Venet. 1576 631 A^'ACREONTis Odarica, Gr. cum var. lect. ed. Forster, sm. 8vo. vignettes, hds. 6s ^ 1813 632 As'ACREONTis et Sapphus reliquiae, graece ed. Yan Eeenen, 4to. large paper, vellum, 10s Amst. Hesse, 1807 Only a limited number of copies were thus issued. 633 ANTHOLOGIA EPiaRAMMATUM GsAEcoRrM Planudis rhetoris cura Lascaris, sm. 4to. Editio princeps, printed in Capital letters, the first leaf {containing list of authors^ and the last 7 supplied hy the reprint, two small worm-holes, of which one only touches the lower margin, fine large copy in old red morocco extra, gilt borders and edges, hy Bozerian, rare, £Q. Florent. L. F. de Alopa, 1194 copies, in order to consult his own safety, the de- dication to Pietro dei Medici being dangerous under the circumstances of his flight from Flo- rence, and the French invasion of Italy. Vendu 160 fr. {m. r. reimpr.) Gaignat ; £15. 15*. Askew; 400 fr. Briennc-Laire ; ^12. 17s llehei:''— Brunei. The rarity of the 8 reprinted leaves is caused by the publisher having destroyed them in most 634 AISTHOLOG-IA Q-EAECA : Eaccolta di rari epigrammi, divisa in sette libri (Greco-ltaliani, da Graetano Carcani) 5 vols, in 6, royal 4to. apparently LARGE PAPER, calfgilt, ^'4. 45 Napoli, 1788-96 " Trcs belle edition, dont on trouve difficilement des exemplaires complets." — Brunet. 635 ANTHOLOGIA Gr^ca ad fidem Codicis Parisini, curavit et annotationem criticam adjecit Jacobs, 4 vols, in 3, 8vo. calf neat, 30« Lips. 1813-17 636 ANTHOLOGIA veterum LATINOEUM Epigrammatum et Poematum cura Burmax>'i secundi, 2 vols. 4to. large paper, calfgilt, 26s Amst. J759-73 637 ANIONINITS, Vetera Eomanorum ITINEEAEIA sive Antonini Augusti Itinerarium, sum notis variorum curante Wesselingio, stout 4to. large PAPER, ^;ze copy in old calf, tooled sides, 36s Arnst. 1735 Priced, Thorpe, £3. 13* 6rf; Thorpe, 1824, £7. 7*.; Longman, 1837, £9. ^s; J. Bohn, £5. 5*. 638 APOLLONII EHODII Argonautica, cum Scholiis, Greece, cura G. Asulani, 12mo. a very fine tall copy, ruled French morocco, hroad borders of gold, silk litdngs, gilt edges, from the McCarthy collection, £2. 12s Gd Venetiis, Aldics, 1521 " Cette edition est belle et tres rare." — Re- I 1830, Payne and Foss, £A. 4.? ; another, £5. 5^; KOUARD. Priced 1824, Thorpe, £3. 13* 6rf; J Heber's copy fetched £8. 85; Heath's, £3. 16«. CLASSICS, GREEK AND LATIN WRITEES. 425 639 APOLLONII RHODII Argonautica Gr. et Lat. edidit J. Shaw, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Brunck's copy, ivith copious MS. notes and emendations to the ori- ginal Greek by this eminent Classical scholar^ and a gross note on the title- page containing a very severe attack on the editor of this edition^ calf g. e. from M. Eenouard's library, £3. 3^ Oxon. 1777 These notes are characteristic at once of the learning and virulence of the celebrated Brunck. 640 Argonautic Expedition, translated by Greene, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. calf, 2s Gd 1780 641 Apuleius, the Metamorphosis, or Golden xA^ss ; and philosophical Works, by Th. Taylor, 8vo. ivith the 5 leaves of Suppressed passages, bds. 24^ 1822 642 APATOY ^aivofjieya Kai Aio(Tr}fieia ; GEilNOS ^x'^Xia ; AEONTIOS Trepi ApareiaQ ]S0atjoac, sm. 4to. fne large copy in red mobocco extra, gilt edges, by Fadeloup,from the Temeniz library, d^2. 2s Paris. Morel. 1559 643 AEISTOPHANIS Comoediae Novem, {Greece, cum scholiis Graecis et praefa- tione Marci Musuri) folio, Editio princeps, a little wormed, in the original binding of boards, covered with hogskin, £4. Venet. Aldus, 1498 644 another copy, very tall, folio, slightly waterstained, fine copy in gilt limp vellum, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £3. Ss 1498 645 another copy, folio, purple morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3* 1498 " Premiere edition belle et rare, Vend. 425 fr. Didot; Heber, £12. 5a" — Brunei. 616 AEISTOPHANIS Comoediae emendatsB ab Invernizio, 13 vols. 8vo. Best edi- tion, calf gilt, 36s Lips. 1794-1826 647 eaedem, 13 vols, stout 8vo. thick papee, bds. £2. 8s 1794-1826 648 ARISTOTELIS Opera Omnia, Greece et Latine, edidit Im. Bekker ; cum Scholiis Grsecis C. A. Brandis \ edidit Academia Kegia Borussica, 4 vols. 4to. hf calf, £2. 16s Berol 1831-36 649 the same, fine papee, 4 vols. 4to. hf. cafgiH, £S. 10s 1831-36 The edition on ordinary paper is published at 24 Thalers; that on fine paper at 32 Thalers. 650 Aeistotelis Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. recensuit Buhle, 8vo. Vols. I.-V. (all published) Fine Paper, calf neat, 12s Biponti, 1791 " A beautiful and very excellent edition." — Dibdiu. 651 Aeistotelis Histoeia Animalium, cum Theophrasto de Piscibus. etc. Greece, ed. Thomaeus, sm. 4to. ancient M8. notes in a neat hand, fine large copy in morocco extra, by Riviere, £2. Plorent. hceredes Juntce, 1527 652 Ethicorum Nicomachiorum explicatio Joachimi Cameeaeii, nunc primiim edita, sm. 4to. very fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, with the Arms of Dk Thou stamped in gold on the sides, veey eaee, £3. Francof. 1578 653. Politique, traduite dii Grec, avec des notes, etc. par Millon, 3 vols. 8vo. fine copy in old French crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, 14s Paris, 1808 654 Metaphysica, Graece, recognovit Bonitz, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. bd. 6s Bonnae, 1848-49 655 Octavus Topicorum liber, Greece et Lat. cum annotationibus Grynsei, 1545 — Nicephori Dialecta, Valla interprete, 1558 — in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. very fine copy in old citron morocco extra, gilt edges, with the Arms and monogram of Be Thou, £1. lis Gd Basil. 1545-58 656 the Metaphysics of Aristotle, translated with copious notes, by Th. Taylor, impl. 4to. Ids. 10s _ 1801 657 JOANNIS Geammatici Commentaria in libros de Anima Aristotelis, Graece, ed. Trincavellus, sm. folio, calf, richly gilt, 10s Venet. 1535 658 contra Proclum de Mundi aeternitate, gr. ed Trincavelus, Venet. 1535 — Joannis Gr. in primos quatuor Aristotelis de naturali auscultatione libros comentaria, gr. ed. Trincavelus, Venet. 1535 — in 1 vol. sm. folio, calf neat, 12s ib. 1531 These 3 works cost the late Mr. Mitford £.\. \s. 426 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 659 JoUEDAiN (M.) Eecherches critiques sur les Traductions Latines d'Aristote, et sur les Commentaires Grecs et Arabes, 8vo. cloth, 5s Paris, 1819 660 AENOLD'S History of Eome, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 26s 1838-43 661 History of Eome, and the Eoman Commonwealth, with the reign of Augustus aud Life of Trajan, 5 vols. 8vo. hf. red morocco, full gilt hacTcs, ^4. 1838-50 662 Introductory Lectures on Modern History, 8vo. cloth, 7s Oxford, 1842 663 AEEIANUS de Expeditione Alexandri Magni ; ejusdem Indica, Greece et Lat' interp. Vulcanius, recensuit Blancardus, 8vo. fine copy in vellum, mth an Imperial Bishop's Arms, and the word Noviomagum, stamped in gold on the sides, 7s Gd Amst. 1668 (664 Expeditio Alexandri et Historia Indica, Gr. et Lat. ex Bonav. Vul- canii interpretatione Latina, cum notis et Indice, opera Jac. Gronovii, folio, LARGE PAPER, vcllum, 9s Lugd. Bat. 1704 665 Idem, ed. Eaphelius, cum notis, Indice, et Photii Eclogis, cura Schotti, stout 8vo. vellum, Qs Amst. 1757 Q{jQ Arriani Epictetus, Greece, 12mo. red morocco gilt, 12s Venet. Zanetti, 1535 " Cette edition est la premiere ou se trouvent les dissertations d'Arrien." — Brunei. 667 ATHEN^US ex recensione Dindorfii, 3 vols. 8vo. hf cf neat, 10s Zips. 1827 668 ATHfiN^E, Banquet des Savans, traduit, tant sur les textes imprimes, que sur plusieurs manuscrits par Lefebre de Villebrune, 5 vols. 4to, calf neat, 165 Baris, 1778-9 669 AUCTOEES LATIxN^I m vsvu DELPHINI, cum Notis YAEIOEUM, VARUS Leotionibus, Conspectu Codicum et Editiontjm, et Lntdicibus LOCUPLETissiMis, accurato recensiti, cura et impensis A. J. Valpy, 168 vols. 8vo. very fine set, uniformly and elegantly hound in ^iqskis gilt, gilt edges, a singularly fine set, £60. 1819-30 This valuable series comprises. Apuleius . 7 Horatius . . 4 Pomp. Festus . . 2 Aulus Gellius . 3 Justinus . . 2 Propertius . 2 Aurel. Victor , 2 Juvenal , 2 Prudentius . 3 Ausonius . 3 Livius . 22 Q. Curtius . 3 Boethius . 1 Lucretius . . 3 Sallustius . . 2 Caesar 4 Manilius . . 2 Statins Catullus . 2 Martial . 3 Suetonius . Cicero 16 Ovidius . 9 Tacitus . .' 10 Claudian . 4 Panegy. Vett. . 5 Terentius . Corn. Nepos 2 Persius . 1 TibulluB . Pictjs et Dares 1 Phaedrus . . 1 Val. Maximus , Eutropius . 1 Plautus . 5 Vel. Paterculus . Floras 2 Plinius, sen. . 13 Virgilius . This is the moi >t complete edition of the have cost about £60. Latin Classics ever published. The original The beet 1 ext is given, and the Ordo and j)rice in boards w as£ 56. 8*. The binding must [ Indie ^s are made to correspond with th< B text. 670 AUGUSTS HISTOEI^ SCEIPTOEES, folio, Editio Princeps, old red mo- Eocco, ornamented sides, gilt edges, vert eaee, £6. Gs 3fediolani, B. de Lavagna, 1475 This copy has not the Suetonius, which, al- 1 usually found in the volume. The Pinelli copy though a separate work by the same printer, is j sold for £32. iyjl AULI G-ELII NocTiUM ATTicAErM Commentarius, iolio, fine large copy in old red morocco extra, gilt edges, £7. 7s Venetiis, per Nicolaum Jenson, 1472 "Edition magnifiquement executee, et en- .corc tres-rare ; vend. 136 fr. Mac-Carthy." Bru7iet. Priced, 1840, Payne and Poss, £10. 10« ; J 841, Bohn, £12. \2s. Dr. Askcw's copy fetched £\\. lO*-. This rare aud beautiful volume, in which the Greek quotations arc remarkable for their elegance of type, is the third edition of the work, and reproduces exactly the Princeps of Rome, 1469. The Bihliotheque Curieuse of Clement bestows high praise upon it. CLASSICS, GREEK AND LATIN WEITERS. 427 G72 AuLi Gellit Noctium Atticarum libri XX cum notis ct emendationibus Fri- dorici et Gronovii, 4to. vellum, 5s Lugd. Bat. 1706 673 Aulu-Gelle, Nuits Attiques, Latin et FrangaiSy par Verger, 3 vols. 8vo. hd. 7s Gd Paris, 1820 674 AUSONII Opera, in meliorem ordinem (ab Helia Yinet) restituta, 24mo. old red morocco extra, gilt edges, 16s Faris, Morel et Kerver, 1551 Verit Rare ; so much so as to have been I is the first edition by Vinet, while they all attri- unkttown to Nicevon, Brunet, and Ebert. This | bute his first edition to a later date. 675 BACCII (And.) de Naturali VINORIJM: Historia, de vinis Italic et de Conviviis antiquorum libri YII. folio, engraved title containing Poeteait, small stamp on title^fine tall copy^ half bound morocco, an esteemed worJc, £3. Bomce, 1597 " Ouvrage rare et recherche." — Brunet. 676 BANDURI Imperium Orientale, sive Antiquitates Constantinopolitanae, 2 stout vols, folio, 'plates of Byzantine Art and Antiquities, fine copy in old calf gilt, Z2s Paris, 1711 677 BENFEY'S Griecliisclies Wurzel-Lexikon, Band I, stout Svo. QSQ pp. the Lexicon complete, sd. 2s 6d Berlin, 1839 678 BERGIER (N.) Histoire des Grands Chemins de I'Empibe Romain, 4to. ruled throughout with red lines, fine copy in old French red morocco extra, gilt edges, from the library of C. L, Auhry, Conseiller au Farlement, £2. Faris, 1622 679 Histoire des Grands Chemkts dfe TEmpire Romaiw, 2 vols. 4to. LARGE ^A.VBR, portraits and plates, calf , 28s Bruxelles, 17 2S 680 BEUL6, 1'Acropole d'Atbenes, 2 vols. 8 plates of views and plans — Etudes sur le Peloponese, 1 vol. — together 3 vols. Svo. morocco, 25* Paris, 1853-55 682 BIONIS et Mosohi Idyllia, Greece, illustrabat et emendabat Gilb. Wake- field, 8vo. LARGE PAPER, beautifully printed, tree-marbled calf by Biviere, 18s Bensley, 1795 Williams' copy sold for £1. 7*. I vantes. — Brunet. Texte revu, et accompagne de notes sa- j Bodoni Editions: 683 Hesiodt Opera omnia, accedit versio Italica a G. M. Pagnini, 2 parts in 1 vol. roy. 4to. boards, 6s Farmce, ex Beg. Typ. (Bodoni), 1797 684 LoNGi Pastoralia, Grsece, cum Proloquio de Libris eroticis Antiquorum (a P. M. Paciaudi), roj. 4to. bound, uncut, 7s Qd ib. 1786 685 BOECKH. Corpus INSCRIPTIONUM GR^CARUM, auctoritate et impensis Academia? Litterarum RegisB Borussicse ediderunt A. Boeckbius, J. Frail zius, E. Curtius et A. Kircbboff, Yols. I, II, and III, pts. 1, 2, roy. folio, three in cloth, one sewed, £5. Berolini, 1828-48 The continuation, which is carried as far as part 2 of Vol. IV. can be supplied. "This collection of all the known Greek which they relate, is executed with judgment and learning, and supplies a great desideratum, in ancient historical literatm-e." — Heeren. Inscriptions, arranged according to Towns to 686 BOECKING, Notitia Dignitatum et Administrationum omnium tam Ci- vilium quam Militarium in partibus Orientis et Occidentis, cum libellis Pro- vinciarum Romanarum et Gallicarum, etc. cum Indice, 5 parts in 2 vols. Svo. best edition, numerous woodcuts of facsimiles, hf calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, 325 BonncB, 1828-53 <)88 BOETIUS cum triplici Coramentario. Boetii Consolatio Philosophica cum divi Thomse aliorumquo commentariis, sm. folio, lit. tjoti). woodcuts, olive morocco, gilt edges, £2. s. I. et a. 1521 The name " Symon Vincent" appears on [ probably the publisher and the printer. ' Joannes Marion" at the cnd^ 428 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 689 BOTFIELD'S PfiJiirATioxES et Epistolae Editionibus Principibus Auctorum Veterum praepositae, curante Beriali Botfield. — Aho with the title : " Pre- faces to the first editions of the Grreek and Eoman Classics and the Sacred Scriptures, London, 1861," 4to. (pub. at £5. 6s) hf. morocco, uncut, 20^ Cantahrigice, 1861 690 BEUCKEEI (Jac.) Historia critica PhilosophisB, a mundi incunabulis ad iios- tram usque aetatem deducta, 6 vols. 4to. portrait, 26s Lipsicd, 1742 691 editio secunda Yol. YI accessionum et supplementorum auctior, 6 vols. 4to. best edition, portrait, large paper, calf, £2. 10.9 it). 1767 Still the standard book for the best view of all the ancient systems of philosophy of the East and West, and descending also to Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, and the moderns. Priced, 1839, Thorpe, £3. 13^ 6^; 1844, Longman, £2. 18* ; 1847, £3. Zs ; 1848, Payne and Poss, £5. 56-. 692 BuTTMAx^^'s Lexilogus, or meaning and etymology of Greek words — Cata- logue of irregular Greek verbs— 2 vols, in one, 8vo. calf, 6s 1840-4 693 ByzANTiifE Historians: LABBE, de Byzantinae historiae scriptoribus, folio, vellum, 7s 6d. Pa m, 1648 694 CAESAEIS Commentarii, cum Indice Martiani, folio, fne copy, vellum, rare, ^*3. 6s 3Iediolani, Fh. Lavagna, 1478 The early Milan editions of the Classics were I has a general geographical interest, made with special care ; the Index to this edition | 695 Caesaris Opera, cura et studio Oudendorpii, 2 vols. 4to. large paper, por- trait, maps and plates, calf gilt, 36* Lugd. JBatav. 1737 696 Calltmachi Hymni (cum suis scholiis graecis) et Epigrammata, gr. et lat. ed. H. Stephanus, 4:to.fine copy in limp vellum, 7s Qd Paris, H. Stephanus, 1577 697 CATULLUS, TIBULLUS, PEOPETIUS {sic) cura Aldi Eomani, 12rao. with cancel title to correct the blunder, at end, fine copy in morocco, gilt edges, the sides of the contemporary* stamped Venetian binding preserved, Mr. Felix Slade's copy, £4. 4^ Venetiis, Aldus, 1502 698 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Vlmo.fine copy in russia gilt, 2\.s Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1515 699 Catullt, Tibulli, Propertii nova editio Scaligeri, 12mo. calf, 6s Antv. 1582 700 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius, in 1 vol. 48mo. Fickerinfs diamond edi- tion, calf gilt, 7s Qd Londlni, 1824 T'Ol CELSUS (Aurelius Cornelius) de Medicij^^a, small folio, second edition, citron MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s Mediolani, Fachel et Sinczenzeler, 1481 This copy cost the former proprietor I It is almost as rare as the C^i7iojt7rmc^j05 of 1478. £8. 18s 6rf. " Edition pen commune." — Brunet.] 702 Cein'SORIxus de Die Natali, et Lucilii Eeliqui^e, ex recensione Havercampi, sm. 8vo. diagrams, fine copy in russia extra, gilt edges, Syston Farh copy. Vis Lugd. Bat. 1743 703 Champolliox, Palcographie des Classiques Latins d'apres les MSS. de la Bibliotheque Eoyale, avec une introduction par ChainpoUion-Eigeac, folio, 12 facsimile plates, cloth, 24^ Farts, 1839 704 Chassakg, Histoire du Eoman et de ses rapports avec I'histoire, dans I'anti- quite Grecque et Latine, 8vo. sd. 6s Faris, 1862 705 CHEYSOLOE^ Erotemata, Greece, 12mo. wanting two leaves, red morocco, gilt leaves, 32« sine loco et anno, (? 1477) Dibdin considers this edition as more ancient than that of 1484, and consequently the first, but there is no certainty on this point. 706 CHEYSOLAEAE Erotemata, graece: Erotemata Guarij^i cum multis addi- tamentis et cum commentariis latinis, 16mo. calf, extremely rare, Mr. Mit- ford's copy, 2I« Ferrariae, Mazochus, 1509 707 CICEEONIS Opera, cum delectu commentarium, ed. Olivetus, 9 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, 285 Faris, 1740-42 This fine edition may still be considered in j Cicero, many respects the standard and best edition of *' Edition imprimee avec des caracteres sem- blables a ceux de I'Homere de Florence, 1488." Brunet. CLASSICS, GREEK AND LATIN WEITEES. 429 708 CiCERONis Opera omnia, ex recensione Ernesti cum ejusdem, notis et Clave Ciceroniana, 8 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 27s Halts, 1774-77 709 Opera omnia., ex recensione Ernesti cum ejusdem notis et Clave Ciceroniana, 8 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, £2. 2s 1819 710 Opera, edidit Amar, 18 vols. 24mo. blue grained calf , gilt edges, a pretty set, ms Paris, 1823-25 711 Opera, qu^ supersunt omnia, ac deperditorum Eragmenta, cum varietate Lambiniana mdlxvi. Graevio-Graratoniana, Ernestiana, Beckiana, Scljuetziana, ac praestantissimarum cuj usque libri editionum integra, edidit Orellius, 7 vols.- Scholia, 2 vols. — Onomasticon Tullianum et Easti Consul, et triumph. Eom. 3 vols. — together 12 vols. impl. 8vo. best edition, fine copy in calf gilt, contents lettered, £4. 18s Turici, 1826-37 Priced, 1843-53, unbound, £6. 6s ; 1844, White, calf gilt, £8. 8^. 712 CICERO N, ffiuvREs Completes, en Latin et en Franqais, traductions nou- velles par MM. Andrieux, Agnant, Bompart, Champollion-Figeac, Charpen- tier. Chevalier, Delcasso, E. Oreslou, de Guerle, de Golberj, Du Eozoir, Ajasson de Grandsagne, Gueroult, Liez, J. Mangeart, Matter, C. L. E. Pancoucke, etc. 36 vols. 8yo. foreign boards, a good edition, £2. 10s Paris, Pancoucke, 1835-7 A correct text, with excellent translations, I ginal, but also rank high amongst French literary which are not only faithful versions of the ori- | compositions. 713 CiCERONis Epistolarum libri XVI ad Pomp. Atticum, ex recensione Graevii, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. russia extra, Qs Amst. Wetstenius, 1684 714 Oritiones, cum optimis exemplaribus accurate collatae, 3 vols. 18mo. red MOROCCO, extra borders, gilt edges, 15s Lugd. Bat. Elz. 1642 715 de OFEiciis ad Marcum filium, 12mo. old English red morocco gilt, 7s Gd GlasgucB, Foulis, 1757 716 Three Bootes of Dueties to Marcus his sonne, turned out of Latine into Englishe by Nicholas Grimalde, wherrunto the Latine is adioyned, 18mo. title within woodcut border, the English in h\u^ letter, the Latin in Roman, bound, 20s 1574 717 ad Quintum fratrem libri de Oratore, sm. folio, very large copy in strong old russia gilt ^ with the very rare blanh leaves at beginning and end, 20s Venetiis Maq. Andreas Catharensis, 1478 718 NIZOLII Lexicon Ciceronianum, 3 vols. 8vo. best edition, bds. 30^ 1820 719 Claudiani Opera quae exstant cum var. lect. illust. a Gesnero, 2 vols. sm. 8to. vellum, 5s 1759 720 Opera omnia, edentibus Heinsio et Burmanno, 4to. Dutch vellum, 7s Gd Amstelaedami, 1760 "Bonne edition, 18 h. 24 fr." — Brunei. 721 CLINTON'S (Henry Eynes) Fasti HELLENICI : the Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the earliest Accounts to the Death of Augustus, 3 vols. 4to. boards, 20s Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1834-27-30 722 the same, neic edition, (pub. at 3^4. I65) cloth, £3. ISs 1851-41-34 723 (H. E.) Easti EOMANI ; the Civil and Literary Chronology of Home and Constantinople, from the death of Augustus to the death of Justin II. 2 vols. 4to. (pub. at ^3. Qs) cloth, £2. 12s Qd Oxford, 1845-50 724 CLUVEEII (Ph.) Germania antiqua, folio, engraved title, numerous plates and maps, vellufn, very rare, 20s Lugd. Bat. Elzev. 1631 725 Sicilia antiqua, Sardinia et Corsica, folio, woodcut title, maps, old calf gilt, 7s Gd Lvgd. Bat. Elzev. 1619 726 Italia antiqua, 2 vols, in 1, folio, woodcut title, maps, portrait, large copy, stamped hogskin, slightly wormed, rare, 10s Lugd. Bat. Elzev. 1624 727 the same, 4 vols, folio, plates and maps, the complete set, old calf gilt, £2. 2s 1619-31 " Ces trois ouvrages sont toujoura recherches. «te vend, scul, 44 fr. Larcher. Les deux autres surtout pour Fctranger, et on les trouve difficile- ouvrages reunis, 40 fr. Larcher." — Brunei. ment reunis. Le premier est le plus rare, et il a 430 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK 728 GoNSTAis'Tixi PoEPHYROGENNET^ Opera, Graece et Latine, a Meursio, 12mo. old red morocco, gilt edges^ Qs Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1617 729 CoNZE, Eeise auf der Insel Lesbos, 4to. 22 maps and plates of Monuments, Inscriptions, etc. 5s Hannover, 1855 730 COENELIUS NEPOS de Vita excellentium Imperatorum, 12mo. Large Paper, vignettes, red morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy, 24* Paris, Barhou, 1754 731 idem, thick sm. 8vo. vellum gilt, Ss 6d Lugd. Bat. 1773 732 COET'S Ancient Eragments of the Phoenician, Chaldaean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Indian, Persian, and other writers, with an inquiry into the Philosophy and Trinity of the Ancients, 8vo. best edition, hoards, yert rare, 325 1832 733 COUSIN, Histoire de Constantinople, depuis Justin jusqu'a la fin de I'Empire, 8 vols. 12mo. old calf, 6s Paris, 1685 734 CEEVIEE, Histoire des Empereura Eomains depuis Auguste jusqu'a Con- stantin, 12 vols, in 11, 12 mo. maps, neat in old calf gilt, 15s Paris, 1749-55 Priced, 1840, Jas. BoliD, 36^. 735 CUETIUS, Griechische Greschichte, Bd. I, II, (bis zum Peloponnes. Kriege) sm. 8vo. sd. 7s Gd ^ Berlin, 1857-61 736 Greschichte des "Wegebaua bei deu Griechen, 4to. hds. 2s 6d Berlin, 1855 737 DAiN'ET (I'Abbe) Grand Dictionnaire Franyais et Latin, stout 4to. red morocco extra, gilt edges, hd. by Lewis, Mr. Drury's copy, 10* Lyon, 1737 738 DEMOSTHENIS Opera omnia, Graece, edidit Eeiske, editio correctior curante Schaefero, cum prefatione de editionibus, Apparatu critico et indicibus, 9 vols. 8vo. sd. uncut, Vis Lips. 1822-25 739 ULPIANI Commentarioli in Orationes Demosthenis, cum enarrationibus et Arpocrationis dictionario rhetor um, Graece, ed. Asulano, folio, fine copy in russia gilt, gilt edges, 25s Venetiis, 1527 Priced, 1840, Payne and Foss, £2. 5^ ; Meerman's copy fetched 21 florins. 740 DENNIS'S (G.) Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 2 vols. 8vo. 10 maps and 99 engravings of the relics of Etruscan Art, cloth gilt, 365 1848 741 DiBDiJf's Introduction to the editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, with an Account of Polyglot Bibles, &c. fourth edition enlarged, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. Qs 1827 742 DICTYS CEETENSIS de Historia Belli Troiani et Dares Phrygius de eadem Historia, sm. 4to. with some contemporary MS. notes in the margin, Ids. vellum back, 32s Messance, G. Schonberger de Franckfordia, 1498 Very rare : priced, 1824, Thorpe, £5. 5*. I volume are very seldom met with. Books printed at Messina so early as the present J 743 DIODOEI SICULI Historiarum libri qui extant {Greece) opera et studio Vincentii Obsopoei, sm. 4to. Editio Princeps, original stamped hogskin, with clasps, £2. 12s Qd Basilece, 1539 Very rare. Heath's copy fetched £1.5. tains Books 16-20, all that had been discovered Harwood says that this edition may " justly be at the time, classed among the scarce books." It only con- 744 DiODORi SicuLi Bibliotheca Historica, a Ehodomano et Wesselingio, Graece et Latine, 2 vols. fol. frontispiece and fine portrait of TVesseling, vellum or russia, 20s Amst. 1746 745 Bibliotheca Historica, Gr. et Latine, cum notis variorum et "Wesselingii, nova editio, cum comment. Heynii et argumentis Eyringii, 11 vols. 8vo. fine PAPER, sd. 20s ) or, hf vellum neat, from the Bev. W. GrylW library, £2. Biponti et Argentorati, 1793-1807 Cost the late Mr. Fynes Clinton, £12. 12*. " It was the wish of Dr. Harwood tliat a com- modious edition of this entertaining Greek writer might be given to the world. The present beau- tiful and judicious work seems to have reahzed this wish." CLASSICS, GEEEK AND LATIN WEITEES. 431 746 DIOGENES LAERTIUS de vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus Philoso- phorum, Graece et Latiney cum notis Casauboni, etc. ed. Meibomius, 2 vols. 4to, editio optima, numerous portraits, old calf, 10s Amst. 1692 " Not only a very elegant and beautiful work, Menage, and copious indexes are subjoined." but by far the most critical and perfect edition. Ltbdin. The Ilistoria Mulierum Philosopharum, by 747 LAEETII DIOGENIS vitae et sententisD eorum qui in pbilosophia probati fuerunt, e grseco in latinum translataB ab Ambrosio, ex recens. Brognoli, Editio Princeps, folio, a fine copy, the first leaf and the Capitals elaborately illtjmij^ated in the style of Italian MSS. old calf, with the hook-plate of the Earl of Moi?'a, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £6. 6^ Venet. per JSTic. Jenson, MCCCCLXXY. ing to the same authority, it is " one of the most beautiful volumes printed in the XVth century.'* Rossi justly calls it " egregium typographicae elegantiaB specimen." De Bure observes of it, that " fort rare et tres recherche." An ample description of this volume is given by Mr. Dibdin, in the BiU. Spenc. Vol. 11. pages 18 to 21. It contains a notice of the printer, which Mr. D. says " cannot fail to be interesting to all lovers of ancient typography;" and, accord- 748 DIONIS CASSII Historise EomanaD qua) supersunt ed. Valesius Eabricius et Eeimarus, 2 vols, folio, 2 portraits, old calf, 255 Hamburgh, 1760-52 Previously priced £4. 4^. 749 DIONTSIFS Alexandeinus de Situ Orbis, interpr. Ant. Becbaria, 4to. Editio Princeps, an elegant Arabesque border round the first page, and every page ruled with red lines, old red morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Mnschede library, £2. IQs Venetijis per Bernardum pictorem et Erhardum JRatdolt de Augusta, 1477 750 DIONTSII HALICAENASSEI Antiquitatum Eomanarum Libri X, Gr^ce, folio, Editio Princeps, very fine copy in blue moeocco extra, gilt edges, by De Rome le Jeune, £4. 4« Lutetice, JR. Stephanus, 1546 (at end, 1547) " Premiere edition, magnifiquement execut^e: I rieux." — Brunei. Ics beaux exemplaires sont recherches des cu- | 751 DiOJ^YSii Halicarnassensis Opera omnia, Graece et Latine, cum notis variorum ed. Reiske, 6 vols. 8vo. whole bound in vellum, S8s Lipsiae, 1774-77 cal knowledge, and by his successful emendation of the text has removed many diflBculties." J'uhi'man7i, Priced, 1844, White, £3. 5^. Fetched, Sir M. Sykes', russia, £4. 1 8c*. " In his edition of this author, Reiske has shewn mature judgment and profound grammati- 752 DIOSCORIDIS (Pedaci) Anazarbsei, Opera Grsece; Nicandri Tlieriaca et Alexipharmaca, Gr. cum scboliis Grsecis, cura Aldi Manutii, Editio Princeps, folio, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £2. i2s 6d Venetiis, Aldus Manutius, 1498 Sold in the Pinelli sale for £6. 6^, in Lar- cher's for 201 francs, and Rove's, un peu gate, for 132 francs. See Dibdin's Bibl. Spencer, 11. p. 22. " Cette Edition est tres pr^cicuse et a plus d'un titre. D'une grande raret6, elle est de plus Editio Princeps, la premiere de tous ces ouvrages ; elle est Tune des plus estimees parmi les produc- tions des premiers temps de Timprimerie Aldine." Ilenouard. 753 Dioscoeides, Grsece, cura Erancisci Asulani, Syo. fine copy in old red moeocco extra, gilt edges, 16s Venetiis, Aldus, 1518 Priced, 1822, Thorpe, £7. 7^ ; 1831, Long- sale for £5. 18«. and in Didot's for 139 francs, mans, £2. 25 ; 1840, J. Bohn, £2. 10^; 1842, " Edition plus correcte que la precedente." Thorpe, £2. 12^ ^d. Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes' Bnmet. 754 DONALDSON'S Theatre of the Greeks, 8vo. cuts and plates, (pub. 14^) clotJi, 35 Qd 1844 755 DONATI Grammatici peritissimi Pabularum Breviatio Ovidii Nasonis elegans et succincta, sra. 4ito.fine copy, red morocco extra, by Lortic, £5. 5s Petrvs Maufer Normanus Bothomagcsis civis (J Fatavii, cir. 1476) Extremely rare, and interesting as the | citizen of llouen, although printed in Italy, typographical production of a Frenchman, a 432 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 756 DUCANGE ((7. du Fresne) Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Ge^citatis acced. Appendices, 2 vols, folio, hf. vellum, an ordinary copy^ £4i. 4is; or, 2 vols, in 1, iclio, frontispiece, calf, gilt back, good copy, very rare, £5. Lugd. 1688 " Livre tres recherche, et devenu peu com- very rare book, and its price has constantly risen, mun." — Brunei. the above being the only edition. This, " the Greek Ducange," has becorae a 757 Glossabium Medije et IjfEiM^ Latinitatis, conditum a Carlo Dufresne domino Ducange, auctum a monachis ordinis S. Benedicti, cum supplementis integris D. P. Carpentieri, et additamentis Adelungii et aliorum, digessit G. A. L. Henschel, 7 vols. 4to. Jif. hd. calf, £10. 10s Paris, 1840-50-57 supplement de D. Carpentier, devenue de jom- en jour plus chere ; elle a ete revue et augmente par M. Henschel, d'apres les travaux posterieurs." Cette nouvelle edition remplace avec avan- tage et a un prix plus modique I'ancienne edition de Ducange revue par les Benedictins, et celle du 758 DUCANGE et CAEPENTIER, Glossarium ad Scriptores mediae et infimse Latinitatis, in Epitomen redactum multisque verbis et dicendi formulis auctum, ab ADELris'G, 6 vols. 8vo. calf £2. 5* Halce, 1772-84 A very useful work to all engaged in Anti- quarian studies, giving full particulars about Mediaeval Ceremonies, Customs, Laws, etc. con- taining also obsolete Technical Terms of every kind. " Without the Glossary of Ducange nothing can be done satisfactorily in the study of history previous to the sixteenth century: we can hardly decipher a single parchment without having re- course to these pages." — S. L. Jones. 759 DUNLOP'S History of Eoman Literature from its earliest period to, and during the Augustan Age, with Appendix, 3 vols. 8vo. vignettes, bds. £3. 3*; Jif russiagilt, the third vol. not q^uite uniform, £2. 5s; hf calf neat, £2. 12^ Qd ; or, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £3. 16* 1824-28 760 EPICTETI Enchiridion, cum Comraentario Simplicii, Graece, small 4to. editio princeps, hf. russia, 2os Tenet. Sabio, 1528 761 EPICTETI Enchiridion, Cebetis Tabula, Prodici Hercules, et Cleanthis Hymnus, Graece et Latine, 12 mo. charta maxima, morocco, joints inside^ hy C. Lewis ; from the libraries of the Bev. Theodore Williams and Miss Currer, 305 Glasguce, Foulis, 1744 762 Epicueijs's Morals, Englished by "W. Charleton, sq. sm. 8vo. portrait, calf 6« 1656 763 EPISTOLAE Basilii Magni, Libanii, Chionis, Aeschinis et Isocratis, Phala- ridis, Bruti, Apollonii, Juliani, Synesii, Demosthenis, Platonis, Aristotelis, Philippi, Alexandri, et diversorum Philosophorum, Oratorum, Ehetorum, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 4to. editio princeps, fine copy in red morocco extray gilt edges, very rare, £2. IQs Venetiis, Aldus, 1499 Vendu, 130 fr. Caillard ; 150 fr. en 1827 ; I Giraud ; et memo prix, Solar ; 78 fr. Costabili ; £4. lOs, Heber ; £3. 13* 6e\ifj.or [EtymoloGICUM MAGNUM Gn^cuM, cum praefatione Marci Musuri, Greece], folio, Editio Princeps, fine large sound copy in the original stamped caf binding, relacked, £3. 3s Venetiis, Calliergus, 1499 Priced, 1829, Payne, £7. 175 6^; 1848, " Tres belle edition, rare et recherchee. Payne and Foss, £6. 6« ; the Roxburghe copy Brvnet. fetched £18. 10^ ; Johnson's, £9 ; Drury's, £6. ; A splendid specimen of Greek typography, and Hibbert's, £8. 773 EUEIPIDIS TEAG(EDiiE septendecira (18), ex quibus quaedam babent corn- mentaria, Greece, 2 vols. 12mo. Editio Princeps. /we (^opg, red morocco extra, Aldine Anchor on sides, gilt edges, by Lortic, £^. 9s Ven. apud. Aldum, 1503 This copy possesses the '* Electra," Gr, Homa, 1545, which is also the ,frst edition of that Play, and excfssivelt rare, bound up at the end of the second volume. The number of Tragedies in the Aldine edi tion is really 18, the Hercules Furens being added to those mentioned on title. This edition is eagerly sought after, and a fine copy like the present seldom occurs for sale. "Vend. 140 fr. Chardin ; 192 fr. Mac- Car thy ; 7 liv. 10 sh. Heher. "—Brunet. These copies being of course without the Electra. 774 Euripides, Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis Graecis e Cod. MSS. cura Matthiae, 10 vols. 8vo. bound in pigskin by C. Lewis, £2. 16s Lips. 1813-24 775 EusTATHii de Ismeniae et Ismenes amoribus libellus, Gr. et Lat. ed. Teu- cherus, ]2mo. calf gilt, 3s Qd Lips. 1792 776 EuTEOPii insigne volumen quo Eomana historia universa describitur ; Aurelii Victoris libellus ; Gra^corum imperatorum vitsD ; de rebus in nriente ; Paulus Diaconus de gestis Longobardorum, small folio, curious Capital Letters, fine copy in vellum, 10s Basil. Froben. 1532 777 EuTROPii Breviarium historiae Eomanae, edidit Tzschucke, 8vo. Fine Paper, calf, 5s Lipsice, 1796 778 EABEETTI, Corpus Inscriptionum Italicarum et Glossarium Italicum, in qua omnia Yocabula continentur ex Umbricis Sabinis Oscis Volscis Etruscis aliisque Monumentis, stout impl. 4to. many woodcuts of Coins and Objects of Art, and 58 plates, bds. 564. 4s August. Taurinorum, 1867 779 EABEICIl (J. A.) Bibliotheca Ge^ca, sive, Notitia Scriptorum veterum Grsecorum quorumcumque Monumenta integra aut fragmenta extant, &c. variorum curis emendatior atque auctior, curante Haeles, 12 vols, and IxDEx, 4to. Best Edition, calf gilt, £5. 5s Kamb. 1790-1809 et Lips. 1838 Priced, 1835, £14. 14^ ; 1836, unbound, £8. 8*. 780 Bibliotheca LATINA mediae et infimse setatis, cum Supplement© Scboettgenii, cura MANSI, 6 vols, in 3, sm. 4to. calf gilt, rare, fine copy, £3. 16s Fatavii, 1754 781 Bibliotheca Latina, nunc melius delecta, rectius digesta et aucta dili- gentia Ernesti, 3 vols. 8vo. calf c/ilt, 10s Lips. 1773-74 782 EACCIOLATI et EOECELLINI Lexicon totius Latinitati:*, 4 vols, in 2, folio, ^rs^ edition, calf neat, 12s Fatavii, 1771 783 Appendix ad Lexicon Eorcellini, folio, half calf, ISs ib. 1816 Frequently stated to be the best edition ; j J. Bohn, £7. 17.« 6^/; 1848, Payne and Foss, wilh- priced, 1826, Payne and Foss, £10. 10*; 1843, I out Appendix, £6. 6s. 784< idem, edidit, Anglicam interpretationem in locum Italicoe substituit Bailey, 2 stout vols. impl. 4to. 2700 pp. treble columns, (pub. at £6. 16s 6d) calf, £3. 3s 1828 434 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 785 rALLMERATER. J. Bae. Ow., Abstammung der Griechen und Irrthiimer des Dr. rallmerayer, 8vo. 3* MUnchen, 1848 786 FENESTELLA de Eomanorum Magistratibus efc Albricus philosophicus de Imaginibus Deorum, sm. 4to. 56 leaves, signatures ato Q m parts, with the numerals of the signatures in Boman letters, vellum, rare, 7* ijd s. Let a. (? Florent, cir. 1475) 787 Eloetjs (Annajus). CI. Salraasius addidit Lucium Ampelium, e cod. MS. nim- quam antehac editum, ISmo.JiJie co'py in blue morocco, 8s Amst. Mz. 1638 788 EOEBIGEE'S Handbuch der alteu Geograpbie mit historiscber Einleitimg, 3 vols, large 8vo. Maps and Tables, (pub. at £3. unbound) half green morocco neat, 28s Leip. 1842-48 789 EEEUND'S "Worterbucb der Lateiniscben Spracbe, 4 vols, large stout 8vo. upwards o/'4500 pp. double cols, blue morocco gilt, 27s Leipzig, 1834-40 " All the Modern Latin dictionaries are more | Lexicon by Dr. W. Freund." or less translations or abridgments of the German J 790 Gale, Opuscula Mytbologica, pbysica efc etbica, Or, et Lat. sm. 8vo. gilt vellum, 5s Amst. 1688 791 GAZ^ (Tbeodori) Introductive Grammatices lib. TV. Ejusd. de Mensibus Opuseulum. Apollonii Grammatici de Constructione lib. lY. Herodianus de Numeris, Greece, folio, Editio Princeps, russia, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £3. 3s Ven. in cedib. Aldi, MCCCCLXXXXV. mar is highly spoken of by the critics, and Erasmus thought liim to be the best Greek gram- marian of his time. Its rarity is unquestionable. This book presents us with a most beau- tiful SPECIMEN OF THE AlDINE GrEEK PRESS. " Grammaire tres estim^e des Grecs. Cette edition est fort rare, et la premiere de ces divers ouvrages." — Eenouard. Priced, 1826, Payne and Foss, £6. &s and £7. Is ; sold in Sir Mark Sykes's sale for £6.10«; Dr. Askew's for £5. \Qs; and Silvestre's at Paris in 1808 for 200 francs. Editiones principes of all the works in the volume, and a book of the highest estimation and rarity. Theodore Gaza was one of those learned Greeks who fled to Italy on the invasion of his country by the Turks, and contributed in an emi- nent degree to the revival of letters. His Gram- 792 Gell's (Sir W.) Topograpby of Eome and its vicinity ; new editions by Bunbury, 8vo. maps, Etruscan Inscriptions, and numerous woodcuts, cloth, 7s 6d 1846 793 Geogeaphica Antiqua, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Yossii, et aliorum, sq. 8vo. calf, 3s Qd Lug. Bat. 1700 794 GEOGEAPHI^ Veteris SCEIPTOEES Gr^ci (et Aeabici) Minobes, cum Interpretatione latina, dissertationibus, ac annotationibus (H. Dod- welli, J. HuDsoNi et Ed. Wells), 4 vols, small 8vo. maps, fine clean copy in old vellum or calf, £4. Ooson. 1698-1712 "A work of the highest literary- impor- rocco, £27.; Williams, £31. 10« ; Sykes, tance." 35 liv. \0s ; Hanrott, £31. \Qs. Priced, 1824, Longman, £10. 10*; 1862, "Collection tres recherchee et rare." B. Q. £10. 10*. Fetched, Gough, £12. 12* ; Brunei . Heath, £12. 10* ^d ; large paper. Dent, mo- 795 Geoponica, sive de Ee Eustica lib. xx. Or. et Lat. notulas et Indices adjecit Needbam, Syo.Jine copy in rich old red moeocco extra, gilt edges by De Borne, 36s Cantab. 1704 796 Geehaed, die Gottbeiten der Etrusker, 4to. 7 plates of JEtruscan Art, sd. 4s Qd Berlin, 1847 797 Griechiscbe Mythologie, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. Qs Qd Berlin, 1854-55 The second edition of this valuable work is I comparison, partly occupied by the Italic mythology, and a | 798 GESNEEI Novus Linguae et Eruditionis Eomanae Thesaurus, 4 vols, folio, vellum, 12s Lips. 1749 "Cette edition du Thesaurus est estimee, et on la payait dernierement de 80 a 100 fr." — Brunei. 799 GLOSSAEIUM EEOTICUM Lingu® LatinaD, sive Theogonia), Legum et Morum Nuptialium apud Eomanos explanatio nova, auctore P. P. (Pietro Pierrugues,) 8vo. original edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, 36s Baris, 1826 CLASSICS, GEEEK AND LATIN WEITERS. 435 800 GNOMICI PoET.E GrKiECT, Oraece et Latine^ cum notis, ed. Brunck, very fine copy, old green morocco, gilt edges, hy De Borne, ivith his ticJcet, 27s Argent. 1784 801 G-R^C^ Grammatices Eudimenta in usum Scliolse AVestmonasteriensis, sm. 8vo. calf, 55 1683 802 GE^VIUS ET GEONOVIUS. Thesaurus Antiquitatum EOMANAEFM, congestus a Graevio, 12 vols. Traj. ad Bhenum, 1694-99 — Thesaurus GE^CAEUM Antiquitatum, congestus a Gronovio, 13 vols. Lugd. Bat. 1697-1702; together 25 vols, folio, ;^w^ copies, uniform in stamped vellum, £9. 1694-1702 803 PoLENi Catalog! duo, auctorum omnium, rerumque antiquarum, ex quibus 33 vola. Antiquitatum Graecarum Eomanarumque congesta sunt, 12mo. calf gilt, rare. Vis Venetiis, 1755 80i GEOTE'S History op Greece, 12 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £d. 12s), luith por- trait, maps, and Index, cloth, £Q. Qs 1846-56 805 the same, new edition, 8 vols. 8vo. printed tvith smaller type, with por- trait, maps and plans, (pub. at £5. 12*) cloth, £4. 14* 6d 1863 " A great literary undertaking, equally an honourable monument of what English notable whether we regard it as an accession to scholarship can do." — Atlienaum. what is of standard value in our language, or as 806 GEUTEEI Inscriptiones totius Orbis Eomanae, cura Graevii recensitaB, cum annotationibus, 4 vols, in 2, folio, a large number of plates of ancient Funeral Ifomcments, Mythological Figures, Inscriptions, etc. vellum, fine copy, £5. Best Edition ; Rare. This great collec- tion is one of the most important works in exis- tence for the study of Roman Antiquities. At Amst. 1707 the end of Vol. II., the system of Shorthand No- tation used by Seneca is shewn on a series of en- graved pages. 807 HAEDT, Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Grsecorum Bibliothecse Eegiae BavaricsB, 5 vols. 4to. large yellum paper, hds. 26s Monachii, 1806 808 the same, 5 vols. 4to. vellum paper, Dr. Dihdin's copy, calf extra, ly G. Lewis, £2. 2s Monachii, 1806-12 Priced, 1845, Rodd, £3. 12^ 6d ; 1847, H. Bohn, calf, £5. os. 809 HELIODOEI Aethiopica, Graece, edente Coray, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 6s Baris, 1804 810 An Ethiopian Historie, translated into English by T. Y., augmented with divers new additions, smallest 4to. with autograph of H. Bawdon, from the Marquis of Hastings's library, very fine copy, £3. 16^ 1605 811 Henrichmanni GrammaticsB Institutiones, nunc vere integritati restitutse, sq. 8vo. calf, 7s Gd Golonice, 1520 Very rare : priced by Longmans in 1829, £3. 3s. 812 HEEMES. Mercurti Trismegisti Pimandras, Greece et Lat. Flussatis CandallaB industria, sq. 8vo. ruled throughout, calf gilt, rare, tvith the auto- graph of Chas. Aug. TulJc, 1821, 7^ Qd Burdigalce, 1574 813 CoNRii^aius de Hermetica Jj^gyptiorum vetere et Paracelsicorum nova Medi- cina, 1648 — Idem de Calido Innato, 1647 — 2 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. vellum, 7s Qd Ilelmest. 1648-47 814 HEEODIANI Historise, Greece et Latine, interprete Politiauo, cura Asulani, 12mo. fine tall copy in blue morocco extra, edges very slightly cut, several rough leaves, 20s Venetiis, Aldus, 1524 Priced, 1840, Payne and Foss, £2. 2s ; fetched 1857, Sotheby's, £l. 14*. 815 HEEODOTUS, a new English version, edited with Notes and Appendices, illustrating the history and geography of Herodotus, by G. Eawlinsois", assisted by Col. Sir H. Eawlinson and Sir J. G. Wilkinsoi^-, 4 vols. 8vo. onaps andillu^strations, (pub. at £3. 125) cloth, £2. 16^ 1858-60 The above is a copy of the genuine edition, I Index are hastily and incorrectly changed, and printed in large type, and better arranged than | the type and getting up of the work inferior to the later one, in which the references to the j this. 2 H 486 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 816 Herodotus, in English, by Eawlinson, a new and corrected edition, 4 vols. 8vo. maps and illustrations, (pub. at £2. 8*) 9iew in cloth, £2. 1862 Sir Henry Rawlinson's recent Assyrian dis- ( constitute the best edition, with all the latest coveries must direct the attention of all Biblical j discoveries and illustrations, of the Father of and Classical Scholars to these volumes, which ! History. 817 HEEODOTUS, Gr. et Lat. ex editioue Jac. Gronovii, 9 vols. 12mo. Jlne copy in calf gilt, £2. 12^ Glasf/uce, Foulis, 1761 " Jolie edition, reputee correcte." — Brunei. 818 HESYCHII Lexicon, Oraece, cum notis variorum et J. Alberti, 2 vols, large folio, portrait of Alberti, ly HoubraTcen, fine copy in vellum, 30* Lugd. Bat. 1746-66 819 HIEEOCLIS, Philosophi Stoici, in Aureos Versus PythagorsB opusculum praestantissimum et religioni ChristiausD consentaneum, 8vo. purple morocco extra, gilt edges, very fine copy, a beautiful specimen of early Italian typo- graphy, £4. 4s Patavii, B. de Val de Zoccho, 1474 rent, a B. de Valde Zoccho, Patav. excusi, A.D. 1474. Barissimum hunc librum diu et frustra quae- situm in instructissima su;\ Bibliotheca, tam ele- gantia quam numcro codicum MSS. et impresso- rum, vere admiranda, ea, qua omnes Literatos, tam exteros quam nostrates jamdiu demeruit, humanitate lubentissima porrexit eximius Pr£esul Johannes Morus, dudum Norvicensis, nunc Eli- ensis Episcopus." There is only one copy (in the Bishop of Ely's library) of which any notice can be found. The second edition 1475, but ■with blank folio 92, in the Bodleian. Extract from Dr. Needham's Preface : Hie- roclis Commentarius, Cantab. Svo. 1709: — " Hsec autem anxie mihi animo revolventi et de Hierocle ad meliora tempora responendo saepius cogitanti, primum oblatum est subsidium antiqui commentarii in aurea carmina, centum plus minus annis antequam Grseca Hieroclis in lucem prodi- 820 HiEEOCLis commentarius in aurea Pytbagoreorum Carmina, Jo. Cuterio inter- prete, Gr. et Lat. large papee, 18mo. vellmn, Qs Barisiis, 1683 821 HIPPOCEATIS Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. ed. Van der Linden, 2 vols. 8vo. red MOROCCO exti-a, gilt edges, £2. 36* Lugd. Batav. 1665 *'Jolie edition recherchee ; les 2 vols, etant I 120 fr. en 1832. — Brunet. devenus rares; vendu m. r. 96 fr. Courtois; | 822 HippocRATis Apliorismi, Gr. et Lat. accurante Lud. Yerhoofd, 24mo. beau^ tiful copy in old blue morocco, ruled with red lines, gilt edges, 9s Barisiis, 1759 823 HoLSTEi^ii Notae in Stephanum Byzantium de IJrbibus ; Scymni Chii frag- menta, etc. io\\o, folding plate, vellum, 95 Lugd. Bat. 1692 " Ces 3 vol. ainsi reunis valent de 40 a 60 fr. ; vendu 73 fr. Villoison." — Brunet. 824 HOMEEI Opera omnia, Oraece, ex recensione Demetrii Chalcondylse, cum Herodoti Plutarcbique vitis Homeri, et Dionis Chrysostomi dissertatione, Editio Princeps, 2 vols, folio, a pine tall and pure copy, old russia gilt, from Miss CuoTer's library, very rare, £105. Florent. Bernardus et N^erius Nerlius, 1488 825 • the same, 2 vols, in 1, folio, a fine copy in red mo?vcco, gilt edges, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, 5690. 1488 Priced, 1843, Payne and Foss, £84.; Heath's i "■ On no edition of any classic have bibliogra- copy fetched, £94. 10.9; Willett's. £88. ; 1853, ; phers been more eloquent or bestowed a greater Dr. Hawtrey's, £70. Since then, the value of share of praise than on this most magnificent these "Editiones principes ' has much risen, " Splendour, rarity, value, truly exquisite." Dibdin. work, without exception the most beautiful book the Greek press produced in the fifteenth cen- tury." — Moss. 826 HOMEEI Opera : Ilias, Ploutarcbou kai Herodotou Bioi Homerou, Odysseia, Batracbomyomacbia, Hymuoi, in 2 vols. 12mo. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £Q 6s Venet. Aldus, 1524 "Vendu 141 fr. Larcher : £11. 5*, mar. r. I Brunet. arte. rel. rich. dor. Heber ; 150 fr. mar. Bearzi." — j 827 HOMEEI Ilias, Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni et Vita, Greece, cum Scboliis Grsecis, 2 vols. Venetiis, Aldus, 1524 — Didymi Interpretatio in Odysseam Graece, ib. 1528 — Scbolia Grseca. Accedunt Porpbyrii Questiones Homericse et de Nympbarum Antro in Odyssea, Opuscula Grseca, ib. 1521, 5 vols in 3, 12mo. fine copies in green morocco e^ctra, gilt edges by C. Lewis, mi9) blade's co^xj, ^12, 1%^ Tenet, Jldusj 1521-24 CLASSICS, GEEEK AND LATI>^ WEITERS. 437 828 HOMEEI OPEEA : Ilias, Odyssea, Batrachomyomachia, Hyrani, cum multi- plici lectione, vitaque Homeri per Herodotum, Plutarchiim et Dionem Chrysostomum, omnia Graece, cura Francini, 2 vols. 12mo. very fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt and gauffre edgeSy £2. Venetiis, Junta, 1537 Priced, 1830, Payne and Foss, £5. 5s ; 1832, paratelj numbered leaves, at the end of the £3. 3,*. Odyssey. These, however, consist only of the Of this rare edition, 5a/rZ to contain 56 leaves Biograpical Notices. In his new edition, Ren- of Various Readings, Heyne has observed, " Nee ouard acknowledges his error, and places tlie non- tamen unquam ilia {Multiplex Lectio) conspici- existence of these Var. Lect. beyond doubt. In tur ;" though from the publications of Renouard the Bibl. Saraz, this edition is termed "omnium and Dibdin, we should expect them in the 56 se- prcestantissiina et hi maximo pretio." 829 HOMEEI OPEEA, Ge^ce, cum commentario Gr. EUSTATHII (edidit N. Majoeanijs, cum Indice M. Detarii), Editio Princeps, 4 vols. M.Jlne copy in old Dutch calf gilt, size 12^ inches by 8j^, £8. Bomce, Ant. Bladus, 1542'50 830 ■ the same, 4 vols, folio, loith the rare hlanJc leaves at end, beautiful and very large copy in ancient French red MOEOCCO, frorn the Yemeniz library, size 12-1^ inches by 8|, £18. 1542-50 in the opening of his description of it — *'Tresor d'erudition grecque, espece de Sanctuaire dans lequel n'ont acces que ceux qui deja ont fait pro- gres dans I'etude des anciens Classiques." Bibl. d'ua Amateur, Vol. 2. p. 138. Very rare. Sold at the Duke of Grafton's sale. £53. ; Dr. Heath's,£68. 55 ; Heber, £25. 10*. The first edition is among the most splendid monuments in the world of Greek erudition and of Greek Printing. M. Renouard well observes 831 HoMEEi Ilias et Odyssea, cum Scholiis Ge^cis opera Micylli et Camerarii ; accedunt Porphyrii Qusestiones et de Antro Nympharum, Greece, 2 vols, in .1 , small folio, ruled, loith very nwnerous MS. notes in a very neat ancient hand, V2.s Basilece, Hervag. 1541 832 HOMEEI Opera Graece, ed. Moor et Muirhead, 4 vols, in 2, folio, russia gilt, £2. IGs Glasg. Bob. et Andr. Foulis, 1756-58 833 HOMEEI Opeea Omnia, Gr. et Lat. ex recensione et cum notis Clarkii ; accessit varietas lectionum, cura Ernesti, 5 Yols. 8vo. (pub. at £6. Qs) calf, £2. 125 Qd Glasg. 1814 834 the same, laege papee, 5 vols, royal 8vo. bds. 35^ 183 4 " The Glasgow edition, containing in addition I well as accurately printed work." — Dibdin. the prolegomena of Wolf, is a most beautiful as | 835 Ilias et Odtssea, 2 vols. 48m o. Biclcerings diamond edition, cloth, 10s London, 1831 836 Ilias, cum annotationibus, edente Heyne, 8 vols. 8vo. facsimiles, calf gilt, 10s Lips. 1802 837 The ILIAD of HOMEE, rendered into English Elank Yerse by Edward, Earl of Derby, 2 vols. (pub. at 24*) cloth, 16s 1865 " Now at last the general public have an oppor- I is as remarkable for grandeur and beauty of ex- tunity of admiring the Earl of Derby's fine poeti- pression as for fidelity to the original." cal genius. It has been said that this translation j 838 HoMEEi interpres vetustus (seu scholia graeca in Iliadem, in integrum res- tituta, edita jussu Leonis X. Pont. Max.) small folio, a wormhole through some leaves, calf, 12s Bomae, 1517 "Edition rare, la premiere de ces scolies, editee I Heber's copy fetched £3. 13^ &d. par Lascaris." — Brunei. \ 839 ScHAUFELBEEGEEi Nova Clavis Homerica, cum Camerarii, Clarkii, Ernesti, etc. annotationibus et scholiis prsefatione Breitingeri, etc. 8 vols. 8vo. old calf gilt, lis Turici, 1761-68 " Rare et tres recherche." — Brtmet. 840 HoMEEi et Hesiodi Certamen, Gr. et Lat. 12mo. crimson moeocco, gilt edges, bound by Eggee Patne, Br. Burney^s copy, 21s H. Stephanus, 1573 841 Hoeapolle, Hieroglyphes, traduifc par Eequier, 12mo. calf, fine copy, 5s 1779 842 HOEATII Opera, 24mo, portrait^ old red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bozerian, 25s Baris, typogr. rey, 1733 ''^ditipn remar(|u^ble par Texiguite et 1ft n^tkt^ d© 9^9 CftrftCteres."--i^rw?/f^, 438 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 843 HOEATII Flacci Opera, 2 vols. 8vo. a remarhahle copy of Pyne's superb edition, engraved throughout, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, pro- bably unique, in having the Prospectus, £12. Londini, Johannes JPine, 1733 A vague notion exists that there are only i pressions were taken, after which they seem to two issues' of Pine's Horace, the first issue with have disappeared. the error on Caesar's head, Vol. II. page 108, The present copy is a very early one, with "Postest:" the second issue, the error corrected Pine's original ;;?'m^££f prospectus and list of sub- into "Potest." This is only half the truth. 1 scribers, (^leaves, and 4 specimen lasiwcs, proof n Pine's coppers were worked perhaps a dozen | before the issue of the work. The copy has of times, and as recently as 1775 a number of im- ' course the " Postest." 844 tlie same, 2 vols. 8vo. Jine original copy, in old morocco, gilt edges, a copy with the error uncorrected ^^Fostest,'' from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, 5610. 1733 845 Opera, 12mo. laege paper, ruled throughout with red lines, old French citron moeocco extra, silk linings, gilt edges, the Arms ofAmelot on the sides, £4. * GlasgucB, Foulis, 1744 846 Opera, illustravit Mitscberlich, 2 vols. 8vo. vignettes, half calf gilt, 4s 6d Lips. 1800 847 illustravit Mitscberlicli, 2 vols, stout 8vo. fixe papeb, f^ie engravings by Fiorillo, beautifully bound in crimso7i morocco extra, gilt edges, by J. Clarke, £2. 12s Lipsice, 1800 848 Opera, 48mo. PicJcering^s diamond edition, cloth, 5s 1824 849 the same, 24mo. large paper, FicJcering's diamond edition, smooth green morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. Fickering, 1824-46 850 recensuit Orellius ; editio tertia emendata et aucta ed. Baiter, 2 vols. 8vo. russia neat, 2Qs Turici, 1850 851 JAMBLICHI de Mysteriis liber cum Porphyrii Epistola, eodem argumento, Greece et Lat. ed. Gale, sm. folio, bds. 7s Qd Oxon. 1678 852 the same, a very fine tall copy, folio, old calf gilt, 12s 1678 853 do Vita Pythagorica, ace. Porphyrius de Vita Pythagorse, itemque Anonymus de eadem, Greece et Lat. 3 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. old calf neat, 5s Amst. 1707 854 JOSEPHI ELAVII Opera Omnia, Go-cece et Latine, cum notis et nova versione J. Hudsonii, accedunt notse integrse. Omnia coUegit, disposuit et diligenter recensuit, notasque passim suas et quinque Indices adjecit Sig. Havercampus, 2 vols, folio, front, very fine copy in stamped vellum, S6s Amst. 1726 " Edition la plus complete et la plus recherchee." — Brunei. 855 JrsTiNiANi Novellae constitutiones ex Bibliotheca Huld. Puggeri, studio Scrimgeri, Graece, folio, vellum, 7s Gd Exc. Henr. Stephanus Hulderici Fuggeri typographus, 1558 " Belle edition, 1 1 fl. Meerman." — Brunet. 856 JusTiKus. Trogi Pompei externse histories compendium et ^mylii Probi Externorum imperatorum vitse, 12mo. vellum, gilt, 12s Venetiis, Aldics, 1522 Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £2. 12s 6d ; fetched, j "Edition rare."— Brunet. 1857, Sotheby's, £1. \2s. | 857 JusTiis'i Historisa Philippicae, cum notis variorum, curante Gronovio, 8vo. front, vellum, 45 Lugd. Bat. 1760 858 JUVENALIS (et) Persius (cura Aldi) 12mo. first Aldine Edition, fine copy in i^urple morocco, gilt edges, by O. Lewis, £S. Ss Venetiis, Aldus, 1501 This copy is really the first edition, bearing the date of 1501, according to Brunet. 859 JuvENALis et Persii Satyrse cum variorum commentariis, 8vo. front, russia gilt, 6s Amst. 1684 860 eorundem editio auctior, sm. 4to. frontispiece and plates, o^ussia gilt, 7s 6d Lugd. Bat. 1695 861 JoyijS'AL, Satires traduites par M. Dusaulx, avec le Texte en regard, 2 vols. 8vo. beautiful copy in green MOROCCO extra, silk linings, gilt edges, from Mr. Slade's library^ £2. IQs Paris, 1782 CLASSICS, GEEEK AND LATIN WEITERS. 439 862 JuvENALis Satirf© XVI, ad opt. exempl. fidem recensita), varietate lectiouum perpetuoque comment, illustratse a Ruperti, 2 vols. 8vo. frontispiece, Fine Paper ^ calf gilty lOs Lips. 1801 " Edition fort estimee." — Brunei. 863 SatirsB, ad codd. Parisinos, cum lectionum varietate, notis, etc. ed. Acbaintre, 2 vols. 8vo. calf extra, 7s Gd Paris, 1810 864 KiEPERT (H.) Topograpliiscli-historisclier Atlas von Hellas und den Hel- lenischen Colonien, sm. folio, second edition, oblong royal folio, 24 heaioti- fully engraved and very correct Maps, coloured, 15* Berlin, 1851 865 KxiGHT (R. P.) Analytical Essay on the Greek Alphabet, 4to. plates, calf, 35 Qd 1791 866 KOPP, PALiEOGRAPHiA Ceitica, 4 vols. 4to. with folio Atlas containing por- trait and large folding plates of facsimiles, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, from Mr. Petifs library, £6. 6s Ilannhemii, 1817-29 and Roman Writing. They are arranged in form of a Lexicon, explained in the regular Greek and Roman characters, and followed by reverse Indexes. " A most important and valuable work, con taining several thousand new characters, expressly struck for it, to represent the endless varieties of styles, the abbreviations, etc. in the early Greek 867 KUHNER'S Griecliisclie Grammatik, 2 vols. 8vo. 7f. calf, 4^s Mann. 1834-35 868 tbe same, translated by Edwardn and Taylor, roy. 8vo. hds. Ss 6d 1844 869 LACTANTII Opera, cum Tertulliani Apologetico, 12mo. very fine copy in hlue morocco, with the Aldine device on the sides, gilt edges, £2. Venef. Aid. 1535 " Cette edition revue par Honore Fasitelis, est superieure en merite a I'edition de 1515." Brunei. Priced, 1834, Pickering, £5. 55 ; Payne and Foss, £3. 3.?; Renouard's copy fetched £3. 12^. " Tres bonne edition bien superieure a celle de 1515." — liejwuard. 870 Laxzi, Saggio di lingua Etrusca, 3 vols. 8vo. second and best edition, portrait and plates, sd. 10s Firenze, 1824 871 the same, large paper, 3 vols. imp. 8vo. bds. £2. 1824 872 LASCAEIS (Constantini) Compendium octo Orationis partium, Greece et Latine, (ed. Crastonus) sq. 8vo. without the first leaf, containing the Latin epistle of B. Accursius, vellum, very rare, £2. Vicentice, Leonardus de Basilea, 1489 Containing the excessively rare " Liber ter- i up in the Pinelli copy, fetching £5. 8*. tins," all Greek, without a date, which was bound 1 873 LASCAELS, Institutiones Universse, cum plurimis auctariis, Graece et Latine, sm. 4to.yjn'E, clean and sound copy, in the original vellum lor uppers, from the JEnschede library, £5. 1509 is accompanied with the valuable remarks of the editor, and a selection of the notes of preceding annotators." — Fuhrmann. " Wyttcubach has given this edition a high character for a faithful transcript of the MSS. consulted." — Dihdin. Priced, 1827, J. Bolm,£4. 4^ ; 1835, Picker- ing, £5. bs. 973 Plutaechi Ethica seu moralia opuscula, latino, sm. folio, printed in a fine type, red morocco, gilt sides and gilt edges, fine copy from the Enschede collection, 12s JParisiis, Vascosan, 1554 974 Plutaechi Moealia, Gr. et Lat. cura D. "Wyttenbach, cum Indice Graeci- tatis, 8 vols. roy. 4to. calf extra, £3. I65 Oxonii, 1795-1830 Published at £15. 13^ 6rf. Of Vol YIL | published, 1821. The binding of this set has cost (Animadvers. Vol. II.) only one part was ever ) £5. 975 Plutaeciii Opuscula quaedam, Latine, Erasmo, Melanchthone aliisque inter- pretibus, sm. 4to. woodcut borders and initials after Jlolhein''s designs, vellutn, 155 Basil. 1518 976 PLUTAECH'S Lives, translated from the original Greek, with notes critical and historical, and a life of Plutarch bv J. and "W. Langhoriiej 3 vols, large Svo. hf russia, 12s ' 1812-13 446 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 977 PLUTAECH'S Lives, from the original Greek, with Notes and Life, by J. and W. Laxghoexe, and with Corrections and Additions by the Eev. F. Wrang- ham, 6 vols. 8vo. portrait, fine copy in calf gilt, full gilt backs, £2. IGs 1813 "All the works of Plutarch are excellent, characters in antiquity, but will give you no mean whether read in the original or in a good trans- insight into the most interesting parts of the lation, and his 'Lives' in particular will furnish Greek and Roman histories." — Bp. Watso7i. you, not only with the knoAvledge of the greatest 978 PococKE (E.) Inscriptiones antiquse Graecse et Latinse, accedit Namismatum Ptolemseorum catalogus, folio, bds. uncut, 10s 1752 979 the same, laeqe paper, folio, hf Id. uncut, 15* 1752 PoET^ Bucoliei — see Theocritus. 980 POETiE CHEISTIANI YETEEES, Gr^ce et Latine (I. Prudentius, Prosper Aquitanicus, Johannes Damascenus, Cosmas, etc. ; II. Sedulius, Juvencus, Arator, Proba Falconia, Lactantius ; III. Gregorias Nazianzenus) 3 vols, sm. 4to. fine copy in red morocco extra, from the library of Lord Justice Knight Bruce, £10. lOs Venet. Aldus, 1501-4 981 another copy, ivith the excessively rare final part, NONNI Parapha- sis Evaugelii Joannis, GrcEce^ 4 vols, in 3, sm. 4ito.fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £14. I4s 1501-4 982 GEEGOEII NAZANZENI (s/c) Carmina, Greece et Latine ; ace. NONNI Paraphrasis Evangelii Joannis, Greece, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. fine large copy in red morocco^ from the JEnschede collection, £3. lOs Aldus, 1504 983 GEEGOEII Nazaxzeni Carmina, sm. 4to. vellum, 24.9 1504 Dr. Dibdin says these are amongst " the very rarest of the Aldine publications to be found in a perfect state." With MS. con'ections in a contemporary hand. Emphatically and justly termed by Eenouard, Collection infiniment rare et pr^cieuse. 984 POET^ CHEISTIANI, cum Notis E. Arevali, viz. Prudentius, 2 vols. BomcB, 1788— Dracontius, ib. 1791— Juveucus, ib. 1792— Sedulius, ib. 1794, 5 vols. 4to. calf, very habe, £6. G5 Bomae, 1788-94 The best edition of the " Poetse Christiani ;" no copy has occurred in the market for some years. 985 POETJE GEJECI PRI^'CIPES heroici carminis et alii nonnulli, Greece, (curante Henrico Stephano) folio, hf vellum, a good copy, with valuable MS. notes, 36s H. Stephanies, Huldr. Fuggeri typographus, 1566 " Recueil d'une grand importance . . . fort bien imprime." — Brunei. 986 POETAE LATINI Mi^oees, curavit WEEysDORF, 6 vols, in 10, 8vo. hf. calf, 25s ; or, calf gilt, 36s Altenbicrgi, 1780-88 Drury's copy fetched £4. 135 ; 1855, Lord Rothesay's £3. 135 M. Copies on Fixe Paper fetched : 1857, 10 vols, russia, £7. 10*, and sold (by me) for £8. Contents : — Tom. 1. Car- mina de Venatione, Aucupio, et Piscatu. 2. 987 Poetaeum LATrN'OErM Corpus, ed. Walkee, stout large 8vo. (pub. £2. 2s) cloth, 16s 1841 Bucolica et Idylha. 3. Satyrici, Elegi£e et Lyricse, 4. Carmina Heroica. 5. Carmina Geographica. 6. Carmina de re hortensi et villatica ; item amatoria et ludicra. Statins, Silius, "Valerius riaccus, Calpurnius, Ausonius, Claudian. Contents : Catullus, Lucretius, Virgil, Tibullus, Propertius, Ovid, Horace, Phajdrus, Lucan, Persius, Juvenal, Martial, Sulpicia, 988 PoLYBii Historia, Greece et Latine, recensuit, emendatiore interpretatione, varietate Lectionis, adnotationibus et indicibus illustravit Schweighaeuser, 8 vols in 9, 8vo. best edition, calf neat, 18s Lips. 1789-95 989 translated by Hampton, large 8vo. hf russia, 4s Qd 1811 990 POMPONIUS MELA.— JULIUS SOLINUS.— Itineeaeium Antoi^k^i Aug. — YiBirs Sequestee. P. Yictor de Eegionibus Urbis Eoinse.-r-DioNT- sius Afee de Situ Orbis, Prisciano interprete, 12-mo. fine copy, ruled, in old French eed moeocco, gilt edges, Louis Bigofs copy, with his arms on sides, and his initials L. B. stamped 12 times in gold on sides and hack, from Mr. Slade's library, £5. 15s Venetiisj Aldus, 1518 991 the same, 12mo. good and sound copy, calf, 30s 1518 CLASSICS, GEEEK AND LATIN WEITEES. 447 992 PoBPHYEius de abstinentia ab esu aniraalium, Greece et Lat. cum notis, ed. Eeiske, 1767— Idem de antro Nyrapharum, 1765— in 1 vol. 4to. margins water stained, lif, bd. 4^ Qd ^ Traj. 1765-67 993 Danielis Baebaki exquisitae in Porphirium commentationes, smallest 4to. red morocco, gilt edges, 18* Venetiis, Aldus, 1542 991 PEISCIANI Opera, folio, rich old French red moeocco extra, gilt edges, by De Borne, £3. 35 Venetiis, Johannes de Colonid, 1476 A few leaves are inlaid, otherwise this is a j sale. very fine copy. It fetched £3. 19^ at Heber's | 995 PEOPEETIUS, et in eum Passeratii commentarii, Broukhusii not^e, Vulpii animadversiones, 2 vols. 4to. laeoe papee, calf gilt, 20s Fatavii, 1755 996 Peopeece, elegies de, avec le Texte en regard, traduites par Delongchamps, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, calf, 6s ^ Paris, 1802 997 PEUDENTII Opera quae extant, Nic. Heinsius recensuit et animadversiones adjecit ; ace. adnotata, 2 vols, in 1, 16mo. very fine copy, old blue morocco, gilt edges, 15s Amst., JElzevir, 1667 " Jolie edition assez recherchee." — Brunei. 998 Ptolem^i Geogeaphia, Gr. et Lat. ad cod. manuscriptorum fidem, edidit "Wilberg, 6 parts in 1 vol. impl. 4to. all 'published^ hf. bound, neat, 16s JEssendice, 1838-45 999 PTOLEMiEI Tiieateum GEOGEAPHIA Veteeis : I, Geographia, Lat. ad codices Palatinos, opera Beetii : II. Itineraria Antonini, Provin- cise Eomanse, Civitates Gallicse, Itinerarium a Burdigala ad Hierosolymam ; Tabula Peutingeeiaxa, cum notis Velseri; Ortelii Tabulae aliquot— in 1 vol. folio, two engraved titles and numerous carefully engraved maps, very fine tall copy in ruasia extra, gilt edges, from the library of William Duke of Devonshire, £Q. Qs Amst. Elzevir, 1618-19 bert's, russia, £6. 65; Edwards's, hogskin, £8. 85; Dr. Sumner's, riissia, £6. IO5. Cropped copies sell low. "Recueil precieux." — Brunei. It is difficult to obtain a fine large copy of this, the BEST edition, of Ptolemy's Gcograi)hy. Copies fetched, Dent's, mor. £8. 125 M; Hib- ]000 PUTSCHIUS. GEAMMATiCiE Latin.e Auctores Antiqui opera et studio HelisB Putschii, quorum aliquot nunquam antebac editi, reliqui ex MSS. Codicibus ita augentur et emendantur ut nunc primum prodire videantur, 2 vols, in 1, sin. 4to. eine papee, an excellent copy in vellum, £3. 8s; or, calf gilt, marbled edges, £4. 4* Hanov. 1605 Priced, morocco, 1840, Payne and Foss, £7. Thorpe, 1824, £8. 8^. See a long analysis of this very valuable work in the Bibliotheca Eriiesti, Vol. 3, p. 1 93. This important collection contains more than thirty ancient Grammarians, viz. Charisius, Dio- medes, Priscianus, Probus, Magno, P. Diaconus, Phocas, Asper, Donatus, Servius, Sergius Cledo- nius, Victorinus, Augustinus, Consentius, Alcui- nus, Eutyches, Pronto, Vel. Longus, Caper, Scau- rus, Agroetius, Cassiodorus, Beda, Terentianus, Victorinus, Plotius, Csesius, Bassus, Fortunatia- nus, Rufinus, Censorinus, Macrobius, Incerti. 1001 QUINTILIANI Institutiones Oratorise, folio, very tall copy, with MS. notes by a scholar of the 15th century (Aegidius Sacchetti), some of the margins stained, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, 30* Mediolani, per Ant. Zaronum, 1476 An early and very rare edition, edited from ! 1470. "Edition rare et assez hQlla.''— Brunei. a different MS. from the Editio Princeps, Rome, j See Dibdin's Bibl. Spencer, II. p. 311. 1002 QUINTI CALABEI Derehcta ab Homero ; Tetphiodoei ExcidiumTrojje; CoLUTHi Eaptus Helense, omnia Graece, 12mo. Editio Princeps, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, veet eaee, j^o/w the Yemeniz library, 32* {Venet.) Aldus, s. a. {cir. 1505) Priced, 1840, Payne and Foss, £3. 13* %d ; I theby, £l. I65. Fetched, 1856, Sotheby's, £3. 135; 1858, So- | 1003 QUINTI CURTII de Rebus gestis Alexandri Magni Macedonum regis His- toria, ed. Chr. Bruno, 18mo. red morocco extra, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, Renouard's copy, 25s Lugd. GryphiicSj 1547 44^8 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1004 QUINTUS CUETIUS. The Historie of Quintus Curcius, conteyning the Actes of the greate Alexander, translated out of Latine into Englishe by John Beende, sm. 4to.. First Edition, Ijlacfe ItittX, title within woodcut border, ove7^lapping vellum, gilt edges, 365 Bycharde Tottell, 1553 1005 QuiEiNi Primordia Corcyrse, ab autore adaucta, 4to. 2 plates and a map en- graved on title, has. 5s Brixice, 1738 1006 EHETOEES GE^CI : Aphtho, Hermogenes, Aristoteles, Sopater, Cyrus Sophista, Dionysius, Demetrius Phalereus, Alexander Sophista, Menander, Aristides, Apsinus, etc. cum Commentariis, 2 vols. sm. folio, Editio Princeps, fine copy in French red Morocco extra, gilt edges, from the library of the late Lord Justice Knight Bruce, £14. Venetiis, apud Aldum, 1508-9 " Collection trfes importante et fort recher- chee ; elle est tres difficile a trouver complete et bien conservee. Vendue 650 fr.Larcher: 605 fr. Mac-Carthy; £17. Sykes : £33. 10.*, Heber." Brunei. A book, when complete, of extraordinary rarity, and one of the most important works in the collection of the Philological student, *' Ce livre reunit la beaute de I'execution a une tres grande rarete. II est peut-etre le plus veritablement precieux de tous ceux qu'Alde a imprimes." — Benouard. 1007 Eoss, Italiker und Grraken. Sprachen die Eomer Sanskrit oder Griechisch ? 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Halle, 1858 1008 EUSTICiE EEI SCEIPTOEES : de Ee Eustica, Cato, Terentius Varro, J. M. Columella, Palladius, etc. 8vo. very large ,copy in the original stamped binding, 20s Venetiis, Aldus, 1514 Priced, 1835, Techencr, 60 fr. : the Fonthill copy fetched £4. 13*. 1009 alia editio, 8yo. old English red ^o^OQCO, 16s Tenet. Aldus, 1533 1010 veteres Latmi : Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladius, etc. cum notis et Lexico, ad. Gesner, 2 vols. 4ito. front isp. and plates, hf morocco neat, uncut, 20s Lips. 1773-74 1011 iidem,4 vols, in 6, 8\o. plates, calf gilt, 12s Lips. 1794-97 1012 ST. JOHN (J. A.) Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, 3 vols. 8vo. plan, (pub. 3l5 ed) cloth, 18s 1842 A very learned, curious, and interesting book. 1013 SALUSTIO, la Conjuracion de Catilina y la Guerra de Jugurta, traduccion de Don Gabriel, Infante de Espana, (con Teste Latino) ; Bayer, del Alfabeto y Lengua de los Fenices y de sus Colonias, folio, fine paper, plates, blue MOROCCO eivt7'a, inlaid back, silk lining, gilt edges, an unusually fine copy, £3. 105 Madrid, Lbarra, 1772 This edition is rare and dear, as the Prince, Don Gabriel, reserved all the copies for presents. The annals of the press can boast of no more Barthelemy's copy sold for 210 francs, and Delcro's for 231 francs ; Didot's, 158 francs ; Col. Stanley's, £23. 2^. Priced, White Knight's, £6. 16^ 6s : Didot, 250 fr. ; the Fonthill, £9. 9s ; 1856, at Sotheby's, mor. £5. 1107 Xenophontis Opera G-rsece, cum notis J. G. Scbneideri, 6 vols. 8vo. calf extra, £2. 10s Oxon, 1812-19 1108 Anabasis, in JEnglish, 8vo. bds. 2s Qd Oxf. 18. '2 1109 Tates, Textrinum Antiquorum : an account of tbe Art of 'WEAVi:tfG among the Ancients ; Part I, on the Eaw Materials used for WeaviDg, with an Appendix on the period of the Invention of Linen Papee, 8vo. XVI and 472 pp. with 16 'plates, cloth, 7s Qd 1843 1110 Tonge's English-Greek Lexicon, sm. 4to. 536 pp. single columns^ (pub. 21s) cloth, Us 1849 1111 Classical Teacts and Opuscula, 6 4tos. and 3 Svos. 10» 1802-56 LATIN MISCELLANIES. 1112 ADAMSON, Ta ton Mouson Eisodia : the Muses' welcome to the high and migbtie Prince James, at bis bappie returne to his old and native King- dome of Scotland, after 14 yeers absence, in 1617 — Ta ton Mouson Exodia ; Planctus Musarum in Jacobi recessu ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, portrait of the King, in the original stamped and gilt calf, rare, £S. Edinbuo\gh, 1618 honoured with his presence, with names of the persons who dehvered them at each place, and comprising some of the best specimens in Latin and English, of the principal Scottish poets of the day ; including Alexander Hume, John Gell, William Dkummond, of Hawthornden, Thomas Hope, Henry Charteris, etc. Priced 1827, Thorpe, £8. 8^ ; 1840, J. Bohn £4. As ; Constable's copy fetched £7. ; Bindley's, £6. 2s ^d\ Perry's, £5. 15^ 6c^ ; Archbishop Tenison's for about £17. A most interesting volume, describing his Majesty's progress throughout, in verse and prose, with the speeches spoken at the several towns and gentlemen's seats, whom his majesty 1113 ALEXANDER Historia Alexadri Magni Kegis Macedonie de Preliis, small folio, calf extra by Prout, £2. 2s Argent. 1489 Rare edition of a scarce romance, priced, I consisting of title ; a, 7 leaves ; and b to / 5, in 1836, Thorpe, £3. 3^. Collation: 37 leaves, | sixes. 1114 Alvaeus de Syllabarum Quantitate, Ars Metrica, et Lusus poetici, 8vo. large papee, ^we copy in russia, gilt edges, 10s Lond. 1730 *' A valuable grammatical treatise. Williams' copy fetched 39«." — Lowndes. 1115 Aeena (A.) Meygra entreprisa catoliqui imperatoris, quando de A.D. MDXXXVI. veuiebat per Provensam bene corrossatus in postam prendere Eransam cum Yillis de Provensa, propter grossas etmenutas gentes rejohire, 12mo. in macaronic Latin, calf gilt, rare, Is 6d Lugd. 1760 "De cette edition (r«i-impression) de 1760 on a tire seulement 150 exermplsdres."— Brunei.^ 1116 Aepi Themis Cimbricasive de Cimbrorum et vicinarum gentium antiquissimis institutis commentarius, sq. 8vo. calf gilt, gilt edges, 7 s Qd Hamburgi, 1737 A work of great learning upon the state of the ancient Scandinavians a,nd Germans, LATIN MISCELLANIES. 455 1117 AscHAMT (Eog.) Epistolae, small 8vo. hest edition^ 10 heautiful portraits on the frontispiece, calf, 4s Qd Oxon, 1703 1118 Atlewoeth (Gul.) Metaphysica Scholastica, fol. oldcf. neat, 20s Coloniae, 1675 The author was an English Jesuit, who I book is not mentioned by Lowndes. taught Theology at the College of Liege. The | 1119 Balthasaeis de Vias Sylvae Eegiae, sm. 4ito. portrait on title, old calf gilt, 7s ed Faris, 1623 Dedicated to Louis XIII. by one of the best Latin poets of France. 1120 BEUTI CELTiE (Step. Junii) Vindiciae contra Tyrannos, sive de Principis in populum populique in principem legitima potestate, 12mo. fine copy in old red MOROCCO, gilt edges, £2. 2s Edinh. 1579 " Premiere edition de cet ouvrage celebre } guet.'*— Brnnet. attribue presque generalement a Hubert Lan- | Rare, printed without the name of the printer. 1121 CAMPANI CJ. Ant.) Opera et Vita, folio, large woodcut of a hell on the title, as a pun on the name of the author, a few slight wormholes, vellum, fine copy, 25* BomcB, E. Silber, 1595 Rare. It is the first edition of the "works Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £3. 12s Gd ; 1836, of one of the most celebrated scholars of the Pickering, £2. 125 6c?. XVIth century." — Dibdin. 1122 Cartphili (Blasii) de antiquis Marmoribus Opusculum, roy. 4to. large PAPER, yellow MOR. gt. edges, hound hy De Eome, rare, 20s Vindebonce, 1738 1123 Casauboni (Isaaei) Epistolae, editio secunda auctior, curante Grravio, stout 4to. vellum, 7s 6d Magd. 1656 1124 CHALONERII (Eq. Tho.) de Eepublica Anglorum Instauranda libri X., huic accessit in laudem Henrici Octavi Eegis quondam Anglise praestantiss. carmen Panegyrieum. Item de Illustrium quorundam Encomiis Miscellanea, cum Epigrammatibus, et Epitaphiis nonnullis, eodem authore, edente Grul. Malim, 4to. the title with the portrait and the anchor, fine copy, in olive mo- rocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s London, Tho. Vautrollerius, 1579 deploring of the cruel murder of Lady Jane Grey, daughter of the Duke of Suffolk ; on the heroic fortitude of Edward Shelley ; on the burning of St. Paul's Church, London, 1561, &c. ; Epitaphs by Sir John Cheke, Thomas Parr, Will. Paget, Thomas Phaer, Thomas Wyat, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, Margaret Neville, &c. &c. The author was a brave soldier, and able statesman and writer. The principal poem in this volume he wrote while ambassador in the Low Countries. His works were collected and published by order of Lord Burleigh, by whom is prefixed a Latin poem. This volume is dedicated to Queen Eliza- beth, and contains among others, Poems on the 1125 CEFSII Turco-G-rsecia, sm. folio, containing an account of Greece under the Turks, with Narratives and Letters in Greek and Latin, including several pieces in Romaic, and some in Turkish, woodcuts — Germane- Graecia, Orationes et Carmina, contin. 1584 — 2 vols, in 1, folio, vellum, fine copy, 36^ Bas. 1514 1126 Democritus ridens, sive campus recreationum honestarum cum Exorcismo Melancholiae, 18mo. superb copy in green morocco, gilt edges, 12s Gedani, Jansson, 1701 1127 Epigrammatum Delectus, cum Proverbiis Latinis, GrsBcis, Hispanis, Italis, iGmo.fine copy, old smooth morocco extra, hy Deseuil, 20s Paris, 1652 1128 Epitaphia Joco-Seria, Latina, Gallica, Italica, Hispanica, Lusitanica, Bel- gica, Franciscus Swertius coUegit, 12mo. calf gilt, rare, 4* ColonicB, 1623 1129 EEASMUS. Bellum Erasmi, translated into Englyshe, 18mo. ilack letter, half russia, rare, £X. 16s Lond. T. Berthelet, 1553 1130 EAZAKERLEY, Poemata Varia quorum nonnulla nunc primum in lucera eduntur, sm. 8vo. red onorocco, gilt edges, 10s London, privately printed, 1781 1131 the same, sm. 8vo. interleaved with additions and corrections, the Author's own copy ivith his autograph, calf gilt, 20s 1781 Mr. Fazakerley's promise to destroy the work,. the idea was abandoned. Priced, 1842, Bohn, £L 16s. This volume contains some Epigrams so severe upon George III. and the administration of Lord North, that it was at one time the inten- tion of the Crown to prosecute the author; but on 1132 Feacastorii Opera omnia ; ace. Naugerii carmina, sm. 4to. calf, 5s Tenet. Juntco, 1555 456 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1133 Eeischlini Opera Poetica, Comoediae et Tragoediee, 2 vols. 12mo. red mo- rocco, gilt edges, Ss 6d Argentorati, 1583-85 3134 <3(tc^E^ 3a(©|B^l^®l^2Fi;H cum applicationibus moralisatis ac misticis, sm. folio, gotI)ic hiUx,Jine large copy, calf extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £4.4* s. I. anno, 1499 " On a longtemps ignore le nom de I'auteur de cette compilation, mais un passage du 68me nous le r6vele par ces mots EUmandus in Gesta Homaiiorum." — Brunei. dialogue du livre intitule Dialogus Creaturarum 1135 HADDONI (Walter!) Lucubrationea pasaitn collectae et edltae, studio et labore Hatcheri, a collection of orations and epistles, dedicated to Sir William Om/Z— Haddoni PoEMiLTi., studio Hatcheri, collecta et edita, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. in citron moeocco extra, gilt edges, £2. \Qs 15(57 These very rare works are interesting, not less from the subjects, than from the numerous distinguished persons to whom they are addressed. There is much information of value for the his- tory of the Eeformation contained in them. Haddon stood high in Queen Elizabeth's favour. Lowndes doos not mention this edition of the Poems, but only that of 1576. 1136 HEiifsii (Dan.) Orationes, thick 12mo. vellum, 3s Qd Lugd. Bat. Mz. 1627 1137 (HONOEII AiJGTJSTODUNENsis) CEISTIANUS ad solitaeiQ quendam de YMAGiNE MUNDi, sm. foHo, two illuminated initials on first page, very fine and EXTEAOEDiNARiLT LAHGE COPY in blue MOEOCCO extra, almost tjncut, from the Yemenis; library, £15. s. I et a. (? 1742) " Tres-bel exemplaire a toutes marges d'une I vers 1472, avec les caracteres d'Antoine Ko- cosmographie tres-rare imprimee a Nuremberg, I burger." 1138 HOETI TEES AMOEIS amoenissimi, prsestantissimorum Poetarum nostri Sseculi ab Eg. Periandro consiti ; Pars Prima, Hortus Italorum Poetarum ; P ar ecunda, Hortus Illustrium Germanorum Poetarum; Pars Tertia Illusrium Gallise Poetarum, 3 vols, in 2, 12mo. calf gilt, 16s Franco f Sigm. Feyrdbendj 1567 " Ce recueil se trouve difficilement."— 5r«we^. 1139 JOANNIS SECUNDI Opera omnia, cum notis adhuc ineditis Burmanni cura P. Bosscha, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, thick papee, fine copy, red Turkey MOEOCCO extra, gilt edges, hy Smith, £2. 16s Lugd. Bat. 1821 1140 JO VII (Pauli) Descriptiones Eegionum atque locorum (Brit. Scot. Hybern. Orchad.) ; Lilii virorum in Britannia Elogia et Anglorum Eegium Chronicon ; Jovii Moschovia, 12mo. fine copy, red mor. extra, gilt edges, '60s Basil. 1561 1141 Landoe (Savage) Idyllia nova quinque Heroum atque Heroidum, 16mo. Ids. rare, 7s 6d Oxon. 1815 1142 LOED LTTTELTON'S and Mr. GLADSTONE'S Translations. This new edition is carefully printed in sm. 4to. and contains in addition to the matter of the first Edition, 1861, Tennyson's Ulysses, translated into Latin by Lord Lyttelton. Homer's first book, translated into English by the Eight Honourable W. E. Gladstone, M.P. 8vo. hf morocco, entirely out of print, 9s 1863 1143 the same, laege papee, 1 vol. 4to. whole morocco, gilt edges, £2. 10s 1863 The last of the 25 copies printed. 1144 Maccheeonee di cinque Poeti Italiani del Secolo XY, Tifi Odassi, Anonimo Padovano, Bassano Mantovano, Giovan Alione, Eossa Cremo- nense, con appendice di due Sonetti in Dialetto Bergamasco, sm. 4to. curious Latin Macaronic Boems, sd. 3s 6d Milano, 1864 1145 Maieei Jocus Severus, hoc est Tribunal ^quum quo Noctua, Eegina Avium, Phcenice arbitro, pronunciatur, sm. 4to. a curious poem with engraving on title, calf neat, 18s Francof Be Bry, 1617 1146 MEELINI COCxil poete Mantuani Macaeofices libri 17, novissime recogniti, 12mo. woodcuts, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s Priced, 1840, Payne and Toss, £3. 3*; fetched at Singer's sale, £2. 19*. Vert Rare : and containing a different Venet. Arrivabene, 1520 text from that of the following. Indeed the great value of this edition is that the text was changed in all subsequent ones. LATIN MISCELLANIES. 457 1147 Meelini Cocaii Poetae Macaronicorum Opus, per Lodolam redactus : Zani- tonella, Phantasise, Moschaese facetus liber, Epistolae ot Epigrainmata, 16mo. numerous woodcuts, old red moeocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 12s Tusculani, Lac. Benac. 1521 A very rare edition, printed with a singular I most complete edition, and is the princeps of all type between Roman and Italic. It is also the | succeeding ones. 1148 Meelini Cocaii poeta) Mantuani opus Macaronicorum, in pristioam formam per Acquarium Lodolam redactum ; Zanitonella, Phantasia de Baldo, Mos- chseae facetus liber, Epistolsp, 12 mo. woodcuts, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 10^ Venet. Bevilacqua, 1564 1119 ■ Opus Macaronicum, cum notis et Yocabulaeio Vernaculo, Etrusco et Latino, editio omnium locupletissima, 2 vols. 4to. portrait and vignettes, half bound, l^s Amst. 1768-71 The author composed at least two different with an appendix of selections from the later works on the same subject, which are generally one. confounded. This edition follows the first text, 1160 MERLIN COCCAIE, prototype de Eabelais, Histoire Macaronique, plus I'horrible Bataille entre les Mousches et les Fourmis, 12mo, calf extra, gilt edges, eaee, 36^ Paris, 1606 rendered from a third varying text of the origi- nal. A collector ought to have all the variations in his library. This translation contains the same number of books as the edition of 1564, but differs from it nevertheless, and appears consequently to be 1151 MEUESII (J.) Eleganti^ Latins Sebmonis, seu Aloisa Sigaea Toletana de Arcanis Amoris et Veneris, adjunctis fragmentis eroticis, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. Svo. fine copy of the rare JBaskerville edition, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £4t. 4* Lugd. Bat. ex Typis JElzevirianis {Birm. J. Baskerville) 1774 1152 MoRLiNi Novellaa, Fabulse, Comoedia, (curante Corpet), 12mo. cloth, 3« Qd Bibl. Elzev. Paris, 1855 1153 NiPHi libri duo de Pulchro, de Amore, sm. Svo. Editio Princeps, vellum, 15* Lugd. Beringi, 1549 Very Rare. This first edition is not men- I of 1641. The work is philosophical but contains tioned by Brunei, who mentions only the edition I some singular details. 1154 NuEiSiA (Benedicti de) Opus ad Sanitatis conservationem ; etiam Tadeus de riorentia de Kegimine Sanitatis, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, 18^ Bonon. Bominicus de Lapis, 1477 Very Rare. " Vendu 1 30 fr. Brienne-Laire." — Brunei. 1155 OLEAEIUS (P.) de Fide Concubinarura in Sacerdotes ; et de Fide Mere- tricum in suos Amatores : Questio determinata a J. Hartlieb, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. black letter, with woodcuts on title pages, hds. 80* Avguste, per Johannem Froschauer, 1506 A very singular work, most peculiarly illus- i times, trative of the social manners and customs of the | A copy sold at Gagniat's sale for 400 fr. 1156 OWEN (John) Joannis Audoeni Epigrammata, cura Eenouard, 2 vols. 12mo. LAEaE PAPEE, beautiful copy in red morocco extra, silk linings, gilt leaves, 365 Paris, Didot, 1794 Of this work, and on this paper, there were only twelve copies printed. 1157 PEREIE^ (Cometii) Antoniana Margarita, opus nempe phj^sicis, medicis, ac theologis, non minus utile quam necessarium, 1554 — Michaelis a Palacios Objectiones adversus nonnulla ex paradoxis Antonianse MargaritsB, 1555 — in 1 vol. sm. folio, calf, gilt edges, £8. 3^ Medina de el Campo, 1554-55 A curious philosophical work, from which j Pereira attempts to prove that beasts were no Descartes was accused of having plagiarised, | more than machines. 1158 PHYSIOPHILI Specimen Monachologiae methodo Linnaeana, 4to. 3 plates of the Garments of all the Monastic Orders, a singular satirical work, hf bd. 5s Aug. Vind. 1783 1159 the same, Large Paper, roj. 4to. 7f. bd. 9s 1783 458 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1160 PoET-E (Jo. Baptistse) Magia Naturalis, sm. 8to. slightly wormed, calf, 5s Franco/. 1607 1161 Qtjilleti (C.) Callipsedia seu de pulchrs9 Prolis habenda Eatione Poema, 12mo. LAEGE PAPER, old English red morocco, scarce, 7s 6d J. Bowger, 1708 1162 EoLLiAEDi (Seb. Melodun.) Agrocharis, Gallice et Latins; adjecta Mu- surgia, small 8vo. portrait, fine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, 20* Paris, 1605 1163 Eegimen" Sanitatis Salerni, accurate castigatum adjecta tabula in calce libri hactenus non impressa Lugduni^ Jac. Myt. exp. B. Trot, 1516 Questiones naturales Arestotilis, 3 woodcuts Antwerpiae, G. Back, s. a. Compotus manualis Magistri Aniani, cum Marsi commentario, with an Al- manac, and numerous woodcuts o/" Chieomanct Barrhis. O. BalduSy 1526 Computus nonus adjecto commentariolo totius Astronomic fundamentum con- tinens, 8 leaves s. a. the above 4 works in 1 vol. small 4to. original old stamped calfy 28s 1164 EEISCH (G-eorgii) Appendix Matheseos in Maegaeitam Piiilosophicam ; sequuntur Graecarum Literarum Institutiones, Hebraicarum Litterarum Eu- dimenta, Musica figurata, Arcbitectura et Perspectiva, Astrolabii compo- sitio, etc. small thick 4to. woodcut border to title and ornamental titles to the twelve boolcs, besides a large number of very curious wood engravings through' out the volume, and Musical notes, in original stamped binding, with clasps, 2os Argentorati, Jo. Oriininger, 1512 1165 SCHUEMAN (Annse Marias a) Opuscula Hebrsea, Grseca, Latina, Gallica, prosaica et metrica, 16mo. second edition, beautiful portrait of this learned lady, designed and engraved by herself, fine copy, morocco extra, ISs Lugd. Bat. 1650 1166 eadem, 12mo. third edition, with an additional portrait by Kilian inserted, whole blue morocco extra, edges uncut, 25* Traj. ad Bhen. 1651 1167 SIGONII Opeea Omnia, cum notis variorum Illustrium Yirorum, collegit suasque Animadversiones adjecit P. Argelatus, 6 vols, large folio, vellum, £4. 105 Mediol 1732-37 Tom. 1. Fasti Consulares Hist. Occid. Imperii. 264-565 2. Hist. Regni Italici 3. Hist. Bononiensis De Episc. Bononiens. Scholia in Livium Vitse De Eepublica Hebrseorum Comment, in Snip. Severum Hist. Ecclesiast. ad a. 311 5. De Republica Atheniensium De Temporibus Athen. et Lacedaemon. De Antiquo Jure Civ. Rom. Italiae et Provinc, et de Judiciis 6. Emendationes Livianae Opuscula Varia Pinelli's copy fetched £3. 13.f U ; Mead's £5. 15* M ; priced 1841, H. Bohn, £6. 65. for learning and judgment, whom the sixteenth, century produced. His works (he says) on the Roman Government, not only form an epoch in this department of ancient literature, but have left in general but little for his successors. His trea- tises de Jiire^ etc. are still the best that can be read in illustration of the Roman historians, and the Orations of Cicero." Sigonius was a native of Modena, emi- nently skilled in History and Roman Antiquities. He was so great a master of the style of Cicero, that he wrote a treatise de Consolatione, and pub- lished it as a piece of Cicero's works newly dis- covered, and many were in reality deceived by the counterfeit." — Dr. A. Clarke. Mr. Hallam, in his Literature of Europe, speaks highly of Si- gonius, whom he calls " the first antiquary, both 1168 STKITTEEI Memoria Populorum, olim ad Danubium, Pontum Euxinum, Paludem Mseot. Caucasum, Mare Caspium, et inde magis ad Septemtr. in- colentium (Grotborum, Yandalorum, Longobard. Hunn. etc.) 4 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £2. 16s Betropoli, 1771-79 1169 VIKUNNII (Pontici) Britannicse Historiae libri sex, cum D. Poueli Catalogo , Eegum Britannia3; accedit G-iealdi Cambeei^sis Itinerarium Cambriae, 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. fine copy in smooth red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £2. 2^ Londini, 1585 First edition of the famous work of Giraldus | King John's tutor. " the oldest Topographer of Wales." He was ( 1170 "WoLFii (J. C.) Anecdota Grapca, sacra et profana, nunc primum edita, a "Wolfio, Gr. et Lat. 4 vols. 12mo. calf, 7s (Sd Hamburgi, 1722-24 Boolcs loanted to purchase Garcie (ou Gracie) Grant Routier, 4to. Rouen, s. d. or 1525, or Poictifrs, 1620 Gessneri Historla Animaliura, 5 vols, folio, Tiguri, 1551-89 Gough's Coins of the Seleucidse in the Duane Cabinet, 4to. Guadalupe Ramirez Breve Compendio de el Christiano en Lengua Othomi, 8vo. Mexico, 1785 Gualdi, Monumentos de Mejico, 12 plates, Mexico, 1841 Help's Friends in Council, 4 vols. Hieronymi Opera, folio, Paris, 1545 ; — Vol. I. only Honour of the Taylors, or History of Sir J. Hawkwood, 4to. 1687. with the frontispiece Hope, on Fencing, 1707 Hope's Fencing, published about 200 years ago Horatius, Parisiis, 1799, Didot Hutton's Theory of the Earth, 2 vols. 8vo. Icaza, Coleccion de las Antiguedades Mexicanas que existen en el Museo Nacional, 13 plates, folio, Mexico, 1827 Interest of Great Britain considered with relation to the Differences between the Northern Poten- tates, 8vo. 1716 Irish Academy: Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy Vol. XI, complete „ XIII, complete ,, XIV, complete „ XXIV, Antiquities, part 4, and after Polite Literature, part 2 and after Science, pts. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and after Any other classes belonging to this volume, or XXIV complete. (Of Vol. XXIV I have Antiquities, pts. 1 to 3 ; Science, pts. 3 and 6 ; and Polite Literature, pt. 1 ) Jackson's Military Topography of Europe Jerdon's Birds of India, Vol. I, Svo. Calcutta, 1862 Jerdon's Mammals of India, Svo. RoorJcee, 1867 Juan de la Anunciacion, Sermonario en lengua Mexicano, 4to. Mexico, Ant. Ricardo, 1577 King's Study-Book, Vols. 3 and 4 Knight's Worship of Priapus, 4to. 1 786,^n« copy Lahontan, Voyages dans TAmerique Septentr. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. 1703 Larea, Cronica de la orden de N. S. padre S. Francisco, etc. Aio. Mexico, 1643 (Lecky's) Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland, Svo. 186 1 Lecluse Grammaire Basque, Svo. Toulouse,\^2^ Lesselie Droit de Marie R. d'Ecosse at de Jacques VI, Svo. Rouen, s, a. Letters relating to the Seizing of the Swedish Minister, Svo. 1717 Letters. A Select Collection of Letters by Eminent Persons, 2 vols. London, 1755 Letters (Three) Upon the full Powers given, etc. pp.34, 1717 Lettres Edifiantes, 26 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1780-83 Levaillant, Oiseaux d'Afrique, 5 vols. impl. 4to. a cheap copy Lindley's Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants, London, 1840 i Linnsei Mantissa, edition of 1771 Loudon's Greenhouse Plants, 1 vol. 4to. original issue Lozano Compania de Jesus en Paraguay, 2 vols. folio, Madrid, I7bi-^b Provincia del Gran Chaco. Svo. with or without the map, Cordoba, 1733 Lugo Gram, de la Lengua Mosca, 16mo. Madrid, 1619 Lays and Legends of the Thames Lulli Opera Omnia, 10 vols. foWo, Moguntia, 1722-42 ; Vols. VII and VIII separately Mahabharata in Sanscrit, 4 vols. 4to. Calcutta, 1834-39 Mamiami, Lingua Brasilica da na^om Kiriri, 12mo. Lisbna, 1699 Manchester Geological Society's Taansactions, Vol. 1 and following Martini Atlas Sinicus, large folio, 1654 McPherson's Fragmentof Ancient Gaelic Poems, translated, Svo. 1760 McPherson's Civil Procedure, 2 vols. Svo. 1850 McEnery's Cavern Researches, with plates by Scharf ; or the plates separately Mechanic's Magazine. No. 2258 (Jan. 10, 1868) Medhurst, Chinese Dictionary, 4 vols. Svo. Meadowe(Ph.) Wars betwixt Sweden and Den- mark, Svo. 1677 Mel gar. Arte de la Lengua, Qquechhua, 16mo. Lima, 1691 Mill's Unsettled Questions of Political Eco- nomy, Svo. Milman's Latin Christianity, 9 vols. Svo. Mirror for Magistrates, ed. Haslewood, 3 vols. 4to. uncut Museo Mexicano, 4 vols. Svo. Mexico, 1843 Navarrette Coleccion de Viages, 5 vols. sm. 4to. 1825-37 Ochino, Fourteen Sermons translated by A(nne) C(ook), Svo. Orosio y Berra, Geografia de las lenguas y carta etnografica, de Mexico, etc. Madrid, Andrade, 1864 Ovalle, Reyno de Chile, folio, Roma, 1646 Oviedo (Gons) cloth, IGs 1858 124 Berni (F.) Orlando Innamorato, translated into prjse by Eose, post 8vo. bds. 5s; or calf gilt, 7s Edinb. 1823 BERRY'S COUNTY GENEALOGIES: 125 Berks, Bucks and Surrey. PEDIGEEES of the Families of Berks, Buck- ingham and Surrey, 3 vols, in 1, folio, hf. morocco, £'S. IGs 1837 J26 Hants. PEDIGEEES of the Eamilies in the County of HANTS, collected from Heraldic Visitations and other MSS. sm. folio, numerous Coats of Arms, boards, £2. IGs-, or half morocco, £2. 10s 1833 ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 467 Berry's County Qenealogies— continued. 127 Herts. PEDIGEEES and Arms of the Eamilies of the County of HEET- EOED, folio, engravings of Arms, entirely lithographed, (pub. at £3. 10«) only 153 copies printed, bds. £2. 2s (1844) 128 Kent. PEDIGEEES and Arms of the Eamilies in tlie County of KENT, with a List of the Sheriffs from 1066 to 1830, collected from Heraldic Visitations and other MSS. folio, woodcuts of Arms, hf. morocco, yert EAEE, £7. 10s 1830 129 Surrey. PEDIGEEES of SUEEET Eamilies, folio, numerous Arms, entirely lithographed, hf. Id. £4. 4^ 1857 130 Sussex. PEDIGEEES and Arms of the Eamilies in the County of SUSSEX, with a List of the SheriiFs from 1154 to 1830, 2 parts, folio, numerous woodcuts of Arms, (pub. at £Q. Qa) bds. £3. 3* ; or, in 1 vol. hf. morocco, uncut, rare, £4. 10s 1830 riage, and burials, and such other legal docu- ments, as localities will otherwise afford ; and the modern entries in the Herald's College are of no better authority, requiring the very same kind of proof for legal purposes." — Preface. " These Collections of Pedigrees will be found of great utility, though not of suflScient proof in themselves to establish the claims of kindred set forth in them; but affording a ready clue to such necessary proof whenever it should be required, by pointing out the places of nativity, baptism, mar- 131 BIESTON (E.) Bayte and Snare of Eortune (in Yerse), folio, title within woodcut border, black letter, calf gilt, £2. 2s John Way land n. d. {cir. 1558) %* Scarce. Sir Mark Sykes's copy sold for £3. 10;?. " A very rare book." — Bibdin's Ames, iii. p. 531. 132 BLOME'S (E.) Britannia, or Geographical Description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Isles and territories thereto belong- ing, etc. folio, laege PAPEE, maps, plans, and plates of arms emblazoned, fine copy in old calf gilt, rare, £4: 4« Reycroft, 1673 133 BLOUNT (Thomas) Eragmenta Antiquitatis ; or Ancient Tenures of Land, and Jocular Customs of Manors, with additions by Josiah Beckwith, 4to. bds. 25* 1815 134 BOCCACIO'S Decameeon: the Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence, and Con- versation, translated into English, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, with both woodcut titles, fine tall copy, calf, eaee, £4. 15^ Lond. by Isaac Jaggard, 1625-20 135 Decameron, or Ten Days' Entertainment, translated from the Italian, with remarks on the Life and Writings of Boccacio (by Dubois), 8vo. port, cloth, Is Qd 1820 136 BEATHWAIT (Eichard) A Solemne Ioyiall Disputation, Theoreticke and Practicke, briefly Shadowing the Law of Deinking, etc. Oenozytho- polis at the Signe of Redeyes, 1617 — The Smoking Age, or the Man in the Mist, with the life and death of Tobacco, Oenozythopolis at the Signe of Teare-nose, 1617 — in 1 vol. 12mo. of the greatest rarity, fine clean sound original copy, but wanting Marshall's engraved titles, old binding, £6. Gs 1617 187 BEATHWAIT (E.) English Gentleman and English Gentlewoman, with a Ladies Love-Lecture and a Supplement entituled, The Turtle's Triumph, folio, very fine frontispiece by JV. Marshall, wants explanation to frontispiece, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. \Qs 1641 138 BEATHWAIT (Eichaed) Baenab^ Itineeaeium, or Barnabee's Journal, with a Life of the Author, a Bibliographical Introduction to the Itinerary, and a Catalogue of his Works, edited from the first edition by J. Haslewood, 2 vols, square 16mo. without the portrait and two plates, but with the frontis- piece, half morocco, uncut, 36*^ 1820 Usual price now, £2. 12.v 6rf. Only 25 copies of these elegant and curious volumes were printed, published at £4. 4^ each. "Among the minutioe of literary history, the appro- priation of that admirable and justly popular poem of Barnabee's Journal (or Drunken Barnahee), to its true author, Richard Brathwaite, is one of the most singular, and does the highest credit to the critical sagacity, as well as the un- sparing industry and intelligence of the fortunate discoverer, Mr. Ha, 210 G-tllman's Life of Coleridge, 8vo. Yol. I (all published) cloth, Ss Qd 1838 211 COLLINS' Peerage of England, Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, augmented and continued by Sir E. Brydges, 9 vols. 8vo. best edition, Coats of Arms of each family, fine copy in calf gilt, £4. 10^ ; or, russia extra, from Sir Charles Price's library, £6. 10s 1812 212 COLLINS (A.) Historical Collections of the Noble Eamilies of Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle, with the Lives of the most remarkable Persons, folio, fine impressions of the portraits by Vertue, large paper, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, .3614. 1752 This valuable work was compiled by Collins at the request of the Dowager Countess of Ox- ford. Copies on Large Paper are extremely rare. The present does not contain the two leaves of Addenda which were printed after the publica- tion of the work. 213 Commonwealth. A Book of the Continuation of Forreign Passages, viz. Peace with the Netherlands, with the Articles of the Peace, 1654 — Treaty with Sweden, 1654— Treaty of Peace betwixt England and France, 1655 — News from General Blake's fleet, with his action with the Turks, 1655, and the taking of the Spanish West India Fleet, etc. map of the W. Indies, portraits of Louis XIV, Christina Q. of Sweden^ Pope Alexander VII, and plates of Naval Actions, by Thomas Jenner, smallest 4to. red morocco, by Boger Payne, £2. 16s 1657 At page 55 is a letter from the celebrated Gen. Blake, relating his exploit before Cadiz ; at p. .'>4 " an Account touching the destruction befallen the Spaniards in the West Indies;" — p. 57, "Successe of a few of our Ships against the King of Spain's West-India Fleet," relating the capture of Don Diego de Villa Alva, Governor of the Havana, and other Spanish Nobles. 214 COOPEE'S CHRONICLE contenynge the whole discourse of the histories as well of thys realme as of all other countreis, augmented unto the vii yere of the raigne of Queue Elizabeth that nowe is, (by Lanquet and Cooper) smallest 4to. hlnck ktkx, two small wormholes, beautifully bound in old yellow morocco extra, inlaid with sides and corners of red and green morocco, edges gilt and gauffered, rare, £4, 4s 1565 Under the date 1452 appears the following I found the craft of printing in the city of Mens." statement : " One named Johannes Faustius first j Cornwall : 215 BORLASE'S Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall, with Essays on the first Inhabitants, Druids, Superstitions, Cus- toms, and Remains of the most remote Antiquity in Britain, with a Voca- bulary of the Cornish Language, folio, 31 plates of Antiquities, calf, 36^ Oxford, 1754 216 the same, second edition, with Additions, folio, plates^ with map and two plates not in the first edition^ calf £2. IQs " 1769 2 L 476 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 217 BOELASE'S Natural History of Cornwall, with Notes on the manners, etc. of the Inhabitants, folio, calf^ 36s 1758 218 Cabew's Survey of Cornwall and an Epistle concerning the excellencies of the English Tongue, with the Author's Life by H. C. sm. 4to. new edition^ calf gilt, scarce, 27 s 1769 219 PEYCE (W.) Cornish Grammar and Cornish-English Vocabulary (with the Lord's Prayer, Belief and Commandments in ancient and modern Cornisb, and a collection of Proverbs, Mottoes, Songs, etc. in the vulgar Cornish ; also Letters written by E. Lhuyd to T. Tonkin, 4to. calf gilt, £1. 10s Sherhorne, 1790 220 COENWALLIS {Charles, First Marquis) Correspondence, edited with Notes by C. Eoss, 3 vols. 8vo. port, and pedigree, calf gilt, hy Biviere, £2. 5s 1859 task most carefully, having examined all the printed books and MSS. which were at all likely to be of service to him. A valuable collection of papers which illus- trate the character of Lord Cornwallis, and also throws much light upon the history of those times. Mr, C. Ross has performed his arduous 221 CoTTiNGHAM (L. N.) Catalogue of his Museum of Mediaeval Art, by Henry Shaw, E.S.A. woodcuts, 1840 — Lecture* on Ancient British and Druidical Eemains, 20 plates, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. cloth, privately printed, 7s Od 1840 222 COWPEE'S Life and Works, including his Correspondence, by Southey, 15 vols. 12mo. fine portraits and plates, cloth, S2s 1835-57 223 CEABBE (Eev. G-.) Works, library edition, 5 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, marhled edges, £2. 10^ 1823 Cromwell (Oliver) : 224 Collection op all the Pkoclamatioits, Declarations, Articles and Ordi- nances, passed by his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council from 16 Dec. 1653 to Sept. 1654, sm. folio, ISlacfe attter, bound, £3. 3* 1654 225 Petition to the Lord Protector, 1657 — Act for the security of the Protector's Person, 1667 — Act for settling of the Postage, 1657 — Narrative of the Suc- cess against the Spanish West-India Elect, 1656 ; and various Acts of Par- liament during the Commonwealth ; in all 36 pieces in 1 vol. sm. folio, JSlacfe letter, hound, rare, £3. 3* 1656-67 226 CUDWOETH (R.) True Intellectual System of the Tniverse, stout folio, First 'Ei^iiiOTi.f frontispiece, very fine copy in old Mnglish red morocco, gilt edges, the Marquis of Hastings' copy, £4. 4* 1678 Cumberland : 227 HUTCHINSON'S History of the County of CUMBEELAND and some Places adjacent, from the earliest Accounts to the present Time, 2 vols. 4to. numerous vieivs, maps and plates, including many of Moman Antiquities, half calf, Dr. Butters copy, £3. 10s Carlisle, 1794 228 NICHOLSON and BUEN, History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmoreland and Cumbeeland, 2 vols. 4to. maps, clean copy in hoards, UNCUT, 365. 1777 229 DALEYMPLE'S Discourse on the Bookland and Eolkland of the Saxons ; 8vo. hf. caf, 2s 6d Cambridge, 1775 230 DANTE'S Vision ; or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, translated by Eev. H. F. Carey, 3 vols. 8vo. calf nilt, full gilt backs, 36* 1819 231 DAVENANT'S (Sir William) Works, now published out of the author's originall copies, (edited by H. Herringham) io\\o, portrait, fine copy in old cay", £3. Zs 1673 232 DEKKEE (Tho.) the pleasant Comedie of Olltt dTortunatui^, as it was plaied before the Queenes Maiestie this Christmas, by the Eight Honourable the Earle of Nottingham, Lord high Admirall of England his servants, 8vo. blaek Utter, short copy, half russia, £11. 5* 8. S.for William Apsley, 1600 The scarcest of all the works of this cele brated dramatist ; no copy has occurred for sale during many years. Dekker's poetry, though full of fantastic conceits, is of a high order, not- withstanding the depreciation of some critics. ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 477 233 DECKEE, The Qull's Hornbook, reprinted from the rare edition of 1609, edited by Dr. Nott, sm. 4to. Ids. 18^ Bristol, J. M. Gutch, 1812 This work aifords a greater insight into the j beth's day, than perhaps any other extant, fashionable follies and vulgar habits of Q. Eliza- J 234 DE FOE'S Novels and Miscellaneous Works, with a Biographical Memoir of the Author (by Chalmers), literary prefaces and illustrative notes by Sir AA^alter Scott, edited by C. Lewis, 20 vols. 12rao. hf. cf. gilt, a neat set, £6. 15s 1840-41 Contents : I. and II. Robinson Crusoe — III. Capt. Singleton— IV. Moll Flanders— V. Col. Jack ; Mrs. Veal — VI. Memoirs of a Cava- lier— VII.- Voyage round the World— VIII. Capt. Carleton ; Mother — IX. Hist, of the Plague : Consolidator— X. Hist, of the Devil- XL Roxana— XII. System of Magic— XIII. History of Apparitions — XIV. Religious Court- ship— XV. XV[. Family Instructor — XVII. XVIII. English Tradesman— XIX. Duncan Campbell ; Dumb Philosopher ; Everybody's Business, etc. XX. True-born Englishman. 235 Defoe, Jure Diviuo, a Satyr, sm. 8vo. woodcut port, old calf , 10* 1706 236 Secrets of the Invisible World disclosed, or a History of Apparitions, by Andrew Moreton, 8vo. plates, calf, 12* 1735 237 Memoirs of Col. Andrew Newport, a Cavalier in the Army of Gus- tavus Adolphus and of Charles I, with anecdotes, 8vo. portrait of the Earl of msex, calf, 12s 1792 238 Life and Adventures of Eobinson Crusoe, with the farther Adventures and serious Eeflections, with his Yision of the Angelick World, 3 vols. 8vo. third edition of Vol. I. and first of Vol. II. and III. with the map, and plate of the Island frequently wanting, calf, 30* 1719-20 239 DENJSriSTOIJN'S Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630 ; 3 vols. 8vo. with nume- rous engravings, comprising portraits, views, medallions j facsimiles of hand- writing, ^c. (pub. at £2. 85) extra cloth gilt, 17s 6d 1851 Devonshire : 240 POLWHELE'S(Eich.) History of Devonshire, 3 vols, in 1, stout roy. folio, map and fine plates of Castles, Churches, Gentle?nen's Seats, etc. fine copg, uncut, £9. 15s Exeter, 1797-1806 24 L the same, 3 vols, folio. Vol. I. without the map, Vol. II. having only 8 plates, and Vol. Ill 6 plates, cloth, £S. 1793-97 242 Spreat, Picturesque Sketches of the Churches of Devoid, oblong 4to. 74 plates finely lithographed, sd. 7s 6d Exeter, 1842 243 WESTCOTE (T.) View of Devonshire in 1630, edited by the Eev. G. Oliver and P. Jones, sm. thick 4to. cloth, SOs Exeter, 1845 Appended is "The Pedigrees of most of our Devonshire Families," pp. 457-635. 244 DIALOGUES of Creatures Moralized, applicable and edifying to every Merry and Jocund Matter, and right profitable to the Q-overuance of Men, edited by Haslewood, sm. 4to. beautifully reprinted in blacfe kttft, with 125 curious woodcuts, from the Latin edition of 1481, (pub. at £5. 5*) antique calf gilt top, uncut, £3. IO5 1816 Only 98 copies of this handsome volume were printed, and but 42 were preserved from Bensley's ifire. The work will be found curious to the Philologist, interesting to the lover of Natural History, and amusing to the Moralist. 245 DILKES' Collection of Old English Plays, being a selection from the early Dramatic Writers, with notes critical and explanatory, 6 vols. 8vo. hf russia, uncut, £2. 105 1814-15 246 DoDiJSTGTON (G-. Bubb, Baron of Melcomhe Regis) Diary from 1748 to 1761, 8vo. portrait, caf gilt, Zs Qd 1784 247 DODSLET'S Collection of OLD PLAYS, second edition, 12 vols. sm. 8vo. calf neat, 36*3. 1780 248 DODSLET'S Select Collection of Old Plats, JSfeu) Edition, with Additional Notes and Corrections, by Eeed, GtilcheisT; and Collier, with Supple- ment, 13 vols. sm. 8vo. Ids. £Q. Qs 1825-33 2 l 2 478 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 249 DOMESDAY BOOK ; seu Liber Censualis AVillelmi I. Eegis Anglise inter i Archives Regni in domo "Westmonasterii asservatus, 2 vols. 1783 — Indices ; and general Introduction to Domesday, 1 vol. 1816 — Additamenta ex Codice ] Antiquissimo Exon. Domesday Inquisitio Eliensis, Liber Winton, Boldon ] Book et Indices, 1 vol. 1816— together 4 vols, folio, £10. 1783-1816 ! 250 DOMESDAY" BOOK for Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, translated, with Intro- i duction and Notes by Henshall and Wilkinson, London, 1799 — Bawden's i Translation of Domesday for Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottingham, Rutland, ; Lincoln, Middlesex, Hertford, Buckingham, Oxford, and Gloucester, with ' Glossary and Indexes, 2 vols. Doncaster^ 1809-12, — together 3 vols, in 2, 4to. \ hf. calf gilt, £^. 1799-1812 ' 251 ELLIS (Sir Henry) General Iftroductioj^ to DOMESDAY BOOK; ' with Indexes of the Tenants in Chief and under Tenants, at the time of \ the Survey, and abstract of the Population of England at the close of the I reign of William the Conqueror, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, very scarce, £^. 5s 1833 252 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. olive morocco, gilt edges, £S. 15s 1833 ; 253 Domesday Book illustrated, with Translation of the difficult Passages, Notes, I etc. by Kelham, 8vo. calf, rare, 30s 1788 \ Dorsetshire : i 254 HUTCHINS (Johis^) History akd Antiquities of the County op ] Dorset, compiled from the best and most ancient Historians, Eecords, MSS. \ etc. with a Copy of the Domesday-Book and the Inquisitio Gheldi for the | County, 4 vols, folio, best edition, ma^ and ahove 200 plates and cuts, half i calf, uncut, £48. 1796-1815 ] Vert scarce, nearly the whole impression j Nichols's Fire. ■ of Vol. I. and II. having been destroyed in | , '■ 255 Wakne's Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: an account of personal and other re- : searches in the sepulchral mounds of the Durotriges, fol. 13 plates containing ; 80 representations of antiquities, (pub. 305) cloth, 22s Qd 1866 | 256 DOUCE (F.) Illustrations of Shakespere and of Ancient Manners, with Dis- i sertatious on the Gesta Eomanorum, the Morris Dance, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. \ woodcuts, calf, 28s 1807 \ 257 . the same, new edition, 8vo. woodcuts, calf gilt, marbled edges, ISs 1839 I 258 DOUGLAS (Rev. Jas.) Nenia Britannica ; a Sepulchral History of Great j Britain, folio, 36 plates of Celtic and Anglo-Saccon Antiquities, royal folio, j well bound, £4. 1793 ! Douglas' valuable work includes a complete contain Urns, Swords, Spear-heads, Daggers, j series of the British, Koman and Saxon Sepul- Knives, Battle-Axes, Shields, and Armillae ; De- ] chral Rites and Ceremonies, with the contents of corations of Women, consisting of Gems, Pensile | several hundred Burial Places, opened under the Ornaments, Bracelets, Beads, Gold and Silver \ careful inspection of the author. The Barrows Buckles ; Magical Instruments, and other Eelics. j 259 Dover (Lord; Life of Frederic the Second, King of Prussia, 2 vols. 8vo. por- \ trait, presentation copy to Baron Stockmar, cloth, 7s 6d 1832 ■ 260 Dramatists, Old English, edited by Eev. Alex. Dyce : — ; Geeene's (Robert) Dramatic Works, 2 vols. 1831 j Peele's (George) Works, 3 vols. 1822-89 We.bstee's (John) Works, 4 vols. 1830 Marlowe's (Christopher) Works, 3 vols. 1826 • — together 12 vols, post 8vo. 9 half bound red morocco, gilt edges, and 3 vols. - red morocco gilt, £12. 12^ 261 Marlowe's (Chr.) Works, with notes and account of his Life and Writings \ by Dyce, 3 vols, best edition, sm. 8vo. cloth, £3. Ss Pickering, 1850 262 MiDDLETON (T.) Works, collected, with notes and account of the Author | by Dyce, 5 vols. sm. 8vo. portrait, boards, rare, £3. ds 1840 j 263 Webster's (John) Works, 4 vols, post 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, \ £4. 4« Bickering, 1830 ' See ante Dodslev. • ENGLISH LTTERATUEE. 479 Dramatists, Old English : — 264 FORD'S Dramatic Wokks, with Introduction and explanatory Notes by Henry Weber, 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1811 MASSINaER'S Plays, with Notes critical and explanatory, by W. GifFord, second edition, 4 vols, 'portrait 1813 BEN JONSON'S Works, with Notes critical and explanatory and a biogra- phical Memoir by W. Gilford, 9 vols, portraits 1816 — together 15 vols, royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, uniformly hound in caff gilt, the contents lettered, £18. 1811-1816 265 DRYDEN'S (John) Complete WORKS ; now first Collected and Illustrated with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott, 18 vols. 8vo. portrait. £\^. Edinb. 1808 266 DUFF'S Htstoey of the Mahrattas, 3 vols. 8vo. map and plates, rare, 56*3. 16^ 1826 A most elaborate work, entirely based upon The History begins with the Conquest of the original documents, unpublished MSS., Official Deccan by the Mahommedans, a.d. 1000, and ex- Papers, &c. hidden in the palaces, temples, and tends to the British possession in 1819. private repositories of the natives. 267 DUGD ALE'S (Sir William) History of IMBANKING and Drayning of divers FENNS and MARSHES, both in Foreign Parts aud in this King- dom, and of the Improvements thereby, original edition", folio, with the 11 MAPS, very fine copy in brown moeocco extea, broad gold borders, gilt edges, joints, yert rare, <£14. 1662 The scarcest of all Dugdale's works, the greater part having been destroyed in the Great Fire of London. It was published at the instance of Lord Gorges and others, who were the princi- pal adventurers in that laudable undertaking for draining the great Level. — Sir Mark Sykes' copy sold for £21. 105 6(7, Mr. Jadis's for £21., and the Duke of Roxburghe's for £18. 155. 268 DUG-DALE TSir "William) Origines Jtjeidiciales, or Historical Memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, etc. ; also a Chronologic of the Lord Chancellors, Keepers, etc. First and most correct edition, loith beautiful ijnpressions of the fine portraits by Eollar, numerous plates of Arms, small io\\o, fine copy, in red morocco extra, gilt and marbled edges by Bedford, £G. 10s F. and T. Warren, for the Author ^IQm 269 the same, sm. folio, second edition with additions, portraits by Hollar^ and fine impression of the portrait of Sir Orlando Bridgman by Faithorne, fine copy in calf with crest of Earl Hastings on the sides, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, 364. is 1671 270 Dugdale's Baronage of England, or an Historical Account of the Lires and most memorable Actions of our English Nobility, 3 vols, in 2, folio, old calf gilt bachs, £li. 10s 1671-76 271 DUGDALE'S MONASTICON ANGLICANUM: a History of the Abbeys and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Frieries, Cathedral and Collegiate Churches in England and Wales ; also of all sueh Scotch, Irish and French Monasteries as were, in any manner, connected with Eeligious Houses in England, together with a particular account of their respective Foundations, Grants, and Donations, with a full statement of their Possessions as well Temporal as Spiritual, originally published in Latin : a new edition, en- riched with a large accession of materials, now first printed, from Leiger- books, Chartularies, Eolls, and other Documents, preserved in the National Archives, Public Libraries, and other Repositories ; the History of each Ee- ligious Foundation, in English, being prefixed to its series of Latin Char- ters, by John Cayley, E^q., F.S.A., etc. ; Sir Henry Ellis, F.S.A.: and by the Eev. Dr. Bandinel, 8 vols, folio, 250 large plates and numerous ivoodcuts, very fine impressions, (pub. at ^141. 15*) elegantly hf bound olive morocco^ full gilt backs, gilt edges, uncut, ^6*32 1817 272 the same, new edition, 8 vols, folio, with the same platesy hf bd. blue morocco, gilt tops, icncutj £21. 1846 480 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 273 DUGD ALE'S History of ST. PAUL'S CATHEDEAL in London, from its Foundation, extracted out of Original Charters, Eecords, Leiger Books, and other Manuscripts, by Sir William Dugdale, Knt., Garter JPrincipal King of Arms, with Continuation and Additions, including the Eepublication of Sir "William Dugdale's Life, from his own Manuscript, by Sir Henry Ellis, folio, portrait and plates, fine impressions, hound in blue morocco super extra, gilt edges, £5. 5s 1818 An early subscription copy. This edition is £15. 15.?, and sold in Mr. Brockett's sale for beautifully printed, and the plates are faithful £9, 5*. copies from the originals. It was published at 274 Duncan's History of Gueenset, with Notices of Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, and Biographical Sketches, thick 8vo. (pub. at 15*) cloth, 7s (yd 1841 275 DuNLOP's History of Fiction, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf , 12s 1814 An interesting literary account of the Ro- \ during the middle ages, mances of France, England, Italy, renowned | Durham : 276 D(AyiES) (J.) the ancient Eites and Monuments of the Monastical and Cathedral Church of Durham, 18mo. calf, Ss 6d 1672 277 FLOWEE (W. liorroy, accompanied by E. Glover, Fortcullis) Heraldic Visitation of the County Palatine of Durham, in the year 1575, printed from the original manuscript, by Philipson, folio, 57 large woodcut Coats of Arms, only SO copies printed, hds. 21s Newcastle on-Tyne, 1820 278 EAINE'S (Eev. J.) History and Antiquities of NOETH DUEHAM, as sub- divided into the Shires of Norham Island and Bedlington, now united to the County of JSTorthumberland, royal folio, portrait, map, Pedigrees, 10 plates of Castles, Churches, etc. and many cuts of Coats of Arms, Seals, etc. on text, cloth, uncut, £2. 2^ 1852 279 " the same, Large Papee, roy. folio, new half calf gilt, uncut, £S. 3s 1852 280 SIJETEES' (Eobert) History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of DUEHAM, compiled from Original Eecords preserved in Public Eeposi- tories, and Private Collections, 4 vols, folio, heautiful plates of seals, monu- ments, views, etc. engraved by Le Keux, Cooe:e and others, (pub. at £25. 4^) hds. £20. 1823-40 Vol. lY. is sold separately in bds. £2. 105. 281 the same, complete, LAEGE PAPEE, 4 vols. impl. folio, plates, (pub. at £42. in bds.)3^we copy in russia super extra, gilt and marhled edges, £42. 1823-40 282 Ecclebton's Introduction to English Antiquities, 8vo. numerous woodcuts of Costume, Weapons, Tournaments, Seals, Monuments, Architecture, etc. with facsimiles ofMSS. (pub. 21^) cloth, Qs 1847 283 Edda. Cottle's Icelandic Poetry, or the Edda of Saemund, in English verse, 8vo. hf morocco, uncut, fine copy, 10s Bristol, 1797 284 EDEN (Sir E. M.) State of the Poor, or an History of the Labouring Classes in England from the Conquest to the prresent, with appendix con- taining a comparative and chronological table of prices, etc. 3 vols. 4to. hf. calf, rare, £3. Zs 1797 A book of singular importance, and the only one published upon the Social Annals of the Enghsh people. No work, professing to be a history of England, can pretend to any real value, unless based upon the statistics which 8hew forth the inner life of the masses, and their gradual progress through the phases of civiliza- tion. These statistics are collected here ; and it may be remarked as a rather curious fact that the late Mr. Buckle, for whose work these details of domestic history would have been amongst its most valuable ingredients, seems to have been wholly ignorant of Eden's State of the Poor. ENGLISH LITEEATURE. 481 285 Egan^'s Book of Eates now used in the Sin Custom-house of the Church and Court of Eome, the second impression, to which is added the new creed of the Church of Eome, and several other things not in the former edition, sm. 4to. frontispiece^ very curious^ hf. hd. rare, from Baron Dimsdale's library, 18s ^ 1678 The plate at the beginning of this curious I my coffers,' below, a Priest and a penitent, the volume represents the Pope seated on a throne, former saying, ♦ You must pay £50. for your ab- saying, * noe matter for conscience, see you fill 1 solution.' 286 ELLIS (Sir H.) Original LETTERS illustrative of English History, including numerous Eoyal Letters, from autographs in the British Museum, etc. with notes and illustrations, 3 series, 11 vols, post 8vo. plates, hoards, £^. 6s 1825-27-46 " We have now but to say, that we are de- characters — for the discovery of new and impor- lighted with these volumes, and to recommend tant facts— and in short for every thing that ren- them altogether as deserving of the utmost public ders such a collection interesting in a country that favour, — for entertaining narrative — for curious is keenly alive to the value of such researches." illustrations — for the development of famous Literary Gazette. 287 Elyot (Sir Thomas) the Boke named the Grovernour, 12mo. black letter, fine copy, blue morocco, gilt edges, with bookplate of Hon. A. Campbell, 1708, 36^ Berthelet, 1553 288 ENG-LEFIELD (Sir Henry) Description of the Beauties, Antiquities, and Geological Phenomena of the ISLE OF WIGHT, with notes on the Strata by Webster, laege paper, folio, portrait, 50 maps and plates, by W. and G. CooJce, (pub. at £10. 10*) hf mor. uncut, 36« 1816 289 ENGLISH POETS: the WOBKS of the English poets from Chaucer to CowPEE ; including the series edited, with prefaces, biographical and .critical by S. Johnson ; and the most approved translations. The additional lives by Al. CHALMEES, 2L vols. roy. 8vo. a remarkably fine copy, calf gilt, contents lettered, uncut, £7. 7s 1810 290 Epitaphs. Deeozaeio's Monumental Eegister, containing all the Epitaphs in and about Calcutta, etc. 8vo. morocco, gilt edges, rar^, 15« Calcutta, 1815 291 ERASMUS, MorisD Encomium, or the Praise' of Folly, made English by W. Kennett, Lord Bishop of Peterborough, 12mo. 2 portraits, and 46 humourous plates after Holbein, fine copy in citron morocco extra, gilt edges, 365 1714 292 EVELYN (J.) Memoirs, comprising his Diary and Correspondence, edited by W. Bray, 2 vols. 4ito. portraits and plates, illusteated ivith additional proof portraits, and A coloured drawino of Mr. Chifiinch by G. P. Harding, calf extra. Sir Charles Price's copy, 564. 45 1810 293 the same, second edition, 2 vols. 4to. portrait and plates, cf gt. 2Ss 1819 294 EVELYN'S (John) Memoirs, including his Diary 1641-1705-6, and Corres- pondence, edited by W. Bray, 5 vols. — PEPYS' (Samuel) Memoirs, compris- ing his Diary 1659-1669, and selection from his Correspondence by Lord Braybrooke, 5 vols. — together 10 vols. 8vo. portraits and plates, best edi- tion, calf gilt, 364. 18s 1827-8 Essex : 295 GOUGH (E.) History and Antiquities of PLESHY, in the County of Essex, sm. 4to. plates cf Views, Seals, etc. original edition, very scarce, nearly thetvhole impression having been destroyed by fire, memoirs of Richard Gough and Giles Hussey inserted, hf russia, £^. 10s 1803 193-5 ; Appendix, pp. 1-132 ; Index, 7 pp. ; and the plates as mentioned in the list. It is thus seen that this copy contains more than Lowndes mentions. Collation: Half-title; frontispiece; title: preface ; etc. pp. v-xx ; list of plates, etc. xxi- xxiii; Pleshy, pp. 1-188; additions and correc- tions, 189-92 ; more additions and corrections. 296 MOEANT'S History and Antiquities of the County of ESSEX, 2 vols, folio, map and many fine plates by Vertue, including the rare Large plate of Audley End, £10. 105 1768 Sold in 1854, Sir S. Graham's copy, russia, I Kivington's, £12. 12.» ; 1834, Arch, £12. \2s ; £10. IOj. Copies were priced as follows : 1824, | 1841, Rodwell, £12. 12*. 482 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 297 MOEANT'S Esaix, Large Paper, 2 vols, large folio, /?2e impressions of the plates, russia extra, from the library of Bar on Dimsdale, £25. 1768 298 Neville (Hon. E. C.) Antiqua Explorata: the result of Excavations in 1845-47, in and about the Eoman Station of Chesterford, 8vo. woodcut illustrations, 12s Saffron Walden, 1847 299 Sepulcbra Exposita, or account of the opening of some Barrows at Audley End, 8vo. plan and woodcuts, cloth, 12s ? Printed for private circulation, Saffron Walden, 1848 300 EABLTAUX or Tales, abridged from French Manuscripts of the Xllth and Xlllth Centuries by Le Gbanp, translated by Way, 2 vols. gq. 8vo. very fine copy, red morocco, gilt and marlled edges, by Kalthoebee, numeroits woodcuts hy Bewick, £S. 1796 TAMILY HISTORY: cJt'i Abergavenny Family. Treatise of the Nobilitie of the Eealme, with mention of such Statutes as are incident hereto, upon a debate of the Barony of Abergavenny, 18mo. calf, 10s 1043 302 Bohun. Diary arid Autobiography of Edmund BoHU]!f, Licenser of the Press under William and Mary, with memoir, notes, etc. by Eix, sm. 4to. Genealogical Table, and numerous illustrations of Arms, Antiquities, Auto- graphs, etc. bds. uncut, privately printed, 18s Beccles, 1853 303 ' the same, large paper, 4to. bds. 2os 3 853 304 Brabazon FAMILY, Genealogical History of the, from its origin to Sir William Brabazon, Lord Treasurer of Ireland, temp. Henry YIII. who died in 1552, the ancestor of the Earls of Meath and of the Brabazons of Bra- bazon Park, and thence down to Sir W. J. Brabazon, now surviving, 4to. pedigrees and plates, the Coats of Arms of all the Families mentioned added in OPAQUE colours, bds. uncut, £5. 15s Baris, 1825 305 BTJEKE {John and J, Bernard) Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, with Supplementary Alpha- bet, Addenda, (Corrigenda, General Index of 100,000 names, etc. 3 vols. in 6 parts, roy. 8vo. (pub. at £3. 15*) sd. £2. 8s 1845-49 Best edition, contaiiiing' information suppressed in the last. 806 Cawdor Family. Book of the Thanes of Cawdor, 1286-1742, ed. Cosmo Innes, em. 4to. 2 plates and facsimile, 18s Edinburgh, for the Spalding Club 307 Cholmley Family : Memoies of Sje Hugh CHOLMLEY, Knight, in which he gives some Account of his Family, and the Distresses they underwent in the Civil War, and how far he himself was engaged in them, from the original manuscripts, pp. 96, 1787 — Cholmley (Sir Hugh) Account of Tangier, with his Speeches in Parliament, pp. 820. Preface, pp. xxiv. — Inserted are views of the Bort if cations at Tangier, engraved by W. Hollar^ oblong shape ; also, A Discourse of Tangier under the Government of the Earl of Teviot, written by Dr. Lnncelot Addison, second edition, 1685, pp. 21— m 1 vol. 4to. half calf £10. 10s 1787 Very bare, only a few copies privately An interesting Memoir of the author's Life printed from the original MS. in the possession of and Troubles, together M'ith those of his Koyal N. Cholmley of Whitby and llowsham, Yorkshire, Master Charles I. Esq. Sir Mark Sykess copy fetched £15. lbs 308 Croke. CEOKE'S (Sir Alex.) Genealogical Htstoet of the Ceoke Eamilt, originally named Le Blount, 2 vols. 4to. with 78 Bedigrees, Bortraits^ Seals, coats of Arms, and Views of Castles, Manor-Houses, Family Belies, etc. blue MOROCCO, gilt edges, privately printed, from Mr. Ilanrotfs library, £6. 10^ Oxford, 1823 309 Douglas Case. Case of the Respondents, James, Duke of Hamilton, Lord Douglas Hamilton, and their guardians, against Archibald James Edward Stuart, appellant, with Appendix, folio, bd. very curious, from Lord Hastings' library, 10s ca. 1770 310 Devonshire. Geoye's Lives of all the Earls and Dukes of DEVoysniEE, with notes on tlioii* livoB and (•linracters, Rvo. old calf gilt, rave, 12s Brintcd Jar the Author, 1764 ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 4S3 FAMILY mST!0RY—co7itinued. 311 Echyngham. Hail (Spencer) Echyngbam of Ecliyngham (Co. Sussex) 8vo. arms and pedigree, Ss 6d Printed JTor private circulation, 1850 312 Farnham Descents, from Henry III and the subsequent kiogs of England, 3 parts in 1 vol. imp. 4to. hf. blue morocco, £3. 10* Cavan, 1860 Privately printed. Very rare. Colla- III, Lady Farnham's Descent, title 1 leaf con- taining the Ancestors of Henry, 7th Lord Farn- ham, M.P., 13 leaves. Descents 1 — 50. tion : general title ; part I, Paternal Descent, title, 9 leaves. Descents 1—32 ; part II, Maternal Descent, title 42 leaves, Descents 1 — 167 ; part 313 FitzGerald Family. O'DALY. Initium, Incrementa et Exitus Eamilise Geraldinorum DesmoniaB Comitum, Palatinorum KyerrisB in Hybernia ac persecutionis hsereticorum descriptio per fratrem Dominicum De Eosario O'Daly, Ordinis Praedicatorum et modo Vicarium Generalem ac fundato- rem Conventuum Hyberoorum ejusdem Ordinis in Portugallia, 12mo. very fine copy, morocco, gilt edges, £14. Tllgssippone, 1655 Excessively rare, and one of the most possessed Portugal. O'Daly being a man of good books in the whole class of Irish interesting History. Priced 1835 Thorpe, £21. Bendley's copy fetched £21.; 1858, Sotheby's £15. This treatise gives a history of the families of the Earls of Desmond, v«rhich he brings from Troy, among the followers of ^neas into Italy, and in progress of time into Ireland ; with an account of the actions of those Earls, particularly of their screening the Romish emissaries from the just rewards of their treasons. A relation is added of the persecution of the Catholics in Ireland under Queen Elizabeth and King James. The author, Daniel O'Daly, was a Dominican friar, a native of Kerry. On his ordination he assumed the name of Dominicus a Rosario. He lived for a time in the convent of Tralee, but was educated chiefly in Flanders; from whence he was invited to Lisbon, in the reign of Philip IV. King of Spain, who then address, soon became a favourite of the Duchess of Mantua, who governed Portugal then, by whose encouragement the New College, called Covpo Santo, was carried on with great success ; and when finished he was made first rector of it. He afterwards founded a monastery for Irish Dominican nuns at Lisbon, called the Convent of Bom Successo. When Portugal had thrown off the Spanish yoke and the Duke of Braganza was advanced to the throne, O'Daly was appointed confessor to the new queen ; and was in such esteem with the king, that he employed him in many weighty affairs during his reign, in 1655, He was sent Ambassador to Lewis XIV. on the death of the king in the following year. He celebrated the son's accession to the throne in Paris with great solemnity, &c. See an interest- wg little volume entitled " the Tour of M. de la BoitUaye le Gouzin Ireland, in 1644." 313*6alway Family. Henri de Euvigny, Earl of Galway. A £lial Memoir, with a prefatory Life of his Father, by Eev. D. C. A. Agnew, 4to. pliotographic portrait, cloth, 16s Edinb. 1864 314 Gurney (Daniel) Eecord of the HOUSE of GOUENAT, from original documents, 1848 ; Supplement, 1858 ; 2 vols. 4to. several hundred engrav- ings of Views of Castles, Seats, etc. the Coats of Arms of the Gournag faintly, and all its branches and the allied families, cloth, privately peinted, £22. 10* 1848-58 This celebrated Genealogical Monograph is j distributed, and none now remaining in the hands now extremely scarce ; all the copies having been j of the Author. 315 Hay. Jacobi Eoss Origo Getitis Hayorum sea Danorum ad vicum Lon- cartem excidii virtute cujusdam Hayir narratio, 12uio. old English black morocco extra, the sides and back covered with fine gold tooling, £6. ds JEdinb. 1700 Very rare, and unmentioned by Lowndes, j origin, dedicated to the Earl of Erroll. It is a poetical account of the Hay family and its j 316 Hervey. Paper read before the Aech^ological Institute of Suffolk, Ickworth, 1856, by the Eev. Lord Arthur Heevey, 4to. large paper, 12 plates of Arms and Brasses, with many tables of J^edigrees, cluth, presenta- tion copy to Lord Howard de Walden, £5. Privately printed, Lowestoft, 1858 317 Lindsay's (Lord) Lives of the Lindsays, or a Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Balcarres, facsimile autographs, first edition, large paper, 4 vols, royal 8vo. cloth, Jroni the Marquis of Hastings' library, £3. 3s Wigan, for private circulation, 1840 318 tbe same, first puelished edition, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 42^^) cloth, 205 1849 484 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. FAMILY mSTORY— continued. """ 319 LiNDSAT. — The same, 2nd edition, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 24*) cloth, 16« 1858 The best written work of its kind. The j Balcarres is intimately interwoven with the History of the great House of Crawford and I History of Great Britain. 320 Mackay (Eobert) History of the House and Clau of Mackay, with their Ge- nealogical table and historical notices relating to the North of Scotland, roy. 4to. bds. 10s ; or hf. mor. uncut, 12s 6d Frivately printed, Edinh. 1829 821 Maclean. Historical and Grenealogical Account of the Clan Maclean from its first settlement at Castle Duart, 8vo. bds. Zs Qd 1838 322 Scrope and Grosvenor EOLL. Conteoveest between Sir Eichard ScEOPE and Sir Eobeet G-eostenoe in the Court of Chivalry, a.d. 1385-1390, printed from the Original Eoll in the Tower of London, with Notes and Histoet op the Family of Sceopb, &c. by Sir Haeeis Nico- las, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. all printed, cloth Ids. scarce, £9. 9s 1832 printed, and none of the copies were intended for sale. This celebrated dispute was carried on in the Court of Chivalry, during a period of five years, with great spirit by both parties, who en- listed as witnesses some of the most distinguished knights and warriors who flourished in that age of chivaliy. One of the witnesses was " Geffrey Chaucere, Esquier," who mentions his captivity in France. See an interesting account of it in Mr. Martin's Catalogue of privately printed books. Priced, 1834, Thorpe, £12. 125; 1840, Payne and Foss, £14. 14*. Privately printed at the expense of an As- sociation of noblemen and gentlemen. This curious and interesting memorial of early honours contains the evidences of upwards of three hundred earls, barons, knight and esquires ; of each an interesting biographical notice is given ; and their depositions abound in interest- ing information, illustrative of the history, manners and customs, of this country in the fourteenth century. Only a small edition was 323 Shirley TAMILY. Stemmata Shirleiana: or Annals of the Shirley iFamily, Lords of Nether Etindon in the county of Warwick, and of Shirley in the County of Derby, 4to. plates of arms, views, ^c. only 100 copies PEIYATELT PEINTED, at the expense of Mr. Evelyn Shirley, from the Rev. J» M. Greslefs library, with autograph notes, bds. very rare, £12. 12« 1841 324 Warwick, House of : EOWS' EOL: Thys rol was laburd and finished by Master John Eows of "Waewtk, high 4to. frontispiece with the Arms of Warwick, and 33 plates, comprising 64 exquisitely drawn Poeteaits of members of the House of Waewick, with their Coats of Arms, all splen- didly illuminated and emblazoned in gold and colours, with Introduction, Genealogy of the Souse of JVdrwick, Quarterings of Arms, and Historical Index, only a few copies got up, hf. morocco^ gilt top, uncut, £5. Pickering, 1854 325 Wren's ( Cheistophee ) PAEENTALIA, or Memoirs of the Eamily of the "Wrens ; viz. of Matthew, Bishop of Ely, Christopher, Dean of Windsor, but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren, compiled by his Son, and published by his Grandson, folio, extra portraits and plates, a few margins very slightly injured, but otherwise perfect and extremely fine, in calf gilt, from Lord Charlemonfs library, £11. 5s 1750 *^* The editor's own copy, enriched "with ADDITIONAL VIEWS, and two ORIGINAL Manuscripts (Statutes of the Order of the Garter, in the Autograph of Bp. Wren, whilst Dean of Windsor and Secretary to the Order, and a facsimile of the original Deed re- specting the Incorporation of the Chapel of Windsor). Nassau's copy sold for £9. 15^; Baker's for £11. ; and Towneley's for £11. ; and the book has since much risen in price. Patike's Theatre of Honor, see Orders, in Catalogue of Heraldry. 826 PENN'S Oeigi]S-al Lettees, written during the Eeigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, and V, Bichard III, and Henry VII, by various persons of Eaiik, or consequence, (members of the Paston Eamilt,) containing many curious Anecdotes relative to that turbulent, but hitherto dark period of our history, 4 vols. 4to. with portraits shewing the costumes, coloured , and numerous fac- similes of autographs and seals, cafneat, ^3. 10s 1787-89 ENGLISH LITEEATURE. 485 327 Eenn's Original Letters, the same, with the Supplementary volume, continuing the work to the reign of Henry VII, 5 vols. 4to. calf, £5. 15s 1787-1823 of the old times, and ^vcre written during the troublesome period of the wars between the houses of York and Lancaster, in the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, Edward V, liichard III, and Henry VII. They treat of the political history and of the military transactions of the day, and they also descant on the amours, the marriages, &c. of private life ; relieved again by observations on domestic occurrences, and the details of rural occupations. *' They alto- gether form a delightful picture of the times, of the manners and customs of the middle ages, and may be read with pleasure and advantage, even by those who profess abhorrence of what- ever is ancient." See an elaborate article respecting the original MS. of these Letters by Sir Frederick Madden in Notes and Queries, Feb. 5, 1859. " The Paston letters are an important testi- mony to the progressive condition of society, and come in as a precious link in the chain of the moral history of England, which they alone in this period supply. They stand indeed singly in Europe ; for though it is highly probable that in the archives of Italian Families, if not in France or Germany, a series of merely private letters equally ancient may be concealed, I do not recollect any that have been published. They were all written in the reigns of Henry VI, and Edward IV, except a few as late as Henry VII, by different members of a wealthy and respectable, but not noble family : and are, therefore, pictures of the life of the English gentry in that age." — Hallam. %* This interesting publication consists of the original correspondence of the family of Paston, of Norfolk ; they are valuable reliques 328 EEENE'S (John) Blazon of Gentrie, divided into two Parts : the first, named the Grlorie of Generositie, the second, Lacyes JSTobilitie, sq. 8vo. many wood- cut Coats of Arms, hf. calf, rare, £2. John Windet, 1586 Priced, 1832, Bryant, £2. 25 ; sold by auction, 1855, Bernal's, £3. 329 EIELDING'S Works, with Life, new edition, to which is added, TheEathers, or the Good-natured Man, 10 vols. 8vo. portrait and frontispiece, calf £2. 10* 1784 330 Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius by Arthur Murphy, 10 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, £4. 4^ 1821 Priced, 1837, Thorpe £4. 14^ 6(7 ; J. Bohn, I in 1856, £4. 10^; at Sotheby's in 1861, £4. 9^. £4. ; 1844, White, £4. 4^ ; fetched at Christie's | 331 FLETCHER (P.) Purple Island, together with Piscatorie Eclogs and other Poeticall Miscellanies, 2 vols, in 1, smallest 4to. loitJi the Verses " to the Spencer of this Age," by E. QuarleSjj^we copy in purple morocco extra, gilt edges, hy G. Sering, £3. Ss Camb. 1633 332 ELETCHEE (Phineas) Locustse, or Apollyonists, a Poem, 1627— Locustse vel Pietas Jesuitica, per Phineam Eletcher, 1627 — 4to. very clean copies, hf hd. £2. 2^ 1656 A most bitter and caustic satire against the f defamatory Essay, observed that he had never Jesuits. It is said that the great Milton in- ' genuously confessed that he owed his immortal work of Paradise Lost to this work of Fletcher . Bishop Douglas, in his Refutation of Lauder's been so lucky as to meet with a copy. An im- perfect copy, of the English part alone, is priced £9. 9tf in the Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica. 333 iFloure of i\}Z C0mmauntimenfe3 of (Sotr, with many examples and auctorytees extracte and drawen as well of Holy Scryptures as other Docteurs and good auncyente Eaders, the whiche is moche utyle and profytable unto all people ; small folio, woodcuts, f)lack letter, wants 12 leaves of tabula, with title page, at commencement, and Xx 4-6 at end, exteemelt eaee, calf from Archdeacon Cotton' i library, £12. 125 Emprynted at London, in Flete-strete, at the sygne of the Sonne, by WYNKYN DE WORDE the xiii. yere of ye reygne of our e most naturell soverayne Lordekynge Henry ye Eyght ofyt. name. Fynysshed ye yere of our Lorde, m.ccccc. XXI. the viii. day of October One of the rarest productions of Wynkyn de I Priced, 1826, Baynes, £18.; 1854, Gardner's Worde's press. It contains some marvellous rela- copy fetched £26. 105. tions drawn from Scriptural and Secular Histories. | 334 EOX (The Eight Hon. Charles James) Speeches in the House of Commons, edited by AVright, 6 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, eaee, £Q, 1815 486 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK 885 Free Masons. The Constitutions of the antient and honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, collected by James Anderson, D.D., and enlarged by John Entick : with Appendix, 4to. morocco^ gilt edges, £1. 5s 1767-76 336 the same, new edition brought down to 1784 by Northouck, 4iio. frontis- piece, Jif. calf, RARE, 36^ I784i 337 FEOUDE'S History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Eliza- beth, Vols. 1— X, 8vo. (pub. at £7. 4^s) cloth, £5. I6s 1858-66 J538 another copy, 10 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt, £6. 10s 1858-66 339 FULLEE (Thomas) Church History of Britai?^, with an Account of the University of CAMBEIDGE and of WALTHAM ABBEY, with the SCARCE Index, folio, plates hy Hollar, fine copy, calf gilt, £3. 15s Land. 1655 This collection contains many interesting i tended research. memorials, the result of long, active, and ex- j 3i0 G-ASCOIGNE (G-eorge) Whole AVoorkes, newlye compyled into one Volume, that is to say. His Flowers, Hearbes, Weedes, the Fruites of "Warre, the Comedie called Supposes, the Tragedie of locasta, the Steele- glasse, the Complaint of Phylemone, the Storie of Ferdinando leronirai, and the Pleasure at Kenilworth Castle, Ahell Jeffs, 1587 — The Droomme of Doomesday, O. Cawood, 1576^—2 vols, in 1, small 4ito.fine copies, red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, extremely rare, £28. 1576-87 This old poet belongs to the class of writers marked £35. in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. connected with Shakespeare, as the great drama- Daniel's copy without the Drum of Doomsday, tist borrowed and adapted much from him. fetched £22. Ellis' copy fetched £26. lOy ; and another is 3il GASCOIGIN'E (George) The Steele Glas, a Sattee, together with tlie Complainte of Phylomene, an Elegie devised by the same Author, smallest 4to. portrait, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, large copi/, but the leaves pie7xed at top, and a portion of the head-line restored in ink, £6. 6s Printed for Bichard Smith, 1576 This work is so rare, that Lowndes was un- able to point out any other copy than that of the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica (containing several leaves MS.), priced at £ 12. 12^; and I cannot find any copy offered for sale either in booksellers' or autioneers' catalogues. There is a comraenda- toiy poem among the preliminaries, by " Walter Raweley of the Middle Temple." 312 GELLO (J. B.) Circes, translated out of Italyon into Englishe, by H. Iden, 16mo. black letter, scarce, old English red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s John Cawood, 1557 Priced, Upham, 1857, £3.3«; Sotheby's, 1857, £1. 17*. 343 GENTLE CEAET, Eenowned History of the Seven Champions of Christen- dom, tvoodcuts, printed by T. Norris, at the Looking Glass on London Bridge, n. d. — The Shooe-Maker's Glory, or the Princely History of the Gentle Craft, cuts, printed by G. Brown, and are to be sold by the Booksellers of Pye-Gorner and London Bridge, n. d. — Pleasant History of the Gentle Craft, cuts, {a different History from the Shoe-Maker's Glory) n. d. — 3 parts in 1 vol. cm. 4to. with many woodcuts and ballads, hf morocco neat, rare, £2. 5^ {ca. 1680) 344 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, a complete set, from its commencement in 1731 to 1868, with Ayscough's Indexes to 1818, five vols. ; List of the Plates and Maps from 1731 to 1822, 1 vol. ; Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1 vol. ; Index to Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1 vol. — together 232 volumes, 8vo! the first ten vols, large paper, {very rare in this state), numerous plates and portraits, {several portraits of Gave added), the whole set uniformly bound in hf russia, uis'CUT, a MAGifincEXT set, from Sir Gharles Price's library, £Q5. 1731-1868 So complete and desirable a set of this truly Antiquarian periodical is rarely to be met with. It is, as described above, complete down to May, 1668. On June 1st the Magazine under- weut au entire change. It is now devoted to general literature, fiction, the drama, music,' etc. The great inferiority of this new publication will prevent its being placed side by side with its fa- mous predecessor, and the value of the latter will be greatly increased in consequence. ENGLISH LITERATUEE. 487 345 G-entleman's Magazine, another set from the commenceTnent in 1731 to 1860, with Ayscough's Indexes, down to 1818, 5 vols. Index to Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1 vol. — together 204 vols. 8vo. numerous portraits andplates, 138 vols, hound in hf. russia, the remainder in clothe hf. calf, and parts from Dr. Maitland's Library, £42. _ 1731-18GO 346 Gentleman's Magazine, Ayscongh*s General Index, w^ith complete List of Plates and Woodcuts, from 1731 to 1818 inclusive, 5 vols. 8vo. portraits, uncut, m. 105 1818-21 347 GIBBON'S Roman Empire, with Notes, by Dean Milraan and M. Guizot, edited with additional Notes by AV. Smith, 8 vols. 8vo. portraits and maps, (pub. at £3. 3s unbound) newly bound in calf yilt, a library copy, £3. 5s 1862 Gloucestershire : 348 ATKINS'S (Sir J.) Ancient and Present State oe GLorcESTER- SHIRE, folio, LARGE PAPER, large engravings of Gentlemen's Seats Armorial Bearings, Sfc. by Kip, scarce, yeky eine tall copy, old russia gilt, £U. Us 1768 349 LYSONS' (Samuel) Collection of GLorcESTERSHiRE ANTiQiJiTrES (a series of one hundred and ten Plates of the Remains of former times existing in the County of Gloucester, including Churches, Castles, Old Houses, Ruins, Tombs, Effigies, Sculpture, Stained Glass, Seals, etc. with Descriptions), royal folio, 110 large Etchings of Ancient Crosses, Tombs, Doors, Gateways, Churches, Painted Glass, Seals, Brasses, the plates of stained Glass COLOURED, (pub. at £6. 6s) hf. morocco, uncut, £3. 3* 1804 Gloacestershire is a county remarkably rich in remains of ancient art; the object of the pre- sent ably executed work has been to give such specimens as exhibit the greatest variety of styles of architecture, and some of the most interesting specimens of sculpture and painting. 350 RUDDER'S New History oe Gloucestershire, the Foundation-Charters and Endowments of the Abbies and other Religious Houses, Descent of the Manors, Genealogies of Families, and a copy of the Domesday-Book for Gloucestershire, folio, map and numerou^s fine plates, a superb copy in RUSSIA extra, 588. Ss Cirencester, 1779 351 Ruie's History of Cheltenham and View of the County of Gloucester, 8vo. plates, bds. ^s 1833 352 GOLDSMITH'S Poetical Works, edited by B. Corney, 8vo. with wood en- gravings from designs by Cope, Creswick, Horsley, Bedgrave, and Taylor, Sir Charles Price's copy, 21s 1845 353 GOUGH'S SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS in GREAT BRITAIN, applied to illustrate the History of Families, Manners and Arts, from the Norman Conquest to the Seventeenth Century, with Introductory Observa- tions, complete with the IxTRODUCTioj^-, 3 vols. iu 5, impl. folio, fine impressions of the numerous plates, hf russia, uncut, a fine set, very rare, ^80. 1786-9G Nassau's copy sold for £71. 8^; Sir M. Sykes's for £88. 4*; the Marquis of Townshend's for £73. \Osi Fonthill, £92. 8s; Mr. North's for £73. 105; Mr. Lane's, £79. 16s. Many copies of this valuable work were de- stroyed by fire, particularly the Introduction to the second volume. The illustrious antiquary, Gough, may justly be termed the Camden of the eighteenth century. 354 GOUGH, British Topogeapht, an account of what has been done for illustrating the Topographical x\ntiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vols, stout sm. 4to. best editio:n", many plates, calf neat, \%s 1780 355 Account of the Alien^ Peiories and of such lands as they are known to have possessed in England and Wales, with the History of the Koyal Abbey of Bee, by Bourget, translated from the French, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. plates, from the Bev. J. M. Gresley's library, with MS. notes and additions, bds. 285 1786-89 488 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 356 GOULAET (J.) Admirable and Memoeable Histoeies containing the Wonders of our Time, collected into French out of the best Authors, and out of French into English by Ed. Grimeston, sm. 4to. red moeocco, gilt edges, super extra, hy Elyieee, £4. 4* George Eld, 1637 This rare work contains the stories of Measure | of the Shrew. I have traced the sale of one copy for Measure and of the Introduction to the Taming | only, priced hf. bd. £4. 4*. 357 GO WEE (J.) de Coneessione Amantis, sm. folio, black letter, a few ancient MS. notes, a fine copy in old rmsia gilt, £Q. T. Berthelet, 1532 358 GEAFTON'S (E.) CHEONICLE. This seconde volume, beginning at William the Conquerour, endeth wyth our moste dread and soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, sm. folio, title within woodcut border, (wants the title to the second volume and 5 leaves), fine large copy, £o. 1568 359 Geat's (Thos.) Works, containing his Poems and Correspondence, with Memoirs of his life and writings, 2 vols. 8vo portrait, Ids. 7s 1825 360 Geesham's (Sir Thos.) Life and Times, with notices of his contemporaries, by BuEGON, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates, (pub. at 30.?) half calf, 7s 1839 361 GEEY'S (Earl) Colonial Policy of Lord John Eussell's Administration, 2 vols. 8vo. second edition, with additions, morocco gilt, 30s 1853 362 GEOSE (F.) Antiquities of England and Wales, with Supplement, 8 vols. maps and plates, 1783-87 — Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols, maps and plates, 1791 — Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vols, maps and plates, 1791-05 — together 12 vols. 4to. many maps and plates, fine set in old russia gilt, £8. 1783-95 To all lovers of the Picturesque, to the Eng- lish historical student, and to every body who has travelled in any part of this country, Grose's Views will supply an ever-fresh recollection of all the great British Architectural Monuments of past times. 363 GEOTE'S Histoey of Geeece, 12 vols. 8vo. (pub. unbound, at £9. 12^), with portrait, maps and Index, calf gilt, £9. 9^ 1846-56 364 the same, oiew edition, 8 vols. 8vo. with portrait, maps and plans (pub. at £5. 12s) cloth, £4. 12s ; or, calf gilt, £6. 10s 1863 able monument of what English scholarship can do. ' ' — A thenceum. " A great literary undertaking, equally notable whether we regard it as an accession to what is of Standard value in our language, or as an honour- 365 Geotitjs. Butlee's Life of Hugo Grotius, with Minutes of the Civil, Eccle- siastical and Literary History of the Netherlands, 8vo. cloth, 3s Qd 1826 366 GUAEINI, II Pastoe Eido, or the Eaithfull Shepheard, translated (into Verse by Dymock), smallest 4to. fine copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, hy F. Bedford, £3. 3s ^S'. Waterson, 1602 367 GiJAEiNi (Bapt.) II Pastor Eido, the Eaithfull Shepherd. Translated (by Eanshaw) small 4to. port, and front, fine clean copy in origi?ial calf, 7s Gd London, JR. Baworth, 1647 368 GiJDEUN, a story of the North Sea, from the mediaeval German, sm. 8vo. photograph (pub. 9s) cloth, Qs Gd JEdin. 1863 369 GUILLIM'S Display of HEEALDET, folio, fifth edition, numerous cuts and plates, calf, 34s 1679 370 Display of Heraldry, Sixth (and best) edition, improved with large additions, stout folio, with many hundred Coats of Arms in the text, some co- loured, and 64 plates, including portraits, with numerous MS. additions, old calf, £5. 10s 1724 371 the same,j^^e copy in Camhridge calf extra, red edges, £7. 1724 372 HALES' (Dr. W.) New Aitaltsis of Cheonology and Geography, History and Prophecy, in which their Elements are attempted to be explained, har- monized, and vindicated, upon Scriptural and Scientific Principles, 4 vols. 8vo. second and best edition, calf gilt, scarce, £2. 2s 1830 Dr. Hawtrey's copy fetched £2. I85. *' This work ought to have a place in the library of every biblical student who can procure it. It is not only the most elaborate system of Chronology extant in our language, but there is scarcely a difficult text in the sacred writings which is not illustrated, "-^ift??'^^. ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 489 373 HAijfES (Rev. H.) Manual of Monumental Brasses, comprising an introduction to the study of these Memorials, and a list of those remaining in the British Isles, 2 vols. 8vo. coloured frontispiece and 200 woodcut illustrations, clothe 20s 1861 Hampshire : 374i WAENER'S (E.) Collections for the History of Hampshire and the Bishopric of Winchester, the Isle of Wight, Jersey, Gruernsey, and Sarke, 6 vols, in' 5, 4to. many fine plates and portraits of Antiquities, &c. neat, £12. 12* ' 1789-96 375 the same. Vol. YI. only, laege papee, containing Hampshire ex- tracted from Domesday Book, in Latin and English, with Introduction upon the Anglo-Saxon form of Government, and Glossary, roy. 4to. hf calf, uncut, £5. 1789 No doubt wanting to a set. Only 250 copies of this valuable work were printed, It includes the original Domesday Book of the County, with a translation, a view of the Anglo-Saxon times, the Ancient Forms of Go- vernment, Glossary, etc. 376 E:N^aLEriELD's Walk through Southampton, 8vo. plates of Buildings, Boman Antiquities, etc. hf hd. 3* Qd Southampton, 1805 377 MUDIE'S (E.) Hampshire : its past and present Condition, and future Prospects, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. maps and nearly 1^0 plates, including Views in the Isle of Wight, (pub. at £2. 14s Qd) 36* 1840 378 the same, LAEGE PAPEE, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. India pboops, (pub. at £Q. Qs) cloth, £^. IQs 379 HAMPSON'S Origines Patriciae, a deduction of European Titles of Nobility from their sources, with Appendix of an Icelandic poem and Glossarial Index, 8vo. (pub. at 20s) cloth, Zs Qd 1846 3S0 the same, laege papee, roy. 8vo. (pub. at 30*) in cloth, 12s 1846 381 HAMPSON'S Medii -^vi Calendarium, or Dates, Charters, and Customs of the Middle Ages, with Kalendars from the Tenth to the Fifteenth Century ; and an Alphabetical digest of Obsolete Names of Days, forming a Glossary of the Dates and Ecclesiastical Observances of the Middle Ages, by E. T. HAMPSOiN", 2 vols. 8vo. with illuminated facsimile engravings of Anglo-Saxon Kalendars, Ids. 24s 1841 382 HAELEIAN Miscellany, a Collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining Pamphlets, and Tracts, selected from the Library of the Earl of Oxford, with historical, political, and critical notes, by Oldys and Paek, with the Sup- plement, 10 vols. roy. 4to. best edition, (pub. at £33. 12* in hds.J fine set, halfrussia, uncut, £18. 1808-13 Priced, 1831, Longman's, £18.; 1837, I Eodwell, £16. 16s; fetched at Sotheby's, 1855, Arch, £18. 18* ; 1840, J. Bohn, £21. ; 1845, | calf extra, £22. 10*. 383 HAELEIAN MISCELLANY, a Collection of scarce and curious Pamphlets and Tracts, in Manuscript and Print, found in the late Earl of Oxford's library, with historical Notes by Maliam, 12 vols. Syo. fine copy, half vellum, UNcrT, rare in this state, £4<. 10s 1808-11 384 Haeman's (Thomas) Caveat, or Warning for Common Cursetors, vulgarly called Vagabonds, sm. 4to. woodcuts, half green morocco, uncut, 20s 1814 it will be found explanations of many allusions met with in our early dramatists. Reprinted from the edition of 1573, and only 100 copies struck off. This work illustrates the manners of the reign of Qeeen Elizabeth, and in 385 HAETLEY'S Observations on Man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations : with Notes and Additions by Pistorius, 3 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 25s 1791 great and venerable precursor, Mr. Locke.' Pai'r^s Sermon on EdncqUon. " Hartley has investigated the principle of as- sociation more deeply, explained it more accu- rately, and applied it more usefully than even his 386 Hawking;. Sebright's Observations upon Hawking, describing the mode of breaking the Hawks used in Falconry, 8vo. rare, 12s s, a. (? 1830) 387 Heaene (T.) Life of, by himself, with an account of his writings — Life of Anthony a Wood, by himself, published by Hearne, calf 10* Oxford j 1772 490 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 388 Heralds' Visitations. Catalogue of the Heralds' VisitatioDS, with references to other genealogical and topographical MSS. in the British Museum, royal 8vo. Large Paper, half calf , 7s 6d 1825 389 HERBERT op Cherburt (Lord) Life, written by himself, 4to. with the re- clining portrait, and illustrated with 55 additional engravings, beautiful copy in red morocco super extra, joints, gilt edges, £5. 1792 390 [HERBERT (Hon. A.)] NIMROD, a Discourse upon certain Passages of His- tory and Fable, 4 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt ddges, 5612. 12^ 1828-29 Rare, most of the copies having been destroyed. I and much scarcer than Higgins's Anacalypsis. A work much more learned, more exhaustive, j 391 [HERBERT, (Hon. A.)] Britannia after the Romans, an attempt to illustrate its political and religious revolutions, 2 vols. Vol. 1 on fine paper (onlg 12 copies printed) 1836-41 — Essay on the Neodruidic Heresy in Britannia, 1838 -together 3 vols. 4to. boards, £2. 10s 1836-8 Priced, Henry Bohn, £3. 3*. 392 Herbert (Greorge) Works, containing Poems and Remains, 2 vols. 8vo. por- trait and frontispiece, russia, 24* Pickering, 1846 393 HERBERT (W.) History of the twelve great Livery Companies of London, 2 vols. 8vo. coats of Arms and Woodcuts, cloth, 15s 1837 894 the same, large paper, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. bd. uncut, 2Ss 1837-36 395 the same, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. large paper, cloth, with 45 additional illus- trations chiefly in 4:to. unbound. Sir Charles Price's copy, £2. IQs 1836-1837 Herefordshire : 396 DUNCIJMB'S Collections towards the History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford, 2 vols. roy. 4to. maps, portraits and plates, boards, £2. 8s Hereford, 1804-12 604; 14 maps, plans and plates. Vol.11. Title; text, pp. 358; 2 portraits and 2 plates. As copies differ, the above will be sold not subject to return. — Collation : Vol. I. Title, dedic, preface and cpntents, 10 pp.; text, pp. 397 Price (J.) Historical and Topographical Account of Leominster and its vici- nity, 8vo. plates, bds. uncut, iSs Ludlow, 1795 398 STEONG'S Heraldry of HEKEPOEDSHIEE, being a Collection of the Armorial Bearings of Families which have been seated in the County at various periods down to the present time, Illustrated with Eichlt Emblazoned Shields, together with the Commission of the Peace for 1847, 225 beautifully illuminated coats in gold and colours, impl. 4to. half morocco, 36« 1848 and, besides its topographical and heraldic value, the volume is a handsome table-book. The older coats are distinguished from the newer by the shape of the shields. The plates are most brilliantly executed in colours and gold, 399 Heron's Introduction to the History of Jurisprudence, thick 8vo. (sells 2I5) cloth, 145 1860 400 HEEEICK (Eobert) Works, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. portrait on title, calf gilt, £2. 8« Edinburgh, Tait, 1823 Mr. Haslewood's copy, with a transcript by j MS. and several interesting letters inserted, him of Herrick's farewell to Poetry from an old I 401 Hertfordshire. CLIJTTEEBUCK'S (Eobert) History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford, compiled from the best authorities and Original Ee- cords, 3 vols, royal folio, numerous fine plates, (pub. in bds. at £25. 4*) half roan, uncut, £18. 10s ; or, half morocco neat, gilt tops, uncut, ^621. 1815-27 402 HEWITT (J.) Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe, from the Iron Period of the Northern Nations to the end of the XVIIth Century, 3 vols. 8vo. very numerous plates and woodcuts (pub. at £2. 10a) cloth extra, gilt tops, uncut, £2. 2s 1860 403 HEYWOODES (John) Woorkes : a dialogue conteyning the number of the effectual Proverbes in the English tongue, with (six hundred of) Epi- gram mes, smallest 4to. title within border and large woodcut portrait, iSlacfe letter, red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford,, ^*10. 10s Thomas Marsh, 1576 ENGLISH LITEEATUR:^. 491 40Ji [HETWOOD'S] G-enerall Historie of WOMEN, of the most holy and pro- phane, the moat Eamous and Infamous of all Ages, by T. H., Gent., 12mo. engraved frontispiece {not mentioned by Lowndes), old blue morocco, gilt edges, arms on sides, 5t*2. 2^ London, W. Hunt, 1657 The work has, however, much commercial value, for Chapter IV. treats of incestuous Women, Adulteresses, and such as have come by strange deaths; Chapter VIII. of Poetesses and Witches. A very curious book, although its scope is so very wide and embraces so many various subjects. Readers eitluT want to read the Lives of the most famous Women, or, of the most In- famous Women; it is not likely that one mind would indiscriminately enjoy both selections. 405 HIBBEET'S Description of the SHETLAND ISLANDS, comprising an account of their Geology, Scenery, Antiquities and Superstitions, 4to. geo- logical map and many plates (pub. ^*3. 3s bds.) eJlEE, £2. 10s Edinburgh, 1822 40G [M^1B(BB (fflau aaanulpl), monfee of Cfte^tre) ^®im^^ C3X(©i^©C©^] (Englysshed by one Trevisa vycarye^of Barkleye) folio, bintk letter, with some woodcuts^ title in red with woodcut of George and the Dragon^ which is also on the last page^ a very rare hlanh leaf between table and first leaf of text^ with some Elizabethan MS, notes^ in the original calf binding^ extraordinarily large and fine copy, being 12^ by 7| inches^ £42. Southioerhe by my Peter Treveris^ 1527 Vert rare. There are very few specimens in existence of the typographical labours of Tre- veris, who reprinted the above edition page for page from that of Winkyn de Worde of 1495. A 407 HIGGIISS'S (Godfrey) Celtic Deuids : or an attempt to shew that the Druids were the Priests of Oriental Colonies, who emigrated from India, and were the Introducers of the first or Cadmean System of Letters, and the Builders of Stonehenge, of Carnac, and other Cyclopean works in Asia and Europe, 4to. map and all the numerous lithographic plates of Druidical Monuments, without the vignettes, and slightly spotted, cloth, 20s 1829 408 the same, impl. 4to. La.rge Paper, with all the plates, cloth, 36« 1829 409 IIIGGINS'S Anacalypsis, an attempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic Isis, or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Eeligions, 3 vols. in 1, ^tout 4to. xxxii and 8G7 pages, five plates containing 34 compartments of figures, etc. cloth, entirely out of print and r>ery bare, 586. 10s 1833-36 are lifted from opprobrium to a position of re- verence. The powerful though rather dogmatic logic, and the profound learning of the author, give the work a singular importance; and in a thinking age, when many things, formerly con- sidered truths, are passing away into the shadows of tradition, the student of comparative mytho- logy and the origin of religions and languages, will look upon Higgins' Anacalypsis as his guide and luminary through the darkness of a dawning science. copy fetched a very high price at Sotheby's in 1864 in consequence of its great size, being 11^ by 7^ inches. This fact makes the largeness of the above copy more appreciable. Priced by me in a former catalogue, £ 1 2. 1 2j ; a copy fetched at Christie's, in 1860, £9. 15*. On page vii of the preface Ihis passage oc- curs; "I have only printed two hundred copies of this work." Of these two hundred, only a few got at first into circulation. The tendency of the work is to overturn all the established sys- tems of religion, to destroy received notions upon subjects generally considered sacred, and to sub- stitute a simple unsacerdotal worship. Names hitherto looked upon with veneration by the world are stripped of their honours, and others 410 Higgins' Apology for the Life and Character of the celebrated Prophet of Arabia called Mohamed, 8vq. bds. rare, 12s 1829 411 Hoare's (Sir E. C.) Description of the Pitney Pavement, discovered by S. Hassell, Esq. of Littleton, illustrated from his notes, roy. 8vo. 12 plates of figures, boards, uncut, rare, only 100 copies printed, ISs 1832 412 HOGG'S (Jas.) Jacobite Relics of Scotland; being the Song-«, Airs, aud Legends of the Adherents of the House of Stuart, 2 vols. 8vo. loith the Music, olive moeqcqo extra, gilt tops, uncut, by JRiviere, £4. IQs 6d 1819-21 2 M 402 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 413 HOLMES (Randle) Academy of ARMORY, or a Store House of Armory and Blazon, contaiueing the variety of beings born in Coates of Armes both Foreign and Domestick, with the terms of Art, etc. stout sm. folio, engraved title, titles and one leaf inlaid, good copy in old half morocco, ^*8. lO* Chester, 1688 414 Holme (Randle) Index of the Names of Persons contained in the Academy of Armory and Blazon, small folio, 48 pp. only 50 copies printed from the original MS. 24* 1821 415 HOMER'S Whole WORKS in his Iliads and Odysses, translated by George Chapman, 2 vols, in 1, folio, frontispiece, with portrait of George Chapman on the reverse, the Dedication to Prince Henry, and engraved title to Odyssey, calf extra, gilt edges, hy C, Lewis, a very fine copy, 56*25. JSr. Butter, n. d. (circa 1610) The present volume contains the engraved title to the Odysseys, usually cancelled [with that to the IliadsJ, when possessing the general title of " Works," and has the portrait of Chapman in the clouds, atat. LVII, on the reverse. (1616) See: Retrospective Review, Vol. Ill, p. 167. 416 Homer's Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated by Pope, edited by Wake- field, 9 vols. 8vo. Sbs 1806 417 Homilies, English Metrical, from MSS. of the XlVth Century, with In- troduction and Notes by Small, sq. Syo. facsimile, cloth, 9s Edinb. 1862 418 HONE'S POPULAR WORKS: Every Day Book and Table Book, 3 vols.— Tear Book, 1 vol. — together 4 vols. 8vo. with 550 wood engravings, cloth, ZQs 1838 419 the same, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1840-45 420 Ancient Mysteries described, especially the English Miracle Plays, 8vo. plates and cuts. Ids. 5s Gd ; hf calf, 7s 1823 421 HORSLEY (John) BRITANNIA ROMANA: or the Roman Antiquities of Britain ; I. History of all the Roman Transactions in Britain, an Account of their Eorces, Stations, and a description of the Roman Walls ; II. A Collection of the Roman Inscriptions and Sculptures; III. Roman G-eo- graphy of Britain, folio, with above 100 plates, good copy in russia, £8. 15.§ 1732 422 the same, folio, very fine tall copy in calf, £10. 1732 423 the same, folio, moeocco extra, gilt edges, £12. 1732 A valuable work, not superseded by any I lish History and Topography, later publication ; the foundation of Early Eng- | 424 Howard Papers (The), with a Biographical Pedigree and Criticism, by H. K. S. Causton, 8vo. (pub. at 12s) cloth, hs 1862 425 Howell's (James) Dendrologia, Dodona's Grrove j or, the Vocall Forest, sq. sm. 8vo. engraved title, good copy, vellum, 6s 1644 A curious allegory of the principal incidents in the history of Europe, 1603-40. 426 Epistolae Ho-Elianae: familiar Letters, Domestick and Foreign, 8vo. front, by Van Hove, portrait inserted, best edition^ calf gilt. Vis 1726 427 HUGHES' (T. S.) History of Englaj^d, from the accession of George III. 1760-1835, with preliminary essay, 7 vols. 8vo. cloth, scarce, 32« 1836 Indispensable as being the best continuation to Hume and Smollett. 428 HUME (David) Essays and Treatises, moral, political, and literary, 2 vols. 8vo. calf 5s Hdin. 1804 429 Essays and Treatises on several Subjects, Moral, Political, and Literary, to which are added Dialogues on Natural Eeligion, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 10* 1822 430 Hume's Philosophical Works, including all the essays, with the important alterations, 4 vols. 8vo. port, calf gilt, scarce, £2. 16* Edinburgh, 1826 431 the same, 4 vols, large 8vo. portrait, cloth, 255 Boston, 1854 432 Life and Correspondence, from original papers, by J. H. Bueton, 2 vols. 8vo. port, cloth, 10* 1846 ENGLISH LITERATURE. 493 432 HUME'S History of ENGLAND from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688, 8 vols, portraits, best quarto editions, 4ito. fine set, marbled edges, hound by L. Cordavan, 1770 — Essays and Treatises on several Sub- jects, 2 vols, portrait, 1768 — together 10 vols. 4to. russia extra, £S. Ss 1768-70 433 HUME AND SMOLLETT'S History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Csesar to the death of George II, continued to the reign of George IV, by Hughes, 20 vols. 12mo. portraits and plates, cloth, £2. Ws 1834-6 "An exquisite production of art, which in I taste remains with us." spite of its errors, will be admired as long as | Buckle's Civil. 1864, Vol. ll, 458. 434 Hunt (Leigh) The Town ; its memorable character and events, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. 45 views about London, calf gilt, a most entertaining book, 12s 1848 435 Hutchinson's (Major Gen.) DOG Breaking, the most expeditious, certain, and easy metliod, whether great excellence or only mediocrity be required, with odds and ends for those who love the dog and gun, fourth edition, 8vo. with upwards of ^0 plates, (pub. at 15*) cloth, lis Zd 1865 Ireland — see post. 436 Isleworth. Syon's Peace, containing articles of agreement between Al- gernon Eael of Northumberland and the Copy-hold tenants of the said Manner, etc. smallest 4ito. portrait of the JEarl and view of Sion House, half russia, rare, £2. IQs 1657 437 Jacob (Eev. A.) Complete English PEERAGE, to which is prefixed a succinct history of the houses of Brunswic, Brandenburgh, Saxe-Gotha, and Meck- lenburgh, 3 vols, folio, an immense number of genealogical tables and plates of arms, hf calf neat, £2. bs 1766-69 Jamieson's Handbooks of Christian Art: 438 Sacred and Legendary Art, 2 vols. 187 illustrat. (sells 8I5 Qd) 2Qs 1863 439 Legends of the Monastic Orders, 84 illustrations, (sells 21.^) 17* Qd 1863 440 Legends of the Madonna, 165 illustrations, (pub. at 21s) 17s Qd 1864 441 History of Our Lord, 2 vols. 281 illustrationsy (pub. at 42*) 35^ 1865 " Mrs. Jameson has done much to famili- gress of the great revival now going on in Ger- arize her countrymen v/ith the noble works of many." — Lord Lindsay's Christian Art. Early Italian Art, and with the origin and pro- 442 JENNER (T.) Brief Eeview of the most materiall Parliamentary Trafisacr tions beginnino; November 3, 1640, smallest 4to. curioits historical cuts, title backed and last leaf mended, russia gilt, £2. 2s M. S.for Tho. Jenner, 1656 *,* Scarce. The Towneley copy sold for £6. I64; &^. 443 JENKINS. Wynne (W,) Life of Sir I^eoline Jenkins, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, Ambassador and Plenip. for the general peace of Nimeguen, and Sec. of State to K. Charles II. ; wherein are related the most remarkable transactions of those times, both foreign and domestic, 2 vols, folio, portrait, caf rare, 305 1724 444 JOHNSON'S (Capt. C.) General History of the PYRATES, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time, with the remarkable actions of the female Pyrates, Mary Bead and Anne Bonny, 4th edition, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. portraits, calf, very scarce, 35« 1726 44.5 General History of the Lives, and Adventures of the most famous HIGHWAYMEN, Murderers, Street Bobbers, Pyrates, &c. interspersed with diverting Tales, pleasant Songs, &p. folio, best ediition^fine tall copy, calf, rare, m, 1734 The illustrations include plates of Sir Jphn FalstafF and his companions at Gad's hill ; Du Vail robbing Roper, the master of King Charles the Second's buck hounds, when hunting in Windsor Forest ; llobin Hood, Sawney Cun- ningham, Capt. Hind, Col. Jack, Sawney Beane, Whitney, the German Princess, Capt. Avery, Capt. Teach, Capt. England, Capt, Roberts, Capt. Lowther, Capt. Low, Mul-Sack robbing tlie Oxford Waggon, Tom Waters, of Henley- on-Thames, Jack Shephard, Jonathan Wild, Sarah Malcolm, and others. The plates of Sir H. Morgan and of Nan Holland are absent from this copy. 2 m2 494 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 446 JONSON'S (Ben) Woeks, with notes, critical and explanatory, and Me- moir by W. GiFFOKD, 9 vols. 8vo. portrait, boards, uncut, now rare in this state, £1. Is 1816 Fetched, Sotheby's, 1859, morocco, £9. 15*. I by him. For a copy on Large Pafer, see under Sir S. E. Brydges' copy, with pencil notes | " Dramatists." 447 Keightlet's History of England, 3 vols. Svo. (pub. at 36«) cloth^ 12s ; or, hf. russia gilt, 18* 1839 448 KEMBLE'S Saxons ts Englai^^d, a history of the English Commonwealth, till the period of the Norman Conquest, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, rare, £2. 10s 1849 449 Kenilworth. Laneham's letter describing the magnificent pageants pre- sented before Q. Elizabeth, 1575, sm. Svo. woodcut portrait, corrected from the original edition, hf. cf. 7s 6d Reprinted 1821 450 Kennedy and Granger's Present state of the Tenancy of Land in Great Britain, 2 vols. '^\o. frontispieces, (pub. at 30*) cloth, 7s 6d 1828-29 451 KENNETHS (W.) Parochial Antiquities attempted in the History of Ambrosden, Burcester, and other adjacent parts in the Counties of Oxford and Bucks, 2 vols. 4ito. portrait and plates, calf gilt, 36s Oxford, 1818 Kent: 452 ARCHiEOLOGIA CANTIANA, being the Transactions of the Kent Ar- chaeological Society : Vols. I- VI. 8vo. numerous plates and cuts of Anglo- Saxon, Roman and Celtic Antiquities, etc. some coloured, cloth, £4:. Ss 1858-GG Vols. I, II, are out of print, and very scarce. 452* the same, Yols. I — VI, royal 8vo. large paper, 80 plates, some co- loured, of Antiquities, Ancient Arms, Ornaments, Facsimiles of Early Charters, etc. cloth, only 25 copies printed for suhscribers, now out of print, and very rare, £7. 10« 1858-66 453 HASTED'S History and Topographical Survey of the County of KENT, 4 vols, large folio, IQ^ plates of Views, Maps, Antiquities, etc. with numerous engravings of Seals, Arms, etc. fine copy in old calf gilt, rare, £28. Canterbury, 1778-99 One of the grand works of Topographical J in every collector's library, and Genealogical History which demand a place | 453*SMITII (C. Eoach) Antiquities of Richborough, Eeculver and Lymne, in Kent, very sm. 4to. plates and cuts of Antiquities, cloth, (pub. at 21s) 14s 1850 454 THOEPE'S (John) Eegistrum Roffense, or a Collection of Ancient Eecords, Charters, and Instruments of divers kinds, necessary for illus- trating the Ecclesiastical History and Antiquities of Eocb ester, together with the Monumental Inscriptions in the several Churches within the Dio- cese, thick folio, portrait, calf gilt, £3. 1 6s 1769 A rare and valuable work. Sir M. M. Sykes' copy fetched £10. 455 KING and PARLIAMENT, PUEITANS, QUAKERS, etc. a Collection of 14 scarce and curious pieces in 1 vol. sq. sm. 8vo. hf. russia, £3. 1575-1706 Contents : The Assembly Man, written 1647, curious plate, 1681; Tender Conscience, religiously affected, cwr/^w* symbolic plate of Pope, Prelate, and Presbyter^ 1845 ; Prynne (William) The Quakers Unmasked, 1644 ; The Quakers Shaken, or a warning against Quaking, very cu- rious, 1655 ; Epistola Hieronymi Osorii Episc. Sylvensis ad Elisabetam Angliae Reginam, re- commending the restoration of the old religion, Olyssipone, 1575 ; Table of the remarks and dis- coveries in Addison's Travels, 1706 ; The Par- 456 KING (Rev. C. W.) Antique Gems, their origin, uses, and value, as inter- preters of Ancient History, and illustrative of Ancient Art, stout 8vo. nume- rous woodcuts, (pub. 42^) cloth, new, 35s 1860 457 the Gnostics and their Remains, ancient and mediaeval, large 8vo. many plates of Gems, etc. (pub. at 15^) cloth, neiv, 12s 6d 1864 liament's Letanie, a satirical poem, 1647 ; A Caution to Keepe Money, 1642 ; Mercurius Dia- bolicus, or Hell's Intelligencer, 1647 ; Martin Marprelate's Dialogue on the Tyrannical! Dealings of Lord Bishops against God's children, 1640; Ka mee and I'le Ka thee, 1649 ; Mirrour, of Mercy, 1655 ; Way to be Rich according to the practice of the Great Dudley, 1662; The Honest Informer, Tom Tell-Troth, on abuses of Government, 1642. ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 495 458 King (Eev. C. W.) Natural History of Peecious Stones and Gems, and of the Precious Metals, large 8vo. many plates and woodcuts, representing famous and historical Gems, etc. (pub. at 2\s) cloth, 16s 1865 " This work is a splendid contribution to I considered as supplementary |and complementary archseology and mineralogical science. It com- to Pliny's compendium of the same subject." bines the ancient with the modern natural history Readtr, July 8th, 1865. of the precious stones and metals, and may be 459 KIRBY'S Wonderful and Scientific Museum : or Magazine of Remarkable Characters, 5 vols. 8vo. QQ plates of eccentric characters and remarhahle curi- osities, boards, uncut, scarce, 36s 1803-15 460 KNIGHT'S PICTORIAL HISTORY of ENGLAND : being a History of the Kingdom, from B.C. 55 to a.d. 1820, Standard Edition, 8 vols. impl. 8vo. with MANY HUNDRED woodcuts, and 104 PoBTEAiTS engraved on steel, fine IMPEESSIONS of the plates, cloth 1847 Martineatj's (Harriet) Introduction to the History of the Peace, from 1800 to 1815, impl. 8vo. cloth 1851 History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace, 1816-46, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. with pobtbaits, engraved on steel, and maps, riNE impressions, hf calf 1849-50 The above set, as described, 11 vols. £4. IO5 461 BAlisTES* History of the County Palatine and Duchy of LANCASTER, the Biographical Department by Whatton, 70 parts forming 4 vols, stout impl. 4to. LARGE PAPER, with PROOF IMPRESSIONS ON Inbia PAPER of the nume- rous fine plates of Portraits, Views, Antiquities, Machinery, etc., and the EXTRA SET of 46 PLATES, with maps and numerous woodcuts of Arms, etc. as well as an immense number of Pedigrees, sd. .3618. ; or, hf. bd. ricssia,gilt tops, uncut, £20. 1831-36, 462 the same, 70 numbers, impl. 4to. la.rge paper, INDIA PROOFS, imperfect, £5. 10* 1831-36 In Vol. I. of the above set, p. 377-84 are (Liverpool from Toxteth Park, Interior of St. John's Market, Liverpool, Lancaster Sands), and the Stanley Pedigree are wanting. A com- plete copy should also be accompanied by the series of 46 plates of Views, etc., which were sub- sequently engraved as suitable for insertion in the work. wanting. In Vol. II. a plate of Power Loom Weaving is wanted. In Vol. III. pp. 2.5 — 64 (being No. 35) are wanting ; the lower margins of No. 4-1 injured by oil ; the four plates (More- ton Hall, Gillibrand Hall, Warrington Market Place, and portrait of J. P. Kemble) wanting. In Vol. IV. pp. 128-160 (No. 56), three plates 463 the EXTRA PLATES separately, 4to. 4iQ plates, sd. £2. n. d. 464 BECK'S Eurness (Lancashire) : Beck's (T. A.) Annales Eurnesienses, His- tory and Antiquities of the Abbey of Eurness, roy. 4to. many beautiful plates by Le Keux, Willmore, etc. some in colours, (pub. at £7. 7s) hf morocco , uncut, £4i. 10s 1844 the market have usually sold at the full publishing price of Seven Guineas. Only 250 copies were printed of this highly attractive and carefully composed work. The copies which have from time to time appeared in 465 ROBY, Traditions of Lancashire, Second Series, 2 vols. 8vo. illustrated by numerous plates drawn by G. Pickering, engraved by E. Einden, hf. mo- rocco, RARE, £3. 1831 ology and Witchcraft,' and " Tales of the Cru- saders." " Sir Walter Scott speaks highly of this work, which he calls ' very elegant ;' and fre- quently quotes it in his " Letters on Demon- 466 Manuscript. ARMS AND PEDiaREES of about 150 Earn ilies, very neatly tricked and transcribed from various original MS. sources, St. George's Visi- tation, Harleian MS., Eamily Documents, and a book of Lancashire Pedi- grees and Alphabet of Arms, in the Heralds' College, folio, hf. bd. £3. 13* 6d circa 1820-40 Evidently the work of an adept : only an I could have executed it. accomplished antiquary aud student of heraldry j 496 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 467 LAPPENBEEa'S History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, trans- lated from the German by Benjamin Thorpe, with additions and corrections, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 2U) cloth', Is 1845 468 LAAYEENCE (Leonard) A small Treatise betwixt AENALTE and LU- CENDA, entituled, the Evill-intreated Lover, or the Melancholy Knight, originally written in the Greek tongue by an unknown author, translated into Spanish, French, Thuscan, and now turn'd into English Verse by L. L. a well-wisher to the Mu?:es, smallest 4to. fine copy, crimson morocco extra, hound hy C. Smith, £o. 15s 1639 First Edition, extremely rare ; Bindley 's I copy, in bds., £6. 165 6d copy sold for £16. 16*; and Thorpe priced a | 469 LE GEAND, Fabliaux or Fables abridged from French MSS. of the XII and XIII Centuries, translated into English verse, with preface, notes, and ap- pendix, by Way and Ellis, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. woodcuts hy Bewick, fine copy in red MOROCCO super extra, ornamented sides, joints, gilt and marbled edges, by KaWioeher, £2. Ws 1796-1800 Lpicp^tPTshirp ■ 470 NICHOLS (J.) HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of the COUNTY OF LEICESTEE, 4 vols, in 9, folio, /?or/ra27* and plates, the indexes hound up separately and interleaved zvith ruled paper, an ex- ceedingly fine uncut copy of this most rare and important County His- tory, Vol. IV. part I. (containing Guthlaxton Hundred] being of the second edition o/ 1819, a few printed papers and other additional mat- ter inserted, half morocco, from the Rev. J. M, Gresley's library, j6140. 1795-1815 Complete copies of this valuable County I portion of the work at the Fire at Messrs. Nichols Historv, (owing to the destruction of the greater | in 1808), seldom occur for sale. 471 MANUSCRIPT Notes to NICHOLS'S HISTORY of LEI- CESTER, by the Rev. JOHN MOREWOOD GRESLEY, MA. sometime Rector of Seile, Leicestershire, late Master of Etwall Hos- pital, Derbyshire, upwards of 500 pages, very neatly and distinctly written, uniform in size with the History of the County, containing a mass of most valuable information as regards Family and County History, copies of Early Deeds, Drawings of Seals and Coats of Arms, Addi- tional Pedigrees, Corrections, Autograph Letters, ^c. the whole executed with the greatest possible care at a cost of many years' ardent labour and research, £105. 1820-50 *^* To the Antiquary or any future His- torian of the County this Avill be found a most desirable acquisition. These notes were in- tended by Mr. Gresley for publication. They display an incalculable amount of labour, in- dustry, and erudition, on the part of the writer, who was truly an Antiquary, if there was ever one. The Pedigrees appear to be the most im- ments equally valuable and interesting, including letters to and from the most celebrated anti- quaries of the last half century or more, an original petition to Oliver Lord Protector, re- miniscences of old inhabitants, etc. Mr. Gresley had the advantage of basing his work upon the MS. labours of Mr. Wolferston and others, whose works he has incorporated with his own; and portant part of tlie additions: he collected them \ besides, the family archives of the county were at an infinite cost of time and perseverance, j freely opened to him, so that he has achieved taking care to verify and establish every state- j in the compilation of this heap of neat MS , a ment. In addition to this, there are copies of task which perhaps no one else could ever have old Charters, beginning with the twelfth and accomplished, thirteenth centuries; and a host of other docu- | 472 LELAND (Jo.) Pe Rebus Rritannicis Collectanea, edente T. Hearne, 6 vols. 8vo. original edition, plates, calf -neat, £3. 13^ 6c? Oxonii, 1715 With bookplate of Lord Percival, Binton, Co. Cork, 1715. 473 Itinerary, edited by T. Hearne, 2nd edition, 9 vols, in 5, 8vo. fine clean copy in old calf, £4. 45 Oxford, 1744-55 *,♦ Only 350 copies printed, Sold at Sotheby's, 1862, for £\.; at Cambridge, 1864, £6. ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 497 474 LHUYD (Humfrey) Breviaey of Britatne, as this .... Hand was of auncient time deuided into . . •. . England, Scotland, and Wales, .... Englished by Thomas Twyne, ICmo. black letter, calf, vert rare, £Z. 3« Imprinted hy Richard Johnes^ 1573 Dedicated to the celebrated geographer Or- so scarce that Mr. Tho. Hearne of Oxford never telius, and forming the chief source of the infor- could meet with a complete copy but that in the mation concerning the British isles which he em- Earl of Oxford's Library ; Bishop More offered bodied afterwards in his Atlas. to Mr. Ralph Thoresby for his copy its weight in "This Edition of the Breviary of Britain is gold." 475 \A\AjY {y^ . the Astrologer^ Monarchy or No Monarchy in England, Greb- ner his Prophecy concerning Charles son of Charles, English, Latin, Saxon, Scottish, and Welch prophecies, etc. sq. 8vo. 19 curious woodcuts of Predic- tions fulfilled^ allegorical prophecies, etc. calf, from Miss Currer's library, rare, 26s 1651 476 LYLIE (John) Euphues the Anatomie of Wit, 1631 — Lilie's Euphues and his England, 1630, 2 vols, in 1, sq. 12mo. hf bd. rare, £4. 4* 1631-30 "Ah, that I had with me my Anatomie of WH — that all-to-be-unparalleled volume — that quintessence of human wit — that treasuiyof quaint invention — that exquisitely-pleasant-to-read and inevitably-necessary-to-be-remembered manual of all that is worthy to be known— which indoc- trines the rude in civility, the dull in intellec- tuality, the heavy in jocosity, the blunt in gen- tility, the vulgar in nobility, and all of them in that unutterable perfection of human eloquence which no other eloquence is sufficient to praise, — that art which, when we call it by its own name of Euphuism, we bestow on it its richest pane- gyric." — Monastery. 477 LITHGOW'S (W.) Totall Discourse of the rare Adventures, and painfull Peregrinations of long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in EUEOPE, ASIA, and AFEEICA, small 4to. vioodcuts, old calf 10s Lond. 1632 not ill-written: they abound in the mar\^ellous." DraWs Shakupeare and his Times. Inglis's copy sold for £3. 1 \s ; Hibbert's £2. 10.«. " Lithgow's * Travels' are entertaining, and 478 LITTLETON. Les Tenures de Monsieur Littleton, ovesque certain cases addes per auters de puisne temps, 16mo. 2ds Sine typographi nomine, 1581 page bears the name of the contemporary owner, Rd. Lane, whose MS. notes are found in front of the book. Eare. Collation: Title; 170 numbered leaves; and 25 leaves unnumbered. The last leaf contains a Latin Address to the reader by the editor, W. West, of the Inner 1 emple. The title 479 LLOID (Lodowicke) the Pilgrimage of Princes penned out of sundry Greek and Latine aucthours, smallest 4to. fclacfe Utter, woodcut title and initials, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere, £4. 4s William Jones, air. 1590 Part of this curious volume is in rhyme. It j commendatory pieces of verse prefixed by Church- is dedicated to Sir Christopher Hatton, and has | yard, Carlisle, and others. 480 LLOYDE (Humferie) Treasuri of Helth, containing many profytable medicines, gathered out of Hipocrat, Galen, Avicen, etc. thick 12mo. ilack Utter, fine copy in old calf, 25s London, W. Copeland, s. a. 481 LOCKE'S (John) Works, with his Life, 9 vols. 8vo. old calf 36s 1794 482 LOCKHAET'S AjJCiE:tfT Spanish J^alla-DS, Historical and Eomantic, trans- lated, with notes, sm. 4to. illuminated title, ornamental letters and vignettes^ numerous beautiful woodcuts, by Harvey, Aubrey, Roberts, Warren, Haghe, Owen Jones, etc. red morocco extra, gill edges, £2. 1842 London : 483 Batlet's (John) History and Antiquities of the TOWER of London, with Memoirs of Koyal and Distinguished Persons, deduced from Records, State-Papers, and Manuscripts, and from other original and authentic Sources, 2 vols. 4to. 27 plates by Nash and Blore, (pub. at £6. 16s ^d) bds. 32« 1825 484 Capper's Port and Trade of London, historical, statistical, local and general, 8vo. (pub. at 155) cloth, IQs 18G2 ' 485 Chronicles of London Bridge by an Antiquary, 12mo. numerous woodcuts, (pub. 286') cloth bds. 6s 1827 486 the same, 8vo. large paper, (pub. £2. 8s) cloth, 10s 1827 487 Chronicles of the Charter House, 8vo. plates, cloth, 5s 1847 498 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Lo N DON — continued. 488 DENNE'S Historical Particulars of Lambeth Parish and Lambeth Palace, in addition to the histories of Ducarel in the Bibliotheca Topographica Bri- tannica, 4to. hf. calf, 32s 1795 One of the very rare pieces included in the last supplementary volume of Nichols' Bibliotheca^ 489 FISHEE'S (P.) Catalogue of the memorable Tombs, Grave-Stones, Plates, etc. in the demolisht or yet extant Churches of London, sq. 8vo. imperfect at the end, hf. calf 20s 1668 490 HEATH (J. Benj.) Account of the Worshipful Company of QEOCEES, of the City of London, with notices of its Members, and an Appendix, second EDITION, impl. 8vo. plates of plans, views, etc. and numerous cuts of Coats of Arms, cloth, uncut, £3. 3s 1854 Very scarce, having been printed for presents only. 491 LONDON and its Environs described, 6 vols. 8vo. upwards 80 neat engrav- ings, hf hd. uncut, fine copy, 21s Dodsley, 1761 This work contains much curious informa- Devonshire House, Foots Cray Place, Blackheath, tion not to be foimd elsewhere, especially lists (Sir G. P. Turner), &c. &c. of many celebrated collections of Pictures, viz. 492 Newcouet (Eichard) Map of ANCIENT LONDON in 1658, engraved by W. Eaithorne, Facsimile Eeprint from the rare Original, impl. folio, half morocco, 25s Facs. cir. 1850 493 NICHOLL(J.) Som^ account of the Worshipful Company of lEONMON- GEliS, royal 8vo. name 'ous engravings of Coats of Arms, seals, etc. cloth, uncut, 36s (For private circulation) , 1851 494 PINE and EOQUE, Plan of London, Westminster and Southwark, roy. fol. 24 plates, each occupying two leaves, fine impressiotis, the margins of the last five leaves slightly wormed, with 4to. Alphabetical Index of the Streets, Squares, Lanes, Alleys, &c. old calf, rare, 32s 1747 The White Knight's copy fetched £2. 3^ ; another fetched at Sotheby's in 1855, £3. 6*. 495 SMITH (C. Eoach) Illustrations of Eoman London, 4to. numerous cuts and plates, many of them coloured, cloth, 32s Privately printed, 1839 496 STOWS Survey of London : as also all the Ancient andModerne Monuments erected in the Churches, not onely of those two famous Cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) four milQS Compasse, woodcuts of arms, folio, calf, neat, ^1. 10s 1633 497 LONDON an]) MIDDLESEX Aech^ological Society's Transactions, Vols. I-III, Pt. 3, numerous plates and woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, and three parts, £2. 18s 1860-68 498 Long's Eoyal Descents : a Genealogical List of the several persons entitled to quarter the Arms of the Eoyal Houses of England, sq. 8vo. Genealogical Table and Coats of Arms, cloth, lis 1845 499 LONGEELLOW'S Poetical Works, large 8vo. portrait, and upwards of one hundred designs by J. Gilbert, engraved by Dalziel* cloth gilt,gt. edges, 15s 1856 500 Lysons's Magna Britannia, Vols. 6 and 7— DEVONSHIEE, 2 vols, royal 4to. LARGE PAPER, illustrated by a large number of plates, cloth, 32s 1822 601 MACAULAY'S History of England, from the accession of James the Second (to the death of William the Third, 1702) 5 vols. 8vo. best edition^ (pub. at 3^4. 2s) cloth, £2. 4s 18i9-61 502 Miscellaneous Writings, (Eeview Articles, &c.) 2 vols, portrait, (pub. 21s) cloth, 12s Qd 1860 503 MACKINNON'S History of Civilization, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 24s) cf gt. 10s 1846 504 Macintosh (G.) Biographical Memoir of Charles Mackintosh, E.E.S. 8vo. portrait, cloth. Is Gd Printed for private circulation, Glasgow, 1847 505 Mackintosh (Sir James) History of England , continued by Bell, 10 vols. 12 mo. hf. red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, 36s 1830-40 506 MAHON'S (Lord) History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht 1713, to the Peace of Versailles, 1783, with Appendix, 7 vols. 8vo. 4ith edition, new calf gilt, £5. 1853 ENGLISH LITEEATURE. 499 507 Maitland (C.) The Church in the Catacombs, or description of the Primitive Church of Kome, illustrated by its Sepulchral Eemains, 8vo. plates and woodcuts, cloth, rarsy 15^ 1846 508 Maitlat^d's (S. E.) The Dark Ages, Essays intended to illustrate the State of Eeligion and Literature in the 9th, 10th, ] 1th and 12th centuries, 8vo. cloth^ 12s 1844 509 Man (Isle of). TEA IN (J.) Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man, 2 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, 14s Douglas, 1845 510 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. calf extra, 18^ Qd 1845 511 Kelly (Eev. J.) Practical Grammar of the Antient Gaelic, or Language of the Isle of Mann, 4to. calf extra, gilt edges, rare, £\. bs 1804 512 Manuscript. EEEDEEICK DUKE OP YOEK. Sie J. Stuaet's Manu- script Interrogatories to be administered to Witnesses in the cause of Green- wood and others, creditors of his H.E.H. Frederick Duke of Tork deceased against Sir H. Taylor, B. C. Stephenson, and the Princess Sophia, 4to. hound, 20s 1828 also, other legal memoranda by the same Barrister to the year 1830. There is very curious information concern- ing the habits of life of the Duke of York em- bodied in the above Notes. The volume contains 513 Maeeiage Promoted in a discourse of its ancient and modern practice, by a person of qualit}^, sq. 8vo. Jif. hd. 10s 1690 This curious work proposes a tax upon Bachelors. 514 MAESTON'S Wondee op Womet^, or the Tragedie of Sophonisba, as it hath beene sundry times Acted at the Blacke Friers, original edition^ sm. 8vo. 28 pp. YEET EAEE, £3. 35 1606 Copies have been priced as follovi^s : Thorpe, 1834, £4. 45; 1835, £Z. Zs; 1830, £3. 135 6^7. Mr. Gifford observes * It is not very probable that Mr. M. G. Lewis ever looked into Marston, yet some of the most loathsome parts of The Monk are to be found in this detestable play. 515 Maeten's (Coll. Henry) Pamiliar Letters to his Lady of Delight, also her kinde returns, and Pettingall's Heroicall Epistles, 8vo. calf gilt, rare and curious, 15s 1662 516 MASON'S (W.) Works, 4 vols. Si o. port, calf extra, ly Clarke, £1. 4* 1811 517 MASSINGEE'S (Philip) Plays, with critical and explanatory Notes by W. GiFEOED, second edition, 4 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, £S. 10s 1813 518 Maton's (W. G.) Observations relative to the Natural History, Picturesque Scenery, and Antiquities of the Westeen Counties of England, 2 vols. 8vo. 16 plates. Ids. Qs Qd Salisbury, 1797 519 MAXWELL (James) Monyment or Eemembeance, erected in Albion, in honor of the magnificent Departvre from Britannie, and honorable receiuing in Germany, at Heidelberge, of Princes FEEDEEICK and ELIZABETH, the onely Daughter of our Soueraigne Lord, sm. 4to. Tif. hd. teey eaeb, £2. 10* 1613 the poetry is occasionally interspersed with prose, in which is contained a great deal of curious, his- torical, and other matter. This poem is dedicated to the illustrious house of Howards ; and, in the author's address to the reader, gives an account of that great family: 520 MAY (Erskine) Constitutional History of England, since the accession of George III, 1760-1860, 2 vols. 8vo. second edition, (pub. at 335) cloth, 24* 1863 This excellent and remarkable history has already obtained the position of a standard work. 521 MENNIS (Sir John) and Dr. James Smith, Musarum Delicise : and Wit Eestor'd, also Wits Eecreations, with a thousand outlandish Proverbs, edited by Park, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. front, and woodcuts, half morocco, £3. 16s (reprint) 1817 Only 150 copies printed. A copy sold at Hodgson's, March 4, 1867, £3. 16*. 522 Mercurius Eusticus : the Country's Complaint of the barbarous outrages committed by the Sectarians of this Kingdom, from the beginning of this unnatural war to 1646, 2 vols, in 1, small 8vo. very fine frontispiece, toith 10 chief Incidents of the Civil War, hf. hd, 10s 1685 MS. additions are extremely valuable, affording new matter and fresh light, upon almost every page; they are possibly from the hand of Milles himself. 500 BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 523 MERIVALE ( Charles) History of the Romans under the Empire, new edition, 8 vols, post 8vo. QnapSy (pub. at £2. Ss) cloth^ 36s 1865 524 MIDDLETON'S Works, with some account of the Author, and Notes by the Rev. A. Dyce, 5 vols. 8vo. portrait, hds. £3. Ss 1840 525 MILLES'S (Thomas) Catalogue of Honour, or Treasury of True Nobility peculiar and proper to the Isle of Great Britaine, with a Treatise of No- bility Politicall and Civill, folio, engraved title, plate of Queen Elizabeth sitting in the House of Lords, many plates of Peers, etc. in their robes, and several hundred woodcut Coats of Arms, all the plates and Arms, with most of the initials i^jj^GtA^TLY coloured, with the scarce portion of text on page 493, usually absent, fine copy, in calf antique, red edges, rare, £6. 6* 1610 626 the same, sm. folio, also quite perfect, the earliest or proof impression, with an immense number of contemporary MS. additions and corrections, fine copy in old russia, very neat, from Mr. Gresleys library, £10. 10* 1610 This last article is perhaps unique. It pre- sents several variations from the other copies, both in the arms and in the text; and is no doubt of an earlier impression than the ordinary edition — struck off, it may be, for the author's use. The 527 MILMzVN. History of CHRISTIANITY, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire, by Dean Milman, revised edition, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 365) cloth, 246- 1863 628 MILTON (John) Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works, with Life by Birch, 2 vols, folio, largk :paveb., portrait by Vertue, calf extra, from the Library of Sir Chas. Price, £4>. 4s 1738 529 MiLTOif's Poetical Works : Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Ago- nistes, and Poems upon several occasions, from the Text of Thomas Newton, D.D., with Life, 2 vols, royal 8vo. Baskerville's first edition, very fine copy, old calf gilt, £S. IQs Birmingham, 1758 530 the same, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. Baskerville's third edition, fine copy, old calf gilt, 32^ Birmingham, 1760 531 Poetical Works, with notes of various authors, illustrations, account of his Life and Writings, Glossary and Verbal Index, by Todd, 7 vols. 8vo. portraits and 2 plates, calf gilt, £2. 1809 Previously priced £5. 15*6^. 632 MILTON'S PARADISE LOST, a Poem in Ten Books, small 4to. calf, a good sound copy, £4. 4^ Lond. by S. Simmonds, 1669 variation in the last page of Booke 3, viz. the top line numbered 740, and the word with instead of in in the penultimate line, and the penultimate line of the Errata has lib. 2 instead of lib. 6. First Edition, with the eighth issue of the title-page. It contains the seven preliminary leaves. The address of the Printer to the Reader was in this issue omitted. This copy has the 533 the same, second edition-, revised and augmented by the Author, 12rao. portrait by Dolle, old calf, £2. 8s 1664 534 the same, third edition, portrait, calf £2. 2s 1678 Singer's copy sold for £2. 18c«. 535 the same, miniature edition, 64mo. cl. 5s PicJcering, 1835 536 PAEADISE EEGAINED, to which is added Samson Agonistes, sm. 8vo. FIRST edition of both pieces, ivith a few corrections in a contem- porary hand, £'3. 'Ss 1671 537 Miracle Plats or Mysteries, from the Chester, Coventry and Towneley Series, vidth view by Marriott, 8vo. bd. rare, 12s Basel, 1838 538 MIREOUE FOE MAGISTEATES, being a true Chronicle historic of the untimely falles of Princes ; newly enlarged with a last part called A Winter Night's Vision, with a poem annexed called England's Eliza, 3 vols, in 1, stout sm. 4to. pp. 20 and 875 including three title-pages, wanting leaf EEE 3 {probably a blank one), old calf neat, £3. 10s F. Kyngston, 1610 Priced in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, | £6. 6.?, and Crawfurd's £7. 2s 6rf. Roseoe's copy fetched ENGLISH LTTEEATUEE. 501 539 MO N BOD DO (Lord) History of the Origin and Progress of Language, THICK PAPER, G vols. 8vo. portrait, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, £2. 5s 1809 "Monboddo, among other strange fancies, I and that a nation still existed with tails." — considered that men were originally monkeys, j Lotvnde*. 540 Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley) Letters and Works, edited by Lord Wharn- cliffe, 8 vols. 8vo. 3 portraits, with MS. notes of Mr. Lamplugh Baper, cloth, TJNCUT, 18^ 1837 541 MONTAIGNE (Lo : Michael! de) Essayes, or Morall, Politike, and Millitarie Discourses, . . . now done into English by . . . John Elorio, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, ivitk the two very rare leaves of " Errors and Omissions!^ original calf, with the autographs ofJsi. Eorelis and S. Hamilton on title-page, £3. 10s V. Sims for Edward Blount, 1603 Bliss' copy fetched in 1858, £2. ; and a a'cquired a great celebrity from the fact that waterstained copy fetched at Sotheby's in 1860, Shakspeare possessed a copy, which sold at £5. This first edition is very rare, and has Evans' in 1838 for £100. 5Ij2 Mo]!fTAiG:N^E's Essays, translated by Chas. Cotton, with Notes and an account of the Author's Life, sixth edition, corrected and amended, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. old calf gilt, Is Qd ^ 1743 513 MoNTEMAYOR (Greorgc) Diana, translated out of Spanish into English by B. Tong, folio, vellum, 25s London, 1598 are not svfficienthj Ttnorvn. It has been assigned as the origin of the Two Gentlemen of Verona. Montemayor's pastoral of Diana is beautiful; it is in prose, but mingled with a considerable quantity of poetry by Yong, the merits of which SM MONTFAUCON'S Antiquity EXPLAi:NrED, and represented in Sculptures, translated by David Humphreys, wnth the Supplement, 7 vols, folio, with about 1300 plates, old calf from Bishop Wynne^s library, £'d. IQs 2721-25 Priced, 1824, Rivingtons, £lO. 10* ; 18U0, J. Bohn. £14. 145 ; 1843, £8. 8.v ; 1847, Nattali, £7. Is; 1848, Longmans, £1. Is; Sir Mark Sykes' copy, damaged, fetched £4. 145 6^/. An extra- ordinarily cheap work, considering the immense number of the plates, all reproducing genuine works of ancient art, Sculptures, Gems, Bronzes, Pictures, etc. which illustrate the lives and man- ners of ancient Greece and Rome better than any mere text could do. 545 MOOEE (John, M.D.) Works, with Memoirs of his life and writings by- Anderson, 7 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, a fine set, £1. l(Ss JEdinb. 1820 Contents: — I, Biography, Society in Prance; II, Society in Italy; III, Journal during a Residence in Prance ; IV, Causes and Progress of the Prench Revolution ; V, Zeluco ; VI, Edward ; VII, Mordaunt. Dr. Moore's sketches of the Society and Manners of France, written in the form of letters. contain the most liberal and enlightened views of the Prench people, expressed during the last cen- tury; and his account of the Revolution gives a graphic description of the deplorable state of the nation at that period. His novels, especially Zeluco, though now forgotten, had a great popu- larity at the time of their publication. 546 MOOKE'S (T.) Poetical AVorks, including his translations, collected bj him- seU', 10 vols. 12mo. portrait and vignettes, calf gilt, £3. 3^ 1810 517 MOOEE (Thos.) Life of Sheridan, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 3l5 Qd) portrait, bds, 10s 1827 548 MORE (Sir Thomas) "Woeks (including youthful Poems), black letUr, very fine throughout, with the rare letter from Sir T. Ifore " To the christen reader,'^ stout folio, russia super extra, sides ornamented with gold tooling, gilt edges by Bedford, a superb copy from Mr. Felix Slade's library, £21. at the cost and charge of J. Cawood, J. Wally Sf B. Tottle, 1557 549 MORGAN'S (Sylyanus) Spuere of G-ENTRY deduced from the principles of Nature: an historical and genealogical work of Arms and Blazon, in 4 books, folio, frontispiece ivith portrait of the Author, and numerous curious heraldic plates and cuts, by Gaywood, including a portrait of Camden, ivith- out the Howard cjenealoqy, calf extra, gilt edges, riis'E COPT, £8. 1661 550 MORGAN'S Sphere of GENTEY, folio, 'frontispiece with portrait of the Author, the very scarce engraved Howard Pedigree and the text to it, also the very rare duplicate pp. and plate in Book IV, all usually wanting, and numerowi other curious heraldic plates and cuts, by Gaywood, including a fine portrait of Camden, elegantly bound in whole blue morocco extra, richly gilty tooled sides, gilt edges, yeby fine and perfect copr, £16. 16s 1661-63 502 BEENAEB QITAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 551 MOEGAN'S Sphere of GENTKT, folio, laeqe paper, with the plate of the Howard Fedigree, heautiful copy in russia super extra, gilt edges, hy Lewis, from Mr. G. Smith's library, excessively babe, £24<. 1661 Vert rare. Lowndes's description of this work is so defective and inaccurate, that it is ad- visable to give the following collation : En- graved title with portrait ; printed title, with royal arms engraved on reverse ; dedication, 1 leaf; to the Reader, 2 leaves; Acrostics, 2 leaves; Words of Art and Names of Constellations, 2 leaves ; Book I, pp. 1-120, with 5 separate plates for the first 5 chapters ; portrait of Camden, marked 121, with " Nobility Dative" on the re- verse ; Book II, pp. 1-118, with the engravings of pp. 22 and 32 reimpressed as separate plates 552 MOETSON'S (Fjnes) Ten Teeres Travell througli the Twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and lEELAND, folio, fine copy in 1617 at the part of the text to which they refer, (not in the Large Paper copy) ; Book III, title dated 1663 and dedication, 2 leaves ; pp. 1-11, 10-14, 17-120 ; Book IV, pp. 1-32, (33)-(39), 40 and 41 (these two containing the engraved Achieve- ment of a Baron, and duplicate, this duplicate not in Large Paper copy) pp. 35-52, 58, 53, 53-82 ; 4 unnumbered pages ; plate of Howard Genealogies; pp. 83-116; and tables, etc. 10 leaves. One page 101 of part 3, there is a rare vignette of Romulus and Kemus. russia, £(5. 16s This copy has the leaf opposite the title, containing the words " An Itinerary," which is generally wanting. A very interesting, valuable, and much esteemed work. Among other matters it con- tains a long account of the Rebellion of Hugh O'Neill in Ireland, and his subjugation. *' Moryson," says Dr. Drake, " is a sober- minded and veracious traveller, and that part of his book which relates to the manners and cus- toms of England and Scotland is particularly useful and interesting.^* '* He began his travels," relates Fuller, "May 1st, 1591, over a great part 653 MrNK (Dr. W.) Eoll of the Eoyal College of Physicians of London, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 365) cloth, 18^ 1861 554 NALSON'S Impartial Collection of the Great Affairs of State, from the beginning of the Scotch Eebellion, 1639, to the Murder of Charles I. 2 vols, folio, with two fine allegorical frontispieces hy White, good copy, old calf 10s 1682-83 of Christendome, and no small share of Turky, even to Jerusalem, and afterwards printed his observations in a large hook, which, for the truth thereof, is in good reputation, for of so great a traveller, he had nothing of the traveller in him, as to stretch in his reports. At last he was secre- tary to Charles Blunt ^ Deputy of Ireland, saw and wrote the conflicts with, and conquest of Tyrone ; a discourse which deserveth credit, because the writer's eye guides his pen^ and the privacy of his place acquainted him with many secret passages of importance. Priced, 1841, £2. 2« ; Dr. Hawtrey's copy fetched £1. 16.?. Written in defence of the King, in opposition to Rushworth. Bp. Warburton says, " Nalson is worth turning over, being full of vastly curious and valuable authentic pieces." 555 Naunton (Sir Eobert) Fragmenta Eegalia ; Memoirs of Elizabeth, her court and favorites, 8vo. laege paper, 9 portraits, cloth, 7s 6d 1824 556 NICHOLS, Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vols. 1812-15 — Illustrations 0¥ the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, 8 vols. 1817-58 — together 17 vols. 8vo. numerous portraits and plates, (pub. at more than £25. in bds.) a fine copy in calf neat, £14. 1812-58 657 NICHOLS'S Progresses, Processsions, Festivities, and Pageants of Queen ELIZABETH, collected from Original Manuscripts, Corporation Eecords, and scarce Tracts, and illustrated by Historical Notes by John Nichols, F.S.A., assisted by Eichard Grough and Greorge Steevens, F.S.A., Second edition, chronologically arranged, with additional Notes, Translations of the Latin, and Indexes of Places and Persons visited, Eemarkable Events, &c. 3 vols. 47 plates, hoards, 1823 — Progresses, Processions, Festivities, and Pageants of King James I., his Queen, Family, and Court, comprising Forty Masques and Entertainments, Six Pageants, numerous Original Letters, annotated Lists of the Peers, Baronets, and Knights during this Eeign, &c. Illustrated by Notes, Historical, Topographical, and Biogra- phical, and General Indexes, by John Nichols, F.S.A., assisted by several ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 503 Nichols' 'Proqb.t^sses— continued. eminent Literary Antiquities, 4 vols, plates, cloth, 1828— together 7 vols. 4to. (pub. £19. 10^) uncut, £10. 10s 1823-28 the originals of which, if they could be bought, would be worth more than a thousand pounds. No library, into which the English Chroni- cles, State Papers, the Harleian Miscellany, and Lord Soniers' Collection of Tracts are admitted, should be without these important volumes, which form a connected History of the Courts of Eliza- beth and James, and afford a living picture of the manners of England, its pursuits and amuse- ments for three quarters of a century, (15o3 to 1625.) They also develope numerous interesting and unknown anecdotes of most of our Noble Families, and in many cases the circumstances of their rise and elevation to the Peerage. Priced, Jas. Bohn, £14. XAs. Of these two indispensable works in an English Historical Library, only 2.50 copies were printed. As there is no probability of their ever being reprinted, there is little doubt but that in a few years both works will became rare and valu- able. The former edition of the Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, less complete than the present, had become so extremely scarce, that copies were repeatedly sold at public auction for upwards of £40. The Progresses of King James have only been once printed. The two works include the republication of rare historical and poetical tracts, 558 Nicolas' Catalogue of the Heralds' Visitations, &c. some MS. additions, second edition, bds. 7s 6d 1825 559 Memoir of Augustine Vincent, "Windsor Herald, 1617-24, sm. 8vo. cloth, 4s 1827 560 History of tbe Battle of Agincourt, and of the Expedition of Henry the Fifth into France, with the Eoll of Men at Arms, sm. 8vo. portrait, map and coloured plate of Banners, with Coats of ArmSj bds. 10s ; or, hf. russia gilt, only 250 copies printed, 18s 1827 561 History of the Earldoms of Stratbern, Monteith, and Airth, with report of the proceedings on the claim to that of Airth, 8vo. pedigree, cloth, 8s Qd; or, hf. calf gilt, I2s _ _ 1842 562 Historic Peerage of England, exhibiting the origin, descent, and present state of every Title since the Conquest, new edition of the " Sy- nopsis of the Peerage," revised by Courthope, stout 8vo. (pub. at 30s) new in cloth, 20s 1857 563 NISBET'S (A.) System of HERALDET, Speculative and Practical, with the true Art of Blazon ; illustrated with examples of Armorial Figures and Achievements of the most considerable Families in Scotland, etc. G-enealogi- cal Memorials, etc. 2 vols, folio, 61 plates of Arms, etc. half calf, or strongly hf. hd. morocco, uncut, £6. 15s Edinburgh, 1816 56i NORDEN, Speculum Britannise: an historical and chorographical descrip- tion of Middlesex and Hartfordshire, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. engraved maps, and many Coats of Arms, old calf, gilt back, 15s 1723 Norfolk: 565 NORFOLK ARCHEOLOGY, or miscellaneous Tracts relating to the An- tiquities of the County of Norfolk, Vols. I- VI, complete with the Supple- mentary part to Vol. VI, being the Visitation of Norfolk, 8vo. numerous plates, some coloured, and woodcuts, Pedigrees, etc. in parts, £Q. 15s Norwich, 1847-65 566 another set. Vols. I-V, pt. 1, 8vo. numerous plates, etc. some coloured, four vols, cloth uncut, and in parts, £5. 1847-56 Published by the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society. 567 BLOMEFIELD'S Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of NORFOLK, continued by the Rev. Charles Parkin, 5 vols, folio, nu- merous plates of Antiquities, Monuments, Arms, Seals, Portraits, etc. and many Pedigrees, calf gilt, fine large copy from Baron Dimsdale's library, VERY RARE, £24. Fcrsfleld {and Lynn), 1739-75 In the above set : Vol. I. the Blomefield Pedigree, p. 74 is wanting. In Vol. II. the De- dication, the References to plan of Norwich and Bishop Hall's Monument ; the portrait of Cat- thorpe, and views of Houghton Hall, are wanting. Altogether, the above is a very desirable copy, as it has the List of Subscribers in Vol. I. the plan of Norwich, and the Manby and Marsham monu- ments, all of which are extremely rare, and almost always wanting. 504 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 569 STAUK'S (James) Scenery of the Rivers of Norfolk, comprising the Yare, Waverney, and Bure, with historical and geological descriptions by Eob- berds, impl. 4to. India proofs, consisting of 36 splendid Engravings by George Cooke, E. Goodall, John Burnet, and other eminent Engravers, (pub. at £6. Gs) green morocco super extra^ broad borders of gold, gilt edges hy Clarice, £2. 16s Norwich, 1834 "An exceedingly beautiful and interesting volume. The paintings combine in subject, com- position, and detail, the united excellencies of Hobbima, Ruysdael, and Vander Velde, and exhibit the known talents of Mr. Stark, and of the able engravers employed, to the greatest pos- sible advantage. Their execution may vie with that of the best performances in the same class of art, which this or any other country has yet pro- duced." — Literary Gazette. Northamptonshire : 570 BAKER'S (Greorge) History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton, 2 vols, large folio, numerous finely engraved plates, whole bound russia, £d. IQs 1822-41 571 the same, LARGE Proof Impressions upon INDIA PAPER, 2 vols. royal folio, hf. russia, £1S. 10s 1822-41 *' One of the most valuable Topographical I nute research and industry." — Lorvndes. Works ever published, displaying the most mi- | 572 BRTDGrES (John) and Whallet's (Rev. P.) History and Antiquities of NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, 2 vols, royal folio, with the complete series of i^^ plates, very large copy, hf. calf, uncut, £10. Oxf. 1791 Priced, 1829, Longman, £12. 12^; fetched at Heath's sale, £17. 17*. 573 HUDSON (Franklin) Monumental Brasses of Northamptonshire, folio, title engraved and illuminated, 91 plates in tinted Lithography and Brooize of Sepulchral Monuments, cloth, a magnificent uoorh, j63. 10^ 1853 574 the same, LARGE PAPER, impl. folio, cloth, £5. 55 1853 A limited number of copies were printed, and I cuted in bronze, give exact facsimiles of the for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. The plates being exe- j Brasses, a process not hitherto adopted. 575 HYETT'S (W. H.) Sepulchral Memorials, Engravings from the Altars, Tombs, Effigies, and Monuments, in the County of Northampton, 3 parts in 1 vol. roy. folio, large paper, Vo fine plates, (pub. at £3.) bds. uncut, 225 L817 A very desirable addition to Baker's Northamptonshire. 576 MORTON (John) Natural History of Northamptonshire, with some account of the Antiquities, and a transcript of Doomsday Book so far as it relates to that county, folio, large folding map with a border of Coats of Arms, and several plates chiefly of Natural History, fine copy in old calf, from Bishop Wynne's library, with his autograph, £2. 2s - 1712 gotten. The author treats largely on figured fossils, of which his book contains many elegant plates."— i?r. Pulteney. *'Thi-s is a work of merit. In the list of plants, several occur additional to those noticed by Ray ; even some of the mosses are not for- Northiimberland : 677 HODGSON (J.) History of Northumberland, with the Supplement contain- ing the General History of the County, undertaken by the Society of Anti- quaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 7 vols. 4to. numerous plates, bds. very rare, £27. Newcastle, 1820-57 Nottinghamshire : 578 THOROTON (Robert) Antiquities of Nottinghamshiee, extracted out of Records, Original Evidences, Leiger Books, and other Manuscripts, and authentick authorities, beautified with Maps, Prospects, and Portraictures, sm. folio, entirely complete, with both the rare slip of Arms, and the Imr primatur, many plates by Hollar and others, pedigrees, numerous engraved Coats of Arms, a very fine copy in old calf , from the Library of the Rev. J. M. Qresley, £14. 14« 1677 579 THROSBY (J.) History and Antiquities of the Town of Nottingham, large 4to. portrait and plates, fine impressions, calf, 25s Nottingham, 1795 Only a *'few copies purposely detached from | royal paper, at the request of soine friends." the general history of the county, taken oflf oa | Dedication. ENGLISH LITERATURE. 505 580 OCKHAM. A Dialogue betwene a KNYGHT and a CLERKE, concernynge the power spiritual and temporall, 18 mo. blac fe letter, hf. bd. rare^ 2ds London, Thomas Berthelet^ s. a. With Autograph of W. Herbert, 1776. 581 OGILEY'S Britannia Depicta, improv'd by J Owen, engraved throughout by E. Bo wen, 8vo. maps and plans, with Coats of Arms, Sfc. gilt calf extra bi/ A. Tarrant, Sir Charles Price's copy, £ 1 . 8s 1720 582 PLAYS (A Collection of), by Dodsley, with additional Notes and Corrections by Isaac Reeds, Octavius Gilchrist, and the Editor (John Payne Collier), new edition with the Supplement, 13 vols. 8vo. bds. uncut, £5. 15« 1825-33 583 the same, 13 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, calf extra, contents lettered, £12. 1825-27-33 Very rare on large paper, many of the copies having been bought up for America. 584 Orkneys. "Wallace (J.) Description of the Isles of Orkney, and Essay on the Thule of the Ancients, 16mo. map and plates, russia, gilt edges, 10s JEdinb. 1693 585 ORMEROD. Miscellanea Palatina: consisting of genealogical essays illus- trative of Cheshire and Lancashire families, and a memoir of the Cheshire Domesday Roll, with Supplement, 8vo. plates of Views, Pedigrees, etc. cloth ^ presentation copy, eare, £fl. Vis Qd privately printed, not published, 1851 586 Overstone (Lord) Tracts, a COMPLETE SET : Teacts and other Publications on Metallic and Paper CURRENCY, by the Right Honorable Lord Overstone, (edited by J. R. McCulloch), stout 8vo. clotli, separately, £2. 12s ^ 1857 Evidence given by Lord Overstone, before the select Committee of the House of Commons of 1857 on the Bank Acts, with Additions, 8vo. cloth, separately, £2. 1858 A select Collection of Scarce and Valuable ECONOMICAL TRACTS, with prefaces, notes and Indexes by J. R. MacCulloch, printed for friends only at the expense of Lord Overstone. Vol. I, Tracts on Commerce ; Vol. II, Tracts on the National Debt and Sinking Fund ; Vol. Ill, Tracts on Paper Currency and Banking ; Vol. IV, Miscellaneous Tracts, not sold separately 1857-59 Only 150 copies were printed of these 4 volumes. together 6 vols. 8vo. presentation copy to Sir Emerson Tennent, with a Letter from Mr. MacCulloch, yert rare, £18. 18^ 1857-59 Oxfordshire : 587 BIBYE (Simon, of Lambeth) OXONIENSIS Academic : et Collegiorum quse in eadem nunc sunt : honoris etiam eoruudem Stemmatum : quotque ibidem studiis dediti, communibus impensis foventur : compendiosa et dilu- cida descr'i'ptio, printed on two broad sheets, with woodcuts of the arms of the Colleges, and ornamental borders, folded into 12mo. size, bds. extremely RARE, £2. Tubingce, 1602 588 Newton (R., Principal of Hart Hall) Letter to Dr. Holmes, Vice- Chancel lor of Oxford, 1735 — Grounds of Complaint against Exeter College, as set forth in the Letter, more fully represented, 1735—2 parts folio, 10^ 1734-35 The subject is the attempt made by Exeter College to prevent the incorporation of Hart Hall. 589 PLOT'S Natural History of Oxfordshire, second and best edition, with addi- tions and corrections, account of the Author, etc. sm. folio, map surrounded with coats of arms, and 16 plates, neat in calf, 30s 1705 ,when Cromwell's commissioners for surveying the Manor House, park, deer, &c. sat and lodged there ; and upon which 8cott's romance " Wood- stock" is written. In this interesting work is related a long and ludicrous account of some ' unaccountable things,' and ' strange passages,' which are stated to have taken place at the Palace of Woodstock in 1649, Oxford University : 590 Oxford Guide, or Companion through the University, sq. 8vo. interleaved with nmnerous neatly written MS. additions in a hand of the last century, relating to Antiquities, Paintings, etc. probably by Ives, the antiquary, half bound, 12a' (ca. 1750) manner in which the illumination has been per- formed is vastly superior to most existing speci- mens of such work. 506 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 691 Oxford. AEMOEIAL Beaeo gs of the COLLEGES within the University of Oxford, A.D. 1600, sm. 4to. cojpy from a Manuscript in the British Museum, most beautifully executed and highly finished in the richest gold and colours, an exquisitely illuminated border round the title-page, gilt binding, £10. 1600 {cir. 1840) This beautiful MS. was apparently executed for Dr. Wellesley, his arms being emblazoned on the title. Besides the arms of the Colleges are many of those of Founders and Benefactors. The 592 EoTJNDATiON STATUTES and Documents of Mebton College, collected by Heywood, edited by Halhwell and Percival, 2 parts, 8vo. 35 Qd 1843-47 593 OSSIAN'S Poems, translated by James Macpherson, 3 vols. 12mo. 'portrait of Macpherson, beautiful plates by Singleton, engraved by Fittler, an ele- gant library copy, pale morocco, from the Earl of Clare's library, 30^ 1805 594 the same, 2 vols. 12mo. portrait of Macpherson, plates by Atkinson, engraved by Angus, red morocco extra, gilt edges, \%s 1806 595 Painter's Palace of Pleasure, first edition, Vol. I only, Wutk Xdin, small 4to. wants title and 3 leaves of preliminary matter, and only goes to the end of " The Countesse of Salisburie'' p. 278, original calf yery rare, 205 1566 596 PAINTEE'S (William) PALACE OF PLEASUEE, beautified, adorned, and vs^ell furnished with pleasant Histories, and excellent Novels, &c. printed from the edition of 1575, edited by Jos. Haslewood, 2 vols, in 3, 4to. (pub. at £10. IO5) bds. £5. 6s Triphooh, 1813 It is supposed that Shakespeare drew the plots of several of his Plays from Painter's collection. 597 PALGrEAYE'S (Sir F.) Eise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, with Proofs and Illustrations, 2 vols. 4to. bds. £4. 10s 1832 " This is, beyond all competition, the most luminous work that has ever been produced on the early institutions of England. It is to Mr. Palgrave that recourse will be had by the curious antiquary, the inquirer into the origin of English jurisprudence, and by him who loves to trace, in the calm mirror of history, the restless waves of human action." — Edinburgh Review. 598 Peacham's (Henry) Compleat G-entleman: fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable Qualities, concerning Mind or Body, that may be required in a Person of Honor, sm. 4to. with engraved title-page, very fine copy, in the original vellum binding, £1. 5s London, 1634 " This book, which is written in an easy and 1 education and literature of its times." — Drdkas elegant style, is a work of considerable interest Shakspeare. and amusement, and throws much light on the j 599 PECK'S Desideeata Cueiosa, or a Collection of divers Scarce and Curious Pieces (relating chiefly to matters of English History), 2 vols, in 1, folio, laege papee, portrait and plates, calf, 20s 1732-25 600 the same, another edition, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. portrait and many plates, calf, 21s ^ 1779 601 PECK (F.) Annals of Stanford in Lincoln, Eutland and Northamptonshire, folio, fne plates by Vander-Qucht and others, MS. additions, russia gilt, £2. 2s 1727 Peele— *ee ''Dramatists" Peerage Cases : 602 Bat?ks (Sir T.) Analytical Statement of the case of Alexandee, E. of Stie- ling, etc. 8vo. sewed, Zs Qd 1832 603 (Baegany) Peerage Case. Speeches of the Loed Chancelloe and Loed Eedesdale, 24th July, 1822, 4to. sewed, 6s 1822 604 Beltz (G. F.) Eeview of the Chandos Peerage Case, adjudicated 1803, 8vo. pedigrees, bds. scarce, 7s Qd 1834 605 Devoid (Earldom of) A Letter to the Lord Brougham and Vaux, 8vo. 2^ Gd 1831 606 Disquisition on the right of jurisdiction in Peerage successions, contained in letters to Lord K , second edition, 8vo. sewed, Ss 6d 1830 607 Johnstone s (The) of Annandale, 8vo. table of pedigree, sd. 7 s Gd 1853 EK'GLTSH LITEEATUBE. 507 Peerage Cases: 608 Gardner. Le Marchant, Eeport of the pr ceedings of the House of Lords on the chiims to the Barony of Gardner, with appendix, 8vo. bds. 12s 1828 G09 Montrose. LI^^DSAY (Lord) Eeport of the Speeches of Counsel, and of the Lord Chancellor and Lord St. Leonards in moving the Kesolution upon the Claim of James Earl of Crawford and Balcarres to the original Dukedom of Montrose, folio, 240 and 592 pp. with Genealogical Chart and Facsimile of the page of the Great Seal Register, with the Montrose Litera, 1489, cloth, 7s 6d 1855 610 Montrose. Etddell (J.) Abstract of the case of James, Earl of Ceawfohd and Balcaeres, claiming the original Dukedom of Montrose, 8vo. table of pedig^^ee, sewed, 7s Gd 1850 611 Perth (Earldom of), Case of Thomas Drummond, claiming the title of Earl of Perth, 8vo. 7s 6d Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1831 612 Vaux Peerage Case. Speeches of the different counsel, 8vo. Ids. 7s Qd n. d. 613 PEGGE (Dr. S.) Curialia; or, an Historical Account of some Branches of the Eoyal Household, etc. etc, the 5 Parts complete in 1 vol. 4to. large PAPER, 7 plates, several leaves supplied from a small paper copy, russia extra, gold borders round the sides, gilt edges, excessively rare, £5. 1782-1806 Very few copies were printed on Largo j stroyed by fire. Paper. Parts IV. and V. were nearly all cle- | (514i Life of Eobert Grosseteste, the celebrated Bishop of Lincoln, with an account of his Works, plate, 1793 — Life of Eoger de Weseham, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 1761—2 vols, in 1, 4to. calf gilt, 20s 1762-93 615 Peiresk. G-assendus, Mirrour of Nobilitie, being the Life of JS". C. Fabri- cius. Lord of Peiresk, sm. 8vo. portrait, calf, Gs 1657 616 PELL EECOEDS. Issue EoU of the Exchequer, 44 Edward III, 1370— Issues of the Exchequer, temp. Henry III. to Henry YI. inclusive — Issues of the Exchequer, temp. James I. ; extracted from the Originals, edited by E. Devon, Esq. -together 3 vols. roy. 8vo. (pub. at ^3. 16.?) cl 285 1835-37 617 the same, large paper, 3 vols. 4to. (pub. 56*5, 5^) cloth, £3. 1835-37 618 PENNr Cyclopedia, 27 vols, numerous plates, 18:^3-43 — Supplement to the Penny Cyclopaedia, 2 vols. ib. 1845-6 — together 29 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, £3.3* 1838-46 619 PEECY'S (Thos.) Eeliques of Aistcient English Poetry : consisting of Old Ballads, Songs, and other pieces of our earlier Poets, 3 vols. 12mo. Vols. I and II being of tke only tncastrated edition, Vol. 3, third edition, old calf 205 1765 620 the same, second edition, 3 vols. 12mo. calf 22s 1767 621 Phillips (E., Nephew of Miltofi) Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, contain- ing the names and characters of all the English Poets from Henry III to Elizabeth, 8vo. bds. 7s (Jd Canterburg, 1800 622 POETS, British : Works of the English Poets, with Prefaces Biographical and Critical, by Dr. Sam. Johnson, 75 vols. 12mo. best edition, calf neat, uniformly bound, contents lettered, ^7. 1790 Priced, Thorpe, 1821, £15. 155 ; 1824, Rivington, £14. 14.« ; Greenland, £12. 12.?. 623 Poems. A collection of 86 Loyal Poems, written on the two late Plots, viz., the Horrid Salamanca Plot in 1078, and the Conspiracy in 1683, collected by N. T(hompson), with Poems on their Majestie's Coronation, 12mo. fine copy in old calf gilt, very rare, 25« Printed by N. T. 1685 execution of Viscount Stafford. Bolland's copy sold for £2. 3j. A collection of poetical squibs against the Romanizing tendencies of Charles II and his brother, the Duke of York, with poems on the 624) Polynesia. Ellis, Polynesian Eesearches : Society in the Sandwich Islands, 4 vols. 12mo. maps and cuts, cloth, 7s 6d 1832 625 PONTOPPIDAN'S Natural History of NORAVAT, 2 vols, in 1, folio, 291 pp. map and 28 curious plates of Scenery, Natural History, inclv.ding the famous Sea Serpent, etc. fine cppy in old rmsia gilt, d^2, XQs 1755 608 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCAiJlLLi, LOJN'DON. 627 PONTOPPIDAN, the same, large paper, folio, a very fine copy in green MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, from Baron DimsdaWs library, £5. 15s 1755 628 PBESCOTT, History of the Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols.— Conquest of Peru, 2 vols. — Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols. — Eeign of Philip II, 2 vols. — together 10 vols. 8vo. portraits, half calf gilt, marbled edges, £4. 10s Boston, 1856 " Prescott, the historian of both hemispheres, whose name will not be forgotten in either, but whose honours will always be dearest to those who have best known the discouragement under which they have been won, and the modesty and gentleness with which they are worn." — Ticknor. Priced, Payne and Foss, £10. 10*.; Thorpe, £6. 165. 629 PKESTWICH (Sir J.) Eespublica; or, a Display of the Honors, Ceremonies and Ensigns of the Common- Wealth under Oliver Cromwell, 4to. plate of insignia^ calf, IQs 1787 " A curious performance, useful for genealogists and heralds." — Lowndes. 630 Prior (M.) Poetical Works, with Memoir, 2 vols. 12mo. front, calf neat, 105 1779 631 PEYNNE'S Parltameis-tart WEITS, comprising all Writs, Perm s of Sum- mons to Parliaments, Convocations, with all other rare Writs from the ear- liest period, illustrated with choice useful Annotations, Observations, His- tories, &c. 4 vols, in 5, smallest 4to. very fine copy , calf neat, £5. 5s 1659-64 Sold in the Roxburghe sale for £18.; Gough, £16. 165; Townsend, £14.; and in Brockett's, for £31. 10*. 632 Prtnne's Breviate of the Life of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, jportraits of Prynne and Laud, water -stained, 1044 — CAiSTERBrRiES Doome, or the first part of a compleat History of the Commitment, Charge, Tryall, Con- demnation and Execution of William Laud, late Abp. of Canterbury, plate of the trial by Hollar, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, calf 25s 1614-46 633 PEYNNE'S EECOEDS: An exact Chronological and Historical Demonstra- tion of our British, Eoman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English Kings Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in and over all Spiritual or Eeligious Affairs, from the Eeign of King John, 1199, to the death of Henry III. 1273, the second Tome, with frontispiece representing Charles II. and the Pope enthroned, fre- quently wanting, 1665 — AntiqusB Constitutiones Eegni Anglise, ex Archivis in Turri Londinensi fideliter collectae, being Vol. 3 ivith the Latin title — 2 vols, folio, LARGE PAPER, Yol. 2, half russia^ Vol. 3, calf, £12. 12^ 1665-72 Excessively rare, especially the second vo- | Priced, 1833, Triphook, £12. 12*; 1834, lume, of which it is supposed that not more than I Pickering, £12. 12«. seventy copies escaped the Fire of London. | 634 Brief Animadversions on. Amendments of and additional records to the fourth part of the Institutes of the Laws of England completed by Sir Edward Coke, Bt. folio, calf, 20s 1669 635 Seasonable and Legall Vindication and Collection of the Good Old Eundamental Liberties, Franchises, Eights and Lawes of all English Free- men, smallest 4to. blue morocco extra, fine copy, 7s 6d 1654 636 PUTTEE (J. S.) Historical Developement of the present political Constitu- tion of the Germanic Empire, translated by J. Dornford, 3 vols, stout 8vo. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, gilt edges, £1. 1790 637 EAINE'S Memoir of the Eev. John Hodgson (Historian of N^orthumberland)^ 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates, (pub. at 285) cloth, 22« 1857-58 638 [EANDALL (Eev. ^Sdhn, Master of Guildford Grammar /S'cAoo/)] Historical and Critical Essay on the true Eise of Nobility, political and civil, 2 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, with the rare portrait to each volume, but not the printed dedication to the Earl of Godolphin, old English red morocco, gilt edges, £2. Printed for the Author, 1720 The copy is lettered on the hack "Wharton's History of Nobility." ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 609 640 EAPIN'S History of England, with CoNTiNUATrosr by N. Tindal, 5 vols. folio, fine impressions of the portraits, plates of Medals, maps, and plans of battles and cities, by Vertue and Houhraken, a handsome copy, old calf, 563. 3s 1732-i7 Fetched, 1854, calf gilt, £6.; 1855, old gilt without this best edition of Rapin, adorned by rnssia. Baker's sale, £14. 14.9; Hollis's sale, the heads of Vertue and Houbraken. A copy £17. lO.f; and in the Duke of York's, £16. 10.?. in fine condition is worth £3. IOj." " No historical library can be complete Literary Companion. 641 EAT'S Works: Philosophical Letters, 1718— The Wisdom of God in the Works of Creation, 1727 — Discourse on Chaos, the Deluge, and the Disso- lution of the World, 1732 — Life and Eemains, 1760 — English Proyerbs, also Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, etc. 1768 ; together 5 vols. Bm. Svo. two portraits of Bay, calf, 12s 1718-68 642 Rebellion Tracts. A collection of 9 rare and curious tracts relating to the Pretender, 12mo. half calf neat, 28s 1745-46 Contents : Proclamations and Orders of Charles Prince of Wales 1745-46 Advice of a Friend to the Army and People of Scotland 1745 Papers written by the Rebel Lords previous to their execution 1746 Reflections on the Dying words of Lord Balrae- rino 1746 Poems of Charles, Prince of Wales 1745 Alexis or the Young Adventurer 1746 Triumphant Spirit of the Whigs Edin. 1746 Answer to the Pretender's second Manifesto 1745 643 EECOE-DE (Eobert) The Pathway to Knowledg, containing the first prin- ciples of Geometric, sm. 4to. black \ttXty, diagrams, fine large copy in calf extra, gilt edges, £'^. 3* Meynold Wolfe, 1551 First edition, and rare. For a description of f graphical Antiquities and Button's Mathematical this scarce and curious work, see Dibdin's Typo- | Tracts. ^^^ Eecokde's Castle of Knowledge, 4to. curious woodcut title, and numerous wood- cuts and diagrams in the text, fine copy in calf, from Miss Currer's library, £4. Reginald Wolfe, 1556 and to Cardinal Pole ; and treats of Astronomy and the System of the Universe. This curious book shews how far learning had advanced and become popularised in England at the time. It is dedicated to the Princess Mary, 645 BELIQUARY (The) : a Depository of precious Belies : Legendary, biogra- phical and historical, edited by L. JEWITT, 4 vols. 8vo. numerous woodcuts of antiquities, cloth, £2. IGs 1860-64 646 EEYNOLDS (J.) Triumphs of God's Eevenge against the Crying and Exe- crable Sin of Murther, in thirty several tragical Histories, with the addition of those against the Abominable Sin of Adulterie in ten several Histories, with new sculptures, sni. folio, frontispiece and curious plates on the text, writing on the title, russia, gilt edges, £5. 1679 647 EICHAEDSON (M. A.) Local Historian's Table Book of remarkable occurrences, historical facts, traditions, legendary and descriptive ballads, connected with the counties of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, JN'oethumbeeeand AND DuEHAM, 8 vols. in 4, royal 8vo. above 900 woodcuts, calf gilt, £4i. 10s Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1841-46 Fetched, 1855, Sotheby's, £5. 10*. 648 EITSON'S (Joseph) Collection of Eaelt English and Scottish Poetry, with other of his Works, and Memoirs of the Author by James Haslewood and Sir Harris Nicolas ; yiz. Ancient Popctlae Poetet 1791 — — the same, 2nd ed. with corrections and additions 1833 Ancient English Metrical Eomances, 3 vols. 1802 Ancient Songs 1790 Ancient Songs and Ballads, 2 vols. 1829 Bibliogeaphia Poetica 1802 Caledonian Annals, 2 vols. 1828 English Anthology, 3 vols. 1793-4 Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food 1802 2n2 510 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. j , j EiTSON — continued. j Ei^GLiSH Sos'GS, second edition^ hy Park^ 3 vols.. 1813 : Eaiey Tales 1821 i Life or King Aethue 1835 ; Life, hy HasJewood 1824 \ Memoie and Letters, ly Sir N. Harris Nicolas, 2 vols. 1833 \ Memoies of the Celt3 1827 i Minot's Poems 1825 \ EoBiN Hood, 2 vols, cuts hy BeiuicJc 1795 ; ■ the same, 2nd ed. with additions 1832 ■ ScoTiSH Songs, 2 vols, very scarce 1794 ; Shakespeare Criticisms, (Cursory Criticisms — Eemarks Critical and Illus- j trative— Quip Modest), 3 vols. 1774^-83-88 —together 34 vols, in 38, 8vo. (20 uncut, the rest in old calf gilt, not uni- • form), 5618. 1774-1833 \ 649 EOE'S (Sir Thomas) IS^egotiations in his Embassy to the OTTOMAN POKTE, ; from 1621 to 1628, folio, hf. calf, 20^; old calf 25s 1740 i 650 EOFFE (E. C.) My Diary of 63 Days : with Memorandums of Occasional i Trips into Kent, with Notes by A., F., and E. Eoife, sm. 4to. woodcuts, half J calf ONLY 50 COPIES peinted, presentation copy with Autograph to F. W. \ FairhoH, 25^ JPrinted by F. Bofe, 1858 ; 651 the Tomb Seeker, sm. 4to. woodcuts of Coats of Arms, only 16 copies | privately printed for the Author, hf calf, £2. 2s 1863 : Eogues, Vagabonds, Thieves, Highwaymen: 652 HAINAM. The Witty Eoque arraigned, condemned, and executed, or the \ History of that incomparable Thief Kichard Hainam, relating his Eobberies, ; mad Pranks and Jests, smallest 4to. russia, gilt edges, eaee, £4. 10* 1656 i Bindley's copy sold for £4. 12*. j 653 (Head, T.) The English Eogue described, in the life of Meriton Latroon, a | witty extravagant, being a history of the eminent Cheats of both sexes, j 12mo. frontispiece representing a Highwayman, old calf from the Marquis of \ Hastings^ library, 18s Lond. Henry Marsh, 1665 \ 654 TYBUEISr Cheonicle ; or, Villany display'd in all its branches, 4 vols. 8vo. : numerous very curious plates, calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, a very fine i perfect copy, £Q. [17C0] \ See ante under "English Language;" "Scoundrel's Dictionary;" and under \ English Literature, " Johnson." 655 EOLLS (Three) of Arms of the Thirteenth Century, with an index of names, , and an alphabetical ordinary of the Coats, edited by "Walford and Perceval, j 4to. sd. privately printed, 16s 1864 ' 656 EOLL of Arms of the reign of Eichard II, edited by T. Willement, frontis- i piece of arms emblazoned, 4to. cloth^ 36s 1834 \ 657 the same, laege papee, only 26 copies printed, cloth, £2. 10s 1834 \ Romances of Chivalry, English : 658 ^m(B^ (Bff ^m^maswaSx lere fieggnnptbe tfie bofee of Uufee feiion of burUeujre m\b of tftem tbat i^^uei fro ftim ^ (translated by Sir John Bourchier Lord Berners) folio, many wood- • cuts, lllacft l^tt^r, unique, no other copy being known or even men- \ tioned by Bibliographers j throughout in beautiful preservation, but i imperfect at end, morocco extra, gilt edges, £105. London, circa 1540 I ^i^* This edition Mr. Eodd considered to be certainly printed by W. Copland, i and Mr. Pickering, as certainly not. It commences without having any title on i 8iq;nature A i, and runs to GG- vi, in regular order, part of the last leaf being torn off. Only two leaves are deficient, as A-EF are in sixes whilst GG evidently was i intended to contain eight leaves ; and the last two chapters are consequently wanting. ' This copy has passed from Dr. Bliss's library j to Mr. Corser's, from whom Mr. Q. secm-ed it at \ ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 511 a very high price, Mr. Corser justly considering this Unique Romance one of the choicest pearls of his collection. Dr. Bliss has inserted a very interesting letter from W. Pickering, disproving Mr. Rodd's opinion of the Work being from W. Copland's Press. Mr. Pickering is certainly right in assert- ing that the type is Wynkyn de Worde's and Pynson's, and if ever a perfect copy occurs, his opinion of its being printed by Pynson will be found correct. " Such inaraoratoes as read nothing but play- books, idle poems, jests, Amadis de Gaul, the Knight of the Sun, the seven Champions, Pal- merin de Oliva, Haon of Bwpfleaux, etc. such many times prove in the end as mad as Don Quixot." — Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy ^ Part II. Sect. 2, p. 282, ed. folio, 1651. 659 GrALLiENo and Nasonius. Historical Eomance of the Wars between the mighty Griant Grallieno and the great Knight Nasonius and his Associates, sq. 8vo. uncut, £1. 1* Douhlin, 1694 660 MIEEOE OP KNIGHTHOOD. The First Part of the Mirrour of Princely Deedes and Knighthood, wherein is shewed the worthinesse of the Knight of the Sunne and his brother Eosicleer, with the straunge love of the ^beautiful Princesse Briana, translated out of Spanish by M. T. [Margaret Tyler], T. Este, n. ^.—Second Part of the first Booke of the Myrrour of Knighthood, translated out of Spanish by E. P. T. Mste, 1599 — Third Part of the first Booke of the Mirrour of Knighthood, translated by E. T. n. d. — Sixth Booke of the Myrrour of Knighthood, being the first booke of the third part, translated by E. P. Edwarde Alldee, 1598 — Seventh Booke of the Myrrour of Knighthood, Thomas Furfoot, 1599 — Eighth Booke of the Myrror of Knighthood, Thomas Creed, 1599— Ninth Part of the Mirrour of Knight-hood, Cuthhert Burbiey 1601 — toge- ther 7 parts, bound in 2 vols, smallest 4to. old russia, all parts in ijlack Utter, VEEY EAEE, but wanting the fourth and fifth parts, and 4 leaves in Vol, 1, a few leaves wormed and some corners mended, therefore sold not subject to collation ; from Isaac Eeed's and Major Eearson's Library, wme parts in very fine condition, £16. 16s 15(85)-1601 A copy of 7 parts only and imperfect, fetched j^l4, at Goldsmid's sale. 661 PAEISMUS. The most famous, delectable and pleasant History of Parismus the most renowned Prince of Bohemia^ 2 parts in 1, smallest 4to. ijlacfe letter, woodcut portraits, scarce, £2. 16s 1689 A Prose liomance of Chivalry, which, in 1698, I note records the names of this and eight other belonged to Matthias Kogcrs, who in an autograph \ Romances in his possession. 662 Parismus and Parismeis'gs, A Eomance of Chivalry, 2 parts in 1, Waek hXitx, 12mo. portraits, and extra portrait from the edition of 1689 inserted, calf from F. W. Fairholt's library, Ms Printed by W. Olney,for I. Blare, on London B7'idge, n. d. 663 SEVEN Champions. The famous Historie of the Seven Champions of Christendome, blacfe Utter, 3 parts in 1 vol. small 4to. imperj'ect, wanting title and some leaves at the end, hf calf 20s 1705 Eows EoLL — see " Family History." Roxburghe Club Publications, 4to. QQ^ MAP (Gautier or Walter) La Quest de Saint Grael in jFreneh Prose, edited for the Eoxburghe Club by E. J. Furnivall, printed for members only, half morocco, uncut, £2. 2s 1864 665 POULET (Sir Amias) Copy-Book of Letters written during his Embassy to France (a.d. 1577) edited for the Eoxburghe Club by O. O^q, printed for members only, half morocco, uncut, £2. 2s 1866 mQ WEY, Map of the HOLY LAND illustrating the Itineraries of William Wey, Fellow of Eton, in 1458 and 1462, in facsimile from the original in the Bodleian Library, for the Members of the Eoxburghe Club, half morocco, uncut, £2. 185 1867 These are genuine Club publications; not printed for sale. 667 EOY'S (Major-G-eneral Wm.) Military Antiquities of the Eomans in North Britain, published by order of the Society of Antiquaries, impl. folio, 51 large plates, hf bd. 20s ; or, half russia, fine copy, 285 1793 This excellent work gives an account of the Roman Military Antiquities in North Britain, and rectifies the ancient geography, from liichard of Cirencester, with a description of the wall of Antoninus Pius, called Gbimjs's Dyke, etc. 512 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 668 EUSHWOETH'S Historical Collections of private Passages of State and Weighty Matters in Law, remarkable Proceedings in five Parliaments, from 1618 to 1648, also the Tryal of Thomas Earl of Strafford for High Treason, &c. 8 vols, folio, portraits and plates, good clean copy in calf, £\. 10s 1721 Best Edition of this very valuable and authentic work. 659 Rutlandshire. WEIGHT (James) History and Antiquities of the County of EUTLAND, collected from Eecords, Monuments, etc. with the Additions, folio, ma'p and plates^ containing a number of small Sepia Dba.wings, of liouses, cliurches, <^c. ivith many Coats of Arms, and Pedigrees, tine copy, in old calf Baron BimsdaWs copy, £S. IGs 1684-87 The Corrie copy fetched at Sotheby's, in 1863, £5. 7s 6r/. This copy has the plate of Viscount Campden's Monument, and the 10 pages (pp. 3-12) of Additions printed in 1687, and sometimes wanting. There was a folio tract of 8 pages printed in 1714, with the title " P'urther Additions," but it is scarcely ever found inserted in copies of the work. 670 EYE (W. Brenchley) ENGrLAND as seen by foreigners in the days of ELIZABETH and JAMES the EIEST, comprising translations of the journals of the tvro Dukes of Wirtemburg in 1592 and 1610 ; both illus- trative of Shakespeaee, vrith extracts from the Travels of Eoreign Princes, with extensive Notes, large papee, royal 4to. (pub. at £2. 2s) plates and portraits, Moxhurghe boarding, 2Ss 1865 Only 25 copies were printed on Large Paper. 671 S. (E.) the Counter-Scuffle, whereunto is added the Connter-Eat, 2 parts, smallest 4to. engraving on title and large rude woodcut at end of first part, half morocco gilt, 25s 1667 Rare. It is a curious humorous poem, but I author was, is not clear, against whom the satire is directed and who the j 672 Salerne. Eegimen Sanitatis Salerni ; or the School of Saleme's regiment of Health, with a discourse of all sorts of Fish, smallest 4to. Ijlacfe letter, old calf 12s B. Alsop, 1649 673 Sandeei (JSTicol.) de Origine ac Progressu Scismatis Anglican! liber, edicus et auctus per Edo. Eishtonum, 8vo. fine copy, vellum, 18s Col. Agr. 1585 This is the work in which first appeared the " calumnies" relative to the birth and pa- rentage of Queen Anne Boleyn, which were an- swered by Burnet in his History of the Reforma- tion, again asserted by Le Grand in his reply to Burnet, and are still agitated. 674 ScHNEEBELiE (J.) Antiquaries' Museum, 4to. 59 curious plates of Buins, fac- similes of Saxon MSS. Monuments in Churches, etc. calf 25s 1791 Scotland and Scottish Poetry, see post. 675 SCOTT'S (Sir Walter) COMPLETE WOEKS, viz. "Waterlet Notels, 48 vols. 1829-36 — Prose Works, (containing his Biographies, Pieces of Criticism, etc.) 28 vols. 1834-36— Poetical Works, 12 vols. 1833-34— together 88 vols. 12mo. frontispiece and vignettes after Turner, and others, to each volume, original impressions, (pub. at £38.) cloth, uncut, £8. Edinburgh, 1829-36 676 Lord of the Isles, a poem, 8vo. WestalVs plates, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2^ Edinburgh, 1815 On the front edge of this book there is a very pretty water colour drawing of a scene in the poem. 677 Scott's BOEDEE Antiquities of England and Scotland, comprising Spe- cimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and other Yestiges of former Ages, 2 vols, imperial 4to. large paper, with 94 beautiful plates, original India PR00E3, (pub. at £2Q. 15^) green morocco, gilt edges, £6. 1814-17 678 LOCKHAET'S Life of Sir Walter SCOTT, 10 vols. 12mo. portraits and frontispieces, (pub. at £2. 10s) cloth, 20s 1839 679 SEGAE (Sir W.) Honor, Military and Civil, contained in four Bookes, am. folio, with fine impressions of the eight full length portraits, which illustrate the costumes of different Orders^ hf. calf £2. 2s ; fine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, £3. 3s 1602 ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 513 680 Selb tana ; the origin and history of the family of Selby of Wavendon, Car- lisle, 1825 ; DuFFiELD, on the conduct of Sir Watkin Lewis, with respect to the estate of Selbt, n. d. : 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Carlisle^ 1825 CSl SELDEN'S Titles of Honob, thick sm. ioMo, old calf gilt, with the initials of Henry Viscount Longueville stamped on the sides, 20s 1631 682 the same, third edition, carefully corrected, with additions and amend- ments, sm. folio, loithfine portrait by White, woodcuts, etc. £3. Zs 1672 " Let me coraraend one book to you, the * Titles of Honor' a book of so much use and language more befitting a gentleman and a scholar to read, and read again, till he be well versed in it"— Dr. J. Taylor, 683 SELDEN'S TEACTS : I. Jani Anglorum Eacies altera, in English, with notes by Westcot ; 11. England's Epinomis ; III. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Testaments ; lY. Disposition of Intestates G-oods ; the three last never before extant, sm. io\io,fine large copy in vellum, 15* 1683 Bound up " Account of the Horrid Conspi- racy (Rye -House Plot) ordered to be published by his late "Majesty," and '• Copies of the Informa- tions," both printed 1685 ; as well as " I'lndien de Palafox" and " Voyage de la Plate et au Perou," from the first part of Thevenot's Voyages. C84 SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDIES, HISTORIES and TRAGE- DIES, published according to the true originall copies, folio, the Genuine First Folio Edition, title and last leaf, and all the hook quite perfect, with Ben Jonson^s Verses in ma- nuscript. The Duke of Roxburghe's copy, russia^ gilt edges, £165. London^ Jaggard and Blount^ 1623 A fine sound and very cheap copy ; Deoeshout's pobteait on the title is remarkably fine. The printed part of the title shows a variation in type from that usually seen. The opportunity now afforded of securing a fine copy of the first Shakespeare, at a moderate price, is one that may not occur again for many years, and collectors should take advantage of it. 685 (SHAKESPEAEE'S Comedies, Histories and Tragedies), First Edition, sm. folio, imperfect as described below, hf bd. Bitson's copy, £26. (1623) This fragment, which measures 12| inches leaves (pp. 221-25) wanting ; Histories, pp. 1-232, by 8, will be found useful as a specimen copy of wanting 49-50 ; and Tragedies, pp. 1-304, with the first Shakespeare, or for suppljdng leaves pp. 37, 112, 121, 131, and 152 imperfect; pp. wanting in other copies. It contains : — Come- 257-68 and 73-76 (these latter supplied from dies, pp. 13 to 303, with imperfect leaves at pp. reprint) wanting. 13, 37, 58, 57 E 5, 105, 159, 191, 201, and two 686 SHAKESPEAEE, the Eiest Edition of the Dramatic "Works of William Shakespeare, a Reproduction in Exact Facsimile of the Eamous Folio of 1623, by Photo-Lithography, Executed under the Superintendence of Howard STAUNTON, folio, (pub. m. Ss) extra cloth, £3. 3* 1865 686* the same, folio, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. 10s 1865 Very nearly out of print, already rising in price. To Shakespeare critics this is the most essen- tial edition. Perfect copies of the original issue have become so expensive, that only the most wealthy collectors can enjoy the luxury of pos- sessing it. This facsimile edition has been most accurately made, — it is sure to rise in price, as the few remaining copies will soon be bought up. 1^^ The present work should not he con- founded with another republication, not facsimile, but in smaller type and ir\J'erior in size to the ori- ginal, known as Booth's reprint. 687 SIIAKESPEAE (W.) Works (edited by Sir Thomas Hanmer, 6 vols. impl. 4to. LARQE PAPER, portrait, and the set of plates by Hay man, fine impressions , very fine copy in blue morocco super extra, broad borders of gold, leather joints, silk linings, gilt gauf re edges, £16. 16« Oxford, 1770-71 Hanmer's edition of Shakespeare obtained I that it speedily became scarce and brought a high such a reputation when it first appeared in 1747, | price. 514 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 6SS SHAKESPEAE'S Comedies, Histoeies and Tragedies, published according to the true Original Copies ; and unto this Impression is added. Seven Playes, never before printed in folio, third edition, folio, portrait hy Droes- hout, with Verses underneath, russia, gilt edges, extremely raee, £42. London, printed for P. C. 1664 By some this third edition is considered of greater rarity than even the first edition, on account of the greater portion of the impression having been destroyed in the great fire of Lon- don. The publishers of tlie fourth edition in 1 685, appear to have considered the destruction of the third edition so extensive as to entitle them to treat it as a non-entity ; and accord- ingly say on their title page, " unto n-hich is added Seven Plays never before printed in Polio," though they had been previously printed in the third —a certain proof of its great rarity even in those days. With the exception of the leaf of portrait and verses being supplied from the fourth im- pression, and the title and three leaves mended, the above is a good, sound, and perfect copy of this valuable volume. Harward's copy fetched in 1859, £31. 10^ ; another with the portrait on the title, £51. 9*; Dr. Bliss', £51. ; Miss Currer'a, 1862, £43. lOs; 1864, Sotheby, £58. ; 1866, Daniell' copy fetched above £125. ; this edition is rapidly rising in price. 689 SHAKESPEAEE'S Plays, from the text of Johnson and Steevens, Ballan- ttne's edition, 12 vols. Swo. portrait and vignettes toeach jplay, after Stothard and others, half russia, uncut, 34« 1807 690 SHAKSPEAEE'S Plays and Poems, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, a Life of the Poet, an enlarged History of the Stage by Mai oca, and new Glossarial Index, edited by Boswell, portrait, 21 vols. 8vo. coif neat, fine copy of the best edition, £9. 9^ 1821 Malone's edition of Shakespeare, vi^ith Pro- legomena, supplementary matter, and the prin- cipal notes of all the editors and commentators, published by Boswell — the son of Johnson's biographer— in twenty-one octavo volumes, in 1821, and known as the Variorum edition, is a monument to the industry and judgment of Malone; whose labours appear to the greatest advantage when placed beside those of his prede- cessors and opponents. C91 SHAKESPEAEE'S Dramatic Works, with notes, original and selected by S. "W. Singer, and Life by C. Symmous, 10 vols. 12mo. portrait, and vignettes after Stothard and others, a nice copy, morocco, gilt edges, contents lettered, £6. Chiswick, Whittingham, 1826 Original issue of this favourite edition, justly admired for the purity of the text. 692 SHAKESPEAEE'S Dramatic Works, Poems, Doubtful Plays, and Biography, C. Knight's Pictokial Edition, with many hundred beautiful engravings on wood of Views, Cottumes, Antiquities, Portraits, &c., 8 vols. imp. 8vo. (pub. at £Q. Qs) cloth, £3. 10^ 1843 693 SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS, with a New Collation of the early Editions, all the original Novels and Tales on which the Plays are founded ; copious Archaeological llhistrations to each Play ; and a Life of the Poet : by JAMES 0. HALLI- WELL, E.R.S., the illustrations by and under the direction of F. W. FAIRHOLT, F.S.A., \QwohU\o,withl^^Jine plates, PROOFS ON INDIA VKV^^, facsimiles and several hun- dred woodcuts, half green morocco^ uncut, Mr, JViiidus's copy, £80. Printedfor subscribers only, 1853-65 A copy fetched recently £100. at Sotheby's. Only One Hundred and Fifty Copies were printed in all of this magnificent work, and of these very few with plates upon India Paper. In this edition, to which Mr. Halliwell may be considered to have devoted his life, his object has been to bring together every thing from those relics of the Eliza- bethan age which have descended to the present time, that has a bearing upon, or illustrates the works of our great national Poet. In the illustration of the work, he has had the assistance of that eminent antiquary Mr. Eairholt, whose name will be a guarantee for their accuracy. Each play is accompanied by valuable philological and historical notes, poems, novels and tales from which Shakespeare is known or supposed to have drawn his plots and delineations of character. ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 515 Shakespeare — continued. • 69-i Shakespeaek, the Stratford, edited with Life, by Charles Knight, 6 yoIs. 12mo. (pub. 30s) cJoth, ISs 1860 695 Brief List of Quarto Shakespeares, edited by J. O. Halliwell, 8vo. only 25 printed, half morocco. Vis 6^ 1860 696 Douce's Illustrations of Shakspeare and of Ancient Manners, with Disser- tations on Shakapeare's Clowns and Fools, on the GestaEomauorum, and on the English Morris Dance, new edition, 8vo. woodcuts hy Jachson, and plates, calf gilt, I'^s 1889 697 DEAKE'S Shakspeaee and his Times, including the Biography of the Poet, Criticisms on his Genius and his Writings, a new Chronology of his Plays, and a History of the Manners, Customs and Amusements, Supersti- tions, Poetry, and Literature of the Elizabethan Era, 2 vols. 4to. {above 1400 pages) with portrait and a plate of autographs, (pub. at £5. 5^) calf gilt, £1. 8s 1817 698 Facsimile Copies from the Edition of HAMLET, dated 1605, edited by J. O. Halliwell, only 2Q printed, sm.4to. haf morocco, 12s 6d 1860 699 SHIELET'S (E. P.) Noble and Gentle Men of England: or Notes touching the Arms and Descents of the Ancient Knightly and Gentle Houses of England, arranged in their respective counties, sq. 8vo. third edition, nume- rous Coats of Arms, cloth, 18s 1866 Shirley Family — see ante. Family History. 700 SHIELEY'S (James) Dramatic Works and Poems, with Notes and an Ac- count of Shirley and his Writings, by Gieeoed and Dyce, 6 vols. 8vo. port, hoards, uncut, £4. 1833 701 the same, 6 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, contents lettered, £4:. 145 6c? 1833 Shropshire : 702 BLAKEWAT (J. B.) Sheriffs of Shropshire, with their Armorial Bearings and Notices of their Families, royal folio, large paper, hds. £5. Shrewsbury, 1831 Very scarce, unnoticed in Bohn's new ed. of Lowndes. 703 Description of Ludlow, sm. 8vo. plates, bds. 5s Zudloiv, 1812 704 EYTON (Eev. E. W.) Antiquities of Shropshire, 12 vols, stout roy. 8vo. maps and oiurnerous plates of Architectural Remains, Monuments, Seals, etc. with Index of Persons and Places, and Glossary, inpts. £18. 18^ 1854-60 Only 300 copies were printed. The intrinsic i kind exhibits a greater combination of labour, value of the book is immense, as no work of the I ability and learning. 705 OWEN'S (H.) and Blakewat's History of Shrewsbury, 2 vols. 4to. nume- rous beautiful plates and etchings of Views, Antiquities, Coins, etc. half green morocco, gilt edges, scarce, 36*6. I65 1825 706 the same, 2 vols, royal 4to. large paper, beautiful copy in russia extra, £12. 1825 One of the most valuable topographical works published. 707 PEAESON'S Selection of Antiquities in the County of Salop, Churches, Castles, and other ancient buildings, with topographical and historical ac- counts, impl. 4to. LARGE PAPER, very fine impressions of the 43 beautiful etchings by Fearson, cloth, 20s 1824 708 SIDNEY (Sir Philip) The Countesse of Pembroe:e's Arcadia, now the fourth time published, with sundry new Additions by the same Author, sm, folio, dedicated to the Countess of Fembrohe, with autograph and booTc-plate of James Adams, the Architect, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £16. London, for Matthew Lowndes, 1605 Lowndes quotes a copy marked in acontem- " A brief account of an unique edition of Sir porary catalogue, £21. ^ Philip Sydney's Arcadia, by Mr. J. O. Halliwell, Extremely rare edition, published eight years (printed) for private circulation only, 1854." A before the well known one of 1613, which has transcript of which is bound with this copy, at been usually considered as the genuine fourth the end. edition. Eor an account of this rare volume, see 709 Smith (Sydney) Works, 3 vols. 8yo. cloth^ I85 1839 516 BERNAED QUAEITCTI, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 710 SMOLLETT'S Miscellaneous Woeks, with Memoir of his life and writings by Anderson, 6 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, £2. JEdinb. 1817 711 the same, sia;th edition, 6 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf neat, contents lettered, £2. 10s Edinh. 1820 712 SMYTH'S (Professor W.) Lectures on Modern History, from the irruption of the Northern Nations to the Close of the American devolution, 2 vols. — Lectures on the Erench Eevolution, 3 vols. — together 5 vols. 8vo. russia, marbled edges, £2. 1 Qs Cambridge, 184^8 Somersetshire : 713 BAEEETT'S (W.) History and Antiquities of Bristol, from Original Eecorda and Authentic Manuscripts, 4to. plates, including the Chatterton facsimiles, russia extra, by Kalthoeber, gilt and marbled edges. Baron Dknsdale^s copy, 30s Bristol, 1789 714< COLLINSON'S (Jo.) History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, from authentic records, and an actual survey made by E. Eack, 3 vols, royal 4to. map and 40 plates of Roman and other Reliques, Town Seals, Churches and Gentlemen'' s Seats, etc. calf neat, £5. Bath, 1791 Priced, Thorpe, £5. 5^; 1834, J. Bohn, £5. 15« Gd; 1836, Arch, £6. 6*; 1841, Bohn,£6. 6*. 715 Hugo's (T.) Mediaeval Nunneries of the county of Somerset and diocese of Bath and Wells, imp. 8vo. 7 plates (pub. at 25^) hf morocco, 18s 1867 716 Proceedings at the Meetings of the Somersetshire Arch^ological and Na- tural History Society, held during the years 1849 to 1858, Vols. I-X, 8vo. numerous plates and etchings, some in colours, £3. 10* Taunton, 1849-58 717 the same. Proceedings for 1849-50, 1851, 1852, and 1854, 4 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, one vol. hf. calf and three sd. 30* 1852-55 A very interesting collection of papers upon the local Antiquities and Natural History. 718 SKELTON'S Etchings of the Antiquities of BEISTOL, atlas 4to. 56 beautiful engravings, proofs (pub. at £^. 3*) cloth bds. scarce, £2. IQs 1825 719 YENNEE'S Bathes of Bathe, or a necessary compendious treatise concerning the nature, use, and efficacie of these famous hot waters — Via Eecta ad Yitam longam, or nature, faculties and effects of nourishments for the pre- servation of health — 2 parts in 1 vol. smallest 4to. limp vellum, a curious volume, 25* 1628 very urgent reasons against the use of Lobsters as an article of food. It is curious to observe the effects attributed to rarious kinds of food by our forefathers. The Author, in his second Treatise, Via Eecta, discourses of the different kinds of food, air, etc. Some of his statemens are very in- teresting, such as those relating to Fowls, which he considers as the best of all meats. He gives 720 WAENEE'S (Eev. Eichard) History of the Abbey of Glaston and of the Town of Glastonbury, royal 4to. 20 fine plates and numerous woodcuts of Antiquities, etc. bds. rare, 32s Bath, 1826 Songs : 721 Antidote agaikst Melancholy, being a collection of fourscore merry Songs, with Music, sm. 8vo. sd. scarce, /rom Baron Dimsdale's library, lOa 1749 722 Cheareul Companion (The), or Songster's Pocket Book, containing the most approved SoDgs, Odes, Cantatas, etc. in the English Language, with the Airs engraved, and a List of all the Lodges of Freemasons in England, 12mo. very fine copy in old English red morocco, 25* _ Geo. Kearsley, 1768 723 The CUPID, a Collection of Love Songs, 12 parts in 1, 12mo. curious plates, calf, rare, fine copy, £2. 10* 1736 724 D'lJRrET Young (^. e. Eorrest) Ways to Kill Care (Comic Songs), 12mo. port. uncut, rare in this state, 14s 1761 725 Merrt Companion, a cure for the Spleen, 12mo. bd. Is Qd ca. 1750 726 POLITICAL MEEEIMENT ; or, Truths told to some Tune, by a Lover of his Country, 12mo. calf, gilt edges, scarce, 25* 1714-15 Most amusing Ballads, etc. against the | Jacobitical Tories and Traiterous Rioters of Church and the Parliament; dedicated " to the I Great Britain." ENGLISH LITERATURE. 517 Songs — continued. 727 PoPEET. CoUectionoftlie newest and most ingenious Poems, Songs, Catches, etc. against Popery, sm. 4to. hf. hd. rare, 7s 6d 1649 728 Eatts ehimed to Death, or the Rump Parliament hanged up in the Shambles, 12mo. bd 185 1660 729 SOTJTHEY'S Sir Thomas More, or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates of Lake Scenery^ (pub. at 305 in hds.) calf gilt, 2l5 1829 730 Poetical Works, collected by himself, 10 vols. 12mo. portrait and vignettes, clothy 305 1838 731 SPELMAN (Sir Henry) Villare Anglicanura, or a View of the Townes of England, sq. 8vo. old calf, arms on side, very fine copy, 2>Qs 1656 732 SPENSEE (Ed.) WOEKS, original editions. The Faerie QuEENE, first and second parts, 1596, part 1 without title andpp, 13-14, and ending with HobynolF s verses, p, 590 — Complaints containing sun- drie small Poems of the Worlds Vanitie, 9 parts in 1, with 4 separate titles, within woodcut borders, 1591-90 — Fowre Hymnes made by Edm. Spenser, 1596 — Shepheards Calender, to the noble and ver- tuous gentleman Maister Philip Sidney, 1597 — Prothalamion or a Spousal Verse in honovr of the mariage of Ladie Elizabeth and Ladie Katharine Somerset, 1596 — Defence of Poesie by Sir Philip Sidney, imperfect — all in 1 vol. stout sra. 4to. calf, £30. 1590-97 All excessively rare. The great value of this volume may be seen by the following quo- tation of prices. Of the Complaints, North's copy fetched £5. 5.% Strettell's £5. 10*, and the Alchome £8. 8*. The FowTe Hymnes are priced in the Bibl. Anglo-Poet. £8. 8*, where also the above edition of the Shepherd's Calendar is marked £6. 65, and the Prothalamion £5. 5*. The Paerie Queen fetched at Singer's sale, £22. IQs, at Gardner's £16. 733 SPENSEB'S Works, with the Illustrations of various Commentators ; notes. Life of Spenser, and Glossarial and other Indexes, by Todd, 8 vols. 8vo. por- trait, half russia, 36* Lond. 1805 " This edition is assuredly a very valuable I Mr. Todd for his fidelity and labour." one, and the public are generally indebted to j American Review, Staffordshire : 734 CLIEFOED'S (Sir Thomas and Arthur) Topographical and Historical De- scription of the Parish of Tixall, Stafford, 4to. portraits, plates, and Genea^ logical tables, half calf gilt, 25s Privately printed, Paris^ 1817 735 PLOT'S (E.) Natural Histoey op STAEEOEDSHIEE, folio, Large Paper, with the large folding Map, having the Arms of the Nohility and Gentry, and theirnames in alphabetical order, engraved round the borders, and 37 plates of Views of Seats, Antiquities, Natural Curiosities, etc. with the rare slip of'''' Armes omitted^'' and the '* Directions for a right understanding of the Map^^ old calf, a610. ; or, a fine copy in old calf gilt, from Baron Dims- dales library, £10. 10^ Oxford, 1686 736 SHAW'S (Eev. Stebbing) History and Antiquities of STAEEOED- SHIEE, 2 vols, folio, numerous plates and pedigrees^ early impressions, good copyy scarce, £25. 1798-1801 737 STATUTES. The greate Abbrydgement of all ye Statutes of Englande untyll the xxx yere of the reygne of our moste drad soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the eyght — The Abregement of the Statutes made in the xxxi yere of the reygne of . . . Henry the eyght — in 1 vol. very stout 12mo. printed in a peculiar Black Letter type, original binding, £2. 12s Gd London, Boberte Redman, n.d. (1539-40) Rare. Collation : Title, prologue, and table, together 8 leaves ; text, in alphabetical order of subjects, 415 numbered, and 10 un- numbered leaves ; (supplement) 10 unnumbered leaves including title. This very curious little volume is most interesting as having formed a Law- Manual in the sixteenth century, and being still of value to the modern student of English legislation. 518 BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 738 STRICKLAND'S Lives of the Queens of ENGLAND, from the Norman Conquest, 8 vols. 8vo. portraits and viffnetfes, library edition^ (pub. £4. 4s) cloth, S2. les 1853 739 STUKELET (Dr. W.) Itinerarium Curiosum : or an account of the Anti- quitys and remarkable Curiositys in Nature or Art, observ'd in travels thro' G-reat Britain, folio, first edition, with 100 plates of English cele- hrated ancient Sites ; Homan and Celtic Remains and Buins, etc, 1724 — STONEHENGE, a Temple Restor'd to the British Druids, portrait and 35 plates, J740 — ABURY, a Temple of the British Druids, 1743— together 3 vols, folio, 176 curious plates^ and not quite uniform, in old calf gilt, AN OEiGiNAL COPY, £5. 1724-43 1828, Payne and Toss, £14. 14* ; 1855, Baker's copy fetched £5. Is 6d. and of ancient customs and characters which it exhibits." The Stonehenge and Abury were reprinted about 1835. Priced, 1825, Thorpe, the original edition, " Stonehenge and Abury" only, £14. 145 ; 740 SUCKLING'S (Sir John) Works, containing his Poems, Letters and Plays, 12mo. portrait hy Van der Qucht, red morocco gilt, gilt edges, 20s 1719 Suffolk: 741 GAGE [John Gage-Rokewode] History and Antiquities of HENGRAYE, Co. Suffolk, 4to. 30 plates of portraits, views, etc. (pub. at £3. IBs Qdin bds.) hf calf, 305 1822 742 the same, atlas 4to. laege paper, 30 portraits and plates, proof im- pressions on India paper, (pub. at ,367. 7s) bds. scarce, ^4. 15s 1822 743 the same, atlas 4to. INDIA PROOFS, russia extra, gilt edges, £5. 5s 1822 " A work valuable no less for the ornamen- tation and useful illustrations, than for the very curious details of private history and biography, 744 Gage's (Jo.) History and Antiquities of Thingoe Hundred, Sufjolk, map and 'numerous fine engravings^ imperial 4to. wants pp. 441-454, cloth, 21s 1838 745 Suffolk and Norfolk. Views of the Antiquities of Hengraye Hall and Church, MS. consisting of title, 2 pages of text, and 5 beautifully executed large folio Drawings (a Vieiv, 3 Monuments, and a stained glass Window)., air. 1800 — Rolfe's Account of the Barrows near Bircham, Norfolk, 1842, impl. 4to. 4 plates, a vieiv inserted, privately printed, Guernsey, 1843 — with 4 other old engravings, £4<. 15s 1750-1843 Surrey : 746 Collections of the Surrey Archaeological Society : Yols. I-IY, in 4 vols. 8yo. pedigrees, maps and plates of Brasses, Coats of Arms, Sfc. uncut, £2. 8* 1856-69 747 MANNIIS'Gr'S (Owen) History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, with a facsimile copy of Domesday ; continued by "William BRAY, 3 vols, folio, maps and numerous plates, hf roan, uncut, £16. 16* 1804-14 Sussex : 748 HORSFIELD'S (Thos. W.) History, Antiquities, and Topography of the County of SUSSEX, 2 vols. impl. 4to. Large Paper, 58 plates and 80 woodcuts, with List of Subscribers, hf. bd. £3. 16* Sussex Press, Lewes, 1835 Priced, 1857, £4. 10^^ ; fetched at Sotheby's in 1854, £4. Ss ; in 1857, £4. 749 SWETNAM (J.) Arraignment of lewd, idle, froward, and unconstant AYOMEN, sm. 4to. woodcut on title, fine rNCUT copy in red morocco, super extra, top edge gilt, by F. Bedford, £21. Richard Cotes, 1645 entirely uncut condition makes this copy pro- bably UNIQUE. Excessively rare. This edition is not mentioned by Lowndes, nor can I find any trace of it in my bibliographical memoranda. The 750 SWIFT'S (Dean) Works, containing additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems, not hitherto published, with Notes and his Life by Sir Walter Scott, 19 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf calf, good copy, entirely uncut, £6. Edinb. 1814* EXGLISH LITERATURE. 519 751 Swift's Works by Scott, 2nd editiooi, 19 vols. 8vo. portrait, half russia, neat, from the library of Baron Stoc/cmar, £8. Edinb. 1824 " This edition contains upwards of a hun dred letters, and other original pieces of Swift's, never before published ; and, among the rest, all that has been preserved of his correspondence with the celebrated Vanessa. Explanatory notes and remarks are supplied with great diligence to all the passages over which time may have thrown any obscurity ; and the critical observa- tions that are prefixed to the more considerable productions, are, with a reasonable allowance for an editor's partiality to his author, very candid and ingenious.*' — Edinb. Review. 752 Symoi^d's Papers on the Organization of the Civil Service, Swo. cloth, printed for private circulation, 4s Gd 1848 753 Tales of the Grenii, translated from the Persian by Sir C. Morell, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, hf red morocco, 10s 1805 A series of Tales after the manner of the Arabian Nights. 754 TANNER'S (Pp.) Notitia Monastica ; or an Account of all the Abbies, Priories and Houses of Friers, formerly in England and "Wales ; and also of all the Colleges and Hospitals founded before 1540, a new edition, with many additions, by J. Nasmith, folio, portrait by Vertue, and plates of Arms, very neat in old calf £5. Cambridge, 1787 755 TASSO'S Godfrey of Bulloigne, or the Recoverie of Jerusalem, done into English heroicall verse by E. Fairfax, 4to. fiest edition, a very sound copy in calf, £2. 10s London, 1600 756 another copy, 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £4. 15s 1600 757 TAYLOR'S (Joseph) Antiquarian Pocket Book : A Collection of printed Cut- tings from various Publications, with MS. Additions and Index, sm. 4to. nu- merous engravings, hf calf neat, SI. 12s 1837 A very curious volume, full of interest for the Antiquary. 758 TAYLOR'S (Richard) Index Monasticus, or the Abbies and other Monas* teries and Priories formerly in the Diocese of Norwich and the Kingdom of East Anglia, systematically arranged and described, folio, maps and wood' cuts of seals, hf calf 18s 1821 759 THOMS (W. J.) Collection of Early Prose Bomances, 3 vols. em. Svo. cloth, 30s Pickering, 1828 760 TEGNER (E.) Frithiof's Saga, translated, with copious notes, by the Rev. W. Strong, Svo. cloth. Is 6d (1833) 761 Frithiof's Saga, a Legend of the North, translated by G. S. (G. Ste- vens), 8vo. with engravings and other addenda, silk, 15s Stockholm, 1839 762 Thompson (Joe.) Memoirs, written by himself, 2 vols. 12mo. portrait, calf, very rare and curious, 15s 1750 A very curious history, containing many singular adventures. 763 THOMSON'S Seasons, Bensley's splendit) ^Dvnoiif, printed in exceedingly large and beautiful type, with exquisite engravings by Bartolozzi and Tomkins, brilliant impressions, folio, russia gilt, 36s 1797 The most sumptuous edition of a Poet ever published ; and one of Bensley's finest produc- tions; the pictures were painted expressly for 764 Thomson's Seasons, Hymns, Ode, and Songs ; with Life by Murdoch, a Glossary and Index, 12mo. portraits and woodcuts, green morocco, gilt leaves, the front edges having a most exquisite View of Riclimoild painted in colours upon it, 363. 16s Lond. 1809 765 Seasons, and Castle of Indolence, with Life by Gilfillan, sq. 8vo. fne illustrations, (pub. at 18s) cloth extra, 8s (Sd 1857 766 Tracts. Foster's Hoplocrisma-Spongus, or a Spgnge to wipe away the Weapon- Salve, very curious, 1631 — Cotta contra Antonium, or an Ant- Antony to the Apology for Aurum Potabile, Oxford, 1623 — Jorden's Dis- course of Naturall Bathes and Minerall Waters, very rare, 1631 — Doderidge, a Compleat Parson, a description of Advowsons, 1630 — Star-Chamber Cases, 1630 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, fine copies, from Bishop Wynne's library, £S. 3s 1623-31 "Thus Witches by anointing themselves I the airy HcaYen."~i^i?i;e;', p. 21. with their veneficall ointments are carried up in | this work by W. Hamilton. Fetched, 1831, £12. 12*. 520 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 767 Todd (H. J.) Account of the Deans of Canterbury, from the new foundation by Henry VIII. to the present, with a Catalogue of the MSS. in the Cathedral Library, 8vo. hds. Qs Canterlury, 1793 768 TEiVCrS, A Volume of, small 4to. original old calf, sold separately : Sadler (Edmunde) the North Starre of PoUicy (dedicated to Sir Julius Caesar), printed in oblong size, 3^ Qd ? 1610 Smith (Sir Thomas) Common Wealth of England, newly corrected, 10s 1612 Fraunce (Bp.) Lawyers of England, 25 6c? s. a. Lawyer's Logike, no title, 151 leaves, containing many quaint pieces of Old English Poetry, Proverbial Sayings, Norman Sentences and Illustrations, 7* Qd 8. a Constitutions and Canons ecclesiasticall treated upon by the Bishop of London and the Convocation, fine copy, 30^ 1612 Orders set downe by the Master and Counsell of the Court of "Wards and Liveries, 5s 1613 Post-Nati : The Speech of the Lord Chancellor of England in the Exchequer Chamber, touching the Post-Nati, 155 {T. Ellesmere, Cane.) 1609 On the Union of England and Scotland, "No l Great Britaine to be famous through the world." doubt God will blesse this Union of both these page 113. Nations, and make them, and the King, and j 769 Trials. The Old Bailey Chronicle, containing a circumstantial account of the Lives, Trials, and Confessions of the most notorious offenders who have suffered Death from 1700 to 1788, 4 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, hds. uncut, £2. 16s 1784-88 770 TUEKISH European Campaigns in the XVIIth Century, a collection of 14 scarce and curious pieces in 1 vol. sq. 8vo. calf, uncut, £5. 10s 1660-89 Contents : Learn of a Turk, Advice from the Turkish Army commun. from the English agent, 22 pp. 1660 Account of the engagement between the French forces and the Grand Seignior's, before Candia, lepp. 1669 Accompt of the Turks exped. against Hungary, 22 pp. 1663 Count TaafFe, Siege of Vienna, S4 pp. plate 1684 Imperial Expedition, defence of Buda, 45 pp. plate 1685 Conquest of Buda, 68 pp. 1686 Actions of the Confederate Princes against the Turks, seizure of Teckely, 32 pp. plate 1685 Travestin, Siege of Newheusel, 56 pp. 1686 Kichards' Journal of Siege of Buda, 38 pp. 1687 Storm of Belgrade, 47 ;7?7. 16S8 Warre of Hungary, 47 pp. 1689 Letter from Fez, 36 pp. 1670 Description of Tangier, 84 jt?;?. 1664 The Moores baffled, 217 pp. plate 1681 771 Tuettee's Sacred History of the World, 3 vols. 8vo. hds. 10s 1833-37 772 TYLER (J. E.) Memoirs of the Life and Character of Henry Y, King of England, 2 vols. 8yo. portrait and plate, red mor. extra, gilt edges, 15^ 1838 773 TYEEELL (James) History of England, both Ecclesiastical and Civil, from the earliest time to the Eeign of Kichard II. taken from the most Ancient [Records, MSS. and printed Historians, with memorials of eminent Persons in Church and State, the Eoundations of Monasteries and Universities, 3 vols, in 4, folio, old calf, 34s 1696-1704 774j the same, hound in 5 vols, good sound copy in old calf gilt, with Baron Maseres* MS. notes, and autograph, £2. 3697-74! " The work abounds with equally curious I fessedly a Whig. — Perfect sets are becoming and important matter. The author was pro- | rarer and rarer every day.'^ — Dibdin. Universities of Oxford and Cambridge: 775 Oxford Univessitt Statutes, translated by "Ward and Heywood, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 16s) cloth. Is 6d 1845-51 These are the Statutes still in force, existing only in Latin at Oxford. 776 Cambeidge Univeesitt Transactions during the Puritan Controversies of the 16th and 17th Centuries, some in Latin and English, edited by Hey- wood and Wright, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth^ 7« 6d 1854 ENGLISH LITEEATUEE. 521 777 UPCOTT'S (Wm.) BiBLioaEAPHicAL AccouNr of the principal Works relating to ENGLISH Topogeapht, 3 vols. 8vo. hds. 5^4. ; or hf. hd. morocco, uncut, £4. 10* 1818 These useful and valuable volumes should find a place in every fine library, especially those containing collections of Topography and County History, as it gives the collation of each work with the number of plates, &c. they ought to possess. 778 UTTEESON'S Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry, republished principally from the early black letter copies, with Glossary, 2 vols, in 1, sm. ^no. fac- simile vignettes, calf, suoer extra, Haslewood's copy, 36s 1817 The impression of this work was limited to any which did not either in its subject, matter, or 250 copies. No pieces are introduced which were style, arrogate to itself a claim to popularity. printed after the close of the 17th century; nor Fetched, 1858, Sotheby's, £1. 195. 779 VEEE'S (Sir Francis) Commentaeies ; published by W. Dillingham, the series of plates and battle-plans complete, fine impressions of the 3 portraits, CamhridgCy 1657 — Howel's Discourse concerning the Precedency of Kings, fine portrait of Charles II. London, 1664 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, fine copies in old red Morocco, gilt edges, £5. 10s 1657-64 of his achievements, might most commend him." — Naunton. " His own glorious exploits, re- corded by himself in his Commentaries, are the greatest character and encomium of him that can be." — 3foi'ant. The Townshend copy of Vere fetched £15. 15s; Brockett's, £11. 11* ; North's, £9. 9^; Willett's, £6. 10*. " It may be a question, whether the Nobi- lity of his (Sir F. Vere's) House, or the Honour 780 VEESTEGAN'S (E.) Eestitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities concerning the most noble and renowned English Nation, containing a Vocabulary of the Ancient English Tongue, Surnames of Ancient Families, etc. sq. 8vo. ten engravings, old calf, 9« 1634 781 Eestitution of Decayed Intelligence, 1634 — Brerewood's Enquiries touching the Diversity of Languages and Eeligions, 1635 — EuropaB Speculum, or a View of the state of Eeligion in the Western parts of the World, 1637 — 3 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. engravings, old calf, a curious collection, 25s 1634-37 782 YETUSTA MONUMENTA, an interesting portiou of the work to be sold separately: — Vol. Y, plates 33-69, with letterpress, and title and list of plates to the volume ; Yol. YI, plate 18-39, with letterpress, impl. folio, 59 plates, unbound, (1835-42) Contents : Vol. V, Account of the Abbey Church of Tewkesbury, by Amyot, 14 plates ; Account of the Abbey of St. Mary, York, by Wellbeloved, 10 plates ; Gwilt on the Church of St. Mary-le-Bow, 6 plates, etc. ; — Vol. VI, Roke- wode on the Louterell Psalter, an Illuminated MS. of the 14th century, 6 plates; Memoir of the Painted Chamber in the Palace of West- minster, by Eokewode, 38 pp. of text, and 14 plates, of which 10 are coloured ; etc.' 783 YINCENT (Augustine, Eouge- Croix) Discoverie of Errours in the first Edition of the Catalogue of Nobility, published by E. Brooke, Torke Herald, 1619, and printed herewith word for word according to that edition. "With a Continuance from 1619 to 1622, and a Eeview of a later Edition by him stolne into the world 1621, folio, many hundred Coats of Arms, and with the unpaged leaf hetiveen pp. 100-101, with two fine additional portraits of Q. Elizabeth and K. James I. inserted, and autograph note by J. Banks, hf, calf, BAKE, £3. 1622 " A highly valuable work, though written in a style of too much severity." — Lowndes. 784i "WAGE {Master, the Anglo- Norman Foet) His Chronicle of the Norman Con- quest, from the Eoman de Eou ; translated, with Notes and Illustrations, by Edgar Taylor, 8vo. mang engravings from the Bayeux Tapestry, illumina- tions, ^c. scarce, only 250 copies printed, (pub. at 28^) cloth, 20s 1837 785 WALKEE'S Account of the Sufferings of the Clergy of the Church of England during the Grand Eebellion, folio, old calf, from the library of Bishop Wynne, 25s 1714 This work, besides much matter very inte- I biographical notices of upwards of one thousand resting to the clergy at the present time, contains | who suifered during that eventful period. 522 BEBNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK 786 WAED'S (Edward) Works, containing his Historical and State Poems, and Miscellaneous Prose and Poetical Pieces, (being Vols. 2, 3, and 5 of his Complete Works) 3 vols. 8vo. calf neat ^ \Qs 1709-17 Life and Adventures of Don Quixote, merrily translated into Hudi- braatick Verse, 2 vols. ^\o. portrait hy Vander Gucht, calf neat, IQs Mrris, 1711-12 — JN'uptial Dialogues and Debates, or an useful prospect of the Felicities and Discomforts of a Marrj'd Life, 2 vols. 12mo. calf neat ^ rare and curious, 2os 1759 Vulgus Britannicus, or the British Hudibras, 5 parts in 1 vol. sm. Svo. 6 curious plates, calf neat, 7s 1710 790 WAEIN'ING for Fair WOMEN, containing the most tragicall and lamenta- ble Murther of Master Greorge Sanders of London, Merchant, nigh Shooter*s Hill, sq. sm. Svo. bUtk Utter, russia gilt, £36. Valentine Sims for William Aspley, 1599 787 788 789 A similar copy of this very scarce old Play fetched £56. at Mr. Daniel's sale. In the Intro- duction there is apparently a fling at Shakespeare's Richard III. Henry VI, Macbeth, and Hamlet : — How some damnd tyrant to obtaine a crowne And then a chorus too comes howling in. And tels us of the worrying of a cat, Then of a filthy whining ghost, Lapt in some fowle sheete, or a leather pelch, Comes skreaming like a pigge halfe stickt, And cries Vindicta, revenge, revenge." Stabs, hangs, impoysoiis, smothers, cutteth throats, 791 Warwickshire: DUGD ALE'S Antiquities or "WAEWICKSHIRE, second edition, printed from a copy corrected by the author, the whole revised, aug- mented, and continued to the present time, by Thomas, 2 vols. io\\o,fine portrait hy Hollar, and numerous plates, heautiful clean copy^ in the original old calf from Baron Dimsdale's library, bare, £35. 1730 792 WATT'S Bibliotheca Beitannica, oe a G-E^fEEAL Iis'dex to British and FoEEiGiT LiTEEATtJEE, (Yols. 1 and 2, consisting of a Biographical Dic- tionary, Yol. 3 and 4, an alphabetical Classification of Subjects) 4 vols. 4to. (pub. at £11. lis) fine copy in liogshin, £6. 15s Edinb. 1824 ^ ~ ' " 'are arranged in chronological order, so as to form a sort of annals of what has been written on every subject, from the first publication to the last. Like a map, it brings the whole under the eye at once. But this part, besides serving as a minute Index to the First, includes also a very complete list of all the anonymous publications which have ap- peared in this country. These are inserted ac- cording to their respective subjects and dates, with a reference to their publishers, or the libraries in which they are to be found. There is, therefore, no subject with regard to which any thing has been written, that may not be as easily found as a word in a dictionary, and the successive publica- tions regarding it as readily come at as the dififerent significations of a word. " The use and advantages of this wonderful work," says Dr. Dibdin, *' are manifest and indispensable ; and it should never fail to be a library companion, in all collections of extent or importance." The First Part contains the names of up- wards of 40,000 authors, and of each, a short biographical notice is given. It serves, therefore, as a concise, but comprehensive Biographical Dictionary, containing not only all the names to be found in other Biographies, but many thousands more derived from other sources. The lists of their works, too, are much more ample, their titles are given at lengh, and their various editions, translations, and subsequent improvements are most minutely noticed. It contains also the titles of such detached papers, as they may have con- tributed to Transactions, and other periodical publications. It thus forms a Catalogue of Books more minute, and vastly more comprehensive, than is to be met with in this or any other lan- guage. The Second Part is a minute Index to the First. In this part the subjects are arranged alphabetically, and under each all the works, and principal parts of works, treating of that subject 793 WAY'S Eaely ENaLISH Glossaey ; Galfridi Grammatici Promptorium Parvulorum, sive Clericorum : Dictionarius Anglo-Latinus princeps ex re- censione Alberti Wi:ij,4iio. preface, containing 3 beautiful facsimiles, 4i9 pp. ; appendix, 35 pp. ; PEOMPTOEirM, double cols, loith copious references and explanatory notes, 540 pp. ; Orthographic Index, Index of the principal sub' jects of the notes, and additional notes, 23 pp. making in all 647 pages, hf bd. Roxburghe, 21s Camden Society, 1865 794 Waynflete. CHANDLER'S Life of William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester, Lord High Chancellor of England in the reign of Henry YII. and Pounder of Magdalen College, Oxford, large Svo. portrait a7id plates, cfgt. 20s 1811 ENaLISH LITEEATUEE. 523 795 WEBEE'S (Henry) Tales of the East ; comprising the most popular Eo- manees, with the best Imitations by European Autiiors, new Translations and additional Tales, 3 vols, large 8vo. calf, rare, £2. 5s Edinh. 1812 Contents: i. Arabian Nights; ii. New Tales; xix. Turkish Tales ; x. Tartarian Tales; Arabian Nights; iii. Persian Tales; iv. New xi. Cliinese Talcs; xii. Tales of the Genii; Persian Talcs ; Persian Tales of Inatalla ; vi. xiii. History of Abdallali. Oriental Tales ; vii. Nourjahad ; viii. Mogul 79G WEEVEE'S(Jobn) Ancient EUNEEAL Moxumexts within the united Mo- narchie of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent, with the Dissolved Monasteries therein contained, portrait and frontispiece hy Cecilia andtvoodciits on text, tvith the rare Index, good copy in old calf, £Q. 1631 797 the same, without the portrait, elegantly hound hy Bedford, in blue mo- rocco extra, £6. 10* 1631 This really fine copy has the Index, which I Printed title-page, Dedication to Ciiarles, the was published after the work itself, and is ex- | " Author to the Reader," 8 pp. Table. 1 leaf ; treraely rare. I Errata, 1 leaf ; " Discourse of Funeral Monu- Collation : Portrait, Engraved title-page, j ments,'" pp. 1—871 ; Index, 14 pp. 798 AVELB Y. The Phoenix of these late Times ; or the Life of Mr. Henry AVelby, Esq., who lived at his House in Grrub Street forty-four Tears, and in tliat space was never scene by any. Aged 84. With Epitaphs and Elegies by T. Brewer, John Taylor the AVater Poet, and T. Hey wood. sm. ^to. full length portrait of TVelhy sitting at a table, by W, Marshall, uncut, very scarce, m. 35- iV. Okes, 1637 Bindley's copy fetched £3. 15^ ; Sir Mark Sykes's sold for £5. 5*. 799 WELLESLEY'S (Marquess) Despatches, Minutes and Correspondence, during his Administration in India, edited by Montgomery Martin, 5 vols. 8vo. portrait, maps, plans, etc. (pub. at £Q. 10s) hds. £S. 3* 1836-37 " Lord Wellesley's letters are admirable pensable literary work." — Asiatic Journal. " The despatches may truly be called na- tional records, of which England may justly be ]iTOUiV'—3Ietrop. A(ag. " A publication of peculiar and extraordi- nary interest." — Edinh. Review. compositions ; they are evidence of a highly gifted mind, and this collection of historical facts cannot but be highly appreciated." Naval and Military Gazette. " As a body of authentic facts, and of sound views on Indian policy, this will be an indis- 800 WELLING-TON'S Despatches during his Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France, 1709-1818, by Gurwood, complete with Index, 8 vols, portrait, best edition, (pub. at £^. Ss in hds.) cloth, M. 45 1852 801 ■ the continuation, being Supplementary Despatches, 1797-1807, edited by his son, Vols.I. to V. (pub. £5.) cloth, £2. _ 1858-60 802 TYhauton, History and critical essay on the true rise of !N'obility, political and civil, 2nd edition, 2 vols. 8vo. large paper, 2 portraits, old red morocco gilt, YERT SCARCE, £2. 1723 803 Wheatox (Dr. H.) Elements of International Law, thick 8vo. eighth edi- tion, with Notes by It. H. Dana, calf 18s Boston, 1866 804 Whitaker's (John) Life of Saint Nkot, the oldest of Alfred's brothers, 8vo. hf calf, 5s 1809 805 WILLEMENT (T.) Facsimile of a Contemporary Roll with the Names and Arms of the Sovereign and of the Spiritual and Temporal Peers who sat in Parliament held at Westminster on the 5th of Feb. in the Sixth Year of the reign of Henry the Eighth, a.d. 1515, with the Index, arms coloured, 2 parts, oblong 4to. very scarce, not printed for sale, and the impressions limited to 50 copies, sd. £5. 5* 1829 806 WILLIS (Browne) Survey oe the ENGLISH CATHEDRALS: York, Dnrham, Carlisle, Chester, Man, Litchfield, Hereford, Worcester, Glouces- ter, Bristol, Lincoln, Ely, Oxford, Peterborough — Parochiale Anglica- NUM, 1 vol. — together 4 vols, in 3, 4to. inany interesting plates, fine copy in old russia, £4. 4^ 1742-1733 807 Notitia Parliamentaria, the third volume, containing Parliaments. 1542-1660, Svo. calf 7s 6d 1750 2 o 524 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 808 WILSON (H. B.) History of Merchant Tailors School from its foundation, 2 vols. 4to. heautiful portraits, calf extra, 18* 1812 809 WILSON'S Historical, Traditionary, and Imaginative Tales of the Borders, 6 vols, in 3, 4^7* edition, clotli, eaee, £2. Edinburgh, 1835-40 The above scries of tales was published in collection of those tales and romances for which 312 parts, each part containing one complete the Border counties are so celebrated, story, in most cases two or three. It is the best Wiltshire : 810 HOAEE'S (SirEichard Colt) History of MODEEN WILTSHIEE, 6 vols, in 11, roy. folio, large paper. Vol. Ill, part 2, small paper, inlaid to match, port, many fine plates, (pub. £74.) Ids. uncut, £36. 1822-52 811 (Ledwich) Antiquitates Sarisburienses, containing a dissertation on the ancient Coins, the Salisbury ballad, the history of Old Sarum, 8vo. 2 plates, calf, lOs Salishury, 117 i 812 ScROPE*s (H. P.) History of the Manor and ancient Barony of Castle Combe, in the County o^WAt^, 4itQ. frontispiece and coat of arms illumi- natedy plates and numerous woodcuts in the text, cloth, rare, £5. 15s Printed for private circulation^ 1852 813 WINSTANLEY'S Honour of Merchant Taylors, wherein are set forth the noble Acts, valiant Deeds, and heroick Performances of Merchant Taylors in former Ages, their honourable Loves, and knightly Adventures, their Combating with Forraign Enemies, and glorious Successes in honour of the English Nation, with their pious ^cts, large Benevolences, publick Buildings, &c. particularly Blackwell-Hall, for the sale of Woollen Cloaths, sm. 4o. bladv letter, curious ivoodcuts, and portrait of Sir John Hawkwood inserted, hf hd.from Baron Dimsdale's lihrary, £2. 2s. 1668 the Merchant Taylor's Company. Priced, 1840, Thorpe, £3. 13^ 6a\ This first edition of the Life and Adven- tures of Sir John Hawkwood is very scarce ; it contains some interesting particulars relating to 814 WITHER'S (&.) Poetical Works, edited by J. M. auTCii, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. portrait, fine copy in calf extra hy Clarke, rare, 564. 1622-1641 reprinted (Bristol, 1820) Songs of the Church ; Fair Virtue ; Selections from his Satires; Britain's Remembrancer; Em- blems; Halleluiah. Contents : Abuses Stript ; Prince Henry's Obsequies; Satire to the King; Epithalamia; Shepherd's Hunting ; His Motto ; Hymns and 815 WITT'S EECREATIONS. Eacetiae : Mtjsarum DELiciiE, or the Muses Recreation, conteining several pieces of poetiqne wit, by Sir John Mennis and Dr. James Smith, 1656 ; and Wit Eestor'd, 1658 ; also Wits Recrea- tions, selected from the finest fancies ; with 1000 Out-landish Proverbs, 1640, memoirs of Mennis and Smith, and a preface by Park, 2 vols. 8vo. icoodcuts, hf. morocco, £3. 16« 1817 816 another copy, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Clarice, £4. As 1817 This well edited collection of English poetical [ title to the Musarum Delicia, and a printed title Facetiae, has now become scarce ; an ordinary ! to the Wit Bestored ; Wits Recreations has not a copy fetched March 4, 1867, at Hodgson's, £3. 165, i separate title, as it not reprinted from any one Besides the general title to each volume, : special edition. there is separately a printed and an engraved ' 817 WORCESTER. Life, Times, and Scientific La-bours of the MARQUIS of WORCESTER, to which is added a Reprint of his Centurg of Enbmtfcns, with a Commentary thereon, by Henry Dircks, Civil Engineer, &c. 8vo. Q^O pages, illustrated with fine portraits and numerous ivood engravings, (pub. at 24«) extra cloth, Is 6d 1866 A Life of the Marquis of Worcester, one of the most prominent historical characters among the adherents of Charles I., and at the same time the greatest Engiiieer of his age, has long been wanted; — it is now presented to the public, uni- form with Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, to which 1% ^Ul f^rna a pompanion. The INIarquis of Worcester's Centuiy of Inventions hns been for 200 years an English household book ; but, in spite of the many editions, it has always been difficult to obtain a copy. In the present volume the ** Century of Inventions'* is reprinted in facsimile from tliQ first edition, with cv runniug cominentar^, ENaLISH LITERATUEE. 625 818 "Worcester (Marquis of) Ceutury of Inventions, ISmo. leautifully 'printed^ calf gilt, scarce, 10s Glasgow, Foidis, 1767 " It is astonishing how all the numerous editions of this little work are gradually disappearing." Worcestershire : 819 Allies' British, Eoman, and Saxon Antiquities and Eolk Lore of Worces- tershire, 8vo. plates and cuts, (pub. 155) cloth, Ss Gd 1856 820 NASH'S (Dr.) Collections for the IIISTOEY of WORCESTERSHIEE, 2 vols, thick folio, best editioi?", with the Supplement, many fine plates of Antiquities, Portraits, Views, etc. and Saxton' s map of Worcestershire, 1610, inserted, fine copy, calf gilt extra, £12. 10^ 1799 821 the same, LARG-E PAPEE, 2 vols, royal folio, (f of an inch taller than the small paper) russ. from Sir Simon B. B. Taylor's library, £25. 1799 822 the same, large paper, 2 vols, royal folio, beautiful clean copy, russia gilt, the Supplement hf bd.from Baron Dimsdale's library, £30. 1709 Of Large Paper copies only very few exist Nichols's copy fetched recently £12.' The differ- ence between the Large and Small Paper is not in the size alone: in the former, the Talbot pedi- gree is engraved, in the latter printed ; in the former the engraved leaves of Domesday are partly printed in red ink ; and in the Small Paper a portrait (reimprcssed from the letter-press engraving) of Bp. Sandys is substituted for that of Sir Edwin Sandys. 823 [WEIGHT (Tho.)] the Passions of the Minde,by Th. W. 16mo. hf calf, 36s 1601 First Anonyjious edition of a very cu- I The second edition of 1604 fetched £L at Gar^ rious Httle volume: it fetched, Skegg's sale, £ L 8*. | diner's sale in 1854. 824 Wtcliffe's Life and Opinions, illustrated from his unpublished MSS. by Vaughan, 2 vols. 870. (pub. at £1. Is) bds. 7s 1831 825 WYxN'NE (William) Life of Sir LEOLINE JENKINS, Ambassador for the G-eneral Peace at Cologne and Nimeguen, and Secretary of State to Charles II. 2 vols, folio, brilliant impression of portrait by Vander Gucht, fine copy, old calf, RARE, from the library of Bishop Wynne, loho was second on the list of subscribers, with his autograph, £2. IQs 1724 A valuable repository of diplomatic infor- I 1829, £4. 145 Zd; 1840, J. Bohn, £6.6.9. The mation, knowledge, and skill. Priced, Thorpe, | Marquis of Townshend's copy sold for £6. \0s. 826 Wtlie's Eairford Graves, a record of Eesearches in an Anglo-Saxon Burial place in Gloucestershire, 4to. 1^ plates, bds. Qs Oxford, 1852 827 YOEKE (James of Lincoln, Blaclcsmith) The U]srio:jr of Honour, containing the Arms, Matches, and Issues of the Kings, Dukes, Marquesses, and Earlea of England, from the Conquest until 1610, with the Armes of the English Viscountes and Barons now being, and the Gentry of Lincolnshire ; where- unto is annexed a Briefe of all the Battels fought by the English since the Conquest, folio, ivith the rare exgrayed trontispiece, containing portrait, andtvith many hundred woodcut Coats of Arms, old calf, £1. 10* 1640 828 the same, with the rare frontispiece, the Coats of Arms carefully COLOURED, red morocco extra, gilt edges, very fine copy, £6. 6* 1640 Yorkshire : 829 DEAKE (Francis) History and Antiquities of the CITY of YOEK, to- gether with the History of the Cathedral Church, and the Lives of the Arch- bishops of that see, folio, with numerous fine engravings, fine copy in russia, £8. 155 Bond. 1736 " Drake is among the most toiling of topo- I gratitude of the townsmen." graphers ; his history of this City merits the | Dibdin's Northern Tour. 830 Erost's Notices of the early history of the town and port of Hull, compiled from unpublished IVISS. with appendix, 7 plates and numerous woodcuts of Seals, etc. bds. 12s Qd 1827 831 OED (J. W.) History and Antiquities of Cleyeland, comprising the Wa- pentake of Laugbargh, Yorkshire, 4to. maps, plans, views, vignettes, and pedi- grees, hf calf, 36^ 1846 ? P 2 526 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Yorkshire — contln tied. 832 POULSON'S History and Antiquities of HOLDERNESS, ia the East Biding of the County of York, 2 vols, irapl. 4to. laege paper, above 200 plates (some coloured), and ivoodcuts, and numerous pedigrees, (pub. at £4.) cloth, 305 1840 833 REGJSTRUM HONORIS DE RICHMOND exhibens Terrarum et Vil- larum qua) quondam fuerunt Edwini Comitis infra Richmundshire descrip- tionem, ex libro Domesday, folio, map and plates of Seals, Pedigrees, etc. calf, from Bishop Wynne's library, £^. 5s 1722 A RARE VOLUME. The Marquis of Townshend's copy fetched £5. 5*. 834 RICHARDSON'S MONASTIC RUINS of Yorkshire; Illustrated by Views, Plans, Sections, and Details from original Drawings, by W. Richard- son, Architect, Descriptions by Archdeacon Churton, 2 splendid vols, impe- rial folio, Ji'UMEROUS FINE LARGE TINTED PLATES, the initial letters beautifully illuminated, (pub. at ^14. 14s) strongly hf. bd. in superior morocco neat, £7. 7s York, 184iS 835 SMITH'S (H. E.) Reliquiae Isurianae : the Remains of the Eoman Isurium, now Aldborough, Yorkshire, impl. 4to. frontispiece and 25 plates, many of them coloured, of Mosaics, 'Pottery, Bronzes, Coins, etc. (pub. £2. 2s) cloth, 25s 1852 836 ToER, Antiquities of York City, and the Civil Government thereof, collected from the papers of Christopher Hillyard, Esq. ; with Appendix, sm. 8vo. half russia, 14s York, 1719 837 THORESBY'S (Ralph) Ducattts Leodiensis: or the Topography of the ancient and populous town and parish of LEEDS, with Pedigrees of the No- bility and Gentry, &c. with the Catalogue of the Author's Museum, Manu- scripts, various Editions of the Bible, &c. sm. folio, portrait by Vertue, map, and all the plates, fne copy, in red morocco extra, gilt edges, 3$8. 8s 1715 Sold in Sir P. Thomson's sale for £8., Duke I hend's for £10. lb, and Dr. Heath's for £31. of Roxburghe's for £9. 10^, Marquis of Towns- | 838 WHITAKER'S (Tho. Dunham) LEEDS, Yol. I: THORESBY'S Ducatus Leodiensis, or the Topography of the Town and Parish of Leeds and parts adjacent, with Catalogue of his Museum, second edition, with notes and addi- tions by Whitaker; Vol. II: WniTAKEii'sLoidis and Elmete, an attempt to illustrate the districts described in those words by Bede, with the Appendix and plates published in 1820, 2 vols. roy. folio, ivith 67 beautiful plates and portraits, 20 vignettes, 34 separate tables o/Pedigeees, and fine ivoodcut initials, a very clean copy, bound in hf. MonoccOj gilt top, tjncut, rare in this uncict state, £10. 1816-20 839 WHITAKER'S History of RICHMONDSHIRE, the North Riding of the County of York ; with those Parts of the Everwicshire of Domesday which form the Wapentakes of Lonsdale, Ewecross, and Amunderness, in the Coun- ties of York, Lancaster, and Westmoreland, 2 vols, large folio, with 4i5 plates by Turner, and several Pedigeees, hf. bd. green shagreen, uncut, £17. 10s 1823 840 another copy, 2 vols, folio, hf. bd. calf, uncut, £22. 10s 1823 One of the most esteemed works in the whole range of English Topography. Large Paper copies are in much demand, and are now rising in price; in 1855 Bernal'scopy fetched only £28. " Whitaker showed us how possible it is for a cultivated and poAverful mind to condescend to writing Topographical Works, and to mix in a very agreeable manner bold conjecture, deductions of general interest, applications of events in the 841 WHITAKER'S CRAVEN: History and Antiquities of the Deanery of >aveu, in the county of York, impl. 4to. second edition, numerous plates, '.es, fne copy, uncut, rare, 56IO. 1812 OfTHE past to the guidance of men of his own time, and spirited delineations both of manners and scenery, with those dry details which are indispensable in works of this kind. " Dr. Whitaker's publications have had a great influence in raising the tone and character of to- pographical writing in England." Genfs. Mag., 1853, Aug. ENGLISH LITERATUEE: ENGLAND. 527 Yoikshhe— continued. 842 A\^H1TAKER'S History of the original Parish of WH ALLEY and HoifouR of Clitheroe in the Counties of Lancaster and York, to wliich is subjoined an Account of the Parish of Cartmell, roy. 4to. third edition, ioith additional engravings^ 46 plates of vietvs, maps, plans, and 8 pedigrees, calf neat, rare, £10. 10s 1818 One plate : Interior of Whalley Church is j The two works together, Craven and Whalley, wanting at page 247. | for £20. 843 YOUNG'S (Eev. G.) Geological Survey of the Yorkshire Coast, 4to. second edition, front, two maps and 17 coloured plates, half calf, S6s Whitby, 1828 844 YEAR BOOKS. Edwardi IIL Annus' 47, B. Pynson, 1518— Ejusdem Anni 17 et 18, in a peculiar French- Gothic type,s. a. I. ^y/?.— Ejusdem Annus 24, Redman, s. a. — Ejusdem Annus 29, liedman, s. a. — Ejusdem Annus 30, Bedman, s. a. — Ejusdem Annus 38, Pynson, 1520~Ejusdem Annus 89, JRedman, s. a. — all in 1 vol. stout sm. folio, a few small wormholes at end, bound, £2. 5s 1518-20 Nearly all bear Pjnson's mark. A curious un bownde," and for the other, xii pence. The feature in the second and third year book is the language of these books is the old jargon called notice at end—" The price of thys boke is xvi. d, Law or Norman French. 846 YOUNG (M.) Life and Times of Aonio Paleario, or a history of the Italian Eeformers in the Sixteenth Century, 2 vols, stout 8vo. (pub. at 2 85) cloth, 14s 1860 847 ZOOLOGICAL Society's Transactions, Vol. I, pts. 2-4; II, pt. 1 ; III, complete ; VI pts. 1-4, together 12 parts, 4to. (pub. at about £13. 3* Gd) sd. £6.^0sed 1834-67 ENGLAND : Chiefly Works in Latin, or other Foreign Languages relating to English History. 848 ADAMSON, Ta ton Mouson Eisodia : the Muses' welcome to the high and mightie Prince James, at his happie returiie to his old and native Kingdome of Scotland, after 14 yeers absence, in 1617— Ta ton Mouson Exodia : Planctus Musarum in Jacobi recessu ; 2 vols, in 1, folio, portrait of the King, in the original stamped and gilt calf, rare, £3. 5s Edin. 16 L8 Priced, 1827, Thorpe, £8. 8.? ; 1830, J. Bohn, with his presence, with names of the persons who £4.45; Constable's copy fetched £7.; Bindley 's, delivered them at each place, and comprising £6. 2s 6f/; Perry's, £5. l/)5 fid; Archbishop i some of the best specimens in Latin and English, Tenison's about £'17. 1 of the principal Scottish poets of the day; in- A most interesting volume, describing his eluding, Alexander Hume, John Gell, William Majesty's progress throughout, in verse ami prose, I Dkummond of Hawthornden, Thomas Hope, Avith the speeches spoken at the several towns and j Harry Charteris, etc. gentlemen's seats, which his Majesty honoured ; 849 AssERii Menevensis Annales rerum gfestarum u3^lfridi Magni, recensuit P. Wise, sm. ^\o. fine portrait of Alfred, by Vertue, calf, 7s 6d Oxon. 1722 850 BEDtE Opera: Bsedse Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum ; Eadem a Bege Aluredo Anglo- Saxonic^ reddita ; Vita S. Cudbercti; Historia Abbatum AViremuth. et G-yrweusium ; Epistola ad Ecgberctum ; de Locis Sanctis ; Martyrologium, cum auctario Plori : Vita, etc. cura et studio Johan. Smith, folio, large paper, but pp. 721-24 are small paper, best edition, 7nap and plates, slightly stained, but otherwise fne copy, in old calf , from the Marquis of Hastings' library, £2. 10s Cantabr. 1722 Priced, 1829, Thorpe, mor. £7. 17* ^d; 1842, Stewart, £4. 10*. Large Paper, Kodd, £6. 10.^ 851 CAMDEN, Anglica, Hibernica, Normannica, Cambrica a veteribus scripta: Asser Menevensis, Anonymus de Vita Guilelmi Couquestoris, Tliomas AVal- singham, Thomas de la More, (xul. Gemiticensis, Giraldus Catubrensis, plerique nunc primum in lucem editi, folio, best edition, old calf, 20s ; or good copy newly bound in brown calf gilt, 36.S Francof 1603 Priced, 1832, Payne and Foss, £3. 136- Qd; 1834, Arch, mor. £4. 10*; 1844, Rodd, £3. 3*. 852 CAMDENI A:jfxlLES Eerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Eliza- betha, edente Hearne, 3 vols. 8\o. portrait of Elizabeth by Ferttce,fne copy incalfdGs 1717 Isaac Kecd's copy sold for £4. 14* 6d. 528 BEENAKD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 853 CAMDENI Britannia sive florentissimorum Eegnorum Anglia?, Scotiae, Hibernae, et Insularum adjacentium ex intima antiquitate cliorograpliica Descriptio, folio, numerous maps, after Saocton, engraved hy Kij?, carefully coloured, plates of coins, and woodcuts, old calfgiltj very fine copy, £2. 10« Lond. 1607 This edition is the last published by the author. 854 Camdexi (Gr.) et illustrium Virorum ad G-. Camdenum Epistolse, . 1800-34 940 Spenser (E.) on the state of Ireland in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 12mo. calf 5s Dublin, 1763 941 STAFFORD (Thomas) Pacata Hibernia: Ireland appeased and reduced, or a Historic of the late Warres of Ireland, sm. folio, portrait of Queen Elizabeth, with verses beneath by G. W. {George Wither), and of the Earl of Totness by Voerst, and all the maps, including the very rare original map of Mfnster, morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 1633 942 STANIHURST (R.) de rebus in Hibernia gestis, sq. Syo. fine copy in vellum, 18s Antverpiae, 1584 536 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 943 STOEY'S History of the Occurrences in the Kingdom of Ireland during the last two years, witli the present state of both Armies, small thick 4to. plans of Limerich, Londonderry^ Galioay^ calf, the Hastings copy, 25* 1691-3 Written by an eye-witness to the most re- j sion of the liebell'ion in the reign of Charles I. markable passages, chiefly relating to the suppres- | 944 TEACTS. Another collection of rare and valuable Tracts on Ireland, con- taining : Treason in Ireland, for the blowing up of the English forces, with the battle of Athigh, curious woodcut, Siege of the Town of Athigh, 1641 ; — The Conspiracy in Ireland, 1641 ; — Proceedings of the Army against the Eebels, 1643; — Horrid Murthers in Ireland, 1679 ;— Historical collections of the Church in Ireland daring the reigns of Henry VIIL, Edward VI. and Mary,. 1681 ; and 16 others, very scarce and curious^ some printed in fclacfe letter, bound in 1 vol. sm. 4to. calf, £Vd. 1641-S9 945 TLSTEE Jotjeis^al of AECHJi:OLOGY, conducted by Eobert MacAdam, Yols. I-IX, in nine vols. sm. 4to. ivith a profusion of plates, woodcuts, maps, etc. {some coloured), neatly hf hd. very rare, £8. 10.9 ; or a very nice copy in hf vellum gilt, onarhled edges, from the library of Sir Emerson Tennenty £Vd. Belfast, 1853-62 946 Ulster. The Journal and Transactions of the Chemico-Agricultural Society of Ulster, Yol. I, royal 8vo. hf hd. very rare, 5^ Belfast, 1849 947 [WALSH (Peter)] P. W.'s Eeply to the person of quality's Answer, dedicated to his Grrace the Duke of Orraond, the first four leaves cropped, Paris, 1664 — Panegyric on the return of James Duke of Ormond, by E. S. {signed at end Erancis Synge, but ^^^sc;•^55f? Petri Yalesii in MS. on the title), Dublin, n. d. (? 1663) — in 1 vol. smallest 4to. calf from the Marquis of Hastings' library, £12. 1664-63 The Be])!?/ is one of the most rarest and in- to Thorpe and the second in the Grenville library. teresting of Peter Walsh's works on Irish his- Synge's tract of 12 pp. I do not find anywhere tory. Its extreme scarcity is such that I can only noticed. find mention of two other copies, one belonging 948 Walker's (J. C.) Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, 4to. portrait, and music of severallrish Melodies, calf gilt, \0s Gd Dublin, 1786 949 WAEE'S (Sir James) "Whole Works concerning Ireland, edited by Harris, 2 vols, folio, fi7ie impressions of the portrait by Vertue, plates, calf extra, gilt edges, by Stamper, £8. 1739-64 950 Ware's Ireland, Yol. I. thick folio, large ta.veji, portrait by Vertue, mounted, and many plates of Cathedrals, with several fine additiojml portraits of Bishops, calf, rare, £8, Dublin, 1739 Only six printed on Large Paper. I in which they were concerned, with a Table of Contents of this vol. : History of the the Names and Matters. Parry's dedication in Bishops, and Matters Ecclesiastical and Civil, 1 Latin, frequently wanting, is in this copy. 951 Ware's Works, by Harris, Yol. III. folio, large paper, containing "the Writers of Ireland," calf binding injured by fire, but the inside in good con- dition, £5. Dublin, 1746 952 WxiEE'S (Sir James) Whole Works concerning Irela:n"D, revised and im- proved by Walter Harris, 2 vols, folio, Thick Paper, having in Vol. II. the 2 scarce leaves, {unnoticed by Lowndes), of Dedication and Subscribers* names^ ivith out leaf 285-6, ivhichwas printed afterwrrds, old calf, .£6.105 Dublin, 1764 "This work, which has now become exceed- ingly scarce, is by far the mo3t esteemed book wc have on Ireland." — Sir Richard Colt FJoare. "With the above copy is bound up, " A Con- tinuation OF THE Archbishops and Bishops OF Ireland (to 1800)"; compiled by Dr. Wil- 953 Warner's (F.) History of the Eebellion and Civil War in Ireland, stout 4to. map, calf Qs 1767 954 Wood (T.) on the primitiye luhabitf^uts of Ireland, 8vo. map^ hf calf^ 5s 18^1 liara Ncwcome, Archbishop of Armagh, com- mencing where Ware finishes and carrying: on the list to the commencement of the present century. It consists of 24 4to. leaves, each being inserted at the end of the chapter to which it is a continuation. ENGLISH LITERATUKE : SCOTLAND. 537 SCOTLAND : History of the Celtic Highlands and Teutonic Lowlands. 955 Anderson (Johu) Prize Essay on the llighUuids, 8vo. calf gilt, Is Qd 1827 956 Areowsmith's Map of Scotland, Memoirs relative to the Orkneys and Shet- lands, 2 folding maps, roy. 4to. (pub. at 16s) hds. 7s Qd 1809 957 AsTLE (T.) Account of the Seals of the Kings, Eoyal Boroughs, and Mag- nates of Scotland, folio, 6 plates containing representations of 91 Seals beau- tifully engraved, lif calf, 10s 1792 958 BOECE'S (Hector) History and Chronicles of Scotland, translated into the Old Scottish Dialect by John Bellenden, edited by Sir Walter Scott, cuts, 2 vols. 4to. hds. uncut, rare, £2. 2s Edin. 1821 *' Of this elegant reprint only 200 copies were struck oif, and published at £5. .5^." Lowii'les. Bellenden's translations are allowed to be the finest specimens of the old Scottish language that have been left us. 959 Border-Laws of England and Scotland, for the preservation of peace and commerce on the marches of both Kingdoms, 12mo. calf, rare, Qs 1747 960 BUCHANAN (W. of .A.uchmar) Historical and Genealogical Essay upon the Eamily and Surname of Buchanan, with an enquiry into the Genealogy of ancient Scottish Surnames, particularly the Highland Clans, 2 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. plate of arms, calf, rare, £2. 10s Glasgoiv, 1823 A work fraught with curious information not elsewhere to be met with. 961 Campbell (John) Description of the Highlands, 8vo. /if morocco, 5s 1752 962 CAMEEAEII (Davidis, Scoti) de Scotorum fortitudine, doctrina, et pietate ; ac de ortu et progressu haeresis in regnis Scotiae & Angliae libri IV. small 4to. a good sound copy in vellum, yert rare, 562. 12s Qd Paris, 1681 "Livre rare et recherche en Angleterre." — Briinet. Hanrott's copy fetched £5. 75 6^/. 963 CHALMERS' (G.) CALEDONIA; or, an account, historical and topogra- phic, of North Britaii^', from the most ancient to the present times, with a Dictionary of places, chorographical and philological, 3 vols. 4to. all pul- lished, maps, plates, and genealogical tables, calf extra, £Q. 10s 1807-24i 9G4i the s?ime, new calf ecctr a, gilt edges, £S. 1807-24i 965 the same, an Unpublished Chapter " of the Kings, their Corona- tions ; of the Parliament, its constitution ; of the King's Judicial Autho- rity ; and of the Officers of State," 4to. ^/. bd. 20s 1810 Tliis extends to page 48, and is interleaved with MS. additions by Mr. Thomson. •' It is impossible to speak too highly of the excellencies of this elaborate work — more ela- borate, indeed, and copious, more abounding with original information, than any work on British History or antiquities which ever came from one author." — Quarterly lieview. " We cannot fail to offer the meed of praise to the truly gigantic labours of Mr. George 966 Charles I. A large declaration concerning the late Tumults in Scotland, by the King (Charles I.) small folio, portrait, old calf, arms on the sides, a few leaves ivater-stained, 185 Lond., B. Young, 1639 967 Covenanters. Eifteen Eare Tracts in 1 vol. stout sm. 4to. old calf, a very curious collection from Bishop Wynne's library, £5. 1639-95 Contents. Chalmers, who, in his Caledonia, seems disposed to leave no department untouched, and no event, historical as well as local, unrelated or unnoticed. This gentleman is the Atlas of Scotch an- tiquaries AND HISTORIANS; bearing on his own shoulders whatever has been collected, and with pain separately endured by his predecessors ; whom neither difficulties tire nor dangers daunt." Dibdin's Literary Comp. (Leslie) Examen Conjurationis ScoticEe sive oratio habita Lisnegarvae, 1638 Duhlinii, 1639 the same, in English London, 1639 Episcopacie not abjured in Scotland 1641 Epistle of Lysimachus Nicanor, a Jesuit, to the Covenanters 1684 Gallienus Itedivivus, the De-Witting of Glen- coe, etc. Edinb. 1695 Expostulation with the Whigs in Scotland 1682 Government of the Church of Scotland 1641 V03^ UlCl by J. R. \m Grand Inquest : answer to reasons proving the Duke of York a Roman Catholic 1680 Relation of the Assembly at Edinburgh 1691 Dialogue between Two Eriends occasioned by the late Revolution 1689 Debate between Dr. King's Man and Gratianus Trimmer 1689 Case of Protestants in England, if any Popish prince shall happen to wear the crown, 1681 ; and two other Tracts relative tO James H, while Pt^ke of York 538 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 967*COMPLAYNT of SCOTLAND, written in 1548, with a preliminary Disser- tation and Glossary, by Leyden, thick 8vo. £3. 3^ Edinb. 1801 968 Covenanters. Minute Book kept by the War Committee of the Covenanters, Kirkcudbright, Svo. cloth, 5s Kirk. 1855 969 DALEYMPLE'S Collections concerning Scottish History, preceding the death of David I, in 1153, Svo. calf, rare^ 25s Edinb. 1705 970 Daltell's Monastic Antiquities; with some account of a search for the re- mains of the Scotch Kings interred in the Abbey of Dunfermline, ^\o. fac- simile of the Chartulary of Dunfermline, hf. russia, 7s Edinb. 1809 971 Deummond's History of Scotland, 1423-15i2, 8vo. portraits, fine copy, calf 10s 1681 972 Edinburgh. History of the Speculative Society of Edinburgh from its insti- tution in 1764, 4to. cloth, £2. IGs Edinb. 1845 This interesting volume gives a biographical account of nearly 1000 eminent Scotchmen. 973 EEiLGMENTA ScoTO-MoNAsTiCA, with suudry new instances of Goodly Matter, 8vo. 7 plates, only 50 copies printed, cloth, 21s Edinb. 1842 974 Fraser Family. Anderson's historical Account of the family of Tjiisel or Peasee, particularly Eraser of Lovat, with Appendix, 4to. plate of Arms and genealogical table, bds. 25* Edinburgh, 1825 974*GOEDON (A.) Itinerarium Septentrionale : or Journey through the Coun- ties of Scotland and the North of England, with the yeey eaee SUP- PLEMENT, folio, numerous plates of Boman Antiquities, fine copy in calf £2. 10s 1726-32 975 GOEDON'S (Sir Eob.) Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutheeland, from its origin to 1651, folio, fine portrait, plate of Arms, and facsimile Charter, (pub. at £5. 5*) hf. morocco, gilt top, uncut, 32^ Edin. 1813 " Contains an interesting authentic account of the transactions which took place during a distant period in a remote part of Scotland, with many particulars not mentioned by contemporary writers, relative to private families, as well as to more general history." 976 HAY (Eichard, of Drumboote) Essay on the Origine of the Eoyal Family of the Stewaets, with Appendix of Charters, sq. Svo. fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges, 32s Edinb. 1722 — reprinted, 1793 977 HuNTEE (W. K.) History of the Priory of Coldingham, Berwickshire, small 4to. plates, cloth, 7s 6d Edinb. 1858 978 lEVING (G. Y.) and A. Murray, Upper Ward of Laxaekshiee described and delineated, 3 vols. Svo. 90 plates of maps, views, etc. (pub. £3. Ss) cloth, £2. 5s Glasg. 1864 979 lEYING'S (Joseph) History of Dumbaetonshiee, Civil, Ecclesiastical, Ter- ritorial, with Genealogical Notices of the Principal Families in the County, 4ito. finely printed on TKiCK club papee, and illustrated with Maps, Views, Portraits, Facsimiles of Original Documents, etc. etc. cloth, £3. 16* 1860 980 Keir. Eiddell (J.) Comments in refutation of pretensions advanced in a work, " The Stirlings of Keir and their family papers," with Drumpellier's Exposition, 4to. printed for private circulation, 21s Edinburgh, 1860 981 Lindsay's (E.) Chronicles of Scotland, in Scottish, 2 vols. Svo. hf calf 10s Edinb. 1814 982 MACCULLOCH (M.) Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland, their Scenery, Antiquities, Political History, Manners, etc. 4 vols. Svo. boards, 30s 1824 983 Mackenzie's (Sir G.) Laws and Customs of Scotland in matters Criminal, 1699— Seton's Treatise of Mutilation and Demembration, in 2 pts. 1699 — Mackenzie's Observations upon the XYIII Act of the 23rd Parliament, 1699— in 1 vol. sm. folio, hf calf, 10s Edinb. 1699 984 MACKENZIE'S (Sir George) Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland from the restoration of Charles II, 4to. caf eoetra, gilt edges, 15s Edinb. 1821 985 Mackenzie's History of Galloway, from the earliest period, 2 vols. Svo. maps, cloth, 5s Kirkcudbright, 1841 ENGLISH LITEEATUKE : SCOTLAND. 5S9 986 MAIDMENT. Historical Fragments relative to Scottish AfFairs, from 1635 to 1664, with biographical notices, 8vo. cloth, baee, £2. 2s JEdinh, 1833 " Of this verj curious and interesting collection only sixty copies weke printed." 987 Mary Queen of Scots. SCOTI (llomoaldi) Summarium Kationum quibus Cancellarius AnglisB et Prolocutor persuaserunt occidendam esse Mariam Stuartam, cum Sententia mortis, etc. — Maria Stuarta Martyr Ecclesise, innocens a c3Bde Darleana, vindice Barnestapolio — 2 vols, in 1, 16mo. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, 32^ Colonice, 1627 988 MISCELLANEA SCOTICA, a Selection of Tracts relating to the History, Antiquities, Topography, and Literature of Scotland, 4 vols. 12rao. hoards, uncut, very scarce, 36^ Glasgow, 1818 990 Mtjee's (Sir W.) Historie and descent of the House of Eowallane, written in 1657, 8vo. thick and large tapee. Ids. 7s Gd Glasgow, 1825 991 Philalethes [L. Moulin] Eerum nuper in Scotia gestarum historia, 16mo. calf, (js Dantisci, 1641 993 PEETENDEE. Istoeia del Principe Carlo Odoardo Stuart, concernante le Avventure in Scozia I'anno 1746, 8vo. hf. calf, rare, 5s Milano, 1760 994 EoBEETsoN" (Wm.) Proceedings relating to the Peerage of Scotland, 1707-88, 4to. bds. 10* Edinb. 1790 " An interesting work displaying great industry and research." — Lowndes. 995 Saltoun (Lord) on the Disqualification of the eldest sons of Peers of Scotland, to sit from that Country in Parliament, 8vo. hf. calf 7s 1789 Scottish Society of Antiquaries : 996 AECH^OLOGIA SCOTICA; or, Tbansactioi^s and Historical Account of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1780 to 1851, Yol. I-IV, 4to. maps and plates of Ancient Remains, Inscriptions, etc. three vols. hf. calf and 3 parts, £4. 4* Edinburgh, 1782-1857 997 Smellie's Account of the Institution and Progress of the Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland, 4to. sd. 12s _ 1782-84 A companion to the above, as only a brief abstract of it is inserted in the Transactions. 998 Peoceedings of the Society of Antiqtjaeies of Scotland, Vols. I ; II, pts. 1, 3 ; III ; IV, pt. 2 ; V, pt. 1 ; sm. 4to. numerous plates and cuts, one vol* in new calf antique and seven thick parts, sd. rare, £2. 10s Edinburgh, 1855-64 999 Stuaet's Memoir of Alexander Henry Hhind, of Sibster, sm. 4ito. portrait, sd. 5s ih. 1864 1000 Synopsis of the Museum of the Society, sm. 8vo. woodcuts and facsimiles, THICK PAPEE, only 10 copies printed, cloth, 7s Qd ih. 1849 1001 Sttjaet's (E.) Caledonia Eomana ; a Descriptive Account of Eoman Anti- quities of Scotland ; with a view of the Country and its Inhabitants in the Eirst Century, etc. 4to. 5 maps and 15 plates, cloth, 15s 1845 1002 Tuenee's (Sir J.) Memoirs of his own Life and Times, 1632-70, 4to. (pub. at £1. 15s) facsimile, bds. 15s Edinburgh, 1829 Comprises the author's imprisonment at Hull, 1649, the Insurrection in Scotland, 1666; Letters. 1003 TYTLEE (P. F.) Histoet of Scotland, with Index, third edition, 7 vols. 8vo. £3. 185 Edinh. 1845-50 1004 the Index separately, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1850 " This work reflects the highest honour on Mr. l " The standard History of Scotland." Tytler's talents and industry." — Sir Walter Scott. \ Edinburgh Review. 1005 WYJSfTOWN (Andrew of) OEYaTNALE CEONYKIL of SCOTLAND, now first published, with Notes, Glossaet, etc. by David Macpherson, 2 vols, large Syo. facsimile, russia, gilt edges, fine copy, 564. 14^ Qd 1795 Scottish Poetry. 1006 DAUNEY (W.) Ancient Scotish Melodies, from a MS. of the reign of King James VI, with an introdocutory enquiry illustrative of the History of the Music of Scotland, 4to. hf. green morocco elegant, facsimiles of the original music, (md the tunes to the 85 airs, 36s Edinburgh, Bannatyne Club, 1838 2p 5iO BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1007 BRUCE (The) and Wallace ; published from two ancient MSS., preserved in the Advocates' Library, with notes, biographical Sketches, and a Glossary, by Dr. Jamieson, 2 vols. 4to. (pub. at £6. 6s) hds. £5. Edinb. 1820 Only 250 copies printed. " The Bruce is a work not only remarkable for a copious circumstantial detail of the exploits of that illustrious prince and his brave companions in arms, Randolff, Earl of Moray, and the Lord James Douglas, but also for the beauty of style, which is not inferior to that of Chaucer." — Heii'ry^i Great Britain. 1008 DRUMMOND (W. op Hawthoenden) Poems, 12mo. pretty copy in green morocco J gilt edges, 21s 1791 1009 the same, 4to. laege paper, no frontispiece, facsimile, citron morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 10^ Edinb. Maitland Club, 1832 Including the curious macaronic poem Polemo-Middinia. 1010 IRYING'S (David) History of Scottish Poetry, with Memoir and Glossary, by J. Carlyle, stout 8vo. cloth, 12s Qd JEdinb. 1861 Valuable and interesting, because there is I a great deal of accurate and solid information, no other work of the kind, and because it contains | The Glossary is copious. 1011 JAMES I. Xing of Scotland, Poetical Remains, 8vo. 7if calf neat, un<;ut, 7s 6d Ed. 1783 1012 LTNDSAY (Sir David, Lion King of Arms) Works, corrected and enlarged, with Life and Glossabt, by Chalmers, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. boards, scarce, £2. 16s 1806 1013 MOTHERWELL (W.) Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern, with historical introduction and notes, sq. 8yo. frontispiece and vignette title-page, and 9 pp. of engraved Music, hf. green morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, 25s Glasgow, 1827 1014 MuEE (Sir W.) Historie and Descent of the House of Rowallane, written in, or prior to 1657, ed. by Muir, 8vo. laege papee, bds. 7s 6d Glasgow, 1825 1015 PINKERTON, Ancient Scottish Poetry, 1420-1586, never before in Print, now published from the MS. collections of Sir Richard Maitland of Leth- ington, with Essay on Scottish Poetry, Notes, Appendix, and Glossaey by PiNKEETON, 2 vols. sm. Syo. facsimile, calf 16s -, or, russia, gilt edges, 21s 1786 1016 RAMSAY'S (Allan) Poems on several occasions, 2 vols. 12mo. half calf neat, uncut, 7s 6d Edinburgh, 1780 lOJ 7 Scottish Songs and Ballads : A bunch of gatherings glean'd from the two past generations, consisting of Ballads, Songs, Tales, etc. a very thick volume of local Songs, in 1 vol. 12mo. hf calf, uncut, 12s Paisley and Glasgow, v.y. 1018 ScoTisR Songs, select, ancient and modern, with observations and biographi- cal notes by R. Burns, edited by Cromek, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. bds. 10s 1810 1019 VIRGIL'S JEneis, translated into Scottish Verse by Gtawin Douglas, with large Gtlossaet and the author's Life, sm. folio, good copy, calf, 28s Edinb. 1710 " The work is executed with fidelity and spirit, I of original poetiy, under the name of Prologues." and is recommended by many beautiful specimens j UUis. Scottish Dictionaries : — see ante Nos. 48-54. WALES: History, Topography, Antiquities. 1020 Anglesea. History of the Island of Anglesea, as a Supplement to Rowland's Mona, with Memoirs of Glendowr, 4to. sd. 5s 1775 1021 Cambrian Archaeological Association : ARCHiEOLOaiA CAMBRENSIS ; a Record of the Antiquities, etc. of Wales and its Marches ; and the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, First Series, 4 vols. 1846-49 ; Second Series, 5 vols. 1850-54; Third Series, Vols. I— XI, 1855-65;— Brut y Tywysogion : the Gwentian Chronicle of Caradoc of Llancarvan, with a translation by Owen, with Baronia de Kemeys, and Lordship of G-ower in the volume, 1863; — together 21 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, (pub. at about £20. Ss in parts) hf calf very neat, £16. 1846-65 Complete sets of this highly interesting pe- j the First Series in the set described above are not riodical are of rare occurrence. The four vols, of | uniform in binding with the others. ENGLISH LITERATURE : WALES. 541 1022 ARCHJEOLOaiA CAMBRENSIS, a Record of the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and Journal of the Cambrian Archseological Association, Vols. I and II, 8vo. nwnerous plates and woodcuts^ half green morocco, uncut, rare, 20s 1846-47 1023 CAMBRIAN REGISTER, the complete series, 1795-1818, 3 vols. 8vo. frontispieces and maps, a rare and valuable periodical, bds. £2. \0s 1795-1818 Full of important contributions to illustrate 1 tory of Wales, the Language, Literature, Antiquities, and His- | 1024 CAMBRO-BRITON, from the commencement in September, 1819, to June, 1822, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf , 36* 1820-22 Containing valuable articles on the Welsh I Biographical Notices, etc. Language, Welsh Poetry, Topographical and | 1025 Cruciiley's reduced Ordnance Maps, 11 sheets in 3 sections, two 8vo. cases, 65 1855 1026 Caradoc of Llancarvan, History of Wales, translated by Powell, augmented by Wynne, 8vo. old calf, I2s 1697 1027 the same, with Price's Description of Wales, a new edition enlarged with Pedigrees of Families, 8vo. maps, bds. Vis Merthyr Tydvil, 1812 1028 DODRIDGE (Sir John) History of the Principality of Wales, Dutchy of Cornewalle and Earldome of Chester, sq. 8vo. first edition, painting on vellum of the arms of the Duchy of Cornwall inserted, calf, gilt edges, eaee, 27s 1630 1029 ENDERBIE'S (Percy) Cambeta Teiumphans, or Britain in its perfect Lustre, shewing the Origin and Antiquity of that Illustrious Nation, fol. OEiGiNAL EDITION, many Coats of Arms, old calf, very rare, £^. 155 1661 Such was the rarity of this old book and the I Bryant's copy sold for £30. 9^ ; Heathcote's for estimation m which it was fornrerly held, that | £2y. 18* 6d!, and Montolieu's for £32. 10*. 1030 PEN TON'S (Richard) Historical Tour through Pembeokeshiee, impl. 4to. fine impressions of the portrait and 30 plates, (pub. at £3. 135 6J) fine copy in calf neat, 21s 1811 Sold in Sir M. M. Sykes's sale for £3. 15*. 1031 the same, laege papee, impl. 4to. hf. russia, 21s ; or half russia, uncut, £1. 10s 1811 A book full of interesting matter relating to I under the patronage and with the literary assist- the history and Antiquities or Wales ; published | ance of the late Sir Richard Colt Hoare. 1032 Tour in quest of Genealogy through Wales, Somersetshire, and Wiltshire, by a Barrister, 8vo. bds. 5s 1811 1033 GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS, Itinerary of Abp. Baldwin through Wales, A.D. 1188, translated into English, and illustrated with 7iews, Annotations, and a Life of Griraldus, by Sir R. C. Hoare, 2 vols, royal 4to. sumptuously printed by Bulmer, maps, plates of Roman Inscriptions, Views, etc. laege PAPEE, only fifty copies printed, beautiful clean copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 1806 1034; HUGrHES (J.) Horse BritannicaB, or Studies in ancient British History, with disquisitions on the national and religious Antiquities of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf, 21s 1818-19 1035 the same. Vol. II. 8vo. bds. being the rare portion of theicorJc, 12s 1819 1036 JONES' (T.) History of the County of BRECKNOCK, 2 vols, royal 4to. maps, numerous portraits and fine engravings by Sir JR. Colt Hoare, aad 3 plates containing many coloured Coats of Arms, bds. £G.(Ss; or calf gilt, £9. 9* Brecknock, 1805-9 1037 the same, 3 vols, royal 4to. half russia gilt, £9. 15s ib. 1805-9 1038 the same, 3 vols, royal 4to. red moeocco extra, gilt edges, a superb copy bound by Bedfoed, £18. I85 1805-9 1039 LEE (J. E.) Isca Silurum : or an Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Antiquities at Caerleon, impl. 8vo. 25 plates of Mediaeval Antiquities, etc. cloth, 18s 1862 542 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1040 LHOYD'S (H.) History of Cambria, now called Wales, written in the Brjtish Language, above two hundretb Tears past, and now Englished by Lhoyd, augmented and continued by D. Powell, sm. 4to. hlntk kikx, woodcut portraits of the Kings, title neatly mended, otherwise a good copy in green moroccOf joints, gilt edges, from Miss Currer's library, eaee, £4. London, M. Newherie and Grafton, 1584 1041 Another veet tall fine copy, sm. 4to. part of the leaf '^ To the Reader''^ supplied in MS. calf, £3. 5^ 1584 Priced, 1818, Longman's, £8. 8« ; the I and a copy at King's auction, 1810, £9. 9*. Grafton copy fetched £8.; Hibbert's, £5. 2« 6rZ ; 1 1042 LLAVYD (Humfredi) Britannicse Descriptionis commentariolum, de Mona insula, etc., ace. ^rse Cambro-Britannicse, accurante Gruilielmio, 4to. map, calf, fine copy, 10s 1731 1043 MEDDYGON MYDDFAI, Medical Practice of Ehiwallon and his Sons ; with the Llyn-y-Ean, or Legend of the Lady of the Lake ; edited by Williams Ab Ithel, with notes and translations by John Pughe, 8vo. cloth, 12s Welsh MSS. Society, 1862 1044 Nash's Taliesi?^', or the Bards and Druids of Britain, a translation of the Eemains of the earliest Bards, and examination of the Mysteries, 8vo. cloth, 10s Qd ^ ^ 1858 1045 Paeet's Cambrian Plutarch, Memoirs of eminent Welshmen, 8vo. half calf , 4s Qd 1824 1Q46 Pen Maen Mawe. Ancient Survey of Pen Maen Mawr, North Wales, from the MS. of the time of Charles I. edited by J. O. Ilalliwell, small 8vo. only 80 copies printed, 2s 1859 1047 EEYNOLDS (John) Display of HEEALDEY of the particular Coat Armour now in use in the six counties of North Wales, with the names of the Families, etc. sm. 4to. facsimile reprint on old paper, of the excessively rare original, hf. morocco, uncut, 25s Chester , for the author , 1739 (cir. 1860) 1048 Eees (E.) Essay on the Welsh Saints, or primitive Christians, usually consi- dered to have been founders of Churches in Wales, 8vo. cloth, rare, 14^ Welsh MSS. Society, 1836 1049 EOWLAISTD'S (Eev. Henry) Mona Antiqua Eestaurata, an Archaeological Discourse on the Antiquities, Natural and Historical, of the Isle of Angle- sea, the ancient Seat of the British Druids, map and plates, 1766 — History of Anglesea, serving as a Supplement to Eowland's Mona Antiqua: to which are added Memoirs of Owen Grlendowr, with Notes, 1775 — J. Price, Account of Holyhead, in Nichols' Bibliotheca Topographica, map, 1783 — together 3 vols, in 1, 4to. hf russia, £2. 2s 1766-75 Rowland's " Mona Antiqua" contains many of the Celtic and other languages, and several interesting particulars respecting the aboriginal letters of the learned antiquary, Lhwyd. Britons, Druids, &c. — likewise, comparative tables 1050 VIEUNNII (Pontici) Britannicse Historije libri sex, cum D. Poueli Catalogo EegumBritannise; accedit Giealdi Cambeensis Itinerarium Cambrise, 3 vols, in 1, Vlmo.fine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £2.2s Londini, 1585 First edition of the famous work of Giraldus, l King John's tutor. " the oldest Topographer of Wales." He was I 1051 Welsh Metropolitan Institution, Transactions of the Ctmmeodoeion or Metropolitan Cambrian Institution, Vols. I, II pt. 1, in 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 25s 1822-28 1052 the same. Vol. I, pp. xviii. and 424, 8vo. hf hound, 15* 1822 Contents of Vol. I : — Essay on the Anti quitv of the Welsh Tongue ; On the general cultivation of the Welsh Language ; Historical Essay on Wales ; Essay on the Harp ; Law Trials of the Ancient Britons ; Characteristics of the 1053 Williams (Archdeacon) Gomer, an analysis of the Language and Knowledge of the Ancient Kymry, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 1854 1054 Williams' (W.) Observations on the Snowdon Mountains, Genealogical account of Penrhyn families, etc. 8vo. bds. 95 1802 Welsh, and its connection with other ancient lan- guages, pp. 66 ; etc. Interesting essays on the language, history, and antiquities of Wales, with genealogical and bibliograpV ' ^al disquisitions. ENGLISH LITEEATUEE: A\rALES. 543 1055 "WILLIAMS'S (David) History of Monmouthshire, illustrated with Views of the principal Landscapes, Euins, and Eesidences, by theEev. John Grardner, 4to. map and ^Q plates, tine impressions, uncut, "665 179(3 1056 WILLIS (Browne) Survey of the Cathedral Church of LANDAEF, with the Inscriptions upon the Monuments, and an Appendix of Eecords, 8vo. plates, calf, 24s 1719 1057 the same, with the 10 extra leaves: Diocese of Landaff, 8vo. 30* 1719 1058 Survey of the Cathedral Church of ST. DAVID'S, and edifices con- nected wnth it, A.D. 1715, and names of the Bishops, 8vo. plates, 20s 1717 1059 Survey of the Cathedral Church of ST. ASAPH, Syo. plates, coif, 36s 1720 1060 Survey of St. Asaph, brought down to the present, by Edwaeds, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, hds. 5s Wrexham, 1801 1061 Survey of the Cathedral Church of BANGOE, and the edifices belonging to it, 8vo. plates, calf, £2. 1721 1062 a COMPLETE SET of the above 4 Cathedrals, 4 vols. 8vo. plates, fine tall copy in old calf, from BisJiop Wynne's lihrary, £4. 4s 1717-21 1063 TOEK'S (Ph.) Eoyal Tribes of AVales, 4to. an interesting Genealogical and Historical work, ivith 12 fine portraits, first impressions of the plates, hds, 20s ; or, with a Portrait of the Author inserted, russia, gilt edges, 27s Wrexham, 1799 Welsh Literature and Language. 1064 DAVIES (J.) Antiquse Linguae Britannicse nunc volgo dictse Cambro-Britan- nicse, et Linguae Latinse, Dictionarium duplex ; accesserunt Adagia Britan- nica, sm. folio, Welsh-Latin and Latin-Welsh, singularly fine sound copy, in old calf from the lihrary of Bishop Wynne, £2. 16s 1632 1065 HoLL Ddtledsted Dtk, gyda Duwiol-Swyddau Dirgel, etc. o gyfieithiad Edward Samuel: the WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, with Private Devotions, in Welsh, translated by E. Samuel, 12mo. fine copy in the original calf extra, edges gilt and gauffered, from the lihrary of Bishop Wynne, to whom the translation is dedicated, £2. 2s Mwythig, 1718 1066 JONES (Ehys) Gorchestion Beirdd Cymru: neu Elodau godidowgrwydd awen, 4to. Welsh Boetry of the XVih Century, hds. 10s Amioythig, 1773 1067 Lewis G-ltn Cothi (a celebrated Bard, who flourished in the Eeigns of Henry VL, Edward IV., Eichard III., and Henry VII.) Poetical Works, in Welsh, edited with Notes, &c. by the Eev. W. Davies and the Eev. J. Jones, for the Cymrodorion Society, 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, 18s Oxford, 1837 1068 Lltwaech Hei^", Heroic Elegies and other pieces, Welsh and English, by Owen, hds. 10s; or, hf calf 12s 1792 1069 MYVYEIAN AECHAIOLOGY OE WALES, collected out cf Ancient Manuscripts (by Owen Jones), 3 large vols. 8vo. hf russia, a thoroughly clean copy in hoards, uncut, £16. 16s 1801-7 1070 the same, 3 vols, large 8vo. a fine copy in russia extra, £15. 15s 1801-7 The finest collection of old Welsh Poetry 1 information on the subject. in existence. It is the source of almost all our | 1071 EEES. Cambro-Brytannicae Cymraecaeve Linguae Institutiones et rudi- menta, conscripta a J. D. Ehaeso Monenst, sm. folio, good copy in old russia, £2. 2s Lond. 1592 1072 another copy, folio, singularly fine and tall, old caf £4^. 45 1592 Collation : title, prefaces and Emend. 12 leaves ; pp. 1-30-t (folding-sheet between 4 and 5). 1073 WOTTON. Cyfreithjeii Htwel Dua, ac Eraill: Leges Wallic^e Hoeli Boni et aliorum Wallia) principum, Walliceet Latino, cum OLOfe-SARio, ed. Vfotton, adjuvante Gulielmo, cum i\ppendice, roy. folio, large and thick paper, fine copy in old calf from Bishop Wynnes lihrary, 20s 1730 London. July. 1869. BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE, BY BERNARD QUARITCH, BoohseVer^ 15 Piccadilly, London. ^^ Offers of Boolts without a 2)rice are declined ; and need not be made. WJien owiiers of Books offer them above the niarkst value, they receive no answer. Agassiz, Nomenclator Zoologicus, cum Indice Uni- versali, 12 fasc. 4to. Aguirre, Doctrina Christiana, en Lengua Opata, 4to. Mexico^ 1765 Aravjo, Manual de los Sacramentos Michuacan, 4to. Mexico, 1690 Asiatic Researches, 4to. Vols. V, XVIII, XIX, XX, Calcutta Editions only Bird's Nick of the Woods, an American Romance, 3 vols. 12mo. 1837 Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, by Griffith, royal 8vo. Large Paper, coloured^ Vol. X. Pisces Vol. XII. Mollusca and Radiata „ XVI. Classified Index and Synopsis. Doubleday and Westwood's Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera, 2 vols. impl. 4to, Garcia, Manual de los Sacramentos a los Indios, 4to. ( Mexico 1) 1760 Gottingen, Abhandlungen der Konigl. Gesellsch. der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen Band IV. to VIII. inclusive Gray's List of Genera and Sub-Genera of Birds, Brit. Mus. 18.5.5 Hogarth Engravings — any of his minor produc- tions to complete a set of all his engraved worlds Humphrey's lUuminated Books of the Middle Ages, impl. folio Hooker and Thomson's Flora Indica, Vol. 1, 8vo. Owen, Geological Reports of Kentucky, 4 vols. 8vo. Nehiro-Iriniui Aiamiche Massanihigan, 12mo. Uabistiguiatsh, 1767 Pad ilia Conquista de la Nueva Galicia, 4 vols. Guudalajara, 1855 Quintana, Confessionario en Lengua Mixe, 4to, Puehla (Mexico) 1733 Remesal Hist, de S. Vincente de Chyapa y Guate- mala, folio, Madrid, 1619 Shaw's Staffordshire, 2 vols, folio Suiceri Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus, editio secunda, 2 vols, folio, 1728 Tapia Zenteno, Lengua Huasteca,4to. Mexico, 1767 Tellechea Compendio Grammatical del Idioma Ta- rahuma, 4to. Mexico, 1826 Thorpe's Anglo-Saxon Laws, 2 vols. 8vo. Reooi'd Cjminission Turner's Nat. Hist, of Fuci, 4 vols. 4to. cheap copy Venegas, Vida de Juan Maria de Salvatierra, 4to. Mexico, 1754 Wellenheim, Catalogue de sa collection de Me- dailles, 3 vols. 8vo. Vienna, 1844, &c. Zambrano, Arte de la Lengua Totonaca, 4to. Puebla,_\1b2 Zanetti Nuova Raccolta delle Monete d'ltalia, 5 vols. sm. folio. St. Petersburg]! Academy: MiiMOiRES del' Academic Imperialedes Sciences de St. Petersbourg, 7ieme Serie, Tom. I- VI. in 6 vols. 4to. 113 plates of Noturul History, etc. clean in parts, fd. St. Petcrsb. 1859-63 Memoijies presentes par divers savants, Tom. VII-IX (the last vol.), avec Table Generale, 3 vols. 4to. 48 plates, sd. 1854-59 BipLLETiN de r Academic, Tom. I VI, in 6 vols. 4to. 25 large plates, f>d. 1860-63 The above Series, as described, from the library of Professor Faraday, is offered for £10. Cuvier, le Regne Animal, nouvelle Edition, accompagnce de Planches gravees, repre- sentant les types de tons les genres, complete in 18 vols. impl. 8vo. beautifully coloured PLATES, hf mor. gt. tops, uncut £30. Par. 1848 This work of Cuvier is the only one giving account of the whole Animai Kingdom, and in this last edition, every division is headed by a Professor most eminent iu his special department of science. Tliis new edition, wliich far eclipses all its predecessors foi scientifie accuracy and beauty of embellishment, contains 993 BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED PLATES, and Originally cost £65. 105. Civil Engineers' Institution: Minutes of Proceedings, a complete set from the begin- ning in 1837 to 1867, Vols. I-XXVI, with General Index of the first 20 vols. 8vo. the first six vols. hf. mor. gilt tops, the rest in clothe numerous plates and woodcuts, £'1\. 1837-67 the same, 1844-67, being Vols. III-XXI, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, (wanting VII pt. 1, VIII, IX, and X, pt. 1,) with General Index of the first 20 vols. 8vo. many plates and outs, 3 vols, cl. the rest in parts, £\2. 1844-67 209, Piccadilly, London, W. I8th June, 1869. Dear Sir, — I am seeking books and pampHets on the municipal administra- tion OF THE CAPITALS AND GREAT CITIES OF ExJROPE and the largest of the Ame- rican cities, as also of our own large towns, both in the United Kingdom and our Colonies, Should you in your many channels know of any such, will you give me the opportunity of obtaining them. It will be a great favour to Me, Quaritch. Yours truly, JAMES BEAL. G^^ Any gentlemen possessing Books or Pamphlets on "the Municipal Administra- tion of Cities" will much oblige me by ceding them for the purpose above mentioned. I am anxious to assist Mr. James Beal's meritorious endeavour to obtain for the Metropolis those Municipal rights and that self government which are possessed by every town in the British Empire, except JjOndon. Mr. Beal's conviction, shared by all thinking citizens, is that a Municipality of London is the only system that could an^ would administer the affairs of the ^letropolis cheaply and effectively, B, Q. Annual Subscription 4-s. For Foreign Countries 5s. No. 254.. Published Monthly. Price 4d. CATALOGUE OF FRENCH, GERMAN, AND ITALIAN BOOKS, French Early Printed Old French, Provencal French Langruage French Literature Early Printed High German Books Early Printed Dutch PAGE 544 545 547 548 560 562 Arranged as follows: PAGE German Comparative Grammatical and Ethnological Works 563 Old and Low German 563 Modern High German 564 Modern Dutch and Flemish, Frisic 564 Scandinavian 565 PAGE Modem German 565 Italian literature 569 Italian dialects 570 Italy, Italian Towns 588 Italian Bibliography and Liter. History 591 offered for CASH at the affixed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors VTest from Regent Circus. IL(DSJIE)(Dn« SEPTEMBEE, im^o _ To insure prompt attention, all orders to he addressed direct to Mr. QuARiTCH, bookseller, 15 Ficcadilfy ; or to the Bookseller from ivho7n this Catalogue was received. The Books are tvarranted perfect, and in fine Library condition^ G. NOKMAM AKD SOK, P£I>TEaS, BIAJC£» I/AME, COTZIIT OABDBlf, LOMO.V, AT.ti. -fe London, Scpf ember, 18G9. BOOKS WANTED To purchase by BERNARD QUARITCH, BOOKSELLER, 15 PICCADILLY. (^ Offers of Books without a price are declined; and need not he made. When owners of Books offer them above the market value, they receive no answer. Abulfedffi Annales Muslemici, 5 vols. 4to. 1783-94 Almanac de Gotha (Texte en Frangais) 1764 to 1774, 1780, 1787, 1791, 179^, 1808, 1822 Archaeologia Cambrensis, Jan. J 855, July and October 1866 Arch ecological Journal, part 30 Banduri Numismata Imp. Romanorum, 2 vols fol. Par. 1718, a good copy Barre Navigation du Villegaignon en Amerique, 12mo. Paris, Le Jeune, 1558 Bengal Journal, No. 275 Behn's (Mrs.) Novels ; any edition but that of 1700 Biographical Notices respecting the English Clergy who went to Holland (temp. Charles I.) on account of religious scruples Borgoforte, Statutes of St. John of Jerusalem, translated into English, circa 1640 Bridgewater Treatises, 12 vols. 8vo. a neat set, cheap Brongniart Descrip. Methodique du Musee ce- ramique, 2 parts, 4to. 1845 BufFon, Planches Enluminees des Oiseaux,6 vols. impl. 4to. 1008 plates Byzantine Historians, a complete bound set, Venice, Paris, or Bonn edition Cartier, Nav gition de Canada, 8vo. Paris., 1515 • Voyage aux Terres neuves, 1 2mo. Rouen, 1595 Catalogue General des MSS. Orientaux de la Biblioth'eque Oriental e [Peris] seceral volumes Creqny, Memoires de Mme dj Crequy Churc yard, Froboisher's Voyage, 8vo. (^Lon- don, circa 15»0) CoUecyao de Noticias para a Historia e Geogr. de Na^'oes ultrama-inas, Vol. 6 Daniel's Thesaurus Hymnolcgicus, 5 vols. 8vo. 1841-56 De Rossi, Roma Sotterranea, 2 vols. impl. 4to. Rome De Quincy's Works, 15 vols. E iinburgh, 1863 Fleury, Hist. Ecclesiasrique, -^ vols. 4to. Florilegium Epigrammatum. 8vo. Junta, 1519 Gould's Humming Hirds, 5 vols. impl. folio, 1849-61, a cheap copy Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, 1845-67 Herbovnik Vse Rosjiiskie Imperii, Vol. 4, large 4to. Jourdan, Discovery of the Barmudas, 4to. 1610 Lyell's Elemeats of Geolngy, Svo. cloth Lascaris, Ep grammata Gruca, any edition Maistre (Louis de) H cures de Port Royal, re- printed by Schimmelpeiininck (^Bristol, 1816-25) or any other edition Matter, Hist, du Gnosticisme, 3 vols. Svo, plates, 1818 Marangonus Chronologia romanorum Pontifi- cum, folio, Roma, 1751 Milton's Paradise Lost, 1668 The edition having three lines in address of printer to reader before Advertisement Miiller (Max) Sanscrit Literature North, Descrip. of Smedland, etc. 4to. 28 leaves, London, 1501 Obsopsei in Grseca Epigrammata Annotationes, 4 to. Basil, 1540 O'Neill's Ancient Sculptured Crosses of Ireland, 6 parts, impl. folio, 1853-57 Plutarch's Lives, transl. by Long, 5 vols. ; 1844-47 Port Royal, any works on, reprinted by Schim- melpenninck in England Ptolomsei Theatrum Geographiae, folio, Elzevir, 1618, afne copy Remusat Melanges Asiatiques, 2 vols. Svo. 1825. Nouvelles Mel. Asiat. 2 vols. 8vo. 1829 Retzsch's Outlines to Shakespeare, 4to. No. 2, Macbeth. 5, Tempest. 6, Othello. 7, Merry Wives of Windsor. 8, Henry IV. (I have ( 1 ) Hamlet ; (3) Romeo ; (4) King Lear ;) or a cheap set of the 8 parts Retzsch's Outlines to Schiller's " Song of the Bell," 4tD. Rosier's Voyage to Virginia, 4to. 1605 Singhasun Butteesee, in English by Hollings, Calcutta Smith (John) A Map of Virginia, 4to. Oxford, 1612 A Description of New England, with map, 4 to. London, 1616 New England Trials, 4to. 1620 Ditto, 4to. 1622 An Accidence, or Pathway, etc. 4to. 1628 A Sea Grammar, 4to. 1627 The Seaman's Grammar, 4to. 1653 Ditto, 4to. 1692 Advertisements for the inexperienced Planters of New England, 4to. London, 1631 General History of Virginia, folio, London, 1624 (or any other year if on large paper). Only a very Jine copy of this is wanted, with all the maps and portraits Smithsonian Institution Contributions, Vol. 1, impl. 4to. Souto (Fernando de) Rela9am dos trabalhos, 12mo. Evora, 1557 Taylor's Translations: — Jamblichus' Life of Pythagoras 1818 Maximus Tyrius, 6 vols. l2mo. 1804 Phsedrus of J'lato, 4to. 1792 Taylor's Collectanea, 1806 Vezurianus, Relation translated by Hackitt, 4to. London, 1582 Villegaignon, Copie de lettres du Chevalier du, Paris, Le Jeune, 1558, or r2mo. (19 leave.-') Paris, 1557 Eglise du Bresil, 8vo. 1565 Virginia, State of the Colony, 1616 We.-ley's (John) Sermons, a complete set, 1st or 2nd editions Zeitschrift fiir Vergleichende Sprachforschung von Kuhn BandXI, (1862), hefts Band XV, heft 3 to end of Vol. Zeitschr. fiir d. Kiinde d. Morgenl. Band VII, heft 1 Zoological Society's Transactions, 4to. Vol. I part 2 544 FRENCH LITERATURE. For Medicdval French and the Patois of France — see also the Catalogue of " European Philology.'* Early printed Books, in French. A PERFECT WORK FROM THE PRESS OF COLARD MANSION, THE MASTER OF CAXTON, BRUGES, 1479. 1 BOUTILLIER (Jehan) LA SOMME RURALE, folio, beauti- FUL COPY OF AN EXTKAORDINARILY RARE WORK^ of which only five or six complete copies are known^ magnificently hound in brown morocco super extra^ with joints^ watered silk linings^ gilt edges, having let into the sides calf' panels, covered loith gold tooling y and richly painted in imitation of jewels in the Grolier style. The chef-d'ceuvre of M. Hague's bibliopegistic SKILL ; enclosed in a red morocco case^ lined with green watered silk, £220. Uruges^ par Calard Mansion, 14:79 The editions of Colard Mansion rival, if they do not exceed, in rarity any work from the Press of Caxton, who is supposed to have learned the Art of Print- ing from the Bruges Typographer. This extremely rare and line work was recently sold in Paris for about £250. A former owner of this copy (A. T.) has compared it with the Lecondile (after- wards Solar) copy, the one in the Imperial Library in Paris, and with that of the Public Library at Bruges, and he is gratified to establish the fact that his is the FINEST COPY known. Here follows his description : " ' Cette edition, imprimee a Bruges en 1479, par Colard Mansion, est la premiere de cet ancien corps de droit frangais. On en alongtemps ignore I'existence .... on n'en connait que trois ex- emplaires, qui sont ; le premier dans la biblio- theque du roi ; exemplaire de la plus grande beaute provenant de la vente des livresd'Ermans(le Cat. Bruxelles, 21 M. an xiv, Tome ler, p. 201, No. 2263 ; vendu 60 f.). H. 366 m. (13 p. 9 1.). Le second ayant appartenu aux Jesuitcs de Luxem- bourg, a ete depose dans la bibliotheque publique de Bruges par I'auteur de cette notice (M. Van Praet). Le troisieme se trouvait chez M. Lecon- dile, a Anvers (Lambinet, T. 11. p. 221.)' C'est ainsi que M. Van Praet s'explique dans la Notice sur ColarJ Mansion (p. 31), imjOTmee a Paris, en un vol. in-8, chez Crapelet, en 1829, relativement a la premiere edition de la Sorame Rurale. rapporte, d'apres M. Van Praet, les memes details. (T. I. p. 213). Ces renseignements decrits par deux habiles bibliographes prouvent Texcessive rarete de la premiere edition de la Somme Rurale. Cet exemplaire est done le 4me connu. 11 provient orighiairement de la bibliotheque de M. Evrard, qui etait avocat du bailliage de Bavai. Cet exemplaire est plus beau que celui de la bibliotheque du Roi. Ce dernier a subi une re- liure moderne en maroquin bleu, dore sur tranches. Le mien est dans la reliure primitive d'une par- faite conservation. L'exemple de la bib. de Roi a et6 rogne, les tranches du mien sont intactes. Enfin les initiales de mon exemple surtout cellea qui est en tete des premiers feuillets apres la table sont beaucoup plus riches que celles de I'exem- plaire de la Bib. roy. Les initiales sont a la main, aussi bien que I'ind. des folios." — A. T. Brunet, dans ses Nouvelles recherches bibliog. 2 DESTRUCTION DE TROYE LA GRANDE, Eauissement d'Heleine faict par Paris Alexandre, composee en Rithme Frangoyse par maistre lehan de Mehun premier Inuenteur de Eethorique Francoyse : auec les prouesses, noblesses, et vertus du preux Hector, la damnable trahison commise par les Grecs, la description de Fortune mobile et instable, folio, title within wood- cut border^ and numerous cuts throughout the text, fine copy in old green mo^ rocco extra, watered-silk linings^ a cipher and coronet on the bach, hy Derome, £12. Lyon, Benys de Harsy, 1544 " Edition recherchee ... la seule ou ce mystere soit attribue a Jean de Mehun." — Brunet, 3 3Li?on^. DAYGUE (Estienne) Singulier Traicte cotenant la propriete des Tor- tues, Escargotz, C^renoilles, et Artichaultz, 12mo. Macfe \ziitX,woodcut on title, which is mounted, green morocco, gilt edges, raee, 30s Lyon, P. de Saincte Lucie diet Le Frince, s. d. Collation: Title, and 15 leaves (signa- I woodcut of the printer's mark, tures a--d in foui-s) the last of which contains a j 2 Q 545 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 4 G-LANYILLE (Bartholome de) ILe Proprietaire beg Ci^osrs (translate par J. Corbichon), folio, hinck iztkx, woodcuts^ fine copi/, in olive morocco, gt. edges, by Fadeloup, rare, £12. 12s Lion, par Jehan Cyber, s. d. circa 1490 5 EOMAN DE LA^ EOSE. C'est le Eoman ti£ la ^mz. Moralise cler et net, Translate de rime en prose, Par vostre humble moltnet, small folio, fclacfe Itttcr, numerous woodcuts, singularly ^ne copy in old French calf gilt, edges gilt, VERT BAEE, <£52. 10s Paris, pour Anthoine Verard, s. d. (1803 ?) Collation : Title and table, 4 leaves ; and I back of the last leaf — being signature a to gg text, leaves 1 — 181, the printer's mark on the 1 iv. 6 iL£S miustratuins te @aule et Singularitez de Troye, small folio, lettves ^t^\k^\ti;}Xi%, woodcuts, calf, £6. Paris, Francoys Regnault, a Venseigne de Lelephant, s. a. See post No. 239, which is quite a different edition. LiVRE I. concludes with the Poetical Ro- mance "L'Amant Verd. "Litre II. includes the " Description du Temple de Venus," " Epistre du roy a Hector de Troye," with a large woodcvt, Plaincte sur le trespas de feu Messire Guillaume de Bissipat." Livre III. " La Erance orientalle et occidentalle ;" concluded by " Le Traicte de la difference des Scismes et des Concilles de leglise," " Hystoire mod erne du Prince Syach Ysmail," and " Le Blason des Armes des Veniciens." 7 [AEGIDIUS DE COLUMNA.] He Mitmzx lExeplaire et tres fructueuse in- struction selon la compillation de Gilles de Eomme, tres excellent docteur, du Eegime et Grouuernment des Eojs, Princes, et grands Seigneurs, small folio, hintk Itiitx, witlifour large woodcuts, including one in which the author is shewn presenting the work to King Francis, calf, teet eare, £7. 15^ Faris, Guil. Eustace, 1517 Collation : Title in red and black, with printer's mark on the front and royal arms on the reverse, privilege, and table, together six leaves ; two leaves containing a large woodcut, with three figures on the first page, the Introduction on the second and third, and the woodcut of the King and the Author on the fourth ; text, leaves 1 — 141, the last three not numbered. 8 FEOISSAET (J.) Croniques de Erance, d'Angleterre, d'Escoce, d'Espagne, de Bretaigne, de Gascongne, de Flandres et lieux circonvoisins, 4 vols, in 3, sm. fol. {a little wormed, and the margins of 12 leaves in Vol. 4 mended, and wanting 2 leaves in Vol. 1, viz. o i and o ij) hf bound, £4. 4s Faris, pour F. Fegnault et J. Fetit, 1518 This edition is precisely the same as that I ther a copy bears the name of any one or of all bearing the name of A. Verard, published the three of these publishers. It is often asserted that same year, and it is a matter of indifference whe- ' they are different editions. 9 ilfe^lEi^lBiS ties Jlamens ^rtfsiens, et f^agnugerei, on autrement leur Cronique abregee, en laquelle sent contenues plusieurs hystoires de France, Angle- terre and Alleaiaigne, &c. 4to. blacfe letter, woodcut portraits, etc. very fine copy in old calf, with the arms of the Ft. Son. Thomas Orenville stamped in gold on sides, £>\2. Faris, 1522 First edition which, by Le Long, Du Ver- I best, of a most interesting work for English His- dier, and other Bibliographers, is considered the I tory. 10 GUAGUIN (Eobert) At end— Cy finissent les dTtont'cques tit JHaistte Eobert (SuagUltt, sm. folio, got!)lt letter, large woodcut and genealogical table, without the first tw'} leaves, bound, not a fine copy, £2. Faris, 1536 11 Ee ®rant IBtalentirfer, copost des Bergiers avecq leur Astrologie, et plusieurs aultres choses, folio, numerous very curious woodcuts, remarkably fine copy in green morocco, gilt edges, £25. Troyes par Nicolas le Fouge, 1529 The woodcut Illustrations include a series of I flicted by Satan and his assistants ; Biblical sub- the appalling Tortures of the Wicked in Hell, in- j jects ; two spirited representations of Death, &c. Old French, Provengal and Dialects. 12 Alione (J. G. d'Asti) Poesies Francoises composees de 1494 a 1520 avec une notice Biographique et Bibliographiqne, par J. C. Brunet, 8vo. hlnth. Itiitx, one of only three copies printed on Chinese paper, green morocco, super extra, gilt edges, 30^ Faris, 1836 13 BAEROIS (J.) Elements Carlovingiens linguistiques et litteraires, 4to. calf extra, gilt edges, 20s Faris, 1846 A very valuable learned work on the Early Language, Literature and Customs of Prance. 14 BETJCE-WHTTE (M. A.) Histoire des Langues Eomanes et de leur Littera- ture depuis leur Ori^ine jusqu'au XlYe Siecle, 3 vols, large 8vo. cloth, £1. 12s Faris, 1841 A standard book ;— includes an analysis of the Early English Poetry. FEENCH LITEEATURE. 546 15 DE LA EUE (Abbe) Essais bistoriques siir les Bardes, les Jongleurs et les Trotjveres Normands et Anglo-Norma'n-ds, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 20s Caen, 1834 16 tbe same, fine paper, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf , uncut, SOs Caen, 1834 17 DIEZ, Grrammatik der Eomanischen Sprachen, 3 vols. 8vo. clothj 10s 1836 17* the same, nevsr edition, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 12s 1856 18 Lais inedits des Xlle et XI He Siecles, par Michel, 8vo. 35 6d Paris, 1836 19 POESIES des XYe et XVIe Siecles, publiees d'apres des Editions Grothiques et des Manuscrits, avec un notice par F. Michel, 8vo. hhtk htUx, on^y 100 copies 'printed, woodcuts, {No. 2, Ji". le Prince d^Essling^s copy), red morocco super extra, gilt gaufre edges, by Lortic, £4. 4* Paris, Silvestre, 1830-32 20 EATNOUAED, Choix de POESIES originales des TEOUBADOUES, con- tenant une Gramraaire Eomane, Dissertation sur les Cours d'Amour, Poe- sies, Biographies des Troubadours, et la Grammaire comparee des Langues de I'Europe Latine, dans leurs rapports avec la Langue des Troubabours, 6 vols. 8vo. calf extra, £8. 8s Paris, 1816-21 Contents : Vol. I. Grammaire Romane — II. Sur les Troubadours ; les Cours d'Amour ; Monu- ments de la Langue Romane avant ces Poetes — III. Pieces Amoureuses, 1090-1260— IV. Ten- sons, Complaintes, sur les Croisades, Sirventes — V. Biographie des Troubadours— VI. Grammaire comparee des Langues de I'Europe Latine, dans leurs rapports avec la Langue des Troubadours. Copies on Papier Velin were priced, 1845, Bos- sange, mor. £12. 12s ; 184!), mor. £14. 14s. 21 EAYNOUAED, LEXIQTJE EOMAN, ou Dictionnaire de la Langue des Troubadours, comparee avec les autres Langues de I'Europe Latine, precede de nouvelles Eecherches historiques et pliilologiques, d'un Eesume de la Grammaire Eomane et d'un Nouveau Choix des Poesies originales des Trou- badours, 6 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £5. 5s sd.) lif. hd. red morocco gilt, uncut, £3. 12s Paris, 1836-44 22 the above two works, together, 12 vols. 8vo. uniform in calf gilt, mar- bled edges, £10. 10s Paris, 1816-44 plus admirable encore, c'est la critique lumineuse, la methode vraiment philosophique qu'il apporte dans toutes ces recherches." — Schlegel. " Les travaux de Mr. Raynouard sont des- tines h. remplir une grande lacune dans I'histoire litteraire du moyen age. L'erudition de Mr. R. est aussi etendue que solide ; mais ce qui est bien 23 Eecueil de faeces, MOEALITES et Sehmon^s joteux, publie d'apres le Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque Eoyale, par LEBorx de Lit^ot et Erancisqije Michel, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. cf. extra, gilt edges, Felix blade's copy, £8. 8s 1837 24 EOMANS des CEOISADES. Li Romans de Bauduin de Seboure Ille Eoy de Jherusalem, poeme du XIV. Siecle, publie pour la premiere fois d'apres les Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Eoyale, 2 vols. impl. 8\o. facsimile, laegb VELLUM PAPER, whole bound in light blue Turhey morocco, gilt tops, edges uncut, £4. 10^ Valenciennes, 1841 Only Thirteen copies were printed on this paper. 25 EUTEBEUF (Trouvere du Xllle Siecle) CEavres completes recueillies et mises au jour pour la premiere fois par A. Jubinal, 2 vols, large 8vo. thick DrTcn PAP EH, impression limited to 20 copies, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by KoeJiler, £4. 4^ Paris, 1839 26 EOQUEFOET, Glossaire de la Langue Eomane, 2 vols. 8\o. frontispiece and facsimile, hf. bd. 15s Paris, 1808 27 Supplement au Glossaire, avec deux dissertations sur I'origine des Erangais, etc. 8vo. sd. 25s 1820 28 Glossaire et Supplement, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 365 ; ovfine copy in calf gilt, £2. 5s 1808-20 29 the same, 3 vols, with Eatnouard's Elements de la Grammaire de la Langue Eomane, avant I'an 1000, 1 vol. — together 4 vols. 8vo. uniform in calf gilt, £2. 10* Paris, 1808-20 " This valuable work is indispensable to all students of the old French Romance Literature, also of equal importance to those engaged in reading old charters and historical documents. M. de Roquefort a, par son glossaire, acquis des droits a la reconnaisance de tous les amis de I'ancicnne litterature." — Pauliti Paris, Editor of the " Roman de Berte.^^ 30 WoLFART und San Marte's Parcival-Studien ; I. Guiot von Provins, II. Wal- frara von Eschenbach, in old French and German, with copious notes on " Graal Eomances," 2 vols. Svo. Is 6d Halle, 1861 2 Q 2 547 BEENABD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Fren ch Lan guage: 81 (AETAUD), DIctionaire des Halles, 18mo. cf. eoctra, rare, £2. 2^ Bruocellcs, 1696 32 COTGrRAYE'S Erench-English Dictionary, and English-French Dictionary, by Sherwood, with Grrammar and Proverbs, by Howell, folio, calf, fine copy from the Marquis of Hasting' s library, 30^ 1650 33 BESCHEEELLE, Dictionnaire National, ou Diet, universel de la langue Eran- gaise, 2 vols, thick roy. 4to. 1691 and 1332 pp. hf morocco, 2O5 1845 34 Bqiste, Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Erangaise, avec le Latin et I'Ety- mologie, les Synonymes, les Kimes, Biograpbie, Mythologie, etc. 997 pp. calf, 10s Paris, 1841 35 DANET (1' Abbe) Grand Dictionnaire EEANCAIS et Latin, compose pour M. le Dauphin, stout 4to. red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lewis, Drurfs copy, 2I5 Lyon, Yl'6l This is a French Dictionary, containing I with Latin equivalents, many Proverbs, Idioms, obsolete phrases, etc. I 36 DICTIONNAIKE de l'Academie Eeanqaise, sixieme edition, 2 vols. 4to. lif. calf, cloth sides, 7s 6d Paris, 1835 37 the same, 2 vols. 4to. French calf marbled edges, 12s Gd 1835 38 the same, with the Complement, 3 vols. 4to. fine copy, ca^f marbled edges, £2. 8s Paris, 18:-{5-47 39 COMPLEMENT du Dictionnaire de 1' Academic, Eran9aise par Barre, thick 4to. 1281 pp. bd. 10s Paris, 1842-47 40 Dufief's Erench-English and English-Erench Pronouncing Dictionary, 3 vols. 12mo. the third containing Sea, Mercantile, and Geographical Dictionaries, calf gilt, 12s 1817 41 ELEMING et TIBBINS, G-rand Dictiont^aiee Eeanqais- Anglais et Anglais- Erangaia, avec la prononciation figuree, 2 vols, royal 4to. (pub. at £3, 3* Ids?^ calf gilt, £2. 12s Paris, 1844-45 42 the same, 2 vols, russia extra, £3. 85 1854 43 Du G-ees, Grammatica Gallica, 18mo. with Autograph, " Lib. Boberti Heyivood ex dono ipsius Authoris,'"' vellum, rare, 6s Cantab. 1636 44 GiBAULT-DuYiviEE, Grammaire des Grammaires de la langue Erangaise, quin- zieme edition, 2 Yols. 8vo. hf bd. 3s Gd Paris, 1853 45 Landats, Dictionnaire general et grammatical des Dictionnaires Frangais, 2 vols. sm. folio, calf, 7s Gd Paris, 1847 Valuable for the definitions of scientific words. 46 LEEOUX, Dictionnaiee Comique, Satyrique, Critique, Burlesque, Libre et Proverbial, avec une explication de toutes manieres de parler burlesques, etc. dans les meilleurs Auteurs, tant anciens que modernes, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. best edition, half calf, 12s Gd Pampelune, 1786 A work of great utility in reading the old French authors. 47 MENAG-E, Dictionnaire Etymologique de la Langue Erangoise, augmente par Jault, 2 vols, folio, best edition, old calf gilt, 305 Paris, 1750 La meilleure edition de cet ouvrage le plus de Vergy, etc. et contient aussi le Tresor des complet que nous ayons en ce genre. Elle est recherchts gauloUes de Borel. enrichie des etymologies de Huet, de Le Duchat, 48 MOZIN, Dictionnaire Eran(;ais-Allemand et Allemand-Erangais, par Peschier, 4 vols, in 2, stout vols. impl. 8vo. treble columns, russia extra, £2. 18i2-46 49 avec Supplement par Peschier, 5 vols, impl S\o. calf gilt, fine copy, £2. 8* Stuttgart, 1842-59 50 PALS GE AYE, rEclaircissement de la Langue Frangaise ; suivi de la Grammaire de Giles de Guez ; publico pour la premiere fois en France, par F. Genin, 4to. pp. 38, xlviii. 1136, stout 4to. hf. calf neat, uncut, 21s Paris, 1852 51 KOQUEFOET (B. de) Dictionnaire Etymologique de la langue Fran9aise, lea mots classes par families, precede d'une dissertation sur I'etymologie, 2 vols. 8vo. double columns, black morocco, 12s 1829 52 SPIERS' FEENCH DICTIONAEY, Dictionnaire general Frangais-Anglais et Anglais-Fraugais, nouvellement redige d'apres les Dictionnaires Frangais de I'Academie, de Laveaux, de Boiste, de Bescherelle, etc. et les Dictionnaires Anglais de Johnson, Webster, Eichardson, 2 vols, large 8vo. 15s 1819-51 PEENCH LITEBATUEE. 548 53 TAEVEE'S (J. Ch.) Eoyal Phraseological English-French and French-English Dictionary, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. double columns, (pub. at £2. 10^) cl. 38s 1858-62 5^! Latin-French. Stephani (Eoberti) Dictionariolum Puerorum, 1566 — Petit Dictionaire Francois-Latin, 1565 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4!to. 172 and 72 leaves^ double columns, original calf, rebached, 12* JParis. 1565-66 55 FLISCUS (Stephanus) [Yerborum Synonima] — Ciceronis Synonima, 2 parts in 1, square 8vo. ^oti)tc Utter, bds. 12s 6d Paris, PigoucJiet, n. d. Rare : it is a work on grammar and rhetoric, with sentences in French and Latin. French Literature. ABREGES Historiques: 6Q France. Henault, Nouvel Abrege chronologique de FHistoire de France, 5 vols. 12mo. calf, Qs Paris, 1788 57 Germany. Abrege chronologique de FHistoire d'Allemagne, par PfefFel, 2 vols. 12mo. ca^, 3* Paris, 1766 58 Emperors. Eicheb (xA.) Nouvel Abreg6 Chronologique de I'Histoire des EMPEEEUES, 2 vols, 12mo. red morocco, gilt edges, by Padeloup, with the arms of the Due de Choiseul stamped in gold on sides, Mr. Slade's copy, £3. 3a* Paris, 1754 59 Italy. Abrege chronologique de I'Histoire generale d'ltalie, par Saint- Marc, 6 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, 9^ ib. 1761-70 60 North Europe. Abrege chronologique de V Histoire du JN'ord : Dannemarc, Eussie, Suede, Pologne, Prusse, Courlande, la Laponie, les Tartares, etc. par Lacombe, 2 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, 3* Qd Paris, 1762 61 Universal History. Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire UniverseJie, traduit du Latin de Petau, 4 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, 5s ib. 1715 62 Aleman, le Gueux, ou la Vie de Gruzman d'Alfaracbe, Image de la Vie humaine, 3 vols, in 1, large 12mo. vellum, fine copy, rare. Vis Lyon, 1630 63 Lazaeille de Tormes, 24!mo. plates, calf gilt. Is 6fl? JBruss. 1699 64 Alibert, Physiologie des Passions, ou Nouvelle Doctrine des Sentimens Moraux, plates, 2 vols. 8vo. Tif. calf, uncut, 10s 1837 65 Almanack des Gourmands, 8 vols. lQm.o. plates, calf extra, ^2s Paris, 1810-12 66 ANA, ou Collection de PONS MOTS, Contes, Pensees detachees. Traits d' His- toire et Anecdotes des Hommes Celebres, 10 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, £2. 2s Amst. 1789 67 Aemandi, histoire militaire des Elephants, 8vo. vellum gilt, 7s 6d 1843 68 BALLETS et MASCAEAUES de Cour, sous Henri IV. et Louis XIIL, 1581- 1652, recueillis et publiees d'apres les editions originales, le plupart introu- vables aujourd'hui par M. Paul Lacroix, Vols. I-lII, onlg 100 copies printed, sd. £2. IQs Geneve, 1868 To be completed in 6 vols, at 20 francs per volume. 69 Barante (M. de) Histoire des Dues de Bourgogae de la Maison de Yalois, 1364-1477, 8 vols. Svo. ports. d2s Paris, 1842 *' Get ouvrage interessant appartient a la I rapproche beaucoup de la maniere de notre excel- nouvelle ecole historique qui, comme on sait, se | lent chroniqueur Froissart." — Brunei. 70 BARTnoLOMESS (C.) Jordano Bruno, 2 vols, in 1, thick 8vo. portrait, half calf gilt, 7s 6d Paris, 1846 An account of the life and writings of Bruno, and of the philosophy of the 16th century. 71 Bassompierre (Mareschal) Ambassade en Espagne, 1621- — en Suisse, 1625 — - Negotiation en Angleterre, 1626-1668 — together 3 vols. 18mo. calf, fine copy, 20s Cologne (avec la.Sphere)^ 1668 Printed with the Elzevir types.— see Brunei. 72 Besenval (Baron) Memoires,^or^. 3 vols. 8vo. calf, 5s 1805 73 Beroalde de Verville, le Moyen de Paevenib, 2 vols. 18mo. calf Mr. Buckle's copy, rare, £1. ^ * * * * I757 A most singular book. 74 BOILEAIJ, CEuvres, avec des eclaircissemens historiques par lui meme, aug- mentees de remarques et de dissertations critiques, 5 vols. sm. 8vo. plates, fine copy in old veaufauve extra, tooled bade, gilt edges, 24s Paris, 1772 75 ■ the same, 5 vols. 8vo. large paper, a very fine copy in red morocco extra J gilt edges, £10. Amst. 1772 549 BEENAED QIJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 76 Bible. POUE et CONTEE la Bible, par Sylvain M(arechal), 8vo. calf gilt, rare, fine copy, 16s Jerusalem, 1801 77 BOILEAU Despreaux (N.) (Euvres, 3 vols. Svo. fine paper, red morocco extra, uncut, top edges gilt. Sir Charles Price's copy, £3. 3* Paris, Didot, 1815 " Une des meilleures editions sans notes." — Brunet. 78 Boileau, (Euvres, avec commentaire par Amar, 4 vols. 8vo. handsomely printed, portrait, French calf gilt, 2\s Paris, .1824 79 BONNECHOSE (Emile de) Histoire d'A^GLETEEEE jusqu'a I'epoque de la Eevolution Eran9aise avec un resume chronologique des evenements jusqu'a nos jours, 4 vols. Svo. hf caf neat, 22s Paris, 1859 80 BOSSUET (Eveque de Meaux) (EUVEES Completes, 12 vols. impl. 8vo. calf gilt, £4. 10s Paris, 1845-46 81 BUSSY (Eoger de EAprTiE", Comte de) Correspondance, nouvelle edition revue et augmentee, avec une Preface, des Notes, et des Tables, par Lalanne, 6 vols. sm. Svo. hf calf gilt, 12s ^d Paris, 1858-9 82 Bussi-Eabutit^, Histoire Amoureuse de Gaules, 5 vols. ISmo. calf gilt, very nice copy, 27s Paris, 1754 This edition contains several pieces not in previous editions published in Holland. 83 CABINET SATYEIQUE (le) ou Eecueil de Vees piquaks et gaillards, tire des secrets Cabinets des Sieurs de Sigognes, Eegnier, Motin, Berthelot, Maynard, et autres des plus signalez Poetes, 2 vols: in 1, 12mo. frontispieces, old calf, £2. 10s Au Mont Parnasse, 1697 Casai^oya — see Memoires. 84 CAUSES Celebres et Interessantes, avec les Jugements qui les ont decidees, 22 vols. 12mo. calf, 35^ La Haye, 1735-45 85 CAYLUS (Comte de) Oeuvres badines, 12 vols. Svo. portrait and plates, calf gilt, 35* Amsterdam et Paris, 1787 86 [Catet (V. P.)] Chronologic septenaire de I'Histoire de la Paix entre les Eoys de France et d'Espagne, sm. Svo. vellum, 6s 6d Paris, 1607 Important for English, Scottish and Irish j East and West Indies, from 1598 to 1604. History, as also for its details of Voyages to the | " Ouvrage curieux et assez biea ecrit." — Brunet. 87 Chaema, Saint Anselme, notice biographique, litteraire et philos. Svo. calf gilt, 4s 6d 1853 88 Cholieees (Seigneur de) les Neuf Matinees, small Svo. with a few ink-marks, veaufauve, gilt edges, 18s Paris, 1585 90 Collin de Plaj^ct (J. A. S.) Dictionnaire Infernal, 2 Y6\a. frontispieces, 1818 — C. de Plancy, le Diable peint par lui-meme, frontispieces, 1819, 3 vols. Svo. hf calf 15s 1818-19 Comities — see Memoiees 91 COMTE (Auguste) Cours de PHILOSOPHIE POSITIVE, 6 vols Svo. half calf, £2. 125; or, sewed, rare, £2. ISs Paris, 1830-42 92 Systeme de Politique Positive, ou Traite de Sociologie, 4 vols. Svo. (pub. at 30 francs) sd. 10s ih. 1851-4 Best edition, with an Appendix containing Comte's primitive works on Social Philosophy. 93 CcNSTANT (B.) de la Eeligion, consideree dans sa source, ses formes, et ses developpements, 5 vols. Svo. hf caf, 7s Paris, 1824 94 COENEILLE, OEuvres, avec le Commentaire de Yoltaire, et des observations critiques par Palisot, 12 vols. Svo. vellum paper, remarkably fine copy, in French red morocco, genre Pozerlan, £7. 7s Paris, 1801 95 tbe same, 12 vols. roy. Svo. portrait, laege papee, superb copy in red morocco extra^ contents lettered, silk linings, gilt edges, hy Bozerian, £10. lOs Paris, 1801 96 (Euvres, avec les Commentaires de Yoltaire, 12 vols, royal Svo. lest edition, laege vellum papee, portraits and unlettered proof plates, fine copy in morocco super extra^ gilt cdgesj hy C. Smith, £15. 15s Parisj A. A, Benouard, 1817 FRENCH LITER ATUEE. 550 97 CoRKESPONDANCE secrete et familiere de M. de Maupeou avec M. de Sor * * * conseiller du nouveau Parlement, 8vo. red morocco, 12s 1772 A rare political Satire ; bound up with it is : i le Sieur Le Brun. Conversation familiere de M. le Chancelier avec I 98 COUSIN, (EUVRES de :-Serie I-II. Cours de I'histoire de la Philosopliie moderne, 8 vols. 18Ji6-7 ; III. Fragments Philosophiques, 4 vols. 1847 ; IV. Literature, 3 vols. 1849 ; V. Instruction publique, 3 vols. 1850 ; YI. Discours Politiques, 1vol. 3851; VII. Eragments de philoeophie Carte sienne, 1 vol. 1850 ; together 20 vols. 12mo. £2. 2s Faris, 1840-51 99 Cousin, Philosopliie du XVIIIe siecle, 2 vols. hf. calf, 6s ^d Paris, 1841 100 Etudes sur Pascal, thick 8vo. (pub. 7s) sd. 5s Paris, 1857 101 CREQUY (Marquise de) Souvenirs de 1710 a 1803, 10 vols, in 5, 12mo. hf, calf 25s Paris, Gamier (P 1840) 102 CREVIER, Histoire des Empereurs Remains, depuis Auguste jusqu'a Con- stantin, 12 vols. 12mo. 7naps, calf gilt, 18s Paris, 1749-55 103 DARU, Histoire de la Republique de Veijise, 8 vols. 8vo. best edition, hf calf £2. ^ Paris, 1821 104 Deffand (Marquis du) Correspondance complete avec Voltaire, d'Alembert^ Walpole, etc. et des CEuvres diverges, par de Lescure, 2 vols. 8vo. par' traits, (pub. 15s) sd. 7s 6J 1861 105 Descaetes, CEuvres, savoir : Discours sur la Methode, Meditations, Traite des Passions, 12mo. half morocco, 4s Paris, 1850 106 I^EFOE (D.) la Vie et les Avantures de ROBINSON CRUSOE, traduction francaise, 3 yo\^.^\o. plates after Stothard, French calf extra, gilt edges j from the library of the Due de Chartres, 255 Paris, 1800 107 Diderot, Memoires sur differens sujets de Matliematiques, 8vo. old red mo- rocco, gilt edges, 7s Qd Faris, 1748 108 DISPUTE (la) d'un Asne centre Frere Anselme Turmeda, toucliant la Dignite, noblesse, et pre-eminence de I'Homme par devant les au tres animaux, 24mo. red morocco extra, gold borders, gilt edges, 36s Fampelune, 1606 109 Dretjx dij Radier, Anecdotes des Reines et Regentes de la Erance, 6 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, 12s 1776 110 DU FAIL, les contes et discours d'Eutrapel, 3 vols, in 2, 16mo. old calf gilt, scarce, 15s Faris, 1732 The picture of ancient rural manners in | affect the Provinces, is extremely curious and in- France, before the vices of the Court began to 1 teresting." — Ferrier. 111 (DUFOUR de la CRESPELIERE) Commentaire, en vers Frangois, sur L'ECOLE DE SALERNE contenant les moyens de se passer de Medecin et de vivre long temps en Saute, 16mo. old French red morocco, gilt edges, 36s Faris, 1671 112 DUMAS (Alex.) Arnould, Fournier, Fiorentino et Mallefille, Crimes cel^bres, 8 vols, in 2, thick royal Swo. plates of murders, etc. calf, 15s 1842 Inchiding the crimes of the Borgias, Jeanne I Brinvilliers, etc. with accounts of celebrated de Naples, Mary Queen of Scots, Marquise de { Trials. 113 [Etiennb, H.) Deux Dialogues du Nouveau Langage frangois, italianize et autrement desguize, principalement entre les Courtisans, de ce temps, 24mo. fine copy in old red morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s Anvers, 1583 A very curious work, appended is : De quel- I gularitez courtisanesques. ques Courtisanismes modernes, et de quelquessin- j 114 FABLES INl^DITES des Xlle, Xllle, et XlVe Siecles, et Fables de La Fon- taine rapprochees de celles de tons les Auteurs par A. C. M. Robeet, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait of La Fontaine, and many amusing plates, calf extra, £1. Is Faris, 1825 115 FAUBLAS. Louvet, les Amours du Chevalier Faublas, 4 vols. 8vo. Papier Yelin, plates, Proofs before Letters, red mokocco extra, gilt edges, by Simier, £Q. Paris, chez fauteur, 1798 116 FAUCHET, Recueil de I'origine de la langue et poesie Fran9oise, ryme et romans ; plus les noms et sommaire des Oeuvres de CXXVIIpoetes Fran- (jois vivant avant I'an M.CCC, 8vo. old calf gilt, 20s Paris, Fatisson, 1581 ** Ouvrage estime et peu commuu de ccttc edition, vend. 49 frs..Meon." — Unmet. 561 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 117 Pausse Yestale (La) ouTingrate Chanoinesse, nouvelle galante, 24imo. frontis- piece, red morocco, gilt edges, 85 6^ Cologne, A L' Enclume, 1707 A quasi-novel, containing the History of the Genealogist Haudicquer, condemned to the gallies for false genealogies, and of his wife (the Fausse Vestale) daughter of Duchesne, the His- toriographer. 118 TENELON, (Euyees completes, avec un essai sur la personne et les ecrits de Eenelon, suivie de son eloge historique, 10 vols. 80. portrait and fine plates hy 3£oreau, calf neat, 30s Faris, 1810 119 FLOEIAN (J. P. Claris de) GEUYEES, 13 vols, royal 8vo. laege paper, India proof portrait and plates, Jif. russia, uncut, £5. 5s ih. 1823-21 120 EOUILLOUX. La YENEEIE de Jaqucs du Fouilloux, gentil-homme, Seig- neur dudit lieu, pays de G-astine en Poitou, 4to. First Edition, numerous woodcuts, fine copy in vel, £10. 10s Foitiers, JSIarnefs et Bouchets freres, 1561 " Premifere edition d'un ouvrage curieux qui I Brunei. est encore tres-recherch6 : 250 fr. Veinant." — I 121 PEOISSAET, Histoire et Chronique de, 4 vols, in 1, sm. folio, in the original hrown MOeocco stamped binding, £4. Paris, Jehan Fuelle, 1574 This volume is stated in a MS. note to have belonged to the family of Rochejacquelein, and has a coat of arms stamped on the back. There are also four mottoes on the sides, " Virtutem fortuna superans," " Virtus parta labore viget." •' Cede la Vertu aux Fortunez," " L'Histoire est Messagere de I'Antiquite," and the binding is evidently contemporary with the book. 122 GrEEZAN (Fr. du Soucj, Sieur de) Le Triomphe des Dames ; Le projefc du plan de la creation du nxonde ; I'Art de voyager utilemeut ; La conduite du Courtisan ; Le parfait Intendant ; et la Yeritable Science des Sages ; six most singular treatises printed between 1646 and 1650, and published under the general title of " Les profitables curiosites inouyes," sm. 4to. old calf gilt, with arms on the sides, 28s Faris, 1650 123 GrEECOUET, Oeuvres completes, 4 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates, calf gilt, 25s Faris, 1796 124 GUIZOT. — Histoire de la Eevolution d' Angleterre, depuis I'avenement de Charles I. jusqu'a sa Mort, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf , 5s 1850 125 Histoire de la Eepublique d' Angleterre et de Cromwell, (1649-58) 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 6s 1854 126 Hexameeon Eustique, ou les six Journees passees a la Campagne entre des personnes studieuses, par De la Mothe le Vayer, 18mo. red morocco, gilt edges, 15s Cologne, 1571 127 HoTTiifGA, Polygraphie au Methode universelle de I'Escriture cachee, small 4to. numerous engravings of Volvelles for Secret Correspondence, fine copy in old calf, 25s Groninge, 1621 128 Jehan, la Bretagne, esquisses pittoresques et archeologiques, 8vo. plates, sd, 5s Tours, 1863 129 JOUBEET (Laur.) Traite du Eis, contenant son Essance, ses Causes et mer- velheus effais, item la cause morale du Eis de Democrite, et un Dialogue Bur la Cacographie Erancaise, avec des Annotacione sur I'orthographie de Joubert, 12mo. fine copy in olive morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s Faris, JVio. Chesneau, 1579 A curious treatise on laughter, being a kind of antidote to Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. 130 La Beut^be, Caracteres, suivis des Caracteres de Theophraste, traduit du Grec par le memo, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, French calf gilt, 5s Faris, 1829 131 Laceetelle, Histoire de Erance pendant les guerres de religion, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 10s Paris, 1814-16 132 LA EONTAI^E (J. de) (Euvees completes, avec Notice de sa Yie par Auger, 6 vols. 8vo. yellum :ba^eji, portrait and milettered proof plates, after MoEEAU, hf red morocco, uncut, £4i. 4s Faris, 1818 133 Contes et Nouvelles, en vers, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, "beautiful plates, and vignettes, old French red morocco, gilt edges, very fine and tall copy, £5. 5s 1777 134 EONTANII Eabulae selectae, Oallice et Latine, authore Giraud, 2 vols. Svo. fine copy in old red moeocco, gilt edges, 28s Fothomagi, VJ'75 135 LAMAETINE, histoire des Giroadins, 8 vols. sm. Svo. new hf calf 25s 1848 PEENCH LITEEATURE. 652 136 LA PIEEEE (J. de) Le grand empire de I'un et autre monde divise en troia royaumes, le royaume des aveugles, des borgnes, et des cl air- voy ants. Le tout enrichi de curieuses inuentions et traictes d' eloquence FranQoise, com- pose par J. De la Pierre, beautifully engraved plates hy Van Lochom, A I*a7^is, chez Denis Moreau, 1625 — Les Memoires de la Seine Marguerite, (publics par Auger de Moleon seign. de G-ranier) A Paris, jovxte la copie imprimee par Charles Cliappellain, 1629 — together 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. red morocco, with silk linings, by Bozerian,from the Yemenis collection, £4. 4^ Faris, 1625-1629 Prefixed to the first book, is a plate repre- I prow, and Cardinal Richelieu at the hehn. senting France as a ship, with the King at the 1 137 LE G-EAND, Fabliaux ou contes du XIIo et du Xllle siecle, 5 vols. 16 mo. old calf gilt, l^s . . , . *^- ^^^^ 138 Le GrRAND d'Aussy, Histoire de la Yie privee des Frangais, avec des notes et additions par Eoquefort, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 5s Faris, 1815 139 LEGEAND D'AUSSY, Fabliaux ou Contes, Fables et Eomans du Xlle et du Xllle Siecle, traduits ou extraits, Sme Edition consider ahlement augment ee, 5 vols, large Syo.fne plates by Moreau and Desenne, calf extra, marbled edges, £3. 35 Paris, Renouard, 1829 arranges en prose dans lesquels ou trouve une foule de renseignemens precieux Bur la vie do- mestique et les moeurs des Frangais au Moyen Age. Priced, 1848, Payne and Foss, £5. 5* ; Te- chener, 55 fr.; 1850, Dr. Hawtrey's copy, morocco, £2. 185. Ouvrage bien connu et qui n'est pas seule- ment un recueil de poesies, mais des fabliaux 140 LE SAGE, CEuveks, precede d'une Notice sur sa Yie, par AudifFret, 12 vols. S\o. portrait, sewed,' uncut, rare in this state, 36s 1821 141 Histoire de GIL BLAS, avec examen preliminaire et des notes par Neufchateau, 3 vols. Swo. plates, green morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1820 142 Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane, thick roy. 8vo. 972 ^pp. woodcuts by Gigoux, calf gilt, marbled edges, 10s Paris, 1835 143 Lescuee, les Autographes et le gout des Autograpbes, en France et a I'Etranger, 8vo. sd. 5s Paris, 1865 144 LONGUS, les Amotjes de Daphnis et Chloe, 16mo. with the superb series of plates by ArnEAN, the extra plate by Vidal, " Conclusion du Roman''' added, a beautful copy, original impressions, in old olive moeocco extra, inlaid morocco gold borders and gilt edges, £10. date in the text, 1718 The date on the engraved frontispiece is always 1718, even were the copper printed now. 145 another oeiginal copy, with the printed text of 1718, the text inlaid, the plates laege papee, 4to. Pegoes, blue morocco super extra, dentelle bor- ders, gilt edges, by De Rome, with his booh-plate, £10. 10s 1718 146 LoiJis XVI, Marie Antoinette, et Madame Elisabeth, Lettres et Documents inedits, publiees par F. Feuillet de Conches, Yols. I-IY, 8vo. portraits, sd. (pub. 285) 10s ^ 1864-6 147 Maillaed (Olivier) Histoire de la Passion de Jesus Christ, composee en 1490, avec une Notice sur I'Auteur, des Notes et une Table des Matieres par G-. Peignot, roy. 8vo. laege papee, uncut, 10s Paris, 1835 Published as a specimen of Old French of the XVth. Century. 148 MALHEEBE (A.) Poesies, avec les observations de M. Menage, et discours par Godeau, sm. 8vo. old calf, 36s Paris, 1666 A most interesting copy, having the autograph " J. Swift," on the title page. 149 MAKMONTEL, GEuvres completes, nouvelle edition, 18 vols, papiee telin, portraits, '^S plates, fine copy in calf extra, gilt, edges £5. Paris, 1818-19 150 MAEOT (Clement) CEuvres, 2 vols, in 1, 18mo. red moeocco, gilt edges by Derome, Sir Charles Price's copy, £1. 11* Gd La Haie, 1700 150*MAET1AL d'AUYEEGNE les Arrets d' Amour avec I'amant rendu Cordelier, 12mo. with Notes and Glossary,^we copy in old red morocco extra, gilt edges, 562. 125 Qd Amst. 1731 151 MAETIN (Henri) Histoire de France, depuis les temps les plus recules, jusqu'en 1789, 19 vols. ^yo. plates, nouvelle edition, entierement o^evue et aug- mentee, hf calf neat, £4}. 4iS Paris, 1838-54 This valuable historical work obtained the j 1855, £7. 2s 6d. " Grand Prix Gobert." A bound copy fetched, 553 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 152 Mary Queen of Scots : LABANOFF (Prince Alexandre) Lettrea, instructions et Memoires de Marie Stuart, publics sur les originaux et les manuscrits du State Paper Office de Londres, et des principales Archives et Biblio- theques de 1' Europe, avec resume chronologique, 7 vols. 8vo. Jif. calf, very neat, full gilt hack, 36^ 1844 153 MAUET, la Magie et Astrologie dans I'Antiquite et au moyen age, etude sur les superstitions Paiennes, qui se sent perpetuees jusqu'a nos jours, 12mo. sd. 4ts ' Faris, 1864 153*Maximes genebales sur les droits Domaniaux et Seigneuriaux, etc. 12 mo. calf gilt, 5s Faris, 1755 MEMOIRES: 154 PETITOT, CoLLECTioif Complete des M§:moires sur la FEANCE, Premiere S^rie depuis le regno de Philippe Auguste jusqu'au commence- ment du XVIIe Siecle, avec des notices sur chaque ouvrage, 25 vols. Paris, 1819-26 — Petitot et Moi^merqu^, Collection complete des Memoires sur I'Histoire de France, Secoi^de Sekie, depuis I'avenement de Henri IV. jusqu'a la Paix de Paris en 1763, avec des notices sur chaque ouvrage, 79 vols. ib. 1820-29— together 131 vols. (pub. at £40. unbound) hf. calf £20 ib. 1819-29 155 Memoires de l'ACADEMIE d'ASNIEEES, 3 parts in 1 vol, 12mo. satiri- cal woodcuts, calf £1, 4:s Neufchatel, 1783 156 Memoires et Anecdotes des Eeines et Eegentes de France, 6 vols. 12 mo. French calf 12s Amst. 1776 157 Bibliotheque des Memoires relatifs a I'histoire pendant le XYIIIe Siecle, avec avant-propos et notices, par Barriere, 12 vols. sm. 8vo. calf neat, 20s Faris, 1846-4a 158 Memoires de la LIGUE sans Henri III et Henri lY, Eois de France : au recueils distincts des affaires de la Ligue de 1576-1598, 6 vols. 12mo. blach vellum, good copy, 27s secretly printed, 1602-1599 159 Casanova de Seingalt, ses Memoires, genifine and original edition, 14 vols. 12rao. hf calf £2. 2s Faris, 1820 160 Comines. Memoires de Philippe de COMINES, avec des notes par Godefroy, augmentee par I'Abbe Lenglet du Fresnoy, 4 vols. 4to. portraits of Louis XL. and Gamines, and folding genealogical tables, cf gt. 25s Londres et Faris, V74i7 161 — — — another copy, 4 vols. 4to. portraits and tables, French cf gt. 36« ib. 1747 This copy has the rare dedication to Marshall Saxe, which was suppressed. '*You will find in Philip de Comines (says Montaigne) united to an excellent disposition, the language of true simplicity and pure narrative, in which the good faith of the author is everywhere apparent, without vanity or affectation." — "No English historical collection can be complete without the Memoirs of F. de Comines. The best edition is that of 1747." — Dibdin. 162 Gabrielle d'Estrees. Memoiees de Gabrielle d'Estree, 4 vols. 8vo. hf calf Qs Faris, 1829 163 Louis d'Orange. Memoires de la Princesse Loyse Juliane, filectrice Palatine, nee Princesse d'Orange, contenant un abrege des eveuemens de nos temps, et de divers Mysteresn sm. 4to. portrait and frontispiece, vellum, fine copy, 7s 6d Leyden, 1645 164 Maintenon. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de Madame de Maintenon, par M. de la Beaumelle, 16 vols. 12mo. calf, 20s Maestricht, 1789 165 Medicis. Vie de Marie de Medicis, Reine de France, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, 7s Q>d Faris, 1784 166 Motteville (Madme. de) Memoires pour I'histoire d'AisrNE d'AuTRiCHE, epouse de Louis XIII. 6 vols. 12mo. calf extra, gilt edges, by Clarke, 32s Maestricht, 1782 167 Retz. Memoires du Cardinal Eetz, de Guy Joly et la Duchesse de Nemours ; 6 vols. ^NO.port.hf calf neat, from Baron Stockmars library, 10s Faris, 1820 168 Sully. Memoires du Due de Sully, Ministre de Henri IV. 5 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, 24s Faris, 1827 169 Wilson. Memoires d' Henriette Wilson concernant piusieurs grands Per- sounages d'Angleterre, et publiee par elle meme, traduits de I'Anglais, 6 vols. 12mo. portrait, calf gilt edges, by Hering, 25s Faris, 1825 FRENCH LITEEATUEE. 554 170 MENAGIANA, oubons mots, pensees judicieuses et observations curieuses de Menage, 4 vols. 18mo. nouvelle edition, two leaves in the third vol. in MS. calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 25 Paris, 1729 171 MEZEEAY, Histoire de France, 8 vols, folio, complete with the CAifCELS, portraits/jine copy in French calf, gilt edges, from Sir Charles Price'' s library, £1. Paris, 16413-51 "Edition originale, fort estimee." — Bmjiet. 172 MICHAUD, Histoire des CEOISADES, 5 vols, maps and plates, Paris, 1813-22 — Bibliographie des Croisades, eontenant I'analyse de Chroniques, 2 vols. il. 1822— together 7 vols. 8vo. half calf gilt, 38« Paris, 1813-22 173 MICHAUD (J.) Histoire des Croisades, 5 vols, maps, 1822 — Michatjd et Eeinaud, Bibliotheque des Croisades, eontenant les Chroniques de France, d'ltalie, d'Angleterre et du nord de TEurope, Chroniques diverses, Chro- niques G-recques, Turques, Armeniennes et Arabes, 4 vols. — together 10 vols. 8vo. (published £3. 15*) 18^ Paris, 1827 174 Michel (Fr.) Histoire des Eaces maudites de la France et de I'Espagne, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf gilt, very curious, 14s Paris, 1847 175 MiGNET, Histoire de la Eevolution Frangaise, 1789-1814, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 6s Paris, 1833 176 MiLLE et une Nuits (les), contes arabes, trad, par G-alland ; edition illustree par les meilleurs artistes, 3 vols. roj. 8vo. many woodcuts, half red morocco, 2ls Paris, ca. 1835 177 MiRABEATT et La Marck, leur Correspondance pendant les annees 1789-90 et 91, recueillie et publiee par Bacourt, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, I2s Paris, 1851 Containing much information on the French Revolution. 178 MOLIEEE, CEuvres, nouvelle edition augmentee, 6 vols, in 3, stout 12mo. portrait and plates, vellum, 12s Pans, 1716 179 MOLIEEE, (Euvres, avec des remarques grammaticales, des observations, etc. par Bret, 6 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates hy Moreau jeune, French calf, gilt edges, £2. Ss 1773 180 the same, 6 vols. 8vo. best edition, portraits and plates after Moreau le Jeune, calf, £3. 3^ Paris. 1773 This copy has the duplicate pages 66-7 and 80-1, in the "Supplement a la vie de Moliere," which Brunet says, *' manquent dans plusieurs exemplaires." Priced by Longman in 1818, £9. 9« ; 1848, Payne and Foss, £5. 181 another edition. 6 vols. 8vo. portrait, plates, calf gilt, 36s 1804 " Of all the editions of Moliere with notes by Bret, this is the best and most esteemed." — Brunet. 182 MOLIEEE, (EUVEES, precedes d'une Notice sur sa Vie et ses Ouvrages par M. Sainte Beuve. Vignettes par Tony Johannot, 2 vols, in 4, roy. 8vo. Illus- trated with 800 woodcuts hy Johannot and 150 additional engravings, {por- traits, scenic prints, Sfc. many of them India proofs before letters) by De- senne, Horace Verne f, Punt, Chalon, Moreau, Fdelinch, Hopwood, DuprS, ^c. splendidly bound in bed MOROCCO, broad dentelle borders of gold, gilt ■ edges, by J. Wright, £1%. Paris, 1835 The cost of the Extra plates and the binding must have been £25. at least. 183 CEuvres, avec Notice sur la Vie par Sainte Beuve, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. woodcuts by Tony Johannot, calf extra, gilt edges, 25s Paris; 1835 184 the same, roy. 8vo. numerous woodcuts, calf neat, 10s ib. 1843 185 MOLIEEE, CEUVEES, avec les Notes de tous les Coramentateurs, troisieme edition, publiee par L. AIME-MAETIN, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. large vellum paper, only twenty copies printed, portrait and plates, illustrated with additional engravings, half puiple morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, by Cape, £IH. Paris, 1845 186 Monde (le) son Origine et son Antiquite ; de Tame et son immortalite ; essai sur la chronologic, 8vo. sd. 5s Londres {Paris,) 1778 ♦♦ Les deux premieres parties sont de Mira- I quelques notes. Le troisieme partie parait etre baud ; I'Abbe Le Mascrier les a accompagntes de | de TAbbe Le Mascrier." — Barhier. 187 MONTAIGNE (M. de) Essais, sm. 8vo. fine portrait by Thos. de Leu, very large copy in red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, £5. Paris, 1608 Very scarce j see MS. note by Mr. Smith on fly-leaf. 555 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 188 MONTAIGrNE. Les Essais de Michel, Seigneur de Montaigne, nouvelle edi- tion, 3 vols. 12mo. portraits^ very fine copy, in blue moeocco extra, silk fly- leaves y gilt edges, £6. Qs Amsterdam, Michiels (^Elzevir), 1U59 Priced, 1855, Techener, 200 fr. ; in 1855 | Berard's, 284 fr. Bernal's copy fetched £5.; 1860, Holland's, £7.; | 189 Montaigne, Essais j edition nouvelle, enrichie d'Anotations en marge, la vie de I'auteur, et une table, thick 12mo. engraved title, 10s Paris, Claude Rigaud, 1611 190 Montaigne (M. de) Essais (edition donnee par E. Johanneau), 5 vols. 8vo. portrait, French calf, fine copy, 355 Paris, Lefevre, 1818 191 the same, 5 vols. 8vo. large papee, proof portrait, beautiful copy in red MOEOCCO super extra, gilt marbled edges, by Cape, £15. 15s Paris, 1818 192 MONTESQUIEU, CEuvees, 5 vols, portrait and maps, Papiee d'Hollande, flne copy in old French red morocco extra, gilt edges, di'6. 10s ib. 1796 193 ■ ffiuvres, avec les notes de tous les commentateurs, par Parrelle, et eloge par d'Aiembert, 8 vols. 8vo. best edition, russia extra, gilt edges, £2. 10s ib. 1826 ** The greatest political writer that France I has been known in any country, is unquestionably has ever produced, and one of the greatest that | Montesquieu." — Edinburgh Review. 194! MORERI, GRAND DiCTiONNAiEE HisTOEiQUE, best edition, 10 vols, iol.french calf gilt, £5. ■ Paris, 1759 195 NISAED (C.) Histoire des Litres Popttlaiees ou de la Litterature du Col- portage depuis le XVe Siecle, etc. 2 vols, large 8vo. numerous ivoodcut fac- similes from chap-books, sd. 30^ Paris, 1854 196 ■ the same, 2 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1854 numerous singular woodcuts (taken on India paper) are from the original blocks discovered in various parts of France. Best Library Edition of this interesting History of French Chap Books and popular Lite- rature, which was undertaken under a Commis- sion issued by the French Government. The 197 NisAED, Histoire des Livres populaires, ou de la Litterature du Colportage, 2e edition, 2 vols. 8yo. 10^ ; or hf. calf, neat, 16s ib. 1865 198 NoTJTEAUX CONTES a EIEE et AVANTUEES plaisantes, ou Eecreation Erancaises, 2 vols. 12mo. frontispieces and plates on the letter-press, fine copy in French red morocco, with silk linings, gilt edges, very scarce, £S. 16s Cologne, chez Boger Bontemps, 1722 199 PAEDESSUS (J. M.) Collection des LOIS MAEITIMES, anterieures au XVlIIe Siecle, 5 vols. 4to. uncut, rare, £3. IO5 Paris, 1828-34 200 PASCAL (Bl.) (Euvees : Pensees, Lettres Provinciales, CEuvres Mathema- tiques, etc. 5 vols. ^yo. portrait, half calf , 24*; or, half calf neat, uncut, 32« La Raye, 1779 201 Pascal, (Euvres, nouvelle edition, avec un Essai sur I'origine de la langue Erangaise, et une liste des livres Erangais imprimes avant 1500, 5 vols. 8vo. port, and plates, calf gilt, from the library of Par on Stockmar, £2. 16s 1819 202 Poesies de Maeie de Eeance, Poete Anglo-Normand du Xllle Siecle, publiees, avec traduction, etc. par Eoquelbrt, 2 vols. 8vo. fronts, half red morocco, uncut, 10s Paris, 1820 203 PoiESON (M. a.) Histoire du Eegne de Henei IY. 2 vols, in 3, ha /f calf neat, 15s Paris, 1856 204 POLIPHILE. Songe de Poliphile, traduction libre de I'ltalien par J. G-. Legeand, 2 vols. 4to. large vellum paper, boards, uncut, 32* Parme, 1811 205 EABELAIS, Q^luvres, publiees sous le titre de faits et dits du geant Gargautua et de son fils Pantagruel, etc. avec des remarques historiques et critiques (de Jac. le Duchat et Bern, de la Monnaye), 5 vols. 12mo. engraved title and plates, old calf gilt, 25s Amsterdam, 1711 206 Qiuvres, augmentees de quelques remarques nouvelles (par Gueulet et Jamet I'Aiiie), 6 vols, in 5, sm. 8vo. laege papee, old calf gilt, £'d. 10s (Paris,) 1732 207 CEuvres, avec des remarques historiques par Le Duchat, 3 vols. 4to. fine portrait and plates by Picaet, green morocco, joints^ and gilt edges, £8, 8s Slade's copy fetched X20. lOs. Amst. 1741 PEENCH LITEEATURE. 556 208 EABELAIS, CEuvres, avec les Eemarques de Le Motteux par Cesar de Missy, 3 vols. 8vo. 76 characteristic plates, fine impressions, calf gilt, £2. Paris, 1798 "Edition corrccte, assez belle, et certaine- I fitcctieux roman de Rabelais." — Brunei. ment la meilleure qui eut paru jusqu'alors du | 209 EABELAI8, CEuvres, saivies de Eemarques par M. Le Motteux, 3 vols, royal 8vo. LARGE VELLUM PAPER, portrait and proof plates, half red morocco, uncut, £6. Paris, 1798 This edition was printed on eight different papers, of which this, Grand Papier Velin, is the third. 210 (Euvres, 3 vols. 8vo. hds. uncut, 20s Paris, 1823 "Edition Aiite avec %omy—Brunet. The j lais, with Glossaries of old Erench and erotic third volume contains the Bibliography of Rabe- \ words. 211 EABELAIS, CEuvres, edition variorum, augmentee de pieces inedites, des Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel, ouvrage posthume, des remarques de Duchat, de Voltaire, &c. ; et d'un commentaire historique et philologique par Esmangart et Eloi Johanneau, 9 vols. 8vo. best edition", 120 curious wood- cuts,'}if. cf neat, from Paron StocJanar' s library , 363. 3s Paris, Palibon, 1823 212 the same, 9 vols. 8vo. with the scarce map, 2 portraits of Babelais, India proofs, plates, 120 very curious woodcuts, hf green morocco, uncut, £6. Qs Paris, 1823 213 the same, 9 vols. 8vo. LAEGE PAPEE, portraits and plates, (unlet- tered India proofs), with the rare map " Carte du Chinonais,^^ and 120 grotesque woodcuts, red MOROCCO su^er extra, gilt marhled edges, hy Cape, £21. ^ ^ Paris, 1823 214 EACINE, (Euvres, avec des Commentaires par Luneau de Boisjermain, 7 vols. 8vo. portraits and plates after Gravelot, best edition, French calf gilt edges, 28s . Paris, 1768 215 ' ffiuvres, avec des commentaires par Luneau de Boisjermain, 7 vols. 8vo. yellum paper, ^Za^es by Gravelot, very fine copy in French green mo- rocco, gilt edges, from the Yemeniz collection, £12. 1768 216 (Euvres, avec des Commentaires par J. L. Geoffroy, 7 vols. 8vo. vellum paper, Penouard's copy, illustrated with choice additional engra- vings (proofs and etchings), half morocco, uncut, £6. 6s Paris, 1808 217 CEuvres, publiees par Petitot, 5 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. French calf gilt, 10s ^ Paris, 1829 218 Eecuetl des Depeches, rapports et Memoires des Ambassadeurs de Prance en Angleterre et en Ecosse pendant le 16* Siecle, publics par Chas. Purton Cooper, 7 vols. 8vo. hf calf, 10s Paris, 1838-40 219 Eecueil de Farces, Mora^lites et Sermons joyeux public d'apres le Manu- scrit de la Bibliotbeque Eoyale par Leroux de Lincy et Francisque Michel, 4 vols, half green morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, by J. Clarhe, £8. 8s Par. 1837 it is supposed that not more than 50 copies of the entire series are in existence. An extraordinary collection of 74 Pieces As each was published sepai'ately, with a distinct title-page, and the impression limited to 76 copies, 220 Eecueil de Pieces serieuses, comiques et burlesques, 12mo. half calf, uncut, £1. Is 1721 At end is bound up " Les trois Justaucorps I neaux, Nouvelle tiree de Boccace (en Vers), Conte bleu, tire de J. Swift avec les trois An- 1 Dublin, 1 725." 221 Eecueil de Eomances historiques, tendres et burlesques, avec les Airs Notes par M. M. L. * *, sm. 8no. frontispiece and music, calf £1. Is s. Z. 1767 222 Renard. Paris (P.) les A ventures de Maitre Eenart, 12mo. 3s Qd Paris, 1861 223 EESTIF-DE-LA-BEETONE. (K E.) LMnnee des Dames Nationales, 12 vols. 12mo. 2^ plates, uncut, £2. 16s ^ Gendve (Paris), 1791-94 224 Eeveille-Matin (le) des FranQais et de leurs voisins, 12mo. calf, 10s Fdimbourg, 1574 For a most accurate, circumstantial, and af- j Protestants on St. Bartholomew's day — see pp. fecting account of the horrible murder of the [28 — 71. 225 EEVEIL MATIN (le) fait par Monsieur Bertrand pour reveiller les pre- tendus Scavans Matematiciens de I'Academie Eoyale de Paris, etc. (par Bertrand de la Coste), 12nio. a very curious and absurd engraving , caricaturing the pursuit of Mathematical Sciences, by a spiteful Schemer, blue morocco extra, gilt edges^ 32« Jlambourg, 1674 T ^ 557 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. i Revolution FraiK^aise : 226 Baeante (De) Histoire de la Convention Nationale, 1791-96, 6 vols. 8vo. (pub. at S6s) half calf, I2s Paris, 1851-53 227 HiSTOIEE DES ErBEUES, DES EaTJTES ET DES CeIMES COMMIS PENDATfT LA Eetoltjtiox EEAN9AISE, 6 vols. Bvo. cf. gilt, engravings, with memoranda in pencil hy Ste A. Alison, the Historian, eaee, £3. 3s Paris, 1 797 228 Mallet du Pan, Memoires et Correspondence, par Sayous, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf 7s 6d 1851 229 EIVE (Abbe) Lettre vraiment philosopliiqiie a M I'Eveque de Clermont, 8vo. MS pp. JVotes 1 — IGO pp. icncut, rare, 14s JVomopolis {Aioc), 1790 Printed for Presents only. 230 TEACTS of tlie period of the commencement of tlie E evolution, 26 pieces, containing, amongst others, the following : La Constitution Francaise, pre- sentee au Eoi, 3 Septembre, 1791 — Ordonnance du Eoi, sur I'Administration de la Justice, 1788— Edit da Eoi, Mars, 1788— Eeglement fait par le Eo'", sur la formation des assemblees dans la province du Bourbonnois — with a number of Edicts of the King and his Council —in one vol. 4to. hf red mo- rocco, 15s Far is, 1788-91 A very rare and interesting collection. 231 EOLLIN, (Etjtees Completes, nouvelle edition, par Letronue, 30 vols. 8vo. and 2 large 4to. Atlases, half calf gilt, £2. 10s Paris, 1821-5 works in the French Language. This, the best library edition, is becoming rare. The Histoire Ancienne of Kollin, justly cele- brated for its style, is still one of the most inter- esting, and to the student of History, instructive Romances of Chivalry : 232 Amadis. Les hauts faits d'Esplandian, suite d'Amadis des Gaules, 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. calf, veet eabe, 7s Qd Amst. 1751 233 Atmoij', Histoire des quatre Fils, Troyes, s. d. — Histoire de Huon de Bour- deaux, uncut, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. woodcuts on title, hf. calf, 15s Lille, 1726 234 HiSTOiEE des quatre Eils Aymons tres-nobles et tres-vaillans Chevaliers, Frose Romance of Chivalry, 8vo. woodcut on title, half calf 9s Lille, s. d. 235 CONQUESTE de Charlemagne avec faicts et gestes des douze Pairs de Erance et du grand Eierabras, sm. 4to. rude woodcuts, calf, 20s Lyon, 1661! 236 EoMANT DES CHEVALIEES de la GrLOIEE, contenant plusieurs hautes et fameuses adventures des Princes et des Chevaliers, avec la description de leurs Equipages, Devises, Armes, Blasons, etc. par Eosset, sm. 4to. newly hound in sprinkled calf, a fine copy of this rare romance, 35s Paris, 1613 237 Huoi?" DE BoEDEAUX, Pair de Erance, Due de Guienne, Histoire, contenant ses Faits et Actions Heroiques, 2 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. hf calf a curious chap booh, 9s Lille (1726) 238 ELOES DEL GAY SABEE, estier dichas las Leys d' Amors, Provenqal et /'ra^ffljis, par Aguilar, d'Escouloubre, et Gatien-Arnoult, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. facsimile of the MS. sd. 16s Toulouse (1841-49) The fourth volume which was to have con- tained notes never ap])earcd ; but the above three comprise the perfect Provencal w^ork, in mingled prose and verse of the fourteenth century. It is a complete treatise on the poetry and the lan- guage in which it is written. It forms I — IH of the projected " Monumens de la Litterature Ro- mane." 239 ILe JHaire (Jejan) Ullustrations tie C^aule et Singularitez de Troye : avex les deux Epistres de Lamaiit vert, le Traicte de la Difference des Scismes et des Concilles de leglise, avec la vraye histoire du Prince dit Sophy, I'Epistre a Hector, et aultres oeuvres (en prose et en vers), sm. folio, blacfe letter, wood- cuts, fine copy in old calf, rare, £4. 15s Paris, par F. Pegnault, 1528 See ante No. 6. 240 GALLIEN EESTAUEE, les nobles Prouesses et Yaillancss, sm. 4to. Prose Fomance of Chivalry, woodcuts, hf. red morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, by F. Bedford, £1. \s Troyes, s. d. 241 EoMAN DU EENAET, d'apres les MSS. des Xllle, XlVe, et XVe Siecles par Meon, etc. 4 vols. 1826 — Supplemei^t, variantes, et corrections, par Chabaille, 1835— together 5 vols. 8vo. hf cf uncut, 30s Paris, 1826-35 At the end of the Supplement is added** du I Roncin." — MS. Tiree du Nouv. Eecueilde Contes plait Renart de Dammartin contre Yairon son | etc. par Jubvial. TEElSrCH LITERATUEE. 558 2-1,2 •■ the same, 5 vols. — Les Romans du Renard examines analyses et com- pares, par Rothe, 184:5 — together 6 vols. 8vo. frontispiece, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. IQs 1826-85 " Ce roman, ou plutot ce recueil de contes de remplir cette lacune, et il s'est acquitte de en vers, qui date du Xllle siecle, n'avait pas cette taclie avec tout le soin dontiletait capable." encore ete publife en original. II appartenait a Brunet. I'editeur du roman de la Kose et des Fabliaux 243 ROMAN DE LA VIOLETTE ou de Gerard de Nevers, en vers du XIII Siecle, par Gilbert de Montreuil, publie pour la premiere fois par F. Michel, roy. 8vo. Papier de Hollande, numerous facsimiles of the Mintatttres executed in gold and colotjks in imitation of the originals, with a duplicate set plain, whole hound citron morocco extra, dentelle borders, the hacJc inlaid with differently coloured morocco, gilt edges, £3. \6s Paris, 1834 Copy, nvimbered 46, from Miss Currer's library. 244 "Valentin et Orson, Histoire de, 8vo. curious woodcut on title, sd. uncut, 5s Lille, ca. 1790 245 (DuTENs) Tables genealogiques des Heros des Romans ; avec un catalogue des principaux ouvrages en ce genre, obi. 4to. calf, 6s 6d Londres, s. a. (1796) 246 ROUSSEAU" (J. B.) (Euvres, avec un Commentaire historique et litteraire, precede d'un nouvel Essai sur la Vie et les Ecrits de 1' Auteur, par J. A. Amar, 5 vols, royal 8vo. large yellum paper, unlettered proof portrait, hf. red morocco, uncut, £4i. Paris, 1820 •* He also recollects his admiration of the poems of Jean Baptiste Rousseau, who ap- peared to him to possess more of the true poetic character — than (unless we should except Racine) ■has been bestowed on any of his countrymen." Butler^s Reminisceiiees. 247 Rousseau (J.J.) ses CEuvres, 18 vols. ^yo. portrait and plates, French calf gilt, £2. 85 1817 248 SAINTE-CROIX, Recherches sur les Myst^res du Paganisme ; seconde edition, par S. de Sacy, 2 vols. 8vo. vellum paper, sd. 28* Paris, 1817 249 SAINT-PIERRE, Paul et Virginie, editiois" illustr^e, impl. 8vo. plates on India paper and numerous woodcuts, richly gilt, hf. red morocco, gilt edges, 20s Paris, Curmer, 1838 250 SAINT-SIMON (Due de) Memoires complets authentiques sur le siecle de Louis XIV et la Regence, 40 vols, in 20, 12mo. portraits, hf. green morocco, marbled edges, £'d. 10s Paris, Delloge, 1840-41 251 another edition, smaller type, complete in 13 vols. 12mo. hf bd. blue morocco, gilt edges, 36s Paris, 1856-58 252 Salvador, Histoire des institutions de Moise et du peuple Hebreu, 3me edition, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 10s Paris, 1862 253 Salterte (E.) Essai sur les Noras d'Hommes, de Peuples et de Lieux, 2 vols. 8vo. tree-marbled calf, borders of gold, gilt edges, by Mackenzie, 15^ Paris, 1824 254 Satiriques du XVlIle Siecle, par Voltaire et autres, 6 vols, in 3, 8vo. half calf 7s 6d Paris, 1800 255 SCARRON, CEuvres, nouvelle edition, plus correcte que les precedentes, 7 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, B2s Paris, 1786 256 Roman Comique, 2 vols. 12mo. portrait, calf Ss 6d Amst. 1670 257 SCHOELL (M. S. F.) Cours d'histoire des Etats Europeans, depuis le boule- versement de I'Empire Remain d' Occident jusqu' en 1789, 47 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 329 fr. sd.) hf. calf, £4^. 5s Paris, 1830-34 well established to need any mention of the highly favourable criticisms which it has evoked. This great work is divided into four parts and embraces the history of all the European States from the year 476 to 1789 ; its value is too 258 Schmidt, Histoire des Allemands, traduit de TAllemand, by De La Veaux, 8 vols. 8vo. half calf 10s a Liege, 1784-89 259 SEVIGtNE (Madame de) Lettres, 10 vols, with double set of plates, portraits and views, plain and coloured, and arms emblazoned in gold and colours, Paris, 1818 — Memoires de M, de Coulanges, suivis de Lettres inedites de Mad. Sevigne, &c. portraits, ib. 1820 — Lettres inedites de Mad. de Sevigne, Paris, 1814 — Collection de vingt Portraits que Ton pent joindre a la nouvelle Editiou des Lettres de Mad. de Sevigne, ib. 1818 — together 13 yols. 8vo. yellum PAPER, only 10 copies printed^ boards^ uncut, £5. 10s Paris^ 1814-19 559 BEIiNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 260 Seytgne (Madame de) Lettres, 8 vols. 12 mo. calf, 7s 6d 1754 261 SEVIGNE (Madame de) Lettres, edition augmentee de plusieurs lettres in- edites, ] 2 vols. 8vo. sd. uncut, rare in this state, {without the portraits) 20* :Paris, 1823 262 les memes, Edition revue par Silvestre De Sacy, 11 vols. 8vo. a beautifully printed edition, portraits, sewed, uncut, 25^ ih. Techener, 1861-3 263 Shaep (Jerome, the conjurer) Petites Aventures, 8vo. plates of the rope-tyinq tricJc, etc. hf Id. 5s 178*9 264 SISMONDI, Histoire de PEANCAIS, avec Table generale alphabetique, 31 vols. sm. 8vo. best editioi^^, sd. £4i. 15s — or, hf. russia, marhled edges, £5. 5s Paris, 1821-44 265 • Precis de I'Histoire des Prancais, 3 vols. 8vo. half russia, 7s 6d 1889-44 266 SisMONDi, Histoire des Eepubliques Italiennes du Moyen Age, 12 vols. 8vo. half calf, £2. 16* ^ ^ 1826 267 Spelte (Ant. Mar.) La Sage Polie, fontaine d'allegresse, mere des plaisirs, traduite par Graron, 2 vols, ia 1, 12mo. date of first title cut off, old red mo- rocco, 16* Houen, 1635 Spiritualism : 268 Kaedec, Philosophic spiritualiste : le livre des Esprits, 8vo. sd. 5s Gd 1860 269 Mauet, le Sommeil et les Eeves ; etudes psycbologiques, 8vo. 6s 1861 270 STAEL (Mad. de) CEavres Completes, avec notice biographique par Mad. Necker de Saussure, 17 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. ca/f 2Ss Paris, 1820-21 271 SULLY, Memoires ou Oeconomies Eoyales d'Etat, domestiques, politiques et militaires de Henei le Gteand, 12 toIs. 18mo. a pretty set in calf gilt, gilt edges, 27s Amst. {avec la Sphere), 1725 272 TABOUEOT, les Bigarrures du Seigneur des Accords, 18mo. woodcut portrait and the folding talismanic tables, calf, eaee, 18s Paris, 1584 273 les Bigarrures du Seigneur des Accords, avec les Apoplitbegmes de G-aulard, 5 parts in 1 vol. stout 16mo. calf, 10s Poitiers, 1609 274 les Bigarrures du Seigneur des Accords, avec les Apophthegmes de Gaulard, et les Escraignes Dijonoises, editio:n^ augmentI;e, 5 parts in 1 vol. stout 16mo. morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, £2. 10s Poitiers, 1615 275 les Bigarrures et Touches du Seigneur des Accords avec les Apopb- thegmes de Gaulard, et les Escraignes Dijonoises, edition augmentee, 5 parts in 2 vols. 12 mo. red morocco, £2. 2s Bouen, 1640 wisdom, learning, and coarseness enough for a score of books. — Col. Stanley's copy fetched £3. 135 6^. This is the curious work to which Swift is said to owe so much of the drollery displayed in the Art of Punning. It contains humour, wit, 276 Thiebault, Eeedeetc le Geand, souvenirs de 20 ans a Berlin, 4me edition, 5 vols. 12mo. hf. calf Qs ^ ^ Paris, 1826 277 THUET (Abbe) Matinees Senonoises ou Proverbes Prangois, 8vo. in old French citron morocco, ornamented ivith variegated leathers, gold tooling, and coloured devices covered with talc, a very pretty binding, 36s Sens, 1789 Prefixed is an autograph note of Mr. S. L. I fly-leaf to be the writing of J. J. Eousseau, who Sotheby, declaring the MS. note which is on the | died eleven years before the book was printed ! 278 TEOUvfei, Jacques-Coeur, argentier du Eoi Charles YII. 8vo. sd. 3^ Qd 1840 279 Vasconiana, ou recueil des Bons Mots, etc. Gascons, 12mo. calf, rare, 5s 1708 280 YAUBLANC, le France an temps des Croisades ou recherches sur les moeurs et coutumes des rrau9ais aux Xlle et Xllle siecles, 4 vols. 8vo. woodcuts, calf gilt, 25s ^ P«n>, 1844-47 281 YOLTAIEE, CEuyees completes, edition imprimee sous la direction de M. Miger, portrait, 41 vols. 8vo. caf gilt, a fine set, £4. IO5 Paris, Lefevre, 1818 282 YOLTAIEE, ffiuVEES completes, avec des notes historiques et litteraires et avec la vie de Yoltaire, 70 vols. 8vo. portrait, ornamental calf gilt, contemts lettered, £10. Paris, 1826 "Edition assez belle, et qui presente plusieurs bonnes restitutiones de texte." — Brunei. 283 QEuvres completes, avec des remarques et des notes historiques, scien- tifiques et litteraires et avec la Yie de Yoltaire, 75 vols. 8vo. half calf, con- tents lettered, £6. Paris, 1828 GEEMAN LITEEATUEE. 5Q6 2S4i MiGER (P. A. M.) Table analytique des matieres contenues dans les (Euvre^ de Voltaire, 2 vols. 8vo. hds. £2. 10s FariSj 1834 "WoEKS relating to EfiANCE -.—See Class "Antiquities." Works, 8vo. sewed : 288 Mjchaud, Guillaume de Champeaux, et les Ecoles de Paris au Xlle siecle, 3s 6d 1867 289 MiCHELET, Louis XV, 1724-57, 2^ ed 1866 Ilistoire de la Kevolution fran(;aise, 2 vols. 8vo. 6s 61- trop (225). It consists of sig.iatures a to t, in eights. " Tout en imitant les heures frangaises dans les ornements et dans I'arrangement des bois, elles gardent leui* maniere flamande," etc. Benouvier, p. 237. 2b2 563 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 312 HOE^. GETYDE. At end : Getyde van onser lieuer vrouwen (sic), va den heilighen Cruyce. Die seue psalme. Die Vi^^ilie van negen lessen. Mit vele andere gebede. Geprent ter Goude in Hollat Iiit iaer one here 1496 den 20 dach in April: Deo Gracias — Ex domo fratrum (CoUatiebroeders) in Gouda," sm. 8vo. with 32 rude woodcuts, and woodcut borders to every jpage, coloured by a conteinporary liandj bound in old vellum with brazen clasp, very fine copy, £18. 1496 SEft, 43 ; Hain, 7766. Les matrices des carac- tcres qui ont servi a I'impression de cet ouvrage se trouvent encore aujourd'hui h. la fonderie de MM. Enschede." All the early Dutch books of " Hours" are very rare. Collation: a 8 leaves, i 16 leaves, t {bis) 8 leaves, and c to s in eights. " Precede d'-un calendrier. Les majuscules sent ajoutees a la plume. — Mentionne par Vis- 313 CHRONICLE OF FLANDERS: Dits die excellente CEONIKE yI YLAEN- DEEE, beghinnende va Liederick Buc den eersten Fores tier tot desen onsen doorluclitischte Keyser Karolo, stout sm. folio, fclacfe letter, large woodcuts on the front and reverse of title, representing Charles V. on horse- bach, in military and in civil costume, loith numerous large woodcuts throughout the text J rejpresenting Historical Scenes, Portraits, etc. vellum, £2. 12s Qd Antwerpen, Fosterman, 1531 Many of the engravings are by the famous Lucas of Ley den. 314 SPELEN YAN SINNE vol scoone Moralisaeien Wtleggingen end Bedie- denissen op alle loeflijcke Consten ; ghespeelt binnen der stadfc van Andt- werpen op d'Landtjuweel by die veerthien cameren van Ehetorijcken, 3en Augusti M,i),LXi, 2 vols, in 1, stout small 4to. many curious woodcuts, very fine copy, Dutch calf gilt, £3. 16^ Antwe^yen, Silvius, 1562 ''Edition rare et recherchee." German Comparative Grammatical and Ethnological Works. 315 Basque. Humboldt, Priifung der Untersuchungen uber die Urbewohner Hispaniens, vermittelst der Yaskiscben Spracbe, 4to. hf cf 15s Berlin, 1821 315*BOPP, Yergleichende Grammatik, zweite giinzlich umgearbeitete Ausgabe, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 36s; or, half calf gilt, £2. 1857-61 This is the great masterpiece of European i Comparative Grammar. Philology, indispensable to every student of | 316 Buhle's Literatur der aelteren allgemeinen Nordischen Gescbicbte, 8vo. cloth, Ss 6d MosJcwa, 1810 317 GEIMM (Dr. J.) Deutsche Grammatik, 4 vols. 8vo. bds. uncut, £1. Ss Qottingen, 1822-26-31-37 318 Deutsche Mythologie, stout 8vo. 7s Qd Gott. 1835 319 Weisthiimer, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s ib. 1840-4 Historical Documents illustrative of German Manners, Customs, and Laws, 320 OSSOLINSKI (J. '^f.) Yincent Kadlubek, ein historisch-kritischer Beytrag zur SLAYISCHEN Litteratur, au5 dem Polnischen von S. G. Linde, 8vo. portraits and map, uncut, 9s Warschau, 1822 321 PAEEOT (J. L. von) Yersuch einer Entwicklung der Sprache, calf extra, gilt edges — folio Atlas, consisting of map, and Polyglott of Northern Tongues — Atlante ltnguistico d'Europa di Biondelli, hf russia — together 1 vol. Svo. and 1 vol. folio, 18^ Berlin, 1839 322 Pott (Dr. A. P.) Etymologische Porschungen auf dem Gebiete der Indo- Germanischen Sprachen, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Lemgo, 1833-36 323 Steinthal, Charakteristik der Typen des Sprach-baues, 8vo. 3^ Qd 1860 324 Talvi, Charakteristik der Yolks-Lieder germanischer Nationen, Svo. 7« Qd 1840 Old German and Low German. 326 Dee Minne Eegel, von Eberhard Cersne aus Menden, 1404 ; mit Liedern von Wober, Svo. music, 3* Qd 1861 32^ EscHENBACH (W. von) Leben und Dichten, herausgegeben von San-Marte 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s Magdeburg, 1836-41 327 Preidank, von W. Grimm, Svo. 3s Qd 1860 QEEMAiS^ LITERATURE. 564 328 GRAFF (Dr. E. G.) Althochdeutscher Spracbschatz oder Worterbuch der Althochdeutsclien Spracbe, mit Alpbabetiscbem Index von H. F. Massman, 7 vols, in 6, 4to. cloth, £1. 16s ^ Berlin, 1834-4G 329 NiBELUNGE Not mit der Klage in der altesten Gestalt mit den Abweich- ungen der gemeinen Lesart berausgegeben von Karl Laclimann, 4to. hds. 5s Berlin, 1826 330 NiBELUNGE, das Lied der, aus der altesten Handsclirift, berausg. vom Freiherrn von Lassberg, 8vo. old German, calf, (Ss St. Gallen, 1846 331 Otfrid, Krist das iilteste vonOtfrid im nennten Jabrnunderte verfaszte Hoch Deutsche Gedicbt, kritiscb herausgegeben von Graff, 4to. cloth, 7s 6d Konigsberg, 1831 332 Betneke de Voss, dat ys ein scbon unde niitte Gedicbte, etc. in Low OermaUt 12mo. woodcuts, vellum. Vis Hamhorch, 1604 333 Reixhart Fucns, in old German, von Grimm, 8vo. hf. mor. 7s 6d Berlin, 1834 Prefixed is a valuable literary History of the I mals, 29 pp. ; Reynard Stories, 444 pp. ; Suppl. Reynard, and other Romances relating to Ani- | 8 pp. 384 Ziemais^n's Mittelbocbdeutscbes Worterbuch, nebst Grammatischer Einleitung, large 8vo. pp, 16 and 720, double cols, cloth, 7s Gd Quedlinb. 1838 Modern High German Language. 335 ADELUNG'S Great German Dictionary; Grammatisch-kritisches Wor- terbuch der Hoch-deutschen Mundart, mit Yergleichung der iibrigen Mun- darten, 4 stout vols. 4to. calf, 12s Leipzig, 1793O801 336 A pel's German Grammar, (pub. Ss) cloth, Ss Gd 1840 337 Beckee, ausfiirlicbe Deutsche Grammatik, als Kommentar der Schulgrammatik, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 6s Frankf. 1836-37 338 CAMPE Worterbuch der Deutschen Spracbe, 5 vols, in 2, very thick roy. 4to. hf russia, 14* ' Braunschweig, 1807-9 339 the same in 5 vols. 4to. half russia, binding broken, a bargain, 7s Qd 1807 340 the same, 3 vols. 1807-9 — Worterbuch zur Erklarung und Verdeuts- chung der unserer Spracbe aufgedrungenen fremden Ausdriicke, 1813 — together 6 vols, roy 4to. half calf gilt, 25s ^ _ ib. 1807-13 341 Da-Stpodius. Dictionarium Latino- Germanicurn, et vice versa Germanico- latinum ex optimis Latinse liugusB Scriptoribus concinnatum, thick sq. 8vo. 986 pp. boards, rare, 125 Argent. 1537 Contaming also, " Nomina Regionum, Plan- I Domus, Ponderum, Numismatum, Vestium, Par- tariim, Animalium, Piscium, Avium, Partium | tium Temporis." 342 FLUEGEL and SPORSCHIL'8 German-English and English- German Dic- tionary, two stout vols. 8vo. 2000 pp. russia, marb. edges, 18s Leipzig, 1838 343 GRIEB'S Enc^lish- German and German-English Dictionary, i«?iYA the pronun- ciation in the Engliah part, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. (pub. 30s unbound) etjssia extra, 28s 1847 344 HILPERT'S German-English and English-German Dictionary, with preface by Kaercher, 2 vols. 4to. calf extra, £2. 5s 18 i6 345 the same, 2 vols. 4to. half morocco, 32s Carlsruhe und Leipzig, 1828-57 346 the same. Large Paper, 2 vols. 4ito.fine copy in calf extra, £3. 3s 1846 847 the English- German Dictionary, separately, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. calf Vis 1828 348 Kaltschmidt's English- German, German-English Dictionary, 2 parts, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf mor. 4s Qd Leipzig, 1837 349 Montetth's German without a Master, 8vo. half calf , 2s ca. 1850 350 Mozin's Dictionnaire Fiancais-Allemand Allemand-Francais, see French. 351 Ollendorff's Method of learning German, Part I. (complete in itself), (pub. 12s) cloth, Qs 1848 352 ScnwAN, Diet. Frang. Allem. et Allem. Fran9. 6 vols. 4to. very good booh, calf, 12s 1787 353 VoiGTEL, hochdeutsches Handworterbuch, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, 3s Gd JSallCj 1793 Modern Dutch and Flemish, Frisic. 35i Dictionarium Belgicc-latinum, 12mo. vellum, 45 Gd Lugd. B. 1684 Dictionary of the best known low German Dia- lect — the Dutch — Dutch- German and German- Dutch. m^ BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 355 Japicx (Gr.) Priesclie Eymlerje op njz trognoaze in forbettere Trog. E. Ep- kema, 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4ito. portrait, Ids. 7s 6d Ljeauwerf, 1821 856 JoHANSEN, die Nord-Eriesische Sprache, 8vo. 45 6d Kiel, 1862 357 Keamer (M.) Nider-Hoch-Teutscb, und Hocli-Nider-Teutsch Dictionarium sinonymico-pbraseolo^ico-sintacticum, 2 vols, in 1, folio, vellum, IGs Nurnberg, (1719) The critics in the Saturday Review are sadly annoyed with the ignorance of English writers on the subject of High and Low German. Here is a 358 MoT^E, TJebersicbt der Niederlandiscben Volks-Literatur alterer Zeit, 8vo. hf. morocco, 5s ijd Tub. 1838 359 EiCHTHOFEN (Dr. K. E. von) Eriesische Eechtsquellen, 4to. cloth, 9s Berlin, 1840 360 Wiaeda's (T. D.) Alt-Eriesisches Worterbucb, 8vo. calf extra, 10s 6d 1786 Scandinavian. 361 Dietrich's Altnordiselies Lesebuch, mit Grammatik und G-lossar, Svo. half calf, 4* Leipzig, 1843 362 Ltjning, die Edda : eine Sammlung altnordiscber Gotter- und Helden-Lieder Icelandic, with extensive notes and a Gloss art, stout 8vo. sd. 9s Zurich, 1859 363 MuLLER, Saga-Bibliothek : a Danish version of the Northern Sagas, 3 vols. 12mo. sd. 7s 6d Kiob. 1817-20 364 Norway. Blom, Norwegen bescbrieben, Svo. map, 3s Qd 1843 365 Ntertip (E.) og J. E. Kraft, Almindeligt Litteratur-lexicon for Danmark, Norge, og Island, 2 vols, in 1, Large Paper, c/! extra, 20s Kj'dbenhavn, 1818-20 The best Dictionary of all Scandinavian Authors, with a List of their works. 366 WoRMius (O.) De Danica Literatura antiquissima (Eunica) vulgo Gotbica dicta. Accedit Specimen Lexici Eunici, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, half bound, 7s Gd HafnicB, 1631 et 1650 367 Danish. Grundtvig, Danmarks gamle Eolkeviser, Yols. I, II, III, Hefte 1, — together 5 tliick parts, impl. Svo. sd. 32,9 Kiobenh. 1853-58 368 Swedish. Tegner, Smarre samlade Dikter,, Yol. 1, Svo. 2s Gd 1828 Modern German Literature. 869 Algermatjn, Leben des Herzogs Julius zu Braunschweig und Liineburg, sm. 4to. portrait and facsimile, bd. 2s Qd Helmstedt, 1823 370 AMALIE (Prinzessijt von Sachsen) Original Beitrage zur Deutsehen Scbau- biibne, 6 Bande ; Neue Eolge, Band 1 ; 7 vols. sm. 8yo. calf extra, 21s 1836-44 371 Arnim und Brentano, des Knaben Wunderhorn, alte deutsche Lieder, 3 vols. Svo. 12s 1845-46 872 AscHBACii, Gescbicbte der "VYestgothen, Svo. plates, hf bd. 3s Gd 1827 373 BECKEE'S (K. E.) Weltgescbichte, herausg. von Loebell, rait Eortsetzungen von "Woltmann und Menzel, 14 vols, in 7, sm. Svo. seventh edition (pub. at £!%. XGs^d.) German bds. 18s ; or 14 vols, in 5, hf. calf neat, 20s Berlin, 1844 An Univercal History of great popularity in Germany. 874 BuReEB^a sammtliche "Werke, impl. Svo. double cols. 524i pp. portrait and fac- simile, hf. calf gilt, 6s Gdttingen, 1835 375 Gedichte, 12mo. half morocco, 2s Qd Gdttingen, 1841 375 Chamisso (A. von) Werke, Leben und Briefe, 6 vols. sq. 12mo. cloth, 10s Leipzig, 1842 370 Chap Books. Ilistoria von Siegfried — Hi.storia von der sclionen Magelona — Hibtoria von Helena — Genofeta — and 2 others, 12mo. very cm^ious woodcuts, 5s Beutlingen ca. 1790 377 CONVEESATIONS-LEXIKON; Allgemeine Deutsche Beal-Encyclopaedie, Zehnte Auflage, 16 vols. Svo. hf. morocco neat, contents lettered, £2. 2s Leipzig, 1851-55 Sir Charles Price's copy, mor. fetched £9. 10^. 378 Dahlmann, die Politik, Svo. half morocco, 2s Leipzig, 1847 GERMAN LITEEATUEE. 566 379 EicKTE, Antbropologie. Die Lelir von der Menschlichen Seele, ^yo. half calf gilt, Qs 1856 380 ElCHTE (J. G-.) Sammtliche WEEKE, 8 vols. 8vo. vellum, uncut, lacJcs and top edrjes gilt, hy J. Leigliton, Sir C. Price's copy, £^. 4^ Berlin, 1845-46 381 the same, with the posthumous works, 11 vols, 8vo. hf morocco marhled edges, £2. 2s Berlin, 1845-34-46 Contents: I. — IT. Zur theorctischen Philo- VI.— VIII. Popular-pliilos. Schriften, 3 vols. Sophie, 2 vols. III. IV. Zur Rechts u. Sitten- IX.— XI. Nachgelassene, Werke, 3 vols, lehre, 2 vols. V. Religions- pliilosoph. Schriften. 382 rLEMING(P.) Geist- und Weltliche Poemata, stout 12mo. hds. 5sJena, 1660 383 Elogel, Geschichte der komischen Literatur, 4 vols. — Geschichte der Hof- narren — together 5 vols. sm. Sno. portraits and plates ^ half calf 12s Liegnitz, 1784-9 384 FOEBIGEE'S Handbuch der alten Geographie, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. maps and tables (pub. at <363. unbound) hf green morocco neat, 30* Leipzig, 1842-48 385 EouQUE (La Motte) Ausgewahlte Werke, 12 vols, in 4, sjj. 12mo. cloth, 7s 6g? Halle, 1841 38G Free-Masonry. Lending (C.) Encyclopsedie der Freimaurerei, 3 vols. 8vo. Ids. 10s Leipzig, 1^22-2^ 387 Gedichte eines Lebendigen (von Herwegh) 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 2s Gd 1849 388 Gekvinus, Geschichte der poetischen National- Literatur der Deutschen, 5 vols. 8vo. sewed, ]2s Leipzig, 1840-46 389 Gervinus, Geschichte der Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts seit den Wiener Yertra- gen, Vols. 1 to 8, in 13 vols. 8vo. sd. (pub. £3. lO^-) £2. 1853-62 390 Geevi^s^us, Shakespeare, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. 7s Qd ; or, hf calf gilt, IQa 1849-50 391 GOETHLE, SaMMTLiCHE Weeke, voUstandige, neugeordnete Ausgabe, 40 vols. in 20, sq. 16rao. cloth, uncut, £^. Stuttgart, 1840 392 Eaust, eine Tragodie, 12mo. half calf gilt, 4* Stuttgart, 1849 393 aus meinem Leben, Wahrheit und Dichtung, 2 vols. 12mo. 2s Qd 1853 394 Geillpaezee (Franz) Trauerspiele, 5 vols, in 1, 8vo. morocco extra, tooled on hack and sides, gilt edges, 9s TVien, 1822-32 Contents :— Sappho, 1822 ; King Ottokar's I Hen-n, 1830 ; Die Ahnfrau, 1832; Das goldene Gliick und Ende, 1825 ; Ein treuer Diener seines j Vliess, (dramatisches Gedicht), 1822. 395 Ha GEN, Nordische Helden-Eomane : Wilkina und Nifiunga Saga, 2 vols. 12ino' 3s Qd 1814 396 HEGEL'S WEEKE, 18 vols, in 20, 8vo. two different editions of vol. 11, half calf neat, £4<. Berlin, 1832-35 397 EosENKEANz, Hegers Leben, 8vo. 4s 6d Berlin, 1844 398 Heine's Buch der Lieder, 12mo. hf hd. 3s Qd 1841 399 Heebaet's Philosophie und seine Schule, von Langenbeek, 8vo. 2s 1867 400 HERDEE (J. G. von) SaMMTLicuE Weeke : zur Eeligion und Theologie, 18 vols." in 9 — zur Philosophe und Geschichte, 22 vols, in 11 — zur schoueu Literatur und Kunst, 20 vols, in 11 — together 69 in 30, 16mo. uniformly hf hd. contents lettered, 36s Stuttgart, 1827 401 Houwald's Gesammelte Schriften, 10 vols, in 5, 18mo. half calf , 6s 1826 402 Humboldt (A. v.) Kosmos, 8vo. Vols. 1 to 3, in morocco ; Vols. 4 and 5, in 3 vols. sd. (pub. 45s) 30s Stuttgart, 1845-62 403 Versuch uber den politischen Zustand des K. Neu-Spanien, 5 vols. sd. 5 s Tubingen, 1809 404 Jean Paul's Titan, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. 5s Berlin, 1846 " One of the chosen men of Germany, colossal 1 imi)etuous, far-grasping, extorter of hidden and spirit, lofty original thinker, genuine poet, keen, j refractory truth." — Carlyle. 405 KANT'S Sammtliche Werke, herausgegeben von Eosenkranz und Schubert complete in 12 vols. 8vo. portrait, halfmorocoo, 28s Leipzig, 1838-40 406 Kiefee, die Sagen des Eheinlandes, \^mo. front, bds. 2s 1845 407 Kinkel's Gedichte, 18mo. morocco gilt, gilt edges, 4s Stultg. 1852 408 KOTZEBUE'S (A. von) sammtliche Dramatische Werke, 44 vols, in 22, 18mo. portrait and plates^ half calf gilt, 25s Leipzig, 1827-29 567 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 409 KOTZEBUE'S (A. von) Theater, 40 vols, in 20, sq. 18mo. portrait, half calf gilt, 32.9 Leipzig, 1840-41 Kotzebue's Dramatic works are well adapted I of German familiar conversation, for the student who wishes to obtain a knowledge | 410 LAISSBERG, Lieder Saal, das i^t : Satnrolmig altteutsclier Gedichte, 4 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £2. 10^), calf gilt, marbled edges, SSs St. Gallen, 1846 A valuable and extensive collection of Teu- Sanger. IV. Kibelungenlied Auenture u. die tonic Poems, edited from unpublished MSS. Klage. Contents : I — IIJ. Lieder a. d. Minne Legends and Popular Stories: 411 Alps. Deutsche Alpen-Sagen von Alpenburg, 8vo. 4* Qd Wien, 1861 412 Austria. Yernaleken, Mythen und. Brauche des Yolkes in Oesterreich, 8vo. 4« Qd Wien. 1859 413 Iceland. Maurer, Isliindische Yolks-Sagen, 8vo. 4* Qd 1860 414 Tyrol. Mythen und Sagen Tirols, von Alpenburg, 8vo. 4*6^ 1857 415 LESSING'S sammtliche Schriften, 32 vols, in 16, 16mo. half calf , 25^ 1825-28 416 Lessing's sammtliche Werke, 10 vols, in 5, 16mo. half calf gilt, V2.s 1841 417 Matthisson, Schriften, 9 vols. 12mo. vellum -paveh, portrait, calf, 10s 1825-33 418 Meis'zel's Geschiclite der Deutschen, 3 vols. roy. Svo. portrait, hf calf, 5*1834 419 MINNESINGER; Deutsche Liedehdichter des XII, Xlil, und XIV Jahrhunderts, aus alien bekannten Handschriften und friiheren Drucken gesammelt und berichtigt von E. F. II. voo der Hagex, 4 vols, in 3, with the Music, Leipzig, 18dS—B\\derssiSil altdeutscher Dichter Bildnisse, Wap- pen und Darstellungen aus dem Leben der Deutschen Dichter, des XII- XIY Jahrhunderts, 41 plates, Berlin, 1856 — together 5 vols, in 4, 4to. half red morocco, £2. 16* 1838-56 The grandest collection of the German Poetical Komances of the Middle Ages. 420 MoNTA^'Us, die Yorzeit der Lander Cleve-Mark, Julich-Berg und Westphalen, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, 5s Solingen, 1837 The first volume contains the poetical legends of the above mentioned districts. 421 MULLER'S (Johann von) sammtliche Werke, herausg. von. J. G. Miiller, 27 vols, very sm. 8vo. half hound, 25s Tubingen, 1810-19 422 the same, 40 vols, in 20, 16mo. cloth, 20s Stuttgart, 1831-35 Priced 1857, Nutt, £3. 10^. 423 — Geschichte Schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft, 5 vols. 8vo. half calf gilt, 9s Beutlingen, 1824-52 424 NlBELUNGEN NOTH (Der) die Bearbeitung des Textes von Dr. Pfizer, 4to illustrated with fine woodcuts after Schnorr von Carolsfeld and Neureuther^ cloth, 14s Stuttgart, 1843 425 Eankes' Preussische Geschichte, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. hf morocco, 10s 1848 426 Englische Geschichte, vornehmlich im 16 u. 17. Jahrhundert, Yols. I— YI. sd. (pub. QQs), £2. ^ Berlin, 1859-66 427 Eranzosische Geschichte, vornehmlich im 16. u, 17. Jahrundert, 5 vols. 8vo. (pub. 45s) sd. 25s Stuttgart, 1852-60 428 — die Romischen Papste, ihre Kirche und ihr Staat, 3 vols. 8vq. (pub. 24s) sd. 9s Berlin, 1844-5 429 Eaupach's dramatische Werke, ernster Gattung, 8 vols, in 4, 12mo. calf gilt, 10s Hamburg, 1835-37 430 EoDEE von Diersburg, des Markgrafen Jjudwig Wilhelm von Baden Eeldziige wider die Tiirken (1683-92), 2 vols. 8vo. portraits and plans, morocco, gilt edges, 7s Carhruhe, 1839^42 Rogues and Thieves: 431 Hosma:n"n (S.) Denck-Mahl der Gottlichen Eegierung, many portraits and curious plates of torture used by the German Inquisition, Cell, 1718 — Lips Tullian's und seiner Complicen Leben und Uebelthaten, many portraits of Highwaymen and cuoHous plates of Instruments of Torture y Dresden^ 1716 — in one vol. 4to. vellum, 15s A curious volume for all interested in criminal | remarkable. literature. The portraits of the culprits are very 1 432 Eose:n'Kbanz, die Poesie und ihre Geschichte, 8vo. sd. 3s 6c? Konigsberg^ 1855 GERMAN LITEEATUEE. 568 Romances, old G-erman: 433 Brentat^o, der Groldfiiden ; eine sclione alte GescMchte, 12mo. numerous pretty tvoodcuts, calf neat, 7s 6d Heidelherg, 1809 434 EOTTECK und WELCKEE, Staats-Lexikon, Encyklopsedie der sammt- liehen Staatswisseiischaften, 12 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. a bargain, 15* Altona, 1845-48 435 SACHS (Hans) Trauerspiele, Schauspiele, Eastnachtspiele, Gresprach, Kla- greden, Fabeln, sammt andern lacherlichen Schwanken und Possen, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von J. H. Biisching, 8 vols. ^yo. fine paper, portrait and cuts, calf extra, hy Lewis, 36s Nurnherg, 1816-24 436 SCHILLEE'S saMMTLicES Weeke, 12 vols. sm. "^^lo, portrait and fine plates, a nice edition, hf. calf gilt, 32^ Stutfqai-^t, 1835-36 437 AYerke, 12 vols, in 6, half calf, 12s ; or, calf gilt, 20s Stuttgart, 1838 times with dramatic power, and in a noble spirit." — Alison. " Schiller uniting the ardour of a soldier to the soul of a statesman and the hand of an historian, has pourtrayed the shades of former 438 SCHLEGrEL'S (Er.) saMMTLiCHE Werke, 10 vols, in 5, sm. 8vo. hf calf neat, 12s Wien, 1822-23 439 the same, fine paper, 10 vols, in 5, 8vo. hf. calf 17s Qd 1822-3 440 Philosophic der Geschichte, 2 vols. 8vo. sd, 3s 6J Wien, 1829 Songs : 441 Sammltjt^g Deutscher Volkslieder mit einem Anhange Flammlandischer und Eranzosischer nebst Melodien. Herausgegeben durch Biisching und von der Hagen, with music, 16mo. hf. mor. uncut, from Sir F. Madden's library, 7s Qd Berlin, 1807 442 Arnim TJisn Brentano, des Knaben "Wunderhorn ; alte deutsche Lieder, 4 vols, in 2, thick small 8vo. hf. calf, 12s Berlin, 1857 442*Herder's Yolks-Lieder, 2 vols. 16mo. 35 Qd ^ 1778 443 SoLTAu's Hundert Deutsche Historiche Yolksieder, gesammelfc und chrono- logisch geordnet, thick small 8vo. hf bd. Qs Leipzig, 1836 444 Lieder-Lexikon, Alphabet. Sammlung aller Deutschen Lieder, 4 vols, in 2, 12mo, half calf , 3s 6^ Leipz. 1847 445 CEsterreichisciie Volkslieder mib ihren Singeweisen, gesammelt und herausgegeben durch Ziska und Schottky, 8vo. cloth, 9s Besth, 1819 446 Tieck's Phantasus, eine Sammlung von Mahrcheu, Erzahlungen, etc. 3 vols. 12mo. hf bd. morocco, 7s Qd Berlin, 1844 447 Tittmann's Geschichte Heinrichs des Erlauchten, Markgrafen zu Meiszen, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. half calf, 4s Qd Dresden, 1845-6 448 Uhlat^d's Gedichte, 12mo. hf. bd. neat, 2s 6 J Stuttgart, 1842 449 the same, half morocco, 3s 6^ 1857 450 Uz, Poetische Werke, 2 vols. 4to. portrait, handsomely printed, calf, gilt edges, 5s Wien, 1804 451 Van der Velde, siimmtliche Schriften, 8 vols, in 4, hf. calf, 3s Qd Stuttgart, 1828 452 VEHSE'S G-eschichte der Deutchen Hofe seit der Eeformation, 48 vols, in 26, 12mo. hf cf £2. 10s Hamburg, 1851-60 453 WACKEENAGEL'S Deutches Lesebuch, Prosa und Poesie, 3 vols, in 4, German boards, 20s ; or, 3 vols, stout 8vo. hf. blue morocco, 30s Basel, 1847 Vol. I, contains Old German Poems and a Glossary , II. and III. Poetry and Prose since 1500. 453*Weber, Sagen der Vorzeit, 7 vols. \2mo. plates, hf calf, 3s Qd Berlin, 1794-98 454 WIELAND (C. M.) sammtliche Werke, mit Supplement, 42 vols. 8vo. YELLUM paper, Calf gilt, £2. Leipzig, 1794-98 455 the same, 42 vols. 8vo. icith 4ito. Atlas, containing portrait and 22 beau- tiful engravings, after Bamberg, etc. calf, £2. 16s. Leipzig, 1794-98 456 Sammtliche Werke, 45 vols. 12mo. vellum paper, hf calf, 25s 1794 has thrown over all the subjects which his pencil touched." — AUfon. " Wieland, the prince of the German poets." — Iluf eland. "Wieland channed every imagination l)y the brightness of his fancy, the richness of his language, and the sparkling freshness which he 457 WINCKELMANN'S Werke, einzig rechtmassige Original- Ausgabe, 2 vols, thick royal 8vo. double columns, no plates, half calf gilt, 10s Dresden und Stuttgart^ 1839-47 569 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 458 ZSCHOKKE'S ausgewahlte Dichtungeu, Erzahlungen und- Novellen, 6 vols. small 8vo. portraity Ids. 9^ Aarau, 1841 459 ausgewahlte Novellen und Diclitungen, siebente Original-Auflage, 10 vols. 12mo. a very pretty set, calf extra, gilt edges, 32s Aarau, 1845 These fascinating Novels belong to the live- I Andacht/' has recently been introduced to the liest productions of German Literature. The English public in an English translation, prefaced same author's famous ascetic book, " Stunden der j by her Majesty. ITALIAN LITERATURE. Chiefly from the Library of the late Mev. Dr. Welleslet, New Inn Hall, Oxford. Italian Language. 460 Polyglott. Hertas (Abbate D. Lorenzo) Idea dell' UuiA^erso, clie contiene la Storia della Yita dell' Uomo, Elemeuti CosmograficI, Viaggio Estatico al Mondo Plauetario e Storia della Terra, 21 vols, in 10, 4to. vellum, scarce, £1. 55 Cesena, niS-%7 461 Barberi Grand DIctionnaire Eranyais- Italian, et Italien-Prangais, 2 thick vols. 4 to. calf gilt, 20s 1838-39 462 BARETTI, Italian-English and English-Italian Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, 21s Leghorn, 1829 The most complete Italian Dictionary explained in English. 463 BAEETTI'S Italian Dictionart ; Vol. I. Italian-English; Vol. II. English- Italian ; 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 24s 1831 464 the same, new edition, by Davenport and Comelati, 2 vols. 8vo. clothe 24s 1854 465 BASTEEO, la Crusca Provenzale, ovvero le voci, frasi, etc. che la lingua Toscana ha preso dalla Provenzale, aggiuntevi alcune Memorie intorno agli antichi Poeti Provets'zali, Vol. I. (all published) small folio, Ids. 20s Boma, 1724 Oavrage curieux et pcu-commun." — Bnmet. 466 BiAGiOLT, Grammaire Italienne, 8vo. calf, 2s 6d 1825 467 DIZIONAEIO della lingua Italiana, 7 vols. 4to. cloth, uncut, 32s; or, half calf, 36s Bologna, 1819-1826 468 FLOEIO'S "World of Wordes, or most copious Dictionarie in Italian and English, high 4ito.fine copy, calf neat, 25s London, Hatfield, 1598 469 MANUZZI, Vocabulario della lingua Italiana, 4 vols. impl. 8vo. portrait, half calf, new, £2. 10s Mrenze, 1833-40 470 Menagio, Origin! della Lingua Italiana, folio, vellum, 7s 6d Geneva, 1685 471 OuDiN, Grammaire Italienne, 12mo. vellum, fine copy, 5s Lyon, 1649 472 Eobello, Grrammaire Italienne, 8vo. hf hd. 4s Qd 1857 473 EuscELLi, Commentarii della Lingua Italiana, square 8vo. limp vellum, 55 1581 474 Ugolini, Vocabolario di Parole e modi errati, 12 mo. 2s Qd 1861 475 VALENTINI, Dizionario Italiano-Tedesco, Tedesco-Italiano, 2 vols. thick 4to. handsomely hound in calf gilt, £2. 5s Leipzig, 1831-2 476 VOCABOLAEIO degli Accademici della Crttsca, Impressione Napoletaoa secondo 1' ultima di Eirenze, con la giunta di molte voci, raccolte dagliautori approvati dalla stessa Accademia : Vocabolario, 5 vols. — Indice, 1 vol. Tas- eoni, Annotazioni sopra il Vocabolario della Crusca, Vin. 1698 — together 7 vols, in 6, large folio, best edition, double columns, vignettes, 5 vols, calf, 1 uncut, a bargain, 12s JSTapoli, 1746-48, Ven. 1698 Priced by H. G. Bohn, £4. 4*. 477 il medesimo, ora novamente corretto ed accresciuto dall' Abate Ma- NTJZZi, 4 vols. 4to. portrait of the editor, (pub. 140 fr. sd.) hf. calf neat, £2. Firenza, 1833-40 478 VOCABOLAEIO Universale Italiano, compilato a cura della Societa Tipo- gralica Tramater, 7 vols. impl. 4to. (pub. at 154 francs, sd.) half calf , £3. 10s Napoli, 1829-40 ITALIAN LITERATURE. 570 479 VOCABOLARIO degli Accademicidella Crusca, Impressione Napoletana secondo 1' ultima di Firenze, con la giunta di molte voci, raccolte dagli autori approvati dalla stessa Accademia: Vocabolario, 5 vols. — Indice, 1 vol. together 6 vols, large folio, best edition, double colums, vignettes, vellum, £2. IGs Napoli, 1746-48 Italian Dialects. 480 Kopiscn, Agrumi : Poesien aus alien Mundarten Italiens, in the Italian Dia- lects, with a German translation, 12mo. 6s 1838 481 POZZO (Agostino dal) Memorie Istoriche dei sette-Communi Yicentini, con A^ocABOLAKio DoMESTico, 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo. hds. 18s Vicenza, 1820 This valuable work gives a careful account I Italy ; the Vocabulary extends from pp. 355 to of an early Teutonic Settlement in Northern | 408. 482 Bergamesc. Tasso, il GofFredo, con il Travestimento alia rustica Berga- mesca di Assonica, 2 vols. 12mo. portr. hf. calf, uncut, 10s Bergamo, 1778 483 Tasso, il Goffeedo, trauestito alia Rustica Bergamasca da Carlo Assonica, 4to. with philological footnotes, hf. hd. 20s Venetia, 1670 484 the same, hf. hd. slightly stained, 10s 1670 ~ " ■ ' - - - with a few leaves stained, £2. 2.«. The difference between the two is merely in the title. Traduction rare, avec le texte original en regard." An edition exactly similar to the above, published at Cosenza, 1738, was priced, 1856, 485 Bolognese. Aueeli, Nuovo Dizionario del dialetto Bolognese, 12mo. hf calf uncut, 8s Bologna, 1851 486 EERRARI, Vocabolario Bolognese co' Sinonimi Italiani e Pranzesi, square S\o.pp. xvii. and 318. half calf , 7s Qd ; or, calf gilt, 10s Qd ib. 1820 487 DsGEAzi d'Bertuldin dalla Zena, miss' in rima Bulognesa, da G. M. B. small 4to. etchings, hds. 7s ; calf neat, 12s ib. 1736 488 LoTTi (Lotto) Ch' n' ha cervel hapa gamb, poemetto giocoso, Barma, 1685 — Rimedi per la Sona, Milano, 1704; 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. plates, vellum, 4s 1685-1704 489 LoTTi, Rimedi per la sonn da liezr alia Banzdla, square 8vo. Ids. 2s Qd 1703 490 Pentameeon (al) d' Zuan Alessi Basils, o sia zinquanta Pol detti da dis donn in zeinqu giornat, in leingua hulgneisa, 3 vols. 18rao. hf. bd. 7s 6d 1839 491 Brescian. Melchioei, Vocabolario Bresciano-Italiano, 2 vols. ; Appendice, 1 vol. ; together 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf bd. uncut, 12s Brescia, 1817-20 Best edition, with the rare Appendix. 492 Calabrese. Tasso, Geeusalemme Liberata, in Lingua Calabrese da Cusen- tino, small 4to. Italian and Calabrian, vellum, 8s Cosenza, 1737 493 Ferrarese. Nae^nini, Vocabolario Perrarese-Italiano, 12 mo. vellum, 7s 1805 494 G-enoese. Cayalli, Cittara Zeneize, con Rime antiche Genovesi, 8vo. sd. 7s 6 J ; or velimn, Qs Genova, 174i5 495 la stessa, ricoretta con note, 16mo. sd. 7s Gd 1823 496 Peanchi, Ro Chittarin, Strofoggi dra Muza, 12mo. vellum, 5s Zena, 1772 Prefaced with " liegole dell Ortografia Zeneize." 497 Mantuan. Cheeubini, Vocabolario Mantovano-Italiano, 8vo. pp. xxviii. and 212, sd. 7s Milano, 1827 498 Rime di Magagno (Maganza), Menon (Rava) e Begotto (Rustighello) in Lingua Rustica Padouana col primo Canto di D. Ariosto, 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. bds. 5s Venetia, 1584 499 Milanese. CHERUBINI, Vocabolario Milanese-Italiano, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. hf caf, 10s Milano, 1814 500 Cappeletti, Vocabolario Milanese-Italiano-Prancese, 16mo. sd. 5s Milano, 1848 501 COLLEZIONE delle miglori Opere scritte in Dialetto Milanese, 12 vols. 16mo. sd. 10s 1816-7 502 Tasso, Gerusalemme Liberata, travestita in lingua Milanese da Balestrieri, folio, Italian and Milanese, bd. 20s Milano, 1773 503 Neapolitan. (BASILE.) Lo Ctjnto de li Cunti, overo lo Trattenemiento de Peccerille, di Gian Alesio Abbattutis, Napoli, Cavallo, 1644 — Muse Na- poletane Egloche di Abattutis, Napoli, Tomasi, 1666 ; 2 vols, in 1, 16mo. hf blue morocco J VEEr eaee, Br, Wellesley's copy, 30s 1644-60 571 BEENABD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 504 Basile (G-. B.) II Pentamerone ; overo lo Cunto de li Cunti, Trattenemiento «de li Peccerille di Grian Alesio Abbatutis, ISmo. morocco, gilt edges, £1. 45 JSFapoli, 1674 505 POETI NAPOLITANI. Colleziois^e di tutti i Poemi in Lingua Napoletana, con Vocabulario, 28 vols, in 14, 12mo. Jif. calf, scarce, £2. %s Napoli, 1783-89 506 Another copy, 27 vols. (Vol. 5 wanting), 12mo. hf. mar. 14s ih. 1783-89 507 Capa?si, Sonetti, in Dialetto Napoletano, 12mo. vellum, gilt, 7s Napoli, 1810 508 PicciNi. Poesie Italiene e in Dialetto Napolitano, 18mo. half calf y 4s ih. 1827 509 TASSO, Gierusalemrae Liberata, per Ea^ano, folio, Italian and NeapolitaUt plates after Carraci, veil. 5s; Dr. Wellesley^s copy in calf neat, \0s ih. 1689 510 another edition, 2 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, 5s ih. 1786 511 VOCABOLAEIO del dialetto Napoletano con Bicerche Etimologiche, 2 vols. • — Del Dialetto Napoletano— 3 vols. 16mo. hf morocco, lOs ih. 1789 512 Parmese. Peschieri Dizionario Parmigiano-Italiano, col Appendice, 3 vols. in 1, stout sm. 8vo. calf gilt, 15s Parma, 1828-31 513 Piedmontese. Pipino, Gramatica Piemontese, 8vo. hds. or cf 10s Torino, 1783 614 ZALLI d'CHER, Disionari Piemonteis, Italian, Latin e Eranseis, 3 vols, stout 8vo. ahout 1630 p/?. douhle columns, cloth, 18s Carmagnola, 1815 515 ZALLI, Disionari Piemonteis, edizione seconda arrichita, colle Appendici, 2 vols, in 1, stout 4to. calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, 34s Carmagnola, 1830 516 Romanesc. Beenert, il Meo Patacco overo Boraa in Eesta, poema giocoso nel Linguaggio Eomanesco, stout 12mo. vellum, 3* Qd JRoma^ 1695 517 MOEEI, Vocabolario Eomagnolo-Italiano, large 4to. ^'^Q pp. douhle cols. hf. calf, uncut, 35s Faenza, 1840 618 Pebesio, il Maggio Eomanesco overo il Palio conquistato, poema epico giocoso nel linguaggio del Yolgo di Eoma, 12mo. vellum, 7s Ferrara, 1688 519 Sardinian. Pischedda, Canti popolari dei classici Poeti Sardi, Italian and Sardinian, roy. 8vo. sd. 7s Qd Sassari, 1854 520 POEEU, Saggio di Gramatica sul dialetto Sardo Meridionale, 8vo. half calf, uncut, or, calf neat, 16s Cagliari, 1811 521 PuRQUEDDU, Tesoro della Sardegna ne Bachi e Gelsi, poema Sardo e Italiano, Vlvno. front, and plates, uncut, 10s Cagliari, 1779 522 EossT,Gramatica de su dialettu Sardu meridionali, sm. 8vo. sd. 7s Casteddu, 1812 523 SPANO (G.) Ortografia Sarda nazionale, ossia Grammatica della Lingua Logudorese, paragonata all' Italiana, 2 parts, 8vo. map, sd. 7s 6d Cagliari, 1840 524 SPANO, Vocabulario Sardo-Italiano, e Italiano-Sardo, coll' Aggiunta dei Proverbj Sardi, 2 vols. 4to. sd. 18s ; cloth, 20s Cagliari, 1851 525 Sicilian. Carij^i, Lu Vivu Mortu, effect u di bruttu amuri, 16mo. half vellum, 4s Falermu, 1783 526 Del Boko, Dizionario Siciliano Italiano Latino, 3 vols, smallest 4to. hf. calf neat, 20s Falermo, 1751-54 527 the same, second improved edition, 4 vols. sm. 4to. calf gilt, 28s 1783-85 528 LEONAEDI, Poema supra di lu Vinu, si sia utili o dannusu a li viventi, can- tatu ntra I'Accademia di li Etnei, 1789, 8vo. thick paper, portrait, vellum, 20s Gatania, 1798 Copies on thick or vellum paper are very i learned philological foot-notes, explaining all the RARE. Each page of this curious work has | etymologies of the difficult Sicilian words. 629 PASQUALINO (Mich.) Vocabulario Siciliano Etimologico, Italiano e Latino, 5 vols. 4to. half calf £2. 2s Falermo, 1785-95 *' L'auteur de cet ouvrage peu connu en I sur les etymologies.*' — Brunei. France a fait deprofondesetheurcusesrecherches | 530 EAU E Eequesens (D. S.) Eime, IQmo. vellum, 14s Venetia, Giunti, 1672 This very scarce volume contains Canzuni i is a Manuscript sonnet, "Risposta data dal Gran in the Sicilian dialect. On the fly-leaf at the end | Visir al Re di Prussia." 531 SCIMONELLI (Ign.) Poesie, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait^ hf. citron morocco, gilt top, rare, 30s Falermo, 1 826 532 TEMPIU {puminicu) Operi, Vol. I, II, in 2 vol. 8vo, portrait, hf. morocco, 7s Qd Cataniay 1814 These poems were completed in the third volume, puhlished 1815. 533 Vigo, Canti popolari Siciliani, impl. 8vo. double cols. 7s Qd Catania, 1857 ITALIAN LITERATURE. 572 534j Siennese. GIGrLI (Girolamo) Yocabulario Cateriniano, ove si spiegano alcune Voci e Erasi di S. Caterina da Siena, usate nelle sue opere, secondo IL D1A.LETT0 Sanese, 4to. FiEST EDITION, 320 pp. (A — R), all published, vellum, very rare, 30« {Roma, 1717) parceque I'ouvrage contenait une satire conti- nuelle des academiciens de la Crusca." — Brimet. " La premiere edition de cet ouvrage parut a Rome, 1717, maise elle fut arretee et saisielors- qu'il n'y avait encore que 320 pages d'imprimees, 535 G-IGrLI (G.) Vocabulario Cateriniano: da lui lasciato imperfetto alia Lettera R e che in questa seconda impressione si da compito, ove si spiegano 6 si difendono alcune Yoci e Erasi di S. Caterina da Sienna, secondo il Dia- letto Sanese o sue proprie ; con I'aggiunta della Earsetta del Piato dell' H, di Pier Jacopo Martelli, 4to. portrait, neatly half hound, 15s ; or, half yellow morocco gilt, I85 ; or, calf extra, 21s Manilla (Siena), s. a. 537 Venetian. POERIO, Dizionario del Dialetto Yeneziano, roy. 4to. xiii and 802 pp. treble cols. bds. IQs ; or, russia neat, 20s Venezia, 1829 538 Patriarchi (G.) Yocabolario Yeneziano e Padovano, 4to. sd. ^s ; or, hf bd. uncut, 5s Padova, 1821 539 TASSO. El Goffredo, canto alia Barcariola dal Dott(5r Tomaso Mondini, Italian and Venetian, smallest 4to. hf. bound, uncut, rare, 305 1728 Priced, 1842, Thorpe, £3. 35. Sold, Monck Mason, £1.15*. Italian Literature. 540 ABATI (A.) delle Erascberie, Easci tre, 12mo. small stamp on title, French red morocco, gilt edges, rare, 12s Gt? Lugd. Bat. 1658 The above is a collection of satirical poems and prose. Abati, for his wit was named " I'Abbate delle Vivezze e delle Argutezze." The Emperor Ferdinand III. composed a very indifferent acrostic in Italian in his praise instead of providing for his necessities, which, as ap- pears from some of his poems, were often most pressing. 541 ACHILLINO (Gioanue Philotlieo) Yiridario (in ottavaRima), sq. 8vo. without title and prefatory matter, green morocco, gilt edges, yery rare, Dr. Wellesley's copy, £2. 16s Bologna, 1513 Containing much curious information rela- I and other places, live to literary men and the artists of Bologna | 542 Ademolli, Marietta di Ricci ovvero Eirenze al tempo' del Assedio, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. half morocco, in a case, Gs Firenze, 1840 543 ALBERTI (L.) Descrittione di tutta l'italia ; Sito di essa, Costumi de Popoli, Condicioni de Paesi ; liuomini I'amosi che I'hanno illustrata, con tutte I'Opere marauigliose della Natura, stout sm. io\\o, fine portrait, autograph signature " Di Odoardo Biseto,'' Brunck's copy in veaufauve, full gilt bach, 15s Bologna, 1550 544 ALEIERI, Tragedie, emendate da Boschini, 6 vols, in 3, 24mo. clear type morocco, gilt edges, 8s Qd 1815 545 Alfieri TRAGEDiE,^?ie^?a^^s, 6 vols. — YiTA di Alfieri, scritta da lui mede- simo, 2 vols. — together 8 vols. roy. 8vo. in 7, half russia, 30s Firenze, 1820-2 546 the same, 8 vols, in 7,roj. 8yo. fine copy in half vellum, uncut, £2 2s ib. 1820-2 turellement plus fatigues, et dont le papier est moins beau." — Brunei . "Edition preferable a celle de 1824 par le meme imprimeur, oii les planches et les carac- teres ayant servi pour les deux editions, sont na- 547 A-LriERi, Tragedie, 8vo. portrait, new hf calf, top edges gilt, 7s Qd Pisa, 1826 548 ANDREA da BERGAMO, Satire alia Carlona, Vinegia, 1548-65— Quattro Dialogi di Garnero con alcune curiosita, Geneva, 1627 — Sette dialogi e pia- cevoli ragionamenti, 1645—4 vols, in 1 stout 12mo fine copies in old red MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, 30s Vinegia, 1566 549 Satire alia Carlona, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. calf extra, 7 s Gd Venegia, 1566 Pages 179-227 of this second work contain I true name was Pietro Nelli." — " Queste satire Proverbs an*anged alphabetically. The Satirist's | sono (/raziosiasime e molto rare.^* — Bayrn, ii. 122. 550 ARETINO, I Quattro Libri della Humanita di Christo, 16mo. woodcut portrait on title, some pages a little water-stained, original stamped calf, rare and curious^ Os (Veuetia), 1639 573 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 551 AKETINO (Pietro) Capricciosi et Piacevoli EAGIONAMENTI, nuova edi- tione, con certe postille, che spianano e dichiarono evidentemente i luoghi e le parole piu oscure e piu difficili dell' opera. — La Puttana Errrante, overo Dialog© di Madalena e Giulia ; 12mo./me copy in old gilt russia, gilt edges, £2. 2s Cosmopoli {Elze'vier) 1660 This very curious work is eagerly sought after Nodier's copy, £4. lis ; 1860, Mitford's, £3. \s ; by Italian scholars. Copies fetched : 1855, Lord 1861, Ernouf's, £2. 18*- ; Priced, 1855, Techener, Stuart de Rothesay's, £2. 65 ; 1857, at Sotheby's, 90 fr. 552 Aeetino (P.) Vita scritta dal Conte Griammaria Mazzuchelli, 8vo. laege PAPEE, ;?or^. andplates, vellum, gilt edges, 16s Padova, 1741 Ouvrage bien fait." — Brunei. 553 Aegelati (Franc.) II Decamerone, 2 vols. 12mo.vellum, 7s Gd Bologna, 1751 554 AEIOSTO, OPEEE nuovamente raccolte, di scelte e vaghe Giunte adornate, (per cura di Missori e Pavate) 2 vols, stout folio, numerous plates, with the title Orlando F arioso only , vellum, 2Sds Venetia, Orlandini, 1730 This exception ably fine copy has also the I Ariosto, delle annotazioni de' piii cclebri autori first title in red and black. " Orlando Furioso di | adornato, 1730." 555 AEIOSTO (L.) ©tlanto Jutfoso, 12mo. in gOt{}ic letter, woodcut portrait on last page, facsimile title-page, red morocco, gilt edges, exteemelt eaee, £3. 10s Vinegia, per Francesco di Alessandro JSindoni ^ Mapheo Pasini, 1533 A book of extreme rarity. Col. Stanley's \ metided, 475 frsLiics. " Edition tres-rare, portee a 285 fr. Du- plesse." — Brunet. (Hibbert's) copy sold for £10. lOs at his sale, and subsequently for £22. ]0s at Hanrott's. Priced by Tross in 1855, large copy in vellum, leaves 556 Aeiosto, Orlando Eurioso alia sua integrita ridotto, con alcune stanze del S. Aluigi Goiizaga in lode del medesimo, aggiuntevi per ciascun canto alcune allegoric, coll' Espositione dei Yocaboli di Dolce, sin. 8yo. (12mo.) numerous heautiful woodcuts, including 2 portraits^ very choice copy in old red moeocco extra, £5. 5s Vinegia Giolito, 1546 A remarkably pretty and very rare edition. Priced, 1233, Payne and Foss, mor. £6. 6*. 557 Oelando Etjeioso con alcune Stanze el cinque Canti d'un nuovo libro del modesimo, sm. 4to. ruled in red ink throughout, numerous spirited woodcuts, fine copy in the original calf binding, inlaid and tooled in Grolier fashion, morocco hack, gilt and gauffered adges,froni Dr. Wellesley^s library, £5. 15s Vinegia, Giolito de Ferrari, 1551 558 Aeiosto, Orlando Eurioso, tutto ricorretto et di nuove Eigure adornato, con le Annotationi di Euscelli, la Yita dell' Autore da Pigna, Vocabulario, etc. sm. 4to. printed in italic type, engraved title, 46 large woodcuts the size of the paper, and numerous woodcut initial letters, clean copy, old calf, gilt, 12s Venetia, Valgrisi, 1556 Prieed, 1840, Jas. Bohn, £1. lis 6d. "Pre- | Les gravures en bois dont elle est ornee ont ete miere edition de ce poeme donne par les Vagrise, I faites sur les dessins de Dosso Dossi peintre fer- et la plus belle, qui soit sortie de leurs presses. | rarais." — Brunet. 559 Aeiosto, Orlando Eurioso, 4to. beautiful engravings hy Forro,fine copy, old vellum, gilt edges, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £2. 2s 1584 5(30 the same, 4to. a beautiful copy in old red morocco, from Charles Nodier's library, £6. Qs Venet, 1584 This copy has the plate to the 33rd Canto in longtemps reduite a sa juste valeur. Celle qui de- duplicate, WITH a copy of the rare plate to the vait orner le trente-quatrieme chant fut supprimee 34th Canto inserted from an English edition, but par tout, en il n'y'a point d'exemplaires qui la in a long note Charles JNodier says, " I'histoire de contiennent cssentiellement." la planche inseree en double par erreur est depuis 561 Aeiosto, Orlando Eurioso, con le annotationi di Ruscelli, sm. 4to. large wood- cuts the full size of the page, clean copy in vellum, 65 Venet. 1603 562 ATIIOSTO Oelando Eurioso, 4 vols. roy. 8vo. Baskeeville's splendid edi- tion, edited by P. Molini, portrait and numerous fine plates after Eisen, Ci- priani and others, engraved by Bartolozzi, etc. a fine copy in yellow moeocco, double bonds, gilt edges, £3. 3« Birmingham, 1773 Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £6. 6« ; 1830-2, Payne j £5. I2s ed ; North's, £5. 7* 6d ; 18.56, Sotheby's, and Foss, £5. 5s; Jas. Bohn, £6. I6s 6d. £7. 7s. Fetched in the Merl^ sale, £6. ; Hibbert's, j ITALIAN LITEEATUEE. 574 563 Aeiosto, Orlando Eurioso, con Vita da Barotti, 4 vols. 8vo. port. sd. 9s 1821 564 the same, 4 vols, large Svo. thick papeh, sd. 30^ Firenze^ 1821 565 Orlando Fnrioso, 3 vols. 18mo. pretty copy in green morooco, 6s 1839 566 La Morte di EXJGGIERO, continuata la materia de I'Ariosto, per Giovam- battista Pescatore da Eavenna, sm. 4to. numerous woodcuts, calf extra, gilt edges, 325 Vinegia, Comin da Trino, 1548 Ariosto, Panizzi's edition — see Bojardo. 567 GuiDi, Annali delle Edizioni e delle Versioni dell' Orlando Eurloso, ^yo. port, sd. 2s ed Bologna, 1861 " Ariosto has been, after Homer, the fa- hangs on a protracted story left him no rival in vourite poet of Europe. His grace and facility, general popularity. Above sixty editions of the his clear and rapid stream of language, his va- Orlando Furioso were published in the sixteenth riety and beauty of invention, his very transla- centmy. There was not one, says Bernardo Tasso, tions of subjects, so frequntly censured by critics, of any age, sex, or rank, who was satisfied with a but artfully devised to spare the tediousncss that single perusal." — Rallam. 568 Attila, Elagellum Dei, poemetto in ottava rima riprodotto sulle antiche stampe, impl. 8vo. hf. calf, uncut, 100 copies printed. Vis Fisa, 1864 569 AUGUSTINE. Queste illibro di Sancto Augustiko de la Cita di Dio, sm, folio, ^w the Index a couple of leaves mended, and a title or two deficient, oilier- wise afine large copy, in calf neat, gilt edges, £2. 85 Bine nota {circa 1475) This uncommon edition, of which the exact I Testo di Lingua, quoted by the Delia Cruscans. date and the printer have not yet been traced, is a | 570 Bacco, ilEegno di Napoli, 16mo. coats of arms, old calf 6s Napoli, 1620 This book contains registers of all the noble and Patrician families of the Kingdom of Naj^les. 571 Baldi (B.) Vita e fatti di Eederigo, Duca d' Uebin^o, per Zuccardi, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, sd. Testo di Lingua, 6s Boma, 1824 572 the same, 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. portrait, half gilt vellum, 10s 1824 573 Baegagli (Scip.) I Trattenimenti (Narrate, Novelle e Cantate amoroso, Can- zonette), 4to. original and most correct edition, vellum, 12s Venetia, 1587 574 Barlaam e Giosaffatte (SS.) Storia de', 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, 6s Boma, 1816 575 BAETOLI (Dan.) Istoria della Campagnia di Giesu: la Missione al Mogor; in Asia ; in Italia ; in Inghilterra — Vita e Institute di S. Ignatio, fondatore della Compagnia — together 6 vols, folio, fine copies in Italian vellum, neat, from Dr. Wellesley's library, scarce, £4. 10s Boma, 1659-73 576 BAEOTTI (G.) Memorie istorische di Letterati Ferraresi, Vol. I, stout folio, all publish ed in this form, large akd thick paper, engraved title, fine portraits, vignettes, vellum, IQs Ferrara, 1777 Nicol's copy fetched £2. \2s &d. 577 BASILE, il Conto de' Conti, trattenimento a' fanciulli, 12mo. rude woodcuts, vellum, rare, 7s Gd Napoli, 1769 578 Bellarmati, Istorie Sanesi ; Sconfitta di Montaperto ; Cenni sulla Zecca Sanese, etc. 8vo. plates of Coins, hf. calf gilt, 6s Siena, 1844 579 Belli (Francesco) Accidenti di Cloramindo Principe della Ghenuria, sm. 4to. vellum, 7s Venetia, 1639 A political Romance; not mentioned by Tiraboschi. 580 BEENI (F.) OELANDO INNAMOEATO, composto gia dal S. Matteo Maria Boiardo Conte di Scandiano et hora rifatto tutto di nuovo (in ottavo Eima), small 4to. a very tall copy, the first 9 leaves mended, calf neat, £2. 2s; or afine copy, old calf red morocco hank, £3. 3^ ; ov a fine copy in green Mo- rocco extra, gilt-marbled edges by Niedrie, ;€4. 4^ Venetia, Heredi di Oiunta, 1545 A scarce edition of this metrical Romance. , Knights for £7. 10*. CoL Stanley's copy sold for £8. 8.?, and the White i 581 BEETOLDO, con Bertoldik-o e Cacasexn-o (poema buffo) in ottava rima, royal 4to. original edition, with 20 humourous plates, from Crespis designs, vellum, 16s Bologna, 1736 582 the same, reprinted, 12mo. plates, vellum, 4* Venezia, 1737 575 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 583 Berki Primo Libro dell' OPEEE BUELESCHE di P. Berni, di G-. della Casa, del Yarchi, del Mauro, di M. Bino, del Molza, del Dolce, & del Pirenzuola, 12mo. with the autograph and French MS. notes of Jean Fran- cois Gillies, vellum, gilt edges, Dr. Wellesley's copy, £2. Vis Firenze^ 1550 In these elegant pieces of profanity and I are in many places supplied by dots, but not on witty licentiousness, the names of Christ and God I leaf 47 as Brunet mentions. Orlando Innamorato — see Boiardo. 584 Bertoloni, Nuova Serie de' Testi di Lingua Italiani, 8vo. half morocco, uncut, Is Qd ^ Bologna, 1846 585 BiccHiEEAi (A.) dei Bagni di Montecatini, large 4to. plates, hf calf gilt, Testo di Lingua, Dr. Wellesley's copy, 7s 6d Firenze, 1788 Moreni erroneously calls the -work a folio, and gives a wrong date, 1778 instead of 1788. 586 BOCCACCIO (Gr.) Opere yolgari, 17 vols, royal 8vo. large tellum paper, portrait and India Froof plates after Stothard's elegant designs, hf. morocco, uncut, Dr. Welleslefs copy, £10. Firenze, 1827-34 "Edition faite avec soin, d'apres les meil- J est imprimfie pour la premiere fois." — Brunet. leurs textes et les MSS. — la Caccia di Diana y j 587 Boccaccio, i\ Bccametonc, novamente corretto con tre novelle aggiunte, large 8vo. hf calf, vert rare, £2. 16^ Vinegia, Aldo, 1522 1868, for £16.165. "Edition a la fois belle correcte, rare et recherch^e." — Brunet. Edizione non castrata. Sir M. Sykes' copy fetched £13. 135 ; at the Bearzi sale, old morocco, 520 fr. Dr. Wellesley's copy I sold, 588 Boccaccio, il Decameron ; con Yita da Paolo Eolli, 4to. russia, 7s 6d 1527 {Londra, 1725) 689 Boccaccio, il Decamerone, nuovamente corretto et con diligentia stampato, sm. 4to. dark olive morocco extra, gilt edges, 30s Firenze, 1527 {Venezia, 1729) This is a copy, in beautiful condition, of the famous forgery, executed at Venice, for Consul Smith, under the care of Stefano Orlandini and Salvatore Ferraii ; of which 300 copies were printed. 590 Boccaccio, il Decamerone, nuovamente stampato et ricorretto per Messer Antonio Brucioli, con dichiaratione di piu regole dela lingua Toscana, square 8vo. woodcut title zvith portrait, and woodcut initials and vignettes, russia extra, 25s Venetia, lolito di Ferrarii, 1542 " Edition rare et estimee; vendu £6. "White Knights." — Brunet. 591 il Decamerone, ridotto alia sua intera perfezione, per GtIROl. Brs- CELLi et con un vocabulario general, sm. 4to. woodcuts, vellum, very fne copy, £2. Venetia, V. Valgrisio, 1552 592 Decamerone, alia sua intera perfezione ridotto, con Dichiarationi et Avvertimenti di Euscelli, et un Vocabolario generale, 2 vols in 1, sm. 4to. woodcuts, fine copy, ruled, red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy De Seuil, £(j, 6s Venetia, Valgrisi, 1554-57 A ver}' rare uncastrated edition, printed in italic type. 593 il Decamerone, di nuovo emendato secondo gli antichi esemplari, 16mo. fine copy, woodcuts, old calf gilt, 12s Venegia, Comin da Trino, 1556 Priced, 1830, Payne and Foss, £?. 2*. 594 II Decamerone, si como la diedero alle stampe gli SS". Giunti Tanno 1527, 2 vols, ISmo. fine copy in old French red mor. gilt edges, 30s Amst. 1665 595 the same, in 1 vol. 18mo. very fine tall copy in old red morocco, gilt edges, £3. 1665 " Edition belle et correcte. On recherche I ti'ouvent bien conserves," — Brunet, beancoup les exemplaires de ce Boccace qui se j 596 il Decameron, tratto dall' ottimo Testo scritto da Manelli, 4to. large PAPER, ^or^s. andfacs. red morocco, gilt edges, 30s Firenze {Lucca) 1761 *' Cette edition, donnee par Guadagni et Bandini, se recommande par la purete du texte." — Brunet. 597 Boccaccio, Decamerone, con Discorso storico di Ugo Poscolo, 3 vols, small 8vo. cloth, 10s Bickering, 1825 598 the same 3 vols, in 1, small 8vo. printed on India paper, only 25 copies printed, with proof portrait and plates after Stothard, olive morocco extra, gilt edges hg Flay day, £\,^s Bickering, 1S26 ITALIAN LITEEATUEE. 576 599 Boccaccio, delle DONNE ILLUSTEI, tradotto per Betussi, thick 12rao. 676 ^p. and Tavola, 14 leaves, fine copy in vellum, £2. 2s Mrenza, 1596 600 Inamoramito di ELOEIO et di BIAZAEIOEE, chiamato PIIILO- COLO, small 4to. woodcut title, calf, a rare and good edition, 24* Venetia, Bernardino de Lesona, 1520 601 Boccaccio, I'amorosa Fiammetta — Laberinto d'Amore — in 1 vol. 16mo. vellum, 7s 6d Vinegia, 1575 602 il CoBBACCio, altrimente laderit^to d'amoee, da Dolce, 1551 — Apu- leio, Asino d'oro, per Firenzuola, 1552 — in 1vol. 16mo. vellum, edges gilt ani gauffy^ed, 7s 6d Vinegia, 1550-51 603 Manni, Istoria del Decamerone di Boccaccio, 4to. vellum, 6s Firenze, 1742 " Bon ouvrage ; rolume bien imprime et tire a petit nombre." — Brunei. 604 BoccALTNi, PiETEA DEL Pakagone POLITICO, con una nuoua aggiunta, 16mo. engraved title and plates, old red morocco extra, a curious satire, XQs 1675 A curious political Romance. 605 BoDiNo, Demonomania de gli Stregoni, cioe : Eurori et malie de' Demoni col mezo de gli Huomini ; trad, da Cato, small 4to. vellum, 7s Qd Jildo, 1587 606 BoETio, Consolatione de la Eilosofia, tradotto da Bartoli, 12mo. limp velluMy Qs Fiorenza, 1551 607 BOIAEDO. Gli Quarto, Quinto e Sesto Libri dello INNAMOEAMENTO DI OELANDO, compositi per Nicolo degli Agostini, sq. 8vo. 167 leaves, woodcut on the first, and a map of Central Europe on the reverse of leaf ^Q, the margins of a few leaves slightly stained, old calf gilt, 25s Vinegia, Nicolini da Sahbio, 1539 " This is the first edition of the Quarto libro with an edition of Boiardo, Yenezia, Zoppino ; by Agostini, and two edd. of the Orlando Inam. and according to Brunet, the fourth book was by Boiardo preceded it: Venice, 1500; 4to, printed at Venice and Milan, 1.506; and the three Milan, 1518." — Rev. J. 3IH ford's MS. vote. This books (4th, 5th, and 6th) were printed by Zop- statement of Mitford is incorrect, as according to pino, 1525-IJ-4. Gamba three books of Agostini were published 608 BoJARDO, Orlai^do Ii^namorato, insieme co i tre libri di Nicolo de gli Agos- tini, riformato per Domenichi, 2 vols, small 4to. woodcuts, vellum, nice copy, 30« . Vinegia, Scotto, 1553 609 Orlando Innamorato, co i tre libri di Agostini, riformati per Dome- nichini, small 4to. many woodcuts in ornamental borders, the title, margins of of the first three and last two leaves very slightly wormed, otherwise a nice copy^ in old russia gilt, IQs Venetia, Imberti, 1G02 610 BoJARDO, Orlando Innamorato, insieme con i tre libri di Nicolo de gli Agostini, gia riformati per L. Domenichi, stout square 12mo. a profusion of woodcuts, old French veaufauve gilt, 24s Venetia, 1655 A fine copy of this pretty edition. 611 Orlando Inamorato, ora rifatto tutto di nuovo da Beeni, 4to. very fine copy, blue MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, by Derome, 'SOs Fiorenza, {Napoli), 1725 " The editor was Lorenzo Ciccarelli, under the feigned name of Cellino Zecclori." — Brunet. 612 BO JAEDO ed AEIOSTO : Bojardo, Orlando Innamorato— Ariosto, Orlando Furioso ; with an Introductory Essay, Memoirs, and Notes in English by Panizzi, 9 vols. sm. 8vo. half blue morocco gilt, contents lettered, £2. 16* 1830 613 BOEGrHINI (Eaflfaelo) il Eiposo, in cui della Pittura e della Scultura si favella, de' Pittori e Scultori, e delle loro famose opere, stout 12mo. fine copy in old red morocco, gilt edges, rare, 25s Firenze, 1584 Contains notices on the lives and works of I " Ouvrage estim6 et rare de cette edition." about 300 Italian Painters and Sculptors. | Brunet, 614 BOTTA (C.) Storia d'ltalia dal 1789 al 1814, 8 vols, in 4, 8vo. portrait, calf neat, \hs Italia, 1824 615 Storia della Guerra Americana, 4 vols. 8vo. hf cf gilt, 16sFarigi, 1809 616 the same, 7 vols. 8vo. hf vellum, 26s Liv. 1825-26 2 s 577 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. G17 BETJNO (Giordano) Opere, par la prima volta raccolte e pubblicate da Wagner, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. portrait, hf. calf, 10s Qd; or brown morocco, gilt edges, 14* ' Ups, 1830 fante,' which contains a bitter satire on the Ca- tholic religion, and the papal government." Whewell. " Giordano Bruno was burnt as a heretic in 1600, in consequence of the opinions 'in a work ■which he published in England, and dedicated to Sir Philip Sidney, ' Spaccio della Bestia Trion- 618 BEUSANTINO, Angelica inamorata, corretta per il diligenle Academico Pellegrino, 399 pp. woodcuts, fine copy, from the Lamoignon Library, French calf gilt, very rare, ZQs Vinegia, Marcolini, 1553 Col. Stanley's copy fetched £7. Is. I poeme a quelque reputation et les exemplaires en " Poeme fort estime." — De Bure. " Ce I sont rares." — Brunei. 619 Canzonette: Li quattro libri delJe YILLOTTE alla NAPOLITANA a tre voci, de diversi eccellentissimi Auttori con due Moresche, Vinegia, G. Scotto, 1565 ; Di Giovan Nasco le Canzon Yillanesclie alla Napolitana a quatro voci, ib. 1565 ; Yillotte alla Napoletana a tre voci. di diversi, con una To- descha, ih. 1566 ; II Primo Libro di Canzone Napolitane a tre voci, con due alla Yenetiana di Giulio Bonagiunta da San Genesi, et d'altri Auttori, ib. 1565 ; II Primo Libro di Canzoni Napolitane a tre voci, di Jo. Leonardo Primavera. Con alcune Napolitane di Jo. Leonardo di L'arpa,z5. 1566; Di Massimo Troiano da Napoli il terzo libro delle sue Eime e Canzoni alla Napolitana a tre voci colla battaglia della Gatta, e la Cornaccbia, et una Amascharata alla Turchesca a cinque voci, et una Moresca, ib. 1568 ; II Primo Libro della raccolta di Napolitane a tre voci, di diversi eccellentissimi Musici, ib. 1570 ; Corona delle Napolitane a tre et a quattro voci, di diversi eccellentissimi Musici, ib. 1570, {Canto Part.) Eight pieces in 1 vol. 12mo. TEET EAEE,/ro»^ the libraries of Singer and Heber, calf, £4^. IQs 1565-70 Walker, in his Essay on the Revival of the Drama in Italy, says that the first secular Music printed after the invention of the press, were songs, alla Napolitana. These were sung in parts in the streets as serenate, and were perhaps sometimes adopted in the vocal accompaniments of Rappresentazione. short airs in four parts, to pleasant and facetious 620 Casa (Giovanni della) Opere, molto illustrate e di cose inedite accresciute, 6 vols. 4to. with the rare pieces, old calf gilt, 10s Napoli, 1733 Priced, 1848, Payne and Foss, £3. 3*. *' No poet of his time enjoyed more reputa- tion than the ecclesiastic Giovanni Della Casa. He has established claims to reputation, by the extent of his classical attainments. His style is pure Tuscan, and the sonnet ' Son qneste d'Amor' is a delightful expression of love, while its manly tenderness quite elevates the mind above the Platonic heroics of most sonnetteers." — MilWs Theodore Ducas. 621 Casti, Novelle Galanti, in Ottava Eimo, dell' Ab . . C(asti) sm. 8vo. crimson morocco, tooled sides and gilt edges, 15^ Lond. 1793 622 Castiglione, II libro del Coetegiano, 4 parts in 1 vol. 18mo. old French green morocco extra, gilt edges, 7s Qd s. I. e. a. (circa 1530) 623 Cellini (Benvenuto) Yita (pubblicata da Bemstett) 4to. First Edition, laege PAPEE, bds. Testo di Lingua, Qs Colonia, senza anno (Napoli, 1728) Cento Noyelle — see Novelle. 625 CIAMPOLI, Poesie Sacre, 12mo. old red morocco, 12s Bologna, 1648 Unknown to Brunet. CrNTHio — see Giealdi Cothio. 626 CisANO (Giov.) Tesoro di Concetti Poetici, scelti da' piu illustri Poeti Toscani, con annotationi, 2 vols, stout 16mo. very fine copy, vellum, uncut, 10s , Ven. 1610 627 Colombo (Abate Michele) Opuscoli, edizione riveduta ed ampliata, 5 vols. sm. ^\o. portrait, hf calf gilt, 12s Parma, 1824-37 628 COENAZANI (Antonii) de Tide et Yita Christi liber, Italice (in terza Bima), sq. 8vo. FiEST EDITION, fine large copy in dark green morocco, gilt edges, by Cape, eiteemelt eaee, £4. 4s s. I. (Venetiis, N, JensonJ m.cccc.lxxii. Besides the Italian Poem which concludes with " Exhortatorio al Italia in Soccorso de la Fede" and " Del Caso di Negroponte," there are " Ejusdem Auctoris pro ejusdem Urbis Laudibus Minerva heroico Carmine." ITALIAN LITEEATUBE. 578 629 CosTANZo, Historia del Re^iio di Napoli, 4to. red Morocco extra, gilt edges^ ISs Napoli, 1735 G30 COSTO, il FuGGiLOZTO, in otto giornate, 18mo. calf gilt, 20s Venetia, 1602 631 'ExjQsGfiJjOZio, Vlvno. fine large copy, with rough lower margins, vellum, 2ds Venefia, 1602 A curious collection of Novclle, etc. on the I Sayings, Remarkable Deeds, etc. Colonel Stan- Malice of Women and Arrogance of Men, Witty j ley's copy sold for £3. 632 JSante la ©iijina Cometim, col Commento di BENVENUTO EAMBALDI da IMOLA, corretto da Christofal Berardi, con la Vita dello poeta j>er Giovani Boccliaeio ; thick folio, black lEttct, very fine clean large copy, green morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, hy Kalthoeber, £25. Venet. Vindelix db Spira, 1477 Very fine copy, with the Rare blank leaf A 1 of the *' Commedia." It is absolutely com- plete, in 374 leaves, as described by Colomb de Batines, not 377 as in Brunet. The Colophon (in verse) ends: — E spiera vendelin fu il stampatore Del mille quattrocento e settantasetti Correvan gli anni del nostro signore. First Edition with a Commentary. De Bure in giving a long account of this volume, calls it "fort rare et recherchee;" and an ample description of it is given by Dr. Dibdin, in ihe Bibliotheca Spenceriana, Vol. IV. p. 105. " Li- bro per ogni contoprogievolissimo," says Gamba. Benvenuto da Imola lived about 1380. Among many other curious particulars contained in this valuable Commentary is a singular anecdote re- latino; to Mahomet. 633 DANTHE ALIGHIEEI, la Comedia, col Comento di Christoforo LAi^Dmo, stout folio, with three of the ENGRAVINGS by Baccio Baldini, several leaves pierced hy a small wornihole, otherwise a good copy, blue morocco, gilt edges, very rare, £10. \i)s Firenze, per N'icholo di Lorenzo dell a Magna, 1481 The third engraving is a duplicate of the second, as is generally the case. 634 DANTE Ope RE, col comento di Lombardi, ora nuovamente arricchito di molte illustrazioni edite ed inedite, Vols. 1 to 5, 8vo. portrait, being an exact reprint of the text of the Padova isf^ue, sd. 32* Firenze, Ciardefti, 1830 635 the same, 6 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. vellum gilt, uncut, from the library of A. Alison, the Historiany £2. 16^ Firenze, Ciardetti, 1830-41 etc.; V, Rime e Biografia; VI, Opere minori, Egloghe latine, e tratatti del volgar eloquio, etc. Contents of this splendid edition, acknow- ledged to be the best: — I, Inferno; II, Purgatorio; III, Paradiso; IV, Rimario, Convita, Vita Nuova, 636 DANTE, le Terze Eime : lo 'nferno e '1 Purgatorio e '1 Paradiso, 12mo. old calf gilt, £3 10^ Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi, 1502 637 the same, 12mo. a very tall copy, hf. riissia, ;964. 4^ 1502 This copy has the anchor on the last leaf, which is wanting in many copies. It is the first book in which this mark was employed. Sir M. Sykes' copy fetched £5 10*; and Dr. Hawtrey's, in 1853, £5. 15.?. " Edition re- cherchee, mais dont on trouve difficilement des exemplairescompletset bien conserves." — Brunet. 638 DANTE. Comedia di Danthe Alighieri, c5 I'Espositione di Christophoro Landino, ^o\io, fine title-page in red and black, with portraits of five Italian and five Roman poets, large portrait of Dante on the bach, full page size, and numerous other woodcuts throughout text, in oak boards, with russia bach and clasps, many rough leaves, £3. Venet. Jac. del 'Burgofrdco, 1529 " Ediaione difficile a trovarsi."^ Colomh de ' lications, as it was printed for one of that family. Batines. It belongs to the Giunta series of pub- | 639 Dai^tte, Divina Commedia, col Comento di Biagioli, 3 vols, calf gilt, ISs ; or hf. green morocco gilt, \Ss Parigi, 1818-19 With an excellent Commentary explaining j rettissima edizionc." — Colomh de Butines. the beauties of the poet. " Bella e nitida e cor- | 640 La Divina Commedia, 48mo. beautifully printed in diamond type, red MOROCCO extra, gilt top, 25s Londra, Pickering, 1823 642 la Divina Commedia, con comento analitico di Gabriolle Eosetti : L'Inferno, 2 vols. 8?o. all published (pub. £2.) bds. 2\s Londra, 1826-7 643 le prime Quattro Edizioni della Divina Commebta letteralmente ristampata per cura di Lord Vernon, (con un discorso sulle medesime di Panizzt) stout folio, 20 and 748 pp. (pub. at £k 45) five plates of fac- similes, hf. morocco, uncut, £3. 3* Londra, 1858 A beautiful and careful reprint of the four j exhibits at one view the differences of the four, first and most important editions. Each page j 2 s2 579 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 643 Dante, l'Ottimo Commento della Divina Commedia, testo inedito d'ua con- temj^oraneo di Dante citato dagli Accademici della Crusca, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. morocco extra, uncut, 38s ^isa, 1827-29 644 l'Inferj^o, colle figure di G. Dore, large folio, beautifully printed on thick paper, loith portrait and 75 superb and singular engravings, impressions on India paper by Gustaye DoEfe, cloth, uncut, £6. 6^ Parigi, 1861 " Here is what may be styled a volume royal, fancy with the living artist into the shades of folio, broad margined, luminously printed upon Hell, and be so impressed by his photographical the purest paper, and edited with care, from the vigour that they may even know how in the Cominian text, as the foundation of the present thinking it reneweth fear to have once seen such version. The telling, bold and dramatic com- monstrous shadows, sullen flames and dismal positions of M. G. Dore will obtain admiration regions." — Athenceum. from a wide circle. Thousands will go down in 645 Daiste's Visions of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise translated by Cary, 12mo. (pub. 105 6^) cloth, ^sQd ^ ^ 1844 655 BoccACCT, Comento sopra la Commedia di Dante, annotazioni di Salvini, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. vellum, Testo di Lingua, 5s Firenze, 1724i A commentary on the first seventeen Cantos of the Inferno, Avith the text quoted in. single lines. 646 Dante, Life and Times of, by Count C. Balbo, translated by Bunbury, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. half green morocco, 7s 6d 1852 647 COLOMB DE BATINES, Bibliografia Dantesca, catalogo delle edi- zioni, traduzioui, codici MSS., e comenti di Dante ecc. traduzione Italiana fatta sul MS. Francese, 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, Dr. Welleslefs copy, 355 Prato, 1845-46 648 Illusteazio2^e del Cobice Daktesco Grumelli dell' anno 1402, 4to. four photographs from the original MS. sd. 5s Bergamo, 1865 *^* Printed by the municipality of Bergamo for the Sixth Centenary of Dante. 649 PoNTA, sulla principale Allegoria della Divina Commedia, 8vo. bds. 3^ Qd Novi, 1845 650 Dante, CONVIVIO, small 4to. with neat MS. notes on the margins, attributed to Luigi Pulci, a very large copy with rough leaves, hf bd. gilt top, £5. 1490 651 il Convito, con note critiche e discbiarative di Pederzini, large 8vo. hf. morocco, uncut, Is Qd Modena, 1831 This edition has the text of the Convivio much ameliorated, and is said to be a Testo di Lingua. 652 Denina Eivoluzioni della Germania, 8 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 10s 6d ib. 1804 653 DiALOGo de' Giuochi cbe nelle Yegghie Sanesi si usano di fare del Materiale intronato, sm. 4to. russia extra, gilt edges, 30« Siena, Bonetti, 1572 " Ovvrage singulier." — Brunei. 654 DOLCE (Lod.) il Sacripante, in ottava rima, small 4to. vellum, 145 1556 655 Vita di Caelo Qutnto, 2 parts in 1 vol. beautifully engraved title and portrait; illustrated by numerous views of towns, battles, etc. and many portraits of famous contemporaries of Charles V. russia extra, gilt edges, 2Ss Vinegia, Gabriel Giolito, 1567 656 il Palmerino, poema, sm. 4to. woodcut title. Initial Letters, calf, fine copy, 255 Venetia, Battista Sessa, 1561 Hibbert, £1.8* ; Heber, £1. 10*. 657 DoMEifiCHi (Lodovico) Detti et Eatti di diversi Signori, i quali si chiamano Eacetie, Motti et Burle, 16mo. calf extra, gilt edges, Qs Qd Venegia, 1562 658 DOiS'I, Novelle (raccolte da Giimha),Svo. with a Life of Boni and Bibliography of his works, fine paper, vellum, uncut, 10s mdcccxv. These 40 Novels, diffused amongst Doni's I put together by Gamba. Only 80 copies of the letters and various works, were extracted and j edition were printed. 659 Do^'i la Zucca, in cinque libri di gran valore, espurgata e riformata da Jer. Gioannini da CapugDano, thick 12mo. vellum, 5s Venetia, 159]. One of the most humourous publications of I Zucca,'' render this edition desirable to the pos- Italy. The introduction " Anatomia sopra la | sessor of the first edition of 1551 and 1552. 660 Eacetie, Motti, Burle e Buffonerie (Scelta di) del Piovano Arlotto, Gonella, Barlacchia, &c. 16mo. calf gilt edges, Qs Venetia, 1617 661 EEDELI (G.) Opera Spirituale in Versi intitolata Eonte del Messia, 12mo. many curious woodcuts, without the colophon, hf calf, 10s Vinegia, 1531 These pious Effusions of the Italians during the time of the Reformation are both curious and rare. ITALIAN LITEEATUEE. 580 662 FiLiCAiA, Poesie Toscane, 4to. large type edition, vellum, 5s ; or, calf gilt, Qs Firenze, 1707 663 Francis (St.) Eirae Spirituali di diversi autori in lode del serafico Padre S. Erancesco, raccolte da Poppi, 1606 — Canzone al sac. Monte dell' Avernia, 4 leaves, 1507 — Sette Canzoiii in lode di S. Erancesco, cut of S. Francis re- ceiving the stigmata, 1606 — in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. bd. 25s Firenze, 1606-7 (SQ^ Eeegoso, Opera Nuova, de doi Philosophi, Democrito e Heraclito, 12mo. curious woodcut on title, Jif. morocco, 3« 6J Venegia, 1512 665 EEIZZI, Storia di Ferraea, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. cf neat, £2. Ferrara, 1847-48 666 GrALiLEO GrALiLEi, Opeee, accresciute di molte cose inedite, 4 vols. sm. 4to. portrait and cuts, calf, 10s Fadova, 1744 667 GALILEO GrALILEI, Opere, 16 vols. roy. 8vo. large paper, sd. uncut, £5. 5s Firenze, 1842-56 stituent a peu pres le tiers de la collection, parmi lesquels la correspondance de Galilee avec les savants de son temps, composee de pres de 1600 lettres contenues en six volumes. II s'y trouve anssi une quaiitite d'autres pieces qui se rappor- tent aux oeuvres et a la vie de Galilee, ce qui constitue un corps d'ouvrage qui laisse bien en arriere toutes les precedentes editions des oeuvres de ce grand homme." — Brunet. Many of the works of Galileo circulated ex- tensively during his lifetime in MS., and were never printed. These have been collected from various parts of Europe, and are printed for the first time in this edition, verifying its claim to the title oi prima edizione completa. " Cette edition comprend tout ce que Ton connaissait deja d'ecrits de Galilee imprimes, plus une quantite de morceaux inedits qui con- 668 Galluzzi (E.) Istoria del Granducato di Toscana, sotto il Governo della Casa Medici, 5 vols. 4to. large vaveh, plates, hf calf, 10s Firenze^ 1781 Priced, 1848, Thorpe, £5. 5s. 669 nuova edizione, 10 vols, in 5, 8vo. portraits, hf. calf, 10s ib. 1822 670 Gianni, poesie, 2 vols. 12mo. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, 7s 6d 1807 671 GIOBEETI, Opere del Primato morale e civile degli Italiani, 3 vols. — Intro- duzione alio studio della Eilosofia, 3 vols. — Del Bello e del Buono— Jl Gesuita Moderno, 5 vols. — Del EinDovamento civile d'ltalia, 2 vols. — ■Teori- ca del Sovranaturale, 2 vols. — Operette Politiche, 2 vols. — 14 vols. 8vo. and 4 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. £2. 10s 1845-51 672 GiOEDANi Opere, con Vita, 13 vols. 12mo. sd. 20s 1855-8 673 GIEALDI CINTHIO, dELL' Hercole, Canti ventisei, sm. 4to. portrait, woodcut initials, old red morocco extra, gilt edges, by 'DY.nowsi, formerly Hibberfs C'py, and now from the Yemeniz library, £4. 10^ Modena, Gadaldini, 1557 674 the same, sm. 4to. a large copy in new green morocco, gilt-marbled edges, by Niedree, ^64. 4« ib. 1557 a moderate sum for which it had been sold, observes — " il serait plus cher aujourd'hui.'' A very uncommon metrical Romance which has fetched high prices at sales. Brunet calls it a " volume peu commun," and after quoting 675 GiRALDi CiNTHio, Hecatommitlii, overo CENTO NOYELLE; colla Vita deir autore da Capugnano, 2 vols, in 1, small stout 4to. vellum, 36^ Venetia, Imberti, 1593 676 GiRALDi CiNTHio, Hecatomithi, overo Cento Novelle, 2 vols, small 4to. vellum, '\2s Gd Venetia, 1580 677 GiRALDi CiNTHio, Hecatomithi, overo Cento Novello, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm, 4to. vellum, rare, £2. 2s Venetia, 1608 678 the same, old russia extra, gilt edges, rare, 35* Venetia, 1608 " Of all the Italian Novelists Cinthio appears to have been the greatest favourite with our old English Dramatists. Two of the most popular of Shakspeare's plays were taken from his Novels, Othello and Measure for Measure : also the plots of two other plays by Beaumont and Fletcher, 679 GiRALDO CiNTHio, Tragedie, cioe I'Orbecchia, Cleopatra, ecc. 12mo. woodcut portrait, 1582 — Gli Antivalomeni, Tragedie, 1583, 2 vols* in 1, stout 18mo. vellum, 6s Venetia, 1582-3 Tlie Laws of Candy and the Custom of the Coun^ try — and Dryden's tragedy of Amhoyna, and the incidents of many scattered scenes in the works of these dramatists may be traced to the same source," — Duntop's History of Fiction. iSl BEENAED QIJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. GSO GiRALDO GiEALDi, Novelle ; seconda edizione con altre Novelle inedite, 8vo. lif. calf, 5* Amsterdam, 1819 681 the ^ame, Large Paper, JialfcaJfgili fop, \0s 1819 682 GEAZZINI detto il Lasca (A. F.) la prima e la seconda Cena, Noyelle, 12mo. Ids. 7s Qd Londra, 1756 683 the same, 4to. large paper, Jlne copy in green morocco evtra, gilt edges, £2. 2s Londra, 1756 Genuine edition containing 28 lines to a page. I Col. Stanley's copy sold for £5. 15s 6^/ ; Hib- The counterfeit of Lncoa has only 27. | bert's, £2. 14*. " Priced, Payne and Foss, £3. 3^, 684 GEAZZINI (detto il Lasca) la Seconda Cena, 12mo. pp. 228, with MS. addi- tions hy Salvini at the end, containing notes and the 10th Novel of the unpublished third j)art, vellum, SSs Stambuly deW Egira, 122, {Florence, 1746) 685 GUAZZI (Marco) Historic di tutte le cose degne di memoria quai del anno 1524 sino al presente, sono occorse, etc. sq. 8vo. woodcut on title and woodcut portrait, half hound, fine clean copy, 36^ Venet. Zoppino, 1540 Very Rare ; a copy was priced by Thorpe, £6. 165 6^/. The work is an interesting chronicle of contemporary events in all parts of the world, and may take its position amongst the earliest prod actions of Newspaper Literature. It includes, besides European affairs, news from *' Turkey, Fers^ia, India, and other places by sea and land, with the names of many learned men," as stated on the title. Brunet appears ignorant of this book, although his accurate list of Guaazi's works con-. tains one of similar character published in 1547, but referring to an earlier period. 686 GUAZZO (Marco) Astolfo Borioso, MD.XXXIX. fine large woodcwt mt title, and small cuts in the hooh — Di Astolfo Borioso, la seconda parte, M.D. XXXIII. cuts — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. a good sound copy, vellum, £2. 16* Venetia, NicoJo d'Aristotile detto Zoppino, 1539-33 Best Edition of this rare Romance in Ottava rima ; Heber's copy, probably the above, fetched £3. 687 GuERRAzzi, I'Assedio di Fireuze, 3 vols. 12mo. half vellum, 5s 1840 688 Gficciardtni, Istoria d'ltalia, 4 vols. 4!to. best liDiTioia, portrait, uncut, 10s Frihurgo, 1775-76 689 GuiDALOTTO BoLOGNESE (DIomede) Sonnetti e Canzoni, sm. 4to. without the preliminary leaves, dark brown morocco, gilt edges, tert rare, 18* Bologna, Caligula di JBaealeriy 1504* 690 HEEVAS (Don Lorenzo) Idea dell' Universe : la Storia della Vita delF Uomo: Elementi Cosmografici : Viaggio al Mondo Plauetario ; Storia della Terra : 16 vols. sm. 4to. hf vellum, 12s Cesena, {Lorenzo), 1778-84* The philological works of Hers'as form a continuation in 5 vols, to the above. 691 LEGGENDA divotissima di piu Virgini & martyri, intitulato Libro delle Vergini, sq. 8vo. cloevi leaves and Index, vellum, rare, 10s s. I. e. a. (? 1520) The printer's mark at the end seems to be that of Hieronymo Benedetto of Bologna. 692 LODOVICI (F. di) Triomphi di Carlo (in terza Eima), sm. 4to. Edizione Unioa, a very rare metrical Romance of Charlemagne, with woodcut of the author presenting his work to Andrea Oritti, Doge of Venice y on title-page, morocco extra, g. e. by Biviere, £1. 4s Finegia, 1535 See : Daru Hist, de Venise, VI. 343-4.— Ranke's Hist, of the Popes, I. 73, note. This is a most singularly interesting book in one respect, as it exhibits the phenomenon of the union of Catholicity and Materialism, openly pro- fessed, in a work dedicated to the Doge of Venice (And. Gritti in 1535). The author scruples to admit fairy fiction, but draws his marvellous from Allegorical personi- fications of Love. Virtue, Fortune, Hope,. Time, and Nature. He is at times satirical, but more frequently philosophical, and gives utterance with- out scruple to the most palpable pyrrhonism. Yet the last canto (100) of the first part contains a profession of faith according to the doctrines of his church, and the last canto of the second part is a hymn to the Virgin. It is perhaps a true miri oj- of the almost Heathen state of men's minds 9,1 the commencement of the 16tli Century. Sec the interview between Binaldo and the Goddess of Nature which fills several Cantos (from C. 50 to 59), and the questions, so difficult of solution, which he puts to her. At the end of the 55th Canto Rinaldo thus addresses her : Donde e che quel che sono irrationali Moreno in tutto, e da gli huomini resta Un altro spirito che ne fa immortali ? Nature replies: Quell' altro poi eh 'in voi dici immortale lo non lo fo ; se Dio lo fa, se'l faccia, Che cosa ella si sia non so, ne quale. Suole esser molto ben ch'a lui ne piaccia Far, quando i corpi io fo, qual cosa in voi Che torni, al vostra fin, nelle sue braccia : II' qnei'OLi (A. M.) Historia Yeneta, 2 stout vols. sm. 4to. ivith many portraits of all the Doges, in ovals, with their Coats of Arms, vellum 12s Venetia, 1680-84 946 ZAJfOTTO, Storia della Pittura Yeneziana, large 8vo. sd. 5s 1837 947 CALYI, Scena Letteraria degli Scrittori Bergamaschi, 2 parts in 1 vol. stout sm. 4to. frontispiece, and many portraits, vellum, \0s Bergamo, 1664 948 Pantuzzi, Scrittori Bolognesi, 8 vols. impl. 4to. sd. 36s Bologna, 1781-90 Italian Bibliography and Literary History. 949 COLLENTJCCIO : Taett's Memoirs connected with the Life and AYritings of Pandolfo Collenuccio da Pesaro ; and other Memoirs of the XYth Century, 8vo. hoards, only 50 copies printed, 7s 6d 1868 950 Ceescimbeni, Istoria della volgar Poesia, Terza impressione, 6 vols in 5, sm. 4to. vellum, uncut, 12s Venezia, 1731 951 BIO GE API A degli Italiani illustri del Secolo XYIII e dei Contemporanei, compilata da letterati Italiani e pubblicata par Tipaldo, 8 vols. 8vo. sd. 15s Venezia, 1834-41 952 Fontanini, Bibliotheca dell' Eloquenza Italiana; con annotazioni di Zeno, 2 vols. sm. 4to. cddf neat, 12s Barma, 1803-4 953 Gamba, Serie dei Testi di Lingus Italiana, large 8vo. hf. bd. 5s Venezia, 1828 954 Indice manuale delle migliori edizioni degli scritti allegati nel Yocabolario della Crusca, 32 mo. hoards, 2s 6d Fio^enze, 1807 955 MAZZUCHELLI (G.) Gli Sceittoei d'Italta, cioe Notlzie Storiche e critiche intorno alle Yite, e agli Scritti dei Letterati Italiani, 2 vols, in 6, folio, (Aa — Buz, all published) Dr. Welleslef s, fine copy in vellum, 366. Brescia, 1753-63 " Excellent ouvrage."— Brunet. , 956 MELZI (Conte de) Bibliografia dei Komanzi e Poemi Cavallereschi Italiani, 8vo. portrait, half morocco, 10s Milano, 1838 957 Melzi (D. Gaetano) Note Bibliografiche, edite per cura di un Bibliofilo Milanese, 8vo. sd. 3s Qd. Milano, 1863 958 the same, impl. 8vo. laege papee, boards, 24s 1863 959 MoEENi (D.) Bibliografia Storico-Ea-iouata della TOSCANA, Catalogo dei Scrittori suUa Historia delle citta, luoghi, e persone della medesima, half calf gilt, 20s Mrenze, 1805 960 NEGEI ( Giulio, Perrarese) Istoria degli Scrittori Piorentini, la quale abbrac- cia intorno a 2000 Autori, folio, old calf gilt back, 10s Ferrara, 1722 961 NoTiziA de' Novellieri Italiani posseduti dal Conte A. M. Borromeo, con alcune Novelle Inedite, 8vo. new half calf gilt top, 7s Qd Bassano, 1794 962 NOTIZIE Biographiche in continuazione della Biblioteca Modo^'Ese di Tiea- BOSCHi, Yols. I to 5, {all published) sm. 4to. half calf extra, from Dr. Welleslefs library, £2. 10s Beggio, 1833-38 Many writers collaborated in this compila- 1 authors' works, as well as some unpublished tion, which contains copious extracts from the | pieces.^ 963 Pezzana, Notizie intorno a due Edizioni del Sec. XY, (Plutarco, 1472 ; Petrarca, 1477), large 8vo. citron morocco extra, 10s Barma, Bodoni, 1808 964 TiEABOSCHi, Storia della Letteratura Italiana, nuova edizione, 9 vols, in 16, sm. 8vo. half bound, 15» Firenze, 1805 965 For Works on Italian Genealogy and Heeaidey— see a separate division in Catalogue : " Antiquities, Genealogy, etc." The following WORKS ON AMERICA are wanted. Beports of price and condition to he sent to Beenaed Quaeitch. 15 Ficcadilly, London. *^* The numbers rejer to Rich's Catulogue. 6 Kocherthaler Ausfiihrlicher Bericht von Ka- rolina, etc. 8vo. Frankft. 1709 8 Ausfuhrliche Beschr Carolina und Pennsylv. 8vo. 171 1 7 Piinentel, Arte de navegar, folio Lisbon, 1712 6 Botello (Moraes Vasconcelos y) lil Colon. Poema, sm. 4to. Madrid, 1716 1 1 (Vesputius) AUeriilteste Nachricht von der N. Welt, 8vo. Berlin, 1722 5 Kurze Nachricht von dem Carolina, 8vo. Leipzig, 1734 12 Hartmann, Dissertatio Geog. de vero Cali- fornia, 4 to. Marb. 1739 15 Continente Americano, etc. 8vo. ? Cadiz, 1740 16 Ulloa, Restablecimento de las Fabricas y com. Espafiol, 8vo. Mad. 1740 17 Casses de Xalo, Rasgo Epico, Veridica epi- phomena, 8vo. Madrid, 1741 14 Neuste und richtigste nachricht . . . Geor- gien, 8vo. Gottingen, 1746 8 Rebullosa, Desc. de todas las provincias del mundo, etc. 4to. Gerona, 1748 10 Cuevas, Extract© de los Autos, etc. de Mexico, folio Mexico, 1748 5 Loebel, Auszug der nachrichten, von Eng- lischen America, ptc. 8vo. Jena, 1750 11 Condamine, Supplement au Journal, 4 to. Paris, 1751 6 Vaugondy, Observations critiques, 12mo. Paris, 17 o3 7 Buache, Objects h considerer, etc. 12mo. Paris, 1753 9 Lettred'un Officierde la Marine Russe, 8vo. Paris, 1753 21 Feuiiler, Beschreibung zur Arzenen, etc. Nuremb. 1753 9 Aldama, Arte dela lengua Mexieana, 12mo. Mexico, 1754 29 D'Anville, Memoires pour la Carte de Ca- nada, 4 to. Paris, 1755 16 Replique des Commissaires Anglais (Nou- velle Ecosse) 12mo. LaHat/e,]75& 29 Beytrag zur geschichte von Paraguay, 8vo. Frank/. 1768 23 Description geographique du roy. de Para- guay, lt?mo. Paris, 1769 36 Ortega, Resumen Historico del primer viage, etc. 4 to. Madrid, 1769 43 Mitchell, Dissertatio brevis etc. iVbrfm A. 1769 39 Escandon und Nusdorfer Geschichte von Paraguay, 8vo. Prankf. 1769 40 Springer, Physicalische .... Untersuchung iiber Patagonische Reisen,8vo. Leipz. 1769 15 (Pernetty) Examen des recherches philos. sur I'Amerique, 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1771 13 Projet pour tenter la decouverte du Pole, 8vo. a la Haye, 1772 15 Reglamento, einstruccion para los Presidios, Nueva Espafia, 4to. Madrid, Ml 2 16 Nachricht von der Provinz Virginien, 8vo. Frank/, 1772 23 Maseres, Memoire a la defense d'un Plan London, 1773 15 Junta general de la real com. Guipuzcoana, 4 to. Madrid, 1773 83 Nuevas utilidades de la Quina, per Alsinet, Madrid, 1774 107 Analyse de I'histoire philos. et politique (de Raynal) Bvo. Leyde, 1775 96 Nouvelle Observations sur la seconde lettre de M. Pinto, Svo. Londres 108 Juan et Ulloa, Dissertation sur le meridien de demarcation, 12mo. Paris, 1776 53 Courier politique et litteraire, 18 vols. 4to. London, 1777-85 54 Affiches Americaines, 7 or more vols. 4to. Port-au-Prince, 1777 55 Kurzgefasste nachricht . . . Saltzburgische Emigranten in Georgien, 8vo. Hamb. Mil 70 Einige Anmerkungen iiber Nord Amtrika, Helrnst. 1777 46 Manifesto de los Motivos Madrid, 1779 46 (Franklin) La Science du Bonhomme Richard, 12mo. Paris, 1778 53 Alvarez, Noticia da los Colonias Inglesas en America, sm. 4to. Madrid, 1778 42 Dunbar. De primordiis civitatum oratio (concerning the Amer. War) 4to. Lon. 1779 42 Giraldo. istoria General de los Indios, sm. 4to. Madrid, n^Q 65 Pensees sur la Revolution de I'Amerique Amst. 1780 44 Jacquin's Selectarum Stirpium Americanura Historia, folio, coloured Vienna, (ca 1780) 31 Voyage de Newport a Philadelphie (Chas- telling) 4to. Newport, 1781 37 Croy, Memoire sur le Passage par le Nord, 4 to. Paris, 1782 14 Pownall, Mem. Adresse aux Soverains de I'Europe, sur les affaires du N. Monde, 8vo. Londres, 1782 49 Nuix y Perpina, Reflexiones Imparciales, etc. sobrelos iispanoles, en Indios, sm. 4to. Cervera, 1783 31 Calvet, Appel a la Justice de I'etat Canada, 8vo. London, 1784 53 L'Amerique Decouverte Autun,]lS2 48 Cobarrubias, Memorias Historicaa de la ultima guerra conla Gran Bretana, 4 to. Madrid, 1783 19 Reflexiones d'un Vieillard du pays de Medoc sur les Colonies, 4to. Bordeaux, 1785 20 Dubueq, Lettres critiques et politiques sur les Colonies, 4to. Geneve, 1785 23 Replique a I'auteur du Pour et Contre, 4 to. Land. Paris, ? 1785 24 Dubueq, Reponse au Contradicteur de la Brochure, etc. 4to. lb. \l'6h 35 Fernandez de St. Salvador, la America Llorando, etc. sm. 4to. Mexico, 1787 30 Estado general de las Misiones en America etc. folio Madrid, 1788 27 Swan, Causes qui se sont opposees aux prog. du CommuQ Etats Unis, 8vo. Paris, 1/90 Books wanted to purchase. 30 Coup d'oeil sur les quatre concors decou- verte d'Atnerique, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1790 44 Forrraleoni Saggio sulla nautica Antica de Veneziani, 8vo. Venezia, 1783 23 Dissertation sur les fruits de la decouverte de I'Amerique, 8vo. Paris, 1791 27 Unanue — Dissertation sobre la Coca de Peru, 4 to. Z#ma, 1794 22 Alzate. Memoria del insecta Grana o Cocbinilla, 8vo. Madrid, 1705 19 Barbn Marbois, Reflexions sur la Colonie de Sainte Domingue, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1796 20 La Rocque, Memoire Analyique sur des Noiivelles Colonies, Bvo. Lond. 1796 21 Timaeus, Nordamerikanischer S-taats Kalen- dar, 8vo. Hamb. 1796 26 Lettre du Sec. d'Etat des Etats Unis au General Pinckner, Bvo. Paris, 1797 28 Ruiz y Pavr n. Systema vegetabilium Florae Peruvianne, Tomus I. Svo. Madrid, 1799 31 Fritsch, Disputatio historico-geographica utrum veteres American! noverint, Svo. . 1978 15 Rasnel. Relation de la deportation a Cay- enne de Pichegru, etc. 8vo. Hamb. 1799 19 Parra, Discurso sobre los medios de propagar los cedros de Havana, 4to. Madrid, \ 799 23 Rochon. Relation d'un Voyage a la Mer du Sud, Svo. Paris, 1800 27 Mignard. Appercu des Crimes des Anglo- Araericains, cr. 8vo. Paris, 1800 Smith's Catalogue of Quaker (a Friend's) Books, 2 vols. Svo. Teubener (J. M.) Historic derer Emigranten oder Vertriebenen Lutheraner aiis dem Ertz- Bissthum Saltzburgg, 4 to. Leipzig, 1732 13. Urlsperger Americanisches Ackerwerk Gottes Part 4, 1707 I have parts, 1 , 2, and 3. Boisseree Gallery now at Munich : GALLERY of the OLD GERMAN MASTERS, formerly at ' Stuttgart, In the Possession of the Brothers BOISSEREE, now removed to Munich, 117 superb Plates, executed under the direction of Strixner^ engraved in lithography, height- ened by tints, and so admirably done as to be scarcely distinguishable from the most perfect line engravings, mounted on drab-coloured drawing paper^ elephant folio, half hound red morocco, extra full gilt bachj gilt edges, £16. 165 Stuttgart und Miaichen, 1821-36 Published at 56105. Priced, in 1841, H. Bohn, £63. In 1857 a copy fetched at Sotheby's £40 ; 1860, Scarisbrick's, ^628. 10* ; 1868, Lord Parn- ham's, £34. American Bibliography. J. R. BARTLETT'S Bibliography of RHODE ISLAND ; a Catalogue of Books, and other Publications relating to the State of Rhode Island ; with historical, biographical and critical Notes, roy. Svo. IV. and 288 pp. half hound^ 155 Providence, U.S. 1864 In no country is greater attention now paid to Bibliograpby than in the United States of America ; and amongst tlie laborious bibliographers of the U.S. Mr. Bartlett holds a foremost rank for his scrupulous accuracy. Annual Subscription 4-s. For Foreigu Countries 5s. No. 255. Published Monthly. Price 4-4. CATALOGUE OP ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS, BOOKS ON ANTIQUITIES, HERALDRY, GENEALOGY, TOPOGRAPHV, PALAEOGRAPHV, NUMISMATA; offered for CASH at tlie affixed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors West from Regent Circus. CONTENTS, MANUSCRIPTS ANTIQUITIES, etc. Prehistoric Archaeology Chronology - - . Normandy - - - Orders - - - - Romances of Chivalry Roxburghe Club Publications Worships ENGLAND Chronicles - - - Family History Ireland - - - - Scotland - - - PAGE 592-4 595 595 597 602-3 603 606 607-9 611 612 613 614-15 617 620 Roach Smith's Publications Society of Antiquaries "Wales - . - FRANCE GERMANY Saxony - - - German Towns ITALIAN GENEALOGY LOW^ COUNTRIES SCANDINAVIA SLAVONICA SPAIN AND PORTUGAL NUMISMATA - LATEST PURCHASES PACK 620-1 621 622 623-26 626 629 630-31 631-34 635-37 637-39 639-40 640-41 641-52 653-54 IL(DHID(DH« October, im% To insure prompt attention^ all orders to be addressed d i r C t to Mr. QuARiTCH, bookseller, 15 Ficcadilli/ ; or to tJie Bookseller from whom this Catalogue was received. The Books are warranted perfect^ and in fine Library condition. ' G. NOKMAN' AND SON, PKINTEKS, MAIDEK LANE, COVENT QARDE.H, LOJJIjON, -ft'.U w 592 MANUSCRIPTS. 1 ANGLO-NORMAN PSALTER. PSALTERIUM DAVIDIS^ CUM Hymnis, et LixANia, small folio, splendid Manuscript on Vellum, rvith an iiifinite number of orna- oriental letters^ grotesque figures of birds^ beasts^ and monsters^ and 245 small Miniatures richly illuminated in gold and colours in a strongly-marked early English style^ bound in oah- boards covered with stamped leather^ £l05. Sec, XIV A magnificent specimen of early English work, most probably executed for some personage of very high, perhaps even royal rank ; as on two of the leaves which consist wholly of miniatures, there is a central ornament bearing the leopard or lion rampant, somewhat as seen in the royal arms of England. , There are several English saints mentioned in the Kalendar, whose names are preceded by the words " in Anglia ;" and it is curious that on the 29th of December there were several words defaced which followed the still remaining phrase " in Britannia maiori." A little effort of the eye might recover the lost words. Eor the seventh of July, there was an entry now defaced, but which can still be read " Translatio Sci Thoma Cantuarien Archiep.," referring of course to Thomas a Beckett. The Miniature to the 81st Psalm contains a performer on the bass-viol accompanied by a King playing with two hammers upon a chime of five bells. The months of January, Eebruary, September, October, are deficient in the Calendar; besides which the first leaf of the Psalms is wanting, and whatever followed the Litany among the prayers at the end. All things considered, however, such another beautiful specimen of old English work is not likely to occur again for sale ; — it is unapproachable by any other such MS. in the profusion and perfect style of its ornamentation, the richness and individuality of the Miniatures, the elegance of the handwriting, and the fine pre- servation of the volume. 2 BIBLIA GKjECA, stout sm. folio, mais^usceipt on paper, the initial letters and headings illuminated in gold and colours^ with 21 large Miniatures of the Prophets, richly painted in colours, heightened with gold, in the best style of Byzantine Art, hound in vellum, £32. Sec. XV. It is a circumstance of extreme rarity to find a Greek MS. adorned with paintings of such a superior kind as those of this volume. They are remarkably well executed and finished ; and are still in fine preservation. The subjects are : King Solomon ; Isaiah ; Jeremiah ; Ezekiel ; Daniel ; Hosea ; Joel ; Amos ; Obadiah ; Jonah ; Michah ; Nahum ; Habbakuk ; Zephania ; Hag- gai ; Zacharia ; Malachi. In addition to the figure of Jonah himself, four other miniatures are given illustrative of the story : his delivery to the whale ; his disgorgement ; and two views of Kineveh. The ship in the first of these four is represented pierced for cannons, and with a red flag bearing a small black cross. In the picture showing his escape from the whale's mouth, there is a view of the shore with a hunting scene, deer pursued by dogs, etc. The text of the MS. is not a complete Bible ; but contains Genesis, Exodus, Job, f'roverbs, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbakuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zacharia, and Malachi; wanting however a leaf in Genesis; omitting Chapters 6-11, 18, 21-24, 26-30,35-39 in Exodus ; Chapters 3-39, and 41, in Job; and some chapters in Ezekiel and Daniel. 3 EVANGELIA GR^ECA, cum Canone Eusebii, stout small 8vo. elegant Manu- script on vellum, ivith illuminated headings and Miniatures of Mark, Luke, and John, initials and numbers in gold ^ red morocco, super extra, in red velvet case by Bedford, 3^100. Sec. XI. A beautiful specimen of BYZANTINE CALLIGRAPHY and ornamentation. The breathings are written in the quadrate form, words are broken up at the end of lines, the dative iota is always adscript, the letter /3 is in the archaic shape like a Roman w, the ^ is formed like a cross, and the MS. scarcely affords any examples of itacism. It is singularly correct in its readings, and thus forms most valuable ma- terial for the collation of the sacred text. 3*EYANGELIAEIUM Gejece, small 4to. Manuscript on yellum, written over a much earlier Manuscript which has been obliterated, but of which the writing can still be read in some places j a few leaves at commencement and end deficient, russia, gt. edges, £10. Scec. XII. This is the only specimen of its kind in my I able interest for the collector of Manuscripts and stock. As a PALIMPSEST it possesses consider- | the student of Palaeography. 2 c 593 BERNARD QIJARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 4 CHALLUDET (Sieur de) Arms of the Emperor Charles Y, Erancis I, and of other Royal and Noble Families, folio, Autograph Manuscript, with 158 coloured Coats of Arms, half calf gilt, ivitk autograph of E. H. Say, Edin- 'burgh, 1825, last from Lord Farnhams library, £3. 3^ 1635 5 BARONAGE of ENGLAND : a very well written old English Mais^uscript, :223 leaves, with a Table of Contents, and Drawings of Arms, written in the XVIIth century, a few additional in a later hand, vellum, from Lord Farn- ham's library, £6. 6s Scec. XVII-XVIII 6 Charlemont (Lord) Precedency of the Peers of England in Ireland fairly stated, folio. Manuscript, a modern transcript, cloth, 7s 6d 1739 7 England. Royal Descent Pedigrees, folio, 266 pp. well written Manuscript, with arms in trick, 564. 4ts Scec. XIX. This MS. contnins the Pedigrees of nume- I from the Plantagenets. rous English Families who derive their descent ) 8 Genealogical History of the Ancient Royal Eamilies of England, folio MS. 138^;?. hf bound, Qs ca. 1720 9 France : Genealogies des Eamilles de Erance, folio. Manuscript, 184 pp. with arms neatly tricked, hf bound, 35* ca. 1790 10 HIERONYMI (S.) Epistol^, folio, a beautiful MS. of the XVth Century, written in double columns, on 321 leaves of the finest Italian yellum, rubricated, the capitals in colours, and the first page illuminated, old binding, £5. 5s Cent. XF. 11 HOR^ Beatje Mart.i: Yirgtnis, secundum usum Romanum cum Calen- DARio, small 4to. Manuscript on yellum, ornamented with 14 elegant 3\Iiniatures, numerous capital letters, borders, ^c. richly illuminated IN GOLD AND COLOURS, with numerous 313. memoranda respecting births and baptisms in the De Nayinault Eamilt on the fly-leaves, blue velvet, £36. Bcec. XIY. A fine specimen of an Early French " L'lvre d' Heures.^' 12 HORiE Beat^e Mari^ Yirginis, secundum usum Romanum, cum Calen- DARio, small 4to. beautiful Manuscript on yellum, executed for " Jaqueliue Bouete Femme de Denis de St. Germain, 3£aistre des Comptes a Faris,'' ornamented with 15 MINIATURES (13 large and 2 small) numerous capital letters and elegant borders, composed of subjects representing finimals, fruits, flowers, arabesques, Sfo. all finely illuminated in gold and colours, having the St. Germain Device and Arms painted on the first two leaves, in the original calf, covered with gold tooling in the Grolier style, the initials of Jacqueline Bouete and Denis de St. Germain interlaced, forming the centre ornament, £Z\. 10^ Scec. XVI. With the bookplate of B. H. de Fourry. 18 Jones (Ed.) Pedigrees of the Cefodeuddwr and Grwynfryn and Bodychan Eamilies, 8vo. Autograph Manuscript, with Drawings of Arms in colours, half morocco, £2. 2s. 1829 14 LITURGIA GrR^CA, cum Notis musicis (Neumes), stout sm. 4to. Manu- script ON PAPER, containing the entire Liturgy of the Greek Church, with the Music arranged in neumes throughout, in the original oak boards, covered with leather, ornamented with gold tooling, with engravings of the Crucifixion and Adoration of the Virgin, stamped in gold on sides, gilt gaufl^re edges, with clasps, £15. Sec. XVII. This rare specimen of an Eastern Church composers of the hymns are given, and the work Service, with the musical notation for every word, is prefaced by an introduction to the science of is in very fine preservation. The names of the Music as used in the Church. 15 STICHERARION et PENTEKOSTARION, Gnsce, cum Notis Musicis (Neumes), sm. 4to. Manuscript on paper, with the Music of every syllable, in oak boards, covered with stamped leather, the Crucifixion forming centre ornament on side, £S. 3^ Sec. XVIII. This Manuscript is similar in character to | has not the introduction to the study of Music. the preceding, but it is not so old or so fine, and MANIJSCEIPTS. 594 16 JUVENALIS ET PERSII Satye^, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. fine Manuscript on vellum by an Italian scribe, the Juvenal dated 8 Kal. April 1452, and the JPersius 5 Kal. Maii 1452, with ornamental border to the first page containing a Goat of Arms, and capitals illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, ^*16. 16^ 1452 A very valuable Codex, written entirely by collection is found to possess one. The Greek one hand ; and shewing in every page that after quotation of the ninth satire of Juvenal (line 37) the transcription it was critically revised through- out, and collated with several early MSS. There are numerous instances of a slight vnrietas lec- tionis, but on the whole this volume confirms or establishes the general accuracy of the text that has descended to us. Copies of these satirists arc very rare; for, though there arc six amongst the Arundel and Burney MSS. in the British Museum, and two in Oxford (Corpus Christi and St. John is almost wholly different from that given in the printed text, but this may to some extent be attributable to the ignorance of Greek which pre- vailed in Italy before the downfall of Constanti- nople. In the third satire of Persius, the scribe has sought to illustrate the words of the last line by an apt Greek quotation ; but, in doing so, he has transformed the celebrated yvwSi aeavrov into a semi-phonetic yvcuTi aavrov. Baptist's College), yet scarcely any other great 17 JUSTINIAN'S PANDECTS. Digesta \^etus et Novum : Domini Justiniani sacratissimi principis Juris enucleati ex omni veterum jure collecti Digesta seu PandectsB, 2 parts in 1 vol. folio, fine Manuscript on vellum, with Glosses, bound in dark morocco antique, gilt edges, £25. Sec. XII. in the thirteenth century ; the third soon after the year 1100. Their special value consists in their antiquity, correctness, and union in one codex ; as the few MSS. of the Corpus Jains that are found in great public libraries are generally of the fourteenth century, and never contain more than one of the three parts at the same time. This valuable Manuscript consists of the first and third parts of the great code of the Pan- dects. It was issued in the following way : the Digestum Vetus first appeared, containing Books 1-24 ; next the Digestum Infortiatum, with Books 2.5-38 (not in the present copy) ; and, thirdly, the Digestum "Novum, with Books 39-50. The first part in this copy was evidently written 18 LITUEGIiE GRJECjE, cum Notis Musicis (Neumes), stout 12mo. fine Manuscript on paper, with the Music throughout, and an Introduction to the Science, bound, £4. 4^ 1719 After the Technical Introduction to the use cient Didascali. The introduction is signed by of the signs, the MS. proceeds with a collection Nikolaus Istreus of Michalitza, with the date of Ava. 15s 1789 301 CARTER'S Specimens of Ancient SCULPTURE and Painting now remain- , ing in England, from the Earliest Period to the Reign of Henry VII, designed to show the Rise and Progress of Sculpture and Painting in England ; with Historical and Critical Illustrations by Douce, Gough, Fenn, Milner, and others. New edition, illustrated with additional Notes by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, Dawson Turner, Esq. and John Britton, Esq. F.S.A. 2 vols, in 1, royal folio, with 120 engravings, many of which are beautifully coloured, and several highly illuminated with gold, (sells £10. 10s) ha^ bound morocco, top edqes gilt, £5. 5.9 1838 302 Cheshire. ORMEROl) (G.) Miscellanea Palatina, 3 parts in 1, Svo. with the Additions and Index, 8 pp. plates, privately printed, 36s 1851 303 CHRONICLES. A seeyiceaele. Complete, and veey cnEAP set op the English Chronicles : — ARNOLD'S Chronicle, or the Customs of London, 1 vol. 1811 FABYAN'S Chronicles of England and France ; with preface and Index by H. Ellis, 1 vol. 1811 613 BERNAED QUAEITCTI, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Chronicles — continued. PKOISSAET'S (Sir John) Chronicles of England, Erance, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Elanders, etc. translated from the Erench by John Bourchier, Lord Berniers ; reprinted from Pynson's edition of 1523 and 1525, with an Index, 2 vols. 1812 GEAETON'S Chronicle, or History of England, 2 vols. 1809 HALL'S Chronicle, containing the History of England, 1 vol. 1809 HAEDYNG'S Chronicle, with a contiauation by E. Grafton, and Index by Hy. Ellis 1812 HOLINSHED'S Cnrouicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 6 vols. 1807-8 JOINVILLE (John Lord de) Memoirs, containing a History of Louis IX, King of Erance ; with Notes by Thomas Johues, 2 vols, in 1, maps and plates 1807 MONSTEELET'S Chronicles, containing an account of the "Wars between the Houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the Possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, etc. translated by Th. Johnes, with Index, 5 vols. plates Ilafod Presi^, 1809 EASTELL'S Pastime of the People, or Chronicle of the Eealm of England, 1 vol. 1811 ——together 21 vols. 4to. old russia, marbled edges, a bargain, ^28. 1S08-15 A remarkably cheap set of the English Chronicles. Original Editions of the Chronicles from the Library of Sir Henry Ellis. S04i EABTAN (E.) Ceontcle, newly prynted with the Cronycle, Actes and Dedes done in the Tyme of the Eeygne of Kynge Henry VII. 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, black letter, wants title to Vol. I, portion of table and end, wormed, russia, £3. Ss W. Rastell, 1533 305 Eabyan (E.) Cheonicle, 2 vols, in 1, folio, black letter, large copy, but Vol. I. wants title and Vol. II. pp. 45-50, 83-88, 543-46 and 551-70 [in all 18 leaves'), sold therefore with all faults, £>1. 2^ Ihon Kyngston, 1559 305 GEAETON (E.) Ciieonicle, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. folio, black letter, without title and introductory leaves infirtt volume, calf extra, £Q. 10s 1568-69 307 G-EAFTON (E.) Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande with Calendar, &c. stout 18mo. black letter, caf gilt, 15^ R. Tottell, 1572 308 Halle (E.) Cheonicle of England. The Union of the two Noble and Illustre Eamelies of Lancastre and Torke, &c. stout sm. folio, black letter, riEST ISSUE, Herbert's copy, ivith MS. title and dedication, and wanting part of table, half russia, £4. 4^ B. Grafton, 1548 309 HAEDING (John) The Chronicle of Ihon Haedyng, in Metre, from the first Begynnyng of Englande, unto the Eeigne of Edwarde IV. and from that time is added a Continuacion of the Storie in Prose, by E. Grafton, black letter, small 4^to.flne copy in old calf, from Sir Henry Mlis's library, £20. lond. H. Grafton, January, 1543 Of Harding's Chronicle there are at least three editions bearing the same date of the month and year as printed by Grafton, but exhibiting some singular variations. — All the editions have in the title page "Londini ex officina Eichardi Graftoni, Mense Januarii, m. d. xliii." and at the end "Cum privilegio ad iraprimendum solum per septennium," from which it is probable that the early printers always retained the date when first 310 COLLINS' (A.) English Baronage, or an historical account of the Lives of our Nobility, 4to. lae&e papeb, plates, a few MS. memoranda added, fine copy in old blue morocco, gilt edges, 20s 1727 311 Cornwall. Pryce's Mineralogia Coruubiensis : a treatise on Minerals, Mines, and Mining, ^o\\o, portrait and plates, hf bd. uncut, 30^ 1778 published, however often reprinted during the term of the privilege ; otherwise the date in the license Avould not apply to that in the title page. This will account for similar variations in many early printed books, which have not been hitherto satisfactorily explained, and affords suffi- cient apology to the collector for possessing dupli- cate copies which exhibit various readings. AISTTIQUITIES, HERALDEY, ETC. 614 312 Ceoker (T. Crofton) Eecollections of Old Christmas, a Masque performed at Grimston, woodcuts^ privately printed hy Lady Londeshorough for presents, 1850— LoNBESBOROUGH (Lord) Index to Objects of Science, Art and Anti- quity at 144, Piccadilly, privately printed, 1850— Unton Inventories, with Memoir of the Eamily of UNTON, by J. G. Nichols, 1851— in 1 vol. sq. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, I85 313 Domesday Book. Libri Censualis, vocati Domesday Book, Indices, Vol. III. 1816 — Additamenta, viz. Exon Domesday ; Inquisitio Eliensis ; Liber Winton et Boldon Book, Vol. lY. 1816— together Vols. Ill and IV, folio, Ids. uncut, £2. 10s 1816 313* the same, large paper, hf. hd. £0. 1816 314 Kelham's Domesday Book Illustrated, containing an account of that Ancient Eecord, a Translation of diflficult passages, etc. 8vo. cf. nt. 24^ 1788 315 DOUGLAS (Eev. Jas.) Nej^ia Britaxnica ; a SEPULCHEAL HISTOET of Great Britain, large folio, 36 plates of Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Anti- quities, hf. hd. russia, £4. 46' ; or, a good copy in russia, £4<. 10s 1793 316 the same, LAEGE PAPER, roy. folio, plates 10 and 32 inlaid, fine copy in gilt tree-marhled calf, hy Kalthoeher, 5610. 1793 Douglas' valuable work includes a complete series of the British, Roman, and Saxon Sepul- chral Rites and Ceremonies, with the contents of several hundred Burial Places, opened under the careful inspection of the author. The Barrows contain Urns, Swords, Spear-heads, Daggers, 317 DOUGLAS' PEEEAGE of Scotland, containing an historical and genealo- gical account of the Nobility, from their origin to the present, stout folio, 10 plates with 120 Coats of Arms, calf, £2. 5s Edinh. I764i 318 the same, enlarged and continued by J. P. "Wood, 2 vols, folio, (pub. at £12. 12s) clea7i copy in russia neat, £5. JEdinh. 1813 319 the same, 2 vols, large fol. LAEGE PAPEE, russia gilt, £Q. 10s 1813 320 BAEONAGE of Scotlai«"d, containing an Historical and Genealo- gical Account of the Gentry of that Kingdom, with Continuation and Introduction by Morrison, Vol. I. {all published), folio, coats of armSyhf. hd. £3. 1798 " This work is intended to delineate the | Barons or landed Gentry of Scotland." Genealogies of the Baronets, and the lesser ( 321 DUGDALE'S (Sir William) BAEONAGE or ENGLAND, or an Historical Account of the Lives and most memorable Actions of our English Nobility, 3 vols, in 2, old calf gilt, £4. 10^ ; the same, folio, with the rare leaf in Vol. I. containing " Eeview of Errata," old calf, £5. lO^- 1675-76 Knives, Battle -Axes, Shields, and Armillae Decorations of Women, consisting of Gems, Pensile Ornaments, Bracelets, Beads, Gold and Silver Buckles j Magical Instruments, and other Relics. curacy, and confers honour on its author." Sir H. Nicolas. It has also been styled by a late author as "a work which will exist to the latest age a monument of its author's historical knowledge and antiquarian learning." Sold in the Merly sale for £20, in the Mar- quis of Townshend's for £16. 55, and in the Duke of Roxburghe's for £10. \Qs. *' A work abounding in the most valuable information." — Rev. J. Hunter. "The Baronage is distinguished by the most labourious research and extraordinary ac- 322 Durham. Eloweii's Heraldic Visitatione of ye Countye Palatyne of Durham in the yeare of our Lorde 1575, folio, 53 pedigrees, with coats of arms, hds. 2ls " JSfeivcastle, 1820 323 English Historical Society. The Eine Series of Chronicles, &c. as printed under the auspices of this Club, on fine large paper, which was restricted to the number of Noblemen and G-entlemeu composing the Society, 29 vols, royal 8vo. extra hds. £14. 1838-55 324 Essex Archaeological Society : TRANSACTIONS, Vols. I-IV, pt. 3, 14 parts 870.— Descriptive Sketch of the Collection of Works of Ancient Greek and Eoman Art at Felix Hall, by Marsden, 4to. — together 15 parts, 55 fine plates, (pub. at about £^.) sd. scarce, £2. IQs Colchester, 1858-68 FAMILY HISTORY : 325 Barnwell (E. L.) PEREOT Notes ; or account of the various Branches of the Perrot Family, roy. 8vo. views and coats of arms, hf. cf. uncuty 20^ 1867 615 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Family History — continued. 326 BosYiLLB Eamilt. Account of Maidstone in Kent, with Genealogical Tables of the Bosville Family, by J. H. Baverstock, 4to. plate j 100 copies only printed for private sale, sd. 10s 1832 327 BIENIE (J.) Account of the Families of Birnie and Hamilton of Broom- hill, edited by W. B. D. D. TurnbuU, 4to. only 60 copies printed fur pre- ' sents, cloth, 32« Udinb. 1838 828 Carlisle (N.) Collections for a History of the Ancient Family of CARLISLE, 4to. coats of arms, hf russia, £2. 2s 1822 Privately printed for presents only. 329 Cleaveland (E.) Genealogical History of the Family of COUETENAT, folio, with pedigrees, calf, £2. 2s Exon. 1735 330 Feasee (W.) Memoeials of the MONTGOMEEIES Eaels of EGLING- TON, 2 vols. 4to. portraits, facsimiles of autographsy arms emblazoned in gold and colours, plates of seals, Src cloth, ^12. 12s Edinh. privately printed, 1859 831 Feasee (W.) Memoies of the MAXWELLS of POLLOK, 2 stout voL-^. 4to. numerous illustrations, cloth, s614. 14^ JUdinb. privately printed, 1863 832 GuENEY (D.) Eecord of the HorsE or GOUENAT, with Supplement, 5 parts in 4, 4to. plates and Pedigrees, cloth. Sir Henry Ellis's copy, £10. 1848 58 Very scarce, only a few copies having been I hitherto sold for £25. printed for private distribution. Copies have | 333 Hat (Father Eich. A.) Genealogie of the SAINTECLAIEES of Eossltn, including the Chartulary of Eosslyn, sm. 4to. plates, cloth, 255 Edinb. 1835 334 HowAED (H.) Ii^^DiCATioNs OF Memoeials, Monuments, Paintings, and Engeayings of Peesons of the HOWAED FAMILY, large folio, por- traits and plates, cloth, £18. 18* 1834 Printed for private distribution only by Henry I this copy to Sir H. Ellis. Howard, Esq., of Corby Castle, who presented | 335 Hutchinson. Memoirs of the Life of Colonel HUTCHINSOIS', Governor of Nottingham Castle temp. Charles I. and II. 4to. portrait and plates, hf bd. 7s 6d 1808 33G Jalland. Account of the Family of JALLAND, originally of Whatton, Notts. 12mo. with MS. Appendix, privately printed, hf. calf, \s ca. 1830 337 LTNDSAT (Sie Dayid) Facsimile of an ancient MANUSCEIPT, EMBLAZONED by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King of Armes, 1542, (edited by David Laing) folio, emblazoned title, and 133 plates containing several hundred Shields of Aems in their proper colonics, with alphabetical Index, green morocco, gilt edges, £10. 10s 1822 Only 100 copies printed by subscription, now very scarce ; they are gradually rising in price. 338 SoMEETiLLE ( James, Eael of) Memoeie of the SOMEEVILLES, 2 vols. 8yo. fne port, and plates^ moeocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy, yeey scaece, £2. 15s 1815 339 Stanley Family. Memoirs, containing a genealogical and historical A ccount of the House of Stanley, from the Conquest to the death of James Earl of Derby in 1735, with a full description of the Isle of Mat^, &c. (by J. Sea- come), 4to. woodcut coat of arms, bd. 20s Manchester, 1767 340 Stuarts. KENNEDY'S (M.) chronological, genealogical and historical Dissertation of the Eoyal Family of the Stuarts, sm. 8vo. green morocco, gilt edges, very scarce, 28s Paris, 1705 341 Sutherland. Loch's Memoir of George Granville, late Duke of Sutherland, impl. 4to. cloth, 24s Nut published, 1834 342 Taaffe (Lord Louis, Viscount) Memoirs of the Family of TaafFe, 8vo. ports. and views, calf, gilt edges, privately printed, 36s Vienna, 1856 343 Taaffb, Memoirs of the Family of, containing the Petition of John Melton to the King, requesting the Arrest of John Taatie, Vienna; and others reprinted in 1 vol. 8vo. bds. scarce, 15s Wien, 1861 ANTIQUITIES, HEEALDEY, ETC. 616 Family History — continued. SM Tyrwhitt (R. P.) Notices and Eemains of the Eamily of Tjrwiiitt, privately printed, 1862— YOUNG (Sir C. G.) Order of Precedence with Authorities and Remarks, privateli/ printedy 1851 — in vol. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 28s 315 Eenn (J.) Letters of the PASTON Family, Vols. I, 11, second edition, with additions, 4to. plates and facsimiles, hf. calf, gilt backs, 12s 1787 316 The HARLEIAN MISCELLANY, a collection of Scarce, curious and En- tertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, selected from the Library of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford, with historical, political and critical anno- tations by Oldys and Park, 10 vols. 4to. russia, sglO. 1808-13 Hartwell House Publications : 317 SMYTH'S ^DES HAETWELLTANJE: or Notices of the Mansion of Hartwell, Co. Bucks (Dr. Lee's Residence), 4:to. plates, and 50 illustrations on wood and stone, privately peinted, cloth, S2s 1851 gical Department, etc.; with an Appendix and numerous Plates of Egyptian Antiquities, Monu- mental, Heraldic, Numismatic and Astronomical illustrations, etc. and valuable Meteorological Ob- servations. Chapter I. Details respecting the Parish and Manor of Hartwell ; II. The successive Lords of Hartwell, from the Conquest; III. The Apart- ments. Paintings, Library, Museum, Numismata and Egyptian Antiquities ; IV. The Hartwell Observatory, the Transit Room, the Meteorolo- 34i8 ADDENDA to ^des Hartw^ellianse, royal 4to. numerous plates and ivoodcuts of ArchcBological relics, coins, facsimiles, etc. cloth^ peivately PEINTED, YEEY EAEE, £1. Vls 6d 1864 349 HEARNE (T.) Reliquisa Hearnianae ; the Remains, being Extracts from his MS. Diaries, collected, with a few Notes, by P. Bliss, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf calf uncut, £2. 2s Oxford, 1857 350 Henry (Prince) M[axwell (J.)] Laudable Life and Deplorable Death of our late peerlesse PRINCE HENRY, with other Poemes, 1612— Sharpi (L.) Oratio funebris in honorem Henrici Principis "Walliae, 1612 — Alting (H.) Votive Oration for the auspicial Grovernment of Eredericke Prince Palatine of Rhene, translated by W. Walker, autograph of Hum. Dyson, 1615 — Peacham (H.) Period of Mourning disposed into sixe Visions in Memorie of the late Prince (Henrie Prince Wales) together with Nuptiall Hymnes in Honour of the Marriage of Frederick Count Palatine and the Princess Elizabeth, 1613 — Londons Love to the Royal Prince Henrie meeting him on the River Thames at his Returnefrom Richmonde, autograph of Hum. Dyson, 1610 — Humfredi (L.) ad illustrissimam R. Elizabetham Oratio Woodstochise habita, 1572— Elegie and Epistle consolatorie against immoderate Sorrow for th' immature Decease of Sir W. Sidney, 1613 — in one 1 vol. sm. 4to. from the Corser collection, £15. 351 Henshall (S.) Specimens and Parts, containing a History of KENT or South Britain, 1798— Saxon and English Languages reciprocally illustrative of each other, 1798— DOMESDAY of South Britain (Kent, Sussex and Surrey), translated with Notes by S. Henshall and J. Wilkiuson, 1799 — in 1 vol. 4to. hf calf gilt. Vis 1798-99 352 Herts. Noeden (J.) Specull Britannisa pars: The Description of Hartford- shire, smallest 4to. map, title in facsimile, with transcript of an autograph letter from Norden to Q. Elizabeth prefixed, calf extra, gilt edges, 7s 6d 1598 353 CLUTTERBUGK'S (Robert) History and Antiquities of the County of HERTFORD, compiled from the best authorities and Original Records, 3 vols, roval folio, numerous fne plates, (pub. at £25. 4«) bds. uncut, 3612. 12s 1815-27 354 HOLLIS (Q-.) Monumental Effii^^ies, impl. 4to. 61 plates, some coloured, of Monuments preserved in English Cathedral Churches, all published, no title- page, hf calf rare, £2. 6s ^ 1840-44 In the plates are many interesting details of Costume, besides Coats of Arms, etc. 355 Huntingdonshire Visitation under the Authority of W. Camden, Clarencieux, by his Deputy, N. Charles, Lancaster, edited by Sir H. Ellis, small 4to. hf. calf gilt, Vis 1849 617 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 356 IIOUSEEOLD BOOKS. Privy Parse Expenses of Elizabeth of York, Ward- robe Accounts of Edward IV, Memoir of Elizabeth, by Sir H. Nicolas, 1830 — Regulations of the Household of Henry, Earl of Northumberland, by Bishop Percy, 1827 — Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII, by Nicolas, 1827 — Privy Purse Expenses of Princess, afterwards Queen Mary, vrith Memoir by Sir F. Madden, 1830—4 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £4^. 45) cloth, £2. 16s 1827-30 357 the same, without Northumberland Book, 3 vols. 8vo. cl. 25s 1827-30 IRELAND. 358 ANNALS of the Kingdom of Ireland by the EOFE MASTEES (Michael, Conary and Cucogry O'Clery, and Ferfeasa O'Mulconry,) in Irish and I^nglish, with Notes by John O'Donoyan, and Index, 7 vols. 4to. (pub. at £7. 75) hds. £S. Ss Dublin, 1848-51 359 BAEEINGTON'S (Sir Jonah) historic Memoirs of Ireland, comprising Secret Eecords of the National Convention, the Eebellion, and the Union, 2 \oh. im-pl. 4ito. with 4iO portraits and facsimiles , (pub. at £o. 5s) cloth, £2. 12s ed 1835 360 BOLTON'S (Sir E.) Justice of the Peace for Ireland, 2 books in 1 vol. high 4to. haffcalf, 25s Dublin, 1683 361 CAEVE'S Itineeaet : Itinerarium Thomse Carve, Tipperariensis, Sacellani Anglorum, Scotorum et Hybernorum sub exercitu Caesareae Majestatis militantium, cum historia facti Butleri, Gordon, Lesly, etc, ; nova editio, cum prsefat. de vita Itinerantis, et Indice generali, 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. xxiv and 432 pp. portrait, hf. morocco, uncut, 15s 1859 Only 100 copies were printed, of which but this one remains for sale. 862 CHAELEMONT (James Caulfield, Earl of) Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of, by Francis Hardy, royal '^to. green morocco, with joints, silh linings and gilt edges, bound by Hering, 25s 1810 363 GEAVES (Eev. J.) and J. G. A. Peim's History of Architecture, and An- tiquities of the Cathedral Church of St. Canice, Kilkenny, 4to. illustrations, cloth, 15s Dublin, 1857 364 MA-GEOGHEGAN (rAbbe) Histoire de I'lrlande, 3 vols. 4to. maps, green MOKOCCO extra, with joints, gilt edges, with the autograph of O^'Bourke, £S. 35 Faris et Amst. 1759-63 Willett's copy fetched £3. 125. This work I the author is a partizan of the Keltic element in is the result of considerable study and research, j Ireland. 365 MoNTMORENCY-MoREES (Col. de) on the Irish Pillar-Tower, 4to. large PAPER, (only 25 copies printed), plate, bds. 7s 6d 1821 366 O'CONOE, BiBLioTHECA MS. Stowensis: a Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Stowe Library, with Appendix, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. green morocco, top edge gilt, rare, £8. Buchingham, 1813-19 Very scarce, 200 copies having been printed for private circulation, by the Duke of Bucking- ham. A necessary Supplement to the Scriptures, being continually referred to in the very learned Dissertation. This valuable collection of Manu- scripts was cheaply bought in one lot by the Earl of Ashburnham for £8000. " Learned and upright, the lineal descendant of Roderic O'Connor, king paramount of Ireland at the time of the Anglo-Norman Invasion, Dr. O'Connor lived only to complete this monument of the literature of his country, of which his fore- fathers were the last native and independent rulers." — Sir J. Machenzie, 367 O'Currt's Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History, stout 8vo. with 2Q plates of facsimiles, cloth, 145 Dublin, 1861 368 O'Donoghue's historical Memoirs of the O'Briens, with genealogical notices, 8vo. cloth, 145 Dublin, 1860 369 O'Phelan (J.) Epitaphs on the Tombs in the Cathedral Church of St. Canice, KILKENNY, with Preface and Notes, edited by P. Shee, folio, plates, hf russia, 21s Dublin, 1813 370 Scale (B.) Hibernian Atlas, with descriptions, engraved throughout on 78 plates, 4to. all the maps very neatly coloured, green mor. with joints, 25s 1776 371 Yallancey (C.) Account of the Antient Stone Amphitheatre discovered in the County of Kerry, 8vo. plates— ^qg No. 373 Dublin, 1812 ANTIQUITIES, HEEALDEY, ETC. 618 Ireland — continued. 372 VALLANCET, Collectanea, de Eebus Hibernicis, published from original MS. and illustrated by notes and remarks, in 7 vols, ^portrait and numerous plates and cuts, calf giU, formerly Sir W. Ouseley^s copy, the seventh not uniform in lif russia, £6. 15s Dublin, 1770-1804 Beyond the pieces mentioned in Lowndes' ! wards printed are seldom met with, most of the collation, this set has the following, in Vol. I. | copies of Vol. VI. having been sold as waste general title and leaf of contents, as well as leaf { paper ; Vol. VII. consists only of the very rare of advertisement at the end of No. 2 ; Vol. II. a i Essay on the Primitive Inhabitants. There is a general title ; Vol. III. in No. 10, Ship Temple, blunder in Lowndes' description of Vol. IIL a plate, and at page 577, a plate and 2 tables ; in ! which requires rectification : he includes as part Vol. IV. the rare slip, paged 212*, in Vol. V. a I of No. 12 in that volume, the " Ancient History general title and the rare star pages, 147*, 148*. ! of Ireland Vindicated," which was only published Vol. VI. consists only of the pieces mentioned by in Vol. IV. as No. 14, • Lowndes as VI. part 1 ; the other pieces after- ' 373 VALLANCET, Collectanea, a perfect copy of the entire 7 vols. 8vo. calf from the library of a Nobleman, £12. 12s 1770-1807 Excessively rare. This set forms an absolutely perfect copy of all the pieces issued by Vallancey, and is therefore entitled to be classed amongst the scarcest works known to bibliography. Few collectors of the present generation have had the chance of obtaining so great a treasure. 374 JoH>^STONE (J.) Antiquitates Celto-Normanicse et Celto-Scandicse Icelandic and Latin, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. bds. 12s ; or, eine large paper, hf blue mo- rocco, top edges gilt, scarce, 20s Copenhagen^ 1785 Vol. I. contains the Chronicle of Man and I Chronicles relating to the British Isles. the Isles ; Vol. II. Extracts from the Northern j 375 KEMBLE'S Codex diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, large paper, Vols. 2-6, royal 8vo. bds. uncut, £2. 12s 6d 1840 The same price (£2. 125 6d) would be given for the missing first volume on Large Paper. Kent Archasological Society: 376 ARCHiEOLOGiA Cantiana, being tlie Transactions of the Society, Vols. I- VI. 8vo. numerous plates and cuts of Anglo-Saxon, Roman and Celtic Antiqui- ties, etc, some coloured, cloth, £4. 4s 1858-66 377 KNIGHT'and Eumley's Crests of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, roy. 4to. 29 plates, beautiful impressions, containing the crests o/4000 Families, with Index, bds. 21s 1827 378 LEIGH (G.) Accedeus of Armory, sq. 8vo. many woodcut Coats of Arms, and the folding plate, calf gilt, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, 30s Ballard, 1597 379 Accedence of Armorie, sm. 4to. numerous Coats of Arms, fine copy, russia extra, £2. 2s 1612 380 LELAND (Jo.) De Eebus Eritannicis COLLECTANEA, edente T. Hearne, 6 vols. 8vo. original edition, plates, calf neat, £3. 10s Oxonii, 1715 With the bookplate of Lord Percival, Binton, Co., Cork, 1715. 881 tbe same, 2nd edit, with additions, 6 vols. 8vo. bds. uncut, £4. 10s 1770 382 ITINEEAEY, edited by T. Hearne, 2nd edition, 9 vols, in 5, Swo.fine clean copy in old calf £4^. Oxford, 1744-55 Only 350 copies printed. Sold at Sotheby's, 1862, for £4. ; at Cambridge, 1864, £6. 383 London EOTAL Excbange : Extracts from the City Eecords and from the Journals of Parliament, folio, hf. morocco, 15s 1825 Rare, probably printed for the City authorities. 384 NICHOLS, Collection of the "Wills now extant of the Kings, Queens, Princes, etc. of England, from the Conqueror to Henry VII. with Notes and Glossary; sm. 4to. hf. russia, 7s Qd; or, Etruscan calf gilt, 10s Qd 1780 Many of the copies of this work were destroyed by the fire at Nichols' warehouse. 385 Nichols (J. Q-.) The Topographer and Genealogist, 3 vols.'Svo. 1840 p/>. cuts, (pub. at 563. 3s) cloth, 32s 1846-8 These volumes abound with topographical and genealogical researches, Pedigrees, Household Books, Heraldic Memoranda, Notes on Churches, Deeds, Chronicles, Sepulchral Monuments, &c. The great extent of this work is seen by the contents of the 3 Indexes : J. that of Matter ; II. that of Places ; III. that of Persons ; these latter contain References to no less than 4500 Places and 5660 Families, many of them with their exact Pedigrees : this excellent collection is of the greatest interest to all students of Genea- logy and Family History. 619 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 386 NICOLAS (Sir N. H.) History of the Battle of Agincourt, 8vo. coloured arms , map and plans, hf. calf gilt, 12s Qd 1832 387 IIisTORTc PEERAGE of England, exhibiting the origin, descent, and present state of every Title since the Conquest, new edition of the " Synopsis of the Peerage," revised by Courthope, stout 8vo. (pub. SOs) cloth, 20s 1857 388 Norfolk. GUKNEY (H.) Proofs that Norwich, not Caistor, was the Veuta Icenorum, maps, Norivich, 1847 — Gurdon (T.) Essay on the Antiquity of the Castel of Norwich, 1854 — Gurney (H.) Arms in Norwich Cathedral from Mackerell's MS. History, plates, Norioich, 1851 — Eleven Deeds from the Keswick Court Rolls and Deed of Sale of the Advowson of Iiitwood, 7 Edw. I. 1729, in the possession of H. Gurney, 1841, 8vo. in 1 vol. cloth, 255 Northamptonshire : 389 BRIDGES (John) and Whalley's (Rev. P.) History and Antiquities of NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, 2 vols, royal iolio, loith the complete series o/38 plates, very large copy, hf. calf neat, uncut, £9. Oxf. 1791 Priced, 1829, Longman, £12. lit ; fetched at Heath's sale, £17. 17^. 390 Hyett's (W. H.) Sepulchral Memorials, contained within the County of Northampton, folio, laege paper, 15 plates of Effigies, Altar-Tombs and Monuments, Ms. uncut, 25s ; or, in new hf. calf uncut, 27s 1817 391 NORTHUMBERLAND (Duke of) The ROMAN WALL, and Illustrations of the principal Vestiges of Roman Occupation in the North of England, impl. folio, consisting of 11 large Flans of the Military Works, the Stations, Camps, Ancient Ways, and other remains of the earlier period in the Northern Counties, hy MACLArcHLAN, hf gr. mor. £6. for private distribution, 1857 Very rare and very valuable. This copy was presented by the Duke of Northumberland in July, 1859, at Alnwick Castle, to the late Monsieur Noel Dcs Vergers, the antiquary, (son-in-law of the great bibliophile A. F. Didot.) Collation : Engraved title and 5 large folding maps ; The Watling Street, engr. title, 6 folding maps. 392 OGrlLBT'S Britannia Depicta, improv'd by J. Owen, engraved throughout by E. Bowen, 8vo. oiiaps and plans, with Coats of Arms, ^c. gilt calf extra, by A. Tarrant, Sir Charles Price's copy, £1. 7* 1720 393 Oxford. Wood's History and Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls in the University of Oxford j in English, with continuation by Gutch, 4to. hf. bd. 7s 6d Oxf 1776 394 Oxfordshire. Napier's (Eev. H. A.) Historical Narrative of Swyncombe and Ewelme, in the County of Oxford, stout 4to. plates and pedigrees, cloth, £8. 10s Oxford, printed for the Author, 1858 395 PAEKEE, (Henry) Generall Junto, or the Councell of Union, chosen equally out of England, Scotland and lEELAND, for the better compacting three Nations into one Monarchy, fol. old yellow moeocco, lettered on the sides ^^ For the Honble. Worthy Kt. Sir Philip Stapleton,'' 30s Privately printed, 1642 " I do not recollect to have ever met with another copy for sale."— J/5. Note by James Bindley . 396 Pegge (Dr. S.) Curialia; an Historical Account of some Branches of the Eoyal Household, &c. Parts I-III in 1 vol. 4to. hf calf, 12s 1782-91 397 Pbestwich (Sir J.) Eespublica ; or a Display of the Honors, Ceremonies and Ensigns of the Common "Wealth under Oliver Cromwell, 4to. plate of Ensigrts, cloth, 12s 1787 '* A curious performance, useful for genealogists and heralds." — Lowndes. 398 Record Comm. Publ. MATTHAEI Paeisiejs'Sis, Monachi Sancti Albani, Historia Anglorum, Latin, with ample notes, edited by Sir Erederick Madden, 3 vols. 8vo. hf bound, 25s 1866-69 399 Saixt-GtEoege (Sir Thomas, Garter) Titles of Honour, edited by Sir C. G. Young, 8vo. bds. privately printed for presents only, 12s Qd 1864 400 SANDFOED (Francis) Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of ENGLAND, from the Conquest to the year 1707, -rest edi- tion, enlarged by Stebbing, folio, numerous fine engravings by Hollar and others, of Monumental Effigies, Tombs, Seals, Armorial Bearings, etc. fine COPT, in old calf £5. 15s 1707 Sold at Willett's sale for £10. 10^; Town- | Alchorne's £8. 15^ ; Col. Stanley's £15. 15^ scnd's for £11. : and in Nassau's for £13. 13^; ANTIQUITIES, HERALDRY, ETC. 620 401 ISalmasius. Apologie Royale pour Charles I. Roy d'Angleterre par M. Claude de Saumaise, stout 4to. portrait^ calf, with mwis on sides, 9s Paris, 1650 SCOTLAND. 402 Caemtchael (J.) Various Tracts concerning the Peerage of Scotland, 4to. half calf, 9s Edinb. 1791 403 CHALMERS' (G.) CALEDONIA; or, an account, historical and topogra- phic, of North Britain, from the most ancient to the present times, with a Dictionary of places, chorographical and philological, 3 vols. 4to. all pub- lished, maps, plates, and genealogical tahles, calf extra, 566. 5s 1807-21i 404 the same, new calf extra, gilt edges, £8. 1807-24 405 Douglas (Sir Robert) BARONAGrE of Scotland, folio, calf neat, uncut ^ £2. 10s Edinb. 1798 406 Jervise's Memorials of ANGrlJS and the MEARNS, an account of the Castles and Towns visited by Edward 1, 1291-96; also of the Abbey of CUPAR and the Priory of Rostinoth, 4to. Large Paper, maps and plates, cloth, £2. 185 Udinb. 1861 407 INNES (T.) Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of the Northern parts of Grreat Britain and Scotland, 2 vols. sm. 4to. LARGE PAPER, ca/f neat, £5. 15s 1729 A valuable book, extremely rare, on Large Paper. 408 LESLIE (Lieut.-Col. Eorbes) Early Races of Scotland and their Mo- numents, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous plates of Early Remains (pub. at 32s) doth, 21s Edinb. 1866 409 Miscellanea Scotica, a collection of Tracts relating to the History, Anti- quities, Topography, etc. of Scotland, 2 vols, in 1, post Svo. half calf , 7s Qd Glasgow, 1818 410 Seton (G.) Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland, Svo. plates, several illuminated in gold and colours, cloth, 20s Edinb. 1863 411 Stuart (R.) Caledonia Romana : a descriptive account of the Roman Anti- quities of Scotland ; second edition revised by Thomson, 4to. plates, cloth, 20s ... 1^^2 412 Tracts illustrative of the traditionary and historical antiquities of Scotland, 8vo. ports, and front, cloth, 9s Edinb. 1836 413 WYNTOWN (Andrew of) Ortgtnale Cronykil of Scotland, now first published, with Notes, Glossary, etc. by David Macpherson, 2 vols, large Syo. facsimile, calf, gilt edges, £4. 10s I7l^5 414 Shropshire. Anderson's Shropshire, its early History and Antiquities, impl. Svo. with several hundred woodcuts, cloth, 18s 1864 Printed for Subscribers. 415 [ROWLANDS (Rev. W. G.)] The Armorial Bearings of several Familiea which are or have been connected with SHROPSHIRE, 4to. 24 leaves containing 142 Coats of Arms, with the names and descriptions added, all coloured and emblazoned by the Rev. R. A¥. Eyton, hf bd. privately printed, £3. 16s Shrewsbury, 1834 416 Sims (R.) Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Herald's Visi- tations and other Genealogical Manuscripts in the British Museum, Svo. half calf gilt, scarce, 32s 1843 Smith (C. Roach) Privately printed Works : 417 Report on Excavations made on the site of the Roman Castrum at Ltmne, in Kent, in 1853, with Notes, etc. by Elliott, sm. 4to. 9 plates, hf. calf uncut, 12s Q>d Printed for the Subscribers, 1852 418 CATALOGUE of his Museum of London Antiquities, plates and cuts, Svo. hf. calf, 10s 6g? Printed for Subscribers only, 1854 419 the same. Large Paper, impl Svo. sd. 23s 1854 420 FAUSSETT (B.) Inventorium Sepulchrale : an Account of Antiquities dug up in Kent, edited by C. R. Smith, 4to. portrait and plates, some coloured, cloth, 30s Printed for Subscribers only, 1856 421 Illustrations of ROMAN LONDON, 4to. frontispiece and 51 plates of Roman Antiquities, Tesselated Pavements, Statues, Edifices, etc. some of them coloured, hf. cf printed for the subscribers and not published^ 38s 1859 621 BERNABD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Smith (C. Roach) — continued. 422 COLLECTANEA ANTIQUA ; Etchings and Notices of Ancient Remains, illustrative of the Habits, Customs, and History of Past Ages, Vols. I-VI complete, 8vo. above 300 Archceoloqical Plates and Etchings, many of which are coloured, hf. calf neat, A pine set, rare, £12. Printed for subscribers only, 1848-68 and allusions. But besides these acquirements he possesses an enthusiastic spirit, which has neither been daunted by opposition, nor chilled by indif- ference : and to this we owe the results recorded in his splendid volumes. How many thanks are due from all historical and antiquarian enquirers to Mr. Roach Smith for his public-spirited la- bours ! Fortunately, he needs no other me- morial than his greatest work to attest his labours and services." — Leicester Chrojiicle. A complete copy of this extremely valuable publication, so far as published : the early vo- lumes are all out of print. Many separate parts in stock for the comple- tion. *' Mr. Roach Smith has brought to his task a thorough and familiar acquaintance with the writings of Roman and Greek authors, which enables him to interpret at a glance the signifi- cance of isolated and otherwise inscrutable facts Society of Antiquaries : 423 YETUSTA Monijmenta, or Ancient Monuments illustrative of tlie His- tory and Topography op G-reat Britain, published by the Society of Antiquaries, a remarkably fine and perfect set, comprising all the plates published by the Antiquarian Society to the present time, viz. the 6 vols, earliest impressions of the numerous plates, including the coloured set of Bayeux Tapestry. Also two Supplementary Volumes containing 37 large historical Prints engraved by Vertue, and published separately at intervals by the Society, and now scarce; and 8 very large prints, folded on canvas, rare, and 9 loose plates, six vols. bds. uncut, and the two supplemen- tary ones in hf. russia, from Sir Henry JEllis's library ; in all, 8 vols. impl. folio, £30. ' 1747-1845 of the Engluh forces near Portsmouth, and the Siege of Boulogne') measure six feet in length. A set, not so complete as the above, priced, 1847, H. G. Bohn, £36. 5*. The published price for modern impressions of the 5 vols, unbound is £40., the Bayeux Ta- pestry, £8. 10^, and the 46 additional plates £14. 3«, which makes altogother £62. 13^. Two of the seven additional prints (J:he Encampment 424 The Tapestry of Bayeux, obi. atlas folio, 17 finely coloured plates, en- graved by Basire, bds. £2. 10s Vet. Mon. Vol. VI. 1819-23 425 Lemon (E.) Catalogue of a Collection of Printed Broadsides in the Possession of the Society of Antiquaries, royal 8vo. cloth, 9^ 1866 426 SOMERS'S (Lord) Collection of scarce and valuable TEACTS on the most interesting and entertaining Subjects, but such as relate chiefly to the His- tory and Constitution of these Kingdoms, revised, augmented, and arranged by Walter Scott, 13 vols, royal 4to. (pub. at £42.) russia, £15. Lond. 1809 *' Lord Somers's Collection of Tracts is, in truth, a splendid and lasting monument of the judgment and patriotism of that great man. This reprint, under the editorship of Sir Walter Scott, has the advantage of having the pieces ar- ranged chronologically, and according to their subject-matter. The additional pieces are denoted by an asterisk. In no collection of the least his- torical pretence, let these Tracts be found want- ing."— Z^/Mm. Priced 1847, £17. 17.?; 1862, £21. 10*. Fetched at Dawson Turner's sale, 1853, £15. 427 STUKELEY'S Abury, a Temple of the British Druids, 40 plates, calf, 24* 1743 428 Account of Eichard of Cirencester, Monk of Westminster, 4to. map of Ancient Britain, calf, ^s Qd 1757 429 Suffolk. Hervet's Visitation of SuiFolke, by Howard, Part 8, 4to. 2* Qd (?1866) 430 Surrey Archaeological Society's Publications, Vols. I — III, 8vo. many plates, hf calf neat, from Sir R. Ellis's lihrary, £2. 5s 1858-65 431 Surtees Society's Public ^tions relating to the Early History, ecclesiastical and secular, of the Northern Counties of England ; a complete set from the commencement to the last volume which has been published, 48 vols. 8vo. cloth, ^28. 10s 1836-65 Many of the volumes are now entirely 07it of print and very scarce. 432 Sussex Archaeological Society. Sussex Archaeological Collections, relating to the History and Antiquities of the county, from the commencement in 1848 to 1867, Vols. I— XIX (being Seeies I, 12 vols. 1848-60; and Series II, Vols. I — YII — 19 vols.) 8vo. numerous pedigrees, maps and plates of Coats of Arms, Brasses, etc. new in cloth, £15. Lewes, 1848-67 Complete sets are very scarce, several of the early Yoluraes being out of print. ANTIQUITIES, HEEALDET, ETC. 622 433 Sussex. HOESFIELD (T. W.) History, Antiquities and Topography of the County of Sussex, 2 vols. impl. 4to. maps and plates, hf. morocco, £S. 16s Lewes, 1835 433*LO WEE'S "Worthies of Sussex, impl. 4to. large paper, numerous plates and woodcuts, cloth, 36^ Printed for Subscribers only, 1865 434 SWIDHUJS" (St.) Legends of St. Swidhun and Sancta Maria Aegyptiaca, Grloucester Eragments, Anglo-Saxon, copied in pliotozincographic fac- simile, at the Ordnance Office, Southampton, with elucidations, translation, and an essay by the Eev. John Earle, royal 4to. bds, 20« 1861 435 TANNEEI (T.) Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica, folio, portrait, calf, rare, £^. 15^ 1748 A most valuable Biographical Dictionary of List of their works, printed or existing in manu- the early English, Scottish and French Writers to script, the commencement of the 17th century, with a 436 TUENEE'S (Sh.) History of England: Anglo-Saxons, 3 vols.— Middle Ages, 5 vols. — Henry VIII to Q. Elizabeth, 4 vols. — together 12 vols. hf. bd. russia neat, £3. 10s 1828 Utterson (B. V.) Privately Printed Publications: 437 VIEGILIUS hys lyfe and deth, with hys many marvayles by whychcrafte and nygramancye, woodcut, calf extra, gilt edges, scarce, 27 s 1812 Keprinted for E. V. Utterson, the Editor, who limited the impression to 30 copies. 438 Select Pieces of early popular POETEY, 2 vols, post 8vo. woodcuts, bds, 27s ', OThf calf,2Ss ' ^ 1817 439 Ktng Eoberd of Cysylle (a Poem), only 30 copies printed, hf. morocco, uncut, 15s 1839 440 Matnard (J.) XII Wonders of the World for the Yioll de Gambo, the Lute and the Yoyce, only 16 copies reprinted from 1611 edition, hf. calf, 20s Beldornie Press, 1842 441 Skialetheia, or a Shadowe of Truth in certaine Epigrams and Satyres (by E. Guilpin), only 16 copies reprinted from the edition of 1598, hf. morocco, 25s ib. 1843 442 Bastard (T.) Chrestoleros. Seven Bookes of Epigrames, only 16 copies re- printed from the 1598 edition, hf. morocco, 36s ib. 1842 443 LooKE TO It : for He stabbe ye, only 16 copies reprinted from the edition of 1604, hf. morocco, uncut, 25s ib. 1841 (5) The above five works together for £4. 4s WALES: 444 Caradoc's of Lhancarvan. History of Wales, Englished by Dr. Powell, augmented by Wynne ; with a description of Wales by Sir John Price, 8vo. calf 7s Gd . 1774 445 HAEET (George Owen) Genealogy of James I. King of Great Brittayne with his lineall Descent from Noah, &c. very small 4to. 9 engraved tables, calf, £2. 2s 1604 Very rare. A copy sold for £4. 145 %d at King and Lochee's in 1814. 446 HEEALDIC VISITATIONS of Wales and part of the Marches, under the direction of the Kings at Arms, by Lewts Dwnn, in Welsh, edited, with numerous explanatory Notes, b}^ Sir S. Euah METEICK, 2 vols, impl. 4to. hf. calf, rare, Lord Farrihani's copy, ;610. 10s 1846 447 JONES (T.) History of the County of BEECKNOCK, 2 vols. roy. 4to. maps, numerous portraits and fine engravings hy Sir Li. Colt Hoare, and 3 plates containing many coloured Coats of Arms, calf neat, £8. BrechnocTc, 1805-9 448 the same, 2 vols. 4to. bds. uncut, ^9. 9s 1805-9 449 the same, 5 vols, in 3, impl. 4to. a superb copy in red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £18. 1805-9 450 Owen's History of the Ancient Britons, 8vo. maps and plates, hf. bd. 5s 1743 451 Eegistrtjm vulgariter nuncupatum, " The Eecord oe Caernarvon," e Cod. MS. Harleiano descriptum ; with introduction by Sir LL. Ellis, royal folio, large paper ^ cloth, 25s Record Comm, 1838 623 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 452 WALLER'S Monumental Brasses, from the 13th to the 16th Century, roy. folio, 63 large coloured and tinted engravings^ with descriptions^ (pub. ^64. 16^) hf. hd. uncut, £3. 16* 1864i This valuable work is now completed. The I Yorkshire. Brasses exist chiefly in Essex, Kent, Suffolk, and I 453 Warwickshire. Halltwell (J. O.) Historical Account of NEW PLACE, SrKATFORD-UPO]!f-AYON, the last Residence of SHAKESPEARE, folio, woodcuts and facsimiles ^ cloth, 36* Privately printed, 1864 454 PniLLipps (Sir T.) Index to Sir T. Pliillipps' Warwickshire Visitations, in Harl. MSS. 2 folio leaves, 75 455 Yorkshire. Geeenwood's Map of Yorkshire, on nine sheets ; elephant folio, (pub. at £5. 5*) sd. Sir Mark SyJces' copy, 26s 1818 456 YOUNG- (Sir C. G.) Catalogue of the Arundel Maxusckipts in the Library of the College of Arms, royal 8vo. presentation copy to Dr. Bliss with Sir C. O. Young's autograph letter and inscription, calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt, 20* 1829 Privately printed for presents only. 457 Loud FARNHAM'S Genealogical Tracts ; a volume, lettered " Miscel- laneous Pamphlets," 1 vol. 8vo. half calf, 285 Bridger (C.) Extracts from the early Parish Register of Wamiinghurst, Sussex Privately printed, 1853 French (G. J.) Parallel Passages from Two Tales, elucidating the Origin of the Plot of Guy Man French (G. J.) Enquiry into the Origin of the Authorship of the earlier Waverley Novels, •printed for presentation only Bolton, 1856 Noyes (T. H.) Notices of the Families of Newton and Noyes 1857 nering Privately printed , Manchester. 1855 I Lodge (M.) Pairie d'Irlande Dublin, 1754 Other Tracts in the volume. 458 LoED Faenham's Teacts ; a volume lettered " Genealogical Pamphlets," 1 vol. large 8vo. half calf, I85 O'Sullivan (Chev.) Notice de la Famille de Can- tillon Paris, s, d. O'Byme (R, H.) Representative History of Bed- fordshire and Berkshire, 2 parts 1848 Germain- Sarrut (M.) Les Fils d'Arpad Paris, 1861 Other Tracts in the volume. 459 Guexet (H.) Tracts on Anglo-Roman Antiquities, in 1 vol. 8vo. plates, half calf gilt, 2O5 V. y. Printed for private distribution only. 460 Miscellakeotjs Antiquarian Tracts, a bundle, the lot, 4* Qd Including : Record Office, 1835 — Ilewett's I liances of Denmark and Gr. Brit. 1863 — Ragland St. Peter's, Exeter, 1848— Nichols, Family Al- 1 Castle, Monmouthshire Heath, Monmouth FRANCE : TOPOGRAPHY AND GENEALOGY. 461 Aleum des Blasons des Archives genealogiques et historiques de la Noblesse de France, 8vo. QO finely engraved Coats of Arms, hf. bd, uncut, 15* Paris, s. a. (? 1850) 462 ANSELM (P^ee) et M. Du Pourft, Histoire Genealogique et Chronolo- gique de la Maison Rotale de FRANCE, des Pairs, Grands OfEciers de la Couronne et de la Maison du Roy ; et des anciens Barons du Royaume : avec les Qualitez, I'Origine, les Progres et les Armes de leurs Families ; ensemble les Statuts et le Catalogue des Chevaliers, Commandeurs, et OfE- ciers de I'ordre du S. Esprit, 9 vols, folio, several thousand Coats of Arms, calf neat. Lord Farnham's copy, £1Q. 10s Paris, 1726-33 History of France; containing much curious and valuable information relating to our noble families of Norman origin not elsewhere to be met with. Priced, 1825, Thorpe, mor. £31.105; 1826^ Payne and Son, calf, £18. By far the most comprehensive Genealogical 463 Atlas. Precis de la nouvelle Geographie de France en Departements, obi. 4to. 83 coloured maps, two of the Colonies in America, and a plan of Pondicherry, calf, 7s 6d 1791 464 Berry. CHAUMEAU (J.) Histoire de BERRY contenant I'origine, anti- quite, gestes, prouesses, privileges, et libertes des Berruyers, sm. folio, nu- merous Coats of Arms, old calf gilt, £2. Lyon, 1566 4(35 the same, folio, a very tall copy, ivith numerous contemporary MS. ad- ditions, calf, ^3. 35 1566 ANTIQUITIES, HEUALDRY, ETC. : FEANCE. 624. 4G6 Besley (J.) Histoire des Comtes de POICTOU et Dues de GUYENNE, folio, calf, 275 Paris, 1647 467 BOISSEAU (J.) Tableau portatif des G-aules, ou Description nouvelle du Eoyaume de France, 2 vols. sra. 4to. large folding maps and plates of Arms, vellum, 245 Paris, 1646 468 Peompttjaiee Aemobtal et General, folio, numerous engravings of Arms, onany relating to English families ; also arms of Knights of various orders of Knighthood, including those of the Order of the Garter, 1 plate miss- ing, vellum, fine copy, s63. IO5 Paris, 1657-59 469 another copy, fol. quite perfect, with all the plates ^ calf, £5. 55 1657-59 Rare: not mentioned b}' Brunet. 470 Bretagne. OGEE (M.) Dictionnaire Historique et Geographique de la Pro- vince de Bretagne, 4 vols. 4to. map of Brittany inserted, old cf I85 1778-80 471 Breton Archaeological Society. Bulletin Arclieologique de 1' Association Bre- tonne, (classe d'Arcbeologie) Vols. I — IV ; V pts. 1 — 2; VI. pt. 1 — together 4 vols, and three parts, 8vo. many plates, (pub. 54 fr.) sd. 25* Bennes, 1847-57 472 Bretonneau (Guy) Histoire genealogique de la Maison des BEISCONNETS, sm. 4to. calf, neat, 20s Paris, 1620 473 Burgundy. Beaune et d'Arbaumont, la Noblesse aux Etats de Bourgogne, de 1350 a 1789, st. 4to. plates of Coats of Arms, hf cf. uncut, 36* Dijon, 1864 474 PLANCIIEE (Dom. Fr. U.) Histoire generale et particuliere de BOUE- GOGjS'E, 4 stout vols, folio, plates, fine copy in veau fauve,from the Souhise Library, ±'12. ^ ^ Dijon, 1739-81 475 CHASTELEE (Marquis du) Genealogie de la Maison du Chasteler, avec les Preuves, sm. folio, pedigrees and plate of Arms, calf, gilt edges, privately printed, 2ls ^ 1777 476 CHEVILLAED, Armorial de Bourgogne et de Bresse, folio, consisting of ^folding tables, each ivith many Coats of Arms, bds. rare, £2. I65 Paris, 1726 47/ Cohen de Vinkenhoff, la Noblesse de France, royal 8vo. 75 Qd 1855 478 CoRMERii Eerum gestarum Henrici II regis Galliae libri V, sm. 4to. vellum., Qs Paris, 1584 479 CouRCELLES, Armorial general de la Chambre des Pairs de France, grave par Lefevre, thick atlas 4to. 2S6 platen, bds. 18s Paris, 1822 480 DANIEL, Histoire de la Milice Fran(?oise, 2 vols. 4to. numerous plates of Arms and Weapons of all periods, calf, 255 Amst. 1724 481 DaupMne. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire de Dauphin^, sous les Dauphins de la Maison de la Tour Du Pin, folio, mop and plate, old calf, I85 Paris, 1711 482 DESBOIS (F. A. La Chenaye) Dictionnaire Genealogique et Heraldique des Maisons souveraines et principales, des Families nobles du royaume et le Nom et les Armes seulement de celles dont les Genealogies n'ont pas et6 publiees,avec les deux Supplements, 7 vols. 12mo. calf, rare, ^63. Par. 1757-65 This first edition contains several genealogies suppressed in the subsequent. 483 Dictionnaire de la Noblesse; seconde edition, 12 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £8. 85 Paris, 1770-78 484 Sommaire detaille des Genealogies des Families mentionuees dans les Tomes XIII— XV du Dictionnaire de la Noblesse, 4to. cl. lOs ib. 1863 485 DESBOIS et BADIER, DICTIONNAIEE de da NOBLESSE; troisieme edition entierement refondue et augmentee d'une Table generale de tous les Noms de famille, etc. 22 parts, forming Tome I — XI (A-Lev.) 4to. (pub. 264 francs) sd. £5. 15* Paris, 1863-67 Each partis published at 12 francs; and the I the most useful of all the French heraldic publi- work advances rapidly towards completion. It is | cations. 486 HOZIEE (P. d') Genealogie de la Maison des Sieurs de LAEBOUE diets de Combauld sortie autrefois Puisnee de I'ancienne Eace de Bourbon non Eoyale, 4to. Coats of Arms, presentation copy to M. de Mont- chaly with Autograph of D'Hozier, calf, with Montchal arms in gold on sides, 355 Paris, 1629 487 Dole. Persak, Eecherches sur la ville de Dole, 8vo. Ids. 45 Dole, 1812 488 Du BOUCHET (M.) Histoire Genealogique de la Maison Eoyale de Courte- ifAT, folio, plates, old calf, 30s Paris, 1661 2e C25 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 489 DUCHESNE (A.) HisTOEiiE NOEMANNOEUM Scriptoees Antiqui, res ab illis per Galliam, Angliam, Apuliam, Capuso Principatum, Siciliam et Orientem gestas explicantes, 838-1220, folio, in old calf^ with MS. notes hy Suhm, the Danuh Historian, ^5. 15s JLutet. Faris. 1619 490 DU CHESNE (A.) Histoire de la Maison de CHASTILLON sue Maene, folio, numerous coats of arms, calf, title, £2. 2s ib. 1621 491 histoire genealogique de la maison de YEEGT, folio, calf, 355 1625 492 histoire genealogique des Maison de GUINES, d'Ardres, de Gand et de Coucy, folio, calf, 35s 1631 493 Histoire Genealogique de la maison royale de DEEUX, et de quelques autres families illustres, folio, nwnerous Coats of Arms, vel. £3. Ss Paris, 1631 494 Histoire Genealogique de la Maison des CHASTEIGNEES, folio, fne portraits and coats of arms, calf, 35s ib. 1634 495 histoire genealogique de la Maison de BETHUNE, folio, ^/a^^s and coats of arms, hf. bd. 35s ib. 1639 496 DUCHESNE (Er.) Histoire des Chanceliers et Gardes des eceaux, depuis Clo- vis jusqu'a Louis le Grand, enrichie de leurs armes, blasons et genealogies, large folio, mant/ Coats of Arms and Pedigrees, old calf, 32s Paris, 1680 497 DuYAL, la Erance depuis son agrandissement par les Conquestes du Eoy, 12mo. with the Coats of Arms of all the French provinces, old calf, 5s. Paris, 1680 498 GAEIEL (E.) Series Praesulum Magalonensium et Monspeliensium, variia Guillelmorum Monspelii Dominorum historiis locupletata,451 — 1665, 2 vols, in 1, folio, calf, 12s Tolosae, 1664-65 499 Gasteliee De La Toue, Armorial des Estats de LANGUEDOC, 4to. 160 coats of Arms, old calf neat, 36s Paris, 1767 " Ouvrage bien execute." — Prunef. 500 Gatee (Sieur de) Histoire genealogique et chronologique des Dauphins de YIENNOIS, ISmo. plates of arms, vellum, 35s Paris, 1683 501 Guide pittoresque du Yoyageur en France, 6 vols. 8vo. map, many pretty plates, sd, 20s ^ ^ 1838 502 Im-Hoff (J. W.) Excellentium Eamiliarum in GALLIA Genealogise, coats of arms, old calf gilt, 16s Norimb. 1687 503 Joinville, (Haute-Marne) Tablettes historiques de par Collin, 8vo. Is ^d 1857 504 Laigce (A. L. de) les Families Frangaises considerees sous la rapport de leur Prerogatives honorifiques hereditaires, ou Eecherches sur I'Origine de la Noblesse, 8vo. second edition, hf. calf gilt, 7s Paris, 1818 505 Languedoc. Memoires pour 1' histoire naturelle de Languedoc, 4to. maps and plates, calf Qs Paris, 1737 The Philological portion extending from page 422-508 is particularly interesting. 506 LAINE (M.) Dictionnaire veridique des Origines des Maisons noblesou anoblies du Eoyaume de France, 2 vols. 8vo. halfrussia, rare, 36s Paris, 1818-19 507 LA EOQUE (L. de) Armorial de la Noblesse de La:nouedoc, Generalite de Montpellier, 2 vols. 8vo.^orif. and many hundred coats of Arms, hf. morocco gilt, 32s Paris, 1860 508 LEFEBVEE, Histoire de la Yille de CALAIS et du Calaisis, ou pays recon- quis, avec I'histoire des Morins, 2 vols. 4to. maps and plans, old calf gilt, 30s Paris, 1763 509 L'Hermtte de Sobers dit Teistan (J. B.) la Toscane Frangoise, 4to. coats of arms, vellum, 15s Paris, 1661 510 Naples FranQoise, small 4to. Goats of Arms, calf 34s ib. 1663 LoEEAiifE — see ante in " General Alphabet." 511 MAECA (P. de) Histoire de Beam, contenant I'Origine des Eois de Navarre, folio, good copy in old calf, £2. 10s Paris, 1640 " Ouvrage peu commun et tres-recherche."— ^n/w^;^. 512 Marseilles. Bousquet, La Major, Cathedral de Marseille, Svo. port, hf calf ^sQd 1857 513 MEZEEAT, Histoire de France, 3 vols, folio, complete with the Cancels, portraits, fine copy in French calf, gilt edges, from Sir Charles Price's li- brary, £4<. Paris, 1643-51 " Edition originalc, fort estiraee." — Brunei. ANTIQUITIES, HERALDEY, ETC. : FTIANCE, aERMANY. 626 614 MILLIN (A. L.) Voyage dans les Departemens du MIDI de la EEANCE, 4 vols, in 5, 8vo. and 4ito. Atlas of ^0 plates ^ laege papek, half calf extra^ ZQs Faris, 1807-11 515 MONFALCON (J. B.) Histoire de la Ville de LYON revue et augmentee, 6 vols. impl. 8vo. portrait, 4 plates of coats of Arms beautifully emblazoned, foldinff maps, and about 60 plates of views, hf. calf uncut, £Z. Lyon, 1851 NoEMANDT — See ante in " General Alphabet." 517 PALLIOT (P.) Histoire genealogique des Comtes de CHAMILLY de la Maison de BOUTON, folio, numerous coats of arms Dijon, 1761 518 Puy. HisToiEE de I'eglise angelique de JNotre-Dame du Puy, 12nio. old calf rare, 18* Au Puy, 1693 519 Rheims. Description de la ville de Rheims, Svo. plates, hf bd. ds Gd 1825 520 SAINCT JULIEN, de I'Origine des Bourgongnons, et Antiquite des Estats de BouEGONGNE, d'Autun, de Chalon, de Mascon, de I'Abbaje et ville de Tournus, folio, views of Dijon, Beaune, Autun, Macon, and Chalons, and Arms, shield coloured, a very fine copy in overlappiag vellum, rare, £3. 10s Paris, Chesnau, 1581 621 SAINCT JULIEN, de I'Origine des Bourgongnons, et Antiquite des Estata de Bourgongne deux Livres. Plus des A.ntiquitez d'Autun Livre 1, de Chalon 2, de Mascon 3, et de I'Abbaje et Ville de Tournus 1, woodcut plans, Paris 1581 — PALLIOT (P.) le Parlement de Bourgongne, numerous coats of arms, Dijon, 1649 — togetlier in 1 vol. folio, numerous coats of arms and woodcut plans, part of page 181 of the 1st booh in the vol. torn, old calf, with the arms of Achille de Ilarlay Comte de Beaumont stamped in gold on sides, £2. 16* 1581-1649 522 SAINCTE-MARTHE (S. & L.) Histoire genealogique de la Maison de France, 2 vols, folio, numerous coats of arms, old calf neat, 35* Paris, 1647 523 Sainte-Maethe (P. S. de) Histoire genealogique de la Maison de la TRE- MOILLE, 18mo. vellum, 27s Paris, 1668 524 SIMON, Armorial general de I'Empire Franc^ais, 2 vols, in 1, large folio, 140 plates, ivith text, fine copy, hf bd. green morocco, gilt edges, £5. Paris, 1812 525 Toulouse. Annales de la Ville de Toulouse, 4 vols. 4to. cf gt. 3Qs Paris, 1771 A learned work, the result of careful examination of the original Charters. 526 Moline de Saint- Yon, Histoire des Comtes de Toulouse, 4 vols, large Svo. sd. 15s Paris, (?1861) 627 TorssAiNT de Saint Lro (R. P.) Memoires sur I'Etat du Clerge et de la Noblesse de BRETAGNE, 3 parts in 1, Svo. 103 plates of Arms, half blue morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, 2,7s Paris, 1691 (Ganche, 1858) Facsimile reprint of the original edition, this re-impression being limited to 200 copies. 528 Zemganno, les 4 Ages de la Pairie de France, 2 vols. 8vo. bd. 4s 1775 GERMANY. 629 Alsatia. Schadaei Summum Argentoratensium Templum ; das ist Besclireibung des Miinsters zu Strassburg, sm. 4to. 6 plates, bds. 7s 6d Strassburg, 1617 530 Austria. Haon (Th.) Urkundenbuch fiir die Greschicbte des Benedictiner Stiftes Kremsmuenster, seiner Pfarreien und Besitzungen, vom Jahre 777 bis 1400— Die Buchschriften des Mittelalters, 8vo. hf caff with 23 plates of Early German Alphabets — in 1 vol. Svo. hf. calf neat, 10s Wien, 1852 531 DiiCKHEU, Saltzburgische Chronika, obi. sm. 4to. coats of Arms of the Arch- bishops, vellum, 7s 6d Saltzburg, 1666 532 Baden. Scuuch, Gemalde des Grossherzogthums Baden, sq. 8vo. plan of Carlsruhe and views, bds. 3s Gd Karlsruhe (? 1850) 633 BUCELINl (G.) Germania Topo-Chromo-Stemmato-Graphica, Sacra et Prophana, 4 vols. sm. folio, 40 full length portraits of the members of the Guelph and other Families, and many hundred Coats of Arms, stamped hog- skin, with clasps, scarce, £2. 15s Aug. Vind. et Vim. 1655-78 The greater part of this work consists of i with extensive tables of their genealogies. Pedigrees of the noble Families of Germany, | 2 E 2 627 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 534 BUCELINI Constantise Elienanse Topographia, Chronologia et Stemmatogra- phia, sm. ^io. front, map, and 120 coats of arms, calf, 7s Francof. 1G68 535 Dantzig (Old Prussia). LANG (Nic.) Wapenbucli der Obrigkeit in Dantzig, 12ino. engraved title, ^frontispieces, and a beautiful series of 59 plates of the Coats of Arms and Cyphers of all the Burgomasters of Dantzig, vellum, very rare, £2. 2s Dantzig, 1G94 A singularly pretty book. 536 DEifKSCHRiETEN des Germani!^cben National Museum, Yol. I, Literarische Sammlungen; Yol. II, Kunst- und Alterthums- Sammlungen, 2 vols, royal 8vo. cuts, cloth, 10s JSilrnlerg, 1856 537 DOEST (I. G. L.) Allgemeines Wnppenbucb, ein Hand und Musterbucb fur AYappensammler, Porzellan-Maler, &c. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. 290 plates of Coats of Arms, half calf 20s Gorlitz, 181.3 538 DusBUEG, Cbronicon PEDSSIAE, in quo ordinis Teutonic! origo et Ees ab Ordinis Magistris 1226-1326 in Prussia gestae exponuutur ; et Contin. ad 1435, ed. Hartknoch, stout small 4to. plates, vellum, 7s Gd Jenae, 1G79 539 ECKHAET (J. G. ab) Commentarii de rebus Eranct.i; Orientalis et Episcopatus Wirceburgensis, Eegum et Imperatorum ErancisB veteris Ger^ inaniaeque, &c. Gesta, 2 vols, stout folio, portrait and numerous plates of Diplomas, Seals, Coins, etc. fine copy in old calf gilt, or stamped pigskin, 25s Wirceh. 1729 Each volume contains specimens and Glos- | guages, Avith other interesting philological saries of the Ancient Saxon and Thcotisc Ian- I matter. 540 Estor's Aiileitung zur Anenprobe, thick small 4to. 9) folding plates of Coats of Arms, and genealogical plates. Ids. 7s Marhurg, 1750 541 FALCKENSTEIN (J. H. von) Norgauiscbe Altertbiimer iind Merckwiir- digkeiteu, 4 vols, in 2, io\\o,fine portraits and plates {including coats of anns) and pedigrees, stamped pigskin, rare, 28s SchwatmcJi, 1734-43 542 Gauhen, des H. Eom. Eeii:hs Adels-Lexicon, stout 8vo. caf, os Leipzig, 1719 543 Gebuardi (L. A.) Genealogi>cbe Gescbicbte der erblicben Eeichsstande in Teutscbland, 3 vols. 4iio. pedigrees and coats of arms, hf cf lis Halle, 1776-85 544 GELBKE'S Arms of the Soyrreigns of Europe. ABBILDUNGEN der Wappen saemtlicber Europseischen Souveraine, der Eepubliken und freien Stsedte, herausgegeben von C. H. von Gelbke, royal folio, 60 heautiful 2?lates of the Anns of all the European Sovereigns, illuminated in oold and COLOURS (pub. £15. 15s) red ision. super extra, gilt edges, £S. Derlin,(l8SlJ This magnificent volume has all the hril- liancy of a finely executed Missal. It was pub- lished with the assistance of the crown, and only very limited number of copies illuminated. Inserted is a fine drawing on vellum, embla- zoned in gold and colours, of the Arms of H.S.H the Prince of Hesse Homburg, by T. Willement, Esq. 545 HaBERLiN, Analecta Medii Aevi ad illustranda jura et res germanicas, thick 12mo. plates of Seals, cloth, i)s JVorinib. 1764 546 Hanoverian and Brunswick Armorial: GROTE (Dr. H.) Gescblechts- und Wappen- bucb des Konigreichs Hannover und des Herzogthums Braun- scbweig, 4to. 144 plates containing a multitude of Coats of Arms, richly emblazoned in gold, silver, and colours, bds. 32* Hannover, 1843 547 HAKTAED (D.) die Hobeit des Teutscben Eeicb-Adels, 3 vols, folio, frontispieces and coats of arms, half vellum, 2ds Fulda, 1729-40 548 Hartz Forest: HONEMAN(Eudoipb L.) die Altertbiimer des Harzes, 4 vols. in 1, small 4to. bds. perfect copies of this icork are tert rare, and hardly to he met with, as it was published in separate sheets, 36^ Clausthal, 1754-55 Includes valuable details concerning the Mines of the district. 549 EoHB, Merkvviirdigkeiten des Yor- oder Unter- Hartzes, l736-~Burghnrt's Zottenberg, 1736 — in 1 vol. stont \2mo. plates, vellum, 10s 1736 650 Hefner (T. von) Keues "Wappenbucli des bliibenden Adels im Konigreicbe Hannover und Herzogthume Braunschweig, 4to. plates of Coats of Arms, hf. morocco, 18* 3Itlnchen, 1862 551 Hessia. WINKELMANN'S Bescbreibung der Eilrstentbiimer Hessen und Hersfeld, 6 vols, in 1, folio, Coats of Arms and pedigrees, fine cop?/ in vellum, 25s Bremen, 1697—Cassel, 1754 AN-TIQUITIES, HERALDRY, ETC. : GERMANY. 628 552 WESSEL (W.) Hessisches AYAPPEXBUcn, 12mo. 150 portraits, and large Coats of Arms of all the Hessian Nobility , 'printed within borders, vellum, rare, 305.; ov fine copy in old RED MOROCCO, £2. Cassel, 1623 553 HoFFMAXN (C. G-.) Scriptores Rerura Lusaticarum, 4 vols, in 1, folio, plates 0/' Slavonic Antiquities, vellum, 7s 6d Lips. 1719 554 HOPE (Karl) Historisch-Genealogischer Atlas, seit Cliristi Geburt bis auf unsere Zeit, Abtheilung I : Deutschland, folio, Thick Paper, 7nany Coats of of Arms, cloth, 30.» Gotha, 1858 A most valuable, indeed, indispensable siastical, European and extra-European, pagan book of reference for students of history, em- and Christian, Avhicli at present is only found in bodying information as to dynasties and succes- very large, expensive and scarce works. sions, royal and seignorial, secular and eccle- 555 HUMBRACHT (Jo. Mart.) die hocbste Zierde Teutscben Adels : Genealo- gical Tables of German Princes and Families, folio, beautifully engraved coats of Armf, calf \Ss Franckf, 1707 556 JOANNIS (G. C.) Rerum Moguntiaearum Vol. I, II, et Tomus novus (III) 3 vols, folio, with Genealogical Tables, calf gilt, rare, 30^ Francof 1722-7 A valuable collection of Early German Chroniclers; most copies were destroyed by fire. 557 KNESCHKE (E. H.) Deutsche Grafen-Hauser der Gegenwart, in herald. bistor. und. genealog. Beziebung, 3 vols, many Coats of Arms, (pub. at 18 Thaler) cloth, 26s Leipzig, 1852-54 558 Neues Allgemeines Deutscbes Adels-Lexicon, &c. Yols. I to VII, 8vo. green jiwivcco backs, gilt tops, £2. Ss Leipzig, 1859-67 559 KCENIG (V.) Genealogiscbe Adels-Historie, 3 vols, folio, Coats of Arms, neatly bound, 25s Leipzig, 1727-36 560 LEIBNITII (J. G.) Scriptores Rerum BRUNSVICENSIUM, 3 vols, folio, calf gilt, fine copy, £2. 12s Qd ILanov. 1707 561 Letzener's Corbeyische Chronica ; Leben nnd Thaten Ludovici Pii, nebst Beschreibung 30 adelicher Geschlechter nnd Lehns-Leute des Stiffts Corbey, sq. 8vQ. numerous Coats of Arms, hf calf, 5s Leip. 1693 562 Leuckfeldii Antiquitates Gandersheimeuses : Beschreibung des Kayserlichen Stiffts Gandersheim, 1709 — Antiquitates Micbaelsteinenses, 1710— Historia Ilamelmanni, 1720 — Ant. Halberstadenses. 1714 — Beschreibung des Closter S. Georgii zu Kelbra, nebst Genealogiscben JN'achricbten der GrafFen von Beichlingen, und der Keyserl. Pfaltzen Alstedt und Walhausen, 1721 — An- tiquitates Poeldenses, 1707 — Antiquitates Blanckenburgenses, oder genealo- giscbe Beschreibuno^ der Grafen von Blanckenburg, 1708 — Ant. Ilfeldenseg, Beschreibung des Closters Ilfeld, 1709 — bound together in 3 vols, small thick 4ito. plates of Monastic Antiquities, Genealogical Tables, etc. hf. bd. 12s Woljfenbuttel, 1707-21 563 Ltjcae GrafFen-Saal der seit Caroli Magni Zeiten in Deutschland florirten graefflicben Geschlechter, thick sq. 8vo. vellum, Ss Gd Franlfort, 1702 561 MuiiLFELi>'s Oesterreichisches Adels, Lexicon, 1701-1822, 2cvo-ls. 8vo. hf calf, 5s Wien. 1824 565 MUSHARD (Luneberg) Monumenta ISTobilitatis Antiquae Familiarum lUus- trium, imprimis Ordinis Equest'ris, in Ducatibus Bremensi et Verdensi, sm. folio, the text all in German, numerous Coats of Arms, large woodcut initials^ vellum, 16s Bremen, 1708 506 PERTZ, Monumenta GERMANIiE IIistorica, inde ab anno Cbristi 500 usque ad annum 1500 auspiciis societatis aperiendis fontibus rerum Germa- nicarum medii sevi, edidit Geor. Henr. Pertz ; Vols. I— XXI, large folio, plates of Charters, calf extra, uncut, A TRULY SUPERB UNIFORM SET, £105. Llannover, 1816-68 The work consists of two Series, of which the followinp^ volumes have been published : SCRIPTORES, Vols. 1—12, 16—20; and LEGES, Vols. 1—4. Of this valuable and stupendous publication very few copies were printed, and they occur rarely for sale. Vols. 5, 6, 7, are out of print ; complete sets sell therefore beyond the pubUshing price. Of the Scriptoiies, Vols. 13 — 15 are not published yet. 567 Pomerania. Eickstet, Annales Pomerauisa, Vita Philippi I, Due. Pom. ed. Baltbasar, small 4to. calf, 5s Gryphisio. 1728 568 BAGMIHL'S Pommersches Wappenbucb, complete in 5 vols. 4to. 841 plates of Coats of Arms, uncut, SOs Stettin, 1843-5 629 BERNARD QUARITCH, L5 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 569 SALVER, Proben des hohen Teutschen Reichs A dels, folio, a very handsome book, with many engravings of Tombs, Coats of Arms and Sepulchred Monu- ments, fine copy in vellum^ 27s ^'irzburg, 1775 Saxony : 570 Adelung, Directorum : Quellen der Slid- Sachischen Geschichte, 4to. cloth, 3s ijd ^ Meissen, 1802 571 Canzlee, Tableau historique pour seryir a la connaissaiice des affaires poli- tiques et economiqups de I'Eleetorat de Saxe et de provinces incorporees, st. 4to. Coats of Arms, German boards, 10s Dresde, 178(5 Includes a valuable account of the Saxon mines. 572 Faber's Nachrichten zur sachsischen Geschichte : Sonnenfeld, sm. 4to. half calf 5s 1793 573 Heine, Beschreibung der Stadt und Grafschaift Rochlitz, in Meissen Leipzig, 1719 574 Kamprad, Leisnigl^er Chronica ib. 1753 — the 2 works in 1 vol. stout sm. 4to. hf vellum, 7s 6 J 575 Horn's Sammlungen zu einer historischen Haud-Bibliothec von Sachsen und dessen incorporirten Landen, stout sm. 4to. hf. calf, 7s 6d Leip. 1728 576 Kamprad, Leisnigker Chronika: Beschreibung der Stadt Leisnigk, uud Col- ditzer Annalen, thick sm. 4to. hf. bd. 5s 1753 577 MENTZIUS (Balthasar) Stambuch, dorinnen der Chur und Eiirsten zu Sachsen Thaten, Bildniisse, vnd Wapen in Druck bracht, 16mo. numerous Port?^aits, Coats of Arms, etc. vellum, 30s Wittenberg, 1598 This book, and another on the same subject, j engraver's work. are the only examples that remain of this old | 578 MiiLLER (J. S.) des Chur- und Eiirstlichen Hauses Sachsen Annales, von 1100 bis 1700, folio, engraved title, calf, 7s 6d 1701 579 Oeseeld, Stadte im Erzgebirge : Lossnitz, Chemnitz, Schneeberg, etc. 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. bds. bs Halle, 1776 580 Peoayii Theatrum Ereibergense Chronicum : Beschreibung der Stad Erej- berg in Meissen, 2 vols, in 1, thick sm. 4to. vellum, gilt edges, 7s (jd FreybergJc, 1653 581 Sammlung vermischter Nachrichten zur Sachsischen Geschichte, 12 \oh. 12mo. numerous plates, hf. calf, 25s Chemnitz^ 1767-77 An important collection of Documents in- j able details about the Saxon Mines, eluding a description of Art Treasure, also valu- | 532 ScHTJLTES, Diplomatische Geschichte des Eiirstenthums Sachsen Coburg- Saalfeld, 3 vols. 4to. bds. 7s Qd Coburg, 1818-22 583 ScniNDLER (J.) Wapen-Gallerie des Oesterreichischen Adels, roy. 8vo. 67 plates of Coats of Arms, bds. Qs ' Wien (? 1840) 584 SCHNEIDER'S Hoch-Graflich-Erbachische Stamm-Tafel, nebst Erkliir-und Bewahrungen, stout folio, Genealogical Tables, and 25 plates of Seals, Monu- mental Antiquities, etc. calf 12s FrancJcfurt a. M. 1736 585 SCHCEPELINI (J. D.) Historia Zaringo-Badensis, cum Cod. Diplom. 7 toIs. 4to. ports, plans, plates of coins, etc. hf calf, 14s Carolsi'uhae, 1763-66 A most valuable work. The last three [ year 676 downwards, volumes contain the Co2. Fermo, 1848 Priced, 1856, sewed, £2. lOs. This is the only good Mork on Papal coins. 829 COIIEN (H.) Description generale des Monnaies de la Eepubliqtje Eo- MAINE communement appelees Medailles Consulaires, stout 4to. 75 plates containing several hundred coins, hf calf, out of print, £3. 16* Fains, 1857 830 Description historique des Monnaies frappees sous I'Empire Eomain appelees MEDAILLES IMPEEIALES, 6 vols, large 8yo. above 100 plates containing several hundred coins, £(j. Qs ib. 1859-62 Eor the Supplement — see Sabbatier 831 COMBE (C.) Nummorura veterum Populorum et Urbium, qui in Mused Hunter asservantur, descriptio, roy. 4to. 68 plates containing several hundred Coins, calf, £2. 5« 1782 832 another copy, 4to. 68 plates of coins in the Ilunterian Museitm, Glas- gow, 2 portraits of Hunter and the Queen inserted, russia extra, £2. 8* London, 1782 833 COMBE (Taylor) Yeterum Populorum et Eegum Numi qui in Museo Britau- nico adservantur, roy. 4to. 15 plates of coins, bds. 20s ; or, new hf morocco, 30« ^ 1814 834 CousiNERY (E. M.) Essai historique et critique sur les Monnaies d' Argent de la LiGUE Acheenne, 4to. 7 plates of coins, sewed, 4s 6d Faris, 1825 835 CovAEEXJyiAs, Veterum collatio Numismatum, 8vo. calf 3s Val. 1775 NUMISMATA AND MEDALLIC HISTOEY. GU 836 Danish Coins: Beskmyelse oveb DANSKE MYNTER og MEDAILLER i den Kongelige Samling, (Description of Medals and Coins in the Royal Cabinet of Denmark, by Neilson. M tiller, KoUe and Spongier,) 4 vols, large folio, tvith 326 plafes, calf, with Danish royal arms stamped in gold on sides, fine copy, rare, £5. Ki'ubenhavn, 1791 This valuable Museum of the Kin^ of Den- while writing his celebrated work, "Numisma- tique du Moyen Age," could not obtain access to a copy of it, and has left on record his opinion of its value, and his regret at losing the aid he should have derived from it. This is a very fine copy. mark includes also some rare Early English Coins Priced, 1824, Thorpe, bds. £18. 18*. This magnificent publication, printed at the private expense of the King of Denmark, is of the greatest importance to all students of the Anglo- Saxon Numismatics. It is so rare that Lelewel, 837 DICKSON'S (M. W.) American Numismatic Manual of the Aboriginal Money, and Colonial, State, and United States Coins, 4to. portrait and 19 plates containing numerous coins, all gilt, silvered, and coloured, in exact fac- simile of the originals, with an extraordinary number of 31 S. additions, by Mr. J. H. Burn, extra plates, portraits, etc. cloth, £3. IO5 1860 838 D0MINIC13 (Er. de) Repertorio Numismatico per conoscere qualunqno moneta Greca tanto Urbica che dei Re, 2 vols, in 1, stout 4to. neatly bd. green mo- rocco, 15* Nap. 1826 digested and comprehensive edition of the more costly works of Mionnet. A work of the greatest importance to the Numismatist, being an exact description of every Greek Coin, in a tabular form ; it is, in fact, a 839 DONALDSON (T. L.) Akchitectura Numismatica, or Architectural Me- dals of Classic Antiquity, royal 8vo. xxxii and 341 pp. 46 plates and nume- xous woodcuts, (pub. at £3. 3«) cloth, 14s 1859 Architectural medals have not received that attention to which they are entitled ; they reflect the customs of the ancients in reference to their buildings, and reveal matters of historical inte- rest, otherwise imperfectly known, of which they alone offer evidence. Classification : — 1 . Sacred. Temples ; Altars ; Tabernacles ; Funeral Edifices ; etc. — 840 Duane Cabinet 2. 3Ionnvientnl. Commemorative Columns ; Votive Arches ; Trophies— 3. Public Utility. Forum ; Basilica ; Thermse ; Bridges — 4. Public Games. Theatres ; Stadia ; etc. — 5. City Gates. Cities ; Camps ; Ports. " A work worthy of Professor Donaldson's high reputation." Gentleman's Mag., Vol. CCVII. GOUail (R.) Coins of the SELEUCID.E, Kings op Syria, from Seleucus Nicator to Antiochus Asiaticus, with Historical Me- moirs of each Reign, roy. 4to. ^0 plates engraved by Bartolozzi,from speci- mens in the Cabinet of the late Matthew Duane, Esq., excessiyely bare, neat, £6. Qs 1803 The series of plates consists of 1- 6 bis, and 4 unnumbered plates. -24, with 4 and Fetched at Col. Stanley's sale £5. 10*. The rarity of the book arises from the fact that the greater part of the edition was destroyed by fire. 81-1 DUBY (Tobiesen) Traite des Monnoies des Barons de Trance, des Pairs, Eveques, Abbes, Chapitres, Villes, et autres Seigneurs, impl. 4to. luith 120 plates, containing about 2000 coins struck by the Nobility of France, a fine copy, in 2 vols. French calf gilt, £2. Faris, 1790 812 the same, 2 vols, in 8, impl. 4to, hf calf, 30^ 1790 Brockett's copy fetched £3. \s ; the Marquis of Townshend's, <£3. 4.«. 813 Recueil General des Pieces Obsidionales et de necessite, et Recrea" tions Numismatiques, impl. 4to. 31 plates containing 362 curious coins, half bd. uncut, or, French calf gilt, 36^ ib. 1786 841 the 2 Works, together 3 vols. impl. 4to. calf gilt, £4^. 1786-90 " Vendu, 3 vol. 109 fr. en 1839 ; 2 vol. 83 fr. Mionnet ; 2 vol. 92 fr. Q,ixatrcmcrG."—Brunet. 845 ECKIIEL (J. H.) Doctrina Numorum Veterum, cum Supplemento, 10 parts in 9 vols. ^to. plates, sewed, uncut, £3. 16s ; or, a fine copy in calf neat, from Admiral Smyth's library, £5. lOs Vindob. 1792-1826 Of this grand work on the numismatic science of antiquity. Lord Strangford's copy fetched £7. 17.« %d. " Ce bel ouvragc, dans lequel I'autcur a embrasse la numismatique toute entierc, en a dispose les differcntes parties dans le meilleur ordre, les a soumises a la critique la plus savante et la plus ingenicuse, et a dissipe les tenebres dont plusieurs etaient encore couvertes, a mis Ic comble a sa gloire litteraire." Biographic Universelle. 846 ERIZZO, Discorso sopra le Medaglie de gli Antichi, small 4to. numerous wood- cutSf (a few leaves wormed) vellum, 3^ Qd (Vinegia, 1568) 645 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 847 Eetzzo, tlie same, with the Supplement of " Monete Consulari," in 1 vol. sm. 4ito.Jine ccypy in old calf gilt, Is Qd 1568 This copy affords a proof to contradict the I appeared till 1571 or later, statement of JBrunet that the s;u]»])leraent never | 848 Ereo t Aspiroz (D. E B. de) Alfabeto de la Lengua Primitiva de Espana y Explicacion de sus mas Antiguos Monumentos de Inscriptiones y Medullas, Bmall 4to. plates, calf, rare, 15s Madrid^ 1806 Ealbe — see Miiller. 849 EELLOWS (Sir Chas.) Coins op Ancient Ltcia, before the Eeign of Alex- ander, roy. 8vo. map and 20 plates of coins, cloth, 12s 1855 850 EICOEONJ, I Piombi antichi, 4to. icith about 50 plates, containivg several hundred engravings of Leaden Seals and Medals, calf neat, the Marquis of Hastings's copy, with the autograph of Arch. Bawdon, 20s Eoma, 1740 851 EiLLON, Considerations Historiques et Artistiques surles Monnaies de France, 8vo. 4^ plates and cuts of coins, 4s Fontenay-Vendee, 1850 852 Etudes Numismatiques, large 8vo. 5 plates, containing 87 represen- tations of coins, sd. 7s Gd Paris, 1856 853 ELOEEZ, Medallas de las Colonias, y Pueblos Antiguos de ESPANA ; Colec- cion de las que se hallan en diversos autores, y de otras hasta hoy nunca publicadas, 3 vols. sm. 4to. maps and (57 plates, also ^plates of the Coins of the Goths, calf gilt, £2. 16s Madrid, 1757-73 Priced, 1824, Rivington, £3. ISa- 6^/ ; 1840, Jas. Bohn, £2. 12.« M ; 1843, Salva, 60 fr. " Cet ouvrage du savant Florez est le plus com- plet qui existe sur la numismatique espagnole.' — Salva. " Opera pregiatissiraa e rara special- mente in Italia."— Ck-ognara. " The ancient coins of Spain will be found to much advantage." I^iiihertun. 854 Eotjgeees et Combrouse, Description des Monnaies de la Deuxieme Eace Eoyale de France, avec supplement, roy. 4to. 4 maps and 28 plates, containing above 500 coins, sd. 10s Paris, 1807 855 Fox (Gen. C. E.) Engravings of Unedited or rare Greek Coins, with Supple- ment, parts 1-2, in 1 vol. (Europe, Asia and Africa), 4to. 19 plates, half morocco, I65 18^2 856 [Fkaehn ?] zur Mlinzkunde Eusslands, 8vo bd. 4s Bt. Petersb. 1805 857 FEAEHN Mohammed. Miiuzkabinet d. Asiat. Mus. d. Akad. d. AVissen. 8vo. sewed, 2s Qd ^ St. Pet. 1821 858 Eecensio Nummorum Muhammedanorum Acad. Impl. Scieut. Petro- politanas, 4to. 774 pp. sd. £3. Ss Petrop. 1826 859 Miinzen der Chane vom Ulus Dschutschi's, nebst denen anderen Mu- hamm. Dynastien, 4to. 17 plates, hf calf, 12s 6d St. Pet. 1832 860 FRiEDLaNDEB, Eecherches sur les monnaies frappees dans I'ile de Ehodes, par les grands maitres de I'ordre de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem, avec notes par Y. Langlois, 4to. plates, 6s Paris, 1855 861 GAETANI (P. A.) MusErM MAZZUCHELLIANUM, seu Numismata Yi- rorum dot^trina praestantium, 2 vols, folio, tvith 208 plates, comprising above 1000 Medals, including one of Shakespeare, with the motto, *' Wild above rule or art,^' Tillotson, Locke, Bacon, Barker, Cromwell, Shane, Hutchinson, Mil- ton, Sir Isaac Newton, Pope, Walpole, (J" others, hf bd. rare, 32s Ven. 1761-63 862 GESSNEEI (J. J.) Opera NUMISMATICA: Specimen Eei Numarire, cum prolegomenis, observationibus doctissimorum virorum de Numismate Gr^co, etc. folio, about 335 plates of several thousand coins, fine copy in vellum, £Q. 15« liguri, 1735-38 Collation : Vol. I. 1, Printed Title Nu mismata Macedoniie ; 2, Averlissement, etc. 2 leaves ; 3, Text, pp. 1-226 (126) continuation engraved, 227-354 ; 4, Engraved title " Num. Pop. et Urb."; .5, Macedonia, 7 plates ; 6, En- graved title, Syria, Egypt, Parthla; 7, Syria, 9 plates, Egypt, 3 j/lates, Parthia, 4 ; 8, Engraved title Sicilia, and 5 plates ; 9, lieges Gent. Minor, 863 GESSNEKI Opera Numismatica, a very extensive Series of the above, in 3 vols, folio, above 2000 engravings of Greek Coins, hf bd. uncut, £3. 16s Tiguri, 1735-38 (J:J" This is the necessary pictorial adjunct j which has very few plates to the great work of Mionnet on Greek CoinS; 3 plates ; 10, Engraved title, Reges et Viri 1\- lustres, and 4 plates ; 11, Engraved title, Populi et Uibes, and plates 1-19, 19-85— Vol. I[. 12, Numi:3m. Imperatorum, engraved title and 184 plates ; 13, Familiarura Romanarum, engraved title, and plates 1-34; Sctpplemexta ad The- SAUiiU3i NuMiSMATUM, platcs 1—8, vcry rare. NUMISMATA AND MEDALLTC HISTOEY. 646 864 G-ORDON Cabinet of Coins, 4to. 14i plates, clot hy 7s 6d I'rivately printed, 1833 865 GOUG-H (K.) Catalogue of the Coins of Canute, 4to. plates, Id. 45 1777 866 G-USSEME, Diccionario Numismatico genera], para la perfecta inteligeneia de las Medallas antiguas, 6 vols. 4to. vellum, £2. 2« Madrid, Yil^-*11 867 HAWKINS* SILVER COINS OF ENGLAND, arranged and described, with Remarks on British Money previous to the Saxon Dynasties, by E. HAWKijfS, Keeper of Coins and Ajitiquities in British Museum, 8vo. 308 pp. and 4iS plates containing figures of 55S Coins, hf morocco, 20s 1847 The few remaining copies are still offered at I more at Coin Sales, and will soon sell higher still, the affixed very low price. Copies have sold for | 868 the same, impl. 8vo. laege papee, ftest peoop impeession-s o/Me plates, hf. morocco extra, uncut, £2. 2s 1844 This is a beautiful collector 's-book. " The coinage of a country is the key to its history . ' ' — Napoleo n . "It should accompany every History of Eng- land, to which it forms so important an addition, and few means could be suggested so useful, for impressing on the memory the leading events of English History, either for the adult or young person. The plates are beautifully engraved from coins, actually in existence." 869 Hedlingee, (Euvre, ou recueil des medailles de ce celebre artiste avec I'expli- cation par Michel, 2 pts. in 1 vol. sm. folio, 40 heautifid plates, hds. 7s 6d Basle, 1776-8 " Ouvrage bien execute." — Brunei. 870 Heemand (A.) Histoire Monetaire de la province d'Artois, 8vo. 9 plates of coins, hf. calf gilt, 9^ Saint Omer, 1843 871 HICKCOX (John H.) an Historical Account of Ameeican Coinage, royal 8vo. LAEGE PAPER, 5 plates, hf calf uncut, 32s Albany, N. Y. 1858 Very rare : only 6 copies were printed on Large Paper ; 200 on the smaller paper. 872 HILDEBEAND, Monnaies ANGLO-SAXONNES du Cabinet Royal de Stockholm, trouvees en Suede, Suedois, avec eclaircissement en Franqais, 4to. map and 10 plates. Ids. rare, £2. 2s Stockholm, 1846 873 HOBLER'S Records of Roman History, from Pompeiusto Tiberius Constan- tinus (100 B.C. to A.D. 582), 2 vols. roy. 4to. containing an account of 2139 Coins, with photographic frontispiece and several woodcuts, cloth, 18s 1860 Only 250 copies printed ; the best assistance | the members of the Numismatic Society. that could be had was afforded to the author by | 874 Hoffmann, Le JNumismate, Bulletin Periodique, Nos. 1 — 35, large 8vo. plates of coins, sd. 10s ^ Paris, 1862-65 875 HoTTiNGERi Cippi Hebraici, Numi Orientalium, Archseologia Orientalis, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. calf, 4^ Heidelh. Sam. Broun, tgpogr. Angli, 1662 876 KNIGHT, Numrai Veteres civitatum, regum, gentium et provinciarum, Londini in Museo Richardi Payne asservati, impl. 4to. bds. 305 Land. 1830 This collection was in 1824 bequeathed to the British Museum. 877 KOEHLERS histoeische MiiNz-BELUSTiGUNG, mit Supplementen und Register, 24 vols, in 12, stout sq. 8vo. numerous plates of coins, vellum, a fine copy, £3. ^ Nilrnlerg, 1729-64 878 LANGLOIS, Numismatique de I'Aemenie au moyen age, 4to. plates repre- senting 70 coins, hf calf, 12s Baris, 1855 g79 JS^umismalique des Aeabes avant Tlslamisme, 4to. 4 plates, and table of characters, sd. Q>s ; ov,hf morocco, 7s Qd ib. 1859 880 ■ — Numismatique des Aeabes avant Islamisme, 4 plates, Paris, 1859 — Classification des suites Monetaires de la Georgie, depuis I'Antiquite iusqu'^ nos jours, 10 plates, V Imprimerie Imperiale, Paris, 1860, in 1 vol. *4to. hf morocco, 28s 881 LEAKE'S (Col.) Numismata Hellenica, with Supplement and Appendix, com- pleting a descriptive Catalogue of Twelve Thousand Greek Coins, with Notes Geographical and Historical, Map and Index, 4to. (pub. at £3. 3&') cloth, 365 1856 These Volumes contain full descriptions of the valuable collection of Coins belonging to the late Colonel Leake, purchased at the price of £5000 for theFitzwilliam Museum. " In the ' Numismata Hellenica' not only is every coin separately registered and described. hut its bearing upon Greek history and its con- nection with the literature, or the mythology, or the palaeography, or the political and social con- dition, or the geography of Ancient Greece are explained in a series of notes extending over the whole work." — Canon J. If. Marsdm. 647 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. which has worthily occupied so many years of his life : in all essential points they are models of their kind." — Edinburgh Review, July, 1842. "His researches, prosecuted under manifold disadvantages, must continue to form the basis of all that yet remains to be done towards com- pleting our systematic knowledge of the subject 882 Leake's Greek Coins, exhibited ia the Fitzwilliam Museum by Churchill Babington, 2 parts 4to. cloth, 6s Cambridge, 1867 883 (Maesdex's, Canon) Memoir of the Life and Writings of the late Lieut.-Col. Leake, 4to. only a few copies printed for private circulation, sd. 2s (jd 1864 88i LE BLANC (M.) Traite historique des Monnoj^es de France, 4to. plates, calf, Us Faris, 1690 885 Another edition, 2 foIs. in 1, 4to. laege papee, numerous plates of Coins, fine copy in red moeocco, super extra, gilt edges hy Ilolloicoy, Sir Charles Frice's copy, £3. I65 Amst. 16u2 With the scarce Supplement, " Dissertation historique." 886 LELEWEL, Antiquites de Pologne, de Lituanie, et de Slavonie, No. 1, impl. 8vo. 16 pp. and 7 plates of ahout 120 coins, scarce, 7s Paris, 1842 887 Etudes Numismatiques et Archeologiques ; Type Gaulois ou CeJiique, Vol. I (all published) of 8vo. Text, and 4to. Atlas of plates, hf calf neat, uncut, 285 Bruxelles, 18 il 888 LIEBE, Gotha Numaria, sistens Thesauri Fridericiani Numismata antiqua, fol. frontispiece, fine portrait^ and numerous engravings of Coins, calf, gilt edges, 18s Amst. 1730 889 Lindsay's (John) Coinage of Ireland, 4to. U plates, 155 CorJc, 1839 890 History and Coinage of the Parthians, with catalogues and tables, 4to. plates of numerous unpublished Coins, bds. 145 Cork, 1852 891 View of the Coinage of Scotland, with the Supplement, 2 vols. 4to. 21 plates containing about 400 coins, mostly unpublished, bds. 2ds Cork, 1845-59 892 View of the Coinage of the Heptarchy, 4!to. 6 plates containing 160 Coins, bds. 7s; hf. calf 9* Cork, 1812 892* the same, 5 vols, in 4, 4to. hf. bd. morocco, neat, £^. 10s 1S39-59 893 LoNGPERiEE, Monnaies Frangaises, composant la collection de M. J. Eousseau, 8vo. plates, sd. Qs Paris, 1848 894 LXJCKII (Jo. Jac.) Sylloge Numismatum Elegant! or urn, small folio, engraved title page and many beautiful engravings, most of them remarkahly well executed, Vqrtjiaits and emblejnatical designs ; added is a very curious series of 4:S plates (wanting the third) of English coins, &c. to the time of Ki7ig James at the end, fine copy, old calf with the arms of Achille de Harlay Count of Beaumont stamped on the sides, 305 Argent. 1620 895 LUYNES, Numismatique et Inscriptions Cypriotes, impl. 4to. 12 plates, bds. 255 Paris, 1852 896 MAGNAN (D.) Bruttia Numismatica, seu Bruttise hodie Calabrise Popu- lorum Numismata omnia, folio, map, and 49 plates of Coins, old calf gilt, EARE, 255 BomcB, 1773 897 MAESDEN (AV.) Numismata Oeientalta Illustrata. The Oriental Coins, Ancient and Modern, of his Collection, described and historically illustrated, 2 vols. 4to. 57 plates, comprising upwards of 1000 fine engravings of Eastern Coins, boards, uncut, £5. Ids 1823-25 898 MILLIN (Jas.) Medallic History of NAPOLEON, with the Supplement, 2 vols, royal 4to. 7^1 plates, (pub. at £4. 145 6 J) bds. 16s, or in 1 vol. neatly bound, 16* 1819-21 Priced, 1854, cloth, £3. Zs. 899 MiLLiNGEN (M.) Eecueil de quelques Medailles Grecques inedites, 4to. 4 plates containing about 90 coins, hf. calf, 7s 6d Borne, 1812 900 Ancient Coins of Greek Cities and Kings from various collections principally in Great Britain, royal 4to. 6 plates of Coins, bds. ISs 1831 901 Considerations sur la Numismatique de I'Ancienne Italic, with the Supplement, together 2 vols. Svo. plates of Coins, sd. out of print, 16s Florence, 1841 902 the same, without Supplement, bds. 7s Gd 1841 NUMTSMATA AND MEDALLIC HISTOEY. 648 903 MADDEN'S History of Jewish Coinage, and of Money in the Old and New Testament, by F. W. Maddei^, M.E.S.L.,of the British Museum, Hon Sec. Numismatic Society of London, one stout vol. roy. 8vo. 362 jyp. with 254 engravinfjs of all the Jewish coins mentioned in the Bible, and struck by the Jewish Frinces and Foreign Bulers of Falestine, fpub. at 25*) hf. morocco, gilt top, uncut, lOs Qd 1865 903* the same, LAEGE PAPEE, demy 4to. price £3. 35 1865 Only 30 L. P. copies have been printed ; all but one are sold. There has hitherto been no comprehensive English work on this extremely attractive sub- ject, — •' the Jewish Coinage," wliich forms a very important Pillar of the Historical Truth of the Bible. Orthodox Christians and Scep- tics alike will do well to read and refer to this unbiassed work, which states and illustrates nu- merous Biblical Events with the utmost impar- tiality. The Designs of the Coins were made by Mr. Fairholt from the Coins themselves, chiefly in the British Museum. Contents : IxTROT>FCTioN — Progrcss of the Study of Jewish Coins. Chap. I. — Early use of Silver as a Medium of Commerce and Trade among the Hebrews before the Exile. Chap. II.— What People first Coined Money ? The Materials employed for Money. Chap. III. — The Money employed for the Jews after their return from Babylon until the re- volt under the Maccabees. Chap. IV. — Simon the Macabee first strikes Coins — John Hyrcanus — Judas Aristobulus — Alexander Jannseus — Alexandra — Hyr- canus II. — Aristobulus II. and Alexander II. — Antigonus. Chap. V. — Coins of the Idumaean Princes,— Herod I. surnamed the Great — Herod Archelaus— Herod Antipas— Herod Philip If.— Herod Agrippa I. — Herod, King of Chalcis— Agrippa II. Chap. VI. — Coins struck by the Procurators. Chap. VII. — Money struck during the second Revolt of the Jews — Eleazar — Simon, son of Gioras — Simon, son of Gamaliel. Chap. VIII.~Roman Coins struck commemo- rating the capture of Judsea. Chap. IX.— Money struck during the second Re- volt of the Jews. Chap. X. — Imperial Colonial Coins struck at Jerusalem — Mussulman Coins. Chap. XI. — Money in the New Testament. Chap. XIL— Weights. Chap. X HI.— Writing. Appendix A. — The Talmudic Writings on the Coinage of the first and second Rovelts. Appendix B. — Counterfeit Jewish Coins. 904 MOEELL (Andr.) Thesaurus Morellianus, sive Eamiliarum Eomanarum !N'u- mismata disposita ab Andr. Morellio, edidit et comment, illust. Sigeb. Haver- campus, 2 vols. Amst. 1734 — Thesaurus Morellianus, sive Christ. Schlegelii, Sig. Havercampi et A. E. Gorii commentaria in 12 priorum Imp. Eoman. numismata delin. ab A. Morellio, cum prsefat. P. Wesselingii, 3 vols. Amst. 1752 — in all 5 vols. io\\o, half bound, very neat, uncut, £3. 10s Amst. 1734-52 This copy was priced, 1818, by Longman's, I 1864, Sotheby's, £4. 8^. Priced, 1830, Payne £11. 11.9 ; copies fetched 1860, Sotheby's £4. (Ss ; | and Foss, £10. 10 ; 1854, Tross, 120fr. 905 MULLEE (L.) Numismatiiiue d'Alexandre-le- Grand ; avec les Monnaies de Philippe II et III, 8vo. xvi. and 402 pp. with a 4tto. Atlas of 29 plates, sd. 20s Copenhague, 1855 906 Numismatique de I'Ancienne Afrique, ouvrage prepare et commence par Ealbe et Lindberg, 3 vols. 4to. numerous woodcuts, half calf gilt, £2. 85 Copenhague, 1860-62 907 MUSELLII Numismata Antiqua, ab eo collecta et edita, 5 parts in 3 vols, folio, with 315 plates of Coins, vellum, 27^ Veronce, 1752 90S NAPOLEON MEDALS. A complete series of the Medals struck in Prance, Italy, Great Britain, and Germany, from the commencement of the Empire in 1804, to the Eestoration in 1815, engraved by the process of Achillea COLLAS, with Historical and Biographical Notices by Edwards, folio, {pub- lished at £3. 3s), presentation copy to Mr. Hawkins, 4*0 fine plates, coinprising nearly 1000 engravings of Medals, half morocco, 285 Lond. 1837 909 NOEHDEN'S Selections of Ancient Coins chiefly of Magna Grjecia and Sicily, from the Cabinet of Lord Northwick, 4 plates, atlas folio, 20 very fine plates by H. Moses, India Proofs, (pub. at £3.) cloth, 255 1824-26 910 NUMISMATIC Journal, CHEONICLE, and Numismatic Society's Pro- ceedings, from the beginning in 1826 ; Proceedings, 1836-39, 1 vol. 1840 ; Journal, 2 vols. 1837-38 ; Chronicle, Series 1, 20 vols. 1839-59 ; Series 11^ Vols. I-VIII, part 1, 1861-68; together, 31 vols, bound in 20 vols, half calf neat, and 9 parts, 8vo. numerous plates, £21. 1836-68 911 another set. Journal, 2 vols. 1837-38 ; CnRONiCLE, 20 vols, complete, 1839-59 ;— together 22 vols. 8vo. plates, hf. cf neat, at* 15. 1836-59 649 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 912 Numismatic JOURNAL (The), edited by Akerman, 2 vols. 8vo. the Journal complete, plates, fine copy, half hound morocco, uncut, rare, £2. 2a 1837 Sets completed. 913 ORSINI (Ign.) Storia delle Monete de Granduclii di Toscana della casa de' Medici, 29 plates of Coins, 1756 — Storia delle Monete della republica FiOEENTiNA, 6 plates, and ahout 1000 cuts of Coins, Coats of Arms, Cyphers, ete. 1760—2 vols. 4to. half calf uncut, £2. Flrenze, 1756-60 914 Storia delle Monete della republica Fiorentina, with MS. additions, 4to. Q plates and nearly 1000 cuts of Coins, etc. half calf, 18s 1760 915 OsSERYAZiONE sopra di un libro dell' Origiue della Moneta delle Zecche d'ltalia, 4to. boards, Ss Gd Boma, 1752 916 Paeuta (F.) Sicilia descritta con Medaglie e con Aggiunta di L. Agostini, folio, plates of medals, fine copy, old red morocco, gilt edges, \8s Lione, 1697 917 PEMBROKE COINS. Numisraata Antiqua in tres partes divisa, coUegit olim et seri incidi vivens curavit Thomas Pembrochiae et Montis Gromerici Comes, 4 parts in 1 vol. folio, laege paper, ZOS plates, privately printed, russia, presented by the Countess of Pembroke to Michard Westmacott, rare, £2. 1746 The present copies possess the fourth part, I Large Paper copies were priced, 1832 and IS-iO, containing the " Nummi Anglici et Scotici." | Payne and Foss, £7. 7s. 918 PiETEAszEWSKi, Numi Mohammedani, fasc. 1, 4to. Is 6d 1843 919 PiNDER, Cistophoren und kaiserlichen Silbermedaillons der Romischen Provinz Asia, 4to. 8 plates, with 142 coi?is, hds. Gs Berlin, 1856 920 Piis^keeton's Essay on Medals, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, bds. 6s 1808 921 POEY D'AVANT (F.) Description des Monnaies Seigneuriales Fran^aises composant sa Collection, Essai de Classification, 4to. 26 plates, 36s Fontenay 'Vendee, 1853 922 Monnaies Feodales de France, 3 vols. 4to. IG^ plates, containing upwards of 3000 Coins (pub. £5. 85 sd.), an exceHent work, £3. lOs Par. 1858-62 923 Monnaies Feodales de France, Yol. I, roy. 4to. 51 plates containing upwards of 1000 Coins, hf calf gilt, 25s Paris, 1858 Vols. 2 and 3 can be supplied at 36« each sewed. 924 PRINSEP, Historical results of recent discoveries in Afghanistan, 8vo. 17 plates of Bactrian Coins, Inscriptions, etc. cloth, Gs 1844 925 PROMPTUARIUMIconnminsigniumhomiiium, subjectis eorum vitis, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. several hundred fine woodcut Portraits after Ancient and Modern Medals, Choice lMPEESSiONs,j^?ze (^opy, limp vellum, 10s Lugd. 1553 926 Pkomptuaiee des Medailles des plus reuommees personnes quiont este depuis le commencement du monde ; avec brieve description de leurs vies et faicts, sm. 4to. several hundred Coins, first six leaves slightly stained, otherwise a beautiful copy i?i the original vellum, a few leaves wormed, very rare, 7s 1553 927 Peontuaeio de le Medaglie de piu illustri huomini, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. several hundred fine woodcuts of Medals including many English portraits, with that of Mary Queen of Scots, vellum, Gs Lione, 1577 928 RAMUS, Catalogus Numorum Veterum Gi-raecorum et Latinorum Musei Regis Daniae, 2 vols. 4to. Thick Paper, 13 plates, bds. 10s PLafin. 1816 Priced, 1841, Hearne, £2. 25; 1854, I sold in 1853 at Sotheby's, £2. 2*. £2. 125 M\ 1847, H. Bohn, £2. 85; a copy] 929 RivisTA della Numismatica antica e moderna, iniziata da Olivieri, continuata, da Mag2;iora-Vergano, Vol. I, 4to. plates, sd. 6s Asti, 1865 930 REVUE NUMISMATIQUE, publiee pae Caetieb et L. de la Saussate des de ler Janvier 1836, jusqu'a Decembre 1868, as follows : — liere Serie, 20 vols, and vol. of Tables, 1835-56; ILeme Serie, Vols. I-XIII, 1856-68 — together 4 vols. hf. morocco, and 131 parts, large 8vo, quite com- plete, many plates and engravings, teey eaee, 5620. Paris, 1836-68 931 Revue Numismatiqije. Another set, from 1836 to 1858, Vols. I-XVII, XIX, and XXI (Table Generale to tbe first 20 vols.) ; and 2me Serie, Vols. I-III, pt. 4, 8vo. many plates, sd. £8. 8s 1836-58 Many odd parts in stock ; sets completed. 932 RUDING- (R.) Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its Dependencies, third edition, enlarged, 3 vols. 4to. illustrated by several beautiful figures of Coins on 159 plates, cloth, £B. 1840 NUMISMATA AND MEDALLIC HISTOHT. 650 933 SABATIEE, Iconograpbie d'une Collection de Cinq Mille Medailles Eomaines, Byzantines et Celtiberiennes, 2 vols, folio, 98 plates and 87 supplementary plates, 185 plates in all, containing representations of several thousand coins, half calf neat, £4. Saint Fetershourg, 1847 934 SAINTHILL (Eichard, of Cork) An 011a Podrida : or Scraps Numismatic, Antiquarian, and Literary, 2 vols, royal 8vo. portraits and plates of Coins, cloth, printed for private circulation only, SOs 1844-53 935 SALAT, Tratado de las Monedas labradas en el princlpado de Cataluna, 2 vols. in 1, sra. folio, plates and tables, hf bd. £2. Barcelona, 1818 Several of the pieces justificatives are in Catalan, and there is also a list of Catalan Families. 936 SAULCY (F. de) Classification des Suites Monetaires Byzantines, 8vo. xvi. and 488 pp. with 4^to. Atlas of 33 plates (pub. at 385.) sd. 12s ; hf calf, I5s 3£etz, 1836 937 Eecbercbes sur la Numismatique Judaique, 4to. 20 plates of about 200 Coins, sd. ISs ; or hf onorocco, 21s Paris, 1854 938 SCHWEITZEE (Fred.) Serie delle Monete e Medaglie d'Aquileja e di Vene- zia, 2 vols, in 1, royal 4to. 105 plates, hf calf extra, uncut, 25s Trieste, 1848-52 939 SciLLA, Monete Pontificie sino a Clemente XI, sm. 4to. vellum, 4:S 1715 940 ScoTTi, Earita delle Medaglie Antiche, 12mo. hf. bd. 2s Firenze, 1800 941 SHAEP (Thomas) Catalogue of the Provincial Copper Coins, Tokens, Tickets, and Medalets, issued in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, collected by the late Sir George Chet- WTND, imp!. 4to. privately printed, cloth, rare, £5. IO5 1834 Collation : title, 1 leaf; dedication, I leaf; I pp. 13—21 ; 1 leaf not paged, blank on one side ; introduction, pp. 1 — 10; no pages 11, 12 ; index | pp. 1—228. 942 SMYTH {Admiral) Descriptive Catalogue of a Cabinet of Eoman" Imperial Large Brass Medals, 4to. cloth, 10s Bedford, 1834 943 descriptive Catalogue of Eoman Family Coins, be longing to the Duke of Noethumberland, roy. 4to. cloth, presentation copy, 25s A very well executed and excellent work. Privately printed, 1856 944 SNELLING'S WOEKS: I, View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of Eng- land, 17 plates, 17()2 — II, Yiew of the Gold Coin and Coinage of Eng- land, 7 jjlates, 1 703— III, View of the Copper Coins and Coinage of England, 8 plates, 1766 — IV, Miscellaneous Views of the Coins struck by English Princes in France, Counterfeit Sterlings, Coins of the East India Company, West India, and Isle of Man, etc. 7 plates, 1769— V, View of the Origin of Jettons or Counters, Black Money, and Abbey Pieces, 7 plates, 1769— VI, View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of Scot- land, 6 plates ; to which are added 4 plates of the Gold, Billon, and Copper Coins of the same Kingdom, 1744 — VII, Supplement to Simon's Essay on Irish Coins, 3 plates — the 7 parts complete in 1 vol. impl. 4to. original EDITION AND IMPRESSIONS, russia cxtra, £4. 1762-74 945 View of the Gold, Silyer, and Copper Coin and Coinage op England, 3 vols. 1762-63-66— View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of Scotland, 1774 — Miscellaneous Views of the Coins struck by English Princes in France, Counterfeit Sterlings, Coins struck by the East India Company, those in the West India Colonies, and in the Isle of Man. Also of Pattern Pieces for Gold and Silver Coins and Gold Nobles struck abroad in Imitation of English, 1769 — Supplement to Simon's Essay on Irish Coins, 1758 — View of the Origin, Nature, and Use of Jettons or Counters, 1769 — in 1 vol. impl. 4to. original editions, fine plates, calf extra. Sir Henry Mlis's copy, £2. 16^ 1758-74 946 —— View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England, 17 plates, 1762—11, View of the Gold Coin and Coinage of England, 7 plates, 1763 — III, View of the Copper Coin and Coinage of England, 8 plates, 1766 — IV, Miscellaneous Views of the Coins struck by English Princes in France, Counterfeit Sterlings, Coins of the East India Company, West India, Isle of Man, etc. 7 plates, 1769 — V, Views of the Origin of Jettons or Counters, Black Money and Abbey Pieces, 7 plates, 1766 — 5 parts in 1 vol. impl. 4to. calf £2. 2s 1762-69 651 BEENARD QUAETTCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 917 SNELLING'8 View of the Silver and Copper Coin aad Coinage of England, 2 vols, in 1, impl. 4to. 24i plates, half onorocco, 10s 1762-6(5 918 Thirty-three plates of Exglish Medals, sm. folio, a few plates slightly stained, hJs. (Js 1776 919 Souvenirs Numismatiques de la Eevolntion do 1818 ; recueil des Medailles, Monnaies, et Jetons, qui ont paru en France depuis le 22 Fevrier jusqu'au 20 Decembre, 1818, 4to. GO plates representing 550 coins, hds. 3« 6c? JParis, s. d. 950 Spanheim, les Cesars de I'Empereur Julien, traduits du Grec, 4to. icoodcut front, upwards of 300 representations of Coins and Medals, calf 85 (jd 1728 951 Sperlingius de Nummis non cusis, sq. 8vo. calf, 3« Amst. 1700 952 Stickel, morgenlandischeMiinzkunde, vol. 1, 4to. plate of coins cold. sd. 2s 6d 953 TOENBEEa (C, J.) Nurai Cufici Eegii Numophylacii Holmiensis, &c. rojal 4to. 14S Loudon's Magazine of Natural His- tory, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, and Meteorology, Series I, 9 vols. 1828-36 ; Series II, con- ducted by Charles worth. Vols. I — IV, 1837- 49 — together 13 vols. Svo. numei'ous plates and cuts, hf. calf neat, £2. 2^ 1828-40 Martyr Vermill (Petur) Discourse or Traic- tise . . . concernyngc the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper, sm. 4to. tiacfe letter, title within elegant nwodcut border,fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, the stamped sides of the ori- ginal binding preserved, £4. 4* R. Sfoughton, n. d. (dr. 1549) Vert bark. Collation : 6 preliminaiy leaves, in- cluding the blank one before the title; and folios 1—190. Overstone (Lord) Tracts, a COMPLETE SET: Tracts and other Publications on Metallic and Paper CURRENCY, by the Right Hon. Lord Overstone, (edited by J. R. McCul- loch), stout Svo. cloth, separately, £2. 2* 1857 Evidence given by Lord Overstone, before the select Committee of the House of Commons of 1857 on the Bank Acts, with Additions, Svo. cloth, separately, £2. 1S58 A select Collection of Scarce and Valuable ECONOMICAL TRACTS, with prefaces, notes and Indexes by J. R. MacCulloch, printed for friends only at the expense of Lord LATEST PUECHASES OvERSTONE. Vol. I, Tracts on Commerce ; Vol. II, Tracts on the National Debt and Sinking Fund ; Vol. Ill, Tracts on Paper Currency and Banking; Vol. IV, Miscel- laneous Tracts, vot sold separately 18 57-59 Only 150 copies were printed of these 4 volumes. together 6 vols. 8vo. presentatioti copy to Sir Emerson I'envent, with a Letter from Mr. MacCulloch, very rake, £18. 185 1857-59 Palseontograpliical Society : Mono- graphs of the, complete from the beginning in 1847 to 1867, Vols. I— XXI, in 22 vols. 4to. about 750 plates, (Subscription price, £23. 2«, plus commission to agents), sd. Jrom Lord Furnham'a library, £20. 1848-68 These publications are unrivalled in the scientific literature of Europe, and are sought after by the Sa- vants of all countries ; for this reason copies readily sell at the original subscription price. If purchased in the regular way of business the price would at least be double. Retrospective Review, the Two Series complete, 16 vols. 8vo. half green morocco, marUed edges, fine copy, from Lard L^aruJiam's library, £9. 9« ; or, ?>/. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £10. 105 1820-28 The First Series, published under the superinten- dence of Southern, 1-1 vols. 1820-26; the Second Series, edited by Southern and (Sir) N. Harris Nicolas, 2 vols. 1827-28. " An excellent review of our early literature, to •which the editor of these pages has been much in- debted. ' ' — Lowndes. A valuable storehouse of learned reviews of good old books in the departments of Early English Litera- ture, History, Travels, &c. It is to be regretted that the Scholars of England do not now gather under a competent editor, and bring out as the result of their studies a similar periodical. Royal Artillery Institution, Woclwich : Proceedings, Vol. II. No. 9 ; III. Nos. 4—14, 16 ; IV. wanting No. 10 ; V. ; VI. 1-8— Stewart's Breaching experiments at New- haven, 1863 — Lefroy on the Marriage Society, 1868 ; and several other valuable tracts, — together 62 parts, roy. 8vo. plate, sd. £2. \0s Woolwich, 1860-69 654 Silvestre Paleographie Universelle. Collection de facsimile d'ecritures de tous les pcuples et dc tous les temps, tires des plus au- thentiques documents de I'art graphique, chartes et manuscrits existant dans les ar- chives et les bibliotheque de France, d'ltalie, d'Allemagne et d' Angleterre ; publiee, d'apres les modeles ecrits, dessines et peints sur les ■ lieux memes, par M. Silvestre, accompagnee d'explications historiques et descriptives, 4 vols, atlas folio, original edition, with 300 magnificent plates, containing specimens OF every style of Calligraphy and Facsimiles of the Miniatures, Jrovi the choicest Blissals and Charters in the " Biblio- theque Nafionale,'' many of them splendidly ILLUMINATED, (pub. at £75. in parts) French hf. hound green morocco extra ^ top edges gilt^ uncut , a piched subscription copy, £bi. Paris, 1841 A TKULT MAGNIFICENT WORK, now VERY RARE, published under the auspices of Louis Philippe. Marked in a contemporary Catalogue £7.5 ; by Payne and Foss, 1848, £63. : Lord Rutherford's copy fetched, 1855, upwards of 80 guineas. The London issue of this work is inferior, as a number of the stones got broken during the shipment to England. One of the finest books in the world, and the most interesting to the Scholar and the Man of Taste. Three hundred Facsimiles of the choicest Manuscripts in Eu- rope, need no other recommendation than the state- ment of the fact. The work cost nearly Twenty Thou- sand Pounds in getting up. Woirs Zpological Sketches, made for the Zoological Society of London, from Animals in their Vivarium, edited with notes, by F. L. Sclater, First Series, impl. folio, n-ith letter- press^ 50 magnificently coloured plates, ntaily mounted^ (pub. at £i2. 125) in a portfolio, £8. 8« 1861 Joseph "Wolf is so well known as the best delinea- tor of animal life, that little needs to be said of these splendid drawings, all of -which are taken from the living animals, and are without exception the finest Zoological Sketches ever made. London, September, 1869. BOOKS WANTED to purchase by BERNARD QUARITCH, Bookseller, 15 Piccadilly. Q^ Offers of Books without a price are declined ; and need not be made. When owners of Books offer them above the market value, they receive no answer. Agassiz Etudes sur les Glaciers ; the Text, roy. . 8vo. Neufchatel, 1840 A gri- Horticultural Society of India, Journal of the, Vols. I, II,III, pt. 1 Andrews' Heaths, folio, Vol. IV. Antinori, Catalog© Coll. Ucelli, Bvo. Annales des Mines; 3rd Series, Vol. IV, plate 10— 4th Series, Vol. V, plates 5 and 6; or the complete parts containing these plates Anti-Trinitarians, Works and Tracts by, and on Arnold (Matthew) Lectures on the translations of Homer Asiatic Researches, 4to. Calcutta, Vol. V, XVIT, XVIII, XIX, XX, and Index vol. Baird's Birds of North America, 4to. 1860 Basanier (C) Histoire Notable de la Floride, sm. 8vo. PariSf 1586 Bible in Gaelic, 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1807 Bhagavad Gita, in English by Thomson Brereton, Relation of Discoveries in Virginia, sm. 4to. London, 1602 Briggs's Ferishta's Mohammedan Power in India, Vol. I and IV Builder (The) 18G1, Title and Index 1862, March 1 , and Index Caldwell's Dravidian Grammar, 8vo. 1856 Cape's Voyages and Travels, 1754 Castaneda (Hernan Lopez de) Discoveries ia India from 1497 to 1505, 4to. Champlain, Voyages de la Nouvelle France, 4to. Paris, 1632 Cobbe (Miss) Cities of the Past, 12mo. 1864 Creuxius, Historiae Canadensis, seu Nov» Franciae, 4to. Paris, 1064= 655 Books wanted to purchase. Curtis' Botanical Magazine— a complete set Dubois, People of India Dundonald (Lord) Chili, 2 vols. 1858 Eliot (John) Christian Commonwealth, sm. 4to. London, 1655 Erondelle, Nova Francia, in English, by P. E. sm.4to. London, 1609 Faria's Portuguese Asia, by Stevens, 3 vols. Bvo. 1695 Fielding's Works by Murphy, 10 vols. Bvo. 1821 {boards, uncut, preferred) Firdousi, le Livre des Rois, par Mohl, 6 vols. folio Grant's East Indian Travels Greer (Mrs.) Quakerism, or the Story of my Life, Bvo. Grimm's Rechts Altherthiimer, Bvo. Guignaut Nouvelle Galerie Mythologique Hamilton's Hedaya, 4to. Vols. I. and IV. Hamilton's New Account of the East Indies, 2 vols. Bvo. Edinburgh, 1727 Herbert's Amaryllideae, Bvo. 48 coloured plates, 1B37 Higgins* Anacalypsis, 2 vols. 4to. Celtic Druids, 4to. Ibis, First Series, pts. 2, 3. 4. Jerdon's Birds of India, 3 vols. Bvo. Calcutta, 1B62 Julien Methode pour dechifFrer les Mots San- scrits, Bvo. Laws of New Plymouth, sm. folio, Cambridge, 1673 Boston, 1685 Laws of New York Colony, sm. folio, New York, 1693 do. 1710 Leibnitii Opera Omnia, 6 vols. 4to. Geneves, 1768 Liljegren, Diplomatarium Suecanum, Vol, IL pars 1, Holm. ca. 1B36 (I have pars 2, 1837) London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, 4th Series, Vol. XII. (1865) and Vols. XXI. to XXX. (1861-56) Malthus' Principle of Population, 1st edition, 1798 Massachusetts Laws, sm. folio, Cambridge, 1660 Mechanics' Magazine 1859; Nos.8, 9, 14, 18. 1864 ; Jan. 29, (No. 2052) 1865 ; Dec. 22, (No. 2151) 1868; Jan. 14, (No. 2258) Microscopical Quarterly Journal Series 1 ; No. 25, (1858) „ II; Nos. 16, 18 to 22, 25, 27, 28 Middleton's Works, by Dyce, 5 vols. Bvo. bds. 1840 Mill's History of India, 8vo. Vols. II. and V. Mirror of Parliament Debates, temp. Geo. IV. William IV. and Victoria Mouhot's Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), 2 vols. 8vo. 1864 New England, Good Newes from (Winslow), sm. 4to. London, 1624 New Haven's Settling in New England and Laws for Government, sm. 4 to. London, 1656 Nova Francia (Dabersholer's Lescarbot) sm. 4to. Avgsburgh, 1613 0'Connell(D.) Life and Speeches, 2 vols. 1846 Orme's Hindustan and Fragments, 4 vols. 4to. 1803-5 Palaeontographical Society, 1858 (Vol. XII) and 1864 (Vol. XVIII), 4to. Perceval's Land of the Vedas. Peyton's (Capt. Walter) Voyage to India, 1615 Phillips' Account of Malabar, Bvo, map, 1717 Radziviliani Fasti, sm. folio, with portraits Rawlinson's Five Great Monarchies, Vols. I to IV, 8vo. or Vol. II only Ribaud, True Discovery of Terra Florida, Bvo. London, 1563 Rig Veda, by Max Miiller, 4to. Vol. I by Wilson, Vol. II, 8vo. Rodriguez's Hindu Castes Roggeivein (Commodore) Voyage round the World, 1722-23 Ross's Pen and Ink Sketches of Poets and Preachers, 1847 SagarJ, le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, Paris, 1632 Histoire du Canada, Bvo. Paris, 1636 St. Petersbourg, Journal de, early years of Shakespeare's Works : Bvo. LARGE PAPER, Rowe, 1709 Bvo. ditto, Theobald Tonson, 1733 Bvo. ditto. Pope and Warburton, 1747 4to. ditto. Sir T. Hamilton, 1744 Bvo. ditto, 10 vols, in 11, Malone, 1790 Sonnerat's Voyages and Travels, 3 vols, royal Bvo. Calcutta, 1788-9 Sowerby's Conchological Illustrations, Bvo. 200 coloured plates^ 18 U Strickland (A.) Historic Scenes and Poetical Fancies, Bvo. uncut, 1850 Pilgrims of Walsingham, 3 vols. Bvo. un- cut, 1835 Queen Victoria from her Birth to her Bridal, 2 vols. Bvo. uncut, 1840 Tales and Stories from History, 8vo. «»- cut, 1851 Seven Ages of Woman, and other Poems, 12mo. uncut, 1847 Voltaire ; un exemplaire complet des Eaux- fortes (Etchings) de Moreau pour les CEuvres de Voltaire, edition de Renouard; — Ou un exemplaire de ce livre sur Grand Papier, 66 vols. roy. 8vo. avec les eaux- fortes Shortly may he had: Gruner's Italian Fresco Paintings : Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Churclies and Palaces in Italy during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, a splendid volume, imp. folio, /ron- tispiece and 55 very large^ elaborate and most interesting engravings^ after the original Paintings 0/ Raphael^ Giidio Romano^ Giovanni da Udine^ Baldassare Peruzzi^ Sebastian del Piomho^ Correggio^ Moretto^ Amhrogio da Fasano^ Bramantino^ Bernardino^ Luiniy Pinturicchio^ &c,^ several ELABORATELY FINISHED IN COLOURS, and coloured IccTj-plates are given to shew the colouring of the rest; with a 4to. volume of text: An Essay by J. J. Hittorff^ on the Arabesques of the Ancients, as compared with those of Eaphael and his School — together 2 vols. (pub. £7. 7^) cloth^ £4. 4s 1854 the same, 2 vols, hf Id, red morocco^ gilt edges^ £5. 5s 1854 This magnificent work is no less valuable to the ArcUtect than to the I^ainter. It does not profess (says tlie Quarterly Beview in an elaborate article) to exhibit fresh decorative painting in that highest walk chosen by Michael Angelo and Eaffaelle (except as a handmaid), but as 2^ purely decora- five Art and subservient to Architecture. Owing its very existence to the exigencies of the sovereign art, and deriving its appropriate locality, scale and efiect, from the edifice, it no less assists the Architecture^ in return, by its arabesques and other tasteful accessories. Annnal Subscript'on 4-8. For Foreign Coantries 5b. No. 256. Published Monthly. Price ^d. CATALOGUE OF WORKS ON THE FINE ARTS, PAINTING, SCULPTURE, THE PICTURE GALLERIES, EARLY WOODCUT BOOKS, offered for CASH at the aflftxed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. rive doors "West from Xtegent Circus. CONTENTS. Drawingrs, MSS. - Armour - - - Arundel Society Bible Prints Block Book Campo Santo Catalogrues of Pictures Christian Art Costume - - - Danca of Death Dilettanti Society - Enxblems - - - Etching: Club Exhibitions Florence ... Furniture - - - Galleries - - - PAQB 656 658 659 663 665 670 671 674 675 678 678 680 683 684 686 687 687 Gems ... Glass Painting: Gruner's Works Ho§rarth's Works - I»odg:e's Portraits - Military Antiquities Ornaments . - - Pageants Piranesi's "Works - Portraits _ - _ Spain - . _ Tapestry ... Venice _ . . W^ood Engraving, Xylography Maximilian Series - Modern Woodcuts Bewick's W^orks - PAOB 695 696 698 708 722 710 712 714 717 719 731 734 735 739 743 745 746 EslDUMWp November ^ December, flS(B®o (Kp^ To insure prompt attention ^ all orders to he addressed direct to Mr. Qdabitch, or to the Agent from whom this Catalogue was received. The Books are warranted perfect^ and in fine Library condition. O. KORKAM AND SOK, raiXTSAS, MAIDSN LAMB, COVCNT OARSSN, LONDON, W.C. WOOD ENQEAVINGS AND XYLOGRAPHY. 746 1022 Bewick's History of Quadrupeds, 8vo. third edition, proof impressions on writing paper inserted, calf gilt, ^i^s 1792 1023 '— the same, LARGEST PAPER, irnpl. ^so. fifth edition, hf hound; uncut, £4. 10* 1807 1024 the same, 8vo. sixth edition, hf russia, 30« Newcastle, 1809 1025 the same, 7th ed. roy. 8vo. large paper, morocco, gt. edges, £4. 4* 1S20 1026 Bewick's QUADRUPEDS, Choice Proof Impressions, struck off separately and mounted on tinted paper, hf calf, Miss Bewick's own selection, £8. IQs s. a. This copy belonged to Isabella Bewick, and bears her autograph, dated Gateshead, June 1821. 1027 BEWICK'S History of British Birds, contaiuiug the Land Birds, 8vo. mant/ fine cuts, hf. morocco, 36.? Newcastle, 1797 This was the first issue of the first edition ; ' advertizes the fourth edition of the Quadrupeds, the second edition has Vol. I. on the title, and whilst this issue announces the third issue. 1028 BEWICK'S History of LAND and WATER BIRDS, first edition, 2 vols, royal 8vo. large paper, fine early impressions of all the cuts, hf hd. calf, ^eiO. ] Os Jesse's copy, inferior to this, fetched, 1861, at Sotheby's, £14. 1797- 18U4 1029 — ' the same, with the SUPPLEMENTS bound up at the end of each volume, a splendid copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, 5fc*20. 1797-1804-21 1030 Bewick's British Birds: Land and Water Birds, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. with all the fine woodcuts, hf hd. rufisia, £S. 15s Newcastle, 1809 1031 A Supplement to the History of British Birds, 2 parts in 1, royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, uncut, vcry rare, £5. Newcastle, 1821 With the following additional leaves : Ad- I Addenda to Vol I pp. 377-382. denda, 8 pp. printed by E. Walker, Newcastle— | 1032 History of British Birds, with the Supplements incorporated, 2 vols. 8vo. calf neat, fine clean copy, £2. 16* Newcastle, 1826 1033 BEWICK (T.) Fables of ^sop, and others, 8vo. many very spirited w>odcuts, with the Meceipt, fine C9py, hf. morocco, uncut, 563. 16* Newcastle, 1818 1034 BEWICK (T. and J.) Select Fables, with Memoir and Catalogue of their Works, 8vo. portraits and many woodcuts, £3. 'Ss 1820 1035 the same, large paper, royal 8vo. £4). 4^ 1820 1036 BEWICK COLLECTOR (The) and SUPPLEMENT: a descriptive Cata- logue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick, including Cuts, in various states, for Books and Pamphlets, Private Gentlemen, Public Companies, Exhibitions, Eaces, Newspapers, Shop Cards, Invoice Heads, Bar Bills, Coal Certificates, Broadsides, and other purj30ses, and Wood Blocks. With Appendix of Portraits, Autographs, AVorks of Pupils, etc. 292 Cuts from Bewick's own Blocks. By the Eev. T. Hugo, M.A., F.S.A., the Possessor of the Collection, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. £2. 2^) cloth, 30* 1866-68 1037 Bloomfield (R.) Farmer's Boy, ^th edition, 1805 — Rural Tales, Ballads and Songs, 4:th edition, 1805 — Wild Flowers; or pastoral and local Poetry, 1806— 3 vols. 12mo. numerous woodcuts hy Bewick and his Pupils, calf, 10s 1805-7 1038 Fenelon, les Aventures de Telemaque, royal 8vo. large woodcuts on India paper, many woodcuts in text, morocco, gilt edges, 14s Paris, Mallet, 1840 1039 JACKSON and CHATTO'S Treatise on Wood Engraving, historical and practical, impl. 8vo. best edition, xvi. and 794 pp. with upwards of 390 heautiful woodcut illustrations, including facsimiles from the works of Albert Diirer, with the rare slip, hf. hound morocco, £2. 8* 1839 1040 NORTHCOTE'S One Hundred Fables.— Fables, second series— 2 vols, large 8vo. large paper, 560 woodcuts, fine impressions, cloth, 36* 1828-33 1041 Eetbatjd, Jerome Paturot a la recherche d'une position sociale, roy. 8vo. edition illustree par Grandville, many fine woodcuts, bds. giit edges, 12s Paris, 1846 1042 TOPFFER, Voyages en Zigzag, ou Excursions d'un Pensionuat en A^acances ; Nouveau Voyages a la Grande Chartreuse, autour du Mont Blanc, etc. 2 vols, impl. 8vo. many very amusing cuts illustrating these fascinating Tales, extra gilt cloth, gilt edges, 25* Paris, 1854-55 1043 AVooD Engravings to the German Lyric Poets, and Ancient Spanish Ballads, 16 vignettes, 4to. large paper, India proofs (only 25 printed), hds. 7s 6d 1821 Notice. — The Catalogue of Works on Architecture is nearly ready, and will be issued shortly. G50 WORKS ON THE PINE ARTS, THE GALLERIES, BOOKS OP COSTUME, OLD VIEWS, ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAITS, ORNAMENTS, EARLY WOODCUTS. DRAWINGS AND ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS : Architectural Drawings. Galleeia di Firenze. A series of 77 very large Oeiqixal Dkawixgs of tlie Architecture of the PLOEENCE aALLERT, giving the Elevations, Ornaments and Details, also the Statues and Busts which adorn it in their actual positions, finely executed in Indian ink, atlas folio, 'hf. hound red morocco extra, gilt edges, tnpublished and unique, £8. ■ ca. 1810 Architectural Ornament. TEIMUL NAIK'S CHOULTET on Hall. A Collection of 140 Drawings, heautifully executed in pen and inlc, of Hindu Architecture and Ornament, giving 123 of the 128 pillaes representing Mythological Eigures, Arabesques and every variety of Hindu Ornament, royal folio, unhound, £25. exec. ca. 1800 OF WHICH DIFFER, AND ARE ALL COVERED WITH THE MOST ELABORATE AND MINUTE ARCHITECTURAL ORNAMENTS, many having figures attached to the fronts of them, as well as groups on their sides. The object in building this magnificent choultry was to provide a suit- able abode for the god, who consented to leave his temple for ten days every year, and visit the king, on condition of his providing a suitable building for his reception." The original cost of these drawings must have been at least 80 guineas ; the labour bestowed upon their minute details is most surprising. Fer- gusson gives a woodcut of one of the Pillars in his Handbook of Architecture, Vol. I. 1855, page 97, and says : " One of the most remarkable Build- ings is the Hall built by Trimul Naik at Madura. It was commenced in 1623, cost nearly a million sterling, and occupied 22 years in its erection. The building is 333 feet long by 81 ft. 10 in. Avide, and is supported l)y 128 pillars or piers, all 3 Chinese Drawings. A Collection of 37 large Eepresentations of the Deities of China, printed in vivid Colours on Eice-paper by a Native Artist, in a russia portfolio, in atlas folio, with leaves, £3. 15^ Priced by H. Bohn £10. and catalogued by [ seems to be executed in a rude style of Litho- John Bohn as above ; the groundwork, however, | graphy, the colouring added with more care. 4 CHINESE MTTHOLOGT (Buddhistic), a very curious Series of 11 large Drawings, made by a Chinese Artist of the Buddhistic and other Chinese Deities, some on Canvas ; also 14 engravings on the same subject, executed in China, the whole collected by Yon Siebold, atlas folio, mounted, cloth, H6s temp. 1750 Baron de Siebold has written under the representations the name of the Deity, in German. 5 HOEAE Beatae Vtegints, Illuminated MS. upon Vellum, small 4to. a very well preserved French Manuscript with the signature of the Scribe Joann. MiTTNEE. The first leaf contains the Coat of Arms ; the Calendar is perfect, and has such Saints as Susanne and Elizabeth ; for each Month there is an elegant Miniature ; the Litany on 7 leaves is in Eeencii, followed by a very large Miniature, A German Knight, his wife, and two attendants praying before a Picture of Jesus on the Cross, with a date, too faded to be read ; the hodi/ of the volume containing 31 very p-eity Miniatures, in excellent preservation, hlue morocco, gilt edges, £10. Sec. JCV, This elegant, well preserved MS. contains in I Capital letters, all 45 Miniatures and several hundred Illuminated J 6 HOWITT (S.) Illtjsteations of vESOFS Tables, Thirty Original DRAW- INGS TX WATEE-COLOUES by this eminent Artist {many of them loith his signature), finely designed and executed, folio, loell adapted to illustrate Bar- low, £l4i. 10s (? 1820) 7 ADAMS'S (E.) Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at SPALATRO in Dalmatia, impl. folio, 61 heatttiful plates by Bart olozzi and other celelrated Engravers, very fine original impressions, hf. hd. neat, 20.? 1704 A copy of this splendid work fetched at | Col. Stanley's, £6. 16a- 6^7; 1819,North's, £7. IOa'; Willett'ssale, je5, 155 6rfiTo-wnseiia's,£6. 16^6^^ | 18Q2, Miss Currer's, mor. £8. Ms Qd, 2 G G57 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 8 ^SOPI VITA ET FABUL^, Latine, cum versioiie ItaUca, et nllegoriis Fr. Tnppi^ folio^ with an exquisitely heavtiful series of woodcuts J surrounded hy Arabesque borders, in English olive morocco super extra, joints^ gilt edges, the Yemeniz copy, £80. Neapoli, 1485 finished with a delicacy seldom observable in svorks of the period. The present is a beautiful copy of one of the most curious publications of the Fifteenth Century. It contains the Life of iEsop and his Fables with an Italian Version and a moral explanation, a paraphrase and a parallel story ex- tracted from the Chronicles of Italy, or from some event of recent occurrence and affixed to each Fable. Belle et tres-rare edition, ornee de bonnes- vignettes gravees sur bois. Ex- emplaire tres grand de marges. " ExTEEMELY EAEE. De Bure had not seen it, when he wrote his Biblio- graphie Instructive, and Crofts had it not:'— MS. Note ly the late Mr. Reher. " Belle et tres-rare edition, ornee de figures assez bien gravees sur bois." — JBrunet. The woodcuts are very remark- able for their spirit and effect, and are 9 tESOPE, Ses Fables illustrees de Discours, Nouvelle Edition oil sont adjoustees^ les Fables de Philelphe avecque des Eeflexious Morales par J. Bau- doin, thick 12mo. frontispiece slightly injured, portrait and 118 copper 2olates, old French citron uoiiocco, yilt edges, from the lihrary of II. E. H. Madame Sophia, whose arms are stamped in gold on the sides, rare, £2. 10* Faris, 1649 10 AGINCOURT (Seeoux d') Histoiee de l'Aet pae les Moxumexs, depuis sa Decadence au quatrieme Siecle, jusqu'a son Renouvellement au seizieme, 6 vols, in 3, impl. folio, tcith 825 plates, (pub. at ^45.) superior hf bound red MOEOCCO extra, gilt edges, 36*10. 10s Paris, 1823 11 MoxuMEXTS or Aet ; Denkmaeler der Architectur, Sculptur und Malerei vorzugsweise in Italien, vom IV. bis zum XYI. Jahrhundert, royal folio, 328 beautiful plates, icith 3835 engravings, comprising an immense amount of Detail, luith text, in 4to. hf. morocco, 27s Frankfurt, 184G 12 Storia dell' Arte, dimostrata coi Monumeuti da Ticozzi, 6 vols. 8vo. and 3 vols, in 1, large folio, S25 plates re-engraved superior to the Faris edi- tion, many of the plates being re-designed by Italian Artists, and fully engraved instead of the outline used for the Faris ed. hf. bd. vellum, 564. Prato, 1826-29 13 The History of Art by its Monuments, from its Decline in the Fourth Century, to its Eestoration in the Sixteenth Century ; with 3835 Subjects on 328 plates, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting ; translated from the French by Owen Jok"es, 3 vols, in 1, folio (sells for 5t'5. 5s), hf. morocco, r/ilt edr/es, £S. ■ 1847 The division of this grand work is into I from celebrated Monuments, we trace the tran- three parts : Architecture, 73 plates ; II. Sculp- I sitions of Art from the classic period to onr own turc, 51 plates ; III. Painting, 204 plates. To times. Sculpture, Painting, the Art of Illumi- Antiquaries and lovers of the Tine Arts, the nation, and the Art of Engraring on Wood, on book is indispensable ; it connects the works of Gems, and on Medals are similarly represented. Winckelman and Cicognara, and forms with them "It is a work that has long been sought a most interesting series. and prized by all who could afford the high " This fine work was the first in which the price at which only it was to be procured. No idea of exhibiting the Progress of Art, by a Library, Architect, Painter, Sculptor, or any one series of its noblest monuments, was perfectly | connected with the Fine Arts, should be without carried out. By a series of accurate Engravings such a work."' 14 Aix-la-Chapelle, or Aachen : Les XVI Nielles du Grand Lustre de la Cathe- drale d' Aix-la-Chapelle, executes en mclxv, large folio, IQ plates tahenfrom these early Monuments of the Graver, illustrative of Christian Art, bds. 16.? Faris, J 859 Alphabets (Omaonental) 15 PEEISLEE (J. D ) Orthographia, small oblong folio, title and 12 plates of a beautiful Oerman Ornamental Alphabet, with elaborate ornamental top- bp^der, and an engraving in the centre of each plate, vellum, £2. 10^ {Augsb.) J. C. Weigel, ? 1650 —- See Wyatt. WORKS ON THE PINE ARTS. 658 Alphabets, continued : — 16 Weale's Portfolio of Ancient Capital Letters, Monograms, Quaint Devices, etc. folio, IS plates containing .several hundred examples of early Manuscripts, Designs for Book Covers, etc. many coloured and tinted, cloth, lo-s' 1844i-58 17 the same, without the printed title, folio, hf calf 12s 1844-58 Amman {Zo^i)^see post "Woodcuts." Animal Stndies: 18 BARLOCJ, Livre de plusieurs Animaux, title and S2 fine plates (Paris) Chez de Poilly, s. a. — Jo. de Eris, Etchings of Emit, Elowers, Butterflies, and other Insects, etc. 24 engravings, Treviso, s. a. — in 1 vol. oblong 4to. vellum, £4<. Us 6d ' ' (? 1650) This is a remarkably pretty series of Animal Studies. 19 PI CART, Recueil de Lions, oblong 4to. encjraved title and S6 plates of Lions, in a variety of Attitudes, engraved after the designs of great Masters, vellum, £2. 12s 6d Amsterdam, 1729 See also in the Alphabet : Ridixger. 20 ANTICHITA n ERCOLANO, esposte con qualche Spiegazione (da Ottavio Antonio Bayardi) cioe : Pitture, 5 vols. — Bronzi, 2 vols. — Lucerne e Can- delabri, 1 vol. — Catalogo, 1 vol. — Together 9 vols, royal folio, fne impres- sio7is of the Engravings of Paintings, Bronzes, Candelabras, ^c. (including the suppressed ones), a fine copy in old calf, Arms on sides, £9. 95 Napoli, 1757-92 This copy cost its former owner about £42. Merly, £^59. 17* ; North's, £29. 18* 6c? ; Drury's, Priced, 1829, J. Bohn, £21. ; 1836, Weale, £35. 14*. £28.; 1840, Jas. Bohn, £21.; 1847, 11. Bohn, " Ouvragc tres curieux et magnifiquement £10. 105 to £26. 5*; 18.56, Techener, 700 fr. ; execute ; vendu 820 francs, Trudaine ; 760 fr., 1860, AYeigel, 110 thalers. Copies fetched: the Clos." — Brunei. 21 Angelico : Caetier (E.) Life of Beato Angelico da Eiesole, of the Order of Friar Preachers, 8vo. (pub. at 10s Gd) cloth, 7s Gd 1865 22 Annals of the Eine Arts, for 1816-20, 5 vols. 8vo. plates, hf. hd. calf. 25^ J 817-20 Comprises vakiable notices on the Arts and Artists of England, etc. ARMOUR, Ancient and MedisBval : 23 ARMERIA Real de Madrid (la) ou collection des principales pieces de la G-alerie d'Armes anciennes de Madrid, texto par Achille Jtjbinal, roy. folio, SO fine engravings, beautif ullt coloured, t(?^V^ descriptive letter-press, green morocco extra, gilt edges, £o. 15s Paris, 1839 24 BREEX (A. van) LeManiment d'Armes de Nassau, avec Rondelles, Piques, Espees et Sarges, fne plates, A la Saye, 1618 — Maniement d'Armes en Conformite de I'Ordre de Prince Maurice, represente par figures par J. de GrEYN, the title printed with white letters on a black ground and cut into slips and pasted down, and the text mounted to the size of the volume, 75 plates, tot Amstelredam 1610— SC HILL (H. van) Maniere de bien bastir, edifier, forti- fier, &c. a I'lustruction et utilite des Amateurs d'Architecture, engraved title and \4iplates, Antverpice, 1580 — a rare collection in one vol. folio, fne copy, russia gilt, m. e. £5. 1580-1618 25 MEYRICK'S PAINTED ILLUSTRATIONS oir ANCIENT ARMS and ARMOUR, a Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Charles II., with' a Glossary, &c., by Siii Samuel Rush Metrick, LL.D., E.S.A., &c. new and greatly improved edition, corrected and enlarged by the Author himself, with tlie assistauce of Literary and Antiquarian Friends (Albert Way, &c.) 3 vols, 4to. illustrated by more than 100 plates, splendidly ILLUMINATED, mostUj in gold and silver, exhibiting some of the finest specimens existing in England, also a new plate of the Tournament of Lochs and Keys, (pub. at £21,) neatly hf. bound morocco, gilt extra, full gilt backs and edges, £8. 85 ' * 1842 Sir Walter Scott justly describes tins collcc- i learning — Learning going to Court in the full, lection as "the incomparable Armoury." I rich costume of the Order of Garter— Plates as fine "This most superb Archseological work is | as the monuments of WcstmiDster Abbey. Really animated with numerous novelties, curious and i and truly the work is admirably execute)^ and de? historical disquisitions, and brilliant and recondite j serves every ^\\\osy''-^Eclinl), Bmev; 2 G 2 659 BERNi^ED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Armour, Ancient and Mediaeval, coniimied : — 26 CLAESEN, Eecueil d'Ornaments et de sujets pour etre appliques k I'Orne- mentation des Armes, impl. 4iio. ^2 plates of elahor ate designs for Ornamental Arms, Guns, Fistols, hf. morocco, gilt edges, 20s Liege, (? 1858) 27 HEWETT (J.) Ancient Armour and "Weapons in Europe, from tlie Iron Period of the Northern Nations to the end of the XVIIth Century, witli Illustrations from contemporary Monuments, 8 vols. 8vo. very numerous plates and woodcuts, (pub. at £2. 10^) cloth extra, gilt tops, uncut, £2. 1860 28 METEICK: SKELTON'S (Jos.) Antient Arms and Armour, from the Collection of Llewelyn Meyrick, and witli the Descriptions of Dr. Meyrick, 2 vols. impl. 4to. with 1^0 plates of Arms and Armour, (pub. at £W. lis) in parts £3. 18^, or^ hound morocco, gilt tops, £4i. 4« Lond. 1830 29 EOCKSTrHL. Collection d'Armes, ou Musee de Tzarskoe-Selo de S. M. I'Empereur de Eussie, dessine par Eockstuhl, avec une description par El. Gille, 2 vols, atlas folio, Gkand Papier, 1^0 fine large lithographic plates on IXDIA PAPEE, hy Asset ineau (usual selling price 135 Thalers or £21.) hf. ^ hd. red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, now rare, £16. 16s Carlsruhe, 1835-53 30 AET OF ILLUMINATING as practised in Europe from the earliest Times, illustrated by Borders, Initial letters, and Alphabets selected and Chromo- lithographed by "W. E. Tymms, and Digby Wyatt, 4to. 100 plates, heightened in gold, and ornamental borders surrounding each page, cloth gilt, (pub. at £3. 135 6d) £2. 2s Bay and Son, n. d. 31 AETAUD DE MONTOE, Peintres Primitifs, collection de Tableaux rapportee d'ltalie et publiee par lui, reproduite sous la direction de Challamel, roy.4to. 60 large plates, heautifully executed in Lithography, on India paper, (pub. at 60 fr. sd.) hf. Id. 2os ' Paris, 1843 32 ARUNDEL SOCIETY : A pereect Set of the beautiful, rare (and ex- tremely intricate) Publications of the Arundel Society : complete from the commencement in 1849 to 1866 inclusive, £40. 1849-66 33 the same, with all the EXTEA PLATES as correctly described in di- vision No. 3, 3863. 1849-66 It is almost impossible now to obtain a com- plete set, several volumes and many of the plates being out of Print. The continuation from 1866 can be supplied as per list below. Sets made up Division No. I: TEXT. for owners of imperfect copies as far as possible ; some of the plates being very difficult to procure. Articles to which a price is aflSxed can be supplied separately. 1849-50 Vasari's Life of Fra Giovanni An- gelico da Fiesole, translated by Bezzi, roy. 8vo. 21 plates. 1853 Ruskin's Notice of Giotto and his Works in Padua, part I. impl. 8vo. 1864 Ruskin's Giotto, part II. impl. 8vo. 1855 Digby Wyatt's Notices of Sculpture in Ivory— Oldfield's Catalogue of Spe- cimens of I voiy- Carvings, 9 photo- (jraphic illustrations ; the tAvo in one volume. 1856 Layard's Memoir of the St. Sebastian of Perugino, impl. 8vo. 1867 Layard's Memoir of Ottaviano Nelli and his Fresco, impl. 8vo. 1859 Layard's Memoir on the three Frescoes. of Pinturicchio in Spello Cathedral, impl. 8vo. 1852 Layard's Memoir on the Fresco of Giov. Sanzio, impl. 8vo. 1860 Illustrated Title-page and List of the Series of Wood-engravings of Giotto's Frescoes in the Arena Chapel at Padua, oblong folio. Layard's Memoir of Domenico Ghir- landaio and his Fresco of " The Death of St. Francis," impl. 8vo. Ruskin's Giotto, part III. impl. 8vo. 1865 We ale's Memoir of Hans Meraling, impl. 8vo. 868 Layard's, The Brancacci Chapel, and Masolino, Masaccio, and Filippino Lippi, impl. 8vo. Division No. II : PLATES. All the following are Chromolithographs, unless otherwise expressed. 1848-50 Fra Angelico. — A Copper-plate by Gruner, "The Distribution of Alms by St. Lawrence." 1851-51 FraAngelico. — Four Copper-plates of Frescoes. " St. Stephen before the Council," " St. Bonaventura." " St. Matthew." <'St, Thoraaav" 1851-2 Fra Angelico.— Two Engravings by SchafFer : " St. Lawrence before the Emperor De- cius." " The Pieta," from the Fresco by Giotto. 1852-3 Giotto.— Eight Engravings on Wood, by Mess. Dalziel, from Frescoes in thQ Areuft Chapel, Padua, I— 8. WOEKS ON THE FINE ARTS. 660 Arundel Society, continued [853 Giotto.-— Six similar Engravings from tlicsame, 9 — 14. 1854 Eight similar Engravings from the same, 15-22. 1855 Four similar Engravings from the same, 23—26. 1856 Two similar Engravings from the same, 27—28. Giotto. — View of the Interior of the Arena Chapel at Padua, verij rare^ £4. 45. PiETKO Perugino. — " Thc Martyrdom of St. Sebastian." Five outlines of portions of figures in the same Fresco. 1857 Giotto.— Two Wood-Engravings in continuation of thc series from the Arena Chapel, 29—30. Pinturiccuio. — "Christ among the Doctors," from the Fresco in Spello Cathedral. Ottaviano Nelli. — " Virgin and Child," from the Fresco in S. Maria Nuova, at Gubbio. Four lithographed outlines of the Heads traced from the two preceding Frescoes. 185(? Giotto.— Four Yy-ood-Engravings in continuation of the Series from the Arena Chapel, 31—34. Pinturiccuio. — "The Nativity," from Fresco in Spello Cathedral. LuiNi. — " St. Catherine buried by Angels," from the Fresco in the Brera Gallery, Milan. Pi>'TDRicoHio. — Engraved outlines from tracings of two Heads in " The Na- tivity," and two in the" St. Catherine," 3 plates. 1859 GiOTTO. — Two Wood -Engravings in continuation of the Series from the Arena Chapel, 35—36. Leonardo da Vinci. — The " Madonna and Child," from thc Fresco in the Monastery of St. Onofrio, Rome. Outline of the Head of the Virgin, engraved from the same Fresco, 10*. Giov. Sanzio. — " The Madonna and Saints," and " Resurrection of our Lord," from the Fresco at Cagli, £1. Engraved outline of the Head of an Angel in last-mentioned Fresco. 1860 Giotto. — Two Wood-Engravings in conclusion of the series from the Arena Chapel, 37—38. Ghirlandaio. — "Death of St. Fran- cis," from the Fresco in the Church of S. Trinita, Florence. Heads of a Bishop and of a Priest, from the same Fresco, on the scale of the original. 1861 Seven Chromolithographs from Frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel : — "The Fall," by Filippino Lipri ; " The Expulsion," by Masac- cio ; the two on one sheet, \Qs ' " The Tiibntc Money,'' by Masac- cio. " St. Peter Preaching," by Maso- LiNO ; " St. Peter Baptizing," by Masolino ; the two on one sheet. Masaccio.-— Two Heads from the Fresco of " The Tribute Money," on the scale of the original, 5*. 1862 Fra Angelico.— ** St. Stephen dis- tributing Alms," a copper-plate by SchafFer, from the Fresco, 10*. Masolino de Panicale. — " St. Peter and St. John healing a Cripple," and " St. Peter raising Petronilla," from the Frescoes in the Church of the Car- mine, Florence. On one sheet. Head from thc " Raising of Petro- nilla," on the scale and in exact imita- tion of the original, 5*. FiLirpiNO Lipn.— " St. Peter delivered from Prison," and " St. Peter in Prison visited by St. Paul," after Fres- coes in the Church of the Carmine, at Florence. On one sheet, 5*. Head from " St. Peter in Prison, visited by St. Paul," 10*. 1863 Fra Angelico. — A Copper-plate from the Fresco, " St. Stephen thrust out before his Martyrdom," 15*. Masaccio and Lippi. — " SS. Peter and Paul raising the King's Son," and the " Homage to St. Peter," from the Fres- coes. On one sheet. Head from the same Fresco on the scale of the original. Masaccio, — Chromolithographs of SS. Peter and John healing the Sick by their Shadows," and SS. Peter and John giving Alms," from Frescoes in the Church of the Carmine, at Flo- rence. On one sheet. Head from SS. Peter and John giving Alms,'' on the scale and in ex- act imitation of the original. 1864 Raffaelle. — A line Engraving by Gruner, "The Conversion of Saul," from the Tapestry in the Vatican. Fra Angelico.— 'A line engraving by Stoelzel, " St. John," in continuation of the series from the Frescoes in the Chapel of Nicholas V. in the Vatican. LuiNi. — " The Presentation in the Temple," from the Fresco at Saronno. A Head from the same Fresco, on the scale and in exact imitation of the original. 1865 Era Angelico. — A line Engraving by SchiifFer, " St. Sixtus giving money to St. Laurence for Alms," in continua- tion of the series from the Frescoes in the Chapel of Nicholas V. in the Va- tican. Melming. — Five Chromolithographs from the " Triptych," in the Hospital of St. John at Bruges, [representing the following subjects : — " The Adoration of the Magi." " The Nativity," and "The Presen- tation in the Temple." On one sheet. '' St. John the Baptist," and " St. Veronica." On one sheet. 1866 Ghirlandaio. — "The Last Supper^' from a Fresco in the Church of the Ognissanti at Florence. LuiNi. — " The Adoration of the Magi," from a Fresco at Saronno. 661 BERNAED QUAIUTCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Arundel Society — continued. Division No. III.— EXTRA PLATES. These tvere yoT issued to Suhscrihers, hut sold separately at liigh prices) most of tliem are out of print and very rare. 1. 2. CHKOMOLITHOGRAPHS. Giotto.— Portrait of Dante, from a Fresco in the Bargello, at Florence. Fka Angelico. — " The Annunciation," from a Fresco in the Conyent of St. Mark, at Florence. 3. Benozzo Gozzolt. ing on Rhetoric," from a Fresco at S. Ge- niig-nano. 4. Andrea Mantegxa. — "The Conversion of Hermogenes the Sorcerer," from a Fresco in the Church of the Eremitani, at Padua. PiNTURiccHio. — " The Annunciation," from a Fresco in the Cathedral at Spello. Francesco Francia.— " The Marriage of St. Cecilia," from a Fresco in the Church of St. Cecilia, at Bologna. Francesco Francia. — "The Burial of St. Cecilia," from a Fresco in the Church of St. Cecilia, at Bologna. Luini. — " Christ among the Doctors," from a Fresco at Saronno. Andrea del Sarto. — "The Madonna del Sacco," from a Fresco in the Cloister of the Annunziata, at Florence. Three Capital Letters, coloured in facsimile, from the Choral Books of St. ]Mark's, the Duorao at Florence, and the Piccolomini Library, Siena. Luini. — " The Marriage of the Virgin," from a Fresco at Saronno. Raffaelle. — *^The Four Sibyls," from a Fresco in S. Maria della Pace, at Rome. 13. 5. 6. 8. 10. 11. 12. Andrea del Sarto. — *'The Nativity of the Virgin," from a Fresco in the Convent of the Annunziata, at Florence. Fra Bartolo-meo. — " The Annunciation," from a Fresco in the Villa of the Frati di S. Marco, at Florence. '•St. Augustine lectur- j 15. Fra Angelico. — ''The Coronation of the " ' Virgin,'' from a Fresco in the Convent of St. Mark, at Florence. Andrea Mantegna. — -'St. James the Greater before Herod Agrippa," from a Fresco in the Church of the Eremitani, at Padua. Raffaelle. — " St. Peter delivered from I Prison," from a Fresco in the Stanze of the j Vatican. 14. 16. 17. Books of ENGRAVINGS. 1. An Alphabet of Capital Letters, from the Choral Books of St. Mark's, the Duomo at Florence, and the Piccolomini Library at Siena, 23 plates enrjraved in outline^ with the letter F coloured in facsimile, in one j volume 1862 I 2. PiNTURiccmo. — Outlines of three Heads, traced from the Fresco of " The Annuncia- 1 tion," at Spello. I PHOTOGRAPH. j Tintoretto. — " Christ before Pilate," and 1 '• Christ bearing the Cross," from two j Paintings in the Scuola di San Rocco, Ve- ' nice ; with Ruskin's Description. 34i ARUNDEL SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS for 1867, Eirst and Second Pub- lications, as described below (instead of £7. 2s Qd), £Q. 6s 1867 I, First Publications. Ghirlandajo. — " Preaching of John the Bap- tist," Chromolithograph from a Fresco in S. Maria Novella at Florence, £1. 7* 6ci. Razzi. — " Ecstacy of S. Catherine," Chromo- lithograph from a Fresco in San Domenico at Siena, £1. 7^ &d. Raffaelle. — "Martyrdom of St. Stephen, II, Second Publications. Ghirlaxdaio. — '• Zacharias naming his Sou John," Chromolithograph from the Fresco in S. Maria Novella at Florence, £\. Is 6d. Raffaelle. — "Poetry," from the Fresco in the Stanze of the Vatican, £1. III, Extra Publications, (No. 18). Raffaelle. — " Theology,'' from a Fresco in the Stanze of the Vatican, £1. Engraving on India Paper, from the Tapes try in the Vatican, 20^ 35 PUBLICATIONS OF THE AEUNDEL SOCIETY for 186§, Eirst and Second publications, as described below (instead of £5. 6s) s64. 15^ 1868 I, First Publications. FiLiPPixo Lippi. — *' SS. Peter and Paul be- fore Nero; and the Martyrdom of St. Peter," from the Fresco in the Brancacci Chapel. On one sheet, £1. Brothers Van Eyck. — "The Adoration of the Lamb," from the centre panel of the altar piece in the Cathedral of St. Bavon, at Ghent, £1.115 6rf. Notice of the Brancacci Chapel, by Layard, 36 PUBLICATIONS of the Anr^DEL (instead of £5. 12s) £4. 16s I, First Publications. Fra Angelico. — "The Ordination of St. Lawrence," a line Engraving by Schafter, 155 Brothers Van Eyck. — "Judges and War- riors ;— Hermits and Pilgrims," the side | explanatory of the chromolithographs pub- lished in 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1868, royal 8vo. 65 II, Second Publications. FiLippiNo Lippi. — " The Vision of St. Ber- nard," from the Painting in the Badia, at at Florence, £1. 7s 6d. Andrea Del Sarto.—" The Procession of the Magi," from the Fresco in the Cloister of the S. Annunziata, at Florence, 21^. Society for 18G9, as described below, 1869 panels of the '• Adoration of the Lamb," in St. Bavon Cathedral, Ghent. On one sheet, £l.7s 6d. Brothers Van Eyck. — " Portraits of Judo- cus Vyts, Lord of Pomele, and his wife, AV0EK8 ON THE FINE AKTS. 66'^ Publications of the Arundel Qoaiety— contmned. Isabella dc Borluut, with their patron saints," ) from the stones, have since 1867 divided the liat from the same, £1. 1*. II, Second Publications. PiETRO rERUGixo. — " The Adoration of the Kings," from a Fresco at Cetta della Tieve, near Perugia, £1. 7s 6d. Andrea del Sarto. — '• S. Filippo Benizzi healing Children," from a Fresco in the Con- vent of the Annnnziata at Florence, £1. Is. of subscribers into First Subscribers and Second Subscribers. The First Subscribers are those 1500 gentle- men whose names stand first on the Society's Books. The rest are Second Subscribers, receiv- ing quite distinct publications ; and from the List of these will be filled up the vacancies which occur in the List of First Subscribers. A First Subscriber can pay a double subscrip- tion, and be thus both a First and Second Sub- scriber ; and so obtain all the publications. The Council of the Arundel Society having decided that 1500 impressions were as large a number of each plate as was desirable to print Aet Treasuees, exhibited at Mais'CHestee, 1857 — see Exhibitions. 37 AUSTEIA (House of) : PEIMISSEE (Al.)Der Stammbaum des A. D. Hauses HABSBrEG-ffisTEEEEiCH ill eiiier Reihe yon Bildnissen Habsburgischer Eiirsten and Flirstinnen von Eudolf I bis Philipp dem Schoenen, nach dem in der K. K. Ambraser-SammluDg befindlichen, auf Befelil Maximilians I verfertigten Originalgema hide, 2 vols, elephant folio, 57 sicpe^^h litliogra- pJiic plates surrotmded hy neatly 7'uled lines, mounted tinted hoards, fine impres' sions of the portraits, a most elegant tvork, lif. red morocco^ super extra, gilt edges, £15. 15^ Wien, 1822 This extremely rare book was pubhshed in j Series beyond " Philip the handsome." I can trace the sale of no copy in England or on the Continent. Brunet's statement of 22 parts and 66 plates is erroneous. 14 Lieferungen, each with one leaf of text and 4 superb plates ; the last part, which is Supple- mentary, has the extra plate, and carries the 38 Baglioxe, Yite de' Pittori, Scultori, Architetti ed Intagliatori, e Yita di Salva- tor Eosa da Passari, 4to. vellum, 5s Napoli, 1733 39 BAILLIE'S (Capt. W.) WOEKS, after Paintings, Drawings, and Etcbings, by tlie Greatest Masters, imperial folio, portrait and VSl fine plates, including facsimiles of the rarest of Eembrandfs Etchings, tJieivorks of Ostade, Teniers, Gerard Dow, Terlurg, Poussin, etc. (pub. Sit £26. os) whole purple moeogco, gilt edges, £i. 45 London, Boydell ^ Co. n. d. (1792) Good copies like the above have often sold for 10 guineas and upwards. 10 BALLING (M. G.) de' Disegni delle piu illustri Citta et Fortezze del Mondo, large 4to. 50 Views of Towns and Fortresses, with descriptions, very fine copy in gilt vellum, 255 Vinegia, 1569 41 Baebuo Soncino (S.) Yite de' Ducbi di Milano, bigb 4to. ivith full-length por- traits of the Viscontis and Sf or za's, engraved ivithin Ornamental Arches, ly Forro, hf morocco, 10s Qd Venetia, 1574 42 BAETSCH, le Peintee Geavetje, 21 vols, in 10, sm. 8vo. loith 43 plates of Monograms, and the 16 Extea Etchi^s'GS, calf neat, £10. Vienne, 1803-21 43 the same, completed by the reprint, 21 vols, post 8vo. ivith all the 59 plates, the extra plates in 1 vol. 4ito. hf. bd. morocco, gilt tops, £10. 10. 1854-21 44 tbe same 21 vols. 8vo. and Etchings, 4to. hf bd. calf from Baron Mara- chetlVs library, £d. 1854-21 reimpression des premiers volumes 6tant deja disparus du Commerce, cet ouvrage est redevenu rare. Cet ouvrage, dont I'auteur est mort a Vienne, le 21 Aout, 1820, est certainement le plus exact qu'on possede en ce genre. Les quelques exem- plaires qu'on avait pu completer au moyen de la 45 BAETSCH, Le Peintee Geavetje, 21 vols. sm. 8vo. in 19, the extea plates folded and bound up ivith the text, with valuable Manuscript Ad- ditions TO the Italian school, not only in the margins, but filling 2 addi- tional VOLUMES, lettered Supplement, hf. red morocco, uncut, top edge gilt^ Mr. Slade's copy, £21. ^ Vienne, 1797 46 Supplements au Peintre-Graveur recueillis par E. Weigel, Tome Ij (all pub.) contenant les Peintres et Dessinateurs "Neerlandais, 12mo. hf morocco^ uncut, 20s Leipzig, 1843 47 Catalogue raisonne de toutes les Estampes qui ferment I'CEuvre de Eem- BEANDT et ceux de ses principaux Imitateurs, 2 vols. 8vo. portraits and plates, hf. calf imcuty Mr, Blades copy, 2\s Vienne^.l7d7 663 BERNAED QUARITGH, 16 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 48 Baetsch, CEuvre de Eembrandt, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. calf neat, IQs 1797 49 the same, large paper, 2 vols, ia 1, 4to. hf. hd. 24s 1797 See also Dumesnil. 50 BAssEoaio, Intorno tre celebri Intagliatori in Legno Vicentini, 8vo. hf. morocco, uncut, 3s Qd Bassano, 1844 51 Batissiee (R.) Histoire de I'Art Monumental dans I'Antiquite et au Moyen Age etc royal 8vo. woodcuts of Architectural Art Monuments, hf morocco, f/ilt edges, 145 roy. 8vo. Paris, 1845 52 BAUli (Jo. GuL, pictor) Iconograpliia, 4 vols, in 1, obi. fol. portrait, 4 titles, and 14iQfine plates h\j Melchioe Ktsell, comprising two series of the Life and Passion of Christ, Views, Ports, Palaces, Gardens, and 3Iiseellaneous Compositions, forming the complete woeks, pink impressions, hlue mo- Eocco, gt. edges, rare in this complete state, £2. 16s Augspurg, M. Kysel, 1682 Part. I. The Passion and Resurrection of Christ, and emblamatic engravings, 37 plates ]>art II. the Birth, Life, and Miracles of Christ, 36 plates ; part III. Views in Italy, Historical pieces, 36 plates ; part IV. Sea Ports, Gardens, Palaces, principally in Italy, 37 plates. 53 BECKER (Gr. G.) Augusteum : ou Descriptions des Monumens Antiques qui se trouvent a Dresde, 3 vols, in 1, folio, 154 plates of the Statues in the Deesden Galleey, gei^dine piest impeessions, (pub. at £21.) hf mo- rocco, imcut, £2. 16s Leipzig, 1804-11 " Ce bel ouvrage a paru en 13 cahiers, et j mor. £8. 85 ; russia, £10. IO5. A re-issue of the contient 154 planches. Chaque cahier a coute 1 plates is offered for £3. 30 ou 36 francs."— ^r«??e^ Priced, 1847, hf. | j54 Belgium and Holland. Deliciss Batavicae : variae elegantesque picturse omnes Belgii antiquitates, et quidquid praeterea in eo visitur, reprsesentantes. Jaco- bus Marci collegit et edidit, obi. 16mo. plates of anus, 3 portraits of the Counts of Nassau, and 28 curious plates illustrative of Dutch Customs, old red MOEOCCO, gilt edges, very scarce, £2. 55 Lugd. Pat. 1616 55 BEETELLI (Francesco) II Carnevale Italian© mascherato, 16mo. 24 humorous etchings, cloth, rare, £2. senza nota (.'^ Venice, 1590) 56 Vere Imagini et descritioni delle piu nobilli Citta del Mondo, 4to. en- graved title and 22 doulle plates of Cities, old calf, rare, 7s 6d Venetiis, 1572 57 Bettikelli) Lettere suUe Belle Arti, 4to. engravings of Gems, including a pretty one of Cupid and Psyche, hf calf neat, 12s Venezia, 1793 BIBLE PRINTS: 58 AEI^ MONTANI (B.) Humanse Salutis Monumenta, 12mo. 71 fine engravings hy Wieecx and P[aeyeler,from the designs of O. Van der Porch, Crispin van den Proeche, and others, tvith Latin Ode opposite each, calf, 25s Antverpice, PI ant in, 1571 Ouvrage rare et recherche. '* C'est probable- I d'un grand nombre d'estampes gravees en cuivre, ment," dit Van Hulthem, " le premier livre, orn6 | qui ait ete imprime dans les Pays Bas." 59 BYBELSCHE Histoeie: Historise sacrae tam veteris quara Novi Testamenti iconibus expressae, sm. stout folio, about 250 prdhj engravings, underneath them a verse in Latin, French, English, German and Dutch, on the reverse page a prose story in the same Languages, hf cf 86s Amst. AT. Visscher, s. a. {? 1680) 60 HOLY BIBLE, London, 1699— Biblia Ectypa, Bildnissen auss Heiliger Schrifft, von Chr. WEIG-EL, Megenshurg, 1697 — divided into 9 vols. 8vo. with nearly 500 fine engravings with a quotation from the Vulgate on the top of each plate and from the German Pihle at the bottom, very fine impressions, text and plates carefully rided, old English red morocco, gilt edges, fine copy, £5. 5s 1697-99 This forms a beautiful library edition of the English Bible. 61 ICONES BIBLICAE : Eiggers of the Bible in who (sic) almost every his- tory of the holy schriptures are described, obi. sm. 4to. about 250 engravings, with text in 5 languages, blue mor. gilt edges, £2. Date of JSf. T. Amst. 1659 62 KUSELL (Melchioe) Icones Biblica? Yeteris ac Novi Testamenti, sm. 4to. consisting q/"243 beautiful engravings by this very p)leasing artist, beilltat^t impeesstoxs, red moeocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 10s Augusta, 1680 Port belles epreuvcs. Lc volume se compose ainsi; Vieux Testament, 1 frontisp., 1 titre grave, 51 pi., 1 titre, 51 pi., 1 titre, 50 pi., 1 fleuron. — Nouveau Testament, 1 frontisp., 1 titre, 47 pi., 1 titre, 42 pi., 1 fleuron. Cc charraant volume a ete vendu 299 fr. chez la Valliere. WOEKS ON THE FINE AETS. 6Q4. Bible "Pxints—continued. 63 MORTIER, Historie des Ouden en Nieuwen Testaments, 2 vols, folio, 12 maps, and a set of more than 4iOO plates hi/ Mortier, very fine impressions. ''AvANT LES Clous," old calf gilt , £2. 18s Gorischem, 1748 passing through the press, it was repaired with nails, the marks of which shew in the later im- pressions. The impressions in this copy arc very fine. Mortier's illustrations to the Bible are eagerly sought for by collectors when in the state of " Avant les Clous." An accident having happened to the last plate in the Apocalypse, in 61 NATALI (Hieron.) Adnotationes et Meditationes in Evangelia quae in SS. Missae Sacrificio toto anno leguntur, folio, engraved title and 153 fine plates, text and plates neatly ruled loitli red lines, old red morocco, gilt edges, fine copy, £d. 155 Ant. 1594 The plates are 1 53 in number, designed by Martin de Vos, Bern. Passer llomanus, and en- graven by Adr. Collaert, Ant. J. and Jer. Wierx, and others. This copy is the first edition, with brilliant impressions of the plates in their original state. 65 SANDRAET, Illustrations of the New Testament Stories, engraved by Chr. Weigel, large 8vo. 118 interesting plates giving a good practical idea towards the literal understanding of the text, old English blue morocco, gilt edges, £2. 166' s. I. e. a. {? Nurnberg, 1680) m SCHEUCHZEE (J. J.) Physique Sacree ou Histoire Naturelle de la Bible, 8 vols, in 4, folio, 7 50 fine engravings illustrative of the Bible, fine impressions, Dutch calf gilt, £2. 16s Amst. 1735-37 The first plate wanting. 67 SCHEYT (Caspar) A\^ol gerissnen uud geschnidten Eiguren aiisz der Bibel, 12mo. 149 fine woodcuts, illustrating Genesis and Exodus, after Holbein and Sebald Beham, ivith text in German verse, calf rare, £2. Lyon, Hans Tornesius, 1554 68 SCHNOEE'S Bible Pictures, Scripture History illustrated in a Series of 180 Engravings on Wood, from Original Designs by Julius Schnorr, with English text, impl. 4to. (pub. at 40*) cloth, 22* 1 860 69 SHAW'S Superbly Illustrated Edition of the NEW TESTAMENT, 4to. loith engravings on wood from, the designs of Era Angelico, Pietro Perugino, Francesco Erancia, Lorenzo di Credi, Era Bartolommeo, Titian, Eaphaely Gaudenzio Eerrari, Daniele da Volterra, etc. (pub. at £3. 3s) cloth gilt, £2. 85 1864 70 the same, royal 4to. LAEQE PAPER, hf bd. £14. 1864 Only 250 copies printed. 71 SIMEONI (Gabriel) Eigure del Nuovo Testament© illustrate di bellissimo stanze volgari, 16mo. 115 pretty icoodcuts by Moni, with borderings at each side, vellum, rare, 32s Vinegia, Bevilacqua, 1574 See post WiERX, and Woodcuts. 72 BILLING'S Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of SCOTLAND, 240 highly finished and interesting engravings of Ancient Castles, Abbies, Churches, ^^c. besides icoodcuts, with Descriptions, (pub. at £16. IQs) 4i vols, impl. 4to. LARGE PAPER, India Proofs, hf morocco, £d. 9s 1852 Copies as this, the best state, Avere only issued to a few original Subscribers. " The first work which, either in point of extent or of style, has any claim to be regarded as a collection worthy of the remains yet spared to Scotland ; it undertakes to give at least one view peculiarities. Mr. Billings is a masterly draughts- man, well skilled in the history and characteristics of architectural style, bearing an excellent eye for perspective, and uniting scrupulous fidelity to good taste and knowledge of effect. His en- gravings do him justice, and altogether nothing of every ancient edifice worthy of notice. It is I can be more satisfactory than his representations.' worthy of all praise. The plates are large enough Quarterly Review. to admit of the distinct delineation of minute I 73 BINNS'S Worcester China Manufacture: Century of Potting in the City of Worcester, being the History of the Royal Porcelain Works, from 1750 to 1851, to which is added a short account of the Celtic, Roman, and Mediaeval Pottery of AVorcestershire, by R. W. Binns, E.S.A, a proprietor of the Royal Porcelain Works and the Art Director since 1852, 8vo. illustrated with many woodcuts, (pub. at lijs) cloth, 13s Qd 1865 GQo BEENAEB QtJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 74 BINNS'S Worcester China Manufacture, LAEGE PAPEE, 4to. with numerous ADDITIONAL Plates, and PhotograpHkS, a very elegant volume, Jif. mor. £3. 3* 1865 he introduces us to Worcester ware, Avhich lie traces through all its various peculiarities, styles, and changes. Meanwhile we congratulate him on the production of a valuable and interesting book, which we heartily commend to our j'eaders."' Worcester Journal, September 16, 1865. " * Worcester Potting ' is a valuable addition to the History of Art Manufacture in England." The Header^ 2 Dec. 1865. 77 " Mr. Binns' book is an important addition to ceramic literature, and will always be a local treasure. Mr. Binns writes tersely and well, tells what he has to tell in good simple English, and there is a method in his arrangement of the various phases of his subject. Commencing with a history of ancient pottery and porcelain, he gives us a succinct account of the various early receipts for making porcelain; and then after a passing notice of the various European manufactures in 1750, 75 BIECH'S (Sam.) History of Ancient Pottery, 2 aoIs. Syo. tvith coloured plates and numerous ivoodcuts, calf gilt, £2. 2s 1858 76 BIYEEII (Pedro) Sacrum Sanctuarium Crucis et Patientise Crucitixorum, Emblematicis Imaginibus laborantium et segrotantium ornatum, sm. 4to. Jine impressions of the plates, calf gilt, 32s Antwerp, 1634 Sacrum Oratorium piarum imaginum ImmaculatsD Marise et Animse Creatse ac Baptismo Poenitentia et Euch arista Innovatse : Ars Nova bene Yivendi et Moriendi, sm. 4to. Qiumerous plates of Emhlems, calf gilt, 2^s 1634 78 BLAKE. Gilchrist's Life of "William Blake, "Pictor Ignotus," with selections from his Poems and other Writings, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and numerous facsimile illustrations from Blake's ivor/cs, (pub. at 32s) cloth, 20s 1863 BLAEIJ. Theatrum Statuum regiae celsitudinis SABAUDIAE Ducis, PEDE- MONTII principis, 2 vols. impl. folio, above 1^0 fine large hirds-eye Views of Cities in Savoy and Piedmont, most of them on a very large scale, also some Views of the principal Buildings, original impressions, fine copy in vellum, gilt edges, £2. Amst. 1682 BLOCK BOOK. APOCALYPSIS SANCTI JOHANNIS, small folio^ 48 leaves of Xylographic printing, the illustra- tions richly coloured^ hound in old green morocco^ loith silk linings^ gilt edges^ from Mr. Corser's library.^ £550, cash. No discount to Agents. Girc, 1420 79 80 riRST EDITION of this famous Block'Book. Sotheby, in the Principia TijpoQrapldca, styles it the fifth edition and of German origin, the four preceding having been, in his opinion, produced in Holland. In this, however, he sets himself up in opposition to such men as Heineken, Falken- stein, W'eigel, and Zestermann, who are all agreed upon the edition to Avhich they would assign the first place. It would be hardly worth while to notice this opinion of Mr. Sotheby, were it not that the success of his book has given to it a reputa- tion which it does not deserve. He did not even understand the accomplished writer whose judg- ment he rejects, for in several places of the Prin- cipia Typographica, his language shews evidently that he blundered over the description given by Heineken of the edition of the Apocalypse pre- served in the Abbey of Gottweig. He attributes Heineken's words regarding this edition, partly to it and partly to another, and upon this blunder portion of his arguments is founded. Again, in referring to another passage of the Idee Genirale, which states that "la grossierete de la taille . . . ni meme ccllc des caracteres n'est rien moins qu' une preuve sure de Tanciennete," the author of the Prvicipia sapicntly renders this in a way directly contrary to its real meaning, and draws from his own error a conclusion against admit- ting the critical value of Heineken's judgment. Another instance of Mr. Sotheby's incorrectness, and the uutrustworthiness of his book, as well as of a more recent writer's essay on the same sub- ject, is that the descriptions given by the former and by Mr. Berjeau (Catalogue des livres Xylo- graphiques) of Lord Spencer's two Apocalypses, are utterly at variance. Yet they both profess to have personally examined the works in question — that is, the editions which they fix as first and fourth of the book, and which Heineken, with much more reason, places fourth and second. There is probably something to modify in the conclusions of the latter writer, but they are very close to the truth, and not widely erroneous like those of Mr. Sotheby. The fact is that the author of the Principia had predetermined the Dutch origin of the earliest editions of the Apocalypse, and consequently, finding a more distinctly Ger- man character in the engravings of the present copy, he was obliged to place it fifth in order, so as not to disturb his pet theory. He had " made his siege," like the Abbe Vertot, and if his his- tory was discovered to be at variance with the facts, " so much the worse for the facts." The manner in which this edition was printed, that is, on the second and fourth pages of every sheet— a peculiarity observable in no other issue, — is in itself so primitive and awkward, that any rational mind must admit its priority to the method adopted in the other editions, by which the two inner pages of every sheet were printed WORKS ON THE FINE ARTS. 66e at the same time. The peculiar mode of impres- sion Avas noticed and described by Sotheby him- self, (Princip. Typ. 11,49) as well as ih^ gathering of the edition in four caliievs of twelve leaves each (different from that of all others) ; yet these cir- cumstances suggested no fresh idea to him, no suspicion that his arrangement was wrong. He places the edition at the head of this article fiftli in order, and says that it " is altogether of a dif- ferent character from the four preceding." Now, even an inspection of his own book alone, without reference to any other work, is sufficient to shew that his fourth and fifth editions i:)artake of one style of character, that his first and second belong together to another style ; that his third edition, which has two engravings more than the others, is of a similar character with his first and second, but different from them in having fifty instead of forty-eight leaves. Judging from a comparison of the several editions, the writer of the present note would place them in the folloAving order : — First Edition. The above, 4 cahiers of 48 leaves, printed on the second and fourth pages of each sheet, corresponding to the fifth edi- tion of Sotheby, and most probably to the Berlin copy mentioned by Heineken and Weigel. Second Edition. The first in order de- scribed by Heineken, after the Vienna copy, 48 leaves in 3 cahiers, printed on the two inner pages of every sheet, corresponding to the edition of which Mr. T. 0. Weigel pos- sesses a single leaf. Third Edition. Mr. Weigel's complete Apo- calypse. Fourth Edition. The Gotweig copy, sup- posed by Heineken to be the most ancient edition (p. 367). Fifth Edition. The second according to Heineken and the fourth according to Sotheby. All the preceding editions, though in themselves different publications, belong to one type, that is the original. Sixth Edition. The fourth of Heineken and the first of Sotheby. Seventh Edition. The third of Heineken and third of Sotheby, with fifty leaves. Eighth Edition. The fifth of Heineken and second of Sotheby. These three editions all partake of one character, different from that of the preceding five. As for the descriptions given by Mr. Berjeau, and his aiTangement of the various editions, they have no value. He seems to have used Sotheby and Heineken, in connection with his own per- sonal observation, in such a way as to create the impression that they " all are wrong." He does not seem to have observed the different sequences laid down by his predecessors, and yet appropri- ates their descriptions in part, causing thus a hopeless confusion in his work. With regard to the Collect io WeigcUaiia, the work of Mr. Weigel and Dr. Zestermann, it does not afford much basis for comparison, as only one complete copy of the third edition (perhaps the second Issue of the second edition) is described there, besides a single leaf (^) of the first or second edition. Tliis single leaf agrees with the corresponding leaf in Mr. Corser's copy, in every respect but one — that is, that the word devoravi, which in Mr.' Weigel's book is divided between (lev and oravi, is in the other ^e-voravi. In each of the two sets of editions mentioned above, (five of the first and three of the second) it is noticeable how superior the original engraving is to that of the later ones. The variations that took place, as each new edition was issued, were not to the advantage of the engraving,— the typo- graphical arrangement and apphances being im- proved at the expense of the design. It has been wisely remarked by Heineken that rudeness and want of form are by no means tests of the greater or less antiquity of such productions ; and in fact, books of engravings were affected at that period by the very same influences and conditions which affect our fine-art productions at the present day. The best edition is always the first, it is carefully designed and well executed ; it becomes popular at once, and the demand created causes the repro- duction of inferior copies. The first edition of the Apocalypse notably is very much superior to the others, in spirit and boldness of design ; some of the woodcuts being real works of art as com- pared with the weak and pitiful drawing obser- vable in the later editions. As for the text of the edition at present under notice, it contains numerous omissions and misr takes which appeared corrected and supplied in the later editions ; and even in the volume itself many of these errors have been corrected in con- temporary handwriting. I may specially draw attention to the words on the (14th) leaf |^ which stood " Et lauauit angelus," and in which the second word has been altered to leuauit. The word lauauit is particularly remarkable, because in all the descriptions of the various editions given by Sotheby and Heineken, it is correctly written leuauit, and consequently the erroneous form is one of the tests of an anterior edition. Weigel only notices it is his single leaf ; in his complete copy it is correctly printed. Also on leaf Ql (5) in the first inscription, upper left-hand corner, the word aperire has been altered in ink from apeuire, while it appears in its right form in the later editions. On leaf 2i (7) the word per- tinet (as it appears correctly in the other edi- I tions) is misprinted pertinen, in the left-hand inscription. On leaf 9, the word ortusfons appears in the right hand corner, instead of orf solis (sec Weigel, II. p. 84. On leaf 15, Caude equoru, in I the central inscription, the word non has been I corrected in MS. to noli as it appears everywhere j else. On leaf 17 (5) liic sedit is printed, instead 1 of Mc sedet as most of the others have it. On j leaf 21, diviidiu tem2JUS, for dimidiu temp oris. On ! leaf 32, in the lower left-hand inscription, iudeos ! has been altered from nudeos. On the fourth leaf j ' in the lower part of the apostolical symbols, the ox is on the right, the lion on the left. This is altered in other editions. On the same leaf, there are only two figures kneeling behind the angel in the lower right-hand corner. On leaf 5, the eagle and lion are on the left, the angel and ox on the right, in which position they also appear on the 9th leaf. This was changed in other editions. Only two trees appear lying down in the upper illustration on leaf 11. On 19th loaf, the inscrip- tion begins, Et ecce draco^ Heineken has erat. On leaf 2G, in the lower inscription, there appears a mistake which goes far to i)rove the German origin of the book : the word agnus, as it is in other editions, appears angnus, which truly repre- sents the German pronunciation of the Latin word. On the 28th leaf, the words in dno have been added in MS. above the line, in the inscrip- 667 BERNABD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. tion " Beat! mortui qui nioriutur." They arc not omitted in the later editions. The first Avords of the left-hand inscription on leaf 31 arc Et uidi post heo ecce \ aptu ; ditferently from the Vienna edition ( Heineken, p. 343). The paper-mark is a bunch of grapes, rudely formed, in which we sec an indication that the Folio ( 1 ^ Coniisi ab ydolis (12 Quartus angls f 2 Trahamus iohaue 111 Jf Primus angelus volume was printed in Southern Germany. A similar mark appears on a leaf in Weigel's pos- session, representing the Adoratioii of the three Kings, supposed to have been executed about 1425. The sequence and an-angcment of the leaves remains to be noted. Sheet I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XL ( 3 B QdVides scribe "(10 B Apcio septimi ■ 4 Per vii lampades 9 per terra et mare t 5 C anctus iohes 8 Aptio quti sigilli ! G Apcio primi 7 © Apcio tercii . 13 © Augelus abadon 24 n banc bestia (14 p^ Et lauauit angelus "(23 Iratus est draco XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. (15 Caude equoru (22 iH draco est dyabolus (16 Et iacebiit (21 it date sunt mulieri (17 5 Hie sedit autixps t20 1^ Nuc facta est XIX. XX. XXI. XXil. XXIII. Polio ^ 25 i^ Et uidi alia i[ 36 Et ueit vnus f 26 Et faciet oms (35 S» Et septim' (27 O Et vida alterum ^(i34 Et scxtus angelus S 28 Et angelus secutus i 33 K Et qrtns agls S 29 ^P Et uidiet ecce Et secundus angelus Et uidi aliud Et uidi post hec 37 C Et post hec uidi 48 ^ Beatus ioh'es i 32 J 30 X 31 S 38 M7 \ 39 V M6 3 \ 40 Ml % H4 Et uox de tlirovo Stultus hm' miidi Et dixit michi Et dixit michi Et vidi -vnCi Et oudit michi Et appheusa e Et en'o ioh'es XII. XXIV. C 42 Et vidi sedes \ 43 Et dyabolus qui The following letter of the late owner of this Apocalypse is interesting: — M8 p septinnii i 19 Et ecce draco " Sir, — Notwithstanding what you remark as to " the binding of the Block Book of the ApocalyjDse, " which you purchased the other day, it is quite " certain that it came from the sale of the Stowe '' Library ; there is a long description of the *' book given in the Catalogue, occupying nearly " a page. The Book is in such a genuine and " fair state, and is so perfect a specimen of that " class of works, that although you may have " paid a large sum for it, I consider it worth the " money, and that such another example is not " likely to occur for sale again. "I ALWAYS CONSIDERED IT THE GeM OF "my Collectiox. You have had the cream of " my collection, and there are no more Caxtons " or Blockbooks to come. '♦ Shand Rectory, August 10, 1868. Thomas Corser." 80*ARS MOEIENDI. Facsimile of the EDITIO PEINCEPS of this wo>^deii- rUL BLOCK-BOOK : executed by photography from the unique copy in the possession of T. 0. Weigel in Leipzig, royal 4to. 21< leaves, representing in exact facsimile this sinr/ularhj beautiful Block-hook, in a portfolio, £3. 3* Leipzig, 1869 of the 15th century; conception and execution point to Lower Rhenish origin, and it was most likely the work of the great artist Petrus Christus of Cologne, temp. 1438. Only 100 copies were iJrinted. Falkenstein in his History of Printing says, page 23 : This Block-Book surpasses in ihc spirited expression of the figures, and in the ar- tistic use of the graver, every artistic production 81 SOTHEBY (S. Leigh) Principia Typogeapiiica : the Block-Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, issued in Holland, Flanders and Germany, during The Fifteenth Century, exemplified in connec- tion with the Origin of Printing, with Notices on the Paper-Marks of the period, 3 vols. impl. 4to. 120 large engravings, some in colours, in exact similitude of tlie Block-Books, half red morocco, uncut, ^6. 10.9 1858 82 Bee.teau, Catalogue illustre des Livres Xylographiques, %facsim. Vis 1865 83 BLUNDELL GALLEEY : Engravings and Etchings of the principal Statues, Buss, Bas-Eeliefs, Sepulchral Monuments, Cinerary Urns, &c. in the Collec- tion of Henry Blundell, at Ince, 2 vols, atlas folio, Xh'^fine plates (wanting plates 41 and4t2) red morocco, £10. 10s 1809 Of this splendid Gallery only fifty copies were printed. Combe's copy sold for £83. 12s 6r7. WORKS ON THE FINE AETS. 668 84 BOCK (Dr. F. E.) Geschichte der Liturgischen G-ewancler des Mittelalters, 2 vols. 8vo. with %0 jplates, mostly in colours, cloth, £2. 10* Bonn, 1859-66 The most important work on Eccle.siastical Costume. 85 BOCCACE, Coutes et nouvelles, traduction libre, 2 vols. 12mo. numerous very pretly plates hy Bomain de Hooge, red morocco, gilt edges, hy Niedree, £2. 16^ Cologne, 1732 86 BLOUET. Expedition Scientifique en MOESE, ordonnee par le Gouverne- ment rran9ais. Architecture, Sculptures, Inscriptions et Yues du Pelopon nese, des Cyclades et de I'Attique, mesurees, dessinees, recueillies et publiees par Abel Blouet, et par MM. Eavoisie, Poirot, E. de Q-ournay et E. Trezel, 3 vols, atlas folio, magnifique ouvrage de 280 planches, executees par les plus celehres graveurs de la France, (pub. at 528 fr.) bds. 5614. ; or, half hound, nncut, Sir Charles Price^s copy, £16. 16s Paris, 1831-38 Argos, Tyrinthe, Nauplie, Scyros,Tenos,Myconas, Delos, Naxos, Paros, Melos, Sunium, Egine, Epidaurc, Hiero, Mycenes, Nemec, Corinthe, Sicyone, Patras, etc. etc. Jamais ouvrage pareil n'avait ^te entrepris sur la Grece ; il fallait I'appui d'un gouvernement ami des arts pour I'executer. Le Gouvernement FrauQais envoy a une com- mission de savants et d'artistes pour reconnaitre et recueillir tout ce qui pouvait rester d'interessant ou d'ignore dans ce pays celebrc. II comprend les antiquities de Pylos, Methone, Colonis, Corone, Messene, Lepreum, Scillontc, Olympic, Phygalie, Megalopolis, Sparte, Martinec, 87 BOISSAEDUS de Divinatione, et Magicis Prestigiis, small folio, containing engraved titles dedication, and fifty figures of Magicians on the letterpress, with portraits of the Author and JO. THEO. DE BET, by the latter, old calf, 155 Oppenheim, ca. 161 5 see, /jos^ Portraits. 88 BONDE (Gr.) de Julii Cloth clari admodum Pictoris Operibus, folio, LARGE PAPER, printed 07i one side only, corrected throughout hy the author, calf, 35s Anno 1733 Privately printed, and extremely rare. A copy on small paper sold for £5. 7.* in Bindley 's sale. 89 BoNNARDOT, Essai sur la Eestauration des anciennes Estampes et Livres rares, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd 1846 90 BONINI (C.) Gesta B. Caroli Borromsei Oardinalis, Latine et Italice, 4to. engraved throughout, with portrait and representations of the pinncipal actions of the Saint hy A. Roncho, each having a description in Italian and Latin heneatli, green morocco extra, Dr. TVellesley^s copy, 36s Mediolani, 1610 The Art merit of these engravings is low, but j presented, are truly astounding, the miraculous feats of the Cardinal, as here re- j 91 BOTTA'S NINEVEH : Monument de Ninive deoodtert et decrit par BoTTA, mesure et dessin^ PAR Elandin, 5 vols, atlas folio, with 371 mag- nificent plates of Architecture, Sculpture, and Inscriptions (pub. at £110.), superbly bound in red morocco super ecclra, joints, broad gold borders, gilt edges. Sir Charles Police's copy, £62. ' Paris, 1849-50 The binding alone must have cost £42. This magnificent work was published by order of the French Government, and under the direction of a committee of the Institute. Con- tents, Vols. I. and II, Architectttre and Sculpture, 168 plates ; Vols. III. and IV. Ix- Semitic inhabitants of Babylon, but by those who preceded them. This writing was, however, re- duced by the Semitic race to letters, and adapted to the articulation of their language. Their mode of writing consisted of several elements. There was the ideographic, or picture-writing, and the SCRIPTIONS, 203 plates ; Vol. V. Text. I phonetic, which was equivalent to the alphabet of " To Botta is due the honour of having found j their language. The cuneiform inscriptions were the first Assyrian Monument." — Layard. I divided into three branches, Persian, Scythic, and The cuneiform system of letters was a Assyrian, species of picture writing, invented, not by the I 92 [BOTTAEI] Eaccolta di Lettere sulla Pittnra, Scultura, ed Architettura, 6 vols, sq. 8vo, old calf, 12s; or 6 vols. inS, calf gilt, 15s Boma, 1757-68 93 the same, with a seventh volume, ^;z(? copy in vellum, 2%s 1757-73 The most valuable Letters on Art, written from the 15th to the 16th century. 94 BOETTIG-EE, Ambalthea oder Museum der Kunstmythologie und bildlichen Alterthumskunde, 3 vols. 8vo. 18 plates, hf. bd. red morocco, fine copy from Dr. Hawtrefs library, 14^ Leip. 1820-25 95 BovBAgsE (L'Abbe J. J.) V:";^heolo»ie Obretiecne, 8yo. 2coodcutSj calf extra, 5s Tours, 1H^7 669 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 96 BRACCI, Memorie, degli antichi Incisoriche scolpirono i loro Nomi in Gemme e Cammei, 2 vols, folio, 133 plates of Statues, Bas-Reliefs, Gems, ^c. hf. hch calf, uncut, 36* Firenze, 1784-80 97 British Museum : Description of the Collection of Ancient TERRACOTTAS in the British Museum (by Taylor Combe), impl. 4to. laege vkTi^n, plates, lif calf gilt, 255 1810 98 British Museum : Description of the Collection of Ancient MARBLES in the British Museum (by Taylor Combe, E. Hawkins and C. R. Cockerel!), 10 parts, atlas 4to. large papee, about GGOfne plates, proofs (pub. at about £42.) parts I to VI in two volumes, Jf. calf gilt, and the rest in hoards, £10 1812-35 99 BROCKEDON ("Wm.) Passes of the ALPS, 2 vols, folio, 109 beautifully executed engeavings by U. Mnden, and other eminent aiiists, including maps of the several Passes by Arrowsmith, laege eolio papee, peoofs on INDIA papee before the inscriptions, and a set of the Etchings also on India paper (pub. at £63.) splendid copy, very richly and chastely bound in olive MOEOCCO extra, dentelle gold borders, gilt edges, by JF?'ight, £16. 16a' 1828-9 " Mr. Brockedon's very beautiful work on 1 preclude, in a great measure, the necessity of an the Passes of the Alps, to which we have alluded | actual view of the ground." — Cramer and Wick- in the present dissertation, is so accurate as to j ham on HannihaVs Passage over the Alps. 100 Beockedon's Road Book from London to Naples, atlas 4to. l^ege papee, India proofs of the beautiful engravings by TV. and U. Mnden, green morocco, super extra, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, by J. Glarh, £3. 1835 101 Beockedon's ITALT, Classical, Historical, and Picturesque, folio, 60 beauti- ful steel engravings by Willmore, Gousens, etc. after drawings by Turner, Stanfield, Boberts, Harding, and others, peoofs on India papee, (pub. at £1. 18s Qd in parts) fine copy in purple moeocco extra, gilt edges, £^. lOs 1842-44- 102 BRONQ-NIART, Traite des Arts Ceramiquesoudes poteries considerees dans leur histoire, leur pratique et leur theorie, 2 vols. 8vo. and oblong 4to. Atlas of 60 plates, some coloured, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 16s 1842-44 103 ■ the same, 2 vols. 8vo. with the oblong 4to. Atlas, caff extra. Sir Charles Price's copy, £2. 18* 1854 104 the same, 2e edition, corrigee et augmentee, 2 vols. 8vo. 1458 pp. and 4tto. atlas of 60 plates of Vases, Jars, Sfc. showing also the Machinery and the Mechanical Process in the Manufacturing of Pottery in Ancient and Modern Times, hf calf neat, £2. 5s Paris, 1854 The best book on Pottery. The first edition, I King Louis Philippe's copy, £6. \5s. on Vellum Paper, 1844, sold 1854, at Sotheby's, | 105 BRULLIOT, Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques figurees, Lettres initiales, Noms abreges, etc. des Peintres, Graveurs, Sculpteurs, etc. 4to. best edition, many citts of Sonograms, cloth, £2. 25 ; or, hf. morocco, gilt edges, £2. 12s 6d Munich, 1832 106 BRYAN'S Dictionaet of Paintees and Engeavees, containing their Lives, a List of their principal Works, with Critical Analyses, their Cyphers, Mo- nograms, Marks, etc. 2 vols, royal 4to. best edition, laege paper, portrait and plates, bds. uncut, 263. 10s ; or, a fine copy in russia extra, gilt edges, by Lewis, the Earl of Glare's copy, £5. 1816 107 the same, new edition, stout roy. 8yo. portrait and nine plates,, containing about 400 Monograms, new edition, with additional Memoirs by Gr. Stanley, cloth, S6s ■ 1858 108 Buchanan's Memoirs of Painting ; with a chronological history of Pictures by the Great Masters imported into England, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 10>? 1824 109 BUCK (Sam. and N.) Yiews of the RriNs of the most noted Abbeys and Castles in England and "Wales, complete, in 3 vols, oblong folio, 15 en- graved titles and 420 beaiUiful Views, supeeb oeiginal impees signs, old English calf, borders, £18. 18^ 1721-42 The coppers of this book have been worked by J of a genuine copy lihe the ohwe is therefore a three subsequent proprietors, an4 the acquisition | great desideratum. AVOBKS ON THE FINE ARTS, 670 110 BUENET (J.) Practical Treatises on Painting : Practical Hints on Composition in Painting, plates 1822 Practical Hints on Liglit and Shade in Painting, plates 1820 Practical Hints on Colour in Painting, coloured plates 1827 Essay on the Education of the Eye with reference to Painting, plates 1837 — together 4 vols. 4to. (pub. at £^. 10s) cloth, at a much reduced price 1822-37 111 BUENET'S Practical Treatises o^ pAixTixa, viz. : — Composition in Painting, 9 beautiful etchings on India paper from Italian, Flemish, and Dutch blasters, 1822 — On Light and Shade in Painting, ^ fine plates on India paper, from the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch schools, 182G — On Colour in 'Painting, S coloured plates and a duplicate set, India proofs, 1827 — to- gether 3 vols, in 1, roy. 4to. oei&inal proof impressions o^ Ii«-dia paper, (pub. at £8. 8s) cloth, £5. 16* 1822-27 112 the same, 3 works, a PICKED COPY, having each of the enrjravivgs printed separately and mounted on tinted paper, in 3 vols. impl. 4ito. orange MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, from Mr. Carpenter'' s library, £7. 10s 1822-27 113 Essay on the Education of the Eye with reference to Painting, roy. 4to. LARGE PAPER.j^??e etchings on India paper, and ivoodcuts, cloth, £2. 2s 1837 114 • Landscape Painting in Oil Colours, 4to. 14i plates, (pub. at 21*) cloth, 12s 1849 115 Burns. Tarn O'Shanter by Eobert Burns, illustrated by John EAED, E.S.A., folio, engraved title and Q fine plates, bij StocJcs and Stephenson, bds. 20s 1855 Printed for the Members of the Royal Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. Byron Illustrations — see Einden 116 CALLOT'S Works : a series, consisting of Les Eantaisies de J. Callot, 1635, 8 pet. pi. sur. 2 ff. — J. Callot, Balli di Sfessania, 12 if. (exc.) Car. Allard, on each leaf 2 plates, each plate with 2 grotesqxie figures — Idem, Salvatoris et Mar. V. Apostoli, 16 ff. — Idem, Capricci di varie figure, 28 various engrav- ings, on each plate the same figure first in outline and then finished — Nine separate engravings by Callot — In all ?i^ engravings of this popular Artist, all with the full margins, fi^om the Fnschede library, £S. IQs 1635, (^c. 117 CALLOT, Misere de la Gruerre, 6 plates ; Eantasies, IS plates : Exercises Mi- litaires, 12 ^Z«^^5 ; DELLA BELLA, Desseins de Troupes, &c, 9 plates — HOLLAE, 36 etchings of Female Costume and 35 other plates in the vol. — together 111 very pretty plates, all mounted on drawing paper, half hound russia, gilt edges, from the library of Lord Farnham, £8. 1644 The Miscellaneous Series includes 12 Etch- ings of Italian Groups by Babta. Israel, Eoma ; A suite : Morning, Noon, After-noon, and Even- 118 CAMPANA MUSEUM : Galerie des Marbres Antiques du Musee Campana a Eome ; Sculptures Grecques et Eomaines avec une Introduction et un texte descriptif par M. Henry D'Escamps, folio, seconde edition, 107 plates, executed in the best style of photography, tvith text, (pub. at £9.) in parts, £7. 5s Berlin, 1868 Campidoglio — see Vatic a:s'0. Campo Santo di Pisa: 119 LASINIO, Pitture a Eresco del Campo Santo di Pisa, intagliate da Carlo Lasinio, large atlas folio, 42 superb plates, first proof impressions, a fine copy in russia, gilt edges, from the Poet Bogers's library, £14. Firenze, 1812 Collation : Printed Title, with View in I plate ; text, 12 pages; map of Italy, 2 sheets the centre ; Large View, 1 plate ; Interior, 1 | the complete series of 40 folding plates. 120 Campo Santo di Pisa, an original copy, atlas folio, superbly bound in red MOROCCO, gilt edges, from Baron 31arochettV s library, £7. 10s 1812 ing of an English Gallant, u-ith English verses Illustrations to Ovid, 19 plates. Collation : Printed title, large View, one plate ; the complete series of the 40 folding plates. 'Jl'he above are genuiae copies [^of the best edition of this Work of Art ; other editions ap- peared in 1822 and 1828, the impressions of which are naturally inferior. G71 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 121 CAMPO Santo, new issue, atlas folio, the same 42 plates^ inferior impressionst but with an amplified text of 28 pp. the last containing an engraving of a Madonna, £12. The Campo Santo was erected in the four- teenth century, and its pictures, consisting of Scriptural subjects, will always be interesting as shewing the state of the art in Italy at that early Fircnze, 1822 period. Kaphael and other great painters of Italy are said to have studied them attentively — indeed some of the finest compositions of the suc- ceeding period will be found indebted to them. 122 Caricatures: H. B. CAEICATUEES : A Peefect Set of the H. B. POLITICAL SKETCHES, giving an unrivalled Series of Political Por- traits, and forming an Illustrated Eecord of the most important and interest- ing Events which have taken place in this country, from the year 1829 to August 8, 1844, 8 vols, folio, 816 'plates, genuine proofs on India paper ^ (pub. at 5^120.) a beautiful copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £42. 1829-44 123 Q-ILLEAY (James) Genuine Woeks, 3 vols, atlas folio, portrait and n^pwards of 600 SPIRITED Caricatures, comprising the best political and humourous Satires of the reign of George III, 1779-1810, engraved hy Gillray himself {the SUPPRESSED PLATES heing in a separate volume) and having the illustra- tive description, neatly inlaid to the size of the plates, hf morocco extra, gilt edges, £16. 16^ 1830 This picivcd copy was previously sold for I plates, which are not described in the text. A copy £42. In Vol. II there are 5 plates not mentioned like the above seldom occurs for sale now, those in the text; Vol. Ill contains the 36 Suppressed | usually sold being Mr. Bohn's later issue. 124 GILLEAT (J.) AVorks, from the Original Plates, atlas ioMo, portrait and 588 Caricatures, with 8vo. text, '• Historical and Descriptive Account by T. Wright and E. H. Evans," together 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, £7. 10s 1856 see Spruggins, Wright Carpenter — see Van Dyck. 125 CASSAS. Voyage Pittoresque et historique de I'lSTEIE et de la DAL- MATIE, redige d'apres I'ltineraire de L. F. Cassas, par Joseph Lavallee, royal folio, with 69 very finely engraved plates, including the Ruins of Spa- latro, Pola, the Palace of Diocletian, Temples of Jupiter Ammon, ^t. ^c, russia extra, very fine copy of this sple7idid work, £2. 10s Paris, 1802 man's, mor. 14*. Copies exist also, with the Etchings, priced, 1829, Longman's, £24. Edwards's copy fetched £11.; 1819, North' £11. A copy, proofs before letters, was priced, 1834, Hy. Bohn, hf bd. £10. 10* ; 1839, Long- CATALOGUES of Pictures and of Works of Art : 126 Ambras. Primisser, die Ambraser Samm- lung, 12mo. plates, As ^d Wien, 1819 126* Archaeological Institute : Catalogue of Antiquities, Works of Art, and Historical Scottish Relics, exhibited, etc. 8vo. contains an interesting series of Portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, plates and woodcuts, cl. 25s 127 AuMALE (Due d') Description des Objets d' Art exposes pour la visite du Fine Arts Club, le 21 Mai, 1862, sm. 4to. sd. pri cat tly prin- ted, 105 1862 128 AuTOGKAPH Letters, Historical and Literary Documents, and Engraved Portraits, Cata- logue of the collection of a Member of the Incorporated Law Society, Large Paper, 4to. sd. with a letteo^from the owner of the Collec- tion,'^ John Youvg," I5s 1862 A very interesting CoIlecMon of 3G2 Letters, some printed in extenso. With each letter biogra- phical data are given, and to each tlie account of an engraved portrait is added. 129 Bernal Collection: Catalogue of Works of Art, from the Byzantine Period to Louis Seize, 8vo. plates, cloth, 3s 6d 1855 the same, 8vo. 7vlt?i prices and pur- chasers' names, cloth, \2s &d 1855 the same, impl. 4to. large paper, with Purchasers' Names and Vrxces, portrait and plates, (only 20 copies printed) J\f, morocco, Mnout, 36« 1855 130 131 132 Bercij, Catalogue de Portraits, de Suede, 4to. bds. rare, Zs 6d Upsale, 1767 133 Blackburn Collection : Hutchins' Sale Catalogue of Prints, Drawings, etc. collected by Jonathan Blackburn, of Liverpool, 4to. interleaved , with the prices and purchasers" naine.0, vellum or morocco, As 6d 178G The whole sale produced £2168. 35, 134 British Institute, Catalogues for 1808, 1810, 1812 to 1852, 2 vols, and 3 parts, 4to.; — 1853 to 1866, in 14 parts, 8vo.— together two vols. 4to. cloth, and seventeen parts, £3. 5s 1808-66 After 1852 the catalogues were printed in 8vo. and not in 4to. as previously. 135 Burlington Fine Arts Club : Albert DiJrer and Lucas van Leyden, by J. W. Reed, Keeper oj the Prints in the British Museum, 4to. 2s 6d 1869 136 Cox (Jas.) Descriptive Inventory of the ex- quisite Pieces of Mechanism and Jewellery, to be sold hj Lottery, 4to. portrait, old red morocco, gilt edges. Is %d 1774 137 DE PER, Catalogue General des Ventes Publiques de TABLEAUX et ESTAMPES, depuis 1737 jusqu'a nos jours, contenant : 1° Les prix des plus beaux tableaux, des inss, miniatures, estampes, ouvrage a figures et livres sur les arts, 2" Des notes biogra- phiques iQxm»SiiuxLlHGtioi\naireQi^9 peiutres WOEKS ON THE FINE ARTS. 672 Catalogues of Pictures and of Works of Art — continued. ct des gvaveurs de toutes les ecolos, par M. r. Dei'er, iiiiRE Pahtii: : Estampes, Vols. I— II ; lliKME Partie : Tableaux, Vols, I— II ; — together 4 vols, large 8vo. complete as far as published, (sells £3.) scl. £2. 10a Paris, 1865-68 138 Ironmonger's Hall Exhibition: Catalogue of the Antiquities and AVorks of Art at Ironmonger's Hall, London, compiled by a Committee of the Council of the London and Middlesex Archseological Society, com- plete in 4 parts, forming 2 vols. 4to. several hundred woodeuts of the jirinc'qial objects of Art exhibited, sd. £3. 3« 1863-69 139 the same, complete in 4 parts, impl. 4to. large vxv^r, proof impressions of the numarous plates, autograjyh facsimiles, initial and capital letters in gold and colours, with many woodcuts, sd. £5. 55 1863 Printed only for the subscribers. Xo copy on Large Paper remains now unsubscribed for. Contents: Iron and Iron Work. Egyptian An- tiquities, Bronzes and Metal Work, Chamberlains Keys, Autographs and Holographs, Miniature Por- traits, Drawings, Arms and Armour, Illuminated MSS. &c. See Athenaium, ISG9, p. 568. 140 Kerrtch (T.) Catalogue of the Prints which have been engraved after Martin Heems- kerck, port. 8vo. bds. 35 6^ ; or calf gilt, 4*6^ Ca7nbridf/e, IS29 141 Miscellaneous Collection (A) of Foreign Art and Sale Catalogues, including Dumes- nil, Catalogue des Estampes, Par. 1837 : Duchesne, Description des Estampes dans la Galerie de la Bibl. Imp. Par. 1855 ;— Notice des Estampes a la Bibliotheqne lloyale, 1837 ; Darcel,Notice des FayencesPeintesItalicnnes, etc. et des Terres cuites emaillees, 8yo. 1864; Artaria, Catalogue d'Estampes, etc. du Cabinet de M. de Held, 4to. Vientie, 1826, etc. in all 22, the lot, 7* 6// 1797-1864 142 Lepicie (M.) Catalogue Raisonne des Tableaux du Roy, avec la Vie des Peintres, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. o/rZ calf gilt, 5s Paris, 1752-54 143 Liechtenstein : Catalogue des Tableaux, &c. du Prince de Liechtenstein, 8vo. bds. 2s 6d Vienne, 1780 144 Maberley (J.) Catalogue of his choice Collection of Engravings, 8vo. 3IS. prices and namex, hf. coif, Ss 6d 1851 145 MARIETTE. Basan, Catalogue Raisonne du Cabinet de feu M. Mariette, stout 8vo. several plates of Etchings of the Old Masters, with the prices of the Prints, calf extra, gilt edges, 20s Paris, 1775 146 Musee du Louvre : Villot (F.) Notice des Tableaux dans les Galeries du Louvre, 3 vols, in 2, post 8vo. calf neat, 1 2« Paris, 1858-9 147 Laborde, Emaux, Bijoux et Objets divers, I : Histoireet descr. 8vo. rare, 4s ijd 1853 148 Musee Royal : Explications des Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Gravure, etc. des Artistes vivants au ^Musee Royal, etc. 1840 a 1863, 9 parts sewed, and a volume hf. calf, \ not consecutive, 155 Paris, 1840-63 ; 149 Musee central des Arts : Notice des Sta- j tues, Busies, et Bas-Iieliefs — Dessins origi- ' uaux, 1802— Tableaux-— 3 vols, in 1, 18mo. , hf bd. 3* 6fZ Paris i 1802 \ 150 Ottolini, Catalogo delle Stampe de' piu gran Maestri clie compougono la presentc Collezione, 4to. ///. calf, micut, rare. Dr. Welleslefs copy, 3* &d Lucca, 1809 151 OuLTON Collection : Catalogue of the Pictures, etc. at Oulton Park, Cheshire, sm. 4to. privately printed, cloth extra, 10« 1864 Picture Galleries and Sales of Paintings: miscellaneous Collections of Catalogues : 152 French. A Collection of Picture Sale Catalogues, mostly priced with purchasers' names, in 2 vols. 12mo. hf. bound, uncut, a scarce and valuable collection, \bs Parw. 1760-80 153 German. Cassel, Verzeichniss der Hochfiirstl. Gemahlde-Samml. 8vo. 1788 — Dresden Gallery Catalogue, 12mo. — KratFt Catalogue des Tableaux au Belvedere a Vienne, plates, 8vo. 1845 — Landsberg, Griine Gewolbe a Dresde, 12mo. 1839 — Meckel, Catalogue des Tableaux de la Galerie de Vienne, 8vo. hf. bound, Basle, 1784 ; Waagen, Verzeichniss der Ge- miilde-Sammlung des Konigl. Mus. zu Berlin, 1837, 1841,2 vols. ; Catalogue des Tableaux dans la Pinacotheque Royale a Munich, par Dillis, 1845 ; etc. — together 23 vols, 8vo. and 12mo. \2s 1783-1860 154 Low Countries. Antwerp : Cata- logue du Musee d'Anvers, 8vo. — Catalogue de la Galerie de Tableaux de Schamp d'Aveschool, 8vo. Gand, 1843— Leemans, Description raisonnee des Monumens Egyptiens du Musee d'Antiquites des Pays-Bas, a Lcide, 8vo. 1840 ; etc. — to- gether 10 vols. 8vo. 55 155 Spain. Madrazo (Pedro de) Catalogo de los Cuadros del Real Museo de Pintura, tercera edicion, p. 8vo. sd. 2s Madr. 1850 156 Madrid. Catalogo de los objetos de la Real Armeria, p. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1861 157 Portland Museum, Catalogue, 1786 — Cabinet of J. Barnard's Drawings, 1787 — Italian Pictures, 1789— Pictures and Draw- ings of Gainsborough, 1782— John Strange's Prints, 1800— Calonne's Pictures, 1795 — Baretti's Royal Academy — Sir Joshua Rey- nold's Pictures, 1795— Orleans Gallery, 1798, sold by private Contract, in MS. 1798 — in 1 vol. 4to. hf. bd. 7s 6d 158 Portland Museum, Catalogue of the, sold April, 1786, with the purchasers' names and the prices, (total amount produced £3685. 2s M) 1786 — Catalogue of the Prints, Drawings, etc. of J. Blackburnc, to be sold March, 1786— with other pieces in 1 vol.4to. calf,\2s 1786-89 There is an original drawing by Repton inserted to illustrate Miss Seward's Louisa, which is one of the pieces in tlie volume. 159 Rendorp, Catalogue of his Prints and Drawings, sold at Sotheby's, Feb. 1825, with prices, 8vo. hf calf, 6s 1825 160 Robinson's Catalogue of the Works of Art forming the collection of Robert Napier, large 8vo. privately printed, cloth extra, 6* 1860 161 Robinson's Catalogue of the Soul ages Collection, exhibited at the Museum of Or- namental Art, at Marlborough House, 8vo. cloth, 2s Qd 1856 2 H 673 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Catalogues of Pictures and of Works oi Axt— continued. 162 Royal Academy: Exhibition Cat a- j LOGUES of the Koval Academy, 1769 {the \ frst, very rare) to 1866, sm. 4to. 4 vols. hj\ ■ russia, and 21 parts, uncut, i;21. 1769-1866 | Added is the rare Catalogcue for 1769 of the Eoyal j Society of Artistf. The following rare pieces are bound lip in the first volume.*— Baretti's (J.) Guide j through the Royal Academy — Catalogue of Paintings, \ &,Q. now exhibiting bythe Society of Sign-Painters, a satire, by Bonnel Thornton and George Colman the i elder, 1762 — Sir J. Reynolds's Discourse delivered at i the opening of the Royal Academj', January 2, 1769. i 1G3 another set, 1769, 1775 to 1864, (without 1778, 1825, 2 Nos.) siii. 4to. 3 vols. hf. hound, and 47 parts, sd. £12. lis 1769-1864 Sets completed. 164 Ruskin's Notes on the Turner Gallery at Marlborough House, 1856-57; Notes on the principal Pictures of the Royal Academy, and the Society of Painters in Water Colours No. III. 1857; No. IV. 1858; -together 5 numbers, rare, out 1857-59 1856, No. II. No. V. 1859- of print, 10* 165 Sans-Souci. Beschrcibung der Bilder- Gallerie in Sans-Souci, 8vo. 146 ,firt-t-class paintinffs described, sd. 7s 6d Potsdam, 1764 166 Society of Painters in Water Colours, Exhibition Catalogues, from be- ginning in 1805-63, (wanting 1847, '50, '53-4, '58, '60, '62), 1 vol. cloth, and 20 parts, 4to. £5. 1805-63 South Kensington Museum: Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Portrait Minia- tures, June, 1865, 8vo. sd. 3s Qd 1865 the same, 4to. large paper, \2s 1865 169 Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Works of Art of the Mediseval Renaissance, and more recent periods, June 1862, edited by Robinson, 8yo. 5 parts in 3, sd. 2s 6 J 1852 the same, revised edition, 8vo. eloiJi, 5s 1863 CELLINI (Benv.) Due Trattati: ' I 16 168 170 182 183 171 Stowe Catalogue (the) of Pictures, etc. priced and annotated, by Forstcr, Ato. front, and numcroUrS plates, hf. hound, \Qs 1848 At this great sale the celebrated Chandos Portrait of Shakspeare was purchased by the Earl of Elles- mere, for £372. 15s; the total amount realised by the sale was £75,. 562. 4.? GcZ. 172 St. Petersburg. Waagen, Gemiilde- sammlung der Ermitage, 8vo. sd. 35 &d Mtinchen, 1861 173 Sykes's (Sir Mark Masterman) Cata- logue of Prints, complete in 5 parts, 4to. 2)nced and purchasers, uncut, 2os Sothehy, 1824 174 TiGHE Collection : Catalogue of a valuablo collection of Prints, Drawings, etc. intei'- leaved, with prices and purchasers' navies, 8vo. grained calf gilt, 5s 1800 175 TowNELEY Collection: Part. I. Catalogue of Drawings, Prints, etc. ; Part II. Topo- graphy, interleaved, with prices and pur- chasers* navies, 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf. 5s 1816 176 Uzielli. Catalogue of the various Works of Art, sold at Christie's, April, 1861, 8vo. clotJi extra, 3s 6d 1861 177 ViscHER. Smith (W.) Catalogue of the Works of Cornelius Visscher, "impl. 8vo. privately printed, presentation copy from the author, lOi' 1864 178 WEIGEL (R.) Catalog von Kunstsachen und Biichern, Parts 1 — 28, in 4 vols. 8vo. a clas- sifed catalogue containing about 30,000 articles, with alphabetical Indices, bds. or half bound, 25s Leipzig, 18(38)-55 the same, parts 29-34, 8vo. sd. \0s 1859-64 180 Woburn Abbey. Catalogue of Mi- niature Portraits in Enamel, by Henry Bone, in the collection of the Duke of Bedford, roy. 8vo. plates, bds. privately printed, 6s 1825 Worcester and Worcestershire Anti- quities, a descriptive Catalogue of the ]\Iu- seum formed at Worcester by the Arch. Inst. 4to. 3s 6d 1862 deir Oreficeria e della Scultura, sm. 4to. Firenze, 1568 179 181 hf. calf gilty fine copy, 14* the same, sm. 4to. old calf giltt IQs 6d 1568 184 CHmESEAET. NUY TOO PO KOO TOO : Eepresentations of Ancient Objects in the Imperial Palace, 13 vols.' — Hat^ Sze Loo Kten, Pour Birds, Mirror of the Han Dynasty, 2 vols. — together 15 vols. imp. 8vo. ahottt 1000 beautiful engravings of Vases and other -works of anciext Chinese Art, contained in 5 Chinese cases, ivith an old French calf hach, lettered " Vases de V Empereur de Chine,'^ and ^'Gravures sur Fierre^' vnth the arms of Lord Stuart de Rothesay on the sides, SIQ. circ. 1720 There is no text or descriptions in these fine , objects were preserved from periods of the most volumes, which consist wholly of large and finely j remote antiquity, beginning with the eighteenth executed engravings, representing elegant Vases century before Christ, and speakin and other vessels, and ornamental objects of various kinds worked in ivory and other precious materials. They are chiefly selected for elaborate- ness or peculiarity of design, and for intrinsic value ; most of them adorned with figures on the sides, and speaking highly for the decorative art of China. The last two volumes contain repre- sentations only of the backs of ancient Mirrors, which are charged with inscriptions. All these wonderfully for the' taste of their ancient possessors, as well as of the compilers of the above work. These volumes are said to have originally come (and certainly not by honest means) from the Imperial Library in Pekin. For an interesting account of the work, and of the illustrations in it, see " Thom's Chi- nese Vases," 8vo. 1851, in which some of the engravings are reproduced. WOEKS ON THE FINE ART8. 674 185 CHAMBERLAINE'S (J.) Eoyal Collection of DRAWINGS, atlas folio, a series of 66 accurate and heautiful facsimiles of original Designs of the Old Mastees, engraved by Bartolozzi, Schiavonetti, Sfc. green morocco extra, gilt edges, from tlie library of Dr. T. F. Pettigreiv, £7. 1796-1812 186 another copy, atlas folio, hf bd. red morocco, gilt edges, £6. 1796-1812 187 CHRISTIE (J.) Disquisitions tpox Ethuscan Vases, plates, onhjlQO copies printed for private distnbution, half riissiay uncut, rare. Sir Charles Price's co2nj, m. 15.9 ' 1806 Astle's copy fetched £14. 5s ; two copies, at I for £10. 15.9 : and R. Goiigh's, for £10. Fonthill, for £13. 13* each ; Sir P. Thompson's, | 188 Christie's Disquisitions upon the Painted Greek Yases and their connection with the Eleusinian Mysteries, 4to. luith IQ plates and vignettes, bds, Qs 1825 CHRISTIAN ART. 189 ARINGHI (P.) Roma subterranea novissima, in qua post Bosium antiqua Christianorum et praecipue Martyrum Coemeteria, Monimenta, Epitaphia, Inscriptiones, illustrantur, 2 vols, large folio, numerous plates of Inscriptions, Monuments, Sfc. vellum, £2. 10s JRomae, 1651 190 the same, the Paris reprint, 2 vols, folio, with the same plates, calf gilt or vellum, 365 Lutet. Paris. 1659 191 CIAMPINI, Vetera Monimenta, in quibus praecipue Musiva Opera sacra- rum profanarumque Aedium structura, antiqui Ritus, etc. illustrantur, 2 vols, no plate 56 in Vol. II. 1690-99 — Idem de Sacris Aedificiis a Constantino Magno constriictis, 1693 — together 3 vols, folio, vjith 92 very curious plates of Early Christian Art, vellum, £2. 2s BomcB, 1690-99 192 DIDRON (M.) Iconographie Chretienne : Histoire de Dieu, 4to. numerous curious luoodcuts of early representation of the Deity, 624 j)p. a learned and valuable worlc, calf gilt, 25^ Paris, 1843 193 Manuel d'Iconographie Chretienne Grecque et Latine, traduit par P. Durand, large 8vo. Trf. bd. 12s; or calf gilt, 18s Paris, 1845 See also — Bottari, De Rossi, Lindsay, Mlinter, Perret, Twining. 194 CICOGNARA. (L.) Storia della Scultuea dal suo Risorgimento in Italia sino al Secolo XIX, per servire di Continuazione alle opere di Winkelman e di D'Agincourt, complete in 3 vols, in 4, large folio, icitli 181 fme plates, original ionpressions, hf. calf £o. Venezia, 1813-18 195 Storia della SCIILTURA dal suo Risorgimento in Italia fino al secolo di Canova, 7 vols. 8vo. loith the folio Atlas of 185 Archceological plates, uncut, £2. 6s Prato, j 823-4 This M'ork contains nearly seven hundred j of the third volume is occupied by a Critical Engravings of the principal Monuments of the Examination, accompanied with Engravings, of Art of Sculpture in Italy. A considerable part ' the Works of Canova. 196 CICOGNARA, Catalogo ragionato dei Libri d'ARTE e d' Antichita posseduti da lui, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, uncitt, 28s Pisa, 1821 A valuable Catalogue, with notes, of the Author's splendid collection of Works of Art. 197 CLAUDE'S LIBER VERITATIS, a Collection of 300 Prints after the original designs of Claude le Lorrain, engraved by Earlom in the manner of Drawings, 3 vols, folio, good imirressions called ^QQOTi^ Proofs, (pub. at £42.) tchole bound Russia extra, gilt edges, £18. 10s 1777-1819 A very early copy of the second issue of Vols. I and 11. ; of Vol. Ill, the impressions are Original and very fine. In 18.54, Gardiner's copy fetched £16.; 1860, Scarisbrick's, £35.; priced, 1840, Jas.Bohn,mor. £52. 10*. The text of this issue was printed on a uni- fonn cream-coloured wove paper, by Bulmer, Vol. I, no date, 7 leaves ; Vol. II, no date, .'J leaves; Vol. Ill, 1819, published by Hurst, TJobinson, & Co. printed by Davison, 4 leaves. In this issue the numbers on each plate are within half-an-inch of the mark of the copper. On plate No. 1 the engraver's name, spelt in the first issue Earlolom, is corrected into Earlom. After this issue, in 1830, was made that of Henry Bohn, whose copies usually appear in *• half red morocco" in the market. These modem imprsssions were not taken off till after the plates had been partially destroyed, and in attempting to restore them the sun-light brilliancy of Claude in many instances was en- tirely lost. So good a copi/as fJic frrseiit Sflfhvi occurs for sale. 2 H 2 675 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. X98 CLAUDE. LIBEE YEEITATIS, on a Collection of TWO HUNDRED PRINTS, after the original designs of CLAUDE le LOEEAIN, in the collection of his Grace the Duke of DEVONsniJiE, executed by Eichard Eaelom, in the manner and taste of tlie Drawings, with a descriptive Catalogue of each Print, an original subscriber's copy, 2 vols, folio, 200 engravings, superb original impressions, usualJg called PROOFS, red morocco, gilt edges y by De Borne, £18. ' London, Boy dell, 1777 Both volumes have the original text, printed on coarse and hand-made paper, Vol. I, 6 leaves; Vol. II, 3 leaves. The numbers on each plate are on the left 1^ inches away from the mark of the copper. In 1866 Dr. Wellesley's copy, 2 vols, fetched £15. \Qs. 199 Liber Yeritatis, Vol. Ill, obi. folio, plates 1-40, Original Pboofs, unbound, £5. "" 1802-3 The same price would be given for plates 41-100, also Proof state. 200 CoLOMBiNA, Discorso sopra il modo di Disegnare, Dipingere, etc. sm. fol. 26 plates, full of Details for Artisfs Studies, If veil. Vis Fadova, (? 1620) 201 COOKE (E. W.) Shipping and Craft, folio, large paper, 50 plates, original India proofs of these beautiful etchings, cloth, £2. 10s ; hf. red morocco, gilt edges, £S. ' 1829 202 Views of the Old and New London Bridges; the text by Sir J. Eennie, royal folio, 21 beautiful plates, original India Proofs, half morocco, IQs 1833 203 COOKE (Gr.) Views in London and its Vicinity, folio, large paper, 4iSfine plates, India proofs, ly/^/i letterpress,' hf. bd. red morocco, gilt edges, £2. 1830 204 the same, large paper double set of the beautiful engravings, India PROOFS AND etchings, together dO plates, green MOROCCO, super ecctra, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, £7. 1830 This, the finest state, was issued without text. 205 Coronation. Coronation of KIN a G-BOEaE IV. in AVestminster Abbey, July 19, 1820, compiled by the late Sir George Natler, Garter King at Arms ; atlas folio, the Figures of the distinguisJied Fersonages present pour- frayed {ivhole lengths) in their rich Bobes of State, by Sir Tho. Law^rence, Chalon, Stephanoff, and other talented artists, all exquisitely coloured, NEARLY equal TO THE BEST MINIATURES, ou forty-two shccts of the finest drawing paper, some of ivhich have more than two figures, exquisitely finished on each page.) The likenesses in this sumptuous volume were all drawn from life} superbly bound in cidmson uonocco, gilt edges, sides very richly tooled, a handsome volume, £10. 1837 COSTUME. 206 BOISSAEDI (J. J.) Habitus variarum Orbis Gentium, Habitz de Nations estranges ; Trachten mancherley Volcker des Erdskreyss, 70 beautifully en- graved plates, each containing ^full length Figures, male and female, of the Costume of the Civilized World, a remarhahly fine and elaborate Series, of more artistic finish than that of'-'- Vecellio,'^ 1681 — Mascarades recuillies et mises en taille douce par E. Boissart, 26 plates on 14 sheets, 1527 — Artis Perspectiva) plurium generum elegantissima? Formulae, multigenis Eontibus, nonnullisque Hortulis affabre factis exornatse, etc. 19 plates. Ant. 0. de Jade, 1568 — Landscapes, Shipping Pieces, &c. after Bril. Breughel, and other Painters, engraved by Sadeler, 30 j^^^l^s, 1529, &c. — Signs of the Zodiac, by M. de Vos, Ant. Wierix, Adr. Collaert, &c. IS plates — in one vol. oblong, original vellum, a Coat of Arms stamped on the sides, from Dr, Wellesletfs library, £S. 8s 1581-99 207 BONNAED (Camillc) COSTUMES HISTOEIQUES des Xllle, XlVe et XVe Siecles, extraits des monuments les plus authentiques de peintre et sculpture, dessines et graves par P. Mercuri, avec un texte historique et descriptif de chaquc planche, Ito. 200 spirited plates, India proofs, (pub. at £10. 10*) cloth, £i'. 5s 1844 Fetched, 1858, Borluut's copy, 12.5 fi\ 2C8 the same, all the plates carefully ill}xmina.ted in gold and colourSy 2 vols. impl. 4to. (pub. at 56*15. 15s) cloth, a genuine original copy, from Baron Marocheiti'' a library, £10. 10« ' 1844 WOEKS ON THE FINE AETS. 676 Costume — continued. 209 BONNAED, Costumi del secoli XIII, XIV e XV, ricavati dai piu antichi monumenti di pittura e di scultiira, con un testo storico e descrittivo, prima trad, ital., con rettificazioni ed aggiunte di Gr. Zardetti, 2 vols, royal 4to. toifh 200 very finely coloured plates, hf. hd. red morocco, gilt tops uncut, £6. Mihno, 1832 The Italian edition has been coloured witli extra care. 210 Bevy, Histoire des Inaugurations des Eois, Empereurs, etc. 8vo. \Q plates con- taining nearly 100 engraved 'Figures of historical Costume of various ages, calf gilt, los Paris, 1770 211 Eairholt's Costume in England; a History of Dress, 8vo. with 600 loood- cuts, cloth, 05 1846 212 HEFNEE, COSTUME du MOYEN-AGE Chretien d'aprt^s des monuments contemporains par I. H. de Hefner-Alteneck, complete, 70 Livraisons, foriiiiug 3 separate vols. impl.4to. consisting of 4*20 heantiful coloured plates, in the style of the original miniatures from ivhich the designs have been madt, with descriptive text in French, (pub. at 1400 francs, cost of binding £12. total ^68.) sumptuously and carefully whole hound red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £50. Francfort, 1840-50 213 HOPE'S COSTUME of the ANCIENTS, 2 vols, royal 8vo. illustrated in upwards of 300 beautifully engraved plates, containing representations of Egyptian, Greek, and Eoman Habits and Dresses : new edition, tvith nearly 23 additional plates, (pub. afc £2. 2^) cloth, 30s 1841 '' The substance of many expensive works, idea of ancient costume suflSciently ample to containiug all that may be necessary to give to prevent their offending in their performances by artists, and even dramatic performers, and to gross and curious bluntlers.'* others engaged in classical representations, an 214 LE G-EOOS, Ladies Toilet, or the Art of Head-Dressing> sm* 8vo. 28 en-^ gravings by G. Bickham, hf morocco, 25s 1768 With Mr. Fairholt's autograph note, " This I never saw another copy." is one of the rarest of Mr. Bickham's works ; I | 215 NICOLAY (Nicolas de) Navigations et Peregrinations Orientales, folio, ORIGINAL edition, large copper plate engravings of full length figures of Fastern Costumes coloured, original old calf, 20s Lyon, 1568 216 NICOLAY, Navigations, Peregrinations et Voyages faictes en la Turquie, sm. 4to. 61 fine woodcuts of costume, from designs by TiTiAiif, vellufn, beauti- ful copy ; or, in veaufauve, gilt edges, £2. Ws Anvers, 1576 217 ■ Schipvaert ende Eeysen gedaen int Landt van Turckyen, sm. 4to. the same 61 ivoodcuts ofcosttcme after Titian* s designs, fine copy in vellum, £1. 165 Antverpen, 1576 218 — Navigationi et Viaggi nella Turchia, folio, with upwards of 60 fine large copperplate engravinys of Oriental costume, from drawings by Titian, last leaf wanting, calf gilt, 28^ Venetia, F. Ziletti, (Aldo Manufiq), 1580 These engravings are on a larger scale than I 1576. those on wood, which appear in tlie edition of j 219 Spanish. Coleccion general de los Trages que se usan en Espaiia, 12mo. 112 pretty coloured plates, calf, 32s Madrid, 1801 219*SoLERirs do Pileo, caeterisque capitis tegminibus, 18mo. numerous engravings of the Head dress of all Nations, old calf 6s Amst. 1672 220 Stewart's ("Jas.) Plocacosmos : or the whole Art of Hair Dressing, large ^\o. frontispiece and plates, hf bd. uncut, rare, ISs 1782 221 STEAUB (G.) Trachten oder Stammbuch, sm. oblong 4to. several hundred curious ivoodcuts of Costume, some relating to America, copied from De Bry, wants apparently tico leaves in sir/nature S. vert rare, fine copy in hogsTcin from Dr. Wellesleifs library, £2*. 56". ' ^ >S'. Gallen, 1600 The volume commences witli Cuts of the Venetian Nobility ; there are generally two woodcuts on each leaf, a top line giving the expla- 222 Swiss. Pfeffel, Schweitzerisches Trachten-Cabinet : le Cabinet de toutes les Modes d'Habits du Canton de Suisse apelle Zurich, folio, 20 pretty plates, bds. 186- Augsb. ( ? 1700) nation oi" the Cuts, and at the bottom there arc 8 German verses. 677 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Costume — continued. Eor Swiss Costume see also : Holbeix. 223 YALERIO, Souvenirs dc la Monarcbie AUTRICHIENNE : A superb Series of Sketches after nature etchedhj the Artist, royal folio, 54 beauti- ETJL Etchings of the 3fen most Memarkablefor their Costume, met hy the Artist in Ceoatia, Slayo>'ia, and the Austbo-Tuekish Ebontiees, Quany of them forming Groups in most life-like Pictures, hf. mor. gt. edges, £6. 1855 Very Bare, only 150 copies were printed, J £14. and the plates destroyed. Priced by Colnaghi | 224 VECELLIO (Cesare) Habiti Antichi et Modeeni di tutto il Mondo, di nuovo accresciuti di molte figure, thick 12mo. 507 beautiful woodcuts, very EiNE COPY, in old calf from Baron 3farochetti's library, £9. Venetia, Sessa, 1598 225 another very fine copy, thick 12mo. russia, gilt edges, £10. 1598 Best EDITIO^' of this elegant and highly i say, ' Wlienever you see a cat and mouse in the esteemed work, invaluable to artists. j frontispiece, seize upon it, for the chances are as This has Sessa the printer's large woodcut of' three to four, that it will he found hath curious a cat, respecting which it is observed in Dibdin's a7id valuable.^ Admonition from such a quarter Decameron, that *' the late Bishop of Ely used to - is not to be lightly rejected." See — Callot, Woodcuts : Amman, Maximilian. 226 COTMAN'S Engeatings op the Sepulchbal Beasses in NORFOLK anjj SUFFOLK, tending to illustrate the Ecclesiastical, Military, and Civil Costume of former ages, as well as to preserve Memorials of the most ancient Families in those Counties ; with letter-press Descriptions, an Introductory Essay on Sepulchral Memorials, by several eminent Antiquaries, and a General Index. New and greatly enlarged edition, containing an Appendix to the Monumental Effigies in Norfolk, and numerous unpublished Brasses. In all 173 plates, two of ivhich being enamelled brasses, are splendidly illu- minated, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. impl. folio, hf bd. mor. uncut, £6. 1838 " Having several times had occasion to refer to Mr. Cotman's Sepulchral Brasses of Norfolk, perhaps our feeble voice may be allowed to bear testimony to the antiquarian research, and the correctness of drawing, which pervade this pub- lication ; a work highly interesting to the anti- quary and the man of taste ; as throwing much light on the early history of this country ; and bearing an equal degree of artistical merit with the ' Antiquities of Norfolk ' by the same -artist." General History of Norfolk. ' • Cotman's work on Sepulchral Brasses is by far the most important publication on the sub- ject." — Dawson Turner. 227 CROWE and Cavalcasselle's Early Flemish Painters, post 8vo. plates and cuts cloth 9* 1857 228 CROWE and CAYALCASELLE, Histoby of PAINTING in ITALY, from the Second to the Sixteenth Century, from Original Materials and recent Researches in the Archives of Italy, and from personal Inspection of the Works of Art in that Country and elsewhere, 3 vols, large 8vo. with 99 plates after the Old Masters, (pub. at £3 3^) cloth, £2. 85 1864-66 *• This work is by far the richest mine of in- rich in views and facts new to England." formation upon Italian painting that has been Saturday Review, Dtc. 10, l^^A opened to us for many a long day ; and is also 229 Cruikshank. Yignettes from Mr. Bateman's Orchidaceae of Mexico and Gua- temala, oblong 4to. 25 beaidiful woodcuts, full of humour and spirit, printed on India paper, cloth, £5. 5s 1844 Only 20 copies were thus printed separately. This is the first copy that I have noticed before in the market. The work is wanting in all the great Cruikshank collections. Bateman's work on the Orchids of Mexico, on account of its great size, rarity, and high price, can only be bought by a public library or some wealthy collector of Botanical works ; the above vignettes, partly humourous, partly antiquarian, appear on the text. 230 CUMBERLAND, Catalogue of Rare and valuable Italian Prints, thick 4to. portrait, bds. 10s 1827 231 Cyphers. Marlow's Book of Cyphers or Letters reverst, sm. Syo. front, and (SS plates, old calf, 15s 1683 see also " Emblems : Yerrien" Dahlbeeg — see Sweden. 232 Danse (la) des Morts, 16mo. a singularly ptretty series of 43 woodciUs, Text in French and English, hf. bound morocco, Is 6d Bale, (1868) WOEKS ON THE PINE AKT8. 678 DANCES OF DEATH : 233 Danse Macabre (la grande) des Homines et des Eemmes, 4to. looodcuis, half morocco, 12s Beprint of the edition of 1486 A copy of the edition 1492 fetched, 1862, 1170 frs. 234 De la ViGifE, Spiegel om wel te Sterven, 4to. an interesting series of en- gravings of " Ars Moriendif" or Death-Bed Scenes, hf hound, uncut, £2. Amst. 1694 Collation : Frontispiece, title, contents, leaves, plates 1-39. 235 L ANGLOIS, Essai historique, philosophique, ct pittoresque sur les Danses des Morts, complete par Pottier et Baudry, 2vols. roy. 8vo. upwards of 50 plates containing several hundred compartments of Figures in facsimile of the ancient engravings, loith many vignettes, hf, hd. mor. extra, gilt edges, 35^ Bouen, 1852 236 Holbei:n^'s D^nce oe Death ; exhibited in elegant engravings on wood, with a dissertation by Dotjcb, S\o. facsimiles hj Bonner and Byiield o/'Hans Holbein's 50 designs, hf. hound, uncut, 18s 1833 237 Alphabet de la Moet, entoure de bordures du XVIe siecle, et suivi d'anciens poemes Erangais sur les Trois mors et les Trois Vis publics d'apres les mauuscrits, par Montaiglou, 8vo. laege paper, half morocco extra, 18* 1856 — see also Holbein 238 JuBiKAL, la Danse des Morts de la Chaise-Dieu (Auvergne) fresque inedite du XVe Siecle, 4to. very large folding plate, with text, hf hd. 20* Paris, 1841 239 the same, 4to. the plate coloured, hf hd. 28s 1841 240 DE BEY. Pannonise Historia chronologica : Ees per Ungariam, Transyl- vaniam hoc bello gestae, vitee item acta et Yictorise, etc. smallest 4to. many fine portraits and plates engraved hy Theodor De Dry, green vellum, 36s Francof. 1596 Some of the Cartouches to these Portraits j site beauty. Sec also, Portraits : Boissardus. contain Arabesque ORNi^MENxs of truly exqui- | 241 Denmark. LEX EEGIA det er. Den Souveraine Konge-Lov, sat og given of den Stoormegtigste Hojbaarne, Eriderich III, Eonge til Danmark, royal folio, 19 plates, the ivhole surrounded hy large beautiful Borders of ErtjiTj Birds, Animals, Eish, Insects, etc. very finely engraved hy A. Beinhard, ivhole hound red morocco, with loatered silk linings, £2. 16s Kiovenn. 1709 A very beautiful volume ; the ornamental borders are exquisitely drawn and engravedi 242 DENNISTOUN'S (Jas.) Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, from 1440 to .1630, 3 vols. 8vo. ivith 34 engravings, comprising Vietvs,.3£edaliions, facsimiles of handwriting, with nu- merous Portraits, Sfc. (pub. at £2. 8s) extra cloth gilt, 14s 1851 243 Illustrations for the Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, 4to. the series of 34 ^Zafes, ORIGINAL India prooes, taken hefore the impressions for the hoolc, cloth, privately printed, very rare, £3. 10s 1851 On the fly-leaf is written : Joseph Marryat, Esq., with Mr. Dennistoun's compliments, 1861. 244 DE EOSSI, Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Eomae, septimo saeculo anti- quiores, Yol. I, stout folio, 7iumerous engravings of Marly Christian Inscrip- tions, iviih allegorical designs, hds. £S. 10s Bomae, 1861 245 DE EOSSI, La EOMA SOTTEEANEA ; Tomo prime, con Atlante di XL. Tavole in folio, pp. 440 of letter-press, and 40 sheets of Chromo-lithographic Illustrations, including a large Map, Architectural Flans, Faintings, Inscrip^ tions, and other Monuments, £2. 10s Boma, 1865 246 Dictionnaiee de TAcademie des Beaux-Arts, Vol. I. (A-Ama) impl. 8vo, plates, sd. 7s 6d Fans, 1858-61 DILETTANTI SOCIETY'S privately printed Works : 247 Antiquities of IONIA, published by the Society of Dilettanti, 3 vols. impl. folio, many fine engravings, hds, £4<. 10s 1797-1821-1840 The third volume is the one having the most commercial value. 248 PENEOSE (E. C.) Intestigation into the Principles of Athenian Ae- CHITECTURE, impl. folio, 42 /iiie pZrt^es, some elahorately coloured and gilt, hds, £5. 1851 67D BEENAED QtJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 249 SpECiMETfS of Ancient SCULPTUEE, JEgyptian, Etruscan, Greek, and Eoman, selected from different Collections in Great Britain, by the Society of Dilettanti. With an Inquiry into the Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology, by E. Payne Knight, 2 vols, royal folio, 133 teautiful engravings, (pub. at 36*39. 85) hds. ujicut, £14. " 1809-35 Of Vol; II. very few copies were printed, only for the members of the Dilettanti Society. 250 COCKEEELL (C. E.) Temple of Jupiter Panhellenius at .Egina and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassse near Phigaleia, in Arcadia, impl. folio, 13 vig- nettes and SGJine large interesting plates, lif. morocco, £3. 3^ 1860 251 Don Quijote. Smirke (E.) Illustrations of Don Quixote, large folio, 1^ fine ])lates, PBOors ox India paper, in a portfolio, £5. 5s 1818 DORE'S (Gustave) Works : 252 DANTE, I'lnferno, colle figure da G. Dove, \wogQiQ\\o,heaidif idly printed text in Italian only, large portrait of Dante^ and 75 magnificent plates on India paper, clotli, 568. 8s Farigi, 1861 gravings. The weird and fantastic character of these illustrations, their gloomy sublimity and wild imaginativeness, are universally acknow- led^i-ed. This is the genuine first issue of the work, which is out of print and raised in i)rice ; it was in 1862 reproduced with a French translation added, and with inferior impressions of the en- 253 DANTE. L'Enfer, traduction de P. A. Fiorentino, illustration de Gustave Dore, folio, gravures sur papier de Chine, red cloth, uncut, £4. 4* 1862 " II a ete fait trois tirages. Premier tirage I premiere edition est rare." de ce magnifique livre en ^RA^'9AIS. Cette | St. Denis ct Mallet^ 1867 254 CEEYANTES, I'ingenieux Hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche : traduc- tion de Yiardot, ayec les dessins de Dore, graves par Pisau, 2 vols, folio, icith about 120 large and extremely spirited plates, cloth, £6. 65 1863 255 BIBLE (La Sainte), selon la yulgate, traduction nouvelle, avec les dessins de Gustave Dore, 2 vols, large folio, printed on hot-pressed pa'per, with orna- mental ivoodcuts on each page and 228 splendid plates, breathing a 7ioble spirit of devotion, cloth, 568. Tours, 1866 retouchees." Copies have recently sold as high as £12. 12^. "Premiere edition, tres-rare aujourd'hui, qui s'est epuisee en quelques mois. On salt que dans la 2e edition plusieurs planches ont 6te 256 Peeeatjlt, les Contes de, impl. 4to. beautiful large woodcuts, cl. 2ds 1867 257 DUCCIO, la PASSIONE di Gesu Cristo nella Cattedrale di SIENA, dipin- tura di Duccio di Bino della Buoninsegna, atlas folio, engraved Key on the title and 26 outline engravings on India paper, designed by Bhoden, engraved by Bartoccini, no text, sd. ^2. 6s JRofna, Emilio Braun, 1847 These beautiful Frescoes were painted in I Art Study. 1310 in the Cathedral of Siena ; they are a great | 258 DUCHESNE, aine, Essai sur les Nielles des Orfevres EiorentiLs, au XV. Siecle, largest paper, 4to. the engravings of the Niellos elaborately executed in Silver, onlt SIX copies thus printed, hf bd. uncut, £2. I65 Bar. 1826 259 Voyage d'un Iconophile, 8vo. interleaved, with a few IMS. memoranda by Mr. Carpenter, calf, lOs 1834 260 DLMESNIL, le Peintre-Graveur Erangais, ou Catalogue Eaisonne des Es- tampes de I'Ecole Erangaise, 9 vols. 8vo. plates of Bainta^'s marks, etc. £2. 125 Qd Paris, 1835-65 Forms a supplement to " Bartsch, Peintre-graveur." 261 the same, 8 vols, in 4, hf calf and Vol. 9 seived, 8vo. £2. 8s 1835-65 262 DUMONT (M. de) Histoire Militaire du Due de MAELBOEOUGH, du PEINCE EUGENE de Savoye et du Prince de NASSAU, avec un Sup- plement par 'Rousset, fine portraits, plates, maps, plans, fine Battle-pieces by Huchtenburg, etc. large paper, 3 vols, royal folio, rus&ia gilt, gilt edges, a bargain, £2. 2s La Haye, 1726-47 263 DUPLESSIS, Histoire de la Gravure en Erance, 8vo. sd. 4^ Qd Baris, 1861 264 Essai d'une Bibliographie Generale des Beaux Arts, 8vo. 14:4ipp. double cols, containing uptvards of 3000 articles, papier terge^ 10^ ib. 1866 AVOEKS ON THE FINE AETS. 680 265 DtJEEE'S (Albert) Underweysurig der Messuug mit dem Zirckel imd richt scheyt in Linien Ebneu und gartzen Corporen durch Albrecht Diirer, numerous very fine woodcuts, the one at page 16 is verj/heautiful,]}^urenh erg, 1626 — Etliche vnderriclit, zu befestigung der Stett, Schloss, vnd Elecken, numerous folding plates — the above 2 works in 1 vol. small folio, both oeiginal fiest edi- Tioxs starnped hogsUn, £2. 16^ Nurenlerg, 1525-27 These beautful and rare works, whether wo cuts with which they arc illustrated, may he con- consider the singular beauty of the ink, the excel- sidered as master-pieces of their kind. They are lency of the press-work, or the admirable wood- both from the press of the author. 266 Exe's Leben and Werken Albrecbt Durer's, 8vo. hf. calf, Qs Nurdlingen, 1860 267 DU SOMMERARD, les ARTS au MO YEN AGE, a com- plete and original copy, both divisions with the Atlas, bound in 5 vols. impl. folio, ^10 most beautiful plates^ executed in imita- tion of the originals^ in gold^ silver^ and colom^s^ comprising Monuments, Furniture', Sculpture, Paintings, Painted Glass, Facsimiles of Manuscripts, Armour, Gems, Ivory, jewels, Silversmith's w^ork, splendid Costume, with 5 vols. 8vo. of text — tog'ether 10 vols, mmptuously wliole hound in red morocco super extraj gilt edges^ by Stamper, £84. Paris, 1838-48 This fine work of Art was published at £80. Lord Rutherford's copy sold for £100. 16* ; m parts, the binding has cost £30. making the Bernal'sfor £110. original cost £110. 268 EASTLAKE'S (Sir C. L.) Contributions to the Literature of the 'Fine Arts 8vo. cuts, (pnb. at 125) cloth, 7s 6d 1848 269 — ■ Materials for a History of Oil Painting, 8vo. (pub. at 16*) cl. 10s 1847 270 EHINGtEN, Itinerarium, das ist Historische Beschreibung weyland Herrii Georgen von Ehingen Eaisens nach der Ritterschafft von 150 Jaren in X underschidliche Konigreich verbracht, auch eines Kampfs bei Sept in Aphrica gehalten, sm. folio, title loithin engraved border, containing 10 Coats of Arms, 10 full-length portraits of European Monarchs (the Emperor, the Kings of France, England, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Navarre, Sicily, Seot- land, and Cyprus) engraved by Cu^todis from the original Iliniatures in Bay^ mond Fugger''s Museuin, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. IO5 Augsperg, 1600 In consequence of the extreme rarity of ] not long since reprinted the text without the por- this work, the Literarische Verein in Stuttgart { traits. EMBLEMS: Beza Icones, see Portraits. 271 BOCCHII (Achillis) Symbolicarum Qusestionum de universe G-enere quas serio ludebat Libri quinque, smallest 4to. fine impressions of the portrait, and the 151 elegant engravings by Gitjlio Bonasone, in an early state, before the words " Salve Ijs'nocens Secueitas" loere erased from Symbol CXLIX, old gilt calf, rare, from Corser's library, £7. 7* Bononice, 1555 272 the same, smallest 4to. original impressions of the 161 fine plates, the chain added to the female's nech, the plates Lxxxix and xci wrong, no plate to xc, and loants pp. 17Q -182 (being emblems 85, 86), otherwise a good sound copy, vellum, very rare, £2. 16s Bononiw, 1555 273 another edition, smallest 4to. 161 plates, retouched by Caracci, loith a nearly complete duplicate set of plates from the first edition, old hf calf £3. 16s Bononice, 1555 The text of each edition is printed in a 1 intended to be a facsimile edition, may have como different type, the second which was evidently | out some years later. 274 I SymbolicsD Qusestiones de universe genere quas serio ludebat, sm. 4to- emblematic engravings, by Bonasone, vellum, scarce, 28s Bononice, 1574 275 ' the same, a very fine copy, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, £^. 10s 1574 la this edition the plates were retouched by Augustino Caracci. (381 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Emblems — continued. 276 CAMEEAEII Symbolorum et Emblematum ex re Herbaria centuria — Emble- niatuin ex animalibus quadi'upedibus centuria — Emblematum ex Yolatilibus et Insectis centuria — Emblematum ex Aquatilibus et Eeptilibus centuria — thick sm. 4to. early iinpressions of the 400 plates, vellum, 26s Franco/. 1605-4 277 • the same, a later issue, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. 400 emhlematic cuts, vellum, the Marquis of Hastings's copy, 16s Jffrancofurti, 1654 278 CAMILLI, Lnprese Illustri di diversi, con discorsi, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. three engraved title pages, and about 100 heautiful emhlematic engravings hy Porro, calf neat, 21s Venet. 1586 Priced by Thorpe, £2. 12^ GJ. 279 ESTIENNE (H.) Art of making Devises, Englished by T. Blount, sm. 4to. frontispiece hy W. Marshall, and plates of Devices, green morocco extra, gilt edges, hy G. Letvis, £2. 18s 1648 I ^280 FEEEO (G-iov.) Teatro d'Imprese, 2 vols, in 1, thick sm. folio, several hundred curious emhlematical engravings, some loith borders, in ivhich are introduced curious figures, birds, flowers, etc. hf calf, 12s Venet. 1623 Each Emblem has a corresponding Motto of some great Italian Family. 281 EuEssLiN (Casimiri) Theatrum Grlorise Sanctorum, sm. 4iio. frontispiece, por- trait, and numerous emhlematic engravings to illustrate the Festivals of the Christian Church, old calf, Gs Sulzhaci, 1696 282 GrAMBAE^ (L.) Eerum Sacrarum Liber, sm. 4to. with numerous einhlema- tical engravings, chiefly illustrative of the Powers of Prayers, and other Ascetic subjects, hf vellum, £1. Antverpice, C. Plantinus, 1577 283 GIOVIO et S YMEONI, Le Sententiose Imprese di Paulo Oiovio, e di Gabr. Symeoni, ridotte in rime per Symeoni, numerous very fine oval-shaped Emblems, surrounded by exquisite borders, Lyons, 1562 — Symeoni, Dialogo pic et speculativo, emhlematic cuts, Lyone, 1560 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. very fine copy, vellum, 36s Lyone, 1560-62 284 Klixkhamek (O.) Leerzaame en Stichtelyke Ziunebeelden enBybel-Stoffen, 2 vols. 8vo. THICK PAPEE, numcrous neat engravings of emblems, fine copy in contemporary Dutch red morocco, ornamented with gold tooling, gilt edges, Mr. Slade's copy, £1. 12s Amst. 1740 285 KoKSTiGE ZiNNEBEELDEN (Acht-eu-Dertig) met Dichtkuudige TJitleggingen, sm. 4to. 38 beautifully engraved circular Emblems, fine impressions, red MOEOCCO extra, gilt edges, by ClarJce and Bedford, £2. 10s Amst. 1737 286 Madrigaux : A Series of Erench Madrigals, with an engraved dedication to Louis XIV. " De magno genere es tu rex magnus super omnes," 8yo. front., ded. and 109 engraved Madrigals under various Allegorical and Emblematic engravings, after vaintings by Seyin, engraved hy Ertinger and Verneulen, YEET EAEE, hf. bd. 30^ ' s. I. c. a. (1680) 287 PAEADIN. Devises Heroiques de Paradiu, Symeon, et autres aucteurs, l8mo. nearly two hundred curious icoodcut Emblems, with Latin devices above the Erench text, calf, 16s Anvers, Plantin, 1567 At the end of this little volume there are 18 pp. of contemporary MS. additions, containing the description and explanation of forty-one 288 PETEASANCTA (S.) de Symbolis heroicis libri IX. Item Elogium et Stemma Gentis CAEAF^iE, 4to, EiEST 'E.iiYno'S , frontispiccc after Bubens by C. Galle, portrait of Cardinal Carafa, plates of armorial bearings, and numerous engravings of Emblems, vellum, gilt edges, very fine copy, £2. 10« Antverpice, 1634 289 de Symbolis Heroicis, sm. 4to. 260 very pretty emhlematic engra- vings, each with a motto, and in a different Cartouche, vellum, \2s Amst. 1682 Collation : — Erontispiece by Rubens, en- i ac Stemma gentis Carafseae, pp. i-lxxx; DeSym- graved bv Galle ; Dedication, etc. and Elogium I bolis, pp. 1<480 ; Index. 290 EOLENHAG-IUS (Gabr.) JSFucieus Emblematum, centurisD duo, port. 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. two engraved titles, two portraits, and 200 spirited plates, engraved by Pass, fine impressions, original vellum, eaee, £6. Colon. Crispian Passaeus, 1611-13 special Devices borne by various Kings and Nobles of Erance. WOEKS ON THE FINE AKTS. 682 Emblems — continued, 291 another copy, 4!to. also qiUte perfect, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 155 1611-13 These engravings were subsequently used j The White Knight's copy fetched £A. 66'; for the illustrations of George Withers' Emblems. 1863, Ilaletcn's, hf. qf. £5. 5s. The value of such The present are consequently the first impressions. J works has since much risen. 292 EUNDALL (Mary Ann) Symbolical Illustrations of the History of England, 4to. with 4:0 plates of emblematic designs, the dedioatiojS" copy (" to H.E.H' the Princess Elizabeth,") icitJi an autograph letter from the Authoress, splendidly hound in purple moeocco, broad joints, silk linings, gilt edges, the sides richly ornamented ivith gold tooling, very rare, £i. 45 1815 293 EUSCELLI (I.) Imprese illustri, 4to. very fine plates of emblematical de- vices, wants Dedication and first leaf of Tavola, old red moeocco, iviih De Lomenie arms in gold on the sides, £2. 10s Venetia, 1580 294 ScflOONOYir Emblemata moralia et civilia, ace. Poemata, sq. 8vo. 74 engra- vings of Emblems, vellum, Qs Goudae, 1618 295 SCHWAN (Baltii.) Emelemata, portrait of Petrarch and 109 etchings of emblems, neatly mowited on blank paper, 4to. and bound in russia extra, gilt edges, lettered " Ancient Plates^' £8. 8* 1620 This volume sold for £7. 75 in the White I saw another copy. Knight's sale, and is now worth double ; I never j 296 TYPOTII (Jac.) Symboia Divina et Humana Pontificum, Imperatorum, Eegum, et Principum cum Isagoge Jac. Typotii et Anselmi de Boodt, 3 vols, in 1, small folio, about 1^0 fine plates by Sadeler, each with 6 cir- cular engravings, vellum, rare, £2. Pragce, 1601-3 Part I. contains the Symbols of the great 203 of the Third Part (which is blank in this) lloyal Houses of Europe ; part II tliose of the ' there is the portrait of Anselmus de Boodt, au- great Princely Houses ; part III is exclusively | thor of the Isagoge to the Third Part, which he devoted to the Princes of Italy. I professes to have written not in the style that A later edition has the words, " Francofurti ! Typotius wrote those to the two Pirst Parts, in- apud Godefridum Tampachiuni" added on the j telligible to himself " gravissimo stylo, sibi non Frontispiece ; and the Isagoge, instead of being j aliis," but to readers of moderate skill in Latin, (as on this) printed separately at the end of the ; The Index Alphabeticus to the First Part is not First Part, is printed at the back of the plates, as I found in some copies, in the Second and Third Parts. Likewise at page ■ 297 Typotii (J.) Symboia varia diversorum Principum Ecclesiae et Imperii ^om?im,lQmo. mtmerous plates of 21% emblematical Crests and Devices, calf 10s Arnhemice, 1679 298 VEEEIEN, Eecueil d'EMBLCMES. Devises, Medailles, et Figures Hiero- glyph] ques, avec plus de 200 Chifeees, sm. 8vo. portrait and 930 small engravings of Emblems, and 170 engraved pp. of Ciphers, etc. calf gilt, 28« Faris, 1696 299 ENaEAVINGS (181) aftee VAN DYCK and EUBENS, including 22 Portraits after Van Dyck (comprising Earls of Pembroke and Arundel, by Lombart : Countesses of Bedford, Carlisle, Carnarvon, Castlehaven, Devon, Middlesex, Morton and Sunderland, by Lombart ; Charles I, by Meysens ; Queen Henrietta Maria, by Ciartres ; Penelope Lady Herbert by Lombart : Henry Earl of Portland and Bp. Malder, by Hollar ; &c.) and fine Engra- vings after the magnificent Paintings of Eubens, including Scriptural, Religious and Fancy Subjects, Portraits, &c. engraved by Vorsterman, Bolswert, Vanden Enden, Pontius, Galle, and others, mounted in a portfolio with leaves, £12. 10* Such a large Series of engravings after Van | plates are genuine early impressions, some no Dyck and Rubens is very rarely met with ; all the | doubt in Proof-states. 300 ENGEAVINGS by and after P. Testa, Gioseffo Eibera detto lo Spagno- LETTO, E. ZrccARi, E. Baroccio, j. Sadeleh, L. Ciambeelani, a. Allegri da Coreegqio, A. Carracci, V. Salimbeni, C. Galle, C. Bloemart, a. Collaert, E. Villamena, Mg. Sadeler, C. Cort : a Collection of 169 Etchings and Engravings (several of considerable rarity), mounted in a portfolio with leaves^ £7. 10s 683 BERNARD QITARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 301 ENGRAVINaS apteii RAFEAELLE ; A Collection of 148 Engravings, by Ghisi, Edeltnck, Goltzius, Pttax, Sadeler, Poilly, Rousselet, Feet, Le Blond, &c. from Designs by Rafeaelle, with Portrait by Pon- tiuS; mounted in a portfolio ivith leaves j lettered " Stampe di Maf^aeUe,^^ torn. ly. a very interesting and prohahly very valuable volume, £7. 10s ' " " - ^YiQ engravings and stated the contents in each volume. Broken up and sold separately in a print sale, the above three volumes would probably realize £100. These three volumes deserve the atten- tion of Print Collectors, as they have not been picked by any modern Amateur, but they are in the same state as collected by an Italian connois- seur about the year 1700, who has mounted all 302 Engravings and Broadsides. 16 ENGRATI^'GS, &c. with Verses and Descrip- tions in Dutch and German, comprising: James II Laaste Afsceydts Dronck — Ambassador dez Lucifers (1620)— Die vertribenen Jesuiter — Erdheben von Monte A^esuvio — Triomph-Torts over de Neerlaegh der C. Vloote — Erederici Y BohemisB Regis Pragram ingredientis Emblema, 1620 — Der Pauren Vatter Unser (a very rare I^arody) — Yerwiichselter Bambergischer Siissholz und Z^^iiFel Handel ufF die Art ciner Comodi — Yierschaer van Themis — Prophecey des Boehmischen Unwesens, slightly damaged in the printed portion — Die betrangte Stadt Augspurg — Des Hanrehen Gesch- lechtes Schild, y?«e a;?^ rery r<7/-upuis, Fuchange, Bujlos, Fool, Sfc. half calf ^4. 10s Faris, 1743 374 the same, impl. folio, peoofs, brilliant impressions, French calf gilt, £%. 85 1740 375 Le Brun Gallery: GALEEIE des PEINTEES PLAMANDS, HOL- LANDAIS, et ALLEMANDS : ouvrage enrichi de 201 planches, gravees d'apres les meilleurs tableaux de ces maitres, par les plus habiles artistes de Erance, de Hollande, et dAllemagne, par J. P. B. Lebeui?-, 3 vols, in 1, large folio, 201 beautiful engravings after celebrated pictures, oeigiis^al BKiLLiAifT IMPEES SIGNS, russia, marbled edges, £10. Faris, 1792-96 The coppers of this beautiful Gallery have I therefore to be selected, been repeatedly worked ; an early copy ought | 376 Leicester Gallery. Young, Catalogue of Pictures by British Artists in the possession of Sir J. P. LEICESTEE, Bart. (Lord de Tabley) atlas 4to. LAEGE PAPEE, half morocco, gilt edges, 35^ 1821 377 Madrid Gallery (engraved) : A Series of 6 superb large ENGEAYINGS of Paintings in the Madeid Galleet, extremely rare, £2. 10^ Madrid, Beat Caleogrofia, 1792-97 Contents as below : Designer. Engraver. Subject. Painter. Moro, Antonio De la Cruz B. Vazqz. Murillo Bueno Muntaner Guttierrez Amettler Ribera Alcantara Ribault Velasquez (Diego) Ant. Vazqz. B. Vazqz. Zurbaran Bueno B. Vazqz. Retrato desconocido. Aparicion de la Sa. Virgen a S. Bernardo Santa Rosa de Lima. San Francisco. Niilo de Ballecas. Pintura Simbolica. "WORKS ON THE FINE AETS. 690 Galleries of Europe — continued. 378 Luxembourg Gallery : GALERIE dtj Palais dtj LIJXEMBOURa, peinte par RUBENS, atlas folio, containing 25 heautiful engravings by Ver^meulen^ AjJDRAi^y and othei's, supeeb impressions, old mohocco, gilt edges, ^ne copy, £5. Paris, 1710 Priced, 1826, Thorpe, mor.£10. 10* ; 1845, Rodwell, mor. £6. 6s ; 1844, £5. 155 6^. Madrid Gallery (lithographed) : 379 COLECCION LrrHOGRApmcA de CUADROS del KEY DE ESPANA, el seilor don Fernando VII, lithog-raphiada por habiles artistas bajo la direccion de D. Jose de Ma- DRAzo, 3 vols, atlas folio, LARGE VELLUM PAPER, containing 203 magnijicent plates, genuine INDIA PROOFS, halfhound^ uncut^ excessively iiare^ £96. Madrid, 1826-36 half title, title, etc. 3 leaves ; portrait of Ma. Cristina ; Vista del costado del Real Museo; plates LXIII-CXXVI, with text ; Indice 1 leaf. Ill : half title ; address, 1 leaf ; portrait of Tsabel II ; plates CXXVII-CXCVIII ; Indice, 1 leaf. " Madrazo's Spanish G-allerj is really a very fine work ; the lithographs especially the later ones peculiarly fine. The impressions are excellent and equally good throughout." — Lord Lindsay. 380 Madrid Gallery, the Lithographed edition of Madrazo, a series consisting of 50 plates, mostly on I^dia papee, no text, £7. 10^ 1826-36 381 Another lot of 11 plates, £1. 1820 382 Madrid Galleries (Various) : A Miscellaneous Collection of 62 large Litho- graphs, executed chiefly under the direction of Jose de Madrazo, and being duplicates of the various Madrid Galleries described above ; added are a series of Spanish studies, portraits, and views, etc. etc. from the Collection of the Marquis of Salamanca, in one parcel, atlas folio, £^. IQs Madrid, circ. 1830 It is extremely difficult to obtain any engra- [ cellent opportunity for Art Students, Collectors, vings or lithographs, executed in Spain, after the or those, who wish for mementos of their Spanish wonderful art treasures by the great masters, experiences, to secure any of the collections existing in various public and private collections specified above. of that country ; the present is therefore an ex- 383 a similar Miscellaneous Collection, consisting of 23 lithographs, 15« Madrid, cir. 1830 384 Madrid Gallery (Photographed) : Chefs d'Oeuvre from the Galleries of Madrid, impl. 4to. a series of 24 photographs, carefully mounted on card- hoards, from the best Engravings or Lithographs of superb Paintings, in a morocco case, 36^ Cambridge, Nichols, (? 1866) 385 Munich Gallery (No. 1, or First Publication on a smaller scale). Koi^ig- lich-Baierischeb GEMaLDE Saal zu MUncheis- und Schleissheim, 2 vols, in 1, atlas fol. containing 142 plates, from Subjects by Old Masters, executed in lithography by Piloty, Striccner, and others, with text to plates 1-92, hf russia, £d. '" ' Priced, 1841, H. Bohn, 200 plates, in parts, £47. 5.« ; 1847, morocco, £42. 1869, Lord The only copy ever offered in a bookseller's Catalogue; only 2 copies were issued in this state, oue for the King of Spain, the other for Don Jose de Madrazo, Director of the Royal Gal- lery. Collation : Vol. I, Half title. Title, Prologo, etc. 6 leaves; portrait of Fer- nando VII ; Descripcion del Real Museo, 1 leaf; Vista del Real Museo ; plates I-LXII, with text to each plate ; Indice and List of Subscribers, 2 leaves. II : Farnham's copy, 132 plates only, fetched £32. The complete series should be 200 plates ; Mimchen, 1817-21 the above set does not consist of Nos. 1-142, but of 142 i)lates taken from those 200, and none of them numbered. I 2 691 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Galleries of Europe — continued. Munich Gallery (No. 2, the Great and only complete publication) : 386 Collection lithographiee des plus ft^Awa? TABLEAUX QUI SE TROUVENT DANS LA PINACOTHEQUE DE S. M. LE KOI DE BAVIERE ^ Munich, et dans la Galerie de Tableaux du Chateau royal a SCHLEIS- SHEIM: Die Kouiol. Bayer. Pjnakotheken von MiiNCHEN, Abbildung-en der ausgezeichnetsten Gem aide alterer und neuerer Meister in diesen beiden Gallerien, 4 vols, elephant folio, subdivided into two vols, to each of ichich there is a list of plates and a title In 2 DlYISIONS: Division I, (Yds. 1 and 2), 2 titles, 2 lists of plates, 1 portrait, and plates . 178 „ II, (Yols. 3 and 4), 2 titles, 2 lists of plates, 1 portrait, and plates . 328 2 Portraits . . .2 ^ total 308 plates The Illustrations are of various styles of artistic execution, consisting chiefly of superb Lithographs, with an admixture of photographs and steel engravings, also about twenty CniiOMO-LiTHOORAPHS. SUPPLEMENT to the PINACOTHEQUE, forming a EIETH volume, royal folio, consisting of 22 pliotographs^ numbered 179-200, in continuation of the first division of the Pinacotheque together 5 vols, large folio, as described, (Subscription price £105. cost of binding £25.) elegantly hf hd. red morocco, gilt edges, a most sump- tuous hook, 5^84. Munchen, Filoty and Loehle, 1832-68 This great work is now COMPLETE, and B. Q. has the pleasure of offering here a fine and perfect copy to his customers. This edition of the two Munich Galleries (or Pinacothecse) includes all the choicest Pictures, executed here on a larger scale than in the older, called " Koniglich-Baierischer Gemalde-Saal zu Miinchen und Schleiseheim" 1817 and following years, of which 200 lithographs constitute the complete series. This work contains of the Old Masters: 9 Raphael, 24 Eubens, 14 van Dyk, 6 Murillo, 8 Dav. Teniers, 2 Titian, 4 Wouvermans, 2 Albr. Diirer, 6 Carlo Dolce, 6 Gerard Dow, 4 Hans Holbein, 2 Giorgione, 6 van der Werff, &c. New Masters: 13 "W. v. Kaulbach, 6 Heinrich und Peter Hess, 2 Over- beck, 5 Aug. Eiedel, 2 Carl Eottmann, 1 Carl Piloty, 8 Albrecht, Benno und Franz Adam, 2 Hasenclever, 1 Wilkie, 1 Schuorr von Carolsfeld, 1 Schorn, 2 E. S. Zimmermann. j^g^ Mr. Quaritch undertakes to complete imperfect sets, charging Qs for plates of an ordinary size, 10^ for a few of the extra size plates. "387 ALBUM ofert par des Aetistes Allemands a 8. 31. le roi Loris I. de Bayii^re, a Toccasion de I'inaugaration solennelle de la statue colossale, en bronze, *' Bavaria," le 9 Octobre, 1850, a Munich, 2 vols. impl. folio, (pub. at £21. cost of binding, £6. Qs) hf. hd. red morocco, gilt edges, to match the preceding lot^ £16. 10s Miinchen, Filoty and Loehle, 1850-68 Collation : Yol. I, {divided into 5 portions, to each of which there is a list of plates) title, 5 lists of plates, and plates 87 II, {divided same as Vol. I.) title, 5 lists of plates, and plates . . .83 total 170 plates These plates consist chiefly of Lithographs, but a few are Chromolithogi*aphs, and some steel engravingg. WOEKS ON THE FINE AETS. 692 Galleries of Europe— cow if/;/ z^e^. 388 Steixner et Pilott, Dessins du Cabinet de MUNICH, 2 vols, atlas folio, upwards of 450 plates, some of a very large size, in the highest style of lithography, arranged under Schools, hf. red morocco extra, gilt edges, 3t'10. lOs Stuttgart et Munich, s. d. (? 1820) Priced by Hy. Bohn, £20. The originals of I found together. These two volumes contain de- these fine and elegant designs are in the Public signs, which are in neither edition of the Munich Galleries of Munich. Such a long series is seldom | Gallery. 389 Boisseree Gallery, now at Munich: Gtallebt of the OLD GERMAN MASTERS, formerly at Stuttgart, in the Possession of the Brothers BOISSEREE, now removed to Munich, 117 superb Plates, executed under the direction of Steixner, engraved in lithography, heightened by tints, and so admirably done as to be scarcely distinguishable from the most perfect line engravings, mounted on drab-coloured drawing paper, elephant iblio, (pub. at ot*105.) hf. hound red moeocco extra, full giblt back, gilt edges, £16. 1(35 Stuttgart and Munchen, 1821-36 Priced, in 1841, H. Bohn, £63. In 1825 a gg^ This work forms the Companion to copy fetched at Sotheby's £40.; 1866, Scaris- the second or large edition of the " Pin^ikothek." brick's, £28. 10* ; 1868, Lord Farnham's, £34. ;:j90 Musee Frangais, ou Collection complette des Tableaux, Statues, et Bas-Eeliees, qui composent la Collection Nationale, avec I'Explication des Sujets et des Discours sur la Peinture, la Sculpture, et la Gravure par S. C. Croze, Magnan, Eobillard, Peronville, Laurent, Visconti et David, 4 vols, atlas folio, 313 superb plates, Ouiginll Edition, with vert bril- LIA.NT impressions of the Laocoon, The Transfiguration by Raphael, St. Cecilia, Infant Hercules, ^c. hf. red morocco extra, gilt backs, gilt edges, £40. Paris, 1803-11 copies fetched at Sotheby's, 1832, £56. ; 1855, Southgate's, mor. £51. ; 1856, Sotheby's, russia, £63. Published in 80 livraisons of 48 francs each, being 3840 fr. ; priced, 1820, J. Bohn, £105., mor. £130. ; 1831,H. Bohn, £120. ; l840,Payne and Foss. £105. ; 1847, £52. lO.s— By auction, 391 Musee Royal, Recueil de Gravures d'apres les plus beaux Tableaux, Statues et Bas-reliefs de la Collection Royale, par Laurent, 2 vols, atlas folio, brilliant impressions of the 161 beautiful plates, SUperb PROOFS before letters, original copy, in numbers, rare, 36*36. Paris, 1816-18 392 MUSEE EEANCAIS, 4 vols. 1803-11— MUSEE ROYAL, 2 vols. 1816-18 —together 6 vols, atlas folio, 481 fine plates, genuine original impressions, hf. bd. blue morocco, uncut, an unusually vi^^e and excellent set, £^0. 1803-18 L'un des plus beaux monumens eleves aux arts est, sans contredit, cette vaste collection d'estampes, commence en 1802, sous le nom de Musee Fran9ais, continuee sous le litre de Musee Royal, par MM. Laurent pere et tils. A I'exposi- tion de 1819, la medaille d'or fut decernee a Mr. Henri Laurent, le jury considerant cet ouvrage comme le plus parfait qui ait eu lieu depuis lexistence de la gravure. This very interesting publication is un- doubtedly the most magnificent work that has issued from the Parisian Press; and will per- petuate the matchless collection which formerly graced the Louvre, combining, as it did, nearly all the excellence of which the various counti ies on the Continent could boast in painting and sculpture. And although a chain of wonderful 393 Musee Napoleon. Galerie du MUSEE NAPOLEON, par Eilhol, 10 vols. impl. 8vo. 720 fine plates, hf. bd. morocco, ^612. 1804-15 Collation: Notice, there are no plates 552, 553, but 577 and 578 are each twice numbered. 394 the same, with the title: "Galerie du Musee de Erance, publiee par Eilhol, graveur," 11 vols. 4to. Large Paper, Proofs before the Letters, 1814-2 — Musee Eoyal de Erance, par Eilhol : this is the Supplement, 1827, 72 plates, superb India Proofs before Letters, 7^chly gilt maroon morocco — in all 12 vols. 4to. morocco, gilt edges, £55. 1802-27 A beautiful set of books ; the first volume | on small paper, but neatly inlaid, contains, as usual, a few of the plates struck off | events has restored many of the brightest gems of art to their rightful owners, so much of excel- lence still remains, that the gallery of the Louvre is yet, to the man of taste, the greatest attraction in Paris, and the very circumstance of the dis- persion of so many wonderful productions gives additional value to the work which describes them in a collected state. It is necessary to observe, that this work is not a mere collection of Prints, as it contains many luminous and masterly dissertations upon the state of the arts in different ages, observations upon the style, excellence, and defects of the various schools in painting ; a minute description of every painting, &c. drawn with extreme care and correctness. 693 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Galleries of 'E^UTO^e— continued. 395 Orleans Gallery. CIALERIE dij PALAIS ROYAL, (dite: d'ORLEANS) par J. CoucHE, avec une Description de chaque Tableau par I'Abbe de Foutenai, &c. 3 vols. impl. folio, containing 350 beautiful engravings of one of the finest Collection of Pictures ever made, many of which are now in this country, brilliant impressions, usually called proofs, beautiful copy in old red morocco, gilt edges, from Felix Slade's library, ^42. Paris, 1786-1808 The copies on India paper Avere posterior I represents the genuine original issue of the to the genuine fiust proofs. The aboYe copy I book. 395 the same, in the very Earliest State, PROOFS, the text printed separately on tine silk-paper, 3 vols, folio, one of the choicest books in the whole range of the Galleries, whole red moeocco extra, gilt edges, 5650. 1786-1808 897 Parma Gallery. Bodoxi (Gt. B.) le piii insigni Pitture Parmensi, 4to. VELLUM PAPER, 59 platcs, PROOF IMPRESSIONS of thesc bcautiful engravings, etchings by Eosaspina, with descriptions in Italian and French, half red morocco, gilt edges, £S. Ss Parma, Bella Topografa Bodoniana, 1809 398 Pitti Gallery. L'Imperiale e Eeale GALLERIA PITTI iUustrata per cura di L. Bardi, 4 stout vols, large folio, containing 500 engravings, exe- cuted by the first Italian Artists^ original impressions, hf bound red morocco extra, gilt edges, £30. 10s Firemen 1837-42 The subsequent edition, -with a French text, I Avill at once perceive the differeuce. is dated 1842-45 ; whoever sees the two issues | 399 Royal Gallery of Art, with descriptions by S. C. Hall 4 vols, folio, 144 large and most beautiful engravings on INDIA PAPEB, by the best artists, from the' choicest pictures, both ancient and 7nodern, in the private collec- tions of Her Majesty and his late Royal Highness Prince Albert, and the Art Heirlooms of the Crown, at Windsor Castle, Buchingham Palace, and Osborne, (sells i^30. in parts) hf bound red morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, £12. 166- London, Colnaghi ^ Ck n. d. (? 1840-60; 400 • the same, 4 vols, colombier folio, LARGE PAPER Impressions on India Paper, WITH the Artists' names beneath each plate, (pub, at 72 guineas) £20. 1840-60 the same, LARGEST PAPER, atlas folio, CHOICE ARTIST'S 401 402 PROOFS ON India Paper, BEFORE any writing was put under the plates, (pub. at 144 guineas) in four portfolios, ^24. 1840-60 A copy fetched, 1861, at Southgatc's, £27. 6*. another copy, same state, 4 vols, atlas folio, whole bound crimson MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, £40. With the Royal Gallery of Pictures, preserved in Buckingham Palace, the private property of Her Most Gracious Majesty, the puhlic are not altogether unacquainted; for at the request of the Directors of the British Institution, many of these Paintings have been permitted to enrich their annual Exhibitions of the works of the Old Masters. The taste and muniticence of two successive Sovereigns have produced a Collection of Pictures, genuine, in- teresting, and splendid. Other galleries may be more numerous, but none have been formed on principles of such severe and scrutinizing selec- tion. No picture is to be met with in Buckingham Palace, whose history, from the artist's time to the present day, is doubtful; none but the finest and purest specimens of genius, — none but works whose inspiration guided every line of the pencil, — have been admitted. Some of the pictures formed part of the well- known collection of Lady Holderness; some were selected from the galleries of Lord Rendlesham, and M. Schmidt of Amsterdam. The entire col- lection of Dutch Pictures which belonged to the late Sir Francis Baring, was secured for his late Majesty King George the Fourth, as were also 1840-60 Rubens' " Portrait of his Wife," from a descendant of the artist ; and the splendid picture of the " MaiTiage of St. Catherine," by Vandyke, from the collection of M. de Burtin, of Brussels. The late John Young, Esq., whose descrip- tive catalogues of the Galleries of the Duke op Sutherland, the Marquis of Westminster, the Angerstein Collection, &c. &c., justly hold so conspicuous a rank in the estimation of the amateur, selected this series of Subjects, presented to the public, under the title of " The Royal Gallery of Pictures." It was his intention " to produce highly finished etchings, with appropriate letter-press descriptions of the Dutch and Flemish Pictures, and some of our own School ;" and he was engaged upon the work at the time of his decease. Since that period the plates have been gradually progress- ing, in the hands of some of the most eminent engravers of the present day, without regard to cost, having been chiefly executed by J. Burnet, S. W. Reynolds, W. Greatbach, J. C. Allen, T. Jeavons, J. P. QuiLLEY, and W. J. Taylor; from Drawings made expressly for the Work by RoTAL Permission. WOEKS ON THE FINE ARTS. 694, Galleries of Europe — continued. 403 Stafford Gallery. The Galleet op Pictures bt Eminent Masters FORMED BY THE LATE Marquis OF STAFFORD, with descriptions by W. Y. Ottley and P. W. Tomkins, Esq. 4i vols, atlas folio, containing upwards of 300 Coloured representations after very splendid and much ADMIRED PICTURES ; THE WHOLE SERIES MOUNTED ON TINTED DRAWING PAPER, (pub. at £171. 14«) hf. green morocco., very fine copy, 3625. 1818 The Fonthill copy fetched £78. 15*'. 404i Young, Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures of the Marquess of STAF- EORD, at Cleveland House, London, containiug an Etching of every Picture, and historical notices by J. Young, 2 vols, atlas 4!to. 282 engrav- ings, India Proofs, hf morocco, uncut, £2. 1825 405 Teniers Gallery. Theatre des PEmTUEES de Dayid TENIEES, Engravings of T\vo Hundred and Forty Paintings (on 221 plates), exe- cuted for Leopold William and Don John of Austria, in the Gallery at Brussels, folio, very early impressions before the numbers, caf, gilt edges. Arms of Spain on the sides, with the hook-plate of M. Letellier Marquis de Courtanvaux, from the lilrary of the late S. P. Denning, £S. 10s Bruxelles, 1660 406 another copy. Proof impressions before the numbers, quite perfect, folio, 246 engravings, old calf neat, £10. 10s 1660 407 another copy, the plates numbered, 1 to 246, old Dutch calf gilt, Spanish Arms on the sides in gold, gilt edges, £7. 1660 408 — ' another very splendid copy, folio, with the title-pages and prefatory matter in 4 languages, almost unique in this state, fine impressions of the 246 engravings {including portraits), before the numbers, red morocco super extra, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, £16. Brusselas, 1660 409 Turin Gallery. Galleria Eeale di Torino, illustrata da Eoberto d'Azeglo, 41 fascicoli, making 4 vols, royal folio, 164 superb plates, INDIA PEOOFS before Letters, brilliant impressions, hf. bd. morocco, or vellum, uncut, £26. 10s Torino, 1836-64 410 the same, 4 vols, royal folio, red morocco extra, broad gold borders, gilt edges, a superb book, £48. 1836-64 for it. There is also in stock: Plain Proofs, fasc. 31, 37, 38, 39;— India Proofs, fasc. 38, 39. These parts are sold separately at 5« and 10* per plate. Two issues exist of the Turin Gallery, one PLAIN FROOFS, the Other India proofs; both the above copies are of the best issue, of which only a limited number was printed, and these were given by the late King of Sardinia to his special friends. No publishing price was therefore fixed 411 Vernon Gallery and G-allery of Sculpture, edited by S. C. Hall, Esq. com- prising the famous collection of Pictures by the most Eminent British Artists presented to the Nation by Mr. Vernon, besides fine specimens of' Modern Sculpture, the 5 Series complete, folio, 152 beautiful and highly finished engravings, with descriptions, (pub. at £21.) 1849-58 412 the same, large paper, India Proofs, with the names of the Artists, 5 vols, roval folio, 1849-53 413 the same, in the BEST STATE, Brilliant ARTIST'S PROOFS on India paper BEFORE any words under the plates, atlas folio, (pub. at £131. 15*) in portfolio, £10. 1849-53 414 — the same, 5 vols, in 3, atlas folio, Largest Paper, real Artist's India Proofs before Letters, hf bd. green morocco, gilt tops, uncut, ^644. 1819-53 The Fifth Series is very rare and usually wonting. The copies in the *' middle state" are often mistaken for copies in the best state, though the difference in appearance, size, and power of the Impressions is very considerable. Collation : Vol. I has 25 plates ; Vol. II. 25 plates ; Vol. III. 24 plates ; Vol. IV. 33 plates; Vol. V. 45 plates. This splendid Collection was formed by that eminent Patron of Art, Robert Vernon, Esq. by whom it was presented to the British Nation. It comprises some of the chief Works of Tur- ner, Landseer, Stanfield, Leslie, Collins, Cooper, Roberts, Webster, Cooke, Callcott, Etty, Mul- ready, Newton, Stothard, and other highly dis- tinguished British Artists, and must ever be considered a noble monument to the fame of the munificent Donor. The pictures have been most ably engraved by the eminent artists to whom the work has been assigned. 695 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LOJ^-DON. Galleries of Europe — continued. 415 Vienna Gallery. Prenner (A. J. de) Theatrtjm Artis Pictort^ quo Tabulae depictge qu3s in Caesarea Ymdoboneiisi Pinacotheca servantur leviore caelatura seri insculptaB exhibeatur, folio, good impressions of the 120 plates, after pictures hy the most celebrated Artists, Sir Joshua Eet- FOLDS' COPT, WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH AND 8TJlU:p, otd ffiU russia, £6. lOs VienncB, 1728 416 Vienna Gallery. Ichnographta Cjesare^ PiwAcoTnEc^, folio, a series of Etchings hg Prenner, representing all the Pictures and Sculpture, 34 plates, BRILLIAJ^T IMPRESSIONS, hf. Id. Very scarce, £2. 5s (1735) Mariette's copy fetched 100 fr. Collation: — |o plates; the Gallery, plates numbered 4-30. The title, with the portraits of Stampart and i There exists further an engraved leaf of the Premier ; Doors, Windows and Interior Views, | Names of the Painters. 417 GALEEIE Imperials Eotale au BELYEDeER a VIENJSTE : K. K. Bilder-Gallerie im Belvidere zu Wien uach den Zeichnungen des K. K. Hofmalilers S. von Perger in Kupfer ge.stochen, herausgegeben von C. Haas, 4 vols, in 3, srii. 4to. descriptive text in French and German, con- taining 240 highly finished line engravings, fine genuine impressions, (sub- scription price 120 Thalers) calf, £S. Vienne, 1823-28 418 the same, 4 vols. 4to. hf bd. morocco, £10. 1823-28 419 • the same, 4 vols. 4to. in narts, uncut, £9. 1823-28 Of all the celebrated Continental Picture Galleries, this is perhaps the most popular and pleasing, the subjects being selected with the most consummate taste and judgment; it was published in 60 parts, 4to. Priced, 1847, Bohn, £20.; Ar- taria, Manheim, 200 fl. A few copies were issued of the Large Paper Proofs before Letters, sold by me, 1859, for £24. The coppers of this work have recently passed into other hands, and have been worked asain. 420 GANDELLINI (G.) Notizie istoriche degli Intagliatori, 3 vols. 1808— Ax- GELis (L. de) iN'otizie degli Intagliatori ed Aggiunte a G. Gandellini, 12 vols. — together 15 vols. 8vo. hf bound calf uncut, 27s ; or, hf calf gilt, 38.? Siena, 1808-16 421 Gate (G.) Carteggio inedito d' Artisti dei Secoli XIV, XV, XVI, con note ed Appendici, 3 large vols. 8vo. with Sii facsimiles, (pub. at 60 fr. sd.) half calf 32s Firenze, 1839-40 " Recueil d'un grand interet pour I'histoire des beaux-arts." — Brunei. GEjjL—see Pompeii. GEMS : 422 KING (Eev. C. "W.) Antique Gems, their origin, uses, and value, as inter- preters of Ancient History, and illustrative of Ancient Art, stout 8vo. numerous woodcuts, (pub. 42^) cloth, 2ls 1860 423 the Gnostics and their Eeinains, ancient and mediaeval, large 8vo. inany plates and woodcuts, representing famous and historical Gems, etc. (pub. at 15^) cloth, 12s 6d 1864 424 Natural History of Precious Stones and Gems, and of the Precious Metals, large 8vo. many plates and tvoodcuts, representing famous and histo- rical Gems, etc. (pub. at 2\s) cloth, VJs Qd 1865 425 the same, new edition, sm. 8vo. cuts, cloth, 9s 1867 426 the Natural History of Gems or Decorative Stones, sm. 8vo. ma7iy cuts, cloth, 9s 1867 427 MxlEIETTE (P. J.) Traite des Pierres gravees, 2 vols. sm. folio, with 157 fine plates of Gems, beautiful copy, veaufauve extra, gilt edges, from Mion- net's library, £5., 5s Faris, 1750 428 MAELBOEOUGH GEMS. Gemmarum Antiquarum Delectus, ex praes- tantioribus desumptus quae in Dactyliothecis Marlburiensibus conservantur, 2 vols, large folio, 100 plates by Bartolozzi, etc. with a second impression of the Nuptials of Cupid and Fsyche taken off in red, cloth, £9. Frivately printed, 1845 Presented by the Duke of Marlborough to Sir W. Ch. Eoss, R.A., 1850. 429 NATTEE, Traite de la methode antique de graver en pierres fines, comparee avec la methode moderne, folio, with 37 2)lates of Gems, veaufauve, 25s Londres, 1754 WOEKS ON THE FINE AETS. 696 Gems — continued. 430 STOSCH (P. de) Pierres Antiques gravees, sur lesquelles les Grraveurs ont mis leurs noms, expliquees par P. Stosch, Fr. et Lat. folio, 70 finely en- graved portraits by D. Ficart^ veaiofauve, gilt edges, 18^ Amst. 1724 431 TASSIE, Catalogue of a Collection of Ancient and Modern Engraved Gems, Cameos, and Intaglios, described by JEtaspe, plates, 2 vols. 4to. di2. 8* 1791 432 WOELIDGE (T.) Gems, royal 8vo. 26 plates, oeiginal impressions, PROOFS before the numbers, interleaved, calf, gilt edges, 5b'2. s. a. 433 Select Collection of Drawings from curious Antique Gems, etched after the manner of Hembrandt, 4to. 182 beautiful plates, fine impressions^ including the two additional engravings of Hercules with the Nemcean Lion, and Medusa, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s 1768 434 Gerhard, Opuscula : Eapparto (e Nuove Eicerche) iiitorno i Yasi Yolcenti (e Greci) 3 parts, 1831-36 — Pitture Tarquiniensi, 1831 — Berlin's Antike Bildwerke, Theii I. (all published), 1836— JS^eu-erworbene Denkmaler, 1836 6 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. several plates of Ancient Art, hf calf 7s Gd 1831-36 435 GElillAUD, Archasologische Zeitung, Jabrgang I-XIY — Denkmaler, Fors- chungen und Bericlite, als Fortzetzung der Archaeologischen Zeitung, Nos. 1-96 — Anzeiger, Nos. 1-96 — bound too^ether in 2 vols. 4to. with over a hun- dred very finely engraved plates, hfbd. morocco, gilt edges, 36* Berlin, 1843-56 436 Germany. Das Malerische und Eomantische DEUTSCHLAND, in X Sections or Yolumes, large 8vo. consisting of 212 very pretty steel engravings of Picturesque Views and celtbrated historical Sites in all parts of Germany (pub. at about £7. 10*) bds. 24s 1832-40 A very interesting Series of German Views, I writer of repute, with well written descriptions, each Section by a | 437 Gottingen. HEUMANIN' (G. D.) Yera delineatio Urbis Gottingae, oblong folio, 12 plates, brilliant impressions, old calf, 10s s. a. (? 1730) 438 Ghirardellt Cefalologia Fisonomica, 10 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. 100 wood en- gravings of heads, in ornamental cartouches^ with observations on them, calf gilt, 12s Bologna, 1670 439 GIBSON. Imitations of Drawings by John Gibson, E.A. Sculptor, engraved by C. Wenzel and L. Prosseda, Borne, 1852, oblong royal folio, title and 40 tinted plates, hf morocco, 36s 1852 440 Gillray. Historical and descriptive account of the Caricatures of James Gillray, by T. AYriglit and R Evans, 8vo. (pub. at I5s) cloth, 10s 1851 441 Illustrative Description of the Genuine Works of Mr. James Gillray, impl. 8vo. hf bd. russia, 20s 1830 442 GiULiANELLi, Memorie degli Intagliatori moderni, in pietre dure, cammei e gioje, dal Sec XY. al Sec. XYIII, sm. 4to. vellum, 7s Livorno, 1753 443 GIULIO EOMANO. Stella, TEntree de I'Empereur Sigismond a Mantoue, grave en 25 feuilles d'apres une Frise en stuc sur un dessin de Jules Eo- main, large oblong folio, 25 plates, carefully mounted, hf, morocco neat, 2\s Paris, 1675 GLASS PAINTING : 444 Bruges. EGLISE de JEEUSALEM avec ses Yitraux Gothiques, etc. 11 beautifully executed Drawings in colours. Coats of Arms emblazoned, by Bradertck, with MS. description, hf bd. £2. ica. 1830) A beautiful set of Drawings executed with I who apparently has filled out any lacunae exist- the delicacy of Miniatures by a first-rate Artist, | ing in the Original Windows. 445 HEDGELAND'S Description of tbe splendid Decorations made to the Church of St. Neot, in Cornwall, atlas 4to. 16 colored plates of Stained Glass, hf. morocco, 35s Privately printed, 1830 446 LANGLOIS, Essai historique et descriptif sur la Peinture f^ur Yerre, ancienne et moderne, et sur les Yitraux les plus remarquables, 8vo. folding plates, bds. 8s 6d Bouen, 1832 447 the same, large paper, 4to. 7 folding plates, hf calf, 20s; or, bds, uncut, 24s 1832 697 BEENAED QCJAEITCH. 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Glass Painting — continued. 448 LANG LOIS, Peinture sur Yerre, large paper, interleaved^ the plates COLOURED after the original glass, hf. russia, gilt edges, £S. 1832 A picked copy, presented bj the French Ministry to Mons. Ch. Sauvageot. 449 LASTEYEIE, Histoire de la Peinture sur A^EEEE, d'ap res ses monu- ments en Fra.nce, 2 vols, folio, 108 beautifully coloured plates (pub. at agio.) hf hound green morocco, 56*21. 10^ Paris, 1857 450 Willement. Aocouut of the principal Works in Stained Glass, that have been executed by Th. Willement, impl. 4to. Large Paper, coloured plate, cloth, 145 1840 Printed for private distribution. 451 W[INSTON] (C.) Inquiry into the differences of style observable in An- cient Glass Paintings, 2 vols. 8vo. second edition, 76 plates {some colored) and several woodcuts, (pub. at 31? Qd) cloth gilt, new, 26s ^d Oxford, 1867 452 Memoirs illustrative of the Art of Glass Painting, 8vo. portrait, numerous coloured plates and tvoodcuts, (pub. at 21s) cloth, 14s 1865 See also Fowler — Waring. 453 G-OLTZII (H.) Iconea Apostolorum, 4to. a very fine and masterly Series, so lettered, of 14 Heads, each expressing in a most marked manner a passage of the Christian Belief, very choice impressions, also a reverse im- pression of these 14 plates — in all 28 engravings, carefully mounted, and bound in Cambridge calf gilt, ^64. 4s s. I. 1589 See also Bible Prints. Such a set, with the reverse impressions is extremely rare, probably unique. 454 GOEir Thesaurus Veterum DiptychoruiM Consulariura et Ecclesiasticorum, ace. J. B. Passerii Exposit. sive Additamenta, 4 vols, in 2, folio, 110 en- gravings from rare and curiously carved DipTTCHS,y?^2d perfect copy in vellum, £7, ^ ^ Florent. 1759 455 G-OETHE'S Eeineke Fuchs, mit Zeichnungen von Kaulbach, atlas 4to. with 36 engravings of exquisite humour and a key-plate, cloth, 32s Miinchen, 1846 An early subscriber's copy. 456 G-OZ, Leidenschaftliche Entwiirfe fiir empfindsame Kunst- und Schauspiel- Ereunde, 4to. 228 pp. of text on Thick Paper, {interspersed with engravings) and a series of illustrations, entitled " Len'Ardo und Blandine, ein Melo- dram uach Biirger in 160 leidenschaftlichen Entwiirfen," consisting of 160 spirited etchings, representing all the attitudes and expressions of Actors, vary- ing from indifference to the greatest degree of passion, rage, affection, distress, agony, hf. red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, rare, 25s Augsburg, 178>J 457 GOZZINI, Monumenti Sepolcrali della Toscana, incisi da Lasinio, folio, 4i7 fine plates of Funeral Monuments, hf. bd. neat, 20s Firenze, 1819 "Ouvrage execute avec soin."— Brunei. Sykes' copy fetched £2. 12s 6d. 458 Monuments Sepulcraux de la Toscane, folio, 73^Zai(es, with Erench Text, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. Florence, 1821 459 GEAN GEE'S Biographical History of England, from Egbert to the Eevolu- tion, 6 vols, in 3, 1824 — Noble's Biographical History of England, to the end of George I. 3 vols. 1806 — together 9 vols, in 6, 8vo. hf. calf neat 32s This interesting work gives an account of i a biography of the men represented by the por- every engraved English portrait, and in addition | traits. 460 GEOSE (F.) Military Antiquities, representing a History of the English Array, 2 vols, above 100 plates — Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, 1 vol. 62 pZ^^es— together 3 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £2. 2s 1786 461 Antiquities of Scotland. 2 vols. impl. 4to. large paper, fine Original impressions of the plates, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 16s 1/97 462 GEUNEE (L.) die Basreliefs der Vorderseite des Doms zu OEVIETO : le» bas-reliefs de la cathedrale d'Orvieto gravees sur les dessins de V. Pontani par D. Ascani, B. Bartoccini et L. Gruner ; texte par E. Braun, in 2 parts royal folio, 80 ^ne plates on tinted grounds of the celebrated Basreliefs of the Orvieto Cathedral, amongst the greatest Masterpieces of Christian Art p?'o- duced in Italy, the text in German (pub. at £^ 5s) in portfolios, £3. 10s Leipzig, 1857 WOEKS ON THE FINE AETS. 698 4U3 GEUNEE'S Orvieto, laege papee, India proofs, obi. atlas folio, hf. red morocco, £6. 1857 464< GEUNEE, Decorations of the G■A.E^)E^--PAVILION in the Grounds of Buckingham Palace, royal folio, vignette and 15 plates, (pub. at £3. 3s) cloth, \:5s 1846 465 the same, seven of the plates coloueed, folio, (pub. at 565. 5s) cloth, £2.l2sGd 1816 466 GEUNER'S OENAMENTAL AET, selected from the best Models of the Classical Epochs, 1 vol. atlas folio, containing 80 most exquisitely beautiful plates, comprising the most perfect specimens of Paintings, Carvings, Friezes, Ceilings, Ornaments and Decorations of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Centuries, executed in the Palaces and Churches of Pome, Ve- rona, Mantua, Milan, ^c. hy Jacobo della Tureita, Beamante, Ltjini, GiULio EoMANO, Eaphael d'Uebino, etc. many of the plates sumptuously coloueed and heightened with gold ; with the 4to. volume of explanatory- text, and the additional plates, (pub. at £12. 12s in bds.) hf bd. morocco, gilt edges, £12. • 1850 The work has now become very scarce, and is in general request as the best BOOK of CLASSICAL OKNAMENT. Copies are now selling at sales for £14. 14* and upwards. A MORE MAGNIFICENT VOLUME than the above has never been produced in any country. It is difficult to conceive the gorgeous yet har- monious effect of the colours, which could only have been produced by the Litliochromatograpliie process. The plates are of a very large size, and present some of the most tasteful specimens of Decorative Art of every description by the greatest Masters, including Raphael, Giulio Romano, Holbein, Giotto, &c. 467 GEUNEE'S Italiat^Feesco PAINTINGS : Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Churches and Palaces in Italy during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Cen- turies, a splendid volume, imp. folio, frontispiece and 55 very large, elaborate and most interesting engravings, after the original Paintings of Eaphael, Giulio Eomano, Giovanni da Udine, Baldassare Peruzzi, Sebastian del Piombo, Correggio, Moretto, Ambrogio da Fasano, Bramantino, Bernardino, Luini, Pinturicchio, &c. several elaboeately eintshed in coloues, and coloured key-plates given to shew the colouring of the rest ; with a 4to. volume of Text : An Essay by J. J. Hittoefe, on the Arabesques of the Ancients, as compared with those of Eaphael and his School — together 2 vols. (pub. at £7. 7*) cloth, £4. 45 1854 4G8 the same, 2 vols, hf bd. red morocco, gilt edges, £5. 5* 1854 469 the same, THE PLATES OF ALL THE FRESCOES ENTIRELY COLOURED, atlas folio, ivhole bound red morocco, gilt edges, £95. 1854 This magnificent work is no less valuable to the Architect then to the Painter. It does not profess (says the Quarterly Review in an elabo- rate article) to exhibit fresh decorative painting in that highest walk chosen by Michael Angelo and EafFaelle (except as a handmaid), but as a purely decorative Art and subservient to Arclii- tccture. Owing its very existence to the exi- gencies of the sovereign art, and deriving its ap- propriate locality, scale and effect, from the edifice, it no less assists the Architecture^ in return, by its arabesques and other tasteful accessories. 470 GEUNEE'S " Lo Scaffale," or Presses in the Sacristy of the Church of Sta. Maria delle Grazie at Milan, illustrations of the painted decoration by Bern. Luini, executed in chromolithography by L. Gruner, roy. folio, ZO plates (pub. at £3. 85) cloth, £2. 10* 1859-60 471 Geeen Vaults at DEESDEN : Das Griine Gewolbe zu Dresden, square folio, a series of 28 beautiful plates, in colors, representing the chief Art Treasures of the Eoyal Saxon Collection, with a text by Baron von Landsberg (pub. at £5. 5«) bds. £4<. 4« Dresden, 1862 Very few copies were printed for sale. 472 Guenebattlt, Dictionnaire Iconographique des Monuments de I'Antiquite chretienne et du moyen age, 2 vols, large 8vo. hf mor. IQs 1843 A most useful work of reference. 473 Haerlem. Const-thoonende Juweel, by de lostijcke Stadt Haerlem ten Versoecke van Trou meet blijckea, in't Licht gebracht, sra. 4to. numerous folding engravings of the Processions, Emblems, all the Toivns of Holland, ^c. vellum, 24* Zwol. 1607 Very curious, tlie text includes also popular Songs. GOD BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 474 HAMILTON (Gr.) Schola. Italica Pictue^, atlas folio, oeiginal and very fine impresions of the 40 heautiful engravings, splendidly bound in calf, richly ornamented with gold tooling, gilt edges, £6. 10s Romce, 1773 This copy was bought from Gordon and Foster's in 1814 for £12. 12.«f. 475 Hardiis'g's Guide aud Compnnioo to the " Lessons on Art," impl. 8vo. with 16 fine lithographs and some woodcuts, cloth, Qs s. a. 476 HAET (Capt. L. W.) Character and Costumes of AP GH A NI STAN, atlas folio, title and 26 plates of the Native Warriors, Public Officers, ^c. finely coloured like drawings, and mounted on cardboard (pub. at 58IO. 10*) in a portfolio, m. 85 (? 1850) Forms also a Second Series to the similar work of Atkinson. 477 HAEDINGE'S (the Hon. C. Stewart) Eecollections of INDIA, drawn on stone by J. D. Harding, 2 parts in 1 vol. atlas folio, large paper, with 26 fine lithographs, (pub. at £10. 10^) hf morocco, £2. 12s 6d 1847 478 HEIDEN (Jan van der) Beschryvin^ der Slang- Brand- Spuiten, en Brand- Blussen, royal folio, 25 very fine plates of Great Fires at Amsterdam, and of * Eire Engines, hf bd. uncut, £2. Amst. 1735 479 HEINECKEN (Baron) Idee Generale d'une Collection complette d'Estampes, avec une Dissertation sur I'Origine de la Gravure, et sur les premiers Livres d'Images, stout ^\o. facsimile plate of early Block Books, and other engravings in the infancy of the art, 2os ; or, in old russia neat, 325 Leip. 1771 480 the same, pine paper, 8vo. red morocco, gilt edges, by Walker, from Mr. Carpenter'' s library, £2. 15^ 1771 481 Heller's Haudbuch fur Kupferstich-Sammler, oder Lexicon der vorziig- lichsten Kupfersteclier, Pormschneider, etc. mit Augabe ibrer Blatter, 8vo. sd. 65 Leipzig, 1848 482 Heucking, die sixtinisclie Madonna, 8vo. sd. 2s 6^ ^t. Vetersburg, 1862 483 HOPMAN (Tycbo) Portraits Historiques des Hommes lUustres de Danne- MARK, avec les Me moires du Grand Chancellier GrilFenfeld, &c. 7 parts in 1 vol. 4to. quite complete, fine paper, containing upwards of 100 fine Por- traits, {several English) and Vignettes, by Burford, Folkema, Wille, and other first rate artists of the time, original issue with pine impressions, also Ge- nealogical Tables of Illustrious Families in Denmark, olive morocco, super extra, gilt edges, by Holloway, yeijt rare, £7. Copenhagen, 1746 Priced, 1830, JPayne and Foss, £7. ; 1864, Sotheby's, £9. ; sold in 1863 for £7. 156-. 484 HOGARTH (W.) WORKS : A Collection op 325 Engra- vings BY THIS EMINENT Artist, from the ORIGINAL PLATES^ in choice states^ with valuable MS. Memo- randa^ b}^ the Collector of this very Extensive Series^ temp. 1790^ arrang-ed in 2 vols, elephant folio^ all the prints very neatly mounted on drab coloured paper ^ hf. bd. £100. 1720-86 proof impressions ; Sleeping Congregation, Jirst state, and very fine first impression after retouch- This collection was made by a Hogarth En- thusiast at the end of the last century ; it is just as he had left it ; it includes Hogarth's Book- Plate ; Portrait of Hogarth and his Dog, very fine and scarce, and the same Plate altered by inserting Churchill ; Portrait of Hogarth seated, with pallet, &c. in two states ; Portrait of Sarah Malcolm, m two states ; Portrait of D. Lock, very fine ; Mez- zotint Portrait of Lord Boyne, very scarce ; Por- trait of Bp. lloaid\j,fine ; Portrait of Lord Lovat, first state ; Portrait of Pine, very fine and searce ; The Bruiser, ^r^^ and third states; Portrait of 'WiV&.Q.s, first state ; the Complicated Richardson, very scarce, Portraits of Hunt and Read, firit states; Portrait from the Happy Marriage, un- lettered proof; Various Subscription Tickets ; Shop Bills ; Coats of Arms ; Plate of a Shield, only 20 copies taken off before it was destroyed ; Etching of his House at Chiswick, very rare ; Il- lustrations of Apuleius ; Illustrations to Beaver's Roman Military Punishments ; Hogarth's Tour ing ; Monkey watering Flower Pots, fij^st state, with obit, afterwards altered to obiit ; The Times, t^'ne, and very scarce ; Analysis of Beauty, plate II, in first and second states ; the large and small Sets of Illustrations of Hudibras ; the Illus- trations of Don Quixote ; Midnight modern Con- versation (before the plate was retouched^ ; the rare Plate of Mr. Highmore's Adventure ; Before and After ; Distrest Poet (first and second states) ; Strolling Players (Jn first and second states) ; Harlot's Progress ; Rake's Progress {several in two states) ; Marriage a la Mode ; In- dustry and Idleness fjine set) ; Beer Street {in two states) ; Cruelty (including the two large woodcuts) ; Moses brought to Pharaoh's Daughter, fine and rare ; Paul before Fehx, the Burlesque, in first and second states; Paul before Felix, both engravings ; &c. &c. WOEKS ON THE FINE AETS. 700 485 HOGARTH'S WORKS: Another Singularly Fine and Extensive Series of Engravings, by and after Hogarth, including nearly all the PLATES in their FIRST States^ with numerous Variations^ also the Engra- ving's made after Hogarth's Paintings, altogether 298 plates as stated, First Impressions, a picked copy made up by a wealthy and inlellig'ent Collector reg-ardlessly of expense, all the plates mounted on stout blank cartridge paper and bound in 3 vols, elephant foho, 7'ed morocco, super extra^ broad gold borders^ joints, gilt edges, a copy for a princely collection^ £150. 1720-1800 To point out all features of this set of Hogarth would require an Essay occupying too much space in this Catalogue. Vol. I. has 84 plates. H. has 82 „ in. has 132 „ In all 298 engravings. Whoever wishes to possess a true picture of the manners and cus- toms of the eventful period from 1720 to 1764, the time of Hogarth's death, should secure one of the above sets of his works. The first copy is the more complete, the second the more choice. An Art critic or a Public In- stitution should buy the first, a wealthy Amateur should buy the second copy. It is becoming every day more difficult to ob- tain Rare Prints. Here are two sets of Hogarth, such as could not be made again by the most arduous collector with the fullest of purses. Those who wish to be acquainted with the whole extent of Hogarth's powers, should assemble 486 the first copies, together with all the varieties of his capital works. " The scarceness of the good impressions of Hogarth's larger works is in great measure owing to their having been pasted on canvass or boards, to be framed and glazed for furniture. There were few people who collected his prints for any other purpose at their first appearance. The majority of these sets being hung up in London houses, have been utterly spoiled by smoke. Since foreigners have learned the value of the same performances, they have also been exported in considerable numbers. Wherever a taste for the fine arts has prevailed, the works of this great master are to be found. Messrs. Tarre have fre- quent commissions to send them into Italy. I am credibly informed that the Empress of Eussia has expressed uncommon pleasure in examining such genuine representations of English manners ; and I have seen a set of cups and saucers with The Harlot's Progress painted on them in China about the year 1739." — John Nicliolls. HOG-AETH'S (W.) Original and genuine WORKS, atlas foHo, 108 ^Z^^fe^, very good old impressions, (pub. at £21.) Jif. Id. blue morocco, uncut, £7. 10s London, Baydell ^ Co. s. a. (1800) 487 "Works, from the original plates restored by Jas. Heath, E.A., and with tlie additions of subjects not before collected ; to which is prefixed a biographical Essay and Explanations of the plates by John Nichols, atlas folio, IIQ plates and 3 extra plates in a secret pocJcet, hf. hd. maroon morocco, gilt edges, £1 . London, Baldwin ^ Cradoch, s.a. (? 1850) This copy is a very early one of this issue. I worked ; even inferior copies often sell for £10. The coppers have since that lime been very much | and upwards. 488 HOGARTH'S WORKS, from the original plates restored by Heath; with a biographical Essay by John Nichols, atlas folio, portrait and 178 large plates^ MODERT^ IMPRESSIONS, hf. hd. red morocco, gilt edges, £Q. Qs 1822 489 HOGAETH. Eleven Etchings ridiculing Hogarth, &c. styled " Vile Imita- tions of Eembrandt," original impressions, very curious and rare — Hogarth (W.) Analysis of Beauty, no plates, uncut, £2. 1753 490 HOLBEIN, CEUVRE de, ou Eecueil de Gravures d'apres les plus beaux ouv- rages de ce farneux peintre, publie par le fameux Mechel, graveur, savoir : I. Le Triomphe de la Mort, des Eichesses et de la Pauvrete. II. La Pas- sion de notre Seigneur. III. Costumes d'Hommes et de Eeinmes du XYI siecle. IV. Portraits entre autres celui d'Erasme, super royal 4to. ^4tjine plates, Original Lmpressions, Ids. from the Salamanca library, £5. 15s Basle, 1780-90 Collation : Part I. Title, text, 7 leaves, 47 numbered engravings on 12 plates, and 2 plates, '* Le Triomphe des Kichesses ;" II. Title, front, and 12 plates ; III- Title, front. 12 plates, and 3 unnumbered plates, not mentioned by Brunct ; IV. Title, etc. 10 portraits, without the two plates of the family of Sir Thomas More. The last two parts are often wanting ; the Fonthill copy fetched £5. 17^. 701 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOxN*. 491 HOLBEIN (H.) Histoeiaetjm UETEEIS Instrumenti ICONES ad uiuum expressae, una cum brevi, sed quoad fieri potuit, dilucida earundem exposi- tione, smallest 4to. first edition,^??^ impressions of the 92 beautiful ivood- cuts, olive moroccOy gilt edges, from the Yemeniz and the Slade lihraries, at;28. 10^ Lugduni suh Scuto Coloniensi {M. ei G. Trechsel, 1538) 492 the same, an equally fine and tallee but not so broad copy, red mor. extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £25. 1538 493 another very tall fine copy, beginning and end perfect, but ivanting a few leaves in the middle, hf bd. £,Q. Qs Lugduni, 1538 The missing portion can be supplied from a shorter copy for £6. 6*. 494 Historiarum Yeteris Testament! Icones, cum Latina et Gallica expo- sitione, sq. 12mo. second issue, with several of the engravings coloured, ivanting title, leaf Q 2, and imprint, unbound, ZOs Lugd. Trechsel, 1539 495 IcoNEs HisTOEiAEUM Yeteeis Testamenti, smallest 4to. /we wooc?- cuts, with French verses underneath, very fine large copy, veaufauve, £10. 10* Lugduni, apud Jo. Frellonium, 1547 496 Icones Yeteris Testamenti : Illustrations of the Old Testament, with verses from Scripture, in English, Latin, Erench, Italian, and Spanish, and Introduction by Dibdin, 8vo. 91 beautiful woodcuts by the Byfields, hf. bd. 15« 1800 " Ce tirage est augment! de deux planches, ce qui en porte le nombre total a 94." — Brunet. 497 HOLBEIN (Hans) Les simulachres et Historiees FACES de la MOET, autant elegaramet pourtraictes, que artificiellement imaginees, smallest 4to. first edition of the beautiful woodcuts representing the Dance of Death, fine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, by Cape, extremely rare, Mr. Slade^s copy, £30. Lyon, 1538 498 Imagines de Moete et Epigeammata. His aceesserunt Medicina Animse, et alia opuscula, 18mo. 37 woodcuts of the Dance of Death, a very rare edition not mentioned by Douce, who notices the French text of the same date, wanting A 3 and 4, vellum, 562. 10^ Lugduni, Frellon, 1542 499 L' Alphabet de la Mort, entoure de Bordures du XVIe siecle, et suivi d'anciens poemes Erangais sur les trois mors et les trois vies, par A. de Montaiglon, 8vo. Me Alphabet of Holbein and the Borders after ^^ Livres d^Seures,^^ exquisitely reproduced, hf. bd. morocco, gilt edges, ISs Baris, Tross, 1856 500 — the same, 8vo, labge paper, printed within elegant woodcut borders, in which are reproduced facsimiles of the Dance of Death, splendidly bound in red morocco super extra, broad dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Lortic, Mr, Slade's copy, £Z. Ss Baris, 1856 501 Hollar. Yertue (G.) Description of the Works of the Engraver W. Hollar, second edition, sm. 4to. sewed, 35* 1759 502 HoOGHE (Eomeyn de) Hieroglyphica of Merkbeelden der oude Yolkeren, roj. 4to. with 63 very fine allegorical plates of Ancient Worships, each plate full of details, some of a startling description, the impressions very fine, vel- lum, 355 Amst. 1735 A very strange artistic production, crowded with details. 503 HOPE COLLECTIOjS" (the) A Catalogue of the Collection of Pearls and Precious Stones, formed by H. P. Hope, described by Hertz, folio, 42 plates, cloth, 25s 1839 504 the same, thick paper, India proofs, presentation copy, cloth, £2. 2s 1839 505 HORATII Opera, seneis Tabulis incidit Jo. PINE, the text engraved through- out with beautiful vignette illustrations, original edition, 2 vols. 8vo. ivith the Frror " Bostest,'^ page 108, in the second volume, old crimson morocco extra, prize copy, £3. Zs 1733-37 A clean, good and very cheap copy ; copies have sold at £10. 105, and above. WORKS ON THE FINE ARTS. 702 506 HUMPHEEY'S (R. N.) Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages, with an Account of the development and progress of the Art of Illumination from the IVth to the XVlIth centuries, impl. folio, large paper, illustrated hy a series of 39 examples of the size of the originals, selected from the most heautiful of the MSS. of the various periods, executed on stone, and most heautifully printed in gold, silver, and colours hy Owen Jones, (pub, at 5616. IQs) antique calf gilt edges, £8. \0s 184<9 An extremely low price for such a beautiful work. In 1855, Bernal's copy, mor. fetched £12. Vienna, Moscow, Paris, Naples, Copenhagen, and Madrid ; from the Vatican, Escurial, Ambrosian, and other great Libraries of the Continent ; and from the rich Public, Collegiate, and Private Li- braries of Great Britain. The illustrations, all of the exact size of the originals, are from the most celebrated and splen- did MSS. in the Imperial and Royal Libraries of 507 IcoNOGRAPHiE DES ESTAMPES A SuJETS galants et des Portraits de Eemmes Celebre par leur Beaute, par M. le C. d'l * * *, auteur de la Bib- liographie des ouvrages relatifs a I'amour, etc, 8vo. viii. and 791 pp. double columns, hf hound morocco gilt, uncut, 30^ 1868 Only 275 numbered copies were printed. 508 the same, largp] paper, roy. 8vo. sd. £2. 2^ 1868 A very accurate bibliographical work ; a detailed prospectus may be had gratis. INSTITUTO di Corrispondenza Archaeologica di Roma : a set ; 509 ANNALI, from the beginning in 1829, Vols. I -XXXI, 8vo. sereral hun- dred plates Roma e Parigi, 1829-59 BULLETTINO dell Instituto, from the beginning in 1829, Vol. I— XXX, 8vo. plates Roma, 1829-59 Repektoeio Universale, 1844-53, 8vo. heing a volume of General Indexes, sewed Roma, 1856 1854-56, folio, sd. Lipsia, 1859 MONUMENTI INEDITI, impl. folio; Vol. I, (1829-33), 60 plates; Vol. II. (1834-38), 60 pZflz'^s; Yol. Ill, (1839-43) 60 j»Z«/e5; Yol. lY, (1844-48) m plates; Yol. Y. (1849-53) 60 /iZaiJes; YI, {1^^7-Ql) plates 1-36; un- hound Romtty 1829-59 together, the set in 8vo, and impl. folio, as described, j£50. 1829-59 The folio volumes which were published in I Bulletin, and Monumenti for those years ; but Gotha in 1854-55 (not included in the above set, the publication in that form was then discontinued, but which can be obtained) comprised Annali, I B^° Sets completed. ^old separately : 510 MoNrMENTi Inedtti : Yols. I — lY, complete, 240 plates, 5^10. 511 the same, Yols. I-III, {Title and tivo of the leaves of table torn in Vol, I) ; lY, title, table, and plates 13-60, {wanting plate 50), £6. 512 the same, Yol. 1, plates 1-57, 60, {title and third leaf tahle wanting, and the first leaf torn)—No\. II, title, and plates 1-14, 19-60— Yol. Ill, complete — the lot, £2. 10^ Ironmonger's Hall Exhibition — ^^eante: Catalogues. JAMIESON'S Handbooks of Christian Art: 513 Sacred and Legendary Art, 2 vols. 8vo. 187 illustrations, (pub. at 31* 6 J) 265 1866 514 Legends of the Monastic Orders, 84 illustrations, (pub. at 21^) 17^ 1867 515 Legends of the Madonna, 165 illustrations, (pub. at 21^) 17 1867 616 History of Our Lord, 2 vols. 281 illustrations, (pub, at 42sj 32^ 1865 " Mrs. Jamieson has done much to famili- gress of the great revival now going on in Ger- arize her countrymen with the noble works of many."— Zecorative, etc. with explanations, hf. morocco, gilt edges, 18s ib. 1811 553 Monuments des Arts liberaux, mecaniques, et industriels de la France, depuis les Graulois jusqu'a Francois I, impl. folio, 45 large plates containing 800 subjects, bds. 27s ib. 1840 554 LTNDEBEEGr, Hypotyposis Arcium, Palatiorum, Librorum, Pyramidum, Obeliscoruni, Cipporum, Molarum, Fontium, Monumentorum et Epitaphio- rum, a Eanzovio conditorum, sq. 8vo. numerous cuts of Villas in Solstein, Portraits of the Panzow family, bds. 21s Hamburg, 1591 555 LINDSAY (Lord) Sketches of the History of Christian Art, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, rare, £S. 3s 1847 " This branch of knowledge was materially advanced in 1847 by the publication of Lord Lindsay's ' History of Christian Art,' the intro- ductory portion of which was devoted to a learned and elaborate exposition of what the writer ap- propriately termed ' Christian Mythology.' Lord Lindsay's book, however, was too ponderous and solemn to become generally popular. He pointed out in a very impressive manner, to those inte- rested in the progress of Italian art, the great earnestness of purpose and self-devotion which characterized the earliest painters and sculptors of that country. And his work will long be ap- pealed to upon questions connected with the men- tal development of the middle ages." — Fme Arts Quarterly, JV. S. I. p. 133. Locks and Keys, Ornamental Ironwork: 556 Geuente et Botjet, Serrurerie du Moyen- Aoje, les Ferrures de Fortes par Eaymond Bordeaux, sm. 4to. 40 plates and many woodcuts of Locks, Hinges, Ornaments, etc. chiefly in the Old Pdifices of England, (pub. at 20s) cloth, 17s Gd Oxford, 1858 Lodge — see Portraits. 557 LONDESBOEOUGH MUSEUM : Miscellanea Grapiiica ; Engraved Eepresentations of the Ancient, Mediaeval and Eenaissance objects in the possession of LOED LONDESBOEOUGH, from Drawings by Fairholt, descriptions by T. Wright, Esq., F.S.A. impl. 4to. with 46 fine plates, some coloured, comprising nearly 200 engravings of Jewels, Gold Ornaments, Car- vings, Armour, etc. and further illustrated by numerous woodcuts in the text, (pub. at ^6*3. 16s) cloth, clean throughout, 28s 1856-57 This interesting collection of Art Treasures 1 dispersed. Intending purchasers should possess was brought together at great expense by the themselves of the above most carefully executed late Lord Londesborough, and it will ere long be ! Catalogue Raisonne to guide their purchases. 558 LONDON. STOEEE (J.) and J. Gkeig, Select Views of London and its Environs, 2 vols. impl. 4to. lakge paper, with the plates in two states (india PROOFS and etchtngs, including the vignettes taken off separately in two states, besides the impressions on letterpress), red morocco super extra, gilt edges by Staggemeier, £16. 1804-5 559 WEST (E.) Ferspective Views of all the Ancient Churches in London and "Westminster, engraved by W. H. Toms, 2 parts in 1, folio, containing 24 plates, fine impressions , hf russia, £>2. 2s 1736-39 560 LONGUS, Amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chloe, 12mo. with all the plates,^ including that of the " Petits pieds," green mor. gt. edges, 36s Bouillon, 1776 707 BEENARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 661 LUYNES (Due de) EecherclieB sur les Monuments et I'Hiatoire des Nor- mands et de la Maison de Souabe dans I'ltalie Meridionale le texte par Huillaed-Beeholles, impl. folio, with 35 plates by V. Baltard, hf. mo- rocco, uncut^top edges gilt, Sir Charles Price's copy, i^2. 185 Paris, 1841 562 LYSONS' (Samuel) EELIQUI^ BEITANNICO-EOMAN^, containing ElGUEES OF EOMAN ANTIQUITIES DISCOTERED IN VARIOUS PARTS OF ENG- LAND, 3 vols. — EoMAN Antiquities discovered at Woodchester, 1 vol. — Collection of G-loucesteshire Antiquities, printed on large paper as a sequel to the above, 2 vols. — together 6 vols, in 3, atlas folio, with several hundred interesting plates of ROMAN TESSELATED PAVEMENTS and other Remains, many beautifully coloured, bds. very rare, £63. Lond. 1797-1817 Separate portions to be sold at tlie prices affixed. Vol. I part 1 : Mosaic Pavements at Horkstow, Lincolnshire, coloured plates, £2. 105 1801 Part 2 : Remains of 2 Temples at Bath, 13 coloured plates, £S. Ss 1802 „ 3 : Mosaic Pavements near Erampton in Dorsetshire, 7 coloured plates, £2. 2s 1808 „ 4 : Eoman Antiquities in Kent, Cheshire, etc. 10 col. plates, £3. 3^ 1814 Vol. Ill, Eemains of a Eoman Villa discovered at Bognor in Sussex, 32 co- loured plates, £15. 1817 Vol. Ill, Part 3, separately, containing 2 engraved titles, 2nd list of leaf of list of plates, plates 1-3, 13, 14, 15, 20 to 32, sd. £4. 4* 1817 Account of Eoman Antiquities discovered at ^VOODCHES- «63 564 TEE, GLOUCESTERsniRE, impl. folio, 40 finely coloured plates, (pub. at £10. 10*) bds. uncut, £3. 10* 1797 the same, impl. folio, russia gilt, £3. 10* 1797 racy, in delineating and illustrating the fragments of antiquity, as rarely has been equalled, certainly never surpassed." — Pursuits of Literature. Collection of GrLOUCESTEESHIBE Antiquities, engraved on one Hundred and Ten Plates, etched by the talented author, depicting Churches, Castles, Ancient Souses, Tombs, Sculpture, Stained Glass, Seals, etc. mostly coloured, 2 vols. impl. folio, (pub. at 3612. 12^) unbound, £6. 105 1804 the same, on large paper, or Colombier, a vert early and ori- " His work on the remains of the Roman villa and pavements at Woodchester is such a specimen of ingenuity, unwearied zeal, and critical accu 565 — ^Q GiNAL COPY, with the plates of Stained Glass, Effigies, etc. COLOURED by hand under the direction of the editor, only twelve copies said to be so EXECUTED, russia, gilt edges, broad gold borders, £12. 1804 This noble volume is further illustrated by Engravings peculiar to the Country from other sources, neatly laid down ; also by a copy of the liev. Cooper Willyams's f History of Sudeley Castle, in Gloucestershire, with a view ; Three Drawings, by Robins, of the Thatched House, near Cheltenham, taken in 1745, the Views being those of a south-east prospect of Sudeley Castle and the Town of Winchcombe ; south-east pros- pect of Hales Abbey, County Gloucester — both in colours ; a west prospect of the Spa and Town of Cheltenham, in India?i ink — the latter is on VELLUM, and being taken when only 35 years had elapsed after the Mineral Spa had been discovered, and long before much of a place of fashionable resort had been built up around it, deserves the especial attention of the Gloucestershire collector. The complete book is by Jar the grandest and most elaborate work published in any country, of its Roman Antiquites. It is supposed no province of the Roman Empire contained a greater number of extensively and richly decorated Roman Villas than England ; so much at least may be inferred from the splendid vestiges of Reman Edifices and Pavements. This work was the result of twenty years' elaborate research. The greater part of the Drawings were made by Richard Smirke, Esq., an Artist distinguished for the accuracy of his pencil, and his zeal for antiquarian exactness. The plates exhibit moH interesting and curious examples of Ancient Art and Magjiificence. This splendid work must always form a most important article in an English Topographical Library. Very few complete copies exist, and these may rank among the rarest works on English Topography, as the Plates have been destroyed. In 1820 the publishers advertised — "Com- plete sets of this Work may be had, £37. 165 in boards, or with the volume of Woodchester Anti- quities, £48. 65. The number of complete sets is necessarily limited to Fifty. The plates of Vol. I. Vol. II. and of the Woodchester volume having been destroyed." The Large Paper Gloucester- shire was already then out of print. No PERFECT copy HAS OCCURRED AT ANY OF THE London sales for the last twelve TEARS. "WORKS ON THE FINE AETS. 708 567 MACLISE (Daniel) Story of the Norman Conquest, oblong atlas fol. 42 heau- tiful plates by Grunee, after the designs hy Maclise, Artist's Proofs before Letters, on large paper, £6. 10* Art Unions 1866 568 the same, large paper, obi. atlas folio, 42 plates, Artist's proofs BEFORE letters, ivitJiout a title or text, as usual, hf. hd. russia, £5. 10s 1866 Only six copies exist in this, the choicest state. 569 Mamachi, de' Costumi de' primitivi Cristiani, 3 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, 7^epresenting Martyrdoms, vellum, 15^ Boma, 1753-54 570 MAEO ANTONIO. Delessert, Notice sur la Yie de Marc Antoiue Eaimondi, impl. 4to. with 10 Photographs of his choicest works, presented hy the Author to Mr. Carpenter, 18s Faris, 1853 571 MAEEYAT. Collections towards a History of POTTEEY and POECELAIN iu the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries ; with a Description of the Manufacture, a Glossary, and a List of Monograms, by Josepb Marry at, 8vo. illustrated with coloured plates and woodcuts, cl. 30s 1850 572 the same, large paper, 4ito.with 12 large coloured plates, and up- tuards of 100 WOODCUTS on IjfDiA paper, hf morocco, uncut, Mr. Slade's copy, £8. 8s 1850 Best Edition : the Large Paper is very I this style, not for publication. This edition has rare, only a few copies having been executed in j plates omitted in the next edition. 573 the same, second edition, revised and augmented, (as regards the text), 8vo. with 2 coloured plates, each containing 2 vases, and numerous woodcuts, cloth, 27s ^ ^ 1857 574 the same, third edition, 8vo. 6 coloured plates and many woodcuts, in- cluding potter's marks, (pub. at £2. 2^) cloth gilt, 35s 1868 " As a handbook the value of this work is very great, and we know of no other in which so large an amount of interesting matter connected with the pottery and porcelain is to be found. The book is anecdotal throughout. Any one taking it up will be pleased with it. Its nume- rous coloured plates and woodcuts and its fine type gratify the eye, and on every page will be found information of the most curious and v^ied kind." — Athenaum, Martyrs — see Yerstegan. 575 Maximilian L Schedler, Schizzi biografici delle Persone rappresentate dalle 28 Statue le quali circondano il Monumento dell' Emper. Massimiliano I. nella Chieaa di S. Croce in Insbruck, folio, 30 plates, the text in German and Italian, hds. 8s Qd Innsbruck, 1823 576 the same, large thick paper, folio, the title in German, hds. I85 Innsbruck, s. a. 577 MAZZONI E BEGGAEELLI {Plastici Modenesi) Opere; e le Pitture eseguite nel Palazzo della Comunita di Modena da N. Abati, Schedoni, ed E. Abati, atlas folio, 4i4ifine large plates, engraved by Guazzardi and Tomba, with letter press, hf bd. caf 36s Modena, 1823 578 MELLINQ (M.) Voyage Pittoresque de CONSTANTINOPLE et des Eives du Bosphore, par Melling, atlas folio, yellum paper, containing 48 extremely large and magnificent Views, line engravings of the highest quality, Artist's proofs before the letters, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Simier, from the library of the Duchesse de Berry, with her arms on the sides, £20. laris, 1807-19 579 Memorte per le Belle Arti, from the commencement January, 1785 — Dec, 1788, 4 vols, in 2, 4to. numerous plates, the third volume wants a few pages, hf russia, rare, 10s Boma, 1785-89 580 Mengs (A. E. primer pintor del Bey) Obras, publicadas por J. N. de Azara, 4to. portrait, calf oilt, Is Qd Madrid, 1780 581 MEEIMEE, Peintures de I'Eglise de SAINT SAVIN, atlas folio, 42 fine large plates, in colours, hf bound morocco, oilt top, £4. 4* Ban's, Imprim. Boyale, 1845 This volume forms part of the third series of J toire de France." the " Collection dc Documents int'dits sur I'His- 709 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 582 Meerifield's Original Treatises, from the XVth to the XVIIIth Centuries, on the Arts of Painting, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at SOs) cloth, 20s 1849 A work of singular research and great prac- on the Arts of Gilding, Colouring, Varnishing, tical utility. Mrs. Men-ifield has got together, Dyeing, and other Trade Secrets. from Old Manuscripts, all the Mediaeval Essays Practical Painters and Art Students should on Painting, Mosaics, Miniatures, Glass, etc# possess this work. 583 Meusel. MiscelJaneen artistischen Inhalts, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. calf, 6s 1779 584 MEYEICK'S ais-cient AEMS and AEMOUE. Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of Charles II, with a Glossary, &c. by (Sib) Samuel Eush Meteick, 3 vols, folio, original edition, SO plates, of which 72 «re heautifally coloured, illuminated initials, etc, (original cost i£21.) hf. morccco, gilt edges, £8. • 1842 Priced, 1858, Dawson, £8. 18« M. The j nated under the immediate inspection of the plates in this edition were coloured and illumi- j author himself. 585 the same, new and greatly improved edition, corrected and enlarged by the author, with the assistance of literary and antiquarian Friends (Albert Way, &c.) 3 vols. impl. 4to. upivards of 100 plates, splendidly illu- MIN"ATED, mostly in gold and silver, exhibiting some of the finest speci^nens existing in Enr/land, also a new plate of the Tournaynent of Locks and Keys, (pub. at £21.) neatly hf Id. morocco, £10. 10* 1842 Sir Walter Scott justly describes this collec- tion as " the incomparable Armoury." "This most superb Archapological work is animated with numerous novelties, curious and historical disquisitions, and brilliant and recon- dite learning- Learning going to Court in the full, rich costume of the Order of the Garter — Plates as fine as the monuments of Westminster Abbey. Really and truly the work is admirably executed, and deserves every eulogy." Edinh. Review. 586 SKELTON'S Engraved Illustrations of Ancien^t Arms and Abmotjb, from the collection of Goodrich Court, Hekefoedshire, from the drawings of, and with Descriptions by, Dr. Meyrick, (pub. at £\\. lis) 2 vols, folio, 152 plates, hf morocco, tjiscxjt, tops gilt, £4. 15^ 1850 587 MICALI, OPEKE : L'ltalia avanti il Dominio dei Eomani, 4 vols. Firenze, 1810 Storia degli Antichi Popoli Italiani, 3 vols. ih. 1832 MoxuMEi^Ti inediti a illustrazione della Storia degli antichi popoli Italiani, 1vol. etc. QO fine plates, some coloured ib. 1844 Monumek^ti per servire alia storia degli antichi popoli italiani, seconda edizione, map and 120 plates ib. 1883 Antichi Monumenti per servire all' opera L'ltalia avanti il dominio dei E-omani, map and QO plates ib. 1810 together 8 vols, in 4, 8vo. and 3 vols, in 1, folio, hf bd. vellum gilt, £4t. 45 ib. 1810-44 A perfect set of the 3 Antiquarian Works of j Italian Nations. Micali, in elucidation of the Arts of the Old | 588 Micali, l'ltalia avanti il Dominio dei Eomani, 4 vols. 8vo. with large folio Atlas of 61 plates, hf Id. vellum, 25s ib. 1810-21 589 Storia degli anticlii Popoli Italiani, 3 vols, in 2, 8vo, edizione seconda, map and 120 plates, calf extra, by Clarke and Bedford, £2. 2s Milano, 1836 590 MoNUMENTi inediti a Illustrazione della Storia degli antichi Popoli Italiani, royal folio, 60 fine plates, some coloured, with the octavo letter- press neatly inlaid to the same size, red MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, by J. Leighton, Sir Charles Price's copy, £4. 4s Mrenze, 1844 Michael Angelo : 591 Yasari (G-.) Yita di Michelagnolo Bonarroti, 4to. apparently Large Paper, portrait and plates, calf gilt, 9s Boma, 1760 592 Harford (John S.) Illustrations, Architectural and Pictorial, of the Genius of Michael Angelo Buonaroti, impl. folio, 19 plates, with descriptions by Carina and Cockerell, (pub. at £3. 13s 6d) hf morocco, presentation copy to Dr. Wellesley, £2. 10s 1857 WORKS ON THE FINE AETS. 710 Michael Angelo — continued. 593 QuATREM^RE DE QuiNCT, Ilistoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Michel- Ange Bonarroti, 8vo. hf. vellum, 5s 1835 See also : Fisher, for his Etched Facsimiles of Michael Angelo and Eaphael. ^ 594 MiCHiELS, Histoire de la Peiuture Flamande et Hollaudaise, 5 vols, in 4, Svo. cloth, 10s Gd Bruxelles, 1845-49 595 MICHEL. Eecherches srE le commerce, la fabrication et I'usage des etoffes de SOIE, d'or et d'argent, et autres tissus precieux en Occident, prin- cipalement en France, pendant le moyen age, par Fraiicisque Michel, 2 vols, sm. 4to. hf. bd. red morocco gilt, hy Niedree, £3. 10* JParis, imprimerie de Crapelet, 1852 Military Antiquities and Costume: 597 BOXEL, Anweisung der Kriegsiibung, absonderlich mit Musqnet und Piquen, etc. sqr. sm. 8vo. frontispiece and 98 plates of Exercises with Musket and Pike, Infantry Manoeuvres, remarkably well engraved, the smaller engravings quite in the style of Callot, vellum, rare, 365 Gravenhage, 1675 598 LOSTELNEAU, le Marescbal de Bataille, contenant le Maniment des Armes, folio, 4il fine plates of Muskeeteers in their full Costume practising their Musket Exercise, calf gilt edges, 2Ss Paris, 1647 599 MILLIN, VoyaiJ:e dans les Departemens du Midi de la France, 4 vols, in 5, 8vo. calf, with 4ito. atlas of 61 plates of Antiquities, calf 21s 1807-11 North's copy fetched £2. 125. *' Un des ouvrages de Millin les plus inter essaxits."— Brunei. 600 MOCETO (Hier.) De NOLA, opusculum distinctum, plenum, clarum, etc. sm. folio, beautiful woodcut Capitals and 4 ve?y remarkable Maps and plansof^OJjA, near Mount Vesuvius, russia extra, gilt edges, very fine copy, £S, Venet. 1514 These engravings of Hier. Moceto form an I Engraving; they are not described by Bartsch. interesting link in the History of the Art of | 601 MONTFAUCON, l'antiquite expliquee et representee en Figures, 10 vols. — Supplement, 5 vols. — together 15 vols, royal folio, large paper, original edition, upwards of ISOO plates, fine impressions, old calf gilt, £15. 1719-24 This is still the most complete work illus- I as represented on the existing Art Monuments, trative of the Life and Customs of the Ancients | carefully classified and described. G02 Mo^UME]!fs de la MONAECHIE FEANCOISE, qui comprennent r Histoire de France, avec des figures de cbaque Eegne que I'injure des terns a epargnees, 5 vols, folio, with upivards of 300 beautiful plates of the p^nncipal Events and Personages of French History in their Court Costumes, IVorks of Art, Historical Monuments, from the Castles and Churches, many of them now destroyed or decayed, neat in old calf gilt, rebacked, £12. 16^ 1729-33 603 tbe same. Large Paper, Vols. 1 and 3, folio, old calf, sold separately, each £3. Complete sets, in 20 vols, of this useful library book, were priced, 1831, H. Bohn, mor. £10.5.; 1837, Thorpe, £60.; 1847, H. Bohn, £52. 10^ ; 1848, Payne and Foss, £52. 10a ;— copies fetched, Dent's, £85. ; Merly's, £84. ; Nicol's, £66..5«6//; 1821, W. Hayley's,-£102. I8.v; Caillard's at Paris, 2006 francs ; 1854, Sotheby's, mor. £61. " Of the importance of this great book to the antiquarian and the historical world it is hardly possible to speak too highly. Its object was to lay before the public a vast series of objects of ancient art, of architecture, of sculp- ture, etc, and to illustrate the whole by plates, executed in the highest style which the age admitted of. This the learned author effected most completely; and it is to this very book that the foundation of all our most important branches of archaeological knowledge at the present day- may be ascribed. The obligations of the conti- nental antiquary to Montfaucon are immense ; and his work will stand the test of future ages, as one of the most astonishing and certainly one of tlie most extensive monuments of antiquarian research ever made by one man. The price is still from fifteen to twenty guineas, and it is likely to increase rather than to sink in value." //. L.Jones. Gent's Mag. Dec. 1855. 604i MONUMENTA Clarorum Viuorum, cum Epigraphis; studio S. Euybisch, opere Tobiae Fendt, pictoris Yratisl. editio teetia, folio, engraved on 125 plates, THICK PAPER, ^/ie copy in vellum, 2Ss Erancof Feirabend, 15S9 605 Mojiumenta lllustrium Viroriim et Elogia, cura BoxiioRjfii, folio, 125 plates; followed by '"Boxhornii Ilistoria Eredana" and the "Oratio funebris," in 1 vol, folio, vellum, 9s Amst, 1638 711 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON 606 MoNTJMENTA Illusteium Vieoeum et elogia ; editio nova, aucta antiquis Monumentis in agr© Trajectino repertis, folio, the same 125 'plates and 3 more, hut with this edition goes an exjplanatory text, vellum, 20s Traj. ad Bhenum, 1671 To judge from the titles of these 3 works one expects them to be kindred, but the second and third are simply a new edition of the first, worked from the old coj^pers. These fine plates, engraved by Jest Amman, exhibit a great number of highly ornamental Tombs at that time existing in Italy ; amongst Avhich are those of Dante, Petrarch, &c. " Una preziosa Serie di Monument! ed Iscrizioni lapi- darie." — Cicognara. 607 Moscow : "Weltmann, le Tresor de Moscou, 4to. woodcuts in the text and 24 plates in gold and colours of Works of Art, chiefly Byzantine, hf. Id. morocco, 3Qs Moscou, cir. 1850 608 MiiLLEE (F. H.) Beitriige zur Teutsclien Kunst- und. Geschichtskunde durch Kunstdenkmale, 2 vols, in 1, impl. 4to. 41 plates of Monuments and Stained Glass (in colours), facsimiles of MSS. Ivory Carvings, Sfc, hf. morocco, 9s Darmstadt, 1823-33 609 MiiNTEE (Dr. F.) Sinnbilder und Kunstvorstellungen der alten Christen, 2 vols, in 4to. with 13 plates, half calf , 7s 6d Altona, 1825 Mtjsee Feanqais et Eoyal — see ante Galleries. 610 MUSEO (Eeal) BOEBONICO (descritto ed illustrato daPisTOLESi), 16 vols. 4to. complete, with about 1000 beautiful engravings of Statues, Bas-Beliefs, ancient Paintings, Vases, Candelabri, ^c. (pub. at 3644.) in parts, £18. 18* N-apoli, 1828-67 This beautiful work is now completed. It 1 covered at Herculaneum and Pompeii, in the contains all the marvellous Art Treasures dis- j Koyal Museum at Naples. 611 MUSEO ETEU:SC0 VATICANO; Musei Etrusci quod Gregorius XVI Pon. Max. in aedibus Yaticanis constituit Monumenta, 2 vols, atlas folio, 214 fine plates in outline, vellum extra, backs elegantly gilt, £12. ex cedibus Vaticanis, 1842 Printed for presents only at tne expense of Pope Gregory XVI. 612 MUSEUM of Painting and Sculptfre, or Collection of the principal Pic- tures, Statues, and Bas-Eeliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe, drawn and etched by Eeyeil, with descriptive critical and his- torical notices by Duchesne, senior. Text in English and French, 17 vols. 12mo. with near 1200 outline engravings, early impressions 1828-32 Hamilton, the English School, a series of productions in Painting and Sculpture, executed by British Artists, 4 vols. 12 mo. many outline engra- vings 1833 together 21 vols. 12mo. cloth, clean copy, £(d. 6s 613 MUSEUM ELOEENTINUM, exhibens insigniora Vetustatis Monumenta qusB Elorentise sunt in Thesauro Mediceo, studio Gorii, 12 vols, in 11, royal folio, containing above 700 beautifully engraved portraits of Painters, plates of Gems, Medals, and Coins, Statues, (J'c. remarkably fine set, in beautiful old russia, bright gilt backs, rich and massive gold tooling on the sides, originally from the library of the Marquis of JDonegall, and afterwards from the Bight Ron. Stuart Wottley, £18. Ftorent. 1731-66 350Thalers; 1847, Bohn, £24, £31. 10^, £35. The Marquis of Townshend's copy fetched £69. 6*. This copy was priced by Henry Bohn in 1841, £37. 16*. Priced, 1821, Thorpe, £50.; 1824, Weigel, 614 J^AGLEE'S neues allgemeines KUNSTLEE-LEXICON, oder Nach- richten von dem Leben und Werken der Maler, Kupferstocher, Zeichner, etc. 22 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £9. 10^ Miinchen, 1835-52 The most complete Dictionary of the Fine thus forming the most complete " Art-Bibho- Arts, of the Lives of Painters, Sculptors and graphy " extant. Engravers; with a minute account of their, works, 615 NAPOLEON I. Eastes de Napoleon I. points par A. APPIANI graves par Longhi, Bisi, Benaglia, et Rosaspina; le texte par Barboglio, long atlas folio, 3^ plates of Napoleon's Military Victories, India peooes, (pub. at £S.) in a portfolio, 205 Paris, s. a. (? 1858) The Paintings of Appiani arc in the style of | for a Column or some similar Monument. the Classical Roman Bas-Reliefs as if intended WOEKS ON THE PINE ABTS. 712 616 NATALIE US (P. de) Catalogus SANCTOEUM; Vitas, Passiones et miracula annectens, sm. folio, many hundred engravings, including that of St. Marino guillotined, a^ p(^9^ 16, manihre criblte, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. IGs Lugd. Jacob Saccon, 1519 617 idem, smaller folio, numerous engravings of Saints, Martyrs, etc. vellum, 2ls Lugd. 1543 618 NEALE'S (J. P.) Yietvs of the Seats of Noblemen and Gentlemen 'in EjfG- LAND, Wales, Scotland, and Iheland, 11 vols, large 8vo. 737 fine plates, (pub. at £27. 10s) hf hd. uncut, ^eiO. 10s 1822-29 619 the same, Eirst Series complete, G vols. Vol. 2 wants plate of Lamport Hall, Vol. 6 wants description of Nostell Friory, 1822-23 — Second Series, Vol. 1, numerous engravings — together 7 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco, uncut, £3. 105 620 NEALE'S Views of Seats oe Noblemen and Gentlemen in ENGLAND, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, 11 vols. 4to. complete, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS of the 737 beautiful plates, the finest and most extensive booh of its hind (subscription price £55.) boards, uncut, leather bachs, £25, 1822-29 621 the same, 11 vols. 4to. lahge paper, india proofs, superbly bound in orange morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Lewis, a charming set, £40. 1822-29 The subscription price of the book being | a total cost of £77. £55, and the cost of binding at least £22^ makes | 622 the same, Eirst Series, 6 vols, quite perfect — Second Series, 5 vols. 4to. Vol. 4 wants plate Bromley Rail — together 11 vols. 4to. LAEGE Paper, India proofs, 3 vols, in hf. russia, the remainder uncut, £20, 1822-29 623 Netherlands : Tegenwoordige Staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden, 12 vols. 8vo. a great number of maps and plates, including numerous pretty Views, many fine Portraits, historical scenes, etc. fine copy in old calf gilt, scarce, 20s Amst. 1739-72 624 NEWTON'S Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and BRANCHiDiE, 2 vols. roj. 8vo. and impl. folio, atlas of nearly 100 large plates of plans of the Sites, Architecture, Sculpture, Inscriptions, and other Antiquities, (pub. £18. 18*) cloth, £7. 7^ 1862 Of this work only 300 copies were printed, all of which have been sold to Subscribers. 625 Nichols (J. G.) Examples of Decorative, or Encaustic Tiles, engraved in facsimile, chiefly in their original size, 4to. printed on yellow paper, haf calf, 15« 1815 626 NiBELrNGEN : Das Nibelungenlied, iibersetzt von Marbach, 4to. with woodcuts by Bendemann and Hiibner, cloth, 16s Leipzig, 1840 An elegant volume, the text surrounded by a variety of Ornamental borders. ORNAMENTS : 627 BOESATO (Gius.) Opera Ornamentale, publicata per cura dell' I. E. Accademia di Belle Arti di Yenezia ; con Cenni storici dell' Ornato Deco- rativo Italiano di Vallardi, royal folio, with 60 highly finished Etchings of Monuments, Altars, Chimney Pieces, Candelabra, Lamps, Tables, Seats, Pilasters, Beds, etc. (pub. at £4. 4^) cloth, 21s Milano, 1831 628 DESSEINS d' Architecture, an interesting volume of various Suites of Architectural and other Ornament ; 1, A Series by Cornille, 14 livraisons, 68 plates of Ornamental Woodtoork Furniture, Windows, Doors, Altars, etc. Arabesque Ornaments, 6 plates, and a title " Iconographie historique de Decorations" — Diverses Erises, inventees et gravees par DELAFOSSE, 6 plates; Tombeaux, 6 plates; Vases, 6 plates; Suite de Cartels et Trophees d'apres la Eosse, 6 plates ; Livre de Gaines, 10 plates ; Grilles, Q plates ; Girandoles, 6 plates; Chandeliers, Q plates ; Calices, 6 plates; JjMtvm^, Q plates ; Chandeliers d'Eglise, Q plates ; Ijom^Q^, Q plates ; Chaires de Predicateur, 6 plates — in all 136 plates, hf. bd. rus&ia, £2. 10* Paris (1800 ?) 629 KNIGHT (E.) Scroll Ornaments, designed for the use of Silversmiths, etc. roy. 4to. 48 plates, original impressions, (pub. £2. 10s) bds. 20s 1830 713 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Ornaments — continued. 630 KNiaHT (F.) Vases and Oename^ts for the use of Architects, Silver- smiths, etc. roy. 4ito. 50 plates, (pub. at £2. 10s) bds. 2%s 1833 631 LECONTE, Melanges d'Ornemens Divers, 2 parts in 1 vol. folio, 14^6 plates, engraved by G. E. Glerget, from designs hy Raphael, Albert Diirer, De JBry, ^c. of which 48 are coloured, (pub. at 130 fr.) hf. calf, £2. 2s Paris, 1838 632 LE PAUTHE, Works on Ornamentation, a series of 126 plates of Designs for Ornamental Architecture, in 1 vol. smallest folio, old calf £2. IQs Paris, Mariette, 1659-65 Divided as follows : Portraits d'Eglises, 6 d'Autel, 14 plates; Pourtraict de N. Dame ; De- plates ; Plaques ou Aubenistiers, 6 plates ; Chaires seings d'Autelz, 24 plates; Nouveaux Dessins, de Predicateurs, 9 plates ; Nouvelles Inventions, 6 plates ; Clostures de Chappelles, 15 plates ; 9 plates; Rotables d'Autel, 6 plates; Tabernacles Sepultures et Epitaphes, 30 plates. 633 E-EG-NAKD, Eecueil d'Ornemens de Styles varies d'apres les monuments et les Maitres Allemands, Italiens, Anglais et Fran9ais, du X.VIeauXVlIIe Siecle, folio, QO plates, (pub. at 47 fr.) bds. 35s Paris, Levy, s. a. Teimoul Naik's Choijltey — see ante Drawings. 634 yiSSCHEE (Gerret) het eerste deel, Nieuwe Ornementen, oblong 4to. title and 7 plates, comprising about 63 very beautiful designs for goldsmiths' work, £2. 2s Amsterdam, s. a. (1680 ?) See also, Cuvillies, Jones, Lepautre, in general Alphabet. 635 Orvieto. Stampe del Duomo di Orvieto, atlas folio, 38 large fine plates of the Architecture, Sculpture and Paintings of this splendid Cathedral, hf bd. uncut, 36^ Boma, 1791 See also : Geunee. 636 OSTADE'S WOEKS, edited by the Overyssels Society of Artists; Het "Werk van Adrian van Ostade, royal 4to. 58 coloured plates, in imitation of Deawings, mounted on drawing paper, a very superb copy of this eaee work, carefully bound by Pedford in red morocco extra, gilt edges, 5620. Amsterdam F. W. Greebe, (1750?) Only a very small number of copies were ] which wanted therefore 8 plates. executed. Each plate resembles an elaborate I The above came from the Enschede Collec- water-colour Drawing. I can trace but one other tion, Haarlem, and has since been bound at great copy, sold in 1847, by Hy. Bohn, 50 plates only, | expense. 637 Otte's Archaologisches Worterbuch, 8vo. 106 woodcuts, an illustrated Glossary of the Fine Arts, in a separate German, French, and English alphabet, sd. 35 Qd 1857 638 OTTLET'S ITALIAN SCHOOL OE DESIGN, 1 vol. royal folio, 84 care- fully engraved and tinted plates, being a series of Facsimiles of original Deaw- ings by the most eminent Painters and Sculptoes of Italy, with biographi- cal notices, (pub. at £12. 12s) bds. uncut, £5. 1823 639 the same, impl. folio, hf. bd. green morocco gilt, gilt edges, £5. 15s 1823 In 1862 Miss Currer's copy fetched £8. 2* 6d. 640 the same, impl. folio, LAEGE VELLUM PAPER, with 84 beautiful plates, Fiest PEOOE IMPRESSIONS, (pub. at ^'25. 4*) hf bd. ^10. }0s 1823 641 OTTLET'S Collection of One Hundred and Twenty-nine EACSIMILES of SCAECE and cijrious Prints by the Eaelt Mastees of the Italian, German, and Flemish Schools, illustrative of the History of Engraving, with Introduc- tory Remarks, and a Catalogue of the Plates, impl. 4to. 129 finely engraved plates on India papee, one of the Niellos executed in Siltee, (pub. at £15. 15^) hf. morocco, gilt top, £o. 1828 Utterson's copy, mor. fetched, 1857, £5. 15* 6d ; and was priced afterwards £6. 16* Sd. The first issue, dated 1826, contains 100 facsimiles only; the second issue has 129 facsimiles, with a corresponding additional text (pp. 21-25). The facsimiles of the Niello-Engravings, formerly in the possession of Sir Mark Sykes, are executed on silver, in exact imitation of the originals, besides which an impression of each plate is given on India paper. Very few copies have been printed. This beautiful work may be fairly stated to be unpublished, as very few copies were ever distributed, and those chiefly as presents by the late Proprietor. The accurate knowledge of the late Mr. Ottley in this peculiar department of the Fine Arts is here displayed. It would be im- possible for the Collector to have more faithful copies of the rare specimens couta.iued in the }>resent elegant volume. WORKS ON THE FINE ARTS. 714 642 OTTLEY'S ELOEENTINE SCHOOL : a Series of Plates, engraved after the Paintings and Sculptures of the most eminent Masters of the Early Floren- tine School ; intended to illuBtrate the History of the Restoration of the Arts of Design in Italy, by William Young Ottley, F. A.S., author of " An Inquirij into the Origin and Early History of Engraving ;^^ ^^ The Italian School of Design'' ^c. imperial folio, 54 superb plates, (pub. at £6. 6s) hoards, £3. 15s 1826 643 the same, impl. folio, hf hd. green morocco gilt, gilt edges, £4. 10s 1826 This valuable work, the companion to the perfect, and they are offered at a very moderate " Italian School of Design," was long considered price, out of print ; — a few copies have just been made 644 OTTLEY'S (W. J.) Inquiry into the Origin and Early History of EN- GRAVING- upon CopPEE and in Wood : with an Account of the Engravers and their Works, from the invention of Chalcography by Maso Finiguerra to the time of Marc Antonio Raimondi, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. illustrated with numerous facsimiles of ancient, rare, and curious engravings, (pub. £8. 8s, Ids.) calf gilt, £7. 1816 lishments which he has introduced are equally distinguished for their felicity and fidelity."— Dibdi?i's Decameron. " See Ottley's excellent History of Engra- ving." — Lord Lindsay's Christian Art, v. iii. p. 354. This magnificent book is printed uniformly with Dibdin's Ames, and with that work forms a grand series of the History of Printing and En- graving. " Mr. Ottley is the first among us who has treated of the early art of Engraving in a manner which it deserves to be treated ; and the embel- Oxford : 645 OXFORD ALMANACKS, from 1724 to 1751, except for the years 1725, 1726, 1732, 1746, and 1749, containing Views of various Colleges, and two other plates, all engraved by Vertue, in one vol. atlas folio, hf bd. 30s 646 DELAMOTTE (W. A.) Views of the Colleges, Chapels, and Gardens of Ox- ford, executed in Lithography by W. Gauci, with descriptive notices by C. Oilier, impl. folio, 26 fine lithographs, (^uh. at £4. 4*) hf. morocco, 21s 1843 647 OXONIA Depicta sive Collegiorum et Aularum in Academia Oxoniensi deli- neatio a Gul. Williams, cui accedit unius cuj usque Collegii Aulaeque Notitia, impl. folio, 65 plates, fine impressions, hf vellum. Dr. Wellesley's copy, 27s (Oxon. 1732'.3) 648 A SERIES of ARCHITECTURAL Views chiefly of the Colleges, Halls, &c. in Oxford, collected from the Almanacs, with observations in the autograph of James Dallaway, atlas folio, 74 plates, hf. russia, from Dr. Weileslefs Library, £3. 65 " 1805 PAGEANTS : 649 Antwerp. La Joteitsb et magnifique Entree de Monseigneur ERAN- COYS, EiLs DE France, et Erere unicque de Roy, par le grace de Dieu Due de Brabant, d'Anjou, AlenQon, Berri, en sa tres-renommee Ville D'ANVERS, small folio, ^Za^^ 21, a large folding one, has two small holes, otherwise a very fine copy, excellent impressions of the plates, old calf gilt, £4. 4s Anvers, 1582 650 BOCHII (J,) Descriptio Publicse Gratulationis, Spectaculorum et Ludorum in adventu Principis Ernesti Archducis Austriae, Antv. editorum, anno M.D.XCIIII. S2 fine plates of Festivities, Allegorical Displays, ^c. Antv. Plantin. 1595 — BocHii (J.) Narratio Inauguratioois Alberti Maximil. et Isabellse, Eug. Philippi II. filise, &c. folio, with 2^ fine large plates of Porticos, Triumphal Arches, Fireworks, Sfc. in celebration of the Entry and Inaugura- tion of the Archduke Albert of Austria as Prince of Belgium — together 3 vols, in 1, folio, vellum, £4. Antv. Plantin. 1595-1602 651 Narratio Inaugurationis Alberti et Isabellse, Austriae Archiducum et gratul. pub. Alberti Maximil. et Isabellse, Eug. Philippi II. filise, &c. folio, with 2'^ fine large plates of Porticos, Triumphal Arches, Fireworks, Sfc. in celebration of the Entry and Inauguration of the Archduke Albert of Austria as Prince of Belgium, hf bd. 325 Antv. Plantin. 1602 This work, the same as the second piece I 500 pages, and is perhaps the most ample book mentioned in the preceding article, coutains j of Pageantry ever published. 715 BERiS-iRD QTJARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LOIS^DON. Pageants, continued. 652 Charles 11. OG-ILBT (J.) Relation of his Majesties Entertainment passing through the City of London to his Coronation, with a Descripfion of the Triumphal Arches and Solemnity, fine copy, 1661 — Relation of the grand Ceremony of the Marriage of Charles IL 1672 -high 4to. £1. 12* 1661-79 653 Charles IL A Relation of the Voiage and Residence which the King of Great Britain hath made in Holland, from the 25th of May to the 2ud of June, 1660, from the original French, by Sir "William Lower, folio, fine portrait of the monarch and Q folding plates by Vliet of the King's reception and entertainment at the Hague^ portrait of his suite and friends, etc. ; with a Latin Poem entitled " AnglisB Triumphans, auctore Roberto Keuchenio, 1660,'^ hf bd. uncut, S2s Hague, printed by Adrian VlacJe, 1660 654 EOKKE, Description de la Chanibre et Lit de Parade du Corps du son Altesse Royale Kis's^, Prij^cesse Rotale de la Grrande Bretagne, 1759 — Convoi Eunebre de la Princesse Royale de la Grrande Bretagne, 1761 — 2 parts in 1 vol. roy. folio, 4 plates of the lying-in-state, and 6 plates of the funeral procession, hf bd. 22s La Haye, 1750-61 A Text in French and Dutch illustrates this fine series of engravings by Fokke. 655 KtJCHLEIN (B. Maler) Reprsesentatio der fiirstlichen Auffzug und Rit- terspil so bei des Eiirsten Johann Eriderich Hertzogen zu Wiirttenberg und der Eiirstin Barbara Sophien Marggravin zu Brandenburg hochzeitlich. Ehrnfest, den 6 November, 1609, in Stutgarten gehalten wordeu, obi. folio, 240 engravings of Wedding Festivities, Tournaments, etc. calf, rare, £2. 4s (? 1610) Wants plates, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 1 1, 12. 656 London Pageant: Twelve curious Plates from Original Drawings in the Possession of the EISHMONGrERS' Company, royal folio, very rare, £2. 12s ed s. a. A few copies only printed for presents by Standidgc and Co. 657 Marguerite of Austria : Altoviti, Essequie della S. C. e Real Maesta di Margherita d' Austria, Regina di Spagna, celebrate da Cosimo II, Grran Duca di Toscana, small folio, 29 fine plates of the Funeral and Mourning Processions, deceptions, Lying-in- State, etc. engr. by Giulio Parigi, vellum, £2. 6s Firenze, 1612 Very interesting for the elegant Italian Cos- I are 13 fine and various plates by C ALLOT. TUME, accurately designed and engraved. Added j 658 Peelin and De la Seree : Description des Royaulmes d'Angleterre et d'Escoss©, par E. Perlin, Paris, 1558 — Histoire de I'Entree de la Reine mere dans la Grrande Bretagne, par De la Serre, Paris, 1639 — these 2 works reprinted, and English notes added, 1 vol. 4to. with 3 Views o/" London", A/*. calf gilt, 26s 1775 659 SANDEORD (E.) History of the Coronation of JAMES II and Queen Maey, folio, plates of processions, views of the interior of Westminster Hall, Sfc.good copy in old russia extra, gilt edges. Baron Dimsdale^s copy, £2. bs 1687 660 WIRRICH (H.) Ordentliche Beschreibung des Christlichen, hochloblichen und fiirstlichen Beylags oder Hochzeit, so da gehalten ist worden durch . . . Caeolen, Ertzhertzog zu Osterreich (sic) mit den Erawlein Maria, geborne Hertzogin zu Bayrn, den 26 Aug. (1571) in Wienn, in Teutsche Carmina gestelt, sm. folio, a good sound copy in the original stamped calf binding, rebached, yeet eaee, £8. 16s Wienn, 1571 vings (MANifeRE CRiBLiiE) of Processious, Por- traits, or Costume, contained on 9 leaves, chiefly folding ; and also a large folding leaf of Proces- sion, 4 ft. 10| in. length. Collation : the book itself consists (in- cluding title) of signatures A to T, being 130 leaves (D and T have 7 leaves each), every page containing a Coat of Arms, or portrait, within large border. There are besides 14 large engra- PAINTERS, Lives and Portraits of: 661 Bologna. Le Pitture di Bologna, 18mo. a full account of all the Paintings, vellum, 3^ Qd Bologna, 1706 662 Della. Valle, Yite dei Pittori Antichi Greci e Latini, Bm. 4ito. frontis- piece and \Q portraits, calf neat, 7s (jd Siena, 1795 WORKS ON THE FINE ARTS. 716 Painters' Lives — continued. 663 DESCAMPS, la des Peintres Elamands, Allemands et Hollandais, 4 vols. 8vo. numerous portraits, calf gilt, 30^ Paris, 1753-63 (5(54 the same, 4 vols. — Voyage pittoresque de la Elandre, 1792 — together 5 vols. sm. 8vo. calf neat, £2. 2s Faris, 1753-92 665 the same, 5 vols. 8vo. calf extra, marhled edges, ly Leuuis, very fine copy, £3. 3^ 1753-92 Q(jQ Modena. Vedriani, Eaccolta de' Pittori Scultori et Architetti Modonesi, sq. 8vo. sd. 5s Modona, 1662 667 Neapolitan. DOMINICI (Bernardo de) Yite de Pittori, Scultori ed Archi- tetti Napoletani, 3 vols. sm. 4to. portrait, vellum, £2. 5s Napoli, 1742-45 " It is extremely scarce, and but for the kind- and seventeenth centuries, and many citations are ness of friends both in Italy and England, I should also given verbatim from the MS. collections of have been unable to refer to it. The first volume the painters Giovanni Angelo Criscuolo, Massimo of a reprint 4 (quite void of notes), appeared in Stanzioni, and others, respecting the history of 1840. The work is a storehouse of information Art at Naples." respecting the Neapolitan artists of the sixteenth Lord Lindsay's Christian Art, Vol. II. p. 148. . See also : Portraits. 670 PALISSY. Monographie de I'CEUVEE de BERNAED PALISST, suivie d'un choix de ses continuateurs ou imitateurs, dessinee par C. Delange, imp), folio, portrait, and 100 beautifully colotjred plates of Falissy ware, whole bound red MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, £19. 10s Paris, 1862 671 PALLISEE'S (Mrs. Bury) HISTOET op LACE ; post 8vo. with 169 illus- trations, many printed in colours, giving facsimiles of the most beautiful patterns and elaborate designs of every kind of Lace, from the middle ages until now, including also Portraits of GrsTAYUS Adolphus, the Arch- duchess Isabella, governor of the Netherlands, the Countess of Pembrohe, and otJiers, displaying rich and elegant collars of frills, also an Account of the early Lace Workers in Italy, IVance, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and England ; and the mechanical process by which it is made, etc. etc, (pub. at 21s) cloth, new, 17s ed Lond. 1869 672 PANOFKA (Dr. Th.) Archaeological Tracts : Der Tod des Skiron und des Patroclus, Berlin, 1836 — and 10 other valuable Tracts, in 1 vol. impl. 4to. plates, a scarce collection from Baron Bunsen's library, cloth, 15* 1836-48 673 PAPILLON (J. M. Oraveur en hois) (EU'VEE contenant la Collection des Frontispices, Vignettes, Fleurons, Ecussons, Culs-de-Lampe, et autres sujets qu'il a graves depuis Tannee 1712, jusqu'5. la presente annee 1760 et suivantes, atlas folio, A VERY CURIOUS VOLUME, Containing about 4500 pieces^ with MS, additions to his Treatise on Wood- Engraving^ Sfc, old calf neat, from Dr. Wellesley's library, nearly UNIQUE, £63. ' Paris, 1760 *^* One the leaf facing the title-page, is a note in the autograph of Fapillon, stating that this is the most complete collection of his works after that in the Bibliotheque du Roi, and that it was made for P. G. Simon, "imprimeur du Par- lement," in 1760. 674 PAPILLON. Vig^^^ettes, Fleurons, Chiffres, Armes, Passe-partous, Cadres, et autres Oroements, graves en bois, avec la Vie des Saints gravce d'apres Le Clerc par le celebre Papilloj^, large oblong folio, 28 leaves, including title within large bold woodcut border, containing upwards of 400 engravings of Arms, Ornaments, etc. and the lives of the Saints according to the Calendar, represented in 369 minute woodcuts within cadres, hf. bd. teet bare, £2. 10* {Paris), 1776 675 Paris (Churches of): LENOIR (M. A.) Statistiqtie Moj^^ijmentale de Pabis, Serie III, ARCHEOLOGIE, 112 plates, those of the Windoivs and Paintings coloured, halfrussia extra, gilt edges, Paris, n. d. — parts 26 to 33, in wrappers, 63 plates, ib. n. d. — Explication des Planches, 4to. ib. 1867, together the lot, as described, £6. 15s Paris, 1867 This elaborate work gives a most detailed | logical Art Monuments, account of the Paris Cathedrals and their Archaeo- 717 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. PASS^US (Crispianus) : 676 CoMPEj^DiuM Opertjm YIEGILIANOEUM : .Miroer des (Euvres de le (sic) excellent Poete Yirgile taillez en rame, 4to. brilliant impressions, red morocco super extra, gilt edges, hy F. Bedford, £5. 15s Ultrajecti, s. a. 677 HOMEEI Speculum Heroicum: Les XXIIII Livres d'Homere (Iliade) reduict en Tabkis demonstratives figurees par Crespin de Passe et chacque Livre redige en Argument poeticque par le Sieur I. Hillaire Sieur de Ja Eiviere, small 4to. portrait and 24 very beautiful plates, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by G. Lewis, a very choice copy, £8. Traj. Bat. 1()13 see also : Emblems: Eollenhagen. 678 Passavant, Kuustreise durch England und Belgien, 8vo. plates, bds. Qs i'ranhfurt, 1833 679 PEEELLE (&.) and N. COCHIN, Yiews of Cities, Battles, &c. with some additional, together SO plates, fine impressions, oblong folio, old calf, 30^ Paris, par le Sieur de Beaulieu, 1632, Sfc. 680 PICAET, Impostures Innocentes, ou Eecueil d'Estampes, d'apres divers Peintres, io\\o, fine portrait and 7 S plates from pictures by Baphael, Marntti, Poussin, Rembrandt, ^-c. calf gilt, fine copy, £2. 1734 681 PIRANESI, OPEEE. The Collection of splendid WORKS ON Roman ANTIQUITIES, ARCHITECTURE, AND CLASSICAL ORNAMENTS, engeayed by the two PIRANESI, viz.:— I-IY. Antichita Romane, 4 vols. Boma, 1756, letterpress^ about 10 pages, and 2'IS plates, including frontis- piece, portrait, ^c. Y. Raccolta di Tempi Antichl, (Sciogra- phia Quatuor Tetnplorum Yete- rum) Tiz. di Yesta ; della Sibilla ; deir Onore e della Yirtu, Roma, 1785, 11 pages and 22 large plates, including frontispiece Eaccolta di varie Vedute in Roma, 93 plates and title Boma, 1752 YI. Teatro d'Ercolano, Boma, 1783, title and leaf of text, 10 plates Antichita Romane de' Tempi della Eepubblica e de' primi Impera- tori, 30 plates, including engraved title Boma, 1748 Rovine di Pesto; Euines de trois Temples Grecs a Pestum, 21 large plates, including frontis- piece Monumenti degli Scipioni, Parigi, 1836, title, list of plates and 6 pp. of text, and 6 plates Piranesi, Osservazioni sopra la Let- tre di M. Mariette, Nov. 1754— Parere su I'Arcliitettura — Della Introduzione e del progresso delle Belle Arti in Europa ne Tempi Antichi, 14 pages, and 16 plates, including 6 on the letter- press, and the frontispiece YII. Romanorum Magnificentia et Architectura, Boma, 1761, 212 pages, and 41 piates, including two frontispieces, and a portrait of Clement XII. Supplement to Magnificenze Eo- mane, S plates and frontispiece YIII. Campus Martins, Boma, 1762, 106 pages of letterpress in Latin and Italian, and 54 plates, count- ing the S7nall ones and frontis- pieces N.B. — Plates 5 to 10 are in none of the original Roman copies ; thej are usually pasted together, and form one very large sheet, entitled "Ichnogra- phia Campi Martii Urbis." The pre- sent copy has been completed in this respect. IX. Lapides Capitolini, sive Fasti Con- sulares, &c. Boma, 1762, 62 pages, and 3 plates, including a large folding one, composed of several sheets Rovine del Castello del Acqua Giulia, Boma, 1764, 26 pages, and 20 plates, including frontis- pieces Antichita di Cora, Boma, 1762, 14 plates X. Anticliita d'Albano e di Castel Gan- dolfo, 1764, 58 pages, and 52 plates, including 3 frontispieces WORKS 01^ TPIE FINE ARTS. 718 l^j R.vNESi — continued. XI. Opere Varie di Architettura Grro- tescha, 'Roma, 1753, printed title and 30 plates, including frontis- piece Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto, con vari altri ornamenti antichi, Homa, 1753, ^plates Career! (Prisons), ^S 'plates The usual number of plates in the Careeri is 16, but this copy contaius some of the pLites in several states, such as Etchings, first proofs, etc. Trofei d'Augusto. The plates from the French edition have been added XII. XIII. Vasi, Candelabri, Cippi, Sarcofagi, Tripodi, Lucerne ed Ornamenti Antichi, 2 vols. Boma, 1778, 114 plates, quite complete The original Eoman edition has nerer more than 107 plates, but some of these having two figures on one sheet, are often counted as two. The subsequent or French edition, which is regularly numbered to 112, contains 5 supplementary plates, two of which are double. In the present fine set these supplementary plates have been added. Xiy. XV. Vedute di Roma, 2 vols. Boma, circa 1770, 130 plates XYI. Diverse Maniere d'adornare i Camini, Boma, 1769, 40 pages and 70 plates XYII. Colonna di Trajano, Boma, 21 plates, (of which, plate 3, the elevation, is in 6 sheets) Colonna Antonina ; the Elevation, Colonna del? Apoteosi di Antonino Pio, 7 plates XYIII. Schola Italica Picturae, cura et impensis Gavini Hamilton, Boma, 1773, 40 plates Statue Antiche, 41 plates XIX. Raccolta di Disegni del Guercino, 29 plates, chiefly engraved hy Bar- tolozzi, and others, puhlished hy Piranesi Peintures de la Villa Lante, Paris, 1836, peintes par Jules Eomain, 16 plates Peintures da la Sala Borgia, peintes par Eaphael, 12 plates Peintures du Cabinet de Jules XL par Eaphael, Baris, 1837, 14 plates Peintures de la Farnesine, par Eaphael, 18 plates Peintures de la Villa Altoviti, par Giorgio Vasari, 26 plates Baris, 1836 XX. Stampe Diverse, 16 large plates, 3 of which are composed of seve- ral sheets ca. 1785 XXI. XXII. Antiquites de la Grande Grece, gravees par Fr. Piranesi d'apres les Dessins de feu J. B. Piranesi Pompeia, 2 vols. (Paris, 1804), 72 large plates Antiquites de la Grande Grece, (Tom. III.) Usages Civils et Militaires, trouves a Pompeii et a Herculanum, {Paris, 1807), 33 large plates — together 3 vols, bound in 2 5 sheets, forming one large plate The set as described above, being- 33 vols, in 22, atlas folio, containing- a lar^e number of the finest Architectural and Antiquarian plates ever published^ some of enormous size. Of the EARLY publications genuine Eoman Impressions ; of the later publications^ only made in Paris, the earliest IMPRESSIONS, svperbly bound in tall red gros-grain mo- rocco, GILT BACKS AND BORDERS, GILT EDGES, £235. Boma e Parigi, 1748-1836 The cost of binding of this magnificent set of Eoman Art has been £115. 16^. The original cost of the various works must have been £400 — making above £500. 682 PIRANESI, Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto per la vittoria dell' Egitto, con varj altri Ornamenti — Trofei de' Daci — Vedute del Tempio di Giove Tonante — three series in 1 vol. impl. folio, ^Ifiue large plates, not quite consecutive, Ms. SOs Boma, s. a. Vedute di Roma, atlas folio, engraved title and 91 superb plates, earliest impressions, bds. £10. Boma, s. a. Antichita d'ALBANO e di Castel-Gaisdolfo, descritte ed incise, roy. 683 684 fob 2 fronts, and 20, 9, and 12 large folding plates, hf hd. 25s Boma, 1764 719 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 685 Polidoro. CALDAEA, Polidor, called da CARAYAGGIO. An extensive Collection of his Works, comprising 167 fine plates of Friezes, Ornaments, Triumphs, Vases, Allegorical Compositions, etc. engraved by Le Blond, Golt- zius, Galestruzzi, Sadeler, and others; mounted on drawing paper, and bound in 2 large oblong folio volumes, very neat in old Butch calf gilt, £Vd. lOs Uomce, 1583-1656 Nagler speaks very highly of this Artist, a I C. Visscher (a fine series of 16 vases) Le Blond, J. Sadler (a splendid series of 20 vases), Gale- struzzi, Opere di Polidoro da Caravaggio, intagl. G. B. Galestruzzi, pittore Fiorentino, (a fine series of 22 plate-"), Venturini, Stephen de la Bella (ii very beautiful Series of 12 plates of Trophies, Bas-Reliefs, engr. by Stephanus cum privilegio regis) and others. pupil of Raffaele, and friend of Maturino, with whom jointly he executed his best Paintings. Nagler adds, " the engravings after this master are now vert rare. In the Catalogue of Winkler 150 are quoted ;" the above fine set contains seventeen more, and is, therefore, very desirable for an Art Library. The Engravings are executed by H. Goltzius, POMPEII : 686 DOIS^ALDSON (T L.) POMPEII illtjsteated, with Picturesque Views engraved by "W. B. Cooke, from the Original Drawings by Col. Cockburn, 2 vols. impl. folio, nearly 100 plates of the Architecture, Frescoes, Mosaics, some in colours, cloth, uncut, £3 1827 687 GrARrcci, Graffitti de Pompei : Inscriptions et gravures tracees au stilet, obi. sm. folio, 32 plates, sd. 7s 6d Paris, 1856 688 GELL'S Pompeiana, second series, being the results of Excavations since 1819, 2 vols, royal 8vo. upicards of 100 fine plates, (pub. at £6. Qs) half morocco, uncut, £2. 2^; ov, purple morocco, gilt edges, £2. 8s 1835 Large Paper, pub. at £20. As. Priced, 1836, I £7. 15.? ; fetched, 1860, mor. £9. Proofs and etch- Bryant, £11. \\s ; 1853, cf. £8. 85; 1856, mor. | ing on India Paper, priced, 1834, Arch, £26. 6s 689 Oyerbeck, Pompeji in seinen Gebauden, Alterthiimern, und Kunstwerken, 8vo. plates and numerous woodcuts, hf calf, 5s Leipzig, 1856 Popes and Cardinals : 690 CAVALLERIIS (J. B. de) PoxTTriciiM Eomai^orum ErriGiES, small 8vo. first impressions of the 230 portraits, olive morocco super extra, ornamented with gold tooling, gilt edges hy Clarke and Bedford, Mr. Slade's copy, £3. 10s Bomce, 1580 This is a beautifully engraved Series ; to the Portrait of each Pope his Coat of Arms is added. 691 CiccAEELLi (Ant.) Yite de Pontefici, sm. 4to. numerous portraits, engraved hy Jo. Bap. de Cavalleriis, with coats of arms, hf. hd. calf, I85 Boma, 1588 692 GUAENACCI (M.) Historise Pontificum Eomanorum et S. E. E. Cardi- nalium, large folio, many fine portraits and plates, with the Coats of Arms of each Pope and Cardinal, 2 vols, vellum, good copy, £2. 85 Bomcc, 1751 PORCELAIN AND POTTERY : 693 Demmii^-, Guide de 1' Amateur de Eaiences et Porcelaines, Poteries, Torres cuites, peinture sur lave et Emaux, thick 12mo. hf cf7s ^ Paris, 1863 694 JuLTEN, Histoire et Eabrication de la Porcelaine, traduit du chinois avec des Additions par Salvetat ; Memoire sur la Porcelaine du Japon, par Hoff- mann, roy. 8vo. numerous plates, cloth, 14^ Paris, 1856 695 Shaw's History of Staffordshire Potteries, sm. 8vo. no title, 244 pp. Ids. very rare, 15s Henley, 1829 696 VENUTI (Chevalier) Interpretation des Petnttjres dessinees sur un SEE- VICE DE TABLE travaille d'apres la Bosse dans la Eoyale Eabrique de Porcellaine par Ordre de Sa Majeste le Eoi des Deux Siciles, numerous plates of the splendid dinner service presented, in 1787, to George III. hy the King of Naples, thick sm. 4to. green morocco, gilt edges, Felix Slade's copy, £2. 2s Naples, 1787 Only a few copies of this rare work were printed for presents. See BiNNs, Maretat, Palis st. PORTRAITS : 698 BALZER (J.) 87 Abbildungen Bohmischer und Mahrischer Gelehrten und Kiinstler, smallest 4ito. fine impressions of the 87 carefully engraved portraits, hf. calf, 25s ^rag. s. a. (1772) Plate 62 givea the Portrait of Jane Weston, born in London, 1582, who lived in Bohemia. WOEKS ON THE FINE AETS. 720 Portraits — continued. 699 BEZiE (T.) Icones, id est verae Imagines virorum doctrina simul et pietate illustrium quibus adjecta sunt Emblemata, sm. 4to. woodcut portraits, in- cluding those of Cbanmee, Knox, and other English and Scotch men, also 43 very pretty cuts o/" Emblems within elegant Cartouches, hf. hd.fine large copy, 36^ Geneves, 1580 700 BOISSAEDI (J. J.) Icones Virorum Illustrium Doctrina et Eruditione prsestantium, 4 parts, small 4to. thick paper, more than 200 curious For- traits (several of distinguished Englishmen) engraved hy Theodore dk Brt, first and most brillant imp^^essions, a superb copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £15. 15s Francofurti, 1597-99 " Edition originale d'un recueil fort rare et fort Portrait of Columbus, with his biography, 24 pp. celebre." — Niceron. Each portrait is surrounded by singularly taste- To American collectors this fine Series of ful Borders and Ornaments. Portraits is also interesting, Vol. I. contains the 701 BOISSAEDI (J. J.) Bibliotheca Chalcographica Illustrium virorum, 9 parts, the Sth part or Srd continuation containing 50 portraits by Clement AjaihIO:^^ and the 9th part or 4ith continuation containing 50 portraits by M. v. Sommer, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. old calf £3. 16s Franco/. 1650-2, et Heidelb. 1654 This set wants 8 portraits, viz. S. Grynaeus, j sau, Peter Tiara, Peter Eorestus, Hadrian Junius, Leo Juda, Mart. Luther, William Count of Nas- j and Jacob Arminius. 702 BEUCKEEI (Jacobi) Pinacothecascriptorum nostra setate literis illustrium, &c. &c. 10 parts in 2 vols, folio, a fine Series of 100 Portraits of eminent Scientifc and Literary Characters, engraved in mezzotinto by J. J. Haid, with their Lives, a fine copy in old Dutch calf £,"6. 3s Aug. Vind. 1741-55 Priced by Payne and Poss, 1840, morocco, £10. \Qs; 1848, £%. 85. "Cet ouvrage est peu connu en France; ce- pendant il se recommande par le nom de I'auteur et par 100 Portraits graves par Haid." — Brunei. " I never saw but one copy of this hugely covetable performance, and that was in the library of my friend, Mr. A. Chalmers, obtained from a sale in Holland, but, as I have reason to think, not under the sum of £10. lO,*'." — Bibdin. 702'*BULLAET, Academie des Sciences et des Arts, contenant les Vies et les Eloges Historiques des Hommes Illustres parmi diverses Nations de I'Europe, 2 vols, in fol. with several hundred fine portraits of the most dis- tinguished men of all countries, including among the English : Cardinal WoT- sey. Sir T. More, Card. Fole, Card. Allen, etc. fine copy in vellum, very neat, from the Enschede library, £3. 3s Paris, 1682 *' Livre recherche a cause des portraits qu'il renferme." — Brunei. Livre precieux a cause des 274 portraits qu'il contient. On y trouve 86 portraits d 'artistes. Tres beau d'epreuves. The Fonthill copy fetched £15.; 1829, Hib- bert's, £3. ^s. 703 CUSTODIS (D.) TiKOLEisrsirM principum Comitum genuinse Eicones, singu- lorum Insignia, quorundam Emblemata, ex Eaimondo Fuggeei Musteo, en- graved title, 2 engravings, and 25 fine full-length portraits of the Tyrolese Counts, Augsp. 1599 — Stengel, der Stadt Augspueg kurtze Kirchen- Chronick, Augs. 1620—2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, tellum, 25s 1599-1620 704 DE BIE (Corn.) het Gulden Cabinet vande edele vry Schilder-Const, Lof vande Schilders, Architecten, etc. 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. containing lOijlne portraits of Artists, some plates additional, fine old impressions, vellum, £2. 8s Antwerpen, 1661 705 EOPPENS, BiBLiOTHECA Belgica, sive A%orum in Belgio Vita Scrip- tisque illustrium Catalogus Librorumque Nomenclatura, 2 vols. 4to. with 15Qfine portraits^ including 14 which are additional, very fine copy, old calf gilt, £3. 10s Bruxellis, 1739 706 EEEHEEI (Pauli) Theatrum Virorum eruditione (Awcorxym, numerous por- traits, 2 vols, folio, above 1300 authentic Portraits of Literary Men, good copy in vellum, with the biographies of all of them, many being English, only here represented, good copy in vellum, 35s Noribergce, 1688 707 GrOOL (J. van) Nieuwe Schouburg der Nederlantsche Kunstschilders, en Schilderessen, 2 vols. 8vo. a continuation and supplement of ILoubraken, 5^ fine portraits of Dutch Painters, hf. calf, 14s; or, a very fine tall copy in calf neat, 18s Oravenhage, 1750 2 L 721 BERNAED QUAETTCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Portraits — continued. 708 GUALDO Prioeato (Conte) Yite et Azzioni di Personaggi militari e poli- tici, sm. folio, portraits (including one of Oliver Cromwell by Larch) and Coats of Arms, hf morocco, 32* Viena, 1674} 709 Harding's Ancient Historical Pictures, 10 Wos. roy. io\. fine portrait, proofs, 25* A companion to the Largest size issue of Lodge's Protraits. 1844-47 710 Heince et Bignon, les Portraits des Hommes illustres Francois, peints dans la Gralerie du Palais Cardinal de Eichelieu, roy. ^oY\o, frontispiece and 26 large Portraits, surrounded by emblematic designs somewhat water-stained, old calf, 35 Paris, 1655 This very early Series of French Portraits has a text by Yulson de la Colombiere. 711 HOLLANDI (]Ienr.) Herwologia Anglica ; clarissimorum et doctissi- morum aliquot Anglorum, qui floruerunt ab a.b. 1500 usque ad 1G20, vivag effigies, vitse et elo^^ia, authore H. H. Anglo-Biitanno, sm. fol. 67 splendid portraits, and one of the two monuments, brtlltant impressions, a genuine early and tall copy, with the ^' jpost-prefatio,^' added, old ca[f, £9. Impensis Crispin i Pass^ei Cha'cogr. et Jansonii Bibliop. Arnhem, s. a. [1620] A most desirable copy of this beautiful series of English Portraits, the first ever issued. As few copies are so perfect as the present, I add the COLIATION : — Title; Text: Augustissimo, lleaf ; Psaefatio, 2 leaves; Post-Prefatio, 2 leaves; Ejusdem, a leaf ; Qw Quidquid, a leaf;) Enco- miimi, a leaf ; iret, a leaf ; non jam. 1 leaf with portrait ; pp. 1-240, with a Portrait on nearly every leaf; List of Plates, 1 leaf: Separate Plates ; Monument of Queen Elizabeth at p. 40 ; Frobisher's portrait, at p. 96 ; J. Har- ington, after p. 133; J. Balaeus, at p. 164. (Without the Additional Portraits : E. Le- denberg, Rumoldus Hogerbeets, usually waiiting.) Williams' copy fetched £27. 16.v 6d; Willett's £18. 185. 712 BOND II Pictorum aliquot celebrium prsecipue Germaniae Inferioris Effigies, sm. fol, titlcj dedic, 68 Portraits of Dutch Painters, and *' Pallida Mors," bds. 365 Hagae Comitis ex offic. H. Kondii, s. a. Fir-st and hei 772 IV. King Lear, 13 plates, hds. Qs 1888 773 VII. The Merry Wives of Windsor, 13 plates, 18^ 1844 These fascinating plates are now offered to the public at the above much reduced price. For gracefulness of design, truth of expression, and variety, the outlines of Retzsch are unsurpassed, — they nobly represent the thoughts of the immor- tal Shakspeare. 774 REYNOLDS' (Sir Joshua) GRAPHIC WORKS, consisting of 300 beautiful copper-plate engravings of Portraits and Fancy Subjects, after his paintings, engraved by S. W. Reynolds, 3 thick vols, folio, genuine early impressions, lif. morocco gilt, gilt leaves, £24. 1833 This beautiful work was published at £36, s Mr. Bohn worked the Coppers, and the above is one of the copies issued before | 775 Reynolds (Sir J.) Literary Works, containing his Discourses on Painting, etc. with Life by E. Malone, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, 12s ; or, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, Ihs 18U9 Discourses (upon Art) illustrated by explanatory notes and plates by John Burnet, 4to. VI plates, (pub. at 42s) cloth, 20^; hf. morocco, gilt top, uncut, 255 1842 the same, laege paper, India Proofs, irapl. 4to. hf. Id. mor. 865 1842 Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds, with notices of his contem- poraries, by C. R. Leslie, R.A. continued and concluded by Tom Tayi o«, 2 vols. 8vo. 1292 pp. portraits and other illustrations, (pub. £2. 2s) 20s 1805 779 RiCHAEDSON (J.) Works of containing Theory of Painting, Art of Criticism, and Science of a Connoisseur, sm. 4to. portraits of Painters, cf. qt. 10s 1792 780 EIDINGER'S ENGRAVED WORKS, comprisiiig- a most wonderful Assemblage of 497 superb eng-raviiig's, representing- Wild Beasts, their Habits and Passions, and the manner in which they are either caug-ht or shot, Game Beasts, and Birds, Hunting Scenes, Horses and Horsemanship, etc. a truly valuable and choice collection of these Prints, many of them of exces- sive rarity, all in beautiful preservation, and genuine ORIGI- NAL PROOF IMPRESSIONS, the whole arranged as described below, and bound in 3 volumes large folio, old calf (jilt, from the Library of Lord Willoughby d' Ereshy, sold at Twickenham, £50. ' Avgsburg, 1780-68 Such an extensive Series of the works of this fascinating Artist will never again occur for sale. riates. Theilll: Lions, etc. 1738 18 Theil III. : Various Wild Beasts 1738 54 76 777 778 13 riaie. Vol. T, large atlas folio The Croat on A remarkably fine series, comprising a very numer- ous Hunting-party, the last plate the " Curee," dated 17.56 18 Fiirsten-Lust, etc. Repre- sentation des Divertisse- mens de Grands Seigneurs, ou description des Chasses de toutes sortes de Betes, partie I 1729 35 Betrachtung der Wilden Thiere : Contemplatio fe- rarum bestiarum 1736 41 Le Nouvcau Manege 1734 18 EntwurfT einiger Thiere, Theil I : A Series of Dogs 1738 18 215 Vol. II, royal folio. Elephanten 1741 4 Birds 6 Tiirkisclier Pferds auf buz 1752 16 Wild Beasts fighting 4 Lions J^ Wild Beasts fighting 4 Sporting Prints 4 Horses 4 Nach der Natur entworfi'ene Vorstellungen, wie alles Hoch und Niedere Wild, samt dem Feder Wildpra- eth gefangcn wird 1750 28 Plates. Sportsmen of every kind 25 Wild Beasts and their Foot- marks 23 Retrievers 4 Picturesque Sporting Sketches 4 Deer 4 Birds : Water Fowl, etc. 6 Horses 1 6 160 Vol. Ill, royal folio. Die von verschiedenen Ar- then der Hunden behaezte Jagtbare Thiere 1761 22 Representation de quelques Cerfs et autres Aniinaux, a vei'yjine series qj Enqra- vings 1768 100 122 727 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 781 EIDINGER'S WORKS: Griindliche Beschreibung und Vorstellung der Wilden Thiere, 8 splendid large plates — The beautiful Series of Hunting Scenes, 17 plates — Le Nouveau Manege, 1724, 17 large plates — Fiirsten Lust, etc. Divertissemens de Grands Seigneurs, 1729, 10 splendid large plates — "Wild Beasts, 39 hrge plates — The Creation, 7 plates, these however cut close — Additional, 11 plates, duplicates and variations — m all 115 engra- vings, beautiful early impressions, with broad margins, hf. bd. russia, £15. Augsburg, 1724, etc. 782 RIDINGER, Entwurff einiger Thiere: Ebauche de quelques Animaux re- presentes d'apres leur vie, leurs especes, actions, et passions, 7 parts in 1 vol. sm folio, 7 engraved frontispieces, and 138 engravings, 8 leaves of text, GOOD OLD IMPRESSIONS, an Original copy , rough calf, £6. IO5 Augsb, 1738-54 788 RIDINGER'S die von Verschiedenen Arthen der Hunden behaezte Jagtbare Thiere, royalfolio, 22 ^Za^es of every hind of Game hunted by Dogs; a Miscellaneous Collection, 7 sporting prints by Ridinger added, hf bd. russia, £2. 10s Aicgsburg, 1761 784 RIDINGER'S Entwurf einiger Thiere, Parts I-YI, in 1 vol. folio, 10^ plates, giving spirited representations of Dogs, Wild Beasts, and Horses, in all sorts of action and attitude, drawn from the life, the margins of the last 12 slightly injured by a loorm, bound, £2. Augsp. 1738-46 '~ ■ ■ " the Scenes, which really transfer the beholder into the Forests, Mountain Fastnesses, the Deserts and Fields where these Animals are either hunted or caught. 785 RIGHETTI, Descrizione del Campidoglio, complete in 50 parts, forming 2 vols. roy. folio, 390 fine plates of Statues, Bas-reliefs, etc. brilliant original impreasions (pub. £20.) unbound £6. ; hf. calf, uncut, £6. 10s Roma, 1833-39 786 the same, 2 vo!s. hf bd. purple morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £7. 7^ 1833-39 Priced, 1847, unbound, £15. 155 ; hf. mor. i have been printed and the coppers are destroyed. £16. 16«. Only a limited number of copies | 787 Rio, de la Poesie chretieime : Eorme de I'Art, Peinture, 8vo. sd, 3* Qd ; or, hf morocco, uncut, i5s 6c? 1837 788 RIVERA. Livre de Portraiture recueilly des (Euvres de Joseph de Rivera dit I'Espagnolet, et grave a I'eau forte par L. Ferdinand, roy. small 4to. 23 plates, the bottom portion of No. 21 cut off and mended, bds, rare, 30« Paris, Brevet, s. d. {? 1650) 789 ROBERTS'S HOLY LAND, Syria, Idumaea and Arabia, with historical de- scriptions by Croly, 20 parts forming 3 vols, atlas folio, 125 magnificent plates, coloured like the Original Drawings, each plate tnounted on cardboard, and fastened on guards, (pub. at £44. 2s) cloth, leather backs, 5620. 1842 790 ROBERTS S HOLY LAND, Syria, Idumaea and Arabia, with historical de- scriptions by Croly, 2 vols, atlas folio, 125 magnificent plates, 1842 — EGYPT and NUBIA, from Drawings made on the spot, by David Roberts, R.A., with historical descriptions by Brockedon, complete, 2 vols, atlas folio, 123 MOST BEAUTIFUL PLATES, 1846-9 — together 4 vols, atlas folio, (pub. at £42.) a genuine original copy, hf. purple morocco, gilt edges, ,£28. London, F. G. Moon, per Day and Haghe. 1842-49 No Painter or Engraver has ever before or since Ridinger's time surpassed him in the faithful representations of the Habits of Wild Animals ; there is a vividness, a life and a freshness in all Gentlemen buying a copy of this work should secure a genuine one, not one of the 1000 copies subsequently produced by Messrs. Day & Son, and sold by Mr. Southgate by public auction. The present is a picked copy, and bears on the title of Vol. I. the following MS. note : " To Clarkson Stanfield, Esq., R.A., with Mr. Sheriff Moon's kind regards, Feb. 2, 44." The counterfeit copies have the same date, but were not issued by Alderman Moon, and in- stead of Day and Haghe, they were got up by Day and Son. 791 EOBERTS'S HOLT LAND and EGYPT, the two Series of the work quite perfect, a genuine original PROOF copy, 6 vols, in parts, atlas folio, in this state the vignettes are all on separate plates, not on the text as in the usual copies, (pub. at ^*63.) leather backs, cloth sides, a bargain, £30. 1842-49 In this, the Proof State, all the Vignettes are I For artistic finish and delicacy of expression printed separately like the other plates, whilst in | the plates of the "Proof Copies" are by far pre- the ordinary copies the Vignettes are printed on j ferable to the ordinary copies of Ihe first or second the text. I issue, and they truly represent Roberts's genius. WOEKS ON THE FINE ARTS. 728 792 EOBEETiS'S EGYPT and NUBIA, from Drawings made on the spot, by D. Eoberts, E.A., with historical descriptions by Brockedon, complete, 21 parts in 13, forming 3 vols, atlas folio, 123 plates most beautifully coloueed TO imitate the original Deawings, and mounted on cardboard, (pub. at ;£44. 2*) ^-27. 1846-9 of the Engravings is a perfect work of Art ; to every Bible Reader, every Oriental Scholar, and to gentlemen who resided or travelled in the East, Roberts's works will atford the most pleasant reminiscences. Roberts' " Holy Land and Egypt" is a really noble and grand publication. The great artist has represented, in his masterly style, all the famous sites and stupendous Architectural Re- mains of the Land of the Bible, of Ancient Egypt, Nubia, etc. such as they appear now. Every one Eobinson (J. C.) — see Kensington Museum. 793 EOGEES (C.) Collection of Feints in Imitation of Deawings, with Lives of their authors, explanatory and critical notes, 2 vols. impl. folio, 112 Jine plates, fine old impressions, hf. hd. £5. 5s 1778 794 EOSINl (Cav. G-io) Storia della Pittuea Italiana, esposta coi Monumenti, 2 vols, royal folio, containing 241 lur^e beautiful plates, and 7 vols. 8vo. with above 353 plates, original and best edition, hf. bd. morocco gilt, an early sub- scriber s copy, £1^ 18s Fisa, 1838-47 This edition of a standard book is the best having the 248 large plates full size, whilst in the subsequent edition, these splendid plates are re- duced to the ordinary 8vo. size. The edition is entirely out of print and rare in Italy. This is the best History of the Fine Arts, and ranks above Agincourt, Winckelmann, Cicog- nara, and Canina. 795 EOSSINI. Magnificenze di Eoma, the complete series of 105 very large and splendid engravings of the most magnificent and Remarkable Ruins and Buildings of Borne, oeiginal impeessions, in 2 vols. — ^Le Antichita dei CONTOENI DI Eoma, engr. title and 72 beautiful plates of the Environs of Borne, views of Buins in Latium, Tusculum, etc, 1 vol. — together 3 vols, elephant folio, 17^ fine large plates, hf. bd. rassia, £7. 10s Boma, 1820, etc. These magnificent and interesting engravings, | at a later period, they are equally desirable. The are similar in grandeur and effect to those by I Third volume, *' The Environs of Rome," is very Piranesi, but the views being different, and taken | rare. 796 EOSSINI, I sette Colli di Eoma, antica e moderna, con piante e restaur! dei medesimi, atlas folio, 13 very large folding plates, some additional, hf green morocco, 36« ' Boma, 1828-29 797 EOSSINI, Le Poete antiche e moderne del Precinto e delle Mura di Eoma, elephant folio, ^0 fine engravings, boards, uncut, £2. 10s Eo7na, 1829 Priced by H. G. Bohn, £4. 45. 798 EUSKIN'S Works on Art, 9 vols. roy. 8vo. an original complete set, many plates and woodcuts, cloth, ^'12. IO5 1851-60 799 Modern Painters, 5 vols. impl. 8vo. plates and woodcuts, (pub. at £8. 6s Qd) cloth, £6. 10s 1851-60 800 The Stones of Venice, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. plates, cl. £5. 15s 1851-53 801 Saints. Sanctoeum Kalendaeii Eomani Imagines, in aere excisae, 230 very pretty small engravings 0/ all the Saints of the Boman Church, in their character, as recognized by the Council of Trent — Evangelioeum Domini- CALIUM sl'MMaeia, 55 remarkably pretty small engravings in the style of 14 ierx—in 1 vol. 24mo. vellum, gilt edges, £3. 10s Antverpiae, Plantin, 1580 802 SALVATOE EOSA'S Works, consisting of the celebrated Series of the Cos- tume of Soldiers, Bandits, Beggars, impl, folio, 62 plates, with the dedication " Salvator Bosa has ludentis otii Carolo Bubeo smgularis amicitiae pignus d. d. ^." quite complete ; also 23 large plates etched by this spirited Artist after his JPaintings, a fine copy of the engraved works of this great Master, bound in Italian vellum, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, 36*10. ca. 1660 803 Series of Soldiers, etc. 8vo. 60 fine etchings, calf gilt, 18« Paris, n. d. 804 Salvatoe Eosa's Life and Times, by Lady Moegan, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, (pub. at 16* bds.) hf. calf, 6s 1824 805 ScANNELLi, il Microcosmo della Pittura, 2 pts. in 1 vol. sq. 8vo. with MS. notes, hf morocco, 6s Cesena, 1657 806 SCHENDEL (G. v.) Etchings of Costume, engraved by Clement de Jonge, 8vo. 12 etchings, numbered 1—12, 20s (? Holland, 1680) These et':hing s are quite in the style of Callot. 729 bernaed quaeitch, ]5 piccadilly, london. Scotland! ~ 807 BILLINGS' (E. W.) Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, 4 vols. 4to. with 24^0 plates from the designs of Le Keux, Sfc. fine impressions, (pub. at £8. 8*) £6. 5s 1852 808 the same, LAEGE PAPEE, India Proofs, 4 vols. impl. 4to. hf hd. green morocco, £9. 9s 1852 These copies were only issued to Subscribers, j work on the Architectural Monuments of Scot- and cost £26. bs. The only extensive Pictorial I land. 809 Landscape Illustratiois-s to the Waverley Novels, 2 vols, in 21 parts, 4to. LABGE PAPEE, 89 engravings, jndia proofs, by Finden, £2. IQs 1830-83 810 Selyatico, sulla Cappellina degli Scrovegni nell' Arena di PAD OVA, e Freschi di Giotto in essa, large 8vo. 20 plates, sd. hds. 4ls ; or, hf mor. 8^ Pad, 1836 811 the same, thick paper, lar^'e 8vo. hds. Vds 183(5 812 SHAKSPEARE GALLERY: BOYDELL'S Large Set of PLATES, consist- ing of 100 engravings hy Bartolozzi, Sharpe, and others, PROOFS, with 96 ETCHINGrS {only six sets so taken) 2 vols, elephant folio, crimson MO- EOCCO extra, border of gold on the sides, gilt edges, fine copy, ^25. 1803 Collation : Vol. I: frontispiece, vignette, deducted two from the total of 100, instead of from the total of numbered plates (96), so that he makes 98 etchings, whilst there are, strictly speak- ing, only 94 etchings. Again, he says, " the small plate of 'Shakspeare nursed by Tragedy and Comedy ' is sometimes added, and makes the plates 101." This plate is vot an additional one, but is numbered 48 on the list. Vol. I. and 46 plates as per list, 38 and 39 are fine en- graver's proofs, very rare in that state ; Etchings, 46, and a variation of No. 35, making 47. Vol. II: front, vignette, and 50 plates as per list ; Etchings, 48, with variations of 4 and 45. Total, 100 plates, and 94 etchings — the three variations making 97. Lowndes says "Only 98 etchings are said to have been taken." In saying this he probably 813 HOWAED'S (Frank) SPIEIT of SHAKSPEAEE exhibited in a Series of Outlines illustrative of the Story of each Play, with Quotations, com- plete in 24 parts, forming 5 vols. 8vo. with nearly 500 remarkably clever and pleasing outlines, (pub. at £14. 8«) hf. bd. green morocco, j£2. 85 1827-33 814 SHAW'S Illuminated OENAMENTS, selected from MSS. and early printed Books from the Sixth to the Seventeenth Centuries, 4to. engraved on 59 copper-plates, all highly finished in opaque colours, with descriptions by Sir Frederick Madden, (pub. at £5. 5^) hf inorocco, uncut, £S. 8s 1833 815 SHAW'S Illuminated OENAMENTS, folio, LAEGE PAPEE, plates, richly illuminated in ^old and colours, hf bd. uncut, £7. lOs 1833 816 the same, LAEG-E PAPEE, splendidly bound in olive morocco super extra, sides covered with gold tooling in the Grolier style, gilt gaufre edges, by C. Lewis, from Dr. Hawtrefs Library, with his arms stamped in gold on the sides, £10. Pickering, 1833 A genuine copv ; to be distinguished from j ever desires to possess a Memento of the late Dr. those reprinted with the same title and date. Who- j Hawtrey should secure this elegant volume. 817 SHAW'S Specimens of Ancient Eurniture, drawn from existing authorities, with descriptions by Sir S. Eush Meyrick, impl. 4to. large paper, 74 plates on Lndia paper, several in colours, (pub. at £8. 85) hf morocco, uncut, Sir Charles Price's copy, £4<. 10s 183^5 818 Details of Elizabethan Architecture, impl. 4to. 60 fine plates, India proofs, large paper, with descriptions by Moule, (pub. at £6. 6s) hi. morocco, uncut, £4. 4* * 183') 819 the EncyclopaBdia of Ornament. Select Examples from the purest and best specimens of all Kinds and of all Ages, impl. 4to. large paper, 69 plates, the plates all coloured, (pub. at 363. 3^) hf. bd. £2. 5* 1842 "Mr. Shaw has already conferred material I painting. The present undertaking is calculated benefit on the artists of England by his faithful j to diffuse those advantages more generally." — engravings from ancient works on sculpture and | Gentleman s Mayazine. 820 DEESSES and DECOEATIONS of the Middle Ages, from the Seventh to the Seventeenth Centuries, with Historical Descriptions, ori- ginal edition, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. 85 beautifully coloured copper-plate engravings, woodcuts, a profusion of initial letters, and examples of curious and singular ornaments, (pub. at £7, 7s) cloth, a genuine copy, £Q. 1843 Fetched, 1861, South gate's, £8. 85. WOEKS ON THE TINE AETS. 730 821 SHAW. The same, 2 vols. impl. 4to. LAKGE PAPER, genuine original copy, the plates accurately coloured and heightened with gold, from the best existing authorities, in the original cloth boards, rare, £16. really 1843 822 the same, parts I-II, large paper, cold, plates, bds. £3. 16^ 1813 ^^ A new Large Paper edition has been recently made, with the title of 1843 re- printed ; these modern copies are inferior, and are printed on glossy new looking paper. Both issues, the genuine and the modern have the name of Pickering as that of the publisher on the title, and the date 1843. The Original Large Paper " copies of this splendid work on Mediaeval Costume are so su- perior to those on " small paper," that in point of fact they are two different works ; tVe execution of the beautiful illuminations in these Large Paper copies being equal to the choicest minia- tures. No copies to equal the above can ever be produced in future. 823 SHAW'S Handbook of the Art or Illumijs'ation as practised during the Middle Ages, atlas 4to. numerous fine plates and ornarnental borders, (pub. at £5. 5s) half morocco, uncut, top edge gilt ^ subscription copy, £2. 2* 1866 Uniform in size with the Large Paper issues of Shaw's other works. 824 SHAAV'S Details of Elizabethaj^- Architecture, impl. 4to. large paper, India proofs, 60 very fine plates (pub. £6. Qs) hf bd. uncut, £1. 45 1834 Yov i\\Q Illmtrated ^^"^ TESTAMENT, ^^q ante 825 SILLIG, Dictionary of the Artists of Antiquity, comprising a History of the Eine Arts, by Barker, 8vo. cloth, Zs 1836 826 SKELTON (J.) OXFOED and OXFORDSHIEE. OxoNiA Antiqua restaurata, containing Eepresentations of Buildings in Oxford now either altered or demolished, 2 vols, large paper, India proofs, choice copy in russia super extra, leather joints, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford Oxford, 1823 Engraved Illustrations of the principal Antiquities of Oxfordshire, from Drawings by T. Mackenzie, large paper, India proofs, with cancelled leaf of TVooton Hundred, choice copy in russia super extra, leather joints, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford ib. 1828 Pietas Oxoniensis ; or Eecords of Oxford Founders, large paper, India proof portraits, views, ^c. choice copy in 7'ussia super extra, leather joints, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford ib. 1828 — the above 3 articles forming a tery superb set, 4 vols, folio, all uniform, as described, £30. 1823-28 827 SMITH (John) Catalogue Eaisonne of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French PAINTERS, with Biographical Notes of the Artists, and a copious Description of their principal Pictures, also the prices at which they have been sold, complete, with the Supplement, 9 vols, royal 8vo. cloth, £8. %s 1829-42 This celebrated work, by Mr. Smith, the I collector of pictures. eminent picture dealer, is indispensable to the | b28 SMITH (E. M.) and POECHEE'S (E. A.) History of the recent Discoveries at CYEENE, made during an Expedition to the Cyrenaica in 1860-62, folio, containing 60 beautiful plates of monuments, views, etc. mnny splendidly coloured, 16 Photographs, and 10 plates of Inscriptions, (pub. at £6. Qs) cloth gilt, gilt edges, 36^ 1864 " This beautiful volume, illustrated almost to excess, with woodcuts, lithographs, and photo- graphs, is a most valuable record of an exploring expedition, to which scholars, antiquaries, and artists have looked with curious interest." Saturday Review, Jan. 28th, 1865. 829 Smith (T.) EecoUections of the Eise and Progress of the British Institution, with Addenda, 8vo. (pub. at 13« 6//) cloth, 7s 1860 South Kensington Museum — see Kensington. SPAIN and PORTUGAL : 830 PONZ (Antonio) Viage de Espana, en qne se da noticia de las cosas mas apreciables, y dignas de saberse, que hay en ella, 18 vols. Madrid, 1787-91i — Viage fuera de Espana, 2 vols. ibid. 1785— in all 20 vols. 16mo. many fine plates of Views, Jntiquities, Architecture, Portraits, etc. complete, Spanish calf, £2. 5« Madrid, 1787-94; Priced, 1821, Thorpe, £7. 17.? ; 1829. John I copy fetched £4. 16.?. Bohn, £8. 18*6^; Jas. Bohn, £&. &s ; Drury's | 831 Eaczynski (Comte A.) les Arts en Portugal, 8vo. 4« Qd 1816 731 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Spain and Portugal — continued, 832 ESPANA AETISTICA t MONUMENTAL: I'Espagne Artistique et Monumentale ; Yues et descriptions des sites et des Monuments Artis- tiques les plus notables de I'Espagne, avec des Dessius et des notices sur les Usages, les Armes, et les Costumes des epoques qui peuvent le plus interesser I'histoire de I'Art, par une Societe d' Artistes, de gens de lettres et de capitalistes Espagnols : Directeur artistique, Don Genaro Perez de Yilla-Amil : Eedacteur du texte, Don Patricio de la Escosura ; Planches lithographiees par Y. Adam, Arnout, Asselineau, Bachelier, etc. etc. 3 vols, imperial folio, 144 la7^ge plates in tinted lithography, heautifully executed, (published at 576 francs, in parts) hf. bd. mor. extra, £11. 5* Paris, 1842-49 This book has now become scarce. Fetched 1855, at Sotheby's, half morocco, £16. I65 833 CoLECciON de las VISTAS de los SITIOS KEALES, litograiiadas de orden del Eet de EsPAfiA, FERNANDO YII, impl. folio, 59 plates, prepared under the direction of Jose de Madbazo, hj. hound, £5. Madrid, 1832 834 CoLECCiox de las YISTAS de los Sitio de Sn. Yldefonso, plates I — XII, coloured, unbound, 2os Collation : I. Sitio de Sn. Yldefonso, I 16 plates. title and 30 plates ; III. Sn. Lorenzo, title and I 835 MONUMENTOS AEQUITECTONICOS de ESPANA, publicados a expensas del Estado bajo de la direccion de una Comision Especial creada por el Ministerio de Fomento, parts I-XXXIY, atlas folio, illustrated with 136 fine large plates, of which ticentv are heaut fully printed in colours heightened with gold, vignettes on the letterpress, and capital letters in colours, in parts, £S4t. Madrid, Imprenta y Calcografia Nacional, 1859-66 Mr. Quaritch, having been appointed agent I continuation at 21^ per part, for the sale of this publication, will supply the j SPANISH ART: 836 CExlN-BEEMUDEZ, Diccionario historico de los mas ilustres Profesores de las Bellas Autes en EsPAnA, 6 vols. 12mo. cfgt. £2. ISsMadrid, 18 00 The best Spanish account of Spanish artists. I Spanish galleries. With this book as his guide, Soult plundered the | • 837 Cumberland's Anecdotes of eminent Painters in Spain, 2 vols. 12mo. 12a- 1787 838 FuRio, Diccionario de los Profesores de las Belles Artes en Mallorra, 12mo. hf calf gilt, 7s Qd Falma, 1839 839 PALOMINO (A.) de Castro t Yelasco, Museo Pictorico y Escala Optica ; Teorica de la Pintura. — El Parnaso Espanol, Pintoresco laureado, con las viDAS de los pintores, second edition, 3 vols, in 2, folio, hf. mor. gilt, 325 Madrid 1795-97 Ouvrage peu commun et tres-recherche. 840 Palomino Yelasco (Dou A.) Vidas de los Pintores y Estatuarios eminentes Espanoles, 8vo. red morocco, gilt edges by De Rome, 8s Qd 1742 841 STIELING (W.) Annals of the Artists of SPAIN, 3 stout vols. 8vo. il- luminated frontispiece, numerous fine plates and woodcuts, of portraits, buildings, paintings, etc. cloth, very rare, £9. 1848 Copies have latterly fetched above ten guineas at sales. No new edition is ever likely to appear. 842 SPEUGGINS' GALLEEY.— Portraits of the Spruggins' Family by Eichard Suckletbumkin Spruggins, Esq. 4to. a series o/'44 ludicrous Caricatures, with descriptive letterpress, hf morocco, uncut, £2. 1829 Privately printed for presents. AJeu d'esprit 1 satire on the mania for publishing memoirs of by the Countess of Morley, being a very severe | obscure families. Utterson's copy fetched £3. 3cV. 843 STANFIELD'S English Coast Scenery. A Series of Yicws in the British Channel, 40 beautiful plates, engraved by Finden and others, folio, LARGE paper, Unlettered INDIA FEOOFS, calf extra, gilt edges, very rare, £6. Qs 1836 844 STAEK'S (James) Scenery of the Eivers of NOEFOLK, comprising the Yare, Waveney, and Bure, with historical and geological descriptions by Eobberds, impl. 4to. india proof impressions of the 36 splendid engravings by Cooke, Goodall, Burnet, and others, (pub. £Q. Qs in bds.) morocco super extra, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, by Clarke, £2. Ids Norwich, 1834 WORKS ON THE FINE AETS. 732 8A5 Stanhope's Olympia ; or Topography of the Plains of Olympia, and of the Ruins of the City of Elis, impl. folio, 17 plates on India paper, cloth, \Qs 1824 846 STEEN. Westrheene (T. van) Jan Steen : Etude sur I'Art en Hollande, roy. 8vo. vt and 191 pp. portrait, thick paper, roy. 8vo. hf. bd. morocco, lOs Gd ' La Haye, 1856 A singularly well written Biography of this eminent Dutch master. Contents : the historical portion, 96 pp. ; the List of Jan Steen's Paint- ings, 482 in all, with caieful critical and com- mercial notices, pp. 97-170 ; the engravings, pp. 171-182. 847 STOTHARD'8 Monumental ErriaiEs of Great Britain, selected from our Cathedrals and Churches, for the purpose of brimming together and preserving correct representations of the best Historical Illustrations extant, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of Henry YIII., with Historical Descriptions and Introduction, by Alfred John Kempe, Esq., impl. 4to. 147 plates, most of them elaborately emblazoned, the text ruled, hf. russia, uncut, £5. 15s This copy has an additional MS. Index. 1817 848 the same, folio, LARGE PAPER, containing 147 beautifully finished Etchings, all of which are more or less tinted, and some of them highly illumi- nated in GOLD and colours, including the extra plates of the Effigies, at Fontevraud, and Geoffrey Plantagenet, (pub. £28.) hf morocco, ^68. 1817 Both are fine original copies. 849 STRADANI Yenationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium ; pugnae Bestiariorum et mutuae Bestiarum, obi. folio, 88 plates, original impressions, of every variety of Games and Sports, engraved by John Collaert and Ph. Galle, with Latin descriptions beneath by Kilian, old coif 35^ Anvers (? 1580) A French translation in neat MS. is added to every plate. 850 Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium, Pugnae Bestiariorum et mutuae Bestiarum, 103 coloured plates, s. a. — Vermis Sericus, 6 coloured plates, s. a. — in one vol. oblong folio, the plates being a later issue on thick drawing paper, and very vividly coloured, bds. 30.9 s. a. 850*STRANGE'S (SIR ROBERT) ENGRAVED WORKS. A Collection of Historical Prints, engraved from Pictures by the most celebrated Painters of the Roman, Florentine, Lombard, Venetian and other Schools, with de- scriptive remarks on the same, by Sir Robert Strange, atlas folio, a Series of 50 extremely beautiful engravings after the Old Masters, singularly fine and brilliant impressions, (pub. at £73. 10^) hf bd. russia, uncut, very fine original set, 5^*55. 1750-90 Collation : text, pp. 1-19; ; plates num- bered 1-50, but the numbers stamped in printing ink on each plate after impression, so that in reality the Prints are engraved without the numbers. This is without question the grandest and most magnificent series of engravings ever pro- duced in England. For their beauty in the de- partment of line engraving, they have hitherto stood unrivalled, and will probably never be sur- passed, if equalled. 851 STRASZEWICZ (J.) les POLONAIS et les Polonaises de la Revolution du 29 Novembre, 1830, royal folio, 120 India proof portraits, with facsimiles of their signatures, (pub. unbound 210 francs) hf morocco, £4. 4s Par. 1832 Priced, H. Bohn, £8. 8*. \ bre, 1830, plate 30," a leaf is missing, but the In the descriptive text " Nuit de 29 Novem- i collection of portraits is quite complete. 852 STRUTT (J. Gr.) Sylya Britannica, impl. folio, choice India proofs of the beautiful etchings, with the Supplementary Series {several unpublished), half red morocco, gilt edges, by Wright, £8. 8* 1826-29 853 STRUTT'S Biographical JJictionary of the Engravers, from the earliest period to the present time, 2 vols. 4to. with the set of 17 plates of Facsimiles of Rare Engravings, interleaved with writing paper, but without one frontispiece " Adam and Eve,'' with old Memoranda of prices of Frints, calf uncut, £2. \Gs 1785 854 STUART and REVETT'S ANTIQUITIES OF ATHENS, 4 vols. roy. folio, the original splendid edition, with 384 large and beautiful engravings, leather backs, uncut, £7. 1762-87-94-1816 855 another copy, 4 vols. impl. fol. rus.fine copy, very neat, £8. 8s 1762-1816 Priced, 4 vols. 1823, Triphook, £24 ; 1843, I fetched Christie's, 1860, £11. 10« Longman, £21.; 1846, £24.; 1850, £20. 733 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 856 STUAET'S Antiquities of Athens : the Supplementary Volume, by CocKERELL, KiNNATBD, DoNALDSoN, aod others, impl. folio, with nearly 100 plates, (pub. at £6. 125) bds. £3. 1830 " A work of surprising exactness, presenting I specimens of Grecian art and of Attic taste now to the eve in one group a collection of the noblest I existing." — Eustace. 857 Sweden. DAHLBEEG, SUECIA Antiqua et Hodierna, 3 vols, in 1, oblong royal folio, containing upwards of ^^0 fine engravings of the Falaces, Gardens, Churches, Castles, Public Buildings, etc. of all parts of Sweden, with Coats of Arms of the Nohiliiy and Gentry, calf neat, £2. 10* Holmice, 1693-1714 Fort bel ouvrage publie aux frais du roi de des ports, des palais, des vues, des antiquites, des Suede par le comte de Dalberg. Les figures portraits, etc. sont bien executees et representent des villes, TAPESTRY; 858 TAPISSEEIES histoeiees (les anciennes) ou Collection des monumens le plus remarquables de ce genre, du XI au XVIe Siecle ; texte par Jubinal, royal folio, 12'^ folded plates by iSansonetti, the complete set, hf bd. russia, £2. 16s Paris, 1838 859 Tapis SEEiE de BATEUX, representant la Conquete de I'Angleterre par les Normands avec Texte par A. Jubinal, oblong atlas folio, 24 coloured plates by V. Sansonetti, bds. £S. lijs Paris, 1838 Only 1*00 copies of this portion of M. Jubi- 1 Priced, H. G. Bohn, £4. lis 6d. nal's great work were printed in a separate form, j 860 ToiLES peintes et Tapisseries de laYille de EEIMS, atlas folio, 32 coloured plates of the principal Scenes of the Jilysteries of the X.Vth century, en- graved by Liber thais — Toiles peiates, 2 vols. 4to. of text, hf. bd. morocco, uncut, £d. Paris, 1^43 861 TAEBE, Tresors des Eglises de Eeims, sm. folio, plates by Maquart, of Reli- quaries, Ecclesiastical Ornaments, etc. of elaborate workmanship, mostly pre- sented by the French Kings, antique calf, gilt edges, 186' Beims, 1843 A copy fetched at Fugin's sale, £3. 10^. 862 Theophilus on the Arts of the Middle Ages, in Latin and English, with •Notes by E. Hendrie, 8vo. cloth, lOs 1847 863 THOEWALDSEN (Alb.) Collezione di tutte le opere, 2 vols, in 1, large folio, 116 plates in outline, by Garzoli, hf. bd. vellum, £2. 16* 1831 864 Entree d' Alexandre le Grand a Babylone, Frise en Marbre dans le palais du Eoi de Danemare, obloog royal folio, 22 fine plates by Amsler, text by Schotm, original impressions, bds. 2ds Munich, 1835 865 TITIAN'S and PAUL VEEONESE'S Works: Opera Selectiora, quae Titianus Yecellius et Paulus Calliari Veronensis pinxerunt, et quae Le Eebre sculpsit, impl. folio, two engraved titles and 31 fine plates, earlieH impressions, calf extra, gilt edges, Poyal Arms on sides, £3. 10* Venet. 1682 866 TITIAN and other VENETIAN Painters' Engeaved WOEKS, atlas folio. 90 fine large engravings, with a printed List of them, and details respecting the designer and engraver, hf. calf uncut, £5. 5^ Venezia, s. a. The plates are arranged as follows : Tiziano I toretto, pi. 22-48 ; Paolo Cagliari Veronese, pi. Vecellio, pi. 1-20; Giavomo Robusti, detto il Tin- | 49-65; ])\. 21, 66-90, are after other great Masters. 867 Hume (Sir W.) Notice of the Life and Works of Titian, large 8vo. large VA:B¥.n, portrait, half calf gilt, Qs 1829 868 TOSI and Becchios Altars, Tabernacles, and Sepulchral Monuments of the 14th and 15th Centuries, existing at ROME, with descriptions in Italian, English, and French, by Mrs. Spey Bartlet, roy. folio, 52 plates, hf morocco, uncut, 36s Lagny, 1843 869 TUDOT (E.) Collection de Eigurines en Arp:ile : oeuvres premieres de I'Art Gaulois, avec les noms des Ceramistes, impl. 4to. numerous woodcuts in the text and 75 plates of Gaulish Pottery of the Boman period, hf. red morocco, uncut, 285 Paris, 1860 870 Turner and Oirtin's (English) EIVEE Scenery, with descriptions by Mrs. Hofland, atlas 4to. 20 fine plates, very fine impressions, hf. green mor. 24* 1827 871 TUENEE'S (J. M. W.) Picturesque Views on the Southern Coast oe Eng- land, an original copy, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 4to. 80 most beautiful plates, engraved by W. and G. Cooke, early impressions, hf. morocco, uncut, £4. 10* 1826 WOEKS ON THE TINE AETS. 734 872 TURJ^EE (J. M. W.) VIEWS takej^ in his Annual Tours, folio, cJioice India proof engravings before the letters, including many extremely rare Artists' proofs, half green morocco, joints, uncut, top edge gilt, £VZ. 184J4 873 Thoenbury's Life of J. M. W. Turner, E.A. 2 vols. 8vo. 15s An Appendix (351-426) contains a complete I Catalogue of his Pictures. Catalogue of all Turner's engraved works, and a | 87Ii TVVININGr'S (H.) Philosophy of Painting, impl. 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, (pub. 21s) cloth, presentation copy to C. Stanfield, Esq. JR. A. 15s 184<9 875 V^NIUS (O.) Historia de los siete INFANTES de LAEA, 40 engramngs hy A. Tempesta, without title-page, with descriptions in Spanish and Latin under each plate, hf. hd. 24s (Antoerj)ice, 1612) 876 VALEaiO (F.) Eaccolta di le piu illustri et famose Citta di tutto 'il Hondo, folio, above 300 views of the principal cities, (including London, Chester, Bristol, Cambridge, Canterbury, Norwich, Edinburgh, ^c.) two engravings on a page, with a MS. Index, old cf. from Dr. Wellesley's library, 30s Sec. XVI. 877 VALLEGIO (F.) e Eota, Eaccolta di le piu illustri et famose CITTA di tutto il Mondo, stout obi. 12mo. title and 309 leaves, each containing a pretty en- graving of a city, original impressions, with the local and Latin name, and a few descriptive words in Latin underneath, caf extra, £.2. 10s 1572 Very rare. The cities are arranged in I Liege there is a representation of the Battle of alphabetical order, beginning with Aalst, or Alost, i Lepanto, and a description at foot engraved in and ending with Zutphen. Between Leyden and | microscopical characters of painful minuteness. 878 VAN DYCK, le Cabinet des plus beaux Portraits, folio, the MOST COM- PLETE EDITION, consisting of 125 fine portraits, chiefly engraved by Voster- man, thirteen of them occur only in this edition, hf. bd. uncut, £>V1. Anvers, H. and C. Verdussen, s. a. 879 Carpenter (W. H.) Pictorial Notices, consisting of a Memoir of Van Djck, descriptive Catalogue of his Etchings, and p;»rticulars relative to other Artists patronized by Charles I. 4to. portraits, and facsimile of a letter of Van Dyck, cloth, 38s 1844 880 another copy, 4to. with considerable MS. notes and additions bj the Author, intended for a second edition, also the original MS. of the first sketch of the work, £5. 1814 881 Vasari (Giorgio, Pittore e Architetto) Opere, 2 vols, royal 8vo. portrait and Opiates, bds. 10s Firenze, 1832-38 882 Vite de Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti, 7 vols. sq. 8vo. portraits, half calf, uncut, 25s Livorno, 1767 883 Vatican. G-uattini, Quadri delle scuole Italiane nell' appartaraeuto Borgia del Vaticano, incisi da CrafFonara, pittore, large folio, 41 very fine outline engravings, with text, bds. 16s Homa, 1820 VENICE : CicoGNARA, Fabbriche di Venezia — see post, Architecture. 881 COEONELLl (P.) Singolarita di Venezia e d^-l serenissimo suo Dominio, oblong folio, 259 plates, flne impressions, hf. bd. 25s ca. 1700 885 II Gran Teatro di VEJSFEZIA, ovvero raccolta delle principali VEDUTE e PITTUEE che in essa si contengono, 2 vols, royal folio, 120 fine plates, calf, gilt edges, £6. 10s ' Venice, s. a. (? 1720) These two volumes include fine representa- I served in Venice ; the Views of the chief Palaces tions of 57 Paintings, by early Masters, then pre- | are fine and bold. 886 IsoLARio Veneto, ovvero Pros^pettive dell' Isole, Venete, oblong small 4to. 20 plates by Antonio Visentini, dedicated to Sir T. Moore Slade, fine copy, mottled calf extra, gilt edges, Mr. Slade's copy, di\. Is Venezia, T. Vie7'0, 1777 887 NANI, Serie dei Doqi di Venezia, sm. folio, frontispiece and 120 portraits with the Arms, and text to each, hf. vellum gilt, uncut, top edge gilt, £2. 2s Venezia, 1840 888 VENUTI (Chevalier) Interpretation des Peintures dessinees sur un Ser- vice DE Table travaille d'apres la Bosse dans la Eoyale Fabrique de Por- cellaine, thick sm. 4to. 180 plates ; with letters from H. Cole, Esq. and D. Colnaghi respecting this set of Sicilian China being at Windsor, Sir Charles I'rice''s copy, 32s Naples, 1788 II. and of Queen Caroline, 17 5%, is, sold separately for 255. 735 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 889 Venne (A. Vande) Tafereel van de Belaccheude Werelt ; met by- gevoegde Eaedsel-Spreucken, 4to. very quaint plates, calf, 18* In '« Graven Haqe, 1635 890 Versailles : Description de la Grrotte de Versailles, atlas folio, 20 fine large plates by Le Potke, old impressions, vellum, 2ds Paris, Impr. Roy ale, 167G 891 VEESTEGAN (E.) Theatrum Crudelitatum Ha^reticorum nostri Temporis, small 4!to. numerous engravings (including decapitation of Mary Queen of Scots) vellum, rare, ^63. AntverpicB, 1604 It is much to be regretted, and it can scarcely I the Huguenots of France should have perpetrated be believed, that the Protestants of England and | such diabolical acts of cruelty. 892 VEETUE'S CATALOGUES, a complete set : Catalogue and Description of King CHAELES the Eiest's capital Col- lection of Pictures, Statues etc. transcribed from an original MS. at Oxford 1757 Catalogue of the Pictures, etc. belonging to King JAMES 11. ; Pictures in the Closet of Queen Caroline, and in the Palace at Kensington 1758 Catalogue of the Collection formed by George Villiers, DUKE of BUCKIiSGHAM, including that of Eubens, with Life of the Duke by Fairfax ; also those of Lely ; description of Easton Neston ) of the Car- toons at Hampton Court, etc. 1758 Description of the Works of Wenceslaus HOLLAE 1758 together 4 vols, in 2, 4to. the collection complete and perfect, russia, marhled edges, £8. 8s 1757-59 893 another copy, 4 vols. 4to. superior binding by Bedford, Tif. red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £12. 12^ 1757-59 Each Catalogue is prefaced with an adver- tisement by Horace Walpole. The Catalogue of the Pictures of King James 894 VICO, Imagiui delle DONNE Auguste intagliate in istampa di rame ; con le vite et ispositioni sopra i riversi, sm. 4ito. frontispiece and 63 plates of the Heads of Roman impresses, the Portraits withijs^ very beautiful Orna- mental Cartouches, fii^st impressions of the plates before the numbers, old red morocco, gilt edges, £f3. 10s Vinegia, 1557 895 Augustarum Imagines sereis formis expressae ; Vitse quoque earundem breviter enarratse, etc. 4ito. frontispiece different from that in the issue with Italian text, superb impressions, the first in which the plates at pages 28 and 24 are correct, hf morocco, £2. 16s Tenet. {Aldus)^ 1550 Vienna — See Kleiner. VIEWS of England and Scotland : 896 Buck's Views of Cities, 6 large folding plates Buck's Views of Euins, GOp/a^e^ 1722 Slezer's Views in Scotland, carefully engraved, 25 very fine large plates ? Edinb. 1718 together 91 plates, very early impressions, in 1 vol. royal oblong folio, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings ^ £6. 1717-22 897 VISCONTI (G. B. ed E. Q.) MUSEO PIO CLEMENTIN O, 7 vols, ^or/raijf and 37^ fine large plates 1782-1807 II Museo Chiaramonti aggiunto al Pio-Clementino da Pio VII. con I'espli- cazione di F. A. Visconti, C. A. Guattani, e Nibby, 3 vols, portraits and 141 plates ' 1808-37-43 MoNUMENTi Amaranziani DEL Marchese Luigi Biondi, 1 vol. portrait and 50 plates together 11 vols, atlas folio, several hundred fine plates, a magnificent set of books, hf.-i>io^occo extra, backs elegantly tooled and gilt, £30. Roma, 1782-1849 A complete set like the above is of very rare Supplement, No. 11005, Museo Etrusco Vatieano, occurrence ; of the latter volumes only a very 2 vols, bound to match, small edition vfsis printed. See also a further 898 VISCONTI ICONOORAPHIE GRECQUE et EO MAINE, ou Eecueil de Portraits authentiques des Empereurs, Rois, et Hommes Illustres de TAnti- guite ; commence par Visconti, continue par Mongez, 7 vols. impl. 4to. with 5 vols, atlas folio of 125 large and beautiful engravings of classical Busts, Medals, ^c. bds. uncut, £3. 6s JParis, Didot, 1808-26 WOEKS ON THE FINE ARTS. 73G 899 yOUET (SIMON) (EUVEES, impl. folio, consisting of 142 fine old plates, engraved hy Dorigny and others, chiefly of Scriptural and Historical Subjects^ after Fouefs paintings in the Barber ini Palace, the Louvre, the Luxembourg, St. Germain, and the Churches of Paris, old French calf, from the Salamanca collection, £S. Paris, 1627-65 900 "W AAGEN'S Kunstwerke und Kiinstler in England und in Paris, 3 vols, iu 2, 12mo. calf 5s Berlin, 1837-39 901 Treasures of Art in Great Britain, an account of the chief collections of Paintings, etc. with the Supplement, " Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain," with Supplement,'4 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £2. 14«) clothy 36« 1854-57 902 the Supplement separately, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1857 903 WALPOLE (H.) Anecdotes of Painting in England, and Catalogue of En- gravers who have been born or resided in England, 5 vols, first edition", 1762-71-63 — EiCHARDSois^ (J.) "Works on Painting, intended as a Supple- ment to the Anecdotes, &c. 1 vol. 1792— together 6 vols. 4to. illustrated with nurnerous portraits, very fine set, red MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, £15. 15^ Such a beautiful set is rarely offered for sale. Strawberry Hill, 1762-92 904 WALPOLE'S Catalogue of the Eoyal and Noble AUTilOKS of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland, with a List of their Works, enlarged and con- tinued to the present time, by Thomas Park, 5 vols. 4to. loO fine portraits, Proofs before Letters, an- original copy, (pub. at £21. in bds.) very fine copy in crimson morocco extra, morocco joints tooled all round, silk linings, gilt edges, hy Hering, Arms on sides, £20. 1806 A truly superb copy in the very rarest state and in the choicest condition. 005 WALPOLE' S Anecdotes of Painting in England, with Account of the Prin- cipal Artists, BEST edition by Dallaway, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. with above 150 portraits and plates, ^1 of which are beautifully engraved hy Finden, Wbrfh- ington, etc. Proof Impressions on India Paper, (pub. £15. 15s) bds. £10. ; or, hf bd. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, rare in this state, £12. 1826-28 S)06 WAEING'S Examples of Architectural Art in ITiLY and SPAIN, chiefly of the 13tli and 16th centuries, by Waring and Macquoid, atlas folio, 60 large plates, full of Architectural Ornaments and details j (pub. at £o. bs) cloth, £3. 3^ 1850 907 WAEING'S Arts connected with AECHITECTIJEE, illustrated by examples in Central Italy of Stained Glass, Fresco Ornaments, Marble and Enamel Inlay, Wood Inky, etc. from the Thirteenth to the Eifteenth Cen- tury, impl. folio, 41 beautiful plates in colours, with descriptive text, (pub. at £6. 6*) hf hound morocco, gilt edges, £4. 46* 1858 908 the same, large paper, atlas folio, (pub. at £10. lOs) hf. bound mo- rocco, gilt edges, £5. 15« 1851 i^T This Work has never before been offered at the slightest reduction from the regular price. Only very few copies remain for sale. 909 WATTEAU'S Ornamental Designs, collected from his works, and lithographed by Nichol, roy. folio, portrait andSS elegant plates, hf hd. £2. 2s Edinb. 1841 Sixty pounds would be given for a set of the original edition of Watteau's works in 4 vols. 1)10 WAEEINGTON'S History of Stained Glass, from the earliest period of the Art to the present time, impl. folio, 25 coloured plates, (pub. by the Author for £8. 8s) hf morocco, £^. 4s 1848 911 Wedgwood. JEWITT'S (LI.) Life of Josiah WEDGWOOD, with notices of his Works and iheir productions, Memoirs of the Wedgwood and other Families, and a History of the early Potteries of Staffordshire. 8vo. with por- trait, and 145 woodcuts, (pub. at 18s) cloth gilt, 10s 1865 912 WEIEOTTER (F. E.) (Euvres de, Peintre Allemand, contenant pres de 200 Pavsages et Kuines, dessines d'apres nature, en France et en Italic, folio, portrait and nearly 200 etchings, fine old impressions, red morocco elegant, gilt leaves, a very beaulifd copy, £^. 16s 6c? Paris, 1771 Paris's copy fetched £10. .5.v ; priced 1834, Arch, bds. £7. 7*. 913 WELCKEli'S alte Dcniunaler : Vol. I. die Giebelgruppen und griechische Statuen ; Vol. II. Basreliefe und geschnittene Steine : Vol. III. Griechische Vasengeuialde, 3 vols. 8vo. 36 folding plates of Greek Art, sd. 9s G'Oft. 1840-51 2 M 737 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 914 WELLESLEY {Dr. Master of Neiv Inn, Oxford) Portfolio of Etchings and Engravings, about 100, most of them by Oxford amateur Artists, folio, hd. 1^5 (1810-50) 915 WEST WOOD (J. O.) Palseographia Sacra Pictoria: a series of Illustrations of the Ancient Versions of the Bible, copied from Illuminated Manuscripts executed between the Pourth and Sixteenth Centuries, royal 4to. original copy, 50 heautiful plates of Miniatures and .Facsimiles of Ancient Manuscripts, executed in gold and colours, cloth, £3. 3^ ; or, half morocco, £3. 5.S. IQs (PhorccB) s. I. 1504 Lead ; even the title, a very beautiful one in Gothic letters, seems to have been an impression from a design engraved on Metal ; certainly so the mark of the Duke of Ferrara's printer. Mr. Keid, the keeper of the Prints in the British Mu- seum, possesses valuable knowledge on this sub- ject, which it would be desirable to have in print. du Memoriale divinorum Eloquiorura de S. Rosenhaim avait ete faite a Nuremberg par Fre- deric Kreusner en 1493 in 4to. Voyez Panzer, Vol. II, p. 214. Cet ouvrage n'est done pas de Sebastien Brandt comme I'a mal a propos intitule le re- lieur. II a ete imprime a Phorcheim (^Phorca) en 1504, par Thomas de Bade surnomme An- selmi. Je viens de decouvrir que la Ire edition 958 BEANT (Sebastian!) Stultifera Nayis, per Jacobum Locher traducta, sm. 4ito. 116 curious and well executed woodcuts, fine copy in moeocco extra, gilt edges, by Petit, £5. 5s Basilece, J, B. de Olpe, Kal. Mart. 1498 In the same month in the preceding year the first issue was made. 959 BEANT, Stultifera Nayis, 12mo. a verbal copy of the Kal. Mart, edition, 1497, with the woodcuts reduced, in the original stamped binding, £2. 10s Augusta, Schensperger, kl. April, 1497 9G0 Salutifera (sic) !N"avis, narragonice profectionis nunquam satis laudata Navis p. Sebastianum Grant (sic) etc. smallest 4to. above 100 woodcuts, vellum, £2. 2s Impressum (Lugduni) per Jacobum Zaconi de Romano, 1488 {sic) This edition was evidently made about 20 years later than the date given. 961 N'avis stultifere Collectanea, ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio conflata, sq. 8vo. the same woodcuts re-engraved on wood, and about 25 added at the end, calf neat, £2. 16« Paris, 1507 962 Stultifera Navis mortalium in qua fatui affectus, mores, conatus, etc. ponuntur, 12 mo. with all the cuts, recut on wood on a smaller scale, fine copy in vellum, 25s Basil. 1572 98f3 • Aff-ghebeelde Narren Speel-schuyt, in Nederduytsch, sq. 12mo. the same cuts rudely recut, with the addition of a very fine portrait of S. Brandt, engraved on copper, old calf, 20s Amst. 1635 964 BEANDT (Seb.) Stultifera Nauis. The Ship of Fooles, wherein is shewed the folly of all States, very profitable and fruitfull for all Men, translated by Alexander Barclay, folio, black Xziizx, with numerous curious woodcuts, good copy in russia, £10. 10s London, by John Cawood, [1570] Chiromancy : 965 TEICASSO de Ceresaei (Patricio) Chyromantia, 16mo. 49 woodcuts,fine copy in red moeocco, gilt edges, by Derome, £2. 2s Vinegia, 1534 Probably the most complete book on this amusing Art. 741 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 966 Teicasso da Cerasari (Patritio) Epitoma Chyromantico, nel quale si con- tiene tutte l*opere per esse Tricasso composte, 12uio. numerous woodcuts, Ids. TNCUT, 155 Venetia, 1538 967 CHIRURGIA e Graeco in Latinum conyersa a Yido Vidio, folio, many curious woodcuts of the ingenious Machinery used hy the Ancients in Surgical opera- tions, qreen vellum, 35^ Paris, 1544 968 (COECkX D'ALOST, Ces moeurs et fachons de faire de Turcz avecq les Regions y appartenaiites, ont este au vif contrefactez par Pierre Coeck d'Alost, luy estant en Turquie I'an de Jesu Christ m. d. 33,) folio, a singu- larly fine and hold series of ten large woodcuts, illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Turks at Constantinople, shewing if^e Costume of the period, old calf very rare, £9. {Marie Verhulst vefoe du diet Pierre d'Alost, MDL.) 969 CRANACH. Das Symbolum oder Bekentuis der zwelff Aposteln, Wittem- berg, 1539, 12 very fine spirited woodcuts — Eeontini Biicher von den guten Rathen ; Onexander von der Kriegshandlungen ; Keyser Maximilian's Leer, etc. numerous woodcuts of Mediceval Warfare and Adventures, Meyntz, Schoffer, 1532 — in 1 vol. sm. folio, original hogshln binding, wooden Ids. £6. 970 (BIDPAI) DIRECTORIUM humane vite alias parabole antiquorum sapien- tium, sm. folio, First Latin Edition, numerous rude woodcuts, with the rare first leaf from Dr, Wellesley's library, £S. Ss s. I. e. a. explicit liber Parabolarum ant. Sap. (ca. 1480) 971 GHISI (A.) LABERINTO nel quale si vede Figure, sm. folio, a very curious Block-Book, containing 60 different woodcut figures, with xylographic inscriptions, worked in red ink, so arranged on 22 leaves as to appear in dif- ferent positions, with a curious Dutch game and an Italian Giuoco de Pela, (in Verse, by Alitenio Gatti) added in MS. at end, hf hd. exteemelt, £4. 45 Venetia, 1616 An arithmetical puzzle, containing a solution of one of the most difficult problems, both of the theory of numbers and geometry of position. It is dedicated to the Doge Giovanni Bembo, and on the back of the Dedication is a Table of Letters, so arranged as to read, any way from the centre " ZoDANE Bembo Dose per Meriti." The only other copy of this rare book which has appeared for sale, and then described as unique, was that sold in the Libri Sale (7078 Cat. 1861) for £.5. 972 GRUNPECK (J.) Spiegel der natiirlichen bimlischen und prophetiachen Sehungen aller Triibsalen, &c. sm. 4to. curious woodcuts, calf extra, gilt edges, by Niedree, Mr. Slade's copy, £2. 2s Leypszik, 1522 973 Haj^-s Sachs im Gewande seiner Zeit : Gedicbte, herausg. von Becker, impl. io\!\o,frontisp. and 22 large bold woodcuts, text in Old German verse, bds. 18s Gotha, 1821 974 HIERONTMO. Epistole de San Hieronymo vulgare ; con la Vita, folio, two beautiful borders, several hundred very fine woodcuts, stated to be after drawings of the celebrated Mantegjs^a, and a great variety of Capitals, (these after ancient MSS.) a superb copy in blue moeocco extra, gilt leaves, by Lewis, 5610. Ferrara, 1497 Colophon : Impressa e la presente opera cosi con diligentia emendata como di jocunde carac- tere et figure ornata ne la inclita et florentissima cita de Eerrara : per Maestro Lorenzo di Rossi da Valenza : ne gli anni de la salute del mundo Mccccxcvii. A. di xii. de Octobre. Regnante et juridicamente et cum humanita el felice et religi- osissimo Principe messer Hercdle Estense Duca secondo, Spechio de infrangibile fide. This volume abounds with small woodcuts executed in outline like the Aldus Poliphilus, and with the same spirit and character. The Life affixed is of a shorter copy, and occupies 4 leaves, the title of it is especially rare. There are in it eighteen miniature cuts, representing St. Jerome, from his birth and tuition to his death and burial. The Epistles take up 266 pages ; and the cuts, which are one and two in a page, are all different. Holbein — See Ante in General Alphabet. 975 HOMER. Les dix peemiers Livees de l'Iliade d'Homeee, prince des poetes, traduictz en vers Erancois, par Hugtjes Salel, 4to. \lfine large woodcuts {one on title, and one at the beginning of each book) old calf gilt, arms on the sides, eaee, afc'G. Paris, Logs, 1545 976 HOR^: Ces presentes heures a 1 usage de (Damlle Marcet Rinelart femme de Lancelot de Lakke) [Aliuanach de 1502 a 1520] 8vo. peinted on VELLrM, with beautiful large engravings, executed in the dotted manner or maniere criblee, that of the Adoratiori of the Shepherds being particularly described by Dr. Dibdin in his Bibliographical Decameron, Vol. I. pp. 90, 1 ; borders, in WOOD ENGEAVINO AND XYLOGRAPHY. 742 which a curious Dance of Death and other subjects are introduced, purple mo- rocco, gilt edges, £12. (S. Vostre, 1502) 977 LICHTENBEEGER Die Weissagunge Johannis Lichtenbergers, deudsch zugericht mit vleys von St. liodt; sampt einer Yorrede D. Martini Lij- THERS, sm. 4to. the printed title surrounded hy elaborate borders, numerous very fine woodcuts, old morocco, £3. 16s Wittemberg, Hans Lvfft, 1527 Life and Passion of CHRIST : 978 Tboeck tanden LEUEN ONS HEEREN Jhesf Christi, (Ludolphi des Carthusers), sm. fol. 53 coloured wood engravings, singularly quaint and striking, vellum-covered bds, with clasps, £9. Gheprint . . . tAntiverpen bij mij GTieraert de Leeu, 1487 Rare. This copy comes from a conventual library, as appears from the MS. note " Dit boeck toe behoert die sustere va Sinte Clare tEnchu- sen. ' Leeu had left Gouda for Antwerp two years before the date of this remarkable produc- tion. Holtrop (178) describes the volume. 979 ONS HEEREJN PASSIE, met ter Yerrisenisse ende met ten Eiguren, sm. 4to. rude woodcut in contemporary colouring, vellum, £\Q. GJieprendt te Del/ in Sollant, 1487 Very rare. There is no printer's name, I Bible) or of H. Eckert von Hombergh. But M. but the book is supposed to come from the press | Enschode attributed it to Chr. Snellaert. It is of Jacob Jacobsson (printer of the first Dutch | printedinthe same character as the Psalter of 1487. 980 EiN SCHON PASSIO Deutsch, mit schonen Eiguren, 12mo. with 27 Jine woodcuts by Hans ScsaUFELEiN, contemporary colouring, hf. cf. rare, £2. 2s Augsburg, Hans Schonsperger, s. a. (? 1490) This work is printedwith that peculiar Type, I edition of the " Theuerdanck." which was afterwards (1517) used for the first | 981 Dat Booc yanden LEYEN ons liefs Heren Ihu Cristi, sm. folio, nu- onerous woodcuts, uncoloured, a fine copy in the original boards, covered with leather, £18. 18^ Zwoll, by 'Peter Os van Breda, mgccc cxix (1499) The woodcuts which give so much import- ance to the book, are all well-designed and full of spirit, though their character is quaint and curious, and the execution rude. The book is described by Holtrop (506), and by Renouvier. The singular circumstance that the engravings have remained uncoloured, notwithstanding that it was the prac- tice of the publishers in those days to have them coloured by hand before issuing, adds a special interest and value to the present copy. 982 PASSIO Domini, litteraliter et moraliter ab Henrico de Eirmaria expla- nata, sq. sm. 8vo. 16 leaves, including title, on which is a large engraving, with several small and curious woodcuts in the text, bds. vellum back, vert RARE, £2. Oppeheym, s. a. {cir. 1500) One of the very rare books printed in Oppenheim at that early period. Specimens are very scarce. 983 PASSIONAEL. Dit es d'leve ons liefs heeren Ihesu Cristi .... met addicien van schoonen moralen eii geesteliken leeringhen en devoten meditacien, sm. fol. woodcut on title, about 200 rude and curious engravings (maniere criblee) through the book, plain ; with painted initials, original oak boards covered with stamped calf, rare, £6. Antwerpen int huys va Delft, Henrick JEckert va Homberch, 1503 984 DiJRER (Albrecht.) La Passione di Giesu Christo d' Alberto Durero, sposta in ottava rima da Mauritio Moro, sm. 4to. 37 large woodcuts from the original blocks, dated 1510, and the rare medallion portrait on title, beau- tiful copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, £7. 10s Venetia, 1612 985 Deuotissime Meditationes de vita, beneficiis, et PASSIOE Saluatoris Jesu Chri. cum gratiarii actione, 12mo. 36 very artistically designed woodcuts of the Passion of Christ, each woodcut within an elegant border, very fine sound copy, white vellum, gilt edges, the Yemeniz copy, £6. In ojficina excusoria Sigismfidi Grimm, Medicine doctoris, ac marcii wyrsung : Auguste Vindelicorum quinta die Aprilis,anno DDDxx (i520) 986 CRANACH (Lucas) Passional Chuisti uud Antichristi, sm. 4to. 26 bold large woodcuts, original edition, very large and fine copy in purple mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, £'^. s, I et a. (sed Wittemberg, 1524) This is the first edition, and contains the finest impressions. Several other editions followed. 987 SCHaUEELEIN (Hans.) Doctrina, Vita et Pat^sio Jesu Christi: Lehre, Lebefm und Sterben Jesu Christi, sm. 4to. 74 fne large woodcuts, beautiful tall copy, with rough leaves, purple Monocco extra, £20. Franc. Egenolff, 1550 743 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOJS^. MAXIMILIAN (Emperor of Germany), his Series of Illustrated Works : 988 TEWEDANNKH. Die geuerlicheiten und eins teils der geschicliten des loblichen streitbaren und hochberiimbten helds und Hitters Tewrdannkhs : An Allegorical Poem of Kiiight-Errantry, executed by Meleiiior Pfintzing, but projected by the Hero of the work himself, the subject matter being the Adventures which the Emperor Maximilian had to undergo, before he could win the beautiful and wealthy Maria of Burgundy, folio, with 118 very large and spirited woodcuts, hy Hans Scheufelin and Hans Burgmaier, coloured at the period, a very good large sound copy, in the original hogskin hinding, :£15. Augspurg, Schonsperger, 1517 There are 237 large cuts in this fine work, mince Poem was written for the amusement of 92 contain Burghraair's mark, H. B. and one that of Schaeuffelein ; they are executed in a very bold manner, all those which contam the mark of Hans Burgmair showing a decided superiority in point of engraving. First edition, with the rare 8 leaves of Table. The second edition appeared in 1519. This most singular and extraordinary Ro the Emperor Charles V. when only king of Spain, by his chaplain, Melchior Pfintzing, who, how- ever, drew his materials from a life of the Em- peror Maximilian I., which that monarch had dictated to his secretary, Traut-Saurwein, and it is from this circumstance, probably, that many writers had asserted that Maximilian himself was the author of the poem. 989 DEE WEI8S KUNIG-, eine ErzehluDg von den Thaten Kaiser Maximilian des Ersten ; von M. Treitzsaurwein : The Wise King, illustrative of the Learning, Wisdom, and Adventures of the Emperor Maximilian, folio, 237 large woodcuts hy Hans Burghmair, from the original old blocks, a superb tall copy, hf. bd. uncut, £7. 7^ Wien, 1775 990 the same, THICK PAPEE, 2 vols, folio, splendid impressions of the 237 woodcuts, hf bd. UNCUT,/rom the Enschede library, £16. 10^ 1775 Nearly all the Thick Paper copies of the I the edges cut ; an uncut copy on Thick Paper is " Weiss Kunig" were issued by the publisher with I therefore a desideratum. 991 TEIOMPHE DE L'EMPEEEUE MAXIMILIAN I, en une suite de 135 planches, gravees en bois, d'apres les dessins de HANS BUHG-MAIE, accompagnees de I'ancienne description dictee par I'Empereur a son secre- taire Marc Teeitzsaurweiis', impl. folio, fne impressions of this wonderful series of woodcuts, the text in French and German, £10. Vienne, 1796 992 the same, without plate 36, no letterpress, the greater part of the plates on Fine Paper, brilliant impressions, hf bd. £4. 1796 993 IMAGES de SAINTS et Saintes de la Eamilie de I'Empereur Maximilien L folio, 11^ fine large woodcuts by various old engravers after designs by H. BuEGMAiER, hf. vellum, £2. 12^ Qd ; or, hf morocco, uncut, the Yemeniz copy, £S. Ss Vienne, 1799 994 the same, large and thick papee, large folio, eiest tmpees signs, Baron MarochettV s copy, £6. 1799 This beautifully engraved Series of Saints in- ~ ~ — - -- - eludes : St. Ediltrude, Queen of Northumberland; St. Bridgit of Kildare ; King Edgar ; King Ed- mund of East Anglia ; Edward the Confessor ; St. Ethelbert, King of Kent ; St. George ; St. Oswald, King of Northumberland ; St, Richard, 995 AEG TEIOMPHAL DE MAXIMILIEN, publie par Bartsch, impl. folio, very rare Vienne, 1799 Collation : Plates or Nos. 1 — 53, on 43 I According to the list and to Brunet, there sheets (full opening). Eauxfortes A — V (20 sub- should be 21 eauxfortes. Is there a fourth leaf, jects), on 3 sheets. j with plate Wor X ? 996 DUEEE'S (Albert) Teiumph-Wagen, or TEIUMPHAL CAE or Maxi- milian I. represented in a series of eight large wood engravings, brilliant impressions, pasted together and mounted, in a black frame, and very rare in this fine state, £8. Ss Excogitatus et depictus est Currus iste Nuremhergae, impressus vero per Albertum Burer, 1523 Best edition, later appeared an edition, dated: i Cornel Liefrinck anno 1545." " Impressus est Currus iste Antverpiae per viduam | 997 MOLITOE. De laniis at phitonicis mulieribus per Ulricum molitorem de coastantia, small 4to. very rude woodcuts, full size of the page, of Witches, superb copy in morocco extra, gilt edges by Trautz-Bauzonnet,from the Temeniz library, £G. 10s JEx constan. anno dni. mcccclxxxix die decima ianuarii a Saxon King ; St. Rumbold, Bishop of Dublin Thomas a Becket : and others English. Eor Symbolical and Sacred Art this volume is par- ticularly suggestive. Each noble Saint has hia Coat of Arms introduced. WOOD ENGRAVINGS AND XYLOGEAPHT. 744 998 Nuremberff Chronicle. SCHEDEL, CRONICAEUM Liber, cu figuris et ymaginibus, royal folio, first edition, 2000 engravings on wood, clean and sound copy, quite peefect, with the Supplement " De Sarmatia" and all the blank leaves, stamped hogskin, £10. 10^ Nuremherge, Koherger, 1493 999 the same, measuring 18 inches in height by 12^ in width, a beautiful copy in brown Jiogshin extra, from Sir Chas. Price's library, £22. 10s 1000 another copy, probably one of the finest and tallest ever offered for sale, roy. fol. quite perfect, brown morocco extra, gilt edges by Bedford, £25. 1493 This copy measures over 18 in. in height and cipal events, characters, and cities, described in the above 12| in. in width; it was bound by Bedford work, executed in a masterly and spirited style by from the original oaken boards. Editio Prix- Michael Wohlgemuth and William Pleydenwurffi CEPS. A volume of extraordinary interest, embel- as the last colophon in the work informs us. lished with 2250 woodcut Engravings of the prin- 1001 Owlglass {the renowned Low- German Clown of the 14th Century). Noctuae Speculum. Oranes res memorabiles, variasque et admirabiles TYLI SAXO- NICl machinationes complectens authore Aegidio Periandro, 12mo. a poetical version of these famons tricks, with numerous woodcuts, fine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s Francofurti, S. Feyrabendt et S. Huter, 1567 1002 PARADIN, Quadernos tstoricos de la Biblia, sq. 12mo. 142 beautiful cuts by he Petit Bernard, vel.fine copy, £2. 8^ Leon {Lyon), J. de Tournes, 1553 This Spanish edition appeared in the same I for the rhymes, they are only barbarous doggrel. year as the first French one, and consequently has But this book is the rarest form of Paradin's work, the earliest impressions of the engravings. As I as there was but one edition with the Spanish text. 1003 PINDER (U.) Speculum PASSIONIS Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, folio, 40 large and very beautiful woodcuts, full of expression and vigour, by Hans Schdufelein and G. Glockendon, fine copy, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Cape, £7. 7s Nuremberg^, Fed. Feypus, 1519 1004 PdLIPHILI HYPNEROTOMACHIA, ubi humani omnia non nisi Som- nium esse docet atque obiter plurima scitu sane quara digna commemorat (Auctore Francisco Columna), Ltalice, folio, first edition, with exq^uisitely beautiful wood engravings from designs attributed to Giovanni Bellino and to Fnffaelle, A magnificent copy, splendidly bound in olive morocco, super extra, the sides and back covered with gold tooling in the Grolier style, gilt gaufrS edges, by F. Bedford, in a morocco case, A masterpiece of book-binding, exactly uniform with Sir C. Price's copy, £42. Venetiis apud Aldum, 1499 The GEM of Sir Charles Price's Library. It fetched £53. 105 at this sale. Sir Charles's and 'Mr. Bedford's opinion about this Chef-d'ceuvre were expressed in the following letter : 4, Eccleston Ten-ace, Eccleston Sq. S.W. February 8, 1857. Sir, I am much gratified to learn that you are pleased with the Poliphilo. I assure you it was my utmost effort to make it worthy your approval, and that effort has met with success. I can only in return express how proud I feel at the high encomium you have placed upon its merits. I remain, Sir, your most obt. hble. servant, Sir Charles Price, Bart. Francis Bedford, 1005 POLIPHILI HYPNEROTOMACHIA, Ltalice, folio, first edition, with beau- tiful wood engravings from designs attributed to Giovanni Bellino and to Raf- faelle, including the Worship of Friapus, in perfect condition, fine copy in olive morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, by Lewis ^ £10. Venetiis apud Aldum, 1499 This is the finest and tallest copy offered for many years; it measures above 12|^ in. by 8^ in. 1006 PoLiPHiLT Hypnerotomachia, cioe Pugna d'Amore in Sogno, ristampato di novo, sm. folio, the Worship of Friapus and the other beautijul woodcuts by Bellino, in perfect state, old calf, £b. Vinegia, figliuoli di Aldo, 1545 This second edition is nearly as rare and The woodcuts which adorn this very rare volume valuable as the first. Priced by Thorpe, £6. 6j ; Dr. Bliss's copy fetched £5. \{)s ; and at Libri's sale in 1860, a copy in Grolier binding jfe'28. are now generally attributed to Giovanni Bellini, the master of Titian and Giorgione, but formerly they were considered as the designs of Raflf'aelle. 1007 Kenouvier, Gravures en bois dans les livres Verard, 8vo. sd. 5« 1859 1008 EOSETTI. Plictho de larte de tentori clie insegna tenger pani, telle, banbasi et sede si per larthe magiore come per la commune. {At end :) Cora- posto per Gioanventura Eossetti provisionato ne lo Arsena, dallo illustris- simo Senato Venetiano, sm. 4to. woodcuts, veaic fauve, gilt edges, by Bauzon- net, the Temeniz copy, £Q. Gs Venetia, per Francesca Fampazetto, MDxL. Jolies gravures snr bois representant les differentes operations de la teinturerie venitienne. 1009 SCHOEPFF. A large XYLOGRAPHIC ENGEAVING, 14i inches by 10, representing "St. Jerome kneeling before a Crucifix, behind which a lion is 745 BEENAKD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. crouching, with a landscape of trees and a distant city in the background* and an owl perched on a bough, coloured, and signed at foot " Michel Schorpp,* pasted on the cover of an ancient folio volume, £5. ( Tllm, circa 1480) with the first and earlier of the two : excepting the signature. Those engravings are there attri- buted to the " premier age de la gravure jusqu'a Albert Durer." There are two unsigned copies of the above engraving given in the *' Gravures en bois des anciens Maitres Allemands" of Becker and Der- schau, one a little finer than the other ( Vol. II. A 19 and 20). The above agrees in every respect 1010 TtJECKISCHE (der) Schauplatz erofnet in Figuren : Tiirkischer Estats und Kriegesbericht Nos. 1-137, small folio, each number containing a woodcut^ representing every variety of Tubkish Costume, and some other objects of the Eastf russia. Dr. Wellesley's copy, £2. 2^ Hamburg^ 1685 This edition has 16 woodcuts more than that of 1626. 1011 Spirito de' Gualtieef (Lorenzo) LIBEO da la VENTUEl (over li Libro de le Sorte) in Terzine, small folio, many curious woodcuts, fine copy, hf. calf £6. 8a Bologna, s. a. (1500 ?) A very rare work on the Art of telling For- tunes by Dice. Collation: — Sheets A, 8 leaves; B, 12 leaves ; C, 8 leaves ; D, 6 leaves ; E, 6 leaves ; F, 4 leaves. Folio 2 contains a fine large cut of a Wheel of Fortune, presided over by King Solomon; this is followed by 24 very rude cuts of the Figures of Kings, surrounded by a border with the inscription CIS A FE PIERO IN TAIGIO QUESTO. In the centre of all the Combinationg of Dice Play are allegorical figures, all engraved in the same rude style ; elegant borders surround the Circular Games. 1012 YEB/DIZOTTI, Cento Eavole bellissime, sm. sq. 8vo. numerous woodcuts after Titian, limp vellum, fine copy, 32s Venetia, 16G1 1013 Vita di SANCTI PADEI vulgare historiata, the fourth leaf contains a fne large woodcut surrounded by a border, with the title : Incomencia il prime Libro de le VITE de SANCTI PADKI, &c. sm. folio, w'>th 2H6_very beau- tiful woodcuts ; the last cut represents ^' Silentium," the Monk Lu. Nicolo at his desk writing this book, old calf gilt, £7. In fine : Finisse la tabula die. vite di Sati padri, Laus Deo, s. I. e. a. {Venice, 1500) 1014 Weczdoref de Teiptis (Jodocus) ARS MEMOliANDI, nova secretissima continens precepta, paucissimis bonarium artium militibus visa, sm. 4to. a curious work of 8 pages, with large woodcut title, several peculiar woodcut cha- racters, and symbols, mor. extra, gilt edges, uncut, £4. IO5 s. I. et an. {ca. 1480) Unmentioned by all bibliographers. This is the only copy I can trace. Modern Works with Woodcuts. 1015 BEWICK'S (T.) History of BEITISH BIEDS, 2 toIs. 8vo. first edition, 1797-1804 — History of QUADRUPEDS, ffth edition, 1807 — together 3 vols. 8vo. fine impressions of these fascinating woodcuts, uniform in calf neat, £6. 10s 1797-1804-7 1016 ■ History of British Land and Water Birds, 2 vols, large 8vo. with the Supplement and the Addenda to the Supplement to Land Birds, pp. 51-68, (frequently wanting) first edition, LAKGE PAPEE, Newcastle, 1797-1804 — A Greneral History of Quadrupeds, woodcuts, large papee, ib. 1800 — together 3 vols, large 8vo. laeoe and thick papeb, maroon moeocco extra, gilt edges, a veet excellent set, £15. 10* 1797-1804 X017 Land Birds, second edition, 1804— Water Birds, first edition, 1804 — Quadrupeds, fifth edition, 1807, calfnt. Corsers copy, £7. Newcastle, 1804-7 This copy was bought by Mr. Corser, when at the Free Grammar School, Manchester, in 1811. 1018 the same, LAKQEST PAPEE, 3 vols, super royal 8vo. calf neat, marbled edges, £14. 1804-7 1019 The EiaUEES of Bewick's QUADEUPEDS, second edition, 1824— British Land and Water BIEDS, 2 vols. 1825— together 3 vols. 4to. all the engravings o/'Quadeupeds «w^Bieds struck off with extra care on tine papee, quarto size, sd. uncut, 367. 10^ 1824-25 Only 100 copies were thus printed : the impressions are most brilliant 1020 BEWICK'S History of QUADEUPEDS, first edition, 8vo. genuine original impressions of the numerous woodcuts, very fine copy from the Library of the Marquis of Hastings, Donnington Fark, £5. 5s Newcastle, 1790 1021 ■ the same, royal paper, large 8vo. bd. Jesse's copy fetched £20. 10^. 1790 Annual Subscription For foreign Countries 4s. 5s. No. 257. Published Monthly. Price 4d. CATALOGUE OF ORIENTAL BOOKS, ORIENTAL MSS. & DRAWINGS; comprising the best Works of the Arabic* Chinese* Sanscrit* Persian* Japanese and Turkish Literature and History* followed by a Collection of VALUABLE BOOKS AND MSS. chiefly from the Library of DR. TODD, TRIN. COLL., DUBLIN, offered for CASH at the affixed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors "West from Regent Circus* PAGE PAGE PAGE Abyssinian 814 Gujerati - - - 865 Palestine - - 809 African 900 Hebrew - - - 848 Pali 879 Amharic - 814 Hieroglyphics 844 Par si Religion 785 Arabic - 814-35 Hindi - - - 866-9 Pehlvi - - 899 Armenian 835 Hindostani - 866-9 Periodicals (Or.) 757-811 Asiatic History 757-811 Hindu Mythology 810-11 Persian 879-93 Assyria 78e Hindui - - - 866-9 Phoenician 893 Assyrian - 835 History (Or.) - 757-811 Polynesian 901 Australian 901 India - - - - 796 Pushtu 894 Bengali 863 Indian Languages 856 Punjabee - 869 Berber 836 Japan - - - - 806 Religions 783 Buddhism 784 Japanese 873-5 Sanscrit 856 Burmese - 836 Javanese ii77 Siamese - 894 Canarese - 864 Kufic Koran - 811 Sinf^i 870 Caucasian 836 Law (Oriental) 781 Singhalese 870 Ceylon' 7G7 Mahratti - 869 } yriac 848 Chaldee - - 843 Malagasy 878 Tamil 870 China 783 Malay 877 Tatar 894 Chinese - 837 Malay alim 869 Telugu 872 Chronologry - 785 Maltese - 878 Theology - - 905-20 Cochin-Chinese 844 Mantchou 878 Tibetan - 894 Coptic 844 r«lanuscripts (Europ.) 902 Todd's (Dr.) Libr. »02-2o Cuneiform Ins. 835 Maori - - - - 902 Travels 757-811 Drawings (Or.) 812 Miscel. Books 905 20 Turkey 810 Eccles. History 905-2O Mongolian 878 Turkish - - 895 Egypt 791 Mythol. Drawings 811 Urdu - 866-9 Egyptian - 844 Numismatics (Or.^ 782 Zend - - - 899 Bthiopic - 814 1 Ottoman - - - £95 Zoroastrianism 785 IL (D H ID (D If. January, im^o To insure prompt attention, all orders to be addressed direct ^0 Mr. QuARiTCK, or to the Ayent from whom this Catalogue was rectiad. The Books are warranted perfect^ and in fine Library condition. «. NOKUAM ABD SOM, P&INTE&S, MAIDEH LAMB, COT£»T aA&DBIf, LOMDOX, W.CL BOOKS "WANTED TO PUECHASE. Sermons preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (a complete set) — or any except those printed in 1733, 41, 42, 44, 45, 50, 51 Sestini, Con-ections et additions a la description du Cabinet du Chaudoir, 4to. 1835 bhakespeare. Third folio edition : — The Title, Portrait, and Dedication Spix et Martins, Animalia Articulata (Brasiliae) imp]. 4to. Mon. 1830-34 Stirling's Artists in Spain, 8 vols. Svo. 1848 Stockholm, Skrivter af Natur-historie-selskabet, Vol. VI, 1810 Stockholm Acad. — Kongl. Svendska Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar (a complete set) Stoke's (Whitley) Cornish Glossary Sturlinga Saga, Kaup. 1817-20 Sykes' (Col.) Land Tenure in the Deccan Towers' Illustrations of Prophecy, 2 vols. Svo. 1796 Tusser's 500 Points of Good Husbandry ; any cdMiomexcept those of 1574, 1599, 1620, 1630, 1672, 1710, 1744, 1812, 1834, 1848 Urlsperger, Konigl. Grosz -Britann. Colonic Saltzburgischer Emigranten in America, 4to; — j^g" Sechzehnter Theil, Halle n. Augsburg; ca. 1750 Usher, de Primordiis Ecclesiae Britannicae Verhandlungen des naturhist. Vereines des preus. Rheinlande und Westphalens— from the com- mencement in 1844 to the end of 1868 Verheerlickt Nederl. door d'herst. zeevart, (on the colonisation of the New Netherlands, &c.) 4to. 1659 Vetusta Monumenta, Vol. VI Vyse's Pyramids of Gizeh, 3 vols. 4to. Walton's Complete Angler, 4th edition, Labgb Paper, vncuty Bogue^ 1844 Whitaker'a Whalley, folio, large paper, uneut, 1818 Wilson's Hindu Castes Wilson's Hindu Festivals Wetzer et Welte, Diet, encyclopedique dc la Theologique Catholique, trad, par Goschler, 2 vols. 8vo. Wright's English Vocabularies, X-XV Century, roy.. Svo. 1857 Wynkyn de Worde {any of the norks printed hy Mm, perfect) Zeitschrift fur Malakozoologie (from the torn- meficement until the title was changed t» " Malakozoologische Blatter" Hebrew. BIBLIA HEBEAICA, cum Pimctis, stout 12mo. a. teet beaittiful MAiniscRiPT ON VELLUM, Written in a minute and exquisitely fine Italian hand, with the initials finely illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco super extra, gilt edges, hy Bedfoed, 3^55. The writing and the vellum are both so very fine, that the Manuscript may be looked upon as a perfect gem, and one of the most desirable articles in my entire stock. Besides, a codex of the complete Bible is seldom met with. The Pentateuch was completed 17 Chisler Sec. XV 5249 (17 December, 1488). A rare peculiarity is the use of the name Aliashtierus as the title of the Book of Esther^ The Calligraphy is singularly fine; the illuminated headings are very rich, and the Arabesque orna- mentation of the first page is elegant and graceful. 763 ORIENTAL LITERATURE. Including the clioicest portion of the Libraries of Dr. Foebes, Professor of Xlnive^^sity College^ London ; and of the Rev. Dr. Todd, Trinity College^ Dublin. ORIENTAL HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Works on Abyssinia, Assteia, China, Egypt, India, Japan, Palestine, TuEKEY, Oeiental Law, and Easteen Religions, are grouped SEPAEATELY at the end of tMs division. 1 Allgemeines Archiv fiir EthnograpWe und Linguistik, von Bertuch imd Vater, I, 1, 8vo. maps, sd. 5s Weimar, 1808 2 Alphabets: Ballhorn's AlphabeteOrientalischerund Occidentalischer Sprachen, roy. 8vo. 43 Alphabets, a Manual of Reference to the Alphabets of Ancient and Modern La7iguages, ivith ample and valuable information on the nature and mechanism of each, sd. 2s Leipzig, 1852 3 another edition, with Q-lagolitic, Servian, lUyrian, Danish, Swedish, Lettish, added, roy 8vo. 2^ Qd 1853 4 G-EAMMATOGEAPHY, Or Manual of reference to the Alphabets of ancient and ■ modern Languages, based on Ballhorn, roy. 8vo. 68 Alphabets, new in cloth, Qs 1861 5 BARTH, Pacis annis 1814 et 1815, foederatis Armis restitutse Monumen- TUM curante J. A. Barth, impl. fol. (pub. at £5. 5s) sorne of the leaves spotted, calf neat, gilt edges, £1. 5s Vratislavice, 1818 This splendid specimen of decorative typo- graphy contains congratulatory verses on the suc- cesses of the Allies, and the general Peace of 1815, IN 107 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, with their various characters. The verses are mostly original, by distinguished poets ; and many of the pages surrounded by emblematical borders, printed in colom:s. 6 Peopaganda College. Mariae Adelaidi et Victorise Marise Eegni Galliarum Principibus Feminis quod praesentia sua Collegium honestaverint, et typo- graphiara laudaveriut Sac. Congregationis Prseaides singulas Characterum Pormas de Infantis Jesu Laudibus typis impressas in obsequii gratique animi argumentum d. o. c. folio, verses, in 37 languages, very rare, 10s Bomce, 1794 7 ANDERSON (J.) Political and Comaiercial Considerations relative to the MALAYAN Peninsula and the British Settlements in the Steaits op MALACCA, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. bd. 25s Frince of l^Vales Island, 1824 Aeabs in Spain — See Conde, Dozy, and, under Arabic, Makkari. 8 ASIATIC Annual Eegistee ; or View of the History of Hindustan, and of the Politics, Commerce, and Literature of Asia, from the commencement in 1798 to 1811, 12 vols, in 13, 8vo. all published, hf. calf, Sds 1800-12 9 the same. Vols. I-IX, in 10 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 25s 1800-9 10 Asiatic Miscellany : Original Productions, Extracts from Curious Publica- tions, with pieces in Persian and English, Sanscrit and English, etc. 2 vols. 4to. ivormed, native Vmding, \0s Calcutta, 1785-86 11 . another copy, 2 vols. 4to. no title to Vol. I, and a few leaves mended, hf. calf, 7s 6d 1784-86 12 ASIATIC EESEARCHES, or Transactions of the SOCIETY instituted in BENGAL for inquiring into the History, the x\ntiquities, the Arts and Sciences, and Literature of Asia, 20 vols, and Index, 4ito. nu?7ierous plates, newly bound in calf, very neat, £36. Calcutta, 1788-1836 The volumes are sold separately as follows : — Vol. I, 10s ; II, IO5 ; III, \2s ; lY, IO5 ; YI, Vds ; YII, IO5 ; YIII, 155 ; IX, IO5 ; X, lOs ; XI, 20^ ; XII, IO5 ; XIII, 12,9 ; XI Y, IO5 ; XY, IO5 ; XYI, 205 ; XYII, \5s ; XYIII, £^. ; XIX, £2. IO5 ; XX, £3. ; Index, SO5 Complete sets are of very rare occurrence. The early volumes contain the learned Essays of Colebrooke, Sir William Jones, Carey, Strachey, Dr. Wallich, Roxburgh, etc. " They are full of the most curious and valu- able intelligence in every possible form and on every possible subject." — Dihdin. The Asiatic Researches ceased to appear in 1836, and they were continued in the Bkngal Journal. 2 P 764 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 12*A STATIC Eeseaeches, the English reprint, Yols. I-XII, ^\o. plates, neat, £2. 2s 1806-18 This is all that was published of the London | cutta original edition, reprint ; Vols. 13-20 can only be had in the Cal- | 13 ASIATIC Society of BENGAL. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Ben- gal, complete from the beginning in 1832 to 1866, being Yols. I-XXXY, with the Proceedings separately for 1865-66, in 24 Nos. 8vo. with all the numer- ous plates, Tables of Contents and Indexes, in parts, uncut, quite ferfect^ excessively rare, £55. Calcutta, 1832-66 14 another set, Nos. 1-286, or Yols. 1-XXXI, Pt. 3, ^^o.four vols, hf russia, seventeen in cloth, the rest in parts, sd. entirely imcut, quite perfect, £48. 1832-62 15 another set, Nos. 1-267, or Yols. I-XXYII, Pt. 2, {loanting Ms. 2, 8, 24, 146, 149, 155, 169, 170, 175, 178, 188-189, 191-95, 197, 198, 200, 204, 206, 208-12, 214-17, 220-21, 223, 226-7, 233-5, 238, 265— in all 41 Wos.) together tivo vols, hf calf, three in bds. the rest in parts uncut, as described, £20. 1832-58 separately, a number every month. All the early volumes are out of print in Cal- cutta, and sell there at exorbitant prices. The Bengal Journal is a continuation of the " Asiatic Researches ;" it is a most valuable periodical, de- voted to Oriental Literature, Science, Antiquities, Geography, Art, &c. No public library can do without this important work ; it forms, with the Asiatic Researches, one of the noblest monu- ments of British dominion in the East. Published in the following order : — Series I, 1832 to Dec. 1838, 84 Nos. ; Series II, Jan. 1839 to Dec. 1846, 89 Nos. or Nos. 85 to 173, Old Series ; Series III, (publishing at the present time), 1847 to 1868, in which the old numeration stopped short at No. 297, being the end of Vol. 33, 1864. In 1865 the Society commenced to issue the Journal in two divisions ; I. History, Literature, etc. ; II. Physical Science ; and in this order it has continued to be published . In 1866, the Proceedings commenced to be published ' 16 GrLEANINGS IN SCIENCE, a monthly periodical, in 3 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, £3. 12^ Calcutta, 1829-31 These Gleanings, edited by Prinsep, formed | are now of the utmost degree of rarity. the forerunner of the Bengal Journal, and copies | 17 PEINSEP'S Useful Tables, printed as an Appendix to the Journal of the Asiatic Society, 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. containing the Indian Coins, Weights, and Measures, Chronological Tables, and the Generic Characters of HoxburgV s Flora Indica, with plates of Coins, etc. hf bd. £2. 2s Calcutta, 1833-46 Each part can be had separately, as follows Part I, 3 plates, 5s ; II, 5* ; III. Piddington's Tabular view of the generic characters in Rox- burgh's Flora Indica, pp. xi. & 156, 255 This extremely rare work should be added to a set of the Bengal Journal. 18 ASIATIC Society of GEEAT BRITAIN and IRELAND. Tka^-sactioits, com- plete, 3 stout vols. 4to. plates of facsimiles, etc. 30s sd. (pub. £9. 7s) 1825-35 This valuable publication upon the learning, f most of the eminent Oriental Scholars of the day. languages, and antiquities of the East, contains | This may be called the/V.s^ Division of the Pub- amongst the names of its contributors those of| lications by the Royal Asiatic Society of England. Professor Wilson, G. C. Haughton, Davis, Morri- I The continuation or second appeared in octavo, son, Colebrooke, Humboldt, Dorn, Grotefend, and I 19 Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. JOUENAL of the EOYAL ASIATIC Society of Great Britain and Ireland, from the beginning in 1834 to 1863, original 8vo. series, complete, 20 vols. 8vo. mang plates, (pub. at £11. 10s) hf calf, verg neat, £10. 10^ 1835-63 20 the same, Yols. I-XIX, Pt. 1, (without IX, 2 ; XVII ; XVIII) 8 vols, cloth, uncut, the rest in parts, sd, £5. 1834-61 21 the sume. Vols. I-XVI, Pt. 1 (without IX, Pt. 2), eight vols, hf calf, one in cloth, the rest sd. 564. 1834-54 22 the same. Vols. I, II, III, Pt. 2 ; IV- VII ; VIII, 1, 2, 4 ; IX, 1, 3 ; X-XIII, 1 ; XIV-XVI, 1, 5 vols, hf calf the rest in parts, sd £3. Of each of the two volumes XI. and XIV. only the first part was published. 23 the same, Nevt Seeies, Vols. I and II, 4 parts, 8vo. mang pi 'es, sd. 185 1864-66 24 Asiatic Society, BOMBAY Branch. JOIJENAL of the Eotal Asiatic Society, BOMBAY Branch, from the beginning in 1841 to 1857, being Vols. I-IV., or Nos. 1-20, 8vo. numerous maps and plates of Ancient Inscrip- tions, Coins, Scientific Observations, etc, £5. 10s Bombag, 1844-57 ORIENTAL LITERATUEE. 765 work contains also concise notices of twelve others hitherto undescribed. Asiatic Society, Bombay Branch — continued. 25 JouE^'AL, Yols. I, II, III, pts. 1 and 3— together 2 vols. hf. hd. and three parts, 8vo. numerous maps and plates, £2. 16^ Bombay, 1844-53 Containing translations and articles by the | ships, Historical Antiquities and Numismata ; as most learned writers upon the Languages and Li- well as its Natural History, etc. terature of India, its Ancient Temples and Wor- I 26 Asiatic Society, NORTH CHINA Branch. Journal of the JSTorth China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series I, Vol. I, Nos. 2, 3 ; Series II, Nos. 1,2; 5 parts. 8vo. plates, sd. rare, 30s Shanghai, 1859-66 27 ASSEMANI (S. E.) BibliothecaB Medicese Laurentian^ et Palatinse Codicijm MSS. Oeientalium Catalogus, folio, with 2Q folding leaves of facsimiles from a Syriac illustrated MS., light calf extra, hy Clarke, £2. Florentice, 1742 28 Astrolabe. MORLEY'S Description of a Planispheric Astrolabe, con- structed for Shah Sultan Hussain Safawi, of Persia, now in the British Museum, with notices of 12 other Astrolabes, etc. atlas folio, 21 very large plates, comprising 61 engravings of Eastern and some European Astrolabes, bds. 36s 1856 Only 100 copies were printed, and these are now all either presented or sold. Besides the famous Persian Astrolabe specially described, the 29 Atkinson's Customs of the Women of Persia, and their Domestic Supersti tions, translated from the Original Persian Manuscript, by J. Atkinson, Esq, 8vo. 4s 1832 80 BABER. Memoirs of Zehir-ed-din Muhammed Baber, Emperor of Hindustan, written by himself in the Jaghatai Turki, translated by Leyden and Erskine, 4to. map, neat, 36s 1826 "One of the most instructive, and, to well pre- I tions of the present age."— S'^. PHersh. 1852 47 Clabke (Adam) Catalogue of the MSS. in his Library, roy. 8vo. plates, Ids. bs 1835 DozT — see No. 79. 48 [Lee (Dr.)] Catalogue of Oriental MSS. purchased in Turkey, 4to. sd. 3* Qd Privately printed, 1830 49 Maesden's Catalogue of Books and MSS. on the Comparison of Languages, and in Oriental Literature, 4to. hds. "ds 6d 1827 50 Pertsch, die Persischen und Tiirkischen Handschriften der herzogl. Biblio- thek zu Gotha, 2 parts, 8vo. 7s 6d Wien, 1859-64 51 MORLEY'S Catalogue of the Arabic and Persian MSS. of the Eoyal Asiatic Society, 8vo. sd. Is 6d ; or. Large Paper, bds. 2s Qd 1854 52 OusELEY (Sir W.) Catalogue of his Oriental MSS. 4to. phite of facsimiles, sd. 2s Qd 1831 53 Catalogues op Oetental Libeaeies : Nichol, Cat. MSS. E. D. Clarke in Bibl. Bodl. asserv. pars posterior, Ox. 1815 — Ouseley's (Sir W.) Cat. of several hundred Oriental MSS. 1831 — Dr. Lee's Collection, 1840— Preston, Cat. Bibl. Burckhardt, in Acad. Cantab, asserv. Cant. 1853 — 4 parts, 4to. 7^ Gd 1815-53 54 SPEENGER, Catalogue of the Bibliotheca Orientalis Sprengeriana, 8vo. sd. a valuable list of nearly 2000 volumes, 2s Gd 1857 55 Catalogue of the Arabic, Persian and Hindustany MSS. of the Libraries of the King of Oudh, Vol. I : Persian and Hindustany : Poetry, all published, roy. 8vo. sd. IGs Calcutta, 1854 56 Stewaet's desceiptive Catalogtje of the Oeiental Libeaet of the late Tippo Sultan of Mysore, with Extracts, 4to. an excellent Catalogue raisonne of Arabic, Hindustani, and Persian MSS. ivith alphabetical index, bd. 10s Camb. 1809 57 WILSON'S (H. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of Mackenzie's Collection of Oeieiv^tal MAiffUscEiPTS, otc. 2 vols. 8vo. sd. IGs Calcutta, 1828 58 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 24* 1828 CArcAsus— 5^^ ; D'Ohsson, Eichwald, and Caucasian Languages. ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 767 59 CASTELLI (E.) Lexicoj^ Heptaglotton : Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritaniim, TEthiopicum, Arabicum et Persicuin, 2 \o\s,roj.f olio, portf^aif, without the leaf of Dedication, vellum, £3. 16« London, 1686 The adjunct to Walton's Folyglott Bible, [see posf, binder Hebrew.) 60 CEL'SII Hierobotauicoii, sive de PJantis Sacr^B 8criptur8B, 2 vols. Svo. vellum, BARE, 30a- Amst. 1748 A very learned work, rich in references to I with citations, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, and Persian authors, j 61 Chamich, History of Armenia, translated from the Armenian, with Continua- tion by Avdall, 2 vols. Svo. map and plates, (pub. at 2l5) 14^ Calcutta, 1827 62 Cheniek, Recherches sur les Maures, et histoire de Maroc, 3 vols. Svo. maps, neatly hound, 7s 6d I'aris, 1787 A very valuable and interesting work, form- I History of the Mohammedans in Spain, ing indirectly an important contribution to the | 63 CHURCHILL'S Mount Lebajs'On : a Ten Years' Residence, from 1842 to 1852, describing the Manners, Customs, etc. of its Inhabitants, with an Account of the Druze Religion, and Historical Records of the Mountain Tribes, by Colonel Chfrchill, Staff Officer of the British Expedition to Syria ; third edition, 3 vols. Svo. large folding Map of the Mountain Range of the Lebanon, as surveyed by the British expedition, 1840 ; JPo7^traits of Emir JSeshir Shehaab, late Frince of the Lebanon ; of Sheikh Ameenadeen ; of the l^atriarch of the Maronites ; Views of Hoivarra, seat of Colonel Churchill ; of Muchiara, seat of Said Jumblatt ; and of Ebtedcen, palace of ihe Emir Bcshir Shehaab, (pub. at 25«) 1855 — Vol. IV. ; the Druses and the Maronites under the Turkish Rule (1 vol. Svo. large paper), forming a continuation or Supplement to the " Mount Lebanon, 3 vols." AVith a General Index to the 4 vols. Hyo. printed uniformly , cloth, 14^ 1855-1862 64 COLEBROOKE'S (H. T.) Miscellaneous Essays, 2 vols. Svo. best edition, numerous facsimiles from early Lndian MSS. and Liscriptions, bd. £2. 10s 1837 65 the same, new edition of all the important Yedantic papers, Svo. cloth, IQs 1858 The subjects treated in these valuable Hindus, the Sanscrit and Pracrit language, the volumes are : the Vedas, the Religious Cere- Jaina Sect, etc. etc. monies of the Brahmans, the Philosophy of the Qij Conde, Historia de la Dominacion de los Arabes en Espana, Svo. hf calf, 6s Paris, 1840 Chiefly based upon Muhammadan writing, I Arabic verses. and interspersed with metrical translations of | 67 Dalrymple's (A.) Oriental Repertory, published in 8 numbers, from 1791 to 1797, 2 vols. impl. 4to. many maps and plates, bd. uncut, 10s 1791-7 250 copies only printed for the East India Company. 68 Daumas et Chancel, le Grand Desert; Itineraire d'une caravane du Sahara a Haoussa, roy. Svo. map, hf bd. Qs Paris, 1856 69 les Chevaux du Sahara et les moeurs du desert, nouvelle edition, avec des commentaires par Abd-el-Kader, royal Svo. portraits inserted, hf. bd. ds 1862 70 Debipresad Roy, Polyglott Grammar and Exercises in Persian, English, Arabic, Hindee, Oordoo, and Bengali, roy. Svo. 172 pp. sd. 5s Cole. 1854 71 DE GUIGNES, Histoire Generale des Huns, des Turcs, des Mongols, et des autres Tartares Occidentaux, 4 vols, in 5, 4to. old calf gilt, £2. IQs Paris, 1756-58 lukes of Egypt, the Frank Kings of Palestine, the Persians, etc. This grand work is of so extensive a scope that it not only includes the histories mentioned on the title, but also those of China, the Mame- 72 Senkowski, Supplement a I'Histoire des Huns, 4to. hf. bd. very eare, 36* St. Petersbourq, 1824 73 D'HERBELOT, BIBLIOTHEQUE ORIENTALE, avec les corrections et additions de Schultens, continuee ])ar Visdelou et Galand, 5 vols. 4to. best -ETiiTio^, port, old calf £4. 10*; or, a very fine copy in modern calf extra, £5. 15.S La Lloyc, 1777-82 74 the same, 4 vols. roy. 4to. l.\.rge paper, old calf oilt, £7. 7s 1777-82 75 the same, in 1 vol. folio, russia, calf gilt bad; 2os 3Iaestricht, 1776-80 768 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. D'Herbelot — continued. 76 BIBLIOTHEQTJE OEIENTALE, par Yisdelou et Galand, folio (being the Laegest Paper issue, ivith borders, of Vol. IV of the whole work, printed for possessors of the original folio D'Herbelot), portrait, hf. hd. EARE, £2. 2s La Haye, 1779 The work itself is a treasure of useful and orna- mental knowledge : and has done more to draw the attention of the Europeans to the writings of the Asiatics than all the other works yet published on the subject." — Bibliogr. Diet. " Bartholomew D'Herbelot was born in Paris in 1625. He was first among the French who understood the orien- tal languages and history. He was at first but little regarded in his own country. He was re- ceived by Ferdinand the Second, Duke of Tuscany, with a distinction which taught France to know his merits. He was recalled and encouraged by Colbert, who encouraged everything. His ' Bib- liotheqxie Orientale' is equally curious and pro- found. He died in 1695." — Voltaire. ''Edition la plus complete de cet ouvrage estime ; vend. 110 fr. Herisson ; J 20 fr. Cour- bonne." — Brnnet. Latest and best edition of the most esteemed work on oriental antiquities and literature. " Herbelot received the most splendid reward of his industry : he was invited to Italy by Ferdinand II. Duke of Tuscany, who enter- tained him with that striking magnificence which always distinguished the race of the Medici. After the death of Ferdinand the illustrious Col- bert recalled him to Paris, where he enjoyed the fruits of his labour, and spent the remainder of his days in easy retirement." — Sh- W. Jones. " For solid literature, extensive and profound oriental learning, no man ever surpassed Herbelot; he that came nearest him was the late Sir VV. Jones. 77 D'OHSSON, Histoire des Mongols depuis Tchinguiz-Khan jusqu'a Timour Bey on Tamerlan, 4 vols. 8vo. map^ red morocco, from the Earl of Munster's library, £2. 2s La Saye et Amst. 1834-35 78 des Peuples du Caucase, ou Voyage d'Abou-el-Cassim, 8vo, sd. Ss 6d Paris, 1828 79 DOZY, Catalogus Codicum Orientalium Bibliothecse Academise Lugduno- Batavse, 2 vols. 8vo. containing descriptions and extracts of nearly a thou- sand MSS. 15s Lugd. Bat. 1851 The continuation of this catalogue by Kuenen can be supplied. 80 le Cid d'apres de nouveaux documents, sm. 8vo. chiefly from Arabic sources, sd. 6s Leyde, 1860 81 Eecherches sur I'histoire et la litterature de TEspagne pendant le Moyen- Age, seconde edition augmentee, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. IQs 1860 82 Histoire des Musulmans d'Espagne, 711-1110, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. 25s 1861 This excellent work must be considered the first European history of the Moors in Spain ; as all the other books on the same subject are based DuPEREOiSf — See post, under Eeligions, Zend. 83 Eichwald's alte G-eographie des Kasp. Meers, des Kaukasus, u. d. siidl. Euss- lands, 8vo. 5 maps and plates, containing much linguistic information, Tif calf 55 ' Berlin, 1838 84 EIGHHOEF, Parallele des Langues de I'Europe et de I'lnde, roy. 4to. sd. 16s Baris, 1836 85 ' iibersetzt und vermehrt von Kaltschmidt, impl. 8vo. sd. 3s ^d 1840 One of the indispensable works for the study of Comparative Grammar. 86 Elais'din et Coste, Voyage en Perse, 1840-41, 2 vols. roy. Bvo. large map^ (pub. 15 fr.) sd. Is 6d Baris, 1851 87 EOESTEE'S Historical Greography of Arabia, with Appendix containing trans- lations of Hamyaritic Inscriptions, Alphabet and Glossary, 2 vols. 8vo. onap and plates of the Lnscriptions, etc. (pub. at 30s in bds.) neat, 24s 1844 88 Eraehn^, Antiquitatis Muham. Mon. varia, i : Epitaphium Cuficum, etc. hf cf Betr. 1830 — Origo vocabuli Eossici Bengi, sd. Gasani, 1815—2 parts, 4to. upon the erroneous and misdirected labours of Conde. Q>d 1815-30 89 Eraser's (J. B.) Narrative of a Journey into Khorassan, and the Countries North-East of Persia, 1821-22, 4to. (pub. at £3. 3s) calf extra, gilt edges, 30s 1825 90 Travels in the Persian Provinces on the Southern banks of the Caspian Sea, 4to. (pub. at £1. lis Qd)bds. 7s 1826 OEIEISTTAL LITERATUEE. 769 91 G-AECm DE Tasst, Eh^torique des Nations Musulmanes, 2 parts, 1844-45 ; Analyse d'un Monologue dramatique Indien, 1850; Noms propres et Titres Musulmans, 1854 ; Discours (sur la litter. Higd.) 1856 ; Fetes des Hindous, 1834 ; Sur I'Akhlaqu-i Muhcini, 1837 ; Systeme metrique des Arabes, 1832 ; together 8 parts, Svo. 7* Gd " Paris, 1844-56 92 G-EOGEAPHiiE Yeteris Scriptores, ed. Hudson, Yol. III. Svo. containing Arab, and Persian texts of Ahulfeda,el-Tusi, and Ulvgh Beg, etc. calf, 10s Oxon. 1712 93 GtILCHEist's Hindee-Eoman Orthoepigraphical Ultimatum . . . Hindoostanee Story-Teller, Svo. hf. calf, 2s Qd 1820, 94 Orienti-Occidental Tuitionary Pioneer, Panglossal Diorama, etc, folio, If bd. 255 1821-26 Very curious and rare, as these reports were I sent the latest developments of Gilchrist's lin- separately and irregularly printed. They repre- | guistic system. 95 HAMMEE, Eeise in die Levante, sm. 4to. map and plates of Itiscriptions, etc. 2s 6d Wien, 1811 96 • Geschichte der Goldenen Horde in Kiptschak, das ist, der Mongolen in Eussland, 8vo. over 700pp. cloth, 9s Pesth, 1843 97 sur les Origines Eusses, extraits de MSS. Orientaux, 4to. extracts from Arabic, Persian, and Turkish ivorhsj with translations and notes, sd. 9s St. Petersh. 1825 98 HANDJEEI (A.) Dictionnaire Erangais-AEABE-PEKSAX et Tuec, 3 vols, large 4to. (pub. at. about £7. 7s) sd. £2. 2s ; or If. cf gilt, £3. lOs IIoscou, 1840-41 One Alphabet beginning with French ; a I son for Persimi, Golius or Frey tag for AraMc, and valuable companion to the Dictionaries of John- | Meninski for Turkish. 99 Ha^tw^at's Travels into Persia, v^^itb the History of Nadir-Kouli, 4 vols. 4to. best edition, portraits, maps and plates, a plate and part of a dedication deji- cient, hf. caVf, neat, \0s 1753 100 HoECK, Veteris Mediae et Persiaa Monumenta, 4to. 8 plates from the relics of ancient Peesiais" art, with explanations, remarks on their age, andrefereyices to the Zend Avesta, and the early history of the country, Qs Gott. 1818 101 Host, Marokos og Ees, 4to. specimens of the languages and native songs, onany plates, including Music, some pages written on, hf. bd. 6s Kioben, 1779 102 Humboldt (A. de) Eragmens de G-eologie et de Climatologie Asiatiques, 2 vols. Svo. bds. 7s Paris, 1831 103 HYDE, HisTOEiA Eeligionis veteeum Peesaeum, eorumque Magorum ; Zoroastris Yita, ej usque et aliorum Yaticinia de Messiab ; Originale Orientis SibyllsB Mysterium ; Zoroastris liber Sad-Der, Latine ; cum Appendice, etc. 4to. best EDITION", many platcs of Inscriptions, Alphabets, etc. fine copy, £2. Oxonii, J 760 104 Syntagma Dissertationum et Opuscula inedita, cum Appendice de Lingua Sinensi, etc. ed. Sbarpe, 2 vols. 4to. with portrait, and 22 plans of Oriental Alphabets, calf, 32s Oxon. 1767 With the plates ; none of the recent copies issued from Oxford have these plates. 105 JOTJENAL ASIATIQUE, ou Eecueil de Memoires relatifs a I'Histoire, a la Philosophic, aux Langues, et a la Litterature des Peuples Orientaux, Peemieee StoE, 11 vols. 1822-27— Seconde Seeie, 16 vols. 1828-35— Teotsieme Seeie, 14 vols. 1836-42 — Quateieme Seeie, 20 vols. 1843-52 — CiNQUiEME Seeie, 20 vols. 1853-62— Sixieme Seeie, Yols. I — YIII — a complete set from the beginning in 1822 to December 1866, 89 vols. 8vo. in parts, entirely tmcut, a fine clean copy, rarely 7net with in this state, and per - feet throughout, £36. Paris, 1822-66 106 — — — the same, complete to 6me Seeie, Yol. II, — 83 vols. Svo. uniformly half bound. Buckle's copy, 3638. 1822-63 107 the same, complete to 6me Seeik, Yol. II, — 83 vols. 8vo. hf. green calf. Professor Forbes's copy, 3640. 1822-66 108 the same, as follows :— Series I, 11 vols. 1822-27— Series 11,^08. 1—33, 36—49, 61—74, 77, 80, 83, 85—96, 1828-35— Series III, IN'os. 1—36, 43—45 J or Yols. I— YIII, 1836-39 -Series lY, Noo. 31, 40—65, 770 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 70—93, 184.6-52— Series V. Nos". 1, 41—64, 1853-60— Series VJ, Vols. I, II. — togetlier tico vols. hf. calf neat, one in cloth, six in hds. the rest in parts, as described, 3620. 1822-63 Sets completed at a moderate charge ; parts I had separately, not contained in the above broken set cannot be ' 109 JOUENAL OF THE INDIAN AECHIPELAGO, and Eastern Asia, from the beginning in 1847 ; First Series, Vols. I-YI ; VII, pts. 6-12 ; Supple- ment to Vin ; IX pts. 4-12 ; New Series, I, II -, 8vo. containing important matter on the races and languages of Eastern Asia, its Natural history, etc. ioith Scientific, Ethnological, and Geographical plates, all in parts, rare, £10. Singapore, 1847-57 110 JArBERT, Voyage en Armenie et en Perse, 1S05-6, 8vo. plates and large map, calf, Qs ^ ^ Paris, 1821 111 JoMAED, Etudes geographiques et historiques sur I'Arabie, 8vo. maps,sd. 35 6c? Paris, 1639 112 Jones (J. F.) Memoirs connected with Baghdad, Nahrwan Canal, frontier of Turkey and Persia, Median "Wall of Xenophon, and discovery of the ancient Opis, topography of Nineveh, etc. roy. 8vo. 2 maps and several co- loured plates, cloth, 12s Bombay, 1857 113 JONES (Sir AV.) "WOEKS, 6 vols. 4to. best -editiq-s, porti^aits and numerous plates from the Hindu Mythology , facsimiles, etc. calf, 25s 1799 114 the same, 13 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, £2. 10s 1807 ]15 Memoirs of his Life, \Vri tings, and Correspondence, by Lord Teign- mouth, 2 Yols. 8vo. calf gilt, 7s Gd 1806 116 the same, 8vo. calf gilt, Gs 1807 117 History of the Life of Nader Shah, with a history of the Persian Language, 8vo. calf gilt, Ss Gd 1773 118 K JEMPFEEI Amoenitates Exoticae, relationes rerum Persicarum et Ulterioris Asise, stout sm. 4to. numerous plates of Monuments, Inscriptions, JV^atural Sistory, etc. calf, 7s ; or a fine copy in vellum or calf, 12s Gd Lemgov. 1712 de Aulse Persicas statu hodierno ; relationes his- torico-physicse : Observationes Physico-raedicae curiosae ; de Palma dactylifera ; Plantarum Ja- ponicamm nomina et charact. Sinici. A wonderful amount of learning is stored up in this volume. Kaempfer was one of the most patient, persevering, and conscientious scholars that have ever lived. The work is divided into 5 Fasciculi., of which the subjects are as follows : 119 K^MPEERi Disputatio medica exhibens decadem Observationum Exoticarum, sm. 4to. with two small folio pages in Kcempfer's autograph, concerning Japan, inserted loosely, with PlumenbacVs autograph, bds. 5s Lugd. Bat. Elzevier, 1694 120 KLAPEOTH'S Manuscript Collections: Five Portfolios of Manuscript Notes, fragments, and other Materials relative to the Geography, Ethnology, and Philology of the nations of Upper, Middle, and Eastern Asia, chiefly in his ow^n handwriting, but also including the autograph memoranda of several of the Jesuit Missionaries in China, and others, £20. 1780-1840 An invaluable mass of matenal. almost wholly UNPUBLISHED. It may be roughly divided into the following sections : I. Road Books and Itine- raries of various Asiatic countries, translated and extracted from Chinese, Armenian, Georgian, or Russian sources ; II. Maps of Asia, especially China, consisting of a number of MS. charts by Klaproth, roughly designed, with an illustrative text, called ""Atlas Historique de I'Asie" ; III. Chinese History and Philology, consisting of Vo- cabularies, Lists of Words, Annotations upon the Chinese and European Dictionaries, etc. ; IV. Tartary and Thibet, linguistic and ethnographical notes upon the Mongolian and Tataric races, with translations and extracts of texts, and relation of Klaproth's journey through Baspa (Thibet) in German ; V . Japan and Corea, a large number of documents, mostly in the handwriting of Tit- singh, with map of Corea ; VI. Buddhism, a number of very valuable papers in French, by Klaproth ; VII. Miscellaneous Oriental memo- randa; VIII. Guldenstadt's autograph Maps, plans, and illustrative notes from his travels in the Caucasus and Georgia {several of them unpub- lishecl) ; IX. Collection de Memoires sur I'Art Militaire des Chinois, traduitsdu Chinois par dif- ferens missionaires et par Deguigne pere, all MSS. 121 KLAPEOTH, ASIA POLYGLOTTA, 4to. pp. 16, 384, 121-44, 8, with the folio Atlas, comprising 59 Tables of Vocabularies, map, hf bd. Z2s 1823 The appearance on the title of many I ception. There is but one edition— that of 1823, copies, of '• Zweite Auflage, 1831,'' is only a de- | but for some copies a newtitle was issued in 1833. OEIENTAL LITERATUEE. 771 121 Klaproth. Catalogue des livres de sa Bibliotheque, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d JParis, 1839 122 ■ Grammaire Generale, 8vo. 96 pp. alphatets and comparisons of all lan- guages, sd.Gs (? 1830) 123 Memoires relatifs a I'Asie, recherches historiqiies, geograpliiques, et philologiques, 3 vols. 8vo. several maps, hf. hd. 30^ JParis, 1824-28 124 Tableaux historiques de I'Asie, depuis la Monarctie de Cyrus jusqu'a nos jours, avec des Eecherches historiques et Ethnographiques, the folio Atlas of 27 coloured historical plates folded and hound with text^ in 1 vol. 4to. calf, 28s Paris, 1826 125 Keemer's Mittel-Syrien und Damascus, 8vo. historical, ethnographic, and geo- graphical studies, sd. 2s Wien, 1853 126 Krusinski's History of tbe Eevolution of Persia, done into English byDu Cerceau, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf, 5s 1728 127 La Motraye's Travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa, with observations on Italy, Turkey, Greece, Tartary, Circassia, Sweden, and Lap- land, 2 vols, folio, maps and numerous plates, fine copy in calf 7s Qd 1723 The engravings are by Hogarth, Vertue, and I earliest of his works, others. Those of the former are amongst the | 128 Lassen, zur Geschichte der Griechischen und Indoskythischen Konige in Bak- trien, etc. 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Bonn, 1838 129 Leech's Vocabularies of Seven Languages spoken in the countries west of the Indus, 8vo. 5s Bombay, 1838 130 LETTEES EDIFIANTES et Cueieuses, ecrites des Missions Etrangeres, 26 vols. 12mo. tables, best edition, bd. £2As ; or, fine copy in old french calf £4. Paris, 1780-83 131 the same, a remarkably fine copy, 26 vols. 12mo. old french calf gilt, gilt edges, £5. 1780-83 Priced, 1824, Rivington, £l.Ss; 1844, White, £6. I6s 6d. This edition is generally prefered to the ori- ginal, because it has the advantage of being sys- tematically arranged. — ''Fontenelle said, * that he had never read a work which answered better to its title." Of the accuracy of those Letters, and the works of Du Halde and Gaubil, the author has often heard the late Sir G. Staunton speak in the highest terms." — C. Butler. 132 Loiseleur Desloi^gchamps, Essai sur les Eables Indiennes, et sur leur intro- duction en Europe — Eoman des Sept Sages ; Analyse de Dolopathos, par Le Eoux deLincy, 2 vols, in 1, 8yo. facsimiles, half calf 10s Far. 1838 133 the same, fine paper, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt tops, uncut, 15s 1838 134 Madagascar. Elacourt, Histoire et Eelation de la Grande Isle Madagascar, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. without maps and plates, 10s Paris, 1658 VVith specimens of translations from the Madecassy language. 135 McCudden, Oriental Eras, with chronological notices of events, 4to. half bound, 5s Bombay, 1846 136 Mafeeii Opera omnia, 4to. portrait, culf gilt, 7s Qd Bergomi, 1747 Including works upon India, Japan, etc. MALCOLM (Major-General Sir John) Works: 137 Sketch of the Sikhs, roy. 8vo. 1^7 pp. rare, 20s 1812 138 History of Persia, 2 vols. impl. 4to. best edition, map and plates, russia, 27s ; or, fine large copy in calf full gilt bach and gilt edges, 36s 1815 139 the same edition revised, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 25s 1829 140 Memoir of Central India, including Malwa, 2 vols. 8vo. map (pub. at 28s) calf gilt, 20s 1823 141 Sketches of Persia, by a traveller, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. hf rtissia gilt, Qs 1829 142 Political History of "India, 1784-1823, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 32s) hf. calf neat, 20s 1827 143 Life of Lord Clive, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait and map, bds. 15s; or, half calf 20s 1836 144 KATE'S Life and Correspondence of Sir John Malcolm, from unpublished letters and journals, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait (pub. at 26s) clothj 16s 1856 145 Mabignt, Histoire des Arabes sous les Califes, 4 vols. 12mo. morocco, 7s 6d Paris, 1750 772 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 146 Maeco Polo. Yiaggi, tradotti per la prima volta dall' originale Prancese di Eusticiano di Pisa, corredati di Documenti da Lazari, pubblicati per Pasini, roy. 8vo. Qnap, hf. morocco, top edge gilt, 7s 6d Venezia, 1847 147 MAESDEN'S History of Sumatra, 4to. large map and plate of Alphabets and/oho Atlas, hds. 20s 1811 148 NuMisMATA Orie:staIjI\— see post Oriental Numismatics. 149 MENINSKI Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium TUECIC^, AEABIC^, PEESIC^, contiuens Lexicon Turcico-Arabico-Persicum, cum significa- tionibus Latinis, Germanicis, Italicis, Gallicis, Polonicis, et Grammaticam Turcicam, 4 vols, folio, a poor copy in hds. £2. ; or a hound copy, a little toormed, £2. 10s Viennce, 1680 150 the same, a fine copy on Thich Paper, hound, £3. 16s 1680 " Cette edition rare est toujours la plus re- " " cherchee." — Brunei. Most of the copies were damaged or de- stroyed during the siege of Vienna by the Turks 151 MEJNINSKI Lexicon AEABico-PERSico-TuEciCTJ]si,adjecta ad singulas Voces et Phrases significatione Latina, ad usitatiores etiam Italica, nunc secundis curis recognitum et auctum, 4 vols, folio, fii^e paper, fine copy in russia, £4. Viennce, 1780 151* the same, 4 vols, large folio, laege papee, sd. £2. lOs ; hf. hd. £3. ; calf gilt, £3. 135 Qd ; or, in russia, £4. 4s 1780 Several copies of Meninski's great Arabic, 1 Allen, £8. 8«; 1854, Maisonneuve, 375 fr. Large In the second edition a preliminary dissertation is added, but the polyglot significations ai'e omitted. PAPER, Lee's copy in russia, which cost him £18. 18*, I sold, 1856, for £8. 85 ; priced, 1835, D. Dupre, 550 fr. ; Barrois, 340 fr. Persian, and Turkish Dictionary are here offered at a wonderful reduction from the former prices. Priced, small papee, 1 834, Straker, £ 1 1 . 1 15, and £14. 14^; 1835, Donde-Dupre, 450 fr. ; 1841, 152 Meis^iin'ski. Complementum Thesauri Linguarum Orientalium, sen Onomas- ticum Latino-Turcico-Arabico-Persicum, folio, hd. yeet eare, £3. 10^ Viennce, 1687 152* Thesaurus et Onomasticon, 5 vols, folio, fixe papee, original and best edition, calf gilt, £8. ^ 1680-87 153 the above two works together, the Lexicon and Complementum, second edition of the former, fi^te paper, 5 vols, folio, fine copies in russia, £7. 1687-1780 The volume of Onomasticum, which was I of 1680 and 1780. only once printed, completes both editions, that | 153*De Fatis Linguarum Orientalium, folio, plates of Alphabets, slightly wormed, bound, being the prelimitiary dissertation of the Lexicon, russia, 10s (1780) Priced, 1847, £9. 95 ; Klaproth's copy fetched 123 fr. ; 1855, Earl of Munster's, £6. 65. 154 MINES DE L'OEIENT, (par Murr, Eosenmuller, Eichhorn, Klaproth, Ham- MEE, etc.) 6 vols, folio, plates and facsimiles, (pub. at £S. 10s) hf bd. calf gilt, £5. Viennae, 1809-18 Menu Laws— 5ee Sanscrit. 155 Miscellaneous Translations from Oriental Languages, 2 vols. 8vo. 125 1831-34 MISHCAT-UL-MASABIH-5ea post under Arabic. 156 Moegan's History of Algiers and Barbary, 4to. calf, 5s 1728 157 MOEIEll'S Journey through Peesia, Aemexia, and Asia Minor to Con- stantinople, 1808-9, roy. 4to. maps and numerous engravings of Sculptures, Antiquities, Inscriptions, Views, etc. some coloured, hf calf, 16s ; or calf gilt, 20s ' 1812 157* tlie same, with the Second Journey, 1816, 2 vols. roy. 4to. £2. 1812-18 Priced, 1844, Bohn, £4. 14s 6d ; 1857, £2. IO5. " The opportunities which Mr. Morier pos- sessed from his residence in Persia being much superior to those of a mere traveller, his work is justly regarded as one of authority on the civil, pohtical, domestic, and commercial circumstances of the Persians." — Stevenson. 158 NATUUEKUNDIGE YEEEENiaiNG in Nedeelandsch Indib, Tijds- CHEiET voor Nederlandsche Indie, Vols. I — XXVI. 8vo. numerous maps and plates, 3624. Batavia, 1850-63 An important periodical for the Natural His- tory of the Dutch Indies, in all its departments. The most distinguished writers upon these sub- jects have contributed to its pages. The first three volumes have long been out of print, very rare, and are wanting in most sets. Every sixth volume begins a new series. OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 773 159 TiJDSSCEiFT YOOB Nederlandsch-INDE, uitgegeven door Dr. "W. E. van Hoe veil, a set as described below, 8vo. and roy. 8vo. 19 nos. in bds. the rest in parts, £5. Batavia,l^^^-4iS, Zalt-Bommel,l^D4<-^^ in royal octavo. This periodical is full of the most varied information : the History, Ethnology, Science and Philology, of the East. Jaargang I, Vol. 1; III, 2 vols.; IV, 2 vols V, 2 vols. ; VI— IX, 16 vols. ; X, parts 1, 2 ; XVI— XXI, 12 vols.; these last 12 volumes being 160 MUIE'S (W.) Life of Mahomet and History of Islam, with introductory chapter oa the pre-Islamite history of Arabia, 4 vols. 8vo. maps, (pub. at 42*) cloth, 355 ^ 1858-61 161 Murbay's Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Asia, 3 vols. 8vo. maps, hf. calf, 7s Gd Udinb. 1820 162 Neumann's Translations from the Chinese and Armenian, 8vo. sd. 7s 1831 163 NIEBUHR (C.) Description de I'AEABIE, 1774— Questions proposees aux Savants qui font le Voyage de I'Arabie par Michaelis, 1774 — Voyage en Arabie efe en d'autres Pays circonvoisins, par Niebuhr, 2 vols. 1776-80 — together 4 vols. 4fco. with 150 maps and plates, bd, 36s Amst. 1774-80 163* Eeisebeschreibung nach Arabien u. s. w., und Beschreibung von Ara- bien, 3 vols. 4to. two in calf, one hf bd. 18s Kopenh. 1772-78 Niebuhr .... a traveller of the greatest merit, and who has collected, upon the state of various countries of the East, more copious and minute information than is to be found perhaps in any other single author. Subsequent travellers have borrowed largely from him- 164 NOTICES ET EXTEAITS des MANUSCEITS de la Bibliotheque du Eoi, Vols. I-XIV, XVI, XVII, XVIII part 1, XIX part 2- in 22 vols. 4to. plates, 3fc*14. Paris, 1787-1858 165 the same. Vols. I— XII in 13 vols. 4to. bds. £6. 10s 1787-1831 166 the same. Vols. I— XI, 11 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £4. 10* 1787-1827 167 the same, Vols. I— VIII, 4to. French calf gilt, £2. 8s 1787-1810 A book for a good scholar, full of historical information. Many valuable Oriental and Greek MSS. of the Bibliotheque Imperiale of Paris are here printed for the first time, in the original and with a French translation, by such scholars as Silvestre deSacy, Sainte-Croix,Abel-Remusat, De Guigne, Sainte-Martin, La Porte-du Thiel, and others. 168 OCKLET'S History of the Saracens, containing the lives of Mahomet's successors, illustrating the religion and manners of that people, collected from Arabick authors, especially MSS. 2 vols. 8vo. Best Edition, caf scarce, 18s Cambridge, 1757 169 Conquest of Syria, Persia, and Egypt, by the Saracens, being the first edition of the Sistory, calf, 5s 1708 170 OEIENTAL TEANSLATION COMMITTEE, (Publications oe the) ; Demy Paper Subscription copy, 70 distinct works, 4to. and 8vo. in all 88 vols, with many maps and plates, (subscription price and original cost £152. 55; offered separately at £81. lis), clean in boards, as described, £32. cash 1820-65 ^g" To encourage Gentlemen to make selections from these valuable Publi- cations, or to complete their imperfect sets, a discount of 25 7o is allowed on Amounts over £20. 50% „ „ £30. TJie articles to which no sellhig jjrice is affixed are only sold in complete sets. The following is a List of the works, and the prices to which they are supplied separately on Small Paper ; very few remain of the works on Large Paper, and these are only sold separately when specially here advertised : — of Aleppo, in Arabic, translated by F. C. Bel- four, M.A., 2 vols. 4to. £3. 35 1829-37 Macarius was the Greek Patriarch of An- tioch, and travelled through all the provinces of Turkey, and through great part of the Russian dominions. His narrative is very valuable, as giving a faithful account of the manners and customs of the Turkish, Tartar, Slavonic, and Greek races ; and the political and statistical his- tory of Moldavia and Wallachia, can nowhere be 1. Ibn Batuta, the Travels of, translated, with Notes, illustrative of the History, Geography, Botany, Antiquities, etc. occurring throughout the work, by the Rev. S. Lee, D.D., 4to. 1849 2. Jahangueir, Memoirs of the Emperor, written by himself, and translated from a Per- sian Manuscript, by Major David Price, 4to. 1829 3. Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch, Travels of, written by his attendant Archdeacon, Paul 774 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Oriental Translation Publications — continued. studied so completely as in these records. They are, indeed, according to the title, a " Treasury of Entertaining Narratives," full of Geographical, Historical, Social, and Political information. 4. Han Koong Tsew ; or. The Sorrows of Ilan : a Chinese Tragedy, translated from the Original, with Notes, and a specimen of the Chinese Text, by J. F. Davis,F.R.S. 4to. 4^ 1829 5. Neamet UUah ; History of the Afghans, translated from the Persian of Nearaet Ullah, by Dr. B. Dorn, £\.\s 1829-37 6. Fortunate Union (The), a Romance, translated from the Chinese Original, with Notes and Illustrations ; to which is added, a Chinese Tragedy, by J. F. Davis, F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. 155 ' 1829 7. Yakkun Nattannawa, a Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the Ceylon System of Demono- logy ; to which is appended, the Practices of a Capua, or Devil Priest, as described by a Bud- hist; and Kolan Nattanxawa, a Cingalese Poem, descriptive of the characters assumed by Natives of Ceylon in a Masquerade, illus- trated with plates from Cingalese designs, translated by J. Callaway, 8vo. '%s 1826 8. Hatim Tai, the Adventures of, a Romance, translated from the Persian, by Duncan Forbes, M.A. 4to. \2s 6d 1830 9. All Hazin, the Life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin, written by himself, trajislated and illustrated with Notes explanatory of the His- toiT, Poetry, Geography, etc. by F. C. Belfour, M.A. 8vo. 8s U 1830 10. All Hazin, the Life of Sheikh Mohammed Ali Hazin, written by himself, edited from two Persian MSS. and noted with their various Readings, by F. C. Belfour, 8vo. 8^ 6rZ 1831 11. Memoirs of a Malayan Family, written by themselves, and translated from the Original by W. Marsden, 8vo. 2s 1830 12. History of the War in Bosnia, dur- ing the years 1737, 38, and 39, translated from the Turkish, by C. Fraser, 8vo. 3^ 1830 13. Mulfuzat'Timury ; or, Autobiographi- cal Memoirs of the Mogul Emperor Timur. Written in the Jagatai Turki Language; turned into Persian, by Abu Talib Hussaini ; and translated into English, by Major C. Stuart, (map of Transoxania) 4to. 105 1830 14. History of Vartan, and of the Battles of the Armenians ; containing an Account of the Religious Wars between the Persians and Armenians by Elisseus, Bishop of the Ama- dunians, translated from the Armenian by C. F. Neuman, 4to. 8^ 1830 15. The Life of Hafiz ul Mulk, Hafiz Rehmut Khan. Written by his Son Nuwab Must'ujab Khan Bahadur; and entitled Gul- istan-i-Rehmut, abridged and translated from the Persian, by C Elliott, Esq. 8vo. 4^ 1834 i 16. Miscellaneous Translations from Oriental Languages, 2 vols. 8vo. Vis 1831-34 17. Haji Khalifeh's History of the Maritime Wars of the Turks, translated from the Turkish, by J. Mitchell. Part L 4to. bs ^d 1831 18 Translations from the Chinese and Ar- menian, by C. F. Neumann, 8vo. 10* 1831 19. Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa ; Arabic and English, edited and translated by F. Rosen, Svo. 8« 1831 20. Firdusi. Shah Nameh of the Persian Poet Firdusi, translated and abridged in Prose and Verse, with Notes and Illustrations, by J. Atkinson, Esq. 8vo. 24.? 1832 21. Sadik Isfahani, Geographical Works of; and a Critical Essay on Various Manuscript Works, Arabic and Persian, trans- lated by J. C, from Original Persian MSS. in the Collection of Sir William Ouseley, the Editor, 8vo. Qs " 1832 22. Tezkereh el Vakiat; or, Private Me- moirs of the Moghul Emperor Humayun. Written in Persian by Jouher. Translated by Major C. Stewart, 4to. 85 1 832 23. Siyar-ul-Mutakherin; a History of the Mahomedan Power in India, during the last Century, by Mir Gholam Hussein-Khan. Re- vised from the Translation of Haji Mustafa, and collated with the Persian Original, by G. Briggs, Vol. L 8vo, 11.9 6^ 1832 24. Hoei Lan Ki ; or, I'Histoire du Cercle do Craie. Drame en Prose et Vers ; traduit du Chinois, et accompagne de Notes. Par Stanis- las Julien, 8vo. 15^ 1832 25. San Kokf Tsou Kan To Sets ; on, Aperv'u general des Trois Royaumes, traduit de rOriginal Japonais-Chinois, par J. Klaprotli, (5 Maps) 8vo. and 4to. I2s 1832 A geographical description of Corea, Loo Choo, and Je«so, or Yi-:so, translated from a Japanese work dated 1786, with facsimiles of the original maps. It contains vocabularies of the languages, and comparative lists of the Aino dia- lects. The history, customs, and legislation of the people, are also treated of; and this work will serve to correct all European accounts of the Three Kingdoms. 26. Annals of the Turkish Empire, from A.D. 1591 to 1659, translated from the Turkish, by C. Fraser, Vol. L 4to. 1 5s 1832 27. Kalidasse Kaghuvansa Carmen. San- skrite et Latine. Edidit A. F. Stenzler, 4io. £]. Is 1832 28. Mirkhond. Early Kings of Persia, from Kaiomars, the first of the Peshdadian Dynasty to the Conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great, translated from the Original Persian of Mirkhond', entitled the Rauzat-us-safa, with Notes and Illustrations, by D. Shea, 8vo. 6* 1832 29. Customs of the Women of Persia, and their Domestic Superstitions, translated from the Original Persian Manuscript, by J. Atkinson, Esq. 8vo. 4s 1832 30. Tuhfat-ul-Mnjahidin; a History of the First Settlement of the Mohammedans in Mala- bar, and of their subsequent Struggles with the Portuguese, translated from the Arabic, by Lieut. M. Rowlandson, 8vo. 4* 1833 31. Alfiya; ou. La Quintessence de la Gram- maire Arabe : Ouvrage de Djemal-eddin Mo- hammed, connu sous le nom d'Ebn Malec. Public en Arabe, avec un Commentaire, par Silvestre de Sacy, 8vo. 65 ed Paris, 1834 32. Evliya, Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the Seventeenth Century, translated from the Turkish by J. von PJammer, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. £1.45 1834-50 The writer was an enthusiastic Turkish tra- veller, and his description of the various conn- OEIENTAL Ltl?EKATUllE]. 775 Oriental Translation Publications— cow^mwei. tries he passed through, is remarkably faithful, indeed, no other book of Oriental travels can be said to equal this. His account of the Turk- ish and Persian provinces, and Asia Minor, is all that remains ; the narrative of his travels through Europe, (Sweden, Holland, Germany, etc.) if ever written, has perished. He lived in the sixteenth century, and was in the service of some of the more ambitious Pashas of the Porte, so that his relation of contemporary affairs in Turkey is most ample and interesting. 33. Description of the Burmese Em- pire ; compiled chiefly from Native Docu- ments, by the Rev. Father Sangermano ; and translated from his MS. by W. Tandy, 4to. 12s 6^ 1834 34. Annales des Empereurs du Japon, traduites par M. Isaac TITSINGH, Ouvrage revu, complete et corrige, sur TOriginalJapon- ais Chinois, accompagne de Notes, et precede dun Aperfu de I'Histoire Mythologique des Japonais, par J. Klaproth, 4to. £1. 1835 A history of Ja})an, since the year 660 be- fore Christ, from a native source, and translated by a competent scholar, is a work of which the great importance cannot fail to be recognized. M. Klaproth has added in a supplement, the con- tinuation, to the present time, of the annals, which ended in the original with the year 1611. This Sup- plement is also derived from nativ^e sources. Not the least remarkable feature of this volume, is the Mythological History which Klaproth has pre- fixed : and the elaborate Index which M. Land-' resse has subjoined to the work is of extreme usefulness. 35. Architecture of the Hindus, by Ram Raz, Native Judge and Magistrate at Bangalore, 48 plates, royal 4to. 1834 3G. Harivansa; on, Histoire de la Famille de Hari ; Ouvrage formant un Appendice du Mahabharata; et traduit sur I'Original Sanscrit, par A. LANGLOIS. 2 vols. 4to. £2. 16^ 1835-36 The Harivansa is a poem, which relates the history of the family of lirishna, and is deemed so important by the Brahmins that the book is held sacred. Those who read, and listen to the reading of it, are supposed to acquire a sanctity which will have its reward in this life as well as the next. It forms what may be called an Ap- pendix to the Mahabharata, but it also goes back to the origin of things, and unfolds a long course of history intermingled with the cosmogony and theology of the Aryan race. 37. Didascalia; Apostolical Constitu- tions of the Abyssinian ;Church, translated from the Ethiopic, by T. Piatt, Esq. 4to. 8^ 1834 38. Les Aventures de Kamrup, par Tahcinuddin ; traduites de I'Hindoustani par M. Garcin de Tassy, 8vo. 1834 39. Chronicles pf Rabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi, translated from the Hebrew, by C. H. F. Bialloblotzy, 2 vols. 8vo. £1. 1837 The account of the Crusades, and of the events that followed them in the Holy Land, is a feature of special interest in this work. But the history of Europe, during the reign of Charles V. is the portion most largely treated on, and best shews the extensive knowledge of state secrets and motives which could be acquired by Jews, whose mercantile and financial resources placed them in connexion with the rulers of kingdoms. The author of this General Chronicle, was born at Avignon in 1496, but lived the greater part of his life at Genoa. 40. The Political and Statistical His- tory of Gujerat, translated from the Per- sian, by J. Bird, Bvo. 1835 41. Livre des Recompenses et des Peines, traduit du Chinois, par Stanislas Julien, 8vo. 17s 1835 42. HAJI KHALP-ai Lexicon Ency- clopsedicum et Bibliographicum, edidit G. FLUEGEL, 7 vols. 4to. complete, cloth, £6. 6s Leipzig, 1835-54 the same, 7 vols. impl. 4to. large paper, cloth, £9. 9s 1835-54 Sets completed at the same rate. This work is, without comparison, the most useful of all the Fund pubHcations. It stands in the same relation to Oriental Literature as Watts* Bibliotheca and Graesses Tresor do to that of the Western World. The arrangement is alphabetic, according to the names of the works, (an Index OF Authors being added at the end), and com- prises descriptions of about 30,000 books in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish ; with statements of the date when the writers flourished, and many other useful particulars. Mustafa ben Abdallah Kutib Tchelebi , called Hadji Khalfeh, was a learned Turk, who, early in the seventeenth century, held a high official posi- tion under Murad IV. At a later period he collected a large library, and wrote several works, chiefl}' historical ; but the greatest monument of his immense industry and erudition remains in the Bibliographical Lexicon, {Kashf uz-Zanun.) The Blbliotheque of D'Herbelot consists principally of an abstract from defective texts of the work of Hadji Khalfeh ; while Fliigel's edition is based upon the most perfect and important copies in ex- istence. 43. Chronique de Mohammed Tabari, traduit du Persan, par L. Dubeux, Vol. I. 4to. 30.9 1836 44. Laili and Majnun, a Poem, from the Persian of Nazami, by J. Atkinson, 8vo. 1836 45. Oupanichats extraits des Vedas, tra- duits du Sanscrit en fran9ais, 4to. 40 pp. sd 2s 6d 1837 46. Sankhy a Karika ; or. Memorial Verses on the Sankya Philosophy ; translated from the Sanscrit, by H. T. Colebrooke, Esq. Also, The Bahshya ; or Commentary of Gaurapada ; translated and illustrated by an original Com- ment, by H. H. Wilson, 4to. lO.v 6d 1837 47- MAKRIZI, Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de PEgypte. Ecrite en Arabe par Taki-eddin-ahmed-Makrizi. Traduite en Francais, par M. Quatremere, 2 vols. 4to. com- plete, £2. 2s 1837 Of Macrizi's great work on the History of Egypt and Syria (Soluk fi marifet Duwal il-Moluk) M. Quatramere has translated the important por- tion which relates to the Turkoman sovereigns called Mamelukes. Macrizi lived at Cairo in the fourteenth century, so that this work comprises a record of not quite sixty years. The subject is 776 BEENAED QUAEITCH; 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Oriental Translation Publications — continued. treated witli all the taste, discrimination, and learning, ■which have placed Macrizi in the first rank of Arahic historians. The editor's notes add immensely to the value of the work. 48. Rig Veda Sanhita, Sanskrite et Latine. Editit F. A. Rosen, 4to. £\. Is 1837 49. Kumara Sambhava, Sanscrite etLatine, edidit Stenzler, 4to. 20s 1837 50 Philosophy of the Muhammadan People. Exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an introduction to the other ; being a translation of the Akhlak-i- Jalaly, the most esteemed Ethical Work of Middle Asia, from the Persian of Fakir Jany Mahommad Assad; with Kefer- ences and Notes, by W. F. THOMPSON, 8vo. 85 1839 51 Vishnu Purana (the) a system of Hindu Mythology and Tradition, translated from the Original Sanscrit, and illustrated by Notes de- rived chiefly from other Puranas, by H. H. Wilson. 4to. £2. 2* 1840 52. AL-MAKKARI. The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain, translated by PASCUAL de GAY- ANGOS, 2 vols. 4to. £3. 8s ; or, large paper, £4. 4* 1840 A most valuable work, the best Moorish ac- count of the Histoiy of Spain, whilst under their rule. Indispensable to an Historical Library. 53. Bidpai's Fables. — Anvar-i Suhaili : or the Lights of Canopus ; being the celebrated work of Husain Va'iz u'l Kashifii, translated for the first time into English prose and verse (on the same principles as the author's transla- tion of the ' Gulistan'), with an elaborate Pre- face and copious Notes by E. B. Eastwick, roy. 8\o. cloth, £2. 2s 1854 *' The most excellent book in the language is, in my opinion, the collection of tales and fables called Anvari Suhaili, by Husaid Va'iz, who took the celebrated work ofBidpai for his text, and has comprised all the wisdom of the Eastern nations in fourteen beautiful chapters."— W. Scott. 54. El-Mas'udis Historical Encyelo- psedia, entitled " Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems," translated from the Arabic by Dr. A. Sprenger, Vol. I. 8vo. I6s 1841 55. Sama Veda- Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda, by the Rev. J. Stevenson, 8V0. LARGE paper, cloiJl, 1 S 1841 56. Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the Adventures and Improvisations of Kur- roglou, the Bandit-Minstrel of Northern Persia; and in the Songs of the People inhabiting the Shores of the Caspian Sea. Orally collected and translated by A. Chodzko, 8vo. 125 6c? 1842 57. IBN KHALLIKAN'S Biographi- cal Dictionary, Translated from the Arabic by Baron Mac Guckin de Slake, Vols I. and II, 4to. (to be completed in 4 vols.) £3. 3s ; or, large paper, £4. 4? 1842-45 The THIRD volume is nearly ready, the FOURTH in preparation. This was the first general Biographical Dic- tionary in the Arabic language ; and it remains a wonderful testimony to the learning, genius, and industry of the author. The biographies are arranged in alphabetical order of names, and com- prise distingished individuals of every sect and nation in Islam, down to the thirteenth century, whenlbn Khallikan flourished. Moslem critics have blamed him for enlarging on the lives of poets and historical writers, at the expense of the learned doctors at law; but this very circumstance renders his book all the more valuable to the European reader. Even the poetical and elegant selections which fill these biographical notices, are so extensive, that an Anthology was culled from them by an ancient Arabic writer. The editor has added in his notes all fresh information that could be acquired regarding each name men- tioned in the text. 58. History of Hyder Naik, otherwise styled Nawaub Hyder Ali, by Meer Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani. Translated from an Origi- nal Persian MS. by Col. W. Miles, 8vo. 10;? 1842 69. The DABISTAN; or School of Manners. Translated from the Persian, with Notes, &c. by D. Shea, and A. Troyer, 3 vols. 8vo. clotJi, £1. Is 1844 This is a work of great interest for all Oriental Scholars and Comparative Mythologists. Sir William Jones describes this work as con- taining " more recondite learning, more entertain- ing history, more beautiful poetry, more ingenuity and wit, indecency and blasphemy, than" he " ever saw collected in a single volume." It contains an account of the old Persian, the Brahmin, the Bud- dhist, the Christian, the Sufi, and the Moham- medan religions, with their various sects ; as well as a statement of their doctrines. It is most valu- able for its exposition of the Zoroastrian creed, as this is based upon ancient Zend works now en- tirely lost. 60. History of the Reign of Tipu Sul- tan, being a Continuation of the Neshani Hyduri. Written by Mir Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani ; transl. by Colonel. W. Miles; 8vo. 8s 6d 1844 61. Ouseley's Biographical Notices of Persian Poets; with Critical and Expla- natory Remarks ; prefixed to which is a Me- moir of the Author, by Rev. J. Reynolds, 8vo. €5 1846 62. Sakoontala; or the Lost Ring, a free Translation, in prose and verse, of Kalidasa's Drama, by Monier Williams, M.A., late Pro- fessor of Sanskrit at Haileybury College, for- merly Boden Scholar in the University of Ox- ford, foolscap 4to. 300 pp.prijited in the highest style of art, illustrated hj original designs on Tvood, and head and tail pieces and borders in gold and colours, cloth, £2. 2s 1855 '" Wouldst thou the young year's blossoms and the fruits of its decline ? And all by which the soul is charmed, en- raptured, feasted, fed ? Wouldst thou the earth and heaven itself in one sole name combine ? I name thee, O Sakoontala ! and all at once is said." — Goethe. "The present translation of ' Sakoontala,' by Professor Williams, is exceedingly creditable to his scholarship and taste, and is a great im- provement upon the translation by Sir Wm. Jones. The manner in which it has been given to the public is well worthy of the merits of the original drama, which has been always held in the highest estimation by critics and scholars. . The illustra- tions are of great beauty and of great accuracy, OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 777 Oriental Translation TPviblicsitions— continued. having been taken from illuminated MSS. in the Library at the East India House and that of the British Museum." — H. H. WiLsoisr. 63. Kalpa Sutra, and Nava Tatva. Two works illustrative of the Jain Religion and Philosophy ; translated from the Maghadi, with an Appendix, containing Remarks on the Language of the Original, by the Rev. J. Ste- venson, D.D., 8vo. vn'ij rare, 25s 1848 64. Corpus Ignatinum, a complete Collec- tion of the Ignatian Epistles, in Syriac, Greek and Latin, and an English translation of the Svrian text, copious Notes, and introduction by W. Cureton, royal 8vo. 25« 1849 65. Makamat; or Rhetorical Anecdotes of Abu'l Kasem al Hariri, of Basra, translated into English Verse and Prose ; and illustrated with Annotations, by the Rev. T. Preston, 8vo. 25.5 1850 66. Spicilegium Syiiacum, edited and translated by Rev. W. Cureton, roy. 8vo. 1855 67 Indian Chronology: Brown's (C P.) Carnatic Chronology : The Hindu and Mahomedan Methods of reckoning Time ex- plained, with Essays on the systems, symbols used for numerals, a new titular method of me- mory, historical records, and other subjects, 4to. xvi and 90 pp. double columns, cloth, 5s 1836 68 Japanese Lyrical Odes; Translations of the Ayak Nin Is'Shiu, by a Century of Poets, into English Verse with Explanatory Notes, the text in Japanese and also in Roman letter, with a full Index ; Catalogues of Books referred to, and Lists of Titles, &e. &c. by Dr. F. V. Dickins, 8vo. pp. ix. 52,xiii, xvi, vi, xvi. Printed on toned paper, extra cloth, gilt edges, \Qs London, 1866 This is a sort of ancient ballad book of Japan, known and used in every Japanese household. Numerous commentators have explained the meaning and the puns contained in the Songs. Although the famous Dr. Kiimpfer brought a copy (still in the British Museum) to Europe Dr. Dickins has been in Japan in 1864. — See Leisure Hour for April : Jap. Poetry, by J. Summers, p. 222. 69 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer-Poet of Persia, rendered intoEng. verse, sq. 8vo. xviii and 30 pp. sd. 2.9 M 1858 Second edition has just been published, the first having entirely disappeared. The translation is a faithful re-production of Omar's Poems, so remarkable for their boldness of thought and freedom of expression. Omar is entirely free from the shackles which make Ori- ental Poems so monotonous. " Omar Khayyam is a Persian Poet who is little known in Persia, and who is still less known in Europe. Verbosity was certainly not one of his characteristics, and wanting this, he might possibly lack the passport to Oriental fame ; but if the astronomer-poet of Persia appears as well in his native garb as he appears in English, it is certainly high time that he should be brought out of his obscurity. We learn that he was born atNaishapur, in Khorassan, in the latter half of the eleventh century, and died within the first quarter of the twelfth. He was much more cele- brated for his astronomical and mathematical stndies and acquirements than for his poetical powers ; and yet it would appear that his poems are the only remains which have been preserved to perpetuate his memory. We must thank the modest translator of this powerful and original poet for the valuable contribution— slight, so far as the bulk is concerned, though it be— which he has made to our current literature. Never was the Gospel of Despair preached more fervently than it is in the pages of Khayyam, and few of our modern fatalists could express their convic- tions with so much terse vigour, or deck their re- pulsive theories with so many quaint beauties, as this Eastern poet and sage." — The Literary Ga- zette, Oct. 1. 1859 70. Kitab-i-Yamini ; Historical Memoirs of Early Conquerors of Hindustan, and Pounders of the Ghaznavide Dynasty, translated from the Persian, by the Rev. James Reynolds, B.A. 8vo. 125 1858 audno cojnes remain in thejjosses- about two centuries ago the first to translate the book, which he met with Of the above publications there are some entirely out of print, sion of the Society. 171 PUBLICATIONS OP THE OEIENTAL TRANSLATION COMMITTEE, Large Paper Subscription copy of the entire series, as originally issued, only to subscribers, a^id now no longer oltainable, from Mr. L. H. JPetifs collection, absolutely perfect and complete, from the first voliome^ to the last, 71 distinct works in 102 vols, fifty-two in royal 4to. and fifty in royal 8vo. maps and plates, clean and sound in bds. yery raee, £^6. 1829-61 This original subscription copy has not the 4. Kalidasa.— The Birth of the War God,'from works recently substituted, bat instead of them the following works, which arc now out of print and rare : — 1. The History of the Temple of Jerusalem, by Reynolds, 8vo. 18.3G 2. Garcin de Tasst. — Histoire de la Litterature Hindoui et Hindoustani, 2 vols. 8vo. 1839-47 3. The Apostolic Constitutions, in Coptic and English, by Tattam, 8vo. 1849 172 OSBECK'S Voyage to China and the Sanskrit, by Griffith, 8vo. 1853 5. The Poems of the Huzaihs, in Arabic, by Kosegarten, Vol. I. 4to. 1854 Voyages des Pelerins Bouddiiistes : 6. Histoire de laVie de Hiouen-Thsang,8vo. 1853 7. Memoires sur les Contrees Occidentales, 2 vols. 8vo. 1857-59 8. CiiRONiQUE de Mathieu d'Edesse traduite de I'Armenien, par Dulaurier 1858 ToRRE^fs, Voyage to the East Indies Suratte ; Eckebeeo's account of Chinese husbandry; translated from the German by Eoester, to wdiich is added a Faunula and Elora Sinensis, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous plates of Natural History, calf, 12s ^ 1771 Osbeck was a pupil of Linnseus, and his narrative abounds with natural history information. tant books of reference of which we are possessed. They and Buckhardt's deseiTC a place on the same shelf : — a place to which no other Eastern travels have hitherto attained." — Classical Journal 778 BERNAED QUABITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 172*Othonis Paliestra Liuguarum Orientalium : Genesis, Hebr. Chald. Si/r. Samar. Arab. u^tTiiop. Pers. et Lat. sm. 4to. hf. russia, Ss 6d Franc, 1702 173 OUSELEY'S (Sir William) Oriental Collections, consisting of disserta- tions, translations, etc. illustrating the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia, 3 vols. 4to. mani/ plates, two in calf qilt, one hf. calf gilt, £2. 2* 1797-1800 Number 2 of Vol. til. completing the volume, I Bound up with Ouseley's translation of Ibn is verj rare. | Haukal's geography. I74i Teayels in various Countries in the East, more particularly Persia, in 1810, 1811, and 1812, illustrating many Subjects of Antiquarian Ee- search. History, Geography, Philology, and Miscellaneous Literature ; with Extracts from rare and valuable Oriental Manuscripts, 3 vols. 4to. tvith 80 plates and maps, (pub. at 56*11.) Ids. 28s 1819-23 175 the same. Vols. I, III, 4to. sd, \0s 1797-99 176 the same, Yol. Ill, 4to. Ms. 15^ 1823 " These Travels are so replete with new and invaluable matter, that we confess ourselves un- equal to do them justice by a synopsis ; and they assuredly must rank high among the most impor- 177 Pallegoix, Description de Siam, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. cuts, hd. 5s 1854 178 Platfaie (Capt.) History of Arabia Felix, or Yemen, with an account of Aden, roy. 8vo. map, cloth, Gs Bombay, 1859 179 POCOCK (Dr. Edw.) Theological "Works: Porta Mosis, Arabic and Latin, and English Commentaries on Hosea, Joel, Micah and Malachi ; with an account of his life and writings, by L. Twells, 2 vols, folio, portrait, the margins of a few leaves slightly wormed, calf, 25* 1740 180 POSTELLI (G-uilielmi) G-rammatica Arabica, with several contemporary MS. corrections, (1538) — Palma, Paradigmata de quatuor linguis, Arabica, Armenica, Syra, ^thiopica, with specimens of these four languages and of Persian, 1596 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. limp vellum, bare, 155 Paris, 15(38-)96 181 Peopagation of the GtOSPEL. Accounts and Letters of the Missionaries in Malabar (Ziegenbalg, Stevenson, and others), 4 vols, in 1, 8vo. with an en- graved specimen of Tamil, calf, 5s 1717-18 182 PEICE'S Mahommedan History, the death of the Arabian Legislator to the accession of Akbar, and the Establishment of the Moghul Empire in Hin- dustaun, from original Persian authorities, 3 vols, in 4, 4to. large coloured map of Asia, (pub. at £7. 17s Qd)fine copy in calf gilt, 28s 1811 183 PEINSEP'S TJsEFtTL Tables, printed as an Appendix to the Journal of the Asiatic Society, 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. containing the Indian Coins, Weights, and Measures, Chronological Tables, and the Generic Characters of BoxburgV s Plora Indica, with plates of Coins, etc. bds. £2. 2s Calcutta, 1834-3G This extremely rare work should be added to a set of the Bengal Journal. 184 EAEELES'S (Sir Stamford) History of JAVA, 2 vols. 4to. large map and 65 plates, some coloubed (pub, at £6. 6s) fine copy in bds. £2. 8s ; or plain hf bd. £2. 5s 1817 Madurese (Madura Sumenap), Bali, Lampun^ *'An important work, being on the whole the best account of this fine Island that has yet ap- peared. It was principally compiled from mate- rials supplied by the officers subordinate to the author, during the five years of his intelligent and successful government of the Island." — MacCulloch. A literary master-piece, giving an account of the Natural History, Ethnology, Costume, Manners, Customs, Implements of Arts and War- fare, Mythology, Literature, Poetry, Astronomy, Antiquities and History of Java and the Java- nese. This original and best edition has the Comparative Vocabulary, wanting in the other editions, of the following Languages, viz., Eng- lish, Malayu, Javan(Jawa, Basa Krama, Sunda), 185 Eaffles (Sir Stamford) Statement of Services, 4to. bds, 7s 6d 1824 186 RAWLrN"S0K's Cuneiform Inscriptions — see post : Assyria and Assyrian. 187 EAWLINSON (Geo.) The Eive Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World; or, the History, Geography, and Antiquities of Chaldsea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and Persia : collected and illustrated from ancient and modern sources, 4 vols. 8vo. numerous illustrations, cloth, rare, £3. 3^ 1862-7 ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 770 ] 88 REi^fAUD, Relations de I'Empire Romain avec 1' Asie Orientale, 8vo. 4 maps, sd. Qs Qd JParis, 1863 189 RELA.TfDi Dissertationes MiscellanesB, 3 parts, V2mo. plates of Alphabets, etc, vellum, 9* Traj. 1707-13 Dissertations on the Paradise, the Red Sea, j med, Polynesian Languages, and one of 88 pp. the Cabiri Gods, the Zend, the Talmud, Moham- | on the Languages of AMiiRiCA. 190 REMUSAT (Abel) Recherches sur les laugues TARTARES, on Memoires sur difFerens points de la Grrammaire et de la Litterature des Mandchou3, des Moj^'GOLs, des OuiGOURS, et des Tibetaixs, Vol. 1, 4to. {all published), sd. 28s ^ Paris, 1820 191 . Melanges Asiatiques, ou morceaux critiqiieg et memoires relatifs aux Religions, aux Sciences, aux Coutumes, a I'Histoire et a la G-eographie des nations Orientales, 2 vols. ; ISTouveaux Melanges, 2 vols. ; together 4 vols. Svo. hf. hound, neat, £2. 10s Paris, 1825-29 192 Renan, Histoire generale des Langues Semitiques, Svo. sd. 6s ; or, hf. calf neat, Gs ^ Paris, 1855 193 seconde edition, augmentee, Svo. sd. 8s; or, hf. calf gilt, 10s 1S5S 194 Richardson's Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations, Svo. calf gilt, 3s Gd Oxford, 1778 195 ROEBUCK'S (Thomas) Collection of Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases in Persian, and Hindoostanee, and English, Svo. 36s Calcutta, 1824 196 RoTALiER, Histoire d' Alger et de la piraterie des Turcs, 2 vols. Svo. sewed. Is Qd 1841 197 RUSSELL'S Natural History of ALEPPO, second enlarged edition, 2 vols. roy. 4to. plates of Views, Costume, Natural History, etc. fine copy in russia gilt, 25s 1794 198 SACY (Silvestre de) Memoires sur diverses Antiqtjites de la Perse, et sur les Medailies des Sassakides, avec I'Histoire des Sassanides, par Mirkhond, en Franqais, 4to. plates, hd. 3s 6d Paris, 1793 A very cheap copy of this valuable book. 199 Discours, Opinions, et Rapports sur divers sujets, Svo. 10s ib. 1823 200 Secte des Ismaeliens, Svo. sd. Is Gd Paris, 1824 201 Expose de la Religion des Druzes, tire des livres religieux de cette secte, avec une introduction et la vie du Khalife Hakem-Biamr- Allah, 2 vols. Svo. £2. 2s Paris, 1838 De Sacy's last work. " II a termine sa bril- | son nom." — MunJi. lante carriere par un ouvrage tout-a fait digne de ) 202 Reinatjd, Notice sur De Sacy, Svo. sd. 2s 1838 203 SAINT-MARTIN (J.) Memoires historiques et geographiques sur I'ARMfe- NiE, avec I'histoire des princes Orpelians, et les Geographies de Moyse de Khoren et de Yartan, etc. 2 vols, large Svo. 36s Paris, 1818-19 Orpelian's History occupies 174 pp.; the \ Yartsin, 56 pip.— all in ArmeniaJi and Frefich. Geography by Moses of Khorene, 78 pp. ; that of | 204 S. Luiz, Grlossario de Vocabulos Portuguezes derivados das Linguas Orientaes e Africanas, excepto a Arabe, Svo. hf. morocco, 7s Gd Lisboa, 1837 205 Sanchuxiathon's Urgeschichte der Phonizier, von GcYotefeYidi, facsimile, 1836 — Grotefend, die Sanchun. Streitfrage, 1836 — Delitzschius in Euerstii Con- cordantias, 1838— iu 1 vol. Svo. hf calf, 5s 1836-38 206 San Germano, Relazione del Regno Barmano, con sua vita, Svo. bds. 6s Roma, 1833 The author's life, by F. Galazzi, is omitted in the translation published by the Or. Tr. Fund. 207 San Geemano, Description of the Burmese Empire, compiled chiefly from Native Documents, translated from the Italian MS. bv W. Tandy, 4to. (pub. 12s Gd) bds. 9s " O. T. F. 1834 208 ScHiNDLEUi Lexicon Pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Tal- mudico-Rabbinicum et Arabicum, cum triplici Indice, folio, vellum, neat, 9s Ha^iov. 1612 209 ScHLEiEEMACHEB, Influence de I'Ecriture sur le Langage ; Grammaires Bar- mane et Malaie, Svo. hf calf, 4s Gd Darmstadt, 1835 2 Q 780 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 210 Scott (J.) Tales, Anecdotes, and Letters, translated from the Arabic and Per- sian, sm. 8vo. Jif. calf, 6s Shreivsbury, 1800 211 SELDENI (J. A.) Opera omnia, tam edita, quam inedita, vitam Autlioris prse- fationes et indices adjecit Wilkins, 3 vols, folio, portrait, neat, £4. 1726 umes display the most profound acquaintance with Oriental learning, especially Hebrew and Arabic. Selden was one of the most learned men of the 17th century. He was styled by Grotius " the glory of the English nation." These vol- 212 Sinaitic Inscriptions. Beee, Inscnptiones veteres litteris et lingua hucunque incognitis admontem Sinai servatse, fasc. I, 4to. IQ plates, 5s Zips. 1843 218 SING-APOEE CHEONICLE, Dec. 1829 to Dec. 1830, Nos. 151-177-Com- mercial Eegister and Advertiser, Jan. to Dec. 1830, in 1 vol. 4to. — Singa- pore Chronicle and Commercial Eegister, Jan. 1831 to Dec. 1833, being Vols. I-III complete, in 1 vol. roy. folio — together 2 vols. hf. calf, £2. IGs Singapore, 1829-33 A very important Journal, probably UNIQUE 1 Bound up at the end of the large volume are in Europe. I about twenty nos. of the Canton Register for 1 833. 214 Stacy's Narrative of Services in Beloochistan and Affghanistan, 1840-42, 8vo. map, (pub. 9^) cloth, 5s 1848 215 TEXIEE, I'Aemenie, la Perse, et la Mesopotamie : Geographic, Geologie, Monuments anciens et modernes, moeurs et coutumes, 2 vols. impl. folio, illuminated title and 156 large plates, chiefly of Ancient Monuments and Sculpture^ and of Views, cloth Ids. uncut, £21. Paris, 1842 A magnificent work, thoroughly exhaustive | upon the author's learning and research, of the subject, which reflects the highest credit | 216 ToEEfes (Diego de) Eelation des Cherifs, et des Eoyaumes de Marroc, Fez et Tarudant, etc. sm. 4to. vellum, 6s Paris, 1836 217 Teeyelyan, Prinsep, and others. Application of the Eoman Alphabet to all the Oriental Languages, 8vo. cloth y 2s Serampore, 1834 218 UEQUHAET'S Diplomatic Transactions in Central Asia, 1834-39, 4to. Ms. 10s 1841 219 Spirit of the East, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. onap, (pub. 28^) cloth, 7s 6d 1839 220 YiETEA, Animadversiones PhilologicsB in nonnuUa Corani loca — Specimina 'Etjmologica, containing comparative Vocabularies of Arabic, Persian, Latin, Italian, Greek, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and other ivords, 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. russia, 9s Dublinii, 1779 221 YiNCENZO Maeia, Yiaggio all' Indie Orientali, coi Costumi, Eiti, descrittione degl' Animali, ecc. sq. 8vo. bd. 10s Venetia, 1678 A curious work on the manners and customs 1 amongst the Indians, Arabs, Persians, and Turks, of the East, the author having spent much time | 222 YoLNET, Simplification des Langues Orientales, Paris, 1794 — Gilcheist's Hindee Preceptor, 1721— in 1 vol. 8vo. hf bd 2s 6d 1794-1821 223 YoLNET, I'Alphabet Europeen applique aux langues Asiat. 8vo. sd. Ss 1819 224 "Waeing's Tour to Sheeraz, 'with remarks on Persian language and literature, and a history of Persia, sq. 8vo. hf calf, 10s Bo77ibay, 1804 225 WEIL'S Geschichte der Cbalifen nach handschriftlichen noch unbeniitzten Quellen bearbeitet, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf 27s Mannheim, 1846-51 226 WILSON'S Glossary of Judicial and Eevenue Terms, from the Arabic, Per- sian, Hindustani, Sanscrit, and other Languages, both in Roman and native character, roj. 4to. pp. 24 arid 732, double columns, (pub. at 42* 6d) cloth, 305 1855 227 Elliot's Supplement to the Glossary of Indian Terms, A — J, 8vo. coloured maps, bds. rare, 15s Agra, 1845 Wilson's Ariana Antiqua — see post, Oiieui^l Numismatics. 228 AYolff's Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, 1843-45, 8vo. portrait, (pub. I65) cloth, 7s Gd 1846 229 ZEITSCHEIFT fiir die Kunde des Moegenlandes, herausgegeben von Ewald, Gabelentz, Kosegarten, LASSEN, Neumann, Eodiger, uud Riickert, Yols. 1-YIl, plates of Alphabets, 8vo. cloth, £2. 12s 6d Qottingen u. Bonn, 1837-50 OMENTAL LITEEATUEE. 781 230 ZEITSCHEIFT der Deutschejs^ Morgenlsendischeii Gesellschaft, Vols. I- XX, numerous plates — Eegister zu Band I-X — Jahresbericht fur 1845-6, 2 vols, in 1, hf. c«//'— together 22 vols. 8vo. (pub. 80 Tlilr. in parts) sewed, £8. Lelpzif/, 1847-66 231 the same, 22 volss. 8vo. numerous plates, hf. calf neat, £10. 1817-66 232 the same, Vols. I-XIV,— Jahresbericht fiir 1845-6, pt. 1— Svo. 14 vols. one in hf caf the remainder in parts, £5. 181-7-60 233 the same, Vols. I-IX, 8vo. eight vols, in cloth, one in parts, £4. 1847-55 234 ABHANDLUjS'GEIS' fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes, herausg. von d. Deutschen^ Moeg. Gesellschaft, Vol. I and II, pts. 1, 2, in 6 parts, !vo. (all published), sd. £2. 16s Leipzif/, 1857-60 Contents : Windischtnann's Mithra, My- tliengcschichte ; ringel's Al-Kindi, der Philo- soph der Araber : Haug, Fiinf Gathas Zara- tuustka's, Zenil nnd Lutein, mit Eiklarung; 2 parts ; Weber, das Catrunjaya Mahatmyam Lepsius die Syr. Briefc des Ignatios ; Abbadie, Hermijje Pastor, Aethiop. et Lat. 235 ZENKER, Bibliotheca Orientalis: Manuel de Bibliographie Orientale, 2 vols. Svo. a catalogue of nearly 9U00 ivorks with oriental and Eurouenn indices, 30s ' ^ Leipzig, 1846-51 236 Dictionnaire Turc-Arabe-Persan — under Turkish. 237 OEIENTAL TEAOTS, 17, in roy. 4to. parcel, 7s iSd 1796-1854 238 Oriental Miscellanea, Tracts and Opusciila. A collection in 4 vols. 8vo. hf hd. made by Dr. Forbes, 12s 1820-50 searches in Philology, Glnxgnv}, 1826 ; Annals of Oriental Literature (including Bopp's first essay on the Comparison of Sanskrit, Greek, Latin and Teutonic), 1820 ; and a large number of essays and plates extracted from the Asiatic Society's Journal. Amongst the contents are the following Bunsen, Meyer, and Max Mlillcr, Three Linguis- tic Dissertations, 1848 ; Trevelyan, Prinsep and others, on the application of the Roman Alphabet to Oriental Languages, 1834; Straker's Cata- logue of Oriental MSS. (1830); Critical Re- Oriental Law. 239 Campbell (A. D.) Code of Eegulations for the government of the Madras Territories, 1802-34, 3 vols. Svo. hf. calf neat, 36s Fort St. George, 1829-35 240 COLEBROOKE'S (H. T.) Digest of Hindij Law on Contracts and Successions, with a Commentary by Jagannatha Tercapanchanana, translated from the Sanscrit, 4 vols, folio, hf calf, yery scarce, £^. 5s Calcutta, 1798 241 the same, 3 vols. Svo. calf neat, scarce, £4. 4s London, 1801 241* Two Treatises on the Hindu Law of Inheritance, roy. 4to. bds. 25s Calc. 1810 242 Gentoo Laws. Code of Ordinations, in English by Halhed, from a Persian translation of the Shanscrit, 4to. plates, calf, 7s 6J 1776 243 Goodeye's Law of Evidence, as administered in England and applied to India, large Svo. pp. 51, 658, and 38, cloth, 15s Calcutta, 1862 244 Gladwi>'^'s Dictionary of Mohammedan Law, with Persian-English vocabulary, 4to. red morocco, 10s Calc. 1797 245 Geauy's Treatise on the Hindoo Law of Inheritance (pub. £2. 2s) cloth, new, 36s 1868 246 HAEINGTON, Analysis of the Laws and Regulations for the Civil Govern- ment of the British territories under the Presidency of Bengal, 6 parts in 3 vols, stout folio, no title to first volume, hf calf, 20s Calcutta, 1805-17 247 HEDAYA (The) or Guide ; a Commentary on the Mussulman Laws, trans- lated by order of the Governor- General and Council of Bengal, by Charles Hamilton, 4 vols. 4to. good copy in bds. eare, £6. Qs 1791 248 ■ the same, 4 vols. 4to. in purple morocco extra, gilt and marbled edges, a superb copy, eaee, £10. 1791 For the original of this work, see post, Arabic. I the most important monuments of Mussulman le- The Great Law-Book of India, and one of | gislation in existence. 249 Hoakg-Yiet-Ltjat-Le; Code Annamite, Lois du royaune d'Annam, traduites du Chinois par Aubaret, 2 vols. roy. Svo. sd. 9s Paris, 1865 250 Indian Penal Code, and Criminal Procedure Code, 2 parts in 1 vol 16mo. bds. 7s 6d Calcutta, 1863 2q2 782 BERNARD QtTARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 251 MACNAG-HTEN'S Considerations on the Hindu Law, as it is current in Bengal, 4to. scarce, £4<. 4^ Seramjjore, 1824 252 Principles aud Precedents of Moohammudan Law, including the tenets of the Schia sectaries, with Arabic appendix of 77 pp. containing extracts of authorities, etc. large 8vo. hf. calf, £2. 2s Calcutta, 1825 253 Principles and Precedents of Hindu Law, with notes and preliminary remarks, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. calf, veet eaue, £5. 5* ib. 1828 254 Beports of Cases determined in the Court of Nizamut Adawlut, 1805- 2t), 2 vols. roy. 8vo. calf, 2os Calcutta, 1827 255 Marshman, Dakogah's Manual, 8vo. cloth, 5s Serampore, 1850 256 MARSH MAN'S Guide to the Civil Law of tlie Presidency of Fort William, 1793-1841, roy. 8vo. hf calf 10s Serampore, 1842 257 the same, second edition corrected to 1848, with the Bengali translation, 2 vols, stout 4to. hf. calf 305 Seraonpore, 1848-49 258 MORLEY'S Analytical Digest of all the Eeported Cases decided iu the Su- preme Courts of Judicature in India, in the Courts of the E. I. Company, and on Appeal from India by her Majesty in Council, 2 vols. — Analytical Digest of Indian Cases, new series, 1 vol. — together 3 vols. roy. 8vo. (pub. at £10. 105) cloth, £5. OS 1849-52 259 MuREAT, Cases in appeal in the Supreme Court of Ceylon, 1846-47, 8vo. hf bd. 7s 6d Colombo, 1848 260 Norton (J. Bruce) Law of Evidence applicable to the Courts of the East India Company, large 8vo. sd. Gs Madras, 1858 261 STRANGiE'S Elements of Hindu Law, referable to British judicature in India, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. calf gilt, 21s ' 1825 Sudr Courts of India : 262 SuDDER Dewannee Adawlut : Summary Decisions, Calcutta, 1834-55 ; Cir- cular Orders, Calcutta, 1795-1855 ; Constructions, Lower aud N. W. Pro- vinces, 1793-1856 ; 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, Is 6d Calcutta, 1855-56 263 Rulings of the Court of Sudder Udalut, 1850-57, by Chetty, 8vo. hf calf, Ss 6d ' Madras, 1858 Oriental Numismatics. 204 Adler, Coilectio nova Numorum Cuficorum, sen Arabicorum Veterum, 4to. with 7 plates of Coins, hf vellum, 9s Hafnice, 1792 265 CATTANEO (G-aet.) Monete Cufiche dell' I. E. Museo di Milano, impl. 4to. 18 plates of Coins, tvith Cafic Inscriptions^ bds. 155 Milano, 1819 266 FRAEHN, Mohammed, Miinzkabinet d. Asiat. Mus. d. Akad. d. Wissen. 8vo. sewed, 2s 6d St. Pet. 1821 267 — — Recensio Nummorum Muhammedauorum Acad. Imp. Scient. Petro- politanae, 4to. 774 pp. sd. S6s Fetrop. 1826 268 Miinzen der Chane vom Ulus Dschutschi's, nebst denen anderen Mu- hamm. Dynastien, 4to. 17 plates, hf. calf, 12s Cid St. Pet. 1832 269 LANG-LOIS, Numismatique de I'Armenie au raoyen age, 4to. plates repre- senting 70 coins, 12s Paris, 1855 270 Numismatique des Arabes avant I'lslamisrae, 4to. 4i plates and table of characters, sd. 7s Gd a Z*. 1859 272 Classification des suites Monetaires de la Georgie, depuis I'Antiquite jusqu'a nos jours, 4to. 10 plates, 15s 1860 273 Lindsay's History and Coinage of the Parthians, with catalogues and tables, 4to. plates of numerous unpublished Coins, bds. 14^ Coi^k, 1852 274 MADDEN'S History of Jewish Coinage, and of Money in the Old and New Testament, by E. W. Madden, M.R.S.L., of the British Museum, Hon. Sec. Numismatic Society of London, one stout vol. roy. 8vo. 362^^. ivith 254 engravings of all the Jewish coins mentioned in the Bible, and struck by the Jewish Princes and Foreign Bnlers of Palestitie, (pub. at 25*) half morocco, gilt top, uncut, 7s (jd 1865 OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 783 275 Madden's Jewish Coinage, LAEGE PAPEE, demy 4to. hf. hd. £2. 2* 1865 Only 30 L. V. copies have been printed; and all but one are sold. There has iiitherto been no comprehensive English work on this extremely attractive sub- ject,— "the Jewish Coinage," which forms a very important Pillar of the Historical Truth of the Bible. Orthodox Christians and Scep- tics alike wiil do well to read and refer to this unbiassed work, which states and illustrates nu- merous Biblical Events with the utmost impai'- tiality. The Designs of the Coins were made by Mr. Fairholt from the Coins themselves, chiefly in the British Museum. Contents : Coins — John Hyrcanus — Judas Aristobnlus — Alexander Jannoeus — Alexandra — Hyr- canus II. — Aristobulus II. and Alexander II. ~ Antigonus. Chap, v. — Coins of the Idumsean jPrinces, — Herod I. surnamed the Great — Herod Archclaus — Herod Antipas — Herod Thilip II. — Herod Agrippa I.— Herod, King of Chalcis — Agrippa II. Chap. VI. — Coins struck by the Procurators. Chap. VII. — Money struck during the second Revolt of the Jews — Eleazar— Simon, son of Gioras — Simon, son of Gamaliel. Chap, VIII — Roman Coins struck coramemorat- Introduction — Progress of the Study of Jewish | ing the capture of Judaja. Coins. i Chap. IX. — Money struck during the second Re- CiiAP. I. — Early Use of Silver as a Medium of : volt of the Jews. Commerce and Trade among the Hebrews before the Exile. Chap. II. — What People first Coined Money ? The Materials employed for Money. Chap. III. — The Money employed for the Jews after their return from Babylon until the re- volt under the Maccabees. Chap. IV.— Simon the Maccabee first strikes Chap. X. — Imperial Colonial Coins struck at Jerusalem — Mussulman Coins. Chap. XL — Money in the New Testament. Chap. XII.— Weights. Chap. XIII.- Writing. Appendix A. — The Talmudic Writings on the Coinage of the first and second Revolts. Appendix B.— Counterfeit Jewish Coins. 276 MAESDEN (W.) IN^umtsmata Oeientalia Illustrata. The Oriental Coins, Ancient and Modern, of his Collection, described and historically illustrated, 2 vols. 4to. 57 plates, comprising ujpwarch of 1000 Jlne engravings of Eastern Coins, hoards, uncut, £5. 15s 1823-25 277 SAULCY, Eecherches sur la Numismatique Judaique, 4to. 20 plates of about 200 Coins, sd. 2ls Fans, 1854 278 TOENBEEa (C. J.) Nuini Cufici Eegii Numophylacii Holmiensis, &c. royal 4to. 14^ fine plates, puhlisJied at the expense of the Royal Academy at Stock- holm, hds. 35s TJpsalia, 1848 279 TrcnsEN, Ees Nnmaria Muhammedanorum cum Additamento, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. 7 plates, hf calf, Qs Rostochii, 1794-96 280 WILSON'S Akiana Anttqua, Antiquities and Coins of Affghanistan, with a Memoir on the buildings called Topes, by Masson, 4to. map and 2d plates of Bactrian Coins, Antiquities, etc. (pub. £2. 12s Qd) cloth, £2. 2s 1841 A very learned and elaborate work, the value of which is rising. 281 ZoEGA, Numi Aegyptii Imperatorii prostatites in Museo Borgiano Yelitris, 4to. 2Z fine plates, containing about 200 Medals, Coins, etc. calf 10s ; or, vellum^ Os Bomce, 1787 Religions ofthe East. 282 (Simon) Creance et Coutumes des nations du Levant, 16mo. calf, 6s 1684 Brahminism : 283 BELNOS (S.) the Sundhya, or the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins illus- trated, atlas folio, 24 coloured plates, shoiving the Attitudes, and different Signs and Figures performed by the Brahmins during their devotionSy half morocco, £2. 2s 1851 284 Bjornstjeena, Theogony of the Hindoos, 8vo. sd. 2s *1844 Including, as well as Brahmins, the Budhists, Jains, and Mohammedans. BoHLEN — see post, India. ' 285 COLEMxAN'S (C.) Mytiiologt of the Hindus, icith Appendix, containing the 3Iinor Avatars, etc. 4to. ivithZO plates illustrative of the principal Hindu Deities, cloth, 3Gs 1832 286 Kennedy's (Lieut.-Col. Vans) Eesearches info the Nature and Affinity of Ancient and Hindu Mythology, 4to. xx. and 494 pp. cloth, 25s 1831 287 Metz, the Tribes inhabiting the Neilgherry Hills, their social customs and religious Eitcs, 16mo. ivifh Vocabularies, hds. 5s Mangalore, 1864 784 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Religions of the East — continued. 288 MOOR'S (E.) HINDU PANTHEON, royal 4to. 451 pages of text, and 105 in outline of Hindoo Deities, very fine copy in Ids, £5. ; or, calf gilt, £5. 55 1810 A valuable work, now scarce. Priced, 1847, Allen, £7. 7* ; Klaprotli's copy fetched 158 fr. 289 the same, roy. 4to. Text only, bd. £2. IG5 1810 290 new edition, roy. 4to. containing the plates reprinted, and a short text by A. i^. Moor, cloth, 305 1861 291 OUPNEK'HAT, i.e. Secretum tenendum : Opus ipsa in India rarissimum, continens antiquam et arcanam Doctrinam e quatuor sacris Indorum Libris, Rak Beid, Djedjr Beid, Sam Beid, Athrban Beid, e Persico in La- tinum conversum et notis illustratum, 2 vols. 4to. calf gilt, 865 Argent. 1801-2 This work is more generally known by its Sanscrit name " Upanishad." "Ward's Hindus — see post, under India. 292 "Wilson (H. H.) Essays and Lectures, chiefly on the Religion of the Hindus, edited by Rost, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 2Ls') new in cloth, 155 1862 Buddhism : 293 Alwis' Buddhism ; its origin, history, and doctrines ; its scriptures and their langunge, the Pali, 8vo. cloth, rare, 7s 6d Colombo, 1862 294 BoiiLEN de Buddhismi origine et setate, 12mo. hf bd. 5s Begim. ca. 1830 295 Di£SciiAMPS, Origine du Bouddhisme — Discipline Bouddhique, et ses le- gendes— 2 parts, 8vo. sd. 2s 1861-62 296 Pa Hian (Pilgrimage of) from the Erench edition of the Eoe Koue Ki, with additional notes and illustrations (by Laidley), 8vo. veil, gilt, 10s Calc. 1848 297 Travels of Eah-Hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India, (400 a.d. and 518 a.d.) translated from the Chinese by Beal, sm. 8vo. map, doth gilt, 95 1869 298 ERANCKLIN on* the Tenets and doctrines of the Jetnes and Boodhists, with a discussion on the worship of the Serpent, 4to. plates, hf. calf neat, 17s Gd 1827 299 HARDY'S Eastern Monachism ; origin, laws, writings, rites, etc. of the order founded by Gotama Budha, 8vo. cloth, 18s 1850 300 Eastern Monachism, 1850 — Manual of Buddhism in its modern development, translated from Singhalese MSS. 1853—2 vols. 8vo. hf. mor. 28.S i850-53 301 MAHAA^ANSI, Raja-Ratnacari and Raja-Yali, forming the Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon, with a collection of Tracts illustrative of Buddhism, translated from the Singhalese by Upham, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub, at £2. 2s) hf vellum gilt, 305 1833 302 MuLLER (iVIax) Buddhism and Buddhist Pilgrims— Wright's Ethnology of South Britain — Wright's Origin of the Welsh — Ruskin's Pre-Raphaelitism — Ruskin's Notes on the Pictures at the Royal Academy for 1855, second edition and third edition, with supplement ; and other tracts in 1 vol. 8vo. h/. vellum gilt, 7s Qd 1850-61, etc. 303 PjuNSEP (H. E.) Tibet, Tartary, and Mongolia, the religion of Boodh as there existing, 8vo. map, cloth, 2s Qd 1851 304 St. Hilatre, le Bouddha et sa Religion, 8vo. If. vellum gilt, 10s Paris, 1860 St. Hilaire and Hodgson are the two greatest authorities upon Budhic subjects. 305 UP HAM'S History and Doctrine of Budhism popularly illustrated, with Notices of the Kappooism or Demon Worship, and of the Bali or Planetary Incantations of Ceylon, atlas 4to. 43 la7ye coloured plates, from original Singhalese designs of Deities ^ mythological symbols, etc. (pub. £5. 55) cloth, £3. IO5 1829 806 Yassiltef, le Bouddhisme, ses dogmes, son histoire, et sa litterature, large 8vo. sd. 7s Paris, 1865 See also post, Ceylon ; and, under Pali, Mahavansi and Kalpa Sutra. 307 Chaldean. Munter, Religion der Babylouier, 4to. 3 pZ«^e5, 85 Kopenh. 1827 OEIENTAL LITERATURE. 785 Religions of the East — continued. Islam and its Sects : 308 DoLLiNGEB, Muhammed's Religion : innere Entwickelung, etc. 4to. 2* Qd Beyensh. 1838 309 DOZY, de voornaamste Godsdienten : het Islamisme, iinpl. 8vo. 13 plates, sd. Is Qd Haarlem, 1863 A complete history of Mohammedanism from its origin to the present day. 310 GrALLA2s^D, Rits et Ceremonies du Pelerinage de la Mecque, 12mo. calf gilty 5s Amst. 1754 311 HiGGiNS (Grodfrey) Apology for the life and character of Mohamed, 8vo. hds. 15s 1829 312 Leyden on the Rosheniah Sect and its founder, Bayezid Ansari, roy. 4to. calf, 7s 6d (Calcutta, cir. 1810) 313 MAHOMET RABADAN, Mahometanism fully explained, translated, with Notes, by J. Morgan, 2 vols. 8vo. calf 20s 1723-25 A very curious book written by a Spanish I language, mixed with Arabic. It contains the Mohammedan in the year 1603, in the Spanish | creed and traditions of the Musulmans of Spain. 314 Tassy, sur la Religion Musulmane dans I'lnde, 8vo. sd. 2s 1869 315 Shurreef, Qanoon-e-Islam ; Customs of the Moosulmans of India, their rites and ceremonies, translated by Herklots, with appendix and glossary, stout 8vo. 7 plates, (pub. at 166-) cloth, 12s 1832 See also in general alphabet, ante ; Sacy. 316 Sahaeanism. CHWOLSON, die Ssabieb und der Ssabismus, 2 vols, stout roy. 8vo. woodcuts, with an interesting autograph letter from the author to Br. Cureton inserted, cloth, 20s St. Petersb, 1856 An exhaustive and important work ; the I oriental authors, chiefly Arabic, second volume consists entirely of extracts from | Zoroastrianism : 317 HYDE, HisTORiA Religionis tetertjm Peesaetjm, eorumque Magorum ; Zoroastris Yita, ejusque et aliorum Yaticinia de Messiah ; Originals Orientis SibyllsB Mysterium ; Zoroastris liber Sad-Der, Latine ; cum Ap- pendice, etc. 4to. best edition, many plates of Inscriptions, Alphabets, etc. 36s Oxonii, 1760 Hibbert's copy fetched £3. 3^ ; Stanley's authentic testimonies which none but himself £4. 105. " The most learned work upon the re- could bring to pubhc view, and with many inge- ligionofthe ancient Persians which has appeared." nious conjectures concerning the Theology, His- — Butler. " A work of profound and various tory, and learning of the Eastern Nations. This erudition, abounding with many new lights on the work has now become exceedingly scarce."— most curious and interesting subjects, tilled with Chalmers. " Full of learned researches." — Heeren. 318 ZEND-AYESTA, ouvrage de Zoroastre, contenant ses idees theologiques, physiques et morales, le culte religieux qu'il a etabli, et plusieurs traites sur I'ancienne histoire des Perses ; traduit en rran9ais, avec des reraarques, etc. par Anquetil df Perron, 2 vols, in 3, 4to. plates, old French calf gilt, £3. 3s , I^aris, 1771 319 "WILSON (John) the Parsi Religion, as contained in the Zand-Avasta, and propounded by the Zoroastrians of India and Persia, 8vo. plate, bd. 20s Bombay, 1843 Tables of Chronology, Weights and Measures, etc. 320 Anderson's Universal Calculator, with list of Coins, Weights, and Measures, of most parts of the East, 8vo. stained calf 5s Calc. 1816 321 Bridgnell's Indian Commercial Tables of Weights, Measures, and Money, roy. 8vo. hf bd. 10s Calcutta, 1852 322 BROWN'S (C. P.) Ephemeris, showing the corresponding dates according to the English, Hindu and Musulman Calendars, from a.d. 1751 until 1850, thick roy. 8vo. hf. bd. 30s Madras, 1850 323 Brown's (C. P.) Carnatic Chronology: the Hindu and Mahomedan Methods of Reckoning Time explained, with Essays on the system, symbols used for numerals, a new titular method of memory, historical records, and other sub- jects, 4to. xvi. and 20 pp. double columns, cloth, 5s ^ 1863 This carefully executed Indian Chronology I India, or who reads Indian historical works. is necessary to everybody who has business with j 786 BEENAED QUABITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Tables of Chronology, etc. — continued 324 Cheoxological Tables, containing the corresponding dates of the different Eras used in the Bombay Presidency by Christians, Hindoos, Mahomedans, and Parsees, 1752-1852, roy. 8vo. bds. 12s Somlmj, 1850 325 Kelly's Oriental Metrology : monies, weights, and measures of the East Indies, and other trading places in India, roy. 8vo. Ids. 3^ Qd 1832 326 Kenxet's Madras Commercial Eeady Assistant, tables of Exchange at the presidencies in the East Indies, folio, hf. hd. 5s Madras, 1833 827 Meeces' Indian Eeady Eeckoner, 8vo. cloth, 7s Gd Calcutta, 1856 328 Mijllee's Indian Tables (of Weights, Measures, Exchange, and Money) 8vo. pp. 12, 291, and Appendix 15 pp, hf. 7'ussia, 7s 6d Calc, 1836 329 Thornton's East Indian Calculator, for computation of interest, exchange, coins, measures, etc. 8vo. cloth, Qs 1823 330 "WAEEEN'S Kala Sankalita : Memoirs on the various modes in which the Nations of Southern India divide time, with G-eneral Tables of the Tamul, Tellinga, and Mahommedan years, 4to. hf. hd. 20s Madras, 1825 381 "Wellee's Calculations of Exports and Imports to and from the eastward of the Cape, with Asiatic moneys, weights, and measure?, roy. 8vo. cloth, dsU 1858 Assyria. 332 BOTTA'S NINEVEH : Monument de Ninive decouvert et decrit par Botta, mesure et dessine par Elandin, 5 vols, atlas folio, tvith 371 magnificent 2)1 ates of Architecture, Sculpture, and Inscriptions, whole hound red morocco sttper extra, gilt edges, Sir Charles Price's copy, £50. 1849-50 Ver}' rare ; priced, 1857, in 20 livraisons, ( tents, Vol. I. and II. Architecture and Sculp- £65.; lif. morocco, £73. 106-. ture, 168 plates : Vols. III. and IV. Inscrip- This magnificent work was published by tions, 203 plates ; Vol. V. Text. *' To Botta order of the Erench Government, and under the is due the merit of having found the first As- direction of a Committee of the Institute. Con- 1 syrian monument." — Layard. 333 CULLIMOEE'S Oriental Cylinders, 4 parts, impl. 8vo. 32 p>lates, containing engravings of 173 Babylonian Cylinders or Seals, 18s 1842 334 the same bound in one volume, roy. 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, 2Qs 1842 335 LAYAED'S MONUMENTS of NINEVEH, First Series : Illustrations of Sculptures, Bas-Reliefs, and other Eemainsof Art found among the Euins of Nineveh, from Drawings made on the Spot, 100 plates— ^Qzon^ Series : Il- lustrations of the Sculptures, Bas-Eeliefs, Yases, and Bronzes discovered during the Second Expedition, principally illustrative of the AVars and Ex- ploits of Sennacherib, 71 fine plates — both Series Complete, 2 vols. impl. folio, LAitGE Papee, 171 plates, some beautifully coloured, original ISSUE, (pub. at £21.) in portfolio, £1. 7s ^ 1879-53 336 the same, First Series, Large Paper, in a portfolio, imperial size, £4. 45 1840 337 • Second Series, consisting of Illustrations of the Sculptures, Bas-Eeliefs, Vases, and Bronzes discovered during the Second Expedition, principally illustrative'of the Wars and Exploits of Sennacherib, oblong impl. folio, 71 beautiful plates, some coloured, (pub. at a610. 10*.) hf morocco, £3. 16* 1853 338 Layard's Nineveh and its Eemains, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and cuts, (pub. at 36s) cloth, 18s ^ 1849 339 Discoveries in the Euins of Nineveh and Babylon, the result of a Second Expedition, stout 8vo. maps, plates, and ivoodcuts, (pub. at 21s) cloth, 14s 1853 340 Eicn's (Eirst and Second) Memoirs on the Euins of Babylon, 2 parts, 8vo. 2 plates, bds. 2s ; or, hf calf, Ss 6d 1815-13 341 Etch's Journey to Babylon, 1811 ; Journey to Persepolis, etc. 8vo. 7nap and plates of Cuneiform inscriptions, hf vellum gilt, 7s Qd 1839 OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 787 Ceylon. The entire Collection of the late Sir Emerson Tennent. 342 Asiatic Society, CEYLON BRANCH: JOUENAL of the Ceylon Brat^ch of the EoYAL Asiatic Society, from tlie begiuiug in 1845 to 1866, Nos. 1, 3-11, tiDd 1865-66, in eleven parts, 8yo. plates, sd. very rare, from Sir Emer- son Tennent's lihrary, £2. 10s Colombo, 1845-66 3^3 the same, 1845-59, Nos. 1, 3. 6 — 8, 10, 11, in seven parts, 8vo. sewed, Ids ib. 1845-60 344 Baker (Sir Samuel) The Eifle and the Hound in Ceylon, Svo. ivoodcuts and coloured plates, cloth, scarce, I85 1854 315 Barrow (Sir Gr.) Ceylon, past and present, 8vo. map, cloth, 2s (jd 1857 346 Bertolacci, Agricultural, Commercial, and Financial Interests of Ceylon, with Appendix on the laws and usages of the Candians, 8yo. map, hf morocco. Is Qd _ 1817 347 Bur:n'OIIF sur la Geographie ancienne de Ceylon, Svo. calf, 7s 6d Paris, 1857 348 CEYLON CALENDAE AifD ALMANAC, and Compendium of useful in- formation, for the years 1815, 1818, 1820, 1821, 1825, 1829, 1833, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1840-60, together 31 vols. Svo. several larr/e folding maps, tables of census, tvith lists of Native Headsmen and Kandyan Chiefs, Tables of Boads, ^c, very scarce, calf and morocco, a clean set from the library of Sir Emerson Tennent, y^^y rare, £5. Colombo, 1815-60 349 Ceylon G-AZETTEEE, with sketches of the Castes, Eeligion, History, etc. by Simon Casie Chitty, Modliar, Svo. hf bd. 155 ^ Ceylon, 1834 350 the same, interleaved, a valuable copy, with very numerous corrections and additions in MS. either by the author or by Sir Emerson Tennent, Svo. bds. 365 1834 351 CEYLON Goyernme^^t GAZETTE, from its commencement in March, 1802, to December, 1817, Nos. 1-849, with the Supplements, bound in 4 vols, folio, hf russia, £10. 10s Colombo, 1802-17 An extremely valuable Series, — probably the which for want of room reluctantly parted with ONLY PERFECT COPY in existence. Pre- this valuable periodical. sented by Sir A. Johnson to a learned Society, 352 Cetlo^- Miscellany, edited by Power, 1842 to April 1844, all published, 3 vols, in 1, Svo. hf bd. SOs Ceylon, 1842-44 353 Coffee Planting in Ceylon, Svo. cloth, 4s 6d Colombo, 1855 354 Ceylon : her conditions, revenues, taxes, etc. sm, Sa^o. cl. Ss Gd Colombo, 1868 355 Collection of the Legislative Acts of Ceylon, Svo. hf. bd. 5s Colombo, 1841 356 COLOMBO JOURNAL, from its commencement in January 1832, to De- cember, 1833, Nos. 1-204, with the Supplements and Indexes, bound in two vols, folio, hf. russia, £2. lOs Colombo, 1832-33 Very rare ; presented by Sir Robert J. Wilmot Horton, Governor of Ceylon. 357 Colombo Magazine, (title altered, in Yol. II, to Ceylon Magazine,) 2 vols, in 1, Svo. Jf. bd. 28s Colombo, 1839-42 358 Dayy (John) Account of the interior of Ceylon, with travels in that island, 4to. map, cuts, and plates, some coloured, (pub. £3. 135 Gd) 20s 1821 359 EoBBES (Major) Eleven years in Ceylon, its History and Antiquities, 2 vols. Svo. jjlates and cuts, (pub. at 21s) cloth, 14is 1841 360 Johnston's Expedition to Candy, 1805, Svo. cloth, 2s Gd Dublin, 1854 361 Kklaart, Prodromus Eaunae Zeylanicre : Contributions to the Zoology of Ceylon, and Appendix, pp. 33, 197, and GG ; Vol. II, pt. 1, and Appendix, pp. 23, 31, and 16; in 1 vol. Svo. cloth, 10s Ceylon, 1852— Colombo, 1854 The second part was a separate publication. 362 Knighton's History of Ceylon, sm. Svo. hf calf gilt, 5s 1845 363 Knox's Historical Eolation of the Island of Ceylon, sm. folio, map and plates, russia gilt, fine copy, £2. 2*' 1861 364 Laws and Customs of the Kandyan Kingdom, folio, neat and valuable MS. in English, by Sir J. D'Oyley, 427 pp. hf bd. £2. 10s Ceylon, (cir. 1835) 365 Marshall's Ceylon, and its Conquest ly the English, Svo. o?iap, cl. 2s 6c? 1846 788 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Ceylon — continued 366 Monthly Examinee, from Jan. 16, to December 15, 1847, ia 1 vol. folio, hf. hd. 15s Cohmho, 1847 367 PEA.EL FISHERIES. CorvRESPOXDENCE, Official DOCUMENTS, His- torical papers, including several autographs, in 1 vol. folio, MS. in various handwritings, compiled hy G. Lee, £6. Qs Ceylon, 1780-1840 One of the most valuable books in the library of Sir Emerson Tennent. 368 Prtdham, Ceylon and its Dependencies, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, (pub. 28^) cl. 95 1849 369 EIBEIEO, Eatalidade Historica da Ilha de Ceilao, sm. 4to. map, bed mo- EOCCO extra, gilt edges, 12s Lis boa, 1836 370 History of Ceylon, translated from the Erench version of the preced- ing, with an Appendix by Lee, 8vo. maps, hound, 12s 6d Ceylon, 1847 371 SAAE'S Ost-Indianischefunfzehen-Jahrige Kriegsdienst 1644-59 in Ceilon, ohlongsmaMest 4ito. poi'tr ait, frontispiece, and many engravings in the text, vellum, EAEE, S6s Niirnberg, 1662 372 SIEE'S Ceylon and the Cingalese ; their history, government, and religion, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. plates, (pub. 246-) cloth, 7s 6d 1850 373 Steuaet's Letters on improving the Paumban Passage, 8vo. hds. 7s Colombo, 1837-38 The first addressed to Sir Robt, Horton is in I Ceylon paper (which is also given) is in MS. print ; the second one, in reply to a letter in a | 374 Tennent's Ceylon, third edition, 2 vols. 8vo. map, plates, and cuts, (pub. £2. 10s) cloth, 36s 1859 375 TuEjfOUE's History of Ceylon, with introduction, and text and translation of the Mahawanso, 8vo. as issued with title in MS. bd. Is Qd Colombo, 1833 376 TouNG Ceylon, a Monthly Periodical and Magazine of Ceylonese and general information, edited by Nell, "Vols. I, II, and III, pp. 1 — 48, in 1 vol.roy. 8vo. hf. bd. 20s Colombo, 1850-52 377 the same, Yols. I, II, and III pp. 1—96, in 1 vol. hf bd. 30s 1850-52 378 Tracts and Pamphlets. Trials of the Kandyan State Prisoners, 1835 — Eeports of Committees on various Ceylonese subjects, in 1 vol. stout 8vo. hf calf 12s Colombo, 1835-57 China. 379 AvEiL, Travels in Europe and Asia to discover a new way to China, 12mo. calf 5s ^ 1693 380 Amtot, Art Militaire des Chinois, recueil d'anciens Traites chinois sur la Guerre, traduits en Francais, 4to. 33 coloueed plates, hf. cf 9s Paris, 1772 This forms Vol. VII. of the Memoires sur les Chinois. 381 Boeget, la Chine ouyeete : Aventures d'un Ean-Kouei dans le pays de Tsin, par Old Nick, 8vo. hundreds of illustrations, vieivs, grotesques, mythological subjects, etc. 7s Qd Paris, 1845 The title does injustice to this work, which, I to convey a true notion of China and its people, although an entertaining one, is admirably suited | 382 Canton Miscellany, Nos. 2-5, 8vo. printed on silk paper, cloth, 10s 1831 Containing very interesting articles on the language, literature, and manners of the people. 383 CANTON Eegtsteb, Vols. Ill, IV, VII-IX, from January 1830, to December 1839, (Yols. I-III. of the Canton Price Current bound up with Vols. 7, 8, 9,) 5 vols. ; Canton Press (the) Nos. 209-73, or Vols. V, and Vt nos. 1-13, from October 1839 to Dec. 1840, together 6 vols. sm. folio, printed on silk paper, and bound in silk covers, £2. 10s Macao and Canton, 1830-40 Two very interesting weekly newspapers, I history of the country, containing valuable articles on the language and | 384 CHINESE EEPOSITOEY (on the History, Statistics, Language, etc. of China and the adjacent countries), with Geneeal Index, in 20 vols. 8vo. map and plates, cloth, a complete set from the beginning, £32. Canton, 1832-51 Complete sets of this work which contains most of the copies were destroyed by the Chinese valuable papers by Dr. Morrison and other emi- at ths time of their sacking the British Factories nent Chinese scholai's, are of rare occurrence, as in the Vicinity of Canton. OEIENTAL LITERATIJEE. 789 385 CLERC, Yu le Grand et Confucius, histoire Chinoise, 4to. map and talles, calf, IQs ; or Jlne copy in old French red moeocco extra, 24^ Soissons, 1769 386 Cleter (Andrese) Specimen Medicinse SinicsB, sive opuscula meclica ad mentem Sinensiun), sq. 8vo. 30 very curious plates from Chinese originals, and numer- ous cuts, Ids. a singular ivorh, rare, IGV Francof. 1(582 387 Dayis, Cbinn, and the Chinese, 2 vols. 12 mo. woodcuts, cloth, 35 1836 388 The Chinese, new edition, lOmo. cuts, hf mor. 3s Gd 1810 389 Sketches of China, 2 vols. sm. 8vo, map, cloth, 6s 1811 390 China during the war and since the peace, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. charts, (pub. at 18.9) cloth, 10s ^ ^ 1852 391 DUHALDE, Description Geographique, historique, chronologique, politique, et physique de I'Empire de la Chine, et de la Tartaric Chinoise, 4 vols, large stout folio, mcmerous maps and plates, slightly affected hy damp, calf, 3Qs ; or fne copy in old cnlf gilt, 5b'3. IO5 Paris, 1735 not a single subject connected witli China and the Chinese which is not treated in this cyclopai- dic production. " Includes a vast mass of A-ahiable materials.' — Murray. No better book upon China has yet been published than the grand old work to which Duhalcle devoted the labour of his life. There is 392 Duhalde's History of China, translated from the Erench, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. maps and plates J old Fnglish red morocco extra, gilt edges,lhs 1736 393 Ellis' Journal of the proceedings of the late Embassy to China, 4to. map, por- trait, and numerous coloured plates, 10* 1817 394 EscAYRAC DE Lauture, Memoires sur la Chine, Parts 1, 2, (Introduction et Histoire), roy. 4to. maps and cuts, sd. 6s Paris, 1817 395 EAIIIA Y SOUSA, Imperio de la China, sacado de las noticias del Padre Semmedo, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, one leaf damaged, calf, 15s Lisboa, 1731 396 the same, 1731 — Galvao, Descombrimentos antigos e modernos, 1731 — Moreno Porcel, Eetrato de Faria y Sousa, 1733 — 3 vols, in 1, folio, a few leaves slightly wormed, calf, rare, 24s Lisloa, 1731-33 This collection of minor works is generally wanting to sets of Faria y Sousa's works. 397 Eoiitu:n'e's Three years' Wanderings in the JNorthern provinces of China, and visit to the Tea-districts, 8vo. numerous plates and cuts, (pub. 15s) cloth, 9s 1847 398 Journey to the Tea Countries of China, with a notice of the Himalaya Tea Plantations, 8vo. map and plates, (pub. 15s) 12s 1852 399 Eesidence among the Chinese, inland, on the coast, and at sea, 1853-56, 8vo. numerous engravings, (pub. 16s) cloth, 12s 1857 400 Gavin's Plan of Hankow, etc. and other maps, a roll, 4s Qd Hankow, 1864 401 Getty's Notices of Chinese Seals found in Ireland, sm. 4to. frontispiece and 1'^ plates, calf gilt. Is Qd Dublin, 1850 402 Goi^zALEz DE Mendosa, Eerum Morumque in Regno Chinensi historia, La- tine, edidit Brulius, sq. 8vo. calf, 5s Antv. 1655 403 Grosier, Description generale de la Chine, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, large plates, 5s Par. n^l 404 de la Chine ou description de cet Empire, avec I'expose de toutes les connaissances acquises jusqu'ici sur les Chinois, 7 vols. 8vo. best edition, maps folded luithin covers of Vols. I and II, cloth, 10s 1818-20 405 Description of China, translated from the French, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates, calf gilt, 7 s Gd 1788 406 Gutzlafe's Three Voyages along the coast of China, 1831-33, sm. 8vo. 7nap, cloth, 2s 1837 407 the same, third ed. with portrait and appendix, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d 1839 408 Life of Taou-Kwang, late Emperor of China, with Memoirs of the Court of Peking, sm. 8vo. hf. bd. 5s 1852 409 China opened, a display of its topography, history, manners, literature, etc. revised by Eeed, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. tnap, (pub. 24s) cloth, 10s 1838 410 HiSTORiCHER Bericht was sich in China von 1604 etc. denckwiirdigs zuge- tragen, smallest 4to. vellum, 7s Gd Augsp. 1611 790 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. China. — eontinued. 411 Hue, le Christianisme en Chine, 3 vols. Svo. Tif. morocco, IQs Paris, 1857 412 I'Empire Chinois, 2 vols. 8vo. map, hf. calf gilt, 10« 1857 413 IDES (TsBKANTs) Three Tears Travels from Moscow overland to Pekin, with Kao's description of China, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. map and 20 curious plates, hf. calf, I2s 1706 The White Knight's copy fetched £4. 5.^ I £2. 16^ ; Heath's, £2. ; and at Sotheby's in 1860, Willett's, £2. 7s ; the Roxburghe, £1. 16^ ; Dent's, | £1. Un. 414 JULIEN (S.) Histoire et Fabrication de la Porcelaiiie Chinoise, ouvrage tra- duit du Chinois (King-Te-Tchin-Thou-Lou), accompagne de notes et d'ad- ditions par A. Salvetat, et augmente d'un Memoire sur la Porcelaine de Japon, traduit du Japonais (Sans-Kai-Mei-san-Dzou-ye) par J. Hoffmann, roy. 8vo. plates, vellum extra, uncut, top edge gilt, scarce, Sir Charles Price's copy, 28* Paris, 1856 415 KiRCHEEi China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis illustrata, folio, maps, and numerous fine plates and portraits, 10s Amst. 1677 416 KoFFLER CochinchinEe descriptio, ed. Murr, JS^orimh. 1803 — Synodus Vicaria- tus Sutchuensis, 1803, PomcB, 1822— in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. hf hd. 3* 1761-1822 417 Lecomte's History of China, with geographical, natural, military, political, and other memoirs, sm. 8vo. j^lates, 7s 1739 418 Ljungstedt, Historical sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China, with description of Canton, roy. 8vo. maps and plates, bds. 10s Boston, (Z7. S.) 1836 419 Magaillans, Nouvelle Eelation de la Chine, traduite du Portugais par B., sm. 4to. plan of Pekin, calf, 7s 6d Pains, 1688 420 MAILLAC (Moteia de) Histoire generale de la Chine, ou Aimales de cet empire traduites du Tong-Kien-Kang-Mou, publiees par Grosier, avec la Description de la Chine, complete 13 vols. 4to. maps and plates, fne copy in calf gilt, the thirteenth volume not quite uniform with the others, £3. Ss Paris, 1777-85 421 Martik^ii Sinica Historia, res a gentis origine ad Christum natum in extrema Asia gestas complexa, 12mo. calf, Ss (5d Amst. Blaeu, 1059 422 Medhtjrst, Books of the T'hae-Ping-Wang Dynasty, 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Shanghae, 1853 423 MEMOIEES concernant I'Histoire, les Sciences, les Arts, les Moeurs, les Usages, etc. des Chinois, par les Missionaires de Pekin, (Amyot, Bourgeois, Ko et Poiret) 15 vols. 4to. numerous plates, French calf gilt, £6. 15^ Paris, 1776-91 " Cette collection ne doit pas etre confondiie grand inter^t: c'cst incontestablement le meilleur avec la plupart des relations des missionaires rela- ouvrage que les Jesuites aient public sur la tives a la Chine ; elle renferme des recherches et Chine." — Bouchei\ des observations precieuses sur des objets du plus 424 NoYissiMA Sinica, de bellis cum Moscis, etc. — Icon regia Monarchae Sinen- sium — 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. portraits, vellum, Os 1699 425 Eej^nie's Peking and the Pekingese during the first year of the British Embassy, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. (pub. 245) cloth, 185 1865 426 EICCIUS. Trigautius de Christiana Expeditione apud Sinas suscepta ab Soc. Jes. Sinensis regni mores, leges, atque instituta, ex Eicii commentariis, describens sm. 4to. engraved title and plate, vellum, original edition, rare, 20s Aug. Vind. 1615 427 the same, second edit. 4to. engraved till'- and plate, a tninute wormhole, vellum, 10s ; a fine copy in stamped hogsldn, los Lugd. 1616 428 Histoire de I'Expedition Chrestienne a la Chine, des Peres de la Com- pagnie de Jesus, traduite par Eigault, sm. 4to. calf gilt, fine copy, IQs Lille, 1617 429 Egad Map from Pekin to Kiachta by the great Camel-route, executed under the superintendence of the Eev. J. Edkin of Pekin, 6 sheets, 24 in. by 10, folded between boards and all enclosed in a narrow royal 8vo. case, IQs {? Kiachta, 1862) OEIENTAL LITEEATURE. 701 430 Slade's Narrative of the late proceedings and events in China, 8vo. printed on and interleaved tcitli silk paper ^ sd. 12s Canton, 1839(-40) 431 STAUNTON'S (Sir George L.) Account of the (Eaul of Macartney's) EM:iiAssr from the King of Grreat Britain to the Emperor of China; in- cluding observations made and information obtained in travelling through the Empire, and a relation of the Voyage, taken chiefly from the papers of the LoitD Macautney, 2 vols. 4to. sevei^al plates, russia extra, gilt edges, folio AiLis of plates, 36s 1797 432 the same, laege paper, 2 vols. impl. 4to. calf, and roy. folio Atlas, Jf. calf, 25s 1797 Eundamental Laws — See post, under Chinese. 433 Staunton's (Sir G-. T.) Memoirs of his Life, 8vo. portrait, cloth, printed for private circulation, Gs 1856 434 Thoms' Dissertation on the Chinese Vases of the Shang Dynasty, from 1743 to 1496 B.C. roy. 8vo. 42 engravings, cloth, 2s Gd 1851 435 TiMKOVSKi, Voyage a Peking, a travers la Mongolie, 1820-21, trad, du Eusse par N. et Eyries, avec des corrections et un Atlas par Klaproth, 2 vols. 8vo. and impl. 4to. Atlas of maps and plates, sd. 7s Gd Paris, 1827 436 Travels of the Eussian Slission, translated into English, 2 vols. 8vo. map and 2 plates, cloth, 5^ 1827 437 Ti-PiNG TiEN-Kwoii: History of the Ti-Ping Eevolution, by Lin-le, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. coloured plates, (pub. 32s) cloth, 15s 1866 This is the -work of a Tae-Ping partizan ; I having performed active service under the In- the author, although an European or American, I surgent leaders. 438 Wilkinson, Sketches of Chinese Manners, 1811-1812, 8vo. plates, cloth, 3s Gd Bath, 1814 439 Williams, the Middle Kingdom ; a survey of the Chinese Empire and its inhabitants, 2 vols, stout sm. 8vo. map and engravings, hf hd. 18s N'ew TorJc, 1857 44,0 American Embassy to Pekin in 1859, Svo. sd. 2s Shanghai, 1859 441 [Alcock: (Sir E.)] Our Policy in 1858 — The China Question, by an Asiatic, 1857— Chisholm Anstey, Crime and Government at Hong Kong, 1859 — Wylie's Chinese Coins, 1857 — in 1 vol. 8vo. hf calf neat, 5s 1857-59 Egypt. 412 BELZONI'S Narrative of the Operations and Discoveries within the Pyra- mids, Tombs, etc. in Egypt and Nubia, 4to. map, portrait and plates, hf hound, 12s 443 The Plates, illustrative of the Eesearches and Operations in Egypt and Nubia, with the scarce Supplement, 1 vol. roy. folio, 50 coloured plates, including the 6 additional ones, (pub. at £1. lis) hds. or neatly hf hd. £3. ICs 1820-22 44i the same, 1820-22~Eifaud, Voyage en itgypte, en Nubie, etc. 1808-27, incomplete, hut containing 73 plates in a series of N'os. 1-263, some coloured, Paris, 1830— in 1 vol. imp. folio, hf. calf, £5. 5s 1820-30 The plates of Rifaud form a most appropriate I rare, and it is not certain how much of the work supplement to Belzoni. A collection of them is \ was published. 445 BIECH (S.) Facsimiles of the Egyptian Eelics discovered at Thebes in the tomb of Aah Hotep, (circ. B.C. 1800) exhibited in the Exhibition of 1862, from drawings by Kiddle, ob. folio, 11 plates richly illuminated, cloth, 25s 1863 446 BoECKii, Manetho und die Hundssternperiode, ein Beitrag zur G-eschichte der Pharaonen, Svo. cloth, 5s Berlin, 1845 447 BONOMI and AEUNDALE, Gallery of Antiquities in the British Museum, with Descriptions by ]5irch, 2 parts in 1 voL 192 figures of interesting suhjects, represented on 57 elaborate plates, many coloured, (pub. £2. 12s Gd) cloth, 20s ; or calf gilt, 25s 1844 An interesting volume, forming by its text and illustrations an abridged cyclopa?dia of Egyptology. 448 BONOMI and SHAEPE, Triple Mummy Case of Aroeri-Ao, an Egyptian Priest, 4to. several engravings and 8 large tinted plates, hds. 2s Gd 1858 440 the same, 4to. presentation copy, fully coloured plates, hds. 5s 1858 792 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Egypt — con tin ued. 450 BOWDICH'S Essay on tlie Superstitions, Customs, and Arts, common to the ancient Egyptians, Abyssiniaas, and Ashantees, 4to. coloured plates of ancient ornaments, iveapons, etc. l^s Frivateh/ printed, Faris, 1821 451 British Museum Publications. ALEXANDEE (W.*) Egyptian Monu- ments, now in the British Museum, collected by the French Institute, 5 parts obi. roy. folio, 21 plates, some coloured, (pub. at £5. 5*) unbound, 16s 1805-7 452 SELECT PAPTEI in the Hieeatic character from the collections of the British Museum, with Hawkins' Eemarks, royal folio, Tol. I. 168 plates, (pub. at £4. 7s) in 3 parts, hds. £3. Ss ^ ^ 1841-44 453 the same, Part II, plates I-XIX, containing the Abbott and D'Orbiney Papyri, royal folio, hds. 15s 1860 This part II, 1860, is really the fourth part j such co"Jused issuing should be avoided by of the whole work, or the first part of Vol. II ; I the British Museum publishing Department. 454 Beugsch, Eeiseberichte aus Aegypten, 8"vo. maps and inscription^-, Ss 6d 1855 455 BUNSEN'S Aegypten's Stelle in der Weltgeschicbte, 6 vols, in 7, 8vo. plates, £3. 3s Ha7nhurqh, 1845-57 456 Vols. ly. Y. in 3 vols. 8vo. plates, sd. 145 Got'ha, 1856-57 457 Egypt's Place in Universal History, translated by Cottrell, and con- tinued by BiECH, 5 vols. 8vo. including Egyptian Vocabularies by Bunsen, with plates of Egyptian Divinities, Hieroglypliical icritinq, etc. and a com- plete HiEEOGLTPHiCAL Lexicox and G-rammar by Birch, at end, (pub. at £8. 11^) cloth, £6. 1848-67 458 the same, Vol. Y. containing the Hieroglyphic Grammar and Lexicon, by Birch, 8vo. (pub. £3. 3s) cloth, neiv, £2. 125 Gd 1867 459 CHAMPOLLION le Jeu^e, MONUMEJNTS de l'EGTPTE et de la NUBIE, d'apres les dessins executes sur les lieux, 4 vols, atlas folio, con- taining 511 splendid engravings, many of which are beautieullt coloiteed to represent the originals, hf. bd. red morocco, uncut, £24. Earis, 1835-45 For the other ivorks of the Champol'ions, see post Egyptian. One of the most magnificent works that have ever been published upon Egyptian Antiquities, indispensable in every great public library. It is the result of a new Scientific Expedition into Egypt and Nubia, performed at the expense of the French Government, and forms a continuation of that published under the auspices of Napoleon I. The engravings are executed with scrupulous care, and present faithful representations of those interesting monuments of antiquity which are gradually disappearing, but which will be rescued from oblivion in the pages of this work. 460 Champollio:s' le June, I'Egypte sous les Pharaons, 2 vols. Svo. map, hf calf, 10s Faris, 1814 461 DESCEIPTION DE L'EGTPTE, ou Eecueil des Observations et des Ee- cherches qui ont ete faites en Egypte pendant I'Expedition de I'Armee Eranyaise, (ouvrage public sous la direction de Jomard), 9 vols, folio, of letterpress, 11 vols, atlas folio, and 3 vols, elephant folio of plates, the three Series quite complete, bound in 19, of which 9 are the regular size, and 10 atlas folio, VELLUM PAPEE, Froof Impressions, of which 72, in the Natural History and Antiquities, are carefully coloured, hf. russia gilt, fine copy, £40. Faris, 1809-20 This book was originally issued in three I The grandest and most sumptuous work of series : 9 vols, of text, 11 of plates in atlas folio. Engravings ever pubhshed, and the most glo- and 3 in elephant folio,— and usually so divided in | rious monument of Napoleon's patronage of the binding ; but a more convenient, practical, and { Fine Arts. The expense of producing it was useful method has now been adopted on the con- j enormous. tinent, and the above copy is therefore more desirable than ordinary ones. Priced, 1836, Bossangc, £60. ; 1845, 1800 fr.: North's copy fetched £115. \Qs. " Edition originale de ce magnifique ouvrage execute aux frais de TEtat. Chaque exemplaire se vendait 4000 fr. Cette premiere edition a I'avantage de contenir les premieres epreuves des By its care for scientific and literary in- terests, the mind of France conquered even when the sword fell from her hand. France brought back a pure and permanent conquest from Egypt — a conquest unsullied by a crime and undiramed by a tear. The labours of her learned commis- sioners on the Nile will continue a portion of her intellectual empire to the end of time, ^'o disaster planches, et d'en avoir 72 coloriees avec le plus ! can ever rob her of that glory — so worthily won grand soin, et qui sont restees en noir dans la and so modestly worn." — Athenaum, April 1st seconde edition." — Brunei, \ 1854. ORIENTAL LITEKATUEE. 793 Description de I'Egypte — continued. *^* This is one of the most magnificent pro- , failure or even negligence would be attended with ductionsofFrance since the Revolution. Napoleon inevitable disgrace. In consequence, the plates wished to cover his Egyptian defeat with the splendour of Victory, and to intimate to the Prench, bv this work, that conquest v/as within are all executed on the most extensive scale, and in the most splendid manner, and form a grand and brilliant exhibition of the remains of ancient his grasp had not his Destiny recalled him to a > Egypt, and of whatever is most striiiing in the more important carficr. Accordingly, the first i Palaces, Buildings, Scenery, Arts and Sciences artists were engaged to bestow on this work their of Modern Egypt. The Plates of Natural History most brilhant efforts. Success was sure to be I are highly coloured, remunerated with Imperial munificence, whilst | 462 Bibliographical Account and Collation of *• ]a Description de I'Egypte" in the London Library, 8vo. sd. privately printed, 2s Qd 1838 463 FEYDEAU (Ernest) Histoire des Usages Funebres et des Sepultures des peuples anciens : Egtptiens, 2 parts, impl. 4to. 11 plates^ of which Jive are double, and some coloured. India paper, 27s Paris, 1856 464 EaTPTIAN ANTIQUITIES. A volume containing some Drawings of Egyptian Objects, Hieroglypliical Inscriptions in vaiious cliaracters, Plates from Burton's Excerpta Hieroglyphica, and various Tracings, forming an interesting Collection, roy. folio, hf. russia, gilt edges, 36« {cir. 1825-40) 465 GAU, Antiquites de la Nubie, ou Monuments Inedits des bords du Nil, situes entre la premiere et la seconde cataracte, atlas folio, with 7 S plates , 8 of them coloured, and 18 vignettes, (pub. at 150 fr.) hf hd. from Baron Bunsen^s library, £2. 5* Stuttgart, 1822 The Vellum Paper copies are published at 240 fr. Get ouvrage peut etre considere comme le complement a la Description d'Egypte, pub- liee par ordrc de I'Empereur ; son execution le rend digne d'y etre joint. 466 Gliddon's Ancient Egypt, 4to. pp. 61 and 4, numerous woodcuts, ^s ^d Philadelphia, 1844 467 Arctseology and Hieroglypliical Discoveries, 8vo. cloth, 4ts 1849 468 Granville's Essay on Egyptian Mummies and tlie Art of Embalming, 4to. plates, bds. 2s Qd 1825 469 HALMA, Explication des Zodiaques Egyptiens, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 6 very large folding plates, neatly bound, 25s Paris, 1822 Hammer's Hieroglyphics — See Arabic. 470 Hartwell HorsE. Lee and Bonomt, Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities, 4to. illustrated with numerous wood engravings, and facsimiles of papyri, bds. 5s Privately printed, 1858 471 the same, Large Paper, with the folding plate of Papyrus tinted, cloth, 7s 6d 1858 472 HOSKINS' Travels in Ethiopia above the Second Cataract, with the Anti- quities, Arts, and History of Ancient Meroe, 4to. numerous plates and cuts, including coloured plates Jrom large Egyptian paintings on the walls of Thebes, (pub. at £3. 135 6^) cloth, £2. 2s 1835 Praised by Gliddon as a very valuable work. 473 JABLONSKI Pantheon iEgyptiorum de Diis, Eeligione et Theologia, 3 vols. in 1, 8vo. calf gilt, 12s ' Franc, ad Viadr. 1750 474j de Memnone ejusque Statua, sm. 4to. plates, calf, 3& ib. 1753 475 JoLLOis et Devilliers, Kecherches sur les Bas-Eeliefs astronomiques des ligyp- tiens, folio, plates, cloth, 3* Qd Paris, 1817 476 JoLOWicz, Bibliotheca -3Egyptiaca, mit Supplement I, 2 vols. 8vo. a classified Biography of worJcs and periodical articles, relating to Mgypt, its Language, History, Antiquities, etc. published doivn to 1861, tvith Alphabetical Lidecc, Qs Leipzig, 1858-61 477 JoMAED, Memoire sur le Syst^me metrique des Anciens Egyptiens, folio, 308 pp. with 10 Tables, sd. 5s Paris, 1817 478 KENEICK'S Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs, 2 vols. 8vo. plates of Hieroglyphics, etc. (pub. at 30s) clotli, 24^ 1850 479 LANE'S Mannees and Customs of the Modeen Egyptians, third edition, 2 vols. 8vo. 128 engravings, cloth, 20« 1842 791 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 480 LANE'S Makn^ees and Customs of the Moderx Egyptians, fifth edition, with numerous additions and iinproyements, edited by E. J. Poole, a thick vol. 8vo. with 131 illustrations ' of every-day Life in Egypt, Shops, Baths, JVatives of all classes. Dancing Girls, etc. (pub. at 18*) cloth, 14iS 1860 481 LEEMANS, ^GYPTISCHE MONUMENTEN van het Nedeelaxdsche MrsEUM van Oudheden te Letpen ; ^gyptische Papyrus in Demotisch Schrift met Grrieksche Overschrijvingen, 14i plates and 8 tableau;^; ^gyptische Lyk Papyrus, 15 coloured plates, Monumenten behoorende tot de Godsdienst, ZO pp. 4^0 plates, mostly coloicred ; Monumenten behoorende tot het Burger- lijke Leven, 101 pp. and plates 1-251, some coloured, royal folio, (pub. at about 286 florins) uncut, in parts, £15. Leyden, 1839-66 482 another copy, concluding with plate 97 of the Monuments Civils, in 1 vol. roy. folio, hf. red morocco, gilt top, uncut, £10. ib. 1839-46 The circumstance of having the titles and | work, as it is the plates only which make it pre- text in Dutch nowise diminishes the value of this | cious. 483 Leeman's, Papyrus Demotique a transcriptions Grecques, 14 plates and 8 ta- bleaux ; Papyrus Euneraire, 15 coloured plates ; in 1 vol. roy. folio, hf russia neat, 255 1839-42, 484 Description raisonnee des Monumens Egyptiens du Musee d'Aotiqui- tes a Leide, 1840 — Lettre a Salvolini sur les Monumens portant des le- gendes royales, 32 plates of Hieroglyphics, 1838 — Asiatische en Ameri- kaansche Monumenten, 1842 — 3 vols, in 1, «vo. hf. russia, neat, 24^ Leide, 1838-42 485 Monumens Egyptiens portant des Legendes royales, 8vo. 32 plates, sd. 7s _ ^ ^ Leide, 1838 486 Le Mascriee, Description de I'Egypte, composee sur les Memoires de Maillet, 4to. map and plates, calf 5s JParis, 1736 487 LEPSIUS, DENKMAELEE, aus ^GYPTEN und ^thiopien, nach den Zeichnungen der von dem Konige von Preussen nach diesen Landern gesen- deten wissenschaftlichen Expedition, 1842-45, 12 vols, elephant folio, 889 lithographed and coloured plates, a complete and TEEY eixe set i7i hf. bd. morocco, a very fine well bound set, £80. JBerlin, 1849-56 The present is the finest copy I have ever and completeness of design, no less than in the seen of this magnificent work. Few books can perfect style of its execution. equal the " Monuments of Lepsius" in grandeur 488 LEPSIUS, Chronologic der ^gypter, Einleitung und Erster Theil : Kritik der Quellen, impl. 4to. allpubl. 554 ;?/>. cloth, 10s ; hf mor. 15s Berlin, 1849 A work of wonderful learning and research, I histoiy and chronology, is also valuable for the which, besides its special reference to Egyptian | study of old Mythologies. 489 Denkmaler aus (Egypten, roy. 4to. containing the text to the great folio worJc, sd. 5s Berlin, 1849 490 LESSEES, Percement de I'Isthme de Suez, expose, documents ofiBciels et rapport, 3 vols. 8vo. maps, sd. tvith roy. 4:to. Atlas, containing 31 folding plates, bd. 25s Paris, 1855-56 491 Lesueue (J. B. C.) Chronologic desEois d'Egypte, 4to. IZplates and numerous cuts of Hieroglyphics, sd. 145 Faris, 1848 492 LETEONNEjRecueildes Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de I'Egypte, 2 vols. 4to. and folio Atlas of plates, calf gilt, £2. 10s Faris, 1842 493 • Eecherches pour I'histoire de I'Egypte, 8vo. plates of Greek Inscrip- tions, hf bd. 3s Gd Faris, 1823 494 Mengix, Histoire de I'Egypte sous Mohammed Aly, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 3.9 Gd 1823 495 Memoiees sur I'Egypte publics pendant les campagnes de Bonaparte, 4 vols. 8vo. sd. 5s Faris, (1799-1802) " Le recueil des difFerents memoires des savants composantl'Institut d'Egypte." 496 NOEDEN, Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie, avec des additions par Langles, 3 vols. imp. 4to. upioards of 150 maps and plates, Vellum Paper, hf. bd. uncut, 18s Faris, Didot, 1795-98 Priced, vellum paper, 1836, £4. U* Qd. The merits of Norden's Works are of the most enduring and substantial kind, so far as relates to the Antiquities of Egypt and the Cataracts : it is high and unequivocal commen- dation of this author, that subsequent travellers have found him a judicious and sure guide." Stevenso7i. OEIENTAL LITERATURE. 79: 497 Palmee, Egyptian Chronicles, with a harmony of sacred and Egyptian chro- nology, and an appendix of Babylonian and Assyrian Antiquities, 8 vols. 8vo. plates, (pub. at 865) cloth, Qs 1861 498 Pereot, Essai sur les Moraies : Histoire sacree de I'Egypte, 870. several plates of JEgyptian relicSy sd. 6s Nimes, 184G 499 PETTI GREW (T. J.) History of Egyptian Mummies, 4to. 13 plates, four of tliem coloured, (pub. at £2. 2^) cloth, I85; hf. calf gilt, 20s 1834 500 the same, laeqe paper, 4to. russia extra, gilt edges, from the library of George Smith, Esq., beautiful copy, £3. 3^ 1834 501 Petron, Papyri Graeci Reg. Taurin. Musei ^gyptii, Or. et Lat. 2 parts in 1 vol. iito. facsimile plates, bds. 7s 6d Taurini, 182G 502 PiGNORii Mensa Isiaca, qua sacrorum apud JEgyptios ratio explicatur, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. numerous engravings of Egyptian Monuments, fine copy, vellum, 7s Gd Amst. 1669 503 Pric hard's Analysis of Egyptian Mytholog}^, and Remains of Egyptian Chronology, roy. 8vo. plates, 15s 1819 504 Quatrem^re, Mempires geographiques et historiques sur I'Egypte, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf 5s ; or, calf gilt, 7 s 6d Faris, 1811 505 Rhind, Thebes, its Tombs and their Tenants, Excavations in the Necro- polis, etc. roy. 8vo. map, cuts, and plates, some coloured, (pub. 18s) clotht 12s 1862 507 ROSELLINI, i Monumenti dell' Egitto e della Nijbia, disegnati dalla Spedizione Scientifico-Letteraria Toscana in Egitto, distribuiti in ordine di materie, interpretati ed illustrati, 3 vols, atlas folio, containing about 400 large plates of Hieroglyphs, Egyptian Architecture, Sculpture and Paintings, many in colours, with 9 vols. 8vo. of Text — together 12 vols, neivly bound in hf red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, the baclcs emblematically tooled, a fine library set, £30. ' Fisa, 1832-44 plete copies must soon become very scarce. Usually sold unbound at £40. The author died before the last volume of text and portion of the plates were ready for publication, but these were issued after his death by Professor Bonaini, Severi, and others. 508 St. John (J. A.) Egypt and Nubia, 8vo. a great number of ivoodcuts, (pub. 12s, cloth), calf gilt, 7s Qd 1845 509 ScHOW, Charta Papyracea Gr. seriem operantium in aggeribus exhibens, roy. 4to. sd. 3s Qd Homce, 1788 510 Scotla:nd Architectural Institute's Transactions, Vol. V, roy. 8vo. including two treatises by Thomson and Donaldson, on Egyptian Obelisks and Monumen- tal Edifices, plates, sd. 2s Gd Edinb. 1850 511 Sharpe's Alexandrian Chronology, to a.d. 640, roy. 4to. all lithographed, bds. 4s Gd 1857 512 • Chronology and G-eography of Ancient Egypt, 8vo. 17 plates of maps, Hieroglyphics and Alphabets, bds. 5s 1849 513 VTSE (Colonel H.) Operations at the Pyramids of Gtzeh, in 1837, and account of a Voyage into Upper Egypt, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. 127 maj^s and plates, (pub. at £S. 13s Gd) cloth, £3. 3s 1840-42 514 WILKINSON (Sir Gardner) Materia Hierogltphica, Part I, without the 51 plates; Part 2, without title and plates ; Appendix I; and Extracts from . Hieroglyphical subjects, with 4i folding plates ; in 1 vol. sm. 4to. bd. £2. 10s 1828-30 515 Materia Hieroglyphica, part 1, sq. 8vo. no plates, ivith the stamp of the Boyal Soc. of Edinb. Gs ^ Malta, 1828 516 Extracts from several Hieroglyphical subjects found at Thebes and other parts of Egypt, with remarks, Syo. plates 1, 4, 5 and 6 of hieroglyphics, (2 a72d 3 do not exist) sd. 5s ib. 1830 517 ' Topography of Thebes and general view of Egypt, 8vo. numerous plates of Hieroglyphics, Views, elc, (pub. at 30s in cloth), calf gilt, IGs 1835 This magnificent work — a necessary com- panion to that of ChampoUion, as the two ex- plorers were careful not to render any portion of the labours of either superfluous — was published under the auspices of the Duke of Tuscany ; owing to the very limited number printed, com- 796 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 518 [WiLKiNsox (Sir G.)] Hieratic Papyrus of Kings at Turin, oblong atlas folio, the Atlas only, without the 8vo. text, 1^ pages of facsimiles, 15s (1851) 519 Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, including their Pri- vate Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Manufactures, Religion, Early History, and Agriculture, etc. derived from a comparison of the paintings, sculptures, and monuments still existing, with the accounts of ancient authors, both SEEIES, and Supplement, vols. 8vo. best edition, with Index, and GOO plates and cuts illustrative of Paintings, Monuments^ Sculptures, etc. some in COLOURS, cloth, £6. Qs " 1837-41 521 EiEST Seeies, 3 vols. 8vo. plates, cloth, rare, £3. 3s 1837 522 Modern Egypt and Thebes, 2 vols. 8vo. maps and woodcuts, ivith Eng- lish and Arabic Vocabulary (pub. 42s) cloth, 30s 1843 Toung's Hieroglyphics — See post : Egyptian. 523 ZOEGA de Origine et usu Obeliscorum, roy. folio, ivith large folding plates of Olelishs, and other engravings, fine copy in russia extra, tvith joints, 36s Homes, 1797 " Ouvrage savant et curieux, &c. 54 francs." — Bednet. 524 ZODIAC OE DENDERAH. Dupuis, Lenoir, Letronne, St. Martin, Lat- reille, Guigniaut, Agoub, Dupuis, Lelorrain, Testa, Eee, sur les Zodiaques Egyptiens, etc. 11 opuscula in 3 vols. 8vo. plates, not tmiform, 36s Faris, 1809-28 525 Lepsitjs, Leemans, Letronne, Salt, Gliddon, Beke, Wilkinson, and others, Egypt and its Ancient Language, 44 tracts, 4to. and 8vo. in a parcel, 15s 1818-60 India. Agricultural and Horticultural Society of INDIA : 526 TRANSACTIONS and Proceedings, from the beginning in 1835, the com- plete set of the above, 8 vols. 8vo. £4. 10s Calcutta, 1838-51 527 the same, Vols. I-III, and the Proceedings separate, for 1840 and 1842, Jan. to June (1840 wants No. for October) forming Vols. I. II, of the Transactions, and I-IV No. 6 of the Proceedings— 3 vols, and 17 pts. 8vo. 2 vols, cloth, 1 hf calf rest sd. 25s ib. 1839-42 628 Monthly Journal, continued under the title Joubnal, from beginning in 1842, Yols. I— IX pt. 3, and X, pt. 1, 8vo. mmerous plates, some coloured, in parts, ^4. 10s «^- 1842-57 529 the same, Yols. Ill, lY, Y, pts. 1-3 ; YII, YIII, (wanting pt. 2), IX — together 6 vols. 8vo. one vol. cloth, the rest sewed, £2. 16s ib, 1844-57 530 the same, Yol. YII separately, 8vo. ivith map of the Tea tracts dis- covered by Bruce in 1839, bds. 10s 1840 Contents of Vol. VII.— Bruce's Report on Cattle on the Western side of the Peninsula of the manufacture of Tea, pp. 38— Masters' Cal- India, pp. 18; etc. cutta Flora, pp. 45— On the different breeds of 531 Assam. Sketch of Assam, and account of the Hill-Tribes, 8vo. onap and coloured plates, (pub. 14s) cloth, 9s 1847 532 ATEEN AKBERY, or the Institutes of the Emperor Akber, translated from the orif^inal Persian by Erancis Grladwin, 3 vols. 4to. onap, best edition, bds. £2. 12s Calcutta, 1783-86 533 . the same, 2 vols. 8vo. If. russia, 15s 1800 A description of the whole Indian Empire, the republic of letters contains so much mforma- written by order of the Emperor Abker, with tion in so small a compass."— Clarke. numerous statistical tables. " Perhaps no book in 534 BALFOUIt'S Cyclopedia of India, and of Eastern and Southern Asia, com- mercial, industrial, and scientific, 1857— Second Supplement to the Cyclo- psedia, 1862—2 stout vols. roy. 8vo. nearly 3000;?;?. double columns, hf calf £^ 4^ Madras, 1857-62 A laborious and very valuable production, in nological artfcles are interesting ; as is also a list which any information on any subject connected of Inscriptions existing m various parts of India, with India may be sought and found. The eth- in many different languages. ORIENTAL LITEEATURE. 797 535 Baikie's Observations on the Neilgherries, roy. 8vo. 33 mai^s and several COLOURED plates of Botany^ etc. cloth, 12s Calcutta, 1834 536 BE:jfTLET's Historical View of Hindu Astronomy, Svo. Q folding plates, 12s 1825 537 BENGAL SPORTING- Magazine, or Eastern Miscellany of Oriental Field Diversions and Natural History of the Game Denizens of India, conducted by Stocqueler, from the beginning in 1833 to 1842, 19 vols. 8vo, numerous plates, some coloured, hf. calf neat, raee, £10. Calcutta, 1833-42 538 BoHLEx's alte Indien, 2 vols. Svo. sd. Qs ; cloth, 7s Gd Konigsl. 1830 One of the most learned books ever pub- | sung ; Burgerliche Alter thUmer ; Literatur und lished on this subject, divided as follows :— Ges- 1 Kunst (289 pp). chichte ; Eeligion und Cultus (265 pp.) ; Verfas- | 539 BOILEAU'S Narrative of a Tour through the Western States of Rajwaea, with tables and memoranda, statistical, philological, and geographical, large 4to. map and several plates, parallel Vocabularies, etc. hds. 25* Calcutta, 18§7 540 Bombay Police. Reports of (Mr. "Warden) Chief Secretary, 1810, with the Letter and Report of Sir James Maciutosh, 1811 ; in 1 vol. sm. folio, MS. copy, hf calf, Gs cir. 1840 541 BOMBAY Medical and Physical Society's Transactions and Proceedings, from the beginning in 1838 to 1857 ; eiest seeies. No. I— YIII, 1838-47 ; new seeies, III, 1855-56 ; together 9 vols. 8vo. unbound, rare, £5. Bombay, 1838-57 542 the same, eiest seeies, Nos. I, II, IV, YI, (IV wants pp. 145-56, at end of vol.) 4 vols. 8vo. 10* ib, 1838-43 543 Bombay Geographical Society : Transactions and Proceedings, from the begin- ning in 1836 to 1863, Vols. I — XYI, 8vo. numerous plates, some coloured, 5615. Bombay, etc. 1847-63 544 the same, 1837 to 1863 ; as follows : Jan. 1837 ; May to August, 1839 ; May and August, 1840; May 1844 to December 1846; 1848; 1849-50, (Yol. IX) ; 1856-58, (XIII and XIY) ; 1860-2, (XYI) ;— together 4 vols. and 9 parts, 8vo. {one part tvormed), numerous plates, sd. £5. ib. 1837-63 A scarce and valuable periodical, containing i bularies and grammatical sketches of several much historical and ethnological matter, Voca- j languages and dialects, etc. Sets completed. 545 BOMBAY QUAKTEELT EEYIEW, from the commencement, January 1855 to September 1858, Yols. I— YIII, being Nos. 1 to 14, (without No, 3)— together 13 Nos. 8vo. 25* Bombay, 1855-58 Containing many valuable articles on the j India. Sets completed. Ethnology, Philology, and Natural History of | 546 Beiggs' Land Tax in India, 8vo. bd. dOs 1830 Betggs' History — see Perishta. 547 BUCHANAN'S (Francis) Journey from Madras to Mysore, Canara and Ma- labar, in the dominions of the Rajah of Mysore, 3 vols. 4to. maps and plates, £2. ^ 1807 54)8 Account of Nepal and the territories annexed by the Gorkhas, by P. Hamilton, formerly Buchanan, 4to. map and plates, sd. 6s ; calf 7s Gd 1819 549 Description of Dinajptje in Bengal, 8vo. hf russia, 20s Calc. 1833 Rare and valuable. 550 CALCUTTA Joijenal or Natueal Histoet, containing the discoveries in Indian Oeology, Zoology, Botany, etc. conducted by John McClelland, W. Geiffith, and others ; from the beginning in April 1840 to its termi- nation in July, 1847, 30 Nos. forming 8 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, £12. 12s Calcutta, 1841-47 551 another set, Nos. 1—24, being Vols. I — VI, in parts, uncut, £6. 1841-46 552 another set, Nos. 1—23, or Vols. I— VI, part 3, uncut, £4. 10s 1841-46 553 another set, Nos. 1—19, 22, 23, £'d. 10s 1841-45 554 another set, Nos. 1—14, 16, 17, 22, 23, 18 parts, £2. 10s 1841-45 Odd Nos. in stock to complete sets. The title to Vol. YIII. was never 'printed. 555 Calcutta Monthly Jouenal, a Eegister of Occurrences throughout the British Dominions in the East, Second Series, Vols. I- VI, sm. 8vo. hf calf, 55 Calcutta, 1833-34 2 E 2 798 BEENARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 557 CALCUTTA Medical and Physical Society's Transactions, Vols. I-IX, in 10 vols. 8vo. coloured plates^ Ids. £4*. Calcutta, 1825-45 558 the same, Vols. I- VIII, pt. 1, in 9 vols. 8vo. coloured plates, six vols. hf. hound, and three in hoards, uncut, £2. 16s ih. 1825-3G The above Transactions contain valuable papers by the best scientific men in India. 559 CiVLCIJTTA EEVIEW, from the beginning in 18M to 1864, being Nos. 1— 79, or Vols. I — XL, complete, 8vo. seven vols. hf. calf, the remainder in quaHerly parts, uncut, £10. Calcutta, 1854-64 Nos. 39 and 40, intended for an Index, were never published. Numbers sold separately. 660 Cabool, journey to and residence in that city, 1836-38, 8vo. plates, (pub. 18*) cloth, 12s 1842 561 Cappee's Three Presidencies of India ; a history of the British Indian pos- sessions, 8vo. map and numerous engravings, cloth, 7s Gd 1853 562 Cooper's Crisis in the Punjab, sm. 8vo. map, (pub. 7s Gd) cloth, 2s 6d 1858 563 COEEEA, Lendas da I2s'DIa : accoens de Vasco da G-ama, Alboquerque, Menezes, e outros, ate o anno de 1550, publicada por a Academia Ileal das Sciencias de Lisboa, 4 vols. 4to. plates, three hf. calf neat, one sewed, £4. 15s Lisboa, 1858-64 Correa was an old Portugueze chronicler, Monumentos Ineditos which the Academy began whose work, written about 1560, remained un- to publish in 1858. published till it appeared as above in the series of 564 CoTTiNEAU de Kloguen, Historical Sketch of Goa, 8vo. onapy half calf, rare, 10s Madras, 1831 565 Couet's Statistical Eeport of the District of Budaon, impl. 4to. cloth, 7s 6d Agra, 1855 566 Ceatjfued's Eesearches concerning the Laws, Theology, Learning, Commerce, etc. of ancient and modern India, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf calf gilt, 10s 1817 567 Ceaweued's History of the Indian Archipelago, manners, arts, languages, and religions of the inhabitants, 3 vols. 8vo. plates of views, costuonesy coins, music, etc. calf gilt, 25s Edinh. 1820 568 CUNNINGHAM'S Ladak, physical, statistical, and historical, with notices of surrounding countries, roy. 8vo. large folding map mounted on canvas, and numerous plates, some coloured, of Portraits, Monuments, Natural History, etc. £2. 2s 1854 569 Cunningham (J. D.) History of the Sikhs, 8vo. maps, (pub. 15s) cloth, 10s ; or, in calf, 12s 1849 670 DAY'S Land of the Permauls, or Cochin (Madras), its past and its present, 8vo. cloth, 20s Madras, 1863 571 Deccan. Correspondence, exhibiting the results of the scrutiny of the lists of Deccan Surinjams, with the proceedings regarding these holdings, stout roy. 8vo. cloth, 5s Bombay, 1856 572 DIXON'S Sketch of Maiewaea, with an account of the Mairs, etc. 4to. 32 maps, plans, and views, cloth, 28s 1850 573 Eeport on Ajmeer and Mairwara, illustrating the settlement of the Land Eevenue, 4to. cloth, rare, 18s Agra, 1853 674 Det Leaves from Young Egypt, 8vo. chiefly on the Conquest of Sinde, portrait and plates, (pub. 22s) cloth, 6s Hertford, 1851 675 Dubois (Abbe) Character, Manners, and Customs of the People of India, and their Institutions, 4to. bds. 20s 1817 576 DUFF'S History of the Maheattas, 3 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, hf calf gilt, £3. 10s ; hds. uncut, £3. 15s , hf. calf, uncut, £4^. ; or, calf gilt, 564. 4s 1826 A most elaborate work, entirely based upon original documents, unpublished MSS., Official Papers, &c. hidden in the palaces, temples, and private repositories of the natives. The History begins with the Conquest of Deccan by the Mahommedans, a.d. 1000, and extends to the subjection of the Peishwa's terri- tory by the British, 1819. 577 DuPEUTY-TEAnoN, le Moniteur Indien, 8vo. a Dictionary of Indian Ethnology, JPhilology, Geology, etc. hf calf gilt, 5s Paris, 1838 678 East India Company. Tucker on its Financial Situation, 1825 — Debates at the E. I. House, 1825— Debates on the Charter, 1833-34 ; 3 vols. 8vo. calf, 6# 1825-34 ORIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 799 579 EMANUEL (King of Portugal). Ab truck ains laternischen sandbrieues an babstliche heiligkeit, von kiinigklicher wurde zu Portegall, dis iars aus- gangen, von d'eroberte stadt Malacba, etc. (dated 6th June, 1513) sq. 12mo. woodcut A^^ms of Portugal on title, eaue, £5. Augspurg, EcJiart Oeglin, [1513] " This little tract, valuable in itself, is of Ocglin succeeded Otman, who printed the Ves- considerable importance as it settles the impor- tent question of the approximate date of printing of the " Copia der Nerven Zeytung anss PresUlg Landt," discovered by Humboldt, " Examen Cri- tique" Note B. Vol. V. pp. 239-258— and by Varn- hagen and Ternaux Compans, as to the priority of Magellan's discoveries. This tract is by the same printer, in the same type, and with the iden- tical woodcut arms of Portugal on the title putius in 1504, and is not known to have printed anything after 1516. Thus we fairly concludo that the Presillg Landt was printed by Oeglin about 1513, and hence Humboldt was wrong in dating it from internal evidences between 1525 and 1540. This tract is also curious in showing the fact that a tract printed in Rome in 1513 coull be transmitted to Augsburg, translated and re- printed in 26 days. 580 ELLIOT (H. M.) Bibliographical Index to the Historians of Mubammedan India, Yol. I, (all published) : General Histories, 8vo. with extracts from the Persian and Arabic originals, cloth, 2ds Calcutta, 1819 The best work treating of materials for the history of India. 581 the same. Vol. HI. part 1 ; Appendix to the Arabs in Sind, 8vo. pp. vi. and 283, cloth, £2. 2^ Cape Town, 1S53 Very rare, being privately printed, and only 40 copies altogether produced ; so that its ex- istence has been almost unknown to students. This and the preceding article were the only por- tion of his projected work Avhich Sir Henry Elliot was able to accomplish. 582 History of India, edited from bis posthumous papers, by Professor Dowson, Vol. I, 8vo. (pub. 18^) cloth, new, 16s 1867 582* History, Eolk-Lore, and Distribution of the Eaces of the N. "W. Pro- vinces, being an amplified edition of No. 227, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. SGs) cloth, 305 1869 583 ELPHINSTONE'S History of India, 2 vols. 8vo. onap, (pub. 30s) 15^ 1841 584 Account of Caubul and its Dependencies, ivith Pushtu Vocabulary, 4to. map and coloured plates of Costumes, etc. bds. 10s 1815 585 the same, new edition, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates, half calf, 20s 1839 586 the same, Svo. fourth edition, with Index and map ^ (pub. at 18s) new in cloth, 15s ■ 1857 587 Eeport on the Territories conquered from the PAISHWA, 4to. sd. 20.9 ; hf calf, 22s Calc. 1821 588 EESKINE (W.) History of India, under the two first sovereigns of Taimur's House, Baber and Humayun, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 30s) cloth, 12s 1854 589 FAEIA y SOUSA, Discovery and Conquest of India by the Portuguese, translated by Stevens, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, S5s 1694 590 FEEIS HT A' S History of Hindostau, translated from the Persian, with intro- duction and continuation by Dow, 3 vols. 4to. map and plates, old calf gilt, 245 1770-72 591 new edition, 3 vols. 8vo. portraits, calf gilt, 12s 1812 592 History of the rise of the Mahomedan Power in India, till 1612, translated by J. Beiggs, 4 vols. 8vo. Genealogical Tables, £3. Ss ; or, calf neat, £3. 12s 1826 593 the same. Vols. II. III. IV. 8vo. russia, SOs 1829 This valuable work has now become extremely scarce, and copies fetch very high prices. 594 EOEBES' (Jas.) OEIENTAL MEMOIES ; a Narrative of Seventeen Tears' Eesidence in India, including Observations on parts of Africa and South America, and Journals of Pour Indian Voyages, 4 vols. roy. 4to. numerous plates of Portraits, Costicmes, Vieivs, Natural History, etc. some of them beautifully coloueed, very fine copy in hf. mor. gilt tops, uncut, £5. 15s 1813 595 EOEBES' (A. K.) Eas Mala ; or Hindoo Annals of Goozeeat, in Western India, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous architectural ilhtstrations, some coloured, cloth, £2. 2s 1850 596 Fort William College. Essays by the Students, (on Indian subjects) 8vo. in- cluding three in Persian, Bengali, and Hindi, calf, 10s Calc. 1802 597 Official Papers and Literary Proceedings of' the College during its first four years, 4to. bds. ^s 1805 800 BEEIS^AEB QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 598 FiiANCKLiN (W.) Inquiry concerning Ancient Palibothea, 4 parts, 4to. 21 plates and facsimiles, hd. 10s 1815-22 599 Military Memoirs of George Thomas, 4to. portrait and 2 maps, lif. calf, 7s Gd Calcutta, 1803 600 History of the reign of Shah Aulum, 4to. map and plates, bds. 5s 1798 601 Pea see's Journal of a Tour through the Himala Mountains, 4to. map, bds 10s 1820 602 GrAZETTEEE, 4 vols. 8vo. SO lettered and containing tlio " Indian Eoad Book,'* a number of Geographical Descriptions, Statistical Tables, and maps, ivith Iti- neraries and historical accounts of the various states, hf bd. 15s Calc. 1840-42 Apparently a collection of Topographical I Bengal Journal. Monographs issued by the collaborators of the I 603 Gladwin's History of Hindostan under Jehangir, 35 Gd Calc, 1788 604 Hebee's (Reginald) Life, by his widow ; with selections from his corres- pondence and papers, Journal of his Tour, and History of the Cossacks, 2 vols. ^io. portrait, map, and plates (pub. at £3. 13* Gd) cloth, 12s 1830 605 Hamilton's East India Gazetteer, including Hindostan, India beyond the Ganges, and the Eastern Archipelago, with Glossary, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. second edition, maps (pub. at 32s) hf bd. 10s ' 1828 606 HASTING'S (Warren) Narrative of the Insurrection in Banaris, 1781, with papers, impl. 4to. hf bd. very rare, 15s Calc. 1782 606* the same, 4to. cloth, Is Gd Calc. 1782, reprinted at Boorkee, 1853 607 Hataet, Op- en Ondergang van Cormandel, sm. 4to. frontispiece, portraits, and plates, vellum, 10s Amst. 1693 Giyes an account of the Dutch settlements in India, and their relations with the Grand Mogul. 608 HisTOEiCAL Sketch of the Princes of India, 8vo. cloth, 5s JEdinb. 1833 609 HODGSO^S" on the Kocch, Bodo, andDhimal Tribes (Aborigines of India) in- cluding Vocabulary, Grammar, description, etc. 8vo. two plates, with numerous MS. additions by the author^ bds. rare, 20s Calc. 1847 610 Hough, British Operations at Cabool, 1841-42, 8vo. map, hf. cf Is Gd Cal. 1849 611 Hough (^Eev. J.) History of Christianity in India from the commencement of the era, Vols. I. II. 8vo. cloth, 10s 1839 These two volumes complete the history to I have comprised subsidiary documents. 1813 ; the other two that were published must | 612 Hii gel's Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab, with Notes by Jervis, roy- 8vo. large map mounted on canvas, portrait and otlier engravings, cloth. Is Gd 1815 613 H:edee All (Maitre de la Tour) History of Ayder Ali Khan, 2 vols. 12mo. bds. 5s 1784 614 Hutchii^son's AUygurh Statistics, 4to. numerous maps^ cloth, an exhaustive official report, 5s Boorhee, 1856 615 India, Geological Survey: Memoirs, Vol. I pt. 1, II pt. 1, III pt. 2, and IV. pt. 2, Yoy. 8vo. map and plates 1856-64 Pal^02h'tologia Indica, published by Dr. Oldham, fol. ; Eajmahal, Fossil Elora, pp. 41-52, and plates 31-35 ; Ammonitidae, by Stoliczka, pp. 41-106, and2Jlates 26-54 1862-64 together 5 parts, £2. 10s Calcutta, 1856-64 616 INDIA JouE:ffAL of Medical Science, edited by Grant, Pearson, and Corbyn, Nos. 1-24, forming Vols. I-lI, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, some coloured, hf. russia, Is Gd Calcutta, 1834-35 617 INDIA Government Publications : SELECTIONS from the Eecoeds of the Government of India, published by authority, Nos. 1-3, 5, 7, 8, and Sup- plement ; 9-12, 14-17, 19>.21, 23, 25, 32, and two other parts, 23 parts, royal 8vo. Calc. 1856-58 ; Selections, North Western Provinces, 4 parts, roy. 8vo. —together 2 vols, and 27 parts, £3. 12s Calcutta, 1853-58 Each number contains a special subject, so I absence of any one of the series. The information that there is no interruption of sense in the | is varied and valuable. 618 Bengal Government : Selectio^s's from the Eecoeds of the Government of Bengal, Nos. 2, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 32, 39 part 1, 10 parts,/owr in parts, the rest bds. 36s Calc. 1851-63 OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 801 619 Bombay Presidency : Selections from the Eecords of the Bombay Govern- ment, New Series, 16 vols, and 5 parts, roy. 8vo. maps, plans, and plates, some coloured, bds. £5. Bombay, 1851-59 Including valuable and exhaustive works on I Cutch, one on Turkish Arabia, History of Arabia the Province of Sind, in two vols., one of j Felix, on the Deccan, Guzerat, etc. 620 Eepoets of the Board of Education, Bombay, Nos. V-X, 3 vols, and 3 parts Syo. plates, 7s 6d JBomhay, 1846-53 621 Madras Government : Selections from the Eecords of the Madras Govern- ment, published by Authority, 75 parts, roy. 8vo. and 12 parts, 4to. numerous plates and plans, Ids. £4. 4^ Madras, 1854-60 Consisting of Nos. 1-67, (wanting 2, 35, 36, Monographs upon the Geography, History, social 59, 60, 63, 66), and many other Reports also and political condition. Natural History, Govern- by the Government during the same course of ment, etc. cf the Presidency, all prepared by offi- time. These valuable papers chiefly consist of cials of the various departments. 622 INDIAN EEVIEW and Journal of Foreign Service and Arts, edited by Corbyn, Nos. 61-75, (without 68) being Yol. VI the last four numbers, and Vol. YI. Nos, 1-11 — together 14 parts, 8vo. ww;7eerow5 views, scientific plates, maps, and Authentic Portraits, no loJiere else to be found, sd. excessively EAEE, 325 Calcutta, 1841-2 623 India Goyernmekt Publicatiois'S : Eight large Maps and Plans, in cases, 4to. and roy. 8'0. loithfour Government Reports, cloth, 255 Calcutta, 1863-58 Including a large plan of Calcutta, 1857 ; a map I sheets ; a postal map of Bengal, etc. etc. of Rajpootana, an inch to 64 miles, in 4 large | 624 India Spoetinq- Eeview^, 1845-51, 5 vols, half calf, andS thich parts, numerous portraits, plates of birds, fishes, etc. some coloured, scarce, £2.105 CaL 1845-51 625 India. The Stud Book, containing Pedigrees of Horses bred in India, from the earliest accounts to the year 1826, 8vo. interleaved, hf bound, rare, 18* Calc. 1826 626 INDIAN Annals of Medical Science, or Half-yearly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery, Noh. 1-10, wanting 2 and 8, 8 thick parts, 8vo, sd. 305 ih. 1853-58 627 INDIAN" EACING CALENDAES, for the three Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, 1806-38, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf, 305 Moozafferpore, Bombay, Calcutta, etc. 1818-38 628 Ietine's Topography of Ajmeer, 8vo. russia super extra, gilt edges Sir Charles Price's copy, 7s Gd Calcutta, 1841 629 Jenkins' Eeport on the territories of the Eajah of Nagpore, roy. 4to, bds. 245 Calcutta, 1827 630 JONES' (B. S.) Papers relative to the progress of the British Power in India, 4to. with coloured political map and table shewing the annexations, etc. sd. 15* Brivately printed, 1832 631 Jones' (Capt. W.) Canal Irrigation of Eohilcund, 4to. maps, cloth, ^s 1855 632 Kate (J. M.) History of the War in Afghanistan, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 305 1851 633 Kattywar. Historical, Geographical, and Statistical Memoirs, and miscel- laneous information connected with the province of Kattywar in Guzerat, roy. 8vo. 3 large maps, cloth, 10s Bombay, 1856 634 Kiekpateick's Account of ISTepaul, with Yocabularies, roy. 4to. map and plates, 7s Qd ^ 1811 635 LASSEN (Chr.) Indisciie ALTEETHrMSsrNDE, mit Anhang zum dritten und vierten Bande, 5 vols, in 4, large stout 8vo. maps, (pub. at 32 Thaler) calf gilt, £5. Bonn and Leips. 1847-62 636 the same, Yols. I, II, no map, half calf, and Yol. Ill pt. 2, sd. 8vo. £2. 55 ib. 1847-58 " L'Archeologie de I'lnde par M. Lassen donnc I'exemple le plus brillant de la maniere dont on pent rcconstruire, avec dcs materiaux ^pars, I'his- toire d'un pays. La fin du quatrieme volume de cet ouvrage, qui a parul'an pass6, contient surtout le tableau de la civilisation hindoue du IVe. au Xle. siecle; clle traite de I'histoire de la religion ct des sectcs brahminiqucs pendant cette epoque. du bouddhismc, de son extinction dans la penin- sule, et de ses conquetcs en dehors de I'Inde, de la secte des Djainas, de I'histoire de la langue et de I'ecriture, de la poesie 6piquc et du theatre de Pastronomie, de I'architecture et du commerce dc I'Inde. II serait superflu de vouloir caracteriser un ouvrage dont rexcellence est aussi generalement reconnue." — Moiil, Bap. Ann. du Journ. Asiat. 802 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 687 McGeegor's History of the Sikhs, 2 vols. 8vo. ports, (pub. 24*) cloth, 15s 1846 638 MACKINNON on the public Health, Climate, and Diseases of Bengal, and the the N. W. Provinces, 8vo. cloth, 7s Gd Catvnpore, 1848 639 MacLeod's Medical Topography of Bishuath and Assam, roy. 8vo. plates, icith account of the Booteas and Hill tribes, hf. hd. Is Gd Calc. 1837 640 MADRAS JOURNAL or Liteeatuee and Science, edited by Morris, Cole and Brown, a complete set. Vols. I — XIII. being Nos. 1-51, and No. 1, Third Series, 8vo. ivifh mimerous plates of Hindoo Mythology, Antiquities, Geography, Natural History, uncut, £25. Madras, 1833-1864 The first two Series were completed in 51 Nos. 641 Another set, Vols. I -XII ; XV, last part ; XVI pt, 2 ; XVII pt. 1 j XIX pt. 1 ; being Nos. 1-29, 35, 38, 39, 45, 8vo. tJie first tivo vols. hf. calf, the rest in parts, uncut, £15. Madras, 1822 Sets completed. 642 Madeas Aetilleet Recoeds, Vols. I, nos. 1-11, and II nos. 2-4, 14 parts, 8vo. numerous plates^ sd. 10s Artillery Depot, St. Thomas Mount, 1838-39 643 Madeas Government Central MrsEUM, Balfour's Catalogues of Palaeontology, pp. 82 ; Mineralogy, part III, pp. 144 ; and Reports for 1855 — together 3 parts, roy. 8vo. sd. 5s Madras, 1855-57 644 Madeas Racing Calendae, 1795-1837, 12mo. frontispiece, half calf, 5s (Madras, 1837) 615 MADRAS Quaeteelt Jouenal of Medical Science, edited by Rogers from the beginning, Nos. 1-24, or Vols. I- VI, Svo. hound, £3. Madrid, 1839-44 646 Malcolm's Report of Malwa, 4to. calf, 20s Calcutta, 1822 647 Maeshman's History of India, 3 vols. sm. Svo. cloth, 19s 1867 648 MAURICE (Rev. T.) Ancient and Modern History of Hindostan, 8 parts bound in 4 vols. 4to. numerous plates of Hindu. Mythology, £2. IGs 1802-20 649 MAURICE (Rev. T.) Indian Antiquities, the ancient Geography, Theology, Government, Commerce, and Literature of Hindostan, 7 vols. 8vo. onap and oiumerous plates, calf, 36^ 1794-1800 "I beg to recommend the ingenious Mr. unremitting diligence, should not fail of an Maurice's History of Hindostan and his Indian honourable reward."— Pursuits of Literature. Antiquities. Such erudition, ingenuity, and 650 Megasthenis Indica, Greece, ed. Schwanbeck, 8vo. hf mor. 4s Bonnes, 1846 651 MILL'S (James) Histoex of BRITISH IIS'DIA, with a Continuation from 1805 to 1835, and copious Notes and Illustrations, by Horace Hay man Wilson, 9 vols. 8yo. fourth edition, cloth, £3. 15^ ' 1840-48 652 "Wilson's History of British India, 1805-35,. 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. 42*) cloth, 21s 1848 653 MILLS' (A. J, M.) Report on the province of Assam, sm. folio, containing an im- mense quantity of information upon the native Tribes, their Customs, Govern- ment, Internal Affairs, History, etc. hf. bd. ISs Calcutta, 1854 654 MONTGOMERY'S Statistical Report of Cawnpoor, roy. 4to. numerous maps, shewing even the smallest Hamlets, cloth, privately printed, 12s Calc. 1849 A pattern volume of a good topogi'aphical I in Urdu and English, classifications of the popu- work ; the list of villages contains their names | lation, etc. 655 Napiee (Sir C.) Defects, Civil and Military, of the Indian Government, Svo. cloth, Ss 6d 1856 656 Napiee's Conquest of Scinde, Svo. map, cloth, 5s 1845 657 Neumann (K. T.) Geschichte des Euglischen Reiches in Asien, 2 vols. Svo. half morocco, neat, 15s Leipzig, 1857 An admirable work, full of broad and en- | first philosophical and impartial History of India, lightened views, which may be regarded as the | 658 NiMAE, Reports on the Province of, 4to. maps, cloth, 5s Boorkee, 1856 659 Notes relative to the late transactions in the Marhatta empire, 4to. 6 coloured plans of Wellington's Indian Battles, bds. 7s 6d 1804 660 Oeiental Magazine and Calcutta Review, Nos. 1-12, forming Vols. I, II, 2 vols. Svo. hf russia, lis Calc. 1823 Containing, besides Keviews, many original articles on Oriental languages ; etc. OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 803 661 OEIENTAL ANNUAL, or Scenes in India, by Gaunter and (the last two volumes by) Bacon, from the beginning in 1834 to the completion in 1840, 7 vols. roy. 8vo. laege paper, 149 beautiful plates, engraved hy Cook, Finden, and others, from the designs of W. Daniell, R.A., David Hoherts, Stanfeld, etc, (pub. i*18. 7s 6d) olive morocco, gilt edges, £3. 1834-40 662 OEME (E.) History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, 3 vols, maps, 1778 — Histoetcal Eeagments of the Mogul Empire, of the Morattoes, and of the English concerns in Indostan, portrait, 1 vol. 1805 — together 4 vols. 4to. Vol. 1 and 3 without title, and a little loormedy calf, 20s 1778-1805 This valuable historical work " occupies so vast J must 'unavoidably trench, in a greater or less a field that every future historian of modem India | degree, upon his premises." 663 Oeme, Historical Eragraents of the Mogul Empire, Morattoes, English concerns, etc. 4to. portrait and maps, calf gilt, IQs 1805 664 PAES, Promptuario das Diffini^oens Indicas, smallest 4to. vellum sides, calf haclc, 21s Lishoa, 1713 A VERT RARE and valuable work. The author treating upon the various kingdoms, peoples, and was of Indian descent, from the family of the antiquities of India, with the lives of SS. Thomas Kings of Sirgarpor, and is divided into six parts, and Francis Xavier. ij^o Pemuerton (Capt. E. Boileau) Map of India, coloured, 16 feet by 9, divided into 8 sheets, mounted on canvas, and folded into two 4to. cases, cloth ; with Map of Muneepoor and Burmese Erontier, 48 inches hy 37, mounted on can- vass and folded in ^to, case, Gs 1838 G6G Piiatee's Eeport on the administration of Pegu, 1855-58, 2 parts, roy. 4to. 5s Calcutta, 1858, Rangoon, 1858 667 PINDAEET and Maheatta "Wars, Papers respecting the ; (with Treaties and Engagements, 1817-18) printed in conformity to tlie resolution of the Court of Proprietors, folio, containing Secret Letters and other important documents, hf bd. 20s 1824 668 POGSON'S History of the Boondelas, 4to. 7nap and plates, bds. 255 Calcutta, 1828 One of the best special works on Indian his- I Native Annals, tory. The first part includes a translation of the 1 669 POGSON'S Narrative during a Tour to Chateegaon, 1831, 8vo. onap, sd. Is Qd Serampore, 1831 670 PosTANs' Personal Observations on Sindh, 8vo. map, coloured front, and cuts, (pub. 18s) cloth, 5s * 1843 671 Pottixgee's Travels in Beloochistan and Sinde, with geographical and his- torical account, 4ito. frontispiece and large folding map, bds. 7 s 6d 1816 672 Roorkee. Professional Papers printed at the Civil Engineering College, Nos. 1, 2, 4, 7, and No. 2 of the Papers prepared for the College, Tlmballd, 1850 ; 5 parts 8vo. many plates, sd. rare, 12s BoorTcee, 1850-55 673 PEINSEP (Jas.) Essays on I:n"dian ANTiQriTiES, historic, numismatic, and paleographic, with his Useful Tables illustrative of Indian history, coin- age, weights, measures, etc. edited with Notes and additions by Thomas, 2 stout vols. 8vo. 53 plates of earlij Indian and Bactrian Coins and Antiqui' ties, (pub. at £2. 12s Qd) cloth, £2. 2s 1858 Mr. Edward Thomas, late of the Bengal Civil Service, deserves the thanks of all Oriental Scholars for this collected edition of Prinsep ; his notes and additional matter are very con- siderable. These volumes form a complete Chronology of India, based upon the most authen- tic records, viz. the Coins of all the rulers. The reproduction of the *' Useful Tables" is a boon to all the possessors of the "' Bengal Journal," to which they form a necessary adjunct. 674 Eeinaijd, Eragmens Arabes et Persans relatifs a I'lnde, textes et traductions, 8vo. hf. calf, 7s 6d ^ ^ 1845 675 Eaikes on the North-Western provinces of India, 8vo. 55 1852 676 Eefoemee (The), Jan. 1833 to Dec. 1834, Nos. 103—205, in 1 vol. folio, hf bound, 10s Calcutta, 1833-34 677 Eepoets and Documents connected with the E. I. Company's proceedings in regard to the culture and manufacture of Cotton- Wool, Eaw Silk, and Indigo, stout 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Printed hy order of the E. I. C. 1836 80J. BEENAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 678 EAM MOHIJN EOY'S Works. 1. Defence of Hindoo Theism, 1817— 2. Second Defence of the Monotheistical System of the Veda, 1817 — 3. Translation of an abridgement of the Vedant, 1818 — 4. Translation of the Kuth-Opunishud of the Ujoor-Yed, cvr. 1818 — 5. Translation of the Moon- duk-Opunishud of the UtWvu-Yed, 1819—6. Translation of the Cena- Upanishad of the Sama Yeda, 1823 — 7. Apology for the pursuit of Final Beatitude, .5 small parts, four in Bengali, one in English, 1820 — 8. Transla- tion of a Sanskrit Tract inculcating the Divine Worship, 1827 — 9. Essays on the rights of Hindoos over ancestral property, 1830 — 10. Translation of a Conference on burning Widows alive, 1818 — 11. Second Conference on burning Widows alive, 1820— 12, 13. Appeal and Final Appeal to Christians in defence of the " Precepts of Jesus," (a work of Earn Mohun Eoy) 2 parts, 1822—14. Modern Encroachments on the ancient Eights of Fe- males, 1822—15, 16, 17. Brahminical Magazine, Nos, 2, 3, 4, 1821-23— 18. Deocar Schmid's Letter to Earn Mohun Eoy, 1810—22 parts 8vo. of tcJiich sixteen are bound in 2 vols, hf russia, the rest sewed, yert bare, £2. 16s ^ Calcutta, 1817-27 679 another collection: Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, and 17, of the above descrip- tion, 8vo. sd. 205 ib. 1817-23 Christian Scriptures, the Fathers, Brahminisn, Buddhism, and Mohammedanism ; as -well as the various sects of all. He was persecuted and re- viled as an atheist, as well by Hindoos as by Christians, but it ne(ids a long lapse of time be- fore universal mankind acknowledges the merits of any great reformer. The world has produced few such men as Eam Mohun Roy, India not one other. As time advances, the works of this extra- ordinary man, one of the greatest philosophers the world has seen, will be more and more highly treasured. From his earliest youth, he devoted his mind to the study of religious systems, and the evolution of Monotheism from them all. Master of English, Sanscrit, Arabic, Persian, He- brew, Greek, and Latin, he thoroughly examined the great books of each religion — including the 680 Satara. Memoir on the Satara Territory, early History, statistics, and notes on Beejapoor, roy. 8vo. wza;^^, cloth, Qs Bombay, 1857 681 Schlegel's Indische Bibliothek, eine Zeitschrift, Band I, II, and III, Heft 1, in 9 parts, 8vo. all published, sd. 7s 6d . Bonn, 1823-30 Learned dissertation on the Languages, Literature, Ethnology, and History of India. 682 SCOTT'S (Capt. A.) Sketches in India, taken at Hyderabad and Secundera- bad, stout 8vo. 100 Photographs, (pub. at £3.) cloth, SGs 1862 683 SEIE-MUTAQHEEIN, or View of Modern Times, from the year 1118 to the year 1195 of the Hidjrah, containing in general the Eeigns of the Seven last Emperors of Hindostan, and in particular, an Account of the English Wars in Bengal, translated from the Persian of Seid Gholam-Hossein-Kbau, 3 vols, in 4, royal 4to. large paper, a few of the margins of Vol. III. slightly ivormed, otherwise an extraordinarily fine copy, bd. excessively rare in this state, £5. 5^ Calcutta, 1789 This copy was purchased by H.E.H. the Duke of Sussex for £7. Is at Sir M. Sykes's sale. 681 Shahamat Alt, the Sikhs and Afghans, in connexion with India and Persia, sm. 8vo. clothy ^s Qd 1817 685 Sinde. Correspondence relative to Sinde, 1838-39, (by Sir Charles IN'apier, Lord Ellenborough, etc.) 8vo. cloth, 7s Qd Calcutta, 1811 686 MiscELLANEors IifroRMAxioN connected with the province of Sind, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. numerous maps and other engravings, bds. 18* Bombay, 1855 687 Sketches of the history, religion, learning, and manners of the Hindoos, 8vo. plate, calf'^s 1790 688 SLEEMAN, Eamaseeana, YocABrLAitY of the peculiar Language used by the Thugs, with Introduction, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. genealogical tables, bds. 15s Calcutta, 1836 689 — Eeport on the Depredations of the Thug GAi^as, 8vo. map and tables, bd. 12s Calcutta, 1840 690 Illtjstratio:n-s of the history and practices of the Thugs, 8vo. bds. 6s 6d 1837 691 Sleeman's Eambles of an Indian Official, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. 30 coloured plates, (pub. at 21*) cloth gilt, ISs 1844 ORIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 805 692 Smytk's History of the reigning Family of Lahore, 8vo. mctp and portraits, cloth, 10s " Calc. 1847 693 SPRTE (Captain) MSS. Memoranda on India, Burmait, Siam, and the neighbouring territories. Miscellaneous Papers having reference to the Kingdom of Siam, Burney's Embassy, the Tenasserim provinces, the Penin- sula between the Bay of Bengal and the practicability of a canal across the Isthmus of Kraw, Burney's and Symes' Embassies to Burmah, 9 vols. sm. 4to. all in neat MS. ly Captain Sprte, half morocco, gilt, £S. IQs 1829-59 All these papers were collected by Captain Sprye, and in many instances, copied from MS. reports in the Secret Department of the India House, and other sources inaccessible to the India and Cliina, through Burmah and Siam, and to prove its usefulness and practicability, he gave his life to the collection of these geographical and political statistics, which are of the most valuable public. They are the fruits of his endeavours to ! kind. There are also papers relative to DisafFec- render the communications of this country with the East quicker and more speedy. He proposed tion in India, the Afghan "War, chances of in- vasion by Russia, the Sikhs, the Andaman to establish a direct and easy connection between ' Islands, etc. 694 Steinbach, the Punjaub, an account of the country of the Sikhs, 8vo. map, cloth, Ss6d 1845 695 Stewart's History of Bengal, 4to. hds. Ss Gd 1813 696 Strachet's Bija &anita, or Algebra of the Hindus, 4to. bds. Gs 1813 697 Sutherland's Relations subsisting between the British government in India and the native States, map. Calc. 1887 — Political Relations with the States of the North-West, Agra, 1843— Report on Ra,jmahl Canal, map, 1841 — Sutherland's Report on the Khalsa villages of Ajmere, Agra, 1841 — Pem- berton's Report on Bootan, 7nap, Calc. 1839 — in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. bound, 20s 1837-43 698 Taylor's Topography of Dacca, large 8vo. map, cloth, 6s Calcutta, 1840 699 THORNTON'S Modern History of British India, 8vo. (pub. 21s) cloth, 4:s6d ' 1840 700 History of the British Empire in India, with Index, 6 vols. 8vo. (pub. £4. 16s) cloth, 28s 1841-45 701 Gazetteer of the countries adjacent to India on the North-West, Sinde, Afghanistan, Beloochistan, the Punjaub, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. map, (pub. at 255) cloth, Us ' 1844 702 G-azetteer of the Territories under the government of the East India Company, and of the Native States on the continent of India, 4 vols. 8vo. map, (pub. at £4.) cloth, S6s 1854 703 Gazetteer of India, in one volume, stout 8vo. mpp, 1015 pp. double cols. (pub. at 21s) cloth, 15s 1857 704 Tippoo Stilt ATir's Select Letters to public functionaries, translated by Kirk- patrick, impl. 4to. large paper, calf qilt, 10s 1811 705 TOD'S (Col. J.) Animals and Antiquities oe RAJAST'HAN, or the Cen- tral and Western Rajpoot States of India (commonly called Rajpootana), 2 vols. impl. 4to. above 50 extremely beautijul line engravings by Winden, and large folding maps, bds. uncut, £12. 12^ 1829-32 700 another copy, 2 vols. impl. 4to. ivanting in the first volume five plates of Chandragga Temple^ numbered 14-18, and an tchnographic section at p. 9 ; also the first leaf of Index torn ; but having 5 additional ilNPlTBLisnED plates at end of Vol. II. hf calf gilt, uncut, £9. 9« 1829-32 707 the same, 2 vols. impl. 4to. with the eight additional Unpublished engravings at the end, 'Proof impressions of the plates on India paper, superb copy in olive morocco super extra, with broad borders of gold and gilt edges. £16. 165 ' 1829-32 708 Twining, on the Diseases of Bengal, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Calcutta, 1832 709 Yigne's Narrative of a Yisit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan, 8vo. map and plates, (pub. 21s) cloth, 7s 6d 1840 710 Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, the Himalaya, etc. with Vocabu- laries, 2 vols. 8vo. large map and plates, (pub. 285) cloth, 10s 1842 806 BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON, 711 WALLICH, Plantje ASIATICS Eaeioees, or Descriptions and Figures of a select number of unpublished East India Plants, 3 vols. impl. fol. con- taining 300 most beautifully coloured plates, in parts, £12. ; or a nice clean copy in Jif, morocco, £16. 1830-32 Each part containing 25 plates, was published at 2 guineas ; the work was completed in 12 parts. The finest and most beautiful of all the Botanical works published in this or any other country. There were only 250 copies issued for the original Subscribers. 712 WARD (W.) A^iew of the History, Literature, and Mythology of the Hin- doos, with a description of their Manners and Customs, second edition, 2 vols. 4to. hf. russia, 21s Serampore, 1818 713 third edition, abridged and improved, 4 vols. Svo. hds. £2. 2s 1817-20 The difference between the two editions is I this work render it of very great value. very considerable. The minute details which fill | 714 Webb's Pathologia Indica, or Anatomy of Indian Diseases, illustrated by de- tailed cases, 8vo. 7if. calf, 7s 6d Calcutta, 1848 715 WELLESLEY'S (Marquess) DESPATCHES, Minutes and Correspondence during his administration in India, edited by Martin, 5 vols. 8vo. portraits, maps, etc. hds. £2. I85 ; Jif. russia, from Mr. Ewer's library, £3. 3s; or calf gilt, £3. 12s 1836-37 716 the same, 5 vols. — Despatches and Correspondence as Ambassador in Spain, 1809, 1 vol.— together 6 vols. Svo. calf gilt, £4. 1836-38 717 WHEELER'S (J. T.) History of India during the Hindu period, Vols. I-II. 8vo. (pub. at £1. 16s) cloth, new, 28s 1867-68 718 WILKS' (Lieut.-Col. Mark) Historical Sketches of the South of India, in an attempt to trace the History of MYSORE, 3 vols. 4to. maps, including the very large one, calf gilt, £4. 4s 1810-17 " A very valuable and authentic work." — Lowndes. 719 Williams' Historical Account of the Bengal Native Infantry, with Supple- me"nt, Svo. coloured plates, calf gilt, 7s Qd 1817 720 WILSON (H. H.) Documents illustrative of the BmMESE War, with intro- ductory sketch, roy. 4to. large folding Map, hds. 15s; or calf gilt, from the JELon. Hugh Lindsay's library, 20s Calc. 1827 720*YULE'S Mission to Ava, 1855, notices of the country and people, 4to. maps, coloured plates, cuts, gilt cloth, 1858 721 ZIEGENBALGr. Der Konigl. DaNiscHEN Missioi?aeien aus Ost-Indien emgesandte Berichte, Theil I — LX, in 5 vols, very stout, small 4ito. plates, vellum, £5. Halle, 1718-46 722 Tracts. Weber's Modern Investigations on Ancient India, 1857 — Royle's Production of Isinglass in India, 1842 — Sharp's Eibrous Substances, 1854 — Royle, Arts and Manufactures of India — Schoebel, le Bouddha et le Boud- dhisme, 1857 — and others, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf cf 9s 1842-57 723 Tracts (44), upon India, in various languages, and including several works in the languages of the country, Sanscrit, Bengali, Hindustani, etc. 4to. and Svo. 15s 1750-1850 Japan. 724 ALCOCK (Sir R.) the Capital of the Tycoon : a Narrative of Three Years' Residence in Japan, 2 vols. 8vo. with maps, coloured plates, and above 100 illustrations, (pub. £2. 2s) cloth, 35s 1863 " We have not previously had a book like this on Japan. As a nan-ative it is excellent ; and as containine: the results of large observa- tion and close study among a strangely interesting people, it possesses an importance for all thinking readers." — Athenmim, Feb. 21, 1863. 725 Caron and Schorteu, Description of Japan, rendered into English by Capt. Roger Manley, 12mo. loith autograph of Admiral >Sir John Narbrough, dated 1676, a very rare signature, 7s 6d 1671 726 PISSCHER (J. F. Van Overmeer) Bijdrage tot de Kennis van het Japansche Rijk, roy. 4to. plates of the Costume and 3Ianners of the Japanese, S^c. hds. 25s Amsterdam, J 833 727 EoRTTJNE'fl Yedo and Peking : Journeys to the capitals of Japan and China, 8vo. map and 21 engravings, (pub. 16s) cloth, 12s 1863 OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 807 728 GoNZAGA (Francisci) S. Erancisci Ordens, Eelations Continuation von dess Konigreichs Voxu in Japonischen Keyserthumb gottselige Bekehrung, aus Latein vervvendet durcli Hendscheliuin, sm. 4to. vellum, 5s Ingolstatt, 1017 729 K^MPFEE'S History of Japan, its Grovernment, Temples, Palaces, Castles, etc. its Natural History, Customs, Manufactures and Trade, translated by Scheuchzer, with the two Appendices, 2 vols, folio, 45 'plates, calf^ fine copy, £2. 10s 1727-28 730 Another copy, with the Appendix, foWo, 2 yoIs. inl, numeroics plates, (wanting plates 23, 24, 28 and 28), old calf, 20s 1727-28 731 Histoire du tfapon, traduite en Eran9ois, 2 vols, folio, laeqe paper, nw 7nerous plates, fine copy in old calf gilt , 36* La Hay e, 1729 The original work, written in German, was l gossipy books published of recent times. never published. There is more sterling informa- I Sold in Mr. Nassau's sale for £11. 5^; in the tion, of every kind, concerning Japan, in this fine \ Fonthill for £10. 10* ; Dr. Heath's for £8. 15* ; old work of Koempfer, than in all tlie light and i and in Col. Stanley's for £14. 14*. 732 LIJNDEN" (Comte de) Souvenir du Japon, Vues d'apres Nature, 4 parts atlas folio, containing 8 beautifully coloured plates of the onost picturesque scenery in Japan, with text, in a portfolio, 32^ La Haye, 1860-61 733 PEEET (Commodore) Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, 1852 to 1854, under the command of Commo- dore Perry, U. S. N. 3 vols, stout 4to. with numerous large folding maps, up- ivards of 100 tinted plates, representing Life, Manners, Vortraits, Views, and Natural History in Japan, those of Natural History BEArTiFULLT coloured, and several hundred Astronomical and other looodcuts, cloth, £2. 10s Washington, 1856 734 Hawks' Narrative of Perry's Expedition, 1852-54, stout roy. 8vo. maps, plates, and woodcuts, cloth, 10s New York, 1857 The G-reat Work on Japan. 735 SIEBOLD'S NIPPON, OE DESCEIPTION OE JAPAN : Nippon, Archiv zur Beschreibuug von Japan, 7 divisions, bound in 6 vols. impl. 4to. A perfect set as far as published, 364 plates and maps, to ivhich are noiv added Titles and a Collation specially printed, (pub. at 2831. IO5) hf hd. red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £14. 145 1832-52 736 the same. Large Paper, the TEXT bound in 3 vols. impl. 4to. the PLATES in 2 vols, royal folio, some of the plates coloured, (pub. £52. 10s) hf hd. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £21. 1832-52 *^* Only very few perfect copies are for fiale. This wonderful book, the production of an intellectual giant, comprises in the following Seven Divisions all the materials Dr. von Siebold collected to illustrate the History, Geography, Manners, Customs, Religion, etc. of that remark- able Eastern people, the Japanese, hitherto only imperfectly known by Kampfer's excellent but too limited work, first pubhshed in 2 vols, folio, London, 1727. Sicbold's great work is divided as follows : — No. of Plates and Maps. Division I. Mathematical and Physical Geography of the Empire of Japan . 35 Division II. People and State, Descrip- tion of the Inhabitants, their Manners and Customs, Arms, Armour, War- fare, Political Constitution, Adminis- tration, etc. Travels of the Author by Land and Sea 175 Division HI. Mythology, History, Arch- aiology, Numismata . . . .17 Division IV. Arts and Sciences, Weights, Measures . . . . . .27 Division V. Religion, or the " Pantheon of Nippon" 65 Division VI. Agriculture, Industry, Commerce 16 Division VII. Surrounding Islands under Japanese Protectorate . . 29 In all 364 Plates and Maps. Siebold's Works on the Languages and Eatjna of Japan. 737 SIEBOLD, BIBLIOTHECA JAPONIC A, sive selecta quaedam opera Sinico-Japonica in usum eorum, qui Uteris Japonicis vacant, in lapide exarata a Sinensi Ko tsching dschang, et edita curantibus Pn. Fr. de Siebold et J. Hoffmann, Libri VI. folio, (pub. at £20.) bds. the set of 6 iDorks, £10. Lugduni-Hatavorum, ex officina lithogr. editoris, 1833-41 Liber I. Sin zoo zi lin gjok ben, nevus et auctus literarum ideographi- caram thesaurus, sive coliectio omnium literarum Sinensium secundum 808 BEENAED QUAEITCH, ]5 PICCADILLT, LONDON. Siebold's Works— continued. radices disposita, pronuutiatione Japonica adscripta, 1 vol. cum 'pag. lithograph. 164, not sold separately 1834 Liber IL Wa Kan won seki sjo gen zi ko, thesaurus linguae Japonicae, sive illustratio omnium, quae libris recepta sunt, verborum ac dictionum loquelae tarn Japonicae quam Sinensis, 1 vol. cum pajp. lithograph. 227 ac Tab. IV. (pub. at £10. 10^) £5. 1835 Only 100 copies printed. Liber III. Tsian dsii wen, sive mille literae ideographicae ; opus Sini- cum origine cum interpretatione Koraiana, in peninsula Korai impres- sum. Annexo sjstemate scripturae Koraianae ac versione Japonica, Germanica et Anglica, cui titulus inscriptus : Tsian dsii iven oder Buch von tausend Wortern, aus dem Chinesischen, mit Beriicksichtigung der koraischen und japanischen Uebersetzung, ins Deutsche iibertragen von Dr. J. Hoffmann, 1 vol. cicm pag. lithogr. 18 et Tab. I. (pub. at 305) bds. 12« 1838 125 copies printed. Liber lY. Lui ho, sive vocabularium Sinense in Koraianum conversum, opus Sinicum origine in peninsula Korai impressura. (Annexa appen- dice vocabulorum Koraianorum, Japonicorum et Sinensium comparativa nee non interpretatione Germanica), 1 vol. cum pag» lithogr. 18, (pub. at 18.0 s^' 1838 Only 100 copies printed of this valubable Korean-Chinese German Dictionary. Liber V. Insularum Japonicarum tabulae geographicae secundum opus Nippon jo tsi roo tei sen tsu. Tab. lithogr. IV. in fol. (Grand-Colom- bier) 15s Liber VI. Wa nen kei, sive succincti Annales Japonici. (Opus originale cum interpretatione Germanica), 1 vol. cum pag. lithogr. 25 ac Tab. V. (pub. at 30s) bds. 15s 1834 The above 6 works form a complete set of Japanese Language will constantly increase as the " Bibliotheca Japonica" which comprises all commercial enterprise developes mutual relations, the Philological apparatus necessary for mastering %* Only 125 copies were printed as the the Japanese Language, and obtaining an insight maximum number of these 6 works, into Japanese Literature. The importance of the ' 738 SIEBOLD, Fauna Japonica, sive descriptio animalium, qua in itinere per Japoniam suscepto, annis 1823-1830 collegit, notis, observationibus et adum- brationibus illustravit Pn. .Fe. de Siebold conjunctis studiis 0. J. Tem- MiNCK, H. ScHLEGEL atquo W. DE Haan elaborata : 1842-50 Mammalia, 1 vol. impl. 4to. 30 coloured plates, (pub. at £S. 12s) £2. 1850 Aves, 1 vol. impl. 4to. 120 coloured plates, (pub. at £14. 8s) £6. 5s 1850 Reptilia, 1 vol. impl. 4to. with ^0 plates, (pub. at 5^3.) bds. 32s 1838 Pisces, 1 vol, impl. 4to. with 160 coloured plates, (pub. at £19. 4s) £8. 1842 Crustacea, 1 vol. impl. 4to. ivith ^0 plates, (pub. at £6. 18s) £3. 10s 1850 The text to the Crustacea is in Latin, that of the other classes of Animals in French. 739 SIEBOLD'S Flora Japonica, sive Plantae, quas in Imperio Japonico collegit, descripsit, ex parte in ipsis locis pingendas curavit Dr. Ph. Pr. de Siebold, digessit Dr. J. a. Zuccarini : Centuria L tab. 1-100. Centuria IL fasc. I-Y, tab. 101-127. In 1 vol. 4to. containing 128 plates, beautifully executed in lithography, (pub. at 50 thalers) cloth, v.ncut, all hitherto published, £2. 16s Lugdimi Bat. 1835-44 wers and Fir-Trees have lately been introduced to Europe. The descriptive text is in the French and Latin. This is the only existing work on the Flora of Japan, of which so many splendid Flo- 740 SIEBOLD, Tracts and Minor "Works, sold separately Siebold (Ph. Fr. de, medicinae doctoris) Dis sertatio de Historiae naturalis in Japonia statu, 8vo. 2s &d Wircehurgi, 1826 Siebold, Voyage au Japon, execute pendant les annees 1823 a 1830, ou description phy- sique, geographique et historique de I'Em- pire Japonais, Edition franqaise, par MoDtry et Fraissinet, Tome I et V, Bvo. sd. all published, 5s Paris, s. a. Vol. V "Pays dependants du Japon, la CoR^E, contains Two celebrated Voca- bularies, one the Chinese- Corean French and Corean Dictionary, called the Lui Ho ; the other a French, Corean, Chinese- Corean, Chinese- Japanese Vocabulary. OMENTAL LITEEATUEE. 809 Siebold's Works— contimted. Temminck (C. T.) Taune des lies de la Sonde ct de FEmpirc du Japon, 4to. 2* Gd 1835 Siebold, Isagoge in Bibliothecam Japonicam, fol. sd. 3g Ltifjd. Bat. 1841 Siebold, LeUre sur I'Utilite des Musees Etli- nographiques, 8vo. l.y Gd Paris, 1843 Siebold, Open Brieven iiit Japan, 8vo. with the author's portrait, U Gd Desima, 1861 Hasskaul, Aauteekeningen over liet Nut door de Bewoners van Java, 8vo. 25 1845 An interesting botanical Tract of 138 pp. Staatsverfassung, Vcrwaltung und Ge- sctze Japan's, map, Svo. 32 pp. Is Sur I'Ktat de l'Horticultuee au Japon, Svo. Leide, 1863 the above 9 articles sold together for 7.s Qd 741 HOFFMANN, Catalogus librorum Japonicorum, a Ph. Fr. de Stebolb col- lectorum, annexa enumeratione illorum, qui iu Museo Eegio Hagaiio servan- tur, 1 vol. 4to. cum 2)ag, lithogr. 17, 125 copies printed, sd. 1.5s 1845 Very few copies remain of this valuable Ca- I Literature, affording thus a Picture of Japanese talogue, the ohI>/ one giving a critical and biblio- Civilization and of the state of Literature, the graphical account of the best works of Japanese | Sciences, Arts, etc. 742 Siebold, Ontdekkingen van Vries, 1643, in 't Oosten an 'tNoorden van Japan, roy. Svo. sd. Ss Gd Amst. 1858 743 Tiiujs^BEEG, Voyage en Afrique et en Asie, principalement au Japon, avoc A-'o- eabulaire, 1770-79, 8vo. Ids. Qs Paris, 1794 744 TITSINGH'S (M.) Illustrations of Japa:n-, roy. 4to. with 13 coloured plates after Japanese draiuings, and a Japanese Vocalulary^ neatly hound, 25s ; fine <^opy, Jif. onorocco, gilt top, uncut, 35s " 1822 — Annales du Japon — see post, under Japanese. Palestine. 745 BEETDENBACH (Bern, de) Opus transmarine Peregrinations ad venerandu sepulcru dominicu in Jherusale, small folio, First Editioj^, Jine copy, in maroon morocco extra, gilt edges, ly Lewis, yert rare, £16. 16s Moguntics, d^cli. Beuioich, 1486 that these folding plans are covered with xylo- graphic inscriptions, and that amongst the fine plates contained in this volume there is one in which the giraffe (called seraffa) is tolerably cor- rectly represented. In other xylographic plates are to be seen different oriental alphabets, followed by an Arabic Vocabulary, which is probably the first ever published. Bibliographers are not agreed either as to the author or the printer of this volume. Panzer thinks that Reuwich, who accom- panied Breydcnbach as draughtsman, only de- signed the plates, and that P. Schceffer printed the letterpress, and still more recently, the drawing up of the work itself has been attributed to a Dominican named Martin Roth." 746 De L'Isle, Me moires sur des Cartes de la Palestine, 2 parts in l,4to. sd. rare, 7s 6d JParis, 1763-64 747 Egerton (Lady F.) Journal of a Tour in the Holy Land, 1840, 8yo. plates, cloth, privately printed, 5s 1841 747*Frescobaldi, Viaggioin Egitto e in Terra Santa, eon un Discurso (di Manzi) sopra il commercio degl' Italiani nel Sec. XIV, Svo. large tellum paper, sd. Testo di Lingua, 7s Gd Soma, 1818 748 IIESE. Johannis de Hese Itinerarius a Jherusalem, sm. 4to. 21 leaves, gotljic IttUVjJlne large copy, rough leaves, almost uncut, £5. s. I. et a. (circ. 1495) Collation : a, 6 leaves ; b,'4 leaves ; c, 6 leaves ; d. 5 leaves. 749 MANDEYILLE. Tractato de le piu marauegliose cose e piu notabile che si trouino i le parte del mondo reducte e colte sotto breuita in lo psente com- pedio dal strenuissimo cavalier a speron doro loliane de Mandauilla anglico nato nelo cita de sec'to Albano, sq. Svo. ilack Utter, hrown mor. extra, gilt edges, Ig MacJcenzie,£l2. Imp'ssuz Z'c/?2.(Bononi^) per Ugone Bugeriu anno dni 1488 Fine copy of a vert rare edition. It consists of 84 leayes in signatui'es from a to % Priced, 1834, Pickering, £21.'; Dr. Plaw- trey's copy fetched £18. IBs ; a copy fetched at Libri's sale in 1862, <£18. " Mr. Winter Jones, librarian of the British Museum, remarks, in his excellent ' Guide to the Printed Books in the Grenville and King's Lib- rary' (p. 22), that it is the first book printed with large folding views or plans ; some of these plans, (those of Venice and Jerusalem, for instance) being about five feet long ; and it may be con- ceived that in consequence of the dimensions of these plans, and of the necessity in which readers were placed to'unfold and refold them frequently, they were often damaged ; therefore, it is very rare to find these plates complete. It may be added 810 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 750 JoAXNE DE Mandevilla, qual tracta de le piu maravegliose cose, 12mo. title ivitliin woodcut border ; 7 leaves of Table; and folios 1--120, maroon morocco extra, pit edges, ly Bedford, £7. Is Venetia, Sessa, 1521 " Edition pen connue." — Brunei. The last leaf contains the colophon and the mark of the Cuf. 751 loAKNE DE Mandauilla, nel quale si contengono di molte cose.marauigliose, 12mo. woodcut bust of Cwsar on title, green morocco extra, qilt edges, by Trautz- Bauzonnet, £^. 35 Venetia, MDLXVII 752 Ma:n'DEVIlle. Itinerarius domini Johanis de Madeville militis, sq. 8vo. black lettrc, old red morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. s. I. et a. (circ. 1480) Fine copy of this rare edition of the Latin I a to < 7. version. It consists of 7 1 leaves, with signatures | 753 Maxdeyille. Liber pns cui' auctor fert' iohanes de madeville, sq. sm. 8vo. gotjl'c letter, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 10* s. I. et a. {circ. 1490) Collation : Table, 3 leaves, the above title I of text. The signatures are a to 1^ vi. in eights, appearing on the verso of the third; and 58 leaves | beginning with a ii. 754 Johannis de Monte Villa Itinerarius, sq. 8vo. 48 leaves, gotfjic letter, some ancient MS. notes, otherwise a fine large copy^ with rough leaves, almost UNCUT, vellum, £9. 9s s. I. et a. (circ. 1495) 755 RELANDI (H.) Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata, 2 vols. 4to. laege papeb, portrait, maps and plates, hf calf, uncut, eaee, 24^ Traj. Bat. 1714 Priced, 1818, 35^ ; morocco, £3. 3^. Large I of the most valuable and elaborate works on Paper, Hibbert's copy, mor. fetched £3. 5*. " One j Sacred Geography ever published." — Orme. 756 RoGEE, la Terre Sainte, ou description des Saints Lieux et de la Terre de Pro- mission, avec I'histore de Fechreddin, Prince des Drus, 4to. plates, fine copy in old French calf gilt , fi^om Colbert's library, 36* Paris, 1664 757 SANDYS' (G-.) Relation of a Journey, begun in 1610, containing a descrip- tion of the Turkish Empire, of ^gypt, of the Holy Land, remote parts of Italy, and Hands' adjoyning sm. fol. first edition, fine impressions of the map and plates, old calf fine copy, 18* 1615 758 YOGUE (le Comte M. de) les Eglises de la Terre Sainte, 4to. 28 plates of Churches, 23 woodcuts of Details, Seals, etc. and 2 chromolithographed plans, calf extra, 36^ Paris, 1860 A thoroughly good book by an accomplished Archaeologist. Turkey. 759 BOtJ£, Recueil d'ltineraires dans la Turquie d'Europe ; details geographiques et statistiques, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, lis Vienne, (Austria), 1854 760 CAMBINI della Origine de Turchi et Imperio delli Ottomanni, 12mo. bds. fine copy, 15^ Mrenze, Gionta, 1537 761 CANTEMIE (Prince Demetrius) History of the growth and decay of the Othman EmpirOj translated from the author's Latin MS. by N. Tindal, folio, plate and portraits of the author and Turkish Sultan, fine copy in old veau fauve gilt, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, 24s 1734 762 Caebognano, Descrizione di Costantinopoli, sm. 4to. map and 24 plates, half bound, 35 %d Bassano, 1794 763 Ceest's History of the Ottoman Turks, stout Svo.frontisp. cloth, 7s 6d 1858 764 D'OHSSON (Mouradja) Tableau general de I'Empire Othoman, comprenant la Legislation Mahometane et I'histoire de cet Empire, 2 vols. roy. fol. 137 fine plates, hf. bd. £3. 10s Pmns, 1787-90 7(55 the same, with the scarce thibd vol. impl. fol. 233 plates, whole bound russia, borders, gilt edges, £12. 1787-1820 The third volume is wanting to most copies. I Knight's, £15. Col. Stanley's copy, 2 vols, only, fetched £29. 8s; J 7G6 GEOEGIEYIZ, de Origine imperii Turcorum, cum libello de eorum moribus, praefatione Melanthonis, et Parricidio Soltani Solymanni, 12mo. 35 ivoodcut portraits of the Turkish Sultans, specimens of Turkish and Slavonic, orange morocco, rare, 255 Witeberg. 1560 Meusel cites the edition of 1562 as the first. OEIENTAL DEAWINGS AND ILLUMINATED MANUSCEIPTS. 811 767 HAMMER (Joseph von) Geschichte des Osmanischen Eeiches, aus unbeniitz- ten Handschriften und Arcbiven, 10 vols, stout 8vo. maps and plans, £2. \(js Fesf, 1827-35 768 zweyte verbesserte Auflage, 4 vols. 8vo. maps, Ids. 6s; or, hf. calf, 10s 6d Festh, 1840 769 ■ — Histoire de I'Empire Ottoman depuis son Originejusqu'a, nos jours, ouvrage puise aux sources les plus authentiques et redige sur des Documents et des Mauuscrits la plupart inconnus en Europe, traduit par Hellert, 18 vols. 8vo. without the Atlas, (pub. £o. 5s) sd. 25s Paris, 1835-51 770 the same, 18 vols. 8vo. with the folio Atlas of 21 maps and 15 plates re- presenting the principal Battles and Sieges of the Turks, (pub. £6. 65) £2. 16s ^ 1835-43 771 Geschichte der Chane der Krim unter Osmanischer Herrschaft, i^Anhang zur Osman. Geschichte), largeSvo.finelg printed on ivriting paper, hf. morocco, 9s ^ Wien, 1856 772 Heuschling, Empire de Turquie, 8vo. sd. 3s Qd Bruxelles, 1860 773 Mahmoud Eayf, Tableau des Nouveaux Eeglemens de I'Empire Ottoman, sm. folio, 2Q large plates illustrating the entire Military and Naval JPolicy of Turkey y War Machines, Army-tactics, Ships, Barracks, ^c. calf, very rare and curious, 20s Constantinople, 1798 The author had previously been Secretary of the Turkish Embassy in London. 774 MELLING (M.) Voyage Pittoeesque de Constajs^tijs^ople et des Eives ])U BosPHOBE, PAR Melling, atlas folio, yellum paper, containing 41 ex- tremely large and magnificent Views, line engravings of the finest quality, Artist's proofs before the letters, hlue morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Simier,from the library of the Duchesse de Berry, with her arms on the sides, aei8. Paris, 1807-19 Published at 19.50 francs unbound, by sub- depends not merely upon its high artistic merit, scription; a copy was priced, 1831, Bohn,£62. IO5; great as that is. The present copy is Artist's and the identical copy mentioned above was also Proofs, and undoubtedly unique ; it was worked sold formerly for the same sum. oflf expressly for that great patroness of the Pine So few works of the kind have been published Arts, the Duchess of Berry, upon Constantinople that this magnificent book 775 Newes from Turkie, touching the death of Achmet, the last Emperor, smallest 4to. hf russia, Ss 6d 1618 776 EOE (Sir Thos.) Negotiations in his Eaibassy to the Ottoman Porte, from 1621 to 1628, folio, ^5s 1740 Printed and edited by the famous Samuel Richardson. 777 Smith, Epistolse de Moribus ac Institutis Turcarum, 12mo. tcith Turkish voca- * hulary, calf, 2s Gd Oxon. 1672 778 YOUNG'S Portraits of the Emperors of Turkey, from the foundation of the Monarchy to 1815, engraved from Pictures painted at Constantinople, royal fol. 30 plates beautifully coloured, loith English and French text, choice copy, £4. 10* 1815 779 another copy, whole bound in purple morocco extra, from Lord Fam- ham^s library, £6. 6* 1815 ORIENTAL DRAWINGS AND ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS. The ordinary MSS. toill be found grouped with the printed books under the heading of their respective languages. 780 CUFIC KORAN of the Ninth Century. ^^.^ j^\ ^\^\ Ljy3l A fragment consisting of 27 leaves of VELLUM oblong- folio size^ rvritten in large Kujic characters^ with gold orna- merits and headings^ the diacritical jyoint.s and other signs added in a more recent hut still ancievt handy one page entirely 2 s 812 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. covered with a 'pattern of ornamentation in gold^ bound in crimson morocco extra^ hy UoIIowayy and enclosed in brown morocco case^ lettered as a folio , £100. circ. A . H, 200, Sec. jErce Chr. IX. The present Manuscript contains portions of the following Surahs : YII, XII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XLIII; and includes the beginning of Surah al-Ambia which is here called. Surah al Iktaraba and is stated to contain 111 instead of 112 verses as in more modern MSS. and printed books. The variations in spelling from that of more modern copies are very fre- quent. It is a most interesting volume, and represents a school of ancient Arabic ■writing, of which specimens are exceedingly rare. A Manuscript like that now offered, containing an extensive fragment of the Koran, in very large Cufic charac- ters and in fine preservation, upon vellum, is a rarity not likely to occur for sale again, and such as few of the great public libraries of Europe can boast the posses- sion of. 781 Chinese. DRAWINGS. 14 Native Sketches in Indian Ink, a little coloured,- of Landscapes, etc. with short descriptions in Chinese MS. folded in royal 8vo. size, occupying 2Spp. mounted, the outer leaves attached to wooden bds. 305 ca. 1830 Taken from tlie Summer Palace at Pekin; I than is usually shown by native artists, and exhibiting a better knowledge of perspective ( 782 CHINESE MYTHOLOGY, a volume roy. folio, containing 100 beautiful Draw- ings BT Native Aetists, painted on the finest cotton-paper, and mounted on tJiiclc drawing paper, all coloiteed in the 7nost elaborate and artistic 7nanner, representing the Deities, Demi-gods, Sages, and Heroes, of the various systems of Chinese Mythology, iviih an explanatory Index in MS. by Dr. John H. Morrison, son of the Lexicographer, and, equally ivith his father, a profound Chinese scholar, bound in red morocco extra, gilt edges, 56 100. China, cir. 1880 peculiar to the Mongoh'an race is not visible in more than half of these drawings, and it would seem likely that much of the modern Chinese faith or superstition is derived from a source still more ancient than the earliest ages of that ancient people itself— that is, from the aboriginal inhabi- tants of the country who still hold an independent footing there, and harass the imperial government under the name of the Miao-tsze Mountaineers. This race is also found in Formosa and some others of the islands in the Chinese seas. The demi-gods and deities, who appear in the above drawings, are not taken from the calendar of any one religion ; but comprise alike Budd- histic figures, Confucian sages, and the idols of the Taou-sze, or Rationalists — the least numerous sect of the three that divide China amongst them. A SUPERB VOLUME. It forms such a Gallery of Chinese Mythological Paintings, as could scarcely be collected now in China. The work is done w ith admirable taste and skill, and could not have cost the original possessor less than £200. It would now be more expensive still, as the num- ber of real artists is daily diminishing in China ; and the distracting civil wars of late years have worked so much destruction amongst the public monuments and collections, all over the empire. Independently of the pictorial and ornamental attractiveness of this volume, it possesses a high value for the student of Races and Religions. There is a singular interest in examining the ideas embodied in the figures that represent the divinities of the Chinese mind ; and in noting how frequently they differ from the ordinary type of Chinese humanity. The obliquity of eyesight 783 Chinese Mythology. An interesting Collection of 20 large Drawings in out- line of Chinese Saints and deified personages, on 24 sheets atlas 4tto. size, £3. 16s Sec. XYIII. 784j "RoW, Sixteen feet long by one broad, containing numerous Drawings of Chinese Saints or deified personages, 155 Sec. XYIII. 785 Laege coloueed Deawings of a Chinese Saint, with other figures, (a female, a deer, birds, etc.) very remarkable for their fineness of execution, over 6 feet by nearly 4, on a roller, 25s Sec. XYIII. 786 Bamboos ais^d Plowees, a large coloured Drawing, painted on a dark ground, Qtfeet by 4, on a roller, 255 Sec. XYIII. 787 Laege Painting, representing a Man leaning on a Crutch, and gazing at a bat in the air, executed on a hind of fine canvas, the face and figure marvel- lously icell done, a splendid specimen of Chinese Art, S2s Sec. XYIII. The man's figure is nearly three feet in I easily have been attributed to the hand of an height, and is so admirably treated that it might | European artist. ORIENTAL DEAAVINGS AND ILLUMINATED MANUSCEIPTS. 813 788 Lai^dscape and Eigures, 2 large Paintiugs, one of tliem nearly G feet ly 2, and the other almost as large, on roller, I5s Sec. XYIII. 789 A Boy seated and looking upwards, a large Chinese painting on a roller, 6s 1790 790 The Fij:n-g, or Mystic Bird, a large coloured Drawing, on a roller, 7s Sec. XVIII. This bird answers in some respects to the fabled Phcenix of the West. 791 Deawi:n'Gs of Chinese Saints in various states of abstraction, 4 large Eolls, 12s An excellent opportunity, never again likely to occur, is now offered to any gentleman desirous of fitting up a Chinese cabinet or decorating a room in the true " Celestial" style. The above rolls would form a magnificent grotesque tapestry or wall-covering ; their immense size, when un- 792 Hebrew. BIBLIA HEBRAIC A Sec. XVIII. folded, would spread over a very large space; and whether for permanent arrangement, or for some special occasion, such a mural decoration would be the finest representation possible of the interior character of a Chinese palace. cum Punctis, stout 12mo. beiutifijl Manuscript on velltjm, ivritten in a minute and exquisitely fine Italian hand, with the initials finely illuminated in gold and colours, red ono?'occo extra, by Bedford, £5. 5s The Pentateuch was completed 17 Chisler 5249 (17 December, 1488). A rare peculiarity of this Manuscript is the use of the name Ahashuei'us as the title of the Book of Esther. The Calligraphy is singularly fine ; the illuminated headings are very rich, and the Arabesqe ornamentation of the first page is elegant and graceful. 793 PRECES et PRiECEPTA HEBRiEORUM, Hehraicc, sm. 4to. MS. upon vellum, a beautiful specimen of Calligraphy, written in very elegant Homano-Jewish Characters, with points, and having the commencing words in letters oe gold, surrounded by ornamental borders, painted in various colours, richly bound in green velvet, the sides and edges protected with centres, (having a lion rampant and three stars, as ao^ms, engraved upon them), corners and clasps of solid silver, £S5. Saec. XV. Illuminated Hebrew MSS. by Italian Artists I the finest state of preservation. Some of the are of very rare occurrence. This elegant speci- Prayers are intermixed with Benedictions in Ita- men of Italian Art was a marriage gift, and is in j lian, but Avritten in Hebrew characters. 794 Hindu. HINDOO MTTHOLOaY : A full series of all the Deities AND Incarnations of the Brahman Eeligion, with some Portraits of Indian Princes, and a few -figures of native ladies at toilet, etc. — together 111 exquisite drawings, comprising about 250 subjects, the largest measur- ing 14 inches by 10, carefully designed and executed in rich colours and gold, by most accomplished Native Artists during the last Century, Persian and Sanscrit notes above each Drawing, with unarranged English explanations made in India ; all the Draivings mounted, and bound in 4 vols. fol. old blue morocco, gilt edges, £50. This splendid collection which equals any- thing of the kind now existing in either public or private libraries in Europe, was probably made for "Warren Hastings or some other great English magnate in India. It is important equally for its artistic and for its Mythological value. The Hindoo Pantheon surpasses that of Greece by the extraordinary variety in the forms of its Gods, {ca. mo) and by their still more wonderful achievements. The belief of the Hindoos in these Heroes of the Puranas is universal, and likely to remain so, in spite of civilising and missionary efforts. To all students of the Vedanlic philosophy the above collection will be highly instructive : it ought to find a resting place in some Public Library in England or on the Continent. 795 ABTAUD DE BEAUVILLETTE, Mtthologte Iconologique des Brames, sm. fol. 52 coloured and illuminated Drawings of Hindoo Deities, copied, *' avec la plus servile exactitude" by this French savant from native originals, the names of the divinities all added, with a MS. title and prefa- tory notice, old French green morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 1790 of the original drawings, rather than lose any possible symbolism that might have an interest for the student of Mythology. This is not the work of a mere copyist ; but that of a scholar and man of learning, who would preserve faithfully even the defects and rudeness 796 Japanese. Drawings of Landscapes, on thick silk-lined paper, some on gold (pounds, ivith a little text, ia 1 vol. large square folio, hf morocco, £2. 2s 2 s 2 8U BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 798 Pali. The KAMMAYACHA ; Eite of Ordination to the Buddhist Priest- hood, a beautiful Pali MS. written on nineteen leaves of the Palmyra Tree, in the l^y-iv^neae character, rlchli/ ffilt and lacquered black, on gold ground, in fine condition, 21^ inches long and 4 ivide, enclosed within two gilt hoards, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, £4. 45 Sec. XVIII 799 Persian Calligraphy. An imperial 4to. volume, containing 11 leaves of tinted carton paper, with specimens of exquisite Persian writing by 'Abdu l-Mttznib Kale 'Ali, calf £3. Ss A, H, 1218-19 800 PIEDUSI. ^^.JiJ a.^L&li, : THE SHAH NAMAH, royal folio, a mag- nificent illuminated Persian MS. of 547 leaves, beautifully written, and adorned with 4 Anwans and 40 large miniatures, sumptuously bound in whole red morocco, super extra, tooled sides, joints, silk linings and gilt edges by Stamper, ^42. Sec. IVIIL A superb specimen of Oriental work, which [ that city was ravaged after the mutiny, was seized in the Imperial Palace at Delhi, when i 801 ^Ij ^Jt : FAEAS N AMEH. The Book of the Horse, by 'Abdullah Khan, a Persian work composed in the fifteenth Century, 8vo. illuminated 'Anwan, and 21 fine spirited Miniatures, representing horses of various colours and kinds, with instructions how to distinguish good and bad breeds, directions for curing their diseases, etc. 7iative gilt binding ^ 365 Transcribed circ. 1700 802 SADI. ,.j'c««jftJ • j^liuJi" The Gulistan and the Bustan, folio, fine Persian MS. in elegant Tdliq characters, ivith illuminated 'Anwdn, and 19 Minia- TUEES, morocco, gilt back and edges, £6. 5s Sec. XVIII. 803 Sanscrit. SEI BHAQAYAT. Life of Krishna, in SANSCRIT, stout sm. 4to. a fine Brahminical MS. of 960 pp. written in a boll and plain hand, in the Devanagari character, with 147 large DEAWINGrS, each the full size of the page, all brightly coloured and many of them silvered, represent- ing the various incidents of this incarnation or Avatar, oriental stamped binding, from the library of Dr. Clarke, £25. 1233 (a.d. 1817) The style of the illustrations is rude, the cha racter of the incidents depicted singular and grotesque ; but this MS. forms nevertheless a remarkable specimen of Indian Art from the great number, freedom, and variety of the drawings. LITERATURE OP THE ORIENTAL LANGUAGES, Printed and Manuscript. ABYSSINIAN LANatlAGES : Amharic and Ethiopic. 804 Abbabie (Arnauld) Douze Ans dans la Haute Ethiopie, Tome I. 8vo. sewed^ 2s 6d Paris, 1868 805 Abbadie (Ant.) Catalogue Eaisonne de MSS. l^thiopiens, avec table alpbabe- tique, roy. 4to. sd. 15s Paris, 1859 806 Chrestomathia ^thiopica, cum Q-lossario, 8vo. pp. xvi. and 291, sewed, 75 ib. 1866 807 BEUCE'S (J.) Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, from 1768 to 1773, inclusive, 5 vols. impl. 4tto. first and best edition, numerous plates, calf gilt , £2. 10s Edinburgh, 1790 808 Dillmann's ^thiopische Q-rammatik, 8vo. xii and 4:53 pp. sd. 9s; or, hf calf gilt, 12s ^ Leipz.lS57 809 Lexicon linsjuae yEthiopicaB cum Indice Latino ; adjecto Yocabulario Tigre dialecti septentrionalis compilato a Munzinger, folio, £3. 12s Lip sice, 1865 810 En>>ch, Liber Henoch. JEthiop. ed. Dillmann, 4to. sd. 5s Lips. 1851 8IX Thc^ B .ok of Emoci the Prophet; an Apocryphal production supposed for ages to have been lost, now first translated into English, from an Ethio- pic MS. by Archbishop Laurence, with Notes, 8vo. cloth, 9s Oxford, 1838 812 the same, with the Mhiopic text, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. cl. 10s Qd 1838 ORIENTAL LITERATUEE. 815 813 Ethiopic Didascalia, version of the Apostolical Constitutions received in the Abyssinian church, Ethiop. and English, by Piatt, roy. 4to. (pub. 8s) cloth, 65 1834 814 EvANGELiA ^thiopice ed. Piatt, sm. 4to. calf, 2s 1826 815 eadem Amharice, ed. Piatt, sm. 4to. calf, 2s 1826 816 Harris' Highlands of Ethiopia, 3 vols. 8vo. map and frontispieces (pub. 42*) cloth, 15s 1844 817 ISENBERG'S Amharic-English and English-Amharic Dictionary, 2 vols, inl, 4to. 216 and 218 pp. (pub. at £2.) cloth, 86s 1842 818 Amliaric Grammar, roy. 8vo. cloth, Ms 1842 819 LUDOLEI (J.) Lexicon Aethiopico-Latinum, cum Grammatica, etc. ed. Wanslebius, sm. 4to. hf. bd. 7s Land. 1661 820 editJo secunda, cum Indice Latino, etc. folio, best edition, lound, 20s Eh^ancof 1699 821 Grammatica Aethiopica, accedit prosodia, cum appendicibus, folio, hd. 18s ib. 1702 822 Lexicon AMHARico-Latinum, et Grammatica linguae Amharicae, 2 pts. folio, sd. 20s Francof. 1698 823 Lexicon ^thiopicum, 1699 — Grammatica Amharica et Lexicon Amha- ricum, 1698—3 vols, in 1, folio, bd. 36s ib. 1698-99 824 Grammatica Ethiopica, Lexicon Amharicum, Grammatica Amharica, in 1 vol folio, vellum, 88s 1699-1702 825 Grammatica Amharica, 1698; Lexicon Amharicum, 1698; Gramma- tica jEthiopica, 1702 ; Lexicon JEthiopicum, 1699 ; 4 vols, in 1, folio, bd. £2. 8s ; or, fine copy in russia gilt, gilt edges, £4. 4s Francof 1698-1702 826 HisTORiA Aethiopica sive descriptio reojni Habessinorum, cum ejus- dem Commentario et Appendice, 2 vols, folio, maps and plates, but without the map, Ludolph's portraits, and that of Qregoru the Abyssinian, calf 10s Franc. 1681-91 The best work on Abyssinia ; it gives an | guage, Proverbs, and everything else curious re- Account of the History, Literature, Natural His- I lating to that country. The Commentary forming tory, Antiquities, Religion, Chronology, Lan- j the second volume is very scarce. 827 the same, 2 vols in 1, folio, wanting only the first portrait of Ludolf being in fact perfect according to the list cf plates , fine copy in calf, 21s 1681-9 828 the same, a very fine copy, ivith the entire series of portraits and plates, which were not issued in alt copies, including two of the Author, vellum, with the autograph of Gerdesivs, 36s 1681-91 829 Weijers over Ludolf, en Yertaling van twee Ethiop. Brieven, 8vo. 2s Qd 183S 830 Platt (T. Pell) Catalogue of Ethiopian Biblical MSS. with specimens in the Ethiopic and Abyssinian Dialects, 4iio. facsimiles, bds. 7s 1823 ARABIC. 831 Abd-Allatif, Helation de I'Egypte, traduite de I'Arabe par S. de Sacy, avec des Extraits, Arabe et Frangais, 4to. calf 14s Faris, 1810 832 'Abdu-'l-Wahid Al-Marrakushi. i^ k^\ j[^\ ^^^^ i c^^*^h: His- tory of the Almohades, Arabic, edited by Dozy, 8vo. cloth, 6s Leyden, 1847 The above was edited from a unique MS. in the Leyden library. 833 ABU 'L-BAQA. ULli ^\ oLK : The Complete Works of Abi '1-Beqael- Hosseini el-Kefawi el-Hanifi, folio, native binding, £2. 10s Bulaq, Misr. A. H. 1253 A valuable Cyclopsedia of the Sciences, ar- I ful for the explanation of technical terms, ranged in alphabetical order ; and extremely use- | 834 ABU 'L EAEAJ. J.jJl ^-.a:;.^^ f=Cj^' • Historia compendiosa Dynastiarum (Orientalium) usque ad tempera authoris, Arab, et Lat. ed. Pocockius, cum Supplemento, 2 vols. sm. 4to. calf 86s Oxon, 1663-72 816 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 835 ABU'L TEDA. ^^Jl^l^l ^ j.a:x:k^'^\ liL^\ ^j\y I Anxales Musle- Mici : Ees gestae a Muhammede usque ad annum Christi 1161, Arahice et Latine, opera Eeiskii, edidit Adlee, 5 vols. 4to. excessively rare, 56*15. Hafnice, 1783-94 836 ^]^V\ AjsT* : tHe same, Vol, 1, 4to. bds. 10s 1789 The great scarcity of the above arises from I stroyed by fire soon after their publication in Co- volumes 4 and 5 having been nearly entirely de- | penhagen. 837 .^'%f^\ ,^ ^* • TaqwIm- 'l-Boldan : Geographie, texte Arahe, par Eeinaud, et Mac Guckin de Slane, 1840 — Geographie, traduite par Eeinaud, Tome I et II. premiere partie, (all pullished) 1848 — together 3 vols. 4to. ae3. 165 Faris, 1840-48 840 ^1aU\ >j> Jij' c-jI:x^. Geographie d'Ismael Abou '1 Eeda, en Arabe, autographiee d'apres deux MSS. par Schier, folio, with all the vowel points, hf. bd. nncut, 24« Lresde, 1846 Edited from several important MSS- ; and revised by the eminent scholar Fleischer. 841 Tabula Syrise, Arah. et Lat. ed. Koehler, 4to. bds. 3« M 1786 842 ABU 'L MAHASIN Ien Tagei Baedii. ^^ ^^ ^ i^\j\\ ^y^\\ i' Jblftll. Annales (^gypti Eegum) A^^abice, edd. Juynboll et Matthes, 2 vols. stout large 8vo. in 4 parts, 35s Lugd. Sat. 1855-61 An important historical work, containing, I the time of Mohammed down to the middle of with an introduction, the annals of Egypt from 1 the fifteenth century. 843 Abu Mohammed Abdullah Ibn AbI ZeId el-QaIeuavani {a native of Seville). Ci^UljuXll i*/«l i^^^s>'\^ ^^^ y^^s.^ : Treatise on the Civil Law, Arabic MS. in semi- Cufic characters, various parts supplied in the modern African hand, the greater part covered with annotations and corrections, 30^ Sec. XVIII This is a copy of a very rare and highly va- j feet. It is the same book as that named by Ca- luable work in itself, although somewhat imper- j siri, Vol. 1, p. 465, Isagoge Juris Civilis. 844 Abtj SHrDji.'. cl.s**' ^)) cUiiil J .^:^"-,j?^ : Precis de Jurisprudence Musul- mane, par Abou Chodja, Arabe et Frangais, par Keijzer, 8vo. sd. Qs Leyde, 1859 845 ABU ZACHAEIA lAHIA Ebn el Awam, L::^-^y 1 lJ^ : Libro de Agri- cultura, 2 vols, folio, £3. 10^ ' ^ Madrid, 1802 846 Agapita a Yal. Plemmar. Ploees Grammat. Arab. Idiomatis, 8vo. an excellent Grammar for both written and spolcen Arabic, sd. 4^ 'Bomce, 1845 847 ALCALA (Pedro de) Aete para ligeramente saber la lengua Arauiga ; Voca- BULiSTA Arauiga en letra Castellana ; 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. wormed, and wanting signatures E and F in the Grammar, vellum, £7. 10s Granada, 1505 Livre fort rare surtout quand il est com- I was no guttural then in Spanish, for the author plet, Le Yocabulaire seul a ete vendu jusqu'a 500 iY."—Brunet. The explanation of the Arabic alphabet is curious as shewing the pronunciation ot old Spa- nish. It is evident that the c and g were then pronounced exactly in the same fashion as in our present English, that the former letter was never sounded like the English th, and that the latter had, before c and ?, the sound of English J. There places the Arabic lOia amongst the non-Spanish sounds to be learned by ear, and represents it by a dotted k. The letter x had the sound of English sh, and the letter z was exactly equivalent to that of the present English and French. The Enghsh th as in there, which is frequently given to the modern Spanish d in some positions, was then unknown. OEIENTAL LITERATURE. 817 848 Ahmad bin Abubeke bin Walisbih. As'i\jy$j ^jX^ ^ aL;x^\ j^ ; Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Characters explained, Arabic and Eng- lish^ by Joseph Hammer, sq. ^yo. numerous Ancient Alphabets^ bds. 4« Qd\ or, calf extra, gilt edges, 7s 6d 1806 A very curious book, although much later I of the reputed author, than the editor supposed, and not really the work | 84.9 ALF LAILAH WA LAILAH : ji.1 j ^ u-flil : The Thousand and One Nights, in Arabic, 4 vols, stout sq. 8yo. plai7i Mantjsceipt, unbound, £12. 125 ^ A. H. 1245 The text of this Codex offers variations from I It is well known that perfect MSS. of the Alf those of the Boulak and the Calcutta editions, j Leileh are extremely rare. 850 ALF LAILAH wa LAILAH: jJJ^ 'TAE, a Bedoueen EomaDce, translated from the Arabic by Hamilton, 4 vols. sm. 8yo. Ids. \2s 1819 This celebrated work, unlike the Arabian | phisticated native Arabian mind. Nights, is a genuine production of the unso- | 862 AEABSHAII (Ahmed Ibn). ,,^ \^\ , ; ,,:^\ ^^.1^ : ArabsiadjB Vitae et rerum gestanim TImuri vulgo Tamerlanis Historia, Aralice, cum prsefat. Golii, sq. 8vo. lound, 7s 6d Lugd. Bat. Mzevir, 1636 An excellent edition of a famous classic, and well adapted as a text book for the study of Arabic. 863 j^jJull L-^ls-^ I idem opus, Arabice et Latine, cum annot. ed. Man- ger, 2 vols. sm". i'to. Jif. calf, uncut, £2. 10s LeovardicB, 1767-72 864 the same, laege paper, 2 vols. 4to. calf, fine copy, £3. 3s 1767-72 This is the only edition which contains a translation of Arabshah. 865 — j^jJU!! c-^jLs^ : History of Timour, {?t Arabic, edited by Ahmu- doobuoo Moohummud il Ansarey Shirwanee, royal 8vo. with the vowel points throughout, wormed, and someivhat defective^ hds. 25« ; or a good and perfect copy in calf 36» ' Calcutta, 1818 Best critical edition of the text, from MSS. \ histories." Tt is not a eulogistic biography, but collated by a native Arabic scholar. The work | very satirical against Timur. is said to be " one of the most delightful Arabic | 866 liiill 'L^S\k^ ^ Ul^i L^i'li : Fakihat el-Khulafa : Tructus Impera- torum et Jocatio Ingeniosorum, Arabice, ed. Freytag, 4to. 15s Bonnce, 1832 A famous work of Fables, Apologues, etc, in an agreeable style. 867 AYICENNA. aiJl; ^>o ^ L^ ^J ^^1 ^ ^yUIl ^ : Canon Medici>vD, cum Libris Logicse, Physicae, et Met'aphysieae, Arabice, 3 vols, in one, stout folio, the title page written on, vellum, £2. 2s ; or good copy in calf neat, £2, 12s (jd Priced, 1834, Dondey-Dupre, 115 francs. A very rare work, especially in a fine state. " Avicenna is the author of that division of substances from their chemical relations into aalt.H and earthy wjlammahles and metals, which, with some modifications, has kept its place as the Iio7ncB, 1593 basis of almost every chemical classification to the present times ; and which, therefore, neces- sarily implies no inconsiderable advancement in the leading distinctions of the science." — Mvrrax/s Chemisiry. 868 BAILLIE, t-J^l u**^,^^ iLd=5- I Sixty Tables explanatory of his Lectures on Arabic Grramraar, folio, /;/. bd. 12s Calcutta, 1801 869 BAILLIE. ^\\ ^j^^.jj iiJ^J jcl^I c«^ '^y^"* ' The Five Books upon Arabic Grammar : the Meeut Amel, Shurhu Meeut Amel, Mesbah, He- dayutoon-Nuhve, and Kafeea, with Appendix, 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf calf EAEE, £2. 16s Calcutta, 1802-5 870 the same. Vols. I. II, in 1 vol. lakge papeb, 4to. sd. 7s 6d ; calf neat, 9s 1802-3 Volume 3, which contains the Kafiah, is [ is not one error, even of a letter, in the whole wanting in most copies. It is asserted that these | three volumes. volumes have been so carefully edited that there | 871 ijTjUio i^yi^Auij* ^J^ ^jlj :^ ^[^ : G-LOSSES of Sheikh (Abdul- rahman ben Mohammed ben Suleiman, called) Zadeh, upon the Commen- tary of Beidhawi, in Arabic, published under the supervision of Mohammed ibn Ismail Shehab ud-Din, 3 vols, folio, deficient of the last half page of the third volume, native binding in good sound state, £5. 15s BuUq, A. H. 1262-63 Extremely rare. Beidhawi's comraen- | of the Gloss (Khani Zadeh) was a famous Tur- tary occupies the margin, and the body of the | kish historian and physician, at the beginning of book contains Sheikh Zade's Gloss. The author | the present century. OEIENTAL LITERATUEE. 819 872 JjjUl j)^-:lj Jy^^ jV^ • S^II^HAWII Commentarius in Coranum, Arabice, ed. Fleischer, 2 vols. 4to. £2. 18« Lips, 1846-48 Excellent critical edition of the work which I the Koran, is considered the best literal interpretation of | 873 Beladzoei. ^J^. JLJt <— aJb* /o^jJ-Jl --^ * Liber Expugnationis Eegionum, auctore Imamo Ahmed ibn Jahja ibn Djabar al-Beladsori, Arahice, cum notia, ed. Goeje, 4to. pp. 539 and 128, cloth, 34* Lu^d. Bat. 1864 Written in the latter* part of the Ninth Cen- I spread of the Saracen conquests, tury, and forming one of the best works on the | 874 Beresford's Arabic Syntax, chiefly selected from the Hidayut-oon-Nuhvi, impl. 8vo. interleaved, cloth, 2s 6d 1843 875 Berggren, Guide Fran^ais-Arabe Vulgaire des voyageiirs en Syrie et en Egypte, 4to. containing a French-Arabic Dictionary, map and plan, hf. calf, 25s TIpsal, 1844 876 Bible. JoJcJt • (j^r^^ «V*^^ • ^^^ ^^^ ^®^ Testament, in 1 vol. 8vo. calf, 45 1844 877 Bible. New Testament, in Arabic, 4to. old calf gilt, 7s 6d 1727 878 r^jrr^ i^ 9^^ t—^lix^ : Ecclesiasticus, or the Book of Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sirach, m ^m5/ Garden of Philosophers, etc. an ethical work of Christian origin. Sayings of the Sages, etc. with several other treatises, jf ^'^\ X^ ^^ etc. sm. 4to. well written MS. with all the vowel-points, native binding, 305 Dated 1440 882 BOKHAEI. ^j^A ^^1.5:!^ c^l::^ ^ CJWl^ ^Wlj Jj^l ^i)\ : Eecueil des Traditions Mahometanes, par Abou Abdallah Mohammed ibn Isma 1 el Bokhari, en Arabe, publie par Krehl, Vols. I, II, III, 4to. bds. £3. 18* Leide, 1862-64 The great body of Canonical Traditions, to be completed in the fourth volume. 883 BUECKHAEDT'S Arabic Proyerbs (^^1 Jb^l) or the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, illustrated from their proverbial Sayings current at Cairo, Arabic and English, with an Euglish commentary, 4to. bds. rare, £4i. 4* 1830 884 CANES. ^^ , pj-^ )^i^^ ^^'♦^y • Diccionario Espaiiol-Latino-Ara- bigo, 3 vols. Mio'^ calf 25s Madrid, 1787 parler et h. ^crire la langue arabe." Caussin de Perceval Jils, Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £6. I65 %d ; Howell £7. 7*. " Get ouvrage est particulierement des- tine aux personnes, qui ont besoin d'apprendre a 885 CAELTLE, Specimens of Arabian Poetry, from the earliest times, Arabic and English, with plates of Music, 4to. neatly whole bound, 5s Cambr. 1796 886 CASIEI Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana Escurialensis, sive Librorum omnium MSS. quos Arabice composites Bibliotheca Escurialensis complectitur re- censio, 2 vols, in 1, fol. hf cf 25s ; or 2 vols, cf gt. £2. 2s Matriti, 1760-1770 One of the most important works in exist- | valuable work was printed at the expense of the tence for Arabic Bibliography. Priced, 1827, Howell, £5. 15« 6^/; 1859, Tross, 90 francs ; 1863, Weigel, 24 thalers. This King of Spain, and very few copies were worked off besides those intended for presents. 820 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 888 Caspaei, Grraramatica Arabica, cum Chrestomathia, Lips. 1848 — Rieu de Abul-Ala, BonncBy 1843— Zenker, Bibl. Orientalis, pars 1, Lips. 1840 — in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf, lOs 1840-48 889 CATAFAGO. ^j^-^ ^Ji^"^ 4^>^' ^ ^.Z- u^^>'- Arabic-English and English-Arabic Dictionary, by Joseph Catafago, of Aleppo, Si/tia ; 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Yol. I. xii. ^ 316 pp. Yol. II. viii ^ 74-4ipp. double colmnns, onuch matter compressed into a small space, all the Arahic ivords with the pro- nunciation in Roman letters, (pub. at £2.) cloth, 30s 1858 890 the same, 8vo. laege papee, (pub. at £3. 3s) hf morocco, 3Qs This work is the Jirst Arabic and English actual use," and has had regard to his own coun- Dictionary ever pubhshed. trymen, that is, the natives of Syria, in his pubh- " It has long been a reproach to Anglo- cation. On the whole the workis a most accept- Arabic scholars, that they have not produced a able contribution to Oriental literature ; and the popular English and Arabic Dictionary, for English and Arabic part especially will be an in- travellers from this country to Syria and Egypt, valuable aid to travellers in the East, and to all for residents at Aden and in Turkish Arabia. Englishmen who have occasion to study Arabic." The compiler has restricted himself to words "in ' Athenaum, Jan. 29, '59. 891 Catjssix de Peeceyal, Grammaire Arabe vulgaire, pour les dialectes d' Orient et de Barbaric, 8vo. 7* 1833 892 CHEONIKEN (die) der Stadt Mekka, [^L^| Js ,J:^\ cylixi ; dL^ j\^\ ^\^^\ ^\ u^-j ^^Ixb ^l^i\ ; (^^ii ^A^ ^^Uil ^ ^^\s^\) ^^\ ^\] gesammelt und auf Kosteu der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gresellschaffc herausgegeben von Wiistenfeld, 4 vols. 8vo. three volumes of Arahic text, and one of German, sd. £2. 16^ Leipzig, 1851-68 893 Common Peatee. -..^IujI^ iUUll 'i\^\, sm. 8vo. cloth, 2s Qd Valetta, 1840 894 Davis and Davidson, Arabic Beading Lessons, and Grrammar, 12mo. cloth, 2s ed (1855) 895 Djaeumitah and Miat 'Aamil. Grammatica Arabica Gjarumia et libellus Centum Eegentium, Arab, et Lat. ed Erpenio, sm. 4to. sd. 2s 6d Leidce, 1617 896 ci?|-^\ Jjjj : Dalail-u 'l-KhaIeat; the Guide to Good Works : an an- cient and famous Prayer Book much used in Africa, 12 mo. beautifully written within gold and coloured lines, with illuminated^ Anw an and illuminated head- ings to each part, a very elegant little MS. in native morocco binding, enclosed in a green silk bag worked with gold thread, £2. 2s Sec. XVIII 897 DzAHABi. -^jJl bU.s^l CI^'UlL : Liber Classium Yirorum qui Korani cog- nitione excelluerunt, auctore Abu Abdalla Dahabio, Arab. ed. "Wiistenfeld, 2 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. entirely lithographed, IQs Ootting. 1833-34 898 De-Eossi (G.) Dizionario Storico degli Autori Aeabi piu celebri e delle prin- cipali loro Opere, 8vo. sd. 10s ; hf. calf gilt, 12s Parma, 1807 899 DOZY, Scriptorum Arabum loci de Abbadidis, nunc primum editi, Arab, et Latine, cum notis, 3 vols. 4to. sd. £1 10s Lugd. Bat. 1846-63 This is the history of an early Arabic dy- nasty in Spain, consisting of an assemblage of selections from unpublished Arabic writers. It 900 DozT, Notices sur quelques MSS. Arabes, L*.J1 il>. ^^ ^^^^:k{:^ Svo. fac- simile, sd. 4:s ; or, cloth, 5s 6d Leyde, 1847-51 Pp. 30-266 contain Arabic selections from I Moors in Spain. an important work on the poetic literature mf the | 901 DuEEAT AL mudhiyat. i!^ Ji djd^] i ^^^\ ijJ I Poom on the Turkish language, in Arabic, by Ibn Muhammad Salih, sm. 4to. very neatly ivriften in red and black, bd. Qs (5d Sec. XYI contains also numerous poems from the works of the Spanish Arabs, " the race of song," as Mu- tanabbi named them. OEIENTAL LITERATUEE. 821 902 EDEISI. Jl^Uai^^^^L^in^J ^i jlixA^l hb^ : Description of Cities, Dis- tricts, Countries, etc. by El-Sherif el-Edrisi, sm. 4to. 20^ Home, (1592) Edrisi compiled his work for Roger, the Norman King of Sicily. 903 j^jgujjj)! t--iJb* ^^^J^j^^^j ^dyj}\ {j^j^^ i^Jt.^\ iii^: Descrip- tion de i'Afrique et de I'Espagne, publiee pour la premiere fois, Arabe et Eran^ais, par Dozy et De Goeje, 8vo. cloth, 18^ Leyde, 1866 904 G-eographia in Latinum versa a Grabriele Sionita, sm. 4to. calf, 5s Faris, 1619 905 Africa, Zat. curavit Hartmann, 8vo. 7i/. calf, 2s -, or, whole calf gilt, 35 Qd (^ott. 1796 906 the same, fne paper, 8vo. sd. 4:s ; or, vellum, 5s ib. 1796 907 Hispania, Latine, ed. Hartmann, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. Ids. rare, 12s Marhurgi, 1802-18 907*ELMACINFS. ^^^XJl :^J^1> ^^;-J^^I \^jb' : Historia Saracenica, Arah et Lat. opera Erpenii, folio, 20s 1625 908 Erpej^h Graramatica Arabica, Eabulse Locmanni, Adagia, Carmina, etc. ed. Schultens, sm. 4to. calf, 7s (jd Lugd. Bat. 1848 909 — • the same, stout sm. 4to. with praxis and contracts, inclioding Locman's Fables, Sentences, and Anthology from the Hamasah, vellum, IQs 1767 910 Eepenitjs, Grrammaire Arabe, trad, per Heberfc, avec un Supplement, 8vo. hf bd. 4s Qd Faris, 1844 911 EUCLID. (jwJul'j^l ^}^J\^Jsr : Euclid's Elements, by Nasir el-Din el- Ttusi, in Arabic, folio, first edition, Biagrams, bd. £3. 3s Constantinople, a.h. 996 {Rome, ^594) 912 EUTYCHIUS {Fatriarcha Alexandrinus). j^J.^ ^i\ (_£jlj'y>^Jl Annales, Arabics et Latine, cura Pocockii, 2 vols, stout sm. 4to. £2. 10s Oxon. 1656 " Eutychius has handed down in his Annals 1 tory of his church, and has communicated much some curious traditional notices of the early his- | important contemporary information."— i?ow/i//^. 913 EwALD, Grammatica critica linguse Arabicse, cum Metrorum doctrina, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. Fine Faper, plate of Alphabets, hf calf, 9s Zips. 1831-33 914 de Metris Carminum Arabicorum, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Bnmsv. 1825 915 the same, 1825 — Garcin de Tassy, Prosodie des Laugues de 1' Orient Musulman, Paris, 1848 — Eobertson, Dissertationes de linguis Hebr. et Arab. 2 parts. Ed. 1769-70—4 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. bd. 58 1769-1848 916 i^\y,'i\ li^ ^u-^J^i^l L^[i -♦IC^-I : EAEHAT (Germanos, Maronite) Dic- tionnaire Arabe, augmente par Eochaid de Dahdah, 4to. pp. 5 and 723 (pub. at £5. 5s) 564. 4s Marseilles, 1849 This valuable and rare Dictionary is a new I left out, and many words, particularly those oc- edition of the Kamoos, with all the useless matter | curring in Christian works, added. 917 EAEIS'S Practical Grammar of the Arabic Language, with Interlineal Eead- ing Lessons, Dialogues and Vocabulary, by Eaeis el-Shidiac, a Native of Mount Lebanon, Syria ; 12mo. new edition by the Eev. H. A. Williams, Professor of Arabic at Cambridge, (pub. at 5s) cloth, 3s ijd 1866 918 EAEIS EL-SHIDIAQ. jlj^Wl yi>U ^ jUl J^ jUl i^^ : Vie et Aventures de Eariac, relation de ses Voyages, avec ses observations sur les Arabes et sur les autres peuples, en Arabe, impl. 8vo. pp. 712 and 24!, Tpub. 50 fr.) sd. 32s Faris, 1855 919 (Faeis and Badger) i*-j.x!i ^ hjA^j^i] ^jr^;^\ ^J '^J3^^^ • Arabic and Eng- lish Exercises and Dialogues, with Vocabulary, 8vo. 188;?;?. hf bd. 12s Malta, 1840 920 EoEBEs' Grammar of the Arabic language, royal 8vo. cloth, 12s 1863 ^ 822 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOJN-. 921 Fragmenta Histobicoeum Arabicorum, Vol. I. ^y^\ c»;l::^ ijjlill Is^l jK'UjJt iLo-1 ^ ^Ja^^I : Arabiccy edd. Goeje et Jong, 4to. sd. 14s Lugd. Bat. 1869 922 FEETTAGII Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, praesertim ex Djeuharii Firuzaba- diique et aliorum Arabum operibus, adhibitis Golii quoque et aliorum libris confectum ; accedit Index Vocum Latinarum locupletissimiis, 4 vols. 4to. neatly bound, £2. 16* Halis, 1830-37 923 idem, 4 vols. impl. 4to. large yellijm paper, beautiful copy in olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Leivis, £6. 15* 1830-37 924 — Lexicon Arabico-Latinum in usum tironum, 4to. (pub. at 36s) cloth, 12s ; or, hf. calf, Us Halis, 1837 925 Arabische Verskunst, 8vo. icith extracts from MSS. etc. plate, bds. 2s Gd; or, hf calf 3s 6d Bonn, 1830 926 ^_ A^ f^j^ \^y t^ ^Acrvi^ : Selecta ex Historia Halebi, Arab, et Lat. 181^ — Fbesnel sur I'Histoire des Arabes avant I'lslamisme, 1836 — 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf calf, 8^ Qd Baris, 1819-36 927 ^-V^^ J^l Arabtjm Proyerbia, Arabice et Latine, commentario illustravit et edidit G. W. Fbettag ; iusunt a Meidanio coUecta Proverbia, commentatio, Indices tres et Addenda, 4 vols. 8vo. with all the voicel points, 2930 pp. (pub. at £4. 14s Gd seived) hf bd. gilt tops uncut, £2. IGs Bounce, 1831-43 Containing Meidani's Collection of Fro- 1 and other writers, with additional notes by the verbs, ahd others, the text with vowel points, and | learned editor ; an Arabic and a Latin Index and a treatise upon Arabic proverbs, and those authors who have Avritten about them. a close continuation of the grammatical and his torical commentaries of Meidani upon the Pro- verbs ; extracts from the works of Shemseddin, 928 PUSUSU 'L-HIKAM. ^^j^\ ^ ci->l.^ ^ ^j^\ ^^,1^^ cijlj. , Wise Sayings of the Prophets, tbe Arabic text, by Muhyi ul- Din Iba 'Arabi, with Turkish translation and commentary, sm. folio, native binding, £3. 3s Buldq, A. H. 1252 One of the most highly considered works in i med. The author, who was one of the most emi- nent of the Sufis, flourished early in the thirteenth century. Arabic literature, frequently commentated. It contains the sayings of twenty-seven prophets, beginning with Adam and ending with Moham- 929 iLixJl ^yll ^ kji^^^ ^^^ ' Jf^^UTAAYA ALEMGIEI ; a Collection of Opinions and Precepts of Mohammedan Law, compiled by Sheikh Nizam and other learned Men, by command of the Emperor Aurungzeb Alemgir, in Arabic, 6 vols. roy. 4to. (pub. at £9.) hf russia, £G. 16s Calcutta, 1828-35 929* Vol. Ill, roy.4to. sd. 20s 1831 Contents :— El-Bayo' ; el Sarf ; el Kifalet ; I Rujuo' 'an el-Shohadet ; el Wekalet. el Hawalet ; Adab el-Qadi ; el Shiihadat ; el | 930 IV, roy. 4to. sd. 16s 1832 El Da'wi; el Iqrar; el Sulh; el Modaribet; el Wedi'at; el Aarivat ; elHibat; el Ijaret. 930* Vol. V, roy. 4to. sd. 20s * 1835 El-Mokatib ; el Wala ;* el Ikrah ; el Hajr; I hiyet ; el Kerahiyet; el Taharri; Ahya el Muat ; el Maazun ; el Ghosb ; el Shefaet ; el Qismet ; | el Sharb ; el Ashribat ; el Sayd ; el Rahin. el Mazaraat ; el Maaniilet ; el Zubaihh ; el Id- | 931 FUTAWA. ^\S^'i\ J^l ^; ^\i^^\ J^ ^^\c^ : Book of Legal Decisions, by Abu'l Fat'h bin 'Abi Bakr bin 'Abdi 1-Djaiil al Marghinani, in Arabic^ 2 vols. 8vo. lithographed, sd. 30s {Calcutta), 1827 932 FuTAWA. J[^'i\ i^j J^ ^i jlii.i'^ljjj ^^cj : The Tanwiru l-Absdr, a famous LaW'Book by Muhammad bin 'Abdi llah al-Timurtashi, with com- mentary by Muhammad 'Alauddin al-Haskafi, stout 8vo. 1085 pp. litho- graphed, sd. 20s {ib. 1827) ORIENTAL LITEBATUEE. 823 933 FuTAWA. (LjUJI ti"}^^ • [Book of Legal Decisions, according to the sys- tem of the Hanafite sect, by 'Abu 'l-Fat'h Eukn bin Husam al-Nakuri, in Arabic, 2 vols. 8vo. lithographed, bds. 285 (Calcutta) 1825 933*Gabeiel Farhat the Sionite. , JlLJl ci^^ : Arabic Grammar, in Arabic, 8vo. lithographed, bds. Ss 6d Malta, 1836 934 Gabrielis Sionita et Joanuis Hesronitae. Grammatica Arabica, sm. 4to. vellum, rare, 5s 6d Lutet. 1616 935 Geography. J^,'.\ ^| jJJl <'j : Geographical Description in Verse of all Nations and Eegions, sm. 4to. a yaltjable Arabic Manuscript, written in the Mughrabi character, -with tables and ornamental diagrams, in various inks, said to have been written at and brought from Youry in Haussa, 155 Sec. XYIII. This volume was brought over by Mr. Dupuis, the British Minister sent to Ashantee. 936 GHATaTU l-Bayan. j^LJJI ^ 's ^^W ^^^ '• -Arabic Grammar explained in Persian, being the original of Lumsden^s work; j^^lJ j '^^i^^ cL^l-u*^ .)U4^!1 • ^^^^^ic Grammar in Persian, a. h. 1244 ; 2 vols, in 1, roy. 4to. bds, 305 Calcutta, 1828-29 937 GIGGEI : Thesaurus Linguae Arabicse, 4 vols, folio, old calf 15s ; calf gilt, 25.9 Mediol. 1632 This excellent Dictionary has never been f ouvrage renferme un assez grand nombre d'inter- sufficiently known. Neither Golius, nor Freytag, pretations que jusqu'a ces derniers temps on eut nor Lane appear to have used it in the compila cherche vainement ailleurs ; vend. 80 fr. Soubise ; tion of their works. " Quoiqu'en grande partie 30 fr. Langles; 76 fr. Debure ; 36 fr. br. en efface par les lexiques Arabes qui I'ont suivi, cet \%^Z.^^ —Brunei. 938 Gildemeister. J[jj^!1 .Ls^l i iL? .^1 /^^jf : Scriptores Arabum do rebus Indicis, Arab, et Lat. 8vo. hf calf gilt, 5s Bonna, 1838 939 GOLII Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, cum Indice Latino-Arabico, folio, a poor copy, wanting the last leaf of the Latin Index, otherivise perfect, vellum, 125; or, a good copy, in calf gilt bach, 25s Lugd. Bat. Elsev. 1653 940 the same, fine copy in calf or vellum, 305 ; or, in old red morocco extra^ gilt edges, £3. 35 1653 941 another copy, with many valuable MS. additions by a former owner, russia gilt, 365 1653 " This is an invaluable work, and the best on the subject ever published." — Clarke. " Ce dictionnaire est un livre classique indispensable a tons ceux qui etudient et meme qui savent 'Arabe." — Bibl. Elzev. Golius* Arabic Lexicon is perhaps as useful a work as Freytag's, and is more convenient in consequence of its arrange- ment in a sinffle volume. 942 GoscHL, Arabische Grammatik, Chrestomathie, und Worterverzeichniss, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Wien, 1864 942*Grabe on two Arabick MSS. of the Bodlejan, 8vo. sd. 2s 6J Oxf 1711 943 ^y^\^ ^^\ ^\J\ ^^^ ^^\ ujLii' ' HAJl KHALPiE Lexicon Eucy- clopsedicum et Bibliographicum, edidit G. Pluegel; 7 vols. 4to. complete, (pub. £6. 6s) cloth, £5. 5s Leipzig, 1835-54 914 the same, 7 vols. impl. 4to. large paper, cloth, (pub. at £9. 9*) £6. 6s 1835-54 Sets completed at the same rate. This work is, without comparison, the most useful of all the Fund publications. It stands in the same relation to Oriental Literature as Watts' Bibliotheca and Graesse's Tresor do to that of the Western World. The arrangement is alphabetic, according to the names of the works, (an Index OF AuTHOKS being added at the end), and com- prises descriptions of above 15,000 books in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, not including the commen- taries and collateral works described in each notice; with statements of the date when the writers flourished, and many other useful particu- lars. Mustafa ben Abdallah Katib Tchelebi, called Hadji Khalfeh was a learned Turk, who, early in the seventeenth century, held a high official posi- tion under Murad IV. At a later period, he col- lected a large library, and wrote several works, chiefly historical ; but the greatest monument of his immense industry and erudition remains in the Bibliographical Lexicon, ( Kashf uz-Zaiiun.) The Bihliolheque of DTIerbelot consists princi- pally of an abstract from defective texts of the work of Hadii Khalfeh ; while Fliigel's edition is based upon the most perfect and important copies in existence. flourished in the commencement of the third cen- tury of the Hijrah. Returning from Khorassan to Irak, he was delayed by a heavy fall of snow in the town of Hamadan; and making a long stay there, he was invited by 'Abu 1 Wafa bin Salamah to collect and arrange the works in his immense library. The poet beguiled his stay with this congenial labour ; and selecting all those ancient poems which possessed merit, he compiled from them " the Hamasah," a work which holds in Arabic literature a position similar to that of Homer in the Greek. 824 BEEN.AED QTJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 945 HADIQATU 'l-AFEAHH. Jy^i ajb j^ : a Miscellany from the writings of the most distinguished Arabian Poets, Orators, and Historians, all in Ai^ahic, roy. 4to. hds. S6s Calcutta, a. h. 1229 946 the same, thick paper, roy. 4to. calf, £2. 25 1229 947 HAM AS A. ^\j.A\ -^ «-^ LjUJI j\x^\ - Hamasje Caemina, Arahice, cum Tebrisii scholiis, primum edidit, Indicibus instruxit, versione Latina et commentario illustravit Preytag, 3 vols, in 2, 4to. (pub. at £5. 55 unbound) Jif. calf, £4i. 45 Bonnce, 1828-51 948 the same. Pine Papee, 3 vols, in 2, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, £5. 1828-51 949 the same, Yol. II only, containing the Latin translation, notes, etc. riNE papee, hf red morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, £2. 2s 1851 Rare now ; the whole edition having been sold. This famous work is a collection of all the Songs of the Arabs, previous to and for a couple of centuries after the establishment of Islamism. The word Hamasa, which signifies ''Warlike Glory," is the heading of the first chapter of the collection ; and has thus come to give its name to the book. It is probable that many of the pieces included in this great compilation were handed down from the most remote antiquity to the time in which they were first collected. This was the work of the celebrated poet Abu Tamman, who 950 HAMMER-PUEGSTALL, Literaturgeschichte der AEABER, 7 stout vols. impl. 8vo. (pub. at £8. 85) sd. £G. Qs-, or, hf calf gilt, £7. 75 Wien, 1850-56 A book of the most stupendous learning and I ture from the earliest times, 9915 Biographies, labour, containing the History of Arabian litera- ( with quotations from the works of each author. 951 Hamza Ispahanensis. ^\aJI\ ^«1 L^j^l j ^Jl\ CS^ ^J^ ^jlj Annales, Arahice et Laiine, ed. Grottwaldt, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. sd. 7s 6d Fetrop. 1844 952 HAEIEI. ^l:;^-^ ^ ^ ^j^.j^^ (^*-^^ ^^-^^'^ LT^' ^^ CjUUUll Les Seances de Hariri, en Arahe, avec un commentaire, etc. par De Sact, sm. folio, PINE PAPEE, the editor s original edition of this entertaining work, sd. or bds. 305 ; or, hf. calfneut, 365 Paris, 1822 953 the same,^7i.V^\ c^l:;^: Libro de Agricultura. Aral, y Fspanol, por Banqueri, con discurso preliminar y Catalogo de los nombres de Plantas, 2 vols, folio, hf. Id. £^. 10^ Madrid, 1802 Priced, 1824, Thorpe, mor. £5. 55. 969 — Livre de I'agriculture (Kitab-al-Pelahali), trad, de I'arabe par Clement Mullet, 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. sd. 25s Paris, 1864-67 Ouvrage interessant non-seulement comme I encore parce qu'il fait voir I'etat avance de I'agri- production d'un ecrivain Arabe Espagnol, mais j culture sous les Maures. 970 Ib2T Eoszlan's und anderer Araber Berichte iiber die Eussen iilterer Zeit, Arah. und Peutsch, mit Anmerkungen und Beilagen, von Eriihn, 4to. plates of Coins, sd. 7s 6d ; or, hf. M. 9s S. Petersb. 1823 971 IBN HAJAE. ^ ^i) h\^^\ ;^^ ^5 h\A\ l^^ : Biographical Dic- tionary of Persons who knew Mahammed, in Arabic, edited by Sprenger and others, Parts 1-13, (t_^jL _ 1) and Vol. IV parts 1, 2, J| ^1 ^^\ i^\j roy. 8vo. sd. 25s Calcutta, 1853-64 " The first and most important work of Musulman h\o^a.-phj''— Sprenger. 972 J^\hiyi \^=>>jJ^ ^ JsS^\ Ljkr I Nokhbat el-Eikr, etc. (Exposition of Phrases in the Hadith), in Arabic, ed. Lees, 8vo. sd. 2s Calc. 1862 073 IBN HISCHAM (Abd el-Malik) ^lAJb^^l .w^^ Ij.^ ^^ : Leben Mu- hammed's nach Muhammed Ibn Ishak, Arabisch, mit Anmerkuugen, von Wiistenfeld, 2 vols, stout 8vo. 28s Gmingen, 1859-60 974 iBJf JuBAiE. ^^^^ ^j d.A^\ ^ J^^^-^ e;:^^^-^^ ;^:^ *^j '' Tra^'els (from Spain through the East), in Arabic, edited by Wright, 8vo. sd. 10s Leyden, 1852 975 IBN KHALDOUN. ^^aU ^:i! s-^^!b LAJi\ J^jJl ^b : Histoire des Berberes, texte Arabe, collationne sur plusieurs 3ISS. par le Baron de Slane, 2 vols, large 4to. £^. 3s Alger, 1847-51 82G BERNAKD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 976 IBN KHALDOUN, Histoire des Berberea et des Dynasties Musulmanes de I'Afrique Septentrionale, traduite par le Baron de Slane, 4 vols. Svo. hf. calf neat, 36s Alger 1852-56 977 the same, Vols. I, II, Syo. sd. 14s ih. 1852-54 978 IBN KHALLIKAN. ^LxJl cL>Lij : Yitae lUustrium Yirorum, nunc pri- mum Arahice edidit, variis lectionibus indicibusque instruxit P. Wusten- FELD, cum Additamentorum prima secundaque coUectione, 15 parts in 2 vols. COMPLETE, square 8vo. £^. 4.? Gottingce, 1835-50 The only complete edition of this great work. It is no longer to be had of the publisher. 979 tlie same, parts 1-6, 8-11, and Additamenta, 1, 2, in 2 vols, not uniform^ 20« 1825-42 980 ivj^jJ^ ^1 V^^ Lo^^' '■^W^i* "^^^^ ^^^ Hommes illustres de I'lsla- misme, en Arabe, par Mac Guckin de Slane, Vol. I, (all published) 4to. alout 800 pp. cloth, 24s Paris, 1838-42 The second volume was to complete the work. 981 Ties des Hommes illustres, sm. 4to. a curious old French translation containing the Monarchs and Conquerors, Generals^ Heroes, and Governors; Visirs and Illustrious Women ; each classed separately and chronologically, 332 leaves, 15s Sec. XVII. 982 IBN KHALLIKAN'S Biographical Dictionary, Translated from the Arabic into English, by Baron Mac Gruckin de Slane, Vols. I and II, 4to. (to be completed in 4 vols.) £3. 3s ; or, large paper, £4. 4s 1842-45 The THIRD volume is nearly ready, the fourth in preparation. This was the first general Biographical Dic- tionary in the Arabic language ; and it remains a wonderful testimony to the learning, genius, and industry of the author. The biographies are ar- ranged in alphabetical order of names, and com- prise distinguished individuals of every sect and nation in Islam, down to the thirteenth century, when Ibn Khallikan flourished. Moslem critics have blamed him for enlarging on the lives of 983 Ibn Malik. (JJ3U ^^} ^UiJI •* Alfita, ou La Quintessence de la Gram- maire Arabe : Ouvrage de Djemal-eddin Mohammed, connu sous le nom d'Ebn Malec. Public en Arabe, avec un Commentaire, par Silvestre de Sacy, 8vo. (pub. 16s Qd) hds. 5s Faris, 1854 984 (JLXSU ^\ '^^ ^ ^J CS^\ : Moschtarik d. i. Lexicon geographisclier Homonyme, Arab, herausg. von Wiistenfeld, roy. Svo. 18s Goft. 1846 poets and historical writers, at the expense of the learned doctors of law ; but this very circumstance renders his book all the more valuable to the Eu- ropean reader. Even the poetical and elegant selections which fill these biographical notices, are so extensive, that an Anthology was culled from them by an ancient Arabic writer. The edi- tor has added in his notes all fresh information that could be acquired regarding each name men- tioned in the text. OEIENTAL LITERATUEE. 827 089 JOSHUA. y ) f-*^y r^ • Cheonicon Samaeitanum, cui titulus est Liber Josuse, Arab et Lat. cum dissertatione notisqiie, ed. Juynboll, stout 4to. facsimile^ sd. IGs Lug. Bat. 1848 090 KALILA WxV DIMNA. ,u^j^ ,^LK: Caltla et Dimna, ou Fables do BiDPAi, en Arabe, avec la Moallaka do Lebid, en Arabe et Franqais, par Sil- vestre de Sacy, 4to. 35s JPariSj 1816 991 KAMOOS. \^^\ i^yt\^\ : TuE Qamus, or Tue Oceat^^, an Araeic Dic- TiONAET by 'Abul 1-Tahir Madjdul-Diii Muhammad bin Y'aqub el-Firuza- badi, collated with many MS. copies, and corrected by Shaikh Alimad Yamani Shirwani, all in Arabic, 2 vols. impl. 4to. ca/f, £9. 10^ Calcutta, 1817 992 the same, toith English titles as well as Arabic, and an Index of Heads and Chapters J of^ leaves, printed in London privately for insertion in a few copies, 2 vols. impl. 4to. calf gilt, fine copy, £10. 1817 Dr. Ciireton paid £20. to get a copy from India, the book having become excessively rare. The Kamoos is the best Arabic Dictionary, 993 QAMUS. ^jwy^Ull iUr>-J jJ {jm^\^^\ '• EiEiizaBaDi's Arabic Dictionary, with the significations rendered into Turkish, by 'Abii 1-Kemal el-Seid 'Ahmed *Aassim, 3 vols, folio, native binding, £S. 10s {/Scutari) A.ii. 1230-33 094 j«-»/«lii!l - : Historia Chalifatus al-Motacimi, Arab. et. Matthiesen, 8vo. sd. is Lug. Bat. 1849 1001 KnooLASUT OOL HiSAB. t--?LuJl fttflsJ- : a Compendium of Arithmetic and Geometry in Arabic, by Buhae ood Deen of Amool, with Persian translation »by Euoshun Ulee, and a treatise on Algebra by Nujm ood Deen, large 8vo. diagrams, sd. 18s Calc. 1812 1002 KissA. jcrLr^ f^ ^^^\ ^\ ^ ^\ ^"^ j^, j'^j^j^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^7- j^Ji3 il^ 'ijULs. f^ [J^j^^ J-^ — ^^\ L-;l:x^ : Commentary of Mohammed Salih of iVIazaDderan on the Book of Faith and Unbelief — Book of Prayer — Extracts from the Kdfi of Kelini — 4 parts in I vol. sm. i'o\\o, Ji7iely icritten MS. with a few wormholeSy painted calf, £3. 16s Heideriibad, a.h. 1095 1004 ,j^ jt^l diill J L^[^ • a MS. on Law, in Arabic, Mughrahi characters, with Glosses, sm. 4to. incomplete, formerly in the possession of Hammer, 7s Qd Sec. XYIII 1005 KiTAB el-Eisail. J^J\ JU^I ^ J^iA^l Jd^^' ^-»^- -^^^^ °^ *^® Apostles and Letters of Paul, James, Peter, John, and Jude, in Arabic, sm. 4to. morocco, 12s Printed in the Monastery of St. John, called el-Shewtr, in the onountaitis of Kesruwdn {Lebanon), 1792 1006 a later edition, sm. 4to. bd. 10s ib. 1825 1007 KOEAN. 'L^d^\ uJi^sr c^Ja^ j^^yill : Arabic text of Suras IV verse 92, to XII verse 85, printed in LETTERS OF GOLD in the middle of the pages with a Sindustani translation at foot, and the two Persian commentaries Tafsiri Husaini and Tafsiri ^Abbasi on the margins, atlas 4to. bound in half red morocco, uncut, £10. 10s (J Lucknow, 1830) 1008 KOEAN. ^^li tU;?-y ^ j-t ^^^\' The Quran, with Persian trans- latioD, Yoy. 8vo. the text very elegantly written in Nashhi characters, the translation interlined in red inky in the IVdiq, illuminated ^Anwdn, a fine MS. in native binding, £3. 10s Sec. XVII There are some prayers prefixed, at the end I 'Aarif bin Yar Muhammad 'Abbasi. of which the scribe's name is given : Muhammad j 1009 KOEAN. ^\j^\ ' the Quran in Arabic, sq. 8vo. neat MS. in a clear Neskhi character, native binding, £3. Sec. XVII 1010 KOEAN. ij^r^\ ' The Quran, sm. folio, beautiful Aeabic Manusceipt, elegantly written within gold borders and gold lines, and richly illuminated with ornamentation in gold and colours, Indian binding, 56IO. A very fine specimen of the best Indian calligraphy. 1011 ^^^ Jill : the Quran, 16mo. neatly written Arabic MS. bound in old English green morocco extra, gilt edges, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £4. ' Sec. XVIII 1012 IIP _ 1\* t^\ j^kj ^J\,'^\ ' The Koran, 4to. icritten on very icell made paper, fabricated from leaves of the mulbeeet teee, resaiibling vellum, tvanting the last five short Surats, bound, 305 Sec. XVIII 1013 ,..1 Jill : the Koran, Arabic MS. sm. 8vo. most beautifully icritten and illumi- nated in the very finest modern style of Nashhi writing, the first two pages ■ forming a richly ornamented Anwan, native gilt binding, rchacked, ^10. Sec. XVIII 1014 ^^1 Jill : The Quran, 12mo. a beautiful little Arabic MS. icith richly illuminated Anwan, gold rulings, heading, and marks, oriental binding, inclosed in a case, £5. ' A. H. 1237 1015 ^J^\ : the Koran, 8vo. Arabic MS. beautifully icritten on glazed paper, doubly oniled with red and blue lines, native binding, £3. 35 circa 1820 This copy was found in Moultan Fort, Jan. 22, 1S4 9, the day of its suiTcnder to the British. 1016 ^\jS^\ ' Cora:n'us, Arahice, ed. rLUGEL, 4to. printed tvithin red borders, ivith all the vowel points, bds, I85 Lips. 1831* merit a place in the same rank with the fruits of the toilsome researches of the Benedictines. His i*rodromus, Refutationes, and Notae, are a mine of learning on Muhammedan subjects." Mill's Muhainedans. OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 829 -^^^' uir^' • -^I^COEANI textus universus, AraUee et Latine, ed. Maeeacitjs cum Eefutatione, vita Mahumeti, Prodrome, notis, 2 vols, folio, calf, 305 ^ . , Fatavii, 1698 Priced, 1826, Howell, £5. 5*; 1833,Baynes, £4. 10.v; 1834, Leslie, £4. 4.v. The inter-Sural translation and the notes make this edition of the Koran really the best one for European scholars. " A work of such prodigious learning, as to ^^IS j^lyili : THE Koran, Arabic text, printed within borders, with marginal Aralic Commentary, sm. folio, 478 p/?. and 2 leaves of Tables, the second being sup- plied in MS. calf extra, £2. 10^ {St. Petersburg, 1787) On the cover the following words are printed I that, is " Let none touch it except the pure." m gold: La-yamassuhu ilia '1-mutahharuna,— | Most copies want the Tables. 1019 QUEAN. J\J^\ : the Koran, in Arabic, with Preface by Muhammad 'Ali of Khurasan, divided into 2 vols, royal 870. 4 preliminary/ leaves and 724 pp. bound in green Indian morocco, 20s Cal. A.H. 1245 1020 J\J^\ : CoEANUS, Flugelianum textum recognitum curavit Eedslob, 8vo. bds. 1021 '^^l" -. . Lips. 1S^7 Li^-'V-^^ir^**^- 3 ^^^1^"^=^ ji^'^ ^ ^^j^'^'- ^^^ KoEAN, in Arabic, with inter. linear version in Urdu, and two marginal Persian commentaries the Taf- sir-i-Hosseiny and the Tafsir-i-Abbasy, 2 vols. impl. 4to. loith the vowel joints, £^.\Qs Calcutta, im 1022 ^J^ j^^ , j^^^=^^^^a^ ^ J^l jj^ Jsj^\ : Vol. I. 4to. MO pp. lltho- .graphed, the Arabic text of Surahs 1-18, with two Persian Commentaries, the latsir-i-Hosseim and the Tafsir-i-Abbasi, sd. 20s (r Calcutta, 1850) 1023 Jj^\ : the Quran, edited by Maulavi Mahbiib 'Ali, Muhammad Makhdum, and others entirely/ lithographed in large, bold and elegant characters, with all 1 Ao /7^^^"^''' -^^CT red morocco neat, a very fine edition, £2. 2s India 1S66 lAo^ i-r^S'^A^^T^''''^^^'^' ^^' ^^^Sel, 4to. a few leaves missing, 6s Zips' 184'^ 1020 KOEAN, translated from Arabic into English, with Explanatorv Notes and Prehmmary Discourse, by G. Sale, new edition, 2 vols. 8vo, ma}> and plates, calj neat, \2.s 1819 1026 — — the same, new edition, with Memoir of the Translator, 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, C)s ^ -,q^j 1027 NoLDEKE, Geschichte des Qoraus, 8vo. 2.5 Qd L860 1028 KOSEGAETEN. J^l ^^ ^^i^i>-il ^^ci : The Hudsailian Poe, ;ms. edited m Arabic hj Kosegarten, Yol. I. 4to. all published, calf, 2%s 1854 A famous collection of the ancient Arabic songs which were peculiar to the tribe of the Huzailis 1029 KosEGAETENii Chrestomathia Arabica, 8vo. with all the vowel points and a good Lexicon, half calf, 16s Zivs 1S28 1030 Lafuente y Alcantaea, Catalogo de los Codd. Arabigos adquifidos en 1 n.l T . '"' ™?n ^^''- '''''^' P ^^ -^^drid, 18G2 iUdl J.AGHAKGE (Grangerct de) Antholoaic Arabe de poesies inedites, Arabe et inQ9 T a^'-^T^^'a '""• '^■-^'''' of the best ivorJcs of its Jcind, Qs Paris, 1828 1032 LANE S Ababic-ExNgltsh Lexicon, Madd-u '1 Qamus : an Arabic-Endish Lexicon, derived from the best and most copious Eastern Sources- compris- ing a very large collection of words and significations omitted in the Kamoos with ample Grammatical and Critical Comments, and Examples in Pro.^e and Yerse by Edward William Lane, Vol. I. (Alif to Zain) in 3 parts, impl. 4to cloth, £'^. 16S ^ j^gg n^ '^S.!n' f^T^ '" ci?:htp..rt., at 25. each. I et applications, en citant pour chaque cas "sc^s bon hv c est im l/wsnurus ou il traile autorites et des exemples." c.aquc mot scion son sei.s primitif ct scs nuances | Moiil, Jiapp^ Anh, Journ. As. ISCJ^. 2 T 2 830 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1033 LoKMAK ^Uiii! J\^\ ' Tables, Arale et Franqais, avec Dictionnaire par Cherbonneau, 12mo. sd. Ss Paris, 1864 1034 lo^ J^'^^ • I'abulse, cum Glossario ed. Roediger, sm. 4to. hf. calf, Ss 6d Balis, 1839 1035 LUMSDEN'S Aeabic Geammas, comprising the System of Inflection, Vol. I, all published, stout folio, no title, half calf, 14s; or, perfect, in calf, 185 Calcutta, 1813 The best Arabic Grammar explained in English. 1036 MACAEIUS, Patriarch of Antioch, Travels, written by his Deacon, Paul of Aleppo, translated from the Arabic by Belfour, 9 parts in 7, forming 2 vols. 4to. (pub. £3. Ss) cloth, £2. 2s 1829-37 Macarius was the Greek Patriarch of An- tioch. and travelled through all the provinces of Turkey, and through great part of the Russian dominions. His narrative is very valuable, as giving a faithful account of the manners and cus- toms of the Turkish, Tatar, Slavonic, and Greek races ; and the political and statistical history of Moldavia and Wallachia can nowhere be studied so completely as in these records. They are, in- deed, according to the title, a " Treasury of En- tertaining Narratives," and full of Geographical, Historical, Social, and Political mformation. 1037 Maimonides C c-^^^ v_ J») Porta Mosis, Dissertationes in Mishnaioth, &c. Arab. (char. Hebr.) et Lat. ed. Pococke, sq. 8vo. hound, (js Oxon. 1655 1038 Jl; : Arab, et Lat. sq. 8vo. hf bd. 7s Qd " " ^' Leidcs, 1613 ■Rnnnrl nr. with 1-^ » \ » lA , \ ^^^'^'^^ 1612-15; and Sancti Lucae Apostolica Bound up ^Mth U>-^, ^ ^y JjUjj | Historia, .^wc^, Vienna, 1565. 1070 Paulmier, Dictionnaire Fran9ais-Arabe, (idiome parle en Algerie), 12mo. Qll pp. double cols, calf, 10s Paris, 1850 1071 PococKE, Specimen Historise Arabum ex Abiil-Earagio ; cum Excerptis ex Abul-feda, curante De Sacy; Arab, et Lat. ed. White, sm. 4to. portrait, bds. 5s Qd; hf. bd. Is Qd ^ Oxonii, 1806 1072 Quatremere, Notice d'lin Manuscrit Arabe, (Mesalek wa Memalek) con- tenant la description de TAfrique, 4to. hf morocco, 5s Paris, 1831 1073 Rasmussej^, Historia prsecipuorum Arabum regnorurn ante Islamismum, cum Additamentis, Arab. et. Lat. 2 yoIs. 4to. hf bd. 7s Qd Haunice, 1817-20 1074 Eaudhet el-KhatIr Qasim. j\y)\ ^^ ^^ t_^jsi^l jL^l^H ^^j : Gar- den of the Choicest Flowers, a celebrated ethical work by Mohammed bin Qasim bin Taqub, composed a. h. 922, sm. 4to. well written in very small cha- racters, Oriental binding, £2. 10s Sec. XV^II 1075 Eatjzatu 'l-'Azaban. Treatise on Celibacy and Marriage, in Arabic, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Beyrout, 1864 1076 Eichardson's Arabic Grammar, 4to. bd. 5s 1811 A very good introductory book. Richardson 1 his selections. shewed much tact in his definitions and taste in | 1077 ElSALAT. ^y:, J^\ ^ ^Ji A^ ii.\L:j I sm. 8^0. bd. 5s A. H. 1214 1077* another similar treatise, 8vo. 5s 1219 1078 EizKULLAH Hasstin. ^^yJJS>- aiSl j;. JA) Lii^laJt I Fables, after Kriloff, in Arabic verse, with other pieces ou Eussia, England, etc. 8yo. sd. 5s 1867 1079 EooRDA, Grammatica Arabica, cum Lexico (sine Chrestomathia), 2 vols. 8vo. limp onorocco, 3s Qd Leovard. 1858 ORIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 883 1080 EosENMULLERi Iiistitutiones Lingusa Arabicse ; sententise et narrationes, cum Grlossario, etc. sm. 4to. hf. hd. 3« Qd Lips. 1818 1081 SACY (Le Baron Sylvestre de) CHEESTOMATHIE Aeabe, extraits do divers Ecrivains Arabes, Arabe et Francais^ 3 vols. 8vo. £2. 2* Faris, 1806 1082 CHEESTOMATHIE Arabe, seconde editione, corrigee et augmentee, 3 vols. 8vo. Ids. uncut, £2. 16^ ; hds. edges cut, £2. 10s ; or, bound in 4 vols. 8vo. calf neat, M. 3^ Faris, 1826-27 1083 GEAMMAIEE Aiiabe, 2 vols. 8vo. ^plates, hf. hd. 20s; or a fine copy in calf gilt, 21s 1810 1081 Geammaire Arabe, seconde edition, augmentee, aA^ec un traite de la Prosodie et de la metrique, 2 vols. 8vo. 1345 pp. plates and tables, hf. calf, £S. 16s ^ 1831 1085 ■ Anthologie Orammaticale Arabe, pour faire suite a la Chrestoma- tbie, stout 8vo. sd. uncut, 20s ; or, hf red morocco, 25s 1829 1086 The same three works : GtRAMmaire, seconde edition ; Chresto- MATHiE, seconde EDITION ; Anthologie — together 6 vols, in 7, 8vo. half calf gilt,. £8. 8s ; or, 6 vols, hf calf gilt, uncut, £9. 10s 1826-31 1087 Notices et Extraits de divers MSS. Arabes et autres, 4to. sd. 5s 1813 1088 Santjsi. ^jU^ ^.^ • '^I'ticles of Eaith, by Abu Abdullah Muhammed Abe Yiisuf al Sanusi, with commentary by Abdullah Muhammed bin 'Omar bin Ibraham al Mallali, in Arabic, with interlined Malay translation, 4to. hf morocco, 12s Sec. XVIII 1089 ScHiER, Grammaire Arabe, 8vo. calf gilt, 12s Dresde, 1849 1090 Serain Namah. ^Ij ciJ-'^;*^ * R^y^^^i Vocabulary, Arabic- Persian-Turkish, smallest 4to. bd. 3s Gd " Kostant. A. H. 1250 1091 SHAHEASTANI (Abu '1-Eath Muhammad) J^l ^^ JUII c^'ex^ : Book of the Eeligious and Philosophical Sects, in Arabic, edited by Cureton, 2 vols, in 1, royal 8vo. cloth, 25s Or. Text Soc. 1842-6 1092 Eeligions-Partheien und Philosophen-Schulen, Beutsch, mit Anmer- kungen, von Haarbriicker, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf, 15s HalUy 1850-51 This great work, an exposition of the doc- trines of many creeds, is divided as follows : Mo- hammedan, Jewish, Christian and Dualistic 1093 (Ancient Persian, etc.) Sects ; the Sabseans, the Philosophers, and the Hindus. SHAEATA OOL ISLAM: ^\^\ _^ JiJ\ J,U^ ^Lj J ^\U\ ^.1/, : a Treatise on Lawful and Forbidden Things, by Abool Kasim of Hoolla, 4to. sd. ^Os Calcutta, 1839 1091 SHUMS-OOL-LOGHAT. ^^U ^ ^.ijZ c^Ulb lijUIII ^^J:. I Diction- ary of the Arabic and Persian Languages, explained in Perisian, including also some Turkish words, by Barretto, 2 vols. roy. 4to. cloth, £2. 10s Calcutta, 180G 1095 SOUSA, Documentos Arabicos, para a Historia Portugueza, Arab, e Portu- guez, square 8vo. 125 Lisboa, 1790 1096 ■ Vestigios da Lingoa Arabica em Portugal, 8vo. pp. xvi. and 208, a Lexicon of Fortuguese words, with their Arabic roots, 8vo. hf. morocco, 9s ib. 1830 1097 SOYTJTI. L->U1I c-^1 : Liber (Djelal el-Din Abd el-Eahman) as-Sojutii de Nominibus Eelativis, Arabice, cum annotationibus, ed. Veth, 2 vols. 4to. 25s Lugd. Bat. 1845-51 1098 SuBHAH-E SibIan. ^L.^ y\ ^^?.-U:' j^Uwcl J CJ^\ fCj^ • Annales Eegum, opus Abu Dschaferi Mohammed ben Jesid Taberistanensis, Arabice et Latine, edidit Kosegaeten, 3 vols. 4to. £2. Ss 1831-53 1102 Chronique, traduite par Zotenberg, Vol. 1, Svo. sd. 7s Qd Faris^ 1867 The translation will be completed in four volumes. 1103 TANCHrMi, Commentarius Aralicus in Lamentationes, ed. Cureton, 8vo. cloth, 3s Qd 1843 1104 TAFT Z NI. ^liA^l ^^^ ^^ Ji\^\ j..:^:^ : Al Mookhtusur, com- prising the text of the Tulkhees ool Miftah and commentary, Arabic, impl. 4to. Ids. £2. 10s Calc. 1813 1105 TooEAB Alee. ,^*!1 L-u-j: Treatise on Arabic Syntax, — Jl^l . »-^*y 'L>^j\s^\i - J t--vJl : Arabic Verses and Proverbs, with I^ersian transla- tions — in 1 vol. 4to. hf. calf, 15s Madras, 1820 1106 TuHFAT-UL-MujAHiDiN ; a History of the Pirst Settlement of the Moham- medans in Malabar, and of their subsequent struggles with the Portuguese, translated from the Arabic, by Lieut. M. Bowlandson, 8vo. 4s 1833 1107 Tuis^us bin Tiisuf ash Shidyaq, MarowiV^. ijj ^J^c?- J ^^Lc^l .L^l : History of Mount Lebanon, from the earliest times to the present, in Arabic, 8vo. lithographed, hf. bd. 10s Bairiit (Beyrout) 1859 1108 VANQULI. (uf/fc^l ^Ur^l *U^>*) J^^^ ^^''^ • Dictionary of Arabic explained in Turkish, being a translation by Mohammed ibn Mustafa el- Vani, called VanqUli, from the Sihah of el-Jauheri, 2 vols. sm. folio, Turliish binding, £2. 2s Constantinople, A. H. 1217-18 1109 Veiemoet, Arabismus: Grammatics, Glossarium, etc. Franeq. 1733 — Othonis Palestra Linguarum Orientalium, Franc. 1702 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf bd. 7s Qd 1702-33 1110 "Waqatah. ^^\ Ixi^JiJ}^ j>:i^ {^^\:i liKi^S ^jJ:>: Commentary on the Waqayah, a celebrated work on the Mohammedan Law,ew Arabic, 12mo. MS. beautifully loritten in minute Tcilic characters, with gold lines round every page, and headings in gold, in the original gilt oriental binding, £3. 3s Sec. XVII The original book was by Sadr al Shari'at the I al Shari'at the Second. First . the commentary by his grandson, Sadr | 1111 "WiLKEN de Bellis Cruciatorum ex Abulfeda, 4to. hf. calf, Ss Gott. 1798 1112 WiLLMET, Lexicon Arabicum-Latinum in Coranum, Haririum et vitam Timuri, 4to. hf. calf, 7s 6d Lugd. Bat. 1784 " Ouvrage e,simih."— Brunei. A good Dictionary for Classical Arabic. 1113 "Weight's Grammar of the Arabic Language, translated from the German of Caspari, with additions, Svo. (pub. at 15s) cloth, 12s 1862 1114 Opnseula Arabica, Svo. sd. 4s Ley den, 1859 1115 WUSTENPELD (F.) Genealogische Tabellen der Arabisehen Stamme und Pamilien mit historischen und geographischen Bemerkungen, 2 parts Svo. of text and 2 parts oblong 4to. of Tables, sd. 25s Gottingen, 1852-53 1116 ZAMAKHSHAEI. ^f^^irrvi! L^Si\ a:^jJUll l^\:^ : Samachsharii Lexi- con Arabicum Persicum, edidit "VVetzstein, cum Indice Arabico, 4 parts 4to. entirely lithographed, 20s Lips. 1844-50 The Persian Index promised by the editor, as well as the preface, etc. has never been pubhshed 1117 ^W^^ 5 i.C<^Jl • JW^^ L^\:^ ' Lexicon Geographicum, Arabic, ed. Salverda de Grave, Svo. sd. 5s 6d Lugd. Bat. 1856 1118 Zein el-Aabidin ibx Nojeim. .jlliJl . iU-i^i : Al Ashbaho wa al Kazair, a treatise on Mohammedan Law, in Arabic, edited by Eamdban Sen and others, ir^pl. 4to. sd. 20s Calc. 1826 OEIENTAL LITERATUEE. 835 1119 ZeinI-Zade. ^jh ^jj-l iUiWl (-_->l -cl : A Grammatical Treatise, e« -4ra&^<7, stout sm. 4to. ^;?. 12 and 478, Turkish binding, Vis Kostantifde, A. H. 1200 1120 OprscuLA (Ten) 4to. and 8vo. containing Arabic texts, and European works by Wiistenfeld, Kodiger, and others, 7s 6d 1800-56 Maltese — see post. Armenian. 1121 AUCHEE, Dictionnaire Armenien-Frangais, et Erangais-Armeuien, 2 vols. 8vo. pj). 24 ^ 684, 22 $- 570, hf. hd. 22s; or, calf neat, 27s Fenise, 1812-17 1122 ' Armenian-English Grammar, sm. 8vo. with 129 pp. of selections, in chronological order, hf calf, 6s ih. 1819 1123 AUCHEE and Beand, Arraenian-Euglish and English -Armenian Dictionary, 2 vols, in 1, stout royal 8vo. 983 and 6±0 pp. double columns, fine copy, half bound, gilt, £2. 5s Venice, 1821-25 1124 Bible, New Testament, and Vol. I of the Old Testament, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. hf bound, 6s Venice, 1805-6 1125 CIEBIED, Grammaire de la langue Armenienne, 8vo. ^^. 82 and 820, calf gilt, sca7'ce, 16s Paris, 1823 Bound up with it is a violent correspondence between Cirbied and his critics. 1126 ELisiEUs, History of Vartan and tbe Eeligious "Wars of the Persians and Armenians, translated from the Armenian by Neumann, 4to. (pub. 8s) seiued, Qs 1830 1127 Eltsee, Soulevement de FArmenie contre la loi de Zoroastre sous Vartan, trad, par G. Kabaragy, 8vo. map, sd. 6s Paris, 1844 1128 Ghevond, Guerres des Arabes en Armenie, traduites, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1856 1129 JACOBl (S.) Episcopi Nisieeni Sermones, cum prsefatione, uotis et disser- tatione de Ascetis, qui nunc primiim in lucem prodeunt, Armenice et Latine, (ed. Antonellus), folio, hf. calf, Br. Cureton's copy, £2. Boma, 1756 1130 Mattii. d'Edesse, Chronique, Prang. 8vo. 10s 1858 1131 MOSIS CHOEENENSIS Historia Armeniaca, cum Geographia, Armenice et Latine, edd. "Wbistoni, 4to. onap, calf 32s ; or fine copy in old citron morocco gilt, £2. 2s 1736 1132 la meme histoire, Armenien et Erangais, par Elorival, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. 15s Venise, 1841 1133 EiQGs' Armenian Grammar, 8vo. hf. bd. 5s Smyrna, 1847 1134 ScHEODEEi Thesaurus Linguae Armenica) antiquse et hodiernae, sm. 4to. bound, 5s Amst. 1711 Assyrian and Cuneiform Inscriptions. 1135 BuEis^OTJF, Memoiresur deux Inscriptions Cuneiformes trouvees presd'Hama- dan, 4to. plates of Alphabet and Inscriptions, sd. 10s Paris, 1836 1136 Chvtolson, TJeberreste der altbabylon. Literaturin arab. Uebersetz. impl. 4to. sd. 5s St. Pet. 1859 1137 GrEOTEFEND'S neue Beitrage zur Erlauterung der persepol. Keilschrift, impl. 4to. 4 plates. Is 6d Hannover, 1837 1138 Bemerkungen zu einer Vergleichungstafel ninivitischer Inschrifteu, etc. sm, 4to. Autograph MSS. of 16 pp. with four autograph letters by Gro- tefend, on the same subject, added ^c. 10s 1849-50 1139 Bemerkungen zur Inschrift eines Thongefasses mit ninivitischer Keil- schrift, mit Nachtrage, 2 parts, 4to. ^plates, sd. 2s Gottingen, 1850 1140 die Tributverzeichnisse des Obelisken aus Nimrud, nebst Vorbemer- kungen iiber den verschiedenen Ursprungund Charakter der persischen und assyrischen Keilschrifr, 4to. with 2 lithographed and ^ printed tables, sd. 3s Qd Gbtt. 1852 1141 HiNCKS on the Assyrio-Babylonian Measures of Time, 4to. sd. Is 6a Dub. 1865 1142 Lassen, Altpers. Keil-Inschriften von Persepolis, Sxo.fac&im. 3s 1836 1113 Lassen und Westergaard, iiber die Keil-luschriften der len und 2en Gat- timg, 8vo, plates, bds. 6s , 1815 836 BERNAED QUABITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1144 Lassen. The same, 1845 — Westergaard on Arrowheaded writing, 1845 — Hitzig, die G-rabschrift des Darius, 1847 — Benfey, die Persischen Keil- Inschriften, 1847— in 1 vol. stout 8vo. cloth, 7s 1845-47 1145 LAYAED, Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character, from Assyrian Monu- ments, royal fol. 98 leaves of Inscriptions, hds. I85 1851 1146 LicHTENSTEijf, Palaeographia Assyrio-Persica, 4to. plates, hf. bd. 3* 1803 1147 LoWENSTERN, Dechiffrem. del'Ecriture a Khorsabad, pZ^/fes, 1843 — Elements de la troisieme ^criture Cuneiforme de Persepolis, 1847 — 2 pts. roy. 8vo. 5^ , - , . . Pam, 1843-47 1148 Menant, Expose des Elements de la Grammaire Assyrienna, roy. 8vo. pp. 4, and 392, sd. new, 85 Qd Paris, 1868 1149 NOEEIS'S ASSYEIAN DICTIONAEY, intended to further the Study of the CrxEiFORM IxscEiPTioifs of Assyria and Babtlot^^ia, by Edwin NoRRis, Ph. D. Bonn, Hon Secretary to the Eoyal Asiatic Society, London, Vol. I, 384 pp. 4to. cloth, 28s 1869 This work is printed with the Cuneiform characters, but also their equivalents in Roman letters, and is therefore useful not only to the Students of this particular branch of Philology, but to all comparative Philologists, particularly to Semitic scholars. 1150 EAWLINSON and Norris's Selection from the Historical Inscriptions of Chaldaea, Assyria, and Babylonia, large folio, 70 lithographic plates, with descriptions, hds. 20s 1861 1151 Tracts (10) on the Cuneiform characters and languages, by Grotefend, Hincks, and others, 6s 1840-50 See aUo, ante, Assyria. Berber. 1152 Delaporte, Langue Berbere — Newman's Conversation, Ghadamsee, and Touarghee, 1847, folio, 2s 6d 1840-47 1153 DICTIONNAIRE Frangais-Berbere, dialecte des Kabailes, (par Jaubert, Delaporte, Nully, Brosselard, Sidi Ahmed), very stout impl. 8vo. sd. whole calf, SOs ; or, hf. morocco, gilt top, uncut, 30^ Paris, 1844 1154 Yejs^ture de Paeadis, Grammaire et Dictionnaire de la Langue Berbere, revus par Jaubert, 4to. 7^ Qd ib. 1844 1155 the same, a beautiful copy in green morocco extra, watered silk linings, gilt edges, 20s 1844 1156 Newmain's Berber Grammar, Bristol, 1836 — Pharaon, les Cabiles et Boudgie, avec Vocabulaire Franco-Cabile-Algerien, Alger, 1835 — in 1 vol. 8vo. bds. 6s 1835-6 Burmese. 1157 DAMATHAL, or Laws of Menoo, in Burmese and Unglish, by Dr. Eichard- son, 14 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. 752 pp. bound, rare, 30s Mauhnain, 1847 1158 HOUGH'S (G. H.) English and Burman Yocabulary, preceded by a Gram- mar, oblong 8vo. 25s Serampore, 1825 1159 Anglo-Burmese Dictionary, 3 parts in 1 vol. stout sm. 8vo. 855 pp. calf, 10s Maulmain, 1845 1160 JUDSON'S Burmese-English and English-Burmese Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. pp. 371 and 589, double columns, £5. Mauhnain, 1852-49 1161 LANE'S English-Burmese Dictionary, 4to. 468 pp. double cols, a few insigni- ficant wormholes in the margin, hf. russia, rare, £2. 15s Calc. 1841 1162 LATTEE'S Grammar of the Language of Burmah, 4to. pp. Ivi. and 203, hds, RARE, £2. 2s Calcutta, 1845 1163 Schleicher, I'lnfluence de I'Ecriture, et Grammaires Barmane et Malaie, 8vo. 5s Darmst. 1835 Caucasian Languages. 1164 Caucasus. Memoir of a Map of the countries between the Black Sea and the Caspian, roy. 4to. large folding map, with Vocabularies of(j Languages in 14 dialects, hds. ] 5s 1788 1165 "WAKHOUcnT, Description geographique de la Georgie, Georgien et Fi^ancais, publiee par Brosset, 4to. hf. calf, gilt top, uncuty 14s 1842 OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 837 1166 Ossetish. Sjogeen, Ossetiscbe Sprachlehre, mit Ossetisch-Deutschem und Deutsch-Ossetischem Worterbuche, 4to. 49 and 543 pp. sd. 12s ; or ///! calff 15s 1844 Chinese. 1167 ^SOFS Eables in Chinese, roy. 8vo. ivith curious illustrations, sd. 2s 6d China, cir. 1860 1168 iESOFS Eables in Chinese, by Mun Mooy Seen-Tbang, with a free and a literal English translation by Sloth (THOM),4to. cloth, rare, 30s Canton, 1840 1169 Algebraic Geometry, with differential and integral Calculus (translated into Chinese from the English of Loomis, etc.) edited by Wylie, 3 pts. royal 8vo. 6s ^ Shanghae, 1859 1170 Alma:nac for the fifth year of Hien Eung (1854), 8vo. upwards of 100 curi- ous engravings of onythological and allegorical personages, one of them defec- tive, sd. Gs 1854 1171 Baterus de Horis Sinicis et Cyclo Horario, 4to. plates, calf gilt, 7s 6d Fetrop. 1735 1172 Baztn, Grammaire Mandarine, ou principes de la laugue Chinoise parlee, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Paris, 1856 1173 Grammaire Mandarine, 1856 — Eochet, Manuel de la Langue Chinoise vulgaire, including Grammar and Chrestomathy, 1846 — 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. Id. 18s 1846-56 1174 (Bevat^) Beginner's Eirst Book in Chinese (Canton Vernacular) 8vo. 161 pp. of Vocabularies, English and Chinese, the Chinese in Native and JRoman cha- racters, hf. hd. 12s Hong Kong, 1847 1175 Bible in Chinese, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. 5s China, cir. 1850 1176 BIBLE in Chinese, 2 vols. Sxo.fine copy, handsomely hound in blue morocco extra, 36s China, 1854 1177 Gospels of Matthew and Mark, in Chinese and Mantchu, by Wylie, 2 parts, sm. folio, 5s China, cir. 1860 1178 Buddhist Devotional Exercises, in Chinese, impl. 8vo. printed in white letters on black ground, folded and attached to bds. 10s Qd cir. 1780 1179 CALLEEY, Systema Phoneticum Scripturse Sinicse, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. compris- ing a Dictionary, Chinese, Latin and French, sd. £2. Macao, 1841 1180 CHINESE CLASSICS, Chinese and English, with notes, prolegomena, and Indexes, by Legge : Confucian Analects, the Great Learning and Doctrine of the Mean ; and the Works of Mencius, Vols. I — III, in 4 vols, stout roy. 8vo. (pub. at £S. 8s) bds. £7. 7s Hong Kong, 1861-65 To be completed in seven vols. 1181 Chinese Serial, in Chinese, Vol. Ill, JNo. 7, July, 1855, map and other engra- vings, Is 1855 1182 CHiXG KiAO CniN Tsiuen: Correct Exposition of the True Eaith, in Chinese, roy. 8vo. hf. bd. 20s China, 1657 Rare and curious : it is a Mohammedan i ism in China, work on the establishment and history of Islam- I 1183 Ching Sin Km Teu; Excellent Maxims, a Buddhistical work, iw Chinese, impl. 8vo. sd. Qs China, 1853 1184 Cheonology of China from the Tsin Dynasty, B.C. 221 to the present dynasty, 8 MS. Bolls, 10s Toou Kwang, lOth year, 1821 1185 Chung "Wae Tung Shoo : Calendar for Foreigners, in Chinese, roy. 8vo. Is6d China, 1858 1186 CONFUCIUS, SZE CHOO CHING WAN: the Four Classical Books attributed to Confucius, and his Disciples (the Ta Hio, Chung Yung, Lun Tu and Meng-tsze), 10 parts in 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 32s circ. 1800 1187 the same, with the Imperial Paraphrase according to the Commentary of Tchu Hi, in Chinese, 6 vols. impl. 8vo. engravings, sd. best edition, ele- gantly printed, sd. 30s 1813 1188 the same, with Commentary, in Chinese, in 6 vols. 8vo. sd. a good edi- tion, 20s ca. 1820 838 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1189 SzE Shu, with Commentary, in Chinese, 5 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. 5« cir. 1810 1190 theFouE Books, translated with notes, by Collie, 8vo. cloth, very o^are, 25^ Malacca, 1828 1191 CONFUCIUS'S Works ; containing the original Chinese text, with an Eng- lish translation, Vol. I. (all published), to which is prefixed a dissertation on the Chinese Language and Character, very stout 4to. containing the life of Confucius, the Dissertation, and the Lun Tu, bds. uncut, rare, £2. 10s Serampore, 1809 1192 the same, bound in 3 vols. 4to. wanting pp. 1 — 8 of the Lung Yu, calf, 25* 1809 1193 KuNG TzE KiA Shwo : Familar Conversations of Confucius with his disciples and familv, in Chinese, 3 vols. sm. folio, an old edition, sd. 2Qs ^ec. XVIL See also post Woo King. 1194 DAYIS (Sir J. T.) CHINESE Moeal MAXIMS, with a full and verbal TEAis^SLATiON, affording examples of the Grammatical structure of the lan- guage, 8vo. cloth, lOs Macao, 1823 1195 Chinese Miscellanies; a collection of essays and notes, sm. 8vo. cloth, 6s 1865 1196 Commercial Vocabulary, English-Chinese, the latter in Native and Roman characters, 12mo. hf hd. 3s 6 J Macao, 1834 EoETUNATE Union — see Hau Kiou Chuen. 1197 DE GUIGNES, Dictionnaire Chinois, Eran9ais et Latin, stout royal folio, containing pp. Ivi. and 1114, double columns, sd. £4. Paris, 1813-19 A very valuable work, and now becoming ' never completed ; it only goes to paj^e 168, and scarce. includes the first to the sixty-first Radical. Klaproth published a Supplement which was 1 1198 De Morgan's Algebra, translated into Chinese by Wylie, 8vo. with autograph letter from Frofessor DeMorgan to Sir Emerson Tennent, hf. morocco, IQs China, 1859 1199 DiCTiONAKT, entirely in Chinese, 12mo. hf morocco, 5s Sec. X^III Not quite perfect, and possibly an abridgment of Khang Hi. 1200 EDKINS (Rev. Joseph) Progressive Lessons in the Chinese Spoken Lan- guage, with a List of Common Words and Phrases, and the Laws of Tones in the Pekin Dialect, 8vo. second edition, sewed, 14* Shanghai, 1864 1201 ENDLICHEE'S Anfansgrlinde der Chinesischen Grammatik, 8vo. pp. xxiv and 376, cloth, IGs Wien, 1845 One of the most valuable works on Chinese Grammar published. 1202 Ean-Ht-Cheij, a tale in Chinese and English, with Notes and a Grammar, by Weston, rov. 8vo. bds. 3^ Qd 1814 1203 EEI-SIAO-HIEN-TcHi-TO-Loui Siouen : Manual of Epistolary Style, in Chiriese, 10 vols. 12mo. sd. £2. circa 1770 1204 EOE KOUE KI, relation des royaumes Bouddhiques, par Chy Fa Hian, en Franqais, commentce par Eemusat, Klaproth et Landresse, impl. 4to. hf. calf neat, uncut, 20s Faris, 1836 1205 EouRMONT, Linguae Sinarum Grammatica duplex, cum Sinicorum Eeg. Bibl. librorum Catalogo, 1742 — Meditationes Sinicse, 1737 — 2 vols, folio, calf gilt, 20s Faris, 1737-42 These learned labours of De Guignes' preceptor are now too unjustly neglected. 1206 Geographical Treatise, relating to China and Eastern Asia, in Chinese, 2 parts, roy. 8vo. maps, 4* China, ca. J 830 1207 Geography in Chinese, 8vo. onaps, hf morocco gilt. Is China, 1853 1208 GONCALVES, Diccionario China- Portuguez e Portuguez-China, 3 vols, in 4, 2018 pp. double columns, 1831-33 — Arte China, constante de Alphabeto e Grammatica, com modelos das composi9oens, 1829 — together 5 vols. sm.4to. sd. uncut, £6. 10* Macao, 1829-33 *' To the desired end our elementary means | China." — Wade. are few. The best is perhaps Goncalves' Arte OEIENTAL LITERATUEE. 839 1209 Han Koong Tsew ; or, The Sorrows of Han : a Chinese Tragedy, triinslated from the Original, with Notes, and a specimen of the Chinese Text, by J. P. Davis, F.E.S. 4to. 4* 1829 1210 HAN LIN KI, llecords of the Han Ling College, 20 parts in 4 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. SOs cir. 1790 The Han Ling is the great National College | composed by scholars are sent to them for their of the Empire, and is also similar to the French ; decision as to publication. Their *' Records" Academy. The members publish editions with j possess therefore a high literary interest. commentaries of all the old texts, and new works ' 1211 HAU KIU CHUEN. The Foetujs'ate Union, a Chinese Eomance, with notes and illustrations, to which is added a Chinese Tragedy, 2 vols. 8vo. hds. lOs 1829 1212 Hm Kiou Choaan, the pleasing history, translated, with the story of a Chinese play, a collection of Chinese Peoyerbs, and fragments of poetry, (edited by Bishop Percy), 4 vols. \2mo. frontispieces^ 12s 1761 1213 Haf-Kiou-Choaan, ou rUnion bien assortie, 4 vols. 12mo. engravings, sewed, Qs Paris, 1828 This is simply an unacknowledged French I proverbs and poetry at the end. translation from the old English one, omitting the | 1214 Heenisz, Griiide to Conversation in English and Chinese, obi. 8vo. 41 and 179 pp. treble cols, the Chinese in native and Roman characters, sd, 10s Boston, 1854 1215 Heeschel's Outlines of Astronomy, translated into Chinese by Wylie, 3 vols. sm. folio, diagrams, fine copy, enclosed in a wooden case, hf. red morocco gilt, £2. 2s China, 1859 1216 Hobson's Anatomy and Surgery, in Chinese, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. diagrams, hf. red morocco gilt, 7s (5d China, 1851-57 1217 Practice of European Medicine, in Chinese, roy. Svo. sd. 2s Shanghae, 1858 1218 the same, with an English-Chinese "Vocabulary, 2 parts in 1 vol. roy. 8vo. sd. 9s 1858 1219 Hoei Lan Ki ; or, I'Histoire du Cercle de Craie. Drame en Prose et en Vers ; traduit du Chinois, et accompagne de Notes, par Stanislas Julien, 8vo. 7*6^ 1832 1220 the same, Chinese text, roy. 4to. sd. 7s 6d Paris (: 1860) 1221 HrMBOLBT, Lettre a Kemusat sur la Langue Chinoise, etc. 8vo. sd. 2s 1827 1222 Htjng Woo Chinq Yung : an early Dictionary, in Chinese, arranged accord- ing to the sounds, 5 vols. impl. Svo. between boards, 30* ? 1600 1223 Inscriptions, Ancient, engraved on various specimens of antique art, exe- cuted in the time of the Han Dynasty (about the time of Christ), and re- produced in facsimile, with Chinese text, impl. 8vo. sd. Qs cir. 1800 1224 Ming Dynasty. Copies of Stone Inscriptions of Writings under this Dynasty, Vol. VIII, impl. 8vo. printed in ivhite on black ground, wormed, bds. 5* cir. 1750 1225 ItJ Kaio Li, ou les deux Cousines, traduit par Abel Eemusat, 4 vols. l2mo. frontispieces, sd. 7s Paris, 1826 1226 Julien, Exercices d' analyse de Syntaxe et de Lexigraphie Chinoise, Svo. sd. 4« Paris, 1842 1227 Julien, Methode pour dechiffrer et transcrire lea noms Sanscrits qui se ren- contreut dans les Livres Chinois, Svo. 155 1861 1228 Keae Tsze Yuen Hwa Chuen: Drawings of the Mustard-seed Garden described, a work on Designing, Painting, and other Fine Art Studies, in Chinese, 16 vols. roy. Svo. numerous curious engravings of figures, landscapes, trees, etc. within bds. 20s 1818 1229 KHANG HI Tsze Tien: the celebrated Dictionary of the Emperor Khang Hi, 31 vols, large Svo. (there should be 32 vols, one being absent between those numbered 26 and 27) sd. 30* Dated 6^th year of Khajig Hi, (1716) 1230 the same, 32 vols, a fine complete copy, in 4^ cases, £4. (1716) 840 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1231 KHANG-HI, another edition, wanting the twenty-first volume^ 31 vols. 12mo. sewed, 12s cir. 1720 1232 another edition, 32 vols. impl. 8vo. in 4 cases, a very Jlne edition, £5. 5s cir. 1790 1233 another edition, 40 vols, in 6 cases, 8vo. £3. IQs cir. 1800 1234 — another edition, 32 vols, in 8, sm. 8vo. hf. calf, £2. 10s cir. 1800 The great Dictionaiy of Khang Ili was com- f writings destined for presentation to the throne, posed by a literary committee of twenty-seven of \ must folloAV the orthography of this lexicon, the the most illustrious savans of Pekin, presided I most esteemed and complete work of the kind, over by the princes Chang Yu Shu and Chin I The preface is by the Emperor Khang Hi him- Ting King. Its authority is universal, and all ! self, and contains a facsimile of his writing. 1235 KiANG Na^g Zijh Shwa: a native Medical Work, in Chinese, by Kiang Nang, roy. 8vo. sd. 4ts China, 1744 1236 KiEis- KwANG Tow Lm Kma : a Book on Divination by the Pa Kwa, or Eight Mystical Diagrams of Fuh-Hi ; Palmistry, etc. impl. 8vo. loith dia- grams, in case, 12s China, 1857 1237 KiE2f Lu^^G Poo Ti^G. Statistical Account of China, under the Emperor Kien Lung, in Chinese, 16 vols. impl. 8vo. maps, between hds. £2. 2s 1788 1238 Klapeoth, Dictiouarium Sinico-Latino-Germanicum, 4to. MS. of 272 leaves, containing the Chinese in native and B,oman characters, followed by the expla- nations partly in Latin, and partly in German, hf. bd. 25s ca. 1820 This MS. contains the explanation of about 1 was the commencement of an immense under- 1600 characters, with the Key in red ink ; and | taking on the part of Klaproth. 1239 (Klapeoth) Eemarques philologiques sur De Guignes, 8vo. sd. 35 Berlin, 1809 1240 Klapeoth, Mentzel, Baiee, Lexicon Sinicum, stout folio, MS. of upwards of 500 leaves, bds. 14^ 1750-1820 This MS. written upon paper of the last century, contains all the characters of the Chinese Dictionary " Tseu Wei," and others added from the '^ Tseu Hai," many of them with the Roman ized form and the explanation in Latin, by the above great scholars. The Chinese characters are in the handwriting of Mentzel : and the ex- planations, added later, by Bayer and Klaproth. 1241 KwAi^-G Chow Jin Wuh: Men and Things of the Province of Kwang Chow, 24 parts in 4 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. 10s cir. 1770 1242 Li two Tchi : Eomance founded on the History of the confederated nations during the Chow Dynasty, Chinese, 12 vols. 12mo. 15s cir. 1800 1243 Li Ki : the Book of Ceremonies, in Chinese, roy. 8vo. hf. calf, Qs China, circa 1750 1244 LiTEE des Hecompenses et des Peines, avec 400 Legendes, etc. traduit du Chinois, par Julien, 8vo. 10s Paris, 1835 1245 Logaeithms. A Chinese work on Logarithms, printed in red and blach, 12mo. sd. curious, is ca. 1800 1246 MacGowai^'s Law of Storms, in Chinese, roy. 8vo. sd. 2s Qid China, 1853 1247 MAESHMAN'S Dissertations on the Character and Sounds of the Chinese Language, 4to. 4 tables and cxiii pp. (j^rinted as an introduction to the works of Confucius, often wanting) calf, 18s Serampore, 1809 1248 ' the same, second edition, (altered), roy. 4to. 5s ib. 1813 1249 Clavis Sinica : Chinese Geammae, with a dissertation on the Characters and Colloquial Medium, and Appendix of the Ta-Hyoh of Con- fucius, Chinese and English, 4ito. pp. 16, 866, and 56, bds. 15s ; or hf. neat, 20s Serampore, 1814 The dissertation, already twice edited sepa- I of the first edition of the Dissertation does not lately, is reprinted here from' the second edition, | appear in the second or third, as it was intended forming part 1 of the Clavis. The whole matter 1 to distribute it over the Clavis. 1250 Maetin's Analytical Eeader: or short Method for learning to read and write Chinese — Vocabulary of 2C00 frequent Characters, and their significa- tions and the Peking sounds — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. half bound, 20s Shanghai, 1863 1251 MEDHUEST (W. H.) Chinese- English and Enghsh-Chinese Dicttonaet, containing all the words of the Chinese lm[:erial Dictionary, according to Eadicals, 4 vols. Svo. very rare, 5CIO. 10s Batavia, 1842, and Shanghae, 1847 1252 Chinese Dialogues, Questions, and Familiar Sentences, the Chinese \n native end Boman characters, 8vo, bd. 20s Shatighae, iS44 OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 841 1253 Medhuest, Notices on Chinese Grammar, by Philo-Sinensis, Part I : Ortho- graphy and Etymology, 8vo. 148 pp. hds. 10s Batavia, 1842 1254 MEDHUEST'S Dictioxaet of the HOK-KeEN dialect of the Chinese Language, according to the reading and colloquial idioms, with an account of Hok Keen, 4to. Ixiv and 860 pp. hf. bd. £2. Macao, 1832 1255 MENGr TSEU, vel Mencium inter Sinenses philosophos Confucio proximum, Sinice et Laf. ed. Julien, cum notis, 3 vols, in 2, large 8vo. sd. 10s ; or, hf. calf gilt, 14s Faris, 1824-29 1256 Milner's History of England, abridged in Chinese, by Muirhead, 2 vols, in I, 8vo. hf. red morocco gilt, 10s Shanghae, 1856 1257 MoNCEiEF on Arithmetic, in Chinese, roy. 8vo. 2s Qd Victoria {Hong Kong) 1852 1258 MOEEISON'S DICTIONAET of tbe CHINESE Language, divided into 3 parts : I, Chinese and English, arranged according to the Eadicals, 3 vols. ; II, Chinese and English, arranged alphabetically, 2 vols. ; III, English and Chinese, 1 vol. — forming together 6 vols. roy. 4to. bds. ,3610. ; or, hf. calf neat, 3612. Macao, 1815-22 1259 the same, without Yol. Ill of the first Part, 5 vols. 4to. hds. £7. 10s 1815-22 The 6 vols, were priced, 1847, bds. £14.; already become a rare book, the number printed Bunsen's copy, calf, I bought for £14. 15* ; Earl having been comparatively small. The type is of Munster's copy, calf, fetched, 1855, i:'12. 15s. no longer extant, and cannot be reproduced but This laborious production includes all the famous at great cost ; and the patient, self-denying characters comprised in the Chinese Dictionary labour requisite for a complete new edition, mere in 32 volumes, folio, published in 1761. It has pecuniary outlay cannot command. 1260 Morrison's Dictionary of the Chinese Language, Paet or Division II. in 2 vols. roy. 4to. containing the Chinese-English alphabetically arranged, calf gilt, £5. 5s 31acao, 1819-20 1261 the same, Part II or division, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. (pub. £4. 4s) bds. £S. 10s Reprinted, Shanghae, 1865 1262 Grammar of the Chinese Language, 4to. bds. 20s ; or, hf calf gilt, 25s Macao, 1815 1263 Translations from the Chinese, with Notes ; Davis, San-Yu-Low, 8vo. bds. 4s Canton, lal5 1264 Dialogues and detached Sentences in the Chinese Language, Chinese in native and Roman characters, and English, roy. 8vo. tvithout title, dedica- tion, and preface, hf. calf, 16s Macao, 1816 1264* View of China for philological purposes, 4to. bds. 10s Macao, 1817 1265 Chinese Miscellany, consisting of extracts in the native character, with translations and philological remarks, roy. 4to. plates, sd. Is 6J 1825 1266 Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect, complete, 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf, rare, €2. 2s Macao, 1828 A Vocabulary English-Chinese and Chinese-English ; and Chinese Words and Phrases. 1267 PiiPEES relating to high official dignities of state, printed in white on black ground, with several archaic characters, folding into 2 vols. roy. 8vo. size, the outer leaves fastened to wooden bds. 15s Sec. XVIII. 1268 Pauthiee, Vindicia? Sinicse, large 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Farisj 1842 1269 Inscription Syro-Chinoise de ^\-NgSin-'Eo\\, facsimile, 1858 — Authen- ticite de I'lnscription — 2 parts 8vo. sc?. 5s 6c? Faris, 1857-58 1270 Pun Hwa; Botany, in Chinese, roy. 8vo. hf. morocco, 4s (1800) 1271 EEMUSAT, Elements de la Grammaire Chinoise, principes du Kou-Wen et Kouen-Hoa, nouvelle edition par Leon de Rosny, roy. 8vo. sd. 10s .1857 1272 Dictionnaire Chinois-Frangais contenant les Caracteres les plus usites, leur prononciation, leur ton, et leur signification, avec deux tables de renvois au Dictionnaire, sm. 4to. neat MS. of 270 pp. 25s Decbre, 1808 The existenre of this MS. work is apparently j the long list of liemusat's works given in the not known to Sinologists. It is not mentioned in j Biograpliie Universelle. 1273 EocnET, Manuel pratique de la langue Chinoise vulgaire, avec introduct. grammat. choix de litteratuie et Vocobulairo, roy. 8vo. hf calf, ailt top, IV.s "Faris, 1840 8i2 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1274 San Kwe Tcht : History of the Three Kino;doms, in Chinese, 20 vols. 12mo. with 40 engravings of figures in various attitudes, sd. \0s circ. 1800 1275 Schott's Chinesische Sprachlehre und Verskunst, 2 parts, 4to. 7* 6c? Berlin, 1857 1276 Shin IIeatj, and Seen Sin Luh ; 2 works on morals, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 7s Gd air. 1790 Shu Ki'SQ.'^ see post. Woo King. 1277 Shun Nunq pun Ts'haou : Catalogue of Plants, attributed to the Emperor Shun Nung, who was the founder of Husbandry, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. Is cir. 1820 1278 Specimens of different modes of forming the Characters, with explanations, a large MS. roll, 25s Sec. XVIII. The examples are very numerous ; aud altogether it is an extremely curious performance. 1279 [Stanley (Hon. H., noiv Lord Stanley of Alderley)'] Chinese Manual : Eecueil de Phrases Chinoises composees de quatre caracteres, folio, Chinese in native and Roman characters, translated in French and English, lithographed, cloth, 7s Gd 1854 1280 SUMMEES (Professor) Handbook of the Chinese Language, Parts I and II : Grammar and Chrestomathy, in 1 vol. 8vo. including 48 lithographed pages of Chinese extracts, the Chrestomathy chiefly in Roman characters, hf morocco, new, 28s Oxford, 1863 1281 Eudiments of the Chinese Language, with Dialogues, Exercises, and a VoCABULAEY, 12mo. (pub. 5^) cloth, 3s Gd 1864 A really Handy Book for all who wish to I and for Commercial Men connected with the have a general notion of the Chinese Language, J Chinese Trade. 1282 TA TSINa LEU LEE Hing Yan : Laws of the Ta Tsing, the present Dynasty, in Chinese, 24 vols. 8vo. well printed, fine copy, in 2 bundles between wooden boards, £2. 10s 1860 1283 the Eundamental Laws of China, with a selection from the Penal Code, translated by Staunton, roy. 4to. bds. 20s 1810 1284 Tae King Tang Tseih: Miscellaneous Collection of the Tae King OflBce, a collection of Miscellaneous Literature, 20 vols. roy. 8vo. in 4 cases, finely printed, 15s cir. 1820 1285 Tching Tsze Tung: Chinese Dictionary, an abridgment of the great work of that name, 22 vols. 12mo. sd. 9s ca. 1820 1286 Thom's Chinese and English Vocabulary, 8vo. printed on Chinese silk paper, from blocks cut by native artists, and giving the English sounds in Chinese and Mantchu characters, sd. 10s Canton, 1843 1287 the Chinese Speaker, extracts from works in the Mandarin language as spoken at Pekin, Chinese and English, the former in both native and Roman characters, Part 1, roy. 8vo. sd. 15s Ningpo, 1846 1288 Thsang Pou TSZE WEI : Chinese Dictionary, by Mei Tang Seng, arranged according to the radicals, 14 vols. 8vo. sd. 15s cir. 1800 1289 Thsian Dsu Weit : Book of the Thousand Characters, in Chinese, 8vo. bds. 7s Gd circa 1780 1290 THSIN'G wen LUI TCHU: Classical Dictionary of Mantchu e^^^/^ew^c? 2W CHINESE, 12 vols.— Thsing Wen Pa Lui : Supplement to the Dic- tionary, Mantchu and Chinese, 12 vols. — together 24 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2 cases, £S. 3s circa 1820 1291 Treaties of Peace between China and England, America, and France, Chi- nese and English, Chinese and French, 8vo. sd. 4s Gd 1844 1292 TEIGAULT, Si Jou Eul Mou Tseu ; Vocabulary arranged according to the Tones, following the order of the European words, 3 vols, in 1, stout impl. 8vo. the characters throughout great part of the work being also ex- pressed, in Roman letters, with curious diagram, hf. bd. from KlaprotK s library, YERY RARE, £11. lls {HangCiwu), a.d. 1626 1293 Tseih Ku Chae Chung. A collection of Ancient Inscriptions on Bells, Sacrificial Vessels, etc. reproduced in facsimile, with translation and com- mentary, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. not complete, sd. 20s cir. 1780 OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 843 1294 Tso TcHUEN : Chronicle of Tso Tchuen Ming,* in Chinese, G vols. 8vo. seived, 12.9 circa 1770 1295 Tung Tchaotj LI KWO Tseuen CHI. Historical Eomance relating to the Li Kwo confederate, or states of the time of the Eastern Tchaou, 24 vols. 12mo. enp^avings of figures^ sd. in a case, 2ds ca. 1830 See also a?ite, No. 1242. 1296 Tung TszE LEA:tfG Han Tsuen TcnuEX : Historical Eomancea of the East and West Hans, 12' vols, (the 13th wanting) 12Lno. engravings of the various characters^ Vol. 12 damaged, and some of the others slightly tvormed, sd. 7s ca. 1830 Voyages des Pelerins Bouddhistes: 1297 HisTOiRE de la Vie de Hiouen-Thsang, 8vo. 15s 1858 1298 Memoires sur les Contrees Occidentales, par Hiouen-Thsang, 2 vols. 8vo. £4. 45 1857-59 1299 WADE (T. E.) Hsin Ching Lu, or Book of Experiments, being the first of a series of contributions to the study of Chinese, folio, in three parts, 20s ; hf. calf, 25s ; calf gilt, 2Ss Hong Kong, 1859 Containing Vocabularies, extracts, etc. in j for the use of students in acquiring the language Chinese and English, with a Peking Syllabary ; j spoken by the court officials of the empire. 1300 WADE, Yii-Yen Tzu Erh Chi : a Progressive Course to assist the student of Colloquial Chinese as spoken in the capital, with Key, Syllabary, and W^riting Exercises, 4 vols. impl. 4to. (pub. i5. 5s) Ids. £3. 16*; or bound in 1 vol. hf calf gilt, £4. 5^ 1SG7 Bearing a fictitious London imprint, but evidently produced in China, 1301 Williams' Chinese Commercial Guide, containing TarijEFs, Eegulations, etc. and Appendix of Sailing Directions, 8vo. containing the original Chinese text of Treaties, etc. and valuable information concerning China and Japan, cloth, 20s Hong Kong, 1863 1302 WOO KING. Imperial Edition of the FIVE CANONICAL Books, with Commentaries : Y King, 2 vols. ; Shu King, 4 vols. ; Shi King, 4 vols. ; Chung Tseu, 6 vols. ; Li King, 10 vols. ; together 26 vols. impl. 8vo. an ex- cellent edition, sd. £2. 10s Nankin, ca. 1820 1303 another and very tine edition, with marginal Notes, 13 vols. imp]. 8vo. beautifully printed in large type, and enclosed in mahogany case, £4. 25th year of Tao Kicang, (1845) 1304 Shoo King, or the Historical Classic, being the most Ancient authentic record of the annals of the Chinese Empire, illustiated by later commenta- tors, Chinese and JEnglish, by Medhurst, 8vo. Chinese maps and diagrams, hf hd. 20s Shanghae, 184G 1305 Chou King, recueilli par Confucius, traduit par Gaubil, revu par De Guignes, 4to. sd. 5s 6d ; or, calf, 7s 6^;? JParis, 1770 1306 Y King, or the Book of Mutations, in Chinese, the Kien Pen edition, with Commentary, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. 10s 1792 1307 CnuNG TsEU, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 5s cir. 1830 1308 SZE SHOO Tsze Koo, and KEUN KING Tsze Koo : Explanation of Characters in the Sze Shoo and the King, or Classics, in Chinese, 38 vols, roy. 8vo. in 2 bundles between boards, £2. 10s 1851 A valuable Commentary, well printed and j Moral Classics of China, in good condition, upon the great Historical and j 1309 Woo Ti Hioh Shai King, or the Classical Book for instructing the Ago, by Woo Tai, in Chinese, a work apparently edited by Yeh, formerly Tai Tau of Canton, Vols. 1, 2, 6, 8, 8vo. sd. 5s cir. 1830 1310 Wtlte's Treatise on Arithmetic, in Chinese, 8vo. sd. with silk sides, 5s 1853 1311 YU. MONUMENT OF YU, roy. folio, a series of 12 sheets o^ facsimiles, in white letters on a black ground, reproducing the mo^t ancient Inscription in China, from KlaprotK s library, 30^ cir. 1820 Klaproth printed a number of these facsimiles, Avhicli have nearly all been destroyed. 1312 Yu. Iiischrift des Yii iibersetzt und erklart von Klaproth, 4to. sd. 2s Halle. 18 LI 2 V SU BERNARD QUARITCH, 16 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1313 Hagek, Monument de Yu, la plus ancienne inscription de la Chine, large fol. 32 plates of ancient characters, SsGd; orneatly bound, os Paris, 1802 1314 CHINESE TRACTS. A collection of 40 Works and Treatises, 4to. and 8vo. chiefly native texts, with some European pieces hy Davis and others, and includ- ing many woodcuts, 15s ca. 1780-1850 1315 Zoology, Asteonomt and Natural Philosophy, in Chinese, 3 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. diagrams, half morocco gilt, Vis China, 1849-55 C o c h. i n C h. i n e s e. 1316 Alexais'dei de Rhodes Dictionarium Annamiticum Lusitanum et Latinum, cum Indice Latino, sm. 4to. Ms. Qs Homes, 1651 1317 Catechismus Latinus et Tunchinensis, sm. 4to. sd. UNcrT, rare, Qs Eomcs, (1651) 1318 Relazione del Regno di Tunchino, sm. 4to. sd. tncut, 6s Boma, 1650 1319 Du Po:n'CEAu on Chinese Writing, with Morrone's Dictionary, Cochin- chinese and Latin {above 200^^9.) roy. 8vo. bds. 7s 6d Philadelphia, 1838 1320 PIG-NEAUX et TABERD, Dictionarium Anamitico-Latinum et Latino- Anamiticum, cum Grammaticse compendio et Appendice, 2 vols. 4to. uncut, £2. 10s. JFredericnagori {Se^^ampore) , Marshman, 1838 See also post — Siamese. Coptic, Old Egyptian, and H i er o gly p li i c s. 1321 Baeeois, Lecture litterale des Hieroglyphes et des Cuneiformes, 4to. plates, OS Paris, 1853 1322 BELZONI (G-.) Hieroglyphics, etc. found in the Tomb of Psammis, in the valley of Beban el Malook near Thebes, in 1817, 8 rNPUBLisHED coloueed Deawings, folio, half morocco, £^. Zs 1817 Priced, H. G. Bohn, £6. 6*. 1323 Beneey's Yerhaltniss der ^Egypt. Sprache zum Semitischen Sprachstamm, 8vo. cloth, 4.S Leipz. 1844 1324 the same, 1844-~Persischen (die) Keilinschriften, mit Uebersetzung und aiossar, 1847—2 vols, in 1, 8vo. half calf, 5s Leipz. 1844-47 1325 BoxoMi and Shabpe, the Alabaster Sarcophagus of Oimenephthah I. King of Egypt, now in Sir John Soaue's Museum, roy. 4to. woodcuts and 19 double plates of Hieroglyphics (pub. at 15s) bds. 7s Gd 1864 British Museum : 1326 HIERATIC PAPYRI. Select Papyri in the Hieratic character from the collections of the British Museum with Hawkins' prefatory Remarks, parts I. to III. royal folio, 168 plates (pub. at £4. 7s) bds. £3. 12* ^ 1841-44 1327 Select Papyri, (Second Series), part II, plates 1-19, containing the Abbott and D'Orbiney Papyri, roy. folio, bds. 15s 1860 This ought to be called Vol. II, part 1, instead of " part II," as it is really part 4. 1328 BRUGSCH, Script ura Demotica ex Papyris etc. explanata,sm.4to. lithographed, folding facsimile plates, bds. 5s Perol. 1848 1329 Numerorum apud veteres ^gyptios Demoticorum doctrina, atlas 4to. 5 plates of facsimile characters, etc. bds. 5s ib. 1849 1330 Sammlung Demotischer Urkunden, mit gleichlautenden hieroglyphis- chen Texten, atlas 4to. 10 folding plates of the Rosetta Inscription, bds. 10s ib. 1850 1331 ErklaerungTEgvptischer Denkmseler des konigL neuen Mus. zu Berlin, 12mo. sd. Is 6d * ib. 1850 1332 Lettre sur un MS. Demotique et Grec, ^to. plates, bds. Ss. ib. 1850 1833 Inscriptio Rosettana Hieroglyphica, cum Glossario ^gyptiaco-Cop- tico-Latino, 4to. 9 plates of Ilieroglyi^hics, bds. 5s ib. 1851 1334 Sai an Sinsin, sive liber Metempsychosis vett. ^gyptiorum, Hierat. et Lat. 4to. plate, bds. Qs ib. 1851 1335 Histoire d'Egypte, des les premiers temps de son existence, Premiere Partie (sous les Rois indigenes) 4ito. frontispiece and 15 plates, bds. 24^ Leipz. 1859 This work will be completed in 3 vols, with an atlas. OEIENTAL LITERATUBE. 845 1336 Bbijgsch, Greographische Inschriften Altagyptischer Denkmaler, 3 vols. 4to; 74i plates and 3 maps fpub. at 135 fr.) hds. 56'3. 16^ Leipz. 1857-60 1337 Eecueil de Monuments Egyptiens dessines sur lieux, 2 vols. 4to. 108 plates (pub. at 63 fr.) hds. £2. 2« ib. 1862-63 1338 — Materiaux pour servir a la Eeconstruction du Calendrier des anciens Egyptiens (Partie Theoretique) 4to. 13 plates, hds. 18* Leipzig, 1864 1339 Dictionnaire Hieroglyphique, eontenant les mots et les groupes leg plus usites de la langue des anciens Egyptiens, 12 parts, folio, £15. 1867 Explained in French, Gemian, and Arabic, and with the corresponding words in Coptic. 1340 BUETON'S Excerpta HiEEOGLXPnicA, or Exact Copies of various Hierogly- phical Inscriptions and Sculptured Monuments still existing in Egypt, and at Mount Sinai, etc. etc. 4 parts, complete in 1 vol. oblong folio, containing 67 curious plates, privately printed, half hound, rare, £H. Ss Cairo, 1825-37 Collation of the above : a perfect copy, j 18—31 ; title of part III ; plates 32—42; title to Bastard TitJe ; title of part I ; plates 1, 1*, and , part IV ; plates 43—58 ; continuation of plate 58 2-17 ; title of part II (with which the same has- (bearing in some copies the number 59) ; plates tard title as in part 1 , is sometimes added) ; plates ! 60, 61. 1341 CHABAS, le Papyrus Magique Harris, roy. 4to. with 12 plates and 50 pp. of a Sieroglyphical Glossary, and having MS. Notes by the late Dr. Hincks, half calf, £2. 16s Chalon sur Saone, 1860 Bound up with two treatises of Mr. Birch, I and " On a Tablet of Thothmes III." "On two Tablets of the Ptolemaic period, 1864," | 1342 Melanges Egypto^ogiques, les deux Series, avec Glossaire, 2 vols. royal 8vo. the second wholly engraved, half hound, not uniform, from Dr. Hincks' collection, £1. 2s Chalons, 1862-64 tiques de Berlin, avec Index Geographique, et deux planches de facsimile par Chabas, Chalons s. S. 1864." These two volumes are bound up with 14 other valuable pieces on Egyptian subjects, by Lepsius, Rouge, Le Page Renouf, Brugsch, Birch and Mariette ; and also with " Les Papyrus Hiera- 1343 CHAMPOLLION le Jeune, Lettre a Dacier relative a I'Alphabet des Hiero- glypbes Phonetiques, 8vo. 4 plates, sd. rare, 35 Qd Paris, 1822 1344 Catalogo de' Papiri Egiziani della Bibl. Yaticana, impl. 4to. 3 folding plates, sd. 3« Qd Boma, 182i5 1345 Patjtheon Egtptiej^, collection des personnages Mythologiques de I'ancienne Egypte d'apres les monuments, texte par Cbampollion, figures par Dubois, 4to. 72 coloured plates (pub. at 150 francs), red 7^oan back, gilt edges, £2. 25 Paris, 1825 1346 the same, 4to. a very choice copy, with 105 plates, including all that tvere ever printed, and more than were published, ivith the text, in citron morocco extra, gilt edges, £4, 45 1825 Brunet states that only 90 plates were issued of this important work. 1347 Precis du Syst^me Hieroglyphique des anciens Egyptiens, Eecher- ches sur les elements premiers de cette Ecriture sacree, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 48 plates, green morocco, gilt edges^ 155 1824 1348 the ^^me,hound up icith the Lettre a Dacier, in 1 vol. 8vo. halfrussia, 15s 1822-24 1349 seconde edition, 2 vols. 8vo. 52 plates, uncut, los ; ov, half russia, gilt, 17s Gd 1828-27 Out of print and rare. It is perhaps the author's most important work. 1350 Lettres, Premiere et Seconde, au Due de Blacas relatives au Musee Egyptien de Turin : Monuments Historiques, 2 parts in 1 vol. roy. 8vo. 17 plates (1-8, 8 bis— 16) cloth, 20s Paris, 1824-26 1351 Seconde Lettre, 8vo. with 4to. Atlas of 14i plates, sd. Is 1826 1352 Geammaire Egtptiekne, ou principes geueraux de I'Ecriture sacree Egyptienne appliquee a la representation de la langue parlee, folio, viii, xxiii, and 555 pp. with an immense number of lithographed figures, coloured cloth, uncut, £2. IQs—half calf neat, £S. 1836 1353 — Dictionnaiee Egyptien, en Ecriture Hieroglyphique, public par Champollion Eigeac, folio, 487 lithographed pp. of the Lexicon, tvith 36 pp. of editor's preface, in 4i parts, £3. 3* 1841-44 2 u 2 846 BEENARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. lS54i Champollton le Jeune, Monuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie : Notices De- scriptives, 6 Livraisons, (all published) folio, entirely lithographed, with numer- ous engratings of Hieroglyphic figures^ (pub. at 75 fr.) in parts, £2. 10s l>i44) For the great illustrated Avork which con- i see ante under heading Egypt. The text is placed tains the coloured designs of these monuments — { here because of its linguistic value. 1355 Klaproth, Examen critique des travaux de Champollion sur les Hierogly- pbes, 8vo. 3 plates, sd. 2s 1832 1356 EucHOLOGii pars secuuda, Coptics et Arahiee, ito. half calf lettered on the hack Pontijicale, \0s Home, 1762 1357 [EELIX, Major] Notes on Hieroglyphics, sm. folio, original Manuscript, curi- ous drawings of Hieroglyphics, etc. sd. 25* ca. 1830 1358 Hammer. Eouleau de Papyrus, publie par Eontana, et explique par Ham- mer, oblong folio, one large facsimile plate three yards and a half in length, ZsQd " Vienne,l%22 1359 JABLONSKI, Opuscula, quibus Lingua et Antiquitas Aegyptiorum, etc. illustrantur, ed. Te Water, 4 vols. 8vo. half calf lOs Lugd. Bat. 1804-13 1360 the same, thick paper, 4 vols. 8vo. olive morocco extra^ gilt edges, hy Clarke and Bedford, from the library of George Smith, £S. 3s 1804-13 1361 Pantheon ^Egyptiorum de Diis, Religione et Theologia ^gyptiorum, 3 vols, in 2, sm. 8vo. calf gilt, 7 s 6d T'rancof. 1750 1362 KIECHERI Oedipus Aegtptiacus: universalis Hieroglyphicae veterum instauratio, 3 vols, in 4, folio, plates of Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Supersti- tions,fine copy, in old veau fauve gilt, from the library of De Thou, with his arms and monograms, £4. 4^ Homos, 1652-54 This learned work embodies all the then I J. Bohn, £4. 145 6f/. existing knowledge about Egypt : priced, 1824, | 1363 (LACOrR) Essai sur les Hieroglyplies, 8vo. numerous plates and cuts, bd. 5s Bordeaux, 182 1 The first work which attributed an entirely alphabetical character to the hieroglyphics. 1364 Lepsius' 22nd Egyptian Dynasty, tianslated by Bell, 4to. plates, 2s ^d 1858 For the Denkmaler, see ante No. 487. 1365 Liturgy, in Coptic and Arabic, roy. 4to. 70Q pp. with numerous IIS. notes by the Bev. Dr. Tattam, half calf , 208 B>ma, 1763 1366 Malaspina, Cenni sulla Mitologia Egizia, 8vo. 2* Milano, 1826 1367 Missal and Diurnal, by SS. Basil, Gregory, and Cyril, Coptic and Arabic, 4to. li'oodcuts, bd. 7s 6d {Boma), 1736 1368 Parthey, Vocabularium Coptico-Latinum et Latino-Copticum, cum indicibus geogr. etc. 8vo. ocii. and 587 pp. double cols, calf lbs Berol. 1844 1369 PEYKON, Lexicon Linguse Copticse, cum Indice Yocum Latinarum, large 4to. pp. xxvii and 470, double cols, half calf 25s Taurini, 1835 1370 another copy, 4to. with numerous valuable MS. additions by the late Bev. Dr. Hindis, hf bd. 36s 1835 1371 PLEYTE, Etudes Egyptologiques, 7 parts 4to. containing a number of valu- able treatises, including a vocabulary, the Egyptian letters reproduced typo- graphically throughout, with facsimiles, £2. 2s Leide, 18o6-69 1372 les Papyrus Kollin, de la Bibliotheque Imperiale de Paris, publics et commentes, atlas 4to. 4^3 pp. of Introduction and 21 plates in Facsimile of the Bapyri, 2Qs 6d 1868 1373 Poole on Hieroglyphics, 4to. 64 pp, sd. 2s cir. 1858 1374 Quatremere, Eecherches sur la Langue et la Litterature de TEirypte, 8vo. sd. 4ts Baris, 1808 The first work to establish Coptic as the language of the Hieroglyphics. 1375 ROSSII {Ig.) Etymologia JEgyptiaca, 4to. forming a Coptic Lexicon, luith renderings in Latin, Greefc, Arabic, pp. xii, 368, and 12, bound, 18s Bomce, 1808 1376 EOUGli, Eituel Eunebaire des anciens Egyptiens, texte complet en ecri- ture Hieratique, avec une introduction a I'etude du Eituel, Livr. 1-4, imp. folio, 12 very large facsimile plates in portfolio, £^. Baris, 1861-66 The fifth Livraison will complete this magnificent work. ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 8^7 1377 SALYOLINI, Analyse grammaticale raisonnee de differens Textes Anciens Egyptiens, Volume 1. {all published) : Texte Hieroglyphique et Demotique de la Pierre de Rosette, 4to. 25 lithographic pages of facsimiles, hd. 9^ JBaris, 1836 " This volume is valuable, though incomplete." — Hinchs. 1378 Traduction et Analyse des Inscriptions sculptees sur I'Obelisque Egyp- tien de Paris, 4to.6 lithographed pages, sd. iOs ' Paris, 1&37 1379 Saulct, Analyse grammaticale du Texte Demotique du Decret de Rosette, premiere partie, (tout publie), 4to. plates, sd. 7s 6d Paris, 1845 1380 ScHOLTZ, Grammatica .^gyptiaca, ed. Woide, 4to. half calf, 2s Oxon. 1778 1381 Schwartz, Koptische Grammatik, herausg. von Steinthal, 8vo. ocvi. and 492 pp. doth, 95 Berlin, 1850 1382 SEYFFARTH, Beytrage zur Kenntniss der Literatur, Kunst, Mytbologie, nnd Geschichtedesalten JEgypten, 6 parts in 3 vols. 4ito. plates, hds.2^s Leipziff, 1826-34 Parts 2 — 5 contain a " Systema Astronomise I plates and a Lexicon Astronomico-Hieroglyphi- JEgyptiacaj'' written in Latin, with numerous I cum. 1383 Alphabeta genuina iEgyptiorura, numeris ipsorum hierogl. conservata, necnon Asianorum literis Cuneoformibus subjecta, 4to. numerous tables of Egyptian, Assyrian, and other Alphabets, hf. morocco, \0s Lips. 1840 1384 SHARPE (S.) Egyptian Insceiptions from the British Museum, and other sources, the two Series complete, ]1 j)arts, roy. folio, IIQ plates, full size, rare, £6. Qs 1836-55 1385 the same, parts I— VII, roy. folio, 120 plates, sd. £2. 5s 1836-41 1386 Chronoloc];y and Geography of Ancient Egvpt, maps and plates, 1849 — Lamb's Table of'Abydos, plate, 1836—2 vols, in 1, 8vo. half calf, 5s 1836-49 1387 Sptneto on the Elements of Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Antiquities, 8vo. 11 plates, half calf. Is Q>d 1829 1388 Spohn, de Lingua et Literis .^i^gyptiorum, cum Grammatica et Glossario, ed. Seyffarth, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. including a translation of the Rosetta inscriptio?i, numerous large folding plates, cloth, 4:S ; or, neatly bound, 6* Lips. 1825-31 Syro-Egyptian Society : 1389 ORIGINAL PAPERS, 2 parts ; Reports and Transactions from the be- ginning in 1844 to 1860 ; bound together in 1 vol. 8vo. calf gilt, with Series of Lithographed Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, No. 1 {all published) consisting of 6 large plates in folio, £2. 1844-60 1390 Original Pap KRS, 2 parts, 8vo. (all published), 7s 1845-50 1391 TATTAM'S Lexicon Aegyptiaco-Lntinum, cum indice vocum Latinarum, stout 8vo. 958 pp. bds. 16s ; half calf 18s ; calf extra, 25s Oxonii, 1835 1391* Egyptian Grammar, with Young's Egyptian Dictionary, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. the Dictionary lithographed, cloth, 10s 1830-31 1392 UHLEMANN'SHandbuchder Aegyptischen Alterthumskunde : Geschichte der A egyptologie, Aegyptische Archaologie, Chronologic und Geschichte, und Literatur, 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. 7 plates of Hieroglyphs, etc. hf calf gilt top, uncut, 24ts Leipzig, 1857-58 1303 Grammatica Coptica, cum Chrestomathia et Glossario, 8vo. 10* 1853 1394 WILKINSON (Sir Gardner) MATERIA HIEROGLTPHICA, containing the Egyptian Pantheon, the Succession of the Pharaohs, and other hierogly- phical subjects, 2 parts, 8vo. with 2 frontispieces, and 60 plates contained on 23 oblong 4to. leaves, besides 2 engraved leaves of Lntroduction to the study of Hieroglyphics, 1828 — Appendices 1, 2, 3, 4, with Supplementary plate 8, and 14 lithographed pp. of a Coptic and Hieroglyphic Vocabulary ; besides three lithographed-slips of Addenda and Omission, and Bemarks,7 pp. 1828-30 — Extracts fromHiEROGLVPHiCAL subjects found at Thebes, and other parts of Egypt, plates, 1, 4-6 (2 and^ never appeared), 1830 — A complete set, arranged in 1 vol. sq. 8vo. with numerous MS. corrections by the author, ex- cessively RARE, hf calf uncut, £12. 12s Privately printed, Malta, 1828-30 Very ftw copies -svere printed of these important works, wliich are wanting in most Libraries. 848 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1395 AYILKINSON (Sir Gardner) Mateeia Hieeoqltphica, 2 parts, without the 60 engravings on 2S plates, hut with the plate supplementary to plate 8, 1828 — Appendices, 1, 2, 3, with 14 lithographed pp. of Coptic and Hieroglyphic Vocabulary, with three lithographed slips of Addenda and Omission ; Eemarks, 7 pp. 1828"30 — Extracts from Hieroglyphical subjects, 4i plates, 1880— to- gether 4 parts, sm. 4to. yeet eabe, a63. 16s Prirately printed, Malta, 1828-30 1396 ' the same bound, but wantinc/ plate 6 of the Extracts, £3. 125 1828-30 "Wile:inso]S''s other Works —See ante, Egypt. 1397 YOUNG- (Dr. Thomas) : Hieeogliphics, published by the Egyptian Society and the Eoyal Society of Literature, arranged by Thomas Youug, 2 vols, in 1, impl. folio, complete, 98 plates, bound in whole green morocco extra, gilt edges, from Mr. Pettifs library, £7. 7^ Lond. 1823-28 Of plates 81 to 98 only a few copies were taken off. 1398 Eecent Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature, 8vo. bds, 2s 1823 1399 DiCTTONAET of Ancient Egyptian, 8vo. port, cloth, 7s 6d 1831 1400 Miscellaneous AVorks, including his Scientific Memoirs, Hieeogly- PHiCAL EssATS and Correspondence; with Life by Dean Peacock, 4 vols. 8vo. portrait and 14: plates, ^c. (pub. at £S.) cloth, 18s 1855 1401 ZOEGA, Catalogus Codicum Copticorum MSS. in Museo Borgiano Yelitris asservatorum, folio, including copious extracts and translations, 663 pp. 7 plates of facsimiles, sd. 35s BomcB, 1810 1402 DE. HINCKS' Collection oe Woeks and Opuscula upon the Language and History of Ancient Egypt, Hieroglyphical Inscriptions and their deci- pherment ; bound into 2 vols. 4to. and 1 vol. 8vo. numerous plates, £2. 16s 1838-58 logy of the 26th Dynasty ; Marietta sur les 64 Apis. Brugsch. Inscriptio Rosettana ; Birch, Sketch of a Hieroglyph. Dictionary ; Harris' Hieroglyphic Standards; Birch's Description of an Egyptian Tomb ; Lepsius 22nd Dynasty by Bell. With 12 other pieces in 8vo. form by Hincks, Brugsch, Leemans, etc. Contents : Bonomi and Arundale, Gallery of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum ; Birch, Tablet of Rameses II. ; Birch, Annals of Thothmes III. ; Birch, Unrolling of a Mummy at Florence ; Lepsius, erster .^gypt. Gotterkreis, 12te Dynastie ; Gotterdervier Elemente; Inschrift am Tempel von Edfu, die Ptolemaer, Manetho- nische Bestimmung, etc. ; Hincks on the Chrono- 1403 Tracts. Champollion, Lettres au Due de Blacas, 17 plates, 1824-26 ; Toung on Hieroglyphical Discoveries, 1823 ; Salt on Young and Champollion, platesy 1825— in 1 vol. 8vo. hf, russia, 25s 1823-26 Georgian — see Caucasian. Hebrew, Chaldee, Syria c 1404 ABEABAIS'EL'S Commentary on the Pentateuch, Hebreiu, in Eabbiflical characters, edited by Baskuysen, folio, double cols, leather-covered hoards, 36s Hannau, 470 (1710) 1405 Commentarius in Prophetas Priores, cum Indicibus Latinis, Hebraice, characteribus Eabbiiiicis, folio, vellum, 35^ Lips. 1686 1406 Commentarius super tfesaiam, Jeremiam, Jehazkelera, et Prophetas minores, Hebraice, sm. folio, vellum, 18s Amst. 1642 1407 Ma'yene Hayeshuah : Commentary on Daniel, in Hebrew, 4il2 (1052) — Mifaloth Elohim, on the creation of the World, in Hebreio, Venet. 352 (1592)— 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. vellum, 15s 1592-1652 1408 Abraham ben Ashee, Sepher Or Haskhel : with the Commentary on the Bereshith Eabba, text of the G-euesis Midrash, and another Commentary by Eashi, Hebrew, sm, folio, calf, 12s Venice, 321 (1561) 1409 ABULPHAEAGII sive Bar-Hebrsei Chronicon Syriacum, Syriace et Latine, cum Notis Brunsii, edidit Kirsch, 2 vols. sm. 4to. Fine Paper, calf neat, £2. 165 I^ips- 1789 1410 the same, Syriaciext only, ?m. 4to. Ordinary Paper, halfbd. 20s 1789 An elegant writer of the Syriac tongue, a poet physician, and historian. The account of his life and -writings is perhaps the most curious article in the Bibliotheca of Assemanus." — GMon. Of all the works of Abulpharagius the most important is his Chronicle, which will be an eter- nal monument to his memory."— Z)e Bossi. OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 849 1411 ABTJLPnARA.Gii Chroiiici Syriaci specimen, observationes, etc. scr. Bernstein, 4to, bds. ^s. Lips. 1822 1412 ABEAHAM DE BALMIS, Peculium Abr^, Graramatica Hebrsea, Hehr. et Lat. sm. 4to. vellum, veet rare, 30*5 Venet. Bomlerg, 1523 A work which is of extreme scarcity ; the I the translation to be completed by another hand, author died in the year of its publication, leaving | 1413 Agrellii Supplementa Syntaxeos Syriacse, ed. Kosegarten, 8vo. sd. 2s. 1834 1414 AKEDATH JITZCHAK; Commentaries on the Old Testament, by Isaac ben Moses Arama, with the Notes of Ashknazi, in Hebrew, 5 vols, in 2, stout 8vo. half calf, 24s Fresslurg, 1849 1415 ALFASI. Halakhoth Ear Alfas : Exposition of the Talmud, in He- brew, complete with all the Commentaries and Additions, 3 vols, large folio, i^^^T 'EJiiTio^ , very fine copy in the orirjinal stamped russia, £9. 10s Amst. 1720 Vert rare. The author of this celebrated in 1133, being just ninety years of age. "Cora- work, called " The Little Talmud," is said by pose un' insegnissima opera sopra il Talmud di Wolff to be " the last of the mystical writers on cui ne da un compendio, della quale gli Ebrei the Talmud." He was born near Fez in the early fanno moltissimi elogj e grandissimo uso." — part of the eleventh century, and died at Cordova De Rossi. 1416 Athanasitjs, Festal Letters of, discovered in an ancient ^yriac version, and edited by Ciireton, roy. 8vo. facsimile, cloth, 10.9 1848 1417 Fest-Briefe, Deutsch, von Larsow, 8vo. maps, half calf 5s 1852 1418 AVICENN^ Canon totius Medicine, stout 8vo. curious and interesting MS. comprising the Precepts of the greatest of all Mediaeval Physicians Avicenna (980-1036), translated from the Arabic into Rabbinical Hebrew, very legibly icritten without points, tvith autograph of Benaudot, hoqsJcin, gilt edges, £2. 10^ Saec. XVI. 1419 Bardesanes Gnosticus : comment, scr. Hahn, Lips. 1819 — Bardesan's Book of the Laws of Countries, Gr. Lat. and Bngl. ( ? 1840) — Merx, Bardesaues von Edessa, Halle, 1863—3 parts, 8vo. sd. 5s 1819-63 1420 BAETOLOCCI (Jul.J Bibliotheca Magna Eabbinica, de Scriptoribus et Scriptis Hebraicis ; accedit Imbonati Bibliotheca Latino-Hebraica, cum Ap- pendice, 5 vols, folio, portrait, half bound, uncut, £4. 10s BomcB, 1675-94 Canon Cureton's copy. With the fifth volume of Supplement, the book is rare. 1421 Belbis (Eabbi Abraham) Pethakh Abaith va PeriEts Khaiim, sm. folio, c7oM, 7s Qd Livorno, 1836 Biblical Expositions, written with great elegance of language. 1422 [Bedaeshi (Tedaiah ben Abraham) ] L'Examen du Monde. Hebr. et Franc. ; Sentences et Proverbes des anciens Eabbins, Franc. ; leurs Modes d 'inter- preter la Bible, Hebr. et Lat, par D'Aquin, 8vo. loormed, vellum, a curious work, 12s Faris, 1629 " II piu elegante scrittore che abbia avuto la nazione Ebrea." — De Bossi. 1423 BethAheon: Index to the Passages of the Bible, with references to the places in the Talmuds, the Midrashes, etc. in which they are explained, by Ahron ben Samuel, all Hebrew, boards covered with stamped leather, £2. 2s Frankf. an der Oder, 420 (1690) 1424 Beenstein, Lexicon Syriacum, Vol. I, fasc. 1, imp. 4to. 144 columns, sd. 2s (Jd Berol. 1857 1425 Beeteami Comparatio Grammaticse Hebraica) et Aramicae, dialectorumque Aramicarum, 4to. vellum, fine copy, 2s Qd {Lugduni ?) 1574 1426 Bialloblotzkt's privately printed Works on Hebrew Philology : Hebrew Alphabet, 2 pp ; Hebrew Eoots, 36 pp. treble cols. ; Flexions of Yerbs and Nouns, 2 folded sheets ; Psalms 1 — 36, from Origen's Hexapla, Hebrew, Greek, and literal English version^ 50 pp. double cols. ; in one vol. 4to. bds. 2s Qd 1845, etc. 1427 the same, with Hebrew translation of the Book of Common Prayer, in 1 vol. 4to. cloth, 3s 1845, etc. 1428 WALTONI BIBLIA POLTGLOTTA, cum Castelli Lexico 8 vols, royal folio, a fine copy in old calf from the library of Dr. Todd, of Trinity Coll. Dublin, ^24. 1657-69 850 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1429 BIBLE, WALTON'S POLYGLOTT. Biblia Sacba Polyglotta, co^- plectentia Textus Originales, Hebraicum, fcum Pentateucho Samaritano), Chaldaicum, Grsecum, versioiiesqiie antiquas Samaritauam, Grsecani, Chal- daicam, Syriacam, Arabicam, jEthiopicam, Persicam, et Vulgatam Lntinam, cum omDiiim Transiationibus Latinis, et apparatu, appendicibus, tabulis, etc. edidit Brian us AValtonus, 6 vols, fine portrait by Lombart, engraved title and other plates by Hollar, as usual without the dedication to the King, Lond. 1657 — E. Castelli Lexicon Heptaglotton, Heb. Chald. Syr. Sara. iEthiop. Arab, et Pers. cum omnium Grammaticis, 2 vols in 1, portrait by Faithorne, ib. 1699 ; together 8 vols, in 7, royal folio, rough calf, 5^20. 1657-69 Targum of Onkelos, and the SamaritaH, Syriac, and Arabic texts ; and are evidently the work of a profound scholar. This copy is specially valuable for the MS. notes ^Yhich are thickly scattered through the first volume and the Lexicon. They ar6 chiefly notes upon, and corrections in the translation of, the 1430 Pentateuch and Megilloth, with the Haphtaroth, all Hebrevj, 16mo. old calf, 7s Qd Amst. Athias, 460 (1700) 1431 PENTATErciirs Syriace, ed. Kirsch, 4to. half bound, 12s SofcR^ 1787 1432 Exodus, the Book of, in Samaritan characters, sm. 4to. lithographed, half bd, 15s Jerusalem, 1864 1433 The Psalms, with Eabbinical Commentary by DaA'id Qimhhi, Hebretv, sm, folio, fine large copy in calf gilt, 36s J^i^y, 302 (1542) 1434 The Psalms, in Mebreic, with interlinear German translation in Eabbinical characters, sq. 8vo. bd. 6s Wilhermsdorf, 1725 1435 Joel et Malachias, cum Commentario Kimhi, Hebraice, ed. Miinster, calf, 3s Qd Basil, 1530 1436 NoYUM Testamentum, Syriace, ed. Lee, 4to. half calf gilt, 3s 6c/ Bagster'sPolygl. 1831 1437 British Museum. ZEDNER'S Catalogue of the HEBEEW Books in the British Museum, roy. Svo. 900 pp. cloth, 22s ^ 1867 The most complete and valuable work ever written on Hebrew Bibliography. 1438 BUSHAKA, Berith Abraham, in Hebrew, 4to. bd. 8s Livorno, 1790 1439 BLTXTOEEII Lexicon Chaldaicum, Talmudicum,et Eabbinicum, cum Indice, stout folio, portrait and engraved frontispiece, printed title, and pp. 10, columns 2680, and 63 pp. of Index Latinus, vellum, 28s Basilece, 1639-40 1440 ' the same, fine papee, folio, hogskin, fine copy, 32s 1639 1441 Lexicon Hebraicum et Chalda)o-Biblicum, ex Buxtorfii aliorumque operibus, digessit Montaldi, 4 vols. Svo. half bd. 7s 6d Bomce, 1789 1442 ' de Abbreviaturis Hebraicis, Eecensio Talmudi, et Bibliotheca Eabbi- nica, 16mo, calf, 7s 6d Herborn, 1708 1443 Con CORD ANTiiE Bibliorum Ilebraica? ; ace. Nova Concordantise Chal- daicse, large folio, vellum, 15s Basil. 1632 ]444 TiBEEiAS, sive Commentarius Masoretbicus triplex, 1665 — Jehudae Levitse et Aben Tybbon Liber Cosri, Hebr. et Lat. ed. Buxtorf, 1663, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. vellum, 12s Basil. 1660-65 1445 BiiECKLiN, Lexici Eabbinico-Targumico-Talmudici specimen — Jonas exposi- tus, Hebr. in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, 7s 6d Franc. 1697 1446 Cabmolt, la France Israelite, 8vo. Literary Biographies, half calf 6s Francfort, 1858 1447 CASTELLI Lexicon Syriacum, adnotavit Michaelis, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 4to. nearly IQQO pp. bound, 18s Goettingae, 1788 1448 Cheo^s'ICLes of Eabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir,, the Sphardi, translated from the Hebrew, by C. H. E. Bialloblotzkv, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 20s) clotli, 10s ' 1837 The account of the Crusades, and of the i political motives which could be acquired by Jews, events that followed them in the Holy Land, is a I whose mercantile and financial resources placed feature of special interest in this work . But the | them in relation with the rulers of kingdoms. The history of Europe, during the reign of Charles V. { author of this General Chronicle, was born at is the"^ portion most largely treated on, and best j Avignon in 1496, but lived the greater part of hi? shcw.< the extensive knowledge of state secrets and ' life at Genon. ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 851 1449 Celsii Hierobotanicon sive de Plantis sacrse' Scripturie, 2 vols. 8vo. lialf Id. 24« Amst. 1748 1450 Clementis Romnui Epistolaj de Virginitate, Syriace et Latine, cum notis, etc. ed. Beelen, 4to. sd. 9s Loranii, 1856 1451 DE ROSSI, Specimen Yariarum Lectiouum Sacri Textus et Chaldaica Estheris additameiita, cum Lat. versione, etc. 8vo. half mor. 9s Hoojkb^ 1782 1452 Aimales Hebrseo-Tvpographici Sec. XV. descripti fusoque commen- tario illustrati, roy. 4to. russia,gilt edges, 15s ParmcB, 1795 1453 Bibliotheca Judaica Anti-Chrititiana qua editi et inediti Jud. adversus Christ, Relig. libri recens. 8vo. half hd. 7s 6d 1800 1454 Dizionario storico degli Autoei Ebbei e delle loro opere, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. Us ; or in 1 vol. half bd. IQs ih. 1802 1455 the same, large 8vo. laege papee, half russia, uncut, Lord LyndhursV s copy, 2hs 1802 1455* MSS. Codices Hebraici Biblioth. De Rossi, cum appendice Codd. reliq. al. linguarum, 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, 28s farmed, 1803 1456 East Introduction to Hebrew, 8vo. Ids. 3s 1831 1456*EISENMENG-ER'S Entdecktes Judenthum, 2 vols. sm. 4to. vellum, 24s Konigs. 1711 Especially valuable for its exposition of the j gends of the Jews. Stehelin and other writers Talmud doctrines, and the Traditions and Le- i have borrowed largely from it. 1457 Epheaemi Syet, Rabulae Episcopi Edesseni, Balaei aliorumque opera selecta, e Codd. Syr. primus ed. Overbeck, Syriace, 8vo. (pub. at 21s) new in doth, 17s Qd Occon. 1865 1458 EusEBius on the Theophania or divine manifestation of Christ, Syriac, edited by Lee, roy. 8vo. cloth, 4s 0. T. S. 1842 1459 History of the Martyrs in Palestine, Syriac and English, by Cureton, roy. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6^ 1861 1460 Eagti Perush : Exe"Ni Grammatica Syriaca, 4to. hf. bound, neat, 10s Halae, 1827 1477 HoTTiNGEE, Grammatica liuguarum Hebraicse, Chaldaicse, Syriacee, et Ara- bicse, sm. 4to. 2s Qd 1659 1478 HuEWiTZ Hebrew Grammar, 8yo. calf 6s 1841 1479 IGNATIUS (St.) Epistles. The ancient Syriac Version, with English Trans- lation, the Greek Text and notes by Cureton, 8vo. thick papee, cl. 15s 1845 1480 IMBONATI Bibliotheca Latino-Hebraea, sive de Scriptoribus Latinis qui de re Hebraica scripsere ; cum Adventu Messise et Chronologia Scripturse, folio, portrait, bd. 24s Bomce, 1694 1481 IsEAEL BEX MosE, Disputatio Cabalistica de Anima, et Aben Ezra de modis interpretandi legem, Hebr. et Lat. ed. Voysin, stout 12mo. bd. 5s Baris, 1635 1482 John Bishop of Ephesus, Third Part of the Ecclesiastical History of, now first edited in Syriac, by Cureton, 4to. bds. 15s Oxford, 1853 1483 Jonah ben Gannach, Sefer Harikma, Grammaire Hebraique, traduite de r Arabe en Hebreu par Ibn Tabbon, pub. par Goldberg, roy. 8vo. 4s Qd Francf 1856 1484 Joseph Ben Gorion, Historic of the latter Tymes of the Jewes common Weale, Englyshed by P. Morwyn, 16mo. Matk lettrr, calf raee, 14s 1575 1485 KABBALA DENUDATA, sen Doctrina Hebrseorum transcendentalis (ex Hebrseo Latine reddita a C. Knorr von Eosenroth), 3 vols, in 4, sq. 8vo. plates, hf. calf from the Library of Dr. Todd, of Trinity College, Bublin^ £S. 5s Sulzbaci, 1677-84 1186 another copy, 4 vols. sm. 4to. bound in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 1677-84 with a treatise of 192 pages, entitled " Liber Sohar seu Porta Ccelorum,'^ &c. — Both these pieces are in the present copies. Brunet says that this work is difficult to obtain with the piece of 70 leaves entitled "Adum- bratio Kabbalae Christianas," which ought to be at the end of the last volume, and is much raver 1487 KABBALA DENUDATA. Liber Sohar Hasamim : Porta Coelorum in qua dogmata cabbalistica explicantur, auctore Abraham Cohen, sm. 4to. plates, vellum, 30s Solisbaci, 1678 1488 idem, cum Apparatlas in librum Sohar parte secunda, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. calf 36s 1678 The Sohar is the rarest of the Supplements I wanting. to the Kabbala Denudata, and almost always | 1489 KiMHi (David) Pagnini Hebraicae Institutiones ex Kimhi, Michlol, am. iito. vellum, 5s Bob. Steph. 1549 1490 KiMHi (Moses) Hebrew Grammar, in Hebrew, 3 parts — Elijah ben Ashar, Grammatical Treatise, in Hebreuj — and two other similar pieces, all in 1 vol. stout 12mo, vellutn, £2. 2s Venet. Bomberg, 1545-51 1491 KIESCHII Cheestomathia Syriaca, (226 pp. Syriac Text) cum Lexico (582 pp. double cols.) denuo edidit Been^stein, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. (pub. at 14s) cloth, 9s Lips. 1832-6 The best work for learning Syriac. The Lexicon is nearly as ample as Castell's. 1492 Lee's Hebrew Grammar, 8vo. bds. 2s U 1827 1493 Lee upon Ewald's Grammar, 8vo. sd. Is 6^ 1847 1494 LEVI (D.) Lingua Sacra, in 3 parts. Part I. Hebrew Grammar, 1 vol.— II. Hebrew-English Dictionary, 4 rols. — III. English-Hebrew Dictionary, 1 vol.— in 5 vols. 8vo. bd. 21s 1803 OEIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 853 1495 Levi's Eites and Ceremonies of the Jews, with an account of the Mishna, 8vo. plates, calf, 6s (? 1790) 1496 LITUEGIA Hebraica, cum punctis, small folio, Pine MANUSCEIPT of the XVIIth Century, rPON yellum, written in black ink, interspersed with red and green, icith ornamental headings, one of them finished loith green and gold, the margins of a few leaves ornamented loith curious drawings^ in fine preservation, hound in morocco, with joints, in a case, £10. Sec. XYJI It is curious that the first erasure made by i for apostates" (let there be hope), the censor in this vohime, is of the words " and | 1497 LOEIA. Adam Yashae hannigra Sepher Derushim : The Book of the Just Man, called the Book of Dissertations, containing part of the Treatises of Isaac Loria the German, Eabbi of Jerusalem, large folio, MS. on paper. Butch calf gilt, gilt edges, 38^ 1780 In a fine cursive Rabbinical character, dated the year 5541, being 1780 of the Christian era. The book is lettered on the back " Ets Hhaiim" (The Tree of Life), which is the name of the com- plete work of Loria. The treatises are not in the same order as mentioned in the Kabbala Denu- data. There are some curious anagrammatical diagrams on the name of Jehovah. 1498 MAJEMONIDIS liber Mora "Nevochim : Doctor Perplexorum ad dubiora ScripturaB loca intelligenda clavem continens, in linguara Latinam conversus a Buxtorfio, sm. 4to. title injured, hds. Ss ; or, good copy, calf, 7s Basil. 1629 1499 Constitutiones de Siclis, Hehr. et Lat. ed. Esgers, 4to. hd. 10s Luqd. Bat. 1718 1500 BEENAED'S Creed and Ethics of the Jews, in selections from the Tad Hachazakah of Maimonides, Heb. and JEnglish, with notes, copious illustra- tions from the Talmud, Alphabetical Glossary, etc. (pub. at 21^) hds. rare, 12s Cambridge, 1832 1501 MAKHZOE. Precis HEUKAiCiE, cum punctis, stout 12ino. beautifully printed on fine Vellum, but imperfect, hd. an elegant specimen of printing, £Q. 65 See No. 1540 Bologria, 1537 1502 MAKHZOE: Peayers for all the Festivals of the Year, in Hebrew, with German translation in Rabbinical characters, 5 vols, large 4to. old calf gilt, £2. 25 Amst. 1752 1503 Makhzor : Prayers for all the Festivals of the Tear, in Hebrew, 5 parts in 9 vols. sm. 8vo. hf morocco, 20s Afnst. 1785 1504 Makhzor : Form of Prayers for all the services and festivals, in Hebrew, 3 vols. 4to. bound, 15s London, {cir. 1800) 1505 another edition, for use of the German Jews, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, 12s Boedelheim, 1800 1508 MiCHAELis, Supplementa ad Lexica Hebraica; 6 parts in 3 vols. sm. 4to. 2376 pp. a series of dissertations in dictionary form, hf hd. 7s Gott. 1792 1507 MISCHNA, sive totius Hebrseorum Juris, Eituum, Aatiquitatum, ac Legum Oralium systemti, cum clarissimorum Eabbinorum Maimonidis et Bartenorse Commentariis integris, Hehraice et Latine, ed. G. Sueenhusiits, 6 vols. fol. plates, hf. bd. uncut, £4. 10^ ; or, 6 vols, in 3, vel. £5. 6s Amst. 1683-1703 Maimonides, as well as the copious notes of Gui- sius, Surenhusius, and others, being in Latin only. The importance of this work cannot be too highly estimated. The text is given in Hebrew and Latin, the commentaries of Bartenora and 1508 MISHNAIOTK : the Mishna, with marginal Commentaries, in Hebrew, 6 vols, in 3, sm. 4to. stamped russia, rare, 26s Amst. 1712 1509 Moses Almosnino, Tefillah le-Mpsheh ; Scriptural Expositiones, Hebrew, sq. 8vo. limp vellum, 7s Salonich, 1563 1510 ISOEBEEG. Codex Nasar^us, Ltbeb ADAMI appellatus Syriace tran- scriptus Latineque redditus, cum Lexidio et Onomastico, 5 vols, in 2, sm. 4to. hf. calf, gilt tops, uncut, £4. 4s Lund. Goth. 1815-16 1511 the same, with new title, 2 vols. 4to. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 5s HafnicB, (1815-16) 1532 NOEDHEIMEE'S Hebrew Grammar, 2 vols.Svo. cloth, £2. 2s. ; or in 1vol. hf bd. 36s New York, 1838-41 1513 Obeeleitner, Chrestomathia Syriaca, cum Glossario, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 4« ; ///: russia, 6i- Vienna, 1826-27 854 BEKNAED QUAlilTOH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1514 Oppenheimeri Collectio Davidis, Catalogus Bibliothecse Hebraese librorum impress, et MSS. Heb. et Lat. stout 12nio. sd. Qs Hamh. 1836 A valuable Catalogue of Hebrew Books. 1515 Orde:n^ de Eos-Asanah y Kipur, 12mo. red mor. 7s Amst. 5444 (1684) 1516 Oeden de las Oraciones Cotidianas, y Tiestas, 2 vols. 12mo. old red morocco extra, gilt edges, Vis Amst. 5455 (1695) 1516*Othonis Palaestra linguarum Orientalium : Geneseos 4 prima capita, Hebr. Chald. Syr. Samar. Arab, ^^thiop. Pers. et Lat. sm. 4to. hf. russia, 7s 6d Franc. 1702 1517 Pei^e Aeteh : Prayers for Festivals, etc. by Aryeh ben Khaiim, in Helreiv, sm. folio, bd. 7s Amsterdam, 179Q 1518 Pauli, Analecta Hebraica, with Key, in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, Ss 6d 1839 1519 Phillips, Syriac Grammar, 8vo. cloth, 5s Camb. 1837 1520 Eelandi Analecta Eabbinica, comprehendentia libellos quosdam singulares et alia quae ad lectionem et interpretationem Commeutariorum Eabbinicorum faciunt, 12mo. portrait, vellum, 10s Trajecti, 1723 A book full of curious and interesting information, including the Lives of celebrated Rabbis. 1521 EEUCHLIN de Eudimentis Hebraicis, sm. folio, ivith valuable MS. notes in a contemporary hand, origitial stamped binding, rare, 205 Phorce, 1506 1522 de Eudimentis Hebraicis, Basil. 1537 — Pagnini Enchiridion Vocab. Thargum, &c. Borne, 1523—2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, bd. 10s 1523-27 The second part is a valuable Exposition of the words used in the Targums, Midrash, etc. 1523 EoBEETSO^^ (J.) Grammatica Hebraea et Clavis Pentateuchi, 2 vols, in 1, thick 8vo. calf, 7s Gd 1783 1524 EoBEBTsoN (Guil.) Manipulus Linguae Sanctae, 12mo. calf, 2s Cantab. 1686 1525 SCHAAF, Opus Aramaeum : Grammatica Chaldaico-S^'riaca, Selecta Tar- gumin, Chald. et Lat., Lexicon, &c. 3 parts in 1 vol. stout 12mo. 10s 1686 1526 Lexicon Syriacum concordantiale, omnes Novi Testamenti Syriaci voces multasque alias dictiones complectens, cum Indice Latino, &c. 4to. 255 Lvgd. Bat. 1709 1527 idem, 1709 — Novum Testamextum, Syriaceet Latine, ed. Leusden et Schaaf, 1709—2 vols, stout sm. 4to. 365 1709 1528 ScniCKAEDi Jus Eegium Hebraeorum, Latine, ad Carpzovius, Lips. 1674 — "WoLFii Notitia Kae^eoeum, Hebr. et Lat. etc. Hamb. 1721 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. vellum, 10s 1674-1721 1529 SCHOETTGENIl Hosa: Hebeaic^ et TALMijDiCiE in Novum Testamen- tum, Theologiam Judaeorum de Messia, &c. impensae, cum Eabbinicis Lec- tionibus, &c. 2 vols, stout sm. 4to. calf neat, £^. ; or calf gilt, £4. 45 Dresd(B, 1733-42 1530 Selemonis Ben Melech Mikhal Yufi : Perfectio Pulchritudinis, Commen- tarius in loca vocesque et res S. Scripturae, cum AbendanaD Spicilegio, JSebraice, folio, hf. russia, 18s Amst. 5445 (a. d. 1685) See Wolfii Bibliotheca Hebraea, vol. i. p. 1075. 1531 SMITH (E. Payne) Thesaurus Syriacus, fasc. I, folio, pp. 220, price 21s 1869 1532 STEHELIN'S Eabbinical Literature : or the Traditions of the Jews con- tained in the Talmud and other mystical writings, customs and ceremonies, origin, etc. of these traditions, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. £3. IO5 1748 1533 Steinschneidee's Jewish Literature from the Eighth to the Eighteenth Century, with an introduction on Talmud and Midrash, 8vo. cloth, scarce^ 245 " 1857 1534 Stoddaed's Grammar of Modern Syriac, (Oroomiah and Koordistan,) 8vo. bds. 45 Qd JS-ew Haven, U. S. 1855 1535 Sttjaet (Moses) Hebrew Grammar, Chrestomathy, and Course of Study, 3 vols, large 8vo. bds. 7s 6d Andover ( U. S.) 1830-32, Oaford, 1838 1536 Steiac Eeading Lessons and Grammar, 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d ca, 1850 1537 Talmud. Tractatus Talmudicus, Avoda Sara, sive de Idolatria, Latine, ed. Edzardus, Homb. 1705 — Hosea Illustratus, Hebr. cum comment, ed. H. von der Hardt, Helmst. 1702--and 2 other pieces in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, 7s Qd 1702-5 OEIENTAL LITERATUEE. 855 1538 Talmud laschox Ibei : Hebrew Grammar, in ITeirdM;, by Jehu da Loeb ben Zach, 8vo. bds. 6s IFien, 1827 1539 Targums. Etiieridge's Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch ; with the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum, from the Chaldee, 2 vols, post 8vo. cloth, I7s 1862-66 The first attempt to translate into English I the books of the Old Testament. The translation the Targums or Ancient Aramaic paraphrases on | is literal, and made directly from the Clialdee. 1540 TEPHILLA : a Collection of Hebrew Prayers, very stout 12mo. beautifully printed in black and goldy with the vowel points, upon vellum, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £12. See No. 1501 Bolonya, 1537 Very rare. It is mentioned by Van I Livres imprimes sur velin," being quoted by him Praet at No. 97 of the first volume of "Suite des | from the catalogue of De Rossi's library. 1541 Tephilleh Le-Tenith : Prayers for Days of Easting, in Sebrew, 8vo. original stamped russia, 10s Gd Amst. 1726 1542 TiKKox MiDDOTH Ha-Nef£SH, a Work on Ethics, by Salomon Ben Gebirol, in Hebrew, 4to. best edition, cloth, 10s Luneville, 1804 1543 TisHBi. Lexicon of Hebrew words explained in Hebrew, smallest 4to. hf, calf, 6-5 Isny, 5301 (1541) 1544 ToFTA Aaeukh v-Eden Aarukh : two didactic poems, in Hebrew, 4to. bd. 6s Venez. 1742 The first is an elegant poem, de Inferno, by Moses ben Mordecai Zakuth, Sec. XVII. 1545 TJhlemann (E.) Institutiones Lingua) Samaritanse, cum Chrestomathia et Glossario, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. bd. 8s 6d Lipsiae, 1837 1546 Svrische Grrammatik, mit Chrestomathie und Worterbuche, 8vo. pp. 276, 64, 68, cloth, Is Gd Berlin, 1857 1547 VITAL (Jos.) Hakk le-Israel: Daily Eeading:s from the Bible, the Talmud, and the Zohar, edited by Isaac Baruch, in Hebrew, 2 vols. sq. 8vo. sd. £2. 10s be Mizraim {Cairo), 1740 Of extreme rarity. The first Hebrew Book printed in Cairo. 1548 WALL (C. W.) on the Ancient Orthography of the Jews, Origin of Alpha- betic Writins:, Essay on the Hieroglyphs, etc. 4 vols. roy. 8vo. (pub. ^'3.) cloth, 20s ' 1835-56 The learning and research of the author, as I misdirection and perversity of his theories, displayed in these volumes, cause regret for the | 1549 WiDMAis'STADii (J. A.) Syriacse Linguae prima elementa, small 4to. bds. UNCUT, very rare, Is 6d Viennce, 1555-56 1550 Wiseman, Horae Syriacse, Tom. I, Svo.facsim. 5s Eomce, 1828 1551 WOLEII (J. C.) Bibliotheca Hebrsea Auctorum HebrsBorum cujusquesetatis, Gaffarelli index Cod. Cabbalisticorum MSS. 4 vols, stout sm. 4to. raee, £2. 10s Hamb. 1715-33 1552 Tachta Joseph ben David, Pirlish Khamis Megilloth, etc. ; Com men tax ies on the Five EoUs of the Plagiograplia, in Hebrew, sm. ioMo, slightly wormed. Is Bologna, 1538 1553 TALKUT R'UBENI: Synopsis of the most Ancient Mystical and Cabba- listic Expositions of the Mosaic Law, by Eeuben ben Hoschke, with Supple- ment, alt in Hebrew, folio, stamped calf, fine copy, 25s Amst. 1700 1554 Hebrew Tracts. A collection of 39 Academical Disputations in Latin, by Seyffert, Sesetnann, Herbst, Berthold, Werchau, Hilliger, Elachs, Schmidt, Mencken, Seiferheld, Ortlob, Wolff, Werner, Meier, Grischow, Daiitzius, Stisser, Corylus, Miiller, Willich, Castens, Jastram, Wagner, Wichmans- hausen and Luther, Galley, Haas, Fungendres, J. M. vom Berg, Haner, Iken, Ziegra, Pfaffreuter, Wirth, Abicht, Hirt, Weber — in 4 vols. sm. 4to. cloth, 363.35 1680-1720 A great storehouse of the most curious, rare, and valuaf)le information upon Bible Criticism and Hebrew Philology. Such a collection as this is unique in its way. It contains the discussions of the Universities of Germany, printed at Leip- zig?, Greifswald, Wittemberg, Jena, and at various other towns during a long series of years ; and those wlio know how difficult it is to obtain even a single piece of the kind will estimate correctly the extraordinary value of the present collection. 856 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Hebrew Collections of the eminent Scholars, Dr. BIALLOBLOTZKT and Mr. Etheridge, (translator of the Targum of Onkelos). 1555 No. 1. Carreti Epistola ad Judseos, 1553 — Munsteri Kalendarium Hebrai- cum, 1527 — Aben Tybbon Physica Hebraica, 1555 — Maimonidis Epistola, ed. L. Joanne Isaac, 1555 — Eabbi Eleazar Traditiones in Pentatenchum — MS. partly English, partly Latin, on the Hebrew and Syriac languages — Sefer Sheikh Itzhaq — Ets Khaiim — Sulkhen Arukh, two editions— Bvusiua de Sectis Judaicis — Beith Israel— Beith Yehuda — Itinerariiim Benjamiois, Hebr. et Lat. 1633 — Buxtorfi Synagoga Judaica— Amos, Hebrew — Tefilloth — Menorat Hemaor — Sefer Hakkosri, Venet. Gioan. Oedara — Moshe Alshakh, Meraoth Hetzobaoth, ih. id. — and others. Together 32 vols. 12mo. 8vo. and 4to. all printed in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, in various bindings, £2. 10^ Sec. XVI-XVII 1556 No. 2. Sefer Aben Schem — Beit Yaqob— Ain Yaqob — Tiqqon Lil Shebuaoth — Meyer, Chronicon Majus et Minus — Bennet, Grram. Hebraica — Benaoth Easha— Siri Yehudah — Tychsen, de Codd. Hebr. — Moshe Alshach, Lequti Mun — Sabbat Moser — Miscat Hagiga — Seder Zeraim, a.m. 5523 — Daniel, with commentary ; and many others ; together 40 vols. sm. folio, 4to. and 8vo. all printed in the Eighteenth Century, various bindings, 32^ Sec. XVIII 1557 No. 3. A collection of modern "Works and Tracts in and on the Hebrew Language, Grammars, and Texts, Makhzor, Commentaries, etc. —together 23 vols. 4to. and 8vo. va^nous bindings, 12s Sec. XIX 1558 Hebrew Tracts and Opuscula, collected by Mr. Etheridge, 67 in number, unbound, ifi 5 thick 8vo. cases, SOs 1820-65 brew Songs of the mediseval Spanish Jews, a drama by Luzzati, essays on the metaphysical and philosophical systems, etc. Including several interesting privately printed tracts, the minor works of Dukes and other well-known scholars, many specimens of the He- INDIAN LANGUAGES. 1559 CALDWELL'S Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South Indian Family of Languages, 8vo. 528 pp. a work of profound Philological and Eth- nological research, cloth, 285 1856 1560 E^'ATLT, Histoire de la Litterature des Hindous, impl. 8vo. sd. 5s Evris, 1860 1561 HUNTER'S Comparative Dictionary of the Non-Aryan Languages of India and High Asia, with Dissertation, based on the Hodgson MSS. impl. 4to. (pub. 425) cloth, oiew, 30s 1868 1562 the Dissertation separately, impl. 4to. bds. 4^ Qd 1868 1563 Haekness' Ancient and Modern Alphabets of the popular Hindu Languages of the Southern Peninsula of India, 4to. %Q pp. entirely lithographed, sewed, 35 Qd 1837 Sanscrit 1564 AnELrxG's Historical Sketch of Sanscrit Literature, translated from the German, with additions and corrections, 8vo. cloth, \0s Oxford, 1832 1565 ADHTATMA EAMAYANA : a Poem on the adventures of Eama (one of the incarnations of Vishnu) attributed to Vyasa Deva ; a different work from the larger and more celebrated one of Yalmiki, folio, Sanscrit MS. of 332 pp. clearly ivritten, calf gilt, ornamental sides, £2. 10s Sec. XVIII 1566 AITAEETA BEAHMANA, Eight Books, complete, Sanscrit MS. oblong 8vo. 319 leaves, £2. Samvat, 1655 (a.d. 1733) 1567 AMERA COSHA, or Dictionary of the Sanscrit Language, by Amera Sinha, Sanscrit and English, by Colebrocke, roy. 4to. hf. bd. neat, 305 Seramp. 1808 1568 Aphorisms of the Sankya Philosophy of Kapila, 8vo. bds. Is Qd Allahabad, 1852 1569 of the Mimansa by Jaimimi, 8vo. bds. '[s Qd ib. 1851 1570 of the Vedanta by Badarayana, 8vo. 1^ Qd Mirzopore, 1851 1571 Baxebjea's Dialogues on the Hindu Philosophy, the Nyara, the Sankhya, the Vedant, 8vo. pp. 531. 21« Calc. 1861 OEIENTAL LITERATURE. 857 1572 BALLANTYNE'S First Lessons in SANSCRIT GRAMMAR, introduc- tion to the Hitopadesa, Lessons and Vocabulary, 8vo. (pub, at 5s) cloth, ds Qd 1862 The best and easiest of all existing Sanscrit Grammars. 1573 BEN FEY 'S Practical Q-rammar of the Sanskrit Language, 8vo. hf. morocco ^ 65 1863 1574 Sanskrit-English Dictionary, with references to the best editions of Sanskrit Authors, and comparisons of cognate words chiefly in Greek, Latin, Gothic, and Anglo-Saxon, stout 8vo. (pub. at £2. 12s Qd) cloth, £2. 5^ 1866 A work much wanted by the English Stu- I Dictionary explained in English. dent ; Benfey's is the first Sanscrit Comparative i 1575 Chrestomathie aus Sanskritwerken, large 8vo. hf. calf, 14s Leipz. 1853 1576 BHxlGAVAD GITA, si ve Krishnse et Arjunse colloquium de rebus divinis, Sansc)'. et Latins, ed. Schlegel, 8vo. hf. calf 10s 6c? JBonnae, 1823 1577 Bhagavad-Gita, or the sacred lay : a colloquy between Krishna and Arjuna, in Sanskrit, by Thomson, sq. sm. 8vo. (pub. at 9s) cloth, 3s 6d 1855 1578 the same, itt English, by Wilkins, roy. 4to. bound, 5s 1785 1579 the same, in English, by Thomson, with copious Notes, sq. sm. 8vo. (pub. at 12s) cloth, 10s Hertford, 1855 1580 Bhascaea Achaeya, Lilawati, a treatise on Arithmetic and Geometry, trans- lated from the Sanscrit by Taylor, 4to. plates, bd. Qs Bombay, 1816 1581 Bhattacharta, Vyavahara Tatwa, a treatise on judicial proceedings, and Day a Tatwa, a treatise on the Law of Inheritance, in Sanscrit, 2 vols, in 1, Svo". sd. 7s Calc. 1828 1582 BHlATTI KAVTA, a poem on the actions of Rama, in Sanscrit, with the commentaries of Jayamangala and Bharatamallika, 2 vols, in 1, stout large 8vo. 847 and 512 pp. hf. calf £2. 10s Calcutta, 1828 1583 BoHTLiNGK, Sanskrit-Chrestomathie, 8vo. Extracts from the Mahabharata, JRamayana, M'anu, Vedas, etc. 451 pp. hf bd. 20s St. Petersb. 1845 1584 BOHTLINGK und RoTir, Sanskrit- Worterbuch, berausg. von der Kaiser- lichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Lieferungen 1-18, forming Vols. I- II ; and in, pts. 1-4, roy. 4to. ^4. >S'^. Fetersb. 1855-60 1585 BOPP, Grammatica critica lingua) Sanscritge, altera emendata editio, sm. 4to. bds. 5s ; or, hf calf, 9s Berolini, 1832 1586 Sanskrita Grammatik in kiirzerer Fassung, 8vo. sd. 5s 1845 1587 -^ Glossarium Sanscritum, in quo omnes Radices et Yocabula usitatis- sima explicantur et cum Yocabulis Graecis, Latinis, Germanicis, Lithuanicis, Slavicis, Celticis, comparantur, 4to. bd. 15s Berol. 1847 1588 ejusdem editio tertia, 4to. with the Sanscrit in Latin and Nagari cha^ racters, 21s ib. 1866-67 1589 Brihat-Sanhita of Yaraha-Mihira, edited in Sanskrit,hj Dr. H. Kern, 7 pts. 8vo. sd. Us Calcutta, 18G4-65 1590 Brown's Sanscrit Grammar, 8vo. sd. 7s Qd Privately printed, Southwick, 184,1 1591 BURNOUF et Leupol, Dictionnaire Classique Sanscrit-Fran9ais, ou sojit coordounes les travaux de Wilson, Bopp, Westergaard, Johnson, etc. 8vo. the Sanscrit in Devanagari and Roman characters, sd. 245 Paris, 1866 1592 CARET'S (Dr. William) Grammar of the Sungskrit Language, with a List of the Roots, stout impl. 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, 30s Serampore, 1806 it is calculated to be of frequent service." — Prof. Wilson, Philological Sac. Pr. I. 3. " A singular monument of industrious ap- plication, the Grammar is in truth a compilation of very great merit. To more advanced scholars 1593 Chambers. Catalogue of the Sanskrit MSS. of Sir R. Chambers, roy. folio, portrait, bds. 5s 1838 This precious collection was purchased by the Prussian Government for £1250, 1594 Chhandogya Upanishad, with the commentary of Saukara Acharya, and the Gloss of Ananda Giri, Sanskrit, edited by Roer, 6 parts, 8vo. 12^ Calc. 1849-50 1595 the same, with extracts from the commentary of Sankara Acharyya, translated by Rajendralal Mittra, 2 parts, 8vo. 4« ib. 1854-62 858 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1596 Cheista Sakgita, or History of Christ, in Sansc7nt verse, with English in- troduction, 8vo. lif. bd. 7s Gd Calc. 1831 1597 Colebrooke's Grammar of the Sanscrit Language, Vol. I. (all published), sm. folio, hound, 10s Calcutta, 1805 1598 Dasa Kumara Chaeita, or Adventures of ten Princes, a series of Tales in the originel Sanscrit, by Sri Dandi, with Notes and Introduction by H. H. Wilson, impl. 8vo. 31 and 203 pp. clotk, 18* Soc. Or. Texts, 1846 1599 Dasa Rupa, or Hindu Canons of Dramaturgy, by Dhananjaya, with the ex- position of Dhanika, the Avaloka, Sanscrit, edited by Eitzedward Hall, 3 parts, 8vo. sd. Qs Calc. 1862-65 1600 Databhaga, or Law of Inheritance by Jimutavahaua, with a commentary by Krishna Terkalaukara, Sanscrit, 8vo. sd. 5s 1829 1601 Etchhoff, Poesie Heroique des Indiens, avec analyse des poemes nationaux, de i'lnde, 8vo. extracts in Roman characters, ivith translations in French and Latin, hf. morocco, Qs Faris, 1860 1602 Eorster's Sanskrit Grammar, Part 1 (all published) roy. 4to. 700 pp. bd. 15s Calc. 1810 1603 Erank, Chrestomathia Sanskrita, 2 vols. 4to. bds. 3* Gd Monachii, 1820-23 1601 GiLDEMEisTER, Bibliotheca Sanskrita, 8vo. cloth, 5s Bonn, 1847 1605 GiTA GoviNDA, Ja^^adevse drama lyricum, Satiscr. et Lat. ed. Lassen, 4to. bds. 5s ; or divided into 2 vols. hf. russia, 7s Gd Bounce, 1836 1606 Hall (Fitzedward) Contribution towards an Index to the Bibliography of the Indian philosophical systems, 8vo. a catalogue of about 800 ivorhs, sd. 10s Gd Calc. 1859 1607 Haeiyansa ; ou, Histoire de la Eamille de Hari ; Ouvrage formant un Ap- pendice du Mahabharata, et traduit sur I'Original Sanscrit, par A. LAN- GLOIS, 2 vols. 4to. (pub. £2. IGs) cloth, IGs 1835-36 The Harivansa is a poem, which relates the history of the ft\mily of Krishna, and is deemed so important by the Brahmins that the book is held sacred. Those "who read and listen to the reading of it, are supposed to acquire a sanctity which will have its reward in this life as well as the next. It forms what may be called an Ap- pendix to the Mahabharata, but it also goes back to the origin of things, and unfolds a long course of history intermingled with the cosmogony and theology of the Indian creed. 1608 HAUGHTO]S''S Bengali and Sanskrit Dictionary, 4to. (pub. £7. 7s) cloth 25s 1833 1609 HITO FADES HA, a collection of Eables and Tales, by Vishnusarma, Sanscrit, Bengali, and English, by Lakshami Narayan Nyalankar, 8vo. bds. IGs Calcutta, 1830 1610 HiTOPADESA in the Sanskrita language, 4to. bds. 2s Fast India House Library, 1810 1611 the same, Satishrit Text, with Ygcaeulaey {2\2 pp. double cols.) and an English Index of Words, serving as a reversed Dictionary, by Francis Johnson, Professor of Sanscrit at the East India College, 4to. (pub. at Sis Gd) bds. 15s Hertford, 1847 1612 second edition, sm. 4to. cloth, 20s 1864 1613 Mitra Labha, the First Book of the Hitopadesa, Sanskrit, with gram- matical Analysis by Johnson, 4to. bds Is Gd 1840 1614 Hitopadesa, translated by Wilkins, 8vo. calf 5s Bath, 1787 1615 the same, translated into English by Johnson, 4to. bds. 3s Gd ; hf. russia, 5s ib. 1848 The Hitopadesa is the standard text-book for ] son's edition might almost be termed a Dictionary, the study of Sanscrit. The Vocabulary in John- | as it ocupies 166 pp. in double columns. 1616 JoTis Bechae : a treatise on Astronomy, in Sanskrit, 8vo. sd. Is Gd cir. 1865 1617 KALIUASA. La Eeconnaissance de SACOUNTALA, drame Sanscrit et Fracrit, avec une Traduction Francaise, des notes et un Appeudice, par Chezy, roy. 4to. hf. calf 25s ^ Faris, 1830 1618 Sakuntala recognized by the Ring, Devanagari recension of the Text, with literal translation of the Metrical passages, notes, etc. by Williams, roy. 8vo. (pub. at 31* Gd) 20s Hertford, 1853 OEIENTIL LITEEATUEE. 850 1G19 KALIDASxl Sakuntala; or Sakuntala recognized bytheEing; ii Sanskrit Drama, translated into English prose and verse by Williams, second edition, 4to, 300 pp. printed in the highest style of art, with designs on wood, head and tailpieces and borders in gold and colours, cloth richly gilt, gilt edges, 24* 1855 1620 the MEG-HA Duta, or Cloud Messenger, Sanscrit and English, with Vocabulary, by Wilson, l:to. pp. vi. and 151, cloth, 7s 1843 1621 Yikramorvasi, a drama, Sanscrit, edited by Williams, 8vo. bd. 5s 1849 1621* the same, with commentary, Sanscrit, 8vo. sd. 7s Calc. 1830 1622 Eaghu Vansa, or Eace of Eaghu, an historical poem, with prose in- terpretation, all Sanscrit, 8vo. hf. calf, 25« Calc. 1832 1623 Eaghuvansa Carmen Sanskrite et Latine, ed. Stenzler, 4to. £1. Is 1832 1624 Kumara Sambhava, Sanscrit, with notes, etc. in English, by Banerjea, 8vo. cloth, 4^ Qd " Calc. 1*867 1625 Kumara Sambhava, Sanscrite et Latine, edidit Stenzler, 4to. (pub. 20s) cloth, 8s 1837 1626 Kamandakita Nitisara, with extracts from the Commentary entitled Upadhyayanirapeksha, Sanscrit, edited by Eajendralal Mittra, parts 1-3, 8vo. sd. 46* Calc. 1849-64 1627 EIatyadaesa of Sri Dandin, in Sanscrit, edited with Commentary, by Pre- machandra of Tarkabagisa, parts 1-5, 8vo. sd. 7s (5d Calc. 1862-64 1627*Koshas. Amarakocha, ou Vocabulaire d'Amarasinha, Sanscrit, per Deslong- champs, 8vo. sd. 15s Paris, 1839 1628 Amaea Cosha, Trikauda Sesha, Haravali, and Medini Kosha, all Sanscrit, bound in 1 vol. 8vo. calf, 24s Calc. cir. 1820 1628*Hema Chandra Kosha: Vocabulary, in Sanscrit, 8vo. calf 15s ib. cir. 1810 1629 Lassex, Institutiones linguae Pracriticse, cum Appendice, 8yo. pp. 4<8S and 94;, hf calf Us Bonnce, 1837 1629*LiFE of the Apostle Paul, in Sanscrit verse (Telugu characters) and English, by Brown, 8vo. hf calf, 2s Madras,' 1852 1630 LOTUS DE LA BOInNE LOT, traduit du Sanscrit, accompagne d'un Com- mentaire et de 21 memoires relatifs au Buddhisme, par Burnoue, stout imp. 4to. pp. iv. and 897, sd. £2. 10s Paris, 1859 1631 MAHABIIAEATA (The) an epic Poem, by the celebrated Veda Vyasa Eishi, edited from the best MSS. by Nimaichandra Siromani, Eamagovinda, Eamahari Nyaya Panchanan, etc. published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Avith Indexes, 4 vols. 4to. sd. £6. 6s Calcutta, 1834-39 Very Rahe : It is the only edition existing of the great Sanscrit epic. J 632 MAHA-BHAEATA, poeme epique de Veda- Vyasa, traduit completement en Franqais par Eauche, Vol. I-IX. large 8vo. sd. £4t. Paris, 1863-68 1633 Nalus, Maha-BharatiEpisodium, Sansc. et Lat. cum annotationibus, ed Bopp, sm. 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, 18s 1819 1634 ejusdem altera editio, sm. 4to. hf calf 12s ; or, calfgt., 15s Per ol. 1832 1635 idem, L832 — Glossarium Sanscritum, 1830 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf. calf, 20s 1830-32 1636 the Nalodaya, in Sanscrit, with metrical English translation ; gram- matical analysis, etc. by Yates, 8vo. cloth, 20s Calc. 1844 1637 ISALOPaKHYaNAM, Story of Nalus, Sanscrit, with Vocabulary and Introduction by Williams, and Milman's English translation, large 8vo. (pub. 15^) cloth, lis Oxford, 1860 1638 Nala and Damayanti, and other Poems, translated into English verse, with notes, by Milmat^^, impl. Svo. cloth, Ss Gd Oxford, 1835 1639 Selections from the Mahabharata, in Sanscrit, with Vocabulary, by Johnson, large 8vo. (pub. at 36^) pp. 216, 79, 32, and 167, bds. 7s 1842 1640 the same, bound up with Bopp's Nalus, roy. 4to. hf. calf 15s 18i2 1641 Onze Episodes du Mahabharata, trad, par Eoucaux, Svo. 6s 1862 1642 Diluvium cum tribus aliis episodiis,»S'«?e.scr. ed. Bopp, sm. 4to, sd. 2s 1829 1643 MAHaBHASHYA: the Great Commentary of Patanjali upon the work of Panini, edited, wholly in Sanscrit, by Dr. Ballantyne, oblong folio, pp. 1- 808 (? all piiblished) on separate leaves j unbound^ £5. Mirzapore, 1855 2 X 860 BEENABB QTTABITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK. 1644 MAHA VIBA CHARITA, History of Bama, a Sanscrit play by Bhatta Bhavabhuti, edited by Tritben, roy. 8vo. clothy rare, 12s 1848 The first and only edition of one of the finest productions of the old Indian drama. 1645 Malati and Madbava, a drama, by Bbabavuti, Sanscrit, 8vo. Qs Calc. 1830 1646 MANAYA-DHEBMA-SASTBA, or tbe Ordinances of Menu, according to the Gloss of Calluca, comprising tbe Indian System of Duties, religious and civil, translated by Sir W. Jones, edited witb Notes by HAUGHTOif, Sanscrit and English, 2 toIs. 4to. (pub. at £4. 45), scl 27s; Jif^hcl. 30^ 1825 1647 the same, Thick Paper, 2 toIs. 4to. bds, uncut, 36s 1825 1648 MENU SANHITA, tbe Institutes of Menu, with the Commentary of Kul- luka Bhatta, all in Sanscrit, 2 yoIs. 8vo. sd. £3. 3^ Calcutta, 1830 1649 Lois de Manou, en Sansa^it, avec des Notes, etc. par Deslongchamps, 870. 15s Paris, 1830 1650 MANAYA-KALPA-SUTBA, a work on Yaidik Bites, with the commentary of Kuraarila-Swamin, Sanscrit and English, wnth Preface by Goldstiicker, narrow sm. folio, printed in ohlong fashion toresemhle the original, the Sanscrit text leing in facsimile, on thicJc paper, (pub. at £4. 4*) cloth, 36* 1861 1651 Meichchhakati, a comedy, by Sudraka Baja, Sanscrit, 8vo. sd. 16>s Calc. 1829 1652 Mtjdra Bakshasa, a drama, by Yisakha Datfca, Sanscrit, 8vo. sd. 5« ih. 1831 1653 MriR's Original Sanskrit Texts, Yol. I, second edition, 8vo. (pub. 21*) cloth, V7s Qd 1868 1654 — — — second edition, Yol. Ill, 8vo. cloth, 145 1868 1655 MtJLLER'S (Max) History of the Ancient Sanscrit Literature, so far as ifc illustrates the primitive religion of the Brahmans. 8vo. cloth, 36s 1859 " Of this work it is but faint praise to say I combined with erudition that our age has pro- that it is the most remarkable effort of genius | diWQtdi.^' —Pantheon, May 10, 1862. MtJLLEB'S (Max) Handbooks : 1656 Hitopadesa, Eirst, Second, Tbird, and Eourth Books, Sanscrit text, with interlinear English translation, 2 vols, large 8vo. (pub. 15^) cloth, new, 12s Qd 1864 1657 Sanskrit G-rammar for beginners, royal 8vo. cloth, (pub. at 15^) 11^ 1866 1658 NAISHADHA-CHABITA: or Adventures of NalaBaja of Naishadha, by the Sri Harsha of Cashmir, Part I, (all published) with Commentary, all in Sanshrit, thick 8vo. 2os Calcutta, 1836 "By many esteemed the most beautiful poem in the Sanscrit language." — Colebrooke. 1660 Naeada Pak^cha eatea, in Sansct^t, edited by Banerjea, 4 parts, 8vo. sd. 5s ; or in 1 vol. cloth, 6s 6c? 1862-65 1661 Ntata Daesai^^a of Gotama, with the commentary of Yatsyayana, in Sanscrit, edited by Jayanarayana Tarkapanchanana, parts 1-3, 8vo. sd. 5s Cat. 1864-65 1662 PANINI, SUtra Yriti : the Grammatical Aphorisms of Panini, in Sanscrit, bound in 2 vols. 8vo. title and pp. 1203 and 42, calf, £4. 4* Calcutta, 1810 ■ *'This is the legitimate edition of the Grammar of Panini." — Goldstaclier. 1663 — • Grammatische Begeln, mit Indisclien Scholien, Sanscritisch, Einlei- tung, Commentar, Index, etc. von Bohtliugk, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 20 Thaler) hf calf 245 Bonn, 1839-40 a conspicuous place in the Puranas of Indian Theogonies." — Colebrooke. "Panini, the father of Sanscrit Grammar, lived in so remote an age that he ranks among the ancient Sages whose fabulous history occupies 1664 PANINI : bis place in Sanskrit Literature, by Goldstuckee, impl. 8vo. xvi and 268 pp. cloth, 10^ 1861 1665 the same, narrow^ small ioX-io^ printed in oblong fashion^ and to form the preface to the Manava Kalpa Sutra {see ante), cloth, 15s 1861 1666 Peij^^sep's Sanscrit and English Yocabulary, impl. 8vo. cloth, ^s 1847 iPuranas : 1667 BHAGAYATA PUBANxV, with the commentary of Sri Dhara Swamini, Sanscrit, in Bengali characters, edited by Bhavanicharana, 530 leaves obiong folio, pinnted on thicJc ochre-tinted paper, unbound, betiveen two xoooden boards^ ivrapped in coarse red cloth, £Q. los Calcutta, Anno Sakae, 1749-52 (1828-30) OEIENTAL LITEEATUBE. 861 Puranas — continued. 1668 BHAaAYATA PTJEANA, another copy, wmiting leaves 1, 15, 187, 188, 421, 422, unhound, SGs 1828-30 The finest and best edition of this great Purana, which celebrates Vishnu's incarnation as Krishna. 1669 another edition, in Sanscrit, lithographed and printed on tinted paper, in imitation of the original MS. 457 sheets, sm. folio, veri/ rare, un- bound, £3. (/ Bombay, 1848) 1670 the same, sm. folio, wanting a sheet, 27s 1848 1671 le nieme, eti Sanscrit et en Franqais, traduit et publie par T. BuR- NOtTF, Livre 1-3, in 1 vol. stout royal folio, latioe paper, elegantly printed within borders, bds. £2. 10s * Far is, 1840-44 The Avork was to have been completed in 6 I It is part of the " Collection Orient ale," published books, but was never carried beyond the third. | by the French Government. 1072 YISHNU PUEANA : _ a System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition, translated from the original Sanscrit, and illustrated by notes derived chiefly from other Puranas, by Wilson, 4to. cloth, £2. 2s 1840 1673 the Sanscrit text, printed in native fashion, on 312 narrow oblong folio leaves, unbound, £1. lis Qd Bombay, 1867 1674 EAD JATAEANGINI : Histoire des Eois de Kachmir, en Sanscrit et en Franqais, traduite et commentee par Troyer, 3 vols, stont 8vo. sd. £2. 2s. Faris, 1840-52 1674*Eetnayali, a drama, by Sri Hersha, Sanscrit, 8vo. sd. ds Calc. 1832 1675 EosEN, Eadices Sanscritse, 8vo. kf. calf, Gs Berolini, 1827 1676 Sisi^PALA Badha, or Death of Sisupala; also entitled the Magha Cavya, with commentary by Malli Natha, all in Sanscrit, 8vo, 760 p^y. hf. calf, 2os Calc. 1864 1677 Small (Gt.) Handbook for Sanskrit Literature, with appendix descriptive of the Mythology, castes, and sects of the Hindus, sm. 8vo. cloth, 6s 1866 1678 Sat^khya Karika ; or. Memorial Yerses on the Sankya Philosophy ; trans- lated from the Sanscrit, by H. T. Colebrooke, Esq. Also, The Bahshya ; or Commentary of Gaurapada ; translated and illustrated by an original Com- ment, by H. H. Wilson, 4to. cloth, 10s 6d 1837 1679 Srauta Sutra of Aswalayana, with the Commentary of Gargya ]N"arayana, Sanscrit, ed. by Narayana Vidyaratna, parts 1-6, 8vo. sd. 10s Gd Calc.'l815 1680 Sri Yishnij Eahasyam, (said to be part of the Vasishtha Sanhitd) Sanscrit MS. on 71 leaves, oblong impl. 8vo. 6s Sec. XVIII 1681 SuRYA SinnnaNTA, a text-book of Hindu Astronomy, translated into English, with notes and appendix, by Burgess, 8vo. bds. 12s JV^ew EEaven, (U.S.) 1860 1682 Stjsrtttas, Ayurvedas, id est Medicinse Systema, ex Sanskrita versum a Ilessler, 2 vols, in 1, impl. 8vo. 7^ Gd « Erlangce, 1844 1683 Taittariya, Aittareya, and Swetaswataba Upanishads, with commentary of Sankara Acharya and Gloss of Ananda Giri, Sanscrit, edited by Eoer, 3 parts, 8vo. sd. 6s Calc 1849-50 1683*13 TTARA Eama Cheritra, a drama, by Bhabavuti, Sanscrit, 8vo. sd.6s Calc. 1831 1684 Yaiseshika Darsana, with the Commentaries of Sankara, Misra, and Jaya- narayana Tarka Panchanana, in Sanscrit, 6 parts, 8vo. sd. ds Calc. 1860-61 1685 YALMEEKI, the Eamayuna, in the original SuDgskrit, with a Prose Trans- latioD, and explanatory notes by W. Carey and J. Marshman", 3 vols. 4to. YERY rare, 3612. 125 Scrampove, 1806-10 Vols, n, III, were not published : their existence has often been doubted. lgS(5 the same. Vol. I, 4to. bds. uncut, £2. ; or, neatly bound, 26s 1806 1687 the same, Vol. II, 4to. bds. uncut, £2. 10s. 1809 1688 Eamayana, carmen epicum de Eamse rebus gestis, Sanscrite et Latine, cum notis, ed. Schlegel, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, 36s Bonnes, 1829-46 1689 the same, on Vellum Paper, 2 vols, large 8vo. cloth, £2. 2s 1829-46 The first and half the second volume com- I contains half of a Latin translation, prise the text, and the second part of Vol. II J 862 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1690 VALMIKI'S RAMATANA, being the great Epic by the Poet Vahniki on the deeds of the Hero Rama, and the downfall of Ravana, the Giant King of Ceylon, folio, a fine old Sanscrit MS. r/reen morocco, £3. 16^ Sec. XVI 1 1691 Ra.mata>'a, Poema Indiano ; Testo Sanscrito secondo i Codici Mano- scritti della Scuola Gaudana e Traduzione Italiana, con note, per Gaspare GoEBESio, 10 vols. impl. 8vo. (pub. at £10. lOs) hds. £8. IO5 Farigi, 1843-58 1691* tlie same, Vols. I — Y, roy. 8vo, containing the complete Sanscrit text, hds. £6. 6s " 1813-50 thoroughly accomplislicd by the learning and industry of the Italian scholar. The edition by Carey and Marshman is also imperfect : it only contains the first two books, and is moreover un- satisfactory, because of the endeavour made by the editors to produce one text from the two dis- tinct recensions. The only complete edition of this famous epic. There exist two widely differing texts of the Ramayana, as issued from two ancient Indian schools, which may almost be considered as two distinct works. Of these texts, Schlegel chose one, and Gorresio has chosen the other for pub- lication ; but the former remains an incomplete labour, while the latter has been fully and 1692 Yajnadattabada on la mort d'Yadjnadatta, episode du Ramayana, Sanscrit et Franqais, avec analyse grammaticale et des notes, par Chezy, suivi d'une traduction Latine litterale par Burnouf, 4to. sd. 10* Faris, 1826 1693 another copy, hound up with the Nalodaya, Sanscr. et Lat. ed. Senary, ^eroZ. 1830 ; ^ndi Lassen^ s Gymnosophista, Bonn, 1832, in 1vol. 4to. hf. calf, I65 1826 1694 MuERTE de Yachnadatta, Sanscrito y Espanol, con notas, por Eguilaz Yau- guas, impl. 8vo. sd. 5s Granada, 1861 VodSiS I 1695 RIG-YEDA-SANHITA : the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, together with the Commentary of Sayauacharya,in Sanskrit, edited by Max Mullee, 4 Tols. very stout royal 4to. cloth, £9. 9^ 1849-62 1696 the Threefold Science (the first 7 Anunwakas of the first Mandala of the Rig Yeda) Sanscrit and English, sq. 8vo. hf. hd. Vds Bomlaij, 1833 1697 Rig-Yedje Specimen, Saner, et Lat. ed. Rosen, 4to. 2s Qd 1830 1698 Rig A^eda Saxhita, Sanskrlte et Latine, edidit Rosen, 4to. £1. Is 1837 1699 Rig Yeda Sanhita: the Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans, translated and explained by Max Miiller, with the Sanscrit text in Roman characters, Yol. T, 8vo. (pub. 12s 6d) cloth, netv, lis 1869 1700 Ria-YEDA-SANHITA. A Cellection of Ancient Hindu Hymns, consti- tuting the Ashtakas of the Rig- Yeda, translated frem the Sans^krit by H. H. Wilson and Cowell, Yols. I-IY, 8vo. cloth, £2. 16s 1850-66 1701 the same Yol. I only, 8vo. 10s 1850 The first and second volumes are out of print, and very rare. 1702 SAMA-YEDA, SAXHiTAof the, in Sanscrit, by Stevenson and H. H. Wilson, roy. 8vo. (pub. at 12s) cloth, 6s 1843 1703 Hymnen des Sama Yeda, Sanskrit, von Benfey, roy. 8vo. sd. 9s 6d Leipzig, 1848 1704 Sama Yeda, translation of the Sanhita of the Sama A^cda, by the Rev. J. Stevenson, 8vo. (pub. 7s) cloth, 5s 1841 1705 YAJURYEDA (The AViiite), with Commentaries, in Sanscrit, edited by Weber, 22 Nos. forming 3 vols. 4to. (pub. at 72 Thalers) in 1^ parts, £6. Berlin, 1849-59 1706 Rammohun Rot's Translation of an abridgment of the Yedant, or resolution of all the Yeds, etc. sm. 4to. half calf, 5s 1817 1707 Rammohun Rot's translation of the principal Books, Passages and Texts of the Yeds, 8vo. 12s 1832 1708 Yidvun-Moda-Tarat^ginee, or Eountain of Pleasure to the Learned, Sa?2S- crit {Bengali character) and English, by Kalee-Krishna Bahadur, 8vo. 3s 6d Serampore, 1832 1709 the same, first (second) edition, 8vo. the Sanscrit in Devanagari cha- racters, with variations in the books, 5s Calcutta, 1834 ORIENTAL LITERATUEE. 863 1710 ViswAGUNA Darsana, or Mirror of Mundane Qualities, translated from the Sanscrit of Venkatachari into English, 4to. hf. hd. 365 Calc. 1825 A poem on the history, theology, and philosophy of the ancient Hindus. 1711 WESTERGA ARD, Radices Lingua) Sanscritae, ad decreta Grammaticorum definita) et copia exemplorum illustratae, 4ito. pp. xiv. and^^O double columns, cloth, 12s ; or halj hound neat, 14*8 Bonnae, 1841 1712 Sanskrit Eormlaere og Lsesebog, 12mo. Grammar, Ghrestomathy and Vocabulary, cloth, 2s 6d Kjoh. 1846 1713 WiLKiNs' Sanskrita Grammar, 4ito. plates, hds. 5s 1808 1714 WILLIAMS (Monier) English and Sanskrit Dictionary, 4to. (pub. at £3. 35), cloth, new, £2. 12s Qd London, 1851 1715 Grammar of the Sanscrit Language, large 8vo. cloth, 4« Qd 1846 1716 the same, second edition, 8vo. cloth, 85 Oxford, 1857 1717 Sanskrit Manual, 12mo. bd. 2s 1862 1718 AVILSON'S (H. H.) Dictionary, Sanscrit and English, translated, amended, and enlarged from an original compilation prepared by learned natives, very stout 4to. 1601 pp. doitble cols, hf, russia, £5. 15s Calc. 1819 This edition cites the authorities, which are omitted in the second. 1719 the same, second edition, enlarged, roy. 4to. 982 pp. double cols, calf gilt, very rare, £12. 12s 1832 parts puhlished, 1 to 6, are of no practical use to students. The high price of AVilson's Dictionary has to be ascribed to the slow progress of Professor Goldstiicker's proposed new edition. The few 1720 Sanskrit-English Dictionary, extended from that of Wilson by Gold- stiicker, Yol. 1, parts 1—6, roy. 4to. 30* 1856-1869 1721 Sanscrit Grammar, 8vo. bd. 7s 6d 1841 1722 the same, second edition, cloth, 12s 1847 The difference between the two editions is inconsiderable. 1723 Select Specimens of the Theatre of the Hindus, translated from the Sanskrit, 3 vols. 8vo- original edition, calf gilt, 30^ Calcutta, 1827 1724 the same, vellum paper, 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. green morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1*827 1725 WiNDiscHMANNi Saucara, sive de Theologumenis Vedanticorum, 8vo. 2^ 6d BoomcB, 1833 1726 YATES'S Dictionary in Sanscrit and English, 8vo. ^2Spp. double cols, neatly half hound, 28s Calcutta, 1846 1727 Sanscrit Grammar, 8vo. cloth, 12s ib. 1845 1728 Sanscrit Reader, 8vo. cloth, 2s Qd ib. 1847 Bengali. 1729 Arayya Apanagasa, Bengali, 8vo. cloth, 5s Calc. 1260 (1851) 1730 Banerjea's Dialogues on Hindu Philosophy, in Bengali, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Calc. 1867 1731 CAREY (W.) Dictionary of the Bengalee Language (Bengali-English), 2 vols. in 3, 4to. £5. Serampore, 1825 1732 Dictionary of the Bengalee Language, abridged from the 4to. Dic- tionary (Bengali-English and English-Bengali), 2 vols. 8vo. half calfoieat, 32.9 ib. 1827-39 1733 Bengalee Grammar, 8vo. hd. 5s ib. 1805 1734, fourth edition, with Dialogues in Bengali and English, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf bd. 7s Qd ib. 1818 1735 Chandra Kanta : Mythological Stories, in Bengali, 8vo. hf bd. 65 Calc.'^. 1820 1730 FORBES' Grammar of the Bengali Language,- with Selection of Phrases and Dialogues, large 8vo. cloth, 12s 1862 1737 Goldsmith's Rome, in Bengalee, by Kh. M. Mookerjea, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6J Calc. 1854 1738 HAUGHTON'S Rudiments of Bengali Grammar, 4to. with plates of the com-^ pound characters, bd. 20s 1821 864 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Bengali — contin ued. 1739 HAUGrHTON'S Bengali Selections, Translations, and Vocabulary, 4to. hf. U. 15s 1822 1740 Bengali and Sanscrit Dictionary explained in English, and adapted for Students of either Language ; to which is added an Index, serving as a re- versed Dictionary, stout 4to. (pub. at £7. 7^) cloth, 25s; or lif. cf. 27s 1833 Haughton's works ere the best for learning the Bengali Language. 1741 HiTOPADESA, or Eables of Pilpay, in Bengali, 8vo. hd. 2s Calc. 1821 1742 Inteodtjctio:n' to Bengalee, by a native, 8vo. some leaves wanting in the second part (Dialogues, etc.) cloth, 12s Calc. 1850 1743 KoBiTA Etjtnakue, a collection of Sungskrit Proverbs, translated into Ben- gali and JEnglish, by Neel Eutua Haldar, 8vo. hds. 10s Serampore, 1830 1744 Maha Eajah Khishna Chandra Eayasya Charita, in Bengali, 8vo. hds. 2s ib. 1818 1745 MAHABHAEATA, translated into Bengali, 4 vols. 16mo. Ids. 12s 1801-6 1746 Map of India, 5 feet by 4, coloured, ivith the names in Bengali and lioman characters, folded in a roy. 8vo. case, 2s Qd Calc. cir. 1850 1747 Marshman, Daroga Eadera : Police Eegulations, in Bengali, cloth, 3s 6d Seraonpore, 1851 1748 MiTAKSHAEA Daepana, translated into Bengali, by Lukshmi Narayan Nyaya- lankar, 8vo. plate, hf. hd, 20s (7«Z(7.*1824 1749 MoHTJNPEESAND Takooe, Bengalee -English Vocabulary, 8vo. calf, 3s Qd Calc. 1810 1750 MoRTOis's Bengali Dictionary, with Synonyms, &c. stout 8vo. pp. vii. and 600, cloth, 20s " * Bishop's College {Calcutta), 1828 1751 Collection oil^vo^ Qr:hQy Bengali and Sanscrit, with JEnglish translation, 8vo. hds. Us 1832 1752 PuEUSHA Paeikhta, a collection of moral Tales, in Bengali, 8vo. sd. 7s Qd Serampore, 1815 1753 Eajah BalI, History of the Kings of India, from the earliest times to Aurang- zib, in Bengali, 8vo. hf. hd. 5s Serampore, 1808 1754 another edition, 8vo. hds. 3s Qd ib. 1822 1755 EaJA PrataPadItta, History of, in Bengali, 8vo. hds. 2s Serampore, 1801 1756 EAM COMUL SEN, English-Bengalee Dictionary, 2 vols. roy. 4to. over r050 pp. double columns, tJie best hook of its kind, £4i. 4s Serajnjwre, 1834 1757 Eama Chandea Sahaea, i» 5e?^^«/^, 8vo. with plate of Bama and Hanuman, and diagrams of Divination, 8vo. hf hd. 2s Qd {Calc. cir. 1820) 1758 EAMATANA, a Translation into Bengali of the G-reat Sanscrit JEpic, 5 vols. 12mo. russia, rare, 14s {Calcutta), 1803 1759 Sei Cha^'DIKA Jainam, Mythological History of the Goddess Durga, m? Ben- gali, 8vo. curious plates, engraved on copper, hd. 25s {Serampore, cir. 1810) 1760 SeiDuega Sahata : History of the Goddess Durga, in Bengali, 8vo. curious plates by a native engraver, hf. hd. 5s Calc. 1828 1761 Sei Durga Sahata and Sri Durga Sharanam, in Bengali, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. several curious plates, hd. 12s Calc. Fasli, 1230 (1821) 1762 Sri Durga Shaeanam and Sri Durga Jayati, 2 vols. Svo. plates, bd. Qs Calc. 1234 (1825) 1763 Sei Vikeamadityee, 1831 — Krishna Chandra Charita, 1811— Tota Itilias, 1825 — Purusha Parikihya, 1826 — 4 vols, in 1, 8vo. a good collection of Ben- gali texts, hf. calf, 10s 1811-31 1764 Tota Itihasa : Tales of a Parrot, in Bengali, 8vo. hds. 2s Serampore, 1805 1765 TATES, Introduction to the Bengali Language, edited by AVenger, 2 vols. 8vo. comprising Grammar, Reader^ Vocahulary and Selections, cloth, 36s Burmese— see ante, after Beebee. Calcutta, 1847 Canarese, or Cannadi. 1766 .^sop. Carnataca Translation of Esop's Fables, sm. 4to. bd. 10s Madras, 1855 1767 BASAVA PUEANA, the Sacred Book of the Jangams, or Lingavants, in Kannadi, folio, 670 pp. lithographed, hf hd. £2. Mangalore, 1850 AVrittcn about the year 1300 of our era. ORIENTAL LITERATUEE. 865 1768 Brown's Dialogues in Canada and English, for the use of Learners, 8vo. houndj 5s Madras, 1852 17G9 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, in Carnatica, printed for B. Cathcart, pt. 1, 8vo. bd. 5« Bellary, 1833 1770 G-abbett's English-Canarese Dictionary, stout 12mo. ^07 pp. doth, l6s Bangalore, 1865 1771 JAIMINI BHAEATA, a Poem in the Kanada Language, sm. folio, 353^^. lithographed, hf. Id. 36* Mangalore, 1848 1772 McKEEEELL'S Grammar of the Carnataca Language, with Appendix, roy. 4to. pp. 176 and 15, calf, 305 Madras, 1820 1773 EEEVE'S (William) Dictionary, Euglish and Carnataca, and Carnataca and English, 2 vols, very stout royal 4to. 2672 pp. double cols. hf. bd. not uniform, £4. 10^ ' Madras, 1824-32 1774 Eeid's English- Carnatica Grammar, 8vo. calf, 7s Gd Bellary, 1840 1775 Sham Eao (John) Canarese Primer, 8vo. cloth, 7s Bangalore, 1854 1776 SnitiNiYASiAH's Dialogues in Canarese, with English translation by Hodson, revised by Sanderson, 12 mo. cloth, 55 Bangalore, 1865 Coorg. 1777 Cole's Elementary Grammar of the Coorg Language, 8vo. cloth, 12s Bangalore, 1867 Including Grammar, Vocabularies, Dialogues | etc. It is the first Grammar of an almost un- iu English, Canarese, Telugu, Tamul, and Coorg, j knowii dialect, kindred to Canarese. Gujerati. 1778 BERQrm's Children's Eriend, in Gujrati, Vol. I. 8vo. 45 Bombay, 1860 1779 Bui^q^TAx's Pilgrim's Progress, in Oiijurathi, 8vo. bds. IQs ib. 1844 1780 CLAEKSOJ^'S Gujarati Grammar, 4to. plate, bds. very rare, £2, ib. 1847 1781 DOSSABHAEE SOEABJEE, Idiomatical Sentences in English, Hindos- tanee, Goozratee, and Persian, 6 parts in 1 vol. folio, arranged in parallel cohcmns, ^12 pp. lithographed, hf bd. 355 ib, 1843 1782 DnrMMOK'D's Grammar of G-uzerattee, Mahratta, and English, sm. folio, hf russia, 7s ib. 1808 Bound up with "Kirsteni Grammatica Arabica, Vrat. 1610." 1783 Eaeles in Guzrattee, 8vo. sd. 2s Gd ib. 1820 1784 EOEBES (W.) Goozrattee Grammar, with Exercises, Dialogues, and Stories, by Eustomjee Sorabjee, second edition, roy. 8vo. 205 ib. 1845 1785 Q-reen's Idiomatic Sentences, English and Gujrati, 8vo. 233 pj). hf calf gilt, 125 ib. 1858 1786 Lecket's Principles of Goojuratee Grammar, 8vo. xvii and 262 pp. £2, 10s ib. 1857 1787 MAHOMED CAUZIM (Mirza) Dictionary, Goojratee and English, cor- rected and revised by IN'owrozjee Eijedonjee, roy. 4to. pp. xiii and 420, double cols. bd. £3. 85 ib. 1846 1788 Opium Trade, and History of the Insurrection in China, in Gujarati, 8vo. frontisp. cloth, curious, 'Ss ib. 1854 1789 EAHE PAESA : a Guide to the Eeligious, translated (into Gujarati) from various works in Zend, Pehlvi, Arabic, Persian, English, Latin, and Sans- crit, by Sorabjee Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy, tvith the original texts, large 8vo. hf. bd. rare, £2. 10s ib. 1853 1790 Eamsat's Principles of Gujarati Grammar, 8vo. pp. cc and 88, hf. bd. 12s ib. 1842 1791 SHAPUEJI EDALJI, Gujarati-English Dictionary, second edition, sm. 8vo. pp. 12, xxiv, and 874, double cols, cloth, \Gs ib. 1868 1792 — '■ Gujarati Grammar, 8vo. cloth, 145 ib. 1867 1793 ToTJN&'s Gujarati Exercises, sm. 8vo. 500 p^. with Key, forming an Appendix of 48 pp, in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. clothe 12s 1865 866 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Hindui, Hindi, Hindostani, Urdu, Brij Bhakha, Dakni. 1794 -Slsop's Fables, v_o... .t C-;Liii3 : English and Hindustani, Persian characters, by Nizam-ud-Deen, 8vo. hf. hd. 12s Bombay, 1850 1795 Akhlaki Hindi. ^jc^Jfc vl>.\ : Tales, etc. in Hindustani, by Mufti Tadjuddin, roy. 8vo. lithographed, used copy, 5s Bombay, A. H. 1270 1796 ALE LAIBA. jJJ^ jdJ ^\\ : The Arabian Nights, translated into //m- dustani, 4 vols, in 2, sm. folio, bd. £4t. 4* Kdnpw% 1848 1797 Aeatishi Mahfil. ^^ J,'U^ ^^i ^^^^^y Ji-s:^ iJ^}j^ • Translation into Hindustani, of the Persian Story of Hatim Tai, bound up with the Bersian text, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 4to. hf. bd. 15s Calc. 1818-39 1798 ASAR-U 'S-SANaDID. j^.jU^H^UI : Monuments of Princes, in Hin^ dustani, by Earidu d-Diu Ahmad Khan, 4to. pp. 238, 44, and 72, litho- graphed, about 150 large illustrations of the Balaces, Mosques, Monuments, and public buildings of Delhi, elegantly executed by Mirza Shah Rukh Beg and Eeiz Ali Khan, hf calf, £2. 10s (Delhi), 1847 1799 jLj ^ 9^ ' Bagh-u-Bahar, a Hindustani translation of the Qissai Chahar Darvish, by Mir Amman, edited by Gilchrist, small folio, rimia, 12s Calcutta, 1803 1800 jLj • pb ^ another edition, roy. 4to. calf 14^ A. H. 1250 1801 Bagh u Bahar, translated into English, Vol. I. sm. 4to. MS. hf. bd. from the library of Dr. Forbes, 7s 6d cir. 1810 1802 BAITxlL PACHISI : Tales of a Demon, in Hindi, bound up ivith another Collection of Hindu stories, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. calf, 7s (jd Calc. 1891 (1837) 1803 Ballanttxe's Hindi and Braj Bhakha G-rammar, 4to. cloth, 7s 6d 1839 1804 Beige's Eomanized Hindustani- English Dictionary, 12mo. 346 pp. double cols, cloth, 5s Calc. 1847 1805 Eallon's English-Hindustani Law and Commercial Dictionary, roy. 8vo. pp. xxvii, 207, double columns, and v, cloth, 12s ib. 1858 1806 EEEGrsox's English- Hiudostan and Hindostan-English Dictionary, with Grammar, 4to. calf 5s 1773 1807 EiELD Exercises, Hindustani, in the Bersian and JVagri character, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, cloth, 5s Calc. 1847 1808 EIEDUSI. ^l3 ^L*, ^U*' - J ^,^ J^ '^ The Treasury of Good- ness, Hindustani translation of the Akhlaqi Muhsini, by Mir Amman, large Svo. bds. 5s Calc. 1846 1813 GAECIN DE TASST, Histoire de la Litterature Hindoui et Hindoustaui, avee Extraits, etc. 2 vols. roy. Svo. sd. £3. 3s 1839-47 1914 ics Autcurs Hindoustanis et leurs Ouvrages, Svo. 2% 1868 OEIENTAL LITEilATUEE. 80^ 1815 GILCHEIST'S English-Hindoostanee Dictionary, and Grammar, with Ap- pendix, 3 vols. 4to. calf, a bargain, 12s Calcutta, 1786-96 1S16 Hiudee Manual, containing the Ukhlaqi Hindee, Singhasun Butteesee, Sukoontula, Bjtal Pucheesee, Tota Kuhanee, Bagh o Buhar, etc. {texts) 4to. a feio leaves wormed, lif. hd. 7s Gd 1802 1817 GooLi BuKAWULEE. J,l^ jf : The Eose of Forgiveness, MS. in Urduj containing the Lamen- tations of the Shiites for their Martyrs, AH, Hussein, Hassan, Qasim, &c. &c. folio, 107 leaves, calf, 20s a.h. 1248 (a.d. 1832) It is Haidari's paraphrase, made about tlie I '• Eauzet el-Shohada." beginning' of this century, from the Persian work | 1819 HiNDOSTAisEE SELECTIONS, by Sycd Zien-ool-Abdeen, large 8vo. pjj. 49, 237, and 123, 49, and 43, entirely litJiographed, lif Id. 7s 6d Madras, 1856 1820 Ikhwanu s-Sofa, translated from the Hindustani by Platts ; edited by Eastwick, 8vo. (pub. 10s 6d) cloth, 85 Qd 1869 1821 \siA\ J^\ l-jI^:-!— ^A:Jb ci;llU3, 2 vols. 4to. bds.Ds 1829 1822 Introduction to the study of the Hindostane Language as spoken iu the Carnatic, sm. 4to. hound, 12s Cuddalore, 1808 1823 Jamiu l'Akhbar .L^^\ ^.^l^*- : a weekly Newspaper, in Hindustani, lithographed, from the 21st December 1846 to 26 July 1847, in 1 vol. 4to. If. hd. 10s 1847 1824 Jaumat-ool-Ukhlauq ( jL^^l «-. 2s) bds. 5s 1817-18 1851 the same, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. bd. Is 1836-45 1852 the same, Part I. 4to. bds. pp. 8, 85 and 147, 2s Qd ^ 184G 1853 Shurman's Proper Names of the Bible rendered into Urdu and Hindi, Ho. Ss 6d Allahabad, 1850 1854 SINGHASUN BUTTEESEE. Thirty Two Tales of Bikurmajeet, in Hindi, 8vo. sd. 6s Calc. 1785 (1863) 1855 another edition, 8vo. sd. 7s Benares, 1865 1856 SOUDA : 1 j^^ ^\^J i— >LkUl : Selections from Poetical Works, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. a poor copy, calf neat, 12s ib. {ca. 1810) 1857 the same, 2 vols.— -j^^^ uV.*^""*^ parts', in 2 vols. 4to. hfbd. 20s " " (1810) 1858 second edition of the Selections from Souda, with additions, by aolaoi Hyder, roy. 4to. bds. 28s Calc. 1847 1859 TAKI. JO* LuU^ : Poems of Meer Mohummed Tuquee, celebrated compositions in the Oordoo Language, published under the patronage of the College of Eort William, stout roy. 4to. calf, 30s Calcutta, 1811 OBIENTAL LITERATUEE. 869 1860 Taeikhi Eashididdin Khani. ^JU. mT:'.'^^ ^*^j fC)^ ' History of India, in Hindostani, dedicated by its author, the Nawab Khurshid Jah, to Eashi- duddin Khan, sm. 4to. lithographed, hf. Id. £3. 10^ Frivately printed in the NawaVs 'palace at Hyderabad^ A.S. 1282 1861 TAYLOE'S Hindoostanee and English Dictionary, revised and prepared by HuNTEE, 2 vols, atlas 4to. 1589 j;/?. douhle columns, good copy in hds. Vis ; a fine copy, 2 vols. roy. 4to. calf gilt, IQs CalcuHa, 1808 1862 Appendix, roy. 8vo. pp. 778-865, sd. 35 cir. 1825 1863 THOMPSON'S (J. T.) Oordoo-English Dictionary, arranged according to the English Alphabet, roj'-. 8vo. 604 pp. clothe 14^ Serampore, 1838 A useful Dictionary, expressing the Hindus- I characters, tani words in Koman, Arabic and Devanagari \ Mahratti. 1864 Ballantyne's Mahratta Grammar, 4to. entirely lithographed, cloth, 10s 1839 1865 DadobaPandtjrijng Turkhudkur, Murathee Grammar, «// in Marat hi, Svo. hds. 2s Bombay, 1836 1866 Cathkchismo da Doutrina Cristam, 12mo. Fortugueze and Mahratta Boman char. hf. bound, os Boma, 1778 1867 DUEE'S (Capt. Grant) History of the Marathas, translated into Marathee, by Capon, sm. folio, hf bound, rare, ^Os Bombay, 1830 1868 HiTOPADESA, in MaratM, by Carey, 8vo. bds. 5^ 1812 1869 MOLESWOETH and CAISTDY, Murathee-English, and English-Murathee Dictionary, compiled for the Government of Bombay, 2 vols. 4to. pp. xix, 1165, 20, and 838 double columns, one volume, hf bd. one in bds. £5. Bombay, 1831-47 1870 Dictionary Murathee and English, stout 4to. hf. bd. £2. 2s 1831 187 J Murray's English Grammar abridged, English and Ma7'athi, sm. 4to. litho- graphed, hf. bd. 2s 6d ib. 1837 1872 SiNGiiASAT^" Battisi: Stories of Yikramaditya, in Mahratti, 8vo. bds, or hf calf 4s ' 1814 1873 Stevenson's Principles of Murathee Grammar, fonrth edition, 8vo. pp. 13 and 177, cloth, 10s Bombay, 1868 1874 Tippoo Sultan's Downfall, in Mahratta by Eamachundra Eow, large 8vo. port, lithographed, hf bd. 4s Madras, 1850 Malayalim. 1875 BAILEY'S English-Malayalim Dictionary, 8vo.p^. viii and 54^7 , calf 18.^ Cottayam, 1849 1876 PEET'S Grammar of the Malayalim language, as spoken in Travancore and Cochin, and North and South Malabar, 8vo. bds. 12s ib. 1841 Manipuri. 1877 GOEDON'S Dictionary in English, Bengali^ and Manipuri, all in Boman characters, 8vo. 341 pp. cloth, 12s Calcutta, 1837 Oriya. 1878 Sutton's Oriya Grammar and English-Oriya Dictionary, roy. Sso. pp. 4, 40, 248 double cols, and 32, cloth, £2. 2s " Cuttack, 1841 "P n Ti i fl In P' G. 1879 ADI GEANTH : the Sacred Book of the Sikhs, afne bold MS. in Punjabi, in the Gurumukhi character, stout folio, 467 leaves, strong native binding^ £7. 10s 1874 (1817) The religious books of the Sikhs are regarded I to Sir John Malcolm, it is almost impossible for with so much veneration by them, that, according | a foreigner to obtain a copy even in the Punjab. 1880 Sikh Prayer Book, 32mo. Punjabi language in the Persian character, written in amulet form ivithin circles, native binding, octagonal shape, 25s Sec. XVIII Seized in a house in Mooltan by Lieut. ( was stormed in 1849. Graham of the Bombay Rifles, when that city | 1881 DICTIONAEY of the Punjabi language, prepared by a Committee of the Lodiana Mission, 4to. 431 pp. treble cols. £4. Lodiana, 1854 1882 Leech's Punjabee Grammar, roy. Svo. cloth, 15s Bombay, 1838 870 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1883 STARKEY'S English- Pun jabee Dictionary, with Grammar and Dialogues, 8vo. in Boman characters, cloth, £2. 2s Calcutta, 1849 Sindhi. 1884 STACK'S Grammar of the Sindhi language, with Stories for Exercise, 8vo. pp. a:, 153 and 18, bds. rare, 20s Bomlay, 1849 1885 Sindhi-English Dictionary, roy. 8vo, vi and 4:^7 pp. double columns, lif. Id. RARE, 25s ih. 1855 1880 WATHEN'S Grammar of the Sindhi Language, with English-Sindhi and Sindhi-English Vocabularies, 4to. map and lithographs of characters, hound, 30« {Bombay), 183G Singhalese. 1887 Alwts' Singalese Grammar, 8vo. sd. 12s Colomb. 1859 1888 Bible in Singhalese, 3 vols. 8vo. containing the Old Testament, calf, 5s Colombo, 1840 1889 Chater's Grammar of the Cingalese language, roy. 8vo. 141^/?. cloth, 12s; or, neatly bound, Ids Colombo, 1815 189J the same, 1815 — Callaway's Cingalese-English and English-Cingalese Dictionary, 1821—2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf calf, 20s 1815-21 1891 CLOUGH'S Singhalese-English Dictionar}^, stout 8vo. 2^_P- ccxiv. and 852, double cols. bds. SGs Colombo, 1830 1892 Lambrick's Singhalese Grammar, sm. 8vo. bds. 10s Ceylon, 1834 1893 Ordo Salutis in usum catechet. 18mo. Singhalese, bd. 7s Trangamb. 1730 1894 Sela Lihixi Sandese : the Sela's Message, by Sri Rahula, in Singhalese, and English, with Notes by Macready, 8vo. pp. 72, ccxxv, and 105, hf. bd. IQs Colombo, 1865 1895 SIDATH SANGARAWA, Singalese Grammar, translated into English, with introduction, appendices, etc. by J. De Alwis, 8vo. bds.; or, hf calf neat, 32./?. beautifully loritten, russia, the binding broken, £7, 10s Madure, {cir. 1790) A very important work, executed for the Babington in a note pasted on the liy-leaf says French mission at Pondicherry. It has not been that this is one of the only two copies of the used by or known to, later compilers ; and Dr. work in existence. 1907 Beown's Three Treatises on Mirasi Right, by Ellis, Blackburne and Munro; in English and Tamil, roy. 8vo. hf. calf, 7s Madras, 1852 1908 Classical Reader, or Selections from Standard Tamil Authors, in Tamil, 8vo. 263 pp. If bd. 7s 6J ^ Jaffna, 1817 1909 DiCTio.NARiUM Tamulicum et Latinum, folio, neat MS. of 383 pp. double columns, If bd. £2. 10s India, cir. 1780 Probably copied from a work of Beschi. It to form with the above " Lexicon Lusitano-Lati- is marked at'cnd "Prima Pars," being probably no-Tamulicum," a complete Dictionary both intended by its former possessor, Mr. Babington, ways. 1910 DiCTioxART, Manual, of the Tamil Language, published by the Jaffna Book Society, all in Tamil, stout 8vo. bd. 7s ijd Jaffna, 1812 1911 Doddridge's Rise of Religion, English and Tamil, sm. 8vo. hf calf, 2s Jaffna, 1818 1912 Ellis' Replies to Questions upon Mirasi Right, with Appendix in Tamil and English, folio, hf coif 7s Madras, 1818 1918 Fabricius and BREiTnAirpT, Malabar-English Dictionary, second edition, by Poezold, Simpson, etc. 4to. bovnd, 7s Vepery, {Madras), 1809 1911 Guru Paramartax. Fabula de Ethnicorum magistro Paramarta Guru dicto, Tamul et Lat. roy. 4to. mat 3IS. hf calf 7s India, cir. 1780 1915 the same, with other tales, in Tamul only, 4to. neat MS. calf 9s cir. 1790 1916 GooROO Paramartan, Adventures of the, a tale in Tamul and English, with Vocabulary, by Babington, sm. Ito. bds. 7s 6d 1822 3 917 HooLE, Lady's Tamil Book : Grammar, Prayers and Yocabuhry, Eoman char. 8vo. bd. 'Ss 1859 1918 Kixdersley's Specimens of Hindoo Literature, consisting of translations from the Tamoul, with notes and introduction, 8vo. 5 mythological plates, bds. Ss 6d ; or, calf gilt, os 1791 1919 KNIGHT and Spauldiis^g's English-Tamil Dictionary, or manual Lexicon, revised by Hutchings, 8vo. 22 and 831 pp. double cols, hf calf, 36^ Madras, 1811 1920 Melho, Triumph der Waarheid, Tamulsch, 8vo. sd. 7s i^d Colombo, 1753 1921 Negandu, Part 11. in Tamil, 8vo. hf bd. 2s Gd Jaffna, 1843 1922 Neyins (Chedambara Pillay) English-Tamil Dictionary, 16mo. 536 pp. calf gilt, 7s 6d Madras, 1858 1923 jNTiti YenpA, a moral Poem, with Commentary, and a most A^aluable collection of other poems of similar character, 4to. neat 3IS. calf neat ^ 20s cir. 1810 1924 Orieistal Astronomer, a complete system of Hindu Astronomv, Taynil and English, 8vo. hf. bd. 10s "jaffna, 1818 1925 Panchatakteam ; Fables, translated from the Sanscrit, sm. folio, calf 7s Gd {^ Madras,1^2^o) 1926 Percival's Collection of Proverbs, Tamil and English, 12mo. 266 pp. bd. 12.s Jqfna, 1848 1927 Pope's Larger Tamil Grammar, of botb dialects, with the Nanniil, Yapparim- galam, and other native authorities, 8vo. cloth, lOs Madras, 1859 1927* Tamil Poetical Anthology, in Tamil, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1859 1928 Tamil Hand-Book, introduction to the common dialect, with Vocabu- laries, Reading Lessons, etc. 8vo. cloth, 16s Madras, 1868 1929 Prayers for Families, and Essay on Religion, 8vo. hf. bd. 2s ; or, morocco extra, 2s Jojfna, 1816 1930 Common Prayer and Psalter, Tamil, sm. 8vo. morocco, 2s Gd Serampore, 1818 1931 Roman Catholic Prayer Book, in Tamil, 12mo. with engravings, morocco, os Malabar, 1817 872 BERNARD QIJARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON 1932 PSALME2?-, en andere Lofzaogen, Tamulsch, door Mellio, sm. 8vo. ivith all the music, sd. 10s Colo mho, 1755 1933 Rajagopola.'s Anglo Tamil Primer, for the use of students in the Depart- ments under the Madras Government, Svo. 214 pp. Grammar, Dialogues, Exercises, Sfc. the Tamil in native and Roman characters, Ids. 14s ib. 1862 1934. Ramatanam, the Sanscrit Epic, translated into Tamul, square Svo. hf. Id. 7s India, cir. 1800 1935 RHENIUS, Tamil Grammar, with appendix, Svo. 30*^ Madras, 1846 1936 ROTTLER'S Dictionary of the Tamil and English Languages, revised by Taylor and Vencatachala, 4to. cloth, £2. 2s Madras, 1834-37 1937 Sanskrit and Tamil Yocabulary, the Sanscrit in the Grantham character, on small slips alphabetically arranged, containing the Sanskrit words, each in the nominative singular, which occur in Taraul books, in a tin box, 30* cir. 1800 1938 Tamil Hymns, in Tatnil, 8vo. morocco extra, 7s Gd J^if'ii^, 1846 1939 Tamil and English Yocabulaey, alphabetically arranged on small slips of paper, containing all the rarer words to be met with in Tamul literature, enclosed in a tin box, 15s cir. 1800 1940 TAYLOR'S Oriental Historical Manuscripts, in the Tamil language, trans- lated with annotations, 2 vols. 4to. bds. 10s ; or, hf. calf, 12s Madras, 1835 1941 TEROOVEECArnoo SooBROYa, Tamel Expositor, containing a brief account of its idiom, Tamel and English, 4to. calf, 10s Madras, 1811 1942 Luminary of Tamil Language, a complete library of Tamil books, sm. folio, hf. bd. very rare, 25s Madras, 1832 1943 TIRUYALLUYAR'S Kural, one of the best and most ancient poems of the classical literature, Tamil and English, with commentary by Ellis, uncom- pleted, 4to. pp. 1-272, sd. 7s Od. India, {cir. 1810) 1944 the same, with the Naladivar, another old poem, all in Tamul, Svo. interleaved calf, 5s Madras, 1802 1945 the Cural, first part, with the commentary of Parimelaragar, Tamil and English, by Drew, Svo. hf calf, Zs Gd Madras, 1840 1946 Yedala Cada.1, the Tamil version of a collection of ancient Tales in San- scrit, entitled the Yetala Panchavinsati, in English, by Babiugton, Svo. sd. Is 1834 1947 YIRAMAMDNI'S Satueagar^di, a fourfold Dictionary of the Tamul lan- guage, including a Dictionary of Synonyms, a Rhyming Dictionary, and a Lexicon of the classical language, all in Tamil, bv Beschi, folio, neat MS. in old Indian calf gilt, £Z. Zs * cir. 1770 This is the standaid authority with Tamil writers. 194;8 the ^mne, printed edition, Svo. bds. Gs Madras, 1835 1949 Ziegenbalg, Grammatica Damulica, sm. 4to. bd. 2s Ilalae, 1716 Telugu. 1950 BROWN'S TELUCU-English and English-Telugu Dictionary, 2 stout vols, roy- Svo. bds. £5. 105 Madras, 1852-53 1951 Telugu Reader, with an English Translation, notes explaining the Grammar, and Lexicon, together 3 vols. Svo. the Lexicon consisting of 172 pp. hf. calf, IGs ib. 1852 1952 — Yakyavali, or Exercises in Idioms, English and Telugu, Svo. 212 pp. hf bd. 7s Gd ii- 1852 1953 Telugu Grammar, Svo. pp. xi and 267, bound, 12s ib. 1840 1954 the same, second edition enlarged and improved, Svo. pp. vii and 363, hf bd. 20s ib' 1857 1955 CAMPBELL'S Teloogoo Grammar, second edition, 4to. mended, hf calf 9s i or, good copy, bound, 12s ih- 1820 1956 the same, third edition, sm. 4to. hf bd. 20s ib. 18i9 1957 Dictionary of the Teloogoo Language, commonly called the Gentoo, roy. 4to. 601 pp. double cols. bds. or hf. russia, 30s ib. 1821 1958 Caret's Telinga Grammar, roy. Svo. bds^ 12s Serampore, 1814 I ORIENTAL LITERATXJEE. 8^3 1959 Hahischandea's Calamities, Telugu^ by Brown, 8vo. hf. hd. 4is Madras, 18^2 1960 Lakshmij^akasatta, Telugu Grammar, Eoman-Telugu character, 8yo. hd^. '6s Qd ib. 1860 1961 MORRIS, Teloogoo Selections, with translations, grammatical analysis, and Glossary, sm. folio, written on ivith pencil., hd. 6s ; or, good copyy bds. 9« ib. 1823 1962 the same, reprinted, sm. folio, calf, 7s Gd ib. 1845 1963 English-Teloogoo Dictionary, 2 vols. 4to. lllS pj). double columns, calf, £2. ib. 1835 1961 Ravepate Gooroomooete ; Tales of Vikramarka, in Telugu, sm. 4to. bd. 7s 6d _ ib. 1850 1965 A^EM ana's Verses, moral, religious, and satirical, Telugu and Englisli, by Brown, 8vo. calf, rare, 12s ib. 1829 1966 Waes of the Rajahs, being the History of Anantapuram, in Telugu, by Brown, 8vo. neatly bound, Zs ib. 1853 Gipsy. 1967 Pott, die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien ; ethnographisch-linguistiche Unter- suchung ihrer Herkunft und Sprache, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12« Halle, 1844-15 Indonesian Languages — See Polynesian. JAPANESE. 1969 ALCOCK (Rutherford) Elements of Japanese Grammar, 4to. tcith litho- graphed table of characters, sd, 18* Shanghai, 1861 1970 Annales des Empeeettes du Japon, traduites par M. Isaac TITSINGH. Ouvrage revu, complete et corrige, sur 1' Original Japonais Chinois, accom- pagne de Notes, et precede d'un Apercu de I'Histoire Mythologique des Ja- ponais, par J. Klaproth, 4to. (pub. £1.) cloth, 7s Qd 1835 A history of Japan, since the year 660 before Supplement is also derived from native sources. Christ, from a native source, and translated by a Not the least remarkable feature of this volume competent scholar, is a work of which the great is the Mythological History which Klaproth has importance cannot fail to be recognized. Klaproth prefixed; and the elaborate Index which M. has added in a supplement the continuation, to Landresse has subjoined to the work gives it ad- almost the present time, of the annals, which ditional value. ended in the original with the year 1611. This 3971 AwDAi IcHiBAN: History of Japan, in Japanese, 7 vols. sm. 4to. native bds. 25s cir. 1820 1972 BuN-KEX Yedo CHO-TEDsr : Explanation of the plan of the great city of Yedo, 8vo. neat MS. in Japanese, with diagram, sd. 2s 6d cir. 1830 1973 COLLADI Ars Grammaticas Japonicae Linguse, 75 pp. — Dictionarium, sive Thesaurus Lingua? Japonica), 158 pp. — Additiones ad Dictiouar. Japon., pp. 161-355 — Modus Confitendi, Japon et Lat. 66 pp. — 4 parts in 1 vol. small 4to. eaee, £S. Ss Romce, 1632 1974 CONEUCIUS. The Long Gno, Mo-chi, Chu-To, and Dai Gna Ku, by Con- fucius and his disciples, Chinese and Japanese, in 10 vols. roy. 8vo. native bds. 25s cir. 1840 1975 Dai Nippox do-tsitj K6-tei sai-een ki : Urbium locorumque Japonicorum intervalla accurate descripta, Japonice, 8vo. neat MS. sd. 2s cir. 1830 1976 DAI SUKE (in the preliminary notice styled Dr. E. B. Taisxe) Jaic Kek : Tolken-Sleutel (Interpretis clavis) a Dictionary of Dutch explained in Chinese, with the Japanese interpretation afterwards added in MS. in red ink, by the author of the MS. preface prefixed, as stated in it, 2 vols. 4to. green morocco, £15. Miaco, 1796 added in Dutch a translation of part of the intro- duction to a second edition which appeared later, shewing the circumstances attending the origin of the book. The writer of the additions names himself " Jnouoee Joeri tc Ahasi.^' Not merely are the Japanese words added, but also numerous Dutch words and their explanations written on slips pasted down the pages. A former owner has 1977 Daizen Hataeiki Setstjntoshew. Japanese Dictionary, in Japanese, by Asada, very stout obi. 12mo. over 1000/>/>. bds. 30^ Yedo, dated Ansai (1840) 1978 another edition, stout oblong 12mo. bd. Z6s cir. 1850 1979 Descriptio:^ of Eueopeai!^' Costume, in Japanese, many curious Illustrations of European Dress, hf. morocco, Qs (? JS^angasa/ci), 1787 874 BEENiED QIJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 1980 DiCTiONAET in Japanese, largely illustrated hy small figures of the articles de- scribed, the last two coloured, 12mo. 5S pj). 3s 6d cir. 1860 1981 a similar work, with different figures, the latt three coloured, 12mo. QOpp. sd. 5s cir. 1860 1982 a similar work, with different figures from both the preceding, nearly all COLOURED, 12ino. 60 pp. sd. 7s cir. 1860 A copy of these Dictionaries Avill very well | rature. serve as a " Specimen" volume of Japanese Lite- I 1983 HEPBUEN (J.) Japanese and English Dictionary, with an English and Japanese Index, impl. 8yo. pp. ccii, 558, and 132, double coU. cloth, £5. ; or, hf calf neat, £5. 5^ (Shanghai), 1867 An excellent Dictionary, and the first publi- cent French translation is still and likely to re- caiionof the kind which can be useful to an Eng- main, fragmentary, the Russian one of Goloviiin Hshman. The early Portuguese Dictionary is practically useless, and the old Latin of Colla- of Rodriguez is no longer to be met with, its re- dius has no value. 1984 HOFFMAN, Catalogus Librorum Japonicorum, 4to. 16 lithographed plates, sd. ISs Luyd. Bat. 1S,45 1985 Japanese Gkammab, roy. 8vo. xiii and ^^2 pp. sd. 10* Leiden, 1868 A most copious Japanese Grammar. 1986 Noms indigenes d'uu choix de Plantes du Japon et de la Chine, 8vo. the names in native and Roman characters, sd. Qs Leyden, 1864 1987 Ho2^-TSHO KoK-GuN Ken-tsi yen-kak dsu-sets : Orbis Japonici descriptio, sm. 4to. neat MS. in Japanese, sd. 2s cir. 1830 1988 HOEI TATSNOSKAT, Pocket Dictionary of the ENGLISH and JAPAN- ESE Language (English- Japanese) second and revised edition, stout oblong 8vo. ivith prefaces in English by the Japanese author and second editor, 9^^ pp. doubh columns, printed on rice-paper, 365; or, neatly bound, £2. 2s Yedo, 1866 The first edition was printed at Yedo in 1862. I evidently of purely native origin. The prefaces are singularly well written, although | 1989 Japanese Lyrical Odes: Translations of the Hyak Nin Is'Shiu, by a Cen- tury of Poets, into English Verse, with Explanatory Notes, the text in Ja- panese and also in 'Roman letter, with a full Index ; Catalogues of Books referred to, and Lists of Titles, &c. &c. by Dr. F. Y. Dickins, 8vo. pp. ix, 52, xiii, xvi, vi, xvi. Printed on toned paper, (pub. at \0s Gd) extra cloth, gilt edges, 5s London, 1866 This is a sort of ancient ballad book of Japan, j copy (still in the British Museum) to Europe known and used in every Japanese household. ■ about two centuries ago, Dr. Dickins has been Numerous commentators have explained the '] the first to translate the book, which he met with meaning and the puns contained in the Songs. ' in Japan in 1864. — See Lei m re Hour for April : Although the famous Dr. Kampfer brought a Jap. Poetry, by J. Summers, p. 222. 1990 KiJf-Mo-DSU-i : Explicatio omnium rerum quae ad naturam, artem, victiunqiie pertinent, 4 vols. sm. 4to. neat MS. in Japanese, sd. 6s cir. 1830 1991 Ko-KoKF Mei Ih Deng. Lives of the Famous Japanese Physicians, in Ja- panese, by Asadah So Haqquh, {an author now living) 3 vols, roy, 8vo. sd. Ids Yeddo, 1851 1992 KoKUSHiEAKU : a History of Jap)an, in Japanese, by Minamoto Ason Ma- truwaya, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. native bds. 36* Kisto, 10th year of Bunsei 1993 KossA-osso-ciii: Children's Books, in Japanese, 13 vols. 12mo. and sm. 8vo. with mimerous curious illustrations of the Tales and other subjects contained in them, several coloured, sd. 12s cir. 18'jO 1994 Ktok-kai-sets-to-si-rin-zo: Sea of precious things, in Japanese, sm. 4:io. neat MS. sd. 5s cir. 1830 1995 LiNG-nE-DJi-BiNa-ATi-KU-HENGt Cliinese-Japancse Dictionary, in 1 vol. very stout oblong 12mo. about 1400/)/?. native binding, £2. 10s cir. 18iO 1996 Maps: Tratelling-Chart of Japan, in Japanese, 39 inches by ^0, folded in sm. 8vo. size, 2s Gd cir. 1830 1997 NIPPON-DSEN-DSU, large Map of Japan, in Japanese, 73 inches by 49, folded into sm. 4to. size, protected by hoards, £2. cir. 1840 A really fine and amply-detailed map, re- I Japan in existence, and very rare in Europe ; as fleeting the highest credit upon the scientific at- it is not allowed to be sold to foreigners. {Uevne tainments of the Japanese. It is the best map of | Oricntale, 26 Aout, 1869). ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 875 Japanese Msn^s — continued. 1998 Lesiiij Ohosaka no-ost ; a Great Chart of the City of Osaka, wi JS'^. Petersh. {cir. 1840) 2066 EvAXGELiuM Matthtei, Calmucco- Mongol, cura Schmidt, 4to. calf 2s Qtd Petrop. 1815 2067 Klapeoth, Abhandlung iiber die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren, nebst AYorterverzeichnisse und anderen Sprachproben, folio, sd. 5s Faris, 1820 2068 Schmidt's Mongolische Grammatik, 4to. sd. Ss : or half calf, 10s St. Pet. 1831 2069 SsANANG SsETSEN CnuNGTAinscHi, Geschichto der Ost-Mongolen und ihres Eiirstenhauses, Mongol, und Deutsch, von Schmidt, 4to. half hd. 9s St. Petersh. 1829 2070 YuiLLE, Mongolian Grammar, all Mongolian, 4to. bds. Zs {Siberia), 1837 See also Tatar. OEIENTAL LITERATUEK. 879 Pali. 2071 ALWIS' Introduction to Kaclicliay ana's Pali Grammar, with introduction, Notes, etc. 8vo. the Grammar in Pali and English, 2S5 Colombo, 1863 2072 BuRNOUF ET Lassex, Essai sur le Pali, 8vo. {Grammar, etc.) G plates of facsi- miles, sJ. 3s Qd ; half hd. neat, 4s (it/ Paris, 182G 2072*BuRNouF, Observ. sur I'Essai, 8vo. plate, (3s 1827 2073 CLOUaH'S Pali Grammar and A^ocabularj, 8vo. calf, £6. 5s Colom. 1824 Said by Alwis to be " literally worth its weight in gold," in Ceylon. 2074 Kalpa Sutra, and Nava Tatva. Two works illustrative of the Jain Eeligion and Philosophy : translated from the Maghadi, with an Appendix, contain- ing Eemarks on the Language of the Original, by the Eev. J. Stevenson, 8vo. 9s 1848 2075 MAHAAVANSO (the great Eeligio-Historical Booh of Ceylon) in Eoman characters, Pali and English, Avith introductory Essay on Pali Buddhistical Literature, by Tuenotje. Vol. I, (chapters i-xxxviii) 4to. all ptihlished, Ids. 20s Ceylon, 1837 207G MAHAVANSI, Eaja-Eatnacari, and Eaja-Yali, forming the Sacred and His- torical Books of Ceylon, translated from the Singhalese, by Upham, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. 42s.) hds. 20s ... ^^p 2077 MoaALLaNA Theeo, Abhidhanappadipika or Pali Dictionary, with English and Siugalese interpretations, notes, etc. by VVaskaduwe Subhuti, 8vo. pp, XV, 204, and xi, sd. 15s Colomho, 18G5 PERSIAN. 2078 ABU'L-EAZL. ^U^^l ^^J^'J: History of the Mogul Emperor Akber^ Vol. I, part 2, impl. 8vo. pZfl/?2 Persian MS. containing the first 17 years of Akbers reiqn, the Appendix not quite perfect at end, native binding, 12s Sec. XVIII 2079 /A3^^ j^-^ • 'lyar-i Danish, the Touchstone of Knowledge, 8vo. neatly written MS. a little wormed near the end, hf morocco, 20s a. h. 1208 This is another form in which the celebrated | appear. Fables of the Hitopadesa and the Kalila ve Dimna | 2080 J^aII 4j\ lAil : Letters, Despatches, etc. as Elegant Compositions^ sm. 4to. 7ieat Persian MS. sd. 7s Qd Sec. XVIII 2081 ^sop. lJ-!.J^^ uk; J^ L^^^ ^"^J '^^^^^ CjblGs- : Translation of ^sop's Pables from the English into Persian, by Mawlavi 'Abdu r-Eahim, roy. 4to. sd.20s Calc. 1830 2082 'Ahd NaMAJaT. cuU'^lj d^s. : Treaties and Engagements entered into between the East India Company and the native and boundary states o^ India, 1801— 09, in Persian, sm. folio, MS. j^lf^if^l^ ^(^ritten, native binding, I2s "^^- 1810 2083 'AHLl' OF SHrPAZ. ^j\j^ ^\ 'o^^-* CjLK : Complete Works ofono of the most famous poets of Persia, fol. exquisitely ivritten and illuminated in the most delicate and graceful style of Persian art, the figures of the splendid Anivan somewhat defaced by Sunni zeal, but the beautiful borders and ornaments in perfect preservation, Persian binding, elaborately gilt and decorated inside and outside, enclosed in a case, £21. circ. 1550 Ahli died in the year 1 535. Complete copies is translated thus : This book was presented to the ofhis works are very rare. The present MS. has Right Honorable Georgiana for her as a gift : an inscripiion in Georgian on the title-page, which Khosroc Kaiatniizantakan." 2084 AHMAD SHan Nakishbandi. ^^s^ ^ i^lii^y ^^.-.4^^ .l : Chronicle of the Events of the year 1820 in India, in news-letters from Grhulam Hiisain Khan to Colonel bear, Persian MS. large 8vo. Id. 10s Gd 1820 2086 Akhlaqi Djalali. Philosophy of the Muhammadan People. Exhibited in its professed connexion with the European, so as to render either an intro- duction to the other ; being a translation of the Akhlak-I-Jalaly, the most esteemed Ethical Work of Middle Asia, from the Persian of Fakir Jany Ma- hammad Asaad , with References and Notes, by W. E. Thompson, 8vo/(pub. 8.5) cloth, es 1839 2087 AKHLAQI MUHSINP. ^'.^.s^ S^^^^'- The Morals of the Beneficent, by HusAiN Ya'iz KasHEFi (author of the Anwari Suhaili), large 8vo. beautiful Persian Manuscript, written witJiingold lines, in fine gilt native binding, £2. 2s A. H. 1029 2088 — the same, chapters 1 — 15, in Persian, 8vo. entirely steel-engraved in Talih characters, hf. bd. Is Gd Hertford, 1823 2089 the same, printed, 20 chapters, 8vo. bds. 2s Gd ih. 1850 2090 the same, literally translated by Keene, 8vo. hds. Is Gd ih. 1850 2091 'AKHLaQ-T NasiEl. lJt-^^ •^•^^ • ^tliics of Nasir el-Din el-Tusi, sm. folio, Pei^sian MS. very neatly written, bound, \ds cir. 1780 2092 ^J^. A:>^^ : another MS. of the same work, 8vo. bd. Is Gd ^ Sec. XYIII 2093 ALEMGIR 11. JU ^^U Jl^^t : History of Alemgir the Second, Em, peror ofDehli, 2 vols, in 1, sm. io\\Q, Persian MS. well written, native binding, S2s circ. 1800 2094 Alfaz el-Adwitah. ^^s^^V\ kU!l : a celebrated work on Medical and Phy- ••> •■ sical Science, by Nur-ed-Din 'Abdallah, ioi Persian, with the Arabic and Hindi synonyms, 4to. plain 3IS. calf, 10s a. n. 1152 2095 the same, printed edition, in Arabic, Persian, Hindevy, and English, by Gladwin, 4to. &c?. 12s Calc'llO'd 209G djtiSi\ bU!l : a different work from the preceding, but containing a Dictionary in three parts of the Persian Materia Medica, including Arabic, Indian, Berber, and Greek names, sm. fol. Persian MS. hf. calf, 155 1830 2097 'ALP BIN HUSAPN AL ANSARP {Mown as Hadji Zainu I'-Attar) ^[-^ ^^\^^\\ CjLJt >♦ Jlc ^ : Materia Medica and Encyclopaedia of Natural History, in Persian, alphabetically arranged, sm. 4to. neat 3IS. numerous c^irious GOLOVRED DRAWINGS of plants and animals, native binding, £G. Sec. XIX Better known as the Ikht'iyarati Badti. See No. 2177. 2098 Anthologia Persica, Pers. et Lat., ed. Acad. Ling. Orient., 4to. bd. 2s Gd Vienna, 1778 2099 ANWAE-I SOHEILT. ^\^\ J,^ ^, ^^^^ u-£-:^:»- ^.^ J^-- }y\ : the Persian text critically edited, by Turab'Ali and Hasan 'Ali, sm. folio, printed in the JVaskhi character, hf bd. £2. Calcutta, a.h. 1241— a. d. 1826 2100 ^L.j^ j\aJ\: another edition, stout sm. folio, elegantly lithographed on thic?cpaper,£2. Bo7}ibay, 1S2S 2101 J.M^.«j j\^\: new edition, by Ouselet, 4to. bds. 145 Hertford, 1851 2102 Eables from the Anwari Sooheyly, Persian, with Vocabulary by Michael, 4to. interleaved, with Forbes' MS. notes, hf bd. 2s Gd 182*7 2103 Anwabt Suhaili, Books, 2,3, 4,5, and part of 6, Manuscript translation by Dr. Forbes, pm. folio, bd. 6s cir, 1850 ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 881 2104 ANVAR-I SUHAILI : or the Lights of Canopus ; being the celebrated work of Husaiii Va'iz ul Kashifii, translated for the first time into English prose and verse (on the same principles as the author's translation of the ' Gnlistan'), with an elaborate Preface and copious Notes bj E. B. Eastwick, royal 8vo. (pub. £2. 2.9) cloth, IQs 1854j *' The most excellent book in the lani^uage is, in my o})inion, the collection of tales and fables called Anvari Suhaili, by Husain Va'iz, who took the celebrated work of Bidpai for his text, and has comprised all the wisdom of the Eastern nations in fourteen beautiful chapters." — W. Scott. 2105 'AQNuitfu l-'Adjam, va Tuhfatu s-Sibyan: -^LwJl lk=sr ^ -»^*'i Ay^\ : Two Persian Vocabularies explained in Turkish, 12mo. ivell written MS. hd. Qs cir. 1700 2106 Astatic Miscellaxy (New) Vol. 1, sm. 4to. containing extracts and transla- tion in Persian, (Daulat Shah, Dabistan, Sadi, etc.) Id. 3* Qd Calc. 1789 2107 ATESH KEDAH. ^3\ ^J^JI : Biographies of the Persian Poets, with selections from their works, by Hadji Ltjtf Alt Beg of Isfahan, in Persian, sm. folio, 23 pp. of table and 621pp. of text, lithographed, hf. hd. £1. 4* Calcutta, A. H. 1249 A most valuable and important work, com- that its existence was unknown to Mr. Bland, who prising accounts of about 800 poets. The rarity called his own projected edition (of which but a of this edition may be conceived from the fact, single part appeared) the first. 2108 Atesh Kedah. ^j^AJ'l : in Persian, by Bland, (part 1, all published), roy. 8vo. 40 pp. cloth, 2s Qd 1844 2109 Attar. Mantic ut Tair, ou le Langage des Oiseaux, traduit du Persan de Earid uddin Attar par Grarcin de Tassy, roy. 8vo. sd. 10^ Paris, 1863 2110 ,ikc - jU'r" ^-?l2^ "» ^ work on the history of the IMogul Empire in the last century, career of Asif Jah, Ahmad Shah Duranl, etc. 8vo. MS. bd. 15s circ. 17«0 2127 Chahae GuLzaE. .\*i^.L,j>-I a philological and rhetorical work, with ex- tracts from the poets, all in Persian, by Maulavi Nisari 'All, sq, 8vo. litho- graphed, calf, Qs {Bombay), 1844 2128 Chodzko's Specimens of the Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the im- provisations of Kurroglou, etc. stout 8vo. with specimens of the originals, arid the Music of some, (pub. 125 Qd) bds. Qs ' 1842 2129 DABISTAN. c_.jbl j^ ^Vwu> : the School of Sects, in Persian, roy. 4to. hf calf scarce, 30^ * {Calcutta), 1809 ORIENTAL LITEEATUEE. 883 2130 DABISTAN (The) or School of Manners, trauslated from the Persian, with Notes, &c. by D. Shea, and A. Trover, 3 vols. Svo. (pub. £1. Is) doth, 17s Gd ' " 1844 This is a work of great interest for all Orien- tal Scholars and Comparative Mythologists. Sir William Jones describes it as contain- ing " more recondite learning, more entertain- ing history, more beautiful poetry, more inge- nuity and wit, indecency and blasphemy, than" he '-ever saw collected in a single volume." It contains an account of the old Persian, the Brah- min, the Buddhist, the Christian, the Sufi, and the Mohammedan religions, with their various sects ; as well as a statement of their doctrines. It is most valuable for its exposition of the Zoroastrian creed, as this is based upon Ancient Zend works now entirely lost. 2131 .J'Lo L-j\:^^ ' DESATIR, or sacred writings of the ancient Persian pro- phets (Abad, Jemsliicl, Zirtuslit, etc.) original text, Ancient Persian version, (with Commentary and Glossary) and English translation hg Miilla Firuz bin Kaiis, 2 vols, in 1, large Svo. neatly hound, 30^ Bomlag, 1818 2131* the same, 2 vols, in 1, roy. Svo. morocco extra, £2. 2s 1818 2132 DozD u Qazi. ^c^lij t);J iU:JJ : Story of the Thief and the Cadi; hound up with the follotoing : J\^ ; ^iU A-^ ^Ij JiL- ; iUjb^l ^^^W j^^ jy: ; and several other pieces in 1 vol. sm. folio, 3IS. in a clear hold hand- writing, calf, 20s Sec. XYIII 2133 Eaeas EL-EAWain. joLftll (vjJ : Eules for the treatment of Horses, by Tasin Khan ben Daiid Khan, of Afghanistan, folio, Persian MS. luith ahout 100 rude coloured Drawings of Horses, hd. 25* A. H. 1214 2134 ^j^xJ:i £^CiJs « : Earhang-i Shi'uht, a Persian Turkish Bictionary, by Ibrahim Efendi, 2 vols. sin. folio, £4. 4s Kustantiniyah, A. H. 1155 (1742) 2135 ^jlxJ^ (.^:JbjS J.l jJ.=^ : Vol. I, folio, native hinding^ 15s a. n. 1155 2136 Eayatdu l-Eavaid. < j.^y^j* .J ^^l) ;•. ^}J^\ JoJJ I a Sufi work, chroni- cling the Hidjra years 707-723, Svo. neat Persian MS. half morocco, 12s Gd cir. 1700 2137 EERISHTA. JL:i^.i f^j\y : Chronicles of India, by Mohammed Qasim Hindu Shah Eirishtah, stout io\\o,fne old MS. written in a clear and hold Tdliq character, perfect and in good condition, native binding, from Mr. Morlefs lihrarg, ^£10. 10s Sac. XVII— XVIII 2138 History of the Mohammedan Power in India till the year 1612, in Persian, edited by J. Briggs, and Mir Kheirat Ali Khan Mushtak, 2 vols. folio, lithogr. hd. £3. 3s Bombay, 1832 2139 the same, 2 vols, folio, thick paper, hf hd, £4<. 4s 1832 For the English abridged translation, 4 vols. 8yo. see, ante No. 592. 2140 EIEDUSI. ^^.iiju ^^.^ ^^^L ^^-Ul^ ^A Uu^^'J ^^L&Li ; SiiAn Namah, an Heroic Poem, containing the History of Persia from the earliest times to its conquest by the Arabs, carefully collated with the oldest MSS.. with a copious Glossary of obsolete words and obscure idioms ; with an introduction and Life of the Author, in English and Persian, and an Ap- pendix containing the interpolated Episodes, by Turner IMacan, 4 vols, large 8vo. Indian binding, £7. 7s; or, fine copy in picrple morocco extra. gilt edges, £S. 8s Calcutta, 1829 tuche, car il connaissait parfaitement la litterature persane et avait passe la plus grande partie de sa vie dans la meilleure soci^te dcs provinces septen- trionales de I'Inde." — Mohl. Contains an English and Persian preface, a Life of Firdousee, and the complete text. '* La premiere redaction critique de Firdousi qui ait ete entreprise par un Europeen. M. Macan t'tait plus propre que personne a remplir cette 2141 EIEDOUSI. ^^i ji-s- ^^«Li)l-i : Chah Kameh, Persan et Franqais, commente par Mohl, Vol. V. large folio, Ids. new, £4. 4s Paris, 1868 884 BEHNAKD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 2143 FIEDOUSI. The same, each page with a red horder, £o. 1868 This magnificent volume is the ninth of the I the Emperor. entire Collection Orientate published by order of I 2144 PiRDUsi's SHAH NAMEH, translated and abridged in Prose and Verse, with Notes and Illustrations, by J. Atkinson, Esq. 8vo. 24^ 1832 2145 Poems of Eerdosi, translated by Champion, Vol. I. (all published), rov. 4to. morocco, Indian binding, Qs Calc. 1785 Ce paeme embrasse toute I'histoire d'un grand empire, I'ouvrage national par excellence. The Persian Soldiery," says Mr. Binning, Shahnamah, which practice has the effect of in- spiring them to absolute fury, as the verses of Homer did the warriors of Greece, or as the " when about to engage in combat, are accus- j Runic lays of the Skalds were wont to animate tomed to sing aloud certain passages of the 1 the fierce Berserkars of Norway. 2146 SooHRAB. iUL&Lij j\ c-?L^^ ^k-cl J : a portion of the Sbahnamu, P^r- sian and English, by Atkinson, large 8vo. Ms. 65 ; or, calf neat, 7s Gd Calc. 1814 2147 Heldensagen, metrisch iibersetzt yon Schack, 8vo. sd. Ss Gd Berlin, 1851 2148 EIEUZ BIN KaWUS (Mulla) ^^l^ ^^ Ji;^ ^ Uuu^'J j\ ^.^li ^^U ; Epic Poem in Persian, on the History of India, and its Conquest by the English, down to the time of George III. edited by Eustam bin Kaikobad, 3 vols, roy, 8vo. portrait, all lithographed, hf. Id. £2. IGs Bomlay, 1837 2149 EoRBEs' Persian Grammar, with extracts and Vocabulary, roy. 8vo. cl. 5s 1844 2150 GLADWIN, Persian Moonshee ; Grammar ; the Pundnameh of Sady, specimens of Arabic Stories, Lives of the Philosophers, Kowaid us Sultanet Shahjehan, part of St. Matthew, Dialogues, etc. in Persian and English, 3 parts in 1 vol. roy. 4to. plates of characters and handwriting, hf russia, IGs 1801 2151 — ^ — Dissertations on the Rhetoric, Prosody, and Ehyme of the Persians, sm. 4to. morocco, 5s Calc. 1798 2152 Dictionary, Persian, Hindoostanee, and English, stout 8vo. 1080 pp. hf russia, 24s ib. 1809 2153 Geayes, Epochae celebriores Chataiorum, Syro-Graecorum, Arabum, Persa- rum, Chorasmiorum, ex Ulug Beigo, Abulfeda, etc. Pers. et Lat. Arab, et Lat. sm. 4to. bound, 3s Gd 1650 2154 GULDASTAHI SUKHAN. ^-'^^^jif: Anthology of Persian and Hindustani poets, by Surgeon Edward Balfour, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. 256 pp. lithographed, hfbd. rare, 21s Madras, 1851 2155 HAEIZ. ^j;l-*-ij liiU- a^-l^ uV.'^ * *^^ Poems of Hafiz, with an Ac- count of bis Life and "Writings, entirely in Persian, sm. folio, in old citron MOEOeco, fine copy, £2. Calcutta, 1791 " It was printed at Calcutta in 1791 ; this is I *' I have not been able to meet with a copy the best edition, but raxarSprenger. \ even in India."— Z>/-. Clarke. 2156 HAFIZ. ^o^ ^ Jb «-^ )a5\>- j^^y.^ ' Lieder des Hafis, Persisch, mit dem {TiirJcischen) Commentare des Sudi heradsgegeben von Hermana Brockhaus, 3 vols, in 11 parts, 4to. best edition of the poet, (pub. 30 thalers) sd. £3. 3s Leipzig, 1854-61 2157 \2^\s>. . ^ ;^J:^ m^*-*^* ^^^ Poetical Works of Muhammad 'All Hazin, sm. fol. icell written MS. damaged and slightly defective, 15s Sec. XVIII 2172 Ali Hazik. ^^\\>- ^- ^A J^^^^ f^^j^ • '^^^^ ^^ Sheikh Mohammed AH Hazin, Persian, edited by Belfour, 8vo. (pub. 85 Qd) hds. Qs 1831 2173 t\\Q ^^vae, translated and illustrated with Notes explanatory of the History, Poetry, Geography, etc. by P. C. Belfour, M.A. 8vo. (pub. 8s Od) hds. Is 1830 2174 HiKAYAT. ^ Ll^bli>- : a volume of Stories, in Persian, including the ^^JL^ • j^.^ ; cL^^n lS**^ ; etc. 8vo. stout MS. hf. morocco, 20s Sec.XYllI 2175 HUSAIN Ya'IZ KASHirr. ^^l^ ^^^^ c-;lJ. ^ : The Lubbi Libab, an Aridgement of the Mesnevi of Djelaleddin Riimi, 3 vols, in 1, sm. stout folio, neat Persian MS. written within gold lines, with illuminated Anwans, hd. £2. 12s A. H. 1660 By the famous author of the Anwari Suheili, Tcfsir-i Hosseiiii, etc. 2170 Htder Ali. History of Hyder Naik, otherwise styled Nawaub Hyder Ali, by Meer Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani, translated from an Original Persian MS. by Col. W. Miles, 8vo. (pub. IO5) cloth, 4s 1842 SSG BEENAED QUARITCIT, 15 PICCADILLY, LOJ^^DON. 2177 iKHTiraRaTi BadI'i. ^^\^^J ci^ljLir^^l : Materia Medica, in Persian^ with. an account of the mauuer in which the Medicines should be used, by 'AH bin Husain Ansari, called Hajji Zainii '-1' Attar, sm. foWo, Jlnefij ivritten MS. If. calf, 30s Sec. XVIII 2178 J^^\ Cl^*UL:::>-l : another copy of the sanie work, 16mo. neat MS. hound, Ids Dated A. n. 891 (? 1191) See also ante J}^o. 2097. 2179 Irshad ut Talibin". Ll.3l ^ji jj ^^-.Jiyi jLij! : Elegant Compositions, or Forms of Letter-Writing, by Harkarn, son of Mit'hra Das Kanbu, Persian MS. 8vo. Id. 7s Cir. 1792 2180 JAMI, Heft Aureng. . 4s A. II. 1087 The great treasury of Sufi INIysticism, and esteemed in the east as almost divine. " The author of this extraordinary work was the celebrated Moulavy Jelal addeen : he founded an order of dervishes in the city of Conyeh (Ico- nium) in Asiatic Turkey, and died a.d. 1212. He was buried in the monastery, and his tomb was visited for many centuries by his devout country- men, Avho consider his works as the effect of in- 2194 JOHNSON'S Dictionary of Persian, Arabic and English, stout impl. 4to. 1420 pp. treble columns, (pub. at £4.) cloth, £3. lOs 1852 2195 Jones (Sir W.) Grammar of the Persian Language, with additions by Kev. S. Lee, 4to. plates, bds. Is Qd 1828 2196 KANZU d'-DACAIC. ^U^-Cil ^\j^'^ ^^^L-ciJIj:^ w' MS. 0/462 leaves, hf. calj gilt, £3. 10^ A. ii. 1193 A celebrated Dictionary of Persian and other Oriental Lexicons, that it contains the corn- Arabic words, explained in Persian. It is alpha- i mon or familiar words as well as those less fre- betically arranged, and has this superiority over | quently met with. 2298 Kawus Namaii. j,^\\ ^^\:>- ^ Ji^l3 ii^sO^j U^<^ ;^ iUjjlj ^^l) (j^jli • An Encyclopsedia of Instruction, 12mo. elegantly written Persian MS. but having the first two leaves supplied in a modern hand, and loantingthe last one^ hf. morocco, 20s Sec. XVII. 2199 KAZWINL Adjatib-u 'l-Buldan. (jb)j\^l^lj jL!ljlj\) J\sU\ c«^:>U-^ ^.;iil : The Wonders of Eegions, (by Zakarya Qazwini) being a Geogra- phy of the World, folio, 960 pp. ivell written in JVastaliq character, within ruled borders, rimia, £2. IO5 circ. 1700 AVith the seal of " Richard Turner, Sahib, "Asar ul-Bilad,u Akhbar ul-Abad." Its author, 1205."— This MS. which is divided according to ' the famous geographer, Qazwini, lived in the the Seven climates, begins with the second; and I thirteenth century. Copies of this work are rare. is the same work as that known by the name of I 2200 KHAMUSH. , ::^^W j^'Uj : Casidas or Panegyrical Odes, by the poet Eai Sahib Earn Khannish of Dihli, large 8vo. the margins a little wormed^ otherwise a good and neatly written MS. rare, 20s circ. 1820 2201 ^jU^ ^i .J AA\ h\j:^ Khazanat ul Ilm, a Course of Mathematics, Persian, by Dewan Kanh Ji, roy. 4to. diagrams, sd. Is Calcutta, 1837 2202 KHONDMIE. ^^Jl c^-.^ ^^^ jj^ ^ j^^. J jJ.^ : Hiiabib us Sitae, Vols. II and III, containing a General History, beginning with the Imams and coming down to the Timuriad dynasty, A. H. 913, 2 very stout vols. sm. folio, a little tcormed, but beautifully written in a minute hand, Indian bind- ing, £5. 5s ^^^- XVII. 2203 KiiONDMiR. j\si^^ ^ J^'^ji^ *^^ Jl*^^ = Geschichtc Tabaristan's und der Serbedare, Pers. und Deutsch, von Dorn, roy. 4to. sd. Ss Gd; hf. calf, 6s St. Petersb. 1850 2204 KnosRU. . ^^ l:^^..j L::^Ajb : the Hasht Bahisht, or Eight Paradises, a Eomantic Poem, 8vo. Persian MS. hf. morocco^ 10* Sec. XIX. 888 BERNAEI) QUARITCH, 15, PICCADILLY, LONDON. 2205 Khulasat ut-TawaeIkh, J^l A^ f^J^f'^^ ^..?^ir5. : Tirst Half of the AVork' contaiuing the history of India down to Baber's time, by Sanjaii EaiMuDshi> Persian MS. sm. folio, hf. oyn Mr. Morley s library^ 15^ Sec. XIX. 2206 Kitab-i-Yamini ; Historical Memoirs of Early Coiiquerors of Hindustan, and Founders of the Ghaznavide Dynasty, translated from the Persian, by the Key. James Reynolds, B.A. 8vo. (pub. 12s 6<^) cloth^ 10^ 1858 2207 KIMIYAI SAADAT. CL.* jU^ Ls\^t^ , The Alebemy of Happiness, by the Imam Abii Muhammad GHAZZALI al-Tusi (translated from his original Arabic) the 4 parts in 1 vol, folio, 810 pp, elegantly icritten in a very fine Nastalig[, Id. from Dr. Forles library, ^5. A. H. 1018 This famous ethical Avork is very scarce when I which exists, being more frequently met with, complete, separate parts of it, or the abridgment | 2208 KissAi Malik-zada va Ahui: ^^\ ^ ^^\j ^[^ a^ : Story of the Prince and the Deer, roy. 8vo. bd. plain MS. 110 pp. 10s cir. 1800 2209 LiLAYATi. ^-UJJ o-JcJ^ c_?l:;^ ^^' ^A^^ L-?l:xi ; Treatise on Arith- metic, Algebra, and Geometry, translated from the Sanscrit, bv Paizi, roy. 8vo. Persian MS. half morocco, '60s ' A. H. 1111 2210 LUMSDEN'S (M.) Grammar of the Persian Language; comprising the Elements of Arabic Inflection ; together w itli observations on the structure of either Language, considered with reference to the principles of General Grammar, 2 vols. sm. folio, neatly hound, 25^ 1810 2211 MAARIJ EL-NUBUWAT. S'^11 ^Ji^ : Life and Miracles of Moham- med, by Miiin ul-Diu el Perahi, called Miskin, Vol. III. and IV. in 1 vol. folio, Persian MS. of 817 leaves beautifully ivritten ivithin gold lines, with illuminated first pages, but unfortunately a large worm-hole through the first hundred leaves, bound, £2. 5s cir. 1500 See the description of "this very extraor- I It is one of the scarcest and most valuable Man u- dinary book," on page 22 of Stewart's Catalogue. | scripts of its kind. 2212 MADJLISU S-SHUARA. JL^ll ^.ILlj ^^ \^^\\ ^U^. Assem- bly of the Poets, or Extracts from the Works of the Persian Poets, aranged as a Diwan, and entitled Lataifu IKhiydl, by Mirza- Muhammad Salih, stout roy. 8vo. Persian MS. of 1509 pp. native binding, £4. 4^ See XVIII. 221e3 Madjmu'ah. A^^\ *.*L0" £Lc*^*jsr^ i 8vo. entirely lithographed, specimens of handwriting, extracts from Persian Classics, 6^ Calc. 1830 2214 Maekou Ant6js^ixou ta eis ' Eauton, Pe;-^. metherm. 'Ammer, 'Ellen, k. Pers. 8vo. sd. 5s ViennS, 1831 Me^^ijj^iski Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalium — see No. 149. 2215 MIETAH-IJS-SURUR. ^IaIjUj.^JI -Ua^ : Xey to the Delights of Love, a Persian Treatise on forbidden subjects, by Mahmud Ayaz, 8vo. ivell written MS. unfinished, and probably the author' sown copy, Indian bind- ing, 21s Sec. XVIII. 2216 MIRKHOND. ^U\ j^ J^\ ^^,\L: ^^:j : Historia Reg. Pers. post Islam. Pers. et Lat. ed. Jenisch, 4to. map, calf, 5s Vienna, 1782 2217 iUjULs CJX^ : Pers. et Franq. par Defremery, 8vo. 5s 1845 2218 «= ^L;lx,«. It is quite a different work from the preceding. 2233 NisAB EL-81BYAN. ^Lm^I! (—^Lsj : Turkish Treatise on Persian Grammar in rhyme, for the instruction of children, sm. 4to. manuscript^ bd. 5s Sec. XVIII. 2234 NIZAMI. Cj ^^:^si:t> - Heft Paikae, the Seven Beauties or Images, 8vo. Persian MS. inended, but beautifully written on yellow paper ^ bd. 20s cir. 1600 890 Bm:N'Aiir) quaeitch, is Piccadilly, londok 2285 NIZAMI. fUlijAJwCj: Seka^nder IS'ameu, an epic Poem on the Life of Alexander the Great, 8vo. elegant MS. tcritten toithin gold lines, with illu- minated headinff, in painted JPersian covers, £2 a. h. 1230 2236 , .jV^wuJ : the Bostan, in Persian, with the Turkish Com- mentary of Shemei, small 4to. neatly written Manuscript, oHental bdg. 20s cir. 1680 2 z 892 BERNABD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 2269 SADI. jo^*^ • ^^^ Boostan, with commentary by Moolvy Jumnuzuddy, all in Persian^ 4fco. lithographed, hds. 12s Calcutta, 1828 2269*' the same, fourth edition, sm. folio, lithographed, sd. 2Qs Caivnpore, 1831 2270 der Fruchtgarten, auszugsweise iibersetzt durch Schlechta-Wssehrd, 8vo. elegant engravings, hound in morocco extra, oriental style, gilt edges, a very pretty hook, 21s Wien, 1852 2271 Saj)Ie: Isfahani. ^.^j^LJl ri^J ^-^)^^^'^ c-i^^ '■ Greographical "Works, Persian and English, by Ouseley and J. C. 8vo. (pub. 8s) hds. 5s 1832 2272 ScHEBisTEEi (Mahmud). jU ^jlS^ : Rosenflor des Geheiranisses, Pers. und JDeutsch, von Hammer Purgstall, 4to. 2 plates, the Persian printed on various coloured papers, ivith horders of flowers and animals, sd. 7s Qd Pesth, 1838 2273 SCHEEEF, Prince de Bidlis. ^Jjj ^,1^ u-j^^ u-iJb' ^l3 uJ;-i» : His- toire des Kourdes, en Persan, 2 vols, royal 8vo. sd. 20s >S'^. Pet, 1860-62 2274 SHABISTANI NUKaT. ^\ij Jc^^ : A "Work on Ethics, in eight chapters, with an Appendix, sm. 8vo. Persian 318. exquisitely loritten, upon variously tinted papers, ruled with gold lines, the headings in gold and colours, hf. morocco, 30s A. H. 970 The scribe (who may also have been the I Katib al Isfahan!, author) gives his name as Mahmud bin'Hasan al | 2275 SiYAE-o'L-MuTAXHiEi]!^^. History of the Mahommedan Power in India during the last century, translated by Briggs, Yol. I. (all published), roy. 8vo. (pub. lis) hds. Is Qd 1832 2276 Stewaet. jo Jc»- i_fLuo\ : Original Persian Letters, Persian and English, 4to. 24 lithographs" of Oriental Writing, (pub. at 562. 2s) hd. 12s 1825 2277 SuNNi Law, a Persian MS. without the beginning and the end, chiefly con- sisting of 4^^, j ^j1 JjIau^ J sq. 8vo. 243 leaves, well tvritten, hds. 6s '" " ' " Sec. XVIII 2278 SuwAL u Juwab. ^i<^\ A-^ j*^ '^^^ 3 JU-j = Controversy on Eeligious Subjects between Musulmans and Christians, 12mo. Persian MiS. hd. 7s 6d cir. 1820 2279 Tabaqat-i Nasiei. ^^l^j^^l i^j^l -rr^^^^ ^^^'J lSj^^ CjUJ? : His- tory of India, edited in Persian, by Capt. Lees, Khadim Hosain and Abdal- Hai, 5 parts, 8vo. complete, sd. 10s Calcutta, 1863-66 The work is a general history, but this edition only commences with the rise of the Ghaznevides. 2280 TABAEI. ^ J? ^b* : Chronicle, or Universal History, by 'Abii Dj'afar Muhammad bin Djarir al-Tabari, translated from the Arabic by Bal'ami, folio, well written Persian MS. of over IQQO pp. neatly hound in russia,from Dr. Forhes' library, £4. 10s ' Sec. XVII The first eight leaves are wanting, but the tiinth with which the present MS. begins contains the Creation of Adam, consequently little is lost to the student. The volume ends with leaf 537, so that the Chronicle does not come down beyond the reign of the Khalifah al-Mamun, about the beginning of the third century of the Hijrah. 2281 Tabaei. Chronique de Mohammed Tabari, traduit du Persan, par Dubeux, YoL I. 4to. 30s 1836 2282 Tazkieattj l'Bilad. ^ICJl , j^Jl ^i^jj : Biographies of the eminent men of India and the adjacent countries, sm. 4to. neatly written Persian MS. hf. morocco, 10s A. H. 1215 2283 Tezkeeeh el Vakiat ; or, Private Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Hu- mayun, written in Persian by Jouher, translated by Major C. Stewart, 4to. (pub. 8s) sd, Qs 1832 OEIENTAL LTTEEATURE. 893 2284f TiMUE. Mulfuzat Timiiry ; or, Autobiographical Memoirs of the Mogul Em- peror Timur. "Written in the Jagatai Turki Language ; turned into Persian, by Abu Talib Hussaini ; and translated into English, by Major C. Stewart, (map of Transoxania), 4to. IO5 1830 2285 TiJARAT Namah. ijlsr^4jli Eules of Commerce, a book on Buying and Selling, imp. 4to. Persian 3IS. loitli a great intermixture of Hindicstani toords, bound, 10s a. n. 1244 228G Tipg Sultan. ^IkL ^* CjUrlj j Orders and Eegulatious for coi- lection of Eevenue, in JPersian, in 3Iahratti and in Canare$e, in 1 vol. small folio, Manuscript, bd. 15s A. ii. 1200 (1786) 2287 TiPTJ. History of the Eeign of Tipu Sultan, being a continuation of the Neshani Hyduri, writen by Mir Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani, translated by Col. W. Miles, 8vo. (pub. Ss Qd) cloth, 4* 1844 2288 TUCKEE'S (W. T.) Pocket Dictionary of English and Persian, fcap. Svo. with the pronunciation, (pub. 7*) cloth, '6s Qd 1850 2289 TUHFATUL-KIEAM ^J.\\ ij^ ^^^ jJ.^-» BiographicalHistory of India, by Mir Gholam Husain Balgrami, Vol. III. Persian MS. sm. folio, bds. 20.? 1848 2290 VTJLLEES, Lextco:s* Persico-Latinum Ettmologicum cum linguis maxime cognatis Sanscrita et Zendica et Pehlevica comparatum, e lexicis persice scriptis Borhani Qatiu, Haft-Qulzum et Bahari Agam et persico-turcico Earhangi-Shuuri confectum, adbibitis etiam Castelli, Meninski, Eichardson et aliorum operibus et auctoritate scriptorum Persicorum adauctum ; ac- cedit appendix vocum dialecti antiquioris, Zend et Pazend dictae, 2 vols. 4to. sd. £3. 12s £onn, 1855-64 2291 AViLKEN, Chrestoraathia Persica cum Auctario, 2 vols. 8vo. interleaved, hf. calf, 2s 6d Lips. 1805 2292 Wis 6 EaMiN, ^^\j . ^. : An Ancient Persian Poem, by Eakr al-Din As'ad al-Astarabadi, in Persian, edited by Lees and Ahmad Ali, complete in 5 parts, 8vo. sd. 10s 1864 2293 ZiA UD Dm Baexi, ^j ^s\\ Li u-iu^"j^l-i> j^^ ^j\j : History of Eeroz Shah, in Persian, edited by Saiyid Ahmad Khan and Capt. Lees, com- plete in 7 parts, 8vo. sd. 14s Calc. 1860-62 2294 ZOIIUEL ci^Ubj j cjUji ^ JJ^ J\^ ^ f^\y\j\J^: Poems, small folio, neat Persian MS. oriental binding, £2. 8s Sec. XVII 2295 ^jy^ <);.«lj ^L : Saqi Namah, followed by some Tales, and Ghazels, 12mo. Persian MS. very neatly written, 10s cir. 1760 2296 ZuBDATUL MATTTia : Treatise on Logic, in verse, by Salih Beg, 12mo. neat Persian MS. morocco, 3s Qd 1817 2297 Tracts (12) in and on the Persian Language, 4to. and 8vo. 5s 1800-1850 2298 Kurdish. Jaba, Eecueil de Notices et Eecits Kourdes, Kourde et Prang. 8vo. sd. 5s St. Pet. 1860 Phoenician. 2299 G-ESENITJS, Scripturae Linguaeque Phoeniciae monumenta quotquot super- sunt, 3 parts in 2, 4to. 48 plates of InscrijJtions, Alphabets^ etc. bds. 18s Lips, 1837 The best work upon the Phoenician language : it embodies all the existing information. 2300 uber Phonizische und Punische Schrift, 4to. 7 plates, sd. 5s 1835 2301 Hamakeh (H. A.) Miscellanea Phcenicia, sive commentarii de rebus Phoeni- cum, 4to. plates, cloth, 7s 6d Ltigd. Bat. 1828 2302 Diatribe Monumenta Punica interpretans, 4to. plates, 2s Od ib. 1822 2303 Vaux' Inscriptions in the Phoenician character now in the British Museum, discovered on the site of Carthage by N. Davis, with Hebrew transcription, Latin translation, and notes, obi. roy. folio, ^2 plates containing facsimiles of 90 Inscriptions, bds. 17s 6d British Museum Publications, 1863 891- BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Pushtu. 2304 DORN liber das Puschtu oder die Sprache dcr Afghanen, 4to. a Grammar^ with extracts, hds. Is Gd St. Fet. 1840 2304* Pushtu Chrestomathy and Glossary, roy. 4to. sd. 16s ih. 1847 2305 Klapeoth, Sprache und Ursprung der Afghanen, 4to. bds. 2s Gd St. JPetersb. 1810 2306 EAVEETY'S Grammar of the Pukhto, Pushto, or language of the Afghans, with examples, translations, and remarks on the language. Literature and descent of the Afghans, 4to. (pub. 2l5) cloth, 10s 1860 2307 Pukhto-English Dictionary, 4to. 1116 columns (pub. at £4. 4*) cloth, 355 * 1860 2308 Gulshan-i-Eoh, being Selections, prose and poetical, in the Pushto or Afghan Language, 4to. (pub. at £2. 26-) cloth, 12s 18CCr 2300 Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans, in English, sm. 8vo. (pub. 166') cloth,Qs ' 1862 Sanscrit. — See ante, Indian Languages. Siamese. 2310 Low's Grammar of the Thai or Siamese Languge, 4to. ivith 7 lithographs oj specimens, hds. 16s 1828 2311 PALLEGOIX, Grammatica Lingua Thai, 4to. hd. ZGs Bangkok, 1850 2312 Dictionarium Linguae Thai, sive Siamensis, interpretatione Latina, Gallica et Anglica illustratum, auctore D. J. B. Pallegoix, episcopo Mal- lensi, A'icario apostolico Siamensi, stont folio, 897 pp. the Siamese in native and Roman letters, explained in Latin, French and English, sd. £2. 12s Gd; or, hf. bd. £H. Ss Faris, 1854 2313 HISTOEY OP PEGU, a Siamese 3IS. written in white letters on a black ground, on one very large sheet formed of the talipot tree, folded so as to form a narrow folio, £2. 2s Sec. XVIII 2314 HISTOEl^ ^ND MYTHOLOGY^ of Siam, a Siamese MS. narrow folio, unfolding into one large sheet, the characters black on a ground of lohite tali- pot leaf, with a large Miniatuee at the beginning representing a God or King, £2. IQs ' Sec. XVl'lI 2315 Schott's Siamische und Annamitische Sprachen, 2 parts, 4to. 2^ Gd 1855-56 Singalese. — See I]S'dian Languages. Tatar. 2315*Abulghasi Hist. Mongolorum, Tatarice, ed. Praehn, folio, bds. £2. Casani, 1825 2316 Bohtlingk's Jakut. Grammatik, Text, und "Worterbuch, roy. 4to. 205 St. Fet. 1851 2316*Eedmann's Temudschin der Unerschutterliche, nebst geograph.-ethnograph. Einleitung, 8vo. a History of Djinghiz Khan, sd. Ss Leipz. 1862 2317 GIGANOFF, Slovar Eossiisko-Tatarskii, 4to. 682 pp. with the Tatar in Arabic and Fussian characters, hf. bd. 36s St. Fet. 1804 2318 BuKYAE Tataeskago Arabskago Pisma, 4to. Tatar and Arabic Alphabet, and lists ofiDords, by Atnometev of Bokhara, 4to. hf. Id. rare, 7s Gd St. Fet. 1802 2319 Schott's Tatarische Sprachen, 4to. hf. morocco, Gs Gd Berli^i, 1836 2320 Sciiieenee's ITeldensagrn der Minussinschen Tataren, Deutsch, rliythmisch bearbeitet, large 8vo. morocco extra, 12s St. Fetersb. 1859 2321 Schlattee's Eeisen nach dem siidl. Eussland, 1822-28, 8yo. map and plates, a good account of the Tatars, their language, etc. cloth, Gs St. Gallen, 1836 See also, ante, Caucasian, Mantchu, <:/7?^ Mogul ; and post, Turkish. Tibetan. 2322 FoucAUX, Grammaire Tibetaine, 8vo. sd. Gs Faris, 1858 2323 KOEEOES (Csomadej Dictionary, Tibetan and English, prepared with the assistance of Sangs-Egyas Phun-Tshogs, a learned Lama— Grammar of the Tibetan Language — 2 vols. 4to. cloth, £2. 16s Calcutta, 1834 ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 895 2824 Shakya-Muni. Prayers to Buddha, a Tibetan MS. on 47 leaves, narrow sm. 8vo, size, unbound, 10s Gd Sec. XVIII. 2324*Rgya Tch'er Rol Pa, Ilistoire du Bouddha Cakya Mouni, Tibetain et Franq. par Foucaiix, 2 vols. 4to. sd. £2. 5s Faris, 1847-48 2325 SCHRCbiTER, Dictionary of the Bhotanta, or Boutan Language, edited by Marshman and Carey, with a Grammar, 4to. calf, 36s Serampore, 182G 2325*Schmidt's Dsangluu, der Weise und der Tlior, Tibet, und Deutsch, mit Schiefner's Erganzungeu, 3 vols, in 2, 4to. 17s Qd St. Fet. 1843-52 232G Tibetische Grammatik, 4to. interleaved, calf gilt, 21s St. Fet. 1839 232G* Tibetiscli-Deutsclies Worterbuch, roy. 4to. 746 jpj). double cols, calf gilt, £2. 1841 TURKISH, Eastern and Western. 2327 Almanac and Court Guide for 1862. If A* ,u^ ^^UL : 12mo. 2s ed {Constant, a. h. 1280) 2327*^l^= Forms of Letters, Addresses, Notes, etc. large 8vo. neat Turhish MS.t native Mg. 3s Qd cir. 1700 2347 HADJI KHALIFEH.^U^ll^U^.l ^^jL$31 ai-^": History of the Maritime Wars between the Turks and Venetians, 4to. printed ivitliin lorders of gold, several coloured maps, including the World, the Mediterranean, Turkey and Greece, the Adriatic, etc. hd. 36^ distant. A. S. 1141 Langles' copy sold for upwards of 50 fr. 2348 History of the Maritime "Wars of the Turks, translated from the Turkish, by J. Mitchell, part I. 4to. (pub. 6s Q>d) sd. 4s 1831 2349 HAMMEE-PUEaSTALL, Geschichte der Osmanischen Dichtkunst bis auf unsere Zeit, 4 vols. 8vo. loith translated extracts from 2200 JPoets, Ids. 20s; or, 4 vols, in 3, hf. moroccOj 35s Pesth, 1836-31 Hai^djeei— s^a ante No. 98. 2350 HiLTET UL Naji. Treatise on Prayer and Eeligious Observances, in Turkish, with marginal commentaries, 4to. 562 pp. native hdg. 15s BuUq, A. n. 1251 2351 HUMAYUN NAMEH. ^J j;^l3 ^^*jU& : The Imperial Book, or Fables of Bidpai, in Turkish, sm. folio, neatly ivritten MS. of 528 pp. native hdg. 20s A. H. 1025 2352 IBN EL-YAEDL S'ju^ a^^y '^V.V'^^ '^djh S-rlV^^' ^.V 4 ^U^S : The Marvels of the Earth, a famous work upon Geography and Natural History, translated from Arabic into Turkish, sq. 8vo. MS. neatly written, native hdg. 20s a. ir. 1047 2353 INSHA. jjj «^ jJl d.^^^ ^J ^i^\ l-jI:;^ : Collection of Letters and Epis- tolary Eorms, by Mohammed AH Pasha, in Turkish, sm. folio, 494 j9j!?. native hdg. 20s BuUq, a. h. 1242 2354 IS'HAQ EFEENDI (Khodjah el-Hhadj Hhafiz). ^^U d.s.y^^ : Ency- clopaedia of the Mathematical Sciences, in Turkish, 4 vols stout sm. 4to. 46 folding plates of Diagrams, etc. 562. 16s Bulaq, a. h. 1257-61 2355 IsKENDER Nameh. ^j ^^\) .jjjLsl : Eomantic History of Alexander the Great, an epic poem, 12mo. Turkish MS. heautifuUy written, apparently wanting the first and last leaves, hd. 18s Sec. XYII. 2356 Jaubert, Grammaire Turke, 8vo. plates of Turkish and Uigur loriting, calf neat, 12s Paris, 1833 2357 Kasem-Beg (Mirza A.) Tiirkisch-Tatarische Grammatik, mit Anhang von Zenker, 8vo. plates of writing, cloth, 7s Qd Leipz. 1848 2358 Lehjet el-Loghat. culxiil Isiv : Dictionary of the Turkish Language with the Persian and Arabic equivalents, etc. by Mehemmed Esaad Effendi, folio, Turkish hinding^ scarce, 363. Constantinople, a. h. 1210 2359 LETELLIEE. J}^t^ ^sjJ ijJ J CJ^j : Choix de Eables, Ttcrc et Fran- qais, avec Glossaire, 8vo. hf. calf, 9s Paris, 1826 2359*LoGHATi Van Quli, Arabic-Turkish Dictionary, 2 vols, folio, hd. rare, £3. 3s Kustant. a. h. 1141 2360 Mahmoud Effendi, Dialogues in English and Turkish, 24mo. 149 pp. clothy 2s Qd 1859 2361 Megiseri Institutiones Linguae Turcicae, cum 200 Proverbiis et Dictionario TurcicOj 12mo. Turkish characters used in the first part, Boman in the other two, calf gilt, 7s 6d Lips. 1612 Probably the first European production of its kind. ORIENTAL LITERATURE. 897 2362 MEifiJsrsKi, Grammatica Turcica, cum praceptis linguro Arab, et Persiccne, etc. folio, hd. 56' ; or boards, uncut, 10s Vlennce, 1(580 2363 Institutiones Linguae Turcicae, editio altera, 2 vols. sm. 4to. hf. calf, 5s Vind. 1756 For the " Thesaurus," see ante — General Oriental Literature, No. 149. 2364 Military Science. u-->J1 J..c ^ <^L, : Treatise on the Art of War, translated from the Erench into Ttti^kish, folio, bound, 10s (Constant, cir. 1750) 2365 MIRAT EL-KAINAT. cijljjlO! lu\j^ : Mirror of Existing Things, 2 vols, in 1, folio, native binding, £2. 10s BilWq, a. it. 1258 This great compilation is divided into four parts, and forms a kind of universal history. It begins with the creation, and gives a history of Muhammad and the Imams, as well as of the monarchs of Persia and Turkey ; with traditions, stories, etc. 2366 Nabi Effendi (Yusuf Fazl) ^^ ^ Jj j : Appendix to the Life of the Prophet, in Turhish, sm. folio, native bdg. 30^ Buldq. ah., 1248 A history of the early wars of Islam, by a celebrated author. 2367 Napoleon. <^^\j c^:>- j^^^j^ j kr^3^ ^^^ l5*"^^^ ^[r^ ' Despatches issued by Napoleon during the Austerlitz Campaign, translated into Turkish, 4to. 4/: calf gilt, 7s 1805 2368 Navy Signals. cSjJl^ Llj\j\j!ii\j LL^^h:. : Lists of the Signals, Tele- graphic Signs, and Elags of Turkish Vessels, in Turkish, 4to. MS. luith painted draivings of Flags, vellum, presented by A. de Miaoulis to (Sir) Jas. Emerson (Tennent), 7s 6d cir. 1800 2369 Nawadir el-Asar. jU-1^1 i*«!lL^ Li'^J^^^J^V ' ^ Diwan, consisting of couplets and quatrains selected from the best Turkish poets, 4to. hf bound, 15s Bulaq, a.h. 1256 2370 Nedati. ^jwLll *JU^ I a Poetical Treatise on Medicine, Anatomj, etc. with another similar poem by the same author, in Turkish, in 1 vol. 8vo. MS. stained, bd. 7s Qd a.h. 1087 The author was physician to Sultan Selim II, to whom his work is dedicated. Ottoman Imperial Chronicles. 2371 I. U->x5 f^Cj^-* • Naima's History of the Turkish Empire, with preface by the Yazir Ibrahim, 2 vols. a.h. 1147 II. ^djS\ d.J^\j fTj^i : Annals of Rashid Efendi, 3 vols, in 2 1153 III. ^j1; J-5^ -fO^* • Continuation of Rashid, by Tchelebi-Zade, 1 vol. 1153 IV. ^*tf • i^Li. -^L ^j\j : Chronicles of Sami, Shakir, and Subhi, in one "vol. " 1198 V. j^Joi! ^U-Imj ^\£. ^s\j : Turkish Annals by 'Izzi Suleiman Efendi, 1 vol. ^" 1190 VI. J&\ ^^U^ : The Chronicle of Yasif, 2 vols, in 1 1219 — together forming a complete set of the Imperial Historiographers of Tur- key, 10 vols, in 8, folio, native binding, £7. 10s Constantinople, a.h. 1147-1219 An unbroken line of Chronicles, containing the most ample and perfect history of Turkey from the year of the Hedjrah 1000 to 1189— that 2372 Naima's Annals of the Turkish Empire, translated by Eraser, Vol. I, 4to. (pub. 15*) sd. 7s 1832 2373 Preindl, G^rammaire Turque, 12mo. no title, all in Boman characters, red morocco extra, rare, Qs {Berlin^ 1791) is to 1775. For the earlier period of the Otto- man annals, see infra Tddj el Tawdrihh. 898 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 2374 EEDHO USE'S Tuekish and English Dictionaey, in two parts. Part I, English and Turkish. Part II, Turkish-English, in \Yhich the Turkish words are represented in the Oriental character, as well as their correct pronuncia- tion and accentuation shewn in English letters, by J. W. Eedhouse ; in 1 stout vol. 8vo. xxvi and 1151 pp. cloth, 36s 1857 2375 English-Tuekish Lexicon, shewing in Tuekish the literal, inci- dental, figurative, colloquial, and technical significations of the English Teems ; preceded by a sketch of English Etymology, roy. 8vo. xvi and 828 pp. printed with very small but singularly clear types, hotJi the English and the Turkish, (pub. at 24*) hf. hd. red morocco, 15s 1861 2376 Grammaire de la Langue Ottomane, large 8vo. 12s Paris, 1816 2377 Ehasis, Yocabulaire Erangais-Turc, 4to. 654 cols, calf. Is Q>d St. Pet. 1828 2378 Saueewein, English-Turkish Dictionary, 16mo. bds. 2s 1855 2379 ScHiKAEDi Series Eegum Persiae, Lat. ex MS. Turc. sra. 4to. hf. vel. 3s (jd 1628 2380 Seaman, Grammatica linguse Turcicae, sq. 8vo. calf rare. Vis Oxon. 1670 This is the first English and second EuroDean printed Turkish Grammar. 2381 SEIE-EL-KEBIR. Turkish Translation of the Commentary by Shems el-Immet bin Sahl el-Serakhshi upon the Seir el-Kebir (the Collection of Traditions relating to Warfare) of the Imam Muhammad bin Hassan el-Sheibani, 2 vols, folio, native binding, enclosed in a single case, 15s Constantinople^ a.h. 1241 2382 SHANiZADE.JU.lys:l( JUcill ^ ^jlj ^\Jl\\ cUu^l S-^cr* t^yi ^-J^i^\ a work on Surgery, sm. folio, native binding, 7s 6d Bulaq, a.h. 1214 2383 Shebisteei. / J j], ^j^\^ : the Gulshen-i Eaz, or Eose Garden of Mys- tery, a mystical Sufic poem, translated into Turkish by Shirazi, with other poems of similar cbaracter, in Turkish and Persian, sm. 4to. MS. bd. 15s cir. 1700 2384 TADJ EL-TAVAEIKH. -^1^\ -.b' : History of the Ottoman Empire, by S&AD EL DIn KhwaDJEH, sm. folio, Turkish MS. neatly written, native binding, £4. a.h. 1015 2385 ^\A\ J\j : another copy, sm. foi. Turkish MS. elegantly written, every page ruled in red, oriental binding, £4. 4s a.h. 1096 This work has obtained for its author the I correct one. It ends with the year 928 of the title of " Prince of Turkish historians." It J Hedjrah. The second copy has further than this ranges from the earliest tune to the reign of ^^ Appendix of 14 pp. headed ^^l; aiiLL Seliml. ...... The first copy above mentioned was written \^ O^Lj seven years after the author's death, and is a very | p *^ 2386 TaEiKH-i Al-i OsnaN. Juts. JT ^jU* : History of the Turks, without the beginning, but containing a record of the events from the Death of Su- leiman Shah in the Eorat to the Defeat of Bayazid by Timur, tvritten in a very simple antiquated style, sq. 8vo. Turkish Manijsceipt, bound, 7s Sec. XYIII 2387 TaqyIm. ^ JU : Almanac for the years 1789-90, 8vo. neat Turkish MS. bd. 5, "^ A. H. 1201 2388 ToDEEiKi, Letteratura Turch-esca, 3 vols. 8vo. including catalogues of the libraries of Constantinople, that of the Seraglio being also given in Turkish, hf russia gilt, 10s Venezia, 1787 2389 Tuekish Empiee. ^\^\ ^i jJLj : Treatise on the condition and duties of the various classes in the" state, 8vo. a loell-written Turkish MS. bd. Qs Sec. XVIII 2390 VaSIE. X^fs JjU^j jM ^^Is"* '- History of the Ottoman Empire from the year 1752 to 1774, by Ahmed Yasif Efendi, in Turkish, 2 vols, in one, stout sm. folio, native binding, £2. Bulaq, A.H. 1246 2391 Yaughai^'s Turkish Grammar, 8vo. facsimile, calf rare, 95 1709 ORIENTAL LTTEEATURE. 899 2392 Vehebi. ^, A.k^ _ Jj : Turkish Prose Commentary on the Tohfeh-i Vehebi, by Ahmed Nayati Efendi., with the text, 7s 6d Const, a.h. 1215 2393 ZENKEE, Dictionnaire Turc-Arabe-Persau (explique en Eran9ais et Alle- maud), Livr. 1-11, impl. 4to. treble cols. (pub. 125 IV.) £3. Ids Leipz. 18G2 The work will be completed in about 25 parts. Vol. I ends with the tenth livraison. 2391 Turkish Tracts (14) including Nos. 39-47 of the interdicted Newspaper, the " Mukhbir" with English summaries, and one number of the " Hurri- yete," Qs 1730-1868 Zend and Pehlvi. 2395 VENDIDAD SADE, I'un des livres de ZOEOASTEE, lithographie d'apres le MS. Zend de la Bibliothequo Royale, et public par Burnottf, roy. folio, 561 leaves or pages, entirely lithographed in facsimile, (pub. at 200 fr. in ports) hf. calf gilt, uncut, rare, rfc'4. 4* Paris, 1829-43 The Vendidad Sade consists of three parts, the Ya^na, the Vispcred, and the Ycndidad. 2395*Zend Aa'Esta, the Zend text, by Westergaard, 4 pts. 4to, 32s Copen. 1852-54 2396 A.\K^iK,Zend und Huzvaresch, von Spiegel, 2 vols. 8yo. sd. 345 7^F/«^, 1853-58 2396*VENJDinAD Sade : Ya9na, Yispered, und Vendidad, Zend, (Eom. Schrift) mit Glossar, von Brockhaus, large 8vo. (pub. at 6 Thaler) ^^6". 9^ ; or, a fine copy, interleaved with green paper, hf. morocco, 12s Qd Leipz. 1850 2397 Zend Ayesta, ou plutot Zen-Daschta, par Pietraszewski, ToniesI, II, III: Wendidad, Wyspered, et Jasna, Zend, avec la prononciation, Polonais, Allemand, et Jfranqais, 3 vols. 4to. sd. 35s Beo'lin, privately printed, 1858-62 Zexd Ayesta, par Duperron — see No. 318. 2398 ZEND AYESTA, Zoroasters lebendiges Wort, aus dem Eranz. verdeutscht von Kleukee, 3 yo\^. plates, 1777-1786 — Aniiang zum Zend-Avesta, 5 parts, 1781^ — together 8 vols, in 3, sm. 4to. neatly hd.fine copy', 25s Biga, 1777-86 The ul??7/ttW{/ is an independent work, and con- j Kleuker, relative to the ancient literature of tains several pieces by Duperron, Toucher, and j Persia, and the Zend writings. 2399 AYESTA, aus dem Grundtexte iibersetzt, mit Eiicksicht auf die Tradition, von Spiegel, 3 vols. 8vo. complete, sd. 24s Leipzig, 1852-63 2399*Spiegel's Commentar iiber das Avesta, Band I : Yendidad, 8vo. sd. 10s 1865 2400 BUENOUE, Commentaire sur le TACNA, I'un des livres religieux des Parses, ouvrage contenant le text Zend, avec la traduction, les Yariantes des quatre manuscrits de la bibliotheque royale et la version Sanscrit em^(l\\.Q de Neriosengh, tome I. 4to, all puUished, hf. cf. gilt, £S. Ss Paris, 1833 2401 Bundehesh, liber Pehlvicus, e vet. cod. descripsit Westergaard, 4to. 84 pp. lithographed, sd. 4s Qd Havn. 1851 2402 Bohlen de origine linguae ZendicsB e Sanscrita repetenda, Begim. 1831 — Eeank de Persidis lingua et genio, JVoi^imh. 1809 — 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. calf, 9s 1809-31 2403 BUENOUE (E.) Etudes sur la langue, et sur les textes Zends, Yol. I. 8vo. 30s Paris, 1840 2403*JusTi, Handbuch der Zend-Sprache : Worterbuch, Grammatik, Chrestoma- thie, 4 parts, 4to. 20s Leipz. 1864 2404 KiiORDEH Ayesta, a work on the observance and forms of the Parsee Eeli- gion, by Behramji Jiji, Zend in Gujerati characters, 16mo. hound, 32s Bomloy, A. Y. 1167 {A.l). 1797) 2405 Eomer, Zend, is it an original language ? ro3^ 8vo. cloth, 2s 1855 2406 Spiegel's Grammatik der Parsi-Sprache nebst Sprachproben, 8vo. calf neat, ^s Leipz. 1851 2407 Grammatik der Alt-Baktrischon Sprache, 8vo. sd. 7s Q>d 1867 2407* Traditionelle Literatur der Parsen, 8vo. sd. 10s Q>d Wien, 1860 2408 Neriosekgh's Sanshrit Uebersetzung des Tagna, Bom. Schrift, von Spiegel, 8vo. sd. Qs 1861 2408*Zend Tracts. Benfey's Beytragen zur Erklarung der Zend, 2 parts; Haug iiber die Pehlewi-Sprache ; and 4 others, 8vo. and 4to. Qs 1850-54 See antCj under Persian, Dabistan, Desatir, Firuz, Mohl, etc. 900 BEENAED QUAEITCTI, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. AFRICAN LANGUAGES 2409 BUETON (Capt. E. E.) "Wit and Wisdom from West Africa, a book of Proverbial Philosophy, etc. oinginal text, with En/jlisli translations and ex- planatory notes, post 8vo. 740 pp. cloth, 126' 1855 2409*Hodgson's Notes on Northern Africa, the Sahara, and Soudan, ethnography, languages, etc, 8vo. sd. Qs 6d New York, 1844 2410 KOELLE, POLTGLOTTA AFEICANA, a Vocabulary of nearly 300 Words and Phrases in more than 100 African Languages, roy. folio, 24 and \%^ pp. tahularly arranged, with coloured map, cloth, 18* 1854 2411 Keape's Vocabulary of Six East- African Languages : Kisuaheli, Kinika, Kikamba, Kipokomo, Kihiau, Kigalla, impl. 4to. x and 64 pp. in 7 cols, con- taining about 1^00 English words, rendered into these six languages, cloth, 10s ; or hf. calf, 12s Tiibingce, 1850 2412 (NoREis) Dialogues, and portion of the New Testament, in English, Arabic, HaiLssa, (Soudanese) and Bornu (Arabic characters), oblong sm. folio, 116 pp. lithographed, sd. Is Gd; or, hf. ealf 5s 1853 2413 VOCABULAET of a few of the principal Languages of Western and Cen- tral Africa, compiled for the use of the Niger Expedition, 12mo. pp. vii and 214, cloth, 5s 1841 2414 Ben^a. Mackey's Benga Grrammar, sm. 8vo. stained, cloth, Ss : or, hound, 5s JSTew York, 1855 2415 Beuga Prima, 12mo. hf Id. 4s New London, I*a. 1855 2416 Bornu. KOELLE'S Grammar of the Bornu or Kanuri Language, 8vo. frontispiece, pp. 19 ajid 326, cloth, Ss 6d 1854 2417 African NatiA^e Literature, or Peoyeebs, Tales, Eables, etc. in Kanuri or JBornu, and English, with Kanuri-English Vocabulaet of 178 pp. 8vo. 434 pp. cloth, Is 6d 1854 2418 NoEEis' Bornu or Kanuri Grammar, with Dialogues and Vocabulary, 8vo. sd. 3s 1853 2419 BuUom. NyLaNDER's Grammar and Vocabulary of the Bullom Language, 12mo. bds. (the Spelling Book, 16mo. added) 12s 1814 2420 Bunda. CANNECATTIM, Diccionario da lingua Bunda, ou Angolense, Portugueza-Bunda-Latina, 720 pp. treble cols. — Observa95es Grammaticaes sobre a lingua BuDda, 218 pp.— 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 4to. sd. 36s; or in 2 yols. morocco and half russia, £2. 2s Lisboa, 1804-5 2421 the same, 2 aoIs. sm. 4to. fine copies in red moeocco extra, gilt edges, m. 3s . 1804-5 2422 Fulah. Macbeaie's Eulah Grammar, by Norris, ].2mo. cloth, 7s Gd 1854 2423 Galla. Tutschek, Galla Grammar; and Galla-English-Germanand English- Galla Dictionary, 3 pts. 8vo. sd. 9s ; or in 1 vol. calf gilt, 12s Munchen, 1845 2424 Grebo. Grebo Eeader, Part I. Cape Ealmas, 1841 — Bible Questions in Grebo, by Payne, New York, 1856—2 parts, 12mo. 5s 1841-56 2425 Haussa. Baikie (Dr.) Observations on the Hausa and Fulfulde Languages, with examples, 8vo. 29 pp. sd. 2s Erivately printed, 1861 2426 Schon's Vocabulary, Haussa-English and English-Haussa, with Grammar, 8vo. pp. 30 and 190, cloth, 5s 1843 2427 Haussa Grammar, 8vo. 234 pp. cloth, Gs ^ 1862 2428 Herrero. Hahn's Grundziige einer Grammatik des Herrero (im Westlichen Africa), nebst Worterbuche, impl. 8vo. sd. Gs Be^din, 1857 2429 Kafir and Zulu. Appleyaed's Kafir Laaguage, classification of South African dialects, and Grammar, 8vo. cloth, rare, 25s King William's Town, 1850 2430 Atlief's Vocabulary of the Kafir Language, 16mo. half calf , 3s Gd 1846 2431 Botce's Kaffir Grammar, second edition, with Vocabulary and Exercises, by Davis, 8vo. lif. bd. 20s 1844 2432 DOHNE'S Zulu-Kaffir Dictionary, with introduction on the Language, 8vo. pp. 42 and 417, double cols. sd. 24s Capetown, 1857 AFEICAN AND POLYNESIAN. 901 2132 "^Grout's Zulu Grammar, with historical introduction and appendix, 8vo. cloth, 165 Natol, 1859 2133 ScHREUDER, Zulu Grammatik, af Holmboe, 8vo. sd. 2s Christ. 1850 2131 Mandingo. Macbraib's Mandingo Grammar, with Vocabularies, 8vo. half calf, 9s cir. 1815 2135 African Lessons, Mandingo and English, Vocabulary, etc. sm. 8vo. sd. 2s Gd 1827 213G Peep of Day, in Mpongice, 1852— Mpongwe Primer, 1855—2 parts, 12mo. 2s Gd Gahoon, W. A. 1852-55 2137 Namaqua. AVallmann's Eormenlehre der Namaqua-Sprache, 12 mo. hds. 3* 1857 2138 Odji. Ens, Elemente des Akwapim-Dialects der Odschi-Sprache, 8vo. 324)t?/3. including a Dictionary of 132 pp. doub. cols. sd. Gs Basel, 1853 2139 Sechuana. Archbell's Bechuana Grammar, 8vo. hds. 9s; or half calf, lOsGd Graham's foivn {G. of Good Hope), 1837 2110 Sherbro and English Church Catechism, 12mo. hf Id. 55 1824 2111 Susoo Grammar and Vocabulary, 8vo. bds. rare, 20s Edinh. 1802 2442 Spelling Book for the Susoos, and Catechism, Susoo and English, 12mo. Ids. rare, 20s ih. 1802 2413 Towarek. Ereeman, Grammatical Sketch of the Temahuq or Towarek, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1862 2441 Vei. Koelle's Grammar of the Vei-Language, with a Vei-English Voca- bulary, 8 vo. c/o^A, 5s 1853 2115 Wolof. Dard, Dictionnaire Eran9ais-'VVolof-Bambara, et Wolof-Erancais, 8vo. sd. 3s Paris, 1825 2116 — • Grammaire Wolofe, avec Appendice sur les langues de TAfrique Septentrionale, 8vo. 3s ; or, hf calf Is ih. 182G 2447 African Lessons, Wolof and English, 3 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. calf 4s 1823 2418 Eoger, Eecherches sur la langue Ouolofe, avec Vocabulaire, 8vo. sd. 5s 1829 2149 Yoruba. Crowther's Vocabulary, English-Toruba and Yoruba-English, with introduction by Vidal, 8vo. cloth, 3s Gd 1852 2150 the same, with Grammar prefixed, 8vo. cloth, 7s Gd 1852 POLYNESIAN LANGUAGES. 2151 GEET. A Handbook of African, Australian, and Polynesian Philology, as represented in the library of Sir George Grey, High Commissioner of the Cape Colony, edited by Sir George Grey and Dr. "W. H. J. Bleek, Vols. I, II, III 1, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt top, uncut, 30s 1858-62 Vol. I. Part 1.- South Africa, pp. 186. Vol. I. Part 2.— Africa (North of the Tropic of Capricorn), pp. 191-261. Vol. I. Part 3. — Madagascar, pp. 24. Vol. II. Part 1. — Australia, pp. iv. 44. Vol. II. Part 2.— Papuan Languages, pp. 12. The above is, without exception, the most important addition yet made to Polynesian Phi- lology. The amount of materials brought to- gether by Sir George, with a view to elucidate the 2152 Gabelentz, die Melanesischen Sprachen, nach ihrem gram. Bau, und ihrer Verwandschaft mit den Malaiisch-Polynesischen Sprachen, Ito. sd. Gs 1860 2153 Alfursh. Niemann, Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Alfoersche Taal, sm. 8vo. sd. 2s Gd 1866 2151 Australian. EIDLET (Rev. ^V.) Kamilaroi, Dippil, and Turrubul, lan- guages spoken by Australian Aborigines, sm. Ito. morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s Sydney, N.S.W. 1866 Avery elegant specimen of Australian typo- I have been invented for this work, and comparative graphy and bookbinding. Some special characters \ grammatical observations instituted. 2155 Teiciielmann and Sehurmann, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Phraseology of the aboriginal language of South Australia, Svo. sd. 12s Adelaide^ 1810 Vol. II. Part 3.— Piji Islands, etc. pp. 32. Vol. II. Part 4.— New Zealand, etc. pp. 76. Vol. II. Part 4, (continuation). — Polynesia and Borneo, p. ii. and 77 to 154. Vol. III. Part 1. — Manuscripts and Incunables, pp. viii. 24. subject is stupendous, and the labour bestowed on them and the results arrived at incontestably establish the claim of the Author to be called the Father of Polynesian and African Philology. 902 BERNAED QUAEITCII, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 2456 Williams, Vocabulary of the language of the Aborigines of South Australia, 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Adelaide, 1839 2157 Hawaian. Chamisso's Hawaiische Sprache, 4to. sd. 6s : or 7if. ?nor. 7s Leipz. 1837 2458 EMERSON, Hoakakaolelo no na Huaolelo Beritania i mea kokua i na Kanaka Hawaii : English-Hawaiian Dictionary, 8vo. hf. hd. 30* Lahainaluna, 1845 Grammatical Preface, x pp. ; Dictionary, 184 pp. double cols. Javanese and Kawi — see ante, Asiatic alphabet. 2459 Macassar (C(?/e5e6'). MATTHES, Makassaarsche Chrestomathie ; oorsprouke- lijke Makassaarsche Geschriften in Prosa en Poezy, roy. 8vo. 14^8 Amst. 18G0 24G0 Makassaarsche Spraakkunst, large 8vo. plate, cloth, 6* ih. ]S58 2461 Maori, or New Zealand Language. Easy Lessons on Money Matters, in the New Zealand Language, 8vo. cloth, 6s Wellington, 1851 2462 DiEFFEXBACii's Travels in New Zealand, its Geography, Geology, Botany, and Natural History, 2 vols. 8vo. with a New Zealand Grammar and Dic- tionary, 'plates, (pub. £1. 4*) cloth, ISs 1843 " Incomparably the best work on New Zealand that has yet appeared." 2463 GREY (Sir George) Poems, Traditions, and Chants of the Maories, in Maori, 8vo. pp. xiv, 432, cxii, and 20, cloth, rare, £2. 10s F^nvately printed, Wellington, New Zealand, 1853 2464 Kendal and Lee, New Zealand Grammar and Vocabulary, sm. 8vo. Ids. 6s 6d 1820 2465 Maoei Mementoes : a series of Addresses presented by the Natives to Sir George Grey ; with a collection of Laments, &c. Maori and English, by Davis, 8vo. cloth, 306' AucMand, 1855 2466 Savage's New Zealand, with Vocabulary, 8vo. Ids. 6s 1807 Sunda — see Javanese. 2467 Marquesan and Tahitian. Mosblecii, Vocab. Oceanien-rran9. et Franc;.- Ocean. des Dialectes Marquises, Sandwich, Gambler, etc. sm. 8vo. hf. hd. 6s Faris, 1843 2468 BuscHMANN, Apergu de la Langue des Isles Marquises et de la langue Tai- tienne, 8vo. cloth, Qs Berlin, 1843 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, CHIEFLY FROM THE LIBEAEY OF DR. TODD, LIBRARIAN OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. A. Manuscripts. 2470 MISSALE ROMANO-GALLICANUM, sm. folio, Manuscript on VELLUM, ivritten in double columns in a bold Gothic hand, with ornamental painted initials, bound in vellum, from Dr. Todd's library, 56120. Sec. XII. A precious volume, both to the palaeographer and the student of ecclesiastical antiquities ; the Galilean origin of which is demonstated by a note on the margin of the reverse of leaf 65, opposite to the prayer for the Pope, the Bishop, and the King. In the note this last is designated " Domini Regis Franciss ; " and lower down in the same margin, opposite the viemento for the living, there is written in a fourteenth-century hand, " Domini Edwardi Regis Anglie, Margarette de Clerc countissa Cor- nubie." This was no doubt Edward II, and Mar- garet daughter of Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, Countess of Edmund Plantagenet, Earl of Cornwall, who died a.d. 1300. On the reverse of fol. 66, in the margin, opposite the 3Ieviento for the dead, are the names "Edmundi comitis Cornubie," *' Domini Robert! Cardinalis. Adele Regine." These were of course Edmund Plantagenet, Earl of Cornwall, already mentioned, who died A.D. 1300 ; Robert Kilwardy, Archbishop of Canterbury, who resigned the archbishopric, and went to Italy on being made Cardinal in 1277, where he died the same year, not without suspi- cion of having been poisoned [Godwin de Praj- sulibus, p. 97] ; and Adelaide or Adele de Savoie, daughter of Humbert II, Count of Maurienne and Savoie, Queen of Louis VI. or le Gros, King of France, and afterwards married to Matthew de Montmorency, constable of France. She died in religious retirement in the abbey of Mont- martre (which she had herself founded) a.d. 1154. These commemorations show that this missal was used in France, in some church or monastery connected with the family of Edmund Planta- genet, Earl of Cornwall. On the same leaf (66) in the clause "unde ct memm'es,'' the original reading of this MS. was " sed et plebs tua sancta Christi filii tui domini Dei nostri beate passionis necnon et,"' etc. which MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 003 lias been rendered conformable to the reading of the present Konian Missal by the insertion, in a hand of the fourteentli century, cf the words " ejusdem " hei^orc Christi, and *' tani " before heafe ; and similar corrections arc made in some other places where the text exhibited errors of the scribe. The prayer said secretly in the Koman mass, on dropping the Particle into the chalice, begin- ning II(rc cominixtio et, is omitted, as in the Sariini and other English Missals. After the Collect, Libera nos quasuvius Doinine, follows Pax Domini, &c., Agnvs Dei^ Sec, Ilac sacru- sancta commixtio, &c., as in the Koman Missal ; all between this and the prayer Domine Jesu Christe fili Dei vivi in the present Roman mass is omitted. But this last prayer is given with the readings which distinguished the English " Uses," instead of the Roman, It may be interesting to note these readings. The following is the text of the present Roman Missal, the readings of the present MS. being inserted in brackets, with the letters S. B. H. denoting that the Sarum, Bangor, and Hereford uses of the English Church have the same readings : — "Domine Jesu Christe, Filii Dei vivi. qui ex voluntate Patris, coopcrante Spiritu sancto, per mortem tuam mundum vivificasti: libera me [queso B.] per hoc sacrosanctum corpus et san- guinem tuuni ab omnibus [a cunctis, S. B.J ini- quitatibus meis, et ab universis malis, et fac me tuis semper inha^rere [obedire S. B. H.j mandatis et a te nunquam [in perpetuum S. B. H,] separari permittas [this MS. is peculiar in reading "et nunquam in perpetuum a te separari permittas," S. B. H. read, " permittas separari."] Qui vivis et regnas," &c. And here ends in this MS. the Canon of the Mass, fol. 67 and obverse. On the reverse of fol. 67, begins the '-'Pro- priura sanctorum," in which we need only note the following peculiarities : — Tn the Festival of S. Thomas a Becket (Dec. 29) the original scribe appears to have left spaces for the Collect before the Epistle and Gospel, also for the Secreta, and the Post Communion Collect, all which arc in- serted by another hand. It is evident therefore that this Missal must have been written about the time when S. Thomas was canonized, which was in 1 1 73, before the Office for his Festival was settled. reference -f- to a corresponding mark in the te.Kt, with the rubric " Guillclmi episcopi et confes- soris, totum sicut de sco nicholao," together with these rude lines in a handwriting of the thirteenth century : — Alleluia. Ante thronum Trinitatis Miseroruni miscrator Guillerme vas pietatis Sis pro nobus exorator: Causani nostrc paupertatis Coram Deo sustine Et veniam de peccatis Servis tuis optine. This was William Bcrruyer, a friar of the Cistercian order, who became Archbishop of Bourgesin 1200, and died 10 Jan. 1209. He Avas canonized in 1218, but his name does not occur in the Roman Martyrology. His festival is cele- brated on Jan. 10, in many parts of France, of which kingdom he is regarded as a patron . This is another evidence that the present Missal is French, and older than the thirteenth century. On the obverse of fol. 87, we have the feast of S. Bernard, but without the title Sanctns, and only as Bernardus Abbas: he died in 1153, and was canonized by Pope Alexander III. in 1165. These years fix the date of this MS. It cannot be older than 1153; but it is not improbable that in France an office in honour of S. Bernard may have been used in some places before his formal canonization. The present MS. is therefore to be assigned to the last half of the twelfth century — as already concluded at from other considerations. On the reverse of fol. 129, in a hand of the fourteenth century, in col. 1, the following Collect for the King Charles V. or le Sage, who was King of France 1364, " Quesumus, omnipotcns Deus, ut famulus tuus rex Karolus atque regina, cum liberis eorum, qui tua miseratione regni guberna- cula susceperunt, virtutum eciam omnium perci- piant incrementa, quibus dccenter ornari et vicio- rum monstra devitare, et hostes superare, et ad te qui via Veritas et vita es graciosi valeant per- venire, Qui vivis-" Then begins the Secreta of an office for the King, which is left unfinished. In columc 2 of the same page, " Officium sci Ludovici sicut sci leronimi colte [coUectoe] sequ- untur hie." This is of course Louis IX. King of France, who was canonized 1297. His fes- tival is Aug. 25th, the day of his death. In the lower margin of fol. 70, reverse, is a 2471 AUGUSTINI et HIEEONYMI (SS.). Epistol^, small folio, FINE MANUSCEIPT on YELLTJM, the initiah painted and ornamented^ hound in vellum, from the library of Dr. Todd, of DuUin, £5. 5s Sec. XII The contents of this valuable volume are noted on the fly-leaf by the same hand that tran- scribed the book, and is as follows: — "In hoc volumine continentur epistole sanctorum Augustini et ieronimi quas sibi invicem diri- gunt disputantes'. Epistola ieronimi ad Marcellinum de anima. Item excerpta de libris leronimi contra Rufi- num. Consultatio S. Angustini ad S. ler. de anima. Item ejusdem ad eundem de sententia Jacob Apostoli. Item sermo S. Augustini de sco Laurcntio. Item ejnsdem sermo da assuniptionc sanete Marie." The last page of the MS. concludes with the title of this last tract on the Assumption. No portion of the text is given, nor is it likely that St. Augustine ever did compose a work upon that subject. 2172 IIORiE BEATiE MAKI^^. Virotnis cum Calendario, sm. 4to. Manu- script on vellum, h?/ an English Scribe, tvith numerous capitals beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, olive morocco, gilt edges, £10. 10^ Sec. XIV On the fly-leaves of this valuable MS. there I riages, etc. in English, of various dates in the are some curious records of births, deaths, mar- fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. One of these 90Ji BERj>TAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON". they reigned, which ends with Henry VI, to whose name no number of years is attached, and it therefore appears that the note Avas written about 1450, at a later period than the text. The names of the English saints given in the Kalendar are sufficient to indicate the origin of the MS. The illuminations arc elegantly done, and the handwriting very good, but the character of this latter is very peculiar, and may be considered sni generis. is as follows: — "In this yere in the yere of o"" Lord god ]SICCCCXLVII Symond Ayre thanne being maire of the Citie of London the sonday after Candelmasse Day was Thomas Turk and Johane his wif maryed in the prssh Chirche of Seint Dunstone in the East of London." Several other memoranda concerning the Turk family appear elsewhere, so that it must have been in their possession during the fifteenth century. On the second last fly-leaf there is a list of the Kings of England, with the number of years 2473 MOEALES. Carta dc Hidalguia a pedimiento de Graviel de Morales vzo. de Caravanchelj folio, Spanish MS. elegantly loritten on vellum, ivitli headings painted and illuminated, in the original hlach morocco binding, repaired and rebacked, gilt edges, £5. 1573 A fine specimen of Spanish calligraphy. It I Philip II. of Spain, is also valuable as being a Patent of Kobility from | 2474 PAEIS ET YIENNE. La Vie dun Baron qui se noiinoit Messre. Gieuffroy Dalencon qui estoit daulphin do A^iene et olt une fille que on appelloit Yienne, mais elle estoit non pareille de beaulte, et coine ung clilr qui se appelloit Paris filz dung Baron quon nomoit Messre. Jacques, led. Paris fut amoureux de lad. Yieiie, etc a Mademoiselle Anxe de Gba- viLLE DAME DTJ BOYS MASLESHERBEs, small folio, old French Manuscilpt 071 paper, jyrobabhj the first transcript of the author'' s autograph, old calf gilt, morocco bach, 3625. Preface dated 1432 The Romance of " Paris et la belle Vienne" The dedication at the foot of the first page, exists in several early-printed editions, every one as above quoted, is also a feature of considerable " interest in this MS. It ends with an address to the readers, which is not found in the printed editions, (with the name of the scribe, De Ronde, attached) followed by a rude drawing of the hero and heroine. ^^ Altogether this is a volume of very considerable value and interest; and rare as well, for I cannot find mention of a copy in the cata- logues of any of the large collections in England and France. of which is now excessively rare. They are all considered to be alike, and to be, according to Brunet, a translation from the Provencal by " Pierre de la Sippade." But the present MS. is certainly a different work from the printed edi- tions, although it contains nearly the same matter, the language being entirely dissimilar, and many of the statements changed. Yet it contains an introduction, not in the printed editions, which describes the origin of the work and the name of the translator as "Saint Pierre de la Scpade." 2475 PEOEECTUS EELIGIOSOKUM. Hier beghint dat Boeck Profectus Ee- ligiosormn, dat is Tan Yoertganghe geistelik mlssclie — Sinte Bernarts Epistel tot sinen Broederen — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. the front cover shewing three figures elegantly carved in high relief on ivory, enclosed by a massive bordering of elaborately icorked brass, ornamented and set with 46 precious stones, a beau- tiful and marvellously well-preserved specimen of this fine old style of decora- tive binding, £50. Bated at end of Profectus, a.d. 1466 2476 PSALTEEIUM DAYIDIS, cum Precibus, Litania, et Calendario, 24mo. neat Manuscript on Vellum, the initials illuminated and grotesquely enlarged, having small Miniatures within them, old black morocco, gilt edges, from the library of Dr. J. H. Todd of Trinity College, Dublin, having been in the last Century the property of John Carpenter, Archbishop of Dublin, SG. 10s air. 1400 2477 EUIZ. ExEcrTORiA t Sentencia de Eidalguia de Erancisco Euiz, sm. folio, MS. on Vellum, toritten in a bold gothic hand, with the official signatures and illuminated initials. If. bd. £2. 2.s ' Granada, 1558 There are several peculiarities of spelling in I privileges from invasion by the corporation of the this MS. It seems that Ruiz was obliged to ob- city of Medellin. tain this ofBcial recognition in order to protect his | 2478 SAINT BEIDGID. Eevelaciones Sanctse Brigida? de Suecia, sm. 4to. neat MS. in an ancient French hand, occupying 478 pp. of paper, in the original wooden boards covered ivith leather, £3. I65 circ. 1450 This volume was formerly in the possession of the monastery of Celestincs of Amiens. The Revelations of St. Bridgid are followed by a treatise entitled Epistola solitarii ad reges, •*Elfonsus Episcopus Gynecis." by MISCELLANEOUS CATALOaUE. 905 2479 VEEDE BAEAONA. Carta Executorta de Hidalguia de Sangre, &c. &c. deD. Miguel Verde Baraona, Vecino de Sepulveda, folio, the Official MANrscRiPT, beautifully/ written on 145 leaves of vellum, ivitli finely illumi- nated Capitals, {the last containing a characteristic portrait), and Headings in gold and colours, the first tivo pages originally occupied witli paintings, which, however, as well as a few leaves of the hook have been injured in Sothebifs fire, each leaf officially stamped, and autograph signatures of the Marquis del Arco and others at end, red morocco extra, £10. Valladolid, 20 Agosto, 1695 2479 Arabic MS. THE SUNAN OE ABU DAWUD. Tajziyyatu I'-Khatib Baghdad! min Sunani Abi Dawud. Traditions of the Prophet, as collected by Abu Dawud (Sec. Heg. III.) and edited by Abu Bakr Ahmad bin 'All the Khatib of Baghdad (Sec. lY.) 32 parts in 1 vol. stout sm. folio, Arabic MS. of a very important ivorlc, native binding, £6. 5s (? Egypt), A. H. 1117 B. Books. Abbotsford Club. A Penni Avoith of Witte ; Florice and Blauncheflour ; and other pieces of Ancient English Poetry, selected from the Auchinleck MS. and edited by David Laing, 4to. doth, 30.5 Edinburgh, 1857 Akerman's (J. Y.) Remains of Pagan Sax- ondom, 4to. nwverons woodcuts, and 40 coloured plates of Fibulce, Bronzes, Drinking Yefsels, Urns, Weapons, Domestic Utennls, etc. (pub. at £3. 3«) an criginal subscriber's copy, half morocco, top edge gilt, lbs 185.5 Ambrosii' (Sancti) Opera, studio l\Iona- chorum Ord. Benedicti, 2 stout folio vols . EDiTio OPTIMA, old culf neat, £4. 4^ Paris, 1686-90 The " Te Deum lauclamus" -was compiled by St. 'Am- brose. Flls works are particularly referred to in Arch- bishop Cranmer's Visitation Articles as requisite for Cathedral libraries. His "Commentaries" on the Old Testament embrace the six days, the patriarchs before and after the Flood, the book of Job. and the Psalms ; and on the XcAv Testament, the Gospel of St. Luke, St. Paul's Epistles, and the Book of Ilevelation. Annales (et JOURNAL) des Mines, a coMi'LETE SET, from the beginning in 1794 to 1S66, as follows : — Journal des Mines, 38 vols.-- Table, in 2 vols.— together 40 vols, hf calf neat 1794-1815 Annales des Mines. liere Serie, 13 vols. 1817-26 ; Ilieme, 8 vols. 1827-30 ; Table des matieres contenues dans les Ire et 2me Series, 1 vol. 1831 : Illieme Serie, 20 vols. 1832-41 ; IVieme SliRiE, 20 vols. 1842-51 ; Vieme Sf;EiE, 20 vols. 1852-61 ; Vlieme Senc, Tom. I-IX. \^Q2-^^— together 82 vols. hf. calf neat, and 11 vols, in parts, sd. 1817-66 together, as above described, a large number of plates, 133 vols. 8vo. one hundred and twenty in new iif. calf neat, and eleven in parts, £4:8. Paris, 1794-1866 Sets of this important periodical are now rare ; espe- cially the early series. Another set, as follows : — Journal, avcc la Table, 39 vols. bds. 1794-1815 Annales, Illiemc Serie, Vols. I-XVIII. 1832-40 ; IVieme Serie, Vols. IX-XI, XVII- XX. 1846-51 ; Vieme Serie, 20 vols, com- plete, 1852-61 ; Vlieme Serie, Vol. I, 1862, 46 vols. 1832-62 — together, as described, 85 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, ten vols, hf. bound, the rest in parts and bds. sd. £24. 1794-1862 another set, Journal, Vols. 1-38 (without 36), and Index to 1-28, 38 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 1 794-1 815 — ANNALES,Cinquieme Serie, com- plete in 20 vols. 8vo. {wanting^ nos.), with the " Lois et Decrets," bound in a separate volume, many plates, six vols. hf. calf, very neat, the rest in parts, sd. 1852-61 — together 58 vols, as described, £10. 1794-61 Archseologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts re- . lating to Antiquity published by the Societt of Antiquaries of London, 41 vols, nu- merous plates, Vols. I to XXXV, hf blue morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, and Vols. XXXVI-XLI in 12 parts— Index to first fifteen volumes and Catalogue of the Library, 2 vols, in 1, 1809-16— Index to Vols. 16-30, 1 vol. bds. 1844 — Liber Quotidian us Con- trarotulatoris Garderob£e 28 Edwardi I (1299-1300), hf. morocco, uncut, uniform, 1787 — Collection of Ordinances and Regula- tions for the Royal Household and Receipts in Ancient Cookery, half bound, 1790 — together 37 vols. 4to. neatly and uniformly hf. bd. blue morocco, uncut, and 6 vols, (in 12 parts) in cloth, and one vol. bds. from Sir Charles Price's llbi^ary, £36. 1770-68 Such a fine uncut copy does not easily occur. See also as a companion amongst the 8vos. Sir Charles's beau- tiful uncut copy of the Gentleman's Slagazine. ArchSBOlogia, numerous plates, Vols. I to XXXV, hf. russia, and Vols. XXXVI to XXXIX in 8 parts, cloth, 1770-1868— Indexes to first thirty volumes, 2 vols — together 37 vols, in 35, 4to. hf. russia, and 8 parts, cloth, uncut, £18. 1770-63 Archseologia Cambrensis, a Record of the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeo- logical Association, from 1855 to 1868, being the third Series, Nos. 1-56, or Vols. I-XIV, with Francis' Lordship of Gower, jiarts 1-2, and r. Michel's Gesta Rcgum Britannia?, 1862— together (with Supplements) 61 parts, 8vo. many plates, (pub. at £13. 13*) .^d., £7. 10« 1855-68 A very valuable and interesting publication, throwing great light upon tlie early history of Wales, by the dis- covery of early MSS. Antiquities, s 1856 The most complete account of this great historical mo- nnment. Burney's (C.) History of Music from the Earliest Ages, plates, 4 vols. 4to. hf. ru.^siff, iiucnt, £3. 16.? Loud. 1789 Sir William Jozies says, "Dr. Burncy gave dignity to the character of the modern musician, by joining it with that of the scholar and philosopher." Butkens (C.) Trophies tant Sacre s que Pro- pbanes du Duche de Brabant, avec le Supplement, 4 vols, folio, large paper, maps and plates, including numerous engrav- ings of arms, seals, Sj'c. old calf. Lord Furn- hatu's copy, £3. 165 a La Haye, 1724-26 Cambridge. Documents relating to St. Ca- tharine's College in the University of Cam- bridge, collected by Philpott, 8vo. doth, 2>s M Camhridge, 1861 Camden Society : Pdblications of the Camden Socilty, being reprints of exceed- ingly rare and curious Books, and Publica- tions of inedited MSS. etc. with copious In- troductions and Notes, 101 vols, small 4to. many plates of facsimiles, etc. mostly coloured, new in cloth, £14, 1838-69 Contents. ] 818-39. I Bishop Bale's Kynge Johan Edward IV. '» JlestoiMition. ' Ma>diston's liichard II. Plumpton Correspondence Anecdotes and Traditions, 1839-40. Political Songs Hayward's Annals of Eliza- beth Ecclesiastical Documents Norden's Kssex Warkworth's Chronicle, (1639) Kemp's Nine Days' Wonder 1840-41, Egerton Papers Chronica Jocelini de Brake- londa Irish Narratires, 1641-90 Ilishanger's Chronicle 1841-42, Poems of W. Mapes Travels of N. Nncins Three Metiical Romances Diary of Dr. Dee 1842-43, Apology for the Lollards Rutland Papers Diary of Bp. Cartwright Letters of Eminent Men Proceedings against A. Ky- teler 1843 44, Promptorium -Parvnlornm, Vol. 1. Suppression of Monasteries Leycester's Correspondence 1844-45. French Clnonicle of London Polydore Vergil, Vol. I. Thornton's Romances Verney's Long Parliament 1845-46. James Earl of Perth's Cor- respondence Bramst. 13s ; another, £5. 16s; 1S4S, Payne and Foss, wormed, £7. 7s; 1855, the Bristol Bibliopole, £5. 1.5s; 1856, Weigel, £6 thalers. A copy in old calf, fetched, 1856, Sotheby's £4. 13s. Common Prayer (The Book of) folio, tiacft lettpr, ruled, with red lines, old vwrocco, gilt edges, very fine copy, £4. 4* Lon. Bill and Barker, 1661 Common Prayer (The Book of) of the Church of England, sm. folio, engraved title, good large type, the Prayers for King Charles II. calf neat, gilt edges, £2. 2* Oxford, Moses Pitt, 1681 Complementum ArtisExorcisticse, cum Litaniis, Benedictionibus et doctrinis novis, Exorcismis efficacissimis, ac Remediis co- piosis in Maleficiatis expertis, a R. F. Za- CHARiA ViCECOMiTE, ejus Artis professorCy 16mo. vellum, 10s Venef. Barelettus, 1619 The publisher dedicates this work to his Medical Man. it is therefore doubtful whether he himself believed in the efficacy of these numerous Prayers against all kinds of Incantation. Coqusei ( L.) Antimornseus, id est, Conf utatio Mysterii Iniquitatis, 2 vols, in I, foVio, vellum, 28.S- 3Jedtol. 1616 Cornish. WILLIAMS (R.) Lexicon Cornu- Britannicum : Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, in which the words are elucidated by copious Examples from Cornish Works, with translations, and the Synonyms in Welsh, Arraoric, Irish, Gaelic, and Manx, 3 parts in 2, 4to, 400 pp. sd. £2. Llandovery, 1862-63 Besides the coprnate language above mentioned, illus- trations are also added from the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, German, etc. Cornwall. Polwhele (Rev. R.) History op Cornwall, 7 vols, in 2, Ato. pedigrees, maps, and 7tumerous plates of Castles, Gentlevicn^s Seats, etc. fne copy in green morocco extra, £12. Fabnouth, Exeter, and Trvro, 1801-10 A great desideratum is an absolutely perfect copy of Polwhele's Cornwall, like the above. the same, 7 vols, in 2, 4to. (without the fold- ing map and plate 54), hds. uncut, £7. \0s ih. 1801-10 A most valuable work, containing a Dissertation on the Language, Literature, and Literary Characters of Cornwall; a Cornish-English Vocabulary, a Provincial Glossary; as well as elaborate descriptions of the principal Architectural monuments, the scenery of the coast, etc. This book is seldom lound perfect; the pedigrees of Vj'- vian and Bassett, noticed by Upcott, were never published, as indicated on a separate slip. Costumier de Grand) du pays et duche de Normandie, folio, JLettrtg got^lQUCS, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. I65 Bouen, 15.39 Coverdale (Myles) the Christian state of Ma- trimony, wherein Husbandes and wyvcs may leerne to keepe house together wyth Love — A Christian exhortacion unto customable Swearers— 2 vols, in 1, 18mo. ilacfe Icttfr, very fne a pies in the origijial vellum wrapper^ £2. 105 London, imprinted by John A wdeley, 1 575 There arc further bound up in the same volume : A Viewe of man's estate, and a godly aduise touQhying Muiiago, by A. Kikg?3Mill, London, 1080. 910 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Crescentii (Petri) de Agricultura, omni- busque plantarnm et animalium gcncribus libri XIII, sm. 4to. calj, sides tooled with a QiYiO\Ais.Vi •pattern, edges gilt and. gavffered, EARE, 345 Basihce, 1538 Crozat Gallery. EECUEILd'ESTAMPES d'apres les plus beaux Tableaux qui sont dans le Cabinet du Koy, etc. avec Descrip tions par Mariette, 2 vols. roy. folio, con- taining 182 ^fine engravings of Jirst-rate pie- ttires, many ofwhieharenoivin this country ; ORIGINAL AND BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, /??"- copy in old calf gilt ^ £14. 146' Parix, 17:^9-42 another copy, guife perfect, 2 vols, atlas folio, 182 plates^ brilliant impret'Sions, If. hd. £12. 1729-42 The first edition is rarely found complete, both the above are quite perfect. There are two subsequent edi- tions under the date of 1763, the impressions of Avhieh are much inferior. The Fonthill copy fetched £18. 17s (3d\ and was priced by Thorpe in 1?24, £25. Cyrilli (^Hierosolymitani Episcopi, a.d. 343) Opera, quae extant omnia, Greece et Latine, Editio Benedictina, cura et studio Domni. A. A. Touttee, folio, best edition, good copy in old cof, £2. 12s Paris, 1720 Eare, copies usually fetch £3.; priced, 1848, Payne and Foss, £3. 10s; 1849, Stewart, £2. I85. Drury's copy fetched £2. 17s. Daniel's (Sam.) whole "Works, stout sm. 4to. calf, £2. 16.9 London, Kick. Ohes, 1823 Priced in the Bihliotluca Anglo- Poetica, £4. 14s Cd Darling's Cyclopaidia Bibliograpliica, a library manual of Theological and general Litera- ture, Authors, 2 vols. 3328 columns, 1854 — Subjects : Holy Scriptures, 1900 cols. 1vol. 1859 — together 3 vols, stout impl, 8vo. (pub. at £4. 2s 6^ unbound) hf. calf gilt, £2. IOa' 1854-59 De Bry (J. T. et J. I.) Alphabeta et Cha- racteres apud omnes Nationes usurpati arti- ficiose et eleganter in JkvQ cfficti, oblong 4to. vellum., rare, £5. 5^ Francof. 1596 Collation of this beautiful book: engraved title, 5 prel. leaves of text, A 1, a blank, A 2 to 33, 34 engraved leaves of Alphabets; A beautiful Ornamental Alphabet, •with Animals and Flowers (two letters on a page) 12 plates ; Cufic Inscription, 1 leaf, curious Alphabets, 4 leaves. With some copies a leaf of letterpress was issued compiis- ing Samaritan and other Alphabets. Dictionnaire des Sciences philosophi- ques. par une Societe de professeurs de philo- sophic, 6 vols. 8vo. hf. hd. red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £3. Paris, 1844-52 A valuable handbook of reference. Donaldson's Theatre of the Greeks, 8vo. sixth edition, cloth, 5* 1849 Varronianus, an introduction to the Ethno- graphy of Ancient Italy, and to the pliilolo- gical study of the Latin Language, 8vo. cloth, 65 1852 New Cratylus, or contributions towards the knowledge of the Greek Language, 8vo. cloth, bs 1850 Du Cange, Glossarium Manuale ad Scrip- tores MediuB et Infirase Latinitatis, in Compendium redactum, ab Adelung, 6 vols. Svo. hf. hound, £2. 25 liulce, 1772 Dufour, Histoire de la Prostitution chez tons les peuples du Monde, 4 vols, in 3, 12mo. hf calf 105 1851-53 Ducket Family. Duckett (Sir G. F.) Duche- tiana ; or Historical and Genealogical Me- moirs of the Family of Ducket, 4to. many coats of arms, cloth, 25^ 1869 Dunod de Charnage : Histoire des Sequa- nais, des Bourguignons, etc. (sous le titre d'Histoire du comte de Bourgogne>, Dijon, 1735 37 — Memoires pour servir a I'histoire des oomtes de Bourgogne, Besangon et Dijon, 1740— en tout 3 vols. 4to french calf, £2.' IO5 Du Verdier, les Diverses Legons, suivans eel les de Tierre Messie, [contenans plusieurs histoires, discours, et faicts memorables, rimo. vellnm,Jine copy, 10.? l\nirnon, 1604 Plorio (J.) Dictionary, Italian and English. Whereunto is added a Dictionary, English and Italian, with Proverbs, &c. by G. Tor- riano, folio, 10* 1659 Forster (Rev. Chas.) The One Primeval Language traced through Ancient Inscrip- tions, 3 vols. 8vo. and a map in, with many plates and woodcuts of A ?icient Inscrip- tions, cloth, 20s 1852 Fox's Ecclesiastical History: contain- ing the Acts and Monuments of Martyrs ; with a General Discourse of the later Perse- cutions, horrible Troubles, and Tumults, stirred up by Romish Prelates in the Church, best edition, edited by Strype, 3 vols, folio, portrait by Sturt, and plates, calf extra, marhled edoes, £7. 7.9 Lond. 1684 In 1827, Th. Williams's copy fetched, £21, ; in 1828, a copy £13. 10s. " As to his .-^cts and Monuments, it is a most interest- ing, and in many respects a most valuable book. It will remain, however, as long as literature remains, a monu- ment of his industiy, his laborious research, and his sin- cere piety." — Wood's AiluncE. *' Having compared his Acts and Monuments with the Records, I have never been able to find any errors or pre- varications in them, but the utmost fidelity and exact- ness." — Bishop Burnet. Freytag, die verlorene Handschrift, Roman, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. cloth, 8.v 6^^ Leipzig, 1865 Gerdesii (D.) Historia Reformationis, 4 vols. sm. 4to. 'numerous portraits, Ilulme Prize, calf gilt, 38s Groningcs, 1744-52 Ginguene, Histoire litter aire d'ltalie, seconde edition, continuee par Salfi, 14 vols. Svo. calf extra, rare, £6. &s Paris, 1824-35 The last two volumes are especially scarce. Gladstone's Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age, 3 vols. Svo. cloth, rare, £3. 85 1858 Glasgow. Munimenta Alme Univcrsitatis Glasguensis. Records of the University of Glasgow, 1450-1727, edited by Innes, 3 vols, in 4, 4to. plates, some 07i India paper, 36s Glasgow, printed for the Maitland Club, 1854 Glass-Making. Pellatt's Curiosities of Glass Making, sq. Svo. woodcuts and coloured plates, cloth, rare, 20s 1849 Gloucestershire Crosses: Foley's Notes on the Old Crosses of Gloucestershire, impl. Svo. with numerous illustratio7is on stone and wood, cloth, 12s 1868 Gothic. Ihre, Scripta versionem Ulphilanam et Linguam Mocso-gothicam illustrantia, ab A. F. Biisching, 4to. sd. 5s Berol. 1773 Granger's (Jas.) Biographical History of England, with upwards of Four Hundred additional Lives, and Richardson's collection of Pohtraits, 289 plates, good impressions, 3 vols. foHo, Largest Paper, If. russia, a very good copy, £8. 8.9 1824 Tills is almost an account of the rortraits of all eminent Men, as it includes the Foreign Princes and Gentlemen who visited England. i MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 911 Graff, Althochdeutscher Sprach- SChatz, Oder Wortcrbuch der althoch- deutschen Sprache mit Index von H. F. Massmann, (Dictionary of the old German Language, with references to the Greek and Latin, Oriental, Northern and other Lan- guages) 7 vols. 4to. cloth, 36.S Berl. 1834-42 This Dictionary contains all the Old German words iised before the 12th century, compared with tlie present Hii^h German, the Indian Dialects, the Greek, Latin, Old Prussian, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch, Icelandic, Sanscrit, &c. and shewing the roots which tlie High and Low German, the English, the Dutch, the Danish, and the Swedish Languages have in common. Gregoriis (S. Nazianzeni) Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. studio Monach. Benedictinorum et D. A. B. Caillau, 2 vols, large folio, ,fine copy in cnlf (jilt, £5. Parl% 1778- 1842 The first volume only was edited by the Benedictines, their labours being interrupted by the Revolution. The second was edited by M. Caillau. Priced, 1840, Stewart, £5. 105 and £"6. fis. Guichenon (S.) Histoire genealogiqne do la Royale Maison de Savoye, 2 stout vols. large folio, map^ pm'traits, and vumcrous engravings of seals, arms, tomhs, antiquities, Sj'C. with nufierous MS. additions inclwfing many drawings of arm.*, wantx page 899 in first volume, old oaf with the arms of the President Lamoignon stamped in gold on. sides, £2. \6s Lyon, 1660 Hahn's Althochdeutsche Grammatik mit Lese- stiicken and Glossar, 8vo. sd. \s ^d Prag, 1866 Haslewood's Reprints : Puttexham's (Webster, alias George) Arte of English Poesie, 2 vols. 1811 Painter's (Wm.) Palace of Pleasure, from the edition of 1575, 2 vols. 1813 Arthur of Little Britain (the History of the valiant Knight) A Romance of C'hivalry ; translated from the French by John Bour- chier, Lord Berners, new edition, with a series of plates, 1 vol. 1814 Mirror for Magistrates, 25 parts bound in 2 vols. 1815 Miscellanea antiqua Anglicana ; a selection of curious Tracts, Vol. I 1816 More's (Sir Thomas) Utopia, translated into English by Robinson, 1551. with copious notes and an introduction by Dibdin, 1 vol. 1808 Plato's Republics, English, by Spens, gilt edges GhiHjow, Foulis, 1763 — the above very fine, clean and so and set of books, as described, 10 vols. 4to. ///'. hd. green morocco, gilt topes MANUSCRITS dc la Bibliotheque du Roi, Vols. I-XIV ; XV pt. 2; XVI, XVII, XVIII pt. 1; XIX, XX pt. 2 — 24 vols. 4to. platen^ bf/.t. uncut, £14. Paris, 1787- 1 862 the same, Vols. I — XI, 11 vols. 4to. calj gilt, £4. 10« 1787-1827 A book for a good scholar, full of historical informa- tion. Many valuable Oriental and Greek MSS. of the Biblio- theque Imperiale of Paris are here printed for the first time, in tlie original and with a French translation, by such scholars as Silvestre de Sacy, Sainte-Croix, Abel- Remusat, De Guignes, Sainte-Martin, La Porte-du Theil, and others. Nozzolini (T.) la Sardeo:na ricuperata (in ottava Rima), small 4to. h'dfcalf, gilt edges, ,fi}ie copy, very rare, 165 Fioi^eirza, 1635 An inferior copy sold in the Renouard Sale for 622 fr. O'Curry's Lectures on the Manuscript Mate- rials of Ancient Irish History, 8vo. 26 plates of facsimiles, cloth, \2s %(l Dublin, 1861 O'Mahony (C.) Disputatio Apologetica de Jure Regni Hiberniae, pro Catholicis Hibernis adversus Hsereticos Anglos ; accessit ejusdem authoris ad eosdem Catholicos Exhortatio, small 4t0. lif. bd. morocco, 30s Francof. 1645 ^Buh. 1826] The Dublin facsimile, of which only 100 copies were printed. Of the original, Mr. Charles Butler observes, '• It is said in the title to be printed at Frankfort superio- rum permissu; but it was supposed to have been printed in Portugal ; its author was an old Irish Jesuit residing in that kingdom, by name Constantino, or Cornelius (in Irish, Con or Crocher), and by aurname O'Mahony, a native of Munster. The object of it was to show that no king of England had any right to the kingdom of Ireland, and that the old natives themselves might and ought to choose a king, and throw off the yoke of heretics and foreigners. In the Nuncio's time many copies of this treatise had been privately dispersed ; but in 1648 the work came to the knowledge of the Supreme Council, and by their orders was publicly burned in that year, hy the hangman of Kil- kenny." Mr. Butler also states that this work was so dis- approved of by the Roman Catholics, that it was burned by their orders. Orsi (G. A.) Istoria Ecclesiastica (a.d. l-(i56), 21 vols, lioma, 1746-62— Becchctti (F. A.) Continuazione (600-1378), 17 vols. iv'>, 1770-88 — Becchetti (F. A.) Istoria degli nltinii quattro Secoli della Cbiesa dallo Scisma d'Occidente alregnante sommo Pontefice Fio VI (1378-1787), 12 vols. ivL 1788-97— to- gether 50 vols. 4to. uuiformly half bound, from the Library of Dr. Todd, Trin. Coll. Duhlin, £20. Iloma, 1746-97 Cardinal Orsi's own part of the work is confined to the first six centuries ; the concluding volume, the 21st of the series, was compiled from his papers by Bottari, his biographer. Becchetti's Continuation extended only to the fourteenth century, aud was comprised in 17 vols. He then began the history of the last four centuries, and the 12th volume, the last of the series of 50 vols., brings the history of th« Church down to the year 1587. The 38 vols. to the close of the 1-lth century, were reprinted at Rome in 1749-88, in 38 vols. 12mo., copies of which occasionally occur for sale at an average of £6 to £7; and a later reprint of the same portion at Venice in 1822-26, in 42 pocket volumes, now out of print, may also be obtained at a .similar price. The original quarto, howevei', is the only complete edition. " I congratulate Italy on the happy production with which you have enriched it. M. Fleury had occasion for a writer to fill up the chasms in his history ; for it must be confessed that he has but slightly touched a number of very important facts. Sometimes it is dangerous to be solicitous of being too — this gives sketches only, instead of finished pieces. 1 sincerly wish that your labour may meet wltli a brilliant recompense, not for your glory but for the glory of the Church."— Clement XIV. Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £24.; 1812, Stewart, £25.; 1854, Leslie, £21. ; 1857, Nutt, £21. Oxford, Bodleian Library : James, Catalogus Lihrorum Bibliothecae publico} qu; m vir ornatissimus Thomas Bodlejus in Acadcmia Oxoniensi nuper instituit, stout small 8vo. a Classified Cafalogue, with Index of A nihors, fne copy in vellnnt, 12s Oron. 1605 A very interesting Catalogue of what was considered 250 years ago a fine Library. Owain Miles, and other inedited Fragments of ancient English Poetry, from the Auchin- leck MS. sm. 8vo. coloured vignette on title^ hf. morocco, nyicut, onhj 32 copies privately printed, £2. 125 6'/ Edinburgh, 1837 Panzer, Ann ales Typographici, ab Artis inventae origine ad annum 1.536, 11 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, sized, calf gilt, very fine copy, £8. Ss Norhnbergoe, 1793 1803 This is the first Large Paper copy of Panzer that has ever passed through my hands ; — vendu 215 fr. De Bure. Papworth's (J. VV.) Alphabetical Dictionary of about 50,000 Coats of Arms, belonging to Families in Great Britain and Ireland, forming an extensive Ordinary of British Armorials, parts I— XIV, roy. 8vo. (sub- scription price £6. &s) sd. £2. 16.« 18.58-66 Printed for Subscribers only. The continuation to be supplied by me at 21s per annum. Pelletier (Dom. A.) Nobilaire ou Armorial general de la Lorraine et du Barrois, fol. vufuerous Coats of Arms, wants page 105 and Errata, old caf gilt, Lord Farnhanis copy^ rare, £2. \0s Nancy, 1758 Percy's (Bishop) Folio Manuscript : Ballads and Romances, 3 vols. ; Loose and Humourous Songs, 1 vol. edited by Hales and Furnivall, 4 vols, in 7 parts, 8vo. extra octavo edition, only 250 printed, (pub. at £4. 7*) sd. £2. lOs Early English Text Society, 1867-68 Photii Myriobiblon, sive Bibliotheca librorum quas legit et recensuit, Graece ed. Hoeschel, Latine ed.Schott, folio, caf, 14,9,- or, vellum, \bs Bothomagi, 1653 Photii Epistolae, Graece cura Baletta, 4to. vellum, 24.« Lond. 1864 Piei (^Joa. Mirandulae Concordia^qne Comitis) Ol-era Omnia : Apologia, de Hominis digni- tate, Kpistolae, Astrologia, Reuchlinus de Arte Cabalistica, de Morte Christi, de Elementis, Examen doct. Vanit. gent. etc. 2 stout vols, folio, BEST EDITION, old caf gilt, gilt edges, fine coptf, 363- Bas. 1572-73 Pine's Horace : Quinti IIORATII Flacci Opera, 2 vols. Svo.f rst issue, with the Error of Post-est, in Vol. IT, p. 108, red »iorocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £6. 6s 1753 A beautiful copy in the rigJU state in the choicest con- dition. Bedford's binding alone is worth four guineas. Plutarch's Lives, translated by Sir T. North, stout fol. woodcut beads, calf ne-it, 20s 1631 A good library copy, free of stains or spots. Port Royal. Ilistoire abrogec de la demiere persecution de Port Royal, 3 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, \bs Port Boyal, 17 50 Preces : Liber Precum et Psalmorum, in the Church Slavonic Character, stout 12mo. fine c>py, blue morocco, gilt edges, with silver clasps, very rare, 36.9 (1739) On the fly-leaf is the following note: " Printed in the year 7247 of the World that is 1739 of the Christian Era in the reign of Anna Iwannouna Empress of liussia." Putschius. Grammaticue Latime Auctores Antiqui opera et studio Ilclioe Putschii, quorum aliquot nunquam antehac editi 916 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. reliqui ex MSS. Codicibus ita augentur et emendantur ut nunc primam prodire videan- tur, 2 vols. 4 to. calf, 36^ IJanov. 1605 ■ — the same, 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. fine PAPER, ail excellent copy in vellum, £3. 3s ; or, culfgilf, marbled edges, £3. lOs Priced, morocco, 1840, Payne and Foss, £7.; Thorpe. 1924, £8. 86-. See a long analysis of this very valuable work in the Bibiiotheca Ernesti, Vol. 3, p 193. This important collection contains more than tliirty ancient Grammarians, viz. Charisius, Diomedes, Prit^ci i- nus, Probus, Slagno, P. Diaconus, Phocas, Asper, Donatus, Servius, Sergius Cledoniu*, Victorinus, Augustinus, Con- Bentius, Alcuinus, Eutyclies, Pronto, Vel. Longus, Caper, Scaurus, Agroetius, Cassiodorus, Beda, Terentianns, Vic- torinus, Plotius, Cjesius, Bassus, Fortunatianus, Rufinus, Censorious, Macrobius, etc.. Raabe (Jacob Corvinus) der Hungerpastor, sq. 12 mo. clofh, 4s 6d Berlin, 1867 Rabelais, Oeuvres de, avec dcs vemarques critiques de Le Duchat, 3 vols. 4to. numerous Jine plates and vignettes by Picart, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 65 Amsterdam, 1741 This is the edition most sought after by French col- lectors. Bamsay'S (Allan) Gentle Shepherd, a Pastoral Comedy, with Illustrations of the Scenery, a Glossary, and a Life, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and numerous plates of Scottish Scenery by R. Scott, calf neat, 2^s Edinb. 1808 RAY SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, from the beginning in 1845 to 1868. A. The 8vo. Series. Reports on the progress of Zoology and Bokany, 2s 6d 1845 Steenstrup on the Alternations of Genera- tions, 3 platei, out of print, 10* 1845 Memorials of John Ray, out of pri7it, 5s 1846 Reports and Papers on Botany, ^3?^*. 3s 1846 Meyen, Botanical Geography, out of print, 7s 6d 1847 Reports on Zoology, 3* 6^ 1847 Oken, Elements of Physiophilosophy, a valuable work, lOs 1847 Correspondence of John Ray, 35 1848 Agassiz, Catalogue of Books, Sec. on Zoology and Geology, 4 vols, (sells £4.) 1848-54 Reports and Papers on Botany, by Henfrey, 2a- 6^ 1849 Baird on British Entomostraca, (sells £1. Is) 1850 Darwin, Monograph of Cirripedia, 2 vols. with 40 jjlates, 35s 1851-54 Leighton on Angiocarpous Lichens, 30 coloured plates, 9s 1851 Botanical and Physiological Memoirs, with 6 coloured plates, 6s 1853 Hofmeister on the Higher Cryptogamia. 65 plates, 2ls 1862 Bowerbank on the British Spongiadoe, 2 vols. 37 plates, (sells £2. lis) 1864-66 Douglas and Scott's British Hemiptera, Vol. I : Hemiptera- Heteroptera, 21 plates, 25s 1865 Brown (Robt.) Miscellaneous Botanical Works, 2 vols, (sells 36a') 1866-67 B. The folio Series. Burmeister on the Organization of Trilo- bitcs, by P. Bell and Porbes, 6 plates, out of print, 10* 1846 Forbes (Prof.) Monograph of the British Naked-P^yed Medusfp, 13 plates, partly coloured, (pub. at £1. Is) IQs 6d 1848 Alder and Handcock's Monograph of the British Nudibranciiiate Mollusoa, complete in 7 parts, forming 2 vols, folio, 82 plates, most of them beautifully co- LOUKED (pub. £9. 12s) £4. 4* 1845-55 One of the most elaborate scientific publications produced in Europe ; highly rsteemed and sought after by Continental Savants. The early parts are out of print, but are in stock, and can be supplied by me. Allman, Freshwater Polyzoa, 11 coloured plates, out of print, £3. 3s 1856 WiUiamson's Recent Foraminifera, 7 plates, bds. (pub. at £1. Us (Sd) 18^ 1857 Huxley's Oceanic Hydrozoa, 12 plates, bds. (pub. at £1. lis &d) 18.v 1858 BlackwalFs Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 parts, impl. 4to. 29fnely coloured plates, containing a large number of fgures, (sells £3. 13* 6^/) 1861-64 Carpenter's Foraminifera, 22 plates, bds. £1.45 1862 Gunther's Reptiles of British India, 26fne plates, (pub. at £2. 2.^ 30* 1864 Flower's Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea, by Escliricht, Reinhardt, and Lillejeborg, Gjylates, I8s 1866 Nitzsch's Pterylography, translated from the German, edited by P. L. Sclater, 10 plates, bds. (sells I65) 1867 Parker on the Structure and Development of the Shoulder-girdle and Sternum in Verte- brata, 30 coloured plates, bds. (sells £1. 1 15 6d) 1868 Brown's Miscellaneous Botanical Works, Vol. Ill, being the Atlas of 39 plates, (sells 20s) 1868 — together 24 vols. 8vo. gilt tops, and 20 parts, folio, THE COMPLETE SET, (pub. at £36. lis) clotb, i;2l. lOs 1845-68 The articles to which a price is affixed are sold sepa- rately. Benan, Histoire generale et systeme compare des Langues semitiques, Partie I : Histoire generale des Langues semitiques, 8vo. pp. viii, and 500, sd. 5s Paris, 1855 Reynolds (Sir ,Toshua) Engravings from his Pictures and Sketches, large folio, 64 fne engravings by H'. S. lleynolds, nearly all PROOFS, green morocco, gilt edges, £4. 4* Bayswater, Reynolds, 1834 A very interesting series of these fascinating Por- traits of the English Aristocracy. Bidley's short Treatise of magnetical bodies and motions, engraved front. London. Nicholas Oahes, 1613— Magnetical Adver- tisements, or divers observations concerning the Load-stone (by Barlow,) London, 1616, in 1 vol. smallest 4to. numerous cuts, fne copies in calf extra, 30s 1613-16 Rituale ad usum Dioecesis Atrebatensis, (Arras) 4to. calf I2s Atrebati, 1757 Rituale ad usum Dioecesis Tornacensis, 4to. with musical notes, calf, I5s Tor?iaci, 17 14 Rousseau (J. J.) Botanique, impl. folio, LARGEST PAPER, With 65 exquisitely beauti- ful coloured plates, by Redoute, If. bd. morocco, uncut, 365 Paris, 1805 A book which has still considerable interest on account of its scientific details. The original cost of this splendid edition was 400 fr. Priced 1824, Rivington's, £0. IG5CJ; Longman's, £6. C5; Edwards's espy fetched, Small Paper, £5. 10s, Large Paper, £8.185 6d, 1823 ; Taylor's £9. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 9J7 Royal Society : Philosophical Transactions of the lioyal Society of London, from 1862- 68, 4to. numerous platei>, (pub. at £26. 15* 6h Saxon Church, Anglo-Sa.Toii and English, with copious notes by Eliz. Elstob, 8vo. very pretty engraved Letters, with a portrait of Miss Elstob, hf. bd. 65 1709 Apollonius of Tyre, Anglo-Saxon version of the Story of Pericles, with English version by Thorpe]! 8vo. 3s 6d 1834 Anglo-Saxon. Heptateuciius, Liber Job, et Evangclium Nicodemi Anglo-Saxonice, ed. Edw. Thwaites, 8vo. frontl'^piece and vig- nettes, fine copy in calf gilt, I8s Oxon. 1698 Ancient Anglo-Saxon Laws and Insti- tutes of England, comprising Laws of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, from -^thelbirht to Cnut, Saa'on and English ; the Laws of ICdward the Confessor, William the Con- queror, and Henry the Eirst; also Monu- menta Ecclcs-iastica Anglicana, Anglo-Saxon and English, with the ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws, and Glossary, etc. large folio, cloth, 36.9 liecord Commission. 1840 Ancient Norse Laws. Keyserog Munch, Norges gamle Love indtil 1387, 3 vols. 4to. Ids. 2l5 Christiania, 1846-49 Ancient Danish Laws. Kolderup-Kosen- vinge's Samling af gamle danske Love, Vols. IV and V, 4to. sd. \0s Kiob. 1824-27 920 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Arabic. ALF LAILA. The First two hun- dred Nights of the Arabian Nights Enter- tainments, and the Story of Sindbad, in Arabic, published by iUhmud (Ahmad) Shirwanee, 2 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. pp. 4-30 and 45S, calf f/iU, 32s Calcntfa, 1814-18 Rare. It is a different version from Macnaughten's. Arabshah. 'Ajayyibu '1-Maqdur wa Akhbaru Timur : Life of Tamerlane, by 'Ahmad bin ' Arabshah, in Arabic^ roy. Svo. elegantly written MS. bound in calf neat, £2. Sec. XVII r. MSS. of this work are very scarce and valuable ; Btill more so, when perfect and offering an accurate text. Such is the case with the present copy, which is beautifully and most con-ectly written, being transcribed from an old MS. dated 256 A.H., only two years after the author's death. Ibnu Khaldun. Muqaddimatu bni Khaldum Frolegomenes d'Ebn-Khaldoun,/fa'Z'e Arabe, public d'apres les MSS. de la Bibliotheque Imperiale, par Quatremere, Tome I, tirage a part dts Notices et cxtraits, in 3 parts or vols. Aio. pp. 422, 408, 434, all Eubric, sd. 305 Paris, 1858 The great work of Ibn Khaldun is one of the finest historical productions of Arabic literature, but has never been completely printed. The above is the Introduction, containing a great deal of literary history, with extracts from the poets. The Baron de Slane has published the last part in 2 vols. 4to. containing the History of the Berber races. See aiite in catalogue under Arabic. Arabic Maerizi. AL-MAAvaiz wa 'l- TxiBaR be Zikri '1-Khutat wa I'Asar : Historical and Chorographical Description of Egypt, in Arabic, by Taqiu d'Din Ahmad al-Maq- rizi, 2 vols, folio, jo/?. 49S and 521, hf. bd. £5. Buldq, A.H. 1270 The only printed edition of this great historical work, which was written early in the fifteenth century. " Parmi les ouvi'ages de Makrizi, il n'en est pas, sans contredit, de plus important et de plus c^Idbre que sa Description de VEgypte et du Caire. O'est \k que notre auteur a ddployd tout'e son d. udition historique ; c'est la qu'il a reuni au plus haut degr^ des renseignements pleins d'intdret." Quatremhre. Archseological Association : Journal of the AitCHiEOLOGiCAL AssociATiox, a per- fect set, from the beginning in 1845 to 1868, Vols. I-XXIV, with Vols. I and II of the Journal of the Institute — together 26 vols. Svo. many plates and woodcuts (pub. at £A0. 10*) eight vols, cloth, uncut, the rest in parts, £10. 10s 184.5-C8 A most desirable set. It is stated in the secretary's report to the Asaociation (see Vol. i) that their first volume contains several articles in continuation of the first vo- lume of the Institute, the proper ownership of which was disputed. This volume, although scarce, has therefore been added to the above set, making it absolutely perfect. Archseological Institute : Journal of the Arch^ological INSTITUTE of Great Britain, a complete set from the commencement in 1814 to 1865, parts 1 to 88, being Vols. I— XXII, Svo. extenswehj illustrated with plates and. woodcuts, (pub. at £38. \2& C>d) sewed, £12. 1844-65 — — another copy, Vols. I — XXIII part 2, being Nos. 1-90, the first nineteen vols, calf extra, gilt edges, the rest in fourteen parts, 8vo. many evgravings, from Sir Chas. Prices library, £15. 15^ 1844-66 The Archaeological Association and the Archa;ological Institute were originally united in one body under the title of ^'■Association." After the publication of their lirst volume, the members divided, under the above denomina- tions. This volume bears the name on the title of " Asso- ciation;" it appeared in 1845; it is the first volume of the Journal of the Inslitute, and is the only volume of the In, stitute which hears the name of '■'■ Association." The fii-st volume of the British Archasological Af^sociation's Journal appeared one year later, namely, in 1846, and contains a lengthy statement of the causes which led to the divi- sion. Aristotelis Opera, Graece cura Aldi Manueii, 5 vols, in 7, small folio, First Edition, neat in old calf, from the British Musewuj and the Duhe of Su'^sex's library., £7. 10.? Venetiis, dexteritate Aldi Mauucii liomani, 1495-98 Priced, 1827, Thorpe, £2-5.; 1837, Thoi-pe. morocco, £31. 10s; 1822-24, Payne and Foss, £24., 1830, £21.; 1841, H. Bohn, mor. £21. ; 1843, Payne and Foss, morocco, £21. ; 1859, Libri, £28. ; the above copy, by H. Bohn, £11. 11*. Dr. Heath's copy sold for £46., Mr. Heber's for £43., and the Merly for £43. 1« ; 1824, Sir Mark Sykes, £17. Editio Prisceps. Dr. Dibdin says that this is un- questionably one of the most splendid and lasting monu- ments of the productions of the Aldine press. Renouard also remarks that it is a precious monuirent of the zeal of the elder Aldus for letters, and one of his most impor- tant editions. Its execution places him in the first rank, both as editor and printer. See Dibdin's Bibl. Spencer, I, p. 258. Assyrian. Stern, die dritte Gattung der Achiimenischen Keilinschriften erlautert, • ^\o. sd.2s Gotfingen, ]850 Basque Grammar, LARRAMENDI, Arte de la Lengua Bascongada, 18mo. vellum, 15.? Salan}a7ica, 1729 Basque Testament. Jesus-Christo gure jaunaren Testament Berria, lapurdico escu- ararat it(julia, 8vo. calf, 30s Bayonan, 1828 Oihenart, Proverbes Basques et Poesies Bas- ques, 8vo. second edition, sd. 12.? Paris, 1847 Bombay Medical and Physical So- ciety's Transactions and Proceedings, from the beginning in 1838 to 1863, fiest series, Nos. I, II, IV, VI, {IV wants pp. 145-56, being the end of Vol. I), 1838-43; new SERIES, Nos. V-VIII, 1860-63— together 8 vols, or parts, S\o. plates, rare, £4. 10# Bombay, 1838-63 Bopp's Vocalismus oder sprachvergleichende Kritiken liber Grimm's Grammatik und Graffs Sprachschatz, 8vo. 2* M- 1836 Buddhism. SCHMIDT iiber das Mahajana und Pradschna-Paramita der Bauddhen; Grnndlehren des Buddhaisraus ; Dritte Welt der Buddhaisten ; and four o\\\^x'&— together 7 valuable essays, extracted Jrom various volumes of the St. Petersburgh transaction's, \2s 1829-36 Cambridge Mathematical Journal, edited by R. L. Ellis, 4 vols. (pub. £3. 13*) 1837-45 — Cambridge and Dublin Mathe- matical Journal, edited by W. Thomp- son, and continued by Ferrers, 9 vols — toge- ther 13 vols. Svo. a complete set of the two Series, cloth boards, very rare, £21. Cambridge, 1837-54 the same, Cambridge ^Mathematical Jour- nal, Vol. I, in 6 parts, 1837 — Cambridge and Dublin Journal, Vols. I.-IX, pt. 2 {without VI 3 and VII 2), 8vo. four vols, calf neat, the rest in parts 1 837-54 Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, edited by Sylvester, Fer- rers, and others, from tlie commencement in 1855 to 1867, Nos. 1-31, forming Vols. I- VIII, pt. 3, 8vo. plates, (pub. at £7. 15.?) in 2mrts, rare, £5. \0s 1857-67 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 921 Tho Kings or Canonical Books. YKing, Shu Kinji, Shi King, and Chung Tseu, ■with commcntavies, in Chbicye^ hound in 1 vol. roy. 8vo. hf. morocco, from Elap- rotWs Uhrary, 20* dr. 1700 Li Ki. TsETJAN Pen Li Ki Tsi Ciiu ; Me- morials of Kites and Ceremonies, with the commentary of Chin Heao, and Glosses, in Chinese, 10 parts in 2 vols. impl. 8vo. Best Editiov^ \f. russia gilt, fr am Klap- roth's Uhrary, £5. Pehiny, 1766 This and the preceding article make a complete set of the TPm King. Foe Koue Ki. Pilgrimage of Fa Hian, from the French edition, with additional notes and illustrations (hy Laidlcv) 8vo. Qloth, Is 6tZ Calc. 1848 Caucasian. Brosset, Memoires inedita rela- tifs a I'histoire et a la Langue Gt'orgiennes, Gtorqicn et Fruvqnis, 8vo. entirely litlio- {jrapherl, sd. 5s Paris, 1833 Klaproth, Vocabulairc G4orgien-Fran(jais et FranQais-Georgien, 8vo. sd. Is Qd Paris, 1827 Rosen iiber die Ossetische Sprache, 4to. sd. 2s 6d M\l»el>en, 1844 Chinese. SZE SHOO, Man IIan sse Chou Tsi Tciiou : the Four Books of Confucius and his Disciples, with commentaries, in Chinese and Manchu, boimd in 2 vols. roy. ^\o. half morocco, Jroni KlayrotU's library, £7. 105 Pehitig, 1740 Fetched at Klaproth's sole 200 francs. " Grande et belle Edition. Cette traduction passe pour la meilleure ! qui ait ^td faite en Mandchbu, et les commentaircs sont j ceux de Tchou Hi." i Irish Archaeological (and Celtic) SOCIETY'S PUBLICA- TIONS, printed at the University Press, Dublin, a complete set, 23 vols. 4to. (cost to subscribers, £2.7.) cloth, £16. 16* DiiUin, 1841-64 The following is a list of the Publications, and the prices at which they are sold separately : — 16. Book of Hymns of the Ancient Church of Ireland, Fasc. 1. Irish and English, edited by Todd, 20s 1855 17. Adamnan's Life of St. Columba, founder of Hy, with Notes by Reeves, a thick volnnie, £2. 18.57 18. Annals of Ireland, three fragments copied from ancient sources, Irish and English, ed. by O' Donovan. 12.S 6^Z 1860 19. Irish Glosses : a Medireval Tract on Latin Declension, edited by W. Stokes, 12* &d 1860 20 O'Donovan. The Topographical Poems of John O'Dubbagain and Giolla na Naomh O'Huidhrin, edited in Irish, with Translation, Notes, and Introduction by John O'Donovan, royal 8vo. clofh, 20« Dublin, 1862 21 O'Clery, Felire na Naomh n-Erennach : Calendar of Native Saints of Ireland, usually styled the Martyrologt of Donegal, com- piled by Friar Michael O'Clerigh, Irit'h and English, edited from the original MS. in the Burgundy Library, at Brussels, by Dr. O'Do- novan, with introduction, notes, and Indexes, by Drs. Todd and Keevcs, 8vo. cloth ^ £2 1864 22 Liber Hymnorum : The Book of Hymns of the Ancient Church of Ireland ; from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by the Rev. James Henthokn Todd, D.D., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, part II. £2. 1869 23 Sanas Chormaic : Cormac's Glossary, translated and annotated by the late John O'Donovan, LL. D. edited with Notes and In- dices, by Whitley Stokes, LL. D. £2. 1 2a &d 1869 1. Tracts relating to Ireland, Vol. 1. Irish and English, lbs 1841 2. Jacobi Grace Kilkcnniensis annales Hiber- niae, ed. R. Butler, 8^ 1842 3. Banquet of Dun na n-gedh and the Battle of ;Magh Rath, edited by O'Donovan, Irish and English, 105 1842 4. Tracts relating to Ireland, Vol. II. 10a 1843 5. Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's country, map, Irish and Eng- lish, \2s 1843 6. Genealogies, Tribes and Customs of Hy- Fiachrach, commonly called O'Dowda's coun- , try, Irish and Englhh, 12a 184i 7. Book of Obits and ^lartyrology of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, edited by Crosth- waite, Is 1814 8. Regis-trum Prioratus omnium sanctorum juxta Dublin, edited by Butler. 1.5.? 1846 9. O'Fhiherty's ciiorographical description of West, or H-Iar Connaught, a.d. 1684, ed. by Hardiman, 15a 1846 10. Miscellany of the Society, Vol.1. /rw A r/«cZ English, 8a 1846 11. Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius, cd. by Todd, Irish 4" E»gl. 15a 1848 12. Annals of Ireland by John Clyn and Thady Dowling, together with the Annals of Ross : ed. by the very Reverend Richard Butler, 8a 1849 13. Macariae Excidium, or the Destruction of Cyprus, by Kelly, Irish and English, 20a 1850 14. CoLTON (Archbishop) Acts in his Visitation of the Diocese of Derry, 1397, by the Rev. W. Reeves, sm. 4to. cloth, 10a * 1850 15. Betty's History of the Down Survey, a.d. 1655 6, edited by Larcom, 15a 1851 Hampson's Medii JEvi Calendarium, or Dates, charters and Customs of the Middle Ages, with Kalendars from the Tenth to the Fifteenth Century ; and an Alphabetical digest of Obsolete Names of Days, forming a Glossary of the Dates and Ecclesiastical Observances of the Middle Ages, by E,. T. Hampson, 2 vols. 8vo, tvith illuminated Facsimile Engravings of Anglo-Saxon Kalendars, hds. 285 18-11 922 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. The Yorkshire Library : a bibliogeaphical account of BOOKS ON TOPOGEAPHT, Tracts of the I7th Century, Biography, Spaws, Geology, Botany, Maps, Views, Portraits, and Miscellaneous Literature relat- ing to the County of York, with Collations and Notes of the Books and Authors, by AVilliam Botne, P.S.A. 1 vol. 4to. viii and 304/);?. two portraits {of Francis Brake and Thomas Gent), and 21 fiiie ivoodcuts of Seals of all the Incorpoo^ated Boroughs of Yorkshire, £l.\ls Gd ' Privately printed, 1869 '— — the same, with additional Photographs, of the Aijthoe and of Eev. JosEph Hunter, the Historian of ' Hallamshire,' ' The Deanery of Doncaster,' etc. from an Original Painting by Henry Smith, of Leeds, clothe £2. 2s 1869 The Edition has been limited to J 50 copies, and prompt application is necessary, as only 20 copies remain for sale. The small number printed has added materially to the price, but it will on that account very soon become a rare booh. Great care has been bestowed on the Collation of the l^coks, 'J'racts, etc., down to the present period. The work is handsomely printed and illustrated, so as to make it desirable, as it will be found useful, to the Collector of a Yorkshire Library. Immediate application is necessary to secure a copy. Schlegel et WolverhorSt, Traite de Pauconnerie, atlas folio^ 92 pp. of text, with 17 large plates of the nolle Sport of Falconry, designed by the celebrated Wonderland and M. Wolf consisting of frontispiece, two grand Views, two coloured plates of Trappings, Instruments and Implements, and 12 large sjjlendidly coloured plates of Falcons, a splendid work, (pub. at ^'8. 10^) ^*4. 4s Leiden et Dusseldorf, 1844;-53 the same, atlas folio, hf. bd. red morocco, gilt elges, £o. 5« With a very carefully made Cat.alogue IlAisoNNfi of all the works relating to Falconry in Greek, Latin, French, the Romance Dialects, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Persian, Turkish. Liete des Planch fs. A. Frontispice, avec une serie de petits sujets IV Le Gerfaut Sors. i-elatifs a I'histoire du faucon et de la fau- connerie. B. Heron. 1. C. „ 2. T>. Instruments de Fauconnerie, planche coloriee. E. .. tj »7 » Douze planches representantles oiseaux de chasse grandeur naturelle: — I Le Groenlandais, Faucon Blanc Mue. II Le Tiercelet Hajiard de Faucon d'Islande. Ill Le Tiercelet Hagard de Gerfaut. V Le Sacre Hagard. VI Le Lanier Hagard. VII Le Faucon Hagard. VHI Le Tiercelet Sors de Faucon, au Plumage de Cresserellc. IX L'Emerillon Hagard, le Tiercelet Sors et Hagard d'Emerillon. X L'Autour Hagard. XI Le Tiercelet Sors de I'Autour. XII L'Epervier Sors et le Mouchet Hagard. Mediaeval Monuments of Art in Austria : Mitteiai- terliche Kunstdeukmale des Oesterreicliisclien Kaiserstaates, a most taluable ARCHiEOLOGiCAL PUBLICATION by H eider, Eytelberger und Hieser, 2 vols. 4to. 72 fine steel engravings, those of Painted Glass and Mosaics coloured, also 261 woodcuts, (pub. at £^. 4is) cloth, i\Os Stuttgart, 1856-60 The Austrian Empire abounds in Art Monuments, but owing to difficulty of access they are very little known in England, Seldom is such a beautiful book offered at such a low price. Playi mg Cards. E. Merlin, Origine des Cartes a jouer reclierches nou- velles sur les Naibis, les Tarots et sur les autres especes de Cartes, 4to. tvith 70 plates, comprising ('00 facsimiles of Cards hitherto either unkiiown or unde- scribed, sd. £2. 2s Paris, chez Vauteur, 1869 This interesting privately printed work completes Mr. Singer s Hiftonj of Playing Cards, 4to. Louden, 1816, many researches and discoveries of Early printed Cards having since been made. M. Merlin throws a new light on the History of the Art of Engraving and the History of the Intro- duction of Playing Cards into Europe; the likeness of the Tarots Cards with tlie celebrateJ series of engravings by Mantegna is specially pointed out. Merlin's work will also serve as a supplement to Ottley^s Ili&tory of Engraving, 2 vols. 4to. Immediate application is necessary to secure a copy. London, January 1870. BOOKS WANTED to purchase^ hy BERNARD QUARITCH. Any Gentleman having some of the Books of this List for sale at a fair value, will oblige by stating to Mr. Quaritch their titles, dates, condition and price. (j;:^ Offers of Books without a price are declined; and need not be made. When owners of Books offer them above the market value, they receive no answer. Adair, Hist, of the American "^ndians, 4to. 1775 w^lfric Society's Publications : — Nos. 1, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, and 15 separately American Academy of Arts and Sciences : Series I. Vols. I to X, 1785-1821 II. Vols. VII and IX, and after, Cam- bridge, U. S. American Journal of Insanity {all publlfihed) American Quarterly Journal of Psychological Medicine (all published) America. — Hichmond and Louisville Journal (all published) Amman, Charta Lusoria, 4to. Norimh. 1588 Ammianus Marcellinus, 4to. Lvgd. Bat. 1693 Amsterdam, — Bijdragen tot de natuurkundige Wetenschappen door van Hale, &c. 7 vols. 1825-.M2 Ancient Laws of Wales, 2 vols. 8vo. 1841 Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturge- schichte {from the commeneement in 1835 to the present time) Anacreon, Maittaire, London, 1725-40 Arneth, Synopsis Nummorum, 2 vols. 4to. Vifidob. 1837-44 Anian, 2 vols. 8vo. Lemgovice, 1792-1811 Assemanni Catal. dei Codici MSS. Oriental! della Bibl. Naniana, Padova, 1787-92 Audubon's Birds of America, 7 vols. impl. 8vo. New York, 1856 Austen's (Miss) Novels, original edition {a bound copy) Aiara (Felix de) Quadrupedos y Paxaros del Paraguay, 5 vols. Svo. Madrid, 1802 Baptista(Fr. Juan) Huehuetahtotli, Mexico, 1599, (a perfect copy, or an imperfect one, containing everything before sheet A of Preface, leaf B 1 (the first of the text), pp. 64 and 65 ; and every- thing after the first page of Errata) Bate and Westwood, Sessile-Eyed Crustacea, 2 vols. Svo, Bateman's Orchidacese of Mexico and Guatemala, impl. folio. Introductory Remarks, pp. 5 and 6 ; and letterpress to plates 6-9 Beauties at the Court of Charles II. impl. 4to. Bentley's Hindu Astronomy Beschrijr. v. Virginia, Nieu Nederl. N. Engel, with map, 4to. Amst. Ilartgers, 1651 Bibles. Elyot's Indian Bible, first edition, 1663, a copy with the Indian title, and English dedication, 2 leaves — — Second edition, 1685, a copy with English title to Old or New Testament with English or Indian title, but with Star in the title to New Testament — Biblia Polyglotta, ed. Le Jay, 10 vols, folio, ParU, 1628-45 Bizouard des Rapports de THomme avec le Demon, 6 vols. Bonde de Clovii Pictoris Operibus, fo^io, Large , Paper, 1783 Boston Journal of Natural History (the First Series which began in 1834, complete, or Vols. 1 to IV, V after pt. 3, VI, VII pt. 4. to end of Series) Boston Medical and Surgical Journal {all pub- lished) Breeden. — Raadt aen de Vereen. Nederl. 4to. 1649 Buch der Liebe, folio, Frankjort, 1587 (a copy having leaves 392 and 395) Calcutta Journal of Natural History, Nos. 25 to 30, (being Vols. VII. and VIII.) Calcutta, ]847 Caxton (any books printed by) Cambridge (R. O.) Account of the War in India, 4to. 1761, and 8vo. 1762 Civil Engineers, Institution of: — Minutes of Proceedings, 1866-67, 1867-68, 1808-69, 3 vols. Champollion, Description de I'Egypte, 4 vols. elephant folio, the plate 440, for Vol. IV Chasles, Traite de Geometrie Superieurc Chaucer's Knight's Tale, 8vo. 1737 the same, 1740 Chemical Society's Journal, 1864-68 Chemical News, 1864-61 Cherrolat, Colt opteres duMexique, Svo. Strasburg, 1834-42 Chess Player's Chronicle : New Series (2nd Series) ; Vol. Ill, (1855) March, April, May, December: Series III; — 1869, May, (No. 5), 1862, July to Dec. (Nos. 7 to 12) * Chessplayer's Magazine; — Nos. 3 and 4 (Sept. and Oct. 1863) Christiania, Forhandl. Vedensk. Selskabet {all published) Cobbold, Entozoa, roy. 8vo. Comedias nuevas escogidas, 48 vols. 4to. 1652- 1704 Common Prayer, in the Mohawk language, Quebec, 1769 the same, 1780 Copenhagen. — Videnskabelige Meddelelscr fra den naturhistoriske Forennig i Kjdbenhavn {all published) Danish Academy. — Det Kongelige Danske Viden- skabemes Selskabs Philosophiske og Historiske Aihandlingar, Deel VI and all after Natur- videnskabelige og Mathematisk Afhandlinger, all beyond the 12 vols. 1824-56— i^em^e Raekke, Naturvidenskabelig og Mathematisk Afdeling, Bind IV and all alter, Kjobenhavn — Also com- plete series of any other divisions Didron, Histoire de Dieu, 4to. Paris, 1843 Dionysius Halicarn. Syllburgii, 2 vols, folio, Francof 1586 Dos Santos (Fray Joao), Ethiopia Oriental pxi- meira parte, folio, Liaboa, 1609 ; iWf-'tEe en- graved title separately Drury's Useful Plants of India BOOKS AV ANTED TO PUECHASE. Dubois (Abbe) Letters on the state of Christianity in India, 1823 Duncorabe's Herefordshire, 2 vols. 4to. Edgeworth's (Miss) Works, original edition^ a hound copy Etheridge's Fossils of Jamaica Evans* Short Diciouarie, sra, 4to. 1572 Feberick's (Signor Cesare) Travels in India Florilegium divers. Epigrammatam, 8vo. Flor. 1519 Frelinghusen. Klagte der Nederl. Hervormde Kerk in Niew-Jersey, 4to. Nieuw-York^ 1725 Fowke. Letter to J.' Fowke from Lisbon Novr. 1755, on the late Earthquake, London, Collier, Royal Exchange Froude's Remains, 4 vols. 8vo. 1833-39 Halle. Abhandl. der Naturforschenden Gesell- schaft, Vol. VI to X. 1863-68 Healy's Discovery of a New World, having a trans- lation of " Hall's Muiidus Alter." 8vo. s.a. Ilelsingfors. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fer- micffi, complete Hill's Sketches of Animals Hinck's British Hydroids, 2 vols. Hiouen Thsang, Mcmoires sur les Contrees Occi- dentalcs, par Julien, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1857-8; or Vol. I seimrately Hooker's Iconcs Plantarum, Vols. II. and X Hooker's Fl — Plate of Fireworks, or, an imperfect copy containing these 2 plates Schni/Jein, Iconographia familiarum regui vege- tabilid No. 258. Annual Subscription 48. Published Monthly. For Foreign Countries 6s. Price 3d. CATALOGUE OF WOEKS ON ARCHITECTURE; SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE LITERATURE, WORKS ON SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, AND AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, offered for CASH at the affixed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors West from Regent Circus. IL (D H ID (D H, February^ mm^ To insure prompt attention^ all orders to he addressed direct to Mr. QuAEiTCH, bookseller, 15 Piccadilly ; &)* to the Bookseller from whom this Catalogue was received. The Books are warranted perfect, and in fine Library condition. G. NOKMAN AND SOX, PBIKTEBS, MAIDE5 LANE, COVEMT QARDEW, LONDON, Vf.O. Calderons Plays, Spanish and English — D. r. MAC CAETHT'S TKree Dramas of Calderon, Spanish and Englisl : Love the Greatest Enchantment — The Sorceries of Sin — The Devotion of the Cross — in 1 vol. square 12mo. with valuable Introductions illustrative of the history of Spanish Dramatic Literature (pub. at 125) cloth, 65 London, Longmans, 1861 A most handy and easy volume to Students of the Spanish Language. Longfellow and TicTinor speak in the highest terms of praise of the translator's truthful and poetical renderings of the original Dramas. The text being opposite the translation renders the book very useful. " Cambridge, near Boston, America, April 29, 1862. " I thank you very much for your new work in the vast and flowery fields of Calderon. It is, I think, admirable ; and presents the old Spanish dramatist before th'e English reader in a very attractive light. Particularly in the most poetical passages you are excellent ; as, for instance, in the fine description of the gerfalcon and the heron in ' El Mayor Enpanto.' " — 11 Jor. — H. W. Lonpfellow. "Denis Florence M'Carthy published in London (in 1861) translations of two plays, and an aufo of Calderon, under the title of * Love the greatest Enchantment ; the Sorceries of Sin ; the Devotion of the Cross, from the Spanish of Calderon, attempted strictly in English Asonante, and other imitative verse,' printing, at the same time, a carefully corrected text of the originals, page by page, opposite to his translations. It is, I think, one of the boldest attempts ever made in English verse. It is, too, remarkably successful." — Tichnor's History of Spanish Literature, London, 1863. London, 15 Piccadilly, February, 1870 Mr. BEENAED QUAEITCH has the pleasure of drawing attention to the annexed Prospectus of some valuable OBNITHOLOGICAL BOOKS; especially to Sclater and Salvin's Exotic Ornithology, a first- class work, just completed in 13 parts^ impL 4:to. with 100 skilfully designed and superbly coloured plates of hitherto unfgured Birds. The Exotic Oenithologt, complete in itself, is a very beautiful Volume of GENERAL Oris'Ithological INTEREST ; and is absolutely necessary to all Natural History Libraries, as it is a Supplement to the great Ornithological Collections, viz. : Buffonh Blanches Enluminees, 1008 plates, Faris, 1770-86 ; Temminch and Laugier's Flanches Coloriees, 5 vols. 600 plates, 1838 j and L>es Murs, Lconographie Ornithologig[ue, 1 vol. 72 plates, 1845-49. The price of a perfect copy of the Exotic Ornithology, in 13 parts, is £13. 13^; or hf. bd. morocco, £14. 14^. Only 150 copies ivere printed, of which 50 remain. the same, on Large Paper, ISparts^ royal folio, stiff hds, £2 7. 6s Only 15 copies were produced, ten for sale, of which 6 remain. Mr. B. Q. has lately secm-ed the few remaining copies of Des Murs, lconographie Ornithologiqne, complete in 12 parts, impl. 4to. 72 coloured plates^ Paris, 1845-49, £6. 6s the same. Large Paper, royal folio, £10. 10s Uniform in size with the " Exotic Ornithology." Des Murs' worh has long been very rare, Mr. B. Q. has also the few remaining copies of Jardine's Contri- butions to Ornithology, 2 vols. 8vo. 1848-53, 94 coloured l^lates, hf. morocco, £5. 5s Fxtremely rare ; privately printed at the expense of Sir William Jardine, Barf. The Ibis; a Magazine of General Ornithology, Vols. 5 and 6, 8vo. 1863-64, £2. 8s The Knowsley Menagerie ; Gleanings from the Menagerie and Aviary at Knowsley Hall, edited by Dr. J. E. Gray, 2 vols, impl. folio, 1846, 79 plates,, all the Birds and some of the Hoofed Quadrupeds coloured., cloth, exti^emely rare,, £12. 12s Frivafely printed at the expense of the late Farl of Derby, at Knowsley, and almost unknown to the Scientific world. WORKS ON ARCHITECTURE, OFFERED FOR CASH i.T THE AFFIXED NETT PRICES, BY BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, 1 ADAM (E. and J.) Works in Arcliitecture, '2 vols, atlas folio, with 80 fne large plates of the Palaces of the English Nohiliiy, engrav^id hy superior Mnglish and Italian Artists,[hf calf uncut, 365 1778-86 2 Allgkmeine BAUZEITUNCt, mit Abbildungen, redigirt nnd b^rausg. von Forster, 1854< to , 1866, 13 vols, 4to. plates — ATLAS zur AVgemeinen Bauzeitung, 1854 66, 13 vols, folio, containing Qo^ plates of Architecture^ etc. — together 26^vols. in parts, sd. £12. Wien, 1854-66 3 ZEiTScniiiFT FUR BAUWESEN, redigirt von ERBKAM, 1862—65 pt. 6 ; 1866 complete, in 18 parts, 4to. many plates — ATLAS zur Zeitschrift fiir Bauwesen, 1862-66, complete, in 22 parts, royal folio, containing 318 fine plates — Supplement, parts 6-8, with 30 plates, royal folio — together 42 parts, sd. £5. Berlin, 1862-66 4 ANDROUET du CER0E4TJ, Premier Volume des plus excellents Basti- ments de France, folio, apparently Large Faper^ 64 plates, original vellum, Arms on sides, £6. Paris, 1576 Architectural Institute of Scotland : 5 TfiANSACTiONS, from the commencement, Sessions I-IX, or Vols. I-Y. pt. 3, royal 8vo. numerous plates, uncut, £3. 16* Edinburgh, not published , 1851-59 6 the same. Vols. I-V pt. 1, or Sessions I-VIII, 1850-57, in 2 vols. roy. 8vo. numerous plates, cloth, uncut, £2. IQs ib. 1851-57 7 Illustratiojs-s of Scottish Buildings, by members of the Institute, 1861-65, 4 parts, royal folio, numerous plates, sd. £2. Vis 6J ib. 1861-65 8 BASSI (M.^ Dispareri in materia d'Architettura et Perspettiva, &c. sm. 4to. with 12 plates, hf. morocco, 10s Brescia, 1572 Very rare, with the Aldine anchor on the title. 9 BIBIENA, Architetture e Prospettive, dedicate alia Maesta di Carlo VL Imperador, 5 parts in 1 vol. impl. folio, engraved title and dedication, por- trait of Charles VI. frontispiece, and 60 plates of Architectural ChefS' d'ceuvre. Ornaments, and fanciful designs, old calf, £3. 5^ August ce, 1740 10 the same, imp. folio, early impressions of the plates, fine copy in hf. morocco extra, gilt edges, £5. 10^ 1740 11 BILLING'S (E. W.) Architectural Works, impl. 4to, LAEGE PAPEE, either PEOOFS or INDIA PEOOFS, bds. uncut, subscription copy from the library of George Smith, F.S.A., Mercer s Sail, London. Geometrical proportions of Gothic Architecture as illustrated by the Cathedrals of Carlisle and Worcester, 4: plates, pub. at lO** Gd 1840 Geometric Panelling of Brancepeth Church, 20 plates, hidia proofs, pub. at 2l5 1845 Architectural Illustrations, history and description of CAELISLE Cathe- dral, 45 plates, pub. at £5. 5s 1840 Panelling of Carlisle Cathedral, 20 plates, pub. at245 1842 Architectural Illustrations and Der^cription of Durham Cathedral, 75 plates, pub. at £7 . 17s (jd, the text bound with the following. Illustrations of the Arcliitectural Antiquities of the County of Durham, 64 plates, INDIA PEOOFS, pub. at £3. 3^, hf calf 1846 Architectural Illustrations and description of ElETTEEING Church, 20 plates, India proofs, pub at £1. 1* 1843 the above set, as described, (pub. at £20. 2s) £8. 15s 1840-46 Some of these works are sold separately at two-thirds of the subscription price. 12 BLONDEL. Architecture Fran(,-oise, first edition, large folio, 82 fine large plates, original impressions, green vellum, £3. 16^ Paris, 1738 This volume comprises : Palais du Louvre ; j Versailles. St. Cloud, Clagny, Marly, Meudon, Sorbonnc ; College dcs 4 Nations; Chateau de | Cliantillv Sceaux, Bagnolet. etc. 2 ^^ 748 BERNAED QUARi^v^H, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 13 BOCKLEE (Gr. A.) Architectura Curiosa, ed. J. C. Sturmio, 4 parts in 1 vol. folio, 217 engravings chiefly of Fountains ^ Gardens^ Palaces, etc. vellum, 18s Norim. 1661! 14 BOISSEEEE, histoire et description de la catbedrale de Cologne, accom- pagnee de reclierclies sur 1' architecture des anciennes cathedralcs, 1 vol. (Text) atlas folio, hf. morocco, 30* Stuttgardt, 1824 15 BuECHOTTE, les regies du dessein et du Lavis, 8vo. 24 plates, cf. 2s Qd 1754 16 CAMPBELL'S Yitruyius Beittannicus ; or the British Architect contain- ing the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the regular Buildings in Great Britain, with New Designs and the Continuaton by Woolfe and Gandon, about tliree hundred 'plates, with Descriptions in French and English, 5 vols, impl. folio, LAEGE PAPER, Tussia gilt, hy Staggemeier, Sir Charles Price's copy, m. Qs 1715-71 17 the same, 5 vols. impl. folio, Large Paper, hf. green morocco, gilt tops, £7. 105 1715-71 18 CANINA (L.) L'AECIIITETTUEA ANTICA, descritta e dimostrata coi Monumenti ; opera divisa in tre sezioni risguardanti la Storia, la Teorica e le pratiche dell' Architettura EaiziAiN-A, Gkeca e Eomana, 9 vols, 8vo. text and 3 vols, atlas folio, 621 large plates of the famous Buildings of Antiquity, newly hf. hd. red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, very fine copy, £24. Poma, 1834-44 This grand work is divided into 3 Classes ; I Architecture, 168 plates ; III. Roman Architec- I. Egj^ptian Architecture, 197 plates ; II. Greek I ture, 256 plates. 19 CANINA, Descrizione della antica Citta de YEJI, large folio, witli 44 plates of Ftruscan Architecture and Antiguities, cloth, 34« Privately printed, Boma, 1847 20 CHAMBEES'S (W.) Treatise on Civil Architecture, impl. folio, with 50 well engraved plates J calf neat, 10« 1759 21 Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furniture, Dresses, Machines, and Utensils, with description, roy. folio, 21 plates of Architecture, Ornament, Costume, etc. hd. 2ds 1857 The plates of this work are the same as I Anglo-Chinois. were used for the Chinese cahier in the Jardins j 22 CICOGNAEA, le Eaeeiche piu cospicue di YENEZIA, 2 vols, atlas folio, SECo^^D EDITION, 250 fine engravings of Buildings, with Architectural details, including all the best specimens of Venetian Architecture, (pub. at £24.) Venezia, 1838-40 23 Le Eabbriche e Monumenti di Yenezia ; edizione con copiose note ed aggiunte di F. Zanotto, 2 vols, atlas folio, best editiois", with 259 p>lates, the text in Italian and French, hf. morocco, gilt backs, £9. 1858 24 COLLING'S Gothic OENAMENTS of Great Britain, 2 vols. roy. 4to. above 200 plates, some in colours, (pub. at £7. 10s) cloth, a very excellent practical work, £6. 10s 1818-56 25 the same. Parts I. II. 4to. 01 plates, (pub. at £2. 2s) bds. 21« 1847 26 Details of Gothic Architecture, 2 vols. roy. 4to. near 200 plates, (pub. £d. 5*) cloth, £4<. 10s 1852-53 27 CujS'ningham (Alex.) on the Asian Order of Architecture, as exhibited in the Temples of Kashmir, 8vo. plates, cloth, 5s Calcutta, 1848 28 CUYILLIES (MM. de, Pere et Fils) Dessins d'Architecture, 2 vols. foL 262 plates of Churches, Palaces, Grottoes, Bridges, Fountains, Monmnents, Trophies, Ornaments, Sfc.fne impressions, hf. bd. scarce, £5. (Paris et Munich, 1750) Fetched at a recent Brussels sale, 325 fr. These fine old engravings are now becoming veiy scarce, and contain designs of extreme elegance. 29 DAHL'S Wood Aechitectuee of NOEWAY : Denkmale einer sehr ausge- bildeten Holzbaukunst aus den friihesten Jahrhunderten in Norwegen, large folio, 24: plates on India paper, hf russia, eaee. 36s Dresden, 1837 Some few illustrations of other artists are included in the number. AECHITECTURE. 749 30 DALY rAECHrTECTuiiE Priyee au lOme Si^cle, 8 vols, in 2, roy. folio, 222 plates of Flans, Views, Decorations, etc. hf. calf neat, uncut, £10. Paris, 18G4j 31 De Cessaiit, Description des Travaux Plydrauliques, 2 vols. 4to. portrait and 67 plates, morocco, 12s ih. 180G-8 32 DE' MAECHI (l^r.) Architetfura Militare illustrata da L. Marini, 5 vols. atlas folio, text, poi trait, and lOi fine large plates, hds. uncut, Sir John Bennie's copy, £o. Boma, 1810 Priced by Rolandi, £21. [ precedente Ced. de 1599) elle a coute a Rome " Magnifique edition, bien preferable a la | 500 fraiics." — Brunet. 33 DENTON'S EARM HOMESTEADS OF ENGLAND : a Collection of Plans of English Homesteads existing in different parts of the country, carefully selected from tlie most approved Specimens of Farm Architecture, with a Digest of the leading Principles recognized, in the Construction and Arrangement of the Buildings, impl. 4to. (55 plates, consisting of Views, Plans, and details of Farms, and the various Machinery and Buildings con ~ nected therewith, (pub. £3. 3s) cloth, S6s 1864 34 DESGODETZ' (A.) Ancient Buildincra of Eome,by George Marshall, 2 vols. impl. folio, 126 plates, elegant in half russia, marbled leaves, 26s 1771 35 DIETTEELIN (Wendel) Le Livke de l'AECHITECTUEE, Eecueil de planches donnant la division, symetrie et proportion des Cinq Ordres, ap- pliques a tons les travaux d' Arts qui en dependent tels que FENeiEEs Che- minees, Chambranles, Port ails, Fontaines et Tombeaux, royal folio, a ViQVf ediitiow, 210 plates, printed on a tinted ground, an exact reproduction of the original prints, hf. morocco, £4. Liege, Qlaesen, 1862 " Get ouyrage est tres recherche depuis quelque temps, comme le sont presque tons cenx qui se rapportent a I'architecture du IGemesiecle; de plus il est fort rare en France, ce qui lui donne du prix. Un exemplaire compiet, mais mal con- serve a ete pape 331 fr. a la troisieme vent Bou- tourlin. L'Auteur ^tait peintre, et a ce qu'il parait, done d'un esprit inventif. Son rccueil nons pr<^^sente nombre de modeles surchargf'-s d'ornamcnts compliques et bizarres, lesquels n'ont probableraeiit eu d'autre execution que celle de la grayure." — Hruntt. 36 DOLLMAN'S Examples of Ancient Pulpits existing in England, with de- scriptions, r")3^ 4to. plates of existing specimens, plans, etc. two illuminated, (pub. 42.9) cloth, 14s 1849 37 Examples of Ancient DOMESTIC AReniTECTUEE, illustrating the Hospitals, Bede Houses, Schools, Almshouses, &c. of the Middle Ages of England, royal 4to 49 plates of Flans, Elevations, ^^c. (pub. at 455 ,9^.) £2. 1858 38 DOLLMAN (F. T.) and J. E. Jobbins, Analysis of Ancient Domestic Architecture in Great Britain, 2 vols. impl. 4to. 159 plates of Flans, Sections^ etc. (pub. at £6. 6s in part») hf morocco, £3. 18s 1859-63 39 Donaldson, Collection of the most approved examples of Door Ways, from ancient Buildings in Greece and Italy, large 4to. 25 plates, half russia, gilt edges, IGs 1833 40 DONALDSON Architectura Numismatica, or Arcln'tcctnral Medals of Classic Antiquity, roy. 8vo. xxxii and 341 pp. with 46 plates and nuinerous woodcuts, (pub. at £3. 3^) cloth, 14^ 1859 41 DUEAND, Eecueil et Parallele des Edifices de tout Genre anciens et mo- dernes, rcmarquables par leur Beaute, par Icur Grandeur, ou par leur Singu- larite, oblong atlas folio, 90 plates, hf. bd. uncut, 245 Faris, 1800 42 Leorand, Essai sur I'histoire generale de I'Architecture, 8vo. forming a text to the preceding, hf bd. 7s Gd 1842 This celebrated work exhibits representa- tions, on a uniform scale, of every celebrated edifice ancient and modern, including the Temples of Balbec and Palmyra ; Mosques, Fagodas, and Gothic Churches; Bazaars, Town Halls, Porti- coes and Exchanges; Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Turkish, Tersian, Romish Tombs, Triumphant Arches, Bridges, and Aqueducts, etc, Harbours, Towers, Fountains, Arsenals, Prisons, Hospitals, Baths, Theatres, Castles, Palaces, &c. 2n2 750 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 43 EGLISES de I'Europe: CHIESE principali d'EUROPA, comprising yiews, plans, elevations, sections, and details, with historical descriptions of the principal Cathedrals of the European Continent, in Italian, 110 plates^ about 22 of them Ihteeioes, hf, red morocco extra, gilt top, £7. 10s Milano, 1824 The edifices illustrated are : — 1. Basilica di San Pietro di Roma, 9 plates 2. Duomo di Milano, 1 1 plates 3. II Panteon e la Rotonda, 10 plafes 4. La Basilica di S. Stefano di Vienna, 10 plates 5. Santa Maria del Fiore di Firenze, 10 plates 6. La Cathedrale di Pisa, 10 plates 7. La Basilica di S. Giovanni in Laterano, 10 plates 8. La Metropolitana di Siena, 10 plates 9. La Basilica di S. Marco, 10 plates 10. Cathedrale d'Anversa, 10 jt?^fl/ plates, half russia, 21s 1795 ARCHITECTUEE. 751 59 HAY (Sir Andrew Leith) of Eannes, Castellated Architectuee of Aber- deenshire, atlas 4to. ivith 40 fine lithographic Views of Ancient Castles^ hf. bd. red morocco, £4. 4« Aberdeen, n. y, (? 1848) Eare, only a limited impression was made for the Subscribers. 60 HEEE (Emman.) Eecueil des plans, elevations et coupes, tant geometrales qu'en perspective, des chateaux, JARDINS ot dependances, que le Eoi de Pologne occupe en LOEEAINE, 2 vols, engraved title, frontispiece, and 64 very fine large plates — Plans et elevations de la place royale de Nanct et des edifices qui I'environnent, 1 vol. with 14 magnificent plates, Paris, 1753 — together 3 vols, atlas folio, bds. uncut, 56*3. 16s Paris, s. a. and 1753 61 HEIDELOFF, Collection of Architectural Ornaments of the Middle Ages in the BYZANTINE and GOTHIC STYLE, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. with 128 plates (pub. at £4. 4*) hf. green morocco, 36« 1844 62 HITTORF et Zanth, ARCHiTECTrRE moderns de la Sicile, ou ^Eecueil des plus beaux monuments religieux, et des edifices publics et particuliers les plus remarquables de ce pays, imp. folio, 75 plates, with text, bds. uncut £2. 10s Paris, 1835 63 the same, papier yelin, 2 vols. impl. folio, half morocco^ uncut, £S. 10s 1835 64 HOPE (T.) Historical Essay on Architecture, with Illustrations and Analy- tical Index (by E. Cresy), 3 vols, in 2, royal 8vo. 97 plates and numerous woodcuts, morocco, super extra, Harleian tooling, gilt edges, by Lewis, £2. 8s 1835-36 65 HUNT'S Examplars of TrDOR Architecture adapted to modern habitations, impl. 4to. with 37 plates, hf. bd. 24» 1841 ^^ JONES (Inigo) Designs, published by "W. Kent, 2 vols, in 1, folio, plates by Hulbergh, and Ferris' View of Whitehall {which was published afterwards) inserted, russia gilt, tnarbled edges, with broad gilt borders on the sides, fine copy, £2. 10s 1727 67 KALLENBACH (G. G.) Atlas zur Geschichte der Deutsch-Mittelalter- lichen Baukunst, royal folio, 86 plates of German Mediaeval Cathedrals, Churches and Castles, half calf, 18ff Miinchen, 1847 68 KEEE, an English GENTLEMAN'S HOUSE : being Practical Hints for its Plan and Arrangements ; containing Descriptions of Houses adapted to various ranks and fortunes, from the Villa to the Palace ; with advice for the Choice of Site, the Laying Out of the Family and Domestic Eooms, State Eooms, Bedrooms, Nurseries, Offices, Stables, &c. &c. ; with Models, Calculation of Cost, &c. by Eobert Kerr, Architect, Professor at King's College, London, 8vo. illustrated by numerous plans and views, (pub. at 24^) cloth, 195 1865 69 Klenze (Leo von) Sammlung Architectonischer Entwiirfe, zweite Ausgabe; 5 pts. oblong atlas folio, 60 beautiful plates, (reduced to £2. 10^) sd. 20s Munchen, 1847-50 70 KNIQ-HT (H. G-ally) Sarncenic and Norman Eemains to illustrate the Normans in Sicily, impl. ^o\io, fine tinted lithographic plates, so7ne in half morocco, uncut} 5b*4. 1840 Very rare : the necessary companion for the "Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy," 2 vols. 71 KNIGHT'S (Henry Gaily) Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy, from the time of Constantino to the Fifteenth Century, with an Introduction and Text, impl. folio, First and Second Series, containing 81 beautiful and highly interesting Views of Ecclesiastical Buildings in Italy, several of which ai'e expensively illuminated in gold and colours, (pub. at £10. 10^) hf. bd. morocco, £7. ^ 1842-3 72 LABACCO. Libro d'Antonio Labacco appartenente a I'architettura nel qual si figurano alcune notabili antiquita di EOMA, folio, 32 plates of temples, Sfc. calf gilt} with arms on sides, 21s Boma, 1559 752 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. LANDSCAPE GARDENING : 73 BLONDEL, de la Distribution des Maisons de plaisance, et de la de- COEATION DES EDIFICES en general, 2 vols, large 4to. 160 Jlne plates of Gardens and Mansions^ luith Architectural details, fine copy, in the original Ms. uncut, £5. 10s 1737-8 74 the same, Vol. 1, 4to. calf, 30s 1737 The best book on the subject ; eagerly sought after in France. 75 CiiAMBEEs's (Sir W.) Dissertation on Oriental Gardening, 1772— A heroic epistle to Sir W. Chambers, 1773— Hermit of "Warkworth, 1771— Gold- smith's Eetaliation, 1774 — Makarony Fables, 1868, in 1 vol. 4to. hf calf, 7s 6d 1768-74 76 Desceiption des principanx Paecs et Jardins de l'Eueope, 3 vols, folio, 72 plates of Parks, JPicturesque Views, Souses, Temples, etc. hds. £.1. 10s Vienna, 1812 77 GAEDENS of England, by E. A. Beooke, impl. folio, complete in 6 parts, 26 coloured plates and vignettes, (pub. at £4. 4^) £2. 2^ 1857 78 the same, impl. folio, hf, hd. green morocco, gilt edges, £3. 8s 1857 Woburn Abbey, Eaton Hall, Castle Howard, Wilton House, Castle Combe, &c. A most interesting work : the plates repre- sent Gardens at Trentham Hall, Envelle Hall, Alton Towers, Elvaston Castle, Shrublands Hall, 79 HIESCHFELD'S Theorie der Gartenliunst, 5 vols. 4to. Fine Paper, numerous engravings of Gardens, Summer-Houses, etc. Ids. 7s Qd Leipzig, 1779-85 80 PEECIEE et FONTAINE, Choix des plus celebres Maisons de Plaisance de EoME, et de ses Environs, atlas folio, 75 plates of Palaces, Country- Houses, Landscape Gardening, ^c. ivith descriptive text, hf. bd. russia, 36s Paris, 1809 " Ouvrage estime pour la correction des des- I the beautiful Villas and Country Palaces of the sins et I'exactitude de la gravure." — Bruuet. All | Roman Nobility, are faithfully represented. 81 LEBAS (M. a.) L'Obelisque de Luxor. Histoire de sa translation a Paris, &c. impl. 4to. map and it folding plates of plans and sections, hf russia, 14* Paris, 1839 82 LE PAUTEE (A.) (Euvres d' Architecture, folio, portrait and 60 engravings of Buildings erected in France, with Architectural details and Ornaments, old calf, 365 Paris, (1652) 83 MiLiziA, Principj di Architettura civile, 3 vols. 8vo. ahotst 25 folding plates, vellum gilt, 7s Passano, 1813 84 MOLLEE'S Monuments oe Geemat^ AECHiTECTrRE : Denkmaler der Deutschen Baukuust, second edition, 3 vols, in 1, large folio, 187 fine plates of Gothic Architecture, Plans, Sections, Flevations, Ornaments, Monuments, and Details, (pub. at ^4. 4^) hf bd. morocco, gilt back, uncut, £2. 16^ Parmstadt, s. a. (? 1840) Vol. 1 contains on 72 plates the History of plates; Limburg and Worms Cathedral, 18 plates; Architecture from the Vlllth to the XVth cen- Freiburg Cathedral, 19 plates. The first edition tury. Vol.11, contains Marburg Cathedral, 18 appeared in 182 1 85 NESFIELD'S Specimens of Mediaeval Architecture, from Sketches made in Italy and France, parts 1-15, (16-20 complete the work) folio, 75 plates, (pub. at £2. 12s Qd) rare, 28s ' Day ^^ Son, 1858) 87 PALLADIO (A.) Architecture, by G. Leoni, w^ith notes and remarks by IisriGO Jones, 2 vols, in 1, large folio, plates, and portrait of Inigo Jones by Hollar inserted, caf gilt, gilt edges, ornamental gilt sides, 36s 1742 see ante : Jones, 88 PEANGET (G. de) Architecture des AEABES et des Mores en Espagne, roy. 8vo. 28 plans^ cloth, 18s Paris, 1841 ABCHITECTUEE. 753 89 PUGIN'S Akchitectueal Wokks, a fuse, original, Laege Papee set : Gothic Ornaments from ancient buildings in England and France, 120 plates on India Papee, (pub. at £Q. 6*) 1831 Specimens of Gothic Architecture, 2 vols. 131 plates of windows^ doorways, ^c. 1821-23 Illustrations to Examples of Gothic Architecture, 23 plates on India Paper, (pub. at £2. 2s) 1830 Ornamental Timber Gables, 30 plates on India Papee, (pub. at £1. lis Qd) 1831, 5^ plates on India Papee 1830-31 Examples of Gothic Architecture, 186 plates, nearly all on India Papee, (pub. at £18. 185) 1831-47 Architectural Antiquities of Normandy, 80 plates, (pub. at £4. 14ts Qd) 1833 — together 10 vols, in 8, impl. 4to. laege papee, 624 plates, most on India Papee, uniform in hf green mor. uncut, rare in this condition, .£20. 1821-37 (p^ A very fine desirable set of these valuable works. 90 PUGIN and Le Keux's Architectural Antiquities of Normandy, with De- scriptions by John Britton, Esq. laege papee, impl. 4to. 80 plates, (pub. at £d. Qs) cloth, £2. 16s 1828 Priced, H. Bohn, £4. 4*. 91 PUGIN (A. and A. W.) Examples oe Gothic AEcniTECTrEE, with descrip- tions by Wilson, 3 vols. impl. 4to. laege papee, 224 proof plates, (pub. at £18. 185) cloth, scarce, £6. 6s 1831-40 92 the same, new edition, 3 vols. roy. 4to. (pub. £6. 6s) 224 plates, cloth, £3. 35 1850 93 PUGIN (A.) Gothic Ornaments from Ancient Buildings in England and Erance, drawn on Stone by Harding, 100 plates — Ornamental Gables from Ancient Buildings in England, drawn by Eerrey — 21 plates, 2 vols, in 1, impl. 4to. large papee, India peooe plates, (pub. £7. 17s 6d) hf morocco, £3. 105 1831 Priced, H. Bohn, £5. 5s. 94 Details of Ancient Timber Houses of the 15th and 16th Centuries, in Eouen, Caen, Strasburg, etc. (pub. at 2I5) cloth, 12s 1837 95 QUATEEMERE DE QUINCY, Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages des plus celebres Architectes, du Xle Siecle jusqu'a la fin du XVIlIe, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. with 47 plans of the most celebrated Buildings, bds. ISs Paris, 1830 96 EENNIE'S Plymouth Beeakwatee : An Historical, Practical and Theo- retical Account of the Breakwater in Plymouth Sound by Sir John Eennie, E.E.S., President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, impl. folio, with 28 fne plates, India peoofs, hf green moeocco extra, gilt edges, £4i. 45 1848 not contained in the ordinary copies. Only 100 copies were in all printed of this grand National Work, indispensable to every Engineer. The ordinary issue, consisting of 26 plates. It is entirely out of priist. A few copies remain of the India proofs, which have 2 extra plates, 97 EENNIE (Sir John) Theory, Eormation, and Construction of British and EoreigQ HAEBOUES, DOCKS, and AESENALS, 2 large and splendid vols. impl. folio, illustrated by 123 large engravings, comprising plans and details of every description of the most celebrated British and Foreign Docks, Harbours, and Naval Arsenals or Dockyards, from the earliest period to the present time, including all recent improvements, (pub. £18.) newly hf bound morocco, £1^. 1851! 98 the same, India proofs, complete in 21 parts, atlas folio, a subscriber's copy, (pub. at £24.) &d, very rare in this state, £15. 1851 754 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 99 EENNIE (Sir John) Theory, Formation, and Construction of British and Foreign Harbours, parts I-XIII, impl. folio, plates, 1-75, 72 plateSy £5. The history of the most ancient maritime nations affords conclusive evidence of the im- portance which they attached to the construction of secure and extensive Harbours, as indispen- sably necessary to the extension of commerce and navigation, and to the successful establishment of colonies in distant parts of the globe. To this important subject, and more espe- cially with reference to the vast extension of our commerce with foreign nations, the attention of the British Government has of late years been worthily directed; and as this may be reasonably expected to enhance the value of any information which may add to our existing stock of knowledge in a department of Civil Engineering as yet but imperfectly nnderstood, its contribution at the present time may become generally useful to the Engineering Profession. The Plates are executed by the best mecha- nical Engravers ; the views finely engraved under the direction of Pye : all the Engineering plates have dimensions, with every explanatory detail for professional use. " The leading characteristics of this publi- cation are derived from a larjie collection of documents inherited by the Author from his father the late Mr. Rennie, in addition to many others resulting from his own extensive profes- sional experience both at home and abroad ; and contributions from the most distinguished British and Foreign Engineers aud in all cases from the most authentic and hitherto inaccessible sources of infmnation, have been obtained. This Work is now submitted to the notice of the Bri- tish and Foreign Governments, to Professional Engineers, and others of all nations who feel interested in the perfect construction and main- tenance of Docks and Harbours— so indispensable in the formation and equipment of naval arma- ments for the protection of trade and commerce with every portion of the civilised world, and invaluable as asvlums for mariners." 100 EEYUE Oenerale de I'AECHITECTUEE et des Travaux Publics, Vols. I-XIX. impl. 4to. with above 1000 plates, (pub. at 800 francs) ^'14. Paris, 1840-61 Vols. 1—4 are neatly half bound bright calf; shortly; Vols. 12—18 half daik calf; Vol. 19 is Vols. 5 — 11, at present wanting, will be supphed ! unbound. 101 • the same, Yols. 16, 17, 18, and 24, pts. 1-8, mani/ plates, unbound, sold separafeli/ 1858-66 102 Eicci, Osservatore FIOEENTWO sugli Edifizj della sua patria, 8 vols. roy. 8vo. 15 plates, hf. caff, 20s Ftrenze, 1821 103 EoBiN son's Eural Architecture, or a series of designs for Ornamental Cot- tages, 4to. 96 plates, hf. morocco, 15s 1822 104 EoLAND LE YmLOYS, Dictionuaire d' Architecture, 3 stout vols. 4to. with 99 plates, calf, IQs Paris, 1770 With every Architectural term in French, Latin, Italian, Spanish, English, and German. 105 EoTAL Instttufe of British Architects, List of Members, Eeports of Council, Charter, etc. 4 parts 4to. 6s 1837, 39, 40, 45 106 EUGGIERT, Scelta di Arcbitetture antiche e moderne della Citta di EIEKNZE, edizione seconda, ampliata da Bouchard in lY volumi, Yols. I-III, 236 plates — Yol. lY. Nelli, Piante ed Alzati interiori ed esterni deir insigne Cliiesa di S. Maria del Fiore Metropolitana Fiorent. portrait and 17 plates ; Eossi, la Libreria Mediceo-Laurenziana, Architettura di Michela;;nolo, portrait and 22 plates — together 4 vols. roy. folio, 277 plates, hf vellum, ^2. lOi- Firenze, 1755 107 EUSSELL'S (J. Scott) Modern System of NAVAL AECHITECTUEE, consisting of 167 line engravings and 724 pages of descriptive text, inclosed in 3 portfolios, folio double elephant, (pub. by Day & Sons, at £42.) 364. 4« 1865 for the lines and fittings of Ships, and a larger scale for details and machinery. Nothing whatever has been omitted, either in the Contents of the Work, or the style of its production, that could add to its Avidest possible usefulness, or its enduring qualities. Early application is required to secure a copy at this rate. The absurd idea of over-printing this book is the cause of its extraordinary fall. This elaborate Work, produced at an enor- mous cost, embraces 1st. Naval Design. 2nd. Practical Shipbuilding. 3rd. Steam Navigation. All the Illustrations are drawn to a practical workirg scale, one eighth of an inch to the foot, ARCHITECTUEE. 755 108 SANMICHELI (M.) Le FabbricKe Civili Ecclesiaatiche e Militari, disegiiate ed iucise da Ronzani Francesco e L. Grirolamo, roy. tolio, 150 large portraits and plates and plans of sections, hds. £2. 56' Venezia, 1832 109 SCAMOZZr, Architettura Universale, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. folio, portrait on frontispiece, ivith a profusion of plates and woodcuts, vellum, 12* Venezia, 169 J* 110 SCHINKEL'S Sammlung Aechitectonisciier Entwurfe, entlialtend theils Werke, welche ausgefuhrt sind, tlieils Gegenstande, deren Ausfiihrung beahsichtigt wurde (Collection of Architectural Designs, containing both "Works which are finished, and those whose erection is contemplated), atlas folio, with 174 fine plates, coonprising Plans, Elevations and ISections, (pub. at £21.)' with an ADDlTIO^'AL JNIS. Text, descriptive of all the plates in English, whole green morocco, gilt edges, £8. 10^ Berlin, 1827-184!0 111 Sganzin, Programme ou resumes des lemons d'un cours de Construction, 4to. 2nd edition, 9 plates of plans, russia extra, 5s Paris, 1809 112 SHAEPE'S (E.) AECHITECTURAL PAEALLELS, or the Progress of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England through the Xllth and Xlllth Cen- turies, impl. iolio, 121 large and elaborate plates, (pub. at £L2. I2s) hf hd. red moroccoy £7. 7s 1849 A splendid and valuable work. Tlie examples Hexham, Jervaulx, Whitby, Rievaulx, Netley, are selected from the following Abbey Churches: Bridlington, Tintern, St. Mary's York, Guis- Pountain, Kirkstall, Furness, Iloch«, Byland, | borough, Selby and Howden. 113 STREET'S Gothic Architecture in SPAIN : Some Account of Gothic Archi- tecture in Spain, from Personal Observations during several Journeys through that Country, by George Edmund Street, E.S.A., Author of " Brick and Marble Architecture of Italy," 1 thick vol. 8vo. with 25 large plates, and 100 illustrations, (pub. at £2. IOa') cloth, £2. 2s 18(35 114 STUEM, Kurtze Vorstellung der ganzen Civil Bau-Kunst, Augspurg, 1718 — Goldmann's Abhandlung von die.n Bey-Zierden der Architectur, Augspurg, 1720 — Sturm's Yollstandige Anweisung, Augspurg, 1720 — Architectura Civili-Militaris, Augspurg, 1719 — AufFrichtige Entdeckung, Augspurg, 1715 — in 3 vols, folio, several thousand folding plates of plans, buildings, ^c. calf 25s Augspurg, 1715-20 115 TAYLOE and CEEST'S Architectural Antiquities of EOME, 2 vols. impl. fol. 129 most accurate plates of all the Old Buildings in Rome, carefully oneasured, (pub. at £12. 12*) £3. 10s 1821-22 116 ■ the same, India Proofs, 2 vols. impl. folio, a superb copy in blue MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, £6. 10s 182 1-22 117 TEXIEE'S BYZANTINE AECHITECTUEE : being a Collection of Monuments of the Earliest Times of Christianity in the East, accompanied by Historical and Archaeological Descriptions. By Charles Texier, Member of the Institute of France, Honorary Eellow of the Eoyal Institute of British Architects, and of the Eoyaf Academy of Sciences, Munich : and E. Popplewell Pullan, E.E.I. B.A.*^ Architect to the Budrum Expedition, Agent for the Dilettanti Society in Asia Minor, folio, about 120 pages of text, with 12 fine engravings, 17 Chromo- Lithographs, and GO plates, (pub. at £6. 6s) gilt cloth, £2. 2s; or hf morocco, uncut, £2. 12s (id 1864 11 8 TUENEE (T. H.) Account of Domestic Architecture in England from the Conquest to the End of the Xllltli Century, Oxford, 1851— PAEKER (J. H.) Account of Domestic Architecture in England from Edward I to Henry YIIl. 3 vols, ib, 1853-59— together 4 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and wood- cuts, (pub. at £3. 12*) cloth, now rare, £3. 10* 1851-59 119 Twopent's Etchings of Ancient Capitals, &c. by W. S. Wilkinson, from draw- ings by W. Twopeny, large folio, 6 plates on Indian paper, bds. os Piivaiely printed j 1837 75G BEENAED QUAEITCE, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 120 VANVITELLI (L.) Dicliiarazioni dei'disegnidel reale palazzo di CASEETA, atlas fol. 14 double plates of plans and sections, calf, 12s Qd Napoliy 1756 121 Vaux (C.) Yillas and Cottages, 8vo. 370 wood-engravings^ (pub. at 15^) cloth, 95 1864 122 VEEDIEE et CATTOIS, Arcliitecture civile et domestique au Moyen Age et a la EenaissaDce, 2 vols. impl. 4to. woodcuts in the text, and 113 very accurate and carefully engraved plates o/'Oekamental Aechitectuee, hf. calf, neat, out of print, £4. JBaris, 1855-57 123 YIOLLET LE DUC, Dictionnaiee Eaisonne de l'Aechitecttjee Eean". 9AISE du XI. au XVIme Si^cle, complete in 10 vols. roy. 8vo. witJi nearly 5000 wood engravings, £10. Paris, 1854-G8 124 Entretiens sur 1' Arcliitecture, Yol. I. (livr. 1-10) and of Yol. 11. livr. 11 and 12, roy. 8vo. 107 woodcuts, and ohlong small folio Atlas of 22 plates, unbound, 36^ 1858 125 the same, laege papee, impl. 8vo. the Atlas wanting, 18* 1858 Will be completed in 2 vols. 126 YITEIJYIUS de Arcliitectura, 12mo./^e woodcuts, calf gilt, Is Qd s. I. 1523 127 YiTEUvio, Dieci Libri dell' Arcliitettura, tradotti e commentati da Monsignor Barbaro eletto Patriarca d'Aquileggia, large fol. very fine woodcuts, vellum, ISs Vinegia, F. Marcolini, 1556 The last leaf, containing the Eegister and the Colophon is in beautiful condition. 128 YITEUYII de Architectura libri X. cum notis variorum, H. "Wottoni Elementis, et Lexico Yitruviano B. Baldi Urbiuatis, etc. curante J. de Laet, sm. fol. woodcuts, vellum, 155 ; or, a fine copy in red moeocco extra, gilt edges, by J. Clarke, £3. 3^ Amst. L. EUevir, 1649 129 de Arcliitectura, cum notis illustr. Schneider, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. calf gilt, 26s ^ Lips. 1807 130 YiTEUVius. Architecture, translated by Grwilt, 4to. 10 plates, vignettes on India paper, (pub. at 36^) bds, Qs 1826 131 YOGrtJE, Steie Centeale: Architecture civile et religieuse du ler au 7e siecle, livraisons 3-21, atlas 4to. 95 remarkably well executed copper-plates, £2. 10« Faris, 1865 The work is advertised to be complete, 150 plates with text, £5. 132 WIEBEKING'S (C. E. von) Theoretisch-practische Wasserbaukunst, 4 vols. 4to. hf russia, 20s Miinchen, 1811-17 133 Opeea Yaeia : Yon dem Eiiifluss der Bauwissenschaften, Miinchen, 1818 — Memoire sur I'Etat de 1' Architecture Civile dans le Moyen Age, Munich, 1824— Collection des Tables de I'Architecture Civile, 1831— Me- moires concernant les ameliorations des Ports de Yenise, le cours de la Brenta, etc. 1810 — Beytrage zurHafen- Seeufer- und Eluysbaukunde, ^Za^e*, 1816 — in 1 vol. 4to. hf russia, 25s 134j Analyse descriptive, historique, et raisonnee des monumens de I'Anti- quite, des edifices les plus remarquables du moyen-a^e et des derniers temps, et des constructions hydrotecniques en Europe, Yol. IV, La HoUande et la Grande Bretagne, 4to. numerous jjlates, hf russia, 15s Munich, 1840 135 Aechitectueal Woeks, various, all in 8vo. including the following, the lot, 7s 6d Willis' Architectural Notes on German Churches 1830 Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Scotland, Session IS55-5Q, Jine plates £ilinb, 1856 Eeports and papers read at the Meetings of the Architectural Societies, 1855, 1856, 1857, plates. 757 SPANISH LITERATURE: LANGUAGE, HISTORY, CHRONICLES, BELLES LETTRES, ROMANCES IN PROSE AND VERSE. Spanish Philology. 136 Basque. LAERAMENDI (P. M. de) Diccionario Trilingue del Castellano, Bascuence y Latin, 2 vols, calf^ very scarce^ £S. Ss San Sebastian, 1745 le37 Castilian. Aldeete, Origen y principio de la leiigua Castellana o Romance, sin. led edition^ facsimiles of ancient writi7iffy 1674 — Covaeeuyias, Tesoro de la lengua Castellana, 2 vols. 1673-74 — 3 vols, in 1, thick small folio, ffood copy in vellum, SOs Madrid, 1673-74 138 Caballeeo (D. Luis Marty) Yocabulario de todas las Yoces que faltan a los Diccionarios de la Lengua Castellana, impl. 8vo. half vellum, uncut, 10s Madrid, 1857 139 COBARRUVIAS Oeozco, Tesoso de la lengua Castellana o Espafiola, stout sm. folio, limp vellum, 15« Madrid, 1611 210 tlie same, neat in old calf gilt, 18* 1611 Often sold for £3. 35 and upwards. 141 CONNELLY (T.) y T. Higgins, Diccionario de las los Lenguas Espanola ^ e Inglesa ; Spanish- English and English- Spanish Dictionary, 4 vols. 4to. newly hound, 30« Madrid, 1797-98 Idioms, ProYCrbs, Marine Terms, Metaphorical Expressions, &c. in both languages. The Dean of Peterborough's copy fetched £3. 85. The best and most complete Spanish and English Dictionary, comprising all the 142 DICCIONAEIO de la lengua Castellana, en que se explica el verdadero seutido de las Yoce^?, con las phrases, Proverbios d refranes, etc. compuesto por la Eeal Academia Espanola, 6 vols, folio, best edition, somewhat stained, old vellum binding, £5. ; qv fine copy in vellum, £6. Madrid, 1726-39 relative a la composition de ce grand ouvrage, trois discours sur I'origine de la Langue Castil- lane, sur les etymologies et sur I'orthographe, avec une liste des auteurs choisis par I'academie pour servir d'autorite a ses decisions." — Brunei. " Get ouvrage est devenu tres-rare, meme 'en Espagne, ou il se vend actuellement fort cher." — Santundtr. The above is the first and best edition of the Spanish Academy Dictionary, as the subsequent editions have been reduced to one volume, and omit the quotations and authorities. All the celebrated Ancient Spanish Proverbs are con- tained in this fine work. " Ce Dictionnaire est tres recherche et les exemplaires en sont devenus rares. Ou trouve au commencement du premier vol. une preface 143 Diccionaeio de la Lengua Castellana, compuesto por la Eeal Academia Espanola, thick sm. folio, 936 pp. calf, 12« ^ Madrid, 1803 144 Diccionaeio de la Lengua Castellana, por la Academia Espanola, septima edicion, 2 vols. 8vo. over 2400 pp. double cols, hf calf, 10s Paris, 1824 14,5 el mismo, 8t;a edicion, sm. folio, 792 pp. treble columns, calf, 14* Madrid, 1837 This Dictionary includes a Latin interpretation of every word. 146 el mismo, novena edicion, sm. fol. hf morocco, 255 ; or calf, 28* t*5.1843 147 edicion abreviada por Arnao, stout 8vo. 153»J pp. double columns, calf neat, 5.s- Paris, 1826 148 Engelmann, Glossaire des Mots Espagnols et Portugais derives de I'Arabe, 8vo. sd. 3s 6J ^ Leyde, 1861 149 Eabee, Gramraaire pour apprendre les Langues Italienne, Francjoise et Espagnole, 18mo. vellum, 2s ijd Venice, 1619 150 GrEAMATiCA de la Lengua Castellana, por la Real Academia Espanola, 8v'o. hf. cf 7s Madrid, 1865 151 MINSHEU AND PEECIYAL, Spanish Grammar, first published by Percival, augmented by Minsheu, Spanish, Italian, French, Latin and English — Pleasant Dialogues in Spanish and English — Spanish-English and (English- Spanish) Dictionary, 3 vols, in 1, sm. folio, old calf, 20* London, 1599 758 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 152 NEUMAlSr and Babetti's Spauish-English and English-SpaDish Dictionary, fifth edition^ enlarged and revised by Seoane, 2 vols. Svo. 1650 pp. double columns, (pub. at i32«) cloth, 20s 1831 153 NunEZ DE Taboada, Diccionario Erances-Espanol y Espanol-Frances, nona edicion aumentada, 2 vols. hf. calf, 10s Paris, 1812 154 OLLENDOEFF'S New Method of Learning to Eead, Write, and Speak the Spanish Language, with Appendix, Practical Eules for Spanish Pro- nunciation, and Models of Correspondence ; designed for self-insstruction, by Velasquez and Simonne — with the Key to the Exercises, 2 vols. 12mo. Id. 7s 6d 1852 155 Abijlcacim Tabif, Historia del Eey Don Eodrigo traducida de Arabigo per Mig. de Luna, quinta impression, sm. 4to. vellum, 10s Madrid, 1654 156 the same, septima impression, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. vellum, 7s Qd Madrid, 1676 ACADEMIA — see post : Heal Academia. 157 ACUNA (H. de) el Cavallero determinado, 12mo. rare Spanish translation of Olivier de la Marchess romance, 12 woodcuts the full size of the page, title and five leaves in MS. calf, 5s Amheres (Steelsio) 1555 158 — — E] Cavallero determinado, a translation of Olivier de la Marche's romance, sm. 4to. with the 20 illustrations engraved on steel, calf, rare, £2. 2^ Anvers, Plantin, 1591 159 the same, apparently labge papee, sm. 4to. green moeocco extra, gilt edges, £i. Ss 1591 " One of the best editions of the Cavallero Determinado." — Ticknor, 1849, I, 458. 160 Agustin (Arzobispo de Tarragona) Dialogos de las Armas, i linages de la Nobleza de Espaiia, con la vida del autor par Mayans i Siscar, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. portrait and 2 plates containing 41 Coats of Arms, hf Id. 12s Madrid, 1734 161 ALBEETO (L. B.) El Momo, trasladado por A. de Alma9on, small folio, iladt \ziivc,fine large copy with rough leaves, bds. 15s Alcala de Henares, 1553 162 ALCAZAE (Bartholome, de la Comp. de Jesus) Yida, Yirtudes y Milagros de San Julian, segundo Obispo de Cuenca, sm. folio, 2 plates after Palomino, vellum, 12s Madrid, 1692 Bare ; not mentioned by Brunet nor in I 1030 to 1690. Salva's catalogues. The history extends from | 163 ALDEETE (B.) Yarias Antiguedades de Espana, Africa, y otras provincias, 4to. a learned work on Phoenician, Syriac, and Arabic Philology, the origin of the Spanish Language, etc. calf, 7s 6d; or, vellum, 10s Amheres, 1614 164 ALEMAN (M.) Primera Parte de la Yida del Picaro Guzman de Alfaraclie, 1603 — Luxan de Sayauedra (M.) Segunda Parte de la Yida del Picaro Gruzman de Alfarache, 1602 {at end 1601) 2 vols, in one, 16mo. fine copies, vellum, £2. 10s Tarragona, 1603, Barcelona, 1602 Rare ; not in Salva's Catalogues. 165 Aleman, Yida del picaeo Guzman de Alfaeache, 2 vols. sm. Svo. plates, half calf, Qs Amheres, 1736 166 the same, with an Extra plate, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. mor. Ford's copy, 9« 1736 " The first edition of the first part appeared, [ after the hypocrisy and constraint of the last Madrid, 1599, and two editions besides in the dark years of Philip II. The genuine second part appeared, Valencia, 1605. The second part, pub- lished 1604, under the name of Mateo Luxan de Saavedra, though not without literary merit, is a forgery."— r^cA/ior, 1849, ///. p. 26. same year. The most ample portraiture of the Caivfariberas, or the gayer one of Picaros, that is to be found in Spanish Literature. It was very successful, falling in with the vices and humours of the times of the loose Court of Philip III. 167 ALFOjS'SO el Sabio, Las Siete Paetidas, cotejadas con varios Codices antiguos por la Keal Academia, 3 vols. 4to. hf russia, neat, I85 Madrid, 1S07 168 Almeida, El Hombee Felix 6 arte de vivir Contento, nueva traduccion del Portugues, por Yazquez, 4 vols. 18mo. numerous plates, calf, Qs Madrid, 1800 SPANISH LITERATURE. 759 169 ALZEDO Avellaneda, Jeecsalen Cavtiya; y entrega de los Santos Lugares de Palestina a la Serafica religion de S. Erancisco, sm. 4to. old calf gilt, 10s Madrid, 1042 170 AMADIS DE aAULA. Los Quatro libros de Amadis d'Gaula nueuamente impresses & hjstoriados, folio, numerous rude woodcuts, extremely hare, very fine copy in morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 3630. Venecia, Juan Antonio de Sahia, a las espesas de Juan Batista Pedrazano e Compano (sic), 1533 Salva describes this edition as extremely/ rare, and catalogues it without a price, merely quoting the sum fetched at Stanley's sale. He enters into long particulars concerning the excessive scarcity of this and similar works, both in Spain and else- where. According to the Priest (in Don Quixote) Amadis de Gaul was the first of the Romances of Chivalry in Spain, and as the father of so pernicious a sect deserved to be thrown into the flames, but was spared at the intercession of the Barber "as the best of all the books of the kind." Colonel Stanley's copy sold for £50. 171 AMADIS DE GriiECiA. El noueno libro de Amadis de Gaula : que es la Coronica del muy valiente j esforgado principe y cauallero de la Ardiente Espada Amadis de Grrecia : hijo de Lisuarte de Grecia, Emperador de Con- stantinopla y de Trapisonda, sm. folio, gotl^fc ItiUx, wants title-page, first leaf of prefatory matter, two leaves of table, and has one leaf mended, remark- ably fine tall copy, original binding, yert rare, £8. 15* Seuilla en las casas de Jacome Croberger, 1549 This edition is so very rare that it was I and Brunet; and. is not mentioned in any of unknown to Gayangos (Libros de Caballerias) ( Salva's catalogues. 172 AMADOR de LOS RIOS (Jose) Estudios Historicos, Politicos y Literarics sobre los Judios de Espana, 8vo. pp. xxx and 054, half calf gilt. Is 6d Madrid, 1848 173 Historica Critica de la Literatura Espanola, 7 vols, large 8vo. sd. £2.165 Madrid, 1865 A very interesting History of Spanish Literature. 174 ANTONIO (Nic.) Bibliotheca Hispana, vetus et nova, sive Hispani Scriptores qui ab Octaviani August! aevo ad 1684 floruerunt, curaute Franc. Perezio Bayerio, 4 vols, folio, Spanish calf gilt, £4i. 4. Bedford, very rare, £2. 10s Barcelona, 1820 845 Gaecilaso de la Yega, Obras, 18mo. calf, 5« Madrid, Sancha, 1796 930 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 346 Gaecilaso, Obraa, ilastradas con notas, 16mo. }if. calf gilt ^ 4« Qd Bare. 1804 347 The Works of Garcilasso, the Prince of Castilian Poets, translated into EnglisJi Terse ; with a critical essay on Spanish Poetry, by Wiffen, 8vo. portrait, Jif. Id. 5s " 1823 348 PoEsiAs Castellanas, extrahidas de los escritores Espanoles y parti cularmente de Garcilaso de la Yega, por Eavizzotti, 8vo. with English Glossary, half morocco, 3s Qd Romseyy 1800 349 GAEIBAY (E.) Ilijsteaciones Ge^^ealogicas de los Eeyes de las Espanas, de los de Francia ; y de los Emperadores de Oonstantinopla, folio, fine por- trait of Fhilip Illhy Ferret, cuts of Arms and Genealogical Trees, fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, £5. Madrid, 159(3 350 Compendio Historial de las Chronicas y Universal Historia de todos los Eeynos de Espana, 4 vols. sm. folio, vellum^ 25* Barcelona, 1628 Priced, 1824, Thorpe, veil. £2. 12* M \ I " Garibay, one of the most distinguished of 1826, Salva, £3. 35 ; 1841, H. G. Bohn, £2. 15^. | the Spanish historians."— TF. Irving. 351 Gil Polo (Gaspar) los Cinco libros de la Diana Enamorada, 18mo. calf gilt, 12s Brusselas, 1613 352 Gil Polo, la Diana Enamorada, con notas, 12ino. ealf, 2s Madrid, 1778 353 GONGOEA (Luis de) Obras en Yerso, sm. 4tto. portrait, haf calf gilt, Is Qd Madrid, 1633 854t GoNGOEA, Todas las Obras en varies Poemas, recogidas por Gonzalo de Hozes y Cordova, sm. 4to. vellum, 20s ih. 1634 355 Obras, por Hozes y Cordova, sq. Svo. fine copy in vellum, IQs ib. 1654 356 GONZALEZ. Yida y Hechos de Estevanillo Gonzalez hombre de buen humor, compuesto por el mismo, 16mo. fine copy, calf gilt, 22s Madrid, 1655 A scarce edition. This work is the original I biography of Gonzales, who was Fool to the of Le Sage's novel, and is said to be the auto- | Duque de Amalfi. 357 Gonzalez de Aceyedo (Lazaro) Memorial i Discursos del Pleito, que las Ciudades i lugares de los Arzobispados de Burgos i Toledo, etc. tratan con el Arzobispo de Santiago, folio, vellum, 95 ib. 1771 358 GONCALEZ de Mendoqa (Pedro) Historia del Monte Celia de nuestra Seiiora de la Salceda, stout sm. folio, engraved title, and ^plates including views of the interior of the Chapel, with upwards of 70 engraved, portraits of the Archbishops of Granada (including the author, with the Mendoza Arms) in the text, fine copy in calf or vellum, 18s Granada, 1616 356 Granada. Nuevos paseos historicos y artisticos por Granada, y bus contornos, 12mo. hf. bd. Is Gd ca. 1820 360 GUDIEL (G.) Compendio de algunas Historias de Espana, donde se tratan muchas antiguedades dignas de memoria, especialmente de la Eamilia de LOS Gieones, y de oteos ijiiSAQEs,Qm. folio, genealogical t^^ees, vellum, £2. 5s Alcala, 1577 361 GUEEEEEO Maetinez Etjbio, el Phenix de las Becas, Santo Toribio Alphonso Mogrobejo, stout sm. folio, being the life of a Spanish saint, with a number of Eomances on the same subject at the end, vellum, \2s Salamanca, 1728 362 GUEYAEA (Antonio) Libro llamado iiltno^prtcio tic Corte y Alaba9a de Aldea — Aviso de Privados y doctrina de Cortesanos, Anveres, Martin JS^ucio — Libro de los Inventores del Arte de Marear, y de muchos Trabajos que se passan en las galeras, Anveres, Nucio — 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. iladt Utter, calf, £>2. 16s no date, circa 1545 Apparently a very early and rare edition I Salva. Numerous editions and translations ap- of these works ; unmentioned by Brunet and | peared afterwards. 363 Hartzenbtisch (Don J. E.) Obras escogidas, Svo. hf bd. 6s 1850 364 Hereeea (G. Alonzo de) Libro de Agricultura; nuevamente corregido, folio, large tuoodcut on title, calf, 10s Medina del Campo, Francisco del Canto, 1584! 365 Histoeiadoees de SrcEsos paeticulaees, coleccion dirigido por Eosell, Tom I, roy. 8vo. hf calf 7s dd Madrid, 1852 Contents : Moncada, Exped. contra Turcos Mendoza, Guerra de Granada; Marmol, Rebelion de los Moriscos ; Mejia, Comunidades de Castilla; Avila y Zuniga, Guerra de Allemania; Melo, Movimientos de Cataluna. SPANISH LITEEATURE. 031 3G6 HiSTOEiAs Veedadeeas. Don M. J. Martin : Historia de la Creacion, wood- citt, Madrid, 1779 — Historia del Diluvio, woodcut, ib. 1777 — Historia de Moyses, woodcut, ib. 1770 — Historia de Esther, looodcut, ib. 1778 — Historia de Jesu-Christo, ivoodcut, ib. s. a. — Historia del Emperador Neron, wood- cuts, ib. 1775 — Historia do la Destruccion de Jerusalem, woodcut, ib. 1777 — Historia del Juicio Universal, ib. £1. 1* 1773 The author of these popular Histories appears to have been his own printer. 367 HisTOEiADOEEs Espanoles, Tesoro de, por Ochoa, 8vo. calf, 5s Faris, 1810 Includes : Guerra de Granada contra las Moriscos, por Hurtado de Mendoza, etc. 368 HUETADO de Mendoza (Diego) Guerra de Granada contra los Moriscos, con vida del autor por Portalegre, sm. 4to. portrait, best edition, hf. calf^ uncut, or calf, Qs Qd . Valencia, 1776 369 la Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes, in Spanish and French, 18m o. vellum, 6s Faris, 1660 The first edition appeared in Madrid, 1610. I the scenes and events he describes." "There is a freshness and a power in Mendoza's Ticknor; 1848, 1, 478. sketches that carry us at once into the midst of I 370 IS LA. HisTOEiA del famoso Predicador Feat Geetjndio de Carapazas, por P. L. de Salazar, (i.e. J. F. de Isla) con las Cartas Apoloo^eticas de Marquina, J Yarias Piezas relativas al Gerundio, 3 vols. sm. l-to. sd. 7s 6d ; or calf, 10s Madrid, 1804 371 Fray Gerundio de Campazas, 4 vols. 12mo. calf, 4s ib. 1813 " Written throughout with great spirit ; and not only are the national manners and character everywhere present, but in the episodes and in occasional sketches Isla has given of conventual and religious life in his time, there is an air of reality which leaves no doubt that the author drew freely on the resources of his personal ex- perience. His plan resembles slightly that of ' Don Quixote,' but its execution reminds us oftener of Rabelais and his discursive and redun- dant reflections, though of Rabelais without his coarseness." — Ticknor. 372 JAUEEGUI (Don Juan de) Eimas : Aminta, Eimas varias i sacras, am, 4to. riEST EDiTioi?', the margins of a few leaves ink-stained, veVum, rare, 25s Sevilla. 1618 original and which the translation. Priced by Salva, £2. Containing the translation of Tasso's Aminta, which Cervantes declared to be so per- fectly done, as to leave in doubt which was the 373 JuAisr (Jorge) Compendio de Navegacion para eluso delos Cavalleros Guardias- Marinas, sm. 4to. 12 plates, old red morocco, gilt edges, 6s Cadiz, 1757 Juan de la Cruz — see Ceuz. 374 LASTANOSA (Yincencio Juan de) Museo de las Medallas desconocidas Espanolas, smallest 4to. portrait and 35 plates of 175 coins, a fine tall copy, in red morocco, gilt edges, fom Miss Currer's Library, s82. Iluesca, por Juan Noques, 1645 Fetched at Nicol's sale £2. As ; Townley's, £4. 9.y. "Liber inter rariores rarissimus." — Vogt, edit. 1747, p. 398 — " Ouvrage estime et fort re- cherche des curieux. Les exemplaires en sont rares."— De Bure, No. 5583. 375 Lazaeillo de Toemes, Yida de, corregida por H. de Luna, 2 parts in 1 vol. 18m o. calf 7s dd Zaragoga, 1652 376 LEDESMA(A. de) Conceptos Espieituales, IGmo, complete, slightly stained, sound copy, hf calf £4. Madrid, 1660 Very rare. This book belongs to the ployedin the old Romancebos and Cancioneros. Spanish Romaxceros and Cancioneros, and Colmanares in the 17th century stated, that all not only does it contain beautiful poems in various the editions were out of print, and lamented its styles, but the author has had the merit of ap- scarcity and high price. plying to spiritual subjects the letrillas, romances, " Of this school of the Conceptistas . . . . recondillns, and other kinds of composition em- Ledesma was the original head." — Ticknor. 377 LEON (E. Luis de) Obras, cotejadas con varios MSS. por A. Merino, 6 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. uncut, 34s Madrid, 1801-16 378 de los Nombres de Cristo, nueva edicion, sm. 4to./we copy in vellum, 15s Valencia, 1770 Priced by Salva, 90 francs. ** One of the greatest masters of eloquence in his native Castilian. The characteristics of his prose compositions, even those which from their nature are the most strictly didactic, are the same everywhere ; and the rich language and imagery of the passage cited afford a fair speci- men of his style. But besides this, he was a poet of no common genius. Nearly all his best poe- tical compositions are odes in the old Castilian measures, with a classical purity and vigorous finish before unknown and hardly attained since." Ticknor, 1849, 11. p. 46-47. 932 BEENAED QUAETTCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 379 LE SAGrE (A. E.) Aventuras de Gil Bias de Santillana restituidas a su lengua nativa, (por Isla) con Adicion a las Aventuras, 7 vols, in 6, sm. 4to. besi edition, calf neat, 15* Valenciay Monfort, 1791 380 the same, 7 vols. sm. 4to. fine clean copy, uncut, 20* ih. 1791 381 the same, 7 vols, sm, 4to. plates, calf, 24^ Madrid, {y Valencia,) 1797-91 The last two volumes contain a continuation I be translated from the Italian. of the story, apparently original although said to | 382 LOPE DE VEOA CAEPIO, Collection de las Obeas sueltas de, assi en prosa como en verso, 21 vols. sm. 4to. portrait, calf neat, £4. 10^ Madrid, Sancha, 1776-79 Priced by Salva, £10.; 1824, Rivington, as there were but a few copies printed, and these £15. 15s; Thorpe, £8.; J. Bohn, 1840, £8. 8^. were intended exclusively for the public libraries Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £21.; 1830, Payne and of Spain. Foss, £14. I4s. Large Paper copies are very rare, 383 LOPE DE YEGrA, Jerusalem cojs^quistada, Epopeya Trasjica, stout sm. 4to. FiEST EDITION, ivoodcut hust of Lopc de Vega and full-length portrait of Alphonso Fill, calf or vellum, 25s Madrid, 1709 Richard Coeur-de-Lion. Priced, 1825, Thorpe, £3. lOs ; 1826, calf, £3. I3s 6d; Hibbert's copy fetched £2. 3s. *' This edition has escaped the notice of Antonio." This work is not a translation from Tasso, nor does it celebrate even the same his- tory, but is an epic poem upon the Crusade of 384 Eiestas de Denia, Poema, 12mo. fine copy, vellum, 5s Reprint of Valencia, 1599 Not mentioned by Brunet or in Salva's Catalogues. 385 Pastores de Belen, prosas j versos divinos de Lope de Vega Carpio, 16mo. fine copy, calf extra, li)s Brusselas, 1614 38(3 Justa poetica, y alabanzas justas que hizo Madrid en las Fiestas de San Isidro, sm. 4to. portrait of the Saint on title, vellum, 10s Madrid, 1620 also as those humourous pieces under the name of the Maestro de Burguillos, which he first adopted here. This work contains all the poems sent in on the occasion of the festival, with the names of the writers. Lope was the president who distributed the prizes, and spoke the opening poem, as well 387 EiMAS humanas y divinas de Tome de Bueguillos, eiest edition, portrait, vellum, fine copy, 15s Madrid, 1634 sayings. The chief piece in the volume is the Gatomacliia^ which is the first in order of merit, of its kind, in the Spanish language. See Ticknor, 1863, 11. pp. 181-84. Consisting chiefly of humourous, burlesque, and satirical poems of the gayest and lightest character, written under the name of Tome de Burguillos, a theatrical personage whom Lope had invented and made popular by his sharp 388 Coraedias, recopiladas por Bernardo Grrassa ahora nnevamente im- pressas y emendadas, 12mo. fine copy in calf gilt, 25s Amberes, 1607 This is a rare re-impression of the first edi- j Comedies. It contains 12. tion (Valladolid, 1604) of the first part of the | 389 Comedias recopiladas por Grassa, 12mo. calf neat, 205 Milan, 1619 390 segunda parte de las COMEDIAS, que contiene otras doze, 12mo. title aiid two last leaves in MS. vellum, 2ls Amberes, 1611 391 Comedias, parte IV. sm. 4to. no title page, calf gilt, 20s {ib. 1614) 392 Comedias, parte XVI. slightly imperfect, sm. 4to. calf rare, 20s Madrid, 1622 893 Comedias, parte XYII. sm. 4to. no title page, vellum, 20s ib. 1622 394 Comedias, parte XX, sm. 4to. slightly imperfect, vellum, 20s ib. 1625 395 Comedias, parte XXIV, sra. 4to. sd. 15s Zaragoza, 1641 397 Comedias diversas, sm. 4to. calf neat, 5s 1781-1804 398 Comedias, a volume, sm. 4to. containing 2 plays of Moreto, and 6 plays of Lope de Vega, calf neat, 5s Madrid, 1803 399 Teatro Escogido de, por Ochoa, 8vo. 651 pp. portrait of Lope, cloth, 10s Faris, 1838 400 ■ — B-omancero Espiritual, y Estaciones del Via-Cruces, 12mo. rude minute woodcuts, wanting title and last leaf of table, the top margins stained, vellum, 18s ib. 1725 Very rare ; not in Salva's catalogues. " Antonio n'a point connu ce Romancero." SPANISH LITEEATUEE. 933 401 LOPE DE VEGA, el Bastardo Mudarra, comedia manuscrita en 1612, repro- ducida por la Sociedad Foto-Zincografica, 4to. sd. 10s Madrid, 1864 hood in his female characters,— in both of which Calderon is wanting. Both lived long, and wrote to the latest moment — but Lope's very last pieces are as bright as his earliest, and bear no sign of age ; whereas Calderon waned after sixty, and grew verbose and artificial as his years declined." — Athenmim, Nov. 20, 1853. " The prodigy of nature, the great Lope de Vega." — Cervantes. *' No man ever had a greater genius for Comedies than Lope de Vega. He possessed fertility of wit, joined with great beauty of ideas, and wonderful readiness of conception." — Rapin. ** Great as Calderon was, he cannot, without a large reserve, be named as the greatest genius of the Spanish stage. In wealth of invention, pro- digious fertility, in dramatic fire, he is far sur- passed by Lope, who also had the merit of creating the stage on which Calderon rose. The fresh natural grace of Lope's style, and his vivid con- ciseness in gay or passionate moments, have a living charm beyond the finished ease and rich exuberance of Calderon's manner; — while Lope excelled in some departments, — as in his chival- rous pictures of Old Spain, and in a certain inde- scribable sweetness, and glow of gracious woman- 402 LOPEZ DE COEELAS (Alonso) Trezientas preguntas de cosas naturales, CO sus respuestas y alegaciones d'auctores, agora respondidas y glosadas en este ano de 1546, sm. 4to. tilack letter, eirst edition, the printer's device on title and last leaf\ blank margin A 2 torn off, otherwise a fine copy in vellum, YERY RARE, £3. ValladoUd, Francisco Fernandez de Cordova^ 1546 Priced, 1826, Salva, £4. 4*. Collation: 10 preliminary, leaves, and 78 pages, unnumbered. 403 LOPEZ MADEEA (Grego. fiscal de su Magestad) Discursos de las Eeliquias descubiertas en GtRANADa, 1588-98, sm. folio, engraved title, vellum, 2Qs Granada, 1601 A very rare work on the antiquities of Granada. 404 the same, sm. folio, original edition, carrying the discoveries only down to 1595, oio title, apparently an unfinished ivork, unknown to bibliographers, with facsimiles of old gothic inscriptions, ivhich are omitted in the second edition, vellum, 325 (1595) 405 LOPEZ DE MENDOCA (Don Inigo, MAEQUES de SANTILLANA) Obras, con vida y notas por Amador de los Eios, roy. 8vo. large paper, portrait and illuminated facsimile, presentatio:n" copy from the Duque de Osuna, with two autograph notes to Mr. Ford, green morocco, silk linings, gilt edges, £3. 3s Madrid, 1852 A handsome reprint, containing the Proverbs and Poetical Works, with a Glossary. 406 Lopez de Mendoqa (Yiiigo) Memorial de Cosas notables, folio, Spanish calf, rare, £2. Guadalajara, 1564 407 Proverbios ; Coplas de Mingo Eevulgo ; Coplas de Manrique, 3 vols, in 1, 24m 0. calf, rare, 7s iSd Anvers, Nucio, 1594 408 LOPEZ PINCIANO (Alonso) Pliilosopliia Antigiia Poetica, sm. 4to. Coat of Arms on the back of title, vellum, fine copy, 20s Madrid, 1596 " Pinciano is deserving of honourable remcm- > who endeavoured to estabUsh a philosophic art of brance, for he was the first writer of modern times I Tpoetry." — Bouterwek. 409 LozAJsO (Clir.) Soledades de la Vida, etc. Noveias Exemplares, sm. 4to. vellum, 5s Madrid, 1713 410 LOCANO (C.) Persecuciones de Lucinda, y Tragicos Sucessos de Don Carlos, 12mo. calf extra, 28s Valencia, 1664 Containing a comedy entitled, ''Darsezelos j first of this novel separately. It had appeared por vengarse." Rare edidon, supposed to be the I already at the end of the Soledades in 1659. 411 MADOZ, Diccionario Geografico-Estadistico-Historico de Espaiia, y sus posesiones de ultramar, 16 vols. 4to. upwards of 600 pp. double columns, in each vol. hf bd. £4. 10s 1845-50 412 MANEIQUE (Don Jorge) Coplas, con una Glossa de un religiose de la Cartuxa, etc., Coplas de Mingo Eevulgo glossadas por Pulgar; Cartas en Eefranes de Blasco de Garay ; Dialogo entre el Amor y un Cavallero viejo, por Cota, 16mo. sound copy in calf, 20s Madrid, 1614 " No earlier poem in the Spanish language, if we except, perhaps, some of the early ballads, is to be compared with the Coplas of Manrique for depth and truth of feeling. Its versification, too, is excellent ; free and flowing, with occasion- ally an antique air and turn, that are true to the character of the age that produced it, and increase its picturesqueness and eficct. But its great charm is to be sought in a beautiful simplicity which, belonging to no age, is the seal of genius in &\V'—Ticknor, 1849, I. 373. 934 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLr, LONDON. 413 Maldonado, Afectos a Dios . . . Oraciones que predico en Antequera, Valle de Oaxaca, sm. 4to. Tif. russia, 5s Valladolid, 1 713 414 Mallorca : DAMETO, Mijt, j Ademai^t, Historia general del Eeino de Mal- lorca, continuada per Pro y Bover, 3 vols. 8vo. frontispiece, ivith numerous portraits and plates, vellu?n, £2. 2s Palma, 1840-41 415 BoTEE, Memoria de los Pobladores de Mallorca, Bvo. a hiographical Dictionary^ hf. Id. 7s 6d ib. 1838 416 Manuel (D. Aug.) Yiday Acciones del Eey Don Juan II de Portugal, sm. 4to. vellum, 12s Madrid, 1639 Pp. 159-60 (a cancel) are torn across and Highly praised by Lorenzo Gracian : the imperfect, but the second nos. 159-60 are com- author was beheaded for treason in Lisbon in plete. 1641. 417 MANUEL (Erancisco) Las tres Musas del Melodino, recogido por Olivera, sm. 4to. [Sonetos Romances) , old calf, £2. Lishoa^ 1G49 Very rare, not mentioned by Salva or Bninet. 418 MANUEL (Principe Don) Hijo del Infante Don Juan, El CONDE LUCA- NOE con Advertencias y Notas de Gonzalo de Argote y de Molina, 4to. red morocco extra, ornamented with gold tooling, gilt edges, very rare, fine copy, 584. 4* Madrid, 1642 419 MAEIANA, Histoeia Geneeal de ESPANA, 2 vols. sm. folio, hf calf lOs Madrid, 1650 420 — Historia General de Espana ; con la Continijacton de MiSana, tra- duzida por Eomero, 3 vols. ioV\o,fine copy, Spanish calf neat, ' the Continu- acion ' not quite uniform, Z2s ib. 1780-1804 421 Histoeia Geneeal de EspaHa, ilustrada de tablas cronologicas, notas y observaciones criticas, con la vida del autor, 9 vols, folio, best EDITION, vignettes and portrait, vellum neat, £5. ; ov,fine copy in Spanish calf gilt, £Q. Qs Valencia, Monfort, 1783-96 " " ■ 1848, the same, mor. £12. 125 ; 1854, £8. 18.» ; fetched, Stanley's, £22. 1* ; General Capel's £9. " Edition bien execute, que les notes dont elle est enrichie rcndent tres recommendable.'* Brunei. Priced, 1840, Payne and Foss, £18. 185 ; 422 Historia General de Espana, con coNTrNTACioN de Minatta, 10 vols. 12mo. Spanish calf, 16s Madrid, 1794-95 422* Historia de Espana, ilustrada con notas historicas y criticas por Sabat y Blanco, 20 vols. 8vo. sd. 36« ib. 1817-22 as it necessarily is, by his great learning, gives an air of trueheartedness and good faith to his accounts, and a picturesqueness to his details, which are singularly attractive." — Ticknor, III. 137. "Mariana a obtenu une reputation meritee pour I'elegance de sa narration. La diction est irreprochable, ses descriptions sont pittoresque sans pretention poetique, et pour le temps ou il a vecu, il a conserve assez d'impartialite et d'amour de la liberie." — Sismondi. " Cette edition, qui par son format est digne de figurer dans une bibliotheque, est la plus con- venable, en raison de ses notes 'et de ses som- maires, pour ceux qui desirent avoir une connois- sance approfondie de I'histoire d'Espagne. Among Spanish prose compositions, the style of Mariano is all but unrivalled. The fourth edition, printed in the very year of his death, is much enlarged and in every way improved. " The proudest monument erected to the history of Spain. His willing belief in the old chronicles, tempered, 423 MAEINA (F. M.) Teoria de las Cortes o grandes Juntas Nacionales de los Eeinos de Leon y Castilla, 3 vols. 4to. best edition, scarce, having been sup- pressed in Spain, Spanish calf neat, 36^ Madrid, 1813 424 En say sobre la Legislacion de Loon y Castilla, y el Codigo de las Siete Partidas, 2 vols, in 1. sm. 4to. calf, Qs > 1834 425 MAEINEI (Lucii Siculi) Opus de Geneologia (sic) Kegum Aragonum, sm. folio, EiEST Edition, woodcut portraits and borders, first leaf of title damaged and defective, the remainder of the book in very good condition, calf exces- 8IVELT BARE, £l. Impressum in Cesaraugusta, industrid Georgii Coci Alemani, 1509 Brunet, who mentions it, apparently never saw this work, printed at Saragossa, since he quotes as something strange the circumstance that it had appeared in the Solar catalogue with a title different from his own, the fact being that that title was merely a transcription of the verses which appear on the first page below the wood- cut shield. The engravings include the continu- ous genealogical tree, and some coins, besides the numerous portraits of the kings. SPANISH LITEEATUEE. 935 426 MAEMOL CAEVAJAL (Luys del) Historia del Eebelion y Castigo de los MoRiscos DEL Eeyno DE Q-EANADA, sm. folio, piRST EDiTiOiN", vellum, or caJf, £2. 10s 3Ialagay Rene, a costa del auctor, 1600 427 Historia del Eebelion de los Moriscos de Granada, 2 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. larf/e pictorial map of Granada, calf gill, 20s Madrid, 1797 " Ouvrage fort curicux." — Brunei. "This j in the author's own time, will be found peculiarly History of the rebellion of the Moors of Granada, | interesting." 428 MAEQUEZ (J. Micheli) Deleite y Amargura de las dos Cortes, Celestial y Terrena, con la assistencia de los ingenios, y lai^rimas derramadas en la CoETE DEL Dios MoMO, SHI. 4to.Jlne copy, vellum, \0s Madrid, 1642 429 " — Tesoeo Militae de Cayalleeia antiguo y moderno, modo de armar Cavalleros, sm. folio, many woodcuts illustrative of Knightliood and Chivalry, vellum, EAEE, 205 Madrid, 1642 Quite a complete copy, even a second title pnge having been added in consequence of a vari- ation, one having an ornamental woodcut, the other an engraved Coat of Arms in the centre. It is extremely rare to find a copy not in some re- spect deficient. 430 MAETINEZ de la Eosa (Fr.) Obras Literarias, 5 vols. 12mo. a pretty set in green calf gilt, IQs JParis, Didot, 1830-34 431 Dona Isabel de Solis, Eeina de G-ranada, novela historica, 3 vols. 12mo. plates, calf, Gs Madrid, 1837-46 432 Obras, Vol. I, Poesias ; II, Obras dramaticas ; IV, V, Espiritu del Siglo, 2 vols. Doha Isabel de Solis, novela, 1 vol. — together 5 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 10s Paris, 1844-45 433 MEDEAIS'O (Julian de, Cavallero Navarro) La Silva Curiosa en que se tratan diversas cosas sotilissimas y curiosas, mui convenientes para Damas, y Caval- leros, sm. Syo. first edition, good cojpy in old calf, scarce, 306* Faris, 1583 434 la Silva Curiosa corregida en esta nueva edicion por Cesar Oudin, (en Prosa y en A^erso), 12mo. rare, calf, 32^ Paris, 1608 435 — • the same, tall copy in vellum, 255 1608 Ouvrage renfermant nombre de proverbes Espagnols et diverses pieces de poesies du bon temps de cette litterature." — Bnmet. " In this collection we find a great quantity of Spanish proverbs, and many pieces of poetry of the best times of our literature, which are not easily met with in any other collection."— /Sa^ytf. 436 Melo, Historia de los movimientos, separacion y guerra de Cataluna, en tiempo de Eelipe IV, nueva edicion corregida, 8vo. cloth, 4.? Madrid, 1808 " His style is suited to his varying subjects ; hints and abrupt turns, reminding us of Tacitus." sometimes animated and forcible, sometimes Ticknor. quaint and idiomatic, and sometimes in its dark 437 MEXIA (Diego) Primera parte del Parnaso Antartico, de obras amatorias, sm. 4to. title mended, and part of leaf 111 torn off, otherwise a good sound copy in vellum, rare, 14s Sevilln, 1608 Priced, 1826, Salva, £2. 10^. No more was j cording to Ticknor, " in pure and elegant Castilian published than this part, which is written, ac- | verse." 438 Mexta, Silva de Varia Leccion, nuevamente agora anadida en ella la quaeta paete, sm. folio, black lettet, woodcut title, half calf , ISs Sevilla, Diaz, 1570 439 MINANO, Diecionario Geografico-Estadistico de Espana y Portugal con Supplemento, 11 vols. sm. 4to. double columns, calf, £2. Madrid, 1826-29 440 MiNADOT, Historia de la Guerra entre Turcos y Persianos, 1576-1585, tradu- cida de Italiano, por Herrera, sm. 4to. vellum, Qs Madrid, 1588 Priced, 1826, Salva, £1. U. 441 Mines (Spanish) Noticia historica documentada de los celebres Minas de Gua- dalcanal, 2 vols. sm. 4to. calf, 30* Madrid, 1831 This is an ample historical account of these celebrated Mines. 412 Mieabel, Jardin de las Damas, y recreo de cavalleros, o desagravio de las mu- geres a las nobilissimas Damas, 12mo. vellum, 7s Madrid, 1720 443 MONCON, Espejo del Principe Christiano, sm. folio, title in red and black, within an elegant woodcut border, bladk letter, vellwn, rare, 255 Lisboa, 1514 414 MONTALVAN (Perez de) Sucessos y Prodigios de xlnior,en Ocao Novelas exemplares, aiiadido en esta impression el Orfeo, 12mo.^/i^ copy, vellum, 25^ Barcelona, 1640 936 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 445 MONTAECO. Despacho confirmatorio de los BLASONES de AEMAS NOBLEZA y GENEALOGIA, etc., que por todas lineas pertenecen a Don Juan Er. Ant. de los Heros Conde de Montarco, Marques de Somaruelos, etc. sm. folio, large shield of Arms, and Oeneahgical Tables, Jif. Id. 25s 1791 Certified in MS. at the end, by the herald, Don Juan Felix de Rujula, with seal and signatnre. 446 MONTEMATOE, Parte primera y se^unda de la Diana (la segunda parte por A. Perez), 2 vols, in 1, 16mo. calf, gilt hack, 12s Madrid, 1602 447 MONTE MATOE. Los siete Libros de la Diai^a: hanse anadido los amores del Abencerraje Abindarraez, la historia de Alcida y Syluano, Sonetos de Monte Mayor, etc., 12mo. fine copy in calf Arms of Lord Stuart de Rothesay in gold on sides, a rare edition, £1. 16* Valencia, Mey, 1602 There was a Madrid edition also published I the plot of the Two Gentlemen of Verona from in 1602, which has contributed to making the | Young's translation of it. " George Monteraayor was the inventor of the Spanish Pastoral Romance, and ranks as a poet among the best of his age." Valencia edition rare. This work in Prose and Verse, formed part of Don Quixote's library. The second part is by Alonzo Perez. Shakespeare is said to have taken 448 Mora, Obras sueltas : Eevista Politica, Credito Publico, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. clotJi, 7s (5d ^ Paris, 1837 449 MoRALEJA, el Entretenido, varias flores de diversion, relaciones serias, burlescas, etc. sm. 4to. vellum, Qs Madrid, 1741 A strange mixture of odds and ends, writ- I Sanchez Tortolos. ten as a continuation part to the Entretenido of | 450 MoEATiN, Comedias, 8vo. calf, 4* i5d Paris, 1838 451 NAEBONA (E.) Doctrina politica civil, en Apborlsmos: Consejo y Conseje- ros del Principe por Eurio Certol, 12mo, thick paper,^^^ copy in Spanish red morocco, hroad borders of gold, gilt gaufre edges, ISs Madrid, 1779 452 Natarette, Disertacion sobre la Historia de Nautica, y de las Ciencias Mate- maticas, sm. 4to. cloth, 5s Madrid, 18i6 453 Ninos (El Maestro de) Carta a Alvarez de Toledo, Zarag. 1713 — Palacio de Momo, apologia yocoseria por Gr. Alvarez de Toledo, Leon de Fran. 1714 — Jornada de los Cocbes de Madrid a Alcala, 6 satisfaccion al Pal. de Morao, Znrag. 1714 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. scarce, old calf Qs 1713-14 454 Novelas. EOBLES (Isidro de) Yarios Effectos de Amor, en onze Novelas Exemplares de diferentes Autores, los mejores Ingenios de Espana, sm. 4to. calf 14^8 Madrid, 1692 455 Varies PEODiaios de Amor, sm. 4to. being another edition of the L:/ectos,calf, 10s ib^ 1729 a manner that the reader does not at first sight perceive the scheme or the fetters with which the author has surrounded his pen, could be only done in a language extraordinarily rich in words and phrases." — Salva. " No work affords more ample proof of the inexhaustible richness of the Castilian language than the present. To write five novels, in prose and verse, under the strict condition of exclud- ing from each of them one of the five vowels of the alphabet, and to accomplish this task in such 456 NOVELAS ESCOaiDAS, Colleccion de, 8 vols. 12mo. calf , gilt backs, scarce, 205 Madrid, 1787-91 A collection of 53 Novels, which includes some of the best works of Spanish Literature. 457 Novelas Historicas, Coleccion de, por Cosca Vayo, Escosura y otros, 6 vols. 12mo. hf calf, 12s ib. 1834-35 458 Novelas y Eelaciones populares; a collection of 11 popular Stories and Eomances, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. russia, uncut, £2. 2s Cordova, s. a. (? 1801) 459 NUNEZ, Eefranes o PEOVEEBIOS en Romance, que coligio y glosso el Comendador Hernan Nunez ; Eilosofia. yulgar de Juan de Mal Lara, en mil refranes glossados, todos hasta aora impresses ; las Quatro Cartas de Blasco de Garay, hechas en refranes, stout sm. 4to. red morocco extra, gilt edyes, rare, £4. 4s Madrid, Juan de la Cuesta, 1619 460 — — another copy, sm. 4to. very tall copy in olive morocco extra, gilt edges, £6. 6s 1619 461 NUNEZ, Eefranes o Proverbios en Eomance, que coligio y glosso Hernan Nunez ; la Eilosofia vulgar de Juan de MAL LAEA, en mil refranes glos- sados ; las quatro Cartas de Blasco de Garay, hechas en refranes, stout sm. 4to. olive mor. extra, gt, edges, by Lewis, £'d. 3s Madrid, Lays Manescal, 1621 SPANISH LITEEATUEE. 937 4G2 Nunez, Eefranes o Proverbios en Castellano, revistos por Luis de Leon, 3 vols. 16mo. calf, 15s Madrid, 180i 4(32* las mismos, con el Suplemento, 4 vols, calf, 30s ih. 1804 4(33 O'Campo, la Coronica General, libros V, folio, Id. Qs Alcala, 1578 4G4 OCAMPO T MOEx\LES, Chronica de EspaKa ; Ocampo, los Cinco Libros Primeros, {without title, and having a few words supplied in MS.) Medina del Campo, 1553 — La Coronica General que continiiava Moeales (Libros YI- X) Alcala, 1754— Los otros dos Libros, XI, XII, por Morales, Alcala, 1577— Las Antiguedades de las Ciudades de Espana, Alcala, 1 575— together 4 vols, in 3, sm. folio, Spanish caf margins and binding wormed, £2. 12s 1553-77 465 Ocampo (Florian de) Los Cinco Libros Primeros, Alcala, 1578 — La Coronica General que continuava Morales, ib. 1574 — Los otros dos libros, XI y XII, ib. 1577 — Las Antiguedades de las Ciudades de Espana, ib. 1575— Los cinco libros postreros (XIII-XVII. etc.) Cordova, 1586—5 vols, in 4, a com- plete set of the Chronicles of Spain, by Florian Docampo, with the continua- tion by Ambrosio de Morales, a few leaves mended, one vol. in calf, and three in vellum, £4i. 15s 1574-86 Priced, 1847, £6. 6s. Extremely rake to find complete. The Conde sold for £11. Os ed. 466 OCAMPO (Florian de) los otros dos libros undecimo, j duodecimo de la Co- ronica General de Espana, que continuaba Ambrosio de Morales, Alcala de Henares, 1577 — Las Antiguedades de las Ciudades de Espana, ib. 1575, in 1 vol. folio, vellum, very fine copies, 36s 1577-1575 467 Coronica de Espana por Elorian de Ocampo y A. de Morales, 10 vols. 4to. 1791-93 — Historia de los Eeyes de Castilla y Leon, 2 vols. 4to. 1792— Opuscules Castellanos de Morales anotados por Cifuentes, 3 vols. 1793 — together 15 vols. 4to. best edition, a complete and neat set in Spanish calf, £2. 16s 3Iadrid, 1791-93 " Everywhere it breathes the spirit of its age, and, when taken together, is not only the most interesting of the Spanish Chronicles, but the most interesting of all that, in any country, mark the transition of its practical and romantic traditions to the grave exactness of historic truth."— Ticknor. Priced, Salva, 140 fr. Morales continued Ocampo to the union of the crowns of Castile and Leon in 1037 — a point from which it was afterwards carried by Sandoval to the death of Alfonso VII. in 1097, where it finally stops. Morales' history, as an historical composition, shows a more enlightened spirit than the work of Ocampo. 468 OcHOA, Epistolario Espanol, Cartas de Espanoles llustres, con notas, Yol. I. roy. 8vo. 644 pp. double cols, hf moi^occo, joints, gilt edges, 12s Qd Madrid, 1850 469 Tesoro de los Poeraas Espanoles epicos, sagrados, y burlescos, 8vo. portrait of Ercilla, hf. calf, 5s Paris, 1840 470 Ocios de Espanoles emigrados, 4 vols. 8vo. valuable miscellaneous essays on Literature, History , Folitics,etc. hf. bd. 20s Londres, 1824-25 471 OLMO (Joseph de) Eelacion del Auto de la Eee, que se celebio en Madrid en 1680, sm. 4to. engraved title, and large folding plate, half red morocco, 36s Madrid, 1680 472 the same, calf extra, gilt edges, fine copy, 25s fi. 1680 473 OETIZ (Francisco) Epistolas Eamiliares, embiadas a algunas personas par- ticulares ; con algunas otras obras del mismo padre, sm. 4to. black letter, curious printer s device on the last page, yery fine and laege copy, limp vellum, 56*3. Caragoc^n, Nagera, 1552 Very rare.— Collation. Title in black I etc. 4 leaves ; text, folios 1-128; Verses, Ora- and red, within woodcut border, prologue, table, | ciones, etc. folios 119 (129) to 136. 474 Ortiz (Lorenzo) Ver, Oir, Oler, Gustar, Tocar; Empresas, sm. 4to. plates of Emblems, vellum, 7s Gd Leon de Francia, 1687 475 OETIZ Y Sanz, Compendio Chronologico de la Historia de Espana. 7 vols. 12mo. Spanish calf 21s Madrid, 1795-1803 Priced, Salva, 1824, 7 vols. £3. 3*. 476 OssuNA (Fr.) Ley de Amor ^anc'o, sm. 4to. ilack letter, vellum, tcanting title, 7s i5d Sevilla, 1542 038 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 477 PAENASO ESPANOL. Coleccion de Poesias escogidas de los mas celebres Poetas Castellanos por D. Juan Lopez de Sedano, 9 vols. 16mo. portraits, sd. 12*; or Spanish calf neat, 20* Madrid, 1768-78 478 the same, 9 vols. 12mo. calf extra, £2. 10s 1768-78 479 the same, laege papee, 9 vols. 12mo. sd. uncut, £2. IG5 1768-78 ** A work which, though ill-digested, and portant materials for the history of Spanish lite- not always showing good taste in its selection rature from the period of Boscan and Garcilasso." and criticisms, is still a rich mine of the poetry Ticknor III. 1849,251. of the country in its best days, and contains im- 480 Pellicee t Sapoecada (J. A.) Ensayo de una Bihliotheca de Traductores Espaiioles, con vidas de otros Escritores (Cervantes, Argensola, &c.) sm. 4to. cloth, 6s Madrid, 1778 481 PEREZ (Antonio, Secretario del Rey FJieUpe II.) Pedagos de Historia 6 Ee- la9iones, assy llamadas por sus auctores los Peregrinos,^;ze clean copy, calf, SGs Impresso en Leon ( ? London, 1594) The first publication of Antonio Perez is no I This copy has the Index leaves, which ac- doubt the very rare volume entitled " Pedacos cording to the Greuville catalogue, are generally de Historia," etc.— Ticknor. I wanting. 482 Peeez, Caetas para diversas personas despues de su salida de Espana — Apho- rismos — Eelaciones — i Memorial — 1 vol. stout 12mo. vellum, the hest and most complete edition, 2ds Faris, s. a. (1600) Includes a Series of Letters to the Earl of Essex, 66 pp. 483 PEEEZ de GUZMAN (Eernan.) Valerio de las Hysterias Scolasticas de la sagrada Scritura y de los hechos d Espana c5 las Batallas capales, sm. fol. title with curious icoodcut and border, initial letters, black letter, a few leaves mended, vellum, 30« Sevilla, Cromherger, 1536 Priced, Salva, £2. The real author of this | Murcia. This edition is not mentioned by An- work is the Arcipreste Diego Rodriguez de 1 tonio. 484 PEEEZ de Heeeeea, Proverbios Morales y Consejos Christianos, Enigmas Philosoficas, sm. 4to. woodcuts of emblems, vellum, 15s Madrid, 1733 485 PEEEZ de HITA, Historia de las Guerras Civiles de Granada, thick 12mo. engraved frontispiece, calf, 5s Paris, 1600 486 • another edition, 12mo. old calf, 6s ib. 1660 487 ■ Historia de los Vandos de los Zegries y Abencerrages, Cavalleros Moros de Granada, 16mo. 582 pp. hf calf, 4s Bare. 1757 489 Yandos de los Zegries y Abencerrages y las Civiles Guerras, con la Segijnda paete, 2 vols. 12mo. vellum, 20s Sevilla, 1732, Madrid, 1724 490 Histoire chevaleresque des Maures de Grenade, traduite de I'Espagnol, avec des notes par Sane, 2 vols. 8vo. hf calf gilt top, 7s 6d 1809 491 PEEEZ DE OLIVA, Obras ; Comedias, Novelas, Poesias, la Tabla de Cebes, etc. sm. 4to. veaufauve extra, gilt edges, £S. ds Cordova, 1586 492 PETEAECHA, los Eemedias contra prospera y adversa Eortuna, sm. folio, wanting the first eight leaves, vellum, 10s Valladolid, 1510 403 Eemedios contra prospera y adversa fortuna, sm. folio, black letter, woodcut title injuredy and last leaf mounted, vellum, 12s 6d Caragoga, Aleman, 1523 494 Teaslacion d los seys TEIUMEOS de Eracisco Petrarca de Toscaoo en Castellao, fecha por Antonio de Obrego Capella del Eey, sm. folio, blacfe Utter, two curious woodcuts, one on the title, the other on the reverse of folio iv. margin of the first few leaves stained, otherwise a very fine copy, in the ori- ginal impressed binding, 36s Seuilla, Juan Varela de Salamanca, 1526 495 PLINIO Segundo, Historia Natural, traduzida por L. G. de Huerta, 2 vols. folio, calf gilt, 25s Madrid, 1629 496 PLUTAECO, Morales, traduzidos de lengua Griega en Castellano, (por Gra- cian) sm. folio, blaefe letter, some of the marginal notes slightly cut into, calf eaee, 20s Alcala de Kenares, 1548 497 Polo de Medina (S. Jacinto) Obras en prosa y verso, sm. 4to. vellum, very fine copy, 16s Madrid, 1726 SPANISH LITERATURE. 939 498 PoEsiAS : El Cortesano, por Vocangel y Unzueta, 1757 — Fabula burlesca de Bulcano y Venus, por Calderon, 1767 — Carta de Dido y Eneas, por Zenuu, MS. ; and numerous other pieces of Spanish poetry , in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, Us Madrid, 1740-70 499 PONZ, YiAGE DE EsPAfiA, en que se da noticia de las cosas mas apreciables y dignas de saberse que bay en ella, 18 vols. — Viage fueea de Espana, 2 vols. — together 20 vols. sm. 8vo. many plates of Church Architecture, Anti- quities, Views, etc. £2. IQs Madrid Ibarra, 1776-94 Priced, 20 toIs. 1825, Salva, £8. hf. bd. vellers. "Ouvrage curieux dont on trouve dlffi- £10. lOs-, and 1826, £7. 7.?,hf. bd. £7.; and 1843, cilement des exemplaires complets." — Brunet. Salva, 144 fr. This curious and interesting work contains a very complete description of Spain: it will be found of great use to geographers and tra- " On trouve dans ce voyages des details assez etendus sur les peintres, les sculpteurs et les architectes espagnols." — Salva. 500 PoREAS, Tratado de la Oracio, sm. 4to. blacfe letter, last leaf in MS., vellum, 16s Alcala, 1552 501 BOOK OF PROVERBS, a MAwrscEiPT, in Spanish and English, a stout volume of about \000 pp. sm. thick 4to. comprising 8883 Spanish, and a few Italian Proverbs, with English r(S«c?eW^_9's, also a few English original one?, all very legibly written, vellum, 36s Written, December, 1790 A useful volume to any future Editor of Bohn's Polyglott of Proverbs. 502 PUYMAIGRE (Comte de) les vieux Auteurs Castillans, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 20s Paris, 1861 503 QuESTiONES (las X [III.) del Tostado, a las quatro dellas por marauilloso estilo recopila toda la sagrada escriptura, etc. 12mo.^«e copy, old calf, 12s Anvers, M. Nucio, 1551 Very curious : the author compares Scrip- I rarely done by Spanish authors, ture History with Classical Mythology, a thing | 504 QUEVEDO Villegas (Don. F. de) Obras, 11 vols. 8vo. best edition, labge VA.^-E,R, portrait, calf extra, by J. Mackenzie, 584. 4s Madrid, Sancha, 1791-94 505 QuiNTANA, Santos de la Ciudad de Toledo y su Argobispado, folio, title page engraved with the portraits of 17 Archbishops, fine copy in calf. Is 6d Mad. 1651 506 QuiNTANA (F. de) Historia de Hipolito y Aminta, sm. 4to. hf morocco, 9s Madrid, 1673 " Nouvelle interessante et bien ecrite." — Brunet. 507 QuiNTANA (M. J.) Poesias, 12mo. red morocco, gilt edges, 6s Gd ? 1813 508 QuiEOs (Franc. Bern, de) Obras, sm. 4to. calf poor copy, 9s Madrid, 1656 A curious work, containing Poems, "Novels, i Salva's catalogues. and Comedies unnoticed by Ticknor, and not in | 509 RAMOS, Reynados de Menor Edad, y de grandes reyes, ^no. frontispiece and plates, bound, 12s Madrid, 1672 Obras Publicadas por la REAL ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA, Madrid : 510 Ajbar MACHMua (coleccion de Tradiciones) Cronica anonima del Siglo X[, dada a luz por primera ve«, en Arahigo y E-panol, anotada por Lafuente y Alcantara, impl. 8\o. pp, 265, anfi \G5,sd. I2s 31aihnd, 1867 The Spanish transcrii)tion of the title some- what disguises this valuable work, which would in France or England be ctilled the ^ Ahhhdr Madjmu'a. It contains a history of Musulman affairs in Africa and Spain from about the year 70 to 150 of the Hedjrah, and involves a mass of geographical and other matter, for which special appendices are annexed. The work was com- piled in the eleventh century from the popular traditions and official auihorities which related to the conquest of Spain, as well as the political and literary history of the conquerors. Only one copy of the original Manuscript is known, from which two tranacrij)ts were made in recent years. Don Eniilio '^e Lafuente died a short while since ; but this volume remains an ample testimony to his great learning and ripe scholarship. It is published by the Spanish Royal Aca- demy of History us the first volume of a ' Colec- cion de Obras Arabigas dc Historia y Geografia." 511 ALFONSO EL SABIO (el Key) Las Siete Partidas, cotejadas con varios codices antiguos, 3 vols. 4to. sd. 20s 1807 Best edition of this famous and remarkable code, with the variants at the foot of each page. It is a monument of Language as well as of Legis- lation. See a long description in Purton Cooper's Catalogue of the Spanish Law Books in Lincoln's Inn Library. 512 Alfonso el Sabio, Opuscu^os Legales, cote- jados con codices antiguos : Espejo de los Derechos, Fuero Ileal, etc. 2 vols. 4to. sd. 10.? 18.S6 513 Arias t Miranda, Inflnjo sobre la Espafia de su dominacion en America, impl. Svo. .sd. 3s 1854 3 C 940 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 514 Atora (Goiizalo) Cartas, 1503, consu vida, 12mo. 4* 1794 515 Cean Bermudez, Sumario de las Anti- jiiiedades Romanas que hay en Espana, en es- pecial las pertenecientes a las Bellas Artes, sm. folio, 5^. 75 1832 516 CORTES. Coleccion de Cortes de los lleynos de Leon y de Castilla dada a luz por la Real Academia, 38 parts (all published) 4to. sd. 325 1836-45 This, which is the original edition, "vvas never completed, owing to the disturbances that pre- vailed at the time in Spain. The following arti- cle is the renewed publication. 517 CORTES de los Antiguos Reinos de.Leon y de Castilla, por la Real Academia, Vols. I, II, III, stout sm. folio, well printed oil thick paper, sd. £3. 1861-66 This edition is carefully arranged in chrono- logical order, and exactly reproduces the ancient texts, with notes. These volumes include the Cortes of the years 1020-1473. 518 Delgado sobre el gran Disco de Theodosio, sm. 4to. plate^ sd. 2s 1849 519 DicciONARio Geografico-Historico de Es- pafia [por la Real Academia, Seccion II : La Rioja, Logrono, etc. por Gpvantes, con Supple- mento, 4to. sd. 5s 1846-51 520 DicciONARio de Voces Espanolas Geografi- cas, 4to. sd. 2s {ca. 1820) 621 ESPANA SAGRADA: Theatro Geogra- fico-Historico de la Iglesia de Espaila, por el P. Henrique FLOREZ, Manuel Risco, y otros, Vols.I—L,sq.8vo.j»Z«^e.<,5rf.£15.10.v 1754-1866 Any recent volumes can be eupplied sepa- rately. 522 Fernandez y Gonzalez, Estado de los Mudejares de Castilla, impl. 8vo. sd. %s 1866 Displaying a great profoundity of historical and oriental learning. 523 FLOREZ, la Cantabria, en tiempo de los Romanos, 1786 — Florez vindicado del Vindica- dor de la Cantabria, por Risco, 1779 — 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 65 6d 1779-86 524 Memorias de las Reynas Catholicas, Historias Gcnealogica de la Casa Real de Castilla y de Leon, 2 vols. sq. Svo.lS* 1790 525 Coleccion de Fueros y Cartas-Pueblas ; Catalog©, 4to. sd. 5* 1852 526 HuRTADo, Munda Pompeiana, roy. Svo. sd. . 10« 1861 A memoir on Spain in the time of the Romans, and its Antiquities. 527 Janer, Condicion social de los Moriscos de Espaila, causas de su expulsion, etc. impl. Svo. sd. Is &d 1857 528 Indice de los Documentos procedentes de los Monasterios suprimidos, Sec. I: Castilla y Leon, roy. Svo. 10* 1816 Real Academia de Ciencias, Madrid: 547 Memoetas de la Eeal Academia de Ciencias, Tomo I-IY, YI complete, Hesumen de Trabajos Mineralogicos, 1865, 15 parts, impl. Svo. plates, sd. £5. 15.S- 1850-65 548 LiBEOS del Saber de Astronomia del Eet D. Alfoi^so X, de Castilla, com- pilados anotados j comentados por Don Manuel Eico y Sinobas, .4 vols. royal folio, plates and astronomical tables, hoards, =£4. 1863-67 549 Beales Cedplas. Capittdos generates de las Cortes, 1602-40, in 1 vol. folio, vellum, 7s Qd ih. 1610-42 529 Infokme sobre la Disciplina Ecclesiastica, Svo. sd. Is 1786 530 Jaxer, el Compromiso de Caspe, impl. Svo. facsimiles, Arms, and Catalan extracts, sd. Is 1855 531 Llorente, Memoria historica sobre la opinion nacional de Espaila acerca de la Inqui- sicion, 8vo, sd. 3* 1812 532 Mariana, Ilistoria General de Espana, con notas historicas y criticas por Sabau y Blanco, 20 vols. sq. Svo. sd. 36* 1817-22 633 MEMORIAL HISTORICO ESPANOL : Coleccion de Documentos, Opusculus, y Anti- gliedades que publica la Real Academia, Vols. 1 — XIX, sq.' Svo. plates of Coins, etc. sd. £7. 10* 1851-65 534 MEMORIAS de la REAL ACADEMIA de la Ilistoria, Vols. I-VIII, 4 to. many plates, the early volumes hound, the rest sewed, £5. I796-1S52 535 DiscuRSOs leidos en las Sesiones Publicas desde 1852, impl. Svo. id. 7s 6d 1858 536 MEMORIAS de Don FERNANDO IV. de Castilla, Tomo I, su Cronica; Tomo II, la Coleccion Diplomatica que comprueba la Cronica; arregladas y anotadas por Benavides, 2 vols. 4to. £2. 1860 537 Navarrete, Disertacion sobre la Historia de la Nautica, sq. Svo. sd. 3s 1846 538 OVIEDO, Historia General t Natu- ral de las Indias, Islas y Tierra-firme del Mar Oceano, por el Capitan Gonzalo F. de Oviedo y Valdes, Vols. I-IV, sm. folio, maps and plates, sd. £3. I5s 1851-55 539 Paulo Quadrado, Elogio historic© de A. D. Escailo, impl. Svo. sd. 5s 1852 540 Risco (Manuel) la Castilla, Ilistoria del Oid, Svo. sd. 2s 6d 1792 541 Historia de Leon y de sus Reyes, 2 vols. sq. Svo. 10^ 1792 542 Rizzo y Ramirez, Juicio critico y significa- cion politica de Don Alvaro de Luna, impl. Svo. 432 pp. 5s 1865 543 RosELL, Ilistoria del Combate de Lepanto, impl. Svo. sil. 3s 1853 544 Saez, Demonstracion del valor de las Monedasde Espana (^Enrique IV. y Carlos IV) 1805 545 Velasquez, Ensayo sobre los Alphabetos de las Letras desconocidas en las antiguas Medallas y Monumentos de Espana, sm. 4to. 20 plates of Coins, 7s 6d 1752 546 VILLANUEVA(J.L.)ViAGELiTERARioa las Iglcsias de Espana (y de Mallorca, etc.) con obscrvacioncs, 22 vols, Svo. plate of inscriptions, monument'', etc. sd. £2. 10s 1803-52 A valuable work, containing numerous notices of ancient Rituals, accounts of rare books and monasterial libraries, MSS. etc. SPANISH LITERATURE. 911 550 REBOLLEDO (el Conde de) Obnis Poeticas, 3 vols. sm. 4to. portraits and plates, old calf, scarce, 80^ Amheres, 1600-61 551 Reprobacion de la Asteologia judiciaria o divinatoria, sacada de Toscano, 16mo. title soiled, stained, calf, rare, Qs Salamanca, 1516 The translator does not mention either his own or the original writer's name. 552 Rhetoeica en lengua Castellana en la qual se pone nuiy en breve lo necessario para saber bien liablar y escrivir, sq. 8vo. the last two leaves in manuscript, vellum, EAEE, 12s Alcala, 1511 553 RiBEEO J Larrea, Historia de Don Pelayo Infanzon, Quixote de la Cantabria, 8 vols. 12mo. calf, 5s Madrid, 1792-1800 554i RIEGO, El Roma^ceeo, y otras piezas, 12mo. with English translations, por- traits, cloth, Qs 1816 555 RIVAROLA,MonarquiaEspanola, y BLASOISr de su NOBLEZA, 2 voL-. sm. folio, many Coats of Arms of all the Spanish Nohle families, veMum, very rare, £4. 45 Madrid, 1736 No copy of this valuable Armorial of Spain has passed through my hands for many years. 556 Rizzo T Ramieez (Don Juan), Juicio Critico y Significacion Politica de Don Alvaro de Luna, impl. 8\o. sewed, 6s Madrid, 1865 557 RODRIGUEZ, Retratos de los Reyes de Espana desde Atanarico hasta Don Carlos III, 3 vols. sm. 4to. with the portraits of the Gothic and Spanish Kings, Spanish calf 10s Madrid, 1782-88 558 Guirnalda poetica, lOmo. vellum, 2s Gd ib. 1734 659 RODRIGUEZ ELORIAN (Joan) Comedia llamada ELORINEA : que tracta de los Amores del buen Duque Eloriano, con la linda y niuy casta y generosa RELISEA, sm. 4to. black letter, outer margin of title slightly damaged, mottled vellum, extremely rare, £18. Medina del Campc, 1554 A very curious Romance of Chivalry written in the shape of a Comedy, in 43 Scenes or Acts. 560 RoJAS (A. de) Viage Entretenido, 12mo. vellum, fine copy, 28^ Lerida, 1611 Col. Stanley's copy of this amusing work on an actor's life, fetched £2. 18.^ 561 RoJAS, el Viage entretenido (en prosa y verso) con una exposicion de los nombres historicos y poeticos, que no van declarados, thick 12mo. eine copy, half hound crimson morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, 36s Lerida, 1615 This work, written by a famous Comedian, I tory of the Spanish Stage, in prose and verse, is very important for the His- | 562 RoJAS (Erancisco de) Comedias, los Bandos de Yerona, y los Castelvines y Mon- teses de Lope de Yega, 8vo. hf. Id. blue morocco, gilt top, bs Leipsique, 1838 563 ROMANCERO GENERAL, en que se contienen todos los Romances que andan impresses, aoro nuevamente anadido y enmendado (por Pedro de Elores) stout 4to. old red morocco, from Mr. G. Smith's library, £10. Madrid, Juan de la Ouesta, 1604 Very rare. The previous edition of 1602, 895 fr., Debure ; and good copies of these old which fetched £63 at Colonel Stanley's sale, con- Romanceros, the choicest and rarest productions tabled only nine parts, while the present has of the literature of Spain, are daily rising in value. thirteen. A copy of the edition of 1604 fetched 561 ROMANCERO GENERAL, stout am. 4to. the title; ' al Lector' 2 leaves ; fol. 1, 33, 482; and Table, 2 leaves {altogether S leaves), being supplied in manuscript, stained, old smooth morocco, i:10. 1604 5(55 another copy, sm. 4!to. consisting of leaves 91 to 125, caJf £2. 10s 1604 Priced, 1837, Payne and Foss, morocco. In the collection are included thirty-two ballads £18. IBs ; fetched. Lloyd's, russia, £20. IOa' ; relating to the Cid, twelve of which are not to ba Gardner's, russia, £14. 14,?. found even in Escobar. This volume contains a most curious assem- " L'edition precedente n'a que neuf parties ; blage of rare old Spanish ballads, and has always celle-ci en renferrne seize." — Bruiiet. (^Scize is been highly esteemed by the literati of Spain, here erroneously printed for tnize.) 566 RoMANCEEO Castellano, con una Introduccion y notas por G. B. Depping, 2 vols. — Rosa de Romances, 6 Romances sacados de las "Rosas" de Juan Timoneda — together 3 vols, in 2, 12mo. sd. 10s ; or half bound green morocco gilt, IQs Leipsique, 1 814 - 46 567 ROMANCERO e historia del Caballoro el CID Rui-Diaz de Yibar, 18mo. hf hd, 5s Madrid, 1818 3 c 2 942 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 568 DTJEAN, Coleccton de EOMANCES Castellanos anteriores al Siglo XYIII: Eomancero de Eomances Moriscos, todos los del Eomancero General, 1828 — Eomances Doctrinales, Amatorios, Festivos, Jocosos, Sati- ricos J Burlescos, 1829 — Cancionero y Eomancero de Coplas j Canciones, Letrillas, etc. 1829 — Eomances Caballereseos y historicos, 2 vols. 1832 — 5 vols. 12mo. a complete set, hf. calf neat, gilt tops, £2. 2s Madrid, 1828-32 569 the same, 5 vols. 12mo. calf neat, £2. 2s 1828-32 570 EOMANCEEO G-ENEEAL, o coleccion de Eomances Castellanos anteriores al Siglo XVIII, recogidos por Duran, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. the complete SERIES, 1321 > pp. double cols, half morocco, joints, gilt edges, £2. Madrid, 1851 571 Deppii^g, Coleccion de los mas celebres Eomances antiguos Espanoles, His- toricos y Caballereseos, ahora enmendada, 2 vols. 12mo. hf calf 5s Londresy 1825 572 Grimm ( Jac.) Silva de Eomances Yiejos, 16mo. hf morocco, gilt top, uncut, 8* Vienna, 1815 573 the same, 16mo. sd. 4* Vienna [new title o/'1831] 574 OcnoA, Eomanceros y Cancioneros Espanoles, Historicos, Caballereseos, Moriscos, &c. 8vo. half calf 7s Gd • JParis, 1838 575 SEPULYEDA (Lorenqo de) EOMANCES nuevamente sacados de historiaa antiguas de la Cronica de Espana ; van anadidos muchos nunca vistos com- puestos por un cavallero Cesario, 16mo. fne copy in red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Bauzonnet-Trautz, from the Yemeniz library, 3624. Anvers, Philippo JV^ucio, 1566 Extremely rare. This curious and in- mances del Cid ; Romances del Conde Fernan teresting yolume contains 149 Romances; among Gonyales; Romances de Don Sancho, Don Alfonso, others, are the Historia de los Infantes de Lara ; Rodrigo, Pyramo y Thisbe, Ecuba y Paris, Jason, Romance del Conde de Saldafia ; XXXV Ro- Theseo, &c. &c. 576 Wolf y Hoeeman]?^, Primavera y Elor de Eomances, 6 coleccion de los mas viejos y mas populares Eomances Castellanos con introduction y notas, 2 vols. 8vo. uncut, 10s Berlin, 1856 " Selected with great judgment from what is I old collections." — Tichwr, 1863, III, 414. oldest and best, richest and most attractive, in the | 577 EOMANCES de Germain i a de varies autores, con el Yocabulario por la orden del a, b, c, para declaracion de sus terminos y longiia, compuestos por Juan Hidalgo, 16mo. curious woodcuts on title and first leaf, the title slightly injured, calf, £3. IG^ Caragoqa, 1644 Extremely RARE : not in Salva's catalogues. 1 Spanish thieves, with a Vocabulary of the phrases. It is a collection of ballads in the dialect of the | 578 Eomances de G-ermania, con Yocabulario, por Hidalgo, discurso de la expulsion de los Gitanos, etc. sm. 8vo. bds. 5s ; or, calf gilt, Hs • 1779 recognised as genuine by Mayans y Siscar." Ticknor, 111. p. 29. The Germania of Spain is a Spanish Thieves' slang, not Gipsey Proper. " The Vocabulary of this jargon or dialect is Romances, Prose: 579 CLAMADES. Historia de Clamades y de la Linda Clarmonda, sm. 4to. wanting title and first leaf half morocco, 27s {? Alcala, 1603) Vert rare. This celebrated romance con- • the first edition fetched, 1858, Salle Silvestre, eists of but 20 leaves, both in the first, and in the 230 francs. above (which is the second) edition. A copy of I — see : Amadis, Eodrigtjez. 580 EoYiRA (Xavier F.) Compendio de matematicas con tablas de los logarltbmos, etc. dispuesto para las escuelas del Eeal Cuerpo de Artilleria de Marina, 4 vols, in 2, sm. 4to. old red morocco, tooled sides, gilt edges, 6s Cadiz, 1785 581 SACO. Obras de Don Jose Antonio Saco, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s JVueva YorJc, 1853 582 Salas Barbadillo (Alonso G.) Coronas del Parnaso, y Platos de las Musas, thick 18mo. vellum, 6s Madrid, 1635 " De tons les ouvrages de Salas Barbadillo, I qu'une edition. On y trouve diiferentes comedies." celui-ci est le plus rare, parce qu'il n'en existe | Salva. 583 Salazar (Pedro de) Hysteria de Ja Gruerra y Presa de Africa, folio, original edition, woodcuts, wanting title, and imperfect at the end, vellum, 16s Napoles, 1552 SPANISH LITEEATURE. 943 58i SALAZAR y Castro (Luis de) Historia genealogica de la Casa de LAEA, justificada con instrumentos y escritores, 3 vols. — Pruebas de la Casa db Laea, 1 vol. — together 4 vols, stout folio, numerous Pedigrees and Coats of Arms, fine copy^ vellum, £2. 12s Qd 3£adrid, 1694-97 585 SALAZAE t CASTEO (Luis de) Historia genealogica de la Casa de LAEA, justificada con instrumentos, y escritores, 3 vols. — Pruebas de la Casa de Lara, 1 vol. — together 4 vols, stout folio, nuinerous JPedigrees and Coats of Arms, fine copy, vellum, £2. 10s Madrid, 1G94-97 586 Indice de las glorias de la Casa Earnese, stout sm. folio, engraved Coats of Arms and I^edigrees, calf, rare, 255 ib. 1716 587 Salazar de Mendoqa, Ponces de Leon, Condea de Tolosa, etc. stout sm. 4to. engraved frontispiece, and Coats of Arms, vellum, 24s Toledo, 1620 588 Origen de las Dignidades Seglares de Castilla y Leon, relacion de los Eeyes, de sus actiones, casamientos, etc. sm. folio, engraved title, original edition, vellum, 10s Toledo, 1718 589 Origen de las Dignidades, second edition, with a list of tTie creations of Marquises and Counts at the end — Carillo, Origen de la Dignidad de Grande de Castilla — 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, bd. 7s 6d Madrid, 1657 Two important and rare works on Spanish an alphabetical list of 93 Spanish Dukes, Heraldry ; the first was priced, 1826, by Salva, Marquises, and Counts, with an account of their £1.105; the second is not mentioned by Salva, estates. Brunet, nor Ebert. It contains on leaves 9-11 590 Salazar de Mendoza, Monarquia de Espana, desde su origen hasta 1623, con la Historia de Pelipe III de Davila publicada por Ulloa, 3 vols, in 2, folio, portrait and genealogical tree of Fhilip III, and 4^ plates of Coins, fine copy in calf gilt, or vellum, 25s Madrid, 1770-1 The third vol. is rare. Priced, 1806, Salva, £2. 12* 6^ ; Large Paper, 1822, Thorpe, £5. 5* ; 1824, Thorpe, £4. 4« ; 1830, Payne and Foss, £4. 4.? ; 1832, Payne and Foss, £2. 3^. " Ouvrage important pour I'histoire d'Espagne." — Brunet. 591 SALUSTIO, La Conjuracion de Catilina y la Guerra de Jugurta, traduccion de Don Gabriel, Infante de Espana, (con Testo Latino) : Bayer del Alfabeto y Lengua de los Eenices y de sus Colonias, folio, eine paper, 'plates of Coins and Calligraphy, blue morocco^ inlaid bach, silk lining, gilt edges, an unusually fine copy, £3. 10s Madrid, Ibarra, Vjfl Barthelemy's copy sold for 210 francs, and Delcros for 231 francs ; Didot's, 158 francs; Col. Stanley's, £23. 2s. Priced, White Knight's, £6. 16j 6^. This edition is rare and dear, as the Prince, Don Gabriel, reserved all the copies for presents. The annals of the press can boast of no more per- fect volume than this." — Dihdin. 592 SANCHEZ (T. A.) Coleccion de Poesias Castellanas anteriores al Siglo XY, con Notas e Indice de Yoces antiguadas, 4 vols. 12mo. vellum, ISs ; or calf neat, 20s Madrid, 1779-90 593 tbe same, 4 vols. 8vo. calf extra, by Clarice, 25* 1779-90 " Collection Men faite et d'une belle execution typographique." — Brunet. 591i Sanchez Portocarero, Antiguedad del Noble i muy leal Senorio de Molina, 16mo. engraved title, Spanish morocco, gilt edges, fine clean copy, \2s Madrid, 1641 595 SANDOVAL (F. Prudencio) Chronica del inclito Emperador de Espana Don ALONSO VII. sacada de un Libro muy antiguo escrito de mano con letraa de los Qodos; sm. folio, Coats of Arms, morocco, gilt edges, £5. 5s Madrid, 1600 Priced, 1825, Thorpe, mor. £5. 5.?. Col- lation : Title, ' Suma,' Dedication, Prologo and * Adiciones y Tabla,' 12 leaves ; Text, page I — 491. Pages 1 — 181 contain the Chronicle of Alonso ; the remainder, being more than half the book, contains the histories of the noble houses of Sandoval, Osorio, Acuila, Belasco, Castro, Zufiiga, Guzman, Haro, Mendoza, Man- riques, Padilla, Ponce de Leon, Quinones, Toledo, Tovar, with their coats-of-arms. 596 SANDOVAL, Historia de la vida y hechos del Emperador CAELOS Y. 2 vols. large folio, LAliGE ^A.V^'Si frontispiece, calf gilt, £2. IQs Pamplona, 1634 Priced by Salva, 79 fr. 597 Sandoval (Prudencio) Historia de los Eeyes de Castilla y de Leon, (Fer- nando el Magno hasta a Alonso YII) sm. folio, bottom of title cut, Coats of Arms on the bach of the title, old cafy arms on sides, 10s ; or, a fine copy in vellum, with title dated 1Q1% 21s Pamplona, 1614-15 944 BEENAED QUARITCTI, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 598 Saw^doyal, Historia de los Keyes de Castilla y de Leon, title discoloured — His- toria de los Obispos Idacio de Badajoz, Sebastiano de Salamanca, Sampiro de Astorga y Pelagic de Oviedo--2 vols in 1, folio, russia extra^ gilt edges^ £2. 10s Famplona, 1634 Priced, 1824, Thorpe, in vellum, the two I estim^." — Brunei. works, £6. 65; 1826, Salva, £3. 3s. "Ouvragej 599 Sais'ta Ana, Bomances y Legendas Andaluzas, 8vo. cuts, cloth, ^s Madrid, 1844 600 Sayi?etes, a collection, containing 40, sin. 4to. calf^ 6« Barcelona, (? 1820) 601 Segovia. Somorrostro (A. Gr. de) el Aqueducto y otras Antiguedades de Segovia, folio, plates, red morocco, 10s Madrid, 1820 602 SEMPERE t Gijarinos, Ensayo de una Biblioteca EsPAnoLA de los me- jores escritores del reynado de Carlos 111, 6 vols, in 3, 12mo. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 12s 6d 1785-89 An excellent and scarce work. 603 SiLVA (R. Mendez) Poblacion General de Espafia, sus Trofeos, Blasones, etc. folio, vellum, 7s 6d Madrid, 1675 604 SOLIS (Don A. de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, 2 vols. 4to. portraits, maps and plates, calf extra, hy J. Glarhe, £2. 10s Madrid, 1783-84 One of the finest books published in Spain. 605 SoLTS (D. Atonso) El Pelayo : Poema, small 4to. morocco, gilt edges hy C. Lewis, 12s Madrid, 1754 606 SOEIA GiRON (D.) Eabrica de la Esperiencia, sm. 4to. 500 curious Epigrams, almost all beginning with the letter N, printed within a woodcut harder, en- graved title, vellum, ISs Napoles, 1649 Rare ; unmentioned by Brunet and Salva. 607 SOTA (Pray Erancisco) Chronica de los Principes de Asttjrias t Cantabeia, sm. folio, hound, engraved coat of arms, l%s Madrid, 1681 Archives of Cathedral Churches, and Monaste- ries of St. Benedict. " Appendix operi adjecta, quam plurima eaque pervetusta diplomata exhibens, multum lucis turn histonae, turn rei genealogicae hispa- nicae foeneratur." — Meusel. Priced, 1829, Salva, £2. 2.i ; 1855, Lord Stuart de Rothesay's sale, a copy fetched £3. ^s. This chronicle extends from the conquest of Spain by the Moors, to 1200. At the end is an Appendix of ancient documents relating to the kings and nobility of Castile, taken from the 608 SUABEZ de Chaues (L.) Dialogos de varias Questiones en Dialogos y metro Castellano sobre diuersas materias, con un Romance, stout 16mo. title slightly injured, vellum, gilt edges, 20s Alcala, Juan Gracian, 1577 Vert kare ; priced by Salva, £2. 2.f. 609 Stjaeez de Eigueeoa (C.) la Constante Amarilis, Espaiiol y Frances, por Lan- celot, stout 12mo. engraved title, coloured vellum, 65 I^yon, 1614 610 Sue (EugODio) los Misterios de Paris, por Tio y Sola, 5 vols. 12mo. half calf , 6s Barcelona, 1844 611 Martin el esposito, trad, por El Doncel, 14 vols, in 7, 16mo. hf green morocco, 10s Madrid, 1846 612 Tabsis (J. de) Obras^ recogidas por Hipolito de los Yalles, sm. 4to. hf mo- rocco, 7s 6d Madrid] 1643 613 Teateo antiguo y moderno: coleccion de Piezas escogidas, por Ochoa, 2 vols. 12mo. sd. 5s Faris, 1860-61 614 Tesoeo del Parnaso Espanol, poesias recogidas por Quintana, 8vo. portrait, hf calf, 5s jParis, 1838 615 [TEXEDA] Caeeascoi^, segunda vez impreso con coreccion, con observaciones sobre su vida, etc. sq. 12mo. calf 10s s. I. et a. {ca. 1850) This is a reprint of the exccpsivelv rare original printed at Norwich in 1633. 616 THEATEO HESPANOL, por Don Vicente Gaecia de la Hueeta : Co- medias de Eiguron, Comedias de Capa y Espada, Comedias Heroycas, y Entremeses, 15 vols. 12mo. calf, 25s Madrid, 1785-86 Described by Salva as extremely scarce, i choisies des meilleurs auteurs dramatiques Es- and priced in his catalogue, 16. 16.? 6^/. Priced pagnols." — Brunei. by Thorpe in 1824, £6. ^s. " Collection de pieces ' 617 TICKNOE. (G.) History of Spais^ish Liteeatuee, 3 vols. S\o. with extracts from the authors, (pub. at £2. ^s) cloth, 15s 1849 SPANISH LITEEATUEE. 945 G18 Tecknor (Gr.) the same, new, corrected^ and enlarged editioiiy hut icithout the extracts, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. cloth, ISs 1863 primitive Castilian poems which have heretofore filled about 70 pages at the end of the last volume: but in other parts of the work a corresponding amount of >;ew mattek has been introduced. An exceedingly valuable work, the best ever published on Spanish bibliography. The present edition of the History of Spanish Literature differs materially from the preceding editions, as it <>we7* nearly the whole of the inedited (519 TICKNOE, Historia de la Literatura Espaiiola, traducida con adiciones y notas criticas por GAYANGOS, 4 vols, large 8vo. best edition" of this valuable work, new half calf gilt, 36^ Madrid, 1851-55 C20 another copy, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. green morocco, 28s 1851-55 G21 Tobacco. Leiva y Aguilar, Deseiigano contra el mal uso del Tobaco, sm. 4to. vellum, 15s Cordova, 1634 A learned treatise against that incomprehensible epidemic— Tobacco smoking. 622 TOEEXO (Conde de) Historia del Levantamiento, Guerra y Eevolucion do Espana, 5 vols, stout 8vo. (pub. at 70 fiancs), hf hd. 30s; hf hound calf gilt tops, uncut, 36s; or, Spanish calf, 36s Madrid, 1835-7 623 la misma, segunda edicion, complete iu 4 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, uncut, £2. " ih. 1848 624 ToRis-AMiRA de Soto, Sumario de la Yida del Eey Jayme I, el Conquistador, 2 vols, in 1, Vlmo. portrait, fuorocco extra, gilt edges, 16s Valencia, 1806-7 625 TORO (Gabriel) Thesoro de Misericordia diuina y humana sobre el cuydado que tuvieron los antiguos de los uecessitados, sm. 4to. some old MS. notes on the margins, calf, rare, 25s Salamanca, Junta, 1548 Not mentioned by Brunet, Ticknor, or Salva's catalogues. Sams' copy fetched, £1. \7s. 628 ToRKiJOS Y TJkiarte (General) Yida escrita por su viuda Condesa de Tor- rijos, 2 vols. 8vo. hf morocco. Is 6c? Madrid, 1860 627 Tracts.— Torres (D. Diego de) Yiaje fantastic© del Gran Piscator de Sala- manca, Salamanca, 1725 — El Hermitano y Terr, Madrid, 1726 ; and 17 other curious Tracts in the volume {^MS. list of them on the fly-leaf), calf, 10s 628 TUTOE t Malo, Compendio Historial de los dos Numais^cias, sus grandezas, y Trofeos ; y Yida de S. Saturio; 2 vols, iu 1, sm. 4to. sound clean copy, EARE, old calf , 30s (/ Soria), 1690 extensively ; this part, however, as far as we know, has not been published." This work con- tains genealogies and descriptions of the eoats-of- arms of the Salvador, Caneillercs, Morales, Do Velo S. Lorente, Santa Cruz, Caltanazor, Santes- teban, and Barnuevos families. " This is the first part of a greater work, which the author meditated on the history of Soria ; it contains amost other things, book 1, cap. XIV — XXIII. inclusively, a notice of 12 illus- trious families, with their arms, and of the illus- trious men of this city. In the second part the author promised to examine these matters more 629 UBEDA (Francisco de) Libro de Entretenimiento de la Picaea Justixa, 12mo. calf, rare, 16s Brucellas, 1608 Second edition, equally rare with the first which was printed at Medina del Campo in 1605. 630 Ulloa Peeeira (L.) Obras, prosas y versos, sm. 4to. veil. 7s Madrid, 1674 631 TJzTAEiz, Theorica y Practica de Comercio y de Marina, sm. folio, portrait, vellum, Qs ih. 1742 632 VALDES, Dialogo dela Lengua (tenido 1533), 12mo. cloth, uncut, 20s ih. 1869 Reprinted by Mr. B. B. Wiffen. 633 YANEGAS (Alexo), las Diferencias de Libros que ay en el XJniverso, sm. 4to. gOtfjlC letter, calf extra, gilt edges, 20s Toledo, Juan de Agala, 1540 634 YAEGAS (Pero Thome de) Yergel de Plantas Divinas, 16mo. title supplied in MS. Spanish goatskin, gilt bach and sides, rare, 17s Salamanca, Bonardo, 1593 numbered : Tabla, leaves 3 and 4(1 and 2 want- ing. One of the early and celebrated Spiritual Cancioneros which form such a feature in Spanish Literature. Collation : Title wanting : 387 leaves 635 Yelazquez de Azevbdo, el Fenix do Minerva y Arte do Memoria, sm. 4 to. calf 10s Madrid, 1626 A curious work on Mnemotechny, with a I unm«ntioncd by Brunet, Salva and Ticknor. preliminary note of high commendation. It is | 636 Yelasquez, Eiisayo sobre los Alpliabetos de las Letras desconocidos en las antiguas Medallas y Monumentos de Espana, 4to. 20 plates of Coins and primitive Alphabets, hd. 5s Madrid, 1752 940 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON, 637 Velasquez, Origenes de ]a Poesia Castellana, sm. 4to. a highly esteemed work, vellum, Ss Gd Malaga, 1754 638 Yeba t Figueeoa (Conde de la Eoca) el Pernando, 6 Sevilla Eestaurada, poema heroico, sm. 4to. engraved title ^age and 20 plates, calf or vellum, 14« Milan, 1632 The origin of this poem is rather curious. The author, who was Ambassador at Venice, pre- pared a translation of Tasso's Jerusalem Deli- vered, but just before publication, altered his pur- pose, and converted his work into *' Sevilla Restaurada." by the changes of names, and sub- stitution of episodes ; but the metamorphosis was effected by no very material alteration. 639 Veegaka y Alaba, liegla y Establecimentos de la orden y cavalleria de San- tiago, sm folio, portrait of Philip IV. hf. calf, 7s 6d Madrid, 1655 610 YIDAL (Salvador) Eespuesta al Historico Yico, sm. 4to. vel. 35^ Venefiis, 1614 Vidal quotes the objectionable parts of Vice, and then gives a lengthy reply to each. Vert rare, not mentioned by Brunet and Salva : written in answer to Vico's History of the Kingdom of Sardinia, printed in 1630-40 ; 641 YIEUES (C. de) el Monserrate, poema, 16mo. title and preliminary leaves want- ing, fine copy, calf, \2s Madrid, 1587 642 XENOPHON, Obras, trasladadas de Griego en Castellano por el Secretario Diego Gkacian, sm. folio, blarft letter, calf extra, 36^ Salamanca, 1552 " Pellicer does not mention this translation i and La Serna Santander calls the book " Ouv- in his * Bibliotheca de traductores Espafioles,' | rage tres rare.' " — Salva. 643 XiMENEZ (A.) Descripcion del Eeal M onasterio de San Lorenzo del ESCO- EIAL, sm. folio, numerous plates, calf or vellum, Qs Madrid, 1764 641 XIMENEZ (Francisco). Este cevoto Libro se llama Careo de las Donas, trata de la vida y muerte del hombre Cliristiano, 5 parts, with three separate titles, in 1 vol. fdio, title cut into and slightly defective, remarkably spirited and curious woodcut on title representing the Ladies' Gar driven by Death, hf. hd. 3b*3. 10s Vallndolid, Juan de Villaquiran, 1542 known to, Ticknor, Salva and Brunet. lean only trace the sale of one other copy, which Thorpe formerly possessed. Excessively rare. The work is a trans- lation by a Spanish monk from the Catalan ori- ginal of Ximenez, but neither the original nor the translation is mentioned by, or apparently 615 XIMENEZ : Cartas del Cardenal Don Fray Fr. Jimenez de Cisneros, dirigidns a Don Diego Lopez de Ayala, publicadas por Don Pascual de Gayangos, 8vo. portrait and facsimiles, sd. 10s Madrid, 1867 the literary works of that accomplished Savant Don Tascual de Gayangos. •' These valuable historical Letters, in all 129, extending from 1508 to 1517, have been edited with the profound scholarship distinguishing all 646 XIMENES (Cardinal) Pulgae, Vida del venerable siervo de Dios, D. Fr. Francisco Ximenez de Cisneros, sm. 4to. vellum, I85 Madrid^ 1673 Rare : unmentioned by Brunet, Ticknor, and Salva. Not the least curious and important part of the work, is the list of printed books (occupy- ing 38 pp. in double columns) and that of MSS. (9 pp. double colums) relating to the Cardinal's life. 647 XIMENO (Vicente) Escritores del Eeyno de Yalencia, chronologicamente ordenados, desde 1238 hasta 1747, 2 vols, folio, vellum, 25s Valencia, 1747-49 Priced, 1837 and 1840, Payne and Poss, I copy, £2. 15*. mor. £3. 13.S- 6<^ ; 1855, Lord Stuart de Rothesay's | 648 YKIAETE (Tomas de) Coleccion de sus Obras en verso y prosa, 8 vols. 12mo. portrait, calf, 10s Madrid, 1805 649 Zamora (Antonio) Comedias, 2 vols. sm. 4to. calf, 7s 6d ib. 1744 650 Zaeate (F. Lopez de) Obras varias, sm. 4to vellum, fine copy, 10s Alcala, 1651 651 Obras varias, Alcala, 1651— Livencion de la Cruz, poema heroico, Madrid, 1648 — 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 4to. vellum, 155 1648-51 Zarate was one of the excellent poets of the commencement of the 16th Century. His Obras Varias comprise a Tragedy, Sonnets, Lyrics, two Silvas, etc. ; but his longest poem is the Epic on the Discovery of the Cross, printed three years previously. 652 Zayas y Sotomayor (Dona Maria) Novelas amorosas y exmeplares, 12mo. 10 Novels, calf extra, 16^ Zaragoga, 1638 653 Novelas Exemplares y amorosas, primera y segunda parte, sm. 4to. old caf IQs Barcelona, s. a. (1800) " Una de las novelas, aunque escrita por una ] que me acuerdo haber leido nunca en semejautes senora de la corte, es de lo mas verde e i-imodesto | libros." — Tuk or, Gayangos. SPANISH LITERATUEE. 947 654 ZURITA. CuRiTA (Geronymo) Anales de la Corona de Aragon, 6 vols, folio, woodcuts on titles, original and best edition, vellum, £3. 10s Caragoca, 1585, 1578-79-80 " Cette edition est la plus belle et la pins rare de toiites." — Brunet. 655 Anales de Aragon, 6 vols. 1610 — Indice, 1 vol. 1604 — together 7 vols. sm. folio, woodcuts on titles, hound, £2. 10s ib. 1610-4 656 the same, 6 vols 1610 — Indice, 1 vol. 1604 — Index Eerum Gestarum ad annum 1510, 1 vol. 1578 — together 8 vols. sm. folio, vellum, 563. ih. 1578-1610 "Edition que Ton prefere." — Brunei. 657 Anales de la Corona de Aragon, 6 vols. 1669 — Indice, 1671 — together 7 vols. sm. folio, vellum, 36s ih. 1669-71 *' On y a rajeuni I'orthographe des mots et corrige les fautes d'impression." — Brunei, Catalan and Valencian. 658 BOSCH, Summari, Index o Epitome dels admirables y nobilissims Titols de Honor de Cathalunya, Eossello y Cerdanya, grades, privilegis, Uibertats, im- munitats, etc. sm. folio, vellum, 32s JPerpinya, Amy, 1628 1858, I sold a copy, of. gt. for £4. 10.«. dialects, and of the dialects of Rossillon and This book contains an interesting account of Cerdagne. the (liiFerence between the Limosin and Catalan 659 Bkoch, Promtuario Trilingue, 12mo. 120 pp. of Vocahularies, Catalan- Spanish- French, vellum, 4s JBarcel. 1771 660 Capitols dels Drets y altres Cosas del General de Cathalunya, Eossello y Cerdanya fets en Corts, 1481-1564, sm. 4to. in the Catalan dialect, vellum, rare, 7s Barcelona, 1685 661 CONSOLAT del Mar. Libre de Cosolat, tractat dels Eets Maritims, &c. sm. folio, large woodcut of a ship on the title, five leaves of the supplementary portion " Capitols del Hey en Pere^* wanting, and the 8th leaf partly destroyed, old binding, very rare, £5. Barcelona, Johan Luschner, 1502 publication of the above-mentioned ' Conigo,* and the one which was generally believed to be the first edition, until a copy of another edition of an uncertain date, but unquestionably of the XVth century, was some time ago discovered." — Sulva. The only copy I can trace as having occurred for sale in England, is in Salva's C'atalogue for 1826, but without a price. " This is the extremely scarce edition, of which Cap- many speaks in the * Suplemento y aviso Singu- lar al Codigo de las Costumbres maritimas ;' the same which he himself had before him for 662 CONSTITUTIONS y altres drets de Cathalunya compilats en virtut del Cap. de Cort XXII 1. Volum primer, thick folio, old calf gilt, yert rare, 20^ Barcelona, 1588-1603 663 DIEECTOEI de la Yisita del General del Principat de Catalunya, y Comptats de Eossello y Cerdanya ; y Capitols resultans acerca dels Carrechs y Obli- gacions del Senyors Diputats, y Oydors, y Oficials, &c. sm. 4to. in the Cata- lan Dialect, vellwn, scarce, 25^ Barcelona, 1698 664 FEBEEE (M. J.) Trobes en que tracta dels Llinatges de la Conquista de la Ciutat de VALENCIA (edited in Limosin, with a Spanish Version by Pas- qual Marin), with 566 Coats of Arms, Valencia, 1796 — Observaciones his- torico-criticas a las Trobas por B. Eibelles, ib. 1804, in one vol. sm. 4to. Spanish binding, rare, £1. 14s 1796-1804 Gakcia's Poems — see ante in Spanish Alphabet. 665 LABEENIA, Diccionari Catala-Castella ab la correspondencia Llatina, 2 vols. unbound, 1864— Diccionario de la Lengua Castt liana, Catalana y Latina, 2 vols, calf, 1844-48 — together 4 vols, royal 8vo. hf calf £2. 16s Barcelona, 1844-64 (jQO LACAVALLEEIA et Dulach, Gazophylacium Catalano-Latinum, dictiones phrabibu8illustratas,etc. comprehendens cum irregularium Verborum elencho, folio, with autograph of Vine. Casanova, title and last leaf mended, vellum, rare, 36« Barcinone, A. Lacuvalleria, 1696 Collation : title, 3 prel. leaves and pp. i rage volumineux rempli de details infniment 1-1047. Not mentioned in any of 'ShXysls Iprecieux \)0\\x V%i\x(\Q de la langue Catalane." — Catalogues. " Annonce comme un livre tres- Juuhert de Fasa sur la langue Catalane, Paris, rare dims la Bibl. Heberiana VI No. 2179, oii 1831. il est porte a 3 lir. 11 sh."^Brunet. " Ouv- J 948 BERXARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LOISTDO]^. 667 LiBKE dels quatre Septals del General de Cathalunya, contenint Capitols de Cort, Ordinations, Privilegis y Cartas Reals, sm. 4to. vellum, 10s Barcelona, 1634 668 MUNTANER (Ramon) Chronica o Descriptio dels Tets e Hazanyes del inclyt Eey Don Jaume primer, Rey Darago, e de sos descendents, sm. folio, in the Limousin or Valentian Dialect^ second edition, a fine copy in vellum, rare, £4. 105 Barcelona, Cortey, 1562 Priced, 1829, Salva, russia gt. £13., another copy, stained and mended in the margins, £4. ; 1857, Quaritch, sound copy in vellum, £6. 6* ; Nicol's copy fetched £7. 2s 6d. II serait fort difficile de decider si ce livre precieux interesse plutot I'historien que le phi- lologue. Get ouvrage est le document le plus authentique que doivent consulter ceux qui s'occupent de I'histoire d'Aragon, de Catalogne, de Valence, des Isles Baleares et de la Sicile. Le linguiste aura dans ce volume le monument le plus parfait du dialecte usite dans ces difFe- rents pays, et celui qui cultive les belles-lettres aura les compositions poetiques les plus anciennes de ce langage dans les conseils en vers que Mun- taner donna a I'infant Don Alphonse. 669 Paetinobles. General Historia del esforgat Cavalier Partinobles, Compte de Bles : y apres fonch Emperador de Constantinopla, sm. 4to. Bomance of Chivalry in the Catalan dialect, 68 p^. woodcut on title, hds. IQs Gerona, Jaume Br 6, (cir. 1700) Very rare, A copy fetched at Libri's sale in 1852, £2. 670 Partinobles. Hiatoria del esfor9at Cavalier Partinobles, traduhida de llengua Castellana, 12mo. containing some " Decimas Burlescas'^ heyondthe other edi- tion, a little wormed, vellum, rare. Vis Oerona, Joseph Br6, n. d. {cir. 1700) 672 PUJADES, Coronica universal del principat de Cathalunya, sm. folio, tiest EDITION, mended, wanting title and five other preliminary leaves, as well as five leaves of table at end, calf, 1.2s {Barcelona, S. Margerit, 1609) 673 the same, iolio, fine and perfect copy in old calf gilt, the Cypher N. with a Crown on the hack, a62. 10s ih. 1609 pour etudier, non seulement I'histoire de la prin- cipaute de Cataluna, mais encore I'histoire gene- rale d'Espagne, particulierement sons la domina- tion des Arabes." — Salva. Collation ; Title ; 1 1 preliminary leaves, containing Poems in Catalan : Coronica, fol. 1-361; Cancio and Tavla, 23 leaves. " Cette chronique estimable * • * est tres-necessaire 674 RocA T Ceeda, Diccionario Manuel de la Lengua Catalana y Castellana, 12mo. bds. 5s Barcelona, 1824 675 ROIGr (Jaume) Lo Libre de les Dones e de Concells donats a son Nebot En Balthasar Bou, Senyor de Callosa, sm. 4to. calf, vellum, 15s Valencia, J. Garcia, 1735 676 the same, sm. 4to. calf extra, by Koehler, 27s 1735 In the Limousin dialect. Roig was one of 1 the XVth century, the most distinguished of the Valencian poets of | 677 Ros (C.) Rondalla de Rondalles, in the Limosin dialect, 12mo. bds. ISs Valencia, 1766 678 TORRA (P.) Dictionarium sen Thesaurus Catalano-Latinus Verborum ac Phrasium, stout sm. 4to. editio secunda, old calf, 18« Barcinone, 1683 At the end are inserted Reglas de Ortografia. 679 ejusdem editio quarta, stout sm. 4to. calf extra, gilt edges, scarce, 30^ Barcinone, 1701 Books relating to Spain. 680 ARMERIA REAL (Lo) ou Collection des principales pieces de la Gralerie d'Armes Anciennes de Madrid, dessins de 8ensi, texte de Jubinal, 2 vols, in 1, royal folio, 62 woodcuts and ^2 large plates of Gothic, Moorish, and Spanish Aemoue, etc. green morocco, £Q. Paris, (1840) A splendid work, being a fit companion to Meyrick and Skelton's Ancient Armour. 681 BouEGOiNG, Tableau d'JGspagne, 3 vols. 8vo. with 4to. atlas of plates, half calf 8s Qd Baris, 1807 682 DEsoEMEArx, Abrege cbronologique de I'histoire d'Espagne, 5 vols. 12mo. calf, gilt backs, 7s Gd Baris, 1759-58 683 Dobladjo's Letters from Spain, 8vo. bds. 5s 1822 SPANISH LITEEATUEE. 949 684 DOZY (E.) Eecherches sur I'Histoire et la Litterature de I'Espagne pendant le Moyen Age : 2e edition augmentee, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. xd. 15s Leijde, 1860 685 Histoire des Musulmans d'Espagne jusqu'a la Conquete de I'Anda- lousie par les Almoravides (711 — 1110), 4 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. 28s ih. 1861 686 ESPANAAETISTICAt MONUMENTAL: I'Espagne Artistique et Monu- mentale ; Yues et descriprions des sites et des Monuments Artistiques les plus notables de I'Espagne, avec des Dessins et des notices sur lea Usages, les Armes, et les Costumes des epoques qui peuvent le plus interesser I'ln's- toire de I'Art, par une Societe d'Artistes, degens de lettres et de capitalistes Espagnols : Directeur artistique, Don Genaro Perez de Villa- Amil ; Eedac- teur du texte, Don Patricio de la Escosura ; Planches lithograpliiees par Y. Adam, Arnout, Asselineau, Bachelier, etc. etc. 3 vols. impl. folio, 145 large plates in tinted lithography, beautifully executed, (published unbound, at 576 francs in parts) plates, hf. bound morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. Faris, 1842-59 the land of the Cid, in all its grand and romantic beauty, seems present to the eye that rests upon these fine ilhistrations. In some, the outer hfe of the people is depicted, and there are others which represent the architectural glories of Spain, and shadow forth the dark and solemn majesty of Cathedral aisles. No Art library is complete Avithout this magnificent work. This book has now become scarce. Fetched, 1855, at Sotheby's, ha^f morocco. £16. 165. This superb work is the most complete ever published in illustration of the Antitiuities and Art Trea- sures of Spain : a country so frequently spoken of, yet so little known. Many Spanish gentle- men, numbering amongst them the most celebrated names, have bestowed their labour of love, literary and artistic, upon *' Espagne Artistique ;" and 687 FRANCKENAU, Bibliotheca Hispanica Historico-Grenealogico-Heraldica, sm. 4to. hf bd. ISs Lips. 1734 A valuable catalogue raisonne of works on Spanish Heraldry. 688 Ere end's Account of the Earl of Peterborow's Conduct in Spain, since the Seige of Barcelona, in 1706, 8vo. calf 4s Qd 1707 689 Geddbs, Miscellaneous Tracts : I. History of the Expulsion of the Moees- ooES out of Spain, in the reign of Philip III ; II. Wars of the Commons of Castile, temp. Charles Y. ; III. Spanish Cortes ; lY. Manuscripts found in Granada, 1588 ; Y. The Inquisition of Portugal ; YI. Spanish Peotest- ANT Martyrology, 1 vol. 8vo. calf 10s 1702 690 Llorente, Histoire de I'lnquisition d'Espagne, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 20s Pans, 1818 691 MAKKAEI. The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain, trans- lated fej Pascual de GATANGOS, 2 vols. 4to. (pub. £3. 8*) cloth, £2. 10s 1840 A most valuable work, the best Mohammedan I Moorish rule. Indispensable to an Historical account of the History of Spain, whilst under the | Library. 692 MAEIANA, Histoire d'Espagne, en Frangois, avec des notes, par Charenton, 5 vols, in 6, 4to. maps, old calf gilt. Lord WalpoWs copy, 12s\ Paris, 1725 Bound up with Vol. V. of "Mahudel, Moniioyes antiques d'Espagne, 1725," 16 plates of coins. 693 MiJNCH-BELLiTfGHAUSEN, tJber die alteren Sammlungen Spanischer Dramen, impl. 8vo. presentation copy, hf calf 85. Wien, 1852 694 NAPIER (Sir W. F. P,) History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, 6 vols. 8vo. half russia, £2. 12^ 6c? 1851 695 PI Y MAHGALL, Historia de la Pintura en Espafia, royal 8vo. portraits of Painters, hf bd. 15s Madrid, 1851 696 EoDRiGUEZ, Polygraphia Espaiiola, large folio, engravings of Early Alphabets, and hiscriptions, Coins, and 181 engravings of Facsimiles of MSS. to most of them, an interlineal transcript, hf. bd. Madrid, 1738 A very useful book to all engaged in Spanish Palaeography, and to Cabbalistic students. 697 KOSCOE'S Tourist in SPAIN, illustrated by DAYID EOBEETS (Land- scape Annual) 4 vols, royal 8vo. large paper, 84 singular pretty plates, fine PROOF IMPRESSIONS, green morocco, gilt edges, £2. 10s London, 1836-38 A very interesting and valuable book in re- I ture, and Fine Arts, etc. ornamented with nu- gard to Spanish History, Geography, Architec- | merous beautifully executed illustrations. 698 Salva's Catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese Books, with literary and biogra- phical remarks, 8vo. bds. 10s 1826 950 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. G99 SANCTII (Alfonsi) de Rebus Hispanicis Anacephaleosis, libri vii, sm. 4to. front, fine copy, morocco, gilt edges hy Lewis, 30^ Compluti, 1634 A rare work unmentioned by Brunet and Salva, containing an account of the discovery of America. 700 Schack's G-eschichte der dramatischen Literatur undKunstin Spanien, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, Qs Berlin, 1845-46 The best account of the Dramatic Literature of Spain. 701 STREET (Edmuiid) Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain, large 8vo. numerous plates (pub. at £2. \2s 6d) cloth, £2. London, 18G5 702 YIARDOT (Louis) Histoire des Arabes et des Mores d'Espagne, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 105 JParis, 1851 PORTUGUESE LITERATURE. 703 BLUTEAU (R. Yocabulario Portuguez e Latino, 8 vols, in 4. sm. folio, old calf 32s Coimhra, e Lishoa, 1712-21 704 the same, 8 vols. 1712-21 — Supplemente, 2 vols. Lishoa, 1727-28 — together 10 vols, in 6, sm. folio, in old calf, rehacked and gilt, £4. 705 another very fine copy, 10 vols, folio, in Spanish vellum, £5. ih. 1712-28 706 another copy, 10 vols. sm. folio, old calf gilt, £5. ib. 1712-28 *' Peu commun. Vendu 120 fr. La Sema ; £7. 7s Heber ; et plus cher autrefois.' — Brunet. 707 ROQUETE et Eonseca, Dictionnaire Portugais-Erangais, et Eran9ais-Portu- gais, avec les termes de Sciences, d'Arts et de metiers, 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1238 and 956, double columns, calf Ids Baris, 1845 708 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. calf 18* 1856 709 San Luiz, Glossario de Yocabulos Portuguezes derivados das Linguas Orien- taes e Africanas, excepto a Arabe, sm. 4to. half morocco, 7s 6d Lisboa, 1837 710 SANTA ROSA de Yiterbo, Elucidario das Palavras, Termos, e Erases, em Portugal antiguamente usados e hoje ignorados, para entender sem error os documentos mais raros entre nos conservados, 2 vols. sm. folio, calf, £2. 2s Lisboa, 1798-99 Heber's copy fetched £3. 3*. 711 YIEYRA'S Portugueze-English and English-Portugueze Dictionary, inter- spersed with Phrases and Proverbs, new edition, enlarged by Aillaud, 2 vols. 8vo. about 700 pp. treble columns, calf extra, 25s 1813 712 new edition, corrected and improved by Do Canto, 2 .vols. 8vo. bound, 325 1827 713 Portuguese and English Dictionary, 1 vol. 8vo. half calf "73 1827 714 Portuguese (xrammar, seventh edition, calf gilt, 5s 1809 715 Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa : Memorias de Litteratura Portugueza, 6 vols. sm. 4to. 18s Lisboa, 1792-96 716 ALBOQUERQUE. Commentarios de Alfonso d'Alboquerque, Capitao geral das Indias Orientaes, 4 vols. 12mo. portrait and map, half morocco, uncut, S7s Lisboa, 1774 717 ALMEIDA (Erancisco de) Apparato para a disciplina, e Ritos ecclesiasticos de Portugal, 4 vols. 4to. old calf scarce, £2, 10s Lisboa, 1735-1737 718 ANDRADE de Eigueiredo (M. de) Nova Escola para aprender a ler, escrever, e contar, sm. folio, portrait and plates of penmanship, calf, 25s Lisboa, 1722 Contains numerous plates with beautifully I flourishes, done in a very elegant manner, executed fancy Alphabets and ornamental | 719 Anno hirtorico, diario Portuguez ; noticia abreviada de pessoas grandes e causas notaveis de Portugal — including Das Navegacoens mais decantadas ; dos descobrimentos de novos mares e de novas terras, etc. complete in 3 vols, sm. folio, an Epitome of the chief events of Portuguese history, old calf gilt, 25s Lisboa, 1744 720 Barbosa (J.) Catalogo das Rainhas de Portugal, e sens filhos, large 4to. large paper, numerous engravings of the Arms of Portuguese Families, old calf, I2s Lisboa, 1727 Priced, 1860, 25*. tion of the first three volumes perished by fire at Lisbon in 1755. POETUGUESE LITEEATUEE. 951 721 BAEBOSA MACHADO (Diogo) Bibliotheca Lusitana, na qual se com- prehende a Noticia dos Authores Portuguezes, e das Obrasquecompuzeraon, 4 vols, folio, portrait, 7iiorocco, gilt edges, veky bare, £20 Lisboa^ 1741-59 722 the same, Vol. I only, folio, uncut, 20s 1741 The extreme rarity of this great work, the highest authority upon Portuguese Bibliography, arises from the circumstance that a large proj)or- 723 BEITO (F. Bernardo de) Monaechia Lusttana : Historias de Portugal, Parte I, Alcohaqa, 1597— Parte II, Lishoa, 1609— Partes III 7 IV, por Antonio Brandao ib. 1632 — Partes V e VI, por Francisco Brandao, ib. J650- 1672— Parte VII, por Frey Eaphael de Jesus, ib. 1683— Parte VIII, por Manoel dos Santos, ib. 1727 — together 8 vols. sm. folio, Vol. I. sliglitlif wormed^ Vol. Ill sligJitiy stained, pp. 135-6, 257-60, 505-6,511-12 t(;aw/% in Vol. VI, otherwise a very good copy in Spanish calf, £12. 12s 1597-1727 Original editions, extremely rare, presumed to be the only perfect copy in this country. It is also a work of. great interest and value. See Meuselii Bibl. Hist. Vol. V,p. 2, p. 130. Liber imprimis rarus." — Vogt. Thorpe had a copy in 1834, 7 vols, only, priced £21. Since Lord Stuart de Rothesay's sale, no perfect copy has occurred in England. 724 Brito (B. de) y A. Brandao, Collegao dos principaes Auctores da Historia Portugueza, 8 vols, all published, containing Books I- VII of Brito's Monar- quia Lusytana, and 8 to 11 of Brandao's continuation, sm. 8vo. 20^ 1806-9 725 CAMOENS (Luis de) Obras com os argumentoa por I. F. Baeeeto, stout sm. 4to. vellum, good copy, £3. Lisboa, Craesbeeck, 1669 Very rare ; not mentioned by Brunet or Salva. 726 ' — Obras (Lusiadas, Eimas, etc.) por Bareto, com Vida por Severim, sq. folio, neat in calf, 18s Lisboa Occidental, 1720 An edition not mentioned by Brunet or Salva. 727 Obras (Lusiadas, Eimas, etc.) 5 vols. 12mo. portrait, pretty copy in bright calf gilt, 14s Lisboa, 1782-83 728 Obras, com sua Vida, 5 vols. 18mo. portrait and pretty plates, calf gilt, 10s Qd Pam, 1815 729 the same, 5 vols. 16mo. portrait and plates, map, red morocco extra, gilt edges, 27s Paris, 1815 730 Os LUSIADAS, commentados pelo Licenciado Manoel Correa, sm. 4to. in good condition, old calf, eare, £2. Lisboa, 1613 Priced, Thorpe, 1834, £3. 3*. 731 Lusiadas, commentados por Manuel de Faria i Sousa, 4 vols, in 1, small folio, portrait and plates, very fine copy in rich old red moeocco, from the library of the celebrated Colbert, -^kre, £5. lbs Madrid, 1639 Priced, 1824, Rivington, £10. IO5. I "Adiciones," Lecciones, varias, etc, A rare and valuable edition, containing the | 732 LrsiADAS, nova edi9ao correcta, por Dom J. M. de Souza-Botelbo, head of the poet, after Gerard, 8vo. half calf , 7s 6d; or calf extra, 10s Faris, 1819 733 Os Lusidas, 24mo. portrait, beautifully printed, calf, 4* Qd I'aris, Didot, 1823 734 Adamson's Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens, 2 vols. 8vo. portraits, bds. 10s Gd ; hf. calf, 12s ; or half morocco, uncut, 14* 1820 735 CASTILEO Baeeeto (J. F. de) Eelatorio acerca da Bibliotheca nacional de Lisboa e mais estabelecimentos annexos, 4 vols. 8vo. sd. 2ds Lisboa, 1844-45 736 Casteo e Sousa, Facsimiles das Assignaturas dos Eeis, Eeinhas e Infantes dol Eeino de Portugal, 4to. facsimiles, hf. bd. 10s 6d Lisboa, 1848-51 737 CoEEESPONDANCE Commercialc, par Monlon, Fortugais ei Frangais, 12mo. blue morocco, gilt edges, 6s Faris, 1857 738 COSTA (A. Carvalho da) Corografia Portugueza e DESCRIP9AM Topografica de Portugal, Tomo III, sm. fol. giving an account of the principal Portuguese Families, velliom, 15s Lisboa, 1712 739 CUNHA (Eodrigo da) Catalogo e historia dos Bispos do Porto, 4to. original stamped calf 17s Gd ^ ^ Forto, 1623 740 Catalogo dos Bispos do Porto, addicionado com supplementos por A. C. Pinto, sm. folio, oaf, H2s Forto, 1742 952 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON". 74il Elpoo Dueiense, Poesias, 3 vols. sm. 4to. hf. red morocco, uncut, 8s Qd ih. 1812-17 71)2 ESCOBAR (Glerardo de) Doze Novelas, sm. 4to. good copy, calf, gilt hack, 325 Liahoa, 1671i A very rare volume, partly in verse, not mentioned by Salva. 743 EAEIA t SOUSA, Epitome de las Historian PORTUGUESAS, small folio, all in Spanish, frontispiece and several full-length portraits, old calf, 18s Brusselas, 1677 " Premiere edition de cet ouvrage ^stimey — Brunei. 71;3*Florinda. Infortunios Tragicos da constante Florinda, por Gr. Peeez de Rabelo, seojunda impressao, 16mo. calf rare, 20s Lisboa, 1683 744 HERCULANO, Historia de Portugal, 4 vols. 8vo. sd. 10s Lishoa, 1846-53 — the same, segunda edi9ao, Vols. I-IV, 8vo. half calf 20s Lishoa, 1853-62 This excellent critical history was abused by I moderation of its tone. Don P. de Gayangos a pseudo-national party for the sobriety and | wrote in support of the author's views. 745 LEAL COT^SELHEIRO, segiiido do Jivro da ensinangfi de Bern Cavalgar Toda Sella, precedido d'uma introducgao do Yisconde de Santaeem, revisto, addicionado com notas e um glossario das palavras e phrases antiguadas de Roquete, royal 4to. luith beautifully illumiin'ated facsimile of the first page of the original edition, newly hound in brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Starrrper, £5. JPariz e Lisboa, 1842 746 LEMOS PARI A e CASTRO, Historia geral de Portugal e suas Conquistas, 20 vols. 16mo. calf 20s Lisboa, 1830-04 747 MANOEL, Poesie lyrique Portugaise ou choix des Odes de Manoel, par Sane, 8vo. hf calf neat, 3s Qd Faris, 1808 748 MEMORIA sobre a Conspirapad de 1817, 8vo. calf neat, 4s 1822 749 MENEZES (Fern, de) Historia de Tangeee desde a sua primeira conquista ate a sua ruina, sm. folio, old calf 12s Lishoa, 1732 750 MORAES SILVA, Historia de Portugal, composta em Inglez com notas do traductor Portuguez, 4 vols, in 5, 12mo. calf, 7s 6d Lisboa, 1828 751 MoEEiEA de Mendonga, Historia universal dos Terremotos, sm. 4to. calf 5s Lishoa, 1758 752 ORDEM de SANTIA G-O, Regra e Statutes que fez ho mestre dom Jorge filho del rey dom Joam ho Segundo — 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. wood- cuts, elegantly bound in red morocjo, gilt edges, £3. Lixhoa, Germao Galharde, 1548 This book appears of the greatest rarity, as no bibliographers mention it. Collation : 4 pre- liminary leaves, including title and two woodcuts the size of the page; fo. i — xxxv; ' Dos dizimos ' and ' Tavoada,' 3 leaves; Statutos de dom Jorge, fo. i— xxxviii; Table and Colophon, 4 leaves. en Portugal. Carta de Lei de 23 de Junho, pro- hibido as Sociedadas Secretas. Preqos Correntes dos principaes Productos do Brazil. Cambios — etc. 753 OsoRio, Yida y Eeitos d'el Rei D. Manoel, porManoel do Nascimento, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. half caf gilt, uncut, 15s Lishoa, 1804 754 PADRE AMARO (O.) ou Sovela Politica, Historica e Literaria ; Periodico Mensal, 7 vols. 8vo. calf, £2. Londres, 1820-23 This periodical contains many interesting articles: Libertad de Commercio. Prohibigao da Sociedade dosCarbonarios nos Estados da Austria. Noticia sobre introduc9ao dos livros Estraugeiros 755 PALMEIRIN de INGLATERRA, Cronica de, por Francesco de Moraes, a que se ajuntao as mais Obras do mesmo autor, 3 vols. sm. 4to. best edition, fine copy in old Spanish calf 28s Lishoa, 1786 Priced, Thorpe, £2. 2s; fetched, 1858, £\. \As. 756 the same, 3 vols. sm. 4to. red morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2« ih. 1786 757 Palmeirim (L. A.) Poesias, 12mo. port, calf gilt, Qs Lishoa, 1851 758 Sa de Menezes, Malaca Conquistada, poema com os argumentos de Eerreira, sm. 4to. best editiooi, calf 5* Lishoa, 1779 759 San Joseph do Prado (J. de) Monumento sacro da Sagra9a5 da S. Basilica do real convento de Mafra, folio, folding plates of the Architecture of this famous Convent^ calf IGs Lishoa, 1751 POETUGUESE LITEEA.TUEE. 953 760 SANTA MAEIA (Padro Erancisco de) Anno historico, Diario Portuguez, noticia abreviada das pessoas grandes & cousas notaveis de Portugal, 3 vols, stn. folio, not uniform^ 2nd vol. has 2 leaves facsimile^ and ^rd vol. facsimile title, calf, 20s ^ Zishoa, 1714-44 761 SILVA (lunocencio Erancisco) Diccionario Bibliograpliico Portuguez, estudios applicaveis a Portugal e ao Brasil, 7 vols. 8vo. portraitt new hf calf gilt^ uncut, £5. 10^ Lishoa, 1858-62 This valuable work completes the last letter I mentary volume will appear soon. of the alphabet in its seventh volume. A supple- | 762 sous A (A. Caetano de) Historica Genealogica da Gas a Eeal POETU- GUEZA, desde a sua origem ate o presente, com as I'amilias Illustres, que proeedem dos Eeyes, etc. 12 vols, in 13 — Peovas da Historia Genealogica tiradas dos Archives, 6 vols. — Indtce Geral, 1 vol. — 20 vols, stout large 4to. Vol. IV containing 39 plates of Seals, Coins and Medals ; Sheets H and L in Vol. V of Frovas wanting, old calf, gilt backs, very eaee, £12. Lishoa, 1735-49 " Ouvrage capital dans son genre.'' — B/'?^ue^. I Europe : it is now getting very rare. In 1853, One of the best Genealogical works published in | Purton Cooper's copy fetched £13. 13.?. 763 SousA, Memorias historicas, e genealogicas dos Grandes de Portugal, etc. sm. 4to. numerous Coats of Arms, fine copy in calf 27s Lisboa, 1755 764 TAVEIEA (Arcebispo de Goa) Constitucoes do Arcebispado de Goa, accre- scentadas por Manoel de Santa Catliarina, sm. folio, hf bd. rare, 20s Lisboa, 1810 765 VICENTE (Gil) Obras, nova edigao por Barreto e Monteiro, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 105 Hamburgo, 1834 {Lisboa, 1843) Best edition of the works of the greatest modern Poet and Dramatist of Portugal. 766 Villas Boas, Nobiliarcbia Portugueza, tratado da Nobleza hereditaria e politica, sm. 4to. calf 10s Lisboa, 1728 Works relating to Portugal. 767 ADAMSON'S Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Camoe^^s, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. icith the three different portraits of Camoens and the portraits of Inez de Castro and Faria e Sousa, which are often wanting, hf. bd. bds. uncut, 15s Qd 1820 768 the same, laege papee, 2 vols. 8vo. fine proofs of the portraits, calf extra. Buckle's copy, 32s 1820 769 Adamson's Works on the Literature of Portugal : Bibliotheca Lusitana, a Catalogue of Books relating to the History, Literature, and Poetry of Por- tugal, in his Library Privately printed, Newcastle, 1836 Lusitania illustrata: notices on the History, Antiquities, Literature, etc. of Portugal, part I : Sonnets ; part II, Minstrelsy : Ballads from the Portugueze — the above, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. bd. calf neat, rare, £3. 35 1836-46 770 Bellebmann's Alte Liederbucher der Portugiesen, XIIl-XVI Jahrhund. 4to. sd. 2s 6d Berlin, 1840 771 LaClede, Histoire geuerale de Portugal, 8 vols. 12mo. ma^s, calf, iOs Paris, 1735 772 LANDMANN'S (Col.) Historical, Military, and Picturesque observations on Portugal, 2 vols, folio, illustrated by 75 colouhed plates, including authentic plans of the Sieges and Battles fought in the Peninsula during the late war, under the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Soult, (pub. at £15. 15s in hoarda) half bound morocco, uncut, tcp edge gilt, £3. 3s 1818 This is by far the most beautiful book on accurate yet published, and comprehends the Portugal. The Narrative of the Campaign of the entire history to the conclusion of the Peace of British Army is acknowledged to be the most 1814. 773 LOBKOWITZ (J. Caramuel) Philipus Prudens Caroli V. Filius Lusitanice, &e. Kex demonstratus, folio, frontispiece with the coats of arms of the Royal families of Portugal, engraved title, and fine poetbaits of the Kings of Portugal, vellum, 28s AntverpicB 1639 954 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Abbotsford Club. A Penni worth of Witte ; Florice and Blauncheflour ; and other pieces of Ancient English Poetry, selected from the Auchinleck MS. and edited by David Laing, 4to. cloth, 30a- Edinburgh, 1857 jElianus de natura animalium, Gr. ad opt. MSS- constituit, curas Schneideri, Gesneri, Gronovii suasque annot. adjecit P. Jacobs, 2 vols. 8vo. vellum gilt, 14* Je7ice, 1832 Agassiz, NoMENCLATOR ZooLOGicus, continens Nomina systematica Generum Animalium, cum Indice universali, 12 fasciculi, in 1 vol. 4to. hf. calf, £2. 12« Qd Soloduri, 1842-46 Akerman's (J. Y.) Kemains of Pagan Sax- ondom, 4to. numerous woodcuts, and 40 coloured, plates of Fihulce, Bronzes, Drinkivg Vessels, Urns, Weapons, Domestic Uteaails, etc. (pub. at £3. 3^) an original stihscriher^s copy, half morocco, top edge gilt, 255 1855 Ambrosii (Sancti) Opera, studio Mona- choram Ord. Benedicti, 2 stout folio vols- EDiTio OPTIMA, old culf neat, £4. 45 Paris, 1686-90 The " Te Deum laudamus" was compiled by St. Am- brose. His works are particularly referred to in Arch- bishop Cranmer's Visitation Articles as requisite for Cathedral libraries. His " Commentaries" on the Old Testament embrace the six days, the patriarchs before and after the Flood, the book of Job, and the Psalms ; and on the New Testament, the Gospel of St. Luke, St. Paul's Epistles, and the Book of Kevelation. America: Hernan Cortes. Fifth Letter, to the Emperor Charles V, containing an Ac- count of his Expedition to HONDURAS, translated from the original Spanish by Don Pascual de Gayangos, 8vo. pp. xvi and 156, including Index, cloth, new, \2s Qd Hukluyt Society, 1868 Ancient Anglo-Saxon Laws and Insti- tutes of England, comprising Laws of the Anglo-Saxon Kings, from -^thelbirht to Cnut, Saxo7i and English ; the Laws of Edward the Confessor, William the Con- queror, and Henry the First ; also Monu- menta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, Anglo-Saxon and English, with the ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws, and Glossary, etc. large folio, cloth, 36.9 Record Commission, 1840 Ancient Danish Laws. Kolderup-Rosen- vinge's Samling af gamle danske Love, Vols. IV and V, 4to. sd. 10* Kiob. 1824-27 Ancient Norse Laws. Keyserog Munch, Norges gamle Love indtil 1387, 3 vols. 4to. hds. 2\s Christiania, 1846-49 Anglo-Saxon. English-Saxon Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory, anciently used in the English Saxon Church, Anglo-Saxon and English, with copious notes by Eliz. Elstob, 8vo. very pretty engraved Letters, with a portrait of Miss Elstob, hf. bd.6s 1709 Anglo-Saxon. Heptateuchus, Liber Job, et Evangelium Nicodemi Anglo-Saxonice, ed. Edw. Thwaites, 8vo. frontispiece ajid vig- nettes, fine copy in calf gilt, 18^ Oxon. 1698 Annales (et JOURNAL) des Mines, a COMPLETE SET, from the beginning ill 1794 to 1866, as follows : — Journal des Mines, 38 vols. — Table, in 2 vols. — together 40 vols. hf\ calf neat 1794-1815 Annales des Mines. liere Serie, 13 vols. 1817-26 ; Ilieme, 8 vols. 1827-30 ; Table des matieres contenues dans les Ire et 2me Series, 1 vol. 1831 : IHieme Serie, 20 vols. 1832-41 ; IVieme Serie, 20 vols. 1842-51 ; Vieme S£rie, 20 vols, 1852-61 ; Vlieme Sene, Tom. LIX. 18&2-G6— together 82 vols. hf. calf neat, and 11 vols. inparts,sd. 1817-66 — — together, as above described, a large number of plates, 133 vols. 8vo. one hundred and twenty in new hf. calf neat, and eleven in parts, £4:%. PaWi-, 1794-1866 Sets of this important periodical are now rare ; espe- cially the early series. Another set, as follows : — Journal, avec la Table, 39 vols. bds. 1794-1815 Annales, IHieme Serie, Vols. I-XVIII. 1832-40 ; IVieme Serie, Vols. IX-XI, XVII- XX. 1846-51 ; Vieme Serie, 20 vols, com- plete, 1852-61 ; Vlieme Serie, Vol. I, 1862, 46 vols. 1832-62 —together, as described, 85 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, ten vols, hf hound, the rent in parts and bds. sd. £24. 1794-1862 another set, Journal, Vols. 1-38 (without 36), and Index to 1-28, 38 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 1794-1815 — ANNALES,CinquieraeSerie, com- plete in 20 vols. 8vo. (^wanting 3 nos.\ with the " Lois et Decrets,^' bound, in a separate volume, many plates, six vols. hf. calf, very neat, the rest in parts, sd. 1852-61 — together 58 vols, as described, £10. 1794-61 Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, des le commencement en 1831 jusqu'a 1865, savoir : SMie I, Memoires, Vols. I — XIX; Lois et Ordonnances, 10 vols. ; SSrie II, Momoires, 20 vols. ; Lois, 10 vols. ; Personnel, III — X ; Serie III, Memoires, 20 vols. ; Lois, 10 vols. ; Personnel, 10 vols.; Tables Generales, 1 vol.; Serie IV, Memoires, I— X ; Lois, I — V ; Per- sonnel, I — V ; together as described, 129 vols. 8vo. numerous plates, 65 vols. hf. en f gilt, the rest sd. £25. Paris, 1831-65 the same, from 1850 to April 1863, (without 1851: title, pp. 1-16, and 33—48 of Me- moires Vol. I.; 1856 cahier 2, 1857 cahier 3), in 55 vols. 8vo. twelve vols, cloth, the sd. £6. 1850-63 Annals of Natural History ; or the Ma- gazine of Zoology, Botany, and Geology, continued wider the title Annals and Maga- zine of Natural History, conducted by Sir W. Jardine, p. J. Selby, Sir W. J. Hooker, and others, a complete set from the commence- ment to Aug. 1868 ; Series I, 20 vols. 1838- 47— Series II, 20 vols. 1848-57; Series III, 20 vols. 1858-67— Sertks IV, Nos. 1-8, 1868 — together 56 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, and 32 parts, sd. several hundred plates, some co- -LOVViTLT), from Lord Famham's Library, £27. 1838-68 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 955 ApoUonius of Tyre, Anglo-Saxon Tersion of the Story of Pericles, Avith English Yersion by Thorpe, 8vo. 3« &d 1834 Arabic. ALF LAILA. The First two hun- dred Nights of the Arabian Nights Enter- tainments, and the Story of Sindbad, in Arabic, published by tjhmud (Ahmad) Shirwanee, 2 vols, in 1, stout Bvo. pp. 430 and 458, calf gilt, 325 Calcutta, 1814-18 Rare. It is a different version from Macnaughten's. Arabshah.. 'Ajayyibu l-Maqdur wa Akhbaru Timur : Life of Tamerlane, by *Ahmad bin 'Arabshah, in Arabic, roy. 8vo. elegantly writte7i MS. bound in calf neat, £2. Sec. XVIII. MSS. of this worlc are very scarce and valuable ; Ptill more so, when perfect and offering an accurate text. Such is the case with the present copy, which is beautifully and most correctly written, being transcribed from an old MS. dated 256 A.H., only two years after the author's death. Ibnu Khaldttn. Muqaddimatu 'bni Khaldun: Prolegomenes d'Ebn-Khaldoun, texte Arabe, public d'apres les MSS. de la Bibliotheque Iraperiale, par Quatremere, Tome I, tirage- a part des Notices et Extraitt, in 3 parts or vols, Uo.pp. 422, 408, 434, all published, sd. 305 Paris, 1858 The great work of Ibn Khaldun is one of the finest historical productions of Arabic literature, but has never been completely printed. The above is the Introduction, containing a great deal of literary history, with extracts from tlie poets. The Baron de Slane has published the last part in 2 vols. 4to, containing the History of the Berber races. See ante in catalogue under Arabic, Arabic Maerizi. AL-MAwaiz wa 'l- 'iTiBaR be Zikri '1-Khutat wa rA9ar : Historical and Chorographical Description of Egypt, in Arabic, by Taqiu d'Din Ahmad al-Maq- rizi, 2 vols, folio, jy/?. 498 and 521, hf. hd. £5. Buldq, A.H. 1270 The only printed edition of this great historical work, which was written early in the fifteenth century. " Parmi les ouvrages de Makrizi, il n'en est pas, sans contredit, de plus important et de plus cdlfebre que sa Description de I Egypte et du Caire. C'est Ih. que notre auteur a d^ployg toute son Erudition historique ; c'est la qu'il a rduni au plus haut degr^ des renseignements pleins d'int^ret." Quatremire. Archeeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts re- lating to Antiquity published by the Society of A^STiQUARiES of LoNDON, 41 vols. nu- merous plates, Vols. I to XXXV, bf. blue morocco, vncut, top edges gilt, and Vols. XXXVI-XLI in 12 parts— Index to first fifteen volumes and Catalogue of the Library, 2 vols, in 1, 1809-16— Index to Vols. 16-30, 1 vol. bds. 1844— Liber Quotidianus Con- trarotulatoris Garderobae 28 Edwardi I (1299-1300), hf. morocco, uncut, uniform, 1787^ — Collection of Ordinances and Regula- tions for the Royal Household and Receipts in Ancient Cookery, half bound, 1790 — together 37 vols. 4to. neatly and uniformly hf. bd. blue morocco, uncut, and 6 vols, (in 12 parts) in cloth, and one vol. bd^.from Sir Charles Price's libi-ary, £36. 1770-68 Such a fine uncut copy does not easily occur. See also as a companion amongst the 8vos. Sir Charles's beau- tiful uncut copy of the Gentleman's Magazine. Archseologia, numerous plates. Vols, I to XXXV, hf. russia, and Vols. XXXVI to XXXIX in 8 parts, cloth, 1770-1868— Indexes to first thirty volumes, 2 vols — together 37 vols, in 35, 4to. hf. russia, and 8 parts, cloth, £IS. 1770 63 Archseologia Cambrensis, a Eecord of the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeo- logical Association, from 1855 to 1868, being the third Series, Nos. 1-56, or Vols. I-XIV, with Francis' Lordship of Gower, parts 1-2, and F. Michel's Gesta Regum Britanniaa, 1862— together (with Supplements) 61 parts, 8vo. many plates, (pub. at £13. 135) sd., £7. 10» 1855-68 A very valuable and interesting publication, throwing great light upon the early history of Wales, by the dis- covery of early MSS. Antiquities, «fcc. Archeeologia Cambrensis, a Record of the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and Journal of the Cambrian Archgeological Association, Vols. I and II, 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, hf. green morocco, uncut, rare, 20* 1846-47 Archaeological Association : Journal of the Akcii^eological Association, a per- fect set, from the beginning in 1845 to 1868, Vols. I-XXI V, with Vols. I and II of the Journal of the Institute — together 26 vols. 8vo. many plates and woodcuts (pub. at £40. 10*) eight vols, cloth, uncut, the rest in parts, £10, 10s 1845-68 A most desirable set. It is stated in the secretary's report to the Association (see Vol. i) that their first volume contains several articles in continuation of the first vo- lume of the Institute, the proper ownership of which was disputed. This volume, although scarce, has therefore been added to the above set, making it absolutely perfect. Archaeological Institute : Journal of the Arch^ological INSTITUTE of Great Britain, a complete set from the commencement in 1814 to 1865, parts 1 to 88, being Vols. I— XXII, 8vo. extensively illustrated with plates and. woodcuts, (pub. at £38. \2s Cd) sewed, £12. 1844-65 another copy, Vols. I— XXIII part 2, being Nos. 1-90, the frst nineteen vols, calf extra, gilt edges, the rest in fourteen parts, 8vo. mafiy engravings, from Sir Chas. Prices library, £15. 15^ 1844-66 The Archseological Association and the Archasologlcal Institute were originally united in one body under the title of '^Association:'' After the publication of their first volume, the members divided, under the above denomina- tions. This volume bears the name on the title of " Asso- eicUion;" it appeared in 1846; it is the first volume of the Journal of the Institute, and is the only volume of the In- stitute which bears the name of "■Association." The first volume of the British Archaeological Association's Journal appeared one year later, namely, in 1846, and contains a lengthy statement of the causes which led to the divi- sion. AristoteliS Opera, Grsece, eura Aldi Manucii, 5 vols, in 7, small folio. First Edition, neat in old calf, from the British Museum, and the Duke of Sussex's library, £10. 10* Venetiis, dexteritate Aldi Manucii Romani, 1495-98 Priced, 1827, Thorpe, £25.; 1837, Thorpe, morocco, £31. 10«; 1822-24, Payne and Foss, £24., 1830, £21.; 1841, H. Bohn, mor. £21. ; 1843, Payne and Foss, morocco, £21. ; 1859, Libri, £28. ; the above copy, by H. Bohn, £11. l\s. Dr. Heath's copy sold for £46., Mr. Heber's for £43., and the Merly for £43. Is ; 1824, Sir Mark Sykes, £17. Editio Pkiwcefs. Dr. Dibdin says that this is un- questionably one of the most splendid and lusting monu- ments of the productions of the Aldine press. Renouaid also remarks that it is a precious monument of the zeal of the elder Aldus for letters, and one of his most impor- tant editions. It« execution places him in the first rank, both as editor and printer. Su Dibdin's Bibl. Spencer, I, p. 268. 3 D 956 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Armorial : German. Kneschke's Deutsche Grafen-Hauser der Gegenwart, 3 vols. 8yo. Arms of all the German Counts^ cloth, 25? Leipzig, 1852-54 Armorial of Paris : Beaumont, Gouver- neurs, Lieutenans de Koy, Prevots des Marchands, Echevins, etc. de la Ville de Paris, folio, 117 plates, comprising nearly 1000 Coats of Arms, old French calf, gilt edges, 21s Paris, (? 1780) Arnett's Bibliopegia ; or the Art of Book- binding, 18mo. plates, cloth, a verij interest- ing little hook, 7s 6d 1835 Ars Moriendi. Facsimile of the EDITIO PRINCEPS OF THIS WONDERFUL BLOCK- BOOK : executed by photography from the unique copy in the possession of T. O. Weigel in Leipzig, royal 4to. 24 leaves, re- presenting in exact facsimile this singularly beautiful Block-hook^ in a portfolio, £3. Leipzig, 1869 Only 100 copies were printed. Falkenstein in his History of Printing says, page 23: This Block-Doolc surpasses in the spirited expression of the figures, and in the artistic use of the graver, every artistic production of the 15th century; conception and execution point to Lower Rhenish origin, and it was most liliely the work of the great artist Petrus Christus of Cologne, temp. 1438. Ash (J.) English Dictionary and Gram- mar, 2 vols. 8vo. very rich in English Slang and ohsolete words, hf.russia extra, \Qs 1775 Ashmolean Society's Proceedings, 1832- 55, Nos. 1—33, or Vols. I, II, III, pts. 1—3; Transactions of the Ashmolean Society, con- sisting of valuable essays on Archaeology, Antiquities, Entomology, Astronomy, Mathe- matics, Zoology, Geology, etc. by Rigaud, Daubeny, Powell, Donkin, and others, 1834, 62, Nos. 1 — 25, or Vols. I and II. — together three vols. 8vo. hj. calf neat, and three sd. parts, many plates, rare, £4. 4s Oxford, not published, 1832-55 the same, Proceedings, Nos. 1 — 22, or Vols. 1. II, Pts. 1—3, 1832 45— Transactions, Nos. 1—20, or Vols. I, II, Pts. 1-9, 1834-44 ;— to- gether 42 parts, 8vo. many plates, sd. £2. 2s ib. 1832-45 ASIATIC Society : Journal of the Royal Asi- atic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, from the beginning to 1863, complete set of the First Series, 20 vols. 8vo. many plates, (pub. £12. \3s6d)hfcfneat, £10.1.55 1834-63 All the learning and ingenuity of English oriental scholarship, during the past thirty years, are trea- sured up in these volumes. The most distinguished names of the day are to be found in the list of its con- tributors. Assyrian. Stern, die dritte Gattung der Achamenischen Keilinschriften erlautert, 8vo. sd. 2s Gottingen, 1850 Aubry's Letters, written by Eminent Per- sons in the 17th and 18th centuries ; to which are added, Hearne's Journeys, and Lives of Eminent Men, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 15« 1813 Auchinleck Press : FRONDES CADUC^ complete in 7 vols. 4to. hf. morocco, £12. 125 1816-18 Containing : 1 Whetstone's Remembraunces of Sir Nicolas Bacon, Sir Philip Sidney, Dier, etc. 1578-86 2. A Fig for Momus, by Lodge 1595 3. Churchyard's Mirror of Man and Manners of Men, Praise of Poetry, Court and Wars, etc. in 2 vols. 1594-96 4. Lawder's Scottish Soldier, etc. Edinb. 1629 5. Ane Tractat of a part of ye Yngliss Cro- nikle, (from Asloan's MSS.) 6. The Buke of ye Chess. The Auchinleck Press, for reprinting rare books, was founded by Sir Alexander Boswell, son of James Boswell, the biographer of Dr. Johnson, at Auchinleck House, near Cunnock, Dumfriesshire. Audubon (J.) Birds of America, Vol. I. double atlas folio, 100 beautifully coloured plates, half red morocco, gilt edges, 1827-30 ; with Ornithological Bio- graphy, Vol. I. being descriptive text of plates, 1-100, Edinb. 1831, in royal ^vo. uniformly bound, £25. The complete work, in 4 vols, with 435 plates sells for 200 guineas. Audubon's Ornithological Biography ; or an Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America ; accompanied by Descriptions of the Objects represented in the Work, entitled " The Birds of Ame- rica," 5 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, £6. 65; or, hf. red morocco gilt top, edge uncut, presentation copy to Dr. Hooker, rare, £8. 8* Edinb. \^Z\-Z^ Austin (J.) Lectures on Jurisprudence, or the Philosophy of Positive Law, third edition by Campbell, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 32«) cloth, 27s 1869 Bacon (Francis, Lord Chancellor of England) Works, new edition by Montagu, 17 vols. 8vo. best edition, the only one having Lord Bacon's Latin Works, with an English translation, c/2//wmi, £5. 15^ 1825-34 Badger (Rev. G. P.) Nestorians and their Rituals, 2 vols. 8vo. portraits^ map on linen, and many cuts, cloth, 155 1852 Baily (F.) Account of the Rev. John FLAM- STEED, the first Astronomer Royal, compiled from his own Manuscripts, etc. with his Bri- tish Catalogue of Stars, with the Rare Sup- plement, pp. 675-751, stout 4to. half calf presentation copy to Sir Henry Ellis., £3 . 1 64 Printed by order of the Admiralty, 1835-37 Bannatyne Club Books: Laing's Descriptive Catalogue of Impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals, from 1094 to the Commonwealth, 4to. with 30 fne plates, bds. uncut, £2. I85 Edinburgh, printed J or the Bannatyne Club, 1850 Holyrood. Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis, Munimenta Ecclesie Sancte Crucis de Ed- winesburg, edited by Cosmo Innes, 4to. plates of seals, cloth, 2\s Edinburgh Bannatyne Ch'b, 1840 Letter from Dr. Butler to the Rev. Dr. Todd inserted. Origines Parochiales Scotise; the Anti- quities, Ecclesiastical and Territorial, of the Parishes oi Scotland, edited by Buchan, preface by Cosmos Innes, 3 vols. 4to. maps (pub. £5. 125 Qd) cloth, £4. 4* Edinburgh, 1851-55 Baronii (CiESARis") Annales Ecelesias- tici, CUM Continuatione O. Ratnaldi. Accedunt Critica Historico - Chronologica A. Pagi, Apparatus, Notae J. D. Mansi. ct Indices, 38 vols. foHo, LARGE PAPER, fine copy, in Italian vellum, from Dr. Todd's library, £40. Lucae, 1738-87 A fine perfect large paper copy like the above is a MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 957 desideratum for a public library, and very rarely met with. Edition pref(Sr^e aux autres, car les critiques de Pagi y sont inserees a leiirs places ; on y trouve des notes par Mansi et de plus des index en 3 vols, qui ne sont pas dans Tedition de Kome. — Brunei. The annals of Baronius furnish the only complete and connected account of Christian affairs during the tirst twelve centuries of the Church, and with the Supplements of Raynaldus and Spondanus, and the Chronological Ap- paratus of Pagi and Mansi's Notes, bring the Ecclesiastical History down to the year 1640 in one continuous narra- tive, introducing documents from the Papal Archives which serve to elucidate profane history at the same time, and to which, in the earlier portion more particularly, Baronius had access both as Cardinal and intimate fi'iend and confessor to Pope Clement VIII. Barrington's ( Sir Jonah) Personal Sketches of his own Times, third edition, by Townsend Young, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, (pub. 18*) cloth, Us 1869 Bartsch (Adam) Le Peintre Gravetjr, 21 vols. 8vo. halfrussia, £9. Vienna, 1808-21 The first five volumes are of the new edition, Leipzig, 1854; with the "copies des Estampes tr^s rares des Differens Maitres," 4to. Basque Airs, with the Words and Music, Euscaldun ancifia ancinaco, impl. 4to. cloth, £2. 25 Dono&tiav, 1526 Basque Bible and Testament, translated as well as printed j'or the ,f^rst time, at the expense of Prince L. L. Bonaparte. Only 50 copies are intended for commerce. BASQUE Bible : Biblea, edo Testament Zahar eta BeiTia Duvoisin Kapitainak, latinezko Bulgatatik lehembiziko aldiko Laphurdiko eskarara itzuli. Luis-Luziano Bonai)arte printzcak argitara emana : La Sainte Bible, traduite pour la premiere fois en langue Basque, Dialecte du Labourd, par le Capi- taine Duvoisin, editee par le Prince Louis- Lucien Bonaparte, impl. 8vo. 1365 pp. double columns, in five parts, £8. 1859-64 " Mons. Jean Duvoisin, a retired Captain in the Customs' service at Bayonne, has received the decora- tion of the Legion of Honour for a translation of the Bible into the Basque language of Labourd in France. M. Duvoisin spent six years in the translation, and six years more were spent by Prince Louis Lucien in revi- sion, and in settling the orthography of the Basque words. The printing of the Bible in the Guipuscoan Basque of Spain, of which the Prince is one of the collaborators, is also commenced under his supervision, and will be completed by him in five years." The Times, Feb. 18th, 1865. Basque Grammar. LARRAMENDI, Arte de la Lengua Bascongada, 18mo. vellum, 15.? Salamanca, 1729 BASQUE Grammar : Van Ets (W. J.) Essai de Grammaire de la Langue Basque, (Dia- lecte de Guipuzcoa), 8vo. deuxieme edition, revue et augmentee, sd. 6* Amsterdam, 1867 Basque Testament. Jesus-Christo gure- jaunaren Testament Berria, lapurdico escu ararat it^ulia, 8vo. calf, 305 Bayonan, 1828 Bateman's Orchidacese of Mexico and Guatemala, complete in 8 parte, elephant folio, 40 viagnijicent jdotes, beautifully COLOURED, the Ictter^press embellished by splendid woodcuts, descriptive leaves 6-9, and Introductory pp. 5-6 defcient, unbound, en- closed in a half morocco case, £15. 1837-43 Mr. Q. buys and sells separate plates of this work. "This is without question the >,'reatest botanical work of the present age. Mr. Bateman has got it up perfectly regardless of expense, and would be a con- siderable loser even had the edition been published at double the price. Only one hundred and twenty-five copies were printed, which were all subscribed for." Bateman's Second Century of Orchi- daceous Plants, selected from the sub- jects published in Curtis's ' Botanical Maga- zine,' since the issue of the * First Century ;' edited by James Bateman, Esq., F.R.S. Complete in 1 vol. royal 4to. 100 beautifully coloured plates, (sells' £5. 5^) cl. £3. 3* 1867 During the fifteen years that have elapsed since the publication of the ' Century of Orchidaceous Plants,' now out of print, the ' Botanical Magazine' has been the means of introducing to the public nearly two hundred of this favourite tribe of plants, not hitherto described and figured, or very imperfectly so. This volume contains a se- lection of 100 of the most beautiful and best adapted for cultivation. The descriptions are revised, and in many cases re-written, agreeably with the i)resent more ad- vanced state of our knowledge and experience in the cul- tivation of Orchidaceous plants, by Mr. Bateman, th • ac- knowledged successor of Dr. Lindley as the leading authority in this department of botany and horticultttre. Beckford (W.) Thoughts on Hunting, large 8vo. plates engraved, by John Scott, and vip- nette by Bewick, green morocco extra, gilt edges, 20s 1810 Bedse Opera : Basdae Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum ; Eadem a Rege Alnrcdo Anglo Suxouice reddita ; Vita S. Cudbercti; Historia Abbatum Wiremuth. et Gyrvven- sium ; Epistola ad Ecgberctum ; de Locis Sanctis ; Martyrologium, cumauctario Flori: Vita etc. cura et studio Johan. Smith, folio, BEST EDITION, map and plates, calf Dr. Todd's copy, £2. 5s Cnntabr. 1722 the same, folio, nero calf qilt, £3. 2>s 1722- Priced, 1829, Thorpe, mor. £7. VJs U; Stewart, £4. 10s Large paper, Rodd, £6. IO5. Beddome (R. H.) The Ferns of British India, being figures and descriptions of Ferns of British India, exclusive of those figured in " The Ferns of Southern India and Ceylon," 2 vols. roy. 4to. 300 plates, bds. £b. 155 3I'>dra'<, 1866-68 Belgicae Ecclesiae Confessio, Catechis- mus, Liturgia et Canones, JVeo- Greece, 4to. LAKGE PAPER, Velium, \2S Lvg. Bat. B. et A. Elzevirii, 1846 Bellarmini Disputationes de Controver- siis, opera Joannis Vitzk, 4 vols, folio, beat edition, fine port, half vellum, uncut, very scarce, £5. 05 Fragae, 1721 " No author, whether Romanist or Protestant, should write about Scripture and tradition until he has studied the works of Bellarmine, themost acute, the most metliodi- cal, the most comprehensive, and, at the same time, one of the most candid controversialists of the church of Rome." — Bp. Marsti. Bentham (Jeremy) Official Aptitude maximized: Ex]:)cnse minimized: 8vo. with autogriph p'-r- sentation on the title, cloth, 6s 6d 1830 Tracts, viz.: "Swear not at all," 1817 — Pica for the Constitution, 1803 — Table of the Springs of Action, 1817 — Tracts on Spanish Affairs, 1821— Trial, King v. Edmonds, 1820 — On Liberty of the Tress, 1821— Address to the National Convention of France — Observa- tions on reel's Speech on Police Magistrates, 1825 — 8 pieces in 1 vol. 8vo. bds. 12.v 1803-25 Plea for the Constitution, 8vo. bds. \.'<6d 1803 Berlese (Abbe) Iconograi)hie du Genre Cajniel- LiA, peints par M. J. J. .FnNG, avec la Descrip- tion et des Observations ])ratiqnrs de M. TAbbo Beri.kse, 3 vols, folio, with 300 exquisitely beautiful coloured plates, half red morocco, uncut, £12, 125 I'aris, 18.'36-45 This work is almost without parallel foi" brilliant effect. 3 tt 2 958 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Beroalde do VerviUe, le Cabinet de Mi- nerye : observations amoureuses, Subtilitez, Rencontres joyeuses, Avantures, etc, 18mo. portion of last leaf facsimile, beautiful copy in old citron moroccOj gilt edges, 365 Rouen, 1601 Boroalde, le Moyen de parvenlr, 2 vols. 18mo. 7iouveUe edition, calf, rare aiid curious, 20* 1757 Bibel, die Heilige Schrift, Luther's Ubersetzung, mit Apocrypha, thick 8vo. good type, calf, gilt edges, 6« Leipzig, cir, 1820 Bible (Holy) containing the Old and New Tes- tament, M-ith the Apocryphal Books in the earliest English Versions made from the Latin Vulgate, by John "Wycliffe and his followers, edited by the Kev. Josiah For- shall and Sir Frederic Madden, the two versions printed in parallel colunius, and the notes tinderneafh, cloth, £3. 35 Ojford tfniversify Press, 1850 It l8 astonishing, considering tlie widely spread Bible Worship in England and America, that the above scholarly edition of the really FIRST ENGLISH BIBLE shonld be BO much neglected, both by the reUgioas world and by Philologists. All the knowTi Manuscripts (170 in number) of the English translations of the Old and Xew Testament by Wyclitfe and his followers have here been most carefully collated by the first PalaBOgrapher in England, and an ac- curate text of Two Vkksions has thus been obtahied. This publication is the best issued for years from the Ox- ford University Press, — England should be proud of this Literary Monument, a glorious inheritance from the Middle Ages. The ample critical notes and various readings will prove of great interest to Saxon and English Scholars. The previously existing editions of the New Testa- ment, 1731, 1810, 184S, were all printed from one Manu- script only ; their value is very slender. Vetus et Novum Testamentum, ex an- tiquissimo Codice Vaticano, ed. Ang. MAIUlS, Card., 5 vols, iinpl. 4to. fne copy in vellum, £10. Boviae, 1857 In spite of what writers have said about Cardinal Mai's edition of the Greek Bible, it was edited by him witli his well known scliolarship. In this readable edition any ScHoijk.R may thus refer to the famous Vatican Codex ; if a facsimile edition had been produced, only a few PALAEOGEAriiEiiN could liave referred. A facsimile speci- men is prefixed to the first volume. Novum Instrumentum, Grace et Latine, diligenter ab Erasm.O Kotekodamo re- cognitmn et cmendatum, cum annotationibus, folio, editio princeps, red morocco extra, gilttdgts, £lu. 10* BaailecB, in adibus Frobenii, 1516 A most desiiable copy of this interesting volume' which, as the hrst published Greek Testament, must always claim a prominent place in eveiy library. Hibbert's copy fetched £10. IO5; Dr. Hawtrey's £10.15*'; and it is now some time since any copy has occurred for sale. Its extreme rarity is dwelt upon by Home and other bibliographers. The disputed text of the " three witnesses", 1 John Epist. v. 7, is not contained in this first edition with the annotations of Erasmus. Novum Testamentum Grsecum editionis receptse, cum lect. var. necnon commentario pleniore ex scrip loribus veteribus Hebrjeis, Graecis et Latiiiis, historiam et vim verboriim illustraute, opera et studio J. J. Wetstenii, 2 vols, folio, calf, £3. I65 Amst. 1751-52 " No sound critic should be without this invaluable work."— /fa^e*. Triced. 1822, £10. 10* ; 1840, £7. 17« 6d; 1840, mo- rocco, £12. 12*; 1831, £8. 8*. Sir Mark Sykes' copy, letched £8. bt\ Koscoe's, £7. Purton Cooper's copy, ituisia, 18&5, £5. 10« ; 1853, D. Turner's copy, £5. Novum. Testamentum, Grace et Latine, ab Erasmo, editio secunda, io\\o,fne wood- cut borders, vigyiettes and capital letters after designs by Holbein, calf, £4. Basilece,i7i (zdibns Frobenii, 1519 Biblia Latina, stout folio, ywatly ruled, old calf 205 I'arix^ Jt. StejJhanus, 1528 This lithe first of Stephens' recensions: and was, says Townley, " corrected from the best MSS. he could procure of the Vulgate version, as well as from the Complutensian Polyglott, and from all other printed editions he could obtain." This, as well as all Stephens' editions, -were put on the list of prohibited works. Biblia Latina, cum Vatabli et Variorum interpretum annotationibus ; latina interprc- tatio duplex est : altera vetus, altera nova, editio emendatior et auctior, 2 stout vols, folio, apparently large papek, calf neat, £3. 165 Paris, 1729 Psalterium, vario genere carminis latine rcdditum a Mauritio Hassise Land- gravio, &c. small 4to. olive morocco, gilt gaufre edges, 36« Snialcaldice, 1590 This versified Latin Psalter by Meurice Landgrave of Hesse, is a book of the greatest rarity : it was printed only for presents, and was expressly forbidden to be reprinted by any one, as expressed after the Duke's Coat of Arms on the last page : Hoc opus illust/'e est Hessorum Principis: ergo iiijussus temere nemo recudat idem." Bible (Bouman). Biblia adek Dmnezojka Skriptur, tiprit in Imprat Frantsisk J. Josiph pre Andr. Baron de Shaguna, 2 vols, in 1 , stout folio, engravings, pp. 920 and 241 double cols, containing the Bible in the Wal- lachian language, gilt binding, 32s Sibii {Hermannstndt), 1856-58 Pentateuch (Spanish). Cmco Libros de Ley Divina con las Aphatarot . . . por David Tartaz, 12mo. engraved title, very scarce, in a beautijul toktoiseshell bind- ing, ornamented toilh silver corners, clasps and bands, £5. Amsterdam, 5451 A beautiful specimen of binding in tortoise shell. Syriac Novum Testamentum Syriacum, cum versione latine, cura Leusden et Schaaf, 4to. vellum, \0s Lugd. Bat. 1709 Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, or Bibliographical Notices of rare and curious Books in the Library of the Rt. Hon. Thos. Grenville, com- piled by J. T. Payne and H. JFoss, 3 vols. roy. bvo. half calf gilt, Lord Faruhanis copy, £8. 8« 1842-48 Pare. Vols. I. and II. are out of print ; only a few copies were published. Bibliotheca Literaria, being a Collection of Inscriptions, Medals, Dissertations, &c. (by Drs. Webb, Wasse, Wotton, Jortin, Pearce, and others) ; 10 JN'os. in 1 vol. 4to. all pub- lished, vellum, scarce, \5s 1722-24 '' The Bibliotheca Literaria compleat, of which the first six numbers and the tenth were published by Mr. Jebb; the seventh, eighth, and ninth, by nie." — From a MS. note in Wasse's handtct-iting in his own copy. Billing's Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of SCOTLAND, 240 highly fnished and interesting engravings of Ancient Castles, Abbies, Churches, (;c>w, 1735 37 — Memoires pour servir a I'histoire des comtes de Bourgogne, Besanqon et Dijon, 1740 — en tout 3 vols. 4to. Irench calf, £2. 10« Dutch Proverbs. Harrebom^e, Spreek- woordenboek der Nederlandscbe Taal, 2 large vols, in 1, stout Svo. hf. bd. morocco, \As Utrecht, 1858 Du Verdier, les Diverses Lemons, suivans eel les de Pierre Messie, contenans plusieurs histoires, discours, et faicts memorables, 12ino. vellum, fne copy, lOs Touryion, 1604 !Edda Snorronis Sturlaei, Islandice et Latine, cum notis Orsted, WerlaufF, Rafn, etc. 2 vols. Svo. Fine Paper, bds. 30s Hafniae, 1848-52 Edwards (E.) Free Town Libraries, their For- mation, Management and History, in Britain, France, Germany and America, thick Svo. pp. 371 and 262, Svo. (pub. 21*) cl lis &d 1869 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 9G5 Egypt. Burton's Excerfta Hieroglyph rcA, or Exact Copies of various Hieroglyphical Inscriptions and Sculptured Monuments still existing in Egypt, and Nubia, and at Mount Sinai, &c. &c. 4 parts, complete in 1 vol. obi. folio, with 62 most curium j'l^tes, privately PRiXTKD, hf. bd. very rare, £2, Cairo, 1823-7 Ellis (Sir Henry) General Introduction to Domesday Book ; with Indexes of the Tenants in Chief and under Tenants, at the time of the Survey, and abstract of the Popu- lation of England at the close of the reign of William the Conqueror, 2 vols. 8vo. morocco, very scarce, £. 3s 6d 1833 Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, a com- plete SET, 25 vols, with General Index, etc. in 59 vols, 4to. numerous plates, (pub. at £61. 19s) bds. uncut, quite clean, £7. 10* 1818-45 English New Testament, published in 1526, being the first translation from the Greek into English, by W. Tyndale, reprinted verbatim, with a Memoir of his Life and Writings by Ofpor, 4to. large VELLUM paper, ruled thraugliout, the pur- traits and vignettes, illdmIxNATed in the mediaval style, purple morocco, (jilt edyes, £3. Zs London, Baijster, 1836 A very elegant volume. Vetus Testamentum Grsecum, curis Holmes et Parsons, 5 vols, in 4, large folio (pub. at £25. in sheets), beautiful copy in calf neat, £7. \0s Oxon. 1798-1827 Another copy, 5 vols, folio, blue morocco extra, gilt edyes, Jrom Mr. Fetit^s library, £10. 10* 1798-1827 The Dean of Peterborough's copy fetched, 1853, £11.10«. Epicurus' Morals, collected out of his own Greek text, to Diogenes Laertius, faithfully Englished (by Charleton), sm. 4to. large paper, portrait, from the Marquis of Bast- ing's Library, with copious 3IS. notes, calf. Is &d 1656 Euclid's Elements, with select Theorems out of Archimedes, by Tacquet, published by Whis- ton, sm, 8vo. port, and folding plates, calf, lis 1714 Ey ton's (Thos. C.) A History of the Rarer Bri- tish Birds, being a Supplement to Bewick, cloth, 105 A Monograph on the Anatidse, being De- scriptions of the Species of Anatidae, with many Plates, both Anatomical and of Species, cloth, 4to. £4. As A few copies only of the above are left. Osteologia Avium, being Sketches of the Osteology of Birds, 2 vols. 4to. cloth, £7. 5* Supplement to Osteologia Avium, containing 18 plates of Skeletons, and Trachea of the Anatidae, cloth, ZQs A Synopsis of the Anatidse, crown 8vo. Is Facsimiles of leaves op scarce books : HENRY VIH's PRIMER, 12mo. London, 1548; — Title, Almanacke, and Colophon ; 3 leaves in facsimile, by Harris, 21« HO LIN SHED'S CHRONICLES, 2 'vols, folio, 1577 J — Xhe two leaves of " Faultes and over- sightes escaped in the printing " so frequently wanting in copies of this work ; excellent fac- similes by Harris, £2. 2* HOHMANl VULGARIA, 4to. London, 1519;— Title and leaves 2-6 ; facsimile by Harris, 21 < Ferns. Hooker (Sir W. J.) BRITISH FERNS, 66 COLOURED plates bi/ Fitch, 1861 —Hooker's GARDEN FERNS ; or Selec- tion of Exotic Ferns adapted for cultivation in the Garden, Hothouse and Conservatory, 64 coi.o\Jii^T> plates, 1862 — 2 vols, in 1 (pub. at £4. As) hf. maroon mor. £.3. 3s 1861-62 Pinsch (Dr. Otto) die Papageien, monograph- isch bearbeitet, 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. with 5 co- loured plates of Birds and a map, sd. £2. 2« Leiden, 1867-68 Flora Danica, sen Icones Plantarum sponte nascentium in Dania et Norwegia ; a large portion of this grent work, consisting of 1203 finely coloured plates, scientifcally ar- ranged, in \0 Yols. folio, f vein cloth, t lie others boards, £6. 10* Ilavnia, 1766, &c. Including Pentandria, 110 plates ; Hexandria, 34 ; Decandria, 72; Tiiandria, 71; Syngeneaia, 88; Mo- noecia, 38; Didynamia, 47 ; Diadelphia, 41; etc. etc Florio (J.) Dictionary, Italian and English. Whereunto is added a Dictionary, English and Italian, with Proverbs, &c. by G. Tor- riano, folio, lOs 1659 Forster (Rev. Chas.) The One Primeval Language traced through Ancient Inscrip- tions, 3 vols. 8vo. and a map in case, with many plates and woodcuts of A ncient Inscrip- tio7is, cloth, 20s 1852 Fox's Ecclesiastical History : contain- ing the Acts and Monuments of Martyrs ; with a General Discourse of the later Perse- cutions, horrible Troubles, and Tumults, stirred up by Romish Prelates in the Church, best edition, edited by Strype, 3 vols, folio, portrait by Start, and plates, calf extra, marbled edges, £7. 7s Lond. 1684 In 1827, Th. WiUiams's copy fetched, £21. ; in 1828, a copy £13. 105. "As to his Acts and Monuments, it is a most interest- ing, and in many respects a most valuable book. It will remain, however, as long as literature remains, a monu- ment of his industry, his laborious research, and his sin- cere piety." — Wood's Athmce. '' Having compared his Acts and Monuments with the Records, I have never been able to find any errors or pre- varications in them, but the utmost lidelity and exact- ness." — Bishop Burnet. Foxe (John) Ecclesiastical History, containing the Actes and Monuments of Martrjrs, third EDITION, 2 vols, in 1 , folio, imperfect at be- ginning and end, numerous interesting wood~ cuts in the text, old rf. £2. 10« JohnBnye, 1576 the same, fourth edition, 2 vols, folio, woodcuts, including the folding cut of the poisoning of King John, frequently wariting, imperftct, but a tall clean copy, rough calf, 36s John Da ye, 1583 Praehn, Recensio Numraonim Muhammeda- norum Acad. Impl. Scient. Petropolitanaa, 4to. 774 pp. sd. 36s Ft trap. 1826 Freytag, die verloi-ene Handschrift, Roman, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. cloth, 8.v 6d Leipzig, 1865 Gaelic : ARMSTRONG'S Gaelic- English and English Gaelic Dictionary, with Gaelic Grammar, 4to. (pub. £3. 13.t 6^ calf extra, 3^s 1825 Galerie du Palais Royal gravee d'apres les Tableaux des differentes Ecoles qui la com- posent, par J. Couche, avec une description de chaque tableau par de Fontenai, (Morel, etc.) 3 vols, royal. foMo, fine impressions, old red moroccOf y. e. £42. Par«.1786-180 9G6 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. GaUeria Reale di Torino, illustrata da Roberto d'Azeglio, 4 vols, royal folio, illus- trated with numerous beautiliil engraAings, India proofs before Letters, hnlf morocco, uficnt, to}-) edfies gilt, a copy in the choicest state, £26. 10s Torino, 1836-46 Garein de Tassy, Histoire de la Litterature Hindouie et Hindoustanie, seconde editio7i, revue, corrigee tt considerablemgnt angmentee, 3 vols. 8to. de plus de 600 pagen chncnn, dont le premier sera en voite le ler Janvier 1870, le second e7i avril,et le troisieme et der- nier en aout, price of the Svols. 36s Paris, 1870 Genealogical Tracts from the Library of Lord Farnham. — Castle of Kilkea, view in sepia, 1853~Castleof Maynooth, 1853— Dod, Birth and Worth, printed for presentation, 1849— List of High Sheriffs of Lancashire from 1154 to 1849— Memoirs of John Poten- ger, Esq. 1841— Account of the Manor and Castle of Sudeley, 1844— Cris de Guerre et Devises de France et de VAngleterre, etc. 1832 — Installation of Knights of St. Patrick, 1809 — Ditto, 1821, Majiusd'ipt,— in one vol. sm. 8vo. ///. calf, a valuable coUection, 3Ss Genealogical Tracts : Coronation of Lewis XVI. Bath, 1775— Dolgorouky (Prince P.) Notices sur les principales Families de Russie rare, having been suppressed by the Emperor Berlin, 1858— Remarks on Foreign Titles 1858— R. (T. J.) de la Noblesse de la Gentry la plus ancienne d'Angleterre, d'Irlande et d'Ecosse, Paw, 1847 — Scrope and Grosvenor Controversy— Farnh am on Private Libraries (in America), Boston, U. S. 1855— Hay, Bos- cobel, a History— Catalogue of Sir W. Bet- ham's MSS.— 9 tracts in one vol. ?f. calf, \ from Lord Farnham's library, 25s v. y. Genealogical Tracts: D'Eyncourt Testi- monial, portrait and plate, 1853 -Genealogi- cal Memoir of the Family of Toker, co. Kent, 1853— Memorials of the" Families of Chamier and Des Champs, 1852— Descent of the Grira- aldi Family, 1850— Martin (C. Wykeham) Attempt to establish the descent of William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, from the Family of Wykeham, of Swalcliffe, 1852— Burke (J. B.) Bayons Manor, Seat of the D^ Eijnconrt Family, views, 1852 — Somaster (S.) Devonshire Families. Prospectus, 1837 — Appendix to Gunning Family Documents, Cheltenham, 1834— Longstaffe (W. H.) Pa- rentalian Memoranda (Lineage and Alliances of the Allans, Hyltons, Clervaux, and Chaytor Families), woodcuts, Newca.stle-vpon-Tyne, 1852 — Statement of the Claims of Sir Page Dick, Bart. 1821, Slingsby's Pedigree, 1845 — together 13 pieces in onevol. roy. 8vo. mayiy behig reprinfed for private circulation, from Lord F(irvham\s library, £2. 2s v. y. Geographical Society: Journal of the Geographical Society of London, from its commencement in 1830 to 1866, Vols. I. to XXXVI, with Indexes to the first twenty volumes, 38 vols. 8vo. numerous maps, (pub. at £25. 95) hf caf7ieat. £10. 1832-66 This periodical does not confine itself to strictly- geographical information, but also contains articles on the EthnoloKy and Language of races little known to the world and remote from ordinary communication, with Vocabularies, etc. Gerdesii (D.) Historia Reformationis, 4 vols, sm. 4to. numerous portrait,-,-, Iluhne Prize, culj cjilt^Z^s Groningcey 1744-52 Geological Magazine (the), or Monthly Journal of Geology, with which is incorporated "Geologist," edited by Woodward, Morris, etc. Nos. 1-61, being Vols. I-VI, pt. 7, 8vo. plates and cuts, (pub. £4. 5^ 6d) 36a 1864-69 Geological Society of rublin, Journal, from the beginning in 1832 to 1868: Series I, 10 vols. 1833-64 ; Series II, (called Geo. logical Society of Ireland), Vols. I, II pt. 1, 1864-68; together 13 vols. 8vo. many plates, hf. cf 07iein bds. and apart £5. Dubl. 1833-68 Vol. I-IX were only supplied to members ; several volumes are out of print and very scarce. Gibson (John, R.A. Sculptor) Imitations of Drawings, engraved by G. Wensel and L. Prossida, Rome, in sepia, 4 p:irts, oblong folio, £1. IQs 1852 Ginguene, Histoire litteraire d'ltalie, SECONDE EDITION, contiuuec par Salfi, 14 vols. 8vo. calf extra, rare, £6. 6s Paris, 1824-35 The last two volumes are especially scarce. Gladstone's Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, rare, £3. 8.? 1858 GlanviUe, Le Proprietaire des Chosea (translate par J. Corbichon), folio, til£c& letter, n-uodcuts, fne copy, olive moroccOy g. e. by Padelonp, rare, £12. 125 Lion, par Jehan Cyber, s. d. circa 1490 Glasgow. Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis. Records of the University of Glasgow% 1450-1727, edited by Innes, 3 vols, in 4, 4to. plates, some on India paper, 36« Glasgow, printed J or the Maitland Club, 1854 Glass-Making. Pellatt's Curiosities of Glass Making, sq. 8vo. woodcuts and coloured plates, cloth, rare, 20« 1849 Gloucestershire Crosses: Poley's Notes on the Old Crosses of Gloucestershire, impl. 6vo. with numerous illustrations on stone and wood, cloth, \2s 1868 Goldfuss, Petrefacta Germaniae tam ea, quae in museo universitatis Regiae Bo- russiae Friedericiae Wilhelraiae Rhenanae servantur, quam alia quaecunque in Museis Hoeninghusiano, Muensteriano aliisque ex- tant iconibus et descriptionibus illustrata, Latine et German., 3 vols. 4to. of text, and 200 plates in large folio : to this copy is added the new and valuable SUPPLEMENT: GlEBEL, Petrafacta Germaniae, 4to. (sells £11. \\s)uncut, £6. 10* Leipzig, 1866 Goldfuss, Petrefacta Germaniae, 2 vols. folio, 200 plates, comprising about 5000 lif.hograijhed designs of Petrifactions and Shells, newly hf. bd. green morocco, gilt edges, £9. Dusseldorf 1826-1833 Gothic. IiiRE, Scripta versionem Ulphilanam et Linguam Moeso-gothicam illustrantia, ab A. P. Biisching, 4to. sd. os Berol. 1773 Gould's Handbook to the Birds of Australia, by John Gould, F.R.S. &c. 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, autograph presentatioii, " Sir Emerson Tennent from the Author,'' 30s 1865 " Nearly twenty years have elapsed since my folio work on the birds of Australia was completed. During that period many new species have been discovered, and much additional information acquired respecting those comprised therein; it therefore appeared tome that a careful resume of the entire subject" [in an octavo form] would be acceptable to the possessors of the former edition, as well as to the many persons in Australia who are now turning their attention to the ornithology of the countiy." MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 967 Graff, Althochdeutscher Sprach- SChatz, Oder VVorterbuch der althoch- deutschen Spraclie niit Index von H. F. Massmann, (Dictionary of the old German Language, with references to the Greek and Latin, Oriental, Northern and other Lan- guages) 7 vols. 4to. cloth, 36.? Berl. 1834-42 This Dictionary contains all the Old German words used before the 12th century, compared with tlie present High German, the Indian Dialects, the Greek, Latin, Old Prussian, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch, Icelandic, Sanscrit, &c. and shewing the roots wliich tlie High and Low German, the English, tlie Dutch, the Danish, and the Swedish Languages h ave in common. Granger's (Jas.) Biographical History of England, with uj)\vards of Four Hundred additional Lives, and Richardson's collection of PoKTRAiTS, 289 pl'jtt.% good impressions, 3 vols, folio, Lakgest Papeii, Iif\ russia, a very good eopy, £8. 8.? 1824 This is almost an account of the Portraits of all eminent Men, as it includes the Foreign Princes and Gentlemen who visited England. Gray (G. R.) List of the Genera of Birds, with Index, Svo. cluth, presentation to Sir H. Ellis^ bs 1841 Gray (J. E.) Catalogue of the Shield Reptiles in the British Museum, Part I. Tortoises, roy. 4to. 50 plates by Ford, (pub. £2. lO.v) sd. 20s British Museum, 1855 Gray (J. Edw.) Illustrations of INDIAN ZOOLOGY, consisting of coloured plates of new or hitherto unfigured Animals from the Collection of Major General HARDWICKE, 20 parts, forming 2 vols, in 1, royal folio, 200 beautifully coloured plates (pub. at £21, seived^, vior. ejitra, gilt edges, £16. 16* 1830-34 another copy, not quite perfect, above 190 coloured plates, £\Q. \0s 1830-34 Gray iT.) Poems, Svo. plates, rf. gilt, 3s 6d 1784 Greek Newspaper : L'Abeille Grecque ( in French), Nos. 1-116, from March 31, 1827, to December, 1828, old style, 4to. printed during the Greek War (^' Independence, aud contain' ivg decrees of the llepublicun Government, very rare and curious, hds. £2. 2« Hydra et Egine, 1827-28 Gregoriis (S. Nazianzeni) Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. studio Monach. Beuedictinorum et D. A. B. Caillau, 2 vols, large folio, fine copy in calf gilt, £5. Paris, 1778-1842 The first volume only was edited by tlie Benedictines, their labours being interrupted by the llevolution. The second was edited by M. Caillau. Priced, 1840, Stewart, £5. 10s and £ 6. 65. Greville's (R. K.) Scottish Cryptogamic Flora, or figures and descriptions of Crypto- gamic plants belonging chiefly to the order Fungi, and intended to serve as a continuation of Enghsh Botany, 6 vols, large 8vo. 360 COLOURED plates, hf. green viorocco, gilt edges, £6. I65 ^d Ediub. 1823-28 Grimni, Deutsche Rechts-Alterthiimer, 8vo. second edition, hj. Id. morocco, 12* Goettingen, 1854 Grisebach's Flora of the British West Indian Islands, By Dr. Grisebach, F.L.S.demy Svo. 806 pp. (sells £1. 17^ 6<7; cloth, 2\s 1864 Containing complete systematic descriptions of the Flowering riants and Ferns of the British West India Islands, accompanied by an elaborate Dook of reference, and a list of Culonial names. Griinpeck (J-) Spiegel der natiirlichen him- lischen und prophetischen Sehungen aller Triibsalen, &c. 4to. curious vwodcuts, calf extra, g. Niedree, £2. 2^ Zcypszih, 1522 Guichenon (S.) Histoire genealogique de la Royale Maison de Savoye, 2 stout vols. large folio, map, portraits, a?id immerous engravings of seals, arms, tombs, ajttiquities^ S^'c. with 7iumeroua MS. additions inchidiyig many drawings of arms, wants page 899 in first volume, old calf, with the arms of the President Lamoignon stamped iti gold on sides. £2. 16,? Li/on, 1660 Gruner, Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Churches and Palaces in Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth Centuries, with de- scriptions, impl. folio, numerous plates, plain und beautifully coloured, cloth, £.5. 5-^ 1854 Hahn's Althochdeutsche Grammatik mit Lese- stiicken und Glossar, Svo. sd. Is Gd Prag, 1866 Hakluyt Society: Publications of the liakluyt Society, from the commencement in 1847 to 1869, 41 vols. Svo. viany maps and plates, new in cloth, printed for stibscribei'S only, £18. 18* 1847-69 The following Is a list of the volumes and the prices at which they can be had. 1 Hawkins' (Sir Kichd.) Observations on his Voiage into the South Sea in 1593, 1622 ; edited by Capt. C. K. Bethune, 12s 2 Columbus. Select Letters, with other original docu- ments relating to his Four Voyages, translated and edited by R. H. Major, SOs 1847 3 Rulegh's Discovery of Guiana in 1595, 1596 ; edited by Sir 11. N. Schomburgli, viap, 20s 1848 4 Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage, 1595, by Thos. May- narde, edited from the original MSS. by VV. D. Cooley, 205 1849 6 Rundall (Thos.) Narrative of Voyages towards the Nortli-West in search of a Passag to Cathav and India, 149G to 1631, 3 maps, 20s ' 1849 6 Stradiey (Wm.) Historic of Travaile into Virginia Britannia, edited from tlie MS. by R. II. Major, map, facsimiles, and fine plates, 20s 1849 7 Hakluyt (Ed.) Divers Voyages toucliing the dis- coveiy of America and tlie Islands adjacent, 1582 ; edited by J. Winter Jones, facsimile and 2 maps, 25s 1850 8 Rundall's collection of early Documents on Japan, 20a 1850 9 Coats' Geography of Hudson's Bay, edited by J no. Barrow, 30s 1851 10 Hakluyt (Kd.) Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida by Don Ferdinando de Soto, 1611 ; edited by VV. B. Rye, 7nap, 25s 1851 11-12 Herberstein, Rerum Moscovitarum Commen- tarii: Notes upon Russia, translated and edited by R. H. Major, 2 vols. 2 facsimile maps and 4 plates, 20s 1851-52 13 De Veer (Gerrit) Three Vovages by the North-East to China, 1524-6, edited by C. T. Beke, 20s 1852 14-15 Mendoza (Juan Gonzalez de) Historic of China, transl. by Parke, 1-588 ; edited by R. G. Staunton, 2 vols. 36s 1853-4 16 D'Orleans (Pierre Joseph) History of the Tartar Conquerors of China, Parts, 1688 ; translated and edited by the Earl of Ellesmere, 20s 18-54 17 Fletcher (Francis) The VVoild encompassed by Sir Francis Drake; edited by \V. S. W. Vaux, 7«a/>. 20$ 1854 IS White (Adam) Collection of early Documents on Spitzi)ergen and Greenland, 28s 1855 19 Middleion (Sir Hen.) Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands, 1606 ; ed. by B. Coruey, map and 5 p'.ates, 20s 1855 20 Bond (Edw. A.) Russia at the Close of the 16th Century, 30a 1856 21 Benzoni (Girolamo) History of the New World ; Travels, 1541-56, Venice, 1572, translated and edited by Adml. W. H Smyth, facsimiles of old woodcuts, 30s 1857 22 Major (R. H.) India in the 15th Century, 20« 1857 23 Cliamplain, Voyage to the West Indies, 1599-1602 ; transl. by A. Wilmere, editi'd by N.Shaw, 4 co- loured and 'i plain ficsimilei, £2. lOs 1859 24 E.xpeditions into the Vaiiey of tlie Amazons, 1539, l-')40, 1G39; transl. and edited by C. R. Markliam, 30* 1859 25 Gonsalez de Clavijo, Embassy to the Court of Timour at Samarcaud, 1403-C, by R. Markham, ma2\, 30s 1859 9GS BEENAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK Hakluyt Society — cnntinued. 26 Hudson (Hen. the Navigator) by G. M. Asher, 2 map^, 30* 1859 27 Earl}' Voyagces to Terra Australis, now called Aus- tralia, edited by R. H. Major, maps, 20s 1859 28 Expedition of Ur8ua and Aguirre, in search of El Dorado, transl. by BoUaert 1862 29 Life of Guzman, transl. by Markham 186y 30 Discoveries of the World, by Galvano, edited b"3 Admiral Bethune 1862 31 Marvels described by Friar Jordanus, transl. and ed. Yule 1863 32 Travels of Ludovico di Varthema, transl. by Winter Jones 1864 33 Cieza de Leon (Pedro de) Travols, a.d. 1532-50, contained in the First part of his Chronicle of Peru ; translated and edited by Markham, 8vo. map, cloth. 365 1864 34 Narrative of Pascual de Andagoya, containing the earliest notice of Peru, transl. by Markham 1865 35 Barbosa, Coasts of East Africa and Malabar, transl. by Stanley 1865 86-37 Cathay and the Road thither, transl. by Yule, 2 vols. 1866 38 Frobisher's Three Voyages, edited by Admiral Col- linson 1867 39 Morga's (Ant. de) Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, and China at the close of the lf)th century; translated ft-om the Spanish bv the Hon. Henry Stanley, 8vo. doth, £2. 2s 1868 The original edition: " Sucesos de las Isles Philippinas," was printed at Mexico in 16U9, and is extremely rare. 40 Gayangos"(Don P. de) the Fifth Letter of Cortes to the Emperor Charles V. 125 6d 1868 41 First part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas, by the Ynca G. de la Vega, transl. by Markham, Vol. I. 1869 "The Hakluyt Society never has sold nor ever in- tends to sell its productions. Members alone can obtain them. When such ceases to be the case, the Hakluyt Society Mill cease to exist." R. H. Major, Hon. Sec. to the Hakluyt Society, pro tern. Hamilton (R.) on the National Debt of Great Britain, 8vo. bds. 2s EiHnh. 1818 Hansen (P. A.) Tables de la Lune, construites d'apres le Principe Nevvtonien de la Gravita- tion Universelle, roy. 4to. 511 pp. half red morocco, £2. 2s 1857 Printed at the expense of the British government. Harvey's Phycologia Australica; a History of Australian Seaweeds, comprising Coloured Figures and Descriptions of the more characteristic Marine Algae of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia, and a Synopsis of all known Australian Algae, by Dr. Harvey, F.R.S.. 5 vols, royal 8vo. 3ob coloured plates, (sells £7. 13a) cloth, £4. As 1856-68 This beautiful work, the result of an arduous personal exploration of the shores of the Austrian continent, is got up in the style of the ' Phicol )gia Britaunica ' by the same author. Each species has a Plate to itself, with ample magnified delineations of fructification and structure, em- bodying a variety of most curious and remarkable forms. Haslewood's Reprints : Puttenham's (Webster, alias George) Arte of English Poesie, 2 vols. 1811 Painter's (Wm.) Palace of Pleasure, from the edition of 1575, 2 vols. 1813 Arthur of Little Britain (the History of the valiant Knight) A Komance of (. hivalry ; translated from the French by John Bour- chier, Lord Bemers, new edition, with a series of plates, 1 vol. 1814 Mirror for Magistrates, 25 parts bound in 2 vols. 1815 Miscellanea antiqua Anglicana ; a selection of curious Tracts, Vol. I 1816 More's (Sir Thomas) Utopia, translated into English by Robinson, 1551, with copious notes and an introduction by Dibdin, I a'oI. 1808 Plato's Republics, English, by Spens, giU. ^dges Glasgow, Fun lis, 1763 - the above very fine, clean and sound set of books, as described, 10 vols. 4to. hf. Id. green morocco, gilt tops, vveut, £24. 1 763-18 Hebrew. Biblia Hebraica, cum Targu- mis, utraque Massora, et commentariis Rab- binicis, edidit Bcxtorfius, 4 vols, folio, old ca/f,£i. BfJsilra,16]S Hasted's Historv and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, Vols. I-III, 3 vols. large folio, (Vol. I wanting 20 leaves), nunie- rous engravings in the text, but no plates, uncut, rare, £5. Canterbury, 1778-90 the same, Vols. I-IH, (I wanting 60 leaves, II wanting list of plates), one vol. hf. rn.ssia, two in bds. uncut, £3. lOs 1778-90 the same, Vols. I-III, (wanting in Vol. I, title, dedication, preface pp. i, ii, and otherwise very impft. ; II, pp. 321-24, 529-32, and list of plates ; HI, list of plates) one vol. hf. russia, and two ujihound, £2. 165 1778-90 The perfect book consists of four volumes, and ap- pears in a former catalogue priced £30. Neitlier of the above imperfect copies contain the plates, but many of those mentioned in the lists will be found in the text. Hebrew Lexicon: Gksenu Thesaurus philologicus Linguae Hebraeae et Chal- daeae Veteris Testamenti, cum Indicibus, additamentis, etc. 3 vols, in 1, very stout 4to. pp. 4, 1522, 6, and 116, double columns, (pub. at £2. 11*) Urongly hf. hound morocco, £2. " Z7>2fle, 1 829-53 The best Hebrew Dictionary extant, including the necessary /'osc/cmZms Novis&imus'by Roediger, wanting in many copies, and which contains the Latin Index, emendations, and additions. Hebrew. Proverbs and Job, with the Rabbi- nical Exposition of Moses Alshekh, all Hebrew, 2 parts in 1 vol. folio, hd. \2s Jessnitz, 482 (1722) Hedaya (The) or Guide; a Commentary on the Mussulman Laavs, translated by order of the Governor-General and Council of Bengal, by Charles Hamilton, 4 vols. 4to. in purple morocco extra, gilt and marbled edges, a svperb copy, rare, £\0. 1791 Heures a lusaige de Paris toutes au long sans rien reqMr, avec plusieurs belles hys- toires : nouuellemet imprimees ( avec ^ le Calendrier et I'Almanach 1523- 1536),tlacfe letter, 4to. elegant engravings,maniere cri- blee, with inscriptions, each explaiyiedbeneath by a French Quatrain, fine copy, ruled, in old French olive morocco, g. e. £32. Paris, par la veufue de feu Thielinan Keruer, 1522 From the Library of Sir Francis Freeling, who in an autograph note records his opinion of the work : "There never was a more beautiful specimen, in all respects, from the press of Thielman Kerver than this. F.F." Heures a iusaige de Romme tout au long sans riens requerir avec le Calendrier et I'Al- manach (1515-1530), 4tO. PRINTED ON VELLUM, within very elegant engraved bor- ders, composed of sacred and grotesque subjects {including a fine Dance of Death) rvith the large and small Miniatuhes, capital letters, S^-c. richly illuminated jn GOLD and colours, in the original beau- tifrdly ornamented binding, covered, with gold tooling in the G roller style, painted in compartments, g. e. hut rebnched, £25. Paris par Gillet Ilardouyn (1575) A similar copy sold for £39. in the Libri Sale. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 9G9 Hefner, Serrurerie, ou les Ouvrages en fer Forge du Moyen-Age et de la Renaissance, par I. H. de Hefner- Alteneck, three divisions, sm. folio, Q A planches gravees en taille douce, Edition frana, £2. 10* Paris, 1710 Irish Academy: Transactions of the Eoyal Irish Academy, a complete set from the beginning in 1787 to 1865, Vols. I-XXIV, with Carlisle's Index down to 1813, roy. 4to. numerous plates of Natural History, Mathe- matics, etc. illustrative of scienfifc and. literary ortv'lrs (from the library of the late Br. Todd, of Trinity College, Dublin) in hds. UNCUT, £16. 10« Dn'Uin, 1787-1865 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, from 1836 to 1861, being Vols. I- V II, with General Index to the whole, 7 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut, 36.d il^- 1857 Jameson (Mrs.) Sacred and Legendary- Art. Three Series, 3 vols, numerous ilhis- trations, 1850-52 — Jameson (Mrs.) and Lady Eastlake, History of Our Lord as exemplified in Works of Art, 2 vols, nume- rous illustrations, 1864 — together 5 vols. Svo. green morocco super extra, uncut, top edges gilt, by Nelson, £8. 8jr Jamieson (J.) Scottish Etymological Dictio- nary, witli Supplement, 4 vols, 4to. rus.sia, mai'ilel edges, £8.Ss Edinb. 1808-25 Jami's Salaman and Absal, an allegory, translated from the Persian (by E. Fitzgerald), 8yo.J'ront>spii'ce, cloth, 3* Qd 1856 An elegant metrical version of a celebrated mystical lovr-poem. It faithfully renders the spirit and character of the original, thus affording a valuable contribution for the stndy of tlie Sufi literature. The translator is knowa by his admirable ver^ion of the Quatrains of 'Omar Kliayyam. Japanese Dictionary: HEPBURN, Japan- ese and English Dictionary, with an English and Japanese Index, impl. Svo. pp. xii, 558, and 132. cloth, £5. {Shanghai,) 18b7 An excellent Dictionary, and the first publication of the kind which can be useful to an Englishman. Rodriguez, Grammaire Japonaise, par Landresse et Remusat, Svo. sd. 3.$ ^d Paris, 1825 Jellett's Elementary Treatise on the Calculus of Variations, 8vo. cloth, lO.s' Dublin, 1850 Jesuits. Vargas, Kelatio ad Reges et Principes christianos de Stratagematis et Sophismatis politicis Societatis Jesu ad monarchiam orbis terrarum sibi conficiendam ; ace. Suppressio Congreg. Jesuitissarum, small 4to. vellum^ 7s 6^/ s. I. 1636 Jones (Rhys) Gorchestion Beirdd Cymru : neu Elodau godidowgrwydd awcn, 4to. Wel&h Poetry of the XVlh Century, bd. lO.s- Amwyflig^ 1773 Jones' (T.) History of the County of Breck- nock, 2 vols, royal 4to. mapi', nnmtrons por- traits and fine engravings by Sir R. Colt Hoare, and 2> plates containing many coloured Coats of Arms, bds. £6. 6s ; or calf gilt, £9. 9s Brecknock, 1805-9 the same, 3 vols, rojal 4to. half russia gilt, £9. 15.S* ih. 1805-9 the same, 3 vols, royal 4to. red morocco extra, gilt ednes, a superb copy bound by Bei>- FORD, £18. I8s 3 805-9 Juvenal, Satires traduites par M. Dusaulx, avec le Tcxte en regard, 2 vols. 8vo. fine copy in uxor, extra, silk linings, g.e. £2. I6s Par. 1782 Karamsin's History of Russia, in Russian^ 12 vols, in 2, royal Svo. hf. hd. 155 St. Pefersburgh, 1842 Kay (J.) Series of Original Portraits and Carica- ture Etchings, 2 vols. 4to. morocco extra, blind tooled, gilt edges, £] 2. \2s Edinb. 1837-8 KeUy (Rev. J.) Practical Grammar of the An- cient Gaelic, or Language of the Isle of Man, usually called Manks, 4to. bds. 20s ; cnV, 22s 1804 Kemble's Horae Ferales, or Studies in the Arehseology of the Northern Nations, edited by A. Erakks, impl. 4to. 34 plates of pre^ historic Art, nw-^t of them coloured, (pub. at £3. 3s) cloth, 36s 1863 Full of valuable materials. The late Jlr. Kemble made important excavations in Northern Germany. Kempis (Thomas A.) de Iraitatione Christi, folio, f"ely priiited, n-ith engraved title-page and vitpiettes, embroidered cover, pilt edges, £12. 12s Pnrisiis, e Typographia R^gia,}(jiO MAGKincKNT Italian binding of the commence- ment of the XVIIItb Century, admirably executed in em- broidery of gold, silver, and various colours, from the library of Pope Benei>ict XIHth, who«e arms (Orsini) form the centre ornament on sides. This Pope died in 1730. See Z/6n'o Inedited Monuments. 3 £ 972 BEENARD QUARTTCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Kiesewetter, Geschichte unserer heutigen Musik, 4to. sJ. 5s Leipzig, 1846 King, Orfevrerie et ouvragcs en metal du Moyen Age, 2 vols, large folio, 200 plates, measured unci designed after the orif/inal ancient Models, (pub. at £8.) bds. £2. 16.« Bruges, 1852-54 The most complete pattern book for metal workers. KrefFt's (G.) Snakes of Australia, 4to. \2 plates, rare, 28.v Sydveij, 1869 Kunze's Ferns : die Farrn-Krauter ; in re- presentations, designed and coloured after nature, and accurately described, 2 vols. 4to. all pxiblislied, 140 coloured plates, wUh text, I sells £5. 5s) wiciit, £2. 2s Leipzig, 1840-51 This is a useful companion to the Works of Hooker on "Exotic Ferns. Iiacroix et Sere, Le Moyen Age, et la EENAISSANCE : Histoire et Description des Moeurs et usages du Commerce et de 'I'lndustrie, des Arts, des Sciences, des Litte- ratures et des Beaux- Arts en Europe, a.d. 500-1600, 5 vols. 4to. wifh above 300 beauti- ful plates from curious, exquisitely beautiful, and si ugular objects of Middle-Age Art, illus- trative of An cient Costume, Manners, Designs in Fresco Paintings, Stained Glass, Missal and other Illuminations, Furnittire, Jervel- iery. Am, our, etc. many of which are in colours and heightened with gold and SILVER, half bound olive morocco, top edges giU ; a costly and most beautiful work, now entirely out of print, and rising in price, £22. 105 Paris, 1848-51 A superb and very interesting work. A very beautiful book, the engravings exhibiting spe- cimens of curious' objects in Mediaeval Art from all paits of Europe; there is indeed no other publication giving such a faithful picture of everything connected with the Middle Ages : as a drawing room book no other work could sur- pass it in beauty and interest. Jjacroix, Treatise on the Differential and Inte- gral Calculus, with Appendix and notes, 8vo. plates, half rnssia, 7s 6d 1816 Laing's Scottish Seals ; a descriptive Cata- logue of impressions from Ancient Scottish Seals, ft'om 1094 to the Commonwealth, 4to. numerous woodcuts and 20 plates, hf. morocco, £2. Edinb. 1850 Lamouronx (J. S. F.) Corallina ; or classical Arrangement of Flexible Coralline Polypi- doms, 8vo. I'd plates, half calf gilt, uncut, \2s 1824 L'Ancre (P.) I'Incrcdulite et Mescreance du Sortilege plainementconvaincue; dela Verite ou illusion du Sortilege, de la Fascination, de la Divination, de la Ligature Magique, des Apparitions, etc. stout sm. 4to. 841 pp. and Index, old caf gilt, 2Qs Paris, 1622 Landolt, Dictionnaire Polyglotte de termes techniques Militaires et de Marine, 4 vols. 8vo. sd. 245 Leide, 1865-68 This Technological Dictionary consists of 4 Alpha- bets, viz. English, French, Dutch, and German, each explained by the other 3 Languages. Laplace, Traite de Mecanique celeste, 5 vols. 4to. with all the scarce supplements, bds. cloth backs, B.Pon^eWs copy, £.3. 15.\ 1703-3» Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £,G.Qs\ 1811, Deighton, £Q.lQsM; 1846, Stewart, £6. 6s. "This work ought not to be considered aa a mere collection of memoirs relating to monastic history, but as a valuable compilation of ancient ecclesiastical monu- ments; which being illustrated by learned notes, throw great light on the most obscure parts of the history of the Church." — Le L'mg. The Preface alone, says the writers of the "Journal de Trevoux," would secure to the authors an immortal reputation. Mabillon, Vetera Analecta : Opuscula omnia generis, Carmina, Epistolae, Diplomata, Iter Germanicum, folio, hf. bd. uncut, 2Qs Paris. 1723 Mackenzie ( H.) Report of the Highland So- ciety on the Authenticity of Ossian's Poems, with Appendix, 8yo. facsimiles of MSS. calf, 7s 6d Edin. 1805 Macpherson (J.) Critical Dissertation on the Origin, Antiquities, Language, Manners, anci Religion of the Ancient Caledonians, Picts and Scots, 4to. half calf , 10.4 Moscow Academy: BULLETINS de la Societe Imperiale des NATURALISTES de MOSCOU, redige par Renard, frovi the beginning in 1829 to the first number of 1864, quite complete, large 8vo. several hundred plates, man^f finely coloured, five vols, in bds. the rest in parts, t'36. 3I0SCOU, 1829-64 the same, 1829 to 1863, number 2, (without 1831, 1833 (Tom. V), 1834, 6, 1838 5, and 1839 3)—fuur vols. 8vo. in bds. the rest in parts, £27. 1829-63 the same, 1830 to 1862, as follows :— 1830 ; 1832, 1 ; 1837 ; 1838, 1-4 ; 1840, 2 and 4 ; 1841, 3-4 ; 1842, 1-3 ; 1843 ; 1844, 1, 3, 4 ; 1845-60 ; 1861, 3-4; 1862— 8vo. in ports, £20. 1830-62 the same, 1830 to 1859, as follows :— 1830, 1; 1837; 1838,2-3; 1841,3-4; 1842,1-3; 1843, 1, 3, 4 ; 1845, 2 ; 1846, 4 ; 1847-9 ; 1850, 2, 3, 4 ; 1851-3 ; 1854, 1, 3, 4 ; 1855, 2, 3, 4; 1856-8; 1859, 1-2— all in parts, £16. 1830-59 the same, 1837 to 1859, as follows :— 1837 ; 1838, 1-3; 1841, 1, 4 ; 1842, 3 ; 1843, 1, 3; 1845, 2, 3; 1846, 3-4; 1847; 1848,1,3; 1849, 1, 3 ; 1850, 2, 3. 4 ; 1851, 3 ; 1854, 1, 4 ; 1855, 2-4 ; 1856, 7 ; 1858, 1 ; 1859, 1 — all in parts, £10. 1837-59 Moses Alshekh, Sepher Meraoth ha-Tse- baoth : Commentary on the Minor Prophets, all Hebrew, sm. folio, calf, \2s Jessnitz, 1720 Mudie (R.) Feathered Tribes of the British Islands, third edition, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. co- loured PLATES and woodcuts (pub. 16^-) cloth, 7s 6d 1834 Mueller (Dr. Max) Vorlesungen iiber die Wissenschaft der Sprache, Serie II, 2 parts, 1865-66 Murehison's Geology of Russia in Europe aud the Ural Mountains, by R Murchison, E. de Verneuil, and Count A. von Keyserling ; Vol. I. Geology; Vol. II. Palcontologie (z'/i French) 2 vols. roy. 4to. with 7 Maps and Geological Sections, 12 Views, and 50 plates t Dublin, 1861 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 977- Oihenart, Proverbes Basques et Poesies Bas- ques, 8vo. second edition^ sd. 12.? Paris, 1847 Oliver's Flora of Tropical Africa, bv Daniel Oliver, F.R.S., F.L.S. Vol. I. (sells £1.) clolh, \2s Published under the authority of the First Covivvissioners of Her M'ljesty's Worhs, 1868 This important and mucli-needed work embodies the researches of a long list of explorers, the results of whose labours have been accumulating at the Koyal Gardens, Kew, and other museums, for many years past. The present volume contains the Orders Ranunculacex to Con- naracese. O'Mahony (C.) Disputatio Apologetica de Jure Regni Hibernifp, pro Catholicis Hibernis adversus Hajreticos Anglos; accessit ejusdcm authoris ad cosdcm Oatholicos Exhortatio, small 4to. ?if'. bd. morocco, 30s Francof. 1645 ^Duh. 1826] The Dublin facsimile, of which only 100 copies were printed. Of the original, Mr. Charles Butler observes, " It is said in the title to be printed at Frankfort superio- rum permissu; but it was supposed to have been printed in Portugal ; its author was an old Irish Jesuit residing in that kingdom, by name Constantine, or Cornelius (in Irish, Con or Crocher), and by surname O'Mahony, a native of Munster. The object of it was to show that no king of England had any right to the kingdom of Ireland, and that the old natives themselves might and ought to choose a king, and throw off tlie yoke of heretics and foreigners. In the Nuncio's time many copies of this treatise had been privately dispersed ; but in 1648 the work came to the knowledge of the Supreme Council, and by their orders was publicly burned in that year, by the hangman of Kil- kenny." Mr. Butler also states that this work was so dis- approved of by the Roman Catholics, that it was burned by their orders. Order of the Holy Ghost. Transsumptum Priyilegiorum Hospitalis Sancti Spiritus in Saxo de Urbe, sm. 4to. olive morocco, gilt edges^ with the Symbol of the Order on the sides, 1 2.9 Romcp, 1553 O'Reilly, Sanas Gaoidhilge Sagsbhearla: Irish- English Dictionary, with a compendious Irish Grammar, 4to. bdt. I5s Dublin, 1821 Oriental Law. Al-Sirajiyyah, or the Ma- hommedan Law of Inheritance, translated by Sir W. Jones, with notes by Rumsey, 8vo. cloth, 4s 6d 1 869 Orkneys. Neill's Islands of Orkney and Shet- land, their Natural History, Inhabitants, Hus- bandry and Fisheries, 8vo. bd.". 5s Edinb. 1806 Ornaments. Owen Jones's Grammar of Ornament, impl. folio, the original, folio EDITION, 101 large and ea-quisittly coloured plates, executed in ChromoUthography^ com- prising 3000 examples of the decorations of all ayes and nations, with descriptive letterpress and woodcuts, (subscription price £19. 19.v), hf. morocco, gilt edges, £12. 1856 The original edition has become very rare; it is preferred to the new edition by Art-workmen on ac- count of the larger scale of the ornaments represented. Orsi (G. A.) Istoria Ecclesiastica (a.d. 1-656), 21 vols. Koma, 1746-62— Becchetti (F. A.) Continuazione (600-1378), 17 vols. ivi, 1770-88 — Becchetti (F. A.) Istoria degH ultimi quattro Secoli della Cbiesa dallo Scisma d'Occidente al regnante sommo Pontefice Pio VI (1378 1787), 12 vols. ivi. 1788-97— to- gether 50 vols. 4to. uniformly half bound, from the Library of Br. Todd, Trin. Coll. Dublin, £20. Itoma, 1746-97 Cardinal Orsi's own part of the work is confined to the first six centuries ; the concluding voliime, the -ilst of the series, was compiled from his papers by Bottari, his biographer. Bccchetti's Continuation extended only to the fourteenth ceulury, aud was comprised in 17 vols. He then began the history of the last four centuries, and the 12th volume, the last of the series of iiO vols., brings the history of the Church down to the year 1587. The 38 vols, to the close of the T4th century, were reprinted at Rome in 1749-88, in 38 vols. 12mo., copies of which occasionally occur for sale at an average of £6 to £7; and a later reprint of the same portion at Venice in 1822-26, in 42 pocket volumes, now out of print, may also be obtained at a similar price. The original quarto, however, Is the only complete edition. " I congratulate Italy on the happy production with which you have enriched it. M. Fleury had occasion for a writer to fill up the chasms in his history ; for it nmst be confessed that lie has but slightly touched a number of very impcjrtant facts. Sometimes it is dangerous to be solicitous of being too concise — this gives sketches only, instead of finished pieces. I sincerly wish that your labour may meet with a brilliant recompense, not for your glory but for the glory of the Church." — Clement XIV. Priced, 1824, Thorpe, £24.; 1812, Stewart, £25.; 1854, Leslie, £21. ; 1857, Nutt, £21. Orvieto : GRUNER (L.) die Basreliefs der Vor- derseite des Doms zu Orvieto : Ics bas-reliefs de la cathedrale d'Orvicto graves sur les dessins de V. Pontani par D. Ascani, B. Bar- toccini et L. Gruner; texte par E. Braun, in 2 parts royal folio, 80 fine plates on tinted grounds of the celebrated Basreliefs of the Orvieto Cathedral, amongst the greatest Mas- terpieces of Chrintian Art preduced in Italy, ihe tea:t in German (pub. at £5. 5v), in port- folios, £3. 105 Leipzig, 1858 the same, 2 vols, in 1, large paper, India proofs, (pub. at £8. 8.s) hf. bd. mor. uncut, £5. bs 1858 Ossian's Phingaleis, Laiine, ^ Macdonald, large 8vo. ItJ. morocco gilt, uncut, Is 6d Ed. 1820 Overstone (Lord) Tracts, a COMPLETE SET: Tracts and other Publications on Metallic and Paper CURRENCY, by the Rightr Hon- Lord Overstone, (edited by J. R. McCul- loch), stout 8vo. cloth, separately, £2. 2^ 1857 Evidence given by Lord Overstone, before the select Committee of the House of Commons, of 1857 on the Bank Acts, with Additions,, ^yo. cloth IS 58. A select Collection of Scarce and Valuable ECONOMICAL TRACTS, with prefaces, notes and Indexes by J. R. MacCulloch, printed for friends only at the expense of Lord Overstone. Vol; I, Tracts on Commerce ; Vol. n, Tracts on the National Debt and- Sinking Fund; Vol. HI, Tracts on Paper Currency and Banking; Vol. IV, IMiscel- laneous Tracts, not sold separately 1857-59 Only 150 copies were printed of these 4 volumes. together 6 vols. 8vo. preheat a' ion copy to Sir Emerson Tennent, with a Letter from Mr. MacCulloch, very rare, £I8. 185 1857-59 Owain Miles, and other inedited Fragments of ancient Enghsh Poetry, from the Auchin- leck MS. sm. 8vo. coloured vignette on titlOy hf. morocco, uncut, onhj 32 copies privately printed, £2. 125 &d Edinburgh, 1S37 Owen (R.) History of British Fossil Reptiles, Chclonia, Crocodilia, Ophidia, Cretaceous Rep- tilia, Enaliosauria, Ptcrosauria, Dinosauria, 6 parts 4to. (price to subscribers, £8.) bdt. £A. \0s li49-55 Collation— Clielonia, 43 plates, numbered 1—40 ; Crocodilia, 14 plates, numbered 1—4: Ophiditi, 5 plates; Cretaceous Reptilia, Chelonia, plates 41 -48; Lacertia, plates 1, 2, 8 — 10; Crocodilia, 2f)— 30 : Knaliot^auria, plates 1 — 4, 7, 20 — 30 ; I'terosauria, 1— G ; l->inobauria, 1—24. 978 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON, Owen's (Dr. John) Miscellaneous Works, edited by liev. H. W. Goold, 16 vols. 8vo. com- plete, portrait, (pub. £4. 4s unbound, cost of binding, £4.)Jine copy in caJJ' antique, £4. 4s Juhnnto^ne and Iluntei% 1850 Oxford, Bodleian Library : James, Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecse publicse quam vir ornatissimus Thomas Bodlejus in Academia Oxonicnsi nuper instituit, stout small Svo. a Clasiified Catalogue, with Index of A uiliors, ,-fine copy in vellum, \2s O.ion. 1605 A very interesting Catalogue of what was considered 250 years ago a fine Library. Palseontographical Society : Mono- graphs of the, complete from the beginning in 1847 to 1867, Vols. I— XXI, in 22 vols. 4to. about 750 'platen, (Subscription price, £23. Is, plus commission to agents), sd. £20. 1848-68 These publications are unrivalled in the scientific literature of Europe, and are sought after by the Sa- vants of all countries ; for this leason copies readily sell at the original subscription price. If purchased in the regular way of business the price would ut least be double. Palestine : Van de Velde's Map of the Holy Land, 8 maps, coloured, in an obi. royal port- folio, with Svo. 'Text in doth, 15^ Gotha, 1858 Panzer, Annales TYPOGRArmci, ab Artis in- vent* origine ad annum 1536, 1 1 vols. 4to. sheet G g in Vol. XI. in MS. other rvise a good copy, hj. bd. (f. nt. £4. 15*^ Norimbergae, 1793-1803 The most elaborate and trustworthy record yet published of the early history of printing; it comes down to the year 1536, though the title page of the lirst volume limits it to the fifteenth century. At first the Author proposed to carry his Annals no further than the year 1500, and he achieved his purpose in five volumes; he then extended his design, and carried the work up to 1536 in six volumes more. Panzer, Annales Typographici, ab Artis inventge origine ad annum 1536, 11 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, sized, calf gilt, very fine copy, £8. 8s Norimbergae, 1793 1803 This is the first Large Paper copy of Panzer that has ever passed through my hands ;— vendu 215 f r. De Bure. Papworth's (J. W.) Alphabetical Dictionary of about 50,000 Coats of Arms, belonging to Eamilies in Great Britain and Ireland, forming an extensive Ordinary of British Armorials, parts I— XIV, roy. Svo. (sub- scription price £6. 6^) sd. £2. 16.v 1858-66 Printed for Subscribers only. The continuation to be supplied by me at 21s per annum. Paris (Louis) Toiles Peintes et Tapisseries de la Ville de Rheims, 2 vols. 4to. half morocco, uncut, and folio Atlas of coloured plates in bds.£4.\0s Paris, 1834 Pasquillorum Tomi duo, quorum primo Ver- sibus ac Rhythmis, altero soluta Oratione conscripta quamplurima continentur, 1 2mo. blue mo'occo, g. e. by C. Lewis, rare, £2. 2^ Eleuthenpoli, 1544 Passsei (Crispiani) Compendium Opkrum Vir- GiLiANORUM, Mirocr des ffiuvrcs de le (A?i') excellent Poete Virgile taillez en rame, 4to. brillant impressions, red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, £^.\5s Vltrnjn.ti,s.a. P[eacham] (H.) Worth of a Peny ; or a Cau- tion to keep Money, smallest 4to. first edi- tion, half calf, rare, '•lis 1647 A copy of this edition sold for £1. 85 in 1856. Peignot, Repertoire des Bibliographies Speciales, curieuses, et Instructives, Svo. half russia, uncut, \2s Paris, 1810 Contents: P>ooks printed in small number of coi)ies. Books on coloured papers, those ^ith engraved text, and Ana. Pelletier (Dom. A.) Nobilaire ou Armorial general de la Lorraine et du Barrois, fol. numerous Coats if Arms, wants page 105 and Errata, old calf gilt, Lord Furnhum's copy, rare, £2. 10^ Nancy, 1758 Penrose's Athenian Architecture, pub- lished by the Society of Dilettanti, iinpl. folio, many plates, bds. £5. 1851 Percy Society : Publications of the Percy Society : Reprints of Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages, edited from original Manu* scripts and scarce Publications, 30 vols. sm. Svo. hf. maroon morocco, marbled edges, a very neat copy, £27. 1840-52 Only 250 copies of these Publications were issued for subscribers, and as the Society lias broken up, COMPLETE copies have become scarce. Many separate volumes in stock to complete sets. Percy's (Bishop) Folio Manuscript: Ballads and Romances, 3 vols. ; Loose and Humourous Songs, 1 vol. edited by Hales and Furnivall, 4 vols, in 7 parts, Svo. extra octavo edition, ouly 250 printed, (pub. at £4. 7*) sd. £2. lOs Early English Text Society, 1867-68 Perkins' Italian Sculptors : being a His- tory of Sculpture in Northern, Southern, and Eastern Italy, impl. Svo. 29 etchings by the author, and woi dents (recently pub. at £2.2.s) cloth, 35s 1868 This volume is issued as a companion to the au- thor's work on the Tuscan Sculptors. Peterman (A.) Geographische Mittheilungen, 1855 to 1862, coloured maps, 7 vols. 4to. half morocco, £\. \&s Gotha, 1855-62 Pettie, Petite Pallace of Pettie his Pleasure conteyning many pretie Histories, sm. 4to. blaclk itXXtX, portions of G i. and. iv. wantiag, and head and bottom lines cut into, but having the title and last leaf, hf. morocco, very rare, £3. \0s R. W. (1598) From this book it is said by men of letters, that Shakespeare composed many of his plays ; a perfect copy was recently sold at Leigh and Sotheby's for £16. 16s. — MS. Note. From Sir F. Freeling's Collection. Garrick's sold for £6. 5s; lioxburghe's £7. Phsedri Fabulse, notis illustravit D. Hoogstra- tanus, 4lo. fne portrait by Guiist, and 2)lates, large paper, red morocco extra with joints, watered silk linings, g. e. bound by Bozerian, £4. Amst. 1701 Photii Epistolae, Graece cura Baletta, 4to. vellum, 24s Loud. 1864 Photii Myriobiblon, sive Bibliotheca librorum quos legit et recensuit, Graece ed. Hoeschel, Latine ed. Schott, folio, caf, \4s ; ov, vellum, lbs Bothomagi, 1653 Pici (^Joa. Mirandulae Concordia' que Comiti.s) Opera Omnia : Apologia, de Hominis digni- tate, Epistolae, Astrologia, Rcuchlinus de Arte Cabalistica, de Morte Christi, de Elementis, Examen doct. Vanit. gent. etc. 2 stout vols, folio, best edition, old caf gilt, gilt edges, Jine copy, 36^' Bas. 1572-73 Pileur, Tables Synoptiques de Mots similaires en les Langues Persane, Sanskrite, Grecque, Latine, Angloise, etc. Svo. sd. 4s 6d Paris, ca. 1812 Pine's Horace : Quinti HORATH Elacci Opera, 2 vols. 8\o.frst issue, with the Error of Post-est, in Vol. II, p. 108, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £6. 6s 1753 Kbeautiful copy in the right f-tate in the choicest con- 1 ditiou. Bedford's binding alone is worth four guineas. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 979 Plotinus' Select Works and Extracts from the Treatise of Synesius, translated by T. Taylor, 8vo. cloth, \{)s iid; or, blue morocco, gilt etl{/e.s, I5s 1817 Plutarch's Lives, translated by Sir T. Kortli, stout fol. woodcut heads, calf vent, 20« 1631 A good library copy, free from stains or spots. Poiteau (A.) Pomologie Francaise, Rc- cueil des plus beaux Fruits cultives en France, 4 vols, folio, 2 plain, and 433 superbly co- loured plates (pub. £30.) half green morocco, gilt edges, 121. Paris, 184G Polish and Slavonic Polyglott. LINDF (J. B.) Slownik lezyka Polskiego. (Polish Dictionary with explanations in 13 other Slavonic Dialects.) 6 vols, in 7, 4to. bds. edges cut, £4. Wars. 1807-14 Price, 1855, £6. I65 6d Polyglott. Auer's Sprachenhalle : The Lord's Prayer in 814 Languages, each printed in its characteristic type, and with a refer- ence to whence it is derived, oblong atlas folio, in portfolio, 95 Vienne, (? 1852) Polyglott. Epithalamia exoticis Unguis reddita, (a J. B. De Rossi) roy. io\\o,fne engravings, calf gilt, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, £2. 25 Purmce ( Bodoni), 1775 A beautiful specimen of Bodoni's press, dedicated to Victor Amedeus III. of Sardinia. It is a collection of Polyglott Epigrams or Votive Inscriptions on the Nuptials of Prince Carlo Emmanuele of Piedmont with Marie Adelaide Clotilde of Fiance, supposed to be addressed by 25 cities, with a translation in Latin of each. Tlie languages are ciiiefly Oriental, including even Sanscrit and Tibetan. At tlie head of each ori- ginal is a beautiful vignette typifyint^ the city, and above each translation the medallion of a prince. The most valuable part of the book is De Rossi's philologi- cal preface. The poem in Italian, " Mnemosyne," at the end, is wanting in many copies. Polyglott. PICTET, Origines Indo-Europe- cnnes, ou les Ayr, Primitifs, Partie I. roy. 8vo. kf. bd. lOs Paris, 1859 Polyglott in Seven Languages: (Au- NAUDi a Cakaglio, Colloquia et Dictiona- riolum SeptemLinguarum,obl. 12mo. English, (jlerman, French, Latin, Spanish, Italian and Dutch, bd. the Marquis of Hastings' copy, 25s Ante. 1616 A rare and curious little volume. The English portion is very quaint, and belongs to a period of the language older than the book itself. Port Royal. Histoire abregte de la derniere persecution de Port Royal, 3 vols. 12mo. calf gilt, 155 Port Boyal, 1750 Pomponius Mela- JuKus Solinus. Itinerarium Antonini Aug. — Vibius Sequester. P. Victor de Rcgionibus Urbis Romae. Dionysius Afer de Situ Orbis Prisciano Interprete, limo.Jine copy, ruled, in old French red morocco, g. e. Louis Bigot's copy, with his arms on sides, and his initials L. B. stamped twelve times in gold sides and back, £5. 155 Venetiis, Aldus, 1518 Preces : Liber Precum et Psalmoruin, in the Church Slavonic Character, stout 12mo. fine copy, blue morocco, gilt edges, with silver clasps, very rare, 36s (1739) On the fly-leaf is the following note: "Printed in the year 7247 of the World that is 1739 of the Christian Era in the reign of Anna Iwannouna Empress of Russia." Ptolemsei Theatrum Geographiaj Veteiis, edente P. Bertio, 3 parts in 1, folio, portraits of Bertius and Mercator, and maps, including the rare " Appendix III, Tabulae Africans," vellum, £2. IO5 Amst. et Lngd. Bat. 1618-19 A great bargain ;— tiais book being usually sold for from £4. to £6. ' PRINTS : Venice : CANALETTI. Urbis Venetiarum prospectus celebriores, ex Ant. Canal tabulis XXXVIII acre express! ab Ant, Visentini, in tres partes, 40 fne plates of Views in Venice, early hnpressicns, £4. 45 Venet. 1 742 Pars I : fronti.sp. Two Portraits on one plate, plates I— XIV; Pars II: 1—12; Pars III: I-XII. Rome : PIKANESI. Antichita Romane de' Tempi della Repubblica, e de' primi Impera- tori, desegnate ed incise da Giamb. Piranesi, parte I & II, 28 fine plates, very earliest im- pressions, £3. 35 Roma, 1748 Parte I: engr. Title; dedication; Inscriptions, 2 plates; 11 plates;— Parte II : engr. title; 13 plates. the above 2 works in 1 vol. obi. royal folio,£6.\0s 1725-48 Putschius. Grammaticse Latin jb Auctores Antiqui opera et studio Helise Putschii, quorum aliquot nunquam antehae editi reliqui ex MSS. Codicibus ita augentur et emendantur ut nunc primum prodire videan- tur, 2 vols. 4to. calf, 365 Ilanov. 1605 the same, 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. fine PAPER, an excellent copy in vellum, i.3. 35; or, culfgilt, warbled edges, £3. IO5 Priced, morocco, 1840, Payne and Foss, £7. ; Thorpe, 1824, £8. 8s. See a long analysis of this very valuable work in the Bibiiotheca Ernesti, Vol. 3, p. 193. This important collection contains more than thirty ancient Grammarians, viz. Charisius, Diomedes, Priscia- nus, Probus, Magno, P. Diaconus, Phocas, Asper, Donatus, Servius, Sergius Cledoniu;*, Victorinus, Augustinus, Con- sentius, Alcuinus, Eutyches, Fronto, Vel. Longus, Caper, Scaurus, Agroetius, Cassiodorus, Beda, Terentianus, Vic- torinus, Plotius, Csesius, Bassus, Fortunatianus, Eufinus, Censorinus, Macrobius, etc.. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, edited by Sylvester, Fer- rers, and others, from the commencement in 1855 to 1867, Nos. 1-31, forming Vols. I- VIII, pt. 3, 8vo. plates, (pub. at £7. 155) in parts, rare, £5. IO5 1857-67 Raabe (Jacob Corvinus) der Hungerpastor, sq. 12mo. cloih, 4*- 6d Berlin, 1867 Haccolta r>i POESIE Italians. A Col- lection of 14 rare Tracts, several in the Venetian Language, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. red vioroccn ejstra, g. e. by Medree, £10. IO5 Containing:—!. Pianto, et Lamento de Selin Brian Imperador de Turchi: nellarotta, et destrut- tion delle s6 Arnuida con un' Esortation fatta a Occhiali, portrait and woodcuts, Veniexia, A. Mus- chio, 1574 (Venetian oiahct)—2. Boschcrezza, Can- zone nella ftdicissima Vittoria Christiana contra Intideli, di M. V. Giusto da Udine, Venetia CAldo), 157]_3. Nuova Canzone nella felicissima Vittoria Christiana contra intideli di C. B Fiorentino, wood- cut, Vewti'i, 1571—4. Frotola de Magagno per la Vittuoria dei nuostri Segnori contra i Turchi ( Vene- tian dialed), s. I. (t a. — 5. Canzone sopra la Vittoria otenuta dall' Armata de Prencipi Christiani contra la Turchesca, Venetia, Muschio, 1571 — 6. Canzone d'Andrea Barbante Khodigino, &c. i. I. ft a.—l. Canzone sopra la Vittoria dell Armata Christiana contra la Turchesca, Venetia, G. Perchacino. 1571— 8. Benedetti (Rocco) llagguaglio delle AUegrezze, Solennita, e Feste fatte in Venetia per la felice Vittoria, «fec. Venetia, Gratioso Perchacino, 1571— 9. Parafrasi Poetica sopra alcuni Salmi di David Prof eta, molto accomodate per render gratie a Dio della Vittoria donata al Christian esmo contra Tur- chi, Venetia, A'icolo Bevilaqua, 1571 — 10. Due Sonetti di due Gentildonne Senesi, Madre ct Fig- liuola (Virginia e Beatrice Salvi), a Celio Magno, Venetia {Aldo, 1571) - 11. Canzone nella felicissima Vittoria Christiana contra Infideli del Cav. Guer- nello, s. I. & a. (Venetia, Aldo, 1571J — 12. L'Ordine delle Galere et le Insegne loro, con li Fan6, , 1855 Retrospectiye Review, the Two Series COMPLKTE, 16 vols. 8vo. half green morocco, marbled edges, fine copy, from Lord Furuham^s library, £9. 9* ; or, If. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £10. lOs 1820-28 The First Series, published under the superinten- dence of Southern, 14 vols. 1820-26; the Second Series, edited by Southern and (Sir) N. Harris Nicolas, 2 vols. 1.27-28. " An excellent review of our early literature, to which the editor of these pages has been much in- debted." — Lowndes. A valuable storehouse of learned reviews of good old books in the departments of Early English Litera- ture, History, Travels, &c. It is to be regretted that the Scholars of England do not now gather under a c mipetent editor, and bring out as the result of their studies a similar periodical. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 981 Konnie's Plymouth Breakwatkr : An His- torical, Practical and Theoretical Account of the Breakwater in Plymouth Sound by Sir John Rennib, F.R.S., President of the In- stitution of Civil Enyincers, inipl. folio, wi/h 2S fine plates, India proofs, hf. green mo- rocco exirct, gilt edges, £4 4.t 18-18 The ordinary issue, consisting of 26 plates, is entirely out of peint. A few copies remain of tlie India proofs, which have 2 extra plates, not contained in the ordinaiy copies. Only 100 copies were in all printed of this grand National Work, indispensable to every Engineer. Rovolution Francaise : Collection com- plete des Tableaux historiques de la Revolu- tion Frangaise, 3 vols. impl. folio, very fine old impresdons of the portraits, a/id beau- tiful ENGRAYiNGS of revolutionary scenes, v'itJi, all the suppressed platen-, french calf, gilt edges, £8. Paris, 1805 (Fan XIII. de la R.) Plate 1.37 in Vol. II wanting. Les 223 gravures ou portraits in-folio, ont i\€ graves au burin par les premisrs artistes de Paris, au nombre desquels on distingue les Ohotfart, Duplessis-Bertaux, CoiJia, Coigny, Boyinet, etc. ; et le texte, qui est aussi in- folio, est iraprimd sur papier v^lin superfin d'Annonay, avec de ties-beaux caractferes. Bevue Numismatique, publi^e par Car- TIER ET L. DE LA SaUSSAYE dcS dC Icr Janvier 1836, jusqu'a Decembre 1868, as follows :— Here Serie, 20 vols, and vol. of 'Tables, 1836-56 ; Ilieme Serie, publiee par M. Adrien de Longperier et le Baron de WiTTE, Vols. I-XIII, 1856 68— together 4 vols. hf. vwrocco, and 131 parts, large 8vo. QUITE COMPLETE, 7na7iy plutcs and engravings, VERY RARE, £20. Pari", 1836-68 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Engravings from his Pictures and Sketches, large folio, 64 fine engravings by W. S. Reynolds, nearly all PROOFS, green morocco, gilt edge^, £4. 4.? BaysTvater, Reyvolds, 1834 A very interesting series of these fascinating Por- traits of the English Aristocracy. Reynolds' (Sir Joshua) Graphic Works, consisting of '600 beautiful copper -plat e engra- vings of Portraits and Fancy Subjects, after hi^ paintings, engraved by S. W. Reynolds, 3 thick vols, folio, genuine early impressions, hf. vtorocco gilt, gilt leaves, £24. 1833 This beautiful work was published at £36, the above is one of the copies issued before Mr. Bohn worked the Coppers. Richardson's (John) Wm. Swainson, and Rev. W. KiRBY, Fauna Bouealis-Ame- ricana, or Zoology of ISorth America, part I. Quadrupeds, 28 plates by Thos. Landseer, hf caf, 30s 1829 Riclier (A.) Nonvel Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire des Emperenrs, 2 vols. 12mo. red vwrocco, g. e. by I'adeloup, with the arms of the Due de Choiseul stamped in gold on sides, £3. Ss Paris, 1754 Richthofen's Alt- Priesisches Wdrter- bUCh, 4to. sd. [2^ Qd Gott. 1840 Ridley's short Treatise of magnetical bodies and motions, engraved front. London. Nicholas Oakes, 1613 — Magnetical Adver- tisements, or divers observations concerning the Load-stone (by Barlow,) London, 1616, in 1 vol. smallest 4to. numerous cuts, fine copies in calf extra, 30* 1613-16 Righetti (P.) Descrizione del Campi- doglio, 2 vols. roy. fol. 390 ;??rt^^j by Garzoli, ^v. half calf gilt, uncut, £5. 18a Iloniu, 1833-6 Risso et Poiteau, Histoire Naturelle des Grangers, royal folio, large paper, con- taining 109 viofit beautifully coloured plates of Orange and Lemon Plants in flower and fruit : elf'gantly bound in hf orange morocco, top edge gilt, uncut, £12. 12.? Paris, 1812-22 Published at 540 francs, unbound. Risso (A.) Histoire Naturelle des principales Productions de I'Europe Meridionale, particu- lierement celles de Nice et des ALPES, Mx\KiTIMES, 5 vols. 8vo. maps and plates of Jishes, plants, etc. half calf gilt, from Lord. FarnhavCs library, £2. 15.v Paris, 1826 Rituale ad usum Dioecesis Atrebatensis, (Arras) Aio. calf, \1s Atrebati,\157 Rituale ad usum Dioecesis Tornacensis, 4to. with musical notes, calf, 15? Tornaci,\l\^ Romaic. Lowndes, Lexicon : English-Modern Greek, with an English Grammar for Greeks, 8vo. morocco extra, 20s Corfu, 1827 ROSELLINI, Monumentideir Egitto e della Nubia (colli Monument! del Culto) 9 vols. 8vo. and 390 plates, some coloured, in 3 vols, elephant folio, half bound, — to- gether 12 vols, a beautijully bound copy, hf. red vwrocco, £30. Pisa, 1832-44 Rousseau (J. J) Botanique, impl. folio, LARGEST PAPER, with 65 cxqnisitely beauti- ful coloured plates, by Redoute, hf. bd. morocco, wicut, 36.? Paris, 1805 A book which has still considerable interest on account I of its scientific details. The original cost of this splendid edition was 400 fr. Priced 1824, Rivington's, £G. IQsM; Longman's, £6. 65; Edwards's copy fetched, Small Paper, £5. 10s, Large Paper, £8.185 6d, 1823; Taylor's £9. Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich: Proceedings, Vol. 11. No. 9 ; III. Nos. 4—14, 16 ; IV. wanting No. 10 ; V. ; VL 1-8— Stewart's Breaching experiments at New- haven, 1863— Lefroy on the Marriage Society, 1868 ; and several other valuable tracts, — together 62 parts, roy. 8vo. plate, sd. £2. lOs Woolwich, 1860-69 Royal Society : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal vSociety of London, from 1862- 68,4to. numerous plates, {^Vih. at .£26. l^s^d) in parts, sd. £16. \6s 1863-69 Rumphii Herbarium Amboinense, com- plectens Arbores, Frutices, Herbas, Plantas terrestres et aquaticas, quae in Ambuina et adjaccntibus Insulis reperiuntur ; item varia Insectorum Animaliumque genera, Belgice et Lntine, cd Burmann, cum Auctario, 6 vols, in 5, large folio, 666 fine eng racings, in old calf neat, £2. 2s Amst. 1750-55 A very cheap copy of this great work. Russian Dictionary, explained in Russian, 2 stout vols. 8vo. hf. bd.lUs St. Petersburg, 1 834 Sainthill (Richard, of Cork) An Olla Podrida: or Scraps Numismatic, Antiquarian, and Literary, 2 vols, royal 8vo. portraits, and plates of Coins, cloth, printed for private circulation only, 2Ss 1844-53 Saint Petersburgh Academy : Petropo- litanuB Academiuj Scicntiarum Commentarii, ab anno 1726 ad annum 1716, 14 vols, hf bound, Petropoii, 1728-51 — Novi Commen- tarii, Tom. I-XX, in 21 vols. sd. 1750-76— Acta, 1777, pt. 1 ; 1778-87, pt. 2 ; in 12 vols. sd. 1777-88— Nova Acta, pro annis 1783-98, Tom. I-XV. 15 vols, thirteenhf. bound, and one sd. 1783-1806 — Memoires de I'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, avec ITlistoirc de I'Academie, 982 BEEXAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. pourles annees 1803-20, Tom. I-IX,9 vols, two in tvhole calf, and seven sd. 1809-24 — to- gether 70 vols. 4to. nianerous plates, two vols, whole calf gilt, twenty-seven lif. bound, the rest sd.\K^\ rare, £30. Ptf?!/'o;?.i 728-1 824 — — - the same, Commentarii, pro aniiis 1726-46, Tom. I-XIV, sd. 1728-51— Nova Acta, 1783- 94, Tom. I-XII, sd. 1788-1801— Memoh-es, avec I'Histoire, pour les annees, 1803-14, Tom. I-IV, VI, 4 vols. sd. 1 in Ms. 1809-18 — together 31 vols. 4to. plates, sd. £3. 16* 1728-1818 Recueil des Actes de la Seance Publique, 1834, 1836, 1837,1840, 1843, 1844, 6 parts, sd. 1835-45 — Memoh-es, 6me Serie, Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques, Vols. IV- VII. sd. 1844-59 — Memoires, 7me Serie, Vols. I-VI. in parts, 1859-63— Bulletin Scientifique, Vols. I-X, 1836-42 -Classe Physico-Mathematique, Vols. I-XVI, 16 vols. 1843-58 — Classe Historico-Philolo- gique, Vols. I-XIII, 1844-56— Memoires presentps a 1' Academic pas divers Savants. Tom. VII-IX, 3 vols. sd. 1854- 69— Bulletin de r Academic, Tom. I-XI, No. 2, and inpartSy 1860-66— together the series described, 63 vols. 4to. nnmerous plates, thirty vols, in hoards, the rest sd. £20. 1834-66 Saints. Baillet (Adrien) Vies des Saints, avec I'histoire de leur Culte, 10 vols. 4to. veryfne copy in old F^rench calf gilt, £4. 10s Paris, 1739 •' Baillet dtait d'une lecture vaste et prof onde, et d'un travail assidu et prodigieux . . . . il a donne d'excellentes Vies cUs Saints, precedes d'un disoours plein d'erudition, et il est le premier qui les ait donn^ purgees de fables, de faux miracles, et d'histoires supposees."— Jlforeri. Sajnovies, Demonstratio, idioma Ungaroram et Lapponum idem esse, 4to. Is Ilafnice, 1770 Salusbury's (Thos.) Mathematical Collections and Translations, the first Tome 504 pp. and Table 22 pp. Galileus' System of the World, Galileus' Epistle concerning the Authority of Scripture in philosophical controversies ; Keplerus' Reconcilings of Scripture Texts, etc. the second Tome 118 pjj. and Table 6 pp. : Of the Mensuration of Running Waters— in 1 vol. large folio. Large Paper, old English red morocco extra, from the library of an English Duke, with his cypher LD. interlaced., £3. 3i 1761 Eight guineas are offered for the second volume to match the above. Samogitian Testament. Naujas Istatimas Je- zaus Christaus, par Gicdrayti, sm. 4to. id. Is 6d Wilniuje, 1816 Sanscrit. Surya Siddhanta, an Antient System of Hindu Astronomy, with Ranga- natha's exposition, the Gudhartha Prakasaka Sanscrit, ed. by Fitzedward Hall, 8vo. clcth, es Calcutta, 1859 Saxon Chronicle (The), with Englii-h Translation and notes, by Rev. J, INGRAM, impl. 4to. LARGE PAPER, platcs, calf neat, £2. 105 1823 With the editor's Autograph. Saxon Chronicle, Ancient History, English and French exemplified in a dissection of the Saxon Chronicle, sm. 8vo, bds. 5s 1830 Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica, cum commentariis edd. Dr. Miiller et Velschow, duas partes, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. 5s JIavnicF, 1839 Scandinavian. GUNNLAUGI SAGA : Sa- gan af Gunnlaugi (3rmstungu ok Skalld- Rafni, sive Gunnlaugi Vermilinguis et Rafnis Poetas Vita, ex MSS. legati Arnamagn. I.s- la?id et Lat. cum notis et dissertationibus (de Lingua Islandica,etc.) 4to. Fine Paper^plates^ calf 7ieat, from the Marquis of Hastings' li- brary, 30« Ha f nice, 1775 Sciieidii Origines Guelficae, 5 vols, folio, many plates of Miniatures and Charters, from MSS. in Italy and Germany, illustrative of German History generally, and the noble House ot Hanover and Brunswick specially, old calf neat, £2. 10s Hanover, 1750-80 ScheUer (K. F. A.) Biicherkunde der Sassisch- Niederdeutschen Sprache, 8vo. half calf gilt, 5s Braunschweig, 1826 An excellent Bibliography of the Lev German Litera- ture. Schlegel, Museum d'Histou'e Naturelle des Pays- Bas ; Livr. 1—9, 8vo. sd. 30* Leyde, 1862-66 Schleicher, Compendium der vergleichenden Grammatik der ludogermanischen Sprachen, thick 8vo. pp. 46 and 856, sd. Ix 6d Weimar, 1866 Scloppetaria, or Considerations on the nature and use of Rifled Barrel Guns, by a Corporal of Riflemen, 8vo. plates^ rare, haf riissia, 15s 1808 I'his work, which is of very great scarcity, embodies ideas and opinions which were half a century in a'l- vance of their time. It was published at £3. 3s, as mentioned in Lowndes; and no copy can be traced in booksellers' or sale catalogues, which proves that a very limited number can have been printed. Scotland. Martin's (M.) Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, small 8vo. mup^ second edition, calf 7teat, \8s Lon. 1716 Scottish Society of Antiquaries : Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Vols. I ; II. pts. 1, 3 ; III; IV pt. 2 ; V ; sm. 4to. vumerotis plates, portraits, and wood cuts, the frst vol. in calf antique, and 8 thick parts, rare, £3. 3.s- Edinburgh, 1855-65 Scots Magazine, containing a general view of the Religion, Politicks, Entertainments, etc. in Great Britain, and a succinct Account of Public Affairs, Foreign and Domestic, from the beginning in 1739 to 1817, 79 vols.— The New Series, under the title of the Edinburgh Magazine, and Literary Miscellany, 1817-26, Ig vols.— together 97 vols. 8vo. a complete SET, calf, rore, £12. Edinb. 1739-1826 the same, Edinburgh Magazine, and Lite- rary Miscellany, being the New Series of the Scots Magazine, 18 vols, (without Vol. 9), 8vo. hf. calf, 20s 1817-26 An extremely interet^ting and valuable periodical, ranging over a great number of years. It fonns a use- ful companion to a set of the Gentleman's Magazikb. Complete sets are of rare. occurrence. Scottish Society of Antiquaries : ARCH^O- LOGIA SCOTICA ; or. Transactions and Historical Account of the Society of Anti- quaries of Scotland, 1780 to 18.51, Vol. I-IV. pt. 2, 4to. maps and folates of Ancient Bemains, Inscriptions, etc. bds. £3. I6s 1 792-1 8.*i3 Sedgwick and McCoy. Synopsis of the classification of British Palaeozoic Rocks, by Sedgwick, with description of British Palaeo- zoic Fossils in the Museum at Cambridge, by McCoy, 2 vols. impl. 4to. 25 lithographic plates, with important MS. notes and cor^rec- tio/iS; cloth, £2. 2s 1855 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 983 Seriptores Optici ; a Collection of Tracts on Optics, by Des Carte?, Gregory, Halley and others, (collected by Baron Maseres and edited by Babbage,) 4to. boards, \8s 1823 Servian National Songs, in Servian, 4 vols. 8vo. sd. lOs Leipzig, 1824-33 Shahrastani (Abu '1-Fath Muhammad) Kitab-u '1-Milal wa '1-Nilial, Book of Reli- gious and Philosophical Sects, in Arabic, edited by Cureton, 2 vols, in 1, royal 8vo. cloth, 2bs Or. Text Soc 1842-6 This great work, an exposition of the doctrines of many creeds, was composed A. H. frll, and is one of the most vakiable pr( ductions of Arabic literature. Its high importance at the present time, when the study of old creeds and mytliologies is so universal, may be estimated fnm an abridgment of the con- tents. It comprises an account of the Musulmans and all their numerous sects; the Jews; Christians and their sects; JIagi, Zoroastrians, Manichseans, and other claimants of revealed religion ; Sabseans; the Hermetic philosophy; the Greek Philosophers and their schools, from Thales to Porphyrins; the systems of Muhammadan doctors, especially Avicenna ; the pre-Islamite religion of Arabia; Brahminism, Buddh- ism, and the other religions of India, concluding with an account of Hindu philosophers. Shakespeare Folklore : Dr. W. Bell, Shaivcspeare's Puck, and his Folklore, Illus- trated from the superstitions of all ages, with a final chapter of proofs of Shakespeare having lived in Germany, three vols. 12mo. illustrated with plates and woodcuts, (pub. 315 ed) cloth, ]2s 1852-67 ''Royal Crescent, Cheltenham, Aug. 23, 1852. "Accept my best thanks for the first volume of your ' Puck.' It is a most interesting work, and I am astonished at the vast quantity of matter you have brought together on the subject. I say this on just hastily running it over: I must read it carefully. Heartily wishing you success in this volume, and the early appearance of the second, — I am, &c., " J. BoswoRTH, LL.D., F.S.A." " That portion of this volume (Vol. 2) in which Dr. Bell seeks to prove that Shakespeare resided in Germany will be found of considerable interest." — Notes and Queries, Bee. 2, 1860. Shakespear's Comedies, Histories and Trage- dies, published according to the true original copies, unto which is added : Seven Phiys, never before printed in folio, fourth, edi- tion, folio, portrait, with B. J. 2 versex, title, body of the book, and qtdte perfect and sound, coif, tall copy, £12. London, 1685 Silvestre Paleographie Universelle. Collection de facsimile dVcritures de tous les peuples et de tous les teujps, tires des plus au- thentiques documents de I'art graphique, chartes et manuscrits existant dans les ar- chives et les bibliotheque de France, d'ltalie, d'AUemagne et d'Angleterre; publiee, d'apres les modeles ecrits, dessines et peints sur les lieux memes, par M. Silvestre, accompagnee d'explications historiques et descriptives, 4 vols, atlas folio, original edition^, ovith 300 magnificent plates, co)ttaining specimens OF EVERY style OF CALLIGRAPHY AND Facsimiles of the Miniatures, from the choicest Missals and Charters in the " Biblio- theque Nationale,^^ many of them splendidly illuminated, (pub. at £75. in parts) French hf. bound green morocco extra, top edges gilt, uncut, a picked subscription copy, £57. 1841 A TRULY MAGNIFICENT WORK, nOW VEIIY RARE. published under the auspices of Louis Philippe. Marked in a contemporary Catalogue £75 ; by Payne and Foss, 1848, £G3.; Lord Rutherford's copy fetched, 18S5, upwards of 80 guineas, The London issue of this work is inferior, as a number of the stones got broken during the shipment to England. One of the finest books in the world, and the most interesting to the Scholar and the Man of Taste. Three hundred Facsimiles of the choicest Manuscripts in Eu- rope, need no other recommendation than the state- ment of the fact. The work cost nearly Twenty Thou- sand Pnunds in getting up. Simeon [Charles M.] Entire Works, including the Horse Homileticue, Skeletons of Sermons, &c. edited with Copious Indexes by T. H. IIoRNE, 21 vols. 8vo. (pub. £7. Is) cloth, con- tents lettered, £6. 1855 Singer's Researches into the History of Play- ing Cards; with illustrations of the Origin of Printing and Engraving on Wood, 4to. numerous plates, to me coloured, calf neat, £3. I2s 1816 Skeat's Moeso-Gothic Glossary and Grammar, and a List of Anglo-Saxon and English Words etymologically connected with the Moeso-Gothic, small 4to. cloth, lOs 6d 1868 Skelton (J.) Poetical Works,with some Account of his Life and Writings, by the Rev. A. Dyce, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 32^) cloth, 253 1843 Slavonian Songs and Legends : Volk- slieder der Wenden in der (Jber- und Nieder- Lausitz, von L. Haupt und J. E. Schmaler, Lnsatian and Germau, 2 vols. 4to. map and coloured plates, hds. 165 Grimma, 1841-43 Most of the Songs have the Music; appended is a philological Essay on the various Slavonic Dialects of the Slavonians in Germany. Slavonic, Montenegro. Popular Songs of Montenegro and Servia, 8vo. sd. 2s &d Leipzig, 1837 Smith's (C. Roach) Collectanea Antiqua ; Etchings and Notices of Ancient Remains, illustrative of the Habits, Customs, and His- tory of Past Ages, Vols. I-VI complete, 8vo. above 300 Archaological Plates and Etch- ings, many of which are coloured, hf. calf neat, a tine set, rare, £12. Printed for subscribers only, 1848-68 A complete copy of this extremely valuable work so far as published; 'the early volumes are out of print Mauy separate parts in stock for the completion. " Mr. Roach Smith has b)-oughtto his task a thorough and familiar acquaintance with the writings of Roman and Greek authors, which enables him to interpret at a glance the significance of isolated and otherwise inscrutable facts and allusions. But besides these acquirements he pos- sesses an enthusiastic spirit, which has neither been daunted by opposition nor chilled by indifference: and to this we owe the results recorded in his splendid volumes. How many thanks are due from all historical and anti- quarian enquirers to Mr. Roach Smith for his public- spirited labours! Fortunately, he needs no other me- morial than his greatest work to attest his labours and services.' ' — Leicester Chronicle. Smith, Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, collected from the Observations of John Abbott, many years resident in that Country, in English and French, 2 vols. fol. fine original copy, the plates beautifully colonnd, russia extra, g. e. £5. bs 1797 Smith's (Dr. P.) DICTIONARY of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, 3 stout vols. 8vo. numerous engravings o?i wood, (pub. £5. 155 ed) cloth, £3. 3* 1844-49 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, stout 8vo. second edition, illustrated by nearlp fve hundred engravings on wood, (pub. at £2.2s) cloth,2\s 1865 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geogra- phy, 2 stout vols. 8vo. (pub. at £4.) cloth, £2. 2s 1854-57 the above, together 6 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £11. 17a 6d) cloth, £6. 65 1842-65 Smith (W., LL.D. Geologist,) Memoirs, by Phillips, Sro. portraits, cloth, 5s 1844 984 BEllNAED QUARITCIT, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Smyth (W. H.) ^des Hartwelliana?, or Notices of the Manor and Mansion of Hartwell, with the Addenda, 2 vols. 4to. plates, privately printed by Dr. I ee fm' presents only, presen- tation copy, with autograph note Jrom Dr. Lee, £3. 10* 1851-64 Snorro Sturleson's Heimskringla ; or Chro- nicles of the King of Norway, translated from the Icelandic, with a preliminary dis- sertation, by Laing, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 365 ) cloth, notes by Dr. Todd, 20^ 1844 Somaize (Sieur de) Dictionnaire des Pretieuses, historique, poetique, armoirique, etc. avec la Cl'-f, 2 vols. 12mo. old calf gilt, fine copy, £2. Is Paris, 1661 A curious account of noted French Court Ladies. "Ouwage satyrique. devenu assez rare, recherchd arec la Clef, vendu 215 fr. Plot en 1862."— Bronet. Somneri Dictionarium Saxonico- Latino-Anglicmn, voces phrasesque prsecipuas Anglo-Saxonicas cum Latina et Anglica inter- pretatione complectens; JElfrici Abbatis Gram- matica Latino-Saxonica, cum Glossario suo ejusdem generis, folio, calf, stained, 385 1659 Somneri (Gul.) Dictionarum Saxonico-Lati- no-Anglicum., voces phrasesque praecipuas Anglo- ISaxonicas cum Latina et Anglica in- terpretatione complectens ; jElfrici Abbatis Grammatica Latino-Saxonica, cum Glossario suo ejusdem generis, folio, interleaved , n-ith a number of additioiial A itglo-Saxo7i words, in a neat hand, calf £2. 10^ Oxon. 1659 Sowerby's MINERAL CONCHOLOGY of Great Britain, complete with General Index, and Supplement by J. D. C. Sowerby, 7 vols, large 8vo. ^^"^ finely coloured plates, n-ith text, (pub. at £26.) calf gilt, £16. 16* 1812-46 Priced, 1847. £18. 18s and £21. The Supplement, ■with plates, 610-648, can be had separately for 325. Spain. Ford's Handbook for Travellers in Spain ; Ath edn. 2 vols, post 8vo. maps, (pub. 30.-() cloth, 24* 3Iurray, 1869 Spence's Polymetis, portrait and numerous fine plates, first edition, the Lamoignon copy, folio, in red 77iorocco, broad detitelle border of gold, g. e. by Padelovp, £5. 5s 1747 Spenser (E.) Faerie Queene, 1609— Shep- heard's Calendar and other Poems, 1611, in 1 vol. sm. folio, autograph of^' Tho. Cotton y* calf, £2. 105 Stanfield (C.) Coast Scenery, 10 parts, large folio, large VAVY.K,ehoice India proofs before letters, rare, £5. 5s 1835-36 Steinmetz, Arithmeticae PraBcepta, in qua-s- tiones redacta cum exemplis utilibus quibus accessit Introductio Scrupulorum Astronomi- corum, 12mo. vellum, rare, 18.s (Lips.) 1568 Sterland's Birds of Sherwood Forest; with Observations on their Nesting, Habits, and Migrations, by W. J. Sterland, crown Svo. 4 coloured plates, (sells 7* 6d) cloth, 5s 1869 Stow ( John) Survey of London and Westmin- ster, with additions by Rev. John Strype, 2 vols, folio, mops of the Cities and Parishes, views of the Churches, Public Buildings, ^'c. best edition, FiNB COPY, Splendidly bound in rich red Turkey morocco, broad gold bor- ders, gilt and marbled, edges, £15. 15*- 1754-55 Priced, " 1843, Payne & Fo!-8, russia, £21; hogskin, £26. Ss; 1856, Lilly, russia, £21 ; in 1829. Hibbert's copy fetched £16.; 1853, Sotheby's, £15. 6.5; 1851, Gardner's, £19. 15s; 1856, Lane's, £15.155; 1858, Harward's, £15. STRUT T'S Biographical Dictionary of the En- gravers, from the earliest period to the present time, 2 vols. 4to. vnth the perfect set of \ 5 plates of Facsimiles of Mare Engravings, interleaved with writing paper, with old Memoranda of prices of Prints, calf, uncut, £4. 1785 Pythagorean Political Fragments, and Ethical Fragments of Hierocles, preserved by Stobiseus, translated by Taylor, Svo. cloth, bs; or hf. calf, 6« Chiswich, 1822 Styffe (K.) Iron and Steel, their Elasticity, Ex- tensibility and Tensile Strength, translated with Appendix by Sandberg, and a preface by J. Percy, M.D. 9 lithographs, {^^nh. \2s) cloth, lOv &d 1869 Suenska FolkWisor, utgifne af Geiger och Afzelius, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. hf. moi'occo, 16'? Stochhohn, 1840 Sugar. Besseimer's new System of Manufac- turing Sugar from the Cane, Svo. cloth, Is &d Printed for private circulation, 1852 Surrey : Buayley and Britton's History of Surrey, comprising its History, Topography, Antiquities, Geology, Picturesque Beauties, &c. ; the Geological portion by Dr. Mantell, 5 vols, in 10 parts, roy. 4to. LARGE PAPER, 140 beautiful steel plates, India Proofs, and 250 woodcuts, (pub. at £16. 16.») 9 pai'ts in cloth, 1 unbound, £5. A genuine early-subscriber's copy. Surrey. Manning's (Owen) History and An- tiquities of the County of Surrey, with a fac- simile copy of Domesday; continued by William BRAY, 3 vols, folio, maps and nu- merous plates, hf. roan, uncut, £16. 1804-14 the same, LARGE PAPER, 3 vols, royal folio, with all the EXTRA PLATES, yz/ie copy, russia extra, gilt edges, by Lewis, £27. 1804-14 This copy was sold before for £3f5. Priced, 1848, Payne and Foss, £30. North's copy fetched £31. 10s. Surtees Society : COSIN (John, D.D., Bp. of Durham) Correspondence, and other Papers, (edited by Ornsby), 1616-61, cloth, 16« 1868 Swan's Nervous System, Illustrations of the Comparative Anatomy of the, complete in 7 parts, 4to. 35fi7ie plates of Comparative Anatomy of Animals, (pub. at £2. 12^ 6^) rare, £1. 2s 1835-41 Swedish Dictionary : Dalin's Ordbok ofver Suenska Spraket, 2 vols, in 1, stout large Svo. hf. red morocco, 21« Stockholm, 1850 Texier, Byzantine Architecture : being a Collection ot Monuments of the Earliest Times of Christianity in the East, accompanied by Historical and Archaeological Descriptions, by Charles TEXIER, Member of the Insiifute of France, Hom^ury Fellow of the Boynl In- stitute, of JBri' Architects, and of the Boyal Academy of Sciences, Munich: and R. Pop- PLEWELL PULLAN, F.R.I.B.A., Architect to the Budrum Expeditimi, Agent for the Di- lettanti Society i?i Asia Minor, large folio, about \20 pages of text, with 12 fine engrav- ings, 17 chromo-lithographs, and 60 plates, (pub. £6. 6.v) gilt cloth, gilt edges, £2. 2* 1864 Of the many books offered at a reduced price, none is more sure to rise than the above really valu- able work, the best on the interesting subject of By- zantine Architecture, illustrated by nearly 100 elabo- rate plates. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 985 Torfsei (T.) Kerum Orcadensium Ilistoria, folio, calj. Is M HavidcE^ 1715 the same, folio, calj qllt, 12s 1715 TorniGlli (Aug.) Annales Sacri, et ex Pro- fanis prcecipui, ab orbe coudito ad eiindera Cliristi Passione redemptum, cum coramen- tariis A. M. Negri, 4 vols, large folio, vellum, £■2. 2s LuccB, 1757 "Tourniel est le premier qui ait traitd cette matibre avec dtendue et avec exactitude ; son ouvrage rie contient pas sculement I'liistoire, niais encore rdclaircissement des difficult^s de Chronologie, de'GPOgrapliie, de Topograplue, et touchant les Rites qui se rencontrent dans la narration de I'liistoire ; eu sorte que cet ouvrage pent etre consid^r^ comme un excellent Commentaire des Livres historiques de I'Ancien Testament." — Dupin. TPIKOYIIH 'I'^opia Ttjg 'EXXrjviKiig 'Eiravacd- aeojQ, 4 vols. 8vo. sd. I5s 1853-57 'Eicdonlg devrepa diopOioOdTa, 4 vols 8vo. half vellum (jUt, marbled edges, Sir Emerson Tennenfs cop?/, 30s 1860-62 The best and most authentic history of the Greek ■war of Independence. Tiie language is such as a stu- dent of the ancient classics could easily read. Trommii Concordantiae Graecae versionis vulgo dictae LXX. Interpretum, ed. Mont- faucon, 2 stout vols, folio, old calf, £4. Amst. 1718 Tundale's Visions, together with Metrical Moralizations and other Fragments of early Poetry hitherto inedited (edited by W. B. D. D. TurnbuU, 8vo. with India proof frontispiece ly C. K. SharpCf Tif, morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, 255 Edinh. 1843 Only 80 copies printed on small paper, and twenty- . 8s Lond. 1691 Wiclefii (J.)Dialogi, Franco/. 1758— Wirth's Nachrichten von Wiclef s Leben Lehrsatzen und Schriften, 1754— in I vol. s,m.Aio. vellum. Is 6d (Wigram) The Englishman's Greek Concordance ot the New Testament, small stout folio, large taper, cloih, £2. 2.s 1839 Wilkinson (J. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, frst ayid second series, manf/plates, 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, £5. 15* 1837-41 WILLEMIN, Monumens Francais inedits, pour servir a I'Histoire des Arts, des Costumes, &c. avec un Texte historique et descriptif par Andre Pettier, 2 vols, folio, finely coloured plates, red morocco svperextraj joints, g. e. £\l.\ls Paris, 1839 Williams (H. W.) Select Views in Greece, with classical illustrations, 2 vols. 4 to. with 64 beautful engravifigs by Miller, Hors- burgh, etc. India frooys, red morocco extra, dentelle borders of gold, gt. edges, £3. 3s 1829 the same, 2 vols, in 1, folio, LARGEST PAPER, {o7dy 12 copies printed in this state), brilliant INDIA PROOFS before Letters, ^'ie copy in red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Hammond, £6. 6* 1829 WiUis (Browne) Survey of the ENGLISH CATHEDRALS : York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Man, Litchfield, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Bristol, Lincoln, Ely, Oxford, Peterborough — Parochiale Anglicanum, 1 vol : together 4 vols, in 3, 4to. many inter- esting plates, fine copy in old russia, jfe'4. 4^- 1742-1733 Wilson's American Ornithology ; or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States, with continuation by C. L. Bonaparte, and notes by Sir W. Jardine, 3 vols. 8vo. several hundred engravings of Birds, finely coloured, hf. bd. marocco, gilt edges, £5. 5s 1832 Wilson's Analysis of Country Dancing, 12mo. coloured frontispiece and diagrams of the fignres, sd.'dx 1811 Wilson (Lea) Catalogue of Testaments, Psalms, and other Books of the Holy Scrip- tures in English, sm. 4to. privately printed, hf. morocco., unc2if, top edge gilt, £6. 6^ 1845 Useful for the Collations. Wilson (Thos.) Rule of Reason, contavning the Art of Logike, 1567— Wilson (T.)" Arte of Rh€torike, 1584— together 2 vols, in 1, sm, 4to. tlacfe letter, woodcut titles, fine clean copies in the old vellum binding, 36s London, J. Kingston, 1567-84 Wilts ArchsBological and Natural History Society : Wiltshire Arch.t'ological and Natural History- Magazine, a complete set from its commence- ment in 1854 to February, 1869, Nos. 1 — 33, forming Vols. I — XI, 8vo. «mwy plates of Antiquities, Pedigrees, Facsimiles, etc. in parts, £9. 10* Devizes, 1854-69 the same, Nos. 1—21, or Vols. I.— Vil. {wa7iting Nos. 3 — 7), 16 parts, 8vo. many plates, 364 1854-62 Windischmann, Syriacse Lingua?, Christo Judaeisque omnibus Christianoe redemptionis tempore vernaculse, prima Elementa, sm. 4to. sd. 7s 6d Vienna, 1555 Woirs Zoological Sketches, made for the Zoological Society of London, from Animals in their Vivarium, edited with notes, by P. L. Sclater, First Series, impl. folio, with letter- press, 50 magnificently coloured plates, neatly mounted, (pub. at £12. 12^) in a portfolio, £8. 8.« 1861 Joseph Wolf is so well known as the best delinea- tor of animal life, tliat little needs to be said of these splendid drawings, all of which are taken from the living animals, and are without exception the finest Zoological Sketches ever made. Wood (Anthony a) AthensB Oxonienses: An exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their education in the University of Oxford ; to Avhich are added the Fasti, or Annals of the said University; new edition with additions, and a Continu- ation by Dr. Bliss, 5 vols. roy. 4to. (pub. at £15. 15.?) calf, Dr. Todd's copy, with his notes, £10. 10^ 1813-20 " More care, attention, accuracy, and valuable enlarge- ment, from an inexhaustible stock of materials (some of them contemporaneous) has rarely been witnessed, than in the editorial labours of Dr. Bliss." A Tract written by E. D. in vindication of the Histo- riographer of Oxford and his works, 1693, has been in- serted. Worships : Barrett's (Rev. D.D.) Origin of the Constcllatic ns that compose the Zodiac, 8vo. bds. 7s 6d Dublin, 1800 London, 15 Piccadilly, 'February, 1870 VALUABLE ORNITHOLOGICAL WORKS, OFFERED BY BERNARD QUARITCH, and. may be had at the Prices affixed from any Bookseller. Just completed: Exotic ORNITHOLOGY, byPHiLipLuTLETSCLATEE, M.A.,Ph.D., r.K.S., &c., and Osbeet SALYIN, M.A., P.Z.S., &c. com- plete in 18 parts, impl. 4ito. each 21* ; laege papek, royal folio, each £2. 2s 186G-69 Under this title has been completed a series of 100 COLOURED LITHOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS of NEW, or hitherto UNFIGURED BIRDS, to form a SUPPLEMENT to Bdffon's Planches Eulumintes, Paris^ 1770-86 ; to Temminck's Planches Coloriees, 5 vols. Paris, 1838 ; and to Des Murs, Iconographie Ornithologique, Paris, 1845-49. Although it was originally intended by the Authors that the subjects for illustration in this work should be selected from the many new and remarkable ornithic forms which the exertions of mo:lern collectors have recently brought to light in nearly every part of the world's surface, particularly within the tropics, it was found, as the work progressed, that it would be more con- venient in this first series to restrict it to the illustration of the birds of the neotropical region, i.e. America south of the United States, This series then contains illustrations of American birds only, a few of them being taken from the interesting and peculiar forms inhabiting the West India islands ; a greater number represent birds of Central America, a district personally explored by one of the Authors ; the remainder ere figures of species belonging to South America proper. The species illustrated are 104 in number, belonging to 51 genera. To the final illustration in each genus is appended, in almost every case, a systematic list of all the other American members of the same genus known to the Authors, and the geographical distribution, compiled from every available authentic source, has been added to each species mentioned in the work. The majority of the specimens from which the drawings have been taken are to be found in the private collections of the authors, but the Museums of Berlin, Paris and Neuchatel and in England the British Museum, the Norfolk and Norwich Museum and the Derby Museum of Liverpool have all kindly lent specimens (many of them types) for illustration, and thus added materially to the value of the drawings in a scientific point of view. The first series of this work contains one hundred plates. Each part contains eight coloured plates and two sheet* of letter-press. The thirteenth part contains the four last plates, and the Title and Index to the volume. Only One hundred and fifty copies of the work, in imperial 4to. have been printed. The price of each part is £1. Is, to be paid for on delivery. Fifteen copies have been printed on LARGE PAPER, royal folio, to match the Large Paper issues of Temminck and Des Murs. The subscription price of these copies, is, each part, £2. 2*. Des Murs Iconographie Ornithologique : Nouveau E,ecueil general de planches peintes d'Oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de COMPLEMENT aux planches Enluminees de BUPFON et aui planches coloriees de TEMMINCK et LAUGLEE do Chartreuse, avec texte, figures par PEEYOT et GUDAED, complete in 1 vol. folio, 72 superbly coloured plates, £6. Qs ; or hf. bd. morocco, gilt top, £7. 7s Paris, 1845-49 the same, LAEGE PAPEE, roy. folio, £10. 10^ 1845-49 This beautiful work, now out of print, and very scarce, fonns a " Complement" to Buflfon's Planches Enluminees and Temminck and Laugier's Planches Coloriees. The plates, from the pencil of M. Oudard are beautifully executed. The new work, *' Exotic Ornithology," by Messrs. Sclater and Salvin, now complete, forms a suite to the " Iconographie." Those who possess the works of BulTon or Temminck, and all subscribers to the " Exotic Ornithology" should also have this fine work of Des Murs. Valuable Ornithological Works. Sir W- Jardine's Contributions to Ornitholoory, from the commencement in the year 1848 to 1852, all published, (containing papers on new or hitherto undescribed Birds, by GtOrdon, Gould, Kaup, Steickland, and other eminent naturalists), 2 vols. 8vo , 1 vol. text, wood- cuts, and 1 vol. containing QAi platesi, most of which are beautifully coloured, half red morocco^ vncut, very rare, £5. 5^ London and Edinhvrgh, 1818-53 the same, for the year 1852, 20 hiyhlij coloured plates, hf hd. 2\s Edin. 1853 This important work describes many New Birds, and is therefore indispensable in any Ornithological Library. The Ibis : A Magazine of General Ornithology, edited by Sclatee, 8vo. Yol. 5, 13 coloured plates, sd. £1.*4,9 1863 Vol. 6, 10 coloured plates, sd. £1. 4^ 1861 These two volumes are very rare and often wanted to make up sets of this important periodical. Vol. VI. includes the General Index, 1859-1864. THE KNOWSLEY MENAGERIE. GLEANINGS from the MENAGERIE and AVIARY at KNOWSLEY HALL, edited by J. E. Gray, impl. folio, 17 beautifully coloured ^plates from, the series of drawings made by Mr. E. Lear Knvivsley, 1S46 Contents or this Volume. Plate. 10 Piping Guan. Penelope pipile. 11 Purplish Guan. Penelope purpurascens. 12 American Emu. Rhea Americana. 13 Wattled Crown Crane. Belearica regu- lorum. 14 Stanle}^ Crane. Scops Paradisea,. 15 Maned Goose. Chenalopex jubata. 16 EyebroAved Rollulus. Rollulus superciliosus. 17 Eyed Tyrse. Tyrse Argus. Gleanings from the MENAGERIE and AVIARY at KNOWS- LEY HALL: HOOFED QUADRUPEDS, edited by J. E. Gray, of the British Museum, impl. foHo, 62 Jine plates^ fifteen of them very superbly coloured, from drawings by W, Hawkins Kiiowsley, 1850 The Plates of this volume are selected from the series of Drawings of Ungulated Quadnipeds made by Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins for the Right Honourable the Earl of Derby, chieHy from tlie animals living in his Lordship's Menagerie at Knowsley Hall. They have been lithographed by .Mr. W, Hawkins, and coloured under his superintendence. The Plates are accompanied by Lord Derby's notes on their habits, and by a brief description of the specimens of the various Genera, chiefly derived from the study of the animals at Knowsley, or in the British Museum.— J. E. Gray. together 2 vols. impl. folio, 79 large plates, many of them COLOURED, cloth, very rare^ £12. 125 1846-50 Printed for private distribution amongst the friends of the late Earl of Derby, to whose zeal for Natural History these volumes will remain a lasting monument. The editorship cf Dr. Gray of the British Museum is a further guarantee for the excellence of this work, which is indeed the most correct and the most beautiful, especially as far as the Mammals ase concerned, printed in Europe. The few single volumes which have at rare intervals turned up at sales, have fetched high prices. To all Public Libraries this work is necessary, as the plates present most accurate delineations of rare Birds and Mammals, made by first-rate Artists from living specimens. The Knowsley Menagerie forms a necessary complement to the great work of Cuvier et Geoffroy St. Hilaire, ** Histoire naturelle des Mamraiferes, 3 vols, folio, 1824-35," in which the plates and the text are inferior in beauty and accuracy to the above. Immediate application will be necessary to secure a copy at the price of twelve guineas. Plate. 1 Vitoe. Nyctipilhecus fclinus. 2 Whiskered Yarke. Pithecia rufiventer. 3 Red Macauco. Lemur rufus. 4 Yagouarondi. Leopardus Yagouarondi. 5 Banded Mungous. Mungos fasciatus. 6 Javan Squin-el. Sciurus Javensis. 7 Quebec Marmot. Arctomys Empetra. 8 EyebroAved Guan. Penelope superciliaris. 9 Pileated Guan. Penelope pileata. Valuable Scientific Works. A First Class Work of Science^ pub. £3. 35; cloth^ £1. lis 6d. MURRAY (A.) Geographical Distribution of MAMMALS, with a copious synonymic list of Species, stout 4 to. 103 coloured plates and maps, shewing the geographical distri- hution of each separate family 1866 " A book of such solid and sterling merit that we feel no apology to be due to our readers for bringing to their notice what cannot now he called a new publication. Our regrets should, if anything, take the form of excuses for not having found an earlier opportunity of drawing attention to its marked, and in many respects, exceptional merits. The great breadth of view adopted by the writer for his inquiry, the extent of his reading and research, and the width together with the caution of his generalizations, would remind us of that patient and persistent toil which we associate in general with the plodding genius of Germany, were it not for that more calm and wary tone of specuktion which marks the less imaginative intellect of the North Briton, The hardy fibre of his national temperament is well displayed in his laborious heaping together of the results of wide travel and exploration, as well as in the shrewd, methodical, and well-sustained conclusions which he proceeds to build up on these data. The immense amount of scattered information which has of late years been made public regarding the geographical distribution of plants and animals suggested to his mind the desirableness of its being " classified and methodically displayed, so that some general and connected view of the facts, and of their bearing upon each other, should be attained." Addressing himself in the main to the professed naturalist, Mr. Murray has kept concurrently in view the wants of the general reader. It has been his object to keep clear, as far as possible, from technical nomenclature where words in common use would fulfil their piu'pose, endeavouring to hit, both in his text and in his references, the happy mean between a burdensome display of enidition and a selection too meagre to be of use. It is no small credit to him to have suc- ceeded in producing a work at once so full and comprehensive in its treatment of these multifarious heads of inquiry, and so clear and readable as regards its method, its argument, and its style There is in his handsome volume an amount of sound reasoning, as well as of curious and well digested facts, to entitle him to the confidence and gratitude of the public. •* The leading theory of Mr. Murray's Avork is that the successive changes in the forms of organic life are the result of corresponding alterations in the physical conditions of the earth." — Saturday Review, 28th Nov. 1868. Long out of print, a few copies have just been obtained : Owen (R-) Odontography; or, a Treatise on the COMPAEA- TIVE ANATOMY of the TEETH; their physical relations, mode of development, and microscopic structure in the Yeetebeate Animals, one vol. text, and Atlas containing 168 beautiful plates, engraved with mar- vellous minuteness, (pub. at £5. Ss) hf bd. morocco, ^^ £2. 2* 1840-45 . The same, LARGrB PAPER, Ikdia Peoofs ; together 2 thick vols. 4to. (pub. at £10. 10^) hf russia, £6. 10s 1840-45 One of the great modern productions which mark the present wonderful advance of scientific knowledge. Dr. Owen stands on a pedestal of eminence which is rarely attained. " The present work on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Teeth, considers — I. The Teeth in their relation to the Osseous System, and the intimate structure of their com- ponent tissues ; II. The Teeth, regarded as parts of the Digestive System, and, besides their structure, their various configurations and proportions, in subserviency to the habits and food of the different species; III. The development of the Teeth considered in connection with that of the epidermal appendages of the Tegumentary System, in consequence of a close analogy in the form, structure, temporary duration, and reproduction of the formative matrix. "The views of the structure and development of the Teeth, and the consequent deductions as to their place in the system of tissues, their physiological relations, and their value as zoological characters, are fully and connectedly treated of in this work. «' The Dental System is in this work traced from its more simple to its more complex con- ditions, but this progress is partially subordinated to the limits of zoological arrangement; for, although the tooth of a Myliohates or a Lahyrintliodon be, in structure, more complex than many Mammalian teeth, yet this complexity is associated with other characters, such as mode of attachment, frequent shedding and renewal, &c., which indicates an essentially inferior grade, and connect them, respectively, in closer natural relationship with the more simple teeth of other species of Fishes and Reptiles. A distinct Part, or division of the Work, is, therefore, appro- priated to the Dental System of each of the three great Classes of Vertcbratcd Animals which possess teeth. — Preface, Valuable Scientific Works. The GENUINE work, with 62 COLOURED plates, and many woodcuts, 2 vols, royal 8vo. (published at 38s) offered for 28^. Prichard's Natural History of Man ; com- prising Inquiries into the Modifying Influences of Physical and Moral Agencies on the different Tribes of the Human Family. 4th Edition, revised and enlarged, by Edwin Norris, of the Eoyal Asiatic Society, 2 vols, royal 8vo. with 62 COLOURED plates, engraved on steel, and 100 engravings on wood, (pub. at £\. 18s) cloth, 28s 1855 This is the Great Text Book of Ethnologists. The remarkable series of coloured plates accompanying this work forms a complete Pictorial Gallery of every variety of the Human Race scattered over the Globe. Advocates of the *' One Pair Theory" will find no corroboration of their doctrines in the facts set forth in Dr. Prichard's learned work. However, if we cannot call all the Races of the World " brothers," we may surely treat them as " friends," and make our- selves acquainted with their leading physical and mental characteristics. Prichard's Six Ethnographical Maps, supplement to the Natural History of Man, and to the Eesearches into the Physical History of Mankind. Folio, coloured, and 1 sheet of letterpress, 2nd Edition, (pub. £\. 4s) 12s London, 1860 WALTON (Elijah) The Camel, its Anatomy, Proportions, and Paces, roy. folio, 94 jine large "plates^ some coloured^ showing the entire frame of the Animal in all its various parts^ postures^ and powers^ (pub. at £4.4^) cloth^ gilt edges^ £2. 16s 1865 Only 150 Copies were printed, of which 12 remain. " An unsurpassed example of this mouographical kind of anatomical science." — Owen's Anatomy of Vertebrates, preface, p. vi. " The drawings of the animals in their different positions . . . are characterized by a degree of boldness that no artist would have ventured on, had he not been assured of the extent of his knowledge. 1 c:mnot speak too highly of the painstaking and conscientious execution of this truly mag- nificent work."— I%e Field, 19th May, 1866. " The monograph as illustrating the . . . postures . . . the anatomy, in short, of form, is not only as extensive and varied as can possibly be required, but drawn with extraordinary accuracy and with great power." Athenceum, 15th April, 1865. " A really valuable addition to natural history." — Sportsman, 19th Oct. 1865. Waterhouse's Natural History of Mammalia, 2 vols, stout large 8 vo. 4<4ijlne engravings, finely colo\JB,^d, and numerous woodcuts, (pub. at £S. Ss i5d) cloth, SOs 1846-8 Vol. I. Containing the Order Mabsupiata, or Pouched Animals, with 22 illustrations engraved on steel, and 18 engravings on wood. Vol. II. Containing the Order Hodentia, or Gnawing Mammalia, in- cluding Index to the Technical Names, and Index to the English and other Local Niimes, tvith 22 illustrations engraved on steel, and engrav- ings on wood, sold separately for £1. Is The Natural History of Mammalia embraces an account of the structure and habits of all the knoAvn species of Quadrupeds or Mammals here described; to which are added observations npon their geographical distribution and classification. Since the fossil and recent species illus- trate each other, notices of the leading characters of the Extinct Species are also included. The genera, and many of the species, are illustrated partly by engravings on steel, and partly by wood engravings. The modificatitons observable in the structure of the skulls, teeth, feet, and other parts, are almost entirely illustraed by wood engravings. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 987 Wylie's Fairford Graves; a record of liesearches in an Anglo-Saxon Burial-place in Gloucestershire, 4to. 13 plates, hds. \Qs Oxford, 1852 Zarlino, Istitutioni Harmoniche, Venetia, 1558 — AiioN, Toscanello in Musica, con la gionta, Jine large woodcut portrait, V'meggia, Sessa, 1539_2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, Music and Diagrams, vellum, gilt edges, £2. lOs 1539-58 Zohar. Sepher Sebuim Tikkoni ha-Zohar : Commentary on part of the Zohar, (with the text included) by Tsebi ben Yerameel Khats (Chocz), all Hebrew, folio, old calf, \5s Amst. 446 (1686) Zoological Society of London: Pro- ceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence of the Zoological Society of London, 1830-32, 2 vols.— Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1833- 1865, (pub. £9. 185), 31 vols.— together 33 vols. 8vo. £10. 105 1831-65 This Series has no plates. the same : Proceedings of the CommitteCj and Proceedings of the Society, 18 vols. 1830-47 Proceedings of the Society, with Illustra- tions, fi'om the commencement of this issue, in 1848 to 1867, 19 vols, with about 650 co- loured PLATES, (pub. at £40. 125) — toge- ther 37 vols. 8vo. £27. 1831-67 Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, Vols. I— VI Pt. 4, with 381 coloured j3/« at £56. 16^) hf. bound morocco, gilt leaves, £28. 1835-41 This beautiful work comprises accurate fig- This copy is one of the earliest, and it is quite ures both of migratory and indigenous birds, and complete and very rare now. These plates pre- in most instances both male and female, accom- sent, unquestionably, the best delineation of Bri- panied by their eggs and by curious or rare nests, tish Birds ever published. Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales^ collected out of Ancient Manu- scripts, (by Owen Jones), 3 large vols. 8vo. bds. uncut, fine clean copy, £12. the same, with MS. notes by the late Bev. J. Williams ah Ithel, 3 vols. 8vo. 1801-7 mulation of his scanty earnings, published the Myvyrian Archaiology, at his own cost, in 1801 and 1807. It was a work which might have been done by a king, an institution, or a society of the noble and the learned ; but it was accomplished, and scrupulously accomplished by a poor Welsh peasant." — Athenomm, No. 1814, Aug. 2, 1862. Ids. uncut, £10. 10* " Of all the labourers iu the field of Celtic antiquities, none deserves more honourable re- membrance than Owen Jones, the poor peasant of Myvyr, who, unassisted by patronage, devoted his life to the preservation of the literature of his country. He came up to London, a poor boy, engaged as a clerk in some city establishment, and after forty years of self-denial, with the accu- Roberts's Holy Lar'd, Syria, Idumaea and Arabia, with historical descriptions by Croly, 3 vols, atlas folio, 125 magnificent plates, 1842 — EGTPT and NUBIA, from Drawings made on the spot, by David Roberts, R.A., with historical descriptions by Brockedon, complete, 3 vols, atlas folio, 123 most BEArTirUL PLATES, 1846-9 — together 6 vols, atlas folio, (pub. at £42.) a genuine oeighnal copy, hf. purple moeocco, gilt edges, £24. London, F. G. Moon, per Day and Haghe, 1842-49 The counterfeit copies have the same date, but were not issued by Alderman Moon, and instead of Day and Haghe, they were got up by Day and Son. Gentlemen buying this work should secure a genuine copy, not one of the 1000 eopies subsequently produced by Messrs. Day & Son, and sold by Mr. Southgate by public auction. The present is the genuine issue. Roberts's Holy Land and Eg-ypt, the two Series of the work quite perfect, a genuine original PROOF copy, 6 vols, in parts, atlas folio, in this state the vignettes are all on separate plates, not on the text as in the usual copies, (pub. at £63.) leather backs, cloth sides, a bargain, £S0. 1842-49 In this, the Proof State, all the Vignettes are printed separately like the other plates, whilst in the ordinary copies the Vignettes are printed on the text. For artistic finish and delicacy of expression the plates of the " Proof Copies" are by far pre- ferable to the ordinary copies of the first or second issue, and they truly represent Roberts's genius. Eoberts's Holy Land, 3 vols. 125 magnificent plates, coloured like the original Drawings, each plate mounted on cardboard, and fastened on guards, (pub. at £44. 2*) 1842— EGYPT and NUBIA, 3 vols. 123 plates most BEAUTIFULLY colourod to imitate the original Drawings, and mounted on card- board, (pub. at £44. 2*) 1846-9 — together 6 vols, atlas folio, 248 superbly colored plates, (pub. at 5688. 4« in parts) hf. bd. brown morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, £63. 1842-49 ^f The above 3 copies are all original famous sites and stupendous Architectural Ke- copies, in fine and perfect condition, mains of the Land of the Bible, of Ancient Egypt, the first is a subscription copy, prints, £24. Nubia, etc. such as they appear now. Every one the second, a Proof copy . . £30. of the Engravings is a perfect work of Art ; to the third, a colored copy . . £63. all Bible Headers, Oriental Scholars, and to gen- Surreptitious copies may be had for less money. tlemen who resided or travelled in the East, lioberts' " Holy Land and Egypt" is a really Roberts's works will afford the most pleasant noble and grand publication. The great artist reminiscences, has represented, in his masterly style, ail the 987 BIBLIOTHECA OCC IDE NTALIS : BOOKS RELATING TO NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. The portion of this great Atlas, which has a special interest for American collectors, consists of the plates 51, 52, and 53, which contain all the important early Maps displaying the first de- lineations of the American continent, viz. — the Atlases. 1 SANTAEEM'S GRAND ATLAS : Atlas compose de Mappemondes, de For- tulans, et de Cartes hydrographiques et historiques depuis le YIe jusqu'au XYIIe Sieele, pour la plupart inedites, devant servir de preuves a I'Histoire de la Cosmographie et de la Cartographie pendant le Moyen-age, et a cello des progres de la Geographic, atlas folio, 7G tnaps, many of them on double sheets^ and some heauUfully coloured^ {without plates 14 and 30 in the list of 78 maps described in the Index, ivhich has been additionally printed for these copies), titles and Index added, £30. FaiHs, 1842-53 2 another set, wanting in the series of 78 plates, the following fourteen : Nos. 2, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 51, 52, 53,— together 64 large sheets, tvith the additional titles and Index, a few maps coloured, £12. 10.9 1842-58 ftimous Mappemonde of Ruysch, 1508; Schoner's Globe of 1520; the Mappemonde from Gamers' Solinus of 1520 ; the Mappemonde of Roselli, 1532; the Mappemonde from Miinster's Gosmo- graphia, 1544; and that of Vadianus of 1546. 3 PTOLEMEI Geographic Opus nouissima traductione e Grecorum archetypis castigatissime pressum, (edentibus Eszler et Ubelin), large folio, icoodcut maps, all neatly coloured by a contemporary hand, hf. bd. £12. 12^ Argentine, 1513 Europe, Asia and Africa are all connected, and stretch from Greenland as the north-western ex- tremity of Europe to Java minor in the south- east of Asia ; and, in the other way, from the Gape of Good Hope to Cathay. On the left- hand side appears part of the continent of South America, reaching as far as San Paulo in about 30 degrees of south latitude; above it are seen Guba and San Domingo, and beyond them to the north, the outlines of a separate shore which is probably intended for Yucatan. The second map is Tabula Terre Nove, an amplification and correction of the preceding one, so far as the New Gontinent was concerned. It is full of names along the sea coast, from Yucatan in the north to 35 degrees (really but 28) of south latitude. This map is no doubt the work of the ceteros lustratores mentioned above, and it bears the inscription (on the face of the South American continent) " Hec terra cum adi- acentibus insulis inventa est per Golumbum Ja- nuensem ex mandato Regis Gastellc," which appeared here for the first time, and Avas fre- quently repeated on later maps. Gonsequently this edition of Ptolemy is from many points of view a very remarkable one, and it is besides a very rare book. Editio Prtnoeps of Columbus' famous Map of the New World, generally called the Ilyilro- (jrnpli'te Portugaise, so frequently referred to by writers upon the discovery of America, a copy of which was obtained in 1504 by Rene, Duke of Lorraine, and presented to the editors of the present Ptolemy. They expressed their gratitude to the prince by designing and engraving at the end of the work the first existing map of the Duchy of Lorraine ; but Rene had been five years dead when^ the book was published. The only mention of the Duke and of the Columbus map is contained in the Ad Lectorem of the Sup- plement in the following words, Avhich are sup- posed to establish the authorship of the chart: — ** Charta auteni marina quam Hydrographiam vocant per Admiralem quondam serenissi. Por- tugalie regis Ferdinandi ceteros denique lustra- tores verissimis peragrationibus lustrata, minis- tcrio Renati, dum vixit, nunc pie mortui. Duels illustriss. Lotharingie liberalius prelographationi tradita est." The word Portugalie is plainly a mistake for Tlispanio}, and the Admiral referred to is generally believed to mean no other than Columbus himself. The first map which follows the Ad Lectorem is the celebrated Hydrographia, entitled at top Orbis typus Universalis, and it shews at one view the entire known world. 4 APIANI (Petri) Cosmogeapiiia, per Gemmain Phrysium restituta, additis de eadem re ipsius Gemma) libellis, sm. 4to. ivith the same curious woodcuts and revolving diagrams, as in the following edition, limp vellum, £3. \Qs Antverp. A. Berclcman, 1539 In addition to the matter of the first edition, this has some extra astronomical disquisitions by Gemma Frisius, and, at the end of the table of American islands, a description of Peru, which had been recently discovered by the Spaniards, (the date being fixed as 1530). Moreover, the figure of the American continent, in the first (jf the two small maps, is altered and improved. 3f 988 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 5 APIANI (Petri, Mathematici) Cosmo geapiiicus Libee, smallest 4to. first EDITION", numerous curious tvoodcuts, maps, and Geometincal and Astronomical Diayram.s, with Volvelles and other moveable pieces, the woodcut of the globe on the title, and the arms of a Cardinal printed from wood blocks in black and red, VERY FINE CLEAN COPY, £6. Cs Landisuta, 1524 "Edition tres rare, et la premiere qui ait paru de cet ouvrage." — Brunei. The Manual however only mentions 52 leaves, while this copy- has 60, of which the last is a blank, on which are pasted the two separate pieces to be used in practical illustration of the last diagram. This leaf and its adjuncts are almost invariably want- ing. Apian was the designer of the map which appeared in the celebrated work of Gamers upon Solinus in 1 520, and was consequently the origi- nator of the name America so far as it appears 6 APIANO, CosMOGEAPHiA, augmentada por Gemma Prisio, agora traduzida en Eomance Castellano, small 4ito. folding map and woodcuts, a few wormholes in the inner margin, hf. bd. £5. Enveres, 1548 6*APIANI Cosmograpliia, additis libellis Gemmae Prisii, sm. 4to. limp stamped hogshin, 56'5. 5^ Antv. 1550 There are in these two editions (the Spanish representation of South America and the Isthmus ; m maps. The Cosmographicus Liber has two small maps which also bear the delineation and title of America, and the fourth chapter of the second part is an article devoted wholly to Ame- rica and Vespucci, ignoring the name of Colum- bus. In the seventeenth chapter " America" is mentioned as an island along with England, Sicily, and others. The island of Cuba is called Isabella seu Tuba, and in the table Isabella aut Cuba, which is probably the earliest mention of its present name. and the Latin of 1548 and 1550) a few further additions by Gemma Erisius beyond those con- tained in that of 1539; but the great and essen- tial difference which makes them valuable is the large map of the world, which is not in either of the two preceding editions. It gives a very fair North America being still in a crude and incor- rect state. But this map shews a wonderful ad- vance in the knowledge of the New World's geography, beyond what appears in the two smaller maps, which the present volume also has, in common with the editions of 1524 and 1539. 7 BOIiDOJNE, Isolario, nel quale si ragiona di tutti I'lsole del mondo, . . . con la gionta del Monte del Oro novamente ritrovato, sm. folio, title within elegant engraved border, large map of the world, and 105 separate maps of islands on the letterpress, limp vellum, fine copy, with many uncut leaves, £2. 2s Vinegia, 1547 Besides the large map of the World, which These maps and text are very interesting, and includes the Mondo Novo, there are 9 separate maps of America (including a bird's-eye view of Mexico) and 18 pages of text to correspond. represent the complete knowledge possessed by geographers with regard to the New World in 1526, when Bordone completed his work. 8 OETELIUS. TiiEATRUM Orbis Terrarum, ihietz mitt vielen neuwen Land- tafflen gemehret, folio, German text, Boman characters, frontispiece, and 68 leaves of maps, all neatly coloured by a contemporary hand, in the original bind- ing, from P. F. von Siebold^s library, £10. On title, 157S'-atend,AntorJ^, 1572 The rarest issue of the Atlas of Ortelias, and remarkable for its peculiar and manifold specimens of type, all Roman characters, which Avere not used except in this first edition with German text. The orthography and style of language are rather barbarous, but this was re- medied in the later German editions by the entire recomposition of the text, and the employment of Gothic type. There are also fifteen new maps added to the original set of fifty-three which were published in 1570; and some of these are dated 1572 and 1573. (No. 47, a map of Tartary, which would have raised the number of sheets to 69, is missing in this copy). Amongst the ad- ditions are fresh maps of the British Isles, fur- nished to Ortelius, with corresponding text, by map of Russia is by Antony Jenkinson, and de- dicated to Sir Henry Sydney, governor of Wales. Daniel Rogers, another Englishman, also contri- buted assistance to the geographer, and a Latin epigram by him is prefixed to the work. The map of the New World is, for the time, singu- larly correct and full of detail; and the advance of discovery in North America is specially re- markable. There is a curious circumstance noted in the text relating to the New World. It is that " these lands have caused our countries to be filled with sugar; so that it is now used in every kitchen, and as an article of daily food, while formerly it was, with us, found only in apothecaries' shops, and employed as a medica- ment." Humphrey Lluyd, the Welsh antiquary. The 9 OliTELIIJS, Theatrum oder Scbawbucli des Erdtkreys, folio, German text in Gothic character, portrait, 93 sheets of Maps i?i contemporary colouring, Anforf, 1580 £7. 10s In this second German issue the text is en- tirely re-written so as to abolish the barbarous language of the edition of 1572. Ortelius' por- trait and twenty-four additional maps were added, of which two have a special value for the Ame- rican collector. One is a map of New Spain, dated 1579, which is as full of detail as any of the European countries, every hamlet, hill, 'and river marked, so that it must contain about 1000 names. The second is a map in two parts, con- taining tlie regions of Northern Mexico, and the West Indian islands with part of Florida. BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDEIS TALIS: ATLASES. 989 10 OETELIIJS, Theatee de l'Uniyees, large folio, text in French, 69 sheets of maps, in contemporary coloi(,ring, Id. £12. Anvers, 1574 The text varies eonsiderably, but the maps I 1572. This copy has the Map of Tartary, which are just the same as in the German edition of | is wanting in article, No. 8. 11 OETELII Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, opus nunc tertio recognitum et auc- tum, 1589~Parergon- in quo veteris Geographia^ aliquot Tabulae, 1584 — Nomenclator Ptolemaicus, 1584 — in 1 vol. roy. folio, the frontispiece, maps, and the engravings elegantly coloured by a contemporary hand, fine copy, in ancient calf binding, with Coat of Arms on the sides, formerly in the library of the Earl of Coventry, with his autograph on the title, 2615. Antv. 1589-84 The number of Maps in the Theatrum is 167, contained on lOO leaves ; in the Parcrgon there are 12 ; so that this edition comprises 59 maps more than the original one, and 44 more than the preceding edition in German. The ad- ditional maps are dated in various years from 1584 to 1589. That of China is dated 1584, and the text on the back of it contains two Chi- nese words, in the Chinese character ; so that this Atlas is really tlie first European hook in which Chinese characters appeared, being one year earlier than the work on China published by Gonzalez de Mendoza, at Kome, in 1585, to The book is a very fine one, printed in bold, clear types, upon strong and thick paper. In the text to the map of Valentia, there is a singular state- ment made, which is wholly altered in the later edition. It is this: " Ager hujus nvhis (ValenticB) ubique a Mauris colitur . . Avorumque pro- sapiam lingua Arabica et religione Mahumetana palam et vulgo profitentur in hunc usque diem ; conniventibus Rege et Inquisitione." This start- ling charge appears only in this one edition, for in the later ones it is changed as follows: "Ager hujus urbis a gente e Mauris oriunda et paternum sive avitum sermonem ac fere vit£e morem adhuc retinente colitur." which the priority has hitherto been attributed 12 QUADTJS (Math.) Europae totius orbis terrarum partis praestantissimae uni- versalis et particularis descriptio, sm. folio, engraved title, 73 large and fine maps, with portraits of princes and Coats of Arms in tJie corners, fine copy in original stamped vellum, 36^ Coloniae, Biissemecher, 1594 Quadus published in 1608, the Fasciculus Geographicus, a work much better known than the present, and also less rare. A feature of 13 WYTFLIET (C.) Descriptionis Ptolemaicse Augmentum sive Occidentis Notitia, sm. folio, map of the world, and 18 maps of xImericaj?" Countries, each occupying two pages, vellum, £3. 16s Lovanii, 1597 First edition of the first special Atlas of the New World. The text is a compile- ment of all then existing information. Appended 14 WYTFLIET, Magin, et autres, Histoire universelle dm Indes Occidentales et Orientales et de la conversion des Indiens, 3 vols, in 1, sm. folio, maps as in the preceding article, hf morocco, £2. 10s JDouay, 1607 great value in the work now described is the first sliQQi—Typus Orbis Terrarum — containing an ELABORATE MAP OF AMERICA. IS •• Asia secundum rationes geographicas deli- neata, Ursellis, 1600," in 14 maps. The first of the three parts composing this volume is generally supposed to be a translation of the preceding article. It is not merely such, for although the maps are precisely the same, the text is very considerably changed ; large aug- mentations from more recent sources of know- ledge are given, and a few judicious omissions made in it. The second part contains four maps 15 WxTFLiET. Histoire universelle des Indes Occidentales et Orientales, 3 parts in 1vol. sm. folio, 21 maps, a little wormed, hf. bd. £2. 16s Douay, 1611 on two leaves. The whole outline of New Guinea is given in part 1 , the famous strait is marked, and the separation of that island from Australia distinctly laid down ; but the correctness and am- plitude of the details given in depicting Upper North America are the most remarkable features of the book. Contrary to the opinion of Brunet, who sup- posed that there was only one French cditiDn issued at different times with different dates, this volume dated 1611 is really a new edition, and has two leaves (containing 4 new and original maps) in addition to all that went before. These four maps are in the second part, and represent: 1. India and the Indian Islands. 2. Japan. 3. China ; and, 4. The Philippine Islands. The map of Japan is the first authentic one, and ap- proaches very closely to those of our riiodem Atlases. IG LAET (Joannes de) Besclirijvinghe van West Indien, tweede Druck, verbetert, vermeerdert, met eenige nieuwe Caerten verciert, sm. folio, best £ditio:n", fine frontispiece and 14 large and beautifully engraved Maps of America, also some woodcuts of American Natural History, fine copy in old calf gilt, £8. 85 Leyden, Elzeviers, 1630 16* Novus Orbis seu Descriptio Indise Occidentalis, folio, 14 maps, with woodcuts, as in the preceding edition, fine copy in vellum, VifCJJT, from Bishop Wynne's library, £5. 5s 1633 - 8 r2 990 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 17 Laet (J.) Histoire diiNouveau Monde, folio, 14 mapsy old calf, 36s; or, fine copy in vellum, £2. The special value of this work and these editions consists in its maps of North America, New England and New Netherlands, from which succeeding writers copied. Mr. Asher, in the 1640 Bibliographical and Historical Essay, says that he could not find a copy of the French edition in Holland, and was therefore obliged to quote Ter- naux' description. 18 LAET, Historie offce Jaerlick Verhael van de Verriclitinghen der Geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie sedert haer Begin tot 1636, sm. folio, 12 maps, vellum, £2. 2s Leyden, JElsevier, 1636 A work of great authority containing a de- I West Indies Company, over which Laet held the tpiled history of the proceedings of the Dutch j advantageous position of director. 19 MEECATOEIS (Gerardi) et I, Hondii Atlas Novus sive descriptio geogra- phica totius Orbis Terrarum, 3 vols. impl. folio, frontispieces and 318 large Maps, finely coloured, many having portraits and coats of arms, some leaves dis- coloured, and a liole lurnt through the margins of three, vellum, £10. Amst. 1638 A splendid work, bearing the highest testi- mony to the learning and labour of the editors. The latest geographical discoveries are incorpo- rated in their work, and contributions by the best authorities in each country are made use of. This is the first Atlas containing anything like a fair de- scription of the now United States; the settlements of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, the estab- lishment of .3 ames' City, and the position of Fort Orange and New Amsterdam (the future city of New York), being all clearly laid down, although ing to observe the records on the map of New England, of the recent English investigations. Besides the general map of the world, there are seventeen special maps for America and its parts. A voyage from Bermuda to Ireland in an open boat, by five Englishmen, is noticed as an unpre- cedented iiict. Another feature of the work is its amplitude of detail in the maps of Eastern Europe ; and two large maps which shew the ourses of the Rhine and the Danube are also valuable and uncommon. then but a few years in existence. It is interest- 20 MERCATOR et HoifDius, Atlas on Representation du Monde universel et dea parties d'icelui, 3 vols. impl. folio, frontispieces and maps, all finely coloured, many containing portraits and coats of arms, very fine copy in vellum, edges gilt and gauff red, £12. 1633-39-39 In many respects a better edition than the Latin. The text to England, Ireland, and Lith- Latin. The text is only in part a translation, uania is much more ample und correct, and to and contains a great number of details omitted in the Latin issue. It is evidently the work of a superior hand, and in many places disagrees in judgment from the statements of the other edi- tion; as for instance, may be observed in the re- marks on Seneca's prophecy about America. The text to the general map of America is also quite different. There is in this edition a notice of the Pilgrim Fathers' voyage, and the founding of the town of Plymouth, which does not appear in the Latin one. Again, Smith's adventures in Virginia are not alluded to in the latter, while they are in the French copy. There are in the text to Europe numerous ethnological and lin- guistic particulars, which are omitted in the that of France many historical details are added ; but, on the other hand, the Latin contains an additional map of Southern Muscovy, an addi- tional general map of Juliers, Cleves, etc., a second map of Bois-le-Duc, and has an essay on the old Prankish language, not in the French edition. In the Latin, also, the maps of Fran- conia and Morocco are entirely new, and re- engraved on a different plan. On the other hand, in the French edition, besides the general supe- riority and greater extent of the text, there is a map of Hamburg and the EIIdo borders, a map of Henneberg, one of Breslau, and one of Ancient Sicily, all of them omitted in the Latin. The text to Palestine is different in the two editions. 21 JANSSONII Novus Atlas, sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 6 vols, royal folio, frontispieces and 466 large and fine maps, contemporarily coloured, some of the volumes a little stained and the titles mended, vellum, .£5. Amst. 1652-46 The text of this great Atlas is the same as many more. One of the volumes is entirely de- that o^ Blaeu's, which .appeared some ten years voted to the British Isles, and in this respect later, but the ma]« are all different, and not Jansson has a special interest for English collec- always inferior. They are, in fact, the same as tors. those in Mercator's Atlas, with the addition of 22 YAN LOON, Klaer lichtende Noort Ster, ofte Zee-Atlas, waer in vertoont werde de Gelegentlieyht van alle de Zee-kusten des Aerdgebodens, roy. folio, elegant coloured frontispiece and 45 douhle maps, all carefully coloueed, with heautifully illuminated Coats of Arms, etc. vellum, calf back, £10. Amst. 1661 A very valuable work, unmentioned by Asher in his excellent Bibliography of the Atlases and Maps relating to the New Netherlands, although its North American charts are infinitely superior to, and different from that of Blaeu and of Van Keulen mentioned below. It is unquestionably the best Atlas representing the coasts of the now United States yet published to that time. 22*Sanson, I'Amerique en plusieurs Cartes et en divers traites de Geographie et d'Histoire, sm. 4to. 15 coloured maps, vellum, fine copy, £2. 2s I*aris, 1657 The maps are excellent, and the text no less I gested, and philosophical summary of American valuable, as it contains the first exact, wcll-di- j geography. BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : ATLASES. 991 23 BLAEU (Jo.) Atlas Major sive Cosmographia Blaviana, 11 vols, atlas folio, frontispieces illuminated and the maps coloured, encjravings of (fcograpJiical instruments, costume, etc. ivithout frontispieces to Vols. II. III. V. XL hound in vellum 'painted green, gilt edges, £8. 10^ Amst. 1662-65 This magnificent work has been very un- justly depreciated ; its intrinsic value is very great, especially with regard to the maps of Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland, which are copious to an extent previously unknown. It is the first 24i SENEX New General Atlas, with historical account and alphabetical Index, impl. folio, 34 very large coloured maps, calf, 25^ 1721 Atlas of Scotland, the maps and text for this division of the work having been prepared by John Scott and Eobert Gordon. In Vol. VIII. the first leaf or two are slightly damaged. ning the list of subscribers, containing about 1000 names, is accompanied by the engraved coat of arms of each. Chiefly interesting for the copiousness of its information concerning America, which is illus- trated by seven immense maps. At the begin- 25 PoRTULANO de la America Setentrional construido en la direccion de trabajos hidrograficos, 4 pts. in 1 vol. oblong folio, 121 maps of the coasts of Florida, the Mexican Gulf, Central America, the Antilles, Cuba, San Domingo, Jamaica, etc. hds. 20s Madrid, 1818 26 SOCIETY ATLAS. G-eneral Atlas published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, compiled from the latest and most authentic sources, with the plans of the Cities, the Star Maps, and the general Index, 2 vols. sq. roj. folio, 218 large coloured maps, (pub. at ^610. 10s) half morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1844 parts, parcel-maps being given along with the general view, so as to avoid any chance of obscu- rity or confusion. The addition of Star-maps and Plans of Cities is another admirable ingre- dient to fill up the measure of completeness Avhich characterises the " Society Atlas." An Atlas of the highest excellence, and the best suited for frequent reference. It is complete in every respect; ancient as well as modern geo- graphy being thoronghly delineated, and all so clearly and largely executed that it is a gratifica- tion rather than a trouble to examine the maps. They are very numerous; in all the important 27 BEEGHAUS. Physiealisciler Atlas : Meteorologie, llydrologie, Geologic, Erdmagnetismus, Pflanzengeographie, Thiergeographie, Anthropographie, und Etlmographie, 8 parts in 6, folio, 23 coloured maps, (pub. £6. 6s) in parts, 25s ; or in 2 vols, hf russia, £2. 6s Gotha, 1852 A truly admirable work, embracing a vast variety of information, well digested and arranged. 28 EOYAL ILLUSTEATED ATLAS of Modern Geography, with an introduc- tory Notice by Dr. Norton Shaw, roy. folio, 76 fine large coloured maps, hf. morocco, gilt edges, £3. 3s Fullarton, (1859) The maps are by Dr.Petermann and embody | graphical researches, all the information obtained from the latest geo- I 29 Sydow, Methodischer Hand-Atlas fiir das wissenscbaftl. Studium der Erde- Kunde, mit Supplement, obi. royal folio, 33 coloured plates, 10s Gotlia, 1853, etc. 30 KiEPERT, Atlas Antiquus, obi. roy. folio, 10 coloured maps, 7s Gd Berlin, 1861 ^1 ^ .. ■ . ■ klciner Atlas der neueren Geographic, obi. roy. folio, 15 coloicred maps, 10s ib. 1863 32 STIELER'S Hand- Atlas liber alio Theile der Erde und iiber das Weltgebaude, mit (einem Supplement-band von) Erganzungen, 2 parts, obi. roy. folio, 83 and 32 coloured maps, £2. Gotlia, 1864 33 Spruxeri Atlas Antiquus, tertio edidifc Menke, obi. roy. fol. 31 coloured maps, 15s Gotha, 1865 Works relating to America in general. 84 ACOSTA, Naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies ; translated from tbe Spanish by E. G., sm. 4to. fine copy in calf gilt, £1. 4* ; or, very fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £6. \hs London, 1604 Acosta composed part of his Avork in Peru, and the remainder on his return to Europe. It is one of the most valuable and interesting of the early Spanish writers upon America. Edward Grimeston is said to be the translator. Joseph de Acosta, ne a Medina del Campo, vers Fan 1539, passa, apres avoir profcsse la theo- logie a Ocana, en 1571 aux Indes Occident., et fut Ic second Provincial de I'ordre dcs Jesuites au Ptirou ou il sejourna pendant 17 ans. 11 mourut recteur a Salamanque, le 11 fevrier, 1600. Son ouvrage, estime u juste titre, a etc re-imprime assez souvent ct traduit dans presque toutcs Ics langues. V. de Backer, I. 1. 992 BERNAED QFAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 35 ACOSTA, de Datura Novi Oebis, 12mo.fine copy in vellum, 25« Colon, Agr. 1596 The Latin edition is the original, the Spanish one a translated or rewritten work. 36 AcFGifA, Acarete, Grillet and Bechamel. Voyages aad Discoveries in South America, 8vo. 2 maps, calf, 14s 1698 Valuable for its information concerning La Plata, Paraguay, etc. 37 ALCEDO (A. de) Diccionario Geografico-Historico de las Indias Occidentales 6 America, 5 vols. Svo. fine copy, calf gilt, scarce, 35^ Madrid, 1786-89 This very valuable Gazetteer is far more ex- I merely confined to Spanish America, but includes tensive than the title would indicate, as it is not | the whole of the New World. 38 Alcedo, Geographical and Historical Dictionary of x^merica and the "West In- dies, translated, with additions, by Thompson, 5 vols. 4to. hf cf. 28s 1812-15 The large additions and corrections give the translation superiority over the original. 39 American Ethnological Society : Teais^sactions, Vols. I and II, Svo. plates, sd. 305 New York, 1845-48 40 the same, Yol. II, Svo. Jf. calf 10s 1848 West America, and Vocabularies of North Ame- rica, with an Introduction by Gallatin, pp. clxxxviii and 130 — Squier on the Aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, plates and cuts, pp. 131-207— Rafn (Chas.) on the Ancient Geography of the Arctic Regions of America— Dwight's Sketch of the Polynesian Language, etc. etc. Contents of Vol. I: Gallatin on the semi civilized Nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Cen- tral America, pp. 1-352, ^Zates— Troost's Ac- count of Ancient Remains in Tennessee, plates, pp. 355-420 — Turner on the discoveries of Himyaritic Inscriptions in Southern Arabia, and the attempts made to decipher them, plates of Inscriptions, pp. 423-91. Contents of Vol. II: Hale's Indians of North- 41 Anttjxez y Acevedo, Memorias sobre la Legislacion del Comercio de los Espa- noles con sus colonias de las Indias Occidentales, sm. 4to. sd. 7s 6d Madrid, 1797 42 BAECIA, HisTORiADORES Petmitivos de las Indias Occidentales, que junto traduxo en parte, y saco a luz, ilustrados con eruditas Notas, y copiosos Indices, D. Andres Gonzalez Barcia, 3 vols. sm. folio, £16. Madrid, 1736-49 This valuable collection is very rare, because of the accidental destruction by fire of a great number of copies. Moreover, very few copies have the entire sixteen parts that were published. The present one has all. The rarest of them are those containing the Cartas of Cortes and the examen of the NaiTation of Cabeza de Baca, in the first volume. 43 BAECIA, HiSTOEiADOEEs, Tomos I y II, folio, calf £7. 10s Madrid, 1749 These volumes are complete in themselves I ceding note, and include the rare pieces mentioned in the pre- | 44 Bexzoxis (H.) Novse Novi Orbis Historiae. ; res ab Hispanis in India Occiden- tali gestae, Lat. opera Calvetonis, 12mo. vellum, fine copy, 21s Genevce, 1578 First edition of the Latin ; with additional I veton as " haereticus.mendax, calumniator, et .. . matter. A MS. note on fly-leaf describes Chau- i praedicator Calvinista." 45 BERNALDEZ (Andres) Historia de los Eeyes Catolicos D. Eeenais'do y Da. Isabel, Cronica inedita del siglo XY (con introduccion per Lafuente y Alcantara), 2 vols. Svo. sd. 24« Granada, 1856 the Chronicle may be said to conclude with an account of the battle of Flodden Field. Not the least interesting part of his work is the descrip- tion of the Discovery of America, Vol. I. pp. 269- 334, and his account of COLUMBUS, whobi he KNETV and admired. He calls him a *' Mer- cador de libros de estampa," which is more likely to be a correct designation than that usually given to the great navigator. 46 Bollaeet's Introduction to the Anthropology of the New World, Svo. icith the author's MS. corrections and additions, sd. 5s cir. 1867 47 BOTEEO BENES, Eelaciones universales del Mundo, traduzidas por Diego de Aguiar, sm. folio, calf, 25s Valladolid, 1603 This Spanish translation is much rarer than f as having anticipated all the theories of Malthus. the Italian original. Mr. MacCuUoch lauds Botero j 48 Beoughtoin' (H.) Concent of Scripture, sm. 4to. engraved title, map of the World, and plates hy TF. Rogers {the earliest copper-plate engraving in Eng- land), calf, £S. Ss n. d. 1596 America is drawn with tolerable correctness j America bears the name of Ophir. in the map illustrating this curious book. South A very valuable and interesting chronicle, published here for the first time, after having for three centuries and a-half shared the neglect and obscurity which Antonio deplored as the fate of all good early writers. Bernaldez was an eye- witness of the events that he describes, and on intimate terms with Ponce de Leon and the other great men of the time. The history of England and Scotland is also woven into his pages ; and BIBLTOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : GENEEAL COLLECTIOlSrS. 093 49 [BOS (Vais'dex)] Leben und TapfFere Thaten der aller-beriihmtesten See- Helden, Admiraleu, und Land-Erfinder unserer Zeiten, angefangen init Christoforo Colombo und geendigt mit dem Admiral M. A. de Ruyter, etc., in unsere Hoch-Teutsclie uberbracbfc, von Kramern ; samt einem Anbange durcb Erasmum Francisci, 2 vols, in 1, tbick sm. 4to. 1090 pp. engraved title^ map, plates of battles hrj sea and land, with portraits of Ooluinhiis, De Hui/ter, Tromp, Ileyn, HeemslcirJc, Loncque and Wassenaer, hf bd. "i^Os Number g, 1681 Among the voyages described in the volume are those of Drake, Cavendish, Clifford, Norris, and other eminent English navigators. Rare ; nnmentioncd by Brunet, Ebert and MuUer {Navirfateurs Hollandais) and not in the Bodleian Library. It is better than the original Dutch, in having additions and corrections. 50 DE BEY'S YOTAaES, Latin : AMEEICA et INDIA OEIEISTTALIS : a set of tbe G-RA:ffDs A?fD Petits Voyages, (without parts 10-13 of tbe former, and part 12 of tbe Latter) 20 parts bound in 6 vols. sm. folio, with good impressions of the numerous maps and fine plates, vellum, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £85. Francnf 1590-1613 The Grand Voyages consists of the nine i genuine copies of the original edition. The parts (and additament) originally published as a j Petits Voyages, consisting of Parts 1-11, are complete work, between 1593 and 1602, Avhich j all of the original issue, except the first part, was continued seventeen years later, as an after- j which is of the second edition, and increased by thought. Part 1 has a small map of the World an Appendix which is not in the first. Part II at the beginning which is not found in other wants plates 8-10. copies ; and all the parts, except the third, are 51 DE BEY'S YOYAGES, anotber set, consisting of Parts 1-9, witb tbe Addi- tamentum, of tbe Grands Yoyages, and Parts 1-10 of tbe Petits Yoya2;es, in Latin, bound in 5 vols, folio, vellum, £36. 1590-1613 In the Grands Voyages, some ancient pos- ous. The second and third parts of the G. V. sessor has struck out several passages of the text are of the second edition ; all the others are of which seemed too offensive to Spanish feelings, the first. The Petits Voyages are all of original and daubed with ink some portions of the engra- editions, but part 5 wants the Address to the vings in which female nuditv was most conspicu- Reader, and part 10 portion of a similar address. 52 DE BEY, GEAND YOYAGES, in Latin, the complete Series, fob excellent original impressions of the numerous fine maps and plates, very large copy on EiiS'E PAPER, in hf. red mor. Prince BadziviVs copy, £105. Francof 1590-1634 Part 3 is of the second edition, all the others 1 wants map of the Philippines ; 1 1 wants maps belong to the original edition. of the Pacific and New Guinea ; 12 has not the Warranted perfect, except as follows : part two maps; and part 13 wants plates 1-4, 6, 8. 53 GEAND YOYAGES, in Latin, parts 1, 2, folio, containing superb im- pressions of the very earliest issue, one in velliun, one sewed, 5620. 1590-91 A peculiarity in the first part of this set proves the original condition of the plates. On the title the words " cum gratia et privilegio," etc., which appear in Roman capitals on the so called first and second issues of the first edition, were originally omitted, but were afterwards en- graved in italics on a little slip of paper, and pasted in the blank place. Brunet makes no men- tion of any such peculiarity in his description, — which shews pretty conclusively that he never met with it. This circumstance also demonstrates, in connection with the fact that some of the Brunet), that the distinctions of bibliographers on the subject of first and second editions, first and second issues of first editions, editions contre- faites. etc. are probably quite erroneous. The following quotation from M. Sobolewski (letter at end of Brunet, I.) will indicate that a similar idea was struggling foi' admission into his mind. " Apr6s avoir vfc'rifin un certain nombre d'exem- plaires, conserves dans leurs reliures anciennes je suis convaincu que les deux tirages de la premiere edition se rencontrcnt toujours melanges . . . et que la question dc priorite e?t impossible a decider." plates in the two parts now offered bear the marks of second issue (according to the notions of 54 DE BEY, GEANDS YOYAGES, in German , Parts lY— IX, folio, pari?* 6-9 being bound in one volume in the original pigskin, very large and fine copies, all of the first edition, £16. 1594-1602 55 PETITS YOYAGES, in German, Parts 1-8, bound in 2 vih. stout sm. foUo, wanting a map and plate in part 2, a dedication in part S, and the last plate of parts, stamped caff and stamped hog shin, all of the first edition except part 1, £12. 1609, 1598-1606 The Collection of Voyages and Travels into consideration. The very quaint, may be truthful, the various countries of the East and West Indies but most amusing engravin.ti:s, with which the by the De Brys, is certainly a most extraordinary performance ; and the difficulty of obtaining a perfect set can be readily imagined when the mode of publication in detached portions is taken into series is illustrated, rendered the work excessively popular, and it will always remain a valuable record of the Aboriginal InhaMtants of those Regions. The value and importance of this ccle- 99i BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON De Bry — continued. brated Collection of Voyages may excite a more than usual appreciation of its merit ancj rarity, from the circumstance of the National Institute of France having appointed a Special Commis- sion to examine and make a minute report of its contents, of the variations between the several editions, and every circumstance connected with their publication ; which Report was arranged and published by Camus, by the order and at the expense of the Institute. " This important Collection should not be regarded merely as a book of curiosity, on account of the number of its engravings, and its extreme rarity. These Histories of Voyage's and Travels, made several centuries back, in countries a large part of which are even now imperfectly known, contain, in the midst of a multitude of fabulous details, very interesting particulars, and valuable information, of -which they are the primitive, and in some instances, the only source. l)e Bry's Collection is especially useful in the present day, for the purpose of instituting comparison between his narratives and those of modern travellers to the same countries ; and many of his statements, formerly reputed fabulous or exaggerated, have been confirmed by more recent accounts." — Bxbli- otheca Grenvilliana, Vol. I. p. 184. En 1729 les auteurs du catalogue de la bib- liotheque de AVilenbroeck, public a Amsterdam, vanterent I'exemplaire de cet amateur comme presque sans pareil ; ils avouoient neanmoins qiiHl leur avoit etd impossible d\j reunir la dou- zieme et la treizieme parties des grands voyages. Ce qui fait estimer la collection donnee par de Bry et ses heritiers, c'est la reunion de plusieurs des premiers voyages aux deux Indes, entrepris depuis la fin du 15e siecle, et la multitude tant de cartes que de planches dont les relations sont accompagnees. Quclques unes de ces relations n'ont point ete imprimes ailleurs ; d'autresavaient ete imprimees avant d'etre recueillies par les do Bry. Ces auciennes relations ont le merite de faire connaiire les contrees et les hommes tels qu'on les trouva aux premiers temps des decou- vertes." — Camus Gkands Voyages, page 25." 56 ZIEG-LEE'S America, an Abridgment of the first Nine parts, folio, manr/ platesy an imperfect cojoy, wanting the title ; hetioeen pp. 333 and 337, occurs a fine engraved title to part IV. 1594, sold with all faults, £5. 15s FrancJcfurt, 1617 57 Cabot. Biddle's Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Eeview of the History of Maritime Discovery, 8vo. hds. 15s Philadelphia, 1831 68 CAEDOSO, Agiologio Lusitaxo dos Sanctos e Yaroens illustres em virtude do reino de Portugal e suas conquistas, com continua^ao por Caetano de Sousa, Tomos I-IV, (all published, containing the months of January to August), folio, the margins of tivo volumes slightly wormed, calf, £5. Lisboa, 1652-1744 The complete set of four volumes is very place in the present catalogue because of its riire, in consequence of the length of time that almost entire dcA'otion to the recording of mis- elapsed between the publication of the third and sionary labours in the Indies, fourth volumes, 1666-1744. The work takes a 59 CASAS (Bakt. de las) Teatados Yaeios : I. Tratado comprobatorio del imperio soberano sobre las Indias, the rarest of all the pieces Trugillo, 1553 II. Eemedios para reformacion de las Indias Croberger, 1552 III. Disputa, Controuersia entre Bartholome de las Caeas y Gines de Sepulueda sobre las conquistas de las Indias Trugillo, 1552 IV. Brevissima Eelacion de la destruycion de las Indias — Peda^o de una Carta y Eelacion Trugillo, 1552 Together 4 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. black \tiitx, fine copies in old calf gilt, £10. Sevilla, 1552-53 De Bure, in whose time only five ])arts were his notice of the works of Las Casas, better in- known, speaks of their excessive rarity. ]iichard- erie has no other particularisation of parts than those noticed by De Bure ; nor was Llorente, in 60 61 formed, as he also only mentions five, not includ- ing the Tratado numbered I. above. Casas, Eemedios para reformacion de las Indias, sm. 4to. 36s Croberger, 1552 ■ Eegionum Indicarum per Hispanos olim devastatarum descriptio, sq. Svo. engraved title, and numerous fine engravings in the text by De Bry, a few slight ivoom-holes in the margins, sd. visCVT, rare, 32s Heidelbergce, 1664 (52 Conquista dell' Indie Occidental!, Spagnuolo e Ital. per Ginammi, sq. Svo. being a translation of the'''' Disputa o Controversial'' vellum, 10s Ven. 1645 63 Popery truly display'd in its bloody colours, or a faithful narrative of the massacres committed by the Popish Spanish party on the inhabitants of West-India, sm. 4to. fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, baee, £Z. 3s 1689 BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : GENERAL COLLECTIONS. 995 6i CASAS. MiEOiR de la cruelle et horrible Tyrannie Espagnole perpetree au Pays Bas, par le Tyraa Due de Albe, et aultres Comandeurs de par le Eoy Philippe le deuxiesrae. On a adjoinct la deuxiesnie Partie de les Tyrannies commises aux Indes OcciDEifTALES par les Espagnols (par B. de las Casas), 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. numerous enrjravings of CrueltieSy very fine copy in old French red morocco, yilt edges, £16. l(Js Amst. 1620 Brunei's collation of this very uahe book | tlie first part, instead of 88 (the last two leaves is erroneous in giving 87 leaves as the contents of 1 being each numbered 87). 65 CHARLES V. Correspoudenz des Kaisers Karl V. aus dem Koniglicheu Archiv und der Bibliotheque de Bourgogue zu Briissel mitgetheilt von Lanz, 3 vols. 8vo. Itf. onorocco, 20s Leipzig, 1844 ^^ Cheyne, description of Islands in the Western Pacific, with Vocabularies of* their languages, 8vo. cl. Is 6J 1852 67 COLETI (Giandomenico) Dizionario Storico-Geografico dell' America Meri- dionale^ 2 vols, in 1, 4to. map, hds. uncut, £2. 2s Venezia, 1771 This work includes a vast amount of information regarding the Indian tribes. 68 Colonial JorR:N'AL, January to July, 1816, Vol. I, roy. 8vo. hds. 6s 1816 69 Columbus. De insulis inventis. Epistola Cristoferi Coloni (cui etas nostra | multu debet : de Insulis in mari Indico nup | inuctis. Ad quas perquirendas octauo antea | mense : auspicijs et ere Inuictissimi Eernandi Hispaniarum Begis missus fuerat), ad Mag-nificum dum Eaphaelez Sanxis : eiusde sere- | nissimi Regis Thesaurariu missa. quam nobi | lis ac litterat' vir Aliander d' Cosco: ab His | pano, ydeomate in latinu conuertit: tercio kl's Maij M.cccc.xciii. Pontificatus Alexandri | Sexti anno prime, smallest 4to. 8 leaves, with 4 woodcuts, page size, hf. morocco, gilt top, £2. 2s 1493 Facsimile reprint on old paper, by the Pilinski I copies were executed. The original letter would process, so exactly reproducing the original that be worth an incalculable sum at the present day. few eyes could detect the difference. Only a few I 70 Columbus, Lettera rarissima di Cristoforo Colombo, riprodotta e illustrata dal Cavaliere Morelli, half calf , 7s 6d Bassano, 1810 71 Nayareete, Relation des Quatre Voyages entrepris par Colomb, 1422-1504, avec diverses pieces inedites, 3 vols. 8vo. 2 maps, 2 portraits, and facsimile. Is ed Paris, 1828 72 CnRisTOPHE Colomb, Histoire de sa Yie et de ses Voyages d'apres des Docu- ments authentiques tires d'Espagne et d'ltalie, par E. de Lorgues, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, and illuminated coat of arms, hf. morocco, 16s Paris, 1856 73 "Wagner, Colombo und seine Entdeckungen, nach Spotorno, 12mo. portrait, hf bd. 2s Ga Leipz. 1825 74 Amerikanische Miscellen, herausgegeben von Eodiug, 1825-27, 8 vols, in 6, Svo. hds. \2s ^ Hamburg, 1825-27 A valuable periodical treating wholly on American subjects. 75 Condamine, Eolation d'un Voyage dans I'Amerique Meridionale, 1745, 8vo. map, calf 10s Paris, 1745 76 COOK'S (Capt. J.) THREE VOYAGES, the complete set y as follows: Hawkes- worth's Collection of Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere, 3 vols, good im- pressions of the plates and maps — Second Voyage to the S. Pole and Round the "World in 1772-7 6, fourth edition, 2 vols, good impressions — Third Voyage to the Pacific in 1776-80, second edition^ 3 vols, good impressions — together 8 vols, royal 4to. beautifully bound in uniform calf gilt, and 1 royal folio Atlas of maps and plates, hds. £6. 10s 1773-85 77 the Second and TniRD Voyages, 5 vols. roy. 4to. calf gilt, with roy. folio Atlas in hds. £4. 10s 1784-85 Foss, calf, £12. 12s ; — W. Berry's copy, russia, fetched, 1857, £13. ; D. Turner's, with a few add. plates, £11. 10s; Bernal's, 1855, russia extra, <£I7. 15s. Priced, 1826, Thorpe, calf, £15. 15s; 1829, Thorpe, £12. 12s ; 1826, J. Bohn, mor. £25. hf. bd. £14. 14s, bds. £12. ; 1840, James Bohn, russia, £14. 14s ; 1841, Thorpe, russia, £8. 8s; 1843, James Bohn, mor. £21. ; 1845, Payne and 78 COOK and KING, Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1776-80, 3 vols. roy. 4to. maps, russia gilt, Viit\\im^\.io\io atlas o^ plates and maps, hf. bd. £2. lijs 1784 79 Cook's Voyages round the AVorld, complete in 2 vols. impl. 8vo. portraits^ plates, and cuts, cloth, I85 (1852) 996 BEEXARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. a observe. II depeint avec exactitude les steppes d'Astracan et les d.^serts de la Perse ; il donne beaucoup de details sur Manille et sur difFerents personages, avec lesquelles il s'est trouve, &c. &e. . . . . II ecrit avec la simplicite qui convient a un missionaire, mais il est un peu credule." Univ. 80 CUBEKO SEBASTIAN (Pedro, Missionario Apostolico) Peregrinacion del Mundo, sm. ^io. frontispiece with figures and another engraved leaf with por- trait, vellum, very curious and interesting, £2. IQs Napoles, 1682 81 Peregrinacion de la mayor parte del Mundo, con las cosas singulares que lia vistas, viage por tierra desde Espana hasta las Indias Orientales, sm. 4to. vellum, 18^ Zaragoza. 1688 Colonel Stanley's copy fetched £6. 6s. This ; II ne decrit pas minutieusement sa route ; il se rare book contains many particulars relative to i contente de donner un aper^u general de ce qu'il Russia and Poland. Towards the end of the ~ ' ' "'^ ^ ' ' •. - ^ volume Cubero describes his experiences of the New World, to which he voyaged from the Philip- pine Islands. " Cubero est le premier qui ait fiiit le tour du monde d'Occident en Orient, et en partie par teiTe, ainsi que I'executa depuis Gemelli Carrcri. 82 DAMPIER'S Voyages, 6 parts in 3 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, not uniform, hest and original edition, £2, 1699-1709 These three volumes were afterwards re- the above is the genuine and correct edition of printed by the publisher, and issued with a fourth Dampier, as published for himself, volume containing pieces by other hands, — but 83 Dampier's Voyages, Vols. II, III, comprising the second and third volumes of the above, with Wafer's Isthmus of America, 6 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. calf 10s 1729 84 Del afield' s Inquiry into the origin of the Antiquities of America, with Ap- pendix by Lakey, roy. 4to. plates of Peruvian heads, Mexican paintings, etc. with a facsimile of a Mexican picture MS. red morocco, gilt tops, 2os Cincinnati, 1839 85 DICCIONAEIO UNIVERSAL de Historia y de Geografia, por una Sociedad de Literates distinguidos, aumentada con noticias sobre la Republica Mexicana, 10 vols. 4to. calf, £5. 15s Mexico, 1853-55 The articles relative to Mexico form no less than 3 volumes of Supplement to the Dictionary. 86 D'ORBIGNY (A.) I'Homme Americain (de I'Amerique Meridionale) considere sous ses rapports physiologiques et Moraux, 2 vols. 8vo. with map and Atlas of plates in small folio, hf calf gilt, 28^ Faris, 1839 87 DRAKE (Sir Erancis) A Summarie and true Discourse of Sir Erancis Drake's West Indian Voyage, wherein were taken the Townes of St. lago, Sancto Domingo, Cartagena and Saint Augustine, sm. 4to. First English edition, map of St. Augustine added, eaee, £10 10s London, hy Boger Ward, 1589 ■ " ginal Latin edition of Leyden, 1588. "When Field issued the second English edition, also in 1589, he added to some copies the original maps, pasting slips at foot with the English names. But to neither of these editions do the maps rightly belong, although a set, or even one of them, as above, gives enhanced value to the book. Collation : Signatures A to F 3 in fours, or four preleminary leaves (including the first, which is blank in all respects but that it bears the signature A) and pp. 1-37. iz. The four maps mentioned on the title were not published with this edition, it being simply through inadvertence that the announcement of them was translated from the title of the ori- 88 DEAKE (Sir Erancis) Eevived : Calling upon this Dull or Effeminate Age, to follow his Noble steps for Gold and Silver. By this memorable Eolation, of . . . .a third Voyage, made by him into the West-Indies, in the yeeres 72 and 73 .... by Philip Nichols, Preacher ; Eeviewed by Sir Erancis Drake himselfe before his death, set forth by Sir Erancis Drake, Baronet, his nephew, smallest 4to. original edition, ^;or/r«^^o« title, somewhat cropped, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. 45 (1626) 89 the same (second edition) ^or^r^zV on title, 1628 — The "World Encom- passed by Sir Erancis Drake .... carefully collected out of the Notes of Master Erancis Eletcher, 1635 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4tto. portrait on title and 2 other portraits of Drahe inserted, red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, some uncut leaves, £10. Nicholas Bourne, 1628-35 90 Du Ponceau, Memoire sur le Systeme Grrammatical des langues de quelques nations Indiennes de I'Amerique du Nord, 8vo. including Comparative Vocahularies, sd. 7 s Qd ; half morocco or calf gilt, 12s Baris, 1838 far that there are some additions and some omis- sions. BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : GENEEAL COLLECTIONS. 997 91 EDEN. Decades op the Newe "VYorlde, or West India, conteynyng the Navigations and Conquests of the Spanyards, written in the Latine Tounge by Peter Martyr of Angleria, and translated into Euglyshe by Bycharde Eden (with Oviedo's Lidies, and other pieces of the North Kegions, Moscovie, Cathay, Guinea, etc.) sm. 4to. hltlA Ittitx, russia extra, gilt edges, icitJi TJttersons arms on the sides, rare, £14. Londinii, Guilhelmus Poicell, 1555 92 EDEN'S History of Trauayle in the AYEST a]!^d EAST INDIES, and other Countreys lying eyther way towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccaes : with a Discourse of the North-west Passage : augmented and finished by E. WilJes, sm. 4to. black letter, russia, gilt edges, old style, with arms of E. V. Utterson stamped in gold on sides, yert rare, £12. 12^ B. Jugge, 1577 Comprising Peter Martyr's Nat. Hist. West ' Indies, Barthema's Travels, etc. etc. This second edition of tbe preceding article differs from it in so 93 ENS (Gaspar) AVest- unnd Ost- Indischer Lustgart : Erzehlung wann die Newe Welt erfunden, etc. worden, sq. 8vo. fij). viii, 236, and 436, vellum, 28s Collen, 1618 A rare and little-known volume : it is an j the time, and contains some matters which had account derived from all the voyages made up to I not appeared in any previous work. 94 ESQUEMELINGr, Bucaniers of America, or a trne Account of the most remarkable Assaults upon the Coasts of the West-Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, with the Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan and addi- tional relations of Capts. Cooke and Sharpe, 4 parts making two vols. bd. in 1, sm. 4to. ivith all the important maps, and the portraits and plates complete, calf, £5. 5s 1684-85 Very rare in this fine and perfect state. See also ]Jost, Oexmelin. 95 EEBNANDEZ (Fr. Alonso) Historia Ecclesiastica de nuestros Tiempos, que es compendio de los excelentes frutos que en ellos el Estado Eclesiastico y Sagradas Keligiones han hecho y hazen en la conversion de Idolatras y reducion de hereges, etc. sm. folio, hf. bd. £5. Toledo, 1611 Collation : Title and three other prelimi- \ It contains also valuable biographical sketches nary leaves, followed by text, pp. 1-496. \ of the friars who studied the native languages, The principal part of this work relates to the j and accounts of the works they composed in this manners and conversion of the Indians and the | branch of philology. progress of religion in America. ' Eeyeeabend's Weltbtjch — see in present alphabet Schmidel. 96 EORBISSEEI (Martini, Angli) Navigationis in regiones Occidentis et Sep- tentrionis narratio historica ex Gallico sermone in Latinum translata per Ereigium, 16mo. woodcut occupying two leaves, representing a man in a canoe hunting wildfowl, with other men on shore, fine copy, in morocco, gilt edges, EAEE, £2. NoribergcBy 1580 97 EORBISSERI Historia Navigationis a.c. 1577, jussu Eeginae Elisabethae in Septentrionis et Occidentis tractum susceptae, a Ereigio translata, smallest 4to. engraved frontispiece, one corner of which contains a map of Davis Strait, etc. morocco hach^ 20s Hamb. 1567 98 FEANCK (Sebastian) WELTBUCH : Spiegal nn Bildtniss des gantzen Erdbodens von Sebastiano Eranco Wordensi in vier Biicher, nemUch in Asiam, Aphricam, Europam, und Amebic am gestelt und abteilt, sm. folio, hf. morocco, gilt top, £2. 16^ (? Franhfurt) 1534 First Editon of the Weltbuch, The de- ! comprised in 54 pages. scription of America is very elaborate, and is | 99 EEANCK'S WELTBrcH, sm. folio, second edition, with a map of Thuringia dated 1568 inserted, large copy in the original stamped binding, 32* 1542 This edition is not merely a re- issue of the j is entirely a new setting-up of the text, original, with a fresh title, as Harrisse asserts, but | Eeeziee — see post Chile. 100 GAZETTEEE OF THE WOELD, or Dictionary of Geographical Know- ledge, edited by a Member of the Eoyal Geographical Society, with Ap- pendix, 14 vols. roy. 8vo. double columns, maps, tvoodcuts, and 120 engravings on steel, (pub. at £d. ds) cloth, £3. 3s 1851-56 The best and most complete of all Gazet- 1 Geography, physical, political, statistical, histori- teers, and forming a complete body of modem | cal and ethnographical. 998 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 101 GAECIA (Gregorio) Origen de los Indies de el Nuevo Muudo e ludias Occidentales, averiguado con discurso de opiniones, segunda impresiou enmendada y anadida, sm. folio, bound, 15s Madrid, 1729 The first edition was published in 1607. *' La secoiide edition de cet ouvrage cui-ieux, Madrid, 1729, in-fol. renferme de nombreuses additions de I'rditeur Barca." — Brunei. The fifth book contains the various native accounts of the origin of the Indians. The others comprise the experiences of Garcia during many years so- journ in America, a summary of the various opinions of others and his own deductions. Barcia's additions arc considerable. 102 GAECILASSO DE LA VEGA (El Ynca) Primera parte de los Comentarios Eeales del Origen de los Yncas, Zishoa, 1609— Historia General del Peru, Cordova, 1617—2 vols. sm. folio, riRST edition, not uniform, 32s 1609-1617 "L'edition originale, peu commune et tres I £4. ; priced, 1824, Thorpe, £4. 4s; a copy fetched, recherchee."— Bnmet. I sold a copy in 1858, for I 1859, Sotheby's, £4. 10s. 102* Primera Parte de los Commentarios reales de el Origen de los Incas, su idolatria, leies, y govierno, vidas y conquistas, 1723 — (Scgunda Parte) Historia general del Peru, guerras entre Pizarros y Almagros, 1722 — La Elorida del Inca, con Ensayo Chronologico para la historia general de la Elorida, por Gabriel de Cardenas (Aut. Gonzales de Baecia), 2 vols. 1723 — together 4 vols, in 3, folio, vellum, £4^. 5s Madrid, 1722-23 103 GEOGEAPHICAL SOCIETY : Journal of the GEOGEAPIIICAL SOCIETY of London, from its commencement in 1830 to 1866, YoJs. I to XXXVI, with Indexes to the first twenty volumes, 38 vols. 8vo. numerous maps, (pub. at £25. 9^) hf. calf neat, £10. 1832-66 103* the same, 1830-67, Yols. I-XXXYII, in 36 vols.— Indexes to 1-30, 2 voL^. — Library Catalogue, 1 vol. 1865 — together 39 vols. 8vo. all the maps neatly mounted on linen {rarely met loith in this state), Jif. calf neat, a beauti- ful set ^ ' 1830-67 101 PEOCEEDINGS of the Geographical Society, complete from the beginning in November 1855 to January 1868, Yols. I — XII pt. 1, the first three vols, uniform idth the above set of the Journal, the onaps mounted on linen, hf calf neat, the rest sd. 1855-68 — the above set, " Journal " and " Proceedings," as described, £14. 1830-68 races little known to the world and remote from This periodical does not confine itself to strictly geographical information, but also con- tains articles on the Ethnology and Language of ordinary communication, with Vocabularies, etc. 105 GOMAEA, Historia General de las Indias y Xuevo IMundo, con mas la Con- quista del Peru y de Mexico, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, blacfe letter, many wood- cuts, folio 44 of the first part supplied in MS. hf. bd. calf exteemelt eaee, £8. IQs Caragoqa, Millan, 1554 " Gomara's historical meiit is considerable, his mode of narration is clear, flowing, always the conquest, notwithstanding the charges made by Bernal Diaz against Gomara of occasional in- accuracy. The dedication to Charles V. begins with these remarkable words : " The greatest event which has happened since the creation of the world (leaving aside the incarnation and death of Him who created it) is the discovery of the Indies." agreeable, and sometimes elegant. The copies of his Historia de las Indias and of his Chronica vjere called in by a decree of the Council of the Indies, and were long considered as prohihitedj hoolcs.^' — Robertson. It is a great historical work, indispensable to the student of Spanish affairs in America after 106 Gomara, Cronica de la JN'ueva Espaua, y Historia de las Indias, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, vellum, 28s {Madrid, 1749) This is the complete work of Gomara, edited I the second volume, but Avithout the title, by Barcia, of whose collection ('see ante) it forms | 107 GoNZAGA (Pr.) de Origine Seraphicse Eeligionis Franciscans) ej usque Progres- sibus, 4 parts in 2 vols, folio, numerous fine portraits, plates of seals, martyr- doms, miracles, etc. wormed and wanting titles, not loarranted perfect, hf morocco, 12s Eomcc, 1587 Houses and Establishments both in Mexico and Not only relating to the rise and progress of the Franciscians in the Old World, but particu- larly in the New, and enumerating their Religious Peru, as well as in Yucatan, Chili, and the Bra- zils. BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : GENERAL COLLECTIONS. 999 108 GONZALEZ de Mendoqa (Fr. Juan) Historia de las Cosas maa notables, Ritos J Costumbres, del Gran Reyno dela China, con 2m Itinerario del NuEYO MuxDO (por Ignacio), 12ino. stamped vellum, gilt edges, eaee, £2. IO.9 Roma, 1585 "Ouvrage tire dii Chinois, et dans Icquel parurent pour la premiere fois, en Europe, les carac teres de cette langue. L'edition de Rome est rare." — Brunei. In order of publication, this is the first European book in which Chinese characters occur ; but actually it is the second, as one of Ortelius' maps, engraved in 1584, but not pub- lished till 1590, bears two Chinese words in the native character. According to Nicholas Antonio, the above Itinerary of the new world (which oc- cupies leaves 268 — 368) was written by F. Martin 109 GOTTFRIED (Jo. Lod.) ARcnoNTOLoaiA Cosmica sive Iraperiorum, Reg- norum, Principatuum, Rerumque Publicarmn omnium per totiim Terrarum Orbem Cominentarii luculentissimi, etc. very stout folio, engraved title and 200 fine plates and maps, including a map of the World, a map of America, map of Brazil Coasts, views of Mexico and San Domingo, views of London, Edinhurgli, Oxford, and other British towns, fine copy in old stamped pigskin, tvith clasp, £2. 2s Francof 31. Merian, IQ^^ Ignacio, and was never published separately. Translations were made into Ijatin, French, Italian, and English, American collectors require this "Itinerario," which is little known ; it is not mentioned by Ternaux. The Itinerary gives curious details concerning the Canaries, St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, Porto-rico, and especially on Mexico. Orte- lius, in his Atlas, declared that he had received more information concerning America, from this Itinerary than from any other single book. Gazetteers, which it resembles more than any- thing: else. This interesting work forms a Geography and Pictorial Atlas of the world. It is perhaps the first of that useful class of books called 110 GRYNiEI (Simonis) Novus Orbis Regiouum ac lusularum Veteribus incogni- tarum, sm. folio, riEST edition, ivith the original large folding map, hy Sebastian Munster, which is generally wanting, or replaced by others, old calf rebacked, eaee, £d. 10s Basil. Hervagius, 1582 The above volumes contain the voyages of two islands or continents, separated at the isthmus of Darien ; the northern portion is called " Terra de Cuba," the lower "America, Terra Nova." Columbus, Cadamosto, Amerigo, Vespucci, Marco Polo, etc. In the map, the New World is represented as 111 Geyn.!]! Novus Orbis (editio secunda 'auctior), folio, best edition, luith the same large map as in the first edition, very fine copy in old calf gilt, edges gilt, £6. 6s 'ib. 1555 This edition contains, besides the matter of was set up in a partly differing type, the first, also several supplementary pieces, in- " On en (de cette collection) recherche les exemplaires, et surtout ceux de l'edition de 1555 qui est la plus complete." — Bnmet eluding two letters of Cortes Tlie only difference in the map is that the letter-press portion (the names of the regions) 112 Hakluyt Society: Publications of the HAKLUYT SOCIETY, from the commencement in 1847 to 1869, 41 vols. 8vo. many maps and plates, new in cloth, printed for subscribers only, 2620. 1847-09 The following is a list of the volumes and I 6 Strachey (Wm.) Historic of Travaile into the prices at which they can be had : — 1 Hawkins (Sir Richd.) Observations on his Voiage into the South Sea in 1593, 1622 ; edited by Capt. C. R. Bethnnc, 12s 2 Columbus, Select Letters, with other original documents relating to his Four Voyages, translated and edited by R. H. Major, 30s 1847 3 Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana in 1595, 1596 ; edited by Sir R. N. Schoraburgk, map, 20s 1848 4 Sir Francis Drake, his Voyage, 1595, by Thos. Maynarde, edited from the original MSS. by W. D. Cooloy, 20s 1849 5 Rundall (Thos.) Narrative of Voyages to- wards the North-AVest in search of a Passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631, 3 maps, 20s * 1849 Virginia Britannia, edited from the MS. by R. H. Major, map, facsimiles, and fine plates, 20s 1849 7 Hakluyt (Ed.) Divers Voyages touching the discovery of America and the Islands ad- jacent, 1582 ; edited by J. Winter Jones, facsimile and 2 maps, 25s 1850 8 Rundall's collection of early Documents on Japan, 20s 1850 9 Coats' Geography of Hudson's Bay, edited by Jno. Barrow, 30s 1851 10 Hakluyt (Rd.) Discovery and Conquest of Terra Florida bv Don Ferdinando de Soto, 1611; edited by W. B. Rye, map, 25s 1851 11-12 Ilcrbcrstein, Reruni Moscovitarum Com- mentarii : Notes upon Russia, translated and edited by R. H. Major, 2 vols. 2 facsimile maps and 4 plates, 20s 1851-52 1000 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Hakltjtt Society — continued. 13 De Veer (Gerrit) Three Voyages by the North-East to China, 1524-6, edited by C Beke, 20s 1852 14-15 Mendoza (Juan Gonzalez de) Historic of China, transl. by Parke, 1588 ; edited by R. G. Staunton, 2 vols. 36s 1853-4 16 D'Orleans (Pierre Joseph) History of the Tartar Conquerors of China, Faris, 1688 ; translated and edited by the Earl of Elles- mere, 20s 1854 17 Fletcher (Francis) The World encompassed by Sir Francis Drake ; edited by W. S. W. Vaux, «i,ap, 20s 1854 18 White (Adam) Collection of early Documents on Spitzbergen and Greenland, 28s 1855 19 Middleton (Sir Hen.) Voyage to Bantam and the Maluco Islands, 1606 ; ed. by B. Coraey, map ancL 5 plates, 20s 1855 20 Bond (Edw. A.) Russia at the Close of the 16th Century, 30s 1856 21 Benzoni (^Girolamo) History of the New World; Travels, 1541-56, Venice, 1572, translated and edited by Adml. AV. H. Smyth, facsimiles of old woodcuts, 30s 1857 22 Major (R. H.) India in the 1 5th Century, 20s 1857 ■ 23 Champlain, Voyage to the West Indies, 1599- 1002; transl. by A. Wilmere, edited by N. Shaw, 4 coloured and 4 pZctwi facsimiles, £2. 10s 1859 24 Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639 ; transl. and edited by C. R. Markham, 30s 1859 25 Gonsalez de Clavijo, Embassy to the Com't of Timour at Samarkand, 1403-6, by R. Mark- ham, map, 30s 1 859 26 Hudson (Hen. the Navigator) by G. M. Asher, 2 ma2os, 30s 1S59 27 Early Voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia, edited by R. H. Major, raaps, 20s 1859 28 Expedition of Ursua and Aguu-re, in search 29 Life of Guzman, ti-ansl. by Markham 1863 30 Discoveries of the World, by Galvano, edited by Admiral Bethune 1862 31 Man-els described by Friar Jordanus, transl. and ed. Yule 1863 32 Travels of Ludovico di Varthema, transl. by Winter Jones 1864 33 Cieza de Leon (Pedro de) Travels, a.d. 1532- 50, contained in the first part of his Chronicle of Peru ; translated and edited by Markham, 8vo. map, cloth, 36s 1864 34 Narrative of Pascual de Andagoya, containing the earliest notice of Peru, transl. by Mark- ham 1865 35 Barbosa, Coasts of East Africa and Malabar, transl. by Stanley 1865 36-37 Cathay and the Road thither, transl. by Yule, 2 vols. 1866 38 Frobisher's Three Voyages, edited by Admiral Colinson 1867 39 Morga's (Ant. de) Philippine Islands, Moluc- cas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, and China at the close of the 16th centtiry ; translated from the Spanish by the Hon. Henry Stanley, 8vo. doi/i, £2. 2s 1863 The original edition : '• Sucesos de las Isles Philippinas," was printed at Mexico in 1609, and is extremely rare. 40 Gayangos (Don P. de ) The Fifth Letter of Cortes to the Emperor Charles V. 12s 6d 1868 41 First part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas, by the Ynca G. de la Vega, transl. by Markham, Vol. L 1869 " The Hakluyt Society never has sold nor ever intends to sell its productions. Mem- bers alone can obtain them. When such ceases to be the case, the Hakluyt Society will cease to exist." E. H. Major, Hon. Sec. to the Hakluyt Society, pro tern. of El Dorado, transl. by Bollaert 1862 113 HAKLUYT (Richard) Navigations, Voyages, and Discoveries, made by the English nation, small folio, a corner torn ofthejir&t leaf of preface, otherwise a fine copy in calf, £5. 1589 114 another copy, perfect, and containing between pp. 637-38 the six sup- pressed leaves of Sir Francis Drake's Voyage in 1577, sm. folio, the corner's of 1589 considering that this volume is the original edi- tion of Hakluyt's voyages, which, in their second forni, were recast and amplitied into three vo- lumes. leaves marked with damp, calf, £6. Original Editiox ; vert rare. " This volume, which has the advantage of an Index, ' differs materially from the first volume of the \ edition, 1599-1600." — Such is Lowndes' state- ! ment, but his observation is rather superfluous, i 115 Hall (Basil) Forty Etchings from Sketches made with the Camera Lucida, in North America, 1817-28, roy. 4to. mop, 40 pretty plates of Viexos, etc. half russia, \2s. ' 1829 IIG Happelii (E. Gr.) Groste Denkwurdigkeiten der Welt oder so genannte Rela- tiones CuriossD, 5 vols, stout sm. 410. with some hundreds of curious plates, the corners of a few leaves mended, half calf , morocco, £2. 2* Hamlurg, lQm-^1 A very curious and entertaining set of books, I information concerning all parts of the world, containing a rich and miscellaneous collection of | illustrated with plates and portraits. 117 HAEEISSE (H.) Bibliotheca Yetustissima : a description of works relative to America, published between 1192 and 1551, stout impl. 8vo. 520 pp. half calf, uncut, £i. 4^ 2!J'ew York, 1866 BIBLIOTHECA OCCIBENTALIS: GENERAL COLLECTIONS. 1001 118 H AERISSE (H.) Bibliotheca Yetustissima, laege papee, cloth, uncut, £S. 8s 1836 its kind. The descriptions are exact, and a colla- tion of each book is attached. Its arrangement is chronological, but an alphabetical index is added. Elegantly printed on very superior paper. This is, in spite of a few typographical inaccura- cies, the most complete and satisfactory work of 119 HAWKINS (Sir Eicliard) Observations in his Yoiage into the South Sea, Anno Domini 1593, sm. folio, very fine co]jy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, EAEE, ago. Gs J. D.for John Jagard, 1622 J. D. stands no doubt for J. Day, whose usual printer's mark was the rising sun ; in this anchor and dolphin, with the initials J. D., and the Latin motto Princeps subditorum incolumi- book, however, the mark on the title bears an tatem procurans. 120 HELPS' Spanish Conquest in America, its relation to the history of Slavery and the government of Colonies, 8 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £3.) cloth, 25s 1855-61 121 Henry (Prince) of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator : His Life and its Results, comprising the Discovery, within one Century, of half the World, with new facts in the discovery of the Atlantic Islands, and the History and naming of America, by H. H, Major, 8vo. 'portrait and maps, cloth, 12s 1868 122 HEREERA (Antonio de) Descripcion de las Indias Occidentals — Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellat^os en las Islas i Tierra firme del Mar Oceano, en Decadas — together 9 parts in 4 vols. sm. folio, frontispieces with portraits and 1-1 maps, Best Editio:n", hf Id. £2. 8s ; or fine copy in Spanish calf, or vellum, £4. Madrid, 1729-25 (at end 1728) 123 the same, 4 vols, folio, LARGE AND EINE PAPER, a beautiful COPY in vellum, £12. 12^ This is the genuine best edition of the work, edited by the learned Bakcia, which, al- though in preparation since 1725, did not appear till 1729. Another similar edition, in 4 vols, folio, with portraits, was brought out at Antwerp, in 1728, one year previously, in haste to forestall the work which Barcia had in hand, but of course it is a very inferior production, disfigured with faults, 124 HERRERA, Description des Indes 1725-30 and omitting the 14 maps which are unavoidably necessary for the understanding of the descripcion. It contains also so-called portraits of the Incas of Peru, which are merely copies of De Bry's fictiti- ous engravings, while Barcia's edition gives the genuine designs which Herrera himself had used, and the original source of which is indicated in the present catologue, joost, under Feru. Occidentales qu' on appelle aujourdhuj le Nouveau Monde ; a la quelle sont adjoustees quelques autres descriptions des mesmes pays, avec la Navigation de Jacques Le Maire, sm. folio, 17 maps, tvith other engravings, fine copy in old calf, £2. 12s 6d ^Amst. M. Coli?i, 1622 above publication of 1622, which certainly con- tains a faithful translation of the descripcion of Herrera, and an equally faithfnl reproduction of the fourteen genuine and authentic maps. A recent bibliographer has stated that Barcia, in the preface to his edition of Herrera, repudiates the edition by Colin as full of er rors. This statement is incorrect, for Barcia makes nowhere any remark prejudicial to the 125 HUMBOLDT, Vues des CORDILLERES, et Monumens des Peuples Indi- genes de I'Amerique, impl. folio, yellum paper, 69 large plates of Mexican Ficture-writing, Rieroglyphics, Bas-relifs^ Costumes, Views, ^c. many of them, FINELY coLouiiED after the originals in Central and Southern America, (pub. at 567 fr.), half 7norocco, uncut, £0. Paris, 1510 The greater part of the copies now in the market want from page 272 to page 350, and plates 50-G9. The most beautiful and generally interesting of Humboldt's works, at a fourih of the original price. '' Humboldt traced with the hand of a master the outline of a vast picture. future travellers can only assist in filling up."- Ward's Mexico. In this work the Picture-writing of the Mexicans first received the attention and the ample treatment which are due to a literature as strange and important in the records of the New World, as that of Egypt in the Old. 126 HULSIUS Voyages, etc. ; Dritter Theil : Warhaflftiger Relation der dreyen newen Schifffalirt so die Hollander gegen IMittcrnacht, 1594-96, verricht, wie sie Nordwegen, Lappiam, Biarmiam, und Russiam oder Moscoviam umbsegelt haben, Hochteutsch von Hulsium, tertia editio,sra. 4to. xvi. and 96 pp. 32 plates, sd. £2. 16s Frankfurt, Ilulsii Wittihe, 1612 127 Vierte Schiffart : Warhafftige Historien einer wunderbaren Schiffart, welche Ulrich Schmidel, 1534-54', in Americam oder Newen Welt J)ei Brasilia und Rio della Plata gethan, 4to. vii and 103 pp. map and 11 plates, sd. £2. 10s Norih. Mulsius, 1599 128 Eylffter Schiffart ander Theil, oder kurtzer Verfolg der Reyse so von den Holl- und Seeliindern in die Ost Indien, 1607-12, unter dem Admiral P. AV. A^erhuffeu verrichtet worden, 4to. 168 pp and 8 plates, sd. £2. l(js 1613 1002 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 129 JOHNSON'S History of the Pyrates, plates, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, fine copy, 36* 1726 Much of the information relative to the It includes the adventures of Blackbeard, and his colonial history of America, which is contained capture by Lieut. Maynard, Life and Career of in these volumes, can be found in no other work. Capt. Kyd , etc. 130 Kbtjsenstert^', "Worter-Sammlungon aus den Spraclien einiger Yolker des ostlichen Asiens mid der Nordwest-Kiiste von Araerika, 4!to. sd. 5s St. Fetersh. 1813 131 the same, Thick Paper, 4to. sd. 7s 1813 132 LAPITAU, Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, comparees aux Moeurs des premiers temps. 2 vols. 4to. mani/ curious ptlates, illustrating the Religion and Customs oftlie Indians, neatly hound, 25^ Paris, 172i les Iroquois." — Biog. TJnivers. " On y trouve im grand detail de moeurs. . . . Aussi n'avions nous riende si exact sur ce sujet.' — Charlevoix. " L'auteur donne des details tres-etendus et tres-exacts sur les coutumes, les mceurs, la re- hgion des sauvages de I'Amerique, et notamment de ceux du Canada. II avait ete a meme de bien connaitre ces peuples, ayant longteraps vecu chez 133 Le Blanc (V.} Yoyages fameux qu'il a faits aux quatre parties du monde, sm. 4to. vellum, 3Gs JParis, 1649 First Edition. The concluding 101 pp. : was travelling from his fourteenth to his sixtieth are completely devoted to America. Le Blanc | vear. 134 LETTEES EDIFIANTES et Cijrieuses, ecrltes des Missions Etrangeres, 26 vols. 12mo. inaps, orkhnal edition, calf, £S. 10s Paris, 1717-76 " Premiere edition. Ellc renferme des pre- I Qais qui n'ont point 6te reimprimes. On ne la faces et (\es epitres dedicatoires aux jesuites frau- ( trouve pas facilement complete." — Brunei. 134*Lettres Edifiantes, seconde edition, 26 vols. 12mo. maps. Best Edition, beautiful copy m French calf gilt, £i>. Paris, 1780-83 Priced, 1824, Rivington, £1. 8s; 1844, he had never read a work which answered better White, £6. IGsGd. I to its title. Of the accuracy of those Letters, and This edition is generally preferred to the j the Works of Dio Halde and Oa^tbil, the author original, because it has the advantage of being \ has often heard the late Sir G. Staunton speak systematically arranged. — '^ Fontenelle said, that ' in the highest terms." — C. Butler. 135 SToCKLEIN, Brief-Scliriften iind Eeis- Besclireibungen welche von deuen Missionariis aus beyden Indien und andren iiber Meer gelegenen Landern seit 1642 bis^l740, angelaugt sejmd, 32 parts in 7 vols, folio, onany maps and curious plates, old bindiny, two volumes in pigskin, fve in leather, £3. 12^ Augspurg, 1726— Wien, 17 55 collection was entirely new, taken from unpub- lished MSS. Its value to the student of American history and geography cannot be over-estimated. As the merest specimen, a map in Vol. 1. may be adduced, which gives a complete new and correct delineation of California and Mexico, from actual survey made in the year 1702 by the Jesuit Chino and his assistants. The above series of Missionary Reports re- lates to America, China, India, Africa, and many little known Islands, etc. Sprcngel, in his His- tory of Geographical Discovery, mentions Stock- lein's work most honourably. It is often stated to be a translation of the Lettres Edifiantes, but this is only true to a siiall extent. All the more important portion of the 136 Loxa's Voyages and Travels, describing the manners and customs of the North American Indians, with a Vocabulary of the Chippeway language, a list of Iroquois, Mohegan, ShaAvanee, and Esquimaux words, and a table of the analogy between the Algonkin and Chippeway, 4to. maps,bds. 15s 1791 137 MAETYR'S (PETEE) DECADES. Historie of the West It^dies, contain- ing the Acts and Adventures of the Spaniards, which have conquered and peopled those countries, inrichcd with varietie of pleasant relation of the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments and Warres of the Indians ; published in Latin by Mr. Hakluyt, and translated into English by M. Lok, Gent. sm. 4to. ic anting folios 176, 180, and 181, hut the deficiency sup- plied in 3fS. green morocco, gilt edges, very scaece, £2. 16* London, for Andrew Ilehh, n. d. (cir. 1580) even then copies fetch high prices, being eagerly fought for by American collectors. This work is generally found imperfect at the beginning or epid— a much more serious draw- back to its value than a defect in the middle — and See ante — Eden. 138 Maximilian YON Wied, Eeise in nordl. America: Verzeichniss der Eep- tilien, 4to. 7 coloured plates, sd. 10s Dresden, 1865 BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : GENERAL COLLECTIONS. 1003 139 MARTIUS' Beitrage zur Ethnographie und Sprachenkunde Amerika's, zumal Brasiliens ; Ethnographie, und Wortersammlung Brasilianischer Sprachen, 2 vols. 8vo. map, lif. morocco, ISs Leipzig, 1867 The volume of Dictionaries of Brazilian languages consists of above 500 pagcsof double columns. 140 Mills' Colonial Constitutiouy, constitutional history and existing Govern- inent of the British dependencies, 8vo. (pub. 14*) cloth, IO5 1856 141 MONARDES delle Cose che vengono portate dall' Indie Occidentali perti- nent! alia Medicina, nouamente recata dalla Spagnola nella nostra lingua ; de' Yeneni ; della Neve, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. a few woodcuts. Be Thau's copy in old " veaufauve,'^ with his large Arms containing Monogram stamped in gold on sides and haclc, 35* Venetia, 1575 142 Joyfull Newes out of the new-found "Worlde, wherein are declared the rare and singular vertues of divers Herbs, Trees, Plantes, etc. Englished by John Eeampton; newly corrected; whereunto are added three other bookes treating of the Bezaar Stone, etc. smallest 4to. laoodcuts of animals, plants, etc. the upper margin worm-holed, otherwise a very fine copy in old russiagilt, £2. 12s 6d 1596 142* another remarkably fine copy, small 4to. old calf neat, £3. 3* 1596 143 Mi3LLER (Friedrich) Linguistischer Theil der Reise der osterr. Eregatte Novara um die Erde, 1857-59, royal 4to. cloth, 16s Wien, 1867 144 Muiioz, Historia del Nuevo Mundo, Tomo I (all published) sm. 4to. portrait, calf, 14* Madrid, 1793 This volume only reaches to the year 1500, but the Prologo contains an admirable critical re- view of the various writers on the subject. The Spanish Government prohibited the continuation of the work as being too enlightened and truth- ful. 145 Mure's Nachrichten von verschiedenen Landern des Spanischen Amerika, aus Aufsatzen einiger Missionare des Gesellschaft Jesu, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. maps, bds.l2s Halle, 1809 Including a Tarahumarish Dictionary, with a J guistic details, profusion of interesting ethnographical and lin- | 146 MUEEAT (H.) Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa, Ameeica, and Asia, etc. 7 vols, with his Enquiries respecting the Character of Nations, 1 vol. ; together 8 vols. 8vo. 7naps, hf morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, £2. 10s Edinl. 1818-20-08 147 MXEITII Opusculum Geographicum rarum, totius ejus negotii rationem com- plectens, 2 parts in 1 vol. small folio, large portrait and arms of the author, maps, and several diagrams, with all the moveable pieces printed together on a single leaf , as originally issued, intended to be cut and distributed by the binder, vellum, £2. 10s Ingolst. W. Eder, 1590 148 • the same, folio, witJiout the leaf of moveable pieces, but tvith the curious map of the world, vellum, 25s 1590 A very rare Avork apparently unknown to the writers on American bibliography. The large folding map of the world contains a map of Ame- rica, in which the extreme north-west corner bears the words *' India orientalis." The author seems to have been one of the latest geographers who endeavoured to reconcile the new discoveries with the original theories. There are some chapters specially devoted to a description of the New World. The author was a Maltese by birth, but resided at Ratisbon as a commander of the order of St. John. A piece of verse at the end is ad- dressed to him by Edmund Holly ng, M.D., an Englishman, in Ingolstadt. 149 NAVAEEETE, Coleccion de los Yiajks y Descubrimientos que hicieron los Esparioles desde fines del Siglo XV, con documentos sobre la historia de su Marina y de sus establecimientos en Indias, 5 vols. sm. 4to. maps and portraits, hf morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, £2. IQs Madrid, 1858-59-29-37 I sold a copy in 1860, for" £4. 10*. " Le premier volume du cette importante collection contientlejouraal originaldes voyages de Colomb, redigfi par las Casas ; le second est rempli de cu- rieux documents relatifs a I'histoire des mceurs a cette c'poque ; le tromcmerenfermeles expeditions d'Americo Vespucci, et dans les tomes 4 et 5 sont 150 NOTICIAS (CoLLECQAO de) paea ahistoeia e geogeaeia das Nacoes Ul- TEAMAEiNAs que vivcm nos dominios Portuguezes ou Ihes sao visinhas, pub- licada pela Academia Eeal das Sciencias, Yols. I-YII, sm. 4to. sd. £2. 18* Lisboa, 1812-25-26.36-56-41 3g compris les expeditions de Magellan, Elcano, Loasioet Saavedra. le tout ou d'apres des manu- scrits inedits, ou reimprime sur les editions deve- nues tres rares." — Brwnet. From this collection Washington Imngdrew his information regarding Columbus. 1004 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 151 NOTICIAS das Nagoes Ultraraarinas, Yols. I, II, sm. 4to. containing Gada- mosto, Amerigo Vespucci, etc. calf gilt, from Souths f s Library , 20« 1812 An important collection of documents, in- cluding the rare series of early navigators, and a great number of valuable narratives first published in these columns from the original MSS. The history of geography cannot be properly studied without full and exact attention to the contents of the Portuguese Academy's Noticias. 151*0' C ALL A GH AN, List of Editions of the Scriptures and parts thereof printed in America previous to 18G0, with introduction and biographical notes, stout impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt top, uncitt, 'presentation copy from James Lenox, Esq. to Archdeacon Cotton, £1. 4s Albany, 1861 152 OYIEDO. Historia general y natural cle las Indias, Islas y Tierra-tirme del Mar Oceano por el Capitan Gonzalo E. De Oviedo y Yaldes, publicala la Eeal Academia de la Historia, cotejada con el codice original, iiustrada con la yida del autor, etc. por Amador de los Eios, 4 vols, folio, maps and plates, hf morocco, £6. Madrid, 1851-55 The third part of this important history, I had never before been published, which comprises the entire of the fourth volume, J 153 PAPELES YAEIOS tocantes al Libre Comercio. An extraordinary collec- tion of 25 Official Documents, containing the royal orders, and the repre- sentations in Cortes and in Council, for and against Seville and Cadiz, in connection with trading privileges between these cities and the American dependencies : Louisiana, Florida, Mexico, Central America, the West In- dies, Peru, Chile, and La Plata, some printed, the rest manuscript, with signa- tures, in 1 vol. folio, U7np vellmn,from the library of Lord Orford, £7. \Qs Sec. XYIII The MS. portion includes a copy of the | son's America into the Spanish dominions, fol- prohibition against the introduction of Robert- | lowed by a translation of his preface. 154 PASQUAL (Antonio Eaymond) Descubrimiento de la Aguja Nautica, de la Situacion de la Ameeica, del Arte de Navegar, sm. 4to. vellum, 18s Madrid, 1789 This work asserts that Lully was the first who applied the magnet to the needle for the ma- riner's compass, and whose arguments for the existence of a western continent prompted the action of Columbus. It contains also curious notices of the early Majorcan Cosmographers and 155 PINELO (ANTONIO DE LEON) Bibliotheca Oriental y Occidental Nau- tica y Geografica, anadida y enmendada nuevamente en que se contienen los Escritores de las Indias Orientales y Occidentales, Japon, etc. 3 vols, in 1, sm. folio, hf morocco, £4. 10^ Madrid, 1737-38 The second volume contains the works relat- rican bibliography, as in addition to the original ing to America, and notices of Spanish MSS. on labours of Leon, the celebrated Barcia published the subject. this edition, with extensive corrections and addi- This is of very great importance for Ame- tions. 156 PIZAEEO Y OEELLANA (Febnaijdo) Yaeones Ilustees bel Nuevo MuNDO, Descubridores, Conquistadores, y Pacificadores del Imperio de las Indias ()ccidentales : sus vidas, virtud, valor, hazaiias, y claros blasones, folio, wormed, and wants corner of last leaf of Lndex, hf. morocco, 30.9 Madrid, 1039 157 _ the same, a good tall and perfect copy in Spanish calf, gilt back, £2. lOs 1639 This volume contains the lives of Columbus, Cortes, the four Pizarros, Almagro, and Diego Garcia de Paredes. At the end of the work is a others relating to Pr. Bernardo Boil, who, with twelve companions, was sent with Colon, in his second voyage, to convert the Indians. *' Seul ouvrage ou Ton trouve des notices bibliographiques sur les ecrivains de Majorque." halvd. long memorial to Philip IV, stating the services of the Pizarros, and soliciting a remuneration to their descendants. 158 PUECHAS, HIS PILGEIMES, containing Yoyages and Peregrinations, thorow the remoter parts of the knowne world, enquiring also of Languages and Eeligions ; description of the Circumnavigation of the Grlobe ; Naviga- tions and Yoyages of Englishmen, etc. 5 vols, folio, with the excessiyelt eaee original eeontispiece, which contains a small Map of the World and numerous portraits ; many maps and curious woodcuts, very fine copy, 12|^ by 8i inches in size, russia extra, gilt edges, 2672. 1625-26 BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS: GENEEAL COLLECTIONS. 1005 159 PUECHAS' PILGEIMS, another copy, extremely large and fine, ISjIq inches hy Sf , 5 vols, folio, beautifully hound in russia, yilt edges, an exceptionally desirable set, £90. To instance the steadily and constantly in- Creasing value of this fine old English work, the following quotation of prices is given. A copy was priced, 1826, Baynes, £31. 10s: 1840, Jas. Bohn, £45.; 1848, Payne and Foss, £47. 5s. The Duke of Grafton's copy sold for £46.; the Duke of Roxburghe's sold for £43. lis 6cZ; the Rev. Mr. Williams' for £42.; 1854, Gardner's, morocco, ;£55. 10s; 1855, at Sotheby's, russia, £59.; 1858, Sotheby's, £64.; 1860, Puttick's, i:65.; and the value of this great work has now so risen that I sold two copies last year, one for .£88. and the other for £100. 1625-26 corporated the substance of more than twelve hundred writers of voyages and travels. " His work is not only valuable for the various instruc- tion and amusement contained in it, but is also very estimable on a national, and I may add, a religious account." — Gra/ager. " We owe to the zeal and vast erudition of this laborious man, one of the most celebrated collections of voyages, which have ever appeared —valuable alike for the abundance of its mate- rials and its importance in the history of early discoveries, especially those of the English." Biog. Univers. Purchas says in his preface, that he has in IGO EALEian's (Sir Walter) Eemains, 24n]o. portrait hy Vaughan, including episto- lary accounts of his last expedition to America, lif russia, 7s 6d 1669 16 L Drake's Memoir of Sir "Walter Ealegh, repriated with additions from the New England Eegister by Drake, sm. 4to. portrait and tahle, ISs Privately printed, Boston, (U.S.) 1862 162 EAMUSIO, NAViaATio^q^r et Yiaggt, 3 vols, folio, numerous engravings on wood and tuoodcut maps, including Canada and other parts of America, slightly loormed, hf. calf, £2. 10^ Venetia, Giunti, 1554-59-65 163 • the same, 3 vols, folio, the second volume affected hy damp, calf, £2. 16s 1554-59-65 164 another edition, 3 vols, folio, old calf gilt, £5. 1563-74-56 165 the same, 3 vols, folio, vellum gilt, £5. 10s 1554-74-65 Priced, 1824, Rivington's, £9. 9s ; Ogle and Co., £12. 12s ; 1824, Thorpe, £8. 8s. Copies fetched : Vincent's, £8. ; Paris, £8. 8s ; Col. Stanley's, £24. For the contents of this valuable collection see Gamba, Tcsti di Lingua, Ven. 1839, 8vo. No. 2751. " Ramusio was the most learned compiler of the age." — Santarem. " C'est une Collection precieuse, pen vantee par les libraires, peu recherchee par les amateurs (le beaux livres, parce qu'ellc n'est pas ornee d'estampes, mais seulement de gravures en bois qui n'ont rien d'agreable : elle est estimee par les savans, et regardec encore aujourd'hui par les gcographes comme un des recueils les plus impor- tans. Ramusio avoit, soit a raison des voyages qu'il avoit faits lui meme, soit a raison de ses grandes connoissances dans I'histoire, la geographic, les langues, soit enfin a raison des correspondanc'es Contents multipliees avec ces personnes qui pouvoient etre de quelque utilite a son entreprise, toutes les facilites necessaires pour former une excellente collection." — Camus. *' Ramusio recueillit des le 5me. siecle les relations qui pouvaient faire connaitre les cotes de I'Af rique, une partie de I'Asie et les decouvertes faites jusqu' alors dans le Nouveau Monde; il enrichit ces voyages de savantes prefaces, et com- posa des dissertations importantes." — Daru. "Ramusio's collection of Voyages and Travels, the most perfect work of that nature ex- tant in any language whatsoever ; containing all the ciscovcries to the East, West, North and SoutJi ; with full descriptions of all the countries discovered ; judiciously compiled, and free from that great mass of useless matter, which swells our English Hackluyt and Purchas ; much more complete and full than the Latin De Bry, and, in fine, the noblest work of this nature.'* — Locke. I. Leone Africano, Descr. dell' Africa Cadamosto, Navigatione Pedro de Cintra, Hannone Navigationi Portoghesc Vasco di Gama Pedro Alvarez Amerigo Vespucci Th. Lopez Nav. di G. da Empoli L. Barthema lambolo And. Corsali E. Alvarez Nearcho del Mar Rosso Arriano Barbosa, Indie Orient. Nicole di Conti, Viaggio H. de San Stefano Viaggio Pigafetta, V. att. il Mondo J. Gaetan, Discop. dell' Isole Molucchc Inform, dell' Isola del Giapan Estratt. de G. de Barros IL Marco Polo Ayton Armeno Angioletto, Vita, &c. d'Ussuncassan, IJe di Persia Viaggio d'un Mercante nclla Persia J. Barbaro, V. alia Tana e in Persia Amb. Contarino, Viaggio in Persia Alb. Campcnse, Cose di Moscovia P. Giovio, Cose di Moscovia Arriano del Mar maggiore G. Interiano, Vita de Zychi Hippocrate dell' acre e dell' acqua 3g2 1006 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Fr. d'Ulloa, Navigatione Ant. di Mendozza. Discop, della Terra Ferma di Nuov. !Sp. Fra Marco de Nizza, Viaggio a Cevola Fr. Vasquez, Viaggio (^^{^^ F. Alarchon, Navig. ^ ^.^^^ Tre Relationi del Disc, e Conquista del Peru da Franc. Pizarro G. F. d'Oviedo, Navig. per il gr. fiume Ma- ragnon Giov. de Verrazzano, Relat. della terra per lui scoperta, 1524 J. Carthier, Relationi della Nuova Francia Ramusio — continued. p. Quirini, Viaggio e Naufragio r Herberstain, della Moscovia et Eussia S Fratelli Zeno, Viaggi i Frati Minori, Due Viaggi in Tartaria, 1247 (. B. Oderico, Due Viaggi These were first added in edition of 1574. III. P. Martire, Somra. dell' Hist. delP Indie Occid. G. Fern. d'Oviedo, Somm. della sua Hist, dell' Ind. Occid. Fern. Cortese, Relationi 2, 3, 4 P. d'Alvarado, Lettere Due a Cortese D. Godoi, Lett, a Cortese Alv. Nunez, Relatione Nun. de Gusman, Relatione 166 EICH, BiBLioTHECA Americana Nova : Catalogue of Books in various lan- guages relating to America, printed since the year 1700 (to 1844) with Sup- plement, 3 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, bare, £6. ]835-(41)-46 167 the same, without Supplement, 2 vols. 8vo. a few MS. additions and corrections, cloth, £4. 4s 1836-46 168 EIVEEO J USTAEIZ (M. E. de) Coleccion de Memorias Cientificas, Agri- colas e Industriales, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, plates, and views of Indians, and cuts of Antiquities, hf calf 36*2. 2s Bruselas, 1857 One of the most learned and valuable books ever produced by a South American writer. 169 Eolt's History of South America, including the geographical, natural, politi- cal, and commercial history of every province, 8vo. large map hy Bowen, hd. 7s 6d 1756 170 SACEOBUSTO (J.) Tractado de la Sphera, con muchas additiones, agora nueuamente traduzido de Latin en lengua Castellana, por el Bachiller HiEEONYMO DE Chaves, sm. 4to. blacfe letter, ivith woodcuts, hf. hd. ISs Sevilla, en casas de Juan de Leon, 1545 On folio 27 there is a diagram in proof of the rotundity of the earth, which contains a small map of America, in which the southern continent is more clearly and better drawn than the north- em. This is of course the work of Chaves, whose large map of the New World is said to have never yet been printed. The book is also interesting as the production of an Englishman, John Holy wood. 171 SCHMIDEL'S YOTAGE. Weltbuch von Schiffahktett, getruckt in Ver- legung Sigmund Eeirabends, erster Theil : Cosmography Sebastiani Eranci, without title and two leaves of preface — Ander Theil dieses "Weltbuchs : "War- hafftige Beschreibunge aller .... Schiffarten, auch viler unbekanten erfundnen Landtschafften, etc. durch Uleich Schmidt von Straubingen, und Andern mehr, 2 parts — together 3 parts or 3 vols, in 1, sm. folio, hf morocco, gilt top, £5. Frankf. Feirahend, 1567 First Edition of SchmidePs voyage, the American voyages of Ulrich or Hulderic " Volume tres rare." — Brunei. Brunet appears Schmidel, whose name appears on the title as never to have seen the book, as the title given by him is incorrect. The second part of the second volume contains the first and original edition of Ulrich Schmidt ; which is followed by the voy- age of Hans Stade. 172 SCHMIDEL (Hulderici) Veea Histoeia admirand^ cuiusdam katiga- TiONis, quam . . . ab anno 1534 usque ad annum 1554 in Americam vel Nouum Mundum, iuxta Brasiliam et Eio della Plata, confecit, sm. 4to. map, portrait and plates, fine copy in old red morocco, from the Yemeniz lAbrary, £5. Norihergce, impensis Levini Sulsii, 1509 Collation: Title, with engraving of Schmi- trating the following chapters : 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 20, 21, 25, 28, 30, 36, 42, 44, 47, 54. Several of these plates are frequently wanting — indeed, very few copies contain many of them. del on horseback ; leaf containing portrait; dedi- cation, with engraved coat of arms, 1 leaf; p. 3 — 101. Large folding map between pp. 6 and 7 ; and fifteen leaves of engravings marked as illus- 173 SOLINUS. Joannis Camertis in Julii Solini Polyhistora Enarrationes, sm. folio, engraved title in the manner of Holbein, calf oaken boards, with clasps, 24* Viennce, 1520 The only connection this volume has with America is that a Mappemonde by Apian (not in the present copy) was issued with it, in which the name of America appeared for the first time in any map. EIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALTS : GEiSrE"RAL rOLLEPTTOV^^ I007 174 Stevens, Historical Nuggets : Bibliotheca Americana, or a descriptive account of my collection of rare books relating to America, 2 vols. 12mo. cloth £2. 2* 1862 The extreme care and accuracy with which I make this catalogue a very valuable contribution the title and the collation of each book arc given, ) to American bibliography. 175 TOEEEY and GEAY, Mora of North America, containing descriptions of all the known indigenous and naturalized plants growing north of Mexico, arranged according to the natural system, 2 vols. 8vo. the first volume in calf, the second in three parts, 36« Neiv York, 1838-43 176 TEE/NAUX (H.) Bibliotheque Americaine on Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a I'Amerique qui out paru depuis sa Decouverte jusqu'a I'an 1700, 8vo. half calf rare, 25s Paris, 1837 177 the same, large papee, with additions and corrections neatly written hj Sir Henry JEllis on the margin, 4to. hf morocco, 36« 1837 178 TEENAFX-COMPANS : Voyages, Eelations, et Memoires originaux, pour servir a I'histoire de la decouverte de I'Amerique, publics pour la premiere fois en Frangais, 20 vols. 8vo. (pub. sewed, at £10. 10s) hf hound, gilt top, uncut, contents lettered^ now rare, £fl. 10s Paris, 1837-41 Vaca, gouverneur du Rio de la Plata. VaUado- lid, 1555— Naufrages de Cabe^ade Vaca, 1555 — Cruautes horribles commises par les conquerants du Mexique, Memoire de Don F. Ixtlilxochitl. Mexico, 1829 — Voyage de Cibola entrepris en 1540 (inedit) — Kecueil de pieces relatives a la conquete du Mexique (inedit) — Rapport sur les classes de chefs de la nouvelle Espagne, par Zurita — Histoire des Chichimeques, ou des anciens rois de Tezcuco, par Don Ferdinand d'Alva Ixlilxo- chitl (inedit) 2 vols.— Histoire du Nicaragua, par Oviedo y Valdes (inedit) Histoire du Perou, par Cavello Balboa (inedit) — Second Recueil de pieces relatives a la conquete du Mexique (inedit) — Me- moires historiques sur I'ancien Perou, par Monte- sinos (inedit) — Histoire deroyaumede Quito, par Don Juan de Velasco, native de ce royaume (in- edit) 2 vols. — Recueil de pieces sur la Floride. An important and valuable collection of early Voyages and Relations on South America : also translations of unpubhshed MSS,, principally re- lating to Old and New Mexico. Contents : Narration de voyage du Federmann, d'Ulm, aux iles de la mer oceane. Haguenau, 1557 — His- toire de la province de Santa -Cruz, par Pero de Maghalanes de Gandavo. Lisbonne, 1576 — Ve- ritable histoire et description d'un pays habitepar des hommes sauvages, nus, feroces et anthropo- phages, situe dans le Nouveau- Monde, nomme Amerique par Hans Staden de Homberg. En Hesse Marbourg, 1 557 — Relation de la conquete du Perou et de la province de Cuzco, par Fran- cois Xeres. Salamanque, 1547 — Histoire de la Navigation d'Ulrich Schmidel au Bresil, depuis l'ann6e 1534 jusqu'en 1554, Nuremberg, 1599 — Les Commentaires d'Alvar Nunez Cabe^a de 179 TiEDEMAN (F.) Geschichte des Tabaks, 8vo. with several plates illustrating the use of smoking, hf. morocco, uncut, Qs Gd Prankfurt, 1854 180 Ulloa, Noticias Americauas: entretenimientos phisicos-historicos sobre la America Meridional y la Septentrional Oriental ; de las Antiguedades, sobre la Lengua, etc. sm. 4to. caf 15s Madrid, 1772 181 (segunda edicion) sm. 4to. calf, 5s 1792 182 Nachrichten, mit Zusaten, 2 vols, in 1, hf. calf 7s 6d Zeipz. 1781 183 UNITED STATES EXPLORING EXPEDITION, during the years 1838- 42, Narrative by Commander "Wilkes, 5 vols, royal 4to. superior Library edition, with numerous plates and woodcuts, and sixth volume of Atlas and maps, impl. 4to. proofs, cloth, £10. Philadelphia, 1845 Only 100 copies were printed, by the United I presents. States Government, of this larger edition, for | 184 another edition, with the Atlas of maps, bound up at the end of Vol. Vf 5 vols. impl. 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, hf. calf £4. 4^ Philadelphia, 1845 One of the most interesting works ever pub- I Geography, Natural History, Customs, Religions, lished. It contains an exhaustive account of the | etc. of the South Sea Islands, South America, etc. 185 HALE'S Ethnogeaphy and Philology of the Expedition, forming Vol. VII of the Expedition, imperial 4to. hf. calf, £Q. ^ ib. 1846 Very rare. It contains an immense num- I the Oceanic islands, besides a general Polynesian ber of separate Vocabularies and Grammars of j Lexicon. 186 Ueicoechea, Mapoteca Colombiana : coleccion de los tifculos de todoa los Mapas, Pianos, etc. relatives a la America Espanola, con introduccion, 8vo. sd. 5s ^ 1800 This work is more extensive than its title indicates : it includes the entire of America* 1008 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 188 Vater iiber Amerika's Bevolkerung aus dem alteu Kontinente, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd; Tif. calf, 4s Leipzig, 1810 189 AVAEDEN, Chronologie Historique de l'Ameeique, 10 vols. 8vo. lif. calf gilt, £2. 16s Faris, 1826-44 This forms Vols. IX — XVni of the Art de I thentic history of the whole American continent. Verifier les Dates ; and is the only complete an- | 190 WEST-INDISCHE SPIEGHEL, waer inne men sien kan alle de Eylanden, Provintien, Lantschappen, Mexico, en Peru, door Athanasium Inga, Peruaeii, sm. 4to. engraved title, 2 maps of North and South America on separate leaves and other engravings in the text, somewhat stained, vellum, 21s Amst. J. en J. 'Pietersz. Wachter, 1624 A curious book composed under a pseudonym I ings are in the De Biy style and very pretty, and apparently very little kno^^Ti. The engrav- j 191 WTNKELMANN (Hans Just) der Americanischen Neuen "Welt Beschrei- bung, darinnen deren Erfindung, Lager, Natur, Eigenschaft, Sitten, Bar- barey und unerhorte Grausamkeit der Einwohner .... beneben von Staden, biirtig aus Homburg in Hesseu., oblong, sm. 4to. large folded por- trait, and several woodcuts in the text, hds. 86* Oldenburg, 1664 Very rare. The work commences with same curious remarks upon Tobacco and its use, and the x^riginal population of the New World. The author also champions the American rights of the Dutch Company of the West Indies. NIVERSITY Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions. z Back's Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to tlie mouth of Great Pish Eiver, 1833-35, 8vo. map and plates, (pub. 30s) cloth, 7s Gd 1836 193 Bareow (Sir J.) Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Eegions, 8vo. map, calf gilt, 7s 6d 1818 194j the same, 8vo. with Sir G. Stanton's p^ivatelg printed Memoir of Barrow prefixed, hf russia, 9s 1818 195 Beown (John) the North-West Passage and the plans for the search for Sir John Franklin, a review ; with the Sequel, 2 vols. 8vo. frontispiece and maps, cloth, 7s 1858-60 196 Ceanz, Historie von Gronland enthaltend die Beschreibung des Landes und der Einwohner, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. Mne Paper, Opiates, calf, l^s Barhy, 1770 197 Dixon's Voyage round the World, but more particularly to the North-AVest coast of America, 1785-88, 4to. maps and plates, hf Id. 5s 1789 198 EGEDE (Hans) Description of Greenland, shewing the Katural History, the ancient and modern Inhabitants, specimens of the language, etc. 8vo. map and 10 plates, calf, 9s 1745 199 the same, new edition, with historical introduction and life of the author, 8vo. map and woodcuts, hf. calf, 7s Gd 1818 200 Dictionarium Groenlandico-Danico-Latinum cum Indicibus Vocum Dan. et Lat. 8vo. bds. 12s Hafnice, 1750 201 Grammatica Gronlandico-Danico-Latina, sai. 8vo. hf hd. uncut, fine copy, rare, 32* ih. 1760 202 Esquimaux. Imgeeutit attorekset illagektunnut Labradoremetunnut, 12 mo. the Moravian Hymn-Book in the Esq^uimaux language, 882 Hymns, cloth, Ss Lcelaume, cir. 1810 203 Eskimaux and English A^ocabulary for the use of the Arctic Expedition, obi. 12mo. pp. xvi and 160, double columns, cloth, 5s 1850 204 EABRICIUS, Gronlandsk Grammatica, 12mo. dSS pp. sd. 9s Kioh. 1801 205 the same, 1801 — Gronlandsk Ordbog ; Greenlandish-Danish Dic- tionary, 795 pp. 1 vol. 1804— together 2 vols. 12mo. hf. hd. 20s i5. 1801-4 206 EoK : a Greenlander's Travels in Europe, in Greenlandish, 8vo. icith rude comic cuts, coloured, sd. 4s Nongme, 1857 207 EEANKLIN {afterwards Sir John) Narrative of a Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-22, with A^^pendix on Natueal Histoey, 2 vols, 4to. maps and numerous plates^ many of them coloured, £2. 28 1828 BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : AECTICA; CANADA. 1009 208 Hayes' Open Polar Sea, narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to the North Pole, 8vo. portrait, maps, and plates, cloth, Is &d New York, 1867 209 [LA PEYEfiEE (Isaac)] Eelation du Grroenland, sm. 8vo. obiginal edition, with the rare map and folding platej vellum, rare, £3. 15s Paris, Aug. Courhe, 1647 210 McClintock's Narrative of the Discovery of the fate of Sir John Eranklin, 8vo. maps and plates, (pub. 16s) cloth, 10s 1860 211 Mackenzie (Alex.) Voyages from Montreal on the Eiver St. Lawrence through the Continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, 4to. with examples of the Knisteneaux and Algonquin Tongues, and other Vocabularies, portrait and maps, calf, 20s 1801 212 PAEET (Capt. W. E.) Three Voyages for a Discovery of a North- West Pas- sage, with Appendixes of Natural History, etc. but without the separate Appendix to the second voyage which appeared in 1825, 4 vols. 4to» nume- rous maps and plates, hf calf neat, fine set, £3. 10s 1821-28 213 another copy, with the separate Appendix to the second Voyage, 5 vols. 4to. hf calf gilt, £4. 10s 1821-28 214 Eelacion del Viage hecho por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana, 1792, para reconocer el Estrecho de Euca, con noticia de las expediciones Espanolas en busca del Paso del Noroeste, sm. 4to. sd. 10s Madrid, 1802 215 EOSS' Voyage of Discovery for the purpose of exploriog Bafiin's Bay and enquiring into the probability of a North- West Passage, 4to. maps and coloured plates, hf calf, Vis 1819 216 Second Voyage in search of a North- West Passage, and residence in the Arctic Eegions, 1829-33, 4to. ^Opiates and charts (pub. 42s) cloth, 10s 1835 217 the same, with Appendix treating on the Natives, their Language, Natural History, etc. and containing 20 coloured plates, 2 vols. 4to. large PAPEE, cloth, 20s 1835 218 SCOEESBY'S (W.) Account of the Arctic Eegions, with a history and description of the Northern Whale Eishery, 2 vols. 8vo. 24 maps and plates. Id. 285 Edinb. 1820 219 Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale-Eishery, including re- searches and discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West Greenland, 8vo. onaps and plates, hf calf 14s Edinh. 1823 220 ZENO, Commentarii del Viaggio in Persia, et dello Scoprimento di Erislanda, etc. 12mo. the large folding map being not the original, but Zurla's reprint, morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 16s Venet. 1558 This map designed in 1380, is the earliest in I and Europe. It was published for the first time existence relating to the northern parts of America [ in 1558. 221 Zorgdrager's Groenlandsche Visschery en Walvischvangst, sm. 4to. maps, hf bound, 3s ild Gravenh. 1727 Canada, Labrador, Newfoundland. 222 CAETIER (Jacques). Bref Recit et snccinte Narration de la Navigation faite ea MDXXXT et mdxxxvi par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier, aux iles tie Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres, reimpression figuree de I'edition originale rarissime de 1545, precedee d'une introduction historique par D'Avezac, 8vo. sd. 15s Faris, Tross, 1863 223 Voyage au Canada, nouvelle edition publiee d'apr^s celle de 1598 par Michelant et Eame, avec (deux series de) Documents inedits sur Cartier et le Canada, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. 2 folding maps in facsimile, sd. £2. 2s Faris, 1865-67 224 Caetweight's Journal of Transactions and Events during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the Coast of Labrador, 3 vols. 4to. portrait and maps, bds. 30s Newark, 1792 225 COLDEN (Cadwallader) History of the Eive Indian Nations of Canada, with accounts of several other Indian Nations, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. map, fine copy in old calf 25s 1747 226 Conquest of Canada, by the author of " Hochehaga," 2 vols. 8vo. portraits, cloth, 10s 1819 1010 BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 227 CHARLEVOIX, Histoire et Description generale de la NouvELLE-EEAJfCE, et Journal d'un Voyage dans 1' Amerique Septentrionale, 3 vols. 4to. numerous maps, plates, and vignettes, calf gilt, £3. 3« Paris, 1742 " De toutes des relations de Canada, c'est | The laborious acccui'acy with which this dans celle-ci, qu'on pent s'instruire le raieux sur ; work was executed, may be estimated by the fact les nombreuses peuplades qui y etaient repan- I that the maps, dated 1743, are marked with the dues et dont quelques-unes subsistent encore." 1 latest discoveries, in 1742, in the extreme north of Boucher. I America. 228 HERIOT'S Travels through the Cauadas, with a comparative view of the manners and customs of the Indian natious of North and South America, 4to. map and 27 pretty coLoniED plates, lif. hd. rare in this state^ 24iS 1807 Chapter xx. or pp. 569-602, treats of the i the Algonquin Tongue. Indian Languages, and contains a Vocabulary of i 229 Hall's Travels in Canada and the United States, 1816-17, 8vo. map, calf gilt, 7s Gd 1819 229*Red Rivee. Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement of Kildo- nan upon the Red River, and its Destruction in 1815 and 1816, 8vo. map, sd. 12.5 Privately printed, 1817 230 SAGARD Theodat, Grand Voyage du Pays des Huron s situe en I'Amerique vers la Mer douce, es derniers confins de la Nouvelle Erance dite Canada, avec un Dictionnaire de la Langue Huronne, 2 vols. 8vo. papier de Hollande, sd. 25s Paris, 1865 231 Histoire du Canada et Voyages que les Ereres miueurs Recollects y ont faits, oil est amplement traicte des choses principales arriuees dans le pays depuis 1615 jusqu'a la prise qui en a este faicte par les Anglois ; avec un Dictionnaire de langue Huronne, nouvelle edition, avec une notice sur Sagard, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. Papier de Hollande, sd. £2. 12s Paris, 1864-66 L'edition originale de cet ouvrage important [ d'une execution typographique remarquable, est est d'une rarete excessive. La nouvelle edition, I imprimee en caracteres antiques. 232 the two preceding works bound together in a series of 6 vols, in 3, 8vo. Dutch Paper, hf morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, £3. 10^ 1864-66 233 Smith (Wm.) History of Canada ; from its first discovery to the Peace of 1763, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. laege papee, hf morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, £4. 4* Quebec, printed for the Author, 1815 234 Smith (W. S.) Canadian Gazetteer, 8vo. with views and a folding map, cloth, 105 Toronto, 1846 United States. 235 AUDUBON'S BIRDS OF AMERICA, 4 vols, elephant folio, consisting oj 435 beautifully coloueed plates, each bird being represented the full size of life, with its prey, an original subscriber'' s copy, hf red morocco, uncut, 56200. 1826-38 Collation. — Titles to each volume, 4 leaves : Plates 1 to 435. Plate 254 is erroneously num- bered 256, and plate 260 is numbered 240, Nos. 256 and 240 being repeated. The circumstance of this copy being uncut is so unprecedented that it greatly enhances the value, as the book was published with extreme scanty margins. 236 AUDUBON, BIRDS OP AMERICA, Yol. 1, double atlas folio, 100 beauti^ fully colov:red plates, half red morocco, gilt edges, 1827-30 ; with Ornitholo- gical Biography, Vol. 1, being descriptive text of plates, 1-100, in royal 8vo. uni/ormly bound, £25. PJdinb. 1831 236* Birds of America, second edition, 8 vols. roy. 8vo. 500 coloueed PLATES, green morocco super-extra, gilt edges, 3625. 2Vew York, 1839 237 AUDUBON'S ORNITHOLOOICAL BIOG-RAPHY; or an Account of the Habits of the Birds of the United States of America ; accompanied by De- scriptions of the Objects represented in the "Work, entitled " The Birds of Ameeica," 5 vols. impl. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, edges uncut, presentation cop>y to Br. Hooker, eaee, ^8. 8s JEdinb. 1831-39 238 AUDUBON and BACHMAN.— QUADRUPEDS of Noeth AMERICA, complete, 3 vols, atlas folio, and descriptive Text in 3 vols. roy. 8vo. 150 magnificent plates, the Animals richly coloured from nature, with appropriately colom^ed back-grounds of Trees or Porest Scenery, hf bd. morocco, gilt edges, scarce, £Q5. Neio York, published by J. «7. Audubon^ 1845-54i BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : UNITED STATES. 1011 239 Appleton. Memorial of Samuel Appleton of Ipswich, Mass., with genealogical notices of his Descendants, bj J. Appleton Jewett, roy. 8yo. facsimile, table, and three plates, cloth, los Boston, 1S50 240 Aechjeologia Ameeicana: Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. 1, 8vo. maps, plates and cuts, boards, 12s Worcester, Massachusetts, 1820 Illustrative of the Religions, Antiquities, Ethnology, and Languages, with Vocabularies. 241 BACKUS (Isaac) History of New-England, with particular reference to the Baptists, 2 vols, hoards, uncut, £3. 10s Boston, 1777 — Brovidence, 1784 Very rare. A third volume was pub- does not quote a third at all) and contain a single lished in 1796, but the above two volumes form index for both, the complete work as originally issued (Lowndes 242 Baily (Francis, the Astronomer) Tour in North America, 1796-97, with me- moir of the author, by Sir John Herschel, 8vo. (pub. lOs Qd) cloth, 5s 1856 243 BAKAGA, Grammar of the Otchipwe Language, the language spoken by the Chippewa, Algonquin, Otawa, and Potawatami Indians, 16mo. 576 pp. hf. hd. 20s Detroit, 1850 244 Otchipwe-English and English- Otchipwe Dictionary, 2 parts in 1, sd. sm. 8vo. pp. vii. and 662, double cols, cloth, 20s Cincinnati, 1853 245 BAETLETT'S (J. E.) Bibliography of EHODE ISLAND ; a Catalogue of Books, and other Publications relating to the State of Ehode Island ; with historical, biographical and critical Notes, roy. 8vo. IV. and 288 pp. half bound, £1. Is Brovidence, U.S. 1864 In no country is greater attention now paid | phers of the U.S. Mr. Bartlett holds a foremost to Bibliography than in the United States of I rank for his scrupulous accuracy. America ; and amongst the laborious bibliogra- | 246 BAETLETT'S Literature of the Eebellion: Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to the Civil War in the United States, Works on Slavery, etc. roy. 8vo. 4i77 pp. containing 6073 Nos. sd. only 250 copies printed, 18s Boston, U.S. 1866 247 the same, laege paper, royal 4to. half calf gilt, uncut, top edge gilty 60 copies printed, £2. 5s 1866 248 Memoirs of Ehode Island Officers, who were engaged in the service of their Country during the Eebellion, 4to. ^^ finely engraved portraits, boards, 30* Brovidence, 1867 249 the same, laege papee, impl. 4to. fine impressions of the portraits, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, 363. 15s 1867 250 History of the Destruction of the Gaspee in Narragansett Bay, 1772, with the official Journal and Correspondence, impl. 8vo. sd. 10s Brovidence, 1861 251 Biekbeck's Journey through Prance, 1814— Journey in America, from Vir- ginia to Illinois, map, 1818 — Letters from Illinois, 1818—3 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf calf gilt, 6s ^ 1818 252 BouQrET's Expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764, with preface by Parkman, and biographical sketch of Bouquet, 8vo. plates and plans, cloth, \5s Reprint, Cincinnati, 1868 253 the same, laege papee, roy. 8vo. cloth, gilt top, 2os 1868 The original edition is rare. The work 'is I earliest British military expeditions into the terri- valuable as containing a record of one of the | tory north-west of the Ohio River. 254 Beidgman (T.) Memorials of the Dead in Boston, inscriptions from Copp's Hill Burying Ground, with notices of the early settlers in New England, sm. 8vo. cuts of arms, etc. hf. morocco, 14* Boston, U.S., isr)2 255 Buenabt's Travels in North America in 1759-60, 4to. hf bd. 9s 1775 256 Buenet's Court Sermon, 1674, Svo. facsimile, cloth, gilt top, 8s 6d An unpublished sermon by Gilbert Burnet Cincinnati, 1868 257 BuscHMANN, die Volker und Sprachen Neu-Mexico's und der Westseite des Britischen Nord-Amerika*s, 4to. bds. 12s Berlin, 1858 258 Caeolina, Eundamental Constitutions of, sm. folio, title and 25 pp. very curious, 21s 1669 A singular body of legislative principles, prepared for the settlers of Carolina by the famous John Locke. Its provisions were found incom- patible with modern polity, and after a few years observance they were abandoned. 1012 BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK. 259 CABECA de VACA. Relacion j Comentarios del Gouernador Alvar Nuiiez Cabega de Vaca, de lo acaescido en las dos Jornadas que hizo a las Indias, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. got!jlC letttr, a large woodcut with armorial shield on the first title, a smaller one on the second, and woodcut initial letters, old calf gilt, £21. Valladolid, Fr. Fernandez de Cordoua, 1555 An extremely rare and very curious book, containing the earliest account of Elorida, which was discovered by Alvar Nunez, surnamed Ca- bega de Vaca (Cow's head). Thorpe described a copy in his catalogue for 1840 with the following note : " Only two other copies have occurred for 260 CAMP A Nil (Thomas) Holm. Kort Beskrifning om Provincien Nya Swerige uti America som nu fortjden af the Engelske callas Pensylvania, sm. 4to. 2 maps and other tvoodcuts, hds. £10. Stockholm, VJO'2- sale for many years, one of which produced £25, and the other 20 guineas." Brunet cannot have ever seen the work, as he states that the Comen- tarios form the first part of the volume, while it is really with the Naufragios that it commences, the latter bearing the general title. catalogues had given the author's name as Holm, regretted that it had never been translated. The work includes 32 pp. of Vocabularies. Campaniu-j does not omit to mention the details of the pre- sumed old Norse discovery of America. He was son of John Campanius, who translated Luther's Catechism into Virfjinian in 1696. This excessively hare work is of the highest interest to American collectors. It be- gins with a general description of America, and in the account of Virginia divides it into three regions : New Sweden, New England, and New Netherland. Rich, in noticing the rarity of the book, and the mistake by which some American 261 Chalmees' Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies, from the State Papers of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s Boston, U.S. 1845 262 Chappe d'Auteeoche, Yojage en Californie, 1769, 4to. plan of Mexico, plates, astronomical tables, sd. Ss 6d JParis, 1772 263 CHAETEES of the following Provinces of North America: Virginia, Mary- land, Connecticut, Ehode Island, Pennsylvania, Massachusett's Bay, and G-eorgia, with a narrative of the proceedings in consequence of the Stamp Act, 4to. map dated 1763, hf hd. eaee, 36s 1766 264 CHAETEES of the British Colonies in America [Massachusett's Bay, Con- necticut, Ehode Island, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Georgia] : jN^ew Commission of the Governor of Quebec, and other Instruments relative to America ; Appendix to the Canada Papers, 1777-1778 ; Memorial of the Count de Guines, etc. ; in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. hd. 12s cir. 1778 265 Chastellux, Voyage en Amerique, sm. 8vo. hf. hd. 5s 1785 266 CONSTITUTIONS of the several Independent States of America; the De- claration of Independence ; the Articles of Confederation between the said States ; the Treaties between his most Christian Majesty and the United States of America, published by order of Congress, sm. 8vo. hds. £2. 2s Fhiladelphia, 1781 First Edition, extraordinarily rare. Very few of the American collections possess this little volume, which is however of great historical interest, as being the first official compilation of the republican constitutions, given authoritatively to the world. The above copy was presented by "Washington, through Dr. Silbernagel, to the Emperor Joseph II. 267 Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. calf rare, 10s Philadelphia, 1797 268 Coxe's View of the United States, 8vo. hds, 5s Qd Philadelphia, 1794 269 Desceiption of the English and Prench Territories in North America, shewing the encroachments of the Prench and their usurpations on the English, 8vo. sd. 5s Dublin, 1755 270 Dixon (B. Homer) Surnames, roy. 8vo. a Dictionary with genealogical and etymological particulars, cloth, printed for private distribution, 10s Qd Boston, U.S. 1855 This work belongs to the class of books known as Family History. 271 DOMENECH (L'Abbe) Seven Years in the Great Deserts of North America, 2 vols. 8vo. map and 61 coloured plates, (pub. 36s) cloth, 18s 1860 272 la Verite sur le Livre des Sauvages, 8vo. 10 facsimile plates from the supposed Indian MS. sd. 5s Baris, 1861 273 DRAKE (Sam. Gr.) Book of the Indians, or biography and history of the Indians of North America, 8yo. portraits, hds. 12s Boston, U.S. 1834i 274 eighth edition, with additions and corrections, 8vo. hf calf ISs ib. 1841 BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : UNITED STATES. 1013 275 DKAKE (Sam. Gr.) Eesearches among tlie British Archives for inforinatioLi relative to the founders of New England, sm. 4to. facsimile map and por- traits of Sir JP. Drake and Captain SmitJi, cloth, 18.d 1862 Earadat's copr/, £3. 10,? Contents : Vol. 1. Meteorology — 2. Chemis- try, Catalogue of Portraits of Indians, Catalogue of Birds, Reptiles, and Shells— 3. Diptera and Coleoptera of North America, Scientific Periodi- cals— 4. Neuroptera and Lepidoptera of N. and S. America— 5. Bibliography of N. Amer. Con- chology — 6. Diptera, Trypetidse, Scromyzidae, Ephyd'rinidae— 7. Bats, Shells, Invertebrated Fos- sils, etc., etc. On sale separately : 361 SQUIER'S Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York, roy. 4to. 14 plates and several cuts, sd. ISs Smithsonian Inst. 1849 362 STEDMAN'S History of the American War, 2 vols. 4to. numerous maps and plans, calf, dOs ' 1794 363 Summary View of the Eights of British America, in resolutions for the in- spection of the Virginia delegates, 8vo. sd. Ss Gd 1774 364 TANNER'S Narrative of his Captivity and Adventures during Thirty Tears' Residence among the Indians, edited by Edwin James, 8vo. portrait, bds. 24« J^etv Fork, 1830 365 THOMAS (Isaiah) History of Printing in America, with a biography of Prin- ters, an account of Newspapers, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates, hoards, YERY RARE, £7. Worcester, U. S. 1810 360 Treves, Account of the Hospital of St. Elizabeth, 8yo. facsimile, sd. Ss 6d Ipsvnch, 1786 Including extracts from the Treaty between Prussia and America, and parts of the constitution. 367 A^AIL, Notice sur les Indiens de I'Amerique du Nord, Svo. map and coloured portraits, hf morocco, 6s Pans, 1840 368 VENEGiVS, Natural and Civil History of California, translated from the Spanish, 2 vols. Svo. wap and plates, calf, fine copy, 30* 1759 369 "WAR OF INDEPENDENCE. Hartley (David) Letters on the American War, ivith autograph of the Author, 1778 ; Burke (Edni.) Thoughts on the Cause of the present discontents, original edition, 1770 ; Mrs. Macaulay's Answer to the'preceding, 1770 ; and others, in 1 vol. 4to. Ids. I2s 1770-78 370 AVard (A. H.) History of the Town of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, 1717-1829, including an extensive Family Register, Svo. port. hf. calf 12s Boston, 1847 The alphabetical Register of Families in-"| cupies pp. *^11 to 488. eluding all kinds of genealogical information, oc- ) 371 Washington National Academy of Sciences, Report for 1863, 8vo. woodcuts and plates illustrating the compasses used on iron-clad vessels, ^c. cloth, 2s Washington^ 1864 3 H 1020 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 372 WESTON (P. C. J.) Documents connected with the history of South Caro- lina, sm. 4to. hf, bound, Boxhurghe style, uncut, 305 Privately printed, 1856 Consisting of unpublished documents, beginning with the year 1568, and ending in the last century. 373 WHITMOEE (W. H.) Register of Eamilies settled at the Town of Medford, Massachusetts, ^yo. portraits, views and facsimiles of signatures, hf inorocco, 25s I^rivately printed, Boston, 1855 374 "WILLAED (Samuel, Teacher of a Church in Boston, New England.) The Truly Blessed Man ; or the Way to be happy here, and for ever, being the substance of divers Sermons on Psalm xxxii, 652 pp. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £4. 4s Boston, JV. E. 1770 The barest of aU the writings of Willard, I ing high prices at sales. He was President of most of them being scarce and in demand, fetch- | Harvard College. 375 WILLIS (N. P.) American Scenery illustrated in a series of Views by W. H. Baetlett, 4to. 81 beautiful plates, hf. morocco, 12s 1840 Mexico. 376 THE THEEE MEXICAN COUNCILS OP THE SIXTEENTH CEN- TUET. THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT RECORDS, signed by the presid- ing Prelates, and countersigned and sealed by the Secretaries, including all the Documents, Autograph Letters, and other papers used on the occasion of celebrating the three Provincial Councils of Mexico, under the presidency of the Archbishop Alonso de Montufar in 1555 and 1565, and of the Arch- bishop Pedro Moya de Contreras in 1585 • bound up in 4 foHo volumes, vellum, £105. Mexico, 1555-85 A collection of priceless value, without re- ( documents, on which was based a course of con- ference to which the history of the Spanish domination in Mexico during the sixteenth cen- tury, as well as the history of the church, cannot be written. The celebrated Lorenzana published the decrees of the three Councils at Mexico in 1769 and 1770, but his volumes do not of course include the valuable mass of material upon which those decrees were founded, and which constitute the great importance of the collection now de- scribed. Besides, even as regards the mere text pubhshed by Lorenzana, a consultation of the original MSS. is always necessary, as the follow- ing fact will be enough to prove. Although he had these MSS. under his eyes when preparing his book for the press, he took the text of the third (and most important;) Council from the free Latin version published in 1622, and not from the Spanish original contained in the above volumes, which had never nor has ever since been printed. It is therefore extremely probable that he took his text of the first and second Councils equally at second-hand ; although from his words, in the place where he describes having seen the MSS., he seems to claim credit for a more honest kind of editing. His language nins thus : — " . . . . estando los manuscritos originales (of the Jvrst omd second Cowncils) incorporados con las Actas de el tercero Concilio Provincial, que se me han manifestado por nuestro venerable Cabildo, sacados de su archivo, y tengo presentes con las firmas originales de los Senores Obispos, y para que no se carezca de noticia tan importante, he resuelto darlos a la luz publica con el orden correspondiente." The manner in which they became lost to the Mexican ecclesiastical autho- rities cannot be discussed or elucidated here, but it is not unlikely that they Avere never replaced in the possession of the Chapter after they had once been "sacados de su archivo" for the benefit of Archbishop Lorenzana. It is unnecessary, it would be perhaps imper- tinent, to point out here to any scholar or student ©f history, the vast importance of these original duct and policy that has moulded the destinies, both of the natives and the conquerors of Mexico, during the past three centuries. Of course, the Indians occupy a prominent place in the delibera- tions of these Councils, and the manner of their treatment, the consideration of the many ques- tions which emban-assed the formation of a system of government over them, the uses to which they should be put, their social and political status, and other such problems of intense interest, are largely treated upon in these papers in special letters or essays, which have never seen the light, since only the conclusions of the Council, and not its discussions, were published. Pedro Moya de Contreras, Archbishop of Mexico, a man of upright and conscientious character, was appointed Visitador in 1583, and Viceroy in 1584, holding the later ofl&ce tempo- rarily till 1585, but retaining till his return to Spain in 1586 the enormous powers of the former position, with which the new Viceroy had no authority to interfere. In this character he sternly apphed himself to the reform of existing abuses, and the punishment of coiTupt oflScials, by whom the State was outrageously maladmi- nistered to their own. advantage. His efforts were on the whole highly successful, in spite of the general depravity amongst the Spaniards who held places of authority, and when he went back to Spain, this great man bore with him a reputa- tion of unsullied rectitude and lofty purposes, which lost nothing of its brightness when he died soon afterwards leaving no wealth behind him. The crown of his reforming work was the convo- cation of the third Council, the decrees of which re- mained for three hundred years as the great code of ecclesiastical law and the guide of Spanish civil legislation in Mexico. Yet with all his reforming tendencies, the spirit of his race and his age is seen in such instances as the following : — One of the documents in the collection above described treats of the conduct of "Padre Fray Joan Ramires," and " sobre el castigo que merecia por IBIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : MEXICO. 1021 The Three Mexican Coiincils—contimied. aber predicado en favor do los Indies y contra | la Rei^ublica," the latter clause of the accusation being probably a mere paraphrase of the former. However, the Indians received full and, all things considered, fair attention at the hands of the Council, and a long memorial to the king (certi- fied by the Doctor Joan de Salzedo as a true copy of the sealed original sent to Spain) is especially devoted to obtain a recognition of their rights, and a mitigation of the burdens imposed upon them. Amongst the dignitaries who signed the acts of the third Council, besides the great Archbishop himself, who writes his signature, *'P. Achps. Mexic." in a bold fine hand that accords well with his firm and loyal character, the following are found :— Don Fr. Gomez de Cordova, Obispo de Guatemala ; Don Fr. Joan de Medina Rin- con, Obispo de Mechoacan ; Don Do. Romano, Obispo de Tlaxcala ; Fr. Gregorio de Montalvo, Obispo de Yucatan ; Fr. Domingo de Alcala, Obispo de la Nueva Galizia ; Don Fr. Bartolome de Ledesma, Obispo de Guaxaca ; the Bishop of Antequera ; Doctor Joan de Salzedo, who seems to have been the chief secretary ; Doctor Aguirre, and many others. The Bishops who were invited, but did not attend the Council, were Don F. Domingo de Salazar, Obispo de las Philipinas, who excused himself because of his age and the long distance ; the Bishop of Chiapa, who met with an accident on his way ; and Don. Fr. Antonio de Hervias, Obispo de la Vera Paz. Besides the proceedings of the three Coun- 377 ADAME ET AEEIAGrA (Josepho) Impeeialis Mexicana Uniyebsitas ILLUSTRATA ipsius per Constitutionum scholia, academico generali Cominen» tario, stout small folio, hound, £5. Sispali, ex typograpMa haredum ThomcB Lopez de Saro, 1698 '' "" . --• ^ article on the Mexican Academy a« an important work. (Bibl. Mex. p. 3.) See^os* Constituciones, cils, and the aggregation of the documents used in them, several papers of a late date are added in the volumes, so that they include copies of the Lima Council of 1582 ; of that of Toledo, 1583; a paper on the *' Privilegios y Facultades de los Indios," dated 1606, by Luis de Ribera, secretary of the Dean and Chapter of Lima, etc. Of the decrees of the third Mexican Council, there are two MSS., both regularly completed with the signatures and seals of the ecclesiastics, but one of them apparently an improved copy of the other. The contents of the four volumes may be roughly described as follows : — I. Concilios Pro- vinciales de Mexico, primero, segundo, y tercero ; Catecismo hecho en el tercero ; several letters and other papers of minor importance ; II. Final copy of the Third Council ; III. Lettered Actas del Concilio III, a large number of decrees, orders, letters, and memorials, in connection with the Third Council ; IV. The collection of documents which were laid before the Council for delibera- tion, followed by copies of the Toledo and Lima Councils, and letters and later papers in connec- tion with the latter. In conclusion it may be said that the loss of these papers, however it took place, has been a catastrophe for the Mexican republic. They ought to be preserved in some secure and well-' known place, so as to guard against the risk of accidental damage or destruction, as this latter contingency would leave a gap that nothing else could till up in the history of New Spain. Very eaee, unmentioned by Brunet, Rich, Stevens (" Nuggets"), Salva, Ternaux, and other Bibliographers ; but alluded to by Eguiara in his 378 ALAMAlSr, Historia de MEJICO, desde los primeros movimientos que pre- pararon su independencia en el 1808 hasta la epoca presente, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. 22 portraits and 13 other plates , hf. calf, £5. 15s Mejico, 1849-52 379 Alcakaz (Joannis Michael de) Mira Mundi Primordia; Divina riliorum Adoptio, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm, 4to. MS. very neatly written, hf. hd. 7s 6d (Meccici) 1738 Extraordinary questions and disputations in auspicio de vulva matris meas sum semivivua the style of Duns'Scotus. The first part is dedi- egressus." cated to St. Chrysostom, " sub cujus benevolo 380 ALDAMA t G-ijevaea, Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, 12mo. fne clean copy in vellum, rare, £6. Imprenta da la Bihliotheca Mexicana, 1754 73 leaves or Signatures A to T 2, in fours, (except A which has only three leaves). Rare, Collation : Title, Approbations, Licences, and Prologue, Table of Contractions, and Vocabulary, 9 leaves ; De el Alphabeto, etc., 381 ALEGEE (Eran. Javier) Historia de la Compania de Jesus en Nueva Espana, publicada por Bustamante, 8 vols. sm. 4to. 2 portraits, calf £2. 12s Qd Mexico, 1841-42 382 Almaeaz (Eamon) Memoria de los trabajos ejecutados por la Comision Cien- tifica de Pachuca, 1864, roy. 8vo. including the Natural History, with plates, some coloured, hf calf, 9^ Mexico, 1865 383 Alzate t Ramirez, Diario Literario de Mexico, Nos. 1-8, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. Ms. 18s 1768 The earliest work of this celebrated savant, I the bibliographers, and probably no more was and of excessive rarity. It is unmentioned by | published than these eight numbers. 3 H 2 1022 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 384 ALZATE EAMIEEZ (J. A.) Gacetas de Literatura de Mexico, 4 vols, sm, 4to. fortrait and curious plates, Spanish hinding, £5. Ficebla, \_Mexico\ 1831 and is highly esteemed for the learned and curious scientific and critical disquisitions which it con- tains. The author was a native of Ozumba, near the city of Mexico. The present article is a re- print of the original work, which appeared in periodical parts about the end of the last century, 385 Aeamburu, por la Provincia de S. Hipolyto Martyr del Orden de Predicadores de Oaxaca, en los autos sobre que no imponga principal alguno en fincas del Obispado de la Puebla sin consentimiento de la jurisdiccion Eclesiastica, sm. folio, Ids. 20s Mexico, 1771 386 AECHIVO MEXICANO : Documentos para la Historia de Mexico, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. lormd, £2. Mexico, V. G. Torres, 1852-58 In these volumes, the Process against Cortes, and character, but also many obscure questions in the history of the conquest, etc. — is published for the first time. with the important testimony of all the witnesses — illustrating not merely the conqueror's life 887 AEENAS (Pedro de) Vocabulario Manual de las Lenguas Castellana y Mexi- cana, en que se contienen las palabras mas comunes en comnmnicacion entre Espanolos e Indios, 16mo. hound, S6s Puebla, 1793 388 A YET A (Feancisco de) Padre de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio de Mexico, Crtsol de la Yeedad, en defensa de dicha su Provincia, sobre el despojo y sequestro de las 81 Doctrinas, de que la removio el Obispo D. Juan de Palatbx, en contravencion de los Privilegios que los Pontifices la concedieron a instancias de los Senores Eeyes, sm. folio, hf. calf, £12. 125 [^Mexico,'] no Printer s name, date, or place (cir. 1690) Extremely rake, as in consequence of the bitter feelings excited in the breasts of the Arch- bishop and the Viceroy, because of what the former terms its falsehoods and scandal, it was destroyed by the authorities. The work contains however, a vast amount of information respecting the early Missions in America in general, and in Spanish America in particular. 389 Ateta (E. de) t Hekxando de la Eua, Manifesto, Discurso, etc. 7 treatises chiefly by Ayeta, in 1 vol. sm. fol. hf cf. £3. 16s {Mexico, 1671-1700) These rare pieces all refer to the same violent I the subject of the preceding article, controversy upon rights and privileges, which is I 390 Aztec. A FACSIMILE of an Aztec MS. oblong 4to. unfolding into a panorama, 18 feet long, containing many representations of deities, mythologi- cal fables, and other curious symbolical figures, with table of reference, fro^n the library of T. F. Pettigrew, sd. 10s n. d. (circ. 1830) 391 Balanza de Comeecio por el puerto de Yeraceuz, 1856, por Serrano, Ve7'a Cruz, 1857 — Memoria sobre las Casas de Moneda de la Eepublica, plates, Mexico, 1849 — "Wyllie's Eeport on Mexican Finances, 1844 — 3 vols. 4to. half calf 28s 1844-56 392 Baetolache (Jos. Ignacio) Opuscule Guadalupano, sm. 4to. calf SGs Mexico, 1790 A testimony to the really miraculous nature of the Virgin's famous portrait at Guadalupe. 393 BATEMAN'S Orchidace^ of MEXICO and GUATEMALA, complete in 8 parts, elepbant folio, 40 magnificent plates, eeautifullt coLorEED, the letter-press embellished by splendid woodcuts, yeet eaee, £24. 1837-43 able loser even had the edition been published at double the price. Only one hundred and twenty five copies were printed, which were all subscribed for." Mr, Q., buys and sells separate plates of this work. " This is one of the greatest botanical works of the present age. Mr. Bateman has got it up regardlessly of expense, and would be a consider- 394 Bex Ezea. Contestacion del sacerdote Cristofilo a Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra sobre la Yenida del Mesias en gloria y magestad, Yol. I, 8vo. sd. 12s Mexico, 1826 The Venida del Mesias, to which the above I lenium by a Jesuit named Lacunza. is an answer, is a celebrated work on the Mil- | 395 Bezanilla Miee t Campa, Muralla Zacatecana de doce preciosas Piedras, 18mo. a curious Prayer Booh with hymns to the Virgin, and engravings, hd. 28s ■ ' Mexico, 1788 396 BosQUE.To ligerisimo de la EEvoLrcioN de Megico, desde el Grito de Iguala, haata la Proelamacion Imperial de Iturbide, por un verdadero Americano, 16ino. calf, 20s Philadelphia, 1822 A valuable and authentic work on the History of the Revolution. 13IBLI0THECA OCCIDENTALIS : MEXICO. 1023 Brasseur de Boueboueg — see his works post, under Central America. 397 BusciiMAXjr (Joh. Carl. Ed.) Spuren der Aztektschejs- Sprache im NORDLiCHE]S" Mexico uiid hoheren Amerikanischen Norden ; zugleich eine Musterung der Volker und Spracben desnordlichen Mexico's und der West- seite Nordamerika's vou Guadalaxara an bis zum Eismeer, stout 4to. half morocco^ uncut, top edge gilt, £3. 3* Berlin^ 1859 A thoroughly scientific and very valuable philological work. BUSTAMANTE'S Publications : 398 BoTURiNi, Tezcoco en los ultimos tiempos de sus antiguos Eeyes, obra pub- licada con notas por Bustamante, sm. 4to. hf. calf, 24s MexicOy 1826 399 the same, morocco, gilt edges, 28s 1826 400 Bustamante (Carlos Maria) Cuadro historico de la Eevolucion Mexicana comenzada en Septiembre de 1810, 6 vols. ^yo. portraits and plans of battles, hf. bd. rare, £5. Mexico, 1843-44-46-32 It is probable that no more of this important I with the elevation of Iturbide to imperial dignity, work was ever published. The sixth volume ends | 401 Bustamante, Mananas de la Alameda de Mexico, para facilitar el estudio de la bistoria de sii pais, 2 vols. sm. 4to. sd. £2, 2^; or, hf bd. 365 ib. 1835-37 402 Mexico por dentro y fuera bajo el govierno de los Yireyes — Palafox justificado por haber separado del Vireinato al Duque de Escalona — 2 vols. "in 1, 8vo. hf bd. 28^ ^ Mexico, 1831 403 El Gabinete Mexicano, durante el segundo periodo de la adminis- tracion del Presidente Anastasio Bustamante, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. bd. 28s Mexico, 1 842 404 GOMAEA (E. Lopez de) Historia de las Conquistas de Hernan Cortes, con varias notas y adiciones por Bustamante, 2 vols. 8vo. hf bd. £2. Mexico, 1826 405 CAVO, los Tres Siglos de Mexico durante el Gobierno Espanol hasta la entrada del ejercito Trigarante ; obra publicada con Suplemento por Busta- mante, 4 vols, in 2, sm. 4to. hf calf neat, £4. 4* Mexico, 1836-38 Rare. When Brunet's last edition was I of the fourth part, printed in 1860, he did not know of the existence j 406 Sahagun (Fr. Bernardino de) Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espaiia con notas y Suplementos de C. M. de Bustamante, 4 vols, in 3, 8vo. hf. morocco, £3. lOs Mexico, 1829 Sahagun was one of the earliest of the Spanish Missionaries. His work published by Bustamante for the first time is of the utmost value for the history of the native Mexican civili- sation and customs. The fourth volume contains the Spanish conquest, published separately. 407 Sahagun, Kelacion de la Conquista de esta Nueva Espana .... que altera la publicada en 1828, large 8vo. hf bd. 32s Mexico, 1840 to Spain, and now published from the autograph MS. It is therefore, the proper complement of the Historia de la Nueva Espaiia. Bustamante states that this is the second ori- ginal work of Sahagun upon the conquest, re- written by him after the first one had been sent 408 Vega (Manuel de la) Historia del Descubrimiento do la America Septen- trional por Colon, con notas por Bustamante, Swo. hf bd. IQs Mexico, 1826 409 Opusoula yaria, Martirologio de los primeros Insurgentes por la libertad Mexicana, 1841 — Boturini, Cronica Mexicana, Teoamoxtli, in 11 letters, 1821-22— Bustamante, Iturbide, 8 pp. 1838 — Efemerides historico-politico- literarias, 1835 — Necesidad de la union de loa Mexicanos, 1826— and others, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf bd. £2. 15^ Mexico, 1821-41 410 CABREEA t Quintero (D. Catetano de) Escudo de Armas de Mexico : Celestial Proteccion de esta Nobilissima Ciudad de la Nueva Espana, y de casi todo el Nuevo Mundo, Maria Santissima en su portentosa Imagen del Mexicano Guadalupe, milagrosamente aparecida en 1531, y jurada su prin- cipal Patrona, 1737, folio, engraved frontispiece, ivormed at end, hf. calf scarce and curious, 36^ Mexico, 1746 411 the same, a fine copy in limp vellum, a6*3. 3* 1746 A copy fetched at Lady Webster's sale in 1859, £3. ITs. 412 Calderon de la Barca (Madame) Life in Mexico, with preface by Prescott, 8vo. cloth, 2s Qd ' 1843 1024 BEENAUD QIJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 413 Calvillo (J. B.) Sermon en el aniversario de N. S. de los Remedios, 1811 — Noticias para la Historia de N. S. de los Eemedios, 1812 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. lif. morocco, 25^ Mexico, 1811-12 414 CAMPOS T Maetinez, El Iris, Diadema Immortal : descripcion de los fes- tivos aplausos con que celebro la elevacion al Trono de Eernando YI, el Eeal Tribunal del Protomedicato de Nueva Hespana, in prose and verse, with curi- ous plates ofMnblems — Elizalde, Corona sin Termino, Oracion Panegyrica sobre la Coronacion del Eey — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. 7if. ?nor. SOs Mexico, 1748 415 Amorosa Contienda de Francia, Italia, y Espana sobre la persona de Don Carlos III. exaltado al trono Espanol, sm. 4to. hf. Id. rare, 25s ih. 1761 416 CAEOCHI (HoEAcio) Aete de la Lengua Mexicana, con la Declaracion de los adverbios della, sm. 4to. Mrst Edition, hf. hound, excessively eaee, j610. Mexico, por Juan Buyz, 1645 Collation: Title and five other preliminary I copy fetched at Sotheby's, in 1857, £16. leaves ; text, 132 numbered leaves. A wormed I 417 CATECISMO MEXICANO, Clara y sucinta Exposicion del pequeno Cate- cismo, impreso en el Idioma Mexicano, para la mejor instruceion de los Indios, Mexicano y Espanol, 12mo. used copy, hf. bound, 20s FiLehla, 1819 418 Catecismo Breve, con el Acto de Contricion y el Credo, 3Iexicano y JEspanol, por Castano, 2 leaves, folio, hds. 21s (Mexico) Calle de Espiritu Santo, 1 817 419 CLAYICxEEO, Storia antica del Messico cavata da MSlS. e dalle Pitture antiche degl' Indiani, ecc. 4 vols. 4to. map and numerous plates, vellum, 36s Cesena, 1780-81 420 Historia Antigua de Megico, traducida por D. J. Gr. Mara, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. maps and curious plates, crimson morocco, gilt edges, 36s London, 1826 For an eulogium on the works of this author see Prescott, Vol. 1, book 1, chap. 2. 421 CONSTITUCIONES de la Universidad de Mexico, segunda edicion, con Suplemento de 1839, 2 vols, in 1, folio, calf, 28« Mexico, 1775-1839 With a note on the title-page to the word I Exmo. y. Venerable Sr. D. Juan de Palafox y *• constitutions :" Fueron extendidas por el Ilmo. | Mendoza, Obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles. See ante in present alphabet — Adame. 422 COETES. Cartas y Eelaciones de Hernau Cortes al Emperador Caelos Y, colegidas e ilustradas por Don Pascual de Gtayangos, roy. 8vo. li and 575 pp. sd, 18s Paris, 1866 A publication of the greatest value and im- | a number of minor letters on the same subject, portance. The editor has not only united in one body, as had never previously been done, the famous " Cartas -Eelaciones," or Commentaries of Cortes ; but here also, he publishes for the first time, the fifth of those Commentaries, as well as hitherto unprinted, from Cortes to Charles V, and others. Found in the archives of Vienna and Simancas, these documents supply fresh and very important materials for the early history of Ame- rica. 423 COETES, Historia de IS'ueva-Espana, escrita por Hernan Cortes, aumentada con otros Documentos, y notas por Don Erancisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de Mexico, sm. fol. Qiiaps and plates, hf. calf, 36^ Mexico^ 1770 The second, third, and fourth Letters of Cortes are included in this volume. 424 COETES (Hernando) (Second, Third, and Eourth) Despatches addressed to the Emperor Charles Y. written during the Conquest of Mexico, with an Introduction and Notes, by Geo. Eolsom, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, \Qs New Yorh, 1843 425 — — Eroberung von Mexico (Z waiter, Dritter, und Yierter Brief, mit Yorrede und Anhang) Beutsch, von Stapfer, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. hf. morocco, gilt top, uncut, 5s 6d Bern, 1793 426 COETESII von dem Newen" Hispakiek", so im Meer gegem Nidergang, zwo gantz lustige vnnd fruchtreiche Historien, an dem grossmachtigisten vniiberwindtlichisten Herren Carolum Y. Eomischen Kaiser, Kiinig in Hispanien, etc. sm. folio, fine copy, oak boards, rebacked, £2. 5s Aug spur g, J^lhart, 1550 Collation : Title, 1 leaf ; Dedication, 1 leaf ; P. Ulhart zu dem Leser, etc. 3 leaves : Ar- gument, 1 leaf ; the work itself, 1 to 39 ; blank leaf ; die ander Histori, title, 1 leaf ; Innhalt, 1 leaf; text, folios 1-60. — Kare : not mentioned by Brunet ; who only knew of the existence of the second part, which he, in common with the compiler of the Grenville catalogue, presumed to be a separate work printed about 1534. This edition in German contains at the end eight chapters (leaves 51-60) concerning the further discoveries made in America down to 1543, which do not exist in any of the Latin or Spanish editions. SlBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS: MEXICO. 1025 427 Coxites. Fifth Letter to the Emperor Charles Y. containing an Account of his Expedition to Honduras, translated from the original Spanish by Don Pascual de Gtatanqos, 8vo. ^p. ccvi and 150, including Index^ cloth, new. Vis Qd Halcluyt Society, 1868 428 COSTUMES Civils, Militaires et Eeligieux du Mexique, dessines d'apres nature parC. Linati, 4to. portrait of Mod eusuma, and 4iS coloured plates, lif. hound, 30* Bruxelles, (cir. 1830) 429 CoEREO Semanario de Mexico, por el Pensador Mexicano, Nos. 1 to 24 in 1 vol. Svo. 7if. bound, 10s Mexico, 1826 A weekly periodical which an article I show their faults, and the atrogant and wrongful upon the history of the Popes in each number, to J nature of their assumptions. 430 DIAEIO DE MEXICO, desde su principio en el ano de 1805 hasta el de 1810, No. 1 a 10916, 6 sea Tom. I-XIII, 13 vols. sm. 4to. calf, £7. 7s Con lAcencia de Superior Govierno, 1805-10 Excessively rare, even in Mexico, as in the I of the copies were destroyed either wholly or in troubles and revolutions that supervened, many j part. 431 Diaz del Castillo (Bernal) True History of the Conquest of Mexico, trans- lated by Keatinge, 4to. map, Ids. 7s 6d 1800 Dicciois'ARio de Greogralia — see 'No. 84 432 DOCUMENTOS PAEA LA HISTOEIA DE ME JICO. First Series, 6 vols, in 5 1853-54 Yol. 1 of this series contains the Diary of D. Gregorio Martin de Guijo, a Spanish lawyer residing in Mexico, comprising from the year 1648 to 1664. Yols. 2 and 3, the Diary of D. Ant. de Eobles, 1665 to 1703. Yols. 4, 5, and 6, the Diary of D. Jose Manuel de Castro Santa Anna, from 1752 to 1758 ; and Yol. 7, an Anonymous Diary from 1675 to 1696, and the Diary of Jose Gomez, from 1776 to 1798 Second Series, 7 vols, in 5 1854-55 This series contains a selection of various Historical documents, one volume being entirely occupied by papers on the tumult of 1624, proceeding from a dispute between the Yiceroy of Mexico and the Archbishop of that See. Third Series, 1 vol. folio " 1856 Containing a selection of papers on the History, Chronology, and Mexican System of Astronomy ; also on the Discovery and History of Texas and IS'ew Mexico. EoTjRTH Series, 7 vols. 1856-57 Comprises materials for the history of Sonera and Sinaloa : History of " la Nueva Yizcaya " (Durango) and the History of the Missions in California, by Palou, etc. — Together 21 vols, in 17, 8vo. and folio, half hound, not all quite uniform, £25. Mexico, 1853-57 within the grasp of the scholar a body of infor- mation which no amount of individual enterprise and industry could possibly obtain. A most important Series for the Student in Mexican History. The publication of such a series of documents reflects the highest credit upon the Mexican administration, as it places 433 DocuMENTOs Mexicanos. Texas. Correspondencia que ha mediado entre Mexico y los Estados-TJnidos, sobre el paso del Sabina por las Tropas del Gen. Gaines, Mexico, 1837 ; Caro, Primera Campana de Tejas, Mexico, 1837 — Tornel, Tejas y los Estados-TJnidos en sus Eelaciones con la Kepub- lica Mexicana, Mexico, 1837 — Exposicion de las conferencias con el comisi- onado de los Estados-Unidos, Queretaro, 1847 — Observaciones de Ecgon contra los Tratados de Paz, Queretaro, 1848 — etc. in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. hd. 36« 1837-41 A series of interesting pamphlets relating to Texas and the United States. 434 DOMINGUES Y MEJNDOZA. Servicios Personales del Maesti-e de Campo, Don Juan Domingues y Mendoza, fechos en las Provincias de la JN'ueva Mexico, a su costa, sm. folio, MS. hd. a614. 14« Mexico, Santa M, etc. 1674-96 These are the original documents sealed and | the Spanish crown, recording at different times signed l3y various viceregal and other officials of | the special and distinguished service rendered to 1026 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. King's special recommendation to the Viceroy, which is included in the documents mentioned above. Consequently the volume will be found valuable for the history of the northern states of Mexico. the monarchy in Mexico and New Mexico by Dominguez y Mendoza and his two sons. They all seem to have been natives of Spanish America ; and after a visit to the Spanish court, during which the old man died about 1690, his son Ber- nardo returned to New Spain furnished with the ' 435 DuvERNOis (Clement) L* Intervention PraiiQaise au Mexique, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Paris, 1868 436 EGrUIAEA T EGUEEN, Bibliotheca Mexicana, sive eruditorum historia vi- rorum qui in America Boreali nati, vel alibi geniti in ipsam domicilio aut studiis asciti, quavis lingua scripto aliquid tradiderunt, Tomus I, exhibens litteras A, B, C, folio, hf. hd. £10. 10s Mexico, 1755 Excessively RARE. Collation: Title and half-title ; dedication, 4 leaves ; Approbation, etc. 2 leaves ; De Bibliotheca Eguiarae, 72 unnum- bered leaves ; text pp. 1-544. " Ouvrage curieux, mais don't il n'a paru que le premier volume." — Brunei. 437 Elhutae, Indagaciones sobre la Anonedacion en Nueva Espana, sm. 4to. calf, 12s ^d Madrid, 1818 438 ESCUDEEO, Noticias Estadisticas del Estado de CHiHtTAHUA, reirapresas de orden del Supremo Grobierno, 8vo. clotli, very rare, £3. 10s Mexico, 1834 439 ESPINOSA (Isideo Eelis de) Chbonica Apostolica y Seraphica de todos los Colegios de Propaganda Eide de esta Nueva-Espana, de Missioneros Eranciscanos Observantes, Parte Primera, 1746 — Cronica Seeafica y Apostolica del Colegio de Propaganda Eide de la Santa Cruz de Qtjeeetaeo en la Nueva Espana, Segunda Parte, escrita par Juan Domingo Aeeicivita, 1792 — together 2 vols, folio, half calf , good sound copy, £16. 16s Mexico, 1746-92 Its extraordinary rarity, when complete, is ac- counted for by the long space of time which elapsed between the publication of the first and of the second volume. This curious and interesting work, relating to the Early Missions in South America, is of extremely rare occurrence. It is not mentioned in any of the bibliographies I have referred to. 440 EYANGtELIAEIUM, Epistolaeiijm et Lectionaeium Aztectjm, sive Mex- icanum, ex antique Codice Mexicano nuper reperto depromptum, cum prae- fatione, interpretatione, adnotationibus, Glossario, edidit Beenaediisus BioKDELLi, folio, pp. xlix and 576, with facsimile^ only 400 copies printed, on stout luriting paper, uncut, £4*. The very interesting Codex, of which the above is a careful reprint, was discovered in Mexico by Beltrami in the year 1826, and came into the hands of the present editor by purchase from the heirs. It is composed in the purest and most elegant Nathuatl that was ever written, by Bernardino Sahagun, a Spanish Monk of the Franciscan order, with the assistance of two scions of royalty in Anahuac, one the son of Montezuma, the other the Son of the Prince of Tezcuco— and purports to be a " postilla " on the Gospels and Epistles. Sahagun arrived at Mexico in the year 1529, and lived and laboured with great success in that country for fuUy sixty Of his many works in and on the Mediolani, 1856-60 Nahuatl language, the above is the only one which has been saved from perdition. Mr. Biondelli has accompanied Sahagun's text by a Latin version, has added a copious Vocabulary, Nahuatl and Latin, and by his introductory ob- servations, has thrown considerable light not alone upon the Nahuatl language, its affinity to other families of language, its grammatical pecu- liarities, but also upon the traditions, institutions, and monuments of the Aztecs— thus forming a complete treasury of everything appertaining to the ancient Mexicans. Altogether this is a volume which cannot be dispensed with by the student in linguistics, years. Of his many works in and on 441 FABIAN Y EUEEO. Coleccion de Providencias Diocesanas del Obispado de la Puebla de los Angeles, ordenadas por D. Erancisco Eabian y Euero, Obispo de dicha Ciudad, etc. 2 vols, in 1, folio, hf. hound, £4. IO5 (Pueila) Imprenta del Real Seminario Palafoxiano, 1770 interest in the discussion of questions concerning the treatment of the Indians, the use of their lan- guage, etc. A rare and important compilation of rules and orders for the conduct of civil and religious life, based upon the third provincial Council of Mexico, 1585. It possesses consequently much 442 EAEEAlS" (Fray Augustin, Doctor y Heligioso en la JVueva Espana) Tratado Breve de Medicina y de todas las Enfermedades, sm. 4to. fine copy in mo- rocco, gilt edges, £8. 8» Mexico, 1610 Rare : unnoticed by any of the bibliogra- on the title. The initials throughout the text phers. It is dedicated to Don Luis de Velasco, are also woodcut, the Viceroy, and has a woodcut of Saint Augustin BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDET^TALIS : MEXICO. 1027 443 FABE/T, Demostracion de los Adelautamientos que pudiera lograr la Eeal Hacienda mediante la rabaja en el precio del Azogue ; cou una impugnacion de Villa-Sefior. Modo de reducir el Oro y la Plata, etc. sm. 4to. vellum, 14s Mexico, 1748 444 ELOEENCIA (Francisco de) Narracion de la marabillosa Aparicion que hizo el Archangel San Miguel a un Indio (en Tzopiloatl), sm.4to. title, first, and last leaf mended, hf. morocco, 4s ; or, a fine copy in limp vellum, 7 s Sevilla, [1692] 445 . La Estrella de el Norte de Mexico .... en la historia de la Mila- grosa Imagen de Maria Santissima de Guadalupe, sm. 4to. original edition^ the lower margins ivormedy vellum, £2. 8s ; ov,fine copy in hf. morocco, 5fc*2. 16s Mexico, 1741 446 la misma obra, con una nueva dedicacion, sm. 4to. hf morocco, 36s Madrid, 1785 447 Zodiaco Mariano .... Milagrosas Iraagenes de la misma Seiiora (Madre de Dies) que se veneran en esta America Septentrional y Eeynos de la Nueva Espaiia, sm. 4to. hf. calf 32s Mexico, Colegio de San IldefonsOj 1755 The Jesuit Floreacia was a native of Florida. I his last. This posthumous work on a favorite subject was j 448 FoLLETiN del Diario Oficial del Grobierno, de la Eeptiblica Mejicana, Nos. 1 to 4, roy. 8vo. sd. 7s 6^ Mejico, 1853 Pp. 1 — 184 of a Diary kept in Mexico in the seventeenth century. 449 FossET, Viage a Mejico, traducido del Frances, sm. 8vo. plates, hf. Id, 5s 3fejico, 1844 450 FONSECA y UEEUTIA, Historia General de Eeal Hacienda, obra basta abora inedita, 6 vols. 8vo. tables, hf calf £6. Qs Mexico, 1845-53 Originally prepared by order of the Viceroy, j the Spanish domination. Coude llevillagigedo, but never published during | 451 GAGE (Thomas) the English- American, his travail by sea and land, or a New- Survey of the WEST INDIAS, Voyage in Mexico, Chiapa, Guatemala, etc. with Grammar of the Indian tongue Poconchi, smallest folio, First Edition, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s 1648 The book is most entertaining and instructive, word *' party " in its modern cant sense of " in- notwithstanding the singularly superstitious tales dividual." that it narrates. It is curious that Gage used the 452 the same, third edition enlarged, with a new and accurate map, 8vo. calf, 7s 6d 1677 tions upon English subjects) being omitted, and other modifications made This edition is better than the original by reason of the map only ; otherwise it is inferior, the last chapter (containing unpalatable reflec- 453 GONCALEZ DE ESLAVA, Coloquios Espirituales y Sacramentales y Can- ciones divinas, recopiladas por Velio de Bustamente, sm. 4to. upper margins wormed, original binding, £16. 16s Mexico, 1610 Excessively rare. This writer, the ear- j nor, Salva, Antonio, Ternaux, Brunet and other liest poet of Mexico, is not mentioned by Tick- | bibliographers. 454 GEANADOS y GALVEZ (Joseph Joaquin) Tardes Americanas : Gobierno Gentil y Catolico : breve y particular Noticia de toda la Historia Indiana, sucesos, cases notables, y cosas ignoradas, desde la entrada de la gran nacion Tulteca a esta tierra de Anahuac, hasta los presentes tiempos, sm. 4to. S plates, hf bd. £6. Mexico, 1778 *' A scarce and curious work relating to the the Mythology and Language of the natives. It early history of the Mexicans, unknown to Cla- vigero, and not mentioned by Meusel." — Rich. It contains also much information regarding 455 GUADALUPE (Fray Andres de, Comissario General de las Indias) Historia de la Santa Provincia de los Angeles de la regular observancia y orden de nuestro serafico Padre San Francisco, stout folio, frontispiece and large fold- ing plate, very fine large copy in vellum, £,7 . 10s Madrid, 1662 The author was a native of the i)rovince whose history he writes ; being also a 'pwlre or priest, he jokes upon this circumstance in the title, is styled by Salva, " Ouvrage aussi rare qu' im- portant pour connaitre il fond I'histoire primitive de la Nouvelle Espagne." by calling himself hi^o y padre de la mes^najpro- viiicia. 1028 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOK. 456 GrUANAJUATO. Easgo breve de ]a Grandeza Griianajuatena : dedicacion del Teiiiplo dela compaiiia de Jesus a la Sra. de G-uanajuato, sm. 4to. compo- sitions in prose and verse, calf, IQs Imprenta del Goleqio de S. Ignacio de la Puebla, 1767 457 GUEREA (Jose, I>r. de la Universidad de Mexico) Historia de la Eevolucion de Nueva Esparia, antiguamente Analiuac, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £2. 10s Lond. 1813 wards, for which reason the work is extremely scarce. The author whose real name was Jose Servando Santa Teresa Mier Noriega y Guerra, Avas several times imprisoned by the Inquisition. This work was privately printed in London, and was intended to be circulated in Mexico, but the vessel in which nearly the whole of the im- pression was sent out, was never heard of after- 458 G-UTIEEEEZ DAVIL A (Julian) Memorias Historicas de la Congregacion de el Oratorio de la Ciudad de Mexico, sm. iolio, plate, hf morocco, £2. 16s Mexico, 1736 Rare. CoUation : title, dedication, appro- homage, 1 leaf ; text, pp. 1 — 260 ; parte segunda, bations, 6 leaves ; Parecer, errata, address to the pp. 1 — 198 ; parte tercera, pp. 1 — 316 ; index 24 reader, 3 leaves ; index of chapters, 3 leaves ; leaves unnumbered, plate representing St. Philip Neri receiving 459 HEENANDI (Franc.) Eeeum Medicaeum I^oym Hispanic Thesaurus, sua Plantarum, Aninialium, Mineralium Mexicanorum historia, ex suis relationi- bus conscriptus a IN". A. Eeccho ; in ordinem digesta a Lynceo, cum notis, In dice, et Historiae Animalium et Mineralium libro, stout folio, engraved frontispiece and several hundred looodcuts, remarhably fine sound copy, limp vellum, very rare. £5. Homed, 1628 First edition not mentioned in Brunei. A copy fetched at Puttick's, 1859, limp vellv/m, £8. 15s 460 461 462 tops, £50. idem opus, (secunda editio), folio, numerous cuts of American Plants, Quadrupeds, Birds, etc. titles inlaid, fine copy in calf relached, £S. ; or in old red morocco, gilt edges, £S. 16s BomcB, 1651 KINGSBOEOUGH'S (Lord) Antiquities op MEXICO ; comprising fac- similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, preserved in the Eoyal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden ; in the Imperial Library of Vienna ; in the Vatican Library ; in the Borgian Museum at Eome ; in the Library of the Institute of Bologna ; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford; together with the Monuments of ]^ew Spain, by M. Dupaix ; illustrated by many valuable inedited MSS. 9 vols. impl. folio, containing upwm^ds of 1000 large plates embracing all the remains of Mexican Architecture, Art, Beligion, etc. hf morocco, uncut, gilt tops, 3628. 1830-48 the same, with the plates coloueed, (pub. at £175.) hf morocco, gilt 1830-48 Adair's History of the North American Indians, their customs and descent from the Jews ; 4, Cartas ineditas de Hernando Cortez ; 5. Cronica Mexicana de Tezozomoe ; 6. Historia Chichimeca y Relaciones por Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl. " AVhen, some four centuries ago, the enter- prise of Spanish navigators opened the vast con- tinent of America to the admiration of Europe, the civilization of the New World was found to be concentrated in two spots, and two only, of that enormous teriitory. One of these favoured re- gions was Peru : the other was Mexico. It avas IN Mexico especially that art, politics AND SCIENCE HAD RECEIVED THIER GREATEST DEVELOPMENT. All the rcst of North America, from the shores of Hudson's Bay to the mouths of the Mississipi, was desolate and barbarous, diver- sified only by swamp, forest, or prairie, and popu- lated by savages without knowledge or laws. Mexico alone redeemed the character of the new continent, and presented to the eyes of the inva- ders a spectacle so marvellous as to satisfy even the expectations which the great discovery had raised. There the Spaniards found an organized State, an ancient polity, and opulent capital, an exalted dynasty, a formidable priesthood, and a Cet ouvrage de la plus grande magnificence, a ete execute aux frais de Lord Kingsborough, qui en a fait homage a plusiers bibliotheques pub- liques du continent, particulierement a la Biblio- theque royale, a Paris, et a celle de I'lnstitut de Trance. Le prix de chaque exemplaire etait de 175 livres (2000 fr. Klaproth). Les quatre pre- miers volumes renferment les planches lithogra- phiees, au nombre de plus de 1000 ; les trois autres contiennent I'explication des planches et plusieurs memoires inedits, ecrits en differentes langues, ainsi que des appendices en anglais. Le sep- tieme volume, est entierement rempli par un ouvrage important qui a pour titre : — Historia de las cosas de Nueva Espana,por el M. L. B. P. Fr. Bernardino de Sa'hagim."—B'nmet. After an interval of seventeen years two more volumes of this extraordinary work have been published, in every respect uniform with the preceding, consisting, 1 . of Supplementaiy Notes in Enghsh and Spanish ; 2. of extracts from the works of Torquemada, Acosta and Garcia, illus- trating the last portions of the Mexican paintings, contained in the collection of Mendoza, and shew- ing the correspondence which exists between many of the Mexican and Hebrew laws ; 3. BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS: MEXICO. 1020 Kingsborough's Antiquities of "Miexico—contimced. people well skilled in mechanical and decorative arts. So great, in fact, was the proficiency of the Mexican workmen, so elaborate the system of government, and so impressive the whole evidence of wealth and grandeur, that for some time the civilisation of Mexico was regarded as superior to that of Europe. Although indeed the researches of modern inquirers has enabled us to supply some corrective to these ideas, it is really probable that in certain respects the Spaniards found Mexico 4G3 JESUITS. Catalogus Personarum et Domiciliorum In quibus sub A. E. P. Societatis Jesu, Prseposito generali P. Zespedea, J. A. 13althazar Pra)poaito provinciali, Societas Jesu Mexicana pro gloria Dei laborat, obi. sm. 4to. vellum, £3. 10* Mexici, ex divi Ildephonsi collegii typogr. 1751 more advanced than Spain, and we have been re- cently assured on the authority of a comprehen- sive history that this civilization was the necessary incident of geographical and natural advantages. Such was the situation and configuration of Mexi- co that it could hardly fail to make progress, and all that was discovered there in the shape of na- tional wealth or political order represented the extraordinary opportunities which nature had pro- vided."— T-iwes, Dec. 8. 1858. their entry into the society. The book was only printed for the heads of the order, and is therefore rare. Very rare. It is a list of all the Jesuits in Mexico, including above 600 names, with the places and dates of their birth and the times of 464 Lassaga (J. L.) y J. Velasquez de Leon, Eepresentacion que a nombre de la Mineria de la Nueva Espana hacen al Key, (con dos Suplementos) 3 parts in 1 A^ol. sm. folio, bds. 15« Mexico ^ 1774 465 Lazcano, Vida exemplar del Padre Jtjak Antonio de Oviedo, sm. 4to. por- trait, if. hd. 36s Mexico, 1760 466 LEJAEZA, Analisis Estadistico de la provincia de Micbuagan en 1822, sm. 4to. folding tables, hf hd. 365 Ilexico, 1824 467 LEON Y GrAMA., Descripcion bistorica y cronologica de las dos Piedras que se ballaron en la Plaza principal de Mexico, 1790, sq. 8vo. 3 large plates, a valuable treatise on old Mexican MytJiology, Astronomy, and Chronology, hf morocco, £2. 125 Qd ' Mexico, 1792 468 la misma descripcion, dada a luz con notas, biografia de su autor, y aumentada con la segunda parte que estaba inedita, por Bustamante, sm. 4to. only 2 plates, title defective and a few leaves stained, hf bd. £2. 16s Mexico, 1832 469 « the same, Jine clean copy, ivith 5 plates, sd. £3. 35 1832 470 Leedo de Tejada (now Prime Minister of Mexico) Comercio esterior de Mexico, desde la Conquista hasta boy, 4to. table^ half morocco, 20s Mexico, 1853 471 LOPEZ (G-regorio). Loss a, Vida que liizo el siervo de Dies Gregorio en algunos lugares de esta Nueva Espana, 12mo. calf, eaee, £2. 125 Qd Mexico, 1613 vendu £2. 12s, Heber, mais il cite une de Mexico, 1613, qui doit etre encore plus rare que celle do Seville." Brunet, in mentioning an edition of Seville, 1618, says: — "Antonio, qui qualifie cc petit ouv- rage d' aureus lihellus, n'a pas connu cette edition de 1618, dont un bel exemplaire en mar. a ete 472 Lopez (Gregorio). Collectio Opusculorum de venerabili servo Dei Gregorio Lopesio, per Bernardinum Membrive dicata Eerdinando VI, 4to. plate, vellum, 7s 6d Bomoe, 1752 Lopez wrought miracles in Mexico in the 16th century. 473 LOEENZANA, Concilios Provinciales de MEXICO, primera y segundo, 1555 y 1565 ; Concilium Mexicanum tertium, 1585, cum Statutis, cura et expensis E. A. a Loeenzana, Arcbiprtesulis ; 3 vols, in 2, sm. folio, vellum, yery bare, £^. 35 Mexico, 1769-1770 only gives the third of the above. See the MS. catalogued at the beginning of this section, Mexico. Priced, 1822, Thorpe, £6. 6s; 1846, Stewart £5. 5s; Salva priced a copy, £3. 3s, and remarlsed, *' these two parts are seldom found together.'* Aguirrc, in his collection of Spanish Councils, 474 Los Eios, Historia do Mexico, 12mo. 16 engravings, hf bd. 6s Mexico, 1852 475 Ludecus, Reise durcb die mexikanischen Proviuzen Tumalipas, Coliabuila, und Texas, 1834, 8vo. bds. ds 6d Leipzig, 1837 476 Lyon's Eesidence and Tour in Mexico, 1826, with account of its Mines, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 8vo. bds. 7s 6d 1828 1030 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 477 Mayer (Brantz) Mexico : Aztec, Spanish, and Eepublicau, with a view of the Aztec Empire, a sketch of the late war, and notices of New Mexico nnd California, 2 vols. 8vo. several plates and woodcuts, cloth, 12s Hartford (Connecticut), 1851 478 Memobias sobre el estado de la Hacienda Nacional de la Eepublica Mexicana, 1845, 1848-49, 1850-51, 1851, 1852, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. tables, hf. calf, not quite uniform, £4. 4« Mexico, 1846-53 Five of these six volumes contain the official and two Informes by the Secretario de Hacienda reports of the Minister ; the last one consists of on the state of the Treasury, 1852 and 1853. the following: Cuevas, Porvenir de Mexico, 1852; 479 Memoeias de la primera Secretaria de Estado y del Despacho de Eelaciojtes Inteeiores y Esteeioees de Mexico, leida al Congreso por el Ministro Lafragua, 4to. tables, hf calf, 255 Mexico^ 1847 480 Mill's History of Mexico, with observationes as to working the Mines, 8vo. map of North America, bds. 5s 1854 481 Mission Scientifique an Mexique et dans I'Amerique Centrale : Paris, 1868-70 I. Geologie. Doleus et Mont Seeeat, Voyage Geologique dans les Eepubliques de Guatemala et de Salvador, imp. 4to. ;pp. ix and 539, and 18 plans and coloured maps, sd. £2. 10* 1868 II. Linguistique. Beasseue de Bouebodeg, Manuscrit Troano: etudes sur le Systeme graphique et la Langue des Mayas, Vol. I, imp. 4to. with 70 plates in facsimile of the MS. sd. £3. 10s 1868 About the end of January will appear the second and concluding volume of this important work. It contains a monograph of the Palanque MSS., an elucidation of the character in Diego de Landa's Maya Alphabet and Calendar, a collec- tion of variants, and an interlineal explanation of seven or eight leaves of the Troan MS. one of the finest specimens of the Codex Americanus, which is faithfully i-eproduced. Vol. II will con- tain a translation of San Bonaventura's Maya Grammar, a Chrestomathy, and a Maya-French- Spanish Vocabulary of more than 10,000 words. 482 MONTALYO, Informe del nuevo beneficio que se ha dado a los Metales de Plata por azogue, etc. sm. folio, vellum, very rare, £2. 2s Mexico, 1643 An important scientific work on the proper method of working silver'mines. 483 Muhlenpfoedt's SchilderuDg der Eepublik Mejico : Greographie, Ethno- graphic, und Statistik, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf calf Ss Hannover, 1844 484 Najeea. Noticia de la Yida y escritos del Er. Manuel de San Juan Crisostomo del apellido Najera, por Alaman y Lerdo de Tejada, portrait, 1854 — Naxera de Othomitoeum LiNGua (en Espanol), 1845 — 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf calf £2. 16s ^ Mexico, 1845-54 485 NEBEL, Viage Pintoresco y Arqueologico sobre la Eepublica Mejicana, 1829-34, roy. folio, 50 beautifully coloijeed plates, hf bd. £4. 4s Mejico, 1839 486 [Neeeija (Antonio)] Advertencias y Preceptos para la Classe de Menores (wants end), 1721; Explicacion del Genero de los nombres, etc. 1722; Explicacion del libro Quarto conforme al Arte de Antonio de Nebrija ; con un Suplemento, 1717 ; 4 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. vellum, yeey eaee. £2. 2s Mexico, 1717-22 487 NEVE Y MOLINA (Luis de) Eeglas de Orthographia, Diccionario, y Arte del Idioma Othomi, 12mo. fine copy^ hf. bound, with the excessively rare engraved leaf of errata, £4i. Mexico, 1767 This volume is very rare and much sought I Grammar. He was the first to establish a proper for, as Neve is the best of all writers upon Otomi | system of characters which has been since retained. 488 OEACION DOMINICAL. Coleccion Polidiomica Mexicana que contiene la Oracion Dominical vertida en 52 Idiomas Indigenes de aquella Eepublica, por la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica, sm. folio, embossed roan, £2, 2s Mexico, 1860 At the foot of each version the locality of the language is indicated. 489 ORDENAN^AS de la Ciudad de Mexico, hechas en virtud de real Cedula por Gatica Cerda, Maldonado, y Yaldes (wants end), 1683 — Testimonio de las Eeales Cedulas respective al Juez Superintendente de las Eentas, in MS. etc. — bound in 1 vol. folio, calf 20s Mexico, 1683, etc. 490 Oeozco y Becea (Manuel) Memoria para Carta Hidrografica del Valle de Mexico, map, 1864 — Jimenez, Memoria sobre la Determinacion Astronomica de Cuernavaca, map, 1866 — 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. hf mar, 12s Mexico, 1864-66 BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS: MEXICO. 1031 491 OSSORIO ET PERALTA, Principia Medicine : Epitome et totius humani corporis fabrica, seu ex Microcosmi armonia divinum germen, sm. 4to. wood- cut, lif. calf, very scarce, £3. 3^ Mexici, Heredes Vidua B. Calderon, 1685 492 PALAEOX y Mendoza (Bishop of Puebla). Puntos que el Senor Obispo de la Puebla dexa encargados a las almas de su cargo, al tiempo de partirse destas provincias, a los Reynos de Espana, Fuehla, 1649 — Echagaray (Martin de) Declaracion del Quadrante de las Catedrales de las Indias, con una Nueva Eegla pai^a facilitar sus quentas, y otras, Mexico, 1682 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf. hd. very scarce, £2. 2s 1649-82 493 Constituciones para la Contaduria de la Iglesia Cathedral de la Puebla, sm. 4to. hf. mor. scarce, 36s [Mexico'] Ortega y Bonilld, 1713 494 Carta al Pontifice Inocencio X, traducida del Latin al Castellano por Gonzalez, sm. 4to. portrait, hf. morocco, 21s Madrid^ 1768 This is the famous letter against the Jesuits I Bishop's character. which aroused their bitter attacks upon the good | 495 Al Eey nuestro Senor. Satis fa cion al Memorial de los Eeligiosos de la Compania del nombre de Jesus de la Nueva-Espana, sm. folio, a little wormed, calf, £4<. 4s [Mexico'] ano de 1652 This is the reponse of Palafox to the following attack. 496 Jesuits yersus Palafox. Al Eey Nuestro Seiior por la Provincia de la Compania de Jesus de la Nueva Espana, en satisfaccion de un libro de el Obispo Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, rare, £2. 16s [Mexico, 1647] A rabid reply by the Jesuits to the charges made by the Bishop. 497 Sacra Eituum Congregatione Cardinali Nigrono Oxomen. Canoni- zationis Yen. Jo, de Palafox et Mendoza, Episcopo Angelopolitani, Posi- tiones, sm. folio, sd. 12s Bomce, ]776 Sustaining the propriety of his canonization, and refuting the Jesuit party. 498 PALOS, Eelectio supra quintam libri tertij Magist. Sententiarum distinc- tionem, pro petitione Canonicatus Magistralis Metrop. Mexican. Ecclesiae, folding plate, Mexici, 1747 — Ecclesise Sanctse Prsesidium, Oratio Emraanuelis de Herrazquin, Mexici, 1770— Eernandez Velasco, Oratio in laudem Thomse Aqumat\s, frontispiece, (Puebla) 1771 — Eguiara y Eguren, Internecio Pri- mogenitorum ^ygpti, Mexici, 1729 — Carta Apologetica de la Sentencia de Benedicto XIY, etc. (wormed) Mexico, 1780 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf hd. 25s Mexico, 1729-80 499 PAPELES VAEIOS : a valuable collection of several oflBcial documents in Spanish MS. with seals and signatures, relating to the history and govern- ment of Mexico during the past three centuries, in one vol. folio, 128 leaves, calf gilt, £12. 1597-1804 All these documents were written in Mexico. The first piece in the volume is an officiai copy dated 1597 of Charles V's grant of an Escutcheon to the city of Mechoacan, with the coat of arms illuminated. There is also the royal decree con- 500 PASSIONXJM ET LAMENTATIONUM juxta Sanctie Eomaua) Ecclesi^ normam Liber faeliciter explicit ; concinatus et in meliorem concentum redactus a Joanne Navarro Minorita Provinciae Apost. Petri et Pauli Mech- huacanensis, etc. folio, a work of Church Music, printed in red and black, with the notation throughout, woodcuts, etc. no title, vellum, 26IO. Mexici, I). L. Bavalos, 1604 cerning the rights and exemptions of the Indians, accounts of the natives of various provinces, vice- regal adjudications, papers on the working of the mines, etc. noted in black on red lines, the most pretentious and magnificent work that had at that early period issued from the Mexican press. Excessively Kabe, and unmentioned by the bibliographers, although it is evidently, from the woodcuts, the bold Gothic type, and the im- posing appearance of the Music, largely and boldly 501 PAEDO (F. Diego) El Perfecto Eeligioso Eranciscano, very neatly written in a minute hand, upwards of SOO pages, original Mexican binding, 25s Pachuca, 1751 A work entirely in poetry, whose author was 1 the only one in existence. It was made by Fr. a Franciscan nroacher in the province of San I Ygnacio Barcla in the apostolic college of Pa- Diego de Mexico. The present copy is perhaps 1 chuca. work, were very irregular. The first number is called Continuacion del Pensador, the others aro simply Pensadjor. See oMte Correo. 1032 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 502 PENSADOE MEXICANO, por D. J. T. de L., No. 1-18, con los Suplementos in 1 vol. sm. 4to. calfy 25s Mexico, 1813 A rare and curious political journal, com- posed of bizai're essays, which may not have lived beyond the year. It was published weekly, but the supplements, although as extensive as the chief 503 Pesado (Jose J.) Poesias Originales j Traducidas, 8vo. portrait, hf. Id. 7s Qd jkexieo, 1849 504 PIMENTEL (Francisco) Cuadro descriptivo y comparativo de las Lenguas Indigenas de Mexico, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, £3. 10s Mexico, 1862-65 A great and meritorious work, comprising I number of idioms, with a well-written philosophi- Tocabularies and grammatical sketches of a large | cal introduction. 505 PiMEJfTEL, Memoria sobre la situacion actual de la Eaza Indigena de Mexico, 8vo. hf. morocco, 18s Mexico, 1864 506 La Economia Politica aplicada a la Propiedad Territorial en Mexico, 8vo. Tif. morocco, 12s Mexico, 1866 507 Peescott, Conquista de Mexico, traducida por Novarro, Tomo II, 8vo. sd. 7s ed Mexico, 1845 508 Peieto (Gr.) Viajes de Orden Supreraa, por Pidel, Yol. I. (aiios de 1853, 54 J 55,) hf. hound, and part of YoL II, all published, a work of light and pleasant reading, on Mexican scenes and 7nanners, 7s 6d Mexico, 1857 509 PEOCESOS DE EESIDENCIA instruidos contra Pedro de Alvarado y Nuiio de Guzman, con notas biograficas y arqueologicas por Eamirez, sm. 4to. portrait, and 3 coloured plates in facsimile of the Aztec drawings, calf, 30s Mexico, 1847 An interesting publication, giving the details drawings, which give the Indian version of the of the judicial investigations from the original same history. Spanish records, with facsimiles of the Aztec 510 Eegisteo Teimestee, 6 Colleccion de Memorias de Historia, Literatura, Ciencias y Artas, por una Sociedad de Literates, No. I, 8vo. sd. 15s Mexico, 1832 Containing an interesting account of the I Palenque ruins, and some natural history articles, conspiracy of Coi-tes' sons, a description of the { 511 Eeyista Mexicana, periodico cientifico y literario, Tomo I, 5 Nos. in 1 vol. 8vo. hf morocco, 20s Mexico, 1835 512 Eibadeneyea y Barrientos, Manual Compendio de el Eegio Patronato Indiano, para su mas facil uso en las materias conducentes a la Practica, sm. folio, plate, calf, 12s Madrid, 1755 518 EIBAS (A. Perez de) Historia de los Triumphos de nuestra Santa Pee entre gentes las mas barbaras del Nuevo Orbe ; costumbres, ritos, y supersticiones de estas gentes, etc. sm. folio, calf, veet eaee, £7. 10s Madrid, 1645 Collation : Title, and Dedication, 4 leaves ; Approbations, and Protesta, 4 leaves ; Prolog© and Carta, 4 leaves ; Tabla, Licencia, and Errata, 8 leaves ; pp. 1-756 ; Indice, pp. 757-64. This copy therefore contains twenty preliminary leaves (erroneously misplaced at the end), while the copy in the American Nuggets had but 1 6 ; and has also an Index of 4 leaves at the end, which were not in that copy. The detailed accounts of the Indian tribes in the north of ]\Iexico, given in this volume for the first time, invest it with a high and special value. 514 EiBEEA (Antonio Plores de) Manifiesto Juridico por parte de D. N. Benitez marido de Da Maria J. de Paz, en los autos que sigue con D. A. Tamariz, folio, genealogical tahle, hds. 20s Mexico, 1740 515 EiVEEA Beenaedez (Jos. de) Descripcion breve de la Giudad de Zacatecas, two plates, 1732 — Ploeencia, Origen de dos celebres Santuarios de la Nueva Galicia, Obispado de Gruadalaxara, 3 plates, 1757 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf Id. £3. 3s Mexico, 1732-57 516 Eoxo T Caldeeon, Memorias Punebres o Exequias de M. Antonio Eoxo, Arzobispo de Manila, (con unas Oraciones), 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. [Arms cut out of the Dedication~\ hf hd. 10s Mexico, 1765 517 SAMANIEGO. Meritos del Doctor Praneisco de Samaniego, Piscal en la Audiencia Eeal de Manila, sm. 4to. vellum, 36s Mexico, 1647 A petition to the king representing the ser- | dated from Mexico. He has made MS. correc- vices of the memorialist in various capacities, and | tions here and there in it. BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : MEXICO. 1033 518 SIGUENZA Y GOISTGOEA (Carlos de) aiorias de QUEEl^TAEO, que ahora escribe de nuevo Zelaa e Hidalgo, sm. 4to. map and plan, calf, 36s Mexico, 1803 Queretaro is tragically associated with the name of the Emperor Maximilian. 518*SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE GEOGEAFIA Y ESTADISTICA. Bo- letin del Institute Nacional (desde el segundo tomo nombrado Sociedad Mexicand) de Geografia y Estadistica de la Eepublica Mexicana, Vols. I- VIII (without No. 5 and 8) and IX, pt. 1, tlie first two volumes in 8vo. the remainder inipl. 8vo. numerous coloured maps and plans, plates of ancient relics, tables, etc. Vols. 1-7 7if calf, the rest in numlers, £\0. 10s Mexico, 1850-62 519 the same, Vol. XI, Nos. 1, 2, impl. 8vo. 7s Qd 1865 519* the same, Vol. I-V, hf calf, £5. 1850-57 520 the same, Vols. I-III, hf calf, £4, 1850-52 This periodical is full of the most valuable History, Archoeology, and Geography of the Mexi- information, and is much more extensive in its can states, thus rendering it by far the most im- scope than the mere title would seem to show. Its portant of the periodical publications of the re- articles treat on the Ethnography, Languages, public. 520*SOLIS J Eibadeneyra Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, poblacion j pro- gresos de la America Septentrional, folio, vellum, 7s 6d Barcelona, 1756 521 . Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, 2 vols. 4to. 2 maps, portraits of the Author and of Herman Coetes (after Titian) and plates engraved by Moreno Tejada, best edition", hf. bound, tjncut, £^. IQs Madrid, A, de Sancha, 1783 522 ■ • the same, 2 vols. 4jto. Spanish calf, neat, £2. 16* 1783 523 the same, 2 vols. 4to. red morocco, gilt edges, £4. 4^ 1783 This is a beautiful edition of Solis's great work on the Conquest of Mexico. 524 Conquista de Mexico, 5 vols. 18mo. cloth, 7s 6d Madrid, 1798 525 Salazae t Olarte (Ignacio) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, Poblacion y Progresos de la America Septentrional conocida por el nombre de Nueva Espaiia, Segunda Parte, [in continuation of De ^olis], foliot segunda edition, hf bd. ms ^ Madrid, 1786 526 SoMBRA de Moctheuzoma Xocoyotzin (Supplemento, num. 1 to 12) Mexico, 1834 ; Varela (Eernandez) Oracion Eunebre, en las Exequias por las animas que han dado su vida en el combate del 21 de Octubre, Mexico, 1807 ; Sal- vador (Jos. del) Sermon de la Primera Dominica de Adviento, Mexico, 1815 —small 4to. in 1 vol. calf 32* Mexico, 1807-34 526*SoNNEscHMiD, Miuoralogische Beschreibung der Bergwerks-Eeviere von Mexico, 8vo. calf gilt, privately printed, 36s Schleis, 1804 527 Sonora. Eudo Ensayo, tentativa de una provencional Descripcion G-eographica de la Provincia de Senora, sus terminos y confines ; 6 mejor Coleccion de ma- terials para hacerla quien lo supiere mejor, impl. 4to. large paper, hf calf gilt, 32s San Augustin de la Florida, 1863 528 Soto (M. E.) el Nuevo Estado : necesidad de formarlo immediamente con las V distritas de Tuxpan, Tampico de Veracruz, Tancanhuitz, Huejutla, y el sur de Tamaulipas, 12mo. lai-ge map, bds. Qs Qd Mexico, 1856 529 TAPIA. Noticia de la Lengua Huasteca, con Catechismo y Doctrina Chris- tiana, y copioso Diccionario, por Carlos de Tapia Zenteno, sm. 4to. vellum, fine clean copy, £5. Mexico, 1767 530 Taylor (John) Selection from Humboldt's works relating to Mexico, with notes, 8vo. plate and large map, mounted on canvas, calf gilt, 10s 1824 531 TELECHEA (Miguel) Compendio Gramatical para la inteligencia del Idioma Tarahumar, sm. 4ito. portrait, a presentation copy from the author, with an inscription in his autograph, calf £2. 12s ^ Mexico, 1826 532 TEEEALA. Consejos economicos, saludables, politicos, y morales, que da un amigo a otro* que intenta pasar de Mexico a Lima, por E. Terrala y Lauda, sm. 4to. 220 pp. MS. on paper, neatly written, vellum, 21s Gent. XVIII Consists of a collection of Romances on Mexican subjects, with interesting explanatory notes. 10)34 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 533 TEEEERO (Jos. Maria) Eloridum Miscelaneum Viridarium, multorum litera- riis et laboriosis ingeniorum floribus gemmans et excultum, cum Appendice huic Miscelaneo, 2 vols, folio, 379 pp. closely written in a very neat and minute liand, hf. hd. £5. Zacatecas, 1799-1811 Much of this volume consists of Poetry, in the Latin and Spanish Languages. Amongst the latter are acrostics, verses composed of lines dis- posed in curious patterns and other specimens of ingenious trifling for which the Spanish writers are so famous. But the chief value of the collec- tion lies in the circumstance that nothing, or very- little in it is by the writer, and that it consists of over 500 pieces, in prose and verse, some of consi- derable length, composed by various distinguished Mexican scholars of the time, which have never been printed. Terrero compiled his MS. in the royal College of St. Aloysius Gonzaga in Zaca- tecas. 531 Thomson's Ordinances of the Mines of New Spain, from the Spanish, with notes on Mines and Mining, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1825 535 ToEQUEMADA (Juan de) Monarchia Indiana, 3 vols, folio, maj), calf, £2. 16s Madrid, 1723 536 the same, 3 vols, folio, map, a very fine copy, Spanish calf, £4. 4« 1723 " Ouvrage fort curieux, et le plus complet | edition, donnee par Barcia, est preferee a celle de que nous ayons sur I'ancien Mexique. Lapresente { Madrid, 1613, aussi en 3 vols, in folio." — Bnmet. 537 Tylor's (E. B.) Anahuac : or Mexico and the Mexicans, ancient and modern, 8vo. plates, interleaved ivith MS. notes, hy Bollaert, cloth, 7s 6d 1861 538 Yalois, Mexique Havane et Guatemala ; Notes de Voyage, 12mo. hf. hd. Ss 6d Paris, 1861 539 VASQUEZ aASTELU (Antonio, el Bey de Figueroa) Arte de Lengfa Mexicat^a, corregido por Olmedo j Torre, Spanish 4to. title and prologue, etc. 2 leaves ; text 54 leaves, limp vellum, very rare, 564. 4^. Fuehla, 1726 540 VET AN CURT (ArGUSTiN de) Teatro Mexicano, Descripcion Breve de los Svccessos Exemplares, Historicos, Politicos, Militares, y Eeligiosos del Nuevo Mundo Occidental de las Indias, 2 vols, in 1, folio, a few leaves stained, hf. morocco, very rare, £10. Mexico, Dona Maria de Benavides, Viuda de luan de Bibera, 1698 city of Mexico in the year 1620. In early life he joined the Order of St. Francis. He spent his entire life among the Indians, whose love and good will he obtained by his untiring zeal for their welfare. This copy is quite complete, having the fourth and fifth parts, entitled " Chronica de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio do Mexico" and "Menologia Franciscana." A copy sold in 1861 produced £13. The author was bom in the 541 Vettia Linage (J. E.) Declamacion Oratoria, y alegato juridico que hace al Key nuestro Senor D. Philipe V en su Eeal y Supremo Consejo de Indias, folio, limp vellum, 15« 1709 542 VEYTIA (Mariano) Historia Antigua de Mejico, con notas y un apendice del C. E. Ortega, 3 vols. 8vo. plates, hf. Id. uncut, £5. Mejico, 1836 sion of by the Spanish Government, to whom the results of his historical investigations were not at all pleasing. See PrescoWs History of Mexico. Book 1, ch. I. The author was a native of the city of Pue- bla, and devoted himself to the investigation of the ancient history of his country. After his death (in 1778) all his papers were taken posses- 543 VILLA SENOR y SANCHEZ (Aktonio de) Teatro Americano : De- scripcion General de los Eeynos y Provincias de la Nueva-Espana y sus Jurisdiciones, 2 vols, in 1, folio, (ivormed), calf, £5. 5s Mexico, por Viuda de J. B. de JECogal, 1746 544 __ another copy, 2 vols, folio, in excellent condition, calf neat, £12. 1746 The author, a native of Mexico, occupied the posts of Director of the Tributes and Cosmo - grapher of New Spain. The present work was written by order of Philip V of Spain, and is much esteemed for the historical and geographical notices it contains. In the first volume are two extra leaves be- tween the pp. 232-233. 545 Ward's Mexico in 1827, 2 vols. 8vo. two large maps and twelve fine plates, hf. calf 15s 1828 546 — another copy, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, uncut, 20s 1828 547 WILSON (R. A.) New History of the Conquest of Mexico, royal 8vo. many woodcuts, cloth, 7s Philadelphia, 1859 A work full of new and striking views, antagonistic to Prescott. 548 WiSLTZENUS, Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico, 1846-47, 8yo. maps, 2s 6d Washington, 1848 BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : CENTEA.L AMEEICA. 1085 549 Tepes (J. Lopez) Catecismo y Declaracion de la Doctrina Cristiana, en Lengua Otomi, con un Yocabitlaeio del mismo Idioma, sm. 4to. sd. 36* Mexico, 1826 550 Zaeza (J. A. G-. de la) Siestas dogmaticas, en las que con estilo dulce por un Nino es cabalmente instruido un Ranchero en la Doctrina Christiana, stout sm. 4to. fine copy in vellum., 32^ Fuebla de los Angeles, 1786 Central America, countries south of Mexico. r>51 AETE DE LENGUA QICHE yllustrado con alcuuas notas que estan puestas al fin . . . . por un aficionado a este ydioma, sm. 4to. Original Unpublished Manuscript, 191 pp. calf, £10. 1793 Evidently written by some Spanish monk in many years, and must be extremely valuable even !Mexico or Guatemala, and intended for publica- tion. It is a work which evidences the labour of 552 ATETA (FiiA:?fcisco) Ultimo Recurso de la PROvmciA de San Joseph de Yucatan : destierro de Tinieblas, en que ha estado sepultada su Inocencia, y confundidos sus Meritos, folio, Jif. calf, exeremelt rare, £8. 8* [Mexico'] no Printer's name, date or place {cir. 1710) Unknown to all bibliographers. 553 BEASSEURDEBOURBOURa, Lettres pour servir d'introduction a I'His- toire des nations civilisees de I'Amerique Septentrionale, Espagnol et Franqais, 4to. a further letter in English of 27 pp. dated 1855, added at the end in MS, sd. 21s Mexico, 1851 554 Histoire des Nations Civilisees du Mexique et de I'Amerique Centrale, durant siecles anterieurs a Colomb, ecrite sur des documents originaux et entierement inedits, puises aux anciennes archives des indigenes, 4 stout vols, large 8vo. map and woodcuts of the picture loriting, sd. £2. 2s Paris, 1857-59 555 the same, 4to. hf red morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut, £3. 16^ 1857-59 556 Brasseur de Bourbourg, Collection de Documents dans les Langues indi- genes de 1 'Amerique aucienne, 4 vols, royal 8vo. sewed, with MS. notes hy W. Bollaert, £2. IGs Paris, 1861-64 Contents: — I.— PopoL Vdh: le Livre Sacre etles Mythes de I'Antiquite Americaine, avee les livres heroiques et historiques, QvAcM et Franrais, par Brasseur de Bourbourg, large 8vo. pp. cclxxix and 363, sd. {sold separojtely, 18s 6d) 1861 This work, composed soon after the Spanish conquest, by a native Prince, contains all the old mythology and sacred lore of the Guatemalan and Mexican people. II.— Gramatica de la Lingua Quiche: Grammaire de la Langue Quiche, espagnolrfrcmgais, avec un Vocabulaire, with Music 1862 III. — Relation des choses de Yucatan, frcmr^ais et espagnol, avec un Vocabulaire Maya-fran9ais et Vocabulaire de I'ancienne Langue de Haiti 1864 IV. — Quatre Lettres sur le Mexique, exposition du systeme Hieroglyphique, origines de la Civi- lisation, etc. d'apres le Teo-Amoxtli 1868 558 BUENAVENTURA (San) Arte de la lengua Maya, compuesto por el R. P. Er. G-abriel de San Buenaventura, Predicador, y difinidor habitual de la Pro- vincia de San Joseph de Yucathan del Orden de AT. P. S. Francisco, small 4to. very fine copy, hf. calf, £12. Mexico, por la Viuda de Bernardo Calderon, 1648 A very scarce and curious work, unmentioned i escribio ademas : " Diccionario Mayo-Hispano e by Brunct. Rich, Stevens ('* Nuggets "), etc. Ilispano-Mayo. Manuscrito en tres volumenes 9 fojas preliminares. Numerado, primero en la Biblioteca de PP. Franciscanos de Yucatan. por paginas de 1 a 4, y luego por fojas de 5 a Consta dc 500 pliegos, y es al mismo tiempo 41 . I medico y botanico regional." El autor era frances. Beristaln dice que | 559 CO GULLUDO (Diego Lopez) Historta de Yucathan. sacala a luz Fran- cisco de Ayeta, Predicador ex Custodio del Nuevo-Mexico, etc. folio, half hound, £12. 12* Madrid, 1688 This work is justly esteemed as one of the | lack of miracles, most valuable fountains of information for the ** Ouvrage rare, et selon M. Teruanx, on y student of American History, the author having trouve des renseignements precieux sur des pays had access to many valuable documents, some of tres pen connus." — Briinet. which are given at length. As usual in the Not mentioned in Stephen's Nuggets, works of the Spanish Missionaries tliere is no 3 I 1036 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 35 PICCADILLY, LONDON. ^60 GFATEMALA PAPKES : Catalago de las Individuos que componeu la Eeal Sociedad de Araantes de la Patria de Guatelama, 1799 — Segunda, tercera, quarta, qiiinta, octava, novena Junta publica de la Eeal Sociedad Economica de Guatemala, 1797-1812 — Utilidades de que todos los Indies y Ladinos se vistan y calcen a la Espaiiola : meniorias por Matias de Cordova y Jose Muro, Guatemala, 1798 — 10 rare tracts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. bd. 36s Guatemala, 1797-1812 561 JuATiEAS, History of the Kingdom of Guatemala in Spanish America, by Baily, 8vo. mnps, bds. 6s 1823 562 LiOT, Panama, Nicaragua and Tehuantepec, or considerations upon tlie Com- munication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, 8vn. 2s (jd 1849 563 Norman (B. M.) Eambles in Yucatan, 8vo. plates, cloth, 7s 6^ JSTew York, 1844 564 Panama. Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Panama, 8vo. /if. hd, rare, 36« 1744 An interesting volume, containing all the I in 1741 and 1742. dispatches and correspondence of Admiral Vernon ! 565 PiM (Comm. Bedford) the Gate of the Pacific, 8vo. maps and plates, cl. 7s 6d 1863 566 Eeichaedt, Nicaragua, nach eigener Anschauung, 1852, Syo. plates, cloth, SsGd Braunschw. 1854 567 Squter's (E. G.) Travels in Central America, particularly in Nicaragua, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, and numerous plates, cloth, VAs New York, 1853 568 Nicaragua, its people, scenery, monuments, and the proposed inter- oceanic Canal, 2 vols. 8vo. majhs and plates of monuments, etc. some coloured, cloth, 18s ~ Neto York, 1852-53 569 Monograph of Authors who have written on the Languages of Central America, and collected Vocabularies or composed Works in the Native Dialects of that Country, sm. 4to. sd. 10s New York, 1861 570 Stephens (J. L.) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yuca- tan, 2 vols. — Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, 2 vols.— together 4 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, "dQs London, 1841-43 571 the same, American edition, 4 vols. 8vo. onaps and plates, cloth, 26s New York, 1858-67 572 Survey of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, 1842-43, under Don Jose de Garay, 8vo. maps, 4* Qd 1844 573 Yeeacruz. Esta6if«tica del Estado de Veracruz, 8vo. valuable statistical documents, sd. 20s Jalapa, 1831 574 VILLAGUTIEEEE Soto-Mator, Historia de la Conquista de la provincia de el Itza, de la mediacion de (^uatiniala a Yucatan, la. Parte, (all pub- lished) stout foho, frontispiece, limp vellum, £5. 5* Madrid, 1701 Lord Rothsay's copy, cf. ext. £7. 10s ; fetched, 1859, Lady Webster's, calf, £4. 12.^. Very rare ; Robertson seems to have been unacquainted with it, although he treats of Guatemala and Yucatan. Priced, 1855, Quaritch, 575 Wafer (Lionel) Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, giving an account of the ludians, their Language, etc. sm. 8vo. map, no plates, calf, 16s 1699 576 YUCATAN, Case of the agent to the settlers on the coast of Yucatan and the late settlers on the Mosquito shore, 4 parts in one vol. 4to. hf bound, from the Marquis of Hastings' library, 2k collection of official papers, peivately PRINTED AND VERY BARE, £2. 2s 1789-93 577 Yucatan : Eegistro Yucateco, periodico, literario, redactado por una Sociedad de Amigos, 2 vols. 8vo. cnlf very rare, £2. IQs Merida de Yucatan, 1845 A Literary and Archaeological Journal, j Yucatan, chiefly relating to the history and monuments of | The West India Islands. 578 Boyer-Peyeeleatj (Colonel) les Antilles Trangaises, particuHerement la Guade- loupe, depuis leur decouverte, jusqu'a 1823, 3 vols. 8vo. map, hf morocco, 12« £aris, 1823 BIBLTOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : WEST INDIES. 1087 579 BEETON (R. P. R.) Dictionaire Franqois-Caraibe et Caraibe-FraiiQois : avec le Petit Catechisme en la Langue des Caraibes Insulaires, 3 vols, in 2, 12mo. red morocco, (jilt edqes^fine copy, rare, £5. 5* Auxerre, 1666-1665-1664 580 CHARLEVOIX {Pierre F. Xavier) Histoire de I'lsle Espagnole, ou de Saint-Domingue, ecritesur des Meinoires du J. B. Le Pers, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. maps, vignettes, etc. calf, 25« Paris, 1730 581 another copy, 2 vols. 4to. maps and plates, calf, 30« 1730-31 582 Dundo:n'ald (Karl of) Notes on the Mineralogv, government and condition of the British West India lahmds, and the N. American maritime Colonies, 8vo. map. green morocco extra. Is 6d 1851 583 GARDINER (R.) Expedition to the West Indies against Martinico, Gruade- lupe, etc. ma/), 1759 ; and others in I vol. 4to. hf bd. 7s Gd 1759 584 Account of the Expedition to the West Indies against Martinico, with a reduction of Guadelupe, French and Enqli&h, 4to. third edition, maps and plates, Birmingham, BaskerviVe, 1762 — W. Stoek's Description of East Florida ; Botany of the East Floridas by Bartram, 1764, maps — Jeffeets, great Probability of the North West Passage, map, 1768 — in 1 voL 4to. calf 26s 585 Getsebach's Flora of the British West Indian Islands, by Dr. Grisebach, F.L S. demy 8vo. 806 pp. (sells £1. lis Qd) doth, 21s 1864 Containing complete systematic (descriptions i West India Islands, accompanied by an elaborate of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the British | book cf reference, and a list of Colonial names. 586 GRENADA. Laws of the Legislature of the Islands of GRENADA and the Grenadines (St. Vincent and Tobago), 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, o^ough calf, EXCESSIVELY EAEE, £3. 35 Grenada, Alex. Middleton, 1778-79 587 HCaudie] (J.) Description of the last Yoyn^e to Bermudas in the Ship Maryiiold (in verse), small 4to. woodcuts, half morocco, 28« 1671 Very rare, not mentioned by Ternaux ; and only an imperfect copy by Stevens. 588 HUGHES' Natural History of Barbadoes, folio, map and 29 plates, calf, 18« 1750 589 Jeffeey's Description of the Spanish Islands and Settlements on the Coast of the We-st Indies, sm. 4to. 32 maps and plates, calf lOs 1762 590 Labat, Nouveau Voyage, aux Isles de I'Amerique, 5 vols. 12mo. maps and oiumerous plates, including some of Natural History and others on the Machiiiery used in the Manufacture of Sugar, hf bd. 7s 6d 1722 591 LiGOJ^^'s (R.) History of the Island of Barbados, sm. folio, map and plates, including such as illustrate the process of Sugar Refining, calf 24* 1657 592 another edition, sm. folio, plates, title .spotted, hf calf, 10s 1673 593 LONG'S History of Jamaica, or general survey ot the aunient and modern state of that Island, 3 vols. 4to. map and plates, fine copy, bds. uncut, rare in this state, £2. 10s 1774 *' A work of sterling merit."— /Stevenso7i. I 1840, Payne and Foss, £6. 6s. Sold at Dr. Priced, 1836, J. Bohn, £4. lOs ; 1837 and | Heath's sale for £U. 15s; the Fonthill, £11. 594 Mac Kiis^nen's Tour through the British West Indies, 1802-3, particularly the Bahama Islands, 8vo. map, bds. 3* Qd 1804 595 Martin (Colonel, of Antigua) Essay on Plantership ; seventh edition, with all the Additions, fn»m the Author's Experiments to the Time of his Death, 4to. with long Dedication to the Planters of the Sugar Colonies, half morocco extra, gilt edges, 15« Antigua, printed by R. Mearns, 1785 596 MILANES (Don Jose J.) Obras: coleceion de sua Poesias, Dramas. Leyendas, y articulos litem rios, 4 vols, in I, 8vo. port, hf bd. 25s Sabana, 1846 Milanes was a native of Cuba, and his works are its finest literary productions. 597 Montserrat : Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Montserrat, 1668- 1740, folio, caf 7s Qd 1740 598 Montserrat Code of Lmws, 1C68-1788, folio, morocco, \0s 1790 599 PoEY, Memorias sobre la Historia natural de la Isla de Cuba, Tomo II, royal 8vo. no pp. 221-30, 19 plates, cloth, 7s Qd Habana, 1856-58 600 PULLEN'S (Governor of Bermudas) State of the South Sea Company, and Trade in the West Indies, 8vo. 3« Qd 1732 3 i2 1038 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 35 PICCADILLr, LONDON. 601 Eamon de la Sagea, Histoire de I'lle de Cuba, 2 vols. 8vo. statistical tables, hf. Id. 105 :Baris, 1844 602 Sanchez Valaieede, Idea del Yalor de la Isla Espanola (St. Domingo), y sus utilidades, 4to. laege paper, 2 ma-ps, calf neat, 20s Madrid, 1785 603 Six Months in the West Indies in 1825, 8vo. hds. 2s Gd 1826 604 Smith's Natural History of Nevis and the rest of the English Charibee Islands in America, 8vo. bds. Ss Gd Camb. 1745 605 Tacon. Juicio de Eesidencia del Escel. Senor D. Miguel Tacon, Vizconde del Bayamo, Marques de la Union de Cuba, etc. 8vo. crimson morocco, 7s Gd Filadelfia, 1839 606 TOMAS de Cordoba, Memoria sobre la administracion de Puerto-Eico, sm. 4to. calf neat, 14s Madrid, 1838 607 West Indies. Description of the principal objects of the present war in the West Indies, 8yo. maps, hf. onorocco, 7s Gd 1741 608 Tracts: Massie's British Sugar Colony Trade, 1759 — Eeport of the Committee of Sugar-Eefiners, 1792 — Colepeper (Sir Thos.) Tracts concerning Usury, 1708 — Eeflections on Usury, 1796 — Considerations on the Advantages of Eree Ports, 1794 ; and others in 1 vol. 4to. calf 7s Gd New Granada, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Quito, Cumana, Guyana, Surinam. 609 AcosTA (Joaquin) Compendio historico del Descubrimiento y Colouisaciou de la Nueva Granada en el siglo XVI, 8vo. hf morocco, l%s JParis, 1848 610 Alsedo y Herbera (Dionysio de) Compendio historico de la Provincia, Partidos, Ciudades, Astilleros, Eios, y Puerto de GrUATAQUIL en las Costas de la Mar del Sur, small 4to. calf SGs Madrid, 1741 Written by the father of Alcedo, author of DiccionoA'io de las Indias Occidentales, etc. 611 Apuntes sobre el actual Estado de la America del Sud, 8vo. hf Id. 3s Gd Paris, 1830 612 Bogota. Eejistro Oficiel de Hacienda ; todos los decretos sobre negocios de Hacienda hoi vijentos, sm. folio, sd. 7s Gd Bogota, 1845 613 CAULIN (E. P. fr. Antonio, dos vezes Provl. de los observantes de Granada) Historia corographica, natural y evangelica de la Nueva Andalucia, provincias de Cumana, Guayana y vertientes del Eio Orinoco, fol. map and plates, calf rare, £S. Ss (Madrid,) 1779 " Titre grave, 8 fnc., 482 pp., 7 foe. carte, 3 pi. representant le martyre du P. Andre Lopez, celui de Nicolas Gervaise de Labride, pretre du dio- cese de Lyon, nomme eveque par Benoit XIIL II ftit martyrise par les Caraibes avec son chape- lain et quelque^-uns de ses familiers. Cet ouvrage est dedie a Carlos III ; il a ete imprime par son ordre et a ses frais." 614 Pedermai?-n's (N.) und Stade's (H.) Eeisen in Siid Amerika, 1529 bis 1555, herausgegeben von Dr. Karl Kiiipfel, 8vo. half morocco, 10s Stuttgart, 1859 615 Galibi. Dictionis:aire Ga]ibi-Fran9ais et PranQais-Galibi, precede d'un Essai de Grammaire — Prefontaine, Maison rustique pour les habitans de Cayenne, 1 vol. — together 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. sd. 20s; or calf gilt, 25s Faris, 1763 616 G-UMILLA (Joseph) El Orinoco ilustrado y defendido, Historia Natural, Civil, y Geographica, de esta gran Eio, y de sus caudalosas vertientes ; govierno, uses y costumbres de los Indies, etc. Segunda impression, revista y aumentada, 2 vols. 4to. plates, vellum, 20s Madrid, 1745 617 ■ Historia natural de las Naciones en las Eiveras del OEINOCO, nueva impresion, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. portrait, map, 5 plates of Indian Antiquities, hf calf, 26s Barcelona, 1791 618 another copy, 4to. Spanish calf extra, by Leighton, 30^ 1791 619 the same, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. large paper, //. calf £2. 1791 620 Hartsinck, Beschryving van Guiana, of de Wildekust in Zuid-Amerika, 2 vols. 4to. maps, plans and plates, hf. calf neat, 255 Amst. 1770 621 Holton's New Granada: 20 months in the Andes, 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, 7s Gd JVew York, 1857 BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : BEAZIL. 1089 622 MoLLiEN, Travels in the Eepublic of Colombia, 1822-23, 8vo. map, Ids. 5s 1824 623 MosQUERA Memoria sobre la G-eografia, Eisica, y Politica de la Nueva Gra- nada, 8vo. large map^ hf. calf, 12s New York, 1852 Bound up with eight other pieces chiefly on I dinumarca, etc. Central America, including Ternaux sur Cuu- I 624 E/ALEiGH. Brevis et admiranda descriptio regni Guiana*, auro abundantissimi, in America, sen novo Orbe, sub linea equinoctilia aiti, quod per Gualtherum Ralegh, Anglum, detectum est, etc. small 4to. 9»ap and 6 curioits plates, calf, £2. 10s Norihergce, L. Hiolsius, 1599 625 EODRIG-UEZ (Padre Manuel) el Maranon y Amazones ; Historia de los Descubrimientas, entradas y reduccion de Nacioues, trabajos malogrados de alguuos Conquistadores, ioY\o,good copy in limp vellum, £5. Madrid^ 1684 626 VELASCO (Juan de) Historia del reino de Quito, en la America Meridional, 3 vols. sm. 4to. hd. rare, £2. 10^ Quito, 1841-44 627 Wallace's (A. K.) JSTarrative of Travels on the Amazon and Eio Negro ; with an account of the native tribes and observations on the Climate, Geology, and Natural History of the Amazon Valley, 8vo. map, (pub. at 18s) clothe 12s 1853 Brazil. 628 ATEES de CAZAL (Manoel) Corografia Brazilica ou relagao historico-geo- grafica do Brazil, 2 vols. sm. 4to. calf, 18s jRio de Janeiro, 1817 629 BAEL^US, Eerum per Octennium in Brasilia, et alibi nuper gestarum historia, large folio, toith 55 fine large views, maps and plates, half calf , 25s Amstel 1647 The paper as usual somewhat discoloured. 630 Eerum per octennium in Beasilia et alibi gestarum narratio, thick 12mo. portrait and plates, vellum, 12s Clivis, 1660 631 Beenaedo de Nantes, Katecismo Indico da Lingua Kariris, acresceutado de varias practicas doutrinaes, adaptadas ao genio & capacidade dos Indies do Brasil, 18mo. vellum, £2. 15s Lishoa, 1709 632 Denis, Fete Bresilienne a Eouen, 1550, avec la Theogonie du Bresil et des Poesies Tupiques, large 8vo. folding plate, sd. ^s Paris, 1851 633 li'IGUEIEA (Luiz) Arte da Grammatica da Lingua do Brasil, sm. 4to. pp. 104, hf hd. £2. 2s Lishoa, 1795 634 Eletchee and Kidder's Brazil and the Brazilians, 8vo. portrait, map and nu- merous plates, cloth, 10s 1866 635 GAEDNEE'S Travels in the Interior of Brazil, 1836-41, 8vo. map andfron- tispiece, (pub. 18s) cloth, 7s Qd 1846 636 second edition, 8vo. cloth, 7s Qd 1849 637 GIO. aiOSEPPE di S. Teresa, Istoria delle G-uerre del Brasile tra Portogallo ed Olanda, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, engraved title, 2 portraits and 23 large folding maps, vellum, 32s JEtoma, 1700 A well written book, by an author thoroughly acquainted with the country he described. 638 Kostee's Travels in Brazil, 4to. numerous coloured plates, hf calf, 7s Qd 1816 639 LEEII Historia Navigationis in Brasiliam quseet America dicitur, 12mo. wood- cuts, including a large separate folding one, vellum, 12s Qenevce, 1594 This rare book contains a vocabulary of the Brazilian language. 640 MAETIUS, Geneea et Species Palmaeum in Itinere per Brasiliam, annis 1817-1820, coUegit, descripsit, et Iconibus illustravit, 3 vols. impl. folio, with 244 VEEY laege and beautifully coloueed plates of these magnifi- cent Teees ( £100. imhoimd) hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut, £24. Monachii, 1823-54 " This is undoubtedly one of the grandest sitely coloured. The expense of producing it was Botanical Works, if not the very grandest, ever so enormous that a great portion of the funds given to the world. The plates, nearly 250 in for the purpose was contributed by the Bavurian number, are of very large size, and most exqui- Government." 1040 BERNAED QFAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 64il Maximilian Prinz zu Wied-Neuwied, Reise nach Brasilien in den Jaliren 1815 bis 1817, 2 vols, royal 4AiO. plates, and 2 rci/al folio Atlases, confainifif/ a map and 22 plates, hds. 21s Frankfurt, 1820-21 642 MORE A U (Pierre) Beschrvving van de Boroerteu der Portuguezen in BE-ASIL, met zijn Eeisbeschrijving, door Griazemaker vertaalt, sq. H\o. pfan on title, and eng^^avings in the text, vellum, £2. 12.? Amst. 1652 Vert rare. Collation : Title, with plan of Mauritsstadt and Recife, the reverse blank ; Voor- reeden. 4 pp. ; Beschrijving van t' Recif, 2 pp. ; Waarachtig Verhael, pp. 1-94, being signature at to i?H in fours : the last leaf being blank. At pages 31, 42, 6.5 and 75, there are fine spirited en- gravings, evidently of the earliest impression, representing scenes of massacre, torture, &c. 643 PisoNis (Guil.) Historia Naturalis BrasilisB , ... Be Medicina Bra- siliensi, folio, large paper, engraved title and numerous looodcuts of Botany and Zoology, calf gilt, fine copy, 30.9 Luyd. Bat. 1648 644 Eeyue Espagnole et Portugaise Bre.siliemie et Hispano-Amerieaiue, (Eeliiijion Histoire, Litterature, Sciences, Arts, Industrie, Finances, Commerce), 3 vols, royal 8vo. sd. Is ijd ' Paris, 1857 645 SOUTHEY'S History of BEAZIL, 3 vols. 4to. (pub. at £7. 15^), bds. uncut, £4. 10* 1810-17-19 646 the same, 3 vols. 4to. hf hd. calf, £L 1810-19 *' An admirable work, full of information nowhere else to be obtained." 647 SouzA (Pero Lopes) Diario da Nave^ac^-ao da Armada que foi aTerra do Brasil em 1503 sob a Capitania-Mor de Martim Aftouso de Souza, 8vo. portrait, bds. Is Qd Lisboa, 1839 648 Sturtz, Eeview, financial, statistical, and commercial, of Brazil, 8vo. cl. 4« (jd 1837 649 Tamaio de Yargas, Eestauracion de la Ciudad del Salvador, Baya de toclos Sanctos en la Provincia del Brasil, por las armas de Don Philippe IV. el Grande, sm. 4to. vellum, £2. 2s Madrid, 1628 650 ZAPATA, Disertacion medico-theologica, 12mo. beautiful portrait by Palo- mino of the Princess of Brazil, to ivhom tJie work is dedicated, bound in velvet, gilt edges, 12s ib. 1733 Peru and Bolivia. C51 RETEATOS de los catorce INCAS del PERU, 14 large OIL PAINTINGS on canvas, averaging 21| by 2S^ inches, with inscriptions designating the name and succession ofthe monarch, THE ORIGINAL PICTURES from which Herrera engraved the portraits of the Incas for his great work " HECHOS DE LOS CAS- TELLANOS," in 1599, £105. cir. 15o0 Herrara's work gives only engravings of thirteen Incas, beginning with Manco Capac, and ending with Guasoar or Huascar; omitting altogether the last of these monarchs, the illfated Atuhuallpa, whose usurpation of the throne was perhaps con- sidered by some of the Spaniards to be a su£Bcient reason for leaving him out of the category. Garcilaso says : " Al Inca Atahuallpa no le cuentan los Indios entre sus Eeies." In the paintings now offered for sale his portrait is the last, and the inscription above it is : El Tirano Bastardo Atahualpa. It seems to be really a portrait, larger and better executed than any of the rest, while these latter may have merely been copies from native paintings preserved in the temples of Peru. The unfortunate Inca is shewn seated on his throne of gold, with his right hand raised, as if he were about to speak. His left hand grasps a wand or sceptre, topped with a golden sun, and on his head the imperial scarlet tassel hangs from a golden circlet which closes in two intertwining serpent-heads upon his forehead. His face is handsome, intelligent, and mild-looking, his eyes very full and bloodshot, and his aspect generally is such as we might expect irom the accounts given by the Conquistadores. The portraits of the previous thirteen Incas are almost exactly BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDEXTALIS : PEEU. 1041 like those ia the border of the frontispiece to Herrera's Fifth and Sixth Decade (both in the original edition and that of Barcia), but the engraver has omitted some of the details for want of room. It is interesting to observe that the learned Barcia, in his preface to Herrera, lays much stress upon the value of those illustra- tions, which had first appeared in the original edition of the work (while he reprobates the false designs of De Bry which had been again used for the Antwerp reprint of Herrera, 1728,) thus shewing his complete belief in their original genuineness and authenticity. The De Bry pictures have been again reproduced in an excellent work from which better things might have been expected — the Antiguedades Feruanas of Tschudi. Some public Museum ought to possess these paintings ; in Peru itself they would be inestimably precious. 652 Bfstamente (D. Juan Peruano) Apuntes Observaciones, con noticias adqui- ridas en este segundo Viage a la Europa, 8vo. port. 2s Gd Paris, J 849 658 CALANCHA (Eray Antonio de la). Coronica moralizada del orden de san Avgvstin en el Perv, con svcesos egemplares en esta monarqvia, stout folio, engraved frontispiece, no folding plate at page 782-3, hf. hd. £4. 4s Barcelona, Pedro Lacavalleria, 1638 Chronique tres-importantepourrhistoireci- nonce que I'ouvrage de Brulius imprime hAnvers vile et ecclesiastique du Perou, mais de laquelle nous ne possedons que la premiere partie. Le second volume a etc imprime u Lima en 1653. Le seul exempl. que nous ayons vu cite est celui ((ui fut rendu 1 1 L. sterl. a la vente Stevens, quoique incomplet. Brunet, cite une traduction frangaise, impri- mee a Toulouse, en 1653, in-4°, et Antonio an- en 1652 sous le titre de: Historia Pervxma Or- dinis Eremit. 8. A^igustini ... en est une tra- duction latine." '• Antonius de la Calancha, Augustinianus, sacrae thenlngige maj::ister, in Peruano Indorum occidentalium regno ejupque urbe Argentina, quo et natales refert, professus hunc ordinem, et in Limensi schola doctor theologus." — Antonio. 654 CARATE pour ZARATE (Augustin de). Historia del descvbrimiento y con- qvista de las provincias del Peru, y de los successos que en ella ha auido, desde que se conquislo, hasta que el Licenciado de la Gasca Obispo de Siguenga boluio a estos reynos : y de las cosas naturales que en la dicha prouincia se hallan dignas de memoria, folio, hf. hd. a good copy, £4<. 4^ Sevilla, Alonso JEscriuano, 1577 ete publie en frangais qu'en abrege, merite cepen- dant d'etre etudie avec soin." — Ternaux. " Zarate was a man of rank and education. His history, whether we attend to its matter or composition, is a book of considerable merit." Rohertsooi. 655 CIECA DE LEON, parte primera de la Cheonica del Peett, que tracta la demarcacion de sus provincias, la descripciones dellas, las fundaciones de las nuevas ciudades, los ritos y costumbres de los Indies, etc. 18mo. cuts, red " Augustin de Zarate fut envoye au Perou en 1543, avec Blasco Nufies Vela, en qualitc de tresorier de la couronne. II joua un role assez important dans les guerres civiles de ce pays, oii il resta plusieurs annees. Son ouvrage, qui n'a MOROCCO, gilt edges, rare, £5. '• Livre rare et recherche."— JBrimci. This is a different edition from that published by Martin Nucio in the same year, in Antwerp. "The first part only was printed: the 2nd and 3rd parts were seen in MS. at Madrid some time ago, but it is not known what became of them." — Rich, llii-h afterwards obtained and disposed of the MS. of the third part. The second has not Anvers, Steelsio, 1554 " Auctor tredecim fere annorum puer ad oc- cidentales Indos Peruanamque plagam transfre- tavit. militiamque ibi secutus, plus quam septeni- dccim annos in his oris commoratus est. Fructum tam longJB peregrin i.tion is eximium quidem is edidit in libro isto cujus vero prima tantum pars prodiit : reUquoe tres valde ac omnibus desideran- tur.'* — Meuselius from Nic. Antonius. yet been found. 656 COEDOVA Y UEEUTIA, Estadistica, historica, geografica, etc. de los Pueblos que componen las Provincias del Departameuto de Lima, 8vo. sd. 7s i^d Lima, 1839 657 , las 3 Epocas del Peru, d Compendio de su Historia, sm. 4to. heads of the Emperors inserted, hds. 7s 6d (Lima,) Lmpt^enta del atctor, 1844 (558 another copy, neatlg If. hd. morocco, uncut, 10s 1844 659 CouETE DE LA Bla^'CHabdieee, Nouvcau Voyage fait au Perou, 12mo. plate ofhirds'' heads, calf, 2s Qd Paris, 1751 660 Desjardins, le ]?eru avant la Conquete Espagnole, 8vo. sd, 3« Paris, 1858 ioy.2 BEKNAKD QUAEITOH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 661 Eder (Fran. Xav.) Descriptio Provinciae Moxitarum in Eeguo Peruano, 8vo. hf, morocco^ uncut, 15s Budce, 1791 662 EscALONA Aguero (GrASPAE T)e) Arffentiuo JPeruauo, G-azophilacitjm Regiuac Peeubicum. 1. Administrandum. 2. Calculandum. 3. Conservandum, folio, half morocco, 28s Mafriti, 1675 This work is a Compendium of what was I Crown, on going to South America. The second necessary to be known to the Officers of the | part of the Work is in Spanish. 663 EspiNOSA (Juan) Diccionario Eepublicano, stout sm. Svo. sd. 25s Lima, 1855 An expression of democratic and advanced i curious articles. ideas in the form of a dictionary, including many j 664 GAECILASSO DE LA VEGA (Ynca) Historia General del Peru, sm. folio, stained, original edition, vellum, 10s Cordova, 1617 664* la misma, publicala Cardenas (Barcia), 2 vols, folio, hd. IHs Madrid, 1722-23 665 GiLLiss, U.S. Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, 1819-52 (Chile, Ats^des, and the Pampas, with their Natural History), Vols. I, II, 4to. maps, vieios, and numerous plates of Natural Histoiy, those of Ornithology coloured, hf hd. 30.s- Washington, 1855 A third volume was issued, but it only contains the purely astronomical portion of the work. ^^^ HoLGTJiN, Gramatica y Arte nueva de la Leogua de todo el Peru, llamada Lengua Qquichua, 8vo. nueva edicion, sd. dOs Lima, 1812 667 JUAN T ULLOA, Eelacion Historica del Yiage a la AMEEICA MERI- DIONAL, hecho para medir algunos grades de Meridiano Terrestre, y venir en conocimiento de la verdadera figura y magnitud de la Tierra, con el Origen de los Incas, 5 parts in 4 vols. 4to. onaps and plates, calf gilt, 24s Madrid, 1748 668 — — the same, 4 vols. — Observaciones Astronomicas y pliysicas en los Eeynos del Peru — together 5 vols 4to. Spanish calf gilt, £2. Madrid, 1748-68 669 the same, 5 vols, in 3, high 4to. lakge papee, onany maps and plates, hf Id. £2. 10s; or calf gilt, £3. 1748-73 " Ouvrage fort estime." — Brunei. 670 Observaciones Astronomicas y Phisicas, hechas de orden de S. M. en los Eeynos del Peru, folio, laege :BA.VEii, plates, calf 18s Madrid, 1773 (571 Voyage to South America, translated from the Spanish, 2 vols. Svo. maps and plates, calf, 7s ijd 1758 672 NoTiciAS SECEETAS de AMEEICA, sobre los reynos del Peru, de Quito, de Nueva Granada y Chile, presentadas en Informe Secreto, y sacadas a luz por Don David Barry, 2 parts in 1 vol. roy. 4to. portraits, hf. hd. £2. 16*; or hf. hd. vellum hack, £3. 10* Londres, 1826 concerning the manners, government and state of defence of that portion of America which belonged once to Spain, is accurately described, are written with that truth, impartiality and good judgment which distinguished the informants, D. Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa."' — Salva. " Ouvrage curieux, ecrit cinquante ans avant ba publication."— J5nmet. These secret memoirs were prepared for the Spanish Government, and give a complete exposition of the enormities and abuses committed and permitted by the colonial administration. " These secret memou's, in which every thing 673 Lima por dentro y fuera, obra jocosa y divertida da a luz Simon Ayanque, 18mo. sd. 7s Qd Madrid, 1836 " A severe satire upon Lima and its people, I in this work." — Mr. Bollaerifs MS. note. by Taraia or Taralla. Byron would have gloried | 674 LOEENTE (Sebastian) Historia Antigua del Peru, Svo. calf ^sQd Lima, 1860 675 Historia Antigua, 1 vol. 1860 — Historia de la Conquiata del Peru, 1 vol. 1861 — Historia del Peru bajo la dinastia austriaca, 1542-1598, 1 vol. 1863— together 3 vols. Svo. neatly bound, 26s Lima, 1860-63 676 Maeban, Arte de la Lengua Moxa, con su Vocabulario y Cathecismo, thick 12mo. FINE CLEAN COPY, vellwn, scarce, £4. 4^ Lima, 1702 677 another copy, the Geammae aud Yocabulaey quite complete, but without the '*Cartilla y Doctrina Christiana en lengua Moxa," 18 pp. vellum, £2. \2s 2d The language of the nation of the province | Their language is related to the Maipure. ot "los Moxos," in Bolivia, South America. BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALIS : PERU. 1043 678 Maekham's (CI. R.) Travels in Peru and India, 8vo. maps and woodcuts, clothy 7s (Sd 1862 679 MELGrAR (Estevan Sancho de) Arte de la lengiia general del Ynoa llamada Qquechhua, 16mo. paae 5 a few letters torn off, vellum, £2. 10a- Lima, 1691 680 MEKCURIO PERUANO de Historia, Literatura, y Noticias publicas que da a luz la Sociedad Academica de Amantes de Lima, 12 vols. sni. 4to. hf. calf, ±'18. Lima, 1791-5 681 another copy, without Vol. V, 11 vols. 4to. vellum, £12. 682 the same, Vols. 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 4to. vellum, £6. The above interesting collection of Periodical i ber 382, yet the first of Vol. XII. receives the number 583, from which the numeration proceeds to the end (No. 611), although nothing is defi- cient. The periodical seems to have been pro- duced under great difficulties and discourage- ments; it was suppressed by the Spanish govern- ment, as the enlightened opinions which the French Revolution had first set afloat were win- ning popularity amongst the educated youths of Spanish Peru. There is a sort of indignant bit- terness in the title of the last volume which is stated to be " dado a luz por uno de los individuos de la Sociedad." Writings is of the greatest rarity. Thorpe, in one of his Catalogues, states that a gentlemen had assured him he could meet with but one copy in his travels through Spain, for which he was asked upwards of £30. It is generally found defective, and copies vary to a considerable degree. The above copy is no exception to this rule ; it wants Nos. 303, 4, in Vol. IX. which are very frequently absent. Some Nos. have been omitted, while the pagina- tion remains correct ; and sometimes there are two with the same No., although the text runs on correctly. The last part of Vol. XL is num- 683 MEMORIAS DE LOS YIREYES que han gobernado el Peru, durante el Tiempo del Coloniaje Espanol, impresas de orden suprema, 6 vols. sm. folio, large map, cloth, £10. Lima, 1859 A work of extreme interest, edited by M. A. I important MS. relations existing in the Archives Fuentes, at the desire of the Government, from J of Peru. It ranges from the earliest time to 1790. 684 Miller (General) Memoirs of General Miller, in the service of the Republic of Peru, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and ma])s, hds. 12s 1829 685 MoNUMENTOS literarios del Peru, colectados por Guillermo del Rio, Limaj 1812 — Itueri, Carta critica sobre la Historia de America del Sr. J. B. Munoz, Buenos-Ayres, 1818 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf bd. 12s 686 ORDENAXZAS DEL PERU, dirigidas al Rey por Don D. Melchior de Navarra, Virrey de estos Reynos, recogidos por Ballesteros; y nuevamente anadidas las Ordenanzas del Conde de Super-TJnda, Virrey, Tomo Primero {all published), sm. folio, vellum, £5. 5^ Lima, 1758 CoLLATiox: 23 preliminary leaves, and folios I rare book is not mentioned either by Brunet or 1-339; followed by Indice, 23 leaves. This very | Salva. 687 OviEDO Y Her REE A (Antonio de) Cavallero del Orden de Santiago. Vida de la Santa Rosa de Santa Maria, Natural de Lima, y Patrona del Feru, PoEMA Herotco, sin. 4to. hf morocco, very scarce and curious, £2, 2^ Mexico, 1729 In the preface to J. A. de Oviedo's life by I as equalling in beauty but surpassing in its theme Lazcano (see under Mexico) this poem is described | the works of Homer and Virgil. 689 Peralta Barntjevo Rocha, Lima fundada, o Conquista del Peru, poema heroico, en que se decanta toda la Historia del Descubrimiento y sugecion por Pizarro, primer Gobernador de eate vasto Imperio, 2 vols. sm. 4to. some leaves wormed, with extensive geographical notes, vellum, 28s Lima, 1732 690 Prescott's History of the Conquest of Peru, 2 vols. 8vo. two portraits, cloth, 10s New York, 1848 691 RIVERO (M. E. de) t TSCHUDI (J. D.) Antiguedades Periianas, 4to. ivoodcuts, with obi. royal folio Atlas, containing oQ plates of ancient Mummies, Pottery, Vases and other Antiquities y bds. £2. 2s Viena, 1851 (392 the Text only, 4to. looodcuts, bds. 7s 6d 1851 093 Peruvian Antiquities, English by Hawks, 8vo. numerous pencil memo- randa by JBollaert, cloth, 5s New York, 1854 694 Rosa de S. Maria Limensis. Yita mirabilis et Mors pretiosa Venerabilis Sororis Rosa) de S. Maria Limensis, ex tertio ordine S, P. Dominici, excerpta et collecta per P. M. P. Leonardum Hansen, 18mo. hf bd. rare, 16* Bomcp, 1664 1044. BERNARD QUABITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 695 SOLDAN (M. F. Paz) Geographia del Peru Tomo I (all published) 128 and 748 pp. icifh a very large map, mounted on canvas, in a case, 25s Paris, 1862-64 696 TORRES RU BIO, Arte de la Lengua Quichua, (con Vocabulario Espaiiol- Quichua y Quichua-Espanol, Confession ario, Orden de celebrar el matrirao- nio, etc.) 16mo. red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedfoed, £16. 16s Lima, 1619 First American EDITION, and excessively [ 1 leaf; and Vocabulario, M 2 to Bb in fours, 55 RARE. Collation : Title, licences, prologue, and j leaves, literary, 4 leaves ; Arte, folios 1-44 ; prologue, j 697 TORRES RUBIO (Diego de) Arte y Vocabulario de la lengua Quichua gene- ral de los Indios de el Peru ; aiiadio el P. Juan de Eigueredo : ahora nue- vamente corregida y aumentada en muchos vocables y varias notas, etc. 16mo. vellum, very rare, £5. 15* Lima, 1754 698 the earlier editiou, of which the above is a reprint, 16mo. vellum, imper- fect, £2. 10s Lima, 1700 699 Unanue, Observaciones sobre el Clima de Lima, segunda edicion, sm. 4to. calf, 6s ih. 1815 700 YiGiL, Compendio de la defensa de la Autoridad de los Gobiernos contra las pretensiones de la Curia Romana, 8vo. portrait, cloth, Gs Lima, 1852 701 YoTo Consultivo que ofrece al Excelentissimo Senor D. J. Ant. Manso de Ye- lasco, Governador y capithn General de los Reynos del Peru, el D. D. Pedro, Joseph Bravo de Lagunas y Castilla, Ministro Honor, del Supremo Cunsejo de las Indms Oydor de Lima, sm. 4to. vellum, Is Qd Lima, 1755 702 XEKES (Fr.) Libro primo de la Conquista del PERU et provincia del CUZCO de le Indie Occidental! (on second leaf:) tradotta in lingua Italia- na per Domiuico del Gaztelu, sm. 4to. calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £5. 5* Vinegia, Steph. da Sabio, 1535 703 the same, very taU copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £7- 7s ' 1535 Very rare. Collation : Title, with large woodcut of imperial arms ; second leaf, contain- ing a more ample title, with the translator's name and arms on the back, dedication, 2 leaves ; text, 58 leaves, bearing signature a to / in eight, and g. ten leaves. The statement clearlv made on the second title concerning the translator and the ori- ginal work disposes of the confusion of Brunet and Harrisse on the subject. It proves the book to be a version of the Spanish one printed at Se- ville by Perez (in 1534) and that the translator was a native of Tudela in Navan-e. Chili. 704 Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 2 vols. 8vo. map of the province of Valdi- via. bds. 5s Santiago de Chile, 1850 & 53 705 EEBRES (A.) Arte de la lengua general del Eeyno de Chile, con dialogo Chileno-Hispano curioso, la doctrina Christiaua, Chilena y Castellana, voca- bulario Hispano-Chileno y Calepino Chileno-Hispano, stout 12mo. 683 pp. limp vellum, eaee, ^'3. 3s Lima, 1765 706 Eeezter's Voyage to the South-Sea, and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, 1712-14, small 4to. maps and plans, old calf. Is 6d 1717 707 Gonzalez de Agueeos (Fray Pedro) Descripcion Historial de ia Provincia Archipielago de Chiloe, en el Eeyno de Chile, y Obispado de la Concepcion, small 4to. plate, no map, vellum, 15« en la Lmprenta de Don Benito Oano, 1791 708 Lopez, Manuel de la Istoria de Chile, 16mo. bds. Ss 6d Valparaiso, 1845 709 Molina, Saggio sulla Storia naturale del Chili, impl. 4to. second improved edi- tion, portrait and map, hf bd. 10s Bologna, 1810 710 OVAG-LIE (Alonso d') Historica Belatione del Eegno di CILE, sm. folio, folding map, with 12 plates and 18 woodcuts, neat, 30s Boma, 1646 Collation of the Italian edition : Title. 1 leaf ; Prolog. 2 leaves ; (tabula geographica regni Chile icanting) ; Avvertimenti, 1 leaf ; the body of the work pp. 1-378, with 12 unnumbered plates ; Seconda protesta, 1 leaf; a Series of Churches and Buildings, etc. 12 pp. engraved on wood ; alcune Isole, 6 pp. engraved on wood BIBLIOTHECA OCCIDENTALTS : LA PLATA STATES. 1045 711 OViVLLE, llistorica relacion del Eeyno de Chile, smallest folio, loith large Map, \^ plates, 21 PoETEAiTS, andVd woodcuts, morocco extra, gilt edges, 3t*6. Qs Roma, 1646 The Portraits were only published with the Spanish edition. 712 Pebez-E/OSales, Essai sur le Chili, 8vo. plan, hf. calf, 10s Hamlourg, 1857 713 ScHMiDTMETEK, Travels into Chile over the Andes, 1820-21, with Sketches of the Mines and Metallurgy, etc. 30 plates, mostly coloured, hf. calf, 15« 1824 714 Synodales de Chile : Constituciones y Synodales de esta Synodo y Docu- mentos previos a ella, folio, issued loithout a title by D. Juan Theran de los Eios, Secretario : the dedication is signed by Pedro Philipe Obispo de la Concepcion, hf. hd. 15s Concepcion de Chile, 1745 715 SuTCLiFEE (Thos.) Sixteen Years in Chile and Peru, 8vo. map and plates, cloth, 6s 1841 The Argentine Republic (Buenos Ayres), Uruguay, Para- guay, and the Countries further south to Magellan Straits. 716 AZAEA (Don. F.) Essais sur THistoire naturelle des Quadrupedes de la Pro- vince du Paraguay, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. 12s Qd Paris, 1801 717 Voyages dans I'Amerique meridionale, 1781-1801, par "Walckenaer et Cuvier, avec I'histoire naturelle des Oiseaux du Paraguay et de la Plata, par Sonnini, 4 vols, and atlas 4to. Atlas of 25 maps arid plates, hf bd. 25s 1809 718 Bacle, Eolation du Naufrage de la Polacre Sarde " Vigilante," 8vo. sd. 5s Qd BuennS'Aires, 1833 719 Beck-Bee:n'ABD, la Eepublique Argentine, 12mo. sd. 2s Qd Lausanne, 1865 720 CABICEUI (i^aceta humoristica Paraguaya) desde el 3 de Junio hasta 9 de Setiembre 1867, No. 1 a 36, in 1 vol. impl. 4to. not quite consecutive, contain- ing over 1000 curious satirical woodcuts, in the style of a rude Punch, hf. mo- rocco, 6s ■ Paso Pucu, 1867 \. mens of the native tongue occur in every number. This journal, shews clearly the strong national feeling of the Paraguayans and their unshaken attachment to Lopez two and a half years ago. A very rare and curious newspaper, published during the war, and consisting mainly of satirical attacks upon the Brazilians and their allies, which are written and illustrated with much ability not- withstanding the rudeness of the cuts. Speci- 721 CHARLEVOIX (Pierre Eran9ois Xavier) Histoire du Paraguay, 3 vols. 4to. maps, French calf gilt, 28s Paris, 1756 Contains many original Spanish Documents, with a French translation. 722 Ebcilla y Zuniga (Alonso) la Araucana : 3 parts in 1 vol. folio, Spanish bind ing, 9s Madrid, 1733 This great Epic contains valuable geographical data. 723 DOBEIZHOFFER (Martin) Historia de Abiponibus equestri, bellicosaque Paraquarise natione, locupletata copiosis barbararum gentium, urbium, ftu- minum,feriirum,araphibiorura, insectorum, serpentium praecipuorum, piscium, avium, arborum, plantarum, aliarumque eiusdem proviuciaB proprietatum, observationibus, map and plates, 3 vols. 8vo. sewed, £2. 2s Vienne, 1784 " The original Latin edition is rare in England."— jRic/t. 724 Du Gea.ty, la Eepublique du Paraguay, thick 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, Isijd Brux. 1865 725 la Confederation Argentine, 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, 7s Gd ib. 1865 726 FERNANDEZ (J. P.) Eelaciott Histoeial de las Missiones de los Indios, que llaman Chiquitos, que estan a cargo de los Padres de la Compafiia de Jesus de la Provincia del Paraguay, sm. 4to. half bound, very scarce, £2. 2s Madrid, 1726 Pp. 43, 44, contain Prayers in Guarani and Spanish. 727 FTJNES (Grregorio) Ensayo de la Historia Civil del Paraguay, Buenos- Ayres y Tucuman, Vols. I, II, 8vo. hf bd. 16s Buenos Ayres, (1816) 728 Historia del Paraguay, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. complete, portrait, with pencil memoranda by the late J. G. Schwarts, American Consul at Vienna, bds. £2, 2s BuenoS'Ayres, 1816-17 104G BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON 729 HrTCHi]S'so:N''s (Th. J.) Buenos Ayresaud Argentine Grleanings, 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, 5s 1865 730 ' the Parana, with Incidents of the Paragayan War, and South Ameri- can Eecollections, 1861-6.8, 8vo. map and plates, cloth, 9* 1868 781 Latham's States of the Eiver Plate, 8vo. map, cloth, 6s 1868 732 Letters from Buenos Ayres and Chili, 8vo. coloured plates, hf. Id. 28 Qd 1819. 733 NODAL (Baetolome Garcia and GoxgALo) Eelacion del Yiaje qvc hizieron al descubrimiento del Estrecho Nuebo de S. Vicente y reconosimjo. del de Magallaiies, sq. 8vo. -with the raee uk?, fine copy in old Spanish red morocco, with the Boyal arms of Castille on the sides, £10. Madrid, Correa de Monienerjro, 1621 Very eare.— Twelve prel. leaves : En- graved title with Portraits of the two brothers Nodal, the reverse blank ; ' Pee de aprouacion,' 3 pp. ; ' Suma del priuilegio,' 1 p. ; • Tassa,' 1 pp. ; ' Erratas,' 1 p. ; ' a Don Fernando Ca- rillo,' 3 pp. ; ' Al Lector,' 5 pp. ; ' Advertenicas,' 3 pp. ; ' Variacion de la aguja,' 3 pp. ; ' Keglas,' 2 pp ; Text, 65 numbered leaves ; ' Tabla para saber las Horas,' etc. 1 leaf ; * Relacion sumaria de los Servicios de los Capitaines Bartolome Garcia de Nodal y Gon^alo de Nodal hermanos,' leaves \ numbered 2- 15. At fol. 35 there is the very rare 734 NODAL (Barth. Garcia, y Gonzalo de) Eelacion del Viage al descubrimiento del Estrecho nuevo de S. Vincente, etc., con las Derrotas de la America Occidental por Echavelar, 2 vols, in 1, sq. 8vo. loith the map, calf, scarce, 36* Cadiz (1766) copperplateMap entitled • Reconocimiento de los Estrechos de Magellanes,' etc. I. de Courbes sculpsit. 131 by 151 inches. Petched, 1860, Puttick's, £12. '• More than one copy has been sold for 30 guineas." — IR/iclh. The map is almost always wanting, and from the well-known jealousy, or policy rather, of the Spa- nish Government, was probably inserted in very few copies. The Rev. Mr. Crofts believed his own copy to be the only perfect one in England — that in the British Museum being deficient of the chart. But the Spanish map has a special value of its own, and is more detailed than Le Mau-e's. The strait of San Vincente had been tra- versed by Le Maire shortly before the brothers Nodal, and his name has remained to designate it. 735 MAGALLANES. Eelacion del ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes de la fragata de S. M. Sauta Maria de la Cabeza, 1785-86 ; Extracto de todos los anteriores desde su descubrimiento ; I^Ioticia de los Habitantes, Suelo, Ciima, etc. stout sm. 4!to. portrait, maps and plans, red morocco, gilt edges, 8O5 Madrid, 1788 736 Memoeias y Noticias para servir a la Historia Antigua de la Eepublica Argentina, compiladas y publicadas por los Fundadores de la Eevista de Buenos Aires, sq. 8vo. hf, hound, Hue morocco, uncut, top edges gilt, 36s Buenos Aires, 1865 737 Page (Thomas J.) La Plata, the Argentine Confederation, and Paraguay, 1853-56, Bvo. large map and many looodcuts, (pub. 18s) cloth, 10s New Toric, 1839 738 Eickabd's (F. J.) Mining Journey across the Andes, 8vo. maps, cl. 3s Qd 1863 739 Eobeetson's (J. P. and W. P.) Letters on Paraguay, 2 vols. — Francia's Eeign of Terror, 1 vol. — together 3 vols, map and plates, cloth, 10s 1838-39 740 Letters on South America, comprising Travels on the Banks of the Parana and Eio de la Plata, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 1843 741 PoucEL, le Paraguay moderne, stout roy. 8vo. including a valuable series of modern State Papers, Treatises, etc. sd. 6s Marseilles, 1867 742 Saemiento de G-amboa (Capt. Pedro) Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes en los anos 1579 y 1580, y noticia de la Expedicion que despues hizo para poblarle, sm. 4to. 2 folding plates, hf. Id. 15s Madrid, 1768 The Journal of the Voyage of Sarmiento was I Royal Library at Madrid, and edited by Don Ber- printed from the original MS. preserved in the | nardo Yriarte. 743 ScHOUTEE (W. 0.) Journal ofte Beschryviughe van de "VVonderlijke Eeyse, &c. sm. 4to. onaps and plates, tvanting that of " Hoornsche Eylandt,^' red morocco, gilt edges, h/ Bedford, a remarkably fine copy, eaee, £4. 4s t' Amsterdam, 16 i4 744 Setmoite's Pioneering in the Pampas, 8vo. map, cloth, 2s Qd 1869 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 1047 745 TELEGRA.EO mercantil, rural, politico economico e historiografo del Rio de la Plata, por el Coronal Cabello y Mesa, Tomo I, 35 numbers in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf. hd. rare, 25s Buenos AyreSy 1801 746 Vidal's Picturesque Illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Montevideo, atlas 4to. 24 coloured views j hf. hd. IQs 1820 747 "Wilcocke's History of the Viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres, 8vo. map and plates, bds. 7.9 Qd 1806 THE ORIENTAL LIBRARY OF THE LATE HONORABLE JOHN RUSSELL COLVIN, Governor of the N. W. P., India, comprising works on Geography, Voyages, Travels, Language. Eraser's Travels in Koordistan, Mesopo- tamia, etc. Manners of the Koordish and Arab Tribes, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 6s M 1840 Hulsius' Achte Sehiffart ; pai-t VIII : Travels of the Dutch to the East Indies, 1599- 1664, 4to. second edition^ 7 mops and plates, sd. 30.S- Francltjurt, 1608 Hulsius' Neundte Sehiffart; part IX: The Dutch in the East Indies, 1604-5, under S. Vander Hagen, 2nd ed. 4to. 4 maps and plates, sd. 35s ib. 1612 Isole che son da Venetia nella Dalmatia, et per tutto I'Arcipelago con le loro Fortezze e con le Terre piii notabili di Dalmatia nuova- mente poste in Disegno, smallest folio, maps and plans by S. Pinargenti and N. Nelli, old caff (lilt, 365 Vhifgia, 1573 Collation : Engraved title, 1 leaf ; Au Lecteur, 1 leaf; Maps, -53 engravings on 52 leaves. Lettres Edifiantes, choix des, ecrites des mis- sions etrangeres, avec des additions, 8 vols. 8vo. calf mat, I8s Paris, 1808 Vols. 7, 8 contain the "Missions de rAm^rique." Marco Polo. Ec Livre de Marco Polo, citoyen de Venise ; redige en francais sous sa dictee en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise; public pour la premiere fois, par Pauthier, 2 vols, in 1, royal 8vo. large map, hf. hd. morocco gilt, uncut, 355 Paris, 1865 Peutingerian Tables : Tabula Itineraria Peutingeriana, primum aeri incisa et edita a Scheib, 1753 ; denuo cum Cod. Vind. collata a Mannert et Acad. lit. Reg. Monac. square folio, \2 folding plates, hf. calf 25.? Lips. 1824 Pinto (Fernao Mendez) Historia Oriental de las Peregrinaciones, traduzida en Castcllano por Herrera Maldonado, sm. folio, vellum, \2s Madrid, 1664 Voyages and Adventures, done into English by H(enry) C(ogan), sm. folio, title mounted, hf. hd. 7.9 U 1653 The extraordinary and amusing adventures related by this traveller procured for hJm the reputation of being the Prince of Longbow-men, and sometimes tt)e name of the " Prince of Liars.'' Modem research has established Pinto's character for veracity. The English translation contains an Apologetical Defence. Portolano della maggior parte de Euoghi da stantiar Navi et Galee in tutto il MARE MEDITERRAXEO, con le coste figurate in Carta da Navegare, con la nueva Via de Venti et nuevo luoco de gradi et Porti, con sue tra- versie et luoghi pericolosi, da G. Fr. MONNO da Monaco, sm. folio, a very neat MS. on paper, with 38 sinyularly careful and accurately drawn maps of the European and African Coasts and Ports in the Mediten'anean, Vene- tian morocro extra, richly stamped Coat of Arms on both sides, with motto " Iteo juvante^^ £5. 5s 1620 Ptolemsei Geographia latine reddita a Ja- cobo Angelo,curam Mapparuin gerente Nicolao Donis Germano, large folio, 32 large angiogra- phic maps coloured, remarkably fne tall copy in the original oak boards, covered with stamped, pigskin, £8. 8.« Ulm, Johann Reger, i486 Amongst the earliest maps containing a fair idea as to the sources of the Nile. America is conspicuous by its ab- sence in this Atlas. One of the woodcuts represents the author Nicolaus | Donis presenting the volume to Pope Paul IT. Tracts : Collection geographique d. 1. Bibl. Roy, 1841 ; Catlin'slndian Collection, 1848 ; Polar Regions, 18y0; Beke's Journey to Kaffa, 1850; — D'Avezac, Atlas hydrographique, 1850; — and others, in 1 vol. 8vo. maps, hf. calf, 5s Afghanistan, Cabool, Beloehistan, etc. : BcKNEs' Cabool, 8vo. portraits of Chiefs, and plates, cl. 7s 6d 1842 Elphinstone's Kingdom of Caubul, and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary and India, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, cloth, I5s 1839 Kaye's History of the War in Afghanistan, 2 vols. 8vo. clotJi, 2\s 1851 Masson's Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan and the Panjab, 3 vols. — Journey to Kalat, 1 vol.— together 4 vols. 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, 153 1842-43 Thornton's Gazetteer of the Countries adjacent to India on the North-West, including Sinde, Afghanistan, Beloochistan, the Punjab, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 1844 1048 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Vigne's Visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan, 8vo. plafes, cl. 7s 6d 1840 Wood's Journey to the Source of the River Oxus, by the Indus, Kabul, and Badakshan, 1836-38. 8vo. vtap cl. 6.« 1841 Africa. BURCHELL'S (W. J.) Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa, 2 vols. 4to. map, and iiumerou'< tinely coloured plates, (pub. £9. 9a) h'llfc'dt, 28* 1822-24 Original copies, in the colouring of the plates much superior to those subsequently used. Fleming, Southern Africa, Geography and Natural History, post 8vo. inap and woodcuts, cloth, 6.« 1856 Hornem art's Travels from Cairo to Mourzouk, Capital of Eezzan, 4to. viaps and cuts, hf. bd. morocco, uncut, 7*- ^d 1802 Krapf (Rev. Dr.) Travels, Researches and mis- sionary labours during 18 years in Eastern Africa, 8vo. ma}! and plates, (pub. at 21 >) cloth, Is 1860 Marmol Carvajal, Primera parte de la de- scripcion general de AfFrica, con todos los suc- cessos hasta el afio 1571, Granada, Rabut, 1573; Libro tercero y segundo volumen de la primere parte, Granada, Rabut, 1573 ; (Vol. III.) Segunda Parte y libro septimo donde se contiene Numidia, Libia, la tierra de los Negros, la baxa y alta Etiopia y Egipto, Malaga, Juan Rene, 1599 ; together 3 vols. sm. foJio, complete, a very Jixe copy, red MOKOCCO extra^ gilt edges, by Bedford, £26. 10s 1573-99 ExcESSivELT KAEE in this perfect state ; the first and second volumes are not infrequently met with, but the third is almost nigra simillima cygno in the annals of book-col- lecting. The White Knight's copy fetched £16. 16«; and the value of the book is now much greater. Tuckey's Expedition to explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, 4to. m'lp and immerons plates, some of N'tural History, hf. bd. In M 1818 Asia Minor : Hamilton's Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia, 2 vols. 8vo. maps, plates, and woodcuts, (pub. 38s) cloth, 16.V ^ 1842 Assyria. Ainsworth's Researches in Assyria, Babylonia and Chaldaea, 8vo. maps and plates, esp' daily in the country in the valley of the Euphrates, geological sections, etc. hf, bd. Is &d 1838 Australia. Minders' Voyage to Terra Aus- tralis, for the purpose of completing the dis- covery of that vast country, prosecuted in the years 1801-3, in the Investigator, the Porpoise, and the Cumberland, 2 vols, royal 4to. mamj fne plates, in cloth, with elephant fulio Atlas of 18 large plates, (pub. at £8. 8») sd. £3. lO.s- 1814 The Atlas is very rare, and most copies of the book are without it. This has been occasioned by its extreme import- ance from a geographical point of view, in giving the first really accurate surveys of Australasia. Grey (Sir George, ^//e/^ Governor of S. Aufstralia) Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North West and Western Australia, 1837-39, 2 vols. 8vo. large map enclosed in the cover, and numerous plates, some coloured, rejjresenting Aboriginal Monuments, etc. (pub. at 36s) cloth, 24« 1841 Ava. Two Years in Ava, 1824-26, 8vo. map, calf, 5s 1827 Canary Islands: Viera y Clavijo (Jos. de) Noticias de la Historia General de las Islas de Canaria, 4 vols. sm. 4to, vmp ana portrait (f Rethencourt, Spanish bmdlng — the Jounh, which is rarely met with, not uniform, < 3. 5« Madrid, 1772-83 the same, large paper, 3 vols. 4to. mop and portrait, coif, 22h ib. 1772-76 " Ce livre est recommandable tant par son mdrite his- torique, que parce qu'il fut dcrit par un des hommes qui surent le mieiix manier lalangue castillane a la fin du siecle dernier. L'histoire des Canaries fut impiimee, a un petit nombre d'explalres, tons destines h, des presents; ce qui explique la graiide difficult^ qu'il y a aujourd' hui a en rencontrer des exemplaires." — Salva. China. Barrow's Travels in China, from Pekin to Canton, 4to. numerous plates, hf. bd. 7s 6d 1860 Crete : Pashley (R.) Travels in Crete, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, cloth, 18.« 1837 Himalayas, Ka^hmere : Lloyd's Jour- ney trom Caunpoor to the Himalaya Moun- tains, via Gwalior, Agra, Delhi and Sirkind ; and Gerard's Attempt to penetrate by Bekhur and the Lake Manasarowara, 2 vols. — Gerard's account of Koonawur in the Himalaya, 1 vol. — together 3 vols. 8vo. maps and plate.", chth, 10s 1840-41 Hooker's (J. D.) Himalayan Journals ; or Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim, and Nepal Himalayas, etc. 2 vols 8vo. best edition, maps and plates, cloth, 2As 1854 HiJgel's Travels in Kashmir and the Punjal containing an account of the Sikhs ; wit] notes by Jervis, roy. 8vo. map and plat* cloth, 6s 184 Mooreroft's and Trebeek's Travels in th Hhnalayan provinces of Hindustan and th Punjab, in Ladakh and Kashmir, 1819-25, h H. H. Wilson, 2 vols. 8vo. doth, 20s 184 Thomson's Western Himalaya and Tibet, 1847 48, 8vo. map and platrs, doth, 7s 6d 1852 Vigne's Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. map and plate.", cloth, 10s lt^42 India. San Roman (Antonio) Historia gene- ral de la India Oriental, los Descubrimi- entos y Conquistas, que han hecho las armas de Portugal en el Brasil y en partes de Africa y Asia, sm. folio, in boards, nearly un- cut, £4. 8s Valludolid, 1603 Very Rare. The engraved frontispiece is in a parti- cularly tine condition. Indian Archipelago : Earl's Eastern Seas, or Voyages and Adventures in the Indian Archipelago, 1832-34, 8vo. maps of Borneo, Java, SfC. calf gilt, 6s 1837 New Guinea. Forrest's (Capt. Thos.) Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, from Balambangan, 1773-76, with a Vocabu- lary of the Magindano tongue, 4to. mop, por- trait, and plates, calf, !0s 1780 New Zealand. Diefenbach's Travels in New Zealand, 2 vols. 8vo. plute."^, cloth, 20s 1843 peci- the same. Vol. II: Traditions, Fauna, S^ mens of the New Zealand Langvage, Gram- mar, and Dictionary, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1843 Terry's New Zealand, its Advantages, Abo- rigines, etc. 8vo. map and plates, cloth, As 1842 Wakefield's Adventures in New Zealand, 1839-44, 2 vols. Svo. map^ cloth, 7s 6d 1845 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 1049 Philippine Islands : .Tuande la Concepcion, Historia General de Philipinas, Conquistas de estos Espanolcs Dominios, establecimientos, progresos, y decadencias, 14 thick vols. sm. 4to. with 8 maps in excellent preservatiort^ velhim, £6. Qs Manilla, 1788-92 Martinez de la Puente (J.) Compendio de los Descubrimientos, Conquistas y Guerras de la India Oriental, sra. 4to. calf neat, 25s ib. 1681 Nunez a ViDa Vicecio y Horosco (Pedro) Poemas a la Vida de San Pedro Martyr, sm. 4to. engraved title, {wants part of Dedication ) half morocco, HARK, 9s 3Ianila, 17^0 riinted on the silk paper manufactured on the Island. San- Antonio (Francisco) Chronicas de la apos- tolica Provincia de S. Gregorio en las Islas Philipinas. China, Japon, etc. I : Descrip- cion de las Islas ; Chronicas de la santa Pro- vincia, etc. 1582-1741; III: Mission de Japon, 3 vols. sm. folio, printed on silk paper, curious frontispiece to Vol. III. limp vellum, very scarce, £6. 10s Sampaloc, extra muros de Manila Sotillo, 1734-44 The third volume especially is of extreme rarity; very few copies of the work have ever reached Europe. Totanes (Sebastian de) Arte de la Lengua Tacala y Manual Tagalog, para la administracion de los Santos Sacramentos, 2 vols, in 1, smallest 4to. fine copy, printed on paper manufactured from silk, vellum, rare, 36s Sampaloc, extra Manila, 1796 Arte de la Lengua Tagala, y Manual Taga- log, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. limp vellum, I8s (preprinted) Manila, 1850 Russia. FLETCHEE (Giles) of the Kusse Common Wealth, or Maner of Governement by the Russe Emperour (commonly called the Emperour of Moskovia) with the manners and fashions of the people of that countrey, (their Liturgy, Marriage, and other Ceremonies in Church and State, etc.) 12mo. First Edition, with the dedication, to Queen Elizabeth, which did not appear oftenvardu, green morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, £6. 6.? 1591 The author was employed in the Embassy of Queen Elizabeth to the Emperor; and studied closely the language, manners, and government of the Muscovites. The result was the above curious work, which is also a very rare one, having been "quickly suppressed" by the Queen, "lest it might give offence to a Prince in amity with England," as is said by Anthony d Wood. Fletcher's History of Russia, 16mo. engraved frontispiece by Marshall, dated f 1643, calf neat, scarce, 2ls 1657 This is another edition of the preceding -work, with only the title changed. Pontenelle (B. de) Northern Worthies; or Lives of Peter the Great and of his Empress Catharine, the late Czarina, \%mo. portraits, calf. Is U 1730 Hamel (J.) England and Russia ; comprising the Voyages of John Tradescant the Elder, H. Willoujihby, R. Chancellor, Nelson, and others, to the White Sea, &c. 8vo. cloth, 5« 1854 Lesur, Histoire des Kosaques, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. Id. IsU . Paris, 1814 Siberia. Erman's Travels in Siberia, in Eng- lish, by Cooley, 2 vols. 8vo. map, cloth, 10« 1848 Ayeen Akbery, or the Institutes of the Em- peror Akber, translated from the original Persian by Francis Gladwin, 3 vols. 4to. map, jjEST EDiTtox, hd. rare, £2. 16s Calcutta, 1783-86 Ayeen Akbery ,^the same, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. rus- iia, 15s 1800 A description of the whole Indian Empire, written by order of the Emperor Abker, with numerous statistical tables. " Perhaps no book in the republic of letters con- tains so much information in so small a compass." — Clarke. Buddhism. Hodgson's Illustrations of the Literature and Religion of the Buddhists, 8vo. clofh, 18s Serampoi^e, 1841 Chesney's ( General) Expedition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris, by order of the British Government, 1835-37, 2 vols, impl. 4to. plates, and a case of maps, cloth, £3. 10s Published by authority, 1850 Mahavansi, Raja-Ratnacari and Raja-Vali, forming the Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon, with a collection of Tracts illustrative of Buddhism, translated from the Singhalese by Upham, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £2. 2s) calf gilt, 285 1833 Trevelyan (Sir Charles T.) Select Papers on the subject of expressing the Languages of the East, in the English character, 8vo. bds. 35 &d Serampore, 1834 Vincent's Voyage of Nearchus, from the Indus to the Euphrates, an account of the first Na- vigation by Europeans in the Indian Ocean, 4to. maps, cdf, 125 1797 Vincent's Voyage of Nearchus, from the In- dus to the Euphrates, 1797— The Periplus of the Erythean Sea, containing an account of the Navigation of the Ancients, from Suez to Zanguebar, 1800 — The Voyage of Nearchus and the Periplus of the Ery threan Sea, Greek and English, 1809— together 3 vols, in 2, 4to. with maps and plates of Antiquities, Coins, Sfc. calf neat, 2^s 1797-1809 Williams' South Sea Islands, and Remarks on their Natural History, Origin, Languages, Traditions, &c. woodcuts, cloth, 5s 1838 Burmah and Pegu : Mason's Tenasserim, or Notes on the Fauna, Flora, Minerals, and Nations of British Burmah and Pegu ; with systematic Catalogues of Minerals, Plants, Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Insects, etc. thick post 8vo. 712 pp. hf. bd. I2s Maulmain, 1852 Ceylon. The History of Ceylon, to 1815, by Philalethes; to which is subjoined Knox's historical relation of the Island, 4to. bds. 1 2s 1817 China. Navarrete, Tratados historicas de la Monarchia de China ; descripcion de aquel irnperio ; con narracion de varios sucessos y cosas de otros reinos y diferentes Navegaciones^ folio, the text badly injured by a nail, vellum, 7s 6d Madrid, 1676 Beal, Travels of Fah-Hian and Sung- Yun, Budd- hist Pilgrims, from China to India (a.d. 400 and 518), translated from the Chinese, 8vo. map, cloth, 5s 1869 Egypt. CHAMPOLLION le Jeune, MON U- MENTS DE L'EGyPTE et de la NUBIE, d'apres les dessins execut»"S sur les lieux, 4 vols, atlas folio, containing 511 spUndid en- gravings, viany of which are beautifully co- loured to represent the originals, hf. bound red morocco, uncut, £20. Paris, 1835-45 One of the most magnificent works that have ever been published upon Egyptian Antiquities, indispensable in every great public library. It is the result of a new Scientific Ex- pedition into Egypt and Nubia, performed at the expense of the French Government, and forms a continuation of that published under the auspices of Napoleon I. The en- gravings are executed with scrupulous care, and present faithful representations of those interesting monuments of antiquity which are gradually disappearing, but which will be rescued from oblivion in the pages of this work. 1050 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Pettigrew'S History of Egyptian Mummies, and an account of the Worship and Embalm- ing of the sacred Animals, 4to. 13 plates of Mu77imies, also one of In sects, Ids. \2s Qd 1834 Kircheri Oedipus Aegyptiacus : univer- sahs Hieroglyphicae veterum instauratio, 3 vols, in -1, folio, plates of Hieroglypldcs and Egyptian Superstitions, hf. calf, £3. 3.s Roma, 1652-54 This learned work embodies all the then existing know- ledge about Egypt ; priced, 1824, J. Bohn, £4. 14s (id. Sharpe's Early History of Egypt, 6 p;«^e.v, 1836 — Sharpe's Vocabulary of Egyptian Hiero- glyphics, 16 plates, 1837— in 1 vol. 4to. Iialj bound, 8s 6d 1836-37 Agra, Government of N.W. Provinces : Selections from Public Correspondence, pub- lished by the authority of Government, N.W. Provinces. A series of Pamphlets relating to the Construc- tion of Roads and other Public Works, coji- tuiuing about 40 Maps, Plans, Arcliitectnral designs, ^c. mostly coloured and nvmerous folding statistical tables — parts 1-5 bound in 1 vol, and parts 8-11, 1849 — Papers relating to the Cultivation of Hemp in India, 1855 — Papers relating to the Survey Operations in the Province of Rohilcund, 1856 — Correspon- dence regarding the Drainage of the Nujjuflf- gurh Jheel, 1855— and 12 Pamphlets on Pub- lic Instruction and Education, Surveying, etc.; Catalogues of Museum and Library of Agra College; Statistical Reports, &c. — the lot, roy. 8vo. and 8vo. 10« Arrowsmith (A.) Atlas of South India, atlas folio, 18 large folding coloured maps, If. calf, 12.9 ' 1822 Baker. Caldecott's Life of Baber, Emperor of Hindostan, 8vo. map, vloth, 5s 1844 Baillie's Land Tax of India, according to Moo- hummudan Law, translated from the Futawa Alumgeeree, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1853 Ballantyne's Reprints of Scientific and Lite- rary Papers, for the use of the English Classes in the Sanscrit Colleges in the ^orth-West Provinces of India, in 2 vols. 8vo. calf, and 4 parts, 28* Allahabad, etc. 1852 Contents: -Synopsis of Science, Sanscrit and English — Harris on Art — Physical Science — Method of Induction — Metaphysics and Mental Philosophy — Logic, etc. Benares. A Narrative of the Insurrection in the Zemindary of Benares, 1781, 4to. clotJi, 5s Roorkee, 1853 {repr. of 1782) Bengal and the North West Provinces of India. An Important Collection of State Papers and Official Documents issued between the years 1820 and 1846, relating to Native States, Canals and Irrigation, Natural Products, Mining, etc. in all 100 pieces, bound in 13 vols, small folio, 5 vols. 4to. and 35 8vo. mostly in half calf , from the Private Secretary's ojffice, £3, 5s 1832-46 Contents : — Buddlck Dacoits in Oude Delhi, 1839 Calcutta Wet Docks, Report, plan Calc. 1846 Canals, Reports on: — Delhi Territory Allahabad, 1840 Rohilcund 1840 Doab 1840 Doab (Central) Report Allahabad, 1840 Ganges Canal, Reports, maps and loorlcing plans 1840-45 and Hooghly, Reports, inap Census, N. W. P., Jan. 1, 18515 Calc. 1854 Coal and Mineral Resources of India, maps Calc. 1846 Committee of Records, Circulars of 1820 Cuttack, Landed property in 1821 Deyra Doon, Water Courses in Calc. 184fi Education : — Khonds in Gan jam and Cuttack Districts, Macpherson's Report on, «ia^ CoZc. 1842 Law Commissioners' Reports 1843 Laws and Regulations by Govemor General in Council for Civil Government in Bengal Judicial Department, 1793-1828, 2 vols, Galcutta.\%n the same, Revenue Department, 2 vols. ib. 1819 Legislative Council, Index to Acts of, 1834-1849 Calc. 1851 Macnaughten's letter to Sudder Board of Revenue 1840 Marriage of Hindu Widows, Sant. and Eng. Calc. 1856 Opium Revenue Oudh, notes on Delhi, l%il Poonah CoUectorate, survey of 1828 Putwarree Accounts, by Xewnham isi.'i Piddington on Storms Calc. 1840 Political Relations with Native States, map Calc. 1834 Ryots in Bengal, Minute on 1827 Sale of Lands, Bengal 1835 Salt System in Benares, by Trotter 1851 — — Revenue Sugar, Statistics of British East Indian Calcutta, 1848 TeiTitorial Department, Proceedings 1820 Tippoo Sultan and the French Government. Official Documents relating to tlieir Negotiations Calcutta, 1799 Voyage up the Ganges 1845 Birdwood, Catalogue of the Economic pro- ducts of the Bombay Presidency, I. Raw vegetable produce, 8vo. cl. 2s 6cZ Bombay, 1862 Bombay Government, Selections from the Records of the, 10 parts, small folio, hj. cloth, 25s 1852-53 I. II. Capt. Wingate's Report on Survey and Assessment for Rutnagherry 1852 III. Memoir on the Zilla of Baroche 1832 IV. V. Captn. Wingate's Report on the Badamee and Bagul- koteTolookas 1853 VI. C. E. F. Tytler's Report on the Kownaeo Talooka Ex- perimental Settlement 1853 VII. Lieut.-Col, Walter Scott's Report on the Management of Canals and Forests in Scinde 1853 VIII. Lieut. J. T. Jameson's Report on the District of Sahitee 1853 IX. Inam Commissioners' Report on a Claim to the Vil- lage of Modugey 1853 X. Lieut. Mellville and Capt. Cruikshank's Reports on por- tions of the Duskoree Purgunna Ahmedabad and Kaira Collcctorates 1863 XI. XII. Capt. Wingate and Mr. C. J. Manson's Reports on cer- tain Talookas in Dharwar, and History of the Chicko- dee District 1853 XIII. Reports by Lieut. Webster, Lester, and Dickson on the Districts lately Resimied from Meer Ali Moorad, in Sindh 1853 Bombay and Madras Presidencies. Papers and Pamphlets relating to the Geology, Mine- ralogy, Manufactures, and Government of these Presidencies, with other Papers added, in all 32 pieces. 8vo. 25* Including the following: — Outram (Genl.) Barado Intrigues for private circulation, 1853 Bombay Calendar, 1857 Deccan Ryots and Land Tenure Bombay, 1853 Mutiny at Bolarum, 1855 1855 Tramroads in N. India, in connection with the Iron Mines of Kumaon 1857 Indian Irrigation by Grant 1854 Norton on Condition of Madras 1854 Land Tax in India not published, 1830 Madras Museum Catalogues and Reports of Geology, etc. by Balfour Madras, 18.55 Hickie on Taxation Delhi, 1840 Mirzapore District, Rambles in Mirzapore, 1850 Zimmerman's Countries round the Caspian 1840 Schlagintweit on;Magnetic Survey of India Madras,'lS^)b Coal and Iron Ores in Madras Presidency, by Balfour Madras, 1855 BriggS, Land-Tax in India, 8vo. hf. bd. 25s 1830 Briggs (H. G.) The Parsis ; or modern Zerdush- tians, 8vo. cloth, 3s 6d Edinh. 1852 Buist, Operations of the British Troops in Scinde and AfFghanistan, 1838-41, bds. 5s Bombay, 1843 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 1051 Broome's (Capt. Arthur) History of the Rise and Progress of the Bengal Army, Vol. I. 8vo. IV. 630, LXXVI. pp. undmapa, cloth, \Qs Calcutta, 1850 Burton's Sindh, and the races that inhabit the Valley of the Indus, 8vo. map, cl. 3* 6c? 1831 Cavenagh, Notes on Nepal, Svo. cloth, bs C'llcutta, 1851 Chevers, Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for Bengal and the N. W. Pr. 8vo. cloth, bs Cnlcuttn, 1856 Cleghorn's Forests and Gardens of South India, 8vo. map and plates, cloth, 10« 1861 A very important work. Cotton. Cassels, Cotton : an account of its Cul- ture in the Bombay Presidency, roy. Svo. map and tablen, cloth. Is &d Bombay, 1862 Medlicott's Cotton Handbook for Bengal, roy. Svo. map, cloth, 7s 6d Cdlmtta, 1862 Cunningham's Bhilsa Topes ; or Buddhist Mo- numents of Central India, Svo. 33 plates, cloth, 24* 1854 DanielPs (Th. and W.) Oriental Scenery, 6 vols, in 3, containing 150 Views of the Archi- tecture, Antiquities and Landscape Scenery of Hindostan, with text, (pub. at £18. 1 8s) a very nice copy, ht\ bd. red moeocco, uncut, £4. As " 1812 Dutt's (Sh. Chunder) Essays on Miscellaneous Subjects, Svo. cloth, 3s 6d Calcutta, 1854 Dykes, Salem, an Indian Collectorate, Svo. cloth, 2s 6d 1853 Elphinstone's History of India, 2 vols. hvo. map, (pub. at SOs) cloth, \0s 1841 the same, 2 vols. Svo, map hf. cf. gilt, 12« 1841 Essays relative to the Habits, Character, etc. of the Hindoos, Svo. Jif. bd. 2s 6d 1823 Eyre's Military Operations at Cabul, 1842, w^;?, cloth, 3s 6d 1843 Ferishta's History of the Mohammedan Povi^er in India, till a.d. 1612, by Briggs, 4 vols. Svo. genealogical tables, hf. bd. £2. 16* 1829 Eraser on the District of Goorgaon, Svo. viaps, cloth. Is 6/i Agra, 1849 French's Tour in Upper Hindostan, during 1838-1839 — Narrative of Simla, 1853 — in 1 vol. Svo. cloth, 5s Agra, 1854 Greenough's Map of the Physical and Geo- logical Features of British India, on two sheets, each 69 by 39 in. coloured and mounted on cloth, lOs (1860) Hough's (Major) Narrative of the March and Operations of the Army of the Indus in the Expedition into AfFghanistan, 1838-39, under Lord Keane, stout Svo. map and views ff Can- dahar, Ghuznee, and C'ubool, bds. 12.? Calcutta, 1840 Hough's History of Christianity in India, from the commencement of the Christian Era, 2 vols, cloth, Is ^d 1839 Hough's History of the Bhopal Principality in Central India, Svo. calf, 2s 6^ Calcutta, 1845 Indian Irrigation, &c. Department of Public Works Report, 2 vols, and Index, Bookee, 1852 — Supplement to ditto, Agra, 1855 — Memoranda on the Western Jumna Canals, plans, Agra, 1849 — Plans of the Ganges Canal, 1 vol. — Catalogue of Oriental Works published in India, Agra, 1854— toge- ther S vols. sm. folio, ISs v. y. Jones (Capt. W.) on the Canal Irrigation of Rohilcund, and notes on Roodurpoor and Gud- durpoor, 4to. numerous maps, cloth, rare, As ^ Boorkce, 1855 Kaye's Administration of the East India Com- pany, Svo. cloth, 5s 1853 — — Life and Correspondence of Henry St. George Tucker, late Acc.-General of Bengal, Svo. cloth, 3s 6d 1854 Kinloch, Statistical Report of the District of Futtehpore, 1851, impl. 4to. map.t, cloth, 12s Calcutta, 1852 Kirkpatrick's Account of Nepaul, with Voca- bularies, roy. 4to. map and plate, bd. Is 6rf 1811 Maelelland's Report of the Geological Survey of India, 1848-49, impl. 4to. numerous maps, 12s Calcutta, 1850 Macnaghten (W. H.) Principles and Prece- dents of Plindu Law, 2 vols. roy. Svo. calf, £4. As Calcutta, 1829 Macnaghten's Principles of Hindu and Mo- hammedan Law, edited by H. H. Wilson, Svo. cloth, 5s 1860 Macpherson on Quinine and Antiperiodics in their therapeutic relations, cloth, 3s 6d Calcutta, 1856 Nimar. Reports on the province of Nimar, 4to. maps, cloth, 7s 6d Roorkee, 1856 Outram (James) Rough Notes of the Campaign in Sinde and AfFghanistan, 1832-39, Svo. plans of Ghizni and Khelat, cloth, 7s Bombay, 1S40 a Refutation of certain Calumnies cast on the Author by Major- General Napier, in his work "The Conquest of Scinde," 2 vols. Svo. rare, privately printed, 10s ib. 1845-46 Raikes' Notes on the North- West Provinces of India, Svo. cloth, 2s 6d 1852 Roorkee College : Papers prepared for the use of the Civil Engineering College, Roorkee, Nos. I-V, Syo. plates, hf. bd. IQs Umballa Sf Boorhee, 1850-52 No. I. Materials; II. Strength of Materials; III. Tech- nical Vocabulary and Dialogues ; IV. Earthwork ; V. Cal- careous Cements; Tresham, Blasting under Water by means of Galvanism, Umballa, 1851. Roy's (Rajah R.) Judicial and Revenae Systems of India, Svo. map, bds. 2s &d 1832 Royle's Antiquity of Hindoo Medicine, Svo. cloth, 2s U 1S37 Selections from the Public Correspondence, published by Authority, N.W.P. parts I-XI, Svo. maps, and plans of Public Works, a valuable Repository of Facts and Scientific and Statistical Besearclies, sd. \5s Agra, printed at the Secundra Orphan Press, 1846-51 Sleeman's Journey through Oude, 1849-60, 2 vols. Svo. map, cloth, 7s ^d 1858 Smyth and Thuillier's Manual of Surveying for India, thick Svo. plates and woodcuts, cloth, -js Qd Calcutta, 1851 Tod's (Col. J.) Annals and Antiquities of Bajast'han, or the Central and West- ern Rajpoot States of India (commonly called Rajpootana), 2 vols. impl. 4to. above 500 extremely beautiful line engravings by Finden, and large folding maps, hf. bd. morocco, £13. 13.? 1829-32 another copy, 2 vols. impl. 4to. wanting in the Jirst volume fve plates of Chandragqa Temple, numbered lA-\'6,and an Ichnographia section at p. 1 ; the frst leaf of Index torn; but having 5 additional unpublished plates at end of Vol. II. hf. calf gilt, uncut, £9. 9* 1:29.32 3 K 1052 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Tod's Kajasthau, 2 vols. impl. 4to. with the eight additional unpublished engravings at the end, Proof impressio7is of the plates on India paper, snperp copy in olive mo- rocco srtper extra, with broad borders of gold and gilt edges, £16. 16s 1829-32 Tod's Travels in Western India, embracing a visit to the sacred mounts of the Jains, and the most celebrated Shrines of Hindu Faith, between Bajpootana and the Indus, impl. 4to. plote.1, cloth, 365; or half calf gilt, £2. 2s 1839 Tucker's (Henry St. George, Accountant- general of Bengal) Life and Correspondence, by J. W. Kaye, 8 vo. portrait, calf gilt, 6s 1 854 Wheeler's Hand-book to the Cotton Cultivation in the Madras presidency, 8vo. plates, 2s 6d Madras, 1862 Wilson's (H. H.) Glossary of Judicial and Eevenue Terms and other useful Words, re- lating to the Administration of British India, 4to. (pub. at £2. 2s) cloth, 16s 1855 Persia. Chardin's Travels in Persia and the East Indies, folio, numerous plates, old calf, Is 6(Z 1686 Chardin, Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de I'Orient, 3 vols. 4to. portrait and plates of Cities, Costumes, Antiquities^ Sculptures, etc. calf neat, lOs Amst. 1711 Palestine. Relandi Palestina ex Monumentis veteribus illustrata, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 4to. maps, vellum, 9s Troj. Bat. 1744 Turkey. HAMMER, Histoire de I'Empire Ottoman depuis son Origine jusqu'a nos jours, ouvrage puise aux sources les plus authen- tiques et redige sur les Documents et des Manuscrits la plupart inconnus en Europe, traduit par Hellert, 18 vols. 8vo. with the folio Atlas of 21 maps and 15 plates repre- senting the principal Battles and Sieges of the Turks, (pub. £6. 6s) hf. bd. calf, £2. 16s Paris, 1835-43 KnoUes, History of the Turkes, stout folio, calf, 20s 1631 Arabic. Abd-Allatif, Relation de I'Egypte, traduite de I'Arabe, par S. de Sacy, avec des Extraits, Arabe et Franqais, 4to. bds. 12s Paris, 1810 Avicennae, Arabum medieomm principis. Canon Medicinae, latine per Fabium Pauli- num, 2 vols, folio, good copy in vellum, 18s Venetiis, Juiitae, 1608 Bustiin-ul'- Arifin : a work on Muhammadan Traditions and moral duties, in Arabic, by Abul-Laith-Samarkandi, 8vo. neat MS. native biuding, 36s cir. 1600 A very famous book written in the fourth century of the Hijra, containing the Sayings of the Prophet and his companions, and a tine exposition of the spiritual life. Armenian - English and English - Armenian Pocket Dictionary, 2 vols, in 1, 18mo. hf^ calf, 6s Venice, 1835 Hebrew. Castelli Lexicon Syriacum, adnot- avit Michaelis, 2 vols, in I, stout small 4to. nearly \000 pp. bound, 18s Goettingae, 1788 Fuerst (Jul.) Librorum Veteris Testamenti Con- cordantiaB Hebraicse atque Chaldaicse, stout folio, half c^if nea.t, £2. 16s Lips. 1840 Maimonides on the Creed and Ethics of the Jews, Hfbrerv and English, by H. H. Bernard, impl. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, bds. 30s Camb. 1832 Indian Languages : Brown's Zillah Diction- ary, in Roman character, of words used in business in India, roy. 8vo. hf. calf, Is Gd Madras, 1852 Sorabjee's Idiom atical Sentences in the Eng- lish, Hindustanee, Goozratee and Persian Languages, 6 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, hf if. 205 Bombay, 1843 Tassy (Garcin de) Histoire de la Litterature Hindoui et Hindustanie, 2 vols. 8vo. .second improved edition, sd. 24s Paris, lb70 Bengali and Sanscrit. MORTON'S Col- lection of Proverbs, Bengali and Sansant, with English translation, 8vo. cloth, 14* Calcutta, 1832 Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali - English, by Mendies, 8vo. cloth, Is %d Calcutta, 1851 Gujarati. Framjee (D.) Travels in Great Britain (written in Gujarati), 4to. plates of views in London, cloth. Is 6d Bombay, 1861 This may fairly he called a literary curiosity. Hindustani. BXgh u BaiUr : Story of the Four Darvishes, in Hindustani, 4to. bdif. 3.« %d Cahutta, a. h. 1260 Hidayat Wamah-i Band-u-Bast : Directions to Settlement Officers, in Hindustani, by Muir, 8vo. all lithographed, with 3 maps, sd. 7s ed Agra, 1853 Hindustani and Englisll : Rolling's trans- lation of Popular Rekhtu Songs, Hind, and Engl. 4to. bds. I2s Calcutta, 1852 The Khirud Ufroz, translated into Hin- doos! anee from the Uyar Danish by Ubool Fuzl ; revised by Roebuck, impl. 4 to. sd. I2s Calcutta, 1847 Kitabi Halat-i Dehi : a Work on Agriculture and Rural Economy, in Hindustani, by Jama- luddin Hasan, BiVO. folding tables, lithographed, bds. 7s Gd Agra, 1850 Mazhabi 'Ishk, Hindustani translation of the Gul- i Bakawwali, roy. 8vo. bds. 5s Calc. A. H. 1265 Price's Hindee and Hindoostanee Se- lections, with Rudiments of Hindoostanee and ;Bruj Bhakha Grammar, 2 vols, royal 4to. hf bd. 24s Calcutta, 1827 Contents: I. Hindoostane and Bruj Bhakka Grammar; Betal Pncheese; Selections from the Bhuktu Mai; Selec- tions from the Rekhtus of Kubeer ; the Soonduru Kandu fiom the Ramayunu of Toolsee Das ; Hindee Humourous Stories ; Popular Rekhtu and Hindee Songs ;' Festivals of the Hindoos and Hindoo Castes ; II. Extracts from the Bagh-o-Buhar, Gooli BukaAvulee, Araishi (Muhfil, Ukhlaqi Hindee ; with the Sukontala, Pleasant Stories, Poetical Ex- tracts, Rekhtu Songs, and Dialogues in Hindustani. Thompson's English-Ordoo and Oordoo Eng- lish Dictionary, thick 12mo. the Urdu in Boman letters, cloth, 7s 6cf Calcutta, 1845 Tota-Kahani; or Tales of a Parrot, in Hin- dustani, with Vocabulary by Forbes, 8vo. hf. bd. 6v U 1861 Urdu Tales : The Tale of the FOUR Dur- wesh, translated from the Oordoo tongue of Meer Ummum of Dhailce, by L. F. Smith, with notes, 8vo. hf. bd. rare, 9.v Calcutta, 1845 Yahudiyun ka-Ahwal. History of the Jews, in Hindustani, 8vo. sd. bs Agra, 1854 the same, in Hiridi, by Mirza John, Books 1, 2, 3, 8vo. bds. 2s 6d Allahabad, 1855 Zubdat ut Tavarikh : General History of the Musulman Emperors and Hindu Rajahs of India, Hindustani, roy. 4to. gilt binding, 7s 6d Calcutta (cir. 1 848) Hindee, translation from: The Bytal Pucheesee, translated into English, by Capt. Hollings, 8vo. cloth, rare, 10s Calcutta, 1848 Bapu Deva Tonkekara, Elements of Al- gebra, in Hindi, 8vo. ealf extra, 7s 6d Bombay, 1850 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 1053 Thompson's Hindee and English Dictionary, roy. 8vo. the Hindee with the English pro- 7mnciafion, hf. bd. 30s Calcutta, 1846 Pcoshto Language, Grammar of the, with a vocabulary by Capt. J. L. Vaughan, Svo. nd. 9s Calcutta, 1854 Pukhto or Pushto, Grammar of the, by Lieut. H. G. Kaverty, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d 1851 Kindersley's iSpecimens of Hindoo Literature ; Translations from the Tamul Language, with notes, 8vo. hf. bd. 3s 6d 1794 Japanese. Pages (Leon) Dictionnaire Japonais- Franyais, trad, du Diet. Jap.-Portugais de 1603, complete in 5 parts, impl. 8vo. about 800 pp. double cols. sd. £2. 10s Paris, 1862 68 The Japanese is in both Roman and native characters, and avianged according to the Roman alphabet. The work is complete, although an erroneous note in my oriental catalogue stated the contrary. Persian. AhwXli Mumtaz Mahal : Memoirs of the Banu Bigam (Begum) the favourite of Shah Jehan, Svo. Persian MS. hf. bd. 7s 6d eir. 1800 Akhlaki Muhsani: the celebrated work on Ethics of Husain Vaiz Kashifi, in Persian, roy. 4to calf, 20s Calcutta, 1842 Anwari Soheili, a Paraphrase, in Persian, of the Fables of Pilpay, by Husssein Vaiz Ka- shify, high royal 4to. bds. I2s 6d Bombay, 1828 Fihrisi Kutub : Prinsep's Catalogue of the Oriental Books and MSS. in the library of the Asiatic Society, entirely Persian charac- ter, Svo. sd. 7s 6d Calc. 1837 Gladwin, Persian Moonshee ; Grammar, the Pundnameh of Sady, specimens of Arabic Stories, Lives of the Philosophers, Kowaid us Sultanet Shahjehan, part of St. Matthew, l>»ialogues, etc. in Persian and English, 3 pts. in 1 vol. roy. 4to. platfs oj cha^'acters and hfind writing, hf. russia, 165 1801 Huruf Tehji, Mirat ul Akhbar, Dastiir ul Insha, etc. 5 Persian philological treatises, in 2 vols. roy. Svo. 7s 6cZ Calc. 1845-53 'lyari Danish, i.e. the Kalila wa Dimna, or Bidpai's Fables, in Persian, by Abu'l Fazl, sm. 4to. very neatly written MS. but wanting thefrstfew lines, 10s dr. 1800 Jami's DiWan, Svo. neat Persian MS. imper- fect, bs cir. 1780 Ruq'aat, or Models of Style, sm. 4to. Per- sian MS. imperfect, 3s 6(2 1780 Jami-Ut-Tavarikh : a general History, in Per- sian, by Muhammad validi Kazi Muhammad Riza, impl. 4to. caf, 10s Calcutta, 1836 Not to be confounded with the more celeprated work of Rashiduddin. Jami'S Nafahat al-ons min hadharat al- Quods, or the Lives of the Soofis, in Persian, thick Svo. sewed, 18s Calcutta, Lee's Persian Series, 1859 Mirat UZ Zamayir, sharhi 'Allami (Abu'l- Fazl): Historical and Elegant Miscellany, in Persian, by Muhammad 'Alam of Lucknow, roy. 4to. calf, 10s Calcutta, 1834 Majlis-UShShu'ara. Selections from the Poetry of Mughrabi, Kamal Khujan49-69 the same, complete from 1849 to 1869, (in- cluding the 1st and 2nd Annual i'ublications) with all the rare EXTRA PLATES (Chromes, Engravings and Photo- graphs), £78. I6s 1849-69 It is almost impossible now to obtain a complete set, several volumes and nearly all the best plates being out of Print. Sets made up for owners of imperfect copies as far as possible. For a detailed list of the publications see my *' Fine Art Catalogue, No. 256, Dec 1869. Bannatyne Club : Horn et Rimenhild : Re- cueii de ce qui reste des Poemes relatifs it leurs aventures, composes &[iFra»qais en An- glois et en Ecossois dans les Xill-XVlme siocles, public d'apres les manuscrits, avcc Index et Glossaire, par Fr. Michel, 4to. cloth, 35 J Paris y 1845 Chetham Society : Publications of the Chet- hatn Society, consisting of Remains His- torical and Literary connected with the counties of Lancaster and Chester, a complete stt from the commencement in 1844 to 1869, 75 vols. General Index to the first thirty, — together seventy vols. sm. 4to. cloth, contents lettered, £28. 1844-69 Contents : 1. Brereton's Travels, 1634- 36, by Hawkins. 2. Ormerod's Military Pro- ceedings in Lancashire, Civil War. 3. Chester's Triumph, 1610. 4. Martindale's Life, by Par- kinson. 5. Hihbert, Ware, Lanca- shire Memorials of, 1715. 6. Pott's Discovery of Witches, by Ciossley. 7. James Iter Lancastrense, by Corser. 8. Raines' Notitia Cestrin- sis. Vol. I. 9. Hev wood's Norris Papers. 10. 11. Hulton's Chartulary of Whalley Abbey, Vols. I, II. 12 . H ey wood's Moore Rental. 13. Worthington's Diary, by Crossley, Vol. I. 14. Assheton's Journal, by Raines. 15. S. Werburge's, Life by Hawkins. 16. Hulton's Whalley Char- tulary, Vol. III. 17. Beaumont's Warrington, 1465. 18. Newcombe's Diaiy, by Heywood. 19. Notitia Cestriensis, Vol. II pt. 1. 20. Hulton's Whalley Char- tulary, Vol. IV. 21. 22. Notitia Cestriensis, Vol. II pts. 2, 3. 23. Robint^on's Golden Mir- ror. 24. Chetham Miscellanies, Vol. I. 25. Allen's Defence of Stan- ley. 26. 27. Autobiography of Newcombe, Vols. T, II. 28. Jacobite Trials at Man- chester, 1694. 29. Heywood's Stanley Pa- pers, Part I. 30. Hulton's Penwortham Documents. 31. Stanley Papers, Part II. 32. Byrom's Journal and Re- mains, Vol. I pt. 1 33. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills, Vol. L 34. Bvrom's Journal, Vol. I ipt. 2. 35. Harland's Shuttleworth Accounts, Vol. I. 36. Worthington'»Diary,VoL II pt. 1. 37. Chethjra Miscellanies, Vol. II. 38. Humphrey Chetham 's Church Libraries. 39. Farington's Farington Papers. 40. Byroms Journal, Vol. II. pt. 1. 41. Shultleworth's Accounts, Vol. II. 42 Booker's Didsbury and Chorlton Chapels. 43. Shuttleworth's Accounts, Vol. IIL 44. Byrom's Journal, Vol. II. pt.L 45. Wilson's Miscellanies, by Raines. 46. Shuttleworth's Accounts, Vol. IV. 47. Booker's Birch Chapel, Manchester. 48. Jones' Tracts on Popery 49. 50. Lancashire Lieuten- ancy under Tudors and Stuarts, Vols. I. II. 61. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills, Vol. IL 52. Corser's Collectanea An- glo-Poetica, Vol. I. 53. Harland's Mamecestre Vol. I. 64. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills, Vol. IIL 55. Collectanea Anglo-Poe- tica. Vol. IL 56. Mamecestre, Vol. II. 57. Chetham Miscellanies, Vol. in. 58. Mamecestre, Vol. III. 59. 60. Chantries of Lancas- ter, by Raines, Vols. I, II. 61. Abbot's Journal. — ^Trial", 1694. 62. Discourse of the Warr in Lancashire. 63. Court Leet Records of Manchester, Vol. II. 64. Jones' Tracts on Popery, Vol. II. 65. Court Leet Records, VoL II. 66. Stanley Papers, Part HI. Vol. i. 67. Stanley Papers, Part III, Vol. ii. 68. Manchester Collectanea. 69. Manchester School Regis ter, Vol. I. 70. Stanley Papers, Part III, Vul. iii. 71. Collectanea Anglo- Poe- tics, Vol. III. 72. Manchester Collectanea, Vol. IL 73. Manchester School Regis- ter, Vol. II. 74. Tliree Lancashire Docu- ments. 75. Lancashire Ftmeral Cer- tificates. General Index to Vols.I-XXX. Civil Engineers* Institutions: Minutes of Fkoceedings from 1844 to 1862 : being Vols. III-XXVIII ; wanting VII, pt. I ; VIII; IX ; and X,pt. 1 ; with General Index of the first 20 vols. 8vo. numerous plates and woodcuts, in parts, £16. \0s 1844-69 the same, a volume containing Articles spe- cially selected from the above and other Societies, on RAILWAYS and CANALS, 8vo. large plates and maps, hf. morocco neat^ 10s 1849-63 1056 BEE]^AIID QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON Society of Engineers, Transactions, 1860-64, 3 vols. 8vo. numerous lorge plates, one vol. hf. green morocco^ and two in cloth, uncut, 36* 1860-64 Ethnological Society : Transactions of the Ethnological Society, First Series, 4 vols. 1848-56— Second Series, Vols. I- VII. 1859-69— together 11 vols. 8vo. 7mnurons n-ooflcuts and plates, some coloured, cloth, rare, £10. 1848-69 A very valuable collection of papers upon the Ethno- logy of all parts of the world; seven of the volumes are out of print. The First Series is called Journal. The above set contains many valuable additions in pencil, newspaper cuttings, etc., by Mr. Bollaert. Lancashire and Cheshire Historic So- ciety's Proceedings, Papers and Transac- tions, First Series, 12 vols.— New Series. Vol. I — together 13 vols, 8vo. numerous plates of Antiquities f six vols, cloth, and seven sd. £6. Liverpool, 1849-61 The early volumes are out of print and very scarce. IiJunaea, ein Journal fiir die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange, herausgegeben von D.F.L. von Schlechtendal, a complete set, from the commencement in 1826 to 1862, Vols, 1-XXXI, in 31 Yo\^.Q\o. numerous plates, some coloured, hf.calj neat, £5. 10s Berlin et Halle, 1826 62 London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, from the commencement in 1827, under the title of Philosophical Magazine, edited by Taylor and Phillips, to the end of the last Series, edited by Sir D. Brewster and others, the Four Series completed to September, 1869 — together 83 vols. 8vo. half calj', two in parts, and three Nos. many 2^latts and cuts, very scarce, £30. 1827-69 Maitland Club : Memorials of Montrose and his times, 2 vols. 4to. portraits. Ids. uncut, £3. 3s Edinh. 1848-50 Mathematician (the), edited by Rutherford and Fenwick, Vols. I, II, and III, pts. 1 — 4, 8vo. (pub. at £2. 15s) in parts, rare, 36s 1843-48 Microscopical Journal (the Monthly) ; Transactions of the Royal Microsco})ical Society, etc. edited by Lawson, Nos. 1—12, or Vols. I, II, plates and cuts, (pub. at 18s) 1.5s 1869 Master of the Rolls' Publications : The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages ; pub- lished by the authority of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. 1. The Chronicle of England, by John Cap- grave, edited by H in geston 1858 2, 3. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon, edited by Stevenson, 2 vols. 1858 4. Lives of Edward the Confessor, edited by Luard 1858 5. Monumenta Franciscana, edited by Brewer 1858 6. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif, cum Tritico, ascribed to Tho. Netter of Walden, edited by Shirley 1858 7—9. The Buik of the Chroniclis of Scotland, by Wm. Stewart, edited by Turnbull, 3 vols. 1858 10. Johannis Capgrave liber de Illustribus Henricis, edited by Hingeston 1858 11. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantua- riensis, by Thomas of Elmham, edited by Ilardwick 1858 Master op the Rolls' Publications— co7^- tinued. 12, 13. Eulogium (Historiarura sive Temporis), edited by Haydon, 2 vols. 1858-60 14. Memorials of Henry the Fifth, edited by Cole 1858 15. Memorials of Henry the Seventh, edited by Gairdner \%bS 16—19. Munimenta Gildhallae Londonicnsis, edited by Riley, 3 vols, in 4 1859 20. Fr. Rogeri Bacon Opera quaedam hactenns inedita, edited by Brewer 1859 21, 22. Political Poems and Songs relating to English Histoiy, edited by Wright, 2 vols. 1859-61 23. Bartholomasi de Cotton, Monachi Nor- wicensis, Historia Anglicana, edited by Luard 1859 24. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes, edited by Sir Henry Ellis 1859 25. 26. 'i'he Repressor of over much blaming of the Clergy, by Pecock, edited by Babington, Vols. I. II ' * I860 27. Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of Henry IV, edited by Hingeston, Vol. 1 I860 28, 29. Giraldi Cambrensis Opera," ed. Brewer. Vols. I. II 1860-62 30, 31. Leechdoras, wortcunning and starcraft in Early England, edited by Cockayne 1864-65 32 - 34. Matth. Paris. Historia Anglorum, edited by Sir E. Madden, 3 vols. 1866-69 together 34 vols, royal 8vo. hf. hound, £8. 8* 1858-69 Music t Allgemeine MUSIKALISCHE ZEI- TUNG, from the beginning in October 1798 to 1819, Vols. I-XVill, XX, XXI, with Register to the first t^venty vols.— together 21 vols. 4to. portraits and biogra/jhies oj the beat German composers ; music and words, sd.rare, £2. 105 LeipTig, 1799-1818 Newcastle Society of Antiquaries : ARCHAEOLOGICAL ^LIANA, or mis- cellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, Vols. I — IV, in 4 vols. 4to. mu7iy plates, hj. rnssia, RARE, £5. lOs Newcastle-07i-Tyne, 1822-55 New Series, continued in 8vo. Parts 1 — 19, or Vols. I— V, VI 1, 2, plates, sd. £5. 1856-63 Quebec Literary and Historical So- ciety: Traksactions of the above, 1830-35, Vols. II, III pts. 2, 3 ; 8vo. plates, bds. rare, £2. Qutbec, 1831-35 Vol. II. contains a Grammar of the Huron Languagje, pp. 104; Topography of Lake Huron, pp. 66; Metallic Minerals ; Planrs of Canada; Coral Animals, etc. RadcliJBFe Observatory : Johnson's (M. J.) Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the years 1840 to 1862, Vols. I-XIV, XVII-XXII, with the Catalogue of Stars for 1845, 21 vols. roy. Svo. (pub. at about £11. 5^) cloth, £2. 2* Oxford, 1842-62 Spalding Club : The BOOK of DEER : a Celtic MS. of the IXth Century of the Gospels, in Latin, with Gaelic Memoranda relating to the Clerics of Deer, in Scotland, edited by John Stuart, 4to. rvith 22 fac- similes, cloth, £2. \2s 6d JEdinb. 1869 Mr. Bradshaw first discovered this curious MS. unno- ticed in the Public Library at Cambridge : the translation of the Gaelic legend and grants in the volume is by Whitley Stokes. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, 1057 Tasmanian Journal (The) of Natural Science. Agriculture, Statistics, etc. Vols. I. and 11. pts. 1, 2, (wants pp. 307-18) onevol. hj.homidand two parts, plates, 20s Van Diemeti's Land and Tasmania, 1842-3 Contains articles on the Birds, Mammals, etc. of Aus- tralia ; Catalogue of tiie Birds of Tasmania; Mythology of the New Zeahmders, etc. Van Diemen's Land Royal Society : Papers and Proceedings, Vols. I- III. pt. 1, 8vo. plates, in pts. sd. rare, £2. Tasmaina, 1849-55 Welsh Manuscript Society : Liber Landavensis. Llyfr Teilo, or Ancient Register of the Cathedral Church of Llan- daff, in Latin, with English Translation and Notes, by Rev. W. J. Rees, roy. Svo. fac- sinnlex, cloth, scarce, 21.« Llandovery, 1840 loLO Manuscripts. A Selection of Ancient Manuscripts in Prose and Verse, from the Collection made by E. Williams, lolo Mor- ganwg, with English Translation and Notes by his Son Taliesin Williams ab lolo, roy. Svo. plate, cloth, £2. 25 Llnnd. 184 8 Rees (W. J.) Lives of the Cambro-British Saints of the Fifth and immediate succeed- Architectural Ornament ing Centuries, royal Svo. frontispiece and facsimiles, cloth, £2. 2s 1863 DosPARTH Edeyrn Davod Aur : Ancient Welch Grammar, compiled in the 13th Cen- tury by Edeyrn the Golden-tongued ; with y Pum Llyfr Kerddwriaeth, or Rules of Welsh Poetry, and Translation and Notes by the Rev. J. Williams Ab Ithel, 8vo. (^price to non-members, £2. 2s), cloth, 18s Llandovery, 1856 Meddtgon Mtddfai, Medical Practice of Rhi- wallon and his Sons ; with the Llyn-y-Fan, or Legend of the Lady of the Lake ; edited by Williams Ab Ithel, with notes and translations by John Pughe, Svo. cloth, 18s 1862 HERALDIC VISITATIONS of Wales and part of the Marches, under the direction of the Kings at Arms, by Lewys Dwnn, in Welch, edited, with numerous explanatory Notes, by Sir S.Rush Meyrick,2 vols. impl. 4to. rare, £10. 10s 1846 together 2 vols. Svo. ; 3 vols, royal Svo. and 2 vols. impl. Ato. facsimiles and vlaten, cloth, uncut, £16. 16s Llandovery, 1840-62 DIETTEELIN (Wendel) Le Livre DE l'AECHITECTUEE : Eecueil de planches donnant la division, symetrie et proportion des Cinq Ordres, appliques a tons les travaux d'Arts qui en dependent tels que FuNeTREs Cheminees, Chambeanles, Poet ails, Fon- taines et ToMBEAUX, 5 vols, in 2, royal folio, a new edition, 210 plates^ printed on a tinted ground, an exact reproduction of the original prints, (pub. at £8. 8s) hf. morocco uncut, £3. »35 Liege, Claesen, 18G2 qui se rapportent a Tarchitecture du 16eme siecle ; de plus il est fort rare en France, ce qui lui donne du prix. L'Auteur etait peintre, et a ce qu'il parait, doue d'un esprit inventif. Son recueil nous presente nombre de modeles surcharges d'ornaments compliques et bizarres, lesquels n'ont probablementeu d'autre execution que celle de la gravure." — Brunei. For Architectural Ornament Dietterlin's works are a perfect Encyclopaedia; a perfect copy of the original edition is now almost unat- tainable, and worth £25. The above facsimile edition has been made with absolute fidelity, and is in every respect as good as the original edi- tion. " Cet ouvrage est tres recherche depuis quelque temps, comme le sont presque tous ceux The Alabama Question: dwinelle's American opi- nions on the " Alabama" and other political Questions ; by John "W. DwiNELLE, Barrister at Law ; one of the Regents of tJie University of Cali' fornia ; Corresiponding Member of the New York historical and ethnological Societies, Svo. vi. and 74 pp. sd. 2s London, Bernard Quaritch, 1870 Mr. Dwinelle of San Francisco, California, the Alabama. English Statesmen and Politicians is a most accomplished political writer, who views who have hitherto only read English statements on in a calm philosophical spirit, the still unsettled this subject should read these ' ' American Opi question between Great Britain and the United nions." States of America respecting the damage done by Ornameilt. solan DEFS architectural and Decorative Designs, for the use of those engaged in Architecture, Sculpture,Working in Metals, Cabinet work, and other Fine Art productions, 4to. G5 steel and copper- plate eng^^avings of the hest existing specimens ; incorporated with which are the plates o/" Pages Decorator'' (pub. at 15s) hf hd. 10s This work will be of equal value to the architect, the worker in metals ; wood, marble, cement, or other plastic materials ; the cabinet maker, modeller, clectrotypist, and, in fact, in every branch of trade, or industrial pioduction, wherein art takes a proniinent position. Several 1869 hundred engravings of steel and copper, afford reproductions of the labours of most eminent men who have cultivated a taste for the beautiful. The almost nominal price of the work places it within the reach of all. 1058 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON". VALUABLE WORKS AT MODES ATE PRICES. Canova's (Antonio) Works: the original Italian edition, engraved under his own inspection, and published in single prints ; elephant folio, con- sisting of portrait and 71 verg la>ye plates of Statues and MoNrMENTS ; all engraved hy the first Artists of Italy, such as Eaphael Moeghen, P. Fontana^ BetteUni, etc. and far exceeding every work of the kind yet produced , fits^e old IMPEESSIONS, hf bd. morocco, £12. 12^ Eoma, (18 IS) A series of 69 plates fetched at Sotheby's a few years ago £12. 12.*, and was bought by Hy. Bohn, who in 1847 priced a copy £18. 18*; in 1853 Baron Taylor's copy (62 plates only), fetched £16. (Willis); 1858, at Sotheby's, a =eries of 54 plates, £13. (Willis). Canova. Stampe delle Opeee scolpite da Antonio Canova, elephant folio, 56 fine large plates, hrilliant impressions, a few corners slightly stained, hf. morocco, £6. Qs Roma, Luigi Scheri, 1817 Collation : engraved title, engr. dedica- I 44 plates ; Portraits, 3 plates. tion ; Monuments, 7 plates ; Statues and Groups, ' Chronicles of England, France, etc.— Arnold's Chronicle, 1 vol. 1811 — Pabyan's Chronicles, with Preface and Index by H. Ellis, 1 vol. 1811 — Frois- sart's (Sir John) Chronicles of England, etc. translated from the Prench by John Bourchier, Lord Berners, with Index, 2 vols. 1812 — Grafton's Chronicle, 2 Yols. 1809— Hall's Chronicle, 1 vol. 1809— Hardyng's Chronicle, with Con- tinuation of Grafton, with Index, by Ellis, 1812 — Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, 6 vols. 1807-8— Joinville (John Lord de) Me- moirs, notes by Johnes, 2 vols, in 1, maps and plates, 1807 — Monstrelet's Chronicles, translated by Johnes, with \T\diQX, 5 \o\&. plates, Rafod press, IHO^ — Eastell's Pastime of the People, or Chronicle of the Eealin of England, 1 vol. 1811— together 22 vols, in 21, 4to. russia, marbled edges, £24. 1807-12 Common Prayer : Start's beautifully engraved edition^ Svo. Jlrie im- pressions, quite perfect, old blue morocco, £5. 1717 Collation : — Title, with portrait of George I. on back, 1 Zea/; portraits of Prince and Prin- cess of Wales, with dedication, 1 leaj ; a Circular table, wifh the dial, and other pre! matter, paged within the border, v-xviii ; Subscribers, ;paged xix-xxv; The Frayers, paged 1 to 156. Common Prayer, Sturt's engraved edition, large paper, large Svo. brilliant impressions of all the plates and portraits, the circular table, with the dial, old red morocco, gilt edges, £6. Q>s 1717 cation are not there ; the preliminary leaves are here differently numbered (also commencing with the Circular table) viz. ii.-xv ; this issue has not the List of Subscribers; The Prayers, also paged 1-156. This issue differs from the previous one : for the title and the book the borders have been diffe- rently used ; the portrait of George I. is on a separate leaf (not on the back of the title) ; the portrait of the Prince of Wales and Stuart's dedi- Didron, Annales Archeologiques, 22 vols. 4to. with above 1000 plates and woodcuts, half morocco, gilt edges, £18. 10* Paris, 1844-62 A fine set of this valuable Art-Journal. ^^__Brawings in Water-Colours, 30 finely executed Drawings from B R A^^ Frescoes at Pompeii— 4 Coloured Drawings of Quebec, &c.— 13 Photographs OF THE of Views in Eonie, &c. — Coast Scenery, 2 fine drawings in water-colours — VERS!'' View of Cawdor Castle, Scotland, drawing in water coZowrs— Interior of St. OF Angelo, 2 drawings in sepia — View of Aberdour,^weZy painted in oil colours — 4if£B^- 2 Coloured Engravings of Porcelain Ware — all the Drawings neatly mounted in an imperial folio volume, half morocco, gilt edges, .£12. 125 (? 1830) The drawings of Pompeian Ornaments are very fine, and must have been made by a high- class Neapolitan painter. The original cost of these 42 Drawings must have been at least £25. A connoisseur should secure this very attractive volume. Hodgson (Eev. John) History of Northumberland, with the Addi- tional Volume by J. Hodgson Hinde, containing the General History of the County, 7 vols. roy. 4to. LAEGE PAPEE, numerous fine plates , ukcut, 5^03. 1827-58 A Subscriber's large paper Copy in the i History is now become very scarce, especially on original boards, leather backs. This valuable I large paper. BERl^ARD QUABITCH, 15 PICCAD ILLY, LOTOOK BOOKS WANTED to purchase, by BERNARD QUARITCH. ^i" Offers of Books without a price are declined ; and need not be made. Abul Feda Annales Muslemici opera Reiskii ed. Adler, 5 vols. 4to. Ha/nia, 1783-94: Agricultural (Royal) Society's Journal; Series I. Nos. 1-16, 44, 46, 60 » II. „ 7 to Archseologia, Vol. 38 and following (1858 Aylmer's Cruise in the Pacific, 2 vols. 8vo. Beatson, Chronol. Parliamentary Register, 3 vols. 180; Bible, Douay— corrected &c. by Rev. Dr. Troy, Dudlin, 1816 • Genevan, 4to. 1560 • King James', folio, or 4to. 1611 Blake's Book of Job, 21 plates, folio, 1826 Bourgery, Anatomic ; Vol. II. or plates 60 and 61 onlt/ Brinckmeier, Glossarium Diplomaticum, &c. 2 vols, in I, 4to. Gotha, 1850-63 Bulleyn (W.) The Government of Health, 8vo. 1558 — Regimen against Pleurisie, 8vo. 1562 Bulwark of Defece against all Sickness, &c. folio, 1562 or J 579. Regimen against the Fever and Pestilence, London, 1564 or 1569 Bunsen's Egypt, 5 vols. 8vo. Bannatyne Club :— Sir Gawayne, ed. by Sir F. Madden, 4to. 1839 Beaufort Incertitude de I'Hist. Romaine 12mo. La Hay e, 1750 Brooks* Gazetteer, second edition, 1844 Bouchet (G.) les Serees, 3 vols. 18mo. Paris. 1608 Butler's Lives of the Saints, 5 vols. 1745 — or, 12 vols. 1812-13 Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, Vol. VI. Ft. 3 and Vol. VII. Pt. 2 Cardanus de Vita propria, ed. Naudseo, Parisiis, 1643 Cartwright, the Preacher's Travels, sq. 8vo. 161 1 Chess World, a complete set Chinese Repository — complete set with Index — or Vol. III. No. 12 „ V. No. 10 „ XII — XII complete „ XIV complete, or Nos. 2, 5, 12. „ XV. complete „ XVI. complete, or Nos. 2-12 „ XVII.— XX and Index Cohen Medailles Consulaires, 4to. Paris^ 1857 Cujacius, Promptuarium Operum Cujacii, auc- tore Dominico Albunensi, 2 vols, folio, 1763 or 1795 Dibdin's Bibliotheca Spenceriana,iEdes Althorp- ianae, Cassano Calal. and Suppt. 7 vols, imp. 8vo. 1814-22 Discours sur les Arcs de Triomphe h, I'entree du Due de Vendome, Aiay, 1680 Doneau, Vie et Ouvragesde trad, par Simonnet, 8vo. Dijon, 1860 Donelli Opera Omnia, 13 vols, folio, Lucee, 1762-8 Du Bois de la Cour, trans, bv Lorimer, 8vo. 1682 Duncanson, Campbells of Breadalbane, 8vo.l752 Dureau de la Malle, Economic Politique des Romains, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840 Entree du Prince de Condi en Dijon, 1632 Description des portiques eriges. etc., car Bruchillet, Dijon, 1650 Euclid, in Chinese— the first six books, either of the original edition of Riccius's translation of 1608, or a reprint (I have Wylie's Euclid, in Chinese, of books VII to XV). Fabretti, Inscriptiones Italicae, folio, Roma, 169'J or 1702 Faraday's Experimental Researches in Electri- city, Vol. II. Faria's Portuguese Asia, 3 vols. 8vo. 1695 Frauzoni, Nobilita Genova, Genoa, 1636 Fraser, Report of Proceedings of House of Commons on Controverted Elections, 1793 Gentleman's Magazine, 1855, March, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Geer (Ch. De) Hist, des Insectes, 7 vols. st. 4to. Stockholm, 1752-78 Glover's Derbyshire, 2 vols. Gomara, Conquista del Peru, folio, Saragassa, 1554 — leaf 44 in the first part Gosselin, Geographic des Anciens. 4 vols. Mesures Itineraires, 1 vol.— together 5 vols. 4to. 1798-1813 Gotbofredi, Codex Theodosianus, 6 vols folio. Lips. 1736-45 Opera Minora, folio, Lugd. Bat. 1733 Quatuor Fontes Juris Civilis, 4to. Opuscula Varia Juridica, 4to. — unless the same as, or contained in above de Diversis Regulis Juris Commentarius Gualterotti, Nozze di Christina di Loreno, e Ferdinando Duca di Toscano, Firenze, 1599; or an imperfect copy having pp. 121-122. Haenel, Lex Romana Visigothorum, 2 pts. 4to. Berlin Hartlib's Husbandry in Brabant and Flanders 4to. 1650 Hassall's Freshwater Algae, 2 vols. 8vo. Hieronymi Opera post recens. Benedictinam, 11 vols, folio, Veronce, 1734-42 Hooker's Flora of New Zealand, 2 vols. 4to. coloured plates Horae sec. Eccl. Sarisburiensis ritum, sm. 4to. Paris, Regnault, )527 I want Signatures C 4 and 5, that is folios XX and xxi Hoffman Althochdeutsche Glossen, 4to. Berlin, 1826 Ibis (The) Vols. 1 to 4, 8vo. 1859-62 Illustrated Vocabulary for the Use of the Deaf and Dumb, 4 to. 4000 engravings Jones' (Owen) Alhambra, 2 vols, folio Jesse's Pretenders, a good copy, uncut Johnson's Parliamentary Debates (the last two vols, of Johnson's Works) being Vols. 43 and 44 of the Oxford Classics Kaindl, die Deutsche Sprache aus ihren Wurzeln, 5 vols. 8vo. Regensburg, 1815-26 ^OOKB WANTED TO PTJECHASE. Karamsin, Empire de Russie^ 11 vols* 8to. Paris, 1819-26 Kemble's Horse Ferales, 4to. Lear's Ionian Islands, folio Lemaire,La Pompe funeralle du Roy Phillipe fils de Maximilian Lesson, Hist. Nat. des Oiseaux de Paradis Liturgia Coptica, 4to. Roma, 1736 Lois de Francs contenant la Loi Salique, &c.e d. Peyre (et Isambert) 8vo. Paris, 1828 Lorimer, OEuvres de, 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow y FouliSf 1759 Loudon, British Wild Flowers, First edition Lullin de Chateauvieux, lettres ecrites de I'ltalie a Charles Pictet, 2nd edition, Paris, 1820 Liitke Voyage autour du Monde trad, par Boye, 1835-6 Les planches 28 et 45 separement. L' Atlas Hydrograph, complete Lycett's Cotswold Hills, a handbook to their Geology, &c' Lytton (Bulwer) Works, Library edition McGhee, Complete Notes on Douay Bible, BuUin, 1837 Mclntyre, Campbells of Breadalbane Mantell's Fossils of the South Downs, roy. 4to. 1822 Memoires de la Maison de Grant par Chas. Grant, Vicomte de Vaux Mommsen and Hensen, Corpus Inscrip. Latina- rum, folio, Berlin, circa 1862- Morte d' Arthur (by Sir T. Mallory) 4to. 1634 Nesselmann Worterbuch der Litthauischen Sprache, Svo. Konigsberg, 1851 Palaeontographical Society Publications — a set Parkman, Jesuits in North America Penny Cyclopaedia, Second Supplement, forming Vol. 30 Perowne, on the Psalms, Svo. 1864 Pergolesi's Ornaments, 55 ;7/a^es, folio, 1777-85 Percy Anecdotes, 20 vols. Boyes, 1823— Vol. X only Panini Sutra Vriti, Sanscr. Svo. Calcutta, 1810 Powell, Pentarchia, or Royal Tribes of Wales, 1623 Primer, editions issued between 1500-1510 Punjabee Dictionary, 4to. Lodiana Mission, 1854 Quarterly Review, Nos. 241, 242, 243, 249, 252, 253, 254 Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathe- matics, Nos. 1-31 (Vols. I-VIII pt. 13), 1857-67 Racing Calendar, 1836 Rechteren (Seyger van) Reize naar den cost In- dien, Zwolle in Overysel, 1639 Reinaud, Monumens Mussulmans, 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1828 Retif la Bretonne, les Nuits de Paris, avec le 16me Tome Relations Jesuites de la Nouvelle France, 1632, 1656, 1659 to 1663, 1665 Roxburghe Club : Morte d' Arthur, 4to. 1819 Roxburghe Plants of Coromandel, 3 vols, folio, coloured plates — or Vol. Ill, part 4 Schleicher, Handbuch der Lithanischen Sprache, 2 vols. Svo. Prag, TempsJcy, 1857 Sclater's Tanagrine Genus, Svo. Scott's Waverley Novels, Black's 25 vols. Svo. edition. Vol. XIII only Sharpe's Egyptian Inscriptions— complete Shakespeare's Works, Meadow's edition^ in parts Simonde, Agriculture Toscane, 1801 Simon (R.) Critical Hist, of the Old Testament, 4to. about 1682 -»— - Critical Enquiries into the various editions of the Bible, 4to. 1684 Crit. Hist, of the Religions, &c. of the Eastern Nations, trans, by A. Lovell, Svo. 1685 Hist, of Ecclesiastical Revenues, Svo. 1685 Crit. Hist, of Text of New Test. pts. and 2, 4to. 1689 -^ New Testament, transl. from the French by Webster, 2 vols. 4to. 1730 Society of Antiquaries : — Bayeux Tapestry, obi. atlas folio, coloured plates Sobieski Vestiarum Scoticum, 4to. coloured plates, Edinburgh, 1842 South African Quarterly Journal, part 4 (1830 or 31) and following Stewart's Sketches of Highlanders Steuder, Lettisches Lexicon, 2 vols. Svo. Mitau^ (1780) Sturemburg Ostfriesisches Worterbuch, Svo. Aurich, 1857 Subiaco press, near Rome : — any Specimens of that press, especially the Lactantius, folio, 1468 Swainson's Zoological illustrations, 6 vols. Svo. or the Second Series, 3 vols.— separately, a good copy Stirling's Artists of Spain, 3 vols. Svo. boards, or in good binding Tooke's Prices, 6 vols. Svo. Turner's Domestic Architecture, Vol. I. Vespucius, Globi Mundi Declaratio, sm. 4to. Joannus Gruninger, (1509) Whittaker's Richmondshire, 2 vols, folio, large PAPER, proofs, or a set of the Proofs of Turner's plates separately Williams' Middle Kingdom, 2 vols. Svo. Wiarda (Tileman Dothias) Alt-friesiscbes Wor- terbuch, Svo. Aurich, 1786 Young (Arthur) Travels in Italy Zoological Society Transactions, Vol. V, pts. 1 to 4 ^g^' Reduction of Price, from 7s. to 2s. 6d. OF QUAKITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS arranged in Classes, 1 vol. Svo, 1138 pp. 15,000 Articles. ^^^ Mr. Quaritch being desirous of reducing his extensive stock of valuable, rare, and curious Books, offers to execute henceforth orders from the above Catalogue amounting on invoice to above £10. with a discount of 10% for Cash. Beenaed QuAEiTcn, 15 Ficcadilly, London. No. 260. Annual Subscription As. Published Monthly. For Foreign Countries 5s. Vrice 64 BIBLIOTHECA TYPOGRAPHICA, XYLOGRAPHICA, ET PALvEOGRAPHICA GATALOGUE^MANUSGRIPTS BLOCK BOOKS, AND EARLY PRODUCTIONS OF THE PRINTING PRESS IN ALL COUNTRIES, offered for CASH at the affixed nett Prices by BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W. Five doors West from Regent Circus. ILDUDDH, July, aS^©o To insure prompt attention all orders to be addressed direct to Mr. QuABiTCii, bookseller, 15 Piccadilly ; or to the Bookseller from whom this Catalogue was received. The- Books are warranted perfect, and in fine Library condition. a. NORMAN AND SOD, PRINTEBB, MAIDtN LANK, COVKNT CAKDKN, LOML>ON, VT.O. SUMMARY OP CONTENTS. MANUSCRIPTS, SCHOOLS OF CALI GRAPH Y, ILLUMINA TIONS European Byz^ Greek - Ins. Greek XSngrlish - Angrlo-Norxnan Welsh - - Flemish - French - German - Italian Slavonic - Spanish - Span. American Oriental Egyptian Arab. Egyptian Arab. Maurit, Arab. Indian Hebrew- Asiatic Hebr.- Germanic Hebraeo-Italian Turkish Persian Indian - Burmese Singhalese - Chinese Japanese - Javanese Malay - Diplomatics XYLOGRAPHY, - 1059 - 1060 - 1060 - 1062 - 1063 - 1064 - 1064 - 1067 - 1068 - 1071 - 1072 - 1072 1059-72 1059-78 1072 1072-78 1076 BLOCK BOOKS 1078 81 TYPOGRAPHICAL MONU- MENTS, SPECIMENS OP THE EARLY PRINTING PRESSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD 1081-1191 England 1081 London : "William Caxton - 1081-2 "Wjrnkin de W^orde 1083-4 Richard Pin son, Peter of Treves, Rasten - - - 1085 AndreTVS, Copland 1086 Berthelet, Grafton, etc. - - - 1087-98 Jaggard's 1st Shakespeare - 1098 Other English Spe- cimens . - - 1099-1101 Cambridge,Chesterll01 Oxford, tersfield - 1102 Worcester - - 1103 English Presses on the Continent - 1103 Ireland - - 1104. Scotland - - - 1104 Celtica Britannica 1105 France 1106-15 Caen. Douai - - 1106 Xiyon's- - 1106<7 Paris : A.Verard, F. Regnault, Janot, Ij€ i>ioir, Kerver, Hardouin, Hig- xnan, Consteau, Merlin, etc. - - 1108-14 Rheims, Totdouse 1114- Germany 1115-38 Guttenberg of Maintz - - - 1115 S. 1. e. a. - - • 1115-16 S.l.e.typ. - - - 1117 Augsburg: Zainer, Bamler J Pflanzman, Sorg, fttchonsper- ger, etc. - - - 1117-20 Basle - - - 1120-22 Coira .... 1122 Cologne « - - 1123-24 EltvU: Bechter- xniinze - - - 1125 Germany — continued. Frankfurt - - - 1125 Halberstadt - - 1126 Leipzig, Iiiibeck - 1127 Maintz: P. Schbffer, Reuwich, J. Schof- fer ... - 1128-30 Munich - - _ 1130 Neuichatel - - 1130 Niirnberg: Sensen- schmidt. Koburger, A. Diirer - - 1131-2 Olmiitz. Rostock, Scuol - - 1133 Speyer - - 1134 Strassburg - 1134-5 Ulm - 1135 Vienna - - - - 1136 Wittenberg - 1137 W.irzburg. Zurich - 1138 Holland, Low Coun- tries 1138-43 Antwerp - 1139-40 Bruges : Colard Mansi'bn - - 1141 Delft Deventer, Ghent, Haarlem - 1142 Louvain, Utrecht ZwoU ' 1143 Italy 1144-65 Bologna - 1144 Brescia. Cremona Ferrara - 1144 Florence - 1146 IiUCca,Mantua,Milanll4.7 Naples, Padua. Parma 1147 Rome : Sweynheim and Pannartz, U. Hahn. Planck 1149-50 Piranesi's Works 1151-54 Sienna. Trino - 1154 Venice : Vindelin of Speyer. Jensen - 1155 Aldus Manutius and heirs - 1157-61 Junta and heirs - 1161 Verona, Vicenza 1164 Sicily, Sardinia - 1165 Spain 1166-72 Alcala, Complntum 1166 Barcelona Madrid Malaga, Medina Salamanca, Sara gossa Sevilla Toledo, Valencia Valladolid Portugal Scandinavia Denmark, Iceland - Svt^eden . - . Slavonica Bohennia, Moravia, Poland - Russia . . - Turkey Asia 1166 - 1167 • 1168 - 1169 - 1170 - 1171 - 1172 1173-4 1174-76 - 1174 - 1174-76 1176-77 1176 1177 1178 1178-82 India - - - - 1178-79 Ceylon, Java, Phi- lippines, Burmah, Malay Arch. - 1180 China - - - 1181 Japan - - - 1182 Australasia, Poly- nesia 1182-83 Africa 1183 America 1184-88 Brazil, Chili, Cuba, Ecuador - 1184 Mexico - - 1185-86 Ne^KT Granada, Paraguay, Peru - 1186 United States - 1187-3 Books printed on Vel- lum 1189-90 Hebrew Presses 1190-91 London, 15 PrccADiLLY, August 1870. BERNARD QUARITCH'S CATALOGUE OF PALAEOGRAPHICAL & TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS, chiefly from the Libraries of the last Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, the Duke of Marlborough, and the late Marquis of Hastings, MANUSCRIPTS, SCHOOLS OF CALLIGRAPHIC ART, ILLUMINATIONS AND PAINTINGS. EUROPEAN. Byzantine Greek. 1 EYxiNGELIA IV, GrRiECE, cum Canone Eusebii, small 4fco. splendid Manu- script on VELLUM, beautifully icritten in a very clear hand, the Canon of JE2isfibius within elegant borders, richly illuminated in gold and colours, the headings of each Gospel in letters of gold within elaborately illuminated orna- ments, numerous capitals in gold ; adorned with Three large MINIATURES of St. Matthew, St. Mark, and St. John, executed in colours on a gold ground in the Byzantine style, bound in brown Levant morocco, elegantly ornamented on back and sides after the antique, vellum fly-leaves, and gilt edges, enclosed in a solander case covered in rich crimson velvet, and lined inside with white silk velvet, by Bedford, a perfect gem, £250. Sec. XI 2 EVANfrELIA GE^ECA, cum Canone Eusebii, stout small 8vo. elegant Manii- soript on vellum, with illuminated headings and Miniatures of Mark, Luke, and John, initials and numbers in gold, red morocco, super extra, in red velvet case by Bedford, £100. Sec. XI 3 EVANGELIAlilUM GR^ECUM, impl. 4to. ancient Greek MS. of the XI century, consisting of the selections used for the Liturgy, on VELLUM, in a clear bold and square character, almost without contractions, ivith large Il- luminated INITIA.LS, not wholly perfect, richly bound in dark red morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. Sec. XI 4 ISOYUM TESTAMENTUM GE^CE, very stout square small 8vo. Manu- script on VELLUM, with MINIATURES of the Four Evangelists beau- fully bound in red morocco extra, elegantly ornamented on back and sides after the antique, vellum fly-leaves, enclosed in a solander case covered with rich crimson velvet, and lined inside with white silk velvet, by Bedford, £200. Sec. XLXII regularly affixed his final subscription at the end of the Epistles, expressing gladness at the termi- nation of his labour, and signed the Monk Joan- niliios. It is excessively rare to meet with an ancient Greek MS. containing more than the Gospels. The present one has all the New Testament ex- cepting the Apocalypse, which cannot have been inchided in theprototvpe Codex, as the scribe has 5 EVANG^ELIA GE^CE, sm. 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM, bound in brown morocco elegant, in imitation of the antique, stained vellum fly-leaves and gilt edges, in a solander case covered outside witli crimson velvet, and lined inside with white silk velvet, the original covers preserved in flop, by Bedford, £52. 10^ ^ec. XLXII 6 EVA]\ GELIAEIUM Greece, small 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM, written over a much earlier Manuscript which has been obliterated, but of which the writing can stillbereadin some places, a few leaves at commencement and end deficient , russia, gilt edges, £10. Sec. XIL This is the only specimen of its kind in my I derable interest for the collector of Manuscripts stock As a PALIMPSEST it possesses consi- | and the student of Palaeography. 3 L 1060 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOIST : 7 EYANGELIA GE^CE, email 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM, bouTid in hrown antique morocco elegaiity blind and gold tooled after the antique, stained vellum fly-leaves and gilt edges, in a solander cose, covered in rich crimson velvet, lined inside with white silk velvet, the original covers preserved in flap, hy Bed- ford, 56100. Sc2c. XII— XIII 8 LECTION A EIUM site Evangeltstaeium, Graece, large 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM, a fragment of an ancient Church Service, finely written in a large hand, in double columns, bound in red morocco extra, £,10. 10s Sec. XIII Interesting as an example of the Avorkman- j handwriting is antique and primitive. The dative ship of the period. There are some curious initial iota is always omitted, the -.// has the cross-shape, letters, coloured ; and the whole character of the | and the t and v are dotted. 9 HOEOLOGIUM Magnum et Troparlum, Horas Officii Divinicontinens, Graece, thick sm. 4!to. fine Byzantine 3Ianuscript upon Bombyx paper, dated in the year 6982, a.m. of the Constantinopolitan Era, in the original binding, having a portion of one leaf torn off, £8. 1474 10 BIBLIA GEJj^CA, stout sm. folio, Makusceipt on papee, tlie initial letters and headings illuminated in gold and colours, ivith -21 large Miniatures of the Prophets, richly painted in colours, heightened with gold, in the best style of Byzantine Art, not perfect, bound in vellum, £S2. Sec. XV This volume, although following closely the j Italy, by one of the learned fugitives from Con- old fine Byzantine type, was possibly executed in I stantinople. Insular Greek. 11 LITUEGIA GE^CA, cum MUSIC A. The Service for the Transfiguration, in Greek, with MUSICAL NOTATIONS, 12mo. Manusceipt on papee, bound in red morocco extra, ornamented back and sides after the antique, by Bedfoed, £10. 10s Rhythimna in Candia, Sec. XV 12 LITUEGIiE G'RMCM cum Notis Musicis (Neumes), stout 12mo. rmE Manusceipt on papee, with the Music throughout, and an Introduction to the Science, bound, £4^. 4s Michalitza, {? Corfu) 1719 13 LITUEGIA GEJ^CA, cum Notis musicis (Neumes), stout sm. 4to. Manij- SCEIPT ON papee, containing the entire Liturgy of the Greek Church, with the Music arranged in neumes throughout, in the original oak boards, covered with leather, ornamented with gold tooling, with engravings of the Crucifixion and Adoration of the Virgin, stamped in gold on sides, gilt qauffr^ edges, with clasps, 5615. {? Corfu) Sec. XVII This rare specimen of an Eastern Church Service, with the musical notation for every word, is in very fine preservation. The names of the composers of the hymns are given, and the work is prefaced by an introduction, to the science of Music as used in the Church. 14 STICHEEAEION et PENTEKOSTAEION, Greece, cum Notis Musicis (Neumes), sm. 4to. Mantjsceipt on papee, withthe Music of every syllable in oak boards, covered with stamped leather, the Crucifixion forming centre ornaments on side, £S. Ss \? Corfu) Sec. XVIII This Manuscript is similar in character to I has not the introduction to the study of Music. the preceding, but it is not so old or so fine, and | English. St. Augustine's Psalter Sec. VII The Golden Gospels of Stockholm Sec. VIII Biblia Gregoriana Sec. VIII Ethelwald's Book of Prayers ^ Sec. VIII Psalter, in Utrecht Library Sec. IX Gospels of Lindisfarne Sec. IX See facsimiles of the above and others in "Westwoob's Facsimiles oe Anglo-Saxon and Irish MSS. 15 KALENDAEIUM secundum Usum EccLEsiiE Eomanje, 8vo. Manuscript on VELLUM, loriften by an English Scribe prior to the Canonization of Saint Thomas a Becket, ivhose name is inserted in a much later hand-writing ; with 24 ILLUMINATED MiNiATUEES representing the Signs of the Zodiac and the Occupations of the Month, with Fainting of the Annunciation on last page, in velvet, £12. 12^ cir. 1100 A fine specimen of early English art and I Irasts strongly with the bold rude designs of the calligraphy. The writing is beautiful, and con- miniatures which are characteristically Kuglish PALAEOGRAPHICA : English. 1061 and belong unmistakeably to the so-called Anglo- Saxon school. The additional entries in the Calendar are in a fourteenth- century hand, and include the names of St. Bernard, who was canonised in 1165, St. Thomas a Beckett, and St. Thomas Aquinas. 16 PETRI LOMBARDI SENTENTIARUM Ltbri IV, cum Glossis, folio, well written Maxusceipt on VELLUM, hy an English Scribe, morocco, by Gough, from the library of Dr. Bliss, £5. 5* cir. a.d. 1270 A perfect and finely preserved copy of the Sentences of Peter Lombard is a rare MS. to meet with. The present codex is not only fresh, fine and perfect, but is also unmistakeably of English penmanship, executed during the later years of the thirteenth century. The English scholars of the time were naturally attracted by the work, one of the most important philosophical produc- 17 RICARDI DE SANCTO VICTORE, {Scoti), De Studio Sapientige, sive Trac- tatus qui dicitur Benjamin Minor ; et Ejusdem Liber de Interioris Hominis Statu, de Libero Arbitrio, etc. 4to. MS. on VELLUM, in a fine large hand, the titles of chapters in red and the capitals ornamented in colours; apparently written by an English scribe, blue morocco, gilt leaves, £5. 5s circ. 1300 tions of the middle ages. The number of com- ments, glosses, refutations and adverse criticisms, was very great all over Europe, as Peter the Lombard represented an advanced though mode- rate school of thought, which endeavoured to reconcile the opposing principles : Rationalistic Philosophy and Religious Dogmatism. most celebrated, are held in high estimation for their breadth and depth of thought; but are seldom found in collections of MSS. Richard Abbot of St. Victor, one of the most learned and enlightened of the schoolmen of St. Bernard's time, was a native of Scotland, and died in 1173. His works, of which "Benjamin" is the 18 QU^STIONES PHILOSOPHIC^, 3 parts in 1 vol. folio, a Latin MS. on 18 leaves of vellum, in minute characters of a cursive Gothic style, in an ancient parchment wrapper, 30^ cir. 1300 Evidently written in England and by an political subjects, and reviews the opinions of the great teachers who preceded him. One of the propositions regards the condition of Woman and her social relation to man. English author, perhaps by the famous Roger Bacon. AVhoever he was, the writer must have been one of the eminent schoolmen or dialecticians of the Middle Ages. He discusses moral and 19 Oxford. ARMORIAL Beakings of the COLLEaES within the University of Oxford, A.D. 1600, sm. 4to. copy from a Manuscript in the British Museum, most beautifully executed and highly finished in the richest gold and colours, an exq^uisitely illuminated border round the title-page, gilt binding, £10. 1600 {cir. 1840) manner in which the illumination has been per- formed is vastly superior to most existing speci- mens of such work. This beautiful MS. was apparently executed for Dr. Wellesley, his arms being emblazoned on the title. Besides the arms of the Colleges are manv of those of Founders and Benefactors. The 20 iSROOKE (Rauf'e, Torke Heraulte) ARMES OF JAMES L and his NOBI- LITIE, Autograph Mais^uscript, beautifully written on a long Boll of Vellum (20 feet by 6i inches), mounted on green silky with 188 Coats op Aems, emblazoned in gold, silver, and colours, £21. 1605 This exquisite piece of herald's work would library of the College of Arms. It is authenticated be an elegant adornment for any private collec- by the signature of the Herald, at foot of the MS. lion, but its fittest resting-place would be the 21 Oedinauy of Aems. " An Alfabet of A rmes," comprising many thousands of Names, arranged in ruled columns, with a description of the Anns affixed to each, 214 leaves — Coines of the Original Grants of Arms (many to Norfolk Eamilies) made by William Camden, Sir E. Walker, W. Segar, W. Dethick, etc. the arms and seals drawn with the pen — Also several Miscellanies, viz. " the Armes of the cbiefest Cities and Kingdoms in the world ; Lists of Knights ; List of Fees for Knighthood, 1(560; an Elegie upon the best of Kinges, King Charles, who was martyred 30 Jan. 1618 ;" a Privie Scale (printed) with autograph of Era. Myiles, etc. 148 leaves — together 362 leaves, a thick folio volume, neatly bound in calf £10. 106* 1580-1680 Portions of this very valuable MS. were written by the Heraldic official, William Cady, who has drawn the escutcheon of his family in the first place of the book, and added underneath it, some doggrel verses in explanation of the bear- ings. But parts of the work are considerably older, and of Elizabethan date, as is scon by the state- ment that the Earl of Derby's eldest son was called Lord Strange, this title having lapsed from the earldom about 1590. Among the Patents (p. 55), there is one granted to John Cady of EUingham, Norfolk, in 1575. This important volume seems therefore to have been in the pos- session of an old English family for about a hundred years during the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries. 3 L 2 1062 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOX: 22 TEANSAcnoNS of Parliaments during the reigna of E-ichard II, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI, Edward IV, and Eichard III, stout small folio, a neat JSLS. written early in the seventeenth century^ and confuting of abstracts and selections from the Crown Records, evidently made hy an accomplished anti- quary and student of history, rdvgh calf £1. 45 cir. 1620 Full of the most interesting details, many of which have never appeared in print, regarding; the pohtical and social history of the time, with episodes illustrating the lives of several distin guished characters in the annals of England. The greater part of the volume is in English, but it also contains some specimens of the so-called Anglo-Norman language. 23 Index Medicamentoeum et Morborum. Manuscript, containing a Collec- tion of Prescriptions, alphabetically arranged, 12mo. neatly written, a fine specimen of cotemporary binding, in richly gilt blue morocco^ gilt edges. Is cir. 1740 24 HOWTTT (S.) Illustrations of ^SOP'S Fables, Thirty Original DRAW- INGS IN WATER-COLOURS by this eminent Artist {many of them with his signature), finely designed and executed, folio, well adapted to illustrate Bar- low, £U. 10s " (? 1820) 25 AUDUBON'S BIEDS OF AMERICA, 4 vols, elephant Mio, consisting of 435 beaii'fifully coLOVn^'D plates, each bird being represented the full size of life, ivith its prey, an original subscriber's copy, hf red morocco extra, uncut, unique in this state, £200. 1826-B§ the book is cut an ■ short, a circumstance which detracts from the fine appearance of the plates, as these latter, being done in life-size, occupy the full space of the paj^er, even to the outer margin. Collation. — Titles to each volume, 4 leaves : Plates 1 to 435. Plate 254 is erroneously num- bered 256, and plate 260 is numbered 240, Nos. 256 and 240 being repeated. Such another copy can never be obtained again. In its usual state, 26 STAFFOED GALLERY. The Gallery of Pictures by Eminent Masters FORMED BY THE LATE MaRQUIS OF STAFFORD, With descriptions by W. T. Ottley and P. W. Tomkins, Msq. 4 vols, atlas folio, containing upwards of 300 Coloured representations after yery splendid and much admired PICTURES; THE WHOLE SERIES MOUNTED ON TINTED DRAWING PAPER, (pub. at £171. 14^) hf. green morocco, very fine copy, £25. 1818 The Fonthill copy fetched £7^. 15s. 27 BRITISH GALLEEY OF PICTURES BY THE OLD MASTERS IN" GREAT BRITAIN, with descriptions by Tresliam, Ottley, and Tomkins, im pi. folio, 25 plates, most exquisitely and faithfully coloured from the ori- ginal pictures, mounted on tinted cardboards, with gold line ruled round each, splendidly bound in green morocco super extra, gilt edges, £25. 1818 The most splendid collection of coloured cuted. engravings ever published. The price originally At the sale of Mr. BernaTs library, a similar was 150 guineas, and but few copies were exe- copy to the present produced about £60. Anglo-Norman. 28 MISSALEROMANO-GALLICANUM, sm. folio, Manuscript on VELLUM, written in double columns in a bold Gothic hand, with ornamental painted \\ntiA^, bound in vellum, from Dr. Todd's library, £120. Sec. XII Full of interesting memoranda which indi- i See a more detailed description at No, 2470 of cate the origin of the MS. and its connection I my catalogue 257. with the royal houses of England and France. ' 29 ANTIPHONARY, OFFICIALE, Lectionart, Htmi^al, Passiois-al, and Lives of Saints, in Latin, sm. folio, Anglo-French MS. with the Music noted in black upon a stave of four lines, beautifully written on fine VELLUM, illuminated with grotesquely bordered capitals and initials, and 30 delicate Miniatures, executed in a fine style of English art, £120, circiter A.D. 1300 which appear in the volume. The English and Probably the work of one of Edward I's sub- jects, whether executed in England or in some of his French possessions. The art exhibited in the ornamentation is of decidedly Enghsh character, and peculiarly elegant ; while the mingled French and English interest of the scribe isshewubythe Calendar and the Saints' lives Irish monks who achieved canonization by their labours in Gaul in the fifth, sixth, and later cen- turies, are the chief names that appear in the calendar and in the biographies. One of the longest of these latter is the life of St. Fursey, an Irish missionary, who evangelized amongst PALAEOGEAPHICA : Irish and Welsh. 1063 Anglo-Norman — continued the Saxons (of Britain) and the Franks, and built rconnsteries at Lagny and Peronne in the north of France. Vexed questions of ethnology amongst British hagiologists are touched upon in the itali- cized words that occur in the following quota tions. " Egrcssus inde verbvmi Dei per univer- sain Hyberiiiani predicabat et ea que audierat et viderat omnibus populis Scotorwni annuntiabat per Britannos ad Sa'xoniam transvcc- tus est." This latter statement means that he settled amongst the East Saxons of England, under the protection of King Sigeberht. Amongbt the other lives of Saints are those of Vedastus, Vindicianus, Gaugeric, and Aubert, — all abbots of Cambray , and the concluding words of Aubert's life shew that the original composition of these biographies must have occurred in the time of Bishop Dodilo of Cambray, in the ninth century. This observation does not of course prove that the Antiphonary now under description, but, only the earlier service-books from which it was compiled, were executed at Cambray; but it tends in a cer- tain degree to point out the approximate locality. Most of the names in the MS. are referable- to the northern parts of France ; they are also chiefly those of English and Irish saints ; and as the pe- culiar but elegant style of ornamentation is dis- tinctively Anglo-Norman, we might venture to consider that this beautiful volume was produced in Normandy. The name of St. Thomas (Beckett) of Canterbury appears in the calendar. Again, the English connexion, and the North- French locality are indicated by the names Willibrod whom Pepin sent as apostle to the Frisians ; the English Abbess Walpurgis, who died in Germany about 780; Kilian the Irish apostle of the Franks, killed in 688 ;: St. Maglorius, a Welshman, who preached amongst the Franks, and died in Jer- sey ; St. Machutus (S. Malo), and S Wiiioc, Bretons; SS. Brichis, Martin and Arnulph, of Toui'S ; Saint Quintinand others. The calendar also contains the name of" Elizabeth Tentoniee," opposite the date of November 19 ; this desig- nation of a well-known s;^int's nationality, which I find in no- other calendar, being sufficient to show that her canonization (A.D. 123f)) was still recent and unfamiliar at the time the MS. was written. The miniatures are illustrative of the text which they accompany, and are designed and coloured with remarka.ble fineness and delicacy. The adjunct ornaments which fill the long straight borders that are drawn upwards and downwards from the initials and miniatures, are grotesque and striking. In two instances the lower line is occupied by a tournay scene of two knights on horseback tilting with lances. In conclusion the varied and comprehensive character of this service-book render it very re- markable rom an ecclesiastical point of view. An exam^naticm and analysis of its contents, made by some competent scholar, would no doubt form a va uable addition to the history of Litur- gical Literature. As a paleographical specimen the MS. is truly beautiful and attractive. of St. Willibrod, a native of Northumberland, 30 JUBINAL, LEs Ancie]S[Nes Tapisseries Historieies, on Collection des Monu- meDS de ce genre a partir du XI siecle au XV [, texte par Achille Jubinal, gravnres d'apres les dessins de Victor Saiisonetti, impl. folio^ 123 lar^e p/ates, most supejbly coloured like Miniatures, (pub. at 1540 fr.) green morocco super extra, Joints, ^old borders, gilt edges, £55 Ty—-^ The interesting facsimile of the Bayeux Tapestry entitles this magnificent volume to a place under the heading of Norman Art. Collation : Bayeux, 24 plates ; Nancy, 6 plates; Dijon, 3 plates; Valenciennes, 1 plate; PaW^, 1838 La Chaise Dieu, 32 plates ; D'^Aulhac et d'Aix, 12 plates; Beauvais, 12 plates; du Louvre, &c. 3 plates ; Reims, 10 plates ; Berne, 12 plates; du Chev. Bayard, 3 plates; Harouc, 4 ; Dnsom- merard, 1 plate ; together 123 plates in colour. Irish. Gospels of St. Columba, called the Book of D arrow The Bo3k of Kells Gospels of St. Chad The Gospels of Mac Eegol The Book of Armagh Sec. YI Sec. YE Sec. YII Sec. YIII-IX A.D. 807 See facsimiles of the above and other ancient Irish MSS. ia Westwood's Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts. Welsh. 31 GOECIIESTION BEIEDD CYMEU : Compositionsof the Welsh Bards, sm. folio, MS. of about 300 ipp. in the original binding, Jrom the library of the late IVUliams ab Ithel, £20. A very valuable collection of Poems by \ the later Welsh Bards, formerly in the posses- sion of Hugh and John Cadwalader, who added some original pieces during the years 1750 to 1770. The copies were probably made by some member or members of that family from older MS., or taken down from memory or recitation. Amongst the names of the poets included in this volume, the following are found : Hugh Morns, cir. 1<)90-1720 Owen Gwunedd, David ap Gwilira, Sion Tudur, William Llunn, Gruffydd ap Jevan, Rowland Jones, Dafudd Moras, Ellis Cadwalader, Dr. John Cent, William Philip, Kadwalad ap Robert, llhys Goch, Hugh Llwud Cynfel, Richard Cyn- wal, Richard Philip, John Phylip, Edward Urian, Dafydd ap Edmwnt, Thomas Prys, Ellis Row- lant, and many others. 1064 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : 32 WESTWOOD'S Miniatures and Ornaments of ANGLO-SAXON and lEISH MANUSCEIPTS ; One Volume, imperial folio, illustrated in a Series of fifty-four superh plates, most elaborately executed in exact facsimile of the originals in Gold and Colours ; with a descriptive text to each Flate, serving as a History of British Palaeography and Fictorial Art, (pub, at £21.) cloth, £11. lis 1868 33 the same, royal folio, superlly and eluhorately hmtnd in morocco, Keltic ornaments on sides, gilt edges, a bindhig expressly designed for this worh, a masterpiece of Bedford's skill, £22. 10* 1868 t^' In order that the Subscription List might absorb the entire number of Copies printed, Professor Westwood had stipulated with the Pub- lisher that 200 should be the entire Edition, and that the Stones should then be destroyed— this Flemish. 34 HOEtE BEATJE MAEI^, secundum usum Eomanum, cum Kalendario, 48mo. AN Illuminated Manuscript of the 15th Century, op the highest ' class of Flemish execution, on 176 leaves of delicate vellum, containing 14 elaborate and exquisitely painted full-page Miniatures, and 12 smaller Miniatures of Saints, all surrounded with borders of fruit, flowers, and birds. There are, besides, fifteen illuminated capitals on pages sur- rounded by borders. The Kalendar has twelve beautiful mioiatures indica- tive of the Seasons, accompanied by the signs of the Zodiac, square 18mo. hound in sealskin, in perfect preservation, £21. Sec. XV HAS been done. Only few copies remain for sale. A detailed prospectus can be had on appli> cation. manner. The volume is truly exquisite, and might easily be taken for a superior production of French art. Por the beauty of the writing and the quality of the vellum, this little MS. could not be sur- passed. The miniatures are very fine indeed, being designed and executed in a really first-class 35 PEOEECTUS EELIOIOSOECJM. Hier beghint dat Boeck Profectus Eeli- giosorum, dat is van Voertganghe geistelik missche — Siute Bernarts Epistel tot sinen Broederen — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. the front cover shewing three figures elegantly carved in high relief on ivory, enclosed by a massive bordering of elaborately worked brass, ornamented and set with 46 precious stones, a beautiful and marvellously well-preserved specimen of this fine old style of decorative binding, £50. Date at end of Fnfectus, a.d. 1466 36 BEEVIAEIUM EOMANUM, 4to. a fine Manuscript written in red and black, upon VELLUM, containing all the priestly ojfices of the Boman Church, with several large ornamental initials, painted in gold and enclosing MINIATURES, the first page encircled by an elaborate border, containing 5 Miniatures, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, from Trotter BrocketCs col- lection, 5625. Low Countries, Sec. XV Perfect and in singularly fine preservation ; by priests for their continual study — are, for that which is a very unusual circumstance in MS. very reason, among the rarest of all the old Breviaries. Besides it may be remarked that Liturgical M.SS. Breviaries — the books which were carried about 37 Histoire des Seigneurs de G-ayres, Eoman du XVe Siecle, public par Van Dale, 4to. a facsimile of the original MS. with numerous cu7nous illustrations, coloured like the originals, half red morocco, top edges gilt, £2. 16s Bi'uxelles, n. d. French. 38 BIBLIA VULGATA LATINA, cum prologis et nominum interpretatione, 8vo. beautiful MS. exquisitely ivritten on the finest vellum, with numerous initials illuminated in gold and colours, 62 of ivhich contain fine minute Miniatures ; in old calf binding rebacked, from the library of the Duke of Sussex, with his bookplate, £25. Sec. XIII Described in the Bibl. Sussex, I, pt. 1, p. Ixxiii. The volume consists of 490 leaves of the thinnest and purest vellum, 7^ by 4f inches in size. The text is arranged in double columns, very superior style of execution. One leaf is supplied in a handwriting of about the year 1600, by some monk of the Capuchins at Mante, to whose library the MS. then belonged — probably by the and the writing is a remarkably fine specimen of • Frater Jacobus, peccator miserrimus, whose name French Gothic calligraphy, perfect and uniform \ appears on one of the fly-leaves, throughout. Many of the miniatures display a ' PALAEOGEAPHICA: French. 10G5 39 BIBLIA LATINiV, cum prologis Sancti Hieronymi et Indice, stout small folio, fine Manuscript on VELLUM, icritten in double columns, tvithin double ruled lines, with the capitals in blue and redy some of the initials very neatly ornamented, bound in Levant yros-grain blue morocco elegant, richly tooled sides ajter the antique, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, by BEDroRr, £32. tSec. XIV As appears from the names scattered here and there on the margins, the MS. belonged to an English family of the name of Folliott or Efol- liett, about the time of Queen Elizabeth. A few lacunar appear in the text, and it is consequently sold not subject to collation. 40 BIBLTA LATIN A YrLGATA, cum Prologis, 12mo. MS. beautifully and very minutely written on the finest abortive VELLUM, with 44 lines per page, the writing on each page occupying a length of scarcely ^nore than four inches, ivith large initials, and rubrics and capitals in red and blue, a Table of the meanings of about 5000 Hebrew names at end, and, with the exception of the last leaf, in superb preservation, citron morocco, gilt edges, j620. ^ec. XIV boke," written on the last leaf, in a handwriting of the Sixteenth Century. This beautiful little MS. has been in English hands for more than three hundred years, as appears by the words " Jhon Ston oweth this 41 BIBLIA Sacea Latii^a, cum Prologis, stout 12mo. elegant Manuscript on VELLUM, with illumijs^ated capital letters, and a large initial to the book of Genesis, occupying the length of the page, and containing 8 separate Miniatures, the lowest one a Crucifixion, morocco extra, covered with blind tooling in the old style, £12. 12s Sec. XIV This MS. bears the presentation- inscription, of the hand-writing, and its perfect state of preser- dated 1476, of a Marcus of l^ologna, Avho was vation, make this volume a desirable acquisition, afterwards canonized by the Pope. It is written Notwithstanding the earliness of the Italiaa in double columns, each containing forty-five lines ownership, the MS. is evidently of Erench exe- in a space of 4g inches. The beauty and regularity cution. 42 BIBLIA LA.TINA Yulgata, cum prologis, very stout sm. 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM, 424 leaves, beautifully written in very minute and elegant character , with ornamental coloured initials and above 150 small MINIATUEES in gold and colours illustrative of the biblical history, each executed within a large initial letter, an elegant ampleborder round the first page, green vellum, gilt edges, from the JEnschede collection at Haarlem, £72. Sec. XIV entirely absent, which is a circumstance very un- usual in the illuminated MSS. of the time. The first leaf of Genesis is wanting ; otherwise the volume is quite complete and in very fine condi- tion. The first page of prologue is particular'y excellent, the ornamental borders being light and elegant, and the initial-miniature executed with remarkable delicacy and minuteness. The tout ensemble of the MS. is very attractive, and it really is a charming example of Calligraphy and Illumination. A beautiful Manuscript in the finest state of preservation and written on the thinest vellum, in letters so neat and small that every page is occu- pied by two columns of 56 lines each. It is evi- dently of Erench origin, judging from the lilied sceptre which is held by the King in the illustra- tion to Ecdesiasticus, and the lilies which are held up before the King in the miniature initial of Ecclesiastes. Each of the miniatures represents some subject in the book of which it adorns the initial letter, and the grotesque element is almost 43 E.OUM BEA.TJE MAKI^ Yirginis, secuj^dum ijsum Eomanum cum Calendaeio, small 4to. Manuscript on yellum, in a large and fine cha- racter of writing, ornamented with 14 eleg'ant Miniatures, numerous capitaii LETTERS, BORDERS, ^C. RICHLY ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLOURS, with numerous sixteenth-century MS. memoranda respecting births and baptisms in the De Nayinault Pamily on the fly-leaves, blue velvet, ±'30. cir. 1400 A fine specimen of the Early Erench '■^Livre I the fifteen Joys are linguistically curious, both dj' Heures,'' in which also the Erench prayers of | for phraseology and spelling. 4i HOE/E BEATE MAEIB secundum usum Eomanum, sm. 4to. Manuscript on VELLUM, with 49 MINATURES, including 24 small ones in the French Calendar, beautifully drawn, coloured, and illuminated, and with an elegant border round every page, old calf, £20 cir. 1400 and The Calendar of this fine volume is in Erench, ^fP contains the names of many Saints who '-^^A ear in none of the printed books of Hours. *^^ is gives the MS. a sjiecial interest beyond hers of its kind. Amongst these names is found that of Charlemagne, under the heading of the 28th January — " Saint Charles Koy de Erance,'' — which is never seen in any of the printed books, and which only appears in some of the earlier MSS-, before the time of Louis XI. inferred from the name of St. Aubert, in conse- quence, that the present Missal was written and used in the diocese of Cambrai. 3036 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: 45 HOR^ BEATJE MARINE VIRGINIS, Latine, cum Calendario, et in fine Precibus, GalUce,sm.. 8vo. Manuscript on tellum, with eleffant BOiijy^ns and numerous capitals, richly illuminated in gold and colours, ornamented with 4 MINIATURES {including one from a Dance of Death, " Death and the Lady") executed in colours heightened with gold, in ancient calf, the sides or- namented and the edges gilt, 36 10. cir. 1440 A fair specimen of the calligraphic and ar- not found elsewhere ; and at the end, there are tistic skill of northern France. The calendar is the Fifteen Joys of Mary and the Five Su2->pliccv- in French, containing the names of many Saints tions, also in old French, occupying 21 pages. 4(J ]\IISSALE SECUNDUM CONSUETUDINEM RoMANiE cvuiJE, folio, Manuscript of the sixteenth century, written in double columns, in a French-Gothic hand, on 208 leaves of pure vellum, preceded hy a calendar, and decorated icith several hundred richly illuminated capitals ; the first page of the Mass and the first page of the Canon surrounded hy illuminated borders of flowers, birds, and insects, into one ofivhich is introduced an Armorial Bearing, eld calf, gilt edges, from the Duke of Sussex's collection, £6. IGs 6d Sec. XV On the last leaf, in a fine hand of the seven- teenth century, there are added a lectio and sequentia evangelii, headed Sancti Autberti Ejyis- tola and Sancti Autherti Evangelium. It may be 47 SAINT BRIDGID. Eevelaciones Sanct?e Brigidse de Suecia, sm. 4to. neat MS. in an ancient Fretich hand, occupying 478 pp. of paper, in the original wooden boards covered with leather, <£3. IQs cir. 1450 This volume was formerly in the possession j treatise entitled Epistola soUtarii ad reges, by of the monastery of Celestines of Amiens. The " Elfonsus Episcopus Gynecis." Revelations of St. Bridgid are followed by a j 48 GrERSON, Petrus Blesensis aliique. A collection of EcclesiasticalTreatiFes, one of them in old French, the others in Latin, as follows : — 1. Petri Blesensis Basiligeronticon, sive compendium super Job. 2. De coUoquio vitioruni. 4. Gerbardi Zutphaniensis Tractatus de reformationevirium auimse perutih's religiosis. 5. Petri de Alh"aco Processus pro homine habitus contra diabolum a pud curiam Christi. 6. Jobannis Gerson Testamentum peregrini. 7. Ex- cerpta ex Vincentio in Speculo Historiali. 8. Sermo S Bernardini de Senis de beata Maria. 9. Epistola beati Ignatii ad beatam virginem. 10. Extracta de libro S. Bernardini de Senis qui intitulatur De euangelio eterno. 11. Qusedam exempla de monasterio Cluniacensi. 12. Traite de Ja Confes- sion, en yieux Erangois. 13. Speculum ecclesise Hugouis a Sancto Caro. 14. De Septem Sacramentis. 15. De quatuor euangelistis qui in figuris quatuor animalium prescribuntur — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. Manuscript on paper, 205 folios, ancient stamped calf, £4. 4s cir. 1450 Belonged to the monastery Celestinorum de Ambianis (Amiens) 49 HOR^ BEATJE MARI^ VIRGliNIS, cum Calendario et in fine quibusdam Precibus, Gallice, sm. 8vo. Manusceipt on tellum, by a French scribe, with BOEDEES and capital lettees richly illuminated in gold and colours, ornamented icith 85 Miniatuees (15 large arid 20 small) painted in gold and colours in ancient calf, gilt edges, ivith clasps, £14. Sec. XV A very interesting volume, with several Prayers at the end in old French, and memoranda on the fly-leaves, which contains a record of the ownership during the entire of the seventeenth cen- tury. In the year 1602, the widow of Frauijois Croiser, to whose father it had belonged, gave it as a wedding present to her daughter Elizabeth on the latter's marriage with Guillaume Nutrat, who has inscribed a memorandum to that effect, dated 1602. A son of Nutrat inscribes the next memorandum, ordering that the book be presers^ed by his descendants, giving the date 1638, but omitting his signature. Under this is a similar notice by Marie Nutrat, apparently the widow of the last writer. The final inscription is as fol- lows : — " En conformite de 1' intention de mes peres et meres, ce livre a este garde et est parvenu jusques a moy. Je prie mes enfans de le garder de mesme et je veux que par forme et droit de substitution graduelle et infinie il passe a laisne de mes enfans masles. Fait ce xx Febvrier, 1692. — Dupuys nore. septieme du nom. 50 HOR^ Beat-^: Maeije Yieginis, secundum usum Romanum, cum Calen- DAEio, sm. 4to. BEAUTIFUL Manusceipt ON YELLUM, bound in 1555 for ** Jaqueline Bouete Femme de Denis de St. Germain, Maistre des Comptes a Paris,'' ornamented with 15 very fine MINIATURES (13 large and 2 small) numerous capital lettees and elegant boedees, composed of subjects representing animals, fruits, fioivers, arabesques, Sfc. all finely illuminated in PALAEOGEAPHICA: German. 1067 gold and colours^ having the St. German Device and Arms painted on the first two leaves^ in the original calf, covered with gold tooling in the Grolier style, the initials of Jacqueline JBouete and Denis de St. Germain interlaced, forming the centre oi^nament, £S1. 10s S(Ec. XV "With the bookplate of B. H. de Fourcy. Some of the prayers are in old French. 51 PORTliAITS a la plume des Femmes celebres de la cour de Louis XIY, 4to. heautiful MS. on vellum, containing Sonnets, Songs, etc. with the Music, very finely written, 8 large portraits of ladies, and 4 grot clique figures which are probably caricature-portraits, all executed in pen and ink, bound in old red morocco extra, lettered on the side as above, 56'14. 10* cir. 1680 A most interesting volume, full of spirited verse, which might be attributed to the famous Bussy-Rabutin. The chansons-d-boire at the end are especially sparkling and vivacious. The lady whose portrait is the first in the book, is repre- sented as wearinir a small crown on the back of the head; another, whose poetical name is Silvie, strongly resembles the portraits of Mad«. Sevigne. German. 52 EYANaELIARIUM LATINUM, stout sm. 4to. a very fine MS. on VELLUM, ivith H pages of Music in Neumes, and 30 MINIATURES and large Initials, executed in a most singular style of A^t, the figures of the Evangelists depicted in a very grotesque manner^ in the original leather-covered wooden binding, £84. circa 1040 Dedicated to the Virgin by the original scribe or owner, in four monkish verses, written in uncial characters, on the first page, as fol- lows : — Virgo Maria, tuus Abbas Ruofrictus Respice reddentem Tu pia, placatum Hunc librum dat tibi seruus Prumiensis nomine dictus Tibi jureque vota voventem Faciasque tuum sibi natum. Ruprecht, Prince-Abbot of Priim, ruled between the years 1026 and 1068. 53 BIBLIA HISTORICA, seu Speculum HuMAis^iE Salyationis, Germanice, thick folio, Manuscript, so Uttered, containing a translation of part of the Bible in old Alemannic German, on 466 leaves of paper, afeio of them torn and mended, with above 180 large coloured illustrations of historical subjects of the Old Testament, besides initial letters, all executed in the bold rudo style peculiar to the Grerraan monastic manuscripts which immediately pre- ceded the block-books. The volume opens with twelve large designs, occupying the entire page, representing the Creation and History of Adam and Eve ; many of the others are equally large, but the greater number are about half the size of the page. The whole is evidently the work of one hand, and only one sort of paper has been used, which is of strong texture, and has one water-mark throughout, viz. the Head of a Bull, of singular form. At the end of the Book of Judges occurs the name of the scribe thus, "Finitus est liber iste per me Cunradum Schlapperitzi,'' in an ancient oak binding, brass bosses as corners, 36*50. a.d. 1445 The date of this extraordinary MS. is written on a portion of the illustration " als die zobrerin Samiil ufl' wakt das er Sal wisagty." The inscrip- tion runs thus: "Anno dni m.cccc.xlv da wart dis gemachet am d . . . ." the last word which is imperfect being no doubt the name of the place where it was done. The book contains, not a mere history of the Bil)le as the title Avould indi- cate, but a translation of the Scriptures, from Genesis to 2 Kings, 14, rendered with tolerable accuracy and different from any of the known German versions. The language is very curious, being in the Swiss or Alemannic form of High- German. The temiination U occurs frequently as a substitute for lein and heit. Sals drig suin stands for SauVs three sons ; the plural termina- tion in thochtrcm is noticeable; as is also the orthography of adnody (einode), ainlift, for eilffte, sett for sagte, sig for sei, and the use of stattly for stadt or stadtlein, tunUy for dunkel- heit, heliehen for glauben, etc. The initial letter of Genesis is printed from an elaborate wood or metal-engraving, enclosing a design of the An- nunciation which is in striking contrast to the excessively rude art of the drawings. These are however very interesting, and many are the full size of the page, the others occupying more than half. The vohime opens with twelve large de- signs, representing the Creation and the Story of Adam and Eve, on the last of which, in a co- temporary hand- writing, is the famous couplet: Do Adam rut un eua span Wer was do ain edel man. (When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then a gentleman ?) and under them in a somewhat later hand the third line is added Dem got soliche eren gan (To whom God such honors gave.) The story of Samson is illustrated by 25 drawings, the Book of Ruth by six, and the other portions of Scripture by the remainder. In addi- tion to the 187 large drawings are numerous others of bordered capitals, borders, &c. composed of figures of Animals. Fruits, Flowers, and Gro- tesques. On the fly-leaves at end, also in a hand- writing of the period, are recorded the years of scarcity from 1608 to 16U inclusive, the price of corn, visitations of the Plague, War, &c. The sheets are in many places bound up without correct succession. 1068 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : 51 Hymnale, cum Precibus, Latine, thick 12mo. MS. on paper, pr oh ably the first leaf wanting, £S. Ss a.d. 1387-90 The above dates occur on a couple of pages, I near Erfurt. The book is a rich treasury of as well as the name of the Carthusian Monastery | monkish rhymes. 55 BIB LI A LATINA, a primo Eegum libro usque ad librum Hester, cum pro- logis Sancti Hieronymi, large folio, a beautiful German MS. of 165 leaves on VELLUM, with thirteen finely executed Miniatures in large initials {mostly 3i inches square), eight of them illuminated in gold and colours, the other five etched, the writing large and clear in an elegant Gothic character ; the begin- ning and end slightly damaged, morocco, blind-tooled, gilt edges, £2Q. ca. 1440 The uncolourcd Drawings are done with so i they have a wonderful resemblance to engrav- niuch softness, delicacy, and minuteness that | ings. 56 LIBEE BELIAL JxVCobi Palladini de Tiieramo, Germanice. . . . Puch daz da betracht ob ihs Marien sun daz reclit hab behabt da er die holl un' die tuefel hat beraubt an dem tag du er fiir alle menschen die mart' gelitte' hat, sm. fol. 70 leaves, neat old German MS. on paper, with 35 large and spirited DRAW- INGS, coloured and partly illuminated ivith gold, stamped Dutch vellum, £130. Anthonius Huttel de Pairmenchingn hoc scripsit domino sua Gabriele Miiller, hoc tempore scriptor suus, 1450 An extraordinary religious Romance, com- posed towards the end of the fourteenth century, in Latin, and translated afterwards into most of the European languages. The present MS., which is interesting and valuable from several points of view, seems to be the prototype of the earliest printed German version, which appeared about 1462, previously to the publication of the first Latin edition. The work has been considered by some to be the grotesque creation of a coarse mind ; by some to spring from the blasphemous ideas of an impious one; and by others to be the production of a far-seeing Reformer. Whatever be the truth of these conjectures, the book was placed upon the Index Expurgatorius, although the author died in the enjoyment of his high ar- chiepiscopal functions. John Huss was an enthu- siastic admirer of it, and a prognostication drawn by him from its pages was one of the causes of his condemnation. The plot of the story is, that Belial, as advo- cate of Lucifer, pleads before King Solomon in an action against Christ, who is represented by Moses, for robbery of souls from hell by means of his crucifixion. The two advocates are sworn on the gospels to speak the truth " gerechticlich und aun gefar;" and, as Prosper Marchand has well observed, the champion of Heaven is not only inferior to his opponent in argument and ability, but even in courtesy. Belial is cool and polite, quoting with aptness and cogency the texts of Moses, weak and confused, frequently sinks from irritability to abuse; " . . . . und sprach in zorn zu dem Belial, Hor du schalck Belial," etc, A curious feature of the work is that it fol- lows exactly the whole form of process in the Ecclesiastical Courts, from the first citation to the final Judgment on Appeal, and is at the same time the earliest known record of such proceed- ings. The drawings, thirty-five in number, are of no common order; in design and execution they recall some of the best productions of the early German artists, and if they be the work of the scribe Anthonius Rtittel, which scarcely seems probable, his name deserves to be rescued from obscurity. It is a rare and interesting feature of this manuscript that it bears the names of the copyist and his employer — rather an unusual cir- cumstance — and also of two of the next earliest owners. On the first page appears the following in- scription: " Mir Matheus Swartzen geherig, 1531, vom allten Michel Ewller kauff't." The translator's preface refers to a circum- stance generally considered non-existent in the days of Roman-Catholic Europe, but proved by a direction *' daz man die hayligen geschrift in yedlicher sprach aygner gewonhait reden sol." There are but few MSS. now known to exist of the German translation; and admirably illus- trated as the present copy is, it may be considered unique. scripture on which he founds his case, while Italian. 57 EYANGELIA Quatuoe, Latine, cum Prologis, Aegumentis et Beeyi- ARiis, Latine, small folio, fine Ancient Manuscript on VELLUM, with canon of Eusehius, picture of St. Matthew, and initial letter finely ornamented in the Byzantine style, without the leaf containing the commencement of St. MarJi s Gospel, bound in gros-grain red morocco elegant, handsomely ornamented after the antique, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, enclosed in a solander case covered in rich blue Geneva velvet, and lined inside with white silk velvet, lettered on morocco, by Bedfoed, £72. Sec. XI 58 BIBLIA 'LArm A, ioWo, fine old MS. o?z VELLUM, 238 leaves, original oak boards, covered with stamped leather, £30. Sec. XII ^ A biblical codex of high value, not only for its ] 27. Padre Vercellone describes and cites the pre- antiquity and importance as a text, but also for j sent MS., by the title of " Codex U" in his the beauty of its calligraphy. It begins with : " Variae Lectiones vulgat. Lat. Bibl. editionis." Genesis, xxxv, and ends with 4th Kings, xviii. 1 PALAEOGEAPHICA : Italiaoi. 1069 5i) EVANGELIUM SECUNDUM JOANNEM, cum Commentario et Qlossis, sm. 4to. MS. on vellum, with an illuminated grotesque initial, heing tlie letter 1 in the form of a bird, strongly whole-hound in russia, gilt edges, £5. Sec. XII-XIII A very good paloeograpliical specimen of I the best and freshest state of preservation. It Italian work, written upon smooth fine vellum, in | was probably executed in North Italy. GO PEISCIANI GEAMMATICA. Ars Prisciani viri eloquentissimi Grammatici, sm. 4to. MS. on VELLUM, 211 ff. original Medicean binding, £10. 10^ Sec. XIII Gl BIBLIA SACEA LATINA, cum Prologis S. Sieeontmi, stout folio, fine ancient MS. on vellum, probably executed in North Italy, with painted and ornamented initials, the letter F which occupies the entire length of the first page being a remarkable specimen, £21. Sec. XIII A fine codex of the Bible, valuable as well subjoining the king's remarks regarding the God for its text as for the example it affords of a good and early school of calligraphy. The character of the various headings and finislines indicates the influence of a very ancient style of penmanship ; and this, in connection with the arrangement and j^culiarities of the text, shews that the scribe fol- lowed some codex of the eighth or ninth century. At the top of the first page there is the following memorandum, in a fourteenth-century hand: " Liber iste est loci et conventus Sti. Augustini de Monte Regali." This Mons Regalis is prob- ably the town now known as Mondovi, which was founded by the fugitives from Milan, after its de- struction by the Emperor in 1162, and which speedily rose in prosperity and importance, as a cathedral-city and bishop's see. The MS. is not complete : an exact list of contents, in Italian MS. perhaps fifty years old, is inserted at the beginning on four leaves of paper. A summary of these contents is given below. The prologues of St. Jerome arc prefixed to the various divi- sions. The two supplementary chapters of Daniel which Jerome added from Theodotion to the original twelve chapters, are given in this manu- of Daniel, which form the last veise. Numerous noteworthy variations from the textus receptus are found scattered through the volume. Contents : Genesis to Judges, without the large initial of Exodus and Numbers, the last few lines of Joshua, and in Judges the first three chapters and xx 12 to the end ; Job, without i-iv 17 ; three books of Kings, beginning i. ii. 9, and including the first chapter of the fourth book is the final chapter of the third ; the fourth book of Kings, beginning IV 36 ; two books of Chronicles, without chapter 29 of the first and 1 — 31 of the second ; Isaiah, beginning the latter part of cap. 49, ending with 65 ; Jeremiah, without the first chapter. Lamen- tations, Oratio, Baruch, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Hosea, Amos, Abdias, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbakuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, Ma- lachi ; Psalms, 1 — 110 ; Proverbs, wanting half the last chapter ; Book of Wisdom, v 17 to end; Ecclesiasticus, iii to the end ; two books of Ezra, wanting the last chapter ; two books of Macca- bees ; Matthew's Gospel i-xii 12; St, Paul to the Romans (without beginning), to the Corin- thians, and to the Ephesians. script. They end with the words coram eo, not 62 JUSTINI clarissimi historici super historiis Trogi Pompei Epythoma, 4to. fine MS. on VELLUM, 125 leaves, bound in parchment, £S. 15s Sec. XIY 63 CLIMACO. lucomincia el prolago del frate che volgarevo questo libro decto ClilMACO (Santa Scala del Paradiso) 4to. fine MS. on VJSLLUM, with mi- niatures on the first page, 390 pp., bound in green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £40. cir. 1375 61 BERNARD, Saint. EpistolaB Y. de modo vivendi, Speculum Mouachorum, Epistola admonitoria, de vita solifcaria, ad parentcs ; Tractatus de ordine vit89 et morura institutione ; de interiore Domo ; de edificando conscien- tiam ; de gradibus humilitatis et superbie ; de gradibus confessionis ; de gradibus obedientie, Sermones, Preces, etc. 8vo. MS. on vellum in the original Medicean binding, £3. 3s Sec. XIV 65 OROSII HisTORiAEUM adversus Paganos Libri VII. sm. io\\o,fine Manuscript on Vellum, first page richly illuminated in gold and colours, with name of the Scribe and date at end — " Scriptus per Johanninum de Squassis sub Anno Domini mccccxxx," morocco, super extra, joints, gilt edges, by C. Smith ; from Mr. Hanrofs library, £12. 1 2s Sec. XV (1430) On the fly-leaf Mr. Hanrott has written : I that of any of the printed editions, except the " This is a valuable MS. ; the text far superior to ) first, with which it nearly agrees." GO GALLO DE MONTE SANG (Phylenio). Per la Florida Madona Lylia Veta. di virtu ornatyssima, Sonetti e xVLTRE Kime, 8vo. the first page illu- minated with a miniaticre, half morocco, £8. 8s Sec. XV 67 PEISCIANI de Grammatica Libri XV., sm. 4to. 243 ff. brown morocco, gilt edges, £7. 10s Sec, XV 1070 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: 68 PETRARCA, TRIUMPHI, small 8vo. /we Manuscript upon vellum, «(.^/A thirteen capital letters, illuminated in gold and colours hy a first-class Italian artist, heautifully bound in Venetian morocco, hy C. JLewis, £12. 12s Sec. XV for bosco. In the second canto, line 11, udir for A most valuable codex, as may be seen by the short list of remarkable variants noted below. Several MSS. of the Triumph! exists in Italian libraries, tut many are imperfect and most of them incorrect. Palermo in his catalogue of the Palatine Library at Florence describes one copy which has '• notevoli variant! dalla lezione co- raune." The few instances he quotes are also found in fhe present copy, but in one instance shewing a very superior improvement. As a short specimen of the numerous variants which make this MS. imperfect, the following list is given. Amore, I ; line 19. L'habito in vista si leg- giadro et nuovo (printed editions, Labito altero inusitato e novo.) Line 25, Nulla tenea pero non maglia o scudo (contra le qual' non val elmo ne scudo.) 33. Che per sua man di vita eran divisi (ch'anzi tempo ha di vita Amor divisi) 79, Gio- vencel mansueto (mansueto fanciullo). 117, Cha morte et tul sai bene amando corse (ch 'amando come vedi a morte corse) 129, chamor perseguito per tante ville (ch'Amor e lui segui per tante few lines from the end of canto I, it saper; 17, Re for ne. The second canto of the Amore is placed fourth in order. In it, the sixth line reads iacrimando instead of ratjionando. The 44th and 46th lines are: che del nostro furor sense non valse che sol quel che piu ch'altriin virtu salse; a much superior reading to the printed text which has false on line 44 for valse, and gives the 46th as, Quel che sol piu che tutto I'mondo valse. This difference is one of the most remarkable that could be found. In the Castita, the nineteenth line has furor dimpeto, a reading which corrects the printed texts furor di X>eUo and romor di petto. Line 24, vapori o venti for fiamma e venti, 38, dun a fugace cerva, for di fugitiva cerva; 40, paruto for stat' ivi ; 51, legno for nave ; and in the last line, fra quai cognobi for fra quali io vidi. At the beginning of the Morte, the MS. has 18 lines more than the printed edi- tion, and its 19th and 21st differ entirely from the first and third of the latter. On the 24th, ingegni for inganni. Between the Morte and the Pama there are 163 lines, beginning : Nel cor pien da- marissima dolce(;a. ville). A has dieron for renderon, potre por porria, selva 69 EVANGELIUM (S.) Matth^i argeco-Latinum, small folio, MS. of the XVth centurv, on Paper, with Miniatures, damaged hy fire, in a morocco case, with Sec. XV St. Epiphanius, in Pavia. The Nicene Creed in Greek, and a record of the donation of the book, are found at the end. The text of the Gospel is perfect. fiapSy £15. A veiy interesting volume, containing several very singular Miniatures executed in colours, in a style marked by oriental influence. The Devil tempting Christ is one of the subjects. In 1465 this Manuscript was presented to the Convent of 70 PSALTEEIUM DAYIDIS, Grseco-Latine, sm. 4to. a fine MANrscEiPT of Italian workmanship, on 130 leaves, the Greek and Latin in parallel columns loith rubricated initials, brown morocco ea^tra, gilt edges, £5. 15* Sec. XV 71 HIEEONYMl (S.) Epistolj^, folio, a beautiful 3IS. of the XVth Century, written in double columns, on 321 leaves of the finest Italian vellum, rubri- cated, the capitals in colours, and the first page illuminated, old binding, £5. 15'« Cent. XV 72 Epistol^, sm. folio, fine MS. on yellum, 286 leaves, the first page heautifully and elaborately bordered in the interlacement style, vellum, ^*12. Per Joannem Oi'assum Carpensem, Ferrarce, 1467 73 JUYENALIS et PEESII Sattrje, in 1 vol. sm. 4to. fine Manuscript on vellum by an Italian scribe, the Juvenal dated 8 Kal. April 1452, and the Persius 5 Kal. Maii 1452, with ornamental border to the first page containing a Coat of Arms, and capitals illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, £16. 16s 1452 74 CICERO (M. i?.) DE Oeatore ad Quintum Fratrem ; Sallustii in M. T. Ciceronem Oratio ; Pontis Pilatus Kegi Claudio ; Epistolse Caesaris copiata ex Exemplari habito ex exemplari Petrarce, quam ipse Petrarca auream dicit, in 1 vol. 4to. fine Manuscript of 135 leaves upon VELLUM, ivith elegant Ara- besque initials, illum.inated in gold and colours, the first page decorated by a beautiful border of interlaced work, adorned with figures of birds, a butterfly and -flowers, having the arms of Antonius de Campanatiis painted in the lower compartment, an elegarit Manuscript, in very fine preservation, caf, gilt back, £15. Written by Peter Swilden of Liege, 1458 75 CICEEO (M. T.) CICERO de Legibus, Manuscript on vellu?n, finely written and ornamented with initials richly illuminated in gold and colours, olive morocco, gilt edges, hy C. Lewis, from P. A. Hanrolfs collection, £10. 10s Sec. XY PALAEOGEAPHICA: Slavonic. 1071 76 OFFiCIUM BEAT^ MAEIE Vhiginis secundum Consuetudinem Ko- MANJE CuRi^ — Septem PsxVLmi Pen^itentiales- — Oeficium Sanct^ CllUCiS — Offtcium Mortuorum — PsALMi Graduales, cum Kalendario, 48mo. an Italian MS. on 296 leaves of vellum ; each of the five dioisions having its first page beautifulli/ and delicately 'painted, the first leaf of the Officium bearing at foot the arms of one of the Medici Family, with several half borders, well designed, in gold, bound in red velvet, gilt edges, £12. 12^ Sec. XV The exquisite grace and finish of the illumi- [ the many colours in them, must be seen to be nated first pages, and the wonderful harmony of | properly appreciated. 77 OFFICIUM Bentre Virginis MarisB secundum Consuetudinem CuriaB Eoman83 cum Calendnrio, 16mo. Manuscript on VELLUM, beautifully written by an Italian Scribe ybr a Member of the Family of Aldobrandini, whose Arms are painted beneath the first two Miniatures, adorned with letters of gold, illuminated capitals, elegant borders, and 11 superb miniatures, chefs- d'oeuvre of their kind, and evidently done by a master hand, bound in blue velvet, gilt edges, £22. circa 1490 From Sir Thomas Gage's library. Amongst illuminated Missals and Books of Hours, this little gem must take the very highest rank. Such an example of Calligraphic Art is not easily met with. In that age of Tuscan mag- nificence, when Art and Literature both revived and rose to the summit of their grandeur, all that genius could devise was lavished to adorn the luxuries of the great, and this beautiful little Prayer-book is a specimen of what could be ac- complished at the desire and for the pleasure of a great Prince of the Church. 78 AEISTOTELIS Ethica Nicomachea, Greece, 24mo. Manuscript on vellum, a beautiful specimen of Greek writing by an Italian scholar, said to be probably the elder Aldus, whose handwriting it greatly resembles, red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Bozerian Jeune, from Eenouard's Collection, £\0. 10s cir. 1490 Formerly in the library of the Abbey of St. IVIartin at Laon. Although attributed as above to Aldus, the great beauty and freedom of the writing would rather point to a Byzantine scribe, accustomed from childhood to such graceful exer- cises of the pen. 79 CHEONICA de tuta la proyintia de Venexia: Come Atila Flagelum Dei vene in Italia e la destrutione lui fexe. ... 2. De li Ee e Imparadori. ... 3. De tuti li offitii e dignita de Veaexia. ... 4. Chronica (fino al) 1490. ... 5. Tute le Chasade de li Zentil Homini de Venexia, in 1 vol. sin. folio, 170 emblazoned escutcheons, velvet binding, 5612. 12^ about 1500 80 EAFFAELE, LOGGIE NEL VATICANO, 3 parts, atlas folio, ^^ large en- gravings, most of them double, by Yolpato and Ottaviani, all beautifully coloured in exact imitation of the originals, the first two volumes in old red morocco, the third in a portjolio, excessively rare when complete in this state, £180. Boma, VlTl-ll The number of plates in the three parts is 14, 13, and 12, which, with the General View, the plan of the Gallery (on three sheets), and the two plates of the doors (marked A, B) compose a total of 43. The present copy has, however, 44, a duplicate of the General View being added in the third part, and varied by artists who co- loured it so as to seem a different issue. This third part is entirely painted with claque colours, heightened with illuminations in gold, and the sheets enlarged and thickened, so that every sepa- rate plate seems a large painting. 81 Galleeia di Fieenze. A series of 77 ver^ larae Original Drawings of the Architecture of the ELOEENCE GALLEEY, giving the Elevations, Orna- ments and Details, also the Statues and Busts which adorn it in their actual positions, finely executed in Indian Ink, atlas folio, hf bound red morocco extra, gilt edges, unpublished and unique, £8. ca. 1810 Slavonic. 82 EVANGELIA SLAVICE, quibus olim in Eegum Erancorum oleo Sacro inun- gendorum solemnibus uti solebat Ecclesia Eemensis, edj. Silvestre, Latine vertit Kopitar, royal 4to. the entire MS. reproduced in singularly exact and beautiful facsimile, on 63 plates, with the Latin translation facing every leaf, without the leaf of text to plate 51, morocco extra, blind tooled in the old style, gilt edges, £d. 13s 6d Lut. FariSy 1843 Only 100 copies printed, most of lyliich were purchased for Russia. 1072 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : Spanish. 83 EUIZ. ExECTJTOiiiA T Sentencia de Eidalguia de JErancisco Euiz, sm. folio, MS. on Vellum, written in a hold gothic liand^ with the official signatures and illuminated initials, hf. hd. £2. 2s Granada, 1558 There are several peculiarities of spelling in privileges from invasion by the corporation of this MS. It seems that Ruiz was obliged to ob- the city of Medellin. tain this oiRcial recognition in order to protect his 84i MOEALES. Carta de Hidalguia a pedimiento de Graviel de Morales vzo. de Caravanchel, folio, Spanish MS. elegantly written on vellum, with headings painted and illuminated^ in the original hlacJc morocco binding, repaired and rebacked, gilt edges, £5. 1573 A fine specimen of Spanish calligraphy. It I from Philp II. of Spain. is also valuable as being a Patent of Nobility j 85 SALAZAE (Lope Grarcia de). Cronica de Espafia hazanas de sus Eeyes Linages y Casamientos de Familtas ilustees, dichos y heehos de guerreros, etc. sm. folio, old Spanish MS. vellum, £5. air. 1590 Salazar composed this chronicle about the , that the volume belonged to an Abbot. It contains year 1492. It has never been published, and only exists in fragments in a few Spanish libraries. The above copy is not a complete one, but con- tains a very large portion of the work, 131 leaves, as appears by a note at the end which declares stories of the Moorish wars, disputes between the nobles, memorable deeds and sayings; but its chief value is its genealogical sketches of Family His- tory. The author is mentioned by Antonio at p. 330 of Vol. II. of the Bihliotheca Vetus. 86 YEEDE BAEAONA. Caeta Executoria de Hidalguia de Sangre, &c. &G. de D. Miguel Yerde Baraona, Vecino de Sepulveda, folio, the Oeficial MAis^rsCEiPT, beautifully written on 145 leaves of vellum, with finely illumi- nated Capitals, {the last coiitaining a characteristic portrait), and Headings in gold and colours, the first two pages originally occupied with paintings, which, however, as well as a few leaves of the book, have been injured in Sotheby's fire, each leaf officially stamped, and autograph signatures of the Marquis del Arco and others at end, red morocco extra, £10. Valladolid, 20 Agosto, 1695 Spanisli American. 87 EETEATOS de los catorce INCAS del PEEU, 14 large Oil Paintings on canvas, averaging 21| by 23| inches, with inscriptions designating the name and succession of the monarch, the Original Pictures from which Herrera engraved the portraits of the Incas for his great work " Hechos de los Castellanos," in 1599, £105. cir. 1550 Executed in Peru in tbe.time of the Con- which is an actual portrait of the last Inca quest by some Spanish Artist, after the Peruvian Atahuallpa. paintings, with the exception of the fourteenth, 88 Padilla (Jos. de) Infans Adamat Philosophia Silentium, sm. 4to. a curious un- published 3IS. containing a Logical Treatise, neatly written on paper, pp. 370, ornamental title, bordered with figures of natives of various classes, and two coloured engravings, 15^ Mexico, 1755 89 Laea, Biografias de los Obispos de la Puebla de los Angeles, Puebla, 1843 — Marin, sobre los idiomas Otomis, with specimen of the la?iguage, Mixguia- huala, 1837 — and other pieces in 1 vol. sm. 4to. MS. on paper, bds. 7s Gd 1837-43 ORIENTAL. Egyptian. 90 PAPTEUS. Sepulchral Manuscripts from Tombs near Thebes, in the Demotic charater of the ancient Egyptian language of the Hieroglyphics, £5. Ante Christum, cir. 1500 Formerly in the possession of Belzoni who brought them from Egypt. He considered them as being about 3680 years old, but if we abridge his reckoning by about 400 years, and look upon them as contemporary with Moses, these little slips of old Egyptian MS. are sufficiently vener- able. PALAEOGRAPniCA: Oriental. 1073 Arabico-Egyptian. 91 EVANG-ELIA TV AEABICE, stout sm. 4to. fine Manuscript, elegantly written on homhy cine paper, with large paintings of St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John, executed in the Byzantine style, on a gold ground, and ornamented vnth three heautiful illuminations {each filling the entire page?), the various intitulations and numerous ornamental stars all illutninated in gold and colours, brown morocco extra, edges rough gilt, £36. j' ^gypt^ cir. 1200 This valuable volume contains long prefaces to the Gospels, different from, and much more ex- tensive than those vi^hich are found elsewhere, whether in Greek or Arabic. It was presented to the Avocat, Grougnard, by C. Sicard, a Jesuit at Cairo, in 1725. The former presented the MS. to a Mr. Brinsden, who has written a memor- andum on the fly-leaf, to say that he had shewn it (;n the 7th December, 1736, to the celebrated Father Montfaucon, who gave his opinion that it had been written in the Xllth or XII Ith century. On the 9th September, 1766, Doctor Thomas Hunt (Professor of Arabic and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford), declared "it was his opinion that it was five hundred years old, finely written and of great value." 92 ALE LAILAH WA LAILAH : The Thousand and One Nights, in Aralic, 4 vols, stout sq. Svo. plain Ma.nusoript, unbound, ^12. 12^ A. H. 3245 The text of this Codex offers variations from i is well known that perfect MSS. of the Alf those of the Boulak and the Calcutta edition. It | Leileh are extremely rare. 93 PSALMS. Select Psalms in Coptic on one side and in Arabic on the other, with parallel passages in Coptic and Ethiopic, Manuscript on vellum, on A ROLL, {about 70 by 2^ inches) on shittim-wood rollers, £2. 2s Sec. XVI A former possessor, probably English, has I Coptic, in a neat handwriting, about the year written an interlineal Latin translation of the j 1700. Arabico-Mauritanian. 94 KiFATATU t-Talibi e-Eabbani : Muhommadan Law-Book in Arabic, a com- mentary by 'All binu '1-Hasan, the Malekite, upon the legal treatise of Ibn Abi Zaid of Cairuwan, sm. 4to. ivell and clearly written in the Muglirabi cha- racter, native binding, a rare worky 255 Sec. XVIII Arabico-Indian. 95 Dalail-u 'l-Khaieat ; the Gruide to Good AVorks : an ancient and famous Prayer Book much used in Africa, 12mo. beautifully written within gold and coloured lines, with illuminated ^Anwan and illuminated Jieadings to each part, a very elegant little MS. in native morocco binding, enclosed in a green silk bag worked with gold thread, a fine specimen of Indian work, £2. 2s Sec. XVIII Hebrseo 'Asiatic. 96 PENTATEUCHUS, Hebraice sine Punctis ; Manuscript, a transcript of the Codex Hillel, finely written in a very large bold character, apparently for an Oriental Synagogue by a Jewish Scribe, on 45 skins of vellum, measuring 100 feet in length, and 2 feet Q inches in breadth, on two rollei^s, with silk cover, ^eiO. Sec.^Nl One of the largest and most remarkable co- might be Spanish, although the MS. is refen-ed pies of the Pentateuch in 'existence. The cha- to an Oriental origin. racter is uniformly large, square and fine, and Hebrseo-Germani c 97 THE PENTATEUCH, the Megillotk (Esther, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesi- asticus, Canticles) the Book of Job, the Haphtaroth, all with the Tab gum of Onkelos, and the Masorah : together 3 vols. (Vol. 1, 105 leaves, Vol. 2, 150 leaves, Vol. 3, 190 leaves), atlas 4to. on Vellum, written in a fine bold character J probably of German execution, in double columns, bound, £36. cir. 1400 A splendid MS. formerly in the possession the inscription at the end of Deuteronomy, which of the great De Rossi, who has prefixed to each shews that the book was written by Isaac bar volume a list of a few of the variants. The text Simliha for the Rabbi Meir bar Nathan. The is written in the right hand column, the Chaldee great Number of VARI^ LECTIONES Targum in the left. De Rossi has decided, from supplied by this Codex renders it of the greatest internal evidence, that the MS. was not executed importance to students of the Hebrew Scrip- later than the year 1411, and probably was tures. earlier. This opinion is presumably derived from 1074 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : 98 LtTURGIA Hebraica, cum punctis, small folio, Tine MANUSCRIPT of the XVIIth Century, upon tellum, written in hlach ink, interspersed with red and green, with ornamental headings, one of them finished with green and gold, the margins of a few leaves ornamented with curious draivings, in fine preser- vation, bound in morocco, with joints, in a case, £10. Sec. XVII It is cnrions that the first erasure made by I for apostates" (let there be hope). the censor in this volume, is of the words " and | HebrsDO-Italian. 99 BIBLIA HEBRATCA, cum Punctis, stout 12mo. a teey BEArTiFUL Ma:n-u- scRit'T ON- Vellum, written in a minute and exquisitely fine Italian hand, with the initials finely illuminated in gold and colours, red morocco super extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £55. Sec. XV The writing and the vellum are both so very 5249 {I7th December, 1488). fine, that the Manuscript may be looked upon A rare peculiarity is the use of the name as a perfect gem, and one of the most desirable Ahashuerus as the title of the Book of Esther. articles in my entire stock. Besides, a codex of The calligraphy is singularly fine; the illuminated the complete Bible is seldom met with. headings are very rich, and the Arabesque orna- The Pentateuch was completed 17 Chisler mentationof the first page is elegant and graceful. 100 PRECES ET Pr.5:cepta ITebr^orum, Hehraice, sm. 4to. MS. on vellum, a heautiful specimen of Calligraphy, written in very elegant Romano- Jewish Cha- racters, tvith points, and having the commencing words in letters op gold, surrounded by ornamental borders, painted in various colours, richly bound in green velvet, the sides and edges protected with centres, {having a lion rampant and three stars, as arms, engraved upon them), corners and clasps of solid silver, ^•35. Sec. XV Illuminated Hebrew MSS. by Italian Artists the finest state of preservation. Some of the are of very rare occurrence. This elegant speci- Prayers are intennixed with Benedictions in Ita- men of Italian Art was a marriage gift, and is in lian, but written in Hebrew characters. 101 TEPIIILLOTH: Book of the Jewish Common Prayer, stout 18mo. Manu- script ON PINE YELLUM, elegantly written, black morocco, gilt edges, £3. 10s The handwriting in Italian, and very neat. The I are of a peculiar style. Rabbinical characters which appear at intervals | Turkish. 102 RUZ-NAMEH, an Almanac, in Turkish, beautifully written and richly illumi- nated with gold, on a roll 4 feet long, from Warren Hastings' collection, £3. 8s (Constantinople) A. H. 1233 An exquisite specimen of the best Osmanli I very fine and minute. The calendar comprises calligraphy "and illumination. The writing is | the years 1233-1318 (1817-1901). Persian. 103 'AHLI' OF SHPRaZ. Complete Works of one of the most famous poets of Persia, fol. exquisitely written and illuminated in the most delicate and grace- ful style of Persian art, the figures of the splendid Anwan somewhat defaced by Sunni zeal, but the beautiful borders and ornaments in perfect preservation, Persian binding, elaborately gilt and decorated inside and outside, enclosed in a case, £21 circa 1550 101 BABA FIG HANI of Shiraz. Poetical Works, 8vo. elegant Persian MS. written on tinted paper, sprinkled with gold, native binding mended, the out- sides gilt, the insides painted, £4. 4^ Transcribed by Muhammed Yusuf of Kashmir, a. h. 1018 105 AKHLAQI MUHSINL The Morals of the Beneficent, by Husain Va'iz KisHEFi (author of the Anwari Suhaili), large 8vo. beautiful Persian Manu- script, written within gold lines, in fine gilt native binding, £2. 2s a. h. 1029 106 JAM I, Tiisuf va Zulaikha, the celebrated poetical Romance of Joseph and Zuleikha, 8vo. MS. i7i Persian, elegantly wt^itten in the Taliq character, the text surrounded by gold lines, headings written in white letters on gold grounds, elegantly boimd in morocco extra, native style, with overlap, £2. 10s Sec. XVII PALAEOaEAPHiCA : Oriental. 1075 107 SADI'S Gulistan and Bustan, folio, Jine Persian MS. in elegant TdUq charac- ters, with illuminated ^Anwdn, and 19 Miniatures, morocco, gilt back and edges, £5. 5^ Sec. XYIII 108 CALLIGE/APHT. An imperial 4to. volume, containing 11 leaves of tinted carton 'paper, with specimens of exquisite Persian writing by 'Abdu l-Muznib Kale 'Alt, calf, £3. 3^ A. H. 1218-19 Indian. 109 HINDOO MYTHOLOGY: A full series of all the Deities and In- carnations OF THE Brahmin Eeligion, with some Portraits of Indian Princes, and a few figures of native ladies at toilet, etc. — together 111 ex- quisite DRAWINGS, compi'ising about 250 subjects, the largest measuring 14 inches by 10, carefully designed and executed in rich colours and gold, hy most accomplished Native Artists during the last Century, Persian and Sanscrit notes above each Drawing, with unarranged Plnglish explanations made in India ; all the Drawings mounted, and bound in 4 vols. fol. old blue morocco, gilt edges, £t)0 {ca. 1750) 110 SEI BHAGAVAT. Life of Krishna, in SANSCRIT, stout sm. 4to. a fine Brahminical MS. of 960 pp. written in a bold and plain hand, in the Deva- nagari character, with 147 large DEA WINGS, each the full size of the page, all brightly coloured and many of them silvered, representing the various incidents of this incarnation or Avatar, oriental stamped binding, from the library of Dr. Clarke, £25. 1233 (a.d. 1817) 111 ADI GEANTH: the Sacred Book of the Sikhs, a fine bold MS. in Punjabi, in the Gurumukhi character, stout folio, 467 leaves, strong native binding, £7. 10* 1874 (18 17) The religious books of the Sikhs are regarded I to Sir John Malcolm, it is almost impossible for with so much veneration by them, that, according I a foreigner to obtain a copy even in the Punjab. 112 Sikh Prayer Book, 32mo. Punjabi language in the Persian character, written in amulet form within circles, native binding, octagonal shape j 2os Sec. XVIII Seized in a house in Mooltan by Lieut. I stormed in 1849. Graham of the Bombay Kilies, when that city was \ 113 FEEISHTA. Chronicles of India, by Mohamped Qasim Hindu Shah Eirishtah, in Persian, stout folio, fine old MS. written in a clear and bold Tdliq character, perfect and in good condition, native binding, from Mr. Mor- lefs library, £10. 10^ Scec. XVII-XVIII 114 AETAUD DH: BEAUYILLETTE, Mtthologie Iconologique des Brames, small folio, 52 coloured and illuminated Drawings of Hindoo Deities, copied, " avec la plus servile exactitude" by this French savant from native originals, the names of the divinities all added, with a MS. title and prefa- tory notice, old French green morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 1790 Burmese. 115 The KAMMAVACHA; Eite of Ordination to the Buddhist Priesthood, a beautiful Pali MS. written on nineteen leaves of the palmira tree, in the Burmese character, richly gilt and lacquered black, on gold ground, in fine con- dition, 21\ inches long and 4 luide, enclosed within two gilt boards, from the Marquis of Hustings' library, £4. 4s Sec. XYIII 116 another and still finer copy of the same book, on 26 leaves, 21 inches by ^\, splendidly ornamented in a similar matin er to the preceding, and enclosed between two gilt and lackered boards, £6. 5s Sec. XYIII Singalese. 117 EouR Tracts in one volume, sm. 4to. Singalese MSS. on 76 leaves of rice-paper, sd. £2. 2s Ceylon, dr. 1800 Chinese. 118 CHINESE MYTHOLOGY, a volume roy. folio, containing 100 beautiful Draw- ings BY Native Artists, painted on the finest cotton-paper, and mounted on thick drawing paper, all coloured in the most elaborate and artistic manner, representing the Deities, Demi-gods, Sages, and Heroes, of the various systems of Chinese Mythology, with an explanatory Index in MS. by Dr. John M. 3 M 1076 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LO]S"DOX : Morrison, son of the Lexicographer, and, equally with his father, a profound Chinese scholar, hound in red morocco extra, gilt edges. £100. China, cir. 1830 A SUPERB VOLUME. It fomis such a Gallery i done with admirable taste and skill, and could not of Chinese Mythological Paintings, as could j have cost the original possessor less than £200. scarcely be collected now in China. The work is | 119 MYTHOLOGY. A Collection of 37 large Eepresentationsof the Deities of China, painted in vivid Colours on Eice-paper bj a Native Artist, in a russia portfolio, in atlas folio, with leaves, £3. 155 Sec. XVIII 120 another interesting Collection of 20 large Drawings in outline of Chinese Saints and deified personages, on 24 sheets atlas Uo. size, £3. 16* Sec. XVIII 121 NOVEL or Eomance, in Chinese, MS. on fine silk, icith 10 large Drawings repre- senting the progress of the hero and heroine, and their friends, including land- scape and other illustrations, all beautifully drawn and coloured and executed in a superior style, mounted on paper, and forming a roll lo feet long by 12 inches wide, £7. 7^ Sec. XVIII 122 ALEXANDEE (J. E.) Thirty-five elaborate Drawings of Chinese Costume, Shipping, Scenery, &c. highly finished in water-colourSj with MS. description,' £10. cir. 1830 A remarkably fine series of drawings, much I think £129. A few of these drawings have been superior to those produced by more modern artists. A similar series fetched in 1868, at Christie's, reproduced in small, in Mr. Medhurst's work on the Chinese. Japanese. 123 JAPANESE ENaEAYINGS. A small folio volume, containing 29 coloured illustrations of Manners, Costumes, Festivities, Edifices, etc. of the Japanese native binding, ZOs ? Yedo, cir. 18G8 124 another collection of 18, chiefly Landscape, illustrations, with figures, 2ls ? Tedoy cir. 1868 Javanese. 125 PLAYING- CAEDS. A set of 39 cards (a common card wanting to complete the 40) in four colours, yellow, brown, green, and red, with four eourt-cards in each colour, all executed by hand on card-board, and gilt, £2. 2s cir. 1820 Probably executed by native artists, under Dutch influence, as is suggested by the European costume of the figure which corresponds to the king (perhaps intended to represent the Governor). The four distinguishing marks of the suits are a sabre, a Malay kris or crease, a daisy, and another Malay. 126 G-ENESIS, in Arabic, with an interlineary Malay translation, folio, MS. pos- sibly executed in Java, subscribed by Ibn Ayub abu Yahya, and dated the year of the world 7587, limp vellum, uncut, £1. 4^ Sec. XVII It is questionable by what system of Chro- I date would be 1715, but the former owner cata- nology the scribe dated this book: if he used the logued the work as marked with a year equivalent generally received Septuagint computation, the i to 1680 flower. The court-cards are the governor, a lady in a mixed costume, a horseman, and the ace which always appears as being swallowed hy a dragon. The other cards are the two, three, four, five, six, and seven. ;9l Diplomatics, Bibliography of Manuscripts. 127 ANDER80NI Selectus Diplomatum et Ndmismatum SCOTIA Thesaurus cum Indice Nominnm et expositione prsecipuarutn Eamiliarum cura Euddi manni, roy. folio, containing 110 plates of Coiis^s, Ancient \^ea.IjS, facsimiles o^ MS. Charters, etc. fiiw impressions, mor. extra, gilt edges, £V2. 12s JEdin. 1739 128 ASTLE (Thos.) on the Origin and Progress of Writing, royal 4to. Second Edition, with additions, portrait, the plates unfolded, containing facsimiles of early Writings, (pub. £10. 10.s') olive morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3« 1803 Priced, 1824, Rivington and Cochrane, £5. bs ; fetched, 1859, Sotheby's, ^"5. IO5. 129 BAIiEOIS (J.) Elements Carlovingiens linguistiques et litteraires, 4to. large PAPER, calf exto^a, gilt edges, \Ss JParis, 1846 130 CAEPENTIEHI, Glossarium Novum ad Scriptores Medii ^vi, sen Supple- mentum ad Gloss. Du Cangii, 4 vob. folio, plates, calf gilt, £^. 3s Far. 1766 131 CURZON (Hon. E.) Catalogue of Materials for Writing, Early Writings on Tablets and Stones, &c. tvith facsimiles, £2. 16s 1849 Privately printed, for circulation among the author's friends. PALAEOGRAPIIIC: Diplomatics, etc. 1077 132 ELLIS (Sir Henry) General Introduction to DOMESDAY BOOK, 2 vols. 8.vo. fine copy in olive morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Clarke and Bedford, £3. 16s 1833 133 HUMPHEEY'S Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages, with an Account of the Derelopment and progress of the Art of Illumination from the lYth to the XYIlIth centuries, folio, illustrated hy a series 0/31 examples of the size of the oriyinals, selected from the most beautiful of the 31SS. of the various periods, executed o?i stone, and most heautifully printed in gold, silver, and colours hy Owen Jones, (pub. at £16. IQs) hf bd. red morocco^ gilt edges, £6. 15s 184.9 134 the same, imp. folio, large paper, half morocco, gilt edges, £10. 184:9 135 lElARlE (Jo.) Eegise Bibliothec® iVIatritensis Codices' Gr«ci MSS. Yol. 1 {all published), old red morocco, gilt edges, arms of Spain on the sides, £1. Is Matriti, I7t39 136 another copy, large paper, in rich old Spanish red morocco, gilt edges, arms on sides, £2. 2s ih. 1769 137 MA BILLON de re Diploma.tica libri YI ; accedunt commentarius de anti- quis regum Francorum palatiis, veterum !Scripturarum varia specimina, etc. 1706 — Sdpplementum, 1704 — 2 vols, in 1, stout roy. folio, upwards of 60 large plates of Facsimiles of Old Charters, etc. and woodcuts, old calf £28. Lut. Paris, 1701-9 138 idem opus cum supplemento, cui subjuncta est Appendix Nova ex secunda editione, in 1 vol. folio, calf gilt, 32s 1681-1709 139 the same, but without the Nova Appendix of the second edition, 1681- 1709 — Carpentierii Alphabetum Tironianum, 1747 — in 1 vol. folio, calf gilt, 32s 1681-1747 140 MEEINO, Escuela paleographif^.a, o de leer Letras antiguas, desde la entrada de los Godos en Espafia, folio, with 59 plates of facsimiles of Spanish MSS. calf, £2. 2s Madrid, 1780 141 MONTFAUCON (B. de) Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum Manuscriptorum Nova, 2 vols, folio, vellum, 16s Paris, ]739 142 NAMUE (P.) Bibliographic Paleographico-Diplomatico-Bibliologi([ue generale, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. 12s Liege, 1838 143 NOUYEAU Traite de Diplomatique, par deux Eeligieux Benedictius (Dom Ch. Fr. Toustain et Dom Tassin), 6 vols, plates, calf gilt, £5. 17s Qd Paris, 1750-65 144 EODEIGUEZ (Chr.) Bibliotheca Universal de la Polygraphia Espafiola, ^or- trait, and engraved facsimiles of manuscripts, ^'c. half bound, uncut, £2. 2s Madrid, 1738 145 SILYESTEE, Paleographie Universelle. Collection de facsimile d'ecritures de tous les peuples et de tons les temps, tires des plus authentiques documents de I'ai-t graphique, chartes et manuscrits existant dnns les archives et les bibliotheques de France, d'ltalie, d'xlUemngne et d'Augletcrre ; publiee, d'apres les modeles ecrits, dessines et peints sur les lieux memos, par M. Sil- vestre, accompagnee d'explications historiques et descriptives, 4 vols, atlas folio, ORIGINAL edition, With 300 magnificent plates, containing specimens OF EVERT STYLE OF CaLLTGRAPHY AND FACSIMILES OF THE MlNIATURES,/rOW the choicest MissaU and Charters in the " Bihliothtque Nationale,'' many of them SPLENDIDLY ILLUMINATED, (pub. at £75. ill parts) French hf. hound green morocco extra, top edges gilt, uncut, a picked subsci'iption copy,diliy. 1841 A TRULY MAGNIFICENT WORK, HOW VERY I Philippe. It is one of the finest books in the world, RAKE, published uudcr the auspices of Louis | and cost nearly £20,000 in production. 146 S1LVESTJ?E'S Universal Paleography, or Facsimiles of the Writings of every Age, taken from the most Authentic Manuj^cripts existing in the l>ibraries of Prance, It:;ly, Germany, and England, containing upwards of 300 large and beautifully executed Eac^similes, luany richly illuminated in the finest style of art, with Descriptive Letter-press by Champollion Figeac and CiiampoUion, jun., translated into English, with additions and corrections by Sir Frederick Madden, 2 vols, atlas folio, and the Text, 2 vols, royal 8vo. half hound morocco extra, £25, ISoO 3 M 2 1078 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LOIS^DON: 147 WALTHEEI (J. L.) Lexicon Diplomaticum, cum Supplemento (an important book for deciphering Ancient MsmuBCviipt^) ^ plates, wanting plate k in the Supplementary illustrations, but the Dictionary complete, half bound, uncut, £1. 12s UbncB, 1756 148 WEST WOOD (J. O.) Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria ; being a Series of Illustra- tions of the ancient Versions of the Bible, copied from lUutiiinated MSS. executed between the IVth and XVIth Centuries, with 50 richly illuminated engravings, £S. Ss 1843-45 Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon and Irish MS. see ante. XYLOGRAPHY. ANTE-TYPOGRAPHIC PRINTING, ENGRAVING. 149 Das Puch haist WOCHENLICH ANDA.CHT zu SELIOKATT deb WELTLICHEN MEJNSCHEN, folio, BLOCK BOOK ON VELLUM, a series of Xylo^raphic engravings, coloured and finished idth darkened gold, upon 33 pp. or 17 leaves of vellum, with an illustrative text in German MS. in the original oak boards, covered with hogskin, £210. (JJlm or Augsburg, cireiter 1400) diiference, No. 99, described in the Collectio Weigeliana, attributed there to 1440-50, but is evidently more ancient. The eighth is a represen- tation of the angel Gabriel's Annunciation to the Virgin, and is clearly from the same original as the two prints, Nos. 18 and 81 of Weigel's col- lection, which are, however, much larger and more elaborate. In the scroll which bears the words aue gra plena do' the letter g is turned the wrong way, shewing that the engraver was not yet completely accustomed to the reversal of the legend upon the block. Dr. Zestermann con- cluded that the two larger engravings referred to were produced about 1415-1425 ; that in the Wochentliche Andacht is certainly twenty years older. In reference to the former, Mr. Weigel {more Anglico, M. Weigel), writes of the design as one " welcher die Verkiindigung beinahe ganz in derselben Weise darstellt wie sie der auf dem zweiten Einband- Deckel der Laus Virginis von 1417 enthaltene Spencer'sche Holschoitt wieder- gibt." This shews that an engraving heinahe like Weigel's, and consequently like No. 8 of the Andacht, exists of an earlier date than 1417. In fact, the design alluded to may be the same as the latter. No. 9, the subject of which is the Birth of Christ, contains the same design as No. 1 7 of AVeigel (attributed to 1415-25), but the latter is reversed and more finished. No. 20, Christ before Pilate, is of similar type to No. 262 of Weigel, but the costume of the figures is considerably older. No. 31, the Escutcheon or Symbols of Christ, — a very curious design— is differently coloured from, but otherwise evidently in precise conformity with, No. 45 of V\ eigel, the date of which he estimates from the colouring as about 1460. The awkward way in which the letters i. n. r. i. are engraved on the head of the cross, shewing that the en- graver had not yet mastered the necessity of the inversive process, points out that No. sl of the Andacht was executed at least as far back as the beginning of the fifteenth century. No. 36 is very closely similar to Weigel's 32 and 82, which he attributed to 1440. Weigel's Nos. 44 b. and 98, which he attributes to 1450-60 and 1440-50, seem to resemble Nos. 38 and 40 of the Andacht. They are, the Holy Ghost descending on the Apostles, and the meeting of the Virgin and S. Elizabeth. The same may be said of No. 45, A unique and most extraordinary volume, wholly unknown to the writers on Bibliography and Xylography. It may indeed be called a singular curiosity, as there is no other block-book printed on vellum known to exist. Moreover the combination of manuscript and xylography is of so unusual occurrence that this volume possesses features of singular interest for the amateur. There is only one such instance noted in the catalogues: it is No. 239 of the Collectio Weigeliana, '• Xylographische Ausgabe der Ars Moriendi mit deutschera handschriftlichen Texte,"— attributed by Dr. Zestermann to the last quarter of the fifteenth century, and conse- quently inferior both in age and importance to the v.)lume now under notice. It should be men- tioned here that the first half of the Wochentliche Andacht is in a difi'erent handwriting from the remainder, in a peculiar browned ink; and that this half has been positively asserted to be not MS. but xylographic The work was probably produced in some monastery in Ulm or Augsburg about the beginning of the fifteenth century. It consists of nearly 70 engravings, illustrating the history of the Bible and the lives of the saints, which are impressed, sometimes one, generally two, occasionally three or four, upon every page. The printing of the designs was evidently done before the two scribes commenced their divided labour upon the pious work of Weekly Medita- tions. They are not all of equal size, but are generally about 3 inches in length by 2j in breadth, impressed upon the left of the page, and enclosed by a double border of black lines, to which the regularly indented lines of the MS. form an additional framework. Many of the engravings have xylographic legends, which by the style of the letters, and in one inttance a reversed g, shew that^ the work of the graver was done inversely, in view of producing the opposite effect after im- jiression, but in a very imperfect manner. The first engraving is the smallest of all. It stands at the head of the preface, and represents St. Jerome and the Lion. A closely similar en- graving, but on a much larger scale, more com- plete, and reversed, is reproduced by Weigel (No. 24'* as a work executed about 1430-1450. The third, which depicts the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, resembles, with a little XTLOGEAPHICA: BlOCk-Books. 1079 Christ on the Cross, in comparison with Weigel's Nos. 8 and 16, which he attributes to 1350 and 1380. Further collation of these designs with those in other books and collections is impracti- cable to a bookseller, but it is easily conceivable that a series of 69 (really 67) xylographic en- gravings produced in southern Germany at the beginning of the fifteenth century would be a treasure of the very highest importance in a collection of Incunabula where the proper and desirable investigation of its contents might be made with more facility. The language of the MS. has a special cha- racter of its own ; it is evidently in the old Sua- bian form of High German. The word signifying Apostle is Un;pot, which does not seem to be used any where else. In the names of the week-days' Eritag means Tuesday, and Pfintztag Thursday, both words being relics of ancient heathen Ger- many. Amongst the Saints, Magdalen is called die Heilige Piisserin, apparently an unusual de- nomination. The word Offenbarung is spelled Offenwarung ; eicenpild is given for ebenhild ; y is used for u, u for i, sw invariably for schw, ai for ei ; the umlaut is never marked over the altered vowels by the original writer, although a later hand has added the sign in most places. In many other ways the volume is linguistically curious; while an amusing specimen of monkish respect for vindictiveness is shewn by the red ink line which the rubricator has struck through the words ' ' un pit Got fur alle mein feind." List of the Illustrations. 1 . St. Hieronymus and Lion. 2. God and Satan sitting together, the latter turned towards a fire, angels above one, devils above the other. 3. Expulsion from Paradise. 4. Noah's Ark with two figures, devils flying out of it and the dove returning. 5. Abraham about to slay Isaac. 6. Moses and other figures, the sea closing over the Egyptians. 7. David and Solomon in the Temple. 8. The Annunciation, with xylographic inscrip- tion. 9. Birth of Christ. 10 Temptation of Christ. 11. Transfiguration on the Mount. 12. Christ preaching the Eight Beatitudes. 13. Christ stoned. 14. Passion in Gethsemane. 15. Jesus in double form, the Jewish soldiers fallen before him. Christ betrayed by Judas. Peter's Denial, Cock crowing. Christ blindfolded and reviled. Christ before Caiphas. Before Pilate. Scourging of Christ. Crowning with Thorns. Ecce Homo. Christ before Herod. Bearing the Cross. Christ stripped of his garments. Nailed on the Cross. S. Paul, with xylographic inscription. 29. Two kneeling figures, an angel and a devil with each, God above. S. Katherine, with wheel and sword. Insignia of Christ, with letters i. n. r. i. Birth of the Virgin. Mary presented in the Temple. S. Andrew, with inscription. APOCALYPSIS SANCTI 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. S. James the greater, with inscription. 36. S. Bernard's Vision of the Crucifixion. 37. A kneeHng Saint, female, an angel taking away a soul, a convent in the background 38. Descent of the Holy Ghost. 39. Duplicate of No. 8. 40. Meeting of the Virgin and S. Elizabeth. 41. S. John Evangelist. 42. S. James the less, with inscription. 43. S. Gregory and S. Jerome kneeling before appearance of Christ. 44. Two figures, with inscription Witben (Wi- dows). 45. Crucifixion. 46. S. Matthew, with inscription. 47. S. Bartholomew, with inscription. 48. S. Jude, with inscription. 49. A Bishop Confessor. 50. S. Martha. 51. Priest at Mass. 52. Christ and the Virgin enthroned. 53. Rome and a miraculous snowfall. 54. S. Mathias, with inscription. 55. S. John the Baptist. 56. A soul rescued by angels. 57. Mary and all Saints. 58. A moribund, in bed, with angel and devil. 59. God seated on a hill, holding a sword-point to his ear, with three small figures at foot. 60. Mary and two maids spinning. 61. Circumcision of Christ. 62. Christ amongst the Doctors. 63. Duplicate of No. 16. 64. St. Lawrence. 65. Mary Magdalen and Angels. 66. Slaughter of Innocents. 67. Christ exhibiting the marks of crucifixion, standing in front of the cross which is elevated on Calvary. 68. Assumption of the Virgin. 69. S. Simon. 150 JOHANNIS, small folio, BLOCK BOOK, 48 leaves o/ Xylographic printing, ike illustrations richly coloured, hound in old green morocco, with silk linings, gilt edges, from Mr. Corsers library, £550, cash. Clrc. 1420 For a description in detail of this wonderful volume, See No. 80 of my " Fine Arts" Catalogue. 151 LIFE OF THE VIEGIN". Two leaves of a very early Manuscript on TELLUM, containing a German Poem on the Life of the Virgin, illustrated with 5 curious engravings on wood, executed in the early part of the XYth Century, coloured at the time and heightened with gold, fol. £5. 5^ Gir. 1420 The text of the MS. is evidently much older ! the Virgin as exists in a Low German version than the copy. It is probably the same Life of j of the thirteenth century. 1080 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON perhaps metal and not wood engravings, repre- sent : 1. The arrival of the Angel to announce to Mary her impending assumption ; 2. Her ac- ceptance of the dress he bears to her ; 3. Her death, in the midst of the Apostles ; 4. Her funeral ; and 5, her assumption into Heaven. A specimen of the language. Do di zeit nu chome solde Daz Jesus scin mut' wolde In daz himelrich enpfan Vn si niht leger wolde han Auf erd beleibe zu ir sande Eiuen engel vo seine lande And again Ir sel rait dem wort auz giench Jesus ir sun di enpfiench. 152 LEBEN UND PAISSION JESU <^mil^'n, a large old coloured a^ylographic icoodcut tableau representing 18 subjects, 53 inches ly 16, with German typo^ graphical verses at foot ofea-^h, excessively kaee, ^t*5. 5^ hey JJlrich Hainly Briefmaler, zu Augspurg, s. a. cir. 1480 153 SCHOEPFE. A large XYLOGRAPHIO ENGEAYINCl, 14| inches by 10, representing St. Jerome kneeling before a CruciHx, behind which a lion is crouching, with a landscape of trees and a distant city in the background, and an owl perched on a bough, coloured, and signed at foot " Michel Schorpp," pnsted on the cover of an ancient folio, £15. ( Ulm, circa 1180) There are two unsigned copies of the above [ with the first and earlier of the two : excepting engraving given in the " Gravures en bois des anciens Maitres Allemands'' of Becker and Der- schau, one a little finer than the other (Vol. II. A 19 and 20). The above agrees in every res])ect 154 AES MOKIENDI. Eacsimile of the EDITIO PEINCEPS or this woj^der- . EXJL BLOCK-BOOK : executed by photography from the unique copy in the possession of T. O. Weigel, royal 4to. 21 leaves, representing in exact facsimile this singularly heautiful Block-hook, in a portfolio, 56*3. Leipzig, 1869 the signature. 'lho.«-e engravings are there attri- buted to the " premier age de la gravure jusqu'a Albert Lurer." of the loth century ; conception and execution point to Lower Khenish origin, and it was hkely the work of the great artist Petrus Christus of Cologne, temp. 1438. Only 100 copies were printed Talkenstein in his History of Printing says, page 23 ; This Block-Book surpasses in the spirited expression of the figures, and in the ar- tistic use of the graver, every artistic production 155 BIBLIA EAUPEKUM, reproduced in facsimile from a copy in the British Museum, with an Introduction, by Berjeau, atlas l-to. 40 leaves of facsimile and preliminary text, (pub. at £2. 2.«) hf hd. 32* 1859 156 HOLTEOP, MOJS'UMEXS TYPOGRAPHIQUES des PAYS-BAS an XVe Siecle, Collection de Fac-simile d'apres les originaux converves a la Biblio- theque Eoyale de la Have et ailleurs, complete, 24 livraisons fonning 1 vol. atlas 4to. map and 133 plates of Xylographic and early Typographical im- pressions, (pub. at £12.) in jiarts, £j). La Haije, 1857-68 Only 200 copies printed. The 20th Livr. is j the highest importance for the Histoiy of Print- expected to complete the Avork, which is one of j ing. 156*HUMPHKEYS' History of the Avt of Printing, imp. 4to. 10^ plates of fac- similes from Block-Books and early printed works, cloth gilt, £2. 2s 1868 157 SAEDINI (Giacomo) Esame sui Principi della Erancese ed Italiana Tipo- grafia, ovvero Storia Critica di Nicolao Jekson, 3 vols, in one, folio, plates of characters, pcpermarks, etc very neat, hf. hound green morocco, gilt top, uncut, 25s Lucca, 1796-8 An important bibliographical account of the works of this great printer, 158 SINGER'S Eesearches into the history of Playing Cards, with illustrations of the Origin of Printing and Engraving on Wood, 4to. numerous plates and woodcuts, some of them coloured, calf, ^*3. Vjs 18 16 159 — the same, 4to. clean uncut copy, very scarce in this state, £4. 4^ 1816 160 SOTHEBY (S. Leigh) Pbincipia Ttpogkaphica : the Block-Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, issued in Holland, Elanders and Germany during The Eifteenth Century, exemplified in connection "V\'ith the Origin of Printing, with Notices on the Paper-Marks of the period, 3 vols. impl. 4to. illustrated with 120 large engravings, some in colours, in exact similitude of the very rare Original Block-Books, hf morocco, uncut, £7. 1858 .Only 215 copies of this work out of the 250 i presented to Public Libraries and otherwise espo- pinted were sold. The remainder have been j cially reserved, but not for sale. lOl Typogeaphiscuk Dknkmaleb und Biichermerkwiirdigkeiten aus dem XY, XVI, und XVII Jahrhunderten in der Bibliothek des Korherrenstiftes des iL Augustin zu Neustii't in T^'rol, 2 vols, sm. 4to. cl. 7s Qd Brixen, 1789-90 TYPOGEAPHICA: England. lOSl 162 WEIGEL : COLLECTIO WEIGELIANA : die Anfange der Druckeikun&t in Bild und Schrift : an deren friihesten Erzeugnissen in der WEiGiiL'schen Sammlung erliiutert von T. O. Weigel und Dr. Ad. Zesteemann, 2 vols, folio, with 14i5 facsimiles, and many woodcuts in the text, hf. hound, uncut, £10. Leipzig, 1866 Oiily 260 copies were printed of tin's most Prints, and every Public Library must have this important publication, the necessary companion to "Sotheby's Principia Typographica, 3 vols, folio, 1858," but executed with infinitely more ciitical sagacity and learning. Every distinguished Collector of Books and book, as the standard work of information and re- ference on the subject of the History of Printing before the art of printing with moveable types was invented by Gutenberg at Mentz. TYPOGRAPHICAL MONUMENTS, SPECIMENS OF THE EARLY PRINTING PRESS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. ENGLAND. Loudon and Westminster. William Caxton. S^THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ENGLAND,c^ WESTMINSTER, WILLIAM CAXTON, 1474. 163 CAXTON'S GAME AND PLAY OF CHESS MORALIZED, (translated 1474) first edition, folio, 65 leaves (of the 72), bound in old russia gilt, £400. gpnt)f {;tt) t!)e laft baif) of 5!}^ard)e tf)e t)cr of our Sorb ®ob, a t^oufanb foure {)onbreb anb Iniiiu ♦ ♦ . An extremely large, though somewhat imperfect copy of the fibst book PRINTED IN England, from Gaxton's press. Mr. Blades quotes 9 copies (4 perfect, 5 imperfect), the present is the loth known copy, and is taller than even the Grrenville — hitherto the tallest known copy; my copy measures Hi inch in height by 8 ia width, whilst the Grenville copy (also imperfect) is only 11 inches high. Collation oftni/ copy : t'k Z\)\^ SSoofe contet)netl) itii trat)tee§ 1 leaf. Zhi^ ftrjl chapiter of tl)e fi'rft txactaU 1 leaf Zi)^ trout^e for to bo Sujlicc rigl^t wpflp, etc. to the end . 62 leaves. The last leaf with the date : Sn conquerpncje l)i^ rigl^tfuU int)eritancc, endiny .- ft)nt)f()cb, etc. 1474 1 leaf G5 leaves. My copy wants therefore 7 leaves, the two blank ones being out of question. The imperfections include the first leaf, and two leaves in the second chapitre of the fourth tractate, the end is all right. I should be glad to hear of any imperfect copy of this work, which would supply mo Avith what I want. In the mean time this precious relic of the Iniancy gf Printing in England, can be seen by Buyers of Kare books.. See Dibdin's Bibl. Spenc. IV. p. 189. No copy of this edition has been sold for years ; in 1813, Alchorne*s copy, wanting first two leaves, the last two leaves and two leaves in the Becond chapter of the fourth tractate, fetched at Evans'S;, £54. 125. The 1082 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOlSr : value of this class of books has much risen since then, and may now be con- sidered, as ten times greater. In comparing the first edition of " Caxton's Game of Chess" with the second, one perceives many variations in the spelling. I consider the first edition to be the more interesting, for a variety of reasons : 1. It is the first book printed in England. 2. It is the Editio princeps of the English version. 3. It shows the Art of Printing in its crudest form. 4. It has a Post-script not in the second edition. Both editions run on together to the passage on the last page of the second edition : 2Cnb a mon t^ai lT)\)t)tf) in tl^pS worlb wftl^out t)ertueS (pt^etl^ not a§ a man but a6 a befte* The first edition ends thus : 2(nb ti^erefore mx) x\<^^t reboubtcb Sorb 3 pra^ almigl^tt) gob to fa\)e tbe ^png our fot)erain (orb to gt)t>e ^im grace to pffue a§ a ^pnge tabounbc in all t)ertue§ | to be affifreb xc'xt]:) all otl)er l)i§ lorbc6 in fuc^ n)t)fe m l)i§ noble rot)ame of (Snglonb mat) profpere | l)abounbe in \)ertueS anb pn fpnne mat) be efd)en)ib juftice fepte | tl)e rotjame befenbeb goob men retparbeb malefactour^ punpffl)ib t^e t)ble pcple to be put to laboure tl}at l)e n)pt^ tl)e noblc§ of t^e ro^ame map regne gloriouflt). Sn conquerpnge l)i§ rigfttfull inl)eritaunce | t^ai t?errappca6 anb cbarite map enbure in bot^ l)i§ ropameS anb t\)ai mard)anbife map l)at)e l&i§ coura in fud)e n)ife tfeat et)erp man efd)etr)e fpnne | anb encrefe m t>crtuou§ occupacionS I ^rapnge pour goob grace to reffcp\?e tl)i§ litpll anb fpmple boo! mabe unber X\)Z l)ope anb fl)abott) of pour noble protection bp l)pm tbat i§ pour moft l)umble fertjant in gree anb tl)anfe %x[\> 3 fl)all prape almig[)tp gob for pour long Ipf "c ttjelfare I vc>1:)\&)i ^e prefert)e 2Cnb fenbe ^ow tl)accomplifl)ment of pour l)pe noble iopou6 anb t)ertuou§ befir^ 2{men : | : gpnpffl)ib tl)e laft bap of mar»$)e t^e per of our lorb gob a, tl)oufanb four l)onberb anb Irniii/* : ♦ : /♦ The second edition ends thus : S£l)enne late et)erp man of xo\)at conbpcion l^e be t%at rebptl) or ^eritfe t\)\^ litel boof rebbe* iaXt tl)erbp enfaumple to amenbe l)pm. Svplicit per (barton, 164 CAXTON'S (Wm.) Game and PJaye of the Chesse, folio, woodcuts, hf. hound, £2. 2s Explicit per C ax ton, circa 1475 the woodcuts have also been copied with veiy great accuracy, and the whole is printed on a peculiar paper, made for the purpose. This is a most exact reprint of the second EDITION of this work, as originally printed by Caxton, admirably reproduced from types ex- pressly cast for the purpose bv Messrs. Figgins, 165 TOUR- LANDRY. (On p. 9, leaf a i) f^ere beggnnct]^ tje book W^b fte lmig!)t of tf)e toure ntatie, ^nti 0pi:ftetl| of mang fagte Ensatnpks antJ tj)m- ggsnEmcntgs anti tecllgng of \}iQ tiougijterg, small folio, splendidly hound in dark green morocco, covered with hlind tooling, joints, hlue morocco linings covered with gold tooling, silTc fig-leaves, gilt edges, hy Lewis, from the library of the Hev. Thomas Corser, £616. JVilliam Caxton . . . enprynted at Westmynstere the last day of Janyuer the fyrst yere of the reyne of hynge Richard the thyrd (1484) The translation was completed in June, 1483. Excessively hare, ONLY THREE other per- fect COPIES ARE KNOWN ; of which two are in the British Museum and one in the library of Earl Spencer. There is besides one imperfect one which is in the Bodleian. It is easy therefore to conceive that the present perfect copy may be considered unique as far as the collector is con- cerned : Lord Spencer's copy is never likely to come into the market, the other two are, of course, inaccessible, and the one now described is proba- bly the only copy that can be offered for sale within the next hundred years. Since the year 1698 only one other copy has been seen in the. public auctions; it was purchased by Earl Spen- cer at Brand's sale in 1807. The present one was bought at the Marquis of Blandford's sale in 1819, by G. W. Taylor ; from him it passed into the hands of Mr. Jolley, at the sale of whose books in 1843 it became the property of Rodd the bookseller. Since that time, it has been in the possession of the Rev. Mr. Cerscr. Consequently TYPoaEAPHiCA : England. 1083 this volume is perhaps the rarest and most unat- tainable in the whole Caxton series, and that con- sideration is quite sufficient to account for its high price. As one of the scarcest of the volumes printed by the first English printer, it must be precious to the eighty millions of English-speak- ing people in Europe, America and Australia, the richest and most properous race in the world, whose numbers and influence are growing greater with every year. About this work Mr. Corser said to me, in a letter dated Aug. 10, 1868 : " With regard of the Knight of the Toure, which was a fine and perfect specimen of Caxton's press, I do not won- der that it brought a high price, because no OTHER COPY CAN EVER OCCUR FOR PUBLIC SALE AGAIN." Wynkin de Worde. 166 HiGDEN (Eanulph) Polycheonicon, in whiche booke ben comprysed bryefly many Wonderful! hystoryes, Englysshed by Syr Joban de Trevysa, Chap- pelayn unto Lord Thomas of Barkley, folio, ijlacfe letter, (the title, last leaf, and Caxton's large device admirably supplied in facsimile by Harris), tine, LARGE AND CLEAT?- COPT, dark morocco extra, gilt edges, old style, by Fratty 26IO. JEnded the tliyr tenth daye of Apryll the tenth yere of the regne of Kyng Harry the Seventh, And of the Incarnacyon of our lord, M. CGCC. LXXXXV. Enprynted at Westmestre by Wynkyn The Worde, 1495 This fine early specimen of Wynkyn de Worde's press was bought for Mr. Thompson at Puttick and Simpson's in 1863. It fetched then £40. 19s, or with the Commission £45. Early English Books are now in much greater request, and have further risen in price. Hibbert's copy fetched £10. 15s; in 1813, the Alchorne copy, imperf. fetched £21. ; 1857, Stevens's copy, impf. £87.; 1860, Holland's, one leaf wanting, £24. ; 1860, Puttick's, wormed, and having title in fac- simile, £21. 10s. See Dibdin's Bibl. Spencer, IV. p. 398. " This book, as Ames properly observes, is printed from Caxton's edition of 1482, [Vide Vol. i. p. 138], 'with a beautiful new letter.* We learn fi*om ' An Introductorie Anno Dni M. CCCCLXXXXV,' at the back of the title, that it was executed at the request of Roger Thornye, mercer. " This book is justly commended for the beauty of its typographical execution : indeed it may be questioned whether any contemporaneous pro- duction of the foreign presses exceed it, in the regularity of the register, and lustre of the ink. A fine gilt copy of it, at the sale of Mr. Daly's books [vide Bibl. Daly, No. 553], a.d. 1792, was sold for £18. 5s." Ames and Dihdin, II, pp. 49 and 52. 107 BARNES or BEKNERS (Dame Juliana) Book of ST. ALBANS, containing the Treatises of HAWKING; HUNTING; Coat-Aemour; FISHING; Blasin^g of AuMS. Eeprinted in facsimile from the Edition printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1496, with bioojraphical and bibliographical Notices by J. Haslewood, small folio, blacfe letter, woodcuts, russia, gilt edges, from Mr. Corser' s library, jglO. 10s 1810 168 YoRA&iNE (Ja. de) Golden Lei^ende, named in Latyn LEGENDA ATJREA, That is to saye in Englysshe THE GOLDEN LEGENDE,/or lyke as passeth Golde in valewe all other metallys, so this legende excelleth all other bookes, folio, very spirited woodcuts, black letter, imperfecty but containing the Old Testament Saints, calf, fine tall copy, £28. Caxton's Mark (Wynkyn de Worde), 1498 leaf containing " The Lyfc of Saynt Moraute.' This, says Mr. Dibdin, " appears to have been the first vohime with which De Worde opened his typographical labours of 1498 ; and a rare and truly magnificent book it is, although most of the woodcuts, with which it is illustrated, are of the rudest execution." See Dibdin's Bibl. Spencer, iv. p. 402. This fine volume is as far as it goes in very fine condition ; the woodcuts are very spirited and differ from those in the edition of 1527. The volume commences with the Old Tes- tament Saints (Abraham) on sheet Bbij and extends to sheet Cg 5 leaves, or pp. 9-52 ; signa- tures commencing afterwards again a and extend to sheet D, or folios 1 — ccclxxxx. The last 169 THOMAS a KEMPIS. Imytacion of Cryst, by John Gl-erson, translated by Mayster Wyllyam Atkynson, sm. 4to. wanting the title and first leaf old calf, 56*12. 12* London, by Wynkyn de Worde (1502) This first edition is extraordinarily rare. It j till 1 504. contains three books; the fourth was not printed | 170 THEODULUS. Liber Theodoli cum Commento, sm. 4to. with Caxton's mark at end, vellum, neat, £2. Wynandus de Worde, 1514 Very rare. Fetched at Saville's sale, signature can only have been a blank leaf. There Sotheby's, supposed to he imperfect, 27s. It was are two vellum fly-leaves in the volume, contain- considered imperfect because the leaf a i, as in the present copy, was wanting ; but since the book begins with the Prohemium on a ii, the missing ing prayers in an English hand of the fourteenth century. 108i BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: 171 WHITTINTONI (K.) Editto de Declinatione NoMiNrM, tam Latinorum quam Grecorum patroQymicoruin et barbarorum, sm. 4to. consisting of sig- nature a, 7 leaves, and b, six leaves^ iilack letter, green morocco^ cropped^ gilt edges, eake, £i. 45 Londini, WynJcyn de Worde, Flete Slrete, s. a. {cir. 1516) This edition of Wynkyn de Worde was i words are explained in English. The types used unknown to Johnson, who only describes several for this work are stated to have heen the same of this work in Roman type. It is also unmen- j as those used by Theodoric Martens at Antwerp tioned by Dibdin and Lowndes. Many of the | for his Gemma Gemmarum. 172 Whittinton. Editio Eoberti Whittintoni Lichfekliensis Declinationes Noim ta Latinorii q; Grecorii .... sm. 4to. fine copy, Ids. £Q. Qs Wynkyn de Worde, 1517 This is a second edition of the preceding I owner, John Baynbrigge. article. It bears the name of an Elizabethan | 173 STANBEIDGtE (John) Yulgaria Stakbeigi (Latin and Engb'sh vocabulary and Phrase-book) sm. 4to. fine large copy in boards, with rough leaves, £12. Vis Wynkyn de Worde, n. d. cir. 1520 address to the children to "herke your vulgare" as otherwise the "sharpe morall sence" of the rod should be used. This is the very rare edition in 18 leaves, with woodcut of the master and three pupils on the title. Lowndes only mentions one copy which was priced £12. 12s. There is a curious rhyming 174 JFloure of tfje CommantiEmmtes of ©ot(, with many examples and auctorytees extracte and drawen as well of Holy Scryptures as other Docteurs and good auncyente Faders, the whiche is moche utyle and profytable unto all people ; sm. folio, woodcuts, Black letter, wants 12 leaves of tabula, with title page, at commencement, and X x 4-6 at end, extbemelt eaee, calf from Archdeacon Cotton's library, £12. 12« Emprynted at London, in Flete-strete, at the sygne of the Sonne, by Wynkyn de Worde, the xiii. yere of ye reygne of oure most naturell Fynysshed ye yere of our Lorde, M.ccccc.xxi. the viii. day of October Priced, 1826, Baynes, £18.; 1854, Gardner's copy fetched £26. 10s ; 1858, Sotheby's, a wormed One of the rarest productions of Wynkyn de Word e's press. It contains some marvellous rela- tions drawn from Scriptural and Secular Histories. copy, £21. 10s. 175 "WHITINTON. De Heteroclitis Nominibus : Grammaticse WhitintoniansD liber tertius de Nominum heteroclisi, smallest 4to. curious woodcut border round title, loith Caxtons mark, fine copy in bds. £2, 8« Winquin de Worde, 1526 Very rabe. English translations of most of the Latin words are printed under them. 176 YOElGrlNE (J. de) Legends atjeea, that is to saye in Englysshe, the Golden Legende, folio, blaefe letter, woodcuts, imperfect at end, and first four leaves supplied in MS. calf 58 10. Wynkyn de Worde, 1527 177 PILGETMAGE OE PEREECCTOlSr. A devoute Treatyse in Euglysshe, called the Pilgrymage of perfeccyon : very profytable for all chrysten people to rede : and iu especyall to all relygyous persones moche necessary. The auctour of this present treatyse hath added unto it the exposicyon of the Aue and the Crede, with dyverse other thynges (by William Bonde), sm. folio, Bladt Setter, quite complete, with the theee cueious folded WOODCUTS, (the first of them being in facsimile) exteemblt eaee, morocco, gilt edges, from Mr. Gardner'' s Library, £45. Imprynted at London in Flete-strete, at tlie sygne of the Sonne, by me Wynkyn de Worde, m.ccccc.xxxi. Vert rare. Dibdin had never seen it, and only described it after Herbert. Hazlitt does not mention it at all, and Lowndes merely states the existence of the impression without specifying any copy. Besides the above copy which fetched £31. at Gardner's sale, I have no memoranda of sales of any, except an imperfect one. Next after Caxton, the name of his pupil Wynkin de Worde is most famous in the annals of English typography. Although by birth a Lorrainer, he devoted himself to England, and did more than any other of the early English printers to spread knowledge by means of the press. So highly are his productions esteemed that a copy of the Contemplacyon of Sinners, published by him in 1499, fetched at Sotheby's about the beginning of May in the present year (1870} the enormous sum of £210. TYPOGEAPHICA : England- 1085 Richard Pinson. 178 LITTLE CHEONICLE. Here begynneth a lytle Cronycle, translated & im- I printed at the cost & charge of Kycharde Pyn- | son, by the cmannde- ment of the ryght | high and mighty prince, Edwarde [ duke of Buckingham, yerle | of Gloucestre, Staffarde, | and of Northamton, sm. folio, black letter, larffe woodcut on title, and printer s mark in woodcut at end^ whole red morocco extra, hy Bedford, £63. Richard Pynson, n. d. {air. 1520) ExTRAORDiNARTLT RARE, only one other copy printed by Pynson and having been (when in being known, which was sold at Heber"s sale for Mr. Heber's collection) bound with two other £•10. 9s 6d, and is now in the Grenville library. works (Mirrour of Good Manners and Sallust) both translated by Barclay, was probably also translated by him. It is a book of extraordinary rarity, no perfect copy that can be traced having previously occurred for public sale."— Greimlle Catalogue, 1—306. -Title and leaves 2-6 ; facsimile The travels of Hayton into the Holy Land and Armenia, and his history of Asia, is one of the most valuable of the early accounts of the east. The present is the only translation into English, and from the circumstances of its being 179 HORMANI VULGAEIA, 4to. Lojidon, 1519 ;- by Harris, 21^ ISO Beadshaw (Henry). Here begynneth the holy lyfe and History of saynt werburge very frutefuU for all cristen people to rede, sm. 4to. Black Letter rejprintfrom the original excessively rare edition, hf. calf, SOi* Bicharde Pynson, 1521 (reprinted Manchester, 1848) 181 ^m(B^ (©dF 532F3ai3e2:PI01 HENRY VlirS Primer, 12mo. London, 1513— Title, Almanacke, and Co- lophon ; 3 leaves in facsimile, by Harris, 21s William Bonham. 202 Ci^auctr, Cf)£ Wioxht^ of, newlv printed, with dyuers workes which were neuer in print before : sm. folio, black letter, wanting 8th leaf of prologue, old calf, £5. 5.9 William Bonham, n. d. Crawford's copy sold for £10. 5s. The "Plow- Anglo-Poet, and other bibliographers set tliciii man's tale" was first printed in this edition. down as the sanie book with the name of the printer This edition is entirely different from that changed, by Reynes in 1542, although Lowndes, the Bibl. 203 EABYAN. The Chronicle of Fabyan, whiche he hym selfe nameth the concordaunce of historyes, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, old calf £2. 12s W. Bonham. 1542 where." — Archhislwp Nicliolson. Priced; Bohn, 1831, £3. 13s 6d ; Thorpe, 1827, £5. 15s ed, do. 1827, £7. 7^. Payne and Foss, 1837, £5. 5s ; Bohn, 1841, £6. 6s ; Lilly, 1858, £12. 12s. This copy has no title to Vol. I. ; and is without leaves Sss 3 and 4, and part of leaf Qqq 4. " The first post in the fifteenth century is due to Fabyan, an eminent merchant. He is very particular in the affairs of London, many good things being noted by him, hardly to be had else- Reginald Wolfe. 204 LELANDI (T.) Genethliacon illustrissimi Eaduerdi Principis Cambrise, 1543 — Cygnea Cantio cum Commentariis, 5. a, (1545) — Laudatio Pacis, 1546 — Assertio inclytissimi Arturi Regis Britannise, John Herfbrd, 1544 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. fne copies in morocco, gilt edges, hy J. Mackenzie, £2. 2s 1543-46 A copy of the first article in this volume i pieces are rare and valuable. fetched £3. at Sir Mark Svkes' sale. All these | 205 EECOEDE (Eobert) The Pathway to Knowledg, containing the first prin- ciples of Geometric, sm. 4to. ilack letter, diagrams, fine large copy in calf extra, gilt edges, £3. 3^ Reynold Wolfe, 155 L First edition, and rare. For a description of 1 graphical Antiquities and Button's Mathematical this scarce and curious work, s^e Dibdin's Typo- | Tracts. 206 Eecoede's Castle of Knotvledge, 4to. curious woodcut title, and numerous wood- cuts and diagrams in the text, fine copy in calf from Miss Currer's library, £4. Meginald Wolfe, 1556 This curious book shews how far learning had advanced and become popularised in England at the time. It is dedicated to the Princess (then Queen) Mary, and to Cardinal Pole; and treats of Astronomy and the System of the Universe. Jolm Day and William Seres. 207 BIBLE, now lately with greate industry and diligence recognized (after Mathew's Bible by Edm. Becke), with Tyndall's Notes and Prologues, folio, black \t\XtX, numerous cuts. Title to Old Testament, and the twa final leaves of Index in facsimile, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, £30. Imprinted hy John Day and William Seres, 1549 Dr. Adam Clarke's copy of this edition was I Priced, Thorpe, 1847, £52. 10s. sold for £31. 10s. Gardner's fetched in 18.54, £40. | 208 BECON (T.) Works, in Verse and Prose, diligently perused and corrected, 2 vols, old calf, black letter, TERY -rab.^, first volume nut quite perfect, 5fc*8. J Day, 15G0-64 Probably the scarcest of the works of the Old Reformers to find complete and in good state. 209 COVEEDALE (Miles) Certain most godlt, fruitful, and comfortable LETTERS of sucK truo Saintes and holy Martyrs of God, as in the lato bloodye persecution here within this Healme, gave their lyves for the defence of Christes holy gospel, sm. 4to. hlmk hiitx, with thefovr rare leaves of addi- tional Letters at end, after the Index, morocco extra, by Bedford, j£6. Qs John Lay, 1564 their imprisonment, edited by the famous Cover- dale. A most interesting volume, containing the Letters of Cranmer, Ridley, Hopper, Taylor, Saunders, Bradford, Whittle, and others, during 210 COOPEE'S CHEONICLE contenynge the whole discourse of the histories as well of thys realme as of all other countreis, augmented unto the vii yere of the raigne of Queue Elizabeth that nowe is, (by Lanquet and Cooper) smallest 4to. ijlacK letter, two sinall wormholes, beautifully bound in old yellow TYPOGKAPHICA : England. 1089 morocco extra, inlaid with sides and corners of red and green morocco, edges gilt and gauffered, eake, £^. 4s sine typ. nom. 1565 Under the date 1452 appears the following I found the craft of printing in the city of Mens." statement : " One named Johannes Faustius tirst I 211 HADDONI (Walter!) Lueubrationes passim collectse et editse, studio et labore Hatcheri, a collection of orations and epistles, dedicated to Sir William Cecill — Haddoni Poemata, studio Hatcheri, collecta et edita, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. in citron morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. \Qs 1567 These very rare works are interesting, not - . - . less from the subjects, than from the numerous distinguished persons to whom they are addressed. There is much information of value for the his- tory of the Reformation contained in them. Haddon stood high in Queen Elizabeth's favour. Lowndes doos not mention this edition of the Poems, but only that of 1576. 212 GILD AS de excidio et Couquestu BritannisD ed. Josselinus, 18mo. coif, rare, 205 Lond. Day, 1568 Gildas is one of the least accessible of British I creased by the restored belief in its genuineness, historians ; and the demand for his work is in- | 213 TYNDALL, Frith, and Barnes. The whole Works of W. Tyndall, John rrith, and Doctor Barnes, Three Worthy Martyrs, and Principall Teachers of this Church of England, with a Preface by John Eoxe, stout sm. folio, ilack ItiitXjfne clean copy, russia, gilt edges, £5. Lond. John Daye, 1573 R. Stoughton. 214 MAETTR YEEMILL (Peter) Discourse or Traictise . . . concernynge the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper, sm. 4to. blacit letter, title within elegant woodcut border, fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, the stamped sides of the ori- ginal binding preserved, £4. 4^ B. Stoughton, n. d. {cir. 1549) Vert bare. Collation : 6 preliminary j and folios I — IKO. leaves, including the blank one before the title ; i Walter Lynne. 215 COVEEDALE. A Spyrytuall and moost precyouse Pearle, teachyng all Men to love and imbrace tiie Crosse, sett forth by the most honorable Lorde the Duke hys Grrace of Somerset, as appeareth by hys Epystle set before the same, 12mo. sheet ijfl supplied in contemjporary MS. calf neat, £S. Ss Lond. Gwalter Lynne, 1550 Vert rare : Sir Mark Sykes' copy sold for £10. 10s, the present one fetched at Ban- dinel's sale in 1861, £5. The Protector Duke of Somerset saw the work in MS. during his con- finement in the Tower, and it afforded him so much comfort, that on his release he caused it to be printed and graced it with a preface. The book has no indication that he was not the author ; but it appears that the original German was by Werdmiiller, and the translation by the great English reformer Coverdale. The former owner, "Thomas c * * * London, Habar- dasher," about 1570, has added several prayers in MS. at beginning and end, which are very curious. John Cawood. 216 MOEE (Sir Thos.) Woeks (including youthful Poems), ilatlt letier, very fine copy, with the rare letter from Sir T. More "to the christen reader," folio, russia super extra, sides ornamented with gold tooling, gilt edges by F. Bedford, ' a6*21. at the cost and charge of John Caivood, J. Walley, and B. Tottle, 1557 217 GELLO (J. B.) Circes, translated out of Italyon into Enghshe, by H. Iden, 16mo. iblack Utter, scaece, old English red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s John Cawood, 1557 Priced, Upham, 18.57, £3. 3s ; Sotheby's, 1857, £1. 17s. 218 MOEE (Sir Thomas) Works (including youthful Poems), Mark letter, very fine throughout, with the rare letter from Sir T. More " To the christen reader,'' stout folio, russia super extra, sides ornamented with gold tooling, gilt edges, by Bedford, a superb copy from Mr. Felix Slade's library, £21. at the cost and charge of J. Cawood, J. Wally ^ B. Tottle, 1557 219 BExiNDT (Seb.) Stultifera Nauis. The Ship of Fooles, wherein is shewed the folly of all Stales, very profitable and fruitfull for all Men, translated by Alexander Barclay, folio, blacfe Idler, with numerous curious woodcuts, good copy in russia, £10. 10^ London, by John Cawood, [1570] John Wayland. 220 BIESTON (R.) Bayte and Snare of Fortune (in Yerse), folio, title within woodcut border, blaeh letter, caf gilt, £2. 28 John Wayland, n. d. {cir. 1558) »;^* Scarce, Sir Mark Sykes's copy sold for £3. IO5. " A very rare booli."— Ptbdtil's^we*, iii. p. 531. 1090 BERNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: John Kingston. 221 Fabtaj^ (R.) Chronicle, 2 vols, in 1, folio, biacfe letter, large copy, hut Vol, 1. wants title and Vol. II. pp. 45-50, 83-88, 543-46 and 551-70 {in all 18 leaves), sold therefore loitJi all faults, £2. 2^ Ihon Kyngston, 1559 222 FABTAN'S CHEo:jfTCLE, which he nameth the concordance of Histories, newly perused. And continued from the beginnino^ of Kyng Henry the seventh to thende of Queen Mary, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, black letter, slightly wormed, hut a good copy in old calf £6. 6^ Loud, hy John Kyngston, 1559 Best folio edition. Gardner's copy sold in 185-i for £7. and the Roxburgh copy for £15. 223 WILSON (Thos.) Rule of Reason, contayning the Art of Logike, 1567— Wilson (T.) Arte of Rhetorike, 1584 — together 2 volt^. in 1, sm. 4to. iladt letter, woodcut titles,Jine clean copies in the old vellum hinding, 36* Lond. J. Kingston, 1567-84 John Tisdale. 224 BALE'S ^cteg ; or ^^ncjaste Example^ of tl^e (^nglgsfte Fotarp, gathered out of theyr owne Legendes and Chronycles, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. blacfe letter, without the title to the second volume, antique calf 28* London, John Tisdale, 1560 Priced Jas. Bohn, 1840, £2. 2s ; Sotheby's £1. 4s. H. Denham. 225 Painter's Palace of Pleasure, first edition. Vol. I only, blaclt letter, small 4to. wants title and 3 leaves of preliminary matter, and only goes to the end of " The Countesse of Salishurie,^'' p. 278, original calf, yert bare, 20^ H. Denham, 1566 226 YIRUNNII (Poutici) Britannicse Historiae libri sex, cum D. Poueli Catalogo Regum Britannise ; accedit Giraldi Cambrensis Itinerarium Cambriae, 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. fine copy in smooth red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £2. 2s H. Denham and R. Nuhery, Londini, 1585 First edition of the famous Avork of Giraldus j King John's tutor, "the oldest Topographer of Wales." He was | Richard Tottell. 227 GRAPTON'S (R.) CHRONICLE. This seconde volume, beginning at William the Conquerour, endeth wyth our moste dread and soueraigne Lady Qiieene Elizabeth, sm. folio, title within woodcut border, {wants the title to the second volume and 5 leaves), fine large copy, £5. 1568 228 Geaftots' (R.) Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande with Calendar, &c. stout 18mo. ilacfe Utter, calf gilt, 15s ^ R. Tottell, 1572 229 LITTLETON. Les Tenures de Monsieur Littleton, ovesque certein cases added per auters de puisne temps, 16mo. 25* Sine typographi nomine, 1581 Richard Jones. 230 LHUTD CHumfrey) Bbeviabt of Beitayne, as this .... Hand was of auncient time deuided into .... England, Scotland, and Wales, Englished by Thomas Tv\yne, 16mo. ilack letter, calf, yeet rare, £^. 3s Imprinted by Richard Johnes, 1573 Dedicated to the celebrated geographer Or- teliiis, and forming the chief source of the infor- mation concerning the British isles which he em- bodied afterwards in his Atlas. " This Edition of the Breviary of Britain is so scarce that Mr. Tho. Hearne of Oxford never could meet with a complete copy but that in the Earl of Oxford's Library ; Bishop More offered to Mr. Kalph Thoresby for his copy its weight in gold." 231 WHETSTONES (G.) Miroue foe Magesteates of Ctties, representing the Ordinaunces, Policies, and Diligence, of the Noble Emperour, Alexander (surnamed) Severus, to suppresse and chastise the notorious Vices noorished in Rome, by the superfluous nomber of Dicing-houses, Tauarns, and common Stewes : Sufired and cheerished, by his beastlye Predecessour, Helyogabalus, "with sundrie graue Orations : by the said noble Emperor, concerning Refor- mation. And hereunto is added a Touchstone for the Time ; containyng many perillous Mischiefs, bred in the Bowels of the Citie of London ; by the TTPOGEAPHICA: England. 1091 Infection of some of thease Sanctuaries of Iniquitie, sm. 4to. ijlack letter, very fine copy, in red morocco super extra, gilt edges, £7. 7s JR. Jones, 1584* For a notice of this rare book see Douce's Illustrations of Shakespeare. G. Smith's copy- sold for £7. 7s. The present copy has the rare first leaf, blank with the exception of the signature "A i," and also the two titles, one of which, as well as the first leaf, is usually wanting. Christopher Barker. 232 TUHBEEVILE (G.) Booke of EArLcoNRiE or Hauk^g, sm. 4to. hlruk idht, woodcuts, (including equestrian portrait of Q. Elizabeth), G. Steevens's copy, several leaves mended, sold with all faults, calf extra ^ .£4. 4« 1575 Thomas Marsh. 233 HEY WOODES (John) Woorkes : a dialogue conteyning the number of the effectual Proverbes in the English tongue, with (six hundred of) Epigrammes, smallest 4to. title within border and large woodcut portrait, ijlactt letter, red morocco super extra^ gilt edges, by F. Bedford, raee, ^610. \0s Marshy 1576 Robert Redborne. 233*AETHUR OE BEYTATIS'. Hystorj of the most noble and valyaunt Knyght Arthur of Lttell Britatne, translated out of Erensshe into Englysshe by the noble Johan Boucliier, Knyght, Lord Earners, folio, wood- cuts, 23latk ilettet, crimson morocco, by Kay day, £15. Fowles Ghurche- yard, at the sygne of the CocJce, Robert Bedborne, n.d. (cir. 1576) Extremely rare, and the only Book and vL U iii and iv. Y v. and F i. Fol. E i. X i. KNOWN TO BE PRINTED BY K. Redborne. The comer of Tabula III. and last leaf supplied present copy wants title, Prologue, E vi. K iii. almost in facsimile, iv. M iv. U. iii. iv. Q. R i and vi. S i and vi. T i Richard Smith. 234 GA SCOIG-NE (aeorge) The Steele Glas, a Satyre, together with the Oomplainte of Phylomene, an Elegie devised, by the same Author, smallest 4to. portrait, brown morocco extra, by F. Bedford, large copy, but the leaves pierced at top, and a portion of the head-line restored in ink, £Q. Qs 1576 There is a commendatory poem among the preliminaries, by " Walter Raweley of the Middle Temple." Jeffs and Cawood. 235 GASCOIGNE (George) Whole Woorkes, newlye compyled into one Volume, that is to say, Ills Elowers, Hearbes, "Weedes, the Eruites of Warre, the Comedie called Supposes, the Tragedie of locasta, the Steeleglasse, the Complaint of Phylemone, the Storie of Ferdinando leronimi, and the Plea- sure at Kenilworth Castle, Abell Jeffs, 1587 — The Droomme of Doomesday, G. Cawood, 1576 — 2 vols, in 1, small 4to. iine copies, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, extremely rare, £28. 157(5-87 This old poet belongs to the class of writers , copy fetched £26. 10s ; and another is marked connected with Shakespeare, as the great drama- £35. in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. Daniel's tist borrowed and adapted much from him. Ellis' ! copy wit/iowt the Drum of Doomsday, fetched £22. Richard Jugge. 236 EDEN'S History of Trauayle in the WEST and EAST INDIES, and other Countreys lying eyther way towardes the fruitful! and ryche Moluccaes : with a Discourse of the North-west Passage : augmented and finished by R. Willes, sm. 4to. ilack letter, russia, gilt edges, old style, with arms of F. V. JJtterson stamped in gold on sides, vert rare, 5612. 12s B. Jugge, 1577 Sine nomine. 236*CooPER (Thomas) Thesaurus LinguaB Roman39 et Britannicae : Latin-English Dictionary, stout folio, calf Vis 1578 Curious for the old English phrases which are given from Elyot's Dictionary. Richard Watkins. 237 PETEAECH (E.) PhisicT^e against Eortune, as well prosperous as adverse, Englished by Thomas Twyne, sm. 4to. black Utter, beautiful copy in russia extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, £6. 15s B. Watkyns, 1579 238 PETTIB, Petite Pallace of Pettie his Pleasure, conteyning many pretie His- tories, sm. 4to. blach Utter, portions of G i. and iv. wanting, and head and bottom lines cut into, hf morocco, very rare, £3. 10s B. W. (1598) 3 N 1092 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : John Hunne and John Harrison. 239 HOLINSHED (Eaphaell) Chronicles of ENGLAND, SCOTLANDE, and lEELANDE, 2 vols, stout sm. folio, iladt letter, with woodcutSy riEST ob Shakespeaee edition, very fine copy, strongly hound in gilt russia.from the library of the Bev. ^hos. Corser, £63. ' John Hunne, 1577 Vol. 11. has a leaf of Preface to Eeader — none of these extra pieces being mentioned by Lowndes. This is the first and genuine edition. In the later editions the language was much altered, and the woodcuts omitted. It is one of the rarest and most desirable books in an English Historical Library, but so scarce to be met with in a perfect state that few can boast of its possession. Very rare, especially in such beautiful con- dition as the present copy, which is also superior to most others, for the following reasons. — It has a leaf of " Faultes Escaped" at the end of the De- scription of Britaine ; a Description of Scotland, 22 pp, and a blank leaf ; a leaf of " Faultes Es- caped" for the two parts of Scotland and Ireland; at p. 1593, a separate leaf, also paged 1593, has been inserted to supplement the original text. 240 HOLINSHED'S (E.) Chronicles of Englande, Scotlande, and Ieelande, Vol. 1, stout sm. folio, blacfe letter, with many hundred spirited woodcuts, a few of the leaves at the beginning torn and slightly defective at the corners, otherwise perfect, in old calf binding , yeet eaee, £2. 16s 1577 •241 HOLINSHED (Ealph) The Chronicles of Englande, Scotlande andlrelande, by Eaphaell Holinshead, 2 vols. sm. folio, numerous woodcuts, first edition, Jbiack letter, bd. £Vd. Lond. John Harrison, 1577 This copy wants the following in the second I and a portion of the text, folios 353, 1103, 1767. volume. Title, fol. 291, and 1191 to 1195,4 leaves, | 21i2 Holinshed's Chronicles: the cancelled poetions only, folio, ^r*^ two leaves stained, hf bd. uncut, yeet eaee, 25* 1586-7 243 HOLINSHED'S CHEONICLES, 2 vols, folio, 1577 ;— The two leaves of " Faultes and oversightes escaped in the printing,^' so frequently wanting in copies of this work ; excellent facsimiles by Harris, £2. 2s Thomas Vautroller. 214 CHALONEEII (Eq. Tho.) de Eepublica Anglorum Instauranda libri X., huic accessit in laudem Henrici Octavi Eegis quondam Anglise prsestantiss. carmen Panegyricum. Item de Illustrium quorundam Encomiis Miscellanea, cum Epigraminatibus, et Epitaphiis nonnullis, eodem authore, edente Gul. Malim, 4to. the title with the portrait and the anchor, fine copy, in olive morocco, gilt edges, £2. 2s London, Tho. V autr oiler ius, 1579 The author was a brave soldier, and able deploring of the cruel murder of Lady Jane Grey, statesman and writer. The principal poem in daughter of the Duke of Suffolk; on the heroic fortitude of Edward Shelley ; on the burning of St. Paul's Church, London, 1561, &c.; Epitaphs by Sir John Cheke, Thomas Parr, Will. Paget, Thomas Phaer, Thomas Wyat, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, Margaret Neville, &c. &c. this volume he WTOte while ambassador in the Low Countries. His works were collected and published by order of Lord Burleigh, by whom is prefixed a Latin poem. This volume is dedicated to Queen Eliza- beth, and contains among others, Poems on the Thomas Dawson. 245 BEE-HIVE of the Eomishe Church, a worke of al good Catholikes too bee read . . . translated out of Dutch ... by George Grilpiu the Elder, 12mo. curious emblematical woodcut of a Tiara, original calf very rare, £2, 2s London, Thomas Dawson for John St el I, 1580 First edition of a very curious controversial Protestant work, professedly written by " Isaac Ra:bbotenu of Loven, licentiate in the Popish lawes."— The antiquity of a supposed modern colloquialism is shewn on the title, which declares " the Heretikes finely fetched over the coales." The name of Andrew Maunsel as bookseller ap- pears at the end of the table. Thomas East. 246 BATMAN upon Bartholome, his booke de Proprietatibus Eerum, sm. folio, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hiviere, eaee, fine copy, £l . 7s East, 1582 specified : deale, dread, decorate, dulcet, ex- citeth, fervor, groping, gabbing, hirelings, intel- hgence. The preliminary leaves include "anecessarie catalogue of the most hardest olde English words how they maye be truly understood," amongst which, it is curious to remark, the following are William Brome. 246*SCOT (Eeginald) The Discouerie of Witchcraft, wherein the lewde dealings of Witches and Witchmongers is notablie detected, sm. 4to. First Edition, fSIadt Uettcr, curious woodcuts, calf, £4i. 4iS W. Brome, 1584 Vert rare, many copies having been de- | views of Scot as impious, stroyed by order of James I, who considered the TYPOGEAPHICA : England. 1093 R. Newbury. 247 LHOTD'S (H.) History of Cambria, now called "Wales, written in the Brjtish Language, above two hundretb Years past, and now Englished by Lhoyd, augmented and continued by T>. Powell, sm. 4to. bladt letter, woodcut portraits of the Kings, title neatly mended, otherwise a good copy in green morocco, joints, gilt edges, from Miss Oarrer's library, raee, ^4. London, R. Newberie and Grafton, 1584 218 another yert TA.JjLjine copg^ sm. 4to. part of the leaf'^ To the Header'* supplied in MS. calf £S. 5s 1584 249 HAKLUYT (Richard) Navigations, Voyages, and Discoveries, made by the English nation, small folio, a corner tern of the first leaf of preface, otherivi&Q a fine copy in calf £o. G. Bishop and JR. Newberie, 1589 250 another copy, perfect, and containing between pp. 637-38 the six sup- pressed leaves of Sir Francis Drake's Voyage in 1577, sm. folio, the corners of leaves marked with damp, calf, £6. 1589 John Windet. 251 EERNE'S (John) Blazon of Gentrie, divided into two Parts : the first, named the Grlorie of Generositie, the second, Lacyes Nobilitie, sq. 8vo. many wood- cut Goats of Arms, hf calf rare, £2. John Windet, 1586 252 MARSTON'S Wois-deb op "Women, or the Tragedy of Sophonisba, as it hath beene sundry times Acted at the Blacke Eriers, original edition, sm. 4to. 28 pp. YERT RARE, £3. 3^ John Windet, 1606 Mr. Gifford observes 'It is not very probable I some of the most loathsome parts of The Monk that Mr. M. G. Lewis ever looked into Marston, yet | are to be found in this detestable play.' Richard Field. 253 PuTTENHAM (G.) Arte OP ENGLISH PoESiE, sm. 4to. original edition, very rare, the portrait of Qiceen Elizabeth mounted, the last leaf of Index wanting ^ and the booh a little wormed but clean, calf, 25s M. Field, 1589 254 the same, sm. 4to. apparently large paper, the only copy known, woodcut portrait of Q. Elizabeth, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bed- ford, £7. Is B. Meld, 1589 Extremely rare, even on small paper, as Col. I for £13. 13s); and the Duke of Roxburghe's for Stanley's sold' for £21. (resold in Hibbert's sale | £16. 5s 6c?. 255 TESTAMENTO NUEVO de nuestro Senor Jesu Ohristo, 12mo. calf, 24* (/ Londres) Bicardo del Qampo, 1596 256 the same, a beautiful copy in old blue morocco, gilt edges, the initials H. L{umley) beneath a coronet, stamped on the sides, £2. 1596 A MS. note states that the translation was I version of Cassiodoro de la Reyna, as in the by Cypriano de Valera j but this is really the [ Bear Bible, slightly improved by the former. William Jones. 257 LLOID (Lodowicke) the Pilgrimage of Princes penned out of sundry Greek and Latine aucthours, smallest 4to. blatfe letter, woodcut title and initials, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Biviere, 364. 4s William Jones, cir. 1590 Part of this curious volume is in rhyme. It is I mendatory pieces of verse prefixed by Churchyard, dedicated to Sir Christopher Hatton, and has com- | Carlisle, and others. Thomas Woodcock. 257*ELOE,IOS Second Erutes ; to which is annexed his Gardine of Eecreation yeelding six thousand Italian Proverbs, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. russia, gilt edges, fine copy, babe, £4. 4*. Thos. Woodcoche^ 1591 Henry Ballard. 258 LEIGH (G.) Accedens of Armory, sq. 8vo. many woodcut Coats of Arms, and the folding plate, calf gilt, gilt edges, by G. Lewis, SOs H. Ballard, 1597 E Allde. 259 MONAEDES, Joyfull Newes out of the new-found Worlde, wherein are de- clared the rare and singular vertues of divers Herbs, Trees, Plantes, etc. Eng- lished by John Erampton : newly corrected ; whereunto are added three 3 N 2 1094 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : other bookes treating of the Bezaar Stone, etc. smallest 4to. woodcuts of animals, plants, etc. the upper margin worm-holed^ otherwise a very fine copy in old russia gilt^ £2. 125 6fi? jB/. Allde, 1596 Sine typographi nomine. 260 BEOTJGrHTON (H.) Concent of Scripture, sra. 4to. engraved title, map of the World, and plates by W. Rogers {the earliest copper-plate engraving in Eng- land), calf, £3. 35 n. d. 1596 America is drawn with tolerable correctness I America bears the name of Ophir. in the map illustrating this curious book. South | Peter Short. 261 MOELET (Thos.) A plain and easie Introduction to practicalle Musicke, sm. folio, hf. bd. very rare, £2. London, Peter Short, 1597 Thomas Creed. 262 G-EEENE (Eobert) Mamillia. The second part of the triumph of Pallas, wherein with perpetual fame the constancie of Gentlewomen is canonised, and the unjust blasphemies of womens supposed fickleness by manifest ex- amples clearly infringed, smallest 4to. black letter, last leaf in facsimile (except a small portion), otherwise a fine copy, in red morocco, gilt edges, by J. Black, £3. 3s Th. C.for W. Fonsonbie, 1593 Very rare. This copy cost Sli- Francis Preeling £6. 6s ; Mr. Corser's copy sold for £9. 5s. Adam Islip. 263 ((Lfjaucer. STfje TOcrkes of our Ancient anti learneti ^nglisfi Poet, Geffrey Chavcer, newly printed (edited by Sj^eght, with prefatory Letter by Beau- mont), ilack letter, folio, ^we /?/// length portrait of Chaucer, Genealogical Tree, and armSy title and some leaves mended, sprinkled calf gilt edges, £5. Adam Islip, 1602 264 the same, folio, new Cambridge calf gilt, carmine edges, £4. 4s 1602 265 GEEARDE'S (John) Heeball, or general Historic of Plantes, very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, folio, beautiful impression of the frontispiece, containing the portrait, by Fayne, with several hundred woodcuts, fine copy in the original Mnglish black morocco, with the bookplate of John, Lord de la Warre, great-grandson of the first Governor of Virginia, £^. 3* A. Islip, Joice Norton, and B. Whitakers, 1633 Praised and constantly quoted by Sir James Smith, in his English Flora; and Dr. G. John- ston, in the Preface to his excellent Berwick Flora, calls it " A book in which the botanical Valentine Sims, William Aspley, and others. 266 WAENING for Eaie "WOMEN, containing the most tragicall and lament- able Murthur of Master George Sanders of London, Merchant, nigh Shooter's Hill, smallest 4to. black letter, russia gilt, £36. Valentine Sims for William Aspley, 1599 student will find much matter of amusement, and sometimes an excellence of description rare even in modern works." A similar copy of this very scarce old Play fetched £56. at Mr. Daniel's sale. In the Intro- duction there is apparently aflin^ at Shakespeare's Richard III, Henry VI, Macbeth, and Hamlet: — *' How some damnd tyrant to obtaine a crowne Stabs, hangs, impoysons, smothers, cutteth throats, 267 DEKKER (Tho.) the pleasant Comedie of ©ItJ Jortunat«0, as it was plaied before the Queenes Maiestie this Christmas, by the Eight Honourable the Earle of Nottingham, Lord high Admirall of England his servants, 8vo. blarfe lettev, short copy, half russia, £11. 5s S. S for William Aspley, 1600 And then a chorus too comes howling in. And tels us of the worrying of a cat. Then of a filthy whining ghost, Lapt in some fowle sheete, or a leather pelch, Comes skreaming like a pigge halfe stickt, And cries Vindicta, revenge, revenge." The scarcest of all the works of this cele- brated dramatist: no copy has occurred for sale during many years. Dekker's poetry, though full 268 [WEIGHT (Tho.)] the Passions of of fantastic conceits, is of a high order, notwith- standing the depreciation of some critics. the Minde, by Th. W. 16mo. hf calf, 36* V. S. 1601 First Anonymous edition of a very cu- 1 The second edition of 1604 fetched £1. at Gar- rious little volume : it fetched, Skegg'ssale, £1. 8s. diner's sale in 1854. TYPOGEAPHICA: England. 1095 269 MONTAIGNE (Lo : Michaell de) Essayes, or Morall, Politike, and Millitarie Discourses, . . . now done into English by . . • John Eloeio, 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, with the two very rare leaves of " Errors and Omissions,'^ original calf with the autographs of Z^. Forelis and S. Hamilton on title-page, £3. Vds V. Sims fur Edward Blount, 1603 Bliss' copy fetched in 1858, £2. ; and a waterstained copy fetched at Sotheby's in 1860, £5. This first edition is very rare, and has acquired a great celebrity from the fact that Shakspeare possessed a copy, which sold at Evans' in 1838 for £100. 270 ACOSTA, Naturall and morall historic of the East and "West Indies ; translated from the Spanish by E. G., sm. 4to. fine copy in calf gilt, £4. 4if; or very fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £6. 15^ London, Val. Sims, 163 L John Jaggard. 271 TASSO'S Godfrey of Bulloigne, or the Eecoverie of Jerusalem, done into English heroicall verse by E. Fairfax, 4to. riRST edition, a very sound copy in calf £2. 10s J. Jaggard, 1600 272 another copy, 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £1. 15s 1600 273 LEIGH'S Accedence of Armorie, sm. 4to. numerous Coats of Arms, fine copy, russia extra, £2. 2s J. Jaggard, 1612 George Bishop. 274 CHAUCEE'S AYouks, folio, iilack letter, title within woodcut harder ; full- length portrait of Chaucer, Genealogical Tree, Coats of Arms, etc. engraved on one leaf; and second title hearing large Coat of Arms on which is the date 1560, fine copy in calf gilt, carmine edges, £3. 3s Geo. Bishop, 1602 Dr. Hawtrey's copy fetched £4. 6s. 275 CAMDENI Britannia sive florentissimorum Regnorum Angliee, Scotise, Hibernse, et Insularum adjacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica Descriptio, folio, numerous maps, after Saxton, engraved hy Kip, carefully coloured, plates of coins, and woodcuts, old calf gilt, very fine copy, £2. 10s G. Bishop, 160^7 This edition is the last published by the author. S. Waterson. 276 GUAEINI, II Pastor Eido, or the Faithfull Shepheard, translated (in^ verse by Dymock), smallest 4to.^^e copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges, hy F. Bedford, £3. 3s S. Waterson, 1602 G. Elde and Richard Field. 277 ALEXANDEE (William) [Earl of STiRLmo] The Tragedie of Darius, 1604 ■ — The Alexandraean Tragedie, 1607 — Tragedie of Julius Cajsar, 1607- — Tragedie of Croesus, no title, ? 1607 — Paraenesis to the Prince,. 160 1 — Aurora, containing the first fancies of the Author's youth (Sonnets), 1604 — in 1 vol. sm. 4to. hf rmsia, excessively rare, £20 Elde and Field, 1604-7 These beautiful Poems are so very rare, that but few collections contain them. In the Darius, Act 4. Sc. 3, some lines of the monarch's soli- bability, was written long subsequently to Darius, so that Shakspeare appears to have borrowed the idea from Lord Stirling. The lines in Darias begin with " Let greatnesse of her glascie scepters vaunt." loqny bear a strong resemblance to the celebrated passage in the Tempest, beginning with " The cloud-capped towers." The Tempest, in all pro- 278 GOULAET (J.) Admirable and Memorable Histories containing the Wonders of our Time, collected into French out of the best Authors, and out of French into English by Ed. Q-rimeston, sm. 4to. red morocco, gilt edges, super extra, by Eiviere, £1. 4s George Eld, 1637 Thisrare work contains the stories of Measure j of the Shrew. I have traced the sale of one for Measure and of the Introduction to the Taming | copy only, priced hf. bd. £4. 4s. Matthew Lowndes. 279 SIDNEY (Sir Philip) The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, now the fourth time published, with sundry new Additions by the same Author, sm. folio, dedicated to the Countess of Pembroke, with autograph and book-plate of James Adams, the Architect, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £15. London, for Matthew Lowndes, 1605 1096 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: 280 BACON'S Apologie in certaiDe Imputations concerning the Earle of Essex, second edition, M. Lowndes, 1605 — lEiSBaies, ffth edition {no title, J. Jaqgard, 1612) — 2 vols, in 1, original vellum binding, 25s 1605-12 Jadis' copy of the Apologie, the only one | I cannot trace the sale of any other. It sold quoted by Lowndes, was considered unique, and | for 30s. 281 DEATTON (M.) POLT-OLBION; or a ChorograpMcall Description of Tracts, Eivers, Mountaines, Forests, and other parts of this renowned Isle of Great Britaine, with Intermixture of the most remarquable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, f .4; "Vferard, published the same year, and it is a matter of indifference /whether a copy bears the name of any one or of tcMithrefe of these publishers. It is often asserted that -thev are different editions. TYPOGEAPHiCA: France. 1109 402 3Ll£®^i^©3S bts iFIamens, ^rlisfrns, tt J^agnugers, 011 autrement leur Cro- nique abregee, en laquelle son contenues plusieurs hystoires de France, Angleterre et Allemaigne, &g. 4to. blarft letter, woodcut portraits, etc. very fine copy in old calf, ivith the arms of the Mt. Hon. Thomas Grenville stamped in gold on sides, £12. Paris, sine typ. nom, 1522 First edition which, by LeLong, Du Verdier, I of a most interesting work for English History, and other bibliographers, is considered the best, | 403 EOZIER HISTOEIAL DE EEANCE, contenant deux Eoziers, le pmier Eozier eontient plusieurs belles Eozes & boutons de instructions et beaulx enseignemens pour Eoys, Princes, Chevaliers, etc le secod Eozier autrement Ceois^iqtjes abregees .... sm. folio, lit. gotfj. numerous woodcuts, fine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, £12. 125 Paris, 26 Fevrier, 1523 Rare; the Solar copy fetched 250 fr. plus expenses. The work may be called a Chronicle of Chivalry, written in the same style, and illus- trated with woodcuts of the same character as the Romances of Chivalry which are now so scarce and eagerly sought after. 404 He iHaire (iJtljan) ]illtistrations tJe (Kaule et Singularitez de Troye : avec lea deux Epistres de Lamant vert, le Traicte de la Difference des Scismes et des I Concilles de leglise, avec la vraye histoire du Prince dit Sophy, I'Epistre a Hector, et aultres oeuvres (en prose et en vers), sm. folio, in the square Go- thic character, printed in double columns, woodcuts, fine copy, in old calf rare, a66. Paris, par F. Regnault, 1528 405 %m 3Illusttati0ns te (&aule et Singularitez de Troye, small folio, lettre^ gOtl)iquesf, of the round French cJiaracter, woodcuts, calf £4. 155 Paris, Prancoys Pegnault, a Venseigne de Lelephant, s. a. A different edition altogether from thepreced- j text is printed all across the page, ing. The pieces are differently arranged, and the | Guillaume Eustache and Nicolas des Pr^s. 406 [AEGIDIUS DE COLTJMNA.] %t jjHirouer lExeplaire et tres fructeuse in- struction selon la compillation de Gtilles de Eomme, tres excellent docteur, du Eegime et G-ouuernment des Eoys, Princes, et grands Seigneurs, small folio, blarft letter, with four large looodcuts, including one in which the author is shewn presenting the worTc to King Francis, calf, yert eare, £7. 15s Paris, Guil. Eustace, 1517 Collation : Title in red and black, with printer's mark on the front and royal arms on the reverse, privilege, and table, together six leaves; two leaves containing a large woodcut, with three figures on the first page, the Introduction on the second and third, and the woodcut of the King and the Author on the fourth ; text, leaves 1 — 141, the last three not numbered. 407 EOMMANT de la. Eose, ou lart damours est tout enclose (commence par Guillaume de Lorris et acheve par Jean de Meung), small folio, lettte^ gotjiciuesf, woodcuts, the two first and last leaf in absolute facsimile, fine copy in Etruscan calf gilt edges, by Edwards of Halifax, yery rare, £3. I65 Paris, imprime par Nicolas des prez pour Guillaume Eustace, (1496) Denis Janot. 408 MELIADUS DE LEONNOTS. Ou present Volume sont contenus les nobles faictz darmes du vaillant roy Meliadus de Leonuoys : ensemble plu- pieurs autres nobles proesses de Chevalerie, faictes tant par le roy Artus, Palamedes, le Morhoult dirlande, le bo cheualier sans paour, Galebault le brun, Segurades, O-alaad que autres bons Cheualiers estans au temps du dit roy Meliadus, Histoire singuliere et recreative, sm. folio, blacfe hiitx, title within woodcut border, woodcuts, cut in the head line, by which some words are defective, olive morocco super extra, leather joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, yert bare, £36. Paris, Denis Janot^ 1532 J. Badius Ascensius. 409 BEANDT (S.) Navis stultifere Collectanea, ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio con- fiata, sq. 8vo. many woodcuts, calf neat, £2. I65 Paris, 1507 3 o 2 1110 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Michel Le Noir. 410 TEISTAN Cheyaliee de la Table eonbe . , . . at end: Cy finisfc le second et derrenier volume faict et compille a Ihonneur & memoire du tres- vaillat noble et excellent Cheualier Tristan fils du noble roy Melyadus de Leonnois, 2 parts ia 1 vol. sm. folio, ilack letter, with woodcuts and gotJiic capital letters f very fine copy, in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Belz-Niedree, extremely eare, £42, Faris,par Michel Le Noir^ 1514 The excessive rarity of this edition may be estimated from the fact that there is no copy mentioned in my bibliographical index, and that only three copies — those of Heber, Courcelles, and the Prince d'Essling — are cited in the Ma- nuel. BiTinet, moreover, states that the name and mark of Jehan Petit appear at the end, which is not really the case. The mark at end bears the name of M. Le Noir, and is somewhat similar to that which Brunet engraves as distin- guishing Le Noir's edition of 1520. Perhaps he never saw a copy of the present one of 1514. Under the headmg of Bonaventure, Aiguillon d' Amour, 1519, he engraves the same printer's mark as appears in this volume, evidently under the impression that it was then first used. Thielman Kerver. 411 BADII AscENSii (J.) Stultiferse Naves sensus animosque trahentes Mortis in exitium, sm. 4to. 8 very fine woodcuts, {including devices of E. G. de Marnef and T. Kerver), calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 8s Paris, T. Kerver (1500) 412 HOEE DiUE viRGiNis Marie scd'm verum vsum Eoma- | num cum aliis multis, 12mo. printed on yelltjm, 104 leaves, Eoman Letter, with 18 large woodcut figures, the text within pretty borders, containing about 500 small engravings of Biblical Scenes and figures, etc. parts of the Calendar, the headings, and the marginal extracts printed in red ink, the initials illumi- nated, fine copyt in ancient smooth red morocco, gilt edges, £20, Paris, Thielmannu Keruer, 1504 This edition is singular in not having a Dance of Death. The present volume would exactly correspond with the edition described by Brunet (Heures Gothiques, No. 175) but for the following variations : the first year of the Calen- dar is, correctly, 1497 (not, as he says, incorrectly, 1487); Kerver's mark and name appear only on page 1, not as Brunet asserts, on the last page also, where the printer's name is seen in the imprint, and there is no mark ; besides two other trirting discrepancies which need not be noted. — Brunet mentions two copies, one on paper, which sold at Solar's sale for 475 francs, and the other on vellum, in M. Didot's library. 413 HOKE INTEMERATE DEI GENITRICIS VIRGINIS MA | RIE Secudum USUm Eomanum totaliter ad Ion | gum, etc. large 8vo. 30t()ic letter, printed on fine \Q\lVim, printer's mark on title, and IS large engravings, the text entirely within engraved borders, containing a great profusion of smaller illustrations, entirely different from those of the preceding article, and including a series of the Dance of Death, the initial and capital letters illuminated, beautifully bound in smooth dark morocco, elaborately tooled in the Grolier style, with red morocco linings, and joints, gilt edges, by Biviere, £36. Paris, T. Kerver, le dernier tour de Mars, 1511 (? 1506) Collation: 100 leaves, consisting of sig- I from the similarity in form of the Gothic v and natures a to n iv. This edition is not men- x), as the Calendar begins with the latter date tioned by Brunet. The date 1511 appears to (1506-30). be a typographical error for 1506 (easily made | 414 HOE^ DiviE ViRGiNis Marine secundum verum XJsum Eomanum, cum Ca- lendario, sm. 8vo. signatures a — n in eights and a in four, in Boman type, PRINTED ON VELLUM, within elegant woodcut borders, composed of sacred and grotesque subjects {including Dance oe Death), with the large and small wood engravings uncoloured,^/?^ copy, with capitals illuminated in gold and colours, green morocco, joints, gilt edges, £15. 15s Paris, T. Kerver, xiii Mensis Septembris, 1507 This edition is not mentioned by Brunet. 415 HOEiE Div^ YiRGiNis Mari^ secundum verum usum Eomanum, cum Calendario, 8vo. printed on vellum, in Boman characters, within elegant engraved borders {composed of sacred and grotesque subjects, including Dance OP Death, elegant Arabesques, ^c.) and ornamented with large and small engravings, original old calf, gilt edges, a remarkably sound and fine copy, £28. Paris, Thielmannum Kerver, 1511 This edition also is not mentioned by Brunet. preceding editions. It agrees generally with the It contains 136 leaves (A to R in eights). The edition of 1507. large engravings are the same as those in the two TTPOGEAPHICA : Prance. 1111 416 HEUEES a LUSAIGE DE PAEIS toutes au long sans rien req'rir, avec plusieurs belles hystoires : nouuellemet imprimees (avec le Calendrier et rAlmanach 1523-1536), sm. 4to. gotj^ic letter, elegant engravings, with in- scriptions, each explained beneath by a French Quatrain, fine copy, ruled, in old French olive morocco extra, gilt edges, Mr. Slade's copy, £32. Faris, par la veufue de feu Thielman Keruer, 1522 No. 197 of Brunei's list. From the Library of Sir Francis Freeling, who in an antograph note records his opinion of the work: " There never was a more beautiful specimen, in all re- spects, from the press of Thielman Kerver than this. F. F." This copy has the eight additional leaves at end of Commendationes Defunctorum. The en- gravings are quite different from those of the three editions by Kerver above mentioned. They are in a very bold and remarkable style, executed by a peculiar method of engraving. Collation: A — P in eights, Q fourteen s, and aa eight leaves. 417 HEUEES a LIJISAaE DE PAEIS toutes au long sans rien requerir: nouuellemet imprimes audict lieu, auecques plusieurs belles hystoires, large 8vo. (©otitic 2Lett-er, numerous very fine woodcuts, each page throughout surrounded by a great variety of elaborate borders, a most charming volume in the rich ori- ginal binding of the \Qth century, calf, gold borders and ornamenfationSj gauffred edges, the original owner's name stamped on the sides : ^^ Charles Heustace Claude Diarde,'' the Yemeniz copy, £28. Paris, veufue de Thielma Keruer ^ MDXXXY Collation: Sign. A—E par 8 fF.; suivent 8 fF., a a: C5medationes defunctorum Exeraplaire sur papier, plus rare, assure-t- on, que les exemplaires sur velin. M. Peignot, dans Recherches sur les Danses de Morts, pp. 169 a 172, a donne une longue description de ces Heures." — Yemeniz. This edition is not mentioned by Brunet. It consists of 144 leaves, and reproduces almost ex- actly the edition of 1522. Both of them contain a curious Prayer to the Virgin,, which begins as follows, in a peculiar kind of rhyme: O Royne qui fustes mise et assise Lassus au trosne divin Devant vous en ceste eglise sans faintise Suis venu ce matin. Gillet and Germain Hardouin. 418 HEUEES A LUSAIGE DE EOME tout au log | sans rien requerir avec les figures de | lapocalipse, sm. 8vo. gctf)tc letter, peinted on yellum, 140 leaves not numbered, all the initials throughout the volume illuminated, with borders around each page, representing scenes in Biblical History, 20 large engravings, several hundred small ones, old russia, £18. (at end) Faris, par Guillaume Anabat, .... pour Gillet Hardouin . This is undoubtedly the finest edition of the Book of Hours published by the Hardouins, and is a worthy rival to the contemporary productions of Simon Vostre, which have been so much ad- mired. There are more figures in this edition than in any other of the same book, the frontis- piece, like the one facsimiled in Brunet (Heures Gothiques, No. 217), representing the Rape of Dejanira. The Calendar contains the years 1500 to 1520 ; the number of leaves is 143 (sig- natures A to S iv. in eights — sheet A not 419 HEUEES A LUSAIGE DE EOMME tout au long sans riens requerir [avec le Calendrier et TAlmanach (1515-1530)] large 8vo. gotfjic letter, PRINTED ON vellum, within very elegant engraved borders, composed of sacred and grotesque subjects, including a fine Dance of Death, with the large and small Miniatures, capital letters, etc. richly illuminated in gold and colours, in the original beautifully ornamented binding, covered with gold tooling in the Grolier style, painted in compartments, g. e. but rebacked, Paris, par Gillet Hardouyn (1515) et pour Germain Hardouin, (1500) marked), with 22 lines a page ; yet the difference of a few letters in the superscription — viz. the error of "en la seigne" appearing twice instead of once — and the circumstance that " la grande figure No. 17," is not "La mort a cheval sm: un bceuf ," (being in fact, the death of Uriah through the treachery of David) prove that this is a dif- ferent edition from the article described by Brunet. The Dance of Death is not figured in the borderings. from Mr. blade's library, £25. This copy sold for £39. in the Libri sale. This is probably No. 245 of Brunei's list. It has 88 leaves (A to L in eights). The Dance of Death is in quite a different style from all the others. The illumination is done in opaque colours, and in such a way that it may almost be said the original engravings are replaced by con- temporary drawings. The illustrations are dif- ferent from those of the 1500 edition above. 1112 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Nicholas Higman. 420 HOE^. Ces Presentes Heuees a lusaige de Eome | toutes au long sans requerir : avec aucus des | miracles de nostre dame, etc. roy. 8vo. ^otf)ic letter, every page within heautiful woodcut border's, enclosing numerous en- gravings of saints, Sfc. some coloured, hnperfect, sold with all faults, calf gilt, very large copy, with some uncut leaves, £3. 16^ Paris, par N. Hygman, pour Jehan de Brie {almanac commencing 1515) Not mentioned by Brunet, who, however, the De Coucy Coat of Arms, illummated, states that a copy of a later edition (1516) beneath which are Avritten the words "Jacques fetched 163 francs at the Pins-Montbrun sale de Coucy." in 1861. — The first page bears au engraving of 420*COUSTUMES du Pays & Co:n"te de Nyyernoys, enclaues & exemptions dicelluy, accordees . . . par . . . Maistres Loys Eoillard & Guillaiime Bourgoicr, sm. 4to. ancient hlaclc calf, £2. 16s Paris, Nicolas Hicman, 1535 Bound up in the same volume : Ordonnances I Royaulme de Prance, Paris, Etienne Caveiller, Royaulx sur le fait de la Justice . . . par tout le \ 1539. Christian Wechel. 421 YEGETIUS de Ee Militari, Erontini Strategemata, etc.— Yalturifs de Ee Militari — Dureri (Alb.) Geometria — 3 vols, in 1, stout folio, tvith a very large number of elegant large woodcuts, original hoards, with pigskin back and claftps, £3. Ss Lutet. per Christianum Wechel, 1532 422 DAMIANUS a Goes. Eides, Eeligio, Moresque Aethiopum sub imperio Pre- ciosi Joannis (vulgo Presbyteri) degentium, cum enarrat. confcederationis inter Aethiopes et Lusitanos initae ; Deploratio Lappianae gentis, etc. 12mo. with specimens of Ethiopic^ veaufauve extra, 16s JBarisiis^ G. Wechel, 1541 Sine nomine. 423 GUAGUIN (Eobert) At end— Cy finissent les Crotticqueg tje JHafstu Eobett ffirXtagum, sm. folio, got!)lC letter, large woodcut and genealogical table, without the first two leaves, bound, not a fine copy, £2. Paris, 1536 Estienne Caveiller. 424 [GAIGNY (Jean de)] Le liure de nouuel imprime faisant mention DES SEPT PAROLLES que nostre benoist saulueur & redepteur lesuchrist dist en larbre de la croix : *avec aucunes expositions & contemplations sur icelles : extraictes des dictz et sentences des docteurs autetiques & approuuez de saincte eglise auec aucunes additions utiles & prouffitables concernans lesdictes parolles, 12mo. numerous woodcuts, original binding in black calf, gilt edges, from the Yemeniz library, ^'11. 10s Paris, 1538 N. Cousteau and Galliot Du Pre. 425 PEECEFOEEST. La tres elegante, delicieuse, melliflue et tres plaisante Hystoire du Eoy Perceforest, en la quelle le lecteur pourra veoir la source et decoration de toute Chevalerie, &c. 6 vols, in 2, folio, woodcuts, got{)ic ktter, BEST EDITION OF THIS CELEBRATED EOMANCE, Vol. VI. WOrmed in the tCXt, and the corner of fo^io CXXY mended, where a few words are wanting, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, from Mr. Vtterson's Library, ^20. Paris, par N. Cousteau pour Galliot I>u Pre, 1528 Besides the Towneley, the Roxburghe and Utterson's copies, none appears to have been sold in England for some years. The Roxburghe copy sold for £30.; the Ess- ling 405 fr. ; Louis Philippe's, 1260 fr. *' Edition la plus recherchee de ce roman, dent les exemplaires sont fort rares." — Brunei. Jacques Kerver. 426 HOEUS APOLLO. Orus Apollo de iEgypte de la signification des notes Ilieroglyphiques des ^gyptiens, nouvellement traduict de grec en francojs, 12mo. with a fine woodcut on each page, fine tall copy, bright old veaufauve extra, gilt edges, £4. 4s Paris, Jacques Kerver, 1543 Dibdin devotes 5 pages of the Bib. De- vures en bois qui la decorent. A la fin se trou- cameron to this book, and has copied several of vent dix emblemes ajoutes par le traducteur the cuts. anonyme que Ton salt etre Jean Martin, Parisien." " Edition recherchee a cause des jolies gra- Brunet. TYPOGEAPHICA : France. 1113 427 POLTPHILO. Htpnerotomachie ou Discours du SoDge de Poliphile deduisant comme Amour le combat a roccasion de Polia^ nouuellement traduict de langage Italien en Frangois, sm. folio, with a profusion of fine woodcuts, perfect and undefaced throughout, vellum, £3. 16s Paris, Jaques Kerver, 1561 Robert Etienne. 428 BIBLIA LATINA, stout folio, neatly ruled, old calf 20s Paris, a. Stephanus, 1 528 This is the first of Stephens' recensions : and I from all other printed editions he could obtain." was, says Townley, " corrected from the best | This, as well as all Stephens' editions, were put MSS. he could procure of the Vulgate version, as j on the list of prohibited works, well as from the Complutensian Polvglott, and I 429 BIBLIA HEBRAICA (curante Vatablo) : Pentateuehus ; Propbetse Priores (id est) Josue, Judices, Samuel, Beges ; Paralipomena ; 3 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. fne copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, bake, £2. 10s Farisiis, U. Stephanus, 1543-44-43 430 DIONYSII HALICAR:N'ASSEI Antiquitatum Eomanarum Libri X, Gr«ce, folio, Editio Princeps, very fne copy in blue Morocco extra, gilt edges, by De Eome le Jeune, £4. 4s Lutetice, R. Stephanus, 1546 (at end, 1547) Arnold and Charles Les Angeliers. 431 MILL^I (J.) Praxis Criminis Persequendi, folio, 13 large a7id spirited wood- cuts, full page size, good copy in vellum, rare, ^62, 10s Paris, 1541 Priced, 1855, by Techener, 130 fr. ; a copy fetched at Libri's sale in 1859, £7. Mr. Douce, in his " Illustrations of Shakes- peare," refers to this work, and has copied one of the cuts in illustration of the torture of the Boot. Jean Loys. 432 HOMEB. Les dix premiers Litres de l'Iliade d'Hgmiere, prince des poetes, traduictz en vers Erancois, par Hugues Salel, 4to.. 11 fine large woodcuts, {one on title, and one at the beginning of each book) old calf gilt, arms on the sides, rare, £Q. Paris, Loys, 1545 Guillaume Cavellat. 433 MiZALDTJs de Mundi spbsera sive QQ^mog}:diJ^\iia>yl2m.o.. several diagrams and small maps, old calf, 12s Lutetice, 1552 Guillaume Merlin. 434 ED^ifSale at) ufum infi | gmS ecclcfie ,^art«5ttirintjStj5 1 nunc recent tt)pi§ elcQantioribua exaratum | ^iftoriiS nm^ t)atii§ ac propriiS infi I gnitum, etc. folio, ®Oti()ic letter, beautifully printed in black and red ink, with Music and numerous fine woodcuts and large capitals, two leaves of the Canon printed on vellum, large engravings, one of the Crucifixion, the other of God the Father, antique calf £48. Parisiis, apud Guillelmum Merlin, 1555 Excessively rare : priced in a bookp^^Uer's cataloo^ue, 1859, an imperfect copy, £24^ Ttiis is the finest of all tho editions of the Sarum Missal, and is also oD/e of tlie last, as they ceased to be printed in 1557, shortly before Elizabeth's accession to the throne. Most of the copies that survived the Reforming rage of the sixteenth century were n:mtilated,and M. Maskell (Mon. Rit. I. Ixiv.) r.otices that the fine large woodcut of God the "leather, crowned with a papal tiara, and surrounded by the apostolical symbols, on the second voUum leaf of the Canon, " is a rare picture, and seldom found in printed Missals." The same accomplished critic, in his work on Ancient Liturgies ^pref. p. vii), remark* in re- ference to all the old English service-books, that' '' Of late years the demand for them has increased Jean Rudie. 435 EEOISSART, Histoire et Chronique de, 4 vols, iil 1, sm. folio, in the original brown morocco stamped binding, 564. Paris, Jehan Pnelle, 1574 tenfold, and their price, always great, has natur- ally increased with the demand, so as to put them, when they do occur, beyond the reach of men who are nevertheless the most anxious to obtain them." The last two sheets I and K are occupied by a curious Accentuarium to guide the priests in their pronunciation of the Latin tongue.^ Asa specimen of the English that occurs in the volume, it may not be out of place to quote here a portion of the marriage service— "^ I N. take the N. to my weddyd husbode to have e^ to hold fro thys day forwarde for bett' for wurs, for richere, for porer, in sikenesse & in helthe to be honowr & buxum in bed & at bord tyll deth us departe yf holy chyrche wyl it ordeyae & therto I plyght the my trouth," This volume is stated in a MS. note to have belonged to the family of Rochejacquelein, and has a coat of arms stamped on the back. There are also four mottoes on the sides, *< 'Virtutem fortuna superans," "Virtus parta labore viget,' " Cede la Vertu aux Fortunez," "L'Histoire est Messagere de I'Antiquite," and' the binding i& ev^idently contemporary with. tii^UoQle. 1114 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Nicolas Chesneau. 436 JOUBEET (Laur.) Traite du Eis, contenant son Essance, ses Causes et mer- velheus effais, item la cause morale du Eis de Democrite, et un Dialogue sur la Cacographie Francaise, avec des Annotacions sur I'ortliograpliie de Joubert, 12mo. Jine copi/ in olive morocco, ^ilt edges, £2, 2s Paris, Nic. Chesneau, 1579 Guillaume Chaudiere. 437 YEEA (Gerard de) Trois Navigations admirables faictes par les Hollandois et Zelandois au Septentrion lesquelles ont descouuert la mer Weygats .... avec grands dangers et incroyables difficultez, 12mo. maps, numerous plates illustrative of their enforced ten-months^ residence at the North Fole, limp vellum, £8. 8s • Faris, 1599 Poitiers. 438 TABOUEOT, les Bigarrures du Seigneur des Accords, avec les Apopbthegmes de Gaulard, 5 parts in 1 vol. stout 16mo. calf, 10s Poitiers, 1609 439 les Bigarrures du Seigneur des Accords, avec les Apopbthegmes de Gaulard, et les Escraignes Dijonoises, edition aijqmentee, 5 parts in 1 vol. stout 16mo. morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, £2. 10* Poitiers, 1615 Rheims. 440 EXTEAICT de plusieurs Sainctz Docteurs, propositions, Dictz, et Sentences contenant les Graces, et louenges du tressacre sacreraent de lautel, lit. gotl^. Paris, Guillaume Merlin, n. d. — Petite Instruction et Maniere de Viure pour une femme seculiere, lit. jPfOtfj. curious woodcut at end, Paris, Merlin, n. d. — Meditation sur la Passion, lit. gotlj. curious woodcuts, Paris, Merlin — Livre des Precations, et forme de prier Dieu, de M. Jean Eere (? Bheims, 1551) *. I. a. et typ. A YEEY SCAECE AND CUEIOTJS COLLECTION in 1 vol. 12mo. Original calf binding, £3. 165 («>. 1540-51) Guillaume Merlin printed a book of Horae naries ; but is probably the same book as that in the year 1548. As for the last piece in the stated by Brunet (Vol. II. 1221) to be the riRST volame, it apparently wants title and prelimi- printed at Rheims. Rouen. 441 COUSTUMIEE (le Grand) du pays et duclie de Normandie, folio, Itiixm jDfOtljiques, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 16s Pouen, 1539 442 BEKOALDE de Veeville, le Cabinet de Minerve : observations amoureuses, Subtilitez, Rencontres joyeuses, Avantures, etc. ISmo. portion of last leaf fac- simile, heautiful copy in old citron morocco, gilt edges, 36^ Pouen, 1601 443 DiCTiONNAiEE frauQois-latin ; augmente des mots de Venerie et Faulconnerie, Proverbes et Sentences proverbiales, stout sm. 4to. vellum, \2s Pouen, 1028 444 LAS Casas (Baetholome de) Tyrannies et Cruautez des Espagnols, commises es Indes Occidentales, traduite fidellement en Erangois par Jacques de Miggrode, sm. 4to. limp vellum, 825 Pouen, J. Caillouej 1630 Rare: a copy priced by Techener, in 1855, 48 francs. ^ Toulouse. Jean G-randjean. 445 GUI DE EOT. Lo Docteinal de Sapiensa en lo lenguatge de Tl^olosa, sm. 4to. ^otl)ic letter, woodcut of the Crucifixion on title-page, with one of a Death-hed from the Ars moriendi on the reverse, this latter being repeated on a separate leaf at end, a ii wanting, being the first leaf of text, vellum, £12. 105 Tholosa, Jan Grant Johan, 1504 An excessively rare book, of which it [ being much closer to the Spanish Catalan than seems that only one other copy is known, which the Provencal tongue a century later. The book is cited by Brunet on the authority of a private is in signatures a to p^ the first and the last two catalogue. The language is very remarkable, I in six, the rest in eight leaves. Petrus d'Estey. 445*Sambla:n'cati (Jo.) Index Comitum Euscinonensium (i.e. Eoussillon),sm. 8vo. calf, 20s ToloscB, Petrus d'Estey, 1642 With a Latin poem at end on the taking of | is unmentioned by Brunet. Salces by the Prince de Conde. This rare work I TYPOGEAPHICA: Germany. 1115 446 GOUDELIN (Pierre) Obros, aumentados d'uno noubelo Floureto, [avec Dic- TiONi^AiEE DE LA. Langue Tolosaine], SHI. 4to. limp vellum, with the auto^ graph of Stephen Baluzius, £2. 2^ Toulouso, 1648 Best edition of these celebrated Provencjal i lifetime with his final revisions and additions, poems, being the last published in the author's | Tournon. 447 Du Yerdier, les Diverses Let^ons, suivans celles de Pierre Messie, contenans plusieurs histoires, discours, et faicts memorables, 12mo. vellum, fine copy, 10s Tournon, 1604 Troyes. 448 He ®rant 3StalentJrier, copost des Bergiers avecq leur Astrologie, et plusieurs aultres choses, folio, numerous very curious woodcuts, remarkably fine copy in green morocco, gilt edges, £25. Troyes par Nicolas le Rouge, 1529 The woodcut Illustrations include a series of I flicted by Satan and his assistants; Biblical sub- the appalling Tortures of the Wicked in Hell, in- ! jects ; two spirited representations of Death, &c. GERMANY. Guttenberg of Maintz. 449 CATHOLICOlSr. Incipit Suma q vocat' Catholico edita a fre Job e de Janua ordie {sic) frm p'dicatoru {manuscript heading in red ink) large folio, Editio Princeps, superb copy in old calf gilt ^ with the royal arms of Bavaria stamped in gold on the sides, £200. Alma in urbe Maguntina, 1460 450 another copy, wanting 3 leaves {supplied in MS.) in poor binding, £20. A volume of extraordinary rarity, being the fourth book printed with a date. The complete colophon is as follows : — Altissimi presidio cuius nutu infantium lingue fi unt diserte. Qui qz niio sepe p'uulis reuelat quod sapientibus celat. Hie liber egregius. catholicon. dnice incarnacionis annis M cccc Ix Alma in ur be maguntina nacionis indite germanice. Quam dei clemencia tam alto ingenii lumine. dono qz g' tuito ceteris terrar" nacionibus preferre. illustrare qz dignatus est Non calami, stili. aut penne sufFra gio. sz mira patron ar' formar' qz concord ia p'por clone et modulo, impressus atqz confectus est. Hinc tibi sancte pater nato cii flamine sacro. Laus et honor dno trino tribuatur et uno Ecclesie lau de libro hoc catholice plaude Qui laudare pi am semper nonlinque mariam DEO. GRACIAS. This is a wonderful book. Not only is its in- Catholicon or Encyclopaedia, it is the best lexicon for the phrasoeology of the Latin fathers and schoolmen) but it brings us as it were into the presence of the great Inventor of Printing, Gutten- berg himself. Eor, notwithstanding that the Catholicon has been attributed to Heinrich Bech- termiintze, who afterwards established himself at Eltvil, it is unquestionable that the book is printed with Guttcnberg's types as seen in the famous Mazarine Bible; and considering that the latter, whatever may have been his motive, never ap- pended his own name to any typographical work, we may conclude that Bechtermiintze was no more than his commercial representative in 1460. So that the Catholicon is truly a production of Guttcnberg's press, and probably the first dated book that was published under his own care, his connection with Fust being already severed. trinsic literary merit high (for besides being a Sine nota loci et anni typographique nominis. 451 CATHOLICON. Incipit summa que vocatur catholicon edita a fratre ioharme de ianua ordis fratr' p"dicator', large folio, without the second and third leaves of text, but otherwise a tall and superb copy, in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bozhian, lettered on the back " Catholicon Joanis de Janua, 1460," £21. sine nota, circ. 1465 This is the same edition as is mentioned by the undated editions. The book consisted no Brunet, III. ed. 502, and attributed by him to doubt originally of 372 leaves, the first and last about the year 1470-75. He considers from the peculiar shape of the small capital r, that Mentelin was not the printer, but other biblio- graphers have maintained a contrary opinion. Panzer (I, p. 79, no. 628) describes an edition apparently the same as the above, but that it had the words " operis totius conclusio" on the last line, which are not in the present copy, which only has the words " Conclusio libri" at the top of the final column. Yet Panzer's edition ended on the 23rd line of the second column of the last page, just as in the present one, and as in that described by Brunet— a concordance of arrange- ment which does not exist between any other of being blank, but the removal of these in binding would make it 370. The pages are doubled- columned and the number of lines is 67 on every page except the last, which in the present copy is the reverse of fol. 368 (properly 370, but for the defect noted above), which has 65 lines in the first column, and 23 in the second. The paper- mark is in some leaves a nine-petalled rose, and in others the bull's head of which there are two varieties, one resembling that of No. 100 in Weigel's collection, a woodcut attributed by him to about 1450, and the other like that of his No. 73, fixed by Dr. Zestermann as belonging to the years 1450-60. 1116 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : 452 CATHOLICON. Incipit summa que voca | tur catholicon edita a fratre iohanae de janua ordinis | fratrum predicatorum, large folio, calf, £10. IO5 sine notd {cir. 1475) This is the edition with a rose for paper- words, nor pagination, and the large initials are mark, consisting of 392 leaves, in double columns painted in by hand; but nevertheless the present of 58 lines each, and printed with types of re- volume is one of the finest and most perfect markable beauty, which Brunet mentions in Vol. productions of early typography. III. col. 503. It has neither signatures, catch- 453 AUGrUSTINI (S.) Libek de sacta yieginitate, sm< 4to. 21 leaves, rubri- cated, EEMAEKABLT FINE COPT, in green morocco gilt, edges uncut, 5615. sine notd (? 1460) One of the earliest specimens of Typo- | similar to that of the Cathohcon of 1460 attri- GRAPHY IN EXISTENCE. It is printed m a type j buted to Guttenberg, No. 449. 454 (BIDPAI) DIRECTOKIUM humane vite alias parabole antiquorum sapien- tium, sm. folio, Tirst Latin Edition, numerous rude woodcuts, with the rare first leaf, from Dr. IVellesley's library, j6*8 8« s. I. e. a. explicit liber Parabolarum ant. Sap. (ca. 1480) 455 Weczdoeff de Teiptis (Jodocus) AES MEMORANDI, nova secretissima continens precepta, paucissimis bonarutn artium militibus visa, srn. 4to. a curious work of 8 pages, with large woodcut title, several peculiar woodcut cha- racters, and symbols, mar. extra, gilt edges, uncut, £4i. 10s s. h et an. (ca. 1480) Unmentioned by all the bibliographers. This is the only copy I can trace. 456 MAUNDEVILLE. Itineeaeius domini Johanis de Madeville militis, sm. 4to. hluck \iiiiX, old red morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. s. I. et. a. [circa 1480) Tine copy of this rare edition of the Latin version. It consists of 71 leaves, with signatures a to i 7. 457 yOCABULAElUM Latino-Teutonicum. Incipit Variloquus . . . com- pilatus p venerabilem m<^rum iohem Melbee de Geeoluzhofen, etc. stout sm. 4to. 213 leaves, 31 lines to a full page, Latin explained in old German, the first 7 leaves supplied in contemporary MS. in the original stamped hogskin, with bosses and clasps, very rare, £>2. s. I. et a. (circa 1483) 458 EEEYDANCK, Peoueebia Eloquentis Eeetdangks innumeras in se vtilitates coplectentia. Ich bynnss genant bescheidenheit Die aller tugende krone treit Mich hat gemacbt frydanck, etc. old German and Latin, sm. 4to. 86 ^.fine copy, last leaf mended, hf calf, £3. Absque ulld notd. [circa 1490) Cette edition, en vers allemands et latins, est la premiere que Ton ait de ce poeme originaire- ment ecrit dans le XIII. Siecle. Deja en 1508 elle etait si rare que le celebre Seb. Brant en en- trepit une edition refondue, comme il fait remar- quer sur titre, pour sauver I'ouvrage de I'oubh. 459 Mandeville. Liber piis cui' auctor fert' iohanes de madeville, sm. 4to. 2fltJ)ic letter, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £10. 10s s. I. et a. [circ. 1490) Collation : Table, 3 leaves, the above title | of text. The signatures are a to 1^ vi. in eights, appearing on the verso of the third; and 58 leaves | beginning with a ii. 460 Johannis de Monte Villa Itinerarius, sm. 4to. 48 leaves, gotjic letter, some ancient MS. notes, otherwise a fine large copy, with rough leaves, almost UNCUT, vellum, £9. Qs s. I. et a {circ. 1495) 461 LUTHER. Yon der Babjlonischen Gefengknuss der Kirchen, Doctor Martin Luthers, sm. 4to. port, of Luther as a monk, calf gilt, rare, £2. lOs s. I. et a. [ca. 1520) portrait of Luther in his monastic costume, and in the dedication he styles himself " Martinus Luther Augustiner." Very fine copy of an edition unmentioned by the bibliographers, and which appears to have been one of the earliest publications of the cele- brated reformer. On the title there is a large 402 PAPACY. Von dee eescheocklichen Zuestoeung vnnd Niderlag desz gantzen Bapstumbs, gepropheceyet vnd geweissagt durcb die Propheten, Christum vri seine Aposteln, vn ausz Johannis Apocalypsi figiirlicli vnnd sichtlich geseben, sm. folio, a curious work with 10 \ fine woodcuts in the style (j/* Lucas Ceanach, fine copy in old calf gilt, from the Enschede library at Haarlem, £25. s.l. et a. [cir. 1560) " Ouvrage tres-remarquable en vers et en prose, imprime selon Ebert (23880) a Bale vers 1560—70, avec de belles gravures sur bois, dans la maniere de L. Cranach, dont 7 dela grandeur dulivre et 94 plus petit es, y compris les figures repettes. Voir le Catalogue de la hihUotheque de A. F. DiDOT (1867) No. 5." The first large woodcut contains the figure of a female Pope mounted on the Beast with seven heads, with several princes kneeling before her. The inscription is "Angnes ain Weib aus Enge- lant Johanes derSibent genant a. 851." This is a new version of the old legend of Pope Joan, making her Agnes an Englishwoman. TYPOGEAPHICA: Germany. iiir Sine nota loci et typographi. 463 YOCABULAEIUS ex quo, sq. 8vo. 172 leaves, a to t in eights, of which the first is the title, the last hlanh, Latin explained in old German, fine copy in the original hogskin and hoards, £2. 10s s. I. et typoq. 1480 With the signature of the original proprietor, Johannes Protzer, 1498," on theflj-leaf. 461 DER PEOPHET JONA (audi Habbacuc) auszgelegt durch Martinu Luther, 2 parts in 1 vol. sin. 4to. Hahhacuc wanting leaf A 1, in the original stamped binding, 36s s. I. 1526 This vohime cannot be identified with any 1 published in the year 1526. of the editions which bibliographers mention as j 465 INDULGENCE "pro tuitione orthodoxe fidei contra Thurcos" (Letter of) issued by Eaymuudus Peraudi (Cardinal Eaymond Perault), a single leaf of vellum, oblong 8vo. £^. lOs. s. I. 1488 forms of indulgence (to be obtained according to the amount of pecuniary aid given by the sinner to the church), one the " totiens quotiens in vita," the other the " plenaria remissio in mortis articulo." Raymond Perault, then the Pope's Legate- Extraordinary in Germany for the sale of Indul- gences, afterwards became Bishop of Xaintonges, and a Cardinal. The present brief was perhaps printed in the south of Germanv. It contains two 466 ©e^Ea 2a(©i*lBl3(©m2FiE cum applicationibus moral isatis ac misticis, sm. folio, 30t!)ic letter, fine large copy, calf extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £4. 4s s. I. 1499 nous le revele par ces mots Elimandus in Qesta Romanorum.'" — Brunei. " On a longtemps ignore le nom de I'auteur de cette compilation, mais un passage du 68me dialogue du livre intitule Dialogus Creaturarum 467 OETUS SANITATIS de Herbis et Plantis,. de Animalibus et Eeptilibus, de Piscibus, Lapidibus etc. sm. folio, title within tvoodcut border, with hundreds of curious woodcuts, some coloured, in the original boards covered with stamped leather, £3. 3s sine loco, 1517 A fine edition of this famous old Herbal. . well executed. The woodcut border of the title is remarkably | Augsburg, Augusta Vindelicorum. Giinther Zainer. 468 EIETH GEEMAN BIBLE. At end : Diss durchleuclitigost werck der ganc- zen I heylioen geschrifft. genandt die Bibel fur | all ander vorgedrucket teutsch biblen. lau | terer. klarer. vnnd warer. nach rechter ge | meinen teutsch dan vorgedrucket. hat hie | ein ende. In der hochwirdigen keyser- lichen | stat Augspurg. der Edlen tetitschen Na- | tion nit die mynsst. Sun- der mit dem mey- | sten eben geleych genenet zu gantzem ende — Ymb wol- lich volbringung. seye lob. glori | vnd Ere der hochen heyligen driualtig- keit 1 vnd eynigem wesen. Dem vater vnd dem | sun. vnd dem heyligen geyst. Der da lebet. | vnd regyeret got ewigklichen Amen, very stout royal folio, with numerous woodcuts slightly wormed and having two leaves mended, othei'ivise a fine large copy, measuring '[^inches by 12\, in the original oak' boards, covered with stamped pigskin, £25. {Giinther Zainer, C2>. Scuol, Jacob Dorta, 1679 604 — the same, folio, a picked copy in OLITD Morocco extra^ gilt edges, £15. 1679 " Un exempl. en mar. r, 200 fr. vente Kraen- ner en 1855." — Bnmet. 1134 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. 605 BIBLIA (La Sacra) tradiitta in Lingua Eomansclia d'Ingadina Bassa, vertida e stampada avant temp tras lavur da Jac. Ant. Vulpio et Jac. Dorta a Vul- pera, la II Editiun augmentada da Nott da Porta, folio, very fine clean copy in russia extra, gilt edges, £S. 10s Scuol, 1743 606 the same, folio, a superh copy in olive morocco super extra, tert RARE, £12. 1743 Siemern. Hieronymus Rodler. 607 PIEEEABEAS, eyn schone kurtzweilige Histori, von eym machtige Eiesen auss Hispanie, sm. folio, black letter, numerous large and curious woodcuts, the margins of five leaves a little repaired, otherwise a good copy, hf. bd. £2. Siemern, Iheron. Bodler, 1533 608 the same, a clean and perfect copy, with fine impressions, brown calf extra, gilt edges, £4. IO5 1533 A rare edition of this famous Romance (one of the Don Quixote series) unknown to most bib- liographers. Speyer, Spira, Spires. Peter Drach. 609 JOHANNIS DAMASCENI Liber Barlaam et Josaphat, ^mAoWo, fine copy in vellum, £2. Vis Q>d sine notd (typis Spirensibus Petri Drach, cir. 1475) Very rare. It is one of the earliest books j printer of the town commenced his career in 1471. printed in Speyer, where Peter Drach the first j 610 V0C.1BULAEIUS incipiens Teutonieu ante Latinum, sm. 4to. 249 leaves, of which the last is blank, 36 lines in a full page, old High German explained in Latin^ some wormholes, hf bd. very rare, 36s s. I. et. a. (SpircB, Drach, 1483) 611 BEEYDENBACH, Sanctse Peregrinationes in Montem Syon, ad Christi sepul- chrum, etc. folio, woodcuts, fine large copy, but part of large view of Venice torn off, sold with all faults, bds. £2. 10s Spirce, per Petrum Drach, 1490 This edition is very rare. Roscoe's copy complete, fetched £13. 5s. Bernardus Albinus. 612 G-UAGtNINI (A1.) Sarmatiae Europeae descriptio, quae regnum Poloniae, Lituaniam, Eussiam, Moseoviam, etc. compleetitur, folio, in the text a series of woodcut portraits, also folding woodcut of an assembled council, size of two pages ; separate table, " Geneafogia Pegum Poloniae ;' calf, 'S6s iSpirae, 1581 Strasburg, Argentoratum. 613 Officii misse, sacriqz ca:nonis exposicio. & signer' que inibi | quotidie fiut mistice rep'sentacdnis declaratio . . . j . . in alma universitate | lipc- zeusi edita. incipit feliciter, sm. folio, very fine copy with illuminated capitals, calf, £3. 10s sine nota {? Argentoraii, cir. 1475) Described by Panzer (Annales, I. p. 94) as wrongly attributed to Christoph. Valdarfer, It the work of a yet unknown Strasburg printer, is however probable that the book was printed by whose productions had been by Braun and others Georg Reyser in Wurtzburg. Martin Flach. 614 SALLUST. On obverse of leaf 1 . Caij Crispi Salustij, de Lucij Catali | ne conluratione liber felicit' incipit. On reverse of leaf 20 : C. Crispi Salustij de coniuratione | Catiline liber feliciter finit: sm. folio, an extremely rare edition, fine copy in stamped calf, £5. 6s sine notd (J Argentorati, Martinus Flach, circ. 1477) Sine typographi nomine. 615 ALEXAN])EE. Historia Alexadri Magni Eegis Macedonia de Preliis, small folio, calf extra, by Prout, £2. 2s Argent. 1489 616 LOMBAEDICA HISTOEIA [ que a plerisqz Aurea | legenda sactorum ap | pellatur, stout sm. folio, stamped hogskin, £2. 2s Arg entice, sine typogr. nom. 1490 The volume consists of signatures a to z, and I phon and date on the obverse of H 5 ; and is fol- A to N 7. The original work ends, with colo- | lowed by additional lives and legends. TTPOaEAPHiCA: Germany. 1135 Johann Griininger. 617 EEISCH (Georgii) Appendix Matheseos in Marqaritam Philosophicam ; sequuntur Grraecarum Literarum Institutiones, Hebraiearum Litterarum Eu- dinienta, Musica figurata, Architectura et Perspectiva, Astrolabii compo- sitio, etc. small thick 4to. woodcut border to title and ornamental titles to the twelve books, besides a large number of very curious wood engravings through- out the volume, and Musical notes, in original stamped binding, with clasps, 26s Argentorati, Jo. Griininger, 1512 J. Schott. 618 PTOLEMEI Geographic Opus nouissima traductione e Grecorum archetypis castigatissime pressum, (edentibus Eszler et XJbelin), large folio, woodcut maps, all neatly coloured by a contemporary hand, bd. 5615, Argentine, 1513 First edition of Columbus' Map of the New World. Johann Knobloch. 619 ADELPHI (J.) die TUECKISH Chronica von irem Vrsprung Anefang vnd Eegiment, biss vff dise Zeyt, sampt irem Krigen vnd Streyten, mit den Christen begangen, sm. folio, numerous bold and spirited woodcuts, fine large clean copy in red morocco extra, giljt edges, by Bedford, £7. 10s Strassburg, Knobloch^ 1516 Rare. Collation : ^ to |[^ in sixes, including title ; together 48 leaves. Sigmund Bun. 620 PONTO und SIDONIA. Eyn rhumreich zierlicb unnd fast fruchtbarHistori von dem edlen Eitter Ponto des Kunigssun auss Galicia ; auch von der schonen Sidonia, Kiinigin aus Britannia, smallest folio, many spirited wood- cuts, illustrative of Chivalry, Tournaments, Combats, Sfc. vellum, rare, £5. 15s Strassburg, 1539 A fine copy of this rare Romance ; which is queen, but because this translation from the particularly interesting to English collectors, not French original was made by '* Heleonora, queen merely because the heroine is named a British of Scotland, archduchess of Austria." Sulzbach, Solisbacum. 621 CAEYE (Th.) Lyra, sive Anacephal^osis Hibernica, in qua deexordio, seu Origine, Nomine, Moribus Eitibusque gentis Hibernicse, succincte tractatur, cum Annalibus Hibernise, et rerum gestarum par Europam 1148-1640, editio secunda, sm. 4to. ivith the 5 plates so often wanting (including portraits of Carve, Charles I. and Donagh O'Brien), fine large copy in the original stamped hogskin, with clasps, £6. 5s Sulzbaci, 1666 Ulm. ? Ludwig Hohenwang. 622 VOCABULAEIUMLATINO-TEUTONICUM, stout sm. M\o,very fine and large copy in the original oak boards, covered with stamped pigskin, ivith clasp, EXTREMELY RARE, £5. 5s s. I. ^ a. {? TJlmcB typis Hohenwang, ante 1469) Fetched at one of Libri's sales, £6. 12s. ; at distinguish this volume, and a few other books Sotheby's in 18r)6, £15. ; again in 1858, £8. This edition seems unknown to most biblio- graphers and is not as yet attributed with cer- tainty to any typographer. Hassler, in the Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulms, appears however satisfied that it was printed by Hohenwang about the year 1460. The peculiar shape of the capital letter Q, unlike the same letter in any other of the known sets of early type, is sufiicient in itself to (noted by Braun, I, p. 104) and prevent any con- fusion amongst the bibliographers. The type is given in facsimile by Braun, I. plate viii, No. 2, and it certainly differs from the characters which he gives elsewhere in facsimile as specially be- longing to the books printed by Hohenwang. Panzer gives a correct description of the present Vocabulary in the Annalcs, IV. 210, 1296, and in the Zusatze zu seu Annalen, No. 114. Leonhard Holl. 623 PTOLEMiEI Cosmograpbia Latino reddita a Jacobo Angelo, curam Mappa- rum gerente Nicolao Douis Germano, folio, with the large woodcut maps, co- loured at the time, the map of the world marked, '' lusculptum est per Johan- nem Scbnitzer de Armszihein)," cropped, bds. £5. Ulmce, per L. Holl, 1482 Rare. The maps of this volume appeared Mirabilibus Mundi" were added. The latter in this edition for the first time. The present is Treatise, however, in a cotemporary handwriting, one of the copies issued before the " Registrum is appended in this copy. Alphabeticum" and the Treatise "de Locis et 1136 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Sine typographi nomine. 624 SCH WABENSPIEGEL. On the first page Preface heginning : In dem nami des hochste richters | Cristi unsers herren, etc. On second page : Hie hebt sich au das Eegister, etc. _0n obverse of folio 9 : Erst | Dis buch saget Bummarie voq kungliche | un keyserliche darzu laudt un lehea rechte, sm. iolioy very fine copy, hut wanting folios xcix and c, newly hound in wooden hoards with gilt calf hack, £S. Ss Sine not d (? Vim, cir. 1475) poLi-ATiON: « preliminary leaves, unnum- Schilter's Teutonic Antiquities; Panzer quotes it bcred; 135 numbered leaves; and a final one unnumbered. This edition of the ancient Swabian Law is extremely rare. It is only described de visu in from his description in such a manner as if he almost doubted the existence of the edition. It is perhaps equally probable that the book was printed at Augsburg as at Ulm. Johann Zainer. 625 LEGEND^ SANCTOEIJM (cura Jacobi a VoEAaiNE), stout sm. folio, very fine copy, in the original oak hoards, £Q. 6s Impressi (sic) per Johannem Zainer in opido Vim, {cir. 1476) Vert rare. This is the edition described by Brunet, v, column 1366, and by Panzer, iv, p. 458. 1 can only trace the sale of one other copy, which was mentioned in Thorpe's catalogue of 1833, with the observation: " Zainer's produc- tions are so rare, that only one specimen, the JEsop, also printed without date, is found in Earl Spencer's library." Johann Reger. 626 PTOLEM^I Geogeaphia. latine reddita a Jacobo Angelo, curam Mapparum gerente JNicolao Donis Germano, large folio, 32 large xylographic maps coloured, remarkahly fine tall copy in the original oak hoards, covered with stamped pigskin, £8. 8s Ulm, Johann. Beger, 1486 Conrad Dinckmut. 627 GUILLEEINI Postllla super Epistolas et Evangelia de Tempore et Sanctis pro Defunctis, sm. folio, in the original oak hoards covered with leather, the fly-leaves heing part of some curious earlier medical hook with two rude wood- cuts, £2. 2s TJlmce, per Gunradum Dinckmut, 1486 Vienna, Wien, Vindobona. J. Winterburg. 628 PASSAU MISSAL. Incipit Liber Missalis secundum Chorum Pata- viensem, sm. ^o\\o, printed in red and hlack, including 44 pp. of Music, wood- cuts, the Canon Miss^, with the large woodcut of the Crucifixion, heing FEINTED ON VELLUM, in the Original oak hoards, covered with stamped pigskin, WienncB, J. Winterhurg, 1503 signatures s 7 and s 8, being folios 143 and 144, are absent ; but nothing can be wanting as the Pro Defunctis ends with the chant of the Pater Noster on the reverse of leaf 142, and the next leaf (145) contains the woodcut preceding the Canon. £12. 12s A volume of extraordinary rarity and one of the earliest works in which the Lues Venerea is mentioned. The Service contained in this work, entitled Missa de beato Job contra Morbdm Gallicum, (beginning folio 297) is a great lite- rary curiosity, which is hardly ever to be found in the book as it was rigidly suppressed. The 629 SOLINUS and POMPONIUS MELA. Joannis Camertis in Solini UoXvicrriopa Enarrationes, small folio, title within woodcut horders, and large folding map of the World, including America, very fine copy in old calf gilt, £15. 15s VienncB Austrice, Lucas Alantse, 1520 The map in this volume is the first that name, but it is nevertheless adopted, and for the BEARS THE NAME OF AMERICA, and is different first time in any map. Copies of the book are so from the Ptolemy maps afterwards issued, which were designed by Laurentius Frisius. It was prepared by Apian the Cosmographer, •' juxta Ptolomei traditionem et Araerici Vespucii alio- rumque lustrationes," and therefore gives the VO7 lume an interest and value infinitely beyond its worth as an edition of Solinus. The Northern continent is wholly insulated from the Southern, the latter being named '* America provincia," and inscribed thus: "Anno d. 1497, hec terra cum adiacetib; insulis inventa est per Columbum Januensera ex mandate regis Castelle." This very note Beema in itself a protest against the rare, that Brunet does not mention it, and there seems to have been no copy in any of the great American collections, until very recently, as the indefatigable author of the Bihliotheca Vetustis- sima only describes it from that of the British Museum. This copy of a rare and valuable work is additionally interesting because it is bound up with the Pomponius Mela of Basel, 1522, which has the notes and letter of J. Vadianus upon the discrepancies between Gamer's Solinus and the work he himself was then editing. TTPOGEAPHICA: Germany. 1137 630 WIEEICH (H.) Ordentliche Beschreibung des Christlichen, hocUoblich en und fiirstlichen Beylags oder Hochzeit, so da gt'halten ist -vvorden durch . . . Caboleis', Ertzhertzog zu Oriterreich (sic) rnit den Frawlein Maria, gebome Hertzogin zn Bajrn, den 26 Aug. (1571) in Wienn, in Teutsche Carmina gestelt, sm. folio, a good sound cojiy, in the original stamped calf binding, rehacked, teey eare, £^. 15s TVienn, 1571 Wittenberg. Johann Griinenberg. 631 DAEETIS Phrygii Historia de Excidio Troiae, sm. 4to. 11 very curious wood- cuts, Ids. RAKE, £2. 12s Qd [WiftehergcB], In Officina JoJiannis Gronenlergii, 1513 The art of printing in Wittenberg was ten years old at the date of this book. Dares Phry- gius has a special interest for an English collector. It was long believed that this supposititious work was a Latin translation by Cornelius Nepos from the Greek of Dares ; but the credit of its author- ship both in this prose form as well as in a metri- cal one, is now conceded to Joseph of Exeter, (therefore called Iscanus or Exoniensis) a learned Englishman who accompanied Richard I. in his crusade to the Holy Land. This romance is the original from which Gui« q/" American Countries, each occupying twopngex, vellum, £3. 16* Lovanii, J. Bogardus, 1597 First edition of the first special Atlas of the New World.. Utrecht. 680 Compendium Operum VIRGILIANORUM: Miroer des (Euvres de le (sic) excellent Poete Virgile taillez en rame, 4to. brilliant impressions of the en- gravings by Crispin de Passe, red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, £5. 15^ Vltrnjecti, s. a. Zwoll. Peter Os of Breda. 681 DAT BoEC vanden LEVP:N ONS LIEFS HEREN Ihu Crist i, sm. folio, numerous and large woodcuts, uncoloured, the first lenf slightly mended, but in other respects a fine well-preserved copy in the original boards, covered with leather Zwoll, by Peter Os van Breda^ mcccc cxix (1499) Zacharias Heins. ' 682 CoNST-THooNENDE JcwEEL, by de loflijcke Stadt Haerlem ten Versoecke van Trou moet blijchen, in't Licbt gebracht, sm. 4to. numerous folding engravings of the Processions, Emblems, all the Towns of Holland^ ^-c. vellum, 24^ Zwol 1707 lUl BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: ITALY. Sine nota loci et typographi. 683 AUGUSTINI (S.) Liber de Vanit.vtibus Seculi, de Yita Christiana, de Anima et Spiritu, de Ebrietate, ad Virgines de Sobrietate et Ebrietate, de qiiatuor Yirtutibus Caritatis, et de Contricione Cordis, 7 pieces, or 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. fine copy, with autograph of " Otto Biude, anno 1473," £4. 4* s. I. anno 1472 Laire attributes this excessively rare edition to the Press of Giinther Zainer ; but Panzer thinks it was produced in Italy. It was perhaps printed in Bologna, by Azzoguidi or some other, about the time of the establishment of the press in that city. The paper-mark is the bull's head with a star or rose on the spike, and also the Cross-keys. On account of the rarity of this collection of S. Augustin's opuscula, Sir Mark Sykes's copy sold for £8. 18s 6cZ. 684 AUGUSTINE. Queste illibro di Sancto AUGUSTINO de la CITA di DIO, sm. folio, fine large copy, in calf neat, gilt edges, £2. IQs Sine notd {circa 1475) 685 CHEYSOLOEiE Erotemata, Grace, 12mo. wanting two leaves, red morocco, gilt leaves, 32« sine loco et anno, (? 1477) 686 Dante, CONYIVIO, small 4to. with neat MS. notes on the margins, attributed to Luigi JPulci, a very large copy with rough leaves, hf bd. gilt top, £o. 1490 Bologna. For the Hebrew books — see special beading, post, Hebrew Presses. Dominico Lapi. 687 NUESIA (Benedicti de) Opus ad Sanitatis conservationem ; etiam Tadeus de Elorentia de Eegimine Sanitatis, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, ISs Bonon. Dominicus de Lapis, 1477 Vert Kabe. " Vendu 130 fr. Brienne-Laire."— JBnmet. Ugone Ruggerio. 688 MANDEYILLE. Tractate de le piu marauegliose cose e piu notabile che si trouino i le parte del mondo reducte e colte sotto breuita in lo psente compedio dal strenuissimo cavalier a speron doro lohane de Mandauilla anglico nato nela cita de sc'to Albano, sm. 4to. blacfe letter, brown morocco extra^ gilt edges, by Mackenzie, £12. Imp^ssuz bon. (Bononi^) p. Ugone Bugeriu anno dni 1188 Fine copy of a very rabe edition. It consists of 82 leaves in signatures from a to Jk. Sine typographi nomine. 689 Spirito de' G-ualtieri (Lorenzo) LIBEO da la YENTUEA (over li Libro de le Sorte) in Terzine, small folio, many curious woodcuts, fine copy, hf. calf, £6. 85 Bologna, s. a. (? 1500) the rig:ures of Kings, surrounded by a border with the inscription CISA FE PIERO IN TAIGIO QUESTO. In the centre of all the Combina- tions of Dice Play are allegorical figures, all engraved in the same rude style; elegant borders surround the Circular Games. A very rare work on the Art of telling For- tunes by Dice. Collation : -—Sheets A, 8 leaves ; B, 12 leaves; C, 8 leaves; D, 6 leaves ; E, 6 leaves; F, 4 leaves. Folio 2 contains a fine large cut of a Wheel of Fortune, presided over by King Solomon; this is followed by 24 very rude cuts of Benedetto di Ettore. 690 GIAMBATTISTA SPAGNOLL Omnia Opera Baptists Mantuani Car- melitse, folio, fine large copy in old French red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. Vds Bononice, per Benedictum Hectoris, 1502 "Belle edition, assez rare, et la plus estimee." I opinion of the learning and poetical genius of this —Bnmet. Erasmus held an extravagantly high | writer. Platone dei Benedetti. 691 ACHILLINO (Gioanne Philotheo) Yiridario (in ottava Eima), sq. 8vo. without title and prefatory matter, green morocco, gilt edges, very rare, Br. Wellesley's copy, £2. IQs Bologna, 1513 Containing much curious information rela- I and other places, tive to literary men and the artists of Bologna J TYPOGEAPHICA: Italy. 1145 Brescia. Bonino de' Bonini. G92 DANTHE ALEGHIERI, Cantica o vero Comedia, col Comexto di Christophforo Laisdino, folio, 67 fine large looodcuts^ filling the whole page (first deficient)^ first page of Inferno surrounded by an elegant border {a drawing in colours of the period)^ containing a portrait of Dante, and the arms of the Delfino Family, vellum, £10. Bressa, per Boninum de Boninis, 1487 Excessively rare. There are but few speci- mens in existence of the Bonini press at Brescia. Printing had been established in that town about fifteen years before the date of the above Dante. This book forms the third edition of Landino's commentary, and was reproduced from the famoii-s Florence Dante of 1481, but with entirely new engravings. Casalmaggiore, 693 TASSO, GERUSALEMMBLIBEEATA, trattada fedeliss. copia, et emeu- data di mano dell' auttore, con gli argomenti di O. Ariosti, sq. 8vo. beautiful copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges^ by Niedrce,from Dr. Welleslefs library, £5. 5* Casalmaggiore, Canacci e Viotti, 1581 The first edition was surreptitiously printed | present is the second, and gives a much better in a very mutilated form at Venice in 1580. The | text. Cremona. 694 CAMPO (A.) Cremona fedelissima Citta et nobilissima Colonia de Eomani rappresentata in Disegno col suo .Contada et illustrata d'lina breve Historia delle Cose piu notabili appartenenti ad essa, original edition, with brilliant impressions of the portraits {including that of Queen Mart as wife of JPhilip II of Spain), and plates engraved by Aoostino Cabacct,^^^ copy, in old red morocco, with the interlaced ^All of P. de Pibrach ( T Peiresc) stamped in gold on sides, from Felix Slade's library, £Q. Gs Cremona, in casa dell autore, 1585 Ferrara. Lorenzo dei Rossi, of Valenza. 695 HIEEONTMO. Epistole de San Hieronymo vulgare ; con la Vita, folio, two beautiful borders, several hundred very fine tvoodcuts, stated to be after drawings of the celebrated Mantegna, a7id a great variety of Capitals, {these after ancient MSS.) a superb copy in blue MOROCCO extra, gilt leaves, by Leivis, £10. Ferrara, 1497 Executed by one of the earliest Ferrarese ] nationality, but suggests a curious and inter- printers. His description, da Valenza, that is, of I esting inquiry. The title of the book is block- Valentia, is not sufficiently precipe to indicate his I printed and very fine. Sine nomine. 696 SOLINUS de Mieabilibus Mundi, ed. Bonino Mombritio, sm. 4to. vellum, £3. 35 (? Ferrarice, 1478) See an undated edition described under the I Geographical catalogue for a detailed comparison, heading Rome ; and also Nos. 4.54 and 455 of my | Giovanni Mazocchi, 697 CIIEYSOLOEAE Erotemata, Greece : Erotemata Guarini cum multis addi- tamentis et cum commentariis latinis, 16mo. calf extremely rare, Mr. Mit- ford's copy, 2\s Ferrariae, Mazochus, 1500 698 LASCAIIIS, Institutiones Universae, cum plurimis auctariis, Greece et Latine, sm. 4ito,fine copy, morocco super extra, gilt edges, SOs Ferrariae, Maciochus, 1510 " Edition presqu' aussi rare que les precedentes." — Brunei. Baldini. 699 Tasso, Gerusalemme Liberata, tratta dal vero originale, con Tallegoria dello stesso autore, {senza gli argomenti, e per curadiFebo Bonna), sq. 8vo. a fine copy in vellum, from Dr. Wellesley's library, £2. 56* Ferrara, Baldini, 1581 This is the first complete edition of the text, and has the editor's dedication, dated June, 1581, F. de Rossi's Heirs. 700 la medesima (secunda edizione di Bonna) con gli argomenti, sq. 8vo. woodcut border, fine copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges, from Dr. Wellesley^s library, £2. 15* Ferrara, heredi di F. de Rossi, 1581 This is the second improved edition by I 1581. It is entirely a distinct edition from the F. Bonna, with the dedication dated 20 July, j preceding, lleber's copy fetched £3. 4s. 1146 BEKNARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Florence. Johann son of Peter of Mentz. 701 CAVALCA, Ptjis'GI Ltis^gua : Tractate c5tra el Peccato della Lingua, Lorenzo de 3Iathio^ cherico Fiorentino, et Giovani di Fiero Thedesco da Magama, 1490 — Libro molto devoto & spirituale de Feucti della Lingua, tleqant woodcut of the ascension on title ^ Lorenzo Morgiani ^ Giovanni di Fiero, 1493— 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, hd. £3. Firenze, 1490-93 This John son of Peter of Maintz was the j neously supposed to be a sonof Teter SchofFer. second printer of Plorenee. He has been erro- | Nicholaus Laurentii of Breslau. 702 CAYALCA, (Pui^^gi Lingua) bellissimo et utile Tractate contra il Peccato della Lingua, sm. folio, la^ye copg, Jif. hd. SOs finit yer Nicholavm Florentie, (s. a. circ. 1480) 703 DANTHE ALIGHIEET, la Comedia, col Comento di Chnstoforo Landing, stout folio, with three of the ENGRAVINGS by Baccio Baldini, several leaves pierced by a sinall wormholCj otherwise a good copy, blue morocco^ gilt edges, teet eaee, £10. 10^ Firenze, per Kicholo di Lorenzo della Magna, 1481 The third engraving is a duplicate of the second, as is generally the case. 704 MOEALI di Sancto GREGORIO Papa sopra il beato Job ppbeta (vol- garizzati da Zanobi da Strata), 3 vols. sm. folio, Editio Princeps, vellum, gilt hacks, from Dr. Wellesley's library, £8. Firenze, Nicholo di Lorenzo della Magna, 1486 The Brothers Nerli. 705 HOMERI Opeea omnia, Graece, ex recensione Demetrii Chalcoiidylse, cum Herodoti Plutarchique vitis Homeri, et Dionis Chrysostomi dissertatione, Editio Princeps, 2 vols, folio, the Odyssey wanting three leaves (C iii and pp iii and vi) in ancient orange morocco, but the Iliad, a very fine tall copy, 12 J by 8J inches, perfect, in sixteenth century olive morocco, £Q^. Florent. Bernardus et Nerius Nerlius, 1488 The two perfect copies described in my Cata- logue of Classics, Nos. 824 and 82o, from the libraries of the Marquis of Hastings and Miss Currer, and priced respectively £90. and £105., have since been sold. An imperfect copy of the Iliad in stock to supply imperfections. Sine nota. 706 SAVONAROLA. Opeeetta di frate Girolamo da Ferrara della Oratione Mentale, sm. 4to. 2 woodcuts, hf.russia, neat, ZOs s. loco, typ. et anno, fciV.1490) (Antonio Miscomini.) 707 CHAYALCA (Era Domenico) el devotissimo & utile libro che si cliiama la Disciplina degli Spirituali, smallest 4to. vellum, calf bach, 155 s. I. et typ. nom- (? Fiorenza, cir. 1490) 708 Savonaeola. Teactato dell Humilita coposto p frate Hieronjmo da Fer- rara, sm. 4to. large woodcut on title, hf. russia, neat, 30^ Firenze, Mischomini, 1492 Sine nomine. 709 Sayonaeola, Opeeetta molto divota .... sopra e dieci Comandamenti di Dio, sm. 4to. 2 woodcuts, hf. russia, 305 Firenze, 1508 Filippo Giunta and his heirs. 710 Maceobii interpretatio in somnium Scipioois, et Saturnalia, curante Nicolai Angelio, stout 12mo. hf. vellum, 4s Qd Florentice, Philippus Junta, 1515 711 HOKOLOGIUM continens quse in sequenti pagina sunt scripta, Greece, 12mo. printed in red and black, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bozerian, from the Yemeniz library, £5. Florentice, ITceredes Fhilippi Juntce, 1523 712 Aeistotelts Histoeia Animalium, cum Theophastro de Piscibus, etc. Greece^ ed. Thomseus, sm. 4to. ancient MS. notes in a neat hand, fine large copy in morocco extra, by Riviere, £2. Florent. hceredes Juntce, 1527 713 CAMBINI della Origine de Turchi et Imperio delli Ottomanni, 12mo. bds. fine copy, 15« Firenze^ Gionta, 1537 TYPOGEAPHICA: Italy. 1147 G. Baleni. 714 EAPPEESENTAZIONI del Secolo XVI. A collection of 30 rare CURIOUS Pieces, early Miracle Plays, bound in 1 vol. sm. 4to. old red morocco extra, gilt edges, from the Yemenis library, £35. 1572-87 Tor contents, see No. 12828 of the General Ca'talogue, 1868. Genoa, Geneva, Genua. Pietro Paolo Porro. 715 PSALTERIUM Hebreum, Grecu, Arabicuet Chaldeu, cum tribus latinls intcr- pretationibus et ^lossis, (cura Justiniaui) sra. io\\o,fine copy, ruled through- out ^ in vellum^ £2. 16s Genuce^ Forrus, 1516 Lucca. Leonardo Venturini. 716 BAEOXII (Csesaris) Ant^ales EccLESiASTicr, cum Coutinuatione O. Eay- naldi, Accedunt Critica Hi^torico-Chronologica A. Pagi, Apparatus, Notae J. D. Mansi, et Indices, 38 vols, folio, lauge paper, Jine copy, in Italian vellum, from Dr. Todd's library, £40. Lucae, 1738-87 A fine perfect large paper copy like the above is a desideratum for a public library, and but very rarely met with. Edition preferee aux autres, car les critiques de Pagiy sont inserees a leurs places ; on y trouve des notes par Mansi et de plus des index en 3 vols, qui ne sont pas dans I'edition de Rome. — Bimnet. The annals of Baroidus furnish the only com- plete and connected account of Christian affairs during the first twelve centuries of the Church, and with the Supplements of Raynaldus and Spondanus, and the Chronological Apparatus of Pagi and Mansi's Notes, bring the Ecclesiastical History down to the year 1640 in one continuous narrative, introducing documents from the Papal Archives which serve to elucidate profane history at the same time, and to which, in the earlier por- tion more particularly, Baronius had access both as Cardinal and intimate friend and confessor to Pope Clement VIII. Mantua. Franciscus Bruschus. 717 Baptiste Eiere Mantuani Hijmni {sic) Divini, Sylve, Melanysius Coena (aliaque poemata Latina), sm. 4to. red morocco extra^ 36^ Mantue, p&r Fr. Bruschuni, 1515 Vkry RARE. This volume looks rather like " " _ . -- the rude production of a private press, than the work of a skilled typographer. The poet, Baptista Fiera Mantuanus, is not to be confounded with the more famous Baptista Mantuanus, author of the Parthenice, who was only his senior by one and twenty years. Milan. Leonhard Pachel of Ingolstadt, and Ulrich Scinzenzeler. 718 CELSU8 (Aurelius Cornelius) de Medicika, small folio, second edition, citron MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, £5. 5^ Mediolani, Fachel et S'mczenzeler, 1181 This copy cost the former proprietor j It is almost as rare as the ecZiiio^^Wiiceps' of 147&. £8. 18s Gd. "Edition peu commune."— Brwiei. | Demetrius Chalcondylas. 719 SUID^ Lexicon Gr^cum, Editio Princeps, folio, a Jine taH copy in old calf gilt, 20s Mediolani, 1499 Dent's copy fetched £5. 10s ; Dr. Askevv's, £8. 8s ; Renouard's, £4. 4s. Priced 1832, Payne and Foss, £3. 3s and £8. 8s ; 1856, Wigel, 20 and 30 rhalers. " In the present volume we behold such a body of lexicographical knowledge, — such a mass of curious and elaborate printing, — such beauty of paper and amplitude of margin, that the scholar and bibliographer are equally delighted in the contemi)lation of it." — Dihdin. J. A. Scinzenzeler, 720 PETRAECHA, con doi Comenti sopra li Soneti & Cais-zoxi, di F. Philelpbo e Antonio da Tempo, ac etiam lo Commento de Peranzone, sm. folio, several large woodcuts and borders^ calf, rare, £2. 16* Milano, Scinzenzeler, 1507 721 PKOPHETIE seu Apocalipsis Beati Joannis Apostoli & Evangeliste, Latiu^ cum vulgar expositione — at the end : Qui finisce la expositione del reverendo theologo frate Federico Yeneto ne le prophetie : over revelatione de Sancto Giouanne ditto Apocalypsis, sm. folio, the Latin text in Gothic^ the Italian lliS BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOIS": Exposition in Roman letter, title within woodcut horder,Jine old citi'on morocco, from the MacCarthy collection, veey rare, £3. lOs Milano, lo. Angelo Scinzenzeler^ li)20 Mirandola. 722 Squitinto Della Liberta Ven^bta, nel quale si adducono anche le Eagion deir Iinperio Romano sopra lo Citta e Signoria di Venetia, sq. S\o. first edi- tion, half vellum, fine copy, 15* Mirandola, per Giov. Benincasa, 1612 Heber's copy fetched £1. Us Gd. Cetouvrage I Venise, I'ayant qualifie de sedideux, le coiidamna fit beaucoup de bruit lorsqu'il parut, et le senat de ! au feu. Modena. 723 GIRALDI CINTHIO, dsLL' Hercole, Canti ventisei, sm. 4to. portrait, woodcut initials, old red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy DEROtJ-E, formerly Hib- hert's copy^ and now from the Yemeniz library, £L 10s Modena, Gadaldini, 1557 724 the same, sm. 4to. a large copy in new green morocco, gilt-marbled edges, by Niedree, £4. 4« ib. 1557 725 TASSONI {Alessandro) Yarieta di Pensieri, very sm. 4to. calf extra, gilt edges, 20s Modona, G. M. Verdi, 1613 Naples. (Mathias of Moravia, or Sixtus Riessinger.) 726 ^SOPI YITA ET FABUL^, Latine, cum versione Italica, et allegoriis Fr. Tuppi, folio, with an exquisitely beautiful series of woodcuts, surrounded by Arabesque borders, in English olive morocco super extra, joints, gilt edges, the Yemeniz copy, very large and fine, £80. Neapoli, 14S5 " Extremely rare. De Bure had not seen I The present is a beautiful copy of one of the it, when he wrote his Bibliographic Instructive, most curious publications of the Fifteenth Century, and Crofts had it not." — iH/S. note hy the late It contains tlie Life of ^sop and his Fables with Mr. Heher. "Belle et tres-rare edition, oraee de ! an Italian Version and a moral explanation, figures assez bien gravees sur bois." — Brunet The woodcuts are very remarkable for their spirit and effect, and are finished with a delicacy seldom observable in works of the period. paraphrase and a parallel story extracted from the Chronicles of Italy, or from some event of recent occurrence and affiixed to each Fable. Padua. Bartolommes de Valdezocclio. 727 HIEROCLIS, Philosophi Stoici, in Aureos Yersus Pyt1iagora3 opusculum praestantissimum et religioui Christianae consentaneum, 8vo. purple inorocco extra, gilt edges, very fine copy, a beautiful specimen of early Italian typo' graphy, ^64. 4« Fatavia, B. de Val de Zoccho, 1474 The first book printed in Padua was produced by Valdezoccho in 1 472. Parma. Etienne Coral of Lyons. 728 LUTII PLORI Gestorum Romanorum Epithoma, sm. 4to. vellum, rare, £2. 2s ParmcB, S. Corallus, s. a. (cir. 1474) Printed by the second printer of Parma, about two years after the establishment of typo- graphy there. It is curious, in consideration of the rarity of this book, to note from Beroaldo's preface, that the edition consisted of a thousand copies. Pavia. 729 SPELTA, la Saggia Pazzia, Ponte d'Allegrezza ; colla dilettevole Pazzia e la Pazziazza furiosa, 2 vols, in 1, sq. Svo. some curious cuts, old calf, arms on sides, rare, 12s JPavia, 1607 '' Un livre singulier." — Brunet. 730 ROMANO (Remigio) Raccolta di bellissime Canzonette Musicali, e mo- derne, di Autori gravissimi nella Poesia, e nelle Musica, four parts com- plete, in one yoI. ISmo. vellmn, tery rare, unknown to Fetis, £2. 10s Favia, G. B, Mossi, 1625 TYPOGKAPHICA : Italy. 1149 Reggio. 731 RUSTTCJ^ EEI SCRIPTOEES, folio, very fine copy in olive morocco extra, borders of gold, gilt edges, hy J. Mackenzie, £12. 12* jRegii, impensis B. JBruschii alias Bottoni, 1482 Rare. The Bottoni brothers were the first i was one of the earliest productions of their press, printers of Reggio, and the above beautiful volume | Rome. 732 CICERONIS Paradoia, de Amicitia, de Senectute, et S omnium Scipiouis, sm. ft)lio, MS. notes, said to he in Luther's handwriting^ and copied as such in fac- simile hy Mr. Sotheby (Principia Typographica, Ixxxii) 28* s. I. ^ a. sed Bomce, circ. 1470 1 blank and 37 printed leaves with 34 lines handwriting of the great lleformer, but the de- per page. The book was probably printed by \ scriberof the Block Books has hardly established Schwcinheim and Pannartz. The MS. notes are i a reputation for judicious criticism, positively asserted by Mr. Sotheby to be in the I Conrad Sweynheim and Arnold Pannartz. 733 BESSAEIONIS Cardinalis Sabiiii adversus Calumniatorem Platonis Libri V et Liber de Natura et Arte adversus G-eorgium Trapezuntium, folio, very fine copy in morocco super extra, gilt edges, £ 10. 10s RomcB, per C. Suueynheim et A. Pannartz, (1469) First edition, rare. The Pinelli copy sold for £5. 10s, the Crevenna for 60 florins, and the Brienne-Laire for 200 francs. Cardinal Bessarion was the greatest Platonist of the fifteenth century. He died three years after the publication of the above work, having narrowly escaped election to the Roman Papacy, as he had 734 CICERONIS OPERA PHILOSOPHICA : Tusculan^ Qusestiones, dePinibus, de Eato, etc. Academicae Questiones et de Legibus, folio, very fine copy, in the original oak hds. £20. Romce, Conradus Siveynheym et Arnoldm Pannartz, 147 1 previously missed the Greek-Church Patriarchate of Constantinople. The type used for the Greek words which occur through the volume is large and bold. Perhaps this is the second book in which such moveable Greek types were used, the first being the Lactantius of 1465. On ne trouve presque jamais ce recneil entier, mais on en rencontre quelquefois des par- ties separees qui, etant completes en elles-m^mes, ne laissent pas que d'etre precieuses : un volume contenant les 205 derniers ff. de la seconde partie, vendu 340 flor. Crevenna." — Brvmet. Excessively rare. A complete collection of the Opera Philosophica of Cicero printed by Sweynheym and Pannartz would comprise 293 leaves, including the Natura Deorv/m and the de Divinatione which consist of 88 leaves. The pre- sent volume has not these two pieces and consists therefore of 205 leaves. Ulrich Hahn. 735 LACTANTII EIRMIANI preclarum opus, (de Divinis lastitutionibus), folio, fine copy in hoards and hogskin, £4. 4* Pomee, per TJdalricum Galium^ Alamanu, et Symone Nicolai de Luca, 1474 leaves, one containing the Register, the other blank, are frequently wanting. The present copy- is fine and perfect. This edition, styled by Mr. Dibdin, *' rare and sought after,'' is described at sufficient length in the ValUere Catalogue, vol. i. p. 154, and the JBib- Uotheca 8:pe7iceriam,a, v. i. p. 214. The last two Georg Laver. 736 SILITJS ITALICUS, sm. folio, first leaf inlaid, and slightly wormed, leaf 10 blank on the recto, and leaf 21 atao deficient, calf gilt, by Kalthoeber,with arms of Earl Spencer on side, £4i. 45 Romce (G. Laver) 1471 This edition is much rarer than thit I copy cost Lord Spencer £8. at the Pinelli sale, and printed by Sweynheym and Pannartz in the same | cost Mr. Ileber £9- 12s at the sale of Earl Spen- year, which is usually considered the first. This 1 cer's duplicates in 1821. Stephan Planck. 737 PONTIFICALIS Liber, diligentia dni Augustini Patricii de Picolominib* ac dni Johannis Burkardi correctus et emendatus, folio, size 11 1 by 8| inches, printed in red and black, with the Music, very fine copy in the original stamped circuit-binding, with clasp, £12. 10s Bomce, S. Plannck, 1485 738 another copy, extremely large and fine, 12 J inches by 8|, with the initials richly painted and illuminated, in the original oak-boards, covered with stamped leather, £16. IQs . 1485 Very rare : it is apparently the first edi- | both worthy of the greatest admiration, and reflect tion of the Pontificale, and one of the finest hooks I infinite credit upon the priest-printer who pro- of its kind. The typography and the paper are | duccd the volume. 1150 BERNAED QUARITCII, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Sine nota. 739 SOLINI (JULTI) Reeum Memorabilium Collectanee. Editio Princeps, 8vo. 4 leaves of table and 116 of texty very fine large copy in green morocco, qilt edges, 3t"4. 4« Sine loco et anno, sed circa 1470 " Edition fort rare, qui parait avoir ete im- ----- — primee a Rome, vers 1473, avec les caracteres romainsgrossierement graves dont se servait Jean Schurener de Bopardia. Vendujusqu'a £13. 18s; inojr. Heber."— irwwet. The errors of this text, which in the undated edition placed under Ferrara, Mombrizio sought to correct, prove conchisively that it preceded the edition by Jenson, dated 1473, ■which the bibliographers always place first in order. Marcellus Pranck, otherwise Silber. 740 PSALMORUM Liber et (16) alia Cantica B'lhlica jEfhiop ice ; cum Syllabario Linguarum Chaldeearum (^Ihiopicarum) ; impressum ingenio et impenhis Joaimis Potken, sm. 43 Piranesi, Opere. YII. Romanorum Magnificentia et Ar chitectura, 212 pages, and 41 plates, including two frontispieces, and a portrait of Clement XIII. Roma, 1761 Supplement to " Romanorum Mag- nificentia et Architectura," frontispiece and 3 plates YIII. Campus Martius, xii and 31 pages of letter-press in Italian, and 52 plates, counting the small ones and frontispieces Roma, 1762 N.B. plates 5 to 10 are in none of the original Roman copies ; they are usually pasted together, and form one very large sheet, entitled *' Ichnogra- lia Campi Martii Urbis." The present copy has been completed in this re- spect, and being the earlier issue con- tains Italian text only. IX. Colonna di Trajano, i?ow«, 1770, 21 plates^ {of which, plate 3, the ele- vation, is in 6 sheets) Colonna Antonina; the Elevation. 5 sheets, forming one large plate Colonna dell' Apoteosi di Antonino Pio, 7 plates This volume, on account of the largeness of the plates, is bound the full size. X. Rovine del Castello del Acqua Giu lia, 26 pages, and 20 plates, in- cluding frontispieces Roma, 1764 Lapides Capitolini, sive Fasti Con- sulares, &c. 62 pages, 3 plates and a large folding one, composed of several sheets ib. 1762 Antichita di Cora, 5 pp. of text from French issue, and 14 plates, in- cluding engraved title and 2 on the letter-press XI-XII. Vasi, Candelabri, Cippi, Sarco- fagi, Tripodi, Lucerne ed Orna- menti Antichi,2 vols. Ro7na,l777 The original Roman edition has never more than 107 plates, but the subsequent edition, printed by Piranesi when in Paris, is regularly numbered to 112, and includes 5 supplementary plates, two of which are double. In the present set these supplementary plates have been added. Xlll.-XiV. Vedute di Roma, 2 vols. the early Roman impressions vary in number from 100 to 120 plates, the last edition printed by Rira- nesi in Paris being the only one which contains the full number of All choice and fine 137. The present set is piclced plate by plate from several sets of the Roman edition, adding the supplementary plates from the Rrench edition^ and several curious variations in early states, in all 141 plates Roma, 1700, ^c. XV. Antichita d'Albano e di Castel Gandolfo, 1764, 58 pages and 52 plates f including 3 frontispieces 1764 XYI. Schola Italica Picturae, cura et impensis Gavini Hamilton, Rom a , 1773, ^Opiates Statue Anticlie, 41 plates XYII. Vedute di Archi Trionfali, 32 plates 1748 Carceri (Prisons), 16 plates Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto, con vari altri ornamenti autichi, 14 plates Roma, 1753 The additional plates have been added from the French edition. Opere Varie di Architettura Gro- tescha, 28 plates, including fron- tispiece ib. 1753 XVIII. Diverse Maniere d'adornare i Cannni, printed title and 4iO pages in English, French, and Italian, frontispiece and 65 plates ib. 1769 XIX. Peintures diverses: Peintures de la Villa Lante, peintes par Jules Remain, 16 plates Rome, n. d. Peintures de la Sala Borgia, peintes par Raphael, 12 plates ib, Peintures du Cabinet de Jules 11. par Raphael, 14 plates ib. Peintures de la Farnesine, par Ra- phael, 10 plates, with set of large outlines added ib. Raccolta di 12 Virtu di Raffaello, 12 plates ib. Peintures de la Villa Altoviti, par Giorgio Vasari, title and 13 plates on 7 sheets Raris, 1807 Diverse Ornati delle Pareti, Volte et Pavimenti di Mosaico, 12 plates Rome, 1808 Vedute della Toscana, incisi da G. B. Piranesi et altri, 50 plates 1744 XX. Antiquites de la Grande Grece, gravees par F. Piranesi d'apres les Dessins du feu J. B. Piranesi (vol. I — Pompeia) Paris, 1804 COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL EoMAN Editions, selected with considerahle care from several copies 1154) BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: of each ivorh^ in all 32 vols, in 20, nineteen in impl. folio, and one in elephant folio, richly bound in red MOROCCO; with full gilt backs and tooled borders, £180. Summary of the Variations in the two Sets. A. This copy contains the following (not in B): Tempi Antichi: the text of 11 pages from the French edition. Teatro d'Hercolano: one leaf of text B. This copy contains the following (not in A) : Lettere di Giustificazione a Milord Charlemont e I'Abate Grant 4to, Panteon di Marco Agrippa, 30 plates, extremely rare Pianta delle Fabriche esistente nella Villa Adri- ana, a large plate Vedute di Koma: several plates in the earliest state added Archi Trionfali, 32 plates Raffaelle, 12 Virtu, 12 plates ( )rnati delle Pareti, Volte e Pavimenti, 1 2 plates Vedute della Toscana, 50 plates Campus Martius : text in this set is in Latin and Italian, with two more plates on the Latin text Raccolta di varie Vedute in Roma, 93 plates and title Roma, 1752 Antiohita Romane de' Tempi della Repubblica e de' primi Imperatori, 30 plates, including en- graved title PiOina, 1748 Raccolta di Disegni del Guercino, 29 plates, chiefly engraved by Ba/rtolo^zi and others, pub- lished by Piranesi Carceri, the 1 6 plates extended to 38, by insert- ing early states of the plates Antiquites de le Grande Grece, Tomes 11. & III. For sale separately/ : 752 PIRANESI, Trofei di Ottaviano Augusto per la vittoria dell' Egitto, con varj altri Ornamenti — Trofei de' Daci— Vedute del Tempio di Giove Tonante — three series in I vol. impl. folio, Sljine large plates, not quite consecutive, Ids, 305 Moma, s. a. 753 Monumenti degli Scipioni, impl. folio, original Roman issue, title, list of plates, and 24i pp. of letterpress with 7 plates, half vellum, £5. 1785 Sienna. Henricus de Harlem. 754 VALLENSIS (Laurentii) Antidoton in Pogium (edente Eabritio Sacerdote Parmensi) sm. folio, hf bd.fne copy, £3. 8s Sence, per Henricum de Harleim, 1490 The literary squabbles between two very ) gancies of the Latin tongue. The name of the learned men, Lorenzo di Valla, and Poggio Fio- I printer is remarkable, rentino, produced this erudite work on the ele- I 755 EAPPRESENTAZIONI del Secolo XVI : a collection of 27 early Italian Miracle Plays, most of them having rude woodcuts, bound in 2 vols. sm. 4to. hf morocco, £7s 10s Sienna, 1577-1620 Terni. 756 CONTELOKII (E.) Matliildis Comitissfe Genealogia, sq. 8vo. with 3 iolding Genealogical Tables, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Clarke, 32s Interamnce, 1557 (1657) Toscolano. Alessandro Paganini. 757 MERLTNI COCAII Poetae Macaronicorum Opus, per Lodolam redactus : Zanitonella, Phautasise, Moscbsese facetus liber, Epistolae et Epigrammata, 16mo. numerous woodcuts, old red moeocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 5s Tusculani, Lac. Benac. 1521 A very rare and valuable edition, printed I which is only known to exist in works printed at with a singular type between Roman and Italic, J this place by Paganini. Trino. 758 MONTISFERRATI MAECHIONUM et Principum Eegie Propaginis suc- cessionumque series nuper elucidata, sra. 4to. lit. gollj. title within woodcut border, vellum, with the autograph of Stephen Baluzius, £2. 16s Tridini, Jo. de Ferrariis, 1521 This printer, Giovanni Giolito di Ferrara, I of Trino, at the instance of the Marquis of Mont- was the first to establish typography in the town | serrat. TTPOGBAPHICA: Italy. 1155 Venice. Vindelin of Speyer. 759 Bante, la Bibma ((Tometifa, col Commento di BENVENUTO (EAMBALDI) DA IMOLA, corretto da Christofal Bebaem, con la Vita del poeta per Giovani Bocchacio ; thick folio, hlntk letter, very fine clean large copy ^ measur- ing 12 inches hif 8i, with the nAiiEllank leaf A 1 of the ^' Commedm,'' green morocco extra, joints^ gilt edges, by Kalthoeber, £28. Venet. Yendelin de Spieea, 1477 760 — . another copy, very large, measuring 12 §■ by 8^ inches, but without folio 7 of the Life, old russia gilt, loith the autograph signature and notes of'^ Jo. Andrea de Panigali Capelano de S^^- Oironimo in S^"- Maria Magiure,'" who also, on the last leaf, records plantings an elm-tree, " che sta in mezo la piaza delta chieza sopra ditta^^ the deaths of his father, mother, sister, ^'c. in 1501-16, £10. 10s 1477 in this valuable Commentary is a singular anec- dote relating to Mahomet. " The first Commentary printed was this one of Jacopo dell a Latia, in the well-known edition, the Vendeliniana of 1477 ; but it appeared under the name of Benvenuto da Iraola ; a mistake rec- tified chiefly through the Latin version. The commentary of the Imolese was in Latin, and is found in many hbraries. The Italian version, published not many years ago, has rendered it more popular ; though, in this case, the transla- tor has not done justice to the original." H. C. Barlow. The Athenmim, Dec. 18, 1869. The work is absolutely complete, in 374 leaves, as described by Colomb de Batines, not 377 as in Brunet. The Colophon (in verse) ends: — De spiera vendelin fu il stampatore Del mille quatrocento e settantasetti Correvan gli anni del nostro signore. First Edition with a Commentary. De Bure in giving a long account of this volume, calls it '' fort rare et recherche ;" and an ample description of it is given by Dr. Dibdin, in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, Vol. IV. p. 105. " Li- bro per ogni conto pregievolissimo," says Gamba. Among many other curious particulars contabaed Nicolas Jenson. 761 LAERTII DIOGENIS vitse et sententiae eoram qui in philosopliia probati fuerunt, e grseco in latinum translatse ab Ambrosio, ex recens. Brognoli, Editio Princeps, folio, a fine copy, the first leaf and the Capital el/ihorately ILLUMINATED IN THE STYLE OF ITALIAN MSS. old calf, with the book-plate of the Earl of Moira, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £G. Qs Venet. per JSTic. Jenson, MCCCCLXXV 762 COENAZANI (Antonii) de Fide et Vita Christi liber, Italice (in terza Bima), sq. 8vo. FIEST EDITION, fine large copy in darh green morocco, gilt edges, by Cape, extsemely eake, ^4. 4ss s. I. {Venetiis N. Jenson) M.eccc.LXXii. Johann of Cologne. 763 PEISCIANI Opera, folio, rich old French red morocco extra, gilt edges, by De Rome, £3. 3« Venetiis, Johannes de Colomd, 1476 Albrecht of Stendal. 764 DUNS SCOTUS. Qstioes Johanis Scoti sup 2o Sniar' ab Thoma Penket Anglico .... emedate, folio, very fine copy with the bor- dered initial and capitals illuminated in colours, hf bd. £S. 10s s. I. (Venetiis) per Albertum de Stendael, 1474 nectcd with the bishopric of Passau, and written about the beginning of the fourteenth century. The fly-leaves are of vellum, and formed parts of two old Latin MSS. one dated 1390, and relating to property in Cracow, the other con- Sine nota. 765 EIOR DE Vertu, sm. 4to. probably the First Edition, 73 leaves, printed in the Roman letter, good copy, vellum, £3. 16« s. I. et a. {? Venetiis, cir. 1474) Erhard Ratdolt of Augsburg. 766 DIONYSIUS Alexandrinus de Situ Orbis, iuterpr. Ant. Becharia, 4to. Editio princeps, an elegant Arabesque border round the first page, and every page ruled with red tines, old red morocco, gilt edges, from the Enschede library, £2. 16« Venetijs per Bernardum pictorem et Erhardum Ratdolt de Augusta, 1477 3r 1156 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Andrea of Cattaro. 767 CICEEONIS ad Quintum fratrera libri de Oratore, sm. folio, very large copy in strong old russia gilt, ivith the very rare blank leaves at beginning and end, 20s Venetiis Mag. Andreas CatJiarensiSy 1478 Philippus Conda. 768 JTJSTINI Historic! clarissimi in Trogi Pompeii historias exordium (et libri XLiy.) sm. folio, ancient calf binding, £2. 2s Veneciis, per Fhillippum Condam Petri, 1479 for 81 fr. ; and the book was priced, 1831, Long- mans, £2. 8s, and 1842, Thorpe, £2. 2^. A rare and valuable book, being one of the three chief fifteenth-century editions of this classic. A copy was sold in the La Valliere sale Raynald of Nimwegen. 769 MISSALE secundum consuetudinem Eoraane Curie, cum Calendario, sm. 4fco. printed in red and black, with the music, rude woodcut of the crucifixion, in the original oaJc hoards, covered with stamped leather, protected with brass corners, £3. 16s Venetiis, per Reynaldum de Novimagio, 1491 Bartholomaeus de Zanis de Portesio. 770 JUYENALIS Satyrse cum commentario Domitii Calderini Yeronensis, folio, with illuminated capitals, bds. 10s Venet. B. de Zanis de Fortesio, 1487 Bernardinus de Choris, Andrea da Asola. 771 PLATONIS OPEEA, Latine, Marsilio Eicino Interprete, stout folio, very large copy in the original oak boards, with pigskin backs, 36s Venetiis, per B. de Choris et S. de Luero, impensis Andrea) Toresani de Asula, 1491 are all, however, of rare occurrence. "Edition rare de cette version; vendue, 126fr. La Serna.'"—Branet. Andreas Toresanus de Asula was the father- in-law of Aldus, and was associated with him a few years after the above date, consequently his editions form part of an Aldine collection. They Sine typographi nomine (? B. Locatelli.) 772 STLLIUS ITALICUS, cum interpretatione Petri Marsi, folio, a few pages slightly wormed, calf, a good specimen of the early Venetian press, 16s Venet. 1493 Johann Emmerich of Speyer. 773 MISSALE secundum consuetudinem Eomanae Curiae, cum Calendario, dili- genter castigatum per E. Petrum Arrivabenum, sm. 4to. large woodcut capitals, printed in red and black, the Music on 4 lines, in the original oak boards, covered with stamped leather, scarce, £3. 3s Venetiis, impensis L. A. de Giunta, arte J. Emerici de Spira, 1497 S. t. n. (? Giovanni Ragazzo of Monteferrato.) 774 Vita di SANCTI PADEI vulgare historiata, the fourth leaf containing a fine large woodcut surrounded by a border, with the title : Incomencia il primo Libro de le VITE jje SANCTI PADEI, &c. sm. folio, with 235 very beau- tiful woodcuts ; the last cut represents '* Silentium,'^ the Monk Bit. Nicolo at his desk writing this book, old calf gilt, £7. In fine : Finisse la tabula die. vite di Sdti padri, Laus Deo, s. I. e. a. (Venice, 1500) Philippus Pinci. 775 TACITI Historiae Augustae, et in fine (Germania ac de Oratoribus Dialogus), folio, sd.fine copy, £2. 2s Venetiis per Fhilippum Find sumptibus Benedicti Fontana, 1497 This book has a regular title-page in modem style, which is likely to be often missing. *' The paper and type of this work are rather elegant, and some copies have been found even more beautiful than Spira's edition. This Venetian edition of 1497 is called by the Bipont editors ' editio rarissima, elegans, et nitida.' " — Didhin's Classics. Zacharias Kalliergi. 776 'Erv/j.oXoyiKOP peya Kara aX(pd^r]TOV iravv wcpeXifioy [EtTMOLOQICTJM MAGNUM GrR^cijM, cum prsefation^ Marci Musuri, GnBcel, folio Editio princeps, fne large sound copy in the original stamped calf binding, rebacked, £3. 3s Venetiis^ CallierguSj 1499 This printer afterwards established himself in Rome. TYPOGEAPHICA'. Italy, 1157 Sine typographi nomine. 777 SABELLICO (M. A.) Deche de I'Origine de Veneti e del Principio de la Cita fin a Tempi nostri, vulgarizate per Matheo Visconte de San Canzian, folio, fine copy in panelled ealfj with the Duke of Roccburghe's arms stamped in gold on sides, SOs Fenetia, s. a. (? 1500) This work has two beautiful titles ; the I within a black ornamental border. The subject one at the end is of great interest, the whole title of "block printed" titles has hitherto been much of 12 lines being printed in red from a block j neglected by bibliographers. Cristoforo di Pensa da Mand^lo. 778 UBERTI, Ditta Muj^di, Volgare sm. 4to. some leaves at the end stained, hut otherwise a good copy, vellum, a rare edition of this celebrated poem, 25s Fenetia, 1501 Aldus Manutius and Ms heirs (with the Lyons counterfeiters.) 779 THEOCEITI Eclogse triginta; Genus Theocriti; Catonis Senteniiae; Sen^ tentise Septem Sapientum, etc. ; HESIODI Theogonia, Scutum Herculis, Georgica, omnia GrcecCy sm. folio, fine copy in old red moroceo extra, gilt edges, £Q. 65 Venet. Aldus, 1495 780 THEODORI (GAZ^) Introductivse Gramatices libri quatuor; ejusdem de Mensibus opusculum ; Apollonius Gramaticas de constructione ; Herodianus de Numeris ; omnia Greece, folio, Editiones principes, «/et67 Ze^^^rs of the dedication lost, ruled throughout with red ink, calf extra, gilt edges, £3. 3a' Venetiis in cedibus Aldi Homani, 1495 " Premiere edition de ce recueil : 92 fr. La Valliere, 103 fr. Larcher." — Brunei. 781 AEISTOTELIS OPEEA, Grgece, cura Aldi Manucii, 5 vols, in 7, small folio. First Edition, neat in old calf, from the British Museum, and the Duke of Sussex's library, £10. 10* Fenetiis, dexteritate Aldi Manucii JRomani, 1495-98 782 AETSTOPHANIS Comoediae JS'oyem, (Greece, cum scholiis Graecis et praefa- tione Marci Musuri) folio, Editio princeps, a little taormed, in the original binding 0/ boards, covered icith hogskin, £4. Venet. Aldus, 1498 783 another copy, very tall, folio, slightly waterstained, fine copy in gilt limp vellum, from the library of the Marquis of Hastings, £3. 3« 1498 784 another copy, folio, purple morocco extra, gilt edges, £S. Ss 1498 ^'Premiere edition belle et rare, Vend. 425 fr. Didot ; Heber, £12. 5s" — Brunei. 785 POLIPHILI HYPNEEOTOMACHIA, ubi humani omnia non nisi Som. nium esse docet atque obiter plurima scitu sane quam digna commemorat (auctore Erancisco Columna), Italice^ folio, (first edition, with exquisitely beautiful wood engravings from designs attributed to Giovanni Bellino and to Raffaele, A magnteice^tt copy, splendidly bound in olive morocco, super extra, the sides and back covered with gold tooling in the Grolier style, giltgaufrS edges, by F. Bedford, in a moroeco case, a masterpiece op BOOK-BiiS'DiNG, exactly uniform with Sir C. Price's copy, £42. Venetiis apud Aldum., 1499 pleased with the Poliphilo. I assure you it was my utmost effort to make it worthy your approval, and that effort has met with success. I can only in return express how proud I feel at the high encomium you have placed upon its merits. I remain. Sir, your most obt. hble. servant, Sir Charles Price^ Bart.. Fkancis Bedford., Sir C. Price's copy was the GEM of his Library. It fetched i;52. IDs at the sale. Sir Charles's and Mr. Bedford's opinions about this Chef-d'cedvre were expressed in the following letter : 4, Eccleston Terrace, Eccleston Sq. S.W. February 8, 1857. Sir, I am much gratified to learn that you are 786 POLIPHILI HTPJNEEOTOMACHIA, Italice, Mio,&Tst edition, with heau^ tiful wood engravings from designs attributed to Giovanni Bellino and to Raf facile, including the Worship of Priapus, in perfect condition, fine copy in olive morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, by Lewis, £45. Venetiis apud Aldum, 1499 This is the finest and tallest copy offered for many years ; it measures abow 12J in. by 8^. 787 HOEATIUS, ed. Aldus, sm. 8vo. old morocco, 3^10. 10* Ven. 1501 3 R 3 1158 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LOj^DOX : 788 JUVENALIS (et) Peesius (cura Aldi) 12mo. first Aldin^e Editions Jine tall copy, in French blue morocco, vellum binding, gilt edges, hy Simier,from Bp. Butler's library, 5^4. 4s Venetiis^ Aldus, 15U1 This copy is really the first edition, bearing I according to Brunei's description, the date of 1501, and the name of Aldus alone, as 1 789 editio Aldina secunda, sm. 8vo. fine tall copy, in French blue morocco, vellum, fig-leaves, from Bp. Butler's Library, £^. 3s Aldus et Andreas socer 1501 (cir. 1508J 790 JUYENALIS (et) PEESirs (cura Aldi) 12mo. Xy^ws' counterfeit of the first edition, vellum, fine copy, 12s (sine nota^ cir. 1501) This copy is really the corrected or second I genuine Aldine. issue of the Lyons book, and quite as rare as the 1 791 MAETIALIS (edente Aldo) I2mo. good copy in old rmsia, 12s Venet. Aldus, 1501 Edition rare : vendue 95 fr. Solar, 77 fr. Salmon." — B^rmiet. 792 POET^ CHEISTIANI VETERES, Greece et Latine (I. Prudentius, Prosper Aquitanicus, Joliannes Damascenus, Cosmas, etc. ; II. Sedulius, Juvencus, Arator, Proba Ealconia, Lactantius; III. Grregorius Nazianzenus) Svols. sm. 4ito. fine copy in red morocco extra, from the library of Lord Justice Knight Bruce, £10. 10s Venet. Aldus, 1501-4 793 another copy, with the excessively rarefinalpart, NONNI Paeapheasis Evangelii Joanois, Greece, 4 vols, in 3, sm. 4^to.jflne copy in red morocco exti^a, gilt edges, £14. 14s 1501-4 794 G-EEGOEll Nazaijzeni {sic) Carmina, sm. 4to. vellum, 24s 1504 Dr. Dibdin says these are amongst " the veiy rarest of the Aldine publications to be found in a perfect state." With MS. corrections in a contemporary hand. Emphatically and justly termed by Renouard, Collection infiniment rare et precieuse. 795 THUCYDIDES, Greece^ editio peinceps, io\\Q,fine copy in the original vellum wrapper^ £3. 3s Venet. Aldus, 1502 Priced, 1829, John Bohn, £7. 7s ; 1837, Payne and Foss, £8.- 8a' ; fetched, 1856, at So- theby's, old morocco, £10. " Premiere et rare edition, avec deux vies de Thucydides,.en Gree : I'une d'un anonyme, d'une nomme Marcellinus." — Renouard. " This first edition of Thucydides is a beautiful book ; — copies, with a fine margin, bear a tolerable price. There are many scholars who prefer the text of this Aldine edition, to that of the greater part of page et demie ; et I'autre, de cinq pages, d'un I the subsequent ones." — Dibdin. 790 SOPHOCLIS Tragoediae septem, Greece, cura Aldi Eoraani, 12mo. Eiest Edition, with MS. notes, hf bd. 28s; or fine copy in limp vellum, many uncut leaves, £2. 2s Venet. Aldus, 1502 797 the same, 12mo. fine large copy, in morocco extra, gilt edges, the sides covered with gold tooling in the Grolier style, by Lewis, £2. 12s ^d 1502 " Premiere edition de ce poete : elle est rare, I 130 fr, Chardin ; 50 flor. Meerman et jusqu' a 160 et passe pour tres bonne. Vend. 120 fr. Larcher | fr. MacCarthy," — Brunei. 798 LucA2v^i Pharjsalia, Editio Aldina Peima, 12mo. blue morocco, gilt edges, 36* Venet. Aldus, 1502 799 DANTE, le Teeze Eime : \o 'nferno e '1 Purgatorio e 1' Paradiso, 12mo. old calf gilt, £3. 10s Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi, 1502 800 the same, 12mo. a very tall copy, hf. russia, £4. 4s 1502 This copy has the anchor on the last leaf, which is wanting in many copies. It is the first book in which this mark was employed. Sir M. Sykes' copy fetched £5. 10s ; and Dr. Hawtrey's) in 1858, £5. 15s. " Edition re- cherchee, mais dont ou trouve diflScilemeut des exemplaires complets et bien conserves.!' — Brunei. 801 EUEIPIDIS TEAG(EDiiB septeiidecim (18), ex quibus quaedem habent com- mentaria, Greece, 2 vols. Editio princeps, fine copy, red morocco extra^ Aldine Anchor on sides, gilt edges, by Lortic, ^69. 95 Ven. apud Aldum, 1502 This copy possesses the *'Electra," Gt. Romce, 1545, which is also the ^rsi edition of that Play, and excessively rare, bound up at the end of the second volume. 802 HOMEEI Opeea : Ilias, Ulyssea, The number of Tragedies in the Aldine edi- tion is really 18, the Hercules Furens being added to those mentioned on title. Batrachomyoacbia, Ilymni, omnes Greece, 2 vols. 12mo. fine copy in darh morocco, giU edqes, 30s Venet. Aldus, 1504 ■ Second edition of Homer, and first Aldine I copies. The present one does not contain it. £dition. The life of the poet appears in some | TTPOGBAPHICA : Italy. 1159 803 QUINTI CALABRI Derelicta ab Horaero ; Tetphiopoiii Excidium Trojaa ; CoLUTHi Raptus Helenae, omnia Greece, 12mo. Editio princeps,^we copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, veby ^k&y., from the Yemeniz library, 32* ( Tenet.) Aldus, s. a. (cir. 1505) 804 JESOPI et GABRiiE ^Fabellae, Greece et Latine, Phurmitus de Natura Deorum, Greece ; Palsepliatus de non credendis Ilistoriis, Greece ; Heraclrdes de Alle- goriis, Greece, Orus Apollo, Collectio Proverbiorum, Greece, etc. small folio, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3« Venetiis, apud Aldum, 1505 805 another copy, very fine and large, in olive morocco super-extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £6. 6* Aldus, 1505 Sir M. Sykes'copy fetched £20. " Vendu 126 execution of it is magnificent, and it is considered fr. Didot 124 flor. Meerman; 300 fr. Renouard. as one of the finest of the Aldine classics." Re- This beautiful edition is called by De Bure, nouard is elaborate in his account of this " rare ** rare and much sought after by the curious ; the et belle edition," as he calls it. 80(5 EURIPIDIS Hecuba et Iphigenia in Aulide, in Latinum tralatge, Erasmo Roterodamo interprete ; ace. ejusdem odse, 12mo. fine copy in citron morocco extra, gilt edges, 25s Venet. Aid. 1507 "Petit volume tres-rare et peu connu." — j converts de ratures . . . dans les passages qui ont BenouoA'd. '* Petit volume rare dont plusieurs , attire I'attention des inquisiteurs." — Birunet. exemplaires se trouvent mutiles ou au moins I 807 RHE rORES GrR^CI : Aphtho, Hermones, Aristoteles, Sopater, Cyrus Sophista, Dionysius, Demetrius Phalereus, Alexander Sophista, Menander, Aristides, Apsinus, etc. cum Commentariis, 2 vols. sm. folio, Editio princeps, fine copy in French red mouocco extra, gilt edges, from the library of the late Lord Justice Knight Bruce, 5t*14. Venetiis, apud Aldum, 1508-9 808 SALLU8TIUS de Conjuratione Catilinae, de Bello Jugurtbino, etc. Editio Prima Aldina, 12mo. calf extra, gilt edges, icith the stamp of the Vienna Im- perial Library, 20s ; or a fine copy in French blue morocco, inside lined with silk, vellum fiy-l eaves, gilt edges, bound hy Bozerian le jeune, from Bp. Butler'' a library, £S. 10s Venetiis in eedibus Aldi, et Andreee Asulani soceri, MB. IX, 809 PLUTARCHI Opuscula (Moralia) Greece, editio princeps, divided into 2 vols. QmdXl io\\o^ russia extra, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, very clean sound copy, from the Earl of Clare's library, £4. 4s Venetiis, Aldus, 1509 810 — another copy, stout folio, a wormhole through the margins of a few leaves, otherwise a vert large, tine, clean and sound copy, in the original vellum wrappers, from the Enschede library, £5. 1509 811 ^ eadem, 1509 — Plutarchi Parallela, id est Yitae illustriura virorum, Greece, 1519 — together 2 vols, in 3, sm. folio, not quite uniform in size, but uniformly and beautifully bound in red morocco, super extra, gilt edqe.<, ^•12. \2s Aldus, 1509-19 " Ces deux articles doivent etre joints I'an aTautre, mais on les trouve difficilement reuuis.— Brunei.. 812 Xenophontis Opera, Lutine : Psedia Cyri ; de venatione ; de republica Lace- daemoniorum; de rege Age&ilao; Apologia pro Socrate ; deTyrannide, 12mo. fine copy of the rare Aldine counterfeit, vellum fly -leaves, russia extra, gilt leaves. Is ^d (Lugduni) expends honesti viri Bartholomei Trot, 1511 813 ORATORES GRAECI. Orationes horum Rhetorura, Aeschiiiis, Lysise, Al- cidamantis, Antisthenis, Deinadis, Andocidis, Issei, Dinarchi, Antiphontis, Lyeurgi, Georgise, Lesbouactis, Herodis ; item Aeschinis et Lysine vitse ; Isocratis orationes, Acidamantis contradicendi magistros, etc. — omiies Greece, 3 vols, in 1 stout sm. folio, Editio Princeps,. fine large copy in vellum extruy gitt edges, from the library of the late Lord Justice Knight Bruce, £'^. Venet. Aid. 1513 814 PETRARCA, Opere Italiane. II Petrarcha, 12mo. vellum, fine copy, £^. 4s Vinegia, Aldo, 15 14 Rare. " Scconde Edition Aldine, non moins recommandable que les quatres autres qu'ont .produites les memcs {jresses. II y a 184 flf. chiffr. dont le 143e et le 184e sout bl., plus 24 ff. non chiffr. (quelquefois 16 seulement)" — Bnmet. The present copy is however superior to even the better sort of the two kinds of ct)pies men- tioned by l^runet, as it has not only 16 or 24 un- n^umbered leaves, but 32. They consist of : table, 8 leaves, signature A ; capitol di M. F. P., in verse, 8 leaves, signature B ; Aldo agli lettoii, 3 leaves, and Capitolo di M. F. P., .5 leaves, to- gether 8 leaves, signnture B ; Sonetti del detto, etc. 8 leaves, sigUHture C, the \st6i leaf containing the errata and the anchor. • 1160 BEENAED QUAElTCH, 16 PICCADILLY, LONDON : 815 EIJSTICiE EEI SCEIPTOEES : de Ee Eustica, Cato, Terentius Varro, J. M. Columella, Palladius, etc. 8vg. ver^ large cojpy in the original stamped linding^ 20« Venetiis, Aldus, 1514 816 PONTANI Opera soluta Ofatione (de Eortitudine, de Principe, Charon, &c.) 12mo. very fine copy of the Aldine counterfeit, ruled throughout, red morocco extra ^ gilt edges i yery eaeE, £2. 2^ Lugduni, expensis Bartholomei Troth, 1514 " Ce volume peu commnii se joint alacollec- I red, and the large initials are painted throughout fion aXAmQ.^'—Bninet. The title is printed in | the Work, a late instance of such rubrication. 817 AULI GELLII Noctium Atticamm libri undeviginti, 12mo./«e copy in vel- lum, 95 Venet. Aldus et Andreas Socer, 1515 This copy has the wotd dicermonem correctly I statement on the title, there are twenty books in spelled on the last page. Notwithstanding the | the volume. 818 LUCEETIUS (e recensione Andrese Naugerii) 12nio. best Aldine edition, fne copy in vellum, 20s Venet. Aid. 1515 819 Catullus, Tibullus, Peopeetius, 12mo./we copy in russia gilt, 21s Venetiis, in aedilns Aldi et Andreae soceri, 1515 820 SUETONII XII Csesares. Sexti Aurelii Yictoris excerpta. Eutropius de Gestis Eomanorum. Pauli Diaconi libri VIII, VZmo. fine copy in green mo- rocco extra, with the Aldine device stamped on the sides, gilt edges, from Mr. Gardner's library, 21s Venet. in (sdihus Aldi, M.D.XVI. "Edition rare dediee a Grolier par Egnatio. Elle aun peu plus de valeur que cellede \b^\."— Brunei. 821 MUS^I Opusculum de Herone et Leandro, Greece et Latine ; Obphei Argo- nautica, Hymni, et de Lapidibus, Greece, 12mo.ftne copy in old English red morocco extra, tooled haclc and sides^ gilt edges, 28s Aid. Venet. 1517 822 MAETIALIS Epigrammata, editio Aldina secunda, 12mo. with the colophon on the second last leaf, and the anchor separate on the last leaf fine copy in vellum, 12.9 Venet. in cedibus Aldi et Andrece soceri, 1517 823 AETEMIDOEUS de Somniorum interpretatione ; et de Insomniis quod Sy- nesii nomine circnmfertur, 12mo. fine copy in calf extra, gilt edges, from the Vienna Imperial library, 10s ih. 1518 ** Premiere edition, tres rare." — Renouard. [ produced 54 fr., Mons. d'Hangard's the like sum; Thuanus's copy, at Prince Soubise's sale, I Count M'Carthy's, 112 fr. 824 POMPONIUS MELA.— JULIUS SOLINUS.— Itineeaeium Antois^ini Aug. — ViBirs Sequestee. P. Victor de Eegionibus Urbis Eomse. — Diont- giTJS Afee de Situ Orbis, Prisciano interprete, 12mo. fine copy, ruled, in old French eed moeocco, gilt edges, Louis JBigofs copy, ivith his arms on sides, and his initials L. B. stamped 12 times in gold on sides and bach, from Mr. Blade's library, £5. 15s Venetiis, Aldus, 1518 825 ^^^6 same, 12mo. good and sound copy, calf 30s 1518 826 -SISCHTLI TEAGCEDiiE sex, Greece, sm. 8vo. Editio Peinceps, very fine copy in old red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. \2s ^d ib. 1518 827 BIBLIA Theias delade Graphes Palaias te kai Neas, Greece, (juxta Septua- ginta) cura Andr. Asulani, 3 vols, in 1, folio, very fine and large copy in blue morocco, gilt edges, the Duke of Roxburghe' s arms on sides, 36*12. Venet. Aldus, 1518 828 STATU Opeea, cum prsefatione et emendationibus E*r. Asulani, 12mo. the text neatly ruled, old red morocco, gilt edges, broad gold borders j fine copy from the McCarthy collection, 30s ib. 1519 829 APOLLO Nil EHODII Argonautica, cum Scboliis, Greece, cura G. Asulani, 12mo. a very fine tall copy, ruled French moeocco, broad borders of goldf silk linings, gilt edges, from the McCarthy collection, £2. 12s Gd Venetiis, Aldus, 1521 830 LUCANI Poema nuperrirae impressum atque adamussim castigatum, sm. 8vo. fine copy in old red morocco, lbs Lugdun. in officina Guillelmi Huyon, 1521 "Edition rare et qui s'annexe a la collection aldine : vend. £7. Eenouard, a Londres." — Brunei. 831 SUETONIUS, Aurelius Victor, Eutropius, Paulus Diaconus, cum Annota- tionibus Erasmi, 12mo. vellum, 7s Gd Venet. in cedibus Aldi et Andrece soceri, 1521 Reprinted from the edition of 1516, but with the addition of Erasmus' notes. TYPO GRAPHIC A : Italr. 1161 832 APULEII Metamorplioseos liber cum aliis ejusdem opusculis ; ace. Alcinoi isagogicus liber Platonicse philosophise, Graece, 12mo. good copy in vellum^ 36« Venet. in cedibus Aldi et AndrecB soceri, 1521 ** Edition dont les beaux exemplaires ne sont pas communs." — Brunet. 833 PLAIJTtJS. Ex Plauti Oomoediis XX quarum Carmioa magna ex parte in' mensum suum restituta sunt, large Svo. carefully ruled, fine copy, old red morocco, gilt edges, £2. Is Venedis, Aldus, 1522' 834 YALERII FLACCI Argonautica, Jo. Bapt. Pii Carmen ex quarto Argonau- ticon ApoUonii, Orphei Argonautica, 12mo. vellum, 15s ; or, fine cojiy in blue morocco extra, gilt gauffered edges, the anchor stamped in gold on sides, 305 Venet lis, 15S3 Priced, 1840, J. Bohn, £6. 6s; fetched I " In this edition Asulanus has shown himself £1. 19s ; Libri sale, 1859, £9. I a scholar of no common erudition." 835 HOMERI Opera : Ilias, Ploutarcho-u kai Herodotou Bioi Homerou, Odysseia, Batrachomyomachia, Hymnoi, in 2 vols. 12mo. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £Q. 6s Venet. Aldus, 1524 836 HOMERI Iltas, Odtssea, Batrachomyomachia, Htmis^i et Yita, Greece, cum Scholiis Grajcis, 2 vols. Venetiis, Aldus, 1521 — Didymi Interpretatio in Odysseam Graece, ib. 1528 — Scholia Grseca. Accedunt Porphyrii Questiones Homericae et de Nympharura Antro in Odyssea, Opuscula Graeca, ib. 1521 — 5 vols, in 3, 12mo. fine copies in green morocco extra, gilt edges, by G. Lewis, Felix Slade's copy, £12. 12^ Venet. Aldus, 1521-24 837 Rustics Rei Scriptoees, Svo. old English red morocco, 155 ib. 1533 838 Sannazarii de Partu Yirginis, Lamentatio de Morte Christi, Piscatoria. Petri Bembi Benacus. Augustini Beatiani Yerona, 12mo. first Al dine edition, vellum, 5s Venetiis, in cedibus Aldi et AndrecE soceri, 1527 839 PETRARCA (il).(Son9tti, Canzoni, Trionfi, etc.) 12mo. fine copy in red mo- rocco extra, gold borders and gilt edges, with fly-leaves, £2. 25 Vinegia, Aldo ed Andrea Asolano, 1533 840 JuvENALis (et) Persius, 12mo. vellum, 20s ib. 1535 Third Aldine edition, with the reputation of being very correct, and stated by Renouard to be rare. 841 POLIPHILI Hypnerotomachia, cioe Pugna d'Amore in Sogno, ristampato di novo, sm. folio, the Worship of Friapus and the other beautiful woodcuts by BelHno, in perfect state, old calf, £5. Vinegia, figliuoli di Aldo, 1545 842 MEDICI. Poesie volgari, nuovamente stampate di Lorenzo de' Medici, che fu padre di Papa Leone, col commento, 12mo. sheet O being complete in fac- simile, with all the cancelled leaves, vellum, very rare, £2. V2s Qd Vinegia, figliuoli di Aldo, 1554 Eoscoe'scopy fetched £9. 15s; Styles', £6.; 175 fr. Riva ; and 132 fr. Solar. "Edition dans laquelle on trouve rarement les 8 ff. de la feuille O, pp. 105-112, lesquels ont ete suppriraes pendant le tirage et remplaces par 4 nouveaux ff. cotes 105-108."— Brwiiet. The loose nature of the suppressed pieces caused the sheet to be cancelled before the edition was com- pleted, since the register at the end accords with the altered not the original copies. The facsimile is wonderful, nothing so perfect of that kind has ever been executed as the work of Amadeo Mazzoli (Friuli, 1762), which is contained in sheet O of the above volume. 843 TERENTIUS a Mureto locis prope innumerabilibus emendatus, 12mo.j^we and very large copy in vellum, gilt edges, 15s Venet. Faulus Manutius, 1555 " Premiere edition avec ce commentaire (de Muretus)."— Brwitet. 844 YiTO DI GozzE (N.) Discorsi della Penitenza sopra i sette Salmi Penitential! di David, 12mo. hf morocco, 7s 6d Venetia, Aldo, 1589 A portrait of Sixtus V is on the back of the j vations on predestination, title. The volume includes some curious obscr- I Lucantonio Junta and his Heirs. 845 MISSALE s€DM osfetudinem komane curie noviter impressum, MjCcccxcvii. In fine : Missalo .... castigatum per fratrem Petrum Ar- rivabenum, small 4to. printed in red and blade, ivith woodcut capitals, and the Music, in the original oah boards, covered tvith stamped leather, with vellum fiy -leaves, from an old MS. of the 11th century, £4. 45 Venetiis, impensis Luc. Antonio de Oiuta, arte Joannis Emerici de Spird, 1497 Renouard never saw this very rare volume, although he quotes it as No. 10 in his list of L. A. Giunta's publications. His conjecture, which he had no means of verifying, that the Avords " ex officina," did not appear in the colophon, wai correct. 1162 BEIINAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : 846 P. VIEGILII MAEONIS Opera accuratissime castigata, cum commentariis, folio, with numerous large and curious woodcuts, fine copy in vellum, wholly gilt, £2. Is Venet. L. A. Junta, 1532 This very rare edition, by L. A. Giunta, is I Ebert. Renouard only cites one edition by him not mentioned by Dibdin, Brunet, Renouard, or | — dated 1537. 847 HOMEEI OPEEA: llias, Odpsea, Batrachomyomachia, Hymni, cum muTti- plici lectione, vitaque Homeri per Herodotum, Plutarchum et Dionem Chrysostomum, omnia Graece, cura Prancini, 2 vols. 12mo. very fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt and gaufiPre edges, £2. Venetiis, Junta, 1537 848 LIYIO, le Declie delle Historie Eomane, tradotte da Jacopo Nardi, folio, fine large copy in contemporary old red morocco binding, the sides lettered and richly tooled in compartments, bach restored, from the Libri collection, £3. 3s Venet. heredi di L. A. Giunta, 1540 Editio Princeps of this translation. 849 PONTIPICALE EOMANUM, folio, beautifully printed in red and black, nith Music, a profusion of woodcuts representing various ceremonies of the service, etc. very fine copy in the original oak boards, covered with stamped leather, the Austrian arms painted inside the c&ver, very seAiiCE, 565. 5« Venetiis apud Juntas, 1543 A splendid edition of the Roman Missal. { almost all in 4to. size, so that a folio Missal from L. A. Giunta and his sons issued several, but I his press is of very great rarity. 850 BEENI (P.) OELANDO INNAMOEATA, composta gia dal S. Matteo Maria Boiardo Conte di Scandiano et hora rifatto tutto di nuovo (in ottava Eima), small 4to. a very tall copy, the first 9 leaves mended, calf neat, £2. 2*; ^ or, a fine copy, old calf red morocco bach, £3. 3s ; or, a fine copy in green MOEOCCO extra, gilt-marbled edges by JS^iedree, £^. 4s Venetia, Seredi di Giunta, 1545 Jac. de Panci da Lecco. 851 LTBUENIO (Nicolao), Le Seluette, sm. 4to. in verse and prose, with the capital letters illuminatedj very fine copy, vellum, gilt leaves, bare, £2. 12s ^d Vinegia, 1513 Giovanni de Rossi of Vercelli. 852 LEONIS (Ambrosii) De NOLA, opusculum distinctum, plenum, elarum, etc. sm. folio, beautiful ivoodcut Capitals and 4 very remarkable Maps and plans of NoLA, near Mount Vesuvius, by HiERO]>rTMo Moceto, one of them printed in blue ink, morocco extra, gilt edges, very fine copy, £3. 10s Venet. 1514 Cesare Arrivabene. 853 MEELINI COCAI poete Ma^^tuani Macaeonices libri 17, novissime recogniti, 12mo. woodcuts, red morccco extra, gilt edges, £3. 3s Venet. Arrivahenus, 1520 Bernardino de Lesona. 854 BOCCACCIO Inamoramito di PLOEIO et di BIaZAPIOEE, chiamato PHILOCOLO, small 4to. woodcut title, calf, a rare and good edition, 24:s Venetia, Bernardino de Lesona, 1520 G. B. Sessa. 855 JOANNE DE MAN DA VILLA, qual tracta de le piu maravegliose cose, 12mo. title within woodcut border ; 7 leaves of Table; and folios 1 — 120, maroon morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £7, 7s Venetia, Sessa, 1521 The Brothers de Sabio. 856 FOGLIANO (Ludoyico) Musica Theoeica docte simul ac dilucide pertractata, in qua qiiamplures de harmonicis intervaliis non prius tentatse continentur speculationes, sm. folio, woodcuts, eiest edition, fine copy, dark calf, rare, £4. 10s Venet. per J. Antonium et fratres de Sabio, 1529 857 APOLLONII Tjrii historia versibus Eomaicis a Constantino Cretensi descripta, sm. 4to. vellum, with the autographs of Meursius, E. M. Bigot, and Adrian Brant, vellum, £2. 16s sine nota (? Steph. de Sabio, cir. 1534) This is the edition which has often been catalogued as of the year 1500. It consists of 29 leares, and is probably a first or second issue of the edition printed by de Sabio wit'i the date of 1534. TYPOGRAPHICA : Italy. UGS 858 BOIARDO. Gli Quarto, Quinto e Sesto Libri dello INNAMORAMENTO DE OELANDO, compositi per Nicolo degli AgostiQi, sq. 8vo. 167 leaves, wood- cut on the first; and a map of Central Em^ope on the reverse oj leaf 46, the margins of a few leaves stained, old calf gilt, 25s Vinegia, Nicollni da Sohbio, 1539 859 PETRARCA, Sonetti, Canzoni, e Triomphi, con la spositione di Bernardino Dariiello da Lucca, sq. 8vo. tvoodcut title loith fine portraits of Petrarch and Laura, and other woodcuts in the text, fine copy in russia extra, gilt edges, rare, 38s Vinegia, P. e G. M. da Sabio, 1519 Bindoni and Pasini. 860 ARIOSTO (L.) (!^rIant»o iFurio^o, 12mo. t'li rjotfjic UtUv, woodcut portrait on last page, facsimile title-page, red morocco, gilt edges, extkemely bare, £3. 10s Vinegia, per Francesco di Alessandro Bindoni ^ Mapheo Pasini, 1533 861 LODOVICO (F. di) Triomphi di Carlo (in terza Rima), sra. 4to. Edizione Unica, a very rare metrical Bomance of Charlemagne, ivith woodcut of the author presenting his worJc to Andrea Qritti, Doge of Venice, on title-page, MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, hy Biviere, £4. 4s Vinegia, 1535 Niccolo Zoppino. 862 GUxAZZO (Marco) Astolfo Borioso, MD.XXXIX. fine large woodcut on title, and small cuts in the book — Di Astolfo Borioso, la seconda parte, M.D.XXXIIl. cuts—'m. 1 vol. sm. 4to. a good sound copy, vellum, £2. 16s Venetia, Nicolo d'Aristotile detto Zoppino, 1539-33 Best Edition of this rare Romance in ottava rima ; Heber's copy, probably the above, fetched £3. 863 BORDONE, Isolario, nel quale si ragiona di tutte I'lsole del mondo, . . con la gionta del Monte del Oro novamente ritrovato, sm. folio, title within elegant engraved border, large map of the world, and 105 separate maps of islands on the letterpress, limp vellum, fine copy, with many uncut leaves, £2. 2s Vinegia, 1547 Christophoro Zannetti. 864 PSALTERION, (cum aliis hymnis) Graeee, sq. 8vo. the headings and title printed in red, the initials in ancient Byzantine characters, with a ivoodcut on one title page, A.'S edition oe extreme ^krity, fine copy, beautifully bound in morocco extra, gilt edges, by Aitkin, £6. Qs Venetiis, C. Zanetti, 1547 Dr. Hawtrey's copy sold for £11. 10s, 865 BIBLION pertechon tcs MALTAS POLIORKIAN ; Narrative of the Siege of Malta, by Sultan Solyman in 1565, a Bomaic poem in rhyme, sm. 4to. title within woodcut border, every chapter illustrated with a fine woodcut of some scene in the siege, morocco extra, by Bedford, £8. 8s Enet. Christoph. Zanefos, 1571 Very rare and apparently unknown. The book is extremely curious and interesting. Giolito di Terrara. 866 ARIOSTO, Orlando Furioso alia sua integrita ridotto, con alcune stanze del S. Aluigi Gonzaga in lode del medesimo, aggiuntevi per ciascun canto alcune allegoric, coll' Espositione dei Vocaboli di Dolce, sm. 8vo. ( l2mo.) numerous beautiful woodcuts, including 2 portraits, very choice copy in old red morocco extra, £5. 5s Vinegia, Giolito, 1546 A remarkably pretty and very rare edition. Priced, 1833, Payne and Foss, mor. £6. 6s. g67 Orlando Furioso con alcune Stanze et cinque Canti d'un nuovo libro del medesimo, sm. 4to. ruled in red ink throughout, nu7nerous spii'ited woodcuts, fine copy in the original calf binding, inlaid and tooled in Grolier fashion, morocco back, gilt and gauffered edges, from Dr. Wellesley's library^ £5. 15s Vinegia, Giolito, 1551 Nic. Bevilacqua. 868 MERLINII Cocaii poetse Mantuaui opus Macaronicorum, in pristinam forraam per Acquarium Lodolam redactum ; Zanitonella, Phantasia de Baldo, Moscli8D3B facetus liber, Epistola?, 12mo. woodcuts, red morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 16s Venet, Bevilacqua, 1564 graph and MS. notes of his nephew, William Hatton. 116^ BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Nic. de Bascharini. 869 MANDxiVILLA (loanne de) qual tratta de le piu maravegliose cose e piu notabile che se trouino, e come presentialaiente ha cercato tutte le parte habitabile del moiido, et ha notato alcune degne cose che ha vedute in esse parte, sq. 12mo. with the device of a Peacock on the title, vellum, vert eaee, £3. Venetia, Nicolo de Bascharini, 1553 Francesco Marcolino of Forli. 870 MAECOLINI, le Ingeniose Sorti, intitulate Giardino di Pensieri, folio, a very curious work, principally in verse, with many hundred woodcuts, fine copy in hf. morocco, eake, £2. IO5 Venet. Marcolini, 1550 " Ce livre singulier renferme diiferentes ques- vers, par L. Dolce. II est fort recherche a cause tions et les reponses qui se font par le moyen de des figures gravces en bois par Jos. Ponta Gra- cartes a jouer, dont toutes les chances sont fagninus, qui le decorent." — Brunei. figurees sur les pages, avec des explications en Altobello Salicato. 870*BEBGAMO, Sopplimento delle Croniche universal! del mondo, 2 vols, stout sm. 4to. vellum, 12s Vinegia, Altobello Salicato, 1581 An interesting copy, as it bears stamped on the binding, the initials, C. H. (Sir Christopher Hatton), and the second volume has the auto- Sine nomine. 871 loANNE DE Mandaiiilla, uel quale si contengono di molte cose marauigliose, 12mo. woodcut bust oj Ccdsar on title, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Trautz-Bauzonnet, £3. 3^ Venetia, MDLXyil Fine and very large copy. Folios 41 and 42 I of the book, still remain unsundered, to shew the original size j Antonio Pinargenti. 872 MAROZZO (Achille, Bolognese) Arte dell' Armi, ricorretto et ornato di nuove figure in rame da Giulio Fontana pittore, sm. 4to. engraved title page, and nmnerous spirited etchings of Fencing and Sword Exercise, etc. fine large copy in red MOiiOCCO extra, rough gilt edges, by Bedford, numerous uncut leaves, £^. 4« Venetia, 1568 Verona. Johannes Veronensis. 873 VALTUEITJS (Eobertus) de He Militari, folio, with beautiful woodcuts from designs by Matteo Pasti, eiest edition, very large copy, with capitals illumi- nated in gold and colours, but imperfect at beginning and end, sold with all faults, 2bs VeroncB, Johannes ex Verona, 1472 A wormed copy fetched at the La Valliere I 300 fr. ; Limare sale, 300 fr. sale, 240 fr. ; a complete one, at the Gaignat sale, | Vicenza. Johann of the Rhine (? Cologne). 874 SCOTUS (Johannes DUNS). Q(uestiones) sup. 3° libro (Sententiarum) iScoti, sm. folio, sd. very fine copy, rare, £2. (VincenticB) Mayister Johes de Beno impressit, 1473 Neither the book nor the printer is men- I also at Sant'Orso and at Venice. Bee No. 763. tinned by Panzer. John of the Rhine printed I Herman Lichtenstein. 875 OROSII Htstoei^, ab Aenea Vulpe castigatse, sm. folio, the first page beau- tifully ILLUMINATED, with large initial painted on gold ground, and finely fioreated borders, fine copy, calf extra, £3. [Vicenticje, Serm. Levilapis {^Liechtenstein^, cir. 1475] Henricus Librarius. 876 JUYENALIS Satyrse cum D. Calderini Commentario, Vincentice per Henricum Liberarium, 1480 — Peesii Satyraa cum Commentario B. Fontii, Venetiis per Antonium de Bactibobus, 1485 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, hf bd. very large copies, with rough leaves, £2. 2s 1480-85 Rare. The printer is immentioned by | not alluded to by either Brunet or Panzer. Panzer j and this Vicenza edition of Juvenal is TYPOGEAr-HICA: Sicily, Sardinia, Malta. 1165 Leonhardt of Basel. 877 LASCARIS (Constantini) Compendium octo Orationis partium, Greece et Latine, (ed. Crastonua) sq. 8vo. without the first leafi containing the Latin epistle of B. Accursius, vellum , very rare, £2. Vincent ice, Leonardus de Basilea^ 1489 Sicily. Catania. 878 LEONAEDI, Poema supra di lu Vinu, si sia utili o dannusu a li viventi, cantatu ntra TAccademia di li Etaei, 1789, 8vo. thick paper, portrait, vellum, 20s Ontania, 1798 Copies on thick or vellum paper are VERf I learned philological foot-notes, explaining all the BARE. Each page of this curious work has ] etymologies of the difficult Sicilian words. Messina. 879 MAUEOLTCI (Abbatis) Sicanicarum Eerum compendium, sm. 4to. vellum wrapper, yeby rare, 12s Messance in freto Siculo, 1562 880 GOTHO (Filippo) Breve Eaguaglio dell' Inventione e Eeste de glorioso Martiri Placido e compa2;ni, sm, 4to. curious plates, wormed, vellum, with the autograph of Stephen Baluzius, 26s Messina, 1591 881 BoNANNi, delP antiea Siracusa, 8vo. vellum, 6s Messina, 1624 Palermo. 882 INVEGES (Agostino) Annali della felice Citta di Palermo, coll' Apparato al Palermo JSTobile, 4 parts in 3 vols, small folio, numerous woodcuts of Coins, Seals, etc, and Coats of Arms, of which nearly 300 in the " Palermo Nohile''* are coloured, vellum, yery rare, £5. Palermo, 1649-51 883 la Cartagine Siciliana, historia divisa in dne libri : I. Nome, etc. della citta di Caccabe ; IT. la Descendenza di XIV nobilissime Eamiolie Nor- manne, Erancese, e Spagnuole, die Than siguoreggiato, sq. 8vo. Coats of Arms, vellum, £2. 16^ Palermo, 1661 Very rare, especially with the leaf of dedi- cation, etc. : for the book was composed in 1651, and apparently before its publication circum- stances had occurred to render the dedication unnecessary. Names of the Families : Segeyo, Piovello, Lavardino, Cicala, Podio Riccardi, Sten- dardo, Prefolio, Chiaramonte, Aragona, Queralto, Prates, Cabrera, Enriquez, Amato. 884 GiOYANifi DI GiOYANNi, I'Ebraismo della Sicilia ricercato ed esposto, sm. 4to. vellum, RARE, 205 Palermo, 1748 A curious history of the state of the Jews during the Middle Ages. Sardinia. Cagliari. 885 PuBQUEDDU, Tesoro della Sardegna ne Bachi e Gelsi, poema Sardo e Italiana 12mo. front, and plates, uncut, Vds Cagliari, 1779 886 POEEU, Saggio di Gramatica sul dialetto Sardo Meridionale, 8vo. half calf, uncut, or calf neat, IQs Cagliari, 1811 Casteddu. 887 Eossi, Gramatica de su dialettu Sardu meridionali, sm. 8vo. sd. Is CasteddUy 1842 Sassari. 888 PiscHEDDA, Canti popolari del classici Poeti Sardi, Italian and Sardinian, roy. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Sassari, 1854 Malta. 889 ABELA, Descrittione di Malta, isola nel mare Siciliano, con le sue Antichita ed altre notitie, folio, frontispiece, map, and other engravings, vellum, £2. 2s Malta, P. Bonacota, 1647 Thk first book printed AT Malta, and of very rare occurrence. In the sale of the Bib- liotheca Westreuiana a copy sold for £7. 15s. Opus pereruditum, . . . . ast mventu in ipsa Italia rarissiraum." — Yogt. 1166 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDOIS^: 890 WILKINSON (Sir Gardner) MATELilA HIEEOGLTPHICA. containing the Egyptian Pantheon, the Succession of the Pharaohs, and other hierogly- phical subjects, 2 parts, 8vo. with 2 frontispieces, and QO plates contained on 23 ohlong 4ptiG and Hieroglyphic Vocal ulaoy ; besides three lithographed slips of Addenda and Omission, and Hemarks, 7 pp. IS2S-S0 — Extracts from Hieroglyphical subjects found at Thebes, and other parts of Egypt, plates, 1, 4-6 (2 and 8 never appeared), 1830 — A complete set, arranged in 1 vol. sm. 4to. with numerous MS. corrections by the author, ex- cessively EARE, hf. calf, uncut, £12. 12s Privately printed, Malta, 1828-30 Very few copies were printed of these important works, which are wanting iu most Libraries. SPAIN. Alcala de Henares, Complutum. Arnaldo Guillermo de Brocar. 891 BIBLIA POLTGLOTTA : Tertia et Quarta Pars Veteris Testamenti He- braico Grpecoque idiomate nunc primum impressa, adjuncta utrique sua latina interpretatione de mandato ac sumptibus Cardinalis F. Ximenez de Cisneros (curis Demetrii Cretensis, Antonii Nebrissensis, &c.) 2 vols, folio, hf. vellum, £6. In Complutensi Universitate, A. G. de Brocario, 1516-17 Two volumes (containing Esdras to Ecclcsi- I and extremely rare Complutensian Polyglott asticus and Isaiah to Maccabees) of the famous I Bible, printed at the expense of Cardinal Ximenez. Juan de Brocar. 892 EHETOEICA. At end : Fue impressa esta presente obra y nueva invencio de Ehetorica en Komace .... small 4to. title stained, hf. bd. 30« Alcala de Henares. Jod de Brocar, 1541 Rare, not being mentioned in any of Salva's | as Antonio says that such a work was attributed catalogues. In the lettering on the back, Sali- i to Miguel de Salinas, nas is named as the author, which may be correct, I 893 PLTJTAECO, Morales, traduzidos de lengua Griega en Castellano, (por Gra- cian) sm. folio, blarfv kttcr, some of the marginal notes slightly cut into, calf BABE, 20^ Alcala de Henares, J. de Brocar, 1548 Juan de Villanueva and Pedro Robles. 894 MENA (Juan de) las Trezientas, con su glosa, y las Cinquenta con su glosa, y otras obras, 2 vols, in 1, stout 12qio. pp, 320 and 86, in vellum, £^. 35 The "otras obras" at the end give special value to this edition. Alcala, 1566 Juan Iniguez de Lequerica. 895 GUDIEL (G.) Compendio de algunas Historias de Espana, donde se tratan muchas Antiguedades dignas de Memoria : y especialmente se da Noticia de la antigua Familia de los Girones y de otros muchos Linages, woodcut pedi- grees and arms, io\io,flne copy in limp vellum, 30s Alcala, 1577 Baeca. 896 XIMENEZ Paton. Proverbios Morales, Heraclito de Al. de VARROS, con- cordados por Bart. Ximenez Paton, sm. 4to. bd. 20s ' Baeqn, 1(515 Barcelona. Pedro Posa and Pietro Bruno. 897 QUINTUS CURTIUS. Colophon: La pre.sent elegantissima e molt ornada obra dela hy | storia de Alexandre per Quinto Curcio RufFo Hys i torial fon de grec en lati e per Petro Candido | de lati en tosca e per Luis de Fenollet en la | present lengua valenciana trasferida empreptada en la noble ciutat de | Barcelona p' nos^altres Pe j re Posa prevere catala e | Pere Bru savoyench c6 | panyons a setze del | mes de Juliol del | any Mil qua | tre cets vyta ] ta hu . . . . sm. folio, vellum, fine copy, £50. Barcelona, 1481 Printing was established in Barcelona in 1478 by Nicholas Spindler, a German, and Pere Bru (Peter Brown) a Savoyard. They dissolved partnership soon afterwards and a Catalan priest named Pere Posa joined Bruno who taught him the art and then migrated to Seville in 1482. It- is not certain that more than two or three books were printed in Barcelona before the above Cata- TYPOGEAPHICA: Spain. 1167 Ian version of Quintus Curtius, which is a vohime copy is the only one which I can trace as having occurred for sale, in either booksellers' or auction catalogues. It is unmentioned by Salva and Tick nor ; and is only described by Antonio on the faith of Ximenez, Bibliotheca Valenciana. of excessive rarity. Brunet describes it as " edi- tion infiniment rare et fort precieuse, dont la Bibliotheque imperiale n' a pu se procurer qu' un exemplaire en mauvais etat." The present Hubert Gotart. 898 CONSTITUTIONS y altres drets de Catbalunya coinpilats en virtut del Cap. de Cort XXIII. 3 vols, in 1, thick folioy old calf gilt ^ yery hare, £2. 10^ Barcelona, 1588-1603 H. Margerit. 899 PU JADES, Coronica universal del principat de Cathalunya, sm. folio, eiest EDiTiOiS^, mended, wanting title and five other preliminary leaves, as well as five leaves of table at end, calf 12s {Barcelona, H. Marqerit, 1609) 900 the same, folio, fne and perfect copy in old calf gilt, the Cypher N. with a Crown on the hack, £2. 10^ ib. 1609 Pedro Lacavalleria. 901 CALANCH A (Fray Antonio de la). Coronica moralizada del orden de san Avgvstin en el Perv, con svcesos egomplares en esta monarqvia, stoiit folio, engraved frontispiece, no folding plate at page 782-3, hf. bd. £4. 4s Barcelona, Lacavalleria, 1638 Cordova. Diego Galvan. 902 CENTENO (Amaro) Historia de Cosas del Oriente ; descripcion de Asia, his- toria de los Tartaros, de Egipto y de Hierusalem, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. calf, gilt back, £2. 12* Qd Cordova, Galvan, 1595 Juan Varela. 903 ALCALA (Pedro de) Aete para ligeramente saber la lengua Arauiga ; YocA- BULiSTA Arauiga en letra Castellana; 2 vols, in 1, sra. 4to. wormed, and wanting signatures JE and Fin the Grammar, vellum, £7. 10s Granada, 1505 One of the earliest book^ printed in Granada, then recently conquered from the Moors. Eene Eabut — see, Malaga, Marmol, below. Gerona. Jayme Bro. 904 Paetinobles. General Historia del esfor^at Cavalier Partinobles, Compte de Bles : y apres fonch Eaiperador de Constantinopla, sm. 4to. Eomance of Chivalry in the Catalan dialect, 68 pp. woodcut on title, bds. IQs Gerona, Jaume Br6, {cir. 1700) Guadalajara. 905 LOPEZ de Mendoqa (Tnigo) Memorial de Cosas notables, folio, Spanish calf, rare, £2. Guadalajara, 1564 Lerida. 906 GiLABEET (Erancisco de) Discnrsos sobre la calidad del principado de Cata- luna, inclinacion de sus liabitadores y su Gouierno, sm. 4to. limp vellum, fine copy, 7s 6d Lerida, Buys Manescal, 1616 A valuable work on the institutions and I the rest of Spain, peculiarities of Catalonia as distinguished from | Madrid. Luis Sanchez. 907 GAEIBAY (E.) Illustraciones Genealogicas de los EE YES de las ESPANAS, de los de Erancia, y de los Emperadores de Constantinople, ioWo, fine por- trait of Philip III by Ferret, cuts of Arms and 130 Genealogical Trees, half russia, scarce, £4. 15* Madrid, 1596 Thomas Junti. 908 LOPEZ PINCIANO (Alonso) Philosophia Antigua Poetica, sm. 4to. Coat of Arms on the back of title, vellum, fine copy, 2Qs Madrid, 1596 1168 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Juan de la Cuesta. 909 EOMANCEEO GENEEAL, en que se contienen todos los Eomances que andan impresses, aora nuevamente anadido y eninendado (por Pedro de Elores) stout 4to. old red morocco, from Mr. G. Smith'' s library, £40. Madrid, Juan de la Cuesta, 1604 910 NUNEZ, Eefranes o Proverbios en Eomanee que coligio y glosso el Comenda- dor Hernan Nunez; Filosofia yijlga-b de Juan de Mal Laea, en mil refranes glossados, todos hasta aora iaipressos ; las Quatro Cartas de Blasco de Garay, hechas en refranes, stout sq. 8vo. red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, yert babe, £^. Qs Madrid, Juan de la Cuesta, 1619 911 GONZALEZ DA VILA (Gil.) Teatro Ecclesiastico de la Prtmitiva Iglesia de las INDIAS OCCIDENTALES, Yidas de sus Arzobispos y cosas memorables de sus Sedes, 2 vols, folio, map and woodcut of arms, fine copy, limp vellum, 5^10. Madrid, 1649-55 Very rare when perfect as in the present instance. It is a very curious work, containing an account of the first Church Establishments in Spanish America, and other important matters relating to its early history, as the introduction of arts and letters, printing, etc. The accounts of the various races of Indians, their creeds and manners, etc. are also highly valuable. Malaga. Juan Rene. 912 MARMOL CAEVAJAL, Primera parte de la descripcion general de Affrica, con todos los successes hasta el afio 1571, Granada, Rabut, 1573 ; Libro tercero y segundo volumen de la primera parte, Granada, Mabut, 1573 ; (Vol. III.) Segunda Parte y libro septimo donde se contiene Numidia, Libia, la tierra de los Negros, la baxa y alta Etiopia y Egipto, Malaga, Juan Bene, 1599 — together 3 vols. sm. folio, complete, a very fine copy in red MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £26. lOs 1573-99 The third volume, which is of the most excessive rarity, was the first book printed in Malaga. 913 MAEMOL CAEVAJAL (Luys del) Historia delEebelion y Castigo de los MoEiscos del Eeynode GrEANADA, sm. folio, riEST edition, vellum, or calf £2. 10s Malaga, Bene, a costa del auctor, 1600 Medina del Campo. Diego Fernandez of Cordova. 914 SEDEno, Summa de Varones illustres, stout 4to. blacfe Utter, one leaf and portions of others in MS. hf bd. 16s Medina, 1551 Guillermo de Millis. 915 OCAMPO T MOEALES, Chrojjica de EspaHa ; Ocampo, los Cinco Libros Primeros, (icithout title, and having a few words supplied in MS.) Medina del Campo, 1553 — La Coronica General que continuava Moeales (Libros VI- X) Alcala, 1574— Los otros dos Libros, XI, XII, por Moeales, Alcala, 1577— Las Antiguedades de las Ciudades de Espana, Alcala, 1575 — together 4 vols, in 3, sm. folio, Spanish calf margins and binding wormed, £2. 12s 1553-77 916 EODETGUEZ ELOEIAN (Joan) Comedia llamada ELOEINEA : que tracta de los Amores del buen Duque Floriano, con la linda y muy casta y generosa BELISEA, sm. 4to. l)lacb letter, outer margin of title slightly damaged, mottled vellum, extremely rare, 36I8. Medina del Campo, G, de Millis, 1554 Juan Godines de Millis. 917 PEEEIEiE (Cometii) Antoniana Margarita, opus nempe pbysicis, medicis, ac tbeologis, non minus utile quam necessarium, 1554 — Michaelis a Palacios Objectiones adversus nonnulla ex paradoxis Antonianse Margaritae, 1555 — in 1 vol. sm. folio, calf gilt edges, £3. Ss Medina de el Campo, 1554-55 Sine nomine. 918 CEONICA del esclarescido Eey Don ALONZO onzeno deste nombre Padre que fue del Eey don Pedro, folio, blacfe ktter, woodcut borders to the title and folio V. ; vellum, eare, £2. 10* (Colophon : Valladolid^ P. de JEspinosa y Ant, de Zamora, 1551) Medina del Campo, 1563 TTPOGEAPHICA : Spain. 1169 Pampeluna. 8iiid 71ioiii3iS Porrftlis 919 CEONICA del serenissimo Eey DON PEDEO, hijo de Alonso de Castilla, folio, woodcuts, title mounted, otherwise a good copy in calf gilt, with arms of the Marquis of Blandford on the sides, from the libraries of Ford and Chorley, TERT KAEE, £5. 5« Famplona, 1591 920 CEONICA del Eet Don JUAN II, escripta per Perez de Guzman, folio, caf stained, \Qs Famplona, Forralis, 1591 921 the same, folio, calf extra, £S. ^s ih. 1591 Sal amanca, Salmantica. Juan de Junta. 922 TOEO (Gabriel) Thesoro de Misericordia diuina y humana sobre el cuydado que tuvieron los aotiguos de los necessitados, sm. 4to. some old MS. notes on the margins, calf, rare, 25s Salamanca, Junta, 1548 923 XENOPHON, Obras, trasladadas de Griego en Castellano por el Secretario Diego Geacian, sm. folio, blacfe letter, calf extra, 36s Salamanca, Junta, 1552 Juan de Canova. 924 NUNEZ (Comendador Sernan) Eeebanes o Peoyerbios en Eomance glosa- dos, folio, remarlcably fine copy in hrown morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, £7. 7s Salamanca, Juan de Canova, 1555 Cost of the binding £3. 13s 6d. Meerman's copy fetched 50 fl. J. and A. Renaut. 925 Calisto t Melibea, tragicomedia, 24mo. woodcuts, vellum, 12s Salamanca, 1590 Saragossa, Zaragoza, Csesaraugusta. Paul Hurus of Constanz. 926 BEEIDENBACH (B. de) saij^cto Viaje si quier Pereorinacion dela TiERA Sancta transferido por Martin Martinez Dampies, folio, iJIacfe Hetter, numerous woodcuts {including a series illustrating the Life of Christ not in the original work), and large folding views {several small po7'tions completed hy a pen, sold therefore as it is), very fine copy, excessiyelt rare, 5616. Caragoqa, a costas y espensas de Faulo Uurus, 1498 Paul Hums was the second printer of Zara- Brunet, who describes the Spanish as much rarer goza. than the Latin, French, or German, was unable This Spanish version of Breitenbach contains to cite any copy sold by auction, many important additions by Martin Dampies. Georg Koch. 927 MAEINEI (Lucii Siculi) Opus de Geneologia (sic) Eegum Aragonum, sm. folio, EiRST Editiot^, woodcut portraits and borders, first leaf of title damaged and defective, the remainder of the hooJc in very good condition, calf, exces- siyelt rare, £4. Impressum in Cesaraugusta, industrid Georgii Ooci Alemani, 1509 928 Peteaeca, Eemedios contra prospera y adversa fortuna, sm. folio, black ktttr, woodcut title injured, and last leaf mounted, velluMy 12s Gd Caragoga, 1523 Sine nomine. 929 EUEEO EEAL de Espana, becho por Alonso IX, glosado por Diaz de Mont- alvo, con las Siete Partidas, folio, large woodcut of Arms on title, the title and a few other leaves mended, limp vellum, ISs s. I. et nam. typ. (? 1544) 930 the same, sm. folio, good copy in vellum, SOs 1544 Probably printed by Bartolome de Najera. Bartolome de Najera. 931 OETIZ (Erancisco) Epistolas Eamiliares, embiadas a algunas personas par- ticulares ; con alcunas otras obras del mismo padre, sm. 4to. blacfe letter, curious printer^ s device on the last pagCy yeey fine and laege copy, limp vellum, £3. Carago^a, Nagera, 1552 Agustin Millan. 932 GOMAEA, Historia General de las Indias y Nuevo Mundo, con mas la Con- quista del Peru y de Mexico, 2 vols, in 1, sm. folio, ftlarft letter, many wood- cuts, folio 44 of the first part supplied in MS. hf hd. calf exteemely eaee, 5^8. lOs Caragoqa, Millan^ 1554 1170 BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Pedro Bernuz, Domingo and Simon de Portonariis. 933 ZURITA. Curita (Geronymo) Anales de la Coroj^^a de Aeagon, 6 vols. folio, woodcuts on titles, origi:s'al and best edition, vellum, £3. 10^ Caragoq'!, 1585, 1578-79-80 " Cette edition est la plus belle et la plus rare I Pedro Bernuz was the successor to Georg de toutes." — Bnmet. | Koch's business. Lorenzo de Robles. 934 ZURITA. Anales de Aragon, 6 vols. 1610 — Indice, 1 vol. 1604— together 7 vols, small folio, woodcuts on titles, bound, £2. 10* ih. 1610-4 935 the same, 6 vols. 1610 — Indice, 1 vol. 1604 — Index Rerum Gestarum ad amim 1510, 1 vol. 1578— together 8 vols. sm. io\io,vellum, £3. ih. 1578-1610 *' Edition que I'on prefere." — Brunei. Juan de Lanaja. 936 Cespedes r Meneses (Gonzalo de) Historia Apologetica en los Sucessos del Reyno de Aragon j su Ciudad de Carago9a, 1591-92, sm. 4to. limp vellum, 6s Zarago^a, 1622 Sevilla, Hispalis. Juan Varela of Salamanca. 937 PETRARCA, Traslacion d los seys TRIUMFOS de Fricisco Petrarca de Toscauo en Castellao, fecha por Antonio de Obregd Capella del Rey, small folio, blarfe Ittttr, two curious woodcuts, one on the title the other on the reverse of folio iv. margin of the first few leaves stained, otherwise a very fine copy, in theoriginal impressed binding, 365 Seuilla, J. Farela de Salamanca, 1526 938 YALERA (Diego de) Cronica de Espana abreviada, sm. folio, bladt letter, very rare, £2. 16« Seuilla, Juan Varela, 1527 Juan de Leon. 939 SACROBUSTO (J.) Tractado de la Sphera, con muchas additiones, agora nueuamente traduzido de Latin en lengua Castellana, por el Bachiller HiERONYMO de Chaves, sm. 4to. blaefe Utter, with woodcuts, hf. bd. 18^ Sevilla, en casus de Juan de Leon, 1545 Jobann Cromberger. 910 PEREZ DE GUZMAN (Fernan.) Valerio de las Hystorias Scolasticas de la sagrada Scritura y de los hechos D Espana, c6 las Batallas capales, sm. folio, title with curious woodcut and border, initial letters, bladft Ittttr, a few leaves mended, vellum, SOs Sevilla, Juan Cromberger, 1536 941 Mesu & NicoLAUS. Sobre el Mesne y Nicolao Modus faciendi (cum Ordine medicandi) nuevamente por el Auctor corregido : y en esta Impression ter- cera anadido un notable Tractado de Secretos curativos, folio, gotjic letter, title printed in red within woodcut border, sd. rare, lOs Sevilla, Juan Cromberger, 1542 942 CRUZ DE C HRISTO. Tractado de vn exercicio muy prouechoso, deuoto y coteplativo llamado Cruz de xpo ; c5 otro tratado d' mistica theologica de sant Bueavetura llamado vie sio luget, c5 otra obra .... Copuesto por un frayle de la ordr de los menores, 12mo. letter-press of title in red, with woodcuts in blade, black Ittter, fine copy in the original vellum wrapper, £3. 10* Seuilla, Juan Cromberger, 1545 Jacob Cromberger and Sebastian Trugillo. 943 CAS AS (Baet. de las) Teatados Vaeios : I. Tratado comprobatorio del imperio soberano sobre las Indias, the rarest of all the pieces Trugillo, 1553 II. Remedios para reform acion de las Indias Croherger, 1552 III. Disputa, o Controuersia entre Bartholome de las Casas y Gines de Sepulueda sobre las conquistas de las Indias TrugiVo, 1552 IV.- Brevissima Relacion de la destruycion de las Indias — Fedac^o de una Carta y Relacion Trugillo, 1552 Together 4 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. Blacfe ^Letter, fine copies in old calf gilt, £10. Sevilla, 1552-53 TTPOQEAPHICA : Spain. 1171 Hernan Diaz. 94:4 MAL LAEA, la Philosophia vulgar, primera parte que contiene Mil Refranes glosados, stout sm. folio, old calf, a good sound copy, though cropped, 36s Sevilla, Hernando Diaz, 1508 945 EL CONDE LTJCANOR, compuesto por el excel entisimo principe Don Juan Manuel, hijo del Infante don Manuel, sm. 4to. editio princeps, yoof? copy in Spanish calf, £^. 10s Sevilla, Hernando Diaz, 1575 This first and best edition is very rare. "La iin breve y curioso tratado de la poesia, libro primera y la mejor es la que hizo Argote de rarisimo." — Ticknor. Molina, 1575 ; con una Vida de Juan Manuel y 946 AEGOTE de Molina (Gongalo) Nobleza del Andalusia, sm. folio, numerous large woodcut of Arms, poor copy, calf gilt, £2. 12s 6c? Sevilla, Diaz, 1588 947 the same, a fair copy, sm. folio, old calf gilt, £3. ISs 6d 1588 Dominico de Robertis. 948 MEDINA (Pedro de) G-raudezas j Cosas Memorables de Espana, folio, goti^ic Ittttr, with curious woodcuts of towns, etc. and maps, including one of America on leaf 63, red morocco extra, by Bedford, vert rare, 5612. 10s Sevilla, 1548 Pinello says, " Pedro de Medina, en las Grandecjas de Espana, trae algunas cosas de el Decubrimiento de Colon ;" this circumstance will partly account for the extreme scarcity of this work, even in Spain. The author was a noted navigator. His map, a thoroughly original and independent production, is remarkable for its ex- cellence and accuracy. Mr. Harrisse never saw this edition, but only the Alcala reprint of 1566. His conjectures, however, as to its contents were hydrographer, and had himself begun life as a correct. Tarragona. 949 AU&USTINUS. (Ats^tonio ArausTiisr) Dialogos de Medallas, Inscriciones, y otras Antiguedades, sq. 8vo. 52 engraved leaves of coins and a Scale, red MOROCCO, portrait inserted, gilt edges, 88s Tarragona, 1587 *' Edition origin ale et tres rare. Vend.*'210fr. , 70 fr. Chartin ; 88 fr. MacCarthy ; 120 fr. Mil- Gaignat; 141 fr. I)e CoUe; 199 fr. D'O ; 1 Iin; et 135 fr.Debure."— Srwwet. Toledo. Juan de Ayala. 950 YANEGAS (Alexo), las Diferencias de Libros que ay en elUniverso, sm. 4to. gOt!)lC letter, calf extra, gilt edges, 20s Toledo, Juan de Ayala, 1540 Juan Ferrer. 951 CRONICA del Eey D5 Eodrigo con la Destruycion de Espana y come los Moros la ganaron, sm. folio, blacfe letter, woodcut initials, a small portion of the title deficient, and the margins of two or three leaves slightly injured, vellum, BARE, £2. 16s Toledo, Juan Ferrer, 1549 Pedro Rodriguez. 952 EERNANDEZ (Er. Alonzo) Historia Ecclesiastica de nuestros Tiempos que es compendio de los excelentes frutos que en ellos el Estado Eclesiastico V Sagradas Religiones ban becho y bazen en la conversion de Idolatras y reducion de bereges, etc. sm. folio, hf. bd. £5. Toledo, 1611 Valencia. Juan Navarro. 953 VICTANA (Maetin de) Libro Tercero de la CHRONTCA de la inclita y coronada Ciudad de VALENCIA y de su Reyno, folio, lit. goti^. wood- cuts, fine copy limp vellwn, £10. 10s Valencia, J Nauarro, 1564 Ximeno (Escritores Valencianos) states that Vicyana's Chronicle mmj he classed amongst the very scarcest hooks in the world, which he attri- butes to its honesty and truthfulness. " Cet ouvrage a ete supprime avec tant de rigueur qu'a peine quelques exempl. de la 3me et de la 4me partie ont echappe a la destruction." — Bnvnet. Pedro Patricio Mey. 954 MONTE MAYOR. Los siete Libros de la Diana: banse anadido los amores del Abencerraje Abindarraez, la bistoria de Alcida y Syluano, Sonetos de Monte Mayor, etc. 12mo. j^ti^ copy in calf, Arms of Lord Stuart de Rothesay in gold on the sides, a rare edition, £1. 16s Valencia, Mey^ 1602 3 S 1172 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: 955 GAECIA (Gregorio) Origen de los Indies de el Nuevo Mundo e Indias Occi- dentales, 12mo, editio princeps, limp vellum, £4i. 4s Valencia, Mey, 1607 This first edition of a celebrated and autho- j being the one usually met with. ritative book is very rare; the edition of 1729 | 956 ESCOLANO (Gaspar) Decada primera de la Histoeia de la insigne, y coro- nada ciudad y Eeyno de VALENCIA, 2 vols. sm. folio, vellum, good copy, ^^' 105 Valencia, 1610-11 Valladolid. Diego de Gumiel. 957 PETEAECHA, los Eemedios contra prospera y advorsa Eortima, small folio, wanting the first eight leaves, vellum, 25^ Valladolid, Gumiel, 1510 Editio Princeps of this translation and very in 1516, which was priced by the former £4. 45, rare. Salva does not mention it, and Brunet as being the most ancient known. Gumiel's name' knew of none earlier than that printed by Varela seems unknown as an early Spanish printer. Juan de Villaquiran. 958 XIMENES (Francisco.) Este devoto Libro se llama Carbo de las DojfAs, trata de la vida y muerfce del liombre Christiano, 5 parts, with three separate titles^ in 1 vol. folio, title cut into and slightly defective, remarkably spirited and curious woodcut on title representing the Ladies* Chariot driven by Death, hf. bd. 563. IO5 Valladolid, Villaquiran, 1542 959 DUENAS (Juan de) Tercera parte del Espejo de consolacton, en la qual se veran muchas historias de la sagrada Escriptura, para cosolacio de los q' pa- descen tribulacid, sm. folio, black letter, large woodcut Coat of Arms on title, TEET PINE TALL COPY, vellum, £4. Valladolid, 1550 Francisco Fernandez de Cordova. mo LOPEZ DE COEELAS, Trezientas Preguntas de cosas naturales, en diferetes materias, c5 sus respuestas y alegacioues d' auctores, las q' les fueron antes preguntadas a manera de perque, small 4to. ©otjtc Eetter, title in red and black, with woodcut, fine copy, in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, rare, £8. 8s Vallad. F. Fernandez, 1516 961 ESCOBAR : las Quateocientas Eespuestas a otras tantas Preguntas quel Illustrissimo Seilor Don Eadriqne Enrriquez, Almirate de Castilla, y otras personas embiaron a preguntar en diversas vezes al autor no nombrado, mas de que era frayle menor, con quinientos Proverbios, etc. Valladolid, 1550 — La Segunda Parte en q se contienen otres quatrocientes Respuestas, etc. cincuenta declaraciones o glosas, etc. 2 vols, folio, black letter, exteemelt eaee, the whole first volume in a neat transcript, of the second volume the title and last leaf transcript, leaf 64 facsimile by Harris, velhon, £7. 10s Valladolid, Francisco de Cordova, 1550-52 963 CABEZA de YACA. Relacion y Comentarios del Grouernador Alvar Nunez Cabega de Vaca, de lo acaescido en las dos Jornadas que hizo a las Indias, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. editio princeps, ^otj^ic Hettrr, a large looodcut with armorial shield on the first title, a smaller one on the second and woodcut ini- tial letters, limp vellum, fine copy, £35. Valladolid, Fr. Fernandez de Gordoua, 1555 An «xtremely rare and very cnrious book, I was disco vea-ed by Alvar Nunez, sumamed Ca- containing the earliest account of Florida, which | beja de Vaca (Cow's head.) Luis Sanchez. 964 SAN ROMAN (Antonio) Historia general de la India Oeiental, los Descu- brimientos y Conquistas, que han hecho las armas de Portugal en el Brasit y en partes de Africa y Asia, sm. folio, in boards, nearly uncut, £4. 8s Valladolid, 1603 VfiRY KARE. The engraved frontispiece is in a particularly fine condition. TYPOaEAPHiOA: Portugal. 1173 Alcobaca. 905 BRITO (F. Bernardo de) Moj^^archia Lusxtana : Historias de Portugal, Parte I, Afcobaqa, 1597— Parte II, Lishoa, 1609— Partes III y IV, por Antonio Brandao, ib. 1632 — Partes Ve VI, por Francisco Brandao, ib. 1650- 1672— Parte VII, por Frey Eaphael de Jesus, ib. 1683— Parte VIII, por Manoel dos Santos, ib. 1727 — together 8 vols. sm. fol. Vol. I. sliahtly wormed^ Vol. Ill slightly stained, pp. 135-6, 257-60, 505-6, 511-12, wanting in Vol. VI, otherwise a very good copy in Spanish calf, £12. 12^ 1597-1727 There is no earlier book than this known with the imprint of the Alcoba9a monastery. Coimbra. Luis Rodriguez. 966 ALVAREZ (Francisco) iio PRB8TE JOAM das Indias: verdadera In- formaQam das Terras do Preste Joam, sm. folio, large woodcut on title, and curious woodcut initials, completely perfect, the extremely scarce final leaf con'- taining the printer s mark, fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedfokd, VEiiY HARE, £15. 15s {Coimbra) Luis Rodriguez, 1540 '• Edition precieusc de cette relation.'' Lisbon, Lisboa, Ulyssipone. Germao G-alharde. 967 OEDEjVI de SANTIAGO, Eegra e Statutes que fez ho mestre dom Jorge filho del rey dom Joam ho Segundo — 2 parts in 1 vol. sm, 4to. woodcuts, ele- gantly bound in red morocco, gilt edges, £3. Lixboa, Germao Galharde, 1548 Antonio Alv3.rP7 968 ESTACIO do AMARAL (Melchior) Tratado das Batalhas e Sucessos do G-aleao Sanctiago com os Olandcses na Ilha de Sancta Elena, e da Nao Chagas com OS Ungleses autre as Ilhas dos Acores, sm. 4to. folding map of St. Helena, and 5 curious cuts of the vessels at sea, vellum, £6. 15* Lisboa, Alvarez, 160 i Vert rare. First Edition of a work I the decline of Portuguese and the rise of Bri- which is important for the study of the history of I tish power in the East. 969 aARCIA DE RESENDE, Chronica dos valerosos e insignes Feitos del Rey Dom Joao II, folio, vellum, 3fc'2. Lisboa, Alvarez, 1622 The prose Chronicle ends on folio 150, the reverse of which is occupied by the subscription and printer's work. Folios 151 to 174 constitute a supplement of poetical miscellanies by Reseude on the history of his time. Jorge Rodriguez. 970 BARROS t COUTO, Decadas da Asia. BAimos, Decadas I-III, Lisboa, J. Rodriguezy 1628— Baiieos, Decada IV, Madrid, 1612 — Couto, Decadas lY-IX, 3 vols. Lisboa, 1736 — together 7 vols. sm. folio, Spanish calf gilt, not uniform, teet raee, £20. 16i5-1736 The rarest part of the present copy is the I leaves are mended, but it is of the original edition, 4th Decade of Barros ; its title and last couple of | which was never reprinted except in 8vo. form. Peter Craesbeek. 971 OSULLEYANI Bearri (Philippi) Iberni, Ilistoriaa Catholicse IbernisB Qom- "^ewdimin, 4iio. superbly bound in green morocQo extra, gilt edges, Yi.ViY baee, £7. 7* Ulyssipone, 1621 Oporto. 972 CUNHA (Rodrigo da) Catalogo e historia dos Bispos do Porto, 4to. original stamped calf lis ijd Forto, 1623 MAJORCA. 973 MUT (Vicente) Tomo II de la Historia del Reyno de Mallorca, folio, engraved title and map, without leaves Ooo 2 and Ooo 3, vellum, £4. Mallorca, herederos de Gabriel Guasp, 1650 This volume is excessively scarce, — much I serves as a coniinuation, and which was published rarer than the first volume by Dameto to which it | eighteen years before. 3 u 2 1174 BEENARD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: 974 BoYEB, Memoria de los Pobladores de Mallorca, sacada de documentos ineditos, sm. 4to. If. bound, 10s Falma, 1837 975 DAMETO, Mut, y Ademant, Historia general del Eeiao de Mallorca, con- tinuada per Pro j Dover, 3 vols. sq. Sso. frontispiece, with numerous portraits and plates, hf hound, uncut, SO*; or, veUltm, £2. JPalma, 1840-41 SCANDINAVIA. Denmark. Copenhagen. 976 HUITFELD, historiske BeskriiFvelse paa hues merckeligt under Kong Christian III. tiltraget, sm. 4to. hf hd. 10s Kioh. 1595 Soroe. 977 SAXONIS Geammatici Historiso Danicae, Steph. Joan. Stephanius recog- novit, notisque illustravit, editio optima^ folio, with many curious woodcuts of Iforthern Antiquities, Maps, Runic Inscriptions, etc. good copy, 18s Sores, 1644 Norway. Christiania. 979 ScHEEiJDER, Zulu Orammatik, af Holmboe, 8vo. sd. 5s Christ. 1850 Iceland. Hoolum. 980 BIBLIA, thad er, oll Heilog Eitning, utlogd a Norraenu, med Formaalum D. Marth. Luth. 3 vols, in 1 folio, including the Apocrypha, titles within wood- cut borders, bound in black morocco extra, gilt edges^ £10. 10^ Hoolum, 1644 Sweden. Stockholm. 981 MAGISTEE ALANUS de Eupe sponsua novellas beatissimse virginis Marie . . . immesa et ineffabili dignitate & utilitate psalterii prsecelse ac interne- rate semp virginis Marie, sm. 4to. elegant woodcut capitals, sd. £10. 10s HolmicB, 1498 heirs. This Virgin's Pealter is consequently one of the five books which constitute all the known productions of that press dui-ing the fifteenth cen- tury. Excessively rare, being unquestionably the offspring of the first printing office established in Sweden, which had been founded by Johann Snell, or Faber, in 1483, and was at the date of the above work in possession of his widow or 982 BESLUTHEE, Stadgae, Peivilegia, Eoeoedningae, 1601-91 : Eoyal and Parliamentary Ordinances, Degrees, Eegulations, etc. about 85 pieces in 1 vol. very stout sm. 4to. hds. uncut, £^. 3s Stockholm, 1604-91 A valuable collection of the original legisla- tive enactments concerning the internal reputation of the kingdom during several successive reigns. They were reprinted in abstract in the pubhcation of the Kongl. Stadgar of 1706. 983 SuECiA: Exegesis commemorans Causas ob quas Ordines Eegni Sigismundum III. Poloniae Suecano exuerunt Diademate et Carolum IX. corona runt, sm. 4to. vellum, Qs Stockhol. 1610 984 Then gamble Eijm Ke5nikes forsta Deel, 1222-1439, offuerseed aff Messenio, 12 mo. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, rare, from Heber's library, 24s Stockholm, 1616 985 BIBLIA, thet ar, AH then Helga Skrifft pa Swensko, medh Summarier, Con- cordantier, etc. stout sm. 4to. with a series of some hundred of icoodcuts, illustrating the history, and none of them repeated, in the original stamped calf binding, with clasps, eaee, £2. 10s Stockholm, 1657-58 986 BIBLIA, paa Swensko, with the Apocrypha, thick folio, stamped vellum, fine copy, from the Enschede collection, £2. 16* Stockholm, I. Meurer, 1666 987 EVANGELIA ab DMla ex Gr^co Oothice translata, cum parallelis versionibus Sueo-Gothica, Islandica et vulgata Latina ; accedit Glossarium Ulphila- des ports, des palais, des vues, des antiquites, de8 portraits, etc. TTPOGRAPHICA: Scandinavia. U75 Gothicum Unguis affinibus auctum per Junium et Stiernhielm, 2 vols, in 1, smallest 4to. facsimile, best edition^ morocco, gilt edges^ from the libraries of Lord Strangford and Sir F. Madden, £2. StockholmicB, 1671-70 988 EIJM KROENIKOR. Twaa gambla Swenske Eijm Kronikor, utbgaangne af Hadorphio, 2 vols, in 1, very stout yq. Svo. partially stained, and some leaves of Index a little wormed, hf vellum, rare, 12s Stockholm, 1674-76 The first Chronicle is a short, the second a I contains about half of the longer chronicle, very long one. The edition by Messenius, 1616, j 989 DAHLBERG, SUECIA Antiqua et Hodierna, 3 vols, in 1, oblong royal folio, containing vpwards of ^oO fine engravings of the Palaces, Gardens, Churches, Castles, Public Buildings, etc. of all parts of Swedeny with Coats of Arms of the Nobility and Gentry, calf neat, £2. 10s Holmice, 1698-1714 Fort bel ouvrage public aux frais du roi de Suede par le comte de Dalberg. Les figures sont bien executees et representent des villes, 990 the same, obi. roy. folio, with fine impressians of the plates, and altogether a very fine copy in old calf, £S. 3s 1693-1714 991 KONGL. Stadgar, Eorordningar, Bref, och Resolntioner ifran ahr 1528 in til 1701, angaende Justitiae ocb Executions-Ahrender, stout sm. 4to. 1852 pp. frontispiece and plate, old calf, SOs Stockholm, 1706 A long index of over 200 pp. in double columns gives considerable value to this volume. 992 Wilde, Sweriges beskrifna Lagars Grund, Art, och Fprinnelse, 1736 — Swerigea Eikes Lag, 1736 — Regerings-Eorm, 1720 — Fdrordning angaende Cbarts9 sigillatae Afgiftens erlaggande, 1736 — Registret ofwer Sweriges Rikes Lag, 1734-36, 1737— all in 1 vol. stout sm. 4to. calf, Ts ed Stockholm, 1720-37 993 Linder (A.) de Liturgia Romano-Suetica, 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. calf extra, gilt edges, 18s JJpsalice, 1726-2d^ A learned and valuable contribution to liturgical history. 994 SwEEiKES RiJKES Lands-Lag, som af Rijksens Rad blef ofwersedd, och af K. Christopher, 1442, stadfast, 891 pp. 1726— Drtsells Orde-Register, 373 pp. double cols. 1728—2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. old calf. Is Qd Stockholm, 1726~2a 995 The?^ Swaenska Argus, for Ahren 1732-34, 104 Nos. or 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf. bd. 5s Stockholm, 17S2-34i A literary, philosophical, and political periodical. 996 Sweriges Rikes Lag gillad pa Riksdagen, 1734, sm. 4to. calf gilt, 7s Gd 1746' 997 Codex Legum Suecicarum receptus 1734, in Latinum versus a Konig, sm. 4to. calf, 5s Holm. 1743: 998 NoRDENPLTCHT (Hedwig Charlotta) Qwinligit Tankespel, 1745-47, 2 vols. 4to. calf, a rare poetical periodical, 7s Qd Stockh. (1747) 999 Wallin", GothLmdska Samlingar ; Roma Kloster, Gothlands Wapn, Gamla Kyrkor, etc. 4to. woodcuts and plates of seals, etc. calf, 12s Stockh. 1747 1000 CEDERCRONA, Sweriges Rides Ridderskaps och Adels Wapen-Bok, folio, frontispiece and 1867 woodcut Goats of Arms, calf, £2. IQs Stockh. 1746- 1001 Svea Rikes Ridderskaps och Adels Wapen-Bok, folio, being a second edition of the preceding, with the number of Plscutcheons enlarged to 1945, and engraved on copper, sd. uncut, rare, £3. 3« ib. 1764 1002 BuRMAN, Prospecter af Byggiaader, Saterier, och Herre-Gardar uti Skane, utgifae af Fischer, oblong roy. folio, 25 large plates of views, bds. 20s Stockh. 175e This is the rare Supplement to Dahlberg's Suecia antiqua et hodierna. 1003 Dalin, Svea Rikes Historia, 3 vols, in 4, sm. 4to. bds. uncut, 12s Stockh. 1763-05-60-62 1004 STIERNMAN, Matrikel ofwer Swoa Rikes Ridderskap och Adel, med his- toriska och genealogiska Anmiirkningar, 2 vols, stout &m^. 4to. old calf gilt, rare, 36« Stockh. 1754-55 TJpsala. 1005 BIBLIA paa SWENSKO, 5 vols, in 1, sm. thick folio, n^imerous woodcuts, first edition of the Swedish Bible, wants title^ woodcut after folio cxxiv and folio cxl in Vol. III. besides having several leaves mended, ter^ rare, from the library of K. U.K. the Duke of Sussex, £^). l')s Upsala^ 1540-41 1176 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: 100(3 IHRE Gi-LOSSAEiUM Suio-Gothicum, in quo tarn liodierno usu frequentata Vocabula quam in ^vi Medii scriptis obvin, explicantur, et ex Dialectis Moeso-Gotliica, Anglo-Saxonica, ADglica hodierna, Alemannica, Islaudiea, ceterisque Gothicis et Celticis illustrantur, 2 vols, in 1, folio, Id, £2. 10s; or, a tall copy in old calf^ £3. UpsalicB, 1709 Hernosand. 1007 TAT AJLES TJALOG, 8 vols. 4to. Old and New Testament in Lapponic, Large Thick Paper, Jine copy in calf gilt, from the libranj of Mr. Petit, 25s Hemdsandesnej 1811 SLAVONICA. JBoolcs printed in Slavonic countries ; and elsewhere, of Slavonic interest. Bohemia. 1008 BIBLIA BOHEMICA, very stout folio, imperfect, calf £10. Frag. 1488 described as very imperfect, was priced by Payne and Foss in 1843, £12. 12s. The date of *thc introduction of typography into Bohemia is still an unsettled question, as it is supposed that some few books or tracts were printed in that country by itinerant German workmen, but it is a well known fact that the first regular printing-office was established in 1487, at Prague. Editio Princeps of the Bohemian Bible, and of such excessive rarity that Eisner, so famous for his Researches respecting the Scriptures in Bohemian, was never able even to see a copy. Neither Comenius nor the Editor of the Bohemian Bible of 1613 seems to have been aware of its existence. Thorpe sold an imperfect copy in 1834 for £7. 7s; and a copy, (probably the same as Thorpe's) Sine nota. 1009 NOWY ZAKON : New Testament in Bohemian, 18mo. woodcut title, very fine copy, from Dr. HavHrey'^s library, elegantly hound in red morocco, gilt leaves by Clarke, excessitelt raee, £2. 10s 1596 1010 the same, laege paper, 12mo. red morocco extra, gilt edges, £3. 8.9 159G Probably printed at Prague ; although I edition of the Bohemian Bible was published Vienna might be suggested by the fact that an ! there in the same year. Moravia. Hradisch. 1011 LEBED^ Medium Cognitionis Diviuse, sm. 4to. Dedication copy to Pope Benedict XIV. splendidly bound in red morocco, gilt edges, with the Fapal arms on sides, £1, 2s RegincB-IIradecii, 1751 Poland. Cracow. 1012 EWAISTGELIE y Epistoly tak Niedzieliie iako, etc. przez J. Wutka, 24mo, fine copy in stamped calf binding, tebt rare, 36s Krakovie, 1593 1013 Eranciszek Salestusz, Droga do Zycia Pobozn^go przez J. K. DenliolFa j)o Polsku przelozona, sm. 4to. old calf gilt back, rare, 25s Krakow, 1079 A translation into Polish of St. Erancis of j Casimir, Count of Donhoff, afterwards Cardinal. Sales' " Introduction a la vie devote," by John I 1014 POTOCKI (Wacl.) Poczet Herbow SzUiclity Korouy Polskiey y Wielkicgo Xiestwa Litewskiego Gniazdo y Perspektywa Staroswieckiey Cnoty, plnd- ney Matki, wszytkich Swietyeh, etc. (A poetical account of the Polish No- bility), folio, with Coats of Arms, fine copy in vellum, very rare, £7. lOs Krahowie, 1696 Collation : 5 prel. leaves; and pages 1- I of 762 pages. 741 : pp. 140-149 exist twice, making thus a total | Lemberg, Lwow, Leopolis. 1015 NIESIECKI (Kaspr.) Korona Polska przy Zlotey "Wolnosci, etc. (A Gene- alogical History of the Polish IN'obility, alphabetically arranged), 5 vols. in 4, folio, with the Armorial Bearings engraved in wood, boards, uncut, ex- cessitelt EAEE, £28. Coll. Livowsk. Soc. Jes. 1728-43 Brunet's note regarding this valuable work is as follows : " Ouvrage genealogique et heral- dique trcs-important, mais a peine connu chcz nous, ou il est excessivcment rare." Ebert calls it " a highly valuable work, very rare," and says that its statements are recognised by the Austrian Government as sufiicient authentication of nobi- lity and genealogy. Probably there are not more than three copies in the British Empire. In Vol. Ill, pp. 823-26 were cancelled, and reprinted with a different engraving of the Rad- zivil arms. This copy has both the original and the substituted leaves, TTPOGEAPHICA: Slavonica. 1177 lOlG POLISH AND SLAVONIC POLYGLOTT. LTNDE (J. B.) Slownik lezyka Polskiego. (Polish Dictionary, with explanations in 13 other Sla- vonic Dialects,) 6 vols, in 7. 4to. hds. edges tmcut, £4. Wars. 1807-14 Price, 1855, £6. 16s 6d. Russia. Moscow, Moskva, Mosqua, Muskau. 1017 POLYKAKPOY (Feodor) Dictionarium trilingue hoc est Dictionum Sla- vonicarum Graecarum et Latinarum Thesaurus, sm. 4to. calf ^iU, very rare, £2. 10s Mosquae, 1704 The author was Director of the Moscow Printing Press. 1018 NOVII ZAVYET: New Testatnent, in the Cburch-language of the Slavonic races, stout sm. 4to. engraved title and figures of the Evangelists^ in the ori- ginal binding, stamped with gold on the sides, the edges gilt and gauffered, IQs Mosh. 1738 1019 BOOK of Pba-TEes and Ps^lLMS, in the Slavonic Church language, stout 12mo. Jine copy, blue morocco, gilt edges, with silver clasps, very rare, 36^ (1739) On the fly-leaf is the following note : j 1739 of the Christian Era in the reign of Anna ** Printed in the year 7247 of the World, that is : Iwannovna Empress of Russia." 1020 MinIa, Miesetz Septemvrii : E-itual, Month of September, etc. in the Church Slavonic language, folio, original stamped binding, gilt edges and gauffered, lOs Moskva, 1758 A liturgical work for the use of the Greek Church. 1021 NOYII ZAYYET. New Testament, in the old Church-Slavonic language, very stout sni. 4to. engravings, Jine copy in the original' stamped binding, gilt and gauffered edges, eaee, 21^ (Moscow), 1798 Riga. 1022 Ta Bihbele : Wezza un Jauna Derriba, un Apocrypha, 3 parts in 1 vol. stout 8vo. the Bible in Lettish, calf, with clasps, Lord Stuart de Bothesay's copy. Is Qd Bihga, 1794 Kazan. 1023 ABULGHASI Hist. Mongolorum, Tatarice, ed Fraehn, folio, bds. £2. Casani, 1825 1024 HUSS ( Joannis) Opuscula cum A ppendice Othonis Brunfelsii, 3 vols, in 1, si.i. 4to. FIRST EDiTios, fine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, by Padeloup, with Count Iluym's arms in gold on sides, £12. 126- s. I. 4" ^- s^d Argentorati^ chrca 1525 Very rare : a copy like the present, in : of the dedication to him, is prefixed to the second beautiful old morocco, and stamped with the sel- i volume, with the date of 1524. The name of Huss (lorn-occurring escutcheon of a distinguished col- , is an excuse for transferring a Strasburg-priuted lector, is naturally of much greater value than an | work to this place, ordinary one. Luther's letter in acknowledgment ) 1025 BIBLIA, tu ie. Use Svetu Pismu, Stariga inu Noviga Testaments, Slovenski tolmazhena, skusi Juria Dalmatina ; Bibel, das ist, die gantze heiligeSchrifft, Windisch, durch Georg Dalmatinum, 3 vols, in 1, folio, numerous luoodcuts, a corner of the title slightly injured, and the first seven leaves supplied from an inferior copy ; very tall copy, in the original stamped binding, 5fc'3. 10s Wittemberg, 1584 1026 MICALIA, Blago Jezika Slovinskoga : Thesaurus Linguae Illyricae, lUyrico- Italo-Latinus, stout 12mo. 8Q3 pp. double cols, calf neat, from the library oj Lord Stuart de Bothesay, 21s Laureti, 1649-51 With the " Grammatika Talianska, Loretu, 1649," prefixed. 1027 Das Neue Testament, in die Ober LausitzcheWendische Spracheiibersetzet von Frentzeln, Wendish and German in parallel columns, thick 8vo. 1452/);?. hd. IQs Zittau, 1706 1028 NowY Testament, potom wot Prenzela, 12mo. calf gilt, 85 Qd 1773 1029 Bible, Old and New Testament, with Apocrypha, Lutheran Yersion, in WendisJij thick sua. 8yo. calf 7s 6d Barline and ChoschobusUj 1824-22. 1178 BEENAED QIJAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : TURKEY. 1030 HADJI KHALIFEH. Tubfatu I'Kibar fi Asfari I'Bahar: History of the Maritime Wars between tbe Turks and Venetians, 4:to. printed within borders of gold ^ several coloured maps ^ including the Worlds the Mediterranean^ Tur- key, Greece, the Adriatic, etc. hd. 36s Custant. A. H. 1141 (a.d. 1728) 1031 LOGHATI VAN QULI, ArabicTurkisb Dictionary, 2 vols, folio, hd. rare, £3. 35 Custant. a. h. 1141 1032 OTTOMAN IMPEEIAL CHEONICLES, in Turkish, 10 vols, in 8, folio, native binding, £7. 10s Custant. A. R. 1147-1219 1033 KAMUS. Al-Uqianus fi tardjamahi l-Qamiis : EiRiizaBani's Arabic Dic- tionary, with the significations rendered into Turkish, by 'Abu l-Kemal el- Seid 'Abmed 'Aasim, 3 vols, folio, native binding ^ £^. 10s (Scutari) a. h. 1230-33 ASIA. Siberia. 1034 EoAD Map from Pekin to Kiachta by the great Camel-route, executed under the superintendence of the Eev. J. Edkin of Pekin, 6 sheets, 24 in. by 10, folded between boards and all enclosed in a narrow royal 8vo. case, 16.s* (J Kiachta, 1862) India. Agra. 1035 Elliot's Supplement to the Glossary of Indian Terms, A — J, 8vo. coloured maps, bds. rare, \5s Agra, 1845 1036 Eraser on the District of Goorgaon, Svo. maps, cloth, 7s 6d Agra, 1849 Bangalore. 1037 Bhagayat-Geeta, or Dialogues of Krishna and Arjoon, Sanscrit, Oanarese and English, in parallel columns by Garrett, 4to. cloth, lbs Bangalore, 1846 Bellary. 1038 Eeid's Euglish-Carnatica Grammar, Svo. calf, 7s 6d Bellary, 1840 Bombay. 1039 Dbummond's Grammar of Guzerattee, Mahratta, and English, sm. folio, hf. russia, 7s Bombay, 1808 1040 DESATIR, or sacred writinj^s of the ancient Persian prophets (Abad, Jem- sbid, Zirtusht, etc.) original text, Ancient Persian version, (with Commentary and Glossary), and English translation by Mulla Firuz bin Kaus, 2 vols, in 1, large 8vo. neatly bound, 30« Bombay, 1818 Calcutta. 1041 HASTINGS' (Warren) Narrative of the Insurrection in Panaris, 1781, with papers, impl. 4to. hf. bd. very rare, 15^ Calc. 1782 1042 AYEEN AKBEET, or the Institutes of the Emperor Akber, translated from the original Persian by Erancis Gladwin, 3 vols. 4to. map, best edi- tion, bd. rare, £2. 16« 'Calcutta, 1783-86 1043 EiEDUSi. Poems of Eerdosi, translated by Champion, Vol. I. (all published), roy. 4to. morocco, Indian binding, 6s Calc. 1785 1044 HAFIZ. Poems of Hafiz, with an Account of his Life and "Writings, entirely in Persian, sm. folio, in old citron M.onocco, fine copy, £2. Calcutta, 1791 " It was printed at Calcutta in 1721 ; this is I "I have not been able to meet with a copy the best edition, but rare." — Sprenger. J even in India." — Dr. Clarice. 1045 BHAGAVATA PUEANA, with the commentary of Sri Dhara Swamini, Sanscrit, in Bengali characters, edited by Bhavanicharana, 530 leaves oblong folio, printed on thick ochre-tinted paper, unbound, between two wooden boards, wrapped in coarse red cloth, £6. lbs Calcutta, Anno Sakae, 1749-62 (1828-30) Cottayam. 1046 PEET'S Grammar of the Malayalim language, as spoken in Travancore and Cochin, and North and South Malabar, 8to. bds. 12^ Cottayam^ 1841 TYPOGRAPHICA : Asia. 1179 Cuddalore. 1047 Introduction to the study of the Hindostane Language aa spoken in the Carnatic, sm. 4to. hound, I2s Cuddalore, 1808 Delhi. 1048 ASAE-U 'S-SANADID. Monuments of Princes, in Hindustani, by Faridu d-Din Ahmad Khan, 4to. pp. 238, 44, and 72, lithographed, about 150 lar^e illustrations of the Palaces, Mosques, Monuments, and public buildings of Delhi, elegantly executed by Mirza Shah Rukh Beg and Feiz Ali Khan, hf calf, £2. 10s {Delhi), 1847 Port St. George. 1049 CAMPBELL (A. D.) Code of Regulations for the government of the Madras Territories, 1802-34, 3 vols. 8vq. hf calf neat, 36s Fort St. George, 1829-35 Hyderabad. 1050 TARIKHI RASHIDUDDIN KHANI. History of India, in Hindostani, dedicated by its author, the Nawab Khurshid Jah, to Rashiduddin Khan, sm. 4to. lithographed, hf bd. 563. 10s Privately printed in the NawaVs palace at Hyderabad, A.H. 1282 Jaffna. 1051 Dictionary, Manual of the Tamil Language, published by the Jaffna Book Society, all in Tamil, stout 8vo. bd. 7s Gd Jaffna, 1842 Lucknow. 1052 HAFT KULZUM, or the Seven Seas, a Dictionary and Grammar of the Persian Larguage, by his late Majesty the King of Oude, 7 vols, large folio, (pub. at £25.) margins of the volume wormed, £5. 5s LaTcKnau, a.h. 1226-27 1053 the same, 7 vols, in 2, large folio, calf gilt, £7. 7s 1226-27 1054 KORAN. Arabic text of Sura IV, verse 92, to Sura XII verse 35, printed in LETTERS OF GOLD in the middle of the pages, with a Hindustani translation at foot, and the two Persian commentaries Tafsiri Husaini and Tafsiri 'Abbdsi on the margins, atlas 4to. bound in hf. red morocco, uncut, £10. 105 {? Lucknow, 1830) Madras. 1055 Beschii Grammatica Latino-Tamulica, sm. 4to. hf bd. 7s Gd Madraspatnam, 1813 1056 McKerrell's Carnataca Grammar, roy. 4to. bound, 185 Madras, 1820 Mirzapore. 1057 MAHaBHaSHYA : the Great Commentary of Pataxjali upon the work of Panini, edited, wholly in Sanscrit, by Dr. Ballantyue, oblong folio, pp. 1- 808 (? all published) on separate leaves, unbound, £5. Mirzapore, 1855 Roorkee. 1058 Hastings (Warren) Narrative of the Insurrection in the Zemindary of Be- nares, 1781, 4to. cloth, 5s Roorkee, 1853 {repr. of 1782) Serampore. 1059 WARD (W.) View of the History, Literature, and Mythology of the Hin- doos, with a description of their Manners and Customs, secowf? edition, 2 vols. 4to. hf russia, 21s Serampore, 1818 Tranquebar. 1060 BIBLIA DAMULICA : Vetus Testamentum studio et opera Bartholomasi Ziegenbalgii in Linguam Damulicam versum : accedunt Libri Apocryphi versi a Ziegenbalgio et Schultzio, 4 vols. 4to. vellum, £5. Tranquebar ice, 1723-28 1061 NiEUW Testament uit de Grieksche Taal in de Tumulsche Spraak overgezet, 4to. bound, 20s Colombo, 1759 1062 Beschii Grammatica Latino-Tamulica, de vulgari idiomate Keddun Tamul, 12mo. bound, 5s Trangamb. 1738 Umballa. 1063 Roorkee College : Papers prepared for the use of the Civil Engineering College, Roorkee, Nos. I-V, 8vo. plates^ hf bound, 10s Umballa and Hoorkee, 1850-52 1180 BERNAKD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. Vepery. 1061 Fabricius and Breithaupt, Malabar-English Dictionary, second edition, by Poezold, Simpson, etc. ^to. hound, 10s Vepery, {Madi^as), 180D Ceylon. 1065 New Testament. Evangelium, etc. in de Singaleesche Tale, door Eybrants eu Philipsz. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. curious sealskin binding, rare, 12s Colombo, 1780 1066 CEYLON Goveenmknt G-AZETTE, from its commencement in March, 1802, to December, 1817, Nos. 1-819, with the Supplements, bound in 4 vols, folio, hf. russia, £10. 10* Colombo, 1802-17 which for want of room reluctantly parted with this valuable periodical. An extremely valuable Series, — probablv the ONLY PERFECT COPY in existence. Pre- sented by Sir A. Johnson to a learned Society, 1067 MAHAWANSO {the great Beligio- Historical Booh of Oeylon) in Eoman characters, Pali and JEnglish, with introductory Essay on Pali Buddhistical Literature, by Tuenoue, Yd. I, (chapters i-xxxYiii) 4to. all published, bds. 20s Ceylon, 1837 Burmah and Siam. Bangkok. 1068 PALLEGOIX, Grammatica Linguae Thai, 4to. bd. 36s BangTcoh, 1850 Maulmein. 1069 Hough's Anglo-Burmese Dictionary, 3 parts in 1 vol. stout sm. 8vo. 855 pp. calf, lOs Maulmain, 1845 Malay Archipelago. Malacca. 1070 SzE Shu, the Foue Books, translated with notes, by Collie, 8vo. cloth, very ■ rare, 25^ Malacca, 1828 Pulo Penang. 1071 (Kempis) The Following of Christ, translated in the Malayan language, Moman character, 16mo. 12s 6^ Bulo Finang, {printed at Paris, 1846) Singapore. 1072 SINGAPORE CHEONICLE, Dec. 1829 to Dec. 1830, Nos. 151-177— Com- mercial Register and Advertiser, Jan. to Dec. 1830, in 1 vol. 4to. — Singa- pore Chronicle and Commercial Register, Jan. 1831 to Dec. 1833, being Vols. I-lII complete, in 1 vol. roy. folio — together 2 vols. hf. calf, £2. 16s Singapore, 1820-33 A very important Journal, probably UNIQUE , Bound up at the end of the large volume are in Europe. I about twenty nos. of the Canton Register for 1833. Java. 1073 Collectanea Malaica, Yocabularia, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. calf, £2. 12s Bntavia, 1708 These volumes contain : F. de H(outman), Diet, in de Duytsche I. Wiltens en Danckaerts, Vocabularium ende Mai. tale. Dtsch-Mal. Mal.-Dtsch. II. Heurnius, Duitsch Mai. Woordebock. D. Haex. Diet. Mai. Lat. Lat. Mai. Gueynier, Duitsch Mai. Woordeboek. 1074 MEDHUEST, English-Japauese and Japanese-English Vocabulary, compiled from native works, 8vo. the Japanese in native and Roman characters, en- tirely lithographed, sd. 18s ; or, hf calf, 20s Batavia, 1830 1075 — Translation of a COMPARATIVE VOCABULARY, Chinese, Corean, and Japanese, with the Thousand Character Classic, Chinese and Corean, and Indexes, by Philo-Sinensis, large 8vo. hf. calf, £2. Batavia, 1835 Philippines. 1076 SAN-ANTONIO (Erancisco) Chronicas de la apostolica Provincia de S. Gre- gorio en las ISLAS PHILIPINAS, China, Japon, etc. I: Descripcion de las Islas ; II : Chronicas de la santa Provincia, etc. 1582-1741 ; III : Mission de Japon, 3 vols. sm. folio, printed on silk paper ^ curious frontispiece to Vol. III. limp vellim, very scarce, £6. 10s SampaloCf extra muros de Manila, Sotillo, 1734-44 TYPOaEAPHICA : Asia. 1181 1077 Nunez a Villa Vicecio y Horosco (Pedro) Poemas a la Vida de San Pedro Martyr, sm. ^to. engraved title, {wants part of Dedication), hf. morocco, KARE, 9s Manila, 1740 1078 JUAN DE LA CONCEPCION, Historia General de Philipinas, Conquistas de estos Espanoles Dominios, establecimieutos , progresos, y decadencias, li thick vols. sm. 4to. with 8 maps in excellent preservation, vellum, £6. Qs Manila, 1788-92 1079 TOTANES (Sebastian de) Arte de la Lengiia Taenia y Manual Tagalog, para la administracion de los santos Sacramentos, 2 vols, in 1, smallfst ^io.Jine copy , printed on paper manufactured from silk, velluin, hare, 36^ Sampaloc, extra Manila, 1796 1080 Arte de la Lengua Tagala, y Manual Tagalog, 2 vols in 1, sm. 4to. liinp vellum, 18^ {reprinted), Manila, 1850 Sumatra. 1081 Malayan Miscellanies, Vol. II, 8vo. sd. 5* Bencoolen, 1822 Containing 15 different articles, inchulino; an j laries of the Batta, Nias, and Borneo languages, account of the Dayaks, and comparative voeabu- I China. Canton. 1082 Slade's Narrative of the late proceedings and events in China, 8vo. printed on and interleaved with silk paper,, sd. Vis Canton, 1839(-40) 1083 Thom's Chinese and English Vocabulary, 8vo. printed on Chinese silk paper, from blocks cut by native artists, and giving the English sounds in Chinese and Mantchu characters, sd. 10s Canton, 1843 Hanchow. 1084 TEIGAULT, Si Jou Eul Mou Tseu; Vocabulary arranged according to the Tones, following the order of the European words, 3 vols, in 1, stout impl. 8vo. the characters throughout great part of the work being also ex- pressed in Roman letters, with curious diagram, hf. bd.from KlaprotKs library, VERT RARE, £11. 11* {Rang Cheu), a.d. 162(5 Hongkong. 1085 WADE'S (T. F.) Hsin Ching Lu, or Book of Experiments, being the first of a series of contributions to the study of Chinese, folio, in three parts, 20* ; hf. calf, 255; calf gilt, 285 Rong Kong, 1859 Macao. 1086 MOEEISON'S DICTIONAEY of the CHINESE Lnnguage, divided into 3 parts : I, Chinese and English, arranged accordmg to the Endicals, 3 vols. ; II, Chinese and English, arranged alphabetically, 2 vols. ; III, English and Chinese, 1 vol. — forming together 6 vols. roy. 4to. bds. £10. Macao, 1815-22 Nankin. 1087 WOO KING. Imperial Edition of the EIVE CANONICAL Books, with Commentaries : Y King, 2 vols. ; Shu King, 4 vols. ; Shi King, 4 vols. ; Chung Tseu, 6 vols. ; Li King, 10 vols. ; together 26 vols. impl. 8vo. an excellent edition, sd. .£2. 10s ' Nankin, ca. 1820 Pekin. 1088 LI KI. Tseuan Pen Li Ki Tsi Ciiu : Memorials of Eites and Ceremonies, with the commentary of Chin Heao and Glosses, in Chinese, 10 parts in 2 vols. impl. 8vo. Best Edition, hf. russia gilt, from KlaprotKs library, £5. Peking, 1766 1089 KHANG HI'S Imperial Dictionary, in Chinese^ 32 vols. impl. 8vo. in 4 cases, a very fine edition, £5. qs cir. 1790 1000 another edition, 40 vols, in 6 cases, 8vo. £3. lOs cir. 1800 The great Dictionary of Khang Hi was com- posed by a literary committee of twenty-seven of the most ilhistrious savans of Pekin, presided over by the princes Chang Yu Shu and Chin Ting King. Its authority is universal, and all writings destined for presentation to the throne, must follow the orthography of this lexicon, the most esteemed and complete work of the kind. The preface is by the Emperor Khang Hi him- self, and contains a facsimile of his writing. 1182 BERNAED QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: Shanghai. 1091 MEDHIJEST (W. H.) Chinese-English and EngHsh-Chinese Dictionary, containing all the words of the Chine.-^e Imperial Dictionary, according to Eadicals, 4 vols. 8vo. very rare, £10. 10s Batavia, 1842, and Shanghai, 1847 1092 Maetin's Analytical Eeader : or short Method for learning to read and write Chinese— Vocabulary of 2000 frequent Characters, and their significa- tions and the Peking sounds— 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. half bound, 20s Shanghai, 1863 1093 HEPBUEN, Japanese and English Dictionary, with an English and Japanese Index, inipl. 8vo. pp. ocii, 558, and 132, cloth, £6, (Shanghai,) 1867 An excellent Dictionary, and the first publi- I Englishman, cation of the kind which can be useful to an Japan. Kioto. 1094 KoKTJSHiEAKiJ : a History of Japan, in Japanese, by Minamoto Ason Ma- truwaya, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. native hds. 36s Kioto, 10th year of Bunsei Osaka. 1095 Zatsujiroi Hen : Dictionary of Chinese "Words and Terms in daily use, by Tosenshi, in Japanese^ 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 20s Osaka, dated Tenpo Yedo. 1096 YEno-OH-SETZTi-YO-KAi-DAT-Gxu-iiA : Encyclopaedia, or Dictionary of Military Science, Arithmetic, Algebra, Eeligion, History, Heraldry, Husbandry, etc. in Japanese, by Takoieouzon, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. maps, coloured views, and numerous other illustrations^ tome of them possessing considerable merit, native binding, £2. lOs Yedo, dated Boonkiu 1097 NIPPON-DSEN-DSU, large Map of Japan, in Japanese, 73 inches by 49, folded into sm. 4to. size, protected by boards, £2. cir.lHlO 1098 HOEI TATSNOSKAY, Pocket Dictionary of the ENGLISH and JAPAN- ESE Language (English-Japanese) second and revised edition, stout oblong 8vo. with prefaces in English by the Japanese author and second editor, 998;?/?. double columns, printed on rice-paper, 36« ; or, neatly bound, £2. 2s Yedo, 1866 AUSTRALASIA AND POLYNESIA. Australia. Adelaide. 1099 "Williams, Vocabulary of the language of the Aborigines of South Australia, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Adelaide, 1839 1100 Teichelmann and Schiirmann, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Phraseology of the aboriginal language of South Australia, 8vo. sd. 128 Adelaide, 184:0 Melbourne. 1101 MTJELLEE (Ferd.) Eragmenta Phytographiae Australiae, 3 vols. 8vo. plates, cloth, 30* Melbourne, 1858-63 Sydney. 1102 EIDLEY (Eev. "W.) Kamilaroi, Dippii, and Turrubul, languages spoken by Australian Aborigines, sm. 4to. morocco extra, gilt edges, £2. 2* Sydney, mS.W.imQ A very elegant specimen of Australian typography and bookbinding. New Zealand. 1103 VAN DIEMEN'S LAND EOYAL SOCIETY : Papers and Proceedings, Vols. I-III, pt. 1, 8vo. plates, in parts, sd. rare, £2. Tasmania^ 18i9-55 Auckland. 1104 Maoei Mementoes : a series of Addresses presented by the Natives to Sir George Grey ; with a collection of Laments, &c. Maori and English, by Davis, Svo. cloth, ZOs Auckland, 1855 TYPOGEAPHICA: Africa. 1183 Ranana. 1105 New Testament, in Maori, 12mo. hd. 5s Hanana, 18il Wellington. 1106 East Lessons on Money Matters, iu the New Zealand Language, 8vo. cloth, 5s Wellington, 1851 1107 GREY (Sir George) Poems, Traditions, and Chants of the Maories, in Maori, 8v(). pp. xiv, 432, cxii, and 20, cloth, rare, £2. 10* Privately printed, Wellington, New Zealand, 1853 Van Diemen's Land. 1108 TASMANIAN JOUENAL (The) of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, etc. Vols. I and II, pts. 1, 2, {wants pp. 307-18) one vol. hf. hound and two parts, plates, 20s Van Diemen's Land and Tasmania, 1842-43 Tahiti. 1109 GRAMMAE of the TAHITIAN dialect of the Polynesian language, 8vo. hd. 305 Tahiti, Burder's Foint, 1823 Very rare. With an excellent introduction | languages, on the comparative philology of the Polynesian j AFRICA. Cape of Good Hope. 1110 Tbimen (E.) Khopalocera Africae Australis, a Catalogue of South African Butterflies, part I. 8vo. hf. hd. 7s 6d ' Cape Town, 1862 1111 Boyce's Grammar of the Kafir language, 4to. hds. IQs Graham's Town, 1834 1112 Aechbell's Bechuana Grammar, 8vo. ^i*. ; or half calf, 10s 6d Graham's town (G. of Good Hope,) 1837 Egypt. Bulac. 1113 YaSIF. History of the Ottoman Empire from the year 1752 to 1774, by Ahmed Yasif Efendi, in Turkish, 2 vols, in one, stout sm. folio, native hinding, £2. Biilaq, A.H. 1246 1114 Edhe:maBet. Jerru '1-Askal. Book of the Science of Mechanics, Turkish, 4to. Id folding plates, with a great numher of figures, hd. 10s {BuUiq), A. H. 1249 1115 EUSUSU 'L-HIKAM. Wise Sayings of the Prophets, the Arahic text, by Muhyi ul-Din Ibn *Arabi, with Turkish translation and commentary, sm. folio, native hindinq, £3. 3s Biddq. a. n. 1252 1116 MIRaT UL-KAINAT. Mirror of Existing Things, in Turkish, 2 vols. in 1, folio, native hinding, £2. 10s Buldq, a. h. 1258 This great compilation is divided into four parts, and forms a kind of universal history. Cairo. 1117 YITAL (Jos.) Hakk le-Israel : Daily Readings from the Bible, the Talmud, and the Zohar, edited by Isaac Baruch, in Rehrew, 2 vols. sq. Svo. sd. A2. lOs he Mizraim {Cairo), 1740 Of extreme rarity. The first Hebrew Book printed in Cairo. 1118 BUETON'S Excerpta Hieroglyphica, or Exact Copies of Various Hiero- glyphical Inscriptions and Sculptured Monuments still existing in Egypt, and at Mount Sinai, etc. etc. 4 parts, complete in 1 vol. oblong folio, contain' ing 67 curious plates, privately printed, half hound, rare, £3. 3s Cairo, 1825-37 18—31 ; title of part III ; plates 32 — *2; title to part IV ; plates 43 — 58; continuation of plate 58 ( bearing in some copies the number 59) ; plates 60, 61. Collation of the above : a pebfect copy. Bastard Title ; title of part I ; plates 1, 1*, and 2-17 ; title of part II (with which the same bas- tard title as in part 1, is sometimes added) ; plates Gaboon. 1119 Gospel of Matthew, 12mo. bds. 5s Gaboon, West Africa, 1850 1120 Peep of Day, in Mpongwe, 1852 — Mpongwe Primer, 1855 — 2 parts, 12mo. 5s Gaboon] W. A. 1852-55 1184 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON : Liberia. 1121 GOSPELS of Mattbew and John, and Acts, in Basa, (First Edition) 12tno. hf. morocco, uncut, 36^ Edina, Liberia, 1844 No copy in any Public Library in Europe. Zanzibar. 1122 E. Steere's Collections for a Handbook of the Shambala Language, 12mo. viii. and 82 pp. cloth. Is Gd Zanzibar, 1867 " The Shambala language is spoken in the lying opposite to the island of Pemba, and visible country called in our maps Usambara, which is a in clear weather from the town of Zanzibar." — mountainous district on the mainland of Africa, Preface. Madagascar. 1123 EEEEMAN'S Malagasy-English and English -Malagasy Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo. 742 pp. donble cols. hf. calf, very rare, £5. 5s An-iananarivo, 1835 AMEEICA. Antigua. 1124 Mautin (Colonel, of Antigua) Essays on Plautership : seventh edition, with all the AdditiontJ, from the Author's Experiments to the Time of his Death, 4to. with long Dedication to the Planters of the Sugar Colonies, half morocco extra, gilt edges, 155 Antigua, printed by B. Mearns, 1785 Brazil. 1125 AYE/ES DE CAZAL (Manoel) Corografia Braailica ou relagao historico-geo- grafica do Brazil, 2 vols. sm. 4to. calf 18s Bio de Janeiro, 1817 Chili. Serena. 1126 DoMETKA (Ignacio) Elementos de Mineralogia, 8vo. 7 plates of tlie forms of crystals, etc. hf calf uncut, 12s Serena, imprenta del Colegio, 1815 Valparaiso. 1127 Lopez, Manuel de la Istoria de Chile, 16mo^ 3s Qd Valparaiso, 1845 Canada. Quebec. 1128 SMITH (Wm.) History of Canada ; from its first discovery to the Peace of 1763, 2 vols, in 1, roy. 8vo. large paper, hf. morocco^ uncut, top edge gilt, £4). 4iS Quebec, pi'intedfor the Author, 1815 1129 QUEBEC Literary and Historical Society's Transactions, 1830-35, Vols. II. III. pts. 2, 3 ; 8vo. plates, bds. rare, £2. Quebec, 1831-35 Toronto. 1130 Smith (W* S.) Canadian Gazetteer, 8vo. with vieivs and a folding map, cloth, 10« Toronto, 1846 Cuba. 1131 MILANES (Den Jose J.) Obras : coleccion de sus Poesias, Dramas, Leyendas, y articulos literarios, 4 vols, in 1, 8vo. port, hf bd. 25s Habana, 1846 Milanes was a native of Cuba, and his works are its finest literary productions. Ecuador. 1132 YELASCO (Juan de) Historia del reino de Quito, en la America Meridional, 3 vols. sm. 4to. bd. rare, £2. 10s Quito, 1841-44 La Plata. 1133 TELEGrEAEO mercantil, rural, politico economico e historiografo del Rio de la Plata, por el Coronet Cabello y Mesa, Tomo I, 35 numbers in 1 yoI. sm. 4to. hf. bd. rare, 25s Buenos Ayres, 1801 1134 EUNES (Gregorio) Ensayo de la Historia Ciyil del Paraguay, Buenos- Ayres y Tueuman, Vols. 1, II, 8vo. hf bd. IGs Buenos Ayres, (1816) 1135 the same, 3 vols. 8vo. complete, portrait, pencil memoranda by the late J. G. Schwartz, American Consul at Vienna, bds. £2. 2s 1816-17 1136 Memoeias y Noticias para servir a la Historia Antigua de la Eepublica Argentina, compiladas y publicadas por los Eundadores de la Eevista de Buenos Aires, sq. 8vo. hf. morocco, uncut, tops gilt, IQs Buenos Aires, 1865 TYPOGRAPHICA : America. 1185 Mexico. .1137 SPECULUM CONJUGIOEUM sediUmi perE. P. F. iLLEpnoNsuM a Ve- EACEUCE Instituti H sere 111 itarum Sancti Augustini, artiu ac sacra? Theologiaa doctore, cathedraeq ; primariae in inclyta Mexicana academia Moderatorem, sm. 4to. wants pp. 275-286, Jif. hd. £L2. 12^ Mexici in cedibus Joannis Pauli Srissensis, 1556 An extremely rare volume, being one of the earliest specimens of printing in the New World. 1138 PASSIONUM ET LAMENTATIONUM juxta Sanctre Komanae Ecclesi^ normam Liber fseliciter explicit ; conciuatus et in meliorem concenturn re- dactus a Joanne Navarro Minorita Provincise Apost. Petri et Pauli Mech- huacanensis, etc. folio, a ivork on Church Music, printed in red and black, with the notation throughout, etc. no title, vellum, £10. Mexici, D. L. Davalos, 1604j 1138*rAEEAN (Fray Augustin, Doctor y Beligioso en la Nueva Bsparia) Tratado Breve de Medicina y de todas laa EDferinedades, sm. 4to. ^ine copy in mo- rocco, gilt edges, £S. Ss Mexico, 1610 Rare : unnoticed by any of the bibliogra- " ' phers. It is dedicated to Don Luis de Yelasco, the Viceroy, and has a woodcut of Saint Augustin 1139 GOJSrCALEZ DE ESLAVA, Coloquios Espirituales y Sacramentales y Can- ciones divinas, recopiladas por Yello de Bustamente, sm. 4to. upper margins wormed, oinginal binding, £16. I65 Mexico, 1610 Excessively rare. This writer, the ear- I nor, Salva, Antonio, Ternaux, Bninet and other liest poet of Mexico, is not mentioned by Tick- | bibliographers. 1140 LOPEZ (Gregorio). Lossa, Yida que bizo el siervo de Dios Gregorio en algunos lugares de esta Nueva Espafia, 12 1110. calf, eaee, £2. 12s (6d Mexico, 1613 1141 Eelacioi?' Univeesal legitima, y verdadera del Sitio en que esta fundada la Ciudad de Mexico, cabeqa de las Provincias de toda la Nueva Espana, 4 parts in 1 vol. folio, the margin of title a little mended, and without pp. 23-26 of the third part, woodcut of Arms on title, vellum, 36* Mexico, Imprenta de F. Salbago, 1637 on the title. The initials throughout the text are also woodcut. An exceedingly valuable official statement, containing the most complete description in exist- ence of the state of old Mexico, both in its natural and artificial features, lagoons, rivers, hills, cause- ways, canals, etc. 1142 CAEOCHI (HoEAcio) Aete DE la Lengija Mexicana, con la Declaracion de los adverbios della, sm. 4to. First Edition, hf bound, excessively eaee, £10. Mexico, por Juan Ruyz, 1645 Collation : Title and five other preliminary 1 copy fetched at Sotheby's, in 1857, £16. leaves : text, 132 numbered leaves. A wormed | 1143 SAMANIEGO. Meritos del Doctor Francisco de Samaniego, Fiscal en la Audiencia Eeal de Manila, sm. 4to. vellum, 36s Mexico,\^^l 1144 PALAFOX y Mendoza (Bishop of Puebla). Puntos que el Senor Obispo de la Puebla dexa encargados a las almas de su cargo, al tiempo de partirse destas provincias, a los Eeynos de Espana, Puebla, 1649 — Ecbagaray (Martin de) Declaracion del Quadrante de las Catedrales de las Indias, con una Nueva Eegla para facilitar sus quentas, y otras, Mexico, 1682 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf. bd. yeet scaece, £2. 2s 1649-82 1145 Al Eey nuestro Senor. Satisfacion al Memorial de los Eeligiosos de la Compania del nombre de Jesus de la Nueva-Espana, sm. folio, a little wormed, calf, £4. 4« [Mexico] ano de 1652 1146 MONTEMATOE DE CUENCA, Summaria Investigacion de el Origen yPri- vilegios de losEicos Hombres o Nobles, Caballeros, Infanzones Hijos dalgo, y Senores de Vassallos de Aragon, y del absolute poder que en ellos tienen, sm. 4to. engraved title, vellum, exteemelt eaee, £Q. Qs Mexico, 166.4 A very valuable work upon a little known sub- I poHtic of old Arragon. Many obscure points of ject — the precise relations to one another of the | Spanish History are elucidated in the course of members composing the feudal society and body- j these investigations. 1186 BERNAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: 1147 AYETA (Feancisco de) Padre de la JProvincia del Santo JEvangelio de Mexico, Crisol de da. Veedad, en defensa de diclia su Provincia, sobre el despojo y sequestro de las 31 Doctrinas, de que la removio el Obispo D. Juan de Palafox, en contraveneion de los Privilegios que los Pontifices la concedieron a instancias de los Senores Reyes, sm. folio, hf. calf, 5612. 12s [^Mexico^ no Printer's name, date, or place (cir. 1690) 1148 Ateta (F. de) t Heexando de la Rua, Manifesto, Discurso, etc. 7 treatises chiefly by Ayeta, in 1 vol. sin. fol. hf. calf, £3. 16* (Mexico, 1671-1700) 1149 ARLEGIJI, Chronica de la Provincia de S. Francisco de Zacatecas, la que dedica a S. Francisco, D. J. de Erreparaz en nombre de Fr. P. Navarrete, sm. 4to. without pp. 83 — 102, that is chap. 4, 5, and 'part of 3, containing an ac- count of the foundation of convents, calfSQs Mexico, 1737 Very rare and valuable. This work is i not mentioned by Bi-unet, Salva, Rich, or Stevens, apparently unknown to the bibliographers, as it is I Guadalajara. 1150 MOTA PADILLA (Matias de la) Historia de la Conquista de la Provincia de la Nueva-Galicia, escrita en 1742, 3 vols. 8vo. wanting a leaf of contents in Vol. I, hf Id. £2. 16s Guadalajara, 1855-56 The author was a Canon in the Cathedral of j notices of its military and political Progress, the Guadalaxara. This work contains an interesting j ancient Kites and Ceremonies of the Indians, etc. account of the discoveiy of Nueva-Galicia, with j Only a very limited number was printed. New Granada : Bogota. 1151 Ekjistro Oficiel de Hacienda ; todos los decretos sobre negocios de Hacienda hoi vijentes, sm. folio, sd. Is ^d Bogota, 1845 Nova Scotia: Halifax. 1152 James (W.) Inquiry into the Merits of the principal Naval Actions between Great Britain and the United States, 8vo. sd. very rare, 20* Printed for the Author, Kalifax, 2^.S. 1816 Paraguay : Paso Pucu. 1153 CABICHUI (gaceta humoristica Paraguaya) desde el 3 de Junio hasta 9 de Setiembre 1867, No. 1 a 36, in 1 vol. impl. 4to. not quite consecutive, contain- ing over 1000 satirical woodcuts, in the style of a rude Punch, hf. morocco, £5. Paso Pucu, 1867 Peru. Lima, Ciudad de los Reyes. 1154 TOEEES EUBIO, Arte de la Lengua Quichua, (con Vocabulario Espanol- Quichua y Quichua-Espaiiol, Confessionario, Orden de celebrar el matrimo- nio, etc.) 16mo. red morocco extra, gilt edges, hy Bedford, ^16. 16s Lima, 1619 1155 COEDOVA SALINAS (Diego de) Guardian del Convento de S. Francisco de Jesus de Lima, CoRONiCA de la Eeligiosissima Peoyincia de los doze Apostoles del Peetj, de la Orden de San Francisco, fol. without pp. 95-100 in the First Booh, and pp. 17-40, and 421-438 in second booh, calf, veht SCARCE, £b. Lima, Jorge Lopez de Herrera, 1651 1156 MELGAE (Estevan Sancho de) Arte de la lengua general del Tnga llamada Qquechhua, 16mo. page 5 a few letters torn off, vellum, £2. 10s Lima, 1691 1156*TOEEES EUBIO, Arte de la Lengua Quichua, 16mo. vellum, imperfect, £2. 10s Lima, 1700 1157 MAEB AN, Arte de la Lengua Moxa, con su Vocabulario y Cathecismo, thick 12mo. riNE CLEAN COPT, vellum, scarce, £4. 4^ Lima, 1702 1158 another copy, the Grammar and Vocabijlart quite complete, but without the " Cartilla y Doctrina Christiana en lengua Moxa," 18 pp. vellum, £2. 128 ed 1702 1159 PEEALTA Barntjeyo Eocha, Lima fundada, o Conquista del Peru, poema heroico, en que se decanta toda la Historia del Descubrimieuto y sugecion por Pizarro, primer Gobernador de este vasto Imperio, 2 vols. sm. 4to. some leaves wormed, with extensive geographical notes, vellum, 28« Lima, 1732 TTPOGEAPHICA: America. 11S7 1160 TOREES EUBIO (Diego de) Arte y Yocabulario de la lengua Quichua gene- ral de los Indies de el Peru ; aiiadio el P. Juan de Figueredo : ahora nue- vamente corregida y aumentada en muchos vocables y varias notas, etc. 16mo. vellum, very rare^ £5. 15* Lima, 1754 1161 OEDENANZAS DEL PEEU, dirigidas al Eey per Don D. Melchior de Kavarra, Virrey de estos Eeynos, recogidos por Ballesteeos ; y nuevamente anadidas las Ordenanzas del Conde de Super-TJnda, Virrey, Tomo Primero (olf ptiblished), sm. folio, vellum, £5. 5s Lima, 1758 1162 MEECUEIO PEEUANO de Historia, Literatura, y Noticias publicas que da a luz la Sociedad Acad, de Amantes deLima, 12 vols. sm.£lS. ih. 1791-5 San Domingo: Hayti. 1163 ALMANACK EOYAL d'Hayti pour I'annee 1818, quinzieme de I'indepen- dance et la septieme du regne de Sa Majeste, por Buon, 1818 — Comte de EosiEES, la Partie de Chasse du Eoi, opera, musique de Cassian, 1820 — 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf, calf, 26s Sans Souci, 1818-20 An excessively curious volume, perhaps unique. To judge from the expressions of hoth writers, Henri I, the black King of Hayti, was the greatest and most heroic monarch in the world. The opera contains several specimens of the negro-patois. The titles of the Haytian nobility may be imagined from His Grace the Duke of Marmalade, and My Lord the Count of Lemonade. United States, Boston. 1164 HUTCHINSON'S History of the Province of MassncKusets-Bay from 1691 to 1750, 8vo. calf, very eaee, £2. 10s Boston^ New England, 1767 1165 WILLAED (Samuel, Teacher of a Church in Boston, New England), The Truly Blessed Man ; or the Way to be happy here, and for ever, being the substance of divers Sermons on Psalm xxxii, 652 pp. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £^. 4^ Boston, N. E. 1770 1166 DEAKE (Sam. Gr.) Book of the Indians, or biography and history of the Indians of North America, 8vo. portraits ^ Ids. 12s Boston, U.S. 1834 1167 eighth edition, with additions and corrections, 8vo. hf. calf, I85 ih. 1841 1168 Chalmers' Introduction to the History of the Eevolt of the American Colonies, from the State Papers of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s ib. 1845 1169 Bridgman (T.) Memorials of the Dead in Boston, inscriptions from Copp's Hill Burying Ground, with notices of the early settlers in New England, sm. 8vo. cuts of arms, etc. hf morocco, 14s Boston, TI.S. 1852 Cambridge. 1170 ELIOT'S MASSACHUSETTS BIBLE, First Edition. The I Holy Bible : | containing the | Old Testament | and the New. | Translated into the | Indian Language, | and | ordered to be printed by the Commmissioners of the United Colonies | in NeAV England, | at the charge and with the consent of the | Corporation in England | for the propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians | in New England, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4:to. fine copy^ duplicate frcym the library of Trinity College^ Dublin^ hound in olive morocco su^er extra^ by Bed- ford, in his best style^ and enclosed in a blue morocco solander- cascy £250. Cambridge, (Massachusetts)^ 1663-61 Excessively eaue with the English Title and Dedication, as in this copy. Collation : Title, 1 leaf; Dedication, 2 leaves ; Names of Books, 1 leaf; Genesis to Malachi, signatures A to Mmmmm ii in sheets of four leaves : title to New Testament, 1 leaf; St. Matthew to Eevelation, A ii to L, and Aa to Xx iii in fours ; blank leaf ; Metrical Psalms, A to N 2 in fours ; ending with one leaf of notes or errata. — I sold recently Mr. Petit's copy of this remarkable Bible (price £200), but it was inferior to the present copy, both in binding and size, and above all in being simply one of the copies issued for America, with the titles only in Indian, while the above is one of the few that were sent to England, graced with an English title and dedication before the Old Testament. S T _ . 1188 BEENAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON: 1171 ELIOT'S INDIAN BIBLE, first edition, sm. 4to. with the Indian title ^ wanting signatures PP and 000^ besides E in the Psalms^ hut otherwise perfect^ original calf^ £80. 1663-61 The imperfections could easily be supplied by a reprint, which would cost about £10. 1172 ELIOT'S BIBLE, second edition. Mamusse Wunneetu- panatamwe Up-Biblum God naneeswe Nukkone Testament : kah wonk Wusku Testament, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. wanting aaa to zzz in the Old Testament^ otherwise quite perfect^ with THE TITLES, calf^ £50. Cambridge^ {Mass.) 1685-80 Exeter. 1173 Chtjech's History of Philip's War, the great Indian war of 1675-76, with Notes and Appendix by Drake, 12mo. frontispiece, calf, 10s JEcoeter, New Hampshire, 1836 Monmouth. 1174 FEENEAU (Philip) Poems written between the years 1768 and 1791, new edition revised by the author, with many pieces never before published, 8vo. calf, £3. 3s Monmouth, {New Jersey), 1795 New London. 1175 MACKET'S Benga Prima, 12rao. hf Id. 45 New London, Pa. 1855 Philadelphia. 1176 PENNSYLVANIA. Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and an Appendix of the Laws passed between the 30 Sep- tember 1775 and the Eevolution, sm, folio, ivith the autograph of William Franlclin, the portrait of Benjamin Franklin inserted, fine copy in calf, £2. 105 Philadelphia, 1782 1177 Coxe's View of the United States, 8vo. Ids. 5s 6i ih. 1794 1178 CoNSTiTrTioN of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, 3 y.ols. in 1, 12mo. calf, rare, 10s ib. 1797 1179 POETFOLIO (the), a Magazine devoted to Useful Science, the Liberal Arts, Legitimate Criticism and Polite Literature, conducted by Oliver Old School, Esq, from Jan. 1809 to Oct. 1811, {wanting Jan. 1810), Yols. I— VI pt. 4, plates and portraits, in parts, £2. 10s ih. 1809-11 1180 Message of the Peesidei^t to Congress relative to Prance and Great Britain, December, 1793, with the papers therein referred to and the Prench originals, 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. hf hd. 18s Printed hy order of the House of Representatives^ ib. 1793 Worcester. , 1181 THOMAS (Isaiah) History of Printing in America, with a biography of Prin- ters, an account of Newspapers, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates, boards, TEBT EAEE, £7. Worcester, U. S. 1810 BOOKS PRINTED ON VELLUM. 1182 BEEVIAEIUM EYSTETENSE, cum Calendario, stout sm. 4to. printed in red and hlacJc, on vellum, French red morocco, gilt edges, exteemelt eaee, a672. s. /. et a. sed Fustadii, typis 3£ichaelis Feyser, circa 1478 One of the earliest books printed at Eichstadt. The late proprietor has written on fly- leaf, '* Eichstddt,typ. Michael Beyser, 1469" (?). Van Praet mentions only a later edition of 1488, as being in the Vatican Library. This was one of the treasures carried off by the French during their occupation of Rome, and placed in the Im- perial Library in Paris, but was restored to the Vatican in 1815. Brunet describes a copyof tJie present edition as containing 384 leaves, and printed oa vellum, at the Bibl. Imperiale, but it is evidently imperfect, as the above copy com- prises 392 leaves, of which the first is nearly blank, having but two lines, the second is quite blank, and three others in the body of the book also blank. It is an extraordinary circumstance to find these five leaves in the volume ; and shows that the greatest possible care must have been taken of it ever since it was issued from the press. The book is indeed only the Pars Hiemalis of the Breviary, but it is not described so, and from the calendar, and the number of leaves mentioned in the copy at the Bibl. Imperiale, it is evident that Eeyser did not print the Estiva. TYPOGEAPHii CA : Books on VeUum. IISO 1183 BEEYIAEIUM EYSTETTENSE, folio, £2. 2s Eichstiidt, O. Beyser, 1488 Three leaves printed on vellum of the edi- ! preceding note. The difference between the two tion of 1488 mentioned by Van Praet, and in the j editions is thus at once made manifest. 1184 HORAE BEATAE MAEIAE VIRGINIS secundum usum Eomanum, cum Calendario (1488-1508) 12mo. printed upon yellum, within ornamental borders, numerous small and large very delicately engraved woodcuts, £6. 6^ I^aris, Philijppe PigoucJiet (1488) 1185 MISS^E CANON. Eight leaves printed on vellum, in very large Missal type, with large woodcut of the Crucifixion, and small woodcut of Sacrifice, of Isaac, loth illuminated in gold and colours, £3. 3^ air. 1490 All the resources of the engraver and the printer were taxed to produce these magnificent- leaves — forming one of the finest existing speci- mens of the typographical art. The missal was probably printed at Bamberg. 1186 BET BUCHLEIN: a very Early German Prayer Book, upon yellttm, some leaves wanting, several pages with woodcut borders, bound in vellum wrapper, £2. 10s ? Augsburg, 1500 This work is printed in a type similar to, but smaller than, that used by Hans Sehonsperger at Augsburg for the first edition of the Theuerdanck, folio, 1517 ; some of the letters on the top and bottom lines with flourishes. The first Prayer in this volume is very power- ful : " V5 disem gebet hat man 500 Jar applass als oft man es spricht." 1187 MISSALE VEATISLAVIENSE cum Calendario et Tabula paschali (1506-58), stout folio, peinted in red and black, on vellum, very fine copy, with capitals richly illuminated in gold and colours, but ivanting folios 260-65, 276-79, and 289-306, in the original oah boards, covered ivith stamped leather, 5628. MogunticB, P. Schoifer, s. a. (? 1506) This magnificent specimen of printing j mentioned by Van Praet, Ebert, or Branet. ON VELLUM is probably unique, as no copy is \ 1188 ANDEE THATL des Evangelii S. Lucas von der Apostel Geschichte (durch M. Luthee), 12mo. peinted on vellum, with initial looodcut, green morocco extra, gilt edges, veet eaee, 583. Qs (? 1522-30 This portion of Luther's translation of the date, nor can a description of this edition be found New Testament contains the entire Acts of the Apostles, and is only called " Ander Thayl," because the Acts were formerly treated as "the second part of St. Luke's Gospel. There is no 1189 SANNAZAEII (Actii Synceri) de Paetu Yieginis Libri III, Eclogae V, Sa- lices, de Morte Christi, folio, peinted on vellum, in old red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome, £40. Neapoli, in cedibus Andrece Matthcei Aquivivi Hadrianorum Inter amna- tumque Ducis per Antonium Fretiam Corinaldinum, 1526 in Goetz or elsewhere ; but from a comparison with the other editions, it must have been printed between 1522 and 1530. above, and finally two which were sold at Libri's sales, the first fetching in 1847, 1000 francs, tin; other in 1859, at Sotheby's, £28. Only six copies are known in condition like the present ; one in the Paris Imperial Library, a second in the British Museum, an imperfect copy which was in the MacCarthy collection, the 1190 BIBLE, 2 leaves of the first English Bible, by Coverdale, being a facsimile of the woodcut Title and the genuine last leaf of Deuteronomy, folio, £1. Us 6d ? Zurich, 1535 A perfect copy would be worth over £400, 1 to be found ; the collector must therefore remain but even at that, or a higher price, there is none j satisfied with a specimen. il90*^e ^iur^ (III llog Ulodufi ti it \z JUgn^ llada, nouvelle edition, conforme aux Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Eoyale, ornee de gravures faites d'apres les vignettes de cea Manuscrits ; avec une Preface par E. Blaze, impl. 8vo. printed upon VELLUM, cloth, uncut, £40. Paris, 1839 Extremely rare. Only TWO COPIES j the library of the late Duke of Orleans, with a WEEE PRINTED ON Yellum ; this copy is from I neat stamp attesting the fact on the half-title. HoE^ BEATiE ViEGiNis, printed on yellum — see ante, Kos. 412,413,4145 415, 418, 419 Tephilla, on vellum — see post, No. 1198 1190 BEEXAED QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON HEBREW PRESSES. 1191 MAIMONIDES. Tad Hhazakah : the Strong Hand, of Eabbi Moses ben Maimon, in Hebrew, 2 vols, in 1, large folio, editio princeps, not quite yer- feet, the margins of some leaves mended, otherwise a fine copy, ca//*, £4. 4s. s.l. et a. (cir. 1475) hanc editionem .... insignem variarum lec- tioniim copiam suppeditare." He also describes the character as very rude, approaching the Ger- manic form, of letter, and as not to be found in any other book of the fifteenth century. The Yad Hachazakah is an embodiment of all the Judaic principles m the Talmud and Mishna. This edition is almost entirely unknown, and it is probable that only three or four copies are in existence. De' Rossi was the first to discover it. In his Annales, p. 126, it is mentioned in the fol- lowing terms: " Praestantissima ac rarissima hsec editio a nobis olim detecta nee ab ullo scriptore memorata. . • . Patet ex coUatione principem 1192 NIGEI (Petri) Teactattjs contra perfidos Judeos, de condicionibus veri Messie Hebraice (Litteris Romanis) et Latine, cum Commentario, sm. folio, fne copi/, hf russia, rare, £4<. 4^ EslingcSj C. Fyner, 1475 This is the first book in which Hebrew cha- racters were used. An alphabet of them is given (as well as the first two words of Genesis) pro- 1193 LEVI BEN QEESHON, Commentary on the Pentateucli, in Hebrew, stout sm. folio, slightly stained^ hound, £2. 10s {Mantua, Abraham Gonath, 1476 ?) bably printed fi-om wood-blocks. It is also the first book containing a Hebrew treatise in Roman characters. work must have been produced in Mantua about 1476. Very rare. Very few books were printed by Conath.. De' Eossi, in the Annales Hebraeo- Typographici, pp. 111-13, shcAvs that the present 1194 Hebrew. PEOPHET^ Priores et Posteriores, Hehraice, cum commen- tariis Kimchi, 2 vols, small folio, bd. from the Duke of Sussex's collection, {Soncino, 1485) affixed to the other volume, which, however, was £7. 10s Excessively rare. A few letters are want- ing on the first page of Vol. I ; also on two leaves printed by the same printer, perhaps a little earlier. They are remarkable as specimens of the earliest Hebrew typography. See Bihl. Susseos. I. pt. p. 222. in Isaiah, signatures !D1 and *)'^. The volume containing the Prophetae Priores was printed at Soncino in 1485 ; but there is no place or date 1195 PSALMS, in Hebrew, witb the Eabbinical commentary of David Qimhhi ; and PEOVEEBS, in Hebrew, with the Eabbinical commentary intitled Qav Yenaqi, 2 parts in 1 vol. folio, margins damaged at beginning and end, and S07ne leaves loanting at the beginning, but the body of the booh in good condition, £h. 4s Thessalonica, Yehuda ben Ghedalia, 282 (1522) the biblical books which, printed five years earlier, formed the first book published at Thessalonica. Excessively rare, in common with all the books that were produced at Saloniki, as the place is now called. This is the second issue of 1196 ABEAHAM DE BALMIS, Peculium Abrae, Grammatica Hebr^a, Hebr. et Lat. sm. 4to. vellum, yery bare, 36s Venet. Bomberg, 1523 A work which is of extreme scarcity ; the I the translation to be completed by another hand, author died in the year of its publication, leaving | 1197 BIBLIA HEBEAICA, cura Danielis Bombergi, 2 vols. sm. 4to. with the vowel points, fine copy in stamped vellum, having on the sides the initials " M. T. JP." and the date *' 1567," gilt edges, £2. 2s. Vinitziah, 285 (1525-28) three editions are of equal scarcity, and very seldom to be met in bookseller's catalogues. Very rare. This is the third edition of the celebrated Bible by Bomberg or Bamberg, of which the first appeared at Venice in 1517. All 1198 TEPHILLA : a Collection of Hebrew Prayers, very stout 12mo. beautifully printed in black and gold, with the vowel points, upon velltjm, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, 36IO. 16s. Boloniia, 1537 1199 another copy, not quite perfect ; also on vellum, bds. £6, 6s 1537 Very rare. It is mentioned by Van Praet | cata'ogue of De Rossi's Library, at No. 9 of the first volume of the '* Livres Im- 1 his precious volume of Hebrew Prayers, primes sur velin," being quoted by him from the | accv^rding to the rite of the Roman Synagogue, TTPOGRAPHICA : Hebrew Presses. 1191 " fiir die vollstandigste und geschatzteste von alien Ausgaben gilt die von Bologna, 1541." This was because the present edition was unknown to him, in consequence of its extreme rarity, the edition of 1541 being merely a reproduction of it. derives additional value beyond its rarity, from the pieces of festal poetry which are interspersed, and which, being imbued with the old mysticism of the Talmud, are of very great interest to readers who have made a study of that subject. The writer of an article on the Makhazor in Wet- zer and Welte's Kirchcn-Lcxikon, states that 1200 BIBLIA HEBEAICA, cum punctis edente Yatablo, 24 parts in 3 vols. sm. folio, LARGE PAPER, with MS. Notes by Melanchthon and Eber, fine clean copy of a beautiful hook^ in the original stamped hogskin, £>1 . Is Farisiis, Boh. Stephanus^ 1539-44! With the autograph of Melanchthon, to whom and to his friend Paul Eber, this copy formerly belonged. Inside the cover of the first volume is a precious memorial of the great Eeformer, being two inscriptions in his hand- writing, the first in Hebrew, the second in Greek, as follows : — *' Epiphanius. Ov rravra to, Biia pfjfiara dXXrjyopiaQ StiTai, dXX* u)g Jx^*" Qsojpiag de dairai kuI aitrOtjcreujg, Scriptii manu Philippi.'* There is also another MS. note in Greek, quoted from Scripture, and signed *' Paulus Eberus M. scribebat Vuiteb. vi die Maij Anno 1558." Paul Eber was the secretary and inti- mate friend of Melancthon, and was sent with him to the Diet at Worms, in 1541. He held the Hebrew professorship at Wittemberg, and made himself illustrious amongst the Reformers, by his learning and writings. etg TO EiSkvai etcaffTrig v7ro9icre(jjg tjjv dvvafiiv. 1201 PSALTEEIUM Hebraice, cum commentario Eabbinico Davidis Kimchi, folio, printed in a fine type^ original stamped hngakin, babe, 30^ Isny, 302 (s. d. 1542) 1202 NOVUM TESTAMENTTJM, /S'yn«c^, Ferdinandi Eom. Imperatoris jussu, characteribus et lingua Sjra, Scriptorio prelo diligenter expressum, cura Widmanstadii, small 4to. heautifully printed with silver type, the Syriac title printed in red with vowel points black, with autograph signature and notes of the learned Ccesar de Missy, very tall copy in old red morocco extra, rebacked, 365 Viennce Austr, Cymbermannus, 1555 idem, Syriac title in black with red vowel points, Viennce, 1555-62- 1203 SyriacsB linguaa prima Elementa, quibus adjectse suut Christianse sunt Chris- tianaB Eeligionis solennes quotidianseque Precationes, ib. 1555 — in 1 vol. small 4to. vellum, singularly fine copy of this choice and rare book, £2. 10* 1555-62 An elegant edition, and the first book pub- lished in Syriac, of which 1000 copies were printed at the expense of the Emperor Ferdinand the First. Half the edition was sent away to the Antioch and Maronite patriarchs. Widmanstad was assisted in this edition by Moses of Mardin, and Postel. The former was sent by Ignatius, patriarch of the Maronite Christians, to Pope JuHs lU. in 1552, to acknowledge the supremacy of the Roman pontiff* over the Syrian church. Few copies exactly resemble each other ; and the discrepancies have been but unsatisfactorily copy with }ila,ck Syriac title has not the dedica- tion to King Maximilian and some other preli- minary matter, making 8 leaves, before the Epis- tles of St. Paul, which exist in the former. This dedication appears to be wanting in most copies, as well as the dedications to the Archdukes Fer- dinand and Charles, which have never been met with in any known copy. A very exact and inter- esting description in Denis, dbie Murkivurdiglceite'n der Garellischen Bihliotheh, pp. 285-90. See also Le Long, Miiller, Maittaire, Bibliotheque de Sacy, Ebert, Brunet, etc. accounted for by all the bibliographers. The 1204 German Jewish Bible, Oude Testament in de Hooghduytse Tale, met Hebreeuse Letters, sm. folio, frontispiece, vellum, 20s Amsterdam, Athias, 5447 (1687) A rare and curious volume. It is the second Judaeo-German printed book in existence. 1205 BIBLIA MAGNA HEBRAICA, Editio Rabbinica, (Mikra Gedola), cum utraque Masora, omnibus Targumiu ehaldaicis, etc. 4 vols, royal folio, very fine copy in russia, with clasps, veby babe, £10. Amsterdam, 1724-27 ** Edition regardee comme la plus ample et la MEILLEURB DE TOUTE8 LES BiBLES RABBI- KIQUE8. Elle a pour base les editions de Bom- berg, et renferme non seulement tout ce qui celles-ci contiennent, mais encore les variantes de Buxtorf, avec les remarques ajout^es par I'edi- teur." — BiTwiet. 1192 BEENAKD QUAEITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. COLONEL W. M. LEAKE'S WORKS ON GREECE. Travels in Northern Greece, 4 vols. 8vo. Laege Map of Noetheen Geeece, waps and 48 plates of Greek imcriptions, (pub. at £3.) cJoiJi, 355 1835 Topography of Athens, with some remarks on its Antiquities, second edition, 8vo. 11 maps and plates^ (pub. at £1. 10s) cloth^ l%s 1841 A work of unsurpassed learning and classical scholarship. Peloponnesiaca ; a Supplement to Travels in the Morea, 8vo. large map of iJie Morea, and Maps of Olympia, Mantinice, Sparta, 8vo. (pub. at 15^) cloth, 10s 1846 On some disputed questions in Ancient Geography, 8vo, map of Africa, (pub. at (J5 6d) cloth, 45 6c/ 1857 This work is the necessary adjunct to Dr. Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. a set op the aboye, 8 vols. (pub. at £o. lis Qd) cloth, neiv, 5t*3. 1835-57 Colonel Leake's Works on Greece abound in valuable observations on the present state of Greece, and are accom- panied by constant references to the writers of the Classical period. Colonel Leake spent nearly 30 yeai's of his Life in his learned investigations. A set of Leake's works will form an appropriate cnool-prize. Copies of the " Travels in the Morea, 3 vols. 8vo. 1830," completing the set, can be obtained for 24*. When Colonel Leake's journeys were undertaken, tlie Peloponnesus had been very little explored, and no descrip- tion of it had been made public except thoae by Wheler and Chandler. The real Topography of the interior was un- known, and the map of ancient Greece was formed only by inference from its historians and geographers, although, having been densely populated, divided into numerous small states, and in a high state of improvement in the arts of peace and war, it is above all others the country whicn particularly requires a minute geographical examination for the elucidation of its literature, or, in other words, a map upon a laige scale, formed from actual surveys. The delineation of the Peloponnesus, which accompanies the present volumes, is tlie result of more than fifteen hundred measurements with the sextant and theodolite, made from every important geomoesdic station. _ Leake s Numismata Hellenica, with supplement and Appendix, completing a descriptive Catalogue of Twelve Thousand Greek Coins, with Notes Greographical and Historical, Map and Index, 4to. cloth, scarce, £S.Ss 1856 the S U PPLEMENT, separately, 4to. 180 pp. and hey plate to sizes of Coins, cloth, 2\s 1859 These volumes contain full descriptions of the valuable collection of Coins belonging to the late Colonel Leake purchased at the price of £5000 for the Fitzwilliara Museum. ' BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE, BY BERNARD QUARITCH. AtUer, Museum Cuficum Borgianum Velitris, Pars I only Austen's (Miss) Novels, original edition: Emma Pride and Prejudice Bunsen's Egypt's Place in Universal History, Vol. 2-5, or separate vols. Burnet's Reformation and his Own Time. Carlisle's Hist, of the Bland Family, 4to. Cotton, Fasti Ecclesiae Hibemicae, 5 vols. 8vo. Diccionario de la lengua Castellana, 6 vols folio Delgado, (vulg-o Hillo) Tauromaquia, 12mo. Madrid, 1804 Gardiner's Chronicle, 1865 Gosse's Sea Anemones, Svo. clean copy Harding's Lessons on Art Harleian Miscellany, Vols. IX, X, 4to. 1813 Hewitson's Eggs, 8vo. Horace, Bodoni. well bound Jacquin Flora Austriaca, 5 vols, folio, 1773-78 Kausler, Atlas des Batailles, atlas folio, Carls- ruhe, 1831 La Fontaine, Contes, 2 vols. 12mo. 1762 : — For Vol. 11, page 198 V The plate " La Jument du compere Pierre^* Loudon's Perennials, 4to. uncut preferred Lyndewoode, Provinciale, folio, Oxon. Rood & Hunt, ca. U«5 My copy wants at end: — the third leaf of " Constituciones." (I have 2 leaves.) Mackintosh's Works, 7 vols. 8vo. Makrizi Historia Monetae Arab- Lat. et Arab 1737 Missale Mozarabicum, Matriti, folio, 1550 Museum of Painting and Sculpture : — Vol.1. Text to plate 46, " Le Christ mort." " XIV. Text to plate 960, "The Graces." Or these 2 volumes complete. Oxford English Classics, 44 vols. bds. uncut Petitot, Memoires, 2nd Series^ 79 vols. Phillimore's International Law, 4 vols. 8vo. Poets. Pickering's Aldine Edition of the Poets, a complete set, 53 vols, uncut Reddie's International Law and Law of Mari- time and Commerce, 2 vols. 8vo. Relandus de Mohammedana Religione Richardson's Works, 19 vols. 8vo. Rtter's Ancient Philosophy, trans, by Morri- son, Vol. IV. Rojas, el Viage Entretenido, 12mo. Lerida, 1615 Rogers' Italy and Poems, 2 vols. 8vo. Scott Russell's Naval Architecture, 3 vols. Spencer's (Herbert) Biology, Vol. I. 8vo. Spanish Costume : — Coleccion de los Trages de Espana, 1 Madrid, 1801. Vanity Fair, with the Cartoons, fol. Nos. 1 to 12 Or Nos. 1, 2, 8, 1 1, separately Vigne's Travels in Cashmere, 2 vols. 8vo. or the large map separately Westwood's Classification of Insects, 2 vols. Svo. Westminster Review, from commeacement to end of 1856 Wotton's Miscellaneous Discourses, 2 vols. Svo. 1718 folio [2mo. ALPHABETICAL SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. Abyssinia 814 African Languages 'JOO African Presses 1182 Agriculture 228 Aldus Manutius ll57-r.l America 206, 95)1 American Languages 224 American Typogr. Monuments 1184-98 Amharic 814 Amphibia, Reptilia 229 Anatomy 230 Ancient History 422 Angling 316 Anglo-Norman MSS. 1062 Anglo-Saxon 89 Anthropology 75, 232 Antiquaries (Soc. of) 621 Antiquities 595 Antwerp Press 1139 Apocalypsis Blockbook • 1079 Arabic 814 Arabic MSS. 1073 Archaeology 595 Architecture 747 Arctic Regions 1008 Argentine Republ. 1045 Armenian 835 Armour 658 Arts and Manufactures 232 Arundel Society 659 Asiatic History 757 Asiatic Presses 1178 Assyria 786 Assyrian 835 Astrology 233 Astronomy 234 Atlases 163, 988 Augsburg Press 1117 Australian Languages 90i Australian Press 1182 Bamler, Johann 1118 Barcelona Press 1166 Basle Press 1120 Basque 80 Bcchtermiinze 1125 Bensali 863 Berber 836 Berthelet (Thomas) 1085 Bewick 746 Bible Prints 663 Bibles 371 Biblical Codices 122 Bibliography 332 Bibliography of MSS. 141 Bibliotheca Occident. 987 Biographical Diet. 334 Block- Books 6G5, 1078 Bohemian 114 Bolivia 1040 Bologna Press 1144 Botany 236 Boutillier, Somme rurale 1141 Brazil 1039 Breton 82 Bruges Press 1141 Bodleian Libr. 345 Buch der Liebe 1126 Buddhism 154, 784 Buenos Ayres 1045 Bullfighting 761 Burmese 836 Burmese MSS. 1076 Byzantine Greek MSS. 1069 Cambridge (U. S.) Press 1187 Campo Santo 670 Canada 1009 Canals 262 Canarese 864 Cards . 817 Catalan 947 Catalogues 336 Catalogues of Pictures 671 Catholicon 1460 1115 Caucaslun 836 Caxton's Game of Chess 1081 — Tour Landry 1082 Celtic 81 Celtica Britannica 1 1 05 \ Central America 1035 Games 316 Ceylon 787 Guyana 1038 Chaldee 848 Gems 695 Chemistry 254 Gcneal. History 695 Chess 319 Geography 162 China 788 Geology 275 Chinese 837, 1181 German Books 560 Chinese Drawings 1075 Germanic Philology 88 Christian Art 674 German MSS. 1064 Christ, Lives of 406 German Typogr. Monum. 1115-38 Chronicles, Enghsh 474, 613 Germany 626 Clironology 597, 785 Gipsey 119 Church History 394 Glass Painting 696 Chiromancy 155 Gothic 88 C assies 422 Grafton, Richard 1085 Club Books 1 Gruner's Works 698 Colard Mansion 1141 Greek Church 422 Cologne Press 1122 Greek, modern 112 Colvin's Oriental Lib. 1047 Greek MSS. 1059 Common Prayers 418 Greek Writers 422 Comparative Grammar 75. 563 Gujerati 865 Cochin-Chinese 844 Guttenberg, Johann 1115 Conchology, Mollusca 256 Haarlem Press 1142 Cookery 325 Hardouin, Gillet and Germain 1111 Copland, R. and W. 1086 Hebrew 848 Coptic 844 Hebrew MSS. 1073 Cornish 83 Hebrew Presses 1190-91 Costume 675 History 695 Councils 395 Hieroglyphics 844 Craniology 269 High German 564 Crustacea 260 Hindi, Hindui 866 Cuneiform Inscr. 835 Hindu Mythol. 810 Dance of Death 678 Hindustani 866 Dancing 321 History (Oriental) 767 Danish 102 Hogarth 708 Day (John) 1088 Horae 413 Dilettanti Society 678 Horsemanship 322 Diplomatics 141, 1076 Hungary 204 Drawings 656 Hunting 323 Drawings (Orient.) 812 Hydraulics 262 Druids , 155 Icelandic 104 Dublin Press 1104 Ichthyology 279 Dutch 96 lUyrian 116 Dutch Typogr. Mon. 1138-43 India, Calvin's Library 1047 Eastern Europe 202 India 796 Eccles. History 392, 905 Indian Languages 856 Edinburgh Piess 1104 Indian MSS. 1075 Egypt 791 Indian Mythol. 156 Egyptian 844 Indian Presses 1178 Egyptian Press 1183 Infusoria 281 Eliot's Indian Bibles 1013 Ireland 660, 617 Eltvil Press 1125 Irish 84 Emblems 680 Italian GeneaL 631 Engineering 262 Italian Literature 672 England 527, 612 Italian Language 669 English Language 459 Italian Dialects 670 English Literature 463 Italian Bibliography 691 English MSS. 1060 Italian MSS. 1068 English Presses on the Continent ? 103 Italian Typogr. Monuments 1144-66 English Typogr. Mon. 1081-1106 Italy 688 Entomology 268 Japan 808 Etching Club 683 Japanese 873, 1182 Ethiopic 814 Javanese 877 European MSS. 1059 Jesuits 401 European Philology 75 Jews 402 Exercises 316 Junta, Venice 1161 Exhibitions 684 — Florence 1146 Falconry 321 Kenilworth Castle 1103 Families, English 482 Kerver, Thielman 1110 Family History 614 Koburger's Press 1181 Fathers of the Church 397 Labrador 1009 Fencing 822 Landscape Gardening 752 Ferrara Press 1145 Lapponic 118 Finnish 117 Latin Miscellanies 454 Flemish 96 Latin Writers 422 Flemish MSS. 1064 Low Countries 635 Florence 686 Law (Oriental) 781 Florence Press 1146 Leipzig Press 1127 France 623 Lisbon Press 1173 Frankfurt Press 1125 Literary Hist. 332 Freemasonry 166 Liturgical Liter. 412 French Literature 648 Lodge's Portraits 722 — Language 547 Low German 92, 662 French MSS. 1064 Lubeck Press 1127 French Typ. Monuments 1106-1115 Lucca Press 1147 Furniture 687 Lyons Press 1106 Gaelic 83 Machinery 262 Galleries 687 Madrid Academy 939 1194 GENERAL INDEX. Magyar 118 Pekin Press 1181 Siamese 894 Mahratti 860 Penmanship 141 Sieben Weise Meister 1126 Muintz Press 1128 Periodicals 1 Sindhi 870 Malaga Press 11G6 Persian 879 Singhalese 870 Malagasy- 878 Persian MSS. 1074 Sicilian Press 1165 Malay MSS. 1076 Peru 1040 Slavonica 639 Malay 877 Peruvian Press 1186 Slavonic Press 1176 Malay Archipelago 1180 Peter of Treves 1085 Slovenish 117 Malayalim 869 Petit's Library 361 Smith (Roach) publ. 620 Malta Press 1165 Philippine Islands 191 Society Publications 1 Maltese 878 — Languages 191 Society of Antiquaries 621 Mammalia 284 Phoenician 893 Songs 326 Manks 85 Physical Sciences 809 Spain 640, 731 Mansion, Colard 1141 Pinson, Richard 1085 Spanish Literature 7.58 Mantchou 878 Piranesi Opere 1151-54 — Philology 757 Manuscripts 120, 422. 592 902, 1059 1^" The second set has since been Spanish MSS 1072 MSS., bibliogi-aphy 141 improved. Spanish Typog. Monuments lHiG-72 Maori 902 Poliphilo 1499 1157 Sports 316 Mathematics 286 Polish 115 Stockholm Press 1174 Maximilian Series 739 Polish Press 1176 Surinam 1038 Medallic History 641 Political Economy 351 Swedish 107 Medicine 292 Polyglotts 75 Swedish Press 1174 Medina del Campo Press 1166 Polynesian 901 Sweynheim and Pannartz 1149 Meteorology 293 Portraits 719 Syr lac 848 Mexican Typogr. Monum. 1185 Portugal 640, 953 Tamil 870 Mexico 1020 Portuguese 950 Tapestry 734 Microscope 293 Portugueze Typ. Monum. 1173 Tatar 894 Milan Press 1147 Portugueze Voyages 193 Telugu 872 Military Art 710 Prehistoric Archaeol. 595 Testaments 371 Military Sciences 349 Priapus 158 Theology 392, 905 Mineralogy 293 Private Presses 1 Tibetan 894 Mining and Metallurgy 294 Proclamations 1100 Todd's (Dr.) Library 902 Miscellaneous books 954 Provenpal .545 Topographical History 525 Missals 414 Proverbs 331 Toulouse Press 1114 Modern Greek 112 Pushtu 894 Travels 162; 7.57 Money 358 Quintus Curtlus, Catalan. 1166 Turkey 810 Mongolian 878 Rastell, John 1085 Turkish 895 Mormons 403 Rationalism 407 Turkish Press 1178 Music 326 Reformers 408 Typography 832 Mysticism 403" Regnault, FranQois 1108 Ugrian 117 Mythol. Drawings 811 Religions 783 Ulm Press 1135 Naples Press 1148 Rhetian 111 United States 1010 Natural History 228 Romaic 112 — Typ. Mon. 1187 Nerli's Press 1146 Romance Lang. 109 Urdu 866 Newfoundland 1009 Romances, French 110 Uruguay 1045 New Granada 1038 Romances of Chivalry 606 Valencia Press 1171 New Zealand Press 1182 Roman Press 1149 Valladolid Press 1171 Normandy 602 Rom an sell HI Vellum, books printed upon 1189 Norse 104 Rouman 112 Venezuela 1038 Nurnberg Press 1131 Roxburgh Club 607 Venice 1.35 Numismata 641, 782 Russian 115 Venice Press 1155 Occult Sciences 140 Russia 205 Verard, Antoine 1108 Offlcia MS. 418 Russian Press 1177 Vienna Press 1136 Old French 109, 645 Saints, Legends of 405 Vindelin of Speyer 1155 Old German 92 Sanscrit 856 Volcanicity 314 Orders 603 Saragossa Press 1166 Voyages 162 Oriental MSS. 1072 Sardinian Press 1165 Waldenses 412 Ornaments 712 Sarmatian 113 Wales '640, 622 Ornithology 297 Saxony 626 Welsh Books 86, 543 Ottoman 895 Scandinavia 637 Welsh MS. 1062 Oxford 345 Scandinavian 99, 565 Wittenberg Press 1137 Oxford Press 1102 Scandinavian Press 1174 Wood Engravings 739 Pageants 714 Schoflfer, Johann 1129 Wochenlich Andacht, Blockbook 1078 Palaeography 141, 1076 Schoffer, Peter 1128 Worships 140, 611 Palaeontology 306 Schonsperger, Hans 1119 Wiirzburg Press 1138 Palestine 190, 809 Science 218 Wynkin de Worde 1083-4 Pali 879 Scotland 637, 620 Xylography 743, 1078 Paraguay 1045 Secret Assoc. 140 Zainer, Giinther 1117 Paris Press 1101 Sects 140 Zend 899 Parliamentary History 3.54 Serpent Worship 169 Zoological Soc. Publ. 315 Parsi Religion 158, 785 Servian 116 Zoophytes 315 Passionals 405 Seville Press 1166 Zoroastrian 785 Patristic Literature 397 Shakespeare folio, 1623 1098 Zurich Press 1138 Pehlvi 899 Shooting 323 ^V, ' ■^■■r ?^/>n ./^ w^ ^^f ?????« '-^aS^W^ ,r^.^Af\A^.R., '^f^^^w ':^^>1A «^^^ ,-:.^.:-;^..-^ ^ftA-^n-^/^.XfN.W h?«iS^SC:r*^*'*""-«%;!«aaa- «^^-8S^«M,S£5ia ^-5:siSs^?!S»ss^? yWaf^'^W^^riA/^A/^A '^^>'^;^u^^ftA4|^s^^fir:;.^^ C3^ YD zns&o ^^mmm ' >.'?-' :A^f^«fi? rr>rv:-'^'^>,A'^'^. ^«£ftiiiiiift^£i