State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Chief Ckrk.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Chief Cl^ /:;; > ;
Reprint of the 1914 Edition of the School Laws, with
Appendix containing all the general school legislation passed
by the 1915 Legislature.
SVafe Superintendent,
April 3, 1916.
The Public School Laws of Tennessee,
Leading Decisions of the Supreme Court, and
Explanatory Notes.
SECTION 1. There shall be established and maintained, 25? 3 'syst?m? P *
in this State, a uniform system of public schools.
SEC. 2. (1) The public school system shall be adminis- gj 3 - chap '
tered by the following authorities, to-wit: A State Superin-
tendent, County Superintendents, and District Directors.
11 In each county of the State of Tennessee the office of 2se!' count P y
District Directors shall be abolished, and the schools shall Education.
be under the management and control of a County Board of
Education and a District Board of Advisors."
(2) The public schools already established in any of the I!? 3 ' sec!*!!:
counties of this State shall continue to be managed and u^he
conducted as now prescribed by law until the school officers to 1873 '
hereby created shall have been duly elected or appointed
and qualified; and the provisions of this act shall not ap-
ply to them until a County .Superintendent of Public
Schools shall have been appointed.
SEC. 3. The State Superintendent shall be a person of Qualifications
literary and scientific attainments, and of skill and experi- pt r intendent~
ence in the art of teaching, and who shall be nominated by flfof 018 chap,
the Governor and confirmed by the Senate.
Te?m a of SEC. 4. (1) He shall hold his office for two years, un-
I GSS removed as hereinafter provided, and shall have an
annual salary of $3,000, to be paid out of the school money
in the State Treasury; and during the term of office he
shall devote his entire time and attention to the duties
imposed by this act.
25 91 ' Me C mt (2) The State Superintendent of Public Instruction of
Board? 6 Tennessee shall be, ex officio, a member of the State Board
of Education.
E X officio. ( 3 ) Re shall algo be a memDer) ex O ffi c i 0i of all other
1899. chap. State educational bodies or associations.
343t (4) He shall be Secretary and Treasurer of the State Board
of Education.
(By Chap. 343, page 788, Acts 1889, the State Superintendent is made Secretary and
Treasurer of the State Board of Education, and Treasurer of the Peabody Normal
College fund.)
25? 3 ' Ho^re- SEC. 5. He shall be liable to removal from office by the
Governor for misconduct or neglect of duty; any vacancy
to be supplied by a new appointment for the unexpired
term; Provided, That, in the event of any such removal,
the reasons for the same shall be communicated, in writ-
ing, to the Superintendent thus displaced, and also to the
Senate, if in session, and, if not, within ten days after it
may next meet.
23? 3 * office a ai SEC. 6. The office of the State Superintendent shall be
at the capital of the State, and a room in the State Capi-
tol may be provided for that purpose.
^873. chap. SEC 7 The duties of the Superintendent shall be as
follows :
statistics, ^ -p co Hect and disseminate statistical and other in-
formation relating to the public schools,
inspection. ^) To make tours of inspection among the public
schools throughout the State.
1905. chap. ^ rp Q SUS p enc i t ne schools of any county for one day
S cho s ois pe fo? in- in each year, when he may deem it necessary, upon giving
con U feren I ce and proper notice, and to require all teachers and school offi-
cers upon the day so appointed to attend at a designated
hour and place for the purpose of instruction and confer-
ence, and all teachers attending such meeting or confer-
ence under the regulations of the State Superintendent
shall receive a certificate of attendance, which shall entitle
them to receive pay for the said day under their respective
contracts to the same amount as if their respective schools
had continued in session for said day.
(4) To see that the school laws and regulations are
faithfully executed.
(5) To prepare and distribute blank forms for all re-
turns required by law, or deemed by him necessary to be
made by teachers, school officers, and County Superin-
tendents of Public Schools, for use of the several counties.
(6) To have printed and distributed to the County
Superintendents and other school officers as many copies
of the school laws as may be necessary, with appropriate
forms and instructions for carrying said laws into execu-
(7) To appoint, at his discretion, persons in each county
to visit and examine all or any of the public schools there-
in, and report to him touching all such matters as he may
indicate respecting their condition and management, and
the means of improving them; but no compensation shall
be made for such services.
(8) To require of County Superintendents detailed po r q ts! re
reports annually, and as much oftener as he may deem
proper; and he may require special reports at any time
of any officer connected with the school system.
(9) To appoint some one to make the reports required Mns
to be made by the County Superintendent when such reports>
Superintendent shall fail to make full report at the time
designated, and to allow such appointee what he may
deem just for his services, which shall be paid by the de-
linquent County Superintendent; and upon his refusal to
do so, the State Superintendent shall stop, in the hands of
the County Trustee, that amount of his salary, or bring
suit, in his official name, against him in a court of compe-
tent jurisdiction, to enforce the payment.
License of
Acts 1913.
Chap. 40,
Sec. 6.
Report scho-
lastic popu-
Biennial re-
See Acts
1879. Chap. 6.
(10) To prescribe the mode of examining and licensing
school teachers, and their necessary qualifications.
(10-a) To issue certificates of qualification to public school
teachers (after July I, 1914.)
(11) To preserve in his office and conveniently arrange
all documents and matters in relation to educational sub-
jects that may come into it.
(12) To report to the Comptroller of the State, on the
first day of December in each year, the scholastic popula-
tion of each county.
(13) To biennially submit to the Governor, on or before
the fifteenth day of September, a detailed report of his
official proceedings for the year ending the thirtieth day of
June preceding, exhibiting a plain statistical account of
receipts and expenditures for public schools, and of their
condition and progress, showing the number of children,
male and female, white and colored, respectively, in the
State and in each county, between the ages of six and
twenty -one years, the total number of pupils enrolled, the
average number belonging, and the per cent, of attendance
during the year, the average paid to teachers, male and fe-
male, the amount of each branch of school expenditures,
severally, the cost of education per scholar, and whatever
else may tend to show the degree of success and usefulness
of the system.
NOTE. By Acts 1873, scholastic year ended August 31; it was amended by Acts
1881, Chapter 113, Section 1, to end J une 30.
Acts 1907, Chapter 153, Section 17, amends Section 13, of Acts 1873, by requiring
"the report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to be made biennially in-
stead of annually; Provided, that he shall have printed annually the statistical tables
of the report and leave in the hands of printers or otherwise a sufficient number of
same to bind with his biennial report."
1891. Chap.
132, Sec. 3.
(14) It shall be the duty of the State Superintendent
to have printed and distributed to the school officers of
the State, and to the County Courts of the several coun-
ties, appropriate forms and instructions for carrying into
effect the provisions of this act.
The Governor of the State shall appoint a State Board IdicauSn^ f
of Education, to consist of six members, two of whom c!iap? 8 90,' Sec.
shall be appointed for six years, two for four years, and two 13>
for two years; and, after the expiration of their first
terms of office, their successors shall be appointed for six
years. The Governor of the State shall be ex officio a Jftop. 35.
member and President of said Board. The State Superin-
tendent shall be ex officio a member, Secretary and Treas-
urer of the Board .
[The General Education Bill has amended many of the
duties of the State Board of Education. See page 76.]
(a) It shall be the duty of said Board of Education 9a 5 ' S ec. C i4? P '
to report, through the Superintendent, to the regular Report -
meeting of the General Assembly, the operations of the
Board, the condition and progress of the normal schools,
with such suggestions as they may deem advisable for the
improvement of normal and public schools.
(b) The State Board of Education shall, at proper illf ' sec C 3? P '
times, inspect the management of the State Normal Col- 5*0?
lege, and audit the accounts for the disbursement of the Education -
funds, and make a biennial statement, through the Gov-
ernor, to the Legislature, showing its condition and prog-
ress, and otherwise guard the State's interest in the same.
SEC. 55. (1) The establishment of a normal school or Jo? 5 ' Nora? P *
schools is hereby authorized to be effected by the Board of 8Ch o18 -
Education hereinafter provided for. The said normal
school or schools shall be made in every respect first-class
institutions for the professional education of teachers, and
the most approved method of instruction shall be adopted,
and none but teachers experienced and skilled shall be
employed to take charge of them.
(2) Said Board of Education shall, at as early date as Education,
may in their judgment be practicable, locate and make
arrangements for opening such normal school or schools,
Location of
furnishing them, adopting a course of study, employing
teachers and other officers.
(3) In the location of said normal school or schools, the
State Board of Education shall give preference to such
locality, accessible to all parts of the State, as shall offer
gratuitously the most suitable grounds and buildings for
the establishment of the same.
(4) Said Board of Education may receive contribu-
tions of money from the Trustees of the Peabody Educa-
tional Fund, or donations of property or funds from any
other source, for the benefit of this enterprise, which they
shall in good faith dispose of and disburse in accordance
with the conditions of the donations.
(5) The trustees of colleges, universities, or educational
institutions shall have the power to give the use of their
property to the State Board of Education for the benefit
of normal schools.
(6) No pupil shall be admitted into said schools who is
under sixteen or over thirty years of age, and who shall
not have undergone, satisfactorily, such examination as
may be prescribed by the State Board of Education.
Those already engaged in teaching may enter said normal
school or schools as pupils upon conditions fixed by the
State Board of Education.
(7) Pupils of public schools may be recommended for
admission into said normal school or schools by the County
Superintendent, on consultation with the Directors of the
School Districts of his county, and in cities by the Super-
intendent of Public Schools; and such pupils so recom-
mended, and who pass a satisfactory examination, shall
have precedence over all other applicants.
(8) Diplomas shall be granted to those who honorably
complete the course of study prescribed in said schools;
and possession of such diplomas shall exempt the holder
thereof from the examination prescribed as a condition
precedent to employment in the public schools of the State,
any such graduate being eligible as a teacher in any county
of the State.
(9) The same registers, records, and reports which are " and
prescribed in the State school law for the public schools,
or which may be ordered by the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, shall be kept by the officers and teach-
ers .of said normal schools, and regular reports shall be
made directly to the State Superintendent, at the times
and in the manner required by law for other public schools,
or at such other time as he may require.
(10) The State Board of Education shall keep such
normal schools as may be established for white and colored d
pupils entirely distinct and separate; Provided, That the
provisions therein for training and improvement shall be
impartially proportioned to the demands of each.
(11) The salaries of principals, teachers, and other s
officers of said normal schools, and all other expenditures,
shall be determined by the State Board of Education, and
the disbursements shall be made by the Treasurer of the
Board, upon its order.
Examine ap-
(12) To prescribe rules and regulations for the exami- piicants for
. ' .. , ~ o County Su-
nation of applicants for County Superintendents, to be perintendents.
held on the first Monday in October preceding each bi-
ennial election, and at any other date or dates fixed by the
Board. (Acts 1895, Chapter 54.)
(a) The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall fSSSS- and
be Secretary and Treasurer of the State Board of Education,
and as such shall have charge and general supervision of the
disbursement of all moneys hereafter appropriated for the cha S p?343'.
Peabody Normal College, and for all normal colleges and
institute funds . He shall keep in his office at the State Capi-
tol a record of all money appropriated for said normal school
or schools, and its distribution, and before any such money so
appropriated shall be drawn from the Treasury, he shall pass
upon and certify to the correctness of all vouchers to be filed
with the Comptroller prior to the issuance of his warrant.
(b) The State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as
the Secretary and Treasurer of the State Board of Education,
shall give bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, payable
to the State of Tennessee, for the faithful performance of his
duty as such Treasurer, which bond shall be approved by the
Governor and Attorney General.
NOTE. Amended by General Education Bill, Sec. 7. Acts 1909. Chap. 26 .
1873. Chap.
25. How
and election
of County
SEC. 8. 1. There shall be a County Superintendent
for each county, who shall be elected by the County Court
at its April or July term, 1873, and after 1874 he shall
be elected biennially in January, and no member of the
County Court shall be eligible to said office. He shall be
a person of literary and scientific attainments, and, when
practicable, of skill and experience in the art of teaching;
shall hold his office for two years, and shall receive such
pay for his services as may be allowed him by the County
Court, to be paid upon the order of the Chairman or
Judge of the County Court by the County Trustee. He
shall be subject to removal from office for misbehavior or
inefficiency at any time by the County Court; Provided,
That the cause for such removal shall be communicated to
him in writing.
Said County Superintendent shall be a person of literary
and scientific attainments and of skill in the theory and
practice of teaching; Provided, that preceding each bien-
nial election or any election to fill a vacancy for County
Superintendent of Schools each applicant shall file with the
Chairman of the County Court a certificate of qualification
given by the State Board of Education; Provided, that on
the first Monday in October preceding each biennial elec-
tion for County Superintendent of Schools and at any
other date or dates fixed by the State Board of Education,
each applicant for said office shall undergo a public ex-
amination at the county site of the county in which he
or she is an applicant, to be conducted by a commission
of three residents of the county, said commission to be
previously appointed by the Chairman of the County
Court, and to be citizens who, by education and experi-
ence, are most eminently qualified to conduct said exami-
nation, the same to be held by the State Board of Edu-
cation under such rules and regulations as said Board may
prescribe; Provided, that the said applicant shall furnish
evidence satisfactory to the said State Board of Education
as to his or her moral character, said evidence to be fur-
nished in such manner and form as shall be prescribed by
the said State Board of Education; Provided, further, that
if qualified as attested by said examination and as to
moral character, said applicant shall receive a certificate
of qualification by the State Board of Education; Pro- SJSfSkJ 8 to
vided, further, that those who have been previously examined rJJnishecUo
or may hereafter be examined under the regulations of the |^icaUo" d f
State Board of Education, and having attained po per cent. chap?5os! y
in general average, and not falling below 70 per cent, in any Acts 1899 .
study, shall be exempt from said examination so long as Chap- 231 *
they continue in the public school work; Provided, further,
that those who have been previously examined within the past
two years, or may hereafter be examined under the regulations
of the State Board of Education, and having attained 80 per cha^ei!'
cent, in general average, and not falling below 70 per cent, in
any study, shall be exempt from said examination for a period
of six years.
In the election of County Superintendent of Education, loff* women'
women of the age of twenty-one years, and otherwise pos- ehglble -
sessing the necessary qualifications, shall be eligible for said
SEC. 9. That the duties of the County Superintendent 2
Schools, nor School Directors, nor any other officer, nor
any teacher of the public schools, shall have any pecuniary
interest, directly or indirectly, in supplying books, maps,
school furniture and apparatus to the public schools of the
State, nor shall act as agent for any author, publisher,
bookseller, or dealer in any such school furniture or appa-
ratus, or, directly or indirectly, receive any gift, emolu-
ment, reward or promise of reward, for his influence in
recommending or procuring the use of any book, map, or
school apparatus, or furniture of any kind, in any public
school of this State; and any school officer or teacher who
shall violate this provision, besides being removed from his Penalt y
post, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two
hundred, nor more than five hundred dollars, and shall be
guilty of misdemeanor; Provided, that nothing in this sec-
tion shall be construed so as to include authors of books and
maps. (Acts 1899.)
SEC. 24. All school officers going out of office shall I 2 f. 3 TO de- hap '
deliver to their successors the records and all official ^ successors;
papers belonging to the office. In case of the refusal of S a e cf. for
any officer to do so, on demand of his successor, he shall
forfeit not less^than twenty-five nor more than one hun-
dred dollars therefor, and a like penalty for each month
during which he shall persist in withholding the same,
and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
chip 8 !!', No director (member of the County Board of Educa-
tion) shall be a teacher in the public schools, nor take any
contract for building a schoolhouse, nor any contract which
his board is competent to make, nor become the owner of
a school warrant.
25. 3 ' renames SEC. 25. All penalties and forfeitures imposed by this
by d w f hoS ltures; act upon a County Superintendent of Schools shall be for
the benefit of the public schools of the county; and all
penalties imposed upon School Directors or other district
school officers, or upon teachers, shall be for the benefit
of the public schools of the district where the offense is
committed. The suit for such penalties shall be in the
official name of the State Superintendent. And if prose-
cuted in a court of record, it shall be the duty of the Dis-
trict Attorney to conduct the same. It shall also be the
duty, of the District Attorney, and any school officer of
. the county, or of any school district, as the case may be,
to set such prosecution on foot; Provided, That if a pen-
alty shall be inflicted for any such offense, in pursuance
of this act, the party shall not be a second time subject
to a penalty therefor.
2l! 3 schooi hap ' SIEC. 30. The public schools shall be free to all per-
i879 ndanc chap. sons between the ages of six and twenty-one years residing
within the school district, and in special cases those chil-
dren residing in different districts may be educated in
school under such regulations as may be prescribed by the
Directors of the district interested ; Provided, That white
and colored persons shall not be taught in the same school,
but in separate schools, under the same general regulations
as to management, usefulness and efficiency.
190 f B chap.' All public schools in the county are to be run as nearly as
practicable the same length of time. If the daily attend-
ance of one or more scjiools shall fall below the minimum
fixed by the County Board of Education, then such school, .
or schools, shall be suspended until an attandance can be
assured of not less than one-fourth of the number of
pupils within the territory of said school, or schools; Pro-
vided, the County Board of Education shall not fix the
minimum in any case at less than ten pupils.
SEC. 32. (1) There shall be two classes of district pub- 132!' Chap '
lie schools, designated respectively primary schools and
secondary schools.
(2) The Directors of each school district shall establish
and maintain therein as many primary schools as may be
necessary to teach the children of the district; but they
shall have due regard to increasing the length of the
school term for the benefit of the district by limiting the
number of schools, and they shall not waste the school
funds by unnecessary multiplication of schools. In every
primary school shall be taught Orthography, Reading,
Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, History of
Tennessee, [containing] the Constitution of Tennessee (Acts
1899), and History of the United States, containing the
Constitution of the United States. Vocal Music and
Elocution, or the art of public speaking, may be taught
therein, and no other branches shall be introduced, except
those added in (4) below.
(3) The Directors of each school district, whenever the
interests of the district shall require it, may establish and
maintain therein one or more secondary schools. Every
secondary school shall consist of a Principal, and when
necessary aad assistant or assistants may be employed.
In every secondary school shall be taught the following
branches: Orthography, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic,
Grammar, Geography, History of Tennessee, [containing]
the Constitution of Tennessee (Acts 1899), History of the
United States, containing the Constitution of the United
States, Elementary Geology of Tennessee, Elementary
Principles of Agriculture, Elements of Algebra, Elements
of Plane Geometry, Elements of Natural Philosophy,
Bookkeeping, Elementary Physiology and Hygiene, Ele-
ments of Civil Government, and Rhetoric or Higher
English. Practice shall be given in Elocution, or the art
of public speaking. Vocal music may be taught, and no
other branches shall be introduced, except those included
in (4) following.
*ndHy&e, ( 4 ) Amendment taking effect January 1, 1896 (Acts
houc ts drh5ks! co " 1895 Cha P- 18 ) : In addition to the branches in which
cigarette and instruction is now given in the public schools of this State,
taught? 1 * Physiology and Hygiene, with a special reference to the
nature of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, and smoking
cigarettes, and their effects upon the human system, shall
also be taught as thoroughly as other required branches,
and shall be made a regular course of study for all pupils
in all schools supported entirely or in part by public money.
quTred e 7o r have (5) No certificate shall be granted to any person to
sucT le b d rInch f es. teach in the public schools of this State after the first of
January, 1896, who has not passed a satisfactory exami-
nation in Physiology and Hygiene, with special reference
to the effects of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, and ciga-
rette smoking upon the human system.
it? 9 ' sec C 2 ap> (6) The Superintendent of Public Instruction of this
?Txt si bo n o e k S s. State, and Commissioner of Agriculture, shall be consti-
tuted a commission to procure the preparation of, or the
designation of, a work on the "Elementary Principles of
Agriculture 8 f Agriculture," which shall be taught in the public schools
of the State, as are the other studies prescribed in the
21st [31st] section of the public school law; Provided, No
moneys are to be paid by the State, or out of the school
fund, for the preparation of the necessary book.
ill!' sST (1) The course of study in the public schools of each
by h o!unty aded county shall be graded, and the system of promoting
superintend- pupils through the several grades shall be prescribed by
the County Superintendent thereof, in accordance with
the general regulations of the State Superintendent. The
course of study in the primary schools shall consist of five
grades, and the course of study in the secondary schools
shall consist of eight grades, the first five grades in each
being identical.
(2) Pupils completing the first five grades, and attain-
ing proficiency therein, shall receive a certificate from the
State Superintendent, certifying that the holder has com- a
pleted the primary school course, which shall be counter-
signed by the County Superintendent and District Direct-
ors and the teacher or the teachers of the school, and
shall entitle the holder to enter the sixth grade of the sec-
ondary school of any school district, or of the high school
of any high school district, which is now or may hereafter
be established and in which the holder resides.
(3) Pupils completing the eighth grade in the course of
the secondary schools, and obtaining proficiency therein,
shall receive a diploma from the State Superintendent, 8
which shall be countersigned by the County Superin-
tendent and by the District Directors and by the teachers
of the school, and which shall entitle the holder to enter
the ninth grade of the high school of any high school dis-
trict which is now or may hereafter be established, and in
which the holder resides.
SEC. 33. The District Directors shall have the power, 25 73 ' C oni h i- P '
and they are hereby authorized, to make contracts of ccn- d
solidation with the trustees, teachers, or other authorities
of academies, seminaries, colleges, or private schools, by
which the public schools may be taught in such institu-
tions; Provided, That the branches of study designated in
the thirty-second section of this act shall be taught free
of any charge in such consolidated schools; and Provided,
further, That the authority of the County Superintendent,
District Directors, and other school officers, over those
studying such branches, shall be as full and ample as in
the ordinary public schools. (See County High School
SEC. 34. The permanent school fund of the State shall 25? 3 'schoi hap '
be the one million five hundred thousand dollars, ascer-
tained and declared by Section 946 of the Code, and recog-
nized by the Constitution of the State to be the permanent
school fund. To this shall be added the interest which
1873. Chap.
25. Fund.
1873. Chap.
25. Poll tax.
1875. Chap.
138, Sec. 1.
1873. Chap.
25. School
Tax how
has accrued on the same, and not been paid by the State,
amounting, on the first of January, 1873, to $1,012,500,
making this entire permanent State school fund $2,512,-
500. For this $2,512,500 a certificate of indebtedness
shall be issued, signed by the Governor, under the great
seal of the State, and deposited with the Comptroller of
the Treasury, and which, on its face, shall show the pur-
pose for which it was issued; and shall provide for the
payment of the interest thereon at the rate of six per
centum, payable semi-annually on the first day of July and
the first day of January in each year, commencing on the
first day of July, 1873. To the permanent State fund
may be added, from time to time, the proceeds of all es-
cheated property, of all property accruing to the State by
forfeiture, of all lands sold and bought in for taxes, of the
personal effects of intestates having no kindred entitled
thereto by the laws of distribution, and donations made to
the State for the support of the public schools unless oth-
erwise directed by the donors. The principal of the said
fund shall always remain unimpaired and entire, and the
annual income arising therefrom shall be, and is hereby,
dedicated to the support and maintenance of the public
schools of the State.
SEC. 35. The State school fund for the annual sup-
port of public schools shall be the annual proceeds of the
permanent State school fund any money that may come
into the State treasury for the purpose under the present
or future laws of the State, and any money that may
come into the State treasury for the purpose from any
source whatever. (To this has been added money derived
from Acts 1909, Chapter 264, and Acts 1913, Chapter 23.)
SEC. 36. Every male inhabitant in the State subject
thereto shall pay a poll tax of one dollar for the support of
the public schools, which shall be collected as other taxes are,
and paid over to the County Trustee in the county where col-
lected, and distributed therein to each school district accord-
ing to scholastic population.
SEC. 37. The State school tax shall be collected in the
same manner as other State taxes, but when the collectors
pay over to the Treasurer of the State the money coll ected
by them, they shall designate what part of the same is the
proceeds of the school tax.
SEC. 38. A tax of one and one-half mills on the dollar 25? 3 'oiS h and
shall be, and is hereby, annually assessed upon all prop- ax." half mills
erty subject to taxation for the support of the public
schools, which shall be collected as other taxes are, and
paid over to the County Trustee in the county where col-
lected, and distributed therein to each school district ac-
cording to scholastic population.
SEC. 39. When the money derived from the school 25? 3 'schS P '
fund and taxes imposed by the State on the counties shall moths. five
not be sufficient to keep up a public school for five months
in the year in the school districts in the county, the County
Court shall levy an additional tax sufficient for this pur-
pose, or shall submit the proposition to a vote of the peo-
ple, and may levy a tax to prolong the schools beyond the
five months, said tax to be levied on all property, polls, and
privileges liable to taxation, but shall not exceed the entire
State tax.
SEC. 40. Taxes so levied by the county shall be collect- 2i? 3 'Taxea^
ed in the same manner as other county taxes, and shall be and\ow le Sec ' 4 *
County Trustee for redivision the next year, but shall be
credited to such district, and be added to the amount next
apportioned to such district.
SEC. 43. In all cases where school money has been col-
lected in issues of the Bank of Tennessee, and burned, it
shall be the duty of the Comptroller to issue his separate
1873. Chap
25. School
how appor-
1897. Chap.
36, Sec. 1.
and distribu-
1897. Chap.
36, Sec. 2.
Trustee's an-
nual settle-
warrant for each year to the County Trustee of each
county for the amount of school money belonging to such
county for each year so burned, or burned as aforesaid;
and the proceeds of said warrants, together with all other
school funds now in the hands of County Trustees, Super-
intendents, or other officers, belonging to each year, shall
be applied, under the direction of the County Judge or
Chairman of the County Court, first, in payment of all
just claims accruing in said year, and the balance, if any,
applied in payment of just claims next in time of accru-
SEC. 44. All money in the treasury of the State for
the annual support of her schools on the first Monday of
October and April of every year shall be apportioned by
the Comptroller among the several counties according to
their scholastic population, as reported to him by the State
Superintendent. He shall give immediate notice of such
apportionment to the County Trustee of each county, and
shall give notice in some newspaper at the seat of govern-
ment of the amount apportioned to each county. He shall
issue his warrant on the Treasurer in favor of the County
Trustee of each county for the amount apportioned to such
county, and transmit the warrant to such Trustee.
SEC. 45a. The County Trustee of each county shall
make quarterly settlements with the County Judge or
Chairman of the County Court of all school funds arising
from State or county levies, or from any other source for
school purpose, and shall also make with said County
Judge or Chairman of the County Court quarterly dis-
tribution of the school moneys in his hands, and shall
report the same to the County Superintendent and to the
Directors of the several school districts, and the County
Superintendent of Public Instruction for the county shall
be present at each quarterly settlement and distribution of
the school fund, and shall have supervision thereof.
SEC. 45&. Said County Trustee shall also have an-
nual settlements of the school fund with said County Judge
or Chairman of the County Court before July 15th of
each year, for the school year ending June 30th previous;
and in said settlement said Trustee shall be charged with
all tax aggregates, picked-up taxes, and with all funds
which have come or ought to come into his hands for the
school purposes, and shall be credited with all releases
granted by the County Court, with his lawful commis-
sions and with all amounts lawfully disbursed; and the
County Superintendent of Instruction shall be present at
such annual settlement, and shall have supervision thereof.
SEC. 45c. It shall be the duty of the County Superin- 36? 7 Sec?3? P '
tendent to make quarterly reports to the State Superin-
tendent on or before the 15th day of January, April, July,
and October of each year, setting forth an account of the e
school funds derived from all sources, in accordance with
the forms or on the blanks provided by the State Super-
SEC. 45d. The County Trustee shall, on or before July si^sec. C 4 hap>
15th of each year, make annual reports to the County
Superintendent for the school year ending June 30th
previous in accordance with the forms or on the blanks
provided by the State Superintendent; and said annual
report shall set forth an account for all moneys received
during the school year, under the heads of "Amount on
hand at beginning of school year," "Gross amount re-
ceived," "From State, County, from school districts and
from all other sources," and an account of all moneys ex-
pended during said school year, under the heads of "Sal-
aries of teachers," "School sites, buildings, and repairs,"
"Furniture and fixtures," "Libraries, maps, charts, and
apparatus," "Paid District Clerks," "Paid County Super-
intendents," "Retained as fees of Trustee," "All other
expenses," and "The balance on hand at the end of school
SEC. 45e. Whenever it shall appear to the County Su-
perintendent that any portion of the school fund has been
or is in danger of being lost, misappropriated, or in any loss *
way illegally disposed of or not collected, it shall be the
duty of said County Superintendent to report the same to
the County Court, and also to report the same to the
State Superintendent.
1897. Chap.
Sec. 6.
1897. Chap.
36, Sec. 7.
Violaton of
law, misde-
1899. Chap.
395. Comp-
troller to re-
port warrant
to County
SEC. 45/. Whenever it shall appear to the State Su-
perintendent, from the report of County Superintendent
or from other information, that any portion of the school
fund has been lost, misappropriated, or in any way ille-
gally disposed of or not collected, it shall be the duty of
the State Superintendent, and he shall have power, to
employ a resident attorney to look after the recovery and
collection of such fund; and for his services may retain,
out of moneys actually recovered and collected by him,
not exceeding ten per cent thereof; and in no case shall
said attorney receive any pay for said services except his
commission as aforesaid, retained out or moneys actually
collected, accounted for, and paid over by him to the offi-
cer lawfully entitled to receive the same.
SEC. 45g. It shall be a misdemeanor in office, punish-
able by fine, for any County Superintendent or County
Trustee to fail or refuse to make any of the reports pro-
vided for in this act, and, in the event of such failure or
refusal, it shall be the duty of the officer to whom such
report is due, unless said report is made within thirty days
after the date fixed by law, to certify said failure or refusal
to the Attorney General for the county in or from which
said failure or refusal shall have occurred.
// shall J)e the duty of the Comptroller of the Treasury to
certify to the Chairman or County Judge of each county in
the State the date of issuance and amount of each warrant
transmitted to the County Trustee of such county in the semi-
annual disbursement of the public school fund.
Acts 1873.
Sec. 23.
School districts adjacent to incorporated towns are au-
thorized to purchase property inside the corporate limits
of such town and erect thereon schoolhouses, which shall
be under the exclusive control of the directors of such
school districts, for the use and convenience of the school
children in such school district.
NOTE The powers conferred on District Directors by Acts 1873, are now given
County Boards of Education by Acts 1907, Chapter 236,
SEC. 51. None of the provisions of this act shall be
construed, so as to interfere with the schools or school
systems already established in cities and incorporated a
towns, or conflict with the chartered rights by virtue of
which funds for their support are being received, raised,
and distributed, or to limit them as to the power to extend
the course of study, it being intended to encourage the
establishment of public high schools, when the population
justifies it, as a means of perfecting the grading and ele-
vating the standard of scholarship. But all such schools
shall receive their pro rata share of moneys received un-
der the provisions of this act, according to their scholastic
SEC. 52. That all the rights and privileges reserved
and given to cites and incorporated towns by Section 51 of
said act (1873, Chap. 25), be, and the same are hereby, town8 '
extended to schools and school systems that have been
established by cities or incorporated towns since the pas-
sage of said act, or that may hereafter be established by
That cities and incorporated towns in which have been lot. 1 ' sS^!'
established, or may hereafter establish, such higher graded 2co f r graded
schools, be, and the same are hereby, authorized and em-
powered to supplement the school fund derived from State
and county tax, by an additional municipal tax or levy,
for the support of said schools; Provided, however, That
no incorporated town or municipality shall exceed its law-
ful limit of taxation in making such additional levy.
(1) The several incorporated cities and towns within
this State may, through their Boards of Mayor and Alder-
men, establish and maintain, within their respective cor-
porate limits, a system of high graded common schools. hjghgrade. a
(2) For this purpose the said Board of Mayor and
Aldermen of any municipal corporation within this State
may procure a suitable schoolhouse or houses, either by
erection or purchase, and, in making such erection or
purchase of such house or houses, and furnishing the same,
Levy additional
Board of
schools not
from Acts
1885, Chap. 82,
Sec. 2.
Schools in
taxing dis-
may apply the common school fund to which their respect-
ive scholastic populations are entitled by law.
(3) For the purpose of erecting, or causing to be erected,
or purchasing such school buildings or houses, and fur-
nishing the same, and for the purpose of establishing and
maintaining such high graded common public schools, said
Board of Mayor and Aldermen may levy and collect an
additional tax to that imposed by or under the general
provisions of the school law upon all taxable polls, privi-
leges, and property within the corporate limits; Provided,
That the special tax levied under this section, and the
taxes levied for general municipal purposes, shall, in no
case, exceed the rate of taxation for general purposes fixed
by charter limitation.
(4) The Board of Mayor and Aldermen of any such
municipal corporation, so establishing public schools, may,
and they shall, have full power to appoint a Board of
Education, consisting or not exceeding six qualified citi-
zens residing within their corporate limits, which Board,
when so appointed, shall have full power as trustees or
directors to manage and control such schools, to elect or
employ well-qualified teachers, and to prescribe all needful
rules and regulations; and said Board shall hold its office
as follows: Two for three years, two for two years, two
for one year, and after the first year, two Commissioners
shall be elected each year, subject to removal for good
cause by the said Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
(5) Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to
allow or permit mixed schools of the white and colored
population, but such schools shall be taught separately, as
now provided by law.
SEC. 54. The Board of Commissioners (of taxing dis-
tricts of the second class) shall have power, by ordinance,
within the district, ... to establish and maintain a
public school or public schools; or said Commissioners
may join with the Public School Commissioners of the
Civil District in which said Taxing District is located, in
maintaining the public schools located within the limits of
said Taxing District.
Act for Protection of Female
Boarding Schools.
ACTS 1897. CHAPTER 101.
AN ACT for the protection of boarding schools and colleges for fe-
males, and the principals and inmates thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the ^$5^^
State of Tennessee, That hereafter it shall be unlawful for ^ h f oois ale
any person, or persons, to wilfully and unnecessarily in-
terfere with, disturb, or in any way disquiet the pupils
of any school or college for females in this State, or the
principal or teachers in charge of them, while on any pub-
lic road or street, or in any building or structure, or on
the school premises; nor shall any communication be had,
for such purposes, with such pupils, or any one of them,
either orally or in writing, or by signs or otherwise; and
it shall also be unlawful for any person to enter upon any
such school or college premises, except on business, with-
out first having obtained permission of the principal in
charge of same; and every person guilty of either of said
offenses, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
on conviction thereof, shall pay a fine of not less than five
nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, on the first
conviction; and upon the second, and each subsequent
conviction, of a like offense, shall pay a fine of not less
than ten nor more than fifty dollars, and be imprisoned
at the discretion of the court, in the county jail, not less
than ten nor more than thirty (30) days.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be unlaw-
ful for any person, or persons, to loiter, wander, stand, female
or sit upon the public roads, streets, alleys, sidewalks,
or other places, or to frequently and unnecessarily pass
along the same in such manner, and with intent to annoy,
vex or disturb the owners, lessees or occupants of any
premises in the State used for the purposes of a school or
college for the education of females, or with intent to dis-
turb, annoy and harass the teachers, principal or pupils,
or any one of them, as they pass along the public high-
ways, streets, or alleys of any city in the State; and any
person, or persons, violating this section of this act shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction,
shall be fined and punished in the same way, and to the
same extent, as if convicted under the first section of this
County High School.
ACTS 1899. CHAPTER 279.
SECTION 1. Whenever it shall appear to the County hooismay h
Court of any county that the public interest requires it, be estabhshed -
said Court shall have power to provide for establishing
and maintaining one or more county high schools for the
instruction of the children of the county; the said high
school or schools to be managed as hereinafter provided.
SEC. 2. The said Court for the purpose aforesaid shall Tax *
have power to levy special taxes, in addition to other
taxes, for school purposes, not to exceed fifteen cents on
the one hundred dollars on all taxable property, to be
levied and collected as other county taxes; and the said
court shall also have power, for the purpose aforesaid, to
make appropriations out of any county funds not other-
wise appropriated, except out of the public school funds;
and the funds arising from the taxes levied for the pur-
pose, and for the appropriation made for the purpose,
shall constitute a special fund to be known as the County
High School Fund, which shall be kept by the County
Trustee separate and apart from all other funds, and ap-
plied exclusively to the purpose aforesaid.
SEC. 3. The management and control of the county high iS^afd
school or schools shall be vested in the County High School of Education -
Board of Education, which shall consist of seven members,
six of whom shall be elected by the County Court as soon as
the court shall have decided to provide for establishing a
county high school or schools, two of whom shall be elected
to serve until the following January term of the Court,
two to serve until the second January term following their
election, and two to serve until the third January follow-
ing their election; at the expiration of the terms of the
Three teach-
several members, their successors shall be elected at the
respective January terms of the Court, to serve three years.
Not more than one member of the board shall be elected
from the same school district, and the members shall be
distributed through the different localities of the county
as the Court shall deem equitable. The Court shall fill all
vacancies for unexpired terms at the quarterly term of the
Court after the vacancy occurs, or as soon thereafter as
possible. The County Superintendent shall be ex officio a
member of the Board of Education and Secretary thereof,
and may receive such compensation for his services as
Secretary as the Board shall allow, in addition to his salary
as County Superintendent.
SEC. 4. In every county high school shall be taught all
the branches of study now required or permitted by law
to be taught in the secondary schools, excepting and ex-
cluding the branches named to be taught in the five grades
of the primary schools; and in addition such other high
school branches may be taught as the Board of Education
may prescribe as necessary to prepare pupils for college or
for business. The county high schools shall be graded
by the Board of Education under the general regulations
of the State Superintendent and the supervision of the
County Superintendent, beginning with the sixth grade,
which sixth grade shall be adjusted for the admission of
pupils who have completed the five grades of the primary
SEC. 5. In order to secure efficient instruction for the
extensive course of study, the Board shall employ in every
county high school not less than three teachers.
SEC. 6. The county high school or schools shall be open
to all the children of the county of lawful age who shall be
otherwise qualified, and who have completed the primary
school course, or its equivalent, as tested by examination
or such regulations as may be provided by the Board for
the admission of pupils; Provided, That the county high
schools shall be separate for white and colored pupils, as
provided by law for all public schools.
SEC. 7. The Board of Education shall have power to
locate, establish, and manage the county high school or
schools, to make contracts with teachers, draw warrants on
the County Trustee on account of the high school fund, and
shall perform such duties and exercise such powers with
respect to the control and management of the county high
school or schools as are now vested by law in the District
Directors with respect to the control and management of
the district schools.
SEC. 8. The County Board of Education shall have
power to make contracts of consolidation with the proper 8
authorities of seminaries, academies, or colleges, or with
city Boards of Education, or District Directors, whereby
the county high school may be taught in said seminaries,
academies, or colleges, or city or district schools ; Provided,
That the high school branches be taught free of charge to
all pupils of the county entitled thereto; And provided,
further, That the authority of the State Superintendent,
the County Superintendent, the Board of Education, and
all school officers shall be as full and ample in such consol-
idated school as in other county high schools; And pro-
vided, further, That no teacher shall be employed in teach-
ing the said high school branches unless said teacher shall
have a teacher's certificate of such grade as may be pre-
scribed for such service, the County Superintendent under
the general regulations, and unless the employment of said
teacher shall be approved by the Board of Education.
SEC. 9. The county high schools shall be under the
general supervision of the County Superintendent and of ?nt P s7rerSrts.
the State Superintendent, as provided for other public
schools, and it shall be the duty of the State Superintend-
ent to provide such special blanks and forms, and general
regulations, as may be needed for the examination of high
school teachers, for warrants of the County Board of Edu-
cation, for grading high schools and other purposes, and
to make such changes in the form of reports as may be
necessary to adapt them to the use of the high schools, and
it shall be the duty of the teachers of the county high
schools, and of consolidated county high schools, and of
of over school
County Trus-
tees to pay
out fund,
County Boards of Education, to make reports on the pre-
scribed blanks and forms at the time provided by law for
the reports of other public schools, and in accordance with
the regulations of State and County Superintendents.
SEC. 10. The County Board of Education shall have
power to admit as pupils in the county high school or
schools, persons over the school age, or non-residents of the
county, upon the payment of such reasonable rates of
tuition, and under such regulations as may be prescribed
by the Board for, persons not entitled to admission in said
schools free of charge.
SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of the County Trustee to
pay all warrants legally drawn by said Board of Education
on account of the county high school fund, to keep an accu-
rate account of said fund, and to render report of same to
the said Board of Education, and to the proper officers as
now provided by law with respect to other school funds.
Text-Book Law.
ACTS 1899. CHAPTER 205.
SEC. 1. The Governor and State Superintendent of e t i? sion
Public Instruction, together with three members of the
State Board of Education to be named by the Governor,
and to serve for five years, shall be, and are hereby, con-
stituted a State Text-book Commission, whose duty it is
to select and adopt a uniform series or system of text-books
for use in the primary and secondary public schools in the
State of Tennessee, and for use in the incorporated cities
or towns in the high graded common schools. Said com-
mission is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to Srect^fto 11
select and adopt a uniform system or series of text-books f r < m t text~
for use in the public schools in this State, as above indi- b
cated, and when so selected and adopted, the text-books
shall be used for a period of five years, in all the public
schools of this State, and it shall not be lawful for any
school officer, director, or teacher to use any other books
upon the same branches, other than those adopted by said
State Text-book Commission. Said uniform series shall SlSy. he *
include the following branches of study, to-wit: Orthog-
raphy, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, grammar,
language lessons, history of Tennessee, containing the con-
stitution of the State, history of the United States, con-
taining the constitution of the United States, physiology
and hygiene, elementary geology of Tennessee, elementary
principles of agriculture, elements of algebra, elements of
plane geometry, elements of natural philosophy, bookkeep-
ing, elements of civil government, rhetoric, and higher
English, and such other branches of study in addition to
the foregoing as said commission may select and designate
for use in the high graded common schools in the incorpo-
sion author-
Duties of
rated cities and towns of this State; Provided, That none
of said text-books shall contain anything of a partisan or
sectarian character. It shall be the duty of said commis-
sion to appoint a subcommission of five, to be selected
from among the teachers, city or county superintendents
actually engaged in the school business in this State, pro-
vided that not more than one of these shall be taken from
any congressional district, to whom shall be referred all
books sent to the State Text-book Commission as specimen
copies, or samples, upon which bids are to be based, and
it shall be the duty of said subcommission, in executive
session, to^ examine and report upon the merits of the
books, irrespective of the price, taking into consideration
the subject-matter of the books, their printing, their ma-
terial and mechanical qualities, and their general suit-
ability and desirability for the purposes for which they
are desired and intended. It shall further be the duty of
said subcommission to report to the commission, at such
time as said commission shall direct, arranging each book
in its class or division, and reporting them in the order
of their merit, pointing out the merits and demerits of
each book, and indicating what book they recommend for
adoption first; what book is their second choice; what
their third choice, and so on, pursuing this plan with the
books submitted upon each branch of study. And if said
subcommission shall consider different books upon the
same subject, or of the same class or division, of approx-
imately equal merit, all things being considered, they shall
so report, and if they consider that any of the books offered
are of such class as to make them inferior and not worthy
of adoption, tl\ey shall, in their report, so designate such
books, and in said report they shall make such recom-
mendations and suggestions to the commission as they
shall deem advisable and proper to make. Said report
shall be kept secret and sealed up and delivered to the
secretary of the commission, and said report shall not be
opened by any member of the commission until the com-
mission shall meet in executive session to open and con-
sider the bids or proposals of publishers, or others, desir-
ing to have books adopted by said commission. Each
member of said subcommission, before entering upon the
discharge of his duties, shall take and subscribe to an oath
to act honestly, conscientiously, and faithfully, and that
he is not directly or indirectly, in any manner interested
in any of the proposed contracts, nor in any book, or pub-
lishing concern publishing any books of the kind or char-
acter contemplated for use in the public schools of this or
any other State, and that he will examine all books sub-
mitted carefully and faithfully and make true report there-
on, as herein directed and prescribed. Said oath shall be
filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Said Text-
book Commission shall hear and consider said report in
its selection and adoption of the uniform series of text-
books, and shall also themselves consider the merits of the
books, taking into consideration their subject-matter, the
printing, binding, material and mechanical qualities, and
their general suitability and desirability for the purposes
intended, and the price of said books, and they shall give
due consideration and great weight to the report and rec-
ommendations of said subcommission; Provided, That no
text-book the subject matter of which is of inferior quality, uonof 361 *
shall be adopted by the Text-book Commission. Said book8 '
commission shall select and adopt such books as will, in
their best judgment, accomplish the ends desired, and they
are hereby authorized and directed, in case any book or
books are deemed by them suitable for adoption, and more
desirable than other book or books of the same class or
division submitted, and they further consider the price at
which such book or books are offered to be unreasonably
high, and that it should be offered at a smaller price, to
immediately notify the publisher or offerer of such book
or books of their decision, and request such reduction in
price as they deem reasonable or just, and if they and
such publisher shall agree on a price, they may adopt this
book or books, but if not, they shall use their own sound
judgment and discretion whether they will adopt that, or
the book or books deemed by them next best in the list
submitted. And when said Text-book Commission shall
How the
shall be con-
Bids to be
of bidders.
have finished with the report of said subcommission, the
said report shall be filed and preserved in the office of the
State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and shall be
open at all times for public inspection.
SEC. 2. Said text-book commission shall, immediately
after the passage of this Act, meet and organize, the Gov-
ernor being ex officio president of the commission, and
the commission shall elect its secretary. As soon as prac-
ticable, not later than thirty days after its organization,
the commission shall advertise, in such manner, and for
such length of time, and at such places, as may be deemed
advisable, that at a time and place fixed definitely in said
advertisement, sealed bids or proposals will be received
from the publishers of school text-books for furnishing
books to the public schools in the State of Tennessee,
through agencies established by said publishers in the
several counties, and places in counties, in the State, as
may be provided for in such regulations as said commis-
sion may adopt and prescribe. The bids or proposals to
be for furnishing the books for a period of five years, and
no longer, and that no bid for a longer period would be
considered. Said bid or bids shall state specifically and
definitely the price at which the book or books will be fur-
nished, and shall be accompanied by one or more specimen
copies of each and every book proposed to be furnished,
and it shall be required of each bidder to deposit with the
Treasurer of the State a sum of money such as the com-
mission may require, not less than five hundred ($500)
dollars, nor more than twenty-five hundred ($2,500) dol-
lars, according to the number of books each bidder may
propose to supply, and notice shall further be given in
said advertisement that such deposits shall be forfeited
absolutely to the State, if the bidder making the deposit
of any sum shall fail, or refuse, to make and execute such
contract and bond as is hereinafter required, within such
time as the commission may require, which time shall also
be stated in said advertisement. All bids shall be sealed
and deposited with the Secretary of State to be by him
delivered to the commission when they are in executive
session, for the purpose of considering the same, when
they shall be opened in the presence of the commission.
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the said Text-book Com- SJSSfiE,?'
mission to meet at the time and place designated in such
notice, or advertisement, and take out the sample or speci-
men copies submitted, upon which the bids are based, and
refer and submit these to the subcommission, as provided
for and directed in Section 1 of this Act, with instructions
to said subcommission to report back to them at a time
specified, with their report, classification and recommen-
dations, as provided in Section 1. When the said report
is submitted it shall be the duty of the said Text-book
Commission to meet in executive session, to open and ex-
amine all sealed proposals submitted and received in pur-
suance of the notice of advertisement provided for in
Section 2 of this Act. It shall then be the duty of said
commission to examine and consider carefully all such
bids or proposals, together with the report and recom-
mendations of the subcommission, and determine in the ^considered.
manner provided in Section 1 of this Act what book or
books, upon the branches hereinabove mentioned, shall be
selected for adoption, taking into consideration the size,
quality as to subject-matter, material, printing, binding,
and the mechanical execution and price, and the general
suitability for the purpose desired and intended; Pro-
vided, however, That all books selected or adopted shall
be written or printed in English. After their selection for
adoption shall have been made, the said commission shall,
by registered letter, notify the publishers, or proposers,
to whom the contracts have been awarded, and it shall
then be the duty of the Attorney General of the State to
prepare the said contract or contracts in accordance with pe
the terms and provisions of this Act, and the said contract *
shall be executed by the Governor and Secretary of State,
with the seal of the State attached upon the part of the
State of Tennessee, and the said contract shall be executed
in triplicate, one copy to be kept by the contractor, one
copy by the secretary of the Text-book Commission, and
, copied in full in the minute book of said commission, and
C con- pre
Bond to be
Bond may be
sued on from
time to time.
Forfeiture for
failure to
observe con-
one copy to be filed in the office of the Secretary of State.
At the time of the execution of the contract aforesaid,
the contractor shall enter into a bond in the sum of not
less than ten thousand dollars, nor more than thirty thou-
sand dollars, payable to the State of Tennessee, the amount
of said bond within said limits, to be fixed by said com-
mission, conditioned for the faithful, honest, and exact
performance of his contract, and shall further provide for
the payment of reasonable attorneys' fees in case of recov-
ery in any suit upon the same, with three or more good
and solvent sureties, actual citizens and residents of the
State of Tennessee, or any guarantee company authorized
to do business in the State of Tennessee may become the
surety on the said bond, and it shall be the duty of the
Attorney General to prepare and approve said bond ; Pro-
vided, however, That said bond shall not be exhausted by
a single recovery, but may be sued on from time to time,
until the full amount thereof shall be recovered, and the
said commission may, at any time, by giving thirty days'
notice, require additional security or additional bond
within the limits prescribed. And when any person, firm,
or corporation shall have been awarded a contract, and sub-
mitted therewith the bond, as required hereunder, the
commission, through its secretary, shall so inform the
Treasurer of the State, and it shall then be the duty of the
Treasurer to return to such contractor the cash deposit
made by him, and the said commission, through its secre-
tary, shall inform the Treasurer of the names of the un-
successful bidders or proposers, and the Treasurer shall,
upon receipt of this notice, return to them the amount
deposited in cash by them at the time of the submission
of their bids. But should any person, firm, company, or
corporation fail or refuse to execute the contract, and
submit therewith his bond as required by this Act within
thirty days of the awarding of the contract to him, and
the mailing of the registered letter containing the notice,
provided the mailing of the registered letter shall be
sufficient evidence that the notice was given and received,
the said cash deposit will be deemed, and is hereby de-
clared, forfeited to the State of Tennessee, and it shall
be the duty of the Treasurer to place said cash deposit in
the treasury of the State, to the credit of the school fund ;
And provided, further, That any recovery had on any bond
given by any contractor, shall inure to the benefit of the fund '
school fund of the State and counties, and when collected
shall be placed in the treasury to the credit of the school
fund, and be prorated among the several counties of the
SEC. 4. The books furnished under any contract shall Sme
at all times, during the existence of the contract, be equal 8
to, in all respects, the specimen or sample copies furnished
with bids; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of
State to carefully preserve in his office, as the standards of
quality and excellence to be maintained in such books
during the continuance of such contract, the specimen or
sample copies of all books which have been the basis of
any contract, together with the original bid or proposal.
It shall be the duty of all contractors to print plainly on
the back of each book the contract price as well as the
exchange price at which it is agreed to be furnished, but
the books submitted as sample or specimen copies with the
original bids shall not have the price printed on them
before they are submitted to the subcommission. And the
said Text-book Commission shall not, in any case, contract notexced S
with any person, publisher, or publishers, for the use of e!aewhere rged
any book or books which are to be or shall be sold to patrons conditions,
for use in any public school in this State, at a price above
or in excess of the price at which such book or books are
furnished by said person, publisher, or publishers, under
contract to any State, county, or school district in the
United States, under like conditions prevailing in this
State, and under this Act. And it shall be stipulated in
each contract that the contractor has never furnished, and
is not now furnishing under contract, any State, county,
or school district in the United States, where like condi-
tions prevail as are prevailing in this State, and under this
Act, the same book or books as are embraced in said con-
tract, at a price below or less than the price stipulated in
to act if ex-
cess price is
State not
Books now in
use may be
the said contract. And the said commission is hereby
authorized and directed, at any time they may find that
for use in any public school in this State, at a price above
any book or books have been sold at a lower price under
contract to any State, county, or school district aforesaid,
to sue upon the bond of said contractor, and recover the
difference between the contract price and the lower price
at which they find the book or books have been sold. And
in case any contractor shall fail to execute specifically the
terms and provisions of his contract, said commission is
hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to bring suit
upon the bond of such contractor for the recovery of any
and all damages, the suit to be in the name of the State of
Tennessee, and the recovery for the benefit of the public
school fund. But nothing in this Act shall be construed so
as to prevent said commission and any contractor agreeing
thereto, from in any manner changing or altering any con-
tract, provided four members of the commission shall
agree to the change and think it advisable and for the best
interests of the public schools of this State. In all other
matters a majority of said commission shall control.
SEC. 5. It shall be always a part of the terms and con-
ditions of every contract made in pursuance of this act
that the State of Tennessee shall not be liable to any con-
tractor, in any manner, for any sum whatever, but all such
contractors shall receive their pay or consideration in
compensation solely and exclusively derived from the pro-
ceeds of the sale of books, as provided for in this Act;
Provided, further, That the commission shall stipulate in
the contract for the supplying of any book or books as
herein provided, that the contractor or contractors shall
take up the school books now in use in this State, and re-
ceive the same in exchange for new books at a price not
less than fifty per cent of the contract price. And each
person or publisher making a bid for the supplying of any
book or books hereunder shall state in such bid or proposal
the exchange price at which such book or books will be
SEC. 6. The text-book commission shall have and re- b"rejected? y
serve the right to reject any and all bids or proposals if
they shall be of opinion that any or all should, for any
reason, be rejected. And in case they fail, from among
the bids or proposals submitted, to select or adopt any
book or books, upon any of the branches mentioned in
Section 1 of this Act, they may readvertise for sealed bids
or proposals under the same terms and conditions as be- for *
fore, and proceed in their investigation in all respects as
they did in the first instance, and as required by the terms
and provisions of this Act, or they may advertise for sealed
bids or proposals from authors or publishers of text-books
who have manuscripts of books not yet published, for
prices at which they will publish and furnish in book form,
such manuscripts, or for prices at which they will sell such
manuscripts, together with the copyright of such books, ered? ns '
for use in the public schools in Tennessee, proceeding in
all respects in like manner as before; And provided, That
before accepting or rejecting any manuscript, it shall be
their duty to take the manuscript and to advertise for
sealed bids or proposals for publishing the same in book
form, in like manner as hereinbefore provided for, and
under the same restrictions and conditions, and the con-
tract may be let for the publication of all such books, or
for any one or more separately; And provided, further, That
the State itself shall not, under any circumstances, enter
into any contract binding it to pay for the publication
of any book or books, but in the contract with the owner
of the manuscript it shall be provided that he shall pay
the compensation to the publisher for the publication and
putting in book form the manuscript, together with the
costs and expense of copyrighting the same; and pro-
vided, further, That in all cases bids or proposals shall be
accompanied with the cash deposit of from five hundred Cash deposlt>
dollars to twenty-five hundred dollars, as the commission
may direct, and as provided in Section 2 of this Act.
And it is further expressly provided that any person, firm,
or corporation now doing business, or proposing to do
business, in the State of Tennessee, shall have the right to
How bids shall
be submitted.
Governor to
issue procla-
provided for.
bid for the contract to be awarded hereunder, in manner
as follows: In response to the advertisement, when made
as hereinbefore provided, said person, firms, or corpora-
tion may submit a written bid or bids to edit or have
edited, publish and supply for use in the public schools
in this State, any book or books provided for hereunder,
provided that instead of filing with said bid or proposal
a sample or specimen copy of each book proposed to be
furnished, he may exhibit to the commission in manu-
script or printed form the matter proposed to be incorpo-
rated in any book, together with such a description and
illustration of the form and style thereof, as will be fully
intelligible and satisfactory to the said commission, or
they may submit a book or books, the equal of which, in
every way, they propose to furnish, and they shall accom-
pany their bid or proposal with the cash deposit herein-
before provided for, and shall enter into contract and
bond as hereinbefore provided, except that the bond may
be, in this instance, increased to fifty thousand dollars;
Provided, That all books and manuscripts offered shall be
examined and reported upon by the subcommission pro-
vided for in Section 1 of this Act.
SEC. 7. As soon as said commission shall have entered
into a contract or contracts for the furnishing or supply-
ing of books for use in the public schools in this State, it
shall be the duty of the Governor to issue his proclama-
tion announcing such fact to the people of the State.
SEC. 8. The party or parties with whom the contract
shall be made shall establish and maintain in some one
city in each of the three grand divisions of the State, a
depository, to be designated by the commission, where a
stock or supply of the books sufficient to meet all immedi-
ate demands shall be kept. There shall also be main-
tained in each county in the State, provided the commis-
sion shall deem it advisable, and so demand, not less than
one nor more than four agencies, for the distribution of
the books to the patrons, or the contractor shall be per-
mitted to make arrangements with merchants or others
for the handling and distribution of the books, "but the
depositories shall appoint only agents or merchants who chap!??!'
are citizens and residents of said counties, and said agents
shall sell and exchange books only in the State of Tennes-
see" ; and parties living in a county where no agency has
been established, or no arrangements made for distribution
may order the same from one of the depositories, and it
shall be the duty of the contractor to deliver any book or
books so ordered, to the person ordering, to his postoffice
address, freight, express, postage, or other charges prepaid,
at the retail contract price, provided the price of the book in
books so ordered shall be paid in advance. But nothing
in this act shall be so construed as to prohibit any merchant Acts'i9oif
or dealer from buying and selling said books. All books shall
be sold to the consumer at the retail contract price, and in
each book shall be printed the following: "The price fixed
hereon is fixed by State contract, and any deviation there-
from shall be reported to your County Superintendent of
Public Instruction, or the State Superintendent at Nash-
ville." And it is expressly provided that should any
party contracting to furnish books as provided for in this
act, fail to furnish them, or otherwise breach his contract,
in addition to the right of the State to sue on the bond
hereinabove required, the Chairman of the County Court
or County Judge may sue in the name of the State of
Tennessee, in any court of his own, or any other county
having jurisdiction, and recover on the bond given by the ^Sation y al
contractor the full value of the books so failed to be fur- toprice -
nished, for the use and benefit of the school fund of the
county; Provided, That the right of action given to the
Chairman or County Judge shall be limited to breaches
of the contract committed in this county; And provided,
further, That in all cases service of process may be had
and deemed sufficient on any agent of the contractor in
the county, or if no agent is in the county, then service
may be had on the agent in charge of any depository, and
this service shall be and stand in the place of service on
the defendant contractor.
SEC. 9. Said commission may from time to time make
any necessary regulations not contrary to provisions of
to maintain
its organiza-
tion five
State Super-
intendent to
books selected
to County
Books adopted
to be used
As to higher
this act, to secure the prompt distribution of the books
herein provided for, and the prompt and faithful execu-
tion of all contracts, and it is expressly now provided that
said commission shall maintain its organization during the
five years of the continuance of the contract, and after
the expiration of the same to renew such of them as they
deem advisable, or readvertise for new bids or proposals,
as required by this act in the first instance, and enter into
such other contracts as they may deem for the best in-
terests of the patrons of the public schools of the State,
provided any contract entered into or renewed shall be for
the term of five years.
SEC. 10. As soon as practicable after the adoption pro-
vided for in this act, the State Superintendent shall issue
a circular letter to each City and County Superintendent
in the State, and to such others as he may desire to send
it, which letter shall contain the list of books adopted,
the prices, location of agencies, and method of distribu-
tion, and such other information as he may deem necessary.
SEC. 11. As soon after the passage of this act as may
be practicable, and the commission shall deem advisable,
the books adopted as a uniform system of text-books,
shall be introduced and used as text-books, to the exclusion
of all others in all the public free schools in this State;
Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to pre-
vent the use of supplementary books, but such supple-
mentary books shall not be used to the exclusion of the
books prescribed or adopted under the provisions of this
act; And provided, further, That nothing in this act shall
be construed to prohibit the use in public schools of any
text-book upon any branch mentioned in Section 1 of this
act, where the commission shall not select or adopt a
book for that branch or subject; And provided, further,
That nothing in this act shall prevent the teaching in any
school [of] any branch higher or more advanced than is
embraced in Section 1 of this act, nor the using of any
book upon such higher branch of study, provided that
such higher branches shall not be taught to the exclusion
of branches mentioned and set out in Section 1 of this act.
SEC. 12. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent
or prohibit the patrons of the public schools throughout
the State from procuring books in the usual way in case
no contract shall be made, or the contractor fails or re-
fuses to furnish the books provided for in this act, at the
time required for their use in the respective schools.
SEC. 13. Any person or teacher violating the provisions
of this act shall become guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction, punished by a fine of not less than ten
dollars, nor more than fifty dollars.
SEC. 14. Any teacher who shall use, or permit to be
used, in his or her school, any text-book upon the branches
embraced in this act, where the commission has adopted
a book upon that branch, other than the one so adopted,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction,
punished as provided for in Section 13 of this act.
SEC. 15. Any dealer, clerk, or agent, who shall sell any
book for a greater sum than the contract price, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be
punished as provided for in Section 13 of this act.
SEC. 16. The sum of one thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, to be paid out of the public
school fund, be, and is hereby, appropriated for the pur-
pose of paying the cost and expense of carrying into effect
the provisions of this act.
SEC. 17. Said text-book commission shall serve with-
out compensation, and members of the subcommission of
five shall be paid a per diem of four dollars per day dur-
ing the time they are actually engaged, not to exceed
sixty days, and in addition shall be repaid all money ac-
tually expended by them in the payment of necessary ex-
penses, to be paid out of the public school fund, and they
shall make out and swear to an itemized statement of such
Jcto? r faiis~
book 181
teacher for
agent'for viola-
f ? P ca?rying 0n
ben of sub?"
County Board of Education.
County Board.
School districts
to be created.
Members of
County Board.
How elected,
and qualified.
ACTS 1907. CHAPTER 236.
AN ACT to be entitled "An Act to improve the public school system
of Tennessee by creating in each county a County Board of Educa-
tion and District Advisory Boards, and prescribing their duties, and
abolishing the office of District Directors."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Tennessee, That in each county of the State of
Tennessee, the office of District Directors shall be abol-
ished, and that the schools shall be under the management
and control of a County Board of Education and a District
Board of Advisors, hereinafter to be provided for.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the County Court
of each county in the State shall, at its session to be held
the first Monday in July, 1907, divide the county into five
school districts, each representing as nearly as practicable
equal area of territory or the same number of inhabitants;
Provided, that each of these school districts shall be com-
posed of whole civil districts; and, Provided, further, that
in counties having fewer than five civil districts, each civil
district shall constitute a school district, and a member of
the said Board of Education be elected from each of said
districts, and the remaining member or members be elected
from the county at large.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That one member from
each of said school districts and the other members afore-
said from the county at large shall constitute said County
Board of Education; Provided, the County Superintend-
ent shall be Secretary of the County Board of Education.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the County Court
in the several counties of the State, at its July term, shall
elect a member of the County Board of Education from
each of the school districts above mentioned; or where
there be fewer than five districts, the necessary number, as
above provided for, from the county at large, which County
Board of Education shall qualify and organize within ten
days after their election by electing one of their number
Chairman; Provided, further, that the members of the
County Board of Education thus elected shall serve until
September 1, 1908, and that on the first Thursday of
August, 1908, and biennially thereafter each member of
the County Board of Education shall be elected by the
qualified voters of the district, above provided for, and in
counties with fewer than five districts the necessary num-
ber from the county at large; and the term of office of
members thus elected shall bejgin on the first day of Sep-
tember next after said election, and their tenure of office
shall be two years, or until their successors in office are
duly elected and qualified.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That any person shall whoeli * ible -
be eligible to the office of member of the County Board
of Education who is qualified by at least a primary educa-
tion, such as the primary public school course to per-
form the duties required, and who is a resident of the dis-
trict and a qualified voter therein. If he shall cease to
be a resident thereof, his office shall be deemed vacant.
SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That whenever a vacancy Vacancies -
occurs among the members of the County Board of Edu-
cation, the County Superintendent of Public Instruction
shall fill the same by appointment upon being notified of
such vacancy.
SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That the duties of the chairman.
Chairman of the County Board of Education shall be :
1. To preside over the meetings of the County Board
of Education, and to perform all the functions of a pre-
siding officer in a deliberative body; Provided, that in the
absence of the Chairman at any meeting, the members of
the County Board of Education present may select a tem-
porary Chairman, who shall perform the duties of the
Chairman for that meeting; and, Provided, further, that
it shall require the presence of three voting members to
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Special meet-
Duties of
written report.
Keep records.
County Super-
Duties of
2. To call special meetings of the County Board of
Education whenever in his judgment the interest of the
public schools requires it, and to appoint all committees
authorized by said County Board of Education, and to
sign all warrants issued by said County Board of Educa-
SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the Secretary of the County Board of Education :
1. To issue all warrants authorized by the County
Board of Education upon the County Trustee for the ex-
penditures of the public school fund, and to sign the same,
together with the Chairman of the Board.
2. To make a written report to the County Court quar-
terly of all expenditures of the public school fund by items,
which accounts shall be audited by the County Judge and
Auditing Committee of the County Court.
3. To keep in well-bound books, to be furnished by the
county, a full and accurate record of each meeting of the
County Board of Education, and accounts of all financial
transactions, which books shall be kept in the office of the
County Superintendent of Public Instruction.
SEC. 9. Be it further enacted, That the County Super-
intendent as ex officio Secretary of the County Board of
Education be required to give bond, to be approved by the
Chairman of the County Court, to the amount of $500 for
the faithful discharge of his duties.
SEC. 10. Be it further enacted:
1. That it shall be the duty of the County Board of
Education to hold a regular meeting on the first Saturday
in July, October, January, and April of each year, and
transact all public school business; Provided, the Chair-
man may call a special meeting whenever in his judgment
the interest of the public schools requires it.
2. To select teachers, fix their salaries, erect buildings,
repair and furnish schoolhouses, fix all wages and inci-
dental expenses, and control the expenditure of the public
school fund, except as hereinafter provided for the Ad-
visory Board.
3. To run all public schools in the county as nearly as
practicable the same length of time. If the daily attend-
ance of one or more schools shall fall below the minimum
fixed by the County Board of Education, then such school,
or schools, shall be suspended until an attendance can be
assured of not less than one-fourth of the number of pupils
within the territory of said school, or schools; Provided,
the County Board of Education shall not fix the minimum
in any case at less than ten pupils.
4. To locate schools where deemed most convenient, school*?" c
having due regard for lessening the number in order to
improve the efficiency of the county system of education.
Pupils may be permitted by the County Board of Educa-
tion to attend school in a district other than that in which
they reside if more convenient, and they may be permitted
to attend in another county than that of their residence if
more convenient; Provided, it be by agreement of the
County Board of Education of both counties.
5. To receive monthly reports from the teachers of their Slchers. fr
respective districts and issue an order or certificate there-
for on the Chairman of the County Board of Education
for warrant for salary due.
6. To visit the public schools of their respective dis- Visit 8chools '
tricts as often as the County Board of Education may re-
quire, but not less than twice a year.
7. To act on cases of appeal of pupils suspended by
action of the Advisory Board.
8. To dismiss teachers for incompetency, improper or
immoral conduct, and inattention to duty.
9. To take care of, manage, and control all school prop- property.
erty; buy, transfer, or sell school property, and make and
take proper conveyances and perform all duties now re-
quired of District Directors under Section 20 of Chapter
25 of Acts of 1873, and Chapter 44 of Acts of 1859-60,
which may not be included in the foregoing subsection.
SEC. 11. Be it further enacted, That each member of
the County Board of Education shall make a full and ac-
curate report of the public schools of his district to the
of Boards.
Local or
Duties of
Written re-
County Superintendent of Public Instruction not later
than the first day of August of each year, said report to
be made on the forms furnished, and to include the time
from July 1 to June 30 following, next before the report
is made.
SEC. 12. Be it further enacted, That each member of
the County Board of Education shall receive not less than
one dollar and fifty cents per day nor more than three
dollars per day, as determined by the County Court, for
not more than thirty days in a year, and to be paid for
actual time spent for attendance upon meetings and in vis-
iting the schools of the district as heretofore provided.
SEC. 13. Be it further enacted, That there shall be a
local board of three members from each civil district in the
county, known as the "Advisory Board," which Advisory
Board shall be elected by the qualified voters of the civil
district biennially. The first election shall be held the first
Thursday in August, 1908; Provided, further, that the
District Directors now in office in said civil districts shall
constitute the Advisory Board until their successors are
elected and qualified under the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 14. Be it further enacted, That the duties of the
said Advisory Board shall be as follows:
1. To visit the schools and inspect the school work in
their respective districts, to see that the schoolhouse is in
good repair and properly equipped for work, that the
school grounds are improved and properly kept, and that
the buildings are supplied with water, fuel, and other neces-
2. To make general recommendations to the County
Board for the advancement of school interests in said dis-
tricts, and to recommend to the County Board of Educa-
tion desirable teachers for their schools.
3. To make a written report once a year to the County
Board, or oftener if required by the said County Board,
in relation to the matters committed to said Advisory
4. To have the Secretary enumerate the scholastic popu-
lation of the civil district annually during the month of
July, and report same to the Secretary of the County Board
of Education, and the Secretary of said Advisory Board
shall receive for this an amount not exceeding two cents
per capita for pupils enumerated; Provided, that in enu-
merating the scholastic population, the full name of the
child, the name of the parent, and the age of the child be
recorded, and also the fact as to whether the child is able
to read and write.
5. To suspend and dismiss pupils, subject to appeal to
the County Board of Education.
6. To issue an order upon the County Board of Edu- Issueorders -
cation for expenditures for repairs and incidentals to an
amount not exceeding ten dollars.
SEC. 15. Be it further enacted, That in case of a va- StatSc? in
cancy in any District Advisory Board, it shall be the duty Boards -
of the County Superintendent to fill said vacancy by ap-
pointment upon notification of same by the remaining
member or members of said Advisory Board.
SEC. 16. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall not
in any way affect systems of city schools now operating
under special charters, or the law governing municipal
schools, and where said systems recognize the three Dis-
trict Directors as members of City Board of Education,
the said Advisory Board shall continue to serve in said
SEC. 17. Be it further enacted, That all provisions of
laws now existing applying to School Directors, not in
conflict with any provisions heretofore stated, shall apply
to members of the County Board of Education and Dis-
trict Advisory Boards; Provided, the provisions of this
Act shall not apply to counties of a population not less
than 36,010 nor more than 36,050 by the Federal census
of 1900 or any subsequent Federal census; and, Provided,
further, that the provisions of this Act shall not apply
to the following counties having the population as indi-
cated according to the Federal census of 1900 or any sub-
sequent Federal census:
Counties between 28,285 and 28,287.
Moor n e County! Counties between 5,700 and 5,710.
wnl h n county! Counties between 19,000 and 19,100.
Counties between 26,500 and 27,500.
SEC. 18. Be it further enacted, That said District Ad-
visory Board of Education shall qualify within ten days
after their election and organize by selecting a Chairman
and a Secretary.
SEC. 19. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts
of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are
hereby, repealed, and that this Act take effect on July 1,
1907, the public welfare requiring it.
Acts 1907. Chapter 600
AN ACT to be entitled "An Act to empower and authorize Boards
of Trustees of academies and small colleges which no longer are
used for the purposes originally intended to transfer the properties
of said academies and small colleges to counties and County Boards
of Education or County High School Boards."
WHEREAS, Most of the academies established in the
several counties of the State under the provisions of an Act
of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, passed
September 13, 1806, and entitled "An Act to establish
academies in the several counties of this State and for the
appointment of trustees thereof," and of various subse-
quent Acts of the General Assembly, and which for many
years received aid from the proceeds of the sale of one hun-
dred thousand acres of land granted to this State for acad-
emy purposes by Act of the Congress of the United States,
approved April 18, 1806, and ratified by the General As-
sembly of the State of Tennessee September 6, 1806, and
from other sources, have long since ceased to be used as
county academies according to the intention of the original
Act and various subsequent Acts providing for their estab-
lishment and maintenance, and are now used chiefly for
local and individual purposes; and
WHEREAS, Many other academies and smalljcolleges
established from time to time by various Acts of the Legis-
lature or incorporated under the general laws of the State
are no longer maintained for the purposes for which they
were established namely, the secondary education of the
youth of the counties or section in which they are located ;
WHEREAS, The public high school now holds more nearly
than any other institution the relation to the State and the
general cause of education formerly held by the academy
and the small college; therefore,
Trustees may
property to
Trust cease
and Board
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Tennessee, That in any county of this State in
which provision has already been made or shall at any time
in the future be made for the establishment and mainte-
nance of one or more public county high schools, it shall be
lawful for the Trustees of any academy or small college of
the classes referred to in the preamble of this Act to trans-
fer, and they are hereby authorized to transfer, to the
county and the County Board of Education or County High
School Board any property held by them as Trustees,
whether of lands, houses, equipment, money, notes, mort-
gages, bonds, or any other kind, to be held by said county
and County Board of Education or County High School
Board for the use of the public county high school or schools
of the county; and said county and board shall have full
power to hold, use, and dispose of any such property so
transferred to them in the same manner as other public
high school property.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That when the Trustees
.of any academy or college shall transfer to the county and
County Board of Education or County High School Board
as provided in this Act, the property held in trust by them,
they shall render a full and accurate report of the transac-
tion to the County Court at its next session; and on the
acceptance of this report by the County Court, the trust
on the part of said Trustees shall cease and the Board be
Acts 1909. Chapter 24.
AN ACT to exempt leasehold estates and improvements thereon from
taxation in the hands of the lessee, holding under incorporated in-
stitutions of learning in this State, when the rents therefor are used
purely for educational purposes by said institutions, where the fee
in the same is exempt for taxation to said institution by charter
granted by the State of Tennessee.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Tennessee, That leasehold estates and improve-
ments thereon shall be exempt from taxation in the hands
of the lessee, holding under incorporated institutions of
learning in this State, when the rents therefor are used by
said institutions purely for educational purposes, where
the fee in the same is exempt from taxation to said institu-
tions of learning by charter granted by the State of Ten-
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts
of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be, and
the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect
from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Acts 1909. Chapter 177.
Free Library
Records to
be kept.
AN ACT to promote the establishment, organization, and efficiency of
free public libraries, school libraries, traveling libraries, and other
libraries, and for that purpose to create a Free Library Commission
and define its powers and duties.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Tennessee, That as soon as practicable after the
passage of this Act the Governor shall apoint three per-
sons for terms respectively of two, four, and six years, who,
with the State Librarian and State Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction, shall constitute the Free Library Commis-
sion; and appointments shall be made by the Governor to
fill unexpired terms.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the officers of such
Commission shall be a Chairman, to be elected by the mem-
bers thereof from among themselves for a term of one year,
and a Secretary, not from their own number, to be ap-
pointed by such Commission, who shall serve at the will
of the Commission under the regulations and for the com-
pensation prescribed by the Commission. The Secretary
shall keep a permanent record of the proceedings of the
Commission, and also accurate account of its receipts, ex-
penditures, and other financial transactions; shall have
active charge of the work imposed on the Commission by
Section 3 of this Act, and shall perform such other duties
as are imposed on him by the Commission. If funds be
available, the Secretary, in addition to his compensation,
shall be allowed his actual and necessary traveling expenses
when on official business, and the members of the Commis-
sion who do not reside in Nashville may be allowed their
traveling expenses to and from Nashville to attend meet-
ings of the Commission, and any member may be allowed
his necessary traveling expenses incurred in establishing
and visiting libraries in this State under the order of the
Commission. Except the Secretary, no officer or member
of the Commission shall be allowed any compensation for
services as such.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty gSSSiSion
of the Commission hereby created to encourage and pro-
mote the establishment throughout the State of free public
libraries, school libraries, traveling libraries and other
libraries, and aid in the organization and administration
thereof, and in the administration of libraries already es-
tablished in this State. For this purpose the Commission,
when opportunity offers, shall give information and advice
to all communities in the State that propose establishing
such libraries as to the best methods of establishment, or-
ganization, and administration; and, in the case of any
library already established, shall, whenever requested by
the Librarian or Board of Directors or Trustees thereof,
furnish like assistance, information, and advice to such
library. The Commission is authorized to purchase and
accept gifts of books, periodicals, and traveling libraries
and circulate them in towns, villages, and farming and
other communities where needed, it being the purpose of
this provision to make practicable in small communities
by temporary supplies thereof, such reading and study of
good books and periodicals as is not practicable to persons
who have not access to libraries.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Commission Meetings -
hereby created shall hold its meetings in the office of the
State Librarian, and its Secretary shall be allowed the use
of that office for the performance of his duties. The Com-
mission shall hold a regular annual meeting in January
of each year. The Chairman may, and, upon the written
request of two of the members, shall, call a meeting at any
time after written notice thereof to all the members by the
Secretary, mailed seven days in advance of the day of
such meeting. Three members shall constitute a quorum Quo
for the transaction of business at its annual meeting, the
Chairman shall be elected, and the Commission shall pre-
pare and at once present to the Governor a full report of
its operations since the last annual meeting.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect
upon and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Normal Schools.
ACTS 1909. CHAPTER 580.
A BILL allowing municipalities or counties to issue and sell bonds for
the purpose of purchasing sites and erecting and equipping buildings
for State Normal schools, and to provide for the payment of the in-
terest on the said bonds and for a sinking fund with which to retire
the same, and to provide a method of loaning said sinking fund, and
to provide for the disposition of the funds arising from the said sale
of said bonds.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Tennessee, That any municipality, through its
Board of Mayor and Aldermen, is hereby authorized to
issue one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) of five per
cent or less interest-bearing bonds, or such part thereof as
said municipality may desire to issue for the purpose of
purchasing sites, erecting and equipping buildings for
State Normal Schools ; and that any county in the State of
Tennessee is hereby authorized, through its County Court
at quarterly session, to issue one hundred thousand dollars
($100,000) five per cent or less interest-bearing bonds, or
such part thereof as said county may desire to issue for the
purpose of purchasing sites, erecting and equipping build-
ings for State Normal Schools.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the bonds hereby au-
thorized, whether issued by municipality or county, shall
bear five per cent or less rate of interest, payable semi-
annually, which shall be represented by coupons attached
to said bonds, and said bonds shall mature and become pay-
able in not more than twenty-five years from the date of
their issuance.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That the city, through
its Board of Mayor and Aldermen, and the county, through
its County Court at quarterly session, shall have the right
and power to fix the date upon which said bonds shall be
issued, the number of said bonds, the place of payment of
both interest and principal, the time the semi-annual inter-
est coupons shall fall due, the numbering of the coupons
and the denominations of said bonds, the method and ex-
pense of the sale of said bonds, provided said sale of said
bonds shall not be below par; and that upon the issuance
of said bonds they shall be a binding obligation and debt
on said municipality or county, and that said Board of
Mayor and Aldermen or said Quarterly County Court
shall levy annually a tax on all the taxable property of said
municipality or county for the purpose of paying the in-
terest on said bonds as it becomes due and to create a sink-
ing fund with which to retire and pay off said bonds when
they mature; and in counties or municipalities having no
Sinking Fund Commission, the Mayor of said municipal-
ity, with the approval of the Recorder, or the Judge or
Chairman of the Quarterly County Court, with the ap-
proval of the County Court Clerk, shall loan out said sink-
ing fund upon first-mortgage real estate security for not
less than four per cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
and in amounts not exceeding fifty per cent of the cash
value of the real estate security, the interest to be added
semi-annually to said sinking fund; Provided, that said
Mayor, on the approval of said Recorder, or the County
Judge or Chairman, with the approval of the County Court
Clerk, may purchase bonds at not more than par value;
Provided, further, that said issue of said bonds shall be for
no other purpose than herein expressed, and the proceeds
from said sale of said bonds shall be turned over to the
State Comptroller and placed to the credit of the State
Normal Schools of the county or municipality issuing said
bonds, to be used for the purpose of .purchasing sites, erect-
ing and equipping buildings for said State Normal School
of said county or municipality.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That said bonds and in-
terest coupons, if issued by a municipality, shall bear the
signature of the Mayor, attested by the signature of the
Recorder of said city, or a facsimile of their signatures;
and the said bonds and interest coupons shall bear the
signature, if issued by a county, of the County Judge or
Chairman of the County Court, and shall be countersigned
by the Clerk of said court, and shall have on them the offi-
cial seal of said Clerk.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect
from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
General Education Bill.
ACTS 1909. CHAPTER 264.
AN ACT to provide for the improvement of the system of Public
Education of the State of Tennessee that is to say, to establish
a General Education Fund by 'appropriating thereto annually twenty-
five per cent of the gross revenue of the State; to provide for the
apportionment of this fund and specifying what part shall be appor-
tioned to the several counties of the State on the basis of scholastic
population; what part shall be used to equalize more nearly the
school facilities of the several counties, and the conditions on which
this part shall be apportioned; what sum shall be used to assist in
paying salaries of County Superintendents, and on what conditions;
what part shall be used to encourage and assist in the establishment
and maintenance of public county high schools, and on what condi-
tions; and providing for the grading and inspection of high schools;
what part shall be used for the establishment and maintenance of
school libraries and on what conditions; what part shall be used for
the establishment and maintenance of three Normal schools for
white teachers, one in each Grand Division of the State, and one
Agricultural and Industrial Normal School for negroes, and pro-
viding for. the location, establishment, and control of said schools;
and what part shall be apportioned to the University of Tennessee
and its various stations; and to repeal Chapter 537 of the Acts of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Tennessee, That for the purpose of improving,
unifying, and extending the systems of Public Education
of the State of Tennessee, for the purpose of giving more
adequate support to public schools of all grades, and for
the purpose of extending the benefits of the school system
more equally to all the sections, counties, and districts of
the State, a General Education Fund shall be, and the
same is hereby, created, and for the year one thousand nine increased by
hundred and nine and annually thereafter thirty-three and
one-third per cent of the gross revenue of the State shall
Per capita
Special fund
to equalize
schools in
Special Fund,
Acts 1913,
Chap. 23.
Conditions on
which counties
State aid for
be paid into this General Education Fund, to be appor-
tioned as hereinafter provided ; and the Comptroller of the
Treasury shall pass, and he is hereby directed to pass, on
the first day of January and the first day of July of each
and every year, to the credit of said General Education
Fund, the amount due thereto according to the provisions
of this Act, and to distribute the same as hereinafter pro-
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That sixty-one per cent
of the General Education Fund provided by this Act shall
be apportioned to the several counties of the State accord-
ing to scholastic population, as the interest on the perma-
nent school fund is apportioned and for the same purposes.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That ten per cent of the
General Education Fund provided by this Act shall be and
the same is hereby set aside as a special fund to be used and
expended for the purpose of more nearly equalizing the com-
mon schools in the several counties of the State; also for the
purpose of encouraging the introduction of industrial work,
including agriculture, home economics, manual training and
kindred subjects in county elementary schools and providing
for the adequate supervision of the same; also for encourag-
ing the establishment of consolidated schools where practica-
ble with provisions for transportation facilities where neces-
sary; the same to be distributed among the various counties
by the State Board of Education in accordance with provisions
herein set forth.
Provided, That before any county shall be eligible to
receive any portion of this 10 per cent of the General
Education Fund provided by this Act, it shall levy for
public schools, including the school tax levied by the
State, and excluding taxes for public high schools, a tax
of not less than 40 cents on the $100.00 of taxable property,
a tax of $2.00 on each taxable poll, and all the privilege
taxes which the laws of the State permit counties to levy
for school purposes.
Provided further, That in any county where a supervising
teacher or a supervisor of any number of elementary schools,
or a supevisor of industrial work in county elementary schools
is elected by the County Board of Education and funds are
provided in said county to pay said supervisor, the State
Board of Education shall be authorized to supplement the
same by an amount not exceeding what is paid by the County
Board of Education; provided, that said supervisors shall be
approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction;
and provided, further, that two such payments by the State to
one county shall not be allowed until one payment is made in
every county complying with the requirements and making
application within any one year; the time for applying for
State help to be fixed by the State Board of Education.
Provided, further, That when any County Board of Educa- ?onSi?dldon
tion shall establish a consolidated school with as many as three tk>L transporta ~
or more teachers and provision is made for transporting the
pupils dependent upon such school for educational facilities
who reside further than two and one-half miles therefrom, the
State Board of Education may assist said school by appro-
priating to its maintenance a reasonable amount out of the
funds provided by this Section of this Act; provided, the build-
ing and equipment of said school shall measure up to the stand-
ard set by State Board of Education; and provided, further,
that not more than one school in any county shall be thus aided
in any one year until at least one school in every county making
application in that year shall have been aided; and provided
that the time for making such application for State aid shall
be fixed by the State Board of Education.
Provided, further, That any portion of the ten per cent of
the General Education Fund provided by this Act and this
Section of this Act not otherwise disposed of in any year
shall be used to equalize the Common Schools in the various
counties, and shall be distributed by the State Board of Edu-
cation among the counties according to their educational needs,
as determined by reliable data filed in the office of the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That for the year one
thousand nine.hundred and eleven and annually thereafter,
before appropriating the ten per cent of the General Edu-
cation Fund provided in Section 3 of this Act, the sum of
thirty-three thousand six hundred dollars ($33,600) of the
How obtained.
Reports re-
quired of
County Su-
State Super-
intendent to
certify to
State Board
of Education
to grade high
ten per cent mentioned in Section 3 of this Act, or so much
thereof as may be required by the provisions of this section,
shall be set aside to assist the several counties of the State
to pay more adequate salaries to the County Superintend-
ents, and that there may be more competent supervision
of the public schools. Each county in the State shall re-
ceive from this fund, to be paid on the salary of the County
Superintendent, an amount equal to that which is paid by
the county; provided, that no county shall receive from
this fund for this purpose more than $350 in any one year ;
provided, further, that any County Superintendent receiving
the maximum amount ($350) from this fund as herein pro-
vided shall devote all his time to the duties of the office for a
period not less than nine months in the year, and he may be
required to devote thereto all his time for the entire year.
Provided, further, that not more than half the amount
apportioned to any county under the provisions of this sec-
tion of this Act shall be paid to said county until all re-
ports required of the County Superintendent and other
county school officers have been made accurately and satis-
factorily, and until all other duties required of the County
Superintendent by law have been faithfully performed.
All funds apportioned to any county under the provisions
of this section of this Act shall be paid by the Comptroller
on the certificate of the State Superintendent of Public
Instruction and as other school funds are paid.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That eight per cent of
the General Education Fund provided by this Act shall
be used as a high school fund, to encourage and assist the
counties of the State to establish and maintain public
county high schools as. hereinafter provided.
It shall be the duty of the State Board of Education to
grade all high schools now established and maintained or
that in the future may be established and maintained under
the provisions of the county high-school law ; to prescribe
their minimum courses of study, requiring the elements
of agriculture and home economics to be taught in all
schools; and to classify them as high schools of the first,
second, and third class.
Under such regulations as may be prescribed by the regulations
State Board of Education, all qualified public county high Sen d to b f U h5h.
schools may receive assistance from the fund provided by 8
this Act and this section of this Act in proportion to the
amount of money received by the several schools from other
sources and expended annually for the payment of teach-
ers' salaries and incidentals, not including permanent im-
provements of grounds or buildings; provided, that no
county may receive in any one year more than one-fiftieth
part of the total fund provided by this section of this Act
for that year, and that no one school shall receive from this
fund more than one-third the amount received from other
sources and expended in that year for its maintenance, not
including any amount expended for permanent improve-
All applications for assistance under the provisions of
this section of this Act shall be made in such a way as may
be prescribed by the State Board of Education, and all
payments shall be made on the certificate of the President
and Secretary of said Board.
All teachers in the public county high schools receiving SLche^to 1
aid from this high-school fund under the provisions of this andHo?nsed.
section of this Act shall be examined and licensed under
regulations prescribed by the State Board of Education,
and said Board is hereby empowered and instructed to
make rules and regulations for the examination and licens-
ing of such teachers. The State Board of Education shall
have the ppwer, and the same is hereby authorized, to em-
ploy an Inspector of High Schools at such annual salary
as it may determine, his salary and traveling expenses,
when engaged in the work of high-school inspection or the
performance of other related duties assigned him by the
State Board of Education, to be paid out of the high-school
fund herein provided. Said High School Inspector shall
have his office in the office of the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, and shall give his time to the inspec-
tion of high schools in the State and such other related
duties as may be assigned him by the State Board of Edu-
cation, and shall make reports of his work and of the condi-
Surplus to
revert to per
capita appor-
tionment fund.
State aid for
Work in
County High
Acts 1913.
Chap. 23.
tions of the high schools of the State as required and di-
rected by said Board.
Any portion of the high-school fund of any year pro-
vided by this Act and this section of this Act that cannot
be apportioned to the public high schools of the State with-
out exceeding the ratio to income of such schools as pro-
vided in this section of this Act shall be used under the di-
rection of the State Board of Education for tjne purpose of
stimulating and encouraging the establishment and main-
tenance of departments of industrial work, including agri-
culture, home economics, manual training and kindred sub-
jects, and also for the purpose of equalizing the high schools of
the various counties; provided, that if any county levying a
tax for high school purposes at the highest rate permitted by
law for that purpose, the proceeds of said levy do not amount
to as much as Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars in any
year, the State Board of Education shall apportion to the
high school fund of said county out of the State high school
fund provided in Section 5, Chapter 264, Acts of ipop, the
amount necessary to make a high school fund of Two Thousand
($2,000.00) Dollars for said county for said year.
SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That one per cent of the
General Education Fund provided by this Act shall be used
to encourage and assist in the establishment and main-
tenance of libraries in the public schools as herein provided.
Whenever the patrons and friends of any public school in
any county in the State shall raise, by private subscription
or otherwise, and tender to the County Trustee, through the
County Superintendent of Public Instruction, the sum of
Ten Dollars or more for the establishment and maintenance
of a library for that school, or for supplementing, a library
already established, said County Superintendent shall notify
the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and upon
the certificate of the State Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion the Comptroller of the Treasury shall pay to the Trustee
of said County out of the fund herein provided a sum equal
to that raised by private subscription or otherwise to be added
to the library fund of said school.
Provided, that the State will appropriate not more than
Forty Dollars for this purpose to any one school during a
single year.
Provided, further, that the State Board of Education shall
have the power, and the same is hereby authorized, to employ
a Director of Library Extension at a salary of not exceeding
fifteen hundred dollars a year with necessary traveling ex-
penses as fixed by the State Board of Education, all to be
paid out of the library fund as herein provided.
The said Director of Library Extension shall have an SbraJ? r exten-
office in the office of the State Superintendent of Public In- s
struction and shall work under his general supervision. It
shall be the duty of the Director of Library Extension to
encourage and stimulate the establishment of libraries, espe-
cially in public schools; to prepare selected lists of books
adapted to the needs of various schools from the list approved
by the State Board of Education; to render such assistance
as the State Board of Education may require in the prepa-
ration of general school library lists; to visit teachers' in-
stitutes and other educational and community meetings in
the interest of library extension and for the purpose of giving
instruction in the selection, care and use of libraries; to
assist the State Superintendent of Public Instruction in
preparing Reading Circle Courses for public school teachers
and pupils, and to perform such additional duties as the
State Board of Education may prescribe.
Provided, further, that in distributing the funds under
the provisions of this section of this Act preference shall
be given to applications coming from counties which have
not previously received their proportionate part of this
fund according to scholastic population.
And, provided, further, that preference shall be given to
applications for assistance to establish new libraries rather
than applications to assist in supplementing libraries al-
ready established.
It shall be the duty of the State Board of Education to f^^ rd to
make and cause to be published through the office of the K e s d list of
State Superintendent of Public Instruction rules and regu-
lations for libraries established under the provisions of this
State Normal
section of this Act, issue approved lists of books from
which purchases for said libraries may be made with
money received from the State as herein provided, and ar-
range for the purchase of such books at the lowest possible
prices. All libraries receiving assistance from this fund
shall comply with all the regulations made by the State
Board of Education, as herein provided. All money re-
ceived from the State to assist in establishing or supple-
menting a library under the provisions of this section shall
be used to purchase books on the approved lists aforesaid,
and no books shall be purchased at a higher price than the
price in said approved lists. All purchases of books shall
be reported to the County Superintendent, and a list of
the same shall be attached to the warrant issued in pay-
ment of the same; and no commission shall be allowed
the County Trustee on library funds.
One-fifth of the amount accruing annually for libraries
under the provisions of this Act shall be used for the purchase
and maintenance of circulating libraries under the direction
of the State Library.
SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That thirteen per cent
of the General Education Fund provided by this Act may
be used for the establishment and maintenance of Normal
schools solely for the education and professional training
of teachers for the elementary schools of the State, as herein
provided. One Normal school for the education and pro-
fessional training of white teachers shall be established and
maintained in each Grand Division of the State, and shall
be open and free alike to white males and females resident
in the State of Tennessee; and one Agricultural and Indus-
trial Normal School for the industrial education of negroes
and for preparing negro teachers for common schools shall
be established and maintained, and shall be open and free
alike to negro males and females resident in the State of
Tennessee; but no person shall be admitted to either of
these schools who is under sixteen years of age and who has
not finished at least the elementary school course pre-
scribed for the public schools of the State; nor shall any
person be admitted to either of the Normal schools for
white teachers who does not first sign a pledge to teach in
the public or private schools of the State of Tennessee,
within the next six years after leaving the school ,_ at least
as long as he or she has attended said school.
Each school established and maintained under the pro-
visions of this section of this Act shall have connected with
it one or more practice and observation schools, in which
shall be taught at least all the subjects prescribed for the
primary schools of the State; and the County Boards of
Education of any county, or the District Directors of any
school district, or the Board of Education of any incor-
porated city or town having a special school system under
the provisions of its charter may, and the same is hereby
empowered to, contract with the State Board of Education
to provide for the teaching of children of public school age
in such practice and observation schools, and to pay to the
said Normal school all or any portion of the public school
fund belonging to such county, district, or incorporated
city or town, as agreed upon by the school authorities of
said county, school district, or incorporated city or town,
and the State Board of Education, as in the case of con-
solidated schools under the provisions of the State school
The principals and instructors in the Normal schools for
the education and training of white teachers may be re-
quired to assist in conducting Teachers' Institutes in any
of the counties of the Grand Division of the State in which
said school is located.
Provided, that no principal or instructor may be thus
required to assist in institutes more than six weeks in any
one year.
Provided, further, that no more than two members of
the faculty of any Normal school may be required to be
absent from the school for this purpose at the same time.
And, provided, further, that all such service shall be per-
formed without additional pay, except that necessary trav-
eling expenses and hotel bills while engaged in this service
shall be paid out of the funds of the Normal school.
State Nor-
mal School
licensed to
Course of
A certificate of graduation from any one of the said
Normal schools shall entitle the holder thereof to teach in
any of the public schools of the State without further ex-
amination for a period of four years from the date of such
certificate. Any such graduate who completes within the
said period of four years such additional courses of reading
and study as may be prescribed by the State Board of Edu-
cation and shall pass the required examinations in the
same and has proven his ability as a teacher by teaching
acceptably not less than fifteen months within this period
may, upon application, be granted a permanent license to
teach in any of the public elementary schools of the State.
The course of study and the rules and regulations shall
be the same for all the said Normal schools, with such
minor modifications for any school as may be required by
local conditions; provided, that such courses of study shall
include instruction in ordinary English branches, in vocal
music, drawing, domestic science, manual training, ele-
ments of chemistry, physics, and biology; the elementary
principles of agriculture, horticulture, and home econom-
ics; and in the history, principles, and methods of educa-
tion; and, provided, further, that the courses of study for
the Agricultural and Industrial Normal School for negroes
shall be of such practical nature as to fit the conditions
and needs of their race.
The general management and control of all Normal
schools established and maintained under the provisions
of this section of this Act shall be vested in the State Board
of Education ; and the said State Board of Education shall
have power to employ a bookkeeper, whose duty it shall
be to keep the accounts of the Normal school funds as di-
rected by the Board, and the salary shall be fixed by the
Board and paid out of the Normal school fund herein pro-
vided before its apportionment to the several schools and
on the warrant of the Comptroller.
All schools established under the provisions of this sec-
tion of this Act shall be located by the State Board of Edu-
cation; and in making such locations, said Board shall take
into consideration accessibility, centralness of position,
healthfulness of location, cheapness of living, opportuni-
ties for arranging for suitable practice and observation
schools, and the value and usefulness of offers of donations
of grounds, buildings, money, etc.
In addition to any accepted donations of land, money,
or buildings, the income from the fund provided by this
Act and this section of this Act for the years one thousand
nine hundred and nine and one thousand nine hundred and
ten or any portion of the same may be used for buildings
and equipment. Provided, that said State Board of Edu-
cation shall have the power and authority to purchase addi-
tional land and erect additional buildings for the said three
normal schools for white teachers, and the said agricultural
and industrial normal school for negroes, on such terms as
may be considered advisable and advantageous by said State
Board of Education, and to pay for the same out of moneys
appropriated or may hereafter be appropriated for said
schools; and provided, further, that said State Board of Edu-
cation may be vested with title to said property so pur-
chased in as full a manner as property and buildings
already acquired or donated to said State Board of Educa-
tion and for the same purposes.
One-seventh of all the funds derived in any year from negroes. 01
the provisions of this Act and this secton of this Act shall
be apportioned to the Agricultural and Industrial Normal
School established for the education and training of ne-
groes, and the remaining six-sevenths shall be apportioned
equally among the schools established and maintained for
the education and training of white teachers in the three
Grand Divisions of the State; but all moneys received by
any one of the Normal schools established and maintained
under the provisions of this Act from any other source
than from the fund herein provided to be paid out of the
gross revenue of the State shall, under the direction of the
State Board of Education, be accounted for and paid into
the treasury of the State, to be placed to the credit of said
school .
It shall be the duty of the Governor of the State to call
a meeting of the State Board of Education within sixty
ment of
University of
Traveling ex-
penses of
days after the passage of this Act for the purpose of taking
such steps as may be necessary to carry out the provisions
of this Act, looking to the location and establishment of
these schools, and to the opening of the same at the earliest
date practicable.
All disbursements of money under the provisions of this
section of this Act shall be made on the certificate of the
President and Secretary of the State Board of Education,
by the Comptroller of the Treasury, in the manner pre-
scribed by law for the disbursement of money to charitable
SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, That for the year one
thousand nine hundred and nine and annually thereafter
seven per cent of the General Education Fund provided by
this Act shall be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to
the University of Tennessee, to be used for the mainte-
nance and improvement of the same, as the head of the
public-school system of the State, as the General Assembly
of the State may from time to time direct by resolution or
enactment, or as the Board of Trustees of said University
may elesct.
Provided, that ten per cent, but not less than ten thou-
sand dollars ($10,000) annually, of the amount herein
apportioned to the University of Tennessee shall be used
for the maintenance of the Agricultural and Horticultural
Experiment Station and Model Farm, located in West
Tennessee, and five per cent, but not less than five thou-
sand ($5,000) dollars annually, for the maintenance of co-
operative agricultural experiments in Middle Tennessee.
Provided, further, that an amount not exceeding five
per cent of the sum apportioned annually to the University
may be used to pay the traveling expenses of young men
and women of Tennessee attending the University, under
such rules and regulations as the Board of Trustees of said
University may adopt, but the traveling expenses of no
student shall be paid who does not remain through the
entire school year, nor shall the expenses of any student
be paid more than once each way in any year.
Provided, further, that tuition in the academic, engineer-
ing, agricultural, and educational departments of the Uni-
versity shall be free to all qualified white students who are
citizens of the State of Tennessee, or whose parents or
guardians are citizens of the State of Tennessee; but noth-
ing in this section of this Act shall be construed in such
way as to affect or modify the existing laws in regard to
State scholarship students of African descent in the* Indus-
trial Department of said University.
SEC. 9. Be it further enacted, That all schools receiving ^madeto
assistance under the provisions of this Act shall be recog-
nized as essential parts of the system of Public Education
of the State of Tennessee, and annually, on or before the
first day of August, the proper authorities of each shall
submit to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction
a report in regard to the work, development, and progress
of the school during the year ending with the thirtieth day
of June next preceding, and a clear and itemized statement
of all receipts and expenditures for the same period.
SEC. 10. Be it further enacted, That Chapter 537 of the
Acts of 1907 and all laws and all parts of laws in conflict
with this Act shall be, and the same are hereby, repealed.
SEC. 11. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requir-
ing it.
School Bonds.
ACTS 1911. CHAPTER 60.
AN ACT to authorize the Quarterly County Courts of the several
counties of the State, except in counties of 190,000 population or
over, according to the Federal census of 1910 or any subsequent
Federal census, to issue and sell coupon bonds to purchase school
property, school sites; to erect, furnish, equip, and repair school
buildings; and to fix the denominations of said bonds, and to pro-
vide for the payment of the interest on the same, and for a sinking
fund with which to retire the same, and to provide a method for loan-
ing said sinking fund; and to further provide for the distribution of
the money raised by the sale of said bonds between the counties
and cities.
SECTION 1. Be U enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Tennessee, That the various counties of the State,
except in counties of 190,000 population or over, accord-
ing to the Federal census of 1910 or any subsequent Fed-
eral census, through their respective Quarterly County
Courts, be, and they are, hereby authorized and em-
powered to issue and sell bonds for the purposes and in
the manner hereinafter provided.
interest. ^^ ^ Be ^ fy^^ enac t e d, That the bonds shall be
known as "School bonds," and shall bear interest at the
rate of not exceeding 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-
annually, and said bonds to be due and payable in not
more than twenty-five years from the date of their issu-
ance, and to be sold for not less than par.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That each of said bonds
shall be signed by the Judge or Chairman of the County
Court and countersigned by the County Court Clerk with
the official seal of the latter attached thereto, and said
bonds shall each have attached to them coupons for the
semi-annual interest upon the same for each of the years
they have to run, showing on their face the number and
amount of bonds to which they are attached, the amount
of each semi-annual installment of interest on said bond,
and when the same shall be due, which coupons shall be
signed in the same manner as said bonds, except that the
seal of the County Court Clerk need not be affixed thereto,
and the signature of the County Judge or Chairman and
the Clerk of said County Court may be lithographed on
said coupon.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That said bonds may be nations 6 "
issued in denominations of not less than one hundred
($100) dollars nor more than one hundred thousand
($100,000) dollars. The bonds of each denomination
shall be numbered consecutively, beginning at one, and
shall recite on their face that they are issued in pursu-
ance of this Act, and this Act may be printed on the back
of said bonds, and said bonds shall be payable in the law-
ful currency of the United States at such time not to ex-
ceed twenty-five years from the date of their issuance,
and at such place and for such amounts as the purchasers
and representatives of the Quarterly County Court, as
herein designated, shall determine.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That said bonds shall
be sold for cash by the Chairman or Judge of said County
Court; Provided, that the sale shall be advertised for a
period of not less than thirty days next preceding the date
of said sale, and that no bond shall be sold for less than
par value; Provided, however, that the said Quarterly
County Courts are authorized to pay the necessary ex-
penses in the issuance and sale of said bonds.
SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That the money arising
from said sale of school bonds shall be turned over to the
Trustee of said county, and shall be kept separate and
apart from all the other funds, and shall be paid out only
for the purposes and in the manner hereinafter provided
and said Trustee shall be allowed no commission for re-
ceiving or disbursing said funds.
Annual sink-
ing fund tax.
school fund.
SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That the counties hav-
ing a city or cities operating schools independent of said
county, the Trustee of said county shall pay over to the
Treasurer of said city that amount of said, funds which
shall bear the same ratio to the entire amount arising from
the provisions of this Act as the scholastic population of
said city or cities bears to the entire scholastic population
of said county; Provided, however, that the said funds paid
over to the said City Treasurer shall be kept separate from
all other funds in the manner and for the purposes herein
provided for said county funds to be used.
SECTIONS. Be it further enacted, That upon the issuance
of said bonds they shall be a binding obligation and debt
upon the said county, and that trhe Quarterly County
Court of said county shall levy annually a tax on all the
taxable property of said county for the purpose of paying
interest on said bonds as it becomes due and to create a
sinking fund with which to retire and pay off said bonds
when they mature, and in counties having no sinking fund
commission the County Judge or Chairman of the County
Court shall loan out said school bond sinking fund upon
first mortgage real estate security, approved by the County
Court Clerk and County Superintendent of Schools.
SEC. 9. Be it further enacted, That said County Judge
or Chairman may purchase bonds at not more than par
value on approval of said County Court Clerk and County
Superintendent; Provided, further, that said school bond
sinking fund shall not be loaned for a less rate of interest
than the rate of interest on the bonds themselves, and in
amounts not exceeding 50 per cent of the value of the
real estate security, the interest to be added semi-annually
to said sinking fund.
SEC. 10. Be it further enacted, That the proceeds of
said sale of said bonds shall constitute a 'special fund to
be known as "Special School Fund," which shall be kept
by the Trustee of said county and the Treasurer of said
city schools separate and apart from all other funds and
shall be applied exclusively to purchase property for school
purposes, to purchase sites for school buildings, to erect
or repair school buildings and to furnish and equip school
buildings, and to be used for no other purposes by the
County Board of Education of said county or by the City
Board of Education, which said City Board shall have a
right to draw warrants on said funds for said purposes
SEC. 11. Be it further enacted, That said bonds may
be issued by the Quarterly County Court of any county
in this State by resolution by a majority of said members
of said Quarterly County Court at any regular meeting
thereof; Provided, however, that said county shall not
issue an amount of bonds to exceed 3 per cent of the value
of the taxable property for said county.
SEC. 12. Be it further enacted, That the County Judge gJS? redemp ~
or Chairman of said county shall give within sixty days
immediately preceding maturity of said bonds or any of
them notice to the holders thereof through some news-
paper published in the county seat of said county for a
period of thirty days, stating in said notice the numbers
of said bonds and when they shall become due, requesting
that they shall be presented for payment or redemption on
said date at the place designated in said bonds; and if
said bonds are not presented for payment or redemption
at the time and place so designated, then the interest
thereon shall cease.
SEC. 13. Be it further enacted, That said bonds shall
not be issued for any other purpose than herein expressed,
and that said bonds shall be exempt from taxation for
State, county, and municipal purposes in Tennessee.
SEC. 14. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts
of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are,
hereby repealed, and that this Act shall take effect from
and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
of Schools
of pupils
Boards to
Supervision, Consolidation and
AN ACT to be entitled An Act to improve the public school system of
the State by authorizing Boards of Education to consolidate schools,
provide for the public transportation of pupils, and to employ
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, That whenever it shall appear to the
County Board of Education or the County High School
Board of Education in any county of the State that the effi-
ciency of the public schools would be improved thereby, said
Boards of Education shall have full power and are hereby
granted authority to consolidate two or more schools.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That whenever by rea-
son of such consolidation a sufficient number of children
is situated too far away from such schools to attend without
transportation, said Boards of Education are hereby au-
thorized and empowered to make provision for the transpor-
tation of said pupils that reside too far away from said
school to attend without transportation, and to pay for same
out of the respective public school funds of the county in
which such children reside.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Boards of
Education are hereby given authority to employ Supervisors
of Schools, whose duties shall be to assist County Superin-
tendents of Public Instruction in organization, gradation
and supervision of the public schools of the county and the
organization of industrial work; and to pay for same out
of the respective school funds of the county. Provided, That
such supervisors of schools shall be persons of known ability
to supervise the work of other teachers and shall have the
equivalent of a high school education.
Provided, further, That Supervisors of Elementary
Schools shall hold an elementary certificate of the First
Grade, and Supervisors of High Schools shall hold a High
School Certificate of the First Grade.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts
of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are, hereby
repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its
passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Compulsory Attendance Law.
required in
AN ACT to regulate and require the attendance of school children upon
schools in the State of Tennessee, and to provide means for the
enforcement of this Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Tennessee, That every parent, guardian or other
person, in the State of Tennessee, having charge or control
of any child between the ages of eight and fourteen years,
inclusive, shall cause such child to be enrolled in and attend
some day school, public, private or parochial, for eighty
consecutive days, or when the school term is less than eighty
days in length for the full term, in each year in the county
or city in which said child may reside.
Provided, That in cities maintaining a separate school
system which have a scholastic population of five thousand
or over by the State school census of 1912, or any sub-
sequent State school census, any parent, guardian or other
person, having charge or control of any child between the
ages of eight and fourteen, inclusive, shall cause such child
to attend school for the full school term.
Provided, further, That any parent, guardian or other
person, having charge or control of any child between the
ages of fourteen and sixteen years who is not actively and
regularly and lawfully engaged in some useful employment
or service, or who is unable to read and write, shall cause
such child to attend school as herein provided for children
between the ages of eight and fourteen years.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That any child between
the ages aforesaid may be excused temporarily from comply-
ing with the provisions of this Act, in whole or in part, if it
be shown to a court of competent jurisdiction or a County
or City Board of Education having control of the school to
which said child belongs, that said parent or guardian or
person having charge or control of said child is not able,
through extreme destitution, to provide proper clothing for
said child; or that said child is mentally or physically
incapacitated to attend school for the whole period required
or any part thereof; or that the school to which the said
child belongs is more than two miles by the nearest traveled
road from the residence of the child, and public transpor-
tation to and from school is not provided ; or that said child
has completed an elementary school course, including eight
grades, and has certificate to that effect from the principal of
the school attended. If any child is unable to attend school
as hereinbefore required by not being able to procure books,
on satisfactory proof of the same, the County or City Board
of Education having charge of the school to which said
child belongs, shall purchase said books out of the general
school fund of the city or county and lend to said child under
regulations prescribed by the State Board of Education.
If it is ascertained by any City or County Board of
Education that any child, who is required under the pro- children
vision of this Act to attend a school under the control of
the said County or City Board of Education, is unable to
do so on account of lack of clothing or food, such case shall
be reported to any suitable relief agency of said county or
city, or if there be no such suitable relief agency to whom
the case can be referred, it shall be reported to the proper
Commissioners of the Poor or other officials having charge
of such work, for investigation and relief.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That any parent, guardian
or other person, having charge or control of any child
embraced within the provisions of this Act who, with intent
to evade the provisions of this Act, shall make a false state-
ment concerning the age of such child, or the time that such
child has attended school, shall be deemed guilty of mis-
demeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any
case not less than Two Dollars or more than Fifty Dollars,
at the discretion of the Court.
Any parent, guardian or other person, failing to comply
with the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of comply>
Fines to go to
school fund.
Duty of
misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall pay a fine
of not less than Two Dollars nor more than Twenty Dollars
for the first offense, and not less than Five Dollars nor
more than Fifty Dollars for the second and every sub-
sequent offense, and the cost of the suit.
Provided, That such fine may be suspended and finally
remitted by the Court trying the case with or without
payment of cost at the discretion of the Court, if the said
child be immediately placed in regular attendance in some
day school as aforesaid, and if such fact of regular attend-
ance is proven subsequently to the satisfaction of said Court
by an attested certificate of attendance by the super-
intendent or teacher of said school.
Any parent, guardian or other person having charge or
control of any child embraced within the provisions of this
Act, who shall be proceeded against under this Act, may
prove in defense that he is unable to compel the child under
his control to attend school, and he may thereupon be dis-
charged from liability, and such child shall be proceeded
against as a delinquent child under the statutes in such
cases provided.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the County Judge
or Chairman of the County Courts of the several counties
of this State shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction
of all cases coming within the provisions of this act.
Provided, That in all cities maintaining a separate system
of schools the City Recorder or Judge of said City shall be
vested with all rights and powers to try and dispose of such
cases coming with his jurisdiction. Provided, further, that
any party aggrieved may appeal to the Circuit Court from
the action of the County Judge.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That all fines and pen-
alties provided in this Act shall be for the use of the public
schools of the county or city in which such child resides.
Any such fine or penalty may be recovered by rule or in
any way that a court of equity enforces its orders or decrees.
SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the County or City Superintendent to furnish to teachers,
or in schools having more than one teacher to principals,
or cause to be furnished through any duly elected attend-
ance officer, as hereinafter provided, the names of pupils
depending on their schools for instruction, the said lists to
be taken from the census enumeration on file in the office
of the Superintendent. It shall be the duty of said teachers
and principals to report promptly and regularly to the
County or City Board of Education through the County or
City Superintendent of Schools, the names of all parents,
guardians or other persons, who fail to comply with the
provisions of this Act.
It shall then be the duty of the Board of Education, through 5
the County or City Superintendent or through any duly
elected attendance officer, to give written notice to parent,
guardian or other person, having charge and control of such
child that the attendance of such child at school is required ;
and if said parent, guardian or other person, does not
comply immediately with the provisions of this Act, said
County or City Superintendent of Schools, or said duly
elected attendance officer shall proceed against such child
as a delinquent child and against such parent, guardian
or other person, for violation of this act.
SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That in every city main-
taining a separate school system having a scholastic popula-
tion of 5,000 or more by the State school census of 1912,
or any subsequent State school census, the Board of Educa-
tion of said city shall elect one or more attendance officers
to enforce the provisions of this Act.
In every city maintaining a separate system having a
scholastic population of less than 5,000 by the State school
census of 1912 or any subsequent State school census, and
in every county, the Board of Education of said city or
county shall have authority to elect one or more attendance
officers to enforce the provisions of this Act; provided,
that not more than one attendance officer shall be elected
for every 5,000 school children residing in any city or county ;
provided, further, that every city having a separate system
of schools and every county may appoint one such attend-
ance officer.
Such attendance officers shall be residents of the county S U atteSanoe
or city in which they are elected. They must be of good officers -
moral character and must be able to read and write with
ease. Before they shall be eligible for election all applicants
for position as attendance officer shall present certificate
from City or County Superintendent that they meet the
requirements herein provided. Said attendance officer shall
be paid not less than $1.00 nor more than $3.00 per day
during such period of time as they may be employed by the
School Board, and said payment shall be made out of the
public school funds of said city or county. Said attendance
officers shall serve written or printed notices upon the
parents or guardian, or other person having charge and
control of any child as aforesaid who violates the provisions
of this Act, and shall, when reasonable doubt exists as to
the age of any child, require a properly attested birth
certificate; and shall have the right to visit and enter any
office or factory or business house employing children as
aforesaid, and the right to require a properly attested
certificate of attendance of any child at a day school, and
power to arrest, without warrant, all truants as aforesaid
and place them in some public school, unless the parent,
guardian or person having charge or control of said child
shall at once place them in some other day school as afore-
said; such attendance officers shall serve the legal notices
and subpoenas of the Court without further fee or compensa-
tion than that paid by the Board of Education as afore-
said, and he shall carry into effect such other regulations
as may lawfully be required by the Board electing him.
SSSf* SEC - 8 - Be it further enacted, That the Board of Educa-
tion having charge of the public schools of any city or
county having a population of 10,000 or more by the
Federal Census of 1910, or any subsequent Federal Census,
may establish a truancy school, either within or without
their city or county limits for children who are between the
ages of eight and sixteen years, and who are habitual
truants from any day school in which they are enrolled as
pupils, or while in attendance at school are incorrigible,
vicious, or immoral, or who habitually wander or loiter
about the woods or public places without lawful employ-
ment and such children may be deemed disorderly juvenile
persons, and may be, by said School Board, through its
officers assigned to, and required and compelled to attend
such truancy school or any department of the graded school,
as such School Board may direct.
SEC. 9. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of
laws in conflict with this Act, be and the same are, hereby
repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its
passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Amendment to General
Education Bill.
ACTS 1913. CHAPTER 23.
AN ACT to amend Chapter 264 of the Acts of 1909, passed April 20,
1909, and approved April 27, 1909, by providing for an increase in
the General Education Fund provided in said Act, and setting
forth the basis for apportioning certain parts of said fund.
General educa-
cieased n f d rom 25 SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
Sn 3 t 3 of P g e ross State of Tennessee, That Chapter 264 of the Acts of 1909,
s e tlte ues passed .April 20, 1909, and approved April 27, 1909, en-
titled "An Act to provide for the improvement of the sys-
tem of Public Education of the State of Tennessee that
is to say, to establish a General Education Fund by appropri-
ating thereto annually twenty-five per cent of the gross
revenues of the State; to provide for the apportionment
of this fund and specifying what part shall be apportioned
to the several counties of the State on the basis of scholastic
population; what part shall be used to equalize more
nearly the school facilities of the several counties, and the
conditions on which this part shall be apportioned; what
sum shall be used to assist in paying salaries of County
Superintendents, and on what conditions; what part shall
be used to encourage and assist in the establishment and
maintenance of public county high schools, and on what
conditions; and providing for the grading and inspection
of high schools; what part shall be used for the establish-
ment and maintenance of school libraries and on what
conditions ', what part shall be used for the establishment
and maintenance of three Normal Schools for white teachers,
one in each Grand Division of the State, and one Agri-
cultural and Industrial Normal School for negroes and
providing for the location, establishment, and control of
said schools; and what part shall be apportioned to the
University of Tennessee and its various stations ; and to
repeal Chapter 537 of the Acts of 1907" be, and the same
is, hereby amended, by striking out the words "twenty-five
per cent" wherever they occur in said Act and substituting
in lieu thereof the words "thirty- three and one-third per
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That Section 3 of said
Chapter of said Act be amended so as to read as follows:
That ten per cent of the General Education Fund
provided by this Act shall be and the same is hereby set
aside as a special fund to be used and expended for the
purpose of more nearly equalizing the common schools in
the several counties of the State; also for the purpose of
encouraging the introduction of industrial work, including
agriculture, home economics, manual training and kindred
subjects in county elementary schools and providing for
the adequate supervision of the same ; also for encouraging
the establishment of consolidated schools where practica-
ble with provisions for transportation facilities where
necessary; the same to be distributed among the various
counties by the State Board of Education in accordance
with provisions herein set forth.
Provided, That before any county shall be eligible to re-
ceive any portion of this 10 per cent of the General Educa- share '
tion Fund provided by this Act, it shall levy for public
schools, including the school tax levied by the State, and
excluding taxes for public high schools, a tax of not less than
40 cents on the $100.00 of taxable property, a tax of $2.00
on each taxable poll, and all the privilege taxes which the
laws of the State permit counties to levy for school pur-
Provided further, That in any county where a supervising
teacher or a supervisor of any number of elementary schools,
or a supervisor of industrial work in county elementary
schools is elected by the County Board of Education and
funds are provided in said county to pay said supervisor,
the State Board of Education shall be authorized to
supplement the same by an amount not exceeding what is
paid by the County Board of Education; provided, that
said supervisors shall be approved by the State Super-
State aid for
and transporta-
State aid for
industrial work
in high schools.
intendent of Public Instruction ; and provided, further, that
two such payments by the State to one county shall not
be allowed until one payment is made in every county
complying with the requirements and making application
within any one year; the time for applying for State help
to be fixed by the State Board of Education.
Provided, further, That when any County Board of
Education shall establish a consolidated school with as many
as three or more teachers and provision is made for trans-
porting the pupils dependent upon such school for educa-
tional facilities who reside further than two and one-half
miles therefrom, the State Board of Education may assist
said school by appropriating to its maintenance a reason-
able amount out of the funds provided by this Section of
this Act; provided, the building and equipment of said
school shall measure up to the standard set by State Board
of Education; and provided, further, that not more than
one school in any county shall be thus aided in any one year
until at least one school in every county making applica-
tion in that year shall have been aided ; and provided that
the time for making such application for State aid shall be
fixed by the State Board of Education.
Provided, further, That any portion of the ten per cent of
the General Education Fund provided by this Act and this
Section of this Act not otherwise disposed of in any year
shall be used to equalize the Common Schools in the
various counties, and shall be distributed by the State
Board of Education among the counties according to their
educational needs, as determined by reliable data filed in
the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That Section 5, of said
Chapter of said Act be amended by striking out the last
part of said Section 5 beginning with the words "shall
revert," and substituting therefor the following words:
"shall be used under the direction of the State Board of
Education for the purpose of stimulating and encouraging
the establishment and maintenance of departments of
industrial work, including agriculture, home economics,
manual training and kindred subjects, and also for the
purpose of equalizing the high schools of the various
counties; provided, that if in any county levying a tax for
high school purposes at the highest rate permitted by law
for that purpose, the proceeds of said levy do not amount
to as much as Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars in any
year, the State Board of Education shall apportion to the
high school fund of said County out of the State high school
fund provided in Section 5, Chapter 264, Acts of 1909, the
amount necessary to make a high school fund of Two
Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars for said County for said
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the first, second and Librar 5 rald -
third paragraphs of Section 6 be amended to read as fol-
That one per cent of the General Education Fund
provided by this Act shall be used to encourage and assist
in the establishment and maintenance of libraries in the
public schools as herein provided.
Whenever the patrons and friends of any public school
in any county in the State shall raise by private subscrip-
tion or otherwise, and tender to the County Trustee
through the County Superintendent of Public Instruction,
the sum of Ten Dollars or more for the establishment and
maintenance of a library for that school, or for supplement-
ing, a library already established, said County Super-
intendent shall notify the State Superintendent of Public
Instruction, and upon the certificate of the State Super-
intendent of Public Instruction the Comptroller of the
Treasury shall pay to the Trustee of said County out of
the fund herein provided a sum equal to that raised by pri-
vate subscription or otherwise to be added to the library
fund of said school.
Provided, that the State will appropriate not more than
Forty Dollars for this purpose to any one school during a
single year.
Provided, further, that the State Board of Education shall
have the power, and the same is hereby authorized to
employ a Director of Library Extension at a salary of not
exceeding fifteen hundred dollars a year with necessary
Director of
library exten-
traveling expenses as fixed by the State Board of Educa-
tion, all to be paid out of the library fund as herein pro-
The said Director of Library Extension shall have an
office in the office of the State Superintendent of Public
Instruction and shall work under his general supervision.
It shall be the duty of the Director of Library Extension
to encourage and stimulate the establishment of libraries,
especially in public schools; to prepare selected lists of
books adopted to the needs of various schools from the list
approved by the State Board of Education ; to render such
assistance as the State Board of Education may require in
the preparation of general school library lists; to visit
teachers' institutes and other educational and community
meetings in the interest of library extension and for the
purpose of giving instruction in the selection, care and use
of libraries, to assist the State Superintendent of Public
Instruction in preparing Reading Circle Courses for public
school teachers and pupils ; and to perform such additional
duties as the State Board of Education may prescribe.
That the last paragraph of Section 6 of Chapter 264 of
the Acts of 1909 be amended so as to read ; One-fifth of the
amount accruing annually for libraries under the provisions
of this Act shall be used for the purchase and maintenance
of circulating libraries under the direction of the State
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts
of laws in conflict with this Act be, and .the same are,
hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after
its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Uniform Examination and
Certification of Teachers
ACTS 1913. CHAPTER 40.
AN ACT entitled An Act to define the qualifications and duties of
Public School Teachers: to provide a uniform method for the
examination and certification of teachers; to provide for the Issuance
of teachers' certificates of different grades, and for the revocation
of certificates; and to fix penalties for the violation of the provisions
of this Act.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the
State of Tennessee, That no person shall be employed to
teach in any public elementary or high school of the State
or receive pay for teaching out of the public school funds
of any county until he has received a certificate as pre-
scribed in this Act. No such payment shall be allowed
if made, and any officer who shall make or sanction the
same shall be subject to a penalty of not less then Five
($5.00) Dollars nor more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, to
be paid into the public school fund of the county in which
No person under eighteen years of age shall receive a Age
certificate to teach in the public schools of this State, and
no person under twenty years of age shall receive pay out
of the public school funds as the principal of any school
having more than one teacher.
No person shall receive a certificate to teach in the public
schools of this State unless he has a good moral character,
and under no circumstances shall certificates be granted to
persons addicted to the use of intoxicants, opiates 'or
cigarettes. All persons who appear before the local examin-
ing committee of any county or the State Board of Exam-
iners for teachers' certificates, as hereinafter provided,
must satisfy the local examining committee or the State
Board of Examiners that they meet the requirements of
this Act as regards age and moral character before being
allowed to proceed with the examination; and the local
examining committee or State Board of Examiners may re-
quire proof as to age and testimonials as to character.
No person shall teach in any public school of this State
who has any contagious or communicable disease in such
form as that the health of children would be endangered
by his presence in the school room with them; and any
County Board of Education or City Board of Education
may require a teacher to submit to an examination by a
competent physician at any time when there is reason to
believe that the teacher has any disease of this kind; and
any Board of Education may require from any teacher
asking to be employed in any public school under its direct
control a certificate of health signed by a competent
SSShS. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That every teacher in the
public schools of the State shall keep a daily record of facts
pertaining to his school in such form as is required by the
State Superintendent of Public Instruction and as indicated
in the school register burnished the teacher for that purpose,
and the teacher shall be responsible for the safe keeping
and delivery of the same to the County Superintendent
of Public Instruction at the close of the school term or at the
close of his services.
S2S SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That written contracts
for the school year shall be made between the County
Boards of Education and the public school teachers at
fixed rates per month before they enter upon their duties.
These contracts shall be in such form as may be furnished
by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and
every contract shall be signed in duplicate in ink, each
party holding a copy. Failure to comply with the pro-
visions of this section of this Act shall subject either or both
parties to a fine of Twenty-five Dollars.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That any principal teacher
of a public school may, for good and sufficient reasons,
suspend a pupil from attendance on his school until the case
is decided by the County Board of Education, which shall
be with as little delay as possible.
Provided, that a report of every suspension shall be
made at once, through the County Superintendent, to the
County Board of Education.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty
of all teachers in any county of this State to attend the full
term of any county institute held for teachers of his race
in that county under provisions made by the State and
County Superintendents of Public Instruction ; but, in lieu
of attendance upon the institute in his county, a teacher
may attend a similar institute in any other county in the
State in the same year, or take regular work in a summer
session of one of the State Normal Schools or any regularly
organized summer school of good standing.
SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That after the first day of
July, 1914, the requirements for certificates to teach in the certificates,
public schools of this State shall be uniform in all the
counties. Every certificate shall be issued by the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction in accordance with
regulations hereafter prescribed.
Except as hereinafter provided, every person receiving a
certificate to teach in the public elementary schools of the
State shall have passed a satisfactory examination in the
subjects prescribed to be taught in the elementary schools
and in the principles and practice of teaching and school
management; and every person receiving a certificate to
teach in the public high schools of the State shall have
passed a satisfactory examination in the history of secondary
education, principles and practice of teaching and school
management, .with special reference to high school work,
English language and literature, and other subjects named
on the certificate issued to him.
The standards for examinations and the grade of scholar-
ship required for certificates shall be determined by the
State Superintendent of Public Instruction and in accord-
ance with the provisions of this Act.
Certificates shall be designated and graded as elementary
certificates of the first or second grade or high school
certificates of the first or second grade. A first grade
certificate shall be valid for a period of five years from date
First grade.
of issue, a second grade certificate for a period of two years.
Certificates granted on examinations taken in the various
counties, under the supervision of the local examining
committee as hereinafter provided, shall be good only in
the county in which the examinations are taken. Certifi-
cates granted on examinations taken at special places, under
the supervision of the State Board of Examiners, as herein-
after provided, shall be good in any county in the State.
To obtain a first grade certificate the applicant must
be at least nineteen years of age and must have had at least
eight months successful teaching experience, and must make
an average of 85 per cent on the subjects prescribed for
examination and must not fall below 70 per cent on any
subject. An applicant who makes a first grade average as
required, but who has not the requisite teaching experience,
will be granted a second grade certificate which may be
changed to a first grade certificate after eight months
successful teaching.
In case there are not enough teachers with certificates
applying for the schools in any county, the State Super-
intendent of Public Instruction may issue a temporary
certificate to a sufficient number of those persons who stood
the examination in that county and are most nearly
qualified, as shown by any regular examination in which
they may have participated, which certificate shall be good
only in said county; or he may order a special examination
for that purpose. But no certificate thus issued shall be
valid longer than the time for the next examination, and
no such certificate shall be issued to the same person more
than twice.
Professional certificates shall be issued by the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction as follows:
1. An elementary certificate of the first grade to the
applicant who has completed the academic course of the
State Normal Schools.
2. A certificate good in all schools, except high schools
of the first class, to the applicant who has completed the
normal course of the State Normal Schools.
3. A high school certificate of the first grade to the
applicant who is a graduate of the State University who has
completed any six half-year courses offered by the Uni-
versity in psychology, history of education, principles of
teaching and school management, not less than two of
which shall have special reference to high school work.
4. In accordance with such uniform rule and regula-
tions as may be adopted by the State Board of Education,
the State Superintehdent of Public Instruction may issue
certificates without examination to graduates of other
institutions of learning whose standards of admission and
requirements for graduation are not lower than those of the
State Normal Schools and the State University.
Provided, That said standards and requirements shall
first have been carefully examined by the said Superin-
tendent and Board; and,
Provided, further, That the requirements with which the
graduates of said institutions are licensed shall not be
lower than those made for the graduates of the State
Normal Schools and the State University of this State.
All certificates granted by the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction on diplomas or degrees from institu-
tions of learning shall be good in any county of the State.
All certificates outstanding at the time this Act takes
effect shall be valid for the times and purposes for which
they were issued if not revoked by the State Superintendent
of Public Instruction.
The State Superintendent of Public Instruction may certificates!
revoke the certificate of any teacher who shall be guilty
of immoral conduct, upon sufficient evidence of the same
furnished by the County Superintendent of the county in
which the holder is teaching.
The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall,
with the help of the State Board of Examiners as hereinafter
provided, prepare and announce courses of study for
persons holding the elementary certificate of the first grade
and for persons holding the high school certificate of the
first grade, such courses to cover the principal subjects
named in the certificates; and any such person who com-
State board of
pletes either of these courses and passes the required
examination upon the subjects contained in it shall be
granted a permanent certificate of the same class and grade ;
but permanent certificates shall be revoked if the holders
shall discontinue school work for more than three successive
years, and if they fail to attend institutes and do the work
of the Reading Circle, or meet other requirements as
prescribed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion and the State Board of Education.
SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That the State Board of
Education and the State Superintendent of Public instruc-
tion, are hereby constituted a Board of Examiners, of which
the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be
chairman, for the purpose of preparing questions, conduct-
ing examinations and otherwise assisting the State Super-
intendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of
Education in carrying out the provisions of this Act; and
they shall, upon the call of the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, meet for this purpose at such times and
places as he may designate. The necessary expenses of the
Examiners incurred in attending such meetings and in
performing any other duties required of them by this Act
shall be paid out of the examination fund to be made up
of the examination fees as hereinafter provided. The
State Board of Examiners herein provided, shall have the
power and authority to secure the assistance of the Normal
School Presidents, State High School Inspector, Elementary
School Inspector, and all other employees of said Board
in conducting said examinations without any extra pay or
compensation for said services.
On the recommendation of the Examiners, the State
Superintendent may employ, at such reasonable wages as
the Examiners shall fix, competent persons to grade exami-
nation papers and such other assistants as may be necessary
to enable him to carry out the provisions of this Act, all
such wages to be paid out of the examination fund in the
manner herein provided.
Examinations shall be held at the county seat of each
county in some suitable room or rooms, to be designated
by the local examining committee on dates prescribed by
the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The
County Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Chair-
man of the County Board of Education and one other
person, to be selected by the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, shall constitute the local examining
committee of each county. For service on examining
committees County Superintendents shall receive no pay in
addition to their regular salary; the Chairman of the
County Board of Education shall receive his per diem and
expenses as for other services, and the third members shall
be paid at the same rate; all payments to be made out of
the school fund of the county as other incidental expenses
are paid.
On the same dates examinations shall be held at such
other places in the State as may be designated by the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction, under the supervision
of the State Board of Examiners, and on such dates as may
be named by the State Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion. No fewer than two places shall be selected in each
Grand Division, and the questions shall be uniform in all
In conducting the examination the local examining com-
mittee and the State Board of Examiners shall comply with
the provisions of this Act and the rules and regulations of
the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State
Board of Education ; and after each examination and upon
completion of the duties connected therewith, the members
of the local examining committee and the representatives
of the State Board of Examiners supervising said examina-
tion shall make oath or affidavit before a Notary Public
or other person authorized to administer oath, that they
have conducted the examination in accordance with said
law and rules and regulations, and said oath or affidavit
shall be forwarded at once to the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, with the examination papers of all
Any County Superintendent, member of examining com-
mittee, printer, officers of State or county, or any other
person who shall sell, barter, give or furnish or procure to
be sold, bartered, given or furnished to any applicant for
a certificate to teach in the public schools, or to any person,
any question or questions prepared or sent out by the State
Board of Examiners for the examination of persons applying
for such certificates, or in any way dispose of such question
or questions except in the manner provided by law and the
regulations of the State Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction
thereof, shall be fined not less than $100.00, and may be
imprisoned, at the discretion of the Court.
Before entering upon the examination, every applicant
for an elementary school license shall pay to the Trustee
of the County a fee of Two and One-half ($2.50) Dollars,
and every applicant for a high school license shall pay a fee
of Three and One-half ($3.50) Dollars. Provided, That one-
half of these fees in each county be held in said county for
the support of the County Institute and the Trustee shall
give a receipt for the same, which receipt shall be presented
to the examining committee before the examination is
begun. The County Trustee shall forward to the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction a voucher for all
moneys received in examination fees, less his commission
of two per cent, and a correct statement showing the amount
of each fee and the name and postoffice address of the person
paying the same.
Any applicant for license who presents a diploma or
certificate or other credential in lieu of examination shall
pay to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction a fee of
Two and One-half Dollars; all fees thus received by the
State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be de-
posited as other examination fees with the Comptroller of
the Treasury.
Depottt of fees. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall
endorse all such vouchers and deposit them with the
Comptroller of the Treasury, to be collected and held as a
special fund, out of which all expenses of the examination
shall be paid. Vouchers for such expenses shall be drawn
on this fund in the same manner as vouchers are drawn on
the school fund for the expenses of the State Board of
Education, and separate accountings of the same shall be
made and published by the State Superintendent of Public
Instruction in his report and by the Comptroller and
Treasurer in their reports.
Any portion of this examination fund remaining after
all the expenses of examinations of any year have been
paid, may, with the consent of the State Board of Education,
be used by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction
for awards to encourage teachers, pupils and school officers
to make improvements in their schools in any way he may
SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of CIUea Induded -
this Act shall apply to all public school teachers in the State
except those employed by Boards of Education in cities
having a population of more than 7,500 by the Federal
census of 1910, or any subsequent Federal census.
SEC. 9. Be it further enacted, That all fines or penalties
that may be collected under this Act shall go into the public
school fund of the county or city in which collected.
SEC. 10. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts
of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are,
hereby repealed, and, except as otherwise provided, this
Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare
requiring it.
Classified List of Decisions of the Supreme
Court Construing the School Laws.
Suit to recover counsel fees illegally paid out of county school funds
may be prosecuted by State Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion. State v. H. C. True, 8 Gates, 294.
The power to employ counsel and procure a suit to be brought to pre-
vent a misappropriation of public school funds in the hands of
the County Trustee is vested in the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, and not in the Quarterly Court. State v.
True, 8 Gates, 309, 310.
Decision of County Court Final in fixing salary. 6 Lea, 501, Haile v.
Election Illegal Directors. 12 Lea, 486, Meadows v. Nesbitt.
Election of Directors. See cases Nollie Roberts v. Len K. Hart, Trustee;
Banks v. Burkhalter, from Davidson County. 21 and 22 Pickle.
Contested Election County Court Decides. 12 Lea, 30, State v. Burch-
Removal from Office. 3 Tenn. Ch. Rep., 177, State v. Leonard.
Contracts with, and pay and dismissal of teachers. 5 Lea, 526, Parker
v. School District; 12 Lea, 486, Meadows v. Nesbitt; 10 Lea, 344,
Crawley v. Leonard; 10 Lea, 219, Morley v. Power; 5 Lea, 692, Mor-
ley v. Power; 5 Lea, 265, Bayless v. Driskell.
Violation of Section 19 of School laws a misdemeanor. 9 Baxter, 559,
State v. Keeton.
Power to regulate the suspension or dismissal of pupils. 5 Lea, 526,
Parker v. School District.
Directors contract with teachers. See cases Nollie Roberts v. Len K.
Hart, Trustee; Banks v. Burkhalter, from Davidson County. 21 and
22 Pickle.
Liability of school directors for loss of school fund. See Code, sec.
1426; Finney v. Garner, 2 Gates, 67-74.
Suit against school directors for loss of school fund may be brought
in whose name. Finney v. Gamer, 2 C&tes, 67-74.
Power of Directors to employ, control, and dismiss teachers. (See
"Directors.) 5 Lea, 692, Morley v. Power; 5 Lea, 526, Parkers
School District; 10 Lea, 219, Morley v. Power; 10 Lea, 344, Crawley
v. Leonard; 12 Lea, 486, Meadows v. Nesbitt; 9 Baxter, 559; State
v. Keeton, 13 Pickle, 489, 490, 494.
Teachers' contract with directors. See cases Nollie Roberts v. Len K.
Hart, Trustee; Banks v. Burkhalter, from Davidson County. 21 and
22 Pickle.
Employment of minors. 12 Lea, 30, State v. Burchfield.
Pay of teachers. 10 Lea, 219, Morley v. Power; 10 Lea, 344, Crawley v.
Leonard; 5 Lea, 265, Bayless v. Driskell; 6 Lea, 274, Bank v. Baber.
Power of teachers to suspend and punish pupils. 3 Head, 425, Ander-
son v. State; 5 Lea, 526, Parker v. School District; 3 Leg. Rep., 19,
State v. Von Strans.
NOTE. The power to employ teachers for schools beginning after July 1, 1907, is vested in
the County Board of Education and not in directors now in office.
Debt of Directors binds successors, although district organization
changed. 3 Tenn. Ch. Rep., 556, Shankland v. Phillips; 6 Lea, 273,
Bank v. Baber.
NOTE. Since the decision in the case of Rodemer v. Mitchell, 6 Pickle, 65, the Legislature
of 1891 has, by statute, empowered the County Court to create new school districts,
School districts, citizens, taxpayers, etc., can maintain an action for
illegal distribution of the school funds. State v. True, 8 Gates,
Liability. 5 Lea, 265, Bayless v. Driskell; 6 Lea, 276, Bank v. Baber.
May be sued. 9 Lea, 168, Bedwell v. Jones; 14 Lea, 536, Jernegan v. Gray.
County Court may levy tax equal to entire State tax at any term of
Court. 5 Lea, 708, Railroad . Franklin County; 7 Lea, 309, Bright
v. Holloman.
Statute for collection and disbursement of public school funds is not
unconstitutional as embracing more than one subject. Con-
stitution cited and construed: Art. 2, sec. 17; Acts cited and con-
strued: Acts 1897, ch. 36; State v. True, 8 Gates, 298-307.
Quarterly Court cannot employ counsel to prevent misappropriation
of. Power in State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Counsel fees cannot be paid out of school fund by Chairman of County
Court for services in suit for protection of school funds. State
v. True, 8 Gates, 307.
Bond to protect sureties on, not released by individual action of Di-
rectors liability of. Finney v. Garner, 2 Gates, 68.
How issued. 10 Lea, 219, Morley v. Power; 5 Lea, 265, Bayless t. Driskell.
Not negotiable, do not bear interest, subject to statute of limitations,
etc., and Trustee's duty. 5 Lea, 265, Bayless v. Driskell; 6 Lea,
274, Bank v. Baber.
May levy tax, and may admit children residing outside the corpora-
tion. 15 Lea, 633, Ballentine v. Pulaski.
Teacher cannot sue Comptroller. 10 Lea, 576, Yost v. Gaines.
County Trustee may be sued. 9 Lea, 168, Bedwell v. Jones; 14 Lea, 536,
Jernegan v. Gray.
Cases where mandamus will lie. 5 Lea, 265, Bayless v. Driskell; 5 Lea,
692, Morley v. Power; 6 Lea, 274, Bank v. Baber.
County Court decides contested election of Directors. 12 Lea, 30,
State v. Burchfield.
Removal of Director. 3 Tenn. Ch. Rep., 177, State v. Leonard.
Constitution, Art. 10, Sec. 1; M. & V. Code, Art. 2, Sees. 940, 941,
942, 943, 947, 948; 8 Baxter, 591.
Constitution, Art. 11, Sec. 12; 5 Hum., 279; 5 Baxter, 1.
Uniform Text-Book Act Constitutional. Leiper v. State, 19 Pickle.
May transfer property, pp. 61, 62.
Advisory Board of Education p. 18, sec.
County Board of Education, p. 15, sec. 3.
County High School Board of Education.
p. 38, sec. 3.
County Superintendent, p. 10, sec. 8.
State Board of Education, p. 7,
State Superintendent, p. 3, sec. 3.
State High School Inspector, p. 73, sec. 5.
State Board of Examiners, p. 104, sec. 7.
Election, p. 18, sec. 13; p. 58, sec. 13.
Members to qualify, p. 60, sec. 18.
Duties, p. 18, sec. 14, subsecs. 1 to 6; pp.
58, 59.
Vacancies, p. 14, sec. 11, subsec. 2; p. 59
sec. 15.
Census Enumerator, p. 19, sec. 14, subsec.
To be filed with County Superintendent,
p. 19, sec. 14, subsec. 4.
Who may attend, p. 76, sec. 7.
To be taught, p. 26, sec. 32, subsec. 6.
Common school funds, p. 70, sec. 2.
Equalization funds, p. 70, sec. 3.
Supplement of County Superintendent's
salary, p. 71, sec. 4.
State funds, p. 30, sec. 44.
Text-book Commission, p. 53, sec. 16.
Appointed by county superintendents, p.
14, sec. 11, subsec. 2.
Public exercises, p. 14, sec. 11, subsec. 2.
Age of pupils, p. 6, sec. 7, subsec. 13; p.
24. sec. 30; p. 88. sec. 1.
Minimum attendance required, p. 25, sec.
Exemptions, p. 88, sec. 2.
Penalties for evasion or failure to comply
with compulsory attendance law, p. 89,
sec. 3.
Provisions for indigent children, p. 89,
sec. 2.
Teachers to be furnished names of children
of school age, p. 91, sec. 6.
Teachers to report absent children of school
age to superintendents, p. 91, sec. 6.
Written notice to parents of absences, p.
91, sec. 6.
Attendance officers to be elected, p. 91,
sec. 7.
Truancy schools may be established, ru
92, sec. 8.
Qualifications, p. 91. sec. 7.
Duties, p. 91, s^c. 6; p. 92, sec. 7.
Prepare text-book contract, p. 45, sec. 3.
State Superintendent may appoint, p. 32,
sec. 45/.
Prosecute County Superintendent or trus-
tee for failure to make report, p. 32, sec.
Conduct prosecutions, p. 24, sec. 25.
Issue, p. 29, sec. 43.
Duties, 'p. 19, sec. 14, subsecs, 1 to 6; pp.
58 and 59.
How elected and when to qualify, p. 18,
sec. 13; p. 58, sec. 13.
Vacancies, p. 14, sec. 11, subsec. 2; p. 59,
sec. 15.
Advisory Boards, p. 18, sec. 13.
County Board of Education, p. 15, sec. 3.
County High School Board of Education,
p. 38, sec. 3.
State Board of Education, p. 7, sec. 55.
To furnish text-books may be sued on, p.
46, sec. 3.
Commission not allowed trustee, p. 83,
sec. 6.
County Court may issue and sell, p. 82,
sec. 1.
Denomination, p. 83, sec. 4.
Fund from bonds kept separate, p. 83,
sec. 6.
Interest on, p. 82, sec. 2.
Issued by Quarterly Court, p. 85, sec. 11.
Proceeds turned over to trustee, p. 83,
sec. 6.
Redemption of, p. 85, sec. 12.
Seal of County Clerk, p. 82, sec. 1.
Signed by Judge or Chairman of County
Court, p. 82, sec. 3.
Sinking fund, p. 84, sec. 8.
Special school fund, p. 84, sec. 10.
Primary schools, p. 25, sec. 32, subsecs.
2 and 6.
Secondary schools, p. 25, sec. 32, subsec. 3.
Duty City Board of Education, p. 19, sec.
14, subsec. 4.
Duty of Secretary of Advisory Board, p.
19, sec. 14; subsec. 4.
.Duty of County Superintendent, p. 12,
sec. 9, subsec. 5.
Duty of State Superintendent, p. 6, sec,
7, subsec. 12.
Qualification of teachers, p. 20, sec. 1; p.
6, sec. 7, subsec. 10a; p. 26, sec. 32,
subsec. 5; p. 101, sec. 6.
To pupils completing primary school, p.
27, sec. 32, subsec. 2.
To pupils completing secondary school,
p. 27, sec. 32, subsec. 3.
Certificate of health may be required of
teachers, p. 21; p. 100, sec. 1.
To be issued by State Superintendent, p.
101, sec. 6.
Grades of certificates, p. 101, sec. 6.
Temporary certificates, p. 102, sec. 6.
Professional certificates, p. 102, sec. 6.
Revocation, p. 103, sec. 6.
Permanent certificates, p. 103, sec. 6.
To enumerate scholastic population, p.
19, sec. 14, subsec. 4.
What to include in population reports, p.
19. sec. 14, gubsec. 4.
Rights, p. 33, sec. 52.
May establish graded schools, p. 33, sec.
52, subsec. 1.
May levy school tax, p. 33, sec. 52.
Exempt from County Board law, p. 59,
sec. 16.
Exempt from County Board Law, p. 59,
sec. 16.
Boards to enumerate census, p. 19, sec.
14, subsec. 4.
To receive share of public school money,
p. 33, sec. 51.
To apportion school fund, p. 30, sec. 44.
To distribute school fund to counties on a
per capita basis, p. 69, sees. 1 and 2.
To certify to Chairman of County Court,
p. 32, sec. 45g.
To give notice of distribution, p. 30, sec.
To issue warrant on Bank of Tennessee
fund, p. 29, sec. 43.
To issue warrant for expenses of examina-
tions of teachers, p. 106, sec. 7.
Age of pupils, p. 6, sec. 13; p. 24, sec. 30;
p. 88, sec. 1.
Exemptions, p. 88, sec. 2.
Consecutive attendance, p. 88, sec. 1.
Provisions for indigent children, p. 89,
sec. 2.
Penalties for evasion or failure to comply,
p. 89, sec. 3.
Remission officers, p. 90, sec. 3.
Jurisdiction of judges, p. 90, sec. 4.
Fines to go to school fund, p. 90, sec. 5.
County Superintendents to furnish teach-
ers names of children of school age, p.
91, sec. 6.
Teachers to report absent children of school
age to superintendents, p. 91, sec. 6.
County and City Superintendents must
give written notice to parents of ab-
sences, p. 91, sec. 6.
Attendance officers to be elected, p. 91,
sec. 7.
Qualification of attendance officers, p. 91,
sec. 7.
Duties of attendance officers, p. 91, sec. 6;
p. 92, sec. 7.
Truancy schools may be established, p. 92.
sec. 8.
Power of district directors and County
Board of Education, p. 27, sec. 33.
Power of County High School Board, p.
39, sec. 8.
State aid for, p. 71, sec. 3.
Consolidation authorized, p. 86, sec. 1.
Transportation of pupils authorized, p. 86,
sec. 2.
Supervisors authorized, p. 86, sec. 3.
Qualifications of supervisors, p. 87, sec. 3.
To print price on text-books, p. 47, sec. 4.
To make bond, p. 46, sec. 3.
Exempt from County Board law, p. 60,
sec. 17.
That receive portion of equalization funds
p. 70, sec. 3; p. 73, sec. 5.
Counties under, p. 54, sec. 1.
Counties exempt, p. 60, sec. 17.
Cities exempt, p. 59, sec. 16.
Who constitute County Board, p. 15, sec. 3.
Members of, p. 54, sec. 3
Created, p. 54, sec. 1.
Election and qualification, p. 54, sec. 4
p. 55, sec. 5.
How vacancies are filled, p. 14, sec. 11;
p. 15, sec. 6.
Duties of Chairman, p. 16, sec. 7, subsec.
1, and p. 55, sec. 7.
Temporary Chairman, p. 16, sec. 7, sub-
sec. 1.
Special meetings, p. 16, sec. 7, subsec. 2,
and p. 17, sec. 10, subsec. 1.
Committees, p. 16, sec. 7, subsec. 2.
Term of service, p. 15, sec. 4.
Time to qualify and organize, p. 15, sec. 4.
Must be resident of district, p. 15, sec. 5.
Quorum, p. 16, sec. 7, subsec. 1.
Duties of Board, p. 56, sec. 10, subsec. 1 ;
pp. 57, 58 and 59.
To select teachers, p. 56, sec. 10, subsec. 2.
To fix term of schools, p. 57, sec. I'O, sub-
sec. 3.
To locate schools, p. 57, sec. 10, subsec. 4;
p. 17, sec. 10, subsec. 4.
To receive .reports, p. 57, sec. 10, subsec. 5.
To visit schools, p. 57, sec. 10, subsec. 6;
p. 18, sec. 10, subsec. 6.
To dismiss pupils, p. 57, sec. 10, subsec. 7;
p. 19, sec. 14, subsec. 5.
May require certificates of health of teach-
ers, p. 20; p. 100, sec. 1.
To dismiss teachers, p. 57, sec. 10, subsec.
8; p. 18, sec. 10, subsec. 8.
To care for property, p. 57, sec. 10, subsec.
9; p. 18, sec. 10, subsec. 9.
To make district reports, p. 57, sec. 11.
Compensation, p. 58, sec. 12.
Secretary's duties, p. 16, sec. 8, subsecs.
1 to 3; p. 17, sec. 9.
To suspend schools for poor attendance,
p. 24, sec. 30; p. 17, sec. 10, subsec. 3.
To perform duties of District Directors, p.
18, sec. 10, subsec. 9.
To buy, transfer or sell school property,
p. 18, sec. 10, subsec. 9.
To act on appeals of suspended pupils, p.
18, sec. 10. subsec. 7.
Issue order on Chairman for salary, p. 17,
sec. 10, subsec. 5.
Time of meetings, p. 17, sec. 10, subsec. 1
May permit pupils to attend in another
county, p. 17, sec. 10, subsec. 4.
To fix minimum attendance, p. 17, sec. 10,
subsec. 3.
To run schools same term, p. 17, sec. 10,
subsec. 3.
Control expenditure of school fund, p. 17,
sec. 10, subsec. 2.
To elect attendance officers, p. 91, sec. 7.
May establish Truancy Schools, p. 92,
sec. 8.
Chairman's duties, p. 53, sec. 8; p. 10,
sec. 8, subsec. 1; p. 30, sec. 45a; p. 11,
sec. 8, subsec. 1.
County Superintendent to report to, p. 13,
sec. 10.
Levies county tax, p. 29, sec. 40.
Tax to secure special fund, p. 70, sec. 3.
May levy high school tax, p. 37, sec. 2.
To elect high school board, p. 37, sec. 3.
To divide county and school districts, p.
14, sec. 2.
To elect members of County Board, p. 15,
sec. 4.
To approve County Trustee's bond, p. 22,
sec. 44.
May issue bonds for normal schools, p. 66,
sec. 2.
How elected, p. 37, sec. 3.
Term of office, p. 37, sec. 3.
Power to locate and control high schools,
p. 39, sec. 7.
May consolidate high schools, p. 39, sec. 8.
May admit nonresidents or pupils over
age, p. 40, sec. 10.
County Court may establish, p. 37, sec. 1.
Special tax levy, p. 37, sec. 2.
Fund to be kept separate, p. 37, sec. 2.
How controlled, p. 37, sec. 3.
Subjects and grades taught, p. 38, sec. 4;
p. 72, sec. 5.
Three teachers required, p. 38, sec. 5.
Requirement for admission of pupils, p.
38, sec. 6.
Board to locate, establish and manage, p.
39, sec. 7.
May be consolidated, p. 39, sec. 8.
To be under county and State officers, p.
39, sec. 9.
Teachers to make reports, p. 39, sec. 9.
Pupils over age and nonresidents, p. 40,
sec. 10.
Disbursement of fund, p. 40, sec. 11; p.
72, sec. 5.
High School Inspector, p. 73, sec. 5.
Academies may transfer property to, pp.
61 and 62.
Teachers to be examined, p. 73, sec. 5; p.
101, sec. 6.
Branches to be taught, p. 52, sec. 11.
Fund to revert under certain conditions,
p. 74, sec. 5.
Election and term of office, p. 10, sec. 8,
subsec. 1.
Removal from office, p. 10, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
To be examined, p. 9, sec. 55, subsec. 12;
p. 11, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
Qualifications, p. 10, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
Shall file certificate, p. 11, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
Life of certificate, p. 11, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
Exempt from examination, p. 11, sec. 8,
subsec. 1.
Women eligible, p. 11, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
Duties, p. 11, sec. 9.
Supervision of schools, p. 11, sec. 9, sub-
sec. 1.
To visit schools, p. 11, sec. 9, subsec. 2.
Require report from County Board, p. 12,
sec. 9. subsec. 3.
Examine teachers and issue certificates,
p. 12, sec. 9, subsec. 4.
Report scholastic population, p. 12, sec. 9,
subsec. 5.
Secretary of County Board, p. 12, sec. 9,
subsec. 6.
Observe directions of State Superintend-
ent, p. 12, sec. 9, subsec. 7.
Keep records of official acts and bounda-
ries of school districts, p. 12, sec. 9, sub-
sec. 8.
Countersign certain warrants, p. 12, sec.
9, subsec. 9.
Must sign warrants in ink, p. 12, sec. 9,
subsec. 9.
Keep record of countersigned warrants,
p. 13, gee. 9, subsec. 10.
May recommend pupils for normal schools,
p. 8, sec. 55, subsec. 7.
Report warrants countersigned, p. 1?- sec.
9, subsec. 10.
Not to teach, contract, or buy school war-
rants, pp. 13 and 14, sec. 10, subsecs. 1
and 2.
May appoint members of County Board,
p. 14, sec. 11, subsec. 1.
May appoint members of advisory board,
p. 14, sec. 11, subsec. 2.
May appoint arbor day, p. 14, sec. 11, sub-
sec. 2.
To be present when trustee makes settle-
ment, p. 31, sec. 456.
To make quarterly reports to State Super-
intendent, p. 31, sec. 45c.
Financial report, p. 31, sec. 45c.
To report loss or misuse of funds, p. 31,
sec. 45e.
Misdemeanor to fail to make reports, p.
32, sec. 45g.
When to report, p. 12, sec. 9, subsec. 7.
May appoint persons to make report, p.
12, sec. 9, subsec. 3.
Contracts as to school property, p. 13 sec.,
10, subsec. 1.
Penalties and forfeitures, p. 14, sec. 10,
subsec. 2; p. 23, sees, 23 and 24; p. 32,
sec. 45g.
Salary, p. 10, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
County Trustee must report to him, pp.
30, 31, 32, sees. 45c, 45fc. 45c, 45d, and
To furnish teachers names of children of
school age, p. 91, sec. 6.
To give written notice to parents of absent
children of school age, p. 91, sec. 6.
Apportionment from Comptroller, p. 30,
sec. 44.
Balance not redistributed, p. 30, sec. 42.
Bond. p. 22, sec. 44.
Compensation, p. 22, sec. 44.
Certify to amounts collected, p. 22, sec.
County school tax retained and distributed,
p. 29, sec. 40.
Disbursed by warrant of County Board,
p. 16, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
Duties as to high school fund, p. 40, sec. 11.
Duties in Bank of Tennessee issue, p. 29,
sec. 43, 44.
Liability, p. 23, sec. 45.
Penalties, p. 13, sec. 9, subsec. 9c; p. 23,
sec. 45.
Report to County Superintendent, p. 22,
sec. 43, and p. 30, sec. 456.
Report distribution to directors, p. 30,
sec. 45a.
State poll tax retained and distributed, p.
28, sec. 36.
State school tax retained and distributed,
p. 29, sees. 38 and 39.
School money kept separate, p. 22, sec.
43; p. 23, sec. 45.
To distribute money quarterly, p. 30, sec.
To make annual settlement, p. 30, sec. 456.
To settle quarterly, p. 30, sec. 45a.
Warrants for maps, charts, etc., to be ap-
proved before payment, p. 13, sec. 9,
subsec. 9o.
Primary, p. 25, sec. 32, subsec. 2.
Secondary, p. 25, sec. 32, subsec. 3.
High school course, p. 72, sec. 5.
Supreme Court, classified, pp. 109, 110 and
One in each grand division, p. 50, sec. 8.
One to four in each county, p. 50, sec. 8.
Contractor may arrange with merchants,
p. 50, sec. 8.
May order books by mail, etc., pp. 50, 51,
sec. 8.
Books to be sold at price printed thereon,
p. 51, sec. 8.
Office with State Superintendent, p. 75,
sec. 6.
Duties, p. 75, sec. 6.
Normal school, by State Board of Educa-
tion, p. 9, sec. 55, subsec. 11.
Permanent school fund, p. 27, sec. 34; p.
28, sec. 35.
General education fund, p. 69, sec. 1.
Office abolished, p. 3, sec. 2.
From normal schools -exempts holders from
examinations, p. 8, sec. 55, subsec. 8.
Pupils completing secondary course, p. 27,
sec. 32, subsec. 3.
Apportionment of general fund, p. 70, sec.
Exempt from taxes, p. 63, sec. 1.
Secretary of Advisory Board, p. 19, sec. 14,
subsec. 4.
Time to enumerate, p. 19, sec. 14, subsec.
Must file affidavit, p. 19, see. 14, subsec. 4.
City Board and Advisory Board to report,
p. 19, sec. 14, subsec. 4.
County Superintendents, p. 9, sec. 55, sub-
sec. 12.
Teachers of primary and secondary schools,
p. 12, sec. 9, subsec. 4.
County high school teachers, p. 73, sec. 5.
Who are exempt, p. 9, sec. 55, subsec. 8.
Uniform examination and certification of
teachers, p. 20, sec. 1; pp. 99 to 107,
Chairman, County Court may appoint, p,
10, sec. 8.
State Superintendent may appoint, p, 5,
sec. 7, subsec. 7.
State Board may appoint, p. 73, sec. 5,
State Board of Examiners, p. 104, sec. 7,
State Board of Education, p. 9, gee. 55,
subsec. 11.
Not to be disturbed, p. 35, sec. 1.
Not to loiter around, p. 35, sec. 2.
For failure to observe text-book law, p. 46,
sec. 3.
For paying teachers without certificate, p.
20, sec. 26.
For teachers not using adopted text-books,
p. 53, sec. 14.
For agents who violate text-book law, p.
53, sec. 15.
For non-attendance, p. 89, sec. 2.
Shall go to district where offense was com-
mitted, p. 24, sec. 25.
Distributed by State Superintendent, p.
5, sec. 7, subsec. 6.
Comptroller apportions annual State fund,
p. 30, sec. 44.
County to levy additional school tax, p.
29, sec. 39.
Permanent fund and its proceeds, p. 28,
sec. 35.
State school taxes, pp. 28 and 29.
General school fund, p. 69, sec. 1.
To supplement County Superintendent's
salary, p. 71, sec. 4.
High school fund, p. 72, sec. 5.
Surplus high school fund, p. 74, sec. 5.
Public school library fund, p. 74, sec. 6.
Circulating library fund, p. 76, sec. 6.
Normal school, p. 76, sec. 7.
Agricultural and Industrial School, p. 76,
sec. 7.
University of Tennessee, p. 80. sec. 8.
Experiment station, p. 80, sec. 8.
Donations by bond issue by county or city,
to normal schools, pp. 67, 68, 69, sees. 1
to 5.
Poll tax, p. 28, sec. 36.
School taxes, pp. 28 and 29.
Amendment to, pp. 94-98.
Apportionment of funds, p. 70, sec. 2.
Circulating libraries, p. 76, sec. 6.
Counties entitled to participate in distri-
bution of ten per cent, p. 70, sec. 3.
Disbursement of funds, p. 80, sec. 7.
Experiment stations, p. 80, sec. 8.
Fund to equalize school terms, p. 70, sec. 3,
High school fund, p. 72, sec. 5.
High school teachers to be examined, p.
7H, sec. 5.
Inspector of high schools, p. 73, sec. 5.
Location of normal schools, p. 78, sec. 7.
Management of normal schools, p. 78, sec.
Normal Course of Study, p. 78, sec. 7.
Public school library fund, p. 74. sec. 6.
Report of County Superintendents, p. 72,
sec. 4.
Report to State Superintendent, p. 81, sec.
School for negroes, p. 79, sec. 7.
State Superintendent to certify apportion-
ment to Comptroller, p. 72, sec. 4.
State Board to grade high schools, p. 72,
sec. 5.
State Board to adopt regulations for dis-
bursements high school fund, p. 73,
sec. 5.
State Board to issue library list, p. 75,
sec. 6.
State normal schools, p. 72, sec. 7.
State normal school graduates, p. 78, sec. 7.
State University scholarships, p. 81, sec. 8.
Supplement County Superintendent's sal-
ary, p. 71, sec. 4.
Surplus high school fund to revert, p. 74.
Traveling expenses students to University
paid, p. 80, sec. 8.
University of Tennessee appropriation, p.
80, sec. 8.
Reports to State Superintendent, p. 81,
sec. 9.
President State Board of Education, p. 7,
Approve bond of State Superintendent, p.
10, sec. 55, subsec. b.
Proclamation of text-books adopted, p. 50,
sec. 7.
Office with State Superintendent, p. 73,
sec. 5.
Duties, p. 73, sec. 5.
May be established, p. 37, sec. 1.
Fund kept separate, p. 37, sec. 2.
Academies may transfer property, pp. 61,
Branches taught, p. 52, sec. 11.
How fund is distributed, p. 73, sec. 5.
To be graded, p. 72, sec. 5.
Teachers to hold certificates, p. 73, sec. 5.
State aid for industrial work, p. 74, sec. 5.
State aid for, p. 74, sec. 5.
State fund to assist in establishing, p. 74,
sec. 6.
How State aid may be obtained, p. 74,
sec. 6.
Amount a library may receive, p. 75, sec. 6.
Director of Library Extension, p. 75, sec. 6.
Preference given to certain counties, p. 75,
sec. 6.
Regulations to be made by State Board of
Education, p. 75, sec. 6.
State Board to furnish list of books, p. 75,
sec. 6.
Purchase of books reported to County
Superintendents, p. 76, sec. 6.
No commission allowed County Trustee,
p. 76, sec. 6.
One-fifth of library fund to be used for
circulating libraries, p. 76, sec. 6.
One-fifth of library fund to be used, p. 76,
sec. 6.
Created, p. 64, sec. 1.
Duties, p. 65, sec. 3.
Records, p. 64, sec. 2.
Meetings, p. 65, sec. 4.
Quorum, p. 65, sec. 4.
Teachers, p. 20, sec. 1; p. 26, sec. 32, sub-
sec. 5; pp. 99 to 107, inclusive.
High school teachers, p. 73, sec. 5.
County Superintendents, pp. 10, 11.
Text-Book Commission may consider, p.
49, sec. 6.
May buy, erect, and furnish schoolhouses,
p. 33, sec. 52, subsec. 2.
May levy additional school tax for build-
ings, p. 34, sec. 52, subsec. 3.
Shall appoint board of education, p. 34,
sec. 52, subsec. 4.
May issue and sell normal school bonds,
p. 66, sec. 3.
To violate text-book law, p. 53, sees. 13,
14, 15.
To disturb female schools, p. 35, sec. 1.
For paying teachers without certificate,
p. 20, sec. 26.
For non-attendance, p. 89, sec. 3.
For evasion or failure to comply with com-
pulsory attendance law, p. 89, sec. 3.
For giving information as to examinations,
p. 105, sec. 7.
Not allowed, p. 9, sec. 55, subsec. 10; p.
34, sec. 52, subsec. 5.
Authorized, p. 7, sec. 55, subsec. 1.
Purpose of, p. 76, sec. 7.
Location, p. 76, sec. 7; p. 78, sec. 7.
Who may attend, p. 76, sec. 7.
Funds, p. 76, sec. 7.
Admission of pupils, p. 8, sec. 55, subsec. 6.
State Board to locate, adopt course of
study, and elect teachers, p. 7, sec. 55,
subsec. 2.
County and City Superintendents to rec-
ommend pupils, p. 8, sec. 55, subsec. 7.
Diplomas exempt teachers from examina-
tion, p. 8, sec. 55, subsec. 8.
Reports to be made to State Superintend-
ent, p. 9, sec. 55, subsec. 9.
Teachers to keep record, p. 9, sec. 55, sub-
sec. 9.
White and colored pupils to go to different
schools, p. 9, sec. 55, subsec. 10.
Practice and observation school, p. 77,
sec. 7.
Teachers to assist in Institute work, p. 77,
sec. 7.
Pupils must make pledge to teach, p. 78,
sec. 7.
Management of, p. 78, sec. 7.
Course of study, p. 84, sec. 7.
Graduates of, p. 78, sec. 7.
Donations, p. 79, sec. 7.
Disbursement of funds, p. 80, sec. 7.
Agricultural and Industrial, for negroes,
p. 79, sec. 7.
Counties and cities may donate bonds for
location, pp. 66, 67, sees. 1 to 5.
To deliver records to successors, p. 23,
sec. 24.
Must take oath, Supreme Court decisions,
p. Ill, XII.
Must not contract or pay teachers without
license, p. 20, sec. 27.
Penalties and forfeitures, p. 24, sec. 25.
Attendance officers to be elected, p. 91,
sec. 7.
Qualifications of attendance officers, p. 91,
sec. 7.
Duties of attendance officers, p. 91, sec. 6;
p. 92, sec. 7.
Trustees, p. 8, sec. 55, subsec. 4.
For paying teachers without certificate,
p. 20.
Teachers who do not use adopted book,
p. 53, sec. 14.
Agents who violate text-book law, p. 53,
sec. 15.
Non-attendance of pupils, p. 89, sec. 3.
For all school officers, pp. 23, 24.
For County Superintendent, p. 32, sec.
45g; p. 10, sec. 8.
State Superintendent, p. 4, sec. 5.
County Trustee, p. 23, sec. 45.
Shall go to district where offense was com-
mitted, p. 24, sec. 25.
For evasion or failure to comply with
Compulsory Attendance Law, p. 89,
sec. 3.
May vote on school tax, p. 29, sec. 39.
Elect members County Board of Educa-
tion, p. 55, sec. 4.
Elect members of District Advisory Board,
p. 58, sec. 13.
State Board of Education may contract
for, p. 77, sec. 7.
County Board of Education to control,
p. 18, sec. 10, subsec. 9; p. 57, sec. 9.
Must defray expenses of manuscript, p. 49,
sec. 6.
School age, p. 6, sec. 7, subsec. 13; p. 24,
sec. 30; p. 88, sec. 1.
Compulsory attendance, p. 88, sec. 1.
Exemptions from attendance, p. 88, sec. 2.
Provisions for indigent children, p. 89,
sec. 2.
May be admitted to town schools by con-
sent, p. 111. X.
May be suspended by county and district
board, p. 19, sec. 14, subsec. 5; p. 57, sec.
10, subsec. 7.
Suspension by teacher, p. 21, sec. 4.
Suspension by District Advisory Board,
p. 19, sec. 5; p. 59, sec. 5.
Certificates, p. 27, sec. 32, subsec. 2.
Diplomas, p. 27, sec. 32, subsec. 3.
White and colored not to be taught in same
school, p. 24, sec. 30.
May be recommended for admission to
University of Tennessee, p. 81, sec. 8.
County Boards to make provision for
transportation, p. 86, sec. 2.
State Superintendent to keep, p. 6, sec. 7,
subsec. 11.
County Superintendent to keep. p. 12,
sec. 9, subsec. 8.
Secretary County Board of Education to
keep, p. 16, sec. 8, subsec. 3.
Teachers to keep register, p. 21, sec. 2; p.
100, sec. 2.
County Trustee to keep separate accounts,
p. 29, sec. 41.
Normal schools to keep, p. 9, sec. 55, sub-
sec. 9.
County Trustee to keep record of high
school fund, p. 40, sec. 11.
Of children of school age to be made, p. 91,
sec. 6.
Of absentees to be made, p. 91, sec. 6.
When made, p. 12, sec. 9, subsec. 7.
District Advisory Board, p. 19, sec. 14,
subsec. 3.
Secretary of County Board to County
Court, p. 16, sec. 8, subsec. 2.
County Board to receive monthly report,
p. 17, sec. 10, subsec. 5.
County Superintendent's annual to State
Superintendent, p. 5, sec. 7, subsec. 8.
County Superintendent's annual to County
Court, p. 12, sec. 9, subsec. 7.
County Superintendent's annual to County
Trustee, p. 12, sec. 9, subsec. 5.
County Trustee's report to County Super-
intendent, p. 30, sec. 456.
County High School Board to report, p.
39, sec. 9.
Schools aided by State to report, p. 81,
sec. 9.
Secretary Advisory Board to report census,
p. 59, sec. 14, subsec. 4.
State Superintendent's biennial report to
Governor, p. 6, sec. 7, subsec. 13.
State Superintendent's report of scholastic
population to Comptroller, p. 6, sec. 7,
subsec. 12.
State Superintendent may appoint person
to make report, p. 5, sec. 7, subsec. 9.
State Superintendent may require report
of an officer, p. 5, sec. 7, subsec. 8.
To bid for text-book contract, p. 44, sec. 2.
Duty of Secretary of Advisory Board, p.
19, sec. 14, subsec. 4.
Duty of County Superintendent, p. 12,
sec. 9, subsec. 5.
Duty of State Superintendent, p. 6, sec, 7.
subsec. 12.
Duty of City Board of Education, p. 19,
sec. 14, subsec. 4.
Children between the ages of six and
twenty -one, p. 6, sec. 7, subsec. 13; p.
24, sec. 30; p. 88. sec. 1.
Created for the purpose of electing mem-
bers of the County Board, p. 14, sec. 2;
p. 56, sec. 2.
Adjacent to incorporated towns, p. 32,
sec. 45g.
May purchase property inside of corpora-
tions, p. 32, sec. 45, subsec. g.
Number and how created, p. 14, sec. 2.
Comptroller apportions State fund annu-
ally, p. 30, sec. 44.
County to levy additional school tax, p.
29. sec. 39.
Permanent fund and its proceeds, p. 28,
sec. 35.
State school taxes, pp. 28, 29.
General school fund, p. 69, sec. 1.
To supplement County Superintendent's
salary, p. 71, sec. 4.
Surplus high school fund, p. 72, sec. 5.
School library fund, p. 74, sec. 6.
Circulating library fund, p. 76, sec. 6.
Normal school fund, p. 76, sec. 7.
Agricultural and Industrial Normal, p. 79,
sec. 7.
University of Tennessee, p. 80, sec. 8.
Experiment Station fund, p. 80, sec. 8.
Donations, bond issue by county or city,
pp. 66, 67, 68, sees. 1 to 5.
Poll tax, p. 28, sec. 36.
People may vote on tax, p. 29, sec. 39.
Distribute to counties levying certain tax,
p. 70, sec. 3.
Distribution on basis of scholastic popu-
lation, p. 70, sec. 2.
Bank of Tennessee issue, p. 29, sec. 43.
Unexpended balance, p. 29, sec. 42.
Penalty of Trustee, p. 23, sec. 45.
District Advisory Board to draw order,
p. 59, sec. 14, subsec. 6.
Secretary County Board to draw warrant,
p. 56, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
State Superintendent to print and dis-
tribute, p. 5, sec. 7, subsec. 6.
Oath, p. Ill, Supreme Court decision, XII.
Must not contract or pay teachers without
license, p. 20; p. 24, sec. 24.
Must deliver records to successors, p. 23,
sec. 24.
Penalties and forfeitures, p. 24, sec. 25.
Attendance Officers, p. 91, sec. 6; pp. 91,
92. sec. 7.
County Board of Education to control
property, p. 18, sec. 10, subsec. 9; p. 57,
sec. 10, subsec. 9.
System established, p. 3, sec. 1.
How long to be kept open, p. 29, sec. 39.
Separate for white and colored, p. 24, sec.
Who may attend free, p. 24, sec. 30.
Term of school, p. 24, sec. 30.
Two classes of schools, p. 25, sec. 32.
Consolidated schools, p. 27, sec. 33.
Agricultural schools, p. 80, sec. 8.
State Normal Schools, p. 7, sec. 55, subsec.
1; pp. 76, 77, 78. 79, 80, sec. 7.
Model school, p. 77, sec. 7.
State negro school, p. 79, sec. 7.
Branches of study, pp. 25, 26. sec. 32, sub-
sees. 2 and 3.
High schools, pp. 72, 73, 74, sec. 5.
To be managed and controlled by County
Board of Education, p. 54, sec. 1.
, p. 26, sec. 32,
subsec. 6.
, . , . .
Grading, p. 26, sec. 32, subsec. 1 under
Branches of study, pp. 25, 26, sec. 32, sub-
sees. 2 and 3.
Certificates and diplomas, p. 27, sec. 32,
subsecs. 2 and 3.
Secondary schools to have more than one
teacher, p. 25. sec. 32, subsec. 3.
Must teach effect of alcohol and tobacco,
p. 26, sec. 32, subsec. 4.
County schools to run same length of time,
p. 24, sec. 30.
Daily attendance, minimum to be fixed by
County Board of Education, p. 24, sec.
30; p. 57, sec. 10, subsec. 3.
To be located by County Board of Educa-
tion, p. 57, sec. 10, subsec. 4.
Truancy Schools may be established, p. 92,
sec. 8.
Drawn by Secretary of County Board, p.
16, sec. 8, subsec. 1.
Shall be written in ink, p. 12, sec. 9, sub-
sec. 9.
Shall be countersigned, p. 12, sec. 9,
subsec. 9.
Trustee's duty and liability, p. 13, sec. 9,
subsec. 9a.
Duties, p. 12, sec. 9, subsec. 6; p. 15, sec. 3;
p. 16, sec. 8.
Accounts to be audited, p. 17, sec. 8, sub-
sec. 2.
To keep record of meetings, p. 17, sec. 8,
subsec. 3; p. 56, sec. 8, subsec. 3.
Must give bond, p. 17, sec. 9.
Appointment and term, p. 7.
Governor ex officio member, p. 7.
Prescribe rules and regulations for the ex-
amination of County Superintendents,
p. 9, sec. 55, subsec. 12.
State Superintendent to be secretary and
treasurer, p. 9, sec. 55, subsec. a.
Secretary to disburse high school fund, p.
73, sec. 5.
State Superintendent as Secretary of State
Board of Education to make bond, p. 10,
sec. 55, subsec. b.
Secretary to keep record of normal school
funds, p. 10, sec. 55, subsec. a.
To apportion ten per cent of general edu-
cation fund, p. 70, sec. 3.
To report on condition of normal schools,
p. 7, subsec. a.
To inspect management of State Normal
Schools, p. 7, subsec. b,
To locate normal schools, p. 77, sec. 7.
To audit accounts of normal schools, p. 7,
subsec. b.
To make biennial reports, p. 7, subsec. b.
To adopt course and elect teachers, p. 7,
sec. 55, subsec. 2.
To receive donations from trustees of Pea-
body Education Fund and other sources,
p. 8, sec. 55, subsec. 4.
May receive property from trustees of
other institutions, p. 8, sec. 55, subsec. 5.
To prescribe how applications for State
High School Fund shall be made, p. 73,
sec. 5.
To adopt course of study and employ
teachers and other officers, p. 7, sec. 55,
subsec. 2.
To employ bookkeeper, p. 78, sec. 7.
Adopt regulations for disbursing high
school fund, p. 73, sec. 5
Expenses, p. 9 sec. 55, subsec. 11.
Shall prescribe mode of examination of
high school teachers, p. 73, sec. 5.
Shall employ high school inspector and fix
salary, p. 73, sec. 5.
Disbursements made by treasurer upon
order of Board, p. 9, sec. 55, subsec. 11.
Shall prescribe minimum course for high
schools, p. 72, sec. 5.
Organization, duties and powers, pp. 7, 8,
9, 10.
May provide for practice and observation
schools, p. 77, sec. 7.
City boards and district directors may
contract with State Board for teaching
children of school age, p. 77, sec. 7.
May require instructors of normal schools
to conduct teachers' institute, p. 77,
sec. 7.
To manage and control normal schools,
p. 78, sec. 7.
To establish Agricultural and Industrial
Normal School for negroes, p. 79, sec. 7.
To grade high schools, p. 72, sec. 5.
Report to legislature through State Super-
intendent and Governor, p. 7, subsec. a.
May grant diplomas to normal school
graduates, p. 8, sec. 55, subsec. 8.
To issue approved list of library books,
p. 75, sec. 6.
May employ a Director of Library Exten-
sion, p. 75, sec. 6.
Selected by State Board, p. 73, sec. 5.
Office in State Superintendent's office, p.
73, sec. 5.
Duties of, p. 73, sec. 5.
Qualification, p. 3, sec. 3.
Appointment, p. 3, sec. 3.
Term of office, p. 4, sec. 4.
To make bond for performance of his duty
as Secretary of State Board of Educa-
tion, p. 10, sec. 55, subsec. b.
Member State Board of Education, p. 4,
sec. 4, subsec. 2.
Shall certify to Comptroller salary due
County Superintendents, p. 72, sec. 4.
Member of all State educational bodies,
p. 4, sec. 4, subsec. 3.
Secretary and Treasurer State Board of
Education, p. 4, sec. 4, subsec. 4.
How removed from office, p. 4, sec. 5.
Location of office, p. 4, sec. 6.
To collect and disseminate certificates, p.
4, sec. 7, subsec. 1.
To inspect the public schools, p. 4, sec. 7,
subsec. 2.
May suspend schools for conference, p. 4,
sec. 7, subsec. 3.
To have school law executed, p. 5, sec. 7,
subsec. 4.
Furnish forms for report, p. 5, sec. 7, sub-
sec. 5.
To print and supply school law, p. 5, sec. 7,
subsec. 6.
May appoint county examiners of public
school work, p. 5, sec. 7, subsec. 7.
Require report of County Superintendent,
p. 5, sec. 7, subsec. 8.
May appoint persons to make report for
County Superintendent and allow com-
pensation, p. 5, sec. 7, subsec. 9.
Prescribe qualification of teachers and
mode of examining and licensing, p. 6,
sec. 7, subsec. 10.
Preserve office documents, p. 6, sec. 7,
subsec. 11.
Report scholastic population to Comp-
troller, p. 6, sec. 7, subsec. 12.
Biennial report to Governor, p. 6, sec. 7,
subsec. 13.
To furnish forms and instruction for carry-
ing into effect the school law, p. 6, sec. 7,
subsec. 14.
To keep record of normal school funds, p,
10, sec. 55, subsec. a.
To certify vouchers to Comptroller, p. 10,
sec. 55, subsec. a.
Suits for penalties shall be in his name, p.
24, sec. 25.
May appoint attorney to look after col-
lection of misused money, p. 32, sec. 45/.
To announce text-books to County Super-
intendents, p. 54, sec. 10.
Duty in grading schools, p. 26, sec. 32, sub-
sec. 6-1.
Duty in issuing certificates and diplomas
to pupils, p. 27, sec. 32, subsec. 6-2.
Penalties and forfeitures, pp. 23, 24.
To issue certificates of qualification to
teachers, p. 6, sec. 7, subsec. 10a; p. 101,
sec. 6.
Authorized, p. 86, sec. 3.
Duties, p. 86, sec. 3.
Qualifications, p. 87, sec. 3.
State aid for, p. 70, sec. 3.
Decisions in school cases, pp. 109, 110, 111.
Poll and school, pp. 28, 29.
How collected and distributed, p. 29, sec.
Educational institutions exempt, p. 63,
sec. 1.
County to levy additional, p. 29, sec. 39.
People may vote, p. 29, sec. 39.
Of the second class, p. 34, sec. 54.
Must have certificate of qualification, p. 20;
p. 6, sec. 7, subsec. 10a; p. 99, sec. 1;
p. 101, sec. 6.
Age qualification, p. 20; p. 99, sec. 1.
Moral qualifications, p. 20, sec. 1; p. 99,
sec. 1.
Must have written contract, p. 21, sec. 3;
p. 100, sec. 3.
Must have knowledge of effects of narcotics
and alcoholic drinks, p. 26, sec. 32, sub-
sec. 5.
Must not be addicted to narcotics or in-
toxicants, p. 20. sec. 1; p. 99, sec. 1.
Shall report absences, p. 91, sec. 6.
Must give written notice to parent, p. 91,
sec. 5.
To keep register, p. 21, sec. 2; p. 100. sec. 2.
Must deliver register to County Superin-
tendent, p. 21, sec. 2; p. 100, sec. 2.
May suspend pupils, p. 21, sec. 4; p. 100,
sec. 4.
Shall not be agent, p. 23, sec. 23.
Examinations provided, p. 6, sec. 7, sub-
sec. 10.
Diplomas from State Normal Schools, p. 8,
sec. 55, subsec. 8.
Employment by County Board of Educa-
tion, p. 56, sec. 10, subsec. 2.
Payment of salary, p. 57, sec. 10, subsec. 5.
To make reports to County Board of Edu-
cation, p. 57, sec. 10, subsec. 5.
Certificate of health may be required of,
p. 21 ; p. 100, sec. 1.
Supervisors authorized, p. 86, sec. 3.
Duties of supervisors, p. 86, sec. 3.
Qualifications of supervisors, p. 87, sec. 3.
State aid for supervisors, p. 70, sec. 3.
To report names of absent children of
school age to superintendents, p. 91,
sec. 6.
Uniform examination and certification re-
quired, pp. 99 to 107, inclusive.
Must attend county institutes or summer
normal, p. 101, sec. 5.
Recoveries on, p. 47, sec. 3.
Created, p. 41, sec. 1.
Members, how appointed, p. 41, sec. 1.
Term of office, p. 41, sec. 1.
Compensation, p. 53, sec. 17.
To appoint sub-commission, p. 42, sec. 1.
Organization, p. 44, sec. 2.
To consider bids for text-books, p. 49.
sec. 6.
Procedure of, p. 45, sec. 3.
Requirement of bidders, p. 44, sec. 2.
Consideration of bids, p. 45, sec. 3.
May consider manuscripts, p. 49. sec. 6.
To adopt uniform books, p. 41, sec. 1.
Certain branches of study, p. 41, sec. 1.
To advertise for bids, p. 44; sec. 2.
To require cash deposit, p. 49, sec. 6.
May reject bids and readvertise, p. 49,
sec. 6.
Contract with publishers, p. 45, sec. 3.
To prevent charging excess, p. 48, sec. 5.
How selected, p. 41, sec. 1.
Must take oath, p. 43, sec. 1.
Duties of, p. 42, sec. 1.
Compensation of members, p. 53, sec. 17.
To be sold at contract price, p. 51, sec. 8.
Contract for five years, p. 52, sec. 9.
Adopted books to be used exclusively,
p. 52, sec. 11.
When other books may be used, p. 53,
sec. 12.
Governor to issue proclamation when
adoptions are made, p. 50, sec. 7.
State Superintendent to notify County
Superintendent of adoption, p. 52, sec.
Attorney General to prepare contract, p.
45, sec. 3.
Prices not to exceed those charged else-
where, p. 47, sec. 4.
As to higher branches, p. 52, sec. 11.
State not liable to contractor, p. 48, sec. 5.
To have price printed on them, p. 47, sec. 4.
Must come up to sample, p. 47, sec. 4.
To be exchanged, p. 48, sec. 5.
County Boards to make provision for, p.
86, sec. 2.
State aid for, p. 71, sec. 3.
Arbor Day appointed by County Superin-
tendent, p. 14, sec. 11, subsec. 2.
Public exercises, p. 14, sec. 11, subsec. 2.
May be established, p. 92, sec. 8.
May transfer property to county boards
of education or county high school
boards, pp. 61, 62.
Trust ceases and board dissolves, p. 62,
sec. 2.
Law governing, pp. 99-107.
Appropriation, p. 80, sec. 8.
Traveling expenses of students, p. 80,
sec. 8.
Report to State Superintendent, p. 81,
sec. 9.
Courses free, p. 81, sec. 8.
Industrial department, p. 81, sec. 8.
Experiment station, p. 80, sec. 8.
Scholarships, p. 81, sec. 8.
Drawn by Secretary of County Board, p.
16, sec. 8. subsec. 1.
To be written in ink, p. 12, sec. 9, subsec. 9.
To be countersigned, p. 12, sec. 9, sub-
sec. 9.
Trustee's duty and liability, p. 13, sec. 9,
subsec. 9o.
Amendment to law defining qualifications of teachers 131)
Amendment to law denning qualifications of teachers 136
Bible in public schools, to provide for reading the. . . . 145
Bonds for Normal Schools, to authorize issuance of. . 149
Blind children, to provide for care and training 141
Eminent Domain, Boards of Education granted 150
Equalize schools in counties operating under district
director system 137
Polytechnic Institute, to establish 132
Reformatory for Girls, to establish. .....: 126
State Board of Education, to reorganize 147
Women eligible to membership on Boards of Edu-
cation , 125
General School Laws.
Chapter No. 16.
(By Mr. Church.)
AN ACT to make women eligible to election on Boards of
Education in cities and counties and on Governing Boards
of all State, County and Municipal Institutions.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ~by the General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee, That in the election of
members of Boards of Education in cities and coun-
ties and in the election of members of the Governing
Boards of all State, County and Municipal institu-
tions, women of the age of twenty-one and otherwise
possessing the necessary qualifications, shall be eligi-
ble for such positions, provided, that this Act shall
not apply to counties having a population between
16525 and 16540 or counties of population of 25390 to
25400 of the Federal Census of 1910 or any subse-
quent Federal sensus.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act take
effect from and after its passage, the public welfare
requiring it.
Passed March 4, 1915.
Speaker of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Approved March 12, 1915.
Chapter No. 24.
(By Mr. Straus.)
AN ACT to establish an Institution to be known as the "Ten-
nessee Vocational Reformatory for Girls;" to provide the
funds necessary for the purchase of a site therefor; the erec-
tion, remodeling and furnishing buildings and the payment
of operation expenses; to provide for the appointment of a
Board of Managers for said institution; to fix their terms
of office and prescribe their powers and duties; to authorize
Judges of the Juvenile, City, County and Criminal and Cir-
cuit Courts to commit girls of certain classes to said Institu-
tion, and for other purposes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee, That there shall be estab-
lished as soon as practicable after the passage of this
Act an Institution to be known as the Tennessee Vo-
cational Reformatory for Girls.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the pur-
pose of procuring; needs for the site of said Institu-
tion, improving the same, erecting buildings, pur-
chasing furniture and other articles required, paying
an architect and superintendent, and for meeting the
current expenses for two years, there is hereby ap-
propriated out of any money in the State Treasury,
not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $35,000 and
that there shall be appropriated annually thereafter for
the maintenance of said Institution One Hundred and
twenty-five Dollars per annum for each inmate.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That upon passage and
Board of Mana- taking effect of thig Act> the Governor shall appoint a
Board consisting of five members, not less than two of
whom shall be women, who shall be known as the "Board
of Managers for the Tennessee Vocational Reformatory
for Girls," provided that the board created under this
Act shall be under the supervision and control of the
Board of Control, and shall fix a time and place for their
first meeting not to exceed thirty days from the date of
their appointment. The Governor shall have power to
fill all vacancies in said Boards of Managers which may
occur by any cause whatsoever. The members of the
Board of Managers shall receive no compensation for
their services. Their actual and necessary expenses while
in discharge of their official duties connected with the
Institution shall be paid out of the general appropria-
tion for said Institution. Said Board of Managers shall organization o
meet at the time and place designated by the Governor. Board>
They shall then organize by electing one of their mem-
bers chairman of said Board of Managers and another
secretary and treasurer of said Board. When they deem
it advisable the Board shall appoint a superintendent of
said industrial home at a salary of not more than twelve
hui id red dollars per annum, said superintendent to hold
office for one year unless removed by said Board. Her
duties shall be prescribed by the Board. The Board shall
appoint such other employes as may be necessary to carry
on the work of the Institution, and prescribe their duties.
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Board of Man-
agers, after organized, shall select a proper location for
the Tennessee Vocational Reformatory for Girls. They
shall give first consideration to the town, City or County
inviting the location of said home by offering to give the
site, buildings, or other valuable considerations, the
Board, however, being authorized to reject all or any of
the proposals made, the intent of the Act being to give
the Board authority to acquire the site best suited to the
needs of the Institution. When the Board shall have se-
lected a site for the Tennessee Vocational Reformatory
for Girls, the Board shall make to the Governor a report
specifying the number of acres in the land selected and
describing it by metes and bounds and setting forth the
amount in money to be paid either in whole or in part
consideration therefor, by the State of Tennessee. The
report to contain an abstract of titles approved by the
Site how paid
Board meeting.
Rules for
Attorney General of the State showing the title to the
land to be good in the person or persons offering the land.
Thereupon, the Comptroller shall issue his warrant
for the sum to be drawn on the State Treasury in favor
of said managers who shall apply the sum of money so
received to the payment of the purchase price for the
land selected, taking from the person or persons from
whom it is purchased a warranty deed therefor to the
State of Tennessee.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That after a site has
been secured for the Tennessee Vocational Reformatory
for Girls, the Board of Managers shall be authorized to
have plans prepared and erect thereon buildings, pro-
viding that the cost of same, including furniture and
equipment shall not exceed thirty thousand dollars. If
any town, city, County or person shall have donated site
with buildings thereon the managers shall have authority
to spend so much of said thirty thousand dollars as may
be necessary to arrange buildings and site to be used for
the purpose of this Act.
SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That when the Tennes-
see Vocational Eeformatory for Girls is ready to receive
inmates, the Board of Managers shall give notice that
said Institution is ready to receive inmates, and there-
after the members of said Board shall meet at the Insti-
tution every three months for the purpose of attending
to such matters as may come before them in the manage-
ment of said Institution. Special meetings may be called
by the Chairman. Absence from three consecutive meet-
ings, whether regular or called, unless excused by a ma-
jority of the Board, shall be treated by the Governor as
a resignation from office.
SEC. 7. Be further enacted, That the Board of Man-
agers shall prepare and adopt a system of Government
for the Tennessee Vocational Eeformatory for Girls, em-
bracing all such rules and regulations as may be deemed
necessary for preserving order and enforcing discipline,
for imparting instruction for preserving health, and for
the proper intellectual and moral training of the inmates,
providing that said home shall be conducted on the cot-
tage plan, in which there must be a thorough domestic
training and education in every branch of household work.
SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Judges of
Juvenile Courts, the Judges of County, City, or Criminal
or Circuits Courts, in their discretion, may hear and
determine such cases, either when presiding at the regular
session of the Courts or when sitting in chambers without
a trial by Jury, providing that any girl brought before
the Court shall have the right to demand a trial by Jury,
which shall thereupon be granted.
Said Judges may commit to the Tennessee Vocational Commitments.
Reformatory for Girls, any girl under eighteen years of
age who had violated any municipal ordinance or com-
mitted any offence against the laws of this State, not
punishable by death or imprisonment for life, or hab-
itually associates with vicious or immoral persons, or
who is incorrigible to such an extent that she cannot be
controlled by her parent or guardian, there to be held
until she reaches the age of twenty-one, unless the girl
is of the class defined in Section Nine of this Act, or un-
less she be released therefrom as hereinafter provided in
Section 10.
Fees that are now allowed by laws for carrying prison- Fees for carrying
ers to the penitentiary shall be allowed to the Sheriffs
of the several Counties of this State for the service of
taking such girls as may be sent to the said Reformatory.
SEC. 0. Be it farther enacted, That no court or Judge
shall sentence any girl to said Institution who is insane,
or idiotic, or afflicted with an incurable disease, or who is
so incorrigible that in the opinion of the officer sentencing
her there is not a fair probability of her reformation. Those excluded.
Further, the officer in charge of the Institution by and
with the consent of the chairman of the Board of Mana-
gers shall be authorized and empowered to return whence
she came, any girl who shall be found to be incorrigible
or an improper subject for admission, and thereupon the
Judge or the Court by whom said girl was committed
shall have the power to pass such sentence as would have
been legal in the first instance, if said girl had not been
sent to said Keformatory.
SEC. 10. Be it further enacted, That the Board of Man-
agers may, however, whenever they deem any of the in-
mates of the Tennessee Vocational Reformatory for Girls,
to have so far improved as to justify her discharge, liber-
ate such inmate on parole, or release her to any suitable
person who will be bound in a suitable written instru-
ment to train said girl and instruct her in household
work, or in some proper art or trade, or said board may
return said girl to her parents or guardian on such con-
ditions and on such terms as the Board may prescribe.
SEC. 11. Be it further enacted, That the Board of Man-
agers shall keep or cause to be kept regular accounts
and the Board shall make, on or before the first day of
January hereafter, a printed report to the Governor, giv-
ing in detail all receipts and disbursements of moneys by
the Board. The Board shall further provide a book or
card record system in which shall be registered the names,
ages, religion and such other facts as may seem valuable
concerning the girl received in said home. The date of
Description of in- receiving and leaving, the names of the County whence
kept 8 " 1 she came, the names of her parents, and whether such girl
on leaving the Institution was placed in her own or others
family, and the name, residence and occupation of the
head of such family. In the annual report to the Gov-
ernor the Board, without using names, shall give such
statistical information of cases as they seem valuable.
Said report shall also include recommendations of the
Board of Managers as said Board may deem necessary
for the future welfare of the Institution.
SEC. 12. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts
of laws in conflict with this Act 'be and are hereby re-
Annual report.
pealed; and that this Act take effect from and after its
passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed March 11, 1915.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved Mch 17, 1915.
Chapter No. 35.
(By Messrs. J. L. Ewell, Jno. J. Gore, C. P. Freedle & T. E.
AN ACT to amend Chapter 264 of the printed Acts of the
General Assembly of 1909, being entitled, "An Act to Provide
for the Improvement of the System of Public Education of
the State of Tennessee, etc.," and commonly known as the
General Education Bill," by providing for the establish-
ment and maintenance of a school of technology in Tennes-
see, to be known as the Tennessee Polytechnic Institute.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, That Section 5 of Chapter 264 of
the printed Acts of the General Assembly of 1009 known
as the "General Educational Bill," be, and the same is
hereby amended so that the first paragraph of said sec-
tion shall be in the following language:
That six per cent of the general education fund pro-
vided by this Act shall be used as a high school fund to
encourage arid assist the counties of the State to estab-
lish and maintain public county high schools as herein-
after provided, and that two per cent of the general edu-
cation fund provided by this act shall be used as a fund
for the establishment, support and maintenance of a state
school of technology to be known as Tennessee Polytechnic
Institute as provided in this Act.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Tennessee
Polytechnic Institute shall be located at Cookeville, Put-
nam County, Tennessee, provided the town of Cookeville
and Putnam County contribute and donate $75,000 in
cash, or its equivalent, to be used by the Board of Edu-
cation in providing land and buildings for said institute ;
provided, however, that said Board of Education is not
to establish said institute until all of said $75,000 is paid
as herein provided.
SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Board of Edu-
cation may receive contributions of money or donations
of property or funds from any source for the benefit of Contributions.
this enterprise, which they shall in good faith dispose
of and disburse in accordance with the conditions of the
SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That the trustees of
colleges, universities or educational institutions shall
have the power to give the use of their property to the
State Board of Education for the benefit of said school
of technology.
SEC. 5. Be it further enacted. That in addition to any
accepted donations of land, buildings, or money, the in-
come from the fund provided for in this Act for the year
1915, or any part thereof, may be used by the State Board
of Education for buildings and equipment for said schools.
SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That the State Board
of Education shall have the power and authority to pur- Fu b n u d i g 8 s iteand
chase land, erect buildings and equip the same, on such
terms as may be considered advisable and advantageous
by said Board of Education, and to pay for the same out
of funds appropriated or donated for said Tennessee
Polytechnic Institute.
SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That said Tennessee
Polytechnic Institute shall be made in every respect a
first-class institution for the technical education of white
pupils between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five years and
the most approved method of instruction shall be adopted,
and none but teachers experienced and skilled shall be
SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Tennessee
Polytechnic Institute established under the provisions
of this Act may have with it one or more practice or
observation schools in which shall be taught all subjects
prescribed for the county high schools of the State, pro-
vided the County boards of education of any County, or
the board of education of any city or town, may make such
a contract with the State Board of Education, as to
said State Board of Education may seem proper and right
to provide for the teaching of the children of public school
age in such practice or observation school, and to pay to
the said Tennessee Polytechnic Institute all or such por-
tion of the public school fund belonging to such county
or city or town as may be agreed upon by said boards of
SEC. 9. Be further enacted, That the State Board of
Education shall have the power to admit as pupils in
mifted Low* " said school nonresidents of the State of Tennessee, upon
the payment of such reasonabl rates of tuition, and under
such regulations, as said Board may prescribe. All resi-
dents of Tennessee otherwise qualified shall be entitled
to attend said school free.
SEC. 10. Be it further enacted, That all branches of
study that are required to be taught in the state normals,
and the various industrial arts that are usually taught
in institutions of this character, shall be taught in this
SEC. 11. Be it further enacted, That persons now en-
gaged in teaching public schools in Tennessee, or who may
hereafter be engaged in such public school work, may
enter said Polytechnic Institute as pupils, upon condi-
T tt e pup^rSy tions fixed by the State Board of Education; and that
be admitted. p U pii s o f public schools may be recommended for admis-
sion into said school by the County Superintendent on
consultation with directors of the school districts of the
county, and in cities by the Superintendent of public
schools, and such pupils so recommended, and who pass
a satisfactory examination shall have precedence over all
other applicants.
SEC. 12. Be it further enacted, That diplomas shall be
granted to those who honorably complete the course of
study prescribed in said schools, and possession of said
diplomas shall exempt the holder thereof from an exam-
ination prescribed as a condition precedent to employ-
ment in the public schools of the state, any such graduate
being eligible as a teacher in any county of the State re-
quiring such teachers as said school of technology trains.
SEC. 13. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the Governor of the State to call a meeting of
the State Board of Education within sixty days after
the passage of this act for the purpose of taking such
steps as may be necessary to carry out the provisions
hereof looking to the establishment of said school of tech-
nology, and to the opening of the same at the earliest
date practicable, which shall be not later than the first
Monday in September, 1916.
All disbursements of money under the provisions of
this act shall be made on the certificate of the President
and Secretary of the State Board of Education by the
Comptroller of the Treasury, in the manner prescribed
by law for the disbursements of money to charitable in-
SEC. 14. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect
from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring
Passed 3-25-15.
Speaker of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Approved March 27th, 1915.
Chapter No. 68.
(By Mr. Worley.)
AN ACT to Amend an Act entitled "An Act to define the quali-
fications and duties of public school teachers; to provide a
uniform method for the examination and certification of
teachers; to provide for the issuance of teacher's certifi-
cates of different grades and for the revocation of certifi-
cates; and to fix penalties for the violation of the provisions
of the Act," the Act hereby amended being Chapter 40 of
the printed Acts of 1913, page 102, so as to change the figures
at the beginning of the fifth line of Section 8 thereof from
7,500 to 7,000.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee,, That an Act entitled "An Act to
define the qualifications and duties of public school teach-
ers; to provide a uniform method for the examination
and certification of teachers; to provide for the issuance
of teacher's certificates of different grades and for the
revocation of certificates ; and to fix penalties for the viola-
tion of the provisions of the Act,' 7 being Chapter 40
of the printed Acts of 1913, page 102, be, and the same is
hereby, amended so as to change the figures at the be-
ginning of the fifth line of Section 8 thereof from 7,500
to 7,000.
SECTION 4. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare
requiring it.
Passed 4-1-15.
Speaker of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Approved April 3d, 1915.
Chapter No. 78.
(By Mr. Anderton by request.)
AN ACT to more nearly equalize the Common schools in the
various districts of the several Counties of the State of
Tennessee, the conditions of equalization and the officers
having supervision of said equalization.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, That a sufficient fund shall be, and
is hereby set aside by this Act out of the general school
fund of each county operating under the old Director
System, as a special fund to be used and expended for the
purpose of more nearly equalizing the common schools
in the various districts of the several Counties in the
State of Tennessee.
Provided, That no district shall be eligible to receive
any portion of this fund if the revenue apportioned to
said district according to the general school law applying
to those Counties which are under the old Director Sys-
tem is sufficient to maintain an average term of five
months, none of said revenue being used for permanent
improvements, but a small part of it may be used to pur-
chase furniture, this being done at the discretion of the
County Superintendents of said Counties; provided
further that any district whose school fund apportioned to
it according to the general school law applying to those
counties operating under the old Director System shall
not be sufficient to maintain an average term of five
months in any year shall have apportioned to it a suffi-
cient amount of said special fund set aside by this Act
to maintain its schools for an average term of five months.
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That the salaries
paid the principals in any district participating in this
fund shall not be greater than the average salary paid the
principals in like schools in the County where said dis-
trict is located; that the salaries paid the assistants in
said district shall not be greater than the average salary
paid the assistants in like schools of said County ; and that
the incidental expenses shall not be greater than the
average incidental expenses of the various districts of
said County.
SECTION 3. Be it further enacted, That the trustees
of the several Counties of the State shall, upon the re-
port and recommendation of the County superintendent
of the said Counties, apportion the special fund set aside
by this Act to the districts eligible to participate in
said fund; provided further that said special fund shall
not amount to over twelve hundred dollars ($1200) in
any year.
SECTION 4. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall
apply to all Counties whose population is between 20,490
and 20,492.
SECTION 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and
parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act
be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act
take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare
requiring it.
Passed April 3, 1915.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved May 5th, 1915.
Chapter No. 79.
(By Mr. D. A. Greene.)
AN ACT entitled An Act to Amend Section 8 of An Act entitled
"An Act to define the qualifications and duties of public
school teachers; To provide a Uniform Method for the ex-
amination and Certification of teachers; To provide for the
issuance of teachers Certificates of different grades, and for
the revocation of certificates; and to fix penalties for the
violation of the provisions of this Act," the same being
Chapter 40 of the published Acts of the General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee for the year 1913, by providing,
in addition to the Cities and towns of a certain population
mentioned in Section 8 of said Act, that the provisions of
said Act shall also not apply to teachers employed by boards
of education in cities in this State having a population of
not less than 3,980 and not more than 4,047, under and by
the Federal Census of 1910 or any subsequent Federal
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ~by the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, That Section 8 of an Act entitled
"An Act to define the qualifications and duties of public
school teachers; to provide a uniform method for the
examination and certification of teachers; to provide for
the issuance of teacher's certificates of different grades,
and for the revocation of certificates; and to fix the pen-
alties for the violation of the provisions of this Act," the
same being Chapter 40 of the public Acts of the General
Assembly of the State of Tennessee for the year 1913,
passed April 9, 1913 and approved April 14, 1913, be so
amended as that said section shall read as follows:
Be it further enacted, That the provisions of this Act
shall apply to all public school teachers in the State
except those employed by Boards of Education in Cities
having a population of more than 9,500 by the Federal
Census, of 1910, or any subsequent Federal Census, and
except those employed by Boards of Education, in Cities
having a population of not less than 3980 and not more
than 4047 under and by the Federal Census of 1910 or
any subsequent Federal Census.
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act take
effect from and after its passage, the public welfare re-
quiring it.
Passed April 1st, 1915.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved May 5th, 1915.
Chapter No. 82.
(By Mr. Gardner.)
AN ACT to provide for the care, maintainance, and education
of blind children of school age, who are not eligible to the
State School for the blind for lack of training, where the
parents of such child have not sufficient means to properly
care for such child.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted &// the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, That the State Board of Education
shall have the power to provide for the suitable care, main-
tainance and instruction of blind children of school age,*
who are not eligible to the Tennessee School for the Blind
for lack of training, and who need special kindergarten
training to prepare them for admission in said School
for the blind, residing in this State, who may be born
blind or become blind, in any case where by reason of
lack of means the parent or parents of such children are
unable to properly care for, maintain and educate such
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That for the pur-
pose of providing such care, maintainance and education,
the said Board -of Education shall have .power to con-
tract with any institution having or furnishing facilities
for such care, maintainance and education in this or
any other State at a contract price to be agreed upon,
not exceeding one ($1.00) dollar per day; providing that
such contract shall continue in force and the care, main-
tainance and education provided therein shall continue
until such child attains the age of 12 years, or becomes
eligible for the State School for the blind, or until in
the judgment of said Board the said child will not be
able to qualify for said State School; providing, that
said State Board mav in its discretion continue such
contract in force until such child attains the age of
sixteen years.
SECTION 3. Be it further enacted, That there shall not
be used in any one year for the enforcement of this Act
more than two thousand five hundred dollars, and that
the same shall be paid by the Comptroller of the Treas-
ury of the State of Tennessee upon the order of the State
Board of Education, through its President and Secretary,
and that said money shall be paid out of the General
School Fund of the State.
SECTION 4. Be it further enacted, That nothing in
this Act contained shall be deemed to repeal or in any
way modify any existing law with reference to the edu-
cation of the deaf, dumb and blind.
SECTION 5. Be it further enacted, That this Act take
effect from and after its passage, the public welfare re-
quiring it.
Passed 4-3-15.
Speaker of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Approved May 5th, 1915.
Chapter No. 93,
HOUSE BILL No. 1346.
(By Mr. Johnson.)
AN ACT to more nearly equalize the common schools in the
various districts of the several counties of the State of
Tennessee, the conditions of equalization and the officers
having supervision of said equalization.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ~by the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, That a sufficient fund shall be,
and is hereby set aside by this Act out of the general
school fund of each county operating under the Old
Director System, as a special fund to be used and ex-
pnded for the purpose of more nearly equalizing the
common schools in the various districts of the several
counties of the State of Tennessee.
Provided, That no district shall be eligible to receive
any portion of this fund if the revenue apportioned to
said district according to the general school law apply-
ing to those counties which are under the Old Director
System is sufficient to maintain an average term of five
months, none of said revenue being used for permanent
improvements, but a 'small portion of it may be used to
purchase furniture, this being done at the discretion of
the County Superintendents of said counties; provided
further, that any district whose school fund apportioned
to it according to the general school law applying to
those counties operating under the Old Director System
shall not be sufficient to maintain an average term of
five months in any year shall have apportioned to it a
sufficient amount of said special fund set aside by this
Act to maintain its schools for an average term of five
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That the salaries
paid the principals in any district participating in this
fund shall not be greater than the average salary paid
the principals in like schools in the county where said
district is located; that the salaries paid the assistants
in said district shall not be greater than the average sal-
ary paid assistants in like schools of said county; and
that the incidental expenses shall not be greater than
the average incidental expenses of the various districts
of said county.
SECTION 3. Be it further enacted, That the trustees
of the several counties of the State shall upon the re-
port and recommendation of the County Superintendent
of the said counties apportion the special fund set aside
by this Act to the districts eligible to participate in
said fund, provided further, that said special fund shall
not amount to over eighteen hundred dollars (f 1.800. 00)
in any year.
SECTION 4. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall
apply to all counties whose population is between 16,530
and 16,540 according to the Federal Census of 1910.
SECTION 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws and
parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act
be, and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act
take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare
requiring it.
Passed May 7, 1915.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved : May llth, 1915.
Chapter No. 102.
(By Mr. Claiborne, by request.)
AN ACT regulating the reading of the Holy Bible in the Public
Schools of Tennessee.
WHEREAS the rules and regulations governing the
reading of the Holy Bible in the public schools of this
commonwealth are not uniform; and
WHEREAS it is in the interest of good moral training,
of a life of honorable thought and of good citizenship,
that the public school children should have lessons of
morality brought to their attention during their school
days; therefore, be it enacted,
SECTION 1. That at least ten verses from the Holy
Bible shall be read or caused to be read, without com-
ment, at the opening of each and % every public school
upon each and every school day, by the teacher in charge;
Provided the teacher does not read the same chapter
more than twice during the same session. Provided that
where any teacher has other teachers under and subject
to direction, then the teacher exercising this authority
shall read I he Holy Bible, or cause it to be read as
herein directed.
SECTION 2. That if any school teacher, whose duty it
shall be to read the Holy Bible, or cause it to be read,
as directed in this Act, shall fail or omit to do so, said
school teacher shall, upon charges preferred for such
failure and omission, and proof of the same before the
governing board of the school, be discharged.
SECTION 3. That pupils may be excused from the Bible
reading upon the written request of the parents.
SECTION 4. That this take effect from the date of pas-
sage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed May 14, 1915.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved May 17, 1915.
Chapter No. 116.
(By Mr. Ashcroft.)
A BILL entitled An Act to reorganize the State Board of Edu-
cation, to provide for the appointment of members of State
Board, to fix their terms of office, to provide for their ex-
penses, to prescribe their duties, and to empower said
Board of Education to elect the State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, fix his salary and term of office.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted &?/ the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, That the State Board of Educa-
tion shall consist of nine members appointed by the Gov-
ernor of the State, and that three members of said State
Board of Education shall reside in each Grand Division
of the State provided that the Governor shall designate
one of the members of the State Board as Chairman for
a period of two years, and shall thereafter name his
successor for a like period, and provided further, that the
State Superintendent shall be Ex-officio Secretary to said
State Board and be executive officer of said Board.
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That the members,
of the State Board of Education, as at present consti-
tuted, shall hold their office until the expiration of their
terms and that the appointed members created by the
provisions of this Act shall be appointed; one to serve
for a period of two years ; one for a period of four years,
and one for a period of six years and that their succes-
sors in office at the expiration of their term shall be ap-
pointed each for a term of six years.
SECTION 3. Be it further enacted, That the mem-
bers of the State Board of Education shall serve without
compensation, but shall be allowed their necessary travel-
ing expenses, which shall be itemized and sworn to in
conformity with the State laws governing the payment
of traveling expenses of its State officials, provided that
nothing in this Act shall preclude the Board from allow-
ing five dollars ($5.00) each day for committee work
such as conducting examinations of County Superinten-
dents, State teachers' examinations, and distributing the
State school fund, which accounts shall be paid out of the
school fund of the State.
SECTION 4. Be it further enacted. That it shall be un-
lawful for any member of the State Board of Education
to enter into contract with the Board to receive compen-
sation for services other than those provided, nor shall
any member of the Board be elected to any position within
the gift of the Board while a member, or within a period
of twelve months after his resignation from the Board.
SECTION 5. Be it further enacted, That in addition to
the duties already prescribed by law, said State Board of
Education shall fix the salary of the State Superinten-
dent and on the expiration of the term of office of the
present incumbent, shall elect his successor and fix the
tenure of office.
SECTION 6. Be it further enacted, That all laws and
parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same
are hereby repealed and this Act take effect from and
after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed May, 13, 1915.
Speaker of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Approved May 15, 1915.
Chapter No. 132.
(By Mr. Todd.)
AN ACT to amend an Act, entitled an Act "A bill allowing
municipalities or counties to issue and sell bonds for the
purpose of purchasing sites and erecting and equipping
buildings for State Normal Schools, and to provide for the
payment of the interest on the said bonds and for a sinking
fund with which to retire the same, and to provide a method
of loaning said sinking fund, and to provide for the disposi-
tion of the funds arising from the said sale of said bonds",
being Chapter No. 580 of the Acts of the General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee of 1909.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ~by the General Assembly
of the State of Tennessee, That Section three of the said
Act be and the same is hereby amended by inserting
after the word "fund" in line thirty of said section the
following: "or purchase State, County, Municipal or
public utility bonds bearing interest at a rate not less
than five per cent (5%) per annum."
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That this act take
effect from and after its passage, the public welfare re-
quiring it.
Passed May llth, 1915.
Speaker of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Approved May 17, 1915.
Chapter No. 149.
(By Messrs. W. A. Lyle, C. P. Freedle, and A. E. Hill.)
AN ACT entitled an Act to extend the County Boards of Educa-
tion and County High School Boards, the right of eminent
domain and to take and use private property for public
school purposes, and to provide for a board of appraisers
and to define their duties.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted ~by the General Assembly of
the State of Tennessee, That County Boards of Educa-
tion and County High School Boards be and the same
are hereby empowered to exercise the right of eminent
domain and to take and use private property for public
school purposes as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 2. Be it further enacted, That the County
Judge or Chairman of County Court, the County Court
Clerk, and the County Superintendent, shall constitute
a Board of Appraisers whose duty it shall be to deter-
mine the value of the land as hereinafter provided.
SECTION 3. Be it further enacted, That in case the
owners of such property and the County Board of Edu-
cation or County High School Board fail to agree on the
price to be paid for such property, it shall be the duty
of the Board of Appraisers at the request of either the
owner or the County Board of Education, or County
High School Board, or both, to go upon the land and
under oath fix a fair and equitable value upon said land
without taking into consideration either detriment or
benefit to said property or any adjacent property on ac-
count of its being used for school purposes.
SECTION 4. Be it further enacted, That is case the
owner or County Board of Education or County High
School Board, fail to concur in the findings of the Board
of Appraisers and appeal to a court of competent juris-
diction for final adjudication, the County Board of Edu-
cation or County High School Board, may, by depositing
with the County Trustee a fund to indemnify the owner,
equal in amount to the value fixed for the land in question
by the Board of Appraisers, proceed with the construc-
tion of the School house or other necessary buildings;
and when the court of competent jurisdiction has passed
upon the case, on the payment to the owner of the amount
decreed by the court to be just and equitable, the owner
shall make a deed in fee simple to said County Board
of Education or County High School Board, and their
successors in office.
SECTION 5. Be it further enacted. That all laws and
parts of laws in conflict with this act be and the same
are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from
and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed May 15, 1915.
Speaker of the Senate.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Approved May 17, 1915.