in LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class /5S7 1± CASE 4^ t:be ^ubor jfacsimite Zteyts U ^mprtmm af l^rtlutr BY THOMAS HUGHES AND OTHERS 1587 Date of the first known edition, 1587. {B.M. C. 34, h. 3.) Reproduced in Facsimile, 191 1. Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. P^ARMER \\t p;i.^f0rtiincs of g^rthur BY THOMAS HUGHES AND OTHERS 1587 3 :» »*••'»>» . 1. "o 3 1 > 1 > i I ) > > > • ' > Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXI BY THOMAS HUGHES AND OTHERS 1587 The title-page, the introductory lines, and the notice on title-sheet 4 verso, give sundry items of information as to the circumstances of production and publication, especially with reference to " cancels.'' One of the latter, in the B.M. binding of the work, has been so left as to fold back, showing the original lines ; and, when in place, the revised reading [see B 4 recto and the duplicate page at end of this facsimile). Hughes was assisted by seven others — William Fulbecke with two speeches; Nicholas Trotte with an introduction ; Francis Flower with the Choruses in Acts I. and II. ; Christopher Yelverton, Francis Bacon, and John Lancaster (who superintended the Dumb Shows) and M. Penroodocke (who directed the representation). Mr. J. A. Herbert, of the Manuscripts Department of the British Museum, after comparing this facsimile with the original, says : " Many pages are first-rate, and the whole is good. . . . I suppose the extremely minute type tnakes a difficulty, the slightest excess producing so much more effect than in type of ordinary size. JOHN S. FARMER. CERTAINE DE^ u. cs and fliewes prefcntedto ]^tt MAiESTiEbptliecl^eutlemenof Grayes-I»ne at her Highncfle Court in Greene wicb , the twenty eighth day of Fcbruark in tlie thirtieth yearc of her MAibST Its mol\ happy Raignc. -2 AT Printed by-Robef't Robinfon. 1587. I • • • a » » » * t ; A N TNTROT) VC 1 T. on penned by Nicholas Trotte ^ qentktnan one of the fociety of Graycs-Inne ,- which \vas pronounced in manner following* vtK,. Three Mufes came vpon the Stage apparelled accordtngly bringing fiue Gentlemen Students with them ^ttyrcd in their vfuall garments,w horn one o\ the Mufes prc(cn- >«^/#A#r M AI ES TIB aiCaptiuesxthecaufi i '. . WbtrctfJhedeUHfredby/ptddt '■■ (nftllotntl). f> FConqueft (gratious Queen e) the/lgns & fruits, ^■'^Atchm'd gainft fuch, as wrongfully withheld The feruice by choice wits to (Jl^ftfes due; ^ .Inhumblieft wife, thefe Captiues weprefent* ' And leaftyour highnes might fufpedl the gift As fpoilc ot Warre, that lullice might imf>eachj Hearc and difcernehow iuft our quarrell was Auowed(as youfee) by goodfucceffe. A Dame there is, whom men Aflrea terme, Shee ihatpronounceth Oracles of Lawes, Who to prepare fit feruants for her traine As by Commifllion takes vp flowring wits, Whomfirftflie fchooleth to forget and fcornc The noble skils of language and of Arts, The wifedome, which difcourfe of ftorics teach. The ornttment> which various knowledge ycel Js; But PoefieHic hath inmoftdifdaine. And Marfhals it next Follycs fcorned place. Then, when /lie hith thefc worthy Prints defac'd Out of the mindes that can endure her hand. What doth (he then fupplie in ftcedc of thefe? Forfoothlbmeolde reports of altered lawcs, ' Ciajnaors of Courts, and cauils vpon words. Grounds :-?•■ tsi. L Grounds without ground, fupportcd by conceit^ And reafons ofinore fubtil tie then fcnfc, What rtiall I fay of Mootc points ftraunge.and doubtf Still argued but neueryet agreed? And fhec, that doth deride the Poets lawc, Becaufc he mu(i Ins words in order place, Forgets her formes of pleading nnorc prcciic. More bound to words then is the Poctslore; And for thcfc fine conceits fhc fitly chofe, A tongue that Barbarifine it fclfc doth v(e. We noting all thcle wrongs did long Cxpc6t There hard condition v\ ould haue made them wife. To offer vs iheii feruife plac'u (o ill, But finding them addi<5^cd to their choyce. And fpecially defirous to prefcat Your MaieftiC with fruits of Prouincc ncwc, I^Jovv did refolue to double force and skill, And found and vfdc the vantage of the time, Surprifde their fort, and tooke them Cap tiues all. So now fubmificjas to their fiate belongs Tliey gladly yeclde their homage long witl»drawne. And Poetry which they did nioft contemne They glory now her.fauours for to weare. My fifters i aught to fee them take the penne. And lofc their wits all in vnwoonted walkes. But to your highnes that dchght we leaue. To fee thefe Poets ne we their Stile aduauncc. Such as they are,or naught or litle u'/orth , pcignc to accept, and therewith we bcfccck^ That Houeltygiue price to worthlefle things, ^ ^Vntothis (peach one of^heGcmlemeDanrwered as followeth^ fjOO D Ladicsvnacquaint with cunning reach. And eafly led to glory ui your powrc, Hc4r^ i^ow ab^ll^t our late di^which with trembling hand the penne did guid^ Neuer well pleafdc all for deHre to plea(e For (liliyour rare perfedtions did occurre Which arcadmir'd ofMufesandof men Ch with howe (Neddie hand and heart afTur'd Shoul^d we take vp the warlicke Lance or Sword With minde refolu'd to (pend our loyall blood Yourleai^commaund withfpeede to execute. O that before our time the fleeting (hippe, Nc*r wandred had in watery wildcrnes. That we might firft that venture rndertake In ftrange attempt t'approue our loyajl hearts, BcitSouldiers,Scamen,Poets,orwhatcls. In feruice once inioyud,to ready mindes Ottr warn of vfe (houid our deuoyer cncreafc. ■-^■,..1-1 .^i.-,.-. — ^J^.. I -'— -. ... ■ .. ■■ ■ •^■■■■",r'. ■■ ■ -^.L-. - ...■ , .. . - 'V, ri^^'j^ Now fincein fteade ofart we bring but zeale. In fteadc of prayfc wc humbly pardon crauc. Thcmatterwhichwcpurpofetoprcrcnt, Since freights of time our liberty controwlcs In tragike note tlie plagues of vice recounts. How lutes a Tragedie for fuch a time? Thus, For that fincc yourfacred Maicftic In gratious hands the regall Scepterheld All Tragedies arc fled from State^to ftadge. Nicholas Trotte, r The mif fortunes of Arthur ( V- therTerteiragofjs S^me) reduced intd Tragicall notei ^^THOMAS HVGHES one of the foeietie o^ Cray tS'lnnc, And here fet downe as it pafi from vnder hishandes And m it was prefentedy excepting certatnt tvordes and lines ^ where fome of the AEiors either helped their memories hj brief omijfwn: orfittedtheir acting bj fome alteration , JVitha note in the ende, offtichjpea* chesoi were penned by others in lise of fome of thefe hereafter following. A The argument ot the Tragedies Tabinqi>etmaJeby f^'therVeniragen fbf the folemhifih^ of his conqueft againft tlw: Saxi>it,he fellirumoured with I^nna wife to Getlop; Diikc oiC*Tn-»eU, Who percciuing chcKingJ paflion^ departed with his wife and prepared warres at Com, iv«i/, wherealfoinaflrongholde beyond him hec pbccd her Then the King leojed an arihye to Aipprefie him, but wax- ing impatient of his defvrt to /^Tfufc tranrfonned himfslt'eby HAerlin hiJ cimning, mtothe hkencfle of Gor/oi/ , Andafterhis acceptance with Igtrn* he returned to his fiedee, where he llew Gorloli. Igima was deliuered of Arthur and Mn« twins of the fame birth, VtherPendragun 1 5. vercs after pur- Tuing the Stiieont was by them po} foned. lArthnr delighted in his fifter ^nn»^ Who made him fathei: oiMtr^ed. Seuentf enc yeres after Li*(ius TibtrtUs of i^«»» demanded a tribute due by the conaaeil of C«/ar. ;,fithTti furies froTft Wdtrihi fiage dpp^lr*U*jdajton{e. ^l)efi'0?Beoftl)er3tcte^. artbur ISing of great 15mmi. (ZCaDo;i Dufee of Comtoall. ibocl IKinsof little TBnttaint. ^fje foecalt f com $!l9o?D?tD. afctjHliisf King of Dennwfee, E^eKingofH^oiitijape. a mmri^r of «>ott!i)ier0. fimmi of tfte laft o«trti. ^ana5 a iwbU man of Tomm, 6o>lof * Dtiftc of Co wtoalliS g^ort. tije duerne. S©o;iDjierrtI>e(aftirper. Conan a faitbftili cotmOrnetr. jBtmttiur of act^uri^ lanotns. Wcfi, 5?eralt from artl)ur . €»atDfn S(ins of aibante. <&(tUa:aB;t^tf(l^ea£arIe' Oinaino; SUns of 3Ir(lan9. Cno UH^ I THE FIRS TACT andfirftfcene. • Gorlois, BrhvSa,from Pluto's Bttttst antJ gloUmiins %m9y fflffiiete nujune Pendragon bjwlDe tott!) fljameRUi lulr, feJuttjonmitngei ftPtD^at!) abbo^w t)ela?e». Ciaattbouj* CbtWjes! p.;ndragons poPfontD enO) Swu(* l}»pt toaffof crjme? a^tfet w plagune? artDtfSrrteftamettoaftifwiJftfo^ !Reboimiictbbacke,amj Ctfriert) mpifjoc^e? 3prt i0 not mifcbitfe's tneanice aUfulWDe, S^ IH&eDome «ft,fo^ fi«a»««5^"^eeana fttcs!. eometbettfo)it^amif0offcrteDmtfcl3iffc0t(Dtt, Come ecb ^inseffe, tobat fucie can imient, ffiHrti&e all at once,tnftct tlje mt toitt piape^, ^Din bam to too^fe , till too^fe to too^ft be tHniof. Ux milcbiefw fenoto no meane , nojt plasiiM an enB. net tli'offpjingg Cnnt ercaue tfte fo^er ffocfee; Itt none bant time to bate hw fo^mfc fault, ^titftilltJ)itl)f«(brupplieletpwmfi)tcrHme Slncreafe, ttUt?me it male a complet Rnne. etoe to : fome fact, tobicb no age Ojan aUotue, ©01 pet conceale t fome fact mutt naue? be uatofs SbatfoitlJtboiiro^ great anO outrage fell $beteof,ma? tten btfeeine p endragoni b^colj^ SteDftrftitDbuetf Arthurs iiauieg; bometuatbtf nott CriumpbantlgbeDecfcttDitl) Roiname fpogle^: ILetGuenouer ejcpjieflt tobat fcanttcke mojtiesf JDidcact a toife, toben to^tonging tDCtilocfteflf rtgiitsr, TBotbfonDe anr»ftll,ft)t loueg anu loatbesf at once, let D*peDifpaicepnrfue,tiinoaa)ing life l>et bateftdt btaue In cotole anu clotaer lutfee- nit tcaiteroufit Mordted fteppe \}\9 Ore from Iboare, let Bry ttaine rtft a VW f^jt fo;irf ine potoers^ ILetftooiUe anD Bre ^i\\ fcDDe toitb nmtnall ttrtfe 5Cowme all ibe lRing0 to gboattest, let ciuill toarrtu anD DifcojUe ftoell till all tbe realme be to^ne . ,p!ac'lj in (mpecf all iIj;ionc @!tt^ fcagcanr ^!t«e bjiaMclie sp;irrnBing peace: anlstuJioroe'cbefiDes ve beewcnlvyuUi ta (C>e£: ftatdf tcapne toitlj nifiuencc tmime, SinoraiHic^Cpect all pjor.t (o Br/ttaipc^ groD) i^o?rfa tDl)atp;tefent plagues Ooe tljjieate tbis 3lffe» Pjieucnt not tfttg mv Dojicake. f oii you tfteic reft ^, 9 l^applec age a ti)onfat)0 veatest to come J an age foi peace, reItgion,\»eaItlj,ann eafe, ^ W!m alt Uje iwo^lO a)all ttjonocc at !?onr bliueJ kfjat, tljat fs Hours- teaue t()tsf toGoriois gi)oali. anU fee iDljerx corn's; one engine of mp ftate. fPjtl niooD$ anti mannecs fit foj mj? ceuengc. ^h Tbefecondfcene. Qnencuora, Fronia, A 315 D Barest bf after nine peaces fpace returttr^ anB fa Ijer face,U)l)om Ije fo long BiOjamDe? eaia0 31 tiien cfjofe ann tueDDeo fo; \^\% dale, EolcoReantJ gape fb?!)!? rettrelefle (a?le?, Buftbacke, anaflitwrtngfp^eaD joeuer? tomoe? ® to^ong content toltl) no reuenge : frelie owo enDareB plagueg, teacl) Mordred ijoto to rage, attempt fome bia)Die,D;tcaBftiU,«r!?efomefactj antJ fnci) as Mordted tootilD toere ratfjer m- aail)p ft aped? ix mull be Hone ; let b?lOle got^ frame out fome trap beponUe all bulgar gnue, ^eponoe viedea-s tottes : attempt fome fact,, JEbatanptotgbttjntoilDteofbrtfelff, cir hftf '■till r«in>nr0 vinFitifiiniii to vxt Diiere* €>parc no reuenge, fa'it popfon, Rnpfe,oi nre. JPR o N • ).ttix barme0 cannot be biDOf>tbc grtefe i» fmaUj ^bat can receaue aD«ifc,o;i rule it fclfe. FR o N. (i^atreD conceaine Dotb often bappe toburte, TBut once p?ofe(l,it oftner faile0 rniinge. footo better tbo, tocrt to rep^elTe pour pjie? a !Lame0 faeft reucnge 10 to fo^gfue. tfflbat meane 10 in pour bate? botn mucb fot'c pou can (nuent,o? Dare: Co mucb pou bate- PVEN. anntDoulB pou fenotoetubat meane tbere i0fnbate^ . CDall foue to minflc,anD fee tobat meane is tbere. ^p loue, reDoubleUloue,anD conRantfaitlj ©ngageD ijuto Mordrerf toojke0 fo Dcrpe: ^Ijat botb mp bart anD marroto quitebe burnt, anu (pnetoe0 DMtO toitb fojce of ti)03ntleireflanu«r, Defire to iop bim (lil!,to?ment0 mp mpnUe: JFeare of bi0 toant Rotb aim a Double grief e. Hoe bere tbe loue, tbat Vtixtts tbi0 meanclelTe bate, FROM, ©fcbeto tt farre: furi) loue impugne0 tbe latue?. GVEN. ciHlatofull loue Dotb lifee,toben latofnll lotbe0. FRoN. anD 10 pour loue ofl)ulbanDe quite ejTtinct? g Y E N, ^be greater flame muff nceDe? Delap tbe lelft. 3BeQDe0 J!)i0 fejie reuenge 3 greatlp feare. FRON, i^to can voutben attempt a frefl) offence* q VEN. ajJbpc^jUqjQiWd gljrtt^^er offence;^ ,.j 6 t/iRTHVR. FROM. TButI)cwttjeBttatttclftQft^efactfi)oulBmoiif. GVEN, Ct)e greater itjtbe fitter fo^mngriefe: F R o N. 'Eo feiH goiir fpotofe i g v t n. a aranger,ana a for. F & o N. pour lieBge atiQ king? o v e n. i^e iuant? botfj Kcalme anO Cwtooe, F R o N, Nature affojiQe0 not to powT (ejpe fiicb ttrmgtf). GVEN. toue, angutfl),tojatl),toiHfoone affo^oe tnoug^. F R o N. saaiiat rage is t^ig f g v e n. ^ucft a0 bimfelfe i^aH rue. F R o N. aiHf)mn (Sons Qoe pAefle inouglh toill pou anno?? c V B N, mfiom <&oD« Doe p jeCTe, tl)ep benDc j toeom man annojesr, \snhm^tu. FRON. pour griefe iff mo;ietftenbisfBelertei»: ©cf) faultreqiiiretf an equall Wt x be not feuere, tilbete crimes be ligljt t as hou Ijaue felt, fo grant GVEN. 9nD femes itUgbttottanttimnme peare imti Cl)en to be f poilB of cne3I boIt» mo?e Dearef ^Ijinfte all to mucbjb'it ne'r fo tua,tl)at fan w ttsragetoinnotberulDf, GVEN. T^ j^ujibe reftrainDetfame ftall recetue no fbile. A let Arthur iiue,toj)ereof to make Ijunfure, (®vfelfetofllbpe,anDfop^uentlusbarmes. m^ nayett tboutbus amaiDeaDOoudjfuatojat^? $J9ifcl)iefct9 mtant,bilpatcbUon «?»}"• ^, an others li)oe,{foj fudXff ft't^wJucDnt,) ^afecu out bi* otone,ano rane;? bpon it felfr. affa)age(alas)tbatouerferunitire, i t8:toougbtomttct)ianger,Muoffeti!)topnttic9r i:5mlj?tl)er8tb«?PttDeferuetoU^^^^^^ &hb ftt)otlJ,anT> fut,aniJ ti)aine0,ant« c^fceof b«mar» <©p maprntomitttief u mutt be Jef n e b? Deat(j., ®Mfrt)ectinuft,ti)e«mi^bewt5moiw. If DeatO it be pou fa*e,3l WRMt Ma; G YEN. ^it^m^^^mys cvEN. El)eni0(tbeiltome,tobmfrtmWBoe^ ANGH. (EC& toljete te wattHt^at,fattsj teueto« o^amot, WitA ecf) man ma? btrwiw b&nWp'w»;f» TBut none of tjeatl):Deatl) tf Jo f»« « PJS^ir* m^o tbm can cutr come to) late to jat. caijence, tofjen I)^«f come, beneuer can returni? 2D J tubat aiiaiU* to batten M1KV«^,„^ guQ[onafoitb«>tobfcbDeaenno^ »fe alone can,S'»«a ??/„„. IS ewengettopne botb m one.DtetmtO net Hne« a2abecepatnemapnotbeoft.IetitbeUmg» ^ae out fome Ungrfng Beatb.tDberebp,^? co^e ji©ap nf ftljec toucb tbe Deai),noj to? tbe m^- 3Dpf:bat no common t»eatb:palft Natures bourtwf* ANGH. ^et plafrttesf afilie.Defpatre ?fclB5J "o wuefe- Ebe n£^e ?oa fearcb a tiKiunBe,tbe^nio^e it fttn^' GVEN. SnberigiiWemJnBemmeittrtwnft^^^^^^ Jiabfletf tooimBe0be cut'Djgnefefjafaluefo^ jnete. ANGH tfSxiefe isf no iull efffemer of out Baoes. - ffiSbat fo bart) ?etbane Bone, p?ocaBe0^frt»n *jtm^ GVEN. EbeminBi,ariBnottbe cbaimce,BptbrnaUtl) undialT, ANGH. Cbeni* ^vx fault from Fate,?ou trtl ejicunje* laone can be B»miB faultte fen bet Fate. OVEN. *^S) Fa«,but maunetg fa?!e,toben toe offenBt. Jirjuteratftiaptf t9 Fates, to "tartn,^s fawye?. ANG H. loueisianecro^tbatmajWinBetbebea. o V B N. g migbtie erro^ oftbatb fesmBe a wne. ■ Sbp Deatbts botDeB,anB Beatb mutt n»Be« taW pla«. TsSfucb aBeatb/a« ff anBeu toitb lutt remojfei Deatb,tot1)etDo^tBf,anD to btraippetieio?t«; a fHU DWPjct fwm aU m fonecmgnctte can bcare a part. GVBN. {CIl)j>l)oatI)OHftulfticreupmp flames Dclartifr ![)t'ff ttrapc0 anD ttto).9 mull not moue m? minUt- a lato foji vm^tt men biiiQcfli not tlje King. ffiUbatitbat 31 ougbtuot to conDemnemp UeD5t» jl5o;i can,tljtwt guiltie to rapne oUmc offence i ([![It)ei:xbot()^uetioneflminj;,!wtt) MI relent. |{?e toillfo;igtiie^f)« wrDcst muft befo;iBiiieii. M O R D, a Iike(p tl)iiig; voiii: faults mud mafee pou frf cnDsrt fBljitt £et0 pou toti) at oliO0,m»a ioine pou bot^: Ebinbe toeil^ cad? alteaup fo^ reticnge, anDbotu to plague ))0 botf).3I Rttotu \)is UUi> 91 SluDge feuece to b0,mil9e to btmfelfe. JJUbat^enauailfspoutocetunittolate,. COben ?ou baue pf^ to farce i poufatie baine !)opc$. OVE N. El;efurtbecpaft,tf)emo?etljtsfan!t(sifotir0: 3[It fecu'o pour tucne,t'(irnrpe ^otir farijfw Crotone. I)i9 is tl)e crijne,tD|K»m crime (Janbs moft in ftctDe. M o R D, cij.eHjtbat confp;re (nfaidtjf offimD a Ufee: (Cr.n\t males t()em cauaU,lD&om it iointlp ttainejar. ■^f fo? mp fake pou tnen pcttcoke mp guilt, |)6u cannot guiltlefft femc,tl)e crimetoas ioint. G V E N. mcll n}ouiD4iii(a)e fneme mott gnlltlclle ijnto t^ofi rjinnte'r ^t beat's gttiltie foj thn fake. vEMc remnant of tijat fobcr minfie,tDl)icb tijou t^auft l)ererofo;te ntre )}anQiiifl;t,pet rrfilts. §)uppjefre fa;t Ibanie tbat mipious moutb fo tangfjt, amj to rnucb f RtlD t'abtjfe toe toeoDeD faclj. tcDkebacfte to former Fates :Trov ftiUbao nrone, JIiaonotljeclBiinctmatjeligljtoflDeDlcckslo^f. Wrtit \3itt,t\)M tfnt'oi Ootone Troy^uotlj tbjicat tljp Efuont: 5LaKeIjaDe}tbcceMordrca(ianDs,tol)cnfei'»fisfeIl- fcxie» C o N A . ^ince tfjat ponr btgljnesj knoUies fo;t certaiitc triif^ fSJbat poujfrgour Ike prepares to claime Ijts cisOt: 3It narelv notoconcernesp"'ii torefclttc 3i»l)HmbHrtifoitt tfl.recoucile pour felfe » ^or^ Oaiitftl)i0wniwc:MOR.D.tDiIliDarce*,itUcf(nAamt«. ^ - 31 •)*»« ajr gttat adjare in tl)sumce,aB be. c ON A, jjjts toques bcblinDe,tI)ar maketl) cijamtc^bfflfgnlDf. M o R D. ifflbofe cffMgc lies in chaiic« ,tof)at bares f)c not? coNA. JOarrestoere a crime farrctDojfetficn all tlje reft. MO R D. %\ft pifeft paifage is from ban to toojfc. CONA. EbattDete topa(le(CDf. ^jyojg j,„Q ^ceptei- totiiea toKtngB at onee. r ON A the l^xiitglicft point m to affect bntngbt, WORD ^^fah? i0 tije §ceptei-0 1)Cilc,tbat foe ten Simtnten toajus tl}at sm^; ao, lo the tnu of tw?ttrou0 bows auD btoD. i o Pendragon6>oplDeto(tt)flamwofnltU}?wesf> ^, ' * 5Bp Merlins trnftuiniopDelRetnaMjeO, jl5ertfpoiUDGuriQistioub'lngljijJtimcejf» Ebwtoa0l)torelfetb?oushfo^ceof}»KonrpfD. %ht DcDine t0 a»o;im:©eatl) gucruon's oerao agaiHC a fla%aesf Arthur tBattisabioaBe ana teapeptenotune, Gueneuorapiefetceg5)i0fonnC0DPflre. anD tcaptecous Mordred aaH)furue)3Ltl3t Ccowne* affb;iDfn8fucntobei;quencf)i:n:tfice. QBut Deattj's m gccD,ant! life too ftoate fo; tfieair, E&at tDantingiJotf),ft)ouln taa of ncitf)ei;« wu. ^ 3In Rome tfje gaping giilfe tnoulD not d etreair, ^ ©II Curtius coite bau riofuf l)er paUining lawe^t jn Thtb's tfte Rotte anu f^wcctlne toorniJ not ceaff , Cill Laius bjiooDetjaOpaiDe fojibjeadjof latuesr: Tn Brvuin tDacce$ antJ nifco^u toill not flcnt: to VcheiMini anD offlpnng awite be fpent. The Argument ofthefecondASl. X 1 N the firft Scene a l^untio cJcdarcth the fuccelTe of grtI)Ut i warre$ in^rancc,aDd jS^OjDjeU's foile that refiftcd his lat, ding, ft In the fecond Scene :39o?li?CT> enraged at the ouerthrow,vo^•^ cthafecond battaile, notwichftandingConan'-gdiffwafioni the contr^ric. 3 In the third Scene d^atoin (brother to iJ^ojDjcD by the m^ ther) with an Hcralt from JUrtljur to impark ot pcace,but ah- feme debate thereof peace is rcicttcd. 4 In the fourth Scene the Kin^ of^rcIanH &other forrcin Pane allure ^o?D?ei> of their afliftaiw agamft 25 t'tl)ur# ^ The Argument and manner of the Iccond dumbe ihewe. VT 7 H I L E S the Muficke founded there came out of M«rdretPi !,tx.f V manftatelyaityrcdreprefentingaKing, who walking oi.ce about i Stage, llien out of the houfe appointed for k/fr/<»Hr» there <:\me. thr Vjmfhtt apparailcd accordingly , the firft hoUing a CtrnucojiU in htr h.u".d , t fecond a golden feavmch of Oliiie , the third a (lieaffe oH'omt . IIk c orji 90e after another oi^rad thcfeprefcnts to the King who Ui tntfa^^' rcTaied . -NVNT After the which there came a mah Bareheaded!, Twithbbcke long fliaggcdhaire downe CO his fliodldfrs , apparaijcd with an Irifh ?acliet irid (Hire , haumg an Irifh dagger' Bjf His fide Jind i dart iti His hand* Who liift with a threatning countenance looking abdtit J and theriTpyihg the King < didfufioully criafein4 driue him into Mordredi holifi . TheKingrtpreftilted M»raiic hattuf fo)'Ie,tl)ere nine ^rai'W fpace Shfi^mj ^6 t^fS bat^ long cfnotometj i toomtc!) ijalure i? f)tatt, amioa ouc fo^eil QeDse aiin tljicfeclf b^^iiplrs, ^ije ttoHtlp fougijr, anD fiercclp tragco tuarre^. TiL.erius coutagc S^"^ Dpl);(aiOtrtR oft Ef)*^ Romaiic foxce, tljEir tocontED lucbe, anolong Eiramcit rule, o? toarces tf)?onffl)cm tl)e toojlD. eaifjat 0)ame tt toerr, fince nicb atcljiueo (Voilw, ano conciueds sainD boiO farre anS foioe, to toant ©f courage ?0en, Voben tnott It fljoiilo be mon*o. ibijtij Bry tames tvvt paiDe tiibute foji tlje^r peace, 5Bur noto tebell, anu Dare tl^em at tbeit nmiSt fo^ tobat tnas Frjunce but tfjctrs? Iberetoitft mceWlt tep Getcelj? rau'D, a nu brut tljetr fb?ct a frtB). (fajfjtclj Arthur fppins, tr pea toltb tbunBMns bo^rr, jrpc,(Brytaines) fyt tJJW batl) betoitd)t ^OU tijlt?f ©0 man? ji^ationsf toHbe, mull Romans fotief Cabatabutf) in tW^ lt>aue you forgot to toattt, Caibicb ne*r lineb) Ijoure oFpeace.^ ^Eurne to ?ottrf5«sf, ifiaOtce pou ma? bath In blooo, anD fisbt mK w- tet ttiurage tbojitfe: m&t cmijt not tfjat Darefif? W)U8 be imlffimt guiat in aoubtfiill toacresf, fl (bajnne to lljua bia foeg.infiampe bts frtenOtf. ^ft^aami* tb bis ftaif Ip ^rttaB tlje rafghtir, EefuctiJti0&iiiiestbeKomainetttrap«$abdntt ciJUej ea^placfjIeattFateimousljt alter 0M89t» Putniing lap, ana brgiitg tacb fnccefff. ^c mins m noiv^t, bitt inftantlnjerftftf ai^aaatttmpt?ii»t>twnt»%«tlo\»it^ll«nW -> 3 1 ,3 J J tit tARTHVR. // mg tofftj, fje fopeief to tuojW a to«p J^l^yV' atiD jnatcWngUeatl) to neatM? pa^« faJ'W* TBut toljat Dettrucrion tDO?kKi,toitl) W«fDe o) wcdd. i)t (comif t^i palnflJ tea?, Dt fi««!? ""'i? ^0 b?tafee auD b^uf? tlie tanckp in tljttfecft ttnongir, 911 Ijeauloits benr, aiiD pjone to p^tftnt jpoilt. Ebc foe0 iBfoK*t UHtbaano t but inufj) DifmaiDe EbtP fenfriefli 6sl)t,tDfnIf ni«lion$ lofe tfjeir Uuef. 9t Irhfftf) Tibenus, pitftt toUUpoirtt of fptare, E>ot!)bl*Bin8faU, tnjfoarB toitli DeaWH tMoimD. $)rteat tbe rfft t;ecotle,anti fteaDlonB nie, ©acf) man to faue IjimWfr. Eftt battaile (juaHe* 9nB Bry taints totnne into tt«r nm ttrnmiu Eljen Arthur tcDfee Tiberius bjeatiUfle ©wit, gnu (Imt ft to tije ® tti8to?0 at Rome, (THiti) tljargr td fa? { Cbi» t0 the tribute Duf mhici) Arthur oustOt, fui tunt btwafttr ien««> ii^e'llpaptbtliHtaKaine jtbetD5ilw6erriw. . -. Pour Debtor tljug. But © ! tbw l» itpate futcep Purfu'D toitfj greater Ijarmt?, tum'D fame to imit, f 0)1 (0 J toljen fo?ce(nefotle0 ano fea0 toere paa tmtb fafe retutne, mtD tljat tfte Sing (^oulD lanD: mbo , but l)t0 ontlp lonne (® outrage rare) cmtl) Ijugie Ijoaft tuitljanoBe bim at W^Jboarr? ^Ijere biere p^eparue tbtfojireine aCDe0 from fartt, Wbttt totre tlje bo^otueo potoerf of Dtuer0 iKmg0, ^fjere toere owr parentff, bwtb^en, fonneg ana kmne» %htit to^atb, tbeit ite» tbtre Mordred toajr tl» rage. imitvt era toe fougbt abnoaoe fo» fbef to foile* Be^oioe, our Fates baDfenttJ»fi)t0bn(iwgI)t. . mhtn fo^rnne Eealme? fupplantentoant fuppltc: © blefleo 5?omc, tbat Vatb fuc^lwmne in flo?e. •But lettbi* part of Arthurs pp)toe(ttlorfte, |9o? let it e*tappe«rtb?mp report, caibat monftroQ0 mifdntft0 raoe m ciuiu toartef . SD ratber let line teaet0> ano toa^ingji tsatit: Let all in Olence Cnitev Srtjat bc«ce ix^u\ iiai)atbellt>eftruetbmmtion bert,i0tbi!K Ebat Mordredbancjuiftjttrufttn to bi»fliS9f» ^bat Arthur ed) tobere )3ictoi\0 retomo. 9nn lo : tubere Mordred come* tottb beanj' i)caB» Ijt toielD? no flcnQtr tuaigbt tbat toiellw aCtoUwc Extt* The fecond fcane* Mordred, Conan, virtRn A J!5iJSan)t)etoonnef^S)ttwit«($lfeaww^ *t Q R D. Z\ J, Mordred fbiltie f *e readme Jj Mt anlJMrtflttt «X XflWD^4w«kdtwe0«l«H'^T'(»^AIrfM«W^^ ~^ J '4 tAKTHVT^ sndl : t»toatf mp fictt conflict : J ^neto not pet ) Cailjat tuarces cequir^ : but noui m fiDO^oe iigc flc^r^ SnQ tdusi)t to goace anu bat^ in ^oattft blcoDe. ^f)en t!)tnke not Arthur ti)at tbe CroUine t)S loonnc : Cljp ftcft fucceffe map rue ouc nert alTaidt. CPuenat our ncjctincounter (tap toljen'ttoill) 3 Dotue faHfi?eauen,b? (Kactb, bgtoell, bu all, Cljat eirtjn: tljou, 0^ J, 0? botb (Sal! Dge. <: ON A . Jtiou^)t fljoiiloe becaflUI? Dotoae againlt pow Bit- M OR D« ^iW& b?eaa i? frafrom rage map fameb'aDiiifBfe coN A. ^jiSf belt teo^effe foji wge is to relent. WORD, Cw^^«ecfo?afi{in0tol«illbt0fofs. c o N A. ^0 tljat tlje ^ubiectjei alfo inuje tbem Foe*. M o R D. Ebe ^ttbiectsf ranll not inlJge tf)eir King? Decceesf . c o N A , Wist ^ubferts fojc eist great, a r t h. Greater tfte Kinait CON A. ^6enio;itPoumap,tI)emo?e?OMOusbttofeare» M OR D . {[;>e 10 a fcDle,B^at feaeefi) tobat be map. c o N A . H^ot tnbat pou map,but tobat pou ous^t (0 tnSt M OR D« il)e tbat amonsQ (b manp,ro bniuft^ <&reive0 to be iulhCeeitef uerill to bim felfe. CON A. a greater perilfcomefbpbjieacb of latoe0. M OR D. ^e lLab]e0 Doe licence a0 i\t ^oneraigne liif0* c o N A . Heft ousbt \)t hft,t])bom la^es Doe licence moft* M o R D . Smpeciall potoee abbo^res to be rtftralnDe. CON A. S[0tnucl)OoemeanerccDnir0tobecompelD. M OR D« ^be Fates bauebeau*De anD rartDe nip fo?ce onbiflft. c o N A. ^b» gentler (bmiDe pow pjiefle tbofe, tljat are loto» M OR D. a tooulDbefearo: con a.^^c caufe tobP 'Smbiects bate. iiORD. Sl&tngDoin'0keptbpfeare. con a. 9nD loft bp bate. It;e feare0 80 man bintfelf e, Uibom manp feare. M o R D. ^e tmteroiuf ubiect Dare0 attempt m cbaanDge. c o N A . CQbat Dare0 not nel^erate DjieaD ? c o n a. m^zx xmxtt ^\xm^ CON A* ffifpare,ttoeare(Mftrtobelow'De. mord. gsfafe EobeobaiDe. con a. {Qbiles pott commanD but torU* MORD. edbereSuler0 Dare commaunD bnttebat i0lDeil: 13o\D^e it but p|iaper,commaunDment but r equeft. CO N A . af poto;ie be lopnDe toitbrigbt, men muft obap. MORD. flfptoaimuftgoeftitrigbt. con a. jftbepallent. M o R D, $gp ftto^ (ban fo^t aCftnt; c o n a. 150 ©000 fo^biD. M o R D. c^atf (ball 3 ftanoe tobile0 Arthur (beaD0 mp blooDe^ anamuft3DpeelDempmckebntotbeaice? JSBbom Fates couftrapue, I et \m fojtgoe bt0 bliltet 1?ttt be ^at nceDleffe pelDe0 Mitp bi0 bane, {ftboi i)e map (b^nne, Dotb tDell Dererue to loofs Cbe gooD bt cannot tjiettDbotoouHie fitftains S baler Itfe.tbat map maintntne tbe beft;' caie cannot part tbe Crotime : 9 regall %^\tm |[0 not fbn ttuo : Ebe Scepter ntte0 \m one. T^ut tobetber i0 tSe fitter of t)0 ttoo, ^bat muft oiu; fbra)De0 Decerne: anD (bo;tlp (bait CON A, $?(?|j)mwb *«{?(« to be rm(?tww9ini8e» ^ \i_— -. 'I ;: --^-^^XTHV]^ is Sf catting off tljeie ruinous atfnmtiP, StoBtooulDetaftitareljotDetofuppKctieloIft, G^icf) foimtt tontrejf ,8nB fojt au« b?o^U0 ftaue to^jtjt. 4 ibotoe to DtfenietfjepiopIesfieamjaftDitt) peace, \. #(rt) quiet rcft,annDccpeBtfoeDeafc. p l^ot to incccafe tljt tage tbat tong ^atd rafgnBe, 11501 to neacop ti)e realmi,vou fecit to rule, pour jFatljec ceatDc it top, pon pluclte it Dotone. |)ou lo ofe ?our Coimtrcp ttt)ile0 pou toinne It t^: Eo mafte it ?oin:0, vou Itdue to malie it none. ~ ^1*- eaf)ereSUng0tnipoTttoomu*,t5econimowfgniBgep^ , ®oor)tointDitI)B?3tof«(>atreMtDecome0btitaotot. 'Vr - ,; ..^ i^ioRD. <©uft3Itogaiuetenotone,incuwmrpl«j:,. ^?4,%'^^ 2DM)opingp;ia?fcruaaineane]i:(IetfHfe> jPi . fi^^v^ ^ S^uajfbjCountcie^eaftDifcafempWfOT/ "^^^'^^ <^\ fo? thtic touenifptfe mpolune »ftatef ^ 4? -.^^■•■: ■•:;,..'^ _ 4'^, sraDgc,t|iep Do conftrapneD geelD. *; 3lftfteirafltntBbenotue,!n?t»?at!)ijB:ftoift, ^ ?ai)om t'auour faileier to benoe, let fltrie o^ea&e* 5 3Iftl)epijepettOleame,IetteiTotirteac|s 4 {IBjatlKincpymapDoe ,tol)at^uj)iett0ougftttowa«. f 'Ci)cn is a WnffDome at a toilbeD ffa?e, - (!S»i)en toijatibettec tfie ^oue reigne toiU0,o^ xmSy ! . sr^en be compr ine ast buell to piaife-.aff bearf, 9nD 'SnOjiectp toilles tnfojt'b againif tbtir Urfnetf. CONA. .TPuttofjofpfeeftestmepiiaire.anBiullttnotDrae, CJIoirto tati)ec feefee tbei'c pjapfing bearteefjtbtn angutj^. MORD. ^rniepjaifemapOappcntotlicbaftffgrootne, 9 fo^cen p^ai'fe to none, but to a 13;ince. 31 iDirt) tf)at mofl , t!}at ^ubtect0 mott rtpfnt . CONA. TButpettDljeretuamslJoctb^eatenpoHcellate, f< «2Lf)ercneeDetI)fttenT)es tofojitifiepourCrotDne. MORD. (iEcb (Ctotone i$ maoc of tfjat attractiue moulDc, Ebat of it fclf e it Djatoes a full neff nee. CONA. "EbatiffaiirtljanDttotjfupcctjCrobme. 9nD bettec feere an epilcs nfc,tlKn tfiusf k SDiflovalJp colujGuppour^iceanDlteOgf. r* ^l)tnfee not tliat tmpions cnme0 can pjofper long, a time tf)tp ffape,in time tbcv be tepaiue. M o R D» %\)t Ijngeft crimes b;ttng beCt fucceiTe to fome- CONA. Ebofefome be rare, moiid. daiiipmapnotjberfltt? ^ CONA. JJt teas time bap ' mord. atismgljope. cona. I3:utfi«>c ^ S©apmiire,tobcrel3apDctbburie. mord, !g)o bap map bit, !^" Cfflberebopeaotbaime. con an. Butbapislaffjanurulesf > Ebeftearne. mord. '©obopei0fitft,anDtiOiftptbefalIc. CONA. JPet fcare j tbe Bid anti laft Doc CelDe agree. MOR D. l!5ap Dare % tbe firtt anD laH ijauc manpmeanejBf. •JBut ccafe at lengtb J Pour fpcatb molelts me muc5: L.^ Wt. win^e ii5 8jct. ©uw M©rdrcd icau? to Doe^ ^. • '35 4 fCOat \.-- 1$ v4RTHV%, €ONA. TBiitloe ait C?ctauItfMtt from Ajthursfjoflff: ^xm gcaunt ^9 mtSkise tatt {loj^tenti our soMB* The third fceae. Hcrault. GawIjx, Mordrcd, HERA.vr^aR ^\tt (© IPjiua) confiwnns; to(j«t Btff wITc, 1 Et>eKcalmefiiaainc0bHfaot()gout«jittuaniMrWf, iSLo tceate of truce, anQ to^itqiadr ofpeace. MORD' <$peakebiotI)rr tlDtjatcotimiaitnQnicntrenliifntif ^trC ([(I!f)atfneirage noe pou hmziS&t l^t^ P^Oeat^;* GAWi. ameffagefacceij»m<^mo(lnaOefirilt^. Che ^tcc ct»ntnatmQ8!iiot, to&en tl)e '^max. rebels: ii^iff loue nefteno? t(o D«cpe to totS) pour Dea A. M ORD. Sinn mine^fcenOff to^gh to toifij l«> U^. GAWI. J^et tl)usf fje off cetft :tbo«OT pour foultff bejceat, Slnli mod Dldo^AUf obt? Oeepe abufe: pet p*lOe pour fcIEe j be'il be 30 p;ione fo grace, a* pouto rurt) : Sn SUnclc, '©ire, ann lUeogc. ant) fitttc toere jjour Duf fiibmiuion Bone, Cf)en txi;iongf uU toarre^ to reaue bts r^)tanli Kealine, WORD. %ii^mv fault, tijat be Dotb toant bi« rfgbt: Jt t« bf « obJiUito bcjce tbe Kealme tnitb tnarrer. GAWI. 31' ifl' ^J^*' f ^Sbt, tbat be attempt© to fafte; Jt 10 ^oiurtojong. tbat Hjiuetb Ijim tbereto- M o R D. ^''8 Wsf mfattate mmne, tbat (0 not fo content, Cabtcb batb fo manp JUfngDomc© tnoie befiDetf. GAWI* ^be>no^e]?ouougbt to tremble at lji0potD?e. M o RD. ^he greater 10 m? cou(iuefl,tf 31 tolnne. GAWI. ^fif ""o^ pour folk, if pou (l)oulD bap to Icofc* jFoi Arthurs fame, nntJ ualUire'© futb . a# you ^bonlD latfjer imitate, o;i at tbe leatt ■f B conauettff, tnere tbep moje, tufmaie me noti Sbe oftmr tbe? baue bane, tbe mo;ie tljep tb; wt. fio Danger can be tbougbt botb fafe, anD oft: ann tobo 'Ijatb oftner toa5e&toarrc0 tben hti ©fcapep fecurt bim not : be otoe? tbe p^cet IJtljom chauncc feat^oftf n mi(l,.«i"»"« &iW at Ungt^ C'/, ^0 mav fte reintj fo? chaunce i)a^ maoe nu *w5* - —•* 6 A VV L 00 Ch junce f)at!) nWDt pou ttMlff,fO Ch;>uiKe lM| J^BOP* ra^ouiue fb^ptact : tJ)at'» it tljf ^.^ma ?*»»». ^ l5o ttate cycept, mm Canquetouru oupt ro i«st. Remcndjer Arthurs arnigtft, W cowiuetttir la«, ^is fimt mimDt, f)<« Uifi* afpirinjfjcart. i©arftett)m t^eoMM t be «jcpn:t,|ou tinttitBt 0e ripc,i>ou gtatte : i»eelDt gmi^ tol)i1c0 pet pou map* »e totU not pcclDe; be tehmea fjw peaa iultf) toartej: MODR . 3lfciuuncemapcbaimge,I)fs Chauncetoajjlaftttonnni* Wit Wfteliet note to loofe i bl0 bautie beart dtio minoe J Imoto : 38 faie mine otont no leoe. a^ fo) bi8 OrenQtb^ano ritfll,^ iraue to bappet (labecemanpmatejUUesnotallinone. ,■ ..^^_^. fflnbat tbous* be wmquilln baue rtje Remane iwopw t&hftt bottes bim not J bim fdft to wmanilbt bete- Eomtnaiffb k««t; woiucs agame : tf Conqueroort oncot ^ forfte f oj peace J ;a;t)e ConquereD mwft petfwct. IBut btMl not vctlDc, be'H purcbafe peace tnttb toarretf. i©clltretlDetbatU)tU:3|neitbcrti»flI,no>cam , (S:omepeace,tometBane8(,cbmebi»ntmpDan8tt; 9Xm Ijfa fafferie mtne, onr ftates Doe llanDe alike* > 3JfpeacebegcDd,a0n;atDfo^btm,a0met Iftuarces be 5090,80 gold fo^m«,a)3iWm. , e A W I . ffi3l)at €utfla> ttarres (aiatf ) tecrt tbofe, tmjetem •Botb fonne anti Are Iboutoc fo oppoCt tbtnileliieo i I^im, lubom pou notte \mbappie man purCur, Hf pou (bonlD tnome, pout fclfe tooulD firft be toaple* (5iue bimbfe Crotone, to fteepe it pentl b^crts^^ MORD. CbeScotnne^tefteepemortlfe.'fnfuetDbattonit . Deatb mult be once j botu font, 3 left refpict. !I?e bell pjouiQe0tbat tan belnatetn time, jaot tDbp, noit tDben j but tobe»ce,8nt> tobcrt be taw. cabat fojle, to litie a peare o} ttoaine in tcfl, CaoidDcIoofetbeftate,anabon^urrfafficotimef GAWu cnonfioertbcnpoutiFatbcrsgriefe^anBtoantt (nnftojii pou bfteaiie of RmgDome, Realme, ano %wwaMi M o RD. ^tuft me: a buge artU migbtie kingUonie tf 0, Eo beate tbe toantof Kmj^hime, Seatote, anu Ctttrntf. O A \v l« 91 common txmntt tnbicb \am^t9 ecb tDoUbUnsf tiM)e> Cbat manp baue too mucn^ but none uiousq* 3It Uiere X^xs pjiaife, couIO be be To content' cObtcb makes pon guiltie of tbe gpeatet toiotig. cabereft;ie tbinke on tbe Boubtftril ftate of tuantjp, CBbete Mjrs batbfU)ap,be keqjeei no crrtapne coutfe. tomettmes be lettea tbe toeakec to p^euaite, time times ^e ftconset ffoupes: bope^feare, aub ragt ?aiitb epleffe lott rules all, toncertapne gdoD, £0oft certalne barmes, be bis alTticeU bappes. ,i5olM*jcanlaa,notttbfri?wtotbeCritU2bUft ^ 19 tA^THV%, • 150 ff art alffte, chaunce bllntJlf rnatcfjetl) all, SnQ Foitune mtS^ gufltie mfi)m ^t WXt9' I o R D. %mt t^crtfbje feare ,anB fjopcano bappe in tBamf j T5eanobfcu«,ttIlt^etrfucct(rel)efeent: . '^ ^aiic fpeaci) Dotl) ratber D?iHe me on to trie, ano ttrutt tf)em aU,mirte enelH refti je noU). 3 A w I, 9nQ feace pou not fo (Ichnge anu Dncoiitf) toarcejs f WORD. j|t53,tojre tf)ep toarre0 tftat gteUJ from out tljc gcoirnO. 3 A w I. Boi pet pout fire fo f)i«5e, pour felfe fo UmWi M o R D. %\)t finalleft are mav> fell tlje fjugett oafee. G A w I. jitiji t!)at in feiling])im,poiic felfe maj fallf M o R D. ic?2 fallet!) toell,tbat fallinsftllp %\^ foe. G A w r. fiQi common ch jnce mOetete eacf) man tsf tIjiaWf M o R D. ^mall manfiooB tuerc to tucne m? bacfee to chancci ,G A w r. eo^ tfjatjif ch.ince afKict,lung0 b^oofee it notif M o R D. 3J beace no b^eaff fo tjnp^cparbe fo^ !)anne0. ©tien tfjat J bolue tbe titnglieff pof nt of all, Eo bjtooke affliction? toell: 9hO bp ftotu mtic^ Eljc mo^e b<3 ttate ann tottering ©mptre faggtf, tllo ftjcrfo miicf) ibe fatter foote on gnounn. jf5o feare but Dotb fo?e(ubge, anb man? fall 3Inw tbefe Fatt,tnWesf tbcp boe feare tljeJr Fate, aaibere courage qnaHejf,t&e Prate ejcceeus tbebarmf, pea tDo^fe tban toarre it felfe,ls( feare of tnarre. OAWI. marrefeemetbrtDeetetofiicbaibauenottrient ^But biifebome toil? toe (boulD to^ecad tbe tDi?a. Ebe enb allotoea tbe act: tbat plot tjtotft, ^bat fenotoe0 bitf roeane0,anli lead reJie? on* . ©fcbue tbecourfe tobere errour lurke0,tbeir grotoea :i5ut gri^Mere patne {% fpent,no bope to fpeeo. ^rriuenotaboue?«irarengtb:fo?tiJbere powfojti 3fsi ouer matcbte tottb ?our faimsf» anD friiitWR leattesf,tob«ttw»tle(ft it began. MORD. andjingsarerulDeincondantcourreti^Faea TBut U fo!iefct,^e fird baieleaneutbt faff. 3190 toifeuometbem but Difference in conceit, CCbicb too^efif in man? me«^ man? minaetf. mw loue tbe nwane,anlJ folloto bettweif race* TDliftc tbt top,anD aimc at grwter W(©. poured content,m?minbe afpircsr tormw 31n bMefe,?oo feare,3! ^ope:wn poHltt,Hiae. ^incetben tbe faged cmmfaitejarebmarifW, f aibece equall tnitu ma? \o\t9a tm uonrtite, Eet connfaile go:m? purpoft n«w W^aM t ©acb lifte0 W co«rfe,mtnt oJameBotbuftcmcDCg. dtterefoie e'r Arthur bjeatm o|t g^ier drcng^ aiBult tue bitn: ^wd bt afwat bjf nrtt. ibeeitbermiidntdrOTe,o|ibeD«cww. , Cbemiffblefe'0intbemflJd:tirti*^^ o * w 1. TSat tottl HO reafon rule tbat Defperatt fnttaK . MORPf 5l»KenitnOK&«weri«rwf«»wW. tA RTHVIR^ 10 31 rtff rerolu'o : auD to m? %ixt Cap ^vax "S^ \nvt ^e (tap but tfjjiGD naie? to an enOt 9nD not fo;itI;tottl) DtCcharse W banQ anD \fitStt CtsfMordrtfo?pourrigl)tl)arDp Pi^sv 9nb cbofen toarriers to maintame nip caufe, Jf our attempts reccuie a gcob fuccelfe, \ii% Aibanc ^iCwtei? 31 B'"« ^o HOW mib pcurff. C2 ?«ft ■>. • J ■ PICT. J'otn? WW9 boimtie (n fo bijrt) Dtgrfp, (EaXrre caufe tnotisf) to mout me to inp bell- But fure pour relfe, toitftoHt cegsrO of meenr, ^DoulD nnDe botf) me anD mine at pouc c ommauitO, ', MQRD. io;iDGiii3,ifmp{)opfmaptafeefucce(re, ,:::,J5 SlnDt^atJOetbertbpDuOoMbteiJlKijKj, • ;af 5rf)e CornithipiifeeDomc 3 allot to vou. - H QJLlfA* l!©p5.teD3ftoftirtl)erpoucDefu'aatfempts, -; # 31 iopfuflp ft)aU rpetio mp Drareft blcDO. ^fje ratber, tljat 3 founb tl)e K mg poiic ^ire ^0 beaup io^D CO me, anD all mp (tock e. •MQRD, ^ince tl)en our ceft tg ou't, aiio \ue aiuffD Eo toarre it out : Wfjat vefletfj now but bloioea? 5>^ttie Deftnfcs on tottb njJO!Cir,M -.r:. frames tljemtane;? I^encefoitl) Uihat Mordrcd map, nolu lies! in poii; (Ere long tf wf^ri inft^e Uiitb gtob furccflfe, ILoifte totiatroe'r tt be, tfjat Arthur rfaiines. ^? r^Sljt.iOit^JP"?^ 0;^ conqueffs gainD tuitlj WooO, Jii Bry caini, oj ab?oaDe is mine to gme- Eo PljeUje % tDoulD b«u« f«ifi ' 3i tannot guie» ffiUbat euecp IjanlJ muft giue bnto it Celfe. C^Oereof tatbo Mi to pm^baCe anp a)are, fotD leti^im ralte and tomne it toitb t)i» "Sluo^: be Fates batie laibe it open in tbe ficlo. eabat ^farre0 (© l^auens) o? 19ole«f,o? Potoeru Dmiue Doe graunt fo great retnarW fdmofe tbat loinnef ^ince tben otjir common gpc^, anu ecb manscac^ ^ar' Keqidresouptotntainftanccintbefetoples: •Sbafl toe not ^a?arli our ej«rwmell bap^ IBnu itatber fpetiO o«ic Fate^, tfjen ^mt our m»i TOcaure,SIcarero?moft,i0cfnefeIppom:« \ ^0bdnQanQbartll)ail matte mine olunefeoird i CbatmanfliallfelmefotleBbpmprelfe, ' ©aj^t i»r be be, t^wt fee0 m? foe bnfoHue. jpeart; trot il^t feiin becaufe of viordredi f^ultjr, J5aji ftrfiae one lotte tbe nwje fbn Arthur? rigbt. full fafelp Fortune gninetb manp a guilt, ^ gnu Fates bat^e none but tojietebei tobom tb^if ^m^- COberefb^ m^le fperDe to cbeare poor €>oulofer0 bartff, Q:^at to tbefrf!r(0 pou pet map aotw mo;e flame?. Q:be Qae tbat ((s&e0 to ttintie m tf ntll toarreir^ ' $i|9i^no^(qtimittefel!fittottbtooonteOb«at(, Exeunt pmnes prefer Mordred&Conaa. ^ cONA, T 3r Tf>uHi 45onioinrW8bne*b«b«^emo?e aSatfB^ ^^ VV (SfeetoomncbM^^^^^nFottctnitirtooAm: t ^enba^ no \omt9 inoangtrD son, noi foiinv, jT^jt Mordreds ciufs ttqutreo fb^reiiK mt' MP^D. atroubfe^ibwo: mpmfnWreuoUf toftaw* , „ ^:|i^bc^ 1^ twl«b«cli I a fi^^ i k^ Enteiue mine enBe :anii luQieratttlKKtgbStmtt efptfeDtfpatre, anQ rometriiat iKVelefl^mx. Q:tiemoie 30oiibt,tf)eino}e3liare :DHfc«c Jfinlwroeraatefittefffbjimpfame. CQbat tpou^Sbea niinefo tl)e Reaime, . 010 fall tn? fdR ti^ecetDit^:* l^ibetttr cttD. bto laa mi A ex<«K' CHORVS. , 1 ^3Pel0?(nceIi>10*rt(re]rtolntoftatef offlitatt. * ^entenottlKfatcc^ttKurameliriQtticMtofotBm * -Cftt«t|)eMIof9i^ano^QmneFat«, Stop rart the caamt, t^t!) timt potfc not nmfwMf . S:f)e (^ feate in not on ^icAcS oflli ffllberelDinDef ,anD fiomie]ir,anO dmtdKVS tlwiveitcfr (1^ £ar re fafer tnere to foItolD (bnnD nnife E()mfo}(uc|j p^ioe topai? (b sian ai^ 2 ^Qldemomttfneminoetlratdimetf tUliaiititiKBtf, * Sbioibanng(iBefce0t()et^ofbeti)t;pe, jntojncatKttje b^ainetrnt^gndlifi; dMQs', Slient»tole0,anDitHtir,anOfBlIe0atIciq^|ilnmrte. ipe : licauins liie if of (b fman foyecaff, Co totter fictt, onfi tumide Dotamc at latt »etP«eafusttiUreart0l)tralueeon^ , SlnB (oM? OotfiUAe t^ ctaOU0iii 9lfo* I _QII|oGa»et6esriefi;en8ratteiifnaCn)ilDnit ^ CijJtaetDttie&aDanDiMnetDljeretoit'ttimsai: cStoniD nener aicke to t^^otw ano fims it iwxBn^ 1^ once tmcbbf e to ()eaue i t frprn t)]< scoadl^ 9itc(iiit t()e On^of ttii0iaainem?€ountrtefl^oartff $Bp fonnen>)tkM( ^Famine pldQ to iMRtfc ^tnoe fo» t^ romti dtatt fig^tcs foi (9? looe. EijpbtuBBnnf It 0anMbf«1^8l(bMK0ao£ii(ib ^6p (onne rdielf ,of illtQ» foisiiteliaonitic 1^ tot i0 IcfMno f oitunc fjiocK ^Mce* po place ist left fo^{n«(piei8» ittslK^mi^^pif Itourroome ano \xmt$ ta ramie «fi tta&e at tsfllb Lo (Cador) bot^ Qiar Oattf, poor oaugtKer'f tnll» (9? ronn'0 te(^,oiK6opef cepoftie in b»t|> «ADO. ^etime(piiiCnnt9Mnct)ptnmt9notB0itB Eo moane oiir tiijKmgviji Ceci^ f8c^ (eiwtA ftt^* <&tnce Arthur tfiuja; ttat^ rndiKfttallMMoatef cai)at mentatle ta,ir Morarcd tme at ^omef ! (Ci[t^f8rreanDnettepoi«ta»rce»i«DtaNM^toCI^ I lll&at matvts \otn (eft fb» ^toMwt ctufil totnttf, * 3U tol)td) retiuf rat reuenge totti fbwp ana &(• SbtOtopnrfiieFourfoeftDttbp^eiicefoKe. ! 3nitia attetnpttfMangiitef acisbtMlooome. A R T H. ji5a? ratfjer (C3dor)iet tiitm ramie tieir taa» %tli leaue r^e l^uetw cttienserff of m? \oms* 9fnce Brytaines p^petoitt oate i0 tbitf Beb^ ?nrermlcroiitto MordredscnrreDnac, et me be t^;aa> ata leaoe a p^utte Kfe t jQone can cefuTetlK poafce |K« Counttie biarei, ^trt 80 fo^ ttamf, inibiMb wf fleil) at^ojteit, ^ biD t!)e battaple to m^ pjoper idooa. Oceat i0 tbtfooe,ti4E^cl^ Retire twt^ ta&Kt JpromfctntokiiMwtnioafrainGretofonne. HOWE. Wft noble necbe Qffoatneitr tbe ferade tm&^ ^aibece rule bath pUaQK^Qtbiectwi fetmet^ Qtamt, a SUns ousot aitoate0 ta p)iftnt bter Keamie, ^efo^e tbe loue be beatef to 6tn 0^ (bune. pout ISealme MhwDe ig necre tt^ajxi astaau ^tit time ma; fioo ^ on klne anO Camug itm^ ARTH. fl;ouibarliui«toral(tbVpit:ingmintie, ano tabat a kinglp point it feeme0 to tbou, SaiboTe Lojililte bantur tbe datel? ^cqiter Ouiitt, ®tflltopi!rQtetbelM»ftt^ptoaD«ae«D: ^ toontcD minoe ano fcuMtiome (et0 me IttotB* . €I)inkeHotJhjtifronli)m(tbi0 liafSCDon, t^tpefperate tolU mblne to toimte o^bie; tCdC (^rnf tsbo knolmf tnbi^ toere^ VCfStetWHSitt ^e flee to (iaif ^e (bnnevo; umite titf Ore. CADO. afbtoiflWMarjBofipej^taiiUjfTtoaie, C4 L M4 ^RTHV%, ©ac^itttootent mtaimnms a toajt. jQotDo^feaijitetljrtilenmemKingsrj^ lUmifftinDalgtncefboneBnBoeataRealme. 1« teac^etft ftoto to (faine,rt)at tuirtJiw at annW, anObilJ0 offenH, that fttff««5an oSmce. Cl)tonel?J)ope ofuauelncw^tbcdme^, Staof)etf)atparinmeil)8nt,eraomt)i«niai ^ . So l^eafeetfictawc0.oUtftfaifttnftJ)alUtI)attia«£el^R letCtoOiO,UtfireaettowenWbet5eirmD* !&eutrittct)pl)OTlJ0b^KeagTtanBrue. ARTH. abtoofra«e,fawefromaJFa5er«min5t* cCompaffion (0 80 ft fo j 'gnS'JlSJS;;* -urf^. latDW mutt iwtloto^e. RtSe oft amnitttft wtlje. ^l,at^a0(ftftewtofitjetcaofetolo^^^ ffiakenottl)eirUM0a0ftt0,to!)^tMpg»imw Co fpoile m?fbm« toert to mfcoile mvj^tr let'o ratl)tc ferte ftotD to aBure ^0 mttJDt TOWDiwrert0:T>cfcrt«ina>2nMjeto^^^ HOWE. ^ScatoflrttljaDfauelia^^efrwnDtatfe "^^ sffifttrtBa06WfelftcoinJemrtD»B2v / KtirenotonttDoiinjarttjwtJBoye, fffbuttfietijetftlJtojnTintaJeA^ ■^ 4 J 1 ^ZiYrttv n^^ it ■H 1 Vutt^ttbef ftam beto|ftiQ ^tfopnttXtm^ gea,toi)eret^ef8lRtDiDrooneac(ofct^fIttate» c :()e fo^e toasr oftntc couertO top t^ ci»?Der C(II()tcd feftenng Deepe ana filDc tDtttin, at tiii , 3aiirt)foijameb>eatl)?rctB greater Wtt^atwO* ,^ . r ^2a|8ttl)mfQ»miniie9,tof)i($|)8uereti(ngmsnwDtf* I 9nQne'rfoiisettt)ecroflPoutb(3lBraunt>anbpMmeofbia«Jinsuearff ^% i. 10uft Dp toitb piiiDeanQ fono befire of p^ife. « jFo^ebierntng nongbt tobat peinl0 vcAm vcMU aouetuureQ all^Q rausbt to b3(ll ^e ratfinef. 'Butnob)ti)i0a8ereqnire0arasercourur, _ ann tBtU aiwifDe bF barmes to toiRbome gaib?. ^ ^oreaDelIui8(ptdt0tbere{feramecaufetubicb nra ^ettbem on sog,euen Fortuues fauour0 qtudin. 9nii nob) mtneoftnefl rfcape0 boe flare me moSt % feare tbe trtnpe, Mereat 3 oft bane tript : Qcrpedence tei0 me piainc tbat Chance i9 frafle, . ^ sup oft,tbe better pall,tbe toojfe to tome. CADo. Seafttb«feDoi*t0:a0mtoHeelbtobarme0. %*ifi fafea tben to bare tnben moa pou feare. ARTH. 30 raferomettoe0 to feare, tobenmott toe barf. a rattfeleirecottraBej^tte0 repentance place. ^ ^ ,_^ HOWE. 3if Fortune fotone. ARTH. (Sacb toaie on me (be frobnur. CAD JF2ib>fnne3i4oofe3B,both procure mpgrieft.^ , . ia o. jautcafepoutDhme.tobatsriefefARTaanmitlinoe, ^^^^^. iflbat fop? c A D o R .Eben map pon rule, a R t h. mc^m J map bte. CADO. ^ rule 10 mu^. a r t h. ^maH if toe conet nansbt. CADO, tmfi couet0 not aCrobme. a r t h . (^ tbat i>tfcevne0 Ebe (b)oom aloft, c a d o r. mt«. Jjangetb fatt . a r t h. "But bp abafre. c ador. Kfgljtbolbeottbp. arth. flranmspiiisuDobme, CADO. %^ Common0 belpe tbe King, a r t h. Ebtp fometuncs l)iirt. CADO. atleaa tbel9ffre0.A r t H.^ allejfancetoant. CADO. |)et ^oueratgntie. a r t h. jaot,ff fubj^Mion faile. ^ CADO. Doube not.tbe Realme f0 poueo. a r t h. EtDa0 mint ttiT note. CADO. anb(^allb{ain.ARTH.3;fMordredlift.CADOR.E»b)etttDCn ARTH. 5^ m^rnvx, Voxit ctfobnc toerc toonne. ^RT H.?I3etI)apfl( tijrlictff? lotf [OWE. Cl)e tiamt of rule tTjoulD moue a pMnccIv mmnc ^ R T H. Ecua tne,bao tbiMS? l)aue of tni glo^oiw iiamcs. 1 o w B. Ei)C Bceatca 500D tbat Fortune can affoo^o. A R T H . a uaugeroiitf 500IJ tl)at toifetwme toon efcljite. HOWE. JJet tuaiBlj tbebt.uefaic of tl)e olOf rtiioUJinc, ! anOFamet!)eC2IonDmtoft|)efoMntragc: _ ' aai()itl) ftiU f ctolU tbe fact* of too^tbpell toig^ffr, 10?efci-nng no Qritrt? bcf«t pout ^tm. C^()icl) (eft tjiurpue V ouc.tonmingfl bt but toffc. ^Mnall rtreoit will be guien of matters part 2Do Famc,r!)c Jflattetet of tft'J^'^'^.ff^Sf :,,„,, ^ art fetoc inougbvaHD Bry tamci fall too fall. Thefecondfcene. An Hcrault from Mordrcd. H o w £♦ T © bere au l)cratiU ftnt from Mordrcds Ompe, I afrotoarljmefra5e,if31r(tneari5l)t: -i— 'Cile mougbt »ot ftirre bia lujiatb : perhap0 tbw map: Perfiuafions cannot mone a Brycjinci moDCc, anD vet none frontr duns loitb pjcfcnt Uiionnt. ! IF R A V. Italic ptrrclcffc I9;incr,\ubtle« Fonunt tooiilD,onv Ruiff, oij Jfar but tb^r uavcg to an entir, ano not fwtbtoitb Difchargc vour banD0 ai'.D f)onft» ^I'fl Mordrciisoatb ^flfftire vDurfclfctoDic. IJut if pou finoe ponr courage fo te feme, 90 foj to ftantJ to pour Defence luitb foicc, 3in Corneweli (if POU Darc) bc'il trvc it ou% A RTH. 3l0tbifftbecbopcemp^onne Dotli fcno (jW ®>f^ ano mnft j Dief ST? tri»e it if Tl Dnrc? lSU>Dic toercilL,tbti?tobtDai;'0 icivojfe. ART ..^ if tARTHVR. Df fptap mp (!antiact fo)itI), let Erimipe ant> Dnimmc The third fee ne. Cawln King of <\lbanic, Afchillus King of Dens marltc, Kingof iNorway, Anuoibcr ot bouldiers* H /^^ jFrtenTJ? anU fenotoea of mp tnetffd toplejif, ' C 1 ^t)tci) baue bo;tne out luitO me (o man? biuntitr, V-i/ ann oefperate ilozmea of toars anO b^imicbe Marsj ILoe noto t^e t)iuto;t^b ntont^ xA)ixtin loe totnne. fi?ati) all ri)e iilottn tDe (pent m fo;irf ine <£oaa0, ^I)e tuounQff, ano DeatOe, ^D uimtcr0 bodQ abjtoaoe, DefecueQ tJ)»sf to be Dinxraif n at borne? ail Brytaine itog0 of Uiarr^ t J5o toione, noj fUloc ^ut fuiarme? toitb armeD troupeo : tl)c miitterina tralnw ^top tip ti)e ftccrteji: no Uue a tumtdt'9 catQie, ^Ocu toben Hcngiftus fell ano Horius fier« $0(ct) trea^erou0 tnice did ouemmnc ttieEtalme* (Eaci) corner tb^tnetb Deart) j botti fa?te anO wrt 3I0 Arthur bejct.QISti^t if mpfo^cebao fotlo* Slnti aanDarliefalne,anD enasnes all beeneto;ne, ann Roman tcoupctf purfuDe me at t()e teele*, CaJttlj lucWeffe toaweg alWD In fo^refnefotle^^ jBlotM tljat ouc Fortune beaqcs "09 ttp rtiitt fjir , Sinn Cjeauens tljemfelucs renetoe ow owe renottmte ? $0iril toe be BatDef /f5ap,let tftat ©jincoOte come, Wc^dii knotoes not pet Ijlmfelfe, twji Artburs fojce, ^Dbat ne'r pet toajeQ toan:e«, tbafjr pet,to Cearne ^0 giue tbe djacse : ;i>ea let tftat ©jincofte corar, mi^) foDapne ^otslDvtr0 pampertD up in peace, Sinn gotones teoupe0,auD luantonsituo^etDitt eafei saitl) flu5g»t|) Saxons ctetue, mi '"* kemesf, gna scottiQi aiQe, anD falfe peDft^iweu rtds, oaOofe flaugi)ter» pet mM(l teoclj ttidr former fople. ^l)cp ftjaU perceaue toitli fo^roto rt tie? part, m^nx all tljeir tople? be toloe, ^at not9instDO}&ttf ^0 Bteat a toad ano xvxm in this age, a? ooe mp xomtt^o ^ Momcd bleuea ^onne; eo Doubt,ti)efe madet mate? fo bis^I; (iefa i00mi be ft e a« of tbp JjOotcb a«r. ann lead mFbean intlintng noto to peare?, SljoulD iop tbeita,toWci)|ttitnetter re«ttt Ci)e Crapto^ GilK tramo in t»8c()croa{c fantf • js dnefeinartnt$,toi;eattenirofm?B^jme. •! ffiMftattamet; (aIj)fo;iallmptDan;e«fltafll9»Wll $]l^Slri(Dmeir(pas(:to))atrm(f<«Ou(0(rci»f (KStai^- J — -^ R rn^mu i^ OQ^ tohntt, 0) fidD fb) smnent ^OQlDf (W (tOf mm ^ufef mmvxgta CCM)attoaUgfo?t PcUc ti K wiif ^tretdj^outagaine, Oretclioiit^oaccott^iuninbttMb ^tR mud Uie ^e t^^c r^ To oTtcn ))(b(. €o tt)ofie,t<)at tDUlpncfiuatB^onstoM^tD^tll^ I^e gitie rt) all, tbat oner Dintetf ttie ctsU* EIjou roiU togict) nS i>i'>» DID ojoaine Etje cerratne feate anD botO!^ of tMtiD)WS Bratft Ebou Bealine DitHcti arj reuntnce ag ra; ftaM* EbOUa«tel?Brytainett»5|ncieWtrtpe«fTroy, , " 15eare tottfr mF fojxtii to^otm } a am not Ite, Eliat tthllins tmUD inqieaiv ttf peace tm^ tDsntf* u)l)ereboti)farreanDtDioe j^EonqneroiaanD, Arthur tacb toiiere t()toe oumc, m LtcDge, vtn ltti«. <&onDemne not mine attcmpttf : oe> oiicl; 6c a s fole ni fault, tlHtt roafce? me ^tttr t^ fbc Jotxt a rtnoonce aU Icasuey anD treatv of tntce, ^)!fi\x Fortune t)encefQ)tb att mp same ano swoe* i|?aice peace, on ttarresk rmme Facet, let Mars U MW^ a cell DID tntft to n0()t,lnt notB to rage. ^oe : teli dje bop ^ Arthur frare? no b^asiL In Mine tie fekesr to b^ane ft tottb b<« ^tre. ' come (Mordrcd) % (omc , bnt to tifip pabic, ea, ten tbe bop bv anst; Eatber comctr* ^ote8cbai%>atilbotbtoDie,anDDare. H(raaieSxii» H o w E. J|f Die ttrftbout offimce (© greateft rafDe 9X BrytiOi name? ma; poure one bn coonlaititK £ 2Ie mod nofltlte tbat poor tfl) milDe a mone MtbustottbbeOi our banb^ ano (tDOfbf from ftnify* jpo^ tobatf toece tte bebinfi bi an; bwef x)jt tx]itt)out cauCr DiD pon mifiioubt oorto^ flD^ trutb To often trieD britb ecDD fuccefle f ^oe to t (iCpnDuctpiMr armp to tbe fielDe, place man to man, eppole )j0 to out fiDe»t %» mudjtuemrDetotDo^e,a0tDi^mirtDfaie* ^ttme0 it to fotoiie to tornne bp ciuOl teamjeif CQeee it to goare toitb Pi&e nw fathers: b;:ac(l» CSlere tt to riue anb cleaue mp \vmtx9 beaD, Wxxt it to teare peecemeale mp Dearett cbtloe, 31 tDoulD infb^emp grnDging banDeg to belpe. ^ cannot terme tbat place rap natiue fople, rotbtreto poiir trumpets fenb tbeit toarrlikeftunbj^ af cafe require tp batter Dotone tbe ^to^es 2)f anp Eobim, t^at Arthur tooulDDeHropt ?ea, tDet»t of Biyumes feife, tubicb mod J tenet ©er bultoarkesf, fo^trrlTe, rampiers, toafle? ana fencft vW 9rme0 (boulD reare tbe Kam? to nmne ttem DoOOb ,„^5er»Mepel9>incei?,anDtbereampnwte#, af V'^yi baue auerD in all pour name?, pe Uketotfe (ucb ast ttanDja? to pour content, wtaflHOwPwKmwttmH pjomffetnic CADO. I ASCH. cah>rruuenotumeUIKmgm?rtue,opnme, I g©» liEe,mp ll\i»aUoine,anD all utnn.u kt pow^e ^av Cttiie pout tiune,accoiiiu tljem all pour ototir. KING ano wljatfoc'r mt> fo^ce o? Nor wuc atoe »f Norway. ciQav l)clpe \\x vouc attenipt0,3I »ou) it liere. c A vv 1. 30 i}cretofo?e 3 altoave? It niUE pouc JbcaiT, $)0 let tl)i0 Dale bt uiDa'c of Gj wms trtrft. a£itljcc mp bjotljcr Mordrtd Dies tlje Bcatlj T5p mine aflatilt ,o^ % at l?an %v W. ARTii. ^ijicetI)U9(mp faitljf»tll mates)tuuf) botor0 aliftf, ano etiuall loue to Arti>ur5 taufe pou lopiw 31ncotnjnon care,tfr W^cafte mp p?matt to^on^: Itfttjp voutdut laiiDsi.out luies,oiitteeauaMDan. Eljiff time Declare? bp Fates ta)l;ofc taufe igbett. ta:i)tff,tbi8f conuemne0 tbe banqmflljtfiDe of euiit. SKOberefo^e if fo> mp fal^e voii fcojne pour fcmw, '■:. anB fpare ho fUJOjB no? fire in mp Defence J maxi loljileg mp tenfure iuttifies pout caufr, JFtfftjtifipt amaine:anO cleare pour blaDeff from aimr^ Ef e im,t once cbansDc^no luatrr » are free from fiiult , tjhe better caufe giue0 w tlje Greater I)ope S)f piofperoufl toarres,tol)C«in if once 31 m 5to(pietf)etoomeDfigneB;,tljatneuerfatlDe . Witxt g«iDe,i»out tb^eatning loobe^jpour fine eie?, atiD bumingboDie?wtatop?efentCpoile: ^l)c fielD is luonne. ©itn tljtn me tljinkeo '« ^betoomeDtoaa6anDfcattereDl)cnD0offoc?, ^I)e iMih carcasf lvicRt,anD Pictesoppjcd, fliiD Saxons naine,toftuim iu (tteames of ulotra. 3!quallior*. The fourth fceue. Cador, Arthur. CAD 0» r>31«« tbiisf OJicto?iou0 ISiug) pourl9ftre0, aUtes, Vapour !lo?D0, anD all pour iwtojcs be reaov pjtlt, k-^ jFo;i^baD, fo? tebatfoe'r fijall Ijap, 5C0 fpenD botb Itmme a«D life in pour Defence;. ARTH. ahoueIeirefcarefo^WoKal)apppP=««' . ^?nK"S. c/doO ft OUC Fonune f„e0, as nautg toe mua rtnmte totoamteU foKC. 30 ?cclo no f)opefoj rigbt oj Wg tt fcape. il©? Wfe fo^tfa0 rtje Fate, it cannotfall ffSotit out; teatftt bloDB : mi«c§ ma? «)« mtrje Sll ttiitb, an tnia, all blton, an faanW bt bu*e. lie S0 ace fotine t!)at fpung to ftttuce W^. qBu ea«<« »««-,,, jFoi toece it ligl)t, tbat eu'n b? ^'"J "|? Jj^f* caao ban, 3 maoe mp fiffec J»D %m wr* gibat aTTo ligfjt, 3D I)a«t btgof M ban. i)ea too^fe, an hettt atfignnt to an m«5 »«»|",* ^^ ^in * ^ucb toa0 W bitrb : ^tjffe, tojat wlgar wt CDoulo oncebt Icnlttfo^of fonoWeblooB? 3i:i)e Dftpec gutlt Defctnii0, tbe mo^e i rooted. E^crounsec imp? affect i!;t fjugtt cnnittf. »«««♦ CHORVS. (ai!)cn man? men aCTent to riufll wartt^j aub ?(tlDe a fuffraDgt to inft?tt tbe fj«^^_, 00 man betbti*t0 mm of W otone mriljappe, 15ut tume0 t^at lucfte bmo an otber*0 ftace. CUbereasf if feact iio Rfft fo?etx»atne etb fow^ §»cl) loue to figbt tDouRJ b;cHi no Bry ums bant. anb bertf c totce ff tfl to p^ffimie our P«ce, Elieix tfiu0 to bent fon ueace tb^ougft toagmg warref . taf)atfoIUetofo?gocrutbctrtai»nebappf0, anb in tljeic tteebe to fabe bncfrtajniei)opt0? •Sucb tioptst a0 oft bane puft bp manvaRealme, Eill croiR rucctirc Ijatfjo^tt it Botone m Deept : cai)ne0bUnna(fectionfttcbtftompMuatecaufe POifgnibjng toit batfj maf lit in toife oom'jf bailCi , IBjrtenbms U>l)«t in pmrpoff it abooyrTi. JSeactfiatljtliiflcfbttfincampepfnwicbjedl!^, I Ambition,\Vfath,atUjEnuie:toWCbruODUbe, daic Ojailb notfaile to finDt etecnan pMce* . ^LNflf in onr poto^e to ioj» it alUt toill, anb fetoe tijtrt be, but if the? tofll, tbep ma?: ^ut pet tuen t!)()re, to!)o Use tbe name of peacf, SDtoougb fonn DtQci repine at peace it felfe. TSettaecne the ^ope tobereof, ano it tt felfc, a tboufanb tbinga mav fanttbat furtljtr toant tf . tibe beep fpacb fometimesanU treat? of truce, a0aan)tanQcutafMnbertoiti)t|)elwjD. £> 4 jl20j anD(]^arpenert)onoui;funetmtuefi5f)t: '* *«tOat tljemention maQt of louc ano re^ 3Is oft a tnt)etaone to our ^ate ano cage. loF)etetf)ee«U,t^atlKtngTppompe{mj)arfi(f- , ^e quiet rea,tljatlI9?!ncelppal(a«pligl)tfl;. -► Care upon tare, anfl eucrp oap a netoe ^refl& rpOpg ttmpea ttres tfje tofleD mmOear. 2231)0 ftciuegi to rtanD In poinpe of I3]imcrlp pojf, ^ guiDO? top anD culme of fltpperp €ourr> r Crnnta oft a !)eau? Face, 'mljil e? too muc^ (tnolDne feo all, be f alles Dnfenotone bnto btmfelfe. ILettibto fo elfe tbat lift, affect tbe namr, IBut let rae fceine a 19oteRtate to none : J0P flentjer barlie fljall cee^e anentt tfje (Tjoftrf, flnn ffjunuf tl)e tuinnea, tljat ftoccpe the toaltr nng toauftf. ^jotDUe Fortune ouet^ippesf tlje faffea KodOcs, Jinn fafees Bmiofl rt)e fucgmg ^cas rfjofe l\nr!f », * CI3I;ofeloft?top)5anlJtacfeUng?toucI)t()e(ifloutif;?. *r^ ^ ff5bafe,i>tt^pppBa)?t$!©gifte0of©oDsr ^ ®cantpet perceau'D ; toljf n pouDwD (ffirmtne roabe^ Snitb fecrete (igi)e9 miSnifttng t^etr ertreame?, i A Snbailefull b^eatt fo^tcaft tbrir foultrfns Fates, Snn ftixtt, am ibcixH^ ann do^me, ano all in \jaintt BeboID, tbt13earantpa)^ tnitb tattereu coate. CaJfjofe t?efl( a meaner Fortune fecntg tottb flttpe , It^tn fafe ano founu tbe careleiTe ^nuOge Dot^ fiiojt* £otD rGoSeD 1uriNe0 tbe Ijoufe of flenoer b^P< CoOfeiTe, not gap tnttbout* fcant cleane tottbtm Vet Cafe : anQ oftner (btouOe? tbe boar? bat re?, t^en baugbtp Curretsi rearOe tottb curtous art« Eo barbonr beans tbat toielo tbe goltien Crea- aaxitb enoleitecarfte in gIoMou0 Couru and Eottme/f| fLbetroubUO^pCiyantittcmbUngfearcsDoeDtseil. The Argttment ofthefottrth AEi, t JN the firft Scene <]?tU)a0 and Conatlcoofcrre of the ftatcof J In the biecond Scene J|j)tmhas makcth report of the fvholc bats taile , with the death of ig^o^inrett and 9rttutf and CallO?0 deadly vvound, 3 In the third Scene (0illm0 and CoiWtt lament the inftwtunatc ftatcof the Countrie* L. ^ The kyfrgnment and manner of the tuurih duTube fhewe. m I, L QtLD. CONA, DVring the Muficke appointed after the third ad,there came a Lady Cbd Iv attyrcd with a counterfaiie C hilde in her armts, who walked foftly I the Stage. Front-to other place there came a King Crowned, who likew| Walked on >a other part of the Stage. From a thitd place there came foUre Souli «rs aUahned , who Ipying this Lady and King , vpona fodaineputfutd the Lat from whom they violtincly tooke her Childe arid flung it againft the walles; Sh in moumefuU fort v^nringing her hjnds parted her way. Then in like manner th fette on the King, tearing his Crowne bota hij head, and calling it in peeeces ^ det fcete driue him by force away; And fo pafled themfelues ouer the Stage. ] this was meant the fruk of Want, which fpareth neither man woman nor chil< wkh the ei^ of M*r<^#i& vfnrped Cro#nc. THEFOVRTHACT andfirftfcene. ■ Gildaj. Conarti L©R 35 Conan, t^oiigf) 31 Rnoto bote ^aro a i^im |t t0, Uii vttitOiti ttainue to in ^mu\y SDfeoneft Vet : mmt tobo Aiom not kmlT jetDdl he map, ie caufe of (utft offhia: J coiilD l^aue tuK^ (anD blame mt not tirp &oiD^ ©oucplacianD coiintnance 6otlj toitfj «omie ano ^isu ©ap mowjp^euattDi on eltfter fiBe, then tfjusr woaue left a SproUme in Danger fo;t a (ExoXsmi 5§W)Hgfi tmi toahre?, our Sountrie* tatpnteH tnoe; raijer*?tbe Ringbom^sf toounfi Bin feftrinBD^pe, ®ud&0 t)ti tbem(fcljiefc'0 \jam\. to tde f)arr. COe Oaggering ff ate of Brytames troubren biaine?* ©eanOcfce, ano fo^e inciimb;ien in Ije t (aTrotone, WMt!) guim»? aep0 rinmetf on a beaDlong race, mtreto-tbis tenraeft tenu'*, o? tnbece tf)t« If ojme mm fajteafte, toljo fenotoe0:' But ®ori0 auert the iwilli l5oto fore!? (Oiidas) a0 mp Duetp amu, anQifiEerem fb;t the belt to ^otme anb ^tret go (31 p;tote(f ) Qnce tljefe occa(tort0 gretoe, Cftat intbeoeptbof mp Defircto pleafe, 31 mo^e eftelmDe tahat bonett fairh rt qmrii jn matter0 mtftefbn tbeir effate0 ano placet ^banboStofajoeeacb fonu affection pjone Co ban effect0, tobence tbeir bifgrace mougbt grotd^< «nDa)iffo?viordredjctrpetate«iifttHfio?aUplot0, r 33 fiART HV% f ^e? ftatJ banc none, o;i fetoer at tl)e lead, Jbat> 31 p^enatpD : iBt)tcI) ^"hur knoluesf rigf)t toeH. TBut cu'n a« (JEoimters goe fometune? fo? one, - Sometimes foi tt)oufaiiUs;mo?e,foinettmfSfo;inonei a feo men in greateft coimtJiance \uitl) tljetc IKmg, 'f Can\Bo;tke bi» Re perriDafionfoniettnies niuci): TBut fometimes ieffe : anQ fometimeff nougl^t at ail. GILD. 3aieU:to0etbat!)auenotfpentoiirttmeinti)arcesr, TBut bent one cotjcfe at peace, anu Countrieg toeale, SQap ratljer notn cjcpect toljat ftcange cuent, ano f- haunce infues of tijefe fo rare attempt)?: E;bcn enter to Difcourfe bpon tbetr caufe, 9nQ erce as totDe in taojoes, as tiiep in aceue?. COMA. 9nOILo:toratirfiej'ourtoil!)tl)erein, ., CaiOf ce comes a 'Soulmec fiBeating from tbe (£amp«f. , j The fecoiid fcene. > * Nunciiis, ! \ K,,rv,/. ^T-^to2D2|Ecchol!)^(ntI)atbauntatf)ebonotol!)flIeiEfi NVNC. I jLeaueofFtbattDOOnt to fnatcbtOe latter too^D: JL 5?otoleonatoI)oUrtfcourfeofoiirBiftreire, ©{ppe of no claufe : founD out a perfect fenfe. GILD. cD^atfre(l)«nfll)ap(ala0)tDljatnetoeannop, Eemoueg one penfiue minoeji from toonteD iuoe«f> anb pettequireff a netoelattientfngmoonef ' 3DecIare:toeio?toit)anDleanom:barme0: SDur man? griefes baue taugbt b? fttll to mournc NVNC. But fab) mji totmg benie? m? fpfccb (jw atbe: «reat foKe botb biiue it foxt!) : a greater feefpesf 3Itin.3!rue(\jrp«loe»aitbo)£Dntleiretooeflf. >, CON A. Spe9be on, tobatgriefefoe'rotir Fates affb^n. N V N c. Small gviefesf am fpealtt x tbe great aftonjfljt Htm. GILD, mw greater Bnne0 cohIB bap, tl)ni tobat be paff.^ (HUbat mifcbiefes coiao be meant, mojietben toere to?oiig]&t? NVNC. anBrtinkepoMtbefetobeanenbtofinnejf , |5o. €xxmt n^€\it9 : tbofe mabe but one Degree^ ffiObat mifcl)iefe0 tffrU totrebone, terrae faereb beeflejft CCall notbing finnt,but tobat batb ftnce infu»o. .^*J«??** GILD* iboto Co? Tf Arthut tooonne. tobat comb tot lane? ©oufpeafte m cloubtsf, anb caft peipkjrcbtoo^ff. &nfal5eatlarge:anbfo?toiitlo|rotoe*out. ^^^^ ^RTHV^, i4 " N VN C. Eljen lift a toljtle : tbts inHant (Ijallimto^appe ®:^c future age ft)an eu'c ^aue caufe to curfe. j(5oto that t^e time ojc^e on, U)l)fn boa)tl)t«tanW» ® l)ou!Q inret in Comweii fielDtst tt'appointeD pc« Clje reckeleffe troupcB , to!)oin Fates fo^baU to tuie Cill noone, o^ nissbt, did fto^m^ MiD taut fo^ toarte?. SDbep ftoarmne about tfjetr C^upUe?, anD duftcmg caiO IFoji fljneu to fl5f)t,aiH) fierce toitl) bpjo^e^ fell, * Ifelje? onluarti0 baplo tlje l)aanmB Jjoto^t? of wat9. a Dtrefull frtn?ie rofe : eclj man tia otDM, antJ publiftef itts aflljaBletTebeabtong flung. 2)11 Mordreds fiue tuete fijctte t[)oufanDe mtiu €)omel)o;totoeD poto;it0, fome Btytans bjeD at gome* t^^e iaxons,lrifh, Normans, Pictes, flnO Scottes ' jUcce firil in place, tl)e Bry tanes follotueD lad. flDn Aithurs fine tljere tuere a? manie xmx. i Ifl3ndians,Goches,Noruegians, Albanes,Dane.«, i^ t:aerefo?ratneaioe)af,lol)icl) '\rchuib^oujl)tfj;t>mFrauncf, i atnilltetroupe,ani)tti'tnatmanpatrencl). •S;f)at uotoe tlje oap toasf come, to^ein out ^tatc jFoi ape lifjouln fall, UJbencefo^tl) men migbt inquire, COIjat Brycaint luag J tljefe toarre? tjju^ ncete beinjaiQi. jl9o)coulot^el^atien0 no longer hioe^tfe l)arme0, ^ut fa? pv)Uisiou0 fign w pojttnDe our plagutj. If 0? lo : er botl) tl)e Camper encountering coapt, Clie §ktes anD Poles oppofeD tbemfeluea toitlb ffojint*. TBotb ©all , awn aUca toitb tempeftes Datfte toere mmTi, gntj fl)otoje0 of li?aple,anD Ka?ne outtaglou0 potoro . SDOe hmm\z U)ere"rent^ ed) fine tbe ligbtning0 nafbt, ano (2i;iotoDe0 toit^ l)iDwu0 clappes DiU ^unutring roaitt El)e armie0 all agaH iwiJ renmeffe OanD, 99iftruaing mucl), botb fo?ce, anD JFoe0, anD Fates. i:'toa0 liaroe to fap , tol)icl) of tbe ttoo appal*o ^Oem molJ, tbe monftrou0 aviie, oMoo mud) feare, CUben Arthur fplue l)t0 ®oulDier0 tl)U0 amaj'D, ano bope ejctinct, auB DeaDlp D?taoe fl?atj)ne on; J!0V mates (quoth be) tlje | anD bo?llrou0 bangs toitbtbumpingtbtoaclt0 fall tbttftf, r OaDootb tbefe «Damp0 bepne of tjfurping IRings, IbaDeuerj? man tbereof a Mordred beene, . ' j9o flerceiier baD tbep fougbt fo? all tbwr Crotonesf. r5oi toap to iuarD no j trie eacb otber0 fkill, •JBut tbence tbe blaDe,anD Ijence tbe blouD enfue*. CONA. '5gattDbat:^DiDMordredsepc0inDuretbi0fi5bt? M VN c. ^fjE- Ui^ anD be bimfelfe tbe fpurre of fienD0 anDGorgonsaUjleaftanppartofbiff ^ ^ %tm frc^ from guilt, enflaniDe tbeir mfnOes to w?8t5, anD, tottb atjalwre mo?e, tljen (aectue p^lW, fte cbearDe tbem aW, anD at tbeir bacfet batb tons ffiutreacbeD fpeare, llirDe bp eacb lingring banD- atlfiirielifetfronnftbptottbfranticltfrets. Ibe biD« tbem Icaue anD Ibunne H^t meaner foK» fitt (betoes tbe »lng0, anp Bry tainet iwblett p«tefl. ^—^ .. L.__J iJ UVNC, ~^^R'l H'UK.,: $9 -1 Cfl) mud) of Arthurs ba«.®^tetoift 1 j{?oto great alnct fuc^ijmutto^ ^^bJSSL^ 5b f rantike ftitp, farrc from aalurw wag. M V N C ^fteCf fell AfcbiUu. ttoat of Deritnarkt IRUIff, * Eljere baliant Gawin Arthurs ^ep|)etD Bcart, anolate bp Augeh Bead) mane A'bane Kmg, ^ ^tt Mordreds hanD barf) loa botJ) hfe anin (EroUme. ^ere Giiia tuounneu cador Cormih pufee, 3In hope to toinnt ^t DifttDomefo^W* mane. foe l^or^'ay Kmg, l|)e Saxons Duke, anD Pjfts, 3n toofullfojt fell groaelins wrAe grounD. itberelB w annPeafanttotblap I)urlDe wtjefljeft Mars frotouue on Arthurs matc0 : t!)c Faces toaiTt fitrce, gnB iointlp raime ti)eir rate toitl) Mordreds tagr. CON A. But tDitbtol)at top (alas) Ib.anjerettirm, El)at tl)ua retume?, tfte bappurfoj rt)t0 fidaej Oefe oow innure notions, fo> Mars rettre*. anD Fortune pleaCBe toitlj Arthurs moutratc feare, Keturnetf mo^e fuH, attB fr(enDl?er tben fter toomt. (Foi iDhcn be fato tbe potoerif of Fau s oppoftie, anu tbat tbe n^eaufull boure tbu0 baaenen on: ^crplereu nnifb in mmue, atiengtb reWMejf, Sbatfearei0CouereBbeftbpDarin5moa. Eben fo?tb be pitcbt : tbe saxon j)nke toitbttmlJe, CUbom tuttb one ftroke be bcaulcffe rent to !&eu. ji5ot facre f^om tbence befpiDe tbe infh »mg, iabofe life be trofee a? p?ice of b;tokcn trtice. Eben Cador fojeUjarU p;icft , ann bapue mttte CDbe Era?to J GiUa, toojkec of tbefe toarreff, flDf tobom b? neatb be ttoke bi0 Hue renenge. Eberemnantftenofbotbtilje^iUmpsr concwl;^ ©be? Bryuines all, 0? nwft : feto foweines left, ©bete tuage tbe toarre0, anii bence tbe i>eatb0 infae. ^\ i»one;no^ t»otber fiw, tbat wnUtJrou lbi0foe0Cbfatl,a0tt0ttfelfel>earo?eD. '^Ibe bSreSbJoacb tbeir Wouu : tbe ^(re bw ^omttu, ;a;be borate agafne iMmlD pwue by tro mu^ ffiHratb. Ebat be, tobom tbu* be fletu, tnao not bw %w. JI50 blmo nojt feinne canDnage tbeu; trcmn moaOe?. 150 f o^rcine foe tbep fecfee, no? care to finne: ^e Bry wines MouD 10 fougljt on cuerp fine. abainenifcourfeittDere topatnt at large ta:be Ceuerall Fate5,ann fortes of ettber fine. So tell tobat grone0 ann figbe» tbe parting©boW «)eiitfo?tb ; tobo npingbare tbe fefleaiweaaj fflUbo cbauncten tbeare at anP^jy^'"" "0: ffiflbo oflnett artnke t tubo bed betto^neji? Mane: JHIbo bentren moH : tobo HoJ^e '• ^Ijo fell : tobo failoc lKi'\% <^ire* Eljete Mordred f til, l)«t Ifte a !3Mnce be fell. SaD as abjauncbof g^eat Pendragons gcafte I);s life b^eatbs out, bts epea foifalte tbc %unne» 9nD Catan QiDfouDes tnf erre a laflNng eQips. ^berf Arthur daggering fcant CuftamD btm felfe, SiereCadorfounDaDceptanBDeaDlptooimD, '^, C:6ere ceaft tbe twarres, anD tbere teas Bry taine WJ. ?S:bere la? tbe cbofen poutbs of Mars.tbere la? Cbe pcertlefle Knigbts, Beiiona>» bjtaueft tf atMe* Cbtrt lap tbe $i©irr9urs rare of (©artiall p^aife, tE;bevf(ajt&t&opeaaDb?48Bc6oCBf»iwftip|»jfa. ^Cljert Forttme IntlJ ^ pjtfltlt Of Brytanes priooDe ef Bru« fljall e'r rrpaiK. ^f)at future men ma? fop rtjtfnrer reft, ^befe toartes pwent tl)eir birtIj,anD nip tljttr fp^ins. i ffiH^at S^wioiut eattt tt>e former age fubUuBe ^ faitIjft(mrtIietop!e»toBry:ainespoic,ti)t0aa? !i?atf) fet at lacBe,ai«j bacfctoarttes turHUf ^ Vatts. g < $>entefoo^rt)rt)eKern«ma]?fafeIptreantt>tfrboggeirt ■ ^l)e Scots map noto tttir mrobe* otfie rtnetoe, •Jl^be saxonv toril ma? ijoto tijetr foitmir clafeiw«i awU Danes totfbOtttW«tB«l«oulIiiecisBeat^ Containes tl)t beatlj rfan a aafion Iiere. With WalJCBi baue mnen t^fe i fie a greater toaunBe, V 5tljentvmecanftea!e.Q;i)«fh«tofrinflItoant*t g Kingbom' s fjanu batb goarb a !t«ngiiom»iB; btat, c o N A. dCften fame Itjall Wa^e tijefe act? fn lattw peateir, anb time to anw fo manp agesf^ence ^ban eft? rffioiit out twite ana Bry ci fhj)a?tte!R - ©jtt^enpcri)ap«ourttoice t^ittrene imtif > l&tS!fi)Otrtbec0 bib tbC Bry taineOatfttlppOJt. |r Cfl3I)ile0petI)era(pb,mftomtfbesip^nailOe, '•■' |5o?oncetoulbl)opefobinOeti)«BrvtatnebounbtiBit B«ai»b»tt)fajrr«anbn$retoerefb?c'Dtoflie, _. ©4 E^e? r '7i~ ^RTHV%^ B^e? rtjjian to bsfitoe to oiir felues tucrc free. ■ ? TBut noU),an8 l)encefoo;itl) ape, aDue tftat fjope, antit t^at pompe, tljat fceenoine,rule anD all: i,etSaxonsnOto,Ut No''mans,Danei,anl) Scottes, Of ntope ouc meDotors, flelDea!,anOplearant plainesrt Come,let \» 9pe to ^ountatne0,<2uif e$ anD Socfceier) 91 Ji^atton t)uct,anO ne'r in care to teale. !i?encefoo]itl) t^e Diats^it of Faces x\m falne afioe, jKIXe rea fecuce from f eace of greater fofle: %)xt leafur e rer ueai to t^tnite on former time?, iginli ltno)» \»l;at cacft toe tuere,t»^ noto are t^wr. Exeunt, CHORVS. I i'^BrytainespiiotiieroutfJlatetofrft&eattettfpelJotofnii ^^TSutbalfefo tuUltng to pneferuetfep peace, 90 t<)ei> are pitone to plajue tbee fo;i tb? tnarreir. ,> 4uttI)uiC2) Brute. 'a cflften p^ofperouff bap«,anB long continuing bO W» ^ fcaw pan tbe ripcneffe of tbeir biiDDing groutpi <»o Fortune toiat^eo tDftf) oiir often twtrrtt, I 3l)» font's to falnt,anfalraiwi)*»wttg«|-^^ Jf euet Dt airfe fteart fbietoeene bet tooe L (jBtoBrvumeWrte»,fofariTmim'Dn!Oin0oiiw# ii Bat tlilt etitn rtotn ri)>ottE* Natures fole tatttnttj :• toe feelest tin fatall f woiB tmbme W bjetfl, »t l)ope*, ann I)ap0e0 fpe toaiun w tigr to8^^^ COfto luwtiitf tbe fo?l«iJ <)t Cufftreo m WJftwuwf ^ Th^ argument of the fift A^, I I t N thefirft fcenc trtbot and Cal>0? returned aeadlie vrounded p land bcwaild the miffortunc of thcmJeluM and their Countrie, L and arc likcwifc bewailed of the W tcnmthe toppe. En tMumifuoi fnpittft^ fignify irtg the Kitig of H»rtf*J wliictt ' fpenthimfelfeand aUhUpower for ^rr/i7w,andof Whom there wasWtnothing but his heart to inioy the conqueft that iniuedi The Icconde bearing m the one hand a filu er vdTtU full of golde,pearies,and other iew tls reprefenting the Sf *U*t faitheotherhanikaTargetWrthan Olephintand Dragon thereon hcrcely com- bats, the Dragon vnder the OUphant and fucking by his extrethe heate the blood from him it miOied in pecces with the fil of the Oleph ant, fo as both ^ « laft, this written aboue^«^«f, 4* f^/ffiM?iTprerenting tht King of D*ni»«*r%, who feD through MeriA-w/xwomid, haling firft with hisfouldicrs deftroyed the noft of Mtrdrt^ armie.The third bearing in the one haAd a Pyromit with a Law* f«fl wreath about it reprefenting viaorie. In the other land iw. Signifying G41MII King oijilbanjt flaine in ^rthttu defence bv W»r- . W^'f^^whom t/frr^NT alterwardts Hewe. The fourth bearing in the one oandee broken ptller,af thetoppc thereof iheCroWne and Scepttr of the vaftouifhc King,both broken »iiinder,reprefentiog the conqatft ouct vfurparion i in ttie o- tfcer hand a Taivcc wi:b tvro Cockes painted thcreon,th« one lying dead,the 6- gr other t..l ^ ■ ^ 41 kyfRTH^%j thcr with hit wingcs brokcn.Wj eyes peclced out, and tfie bloods euerye where gulliing fooTch to the j{roundc,he ftandiag vppon the dend Cocke and crowing ouCf him, with this enobhrnc in the toppc, .^4 vi«, /'^rrfirf* , fignifying CW»f deadlv wounded by tJi/t* whomhellewe. After theie followed a Kinglangui- fhing'incomplet Harnertc bbcke,brured & battered vnto htm,befprinklcd with biood.On his head a Lawrell garl3nd,kaning on the (houlders of two Heraults in mourning gowti^s & hoods,th'on in M*rt his coate of arms,rhe other in Artimrs^ prerenting>//r/iarviSorjoully but yet deadly wounded, there followed a page with a Target whereon was portraited a Pellican peeking her blood out of her breft to feede her young onesjthrough which wound (he dieth.this writeninthe toppe, i^udfoui. ^er»y fignifyjr^ .Arthurt too much indulgenwe of Mordred^ the caufe of his death. All this reprelented die difmay ed and vofortunate viftoru of 1,^ r/^Mr^vrhich is the matter of the A^infuiog* THEFIFTACT aiid firft Scene. Arthur,Cador, Chona. i -' - • "^ ■ A R T H. ^ S)me Cador, as OUT ErcttD^ip tnatf moff Srme v^ Ebjious^ut oitc ase^ notD let's Im^e 30 fatt. ■■$ Ebu0 otD tne Itue tn tuan:e0»tt)us let bs? Hhc I . ^n pcace,aaD acme in acme pectme oin: Fates. j C)uc tOQunnes^uc gceefe^oiic \oi% our bap altliei ' 0ur enii(bneece,anccauee(AeQtf;trj3:t)eipe. C A D O.- © i»»g4J«ft0lnt t^fruiteof all Olir Fame: Ho ^e aw Pon^e courumeo toiti) our feluei?, e^at aU otu: age tottb all our tDarre? ^ tnamne, toe bere one Da? liati) lolt it all at once* . aajefltfo it li{tesitbetoeauen«;tl)U« Fortune giljejjrj ^fje Ijopfeta top to Ijucle tbc Oeeper Dottme. ^ c H o R . 2D facrflj ta^inceto^at \m ii tlj te toe fee/ t iWifl fiaue tlje Fates re fecuTi Mi to ^t^t tooeif flDur ornl? l)opert&e ffag of afl our Realrae: ^epillerofouraate:tbu0lbjieopp?eaf ©tooulDtlie^oDslMtOfauour'o tisfomu^: El)at« a0 toeliu'o partafker« of i?onr paine?» anDlifeetotfctopDetijefruitofroucejcpUwtw: «»o bauing thiw bereft our ^ouecaignej bltre, ^bep ban toitb mou inBiffecent Doome comognli ©)e^ubfect9!botb,anti^ueraignei(E bant m one. ^ 31t noto {Am Ingenneretb ooitfile griwe, ^Ejjcuepouctoant^Dtobetoafleouctoowf. ^v-, ATiTH. Kue not mpBrytainestobatm? rage batbtoptj*^ . ' * TBut blame )>our tting, tbat tbtt0 batb rent yonr Rwjt«» $©? meanelelfe mame0 bane maoe tbe Fates tbusi fetl, I anti too mucb anger towngbt in «w too muq). ' ^o^baQiinpatteittfreinon'rOrniiirr. ^^, fliflj pifcllies totjfre rtDffana *jcatn«Lg55*a amwigfattaot nu*P infb?CTtwcoa tttg wffpOTe , TBw to j(mB itWHOnB to?att to rabe rroena* t3;teferceli chaunct befo^ a tttttt ctopw* ^ H OR 5L'aja0 Mordrcds tojoHg flnD to totiuft OtfctW X . « " " "^ 5^1, j,t iuujp nmniue pour i?isJ)nrirt to ftic^ to?at5t * |)oiirclatmereqiiu:*Dnolt(ft*mti)oUatttraptj(: pour caufe ng&t gaiD toW pf ai(n»^pJ»?MD« to^ wwf • A R T H . 3) claimD mp €rotone,tt>e «aafe of ciame toau ^otft* i ^e meanes to clame tt tn toct) fij^tt toMlOB. Pea t cat|;er t^ mp EeaUntanDnatto ftnt €)t)oulDtoounDeiifan,tbujBb?urtDtoit5tt)tfttMntft IftjoulD baue leftbottiKralme,anB rig^>an»aa: SDj^Dut^ t!)e Deatt ojJjainD bp Moidre(H!>oat5. 1 € A D o. dinD pet fi) farce a0 Mars coulDe bioe a meant^ ['■•, IJouljatelfirtfm^tt^efafegacUoft^fmMI. I aailiecetotlje better caufe,o? banter thaunce > i V 3D(n D^atoe,pou ftill tnclittbe t preferring oft ^^etoeafeerfiDe,fomettme0fo^Iouejfonictiiw? ^ \ ffoi- rigbt, 'as Fortunt ftoatuc) pour ^onne,pour few. ; S>o pittie fpat'BitDljat rcafon fougOt tofpo?!?; • ^fll all at Ungtlj,toub equall fpopte toast Qjent, r CHOR. {([toulB(^Q9 pour mtitDebaf felt no futtiremo;ire, I 2 9lni)tbatpourfoe0tiaQnorucbfanoiu;founlit. \ ^ ^mougbt pour feiniDsl)a«et)aiJ far frcnblwr Fates, , Jf Rebels foji t&eir DucUcfcrtg fyin Dpbr. ^ El)etoickenal)eatl)i3fafefptoti)eiull. /?! EofparetDeEraito?s,tjjastofpottetbctnit» ■ ^ f)ffo;tc ^oD (0 tbe frenl),tbat feefeee to Bo iw goofi: '! amtg|)tvfrenD>tt)ati}ott)p}me»t9tirbamti0. ARTH. CffiUIhfo it ttasnt cannot be rec^eft: Crbc greater 10 mp grtrfe.fbat ftrs It (b. C® p Ipfe CJ feele) bott) faoe,anO fojrotoe? fiotof, Wjt rather tbat mp name is tints eninct. 31n tfti0 relpect, fo Mordrcd Did fucfcebr, ©,tbat mp felfe bao falne,anl> 'Vi'>r*id iru*D: ^at bauing conqtier'D all mp foes but bim, 3 mougbtbaue left poubim,tl)at conquer^ mt. I ©bcaHietoietcbfDlottettoberbtlaft | CDbat faUe0,to Dietoe rbe Iniriall of mp Realmt. fOberr eacl)man elfcfjatljfcaltljfsfenerallFaw, 3 onelp pine oppiell tottl) all tbetr Fate;. CHOR- 31tbougbpourli7igbneuietiofliilein(rtt(^srecfit« 90neeiie«tnEo)tmbanponrRealmetticw: ^ 4l>etBnce(iicbr»tbaQb;l»tbnoceIerfr, - inouf DiCcrmon Ovase eac& cnrriefftfo^e, » • tARTHVR, atta l)f at e t^e Ijacmesf ,ftat ran tof tJjout renielft. ©be lollc is outflf,t!jat Ioa(« fo rare a 10;^ ince, The breath« ^ou one li> tt>in,il)at fee pour foe ^erc foiloe. i« broughi jaiben tn^aro gifts are Deckt luitlj outuiaio gractj vpon the ^0 Dio W0 totttc anO feature feeue tbat l)ojjc, swdge, f ai)icb falfclp ti?«tnoe me rp tl)is njoftill Oap. ll)iw itxtnoe trauf fo^ineo tl)U0,3i cannot cljufe But Io«5 to fee tobat djanse Ijts face ftiaauies. j!0i> blooD anu kinren DeiiblcD m i)\s birttj, Jiifplrra a mijctiauD tiuice DeftenDina loue, f Ubic!) Q^uesf nip n?tuix oameg to ttJiflj f)i0 bfeto. Qnbealme bis luckeleiTc bfaD,fct bnre bi« face: ©bat face tuljtcb eard p Icat^D me ano mm to mu^. rHoR ^:c(toojtbeflK'.ns)tbeboptofalli?oucEea{me, T iC?aii not bis lurt to rule p^euenteo all. A R T H 31 fee (alas) 3I fee (biDe,biD c asaiiic: ' f) fp^e mine cges) a tuitnelTc of m?cr(roesf! afearefulltjifionof mv fojtmcr gutlte: g n>eaofuIl bo?ro;of a future poome: a p^efent gaule of minDe.© bapp« tbe?, GabofefpotlefTeluies! attatne a D;eaUletfe Dcaflj. ann tbou,© baplefle bope,® fptsbt of Fjtes, (Sabat mougbtl tcrmetbee,0eubeto,^onnt,O|bptb;') aiad>boto bappte (botilo toe botbbane bene, gtf no ambitious tbougbt ban uert tb? bean, mi tbou tbus tlrtu*ne to reaue ^^ jfatberiBruw, TSut data? tbP tpme,ann not fojftaloe Ma botbf C AD o, tibeboat fpuine voutb tbatfo^tte tbcfontoarnufene^,, CaSbilea nfcDea be toouln bis iFatberff Ctbariotgwin?, if5egiectlng tobat bis ^ire ban faio in cbarge, ©be fiitS,tDbieb firft be flung about tbe pole?, iDimfelf e at laft moll taoi'ull to^et cb inflamnc, So to mwb loue to bouer m tbe 5?eanena flBane b(m to paie tbe pnce of raftj attemptt?. ARTH. Mlbat rutbi(ab,) rent tbe tBoftri!JFatbew barf, ' ©batfatoebimfelfetbusmanea^onneleire^irtf COelltflnce botb l^eauens anc t>t\\ confpfeT) in one, ©Qmake our enne0 a mirroji to tbe loo^lne, TtJotb of inceftioiw Itf e,ann toick en birtb: f aiouin ©ans tbe Faces that Uncbt our faulttf MiRe, jban alfo fram'oe our minn0 ot frennlier moulnesc ©b«t,asf our linage ban app^iocbt too neere, «>o our affcctiens ban not l\l)a^;u'n to farre. ©ben mou3bt 31 Itu'n t'inlarge tbe Brycames pjatfif,, 5|n rearing efr0 tbe ftrtt triurapbant Troy ann after tboM fucceening mine attemptg, Ihaue fpent tbf courage in a iufter eauie. ^^t VtuoulD not be : 5UnlMtion gr^to to greatfJ Wi» Cfle coidD itot iopne ottt mf nWff : oar ^^"* ** foprtie; > ., anDt|)wurtt|>?bUpa,atoaptowm^toirt^ "* Ebat ill? our tipeftpearegantilftelpttt time, i' jPourctjiefeafo^ceftjouinont^wfpOatneMI!? CtiOR* laauepcutb^ougfjout pour pout!) maDf Bry tames poinye n 5 aetgoetotnotinglojiou0totbegroanbt et totlb a part : toe b^ue perfpumtb inougb- Ebe iritii itfitg atm 0atton briloe tne tambCt - ^fje Scots anbt'»Ss,anDOrcadc3iflt0 toe tDamte ^e Danes anOGothesaiSlFriftland men tottball J Cbe3ac0tnferteDneretbort«ea0,?Uujm)ct :% ^ jennaiDeiBJttg,an5Saxoostoer«bDlfl>e- .; j|^FraBnce,t^cotinip^eaadeagatnffourn9((t .i'l . |5ojlaaT?Rome,t^rue0berwibefup»>tft. $■ ecbfb)retnfpotoeri0p«rcenofoarp)aire9 V |^ncle0toamtomAeonrfo(9afrraibe- \ '^ Ebw onelp noto 31 craije JD Fortune erft $©P faitbfull frienb) Itt it be famt forgot, ^ jBojlongmmmDe.nojmoutbjtebereArthiirfell })ea J tbougb 31 Conquerour bte, anb fiin of f arocj 9et let mp beatb anb partnr e reft obfcure. i9ograne3|nerbe (£)Fat«s)no^barianrigbt0« fiai ftatelp bearce, no j tombe toftb baogbtp toppf : But let jnp ^rftaffe lurkf t pea, let mp neattj «e ap bnWiotoen, (b tb«t tn enerp Coatt S dm be fearB, anb lokt fo» euerp boiire. fixewnc Arthur & Cador. . CHOR* lobtretbeenbt^ fortune fenb0 at lad "l r^!)im,to!wfirttS^t^a»^b»bJg^^PP<. jF 4 1*W I %}ft aattetfiu;I$ale tD&erttmt^ kt lolts majc fdit 1[^ (httlfns Fat<;s,^at ofC ^fCQUe ^ifl' Fame; C^ man? tuaitr? attti Conquellje^> U)(;tcl) t»e safoBL 9reDa({)tatonce!onel>aHinteirt;e0tf)atfotlei £(Ql)««of&>nian?ptaj;e0ofpo;ietoeteftep. CHOR . © toiiiing UionD to magntfe man's llatcJ 2 2) inoftbniDiIUnstomatmahietteramc* 2)f aU mi(To;:tpne0 anD ^app; Faces. ^)'tmi}appuu icemejgt, to l)aueoerne tapit otter* ^'UAis At out fole, iW neurr founD i)i0 iopt0 Dillittb>Q tof t^ VDoe, no? ttocs tdtcu'U totrt) tope. Sinp^oTperou? aare all {peaucnip iftia\tz alptcll: -*.««» 3f5oiDmaOeaio?etct),notonr,tt)atfpace)sljwll»oUr. CBOR. 5)eaFortuncsftifetntt)Wanii£teDcafe, 3 Cjcactsapatnefo^Ioiigronttnneopompe. ^>freiJrgetbnotDtiieWtiaofiuxDmeBiDealt, ana bcace0 ^im Uotone ujitt) tnaigtt of former F«a«» Kh0 p^re0 paa be pjLeTent fl)ame: )> a liue, Onlcfic, Uibtles pet oor bltiTe enottregi tte bu^ eHOR. I>ea : fincebefb^e l)i0 laS anooutmoft carpe, . l^inucanbeSienntieatjapppmanoxbltQ) ^ ^ aobo nait0 comnitt fttm lelfe to p?oip«rt>us "c«i ^ {QQijofe Deatb pieparoe attenQ0 not ^acO 8tl)ttui^ I ; §Pbat Mmvx'ivm muS otice Determme <^ I 1^19 life map ODhet ffie> t()m Fortune flme* Thefecondfcene, Gorlots. / < 60RL* NO 2a Goriois Onaspe ti^p reife- tB^ot ^^1^ yisi pa^ $!lButtt)ecbiia( P^tce ; anulthie ^[0 tufertt ^reafon %\t mesDe t £>tQopaUtt i)t0 QoDmr: ZtSim% ^a^ ^^0 tbjiealte t anD €^uilt ins g»er&onb<»r(}|> f^t one abuie ec(t oScren bp t^p foeo tbe glo^fouB 9ta(((: Q^ie 5oDtac'0 mp: ^e Planet? cfKefr Delia^t: ^be ^ope of all toe peare : tbe erne of ^fegt Cbe 9ure0 relief , ^e comfojit of tbt ^rtb- Wm bertUOW Virgo iXllW&j Br^iaUMt bw CDtt I I f E^«Vterelefleb;atmcI)ofBnite:t[wttftwptftmiafett * \ SDf ►'riam's Hate { tftatljOpt of rp^Wging Troy: iss^Oi rime to come, atm man? age0 nmx ^W of all tDarce0 compouno eternaHpeacf^ Let fjec temce tfte golBen age agafne, Heligion, eaft, atiD toealttj of former tnorfti. pea, let mt vugo come ann satumes vtdmt, Slnii nactg oft ten timet toloe erpfcoe th peacr. 9 Rule, tW eife no Stalmel^dl entr finOe, 9 Eule inoa care, Di^earQ, t)nf(^e, tmrtaD, EOe fole ttxm^t that tlie tiiQ;tlo aBfiitg. €!)at (Bry taine) tl^ Kenotumt, pea t&at fo tfiCw. . . ^itfo:mvto?iattii0to^ongt)t.|)efarie])tlrtacRe \ S[nii))sltelbat)e0,t^l)onleuihble0ljeneat9t Sf)ou oicus Darlte, anU Deepe Auonr g{)altlp c^arge,Ot^ OorbisOtiogilt ?@ahe coomcl gtODlf titw cenengiie retnmc. ann tI)ougI) pour patne ftirpair^Tgreere tf^em tl^: lyt mm eacv otter fl^eanen, tt)iitlj8umi l^eU* EPILOG vs. S®c ^(fre bp t!rf 8( t l)e tidtle trul! of fprnej Ki)t falfe affiance of eari; mo^tall fo^ Efit UiaueringtDatg^tofFatestdjeficfeeUtMa, '^j El)atFortune triujact^e mam» mocltea of life: Kl)t cfieerdfefft cbange ; tbc eafelelle b^mtg anD bicflti, «Ll)at man abtties : tl)c relHelTe race fie mnnesf. ■But nwft oUUM f)OPre tfje p*releire painetf: %\)t (aiting pangcstt^e ftimtefTe gr*feff:tbe tearesfj Efje figlfe0;ti)e gronesttfje feare0:tf)e Ijopeattljte ftatest E!}e,tlK)usi)t0 anH cares,ti)at IKtngtp pompe impartoK. ^Oat foHtef tben betoircb tbamtlcioug mtnDe^, Qlbat tbtra fQjL ^ceptcr0 pompe ttietoell of tooeirf 1 ' > * \ ^ A fpeach penned by V Vuuani Fftl^cck^^eMtJeuta»,onfoftheJoci€tU9fGt9yn^ : Iniic , and pronounced in Ikad oiGtrhU his firit Ipcechc penned by Thoma* Hughes , and let downe in the firft Scene of the firU A&c, A: Lcao:tbottn)at<^«j:cinT)rttiiee 5from (eelDe0 tlyiyan,te^re t^c gutWtItt »»•» aiDotDe tt)e fcotttge of Radamanthus jRtfc l^et ?i>ure fbule of tiupics fierce bilmnB,; Cl)e eates ano t)il)den fecrct0 to btCclofc £)fblacbeCocytusano of Acheron, * I ^ (d)caoub«dofDeatt)ti)elab«gof butnittg vouieo. C»tl)«c J^eUtO) fireggcs boe |)?opl) we twenBc: , «wbere Tartar* Ipjig^ts iDitib carcfuU ^be atmiw , C^e D;fmaU fiimmons of Alcaocs mootg, \ ^g felfe bp p?c«pt of Pr^fcrpina, i Commaunbeb tnas in pjcftnte to appeate, »cfo?c tl)e ^?nobc of tfte bamneb (pjigotetf. ,: 3n fcarefull ina)bc H btb pcrfo^mc t^j Ijw. 9itb atinj?cnttantemtb'tnc^)atmtcbfwdWff, CJtthtcl) to?ap themfcluo about tl)c fur(c0 necw»» JDtb biff« foj io?: anb from tl)c b^cabfuU beitto* C^e (Up^emc fune tl^us afltgnbe ^er cbatgc I G orlois quotb %t tfeou tl)itt)cc muft afccnb. lOTljencctljiougbtbe rancour of nwliciwsjww | cwearreb tirttb inounbcs ttjou blbtt befc«nb to Vf« | i^abe Bry tainc nolD tte tnathc of rtj? teucnge i 3©n r UtblediB Bry taioes anb I' endragons tacc, \ JDifljurffet^ctrwCttreof t!)B ^^rtJ^tl) plagues. 1 iLct bloob contenb ioitt) Wooxi, iPatber toit^ »onn^ . ifcubtect tottl) ^j mce.attb let conhtOon taigne, \ ^etberetottbaUentopnDetDebufeieclottbjj j IWbwb toitb tbeir batfeeneffe turnbe tfte eartbjjl? w» ConuetttDbloobanbpotttebotonettteainwofMoott, -, Co?nei»ell (baU gtoane,anb Arthurs foute uja» "BOt j ) »efo?e t^e conicience of Gucncuora i { ClK map of l)«U ^U *)a«g anb fienbes QjaU WgW ] IttbGorlois ^ott exacting punifl;ment« ^^ j 4 ^W^ Si^tpe tWf l)eart0 : t^e DiQon of i;ts co^fc «>l)albe to ti)cm,as 1990 t^c terror title jfiDf flamtng lo^ippes to Agamemnons fonnr, ainn tt)l)sn tl)e Crumpet caUe0 tijem from t\)eit reS A urora (ball loitl) iDatr? cl)o^e0 be^oiD Cbeir flaugbteren bobieo pioOrate to \)zx beamed. 9nt) on tbe bancbe0 of Cambaia (tali l?e j the fame gentleman t and pronowtced in fleade of Gorhis his laft fpcachc penned by Tho- mas Hughes , and fee downe in the fe« cond 5cene of the fiftand laft A^. D(&atb batb W conquett : bell batb bab bid tsiQ)* Gorlois bis bols : Aiedo bet befire. dinne batb bis pa? : anb bloob is quit Dottb blootu ISeuenge tn iCr^umpbe beares tbe ttrugling bearts* i^olo uorlois pearce tbe sraggieiSocbes of bcU* Cbiougb cbincbes toberof infem&ll fp?ites bo gIattn£C» SSeturne tbi^ anOsere to tbe furies eourte* Cbat Co?neti)ett trembles iBitb tbe tbougbt of toatirre: 9nti Tamers fioob Ssitb b^oopitis pac« bot^ toe. \^- Brycaine^i ti it on tl)i^ tsatSee* mi)ic\) mvtiaex tpme no? tprannie ma? tatu Ct)at iRebsUes. Cra^to^s ano conipitiito; 9^ Cl;e fcnii^tiar^e of IcbJDe Catcline, f€l)e il&aQarD Cooute of Utattan bijrDes. iS>6aU feele t^e fiameo of euetr flamtna fire* e ^i^ stiaguefl of Ijeatien (rrom ti(^ Zlmi)o[^p^i(kmt mabes t^e eartl; frnitfitli to tl^ 3nD \jiiii) fo%t(lffi)tei^\(f; t|j|iee ^appte Daiei, Brytaine % ieaui t^zi to an en^lcSie p^aiftc. Befides thcfij fpeachcs therewasaUbpfenncdaCbOJOi for the firftafts arid an other for ihc&cotjid ad, by Maillcr :fraund0 jfiotoet » vthich wete pronounced accor* dingly fhc dumbefliowes were partly deuifed by Mai. ftcr Cljiiftopber ^elttmon, Maifter jfrauncU J5awn,M2iitcr 3Jot>ttX.ancafter andothers, partly by the faide Maifter ^toer, who with Maifter^ enroot»cite and the faid Mai(^er fianCM^ti dire«Scd thei'c procce* djngs ax Coujtc 1 'i 'i I ilie |llfe|[0rtmi^s af l^rtkr* The next page is a duplicate of B4 recto showing the pasted on " Cancel " turned back so that the original and Cancelled lines are revealed. ^rtotooi^etafte£«el)otoetnfMppl|ct9CtoK, &cbfojmftteaitejS,aiiBfo?faiiwb?o]rte0ftaticttM»BWt. Bwtte to Defmie t^e ptop!e» fteattt^ tmtl p?ace, «nitt) quiet rett,anD Dope neujtiieafe. jI5ot to increafetljrragetljattons^at^ tafgnlKi l5oi to neflro? t!)e realme,pou feeSe to ctilc. Vmc jPatljec ceame tt up, pou plucfee it DoUme. |)ou looft ?our Ccuntr^ lufefles pou toiniw It t^: Eo mafte U pwtrg, wrn urius to mafteu none- -, ^ taihfreSUns^tmpoie too niuct), t^e c||al[ltt|Mm||r gJe<^ufcoftJeRea?m\!^ecWStT^^ . 4 a jt^o. EijSn;? )m^c tljat Brytam lecnf 9 mp xomt, k EI)atfeaceofmeDot!)maket^e^t*iectj3fmi^, gtfjat tD^at t^e? stttBge,ti)eplio conftjrapnea uetiD. 3lft^CKafltfntsbeuotue,:n>!ti);iJitt)Witoift, m\fim fauour fafleie to bente, iet fucie ij^ease* 3If tl)ep be pet to Uame, let terrcur teaci^, {i06at!KinssfmapDoe,tD{)at§n][;iectiBfous5ttoM«t. tloeni2fail(nporaeatatDi(!jcoKa?e, 2a?.4)en WljatlbfiKt: tf)e ^outretpe to»u2,cj nmefi'> SJ9enbecompeltjeasbJentopiaife-.aff&earf, anU 'S>ubif*:tiEi luilleg; info;ic'b affaintt f Ijeir Unuetf. CON A. ."iSutiajfjo .1; f>;eKeL. tmepiaiie.anli u;ft ..eiiotomc, ?aioiiioratiie?r'eeketl)eic p;ia>)(uisOeatteff,tben tongue^. MORD. Erne p^aife map Ijappcn to tilt bafeftgroome, a fo;cEli p???fe to ticnc, but to a p,rhice. . 33 toiH) tljat mod , rljat §)tibtfct0 rnott rcui'ne. c o N A. TBut pet toliere ujams noc tb^eatnt pout eftate, Ebere neeoetb fdeiifleis to fo;ir:fie pouv- <£rotone. M o P. D. (JEcb €cot»ne ijs maoe of tftat nttc?ctiue motilD^ Ebttt of it fclfe it u^atofs^ a full Defence. CON A, Cbaii^aiuftjannnoWwptenCrotmte. Sun better ioete an tpiles life,tl)en tbii5 25iflopaUp to tu .Diige pour ^tre anO ilteUgf. Ebinfte not tl)at impionjt (vfmes can pjofper Ions, 9 time rt)ep fcape,in time tbev be tepaine. WORD, EbefjugeftctimcsbMngbettfucctiretofonte. i'' coNA. Ebofefomebei-are. mord. caabpmavnc."5Pber«tt? j. CON A. 3lttoa3ti)Eit:!)ap . MORD. 3[til5mpl)Dp^. c o n a . 13at &«« i S©apmiire,tol)ercl5apBctl)!mrie. mord ^ooaumapl&if, W- ffi[^l)crel)opeDotI)aimc. con an. 'Btitbapt0laft,ani>njleis Ebeaearne. mord. •gjobopeiflffirft^anD^oiftiettijefaile. c o N A» Vti fcare ; tbe fiift anD !aft Doe fielDe agree. MORD. ii^apaate:tl)Efirilanti(aftbaue:nanpmeanejS. TBtJt tcafe at lengtlj : pour fpcacl) moUftfi m? mud;: ^i W2 .*ntn3?i?6jct. ©iiKMcrdrcdUauf to ocej ' • "JU 4 fC()at J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ^^^v§;^ • S£HT 01^4 itt 25 knSlAl OCT 1 «97 U C. BEBKEUEY i 10teS2Hl ^# a 2ST^hS7V' 1 i c: ^ 1 1 ^ f^ 'f=- 7^ ^ \ 1"^ . \ i !i ^ \ ^ ^ r- , • (.p o 1 ^ 5- 1 \T> 21-100m-9,'48(B399sl6)476 U, C. BERKELEY LIBRARIEJ <:DM77SbE^T n -- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY