H O & UJui INDIANA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN UC-NRLF ...................... _ No. 7 SB Ifi bMfi I INDIANA UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION An Outline for the Study of Current Political, Economic, and Social Problems With Bibliographies FOR SALE BY THE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE PRICE, 15 CENTS EXCHANGE INDIANA UNIVERSITY it EXTENSION DIVISION An Outline for the Study of Current Political, Economic, and Social Problems With Bibliographies Bloomington, Ind. Published by the University 1914 The University Indiana University comprises the fallowing divisions; bulletins concerning any of these will be sent on application to the Registrar, Bloomington, Ind. : I. THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS. II. THE SCHOOL OF LAW. III. THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. IV. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. V. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL. VI. THE EXTENSION DIVISION. The Extension Division includes the following sections: 1. CORRESPONDENCE STUDY. Courses are offered in the de- partments of Latin, Romance Languages, German, Comparative Philology, English, History and Political Science, Economics and Social Science, Philosophy, Fine Arts (history and theory), Mathe- matics, Geology, Botany, Music (history and theory), Education. 2. INSTRUCTION BY LECTURES. Assistance is offered to schools, clubs, or other organizations in arranging for speakers for special occasions, single lectures upon some topic, or a series of lectures. 3. DEBATING AND PUBLIC DISCUSSION. 4. GENERAL INFORMATION AND WELFARE. A bulletin describing the work of the Extension Division will be sent upon application to the Director. Introduction WHETHER or not the women of Indiana will be granted the franchise in the near future, they are certain to exercise a potent influence upon the moral and social conditions, and even upon legis- lation and the administration of law in the State. The saying attributed to Henry Bergson that in the public view the American woman is either "a drudge or a toy" is evidently not applicable to the clubwomen of Indiana. There is among them an eager open- mindedness, a spirit of inquiry, a desire for information concerning the causes of unfavorable conditions in the social life and efficient methods of improving them. There is an awakened sense of respon- sibility, a consciousness of power, and a willing disposition to give their services freely. They understand that long-continued prac- tices, deeply rooted prejudices, and strongly intrenched interests will not yield to merely emotional appeals. They know that reason based upon knowledge gives power, and they are eager to acquire such a knowledge of facts, practices, and principles as will give them the necessary strength and power. The Extension Division of Indiana University, recognizing this attitude of mind and appreciating its opportunity to serve, offers this Outline for the Study of Political, Economic, and Social Prob- lems in the hope that it may stimulate thought and direct study along lines of practical value to the several communities and to the State at large. It is designed to furnish a program of reading extending over a period of several years. Any attempt to cover the whole field in a single year would lead only to superficiality and affectation of knowledge. Systematic reading is necessary to ac- quire and retain any knowledge of the social sciences that is really worth while. The habit of "skipping about" in one's reading affords neither discipline nor information. It is far better to under- stand thoroughly the causal relations within a certain field than to have even considerable information which is disconnected and incoherent. Even clubs devoted chiefly to the study and enjoyment of the fine arts may find a place in their programs for the consid- eration of the relation of their particular art to the life of the people. For the highest art can be developed in Indiana only when a considerable part of the people comes to have a high appreciation of it. (3) 4 INDIANA UNIVERSITY In the preparation of the bibliographies it was necessary to omit many good references. The more important and the more recent have been included. In the case of controverted questions, refer- ences on both sides have been furnished. Breadth of view and a tolerant spirit can be secured only by considering disputed questions from all standpoints. Many of the books cited may be obtained from the State Library, the Public Library Commission, and from local libraries. The out- line may serve as a guide to officials of the latter in the purchase of books. It is quite impossible for the library of Indiana University to supply all the books which may be called for, but so far as its facilities will permit, books will be loaned for a period of two weeks) and package libraries of articles and clippings will be furnished. The Woman Citizen's Library in twelve volumes, edited by Dr. Shailer Mathews, contains material upon most of the topics included in this outline. Each volume has a selected bibliography, suggestive questions, and numerous illustrations. The set would furnish a club an excellent basis for study. (For further informa- tion address The Civic Society, 171-175 State Street, Chicago.) The outline will suggest many topics suitable for club programs. The Extension Division will be glad, however, to furnish additional lists of topics whenever it is requested to do so. It is believed the handbook will be useful to other clubs and to individuals interested in social work. It will be of special assistance to teachers of history and civics. Special acknowledgment is due the Education Committee of the Wisconsin Woman's Suffrage Association for permission to use material contained in the topical outline entitled "Social Forces." This booklet offers many valuable suggestions for study and prac- tical work. Today so many social forces affect the comfort, health, and hap- piness of the home, that it is a natural step from the study of society to the consideration of the efficiency of the home. No other explana- tion seems necessary for including in this booklet a list of references on Home Economics. In view of the approaching centenary of the admission of In- diana as a State and the general interest in Indiana history and literature, topics and references on these subjects have also been included. A study of the historical development of the State will throw light on the political and economic questions of the present. WILLIAM A. RAWLES, Director of Extension Division. Table of Contents Page I. THE SOCIAL ORDER AND CITIZENSHIP A. THE ORIGIN AND ORGANIZATION OP SOCIETY 9 B^ THE MODERN CONCEPTION OF SOCIETY AND THE COMMUNITY. . 9 1. The Unity of Society 10 2. Construction vs. Prohibition 10 3. An Awakened Sense of Responsibility 10 II. GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR OPERATION A. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS: THEIR ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS 1. The Importance of Local Government in Our Daily Social and Industrial Life 11 2. Counties 11 3. Towns and Villages 11 4. Cities 11 (a) Newer Forms of City Government 12 (1) The Commission Plan 12 (2) The City Manager Plan 13 (b) Municipal Planning and Replanning 13 (c) Municipal Housing 13 (d) Municipal Sanitation 13 (e) Public Utilities Regulation 14 (f) Public Utilities Municipal Ownership 15 (g) Municipal Markets 16 (h) Municipal Protection 16 (1) Police Department 16 (2) Fire Department 16 (i) Municipal Recreation 16 (1) Baths and Swimming Pools 16 (2) Playgrounds 17 (3) Celebrations and Civic Pageants 17 (4) Municipal Theaters 17 (5) Social Centers 17 (j) Municipal Finance 17 5. Townships and Rural Communities 18 B. THE COMMONWEALTH 1. General References 18 2. The Administrative Branch 19 (a) The Governor and Other State Officers 19 (b) Bureaus and Commissions 19 3. The Legislature 19 4. The Judiciary 20 (5) 6 INDIANA UNIVEESITY B. THE COMMONWEALTH Continued. Page 5. Newer Ideas of Popular Control 20 (a) The Direct Primary 21 (b) Initiative, Referendum and Recall 21 (c) Civil Service Reform 21 6. The Suffrage 22 7. Legal Status of Women 23 8. Current Problems 24 9. The Need of a New Constitution for Indiana 24 C. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 24 1 . General References 24 2. The Administrative Branch 25 (a) The President and Cabinet 25 (b) The Departments, Bureaus, and Commissions. 25 3. The Congress 25 4. The Judiciary 25 5. Parties and Elections 26 6. Current Problems 26 (a) Conservation 26 (b) The Waste of War 26 (c) Currency and Banking 27 (d) The Tariff 27 (e) Control of Trusts 27 (f) Immigration 27 7. The Constitution of the United States 27 III. ECONOMIC PROBLEMS A. GENERAL TREATISES ON ECONOMICS 28 B. LABOR PROBLEMS 28 1. Wage Systems and a Minimum Wage 28 (a) Efficiency Systems 28 2. An Eight-Hour Day ^ 29 3. Labor Organizations 29 4. Employers' Organizations 29 5. Strikes, Lockouts, and Boycotts 29 6. Arbitration and Conciliation 30 7. Women in Industry 30 8. Child Labor 30 9. Workmen's Compensation 31 10. The Unemployed and the Unemployable 31 11. The Responsibility of the Stockholder and the Citizen for Unfavorable Labor Conditions 32 12. Labor Laws and Their Enforcement 32 C. THE CONTROL OF TRUSTS 32 D. THE TARIFF 33 E. CURRENCY AND BANKING; AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 33 F. IMMIGRATION 35 G. TAXATION; TAXATION OF LAND VALUES 35 H. SOCIALISM AND SOCIAL REFORM. . 37 CURRENT PROBLEMS 7 Page IV. SOCIAL PROBLEMS A. GENERAL REFERENCES ON SOCIOLOGY 38 B. POPULATION: ITS GROWTH; ITS ELEMENTS; THE NEGRO 38 C. STANDARDS OF LIVING 38 D. POVERTY: ITS CAUSES AND REMEDIES ~ ^89 E. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE 39 F. CHILD PROBLEMS 40 1. Juvenile Delinquents and Their Treatment 40 2. The Children's Bureau ' 40 3. Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls 41 G. EUGENICS 41 H. THE SOCIAL EVIL AND SEX HYGIENE 42 I. INTEMPERANCE 42 J. PUNISHMENT AND REFORMATION 43 V. EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS A. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS TRAINING IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 44 B. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 44 C. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE 45 D. LAGGARDS 45 E. SCHOOL HYGIENE 46 F. SEX EDUCATION 46 G. THE SCHOOL AND THE HOME 46 H. THE SCHOOL AND THE PLAYGROUND 47 I. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL AS A SOCIAL CENTER 48 J. THE STATE UNIVERSITEBS; SCHOOL OF MEDICINE; THE EX- TENSION DIVISIONS , 49 K. THE SURVEY OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL 51 L. RURAL SCHOOLS 51 M. THE MONTESSORI METHOD 52 VI. OTHER SOCIAL FACTORS A. THE SOCIAL SERVICE WORK OF THE CHURCH 53 B. THE PRESS 54 1. The Newspaper 54 2. The Periodical 54 C. THE LIBRARY 55 D. ART GALLERIES AND EXHIBITIONS 55 E. THE DRAMA 55 F. MOVING PICTURES 56 G. Civic EXHIBITS AND SOCIAL MUSEUMS 57 H. THE NOVEL 57 I. VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS 58 1. Charity Organizations 58 2. Social Settlements 58 3. Women's Clubs 58 4. Children's Clubs; Boy Scouts; Camp Fire Girls 59 J. SOCIAL CENTERS 60 8 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Page VII. THE SOCIAL SURVEY 61 VIII. HOME ECONOMICS A. THE FAMILY AND THE HOME 62 B. STANDARDS OF LIVING 62 C. THE HOUSE 62 1. Structure and Sanitation 62 2. Care of the House 63 3. Furnishings and Decoration 63 4. Cleaning 63 5. The Garden 63 D. TEXTILES 64 E. DRESS 64 F. DOMESTIC SERVICE 64 G. ECONOMICS OF FOOD 64 H. FOOD VALUES 64 I. CHILD DIETETICS 65 IX. INDIANA HISTORY 66 X. INDIANA LITERATURE 69 PUBLISHERS' ADDRESSES 71 INDEX . . 75 An Outline for the Study of Current Political, Economic, and Social Problems %The names and addresses of publishers will be found on page 71. List prices are quoted except as otherwise indicated. In order to economize space cross references are frequently made. I. THE SOCIAL ORDER AND CITIZENSHIP A. The Origin and Organization of Society Bagehot. W. Physics and Politics. Appleton, $1.50. Burgess, J. W. Political Science and Comparative Constitutional Law, Vol. I. Ginn, $2.50. Cooley, C. H. Social Organization. Scribner, $1.50. Cooley, C. H. Human Nature and the Social Order. Scribner, $1.50. Giddings, F. H. Principles of Sociology. Books III and IV. Macmillan, $3.00. Leacock, S. B. Elements of Political Science. Houghton, $1.75. Macy, J. Political Science, Vols. I, II, and III, of Woman Citizen's Library (12 vols.). $7.50 (cloth); $19.50 (leather). Wilson, W. The State. Heath, $2.00. B. The Modern Conception of Society and the Community Addams, J. Democracy and Social Ethics, Macmillan, $1.25. Addams, J. Newer Ideals of Peace. Macmillan, $1.25. American Year Books, 1909-1913. Appleton, $3.00. *Griggs, E. H. The New Humanism. Huebsch, $1.50. Hadley, A. T. Standards of Public Morality. Macmillan, $1.00. Hart, A. B. National Ideals Historically Considered. Harper, $2.00. Lee, G. S. Crowds. Doubleday, Page & Co., $1.35. Nearing, S. Social Adjustment. Macmillan, $1.50. Ross, E. A. Changing America. Century Co., $1.20. Ross, E. A. Sin and Society. Houghton, $1.00. Ross, B. A. Social Control. Macmillan, $1.25. Ross, E. A. Modern Sinners and Saints. Huebsch, $.60. Schreiner, O. Woman and Labor. Stokes, $1.25. Weyl, W. E. The New Democracy. Macmillan, $2.00. White, W. A. The Old Order Changeth. Macmillan, $.50. Wilson, W. The New Freedom. Doubleday, $1.00. 2988 (9) 10 INDIANA UNIVERSITY 1. THE UNITY OF SOCIETY Cooley, C. H. Human Nature and the Social Order. Scribner, $1.50. Eliot, C. W. The Conflict Between Individualism and Collectivism in a Democracy. Scribner, $.90. MacCunn, J. The Ethics of Citizenship. Macmillan, $1.00. Macy, J. Political Science, Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. III. See also references under B above. 2. CONSTRUCTION vs. PROHIBITION Addams, J. and Others. Philanthropy and Social Progress. Crowell, $1.50. Earp, E. L. The Social Engineer. Eaton, $1.50. Lee, J. Constructive and Preventive Philanthropy. Macmillan, $1.00. Riis, J. The Battle with the Slums. Macmillan, $2.00. Whitlock, B. The Enforcement of Law in Cities, Golden Rule Co. See also under Social Settlements, p. 58, and Social Centers, p. 60. 3. AN AWAKENED SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY Addains, J. Democracy and Social Ethics. Macmillan, $1.25. Baldwin, S. E. Relations of Education to Citizenship. Yale University Press, $1.15. Cleveland, F. A. Organized Democracy. Longmans, $2.50. Coffin, J. H. The Socialized Conscience. Warwick and York, $1.25. Coit (Ed). Ethical Democracy. Croly, H. The Promise of American Life. Macmillan, $2.00. Dunn, A. W. The Community and the Citizen. Heath, $.75. Hadley, A. T. Standards of Public Morality. Macmillan, $1.00. Henderson, C. R. Social Duties. University of Chicago Press, $1.25. Howe, F. C. Privilege and Democracy in America. Scribner, $1.50. Hughes, E. H. The Teaching of Citizenship. Wilde, $1.25. Kales, A. M. Unpopular Government. University of Chicago Press, $1.62. Postpaid. King, H. C. The Moral and Religious Challenge of our Times. Macmillan, $1.50. Peabody, F. G. The Approach to the Social Question. Macmillan, $1.25. Sheldon, W. L. Citizenship and the Duties of a Citizen. Welch, $1.50. Weyl, W. E. The New Democracy. Macmillan, $2.00. Wilcox, D. F. The American City (especially chs. IX-XI). Macmillan, $1.25. See also titles under the Church, p. 53. H, GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR OPERATION A. Local Governments: Their Organization and Functions 1. THE IMPORTANCE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN OUR DAILY SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LIFE. GENERAL REFERENCES Beard, C. A. American Government and Politics. (Rev. ed.) Macrnillan, $2.00. Bryce, J. The American Commonwealth. Vol II. Macmillan, $2.00. Fairlie, J. A. Local Governments in Counties, Townships and Villages in the U. S. Century Co., $1.25. Fiske, J. Civil Government in the United States. Houghton, $1.00. Hart, A B. Actual Government. Longmans, $2.25. James, J. A. and Sanford, A. H. Government in State and Nation. Scrib- ner, $.75. Lindley, H. Civics of Indiana. Ginn, $.50. MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics. Woman Citizen's Library, Vols. IV-V. Rawles, W. A. The Government of the People of Indiana. Hinds, Noble and Eldredge, $.50. Wilson, W. The State. Heath, $2.00. 2. COUNTIES County Government. *American Academy of Political and Social Science. May, 1913. See also titles under above. 3. TOWNS AND VILLAGES Anderson, W. L. The Country Town. Baker, $1.00. Gale, Z. Civic Improvement in Little Towns, Am. Civic Association, $.25. McVey, F. L. The Making of a Town. McClurg, $1.00. Robbins, M. C. Village Improvement Societies. Atlantic. Feb. 1897. 4. CITIES. GENERAL REFERENCES Allen, W. H. Efficient Democracy. Amer. City Bureau, $1.62. Amer. Acad. Efficiency in City Government. Cloth, $1.50; Paper, $1.00. Beard, C. A. American City Government. Century Co., $2.00. Bruere, H. New City Government. Appleton, $1.50. Deming, H. E. American City Government. Putnam, $1.50. Fairlie, J. A. Municipal Administration. Macmillan, $3.00. Qoodnow, F. J. City Government. Century Co., $1.25. "Hereafter cited as Amer. Acad. (11) 12 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Howe, F. C. The City, The Hope of Democracy. Scribner, $1.50. MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics. Woman Citizens' Library, Vol. V. Munro, W. B. Government of American Cities. Macmillan, $2.00. Munro, W. B. Government of European Cities. Macmillan, $2.00. Rowe, L. S. Problems of City Government. Appletou, $1.50. Shaw, A. Municipal Government in Great Britain. Macmillan, $2.00. Shaw, A. Municipal Government in Continental Europe. Macmillan, $2.00. Wilcox, D. F. The American City. Macmillan, $1.25. Wright, J. Special Bibliographies Relating to Municipal Government. Nat. Municipal Rev., Vol. Ill, pp. 430-453. April, 1914. Zueblin, C. Municipal Sociology. Macmillan, $1.25. Zueblin, C. American Municipal Progress. Macmillan, $1.25. See also titles under Local Government, p. 11. (a) Newer Farms of City Government (1) Commission Government Amer. Acad. Nov. 1911. Commission Government in American Cities. $1.50; Paper, $1.00. American Year Book, 1909-1913. Appleton, $3.00. Beale, J. H. Jr. City Government by Commission. (Economic Club of Boston. ) Beard, C, A. Loose-leaf Digest of Short Ballot Charters. National Short Ballot Organization. $5.35, Postpaid. Beard, C. A. American City Government. Century Company, $2.00. Bradford, E. S. Commission Government in American Cities. Macmillan, $1.25. Bruere, Henry. New City Government. Appleton, $1.50. Childs, R. S. Short Ballot Principles. Honghton, $1.50. Gemuender, A. Commission Government : Its Strength and Its Weakness. National Municipal Review, Vol. I, pp. 170-181. Hamilton, J. J. Dethronement of the City Boss, Funk and Wagnalls, $1.20. Ivins, Wm. M. City Government by Commission. (Economic Club of Boston. ) MacGregor, F. H. City Government by Commission. University of Wis- consin Bulletin, No. 423, 19li, $.40. Mason, A. 1+ Comparison of Des Moines and Indianapolis Forms of Mu- nicipal Government. Municipal Engineering, Vol. 40, pp. 8-12, Jan. 1911. Munro, W. B. Government of American Cities. Macmillan, $2.25. Robbins, E. C. Selected Articles on Commission Government (Debaters' Handbook ) . Wilson, $1.00. Russell, C. E. Sanity and Democracy for American Cities. Everybody's. Vol. 22, pp. 435-447, April, 1910. Woodruff, C. R. (Ed.) City Government by Commission. Appleton, $1.50. Charters of individual cities may be secured by addressing city clerks. CURKENT PROBLEMS 13 (2) The City Manager Plan Annals of Arner. Acad., Nov. 1911. Charters of the following cities : Sumter, S. C., Dayton, O., Amarillo, Tex., Springfield, O., La Grande, Ore. National Municipal Review, Jan. 1913, Oct. 1913 and Jan. 1914. Pamphlet on City Manager by National Short Ballot Organization, -883- Fourth Ave., New York. (b) Municipal Planning American City Mag., Vols. I-III, VI. American Civic Association, Bulletin on Small Town Improvement. Check List of References on City Planning. Library of Congress, $.25. Farwell, P. T. Village Improvement. Sturgis and Walton, $1.00. McVey, F. L. The Making of a Town. McClurg, $1.00. Marsh, B. C. An Introduction to City Planning. Amer. City Bureau, $1.00. Nichols, J. C. Real Estate Subdivisions The Best Manner of Handling Them. Amer. Civic Assoc., $.25. Nolen, John. Replanning Small Cities. Huebsch, $2.70, Postpaid. Proceedings of National Conferences on City Planning. Amer. City Bu- reau, $1.50 to $2.00 each. Reports of Experts on the Improvement of Cities : Dubuque, la. ; Cedar Rapids, la.; Greenville, S. C. ; Roanoke, Va. ; San Diego, Cal. ; Cleve- land, O. ; Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis and Chicago. Robinson, C. M. Improvement of Towns and Cities. Putnam, $1.20. Solotaroff, W. Shade Trees in Towns and Cities. Amer. City Bureau, $3.00, Postpaid. Symposium, Survey. Vol. 22, pp. 569-778. (c) Municipal Housing DeForest, R. W., and Veiller, L. Tenement House Problem, 2 vols. Mac- millan, $6.00. Housing Problem in Indiana. Charities, Vol. 21 :376. Indiana Housing Law. Indiana Legislature 68th Session. Acts 1913, chapter 149, Pp. 377-408. Meakin, B. Model Factories and Buildings. Jacobs, $2.00. Municipal Affairs. Vols. II, III, and VI. Publications of the National Housing Association. The Awakening of a State. Indiana. Survey, Vol. 25:467. Published by National Housing Association, 5 cents. The Housing Problem (References). The Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy (Bulletin No. 16). $.20. Unwin, R. Nothing Gained by Overcrowding. Amer. City Bureau, $.10. Veiller, L. Housing Reform. Survey Co., $1.25. (a) Municipal Sanitation Allen, W. H. Civics and Health. Ginn, $1.25. Baker, M. N. Municipal Engineering and Sanitation. Macmillan, $1.25. Blair, T. S. Public Hygiene, 2 vols. Badger, $10.00. Ohapin, C. V. Municipal Sanitation in the United States. Snow, $5.00. 14 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Fisher, I. Bulletin on National Vitality. Supt. Documents, Washington. Gerhard, W. P. Sanitation and Sanitary Engineering. W. P. Gerhard, 39 Strong PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. $1.50. Godfrey, H. The Health of the City. Houghton, $1.25. Gunn, S. M. The Public Health. Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. IX. Jordan, E. O. Profitable and Fruitless Lines of Endeavor in Public Health Work, Science, June 1911. N. S. Vol., 33:833-92. Knopf, S. A. Tuberculosis. Moffat, $2.00. Morse, W. E. The Collection and Disposal of Municipal Waste. Munici- pal Journal, $5.00 New York Milk Committee. Infant Mortality and Milk Stations. Amer. City Bureau, $1.13, Postpaid. Report of the Social Service Department of the Indiana University Medical School, Indianapolis. Gratis. Richards, E. II. Conservation by Sanitation. Wiley, $2.50. Sedgwick, W. T. Principles of Sanitary Science and the Public Health. Macmillan, $3.00. Soper, A. Modern Methods of Street Cleaning. Engineering News, $3.00. Spargo, J. Common Sense of the Milk Question. Macmillan, $1.50. Sykes, J. F. J. Public Health Problems. Scribner, $1.50. The Public Health Movement. Amer. Acad., Cloth, $1.50; Paper, $1.00. See also titles under Sanitation of the House, p. 62. (e) Public Utilities Regulation Amer. City, Vol. 5 :349, Dec. 1911. Regulation of Public Utilities. American Political Science Association. Proceedings 1907. Cloth, $1.50; Paper, $1.00. American Year Book 1913. P. 294. Appletou, $3.00. Ann. Amer. Acad. 1908. Control of Municipal Public Service Corporations. Cloth, $1.50; Paper, $1.00. Commons, J. R. How Wisconsin Regulates Her Public Utilities. Rev. of Reviews. Vol. 42, 215, Ag. 1910. Floy, H. Valuation of Public Utility Properties. McGraw, $1.50. Foote, A. R. Regulation of Public Utilities. Leg. Ref. Dept Ohio State Library.' Contains references. Foster, H. A. Engineering Valuation of Public Utilities and Factories. Van Nostrand, $3.00. Gray, J. H. and Others. Control of Public Service Corporations. Amer. Econ. Review, Vol. IV. Supplement, pp. 18-68, March 1914. King, C, L. (Ed.) The Regulation of Municipal Utilities. Appleton, $1.50. Lapp, J. A. Public Utilities. Amer. Political Science Review, Vol. I., 1907. Maltbie, M. R. Judicial Review of Public Regulation. Journal Pol. Econ. Vol. 20:480, My. 1912. Maltbie, M. R. Public Utility Commission of New York City. City Club Bulletin (Chicago) Vol. 2. Pp. 235-250. Mead, E. S. Public Service Corporations and the City. Lippincott. Vol. 90:641. Nov. 1912. CURRENT PROBLEMS 15 Municipal Affairs. Vols. I, III, V, and VI. National Civic Federation. Commission Regulation of Public Utilities. New York City. $8.50. New York Public Service Commission. First District. Report on Juris- diction and Work. Osborn, T. M. Public Service Commission Law of New York. Atlantic Mir; April, 1908. Public Service Commission of New York. Reports. Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Reports and Addresses by Commis- sioners. Sinclair, A. H. Municipal Monopolies and Their Management (1891). Univ. of Toronto Studies. Vail, T. N. Public Utilities and Public Policy, Atlan. Mo. Vol. Ill :307, Mr. 1913. Whitten, R. H. Valuation of Public Service Corporations. Banks, $5.50. Wilcox, D. F. Municipal Franchises, 2 vols. Gervaise Press, $5.00. Wilcox, D. F. Municipal Home Rule and Public Utility Franchises, Munic- ipal Review. Vol. 3, Jan. 1914. Wyer, S. S. Regulation, Valuation and Depreciation of Public Utilities. Sears and Simpson, $5.00. (i) Public Utilities Municipal OicnersMp Bemis, E. W. (Ed.) Municipal Monopolies (for). Crowell, $2.00. Darwin, L. Municipal Trade (against). Dutton, $3.50. Debaters Handboook on Municipal Ownership. Wilson, $1.00. Holcombe, A. N. Public Ownership of Telephones on the Continent of Europe. Houghton, $2.00. Howe, F. C. The British City: The Beginnings of Democracy (for). Scribner, $1.50. II owe, F. C. The City: The Hope of Democracy (for). Scribner, $1.50. King, C. L. Regulation of Municipal Utilities. National Municipal League, $1.50. Lubbock, J. On Municipal and National Trading (against). Macmillan, $1.00. Morgan, J. E., and Bullock, E. D. Selected Articles on Municipal Owner- ship. H. W. Wilson, $1.00. Myer, H. R. Municipal Ownership in Great Britain, (against). Mac- millan, $1.50. National Civic Federation. Report on Municipal and Private Operation of Public Utilities. Parsons, F. The City for the People (for). Baker, Taylor. Cloth, $1.00- Paper, $.50. Parsons, F. European Cities at Work (for). Porter, R. P. The Dangers of Municipal Ownership, (against). Century Co., $1.80. Shaw, B. The Common Sense of Municipal Trading, (for). Am. City, Bureau, $.85. 16 INDIANA UNIVEKSITY (g) Municipal Markets Beard, C. A. American City Government. P. 272. Century Co., $2.00. Black, Mrs. E. Communal Benefits From the Public Control of Terminal Markets. An. Amer. Acad. Vol., 48:149-53, Jl. 1913. Driggs, L. L. Feeding the Public and Municipal Supervision. Ind. Vol. 75 :32-5, Jl. 3, 1913. Kamp, C. Management of a Municipal Market. Amer. City, Vol. 10:63-4, Ja. 1914. King, C. L. Municipal Markets. An. Amer. Acad., Vol. 50:102-17, N. 1913. Maltbie, M. R. Market Rights and Cities. Municipal Affairs, Vol. 2 :716- 20, D. 1898. Miller, C. C. Symposium on Marketing Methods in Leading European Cities. Amer. City, Vol. 8:355-63 Ap. 1913. See also Amer. City, Feb. March, 1913. Successful Municipal Market in Los Angeles. World's Work. Vol. 27:- 114, N. 1913. Sullivan, J. W. Markets for the People. Macmillan, $1.25. Typical American Markets. Symposium. An. Amer. Acad., Vol. 50:118- 38, Nov. 1913. (h) Municipal Protection (1) Police Department Fuld, L. F. Police Administration. Putnam, $3.00. McAdoo, W. Guarding a Great City. Harper, $2.00. Whitlock, B. The Enforcement of Law in Cities. Amer. City Bureau. $.95. (2) Fire Department Articles in American City Magazine. $2,00 per year. Croker, E. F. Fire Prevention. (1912). Dodd, $1.50. Kenlon, J. Fires and Fire Fighters. Doran, $2.50. McKeon, P. J. Fire Prevention. Chief Pub. Co., $1.75. Martin, E., and Davis, G. M. Firebrands. Am. City Bureau, $.68. Reports and Bulletins of Indiana State Fire Marshal. Free. (i) Municipal Recreation (1) Baths and Swimming Pools Cross, A. W. Public Baths and Wash-Houses. Amer. City Bureau. $7.50, Postpaid. Gerhard, W. P. Modern Baths and Bath Houses. Amer. City Bur. $3.00, Postpaid. Hanger, G. W. W. Public Baths in the United States (Labor Bulletin, No. 54). $1.00. CURRENT PROBLEMS 17 (2) Playgrounds Addams, Jane. The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. Macmillan, $1.25. Angell, E. D. Play. Univ. of Wisconsin, $1.50. Articles in American City Mag. Vols. I, II and III. Bancroft, J. H. Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymna- sium. Macmillan, $1.50. Bremner, K. F. A Book of Song Games and Ball Games. Barnes, $1.25. Gulick, L. H. The Healthful Art of Dancing. Doubleday, $1.40. Johnson, G. E. Education by Plays and Games. Leland, A. and L. H. Playground Technique and Playcraft. Bassette, $2.50. Mero, E. B. American Playgrounds. American Gymnasia Co. New York or Baker, $2.00. Public Recreation Facilities. Amer. Acad., Paper, $1.00; Cloth, $1.50. Publications of Playground and Recreation Assoc. of America, 1 Madison Ave., New York City. Stern, R. B. Neighborhood Entertainments. Sturgis and Walton, $1.00. See also titles under the School and the Playground, p. 47. (3) Celebrations and Civic Pageants Bates, E. W. Pageants and Pageantry. Ginn, $1.25. Chubb, P. and others. Festivals and Plays in Schools and Elsewhere. Harper, $2.00. Lincoln, J. E. C. The Festival Book. Barnes, $1.50. Mackay, C. D'A. Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People. Holt, $1.35. Merington, M. Holiday Plays. Duffield, $1.25. Needham, M. M. Folk Festivals. Their Growth and How to Give Them. Huebsch, $1.25. (4) Municipal Theaters Jones, A. Aims and Duties of a National Theatre, Fortnightly, Feb. 1913. Mackaye, P. The Civic Theatre in Relation to the Redemption of Leisure. Survey Co., $1.50. (5) Social Centers See titles under the School as a Social Center, p. 48. (j) Municipal Finance Allen, W. H. Efficient Democracy. Amer. City Bureau, $1.62. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, May, 1912, $1.00. Bureau of Municipal Research, New York. Handbook on Municipal Ac- counting. Cleveland, F. A. Municipal Administration and Accounting. Longmans, $2.00. Conference on State and Local Taxation. Addresses and Proceedings, (1908-1913.) Macmillan, $2.00-3.00. 5988 18 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Dana, J. C. City Planning and Excess Condemnation. American City, Vol. VI, p. 640, April, 1912. Leohauser. Municipal Accounting. Appleton, $1.00. Marsh, B. C. Taxation of Land Values in American Cities; The Next Step in Exterminating Poverty. Arner. City Bureau, 1912. Paper, 80c; Cloth, $1.10, Postpaid. Upson, L. D. Sources of Municipal Revenues in Illinois. Amer. City Bu- reau, 75c. See also titles under Taxation, p. 35. 5. TOWNSHIPS AND RURAL COMMUNITIES Bailey, L. H. The Country Life Movement. Macmillan, $1.25. Bailey, L. H. The State and the Farmer. Macmillan, $1.25. Bailey, L. H. The Outlook to Nature. Macmillan, $1.25. Butterfield, K. L. Chapters in Rural Progress. University of Chicago Press, $1.00. Carver, T. N. Principles of Rural Economics. Ginu, $1.30. Country Life. Amer. Acad., $1.50 ; Paper, $1.00. Cyclopedia of American Agriculture IV. Macmillan Company, $5.00. Fairlie, J. A. Local Governments in Country Towns and Villages. Cen- tury Co. $1.25. Farm Wages in the United States. United States Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 26, 1903. Gratis. Ford, J. Co-operation in New England. Survey Co., $1.50. Postpaid. Gillette, J. M. Constructive Rural Sociology. Sturgis and Walton, $1.60. McKeever, W. A. Farm Boys and Girls. Macmillan, $1.50. Plunkett, Sir Horace. The Rural Life Problem of the United States. Macmillan, $1.25. Powell, G. Co-operation in Agriculture. Macmillan, $1.50. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Rural Progress Association. Report of Federal Commission on Country Life Appointed by President Roosevelt. Sturgis and Walton, $.75. Taylor, H. C. Introduction to the* Study of Agricultural Economics. Mac- millan, $1.25. Ward, E. J. The Social Center. Appleton, $1.50. Wilson, W. H. The Evolution of the Country Community. Pilgrim Press, $1.25. See titles also under Town Government, p. 11, and Church, p. 53. B. The Commonwealth 1. GENERAL REFERENCES Beard, C. A. American Government and Politics. Macmillan, $2.10. Beard, C. A. Readings in American Government and Politics. Macmillan, $1.90. Bryce, J. The American Commonwealth, Vol. I. Macmillan, $2.00. Fiske, J. Civil Government in the United States. Houghton, $1.00. Garner, J. W. Government in the United States. Amer. Book Co., $1.00. Hart, A. B. Actual Government. Longmans, $2.25. CURRENT PROBLEMS 19 James, J. A., and Sant'ord, A. H. Our Government, Local, State, and Na- tional. Scribner, $.75. Lindley, H. Government of Indiana. Ginn, $.50 MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics, Vol. V. of Woman Citizen's Library. Rawles, W. A. The Government of the People of Indiana. Hinds, Nobler and Eldredge, $.50. Relnsch, P. S. Readings on American State Government. Longmans, $2.25. Wilson, W. The State. Heath, $2.00. 2). THE ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH (a) The Governor and Other State Officers Biennial Messages of Governor and Reports of Officers. Blue, L. Recent Tendencies in State Administration. Annals of the Amer. Acad. Vol. 18, Pp. 434-445. Finley, J. H., and Sanderson, J. F. The American Executive and Execu- tive Methods. Century Co., $1.25. MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics. Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. V. Reinsch, P. S. Readings on American State Government. Ginn, $2.50. Russell, (Gov.) W. E. The Power of the Governor Address to Mass. Legislature, Jan. 1892. ( Reinsch' s Readings.) White, W. A. Folk as Governor. McClure's, Dec. 1905. See also titles under General References above, p. 18. (b) Bureaus and Commissions Howe, F. C. Wisconsin : An Experiment in Democracy. Scribner, $1.25. McCarthy, C. The Wisconsin Idea. . Macmillan, $1.50. White, F. H. The Growth and Future of State Boards and Commissions. Political Science Quarterly, 1903. Consult the reports of the various boards and commissions of Indiana, especially the following : Public Service Commission (formerly Railroad Commission) ; State Board of Tax Commissioners; Bureau of Statistics; State Board of Accounts; Bureau of Inspection (formerly Labor Commission, and Bureau of Mine Inspection) ; Geological Department; State Boards of Agriculture, Forestry and Health ; Public Library Commission ; Boards of State Charities ; Boards of Managers of Correctional, Re- formatory and Penal Institutions ; Boards of Trustees of State Educa- tional Institutions; Boards of Control of Benevolent Institutions. See also titles under general references above (p. 18), and Regulation of Public Utilities, p. 14. 3. THE LEGISLATURE Commons, J. R. Proportional Representation (2d Ed.). Macmillan, $1.25. Garner, J. W. Executive Participation in Legislation as a Means of In- creasing Legislative Efficiency. Amer. Pol. Science Review. Vol. VIII. Supplement, Pp. 176-190, Feb. 1914. Jones, C. L. Improvement of Legislative Methods and Procedure Same, Pp. 191-1214. 20 INDIANA UNIVERSITY MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics. Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. V. Orth, S. P. Our State Legislatures. Atlantic Mo., Dec. 1904. Reinsch, P. S. American Legislatures and Legislative Methods. Century Co., $1.25. Unicameral Legislatures. Bulletin, N. S. No. 77, Univ. of Oklahoma. Weyl, W. E. The New Democracy. Macmillan, $2.00. Wilcox, D. F. Government by all the People. Macmillan, $1.50. See also titles under General References above, and Newer Ideals of Popular Control, p. 20. 4. THE JUDICIARY Baldwin, S. E. The American Judiciary. Century Co., $1.25. Carpenter, W. L. Courts of Last Resort. Amer. Bar Asso. Proceedings, 1909. Garner, J. W. Crime and Judicial Inefficiency. Annals Amer. Acad., 1907. Lummis, H. T. The Failure of the Appeal System. Mass. Prison Assoc., 1909. Reform in the Administration of Justice. Annals. Amer. Acad., March 1914. Reinsch, P. S. Readings on American Government. Ginn, $2.25. Smith, W. R. Politics and the Judiciary. Kans. Bar. Assoc. Proceedings, 1905. Storey, M. The Reform of Legal Procedure. Yale Univ. Press, $1.35. Taft, W. H. Delays and Defects in the Enforcement of Law in this Country. Civic Forum. Paper, 10 cents. See also titles under Federal Government, p. 24, Judiciary, p. 25 and Initiative, Referendum and Recall, p. 21. 5. NEWER IDEAS OF POPULAR CONTROL (a) The Direct Primary American Year Book, 1909-1913. Appleton, $3.00. American Political Science Assoc. Proceedings, 1907, 1910. Barnett, J. D. Forestalling the Direct Primary. Pol. Science Quarterly Vol. 27, Pp. 648-68. Holcomb, A. M. Direct Primaries and Second Ballot. Amer. Pol. Science Review, Vol. 5 :535-52. Kales, A. M. Unpopular Government. Univ. of Chicago Press, $1.62, Post- paid. MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics. Woman Citizens' Library, Vol. VI. Merriam, C. E. Primary Elections. Contains bibliography. Univ. of Chi- cago Press, $1.25. Meyer, E. C. Nominating Systems. Author, $1.50 National Municipal League. Proceedings 1901, 1904-7. Reinsch, P. S. Readings on American State Governments, Pp. 364-434. Longmans, $2.25. Remsen, D. Primary Elections. Putnam, $.75. See also titles under Federal Government, p. 24, Parties and Elec- tions, p. 26. CURRENT PROBLEMS 21 (b) Initiative, Referendum, and Recall Adams, B. The Theory of Social Revolutions. Macmillan, $1.25. Alger, G. W. Criticising the Courts. Atlantic Mo. Nov. 1911. American Year Book. 1911-13. Appleton, $3.00. Beard, C A., and Schultz, B. FA Documents on Initiative, Referendum a ml Recall. Macmillan, $2.00. Bourne, J. Initiative, Referendum and Recall. Atlantic Mo. Jan. 1912. Cleveland, F. A. Growth of Democracy. Quadrangle Press, $1.50. Fink, A. Recall of Judges. No. Anier. Rev. Vol. 193:672-90. Frederick, K. T. Significance of the Recall of Judicial Decisions. At- lantic Mo., July 1912, Vol. 110:46-52. Guthrie, W. D. Constitutional Morality. No. Amer. Review, Aug. 1912, Vol. 196:154-73. Hamill, C. H. Constitutional Chaos. Forum, July 1912. Hendrick, B. J. Articles in McClure's. Vols. 37 and 38. Initiative, Referendum and Recall. Amer. Acad. Sept. 1912. $1.00. Initiative and Referendum. Debaters' Handbook. Wilson, $1.00. Kales, A. M. Unpopular Government. Univ. of Chicago Press, $1.62, Post- paid. Library of Congress. References on Initiative, Referendum and Recall. McCall, S. W. Initiative, Referendum and Recall. Atlantic Mo., Oct. 1911. MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics. Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. VI. Munro^ W. B. The Initiative, Referendum and Recall. Appleton, $1.50. Oberholtzer, E. P. The Referendum in America. With Chapters on Initia- tive and Recall. Scribner, $2.25. Ransom, Wm. L. Majority Rule and Judiciary. Scribner, $.60. Roe, G. E. Our Judicial Oligarchy. B. W. Huebsch, $1.00. Roosevelt, T. Nationalism and the Judiciary. Outlook, Vol. 97:383-5; 488-92; 542-6; 574-7. Roosevelt, T. Charter of Democracy. Outlook, Feb. 24, 1912, Vol. 100:- 397-402. Roosevelt, T. Right of the People to Rule. Outlook, March 23, 1912. Vol. 100 :618-26. Wilcox, D. F. Government by all the People. Macmillan, $1.50. Wisconsin Free Library Commission. Bulletins 11 and 12. (c) Civil Service Reform Bernard, G. S. Civil Service Reform vs. Spoils System, N. Y., 1885. Civil Service Reform Association (N. Y.) Women's Auxiliary Bibliography of Civil Reform and Related Subjects, 1907. Curtis, G. W. Addresses and Reports on the Reform of the Civil Service of the U. S. (In his Orations and Addresses, Vol. II, 1894). Harper, $3.50. Eaton, D. B. Civil Service in Great Britain; a History of Abuses and Reforms and Their Bearing Upon American Politics, N. Y., 1880, $2.50. Fish, C. R. The Civil Service and the Patronage. Longmans, $2.00. Ford, H. J. Political Evolution and Civil Service Reform. Annals of Amer. Acad., Vol. XV. 22 INDIANA UNIVEKSITY Oilman, D. C. Civil Service Reform (In "The Launching of a University"), 1906. Hart, A. B. Do the People Wish Civil Service Reform? (In his Prac- tical Essays on American Government.) Longmans. Leupp, Francis E. Civil Service Reform and Common Sense. Atlantic Mo. Feb. 1914, Vol. 113, Pp. 270-9. McBain, H. L. DeWitt Clinton and the Origin of the Spoils System in N. - Y. Longmans, $1.50. McCarthy, C. The Wisconsin Idea. Pp. 172-193. Macmillan, $1.50. Moses, R. The Civil Service of Great Britain. Longmans, Cloth, $2.50; Paper, $2.00. Roosevelt, T. Six years of Civil Service Reform (In his American Ideals). Putman, $1.50. Schurz, C. The Necessity and Progress of Civil Service Reform. Wash- ington. National Civic Reform League. U. S. Civil Service Commission, Annual Reports. 6. THE SUFFRAGE Abbott, L. Profession of Motherhood. Outlook, Apr. 10, 1909, Vol. 91 :- 836-40. Abbott, L. Why Women Do Not Wish the Suffrage. Atlantic Mo. Sept. 1908, Vol. 92:289-96. Allen, W. H. Woman's Part in Government. Dodd, $1.50. Bax, E. B. Creature of Privilege. Fortnightly Rev. Nov. 1911, Vol. 96:- 919-33. Buckley, J. M. The Wrong and Peril of Woman Suffrage. Revell, $.75. Buckley, J. M. Wrongs and Perils of Woman Suffrage. Century Mag. Aug. 1894, Vol. 48 :613-23. Dicey, A. V. Woman Suffrage. Quarterly Rev. Mar. 1909, Vol. 210 :276-304. Eastman, M. Is Woman Suffragae Important? No. Amer. Rev. June, 1911, Vol. 193:60-71. Franklin, M. L. The Case for Woman's Suffrage: A Complete Bibli- ography With Quotations. Nat. Am. Woman's Suffrage Assoc. 505 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City. $.90. Frothingham, O. B. Real Case of Remonstrants Against Woman Suffrage. Arena, July, 1890, Vol. 2:175-81. Gardner, H. H. Shall Women Vote? Arena, Dec. 1895, Vol. 15 :67-79. George, W. L. Women and Tomorrow. Appleton, $1.25. Gilman, C. P. Woman and Economics. Small, $1.50. Harper, I. H. Would Woman Suffrage Benefit the State and Woman Herself? No. Amer. Rev. Mar. 1904, Vol. 178:362-74. Harper, I. H. Woman Suffrage^A Right. No. Amer. Rev. Sept. 21, 1906, Vol. 183:484-98. Harper, I. H. Why Women Cannot Vote in the U. S. No. Amer. Rev. July 1904, Vol. 179:30-41. Harvey, G. Inherent Right. No. Amer. Rev. May, 1910, Vol. 191:700-20. Hecker, E. A. Short History of Woman's Rights. Putnam, $1.50. Hoar, G. F. Right and Expediency of Woman Suffrage. Century Mag. Aug. 1894, Vol. 48 : 605-13. CURRENT PROBLEMS 23 Hughes, J. L. Last Protest Against Woman's Enfranchisement. Arena, July 1894, Vol. 10:201-13. Johnston, M. Woman's War. Atlantic Mo. Apr. 1910, Vol. 106 :559-70. Jones, G. E. Some Impediments to Woman Suffrage. No. Amer. Rev. Aug. 1909, Vol. 190:158-69. ^ Key, Ellen. The Woman Movement. Putnam, $1.50. Livermore, M. A. Woman Suffrage. No. Amer. Rev. Oct. 1886, Vol. 143:- 371-81. Meredith, E. What it Means to be an Enfranchised Woman. Atlantic Mo. Aug. 1908, Vol. 102:196-202. Meyer, A. N. Woman's Assumption of Sex Superiority. No. Amer. Rev. Jan. 1904, Vol. 178:101-9. O'Rell, M. Petticoat Government. No. Amer. Rev. July, 1890, Vol. 163:- 101-9. ' Rembaugh, B. Political Status of Women in the United States. Putnam, $1.00. , ; } Seawell, M. E. Ladies' Battle. Atlantic Mo. Sept. 1910, Vol. 106 :289-303. V Schirmacher, K. Modern Woman's Rights Movement. Macmillan, $1.50. Scott, B L. Woman's Relation to Government No. Amer. Rev. Apr. 1910, Vol. 191:549-58. Significance of Woman Suffrage Movement. Annals of Amer. Acad. May 1910. Vol. 35, Supplement, pp. 1-37. Squire, B. The Woman Movement in America. McClurg, $.75. Stanton, E. C. and Others. History of Woman Suffrage. Vol. 4, National Woman Suffrage, $2.00. y Sumner, H. L. Equal Suffrage. How It Works In Colorado. Harper, $2.00. /Tarbell, Ida. The Business of Being a Woman. Macmillan, $1.25. Thomas, W. I. Votes for Women. American Mag. July, 1909, Vol. 68:- 292-301. Ward, M. A. Woman's Anti-Suffrage Movement. Nineteenth Century, Aug. 1908, Vol. 64:343-52. Woman Suffrage, Woman Citizen's Library, Vols. VII and VIII. Write Mrs. G. M. Henderson, 1202 Odd Fellows Bldg., Indianapolis, for literature in favor of Woman Suffrage. Write N. Y. State Assoc. opposed to Woman Suffrage, 29 W. Thirty-ninth St., New York City, for literature opposing Woman Suffrage. 7. LEGAL STATUS OF WOMAN Bayles, G. J. Woman and the Law. Century Co., $1.40. Foster. Legal Rights of Women. Women's Pub. Co., Detroit, Mich. Goldmark, J. C. Working Women and the Laws. Amer. Acad. $.25. Hard. W. Series in Delineator, Oct. 1911-Dec. 1912. Digest of Laws of Indiana of Special Application to Women and Children. Bulletin No. 5 Legislative Reference Bureau. Gratis. Wilson, J. L. Legal and Political Status of Women in the United States. * The Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, la., $2.50. Woman and the Law. Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. VIII. 24 INDIANA UNIVEESITT 8. CURRENT PROBLEMS For references on current problems see titles under Economic Problems, p. 28, and Social Problems, p. 37. 9. THE NEED OF A NEW CONSTITUTION FOB INDIANA American Year Book 1909-13. Appleton. Dodd, W. F. Revision and Amendment of State Constitutions. Johns Hop- kins Press, $2.00. Ellingham vs. Dye. Northeastern Reporter, Vol. 99. pp. 1-39. New Constitution for Indiana. An Outline and Some Student Speeches. Bulletin Indiana Univ. Vol. XI, No. 10. Proceedings of Conference on Taxation in Indiana. Indiana University Bulletin. Vol. XII, No. 5. $.50. Reinsch, P. S. Readings on American State Government, Pp. 435-465. Longmans, $2.25. Stimson, F. J. Federal and State Constitutions. Boston Book Co., $3.50. Woodburn, J. A. The Need of a New Constitution for Indiana. The In- diana Franchise League, Indianapolis. $.10. The discussion of the details of a new constitution for Indiana nat- urally involves the consideration of such vital questions as the suffrage, direct primaries, initiative and referendum, recall, commission government for cities, short ballot, regulation of the liquor traffic and tax reform. References upon these topics will be found under the appropriate headings in this bulletin. 0. The Federal Government 1. GENEEAL REFERENCES Ashley, R. L. The American Federal State. Macmillan, $2.90. Beard, C. A. American Government and Politics. Macmillan, $2.10. Beard, C. A. Readings in American Government and Politics. Macmillan, $1.90. Bryce, J. The American Commonwealth, Vol. I. Macmillan, $2.00. Cleveland, F. A. Organized Democracy. Longmans, $2.50. Hart, A. B. Practical Essays on American Government. Longmans. Haskin, F. J. American Government Lippincott, $1.00. Johnston, A. American Political History. Putnam, 2 vols. Putnam, $2.00 each. MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics, Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. VI. Merriam, C. E. A History of American Political Theories. Macmillan, $1.50. Reinsch, P. S. Civil Government. Sanborn, $.60. Reinsch, P. S. Readings on American Federal Government. Longmans, $2.25. Smith, J. A. The Spirit of American Government. Macmillan, $1.25. Willoughby, W. W. The American Constitutional System. Century Co., $1.25. CUKKENT PROBLEMS 25 Wilson, W. Congressional Government in the United States, Houghton, $1.25. Woodburn, J. A. The American Republic and Its Government. Putnam. $2.00. 2. THE ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH (a) The President and Cabinet Finley, J. H. and Sanderson, J. F. The American Executive and Executive Methods. Century Co., $1.25. Hinsdale, Mary. The President's Cabinet. (Historical Studies). Univ. of Michigan, $1.75. Learned, H. B. The President's Cabinet. Yale University Press, $2.50. MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics. Vol. VI of Woman Citizen's Library. Mason, E. C. The Veto Power. Harvard Historical Studies, (1890). Longmans. Stanwood, Edward. A History of the Presidency. Houghton, $1.75. (I)) Departments, Bureaus, and Commissions Consult reports of the same. See also general references above, under Federal Government, p. 24. 3. THE CONGRESS Follett, M. P. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Longmans, $1.75. Fuller, II. B. Speakers of the House. Little, $2.00. Kerr, C. H. The United States Senate. McCall, S. W. The Business of Congress. Columbia University Lectures. Lemcke, $1.50. McConachie, L. G. Congressional Committees. Crowell, $1.75. MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics of Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. VI. Reinsch, P. S. American Legislatures and Legislative Methods. Century Co., $1.25. Wilson, W. Congressional Government. Lemcke, $1.50. See also titles under Legislatures, p. 19. 4. THE JUDICIARY Baldwin, S, E. The American Judiciary. Century Co., $1.25. Beard, C. A. The Supreme Court and the Constitution. Macmillan, $1.00. Dougherty, J. N. Power of the Federal Judiciary Over Legislation. Put- nam, $1.00. Haines, C. G. The American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy. Macmil- lan, $2.00. McLaughlin, A. C. The Courts, The Constitution, and Parties. Univ. of Chicago Press, $1.50. Ransom, W. L. Majority Rule and the Judiciary. Scribner, $.60. Roe, G. E. Our Judicial Oligarchy. Huebsch, $1.00. 26 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Willoughby, W. W. The Supreme Court of the United States. Johns Hop- kins Univ. Press, $1.25. See also titles under Initiative, Referendum and Recall, p. 21. 5. PARTIES AND ELECTIONS Brooks, N. A Short Study in Party Politics. Scribner, $1.25. Dougherty, J. H. The Electoral System of the United States. Putnam, $2.00. Ford, H. J. The Rise and Growth of American Politics. Macmillan, $1.50. Griffith, E. C. The Rise and Development of the Gerrymander. Scott, $1.25. Haynes, G. H. The Election of United States Senators. Holt, $1.50. Jones, C. L. Readings on Parties and Elections. Macmillan, $1.60. MacGregor, F. H. Practical Politics, Vol. VI of Woman Citizen's Library. Macy, J. Party Organization. Century Co., $1.25. Merriam, C. E. Primary Elections. Univ. of Chicago Press, $1.25. Meyer, E. C. Nominating Systems, Author. $1.50. New York World Almanac. Ostrogorski, M. Democracy and the Party System. Macmillan, $1.75. Ray, P. O. Introduction to Political Parties and Practical Politics. Scrib- ner, $1.50. Woodburn, J. A. Political Parties and Party Problems in the United States. Putnam, $2.00. American Year Book, 1909-1913, Appleton, $3.00. Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature. See also titles under Commonwealth Direct Primary, p. 21. 6. CURRENT PROBLEMS (a) Conservation Clark, J. B. Economics of Waste and Conservation. Atlantic Mo., Sept. 1910, Vol. 106 :325-31. Conservation of Natural Resources; Amer. Acad., $1.50. Cronan, R. Our Wasteful Nation. Kennerly, $1.00. Douglas, J. Waste and Natural Resources. Smithsonian Institution, An- nual Report, 1909, Pp. 317-29. Gregory, M. H. Checking the Waste. Bobbs-Merrill, $1.25. Knapp, J. L. Other Side of Conservation. No. Amer. Review, Apr. 1910. Laut, A. C. Conservation of National Good. Outing, May 1909, Vol. 54:- 227-45. McKee, J. R. The Public and the Conservation Policy. No. Amer. Re- view, Oct. 1910, Vol. 192 :493-503. Mitchell, C. E. Checking the Waste of Our National Resources. Rev. of Rev., May 1908, Vol. 37:585-92. National Conservation Commission, Report, Feb. 1909. 3 vols., $1.95, Supt. of Documents. National Conservation Congress, Addresses and Proceedings, 1909-1913. Pinchot, G. The Fight for Conservation. Doubleday, $.60. CURRENT PROBLEMS 27 Price, O. W. The Land We Live In. Small, $1.50. Rockwood, E. W. Work of the Chemist in Conservation. Pop. Science Mo., Mar. 1911, Vol. 78:291-304. Roosevelt, T. Weightiest Problem Before Our People. Chautauquan, June 1909, Vol. 55:33-43. Scott, L. M. Why East and West Differ on The Conservation Problem.^ Independent, Mar. 31, 1910, Vol. 68 : 697-9. Shaler, N. S. Man and The Earth. Dnffield, $1.50. Taft, W. H. Address Before the National Conservation Congress. Pop. Science Monthly, Oct. 1910, Vol. 77:313-22. Van Hise, C. R. Conservation of Natural Resources in the U. S. Macmillan, $2.00. Williams. H. S. Conservation of Natural Resources. Hearst's Magazine, Jan. 1913, Vol. 23:124-34. (~b) The Waste of War Angell, Norman. The Great Illusion. Putnam, $1.00. Bloch, Jean de. The Future of War. World Peace Foundation, $.65. Chauning, W. E. Discourses on War. World Peace Foundation, $.60. Jordan, D. S. The Unseen Empire. Amer. Unitarian Assoc., $1.25. Jordan, D. S. The Human Harvest. Amer. Unitarian Assoc., $1.00. Jordan, D. S. War and Waste. Doubleday, $1.25. Mead, L. A. Peace and Arbitration, Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. XI. Publications of the American Association for International Conciliation. 407 West 117th St. New York. Publications of the World Peace Foundation, 40 Mt. Vernon St. Boston. Many of the publications of these societies are free. For other references on the conservation of human resources see titles under Sanitation, p. , Labor Problems, p. , Child Problems, p. . (c) Currency and Banking (d) The Tariff, (e) Control of Trusts, (f) Immigration For references on these topics see Economic Problems, p. 44. On other current problems see titles under Labor Problems, p. 28, and Social Problems, p. 37. 7. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Beard, C. A. The Economic Interpretation of the Constitution. Macmillan, $2.25. Colin, M. M. An Introduction to the Study of the Constitution. Johns Hopkins Press, $1.50. Cooley, T. M. Constitutional Limitations. Little, $6.00. Goodnow, F. J. Social Reform and the Constitution. Macmillan, $1.50. McClain, E. Constitutional Law in the United States. Longmans, $2.25. Smith, J. A. The Spirit of American Government. Macmillan, $1.25. Stimsou, F. J. The American Constitution. Scribner, $1.25. Consult references under the Judiciary, p. 25. III. ECONOMIC PROBLEMS A. General Treatises on Economics Bullock, C. J. Introduction to the Study of Economics. (A good book for beginners). Silver, Burdett, $1.28. Clark, J. B. The Distribution of Wealth. Macmillan, $3.00. Ely, R. T. Outlines of Economics. Macmillan, $1.25. Fetter, F. A. Principles of Economics. Century Co., $2.00. Marshall, A. Principles of Economics. Vol. I. Macmillan, $4.00. Seager, H. R. Introduction to Economics. Holt, $2.25. Seligman, E. R. A. Principles of Economics. Longmans, $2.25. Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Caiman's Edition) (1904) 2 vols. Putnam, $6.00. Taussig, F. W. Principles of Economics (2 vols.). Macmillan, $4.00. B. Labor Problems Adams, T. S., and Sunnier, H. L. Labor Problems. Macmillan, $1.60. Carlton, F. T. History and Problems of Organized Labor. Heath, $2.00. Consult these two books on all labor topics, 1. WAGE SYSTEMS AND A MINIMUM WAGE Bolen, G. L. Getting a Living (cli. 5). Macmillan, $2.00. Boyle, J. Minimum Wage and Syndicalism. Stewart and Kidd, $1.00. Commons, J. R. Trade Unionism and Labor Problems, (pp. 270-288). Ginn, $2.40. Gilman, N. P. Profit Sharing. Houghton, $1.75. Millis, H A. Some Aspects of the Minimum Wage. Jour. Pol. Econ. Vol. XXII, p, 132. Feb. 1914 Ryan, J. A. A Living Wage. Macmillan, $1.00. Schloss, D. F. Industrial Remuneration. Putnam, $2.50. (a) Efficiency Systems Brandeis, L. D. Scientific Management of Railroads. Engineering Maga- zine Co., $1.00. Emerson, H. The Twelve Principles of Efficiency. Eng. Mag. Co., $2.00. Gilbreath, F. B. Motion Study. Van Nostrand, $2.00. Gilbreth, F. B. The Primer of Scientific Management. Van Nostraud, $1.00. Hartness, J. The Human Factor in Works Management. McGraw-Hill, $1.50. Muensterberg, H. Psychology and Industrial Efficiency. Houghton, $1.50. Taylor, F. W. The Principles of Scientific Management. Harper, $1.50. The Adjustment of Wages to Efficiency. Amer. Econ. Assoc. (1890). $.50. (28 CURRENT PROBLEMS 29 2. EIGHT HOUR DAY Articles in Survey, Jan. 11 and May 24, 1913. Bolen, G. L, Getting a Living. Macmillan, $2.00. Brandeis, L. D., and Goldmark, J. Women in Industry. National Con- sumers' League, 305 E. 22d St., New York. Commons, J R. Trade Unionism and Labor Problems. Ginn, $2.40. Goldmark, J. Fatigue and Efficiency. Survey Co., $2.00. Mitchell, J. Organized Labor. Amer. Book and Bible House, $1.75. 3. LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Andrews, J. B. The History of Women in Trade Unions. Barnett, G. E. The Printers. Amer. Econ. Assoc. $1.50. Brooks, J. G. American Syndicalism. The I. W. \V. Macmillan, $1.25. Commons, J. R. Trade Unionism and Labor Problems. Ginn, $2.40. Gompers, S. Labor in Europe and America. Harper, $2.00. Herron, B. M. Progress of Labor Organizations among Women. Bulletin of Univ. of Illinois, $1.00. Hollander, J. H., and Barnett, G. E. Studies in American Trade Unionism. Holt, $2.75. Lite and Labor. Official Organ of Woman's Trade Union League, 127 Dearborn St., Chicago. Mitchell, J. Organized Labor. Amer. Book and Bible House, $1.75. Robins, M. D. Trade Unionism for Women. Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. XI. Spargo, J. Syndicalism, Industrial Unionism and Socialism. Huebsch, $1.50. Webb, S., and Webb, B. Industrial Democracy. Longmans, $3.75. 4. EMPLOYER'S ORGANIZATIONS Gilinan, N. P. Methods of Industrial Peace. Hough ton, $1.60. Mitchell, J. Organized Labor, Ainer. Book and Bible House, $1.75. 5. STRIKES, BOYCOTTS, AND LOCKOUTS Bolen, G. L. Getting a Living. Macmillan, $2.00. Commons, J. R. Trade Unionism and Labor Problems. Ginn, $2.40. Crosby, O. T. Strikes : when to strike, how to strike. Putnam, $1.25. Huebner, G. G. Boycotting and Blacklisting. Wisconsin Free Library Commission. Laidler, H. W. Boycotts and the Labor Struggle. Lane, $2.00. Mitchell, J. Organized Labor. Amer. Book and Bible House, $1.75. Reed. Peaceable Boycotting. Annals. Amer. Acad. Vol. V. Spedden, E. R. The Trade Union Label. Johns Hopkins Press, $1.00, Paper $.50. Warne, F. J. The Anthracite Coal Strike. Annals Amer. Acad. Vol. 17, pp. 15-52, $.35. 30 INDIANA UNIVERSITY 6. ARBITRATION AND CONCILIATION Addresses before the National Convention of Employers and Employes, held at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 22-25, 1902. Public Policy, Chicago. Bulletins of the Bureau of Labor, Nos. 40, 46, 49, 51, 55, 56, 60, 62, 76, 86, 98. Carlton, F. T. The history and problems of organized labor. Heath, $2.00. Clark, E. E. Arbitration of industrial disputes. Annals, Sept. 1904, Vol. 24, Pp. 285-295. Clark, V. S. The labour movement in Australasia, Pp. 154-245. Holt, $1.50. Commons, J. R. Trade Unionism and Labor Problems. Ginn, $2,40. Cunningham, Win. J. Locomotive engineers' arbitration: its antecedents and its outcome. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Feb. 1913, Vol. 27, Pp. 263-294. Eliot, C. W. Best way to prevent industrial warfare. McClure's, Sept. 1909, Vol. 33, Pp. 515-519. Gilman, N. P. Methods of Industrial Peace. Hough ton, $1.60. Knoop. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration. P. S. King, 3s, 6d. Lloyd, H. D. A country without Strikes. Doubleday, $1.00. Mitchell, J. Organized Labor. Am. Bk. and Bible House, $1.75. National conference on industrial conciliation. Chicago, 1894. Hollister & Bro. Pigou, Arthur C. Principles and methods of industrial peace. Macmillan, $1.10. Stewart, E. Canadian industrial disputes act. Survey, June 1, 1912, Vol. 28, Pp. 399-403. Willoughby, Wm. F. Industrial arbitration and conciliation. Wright and Potter. 7. WOMEN IN INDUSTRY Abbott, E. Women in Industry. Appleton, $2.00. Andrews, I. O. Laws affecting Woman's Work Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. VIII, p. 2037. Barnes, E. Woman in Modern Society. Huebsch, $1.25. Butler, E. B. Women and the Trades. Survey Co., $1.50. Carlton, F. T. Education and Industrial Evolution. Macmillan, $1.25. Commons, J. R. Trade Unionism and Labor Problems. Ginn, $2.40. Kelley, F. Some Ethical Gains Through Legislation. Macmillan, $1.25. Kellor, F. A. Out of Work. Putnam, $1.25. MacLean, A. M. Wage-Earning Women. Macmillan, $1.25. Perkins, A. F. Vocations for the Trained Woman. Longmans, Paper, Schreiner, O. Woman and Labor. Stokes, $1.25. Stetson, C. P. G. Woman and Economics. Small & Maynard, $1.50. Strachan, G. Equal Pay for Equal Work. Buck and Co., $1.00. Van Vorst, M. The Woman Who Toils. Doubleday, $1.50. 8. CHILD LABOR Addams, J. Child Labor and Pauperism. Proceedings of National Con- ference of Charities and Correction, 1903, $1.25. Clopper, E. N. Child Labor in Indiana, Kentucky, and the Ohio Valley (three pamphlets). Natl. Child Labor Com. Gratis. CURRENT PROBLEMS 31 Clopper, E. N. Child Labor in City Streets. Macmillan, $1.25. Goldmark, J. Child Labor Legislation. An Annual Handbook of the Na- tional Consumers' League, N. Y. Hoffman, F. L. The Social and Medical Aspects of Child Labor. National Conference of Charities and Correction, 1903, $1.25. Kelley, F. Some Ethical Gains from Legislation. Macmillan, $1.25. Key, E. The Century of the Child. Putnam, $1.50. Lovejoy, O. R. Child Labor in America. Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. X. Mangold, G. B. Child Problems. Macmillan, $1.25. Nearing, S. The Child Labor Problem. Moffat, $1.00. Riis, J. A. Children of the Tenements. Macmillan, $1.50. Spargo, J. The Bitter Cry of the Children. Macmillan, $1.50. United State Bureau of Census, Bulletin 69. United States Bureau of Labor, Bulletins 52, 73, 80. Publications of the National Child Labor Committee. 105 E. 22d St., N. Y. City. Publications of the American Association for Labor Legislation. 9. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION American Labor Legislation Review, Vol. Ill, No. 3. Amer. Assoc. for Labor Legislation, $1.00. Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor. Nos. 74 and 90. Supt. of Documents. Campbell, G. L. Industrial Accident Compensation. Houghton, $1.00. Eastman, C. Work, Accidents and the Laws. Survey Co., $1.50. Frankel, L. K. and Dawson, M. M. Workingmen's Compensation in Europe. Survey Co., $2.50. Hard, W. Law of the killed and wounded. Everybody's Magazine. Henderson, C. II. Industrial Insurance in the United States. Univ. of Chicago Press, $2.00. Lewis, F. W. State Insurance. Houghton, $1.25. Oliver, Sir T. Diseases of Occupation. Dutton, $3.00. Seager, H. R. Social Insurance. Macmillan, $1.00. Survey, Nov. 23, 1912, March 8 and April 5, 1913. Tolman, W. H. and Kendall, L. B. Safety : Methods of Preventing Occupa- tional and other Accidents and Diseases. Harper, $3.00. Twenty-third Annual Report of the Commissioner of Labor, (U. S.). Supt. of Documents. Workmen's Compensation Laws of the U. S. and Foreign Countries. Bul- letin No. 120, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D. C. 10. THE UNEMPLOYED AND UNEMPLOYABLE Beveridge, W. H. Unemployment. Longmans, $2.80. Clark. Minimum Wage. Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 112:293-97. September, 1913. Coinan, K. Insurance against unemployment in Norway and Denmark. Survey, March 14, 1914. Hunter, R. Poverty (Pp. 27-35). Macmillan, $1.50. Kellor, F. A. Out of Work. Putnam, $1.25. 32 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Kelly, E. Employment for the Unemployed. Century, Vol. 76:470-4. July, 1908. Kropotkin. Cause of So-called Industrial Idleness. Craftsman, Vol. 1H:6G9-74. March 1008. Loiseron, W. M. Public Employment Officers, Pol. Science Quart. Vol. 29, March, 1014. Report of Proceedings of Conference on Employment, Feb. 1914. Amer. Assoc. for Labor Legislation. Solenberger, A. W. One Thousand Homeless Men. Survey Co., $1.25. Streightoff, F. H. Standards of Living Among the Industrial People of America (Pp. 1G4-67). Houghton, $1.00. The Unemployment Problem in America. Am. Assoc. for Labor Legislation, 1911. Unemployment. Forum, Feb., May, June, July, 1894. Warner. American Charities. Ch. VIII. Crowell, $2.00. 11. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STOCKHOLDER AND CITIZEN FOR UNFAVOR- ABLE LABOR CONDITIONS Articles in American Magazine, March 1011. Oct. 1912. Byington, M. F. Homestead. Survey Co., $1.50. Fitch, J A. Steel Workers. Survey Co., $1.50. Fitch, J. A. Steel Cities. Survey Magazine, Oct. 7, Nov. 4, Dec. 2, 1912; Jan. 6, Feb. 3, Mar. 1 (Gary), Apr. 6, 1913. Redfield, W. C. The New Industrial Day. Chs. I and VII. Century Co., $1.25. Taylor, G. Religion in Social Action. Dodd, $1.25. 12. LABOR LAWS AND THEIR ENFORCEMENT Commons, J. R. Labor and Administration. Macmillan, $1.60. Edwards, A. M. The Labor Legislation of Connecticut. Amer. Econ. Assoc., $1.00. Field, A. S. The Child Labor Policy of New Jersey. Amer. Econ. Assoc., $1.25. Goldmark, J. Fatigue and Efficiency. Survey Co., $3.50. Hutchins, B. L., and Harrison, A. The History of Factory Legislation. P. S. King and Sons. 3s. 6d. Kelley, F. Factory Inspection. Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. XI. Kingsbury, S. M. Labor Laws and Their Enforcement. Longmans, $2.00. The Administration of Labor Laws. Amer. Labor Legislation Review. Vol. Ill, No. 4. Amer. Assoc. for Labor Legislation. $1.00. C. The Control of Trusts Clark, J B., and Clark, J. M. Control of Trusts. Macmillan, $1.00. Control of Trusts. Amer. Acad. July 1908, Vol. 32, $1.00. Ely, R. T. Monopolies and Trusts. Macmillan, $1.25. Jenks, J. W. Trust Problem. Doubleday, $1.00. Pujo Investigating Committee; Report. (Write your Congressman.) Ripley, W. Z. (Ed). Trusts, Pools and Corporations. Ginn, $2.15. CURRENT PROBLEMS 33 Stevens, W. S. Industrial Combinations and Trusts. Maemillan, $2.00. United States Bureau of Corporations. Reports. Van Hise, C. R. Concentration and Control. Macmillan, $2.00. Wyman, B. Control of the Market. Moffat, $1.50. D. The Tariff Ashley, P. W. L. Modern Tariff History ; Germany, France and the United States, (rev. ed.) Dutton, $3.00. Bastable, C. F. Theory of International Trade. Macmillan, $1.25. Bolen, G. L. Plain Facts as to the Trusts and the Tariff. Macmillan, $1.50. Curtis, J. F. The Administrative Provisions of the Revenue. Act of 1913. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Nov. 1913, Vol. 28, Pp. 31-45. Evans, S. M. Making a Tariff Law. Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 18, P. 793. Fisk, G. M. The Payne-Aldrich Tariff. Political Science Quarterly, March 1910, Vol. 25, P. 35. Grosvenor, W. M. Does Protection Protect? Appleton, $3.00. McCall, S. W. The Payne Tariff Act. Atlantic Monthly, Oct. 1909. New Tariff Bill. Literary Digest, April 19, 1913. Vol. 46:874-0. Proposed Tariff. A Poll of the Press. Outlook, April 19, 1913, Vol. 103 :851-5. Redfield, W. C. The New Industrial Day. Century Company, $1.25. Shaw, A. (Ed.). National Revenues (1888). McClurg, $1.00. Tarbell, Ida M. Tariff in Our Times. Macmillan, $1.50. Taussig, F. W. Tariff History of the United States. (5th ed. rev.) Put- nam, $1.50. Taussig, F. W. The Tariff Act of 1913. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Nov. 1913. Vol. 28, pp. 1-30. Thompson, R. E. Protection to Home Industry. Appleton, $1.00. What Foreigners Think of Our New Tariff. A Poll of the Press. Outlook, Oct. 11, 1913. Vol. 105:353-5. Willis, H. P. The Tariff of 1909. Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 17, P. 589; Vol. 18, Pp. 1 and 173. Willis, H. P. The Tariff of 1913. Journ. Pol. Econ. Jan., Feb., March, 1914. Vol. 22, IV, Pp. 1, 105, 201. Wilson, W. The Tariff Make-Belief. No. Amer. Review. Oct. 1909. Woodrow Wilson and the New Tariff Bill. Current Opinion, May 1913. Vol. 54:354-6. E. Banking and Currency Carlile, W. W. The Evolution o.">. Ogden, R. Aspects of Journalism. Atlantic, Vol. 98:12-20. Plea for Endowed News. Andover Rev., Vol. 12 :485. Pi-ess and Public Men. Century, 20 :853. Press and the Party. Anier. Journ. Pol. Sci.. Vol. 2 :432. Press and the Pulpit. Westin., Vol. 137 :601. Press, Pulpit, Pew. Meth. Rev., Vol. 55:68. Public, the Newspaper's Problem. Outlook, Vol. 91 :791-5. Public Service and Public Journalism. Harper's Weekly, Vol. 57 :3-4. Ross, E. A. Changing America (ch. on the Press) ; also articles in Satur- day Evening Post Sunday Newspaper. Critic, Vol. 13:37. The United Press. American Mag., Vol. 75 :41-42. Watterson, H. Personal Journalism. Atlantic, Vol. 106:40-47. 2. THE PERIODICAL Alden. Magazine Writing and the New Literature. Harper, $2.00. Literary Digest. Nov. 2, 1912. World's Work. Sept 1912. The following periodicals contain numerous articles concerning social and political problems*: American, Atlantic, Century, Collier's, Current Opinion, Everybody's, Forum. Harper's Magazine, Harper's Weekly, Inde- CURRENT PROBLEMS 55 pendent, La Follelte's, Literary Digest, McClure's, North American Review, Outlook, Public, Review of Reviews, Saturday Evening Post, Scribner's, Survey, World's Work, American City, and National Municipal Review. C, The Library Adams, H. B. Public Libraries and Popular Education. New York State Library, Albany. $.10. American Library Assoc. Papers and Proceedings of Annual Meetings. $2.00 each. Bostwick, A. E. American Public Library. American City Bureau. $1.62 Postpaid. Chase, M. J. Public Libraries and Art Education. Miss Mabel J. Chase, Nutley, N. J. Dana, J. C. A Library Primer. American City Bureau. $1.09, Postpaid. Gillette, J. M. The Socialization of the Library. American Municipalities, Nov. 1907. Hutchins, F. A. Traveling Libraries. Amer. Library Assoc. $.05. Keogh, A. The Institutional Church and the Public Library. Yale Univ- Library, New Haven, Conn. Kern, O. J. Among Country Schools. Chap. 6. Ginn, $1.50. Library and the School. Harper, $.50. Marvin, C. Small Library Buildings, Amer. City Bureau, $1.25. Postpaid. Putnam, H. Libraries for Everybody. World's Work, July, 1905. Stearns, L. E. Traveling Libraries in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Free Library. Gratis. The Library as a Social Center. Carnegie Library, Homestead, Pa. D. Art Galleries and Exhibitions Art Instruction in the U. S. Scribner Mag., Vol. 50 :253. Johnston, E. B. Art in Indiana. Outlook, Vol. 98 :433. Keeler, C. A. Municipal Art in American Cities. Craftsman, Vol. 8:584. Knaufft, E. Art Activities in the U. S. ; Review of Reviews, Vol. 41 :49. Meyer, A. N. What American Museums are Doing for Native Art. Cen- tury Mag., Vol. 72:922. Museums and the Teaching of Art in the Public Schools. Scribner's Mag., Vol. 52:124. New York Art Commission. Report. Syndicating Art for Smaller Cities. Century Mag., Vol. 80:632. Triggs, O. L. Chapters in the History of the Arts and Crafts Movement. Bohemia Guild of Industrial Art League, $3.00. E. The Drama Andrews, C. Drama of Today. Lippincott, $1.50. Archer, W. Playmaking. Small, Maynard, $2.00. Burton, R. The New American Drama. Crowell, $1.25. Eaton, W. P. How to Secure Better Plays in Small Towns. American Magazine, June, 1910. 56 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Hale, E. E., Jr. Dramatists of Today. Holt, $1.50. Hamilton. C. Theory of the Theater and Other Essays in Dramatic Criti- cism. Holt, $1.50. Heniger, A. M. H. The Children's Educational Theater. Harper, $1.25. Heniger, A. M. H. Drama's Value for Children. Good Housekeeping, Nov., 1913, and followng numbers. Hunt, E. The Play of Today. Lane, $1.50. Mackaye, P. The Civic Theater in Relation to the Redemption of Leisure. Survey Co., $1.50. Symons, A. Plays, Acting, and Music. Dutton, $2,00. The Open Air Theater and Its Possibilities. Play-Book (Mag.), June, 1913. Walky, A. B. Drama and Life. Brentano, $1.75. Weygandt, C. Irish Plays and Playwrights. Houghton, $2.00. For information concerning the work of the Drama League of America, write Mrs. H. W. Duncanson, Secy., 5457 Winthrop Ave., Chicago; or W. O. Bates, Secy., of Drama League of Indianapolis, Woodruff Place, Indianapolis. SOME MODERN PLAYS WITH A SOCIAL PURPOSE Bennett, A. and Knoblauch, E. Milestones. Doran, $1.00. Crothers, R. A Man's World. Galsworthy, J. The Eldest Son. The Pigeon. Justice. In one Vol. Scrib- ner, $1.50. Kennedy, C. R. The Servant in the House. Harper, $1.00. Kennedy, C. R. The Necessary Evil. Harper, $1.00. Kennedy, C. R. The Terrible Meek. Harper, $1.00. Kenyon, C. Kindling. Dillingham, $1.25. Middleton, G. Tradition and Other Plays. Holt, $1.35. Patterson. The Fourth Estate. $.50. Zangwill, I. The Melting Pot. Macmillan, $1.25. F. Moving Pictures Brewer, C. B. Widening Field of the Moving Picture. Century Mag., May, 1913. Cleveland Investigation of Motion Pictures. Amer. Mag., Aug. 1913. Drama of the People. Independent Vol. 69:713. Eaton, W. P. The Menace of the Movies. Amer. Mag., Sept., 1913. Fisher, B. Motion Pictures to Make Good Citizens; Possibilities of Mo- tion Pictures for Civics, Education and the Teaching of Hygiene. American City, Vol. 7 :234. Hamilton, C. Art of the Moving Picture Play. Bookman, Vol. 32:512. Jan., 1911. Howells, W. D. Cinematographic Show ; Its Essence and Influence. Harper's Magazine, Vol. 125:634. Sept. 1912. Hubbard, D. O. Moving Picture; the Good and the Bad of It. Outlook, Vol. 101 :598. CUKBENT PROBLEMS 57 National Board of .Censorship of Motion Pictures : Suggestions for a Model Ordinance for Regulating Motion Picture Theaters, 50 Madison Ave., New York, $.10. Outlook, Vol. 98, p. 381 and 441. June 24, 1911. Report of the Child Conference for Research, 1910, P. 108. Stechert, J2.50. Survey, Vol. 26, p. 206. May 6, 1911. Survey, Vol. 26, p. 469. July 1, 1911. Survey, Vol. 27, p. 1060. Oct., 1911. Talbot, F. A. Moving Pictures; How They are Made and Worked. (Con- quests of Science.) Lippincott, 1912. P. 340. $1.50. World's Work, Vol. 21, p. 14018. Feb., 1911. For lists of educational films and pamphlets write Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 31 W. Lake St., Chicago; General Film Co., 15 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago; George Kleine, 166 N. State St., Chicago; The Commercial Filmers, 173 N. Green St., Chicago; New York Child Wel- fare Committee, 500 5th Ave., New York; Russell Sage Foundation, 102 East 22d St., New York ; Thos. A. Edison Co., Orange, N. J. G. Civic Exhibits and Social Museums Allen, W. H. New York's First Budget Exhibit. Rev. of Reviews. Dec.. 1908. City Welfare. Aids and Opportunity. Bulletin No. 13, Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 2558 West 16th St. ; contains valuable infor- mation concerning the preparation of exhibits, sources from which they may be obtained, etc. Friedman, I. K. Chicago Child Welfare Exhibit, Survey, June 10, 1911. Giving the Child a Chance. Harper's) Weekly, Jan. 28, 1911. Peabody, F. G. The Social Museum as an Instrument of University Teach- ing. Publications of Dept. of Applied Ethics, No. 4. Harvard Uni- versity. Gratis. Wade, H. T. New York's Budget Exhibit. Rev. of Reviews. Nov., 1911. See also articles on Child Welfare Exhibits in the Survey, Feb. 11, 1911 ; Dec. 2, 1911 ; Feb. 17, 1932. For further information address Chicago Child Welfare Committee, 31 W. Lake St., Chicago; Dept. of Surveys and Exhibits of Russell Sage Foundation, 31 Union Square, New York ; American City Bureau, 93 Nassau St., New York ; and Educational Exhibition Co., Providence, R. I. H. The Novel Burton, R. Masters of the English Novel. Holt, $1.25. Herrick, R. The American Novel. Yale Review, 1914. Norris, . Responsibility of the Novelist. Doubleday, $1.25. Phelps, W. L. Essays on Modern Novelists. Macniillan, $1.50. Wells, H. G. The Contemporary Novel. Atlantic Mo., Vol. 109:1-11. Jan., 1912. Whitmore, C. H. Woman's Work in English Fiction. Putnam, $1.25. 58 INDIANA UNIVERSITY SOME RECENT FICTION WITH A SOCIAL PURPOSE Duncan, N. The Best of a Bad Job. Revell, $1.00. Edwards, A. Comrade Yetta. Macmillan, $1.35. Edwards, A. A Man's World. Macmillan, $1.25. Glasgow, E. Virginia. Doubleday, $1.35. Harrison, H. S. V. V.'s Eyes. Houghton, $1.35. Herrick, R. Together. Grosset, $.75. Kelly, . Little Citizens. Doubleday, $1.50. Oppenheim, J. Pay Envelopes. Huebsch, $1.25. Stringer, A. The Shadow. Century, $1.25. Tarkington, B. The Flirt. Doubleday, $1.35. Ward, Mrs. H. Mating of Lydia. Doubleday, $1.35. Wells, H. G. The New Machiavelli. Duffield, $1.35. Wells, H. G. Marriage. Duffield, $1.35. White, W. A. A Certain Rich Man. Grosset, $.50. I. Voluntary Organizations 1. CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS Brackett, J. R, Supervision and Education in Charity. Macmillan, $1.00. Devine, E. T. Principles of Relief. Macmillan, $2.00. Henderson, C. R. Modern Methods of Charity. Macmillan, $3.50. Lee, J. Constructive and Preventive Philanthropy. Macmillan, $1.00. Richmond, M. E. Friendly Visiting Among the Poor. Macmillan, $1.00. Warner, A. G. American Charities, ch. XIX. Crowell, $2.00. Waters, Y. Visiting Nursing in the United States. Survey Co., $1.25 Post- paid. Write Mary E. Richmond, Director Charity Organization Dept, Russell Sage Foundation, 105 East 22d St., New York. 2. SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS Addams, J. Twenty Years at Hull House. Macmillan, $1.50. Henderson, C. R. Social Settlements. Wessels, $.60. Hull House Year Book. Jan. 1, 1913, 800 S. Halsted St. Woods, R. A. (Ed.) The City Wilderness: A Settlement Study. Hough- ton, $1.50. Woods, R. A., and Kennedy, A. J. Handbook of Settlements. Survey Co., Cloth, $1.64 Postpaid; Paper, $.88 Postpaid. Contains extended bibli- ography. 3. WOMEN'S CLUBS Allen, W. H. Woman's Part in Government Whether She Votes or Not. Dodd, $1.50. Bulletins of the American Civic Association, 25c each. The House Beauti- ful and Its Relation to the City Beautiful. Suggestions for Beautify- ing Home, Village and Roadway. How of Improvement Work. Ad- dress Richard B. Watrous, Sec., Amer. Civic Assoc., Washington, D. C, Dorr, R. C. What Eight Million Women Want. Pp. 17. Small, $2.00. CUEKENT PROBLEMS 59 Gale, Z. Civic Improvement in Little Towns. Wisconsin Suffrage Head- quarters, Madison, $.25. Gale, Z. Toward Democracy. Wisconsin Suffrage Headquarters, Madison, $.05. Nation Wide Work for Civic Betterment by Women's Clubs. American City, Vol. VI, No. 6. June, 1912 (Women's Number). $.25. Nicholas, A. E. How Women Can Help in the Administration of a City. Woman Citizen's Library, Vol. IX. Riokert, E. What Women's Clubs Have Really Done. Ladies Home Jour., Vol. 29:12. Oct., 1912. Series in The Gospel of the Kingdom, April, May, and June, 1912. (Woman in the Home and in Industry and Woman's Public Activities.) Social Forces. Pub. by Wisconsin Woman's Suffrage Association, Madison, Wis., $.15. Contains many excellent suggestions. White, M. E. D. Work of the Woman's Club. Atlantic, Vol. 93 :614. Work of Women's Clubs. Annals of the Amer. Acad., Vol. 28, No. 2, Sept., 1906. 4. CHILDREN'S CLUBS A Plan for Interesting Children in Civic Betterment. American City. Vol. 8, P. 415, April, 1913. Civics in the Schools. School Review, Vol. 17, P. 665. Univ. of Chicago Press. Price 20c per copy. This article i-s also reprinted in Irving King's book : Social Aspects of Education. Macmillan, $1.60. Dole, C. F. Young Citizen. Heath, $.45. Dunn, A. W. Community and the Citizen. Heath, $.75. Jenks, J. W. Life Questions for High School Boys. Assoc. Press, 124 E. 28th St., New York. $.40. Junior Civic League Experiment. Children Clean Up City and are Given Seeds for Planting. Survey, Vol. 26 :430. AVrite to the Superintendent of Schools at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, inclos- ing ten cents for an account of the civic work in their schools. BOY SCOUTS Baden-Powell, Lieut-Gen. R. S. S. Scouting For Boys. C. A. Pearson. Is. net. Baden-Powell, R, S. S. Boy Scouts Beyond the Seas. Lippincott, $1.00. Boy Scouts of America. Official Handbook for Boys. Doubleday, $1.00. Cliinman. The Boy Scouts. Burt & Co., $1.00. Reading List for Boy Scouts of America. Wilson, 25c for 10 copies, $1.50 for 100 copies. Periodical Literature : American Magazine, Vol. 73, P. 274. Jan., 1912. Century, Vol. 70, P. 135. July, 1911. Chautauquan, Vol. 62, P. 156. April, 1911. Independent, Vol. 71, P. 84. July, 1911. Nineteenth Century, Vol. 70, P. 293. Aug., 1911. Outlook, Vol. 95, Pp. 617, 630, 696. July 23, 1910. 60 INDIANA UNIVEKSITY Outlook, Vol. 100, P. 379. Feb. 24, 1912. Outlook, Vol. 105, Pp. 387 and 412. Publications of Pedagogical Seminary, Vol. 20, P. 78. Reiew of Reviews, Vol. 44, P. 429. Oct., 1911. School Review, Vol. 19, P. 266. April, 1911. The World Today, Vol. 19, P. 741. July, 1910. World's Work, Vol. 22, P. 14859. Sept., 1911. CAMP FIRE GIELS Gulick, L. H. Camp Fire Girls and the New Relation of Women to the World. National Education Association Proceedings. 1912, p. 320. Gulick, L. H. (Mrs.) What The Camp Fire Girls Stand For. Ladies Home Journal, Vol. 29, P. 51. July, 1912. Sebbelor, G. Camp Fire Movement. N. E. A. Proceedings, 1912. P. 320. Training Women for a New Civilization. Craftsman, Vol. 23, P. 533. Camp Fire Girls. Outlook, Vol. 101, Pp. 158, 181. Review of Reviews, Vol. 45, P. 577. Survey, Vol. 28, P. 320. J. Social Centers Grice, M. V. Home and School United in Widening Circles of Inspiration and Service. Sower, $.60. King, I. Social Aspects of Education. Macmillan, $1.60. Perry, C. A. Wider Use of the School Plant. Survey Co., $1.25. Suzzallo, H. The School as a Social Institution. Houghton, $.35. Ward, E. J. The Social Center. Appleton, $1.50. See also titles under the School as a Social Center, p. 48. VII. THE SOCIAL SURVEY Aronovici, C. Knowing One's Own Community. Amer. Unitarian Assoc. Gratis. Byington, M. F. What Social Workers Should Know About Their Own Communities. Russell Sage Foundation, $.05. Galpin, G. C. Method of Making a Social Survey of A Rural Community. Univ. of Wisconsin, Agric. Experiment Station, Circular of Informa- tion, No. 29. Gillin, J. L. The Application of the Social Survey to Small Communities. Papers and Proceedings of Amer. Sociological Society, Vol. VI, 1911. Kellog, P. U., and Others. The Social Survey. Dept. of Surveys and Ex- hibits, Russell Sage Foundation. Gratis. Reprinted from Proceed- ings of Academy of Political Science, N. Y., Vol. II, No. 4. Riley, T. J. The Social Survey, Amer. Journal of Sociology. Vol. XVI. P. 818. Taft, A. B. Community Study for Country Districts. Missionary Educ. Movement of the U. S. and Canada. New York, $.35. Wells, G. F. Social Survey for Rural Communities. The Author, Room 512, 150 Fifth Ave., New York, lOc. Wilson, W. H. Community Study for Cities. Missionary Education Move- ment of the U. S. and Canada, New York, $.35. A list of Survey Reports will be found in Bulletin No. 2 of the Russell Sage Foundation Library entitled "The* Social Survey." 130 East 22d St., New York. (61) VIII. HOME ECONOMICS A, The Family and The Home Bosanquet, H. The Family. Macmillan, $2.75. Hunt, O. Home Problems from a New Standpoint. Whitcomb and Bar- rows, $1.00. Practical Course in Child Rearing. Woman's City Club. (Contains full bibliography on Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence.) $.10. Salmon, L. Progress in the Household. Houghton, $1.10. Stetson, C. P. The Home, Its Work and Influence. Charlton Co., $1.00; Doubleday, $1.50. Talbot and Breckenridge. The Modern Household. Whitcomb and Bar- rows, $1.00 B. Standards of Living, Cost, Division of Income Bosanquet, Mrs. B. Standard of Life. Macmillan, 3s. 6d. Bruere, M. B., and Bruere, R. W. Increasing Home Efficiency. Macmil- lan, $1.50. Clark and Wyatt. Making Both Ends Meet. Macmillan, $1.50. Furst, M. L. Syllabus of Household Management. Columbia Univ., $.10. Haskins, C. W. How to Keep Household Accounts. Harper, $1.00. Richards, E. H. The Cost of Living. Whitcomb and Barrows, $1.00. Richards, E. H. The Cost of Shelter. Whitcomb and Barrows, $1.00. Richards, E. II. The Cost of Food. Whitcomb and Barrows, $1.00. Richards, E. H. The Cost of Cleanness, Whitcomb and Barrows, $1.00. See also Standards of Living, p. 38. C. The House 1. STRUCTURE AND SANITATION Allen, J. K. Sanitation in the Modern Home. Chicago Domestic Engineer- ing, $2.00. Bevier, I. The House. American School of Home Economics, $1.25. Doane. R. W. Insects and Disease. Holt & Co., $1.50. Elliott, S. M. Household Hygiene. Amer. School of Home Economics, $1.50. Gerhard, W. P. Disposal of Household Wastes. Van Nostrand, $.50. Howard, L. O. The House Fly: Disease Carrier. Stokes, $1.60. Modern Construction for the Farm House. Farmers' Bull. No. 270. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Ogden, H. N. Rural Hygiene. Macmillan Co., $1.50. Practical Suggestions for Farm Buildings. Farmers' Bull. No. 126. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Richards, E. H. Air, Water and Food. Wiley, $2.00. (62) CURRENT PROBLEMS 63 Richards, E. H. Sanitation in Daily Life. Whitcoinb and Barrows, $.60. Sewage Disposal on the Farm. Fanners' Bull. No. 43. U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Talhott, M. House Sanitation. Whitcomb and Barrows, $.80. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bulletin of Bureau of Entomology. Circulars 51 (Cockroaches) ; 36 (True Clothes Moth) ; 47 (The Bed Bug) ; 49 (The Silver Fish) ; 50 (The White Ant) ; 71 and 108 (House Flies) ; 25 (Mosquitoes). White. Successful Houses and How to Build Them. Macmillan, $2.00. (a) The Kitchen and Its Furnishing a Dodd, H. Healthful Farmhouse. Whitcomb and Barrows, $.60. Frederick, C. The New Housekeeping. Doubleday, $1.00. Parloa, M. Home Economics. Century Co., $1.50. Ten-ill, B. M. Household Management Amer. School of Home Economics, $1.50. White, M. The Fuels of the Household. Whitcomb and Barrows, $.75. Wilson, L. L. W. Handbook of Domestic Science and Household Arts. Whitcomb and Barrows, $1.00. 2. CARE OF THE HOUSE Buchanan and Buchanan. Household Bacteriology, $2.25. Clark, T. M. The Care of a House. Macmillan, $.50. Parloa, M. Home Economics. Century Co., $1.50. Terrill, B. M. Household Management. Amer. School of Home Economics, $1.50. 3. FURNISHINGS AND DECORATION Daniels, F. H. Furnishing a Modest House. Davis Press, $1.00. De Hopper, E. Choice and Care of Utensils. N. Y. State College of Agri- culture. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. De Hopper, E. Decoration of the Farm House. Ibid. Kellogg. Home Furnishing. Stokes, $1.50. Priestman, M. Art and Economy in Home Decoration. Dodd, $1.00. Wheeler, C. Principles of Home Decoration. Lane, $1.80. 4. CLEANING Dodd. M. Household Chemistry. Am, School of Home Economics, $1.50. Osman, E. G. Cleaning and Renovating at Home. McClurg, $.75. Richards, E. H. Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning. Ginn, $1.00. Richards, E. H. Cost of Cleanness. Wiley, $1.00. Sheppard, .7. L. Laundry Work. Whitcoinb and Barrows, $.50. 5. THE GARDEN Bailey, L. C. Farm Garden. Macmillan, $2.00. The Flower Garden, Home Garden Planting, Vegetable Gardening. N. Y. State College of Agriculture, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. 64 INDIANA UNIVERSITY D. Textiles Gibbs, C. M. Household Textiles. WMtcomb and Barrows, $1.25. Matthews, M. J. Textile Fibres. Wiley, $4.00. Woolman and McGowan. Textiles. Macmillan, $2.00. E. Dress Earle, A. M. Two Centuries of Costume in America. 2 vols. Macmillan, $2.50. Kinne, H., and Cooley, A. M. Shelter and Clothing. Macmillan, $1.10. F. Domestic Service Addarns, J. Democracy and Social Ethics. Macmillan. $1.25. Kellor, F. A. Out of Work. Putnam, $1.25. Pettingill, L. Toilers of the Home. Doubleday, $1.50. Salmon, L. M. History of Domestic Service. Macmillan, $2.00. G. Economics of Food Bailey, E. H. S. Some Kitchen Tests to Detect Adulteration in Common Foods. Bulletin, Dept. of Food and Drug Inspection of Missouri. 3, 1911, No. 1-3, p. 43. Cost of Food. See Price List 33. Labor Questions. Supt of Docs., Wash- ington, D. C. Gratis. Curtis, I. G. Left-overs Made Palatable. Orange Judd Co., N. Y., $1.00. Richards, E. H. The Cost of Food. Whitcomb and Barrows, $1.00. Richardson, B. J. The Woman Who Spends. Whitcomb and Barrows, $1.00. Rorer, S. T. Vegetable Cookery and Meat Substitutes. Arnold, $1.50. Rose, F. Cost of Food. Cornell Reading Courses, Food Series. No. 7, Dec. 1912. II, No. 29, N. Y. State College of Agriculture, at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Wiley, H. W. Food and Food Adulterants. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Div. of Chem., Bulletin 13. H. Food Values Abel, M. H. Practical Sanitary and Economic Cooking. Anier. Public Health Association. Rochester, 1890. Barrows, A. Principles of Cookery. Amer. School of Home Economics, $1.50. Food and Diet. "A price list of public documents relating to food and diet, issued by the Scientific Bureaus of United States Government" Price list 11. 4th edition, 1913. Supt. of Docs., Washington, D. C. Gratis. Gibbs, W. S. Proper Feeding of the Family. Survey Co., $.25 Locke, E. A. Food Values. Whitcomb and Barrows, $1.25. Norton, A. P. Food and Dietetics. Amer. School of Home Economics, $1.50. Pattee, A. F. Practical Dietetics with Reference to Diet in Disease. 1912. A. F. Pattee, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., $1.50. CUKRENT PROBLEMS 65 Eose, F. Human Nutrition, Part I and Part II. Cornell Reading Course for Farmers' Wives. Human Nutrition. No. 6 State College of Agri- culture, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Gratis. Williams, M. E., and Fisher, K. R. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Cookery. Macmillau, $1.00. I. Child Dietetics Chapin, H. D. Theory and Practice of Infant Feeding. Wood, $2.25. Hogan, L. E. How to Feed Children. Lippincott, $1.00. Holt, L. E. The Care and Feeding of Children. Appleton, $.75. Hunt, C, O. The Daily Meals of School Children. Bulletin of the U. S. Bureau of Education. 1909. Supt. of Docs., Washington, D. C. Rose, F. The Care and Feeding of Children. Part II. Cornell Reading Course for Farmers' Wives. Food Series No. 2. N. Y. State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y. IX. INDIANA HISTORY A. Outline 1. TERRITORIAL. 1788-1816 : (a) Boundaries (Dillon). (b) Government (Rawles, Dunn, Indiana Magazine of History, IX). (c) Indians and Indian wars (Dillon, Dunn, Albach, Moore, Indiana Magazine of History). (d) Legislature (Rawles, Dunn, Dillon). (e) Life and Customs (Thwaites, Faux, Flint, Indiana Magazine of History, IX). (f) Settlers (County Histories. Lockwood). 2. STATE HISTORY since 1816 : (a) Organization (Dillon). (b) Settlers (Turner, Nicholson, County history). (c) Prevailing Occupations. (d) Resources (Reports of State Geologist). (e) Politics (Newspapers of time Indiana Magazine of History). (f) Anti-Slavery movement in Indiana. (Woodburn.) (g) Churches (Edson, Stott, Smith, Dow, Holliday, Simpson, Lever- ing), (h) Education (Boone, Woodburn, Levering, Publications of Indiana Historical Society), (i) Industrial Life. Banks (Ind. Mag. of History. Esarey, Harding). Canals (Esarey, Benton, Ind. Mag. Hist.). Railroads (same as canals). Traction Lines. Turnpikes. Oil and Gas. Agriculture (Reports of State Board of Agriculture), (j) Wars: Mexican ( Perry ) . Civil war (Foulke, Woodburn, Terrell). Spanish, (k) Biographical (Smith, Woollen, French, Moore, County Histories, Indiana Magazine of History). 3. LOCAL HISTOBY: See your County History for Chronological Outline, (a) Settlers: (1) Where from; when; exact location. (2) Purchase of Land (Land office records). (3) Building Houses; clearing; workings. (4) First Commerce (Benton). Drovers flatboatinen, etc. (5) Home Life. (66) CURRENT PROBLEMS 67 (b) Government: (1) County. (2) Townships: organization; map. (3) Early officers. (4) Legislature. (c) Churches Organization of: (1) History of each church of each denomination. (2) Notable ministers and church leaders. (d) Schools and Libraries : (1) Grade. (2) Seminaries. (3) Academies. (4) High Schools. (5) Colleges. (e) Newspapers: (1) History of. (2) Files. (3) Influence. (f) Prevailing Occupation: (1) Reason for it. (2) Its organization. (3) Market. (4) Product. (g) Public Improvements: (1) Roads. (2) Parks. (3) Hospitals. (h) Extraordinary Events and Conditions. B, Bibliography Albach, J. R. Annals of the West, (1856). Bartel, F. J. The Institutional Influence of the German Element of the Population in Richmond, Indiana, (1904). Benton, E. J. The Wabash Trade Route in the Development of the old Northwest Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, (1904). Birkbeck, M. Letters from the Illinois Territory, (1818). Boone, R. G. The History of Education in Indiana. Brady, C. T. Border Fights and Fighters, (1902). Burnet, J. Notes on the Early Settlement of the Northwest Territory, (1847). Cockrum, W. M. Pioneer History of Indiana, (1907). Pub. by Oakland City Press, Oakland City, Ind. Conklin, J. S. Young People's History of Indiana, (1899). Cox, S. C. Recollections of the Early Settlement of the Wabash Valley. Dillon, J. B. History of Indiana, (1859). Bingham and Doughty. Dow, L. The Dealings of God, etc., (1850). Dunn, J. P. Indiana, (1896). Houghton, $1.25. Dunn, J. P. True Indian Stories, (1908). Privately Pub. J. P. Dunn, Indianapolis. 68 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Edson, H. A. Early Indiana Presbyterianism, (1898). English, W. H. The Conquest of the Northwest, (1896, 2 vols.). Bowen- Merrill. Esarey, L. Banks and Banking in Early Indiana, (1912). Bulletin, Indi- ana University. Gratis. Esarey, L. Internal Improvements in Early Indiana, (1912). Bulletin, Indiana University. Gratis. Faux, W. Journal of a Tour. London, (1823). (Reprinted in Thwaites' Early Western Travels.) Flint, T. Letters from America, (1818-20). Foulke, W. D. Life of Oliver P. Morton, (2 vols.). Bowen-Merrill. Hall, B. R. The New Purchase, (Revised Ed. 1855). Appleton. Hall, J. Sketches of the West, (1835). Harding, W. F. The Indiana State Bank. Holliday, E. C. Indiana Methodism, (1873). Hitchcock and Walden. Holliday, E. O. Life and Times of Rev. Allen Wiley, (1853). Indiana Magazine of History. Bloomington, Indiana (1905- ). Indiana Historical Society. Publications, (1895). (4 vols.) Levering, J. H. Historic Indiana, (1909). Putnam. Lockwood, G. W. The New Harmony Movement, (1905). Appleton. McCoy, I. History of Baptist Indian Missions, (1840). Morrison. Moore, C. The Northwest Under Three Flags, (1900). Harper. Nicholson, M. The Hoosiers, (1900). Macmillan. Perry, O. Indiana in the Mexican War, (1908). Burford. Rawles, W. A. Civil Government of Indiana, (1897). Hinds, Noble, and Eldredge, $.50. Rawles, W. A. Centralizing Tendency in the Administration of Indiana, (1903). Columbia Univ. Press. Simpson, M. Cyclopedia of Methodism, (1878). Smith, O. H. Early Indiana Trials and Sketches, (1858). Stott W. T. Indiana Baptist History, (1908). Franklin, Ind. Terrell, W. H. H. Reports (Civil War History of Indiana). State Printer. The Western Monthly Review (3 Vols.) Cincinnati, O., (1828-30). Thompson, M. Stories of Indiana. Arner. Book Co. Thwaites, R. G. (Ed.). Early Western Travels, (32 Vols.). A. H. Clark. Thwaites, R. G. How Clark Won the Northwest, (1903). Treat, P. J. The National Land System, (1910). Treat and Co., $2.50. Turner, F. J. The Rise of the New West. Harper. Woodburn, J. A. Party Politics in Indiana During the Civil War. Arner. Hist Assoc. Report, 1902. Woodburn, J. A. Higher Education in Indiana. U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion. Woodburn, J. A. The Scotch- Irish in Monroe County. Ind. Mag. Hist. Woollen, W. W. Biographical and Historical Sketches of Early Indiana, (1883). Hammond and Co. X. INDIANA LITERATURE A. EARLY INFLUENCES : 1. Religious movements. 2. Emerson. 3. The social experiment at New Harmony. Reference: Meredith Nicholson's Hoosiers (Macmillan). B. THE PIONEER DAYS : 1. Chief sources: Hall's New Purchase. 2. Chief authors: Edward Eggleston, M. Nicholson's Hoosiers. C. THE WRITERS OF ROMANCE: 1. Lew Wallace: The Fair God, Ben Hur, Prince of India. 2. Charles Major: When Knighthood Was in Flower. 3. Elizabeth Miller: The Yoke, etc. 4. George B. McCutcheon. D. EDITORS : 1. Maurice Thompson : (a) Essays. (b) Poems. (c) Alice of Old Vincennes. 2. R. U. Johnson, Editor of Century. 3. Berry Sulgrove, Indianapolis Journal. 4. Other interesting local editorial writers. E. POETRY : 1. Bolton, Sarah T. 2. Krout, Caroline. 3. Miller, Joaquin. . 4. Moody, William Vaughn. 5. Parker, Benjamin. 6. Stein, Evaleen. 7. Wilson, Forceythe. See Nicholson's Hoosiers and Coggshall's Poets and Poetry of the West. F. RILEY : The complete edition in six volumes contains everything poetry, prose, and bibliography. G. BOOTH TARKINGTON : 1. Short stories. 2. Novels. 3. Plays. H. GEORGE ADE : 1. Sketches. 2. Fables. (69) 70 INDIANA UNIVERSITY I. MEREDITH NICHOLSON: 1. Poetry. 2. Essays. 3. Novels. J. SHOBT STORIES : .1. Ade, George. 2. Catherwood, Mary H. 3. Eggleston, George Gary. 4. Major, Charles. 5. Nicholas, Anna. G. Nicholson, Meredith. 7. Tarkington, Booth. 8. Thompson, Maurice. K. NOVELS REPRESENTING CERTAIN PERIODS : 1. Cox, Millard, The Legionaries. 2. Eggleston, Hoosier Schoolmaster, Circuit-Rider, etc. 3. Nicholson, Hoosier Chronicle. 4. Tarkington, Gentleman from Indiana. 5. Thompson, Alice of Old Vincennes. L. PLAYS : 1. George Ade. 2. William Vaughn Moody, 3. Booth Tarkington. M. INDIANA BALLADS, LOCAL SONGS AND POEMS : Many of these topics can be greatly expanded. PUBLISHERS' ADDRESSES Where clubs desire to order a number of books published by different companies, it will generally be found economical and convenient to place the order with a local book seller or with a book seller in one of the larger cities. Foreign pubications may be ordered through G. E. Steehert & Co., New York, or Lemcke and Buechner, 30 W. 27th St., New York. American Academy of Political and Social Science, Station B, Philadelphia. American Association for Labor Legislation, 131 E. 23d St., N. Y. American Bar Association, G. Whitelock, Secy., Baltimore, Md. American Book Co., 100 Washington Square, N. Y. American Book and Bible House, 146 N. 10th St., Philadelphia. American City Bureau, 93 Nassau St., New York. American Civic Association, 914 Union Trust Bldg., Washington. American Economic Association, A. A. Young, Secy., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. American Journal of Sociology, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago. American Library Association, 78 E. Washington St., Chicago. American Political Science Association, Baltimore, Md. American School of Home Economics, 3325 Armour Ave., Chicago. American Unitarian Association, 25 Beacon St., Boston. Appleton and Company, 29 W. 22d St., New York. Arnold, 418 Sansom St., Philadelphia. Atlantic Monthly, Boston, Mass. Badger, R. G. (Graham Press), 194 Boylston St., Boston. Baker, Taylor Co., 33 E. 17th St., N. Y. Ball Publishing Co., 683 Atlantic Ave., Boston. Banks Law Pub. Co., 23 Park Place, N. Y. Barnes, A. S., and Co., 381 4th Ave. Cor. 27th St., N. Y. Bassette, Springfield, Mass. Bobbs-Merrill Co., 9 W. Washington St., Indianapolis. Bookman, 372 5th Ave., N. Y. Boston Book Co., 83 Francis St., Fenway, Boston. Brentano's, 5th Ave. and 27th St., N. Y. Buck and Co., 160 Fifth Ave., New York. Burt and Co., 52 Duane St., N. Y. Burford, W. B., 38 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis. Century Co., 33 E. 17th St., Union Square, New York. Charlton Co., 67 Wall St., New York. Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 116 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Chief Publishing Co., 5 Beekman St., New York. Civic Forum, 23 W. 44th St., New York. Civics Society, 171 State St., Chicago. Collier's, 416 W. 13th St., New York. Cosmopolitan, 119 W. 40th St., New York. (71) 72 INDIANA UNIVEESITY Craftsman, 5 E. 28th St., New York. Crowell, T. Y., and Co., 426 W. Broadway, New York. Current Opinion, Funk, Wagnalls, 354 4th Ave., New York. Davis, F. A., Co., 1914 Cherry St., Philadelphia. Dillingham, G. W., 12 E. 22d St., New York. Dodd, Mead and Co., 4th Ave., 30th St., New York. Doran, G. H., and Co., 35 W. 32d St., New York. Doubleday, Page and Co., Garden City, Long Island, New York. Duffield and Co., 36 W. 37th St., New York. Button, E. P., and Co., 31 W. 23d St., New York. Eaton-Ives-Sturgis-Walton Co., 116 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Education, 50 Bromfield St., Boston. Educational Review, Columbia Univ., New York. Elementary School Teacher, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago. Engineering Magazine, 140 Nassau St., New York. Engineering News, 220 Broadway, New York. Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., New York. Everybody's Magazine, 244 W. 23d St., New York. Forum, 2 East 29th St., New York. Funk and Wagnalls Co., 354 4th Ave., New York. Gervaise Press, Rochester, New York. Ginn and Co., 29 Beacon St., Boston ; 2301 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Golden Rule Co., Toledo, Ohio. Grosset and Dunlap, 518 W. 26th St., New York. Hall and Locke, 17 Tremont St., Boston. Harper and Brothers, Franklin Square, New York. Harvard University Press, 2 University Hall, Cambridge. Hearst's Magazine, 119 W. 40th St., New York. Heath, D. C., and Co., 239 W. 39th St., New York; 623 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago. Heinemann, W., 21 Bedford St., W. C. London. Hinds, Noble and Eldredge, 31 W. 15th St., New York. Hodder, Stoughton, St. Paul's House, Warwick Square, E. C. London. Holt, Henry and Co., 34 W. 33d St., New York. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 4 Park St., Boston. Huebsch, B. W. and Co., 225 Fifth Ave., New York. Independent, 130 Fulton St., New York. International Committee, Y. M. C. A v 124 E. 28th St., New York. Jacobs and Co., 208 W. Washington Square, Philadelphia. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Md. Journal of Education, 29 A. Beacon St., Boston. Journal of Political Economy, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago. Kennerly and Mitchell, 2 E. 29th St., New York. Kerr, C. S. and Co., 118 W. Kenzie St., Chicago. Kindergarten-Primary, Magazine, 59 W. 69th St, New York. King, P. S,, 2 Great Smith St., Westminster, S. W. London. Ladies' Home Journal, 421 Arch St., Philadelphia. Lane, J., 116 W. 32d St., New York. Lea and Febiger, 706 Sansom St., Philadelphia. CURRENT PROBLEMS 73 Leiucke and Bueclmer, 30 W. 27th St., New York. Lippincott, East Washington Square, Philadelphia. Literary Digest, 44 E. 23d St., New York. Little, Brown and Co., 34 Beacon St., Boston. Longmans, Green and Co., 443 Fourth Ave., New York. McBride, Nast, 449 4th Are., New York. McClure's Magazine, 44 E. 23d St., New York. McClurg, A. C. and Co., 218-224 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 239 W. 39th St., New York. Methuen, 36 Essex St, W. C. London. Moffatt, Yard and Co., 116 W. 32d St, New York. Missionary Education Movement of the U. S. and Canada, 156 5th Ave., New York. Municipal Journal, 253 Broadway, N. Y. National Child Labor Committee, 105 E. 22d St, New York. National Civic Federation, 281 4th Ave., New York. National Civic Reform League, 79 Wall St., New York. National Conference for Good City Government, 2427 York Road, Baltimore. National Conference of Charities and Correction, Alexander Johnston, Secy., Ft. Wayne, Indiana. National Consumers' League, 106 E. 19th St, New York. National Education Association, D. W. Springer, Ann Arbor, Michigan. National Municipal League, 2427 York Road, Baltimore. National Short Ballot Organization, 383 Fourth Ave., New York. National Woman Suffrage Association, 505 5th Ave., New York. Neale Pub. Co., Union Square, N. Y. North American Review, Franklin Square, New York. Outing, 239 5th Ave., New York. Outlook, 287 4th Ave., New York. Pearson, C. A., Henrietta St, W. C. London. Penn Pub. Co., 923 Arch St, Philadelphia. Pilgrim Press, 14 Beacon St., Boston. Political Science Quarterly, Ginn and Co., Boston. Popular Science Monthly. Science Press, Substation 84, N. Y. Pott, James, and Co., 214 E. 23d St, N. Y. Putnam, G. P., and Sons, 27 W. 23d St, New York. Quadrangle Pres, 346 E. 55th St., New York. Quarterly Journal of Economics, G. H. Ellis Co., Boston, Mass. Rand, McNally, Rand, McNally Bldg., Chicago ; 40 E. 22d St., N. Y. Revell, Fleming H., Co., 158 5th Ave., New York; 125 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Review of Reviews, 30 Irving Place, New York. Row, Peterson and Co., 623 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. School Review, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago. Science, Science Press. Lancaster, Pa. Scott, Foresmau and Co., 623 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Scribner's, Charles, Sons, 597 Fifth Ave., New York. Saalfield, Akron, Ohio. Sears and Simpson, 116 W. Spring St., Columbus, Ohio. 74 INDIANA UNIVEKSITY Sidgwick and Jackson, 3 Adam St., Adelphi, W. C. London. Silver, Burdett and Co., 329 W. 29th St., New York. Small, Maynard and Co., 15 Beacon St., Boston. Snow, A. H., Union Trust Bldg., Washington, D. C. Stewart and Kidd, Cincinnati, Ohio. Stokes, F. A., Co., 443 Fourth Ave., New York. Sturgis and Walton Co., 31 E. 27th St., New York. Survey Associates (formerly Charities Pub. Co.), 105 E. 22d St., New York. Swan, Sonnenschein, 62 Russell Sq., London. Treat and Co., 241 W. 23d St., New York. Tuttle and Co., Berlin Heights, Ohio. Twentieth Century Pub. Co., 2 W. 16th St, New York. University of Chicago Press, 58th St, and Ellis Ave., Chicago. Van Nostrand, 25 Park Place, New York. Warwick and York, Baltimore, Md. Welch, W. M. and Co., 205 Atlas Block, Chicago. Western Methodist Book Concern, 220 W. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. Whitcomb and Barrows, Huntington Chambers, Boston. Wilde, W. A. and Co., 509 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. Wiley, J. and Sons, 43-45 E. 19th St., New York. Wilson, H. W., White Plains, New York. World Book Co., 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. World's Work, Garden City, Long Island, New York. Wright and Potter, State Printers, Boston. Wynnewood Pub. Co., 2421 Dearborn St., Chicago. Yale University Press, 135 Elm St., New Haven, Conn. Y. M. C. A. Press, 124 E. 28th St., New York. Index Accidents, Work Addresses of Publishers Administrative Branch Agricultural Credit Arbitration Art Galleries and Exhibitions Banking Baths Boycotts Boy Scouts Bureau, Children's Bureaus, State Cabinet Camp Fire Girls Care of the House Celebrations Centers, Social Charity Organizations Child Dietetics Child Labor Child Problems Boy Scouts Camp Fire Girls Children's Bureau Juvenile Delinquents Children's Clubs Churches, Social Service of Citizenship, Duties of City Government City Manager City Planning Civic Exhibits Civic Pageants Civic Theaters Civic Training in Schools Civil Service Reform Cleaning of the House Clubs, Children's Clubs, Women's Commission Government Commissions Commonwealth, The , Community Sense Compensation, Workmen's Congress, The Conservation Constitution of Indiana Constitution of the U. S Construction vs. Prohibition Control of the Trusts Cost of Living Country Life County Government. . . 31 Credit, Agricultural 71 Current Problems 19 Currency and Banking 34 Decoration of the House 30 Delinquents 55 Departments, Federal 33 Dependents 16 Dietetics, Child 29 Divorce 59 Domestic Service 40 - Drama, The 19 Dress 25 Duties of Citizenship 59 Economic Problems 63 Economics of Food 17 Economics, Home 60 Educational Problems (see Schools).. . 58 Efficiency Systems 65 Eight-Hour Day 30 Elections 40 Employers' Agreements 59 Employers' Organizations 59 Enforcement of Labor Laws 40 Equal Suffrage 40 Eugenics 59 Exhibitions, Art 53 Exhibits, Civic 9 Extension Divisions, University 11 Family, The, and the Home 13 Farm Credits 13 Federal Government 57 Fiction, Recent, with a Social Purpose. 17 Finance 17 Finance, Municipal 44 Fire Department 21 Food, Economics of 63 Food Values 59 Furnishing the House 58 Garbage Disposal 12 Garden, The 25 Girls, Camp Fire 18 Government 9 City 31 City Manager 25 Commission 28 Commonwealth 24 County 27 Federal 10 Local 32 Town 38 Township 11 Village 11 Government Ownership Page . 33 64 64 44 28 29 26 30 29 32 22 41 55 57 49 62 33 24 58 33 17 16 64 64 63 62 63 59 11 11 13 12 18 11 24 11 11 18 11 15 (75) 76 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Pi ige Page Governor 19 Local Government 11 Health, Public 46 Lockouts 29 History, Indiana 66 Markets, Municipal 16 Home Economics 62 Marriage and Divorce 39 Home, The Family and the 62 Medical School 49 Home, School and 46 Modern Conception of Society 9 House, The 62 Montessori Method, The 52 Care of 63 Moving Pictures 5g Cleaning 63 Municipal Finance 17 Furnishing 63 Municipal Government 16 Structure of 62 Municipal Housing 13 Housing, Municipal 13 Municipal Markets 16 Human Resources, Conservation of 26 Municipal Ownership 15 Hygiene 46 Municipal Planning 13 Hygiene, School 46 Municipal Protection 16 Hygiene, Sex 42 Municipal Recreation 16 Immigration 35, 27 Municipal Theaters 17 Indiana Government 18 Museums, Social 57 Indiana History 66 Negro, The 38 Indiana Literature 69 Newspaper, The 54 Indiana, New Constitution 24 Novel, The 57 Indiana University 49 Occupational Diseases 31 Industrial Education 44 Organizations, Charity 58 Industrial Insurance 31 Organizations, Labor 29 Industry, Women in 30 Organizations, Voluntary 58 Insurance, Industrial 31 Origin of Society 9 Initiative 21 Ownership, Municipal 15 Intemperance 42 Pageants, Civic 17 Judiciary, State .- 20 Parties and Elections 26 Judiciary, Federal 25 Penology 43 Juvenile Delinquents 40 Periodical, The 54 Kitchen, The 63 Pictures, Moving 56 Labor Problems 28 Planning, Municipal 13 Arbitration and Conciliation 30 Play 17 Boycotts 29 Playgrounds 47, 17 Child Labor 30 Plays with a Social Purpose 56 Efficiency Systems 28 Police Department 16 Eight-Hour Day 29 Popular Control 20 Employers' Organizations 29 Population 38 Employers' Agreements 30 Poverty 39 Laws and Enforcement 32 President The 25 Lockouts 29 Press The 54 Minimum Wage 28 Primary, The Direct 21 Organizations 29 Protection, Municipal 16 Responsibility of Stockholders and Citizens 32 Public Health 46 Standard of Living 38 Public Utilities 14 Strikes 29 Punishment and Reformation , 43 Unemployed 31 Purdue University, Extension 50 Wage Systems 28 Recall 21 Women in Industry 30 Recreation 16 Workmen's Compensation 31 Referendum 21 Laggards 45 Reform, Civil Service 21 Land Values, Taxation of 35 Reformation, Punishment and 43 Legal Status of Women 23 Responsibility, Sense of 10 Legislature 19 Rural Communities 18 Library, The 55 Rural Schools 51 Liquor Problem 42 Saloon, The 42 Literature, Indiana 69 Sanitation of the House 62 Living, Standards of 38 Sanitation, Municipal 13 CURRENT PROBLEMS 77 Schools Industrial Education Montessor i System Moral Training in Rural Schools School and Home School and Playground School Hygiene Schools as Social Centers Sex Education State Universities Survey of the Public School. . . Vocational Guidance Scouts, Boy Sense of Responsibility Settlements, Social Sex Education Sex Hygiene Sewerage System .* Short Ballot Single Tax Social Centers Social Evil Social Factors, Other Social Museums Social Problems Social Service Work of Churches . Social Settlements Social Survey Socialism and Social Reform Society, Origin of Society, Unity of Sociology Standards of Living Page . 44 State Government . 44 State Officers . 45 State Universities . 52 Strikes . 44 Suffrage . 51 Survey . 46 Tariff . 47 Taxation . 46 Taxation of Land Values. . . . 48 Temperance . 46 Textiles . 49 Theater, The . 51 Theaters, Municipal . 45 Town Government. . 59 Trusts, Control of . 10 Tuberculosis . 58 Unemployed, The . 46 Union Labor . 42 United States Constitution . . 62 United States Courts . 21 United States Government . . 35 Unity of Society . 60 Universities, State . 42 Utilities, Public .....' . 53 Villages... . 57 Vocational Education . 37 Vocational Guidance . 53 Voluntary Organizations . 58 War, Waste of . 61 Woman, Legal Status of . 37 Woman Suffrage 9 Women in Industry . 10 Women's Clubs . 38 Work Accidents 18. 62 Workmen's Compensation . . 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