?o;- 's:i .' ' ' ^/ A - \ r , \ W^ '% ';^ \ " /' ^;. M '--r/,' k '' ." ^'* t K*. /- GIFT OF Harry E. Stevens ^ 7j A VOCABULARY OB^ THE SHANGHAI DIALECT. BY J. EDKINS, B.A. Univ. Coll. Loud. Of The London Missionary/ Society/, AUTHOR OP A GRAMMAR OP THE SHANGHAI DIALECT AND A GRAMMAR (ip^rtfE CHINESE COLLOQUIAL LANGUAGE S^'* COMMONLY CALLED MANDARIN. \: , -^ . SHANGHAI; PRESBYTERIAN MISSION PRESI 1869. PREFACE. This little work is intended as a brief manual to accompany a grammar of the Shanghai dialect recently republished. The original purpose was to bind it with that work, but at the instance of the publisher it is now issued separately. The assistance of Rev, G. Owen has been kindly rendered in the correction of the sheets as they passed through the press. J. E. tll22^f) A VOCABULARY OF THE SHANGHAI DIALECT. RULES FOR USING THE ORTHOGRAPHY HERE ADOPTED. 1. The accent marks long vowels i, e, a, 6, d, pronounced as the vowel in feel, fail, father, foal, fool. -s^. Vowels not accented are the five short vowels correspond- ing to these ; e, g, in fin, fen, fan, fop, fun. 3. The remaining vowels are o, ti, au, u, eu, pronounced as in konig, une, auburn, ^, |f . 4. The initial consonants k, t, p, f, s, are pronounced high and with the English and Scotch sound. When k, t, p, take an aspirate as in the pronunciation of some parts of Ireland and the United States, they are written k', t', p'. These with the vowels and h' a strong aspirate, constitute the upper series. 5. The initials g, d, b, v, z with ng, n, m, 1, rh, a soft as- pirate h, and vowel initials form the lower series. The italic k, t, etc, are to be pronounced two full musical notes lower than the roman k, t, etc., and are counted as the same with g, d, &c. 6. The nasals m, ng, n, without a vowel are italicised. 7. Final n when italicised is pronounced very indistinctly. 8. The superior commas on the left and right of a word, mark the second and third tones. Final h, k and g, indicate the short tone. Words not thus marked are all in the first tone. The series is know by the^initial as in the native mode of spell- i^^S. JK-m? Fan-t'sih, IV Symbols, Pronunciation and Examples. a as a in father; fg k'a, luipe', ^ pa', wot'sJiip^ a as in sand, or in hat; fg- k'a?i, lead; ^ lah, IV ax. au as in Pawl, or as a in Ml, ar o in gone; ^ 'lau old. b or p as in g i?ingS sickness; ^g sang bing*, ^o Z>e d or if as in jg fan', doctrine', %^ Jg zun dau*, men canonized for tlieir virtues. dz a compound of c? and %', ^ dzing', exhaust^ dzz do. as c?2e in acZ^e. The second z marks a pecu- liar vowel sound which is sometimes between i and e, ^ dzz, ^o leave. e . as a^' in fail, or a in male; >j$ le, come. e as e in led or let; -^ seh, ten. eu nearly as ou in cowsin lengthened; !^ 'seu, hand. f as in ^ fu, or ^^ /^^iau* fu, chair-hearer. g or /J as in ^ A:i, 7ie, before ^, it often heart likey? ; 5^^ 7^ Ling* tsung', altogether, h a feeble aspirate, often lost; ^ 7ieh, combine; ^ 7iwong, emperor. When quite lost, as in the latter word, it will be omitted. h and h' a strong guttural aspirate, nearly equivalent to sh when occurring before i and ii; f 'he, sea; ^ 'h'l, glad. Before i and ii, the superior comma will be used. i as i in marzne; "jg si, tuest, i as i in smg or sit; ijj sing, heart. dj nearly as/ iue/une; )f, djii*, preface. This sound may also be read z. The natives use either. k '^'^ 'ku kiun, ancient and moder7i, k' a strongly aspirated sound ^ k'ung, empty. It is often mistaken by foreign ears when occurring defore i and ii, for the aspirated c*h but should be separated from that sound in careful pronun- Symbols. Pronunciatioa and Examples. ' ciation; ^ k'i^, go; usually heard c'lil'.* 1 IS 'li; pi^opriety. m or m ^ 'mi, rice] pM^ on meh, there is no more. n ^ 'nil, luoman. ng or ng a nasal consonant used at the beginning or close of a syllable. When no distinct vowel sound ac- companies it, it is marked ng] XL kong, river; W^S^,I;%'ng,Ji.ve. an, en, un a slight nasal, best heard before another word; -(0 td.n\ but; g^ 'ke?i, dare] ^ ku?i, dry, ^s(m\ count; ^H hen 'tseii, to tvhirl roimd. 6 as in go; fg -p' 6% fear, o as o in going and got; ^ tong, ought, hear] ^ loh, fall, 6 as o in Gothe; ^ ton, correct] ^ k'cm*, see; ^ ^oli, ro6. P jfc 'pi compare, p' as p with a strong aspirate; ^ i)'i', like, rh a peculiar Chinese sound, the same as in man- darin; ijfo rh a7id. s ]E5 'su, zvhichj therefore. sz a peculiar Chinese sibilant,t pronounced as in mandarin, and nearly as ^e in castle, whistle, t, 1, being supposed omitted; |f ^zp)oetry^ t ^ tu, many. t' as t with a strong aspirate; ^ t'u, ^o draio, ts fl^ tsu^, c?o. ts' the last strongly aspirated; 5^ t'sieu, Autumn, tsz a peculiar Chinese sibilant, pronounced as in X. * When a native is asked whether k'i' or c^hi' is the more correct pronun- ciation of -^ he replies the former. Yet the orthography by c'hi' seems to the foreigner more hke the true sound. The fact is that the sound is in a state of transition from k'i to c'hi. t This sound is better described as s and a peculiar vowel i or t, s, and i* The mark i denotes a vowel peculiar to China but like e in ca.sfle. VI S3^mbols. Pronunciation and Examples. mandarin, as ts in hats ; ^ 'tsz, a son ; ^ tsz, hioio. t8*z the above with a strong aspirate ; j^ i'^z, female, u as w in r?^le ; ^ su*, common, 'plain, u as It in vun ; f^ mun, doo7' ; ^ 'tung, toait. ii French u as in vert?^ ; German ti as in Tubingen ; ^ h'ii, empty. ft . ^ ts'ii*, place. This vowel is between 6 and u. V or / -jgf, /eh, Buddha ; ^ /ong, /iowse. More of v than f. w % kwongj liglit ; ^ 2(;ong, /^m^. y ; yeu*, right-hand ; ^ yau^, to ivant, z or 5 ^ siang*, elephant ; ^ zu', 5z^. An apostrophe' preceding the word, denotes the second^ tone. A comma ^ following the word, denotes the third tone. The fourth tone will be written with h, k or g final. Words left unmarked are in the first tone. * * The further subdivision into upper and lower tones needs no mark, being indicated uniformly by the initial letter. Thus, b, g, d, z, 1, m, n, r, and any letters itaHcized are in the lower tones; other initial letters denote upper tones. There are a few exceptions which will be noted afterwards. A final ita- lic letter denotes a nasal. A VOCABULAKY OP THE SHANGHAI DIALECT. A, An, f0 ih ku', (or kuh). Abactig, ^^sun'Un. Abandon, ^^ k'i' t'eli, ^ fi' fell, 111 hwah t'eh, ^ tieu t'eli, ill gw{\n' t'eh. Abate, M^ 'kaw 'sail, J]^|S 'ka k'iung. Ability, :t1f dz^ dzing, ^-1. dz6 g^iS 5C^ Vien dz6, ;$;y 'pun we' zz'. Able, Hb niing (power), (skill). Abolish, g^JK dzu t'eh, ^ fi. t'eh. Abominable, rT^ 'k'6 uS pflS 'k'6 /mng', (or ng'). About, (round) Jr|H tseu w^e, (adv.) M^$ ts'6 vehtu, gg ^en, $4 gjyahkw6, ^5@5yahtsah, E p6, ^IjIS; kwong 'kiun. Above, Jill 'zong deu. Abridge, MW 'ka 'sang, iilS; 'ka^ t'eh. Abroad, i^hM nga' deu. Abscess, Jg^ nilng t'.song, ^If^ law' diins'. Absent, ^ija veh leh 'la, ffi P^ ^ t'seh mim 'tse. Absolutely, ^iJg pj], ^ingS ff ff ^ to' t5' ha, gf^^^ tor.' zc, ^ ^ kioh veh. Abstain, 5g ka', (from ophim) ^@ ka' i/ien. Absurd, :^^jf [^ veh 7.eh dzing % ^&M veh 'zz 'li. Abuse, g^ vong' jmng' (of things), ill^yv mo' niim (of persons). Accept, i[5:|^ sen neh, ^ 'zeu, ^ 'pfl seu ling. Accidentally, i^j(M ^ngen y.en. Accompany, ^^-^ ih dau k'l'. Accomplish, ^:PJ) zungkuxig, {^^ J& tsu' zung kung, f^ij tsu' 'hau. Account, 15 tsang', fig tsang moh, (draw up an) g^.^g k't5 tsang'. Accountable, (you are) ^P^fl yau' mun' nung', gl^fl yau' w6' nun -^^ang iv6. Active, >M .mo lib, ^JSh au sau'. Acute, yjlS tsie?i ku', yc^ll t-sie?? li'. Add, M ka, S t'iew, if tsung. Adhere, j^ tah lau, J5S tab lie??, (adberent) jWj^ idling 'tong, MM 'tong 'ii. Adjoin, PfJ^ vii' 'giun, ^Jj k'au' 'giim. Adjutant, Hl];(f fu' tsiang'. Adjust, ^ tsung' zi, SJE tuw tsung'. Admiral, 7Kiiil}/E'& 'sue sz di toh. Admit, (him) ftlT^^ 'li'ii i ^c, (to enter) S'^M'^ 'i^i^ng i tsing' k'i'. Adopt, (a son) JlS SJ"F ^'h 'zz ni 'tsz, J^MSi"? l^ii' vong ni 'tsz. AGA Adorn, gfig tsong sub, ^^ tsong '6-ong. Adult, i:/c A ^u' niun, (become) -^ y^jS*\ 'tsang dii' zung niun. Adulterate, 2^|^ kab zeb, J|; t'saw or ts'a^? zeb, ^ 'ts'iang. Adultery, ^gg ka yung. Advance, (toward) :^J:-^ 'tseu 'zong k'i', (as money) :Jfej^ siew fuS :$feS Ji siew peb la. Advantage, g;^ yub t'su', if; 'bau 't'su'. Adversary, fJH t^-' deu, ^Jj|c te' dib. Adverse, J^ niub, ^J^ ,.^ veh zun'. Adversity, (meet with) ^H lob nar^', mJ^^k tsau yang, tsau naw'. Advertise, ^^ tsz we' -g- j^ kau' bab. Advise, (urge) || k'iow'. Adze, ^Hl'fudeu. Affair, ^^ zz't'i. Affect, i^Jjf 'k6w dung', (affec- ted, Sorrowful) f^A^ V^ 'tse. Afarm, fS"^ ^^-6' 'zz. Afford, (can) ^ :ft jB; 'yeu lib bang, (vide Gram. p. 120, 2nd b). Afraid, tfi P'6' IStfi g^' P''- After, ^^ 'Aeule, ^iS 'Aeudeu, ^"i* 'Aeu 'sen, iU^ 'i 'Aeu. Afternoon, Tf^ 'au tseu', Tt^H 'au pen' nyib. Afterwards, ?^^^ 7.hi 'hen. Again, H tse', 51 ^S S dzung, 4 j tse' ib't'ong, (over) J; dzung sing. Against, (over), WM t6' mie' AIR (Sin) f#P tuh 'dzue, (rebel) fMM i?e' iiiuh. Agate, ^^ 'mo 'nau, Age, (generation) "tS sz', fij te\ (what is your) Mff^^fc 'ki 'Imu niew^kr, '^J^ 'ki 'iiau kwe kangl IhJ^^ 'ki 'hau kau zeu' 1 Aged, :^$E;^C^ nie ki' du' ^tse, ^^ 'laii 'tse. Agent, fiiil^lS te' baw' zz' ku'. Aggravate, M^iMM'lM yob fab naw w6 dzing. Aggressor, :$fcJJ^f@ sie 'dung 'sea ku', 5bT:^f@ sie 'au 'seu ku'. Agitate, f^JJ kiau' (kau') 'dung. Agree, ^0-^ siang heh, ^^ vu Aeb, -^^ Aeh zab. Agreeable, (in manner &c.) ^^ /ni ki\ Agreement, >^ [pj /^eh dung, 35^ ^vunk'iS(makean) $ yah, $5 S yah ding'. Agriculture, ^^^ niing zz', f^H IS-P'BS tsiing' die;^ kii zz' 't'i. .Aground, Jf|f3^ koh 't'sie;? 'tse, f| '^^ koh lau 'tse'. Ague, M^M fah 'o nyih, g-J^ ngoh 'tsz, (tertian) HS saw ngoh. Ahead, Ji hJH 'la ziew deii. Aid, 4f|!j pongdzu', ?te^f siang pong. Aim, (at target) iRj^iFfE.^ h'iang' ^ah tsz 'p6 'tsz, (shoot with care- ful aim) inMiLM^iia^ kw 'tsungtsz dzieu' zoh ts'eh k'i'. Air, ^ k'i-, Jg^ fung k'i'. Air, (to) JgJJ Jiang liang, (a room) ALT 3lE5SH t'lmg t'ung fung Alarm, fffQ kiung hah, g|5 kiung 'dxlng. Alas ! RT'It 'k'6 sih. Alehouse, 'ffl/J 'tsieii tie;. Alike, ;tefpl siang dung, ^ ih yang'. All, ^ dze>^, -^ fob, ilH 'Mng 'tsung, (in all) ^ ib gung', (all the Avay) J ih lu'. Allot, (equally) 2p^ ^;ing f^^, J^ ^ kiim fun. Allow, f^ 'h'ii, fj 'niang, ?g 'tsung. Almanac, ^;$: lib 'pun, Ji^' t'ung su. Almighty, ^^^Ftg vii 'supeh nung, SB Hb dziew nung. Almond, ^fH '/iang niun. Almost, M^^ ts'oveb tu, ^^ ^ 'ki 'ki /m. Alms, (give) fi^if^. tsu"hau zz', f&t^ sz so', ^MM tseu tsi' f^'l kiung sih. Aloes, MW lii u-(i'. Alone, JS^-^^ /oh kun 'tsz, ^^^ ^ ih kuw 'tsz. Along, (with) --'M ih dau, [pJ ih dung, ^"^ ih k'i'. Alongside, Ji^^ 'la bong pie;?, jMj^ haw pie. Aloud, :/c ^u' (iJaO sung. Already, Bg 'i kiung. Also, ^ 'a, 3J. i', 5 wa, Ig tse'. Altar, ^JE tsi' daw, Alter, gfc ^ke, IJgi; kang 'k6, H ANG ^ kang yuh, EJCft 'ke pie??, EJcf^ 'ke WQn\ Alternate, (nmnbers) f@P'~'f@ ih ku' kah ih kuS (days) fg H kah nyih or nyili kah nyih. Alternately, '^ lung lieu, J| @ kang t'i'. Although, S^,^^ sue ze. Altogether, ^|li. /mng' 'tsung, '"^ -gB ih ts'ih, ^fffS? ih tah kwah 'tsz, * ^Wi'fii ih k'i leh heS (or heu') Alum, 5p vaw, j^^ j^ah va. Always, ^ ^ dzang dzang, ^ i dzang tsong. Am, (I) 3?-^ 'ngu 'zz. Amazed, :?^-3* h'i gi, l^ h'iae P. Ambassador, 2^^ kimg sz', ^^ k'iung ts'a. Amber, J| J^ 'hu p'ah. Amend, BJCJE 'ke tsung^ Amends, (make) ip ^ i)6 'pu. Amiable, PT^ 'k'6 e'. Among, fe^ long tsilng, (them) S'0^'^4' leh 'la i tong tsiing. Amount, ^pT ^ung' ki', '5^ ih Mng'. Amputate, ^jjIK koh (kweh) t'eh. Amusement, ^)[5 sa?^' sing, ^^B i?eh siang'. Ancestor, |i.^ 'tsu tsung, flQ.^ 'tsu siew. Anchor, ig mau, (to) Jlig p'au mau, (weigh) fefg 'k'i mau. Ancient, ifr 'kii, (times) "^flffe^ 'ku zz ka. And, P^lau, jg liew, \%i^ tah tsz. Angel, 5C'ffi t'ie; sz'. I Aro Anger, f^M* nu' k'i'. Angle, ;^ koh. Angry, JJ^ 'A'mgk'i', ^^ k'i' le, IS^fah nu'. Animal, 4*^ tsung sang, flft fi giun 'tseu sen', (domestic) H ^ ts'oh sang. Aniseed, xob^ h'iang. Anniversary, (of birth) ^ sang nyih, ^ taw' nyih. Ankle, Jimi^i^ kiah ku' kweh. Annoy, ^.l^t 'za yien", St^ va^i 'nau. Annually, ^^ niew niew, -i^:^ 'me nien. Another, 3l::""f@ i' 'zz ih ku', :S^h f hng' uga' ih ku', JglJ J9ih or^ih ku'. Answer, IHIM we deu, ISI^t^etah (an) mi iH we sing'. Ant, ,^^ 'mo 'ni. Anticipate, ^/fi|* ii' liau', 5|^^4* niuh liau'. Anvil, litl t'ih tung'. Anxious, ^,'J kwo' niaw', ^i^ kwo'lii', ]3x>li*^ veh fong' sing, ]K>i3'7'T' fong' sing veh 'au. Any, ^Silltt veh lung' sa', (not) P^ R^ ^n sa', P,%^ w tub, (has any?) ^1]^ 'yen sa' 'va? Apart, ^ g koh zz', M^lll 'liang k'i' ku'. Apartment, ^^^ vong ka. Apiece, (one) fiflU A5}^ fi ku' kii' niun fun ih ku'. Apologize, Rp^S pe veh 'zz, Jg ARO ^^ tsau veh 'zz, jJRpp voh 'dzue, ^ |fp zid' 'dzue. Apparatus, i'$.^ ka sang, :^JI11 k'i' 'ming. Appear, MiH^ li'ie' ts'eli le. Appearance, /fll^ siaiig' mau', Jjp; 'l^ yung ziang'. Apple, ^^ ping 'ku, (a small) ^ ifX liwo Aung. Apply, (mind) ^i\^ lieu sing. Appoint, Ixjt sell lib, jtlti lili ts'eh, i!^ p'a'. Appraise, fj^ 'ku, 'ftaM 'la, JUJlJ 'pa lib, S^ tsung' dzi. Arrest, JgfJ tsob dzu' ^f no dzu'. Arrive, JlJ tan'. Arrogant, SrKI^ kiau ngau', fHlg ?^ 'paka-tsz, gg#iCvong' zz' tsun da'. Arrow, ^ tsiew' Arsenic, ^Jt^U P'^ song. Artful, if f^ ka tso'. Arts, (trades) "ff XStt P^^^ kung gi' ni'. Article, 'j^ 'Ic'ien. Artificial, Afftl niun tsu' ku', A ^f^ii'^IH niun 'seu tsu' ts'eh le ku'. Artillery, ^Xf-fl 'iJu V'^'^^'- Artisan, EX ziang' kting, EA ziang' niun. Artless, PJIixffS^ "^ meh kaw tso', ^ veil ka tso'. As, f^ 'ziang, inM ^^^i dung, M in yeu zu, Wa.% yeu tsz Au, if -f^ 'hau 'ziang. Ascend, Jl zong', # sung, S tung, -^X"^ tseu 'zong k'i'. Ashamed, ;^i^ t'a/^ ts'ung', ^J? ^;,g, veh 'bau i' sz', ^ ^U ieu 't'sz, %^ zawkwe'. Ashes, ^ bwe. Ashore, (go) Jlj^ 'zong ow'. Ash, Ppj niun', (invite) iS 'ts'ing, (beg) ^ gieu. Asparagus, 5Cp^^ t'iew mun tung. Aspect, %'^ kwong 'kiung, fjtg^ sz' deu, JUJK y""g 2ong'. c> ATT Ass, IS-^ Ivi 'tsz. Assassin, 3^lj'^ t'sz' k'ah (murder- er) ^i^ h'iung 'sen. Assemble, ^I'i' dzu' wq\ f^M dzu' dzih. Assent, M-A Jung' 'yiinj 7% 'tsnng, ^S tall yung'. Assess, ( custom dues ), "^^ 'ku sue'. Assets, f^.M$M^ yw dzung' dziew veil. Assign, ( a time ) [JB/E ? ^^3,n' ding' nyih 'tsz. Assist, ^S& pong dzu', ffi^ siang pong. Assistant, ^ff 'hu ki', (official) l] fu'. Associate, (an) |pjfi^ ^ling bew', ^^ f4- /au be^?', (to) f^jl^ tsu' dau, ^fi le'wong. Asthma, ^Pj^ k'i' ts'ew, B^M ^^^u bing'. Astonish, SPS kiung hah. Astrologer, ^ JItB k'ow' sing siang'. Astronomy, 5c3^ t'ien vun. Asylum, (infant) ^U^ yoh yung dong. At, fil Ji leh 'la, jfcji hh 'la. Atmosphere, ^ k'i', 5C^ t'iew k'i'. Atrocious, ^^ h'iung oh. Attack, ^^y kung 'tang. Attain, f# tuh, #JlJ tuh tau', JlJ tsu' tau'. Attempt, '^fSi:^ tsu' tsu' k'ow', SS ^^ sz' sz' k'6/i'. Attend, ">& lieu sing. Attentive, ^>ii1[S yung' sing kuS iS fe'kiung zun'. BAC Attest, fS^P tsu' kie;^' tsung'. Attract, $51 k'iew 'yun,' l||| h'ih, (notice) fHJS tsau yau. Auction, ffi^ p'ah ma', Pi^^ kiau' ma'. Aunt, (paternal) ^j5# ku 'mu, J^ ^ 'iiiang 'niang, (maternal) ^7^^ i' mil, JS^ 'niang i. Authority, 'llfl^ Ai6 ping', |i# l-'ion sz'. Autumn, ^ ts'ieu, ^7C ts'ieu t'iew. Avail, (one's self of) ^ dzung, ^ t'sung' . Avaricious, ^J few, J>C t'ew sing, ^gt'eTzlan, (16m) Avenge, ffiffc pau* gieu, ffifl pau dzeu. Average, (price) JitlhRlff t'ung ts'a ong dzing. Avoid, %R 'mien t'eh, MR V^' t'eh, 5S^ /i' t'e. Awake, (to) g; kau', EEffi k'wung' sing', fflft k'wung' kau'. Awful, Pits 'k'6 p'6', 'ItaiB M' p'6' ku'. Awl, 11^ 'tsz tsuw. Awning, l^/JiS 2/ung liang bung (or an l)ang) Awry, ^ hwa,1^M ^^a zia. Axe, ^H 'fu deu. Axle, U /tioh, $|i ts'6 gioh. JJachelor, (of arts) ^^^ sieu' dze, (take degree of) jf|i^ tsing' hob, BAN 3S?y^ tsing' sieii' dze. Back, ^ pe', (bone) ?t#*g* pe tsih kweh. Back-door, ^P^ 'heu mun. Backwards, ^^ t'e' /^en, (walk) ^I'S^ t'e' soh 'tseii. Bacon, &|^f ^ Aa tsz nioh, Hl^ iew nioli. Bad, ^ oh, ^ k'ieu. Bag, ^ /6' PS 'k'eii do' g nong. Baggage, fj^ /^ang 'li. Bail, {^ 'pan, (out) fJKlU^ 'pan ts'eh 16, (became) fi^iS^ A tsu' 'pau niim. Bait, f}f ni<. Baize, ffl;ficBE ts'u diV ni. Bake, iTJfc In'.nrr. Balance, (a) 3^^ f io hh.g-, (to) ^ ^ jjing ih bing, (the) f^g^ 2/u deii. Bald, ^]H t'oh'ting, ^yf kwong deii. Bale, ^ pan, ^i pan 'ku, (to) E4 yaii Ball, Qc ^ieu. Ballad, )]>i^ 'sean k'ioh. Ballast, Ki85f@t^V ah zon ku' meh zz*. Bamboo, f}F5 tsoh deu. Band, ^ ta', (waist) :^J3g^ soh yau ta' (of musician) ^^J[|^A paw yah znu. Bandage, ^j{^ pu' dian. Banditti, MM 2iilifi, 5SS ^iang dan'. Banyan, Sfjij ymig zu'. BAS Banish, 3cS t'sung kiiin, fp^P inuii' 'dzue. Bank, (of river) ^ ow' ( of exchan- ge) ffifr niun Aong, j^j dzie?? tsong. Bankrupt, ^ijfr 'tan Aong, -g^jJ: 'tan ba'. Banner, ]^ AI, J^^^ tsing gi. Banquet, Mfg 'tsieu zih, |||f iew zih. Baptism, ^|| 'si 'li, (receive) ^ SEli 'zeu'si 'li. Baptize, fy'dttS. hang 'si 'li- Bar, (of door) f^^ mun sah, (the door) fj^ P^ son mun. Barbarian, ^A i niun, ff A 'ya niun. Barber, MM^lf^ t'i' deu sz vu'. Bare, (body) :^^ ts'ah sung, -^ M t'sah poh, mi W 't'i, (head- ed) 56ffl t'oh deu. Bark, (of a tree) ^-f Jffe zu' bi, (of* a dog) JpJPil- 'ken kian' Barley, :;^^ j-a' mah. Barn, ^f^ t'song ka. Barometer,*iH^^ fung 'ii piau. Barrel, ^^ '^ung. Barricade, (a) fl|il}|| sah lah, claw, (to) jH lah or lah dzCr. Barrier, (customs) "fr-fflS k'a' tsz sah lah (law), (hindrance) |53.J^ 'tsu 'tong. Barrow, (a wheel) ^-p t'so 'tsz. Barter, ^^ kian yuh, ^a meu' yn^,}^M^M 'ihu'yuhhi'. Base, (mean) S'pH 'pi leu', (bad) ^ oh, ^^ k'ieu. 8 BED Basin, J% 'w6w, ^ pnn. Basket, f^ law, S^S ^a den, ft Iv'oiigf, fii loh, ^ 'lieu. Bat,- &U Pien foil. Bathe, ^1|f zing yoli, Sf 'si (or 'sien) y6h,^|g# yoh sung. Battery, ^\k^ P'au' de. Battle, ^Tft 'tang tsang', (a suc- cessful) tT/S^fet 'tang sung' tsang'. BEN Beach, y@5S '1^^ Pi^- Beads, t^-p tsu 'tsz, (string of) ^ ^^-f. ill t'sew' tsu 'tsz. Beam, ^ liang, (cross) }ffi|!iiil koli sah. Bean, j ^eu', (bean pod) jlFq ^eu* kiili, (curd) M.JM ^^u' vu'. Bear, (carry) J9 ta?, (a cliair) JJ| ^6 giau', (a child) ^ sung, ^ yang, (sustain) ^B m tawtong. Bear, (a) All niun yuug, ^^f^, 'keu yung. Beard, ^ su. Bearer, (chair) f^^ 7dau' fu, If $[ 7.iau' paw, (letter) fififS taw sing' ku'. Beast, Hi seu', ^^ 'tseu seu', (wnd)gfgi 'yaseu'. Beat, ^"X 'tang. Beautiful, Jf ^ 'hau k'ow', fl| ts'u', tilt piau tsz'. Because, @^ ynng -e', ^J^ ivd' tsz. Beche-de-mer, |^ 'he sun. Become, ^ zun, f^ tsu', @ we. Bed, tI^^C zong. Bed-room, ^^ ngu' vong. Bedding, S^m p'u keS ligg i;i, den. Bee, ^# fung, ft'jl| mih fung. Beef, ^ ^ nieu uioh. Beer, [SS p'^ 'tsieu. Before, ;$fc sie^?, fJ'J ziew, flij BM. ziew, (hand) Mife i^' siew. Befriend, flSffi tsau' yung', {g 15 tsau' ku'. Beg, KJ 't'au, ^'C /"ieu. Beggar, "S'^ft-J* kau' hw6' 'tsz, ^J ffcf^ 't'au van' kiV, "^^ ch'^h ke'. Begin, f^ 'k'i, ^i 'k'i deu, gfj ^ '/ung 'seu, (work) j|5J[2 'k'i kung, ^IC k'e* kung. Beginning, ifcFM 'k'i deu, ft |(J 'k'i t'su, ftxa 'k'i 'sz, (of heaven and earth) ^ 5cS^ JM 'k'e t'iew p'ih di'. Behalf, (in)_ f^^ /e' t'i'. Behead, ^BI sali deu. Behind, j^^>l 'Aeu deu 'Aeu 'ti deu. Believe, 'tBIb siang sing', fB sing'. Bell, tJ tsung, (small) $^ -ling, ff fp t&uig ling. Bellows, fij'J^ fung siang. Below, TSH 'au deu, 'Y M 'au 'ti or 'ti 'au. Belt, ^^ sohyauta'. Bench, fjc@ 'paw tung'. Bend, HftR^^ wawk'i6h'ts6wl6. Benefactor, M^i. nng 'tsxu Benefit, J-^S 'liau t'su', ^^ yuh t'su'. Benevolence, il'M zun 6', tf^. zun tuh. BLA Bent, ft k'ioh, gft k'ioh k'ioh, (of mind) J^fpJ tsz' li'iang'. Bequeath, jg i, jB-^ i lieu, (pro- perty) ffi-^S^ i lieu 't'saw nyih. Besides, ^5f^ Iing< ngd', ^^ 'd 'yeu Besiege, g] g tf6 k'wun^ Best, MM 'ting 'hau, :g'^ tsue' 'hau. Bet, ^m 'tu s6sftfji 't4sung^ Betelnut, ;f JflU ping long. Betray, ^g kii veu', (trust) ^fg seh sing'. Betroth, ^Jg p'a t'sing. Better^ '^ftf kung^ 'hau, X^ ?|^ i* 16 tub 'hau, (little) ^||J 'hau 'tie;?, if 38 'hau ih 'nga (much) ifw$ 'hautuhtu. Between, *g[i^ tong tsung. Beware, |S|?5 'kiung bong, >J>>JJ 'siau sing. Beyond, $^ nga', 5?MI nga' deu, iy^h 'i ngaS (past) S* ku' k'i'. Bill, l^^niungp'iauS MM dzien p'iau', (to run so many days) ^^ Mp'iauS (of lading) ^S,^W pau' hu' ta. Bind, H voh, 3fe| tsah 'la^, ||[fU 'k'wuug 'pong, (books) fj ting', Sir tsong ting'. Bird, g 'tiau, ^,% 'tiau 'niau. Birthday, ^ sang nyih, ^p zeu' ta;'. Bite, P^ 'ngau. Bitter, ^ 'k'u. Black, M huh, (black lead water) J^7K iHib 'sz. BOH Blacksmith, |f g t'ih ziang'. Bladder, )Jf g) ^ong kwong, 7jC^ 'sz pau. Blame, (to) ^ff tsah be'. Blanket, ^M niung taw, ^^ niung hi'. Bleach, ^1^ p'iau' bah. Bleed, IUjSl ts'ehh'ioh, JJI'^ lieu h'ioh. Blemish, ^^ mau bing'. Bless, WtM tsoh fob. Blind, Pf [Ig bah 'nga, (man) ^"3^ hah 'tsz. Blinds, jg-^ liew'tsz, (window) )fii j^ ts'ong liew. Blister, ^ p'au'. Blood, jSl h'ioh, jfiL^- h'ioh mah. Blossom, (to) g3 k'e, gg^ k'e hwo. Blot, (to) Miiifi 16' Ob ts'oh, (with ink) ^16' muh. Blow, Pit t'sz, (out) PfC^JK t'sz 'yung t'eh. Blue, ^ law (Jbright or sky) ^ t'sing. Blunt, il Amg'. Blush, MJLSIS miew' 'k'ungtsang, li^ng, I5& fab hung. Boar, t%.i^ yiung tsz. Board, |g 'paw, 7|C|K mob 'paw. Boast, pP k'w6 'k'eu, |f||| fah 'b'ii. Boat, JU z6w, (boatman) :^^ zew ka, (captain) j|g j^ zew 'tsu, ^ b^ 'lau da'. Bodkin, Qi^f tsun ta' tsung. Body, ^ sung, J|'ff sung 't'i. Bohea-tea, S^S^ vi'i i dzu. 10 BOX Boil, v.i. \^ 'kwim; r, t ^fS sail 'kwim, (boiling) tS 'kwnn. Boil, (cook by boiling) J^ zah, ^ 'tsu, iV. Boiling pan, il^-f ?r61i (oli) 'tsz. Boils, ^ t'song, (small) @ tsili. Bold, It;^ 'ta du'. Bolt, P5 sdh, ^^ seS (of door) f^ p5 mim sah. Bond, iji^S y^h k^S ^^- vim su, 35c ic viink'i^ Bone, %W^ k5veli deu. Bonnet, l|l|^ man' 'tsz. Book, J^ su. Bookcase, ^'^ sii ka', ^S| su zu. Boot, St h'iu, (lo\v) ^ Aa"tsz. Borax, JU^J/ jpang so. Border, ^H piew deu, (of clothes) I^FH kiung deu. Bore, U tsuw. Borrow, fg tsia'. Both, MfS 'liangkn', ^ dzew, ^ fob, Mf@:^ 'liang ku' dze??. Bottle, ]\% pmg, (glass) S^^JK P^ 11 bing. Bottom, is 'ti. Boundary, ^^ kiau ku' (cf a king- dom) 5SSi piew 'kinng. Bow, (to) t'song' 'z6, ^T?j^ 'tang kung f^JS tsoli yih, (the head) ffifilS ti 'tau deu. Bow and arrows, ^ g^ kung tsiew'. Bowels, fliHi '^u dzang, fliife '^I'l bi. Bowl, J% wew, ^ pun, ^ 'tsa. Box, ^J*. slang tsz. BRE Boy, >J>^ 'siau kuw, >J\|3 'siau 'no??, (servant) Sft^oE kun paw, (in foreign hongs) Du^ 'si 'tsaw. Bracelet, I^S zoh deu, ^|^ 'seu zoh. Braces, (for trousers) 'U'rlT k'u' ta'. Braid, 5^'ii? piew ta', (flowered) /f^ *f^ hwo ta'. Brain, UBi^. deu 'nau 'tsz, f|'^ 'nau tsiang. Bran, ^M& i<^ ^'l Branch, (of a tree) lE^i au tsz, (of a river, a family) !xt!S tsz p'a'. Brand, (the face) JiJ^ t'sz' zz', (goods) >ACJSfP 'hulohyu4 Brass, pj ||p) t'sing dung, j|;^ wong dung. Brave, (adj.) M^ 'tj#dii. Brave, (to) g mau', (rain) ^I^ mau' 'u, (danger) gj^ mau* 'h'ie/?, (death) g5u uiau' 'sz. Brawl, PfPi h'iow 'zang, 0^^^ 'ts'au nau'. Broad, SsBMe deu. Breadth, ^^^ k'weh ah. Break, (china) ^J^ 'tang se', ?f JK se' t'eh, (a stick) flf ^ff tseh 'dow, (rope) ^Jilt '^o'^ t'eh, (one's word) ^fK seh sing'. Breakfast, -^fli 'tsau va??'. Breast, BlSBSlM h'iung dong deu, (a woman's) ^ 'na, 'ma 'ma. Breastplate, BS^L*^ '^u' sing kiung'. Breath, ^ k'i', P^ k'eu k'i'. Breathe, jj^ t'eu* k'i'. Breaches, '^^-f" k'u' 'tsz. Breed, ^ 'yang, (silkworm) ^S 11 r.RO 'yang z6. Breeze, S fiing, (fair) JMB zim' fung. Brethren, 52.^ h'iung di' or tV h'iung. Brew, fj^jg tsii' 'tsieu, RSffi niang' 'tsieii. Bribe, Jf n 'liw6 luS S suh. Brick, {flpM ts6 den, (square) ^ flU fong tse. * Bricklayer, j[Ji:7jCE ni 'sz ziang'. Bride, S^^, sing niang 'tsz, j^ i^ sing vu. Bridegroom, ^jf'ftliV singsiang kung> jIItJII) sing long, j0f '^'Asingkwe;? * niu> Bridge, |^ Z-iau'. Bridle, falSE kiang zung. Brief, f^M 'kie^ bie'. Brig, ffi^itfeJlS 'liang tsz wd zen. Bright, ^ liang', 0^^ niing liang'. Brimstone, ^f^ lieu w.ong. Brine, ^yiChan 'sz. Bring, IS ^ ta 16, ^]^ nau (no) 16, (an action) "^tI^ kau' zong'. Bristles, ^|['S^ tsz tsung mau. Brittle, fl^ ts'uw' (ts'e^'')- Broad, ^ k'weh. Broad-clotb, b^BS.^u' ni, ^It^ ^ pkli dV hwo pu'. Broil, ^ tsuh. Broker, i%^ glen k'ah, (bill) J^ f^ ma' p'iau* ku'. Broom, f^ 'sau 'tseu. Brother, (elder) pj ^ a ku, (younger) >1^ Inungdi'. Brother-in-law, (elder sister's husband) BUT ijfi^ tsi fu, (younger ditto) j^^ me' fu. Bruise, fg song. Brush, ^to) Si] seh, (a) ^!] mau seh, (sweeping) ^."g: 'sau 'tseu. Bucket, ti Vilng, ffiffi 'tiau 'dung, 7jC 'sz 'dung. Bud, ^ nga, (to) ^^ pau' ng.\. Buddhism, flli suh kiau', f^|^ veil kiau'. Buffalo, (water) yJC^ 's^ nieu. Bug, AA t'seu'dzung, ^JJ^t'seu' seh. Build, 5e 'zau. Bullet, Jf * a', (leaden) l&Jf k'a;^ da'. Bunch, (a) flf ih 'tseu. Bundle, Q pau, $|| 'k'wun, 'g-^ pau 'tsz. Bung, ^13 suh deu. Burden, | ta. Bum, JM sau, jUR sau t'eh, jg^M sau -wa', ^ t'ong'. Burst, ^m lib k'6, Ji^ pau k'o, kwiih k'6. Bury, 3^ md tsong. Bush, iJ^I'K;?!; 'siau zu' moh, JjIH kiung kiuh. Bushel, ^ 'teu. Business, :^f| zz' 't'l (do) ffi^ ^g, tsu' sang i'. Bustle, tt|J#^ mong 'li 16h teu. Busy, tt mong, itHf^^^ mong mong loh loh. But, a^ toh 'zz, fO^ ijaw 'zz, IS vi doh. Butcher, jf;^ /u fu, |S^3f@ sah nioh ku'. 12 CAL Butt, (to) M dzongS ts'oli, {1 Butter, S75f'nayeu. Butterfly, Jfj^ Au dih. Button, H!:^ 'nieu 'tsz, (official but- ton) IK^ 'ting 'tsz. Buy, g 'ma. By, (instrument) ^ yung', (agent) ^Ji peh 'la, (through) ff 'tang, iS yeu, (buy by the pint) f&^K lun sung 'ma. By and by, fefe maw' maw', ^ ' %. tung ih h'ih, ^^^ 'tung ih 'tung. Byword, fgfg zoh 'nii, |S|S wo' 'ping. Vabbage, S^^ w'ong nga t'se', llj^^S sa?i tung t's6'. Cabin, j(8SJ&' ze t'song. Cabinet, E"?* ^'ah 'tsz, (imperial) *^^& kiiin ki t'su'. Cable, (iron) ^WiMi^ mau t'ih liew diau. Cactus, S3E po' w?ong. Cage, fl lung, (bird) gft 'tiau lung. Cake, ^ 'ping, fl kau. Calabash, ^|||!S /m biau, SS 7m lu biau. Calamity, jji^ tsena', i^?^ ts6 yang |^>S> 'u waw. Calculate, ff^ 'tang sow', ^'-" ^ sow' ih son'. Calendar, }f )^ tt'ong lib, M^ CAN lih 'pun, (Sunday) H^^ 'li pd< taw. Calico, 'i^-llJ yang pu'. Call, lUj- kiau', 5lS haw'. Calm, (feelings) ^H 'ow 'wung, ^ ^ ow 'zing, ':fC^ t'a' bing, (ele- ments) 1r^ t'sing 'zing, ^M|!^ 71^ m fung m long. Calumniate, @^ 'hwe 'pong, fj wo'' M/-a'. Cambric, ^'^-^ ka so pu'. Camel, SS^S loh du. Camellia, UJ:jf^f saw dzo hwo. Camlet, MM 'yii tseu', MiP 'yu so, 3^;fS 'yiidow'. Camomile, '^^ ken kioh. Camp, ^S 3^"ng l^en. Camphor, U3S tsong 'nau, yjijy^ ping p'iew, (tree) S h'iang zu'. Can, (permissive) Vj J^ 'k'6 'i, (phy- sical ability) f | nung, (acquired) '^ wo'. Canal, (grand) tStHM yiun' liang 7m, (open a) ^ jpf k'e 7m, Cancel, :^' keu siau, :^|^ keu dzu, fflljl^ saw dzu. Cancer, -e^j^ dok t'song. Candareen, ^ fun, (five and a half) M^^S^M 'm fun 'w^ li. Candid, iElit tsung' dzuh, ^^ lau zeh. Candle, J^j^ lah tsoh. Candlestick, fij lah de. Cane, Jl mng, (a) |if j^ung diau, (sugar) ^ k^'* tso'. '^ Cangue, ^{1 ka, (bear n) ^ Uv ka. 13 CAR Canister, ^SiM sih kwc^' deu. Cannon, *X p'au', f>^ 'hu p'au', S t'siing' p'au'. Cannot, ^fg veh nung, ^ pTJ^ veil 'k'6 'i, (but) ^%^ veil tiili veil. Canopy, (gift from the people) ^^ ^ vaw' ming sa'. Canvas, ^^ J^ung pu'. Cap, >J>l|l|-J* 'siaumau' 'tsz. Capacity, ::J''[fl dze dzing, (for hold- ing) S?'^ tsong tuh loh. Capital, (city) ^'^ kiimg tu, ^ ;^ kiung 2ung. Captain, (of boat) j|i z&n 'tsu, ^ ;^ Han da'. Caraways, ^" si' we h'iang. Carbuncle, ^S foh t'song' S^ fall pe', ^^ 'seu tah. Card, ^glfiS ming 't'ih, Ipfi^^ t'ih 'tsz; (playing) JjSJt^ 'tsz ba. Cardamoms, 0_EL7C^ jah deu k'eu*. Cardinal points, 29^ sz' fong, ^ W^ft tung si n6 p6h. Care, ftl; kwo' lii', g^ yeu lu', (to) 3 'li, ^ 'kwe. Careful, >J>>(5 'kiun zun', J,H>i^ s tong sing; carefully, |H|0Iai& si si' 'ti 'ti. Careless, "i^ mi\^ veh lieu sing. Cargo, j|S-tttt^ z'^'^ 'longhii' suh. Carnelian, ^^^yf 'mo 'nau. Carp, |i,@, 'lifj^, Carpenter, 7fC| moh ziang'. Carpet, l^^ ii' taw, |j'"" taw, ^^ ^i' mau taw. siau smg, Si' smg, ^>[> ^i' niung CAV Carriage, 5"5r t'so 'tsz, ,^]5 'mo t'so. Carrot, $112'^ /mng lau boh. Carry, j^ taw, (one man with a yolk) ^ t'iau, (two men with a pole) JH kong, (a chair) J^ i!e, (in the arms) J^ 'i)au, (on the girdle) ^ ta', (on shoulder) Jj| /dew, (on back) ^pe', Cart, (bullock) ^$ nieu t'so. (horse) >^^ 'mo t'so. Carve, H^lj tiau k'uh. Case, (box) ^^ slang 'tsz, (small) [E-?: Aah 'tsz, (watch) ^^ piau k'oh, (at law) ^f^{^ ow' 'giew. Cash, l^lsjj^ ^ung diew, 35C "^^n. Cask, % 'tang, (wine) J@tS 'tsieu 'dung. Casket, (for precious things) ^1^, 'pau huh. Cassia, ^'^ kw6' hw6, (oil) ^'^ X^ kwe' hwo yeu. Cassimere, iJ>BS '^i^-^i "i. Cast, (towards) ^ ]>>& 'siau sing. Cease, f^fi ifing dzu', f J dzu'. Cedar, f@7tC pah h'iang moh. Ceiling, ^T^ ping 'ting. Census tables, ATW niim ting ts'dh. Centipede, ;g"|ij pah kiah, S^^ u kiing. Centre, g ^^ tong tsung, >(^ sing. Ceremony, H^ 'li su', or 'li. Certain, SIR k'iah zeh, R^j^ zeh dze'. Certificate, (recommendation), ^ ^ tsiew' s;\. Chaff, ^1^ lung k'ong. Chain, Mi^ lie' diau. Chair, It -5^, yii' 'tsz, (sedan) ^^ giau" 'tsz. Chalk, /g"^ zah 'fun. Chance meeting, j^^JM^ 'ngeu ze bang' zah. Change, : 'ke, J^ w6;zS 25;^ 'ko piew', gif^ 'k6w;e;i', ||gj^ kang 'kc, (money) ^ W. Changer, (money) ^10^(0 iven' dung die?i ku'. Chapel, p8^^ 'kong su dong, jjl^ ^S '^1 pa' dong. Chapter, i^ tsang. Char, (burn black) ^ tsiau, j^^ sau tsiau. Character, ppfT p'ing yung', (a letter) ^ zz', -^8R zz' 'nga'. cm Charcoal, ^ t'aw'. Charge, (intrust to) f^fij* t'ohfu' or fob, (enjoin) Pjfg ting tsoh, P^ Pft fun fu'. Charity, (alms) ^M'^ tsiV 'hau zzS f^^ tseu tsi-, Jl;^ sz 'so'. Charm, :?5^g? vd 16h. Chart, f#llil 'he du loh. Charter-party, ^ [pj Aeli dung. Chase, (to) JS J| tsue 'kiiw. Chastity, ^ |5 tsung tsih. Cheap, 5 /dang, |g dziew', Cheat, Pit,|| hung' p'lew', ^,|g k'i p'iew'. Check, Mim law 'tong. "^ Cheerful, ^^^^ 'song k'wa', Jg1| ^M 'mew miew' t'sun fung. Cheese, ^%^ nieu 'na 'ping. Cherry, ;fg|lE ang dau (ying). Chess, (play at) ^ft tsah gi, (board) Chest (bamboo), fJH tsoh siaijg, (wooden) ^^ 'paw siang, (tea) ^^W ^20 siang. Chestnut, ^^ lib 'tsz. * Chief, l5-~*f@ ten ih ku', (man) ^K @ A tQu moh niun. Child, >J>^ 'siau kun, >J>1B .'siau 'now, ;7C)fIH ?'u' sI'. Chillies, ^Jtt^ ^^^6 tsiau. Chimney, jlQn^ iew t'sung. Chin, y E 'au bo. China, 4* H tsung koh, 4*^ tsung niow. China root, i^^ voh ling. China aster, M^ kioh h\v6. 15 CIT CLO Chinese language, (mandarin) ^fj kwcn w6\ (native dialect) /^J-fep'S' 'pun di' wo', i ^ 't'u bah, i p^ 't'u wo'. Chintz, ^^ hw6 pii', p[J yung* hwo pu". Chisel, M^: zok 'tsz, (to chisel out) ffi^ zokt'seh 16. Cholera, 0' fah so, (morbus) ^ rL hoh low', (asiatic) l^j^jj^^'^ u so tsang', ^ B^' tiau' kiah so. Choose, i^'M 'ka 'slew. Chop, this chop of tea M^^ ^i' hail' dz6. Uhop gtick, $Jj 'k'waw. Chops, . (mutton) ^){$g' yang ba kweh. CHEIST, S'g ki toh. Christian, itMMMA sing ya su ku' niun. Christianity, J}I5gJ|5:j ya su kiau', Roman catholic 5ci25: t'ie^e 'tsu kiau*. Chronic, (disease) ^^ 'kieu bing'- Church, g5:# kiau' wo, (building) "^^ w6' dong. Cinnabar, i^^ niung tsu. Cinnamon, ^^^ nioh kwe'. Circle, )1] k'io?2, EUS"?: Jon k'iow 'tsz. Cistern, (earthen ware) 7iCfeE 'sz kong. Citron, H h'iang yo, ||^ veh 'seu. City, (within) MM zung 'li, (out- side) M^hH zung nga' deu or zuiis nsa'. Civility, ifill^ 'limauS ^^ k'ah k'i'. Civilize, g5:ft kiau' hwo'. Claim, 5,?, niung', ff 't'au. Clan, ^j^ tsimg zoh, 1^1 jjj ^ling sing'; (head of) ;^;g zoh 'tsang. Clap, Jfl p'ah. Clash, ff fi^k'eh dzong', fi^dzong' zah. Classics, fM kiung; four books and five classics H^jEfS sz' su 'g kiung. , Clay, ^Jjt w^ong ni, (white) ^^ j^ah 'zew. Clean, gg^ kih 'zing, J^ffi koh lih, ^?P ku 'zing. Cleanse, ^|^ lung' kiin 'zing 'zing ill 'zing. Clear, '^f ^ t'sing 't'su, jf ^ t'sing 'song, 03 6 ming bah. Clearance, (port) ffi P^ t'seh 'k'eu p'iau'. Cleave, ^"13^ P'ih k'e 16. Clerk, g^f@'siazz'ku', Clever, W^V 'yeu 'pun zz', J^ If I ling long. ^J^ kwa 'ch'au. Climate, 7iCi: 'sz't'ii. Clip, % 'tsien, '^^ 'tsien t'eh, Cloak, ^[^2 nga' t'au'. Clock, flt^li zz zun tsung' g ^Mj zz' ming tsung, what o'clockl ^KH 'ki 'tiew tsung 1 Close, (finish) ^| ^,6^ kih, (door) 11 kwan, (eyes) |^ pi. Close together, of weaving ^ mih. Cloth, (cotiJon) ^tJ pu', (woollen) ^ SBB tu lii ni, (table cloth) SM 16 voli. COM de law. Clothing, ^g i zong, ^JK Clothes-liorse, ^^E i ^^' Cloud, ^ yiin. Cloves, T t^^g h'iang. Club, ^ 'kwim 'tsz. Club bouse, ^| w^e* 'kwew. Clue, WM ten 'zu, (no) ^f^M l|i w 'yung w tsiing. Coagulate, ^SS nimig kiih. Coal, f^ me. Coai;se, ffl. t'su, |.I^ t'su 'ts'au, (of men) |i# t'su 'Ki, fflj^ t'sii su. Coast, f^'H 'he t'aw, 'J^jft 'he piew. Coat, >^^ 'mo kwo'. Cocnineal, ^MtK nga law 'rai. Cock, S'H ^ung ki, ^11 yung ki. Cocoon, XH ze 'kiew, "^T^. 'kie 'tsz. Codfish, ^.^, za ng. Coffin, f g /py kwe ze. Coincide, ^^ vu Aeh, i^f^-^^ fell 'tsung 7ieh zali. Coil, f^lnl tsung zung. Cold, l^ 'lang (in heart) i^ 'da^?; cold f^S song fung. Colic, BMM 'i^ 'li t'iing'. Collar, MS 'ling deu. Collect, J5^ ^zu' dzih, 'lie, 'i'^itl^ w'^'dzi'lungle, Colour, lji'6; nga suh, (all) Jfj /\'S 'wg ngai^ loh suh. Comb, ^j^ su (sz), (wooden) /fv mok sz, (bone) *^ kweh sz, (comb hair) sz sz deu fah, (silver comb) ^^ niun pie??.. Combine, -^iSI^ ^*eh 'lung le. 'lam COM Come, ^ 16 (not yet come) ^3^ Yeh zung U. Comet, f^t-^:^ 'sau 'tseu sing. Comfort, :?f g 6w w'6', (get) #^:S tub bing 6w, ^Tiih su zi, (zti) (com- fort my thirsty desires) M-^^S^ we* 'ngu k'oh sz. Comic, M^ 'hausiau', ^ fah siau'. Command, Pj}P{f fun fiV, "^^ ming' ling'. Commandments, (ten)""!"!^!^ seh diau ka'. Commemorate, lEii'S* ki' niaw'. Commence, JJ^ '^ung 'seu, ^T, k'e kung. Commencement, ^^ 'k'i deu. Commend, ^^ pau 'tsiang, (men) f JVjff ^'J> 'siau. Condemn, Sf^ ding' 'dzue'. Condescend, |$>[|^ft|5 kiang' sing siang dzung. Condition, ^t"^ kwong 'kiung. Condole, f^ S| tiau' mong'. Conduct, (verb) '^ sung', r3 /Ii"g, (noun) fjj Aang we. Confer, (give) ^ sz', jp. 'song (with) "^Sl song liang. Confess, (a crime) ^ niung' 'dzile, P.P^^beveh'zz. Confide, Hfg k'au' t'oh. Confirm, ^^kiew ding'. Confiscate, ^P^MA"^ t'sau ka 't'sa zeh kwew. Confused, ^ low'. Congee, 515 tsoh. Congou tea, IC:^^ kung fu dz6. CON Congratulate, ^-w^ kting 'h'i, g^ k'iung' hn'. Conical, ^ f|3 tsien ku'. Connect, ^^ tsih zah, 'fS^ siang tsih, j^ liew, siang lien. Connive, fSfitJ:^^ 'ka tsiV veh kie7i'. Conquer, ^W" tub sung'. Consanguinity, *^I^jJ^^ kweh z6k tsz t'sing. Conscience, Mi-iU* Hang sing. Consent, ^.JC yung' 'yiin, ^_ tah yung'. Consequences, Ii3f^ kwa?i i'. Consider, ,S sz 'slang. Constant, ^ dzang, (not change) ZO. j^ veh piew', dzang tsong veh pie'. Constipation, :^ ffiJC veh ts'eh kung, ycM^S ^l'"-' l>'e' veh t'ung. Consul, fUl^l^ 'ling zz' k\ve. Contagious, f^Affl zdn niun k4', (take by touch) ffi^ tsc?^ z6n. Contain, Sf-'^ tsong tub loh. Content, )5^ sing bing, (be) "^i^ fong' sing, ^HJE tsz tsoh. Continue, ftSE zc? lieu, -^^^ dzun lieu. Contract, (to) ^ yah ding'. Contradict, %^^^ wo' veh 'zz. Contrary, ?f3;^ siang 'fan, (wind) ^ Mi iiiiik fung. Contribute, f3 ki6;, (money) Hi^-Jl kiow' niung 'tsz. Contrive, SSH'J 'siang fah tsuh. Control, ^^ yah soli, ^ 'kw6; sob. Convalescent, ?7^-l^:9*5f i?ing' 16h t'sih fun 'liau. 18 COR Convenient, -jg^ ^xqh' tong', ')^^ fong bief^^ Converse, ^^ p'a^e daw or da da;?, ^jifl' ball zt'o'. Convert, MA^i 'ke?j liw6'. Convex, Cl ffi^ teh t'seh 16. Convict, ^. ^P i!ing' 'dziie, s^^^sif. H JB dzieu va--, jfcSfSA t'sung kiiin ku* niuu. Convince, Pi]- Aft M kiau' niim sing' voli. Convulsions, ti}3 JS^ t'seu fung bing'. Cook, (a) |||gf0 sauvaw'ku', (to) sau vaw/, f^ tsu' vaw^ Cooked, ;^ijgsauz6k'ts6. Cool, JB^;^ f^ng liang. Coolie, >J>X 'siaii ki'mg, (chair) fff :^ giau' fu, (street) i%^ t1au fu. Cooper, ^itlfg ku 'dung k4^ Copper, 115 zing or ^[tl^ Aiing dung, (sheets) J^^ ?!ung p'ie?2'. Copperas, ||^g 16h va. Coppersmith, ^JSJ | tixwg ziang'. Copy, (to) i!?:^ ts'aii 'sia, 1^% dung 'si a, (a rough copy) J^L^f^ 't'sau 'kau. Coral, flJjJl saw 7m. Cord, llil zung, ^ zung s6h. Coriander, 5uS i^i^^Q sile. Cork, SBM sub deu, sub 'tsz, (.screw) WSM k'6 bing tsu;?. Corn, iiJ 'ng kob. Cornelian, g^ 'm6 'nau. Comer, ^'^F^ kob lob deu. Corpse, J|-g* sz 'seu, JEfl 'si sz. tsung' duns. ORE I sieu ^'a,-, Sli sieu Correct, SIE t ,u-;i tsini< Corrode zub. Cost, fM^ ka' die, (twJ) 'jjj dzuh. Costiveness, ^^ffiX veh t'seb kung yCffi^ii da' bie;?' veh fun- Cottage, iJ^M'siauob, >J>g-^ 'siau vong 'tsz, (at my cottage) ^^ so' au'. Cotton, ;ffg ^ mie;^ bv>-6, (yarn) \% H mie;? slew'. Cough, gglU k'eh sen^ Counsel, (take) '^^ song bang (give) U k1o;^^ Count, ^ suw'. Countenance, g[ JL mie' 'k'Ting*. Counterpane, tJ^M i>i' miew. Country, Sj; kob du', (the) f pT b'iaug 'an. Couple, 'g ib te'. Courage, Hg 'taw bang'; courageous I/"C 'taw du'. Court, (forjudging) f^ ngd mun, (of bouse) 5C# t'iew 'tsing, ^ yo. Cousin, (father's side) ^^5 ^ong dlMiiung, (mother's) S|^> 'piau di' hiung. Cover, ^ kc', (to) ^^J ke' 'hau ^ ts6 ko'. Coverlid, fj|^ p'u ke'. Covet, % Ven, UM i^ dz6. Cow, -fj:^ 'mu nieu. Crab, g 'ha. Crane, j[LfiS siew ngoh. Crape, |S^j? tseu' so. Crawl, jf j6. Create, JiJjS t'song' 'zau, Creator, y^fl^i 'zau liwo 'tsii. 19 CTP Credit, (sell on) P^ so, (not give cre- dit) ^ PJ;B5 veh so tsang'. Creditor, fti tsu' 'tsii. Criminal, JBA 'vaw ninn, HJG dzieu va". Cripple, EliPfS zeh kiali ku'. Crockery, SS^ ^^z k'i'. Crooked, %f ^ wa c'liioh. Crosswise, I^J^ J^ w^ang 'tu 'li. Crow, ^' Jfj 'lau au, (to) Pf di. Cruel, |XJ ^ h'iung bau', Cruet-stand, ^M^ ^'^ih sing kd'. Crumbs, 3fi^' lih sih. Crush, Ki3 ah wa,\ Cry aloud, ^^Bif haw' kiau'. Crystal, 7KDa 'sz tsing. Cucumber, ^iK. w'ong kM'6. Cud, (chew the) MM ^aw 't'sau. Cultivate, ^ kung tsung'. Cumbersome, WiW. 1^' dzue'. Cunning, |S^ '/^\v6 kioh. Cup, :3^ pe, J^ 'wcw. Cure, g^-f i 'hau. Curiosities, p 1^ 'ku 'tung. Curse, 5E,|H. 'tseu 'tsu. Curtain, (bamboo) j^^-p- tsoh lien 'tsz, (musquito) %$.^ mun tsang', (window) ^@, t'song lie. Cushion, |"f ni^h 'tsz. Custom, ^^JE^i^we 'kii, (popular) Mi i^ fung zoh, (imperial) ^ii sue' kwa? . Cut, f lI koh (kweh). Cuttle fish, gf .S yeu ng. Cymbals, J^-J; kwah 'tsz, ift^ nau bah. Cypress, |S puh zu'. DEB D Damp, {^ sail, Dance, i^( -JL/agger, >J>7J 'siau tan. Daily, nyih nyih, ^ nyih tu. Damage, f^i^ 'sung wk' (by water stains), 7KiX sz tsih. Damask, i^^Cl^lS ^li' hw6 don'. % sail k'i'. t'iau' 'vu. Danger, J[l^\^ we' 'hie. Dare, 3t 'kew. Dark, ^Jg huh 6w', (in the) P|5Ib| ^ 6' dung' 'li. Dates, (honeyed) ^'^ mih 'tsau^ (tree) ^^% 'tsau zu'. Daub, ^ ^u. Daughter, ]5C@ 'nu 'no, (your) ^ ^ hng' ^', (iQ law) ^l^f sing 'vu Dawn, 5CiK: ^'i^^ liang'. Day, H^, nyih 'tsz, JJJI nyih kiah, (last) :?^5^|i!lf@03: meh meh kiah ku' nyih 'tsz. Dead, 5E^ 'si 'ts6, (half) ^5E^ 1^ pe' 'si pew' weh. Deaf, ^ lung, ^ lung bang'. Deal with, ^fj kiau 'wong, ^Mr kiau yuh. Dear, (in price) ^ ku', (in affection) ^iifia e' 14 kiV. Dearth, (year of) ]^^ hwong nie. Death, % 'si, (and life are decreed) ?E^W^ 'si sung 'yeu ming', (to near death) ^fM ling tsong, JE'K ^ 'si k'wa' 'tse. Debt, ffi tsa', (be in) ^M k'ie^ tsa'. Debtor, ^XffifB k'iew tsu' ku', ^A 20 DEF SSfB ke ninn tsang' ku'. Decapitate, ^1 'tsa deu, sail den. Decay, gFA s6 hi'. Decayed, fiStra k'u' kau, ^yQ 'lau ^ven. . Deceit, l^p|3 -^''we kioli. Deceive, nj;;||| hung' p'iew', S^4i k'i p'iew', WiWi k'i mew. Decent, W.J'Jt^^^^ 'li 'su tong z6w, i?S '^^^^^ k'ow'. Decide, ^^f kioh tow/, jL*Sri.M lih ding' 'tsu i'. Decision, ^^^ 'tsu i'. Declare, IJtOjJ ^ soli ming bull. Declivity, MW zia miew'. Decrease, S^ 'ka;?- 'sau. Decree, pift tsz' i', w^ ming ling'. Deduct, 'SSSi 'ka? t'eh, ^pJK k'eu' t'eh. Deep, '^ sun, (of doctrines) *^^ snii an'. Deepen, (hollow) f'i^ wah sun, (dig) S'^ gioh sun. Deer, ||] loh. Defalcation, (in money) ^S k'we niun, S k'we k'ung'. Defame, 1 'hwe 'pong, DEL veh iv6n z!e. Defend, f;^|l 'pan /m', -j^^ 'pau 'sen, IfElS pi' '^^u'. Defendant, ^^i?e' kau'. Defer, (to another day shall we ?) Bj; HSISS 'ke nyih tse' w6' 'vtH Deficient, ^^p k'ioh 'sau, 15^ k'we k'ung'. Defilement, IMIS ok t'sok. Define, pjO^j^ u'6' ming bah, ^|| -^M* 'ka seh zz' i', Defraud, f g.|| 'k'wong p'iew'. Degrade, (officer) |g: kah t'eh, (one step) I$ ^S kong' ih kih. Degraded, (from rank) '^RiM^ kak t'eh tsz tsuh vun'. Degree, (in longitude) fMS kiung diV, (in latitude) 1^^^ wo' dii', (number of) ^ du' su'. Dejected, 5^ 3'^u dzeu. Deify, JJSj|I?E fuiig u-6 zun dau'. Deity, JL'^ 'zangti', ^^ Vien 'tsu, (subordinate deities) flf 0^ zun ming, %3^ 'kwe zun. Delay, jgJE dzz yie?z, JBJfl taw koh. Deliberate, i^g^ tsun tsoh, '^M. song liang. Delicate, (tender) ^ 'nun, (fine) ||H si'. Delight, (in) ^f^ 'hi liwii5M'l# sing 'li fab hwun. Deliver, ^ kieu', JS?^ tsung' kieu', (deliver to) ^f^ kiau fu', (let go) WM suh fong', MM, fong' t'eh, I3S k'6 sub. Defective, ;^^ veh dziew, ,^^^ \ Delude, J^lg mi oh. 100 U'll . Defeat, ^TIR 'tang ba', ^^f tub sung'. Defeated, (be) ffW> 'tang su, ^7-^ K^y^ 'tang tsz ba' tsang'. Defect, ^^ mau bing', (in body) ^'^ dzaw dzih, (in morals) ^^ 't(3w t'su'. 21 DEP Deluge, gi7jC /mng'sue, 'JES3:3C *P i'^'^' law' u t'ien 'an. Demand, (a debt) MM 't'au tsang', (an apology) PJ|*AfS0^6 kau' niun wo' ming bah, or kau' diuii be veh 'zz or kau' niun p^^ niung' veh 'zz. Demand, (in) ^'{^^M 'yen siaii' deu, (not in demand) ^i^i^ m siau' dzang. Demolish, jJfM t'sah t'eh, i^ t'sah Demon, J^ 'kwe, or 'chu, ^^ mo 'kwe, MM ^11 yau mo 'kwc kwa'. Deiafe>niac, :S^Ff!f^f0 sung 'long vii' 'kii ku'. Demonstration, JMS i^ing ku', fpf PJ] bie/i' ming. Dense, ^^^^ dzeu mih. Deny, ^ Jg veh niung', (one's faith) WI5: 7^*^' kiau'. Depart, ^ 'tseu, -^ k'i', (take fare- Avell) |[|^lj li bih, (on a journey) SirQ' 'k'i sun, JJJ^ 'dung sun. Depend, #|| 'i k'au', ^fltk'au'Ic', -tt^ dzi'ing' z:ih, H^ k'au' t'oh. Deplorable, Pf^ 'k' 6 lien, pfl!^ 'k'6 fan'. Deportment, fjj^ hung we. Deposit, (money) J^^ 'ting'seu. Deposition, (legal) P ^ 'k'eu kung, (of a prince by the people) f^Ji'Q' ^4>^Mfi peh 'la pah sing' fi' t'eh ku'. Depraved, {$4 p'ien zia, ^ISg zid oh. Depreciate, [.^gg k'on' k'iung, (of ex- DES change) MMfx'Iff 'kan t'eh Aong zing. Depressed, (inmind^ /^KSIh^I sing 'li k'i' mun' Deprive, (of office) ^MM^ kah fell tsuh vun'. Depute, ^^ 'we t'oh, (a deputed officer) ^^ 'we yow. Derange, ^^L 'nau l6n, 5f ^^ng' low'. Deranged, ^^J tie?i gwong. Deride, gl fjj ki ziau'. Derive, (from its origin) ^Jt]^!^ t'e gi niow yeu. Descend, ^T^ kong' 'aw le, ^'^ ^ loh 'au Ic. Descendants, "J J^ tsz sun, "f^f^ 'hen de'. Describe, p^^l^Q wo' ming bah, -^^ if'ffl HbpS si' si' nung t^.'6'. Desecrate, S||J^ tsau t'ah. Desert, '^^^Hl'^ hwong 'ya d i foug. Deserts, (what he deserves) ^f-j^ ^ tong tub tsz 'song. desert, (to) j^^ inn 'tseu. Deserter, ^%:^ tan ping. Deserve, (to die) H^^ ko 'si, (a re- ward) PJ ^ 'k'6 'song. Design, Kt^ ki' men, pj^ki' t'sah, :;tS,i'sz'. Design, (to) Bll^ ^u men, ff^ 'tang son'. Designedly, -^M ku' i', #$#B i^^ duh 'li. Desire, ^ yau', ^ ziew' mu', C^ :^f-^ p6 veh tub, K li^^n' veh tub, E^tbS5 p6 veh nung ken', gl 22 ^fi 51^ DET Desist, %,>%, h'ih sih, fl^ 'i^a 'seu, fj^ iting 'seu, jhfi 'tsz dzu'. Desk, (portable) ^^^ 'sia zz' siang, Jfl^^J t'seu t'i de. Despair, ^|gg dzih vongS MAM UM sell fell mong' deu. Despatch, (a messenger) ^yv t'sa 'niun, (a letter) ^(q ki' sing'. Desperate, ^^fiPjJ m meh fah tsiili, ^^fpf t 'no 7iu. Despise, l^jflS 'niiau zz', k'6/i' veh 'k'i, (every body) J\ 'ngaw 'ti 7)1 niun. Destiny, "^1$; ming' yiin' yiin' k'i'. Destitute, ||S k'ioli vah, ^M^t fj3 w va' k'iuh ku''. Destroy, ^::8 ^"Tig' ivi' Mffi ^^^^^ t'eh, (a house) f/f Jl^H"Jt t'saht'eh vong 'tsz. Destructible, PTiyiBKfH 'ko 'i ivk' Veh ku'. Detach, ^ffi^ fun t'seh 16, (cavalry) ^M^^ fun p'a' 'mo ping. Detain, ^i lieu dzii'. Detect, Sffi k'oTz'p'u'. Deteriorate, ^J^ piew' ivi'. Determinate, '~"f@ ih ding' ku'. Determine, j/lfeiiS ^^^ ding' 'tsu i',&^ ^ing' long, (a day) |5g /, "X ^^f*^^' ding' nyih 'tsz Detest, t 7mng', f%^% ngau veh tub. Detestable, Pj"^ 'k'6 u'. Detraction, ^"q zaw yiew, Sf ^ A f@HJiFH f^ 'pong niun ku' seh ?i'6'. Detriment, Jp^ 'sun Ae', P^:^ ;ja' 'siang fah tsuh, g^ DIE Deviate, ^ t's6, (from the road) "^ M^ES" 'tseu t'so tsz 111'. Deviation, !^|4 t'sa t'su', (not the least) ^U^^M ih 'ngaw veh t'so. Device, J'ilO fah tsuh, ^^f]|5 fah zeh. Devil, ^^ mo 'ku, ^^ ok 'kli. Devise, M&Wl ^^ men ku'. Devolve, (on him) MilLp^Ji kw6 'la i sun 'long. Devote, (to him) Itl'iSJi^ 'M iiiuw' pell 'la i. Devoted, (servant) >S>5.B?A tsiing sing yung' niun, (officer) iS'JJ.S 'f tsung Aeu* dzun 'tsz, (with Vrllole mind) ^^jj tsew sing. Devotion, ^ijj Z;ien sing, M>5 dzung sing. Devour, ^P t'un c'hiuh. Dew, lu', B7JC lu' 'sz. Dexterous, ^S^ 'seu 'k'iau, j^i$l ling li*. Diagram, Hf^ ^u yang'. Dial, H nyih 'kwe, (horizontal) tt^HS ti bing nyih 'kw6, (erect) It H 'zii nyih 'kw6. Dialect, ^^pfj^ h'iang dajz, g| 't'li ^ah, ilS't'uw^o', /^iJi^fJ 'pun di' -ziJo'. Diameter, ]l[ffi dzuh kiung. Diamond, :^H!J5 kiun kong zah. Diarrhoea, Ejjig 'tJ> si' 'siau. Dimity, #Pf^^ 'lieu diau pti'. Dinner, (at) Pgg c'hiuh vaw', (bring) fiSR ta vaw', (midday meal) V^ IK tsung va', (evening meal) ^|g ya' va'. Dip, (in water) fiJ7iC|| wun 'la 'sz 'li, ^ tsing'. Direct, jEjIt tsung' dzuh, WaL pih lib dzuh. Direct, (to) ^3 'kwen 'li, ^Jg 'tsu tsang, (by pointing) Jg ?I 'tsz 'yun, Sj5 'tsz 'tie?. Directly, j^ ib dzuh, (immediate- DIS ly) 1|J: 'mo 'long, j/lil] lihk'uh, (come directly) ^^^ dzieu' le. Director, ^VSf@ 'kwe;zz' 't'i ku', (of justice) i$^p} on' t'sah sz, (of finance) ^ijj;"^ pu' tsung' sz. Dirt, '^ini't'u, jti^ la^ ni. Dirty, ilii ok t'soh, Hi^ laht'ah, (to) ^|ii 16' oh t'soh. Disadvantageous, (to me) 3?P)JE 'ngu c'hiuh k'we (k'ii). Disagree, ^+0^ veh siang Aeh, ^$ ^^fi pi c'hi'vehte', ^fuSJ veh hn mob, ^^^ veh t6'. Disallow, ^7, veh 'tsung, ^|^ veh 'hii. Disappear, ^ |J, veh kie'. Disappoint, (my hopes) ^^.^MW kii veu' 'ngumong' deu, (disappoint- ed) ^M seb mong', ^^ seb i' Disaster, j/^ffl tsc na'. Disavow, ^M vehniung', ^^|g veh zung niung*. Disband, ^^ 'saw ping. Disbelieve, ^fS veh sing'. Discard, :^J5 veh y ling', ^jjjj c'hi t'eb. Discernment, ^|^' kien* sub, >(jJife fl8^ sing di' t'siing ming. Discharge, (cargo) ^ | k'e t'song fSPJuS sia' zcw (arrow) ^j^ zok tsiew', (a debt) Fp^ bo ti;a, (a' prisoner) S]K ^ub fong'. Disciple, P5^ mun dn, ^^^ Aok sang 'tsz. Discipline, 15;J^ kiau' fab, (military) :^ft ping fab. Disclose, 8 ttj^ hV t'seb 16, jtif sib leu'. 24 DIS Discompose, ^JJ nan' 'duijg, J^^ 'idau low'. Discontented, ^j^)^ veli fong sing. Discordant, ^ f U J^ veh /m moh. Discover, Sffi^ dzo t'seh 16, S^^ 'h'ien ming, Jf-i^ffif k'o??' tub t'seh ku'. Discountenance, f^A^'^'Ji^ ^'^' niun 'lang 'daw. Discourage, P-4AI8^J^ kiau' ninn 'taw 'siau. Discourse, (upon) p& J'J lun' tau', p ^' 'kong su, (on village duties) p |^Pf4 'kong li'iang yah. Discourteous, ^^15 *'^ i^i^li 'li. Discreet, S*^ wun tong, |H>L? si' sing, iS'EE- 'kiung zung'. Discrepancy, vtWi fun pih, ^ t'so, the difference of a hair will lead to an error of 1000 li, ^^MS jy^H. t'so tsz /au 11 mieu' 1 t'sie?? 'li. Discretion, (at) IiM tl^ue bie?^'. Discriminate, |j|i)ljijie'pih, ^{fj^ fun t'seh le. Discuss, Jpf p& j^ien' lun', pg^ 'kong kieu'. Disdainful, ?^S^ kiau ngau'. Disease, j! i?ing', (source of) Mt^ ^;ing' kun, (of the eyes) 8^0^:^ ^J 'ngaw tsing veh 'hau. Disentangle, ^?3S '^^ t'e^i, (a knot) %^^ 'ka kih. Disgrace, ^/^ sien zoh. (afraid of) I'HSK P'<^' sieu 't'sz, S' 't'iew zoh. Disgusting, Rf^fH 'k'6 u' ku'. Dish, ^.-^^ inm 'tsz, (flat dish) SI DIS ?/ie??- u' f^fl^t'ohga-. Dishearten, (him) Pij-'y'^^iJ^ kiau' i 'tan 'siau. Dishonest, ":^^j3 veh 1 an zoh. Dishonour, Jfi tiew' zoh, f^'j^ do' maw'. Disinclined, ^1SSMf@ veh dzing' nion' ku', ^ f^ veh 'k'ung. Disinherit, ^S^g^^H veh peh i tsih zali k;i nyih. Disinterested, ^J}%UA2 veh sz sing> ^ii^ftvehp'iewi'. Dislike, tSlS'nau7mng', fJ;lK y^. veh niun'. Dispensary, |^^ yah vong, MMiM 25 sz yah gioh. . Dispense, ^ffi^ fun t'seh Ic. Disperse, ^ sa;j'. Display, ^ffi tsang 'hiew. Displease, ^4*;W veh tsung' i'. Disposition, 14 IS sing' zing. Dispute, f^-%ipien' poh. Disquietude, (of mind) >5^^S? sing veil bing on. Disregard, ^jM veh 'li, ^^IRveh ku', ^Mi^JMM veh 'i 11.6 i'. Disrespect, (show) ^^^ veh kung kiimg'. Dissatisfied, ?J:>& yOM* sing, ^'XP J t^h tsz tsoh. Dissimilar, '^^^ veh ih yang, '^W^ veh 'xiang. Dissipated, JKf^ fong' tlong. Dissolve, ^-{liB hw6' k'e, Jl^fll siaii hw6'. Distant, jj 'y^'". ISjS! kah 'yd?>. Distil, (to) (samshu) ^}S ngau 'tsieu. Distinguish, ^YA ^^"^ P'^^ ^^R fun minj?. P 5J'J bieM* pih. Distinguished, ffi iS O t,*seh ming ku'. Distract, ^L)U* h)' sins. Distress, (hini) Sl^'fi^ naw wd i. Distressed, "^'tei 'k'u *nan. Distribute, :J}* fun. District, K^ ywj' vun*, (magistrate) *D|I tsp. yo'. Distrust, ^fpi veh sing', ^>i5nl sing. Disturb, MM kiung'dung, {||L 'kiau lo'. Bitcb, 7K w '^'^2 keu. DOL Divide, ^^3 fun k'e, (in arithmetic) 1^ dzii, (^equally) ^^ hing fun (into classes) JJgffi^ p'a t'seh le. Divination, t5f h *s6;j poh, (grass used in) ^^ sz 't'sau, (with the, eight symbols) iSf J[> ts6 kwo'. Divine, (to) ^^ so?*' kwo', (with divining sticks) ^t|^ gieu t'siew , (with symbols) fj J'h ts6 kwo'. Divinity, (divine nature) Jl'S^fSft fi *zang ti' ku' sing' 't'i, 5ciffl tt^ t'iew 'tsu ku' sing' 't'i. Division, (a portion) "^ ihfun, * W ih 'ku. Divorce, f/fC^ li'ieu t'si. ;ii ja: Divulge, ^{j^ m6' p'lV zz' 't'i ba' li'r. Do, ^ ts\V (nothing he does not do) ^Wx'^^l^ vu 'supehit-6, (do by turns) fftSlcfii^ lii iif tsu', (do not) ^U-vehyau', ^^J^ veh 'k'6 'i. Doctor, -84 isang, J^4' long tsung. Doctrine, jSS 'dau 'li, ^ kiau'. Document, ^"J* tseh 'tsz, ^^ vun su, #^ suk'i', (to carry) ^LM tseh tsau*. Dog, Jn| 'ken, (to belong to the llth year of the animal cycle) JKf^ zok 'ken. Dogmatical, Q ]^^^ zz' 'i tto 'zz, -SaS^flS i' S7/ tseh ding', g.^ tseh ding' 'ki i', fe ^ p'ien kie\ Dollar, (Mexican) f^^ff- yng yang* (foreign) f^@ yang die, (qtiarter ofa)ig^1 sz'k'6. 26 I) ox Domestic, (animals, six) ^j 'mo. ^ nieu, ^ yaijg, t| ki, ^ '1^'i ^ sz', (instruction) ^||l| ka lii (American cloth, domestic) i^ y{^ mon suh yang pu', (servants) ^ A yung' nimi. Dominion, f|||j5 giow ping' (over life and death) ^>tjc^'f!I sung sah tsz glow. Dominoes, ^Pl kweh ba. Donation, J|}4f@iR'J' kiiin 'la ku' niung 'tsz. Donor, JEi sz 'tsu. Door, P^ mun, (front) "fijP^ zien mun, (and windows) P^^! mun t'song, (next door neighbor) nfjlg kah pi h, (double) MSP^ 'Hans sew' mun. Doorkeeper, JP^f@ k'Ow mun ku', (doorway) fg P mun 'k'eu. Doormouse, i^;jR. sung 'sii. - Dose, (of medicice) *^k|^ ih voh yah, ^iM ih tsi' yfih. Dot, -^HjS ih 'tien, ( to dot with commas) lu-i'^ 'tie^/ su. Double, Mfn 'Hang beS (make) JJH fi^kaihbe-'. Doubt, ^Wi ni uoh. i\j ni sing. Dove, j5Eill| pf^ kieu. Dowager, (empress) M^Jp"^^ongt'a' 7teu'. Down, (fall) ?^T^ tih 'Aau le, (walk) ^T^ 'tseu Vmi k'l', (it is down below) $jiJiTi leh 'la 'Aau 'ti, (sun is down) &MW lll ^ nyih deu lok saw 'Lse. Doxology, ^^|M tsan- 'rac kiung or DRI tsa?r' 'mo szp|p. Drag, ^S t'u, ik 'la, ^ kiew, (net) i&iM t'u 'mong. Dragon, f| h'^ng, (dragon boat) j^ lung ze?z, (emperor's goAvn embroi- . dered with dragons) ^ lung bau. Drain, fj keu, (shut) PniS cw' keu, [^iW yun keu. Drake, ^ftH yung ah. Dram, (8th of oz.) A^IS^-" pah fun ziew tsz ih, PH://'-^ 'liang fun pt'w'. Drama, $^ hi', (act a) ifA^ tsu' hi', (see a) ^^ k'ow' hi'. Draught, (of water) ^ P 7jC Ui 'k'eu 'sz, (draught's men) ft-p gi 'tsz, Draw, ffi t'u, J4 'la., (draw a boat) $ ^ k'iew zc, (a picture) ft' ft* t6;6 tt-o, (draw lots) H]^ t'seu t'siew, fclSl nie kieu. Drawbridge, ffi| tiau' giau. Drawers, (in a table) iJH t'seu deu, '^j t'seu t'i, (clothing) g?|$t'8ung' k'li'. Drawing room, ^^ k'ah dong, ^ II k'ah t'ing.; Dread, 'ffll^fl gii' p'o', (heaven's de- cree) g5C^ we' t'iewming'. Dream, W mong', (to) fS# tsu' mong'. Drenched, ?^,^^ sah we 'ts6. Dress, ^^KS tsah i zong. Driandria cordifolia, tgfStS} "g*^ dung zu'. Drift, '}^i5fc P'iau lieu. Drill, (a nail hole) ISfTBK tsu ting 'nga;^. Drink, (water) P7jC k'iuh 'sz. 27 DHL Drive, g 'kuK, gft 'kuw t'eli, (a ^vheel barrow) ^>J>i{l t'6 'siaii ts'6, (a nail) ^$J ting' ting'. Droop, (strength) M.1jMP^ k'i' lib so btV; yf^fljI>j/: tsing ziin 'sau 'tse, (flowers) l^tt ki^i^^ k'u. Drop, (water) f| tih, (down) J^HF ^ tihVKUilc, (anchor) tJ(5fS p'au mail. Dropsy, (feet) JiJIiTSS^jvialil't'sung 'k'i le, (name of disease) ^jlpl 'ki' bing'. Drought, 5C-=f=- t'ifi" ^'^''"S (for several years) jS^:^C-?^ lie nie;i diV Drowned, ^^^ dnin saii 'is,-, (drown little girls) 5||]fc niuh 'nii. Drugs, |^# yah dz6. Drum, J)Jl ku. Drunk, PglSiH^' k'iuh tsuw' 'tsiea 'tse. Dry, li kun, (dry in the sun) ^Utt so' ku, (to dry clothes) PS or [i^^ 4^:^ long' i /.ong, (wipe dry) 3^ k'a kuH. Dual, (principle in nature) i^P^ yu^i yang. Duck, ^1 ah, (wild) |f 'ya ah. Duckweed, ^-J^V'I^ veu bing. Due, (money) X^i^BM^M k'iew' 'sau ku' dung diew, ^Jif@]^ k'ie' 'la ku' tsa'. Duke, S" Jfi kiing ya, (rank of) 5V ^ kiing tsiah. Dull, (in perception) ]^ifl nii t'sun, 5s:3S ng6 bun', (dull knife) t4'73 dun' tau, (dull day) |^^ yun t'ie. EAR Dumb, (person) ^ 'an 'tsz. Dung, "M. fun'. Dungeon, ^^ kan lau, J|[ nioh. Durable, ^ lau, SH kie;^ 'ku. Dusk, 5i#FM wong hwun deu. Dust, &^ bung dzun, (to dust) ^g 7;^ to)/ ton bung dzun. Duster, (feather) l(l^|gf].J- ki man to 'tseu (wet) |^^' k'a pu'. Dutiful, (son) ^^ hiau' 'tsz, (offi- cer) j^S. tsung dzun. Duty, /^jy 'pun vun', (custom) ^ ^^ sue' niun. ' * Dwarf, ^-J 'a 'tsz. Dwell, fj dzu', (temporarily) ^||l| taw koh. Dye, (cloth) ^t\i 'men pu' (red) ^I 'nie hung. Dynasty, ^f^ dzau dc', (present) ^ 'pun dzau. Dysentery, ^X'M'& Aung li' d/ih, or hung bah li' dzih. Dyspepsia, J&M^'i^it t^^' '^ veh sic'.u hwo'. J-^ach, (man) -^J^ 'me niun, ^ JV koh niun. Eager, ffi-gj 'k'un t'sih, ^fe;5 uyih sing. Eagle, ^M lauyung. Ear, %?^ 'ni'tu, (of wheat) ^ iff 5M ni^^^i ^eh deu. Ear-glove, S^S '^^i 'tu t'au'. Ear.witness,ilB^J| (0 At'^ing EDI t'-sinor 'ni 'tu t'ing kiew' kii' niun. Early, -^ 'tsau, ^ 'lau 'tsau. Earn, ||;I!p1S dzaw' dung die;?. Earnest, W&)\j> znng sing, |^, yim gi^^; S" 'k'un t'sih, (earnestly) "53 t'sili t'sih Earth, i-| dV, (globe) Jij/^j^ dr' gieu (mould) di' 't'u. Earthenware, (China) ^|/, dzz k'i', (shop) feXSi/E 1^0"g ^''iiig tiew, (coarse) ^^ 'ngo k'i'. Earthquake, JjfifJj di' dung', JtM di' 'tsun. Earthworm, ]^t^ k'ioh 'ze;^. Ease, ^3: bing o;^, ^j^ o yuh. East, ]3C tung, (eastern quarter) ^^ 'jf tung fong j tung piew. Easy, My"ngiS ^11 veh na, (in dealing with) ^^f k'wew sii. Eat, P^ k'iuh, WtiYi k'iuh va>.', (of rust and insect^^) Sli tsu'. Eatahle, P#f|S k'luh tuh kii'. Eaves, J^j^ v>ng n'lQn. Ehb, Jfj'll dzau loh, 'J:7jC loh 'sz. Ebony, ,^7fC u niuh. Echo, M-M- y"ng sung, MM^ y"ng 'hiang. Eclipse, (sun) 0^ nyih zuh, ^^ nioh zub. Ecliptic, ^^ erong 'dau. Economical, ^^ 'sang gie/c', ^^ 'sang yung'. Economy, |[J J^ tsih dii'. Ecstacy, ^^^Ffifl ^^-'imgpeh vu' 'L'i. Edge, (of knife) 7J P tau 'k'en, (of well) 5)rj^ 'tsing pie;?. Edible, ^^P^ 'hau k'iuh. KLA rets. Edict, ^ ^ sung' tsz', ^|j| sung* ^i') Jl pill" zang' ii'. Edify, ftflS^'Ifr pong dzu' tuh yung'. Educate, 15: |li kiau' hiiin', |5:lgkiau' 'dau. Educated (man) ||#'7v foh su niun. Eel, 1J@ 'ze;? ;2g. Efface, SJK 'tie;, t'el, 1?^^ d/ai fell. Effect, t^% ' -'-' ^^^ van' nie', ^,!f^g; ]ing niew', H; yung' niew', (consequen- ces) Mi^\ kwa^i i'. Effect, (to) jH-^Ji dzung dzieu', ^ JyJ dzung kung. Efficacious, ^JSiK 'yen ling yung' orH; nie'. Effluvia, ^5^ k'i' mi'. Effort, (make) Ji{ :/j t'seli lib, (exhort to effort) %M} 'miewli'. Effulgence, %'^^ kwong 't'se. 'E'S^, S flan', (hen's egg) ^f g ki daw'. Eject, mi{-^ 'ku t'seh k'i'. Eight, A, #J pah, (the eighth) HA di' pah, (month) A>^ pah nioh. Eighteen, -f" A 7.e\\ pah. Eighty, A+ pah zeh or pali zeh. Either, (this man or that) 1^'Wj^A Jl^&fBA -6b di' kir niunwoh kiV kiV niun, (either 1 go or you) ^MniiM&m^ veh 'z. 'ngu k'i' dzieu' 'zz nung' k'i<. Elastic, (band) %M'^ k'wew 'kiun tu'. Elasticity, fIMf@^:/j v6h niciw kiV k'i' lib. Elated, J^'H kau h'iung'. 29 Elbow, ^fj-p-pi' t'sang 'tsj?. . j Embroider, Hf |2 sieu' hwo, (ombroi- Elbow-cbair, 10 ^-|i' k'men 'sen 'i. Elder, (brother) pPj-^ aku, (your do.) '^ jfl ling' h'iuiig, (my do.)^^ ka li'iung. , Elders, ^^ 'Lsang pe', jj^ 'tsaug Mail. Eldest, :^ jSffl 'kii 'tsang ku'. Electricity, I^IK ^^ie^'' ^ i'* Elegant, ^'^ 'ya, ^SCJI ^'ii 'y^'^- Elements, jLfr 'ng yiig, ^7l^7|C >/^ jl kinn inuh 'sue 'hu 't'u. Elephant, ^ ziang'. Elephantiasis, ^f^ 'hu taw. Elevep^f ^ ' zeh ih. Elm,' ft u zu'. Eloquence, P ^ 'k'eu dze. Else, :^^h ring' ngaS M^B.'^ ts6' veh zc nieh. Eleswhere, ^iJ/S bih t'su', hih dzang liau'. Elude, 5^13 hi' k6. Emaciated, ft^C^ sen' icv?t 'tse. Emancipate, ^.^j^ suh fon-;'. Embankment, (sea) j#J^ 'he di, ^ 'ho dong. Embargo, (on boats) '^jhfrllS kiun' 'tsz //ang ze>i. Embarrass, |[|J na>< u-c, Jt'lJl ta AVU'. Embarrassed, ^BIIffJfB BbfiS!: veh 'hiau tuh 'na nung tsii'. Embezzle, (emperor's money) ^Z^T*" ffiSilitfialR^ sz' 'li 'auyung' tcong ti' ku' niung 'tsz. Embrace, (him round the neck) } li #fflE^#ffl J^au' d/A\'- i ku' 'kiung kweh kiV. dered table covers) f-^i[Ml sieu'jlnva tsoh u'C\ Embryo, HuS'ff^^^ t'6 'li 'yen yiin'. Emerald, i^J'i'J^ ^"^i 'P'^^i ^ah. Emergency, ^;Jli3 (illfl^ kih yung' ku' zz Aeu\ Emotions and passions, ^ '[]f 7^^ ^X ^' "^^^^ dzing loh yoh. Emperor, ^1^ wong ti', ^_t'ong zang'. Employ, 19 yung', fij^ ziing' yung'. Employer, JC^M ^'''"S ^6"- Empty, ^ k'ung, ||;^ h'u k'ung. Emulate, ^ Hi fah fun', (in running) ^It^ se' 'bau. Encircle, ^^ tee zah. Enclose, ^jB^ k'iue 'k'i le. Enclosure, IMIJiS ^te d ziang. Encomium, pJtHOi^BS tsa' 'me ku.' sell M"6'. Encounter, ^Uc kiau tsew'. ^0j siang 'ti. Encourage, M^ 'mien li', MLM '^^^'^ 'vii. Encroach, (upon) 'K^t t*sing va', -^Uj IP P^' tsie. Encumber, ^^ le' dzue'. Encyclopaedia, ^^ le sii, (three well known encyclopaedias^ 3fi>i:^?5& t*ung 'k'au, End, T^^clS! meh meh kiah, ta^% kih sah, ]^ kih giob, (of year) ^ jg nie 'ti, (two ends of a thing) f@ i^ 'liang to;^ (of a book) #$1^ su tsung. 30 End, (to) yct^a wen Idli. jEndanger, (one's self) ^ f^ man' "liiew Endeavour, lij ^J t'seh lib, (use best) ^>li*^^>^/ f^^i"2:' sing gill lib. Dndomic, Mmn^i^MMM 'X)mi di' 'tiii dzaiig 'yeu dztn niuu ku' bing'. Endless, ^^^M vu giung vu dzing'. Endorse, ^#^JS^ ta pc' 7^eu di ming. Endowments, (of niitiire) 3^^ t'ie dzc. Endure, ^>}|ij} 'niun ne', J^'^ ta Enemy, %l^ dzeu dih, ^"g^ tc' deu, fij-l^ik to' dib, (i)iiYate) ^^ yOw ka. Energy, ;:^;2; lih liaiig', ^^^'f^ tsing zun. Enforce, (^obedience) MJ^iUf^/^ liiie;^ 'k'iang kau" i tsu". Engage, (workman) 'l.ll AJC kiV niim kung, (soldiers) ^la^^r^X tsau mu' ping ting; (boat) 'j^jijS ku- zc;^, (a passage) JjUf takze/i, ( to do) jS;5! yah ding'. Engaged, WVfil 'yen zz' 't'i, ^^V ^ 'yen kung zz-', ^'[^ff-g i tub k'ung. Engagement, jf.JJlO yab gi, (written) 3Cf4 "V'lii^ y^^ii, (baviijg a previous) i^ B iV'J S sie^e 'i ydii ding'. Engine, (steam) ^C%if)l 4ni ]un ki . or 'bu luu t'so dp!), (tire) 7]Cf| (automaton oxen and borses) /jv-^ ^,^ mull nieu lieu 'mo. England, '^%'^M yung kib li', :/;^ ENS m f^^'^' 3'i^rig kob. Engraft, g tsib. Engrave, J|JgiJ tiau k'uh, (blocks) ^'ij fe k'uh 'pan. Engraver, llj^^fg k'uh zz' ku'. Enigma, fgilg| 'yun 'nii na;^ U.a. Enjoy, (happiness) :$ Is 'hiang foli, (riches) ^'JS'g'jJ 'hiang 'zeu fu, kwc'. Enlarge, M~X ka du', ygf| k'6 k'weh, 5S/tC 'tsang da^ Enlighten, flB.]^^ tsau-' liang', IPJ] k"e ming. Enlist, Jx ^ ffl :S deu yung tong Enliven, /j[lf}1j-pjl ka tsing zun. - Enmity, /j-Sf^ siang/amg', (deadly).^ ^M^iitM peh gimg' te' t'ie tsz dzeu. Ennoble, Qnm) ^P^MMWilL 'song i sz' zib ku' tsiali w6\ Enormous, ^KS^M ^'^'^ 1/^^^' "^'^ liang', (crime) M~X'BW 'ting t'iew ku' 'dzue. ^Eiiough, fS keu eat) ^P keu' ^i- kv,n zz', (to k'iub, ^^^ veh keu' zz'. Enquire, p9 mun', ^J 'tang t'ing, pi N 'i'*-'ng niun', i^'^ dzo 'k'au, M^P 1^c;i kib. Enraged, ^^ sang k'i', ffijg kib nu'. Enrol, JlvJ"? zong' bu' 'tsz. Enslave, ?i}iA/fS& 'k'iang niun ?r6 Ensnare, ^f^/jyVV lau lung bib niun, |ucF|"h%1ScA eh ki' yen' ?r6b niun. 31 BNV Ensure, f^f^fEE-'paii tiih dzii'. Entangle, ^f{, pa?r' dzu'. Enter, j^ tsing', ^ tsing' k'i', (a so- ciety) A'^ 2eh 'e', (a religion) JH ^ tsing' kiauS Entertain, ^f^ k'o;r' do', ^f^ tsih do'. Entertainer, ^Lyv 'tsu niuii. Entertainment, (feast) E jf ^/i^" zi^i, (confer an) ^ ^ 'song yie?/, (amu- sement) if ^^fiVfl 'liau beh siang' kiV zz' 't'i. Enthusiasm, *^ili> nyili sing. Entice, llS 'yun yen', vMWi you' Entire, yt^ won dz'ien, OQ well lun, ^^ 'tsung dzi. Entrails, ]S.Wi'f\W '"-i'^ ^ong' 16h 'fu, >{^ sing (heart), Jf kiui (//rrr), fl^ bi (roaio/si'o;nc//),jJflJ fi' {hmjs), ^ zun', (Jcidneys) are the five upper viscera) ;^ill ^'-c^ruzong; :;c!J|r da' dzang, i]>^]'/j 'siaii dzang, ^ we' (stomach), JU)])lc bong kwong (blad- der), .i\^n^>m sing pau loll (wv^riV/y of the heart'), J^ 'taw (^gall bladder) are the six lower viscera) J@A\lljft ivd loll 'iVi. Entrap, ^\%% 'yun yeu', Ry yaw', ^f li paw' dzu'. Entrance, f^ P raun 'k'eii, (no entran- ce) S;P^ pIA '^^-i^ miin 'k'6 zeh. Entreat, ^^ gieu, ffi^*C 'k'un gieu. Entrust, ff^ t'oli fu', f A t'oh niun, (him) fESS6^ t'oh peh 'la i. -Entwine, SliC <^=^<^^' kiau. KQU Envelop^, ^^ pan /^aw, fpi^^ s!n< m- ?r su V an' fung, Environs, Hip, (of a walled city) M $[> zung nga'. (to environ) WM <*c zah. Enumerate, JJc siV, (difficult) HJil ^fi na 'i su' dzing'. Enunciate, U |S 'k'eu soh, (enuncia- tion) n "^ 'k'eu yun. Envoy, ^A t'saniun, (imperial) W'v ^ k'iun t%sa, '^'^ 's/. k\ve;i. Envy, ^,f> t.V gi', M^ ^^^'li t.V, I'lM "au' dzlh. Eolian, (harp) S^ fung giun. Epidemic, jS'^ wun yoh, J^^ wun bing'. Epidendrum, ^fjf ^^'' ^i^^'*^- Epistle, ^' fa ^'^i^i sing'. Epitomize, -JtA^ 't's gi M- t'suh dau', ^'^^ tsung ta'. Equi-distant, "t^ifejlL il) yang"yg" f^^e^^ ngu, (f yirifiU inisiole lends to great crrc' mnWMW&.'fK V^o 'i Aau 'li mieu 'i t'ie 'li. Erysipelas, ^.JE '^^w tsii. Escape, j^i^ dau 'tseu,^';^)]}! 'tseu fell, ffiffiS^ fob t'seblc. Escort, ^flf /ni' 10^, U'Jg AiV ^i'ngS KpS ^"^' Sling'. Especially, ## Jj mb dull Mi. Essay, 35C^ ^'i^" t^^ang, (essay admo- nishing tbe age) ||y"t{i3C k'iow' sz' vun. Essence, /^^ 'pun tseli, /fC^ 'pun 't'i, jft tsing. Essential, ^^H yau' 'kiun, ^:^f# fl^ 'sau veil tub ku'. Establish, Ix JL seb lib, ^ kie?/ lib* ^j k'u, (course of instruction) ^^W^ seb kiau'. Establishment, ^ jiob or giob, (for drugs) 1^^ yab giob. Estate, SUkinyib, ^ kaiiyib, || EVE 't'saw nyih. Esteem, ^J tsun ziing', ^ tsun zung', (esteem as) ^^ 'i jre. Estimable, pTSJ^ '1<^'<^ kiung=. Estimate, {^f^M^ 'l^ii 'ku kiV die**' ^y^ 'tang si)??', >!^ jC ^^*^^i liang'. Estimate, (an) Ip.-^ 'ku ka' diew kii' ta;^ 'tsz. Et caetera, ;z:CZ yim yun. Eternal, j^^'J^ 'yung 'yo;?, ( bapi)i- ness) ^g 'yiing fob, ( misery) '^ 'yung 'k'u, ( life) ^ 'ymig .sung. Eternally, (existing^^ j!^ Ji dzang tscng leb 'la. Ethics, Fft"^> lun Aang wCj^^S fSSS 'ze^ ok ku' 'dan 'li, 35!.'^ 3S.fft '^^'^ dzang 'wu lun ku' 'dau 'H t^M^ft zun ni' 'li tsz' sing', :ss.K^^ms,Mm kiiin zun 'vii 'tsz fu vu' k'Avun di' bung 'yeu. Etiquette, Iff^ ']i mau', p^^E kwe 'kii. Evade, |SS 'tu hi'. Evanescent, -^flBSPfSJl^t^ il^ 'tscw 'nga;? tsing dzieu' m nieb. Evangelist, fJSHWffl '^^^^ ^oh yun fob yun ku', (tbe ^v^iters) ^iMm' S E9f@A tsii' fob yun sii sz' ku' niun. Evaporate, tI^^^ 'sz piew tsii' t'i', itm. liwo k'i'. Eucharist, ^^ sung' t'saw. Even, ^ bing, j:^^ kiun yun, ^^ bing dzi. Even, (altbough) Wt"^ dzieu' zz', (even I knoAV i() jSfiC'&l^ff lie,z 'ngu 'a 'biau tub, (not even death ditcS t'iV kan. Euphony, j^i^fff 'hau ting. Europe, & ,S & eu lu p6, (European countries) '&l^Bi&&i yang koh du'. Ewe, -fJ-'J^^ 'mii mie yang. Ewer, ^BH kwc' deu. BtjtH ziang .si'. Exactly, (calculate) ^|HS^ si' sun'. Exact, (unfairly) ^J^ luh soh. Exaggeration, ^^fip^fg hwong dong ku' seh f6',|5*f#Ii]^JS^^ wo' tub t'uhku' vun' 'ts6. Exalt, ^:$t kau 'ku, f]^ de kau, (praise) fi|f|f t'sung yang, ?S|i t'sung tsa'. Examination, (for master's degree) ^|[5 ^ h'iang sz', (for doctor's degree) "^ we' sz', (great) :f^^ du' 'k'au' (small) >J>:^ 'siau 'k'au, (for dis- trict) JIJ yo' 'k'au, (for depart" ment) JjJ 'fii 'k'au, (in literature) 3Jt^ vun 'k'au, (in military) J^ ^ 'vu 'k'au. Examine, ^^ 'k'au t'sah, ^^ dzo 'k'au, ^ ka t'sah, (of judges) ^f FtiJ 'sun mun', (of a coroner) ^ ^ nie' sz, ^.\$,MiiU niew' 'kiew sz song. Examiner, ^ g 7iok kwcw. Example, ^f^ 'piauyang', |^ 'pong yang', (for example) j^ju/f 'pi fong, tfia p'izu, fiia 'kiazu. Exasperate, f||SiJS^ kih fah nu' k'iS S>fi^Hl^ 'za i 'dung k'i'- Excavate, ^ wall, [t{^$ waht'sehle. Exceed, (in number) SSC@ ku' su' mah. Exceedingly, '^^ zeh fun, giuh, (great) :/cSvfS^f# ^^' I'i w^'o veh tub, '^ ma?2'. Excel, (him) }Y^^M%^ 'pi i 'ban tub tvi, or 1^^ sung' tu. Exact, HS^^ ih 'nga;; veh t\s6, j Excellency, (as a title) i/^AiUVnimi. 34 EXE Excellent, IK^? 'ting 'hau, ^ ^ di' ih 'liau. Except, (the people of the place) |^ M^M'^AB^h dzu fell tsz 'pun di' niun 'i nga', ^Pj^k'eu' dzu, ;05p zah fi. Excess^ ^'^iS j "^ meli tsih du', (go to) J^Ffifong' doDg'. Exchange, f^f^ i^iau wen', ^i$: de' icen', (shop) ^JJL zie^^ tsong, (bill of) IB^ ^<^c' p*iau', iR niun p'iau'. Excite, (to motion) SW} '^i'^^^ '^^^i^^'S (to activity) gjt^ Idh li', (distur- bance) 3a'S':i^3'''zauyie?a sungzz', (by exhorting) $JiM ''^^ 'vu, Jl 'mie li'. Exclaim, 5SP-4 ha?2' Idau'. Exclude, K^Kdzut'eh, ^Jg; k'i't'eh. Excommunicate, Rlilllt^^ clzu t'eh ming zz, Pij-'lJt'liJJ^ kau' i t^seh kiau'. Exculpate, (one's self) ^|^ t'e' 'we. Excuse, J|,jt& k'\ve?2 su', (my going farther with you) f3^'M^ su' veh 'yow siing', (one's self) Jf HI dzz zia'. Execrable, Pj*^ 'k'6 u'. Execute, frUl^ /^ang t'seh 16 (kill) ^ sah, ( arebel) jES tsung' fah. Executioner, ^J'T^^ k-'we 'tsz 'sen. . Exempt, (from custom duty) l^^'gf ^!^ dzu 'mie?i kv>"e;2 sue'. Exercise, (soldiers) ^|i:^T t'sau lie??' ping ting, (practlse^mannal la- bour) i^^^X hoh dzih 'sen EXP kung, (tasks) XrI kung k'u'. Exert, (strength) {f{ :fj t'seh lib, (mind) M>U fi' sing,; 8 zing' sing. Exhalation, ^ k'i', (from the earth) Jf dv k'i'. Exhaust, M^ yung' ^\cn. Exhibit, igflj 'hie ming, ?gg{fj ^ yung yung t'seh 16. Exhilarate, ^f f su t'sang', fglJS JllJ t^-eh 'dung tsing zun. Exhort, ^ k'io??', ^ k'iow' 'mie^j ^1 'ka k'ion, (men to be good) ^ yV^^^ k'ioM' niun f6 'zew. Exigency, Hgfifl^^ 'kiun kih ku" zz /^eu'. *- Exile, ^5 t'sungkiiin, (sentence to) M/E. 'ni ding' t'siing kiiin. Exist, (of himself) g^MW zz' z6w urh 'yeu or zz' zon urh z6n jf,\, (still exists) j^^ w;a^ 'yeu. Exonerate, (from blame) ^i^j^ WP veh 'i ti;e 'yeu 'dzue, ^^. veh suw' 'dzue. Exhorbitant, (charges) 'Mm^^ yau' dung die t'uh tii, jliSj^^ t'uk ku' vun', ^^^ tu 16 'si. Exorcise, 0M.& '^^n t'eh 'kii, (by charms) ^3LS^ niaw' tseu' 'ku 'kii. Expand, ^gg 'tse k'e, ^ff^ su sun, ffi ?fi pu' tsang. Expanse, (of sky) ^^ k'iung t'song. Expect, 1 mong', ^ j^ 'tung Aeu'. Expedient, "^^ plen' tong', ^S //eh ni, (method) ^ f^ fong fah. Expedite, ft|j5ft k'wa' 'tie^? tsii,. Expel, gJU 'ku/? t'seh, ^ z6k t'seh. 35 EXP Expend, ^j^ fr yung' ffi^ yung' du'. Expense, ^^ bow fi' S be; zow , (journey expenses) E-&JI lu' fi=, (daily expenses) H nyili ti\ Experienced, |S liew' dah, ^U 'lau liew', (liand)fii^ zok 'seu, (in a trade) ^ fr ne' Aong. Experiment, (to) pi^'^^^* sz' ih sz' k'6?i'. Expert, ^5^ 'k'i^^^ 'seu, K^ ^^'wa' 'seu. Expiate, JKIp z6k 'dzue, (by merits) i^ JdlltjiS 'i k"g 'P'^ ^^S (^y sa- crifice) Jit^lSP. 1^'ie/^' tsi' zok 'dz-^. Expire, ^ff^ '^ow k'i^ Explain, ^?p 'ka sell, finj tsu' niing, ^ fah ming, (sacred books) SfSitS 'kiang kiung soh fah. Expletive, ^^86 l^'^i zz' 'nga. Explicit, p^if.ffl ziangsi', (sayexplicit- ly)fS^yj &f@ ^o' ming bah kii'. Explosion, (of powder magazine) ^ MMMiK^^ 'iiu yuh gioh '11 'hu zi'ik 'tse. Export, (cargo) {fj P^fit'seh 'k'eu hu' sub, (to export) MMf^^hM yiln' tan' 'he nga' deu. Expose, Bffi^ lu' t'seh 16, (life) i^ 'pp* p'ing ming'. Exposed, I^SjJi^ soh p'u' 'la 'ts6' Expound, u85u 'kong kieu', 0)3 1& 'kong ming bah. Express, (to) iJBUj^ wo' ming bah, {ll3^ wo' t'seh 16. Expression, nf-B^ zz' 'ngaw, (vulgar) f^ z6h zz' 'nga;?, (with good mean- EYE ing) J^ 'hau zz' nga^i', (with bad meaning) ^^ k'ieu zz' 'ngaw, (with substantive meaning) 'j^ zeh zz' 'ngaM, (an expletive) J^ h'ii zz' 'ngaw. Expressly, 4t^ ^i-ih i', tuh duh 'li ^uh duh i' i' ku'. Expunge, ^^ L^ mun miew' seu' snig. Face, (to) f^ ^^ ka tsz i, ( south) ^I^ dzau nc. Faco-painter,fS^l[lf0 dze;i zun ku^ Facetious, J^^ 'hau siau'. Facile, Jgg zun'bien^ g yung i'. Fac-simile, "S "|^ ih suh ih vang\ Fact, Klf@-#ti zeh ze' ku< l.' 't'i, (seek truth by collecting facts) ^ W V^:: 'i zeh zz' gieu 'zz. Faction, ^3^ 'tong 'yu, (form a fac- tion) ^"a kih 'tong. Factory, f^^ yang Aong, M&M tsz' 'zau gioh. Faculty, :^f| dz6 nung, :;^'^ 'pun zz'. Fade, (leaves)|Sj:3||g].g ^,iV yih tiau FAN loh, (flowers fade and fall) :^fg Ptif hw6 k'u 'lau 2i;\'. Fagged, SSK sa dii, g^ k'wun' vah, bi s'wn' :?tz ih 'k'wun za. Faggot, (of fuel) - Fail, ^J^:^ veh zung kung, (fail to keep one's word) ^f^ seh sing, ^ 5* zuh 9jien. Failing, ftku't'su', g^ ku, seh, ^ JlJiftp veh tau' tsz t'su'. Faint, #|$in^ hwun ml zu 'sz, 1it&f#5S;f F#tl g^' p=6' tuh ung peh vu' 't'i. Fair, (beautiful) ^g 'mo II', (just) &M kung dau', (fair wind)**||3H zun' lung. Fairy, fjjj A sie niun, fllf^ sie^e 'nu, ^Jcil yau kwa'. Faith, 1K)U* sig' sing, (as one of the virtues) f^^f^, sing' tuh. Faithful, ^i^ tsung sing, Jf tsung hen'. Fall, ^ loh, g^ tih, (if you do not fly high you will not be hurt in falling) M ^ FSS* ^ fg fi veh kau tih vlh sons. False, i^x '^^, flSffl '^^'^ yang deu. Falsehood, U|| soh hwong, |;f g 't'saw mong. yame, :gS ming sang, :2^ ming k'i'. Familiar, J^ z6h, J kwa;?'. Family, ^ kia, ka^ ^^ ka kio;?' (rich) SJE7V^ fiV tsoh niun kii. Famine, |J|^ ki hwong. Faii, Jl'j" sc;' 'tsz, (to) ^ s6^^' sc;^', Mi svn' fi'ing, (stir up and deceive- 87 FAT Taney, (to imagine) ^X|jJ( 'tang liang'' i 'siang. Far, 5g 'yon, (from this place) Mit JlfiiS,^! 't'sz di' 'yo;?., (far as heaven from earth) JJ^Ifij^ t'iewt'sodi' 'yo;?. Fare, (by boat or ship) ^^ z&n fi'. Farewell, /fp^lj siang bih, Mfj\]li l)ih, (lam going) -^^ k'i* 'tse, "^^ 'tseu 'tse, (a good journey to you) """SS^:^ ih liV bing on, (a fair wind) j'j^Hl ^^i^^' ^''^"gj Farmer, HfflfSiA tsung die ku' 'tsLi j|iun. Farm-house. JE diew tsong. Farther, ^j^ kung 'yow. Fashion, J|$^ zz suh, /^^ zz yang', (not in fashion) ^fy veh haug. Fast, ^:^ kiun' zuh, P^ k'iuk w^ tsa. Fast, (quick) tfc k'wa', (firm) ^|| lau k'au', lau. Fasten, (a door) B| f^ kwaw nnnr (witli ropes) JHUli 'k'wun 'pong. Fat, J^^BM, ^u' k'we' deu, tJI tsong SEvi, (of pork) Itf^ tszyeu. Fate, 3c^ t4e?i ming', jS^ yiin' k'i'. Father, $CSl 'vu t'sing^ '^^^ <^^ hng' tsim'. Father-in-law, ^yvdzang'niun, (hus- band's father) ^& kii kung. Fathom, (10 feet) jfc dzang', (G feet) '/\fi hOh t-'sah. Fathom, (to) ^jJM t'suh doh. J>Ji)g:uhtia, ^;JC kia 'vu, (your) FER Fatigued, Sg ssi du, ^f bi giow' (in the feet) JJPIt kiak su^e. Fault, ^S veh '/z, J^^ ku' seh. Favour, >S, J&. ung 'tiew. Favourable, 3^f|| fong bie;?', |^ zun'. Favourite, tl^f^A 't'sung 6' kiit niun. Fear, ffi p'o', Sffi 'k'ung gu', (fear the majesty of heaven) ^^^^ Ave' t'iew tsz we. Feast, ^J$ ij'ien zih, (to)'-^ yie^c k'uh. Feather, ^^ 'il man. Fee, ]^ff sok sieu, fl:^ sieu kiun. Feeble, ^|| 'nio zah. Feed, fj^^ wo' yang'. Feel, (in mind) ^^ kog zah, (witli hand) Jp jp mo ih mo. Feelings, |!i*[fl sing' zing, (the seven feelings) ^'[j| t'sih zing. Feign, ^f^ tsong tsu'. Felicity, t^ fob, ^ fob k'i'. Fell, (a tree) Jl 1f}7f:|JvT^ taw zu' mobk'ew' 'au 16. Fellow, [plfj- dung be, 1 dau bew. Felt, (liat) M.'^U tsew mau', (coverlid) ^ tse? taw. Female, (sex) ^ 'nii, (gender) iJi^ t'sz, ft bing, 'mu. Fence, US li po. Ferment, (rise in making) S fah kiau', (of wine) 'ffillKliiS^ 'tsieu kioh fah 'k'i 16. Ferocious, [aII^ hiung 'lain. Ferry, 'g^ ^u', (boat) JiJglS 'padu' zew, (to ferry) jl^t ku' du'. Fertile, (land) if M^ 'liau di' bi, }[ iS^i^dzunj FIG BE tson^ vi ku' dl' hi. Tervent, *>^>L? ^yi^^ ^i'f^i sing. Festival, ||1 jij\ tsih gi, (idolatrous pro- cession) |ij W t'seh tve'. retch, ^fi^ k'i-' taw 16. Tetter, JipiS kiali liaii, (hand cuffs) -^a 'sen 'nieu. rever, f^^ nyili bing, f^^ song 7m);2, (and ague) S"? ngoli 'tsz, |f %^Jh fall Aow nyih. Pew, >i? 'sau, :if^ li'i. 3? FIR Jibre, (of silk) ifintlK s^ kun, kiung loh. Pickle, ^Bfc@; yung i' 'ke piew' W^'IS^^'yeii'^^vutsung. Piction, ^^^fSl^fJ ^ kun ku' seh u-6', (works of) >J"^ 'siau soh. Pictitious, f| 'ka. Pidelity, t^i^ tsung sing, (to be un- swerving in) ^,2* ^ing' tsung. Pield, [H diew, (rice) ^^'03 dau' diew, . (of battle) ^i^ tsew' dzang. Piend, % 'kii, ^g 'kwe kwH'. Pierce, 1X|S liiung mung, (fire) g)J^ iK lili 'iu'i. Pife, H siau, |g" dih. Pifteentii, ||+3l ^i' so 'ng. Pifth, 1121 /i- 'ng. ^ig, ^?E* m bw6 'ku. Pight, ^Jj^: 'tangtsangS ^ kung 'tang, 40 siang 'tang, ^^ siang teuS Pigurative, (expression) J;b:^f@|^ pS" 'pi fong kiV seh tv6\ Pigure, J^ff^ yung ziangS tR ymig zongS (of speech) J^^:^ 'pi fong, (figured chintz) TE'S^ hwo yan^ pu\ rile, i$_ t'siiS J} t'sii' tau, (file thin) ^T4 V&u' boh. Pilial, ^ hiau', (be filial) :^)6hiau' zun'. Pilings, Mmlen; ^g^^ mii 'tsz, 'Jf ts6 'tsz. ^ill> MS zung 'mew, (by pouring) wi tsun 'mtin, (by raising) J^ diew 'mew. Film, h^j^Mkahmoh. Filter, i/g ]u-'. Filth, Ills ok t'soh -^^^^ m tru w6^ Fin, i^Mngt'sz. :; ' *. Finally, $$^ tsung kieu'. Find, 4l ^ing ^ah, |3c 'tsau zah. Pine, a sis (mulct) ffjWi^, vah niung 'tsz. Finger, ^Jg J^ 'sen 'tsz deu. Finish, HXyQ tsu' e^-ew, JQ wew kung (eating the whole) ?#;) k'iuh tub ih kwong. Finished, ^pt^ wen kih 'tse, wdn 'tse. Finite, WfJcfS 'yeu Men'- ku'. Fir, fell} Sling zu'. Fire, >/C 'Im, (catch fire) iK^ 'hu zah, (fire wood) ^ za, (fire a gun) ]Ji|i& fong' p'au'. Firm, ^@ kiew'ku, (hold firm) i| ^ niah lau, (commercial firm) -fx Aoug. Firmament, 'i^;^k'iung t'song. First, H di' ih, M-^M deu ih ku', Ttl sie/i, @ 5l 'seu sie?^, (at first) jt^^fe 'k'i sie;e. 39 FLA Tish, ]Sf ng,( angle) f^*^* tiau' ng, (catch with net) JU tsoh ng. risherman, JEit-A tsoh ng niun, (boat) M^ 'mong zen. Tish, (glue) ^J3 ng kiau. Fissure, fjf S hwah lah. Fist, ^BM gi^'* deu. rit, ^>R3 Ml yungS ISJB yung' yung', SEJQ' P'*^' ^^^"> (convulsion) If-g^ fah Invun, ij t'seu fiing. Five, 'ng, (constant virtues) JL*^ 'ng dzang, (five lakes) Ji'SS '^S Au. Fix, ; ding', ^ ding' kiew', ^ ding'tong', J/1 ! lih ding', ^ on ding', t4 tsu' ding', (by talking) ^ '^ 'kong loh, Fixed, tft;S kiuh i', ^ ih ding', flj f@ ah ih ku'. riag, K gi, fl^ gi ku. Flake, ^ p'le^i', (of snow) 3Jr sih p'iew'. Flame, ^^ 'hu ya'. Flash, pv| 3 'se?i kwong. Flat, j:^^ kiiin bing, pEJf- kwong wah, (land) ^i^ bing di', (taste) fkM 'daw boh. Flatten, ^J^ 'tang bing. Flatter, ^^ vung' dzung, (make a small gift expecting a great return) fJ^iKBi 'tang t'sieu fiiiig. Flavour, f^ljfi tsz mi'. Flaw, ^^j^ mau bing'. Flax, j^ mo, '^/^ hu mo, (thread) iHc ni6 sie*. PLU Flea, SjE^ t'iau' seh. Pledge, ^^^ sang 'ii mau, Flee, j|;^ dau 'tseu. Fleece, ^^ yang mau. Fleet, j^ k'wiV, jKj^ 'sing soh. Flesh, I^ nioh, (fleshly body) ^|| nioh 't'i, (fleshly eyes) ^gg ni6h 'ngaw. Flexible, |J: 'nio. Fling, fill p'au, 5 tieu, ^ gwaw', f^ toh. Flint, >^5 'hu ziih. Float, ^SC p'iaulieu, '/f veu, ^ 't'ung. Float, (of timber) ^^ ba. Flock, II giiin, fSj3^ dau b6'. Flog, ff 'tang, ISfl* pie 'tang. Flood, (the) i^7jC Aung 'sz, (water rising) 7jC^ 'sz tsang. Floor, 7tC tKSlItt moh 'pan p'u di', M ^ JK di' koh 'paw. Flounder, J;^ @ , 'pi moh ng. Flour, ^1^ miew' 'fun, ]f^ ^^^ mie^. Flourish, & E hiung wong', ^ hiung fah, 1^ hiung lung. Flow, 'JSfc lieu. Flower, /f{^ hwo, 5t ^wo hwe, (pot) ^ hwo bun, (boat) j|S hwo zow, (to flower) Swf-ti k'c hwo, (central flo- wery land) 4*^ tsungti;6, (flowery) jl^ wo li'. Fluctuate, (in opinion) M^^ ^ S yeu ni veh ding', (in quantity) W ^ W >|? 'yeu tu 'yen 'sau. Fluid, 'HcJJ lie^^ 'dung, (doctrine of fluids) MKi$ lieu tseh yah. 40 FOR Flurried, 'I^tt liwong mong, ^^ zah kih. Flushed, "^ JLf5Sl mie^' 'k'ung fall 7mng. Flute, (play the) P^"^' t'sz dih. Fly, S'ffi t'song yung. Fly, (to) fil fi. Foam, TjCf)^ 'sz meh. Fodder, $M^ Hang 't'sau, f J^ Hang zuh. Foe, fMA. dzeu dih, ffgl te' deii. Foeces, (of sugar) l^ lip dong kiah, (of wine) "^ 'tsieu kiah. Foetus, ^ yiin'. Fog, f^ vu', (scatter the) ^ 'saw vii'. Foiled, (his plan) 5ftE;?.^figtt p'u' t'eh tsz I ku' ki'. Fold, ^^yanglau, [J] yang k'i6, fflj] yang bang, (twofold) Mia ka boS (fourfold) /jPEyf^ ka sz' bo'. Fold, (to) # deh, Jf tseh. Foliage, (abundant) MM'M^ zu' yih men' zung'. Follow, ^^ kun, -(( kun zung. Fond, |U; 'hi hwe. Food, :^ zuh, PfefS#J^J^ k'iukkiV nieh zz', (cooked) ^Mi 'hu zuh. Foolish, ^^^ nge bun', ^^ t'sun bun'. Foot, JJiP kiah, (measure) ^ t'sah, (carpenter's) ^Jjifi lu' pa.' t'sah (tailor's) ^$M dze vung t'sah. Footstep, KSiJ^ tsung tsih, HSI^ kiah tsik. Foot, (soldier) jp^ bA' ping. Footstool, F^JiP^ dah kiah tui;g^ For, @ yung we', (instead of) ft FOR # dc' t'iS (for);cS t'eh, # t'i', (for gain) ^^iJ ^vg' 11'. Forage, '^M^ liang 't'sau. Forbear, fj ding, g MMf^ zz' ka kiun' ka', (imperative) ^^Wi veh yau' 'dung. Forbearance, SB 'niun ne'. Forbid, f^.ih kiun' 'tsz, ^|t veh 'hii. Force, ^:^ k'i' lib, (take by force) ^M k'iang 't'su. Force, (to) M5S 'niiew 'k'iang. Ford, t^ du'. Forefathers, |11^ 'tsu tsung. Forehead, V^ 'nau niun, ^MM ngak koh deu. Foreign, (good^) l^M yang hu'. Foreigners, $hH A nga' koh niun, ^ A i niun. Foreknowledge, 3fe Hi- 9] sie kie' tsz ming. Foreknow, fl ^fc TlS ? I/"^' ^iew 'hiau tub. Foreman, BM deu mob, XS '^^"S deu. Forenoon, Jl^ H 'zong p6w' nyih. Foreordain, fH'5tjil/ 2/ii' siew'siew ding'. Forest, ttJ'H^ ^^i' Hng. Forewarning, ffl^^ :?/u' dzau'. Forefeit, (money) =5^ '^ah niun, (salary) ^ vah fung. Forge, (to) ^jli 'tang t'ih, >ffc hw6' t'ih, in 'v/iew t'ih. Forged, (bill) {fl^-7 'kap'iau"tsz. Forget, /Sf niong' ki', >SM vong uiig. Forgive, ftiJc niau so', j^ so' 'mie;^, 41 FOU Fork, X t'so, (silver) SR^X iii"n 'tsz t'so, (three streets meeting) jT. XS n Scaw t'so lu' Mv'eu. Form, ^%^$ mii yang', J^^ ynug zong', SiS yung mair', ^$^ yang' siih, (bench) S:^ dzang tung'. Form, (to) J^gffi^ yung yung t'seh 16. Formerly, ffiflj zung z\e?i, ^^fe tong sie, sie zie^?. Fornication, ^/^ ka// ynn. Forsake, ^(^^3 11 k'6, |gK k'i' t^eh, hwah t'eh, ^ tieu t'eh. Fort, '^^ J p'au- do. Forthwith, jL^lI lih k'lih, BU tsih k'uh. Fortify, 5a ^J^ 'zau yung le'. Fortified, (city) MM kie zung. Fortnight, ^ IIS J^ pt'w' ku' nioh. Fortuitous, f^^^i^ 'ngeu z6. Fortunate, ^. 1^35 idli sing kau m tsau, WjHtTU 'yeu ''zau Invo' kih ziang. Fortunately, f-g-f^^ hah 'hau. Fortune, ^ ming, jSfc yun' k'i'. Fortuneteller, ^^^fc^ su' ming sieM sang. Forty, pg-^ sz' seh. Forward, fl'J H zie deu, (go) |rJ Hj' W^ h'iang' zie;/ miew' ki'. Fosse, t$t'8 ^*aii keu, 7jC;?ifc 'sz dzz. Foster, ^ 'yang. Foul, ii| ok t'soh, (wind) j|^S niuh fung, (of water) iM zoh. Found, (a cannon) fpf>^ tsii' i)'au', (of metals) ;t^ yi'mg tsii'. (an establish- VRK ment) ^M k'o gioh. Foundation, Jife^ ^i' ^^' >S oh ki. Fountain, ^ BB ziew 'ngaw, jj^ ni(m. Four, |Zg, (regions) "jj sz' fong, (seas) ^ sz' 'h6. Fourteenth, IH" IS f@. /i' zeh sz' ku'. Fourth, (one) Wi^i,' sz' fun tsz ih. Fowl, fi|# fi giun, (domestic) || ki. Fowler, ft*Sf@ 'tang 'tiau ku'. Fowlingpiece, fij^ 'niau t'siang. Fox, IE?! /"'i li. Fraction, 4i ling su'. Fragment, ' *5^ ih k'wo', - */=p ih p'ie;r, ^^ ling s6'. Fragrant, li'iang, if^^ 'hau k'i' mi'. Frail, (easily broken) )\)]l t'siie', (weak) t>t|| 'nK3 zalt. Frame, ^^ ka' 'tsz, ;f'? kak 'tsz^ Frame, (and make) ^-jS tsz' 'dzau. Frankincense, -jL^ '^u h'iang. Frantic, ^f]E tie>^ g^Vong, ^^ fung t'sz. Fraternal, iU H |El 51 zu 'di zz' hiung. Fraud, |ltlT '''""^vo ki'. Freckle, SSfi paw 'tie. Free, Q' ^ Q ft zz' yeu zz' ze', ^ f^ ^ zz' ka tsok 'tsu, (from care) ^jfJi^l^ owz6;evuzz'. Free, (to) MM fo^S' t'eh, 13 # k'6 suh, ^!U kieu' zoh, fong' k'e, suh fong'. Freely, ^ ^JJ bah b-ih 'li, 1tiii1f JBU kc'/^i sing zing nio;/'. Freeze, J;^ t^ng-, ^^i niung kill, U< 42 FTIU ^v pInjT tuns;'. Freight, M-tKfi z6;i 'long Im' siih, (money cliarge) ^^ zcn dxen. Frequently, (several times) J^^yZ 'lu t'szS (in the habit of coming) ^ ^ dzang le. Fresh, 5||fgf sing sie, (cool) i$,j^ liang k^va', j^ fung liang. Friend, SM^ bang 'yen, jf0ij siang 'hau. Friendly, ^f^ k'wm do'. Frighten, SHI kiung hah, ifilS^lJ yV hah sah bih niun, (frightened"; Iif1'6fi^hahp'6"la'tse. Frigid, ^ hon, i^ 'lang. Fringe, (to cap) ,f^ yung, (silk) ^.^ sz w;6', sz yung tv6^. Frisk, Jjt t'iau'. Fritter, ^ gf yen '])ir.g. Frivolous, (matter) >J>Vt| 'siau zz' 't'l. Frog, Hl| die^i ki. '^ From, ^ zung, Q -{j^ zz' zung, (from the plain to the profound) l^t^A. 'S^ yeu 't'sie zeh sun, (from youth) '{i(>J> ziing 'siau. Front, iJS^ ziew den, (to front south) ^] zaune;^, Hj t'sung new. Frontier, }^^ pie k4', (wall) JJ| pie dziang. Frost, Hi song. Froth, '}^-f meh 'tsz. Frown, ^i IH ^seu' mo deu. Frugal, i^M 'sang yung', WM tsih liew, j^ 'sang gie;'. Fruit, ^-J; 'ku 'tsz, (in season) flt -^ zz 'kii. FUS Fruitful, SS fung zung', 'M nien' zung'. Frustrate, K^M ba' t^^a'. Fry, Jif^ tsiew, (in small pieces) %y 'L'sau. Fuel, SI za, (gather) f^^ zih za, (cut) ^-^1 p'ih za. Fugitive, ^i|Hf0JV dau naw' ku' niun. Fulfil, JMM- yung' niew', ^g^ zung dzieu', (he does as he says) "^ im ^IW-ly ?/i^'^ t'seh vi yung. Fulfilment, 3iS|: yau' niew'. Full, i^ 'mew. Fuller, ^^ f@ p'iau pu' ku'./ Fully, ytt^ '^^'^'w ziew. Fumigate, ^ 'JiM hi tin ih hiiin. Fundamental, /f]^^ kun 'pun. Funeral, ^'^ song zz', {fj?^ t'seh ping. Fungus, /f'CB moh 'ni. Funnel, J^-J* leu' 'tsz, (for smoke) ffltS 2/ie 'dung. Fur, & hi. Furious, [)y J hiung mung, i/cS da nu'. Furlough, (ask for a) -^f^ kau' ka'. Furnace, ^XM. 'Im lu, S yau, ^ lu tsau'. Furnish, ff|!f| bo' ban'. Furniture, 'jf ^'JC ka 'Im, ^Mlf^ k'i' 'ming ka sang. Further, Mj^ kung 'yo;^, (and) X. *f^ V1$ yeu' ih 'giew zz' t'i', ^ ^ ' rf^ li"g' 'yeu ih 'gie, (and further) "jjff JL urh 't'sia. Fuse, ^iJ siau, IJ tsu'. 43 CAR Fustian, ^^ liw6 niung. Futile, PiixSS M meh yuk t'sil'. Future, ^^^ 'Aeu 16, jf^M tsianglc, (life) ^^ 'AensuDg, ^lltl^szS (in future) ||^^ naw dzau 'Aeu. G ijain, ?f!l lis ,J, li' sih. tuh sungS ^ Gain, (to) lElHl^ dzaw' dung dien (conquer) fe yung'. Galaxy, 5Ci^ t'iew lio h\i. Gale, ^S du' fung, ^ bau' fung. Gall, J| 'ta^ (bladder) ^ 'tan pau, (bitter as) ^ ^D 'k'u zii 'taw. Gall -nut, 31 fS -f 'ng b6' 'tsz. Gallop, ::^S6da"bau. Gambling, n|f|| 'tu pob, (is next to robbery) {^jj^ 'tu 'giun dauS (gambling house) i^ 'tu dzang. ^me, (of chess) '^t^ ih gioh gi, Goal, ^^ ka lau. Gaoler, ^ BM#^ "?* 'lau deu kiun 'tsz, ^S4^f@ 'kvvew ka lau ku'. Garden, /f^^hwoyoM, (for vegetable) IKfflt'f'e' yo. Gardener, 'B^'fSSIf 'kweu h^Y6 yo kuS^fifS isiiiig' hwo kuS Gargle, (the mouth) \^U sok'k'eu. Garland, ^^^ hwo ku. Garlic, TfvT; su . Garment, 3S i zong, (one) *f^[^ih 'giew i :?ong, (best)7ic du' i zong. Garner, ^^ t'song ka/. \. GEN Garnet, ^0^]^ ya' ming tsu. Garnish, $"CiS! k'wdnhung diV liang'. Genial, (rain) 'H'lW ^^>^ '", (in man- ners) ^^/mk'i', JmI*!! wun 7m. Genii, fl{l llil zun sie, JlliyV sieniun 44 GIL (the eight) /V JuJ pah s'len. Genius, 5^^ t'ien clze, (a) ^^ dzc 'tsz. Genteel, ^:^| vim 'j'a,^ sz vuri. Gentian, ^j^ <-'ong liew. Gentle, Jm^ wun liang, ^U^ /'u hmg, fii^ Willi y.eu, Gentleman, - ^^ Man yu, ^" ^ kitiu 'tsz, (young) JV"P Idling 'tsz. Gently, tl|2f@ k'iuiig k'iiuig ku', i!^i^ Bb ma' maw' ming. Gentry, (of this place) Tp^ilklWI^ 'pun di' tsiiig' sun. Genuine, ^ tsun, J tsun tsung'. Geography, J;i|Jidi"li, #H koh koh di' 'li. Geomancy, S^JC fung 'sue. Geometry, (of Euclid) Mf^HS^ '^^ 7tu nio 'pun. Geranium, (scarlet) "fr^fM^M J^'^^S sieu gieii. Germ, ^ ngu, f^ 'tsun.g. Germinate, 1^ [l{ :^^ mung t'seh ngti GO 16, -/S. Get, 1# tuh, ^ tuh zuli. Ghost, Jfe 'ku, _^g'kwckn-sv, (Holy Gliost) ^jpljl sung' zim, fi sung' ling. Giant, -^^^ wo' dzang'fu, ^frfl iSS^JEflA sun Hang' kau Ic 'si kiV uiun. Giddy, 1^ deu yun'. Gift, jgttfi^lfV sung' 'IdkiV nieh ZZ-, Jlifl^'llveh. Gild, (border with gold) ||:^ siang kiiin, (paste on gold leaf) ||p^ t'ih kiun, (wash with gold) ^ du kiun, (sprinkle with gold) |^ sail kiun. Gilt-paper-money,$^||7C5f 'tsz ding niuy^ 'pail. Ginger, ^ kiang, (preserved) || dong kiang. Gingham, fti^^flj lieu diau piV. Ginseng, Ji^ niun sung, (foreign) ^ yang sung. Girdle, MW^^ soh yau ta'. Girl, ;fel^ 'nil 'no, ^j^Jg ku niang. Girth, Jji^ HCx ta'. Give, % sz', gJtiJf sung' peh i, (iu alms) Jl^ sz 'so, (give me) gjfe 3S peh 'Ja 'ngu, (give credit) ||^i so tsaiig'. Glad, -^gi; 'iii h^vew, K3 >6 k'6 sing. k'd' well, Glass, |li:i^ pu li, (a drinking) % \)n li pe. Glaze,iiJl-=P'yeu'tsz. Glazed, (pottery) lMM% lieuli 'ng6. Glitter, f^T^ fah kwong. Globe, Jg gieu, (the erath) Jt di' gieu. Gloomy, (weather) #3^hwun t'iew. Glory, 5^ 5fc yung kwong. Gloves, -^^ 'seu t'au'. Glowworm, iS^Cife, yeu 'hu dzung. Glue, (cowhide) ^^iW nieii hf kiau, (fish) ,@ ng kiau. Gluttonous, ;J;pg t'e;;k'iuh. Gnash, (with teeth) ^^^^^ 'ngau nga t'sih 't'sz. Gnaw, (a hone) PjC'B' 'ngau kweh deu. Go, -iVk'i' it 'tseu, (by boot) ^j^ gfe 'zu zen k'i', (a foot) ^f7 bu' yung, (go up) ff -^ 16k zono^ 45 GOV k'i', (go down) p-^ 'auk'i'. Goat, \h ^ saw yang. Go-between, S^ A me niun. God, JL'^ zaiig' ti', (according to some) 5ci t'iew 'tsu, MW ^^^^^ zim, (a god) # zun, (gods) %,# 'kwe zun, fnf 5/3^11 zun ming bu sail. Goddess, (of mercy) ffiW^^S kwcw yun bu sah, J^5(k kwew yun niang niang, ^^ sung' 'mii. . Godly, J^ pC gien zung. Godown, ^^^ 'dzaw vong, (in the go- down) ^ 'dzaw 'li. Gold, MiE w'ongkiun, (thread) ^ kiun sie', (leaf) Jfi kiun boh. Goldfinch, ^'^ wong tsiuh. Goldsmitii, ^| kiun dziang'. Gong, (of coppei-) H^S diing lu. Good, if 'hau, ^ 'zcw, ^^ liang 'zew. Goods, ^t5 ^''i' suh. Goose, |g ngu, (quill) ^^ ngu mau pih, (wild) [(^ 'ya ngu. Gorge, (the) P0P^ pieti' Aeu'. Gorgeous, jl^%^ kwong 't'sc. Gospel, JlS^ foh yun. Govern, ^-JJ 'kwe '11, }& dzz Mi, ^*|| 'kwe ah. Government, ^\^ koh tsung, 'i^J|S tsz' du-, @ ^ koh kia, "fii^ fong puh. Governor, (of one province) jil:^ 'f^ de, (of two provinces) ^M W tsung ^toh, (of a large, middle sized, and small city) ^DjjJ tsz 'fu, ^UJi] tsz GRA verse) ^CffifSi^t'iew di' ku' 'tsu 'tse Gourd, ^ M hii lu. Gout, JiBJSL kiah fung. Gown, ^^-J* bau 'tsz, (wadded) fj^ -fl^i mie 'au. Grace, ,, un, f^; un tuh, M uu 'tien, ^ un 'e'. Grade, (ninth grade of officials) TLpp 'kieu 'p'ing, (grades) pp 'p'ing, (half grades) t^ kih, (promotions to the extent of a grade and a half) Jfll jH ^ ka saw kih. Gradually, i|(fSrf|S dziew' dziew' ku' (ascend) iPiP^^ bu' bu' tung kau, ^ji^H a tsz t'sz' di'. Graduate, (as bachelor) jH^^ tsing' Aoh, (as master) 4*$ A tsung' 'ku niun, (as doctor) 't'J^lJt tsung' tsing' 'zz. Graduate, (a) ^^ sieu' z6, jJC^ van sung. Graft, ^ tsih. Grain, (five kinds) .^ 'ng koh, (a grain) *fjl ih lih. Granary, J^[e9 t'song kaw, t'song ling, (government granary) g ^ kwew t'song. Grand, i^;^ kau da', Oi7C Aongda', Granddaughter, ^^ J^ 'nu sun. Grandfather, jflIl;3C 'tsu 'vu, kung kung. Grandmother, fffl.'S^ 'tsu 'mu. Grandson, ^-f sun 'tsz. Grant, (to) f^ 'hu, MiC 7"" 7% 'tsun. && yiin. tseu, ^J{^ tsz vow', (of the uni- | GrapeS; bu dau, i^ beh dau. 46 GUI Giasp, fife-^ iiiah lau. Grass, !^ 't'saii, (fresh) W^ Vs'mg 't'sau, (srass cloth) X'^ '^^^-^^ P^'- Grate, >^'M 'li^ i^'^- Grateful, iS>' '^ew un. Gratified, ^K 'hi ycih, 'Kfg k'a' ^;eh. Gratis, |^ j&H Mh hah 'li. Gratuity, ^|i 'song sz', (to servants and messengers) MM 'tsieii die?*. Grave, J^^ vim mu'. Grave, (in aspect) ^i tsong nie, J^ we nieM. Gravel, ^5 ^^' z^h. Graver, M ^ fH k'lih zz' ku', (graving knife) t^j^TJ k'lihzz'tau. Gravy, ff; t'ong, ^ kang. Gray, Jc& hwe suh. Graze, PS'^^ we nieu yang, ^Ct^ k'iuk t'sau. Grease, ^ fH^ kaii yen, Jg tsz kau, gift yen ni'. Grease, (to) ^ meh yen. Great, :k d^S (very great) ':feS^5E dii' 16 'si, n^tb du' 1^ sa' nung. Greatly, P^ft sa' nung, :/C::^tb du' diV nung, (fear greatly) t p'6- 16 sa' nung, ?S P'o' tuh giuh. Greedy, ^t|^ few k'iuh. Green, |^ loh, (pea green) SW deu t'sing. Greet, P3if niun' 'hau. Grey, ^'^ hw6 suh, (a grey beard) ^6ft 'lau bah su, (long cloths) Ji^'&'fll niow suh pu'. Grieve, ^[a^ yeumun', f^ yeu dzeu, m ihilj song sing, >]& GL'L 1^ sing nun. Grievance, ^^ yu k'ioli, (state a) lip su' yo. Grind, ^ mu, Ij^f niew, (the teeth) Pj 3* 'ngau nga. Grindstone, >S5 niu zah, ^-f' niu 'tsz. Groan, PJIS t'aw' k'i'. Grocer's shop, ^;^ Jf dz6 zuh p'u, (southern goods) iS^jJJ new hii' tiew'. Groom, ,^ ^ 'mo fu. Gross, 15. t'su. Grotesque, ^ j^ gi kwa'. Grove, (of bamboos) ft^ tsoh ling. Ground, Hi di'. Ground-nut, ^^^ loh hw6 sung, :^^^ dzang sung 'ku. Ground-rent, JiEffl. di' tsu'. Groundless, ^^^^j[S m kun m 'ti, |lfif^.^Si^>^'yungmtsung. Group, f^ 'hu, Pl^ de', || giiin. Grow, ^"i^ sung 'tsang. Grudge, ?S^Mt y^^' k'i'^ ( expendi- ture) ^'iH ling sill. Gruel, 5I5 tsoh. Guard, ^tJ^ k'ow 'seu, JC 'p6 'seu, P;5 bong 'seu, (a guard) |^j^J /m' \v6', (guard against thieves) ^^ S iliJi kiun' bong dau' dzuh. Guess, If ^ t'se dob, (could) Jf f# ^ t's6 tuh zah. Guest, ^ A k'ah niun, Guide, 'pIS& 'lin^^ !"' Guilt, IP 2 'dzue ming, 'dzue* Guitar, ^^^ bi bo. Gullet, Pg^Pi Aeu h'mg. 47 HAN Gum, ifj^ zu' kiaii. Gum, (benjamin) ^ M*^ ^'^^ sili hiang. Gums, ^"^J^ nga 't'sz zong. Gun, ,%|t 'niau t'siang. Gunpowder, ^^ 'liu yi'ih, (gunpow- der tea) JS2:^ tsu tsz dz6. Gust, (of wind) -^F-^S ih dzuii' lung, Gjpsum, ^^ zali kau. E -abitual, l^'l^^ tsu' k\vai', ^ zih kwa'. Hades, 1^^ 3 un ka?, |^3 yun sz, PgjjJ 6/^' 'lu. Hail, /ti p'au'. Hair, M^ deu fall, (of animals) ^ Hair's breadth, * 'SS*"*^ ih sz ih Aau. Haircloth, ^^ man piV. Half, -:^ ih p6n'. Hall, ^J k'ah t'ing, ^^ k'ah dong. Halo, SHI fung k'iow. Halter, f|BH lung deu, ,^i|-J 'mo lung 'tsz. Ham, *XM 'li^'^ 't'^. Hamlet, ^^fj t'sun' tsong. Hammer, |^BM long deu. Hamper, 'M-'f 'lieu 'tsz. Hand, ^ 'seu, (hand-stove) ^i^ 'seu lu. Handicraft, ^ 'seu ni'. Handkerchief, ^ ffj 'seukiun, (of silk) kiow' deu. HAR Handle, JP^ mo lung'. Handle, (a) |^ ping', |B 'p6 Handsome, fi-f^ 'hauk'ow'. Hang, ^ k\v6', jl^ jim kwo self) ffi ^ tiau' sah. Happened, (just then^BiS TFt'ehtsuHg', I'p iff hah 'hau, J^J^ bang 'k'iau, (happened to meet) l^^ji^ 'ngeu zon bang' zah. Happiness, SM^ foh k'i', (be hap- py) :$. 'hiang foh, if^ tsoh loh. Harbour, (to) !j^ wu zong (a har- bour f# P 'he 'k'eu, ,f|BK 'mo deu, (has come into) f^^ P ^ 'seu 'k'eu 'tse. Hard, fjj ngang', (to accomplish) )^ ^ van na. Hare, ^-f t'u' 'tsz, Sf IS 'ya mau. Harelip, ^k^M k'i^h tsz. Harlot, ie^ t'sang gi'. Harm, ^ he', (no harm) :^$|P^ veh nge' siV. Harmonious, ^U 1^ Au moh, ffi siang Au. Harmonize, ^J^^Q diau M', Harmony, (a) ^jltfU SI 'p6 't'sz Im moh, ipj diau. Harness, (a horse) ^ il| be' 'mo, (a cart) 3^^ t'au' t'so. Harp, ^ giun, (to play) t# dan giun. Harrow, |Jife i>6di', (a harrow) |& p6. Harsh, aJ^J^ t'uh niew, ^ijj^ k'uh boh. Harvest, J|i^ seu zung, (wheat) ^JK 'siau mah seu 'Hew ku' zz hen'. 48 HBA k'vviV Haste, (make) ^iS k'vviV 'tiew, or k'wa' k'wa', (hasten him) fS'^ t'sue i. Hasty, ^tt kih mong, 53 J^ 'sing oh, 14^ sing' kih. Hat, \^%^ mail' 'tsz, (felt hat) S tsew mail', (summer hat) i,^^ liang man', (red tasselled) ifX|^ Aung we' mail' 'tsz. Hatch, IJIP^ t'song mun, (open the liatches) ^|t k'6 fsong. Hatchet, :^5M 'fu deu. Hate, 'H/mng', fi"!'! tsiing yie, |pt ^ jyie'' li'. Hateful, RI^ 'k'6 4'. Hatter's shop, iJIIS man' p'u'. Haughty, | kiaii ngau'. Have, ^ 'yen, (have not) ^J^ m meh, (has gone) 2*f^"^^ 'ikiimg k'i' 'tse. Haven, #j|5( Jil;:^ ding zewku'di' fong. Having, (as a causal conjunction) gJc ^ ki' z6w, (as an adverb time) Ci j^ 'i kiiing. Hawthorn, lll^sadz6. Hay, ^t-^ ^^i^' 't'sau. Hazardous, ^I^ 'iv^ 'men. Haze, ^^ yiin vu'. He, 'gJi.^S '^^gi, Sgi. Head, ^% deu, (of a Avorking gang) jC II kung deu, (of a party) @ deu moh, (of a clan) "^^ z6h 'tsang. Head, (to) tUB^ t'seh deu, fM 'li"g- Head-ache, ^Mj^ deu t'ung'. Heal, -B i- Healed, if Ji ^ 'hau 'la 'tse, S'JE HEl "^ dzien 'yii 'tse. Health, (in good) Jft-SMTtt sun 't' gie' tsong', l^y^ 'song k'wa', (are you in) ^Ji5 'hau 'la 'va, (I am in) 'hau 'la. (not in health) ^MlSi veh suh i'. Heap, M te, iS tung, (heap up) M^ tc tsih, ^ le tsih. Heap, (up gold and gems) iiC^^ 3E te kiun tsih nioh. Hear, ^ t'ing, (I do not-) ^M^ veh t'ing kie', ^ |1{ t'iiigvehl'seh^ (I cannot) ^^ t'ing veh le. Hearsay, (know Ly) MpS fung vun. Heart, i[j sing, ^"sj* fong t's.^m', >l^ Jlli sing di'. Heat, %M iiyih k"iS (avoid heat) j^ :?^ hi' 'su. Heat, (to) K'S^ liLing nyih, (by toast- ing) Jl 'k'au nyih, (make it hot) nyih ih nyih. Heathen, $h^A> nga' kiau' niun, f^ 'j^n A' sing' veh kii' niun. Heaven 5C ^''^^^h (.paradise) 5C^ t'iew dong, ^ ^ ming kung, (son of) 5C"P t,'ie 'isz. Heavy, "^ 'dzung. Hedge, ^"K li 1>^>- Heed, (take) ^hi\J 'siau sing. Heedful, iMfe 'kiun zun'. Heel, Sijl^Mkiah'Aeukun. Heifer, >J>n^ 'siau nieu. r;L- kau t'su' Height, i^ kau, Heighten, JJ^ do kau, M ka kaii. Heir, m^ 2^'ts^. ^^^Hfi zung 'zeu ka nyih ku'. 49 HER Hell, Mfi di'nioh, Pfjf 6w"fu. Helm, its '/V 'yun sieu ku' niun. Hero, ^i^ yungyuug, ^@| Aau gih. Hesitate, JL^!iiS lih veh ding' 'tsu V, j:l>L^M>@ sa sing 'liang i', IJ^! yen ni veh ding', ^^ ni woh. Hew, |5t'k'e. Hidden, S>^'yunmih, MiZO^M zong k'ong' 'la ku', i^ mew 'la ku. Hide, 5S^ 'yun zong, t/ttll k'ong' 'lung, (intransitive) ^ be' lung, Oiis laugh hides a sword) ^^^ 7J siau' '11 zong tan. Hide, (cow),^jfc nieu hi. High, "j^ kau, (in price) ^ kii'. High-water, ^i^7jC bing 'sz, '^7jC 'tfc^ lot 'sz k'wa' 'tse. Highway, T^K kw6 lu'. Highwayman, 5'S giang dau'. Highminded, Ulti S :fe zz' kau zz dii'. Hill, >J>lll 'siau saw, "K^Jt ^^^ ^^^ tung. . Him, ^ i, :; jt 'zz gi. Himself, #S^ i zz' ka, ^g t'sing zz'. Hinder, PJ. 'tsu, }i law 'tsu, JS law 'tong, RS 'tsiikah. Hinge, flIS k'li 'nieu, |||fi 'tsew gioh. Hint, (by nodding) ifilffl'i';: 'tie deu we- r, ^ffl yau deu. Hire, (men or boats) ^ ku', (houses or land) |1 tsu, (wages) JLM kung diew, ^ lih diew, XM ^ung 50 HON ka'. His, ^f@ i kuS (His own) {? g ^ f@ i zz' kakii'. History, ^ffi 'sz ki', (properly the History of Sz ma t'siew). (Mirror of history) |||^ kong kaw', (Twenty one histories) "H* ^^ ma' ih 'sz, (history of a man) ^Jg le lih, q* 'trW- 2/iew yimg dzew'. Hit, ^X 'tang, fi^ zong' zah, (with an arrow) M^ zoh zah. Hither, $Ubit tau' 't'szdi'. Hitherto, -^ Ir] ih h'iang', ^^ ziing 16, h'iang' 16. Hoard, (to) ^_ tsih h'ioh, (wealth) ^If tsih dz6. Hobgoblin, 'g^|f kwa' veh, ^ kwa' sue'. Hoe, MM zz deu, (to hoe) l^ffl yun di'. Hoemorrhage, ffi^lQlfS p'6' h'ioh kiung Hog, ^^ tsz lu, (lard) f^J tsz yen. Hoist, (a flag) Jf ]^ t'sah gi, (a sail) jlhiiiS t'sa bung. Hold, J|5p niah lau, |^ zz, (with the hand) ^^ 'sen no. Hole, JL'^^'iing, (aperture)^ k'iau' (in a needle) ^ 'ngaw, (in the ground) J^L k'ang. Hollow, ^ k'ling, i^ h'ij. Holy, ^ sung', (most) ^ tsz' sung', (pious) ^1^ gien zung. Home, ^^ ka '11, M 6h 'li, (my home) ^JH^^ 'ngu ku' 'lau ka. Hone, ^JJ yp mu tau zah. Honest, ^^ lau zeh, ^^J$, tsung /ieu'. nou Honey, '-^ mih, (wild) Sf 'ya mih. Honey-comb, -^^ mih vong. Honeysuckle, ^^^^^ kiun niun dung. Honour, ^^ tsung kiung', ^W. tsung 'dzung, ^ kung kiung' ^ (suhst) till t'i' mie', ^ J yung wo. Hook, i^ keu, (fishing hook) f^ tiau' keu. Hoop, ;A-Qj ku, (bomboo) 'fj tsoh ku li t'ih ku. Hope, 2 mong', Jg 'tsz mong', G p6 mong'. Horary, (characters) -f 'tsz, J; 't'seu, J^ yun, ;^P 'mau, J^ zun, '^E* zz. -^ 'wu, ^ vi', ^ sun, 0* 'yeu, j^ sih, ^ Ae'. Horizon, ft^ di' bing, 5Cj^ t'iew piew. Horn, ^ koh, (deer's horn) ^ loh koh. Horrible, RTSPTil 'k'6 kiung 'k'6 " hah. Horse, ^ 'mo, (a hundred) "^"ly E ih pah p'ih 'mo. Horsekeeper, >^ y^ 'mo fu. Horsewhip, >l|ff| 'mo piew. Hospitable, ^f^^lj A 'k'wewde'bih niun. Hospital, j^-BK ^^ ^ y^^^'' C^^'' foundlings) ^'^^^ yoh yun . dong. Host, ^^ ka 'tsu, ^ J\. 'tsu niun. Hostess, ^# ka 'mti. Hot, i^ nyih, (springs) |m:^ wun ziew. Hour, (one) -^flS^fM ihku'zzzun, ^iftlJ ill 'ti*3 tsung. IIUS Hourglass, iy^ &6 leu'. Hourly, Stflf^lj^lj zz zz k'uh k'lih. House, ^ ka, ^-f vong 'tsz, M oh, ^f dzak 'tsz, fJi^ 'su dze'. Household, ' '^f@ A ih ka kii' niun. 'S.ow, 815 tb 'na nung, f- 'na tub, fj 'na hang nung, *tE:^ 'a 'li nung. However, j^ zen, ^l 'tan, (I however donotfear) $S^t& 'ngu 'tau veh p'c'. Human, (life) A^fefilS^Jl niun sang 'la sz' ka' long-, (feqjings) A'lw niun zing. Humane, PT'lft'SAfS)!? 'k'6 lien 'k'u j^un ku' sing. Humble, H^M ^'iew h'u, 5^ k'iew sun', @ -^ zz' pe zz'. Humour, ft^ sing' 'tsz, jfe^ hi k'i', (humourous) ^^A^ e' 'za niun siau'. Hundred, pah, (one hundredth) ^ * di' ih pah. Hunger, a ngu', ii ki ngu', JitH 'du 'li ngii'. Hunt, ^T 'tang lih, H 'tang ;e. Hurdle, (wooden) TfC^II^-J: moh deu kah 'tsz. Hurl, Jjli p'au. Hurricane, KS gu' fung, :^ dii' lung. Hurried, ft mong, ^^ zah kih, '[^ hwong mong. Hurt, f^ song, song 7^6'. Husband, ^^ dzang' fu, :^Ane;i niun. Husbandman, ^^ niing fii, fUffl A tsung' diew niun. Husk, ^$ k'ong, jji bi, (bran) '^)JC ING fu hi. Hut, ^|HJ] 't'sau bang, ^ maubang, (watch hut) M "^ kang so'. Hymn, p^ sz, :^ sung sz. Hypocrite, fS|&#f@A 'ka mau' ^t'e 'zew kiV niun, iSSiS^'fT A 'ka tsong sieu 7mng niun. Hyssop, ^WM nieu sib 't'sau. Hyson, ^M 'h'it'sun, (young) MflJ 'vii ziew. 'ngu, "^ ngu. A J 55 'ngi Ice, VA ping. Icicle, i? pien dob. Idea, ft>S i' sz', M. i' kiew', ;t:SI niaw' deu. Identical, ^TM ih yang', (person]! Wl ' 'flM A diing ih ku' niun. Idiot, S^ffl A nil bun' ku' niun. Idle, 1^1 Imn, ^ k'ung han, 'Rflf 'law dii'. Idol, i^Wi 'ngeu ziang', UM^^M^ ni siV mok tiau, (of wood) /fv^MA mob deu niun. If, ^ig zak sz', ^ zak'zz, {^0 'kia zu (if it had been that not being so) fiS^ 't'ong zen, tB 't'ong zak, ^ 't'ong wob, ^ 't'ong sz'. Ignite, )^^ sau zah. Ignoble, ^!i| pe dzie^?/, fr>|)iB 'pi leu'. Ignominious, ^||Mf@ ^eh''t'i miew' ku'. Ignominy, ^^ sieu z6h, !|Il sieu 't'sz. 52 urn IMP Ignorant, S^K^^U nil ming vu tsz, ^IS^ veil suh zz', )iiJi!iKi^ sing di' mong me'. m, W^ 'yen bingS ^WM veh suh is ^M'^ ^^eh 'sopg k^Ya^ Illegal, :^;^|$ fe veli Aeli lib fall. Illegitimate, (son) |-? su' 'tsz Illiberal, >J>| 'siau k'i'. Illimitable, *K?^,^S ^'^ ^^^^w' vu liang'. Illiterate, ^H^fS veh'suli zz= ku', ^ 15^(0 veil zung doh su ku'. Illogical, ^-^'IrS veil Aeli dzing % ^51 veil t'ung. Illumine, j^H?^ kwong tsau', 9^ tsau' liang', (the world) ^M3^TE9 ^7 'p'u tsau' t'ie> 'Aau sz' fong. Illustrate, M-M tsang 'h'iew, 0^ fahming, pf tsu' ming. Illustrious, JEJ^^^M tsung' da' kivoug ming. Image, iHJuM ni 't'u ziang', |lj zun ziang'. Imaginary, Plf^PitlBl^tl ' 'yung m 'h'iang ku' zz' 't'i. Imagine, ^J 'siang, i^Sl^SJaffi* sing '11 niah 'dzau t'seli le. Imitate, ^Jiyau'fah, ^ hoh. Immaterial, ^?i5|Sf^ vu yung vu ziang'. Immeasurable, ^^ftfij^ veh nung liang doh, ^^S vd hlen' liang'. Immediately, jtSil lih k'uh, ^^ lie mong, Sflf tung zz, l|Jl 'mo long'. Immense', ^j^^Wi('& kwong da' vu 7iie', P^jSP^I^ *" piew m tsi'. JJlT"^ dzun Vau k'i', S wun' 'la veh 'hiau Immodest, ^Bf#: tvih sieu 't'sz. Immoral, ^JEfM veh tsung' kiung, ^^M veh 'zz 'li. Immortal, :^AlWm ^'^ m<^'. Impossible, ^^^ veil nung, ^^ veil gioh. Impost, K% fu' sue'. Imposture, (assume false name) g ^ mau' miug. f^^ 'ka tsong. Impotent, ^|| 'niu?^ zah. Imprecation, ^dlfl. tseu' tsu', fy vali tseu'. Impregnable, ^^^^ p'u' veil le. Impress, ^JE(] 'tang yuiv, MT^ ah 7/au le. Impression, (take) J [^[] suh yun'. ' Imprison, i^ilL^^M seu Ma ka lau 'li. Improper, ^^i'M veb yuug tong, ^ ^^ veh Aeh ni. * Improvident, ^^fefSfS '^eh siew yu be'. Impute, Ifj^ljfjf^:!^ JL kAvo tau' i sun long', ^ SUM', (rectitude) WPM ^ t'sung J. w6 ni' In, fjjji leh 'la, (in mind) ^jj^ sinij 'li. INC Inaccessible, ^"tbSlI veh nnng tau', ^^J Jl 'tseu veh 'zong. Inaccurate, ^^ 'yen t'so, ^^Slfveh te'. Inactive, ^55^ veh 'dung 'seu, '^ f^H^ veh tsu' sa'. Inadequate, ^^ veh keu', ^^V veh kun zz'. Inadvertence, W?H^ 'ye^i 1^^^' ^^^^> ^ffl>& veh yimg' sing,' ^lif- veh 'li w(i'. Inanimate, P^J^ jf^|l[l m meh tsing zun, ^ttfSWl veh nung t;eh 'dung, iS^Ffitl ^'"ng veh vu* 't'i. Inattentive, ^ S/U" veh lieu sing, ^M veh t'ing. Inaudible, |^^ ffi t'ing veil t'seh. Inauspicious, ^^^Pfveh kih dziang. Incalculable, ^^tii^fg su' veh t'seh 16 ku'. Incantation, ^E, tseu', (Buddhist) fti ^/S du lu ni. Incapable, ^Ob vu nung. m meh 'pun zz' , zungtf?e niun Incarnation, ^J^ArS' sun, (of Jesus) HP^^^ ^ya su kiang' sung, Siiflo Mlife deu va;2 t'6 urh sung. Incautious, ^/^)l^ veh yung' sing. Incendiary and murderer, ^AjK^ f[3 sail niun fong' 'liu kii'. Incense, ^ h'iangf, (of sandal wood) fS daw h'iang. Incessant, :^f^ veh ding, ^^ eeh dzili . Inch, -ij* t'sun', (of time) JrH^^lj 54 TN-C ill irien'- zz k'uh. Incite, |?5 Idh fall, f^U '^'u \u. Inclination, J^ jpj tsz' li'lang'. Incline, fifi " p'iew 'la ili m]en'. Inclose, g^ i.e zdh, ESSIIpJ k'io??- 'la '11 h'iang'. Inclosure, (for sheep) ^I) yanglc'iow, ^ yang Ian, (covered) fD] yang bang. Include, QgS pan kwali, 'g' pan Mn. Incoherent, (talk) IxBnlt^'^ ^^^^ "^'>' 7/-U (III. Incombustible, >K^^M 'hu san veh zah. Income, (from house) ^^R vong tsu (from land) iU c^i' tsu. Txr Inconsolable, ^S^SJ vol 1 'zeii o Incommode, pi{t>{^ naw tt'o, 'nau, ^JJ lau 'dung. Jfocommunicable, ^Bb^SBlJAiS veh nung fun 'la bih niun kii'. Incommparable, Piit m 'pi, P& A J^W-^S^ffl ^ sa' niun 'pi tuh le ku'. Incompatible, M Iff ^ 74^'^ '^ang mie' veh vii Iieh. Incompetent, PM^^Mnb ^'^ '0^J|ft 'za i 'dung k'i'. Indecent, ^"^W. veh Aeh 'li, 3}$ ift zia p'ih. Indecorous, ^Jf veh 'ya, ^if ^ 'veh 'hauk'6;?'. Indecision, 'J^^ ^ yeu i veh ding'. Indeed, "^S zeh ze, S>^^ 'ku ze;?. Indefatigable, ^'^'^j^veh we' bi giJ> ^{"^GW. vu da' 'siau vu sie;? 'Aeu, (time) P4 B ^. m nyih 'tsz. 55 INE INF Indelible, ^J^^^ffi dn meh veh t'seli. Indelicate, (bury shame) MliS,M^ ma meh lie;? 't'sz. Indemnify, lu| be 'pu, ftjSdzoog ican. Independent, jlf^f^S zz' ka tsok 'tsu, il ^ zz< -kwc'^ zk'. Index, ^1^ moh loh. Indian, (corn) ^J^/fv tsim tsu ^ma. Indicate, ^p SS 'tsz 'tiew, ff^ 'tsz zz'. Indict, 'S'^kau' zoncr'. Indifferent, (to) il^^l^f^ sing Mi '\ancr danS 31 ^^-^X ^t^ i' veh Manoj i' veh nyih. Indigestible, 8J[UfH ft na 'i siaii h\v6'. Indigo, (3ji pj dien' t'sing. Indiscreet, ^ffjffl veh tsz si', Pft^ 1^ m "kief*' suh. Indiscriminate, VJvTwLyU veil lun ^pc 't'sz. IndispensablB, ^^fsj- 'au Te4i tub, H^JI ba' veh tub. Indisposed, ^iSgvehsuhr, :^ @ ^ veh zz' 7.(i\ Indisputable, ^fb^f gxf@ veh ming blew' poh kii'. Indistinct, ^ fS SI veh t' sing t'su. Indolent, ^JIS'ISI'W t'e Aaw 'laH du'. Indulge, Jt|i5S long' tstiug', %'^ k'wew yjjng, Hi>* k'wen su'. Industrious, ft^iun, pS ginn 'kiun. Inebriated, P^;!?' l^'i^i^^ tsue'Hsieu Ineffable, fj :^ ^^ilH ico- veh lo ku'. Ineffectual, PHixS^S "^ "leh yau' .nie-J' Inestimable, ^R^R vu kia' tsz 'pau. Inevitable, ^i^Qj veh tub ''i, *^ ^3^ 'miew veh le. Inexhaustible, M^^ yung' veh ew;?, fft.?!^^^S ii meh giung dzing'. Inexorable, tglSI^K 'w;a ; veh 'tse, ^tlM^kAM veh'k'ung niau so' niun 'dzue. Inexpedient, WMm veh blew' tong'. Inexperienced, ^^^^ veh z6k 'seu, (in a trade) ^hff ngtV Aong. Inexpiable, ^jffMM veh 'Imu zh ku' or z6h veh le ku*. Inexplicable, ^^^^Ui 'kti seh veh t'seh. Inexpressible, fj^^ to' veh dzing', wLvJ U4 soh veh t'seh. Inextinguishable, 3^^^ mih veh le. Inextricable, fj^^jM. 'Ivu veh t'eh. Infallible, ^f^M veh nung t's6. Infamous, (reputation) r^^^t'sieu' ming sang. Infant, iJ^Q 'siau 'no, (girl) >J>;^ 1^ 'siau *nu 'now. Infantry, jp-^hu' ping. Infatuated, f5^ fah mi. Infected, (otliers) V^;iSiJA tsc 'zo tsz bih niun or f^^ dzdft 'zdn etc. Infectious, (diseases -spreading) -f^^ J^ fr wun yoh lieu yung. Inferior, 1*"^* '/mi 'tung. Infest, (and disturb) -US sau 'zau. Infinite, (induration) ^Vn^fM v" 'sz vutsung, (in extent) ^^^^^ vu pie?i vu ow'. 56 INO Inflamed, ^|ife fah nyih. Inflexible, M^l^^k ku= t^eli veh 'ko. Inflict, (punishment) ;&n5flj-|5 ka yung vah. Influence, ^@ sz' mali, |i|{5 S^on 'pins, (as a verb) jif^'fu 'kewhwo', JiH5 'kew 'dung. Inform, ^ |^> kau' su', IH FM wo (leu, #^^P pan' tsz, ^B^ 'tsz zz', ( a superior) -^^^ kau' 'ping, ( an in- ferior) ^ffc 'hiau yti'. Infuse, (tea) '/iS^ P'au' dz6. Ingenious, S^ ling 'k'iau. Ingratitude, hf^M-^^ vong un vii' ni". Inhabitants, ^^ kw ming, ^il!i A 'pun di' niun. Inhale, PTJ li'ili. Inheritance, f$T^f@.^^ dzew 'au 16 ku* ka nyih. Inhuman, [Xj h'iuug, ^^ dzaw hau'. Iniquity, Pg 'dzue oh, ^S^fS ^OS "^'sh kiing bing kiv zz' 't'i. Injure, fg^ song 7/e', ^ dzaw M', Injurious, ifll^ li' Ae'. Ink, ^ muh. Inlay, (with gold border) ^'M siang kiun. Inn, ^J^k'ah'niiS ^j k'ah tie;?'. Inner, ^ nc=, JJIp] 'lih'iang', 3 'li deu, M 'li mie^i'. Innocent, HjSfp m 'dziie. Innumerable, P,^/J^4>C @ m meh su' mah, ^'f*^ ,^ t'siew t'siew mar/ maw'. Inoculate, @^* tsung' deu'. Inopportune, (just now) jltSll^fiS . INS 't'sz k'uh veh bie?/ Inquest, %^ \ nie;^' t'sah sz Inquire, ij%% 'tang t'ing, 'fong mun'. Insane, 2^^ fung tiew, ^ tie;? gwong. Inscription, (on stones)^35C P "^'^^"r (on tablets) |M^ 'pie?? nguh. (on arches) f^l ba 'pie??. Inscrutable, |lijj^:^ii| t'suhdokveh t'seh. Insect, Ji! dzung. Insensible, ^^H^^ veh hz veb koh. Inseparable, ^^ifl fun veli^^e. Insert, fr^ t'sah, (as in embroidery) iQ t'sah hw6. Inside, ^Ir] 'lih'iang,, j^ 'li piew. Insignificant, :^^M veh yau 'kiun, ^W I veil siang ku. Insipid, ijj^pjf da;r boh. Insist, (on my going) " '/^^^^ ih ding' yau' 'ngu k'i'. Insolvent, (of a shop) S'ilP^ yau' kwa;^ mun, ^W\^ veh k'e 'tsi, :^ ffiTfiftM veh nung tt'a^j tsang'. Inspect, S^ ka t'sah. Inspiration, (in theology) ^7J^ muh zz', (in breathin^|i5i ih y'lm ki' t'seh sz' 'mo na tsue, "a ffi'Iffifr :yie t'seh vi yung. Irritate, (him) S^'Pffi^ 'z^i i 'dung k'i' Is, (absolute existence) ^ 'yeu, (is it so?) :::^^'zzvehzz',(ishere) Wi JijItM leh 'la 't'sz di', (it is so) Isinglass, (in 'vvhite squares) ^7C;5?^ bah da' t'sc', (in strips) da' t'sc' sz. Island, f$ % 'he 'tau. Insolated, JjJ. ku, 5 "f@ taw ih kii'. Isosceles, (triangle) ^)Sir.^Jp 'timg piew saw koh yung. Issue, (result) J5[,|| yau' nie', H "(^ kwaw i', (to issue a warrant) ffi % t'seh p'iau', (ticket^ |f )t^ fah ba, 155 fah taw. It, # i, S:f@#jV ku' ku' meh zz'. Itch, ^ 'yang. Itinerary, Itl nyih ki'. Itself, # g ^ i zz' ka. Ivory, ^3" ziang' nga. J acket, ^^ saw, (cotton cloth) ^ pu' saw. Jade-stone, ^ nioh, (ornaments) 3 ^ggf nioh ki'. Jail, ^^ kaw lau. Jailer, :2pg^^ lau deu kiun' 'tsz- Jam, fg'^ dong 'ku. Jar, jf^ bing, ^ bang, (large water M^' 59 JUC '^ 'sz kpng, i jar) TJV'tta '-^iz l^Png, ^ ung'. Jasmine, :^v^4l2 ^^^^ ^^' ^^"^^'^* Jatiiidice, Jff ^ tcong ta'. Jawbone, *:M^ kah kweh, "^ nga kweh. Jay, -g-t,| 'li'i t'siah. Jealous, M^ zih tu', j tii' gi". Jeans, y'^-^ ball siih pu'. Jelly, (of beans) 2 SV eu- vi?. Jest, fS^ffi ttu' beh siang', ^.^ fSiftliJ 'za siau' ku' sell tvb', Jtf 'hau siaii' ku' sen tvo'. Jewels, ^5" 'pau zuli, ^I^AK tsuu tsii pah 'pau. Jeweller, (working) -ft T. nioh kung. Join, ^^jS tsili Vien, ^9 siaugliew, (in battle) ^^ kiau fung. Joiner, 71^ H^ moli dziang'. Journal, H l nyih l^i'. Journey, (go a long) W'^fSiSP^ t'seh ill ku' ^j'ou mun. Joy, ^^151 'h'i lob, j^fS k'a' Nveli. Joyful, 'Kffi k'a' weh, fj; kwe 'h'i, (glad and sorrowful by turns) ^|^T0 u3 y^^ l^^i siang kiew'. Jubilee, jpg-^ h'i niew. Judge, ^J g yung kwc;?, (for a pro- vince) S^3 on t'sah sz, or ^ i-f. fgr uyih do. Judge, (to) ^^j 'sun p'e^^S ^ 'sun tow', p'e' tuM', pi] 'sun mun', (de- cide) ^/^ 'ni ding', j^ ding' o/i', (speak of other's faults) pp^'J J\-^y^ ivd' bih niun dzang 'to. Judicious, $0>jj si' sing, nfefe '^i^^^i J^g, 7K' iZ All, feii^M l& dzun sing, 00 LAD KIT (put away to keep safe) mff ^^^^ 'hau. Kernel, fH niim. Kerseymere, >J"0^ 'siau ni. Kettle, (copper) 1^'^ dung Au, (for boiling water) 7jC 'sz ha. Key, liig^yuhzz. Kick, l^ fill. Kid, lll^a^ saw yang kau, >J> 'siau saw yang. Kidnap, ^ 'kwa. Kidney, ^ zun'. Kill, ^ sail, ^7 'tang sali, (an ani- mal) ^4* ^ 'tse tsung sang, (one's self) ^Q zz' sah zz'. Kiln, ^ yau. Kind, ^g le', ^ 'tung, (every) #fii ^1^^ koh suh koh yang', (tliis kind of thing) H'^f^^tl di' tsong zz' 't'i. Kind, (in disposition) 'MM^.I'^ ^^^^ pe tS5! sing, (be kind to) ^f$ k'wew de', f^ AJJR do' niun Aeu< zeh, Kindness, il'S nnwc', f^ untuli, -ft un 'tiew. Kindle, (a fire) ^>X sang 'liu. Kindred, ^^ t'sing kiow', j^^ t'sing t'sih. King, 3E w^ong, H :E koli w^ong, "^ koh kiiin. Kingdom, S koh, kwoh. Kingfisher, ^^ t'sue' t'siah, (fea- i lacquer) JL^ zong' t'sih. tilers) 2^^ t'sue' man. Kiss,il!S|f.,ing'ts.,Mn/Ilit6^ 'k'eu sz '11. Lad,, >J>^ 'siau kun, ^^^^ '//eu sang ka. Ladder, |f|1$ 7m t'i, Jfe vu t'i. Kitchen, 0;gdznvong, Rgdzuvong ' I-adle, ^L^^ tseh zah, (cocoa-nut kan. I scooiO ftfjfli //n biau. Kite, C:S^ yau 'tsz, (ily a kite) JK foiig' yau 'tsz. Knave, ^^^ 'kwa 'tsz, 5EI1I kwoug kwun. Knee, BJIsH sih mew deu. Kneel, ^ gu'. Knife, JJ tau, (one large) 'iZJ^JJ ih 'p6 du' tau. Knock, ff 'tang, ^P^ k'au iuuip (knock the head) iS^BM ^'eli deu. Knot, ^S kih, -J kih 'tsz, (tie a) ff 'tang kih. Know, (be aware of) Hft?^ 'hiau tub, (understand) |^ 'tung, 0I3^ ming bah, (be acquainted Avith) |^ suh, pM^^ niung' tub. Knowledge, ^f^ Aoh vun', ^D| tsz suh, ^ kiew' suh. Jjabel, ^"M. t'siew deu, (of books) W^ sii t'siew. Laboriously, ^^ giun lau. Labour, ^g lau 'k'u, X^ kung fu. Labourer, ICyv kung [niun, (common labourer) ih^ 'siau kung, (agricul- tural) fM p3 yv tsiing' diew niun. Lacking, ^^ k'ioh 'sau. Lacquered ware, ^^ t'sih k'i', (to 01 LAN LEA Lade, (water) l^7K 'j'au 's2. Lady, (young) ^jSf^ ku niang, >J>ffl 'siau 'tsia, (old) ^fc^fc t'a' t'lV, (mar- ried) ^^^ niang niang. lag, M&^M lob 'I-aV/eu deii, jg IS^B? t'e soil veil zie. Lake, f^ hn.' Lamb, f^^^ kau yang, >J>|^$ 'siau mie yang. Lame, (broken leg) 3^|i|l zeli kiiili. Lament, fs^ po e. Lamentable, TJ^q 'k'6 sili, RT^R 'k'6 lie??. Lamp, tung, (light) ijS 'tie72 tung, (bloxj^ out) PJCS^ t'sz fell tung, (wicks) ] tung 't'sau, >iJ tung sing. Lampblack, l^jj^ tcu y\en. Lance, -^fE dzang t'siang. Land, Jife dr, ffl die//, ft^ di' bi, (fat land) JE vi di', (poor) ^ sen' di', lAnd, (to) Jl;^ zong' o?/', (landing "board) Wi WL t'iau' 'paw. Landing-place, ,^ BM 'i^^o deu, (of a bridge) \^ giau deu. Land-holder, H i diew 'tsu. Landlord, J^]^ von g tung, [^^tung ku. ]S^ t'e>' ka, ^^ vong 'tsii. Land-tax, ^fj ^ie liang', ^ fiV. Lane, ^3^ lung'. Language, fj it-o', "h pp yie 'nu, |^ pj bah wo', (of the natives) ^Jl^ IS 'pun di' ?r6', jt 't'u w6', 't'u btdi. Languid, ^\% vali gio;/', Lantern, g|| tung Vmg, (g'?ss) ^ 3^ pu li tung. Lard, JS{^ tsz yeu. Large, ^'^ du', da'. Lark, 5fS pah ling. Last, ^T^lij meh meh kiah, (the last of the goods) JCig^ 'k'i 'ti hu', (to last long) ^"^f dzuu lieu, (shoemaker's) ftffllH "^-^ sah deu, (stretching barrier.) Late, H^Ji^ a/e' 'la 'tsc' jf dzzc (at night) ?S^ ya' sun. lately, jSlJ^ 'gi^^n l*^- Lath, /fC Jtp moh p'iew' Lathe, ]I^>m^ ziew zong. Latitude, |$;g w6 diV, ^tgffiffi poh giuh t'seh di'. Lattice-work, 'Rj'fTf^ law kuw, kali. Laugh, ^ siau'. Laughable, if ^ 'hau siau'. Lavish, 7^11 ^^ long' fi' m du'. Laurel, ^i^ kwe h\Y6. I-aw, # fi lih fah, (go to) tS^^M 'tang kwon sz. Law-suit, (written plea) tPJ"? zong 'tsz, (implead) ^ kau' zong'. Lay, (down) j|iT3^ fong' 'au 16. Lay, (up in granaries) ^MM'il sen tau' t'song 'li. Lay, (a wager with you) f^fM^0B tail nung' siang 'tu. Layer, " */^ ih zung. I-azy, fir S'lS'lf t'eu on 'law du'. Lead, ^fi" k'aw, M huh k'aw, (red) $ ^ /mng taw, ^ k'aw taw, (white lead) /^ k'a fun. Lead, (to^ % 'ling, | 'yun 'ling, ^ (52 LET Xeaf, ^ yili, (of a book) J^ p'iew, 5 tsang. leak, I^iUAl leu' t'eh. Xean, ^ seu', (upon) ftfu k'au' t'oh. leap, l^t t'iau'. Xearn, ^ hoh. Xeamed, tfl p6h yah. Xease, (a house for five ye^rs) ^j^ -f 4^^IS 'tie vong 'tsz 'ng men we //an'. Xeast, T^^h t'ing 'siau. Xeather, Jijjfjzohbi, (calf) ^ zoh iiieu hi. Xeave, MM H l>ili, M li k'e= (a thing behind) @f^^ lieu dzu' meh zz' (leave here as a security) JTJilltJfi ah 'la't'szdi'. Xeaven, H| kau', BM ka^'' fleu. Xeft, (liand) S,^ 'tsu 'seu. Xeg, ij kah, K 't'e. Xeisure, (have) W3jl 'yen k'ung', {^ k'ung' 7?a;;.. Xeisurely, 'fS^lS'lb ^i^^^^' i^^^"' nung. Xend, 1g tsia'. Xentils, ^ IL 'pie deu'. Xeopard, f^ pan'. leprosy, ^Sj!^ mo fung bing', ^ la' bing'. Xess, |E>J> kung 'siau. Xessen, J^ ^ 'ka 'sau. Xesson, ^^kungk'u', Xest, ?Stfi 'k'ung p'o', '^ffi dzang p'oS 155 'k'ung bong. let, Ji^bingi, 1^0^ yeui, ft niung bing i, (let go) JJSt fong' t'eh, (let a house) Jl M"? tHffi LTG ta vong 'tsz t'seh tsu. Xetter iJ^BI zz' deu, ^# zz' 'mii, (epistle) fe sing', ^'f^' sit sing'. Xettuce, 4^ sang t'se'. Xevel, ^ bing, (water level) 7jC sz' bing. Xiver, ^ kun. Xiberal, ^^:/vm k'wew /mng dii liang', Jf.^ hen' zeh, i/c:fr da' fong. Xiberate, ^^Jfe suh fong'. Xibrary, "^ ^ su vong, ^/^ su k'u'. Xicense, (certificate) ftBH tseh tsau', (give license to passions) jJxMt^L '0i fons' tsung' sz yoh. Xichees, ^ft li' tsz, (dried) $^ li' ku. Xick, fS 't'iew. Xictors, ^^ zau' di'. Xid, ^k6'. Xie, (down) jggH 'yie ngu', 'Uj'T' ^ 'tau 'Aau le- Xie, ^^ siih hwong, SSE '''ong tsung', Ss* vong' yie. Life, *I1j^^ sing' ming', (present life) '^^ kiun sung, (future) 3^^ le sung, or -^ jE V^eu sz', (life time) ' *^" 'IS! ih sang ih sz'. Xift, ^ 'kil, (pick up from ground) f^ zih, (the eyes) 'jJfl @ 'niang moh, (with the hands) J^ de, (the anchor) SIS 'k'i or (bah) mau, (lift from ground) ^ giung. Xight, 7^ kwong, 9^ liang' kwong, (not heavy) ^Je k'iung, (in punish- ing) ^ k'wt'. 63 LTN Light, (a lamp) SJS 'tien tung, (a fire) ^>Jt sang'lm. lighter, (a) l^jIS P^^i ^ew. lightly, fSIIfS k'iung k'iungku'' (look upon) ^ k'o' k'imig. Xightning, ^ diew', p^ sew die?*', fiM [li^lioh'h'ie. Like, ft I^I siang dung, fj[3f|| siang zz', 1^ siang ziang', 0!) 'tau yiang, ftf 'liau ziangS 50 iRj zu dung, (like him) l^ip-^W. fell i ih yang', 'In fl^fJc "^ Aah tuh 'ngu ih yang'. Like, (to) f^M tsung' i', g LOA h'i hwe^, (not like) ^f. Ii'ien. Likeness, f^ ziang,' >J>55 '^^^^^ tsau', f^ du ziang', (take a likeness) j^jplji dze zun, Mff^ tsau' ziang'. Likewise, (and further) ^tB. ^Jng' 't'sia, (did likewise) KStbfflt '^ zeh k6' nuns tsu'. Lilac, ^jM ^^^^ 15^'*' Lily, (seeds, lotus do.) jS"? ^^^'^ 'tsz. Limbs, (four) ^^ sz' tsz. Lime, 5 J^C sah Invc, (kiln) ^ hwe yau. Limit, 3C^ kiau ka', J^ ka' Aa'. Limit, (to) P^/^ //a;' ding'. Line, (string) ,^fc sie', (on paper) ^ ?rah or sie;r. Linen, fiTtJ mo pu', (grass cloth) '^ koh pu', tM si' mo pu'. Linger, ^liS tleu' lieu, ^^ 'kieu lieu. Linguist, jiffi.^ t'ung zz'. ^Lining, |p^ kali 'li.. Link, ft 58 siang lie, (link one's self with others for bad purposes) ^ ^MAMMW- keu t'scM' bih niun tsu' oh zz'. Linseed, rQ ft "^^ hn mo ' tsz. Lintel, r^rM ^lun mo. Lion, S-? sz'tsz. I 'tsz zun, (harelipped) P^ k'ioh'tsz. Liquid substances, fMMM'i^W- lieu dung' ku' meh zz'. Liquorice, ^ k6;e 't'sau. List, @ ^1^ moh 16h, Vr ^ t'sing taM, ( of person ) JVPu* niun ting t'sah. Listen, ^ t'ing. Literal, (meaning) ^MJuMMH- zz' mie' long' kil' i' sz'. Literary, (attainments) ^f^ hob. vun', (examinations) ^^ 'k'au sz', (chief provincial superintendent of) hoh. de. " 'siau, i^ Little, >]> 'siau, |p| si' 'siau, (to a small extent) tS"@ 'sau %e, (know a little of) M^ 'P'^ 'hiau, (a little time) JxM P'iew' k'uk. Live, ^ sung, fg w;eh, j ? du' nyih 'tsz, (on hills) '(ifi [i] Jl dzi'i' 'la saw long'. Livelihood, (work for) W^fS'^^tM tsu' sang tt'eh k'iuh va?^'. Lively, fglfS'ifS we\i p'eh p'eh. Liver, JT kw?. Living, fSf@ w?eh ku'. Load, ^'T' taw 'tsz, taw. Load, (to) $|(it tsong tsc'. Loadstone, $||5" t^^.z za.h, PJIIlS" 04 LOO h'ih t'ih zah. Loaf, SBM n^en den. Loan, fSfifSlBS tsia' 'la kiV dung die. Loathe, J^;^ yietv ivxx', Pj^^^ff ngau veil tuh. Loathesome, PJ ^ 'k'6 wu'. Local, (deities) i Jfi 't'u di'. Lock, ^ 'sii. Lock, (a door) ^jg 'su mun. Locust, Hl^^ tvowg dzung. I-odge, 15 'iiu, % soh, fi dzu'. Lodging, (house) ^*^ k'ah 'nu. I'Ofty, 1^ kau. Logarithms, IH^ te' sii'. Loins, 1^ yau. i Long, ^ dzang, (in time) y\ dzang 'kieu, ^ liang 'kieu, (long ells) p^ H pill 'ki. Long after, (to) ^^ e' rau'. Longevity, ^ zeu', ;^ dzang zeu'. Longitude, (degrees of) ^j|^ kimig du', (lines of) $^ kiung sie'. Longitudinally, (and transversely) - ' m'~'S ih W'-ang ih zu'. Look, 5 k'dS |g kwe k'o;^', (through a hole or tube) |fl| k'we k'o;?', |j?gj!; su su k'o', g| mongS Looking-glass, jSj H mie' kiung', 3^ " >% \)\i li kiung*. Loom, ^i1j^ tsuh piV ki. Loop, 8 'nieu, P 'nieu 'k'eu. Loose, (to) Ji^ fong' sung, (let go) KM fong' t'eh, (loose earth) , sv'mg 't'u. Loosen, %^^% 'ka k'e, (a knot) ^ ^i' ^ka kih. LOT Loquat, iJt^^G, bi bo, (white) gj bah bih bo. JiOrd, ^ 'tsu, (of Heaven) 5^;t'ie 'tsu, (Lord's day) jE H 'tsu nyih. Lose, :^K eh t'eh, '^ lok t'eh, (it m lost) ^^^ veh kie' 'tse, H song' t'eh. ( and win) S^^ su yung. Loss, (sustain) P^;!? k'iuh 'kii, (of 100 teals) M'-^'S^ ^^'we ill pah 'liang, (of capital) 1^7^ zeh 'pun. I-ost, ^HJifH eh t'eh 'la kir, (sheep) tl^ vong yang, ^ sell song' 'la ku', (in earth's prison) {/U SiiiiSiS ^^iin lun 'la di' nioh '11. Lot, (destiny) ^jS ming" yi>u', ^ t'sie, H kieu, (cast lots) ^J 'tang t'siew, JO nie kieu, pf p tsew poh, (take bamboo slip from a cylinder by lot) Wt^^M^ t>ah zah ih kii' t'siew. Lotus, fPJ^i^ Au hw6, 3^ liew liw6. Loud, glSiC sang k'i' du', #3t: 'h'iang hang'. Love, (to) ^ e', \^ e' sih, 1 t'sing e', l^felt nioh mo, (mutually) /f3 siang e', (and respect) ^X kiung' 6', (ati'ection) '|"jy e' dzing, xH zun e'. Lovely, IJ^ 'k'6 e'. Louse, ^\t seh. Low, j^ ti, (in rank) -^j^^ pe dzie', (in character) p|>|){3 'pi leu', T*SE 'Aau lieu, *T^^ 'Aau 'tung, (in sta- ture) MM.^ "" ^iang' 'to^', (lowest) IHilt 'ting ti vi. I-owly, K^ k'ie;^ pe. Loyal, ^,5^ zing' t&ung, iS)L? tsung 65 MAC Lucid, 01JK ming Hang', f^S t'sing ' t'su. Luck, tBtu 'zau Invo-, (meet witli) 3^ o vung kill, (seek luck and avoid misfortune) S'rJSKJ t'sukihlu' h'iung. Luckily, *\^ii- hali 'liau. Lucky, (day) " H kill nyih, J(J hau nyih, (opportunity) ijM'^ 'l^au 'ki we'. Lucraban, (seed) ycS'J'i /iV fung 'tsz. Ludicrous, Pj^ 'k'o siau', iff 'liau siau=, ^>A '^a. niun siau*. Luggage, fi^ Aang 11. Lukewarm, ^^-^^^^ V^'i' 'langpew' nyilif Lumbago, H^'WM yau I^weli t'ung'. Luminous, ^3^10 fall kwong ku', P3S: niing liang'. Lump, ^ k'we', (count them in the lump) ^^.^ 'tsung su'. Lunatic, m^fSA- f'''"g t'iew ku' niun. Lunch, S>& 'tie;? sing. Lungs, IJljj fiS (disease of) ^fi' bing'. Lung-ngan, (seeds) SEl ^^^'<^' J^"^- Lurk, JiflCmavoh. Lust, ^i^ sz yoh. (burns like fire vithin) ia^>&SM:^szy6hzu 'hii sing 'li vun sau. Lutestring, fj^ ?/ip. MAI Luxuriant, JCAiJ^ men' zun M M ace, (tenth of an oz.) * |^ ih dzie?/. Machine, (for irrigation) TjC^ 'sz t'so' (for weaving, Mfll''^ tsuh pu' ki, (for agriculture) ^| n^^gk'i'. Mad, M& tie;2g\vong, 'J^ fi^ng tiew, (pretend to be) UM^^K 'kd tsu' t'sz Dge. Madam, 'j^'j^ t'a< t'a M 'nd 'na, Jg ^ niang niang. Magazine, ]^]^ 'fu k'u', g^ 'dza vong. Magic, 3pf|j zia zeh, . JJ da fah. Magician, ^^^ISfifg Aang zla fah kuS KltpfH t'iau'zunkiV. Magistrate, "^jff Uv6n 'fa, (of a dis- trict city) ^[lU, tsz yon', (prefect) ^WM tsz 'fii, (local-) ttifg' di' fong kwe;?. Magnanimous, 7C^ du- liang'. Magnet, i^^ dzz zah, P^|i^ h'ih t'ih zdh. Magnify, (praise) ^f^ zung' yang, ^^ tsa' 'mo, (one's self) H p^ jg zz' k'wo zz'. Magnolia, "^ml^ ^'^^^^^^ ^^^^ liyfo. Magpie, t,^ 'h"i t'sialj. Mahommedanism, IhI IhI^^ wq ivd kiau'. Maid, ^"iC dung 'nu, ft t'su"nu, y^uWi ^^'^ ni^^ug, (1^ kwe 'nii, (ser- vant) \ |i^ au deu. Majesty, J^fi we fung, ^ wo sz', j|^ w6 nie^?. Majesty, (your) "^^ vaw' sue',P^T^ bi' '/iau. Maimed, '^MM dza dzili, 'jfl^flT f^^ pell i 'tang song tsz, (luind) t^-^ zeh 'seu. G6 MAN Maintain, ^fi 'seu dzii', ^kxi^'seu, m^f ku' 'sen, (support) ^fS 'yang weh. Major, nJpfS 'seu 1)6 ^ Maize, i^ J^:^t tsun tsu 'mi. Make, fSt tsu', 5a 'zau, M t'song 'zau, ^ tsz' 'zau. Maker, THTui 'zau hwo' 'tsu. Malady, ^^ bing' tsung'. Male, (^sex) :^ n6w, ( gender ) 2^ yiiing, ^ kung. Malediction, 5E.lH.fiSiXIS tseu' 'tsu ku' sell (/-6'. Malevolent, ^iW ^^^^^ sing. Malleable, (iron) '^MM zok t'ih. Mallet, (iron) gtH t'ih dzue. Man, _A niun. Manage, |)| Vf| ba' zz' 't'i. Mandarin, ^* j^f kAvc^? 'fu. Manger, >^t 'mo zau. Mangrove, (bark) l^jfe 'k'au bi, (used in dying sails brown). Manifest, SB^ ffi^ 'h'iew ming t'seh le, ^H^ 'piau ming, (of a vessel) :j|&^^ zc ta;i 'tsz. Manifold, iPM# 'liau 'ki yang', |t j|5c tsu 1)6??. Mankind, '[S^JlA sz' kiV long' niun. Manner, ^^|^ mu yang', ^ yang' suh. Manner, Hfl 'li'fi,|S 'li man', (of a people) SfS ^^ng z6h. Mansion, (of stars) ~i /^'fS ^"^ ^^^ pall sieu'. Mantle, $I^ ngn' t'au'. Mantis, (praying) J^lllj^ dong long. MAR Manual, (labour) ^Jl 'seu kung. Manufactory, 31^ kung gioh. Manufactures, AXf&tti^f@V niun kung tsu' t'seh le ku' meh z2. Manure, ^ fun', (to) f^ kiau fun', (manure cakes) J/L^ k'ang so. Manuscript, ^^'^ t'sau 'pun, S'^ u8^ t'sau 'sia ku' su, ^ dung 'sia ku' su. Many, ^ tii, p^ 'h'u tu. Many, (coloured) 3115/ nS '^ i^gaw 16k suh. Map, Ji|SIldi"lidu. Maple-tree, fitS f'ing zu'. Marble, i^j^^ how' bah nioh, ^ /Q" yu zah, /f^/ph\v6 za^ijp'iew'. March, jnl^ifT^'S' saw kiiin yung lu'. Margin, j piew, (of a river) ^ 6w', (of the sea) '}'B t'aw, (of ^ book) ^ 5cffl su t'iew deu. Mariner, tJC^ 'sz 'seu, jlSJt^tt zdn long' 'liu ki'. Mariner's compass, fp f^^T '^sz new tsun. Maritime, (customs office) ^-1 'he k\va'. Mark, ^^ zz' Aau', pf ki' Aau', 5,S "J" 'mo 'tsz, 7iau' 'mo, (in writing)^ ah, ^ J hwo ah, (foot marks) JiJ K^ kiak tsih, (marks of a wound) ffiS song /urn'. -^*' *i* Dili ' Mark, (to) @-^^ wah zz' Aau', (a book) ^H s 'tie su. Market, ftl 'zz, (at) #Jlffg| ka'zz deu long', (state of) ^^ tong sz'. Marriage, ^^0 hwun yun, ^^t'su' t'si, 1 t;su' t'sing ^ p'a t'sing 67 MAT ^tSS? t'su' du' niang 'tsz, ta kill t'sing, (of the woman) ffili t'seh ka', iiP^ku'mim. Marrow, *Q"tl kweli sili. Mars, ^Xh 'h^ sii^S. '-^^ ^^""^ Mart, i^M Tju'deu, ,^ 'mo deu. Martial, iR^ 'vu. Martyr. j^JS^^flaA ^6' 'dau 'so ming' ku' niun, (or) ^w ^'o' 'dan tsz' ming' ku' niun. Marvellous, ^^ gi kwa', ^^"& g h'i gi 'ku kwa'. Masculine, ^jl yung, ^ kiing. Mason, '}lb7KlS ni 'sz dziang', (stone masolj) 5^ zah dz^ang'. Mass, (lump) Bj do, ("say mass") fgtSiJ^tsii'misah. Massicot, ^:fj* ^og ^^'' Massive, S^;/C 'dzung du'. Mast, tE ^/tzz'16'hu. Match-lock, ,^:|^ 'niau t'siang. Material, (heavens and earth) W?i^ ^ His 5C life 'yew ywng 'yen ziang' ku" t'ie^? di'. MEN Materials, >M**^ dze liau*, fp liaut tsoh. Matter, ^ff zz' 't'i, (properties of matter) ^Sft^Tpi'I^kohyang meh zz' 'pun sing'. Mattress, l^-J* nioh 'tsz. May, pTJH 'k'6 'i, fg^ nung 'i, M nung keu'. Meal, ^ W mie' fun, (a meal) * * iSIlR ill tw"S' vaw'. Mean, (vile) g|5H 'pi leu', ^JJ p6 dziew', (mean number) JQ^SfcB kiiin yun su' mah'. Moaning, W*S^ i' sz', ^^ 'ka seh. Measles, 5l^-J* 'tsun 'tsz. Measure, (in feet and inches) m. m /\. "5J* liang liang t'siih t'sun', (in pints and pecks) yf^r liang liang tu 'sau sung 'teu. Meat, 1^ nioh. Mechanic, ILE kung dziang', E A "^^ dziang' niun sz via'. Meddle, ^ffiVfl sang t'seh zz' 't'i, Mediator, ff* {^^ tsung 'pau. Medicine, ^ yah. Meet, jS^ nil' zah, JM bang' zah, '^ wc' zah, (meeting with misfor_ tune) f^^.^'^Bif ling zak tsz 'k'u 'nau. Melancholy, ^pl^ k'i' mun'. Melon, JE. kwo, (seeds) -f" kwo 'tsz. Melt, i^iii yung hwo', ^ hwo' k'cj ):i^3^yangk'616. Members, (of the body) IH^'SfS. hz'- tsz puh 't'i. Memory, |g,tt ki' sing'. Mend, ^f^ sou tsuli. sieu pu 68 MIL ' asien'li. Mercha'^*' ffi:^;E A- tsu' sangi' iiiiin' ^M ^' ^^^ ^oiig) (tea mercliant) ^ ^ dzo k'sih. Merciful, S'^ iiJi 'niow sing dzang. Mercury, TjC^S 'sz niuii, Mercy, ^^ dzz pc. Merely, yf^M peh (pih) ku', fS daw'. Meridian, ^t^'T^^^ tsiing 'u sie?i'. Merit, ^ kung, ^ kiing lau, j^ kung tub. Message, f|i sing' (take a) 3(B. sung* sing'. Metals, (t])e) '^^MW^^M kiim niim dung t'ib sib 'tung Ic'. Metaphor, fp^ tsia= i*. Metempsycliosis, /^liffilil 16b 'dau lun 7VQ. Meteor, SM beu sing. Method, 'fii^ long fab, S"? fah 'tsz, fll] fah tsuli. Metropolis, 'ff^^ kiung siung, ^ kiung tu. Miasnia, M\tfTM&m. ^'^' 't'u lieu yung ku' wuu k'i'. Microscope, j^JlfgJc^ 'li'ie?i vi kiung-'. Middle, ^ 4^ F0I K tong tsung kaw % tong tsung. Middle, (point) 4*Sfi tsung 'tie. Midnight, ^S & V^n' y^i' p6. Midsummer, 5S V/au tsz'. Midway, (stop) ^j^M^ P*-'^^' ^^^ urb fi'. Might, 'fb nung, fH giciw nung. Mild, Sfn wun Au, ^ /m bing % ^ bang 'zt-;/. MIN Mildew, IJ^ me k'i', (lo) |f fall me, J i^e 'bau. Milk, (of cows) "^M nieu 'na. Milky-way, HJpjf niunM, 5^f^t'ie bow'. Mill, >S^mu 'tsz, (stone) ,g5"mu zah. Millet, >J'/ft 'siau 'mi, (Barbadoes) 1^^ kauliang. Million, "~"B^ ib pah ma'. Mind, >JJ sing, ji\Ji^ sing di', (mind to) ^>t^ tong sing, -^ lieu sing, (not to mind) ^ }^^^. veb 'i tvo i' ^Jjc}i>ij veb fong' 'la sing long'. Mine, ficf@ 'ngu ku'. ^ Mine, (coal) j^^ me yau, (silver) Wi^M "i.^^i^ 'k'wong. Mingle, #|| t'se zeh, f^fO diau hu,] 3^ 'kau /m. Minister, ^S dzau dzun, (prime) ^t3 'ts6 siang', ^ dzung siang', )k^ da' yah 'zz, ^^ kob 'lau, *t* ^ tsung dong. Minister, (to) JIK^ vob zz', $^ vung' zz'. Ministry, ^:9* tsub vun', ^ffttsuh zun. Minor, ^$|S niew 'ki k'iung. Minstrel, P^^ t'sz 'sen, (guitar play- ei) 5f ISMfi dan bi bo kuS Mint, (peppermint) V#fpJ" boh hu, (for coining) ^^^ tsu' dziew gioh. Minute, |^>J> vi 'siau, ^ si' vi, /f^ tsing vi. Minute, (in time) ^ fun, (andseconds) yXi'P fun miau'. MIX m Minutely, p-j-ippi ^^if^ug si'. Miracle, # pj^ljf Li gi zz' 'ti Ji{^ ling tsih, ^ sung' tsih, jlf zun tsilK g^i'tsih,g4i*^t|i'yang' zz' 't'i. Mire, t[M i^i- Mirror, 0J3|g ming kiung', ^ kiimg' Hsz, (of glass) Sc^gj pii 11 kiung', 5J^ dung kiung'. Mirth, ^|?|'li'i loll. Misantliropist, tR A(I3 /'i"ig' i"^"^ ^^^'^' Misappeliend, SM 'siang t'so. Miscalculate, ^M suw' t'so. Miscellaneous, ^^ ling ling so' so' ku'. Mischanbe, ^i'l'fti veli 'zau 1^^Y6^ Mischief, (do) \%'-^%^^ song /^e' meh zz'. Misery, i^J 'k'u 'nan, Jill kie naw. Misfortune, ,\,|S ^^'a' iia^'.^-'g^ law 'k'u. Miss, ^S^kuniang, (tomiss) |1^ ^ bang' veil zah, :^^ veh kie'. Misspend, |g^ long' fi', :Sffl vong' yung'. vu' lu'. Mist, ^S yiin vu', Mistake, i^p t'sir. Mister, ;$b^ sie sang. Mistress, i# 'tsu 'mu, Jfi "ia^S niang, (highly respectful) :i^:lCt'a t':V. Mix, };f '^^i^^, Ji do', (with Avater) 69 * MON Moat, M'ife ^^^^^Jg li Hang siug, (stan- dard) ^j^ b'iew 'li, (give moralin- struction) WSl AJ^ l^'i^'^^"' "iun Morally, (good and evil) ^^ 'ze oh. More, ^^ kiing' tu, (themorehehas the more he wants) m$M9 y^^^ tu yoh yau', (more and more) ?5 yoh fah tii. Moreover, ^fl. 'h won g 't^sia, yj^ /f^ tvau 'yen ih yang', *ffii 'a 'yen ih yang'. Morning, ^M^^ tsau zuu deu, Jl ^ 13 zong' pe/i' nyih, (star) ^Hj} ^ 'k'i ming sing, I^M 'Idau sing (every morning) ^ tsau tu. Mortal, >2U^f!3 pill Jau' 'i ku'. Mortar, (stone) ^{l3 zah gieu', (Hme cement) 5-^ ^^^^ l^^^'*^* Mortgage, J^ 'tiew. g^ tong'. Mortification, (mental) tlf:'!^ ^'*'au ziieS (physical) ^MS>(5 dJ>:^^ 'siau 'lau 'su. Mouth, % 'tsz, P 'k'eu. Much, ^ tu, ^i^ tu hau'. Mud, '^ ni. Muddy, \^ zok, f^ wan. Mulberry-tree, ^^ song ;:u'. JSiile, If-^lu'tsz. Multiply, ^0 ^ siang znng, /jll ^ kd tu. Multitude, ^A tsiing' niun, ^kj' J^ tu hau' niun. Murder, ^Af@P sah niun ku' Mzue, (to commit) ftj^^S A ^^^' y sah niun. Murderer, ]?ii-^ h'iung 'sen. Murmur, (against) p^pJL^lJ A ^^ fung- bill niun, (in heart) ^;{^ yo;^' sing, >C^^jJS sing li '5>;i,n vow'. 1 MY 11 MusliTOoms, ^& niu ku, li'iang kiiin, f^C hMangsing', /fvS ^^^^ 'urh. Music, Ifl yah, "gf yung yuh. Mnsical, (stone) JJ^ k'iung, (boxes) /V"q^E P^^i 3'w ^*ah. Musician, ^SUH tseii' yu]i ku', P^ ^ t'sz 'sen. ^ Musk, z6' h'iaiig. Musket, i^$S yaii? t'siaii!*-. Muslin, i/n^j^flj ksi so pu', Musquito, 1F.^-J* mun 'tsz. Mussels, (dried) Jj{^^ dmr t'sts'. Must, )^>; pihding', |S^- 'tsung yauS j^ su yau', iy^^i^ 'sau veh tuli, ^^f^ 'lnie^^ veil tiih, (must NAT certainly) |jl)l-y<: 'pan ynu'. Mustard, ^^ ka' t'.se', 3Ffj|? kc' 't.sunf:,^-J* yaiig' 'tsz. Musty, (dantp and) WM% siili me- ]'dir. Mute, PjSi^ '6 't.sz. Mutilate, f|| i^- song tru\ Mutiny, 'ff;'M Pe' l'c'. Mutton, ^^ f:^ yang uioli. Mutual, Jl^FI iiS'Vsiaiig, ^JCjIfc 't's7, (lielp) ft ftJftEij siaiig pong siaiig dzi'r. Myself, g a zz' 'ki, 'M zz' ku, IIJ^ t'sing sun. Mysterious, ^^ au' miau', ^ sim niiau', J2fe* pi' mill, JH au' ak Mystery, J|: J'Jr au' miati'. i^ ail, (iron) tSiT t'ih ting, (finger) Ja ? "tsz kah. Nail, (to) $S ting', (to the cross) $J* ^i+?lK ting' 'lu zeh zz' ka long'. Naked, #t| kwong sun 't'i, #J|* HtSt'sahsunUV't'i. Name, ^ UM, iiiiiig deu. iSi. ming dong, ^ mjng Aau', ^ ming zz', (family mame) ^ sing', (liter- ary name) J)ljfg bih /^au', (a good name) ity^^^ 'hau ming sang. Name, (to) jIU^S 'k'i ming, ftif kiau', (one's self) g MM^f '''''-' l"'i t>'sung hu^ Nankeen, ^^'J^flj tsz hwo pu', jt 't'u pu', l^lj^ t'sah pu'. ;.r > Naphtha, ^Jft ^'^^^ 3'^"' -Sj^ Z'lk t'sih. Napkin, ^ rjl 'seu kinn. Narrate, ^p% sun soh, pJ'OJJfEl J>S 'siau k ngii mun, '{my country) fljJC^ bi- koh. Myriad, ' *,'jl^ ih ma;^'. Myrrh, J^li^'^^i^'l' v^ih. pe "^^^ Pl& f^^^ '^'^u sing. Near, yj 'giun, /fS siang 'giun, pfj vu' 'giuD, JlJl^tau' k'wii'. Nearly, ^^ ^ t'so veli tu, (dead) 5E 'K^ '.si Iv'wa' 'tse. Neat, iltflf t'sing sieu, ^f^i^MM seu tsoli 'liau k'6;r. Nebula, -g^^ singk'i'. Necessary, /i^f5E peli tuli 'i, 4^1^ ^^ P^'li t^li P^^' ^'^" Necessaries, ^Jffif|ll^^^- su yung' ku' meli ZZ'. Necessity, V^^^BW^-'m 'i"ie veil le kiV zz' 'L'i. Neck, il*B* kiung kweh, ffl deu kiuiig kweli. Kecldace, IHS kiung g\\a>i, (necktie) ^t\\\l Miiigkiun. Need, ftS, k'wh vali, |Jiffl k'ioli yung', 5. vah yung', >i^^^J-^-jB l)ih su yau' yung'. Needle, ^|* tsun, 51^1^ '"'"^^^"S ^ic^^S Needle-work, E"h/T;c3ltS^ tsun slew' sang -eli. Needless, ^'J i^ veh pih, ^^U veh yau', fR^J^4 yung' veil zali. Needy, ^'i giung 'k'u. Neglect, I^^^M veil Isau' yung', ^ S;6 veil lieu sing, >^.. Inveli liuli, %u'lx. k'iung ma'. Negotiate, (for others) fi; A fiW'tl de' niun h'An' Z2' (for peace) ^'^, :/C^fUlif@I|Ptlongliang da' ka /m niok ku' zz' 't'i, or p^^Q 'kong 7a'i. Negotiator, ^ JV t^^'i^iig uiun. Neighbour, fl^ ling s6', PgS kah pih, [pl^|i|) dung h'iang. A Neither, ^^^ zo)i veh 'zz, ( in the east nor in the west) Jil^ikM'^ ^jifE 'a veh 'h> tung 'a veh 'la si. Neophyte, Sjl^ifS singtsing' kiau' kiV. Nephew, pfjS adzeh, (sisters son) 9\^ . ^j nga' sang. Nerve, fifj kiun, flixj^C 'uau k'i'. Nest, ^^^ ten ziau, (bird^) ^ 'niau jru. Net, M 'inong, (fishing) Jg.'^, tsoh ng 'mong. Never, |/i^^ W dzung 16 veh zung, (never been done) ^^'^^M'^^^ li'iang' veh zung tsti', (can never be obtained) ^^^Bbf# tsung veh nung tub. Neuter, ^Djc^jlfc veh 'p6 veh 't'sz, (remains) M iH 5^S ^ /JE 'Hang mie' fob veh voli. New, ^^ sing, Hi* sig' ^i^-"- News, i^fcl. sing sih, (ii] sing vun,i '3 NOI i, siaii sih. Newspaper, S M|S sing vim 'tsz. Next, (time) T^ 'Aau t'sz', (of com- ing) ^3^ tso' 16, (next day) ^ t'sz- nyih, ^^ mlng tsaii, (next year) l^^k'eniew. Nice, ^HU: si' 'niciw, (to eat) i?ll 'liau k'iuh. Niche, (for Buddua) ff, ffi veh k'e;?. Niece, ^^ dzeh 'nil. Niggardly, :'! ling sih, MM k'uh boli. Nigh, jJt 'giun. 2Jiglit, ^ ya*, (midnight) ^ pew' yd', (to-night) ^ kiun yd', (last night) B"^ z6h ya'. Nine, ;JL 'kieu, (times) ffi^ 'kieu 't'ong,* (ninefold) f ,'kieu be'. Nineteen, "XA* ^e^i 'kleu. Ninety, JLl 'kieu zeh. Nippers, (of silver-smith) ^i"^ niung giew. Nipple, iMH 'na deu. Nitre, $* si an. No, (will not) ^1^ veh 'k'ung, (can- not) ^t^ veil nung, (no one) PH R A m sa' niun, (of no use) P,! fli& ffl m sa yiing', (no noise) ' ^8 ^^$ ih 'nga veh 'h'iang. Noble, (hereditary) Wffi'ffifS 'yeu sz' tsiah ku'. Nobility, (five ranks of) S-^fS^ ^ kung 7ieu puh 'tsz ncn. Nod, (as a sign) Sli& 'tie deu, (through drowsiness) ^T5mMr tang k'eh t'sung'. Noise, ^- 'h'iang, P^fQ 'fsaunau', |3 NOW ^ m meli. nau'. None, Nonsense, PiS#>Sfll:|Sm meh i' sz' ku' seh^ao' |^'6^ hxi dii. Noon, 4^J1# 'ng zz, JEnP tsung' 'wu. Nor, neither, Jl^'KX^It i' veh k'wa' i' veh man'. North, :It p6h, ^t^^l pohpaw'baw, j^ poll pie;?. North- wind, ftS P^l^ ^"ng, (north- west) "E ft si puh. Nose, M-M ti^i cieu, (bridge of) ^ bih liang. Nostril, jft.?L T^ih 'k'ung. Not, ^ veh, (it is not) ^^ veh 'zz, If fi, (do not come) ^S^ veh yau'16, (not yet) ^'' veh zung, :^^mi"li. ^ Note, IS, ki', if sing', (take a note) lE "pS ki' ih ki', Nothing, (produce from) ^4*^W vu tsung sung 'yeu, (there is) PM H^^y m sa' meh zz', (know no- thing) :^Hiff lit veh 'hiau tub sa'. Notice, a# 'li we', g^ koh zah. Notify, Ji^ll tung tsz, fg t'ung pau'. Notion, MM- i' sz'. Nourish, ^fg 'yang weh, (a super- ior) t kung 'yang. Novel, ihM 'iau soh, f^^ han su, (of the seven men of genius) ^ ^i ^^ t'sih dz6 'tsz su. Now, JSWt ku' h'ih, || nawku' h'ih, g:ffi Men' dzcS H naw, 'g^ tong kiun, ji\i 'su kiun, @ -^ mob * T'ong means a sudden stopping. Hence it is used to mark the number of times an action takes place. 74 OAT Id tin. Noxious, (vapour) ^^ dok lii\ Null and void, ^f,^^^^ kwcT/uvu 'yen. Number, |^ @ su' mail, (wliole) ^ gung= su', (science of) ^ su' yah, J^ su?r' fah. Number, (to) ff^ ki-' sv,n', f^ &un' su', (difficult to) II i ]la;^ 'i sim' S'J^S 3$ gi su' naw su'. Numberless, P^ m su'. Numbness, (of foot) BB kiah mo. Numerous, ^ tu, 'ff^ tu hau'. Nun, (Buddhist) J^i^ ni kii. Nurse, ^g^g sun sun, (wetnurse) ^ 'nti sun sun. Nurse, (to a baby) fgiJ^H ban' 'siau 'now, (a sick person) jjg:^ v6h zz', :^Vk su tsang. Nut-galls, 3Ef^ 'ng be' 'tsz. Nutmeg, Sg deu' k'eu', 3g|| ni& ngang' sing, gftS ^ ku' tseh 'ki kie??'. Obedient, Jg zun', (filial) ^ hiau'zun', (compliant) i^^ { dznng, 'S^'S M. Piih i pull zun'. Obeisance, (to perform) ^^ ga^ pd', (knocking the head) MK k'eh deu' (make a bow) f^g tsoh yih. Obey, mi5 t'ing dzung. Object, (ingoing) ^f@S>g k'i' ku' i' S2', (objects truck) ^J^Jifg] ^ ^ 'tang zdh 'hi ku' meh zz=. Objection, (of another kind raised by 'zz i hien^ lun' ling' 'zz ih fan 'dau p* rung' h'iew. ak-tree, %cfg siang' zu', (oak gall) ^^^ vu zuh 'tsz. Oakum, ^m6. Oar, ^ 'tsiang, :;|lj w6 'tsiang. Oath, ^If Z2< i,-3,/^ (take) |^ fah Oblation, ^J|^ ku' meh zz', ^ m veh. Obligation, ;$:^ 'pn run', ^pfr^ ffii vun' 'su tong zen. Oblige, (compel) gjg 'mie;? 'k'iang, (do because obliged) ^MEjMM veh tub 'i urh tsu', (do any thing for a person) #Affi Vfl t'i' niun tsu' zz' 't'i. Obliging, fa^;,uki'. Oblique, (inclined) $4 zia, ^ hwd zia' (inclined plane) ffif mie^?', (not correct) ^ JE veh tsung', (oblique tones) jTvg tsuk sung. Obliterate, ^^ du meh, UM sa fell. Oblong, -g^^ dzang fong. /D occ Obloquy, (endure) *^Af@5L>S '^e^i niim ku' tseu' moS S>F#Bl]Af@ 3{.p^ 'niiin ne' bih niun ku' 'Inve 'pong. Obscene, (books) '/^^* yim su, (conducF ftSLfEil^tl yim lu' ku' zz' Ti. Obscure, #O^^0JJ hwim m5' veil ming, (dark heaven and black earth) '^5clltt bwun V'len huh di', (hard to understand) RftH^ 'yun me' na 'h'iau. Observatory, WlM^t. kwe ziang' de, ^ ling de. Observe, }|jjfl; t'suh Hang. flS^* kwdn k'on', (statutes) j^^ tsun 'seu, (diligently observe) iM^ 'kiuw 'seu. Obsolete, ^EjSM 'tsau'i fi' t'eh. Obstacle, ^5|f@^^^H long nge'ku' meh zz'. Obstinate, ^Jffe wa bi, ^*JS 'au giang. Obstruct, }|i^ law zih, J law 'tong, IS. Jh 'tsu 'tsz, (no obstruction) ^ ?|R# vehnge'saS.RMRtH?! m sa' kah ngc'. Obtain, ^^ tub ziih, (my wish) ^ ,g, tub i'. Obtuse, ;^ bun', ;6!it nge bun'. Obviate, (in order) ^^ 'mie tub, J^ 'mie fob. ^;^ 'sang [tsz, etc. Obvious, ^mm^&f^M^ veh yung' bie' lau zz' zen 'hiau tub. Occasion, ^^^ ki t-6S (seizihg the convenient occasion) ^J^fltfSfO zung tsz zz biew' ku' ki wt'. Occasioned, (his death) Pij '^5E kiau' i Vsi. Occult, ^' '^ pi' raih. OFF Occupation, ^]^|| zz' nyih, y^ 'pun nyih. Ocean, "ff^ yang, (western) W si yang. Odd and even, ^1^ ki 'ngeu, (odd number) S^W^ taw su', (strange) ^ ^ gi kwiV. Ode, p|f sz, (book of odes) ^wf^ ^z kiung. Odious, pT^ 'k'6 mu', f^ 'k'6 ng'. Odoriferous, (wood) ^/iC h'iang mob' (vapour) ^l[, h'iang k'i'. Oesophagus, P^P|i /^eu lung. Of, O ku', (the emperor of China) 4*. S f@^^ tsung kok ku' trong ti'. Offence, ^^ ku' seb, ^ t'so. Offend, (him) ^^WP tub 'dzue i, (against the law) JS'^f^f^ t.-e be' lib fab, (against the law of heaven) ~fi^Jii^ ku va' t'iew diau' (offender) ^yv 'dzue niun. Offer, ^ sung', ^ Iriew', (tribute) j^ M, tsing' kimg'. Offering, Hf^ 'li veh, (burnt offering) 'Jt#^ va tsi', (sin offering) 0p ^ zoli 'dzue tsi, l|jii^ zia' un tsi. Ofi&ce, Ifii^ tsuh vun', (to be in office) {&* tsu' kw6w, (foreign office) If, a#B V^P^ 'tsung Mi koh koh zz' vu' nga mun, (office of the Tautai) tSJ^SP^ 'dau de nga mun. Officer, *gpjj^ kw6?^ 'fu, (prin- ces and great officers) 3E>^CS t^ong da' dzun, (civil and military officers) SiSi'ff virti 'vu pub kwe, (official style) ^^ kung vun, (duties) ^^ kung zz*', (often- 76 ONL ce) S-P kung 'clzue, (robes) ^ /]]< dzaii voli. Ofl&cious, ^^ tu zz'. Often, (comes) ^^ dzang 16, (sinned often) M^JBP 'lu t'sz' 'va 'dzue. Oil, J^ yen, (of cotton) /f,^ raie yeu, (oil paint) J^^ yen t'sih, (oilpa- per) f& yeu 'tsz, (bean oil) i. deu, yeu, (anoint wi tb oil) ^ meh yeu i$ f^' yeu, (wood oil) 4^|3 dung yeu (vegetable) ^ t'se' yeu. Ointment, ^|| kau yali, (fragrant) ^'^ li'iang kau. Old,, ^ 'lau, (old man) ^ A^ 'lau niun ka. Olive, (a small green drupe called tbe Chinese olive, canarinm) T^fll ka law, (olive seeds) jll la niun. Omen, ^J^IiH dzau' deu, (bad) 1)^1 ^^ h'iung dzau', (good) "^ kih dzau'. Omit, (record of) ^^ seh tse'. Omnipotent, ^>^/f|[b ^'^^ 'sii peh uung, (Lord) ^tbiSi zie nung kii' 'tsu. Omnipresent, ^fJxyJ^^ vu 'su peh dzc'. Omniscient, (creator) llS^^^nfH jHrTuBE "^'u 'su -peh tsz ku' 'zau Invo' 'tsu. On, ^j Ji leh 'lis( JoffO j|5 -t leh 'la zcn long'. Once, ^"^cK 'yeu ih t'sz', |hI ib w;6S ff ih 't'ong. One, "f@ ih ku'. Onion, ^11^ t'sung deu. Only, jhW 'tsz 'yeu, ^f# tseh tub, orr ta;2 di' ih kiV, 'in vi dob di-' ih ku', ^S pih ku' di' ku', (but) fB ^ da' 'zz, :; dob 'zz, (it is only needful) ^'/g' tseh siau. Only begotten son, IS^SE"?, dok (only this one) |m||-^^' y;v ta;? sang ni isz. Onwards, ^"SJ-^ zau ziew k'i'. Ooze-out, (in drops) flfjg tib leu' (through) f^ sib leu'. Opaque, :^ig)Efi veb t'eu' kwong ku'. Open, 13 f@ k'e ku', (of woven fabrics) M h'i. (H)en, (to) ^ k'e, Jj 'tang k'6, (a shop) ^/5 k'e tiew', IJ ^'e p'u', (suddenly to open men's dark minds) HM^S tung' k'e mau sub. Opening, (away for tbe diffusion of doc- trine) i3ft5tf@Pgg k'e dze 'dau ku' mun liV. Oponly, a,^'h'ie;^zew ^^^M'^ ming tong 'h'iang liang', f"f3 ^ ^ t'sing t'iew bah nyib. Opiate, ft^ mo yah. Opinion, ^^ i' kie', ^^ 'tsu kiew', >. i' sz', (every one has bis op- inion) ^W>^ kob 'yeu kob i'. Opium, ^%]x '^ P'ie', S^ffl yang^iew, (as a drug) i yang 't'u, (shop) f|* yien p'u', | a p'iejz' 'kwcw. Opponent, fJ-jfJ: te' dib, f% W deu, (my) ffiiil^fSA'titong' 'ngu kii' niun. Opportunely, f^0 bah 'bau, $ yung' k'i'i, (vou have come opportun- ni'mo;" 16 tsz tsung' 7ieb zab 'ngu ku' 0K1> Opportunity, (taking the) ^i.^m t'siins' tsz ki we', (do not lose) ^ ^W.'& veil yaii' t'so kii' ki we'. Oppose, Jfiljc 'ti dih, Jg 'ti tong', }g jK gij' dzih, iX k'ong' gii', (oppose the majesty of heaven) 3 5C -^ W we' t'iew tsz ming'. Opposite, ^^^ to' mie??', ff te' mun, (mutually opposed) ^0 JX siang 'fa. Opposition, T'0|I1* siang te', (in opposi- tion to the sun) i^ t'sung zeh. Oppress, ^/8 bau' niah. Optics, (doctrine of light) 3^k\vong yah, /doctrine of seeing) fj^ zz' yah^ Opulent, WS f^ng fiV, Jf. fu' Aeu', Or, ^ w6h, ^^ w6h'ts6, ^:S woh 'zz, (or if it be not so) ^f^ veil zej -^^^^ tso' veh zc;j meh. Oracles, (of God) Jl^lgls* ! zang' ti' kii' p[(^i 'nii, (they pretend oracles of the gods in temples to induce men to come constantlv to burn incense) HimmmmmmmmAn ^^^ miau* ']i 'kalsong zunming ku' y\en 'nil kiau' niun dzang 16 sau h'iang. Oral, n f$T3^ 'k'eu dz-^ 'aule, ^ P tH (S 'J^ '^ 6U siang d-Atn. Orange, (small) 1^"^ kioh 'tsz, (mid- dle sized) I'll kew 'tsz, (large) ||c zung 'tsz, (cumquat for preserves) 2^ kiun kiuh. Orbit, ^'S kwe' dan', (sun's) ^g wong dau', (moon's) Qbah dau'. Ordain, (a law) lxjJL#J'i seh lib OTtP lib fab, (an elder) JL^^^ hh u-e 'tsang 'lau, (preordain) iR^U jL*^ 2/u' sie lib ding'. Order, ^/^ t'sz'zu', H t'sz'di', (com- mand) -fe*^ ming'Tuig', p^ ka',. V^f m fun fu', (imperial) J^ p sung' tsz', JiIIk zang' u'. Order, (to arrange) i^ft P{t fuu fu', -^ ming', ([)ut in order) 'gjj J^ t'sih 'li. Orderly, %JMM^. zlngkw^ dau' 'ku, ^^ zi 'tsung. Ordinal, (numbers) ^ ' di' ili, ^Z^ di' ni' etc. Ordinary, ^ ^ bing dzang, ^ zing dzang, ^ bing su'. Ore, (of gold) ^@ kiun so, (of iron) ^5 t'ih zilh. Organ, fi^ fung giun, (the five sen- sorial organs) JQ. Bt '^^'^ kwm. Orifices, (seven) A^^X t'ih k'iau', (op- en a small) ^>J>11^ k'e 'siau 'ngaw. Origin, 3^ |^ 16 yeu, J^^f^nionden, W.M-f' mon 'ti 'tsz, ^0. 16 lib, -^ m6n kun, fe|^ 'k'i t'su, i^X nio;?. yo;?, f^ 'k'l ton. Original, (ancestor) ^jffl 'sz 'tsii, BM 'fSJPfii^deu ih ku' 'tsu tsung, original text) JlCyC niuwvuii, (cause) i^ yo??, M yowku'. Ornament, ^i^ih^l tsong sub lnv6 deu. It sieu sub, (literary) ^ vun sub, (head ornaments) "i*fl^ 'seu' sub. Orphan, JlSl ku, (persons without sons husbands, parents and relatives) jR OUT ^^1^ kwa^i 'kwo ku doli. Orpiment, i^^ yiung ivor.g. Oscillate, j^^nl^"^ yau 'p-^ veil ding'. Ostensibly, (to learn doctrines but real- ly for a livelihood) :Sjg!^5tg@ ^ H ming we hoh 'dau zeli wq du' nyih. Other, ^l] bill, (persons) J^ bill niim, (what you do not wish your self do not give or do to others) cL>S?/Pm '^fM^^J^ 'ki 'su peh yoh veh sz yii niun, (otherwise) ^^J^Wb^veh /ell ko nung meh, Z^j^^ veh z6n meh. Otter, ^8 t'ah, (skin) ^ t'ahbi, (sea- otter) TjC 'sz t'ah. Oval, ^ Jl dzang yow, (egg-shaped) ilStl-? ki flan' yang"tsz. Oven, (of iron) ^ t'sang, (of brick) ffi-? h\ 'tsz. Overturn, SH^ 'fa 'tscn le, !! 'tail 'ts6 le, ^ 'fa ku' 16 (pass over a river) ^)^^ du' kiV k'i', (over and over) JXRffifX fa fan foh fuh. Over-anxious, ^ Jlf^H t'sie kwo' man' lii', S^^,'2 ku' vun' kwo' nian'. Overcome, ^%Jl$ tiih sung', Wm tsc' yung, (overcome one's self) ^ k'lih 'ki, (others) SS'JA sung' ku' bib niiin. Over-count, ^^ tu su'. Overflow, ^ yiew, SSfS 'tsang yuh, yiE faw' la'. Over-hasty, i^^^ t'uh kih. Overhead, it^ JlF^ deu 'zong den. kan veil OVE Overlay, (with gold) fj^l^ miaukiun, it du' kiun. Overlook, ^ 'kw6; 'li, (not take no- tice of) ^^il^veh'liwc'. Overpower, jJIJ v6h, (by strength) ^ :/jmi)KB']A yunglih liang' v6h bih niiin. Oversee, BB^ tsau' 'kwc, f^ t'sah. Overseer, ^'^ ka toh. Overset, j^^^ t'e 'tau. Oversight, (commit an) ^ ^ 'li tv6% ^^i\J veh lieu sing. Overspread, (the country) i^lwdltfT piew' di' lieu yung. Overstep, (duty) JS/^3^ l':"' 'pun vun'. Overtake, jiB.^ tsue zah, (cannot) ^S'^S'J tsue 'ku veh tau'. Overthrow, (a kingdom) {|SlliL0i mill t'eh koh du'. Ought, M^ yung tong, ^ yung k6, ke tong, ^ 'li tong, (it ought to be so) Jll9f ^^ 'li 'su tong zen. Ounce, ^ 'liang. Our, $ciJtf@ 'ngu 'ni ku', (country) ^S 'punkuh. Ourselves, 5?1)t S ^ '"gu 'ni zz' ka. Out, (give) 15 [fi^ fah t'seh le, (come out) Ul^^v t'seh le, (go out) {!] P^ t'seh mun, -^ t'seh k'i'. Outer, ^hHffl ng^' f^^u ku'. Outrun, (him) JtPlt^^W.I^ 'pi i 'bau tub kung k'wa', jfi 'bau ku' i. Outside, ^^H nga' deu, (appearance) IS nga' mau'. 79 PAI Owe, % k'ie^eS (men money) p^ A ^1^^ ko niiin dung die;*. Own, g^fS zz' k-X kuS (-baud) H^ f sincr 'seu. _ Owner, i$ii 'puu 'tsu, (of liouse) ^ ^ A'ong tuug. Ox, ^ nieu. Oxygen, l^^Mi dzu'sung kU', 8 'yaug k'i-'. Oyster, ta^M ^^eli li, (shells) % li k'oh, (oyster shell windows) J^fUl ^. lu diew t'song, (large oysters) jlf bong'. X acify, ^ o wc', (be pacified) T^^ 'Aauk'i', ,6^^ sih uii'. Tack, Q pan, ^5 vob, (a bundle) ill ku' pau voh, (pack of cards) ""^f^ MiM ih f"' 'tsz bii. Pack, (to) Q pau, U voli, ^ tsong J{i ff seu tsoh. Packet, (of letters) "^'^m ih pau sing'. Packthread, jM;|?| mil zung, Paddee, JQ dau', (fields) dau' die?. Padlock, '.su, fji tiau' 'sd. Pagan, (nations) ??JSfif@H P^^ 'ngeu ziang' kir koli dd', (customs) ^^Si^ i' pong fung zoh. Page, (leaf of book) #'M sii yih, (twenty one pages) "^ *Ofi i^i^w' ih tsang Pagoda, J t'ah, ^ 'pau t'al*. Pail, H 'dung- PAP Pain, '^ t'ung'. Paint, f^ t' sih, (colours) ||fe' nga suh, (vegetable green paint) ^'^ loh kaii, (oil and paint) J^ yeu t'sih, (colour materials) 1H*-1' "S^'^ liauS (boxes of) ^^ suh siang. Paint, (to) fi to', H tod'- du, |i" -c' du. Painter, ft*I ^6' kung. Pair, --fi ih teS (of shoes) - ffiS "J* ih song Aa 'tsz. Pair, (to) E1^ P'ili 'ngeu, It p'e' 'useu, '^ p'e' /<(eh. Palace, ^S l^^'^ig (c>f earthen ware) ^ 'ngo bun. Pane, (of glass) "^ilMM i^^ ^^"S pu li. Panic, (all in a) ^&^^ ^^^^^ ^'^'"^ sah 'tse. Panoply, ^^ k'wckah. Pant, PjS 't'scM. Panther, j^ pau'. Pantry, If^M ka sang vong. Paper, |fi 'tsz, (money to burn) MM- %g 'tsz ding' m.ou 'pau, (for 80 PAR letter) fK sing' 'tsz. Parable, ^"^ 'p'i yu', Jt 'pi yir. Paraclete, f;S^>U6iIJ 'pan avc' sz. Paradise, (Buddhist) W^cSilffi ^ si t'iew giuh loh sz' ka', (chris- taiii) 5C^ t'ie doiig, (of Eden) :^ ffllSlH 6 dioMlohyo;?. Paradox, Jtl^M ^^ m' 'zz nrli I'i. Paragraph, (of a book) 'fxff i^^ dow' su. Parallax, (annual) "WC^ sue' t'so. Parallel, (lines) ^fl'|^ bing yiing sie?i'. Paralysis, (of the liead) fiBM^S p'iew deu fung, (of one si de) #^ Jfi' ^ jE pew' sun veil zue', OTfp p'ie^i k'u. Paraphrase, ^gjlj 'kwong hiun'. Parasitic, (i)lant) ^^!^ ki swng 't'sau. Parasol, ^}f^^ liang saw'. Parcel, "Q, pan. Parch, JjJ; 't'sau, (dry, parched) ^ sau'. Parchment, ^jf^ yang bi. Pardon, ^^'^ niau so', ;^ so' 'miew^ (general pardon by special grace) ^M^-htk ^'-ong nn da' so'. Pare, (nails) flj^B^ siak 'tsz kah, (an apple) fiJft^fZlljg p6k t'eh bing 'ku bi. Parents, JSIft 'liang t'sing, ;^# 'vu 'jnu. Parliament, f^JS^S'S' ni tsung kung Parlour, ^^ k'ali dong, H k'Ah t'ing. Parrot, ||^ ang ku. Parsimonious, ij>^"pi ling', (in spen- I'AS ding) '[g ling' sih, f^ gie' ling', (in spendins money). Parsley, 'Jr^ giun t'so'. Part, ^ fun, (one part) -JS^ih 'ku. Part, (to) ^ fun. (equally) ^ bing fun, J:^ kiun fun, (part and separate) ^^ f" saw', (cannot part with) Jil^ff'sovehtuh. Partial, fi^ p'iew, 6', fpj Mp'ie h'iang' ili niier/. Particle, ^^K h'ii zz' 'nga;?.. Particularly, ^^^ duh iS& 'siau lu'. Patient, S^ 15} 'niun ne', (patience) HJ *{^ ne' sing'. , Patients, i! A Tt)ing' niun. Patois I^Pp]^ h'iang da.i Patriarchs, ^feft sie^i 'tsu, ^J lih 'tsu. Patrimony, ^H ka nyih. Patriotism, iS'i&tsung sing, (exhaust patriotism in requiting the state) ^ ^S'ffiS zing' t^'^ng P^^' k<^^- Patron, M- i un 'tsu, (of a temple) J^ pK sz 'tsu. Patronize, MJffitsau' yung', (the Bud- TED dhist law) |^f^ /m' fah. Pattern, ^ yang', '^%^ miivaw', -J, yang' 'tsz, mu yang', 5t yang' suh. Pave, (with stones) IS' 5 P''^ ^^^j (paved road) /5S5" ^-^^ l^S (pave- ment) 5 Jfe zah bi. Pavilion, ^^ ding 'tsz. Pauper, Pfei^ffl A m meh kiV niun. Pawn, "^ tong', (ticket) ^ tong* p'iau', (shop) ^ 'tiew tong'. Pawnbroker, ^^ tong' tung, ^M f@ k'e tong' ku'. Pay, XS kung die, M kung ka', (of officers) ^i^ fCing' loh, (of soldiers) ii^^M ^i^^^ liang. Pay, (to) >5 ^a*^ tS 'tsau i6a>^, jR zongt^aw, (land-tax) TcS'lM wow ziew liang. Peace, :J;^ t'a' bing, ^ bing on, fnif /iu 'liau. Peaceful , ^0 ^ Au b in g . Peach, ^fe-J* dau 'tsz, (stones) 111 dau niun, Peacock, JLl 'k'ung t'siah. Peak, l^S kau fung. Peaked, ^{@ tsie ku'. Pear, ^ li, ^ sang li. Pearl, ^J^ tsun tsu, (a pearl which shines by night) ^^JJ ya'mingtsu. Peasant, flffl A^sung' die niun. Pease, >J>S. 'iau deu'. 1% tvdn deu'. Peck, ^ 'teu. Peculate, ^ifflit^S sz ying' k'u' niun. Pecul, -^fi ih ta5^, or '"'^ Pedestrian, >^fif f@ l)u' yung ku'. 82 PER Pedigree, (book of) ^|f k^l 'pu, ^ M^^& tsung dzoh tsz p'a'. Peel, Jffc l)i, (orange) f$, dziin bi' (pumelo) ^fy zieii bi, (citroi)) |fl" kew bi. Peel, to (the skin of fruit) gijifc poll bi. ^eep> KS 1^'^^'^' k'o'. ^eg. /fvfr nioh ting. Peltry, jfeg bi hir. ;Pen, :^ pib, (goose pencil) Ji|^^ ngu mau pih, (hair pencil) |2^ long mau pih. Pendulum, |jf^ tsung 'pa. Penetrable, jf#jg t'eu' tuhku', ^ t'.sew tub ku'. Penetrate, IM^lJ S t'seh tan' 'ti, (bore through) H; fsiiw tau' 'ti, tsu t'eu'. Penitence, '|||'j]| 'an hue', (for sin) SPM^ ymig 'dzue yeu clzeu. Penknife >J\ JJ 'siau tau. Pentecost, ^L^lli 'io<:> zing tsih, (50 day's festival)|f fS 'ts6;i kinn- tsih. Penurious, ^^ ling sih. People, Igi^ pAk sing', J5 ming. Pepper, j^Q^Jif Jm tsiau. Peppermint, fUfpf boh 7m, (oil) f^ boh M yeu, (leaves) ^ boh 7m yih. Perambulate, jg^fx zing yung, (and search) ^ zing dz6. Perceive, ^^ koh zah, igf#{f| 'slang tub t'seh, (thoroughly) ^Wi t'eu'jl'seh. Perfect, yQ^ ivdn zien, (in a lesson) ^^ z6h. Perfect, (to) ^Jj zung kung, J/t zung dzieu', (a lesson) Hf^ doh PER y.oh. Perfectly, -j^^ zeh fun. Perfidiously, (act) ^ff seh sing', ^ jf.^J pe' yah. Perforate, fijif fsz t'eu', ^ t's6 t'eu'. Perform, fx 7.ang, (perform secret acts of merit) fl||lj^ sieu yun kung, (perform a Buddhist mass for the souls of the dead) ^^EMS. LjM man' kiung t'sau du' vong ling, (perform a Tauist sacrifice with; prayers for rain) tjMMM 'tang tsiau' gieu 'yu. Perfume, h'iang. Perfume, (to) S^-^S li'iun iiih'iun. Perhaps, f^fg 'k'ung p'6', J^^ u-6h 'tse. Perigee, j^.^ tsiie' p6. Peril, ^ 'h'ie;^ /tJ ngwo 'h'ie;?, (ex- posed to peril) ^ mau' 'h'ie??. Period, (of prosperity) S|Pif|gJ]#1^ h'iung ?6-ong' ku' zz 7ieu'. Periodical, (printed each month) ^ fS nioh pau', #^P|] M 'me nioh yun* ih Aau'. Perish, Ij^ta mih vong, 'Sl'S" f^^^n lun, (by hunger) ^'^ ngu' sali. Perishable, ^^^JC^M y^^ng i' ba' wk'. Perjury, ^^ p6' zz', f. p6' mung yah. Permanent, ^*^^Ji dzang dzang leh 'la. Permit, ^^^ 'yiin 'h'ii, i^ 'yun 'tsun, ^?ui^ yung bing, {^ zun bing. Perpendicular, (line) _^| 'zu siew', Sfe dzue sie^i'. g| Perpetrate, '\p Perpetual, ^:^JU 'siang veli t'seli, IwPf Sl t's6 laii iii tcoh. H>& gj^g^sa/ising'liangi', ^^/lS ;i^ lib veil ding 'tsu i'. Persecute, Jtj^ ndm zoli, jiw.^ pih p'lili. Persevere, SHIS-H kie;^ kiV 'iiiun iioS $$:X^M t.sung 'kieu veil piew*. Persimmon, lip-f ^^ 'tsz, Person, (in his own) @ ^ Jj" Jt zz'.ka sun long', (other person) . ^ij A l>Jh niun, (three persons and one sub- stance) Hfi-^ti !sa?< ^6c' ih 't'i. Personate, (other) fi^^S'l A <^^' t'i' hill niun. Perspicuous, Rflffi ming 'h'ie;*. Perspire, {llV'f t'seli Auyr. Persuade, UflS k'io;.' hwo', |5:A fPilJR l^i^ii^' i^'^ii ^i"S' '^'*'-*^^- Pertain, (to) ^ z6h, Hi kwaw z6h, (does not pertain to you) IfefJ*^^ ^ 'yii 'ni vu ktx, :^fiiiRtV veil k\va nung' sa' zz'. Pertinacious, (in adhering to one's own view) IH^LE,^ ku' tseh'kikie?i'. Perturbed, 't^'IStt'lt hwong hwong niong mong. Pervade, (all regions) S'Sffl]^ pie?* lieu sz' fong, Mft#H '^^^'^^^g dzew koh koh. Perverse, 0i'5S an gi: Pio ^Jk tiau hi. hing'. Pestle, ;f4^ 't's kiV 't'su. 7 , ^lifS t'sung yak 'ping fill, %^{i 'pingt'ih, g:^ mm i>iJ ^ Pervert, (right and wrong) j^ ^f 'kiau lijn' '/z ii. Pestilence, 'JS'/SI ^^'^^i^ y'^^i' M ^un Petition 'tsz. Petition, (to) ^t gien, 't'sing, (for leave) "^fSI kau' ka'. Petticoat, f>^ giun. Phantasm, IbSCi^ '1^^^ ziang'. Phases, (of moon) Ilf:^5^g| hwe' s6h pien vong'. Pheasant, |f|| 'ya ki. Phoenix, ][By.)|il vung' M.ong. Philanthropy, fll>ii^^lf zim sing 6, veh, kt^^i^tM^ 'liau sung tsz tuh. Philanthropist, ^ Af@ A <^' i^iun ku' niun. Philosophy, (moral) OM sing' 'li, (physical and moral) ^^^^ftlSfi kuh veh giung 'li. Phlegm, ^M. t'law. Phosphorus, S'Afjft mung 'liu yeu. Phrase, ^-"^01^55 ill k^' seh wo', (liousehold phrases) ^K rfi 6p& ka dzang bah ivo'-, (book phrases) ^SC 2^35 "^'i^in zz' 'nga, (colloquial) fS z6h zz' 'nga, (with a good sense), iJ 'hau zz' 'ngaw, (with a bad sense), ^ k'ieu zz' 'ngaw. Physic, ^ yah, (good) ^ liang yah. Physician, ^^ i sang, jl!)4* long tsung, (a famous) ^ ming i, ft^4 ne' k'u i sang. Physiognomist, ^U M^^ siang' miew' sie sang. Piano-forte, 'J^^ yang giun. Piazza, 'MM J^n long, 'J^ yang long. Pick up straw, J^^ zih za, (pick a 84 PIN flower) ^12 't'se hwo. Pickles, l^yK. sww kw6. Picture, ^ w6', (pasted on x>aper) f^ f^ 'tsic 'piaii wb^, (of scener}') Uj7jC sa?i 'sz, (of men and animals) yv^|? niun veil, (oil) {{tlf^ 3'en t'sih ivd', ' (pith paper) T^Mi t'^ng 'tsz tt'6'. PLA Piece, (of ink) *M S ill k'wc' mull (of cloth) -^/E^* ih p'ih pu'. Pier, j^lil 'mo deu. Pierce, Jij t'sz', (with needle) W t'sah, (with a boring instrument) ^ tsuw. Piety, j^>i^ gie sing, M>6 ^^^^^ng sing, (to parents) f#:JC#^ de' 'vu 'mu hiauS (to God) ffJl^^ISi de' zang' ti' kung kiuug'. Pig, ?l# tsz lu, (stye) UM tsz k'iow, (shed) ^ tsz bang. Pigeon, $.1 -f^ keh 'tsz. Pike, :5lt tlzang t'siang. Pile, (up in layers) ^ 16S[(in a heap) ffi te. Piles, 3^S dzz' t'song, (drive piles) ^7# 'tang tsong, (stone upon piles) ^#5 ke' tsong zah. Pilgrim, Jfe k'ah 'lii. Pills, j^M ^^'^^^ yah- Pillage, tTSi 'tang kih, Jt 't'siang. Pillar, fi ziiS (of the state) H^fil 'fJ/O kOh kia ku' zu' zah. Pillow, ttFM tsun deu, (case) 5 tsun deu t'au'. Pilot, 5lJ|S4'^A 'yun zcw ku' niun' f^ 'ling ze;i ku'. Pin, if tsun, j^ bih tsun. Pincers, ^1^ t'ih gie;<. Pinch, (with nippers) J^ nie', ^ kah, (with fingers) J niah. Pine-tree, fe^t} sung zu'. Pinnacle, Jlg^ 'ting 'tsz. Pint, yf sung. Pious, ^1^ giew zung. Pipe, (with six holes like a fife) H siau, (for smoking) ffl^ yien dung. Pirate, 5S giang dau', f'S 'he dau'. Pistol, >J>|^ 'siau t'sung', (revolving) ?T/A lii il^it 'tang 16h t'*eh yang t'siang. Pit, JjL k'ang. Pitch, |^ sung h'iang. Pitch, (to) ttjlift meh lih t'sing, (throw) JJ(i p'au, ^ deu, (a tent) WW tah ban^. Pitious, P]*'^ 'k'u lie?2. Pith, (of grass) ^i\j> 't'sau sing. Pitiful, WSWAf@>5 'yen e lie niun ku' sing. Pity, ft^ lie?^ e', ^flc nioh mo. Pivot, fliiH ch'u 'nieu. Placard, (official) ^TJ^ kau' zz', (pri- vate advertisement) -^ Q kau' bah. Place, Jl:^ di' foug, ^^ M dong, ft'ffc dzang hau', ^^ 'su ze', (what place) R^^ sa' 'su, F^ sa' 'sii deu, ^ sa' 'sii dong. Place, (to) i$ on', Jf| koh, j^J fong. Plain, 'f^^ p'oh su', (easy to under- stand) 0J3 1& ming bah, f^J^ 't'siew giun, (flat) ^ bing, (level plain) ^>S bing niciw, ""i^^ ih dzang bing, Plaintiff, W*% nio" kau'. 85 1>LE I'l^U Plaintive, (note of a bird) it P,|&^ i tsung' v, ^^^: veh to' Mdunjj. gi ming 'yo e. .Pait, ^ tselu Plait, (to) |# Inen'-. Plan, #f^ long fah, 01] fah tsnli, FT!^ ki'.t'siih. Plan, (to) li'ljic ki' m^"- Plane, (a) M ^au', (to) W] ban'. Planet, fTtM: /'ang sing. Plank, ^iS mok 'paw. Plants, ^'1: Jfl Invo 't'sau. Plant, (to) 'Ji t.sungS J ts6, tsc tsuug', (and manure) i ts6 1)6. Plantain, t^ ;^ p6 tsiiui. Plaster,^ (for walls) ^iJ? hwe si>, (sticking) ^^ kau yah. Plaster, (to walls) ^^f; nieli, |^ maw, (a sore) Sfi W^ ^'il* l^au yah. Plate, {^-^ dih 'tsz, ^^ bun 'tsz, (of iron) ft)r ^'il^ p'ie/i'. Platter, ^ ])e;^ Play, ^tn boh siang', (play for money) Hs'^I^II^ 'ti^i dung die (play music) f^U| tsoh yah. Players, ''p^f@ t'songh'i^ ku', (dis- ciples of the pear garden *) ^ ^ 'T'^ ^i yon 'tsz di'. Plaything, ^^U "F ^eh siang ku??, Jc :i^gf ^^'a?i' k'i''. Plead, ^^ 'k'un gieu, (argue in various ways) l^^fl^fsf ^'ang bie' 'zu bie?r. Pleasant, (prospect) ^-J:!;!!!: (not pleased with) ^^^ veh 'h'i liwew, veh 'h'i yoh. Pleasing, P^'^ 'k'6 6-', ^g 'yeu t'su*. Pleasure, ^|^ yiew' loh. Pledge, (to) '^ tongS M 'tiew, (for a short time) ^f ah, (a pledge) 'gfjl^ tong' deu, ;^ tsz*. Plenipotentiary, #C^/;E k'iung t'sii da* dzuii. Plenteous, g^^ fung zung-', (year) ^ fung nie;/. Plenty, (time of) ^'^ zung' sz% (successive years of) jS^;/^^^ lie;i nie diV z6h. Pliable, l^ll 'niow zah, #1^1$ wa;; tuh 'tsc;/, (bend with the wind) MB.M ^ue fling 'tau. Plod, SilligtVtl giuu 'kiun tsu^ zz' 't'i. Plot, tf ^ ki' t'silh, nf e;r ki', (to plot rebellion) ^^ meu *fa. Plough, i^IMlideu. Plough, (to) ^ li, ^ kung. Pluck, (ears of wheat) i$#||JM 't'su mak zeh deu, (up by the roots) i^K^ftbaht'ehkun. Plug, SBH suh deu. Plum, ^ 'li, (in a field of melons do not adjust your shoe, nor under a plum tree your hat) )S>. HI /i>$ft IS- ^TyfWM kwo die peh nah lu' 'li 'Aau peh 'tsung kwc;r. Plumbline, ^llfi 'tsun zung. Plumber, (maker in lead) ^ | k'an 'hau 'kiuDg tsz-, ( circumstances) ^^ Oil loh. Please, (men) Jgffii'iA 't'su yoh yii niun, (not pleased) ^^4*^8 veh * So called fioni the garden in the palace of T'ang-ming-hwang, the emperor Nvho is regarded as the founder of p]?y acting in China. Plummet, (of lead) ^it^, k'au du 86 POL 'tsz, (of iron) t'ili du 'tsz. Plummet, to, (the depth of water) fpfc 7jCi^S t'oM \sz sun 't'sie;^. Plunder, Jt^ 't'siang doli, Jj^ 'tantr kill. Pneumatics, S^$ f^'^ng ^'i' Y'"^^^- Poach, (eggs) S'llS we Id da;^'. Pocket, fit Q J>'<^ pan, S ^^<^; B "0"g' lialii tah lie>i. Pocket edition, (sleeve pearl) ^^ zieu tsun. Pocket-handkerchief, ^ ffl 'sen kiun. Pods, (of peas and beans, bean angles) SL% deu'koh. Poet, p|p^ sz kia. Poetry, p|p sz. Point, (of a knife) JJ BR tan deu, (in writing) ^^ Wen. Point, (to) i^g 'tsz, ^ 'sen 'tsz, (point out to) 7J^ 'tsz zz', ,^jj 'tsz 'tiew, (a ^book) *tie su. . Pointed, ^ (0 tsie/i ku', ^% tsie deu ku-'. Poison, -^ dob, ^ dok k'i', (take poison) jJH voli doh. Poke, JlJ t'sz', |g t'soh. Pole, (north) ^bi^ P^^^ gii^^i* (of a sedan) ^^ giau' kong, (for push- ing boats) TTI^ tsoh kau, or 0i^ kau 'tsz. Pole, to. (a boat) tj^jln t'sang ze. Police, (of yamens) 'ipjfx nga voh, (going rounds) JSiffl ^ing l^^S (offi- cer) SS ^''-i' t'ing. Polish, ^ 3 mu kwong, (as in cutting and polishing) in JJ^ in, zu tsoh zii niu. Polite, /ff iiS '\'eu 'li, (Confucius was gentle, good, respectiul, moderate and retiring) m^^feS ^uu liang kung kie?^* zang'. Politics, H M f V tl koh kid kii' zz' 't'i, !{i^ tsung' zv\ Pollute, Vi5i tse/A u- ^ ts6;^ 'zc, Jl5 tie w\i, StSj 'hwun z6h. Polluted, ill/?, ok t'soh, (by contact) JBM t'ah 16'. Pomegranate, /Q^fw ^^^i ^i^u. Pomp, Ife^yungwo, ffflS" 'fimiew'. Pond, i^i dzz, (fish) ; ng dzz. Pony, >J\,^ 'siau 'ni6. Pool, (semicircular) i4^7jC p'c* 'sz. Poor, ^:{|0 bing giung, ^ bing vah, "^ giung 'k'u. Poorly, (treat others) f^"7Vj!jJl| de' niun k'uh boh, (not quite well) '^fj iS>& ^'eh suh i-'. Pope, l^i^^ kiau' hw6* ?6-ong. I*0PPy> S^f y^"ig soil hwo. Popular, (he is) B"S:^^i5^ pak sing' dze 6' i. Population, J^^ ming su', ^ P /a'l 'k'eu. Populous. yVll'I3^^ niun y\eM veh 'sau. Porcelain, i^S^ dzz k'i'. Porch, P^tJmunleu, ^^P^ dzue hwo mun. Pore, ^ k'iau*. Pork, ^f ^ tsznioh. Porpoise, Ji?^ kong tsz. Port, f P 'ho 'k'eu, (clearance) jfX ,^ /mug taw, (charges) J|hJ|P zew t'sau'. 87 roT n Port-lio:e, J.^m p'aii' 'uga;/ Portable, ^|#S4 no tuli Mung, 'Porter, P^ Jlf@ mim long' ku', f(^ k'o niun kiV. Portion, ^:9* ming van', (lialf or more)-}"^;2/^ ^e^i vim* ts/. 'ng loll, (destined portion), -j^^^ yo vun', (one portion of an army) ' * gj^ih'ku'tsz. Portrait, f^ dang', ^J>^ 'siaii tsau', J^i%. yung //lang'. Position, iilifiL di' tre', (in position) Wii^'^M leh Mil 'pun t'su'. Positively, (enjoin) if$^ duh ming', ##5Pi>Mt duh duh 'li fnn lu'. Possess, ^ 'yen, (so rich as to possess the four seas and so honourable as to be the emperor) '^WISISA ^J^.-f' fu' 'yeu sz' 'ho, kwe' wo Vieu 'tsz. Possessed, (with a demon) RJ^ vu' 'kii, or ^ JL. sun long' viV 'kii. Possessions, Sifi ^^ "3'^^ ^kiinyih, ^ ka 't'sa. Possible, (physically) |[b allowed) pIJ!^ 'k'6 'i done) '^fl^ 'sz tub. Post, (pillar) |^ zu*, (piles) /fC' moll tsong. Post-office, W^Wl sing' giuh. Postage, fe^ sing' tsz, }@S 'tsieu die;/, 'tsieu tsz. Posterity, ^fli 'Aeu do', -^Jf, 'tsz sun, p^ "^ miau i' 'Aeu. Postman, ^fe (0 ta' sing' ku'. Postpone, 5SJPI ?/ie koli. Pot, (earthenware) ^yji^ 'ngo kwa;/', (iron) i^Aii rRA I t'ih kwe' deu, (lea- nung, (it is (it may be pot) ^ff^'rjir dz6 hii. Potash, If kaw, M^'ln km. Potatoe, (sweet) iJjf-^ saw yii', q-|| yii*, (Chinese j^am) Uj|^ sa yah (foreign) ^^^ nga' koh sa yah. Potter, 'J^SA sau j^au niun, % fl^ sau 'ngo kl< ku'. Pottery, % 'ngo k'i', ^;g yau ^i'iSfel^^S kong bang 'tung le'. Pouch, 1^ nong, ?ljH hii pau. Poultry, tlf^l ki ah. Pound, (Chinese catty) /fkiun, (Eng- lish) IS^'Jr ;5lHsz' fun klun tsz sa, (by the pound) ^Jx^M, 'kong kiun deu. Pound, to (in water) J^ dau, (in a mor- tar) ^ Sling, 1^ t'sah. Pour, ^J 'tan, |fj tsuu, j|| kwe;/', or gwcw*. Powder, ^ fun, (drugs in powder) ^ saw', (gunpowder) ^|^ 'liu yah. Power, "Bb nung, ^ nung kiu/', ;J] dz6 nung, (authority) Hlj^ gioM ping'. Powerful, ^Bt^f@ 'yeu mmgkuM' ku', W:/Jfl:fi3 'yeu llh liang' ku'. Powerless, ^"f^ vii nung. Practicable, fi|^f#^f@ tsu' tuhleku'. Practice, fyj^ hang wo. Practice, (to) i^^ Aoh dzih, M zih lie', {gJ^'lK tsu' kwa*. Praise, ffjp^ t'sung tsaw', & t'sung zung', ^ tsa^i' 'mc. Praiseworthy, 'pTpMIKH 'k"<> tsa;^ 'me ku'. VRK ^^7, ^i gieu, ^-^ 'tan kau', |Jf gi 'tan. I*rayer, H-g-^Jt 'tau kan' Yiin, |/f X^ gi 'tan vim suh. Preach, Bffl: 'kong su, (gJi ,,g;,c 'dan. Precede, ^fe^ sienk'V, ^^ sie lo. Precedent, Prfc;J|f@ 'k'6 i ./e 'tie^^ ku', :4Sit|^filihtsfr yang'- snh ku'. Precept, ^^ ming'ling', ^'k^V, % hiiiir. Precession, (of the efiniaoxes) ;^| sue' t's6. Precipice, ||J| pih d6I,, gH yo;. Prediction, Jp/g yu\?/ie;^. Preeminent, (above all) MM^"^ yv^^JL t'an yob ii tsuiig' ninn tsz 'zaiig. Preface, Jfl zu'. Prefect, (of department) ^Hjf tsz 'I'u, (of tliree department) j^E J 'dan de. Prefer, (civil to military life) ^'X), M^^ e' vnu ku' yu e^ 'y,',. Prefix, S Jil|1]ig o;r ^\a z\(^n deu. Pregnant, *|i]J^ ,,a>^ t'c. Prejudice, fi g p'jo;? kie^i'. j Prejudicial, fgS^AfS song /,6-' nini. 1 ngc, (of ten thousand feet deep) -^-* i m t'sie. .!-,...< ...., ' I ^^^^^ture, l|J.g'*5lJ zz znn'Vi tan', iCAi-?' t'uh 'tsan. Preordain, WSf^M. yii' sie.. ding* kw6. Prepare, {gf^l yu he-', (be prepared against) [SJ bong b6', (fully pre- pared) gf^t y-l I'o'. Preposterous, [g WiltH 'k'i 'ven 't's^ 'li. Presage, [Jfe^^ sie;^ zan', I/|T /,au' den, Oi'11'P.v) "n kihzanS(unlncky) [)y h'ii'mg zau'. Prescribe, (as a physician) !^':^ 'sia i'ong, ^:^-f k'c fong 'tsz. Prescription, ^^-^^ fong 'tsz. Presence, (in his) f/jJifi^fSMflt leh 'hi i ku' mie;?' zie;?. Present ^4]}ii. Mi 'hi, (world) ^jl^ l^iun sz', (time) ]^l%\} 'fsz k'nh, (life) -7 ^ kiunsnng, (em])ei-or) '^ 7 rti ^E t^'Jig I'^i^"! wong ti'. Present, (a gift) fi^ 'h veh, (marri- age presents) fl| p'ing' 'jj. t'sie?/ dzang' nga?^. Precipitate, >\t t'nh mong, (to pre- cipitate) ^T* den '//an k'i'. Precise, (of language) ^^ 'kie We^^S (of manner) 11'^ 'jdnn znu'. Precisely, JEW}m\m tsnng' leh 'hxzzAeuMong', iE;g^^^ tsm^.' 'zz zeh kc'. Preclude, (from advancing) ^fij^ I-& snh dzu-- tsing-' ]u\ (from an op- portunity) ^mpimit siou doll 1 ku' ki tre', Precursor, ^felB siew k'ii. Predecessors, ^m^ 'Ian zie>/ pC-', (as | kings) :7t;3: slew trong. Predestinate, m^Ur^jn' sie 'ka;. dmg', or 'sie ding'. Predicate, (in a sentence) ^ ping, (subject and) ^ 'tsu ping, (it may be predicated of him) iiaMi0 ^hlli 'tsz zak tsz i 'k'6 'i uxr. Predict, fl^fcfS yu* sie;^ fr6-. 89 PRE Present, (as a gift) ^ sung', "U gwe- suDg'j (with both hands) J$Jt 'fung 'zong, Wi 'lung h'iew'. 'ku. PRI Presently, (Iwill come) zieii* 16. Preserve, ^^ 'pau dzien. Preserved, (fruits) |^ dong (ginger) ^ dong kiang. Preside, ^^ 'tsang 'kwew, 'S'M WQ 'sen 'ling. President, (of one of the six boards) t^^ zang' su, (chief in any office) JE^ tsung* dong. Press, (cupboard) K kwc', ^ i kwe', (wine-press) JHB^ 'tsieu tso', (print- ing) *f [J 4^ 3^ -J yung' su kah 'tsz. Press, (down) ^ ah, (heavily) m 'dzung ah, (near) jilLjifi p'uh 'giun, (urgently) JS^ t'sue kih, (upon) S^JhJ/ tsi lau gah. Presume, (wrongly rely on)^|| g ^ ffl>^fi vong' k'au' zz'kakii'lih liang', (not presume to interfere) ^ St^ V veh *kew tu zz', (to attack presumptuously his tiger like gran- deur) B?!i#f@Jl;^ mau' 'va i ku* 'hu we. Pretend, (to be a prince's son) ^U >i'J 'ka tsong zz' wo ?ong 'tsz, (to be good)'^@ 'ka mau' w6 'zen. Preternatural, (doctrines) ttf@ jSSI t-'sau sing' ku' 'dau 'li. Pretty, ifM 'hau k'Ow', ^ 'me, ffi or ^ t'su', ,#Hg sie ming, WM piau tsz', 3l&it^J) 'niau 'nu. Prevail, fg'^ tuh sung<, (over) ^ sung' ku'. Prevent, ^ 'mie/?, ffljl 'tsu Ia, gjj bo^^ be'. Previous, "IJ 2ie?. Previously, ;$fe siej^/Jg yii' sie, "gj SHilS zie;a deu 'k'i. i^rice, g^ ka'diew, H 'ka dzuh, fr'Iff ^ong zing. Prick, ^\] t'sz'. Pride, &i^g^f@>2z^'clii'zz'kau ku' sing. Priest, ^ tsi* sz, (high) g tsi' sz 'tsang, (Buddhist) fol^ /m zong, (Taoist) JEi 'dau 'zz. Primitive, (times) jCiafiStfl nio^i 'sz ku' zz Aeu', Jt"fr 'zang 'kii. Primogeniture, (rights of) ^ ^ f@ ^ H 'tsang 'tsz ku' ka nyih or 'tsang 'tsz tsz nyih ^* Prince, 2 ^^jong, ^-J: ^d;ong 'tsz (eldest son of an emperor) ^-f] W'ong'tsz, (son of an emperor) "jl^-fi t'a' 'tsz, (hereditary prince) ^^ t'sing tvong, (prince of second de- gree) 515 i giiin' woug. Princess, ^^ kung 'tsu. Principal, ^ 'tsu, (wife) ^ t'si, 2E :^7V tsung fii niun, (most impor- tant) *i*^mi 'seu siew yau' 'kiun, (capital in trade) /$i ^ 'pun die??. Principles, JES 'dau 'li. Print, fp^ yun' su, J seh su. Printer, fP#'f@A ymi' sii ku' niun. Prison, ^^ kaw lau. JH nioh. Prisoner, H J& dzieu va'. Private, ^i sj^, (business) ^ sz zz', (to be born in a private station) ^ 90 PRO ^iHM ^^^^ i t'seh sun. Jtivatily, 'Ig'It 't'siau 't'siau, fZjg IF sz 'ti 'Aau,. 0f e^r' 'ti 'li. Privy-council, SISS "^^^'^^^ ^^ t*siV. Prize, _p. 'song, ^^ 'song sz-'. Prize, (to) t^ Jc^ 'i ^^"^ 'pan pe', ^!^ k'dw' 'dziing. Probable, J?^^ 'hau ziang' yau', (not iH'obable) '^X*^% veil kiew' tub. Probation, (time of) MSSAf@>^ ^ sz' sz' niun ku' zun kwong. Probe, ^tsim, (for the eye) ^iS kiun bi. Probe, (to) glj kwah, gcjij few t'sub. Probity, ^JE ni' 'dau, jEW tsiing' dznh, ^ ni' k'i'. Proceed, Jt flj "^ zo^g' ziew k'i', ^ zau ziew, (proceeds from some un- known origin) U^^^k^^ -frffi^ zung veb tsz-' sa' kii' le yeu Aang t'seli le, (proceeds from the simple to the profound) H^ A.*S yeu 't'siew zeh sun. Procession, (of idols) {!{'' t'seh ti^^6', (go out to meet idols and thank them in assembly) 53lSfJ$'' niung zun se" iv&'. Proclaim, (cry out) ^cS^f ^-4 da' sung hii kiau', (publish) ja f^ sie?? yang, ^ ^ pu' kau', ^^Ic 'h'iau yu'. Proclamation, ^7f\ kau' zz', (imperi- al) JSR dung w'ong. Procrastinate, JS'ffi dzzf/iew, ^ ta yien, jij dzz lieu. Prodigal, (son) 1^-^ ba'tsz, ^% long' Hsz, (expenditure) ^^MJ9 1^' PRO fi' long' yung'. Produce, (to) ^ffi^ gang' t'seh U, (something from nothing) ^ff*S ^ vu tsung- sung 'yeu. Produce, (a country) j^S 't^i't'sa;?, \m t'seh 't'saw. Profane, (a sacred name) fi}SS^ sih doh sung' ming, (a sacred place) Sf HSJil tsau t'ah sung' di'. Profess, (to be) U^%^ zz' kd t'sung WQ, (in words to be good in heart bad) I~I:S;i&# 'k'eu 'zz sing fi. Proficiency, (make) :gj'tsangtsing'. Profit, ^lj,i,li'sih^ li' die;^, (capi- tal small and profit great) /S^^'J ^ 'pun 'sau li' tu. Profligate J^J;^ fong' sz'. Profound, ^^ sun an', ^ sun miau', au* miau*. Progenitor, )IE^ 'tsii tsung, ^ 'tsu sie, (first) ]ia 'sz 'tsu. Progeny, ^i\ 'Aeu do', ^ '/^eu i'. Prognostic, ^^IH ^^u' deu, ^ sie Prognosticate, (power to) yCKtii^Ji slew kie' tsz ming, (by cash) ^ 'k'i k'li', (by the eight symbol) i5 ^ i^&n kwo'. Progress, BijfJ ziew /ang, (gi-owing better day by day) '-* if "^ 0) ih njih 'hau ih nyih, (in learning) :I8^Fp1 'tsang tsing' lidh. vun, (make no progress) -fT^ B'J ^^^^^ veil zie. Prohibit, ^jt kiun' 'tsz. Prohibited place, ^Jifi kiun' di'. \ Prohibition, (transgress a )mm 'va ^^. n PRO kiiin' ^Vf Project, (design) H |^c du men, (throw out) Jttii^ p'au t'seh kl', (as a noun) ^ ki, Fl ;^ ki' t'suh. Projectile force, ^ji^jj p'au lili. Prolong, ^11;^ ka. dzang, (somewhat) ^iP 'Ifi tu ka ih 'Hen. Prominent, (!( |il ^ deh t'seh 16, ffi BM t'seh deu. Promiscuous, CS^ 'wun dzah, ^^ ^it veh fun 'pe 't'sz. Promise, iS^^ yung 'h'ii, p^ 'h'ii or 'he, (from the emperor) MJ% uu 'tsun. Promote, |^ sung, ?^M 'ku yung', (two Iteps) EiJSIK sung 'liang kih. Promotion, (as the result of examina- tions mounting high on the golden list) I'M^'^W kau tung kiun 'pong, (to the l^ighest rank) 3^^ ^pp lie?2 sung ih 'p nig. Prompt, (to act) '^MM^^^ 'kuw 'kiun han' zz' 't'i. Promulgate, S|^ pu yang, (eveiy- where) ^i% pie dzcw, (a decree through the empire) ?S^MfT3C *7^ tsau su paw' yung t'iew 'haw. Pronounce, pj ill ^ zvo' t'seh 16, ( sentence) /^^ ding' on'. Pronounciation, P "g^ 'k'eu yun. '^ Proof, gJJ Ling kii'. ^ Prop, U dzu', (wooden) /fv nioh dzu', ^^^mohkiV'tsz, Prop, (to) ;i tsz, {i tsz dzu' fg Jt tail zong'. Propagate, (a religion) ff ^ zcn kiau' I'llO '^ (not) ^J'S^'IhS veh Aeh dzing Mi J^P\ tsz Property, ^^'^ ka iiyih, ^ dze, (properties of substances) ^ f0/$^t meh zz' ku' 'pun sing'. Prophecy, (the books of) ^fc^Olttt sieK tsz tsu sii, (the words) f^I^pS siew tsz ku' seh wo'. Prophesy, (to) Mi^^^BWS, aien tvo' 'Aeu le ku' zz' 't'i, ^ l^jG 9n vi' poll sie tsz. Prophet, yQj^H sien tsz, (female) 5C 'nil siew tsz, (prophet of Islam) ^ ^ k'iung t'sa. Propitiatory, (sacrifice) ,^|p^ ^^^^ 'd^ue tsi'.~ Propitious, (wind) |^S znn' fung. Proportion, J^tl^J 'pi H*. Proportionals, (four) 0^ sz' seh, f@J^t^!l$ sz' ku' 'pi li' s5h. Proportionate, ?i^0lffi siang yung', |i? siang t'smig'. Propose, (one's own opinion) ^^ t-* ^1^^ dzun soil 'ki i'. Proprietor, /j^j^ 'pun 'tsu, 'M^ tung ka. Prose composition, (essays) ^^ vuii tsang, (classical prose) pf^C 'ku vun. Prosecute, "^ kau', ^ zung' kau'. Prosecutor, ;^'^ niciw kau'. Proselyte, ^fiffl vung' kiau' ku', jg tsing' kiau' ku', # Prosody, (rules for i)oetical composi- tion) pj'ft sz lih, (for songs) gQ k'ioh hh. Prospect, (fine) -^^^ 'kiung tsz'. Proper, JJl^ Hi tong, ^S /^eh ni, [Prosper, JRH li'iung fah, Eh'ii IT 92 -^^Sfe/ PRO f^3l liung fung, \\ fang t'sangS )I{h g zmi' tong. Prostitute, ^H^ljc t'sanw gi', (his sons will be (or are) robbers and his daughters prostitutes) J^'S^^^ ncH dau' 'nu t'sang. Prostrate, (.cast one's self) j^f fJJ 'i'*^ voh, ^ pa' Viih, Prostration, (ceremony of) MlI(M ^*eh deu. Protect, i^^i^ 'pau yeu', |J "pau ku', Mffi ^s^^^' y""gs -OE 'pau pis S kiO' yeu-'. Protestant, (religion) JfBJI^li ya su kiau'. Protonmrtyr, -^^MM^^BA 'seu sie ted' 'dau tsz'' luing' ku' niua. Prototype, *^^^tf^ 'seu sie'piau yang\ Protract, (time) JSfl|M5S;B ^^^^ ^z 7^eu /ie^i dzang. Protuberant, {III Hi 3^ deh t\seh le. Proud, I^Sit kiau ngau'. Prove, fiJE |li JSS^ tsung' t'seh bing kii- l(i. Provender, fM-^ liang 't'sau. Proverb, ^p i:6h 'mi, ^W tsun ^ie>f. Provide, ^(fj ;?/u< bi', f|jj be' ba-, (again.si) I^J boug b6', J^ di bong. Providence, (of God) JL'rtf {Sfll ^ang' ti' 'pau 3'eu\ Provident, ^WrWJfi 'liJau tuh*/u' b. Province, -^ 'sang, (eighteen) "j /\. zeh pah 'sang. Provincial, (dialect) ^||)p^S h"iangda, 1^ 't'u buh, (city) iMM ''^ang PUL Provisions, P)^ k'iuh gioh, P(13 k'iuli ku-. fM^ liang 't'sau. Provoke, ^,. 'za, ^g tsau 'zd, (do not provoke his anger) ^U'f'^flS '^ veil yau' ku;^ i ku- nii', (provoke anger) ^(M kih nu''. Prow, ;^B3 zcM deu. Proximate, (proximity) 'giuu. Prudence, (discernment) .suh, (caution) ^^)^ aV sing. Prudent, (wise) ^^B 'yeu tsz wii% (well informed, discerning) W^lS 'yeu kie' suh, (cautious) WlBI>& 'yeu si' sing, (intelligent)* ^.01] t'sung ining, " Prune, ^;Bg sieu 'li. vu' 'giun, '^1^ k^e;^' Pry, k'wo t'e. zung, sang ?/'o-. Psalms, pf sz, ^ sji p'ie^i, (sing) ^^ t'song' sz. PubHc, (the) ^A tsung' uiun, "gj^ tsung* pal^ sing', (business) ^^ kung zz', (hall) SJ?f kung 'su, (road) *i^ kw'iiu W, (duties) ^^ kwc;^ sue'. Publish, M.^^ sie j^aug, (to the wor- ld) ^[frfim. pa^*?/angyu sz'. Pudding, ^^>L? 'ticM sing. PuU, Ji *la, ^ k'iew, (pull up) ^K bah fell, (pull down) ^^ 'lii 'tau, $f )K t'sah t'eh, (pull open or asun- der) tiig t'sa k'6. Pulley, }# wall t'so. P^pit, nStfS 'kong su do. Pulsation, M^W) i^^ali 'dung. Pulse, (bloodvessel) J|^" mdh, J^L h'ioh niah, /JliCitI' iiii'ik slh. 9: PUR Pulverize, >-^ mu fun. Pumeloe, 5^JR vim taw, flB-?> ye" 'tsz. Pumice-stone, {-^^Q vcu zali. Pummel, (rice, to remove the skin) ^0 ^{t 'dau 'mi, (and wash clothes) ^ ^^ 'dau 'si i zorig. Pump, viC^ 'sz t'so. Pumpkin, "^JS- kiun k\v6. Punctual, ^MSBt^ll veh t'so ku' y/A k'uh. Punctuate, iJlH 'tiew k'iow, ^ 'tie^i su. Puncture, (to) lj t'sah. Punctured hole, fl^ 'iigaw. Pungent* (iil taste) |i^ lah, (of words) $ljAfS t'sz'niuTi kiV. Punish, fj^ vah, ^JpJliJia k-^ yung vail. Punishment, Jfl]i3 yung vah, Sfp 'zeu 'dzue. Punkah, iJiS t'seu fung. Pupil, ^^^ /.ok sang 'tsz, f^^ mun sang, ^ mun du, f^ du di', (of the eye) 0^^ 'ngaw tsu. Purchase, ^ 'ma, (rice) ^3 dih 'mi' (goods) ^M, tsz' hu'. Pure, j^ t'sing, H^ ku;? r-ing', J|? kih zing', (in intelligence) J^ ^Wl/^ i^ h'ii ling peh m6', (the pure arti- cle) j^^ niow hu'. Purgative, t^|$| sia' yah. Purgatory, jt|i|H[ lie' nioh. Purge, ^'i^ sih sia'. Purified, |^S lie^j' kir. Purify, (by water) '&Q 'si, (by fire) ^ ion' Wen', (one's nature) ^')^ sicu ]ic;r, (nialio clean) ^^i^ 'Sll^* QUA lung' kwi zing'. Purple, ^ 'tsz, (bluish) ^IgJTfj beh dau t'sing. Purport, M*Mi* i' i^^J. Purpose, ;S;>S i' sz', ^ tsz' i', (on purpose) iA ku' i', ##J|: dub duh 'li, (for this very purpose) $f= ;l^@jlfc duh i' w6' 't'sz. Purposely, (and knowingly to offend) BJ]^n |S5:JEL ming tsz ku' van'. Purse, ^ de', ^IJQ hn pan. Pursue, 3ii, tsue, @ 'ku, tsue 'ku. Pus, Ui ming. Push, ^ t'c, (and overset) '[% t'6 'tau, (a side) ^ t'6 k'e. Pusillanimous, K>J> 'ta 'siau. Pustule, 'ig^ tsun'tsz, BjlvS. nung pau. Put, JK fong', ^ on, M koli, (put on I clothes) tsah i zong, (put off clothes) B5 fob i zong, (put away) fS^M f^^'^i <^'eli, (P^^t up as orna- ment) ^ tsong. Putrid, :fJH 'b'ieulaw', (smelling) ^ BfeSS Wl k'i' mi' na vun. Quadrangular, 0^0 sz' fong kiV. Quadrant, ^|fl| ziang' ya' i. Quadruped, ^5K 'tseu sen'. Quail, till e znn. Quaint, '^'^ 'ku kwa'. Quake, MM ts"" ^'^"SS S'^S tsew' kiung. Qualities, Ym ^i"g' ^'ino> 0^^ raedi- 94 RAB cines) |^ yak sing'. Quantity, ^>J? tu 'sau, ^Hi 'ki ]i;iir'. Quarrel, /r0 :^ siano; tsurig, piij tsung luir, \MWL dau k'i'. Quarter, 0^;^-^ sz' fan ts2 ili^ (moon's four quarters) "^PM^S: -c' soil ?/e';2 vong'. Queen, ^J^ u-ojv^ V^eu, "^C^ 'nii w'ong. Queer, ^j^ gi kwa'. Quencli, (thirst) ^?} 'ka k'oh, jh 'tsz k'oh, (fire) Mit^C mih t'eli 'hu, ^ yun fell 'hu. Question, (him) P9 P^'j^ i^^^iii' i^^^"^' i, (and examine) ^ 'k'au mnn', (and search) ^ dz6 mun'. Quick, Pi k'wtV, k'wa' k'wa', *^0^ /^ausau', (as ahorse) ^11 ^^ k'wa' zu 'mo. Quicken, {SJ ^^eh 'dung. Quicksilver, 7Ki^ 'sz niun. Quiet, ^ J3f- o^^ zing', Qp bing o. Quilt, |;A^ hi' ta;?, (stuifed) $||i mie;^ bi'. Quit, Hlgg li k'e, (the world) ^itt k'i' s//. Quite, ^ zie^/, (({uite aware) \yy R|j H 26h full ming buh. Quiver, "gij"!^ tsie;^' do', (stick arrows in) Jip t'sah tsie?^'. Quote, 51 ^ 'y^iii tsung'. Itabbit, ^^, t'lV 'Lsz, RAN Kace, ifiJIji tsung d/.61i. Eace, (to) ^Sfi se' 'ban, 0j 'bau *'m6. Eack, (frame) yfr'T' ^^'^^ '^Si^. Eadiant, \ flS ^ f g tsau' kwong ku', ^1 z6' kwong ku'. Eadiate, ^^jQ fah kwong. Eadically, (wrong) W^^k^M niun kun veh 'han, Eadish, (red) ^XMM] ^'<^ng lau b6h (white) y bah lau boh. Eadius, ^-fM P^w' kiung'. Eaft, (wood) /}C;|:^p moh ba. Rags, 5J^^ p'lV piV,^ s6' pu'. Eage, i^ nu'. ^il> i^i^ A mo' niun. Eailing, fl/f-f la?^ kuw. Eailway, |iE& t'ih lu'. Eain, || 'yii, (to rain) ^ loh 'yu. Eainbow, fe Aung, |^ kiang. Eain-water, ]^7jC *yii 'sz. Eaise, ^j^'^^ 'kii 'k'i '16, ^ ginng 'k'i 'le. (of two chairbearers) J^ do 'k'i 'le, (assist to rise) ^ vu 'k'i '16, (from obscurity) ^"wt di bah, (raise troops) iu^"^^ t^au mu' ping 'yung, (the head) 3^^^ de deu. Eaisins, i^^^^i beh dan kun. Eake, (or pronged hoe) ^Jif^" t'ih tah. Earn, S" kiing yang. Eamble, ^^W 'tseu behsiang'. Eandom, (running at) Lfl6 ^on' 'ban, (talking at) BS^B|/\1@iS:Blf hah t'sih hah pah kvi' seh wo'-. Eank, (in the state) ppri^ 'p'ing kih, (first rank) Ilfl deu 'p'ing, (order) 95 -^J$ f. t'sz'di-'. (in ranks | EEC :^^ilj'tseii veil tan' of 50) 3L+fA PfrngzehkiV | niun ill do', (among brothers) JlpfT bi'i Aong, (classes) ^jE^fe pa t'sz', (rise from the ranks) friElh^ 7/oiig '-u t'seh sun. | Hansom, zoh, (and save) ^ kieu' z6h, (from sin) ^^ zoh 'dzue. Hapid, ^jiS kih s6h, ^ sing' soh, (water flows rapidly) 7jCV)E 'sz lieu sing' soh. Bapine, iJB$3t?|f 't'siang doh dze veh. Eare, ^^ h'i 'ho, ||f#S iia tuh. k'ti/;/ kiew*. Ilaslily,_Btt^^ man' mo' vu tsz, (become connected) ^^t^long'tah. j Eat, M 'su, ^ 'lai^'su, or 'lau 'sz. I Bate, ffJM ^^' *^ie, ftt ding' su', j (at a certain rate) BB tsau' su'. ! Bate, (to) fpi'^ 'ku liang'. Bather, (I had or you should) jyu Pf niung 'k'6, (die than do it) 5E^ wfifj^ niung 'k'6 'si veh niou' tsu', (you ought rather to say) UJ^fS JM^&Mm "^^' ^^^' 'taeM yung ke wo^. Bational, ^S '}'eu 'li, (endowed with reason) ^MttfB 'yeu 'ling sing' ku'. Battans, Sfl^ dung diau, (split) I^ dung nioh, (blinds) ^ dung lie?^, (chairs) f^ dung 'i. Battle, (of wood) /{Cf^ luoh doh. Baven, ,^?|j un yd, ^ 'lau au. Baw, ^ sang, .(eat raw) P^ sang k'iuk. Bay, (of light) ^|^ ^E ill ie' kwong. Bazor, l^lJgMJJ t'i' deu tau. JReacli, ^'3' J'J tuk tau', (camiot reach) Bead, Igfl* dok su, -^ nian' su. Beady, (for use) JglJc /,ie;?' zung, "gl bie', (prepared) gff Jft^yii'be' 'la 'ts6. (ready money) ^ Men' zien. Real, flL tsun, ^ffi zeh :.6S Jfk'iah zeh. Really, ^f^.'kAzhi, K#^, zeh kweh 'tsz, MM&li ^eh zeh z6' 20 ', li[I^ zuh deu. Reap, f j| koh, JJ5: sen, lie;/.. Reaping-hook, ^ JJ lie tau. Bear, (children) 9^>J>^ 'yang yoh 'sieu 'nu. Bear, (of a city)|[^^^ zungpu' 'hen. Beason, 3|| li, jg 'dau 'li, 'dau, 5^ t'ie 'li, (cause) i'^jK: yo kii', ]g 13 niow yen. Beason, (to) f^ lun', |,if bieu' lun'. Beasonable, MJ^Ji'^^M 'li 'su tong zc, (not) ^J'^'ltM vehAehdziug 'li, veh heh 'li J^ veh /teh ni. Bebel, (to) MM be'*' '^'iih KMi 'fan Km'-, 5 'zau 'fa. Bebel, !lji|| dzuh fi, (long haired) ;g ^ dzang mau, (filchers) ^{^^ [11 niew ii. Bebuke, _^f|| tsuh be', (remove and) Slt^-^'^'^eh'tsewle. Eecal, ii.lHi^ tsiie w&U, (a word once sijokeu is dilficult to recal even with four horses) -^B* Ijt lU E3 i^ llil- il)^ yiew ki' t'seh sz' 'mo na tsue, Becant, KP 'fa?2 'k'eu Becede, jH t'e', gjg c bi'. Beceipt, ij^|^ seu ta?i, 3^- scu p'iau'. i)G REO Eeceive, ^ 'zeii, $^ 'ling zeu', (re- ceive with respect) ^f^ tsih do', (receive fovour) ^>^l inung un, i^ tiih un. Kecent, S*^ sing 'sie;^, yj^i 'giiin le. Eecipe, jf'f' fong 'tsz. Eeciprocal, mA^ ngu' siang, siaiig. Eecite, ^ pc', -^ man'. Eeckless, )MJ^^'\U 'ta dir' veil p'6', (fears not the law) :^S2f^ veil wo' wong fall. Eeckon, ^|5 su' tsang-, nun', f[ 'tang axiir, Eecline, H*T^ k'wun' 'au Ic. Eecognize, pjcr^ niung* zdli, (do you ki' tiili, igS^ 11 EF or not) p^^ suh veh sub Eecollect, p(i -f-^ 'siang 'k'i 16. Eecommend, ^J^j 'ku tsie?;', f^ 'pan 'ku. Eecompence, ^;^|^ pau' yimg', (good actions have a good recompence and evil actions an evil recompence) H l)au' oh 'yeu oh pan'. Eecompense, (to) ^-^ pau' tali, ^i pau' ynng', (favour) >^, pan' un, (re- ward good and punish ^Yickedness) M H' H S 'song 'ze vah oh. Eeconcile, JfttU ^^o^i ^'^', M ^'^'^ 'h^^^^, /fpi siang/m, (imite to reconciliation) 15AfnBi k'ioM' niuii 7m nioh, (talk about) |^. 'kong hu. VJir au' niiau", i^ sun (bear record) fSf^iE tsu' iie' tsung'. Eecover, (from sickness) <^^f bing' 'iiau, (completely) ^^ zleji'vij, (a lost thing) Sf#^I.}4fit^^ tsc' tub veh kie;?' 'la ku' meh zz', (recover a city) 3^ k'uh v6h. Eecreate, ^5 tse' 'dzau, (favour equal to a new creation) >^ fpj un dungtso' 'dzau, (refresh) iMlf^J^ ^ip 'ici v6h tsing zun. Eecreation, (Lake) ^/fSffi beh siang' siang'. Eecruit, (strength) ^^JM. 'pu lili liang', (troops) ^3^:^:^ tsau mu' ping 'yung. Eectangle, ^'jf dzang foiig, (rectan- gular) [Zg:;)5*fi sz' fong ku'. Eectify, gJlJE 'k6 tsung', ^ji[ lung dzuh. Eectitude, (of mind) i^^^^ sing 'li kung bing. Eed, .jfX Aung, (to be red) f^ fah /aing, (dye red) ^ 'nie Aung. zoh, (a pledge) m^ z6h Eecondite, ft^ Eecord, (a name) pQ ^ ^^ (merits ond faults) Jljj^ k ming un"; ku' Eedeem, tong'. Eedress, (grievances) ^ ;^ sun yo, M sun k'ioh. Eeduce, (price) f^MSlrC 'ka t'eh 'tie, (expenses) ^HM 'kaw 'sang fi' yung', (to subjection) ^-^Kbing voh. Eeed, (bamboo) fj*^ ts6h kii/r (hol- low) ^ 'kw6?^ Eefer, (to ancient book) 51ffi'S'tf 'yun tsung' 'ku su. Eefers, (to the snge) ^p^ffiA PO flSl tsz zuk tsz sung' niun jco' ku'. KEF (does it refer to us?) MV 5S k^van i' 'iigu 'ni ni?. REJ I \ Eegain, 3^f# i^ tub, (a city) jU^ ^m t'V/^ zinis sen voli, (a form- Eefi^e! (silver) "*Sil^ lie.' niung i ^^^mce) ^1flffi k'6 voh nio 'tsz, (gold and silver) *M'M^^^ ton' Ueir kiim iiiuii, (retlne men's minds by afflictions) }^'^M'M J^ilj* 'i 'k'u nun' Wen' niun sing. \ Eefit, i^li sieu 'pu, I15:f^ seutsob. i Keflect @S^ tsnng tsob, j^S tsue 'siang, S, sz 'siang, (ligbt) RM jt^ 'fa?i tsau' kwong bang'. Kef lection, (of a mirror) ^^ kiung' tsau'. Kegard, ^ ku', (condescendingly) ^ i dzue ku', (not even regard life) *|3E ^Jil^J sing' ming' 'a veb ku', (not regard otbers) ^M^AA veh 'li l)ib niun. Regenerate, BS:8|5^ff 'ke 'gieu dzung sing, H^lil^ tsc' sang t'seb le, Sf jS "ig '^'^zau. Kegeneration, ^^ kung sung, S dzuns suns:. Beform, \LX1E 'k^ tsnng', llllig .r6 | j^^^^^^^ 1^:1 seb tsung' wong. (leu, i|CtU 'k^''/' ll^v'''^ Eefraction, %M. kwong t's6. Kefrain, (from smoking) 5[!cffl ^a' Regimen, gl) j^ tsib diV. Regiment, (camp) yung, (division) ,ie, (from eating) *1P^Pwn' | ^^^.^^^ i^^^O^if iu U' dr fon; k:V. 's minds) I Register, Hit t'sub, v^i- bvV 'k'eu veb k'iub. Refresh, ^M- o we', ^ftj ' 'pu ill 'pii tsing zun, (men Wt^Aib 'l'i yob niun sing, (re , r -TflH. fresb witb coolness) ;;^7R;;^'^ I Register, (to) Jl A J W '^' bang k'wii' bang k'vviV. | Refuge, ^#f@iiii:fr d;jsunk.V di' I fong, (from danger) jSlt bi' na' ! il paw du, IS 'pa^^ ^^^''^ , .j^, ^ ^ ^ zong niun ting t'sab. Regret, gfi^ yeu man', )5ti "^i tsiau. au ku' di' fong, (take refuge bere) 5$ j Regret, (to) fetk b^v6' bun', liwc'', (it is to be regretted) Pj 'la 'k'6 sib. J-JLjIfcJili dau na;i' 'Ul 't'sz di'. Refugees, -ilJ^ na ming A dau naw kii' niun. Refund, (money) ipjJlK^ be ivan dung die. Refuse, j^^l t'6 k'iab, $^ t'6 dzz, (lirndy refuse) Hlff ku' dzz, (re- fuse consent) ^jW\eh 'b'ii, JMJ^ veb yung' dzung. Refute, gx^J p6Ii 'tau. Regular, f^if to fong, ^#W f,^ 'tsing 'tsing 'yeu diau. Regulate, 19 M diau 'li, fp dzz 'li, (a family) WM dzi kia, (one's self) fl^J^ sieu sun. Regulations, ^fS tsang dzung, H ^ fab du', f^^lj diau li'. ^'"" k'i'feb, Mk'i'dzih. Reject, ^ 98 II EL REN Eelisli, 5^Ji; mi-' dan', | tsz mi', (to relish it) ^'^ 6* gi mi'' dan'. Eeluctant, ^'[flS veh dzing niow*. Eely, i^m 'i k'au', ^ 'i dzaiig', M 'i 16', % k-Iu' foil, II dzih, 1$ z/.'. Eemain, (in office) ^i^ lien znn', (remain over) f^ijHF^ znng' 'an le, f^ y^ 'an le. Eemainder, 0\]lj\ znrg' den, fj; yil den, ;;^ dzang den. Eemarkable, ^ t^* "^ ^ h'i gi 'ku kwa', ^''^ 1' dzang. Keign, ^'S. u-c ivoug, ^Jlf 'zu t'ie?i an', ^X.\l[ 'zu kiang sa/i. Eejoice, Wi^ liw6 'h'i. |SI 'h'i loh, Eeiterate, (orders) ^HP^tPft tsc' san fnn lu'. Eelate, fjl^ dzcw soh. Eelated, /fB |S siang kwa. Eelations, iftifX t'sing t'sih, ^ t'sing z6h, ^ t'sing kio', (the five hnman relations) ^itt '"^ ^^n, A niun Inn, (on the father's side) ^M^, kweh nioh tsz t'sing. Kelative, (on father's side) ^il dong . .1 , N :*: , X,. i Eemedy, ;;:aS fongfah, (for a disease) t'sing, (on mother's) ^ 'pian t'smg. | .^ ^/m _ , ^/--a^ , '^/^T , , , I Vn ^f tlzz bing' ku' fong fah. Kelax, BliC fong' sung, %Hr k'^ew <" ^ ^ ""^ 1 Eemember, pfif^ Id' tnh, itffi3^ 'siang 'k'i 16, |fi; ki' niaw'. Eemiss, *Kf i^ y6' de'. Eemit, (sins) f$i^ niau so', (taxes) ti%Sm i^i^' 'ni^ew dziew hang. Eemnant, jjf fj^ Jj] f@ 'su yii znng' ku'. Eenrorse, 'j^Tx Inve' hrnig'. Eemote, j^ 'yo.v, 5: yau 'yo;?.. Eemove, jj?^ t'siew i, (honse) ij^i^ pe;j dzang (officers) pM fliau'. Eend, (cloth) Wf sz, tlt'^ t'sa se'. Eender, (thanks) |j5^ t'snng zia', i^ 'kew zia', (acconnt of matters) |HlfX^^6f6h. Eenew, ftff tsu' sing, B4:B^ '^e 'gien dzung sing. Eenovate, f>^Jii\-~^Wi liwe?^< zew ih sing, (one's self) g ^ zz' sing. Eenounce, yif-iS do;^' dzih, ^li^ping' dzu. Eenown, /cO^ ming sang. Eelease, p^jf^ k'c snh, j|^ k'e fong', snh fong',fi| 'ka k'e. Eelent, |5I^>65 fah 'nii3; sing dzang, ^]S^ veh nu'. Eeliance, (that on which we rely) ^ Jl k'an' den, # k'au' bong', jj/f ftJEf0 'ii k'au' t'okku', (act of relying, my hope) f-SfH^HS '"g'i ku' 'tsz vong', ^ k'an' etc. Belies, (of Bnddha) ^^!] so' li, (in Sanscrit) sharira. Eelieve, (the poor) Pj^'^ tseu tsi. Eeligion, ^P^ kiau' mnn, (three) jr. r. ^ sa kian', (Confucianism) '^ zu kian', (Buddhism) ^^ snh kiau', (Tanisi^) jS 'dan kian', (Catholic) 3CZE t'ie?i 'tsu kian', (Protestant) fll^w,^ ya. su kian', (Mahommedani- sm) in [fil tvd ?te kian'. Keligious, J^|^ giew znng. 99 REP $ tsii dien, (of house) Kent, f4 tsu, ^- vons tsu, Eent, (to) IB. tsv'i. Rent, (torn) t^t}4:S t'sa p'd' 'la 'tse, ^^ so' 'tse. Eepair, I|^f^ sen tsoli, fif If sieu 'pu. Kepay, '^Jp^S J^ono; wa;?, P,p bo u-a. Repeat, (a task) ^^ po' su, (say again) 45pS tse' wo'. Repeatedly, ?j-H tso' sa;^ ^^ lu t^sz\ Repel, Ji5j 'ti bong. Repent, 'K'l"^ 'au lair', 'J'^| 'an Lw6', 'l^tlJC hwc- 'ke, (of sin) |p liwe' 'dzae,a 'kckus iE5:^>;K# 'k6 oh tvd 'zen, ^JISIfJE ^^'i' '^-'^'^ l^^^*^ tsung-. Repetition, fiffiflSIJtfS ^.Tzung fuh ku' sell tvo'-. Repine, (at providence) ?S5C Y^"' t'iew. Replenish, ^^ ziing 'ni6;^, Keply, ^d.-6 tah, i-g tab yimg', ^i to- tab, (to a letter) fi^ ?t'6 sing'. Report, (of a charity) IJEffi'tl? tsiing' sing' lob, (riimoui) S^ fiing sung, (idle report) p^s" yaii i/ien, (a sound, a noise) ^^/b'iang sung. Report, (to) 55 f^ t'ungpau', (to the emperor) ^BJJM'i^ tseu' ming wong ti', Repose, j^ jg, o;? sib. Repose, (to) %.,%, b'ihslb. Represent, J^: |U ^^ yung yung tseb 16, (in speaking) ^r^ dzun sob, ^^ Q 'piau ming bah, (a charac- RES ter on the stage) flt^jl'tsongpa;?'. Representation, J]?^ yung ziang'. Repress, !}^^ dan yah, ^{Jt kong voh, rfy'^ ydb sob, jti 'tsz dZLl'. Reprieve, qictfe if-'^'i- kiob. Reprimand, ;^ffij tsah bo'. Reprint, "^^l} dzung k'ub, Reproach, (to) ^^^ tsab mo', ftj tsab b6', (without) ISJfiligg vu tie vu z6b. Reprove, j^l^ 'tsz tsub, tJltfi kw6 kie;^', |i[ dzub kie', (one's prince) MlWi kie' kiun. Reptile, jffTiB#7$- ^o yung kiV meh zz'. Repudiate, ^pJS veh niung', 5^ffC t'6' h'ieu. Repugnant, (to feelings) Z^'M'^ veh to' 'kiung, ^^M veh tsung' i'. Repulse, ^JjiS 'tang t'6'. Reputation, q^ ming sang, 5^ ming k'i', (to lose) Pi{xffi?L '^ meh mie' 'k'ung. Request, ^^ gieu, ^Ijt vung' 't'sing, (leave of absence) "tafEi kau' ka', (an edict) ^ 't'sin g 'tsz. Require, M,M ^i y^i^gS ^ yan', (oblige him to) 5SS'# 'k'iang yau' i. Requisite, >i5^^-ffi pili^ su yau' yung'. Requite, ^^^ pau' tah, |B pau' yung'. Rescue, J^^|c 'tsung kieu', jjc kieu' bah. Resembling, 40 f^ siang ziang', (there 100 rj-:s is no resemblance) ^ veil /.ians', (it resembles) i% ziangS {#, long feh. Eesent, f&^ ban yci;/. Resentment, ^5{Ct yow' k'i-'. Eeserve, ^"^ dzun lieu. Keside, ]_ dzu-'. Eesidence, (my) Hjii:^ bi' k'wt;/ i 'bang nyib, Respond, MM ynng' dzeu, 7^ yung' dzung, -^ tab yung', (tins one sings and tbat one responds) jlfc^'pSfO 't'sz t'song' 'pi 7m. Responsible, (be is) 1^51^ van' TKim a 1 yaii' ta;;! tong. (y^"0 Rest, :S S o sib, ^ bing o. Jl^'i 'bi longS (bouse) i^T^ ^"^"g | Rest, to, (awbile) 1^ -g^h'ib ib b'ib, 'tsz. j Residue, #,|ijT3^fia ^'^ ^-^^"S' '^^ I 16 k.V. ! Resign, (office) ^f;jC fe b'ieu, (for a | time) ^jP;| kau' kiV, (on account | of sickness) ^"^ kau'' bing Resin, ^h^ sung b'iang, Sl zu' kau. Resist, \^\% 'ti 'tong, Jf gu' dzir, itJcK dib fell. I Resolve, :i:S lib ding' 'tsu i^ | Resolved, '^^^.^'^^ tsz' i' kie ] ding' 'tse. Resources, (mental poAver) /$*-^ 'pun | zz', (metbods) yjiTi fog f^^i- (i<^> resource) nfeg; m fab, P,%^fiif 5. nc' hu. Respect, ^j|5 kung kiung', (rest on) ^^,^ bing zah, ^ k'au- zah. Restless, ^jfe tiau bi, >5^^S sing veil bing on, '[jic bwong. 1 Restitution, (make) Rp^^ be 'pi'i. of age) "^^ kau' Man, (on account I >^ ^^ == ^ '-'",, _^ ^ I Restore, ?^ wn, p,p be wsin, (his life) ^^f^fg^^ kieu'iit.-eh'ts6;i le. Restrain, ^^^ JJ^^i sob, ^pJ ku sob. ^ 'k\yen sob, (one's self) S ^^^ P ;^ zz' ka, t'sau dzz zz' ka. Restrict, (in time) |! H -f //a;?' ding' nyib 'tsz. Result, II {^ kwa?? i', (cause and) B :^ yun 'ku, (consequence) ^J^ .sen dzang, f|| sen sau. Resuscitate, (bim) H&^S^fS kau' i v6h treb. kiun g- I Resurrection, iM,^ v6b sung, fj vob dzung', (written paper) '|o'^>|K \ ^'"e^^- kiung' sih zz' 'tsz, (the superior man | Retail, ^^M. li"g s<^' i^^'''> HA^h lit^S tsu' 'siau sang i', (retailer) JKJ^ fa'7m. Retain, J|^" sen lieu, T3^ lieu 'au 16. Retard, ^M ta;? y'len, M ^^^z yie;?. Retinue, $^^iUA kun dzung ku' respects bimself) ^""T'SM kiun 'tsz zz' dzung'. Respectable, "fl^M't'l mie'. Respecting, (tbat matter) Fli^ JlJ'^^S ^tS bin' tau' i tsong zz' 't'i. IRespire, j^JJK, t'eu' k'i'. Respite, (grant two days) Jifj^M 101 11 KV iiui Retire, (from office) 5f/fC t'u' liMeu^ (from the front) /^MS k-''^ ^iS (^^^- dest'.y) Jfll k'ien t'e'. Eetired, ^ f J yeu dzing-. Eetract, ^C P 'ta 'k'eii. Eetribution, ffijf; pair yuiig'. Return, ||^ 'tsew 16, HI tve nadn ]6, ^ bell 'taoH 16, 4^ zie 'tsc 16, B^ kw6 ?r6, (home) B^ kii k'i', (return to the world from being a monk) j%'^ u-nn zoh. Eeveal, M/ctS muh y.yJ, PgigJC^H TT* I'''' 'ti 'li 'tsz zz'. Eevenge, ^^fi pair dzeu. Eevenue, MI9; fu' siie=, Bl?||fl^ koh dii' tsing" 'h'iang, (customs)^ ^ sue' niun, (land revenue) ^^M zie;< liang. Eevere, ^i^ kung kiung'. Eeverence, JH"l3|^ s6h dzing', J^>JJ gie sing, ^x kiung* gie;i. Reverie, (be in) H2s ^h mi, iJJ^Q, ^>\> sing 'wong ziang' w6'. Eeverse, /fSSfj" siang tc^ ^SjlR 'tan 'fa;/. Reverse, (to) 1mI||3^ w6 'ts616^K 'fan 'ts6>i le, 'Sj 'tau 'tse;j 16. Revert, (to its original) If 1^171^]^ k\v6 we 'pun ui6, f^ vuh nio. Review, (military) ^|^ t'sau Wen', (examine) ^.!|5 dz6 nie;/'. Revile, JrJ '1i\v6 pong', ,F^A m6' niun. Revise, ^pT kiau' ting', HjlJ saw ting'. Revive, fKR v6h h'iung. Revolt, JS5|^ hdn niuh, jaS 'z^u 'fan. Revolve, ^|$ ziew 'tsc/?, f^^ hiii 'tscy;, 5iii 't.se>('. yiin'. Reward, jp[ 'song, J^ 'song sz'. Rheumatism, ^B^^ kwehdeut'ung', (in the shoulder J^ -J^ kie fung. Rhinoceros, 1^"^ si nieu. Rhubarb, ^^ da' wong. Rhyme, h^ yim', J^ yim' kiali. Ribs, B:f355'i'l^^l^angkweh. Ribband, fff ta'. Rice, (growing") %\^ dau', (uncooked) ^f^ 'mi, (boiled) |ji va'. Rich, "g fu', (to become) l^flt fiih dz6, (a rich man) {U*^ dz6 'tsii, ^ dze ung, (riches and honour) ^^ fu' k\v6'. Riddle, ^55 'run 'nii. Ride, (a horse) ^Wj gi 'mo, (in a carriage) ^^ zu' t'sc^iu a sedan) '1^ zii' giau' J Ridge, (of a house) ^J^ vong tsih, (of the back) '^## P<^' tsih kwlli, (of a mountain range) |1] saw tsih, jS ulfS^i^ lis;* sawku' tsih liang. Eidicule, ^$!| ki t'sz', |8 ki fving', pjj ki ziau', $^^ h'i' siau'. Eidiculous, ij^ 'hau siau'. Eig, (of a vessel, how many masts?) jJ^ ^Ji'tfe'J* 'ki kun u-Q 'tsz. Right, M^Ji^fJ^, 'li 'su tong z6;/, W M 'yen 'li, ^^ veh t'so, (ought) H^ffl yungtongkiV, (right doc- trine) jES tsung' 'dau, (right an- gle) Ift^ft dzuk koh, (right hand) ^^ yeu' 'seu, (right side) j^ yeu' pie, (soldiers wlio struggle for 102 RIS right) H:^ ni' ping, (riglit feel- ing) IEM tsiing= k'iS (not right) ^ -^ veh 'zz, ^JE veh tsungS ^ ^IftiE veh Aeh dzing 'ii. Eighteous, 5V^ kung ni', (in theo- ry OL up early) Vr-^ t'siiig 'tsau -k'ila . (of water) ^ 'tsang, (of rising from tlie dead) ?Ef]^'fgfg 'si ts/ lau voli -eh, JEltiifXife 'sz rh v6h sung (stand up) S|c 16k 'Iv'i le. log.y complete in virtue) ^j^yhm | Eisk, (life) l/t^^ p'ing ming', (dan- 'zi'y* vu peh 1)6-, (with out sin) P|| JS.PPi^ix^ m meh 'dzue m meh Eighteousness, (in theology complete virtue) ^^fSSfr ^^e zie;i ku' tuh yung', (impute) WM t'sung niS (impute righteousness to hhn) S'fi^^ll t'sung i tvo nV. Eigid, (in governing) SM i^''^'^ 'kiun, (in adhering to) Hfi^ji t'ih giun' tsz, (unbending) ft ft ngang' tseh, tseh ding= tsz, (physically) W^$l wa^e veh 'tsew, ^ k'ioh veh 'tsc-'^. ^ Eim, jj pie. King, ig gwaM, (for finger) ^Jg ka' 'tsz, (iron) fe t'ih gwau, (brass) Eing, (to) ^Tii 'tang tsung, Ji| k'au tsung, (hand-bell) J^lp yau ling, Eingleader, "Ji |3 deu m6h. Einse, (the mouth) Jif^ P s6k 'k'eu, Ifl koh 'k'eu. Eip, (open) pfjlifl p'eu' k'e. Eipe, ^Jj zoh. Eipple, (on water) 7K$^ 'sz vun. Else, i^M 'k'l deu, g 'kl to, (there is a rise m price) 'fTny:5 :^ hong zing 'tsang 'tse. Else, to, (in promotion) ^ sung (in baking) ^^i^^ fah 'k'i le, (getting ger) g 1^ mau' 'h'ie?i. Eite, )il Mi, ^ Mi su--. Eival, fpit tc' deu. Eiver, Jpf An, '/i kong, (small) \^ pang. Kivet, lElj gii' ting,( basins) }{^ tab ^icdfi. Eoad, SS-luS 3^ hr' du, jg dau' hV. Eoam, ^MMl'M Ivok t'su-' 'tseu yeu. * Eoar, PgB| bauh'iau. Eoast, f^< hungS Ji^ k'au-'. Eob, Jt* 't'siang dob, JTilJ 'tang ' kih. Eobber, 5'S giang dau', PJ^ dzuh. Eobe, f^ -^ ban tsz, (court robes) ^ JJK zau voh, (emperor's dragon robe) ^^ lung bau. Eobust, SSjIi giang tsong, ^ giang gie'. Eock, ^5 ^ 2uh. Eod, ^ kiin, (fishing) pj tiau' kii^e, ^M^^ 'kwuu 'tsz. Eogue, (slippery ) ^^^ kwong 'kwun, '^iiflS A tiau bi ku' niun. Eoll, ^ kiow', (of cloth) -"/E^ ih p'ih pu', (picture mounted on a roller) *#t ih gioh no', (of bread) |i 3M. iiiew deu, ^Q mie?i' pau. Eoll, tOj (transitive) ^ kio;r', (intran- sitive) ^'{M. 'tang 'kwun, (roll about) iM'^tU^ 'kwun Ic 'kwun k'i'. 103 KOU KUL Holler, (for picture) ^fjl "l^i<"'^^' gi^^ij (stone roller for gravel) ^^^ i^ali iiiew. Eomaaice, >J>|^ 'siausoh. fe^^ Jva Sl'l. Hoof, MI5 6k 'ting, Eoom, ^}hJ vong kaw, -J' vong 'tsz, (bed) gH. ngu' vong, (guest) ^^M. k'ali (long, (study) ^' su vong. Boost, mg ki ktV. Epot, (of trees) ;f|i kun, (of things) ^ 'pun, (of a disease) ^ bing* Icun, (square root) -[^3^>tli bing fong kun, (cube) jH lib fong kun. Boot, (to) JL^S: ^ili ^^^"1: ('oot out) 4?Ei^ l>ali t'eh kun. Hope, |JE zung, f.^ zung s6h, (bt)at roi)e) 1^^ la zung. Eosary, (of beads 108 in number) f^ J?jt su' tsu, ,^-> nia' tsii. Eose, ^ii^kii^ ziang mc hw6, (mon- thly) >^$^'2 niohiii hwy. Eot, ^"SJii 'li'ieu laS J la' wa'. Eote, (say lessons by) ^IL|3c po' kuug k u'. Eotten, jifij'vutra', JJ:^ t^-d-* 'la 'tse. Eove, (idly) u^TSt han yen, (roving bandits) "Sfclfeii lieu dzuli, {rove through the world) |g.rt&tt# Jl p'iau lieu 'la sz' ka' long'. Eouge, (red dye for silks) fl@Jj^ i/ien tsz. Eough, (in manners) |J. t'su 'Iti, (rough copy) J^|j^ 't'sau 'l^au. Bound, J] yon. Eonse, P-4S kiau' 'sing, ^ 'kiung j 'ig> iMS kill fah, (the spirits) j f4#tt# 'teu 'seu tsing zun. I Eoute, 52" hV. I Eouted, tT^Kft 'tang tsz ba' tsang'. I Eow, f} hong, Jl^ ba Eow, to, siau sili. Kun, -& -'bau, (run out) | leuS (run a race) Mj 'ban 'mo. Rush, fiff bu, (mats) J$ bu zili. i Eush, to, (against tlie scafFoldiug) ft | ^^? zong' zah luV 'tsz. Eut, (of a cart) 5|.|: t'so t'seli. ! SAL s, abbath, ;gf ,g, H o^^- sili nyili, (wor- sliip day) |i?f H Mi pa= nyili, (Lord's day) ^ 'tsii nyih. Sable-skin, |p .[^ tiau bf. Sack, U^ 'k'en do'.. ^ noiig. Sack-cloth, ftfl^ mo pu-'. Sacrament, ^JJlS sung' 'If, (tlie seven Romanist) -tSS^ t'sili rang' Saddle, (to a liorse) jJHJ^ bo' 'mo, J- '^/'' V -m'J^ 2ong-' o 'tsz, Sadness, 'g pvj yen ra\-n ' . Safe, ^'g 't'u tong, |^J 'wmi tong, (fix safely) /^ diug' 't'u tong, (safe profits) Jtf, 'wun dza;r'. Sagacious, ^^^f$M 'yen tsz' avc' ku-', ,fpJ-0J] tsing ming. Sagacity, Snj|fg|^ tsingming nung ku;r. Sage, ;^- A sung' niun, (sages) R yV suno-' iiiun 7/ie niun. Sail, :ii; bung, (hoist) tit t'sa biJiig, -JU. ^ii'ibung, (lower) -^ loh bung, T 'an bung, (raise sail) fftlft yang vu/v, (sail cloth) ^ bung pu'. Sail, to, (a boat) ff^ /,ang 7.6n. Sailor, 7jC^ 's. 'sen, ^fjl&fi ya zcn ku'. Saint, (chirstian) ^^ sung' da,(Con- fucianist) A sung^ niun, (Tauist) J^ A tsun niun. 'ri -1' ^"'' '^'' ^''^^'''^^^^^'>^^) ^ I Sake, (for sake of) ^^ ..e', (for gain) #ig^@'liangy. ^ij ?rc' li-. ^ Salammonic, {jS'Q/ 'lu so. Salad, ^|g sang t'se'. Salary, (fi-om tlie emperor) '^;]t^ fang' loh, (of a teacher, bundle of dri- ed fish) J^flf s6k sieu. ^ sieu kiun, (fuel and water) $7jC sing 'sz, ^ sing fling'. ^ Sale, (not on ):^ W voh ma', (no sale Sacrilege, (to holy places) flifig | fo,^> \\M.^jK ^^Li dzang. ang' suiig* 'Ji. Sacred, ^ sung', (edict) f|f sung' u, (books) $^ sung' kiung, ^' sung' sii, (emperor) ^ sung' 'tsu. Sacrifice, ^ tsi', |E tsi' zz', H tsr' 'li, (burnt) f^ y-dn tsi'. Sacrifice, (to) jS!(^)iiB h'ie;i' tsi' zz', (to ancestors) f^Jflll^ tsi' 'tsu tsung. l[li sih doll sung' di' Sad, ^^ yen dzeu, (very) ^-^ ^ k'i' mun' 16 'si, Saddle, l^-fi On 'tsz, ,P^ 'mo ,j;?. Saleable, Bl 11 mmg ma', Y#Ulfi ma' tub t'seli ku'. Saliva, \%'^^ dzan t'l'i'. Sallow, (face) ]^uil ^r-'Ug mie?r. 105 SAP SAW Salt, ^ y'leny (salt merchant) ^ yxen k'ah. Salt, (in taste) ^ Aaw. Salt, (to) it yiGn, Saltpetre, '{^ siau. Salvation, (doctrine of) ^AfB^ J^ kieu* ninn kii* 'dan 'li. Salutation, P3iiyF{@m& mun' 'hau seh wo'. , Salute, (by shaking the folded hands) >gEg t'song z6', (by uplifting the folded hands) ^^ kong 'seii,i(by prostration) SJA-SmK to' niun k'eh deu. ^ Same, (kind) '/^ihyang', (same day) ""^ f:H "41 i^ ^^'^' nyih 'tsz, (in most things the same) ycIpU'*^ Cla' dung 'siau i' (same in meaning) ;S^|p| i' sz' siang dung. Sample, 'tjc'J* yang' 'tsz. Sanctification, (become sanctified) ^ dzuug sungS WiMWA tsu' kih zing' niun. Sanctify, 15^A>^I&kiau' niun dzung sung', kiau' niun tsu' kih zing' niun. Sanction, (to) it^^ '3'un 'tsun. Sand, J^ so, (moving) S lieu so, (bank) '}8 so t'aw, Sandals, (straw shoes) I^Q 't'sau JiL Sandal-wood, fe/fC da moh, @ dan h'iang moh deu. Sanguinary, ^UcAfB c' sah niun kii'. Sanguine, I4^ sing' kih, jfil^^ im h'ioh k'i' tu kiV. Sanhedrim, 4:+fi^S# t'sih seh 'tsang 'lau kur.g ivd'. Sanscrit, jr^'^ v;\)) 7jie>/. 3rp, (o* tree,-) J^^^ taz kau, ^ff* ^u-' tseh. Sapper, ffiJ!iTIS?'[SIf@ di' 'ti 'au wall dung' ku'. Sapan-wood, |7fC su moh, Sapphire, 3^ pih nioh. Sarcasm, JiJ Af^KfS t'sz' niun kiic seh w'6'. Sarcenet, IS"? ling 'tsz. Sash, # sun, ^ ta', (girdle) ^^ 'rff soh yau ta'. Satchel, ^^ su de'. Satellite, ^pfrM 'siau Aang sing, 'siau sing, ^ nioh, j^J vu' Aang sing ku' 'siau sing. Satiated, fS 'pan, JE 'pau tsoh. Satin, JS"?* d^^^' 'ts^- Satirical, ^HJlJAfH 6' ki t'sz' niun kii'. Satisfaction, (make him) ^fiMj^ff 'pu %vsin tsz i, lip bo 'pu tsz I. Satisfy, (appetite) jfc JIL t'sung ki, fl^ IS k'iuh 'pau. Saturated, MjS^ sah t'eu' 'tso. Savage, (wild) $f 'ya, (cruel) ^^ dzaw zun, ]^ h'iung. Sauce, ^ tsiang', fS/fil- diau liau', ^?SMdiaut's^' (saucepan) pM ku' kwew* deu. Saucer, 5^"^ dih tsz, (boat shaped) ^jUS dz6 z6w. Saunter, ^^ffi 'tseu beh siang', ^ ^1 yeu h'i'. Save, iSc kieu', ^ kicii' tsi', ^^ 'tsung kieu', MllM ^'sau du', ^^ 'pau dziew. Saviour, J^fc^ kieu' 'tsu. Savour, ^iM "ii' <^^^iiS S^ ^^"^^ '^^^'' Saw, |g ^^ Lii\ (!o saw v>ood) M:^M 106 sen SCPv ku' mob deu, (sawdust) pfC^ moh sih. Say, iS ivo\ ^ sob, (to bim) ^ r^ ^ IvaiV su' i. Saying, (common) "^pp zob 'nii. Scabbard, f^'^ siau' 'tsz, ijlQ t'au. Scaffold, ^^, ka' 'tsz. Scale, (balances) 5C^ t'iew bing, fl^ t'sung, (of fisb) ,^,i|ng ling, (scale in tbe eye) j^K kab mob. Scale, to, (a wall) S J ^^'^^S ziang, jfSM^ozmig. Scaling-ladder, JlM 2;ong' zung t'i. Scallions, M1^ '^^^^ ^'^^' Scandal, ^ sieii zob, AfS^tl sieu zob nimi ku' zz' 't'i, ^-tA^* fiS:^Mffl*^tl kau' niun 'za y'len'- lau veb vob ku' zz' 't'i. Scar, f^^ song Aun, 3$ 7mn tsib, song tsib. Scarce, HJ^ na?^ 'tsaii, ^i;* 'sau, ^ 'bow. Scarcely, (obtained) M'JM^J'fiS" ^o^g kong tub zab, f^ k'aw' k'aw' tub zab, ( enougb) "IMSS 'ki^n keu'. Scarlet, jfX /^ung, "^> t'sub Aung. Scatter, ^"4 fun saw', }|iJI3 sabk'e, (seed) f^ sab 'tsung, 4^ saw' bwo, (scattered) SII01J: Heu ii sz' saw'. Scent, ^ b'iang mi'. "Sceptical, @>L^ ni sing, ^ ni ^voh. Sceptre, ^ kvve, iVi^ zu i'. Scheme, Wj ^j^ ki' t'sab. Ssheme, (to) Hj ^;\^ du meu, ^ meu kuw'. Scholar, (pupil) ^^-J", 7iok sang 'tsz, (educated men) pj^ A dok su niun, 'i^-^, 'zz 'tsz, (class of scbolars) ^^ zu kiau^ School, ^^ Aob 4ong, 8^11. su 'kwew, (charitable) ^ ni' hoh, (school of Confucius) ^LPj 'k'ling mun. Schoolmaster, :$fc^ slew sang, 8^^ fl^ kau' su ku'. Schoolmistress, ^^fc^ 'nli slew sang. Science, ^^Wi"^^ ^^^ tsz' tsz yah, (of astronomy) 5c3C t'iew vun, (of numbers) ^^ su' yah, (of light) p^ kwong yah. Scissors, ^ JJ 'tsiew tau. Scoff, ^^ b'i' siau'. Scold, ^ mo'. Scoop, to, (a bole in tbe ground) S Jb U wall di' k'ang. Scope, SCiS i' sz', i^ p 'tsung 'tsz. Scorch, S h'iiin, ^j? 't'sau, ,^, tsiau. Scorn, JS'S k'iung maw', ^ k'6w' k'iung. Scorpion, JU; b'ib, ^ h'ih 'tsz. Scoundrel, ^S kwong 'kwun. Scour, 'iS dau. Scourge, 5$iJ^ t'iew tso. Scout, ^.f@ A few t'ing ku' niun. Scrape, ^'ij kwab, (smooth) ^ kwab bing. Scratch, jf^ po, 4R 'tsau, ^ tsau, (I] ?rab. Screen, MM ^ing f^ng, Screen, (to) p^^ tso k6=, ^ tso pi', ^i tso 'yiew. 4> Screw, (cork) '^ff, tsz tsuw', (nail) 107 SEA liMUiS ^^ sz ting. Scribe, f^^ de' pih, S^f@ 'si^ zz' ku-'. Scriptures, S$M sung' kiung, w sung' su. ** Scror, ^U kiow' gioh. Scrub, 'i/tJM 'si seh. Scruple, ^>J^ ni sing. Scrupulous, iS^^IKS va 'su M ni. Scrutinize, ^'^ 'k'au kieu', S?^ dzo t'sah. Scull, (of a boat) ^@ 'lu, (of a dead person) 'fS*^ k'u leu kweh. Scull, to, (a boat) ^j|S yau 7en. Sculptor, ^E tiau dziang'. Sea, ^ 'he, (bottom of) ig 'h6 'ti, (shore of) J 'he piew, ^ 'h6 t'a. Seaman, 7jC^ 'sz 'seu. Seaport, ^ P 'he 'k'eu. Seaweed, i^'i^ 'h6 ta'. Seal, (an animal) ^f| 'he lung, (stamp) ^;^ du tsang, ^ du su, PP yun' tsang, (imperial seal) H S koh 'sih, (seal character) j^3C dz6' vun. Seal, (to) JTPP 'tang yun', ^ ke' yun', (a letter) ^ n fung 'k'eu, ft fung sing', (seal up a door) f^ fung mun. Seam, (straight) jlt^ dzuh vung', (cross) -J^ wang vung', (mend a rent seam) ^H^^ sieu 'pu p'li' dza'. Sear, ^ tsiau. Search, ^ gieu. ix 'tsau, ^ zing, ^ niih. Season, (use in its) fl$i^ Jl^ zz /ieu' long' yung', (four seasons) HBIf SED sz' zz, ^ sz' kl', (fruit in season) ^^ ^ zz 'ku. to, (food) f3^^diau /m Seasonable, 'S*^ /ieh yung', JE'S* ^9^ tsung' Aeh gi zz, jE^ tsung' 'hau, (seasonably) '['p if hah 'hau. Seasoned, (timber) ^/f^lR kuw moh deu. Seat, ffifjL zu' w;e'. Secluded, (in situation) i^^ 'lang dzing', ^ 'lang loh, j^ pi' dzing'. Second, ^Zl di' ni', (month) ^^ urh' nioh, (a second of time) "^pp ih miau'. Secret, |2^ pi' mih, Pg^J e^' 'ti 'li, ( merit) I^Jy yun kung, ( plot) ^1^ 'yun meu. Secretary, (to a mandarin) Bipj^ szya^ Secrete, ^ zong, Jj^ k'ong', (lay ambush) Syi^ ma voh. Secretly, ^ZST" sz 'ti 'au, (trans- mitted) 12 i pi' dz6, fUft-^t'eu bc' tsz. Sect, ^f^ kiau' mim. Section, (of a book) ^ tsang, (of bamboo) fjf tsih, (a slice) j=p p'iew' (of a novel) lU w;e. Secular, Ift^ Jlf@ sz' ka'.long' ku'. Securi, ^^ 't'li tong, ^f 'wun tong. Secure, (to) "fS 'pau. Security, 'R^A 'pau niun, (shop keeper as security) f p'u' 'pau. Sedan-chair, ^^ giau' 'tsz. Seduce, 5ilf 'yiin yeu', ilS t'so^^ tub, ^jEPg t'iau SU; S15C mi '^^'' 108 SEL (be seduced) Jt^ 'zong tong'. Sedulous, WjM, giun 'kiun. See, ^ k'ow', (through) 3^ k'on' t'eu', Seed, fH 'tsung, ^ 'tsung 'tsz, (Icer- nel) tl niun, (stone of fruit) ^ ivoh, (offspring) -f^ 'tsz sun. Seek, ^^ gieu, ^ zing, (seek gain) p] ^ij du li^ Seem, ^f f^ 'hau ziangS (seem will- ing) 7i^J:;:-#f@ kwong 'kiung 'zz 'k'ung ku'. Segment, fy p'iew'. Seize, J^ tsoh zah, fi#: giun no- Seldom, (see) |Sf#^^ nawtuhk'ow/ kiewS (comes) :^icK3^ veh da' 'Ji le. Select, -gg jg 'ka 'sie;?, ^ 'ka;^ dzuh. Self, g^zz'ka, ia# t'sing sun, (what you wish not yourself do not to others) ^PJi:T^&i^MMA 'ki 'su peh yoh veh s?. yii niun, (self examination) g^^t^g^ zz' ka 'sing t'sah zz' ka, (respect one's self) H Jlzz- zung', (kill one's self) S^S zz' sah zz', (selfexistent) ^f&M^ zz' zon urh ' ye u, (re- proach one's self) g ^ g /z' tsah zz'. Selfish, MQM wo' zz' ka, ^E, w6' 'ki, (selfish desires) ^j;^ sz yoh, (he is selfish in tlie extreme) p.mu^m^mmiA tseh 'h'lau tuh zz' ka, veh 'h'iau tuh bih iiiun. Sell, ;g mu', E ma' t'eh, (by auction) P4 kiau ma', (o]d) rWg^ siau fell '(>,('". SEP Semblance, ^ J| yung ziang'. Semicircle, ^gj p6' k'idw. Semidiameter, ^22 pe' kiung'. Seminary, 3tft vun \yven, ^ hok 'kwen. Send, ^Jll 'tang fah, ^ t'sa, (a let- ter) ^in ki sing', (send by a friend) #ftj(f ^ t'oh siang 'hau ta'. Senior, :g^ 'tsang p6', (to me) i^ '^X-^^ 'pi 'ngu niew 'lau. Sense, (of seeing) fl k'6n% 0^*g 'ngaw kwe .(five rulers of the sen- ses) jj*^ 'wu kwcw, (has a sense of shame) ^M^%MM 'h'iau tuh sieu 't'sz, (meaning) g^g, V sz'. Senseless, PlJ^^.g m meh i' sz'. Sensible, (perceptible) fbS^fH nung koh zah ku', IgiRijgfi nung t'suh liang ku', (sensible of kindness) MiJM. 'ken un. Sensualist, SISSfilit^EScffl A peh 'la 'tsieu suh dzc k'i* mi tvbh ku' niun. Sentence, ^ kii', (beginning of) gg kii' deu, (end of) ^UP kii' meh kiah, (pass sentence) ^'lj p'cw* ding', ^ p'e??' tow'. Sentinel, ^Mf k'ow' kang ku', jig ^ zing ya' ku'. Separable, ^ll-i| f@ fun tuh k'e ku', ft Hi siang li tuh k'e kiV. Separate, ^3&f@ fun k'6 'la ku', Cthat is a separate one) ;;: 'f@ ling' 'zz ih ku'. Separate, (to) ^\^ fun k'6, \glj fun pill, (wlicn separated) ftif(S]fl# ]09 SET -f^ siang li ku' zz Aeu'. Separately, (sell) Jf M ^'sa^i ma'. Sepulchre, iRS van mii'. Sequester, (goods of a criminal) fl^ip Affl^^Vsau 'dzue niun ku' ka nyih. Serene, (sky) Hh 5C zii^S t'iew, (calm) :^JI^ 6w zing'. Sergeant, 3H"^S 'ngzehfu 'tsang, GIS 'p6 'tsuog. Series, (order) sfejf^ t'sz' zfi', jK^ paw liew, paw t'sz', ppU 'p'ing kill, tt fr l>ii ^iong. Serious, ^ tion) J^;ft* niew s6h, M>& z^S SHA yau' 'kiun, (in disposi- zung bins' sing, (seriously ill) ^] dzung'. Serpent, 4 dz6, (brazen) ^ diing dz6. Serrated, (wall) W^^SfSM 'yen nga 't'sz ku' dzung. Servant, JB^lFA 'ti 'an niun, ^ yung' niun, (cook) '^^f@ sau va' ku*, (boy) K6SK kun paft, (chair coolies) |S$&E giau' paw, (garden- er) ^ifSMfS ^^'<-'''* ^i^^'<^ y^" ^"' Serve, DK^ v6h zz',T PI ^ zz' Aeu', ^^ tong t'sa. Serviceable, ^^ 'yeu ymig', M 'yeu yung' t'su'. Sesamum plant, ^^ tsz mo, (oil) J^ tsz mo yeu. Set, '^ fong', ^ on', |g koh (set up) WC-iL sell lib, (set up right) gjB ^ 'zu 'k'i le, (set sail) tlLS t'sa bung, (set on fire) "^^K fong 'hu, (sun not yet set) UM^'^M nyih deu veh zuug ioh, (set mind at rest) ]K>& fong' sing, (set men on evil courses) #EO^A*f^^ t'iau su niun kl' tsoh oh, (a ring set with pearls) M^^l&ia siang tsun tsu ka' 'tsz. Settle, ^ ding'kiew', ff^g^ tvoc ding' tong', (disturbances) ^^ bing ding', (settle a price) fex 'ku ding', (the matter is settled) ^ IS^M^ zz- 't'i won kih 'tse, or 2^'^ zz' 't'i ding' kwe 't'u tong 'ts^. Seven, ^ t'sih, (seventeen) 'Y^a zeh t'sih, (seventy) Jcl'Y t'sih seh. Seventeenth, Wt\\a di' zeh t'sih, (seventieth) di' t'sih seh. Seventh, fl-t di' t'sih, (of the month) |)J^ t'su t'sih. Sever, [ Jjt dow' t'eh, ^gfl fun k'6. Several, if Hffl 'hau 'ki kii', 'ki ku', (several times) ^ 'hau 'ki t'sz', (severally) ^ Q koh zz', fg] * {@ ih ku' ih ku'. Severe, j^M niew 'kiun, ^!l ^i' Ae', (severe punishment) ^^Jf^ dzung' yung vah. Sew, IB vung, ^ ling. Sewer, 7KiW '-^z keu. Shabbily, (behave) Slf#S'J A b6hd6' bill niun. Shade, (glass) 3^^^^ pu li tsau', (from the sun) |^iy> yung liang. Shade, (to) j^-jS ts6 '.yiew. Shadow, IJ-J: 'yung 'tsz, (of the moon) ^ nioh 'yang. Shake, (set in motion) ^ yau, JS yau dung', (shake in the hand) f-^ 'teu, (shake togellier) S yfvu heh, 110 m SHE (shake heaven and earth) tsun' dung'. Shall, )K>^ pih yau'. Shallow, ^M 't'sie?2, (superficial) $ 'L'siew giun'. Shame, ^'tl dza kw6', ^12 sieu 't'sz, ^i^-MM^ veh 'hau i' sz*. Shame, (to) ^^ sieu z6h, (feel shame for me) J[})^^'3^ t'a t'sung* 'ngu. Shameless, ^ElifcJJ niie' bi Aeu', P^ i2;ftffi w meh lie;2 't'sz. Shape, f^^ yung zong', i%^ mu yangS '^ yang' suh. Shapeless, ^"p*-^^ veh heh yang' suh. Share, (one) """BS i^i ''^^i '^ i^i fun, (divide into three shares) ^ H3x fun saw 'ku. Share, (to) ^ fun, ^ gung' fun, (share in sorrow and in joy) [^If-J ^151 dung tub 'k'uloh. Shark, ip^^ so ng. Sharp, 'Kk'wa^ Sharpen, ^j^ muk'vva'. Shattered, 5l^Sf@ p'u' so' 'h'l ku'. Shave, ^ll t'i', (the beard) ^ t'i' su, (the head) BM * i' ^eu. Shavings, /fv'f-ii mob bwo. She, ifi i. Sheaf, (one) *|H ih 'k'wun. Shear, (sheep) ^^^ 'tsie yang mau. Shears, JJTJ 'tsiew tau. Sheath, $' siau', f t'au. Shed, tJB bang, (set up a) f^ tab bang. Shed, to, (tears) j^^ lieu 16', 5? SIIO k'oli. Sheep, ^ yang, J.^ mie yang,'(fold) lH yang k'io;?. Sheet, Hg^ta^i! bi, (of paper) ^ ffi ib tsang 'tsz. Shelf, (set on the) JSJi^^ Jt on' 'la kii' 'tsz long'. Shell, ^ k'oh, (conical winding) 4^ W^> lu sz, lu k'oh. Shelter, (one's self from wind and rain) ^H^ bi fung 'yu. Shelter, to, (unfortunate people) p5ffiIi.R/'u' pi' naw' ming. Shepherd, ^^^ mob dung, g^f@ J\. k'o yang ku' niun. Shield, (long wicker) tf^ clung ba, (to ward off arrows) j^^fj^ 'tong tsiew' ba. Shine, JB;)^ tsau' kwong, |5 fah kwong, (shines by its own light) ^ zz' ka tsau' kwong, (borrows light from the sun) fticHfB^ tsia' t'c' yang kiV kwong. Ship, j| zoM, (ship master) ^ zen ^^) ^yC ^^" 'lau da'. ^ Ship-owner, ;)|SSi zew 'pa 'tsu. Shipwreck, ^^ sehzo^, ^lE^ ze ?6'^;^ yung ko, "^ yungtong^ S 'li tong, ketong, RTJ!^ 'k'6 'i^ (should 1^ ^'^_# zik 'sic i. Shoulder, ^ kie, ^ kie deu, f^ kie 'pong, (of mutton) ^^"flJiJii yang nioh ziew 't'6, (shoulder to shoulder) 3^;^ bing' kie. Shout, P)J-5S kiau' ha', Pf liii kiau'. Show, ^0)J 'piau ming, (to him) j^ ^Mw^ 'tsz pell i k'o', (kindness) Jl.l, sz un. 'siau 'vu, Shower, (of rain) >J^ p^ ill dzun' 'yu. Shrewd, W^lS 'yen kie- suh. Shrill, :^{^ tsie?? sung. Sir. Shrimps, J^ how, (dried) :?[(* how 'mi. Shrine, (for an idol) fj^^ veh k'm. Shrink, jg^g t'e' soh, soh, Shroud, ^P'^4^ pau sz 'seu pu'. Shrunk, (much) |gf#:^>i? soh tuh veh 'sau. Shudder, Hcf^ tse' 'ten. Shun, i^^ bi' k'e, (shun writing names of emperors of the present dynasty) S^ISlf bi'' 'pun dzau hwe'. Shut, (eyes) ^BSBf pi 'nga tsing, (door) II P^ kwaw mun. Sty, ^ifMlS^ veh 'hau i' sz*. Sick, >^J| 'yeu bing', ^sangbing', ^jfiS veh suh i'. Sickness, j^jl^ zih bing', ^ffi bing' tsung', ^^ tsung* hen'. Sickle, Si JJ liew tau. Side, j piew, ^ bong pie, (side rooms) 1^^ siang vong. Siege, (lay to a city) SHMffi tt'e k'wun dzung dzz, (raise) ^ 'kii we. Sieve, ffi^ pu ki, s6 (s.), S lu. Sift, ^}|f puyang, so (sz), (rice) 7(t pu 'mi. Sigh, ^Mm* t'a/i' k'i', ,i, t'aw' sih. Sight, (a fine) iJ'TErg; 'hau kwong 'kiung, ^ 'hau 'kiung tsz', (in sight) flf#^ k'o;^' tuhkieS g| w-^" mong' tuh zah. Sign, I&lj/L ki' Aau', ^ zz'Aau', (shop sign) ^3) tsau ba, (twenty eight signs of the zodiac) Il!.~i"A?S urh' zeh i^ah sieu', (twelve signs) '^" Zl S ^eh ni' kiing, ^ zeb ni- t'sz'. 112 SIM Sign, (to) #7tB^ 'tang ki' ImiV, ^ ivkh /mu', ^ wAli zz' /mix'-, Jff ah zz'. Signal, (hoist a) ff g t'sah piau, (make a) ^g^g 'tsz hwe, (signal flag) ^]^ 'piau gi. Significant, ^M^^ 'yen V sz'-, ^^ BT ri> pan Mn 'h'u tu i' sz'. Signify, j^jf; 'tsz zz', (what does it signify) \l^MM& sa= ku' i'sz'. Silent, Sfc^g* muhmuh vu p\en, ^^^ miih muh veh 'hMang, ^^ pS veh bah tub\ (silent) ^^^ veh yau' 'h'iang, veh yau- bah %v6\ Silently, (think) fj;ig muh 'siang. Silk, 1^, sz, (Taysaam) ^cS da' dze;?, (Tsat li) rtll t'sih '11, (Yue fa) -^lE y('>^* liwo, (Canton pongees) JRSS kvvong tung dzeii, (wild silk-worm silk) ^ 'kie dzeii, (Hii- cheii silk)S3 ^^^ sz, (silk and satins) '. S dzeii do;?', (flowered silk) :j2 hwo dzeu, (a ball of silk) H^ sz g^ieu, (silk stuffing) ^M s^ mie;?, (silk thread) ,^^ sz sie?j', (silk cord) f.ll| sz zung. Silly, 511^ nge 'to, g'| fah hwun, W *lf[^S 'y^^^ ill 'tiew fling. Silver, 15^ niun 'tsz, (fish) ^^ niun ng, (smith) | niun dziang'. Similar, (to this) ISf@-^'fi t'eh di' ku' ih yang', (they are similar) wl^ siang ziang'. Similitnde, y\:if 'pi fong, ^I^ p'i Simple, ^^ 'lau zeh, ^ p6h zeh, 1^ znng zeh, (simple heart) :f5*>{3 ta?? sing, zung sing, (unmixed) ^ SIS CSSI veh 'hwun zeh. Simplicity, (fond of) ^^^^^'^ e- su' veh e- vun. Simply, (just) ^ kiungS ;j;j^ pih ku'. Simultaneous, ftl^H^j^ siang dung zz Z^eu'i ^ Sin, 'dzue, Pi ze' ku', (heavy and grievous) p^g^J; 'dz{ie nyih sun 'dzung, (original and actual) ]g fP^iP niow 'dzue 'pun 'dzue, (an unwitting sin is no sin) yf^UTf^ peh tsz peh 'dzue, (cause of sin) ;fJJ 'dzue kun. Sin, (to) IB IP Wan 'dzue, (when a man has sinned against heaven there is no use in praying) MW^Ji i^rJiH^^ w'oh 'dzue yii t'iew vii 'su 'tau 'yci Since, (in time), since the hecfinning of the ])rcsent dynasty ^^^^ iU^ 'pun dzau k'e koh 'i 16, (in argument) %%f^ ki' zd^i, (since it is tJms) :g;inil{: ki' zew 'zz zu 't'sz. Sincere, W^M ^ung zeh, i^ zung Sinew, |5 kiun. son; Sing, Pg t Single, M i^n. Singly, -^m f@ ih ku' ih ku', ft'^fi ih tsah ih tsah, (standing singly and alone) j|#|^:i tsah sun doh lih. Sink, 0i;T^dzun'auk'i', fg dzun meh, (into perdition) Jj^ dzun lun. Sir, ^^ 'lau ya, -^^ Bien sang, ^iffi tsun kd', ^S^V siang kung. Sister, ^^j^ 'tsi me', (elder) fpf a SKY 'tsi, (younger) mo' mo'. | Sister-in-law, (elder brother's wife) P^fi^ ah 'sau, (younger brother's wives) ^[ilM J> 'siau, |H si', {i^ vi. Smallpox, ^J' den' 'tsz, ^'^Vien liwo, (have smallpox) {llS"X t'seh deu' 'tsz. Smart, '^ t'ung', (ready) fpffjl ling li'. Smash, fj"^ 'tang se'. Smear, ^ du, ^^ du meli. Smell, ^5ftk'i'mi=. Smell, (to) ^ viin, P^ p'un. Smelt,. 'ft hwo', |^ yung, |]^^ siau. Smile, ^ siau'. Smith, I^Jk. dziang' niun, HI k'ing dziang'. Smoke, j|@ 7/ie??. Smoke, (to) P^^'JtH k'iuli yiew, (opium) S&}t k'iuh a p'iew', (to smoke clo- thing) ^^^ h'iuw i zong. Smooth, '}'*|* wah, ^ bing, ;) kwong, kwong ?rali. Smooth, (to) 5?^ ^i-^"S' ^ing; M ^iali bing. Smother, ^;^ ^jien sail. Smuggle, {^^ leu' siie' (into the interior) ^^ A. ft till sz zeh ne' di'. Snake, ^jf z6, (poisonous) -^ doh z6. Snare, |El kio;? t'au', ^ k'a)2, (net) ippf 'mong. Snatch, Jg 't'siang. ki 114 SOL Snip, B^^l 'tsie;e don'. Snov/, 5 sih, (snow white) j^ sih Ldli. Sno\7, (to) ^ lok sih. Snuff, ^jtg bih ^jien, (bottle) jf^ bih yien bing. Snuff, (a candle) MffitH^E 'tsie t'eh lah hwo, So> ^ffitb zehko- nung, zehke', ^H Jifc zu 't'sz. Soak, ^ tsing, ^g p'au', (soaked through with rain) iMWM% ^ peh 'la 'yu ling wen 'tse. Soap, JG^ *bi zau'. Sober, |1 'kiun, (become sober) H El tsue' 'sing. Society, "^ u-6\ Sodomy, ^ ^ n^n suh. Soft, |J^ 'nioM, ^11 zeu zdh, (in disposition) J^wunzeu, (to become) 15 fah 'nioM. Soften, -(this medicine in water) tJC^ EI>vMf@^ 'sz 'li p'au' 'm6;^ di' ku' 3'ah. Soil, 't'u, Ji 't'u di'. Soil, (to) 3fif5 tie;^' wu. Solder, If hon'. Soldier, :H-y pjng ting, '^:^fi tong ping.kii'. . Sole, (a fish) jt i^ 'pi moh ng, (of a shoe) ^iS Aa 'ti. Solely, |^;g doh ^;e'. Solemn, ^^ tsong niew, f^"^ tow soh, (solemn service) ;:/cli^ clu' 'li piV. Solicit, ^ gieu, (a reward) HJK 't'au 'sonsc. 115 SCO Solicitous, (be) ^[^ kwo' iiiaw', (an- xious) MM^ ^^ k'^i. ^Mi^ veh foiig^ sing, ^^ fong' sing veil loh. Solid, (not hollow) ^ zeli, (in charac- ter) ^ poh zeh, (strong) ^M Idewkti'. Solitary, tsz, (standing) JL 1^^ lili> (place) ^>g"|g^^ 'lang loh 7m dong. Solstice, (summer) SM V^aii tsz, (winter) ^ tung tsz'. Solve, ^?|3 'kak'c, (doubts) ^^ 'kii t'eh ni ivdli. Some, HIS 'ki kuS (men) W A 'yen niun. Bomething, (bring) jSlfiUS" ta?i 'tiew sa', flf^ taw 'tiew meh zz', (bring something to eat) P^I ta;^ ih tiew meh zz' k'iuh, (some little things) r--B^^||^ ih 'nga meh zz'. Sometimes, WBtl^ 'yen zz ^eu', ^ ^ veh dzang, ^B"^ dzang zz. Son, 51 "T ni 'tsz, ng 'tsz, (a dopted) JS J^" ku' vong ni 'tsz (my son) ij> 51 'siau urh, >J'^ 'siau 'k'iow, (your son) -^J^l) ling* long. Son-in-law, "ic^ "^nu si'. Song, ^ k'ioh, (of Kwun shan) , Ji'wun k'ioh, (sing songs) Pg t'song' k'ioh, (song book)^ k'ioh 'pun, Soon, (come) ^MjJ^ 'tsau 'tie Ic, (not soon) ^^ veh 'tsau. Sooner, (than I) it^^ 'pi 'ngu 'tsau, (the sooner the better) yoli 'tsau yoli 'liau. SPA Soot, jtH^S ?/iew zung. Soothe, SS on wo'. Sorcerer, /gig vu 'ts6, ftSPfB t'iauc zunkiV, fr^ISftjfS /^angzia zeh kiV. Sore, ^ fling', (a sore) ^ t'song. Sorrow, M^ yeu dzeu, p^ dzeu mun', ^ hwuu mun', f^>y song sing, ^ yeu yoh. Sort, H 'tsung, ;f^-5^ yang* 'tsz, 'g; yang' suh, ^ 'tung, 2|^ 16'. Sort, (to) ffi^ 'tang 'tie^?, :9^#g/ fun y:ing' suh. Sovereign, Si kiim 'tsu, ^ kiiin (Jong, 03^ koh 'tsu. Soul, S^ ling w'ung, )5iP sing zun,/f^ tsing zun, ^ ling k'i', (ra- tional soul) t4 ling sing'. Sound, ^"h sung yun, - 'h'iang sang, M* sang kl'. Sound, to, (depth of water) 7K'g 'ten 'sz sun. Sound, (in health) '^jli gie' tsong'. Soup, Wi t'ong, ii kang. Sour, 1^ SUM. Source, ^{j^ le yeu, i^Tl^ Dio/i 'pun, /|k nio;i kun. South, I n6, (go south) jflj zau new, (on the south side) new haw', jS new piew, new paw' baw. Sow, #^S 'mil tsz. Sow, (seed) fl^ tsung' 'tsung 'ts?. Space, (between) '^4*fSK tong tsiing kaw 'li, (of a month) P)?j-" {@J=1 kah ihlaV niuh, Ifij^ b'iU tsz ih ku' nioh. 116 SPE Spacious, ^U 'kwongk'weh. Spade, (iron) ll|j? t'ih t'saii, g| fill 't'saw, (wooden) /fv moh t'sau. Spare, S 'sen, :^|S veil keu'. Spare, (to) %^ k'wcn 'miew, ^ft niau soS (his life) fj0>f@^ niau so' i kii' ming', (cannot spare time) f^^f#X:^ so' veh tuh kung fu, (si^are strength) ^ 3^ 'sang lih. Sparing, ^j^ 'sang gieS ^^ ling siih. Sparks, iK^ 'M sing. Sparkle, % fah kwong. Sparrow, ^^% ka t'siali, Jftmot'siah. Spawn, ^^^ ng 'tsz. Speak, |y ^ bah tro', p% ^;6' seh wo', (for me) uSl^SSS t'uh 'ngu soh, (did not speak of it) ^f&^ veh ivo' k'i' 'tse. Spear, ^;|b dzang t'siang, (not to use spears and shields) ^^~f'^ veh 'diing kun k'u. Specialty, ^^gdiihi', ^ duh duh 'li. Species, $^ le', (each after its species) ^I8S koh dzung gi 16', ^^ 'tsung. Specify, (one by one) "-^(0 "f@^ |5 [ij ^ ih ku' ih ku' dzm wo' t'seh 16. Specimen, Jf^i^'x jang' 'tsz. Speckled, Wfl^MfifS 'yen P^w *tiew kii'. Spectacles, 35 'nga kiung'. Spectators, ^f^JV k'ow' ku' ninn. Speech, p%|^ seh wo'. Speechless, ^ftMSlJufS veh nnng S1I w;6' seh wC. Speed, (utmost) Jg'^ 'ting k'wa', (speed not equal) S^^^ dzz soil veh 'tnng. Speedily, iPftl zti fi, (return) '^'^ 0^ k'wa' k'wa' wo 16, >^^ 'mo long' dzieu' 16. Spelling, (Chinese syllabic) ^-0 'faw t'sih. Spelter, |^|g- bah k'aw. Spend, (money) ^^ fi' yiing', :jfg hw6 fi', (strength) jj fi' lih, (one's life) S^ du' sung, du' nyih, (as a profligate) ^% long' fi'. Spew, Pf 't'u. Sphere, J^ gieu, JJ yow gieu, (ter- restrial) Jia di' gieu. Spherical, ^J^ gieu yung. Spiced, Wl^f@S:S 'yeuh^iang liau' ku' mi' dau'. Spider, i}^^ tsz tsu, (spider's web) 1^ tsz tsu 'mong. Spike, (iron) ||{# t'ih tsun, (wooden) 7fC moh tsun. Spikenard, 'f h'iang kau. Spill, 5^nF ^ tih'/^aul6. Spin, ^Jj 'fong, ^p 'fong so, (thread) 1^ 'fong: slew'. Spinach, f^^ pu t'se'. Spindle, ^ su, (light and darkness come and go like arrows and days and months like a spindle) 31^f^f^ Ba0>^iP+^ kwong yun zz' tsiew' zeh yoh zu sii. Spine, f|'^'* p6' tsih kweh. Spiral, ji^i^ip^ lu sz yung. Spirit, (pure) Jljl zun, (of man) ^ tsing zun, ^ zun ki', SsJB ling 117 SPO 'uijg, (after death) ^ 'kwe, (evil spirits possessing a man) ^Pwji yvJ^_L 'kit vu' 'la niiin sun long', (spirit and habits of the people) S ^ fling k'i', i fung z6h, (spirits or gods of the mountains and strea- ms) liljllj^jlpffl saw t'sewtsz zun ling, (Holy spirit) Btt sung' zn ge-M sung' ling, (expression and manner in painting and writing) %\\i ^ zun k'i'. Spiritual, (belonging to the soul) J^ S^fS zohling W7ui)gku', (belong- ing to the Holy spirit) JR^Jlp^ zoh sung' zun kiV, (man has two na- tures, a spiritual and a corporeal) AWM^tt'fS ninn 'yeu 'liang yang' sing' zing, WffiS^O 'yeu ling wung ku' sing' zing, *|fiWJlh fa 'a 'yeu sun 't'i ku' sing' zing. Spit, PJt 't'u. Spiteful, ?S^% yow' /mg'. Spittle, '}5il^ dza t'u'. Splendid, ^^ kwong liang', (splen. dour) Upt yung kwong, 5tB kwong hw6, j^Jfi we fung. Splint, (of wood) '^Jr/tvB^ ih p'iew' moh deu. Split, ^ p'ih, gg^ p'ihk'e le, M lih, IS hwah, (a split) f^Pfll hwah lah. Spoil, 5^i|| lung' wa', J^ 'sun ivk\ _X ha' wi', (take spoil, robbery) ^ ilj 'tang kih, (in war) gJJ, 'lii liah. Sponge, f^M 'h6 niung. Spoke, (of wheel) Hfg lun foh. SQU Spontaneous, j j^ zz^ zew. Spoon, ft zok, gg zz, H^ diaij ;# h'i- kang, a^ tseh zoh. Sport, ^43 beh siang' lung'. Spot, jteliS paw 'tiew, (black) ^ huh 'tie, (white spot on a skin) * j^ ^5 ih pie bah mau. Spotless, (white) |i| j^ dzun bah. Spouse, fJfJJ singvii', ^"f sing niang 'tsz. Spout, (of kettle) ^'"Sl^dzo 7m 'tsz* Sprain, (the foot) HM 'nieu kiah. Spread, ( out, as wings, tents) 5^ p^ tsang k'e,( over, as mats; 131133'^ p'u k'e le' (spread abroad reports). Ig.^ sie pii'. SlJSf P^^ yangU lH^ dzcw t'sehl6. , Spring, (season) ^ t'sung, (of -watch) ISli^ fah diau, (steel spring) PJll kong diau, (of water) ^ ^ dzie?* 'nga, |5^ nio. Spring, (to) |t fah, Jjfe t'iau'. Sprinkle, ^ 'sa. Sprout, ^^ fah nga. Spur, (a horse) MMt ^'sz' 'mo, (urge) fg fsue. Spurious, fl 'ka, @ ngwe*. Spurn, JM'fi k'iung maw'. Spy, iHf^ si' tsoh, UMMA Ven t'ing ku' niun, (traitorous) Jq[; kaw si'. Spy, to, (through a glass or tube) ^ ^ k'we k'ow'. Squander, ^^ hau' fi', ?^ long fi'. Square^ K^ sz' fong, (a square- 118 STA 'brick) >7 IS fong tsc;^, (square of a niTmber) '/J^^ fongtsih, (carpen- ter's square) ^/? k'ioh t'sah. Squeeze, ^^ "K ah ih ah. ;Sqmrrel, feg sung 'su, (grey) ^ hw6 'su. Stab, $l] t'sz'. Stable, l||i 'mo bang, ^ 'm6 vong, (firm) g^ kiewku', ^ lau, kie^2 lau. Staff, ttPnr#dzang' a bong, ^jg^ 'kwun 'tsz, |:K 'kwa dzang'. Stag, ^ I6I1. 3tage, (in a journey) fj^ dzaw', (for actors) ^J{ J h'i' de. Stagnant, (water) ^E^JC 'si 'sz. Stagnation, (of trade) ^Kfe^llfhu' suh veh siau. Stain, ^'/ keu' tcu. Stain, (to) JiJ^ tie"zcw. Stairs, ;fg leut'i. Stake, ;f tsong, (stake palisade) ^ i}^ 'paw ziang. Stalk, g 'kang. Stall, ti bang, H t'a. Stamp, (on the ground) Sgffi J' {^ 'kwa 'siau 'now. Steam, 7K^ 'sz k'i', (to steam) ^ tsung. Steamer, ^ClSjlS 'liu lun ze. Steel, PJlJ kong. Steep, (in water): ^Ji^JC^ tsing Ma 'sz 'li, VS p'au* 'la 'sz 'li. Steer, ^b 'po du', (steer to the right) ^|i5 paw sau, (to the left) ^t'6 sau.^ Stem, ^ 'kang. Step, jp bu', (in rank) ^ kih, (door steps) j^jg'io ka yien zah. Step-father, |^^ l? tsang* ku'. Stick, t^"J* 'kwunj'tsz. Stick, to, (upon or in) J^ t'sah, (stick a candle upon its stand) t$t8 t'sah lah tsoh, (stick up an official notice) ifi'S'TJ^ t'ih kau'zz'. Sticky, fo nie. StiiF, JJI ngangS J^?S au' giang, Wi kong giang. Still, ;lj5Cl3? zih zins', (not roovin^) ^JJl veh 'dung, :3f o^i zing', ^^ STO ^ veh yau' 'h'iang, (yet) 'j^^ 'a 'zz, ^-^ 'ayau', j^te: ^^-aw 'zz, wan yauS (and still more) 51J3. 'hwong 't'sia, (still more ridiculous) SiDRm kiing' ka'k'6 siau', (it is still here) DJitfJijltit zung gieu' 'la 't'sz di', (exerted himself still more) MWtii:Jl yoh fah t'seh lih. Stimulate, fg t'sue, itMwhfah, % K 'mien li'. Sting, $lj t'sz', S tseh. Stink, :ftt'seu'. ^^t'seu' k'i' mi'. Stipend, (of teacher) fl^;^ sieii kiun, ^ sok sieu. Stipulate, J.5S J^li ding', (first sti- pulate certain indispensable things) slew ding' veh tuh 'i ku' zz' 't'i veh .tu 'ki 'k'w6. Stir up, ^. 'za, (to mischief) JJEP^ t'iau 'su, (in cooking) diau. 'kiau, (do not stir) ^^W) veh yau' 'dung. Stirrup, >^@ 'mo tiing. Stitch, ^ vung. Stockade, (wooden palisad'e round a camp- winding like deer horns) ^ f^ loh koh, (open-work wooden gate of a stockade) ^M t'sah law. Stockings, |g| mah. Stomach, % we, (belly) Jltife du' bi, ( ache)'|J du' bi t'ung'. Stone, ^SSM. zah deu, (great stone) ^ bcM zah, (mason) E zah dziang', (ten ancient stone monuments of the Cheu dynasty in the shape of drums^ yS^ 2ah 'ku. * 120 STR Stony, (ground) J^Jg kiaii di'. Stool, S::^ 'p^-n txmfr. Stoop, (the head) JS^M ti deii. Stop, (causative) jtfi 'tsz dzu', f^ STR ding, (interrupt) 'tsu 'tong, (stop a bottle) ^ suh dzvi', (stop work) ff-Hl ding kiin^ (cease wal" king) .ih^ 'tsz bu-', (stop the road) S& la^ dan'. Stoppage, \M.M 'tsu kah. Stops, (in writing) Hjij^ k'iow 'tiew. Storax, (a fragrant oil) S-^f^ su Aeh yen. Store, (for foreign goods) ^^mJS yang hu' tiew', (store house) ^JiJ^ 'dzaw vong. Store, (to) ^ zong, ^g tsih h'ioh. Stork, flllSI. siew ngoh. Storm, ^JH ban' fung, SlW^Cf^ fung 'yu da' tsoh. Storm, to, (a city) JtflMJS kung p'li' zung dziang. Story, (a house with two stories) ^ MMMM^. 'liang zung leu ku vong 'tsz. Stove, ifiM, 'hu h'l, (of iron) g^ t'ih ^u, (draught stove of earthen ware) Jfi fung lu. Stout, ^Jtt gie' tsong', (a stout man), :^CMffl tlu' k'we' deu. Stow, (away) ^ tsong. Straddle, S k'wo. Straight, It dzuh, gjLpihhhdzuh, (line) ^$, dzuh siew'. Straight-forward, (in disposition) ft fiffl sing' dzuh ku'. Straighten, B^jt 'ke dzuh, gJE 'ke ton tsung', ^JC^^W 'U k'ioh u^6 dzuh. Strain, (dirty water and make it clean) aaa7jc;g'/t* lu' oh fsoh 'sz we t'sing 'sz. Strait, ^%^ 7^ah tsah. Strange, "^jf 'ku kwa', ^^ i' yang'. Stranger, ^^A mak sang niun, ^MJ^ k'ah pie^2 niun. Strangle, |g luh sah, ickiau. Stratagem, '^\^ ki t'sah. Straw, (wheat) ij^^^ 'siau mah za, (rice)|Q dau' za, (used in divination) I 2E.-P. sz 't'sau. Stray, gJS^ ml lii', ^'^ 'tseu t'so. Streaks, (in stone) 5 ;J zah vun, (a streak of light) ^^i^t^t ih sie, kwong. Stream, (running downwards) 7jC " B&T'SC 'sz ih lu' 'au lieu, (is with us) MjK zun' 'sz, (is against us> iSi niuh 'sz. Streamer, '^ gi. Street, #i ka. Strength, ^jj k'i' lih, g lib liang', (strength of the wine is not great> '}S:^4^:^'tsieulih liang' veh diV. Strengthen, gg kie ku', (medici- nally) li:^S. 'pii bh bang'. Strenuous, (effort, make a)iiijj t'seh y^h,&1^MMM tm lih bang, yung' dzing'. Stress, (laid on the word "true") ^ SaSf&M^J: i vun, (striped cloth) tti^^^ lieu diau pu'. Strive, (one against another) ^ tsung, (endeavour) HE 'ming 'miew, (to be first) yc tsung slew. Stroke, ^ t^ah. Stroll, ;^$t9 'taeu J)eh siang'. Strong, ^M.ll 'yeu k'i' lib, (of work) ^ lau, (in constitution) ^ tH giew' tsong, (tea) t>^^ nun^ dzo, (of a city) ^ JsS ^'^^ ^^^"g- Stubborn, *^iJC t-iau bi, ^ wa bi, (in holding opinions) l3^tCX ku t'seh 'ki kien*. Student, (close) 11118^ fS A giun 'kiun doh su ku' niun, (pupil) ^ ^J Aok sang 'tsz. Study, ^;^ su vong. Study, (to) p^y dok su, ^ nia' su, ffl $3 yiing' kung, (study minutely) i^H^Htt^^ si' si' nung 'k'au t'sah. Stuff, to, (with cotton) Sf.^?2 tsong miew hwo, (sausages) Sl^W*^ kwe nioh dzang 'tsz. Stumble, yk^ seh kiah, (against) ^ ^ zong' zah. Stumbling-stone, ^Af@5^Si ngo' niun ku* zali deu. Stunted, ^ 'tow. Stupefied, "^^ hwun mi. Stupid, :5i^ ngo bun', ^ t'sun bun'. Sturdy, JjSiit ngang' d?;uh. Style, (of composition) '%\^ vun fah, ^ pill fah. Style, (to) S^T' t'sung hu. Suavity, ^Q$. M bing, 31, /m k'i'. Subdivide, (into smaller parts) H^ ||>J> tse' fun kung 'siau. Subdue, ^JJK bing voh, (one's self) ^a^Sfk'uh' 'kivoh'li, ^)iE ^ 'seu voh zz' ka. Subject, E.^ dzun 'tsz, ^Sflgifl ^ 'kw(i; 'la ku' pak sing', (tlieme) y^ @ di moll. Subject, (be to him) JflJiiJ^^ peh 'lai 'kwe, M^^W ^' yah, (to make subject) K)]K ah voh, 5^ da ah. Subjoin, (at the end) ilfj ji ^ Jifl Jlif S leh 'hV meh 'kiah long', 122 SUB sue tsiing V'len. Subjugate, (by war) WtM. tse?j' voli, the Devas (gods) and Maras (devils) {^^CM voh Vien mo. Sublime, KifclKifc kau da' m 'pi. Sublunary, (aflfairs) 5cT f@ <^ H Vien 'au kii' zz' 't'i, "fSI?. Jl sz' ka' long' ku' zz' 't'i. Submaxine, (vegetation) f^lS^^ *he 'ti hwo 't'sau. Submerge, 7KJS'0lT^ 'sz 'li dzun *aii k'i'. Submission, (to will of Heaven) UEJC ijftf@5P>& vok t'ie i* ku' bing sing. Submit, If M kw6 voh, ^|^ deu /ioug, deu voli, (they submit in heart) l$flRS>& /iong voh gi sing. Subordinate, (be) BA>E?^ zoh niun *su 'kwe. Subscribe, ^^H 'sia ming deu, }? ^^ ah zz' 7iau', ^ wah zz' /^auS f^ 6ah hwo ah, Subscription, (of 1000 taels) M'~^ft Mi^'X ki^^* i'hi t*sie 'liang niun 'tsz. Subsequent, (generations) ^iS Vieu sz', (calamities) ^ 'Aeu t^^an'. Subsist, (in him all thing-s ) ^f^S ^"^ci^ "^^^*' '^'^^ P^^ la i pau dzz. Subsistence, (only wish a) ^S-Sfl8 iP pih kii' yau' hu 'k'eu, fJP^ pih ku' yau' keu' k'iuh. Substance, (in the (Trinity) || 't'i (matter generally as distinct from spirit) ^ yung, (all things are di- vided into spirit and matter) ^^ ^MWf^ vaw' veh i^nn tsiV y.iin yung, (substance of a thing as dis- tinguished from its form) ^ JiS tseh di'. J& ^, 'ti 'tsz, :?^ 'pun 'ti, (es- tate) ^Ukanyih. Substantial Jf.^ 7ie\i zeh, ^ lau. Substantiate, (your words by proof) a?iS'^IEfifill:^ta bing kii' le tsung' nung' ku' seh tv6\ Substitute' X t'i' kung. Substitute, to, (this for that) ^||f@ iM:ikM t'i* di' ku' icn' ku' kii'. Subterfuge, il?^f@||:|^ 'k4 t'oh ku' seh iv6'\ Subterraneous, fi^iS'T' <^i' 'ti 'an, (explosion of powder) ft^^ di' le hung lih. Subtile, ^^ tsing vi, ^# au' miau', tsing miau'. Subtract, M 'ka, I^JJ^ dzu t'eh, (but in arithmetic dzii means divide) kan t'eh, |0 k'eu' t'eh. Subvert, j^i t'e 'tau, ^ 'faf^ 'tau. Suburbs, J^^^ zung nga', (western) ^ P^ si mun nga'. Succeed, f-i^ tuh i'. Mj& zung kung, (to an estate) ^^^H tsih zah ka nyih. Successful, (in 100 fights) "SWUM pah ts6' pah pung'. Succession, (generations in) fiif'fiw :^^ de' de' siang ki, Succinct, ^iH 'kiebie'. Succour, ^S-)) pong dzii'. Snch, MM^ zeh ke nung, injfc zu 't'sz. Suck, P^ tseh, PiS k'iuh 'na. Suckle, Pgii we 'na. 123 SUL Sudden, iS^fs^ hweli z6 ka, f^ ngeu ze?^ Sudorific, {H ?f ^ t'seh Aow' yah. Sue, (a person) IrIA^T^^ ^^"S niun 'tang kwc sz. Suet, (mutton) ^}ft yang yen. Suffer, SB^^H^eu' 'k'u zeu' naS ^ zeu' hd'-, P^ k'iuli 'k'u, SufferaWe, '^ff tong tuh 'k'i, jjflf ?S ne' tuh ku'. Sufferings, ^li 'k'u naw'. Sufficient, keu', ^^ ku zz', (barely) fl| giun' keu'. Suffocate, |B5E yah 'sz. Suffused, (with red face) MM%M^ 'me miew' fah /iung. Sugar, | dong, (candy) ^t ping dong. Sugar-cane, p |?|^ kew tso. Suggestion, (another) ^ 'p^ ling' ill soh, or, ,g,!. ling' i!i ku- i' sz'. Suicide, (commit) |S?ES'' z^' zing 'si lu', ;^ zz' sah zz'. Suit, (of clothes) glj^^ ih ftV i zong. Suit, (to) 14* ff; tsung' i', ft te' 'kiung, (not to suit) ^fJiS veh to' i*, ^ veh tsiing' i', etc. (punish- ment not suited to the crime) ^j/j^ a iP y^^i^S V^^ tong 'dzue'. Suitable, ^9ffl siang t'sung', ^^ Aeh yungS 4* tsung' yung', -^S Aeh i. Sully, '^i5J ts' wu. Sulphate, (of soda) SI8 "Y^ng 2/ie?^ (of copper) p3 ^ t'.sing va. Sulphur, ^1^ lieu w;ong. SUP Sum, ^pf gung' ki', H^^ 'tsung sii', (of words the sum of the whole is) S WWj^ tsung urh yien tsz. Summer, 5 'ja, 5C 'au t'ie. Summit, (of a mountain) UJlH sa? 'ting. Summon, ^S siew zau, (him to an interview) S'^^^^ zau i le kiew'. Sun, H 1 nyih deu, ^Cp^ t'6' yang. Sunbeam, H g^^tf % uyih deu zo' ku' kwong. Sunday, Si 1^ 'li pa' nyih, ^ 0, 'tsii nyih. Sundial, nyih kwe'. Sunflower, fflj ^ hiang' zeh kwe. Sundries, ^^ ling so', Jt^ dzah hu'. Sunrise, gH |i{^ nyih deu t'seh 16. Sunset, BMS llj nyih deu lok sa^e. Bup, P:giRk'iuhya' van'. Superannuated, (he reported himself as, and returned home) "S'^H^ B|}-^^ kau' 'lau lauku' k'i' tso. Supercilious, @ 4* ^ A moh tsung m niun. Supereminent, (among all) |li^ A t'sau t'seh tsung' niun, ^^ 5 ^a^ t'sue t'sau giun. Superficial, (contents) W& mien, tsih, (in acquaintance with things) ^ISfS kiew' suh 't'sien. Superfluity, |^$l]T^( 1^ zung' 'au le kii', lU yii deu, zung' deu. Superfluous, ^>2>^f@ vehpihyiing' ku', Pis m yung' ku'. Superhuman, (strength) AZfi^Jt f@>^fi niun lih 'i zang' ku' lih 124 SUP liang^ Superintend, ^ kiew t61i, ^M 'tsang 'li. Superintendent, g kien toll. Superior, -g^ 'tsang pei', (of a mon- astery) ;;^ ;^ fonor dzang', (a man of superior principles) '^^ kiun 'tsz, (superior article) _t^f^^ zang' 'tung meh zz', (my superior officer) 3<1@ Jl "S ngii liiV zang' sz. Superlative, S'ift 'tsz kau, ]H 'ting kau, ^ tsiie' kau. Supernatural, M*\i t'sau sing', (su- pernatural action) f^A^^]|g Mf@ VH tsu' niun 'su veh nung tsu'ku' zz' 't'i, (communicate super- natural instruction) MAPJi^tt i$iWMM dv.cn niun ^su vdi nung dze ku' 'dau 'li. Superscription, t^-^ piau 'tsz, (on a horizontal tablet) IS JLf@? 'pie?^ long' ku' zz'. Supersede, (bim) jgJK/^ fi' t'eli i, fg ba' t'ehi, J^^JlJA 'e;^ bih niun. Superstition, (victim of) S&SS JidbicXllS^'V peb 'la i' dow mi ^^-oh ku'niim, i^l:E^faA zeu' 'tsu dau' mi oh ku' niun, ^P;^]^ SP^ItfSA zeu' 'yeu uoh yii 'kwe zun ku' niun. SUR Supine, maw' i'. Supper, StR y^' ^'^'^'> (tl^e Hoi}'): ^ sung' t'sow. Supple, $X 'ii'o^^. Supplement, (to) f| tsoh. Suppliant, ^ gicu kiV niun. 'pu Supplicate, m^ 'tau kau', If^^ gi gieu. Supply, ^^ kiing kih, (deficiencies) liK 'pu k'ioli, $^ 'tsau 'pu, (what I need) M^SiM yung 'ngu 'sii yung'. Support, J^^ vu dzz, Ji t'saw vu, (one's family) ^^ 'yang ka. Supportable, '^f# JG tong tub 'k'i. Suppose, (if) fg^a 'ka z^i, |g 'ka sob, ^ p'i' zu, (I suppose) e^il^ liang' pih, ^7^ 'tang suw', (I on tbe other hand supposed) 3SS?' ^ 'ngi'i 'tau niung' tsz, (I will sup- pose now) Jt^^ 'pi fong. Supposition, Xh'fy 'pi fong. Suppress, (rebels) ^f|||lJ|E bing dziiig' dznk fi. Suppurate, JMm^ dzungniingt'song. Supreme, ^Jl tsz' zang', "^ tsz. kau, (the Supreme) Jl*^ Zang' ti'. (of the Tauists) H& -t^ ni6b w'ong zang< ti'. Sure, ^ g 't'u tong', |^ 'wun tong', (surefooted) Jlffll lib kiah 't'u tong'. Surely, ib ding', >JJ pih ding'- Surety, 4*1;^ tsung 'pau, A 'pau niun, (be surety) fg^ tsii' 'pau. Surface, M miew'. Surgeon, S'^ i sang, ^^^4 "S^^-' k'li i sang. SBt' long tsung. Surgery, ^^^4 nga' ku. Surmise, ^^ k'we doh. Surmount, jl^^ sung' ku'. Surname, ^ sing', (of women) ^ 'zz. Surpass, ^ sung', ^ ku', "^ ffi kau t'seb, iE t'sau I'scb. 125 SWE Surplus, JlJSM zuiig deu. Surprised, P2 ^^'^"1^ kiung. Surprising, ^*^ gi kwa'. Surrender, ^xP$ ?, (stop work) i$X di)ig kung, (for a time) ^fj dza/' ding, (arms) jt "-p::5^ ding *tsz kun kiV. Suspense, (lio was in) Ji[,'g: kwu'nia', J^ kw6' In'. Suspicion, ^>Li ni sing. Suspicious, (do not be too) :^S^ - >& veil yau' tu ni sing. Sustain, Jfe vu, J8^ tan tong, (tl universe) Q^||#J pau dzz veil. Sustenance, fJlMi-M. '^^ y^"g' ^*^^ liang', g!^ vair liang'. Swaddling, (clothes) tlJ^Sf@;S ^'& V^^^ '^i^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^' d^^^"S i zong. Swallow, ^"J* yiew' 'tsz. Swallow, (to) : t'mi, Pg yie'. Sway, (have imperial) Sll^ffiH ^/tsang wong ti ku' giow 'ping. Swear, |1^- fah zz', tE k'i' zz'. le va;^' Sweat, ff /iow', (to sweat) ffi t'seli /io;^'. Sweep, $5 'san, fl* 'tang 'sau. Sweet, ?]} die/r, (words) H 5* kew 2/iew, (in disposition) JmtQ wun /m, (as honejO iH^' die zu mih. Sweet, (briar) J^ ^^ yueh ki' hwo. Swell, J5B 'tsuiig, 1^ tsang', (miti- gate a swelling) ^J^ siau tsang'. Swift, ^ k'wa' (as if flying) jSiM k'wa' zu fi. Swim, J^7jC yen 'sz. Swindle, ^J^-l^ 'kwa p'iew', Swindler, ^j^"? kwa' 'tsz. Swine, If.'f* tsz 'lu. Swing, (the arms) %-^}]-^ yau pi' 'poug. Swoon, <53IIIt#n^E^f!lT* sing 'li fah hwun lau till 'tan 'au 16. Sword, 73 tan, (ornamented) Jf^iJ '[tan V\c/r. Sycamore, ftitJ i"'''i'S ^-ii'- Sycee silver, ^ Jji su6' niun. Sycophant, (flatterer) fj^ ifi K'J A (IS J^ t'sow imV bih niun ko' niun. Syllabic, (spoiling) R-^ faw t'sih. Syllogism, ^^'M'l^'^ ^iew i' san ku\ Symbol, lE,f^ ki" Aau', ^|^ 'piau yang'. Symmetrical, i^f-fj siang t'sung', ^j" siang tc'. Sympathize, t|'['i 't'i sih, |^ 't'i liang', (sharing in sorrow and joy) IrISI^^J ^''^^ '^'^ d^"g ^^1^- Symptoms, (of disease) bing' ku' yung zong'. Synagogue, "^'Ml ^(-'^^ dong. Synonym, M&^^HMM 126 TAK siang dung ku' wo' deu, (dififerent characters but synonymous) ^^ fpIiSlpI 2z' veil dung i' dung. , Syntax, "fij JJ kii' fah. Syrup, III7JC dong 'sz. System, J^S fah du', ^^^I'sz'zu'. T abernacle, ^^ tf>o' mu*. Table, ^S"J de 'tsz, (cloth) ^ de pu'. _ Tablet, (horizontal inscribed) ^ 'piew, ^ 'pie;>e ngoh, (upright an- cestral) JlJiJi^ zun 'tsu ba, Sffi ling iVG'. Tackling, (of a ship) i|S:^>Mll ^ zew long' diV 'siau zung soh. Tack, (iron) ij^i^fif 'sJau t'ih ting. Tack, to, (of a ship's sailing ||pj|ig diau' 'tsiang, (of sewing, tack togeth- er) .^^ 3^ vungk'i'le. Tael, (of silver) *MlS-p ih 'Hang niun 'tsz. Tail, jgjE 'ni 'p6, (of great Bear) ^ zoh. Tailor, ^i^ dze vung, ^f^ dz6 vung sz vu'. Taint, \^\^ tse;? wu, ^ tsew 'ze;?. Take, fl^ 't'su, (capture) JJ^ tsoh zah, ^ no zah, (take alive) ^f sung giun, (in the hand firmly) J;ij ^ niah lau,. (by violence) JJ 't'siang, (take captive) ^J^ 'lu liah, (take awaj^) JH "i ^^n k'i', ^ no k'i-', (take food, or medicine) P^ k'iuh, (take cif ahat) |^M$|-?. TArw dzu t'eh raau' 'tsz. Tales, (ancient) -fi-fl^FB^fi^i:!! k4' zz ka ku' zz' 't'i, (traditional) ^ ^te f# f@ I^ KS vu' 'lau siang dze^? ku' sell w6'. Talent, :^'^ 'pun zz', ^|g dzc nung, M. dze gii', 5C t'ie; dze, (a talented man) ^-J* dze 'tsz. Talk, (idle) Igg* yau yien, f^^ han tvb\ (much) ^ tii m,'6'. Talk, (to) ^p5 bah ?r6', ^ daw daw, ^ p'aw daw, ^If tah 'kong, fj \mm ^^' ^*aw ^;6', (not talk politics) ^MSt- veh daw koh zz'. Talkative, (do not be) ^ ^ ^ |& |S veh yau' tu bah wo'. Tall (in body) ^^.M sun liang' kau, -^ dzang. Tallow, (mutton) ^^ yang yeu' (vegetable) ^^^Jl 'gieu lah. Tally, -^[pI Aeh diing, ^ xA 7^eh (bamboo tallies) f'J)i$ tsoh ba. Tame, ^-^ 'zew liang, J^ z6h, (dom- estic animals) ^H^Jiffl^*^ ka 'li 'yang la ku' tsiingsang. Tangent, ijJ}^^ t'sih slew'. Tangle, ^jS k'ie;^ liew. Tank, f^ dzz, (for fish) ,' ng d/z. Tanned, (leather) J^i^ z6h bi. Tap, (at a door) PP P^ k'eu' mun. Tape, ^ ta', (cotton) -^ pu' ta'. Tapering, ^ f@ tsiew ku'. Tar, fe^S?^ sung zu' yeu. Tardy, jfl f^ dzz '?(;ew, 'j^ maw'. Tares, ^-f ba 'tsz. Target, ^U ?fi tsie 'po. Tariff, ^j^lj sue 'ii\ 127 TEA Tarnish, ^JKIS^ seh t'eli yuns kwong. Tarry, ^H lieu dzu^, i$ lieu ding, its taw yiew. Tartar, |S^ Tah 'tsz, (north) 4b poll Tall 'tsz. Tart, 1^ sxien. Task, XIS kung k'li'. Tassel, $^ -J^ sue 'tsz. Taste, SJO^ tsz mi', jS ^^i' Bl pau' fung. Temple, (ancestral) miau', Budd- hist) # zz', (large hall) |^ die^e', (palace) kung. Temporal aif airs, iit ^ Jl JB V f 1 128 TEK sz' kiv long' kiV zz' 't'i. Temporary, Jl|f dzaw' zz. Tempt, |lf 'yun yen', ^ yeu' woh; ^ keu 'yun, (test or tempt un- TEX successfully) S?^ sz' few', J^ sz, fah. Tempter, (successful) 5Ilf|iA'yun yeu' ku' iiiun, (unsuccessful) ^f;tc f@A sz' few ku' niun, ^^ sz' fall ku' niun. Ten, -J" zeli. Tenacious, (of his own opinion) IH^t *^ kii' tseh 'ki kiew'. Tenant, |B.M'?fflA tsu vong 'tsz ku' niun, ^ vong k'ali. Tend, (sheep) ^^ k'ow yang, ^^ moh yang. Tendency, ^[^ tsz' hiang'. Tender, (hearted) f^>2* 'niowsijig dzang, (soft) |||^ fah 'nio, (of meat) j^ 'nun. Tender, (make an offer) ''""jpfM , M 'ku ih 'ku kcV die/?. Tender, (of heart) 1ff]'|S;^>ii .fsuli t'^n' tsz sing. Tendon, ;jjj kiun. Tent, Ift;^ tsang vong, J$ tsang mu'. Tenth, ^Y^^^^ zeli vun' tsz ih, + ^-S' '^ ^^^''^ '^'^^"' ^^ ^^^ '^'^^''^'* Tepid, (water) ^m.7K ^'''^^^^ ^^'^^ Terms, (24 solar) Zl'V 15^ ^^^'^i zeh sz' tsih k'i', (two principal an- nual terms) J^f^ ^[1 'ngnioh tsih, /V pah ni(>h tsih, (fix a term of years) p^S^^^ han' ding' tu 'sau nie/,', (fixed time) j|9 nyih gi, Terminate, jtfj 'tsz dzu', 5c^a ^^""^^^ kih. Terijxination, ^aM l^ih &^\ ^^SS meh meh kiah. Terrace, J de. Terrestrial, (glohe) Ji|Jjc di' gieu, (things) ttfiift1^ di' long' ku' meh zz'. Terrible, PltfifS '^'6 p'6' ku'. Terrify, H'lli kiung hah. Terrified, tfi^JE P'o 16 'si, filS^ hah sail tso. Territory, Jil di', (of a kingdom) @ >SJl#l|ln]f@iiffi kohdu' kiung ka' 'li hiang' ku' di' mie??. Terse, 'p^JfH 'kawhiew'. Tertian ague, FolffiHS-ffS kaw 'liang nyih ngok 'tsz hing'. Tesselated pavement, ^"S^llffj ^Sim gi be suh yang' p'u' zah di'. Tost, ^f^ sz' fah, 11; sz' mar fah. Tost, (to) iiR,.g,2.'. sz- mew- Testament, iSfl* i' su, (make a) ^ lih i' au, (emperor's) gp i tsau', Old Testament) ^$5 'gieu yah, (New) Mi^ sing yah, (or) iiififS* 'gieu i tsau' su, j\^ sing i tsau' su. Testator, JL'AVM li'i i ^^^^ ku', "^ lieu i su ku. Testicles, ^^^ nga' zun'. Testify, f^HE tsil' tsung', M tsu, tsung' kie;?', '"p tsu kow tsung'. Testimony, ^llE kiew' tsung'. Tetrarcli, ^=M^^ fun fung tsz kiun. Text, (of a discourse) jfl di moh, (of a comuentary) ^^ bah vun, 121) THE (texts as examples) ^ppT 't^e?^ 'ku. Texture (of cloth is it coarse or fine) si' 'na imng. Than, J:^ 'pi, (greater than I) ?2;^ 'pi 'ngu du', JJ yu, (none is greater than Heaven) MJkM^ "loh da' yii t'iew. Thank, ^ ziaS ^ tu ?Ak\ Thankful, ^W'kew zia'. { 'kekiuh. Thankless, ,^SM^ vong iin vu' ni*. That, #f@ i ku', llli ktV ku', (does not distinguish between this and that) ^^Ifijlfc veh fun 'pe' 't'sz, (in or- der that, telic) ^' or, j^ kiau', ^ sz*, (with the intention that he might fall down) -^MM^^M I kiV i kau' i tih 'tau,(so that, ecbatic) &:k^&MMKM fung du' lau kau' ze fan teh, (the wind was high so that the boat was capsized) Thatched houses, ^^Wi^'h 't'sau ko' ku' vong 'tsz. Thaw, -flj hwo', '{^ siau. Theatre, ]^i^ hi' dzang. Theft, fit^^^fflp teu'mehzz'ku' 'dzue. Their, #(@ i ku', ^ i la ko'. Them, P i, ^ gi, Theme, ^ p di mob. Then, (at that time) ^fl$ tong zz, iS l^flt'M ku' ku' zz 7ieu', (conse- quence in time) ^^ nan meh, lH biew', ^ dzieu', (consequence in reasoning) m^ kuh meh, (there- fore) SPfkuhlau pjf^ 'su 'i, (then immediately come) Wt^ dzieu' le, (then immediately set out) MS^&M' >'ue tsih k'i= an. TIIO pf zung ku' tall. Thence, Thenceforth, ^ffifillt^a^ zung kii' ku- zz Aeu' 'i le. Theorem, ^ di. Theory, ;ftS, i' sz, |^ sob. There, jg:^ ku' tab, ftfi^^ ku, ko' hu dong. Thereabout, $0^ yah hah, M,^^ t'so veh tu. Therefore, Jjfl^ 'su 'i, i^^jlfc ku"t'sz, ^Pf kuhlau. Thereupon, j^BP ziie' tsih, "fH bie', ^^ 'Aeu 16. Thermal, (spring) fjm:^ wun ziew. Thermometer, ^^^ how 'su 'piau. These, ^fg di' kiV, ^i, 7E:fi*/z'i,Szz'gi. p. Vieii, ^ 'Aeu zeh. i( znh. S 't'6, 1)1 bob, (spare in body) ^ seu', (thinly sprinkled) ^ hi. Thine, {Rfi! nung' ku'. Thing, ^^^^ meh zz', (all things) ^ va' veh, (affiiir) ^S zz' 't'i. Think, ,.^ sz slang, ;^ sz niaw', 'siang nia', (think himself great) fi^-?'paka"tsz. ^ Third, (of the month) |)3.rL t'su saw, (in order) ^zl^ dV saw. Thirst, (to) | k'oh, (quench) ^ 'kci k'oh. Thirteen, +H zeh saw, (thirteenib) ^ di' zeh saw This, ;^ di', f@ di' ku-', ff. tuh kd'. Thither, (go) 5)lJiS5:^-^ tau' ku' tab k'i'. Thong, jJCii^ bi diau. They, I Thick, Thief, Thigh, Thin, 130 THR TJD Thorn, $l] t'sz', (hedge) ^^ISH Icen kioh 11, (thorns have prickles) ^jj IIW$!l kiung imh 'yen t'sz'. Thorough, ^ t'ling, (understand thoroughly) 53 |& j2 ming baht'eu', (a little more thorough) Hg t'eu' 'tiew, (thoroughly cooked) ^^ z61i t'eu', (his learning is thorough) ^ PyJSS ''^oh vun' fling tah. Thoroughfare, ^? t'ung lu', (here there is no thoroughfare) jltJlfe^ JJ 't'sz di' veh t'ung, Those, (men) "^fS A i ku' niun. Thou, f nung'. Though, M^^ sue' zcm. Thought, ;stBl niaw' deu, >|3iS si"g sz, itilBH 'siang deu. Thoughtful, ^>i5 tu sing, (careful) ^J"*)!!^ 'siau sing, (be thoughtful) M )li* yung' smg. ThoughtlflBs, ^Mi}^ veh yung' sing, >J> veh 'siau sing, MM: '''^^ '^i^^^ zun'. Thousand, ^^ffl ih t'sie. Thread, ^| sie?iS (hemp made) fit mo sieS (silk) | sz sie', (needle and) H;^ tsun sie', (spin) ;g5 'fong sie', (thread of a story) UM, ^ deu zu'. Thread, to, (a needle) ^fl* t'sew tsun. Threaten, P hah, iS 'k'ung hah. Three, H> sa??-, (three cornered) JT.^ saw koh, (divisions) jT^Sx saw ku'. Thresh, ^J 'tang. Threshing, (floor) ^T^^ 'tang mah dzangr. Threshold, f^^ mun k'aw. Thrice, jT.^ saw t'sz', saw t^^e'. Thrifty, ^^^ 'sang giew', ^ 'sang yungS giew' yung', fji tsih yung'. Thrive, H H hiung wong'. Throat, P^Pf Aeu lung. Throb, (of the heart) >ij.ffe singt'iau'. Throne, g^ 'pau dzu', (ascend the) ^S tung ki, TLrong, (to) Jf^ y^mg tsi', ^Ijg '6^ tsi' lau gah. Through, ^J t'ung, (go through) ^^ t'sew ku' k'i', (to go through the whole country) SfxjiSH piew yung t'ung koh. Throw, K deu, fg toh, Jl p'au (away) J^JJJ hwah t'eh, ^ tieu t'eh. Thrust, (with one) JlJ ih t'sz', (thrust away) ^g^^ t'e k'e 16. Thumb, ^i^M du 'tsz deu, # 'mu 'tsz. Thunder, Q U, ^ 16 'hiang, ^ le sung. Thunder, (to) ^jg'''tang le. Thus, ^S' zeh ke' fg zeh k6' nung, f@^^^^ zeh ke' ku' yang' suh. Thwart, }|fl law tsu'. Thy, fj^f0 nung' ku'. Thyself, - {ft g ^ mang' zz' ka. Ticket, (pawnbrokers) j^^ tong p'iau*. Ticklish, m fah 'yang. Tide, MyK dzau 'sz, (ebb) -^ loh, (flow) ^ dzau le. Tidings, Ji& siau sih, (news) w sins vun. dzau 131 TIN Tidy, (make) IRf^itS sen tsoh 'hau k'ow'. Tie, ^ 'pong, (a knot) Jflia 'tang kih, (in bundles)^|H 'k'wun, (bind) U voh. Tiffin, i|5>i!J 'tiew sing. Tiger, ^j^ 'laii 'hu. Tight, K 'kiun. Tile, % 'ngo. Tile, (to) ^% ke' 'ngo, ^ ko' vong. Till, H; JlJ dzuk taiv, tau', (till now) 5'Jii tan' na. Till, (to) QJife tsung' di', (ploughing and sowing) ^Q kiing tsung'. Timher, TfvBM "loh deu, %^ moh liauS (yard) fr moh Aong. Time, flj'j^ zz /teu', (what time) 1^ ^ ;5^ sa' zun kwang, sa' zz 7J\ 'tan 'siau, fg p'6', g 'IS fe' gu'. Tin, ^ sih, (vessels) ^ sih k'i', (from tin plates) ,^ P 'mo 'k'eu t'ih, (Tibetan tin) ^^ zong t'ih. Tinder, ^XMi 'M 'tsz. Tinfoil, ^ff sih boh. Tinged, (with black) -^^^m. ta' ih 'tie^e huh. Tinkle, J&J^ ling tong 'hiang. Tinsel, (gold) ^f kiun boh, (silver) ^ niun boh, TOM nga suh. Tint, I Tip, M 'ting, (of tongue) SH^ zeh deu tsie;^. Tipsy, PB$ k'iuh tsue'. Tired, ^f bi gion', g2 kwun' vah, Sf S'S sa du. Tithes, "Y^:^- zeh vun' tsz ih (take) +^ JJtt ffi^g^ zeh vun^ 'li I'seu t'seh ih vun'. Tithing, (man) iilf;^ di' 'pau. Title, IflPf t'sung hu, (of a book) ^ ^ su ming, (official titles) ^"^ kwe tsitili, (the titled people of a district) ^^[i |^ A^ biang sun niun ka, (his title of honour) #(:: 5^ i ku' tsun Aau'. To, f Ij tau', (go to him) M^MM ^ tau' i ha deu k'i', (speak to him) JcS'^fS t'uh i wo', (to let him know) Pi|-'0^^|^ kau' i 'hiau tub, (to day) ^ H kiun nyih. Tobacco, jt0 yiew, (smoke) Rg k'iuh yiew. Toe, (great) MJ^Miu kidh du' 'mu 'tsz. Together, *iSf@ ih dau ku', (walk) IrI^ dung 'tseu, '^^ ih k'i' 'tseu. Toil, ^^ sing 'k'u, ^ lau 'k'u. Token, l|{| ki' 7/au'. Tolerable |j||"f#ji& ne' tub ku'. Tolerate, yung. To:i, il^ kwa sue', (pay) Jt 'zong siie'. ^ Tomato, $|nJ ^'^^^ zz. Tomb, jt^ vun, \[\ vun sa^a. vun Tomorrow, 0J3 ming nyih, ^ ming 132 TOW tsau, (day after) ^ 'Aeu nyih. Tone, # y^^; M sung, (the foui-) ^ sz' sung. Tongue, Sffl zeh cleii. Tongs, ^i{f 'hu gie, (iron) ^ t'ih g'len. Too, Iiii\ full, (too far beyond what is right) iiiJiJS^ t'uh ku' vun'. Tool, SJE k'i' 'ming, il^^ka sang. Tooth, :gpS nga 't'sz, (ache) '^ nga 't'sz t'ung'. Top, 'M 't'ing. Topography, MM ^i' 'H, ^AM ^^ k'oh t'su* di' ming 'k'au. Torch, >fCJ^G. 'M 'p6. Torment, ^H 'k'u na'. Torment, to, (him) SHjPJi^S'^^ ka yung vah peh i, Tom, Jl p'u', ifJlJifS sz p'u' la ku*. Torpid, lift fall mo. Torrid, (zone) ^^'M. nyih dau'. Tortoise, ffi. kii, (shell) StJI^ te' me' k'oh. Tortuous, ^0H wa k'ioh. Torture, (to) J% k'au, (examine by) |^ k'au sing'. Total, ^ J!c gung' su', pf g^mg' ki-, (eclipse) BM^&C nyih deu zuh ki'. Touch, JP mu, tt -^I siaug t'sih. Touchstone, ^3'Q sz' kiun zali. Tour, (make a) ^ H tseu lieu, ^ tseu ytni. Tow, "ft9 fjj Au mo. Tow, (to) ^ ta', (a boat) ^ td zon, tS t'u ze. Towards, \li] hiang', (the north) ^;}t TKA zau p6h. Towel, r{l kiun, ^ 'seu kiun. Tower, (for Buddha's relics or for geo- mancy) J t'ah, (at corner of a wall) SftiS zung koh leu. Town, ^ tsmi'. Toys, ^ft:|^ beh siang' kow. Trace, BiJft tsung tsih, (no trace) Pi^PiSi m 'yung m tsung. Trace, to, (footsteps) J&^UllBiitJ tsue kiak tsih, (on paper) j|5 JlJ3 'tsz long' miau. Track, to, (a boat) }*b:)|& t'u zen. Tract, (of land) --^Jr Jili i^i P'ie' di', (a tract exhorting to virtue) Hjctft 38^ k'iow' sz' vun. Trade, ^^ sang i ' ^^ kiau yuh, (engage in) '^ tsu' sang i', (trader) J^ tsii' sang i' niun, ^^ k'ah song. Tradesman, 13}^ 'p'u 7m', ^ 'p'u ka. Tradition, igf$ i dzew, (from age to age) UiiE'TBiS sz' sz' siang dzen, Traduce, pI^r^ hwe' pong'. Train, (retinue) iJfej Au* w-'e'. Train, to, (soldiers) t^^^~T t'sau liew' ping ting, (boys) 25:^>J>nf k'iau' 'yang 'siau kon. Traitor, ^ ^ kaw dzun, (betrayer of his teacher) JJ^Tfe^fB ma' t'eh slew sang kii'. Traitorous, (spy) i^Wi kaw si', (Chinese) ^ how' ka. Trample, S^ dah, (and spoil) ^ dah wa'. Tranquil, fP^ bing on, JIh iin 'zing. Tranquilize, ^.-^ u e'. 133 TRA TRE Transact, (business) S^fS ba' zz' 't'i, (for another) ^ AfSC 't'i niun tsii'. Transaction, (tliis) ||#^ti di' gie' zz' 't'i. Transcend, (what you thinlv) SS 1i>6SiBi:J: t'sau ku' na 'su 'siang tsz zong'. Transcribe, J^^ t'sau 'si a. Transcribed, (copy) iP^ t'sau 'pun. Transfer, (to another) ftSJi^'J A dz6w peh la bih niun (remove) ^P ^ no i. Transfigure, BfcftSI^ 'ke piew' yung mau'. Transformation, ^J^tP^ pie' yung zong', (ten thousand) 'T'^-^'Hi t'siew pie' van' hwo'. Transgress, JQ 'van, f^ 'va fah, y^ ^ we be'. Transgression, p Mziie, /g 'dzue k'iew, 3^ ku' seh, (transgressor) JB A *va niun. Trans-ship, ifii!lBlJftM* pc^^ tau' bih tsali '/An long' k'i'. Transient, -^fl^ dzaw' zz, (soon pass- es) ftS-i k'wa' ku' k'i'. Transit, (over the sun) fJS H fflffi Jl hang kii' nyih deu mien' long', (transit duty in the jnterior) ^ jjli SilftfS ne' di' ku' kwan sue* niun. Translate, ^p? fa yuh, (books) ^ fa7i su. Transmigration of souls, A\S^lfiI l(Sh dau' lun we. Transmit, i^ dzc, (hand to) j8 ^i'- Transparent, 383^ t'eu' kwong, Wi t'eu t'seh. Transplant, ft ^ T ?J| no i tse' tsung'. Transport,- (as a punishment) 3cS t'sung kiun, (grain ) ^ yiin. Transportation, (for three years) ^ du, (3000 li or 1000 miles) 'S Heu. Transverse, |g w;ang, (line) ^ w;ang sie, (transversely) I^^J wang tu 'li. Trap, H^ 'ki k'a. Travel, "^'^l^ 'tseu 'yo?a lu', ffi Pg t'seh men, 'fj 'yo yung, ^[v t'seh nga'. Traveller, ^Jg k'ali 'lii. Tray, ^ Un. Treacherous, ^i seh sing', ^^ ^(0 'k'au veh dzah ku'. Treacle, ^^'i^ dong tsiang, M dong kiah. Tread, ]gf dah, (down) gS /eu law. Treasure, Jg^ niun 'liang, |}j' ^ dz6 bah. Treasurer, (of a province) ^^^^ pii' tsung' sz, ^^ faw de. Treasury, jj k'u', Jj^ 'fu k'u'. Treat, persons well) f^^iJAif 'do bih niun 'hau, (lightly) $lf^ k'iung 'du, (ill) '| 'de ma*, (for peace) pfn 'kong /m. Treatise, ^ su. Treaty of peace, ^U if5 ^^^^ yi^li> (cove- nanted ) S mung yah. Treble, jr:.f saw be', (layers) ^H.^ saw zuug. Tree, ^#:;^C zu moh, (of life) ^^ sung minu' zu'. Tremble, Iff-^ fiih 'ten, Uc'K tse;? 134 TRO lib. Tremendous, Rltfif 'k'o 'p'6' ku'. Trench, ^ keu. Tresspass, fpjS '^e ku', ^ ku' seh. Tresspass, (to) l-ip tuh 'dzue, JS f^ 'vaw fall. Triad, (Buddhist) H^ sa 'pau, (Tauist) ZL*M s^'^ t'sing. Trial, (make) ^ 'MS sz' ih sz' k'ow', ^ sz' lien', (pass trial before a mandarin) fSS'gJlfSfp^ Peh la kwew 'fii 'sun mun'. Triangle, jr./|^ saw koh yung. Tribe, ^"^ tsung zoh, "^^ tsz p'a'. Tribulation, ,5-,fi i^aw' na'. Tribunal, -jpjf^ nga mun, (the six tri- bunals) /^'p^ 16h 'bu. Tributary, (kingdoms) ^S zoh koh. Tribute, (bring) 'MM tsing' kiing'. Trickle, fj|T3^ tih 'Aau le. Trident, EL^^^ sa^^ ku' t'so 'tsz. Trifle, (^to) gC# 'wa 'sa', 0^ beh siang', ^^ hi' lung'. Trifling, (affair) >J>^t| 'siau sz' 't'i. Trim, (a lamp) i|;if^S seu tsoh tung. Trinity, Hfi^tl saw we' ih 't'i. Trip, (of a horse) fjm^ 'tang zie seh. Triple, 3f sa be'. Tripod, ^ 'ting. Trivial, ^^^ veh yau' 'kiun. Triumph, (to) 1ff tuh sung', (return in triumph) ^^. k'e' zie. Troops, :^^ ping 'mo, (withdraw) IJX seu ping, (in ambush) y^ voh ping. TUB Tropic, (of cancer) ft 'riff p6h ta', (of Capricorn) ^ ne?e ta'. Trouble, ^ j| mu naw-. Trouble, (to) ^ vaw, 'f^ vaw nau', ^IM tsau 'zau, ^ 'zau lor/, %^ JDI t'au 2/iew. Troubled mind, ^)\J lau sing. Troublesome, (to others) y^M^MJ) YSin *su bih niun, jM^ 'zau 16' bill iiiun, (do not be) ^^^^ veh yau' tu zz'. Trough, ^5 zau, (of w^ood) /fC moh zau. Trowsers, l^-f; k'u' 'tsz. Trowel, ^JJ ni tau. Truce, ^fJJTft cl^^w' ding 'tang tsang'. Truculent, Ml^ hiung ok. True, M tsun, M^^S zung zeh vu vong'. Truly, M:M tsun zeh, m& zeh ze', -^ lau zeh, '^ k'iah zeh. Trumpet, ^'^ Aau' dung, ^ koh or kiak, PJjPAlahpah. Trunk, ^ -J) siang tsz, (leather) Jx ^ bi siang, (for clothes) ^ i siang. Trust, (to) ft k'auS #0 'i le', t# zz' le', fe JE sing' t'oh, Trustworthy, RTIb Rift 'k'au sing, 'k'auk'au', f,^ 'wuntong'. Trusty, *^>& tsung sing. Truth, MM tsun 'li. Try, fS^i sz' fah, (by tasting) ^ sz' dzang, ^ sz' few. (as a judge) ^ p^l 'sun mun'. Tub, (small) /fvS m^^i ^"", G^rge) tS moh 'dung. TWi: Tube, ^ 'k^\cn, (of baiubou) fj*^ tsoh dung. Tug, (steam) ^Ml^HmiK^M ta' zcw t'seh k'eu kii' 'liu lun z6n. Tumble, &ti^\\ till 'tan. Tumour, ^ t'song, (wateiy) ^ lieu. Tumultuous, H^P^PM "au< 'zang 'zang, >^i^L 'fa low', ^ 'zau low'. Tune, |!pJ diau'. Turban, gBIlH 'tsew deu man'. Turbid, ^5 liwun, \^ zoli. Turbulent, (disposition) tt'l^il'^ sing' maw' naw dzz'. Turkey, >A:I| 'hu ki. Turmeric, ^ J^ w?ong kiang. Turn, If 'tsew, (back) |I|||^^ ?r6 'tse 16, (over) ^ faw 'tse?^ le, (turn up a lamp) ^ Jt bew zong', (turn round) 0^ ziew 'tscw, (turn round as a wheel) $^ lun 'tscw, (watch by turns) ^fjfc JE lun lieu k'ow' kang. Turning, (lathe) 1^]^ y/ieu zong' (turner) j|^E 7.iew ziang'. Turnip, (radish) |flj lau boh. Turtle, (dove) $|i| peh ku, JJEJ^I paw kieu. Tutelary, (spirits of the land and grain) jfife ^e' tsili, (of cities) ^ 1)^^^ zung w'ang 'lau pd. Tutor, gjfif$ sz fu', -^^ siew sang. Tweezers, ^^jf t'ili giew. Twelve, -^IZ zeh ni', (twelfth) H -^Zl di' zeh ni', (12th part) -|* m^j^ * zeh ni' fun tsz ih. Twenty, Zl+ ni' zeh, (twentieth) J? ^"X' tli' ni' zeh. UNA Twice, Ms^ 'liang t'sz', (as much) J|l f ka be'. Twilight, (dawn) 5C^ tiew Hang', (evening) JT-^^H wong hwun deu. Twins, li ^ Si"^ song simg ni' 'tsz, song 'tsz. Twine, >J>|.ll| 'siau zung. Twinkle, f;^ sah, (not twinkle the eye in tlie least) BSl] 'SR^ 'ngaw tsing ih 'ngaw veh sah, (of stars) i^ % yau kwong. Twist, ^ 'nieu, (twist thread) I^Ct^ 'kau siew', (cotton with the fingers) i^M 'niah siew, (hair) |#g piew' deu fall. Two, Zl ni'. (persons) M^IH'liang ka deu, (two and two) M (0 M O 'hang ku' 'hang ku'. Tyfoon, :/cfi da' fung, K gii' fung. Type, ^f^ 'piau yang', (moveable) tlR ^"e1i 'paw. Tyrannize, ^/^ pau' niah. Tyrant, ^3E Po' ^i^ong. U U^ gly, ^ifM veh 'hau k'ow'. Ulcer, ^ t'song, (have an) ^ sang t'song, (bad ulcer) -^ doh t'song. Ultimately, W^JMi tau' 'ti. Umbrella, ^ saw', (for rain) ^ 'yii saw'. Unable, ^"Ifa veh nung, (to bear) ^ ^fi tohg' veh dzu', (to eat) P^ ^^ k'iuh veh loh, (to overtake) g^ 'kow veh song'. Unaccustomed, ^ jK veh kwaw'. 136 UNO Unacquainted, ^|?I5I veli niimj?' tiih, (with the characters) ^H^ veh suh zz'. ITnadulterated, (goods) ^M. tsun hu'. * Unalterable, ^<^PS'^JC 'ynug veh 'k'au 'ke. Unamimous, fpI)U>'^jS dung sing 7ieh i'. Unarmed, *^^ k'ung sun, ^'^:^ pel ?ff veh ta' ping k'l'. Unavailing, j^ jQ ^ h ah b ah '1 i. Unavoidable, 0^^^ 'sau veh le, fi 'mien veh 16. Unawares, ^^^J!Jfi3#^ 'siang veh tau' ku' zz heu', iS^f^ hweh zen kaw. Unbearable, |SB^S '"ii-^n n*^' veh kiV. Unbecoming, ^if^ veh 'hau k'ow', ^fftft^ veh 'ziang yang' suli, ^flffl veh't'imiew^ Unbelieving, ^fg veh sing'. Unbending, BJ^ kong giang, 'ka t'eh voh, p^ 'ka K5^'HilSr4'> ni pie;/ m Unbind, k'e. Unbounded tsi'. Unbroken, ' *j^fl^^ ill lien vu Won Unburnt, (bricks) i p'i. Uncertain, :^/E veli ding', ^. no veh ding'. Unchangeable, ^^Jj^^ vu pie' vu yuh, :^ Hb^ veh nung 'ke pie'. Uncharitable, PHAtf m rd-u zing. Unci^dl, ll'H^/ili iigau' ma,7.- vii 11. Uncle, (on fatlier's side, elder) f|5 pdli pah, (younger) }S.M 'ya ^uli, (on UND mother's side) J|J| gJeiV gieu'. Unclean, '/,^y ts^,^ wu, |i|jE oh t'soh, i4JS lah sih. Uncomfortable, ^jg^g veh suh i'. Uncommon, ^j^$^^ gi kwa' fi dzang. Unconcerned, :^Ktt veh hwong niong. I Unconnected, gflg don dzih. Unconscious, ^^D^@ veh tsz veh koli. Unconstrained, ^^^^ fsung t'sung 3'ung yung. Uncourteous, Pii^H m meh 'li, |g m meli "h man'. Uncreated, ^^'^ititM veh 'zz 'zau hwo la ku*. Uncultivated, (ground) ^JRl?^ hwong kiau 'ya Ti. ^^ Undecided, iM^'^AL^ 'tsu i' veh zung h'h ding\ Under, Mi^&f 3eh la 'ti 'hmi, (un- der heaven) 5cT t'iew V^au, (un- derneath) nP/^Ff Vmi 'ti deu. Undergo, ^ 'zen, jjoj ne'. Underived, ^ij/fi^^i^ vu 'su dzung le. Underling, ^T A 'sen 7/au niun. Undersell, M'it0 JilM A ^J/^M Mt ma' meh zz' 'pi bih niun 'sau yau' dung diew. Understand, j^ 'tung, 0^ ^ming bah, (merchandize) lH^ suh hu*. Undertake, J8 ta;^ tong, (work) {^C ~n 'pan kung. Undervalue, flU k'On k'iung, 'fg'g J:t;$M^> 'ku ka' 'pi 'pun ka' 'sun. Undeserved, ^^jBt^lfi veh yung 137 UNP UN II tonjj 'zeu ku'. Undesigned, ^S^iS ^'^^i ku' i'. TJndeviating, M-^^^X sz 7iau veli 'ke. Undignified, PlJgMH m meh Ave' fung. Undiminished, ^'^^ veh 'ka'w 'sau. Undisciplined, (troops) ^'i'lSHfS :^ veh zung t'sau lie' ku' plug. Undivided, ^^^^ veh zung fun k'e. Undo, ^13 'kak'e, (mil.) ^jiU ba' t'eh. Undoubtedly, ^ ih ding', ^-ffi zeh z6'. Undress, UiK t'oh i zong. Undutiful, :^,>:^^ vehtsung veh hi^u'. Undulating, (surface) Sffi^^ffl Jia35 kau ti veh 'tung ku' di' mie?*'. Uneasy, Z^'^ilJ' veh fong' sing, il^ M.^^ sing 'li veh on. Unembarrassed, ^ t'sung yuug. Unemployed, Pil]^-i^t|fS m s4' zz' 'fi tsu'. Unequal, ^^U ^ veh siang 'tung, ^ ^ veh dzi. Unerring, :^fb^ veh nung t'so. Uneven, :^^p veh biug, ^^ veh dzi. Unexampled, (prosperity) '^ IrJ ^ "W lISMfi ill hiang' veh zung 'yen ku* hiung te;ong'. Unexpectedly, f^^'iO^ 'siang veh zah, ^PSflll vehk'ohlau, ^fi|- veh liau'. Unfading, ^^t'^Wi veh k'u veh zia'. Unfair, ^ ^'M, veh kiing dau'. Unfaithful, ^^ veh tsiing, ^'^ seh sing', j^ f^ pe' sing'. Unfashionable, ^^-^flj^ veh 7^eh zz suh. Unfathomable, 'JljJS^^Jii t'suh doh veh t'seh. Unfeeling, Pfti^A'H m meh niun zing. Unfeigned, :^MU veh 'ka tsong. Unfilial, ^^ veh hiau*. Unfinished, ^"fSc^ veh zung tsu' ivin. Unfit, (for use) ^4*^ veh tsung' yung'. Unfold, ^T^^ 'tang k'c le' |g tsen k'e le. Unforced, ^M?S veh 'miew 'k'iang. Unforeseen, (events) fi[-^S'J{@Vti liau' veh tau' ku' zz' 't'i. Unforgiving, :^|jtAPP veh so' niun 'dzue. Unfortunate, ^i^Ht veh 'zau hwo', ^lllohnaw'. Unfounded, P|SftPS(S m kuu m ti. Unfriendly, ^jfU Bi veh /m moh, :^ ifS veh 'han i'. Unfruitful, ^taM veh kih 'ku. Unfulfilled, ^"^/^MM- veh zung 'yen yung* men^. Ungenerous, >J^^2r 'siau k'i'. Ungodly, :^^IS^'" veh kung kiung' Zang' ti'. Ungovernable, ^ M^ veh 'hau 'kwc;/, ^Ifb^'O veh nung 'kwc ku'. Ungrateful, fIB h>^' un, S>i'ft ^ vong' un fu' ni'. Unhappy, iJJ 'k'u, jS^^jf^TtYtin' UNI k'i' veil 'ban. Unhealthy, yKil^M 'sz 't'u veh '"Lau. Unhurt, ^"^^^iU veh zmig 'zeu song. TTnicom, ^^ ^ ^ doh koli suii'. "Unidiomatic, 35CS^)4 ^^^ '^^ ^'*^^^ t'ung. Uniform, (they are) ^^'^Wi ^^^^^ 'zz ih yang<. Unimportant, ^^%^ veh yau' 'kiim, 't!3nr "^'eh siang kou. Uninhabited, (place) PSAfflffltt yf m niun yien ku' di* fong. Uninstructed, ^^^^M ^'eh zimg 'zeu kiau' liiiiw'. Unintelligible, Mti^lM. seh ^v6' veil t'ung. Unintentional, ^'^M veh ku' i'. Uninterrupted, ^05:^|lf siang lie?^ veil 'dow. Uninvited, i^^MuW veh zung kiew' 't'sing. Union, ^D ^? /'^^ 'hau, ^U siang lai. Unique, (there is only this one) 'JH lit ""ft vi n.Hz ih veh. Unit, * ih, ^ " tan ih. Unite, ^itlM /^eh 'luni le, ^'M ^- ' /ioh urh ?fe ih, 'tI35|^ siang liew, (united in purpose) Jp]>(J'S* ,g, dung sing heh i'. Unity of God, ^# fSi d(Sh 'yen ih ku' 'tsii, (of mankind) ^ *f@ ^SlSS^ffl zung ih ku' kun yo;^ 16 ku'. Universal peace, 5c T "^ ^^ >fC ^ t'iew Viau ih 'tiing t'a' bing. Universe, 3^Ji| t'ie^; di'. 138 UNN Unjust, ^S^ veh kung bing. Unkind, PiSA'Iw m niun zing. Unknown, (doctrine) A^l^?lf@ JEM niun veh 'hiau tuh ku' 'dau 'li. 1rnlade,,T^^ 'Aau liu', ^P zia' hu'. Unlawful, f$:S^lt lih fah veh'hii. Unlearned, ^'^^W^ \eh. zung Aok SiV. Unleavened bread, Rn^ajf dzu kau' 'ping, ^llSfiifjf veh fah kau' ku' 'ping. Unless, (he) ^"^P^ zak 'sz i veh, l'lf.#0^ dzu fi i. Unlike, ^jff^ veh 'ziang, ^[pj veh di'nig. Unlikely, ^i]i^ veh pih, ^'\^ veh p'6', (to rain) ^ ^i%MM veh kie;e tuh loli 'yli. Unlimited, P^f^g m Men liang'. a' hu', m t'seh hu'. Unload, Unloose, ^^^ 'ka k'6. Unlucky, [X| hiung, (omen) ^^ hiiing dzau'. Unmanageable, Mi^faM na? 'i dzz 'li. Unmarried, ^ ^'^:hiS:'J' veh zung 't'su du niang 'tsz, (gii'l) ^ 5C kwe 'nil. Unmeaning, PftS,S m i' sz'. Unmixed, ^3^ St veh kah dzeh, |i| -^^11 dzun ih vu dzeh. Unmolested, "^JK/HS ill vu vaw 'zau. Unmoved, (in mind) ^W}i^ ^'^^ dung' sing. Unnatural, Jl^ft ni^ii^ sing', ^ p6 139 UNS Unnecessary, ^i}^ veli pih. Unoccupied, (house) ^^-J k'uug Yong 'tsz, (persons) {^^ /iawnimi. Unobserved, PHy^^f-^ m iiiim 'hiau tub. Unwholesome, (climate) 7]Cj::^5j 'sz 't'u veil 'liaii. Unparalleled, PS^RTJ^bO m "^^^^i 'k'au 'pi ku'. Unpardonable, ^'^Witk veil 'k'au 'iiiau so'. Unphilosophical, ^^JSM veli hoh dau* 'li. Unpleasant, ^4*^8 veh tsung' V, ^ ifi ASIDC veh peh iiiun 'hi h\v6. Unpolished, ^1^ mau 'tsau, ^ 3 V'U veh kwong wah. Unprecedented, (affair) ^1^^^^ f@VtS 2ung 16 veh zung 'yeuku' zz' 't'i. Unprejudiced, PftJr-S ni p'ie kie;2, ^^\)l veh ku'ni, ^fLEi veh tseh 'kl kiew'. Unprofitable, OftixS^ ^'^ "leh yuh tsu'. Unpropitious, jXJ hiung, ^"^ veh kih. Unquencheable, M^^ ^"^^ ^^^^ 1", JJ5t mill veh t'eh. Unreasonable, :^"n*1wS veh Aeh dzing 'li. Unredeemable, ^^^M "^'^h hau 5:6h, ^ zoh veh le. Unrighteous, ^ 5*^ veh kung ni'. Unripe, ^ sang, :^ J|^ veh zoh. Unroll, tT^ 't-^"S k'e. Unsafe, ^Siil veh 't'u tong', j^, ugwc 'hie. UNT Unsearchable, jBjJ^^ffi t'suh doh veh t'seh. Unseasonable, flff^^^ff zz 'heu' veh te'. Unseemly, :^^g veh heh ni, ^^klr y^ veh 'hau k'o;;'. Unseen, ^^*^Jif@ veh k'u;/ kie la ku' (world) |^ [h^ yun kaw. Unserviceable, ^^M veh tsung' yung'. Unsettle, J^JJj yau dung', J^ sew, d6ng'. Unskaken, ^^ veh dung', |t g[ ^ nil 'wun ku' veh dung'. Unskilled, ^ J^ veh zoh, ^'g' veh 6-6'. Unsociable, ^:/;S|ilSJA^if veh da' 'li full niun kiau 'hau. Unspeakable, pj:^^f@ tvO' veh 16 kiV, ^^ tro' veh 'dzing. Unsuccessful, ^ia'ffc veh'zauhwo', Vtl^J'i'i^^z' 't'i vehzun'tong', ^f#S veh tuhi' Unsuitable, :^^0 |i?veh siang t'sung', ^Hffl veh yung yiing'. Unsuspecting, :^|5l!( veh iii ^oh. Untalented, :^;:J; veh dzc, PiTls::^; m 'pun '/z. Untameable, :^tbf 'JJIK veh nung tsz voh. Unteachable, JJ;:^^ kiau' veh 16. Unthankful, ^^jgtMfi veh 'kew un ku'. Until, lit JlJ dzuk tau', tau',5 't'sau' tau', K gih tau'. Untimely, ^^M^^M veh zung tau' zz Aeu', (death) ^ Jljfllf^flg ^f@ veh tau' zz Aeu' lau 'si ku', 140 UPP (old age or early death cannot be previously fixed) tt^^^"^3't zeu' yau vi 'k'aii s'len ding'. Unto, (as a dative, nnto him) J4fi^ peh la i, (till) 12 JlJ dzuk tau'. Untoward, ^HSift veh zue i'. Untractable, ^ft^lM veh i veh ziin'. Untrue, ^ M veh tsiin. Untruth, :^ s* vong' yie, pJuhJiC soh hwong. Unusual, ffi^ t'seh gi, ^ gi kwa'. Unutterable,J^:^^$f@ soh veh le kiV, (distress) ^/f^ RTs* '1^'^'^ P^l^ 'k'au yie;2. Unvarying, ^HK veh kang kc. Unwary, ^U'lit veh 'kiun zun', ^ ]|pl>L? veh si' sing. Unwell, ^S veh suh i', BJJ'|^ veh sojri" k'vva'. Unwilling, ^ ^ veh 'k'un 'Ifi^ veh dzing nibn'. Unworthy, (I am) :^f veh p'c', g^ "^ veh 'ke toiig, (it is unworthy of notice) ^ 3:,^'M* veh tsuh we i'. "UP) (go) JlJ-tffi:^ tau' zong* deu k'i', (up to this time) '^^iH'^ dzuh tau' zu kiun, (push up) ^_L ^ t'e zong k'i'. Upbraid, ^ffl] tsah he'. Uphold, ife^ vd dzz. Uplifted, (eyes) f^j^SBS ^'ong hah 'zu 'ngaw. Upon, (the ground) mJH dl' long, . (the table) $jj' 'tsz long'. Upper, Jl zong', la ZOTV4' deu kit 4ffi-?J:iehlad6 USII S J: tsz' zong', l^"^ Uppermost, tsvie' kau. Upright, (physically) ^it 'zu lih, )1:[^^(@ 'zu'k'i leku', (morally) IE IS tsung' dzuh. Uproar, P>^ fsau nan', fL&l^ lon^ fun fun. Uproot, JM^'kk ^ah t'eh kun. Upset, (by pushing) ^ffj) t'e 'tau, (turn over) ^ 'fan 'tau. Upside, (down) ;gj| tie 'tau, K 'tau 'fa. Upstairs, U Jl leu long'. Upwards, fJJl 'wong zong', Ip]J: 8M^ hiang' zong' deu k'i', (100 years and upwards) ^"'S ^^Ju ih pah niew 'i zang'. Urbanity, Iffl m 't'i, f^ '11 mau'. Urge, fgig t'sue pi', t'sue. Urgent, g-^ yau' 'kiun, ^^ zah kih. Urgently, ffilJ 'k'un t'sih, (entreat) ^^ t'sih t'sih 'k'un gieu. Urine, (to pass) fg7jC za' 'sz, >J>jg 'siau bie'. Us, fJ^'jE 'ngu ni'. Usage, ^^g kwe' 'ku, (receive ill usage) ^A^ft zeu' niun 'we k'ioh. Use, ^ yung', '^ 'sz, 'sz yung', (of no use) PMfflA m yung' t'su', (use is second nature) ^'\m^M zih kwa' zz' zen, (enjoy use of) ^^ zeu' yung'. Useful, %'^ 'yeuyung', UM 'yeu yung' deu. Useless, ^ ^^ y^ng' veh zah. Usher, (in) 5158^ 'yung tsing' le. VAC >a Usual, '^ dzang, ^- bing dzang, ^ zing dzang, (has been usually so) "^ 'M^ bing su' zeh ke'. Usurp, ^'fiS'po' tsiew, i$ t'singtsie^^ (imperial name) flfS^IS tsiep^ t'sung tsun' 7iau'. Usury, JiilgBI^'J fong' tsang' du li', H^^V^fi^lJl. fong' tsang' du veil kung bing ku' li sih. Utensils, (of iron) | t'ih k'i', (for family use) ^^^ ka sang, k'i* 'ming ka sang. Utility, S^ffi ynk t'su-'. Utmost, (exert strength to the) ^2^] dzing' sing dzing' lih, f^j^J dzing' sing gih lih, (miserable to the utmost degree) "^fiy'flj 'k'u tub giuh. Utter, ^[li^ still fseh 16, (destruc- tion) MfiWM ^zing' y^^-ng ta' Uttermost, M j^ B Jiii tsz' giub die di'. 141 VAR Vagabond, 5ES kwong kwun, SC lieu mong, ^ffl fi 16'. Vain, gig fab bu, f^ hii veu, (vain world) ^ETEffi^r- li^vo' bw6' sz' kaS (do in vain) & gjgffi ^^li bab li tsi'i'. Valet, Eft^f kun paw. Valiant, ||J 'yung mung\ Y acancy, ^ k'iob, (wait for) ^'@| '^^ 'tung hen' 'yeu k'iob, (fill a vacancy) -j^ 'pu k'iob. Vacant, ^ k'ung. Vacation, SfelfMfM k'""S' ^'^w kiV zz Aeu'. Vaccinate, f^n^^ tsung' nieu deu'. Vacillate, H >& W M^ a?/ sing 'bang i'. Vacuum, *^}M k'ung t'su', (there is a vacuum here) jl^uJiliWiSr 't'sz di' yeu k'ung'. & k'au' Valid, 4^'g' 't'utong' tuh zab. Valley, Ul^ff saw kob, ll]4ffl sa tsung bing di'. Valuable, SM'paup6S {iKMfi dzuk ka' die;i ku', (valuables) ^ tsun 'pau. Value, (to) ;(; kwe' 'dzung, (set a value on) ^ 'ku, '^ 'kii dzuh (what is its value) {jtMAi f^^uk 'ki ho', H^-M sa' ka' diew, (what do you value it at) {Rf^ niing 'ku sa' ka' diew. Vanish, tfxJa^ sn' t'eb, (in a moment) l:X:^i;^^ ihhih kung fu dzieu' veh kiew' t.s6. Vanity, @ p^ if zz' k'wo zz', Q %% 5 @ ^^C ^z' ka kow' zz' ka du', (of the -world) ffi # f@^i? s^' ka, ku' bu veu. VanqLuish, l^l^ tub sung'. Vapid, \^M ^aW bob. Vapour, ^ k"i', (fog) ^ vu'. Variable, BfcffiO 'ke pie' ku'. Variegated, 3|Han1S< 'ng ngaw lob sub. Variety, (there is) ^^fj^l yeb fun pib, W^feffti 'yf"^^ i^^ ^^^^ kob yang'. Various, (colours) ##|Hfi knb 142 TEN yaiig' Bgan siih. Vary, \ij^^ 'ko pie^^'. Varnish, ^ yen, (to varnisli) Jlf^I 'zong yen. Vase, (for flowers) ^fS ^^^'^ l^ii^S- Vast, MMW& 'liworig k'weli vu inen. Vault, Si k'ung t'su'. Vaunt, i^ @ zz* k'wo zz'. Veal, ^J>'t*1^J 'siau nieu iiiuk. VegetaWe, ^ t'sc', ^ su', t'se' su', (vegetable garden) |^ t'se' yo. Vehement, MS 'kiun kih. Veil, ^BI k6' deu, If IS mie;^ p'6', (to veil) ^tx tso meb. Vein, JJJc niah, Jfll. hiiieh m/ih. Velocity, 3^ soli, (how much) ^fl^ 5^ j^ 'ki ho' dzz soh, (measure of ) ^^ soh sell. Velvet, ^ niung, (cotton) |^ miew niung, (of silk) j]t^ sz niung. Venerable, ^^ men 'lau, PTSi RT 'M 'k'o kiung' 'k'o 'dzung. Venerate, ^Sl kiung' 'dzung, ^ tsun 'dzung, ;^ kiung' we^. Venereal-ulcer, I^^S yang me' t'song, (poison) ^ yang me' dob. Venetians, 'S^'M- pah yih t'song. Vengeance, (take) ^^ffc pau' gieu. Venison, ^[^lohniob. Venom, ^|^ doh k'i'. Venomous, (snake) ^4*^ dob z6. Vent, (anger) ^]S fab nu'. Ventilate, (a room) MWltMBi vong kan '11 t'uDg fung. Ventricles, (of the Heart) i\j^ sing k'iau'. VEll Venture, (in face of danger) B|^ man' 'hie?^, (risk life) ij^^ p'ing ming'. Veracity, pJiBSftR sebtto' tsun zeb. Verandah, p^J^ yang long, J yang do, jS| yen long. Verb, <^ S^ i^eh zz' 'nga. Verbal, P |^ 'k'eu sub. Verdict, ltI:Stf@ft song bang 't'u tong' ku' i' kie', (my ver- dict) fJcflSft^ 'nguku'i' kiew'. Verify, (verification) ^IJE kie?e' tsung', iS yung'niew'. Verily, M& zeb ze', IS zung zeb, Vermilion, ^^'^niuntsu, (pencil) :^ tsu pib. Vernacular, ip^ '*^'^ *^"<^'j I^ 't'u bah, A^ JiE 'pun di' jto'. Vernal, (breeze) ^J^ t'sun fung, (rain) ^ t'sun 'yii, (equinox) yj* t'sun fun. Versatile, ^ ^ y5C^ dzang dzang 'ke i>'ien'. Verse, pj sz, (one) * pj ib ku', (of a chapter) f|5 ill tsib, (chapter and verse) I^ tsang tsib. Versed, fi^ zob, S^ wun zib. Version, fj^ faw pun, (the scriptures in the new version) SHJifgig sing fa la ku' sung' su. Vertebrae, t# *^ pe' tsib kweb. Vertex, J^ 'ting. Vertical, (line) ^|^ dzue' sie^?', (the is vertical) H HJiI]K sun nyih deu la deu 'ting long Vertigo, SJ^f^^ deu fab bwun, '^ deu yun'. Very, ^ tsue', giuli, (very good) 143 VIE VIS IH 'ting 'hau, if 3^?E 'li^u le 'si, (very hot) *j^*^ kwa' iiyili. Vessel, S^M k'i' 'ming, if ^ ka sang. Vest, ^JLi p6' sing. Vestments, ^:^ i zong. Veteran, 1^:^ 'lau ping, W*MM^ zoli lie ku' i^ing, p^ 'eu 'lie;? ku' ping. Vex, /H'I vaw 'nan, H^ na wo'. Vexation, ^B^k'i' miin', jj^^J sing 'li van 'nau. Vial, (small glass vial) >J\; 'siau pu li bing. Vibrate, ^l^Si: 'pa ^^e 'pak'i\ Vice, JlSSfSfr ^ia ok ku' Aang wo'. Viceroy, ^^"^ 'tsung toh, 'ifjlj^ tsz' do. Vicinity, (in the) ffj^ vu' 'giung, (near Shanghai) ^|J:i#i liZoug 'he 'giun. Vicious, 5I$i^ zia pih, ^eM J^^ve' li'. Vicissitudes, (of the world are constant) ka long' ku' kwong 'kiung dzang dzang 'ko piew'. Victim, (sacrificial) f^^ hi sang, (the three sacrificial animals) ^S Victorious, (soldiers) SflS:^ tiih sung' ku' ping, (victor over enemies) ^^BMikiUA tub sung' gieu dill ku' uiun. Victory, (defeat and) ^|{>^ svi yung. View, (according to my) M?^{@ft ^ tsau' 'ngu ku' i' kie?i', (a beauti- ful view) M^M 'hau 'kiung tsz'. -View, (to) S k'o', 12 kwen k'on', Vigilant, pife 'kiun zun', (be vigilant) mi\J' lieu sing. Vigour, m.^ k'i' hh, jftll tsing zun, tsing k'i' zun. Vigorous' '^jttgie??' tsong'. Vile, ^ dziew', ^ p6' dziew', fUpjS 'pi leu'. Vilify, gJlf hwe"pong. Village, -^j t'sun, j t'sun tsong, ^ t'sun /iong', ^PP hiang t'sun. Villager, IPPHFA- hiang '/tau niun. Villain, f^'^Efi A k6 'si ku' niun. Villainous, 5f S i^aw oh, 3E iiii^ng oh, (aflair) ^^j^fS^tl song' sing ku' zz' 't'i. Vindicate, ^^ sun y6, ^AM. H|J t'i' niun 'blew ming. Vindictive, (disposition) ^^ {ft,{|i!>] >ii pau' gieu ku' sing. Vine, ^ bu dau, ^^ beh dau. Vinegar, g{^ t'su'. Vineyard, ^ IQ dau yon. Violate, (oath) ^ p6' zz', (oath) $5 p6' yah, (laws) JBS 'va fah, (chastity) ^/ ling zoh. Violence, (take by) ^^ k'iang no. Violent, _b[i ^ hiung pau', jg^ hiung oh. Viper, ^it doh dz6. Virgin, ^^ dung 'nii, ^i diing tsung 'vu 'nil. Virtue, ffg tuh, f} tub yung', ft tuh sing'. Virtuous, H 'zew, ^ 'zew liang. Virulent, 1X|JS hiung oh, ^ij^* H' Ac'. Viscera, jIKT^JJift 'ng zong 16h 'fu. Visible, ^"ItJEfO k'o' tuh kie 144 VOL WAI kd', (form) 5^^ ynng zian^^;-', (vi- sible creation) W?]^ffi 5^Ji!l 'yen yung ku' t'iew di'. Vision, (faculty of) W9S{l|flbS 'yen 'ngaw tsing nung k.*6n', (a vi- sion) ^'^ i' ziang'. Visit, ^'^ pa moDg', mong' mong', "^ hew' he\i\ Visitation, jl^^ zing t'sah. Visitor, ^J^ k-ah niun, ^ ping k'ali. Vital, ii'14^f@ k\va sing' niing' ku'. Vitiate, iH era'. Vitriol, i<^ loh va??. Vituperate, ^b/ill tseii' ni6'. Vivacious, '^^;|l|'f@ 'yen tsing zun ku'. Vivacity, Jjllp^ znn k'i', f^ tsing znn. Vivify, (tlie dead) P45EAf5l|3^ kail' 'si niun well 'tse?^ lu. Viviparous, Bu ^ t'c sang. Vociferate, yC^-''-^r5w tl^^' sung kiau' hnu'. Voice, S'W sungyun, P 'k'euyun, (shrill) ^ tsie;?. sung, (gentle) f.^ si' sung, (low) '(S tl sung. Void, ^ k'ung, [^ liii k'ung. Volatile, |Sf$ k'iung veu. Volcano, >X\[i 'hii sa. Volume, (one) "^ ih 'pun. (many) i^SI^ 'liau 'ki 'pun. Voluntary, @ ^ '[ft if I zz' ka zing nio;^', {ii^^7li;i!^ t'seli yil 'pun sing. Volunteer, ^::^Bl^ ni' ping de'. Voluptuous, ^111 tew loll, ft MS Vomit, Px 't'u, (vomiting and purg- ing) Pits 't'li zia'. Voracious, #J^Pf#^ meli zz' k'iuk tuli tu. Votary, (of Buddha) f^ftlSA sing' veil ku' niun. Vouch, ifi^SLv^i t'^^' kie;^ tsung'. Voucher, Mi& bing kii'. Vow, I^^H 'hu nio;^'. Voyage, (make a) fi^Tj'CS-S' Aang 'sz lu', iiW^hS. 'wong 'he nga' den. Vulgar, t^ t'svi, (common language) ^ iff ^pp Tbing dzang ball tvo'. Vulnerable, PTfftflS 'k'osong ku'. Vulture, ,^^^ tsuli 'niau. W ^^' added, (clothing) ^^j^*z^m[eni Wag, (his tail) J^J^ JC yau 'ni p6. Wager, (two men laid a) SlllJAffi f|* 'Hang ku' niun siang 'tu. Wages, JlM kung diew. Waggon, ;]^ dzang t'so, IZ9| ^z' lun t'so. Wail, !S5I e k'oh. Waist, S yau. Waist-band, ^Sw s*^^ yau ta'. Waist-coat, ff>lj* P^' sing. Wait, ^ 'tung, '^l 'tuug /^eu', (a lit- tle) ^ *?? 'tung ih 'tung, (wait upon) M-tf* ^"^ii 2z', (lay wait) ^ f/t ma voh. Waiting-boy, SR$fi kun pa;/, A l^un 145 WAR ninn, J^ yuna niun. Wake, S 'sing, ^ 'sing ngu' Waken, ^M kiau' 'sing. WAT Walk, ^ 'tseii, (go on foot) $f J bu' ynng, (take a walk) ;^' "^ 'tseii ill 'tseii. Wall, tII dziang M pih, (city wall) (of compartment) zung, (the great wall) 'M^&M ^'^^^^' '^i dzang zung. Walnut, bQ^D hu. dau, (coUuquud, bu dan). Wand, JSK 'kwa 'dzang. Wander about, )^ jS^ tseu yeu, iy yeu yung. Want, (desire) ^ yau', (has no defi- ciency) Plix^Sfcm meh 'k'iew k'ioh, ^^p^M!^'^ veh 'sail stV nieli zz', ^ m sa' k'ioli vah. Wanton, Pl^K m sieu 't'sz, ^^ zia yun. War, ^\^ 'tang tsang', (go to war) Wi\^ dung' ku k'u, (war boats) r^AS ping z6, (war ofKce) ^% ping 'bu. Ward, (off) t?$fi bong be', ^f fj bu' we. Warder, jiSiSffl zing dz6 ku=, (by night) ^ zing ya* ku'. Wardrobe, ^|1 i kwe', ^ i zi\. Wares, ^'S hu suh, (porcelain ware) mife tlzz k'i-', (miscellaneous wares) -Mi. zah hu'. Warehouse, ^^J^ 'dzaw vong, (tea warehouse) -^ dz6 'dza, (keeper) ^^ k'o;? 'dza;? von!Z kiV. Warlike, (Implements) ^ 'vu k'i*, 'now, ^^ 'no;? nyih, ^U ^ ping k'i' Warm, ^ 'now M. Warm, (the liands at a fire) JS^/^CiJ HK K^ '14 'hu ha?r deu hung ih hung 'sen. Warming pan, (for the hajids) ^^ 'sen lu, (for the feet) lifl kiah lu. Warn, t^ kiung ka', fj^ k'iow* 'mie;*. Warp, g kiung, ^ 'zu, (and woof) i^ kiung we', (perpendicular threads) J^ 'zu sie'. Warrant, (issue a) ffi ^ t'seh p'iau', (lias a warrant to seize a criminal) Wli#:|PA 'yeu p'iau' tsoh no 'dzue niun. Warrant, (to) {^ 'pan, (give him a warrant book) Mi^M^Wi- peh i 7iau' 'bu. Wash, C 'si, i^ 'si y6h, (clothes) ^ zing' i zong, (bathe the body) ^ 'si tsau"', zing' yoh. Washerman, ^&>S 'wong fi' singsz', (waste time) ^Hflt du fi' zz zeh, X y^ ball fi' kiing fu. Wasteful, (expenditure) MS^Hf long' fi' ziew dze. Watch, ^ 'piau, (of silver) niun 'piau. (glass) 5K^^^ P'^ ^i ke'. 146 WEA Watch, (to) 5^ k'o 'seu, (by night) ^ k'ow' kang, (against) \^^ bong 'seu, (watcli conduct) 'i~XMj k'o' hsLUg ive, (the house) ^^ "k'on^ vong 'tsz. Watch-hut, 'g'^ kang so'. Watchful, fil'|M 'kiun zun'. Watchman, ^lf@ k'ow kang ku'. Watch-tower, |U kang leu. Water, 7jC 'sz, (cold) ^^ 'lang 'sz, (boiling) '{S. 'kwun 'sz, (clear) Jft t'sing 'sz. Water, (to) ^Jp| tsz zun', (flowers) H^^ kiau hwo. Watercourse, 7K^'' 'sz lii', ^ 'sz keu. Water-lily, -{if f-^ /m hwo, j8 lie hwo. Water-melon, "B jR si kwo. Wave, 'Si^M P^ long'. Wave, to, (the hand) %^ yau 'seu (a flag) JflKliweji. Waver, j::.>[iM >& sa?i sing 'liang V, fSli^S fan ni veh ding'. Wax, ^\, lah, (yellow) ^ ^-ong lah, (bees-wax) ^'fcl mih lah. Wax, to, (great) ^7C 'tsang du''. Way, kV, (of death) ^ 'si lii', (public way) g kwe?i lu', (method) ::frJ-ifongfah, ilj fahtsuh. Wayward, ^/^ wan bi, HHt'f ^ zue zz dzang pie^i'. We, ^^iff^ 'ngu 'ni. Weak, l^ll 'iiio zah, 'g nu zah. Wealth, ^ly- tsz' dz6, (acquire) |1 |j5* fall dze. Weapons, (luilitary) :^S ping k'i', (sliield and spear) '~f^^ kirn k'u. WEL Wear, (clothes) ^^^ tsah i zong, (a cap) ^'Pg-J* ta' mau' 'tsz, (worn out) ffli^^S Jiing' wa' 'ts6. Wearied, ^i^ bi gio', (in the feet) Sait kiah 8un. Weary, Hff k'wun' giow', Jf St sa du. Weasel, ^J^ tt'ong long. Weather, 5C^ t'iew k'i'. Weather-gage, ^Sj^ sz' fiing gi. Weave, |^ tsuh. Weaver, ^^f@ tsuh pu' ku'. Wehfooted, (ducks are) ^%^^^ ifeJa^SffifS ah 'tsang dzew 'zz bi 'tsz siang lien ku'. Wedding, (keep a) fj5^0 tsii' 'hau nyih, (feast) MM liwun yun, | f^ hwun yun p'len zih. Wedge, ^p'ih. Weed, ; 't'sau, ^ oh 't'sau. Weed, (to) ^'^ bah 't'sau, |^H yun- die??. Week, (seventh day worship) ^ Q Sl^ t'sih nyih 'li pa', (one week) -f@ ihku' 'lipa'. Weep, 55 k'oh, '^^ lieu 16'. Weigh, (things) Wt^'^ t'suDg meh Z2', (in the mind) ^Sl ^^^"^ ^sah^ (anchor) ^1^ 'k'i mau. Weight, (a brass) i^Wj fah 'mo, (two catties in weight) ^M/T 'dzuiig 'liang kiun. Weighty, ^ 'dzung, ^^ yau' 'kiun. Welcome, (give) 'K'^fgfgS k'a' k'a' i^^'eli well tsih zah, (wel- come news) ^>g4@fii i& tsung' i ku* sins' sih. 47 WHE Weld, >ffc hwoS };iR yang' t'eh. Welfare, ^^ bing on. Well, 5^ 'tsing, (it is well) iff 'hau, (are you well) ij-jk^ 'hau la 'va, (pretty well) WJi^ 'k'o 'i, (do it well) ^iH^'t^M yau' 'liau'hau nung tsu'. Wen, ^-^ lieu 'tsz, ?g yung lieu. West, W si. Western, (ocean) '5'^siyang,(gate) "H P^ si num. Wet, M sa5i, (damp) 5|9 dzau sah, (nurse) iS^ 'na sun sun, (wetted with rain) ilJl^j^M ling zah tsz 'ya- Wliale, .SJ@, giung ng, ^ ngoh ng. Wharf, tS H 'nio deu. What, n#J^ sa' meh zz', (what are you doing) HS^W^ tsu' sa', (what is your age) "^J^ kwe' kang, (in what manner) ^JRIlb 'na nung. Whatever, ^fj^ll^ vehlun' sa', ^ veh ku Sa', Ji^ van, :fe JL da' van. Wheat, ^ mah, ij> 'siau mah. Wheel, $1 lun, (for raising water) y}C ^ 'sz t'so. Wheel-harrow, ^-^^ t'so 'tsz, A^ fQ niun t'e ku' t'so 'tsz. When, fMi 'ki zz, WM^M sd' zz Aeu', (when he comes) '0^^iS>^ ^ i 16 ku' zun kwong', ^^"^^ 'zz i ill 16. Whence, i'jW>M^ 'tang 'a 'li 16, 'a '11 16, ^ ztJng a 'li 16. Whenever, ^^qjPM56 veh kii sa' zun kwong, (whenever I think of it ^^y&M 'nie 'me 'siang tau'. WHO I 'd 'li, J leh h sa' Where, ^j)^: a u, i}i/j^JL len la 'a 'li, ?t 'a 'li dong, R#j5^ sa' Au dong, (wherever) ^f^^ISX veh kii 'a 'li. Wherefore, @tl# ^^e' sa'. Whether, (to ride or walk) ^H^,?^ Wiji7 ^vo\\ gi 'mo w;6h bu' Aang, (I do not know whether or not he will be willing) ^W^yP'n^ ^ veh 'hiau tuh i 'k'ung veh 'k'ung. Whet, 0'tfe mil k'wa', (stone) J}^ mu tau zah. Which, SRS-^fEl 'a 'li ih kii'. While, (I go) S?*f@S#1i'nguk'i, ku' z/ Aeu', (wait a while) ^ "^ 'tung ih h'ih, (a great while) py^ 'hij 'kieu. Whip, f^^ piew 'tsz, (of leather) ^ bi pie?2. Whip, (to) ff 'tang. Whirl, ]5^f zieM 'ts6w, ^ hdn 'tse. Whirl-wind, "^S z'len fung. Whisky, ;^S sau 'tsieu. Whisper, HS^&IS'vu'ni 'tubah White, ^ bah. Whitewash, ]|& seh bah, (with whiting) ^TI^" 'tang 'fun. Whither are you going? JllJlS^^ tau' 'a 'li k'i'. W^J^Ji^ sa' sue k'i'. Who*? |1A sa-' niun. Whoever, ^fpjfli^ A veh kii sa' niun. Whole, ^ ziew, 7c *^'e zie, @H (;eh lun, (whole night) ^i^ zien ya', (ate the whole) |jj^^^5 k'iuh tsz ih kwong, (whole world) ''S^^C^T' ^*6h t'ie^i 'ti 'an, (whole family) Mf^ 'ii^<^' "lun, (whole 148 WIL number) ^ Jt gung' suS (the whole) -^-^ ih t'sih, -^If, gung' 'tsung, fl 'lung 'tsilng, (the whole empire) 5C r """if^ t'iew 'au ih 't'ung. Whore, g^ 'piau 'tsz, ^g^^ t'sang Whoredom, (and gaming) ^IflS 'Liaii 'tu. Whose? tl^Af@ sa' niun ku'. Whosoever, ^^JujU^A veh kii sa' niun. Why, jg [|^ ,,.e' ScV. Wick, S;^ timg sing, ^timg't'sau. WIS Wicked, ^ oh, ^ tiaii oh, (di.^ isposi- oh tion) "H oh sing', (man) A niun, (customs) fj^ oh zih. Wickerwork, (of wilhw) ^fl^M lieu diau pie, (of hedge saplings) ^'ij kiung' diau pie;?. Wide, ^ k'weh, ^ 'kwong k'weh. Widen, ii^k'c k'weh. Widow, ^ 'kwo VU-, ^f$ ku song, (remain a widow) ^ 'seu 'kwo. Wife, ^-p t'si tsz, (honorific, your wife) :^ A fu niun, Jf /new t'si, {depredator >/, mj^ wife) p^ A no' niun, (stupid sapling) fjUflJ tseh kiung, (marry a wife) ftf;^^^^ 't'au diV niang 'tsz. Wild, If 'ya, JJg fong'dongS (an- imals) ffffif; 'yaseu' (talk) ^^g fSlJuJiO gwong A'ong' ku' seh o'. Wilderness, i^^f 'k'wong 'ya. Wiles, l^li" kwe' ki'. Wilful, tkM k'r !', (wilfully trans- gress) BJ^O&Jamingtsz kiV 'va;^ Will, ^^ 'tsu i', , i' sz, (good will) ^f 'hau i', (imperial will) ^^ tsz' i', ^ sung' tsz', (testament) jj ^ i su, (will of heaven) 5cS t'ie?^ i' (I will) JIJ-^ 'ng4 'k'ung, (it AviU do) PfJiJ. 'k'o 'j, '# 'sz tuh. Willing, -^ 'k'ung, '[f zing nio;?'^ O >Li* k'^^ sing. Willow, |5P|Si heu ziV, ^^ yang lieu ziV, (saplings) jl^ lieu diau. Win, f^' tuh sung', (win at play) USS 'tu yung. Wind, S f'^mg, (contrary) j|| niuli fung, (fair)- )l^ zun' fung. Wind, (to) ftll zie;2 'tsc;?, gf^ dzcH zau, ^ fee;? 'tse (a watch) ifl^ k'o 'piau. Winding, ^^ waw k'ioh, (many) -t^ftAil^ t'sih k'ioh pah 'niau. Windlass, -^^UnVao. Window, ^^, t'song. Wine,.'i@ 'tsieu, (grape) ^^ bu dau 'tsieu, (winepress) ^p. 'tsieu tso'. Wing, IftMlkihh. Wink, f^SJI sail 'nga, (wink at, con- nive) ^itX^M^ tsong tsu' veh k'o' kiew'. Winnow, f|||j pu yang. Winter, ^ tung, (to pass the winter) J& ku' tung. Wipe, (with wet cloth) |g k'a (feather brush) Jli 'to;?, SU seh, (wipe away tears) JSKS suh 'nga?ni'. Wire, iUi ie^?', (copper) Ifpj dung sie??'. Wisdom, ^B tsz' c'. Wise, Wli '.yen kie;r suh, ^gW. 140 WIT won 'yen tsz' weS (the wise)^A^ A sung' niun y'len niun. Wish, (according to my) ^fSf^.g* S heh 'ngu lu'i' i' sz', (obtain one's Avisli) ixf ,g, tub i'. Wish, (to) ] niow', *[ zing nio;?-', E^fl l'<' veil tub, ttM Po veb nung kou', ^ yau'. Wit, l^pS'flSU^'S' bwc ya?? ku* seb ;6', (no mother wit) ^tSA^ veb 'tung ziin zz'. Witch, ^:^yau^nu,ffi^ vu bu. Witchcraft, ^I^J^ zia lab. With, [p] dung, (with him) J'0^-^ f^ tab i lb dan, (suffer with and rejoice witli) |pIl^|PJ|^ diing 'k'u dung k')li, (with me) iii^?<'^i^ t'eh 'ngu ill 'dau, j|& t'eh 'ngu ib Vi. Withdraw, ^gT^i t'e' 'an k'i', Jl 5^ ted hi'. Withhold, ^Jtfl ^'ti pell, (a part of) ^PlHl3^k'eu'cle. Wither, tiS k'u. Within, ^Ip] 'HlnangSlii Mi deu, (a year) '^j^^ ib nie tsz no', (two days) M H iPsI 'Hang nyib tsz kie;^ Without, p.^;ix ii^ n^eb, (food) f^f# ^P^) m tub vaw' k'iub, ra va;^' k'iub, (grounds) PfSf^PlSiK m yon m kii'. Withstand, iffi*^ 'ti tong, IJcft dib dzu'. Witness, ^SE kiew' tsung', $i te' tsung', ~f* kiin tsung'. Witness, (to) fSc^SE tsu' klen'- tsung', tbu' tsung'. Witty, ^:^ kwa 'k"iau, (witty talk) 'k'iau ku' seb tro'. Wizard, RWffl t'iau' zun ku'. Wde, IKS ^*^'i' '^'a'^S 1611 kie na. Wolf, ftM ^-1- long. Woman, M^ 'vii 'nil. Womb, J t'c. Wonder, #-^f@^tI hi gi ku' zz' 't'i, S?33 gi >^z' i' tsib, B ling tsib, JlJ zun tsib. Wonder, (to) %M t'sa' i, ^'^ gi kwa', #bigi, !iHttu I'aktsz sa' nung. Wonderful, ^Jj? gi mian', % gi kwa', Jpip zun miau'. Wonted, (ingenuity) H^fflfi^S dzang 'yen ku' ling 'k'iau. Wood, /fvFH "^<^1^ '^l^^^- Woodbine, ^IRfji kiun niun dung. Wooden, (image) /fvI^H/v mob deu niun. Wool, ^^ yang mau, (fine wool) ^ yang niung. Woollen-cloth, P^^S^S tu lu ni, :/c 5/b du' ni. Word, "s 7/ie, ^S5H ^'^' deu, (a word once spoken, four liorses cannot over- takeit)--SiJtttiffl,i||m il> 2/iew ki' t'seb sz 'mo naw tsue, (break one's word) R P 'fan 'k'eu, ^ff seb sing'. Work, ^fg sangw'eb, X:^ kung fu, (one day's work) ^-^X ib kung, (task) XiSc kung k'u'. Work, (to) iiXX'^ tsu' kung fu, ^ fg tsv'i' sang at-eh. 150 WRE Workman, HI A kuiig niun dziang'. World, ffi-^ sz' kaS (customs of the) iS<^ sz' zoli, (tins Avorld) ^ffi kiun sz', (the coming world) ^^ill Ic sz', (the future) ^ Aeu' sz', (the invisible) Wi Ir|| J^^i ka. Worm, ^^^k'ioh'ze;?.. Wormwood, "SlS yun dzun. Worse, M^ii^ knng' veh 'hau, (every day) ^ i^iiT'^ i^^ ^^yili veh 'hau ill nyih, Worship, li^- '^i P^S i kiung' pa', ^ Idung' vung'. Worst, ^^M tsue' veh 'hau. Worsted, (thread) SctS niung slew', (stockings) l^l niung mah... Worth, MilS k^' dzuh, (how much) ^flj tlzuh 'ki ho', (not worth any thing) :^fifflM veh dzuh ka' die^2, ^^M veh tsung' yung'. Worthy, Wi^'^^lfe 'k'o 'i tong tuh 'k'i, (not worthy) ^M^ veh 'kcwtong, ^fi vehp'e'. Would, IhSI zing niiin', ^ yau'. Wound, i% song, J^ song 'sun, (mark of) JS song tsih, 3S soi^g ^"^^^i^- Wound, (to) f^ song, song hd', (the heart) >(^ song sing. Wrangle, ^1^ tsung teuS i^ tsung giung'. Wrap, QJS pankwah, fe^ pau 'k'i 16. Wrapper, ^^ pau pu', IJpau v6h. Wrath, S^ j^ fun nu', ^ tsun' nii'. Wrench, jjc 'nieu. Wrestle, /ft] |^ siang teu'. YEA Wretched,* ^ 'k'u, f^ 'Wu 'nau, (life) -^ 'k'u ming-'. Wright, ICE kung dziang'. Wring, f niung, (dry) !^ niung kiiw. Wrinkles, |$ tseu' vun. Wrist, ^tj^ 'seu ga', fl^ 'seu wom. Write, ^ 'sia, (characters) i^ 'si a zz', (a letter) i% 'sia sing'. Writer, S?f0 'sia zz' kii', (for government officers) ^*p| su pa, (amanuensis) fi^^flSA cl6' 'sia ku' niun, do' sii. Writing, ^^'seupih, J^ pih fah, (materials) j|E^{!.| 'tsz muh pih men', 3^ ^ H 5 vun vong sz' 'pau. Wrong, ^iit veh 'zz, ^^ 'yeu t'so, (my wrongs) f^SfS^fi 'ngu 'zeu kii' yon 'wong, ^09 '"g'J^ 'zeu ku' we k'ioh, (not at all wrong) -^SS^M ih 'ngaw veh t's6. X am, (Chinese) |il^ sa; yah. Yard, ZIZ,}^ saw t'sah. Yam, (of cotton) Tiftv|y nue so, (of wool) ^^ yang mau so. Year, ^ rAen, (how many years old are you) MrL^lB 'ki ho' niew 'ki, ^M 'ki sue', (this year) 4* kiun nie??. (next year) ^ k'e nie, ^ 16 niew, P^ ming nie, (once a year) '^'^ ih niew ih t'sz', g (last year) -^ k'ii' nie, "g gieu' niew, (j'ear before last) "fltf ziew nie, (end of the year) ^ men 'ti, (new 151 YOU year) ^ sing meii, (pass the new year) 5H kiV niew. Yearly, ^^ nie;e nie;<, Yeast, S kail' cleu. Yellow, J[3, w;ong. Yes, :: 'zz, ^M veh t'so. Yesterday, B'^ zoh nyili, (day be- fore) fjij H -J* zie>i nyih 'tsz. Yet, ^ wan, tE 'a, (he will yet come) i?^M^ i 'a yau' 16, (it may yet zung 'siau. Zieal, ^>(j nyih sing. Zealous, PS^* y^^ S^^"- Zenith, 3clH t'iew 'ting. Zodiac, (of 12 signs) '^Zl*^ zeh ni' kung, (of 28 constellations) Z^T' y\^ rh* zeh pah sieu*. Zone, (torrid) ^JE nyih dau', (north frigid) 4fc$?S poh hon dau', (south temperate) mfm, new wun dau'. RETURN TO' EAST ASIATIC LIBRARY ,< 208 Durant Hall 42-2556 LOAN PERIOD 1 1 MONTH 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW npp nfus^ct NOV n A loof r* A 1 E.A.L N1H1 2 2 1992 REC'D APR 01 1992 EAI JUN 5 2004 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD9, 15m, 12/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720