[MISC. PUBS.) 9 1 If ^ De/ Proposed Charter for the County of Napa To be Submitted to the Electors of the County of Napa, State of California, at a Special Election to be held on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1917, BUREAU OF GOVF.RNME;. AKCH LIDRARY 44 LIBRARY BUILDING WKI.KLY PHOTOGRAM. PRINTERS ST. HELENA, CAL. Proposed Charter for ibo Coaaty of Napa We, the people of the County of Napa, in the State of California, do ordain and establish this Charter for its government. ARTICLE I. Section One: The County of Napa, as it now exists, is a body politic and as such has all the power specified by the Constitution, the laws of the State of California, and by this Char- ter. Section Two: The official name of the County shall be County of Napa. It must be thus designated in all ac- tions and proceedings touching its rights, property and duties. Section Three: The boundaries of said County shall remain the same as they are now, until otherwise chang- ed in the manner provided by law. Section Four: The powers mention- ed in Section One shall be exercised by a Board of Supervisors, by Agents and Officers. ARTICLE H. Boa i-d of Supervisors. Section One: The County of Napa Is hereby divided into five Supervis- orial districts, the boundaries of which shall be and remain as they now are until otherwise changed in the manner provided by law. Section Two: The County of Napa shall have a Board of Supervisors consisting of five members, each of whom shall be an elector of the Su- pervisorial district which he repre- sents, must reside therein during his term of office, must have been a resi- dent of the County for five years im- mediately preceding his election, and shall be nominated by the electors of the district which he is to represent and elected at large by the electors of the County of Napa. At the primary election in the Supervisorial district, the electors of the district shall vote for two candidates to be placed on the general election ballot, and only two candidates from each Supervisor- ial district shall be nominated at the primary election. The electors of the County, at such general election, shall make a choice of one candidate from each district. Each Supervisor shall hold office for a term of four years and until the election and qualification of his suc- or. Section Three: At the general election to be held In November, 1918, Supervisors shall be elected for the First and Third Supervisorial Dis- tricts, whose terms of office shall be- gin at noon on the first Monday after the first day of January, 1919. Section Four: At the general elec- tion to be held in November, 1920, rvisors shall be elected for the :<1, Fourth, and Fifth Supervis- ricts, whose terms of office : begin at noon on the first Mon- after the first day of January, Section Five: The Board of Super- shall, at its first mooting In January of each year, elect a Chair- in:! n, v.'ho shall preside at all meet- In case of his absence, or inabil- ity to act, the members present must, by an order entered on its records, se- lect one of their number to act- as chairman pro tempore. A majoi ty shall constitute a quorum, and no act of the Board shall be valid or bindir unless three members concur therein^ Any member of the Board of Super- visors may administer oaths when necessary in the performance of his official duties. ARTICLE HI. Powers and Duties of the Board of Supervisors. Section One: The Board of Super- visors and each Supervisor shall have all the jurisdiction, and power which is now, or which may hereaf- ter be granted by the Constitution and laws of the State of California, or by this Charter, except as limited in this Charter, and not in conflict here- with. Section Two: It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors: (a) At its first regular meeting, after noon of the first Monday after the first day of January, 1919, to ap- point a Business Manager, and dur- ing the month of February following said first day of January, to appoint all the County Officers provided to be appointed by this Charter, or the general laws of the State of Califor- nia, provided, that all other officers to be appointed by the Board of Super- visors shall be so appointed with the advice and approval of the Business Manager. Every four years thereaf- ter, said Board of Supervisors shall appoint said Manager and other County Officers in the months of January and February, as herein provided. (b) Before any officer elected or appointed hereunder qualifies, to fix the amount of bond required of such officer, and the manner of the ap- proval thereof. The bond of any of- ficer holding ex-officio offices must be made to cover liability for the faith- ful performance of the duties of all offices and must be one bond. (c) To fix and regulate by Or- dinance, the appointment and num- ber of assistants, deputies, clerks, at- taches, and other persons to be em- ployed from time to time in the sev- eral offices of the County, and to pre- scribe the powers, duties, qualifica- tions and compensation of such per- sons, the times at which and the terms for which they shall be ap- pointed and the manner of their ap- pointment and removal, except as herein otherwise provided; provided that one Deputy Sheriff shall reside at or near Yountville, and one at or near Monticello. (d) To fix the compensation of County and Township Officers, which are now, or may hereafter be provid- ed for by the Constitution, the general law, or this Charter, whose compen- sations are not fixed and provided for by this Charter. Section Three: The Bnard of Su- inust, upon application of the Business Manager, and when noc- thercfor appears to it, author- ttanta tunty onici- r;.s may be re- the necessary work ch Conn' BUREAU OF GOVr - 44 LIBRARY E ARTICLE IV. ity Officers Other Than Super- visors. Section One: County officers other tr!an members of the Board of Super- risors shall be. a Business Manager, a Purchasing Agent, a Sheriff, a Coun- ty Clerk, a Treasurer, a Recorder, a Tax Collector, a License Collector, a Public Administrator, a Coroner, a Surveyor, a Road Engineer, an Audi- tor, an Assessor, a District Attorney, a Superintendent of Schools, a Proba- tion Officer, a Superintendent of Char- ities, a Health Officer, a Horticultural Commissioner, a Medical Superinten- dent of the County Hospital, and such other officers as are now, or may hereafter be provided for by the Constitution, by the general laws, or by this Charter. Section Two: The following offi- ces are hereby consolidated: (a) The Business Manager shall be ex-officio Purchasing Agent and Public Administrator. (b) The Sheriff shall be ex-offlcio Coroner. (c) The Assessor shall be ex-offi- cio Treasurer, Tax Collector and Li- cense Collector. (d) The Probation Officer shall be ex-offlcio Superintendent of Chari- ties. (e) The Road Engineer shall be ex-officio Surveyor. Section Three: The District Attor- ney, County Clerk, Sheriff, Assessor and Recorder shall be elected in the manner provided by law. Section Four: All other County officers shall be appointed as in this Charter provided. Section Five: The term of office of each County Officer shall be four years; the term of office of all elec- tive officers shall begin at noon on the first Monday following the first day of January, following their elec- tion; the term of office of the Busi- ness Manager shall begin on the first Monday after the first day of Febru- ary following his appointment; the term of office of all officers appointed by the Board of Supervisors, under the provisions of this Charter, shall begin on the first Monday after the first day of March following their ap- pointment. All officers subject to the provisions of this Charter, shall con- tinue to discharge the duties of their offices after the expiration of their terms until their successors have been elected, or appointed and quali- fied. Section Six: The monthly salaries of the County Officers shall be as fol- lows: (a) Members of the Board of Su- pervisors, the sum of Fifty Dollars. (b) The Business Manager and ex-officio Purchasing Agent and Pub- lic Administrator, the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars. (c) The Sheriff and ex-officio Cor- oner, the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars. (d) The County Clerk, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. (e) The Recorder, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. (f) The Assessor and ex-offlcio Tax Collector, License Collector and Treasurer, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. (g) The Road Engineer and ex- officio Surveyor, the sum of Two Hun- dred and Fifty Dollars. (h) The Auditor, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. (i) The District Attorney, the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars. (j) The Superintendent of Schools, the sum of One Hundred and Thirty- five Dollars. The Superintendent of Schools shall be allowed one Deputy at a salary of Seventy-five Dollars per month. (k) The Probation Officer and ex- officio Superintendent of Charities, the sum of One Hundred Dollars. (1) The Health Officer shall be al- lowed such compensation as may be fixed by the Board of Supervisors. (m) The Medical Superintendent of the County Hospital, the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars. (n) The Horticultural Commis- sioner shall be allowed such compen- sation as may be fixed by the Board of Supervisors. Section Seven: The salaries of all County officers, deputies, assistants, and stenographers, shall be paid to them on the first Monday in each month, except as otherwise provided in this Charter. Section Eight: All fees, fines, and commissions of every kind or nature, collected by any County or Township Officer, Board, Commission, or em- ployee, shall be paid into the County Treasury on the first Monday of each month, except as herein otherwise provided. The payment shall be ac- companied by a detailed statement of the same in writing, a duplicate of which shall be filed with the Auditor at the same time. Section Nine: Each County Officer shall be allowed, in addition to the salaries herein set forth, such actual and necessary expenses as are now payable to him under the provisions of the general law, or this Charter, except as in this Charter otherwise provided. ARTICLE V. Township Officers. Section One: The Board of Super- visors shall, by ordinance to be en- acted during the year 1918, divide the County of Napa into two judicial Townships: The City of Napa and the Towns of Yountville and Monticello to be in one Township and the Towns of St. Helena, Calistoga, Rutherford and Oakville, to be in the other jud- icial Township. The balance of the County to be placed in each Township according to the convenience of the population. Said Ordinance to take effect at noon on the first Monday fol- lowing the first day of January, 1919. Section Two: There shall be one Justice of the Peace and one Consta- ble for each judicial Township. The Justice of the Peace and Constable appointed for the Township in which the City of Napa is located, shall have and maintain their offices in the City of Napa. The Justice of the Peace and Constable appointed for the Township in which the Towns of St. Helena and Calistoga are located, shall have and maintain their offices in either the Town of St. Helena or the Town of Calistoga, provided, how- ever, that such Justice of the Peace shall sit and try cases in any part of his Township when convenience of witnesses and justice may require; provided further, however, that where both the plaintiff and defend- ant reside in, or within five miles of any of the Towns in the County of Napa, it shall be the duty of the Jus- tice of the Peace, upon demand of any of the parties litigant in the ac- tion to hold court in and try the pend- ing cause in such Town, unless the convenience of a majority of the wit- nesses will be best subserved by hold- ing the court and trying the case else- where. Section Three: Justices of the Peace and Constables shall be ap- pointed by the Board of Supervisors at the time and in the manner other County Officers, other than Business Manager, are appointed. Section Four: Justices of the Peace and Constables shall hold office for a term of four years from and af- ter the first Monday following the first day of March follwing their ap- pointment. Section Five: The salary of the Justice of the Peace of the Township in which the City of Napa is located, shall be the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars per month, and of the Justice of the Peace located in the other Township, the sum of Sixty Dollars per month. Section Six: The salary of the Con- stable in each Township shall be the sum of Seventy-five Dollars per month. Section Seven: The salaries so fix- ed shall bf l n full compensation for all services of said Justices of the Peace and Constables; provided, that each Constable shall be allowed to re- tain for his personal use all fees col- lected by him in Civil cases pending in Justices' Courts, and be paid the actual and necessary expenses of transferring prisoners after convic- tion, to the County Jail, which shall be paid out of the County General Fund. Section Eight: Each Township of- ficer shall be allowed, in addition to his salary, such expenses as are now payable to him under the provisions of the general law, or this Charter, provided that all such expenses shall be limited to actual and necessary expenses. Section Nine: The salaries of Township Officers shall be paid at the same time, in the same manner, and out of the same fund as the salaries of County Officers. Section Ten: Each Township Offi- cer shall have the powers and per- form the duties now or hereafter pre- scribed by general law, except as In this Charter otherwise provided. Section Eleven: The Constable of each judicial Township shall be ex- offlcio Deputy Sheriff. Each Consta- ble shall be subject to the orders of the Sheriff in all matters, and In ad- dition to the duties required of Con- stables by law, the Constables shall serve civil processes within their re- spective Townships, or elsewhere, when required by the Sheriff so to do. ARTICLE VI. County Schools. Section One: There is hereby cre- ated a County Board of Educati jn, which shall consist of five members, who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors at the same time oth&r County Officers are appointed, but who shall hold office for a term of four years from and after the first Monday following the first day of March following their appointment; provided, however, that the five mem- bers of the County Board of Educa- tion, who shall be appointed in Feb- ruary, 1919, shall so classify them- selves by lot, that two of them shall hold office for a term of two years only, and their successors shall be ap- pointed in February 1921. Section Two: It shall be the duty of the County Board of Education to meet in the office of the County Su- perintendent of Schools on the writ- ten call of the said Superintendent or of a majority of said members of the Board of Education. The first meet- ing shall be held on the first Mon- day following the first day of March, and a meeting shall be held on said day in March every four years there- after. The County Superintendent of Schools shall be executive officer and ex-officio Secretary of the said Board. Section Three: The members of the Board of Education, other than the Superintendent of Schools and the Deputy, shall receive as compensation for their services Five Dollars per day, not exceeding the sum of One Hundred and Twenty Dollars per year, and in addition thereto, their actual and necessary traveling ex- penses while attending to the duties of their offices. Section Four: It shall be the duty of the County Board of Education: (a) To appoint a County Superin- tendent of Schools. This officer must be a certified teacher, having a regu- lar Elementary or High School certi- ficate of the State of California, and who has had not less than five years' experience as a teacher or educational administrator, two years of which have been in the five years immed- iately preceding his appointment. He must reside in the County during his term of office. (b) To appoint a Deputy Superin- tendent of Schools. The Deputy must be a certified teacher, having a regu- lar Elementary or High School certi- ficate of the State of California, who must have not less than three years' experience as a teacher or educational administrator, one year of which shall have been in the three years im- mediately preceding his appointment. He must reside in the County during his term of office. (c) To remove any of its appoin- tees for cause. (d) The Board of Education shall have such powers and perform such duties as are now, or may hereafter be prescribed for it or granted to it by law, except as herein otherwise provided. (e) It shall be the duty of the said Board of Education to fix the date upon which requisitions for fur- niture or supplies shall be submitted to the County Superintendent of Schools by the Boards of Trustees of thf/ several school districts. Section Five: The general law shall ai/ply to and govern the conduct of thfe schools of the County of Napa and the officers provided for the superin- tendence thereof, except as otherwise provided in this Charter. Section Six: In addition to fhe du- ties prescribed by law, the County Superintendent of Schools shall: (a) In person or by his Deputy, make a visit to each teacher in every school in the county at least twice each year, each visit to be of not less than three hours. (b) To report twice each year to the Clerk of each School District, the condition of the school of that dis- trict. (c) To print not to exceed five hundred copies of an annual report of the condition and standing of the schools of the County, the cost of which shall not exceed One Hundred Dollars per annum, and distribute them, one to each teacher and one to each School Trustee in the County. (d) To act as Secretary and Ex- ecutive Officer of the County Board of Education. (e) To certify to the County Pur- chasing Agent, all school supplies and furniture needed In the County Schools for the ensuing year and to request said Purchasing Agent to purchase and supply the School Trus- tees of the several School Districts such supplies and furniture as shall be necessary for the use of said School Districts as determined from requisitions made by the Board of Trustees thereof. All requisitions for supplies and furniture so purchased and furnished must, before being fill- ed, have endorsed thereon the ap- proval of the Superintendent of Schools as to the necessity for such supplies and furniture, and the quan- tity thereof. Section Seven: The Board of Trustees of the several School Districts of the County shall, at such time as may be fix- ed by the Board of Education, make requisitions upon the Purchas- ing Agent, through the County Super- intendent of Schools for such sup- plies as in the judgment of the mem- bers thereof shall be needed for the ensuing year, and no supplies for a School District shall be furnished or paid for by the County except upon requisition made as in this Charter provided. ARTICLE VH. Auditing and Accounting. Section One: If not already pro- vided, the Auditor shall on or before July first, 1919, inaugurate and in- stall in each County and Township office, an up-to-date and modern sys- tem of accounting, so that the books of all County officers shall be of a uniform system. Section Two: Each County and Township officer or employee who collects fees, fines or any money due the County, shall file with the Audi- tor, on or before the first Mon- day of each month, an itemized statement showing from what source the fees, fines, or other mon- eys were received during the preced- ing month; and shall also include in his report an itemized statement of all expenses incurred by the said of- ficer during the preceding month, in- cluding his salary and that of his deputies; and the Auditor shall not deliver to any officer, his warrant for his salary until he files said monthly report and pays all fees, fines and other money collected into the Coun- ty Treasury. Section Three: Each County officer shall file with the Auditor on or be- fore July tenth of each year, an es- timate of the amount that he will need to run his office for the fiscal year; and in no case shall he be per- mitted to expend more than is allow- ed his office in the budget, unless by a four-fifths vote, the Board of Su- pervisors shall permit him to exceed the amount estimated therein and said excess shall be drawn only from the County Officers' Emergency Fund. Section Four: All reports of Coun- ty and Township officers shall be made under a uniform system pre- scribed by the Auditor, and this re- port must be subscribed and sworn to before an officer authorized to admin- ister oaths, and verified by the Audi- tor. Section Five: The Auditor, annual- ly after July tenth and before Aug- ust first, shall make a report show- ing in total the monthly receipts of each officer, and an itemized state- ment of each officer's monthly ex- penses for the preceding fiscal year, together with all other expenses of the County government for the year. In this report he shall also include the amount of the estimated expenses as submitted by each officer. He must also show therein the expenses of each officer for the two preceding fis- cal years. He must also include therein the tabulated statement set- ting forth the sources and amount of all revenues received by the County. Section Six: The Auditor must set forth in the annual report all indebt- edness existing and outstanding against the County on the thirtieth day of June of each year. Section Seven: The Auditor's an- nual report shall be accompanied by an estimate to be made by the Audi- tor and Business Manager of the probable expenditures of the County government for the current fiscal year, and shall set forth therein, in detail all the amounts and require- ments of the several departments of the County government, showing specifically the amount necessary to be provided for each fund and de- partment; also an estimate of the amount of income from fines, licenses, and other sources of revenue, ex- clusive of taxes upon property, and the probable amount required to be levied and raised by taxation. Section Eight: The Auditor must set forth in his annual report, in ad- dition to the matters hereinbefore set forth, the total assessed value of all property in the County, as shown by the last assessment roll, the tax rate as levied by the Board of Super- visors, the actual amount of taxes paid into the County, the total amount of delinquent taxes remaining unpaid on the thirtieth day of April of that year, and the total amount of taxes proposed to be raised. Section Nine: When the Auditor and Business Manager have completed their annual budget they shall sub- mit it to the Board of Supervisors at its meeting in August for approval. In passing upon the estimate, the Board of Supervisors may eliminate or reduce the amount of any item, but in no case may it increase the estimates made by the Auditor and Business Manager, or provide for other expenditures, except as herein otherwise provided, though it may re- quest those officers to reconsider their estimate on any particular item thereof. If the Auditor or Business Manager for good reason raise the es- timate, then the Board may adopt the raised estimate. Section Ten: In making up the budget, a County Officers' Emergency Fund, not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars, shall be maintained. This fund may be drawn upon in emer- gencies, but only after a resolution of approval by four-fifths vote of the Board of Supervisors. The fund must be maintained solely for the use of County officers other than the Board of Supervisors. Section Eleven: In making up the budget, a Supervisors' Emergency Fund, not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars shall be maintained. This fund may be drawn upon in emer- gencies only upon a resolution of ap- proval by a four-fifths vote of the Board of Supervisors. Section Twelve: The Board of Su- pervisors may provide a Bridge and Permanent Road Fund not to exceed Twenty-five Thousand Dollars in any one year, out of the general County revenues, for the construction of bridges and permanent roads. Section Thirteen: The Auditor shall have his annual report printed in pamphlet form, in a number to be designated by the Board of Supervis- ors. One copy of said report must be filed with the Board of Supervisors, one with the Grand Jury, one with the Judge of the Superior Court, and the balance shall be for general dis- tribution. Section Fourteen: No claims against the County shall be allowed by the Board of Supervisors, or paid unless they have been checked by the Auditor and until they have his ap- proval endorsed thereon in writing. ARTICLE Vm. Business Manager, ex-Officio Purchas- ing Agent and Public Adminis- trator. Section One: It Is hereby made the duty of the Business Manager, subject to regulation and control by the Board of Supervisors, to exercise general supervision over the official conduct of all County officers, and of- ficers of all districts and other sub- divisions of the County charged with assessing, collecting, safe-keeping, managing or disbursing of public revenues; also over County Institu- tions, buildings and property, and to make a report to the Board from time to time with such recommenda- tions as he shall deem proper. He shall be ex-officio County Pure! asing Agent and shall perform the duties of the office as prescribed in this Char- ter. He shall devote his entire time during usual office hours to the du- ties of his office. He shall have an office in the Court House and shall ve in attendance at such oiflce during usual office hours, except when else- where engaged in the performance of his official duties. Section Two: Subject to regulation and direction of the Board of Super- visors, it shall be the duty of the Pur- chasing Agent to purchase from time to time, all supplies, materials, or property of every kind for use in or by every department, or office of the County. Section Three: He shall furnish and supply to all County, Township or District officers, supplies, mater- ials, or other property on the requis- ition of the officer desiring to use the same and in such quantity as such Purchasing Agent shall deem neces- sary; said requisition to be endorsed by the Auditor as herein required, or as otherwise provided in this Charter. Section Four: No County, Town- ship, or District officer shall contract for, or purchase any supplies, mater- ials, or other property of any kind for his use as such officer, or for use in, or pertaining to his office, except by and through the Purchasing Agent, and in the manner hereinprovided. Section Five: Whenever any such officer shall require any supplies, ma- terials, or other property of any kind for his use as such officer, or for use in or pertaining to his office, he shall make and present to the Auditor, a written requisition for the same. The Auditor shall thereupon examine such requisition and endorse thereon his approval or disapproval in whole or in part and charge the same against the budget allowance of such officer and deliver the same to the Purchasing Agent. If such officer has exhausted his budget allowance, the said requisition shall be present- ed to the Board of Supervisors for al- lowance out of the proper Emergency Fund. If such requisition be allow- ed in whole or in part, the Purchasing Agent shall, thereupon make such purchases as may be necessary to fill the same and shall deliver the article so allowed, together with an invoice of the same, to the officer making the requisition, and deliver a duplicate of such invoice to the Auditor. Section Six: The Business Manager and Purchasing Agent, acting In con- junction with the Auditor, must have prepared, on the first day of July of each year, a complete inventory of all property owned by the County. All property of every kind and descrip- tion purchased for the County during the year, and not consumed, must be listed and included in the inventory. Each year this inventory shall be checked by the Auditor to see if all property shown in the inventory of the preceding year is on hand. If there is any property missing, the Auditor must report the same to the Board of Supervisors to have an in- vestigation made by the Sheriff and District Attorney to locate said prop- erty or to see what disposition has been fcnade of the same, and to fake prop/r action in regard thereto. Sefction Seven: He shall sell all County property condemned by the Boafrd of Supervisors, either at pub- lic 'auction or private sale, as directed by the Board of Supervisors. Section Eight: He shall account for all County property to his succes- sor. ARTICLE IX. Road Department. Section One: All laws of the State of California now in force or to be hereafter enacted, relating to the for- mation of Road Districts for the care, maintenance and repair of roads, highways, and bridges, for the incur- ring of a bonded indebtedness for such work and the payment of such indebtedness by the levy and collec- tion of taxes in such Districts, shall be in full force and effect in the County of Napa, except in so far as the same shall be otherwise provided hi this Charter. Section Two: The Road Engineer and ex-officfo Surveyor shall be a Ci- vil Engineer and shall have had, prior to his appointment, at least two years practical experience in road construction. Section Three: The Road Engi- neer and ex-officio Surveyor shall, under the direction and supervision of the Board of Supervisors, have complete direction and control over all construction, improvement, main- tenance and repair of County roads, highways and bridges. Section Four: The Road Engineer and ex-officio Surveyor shall: (a) Devote his entire time to the performance of his duties, to the ex- clusion of all other business occupa- tions; he shall not be directly or indi- rectly interested in any contract or works, nor shall he be so interested in the purchase of any supplies, tools, or materials of any kind used in carrying out any of his duties un- der the provisions of this Charter. (b) Prepare annually a proper budget showing in detail the needs of the County for construction, improve- ment, maintenance or repair of Coun- ty roads, highways and bridges for the ensuing fiscal year, and submit the same to the Auditor and Business Manager on or before July tenth. (c) Make all surveys, maps, plans, specifications and estimates necessary or required for the construction, im- provement, maintenance and repair of the County highways and bridges. (d) Examine and inspect the work performed on such roads, high- ways and bridges, and report to the Board of Supervisors as to whether or not the work has been done in ac- cordance with the plans and specifi- cations and contracts therefor. (e) Approve and certify to the progress, estimates and allowance for work performed under all contracts for the construction, improvement, maintenance or repair of County roads, highways, and bridges. (f) Inspect or cause to be in- spected, all County roads, highways and bridges within the County, and under the general direction of the Board of Supervisors, keep such roads, highways, land bridges clear of obstructions and in good repair; em- ploy all men, teams, sprinkling wag- ons and all help necessary therefor, when the same is not Jet by contract, and report to the Board of Supervis- ors with respect to such inspection and such work from time to time as required by said Board; certify to the correctness of all pay rolls for work done by day labor on County roads, highways, and bridges. (g) Have control and manage- ment ander the general supervision of the Board of Supervisors of all County rock quarries, oil pits and depo-ts, gravel pits and- other mater- ials, property, implements, instru- ments, tools, machinery and other appurtenances necessary for the con- struction, improvement, maintenance and repair of County roads. high- ways, and bridges, and the plans therefor. (h) Make a written report to the Board of Supervisors at their regu- lar meeting each month, in which he shall state the amount and character of work done during the preceding month, the progress of any contracts under way, approximate cost of the work, and matters of interest per- taining to the same. In this report he shall call the attention of the Board of Supervisors to any repairs or construction work he deems im- portant to have maae or done, and make recommendations therefor, and inform and advise the Boardof Super- visors of all matters pertaining to the public roads, highways, streets, bridges or other public work, which in his judgment should be brought to their attention. This report shall contain the recommendation of ac- ceptance or rejection of any publiu work completed, and all official an- nouncements or statements which the Engineer is required to make to the Board. (i) During the calendar year 1919, to classify impartially the public highways of the County as "Main County Roads," "Secondary County Roads," and "County-by-roads." He shall compute the total mileage con- tained in the respective classes. The Main County Roads shall be called "Class A" roads and shall be named. The Secondary County Roads shall be called "Class B" roads, and shall be numbered. The County-by-roads shall be called "Class C" roads; keep a road register properly indexed, in which shall be entered the names, numbers, class, length, and a brief description of each and every public road and bridge in the County. (j) Perform such other duties pertaining to the construction, im- provement, maintenance or repair of County roads, highways and bridges as the Board of Supervisors shall pre- scribe. (k) He shall have supervision, charge and control of all rivers and streams within the County, and the clearing of obstructions therefrom to prevent overflow of the waters thereof. Section Five: The Board of Su- pervisors shall appoint and employ such district foremen and assistants to the Road Engineer as may he needed from time to time, and fix their compensation. Such appoint- ments shall be made only upon th^ recommendation of the Road Engi- neer. The compensation of such dis- trict foremen shall be paid from the road funds of the district or districts in which said foremen are employed. The compensation of assistants to the Hoad Engineer shall be paid out of the Salary Fund. Section Six: The Road Engineer shall make requisition upon the Pur- chasing Agent for all tools, imple- ments, machinery, materials and sup- plies required to carry out the pro- visions of this Charter and his work thereunder, and said requisition shall state plainly the estimated cost of the article or articles to be pur- chased. He shall approve all claims for the same before such claims are audited and passed by the Board of Supervisors. He shall be the custod- ian and be responsible for all equip- ment under his control. All such property shall be stored and protect- ed from the weather when not in use. An inventory of all property in his custody shall be made annually and kept on file in the office of the Road Engineer. Section Seven: No claims against the County for work done on its roads, highways, streets, bridges, aqueducts or in connection with the same, or for materials, supplies, im- plements, or machinery used for or in connection therewith, shall be passed by the Board of Supervisors or paid for by the Treasurer of the County unless they shall have endorsed there- on the written approval of the Road Engineer and the Auditor. Section Eight: The Board of Su- pervisors shall provide for and as- sign to the Road Engineer and his assistants, a suitable office or offices in the Court House or some place conveniently located with reference thereto, together with all office tools, implements and other equipment nec- essary for the performance of the duties herein prescribed. ARTICLE X. Board of Appraisers. Section One: There is hereby cre- ated a County Board of Appraisers. It shall consist of five members, to be appointed by the Board of Supervis- ors at the time other officers are ap- pointed, one from each Supervisorial District. Each member thereof shall be a qualified elector of the district in which he resides, shall be a freehold- er thereof, and shall hold office for a term of four years. Section Two: It shall be the duty of the Board of Appraisers to ap- praise the real property of the Coun- ty of Napa at its full cash value, once every four years; to make a full and complete written report thereof to the Assessor and the Board of Supervis- ors. In doing said work of appraise- ment, the Board of Appraisers shall work in conjunction with the Asses- sor, but said Assessor must adopt all appraisements made by the Board. Section Three: The compensation of each of said Appraisers shall be Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents per day, not exceeding sixty days for each appraisement period logetneT wltn all actual and necessary traveling ex- penses. In addition thereto, the Board of Appraisers shall be allowed such supplies as shall be necessdry for the performance of its work, ai^S shall be provided with an office in the County Court House, when needed. ARTICLE XI. Charities. Section One: There is hereby cre~ ated the office of Superintendent of Charities. Section Two: It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Charities to receive all petitions for County and State aid, to investigate and report on same to the Board of Supervisors, and no petition for County or State aid shall be granted by the Board of Su- pervisors until it has considered and acted upon the report of the Super- intendent of Charities accompanying said petition. Section Three: The Superintend- ent of Charities shall receive, in ad- dition to the salary hereinbefore pro- vided for, his actual and necessary traveling expenses while performing the duties of his office. ARTICLE XH. Miscella neons. Section One: Any officer may b removed by a four-fifths vote of the Board of Supervisors, whenever th Business Manager or any of the Board of Supervisors shall file writ- ten charges against such officer. Such charges shall be in detail and must relate to his lack of qualifications to fill the office, his manner of caring for the duties of his office, or his integ- rity, provided, that a Supervisor may be removed only by the electors of the County. Section Two: The compensation of any elective or appointive County or Township officer shall 'not be in- creased or decreased during the term for which he was elected or appoint- ed, nor within six months preceding his election or appointment. Section Three: All officers of the County of Napa except the Auditor, Business Manager, Road Engineer and Medical Superintendent of the County Hospital, must be electors and residents therein; the Auditor, Business Manager, Road Engineer and Medical Superintendent of the County Hospital must reside in the County of Napa during their terms of office. Section Four: The District Attor- ney shall act as the legal advisor and perform all le?o: services for the proper administration of the office of the Public Administrator. Section Five: The Probation Offi- cer shall be appointed in the manner now or hereafter provided by law. Section Six: Should the system of voting known as the "Preferential System of Voting" be adopted by the Legislature of the State for the pur- pose of electing officers of the several counties, then the members of the Board of Supervisors, and other elec- tive officers hereunder shall be elect- ed by the electors of the County at large under that system as so adopted. Section Seven: The Medical Su- perintendent of the County Hospital shall be a regularly licensed physician and shall, during his term of office e at the County Hospital, and shall have Immediate charge, super- vis:on and inanatu-ment of the Hospi- tal shall c;tre i'or all patients therein and in the County Jail. He shall be furnished an adequate resi- dence for himself and family and shall be provided with necessary food for their ordinary daily life and sustenance. Section Eight: Nothing in this Charter shall be construed to affect the tenure of office of any of the elective officers of the County or Townships thereof in office at the time this Charter goes into effect, and such officers shall continue to hold their respective offices until the expiration of the term for which they were elected, unless sooner removed in the manner provided by law. But the successors of each and all of such officers shall be elected or appointed as in this Charter provided, and not otherwise. Section Nine: Beginning with the fiscal year 1917-1918, the total amount that may be raised by the lioard of Supervisors by assessment and taxation of the property on the assessment roll of the County shall not exceed the sum of Two Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars in that fiscal year, and each fiscal year there- after the amount raised by assess- ment and taxation shall not exceed three per cent, above the amount raised during the previous fiscal year. provided that if it Is not necessary to raise said amount above named In said fiscal year, said amount may be raised in any .. .bsequent fiscal year, and provided, that in case of an em- ergency, the Board of Supervisors, by unanimous vote, may exceed the amount so fixed. The term "emer- gency" as used in this Section shall be limited to an act of God, such as flood, fire, earthquake, or of the pub- lic enemy, which necessitates the re- placement of County property de- stroyed; and provided further, that nothing herein shall be construed to affect the right of the Board of Su- pervisors to levy all necessary special taxes for school purposes in the sev- eral school districts of the County. Section Ten: The Board of Super- visors shall have power to levy and collect taxes, in addition to the taxes herein authorized to be levied and collected, sufficient to pay the inter- est and maintain the sinking fund of any bonded indebtedness of the Coun- ty, or any district therein, and to levy and collect special taxes whenever authorized by the people of the County at any general County election, by a majority vote of the electors voting thereon. At .any such election the Board of Supervisors may be author- ized to levy a special tax each year for a period not exceeding five years, :n all, for any permanent County im- provement. Section Eleven: All Ordinances of the County of Napa in force at the time this Charter takes effect, and not in conflict with the provisions hereof, shall continue to remain in full force and effect until amended or repeal- ed. Section Twelve: TTie provisions of the general laws of the State of Cali- fornia relating to the initiative, refer- endum and recall, as they now exist, or may hereafter be amended, are hereby made a part of this Charter. Section Thirteen: Words used in this Charter in the masculine gender include the feminine, and words used in the singular include the plural. Section Fourteen: The Constitu- tion and general law of the State of California shall apply to all matters not provided for in this Charter. Section Fifteen: If any Article, Section, or part of this Charter shall be for any reason judicially determin- ed to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions hereof. Section Sixteen: This Charter shall take affect and be in force at noon, on the first Monday after the first day of January, 1919, after its approval by the Legislature of the State of California, except as herein otherwise provided. The first elec- tion of officers hereunder shall be in 1918, We, the undersigned, members of the Board of Freeholders of the Coun- ty of Napa, State of California, elect- ed at a special election held in said County on the eighth day of Septem- ber, 1916, to prepare and propose a Charter for said County in accord- ance with the provisions of Section TVs of Article XI, of the Constitution of the State of California, have pre- pared, and we do hereby propose the foregoing as a Charter for said Coun- ty. In witness whereof, we have here- unto affixed our names this 4th day of January, 1917. WALLACE RUTHERFORD, Chairman. FRANK L. HUNT, Secretary. FRANK L. GORDON. M. H. SIMONS. B. F. STETSON. JOHN G. REDFIELD. CHAS. A. DAVIS. H. H. SAWYER. CHAS. W. ARMSTRONG. H. L. BELL. State of California, ss. County of Napa. I, N. W. Collins, County Clerk In and for the County of Napa, State of California, and ex-officio Clerk of the Superior Court in and for said Coun- ty, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of Proposed Charter, of Napa County, as the same appears of record in my office, with the original of which said copy has been compared by me, and is a true transcript therefrom. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court, at my office in the City of Xapa, this 12th day of January A. D., 1917. [Seal.] N. W. COLLINS. County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Superior Court. Endorsed. Filed January 4, 1917. N. W. COLLINS, Clerk. By JAMES A. DALY, Deputy Clerk. A 000908019 3