KFX 2003 1686 A' MAIN yC-^RLF ^C 13 031 i -r^ A4. •m*: DCNSibK ciiAiiTi : ciTt or m:i''iQ^:i ■ \ ih^A lltOUA^ OONtlAlJ Ll«ut« Cov«mor ttnd Vice Adndral of !oaa and tax reasonribla finoa and amereiaaenta againat end upon all persons offending: against such lavs* orders* ordiaaaeas and constitutions as aforesaid •->--- .jid - do by these presents appoint and ordaine the assigning* naauiing afld appointoent of the Mayor and Sheriff of the aaid city that shall be aa follov^'eth(vist) upon the feeat day of St« Uiohael the Archangel yearly the (14th of Cotobar) Uautenent Uovonfior ar CooBiandar in Chief for the tiaa beini^ by and with the advice of his Council shall neaiaate and appoints aueh peraon aa ha ahall think fit to be Uayor of the aaid oity for the year next ensuing find one otht^r person of sufficient ability in aatate. and of good eapoolty in understanding to be Sheriff of the aaid city of Manr York for the year next anauing And that auch Peraon aa ahall be named* asaiffied and appointed nayor that •ad such person as shall be named* assigtu-d end appointed S)ierif fof the •aid city aa aforesaid ahall ia the fourtaanth day of Ootobert>ian next following take their savaral and reapeotivaCorporal oatha before the Oevemor t^d Ceuneilfor the tioe being for tlie due exaoution of their reapeotivo officaa as aforeaaid and thqt the aaid Uayor and Sheriff aa to be nofldnatod aasigned and apppainted aa aferaaaid ahall rooainand eontinua in thoir said raapactiva officasuntil another fit peraon ahall ba aoadnated* appointed and avem •••••-••• And furtharthat according to the now uaaga and ouatoa of the aaid aity the aaaord«r* Tavn Clark* and Clerk of the Uarkai of ya aaid city ahall be parawMi of good capacity and undaratandingand Mieh paraons aa hie Uost Sasrad Uajaaty -•-•*• ahallappoint and oonndaaionata* and for defeat 4. of 8ueh app«iiitiB«ttt and OMHAssion&tslng • - • - « to be such n»rsQfi &s the Idtut* OoYemor or Coomander in Chief of tiio said ProYincef or the tiae being ahedl eippoint aad coattnistionate ^ieh peraoss •••.•• ••hall have bold Slid enjoy the said offices accordiag to the tener end effect of their said eenideeioBs and not ethervlse* And further thatthe Heeerder» Tevn CXerk« Clerk of the Uarkety AldermeBf A8sistante« Ch^aaberloinp Hiij^ Constables, Petty Constables and all other of ficere ef the said eity» before they or any of them shall be adsdtted to enter uponond execute yeir reepootive offieee, shall be worn faithfully ie exeeute the eame before the uayor ex* any three or i^re of the Aldermen for the tine being --••-•••---•-•- AND further I do by these presents f^ant for and on behalf of his ■03t Sacred tiajeety aforesaid, his heirs and successors, that the bayor and Recorder of tho said city for the time bein^^ and three or more of the Alder* ■en of the said city, not exeeedint; fiTe« shall be Justices and keepers of the peace of his uost Scared Itajeety, his heirs and successors, and Justices to hear and detenaiae mttors and oausos vithin the said city and liberties a and precincts therof that Mkd they or any three or aero of the% thereof the Mayor and Recorder or one of th«n for the ti«e l»eing to bexthere, shall and nay forever hereaf* terhave pover and sut^iorityby virtue ef these preeents to hear and detendne all aad all aanaer of petty larcenies, riots, routs, oppressions, extortions and ether ireepaaoee and offenses vhatsoerer vithin the eaid city of Kev York and the liberties and preolncts aforeeaid from time to time arising aad happeoiag aad #iieh ariee or happen aad any waye belong to the office of Justice of the Peace, and the correction and puniihment of the offenaee aforeeaid aad every ef then according to the lanra of £nglandand the laee of the said i*roTince» and to do and execute all other thia;'s in the eaitf city, liberties and preoiaeis aforeeaidand so full and In aaple manner as to the ICevdeeioners agsi0B and to be aeaigned for the keeping of the peace in the eaid Couaty ef Nei^erk doth or may belong a:4D aore over I do by theae presents for and on bohalf of his most Seared aajeeiy aforeeaid,, his heire end eucceesors, apnoint that the Alderaoa, Aaeeietaats, High Constable and Petty Constablea vithin the eaid city be yearijf ehoeen en the feaet day of ST* Eiehael the Areheagel tomryr (vst) •ae OdamsB one Assistaat aad oae Coastable from eaeh respective ward •ad one eenatalile for eaeh division in the out ward in euch public place ia the eaid raapeetive varde ae the Aldermen for the time bein^ for eaeh aard ehaU direct aad appoint, aad that tho Aldomen, Aeeioiante and Petty Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/dongancharterofcOOnewyrich 5. Constables bo ehoaim by majority of voic«8 of tho inhabitants of each «ard» and that tho Higli Conatablo bo a pointed by thd U:eing« nnd that the Ch^onborlnin shall bo choa^i on th« said feast day in the City Hall of the said city by thie liayor and idderasn tmd Aasistantaor by the i^&yor or three or more of the Alderaum and three or moro of the Assistants of the said oity for tha time being* Imd further X do by these presents, for and on bohalf of his most Sacrsd kajesty aforosaid« his heirs end suooossoro, require and strictly charge and command that the Sheriff, Tomi Clirirk, Clork of the Peace, High Constable, Pstty Constables and all other subordinate officers in tho said city for th© timo boing» and every of them jointly und seTerally as oauae ^lall require, ahall attend upon the said bayor, /ieoorder and •ildermen of tho said city for the time being and every or any of them, iiooording to the duty of their resosetivs places in and about the the oxecutint^ of such tho oonnands, precepts, warrants and pro* etsa of t>i&a and evry of theia as belongoth and apportaineth to be done or executed} and that th<3 aforesaid Uayor, Recorder and Aldermen and every Of then as Justicas of tho Paace for the tiuie bein^x by their warrants mil tmd every peraonand persona for high treaa:^n,or petty treason, or for suspicion therof, or for oth'^r felonies ^Niiatsoover, and all oalofoctors and disirubers of the peaoaand others offenders for other ^niadeuuienors •ho shall be apprehctnoed ^thin the said cityor libertios thorof, shall and nu>.y send and coiwdt or oausetobo sent and eoramitted to the eaanen gaolef the said oity, there to remain and be kept in safe custody by the keeper of the ssM gaolor his deputy for tho time being until •ffandar and offsndars shall lawfully be deliverde thencar— — — • And further I do grant and conflrn for and on behalf of his moat 8fl»red kajaaty aforeoaid, hia heirs nnd suecassors, thut the said Mayor of the said city for the time being and no ether (according to the usage and ouston practised in the said oity of New York in the timos of Ity predoeassors tho ssvernl Lieutenants (}overnors and Coromrindera in Chief of this Province) Shall have power and authority to give and grant lieenoas annually under the public seal of the said eity to all tavorn koroers^ Iiink«)epers, Ordinary koet>ers. Victuallers and all public sellere of wine, atronj waters, cider, beer or any othctf* sort of liquors by ratailvlthln the oity aforesaid, Manhattan Island or the libertids and precinots thorof; and that it shall end nay be lavfull to and for tho said kayor of the said oity for t)ie time being to ask, domand and racaive for suoh lioonoa by hin to be given and ^an* ia as aforasoidsueh sura or sums of laney as he and tho person to whoa 6. such license shall be glTan or granted shal agree for , not exceeding tha sum of thirty shillings for each license, all M^ioh money as by the said kayor shall bo so received shall be used and applied to the publio use of the said aiyaor. Aldermen and Commonalty of the said city of New York And kno'j? yet that I for the better govormaont of the said city ---••----- give aiid grant to the etdd l£ay©r, Aldermen and Cooaonr'J.ty of the aedd city and their successors, that the Mayor, Recorder and i\ldex*iaen, or the liayor and and any throe or more of the Alderoen for the time beittt^, oholl from tiae io tine end at all tiiaes thorafter have full power ond authority under the common seel to amke Free citizens of the said city and liberties thei-of, and no person or persons iriiatsoever ittiier tiian such free citizens shall hereafter use any art, trade, mystery, or oienual occupation within the said city liberties and precincts thereof, saving in the tiu»es of faira there to be kept and during the continuaace of such faira only ••----•-.------ provided that no person or persons shtll be made froc as aforesaid but •uoh cls are his iiajesty*e natural boril subjeot^or such as shall first be natur&lizedby Act of Gneral Assoi&bly or shall have odtained letters of denizatlonunder the hand of the Lieutoaant Governor or Coraioander in Chief for the tiiae being and Seal of the Province; and that all per- sons to be made free as aforesaid shall r^nd do pay for the public use of the said Myeor, iddermen and Coianona}.ty of the said city such sum and sums of money asas heretofore hath oaen use and accustomed to be paid and received on their being admitted freemen as aforesaid, providedit ie not exeeeding the sum of five pounds. ( Vne chert sr then confers on the Uayor, Aldermen and ComnenaXty of the city the power to take hold and dispose of rela estate not to exceed the yearly value of one thousand pounds; and to have three market days a week) And disc X do by these presents for and on behalf of his most Sacred Majesty afereeuid his huire and successors i^rent to the ftjeyer, Alder- aen and Cousnonfdty of tl^ie said oity that they and their sucoesscra end ataigns shell and say at any time or tlraee hereafter when it to them shall ■eea fit and convenient take in, fill and make up and lay out all and •iagular the land and groundin and about the said city and Island Manhat- iana and the same to build upon or make use of in any other manner or way aa to then ahall aeem fit as far into the rivers therof, end that aneoapaaa the smae, aa low water mark aforesaid* 7. {Ifyw^r Recorder and Aldwnaan or any three of th(»ii of v^iom th« Uayor or Hecorder shall be one made a Court of Coiiiraon pXons in all "actions of debt^ troopass, trespass upon the case, detinun, eject- ments and othsr person^:! actions, ITie charter then confinas upon the Uayor Aldermen and Cossaonalty all customary ''privileges franchises and pevers% reserves certain property to the crown and forbids the corpora^ pious imd doin^ anythinj^ to eause the waste or mise^plication of charitable trusts) In Tdtness n^er^f I have caused these presents to be entered in the Secretary's office en the seal of tho said Province to be horounto affixed^ this seven and twentieth day of April in the second year of the reign of his uost Sacred kajesty afresaid and in the year of our Lord Ood one thousand six hundred and eighty-six* C.avlordBro^- Makers Svrac«?e,N- ^ r prRKiLEY CObSO^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY