TC Hr H UC-NRLF GIFT OF WAR DEPARTMENT : : CORPS OF ENGINEERS, UNITED STATES ARMY BULLETIN No. 3 DESCRIPTIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF Bench Marks on the Missouri River ELEVATIONS REFERRED TO ST. LOUIS CITY DIRECTRIX UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE KANSAS CITY, MO. 1912 or THE I UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 WAR DEPARTMENT : : CORPS OF ENGINEERS, UNITED STATES ARMY BULLETIN No. 3 DESCRIPTIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF Bench Marks on the Missouri River ELEVATIONS REFERRED TO ST. LOUIS CITY DIRECTRIX UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE KANSAS CITY, MO. 1912 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 BENCH MARKS. [NOTE. List of Bench Marks Bulletin No. 1 was issued 1881-2; Bulletin No. 2 May. 1888. This list is Bulletin No. 3. It is corrected to date to conform to precise level elevations as determined by the Missouri River Commission from mouth to Sioux City, Iowa, in 1892-3.] The following list of bench marks includes all the published bench marks of the Missouri River Commission leveled to in the years 1881 to 1893 inclusive, from the mouth of the Missouri River to the Big Sioux River at Sioux City, Iowa, from Sioux City to Ft. Benton and from Ft. Benton, Mont., to Three Forks, Mont. The bench marks are arranged in the table in the order of their position from the mouth of river as measured along the general central line of the river valley. The level notes over all stone lines from mouth of river to Sioux City and from Ft. Benton to Three Forks, Mont., were recomputed; and the bench marks of these stone lines and those of former surveys that were connected with at time stone lines were put in, were adjusted to the precise levels. The degree of accuracy or reliability of these bench marks will be denoted by classes. The first class includes all the precise bench marks, and these are marked as P. B. M/s and T. B. M's and some as Gauge B. M.'s, except the Gauge B. M.'s in small type. The second class includes all bench marks of stone lines and those benches of 1881 and 1882 that were leveled to at time stone lines were put in, not included in first class, also those established in 1890 from Ft. Benton to Three Forks, Mont. The bench marks in this class, below Sioux City, Iowa, are numbered from the mouth of the river up; the stone lines are in the form of a fraction the numerator being the number of the line reckoning from the mouth up and the -denominator of stone on the line reckon- ing from right bank. Those above Ft. Benton are numbered from 1 at Three Forks to 53 just above Ft. Benton. The third class includes those benches of 1881 and 1882 not in- cluded in second class, and is in small type. No corrections have been applied to this class nor has it been recomputed. All elevations refer to the St. Louis Directrix as zero, which is 413.77 feet above mean gulf tide at Biloxi, Miss., as given by the Mississippi River Commission. Bench marks above Ft. Benton depend on elevations of bench 1-2 at Ft. Benton, which is 2215.517 feet above St. Louis Directrix as determined from P. B. M. 396 at Sioux City, Iowa, by survey parties under Captains C. F. Powell and H. F. Hodges, Corps of Engineers, and the Missouri River Commission. 345910 4 BENCH MABKS. [Extract from letter 01 Gapt. W. B. Ladue, Corps of Engineers, February 26, 1904.] ******* The releveling of the old line from the Gulf to Cairo has proceeded only as far as JFort Adams, Miss. (755 miles below Cairo); at that point an error of about % foot had been developed. Assuming that this error remains the same for the balance of the distance, we would have as the new probable value of the Cairo datum plane 20.2, which would put the St. Louis Directrix at 413.77 feet above the mean Gulf level. Precise elevations in front of depots from Sioux City, la., to mouth of river, 1892. [Note: Elevations determined from precise levels run in 1892 under Missouri River Commission, and refer to St. Louis City Directrix, which is 413.77 feet above sea level at Biloxi, Miss.] Feet. Base of rail Sargent Bluff, la. Depot 680. 834 Base of rail Salix, la. Depot 670. 001 Top of rail Sloan, la. Depot 663. 763 Top of rail Whiting, la., Depot 649. 327 Base of rail at crossing of Illinois Central with Sioux City and Pacific R. R. . 638. 683 Top of rail 13 meters north of Onawa, la. Depot 638. 829 Top of rail Blencoe, la. Depot 630. 918 Base of rail opposite southwest corner Depot River Sioux, la 627. 985 Base of rail Modale, la. Depot 603. 707 Top of rail Loveland, la. Depot 591. 479 Base of rail Honey Creek, la. Depot 593. 828 Top of rail Island Park, la. Depot 561. 552 Nail in northeast Depot platform Hentons, la 555. 574 Base of rail Pacific Junction, la., crossing of B. & M. R. R. with K. C. St. J. & C. B. R. R 544. 560 Top of rail Bartlett, la 533. 479 Nail in northwest corner of Depot McPaul, la 526. 283 Base of rail Percival, la. Depot 517. 905 Base of rail Nebraska City Junction, la. Depot , 508. 727 Top of rail Watson, Mo. Depot 488. 947 Base of rail Phelps, Mo. Depot 480. 007 Base of rail Nishnabotna, Mo. Depot 464. 629 Base of rail Corning, Mo. Depot , 461. 813 Base of rail Craig, Mo. Depot 456. 674 Top of rail Bigelow, Mo. Depot 447. 090 Base of rail Napier, Mo. Depot 440. 109 Base of rail Forest City, Mo. Depot 444. 735 Top of rail Curzons, Mo. Depot 432. 588 Nail in west edge platform, opposite door, Forbes, Mo 435. 542 Top of rail Amazonia, Mo. Depot 419. 489 Top of rail Nodaway, Mo. Depot 417. 197 Base of rail Francis St. Depot, St. Joseph, Mo 412. 730 Base of rail at Missouri Pacific spur to Lake Contrary 407. 144 Base of rail at intersection K. C. St. J. & C. B. R. R. with K. C. & R. I. R. R. . 412. 565 Base of rail Halls, Mo. H. & St. Joe Depot 390. 697 Base of rail Rushville, Mo. at Mo. P. R. R. Depot 384.562 Base of rail at K. C. Junction 375. 638 Base of rail crossing above Winthrop Junction 375. 353 Base of rail Kickapoo, Kans. Depot 389. 331 Base of rail Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Depot 378. 140 Base of rail Leavenworth, Kans. north side Cherokee St 357. 439 Base of rail Leav_enworth Junction 347. 015 Base of rail Conrrbrs, Kans. Depot 346. 505 Base of rail Pomeroy, Kans. Depot 341. 395 Base of rail Nearman, Kans. Depot 340. 492 Base of rail Wyandotte, Kans. Mo. P. Depot 345. 113 Base of rail Kansas City, Mo. Grand Ave. & Grand Pacific Depot 341. 621 Base of rail 4 miles below K. C. Mo. at crossing Mo. P. R. R. with C. M. & St. P. R. R 330.603 Base of rail Courtney, Mo. Depot 323. 905 Base of rail Atherton, Mo. Depot 318. 860 BENCH MARKS. 5 Feet. Base of rail Sibley, Mo. Depot 372.848 Base of rail Levasy, Mo. Depot 297. 560 Base of rail Waterloo, Mo. Depot 287. 240 Center of Depot Wellington, Mo 306. 252 Base of rail Lexington Junction, Mo 277. 846 Depot of Dover, Mo 267. 613 Base of rail Edwards, Mo. Depot (now Hodge) 264. 210 Base of rail Waverly, Mo. Depot 270. 792 Base of rail Jefferson City, Mo. Depot 142. 105 Base of rail Ewing, Mo. Depot 157. 490 Base of rail Osage, Mo. Depot 139. 360 In front of depot, Isbell, Mo 132. 424 Base of rail St. Aubert, Mo. Depot 125. 638 Base of rail Morrison, Mo. Depot 115. 270 Base of rail Hermann, Mo. Depot 101. 928 Base of rail Berger, Mo. Depot 97. 766 Base of rail Etlah, Mo. Depot 97. 166 In front of depot, New Haven, Mo 95. 109 Base of rail Dundee, Mo. Depot 85. 992 Base of rail Boles, Mo. Depot f 69. 963 Base of rail St. Albans, Mo. Depot 60. 190 Base of rail Drew, Mo. Depot 46. 076 BENCH MARKS AND PRECISE LEVELS. St. Louis City directrix: Is in St. Louis, on the west side of Wharf street between Market and Walnut streets in line with curbstone, 824 feet south of south building line of Market street, on base stone (3.8 x 3.8 feet) of old granite monument marked by a T cut in stone. It was torn up during the erection of the elevated road in the year 1890. It is 413.77 feet above preliminary determination of Biloxi sea level. Elev., 0.000. P. B. M. 15 of M. R. C.: Is in St. Louis, in east face of west column of Arch No. 4, Eads Bridge, 20.1 feet south of north end of column, 0.46 feet above top course of granite; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally, marked U. S. in granite below the bolt. Elev., 2.672. P. B. M. 14 of M. R. C.: Is in St. Louis, at the waterworks, opposite Bissels Point, on the north side of west engine room, 4.8 feet west of the west corner of main entrance in third course of stone; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 12.574. P. B. M. 13 of M. R. C.: Is in north St. Louis, on the east side of Broadway, 3 miles above the waterworks, 360 feet south of northern terminus of the Baden Street car track and 121 feet east of same, in small grove; being top of copper bolt in stone post. Elev., 17.549. P. B. M. 1 = P. B. M. 12 of M. R. C.: Is on R. B., 9 miles above the St. Louis water- works, mile from river on land of Mrs. Sophia Beine, 65 feet west of Columbia Bottom Road, on side of bluff, 115 feet south of plum orchard and 43 feet west of a lone walnut tree 23 inches diameter; being top of copper bolt in stone post set in ground. Elev., 43.878. 2: Is on R. B., 2,200 feet south of mouth of Missouri River, 140 feet west of high bank, in woods behind willow bar, on east side of 18-inch elm. Elev., 9.184. 3 = "80" of 1879: Is on R.B., 520 feet south of Missouri River, on east side of 30-inch sycamore on edge of high bank behind willow bar. Elev., 6.370. 4: Is on R. B., 600 feet from river, 200 feet north of 1^-story frame dwelling of Christ Hurstmann, on south side of small clump of timber 2 miles above mouth of river; vicinity of P. 521, on northwest side of 54-inch sycamore. Elev., 7.185. 5: On west side of 3'.2-sycamore, 900 feet from river, 400 feet from edge of high bank, 30 feet east of fence line between fields, one-fourth mile below foot of island towhead, 2| miles above mouth of river; vicinity of P. 517. Elev., 11.154. T. B. M. 1: Is 55 feet west of P. B. M. 2, at northeast corner of angle in Columbia Bottom Road ; being top of spike in west root of 20-inch honey locust. Elev., 13.853. P. B. M. 2 = \: Is about 1 miles below upper end of Columbia Bottom, at point where Columbia Bottom Road, running along foot of bluff, turns east across the bottom opposite the rock quarry, at east road fence, 55 feet south of corner; being top of copper bolt in a B. M. stone. Elev., 12.462; top of cap, 16.528. b BENCH MAEKS. B. M. |: Is near middle of Columbia Bottom, at mouth of Missouri River, 6,347 feet, N. 76 E. (mag.) from B. M. {-, on east side of young orchard belonging to Philip Freese, about 400 feet north of his dwelling house. Elev., 4.694; top of cap, 8.760. P. B. M. 3: Is at upper extremity of Columbia Bottom, at foot of bluff, 40 feet from river bank, 60 feet above rail fence over bluff, at east end of Henry Weisley's orchard, 5 feet south of wire fence, 4 feet above elevation of bottom land, in exposed ledge of rock; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 16.392. T. B. M. 2: Is at out 95 feet west of P. B. M. 3, 240 feet below west end of Henry Weisley's orchard, on projection of natural ledge, 2 feet from end and 4 feet northwest of a blazed ash 24 inches in diameter. Elev., 15.702. T. B. M. 3: Is \ mile above extreme upper point of Columbia Bottom, opposite head of island, 377 feet below small creek, 1,965 feet below Wm. Lindeman's house, 75 feet from river bank; being top of spike in root of black oak snag. Elev., 29.082. T. B. M. 4: Is about f mile below mouth of Cold Water Creek, on same tree as old B. M. 6 (now gone), 1,195 feet above Wm. Lindeman's house, 130 feet above rail fence, in open woods, 35 feet from river bank; being top of spike in 2-foot red oak. Elev., 20.355. 6: (Destroyed, see T. B. M. 4). P. B. M. 4=f : Is at foot of bluff near site of Ft. Belief ontaine; being top of copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 16.401; top of cap, 20.465. B. M. f : Is between the fences which run east and west between the farms of Major Strong and Mr. Ferguson, and is about 3,865 feet N. 86 W. (Mag.) from school house; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 10.943; top of cap, 14.992. T. B. M. 5: Is in same locality as P. B. M. 4, 25 feet east of east bank of Cold Water Creek and 35 feet from bank of river; being top of spike in base of a 15-inch white oak. Elev., 18.852. P. B. M. 5: Is about f mile below St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern Ry. bridge, 2,295 feet above mouth of Cold Water Creek, in large recess in rock bluff in which there is a small spring flowing out of a circular hole in rock 1 foot in diameter at an elevation of mean stage of river; it is in a vertical cliff, about 20 feet below top of exposed face, and 10 feet above high water; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 16.991. T. B. M. 6=7: Is at Jamestown Landing, on east side of ravine, at top of river bank; being top of spike in northeast root of cottonwood 2 feet in diameter. Elev., 17.991. P. B. M. 6: Is at Jamestown Landing, 1,605 feet above St. Louis, Keokuk and North- western Rwy. bridge, 118 feet above the mouth of small creek which runs along the west side of Widow Zehe's place, in small recess in bluff bank, 75 feet below point where rail fence intersects the river bank, 10 feet below top of bank, directly under 10-inch hackberry, 15 feet above low water and 3 feet west of large detached rock; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 7.520. P. B. M. 7: Is 2,210 feet above Jamestown Landing, at upper edge of Oak grove, 900 feet above Wm. Whittaker's house standing on bluff, 20 feet from top of high water bank and 1 foot east of wire fence; being top of copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 19.585; top of cap, 23.633. P. B. M. 8=P. B. M. '87=8 of '81: Is 2,785 feet above Jamestown Landing, 500 feet below foot of island tow-head, 575 feet above fence at upper side of woods at which is located P. B. M. 7, in north exposure of hard limestone ledge; being horizontal furrow in copper bolt. Elev., 4.210. T. B. M. 7: Is in same locality as P. B. M. 7, and but a few feet distant from same, on top of bank; being top of spike in south root of 2*-foot black hickory. Elev., 21.950. 9: On 1.6-foot pignut hickory, in field on side of bluff, 150 feet from river, at lower end of small bottom, 2 miles above Jamestown Landing, vicinity of A 920. Elev., 25.080. P. B. M. 9=y: Is about 2 miles above Jamestown Landing, on land owned by Wm. Berger, at foot of bluff, 500 feet from river, 75 feet west of small stream; being top of copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 27.524; top of cap, 31.591. T. B. M. 8: Is 124 feet north of P. B. M. 9, on west bank of small stream; being top of spike in west root of 15-inch willow. Elev., 17.893. B. M. f : Is at south fence of dooryard of Joseph Fisher, 170 feet south of the "New Alton road," about 400 feet east of south end of Smelser's Lake. Elev., 12.051; top of cap, 16.104. BENCH MARKS. 7 B. M. f : Is at south fence of road running nearly east and west along bank of slough forming Dresser Island, 3,975 feet N. 7 5' E. (Mag.) from B. M. |, and 600 or 700 feet east of north end of Smelser's Lake. Elev., 4.456; top of cap, 8.515. 10: On 3-foot cottonwood, on edge of high water bank, behind willow and cotton- wood flat; opposite head of small island towhead, $ mile below foot of Pelican Bar; vicinity of sounding stake A 175. Elev., 17.071. P. B. M. 10: Is directly up slope from P. B. M. 11, 10 feet to right of path leading up bluff, in vertical face of ledge, one foot below shelf of same; being center of punch mark in copper bolt. Elev., 41.896. P. B. M. 11. Is about 2 miles below Music's Ferry, at foot of bluff 100 feet above Dripping Spring, coming down over side of bluff, of a peculiar porous limestone forma- tion, 90 feet west of point where wire fence joins the bluff, on the property of S. C. Carrico; being top of copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 19.753; top of cap, 23.820. P. B. M. 12=11 of 1887: Is 1200 feet below Music's Ferry, on east side of road under overhanging rock, 220 feet below the lower end of stone quarry, 4.5 feet above ground; being a cross cut on vertical face of rock of the same elevation as old copper bolt which was destroyed before 1887. Elev., 25.090. 11: (Destroyed. See P. B. M. 12.) P. B. M. 13: Is in same yard as P. B. M. 14, in southwest corner of the three-story stone house on east side of wagon road, 1 foot east of corner and 5 feet above ground; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into wall of house. Elev., 35.694. P. B. M. 14=f , Music's Ferry: Is at Music's Ferry, 500 feet below old stone house, in dooryard of the large three-story. stone house at east fence of road, 19 feet south and 10 feet west of southwest corner of house; being top of copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 26.824; top of cap, even with surface of ground, Elev., 30.886. B. M. f : Is on L. B., opposite Hall's Ferry, at south fence of Alton Road, 1,813 feet S. 47 W. (Mag.) of the angle in road shown on the map. Elev., 21.685; top of cap, 25.746. t T. B. M. 14=T. B. M. 12 of 1887: Is on R. B., 1 miles above the creek at the upper side of Music's Ferry, at upper side of old field, at lower edge of woods, 80 feet back from river bank; being top of nail in the north base of a 3-foot burr oak. Elev., 18.279. 12: On north side of 2-foot burr oak, 170 feet from river, on line between woods on west and fields on east, ^ mile above small island willow towhead, 1 mile above Hall's Ferry. Elev., 19.775. P. B. M. 15: Is on R. B., opposite the center of Charbonnier Island, 2,460 feet above lower edge of first timber along river above Music's Ferry, on north end of rounding point of bluff, at rear of field, 400 feet above the upper end of present tim- ber line running to river, 300 feet from river and 200 feet below road running up side of bluff; being top of copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 31.386; top of cap, 35.445. T. B. M. 15: Is 540 feet below P. B. M. 15, and 140 feet below the lower edge of old field in timber, about 200 feet from river bank; being spike in south root of 28-inch red elm. Elev., 18.384. 13: On west side of a 2-foot elm, 120 feet from river, on west side of clump of tim- ber one mile below Charbonnier Bluff, and about mile below head of Charbonnier Island. Elev., 23.374. T. B. M. 16: Is in the same yard as P. B. M. 16 and 30 feet north from it, 30 feet south of L. C. Knapp's house, 5 feet west from the east fence; being spike in the west root of 18-inch sycamore. Elev., 23.690. P. B. M. 16=f, Charbonnier Point: Is on R. B., at Charbonnier Point, in the door- yard of L. C. Knapp, north of angle in highway, 104 feet from road and 33 feet south of house, at east yard fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 21.134; top of cap, 25.191. B. M. f : Is on L. B., at south fence of County road, the general direction of which is about N. 50 E. (Mag.), in northwest corner of Wm. Kilpatrick's farm, and 9,545 feet N. 41 W. (Mag.) from B. M. f Elev., 19.043; top of cap, 23.104. 14: Is on R. B., on west side of 40-inch cottonwood, 120 feet from river, 215 feet south of IJ-story frame dwelling of Louis Knapp, tree stands in lane 500 feet above Charbonnier Bluff. Elev., 24.392. 15: Is on R. B., on 14-inch black oak, on east side of wagon road, 40 feet from edge of high water bank, 1 mile from edge of shore bar, and about 1 mile above Charbon- nier Bluff. Elev., 25.391. T. B. M. 17: Is on R. B., 1 miles above the turn in highway at Charbonnier Point, and 4,900 feet below George Cleberg's house, 328 feet below creek, 25 feet south of highway; being spike in the north root of 2%-foot sycamore. Elev., 26.919. 8 BENCH MARKS. 16: On R. B., on northwest side of 1.6-foot cottonwood, 150 feet from edge of high water bank, in cottonwood timber, opposite or a little above head of Holme's Island, about one mile from edge of shore bar, 3 miles below St. Charles Bridge. Elev., 22.637. . P. B. M. 17: Is on R. B., 2 miles below St. Charles Bridge, in front of George Cle- berg's house, 98 feet south of public road, 98 feet north of his house on east side of drive- way, 5 feet south of 10-inch maple; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 23.660; top of cap, 27.716. T. B. M. 18: Is on R. B., in same locality as P. B. M. 17, on old river bank, on north side of road, 215 feet north of George Cleberg's house; being spike in south root of 3-foot cottonwood. Elev., 25.870. T. B. M. 19: Is on R. B., If miles below St. Charles Bridge, on line of river road, 620 feet below house occupied by Henry Remer, 50 feet below the cross rail fence at the east road fence; being spike in root of 14-inch pin-oak. Elev., 29.162. P. B. M. 18: Is on R. B., opposite St. Charles, at east foot of embankment of the Wabash Ry. trestle and south side of the St. Charles rock road, 210 feet east of the trestle and 45 feet from the road, 8 feet south from the 3^-foot elm, being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 21.520; top of cap, 25.560. T. B. M. 21, Brotherton: Is on R. B., in same locality as P. B. M. 18; being spike in root of 3J-foot elm. Elev., 25.630. P. B. M. 19: Is on R. B., at the road crossing under track of the east approach of the St. Charles Bridge, on the up-river side of trestle, on stone at base of the fourth iron column from the north side of wagon road in the southeast quarter of stone; being copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 42.464. ?. B. M. 20=17 of 1881: Is in the second pier from the east end of St. Charles Bridge on its west face, 2.8 feet south of line between rough and dressed stone, on curved surface at south end of pier, in center of stone in the sixteenth course of masonry from starling coping of pier ; being horizontal furrow in copper bolt. Elev. , 30.208. T. B. M. 22 : Is at the same pier as P. B. M. 20, 5 feet west from same face, near north end; being spike in an oak pile. Elev., 27.394. T. B. M. 23, St. Charles: Is in St. Charles on the south side of trestle work of St. Charles Bridge on first column west of west pier on eighth course of stone from top and fourth above ground, on northeast corner at offset in masonry; being highest point in square. Elev., 35.986. T. B. M. 24=G. B. M.: Is in St. Charles on same stone column supporting trestle as T. B. M. 23, on upstream corner nearest the river of second projecting course of masonry from the top; being highest point in square. Elev., 33.602. " 77 " of 1879 : On southwest corner of offset course of west column supporting trestle first column west of west pier, St. Charles Bridge. Elev., 35.895. P. B. M. 21=f : Is at St. Charles, Mo., 1,310 feet above St. Charles Bridge, on the north side of Lawrence St. and 25 feet west of the center of Missouri, Kansas and Eastern Ry. track, in southeast corner of David Lane's lot, 1 foot west from fence; being top of copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 31.476; top of cap, 35.532. T. B. M. 25=City B.-M. St. Charles: Is in St. Charles, on the northeast corner of Lawrence and Second streets on top of foundation at southwest corner of three-story brick building, City elevation given 119.48 feet, which datum is also recorded as 115 feet below high water of 1844. Elev., 42.291. T. B. M. 26="78" of 1879: Is in St. Charles, at southwest corner of Second and Wood streets, on the northeast corner of brick house on top of masonry of foundation, about one inch above T. B. M. 27 (poor point). Elev., 39.563. T. B. M. 27: Is on same corner as "78" of 1879 and one inch below; being point on projecting stone of foundation. Elev., 39.659. T. B. M. 28: Is on R. B., 2,065 feet above road crossing, under east trestle approach of St. Charles Bridge, on east side of wagon road; being spike in west root of the very large cotton wood. Elev., 30.472. T. B. M. 29: Is on R. B., 1 miles above east pier of St. Charles Bridge, 65 feet south of spur track of Wabash Ry., 52 feet east of headblock for east end of siding, on south side of wagon road, on edge of bank; being spike on north side of 18-inch walnut. Elev., 37.701. T. B. M. 30: Is on R. B., about 1| miles above east end of St. Charles Bridge, on west side of St. Charles rock road, at point where road first reaches track, 300 feet northward from James Ashbrook's house; being spike in east one of two cotton woods standing on south side of Wabash track. Elev., 22.877. BENCH MARKS. 9 T. B. M. 32: Is on R. B., about 557 feet towards St. Charles from P. B. M. 22, where branch road from St. Charles rock road runs northeast, on north end of rock culvert, under branch road on northwest corner of stone; being highest point in square. Elev., 41.576. P. B. M. 22=f : Is on R. B., on foot of bluff opposite St. Charles, 125 feet east of the east side of St. Charles rock road, where it enters hills, 540 feet south of road branching to northeast, opposite large brick house, on side of bluff and 30 feet from soft maple, at the northwest corner of Mr. Jones' yard; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 66.324; top of cap, 70.386. 18: On R. B., on 3J-foot sycamore, westward one of a pair standing 100 feet from river, midway between AS 884 and 886. Elev., 29.861. T. B. M. 33: Is on R. B., 2,230 feet southwest of where St. Charles rock road enters hills, on point of land on south bank of small creek; being spike in root of large linden- wood tree. Elev., 43.782. 19: On R. B., on 2-fpot maple, 30 feet from foot of bluff, 125 feet from bank, at point of bluff nearest river, just above A 882. Elev., 29.715. T. B. M. 35: Is on R. B., 1 miles above St. Charles rock road, 150 feet south of south edge of timber, and 50 feet from foot of bluff; being spike in east root of 2^-foot elm on west side of path. Elev., 30.478. P. B. M. 23: Is on R. B., If miles above point where St. Charles rock road enters hills, 1,965 feet below where wagon-road running north from Vigus leaves the bottom and enters the hills, 95 feet above ditch running east and west across the bottom, at foot of bluff, 3 feet west of rail fence and 15 feet north of 18-inch sycamore, about 65 feet north of point where rail fence joins bluff; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 33.269; top of cap, 37.343. T. B. M. 36: Is on R. B., 15 feet south of P. B. M. 23; being spike in west root of the 18-inch sycamore. Elev., 35:095. T. B. M. 37: Is on R. B., f mile below water tank, on north side of county road, in front of house owned by Mary Price and occupied by J. B. Bonor; being spike in root of 24-inch shell-bark hickory. Elev., 32. 076. T. B. M. 40: Is on R. B., 350 feet east of P. B. M. 24, on north side of road, opposite the north end of road running south; being spike in base of an apple tree. Elev., 37.310. B. M. }: Is on R. B., at foot of bluff near northeastern end of Creve Coeur Lake, about 1200 feet below where shore of lake curves away from the bluff. Elev., 30.953; top of cap, 35.006. P. B. M. 24= I : Is on R. B., about 1965 feet north from the north end of Creve Coeur Lake, on the north side and about 607 feet from St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Ry. , about J mile S . 83 W. (Mag.) from water tank, 15 feet south of east and west wagon road and 394 feet west of intersection of said east and west road with road running south across track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 35.919; top of cap, 39.986. B. M. |: Is on L. B., about 4 miles above St. Charles Bridge, at north right-of-way fence of M. K. & E. R. R., 60 feet east of small creek, in southwest corner of W. Duk- meyer's land. Elev., 33.224; top of cap, 37.297. 20: On R. B., on 17-inch cottonwood, on south side of dry chute, 1500 feet below A 870. Elev., 34.752. T. B. M. 41: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Creve Coeur Lake Station, 508 feet above road crossing, 80 feet east of railway; being spike in root of 50-inch elm. Elev., 35.620. 21: On R. B., on 20 inch elm, 80 feet from river, 225 feet above A 866. Elev., 38.593. T. B. M. 42: Is on R. B., 1,460 feet balow Creve Coeur Lake Station, St. Louis, Kan- sas City and Colorado Ry., 318 feet south of head block at north end of siding, 35 feet south of track, on west root of a 2-foot elm; being top of spike. Elev., 37.351. P. B. M. 25 Creve Coeur Lake Station: Is on R. B., 425 feet south of Creve Coeur Lake Station, St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Ry., 112 feet north of Boyd's cottage, in southwest corner of field, 65 feet east of center of track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 32.994; top of cap, 37.059. T. B. M. 43: Is on R. B., 518 feet south of Creve Coeur Lake Station, 36 feet north of Boyd's cottage, 60 feet east from center of track; being spike in west root of 8-inch elm. Elev., 37.928. P. B. M. 26: Is on R. B., 2,950 feet above Creve Coeur Lake Station, on St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Ry., 1,000 feet above milepost 22, 744 feet above bridge 48, 1,245 feet below road crossing, on bluff side of track 35 feet from center and 4 feet above op of rail; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally in vertical ace of rock. Elev., 42.324. 10 BENCH MARKS. T. B. M. 45: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Hine Station, 52 feet east of road crossing, in north end of west cap of bridge No. 49; being top of drift bolt over pile marked Q. Elev., 39.393. P. B . M. 27=f Hine, Mo. : .Is on R. B . , at Hine (in 1908 or earlier) Station, on line of St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Ry. (=Rock Isl. System) 150 feet above road running from bottom over bluff to Lake post-office, at foot of bluff, opposite a point 60 feet above bridge No. 52; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 37.060; top of cap, 41.123. B. M. f : Is on L. B., at foot of bluff at the mouth of Ducket Creek Valley, 50 feet west of Ducket Branch road, and about the same distance north of M. K. and E. R. R. track. Elev., 41.798; top of cap, 45.858. 22: On R. B., on 2^-foot cottonwood, 20 feet from bank, at landing near A 862, oppo- site middle of Catfish Island. Elev., 39.554. T. B. M. 48: Is on R. B., If miles below Drew Station, 85 feet -below mile post 25, on south end of first pile bent from west end of bridge No. 58; being top of drift bolt over pile marked by square cut in wood. x' Elev., 41.449. P. B. M. 28: Is on R. B., 2,100 feet below point where Olive Street crosses the St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Ry., at Drew (now Chesterfield) Station, 800 feet below head block at east end of siding, 1,680 feet above mile post 26, on bluff side of track, 85 feet from center opposite bridge 61 ; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 49.098; top of cap, 53.153. T. B. M. 51 Drew: Is on R. B., at Drew Station, 98 feet east of depot, in southeast corner of south abutment of iron wagon bridge on Olive street road, over Bon Homme Creek, 30 feet north of center of track; being highest point in square cut on masonry at angle between face of abutment and wing wall, marked U.nS. Elev., 47.128. 23: On R. B., on 8-inch sycamore, 300 feet from river, opposite A 863, 1,800 feet below A 858, opposite foot of Bon Homme Island. Elev., 35.896. P. B. M. 29=f , Gumbo: Is on R. B., at Gumbo Station, in northeast corner of ceme- tery, which is 230 feet south of railroad track. A road runs from Gumbo post office over bluff along east edge of cemetery. Copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 50.128; top of cap, 54.180. B. M. f : Is on R. B., at south line of Olive street road, 235 feet east of point where Gumbo Station road meets the Olive street road. Elev., 41.694; top of cap, 45.741. B. M. f : Is on L. B., opposite Bon Homme Island, 50 feet north of track center of M. K. and E. R. R., 300 feet west of point where foot of bluff wagon road leaves the bottom and enters the hills. Elev., 54.768; top of cap, 58.844. 24: On R. B., on 2^-foot box-elder, standing alone in cultivated field, 350 feet from river, 2,250 feet below A 856. Elev., 47.632. ,25: On R. B., on 20-inch pignut hickory, 150 feet from bank, 1,000 feet south from house, 300 feet above A 854. Elev. , 45.075. P. B. M. 30 Stevens: Is on R. B., in Stevens, Mo., 130 feet above road crossing, 110 feet below rail fence, 45 feet below bridge 79, at foot of bluff, 50 feet from track center, 1$ feet south of right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 46.471; top of cap, 50.534. 26: On R. B., on 23-inch black walnut, \ mile west from house of Ernest Kroenig, 250 feet from river, about opposite Cottleville Landing. Elev., 47.912. P. B. M. 31=-^, Bon Homme: Is on R. B., in Bon Homme, 35 feet west of line of road running north across bottom, opposite lower end of railroad platform at foot of bluff, 18 feet east of a 20-inch sugar maple. 15 feet south from center line of road run- ning west along foot of bluff; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 46.478; top of cap, 50.539. P. B. M. 32: Is on R. B., 15 feet south of P. B. M. 31, 10 feet west of same, and 9$ feet higher than top of cap; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded hori- zontally in vertical face of ledge. Elev., 59.751. T. B. M. 56: Is on R. B., 15 feet west of P. B. M. 31, 5 feet north of a 20-inch sugar maple; being highest point in square on imbedded stone, about level with surface of ground. Elev., 48.244. B. M. l : Is on R. B., at south line of Olive street road, 417 feet west of Bosselier's store, and 2,589 feet east of junction of Bon Homme and Olive street roads. Elev., 45.903; top of cap, 49.969. V, Cottleville Landing: Is on L. B., at Cottleville Landing, at southwest corner of Lewis Haupt's dooryard, 200 feet from river. Elev., 58.629; top of cap, 62.682. 27: On R. B., on 2-foot elm, 300 feet southwest from house of Win. Walter, i mile from river, about opposite R. B. Q 649. Elev., 54.504. P. B. M. 33, Centaur: Is on R. B., in Centaur, 62 feet east of Centaur Lime Co.'s store, 30 feet south of St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado R. R., opposite east end of railroad platform; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 46.359; top of cap, 50.410. BENCH MARKS. 11 T. B. M. 59: Is on R. B., near P. B. M. 33, on bluff side of track, 30 feet from center, opposite center of railroad platform; being spike in the north root of stump. Elev., 52.759. P. B. M. 34: Is on R. B., f mile above Centaur, opposite center of wooded lot on river side of track, 10 feet above upper end of bridge 99, bluff side of track, 45 feet from center and about 5 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into north face of vertical ledge. Elev., 56.311. 28: On R. B., on 40-inch maple, 100 feet from river bank, on bank of ditch or dry creek, opposite Howell's Island. Elev., 46.723. 29: On R. B., on 2-foot linden-wood, 120 feet from river at foot of bluff, 400 feet below lowest point of rock bluff above Howell's Island. Elev., 53.938. T. B. M. 61: Is on R. B., f mile below Port Royal, Mo., 75 feet above point of very low bluff ledge, opposite center of small cave, bluff side of track 12.1 feet from center and about level with grade; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 58.506. P. B. M. 35 = V, Port Royal: Is on R. B., in Port Royal, 35 feet above bridge 106, in front of section house, 2 feet back from front line and 5 feet from corner of yard fence to property owned by Charles W. Goetz, bluff side of track, 35 feet from center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone Elev., 60.707; top of cap, 64.782. B. M. V : Is on L. B., at foot of bluff in angle of Hamburg and Augusta road, where it leaves the bottom and enters the hills, about 3J miles above Hamburg, on land of J. D. Fulkerson. Elev., 57.589; top of cap, 61.656. T. B. M. 62: Is on R. B., near P. B. M. 35, 40 feet above bridge 106, 12 feet from section house and on line with east face of same, river side of track, 15 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on imbedded stone projecting about 2 inches above ground. > Elev., 59.240. T. B. M. 63: Is on R. B., 3,035 feet above Port Royal, 75 feet below limekiln, and 15 feet above lower head-block of limekiln siding, river side of track, 9.2 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on rock about 1.3 feet above grade of track. Elev., 64.083. P. B. M. 36: Is on R. B., li miles above Port Royal, 557 feet above mile-post 37, 10 feet above west end of bridge 109, bluff side of track, 45 feet from center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 65.289; top of cap,69. 352. 30: On R. B., on 20 inch sycamore, at mouth of dry branch, in gully at A 840. Elev., 46.144. P. B. M. 37: Is on R. B., If miles above Port Royal, mile above mile post 37, in natural face of bare sandstone bluff, about 20 feet west of square corner of bluff, 16 feet from center of track, and 1 foot above rail; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 91.607. 31: Is on R. B., horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into vertical face of rock 600 feet above Tavern Rock, and 20 feet above large crag leaning against cliff. Elev., 41.677. 32: On R. B., on 1^-foot linden, 40 feet from river, 300 feet below first point of bluff below St. Albans, Mo. Elev., 56.747. P. B. M. 38= V, St. Albans: Is on R. B., 450 feet above St. Albans, 197 feet above bridge 113, about 60 feet south of St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Ry. track, in northeast corner of Charles Baker's dooryard, 835 feet S. 85 30 7 W. (Mag.) from north- east corner of Sec. 10, T. 44 N., R. 2 E.; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 65.364; top of cap, 69.420. B. M. y: Is on R. B., opposite St. Albans, in southwest corner of James A. Cork's dooryard at foot of bluff. Elev., 57.864; top of cap, 61.927. T. B. M. 69: Is on R. B., about 1 mile below Becker Station, 315 feet below bridge No. 114, bluff side of track, 10.8 feet from center, 100 feet below upper end of side hill cut; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge 1 foot above ground, and marked U. D S. Elev., 77.773. 33: On R. B., on 20-inch oak, in recess between bluffs known as "Eddy Hollow, " under main bank, just below A 834. Elev., 53.746. P. B. M. 39, Becker: Is on R. B., 800 feet above Becker Station, 1,230 feet below water tank, 75 feet above intersection of track and west road fence produced, bluff side of track, 25 feet from center, opposite cattle guard, 1 feet from west wing fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 68.375; top of cap, 72.441. P. B. M. 40: Is on R. B., f mile above Becker, 250 feet above mile post 42, 200 feet below water tank, on east abutment of bridge No. 116, on north end of first course of stone below bridge seat course; being copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 64.442. 34: On R. B., on a double and twisted wjiite walnut, 2.5 feet in diameter, in gully just above A 832. Elev., 67.208. 12 BENCH MAKKS. P. B. M. 41: Is on R. B., 1 miles above bridge over Fiddle Creek, which is just above Becker Station, on St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Ry., 2,865 feet above milepost 43, 33 feet above bridge 122, 1 foot inside of south right-of-way fence, about 50 feet from center of track; 'being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 52.113; top of cap, 56.173. T. B. M. 73: Is on R. B., near P. B. M. 41; being highest point in square cut with chisel on top of driftbolt in north end of cap on west bent of bridge No. 122. Elev., 59.450. 35: On R. B., on 1-foot cotton wood, on east bank of dry slough, 500 feet north from house, vicinity of A 830. Elev., 54.153. T. B. M. 74: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Becker Station, on St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Ry., If miles below Missouri Pacific Crossing, on first pile bent from downstream end of bridge 124, on bluff end of bent; being highest point in square cut on top of driftbolt through cap into pile. Elev., 59.423. 36: On R. B., on l-foot cotton wood, 900 feet from river, standing atone in wheat field just opposite Augusta, Mo. Elev., 59.406. P. B. M. 42, Labadie: Is on R. B., at crossing of Missouri Pacific Railroad, above Labadie Station, on north end of pier on east of Missouri Pacific track, in seventeenth course of masonry from top, and in east side of center stone in course; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 76.656. T. B. M. 76: Is on R. B., near P. B. M 42; being top of spike in idle pile directly west of center of pier on east side of Missouri Pacific Railroad, 3 feet east of right-oi- way fence in second pile from north end of row. Elev., 75.054 T. B. M. 77: Is on R. B., f mile above Labadie Siding, directly opposite center of Labadie Crossing, on river side of track, 75 feet from center; being top of spike in the south root of 16-inch black walnut. Elev., 66.807. P. B. M. 43= - 1 /: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Boles, 2,100 feet below milepost 46, 500 feet below post "One mile to station," opposite west end of a deep thorough rock cut, 1 foot inside north right-of-way fence, and 50 feet from center of track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 54.673; top of cap, 58.729. T. B. M. 78: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Boles, 2,095 feet below milepost 46, 495 feet below post marked "One mile to station," about 20 feet west of west end of deep thorough rock cut, on bluff side of track, 12 feet from center and level with rail; being highest point in square on natural ledge marked U. D S. Elev., 74.983. B. M. \ 3 -: Is on L. B., at south fence of dooryard of John Rlnderer's house on the St. Charles County road, about a mile east of Augusta, 210 feet westerly from wagon, bridge over small creek at old steamboat landing. Elev., 65.263; top of cap, 69.326. 37 : On R. B . , on 2-foot black oak, 200 feet from river, in grove about f mile above A 828, 200 feet below fence corner, 1,500 feet above farm house. Elev., 59.197. P. B. M. 44: Is on R. B., 3,005 feet below Boles, 95 feet above milepost 47, 36 feet below small bridge D2, opposite road crossing, bluff side of track, 15 feet from center and 2 feet above rail; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 71.862. T. B. M. 80: Is on R. B., 3,018 feet below Boles, 82 feet above milepost 47, 49 feet below small bridge D2, 10 feet east of road crossing, bluff side of track, 8 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge and marked U. D S. Elev., 70.240. T. B. M. 81, Boles: Is on R. B., 375 feet above Boles, 50 feet above west head block for warehouse track, 27 feet above cattle guard, bluff side of track, 10 feet from center and about 1 foot above rail; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge and marked U. D S. Elev., 72.032. 38: On R. B., on 3-foot box-elder, 2,500 feet below A 826, 250 feet from river, in field owned by Hinkle. Elev., 63.240. P. B. M. 45: Is on R. B., f mile above Boles, 616 feet above west head block of siding, near right-of-way fence corner at right angle turn of farm road, 2 feet outside of right-of-way in Mr. Hinkle's field; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 60.276; top of cap, 64.316. T. B. M. 83: Is on R. B., If miles above Boles, 295 feet below milepost 49, 872 feet below post marked "One mile to station," on bluff side of track, 10 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on large imbedded boulder. Elev., 74.401. 39: On R. B., on 14-inch hackberry, 200 feet from river, 150 feet below fence be- tween wheat field and first timber below South Point, Mo. Elev., 63.271. T. B. M. 84: Is on R. B., 2 miles below South Point, 623 feet below milepost 50, 115 feet below whistle post, on bluff side of track, 7.2 feet from center and about 1 foot below grade; being highest point in square cut on imbedded rock. Elev., 73.772. BENCH MARKS. 13 T. B. M. 85: Is on R. B., 1$ miles below lower head block of South Point Siding and opposite center of coulee, on south end of stone-box culvert, 14.5 feet from center of track, on east side of opening, on large corner stone 5.9 feet below grade; being highest point in square marked U. D S. Elev., 68.482. P. B. M. 46= ^ Is on R. B., If miles below lower head block at South Point Siding, near upper side of coulee, 100 feet above stone culvert, 30 feet below point of bluff, bluff side of track 30 feet from center 1.5 feet north of right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 70.771; top of cap, 74.822. B. M. ^: Is on L. B., at south fence of county road which runs along foot of bluff ; opposite house of August Strickhoff in southeast , Sec. 17, T. 44 N., R. 1 E. Elev., 69.173; top of cap, 73.224. 40: On R. B., on 1-foot white walnut, 100 feet south from railway, in glade, \ mile above section house, \\ miles below South Point, Mo. Elev., 74.946. T. B. M. 86: Is on R. B., If miles below lower head block of South Point Siding, opposite center of small coulee, on west abutment of culvert; being highest point in square cut in center of south end and marked U. D S. Elev., 72.029. P. B. M. 47: Is on R. B., \\ miles below lower head block of South Point Siding, 490 feet above small culvert, opposite center of coulee, bluff side of track, 14 feet from center and 4.6 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 79.042. T. B. M. 87: Is on R. B., } mile below South Point, 1310 feet above signpost marked "Station 1 mile," 4.9 feet below wooden box drain under track, bluff side of track, 12 feet from center and \\ feet below grade; being highest point in square on natural ledge. Elev., 72.748. T. B. M. 88, Dubois Creek: Is 8,53 feet below lower head block of South Point Siding, on north end of west abutment of bridge No. 14, Missouri Pacific Ry. ; being highest point in square cut on northeast corner of top course of stone and marked U. D S. Elev., 69.189. P. B. M. 48, South Point: Is in South Point, Mo., about opposite center of siding, 35 feet below road crossing, bluff side of track 30 feet from center, 6 inches from right- of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 70.417; top of cap, 74.482, P. B. M. 49=41 of 1881=U. S. C. S. B. M. XII: Is on R. B/, about one-quarter of a mile above South Point, 250 feet above upper head block of siding, on bluff side of track, 9.5 feet from center and 1 foot above grade; being the horizontal furrow in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 76.642. T. B. M. 89: Is on R. B., 250 feet above upper head block of South Point Siding on bluff side of track, 10 feet from center and 1 foot below grade, 4 feet west of P. B. M. 49; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge and marked with the letter U. S. about 20 inches above the B. M. Elev., 74.933. T. B. M. 90: Is on R. B., 7020 feet below Washington, 300 feet above milepost 53; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 75.391. 42: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Washington, Mo., by spring, 20 feet south of railway, on 18-inch elm. Elev., 73.242. P. B. M. 50: Is on R. B., in Washington, Mo., 900 feet below depot, on south side of water works pump house, 9 feet from southwest corner of building; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into window sill. Elev., 79.916. T. B. M. 92: Is on R. B., in Washington, Mo., on east end of door sill of south entrance to pumping station, 900 feet below depot; being highest point in square. Elev., 77.276. T. B. M. 93="74" of 1879:' Is ori R. B., in Washington, Mo., on southeast corner of Front and Elm streets, on northwest corner of water table of three-story brick building; being top of chamfered edge of water table (not a very definite point). Elev., 82.707. T. B. M. 94="75" of 1879: Is on R. B., in Washington, Mo., at southwest corner of Front and Elm streets; being highest point in square on north end of north doorstep on Elm street. Elev., 83.960. U. S. C. S. B. M., L. 3 Washington, Mo.: Is on R. B., in Washington on east side of German Catholic Church, on top of water table, 2 feet north from fourth window from north end of building; being bottom surface of square cavity marked B.DM. U.S.C.&G.S. %* 1882. Elev., 132.141. T. B. M. 95: Is on R. B., in Washington, on south side of Front street, about 400 feet west of depot, on top of stone retaining wall under fence, on north side of William Miller's lot, 30 feet east of main entrance to house, 3 feet east of entrance to barnyard east of house; being highest point in square marked U. nS. Elev., 84.638. 14 BENCH MAKKS. P. B. M. 51= 1 T 5 : Is in Washington, at northwest corner of William Miller's dooryard, on south side of Front Street, and 545 feet N. 71 40' W. (Mag.) from west end of rail- road station, 5 feet southeast from corner post of fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 82.047; top of cap, 86.106. B. M. -^ 5 : On left bank, at south fence in field on north bank of Tuque Creek, 2,700 feet fronTB. M. - 1 /. Elev., 66.658; top of cap, 70.726. B. M. - 1 /-: Is on L. B., at north fence of small field in bottom, at point where the Augusta road enters bottom from the hills, about 1 mile west of east line of Warren County. Elev., 73.187; top of cap, 77.250. T. B. M. 96=42a of 1881: Is on R. B., 3,855 feet above Washington Depot, on north end of east abutment of bridge, at angle in masonry formed by wing wall; being high- est point, in square near corner. Elev., 76.703. T. B. M. 97: Is on R. B., 1 mile above Washington, 200 feet above sign marked "Water Station 1 mile, " on south side of track, east end of culvert, on third course of masonry from top; being highest point in square cut on southwest corner of stone. Elev., 78.296. 43: On R. B., on 25-inch sycamore, on main bank, 300 feet from chute, 200 feet from railway, 1J miles above Washington, Mo. Elev., 68.814. P. B. M. 52: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Washington, 2,214 feet below bridge over St. Johns Creek, at lower side of coulee, 125 feet below point of bluff, 35 feet below point where vertical ledge begins to run parallel to track, on bluff side of track 11.5 feet from center and 4.5 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. . Elev., 87.597. T. B. M. 98: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Washington, 2,230 feet below bridge over St. Johns Creek, at upper end of rock cut, on bluff side of track 9 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 83.243. P. B. M. 53: Is 2 miles above Washington, 1,445 feet below east end of bridge over St. Johns Creek, 1 foot inside of south right-of-way fence, 40 feet from center of track, opposite a farm crossing, at intersection of north and south rail fence with right-of-way fence, and 4 feet west of gate opening into field; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 74.284; top of cap, 78.335. T. B. M. 99=43a of 1881: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Washington, on abutment at west end of plate girder span at west end of railroad bridge across St. Johns Creek; being highest point in square cut on southwest corner of bridge seat course. Elev., 78.497. T. B. M. 100: Is on R. B., 2| miles above Washington, 150 feetubove upper head block of Hootan siding, bluff side of track; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 84. 946. 44: On R. B., on 10-inch cotton wood, 50 feet southwest from reference tree of A 812. Elev., 70.143. P. B. M. 54=-^: Is 3J miles below Dundee, 2,264 feet below milepost 59, 1,345 feet below sign post marked " mile to Dewey ", 295 feet above upper head block of Dewey Siding, at farm crossing, one foot inside of south right-of-way fence, 34 feet from center of track, 12 feet west of gate; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 82.703; top of cap, 86.762 B. M. - 1 /: Is on L. B., 735 feet west of center of village of Marthasville (as shown on map), at north fence of road running west, at point where it turns- south. Elev., 78.657; top of cap, 82.699. 45: Mark " O" cut on northwest corner of top of riverward wall of culvert 2 miles below Dundee, Mo., on R. B. Elev., 80.372. T. B. M. 105: Is on R. B., 1$ miles below Dunde'e Station, 1,280 feet below sign post marked "1 mile to Station", 1,552 feet below milepost 61, on southeast corner of south wall of stone culvert; being highest point in square. Elev., 83.310. P. B. M. 55: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Dundee Station, 1,467 feet below milepost 61, 1,194 feet below post marked "1 mile to Station", 85 feet above stone culvert, 1 foot inside of south right-of-way fence, 24 feet from center of track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 84.924; top of cap, 88.969. T. B. M. 106: Is on R. B., 2,950 feet below Dundee Station, 360 feet below head block at east end of siding, 1,575 feet above milepost 61, at lower end of side hill rock cut on Missouri Pacific Ry., bluff side of track, 9 feet from center and level with top of rail; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 88.004. P. B. M. 56: Is on R. B., 2,950 feet below Dundee Station, 400 feet below point of bluff and lower side of coulee, 300 feet below head block at east end of siding, 325 feet above small coule*e, bluff side of track, 10 feet from center and 4 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into vertical ledge. Elev., 91.792. 46: On R. B., on 28-inch oak, 300 feet south from railway, on west side of bluff, 2,000 feet below Dundee, Mo. Elev., 98.286. BENCH MABKS. 15 P. B. M. 57= -Y-, Dundee: Is on R. B., in Dundee, 1,640 feet below east end of tunnel, at north fence of small field owned by S. S. Baily, 120 feet south from railroad track, 12 feet southwest of honey locust; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 69.480; top of cap, 73.546. B. M. -y-: Opposite Dundee on L. B., in southwest corner of Ferdinand Hilbrusch's dooryard at foot of bluff. Elev., 82.150; top of cap, 86.231. T. B. M. 108=46bof 1881: Is on R. B., in Dundee, 328 feet below east -end of tunnel, bluff side of track, 18.4 feet from center of southwest corner, west end of coping stone of east retaining wall of arch culvert over Little Boeuf Creek; being highest point in square. Elev., 81.740. T. B. M. 107=R. R. B. M. : Is on R. B., in Dundee, 328 feet below east end of tun- nel, bluff /side of track, 9.2 feet from center, southeast corner of east end of coping stone over arch culvert over Little Boeuf Creek; being highest point in square on southeast corner of cross, and marked B. D M. Elev., 87.822. T. B. M. 109=46a of 1881: Is on R. B., in Dundee, 328 feet below east end of tunnel, bluff side of track, 9.2 feet from center, southeast corner east end of coping stone over arch culvert over Little Boeuf Creek; being highest point in square. Elev., 87.884. T. B. M. 110, Kent: Is on R. B., at Kent siding, seven-eighths mile above Dundee, on bluff side of track, 21.3 feet from center of main track; being highest point in square cut on southeast corner of masonry over tile drain under track, 490 feet above sign post marked "Kent." Elev., 87.573. T. B. M. 111=47 of 1881: Is on R. B., 1J miles above Dundee, f mile above Kent, on northeast corner of east abutment of through railroad bridge 16, Missouri Pacific Ry. over River au Boeuf; being the highest point in square cut on northeast corner of coping stone. Elev., 87.350. 48: Is on R. B., horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt set into cut rock at head of chute or cut-off above Dundee, Mo. Elev., 94.549. T. B. M. 112: Is on R. B., 3 miles below New Haven, 1640 feet above sign post marked ''Kent mile," 1257 feet below milepost 64, 262 feet above farm crossing, bluffside of track, 9 feet from center and 6 inches below top of rail; being highest point in square cut in natural ledge. Elev., 90.088. P. B. M. 58: Is on R. B., 2-^ miles below New Haven, 2713 feet below milepost 65, west side of coulee, at south right-of-way fence, 32 feet from center of track, 3 feet west of intersection of north and south rail fence with right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 91.613;. top of cap, 95.676. T. B. M. 113: Is on R. B., 2f miles below New Haven, 2156 feet below milepost 65, on bluff side of track, 6 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on imbedded stone. Elev., 90.251. P. B. M. 59: Is on R. B., 1 miles below New Haven, near center of siding, 633 feet from west head block, on bluff side of track, 9 feet from center and 3 feet above rail; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 95.558. T. B. M. 114: Is on R. B., 1 miles below New Haven, 636 feet below west head block of siding, on bluff side of track, 9 feet from center and 1 feet above the rail; being the highest point in square cut on natural ledge and marked "U. S." in large letters facing the track. Elev., 93.532. 49: On R. B., on northeast corner of west abutment of bridge 1 miles below New Haven, Mo. Elev., 88.911. P. B. M. 60= VS New Haven: Is in New Haven, at west side, 5 feet from doorway of three-story brick building now owned by W. G. Warenken, on corner of Olive street and railroad; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 90.544; top of cap (the cap is about even with the top of the sidewalk), 94.615. B. M.-M-: Is on L. B., opposite New Haven, at south fence of east and west county road, 5,391 feet N. 9 5' W. (Mag.) from B. M. - 1 /; near residence of H. Hussmeyer. Elev., 82.639; top of cap, 86.698. B. M. - 1 /: Is on L. B., at foot of bluff at west fence of road from Pinckney Point to bluff (bearing of road N. 26 E. Mag.), on north side of lake, about 75 feet from the water. Elev., 92.015; top of cap, 96.075. T. B. M. 115, New Haven: Is in New Haven, on three-story brick building owned by W. G. Warenken, corner of Olive street and railroad, on north side of building, 2.5 feet from northwest corner; being the highest point in square cut on top of water table. Elev., 95.818. 50: On R. B., on northeast corner water table of three-story brick building of the New Haven Merchandise Co., New Haven, Mo. Elev., 96.435. T. B. M. 116: Is in New Haven, 492 feet above the depot, 9n north end of east abut- ment of railroad culvert; being highest point in square cut into bridge seat course of masonry. 14 inches from north end, and 25 inches from west face of stone. Elev., 92.063. 16 BENCH MARKS. P. B. M. 61: Is on R. B.. If miles above New Haven, 100 feet below lower side of coule"e, at point where river and bluff meet, 25 feet below center of arch culvert, on bluff side of track, 14 feet from center and 3$ feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into vertical ledge. Elev., 99.372. T. B. M. 118: Is on R. B., 1J miles below Etlah, at point where river comes back to bluff, 1,827 feet below milepost 69, at upper end of side hill rock cut, on south wall of arch culvert, over center of arch; being highest point in square. Elev., 94.436. 51: On R. B., on northeast corner northwest wing wall of Missouri Pacific Ry. culvert, 150 feet above head of willow bar at A 796. Elev., 92.572. P. B. M. 62: Is on R. B., If miles below Etlah, 948 feet below milepost 69, 879 feet above stone arch culvert on west side of coulee, at south right-of-way fence, 32 feet from center of track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 92.491; top of cap, 96.558. T. B. M. 119: Is on R. B., 6,168 feet below Etlah Station, 2,010 feet above mile- post 69, on south end of west wall of open culvert; being the highest point in square. Elev., 95.080. T. B. M. 120: Is on R. B., 2,372 feet below depot at Etlah, about 328 feet below head block at east end of siding, 380 feet above milepost 70, on bluff side of track, 8 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on imbedded rock. Elev., 94.941. TJ. S. C. S. B. M. XIV: Is on R. B., 1,060 feet below depot at Etlah, on north end east abutment of double track open culvert "F2" and marked in small letters U. S. D B. M. XIV. Elev., 95.655. 52: On R. B., on 38-inch elm, on main bank, behind willow bar near A 794 and railroad station Etlah. Elev., 83.026. T. B. M. 121: Is on R. B., 656 feet above depot at Etlah, on south side of track, about 75 feet from center, opposite road crossing; being spike in east root of stump. Elev., 93.184. P. B. M. 63 = - 1 T 9 Etlah- Is on R. B., 672 feet above depot at Etlah, 60 feet west of road crossing, 40 feet south of track, in corner of fence made by right-of-way fence and fence on west side of public road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 97.736; top of cap, 101.812. B. M. -V-: Is on L. B., at south fence of John Clansmeeker's orchard, 100 feet east of small creek, 500 feet from river, opposite Etlah, Mo. Elev., 90.750; top of cap, 94.811. T. B. M. 122: Is on R. B., 1 mile above Etlah, 1,850 feet below small iron bridge, 225 feet below post marked "Water Station one mile," on bluff side of track 8 feet from center, on same elevation as rail; being highest point in square cut on large imbedded piece of ledge, about 6 inches from edge. Elev., 96,879. T. B. M. 123=R. R. B. M.: Is on R. B., about If miles above Etlah, on south end of east abutment, bridge seat course, of iron girder bridge across Berger Creek; being highest point in square found on northeast quarter of cross and marked B. D M. Elev., 93.140. 53: On R. B., on 2-foot elm, 200 feet from river in field, at head of long willow bar, 2,000 feet above A 792, at Hoehn's Landing. Elev., 89.255. T. B. M. 125: Is on R. B., 2J miles below Berger, 1,584 feet below milepost 73, at farm crossing, on bluff side of track, 23 feet from center and 2 feet above rail; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 97.762. P. B. M. 64: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Berger, 1,535 feet below milepost 73, 60 feet above farm crossing, about 75 feet south of Missouri Pacific track, at foot of hill, 5 feet south of east end of gate on private road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 100.580; top of cap, 104.622. T. B. M. 126: Is on R. B., 2J* miles below Berger, 682 feet below milepost 73, at lower end of rock cut, on bluff side of track, 10 feet from center and 1 foot below top of rail; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 95.454 P. B. M. 65: Is on R. B., 2^ miles below Berger, 604 feet below milepost 73, 165 feet above farm crossing on west side of wide coulee, at lower end of sidehill work, on bluff side of track 13 feet from center and 4 feet above rail, 15 inches west of drill scar; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into vertical ledge. Elev., 101.271 54: On R. B., on 3-foot sycamore, 300 feet from river, at eastern edge of timber, 1,200 feet above A 790. Elev., 88.160 T. B. M. 127: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Berger, 990 feet above post marked "One mile to station," on 3H oot white oak, 25 feet east of small field and 105 feet south of railroad on west side of small ravine; being top of spike in north root. Elev., 102.559. BENCH MARKS. 17 55: On R. B., on 20-inch elm, on bench, midway between R. B. 0s 467 and 468. Elev., 86.348. U. S. C. S.B.M.XV Berger: Is on R. B., in Berger, on east side of Main street and north of Missouri Pacific Ry., 3.3 feet north of southwest corner of Mrs. M. M. Schaub's house; being bottom surface of square cavity cut into top of stone post 6 inches square U. S. planted in the ground marked D B. M. Elev., 98.112. P. B. M. 66 = 2 T : Is on R. B., in Berger, in southwest corner of Mrs. Schaub's yard, 8 feet west of house, 16 feet north of south fence line, and 5 feet east of west fence line; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 94.278; top of cap, 98.335. B. M. - 2 2~: Is on L. B., at foot of bluff, about 5,700 feet below Bridgeport, in south- west corner of dooryard of Fritz Etting. Elev., 96.497; top of cap, 100.545. 56: On R. B., on 20-inch elm, 200 feet from river, about 1,500 feet below A 786, in first woods below Bates Island. Elev., 86.711. T. B. M. 128: Is on R. B., 1 mile above Berger, 475 feet below bridge "F 3 ," on bluff side of track 4 feet from rail and about 1 foot below grade; being highest point in square cut on imbedded rock. Elev., 97.422. P. B. M. 67: Is on R. B., 4^ miles below Hermann depot, 1,870 feet above bridge over Little Berger Creek, 2,395 feet below post set on county line at road crossing, on upper side of small valley, at foot of bluff, just outside of right-of-way fence, on south side of track, 56 feet from center and 2 feet east of gate, on land owned by Charley Burns; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 93.874; top of cap, 97.940. T. B. M. 129: Is on R. B., 4^ miles below depot at Hermann, 2,277 feet below post set on county line, at lower end of bluff, 110 feet above road crossing, on south side of track, 8 feet from center on level with rail; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge and marked U. D S. Elev., 97.923. 57: On R. B., on 10-inch sycamore, 30 feet from railway, at base of bluff, 1,500 feet west from house of August Gatzmeier. Elev., 103.006. T. B. M. 130: Is on R. B., 3| mile below depot at Hermann, 2,526 feet above sign- board on county line, on bluff side of track 1\ feet from center and 18 inches above rail; being highest point in' square cut on imbedded stone, and marked U. S. in large letters. Elev., 101.398. P. B. M. 68: Is on R. B., lyf miles below depot at Hermann, at lower side of valley 1,115 feet above road crossing, 66 feet below wooded point of bluff, on bluff side of track 50 feet from center, on land of Tobias Larcer; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 97.456; top of cap, 101.509. T. B. M. 132: Is on R. B., 8,809 feet below depot at Hermann, at lower side of small coulee, on river side of Missouri Pacific track, 11.5 feet from center, in stone over center of stone culvert; being the highest point in square. Elev., 98.312. 58: On R. B., on 16-inch black walnut, at point of bluff above recess in bluffs, just above head of Bates Island Chute. Elev., 102.434. P. B. M. 69: Is on R. B., 2,290 feet below depot at Hermann, 338 feet below upper end of bluff, opposite watchman's house on river bank, 425 feet below road crossing, on bluff side of track, 17 feet from center and 4 feet above rail, 8 inches west of drill scar in rock face of cut; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 105.173. T. B. M. 133: Is on R. B., 2,297 feet below depot at Hermann, 31 feet below P. B. M. 69, 6 inches below base of rail; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge at foot of vertical face of bluff. Elev., 101.039. P. B. M. 70= V, Hermann: Is in Hermann, in lot of August Wholts, on north side of Front street, 450 feet below railroad bridge over Frame Creek and about 140 feet south of railroad; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 97.308; top of cap, 101.356. B. M. V : Opposite Hermann on L. B., in northwest corner of property of Henry Clarke, 45^feet south of L'Outre Slough, at fence on east side of Hermann road. Elev., 93.737; top of cap, 97.791. P. B. M. 71: Is in Hermann, on north end of east abutment of bridge over Frame Creek, on northwest corner of bridge seat, 5 feet below the track and 10 inches from either face of corner stone; being copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 97.128. U. S. C. S. B. M. N 3 , Hermann: Is in Hermann, 15 inches east of northeast corner of stone foundation of White House hotel; being the center of a cross cut into vertical U.S. face of foundation and marked B. M. Elev , 106 006 N 3 1888. 2537012 2 18 BENCH MARKS. T. B. M. 135: Is in Hermann, on north side of White House hotel, on northeast cor- ner of lower step of east entrance, 8 feet west of northeast corner of building; being the highest point in square. Elev., 105.232. P. B. M. 72=59 of 1881: Is on R. B., at point of bluff at upper end of Hermann, 1,148 feet above depot, at lower end of rock cut, on bluff side of track, 10 feet from center and 1 foot above grade, 6 feet west of cattle guard fence; being horizontal furrow in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 103.637. 60: On R. B., on 2^-foot elm, eastward one of a pair standing between railway and river, 1 miles above Hermann, Mo. Elev., 97.282. P. B. M. 73: Is on R. B., 1 miles above Hermann, 164 feet above post marked "One mile to station," in southeast corner of Wm. Streker's garden, 7 feet east of northeast corner of house and about 110 feet south of railroad track; being copper bolt in B. M. etone. Elev., 109.478; top of cap, 113.545. T. B. M. 136: Is on R. B., 1 miles above Hermann, 358 feet above post marked "One mile to station," on south end of east abutment of small bridge, on top course of ma- sonry, 10 inches from each face; being the highest point in square, marked U. D S. Elev., 103.500. T. B. M. 137: Is on R. B., 2,215 feet below bridge "F 4 " Missouri Pacific Ry., 919 feet below small bridge, at lower side of small coulee, bluff side of track 22 feet from center, and about 1 foot above grade; being the highest point in square on rock marked U. D S. Elev., 108.444. P. B. M. 74: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Hermann, on north end of east abutment of bridge "F 4 ," on second course of masonry from top, 10 inches from north end of stone; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 103.171. U. S. C. S. B. M. XVI, Coles Creek: Is* on R. B., in north end east abutment of bridge over Coles Creek; being bottom surface of square cavity in top course of masonry U. S. marked n Elev., 109.417. B. M. T. B. M. 139: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Gasconade Bridge, 3,143 feet above bridge over Coles Creek, 413 feet below small open culvert, on bluff side of track, 9 feet from center, 6 inches above grade; being the highest point in square on imbedded rock marked U. D S. Elev., 111.853. P. B. M. 75=- 2 r 2 -: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Gasconade bridge, 46 feet east of arch culvert, 3,458 feet below milepost 86, at west fence of Frank Berke's garden (inside) and about 70 feet south from Missouri Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 110.078; top of cap, 114.140. B. M. - 2 /: Is on L. B., at east fence of lot belonging to E. & W. Keying, in village of Sugartown, is 18 feet east of the front door of their store, 380 feet N. 6 W E. (Mag.) from southeast corner Sec. 25, T. 46 N., R. 6 W., 6 miles above Hermann, Mo. Elev., 108.708; top of cap, 112.780. T. B. M. 140: la on R. B., 2 miles below Gasconade Bridge, 3,419 feet below mile- post 86, on east end of south wall of stone arch culvert near Frank Berke's house, on southeast corner of large sandstone; being highest point in square. Elev., 103.162. 61: (Destroyed.) 62: On R. B.. on stump of cluster of 4-inch elms at base of bluff, 800 feet below A 762. Elev., 118.923. T. B. M. 141: Is on R. B., If miles below Gasconade Bridge, on north end west abut- ment of small bridge, about 500 feet above prominent sandstone point in bluff; being highest point in square. Elev. ,110.022. P. B. M. 76: Is on R. B., \\ miles below Gasconade Bridge, at lower side of coulee and in front of John Uffelman's house, in bluff side of track, 31 feet from the center, 10 feet south of right-of-way fence, 1 foot west of rail fence running south over the bluff; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 107,217; top of cap, 111.271. T. B. M. 142=R. R. B. M.: Is on R. B., 5,900 feet below Gasconade Bridge, on north end of stone culvert under Missouri Pacific Ry., near the northwest corner; being the highest point in square formed on one angle of "a cross and marked B. Q M. T. B. M. 143: Is on R. B., 4,265 feet below bridge across Gasconade River, 300 feet above milepost 87; Missouri Pacific Ry., 200 feet below sign post marked "Station 1 mile," 7 feet below small boxdrain under track, on projecting rock 1 foot above grade, 11.8 feet from center, on bluff side of track; being the highest point in square. Elev., 112.599. 63: Is on R. B., horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt set into face of cut rock at side of Missouri Pacific Ry., 3,000 feet below Gasconade Bridge. Elev., 116.070. T. B. M. 144=B. M. of Gasconade River Survey of 1879: Is on R. B., in Gasconade on south end of first pier from east end of bridge across the Gasconade River; being the highest point of spherical knob cut in stone, 4 feet from south corner of stone and marked B. M. 6 inches away from point. Elev., 110.126. BENCH MARKS. 19 U. S. C. S. B. M. XVII: Is on R. B., in Gasconade, on middle pier of bridge across the Gasconade River, on south side of track, 6 inches from south end of pier; being U. S. bottom surface of a square cavitv, marked n Elev., 110.220. B. M. P. B. M. 77 : Is on R. B., in Gasconade, on north end of first pier from the west end of bridge across the Gasconade River, 6 inches south of north end of pier; being copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 110.115. U.S.C.S.B.M. XVlII. Gasconade: Is on R. B., in Gasconade, at southeast corner of J. Walter's house, south side, 2 feet from the corner, 200 feet south of east end of stationhouse; being the bottom surface of a square cavity cut into the top of a limestone post 6 inches square, set into the ground and marked D Elev., 113.288. B. M. 64. On R. B., on 2-foot elm, 150 feet southeast from pink house of G. Haeck, between A s756 and 758. Elev., 97.801. T. B. M. 145: Is on R. B., If miles above Gasconade, 620 feet above post marked " 1 mile to water tank," on bluff side of track 6.5 feet from center and 3 inches above rail; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge and marked U. nS. Elev., 112.622. T. B. M. 146: Is on R. B., If miles above Gasconade, 33 feet below post marked " 1 mile to station." on east end of south wall of culvert; being the highest point in square. Elev., 103.977. P. B. M. 78 = - 2 T 3 -: Is on R. B., l]j- miles above Gasconade, 78 feet above post marked "I mile to station," inside of north fence of Nicholas Wolz's dooryard, 157 feet from center of track and 10 feet east of small yard gate; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev;, 113.332; top of cap. 117.392. B. M. V : Is on R. B., at foot of bluff in northeast corner of field belonging to William Boatwright, in S. W. 1 of S. W. i, Sec. 34, T. 46 N., R. 6 W., at west fence of lane be- tween Boatwright and Hoerthis' land. Elev., 100.529; top of cap, 104.607 65: On R. B., on 3-foot elm, 300 feet from river by fence, just behind house, near A 754. Elev., 100.353. P. B. M. 79: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Ganconade, near upper side of coule"e, on south end of west abutment, in bridge seat course of bridge " F. G. " on Missouri Pacific Ry . , 7 feet from center of track; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically into stone. Elev., 110.019. T. B. M. 148: Is on R. B., If miles below Morrison, on north end of east abutment of bridge " G" on north end of bridge seat about 1 foot from corner of stone; being the highest point in square. D Elev., 109.658. T. B. M. 149 = R. R. B. M. : Is on R. B., 4,855 feet below depot at Morrison, on north end of east abutment of culvert; being the highest point in square formed on northeast quarter of cross and marked B. Q M. Elev., 111.531. P. B. M. 80: Is on R. B., 1,608 feet below Morrison depot, 869 feet above lower head block of siding, on point of bluff at lower side of coule"e and 275 feet below whistle post, 35 feet south of siding, 2 feet north of right-of-way fence, opposite a two-story frame house standing 400 feet north of track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 113.823; top of cap, 117.884. P. B. M. 81: Is on R. B., 1,427 feet below Morrison, 115 feet below whistle post, 15*0 feet above point of bluff and small coulee, on bluff side of Missouri Pacific Ry. track, 12 feet from center of siding and 4 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into vertical face of natural ledge. Elev. , 118.408. T. B. M. 150: Is on R. B., 1,427 feet below Morrison depot, 115 feet below whistle post, at upper side of first coulee below station, 140 feet above point of bluff, on bluff side of track, 12 feet from center of siding, on same elevation as base of rail; being high- est point in square cut on natural ledge, 3 feet east of P. B. M. 80 Elev., 114.790. 66: On R. B., on 20-inch elm, 500 feet from river, at edge of woods, 300 feet below fence corner, on place of Henry Tay, near A 752. Elev., 102.679. U. S. C. S. B. M. XIX. Morrison: Is on R. B., in Morrison, on north side of foun- dation, near northeast corner of H. Brinkhotters & Co.'s grain elevator standing on south side of track, about 150 feet west of depot; being the bottom surface U.S. of a square cavity marked n B. M. Elev., 113.730. T. B. M. 151: Is on R. B., 4,593 feet above Morrison, on west side of open culvert over wagon road, on second course of masonry from top, south side of Missouri Parific track; being highest point in square, 20 inches from south corner and 9 inches from east face of stone. Elev., 111.819. 20 BENCH MAKKS. 67: On R. B., on 20-inch cottonwood, 40 feet from river, 60 feet from road, mile above head of island above Bluffton, Mo., about 1,000 feet above A748. Elev., 101.547. P. B. M. 82: Is on R. B., If miles above Morrison, 1,427 feet above milepost 94, at west end of only bare spot of bluff in vicinity, on bluff side of track, 13 feet from center and about 3 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded hori- zontally into natural ledge. Elev., 119.978. P. B. M. 83= 2 T 4 -: Is on R. B., 1\ miles above Morrison, 1,542 feet b'elow mile 95, 50 feet west of bridge "HI" over road, at south fence of Missouri Pacific right-of-way, 21 feet from center of track, at foot of bluff, on west side of coulee; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 119.125; top of cap, 123.183. B. M. 2 /: Is oti R. B., in northwest corner Mrs. Starke's field at northwest corner Sec. 2, TT45 N., R. 7 W. Elev., 101.522; top of cap, 105.587. B. M. 2 3 4 -: I g on L. B., at upper end of rock bluff at mouth of Little Tavern Creek. Elev., 106.417; top of cap, 110.488. 68: On R. B., on 20-inch elm, 100 feet from chute, midway down Portland Island. Elev., 106.159. T. B. M. 153: Is on R. B., 2| miles above Morrison, 1,597 feet below milepost 95, on south end of east abutment of small bridge "HI" over road; being highest point in square on top stone of wing wall. Elev., 119.477. T. B. M. 154: Is on R. B., 4 miles below Chamois, 3,228 feet below milepost 96, Missouri Pacific Ry., on east end south wall stone arch culvert; beine: highest point in square. Elev., 115.473. 69: On R. B., on 16-inch cottonwood, 400 feet from chute, on south side of dry slough opposite head of Portland Island, at A 740. Elev., 104.608. T. B. M. 155: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Chamois, 105 feet below lower head block of Portage siding, Missouri Pacific Ry., in center of stone at north end of west abutment of bridge "I s '; being highest point in square marked U. D S. Elev., 116.516. P. B. M. 84, Portage: Is on R. B., 2^ miles below Chamois, 275 feet above upper head block of Portage siding, 15 feet below small bridge, on bluff side of track, 45 feet from the center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 114.211; top of cap, 118.274. T. B. M. 157: Is on right bank, 1|| miles below Chamois, Osage Co., Mo., 360 feet above milepost 98, Missouri Pacific Ry., 85 feet above signboard marked "Portage 1 mile," on bluff side of track, 12 feet from center and 3 feet above grade, 246 feet below upper end of side-hill cut; being highest point in square cut on projecting point of natural ledge. Elev., 125.984. 70: On R. B., on 18-inch cottonwood, 150 feet from river, about 2 miles below Chamois, Mo., vicinity of A 736. Elev., 106.587. T. B. M. 158: Is on R. B., $ mile below Chamois depot, 410 feet above road cross- ing, 60 feet above.milepost 99, 70 feet below sign marked "Yard Limits," on extreme north end of west abutment of small bridge, 2 feet from north edge of stone, 20 feet from center of track; being highest point in square cut on masonry. * Elev., 118.650. 71: (Destroyed) 72: On R. B., on 30-inch cottonwood, in field, 500 feet northeast from house of Louis Reifsteak, and 300 feet from river. Elev., 108.530. P. B. M. 85: Is in Chamois, in south end of stone doorstep at east door of saloon on southwest corner of Main and Pacific streets; being top of copper bolt leaded verti- cally. Elev., 124.270 P. B. M. 86 = - 2 ^ Chamois: Is in Chamois, 544 feet north of railroad station, in southwest corner of lot to brick residence owned by William Cochran, on east side of Main street; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 116.685; top of cap, 120.763 B. M. - 2 /: Is on L. B., opposite Chamois, at north fence of field belonging to Marshall Gibson, 100 feet south of bridge, of Stoddard Ferry and Portland road, over Mud Creek; 230 feet N. 84 W. (Mag.) from Gibson's Mill. Elev., 105.882; top of cap, 109.961. U. S. C. S. B. M. O 3 : Is in Chamois, on stone doorstep at side door of two-story brick saloon on northwest corner of Main and Pacific streets; being bottom surface of square U.S. cavity marked D Elev., 122.628. B. M. 0, 1888. BENCH MARKS. 21 T.B.M. 160 = R. R. B. M.: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Chamois, 480 feet below milepost 102, at north end east abutment of bridge "K"; being highest point in U.S. square formed on angle of cross and marked Q Elev., 121.503. B. M. P. B. M. 87: Is on R. B., 1^ miles below Deer Creek, 3 miles above Chamois, on lower side of coulee, 20 feet from foot of bluff, 35 feet from center of track, in angle of fence formod by right-of-way fence turning south over bluff; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 123.106; top of cap, 127.187. T. B. M. 161: Is on R. B., 30 feet west of P. B. M. 87; being highest point in square cut on large stone. Elev., 127.906. 73: On R. B., on twin cottonwood, 2 feet in diameter, 400 feet from river, 300 feet west from house of W. M. Prier, on the Huston place, halfway between St. Aubert and Chamois. Elev., 106.901. P. B. M. 88: Is on R. B., about 3 miles above Chamoise Depot, 1 mile below Deer Creek, opposite center of large coulee, 200 feet above log house, 200 feet south of rail- road, on north end of west abutment of small bridge over road, on fourth course of stone below bridge seat; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 118.882. P. B. M. 89=74 of 1881: Is on R. B., 1 miles below St. Aubert Station Depot, on south end of east abutment of bridge over 1 Deer Creek, at lower side of wide coulee; being horizontal furrow in copper bolt leaded horizontally into first course of masonry below bridge seat course. Elev., 116.183. T. B. M. 163: Is on R. B., 1 miles below St. Aubert Station Depot, on south end of east abutment of iron bridge over Deer Creek, at lower side of wide coulee; being highest point in square cut on end of projecting stone on course next above bridge seat course. Elev., 119.555. T. B. M.164: IsonR. B., f mile below St. Aubert Station Depot, 235 feet below head block of siding, bluff side of Missouri Pacific track, 15 feet from center; being highest point in square on projection ledge. Elev., 126.642. P. B. M. 90= 2 T ti , St. Aubert: Is in St. Aubert, on northwest corner of Main and Morrow streets, inside of fence, 300 feet from depot; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 126.748; top of cap, 130.822. B. M. - 2 9 6 : At foot of bluff on L. B., opposite St. Aubert, in southeast corner of door- yard belonging to T. R. Smith. Elev., 140.030; top of cap, 144.084. U. S. C. S. B.M. XX: Is in St. Aubert, on south end of east abutment of bridge U. S. No. 25; being bottom surface of square cavity marked D Elev., 125.165. B.M. 75: On R. B., on southwest corner top of rock base of northeast corner post of bridge No. 26, Missouri Pacific Ry. Elev., 125.038. P. B. M. 91, Shipley Landing: Is on R. B., at Shipley Landing, 250 feet below bridge No. 27, at foot of west end of bluff east side of coulee, at fence corner, 1 feet inside right-of-way; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 124.612; top of cap, 128.676. T. B. M. 167: Is on R. B., at Shipley Landing, If miles below Isbell on north end of east abutment of bridge No. 27 ; being highest point in square marked U. D S . Elev., 129.617. 76: Is on R. B., on north abutment of bridge No. 27, at southeast corner; being square cut in top of rock. Elev., 126.261. T. B. M. 168: IsonR. B., 1,800 feet below east end of Loose Creek Bridge, at upper end of first cut below bridge, bluff side of track, 10 feet from center and 2 feet above grade; being highest point in square cut on projecting ledge, with letters "U. S." cut on vertical face below the bench. Elev., 133.178. P. B. M. 92 = 2 r 7 -: Isbell: Is at Isbell, 295 'feet below center of depot, 300 feet above runway to stockyards, bluff side of track, 35 feet from center, 1 feet north of right-of- way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 117.446; top of cap, 121.493. 77: On R. B., on 2-foot cottonwood, on bank just in front of depot at Isbell station, Missouri Pacific Ry. Elev., 122.236. B. M. 2 /: At foot of bluff on L. B., opposite Isbell Station, in northwest corner of meadow belonging to Jack Farmer, (colored) on east side of Cote Sans Dessein road. Elev., 137.141; top of cap, 141.210. P. B. M. 93: Is at Isbell, 165 feet above depot, 60 feet above lower end of cut, 15 feet above head block of siding, bluff side Missouri Pacific track, 11.4 feet from center and 3 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 134.975. 22 BENCH MARKS. T. B. M. 169: Is at Isbell, 165 feet above west end of depot, 60 feet above lower end of cut, 15 feet above head block of siding on bluff side of Missouri Pacific track, 10.8 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge at about the ele- vation of grade. Elev., 132.354. T. B. M. 170: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Isbell Depot, 245 feet below bare face of ledge, 1,030 feet above sign "Station one mile," on bluff side of track, 9.5 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on point of projecting ledge, 2 feet above grade and marked U.nS. Elev., 137.215. T. B. M. 171=R.R.B.M.: Is on R. B., about 2 miles below Bonnots Mill, on north- west corner of east abutment of small bridge opposite center of coulee; being highest point in square formed on southeast angle of cross and marked B . H M . Elev. , 128 .279. 78: Mark "D, " cut into top of rock at southwest corner east abutment of culvert, 600 feet from river and 2 miles below Bonnots Mill, Mo. Elev., 125.382. P. B. M. 94: Is on R. B., If miles below Bonnots Mill Depot, at upper side of coulee, bluff side of Missouri Pacific track, 60 feet from center, 30 feet above bridge U N 2 ," on top of projecting ridge, 20 feet south of south right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 121,728; top of cap, 125.781. T. B. M. 172: Is on R. B., in same locality as P. B. M. 94, on south end of west abut- ment to bridge "Njj," at upper side of coulee; being highest point in square cut on third course of stone from top. Elev., 125.375. T. B. M. 173: Is on R. B.. f mile below Bonnots Mill Depot, on river side of Missouri Pacific track, 11 feet from center, in a small thorough cut; being highest point in square cut on imbedded stone. Elev., 131.728. 79: On R. B., on 40-inch .elm, 50 feet north from Missouri Pacific Ry., 1,000 feet below Bonnots Mill Depot. Elev., 119.418. T. B. M. 174: Is at Bonnots Mill, 65 feet east of door of depot, and 10 feet south of center of siding; being highest point in square cut on top of foundation at northeast corner of warehouse. Elev., 132.518. U. S. C. S. B. M. P 3 . Bonnots Mill. Is at Bonnots Mill, 92 feet south of railroad track, at northwest corner of brick store owned by Mrs. L. Bonnot; being bottom sur- U. S. DB. M. face of square cavity cut in top of water table, which is marked P 3 1888. Elev., 138.598. T. B, M. 175=R. R. B. M.: Is in Bonnots Mill, on south end of east abutment to bridge No. "P"; being highest point in square formed on angle of cross, marked B. H M. Elev., 130.623. P. B. M. 95= 2 T 8 : Is in Bonnots Mill, 700 feet west of station, 210 feet west of bridge No. "P," 45 feet above mill and on opposite side of track, on line with north right-of- way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 118.694; top of cap, 122.759. B. M. \ 8 : On left bank, opposite Bonnots Mill, at north fence of Victor Pinet's garden at east end of Cote Sans Dessein. Elev., 130.758; top of cap, 134.827. B. M. 2 /: On L. B., on line B. M. 2 T 8 to B. M. V, at north fence of road which runs along foot of bluff, 723 feet northeast of house belonging to Mrs. Ann McCave. Elev., 139.434; top of cap, 143.497. T. B. M. 178=81 of 1881: Is on R. B., 2f miles below east end of Osage Bridge, on northwest stone column to bridge No. 29 over Evans Creek, Missouri Pacific Ry.; being highest point in base of "U"cut on southwest corner of cap-stone. Elev., 130.761. T. B. M. 177=80 of 1881: Is on R. B., near T. B. M. 178, in column at northeast cor- ner of bridge No. 29; being highest point in square cut on northeast corner of cap stone and marked U. Q S. Elev., 130.840. 82: Horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt set into cut face of rock, 250 feet from river, and 200 feet above bridge No. 30, Missouri Pacific Railroad. Elev., 143.732. P. B. M. 96: Is on R. B., 1 miles above Bonnots Mill, 815 feet above bridge No. 29, 250 feet above point of bluff, on bluff side of track, 9.2 feet from center and 2 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 134.927. T. B. M. 179: Is on R. B., 2 miles below east end of Osage Bridge, 295 feet above milepost 114, on down stream abutment of small bridge on end second course of stone from top next to river, 14 feet from center of track; being highest point in square marked U. S. Elev., 128.728. P. B. M. 97: Is on R. B., If miles below Osage City, 45 feet below bridge "P 2 ," on bluff side of Missouri Pacific track, 43 feet from center, 3 feet outside of right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 125.513; top of cap, 129.587. BENCH MARKS. 23 T. B. M. 180=11. R. B. M.: Is on R. B., 1| miles below Osage City, on north end east abutment of bridge "P 2jl " Missouri Pacific Railway; being highest point in B. M. square formed on one angle of cross marked El Elev., 130.224. U.S. 83. Osage River: On R. B., on 16-inch black walnut, 25 feet from river, at mouth of Osage River, lower side. Elev., 122.277. 84: On R. B., on southwest corner east abutment bridge No. 32, Missouri Pacific Ry. Elev., 139.432. P. B. M. 98: Is at Osage City, on north end of east abutment or iron railroad bridge over the Osage River, 16 inches from north end and 9 inches from west face of abut- ment; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically into coping. Elev., 132.998. T. B. M. 182=R. R. B. M.: Is on R. B., in south end of east abutment of iron rail- road bridge over Osage River; being highest point at extreme southeast corner of coping stone and marked n B. M. Elev., 133.015. P. B. M. 99, Osage City: Is in Osage City, 60 feet below depot, on line with north side of same, on line of fence running east from depot, 12 feet south of center of siding, 55 feet above west end of ice house; being copper bolt in B. M. Elev., 134.336; top of cap, 138.401. U. S. C. .S. B. M. XXIV: Is in Osage City, on north side of railroad track, in front of Russler's Hotel, at southwest corner of front dooryard and on line with west side of house, 1 foot north of fence line; being bottom surface of square cavity cut into top face of stone monument 6 inches square, and projecting above ground about 3 inches, U. S. and marked Q Elev., 133.182. B. M. T. B. M. 183: Is in OiSage City on west side of upper water tank, on top of wall, near middle, forming foundation for tank, and 8.8 feet from the south side of the tank; being highest point in square. Elev., 139.257. T. B. M. 184=R. R. B. M.: Is on R, B., mile above Osage City, on east abutment of small bridge, 8 inches from face of abutment and 3 feet from north end ; being highest point in square formed on one angle of cross marked B. Q M. Elev., 144.915. T. B. M. 185: Is- on R. B., about 1^ mites above Osage City, 262 feet below post marked "One mile to Station," on bluff side of track, 5 feet inside of right-of-way; being top of spike in north root of a 2-foot black oak. Elev., 139.351. U. S. C. S. B. M., XXV: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Osage City, at southwest corner of west abutment of bridge across Rising Creek; being bottom surface of square cavity, U. S. 1 inch square, marked D Elev., 143.593. B. M. P. B. M. 100 =-\*-; Ewings Landing: Is on R. B., at upper end of U. S. boat yard, at west end of pond, 100 feet east of northeast corner of field, on line of prolongation of south road fence and about 400 feet from river; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 128.371; top of cap, 132.453. B. M. - 2 i: Opposite Ewings Landing on L. B., at south fence of pasture belonging to Thomas L. Link, at foot of bluff, about 800 feet west of road entering hills from bottom. Elev., 135.510; top of cap, 139.597. T. B. M. 186: Is on R. B., 35 feet west of P. B. M. 100; being top of spike in west root of a 2-foot walnut. Elev., 131.287. T. B. M. 187: Is on R. B., f mile below Ewing Station, 918 feet above bridge over Rising Creek, 82 feet above milepost 119, on river side of track, 20 feet outside of right-of-way; being top of spike in a 2-foot black oak. Elev., 144.889. T. B. M. 188: Is on R. B., 935 feet below upper head block of Ewings Siding, 655 feet below north and south lane, 125 feet below center head block, 6 feet south of south fence of lane running along south of track; being top of spike in 2^-foot white oak. Elev., 155.943. 85: On R. B., on 2-foot oak, 50 feet from river, and 50 feet from upper bank of Moreau Creek. Elev., 130.814. U. S. C. S. B. M. XXVI, Moreau River: Is on R. B., on north end of east abutment of railroad bridge over Moreau River; being bottom surface of square cavity cut into U. S. cap stone and marked D Elev., 170.886. B.M. 86: On R. B., on 18-inch sycamore, on south bank of cut, 900 feet below -tunnel, 4 miles below Jefferson City, Mo., opposite milepost 121 miles from St. Louis. Elev., 173.969. 24 BENCH MARKS. P. B. M. 101: Is on R. B., at east end of Missouri Pacific tunnel, 3i miles below Jefferson City depot, on south side of Missouri Pacific track and 4 feet above rail; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 167.448. P. B. M. 102: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Jefferson City depot, 656 feet above mouth of Missouri Pacific tunnel at lower end of short cut, on south side of Missouri Pacific track, 39 feet from center, 239 feet below small open stone culvert; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 157.376; top of cap, 161.434. T. B. M. 190: Is on R. B., 3| miles below Jefferson City depot, 1,233 feet above tunnel, at lower end of side-hill cut, on bluff side of Missouri Pacific track 15 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 157.637. T. B. M. 191: Is on R. B., 1\ miles below Jefferson City depot, on north end of east abutment of bridge No. "P 3 ," \\ feet from both end and" side of stone; being highest point in square marked U. Q S. Elev., 142.825. 87: On R. B., on northwest corner of east abutment of small bridge above P. 155, about R, B.Q248. Elev., 140.707. T. B. M. 192: Is on R. B., If miles below depot at Jefferson City, at lower side of wide coulee, on south end of east abutment of bridge 34, over stream; marked B.+M. Elev., 142.840. P. B. M. 103: Is on R. B., If miles below Jefferson City, 225 feet above bridge 34, where T. B. M. 192 is located, at large opening in bluff, on a high bench of ground, 35 feet from track on bluff side, 75 feet from a 10-inch white oak, blazed, and \\ feet north of south right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 134.192; top of cap, 138.253. T. B. M. 193=88 of 1881: Is at Jefferson City, about 7,000 feet below Capitol build- ing, on southwest corner of coping of east abutment of small bridge of Missouri Pacific Ry. El^v., 143.026. 70 of 1879: Top of lower step at northeast corner of northeast wing wall of first cul- vert below passenger depot at Jefferson City. Elev., 134.343. P. B. M. 104: Is on R. B., f mile below Jefferson City depot, 125 feet above bridge and heavy stone work under track, 60 feet above point of bluff on upper side of coulee, at lower edge of large rock face of bluff, 10.2 feet from center of track 2.6 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontallv. Elev., 145.329. T. B. M. 194: Is on R. B., directly opposite P. B. M. 104, about 50 feet above extreme end of ledge; being highest point in square cut on ledge about level with grade of track. Elev., 142.406. 89=69 of 1879: Top of lower step at northwest corner of northwest wing wall of first open culvert below passenger depot at Jefferson City. Elev., 136.163. T. B. M. 195: Is in Jefferson City, at the southwest corner of Jefferson and West Water streets, 10 feet from northeast corner of stone building, on top of rounding curb stone, being highest point in square. Elev., 141.578. T. B. M. 196=Gauge B. M.: Is in Jefferson City, at the foot of Jefferson street, on Lohman's warehouse, on east end of east door sill. Elev., 142.031. U. S. C. S. B. M. XXVII: Is on top of east stone wall around Capitol grounds north of the east main entrance to grounds, 8 inches south of the first incline of the top surface of wall; being the bottom surface of a square cavity one-fourth of an inch deep U.S. marked C. &nG. S. B. M. Elev., 192.549. U.S.C.S.B.M.+in Capitol: Is in Jefferson City, at the northeast corner of Capitol building, on the east face of the second course of stone from the ground, 10 inches from the corner and 2 feet above ground, marked U. S. C. & G. S. B. M. on stone directly under cross. Elev, 214.894. City B. M. : Is in Jefferson City, at the southeast corner of Jefferson and High streets, on door stone at northeast entrance to Merchants Bank building, on northeast corner of stone, outside of pillar and next to sidewalk marked + . Elev, 223.688. T. B. M. 197: Is in Jefferson City, on circular step in front of main entrance to Capitol on second step from the bottom, about 45 degrees around from north end of step, in center of the sixth stone from the north end; being the highest point in square marked U.DS. Elev, 214.269 P. B. M. 105: Is in Jefferson City, at the northeast corner of inclosure of Capitol grounds in north face of stone corner column, in center of third course of stone from bottom; being center punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Eiev, 146.273. P. B. M. 106=90 of 1881: Is in Jefferson City, in rock cut under Capitol Hill on south side of Missouri Pacific track, about 3 feet above grade; being horizontal furrow in copper bolt. Elev, 143.770. BENCH MARKS. 25 T. B. M. 199: Is in Jefferson City, just above the west side of Capitol grounds, on Missouri Pacific Railway stone culvert No. 320, on northeast -corner of wing wall, on north side of track; being highest point in square cut in top of stone. Elev., 141.333. T. B. M. 198=90a of 1881=Gauge B. M. "C": Is in Jefferson City, in same culvert as T. B. M. 199, 325 feet west of west end of capitol grounds, 20 feet east of foot of arch on north face of culvert, 0.2 feet below the top of eleventh course of masonry from the top; being knob cut on projection of rock. Elev., 128.284. T. B. M. 200: Is in Jefferson City, at upper Ferry Landing, opposite W. J. Lemps St. Louis Beer Depot, 52 feet west of the southwest corner of warehouse of the Dulle Milling Co., formerly pork house; being highest point of square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 144.023. T. B. M. 201=90b of 1881= Gauge B. M. P. H.: Is near T. B. M. 200, 100 feet west of Dulle Milling Co.'s warehouse, 50 feet north of the Missouri Pacific Ry. track, on vertical ledge of rock nearest the river, in an old cellar, 2 feet above ground; being knob cut on projection of ledge. Elev., 131.696. P. B. M. 107= 5 r Q : Is in Jefferson City, in the east corner of fourth block above Cap- itol Square, opposite the Ferry Landing and 280 feet from the river just below Lemps St. Louis Beer depot; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 139.810; top of cap, 143.871. B. M. ao : On left bank, at south fence of Mrs. M. Wagner's dooryard, 30 feet south of her house, 235 feet N. 3 15 X E. (Mag.) from southeast corner Sec. 9, T. 44 N., R. 11 W. Elev., 129.961; top of cap, 134.035. B. M. Y: Is on L. B., at north fence of right-of-way of Fulton Branch of Chicago and Alton Ry., near west end of tangent, which enters hills from the bottom. Elev., 147.449; top of cap, 151.526. T. B. M. 202: Is 282 feet west of city limits of Jefferson City, 60 feet below east end of pump house of Water Works, 275 feet above sign "Jefferson City, one mile," 100 feet above head block of siding, and 6 feet south of center of siding; being square in point of ledge 1 foot above grade. Elev., 146.730. P. B. M. 108: Is on R. B., 2f miles above depot at Jefferson City, 197 feet below Missouri Pacific stone culvert, at point of bluff on lower side of coulee, on right-of-way at south fence, 35 feet south of center of track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 139.245; top of cap, 143.310. T. B. M. 203=old B. M.: Is on R. B., on lower abutment of same culvert with T. B. M. 204, on north end at side of top course of stone; being southeast angle of cross. Elev., 140.956. T. B. 204: Is on R. B., on south end of stone culvert arched with brick, 197 feet above P. B. M. 108 on south end of culvert on point of cap stone; 1 eing highest point in square marked U. n S. Elev., 142.644. P. B. M. 109: Is on R. B., f mile below Grays Creek, 150 feet above upper end of long tangent above Jefferson City, 30 feet above telegraph pole bearing mile sign 128, 12.5 feet from track center, 492 feet below large rocks at upper end of riprap bank, 45 feet below a triangulation point, 4 feet above ground and 1 feet above grade of track; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded into vertical face of ledge. Elev., 149.820. T. B. M. 205: Is on R. B., directly under P. B. M. 109, on bluff side of track, 12 feet from center, 1$ feet below grade, on natural ledge: 1 eing highest point in square. Elev.. 146.789. 91: On R. B., on shelf in cut rock, 10 feet from Missouri Pacific Ry., J mile below Grays Creek. Elev., 148.977. T. B. M. 206: Is on R. B., on line of Missouri Pacific Railway, 410 feet below mouth of Grays Creek, 150 feet below whistle post, 15 feet below stone drain under track, on bluff side, 10 feet from center and 1 foot below grade; being square on point of ledge marked U. S. on face of rock just above. Elev., 147.142. T. B. M. 207=R. R. B. M., Grays Creek: Is on R. B., on west abutment of iron bridge across Grays Creek, on downstream side of abutment; being highest point in square. Elev., 143.346. P. B. M. 110= V : Is on R- B., about 2 miles above Jefferson City, 1,166 feet N. 87 30' W. (Mag.) of west end of Missouri Pacific bridge over Grays Creek, about 88 feet below gate to pasture at foot of bluff, on north side of wagon road in field, 10 feet from fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 150.195; top of cap, 154.272. B. M. -V-: Is on L. B., at foot of bluff, in southeast corner of garden of John Yount, about 2i miles north of Cedar City, Mo. Is N. 55 50 X E. (Mag.) from B. M. . Elev., 132.451; top of cap, 136.531. T. B. M. 208: Is on R. B., 23 feet below P. B. M. 110, on north side of wagon road in field, 10 feet from fence; being spike in north root of a lone sycamore. Elev., 152.893. 26 BENCH MAKKS. T. B. M. 209: Is on R. B., 4,260 feet alove mouth of Grays Creek, on right tank of slough, at rocky point of Muff projecting into slough ah out on center of main point of exposed ledge on upper side; being square on natural ledge 18 inches back from upper quarter of break. Elev., 127.573. 92: On R. B.. on 2-foot sycamore, in old roadway, 120 feet from bluff, about I mile above site of A 680. Elev., 133.940. T. B. M, 213: Is on R. B., 65 feet below P. B. M. 112, on natural ledge at base of rock point; being highest point in square marked U. Q S. Elev.. 139.379. P. B. M. Ill : Is on R. B., 98 feet below P. B. M, 112, 2 feet above surface of ground on north face of bluff; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 141.743. P. B. M. 112: Is on R. B., about 2} miles above mouth of Grays Creek where extreme east road crossing bottom north and south opposite Claysville reaches bluff, on south side of wagon road. 144 feet west of gate and 285 feet east of Canaan Cole's house, at foot of bluff, 1 foot from vertical ledge; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 136.508; top of cap, 140.568. 93: On R. B.. on 20-inch oak, at fence between cornfield and woods, next bluff, near lower end of "Gale Farm." opposite Claysville. Mo. Elev., 136.508. P. B. M. 113= 3 T 2 : Is on R. B., at foot of bluff opposite Claysville, at west fence of section line road between Sees. 19 and 20, T. 45 N., R. 12 W., 1172 feet south of north- east corner of section 19, on land of F. Ma_rtin, 110 feet south of gate where road enters pasture, 10 feet west of wagon road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 149. 470;. top of cap, 153.534. B. M. 'V 2 : Is on L. B., at upper end of the town of Claysville, Mo., 270 feet below present bridge across creek near its junction with the river, in small lot owned by D. L. Sitton, and 12 feet north of his house used as a drug-store and post-office. Elev., 143.706; top of cap, 147.773. T. B. M. 216: Is on R. B., 49 feet north of P. B. M. 113, 62 feet south of gate where road enters pasture by road side; being spike in north root of a 16-inch hickory. Elev., 144.021. 94: On R. B., on 16-inch twin hackberry, in north and south fence row, 250 feet from bluff, ^ mile from chute behind Stanley Island, 1^ miles above Claysville, Mo. .Elev., 140.609. T. B. M. 218, Stanley's Landing: Is on R. B., 655 feet above Stanley's Landing, at foot of bluff directly across road from a 3-foot elm at side of road; being highest point in square cut on rock. Elev., 140. S62. T. B. M. 219: Is on R. B., J of a mile above Stanley Island and 1,310 feet below a very large vertical rock standing on side of bluff on river bank; being a spike in root of an elm. Elev., 142.168. P. B. M. 114, Sugar Loaf Rock: Is at Sugar Loaf Rock (called Big Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892) which stands on the side of the bluff about 50 feet from river bank; it is in the northeast face of the rock, 7 feet above the level of a bench below rock, and 2 feet above ground at face of rock; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev.. 155.908. 95: On R. B., on 16-inch elm, 8 feet from river, 300 feet below A 670. Elev., 143.560. P. B. M. 115: Is on R. B., 4^ miles below Marion, Mo., 2| miles below Bull Rock (called Sugar Loaf Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892), j mile above Sugar Loaf Rock (called Big Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892), 82 feet back from river at mouth of small ravine, 24 feet east of bed of small stream; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 141.313; top of cap, 145.372. T. B. M. 220: Is on R. B., very near P. B. M. 115; being highest point in square cut on projecting point of natural ledge. Elev., 146.700. T. B. M. 222: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Bull Rock (called Sugar Loaf Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892), If miles above Sugar Loaf Rock (called Big Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892), 1475 feet above mouth of Meadow Creek, 50 feet back from river bank; being top of spike in root of 18-inch elm. Elev. ; 142.641. 96: Is on R. B., horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into rock 300 feet above end of reach of bluffs extending from Sugar Loaf Rock down stream. Elev., 137.157. T. B. M. 223: Is on R. B., \ mile below Bull Rock (called Sugar Loaf Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892), on upper one of three large conspicuous rocks on bank (the only ones near); being highest point in square cut on northwest corner marked II. DS. Elev., 135.024. B. M. of 188?: Knob cut on outermost point of Sugar Loaf Rock. Elev., 138.148. BENCH MARKS. 27 P. B. M. 116, Bull Rock: Is on R. B., in west face of Bull Rock (called Sugar Loaf Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892), a very prominent pinnacle rock about 50 feet high, at edge of water, 10 feet north of edge of bluff, 25 feet above long narrow shoulder upon which is T. B. M. 224 and 15 feet below south end of projecting ridge of rock; being center of punch mark in copper bolt. Elev., 140.819. P. B. M. 117: Is on R. B., 40 feet west of west face of Bull Rock (called Sugar Loaf Rock on map published by Mo. River Comm. in 1892), on top of bench 20 feet north and 30 feet west of foot of slope; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 158.362; top of cap, 162.422. T. B. M. 224: Is on R. B.., 2 miles below Marion, on west side of Bull Rock (called Sugar Loaf Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892), at about the elevation of high water; being.highest point in square cut on shoulder of rock find marked U.DS. Elev., 138.148. T. B. M. 225: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Marion, mile above Bull Rock (called Sugar Loaf Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892), at point of bluff, on upper one of several large flat pieces of rock lying on bank at an angle of about 45 with the horizontal; being highest point in square cut at about the center of the top surface of rock. Elev., 135.019. T. B. M. 226: Is on R. B., If miles below Marion, 1 miles above Bull Rock (called Sugar Loaf Rock on map published by Mo. R. C. in 1892), 459 feet below mouth of Mud Creek, on river side of wagon road, at lower side of coulee, at foot of bluff; being highest point in square cut on small projecting point of natural ledge. Elev., 143.434. 97: On R. B., on 18-inch oak, 350 feet from river, 1,500 feet above mouth of creek, 1 miles below Marion, Mo. Elev., 140.993. T. B. M. 227: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Marion, at mouth of small coulee, where road turns up bluff, at foot of bluff, west side of road, opposite Mr. Banshausen's land ; being top of spike in root of stump of sugar maple 5 feet high. Elev., 147.790. T. B. M. 228: Is on R. B., about 1,800 feet below Marion, 30 feet west of west fence of wagon road, on south side of creek, 15 feet from bank, on land owned by James Hick- man and about 400 feet from his house; being top of spike in 2-foot burr-oak. Elev., 143.740. 98=67 of 1879: On R. B., on 30-inch sycamore, 50 feet from river, near turn in road r i mile below Marion, Mo. Elev., 143.561. P. B. M. 118 = -Y, Marion: Is on R. B., in Marion, 475 feet from river, in north- west corner of lot No. 30, belonging to T. W. Glenn, just outside of Mr. Glenn's yard, 40 feet from his house, at south fence of road running back from store at landing, where lane runs south in front of Mr. Glenn's house; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 160.398; top of cap, 164.469. B. M. 3 2 3 : Is on L. B., at west fence of section-line road between Sees. 1 and 2, T. 45 N., R. 13 W., 1901 feet south of northeast corner Sec. 2, opposite Marion. Elev., 140.907; top of cap, 144.974. B. M. V-: Is on L - B ., 2,764 feet from B. M. -\ 3 -, on line B. M. - 3 T 3 - to B. M. - 3 5 3 -, at fence on north side of road which runs between Bonne Femme Creek and foot of bluff, on land of John C. Conley, about 700 feet west of cabin occupied by C. C. Griff en. Elev., 140.487; top of cap, 144.555. T. B. M. 229: Is on R. B., at landing at Marion, at mouth of small ravine in front of store; being top of spike in north root of a 2^-foot sycamore. Elev., 140.092. P. B. M. 119: Is on R. B., 1,705 feet above mouth of small ravine at Marion, 39 feet above northwest corner of prominent vertical ledge, and in the continuation of this ledge, 4 feet above high water mark; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 147.094. T. B. M. 230: Is at Marion, 39 feet from upper end of vertical ledge of rock at water's edge, 1,705 feet above landing; being highest point in square cut on oval boulder in water, 12 feet from water's edge at stage 10 feet below high water. Elev., 132.571 T. B. M. 232: Is on R. B., 1$ miles above Marion, at mouth of Moniteau Creek, on lower one of two large projecting rocks overhanging bank; being highest point in square. Elev., 140.559. 99: On R. B., on 16-inch cotton wood, 100 feet from river, near site of A 660. Elev., 143.919. T. B. M. 234: Is on R. B., about 2| miles above Marion, opposite H. M. Murphy's skiff ferry over Moniteau Creek, 1J miles above its mouth, 20 feet east of road leading to Marion; being top of spike in a 14-inch box-elder. Elev., 149.402. P. B. M. 120: Is on R. B., on west side of road, nearly opposite T. B. M. 234, 65 feet south of small ravine on right bank of Moniteau Creek, 98 feet above Murphy's skiff ferry, on field side of wire fence, 10 feet south of gate across private road from Hickman's house to main road to Marion; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 152.217; top of cap, 156.288. 28 BENCH MARKS. T. B. M. 235: Is on R. B., If miles above mouth of Moniteau Creek and 1,640 feet east from same, at cross fence between Rosemeller's land above and Murphy's land below; being top of spike in peach tree. Elev., 147.704. 100: On R. B., on 18-inch sycamore, on slope of bench, behind wooded sand-bar, 300 feet from river, and 1,300 feet below A 656. Elev., 145.103. T. B. M. 236: Is on R. B., about 1 miles below Sandy Hook Landing, on C. F. Rosemeller's land, f mile south of his house, 30 feet from foot of bluff, 16 feet below fence running at right angles to bluff separating pasture from field; being highest point in square cut on imbedded rock and marked U. D S. Elev., 150.540. P. B. M. 121: Is on R. B., 4 miles above Marion, f mile below Sandy Hook Land- ing, on west side of Factory Creek, opposite T. B. M. 237, in east face of semicircular ledge of rock next to creek; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded hori- zontally. Elev., 147.260. T. B. M. 237: Is on R. B., f mile below Sandy Hook Landing, 490 feet below C. F. Rosemeller's house, on left bank of Factory Creek; being top of spike in root of 2-foot elm, upon which is hung a gate across road running from Sandy Hook to the bottom. Elev., 148.128. P. B. M. 122= 3 T 4 , Sandy Hook: Is on R. B., at Sandy Hook Landing, 300 feet west from road running south from landing and on north side of road running west over bluff, 3 feet south of southeast corner of William Gentzsch's front dooryard ; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 167.573; top of cap, 171.644. B. M. - 3 /: Is on L. B., opposite Sandy Hook Landing, at fence on west side of road running along foot of bluff about 100 feet below where it meets the Ashland road leading up the bluff. Elev., 154.473; top of cap, 158.532. T. B. M. 239: Is on R. B., at Sandy Hook Landing, on south side of road leading west up bluff, 200 feet west from where it branches north to landing, 175 feet east of east side of William Gentzsch's yard; being top of spike in west root of a 30-inch sycamore. Elev., 157.716. P. B. M. 123: Is on R. B., 2,953 feet below Cooks Landing, 1,800 feet above Sandy Hook Landing, at lower end of bottom, 25 feet north of a point at which a stratum of rock projects out 10 feet from face of bluff, directly under a small projection 10 feet below its top; being center of punch in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge one foot above ground. - Elev., 153.146. T. B. M. 240: Is on R. B., 8 feet north of P. B. M. 123 and 12 feet from vertical face of bluff; being highest point in square on imbedded rock. Elev., 148.833. 101: On R. B., on 3-foot oak, leaning westward, 300 feet from river, on bank of Factory Creek, mile above Jamestown Landing, about 1,000 feet above A 652. Elev., 150.062. T. B. M. 241: Is on R. B., \ mile below Geigers Landing, 1,017 feet below small creek, 75 feet above lower end of large rock bank at foot of bluff; being highest point in square cut on projecting point of ledge and marked U. D S. Elev., 143.762. P. B. M. 124, Geigers Landing: Is on R. B., at Geigers Landing, on south side of road running west from landing up coulee, about 500 feet from river, at northeast corner of S. V. Cook's shed, at east side of corncrib, 1 foot north of shed; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 167.690; top of cap, 171.750. P. B. M. 125: Is on R. B., at Geigers Landing, 60 feet north of T. B. M. 242, in projecting point of rock ledge, 10 feet high by 8 feet wide; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 161.850. T. B. M. 242: Is on R. B., at Geigers Landing, 380 feet above road running west up coulee, between road running parallel to river bluff, 50 feet from river, 10 feet from bluff, 60 feet south of 2-foot hickory standing at foot of bluff, opposite point of ledge in which copper bolt is placed; being highest point in square cut on top of round imbedded rock and marked U. D S. Elev., 156.267. 102: On R. B., on 18-inch sycamore, 250 feet from river and U. S. Light, in corn- field, \ mile below mouth of chute, 700 or 800 feet below A 650. Elev., 153.812. T. B. M. 243: Is on R. B., 1,722 feet above Geigers Landing, on river side of farm road, 14 feet from foot of bluff, 16 feet below a ditch; being highest point in square cut in large rough rock and marked U. Q S. Elev., 158.010. 103: On R. B., on 6-inch wttlow, 40 feet from chute, 4,500 feet above its mouth, which is 1,000 feet belowA644. Elev., 147.808. P. B. Mi 126=-^ : Is on R. B., 3 miles below Wolf Point, 1 mile below upper end of bottom opposite Providence, at mouth of cou!6e, 150 feet southeast from small frame house on land owned by Mr. Jackson, at east corner of small granary, \\ feet from building, 25 feet south of fence line; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 165.287; top of cap, 169.354. B. M. -% 5 : Is on L. B., about \\ miles below Providence, near foot of bluff, 70 feet west of south end of bridge over Little Bonne Femme Creek, on land of St. Clair, about 600 feet from river. Elev., 154.038; top of cap, 158.099 BENCH MARKS. 29 35^: Is in the town of Providence, Mo., and stands about 50 feet from Dr. T. S. Rigg's dwelling; it is just inside the Avail running in front of the house. Elev. 181.665; top of cap, 185.759. 104 : On R. B., on 4-foot cotton wood, 600 feet southeast from house of Richard Bruce, 6,000 feet south from Bruce's Landing, head of Nashville Island. Elev., 151.939. 105: (Destroyed.) T. B. M. 247: Is on R. B., about 2 miles below Wolf Point, i mile below head of bottom opposite Providence, 30 feet from bank of river, at end of obscure lane, near lower fence; being top of spike in large sycamore. -Elev., 154.922. 106: (Washed out.) T. B. M. 249: Is on R. B., \ mile below Wolf Point, 40 feet from river bank, 33 feet north from top of high bank of Little Spice ('reek; being top of spike in stump. Elev., 156.518. P. B. M. 127= \ fi -, Wolf Point: Is on R. B., at Wolf Point at northwest corner of Musick and Redford's general merchandise store, 3 feet from corner of building; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 173.506; top of cap, 177.576. B. M. *<: Is on L. B., at foot of bluff at a point N. 33 E. (Mag.) from B. M. 3 T 6 on land of J/S. McBain. Elev., 157.123; top of cap, 161.215. T. B. M. 250: Is on R. B., at Wolf Point, on southeast corner of chimney on east side of Mr. Redford'-e house; being highest point in square cut on bottom course of stone. Elev., 167.419. P. B. M. 128: Is on R. B., at Wolf Point, 75 feet above lower end of exposed ledge, 25 feet above level of bottom land, 3 feet north from a point directly under end of fence running back over bluff; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizon- tally into vertical face of ledge, 2 feet above ground. Elev., 192.303. 107: On R. B., on 20-inch red oak, on bank at base of bluff, \ mile above Big Spice Creek, nearA632. - Elev., 161.529. P. B. M. 129: Is on R. B., at Mount Vernon Landing, 1,148 feet below mouth of Petite Saline Creek, 24 feet south of bank of small stream, 184 feet above its mouth on slope of hill; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 174.135; top of cap, 178.190. T. B. M. 253: Is 984 feet below mouth of Petite Saline Creek, 92 feet above wheat shed at Mount Vernon Landing, 20 feet toward river from vertical ledge of rock; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge and marked U. Q S. Elev., 151.283. P. B. M. 130: Is on R. B., 964 feet below mouth of Petite Saline Creek, 112 feet above wheat shed at Mount Vernon Landing; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into northeast face of natural ledge having vertical exposure of about 10 feet. Elev., 162.563. 108: On 5|-foot cotton wood, on R. B., in field at base of bluff, 1,000 feet below Petite Saline Creek. . Elev., 157.327. 109: On R. B., on 4-foot cottonwood, 200 feet from river, 300 feet northeast from house of H. L. Forsythe, 2,000 feet above A624. Elev., 159.500. T. B. M. 255: Is on R. B., 1 mile above mouth of Petite Saline Creek, at Whists' or Pixleys Landing, at northeast corner of barnyard next to house occupied by D. Giles > on land owned by Mr. Bruce; being top of spike in west root of elm. Elev., 162.251. T. B. M. 256: Is on R. B., 2 miles above the mouth of Petite Saline Creek, \\ miles above Whists' Landing, about 1,705 feet below main road, at edge of cornfield by side of farm road; being top of spike in 3-foot cottonwood. Elev., 158.242. 110: On R. B., on 30-inch elm (very high) at roadside, 200 feet from chute, and 400 feet west of house of A. Rimel, f mile above foot of Terrapin Island. Elev., 166.319. T. B. M. 257: Is on R. B., about 5| miles below Overton, nearly opposite middle of Terrapin Island at forks of road, on river side of road running parallel to river, 25 feet from center and in line with upper side of road running back to bluff; being top of spike in northwest root of a 2-foot black walnut. Elev., 166.490. T. B. M. 258: Is on R. B., about 9 feet south of P. B. M. 131; being top of spike in west root of triple honey locust. Elev., 172.229 P. B. M. 131 = y-: Is on R. B., nearly opposite middle of Terrapin Island, on land owned by H. H. Woolrich, at fence separating pasture and cultivated field, 338 feet east of road leading south through the bluffs. It is 1,460 feet S. 61 45' W. (Mag.) from the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter Sec. 23, T. 48 N.,. R. 15 W.; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 169.256; top of cap, 173.331. B. M. *: Is on L. B., at north fence of road at foot of bluff, 800 feet S. 31 E. (Mag.) from wagon bridge over creek which enters the Missouri River at Searcey's Landing, about 20 feet above end of vertical rock bluff, where it turns back up the valley up the the creek.' Elev., 173.873; top of cap, 177.943. Ill: On R. B., on 3-foot cottonwood, at road side, 6,000 feet south from B. M. 112. Elev., 162.212. 30 BENCH MARKS. T. B.M.259: IsoiiR. B., about 5 miles below Overtoil, a little above a point opposite the middle of Terrapin Island, 1,640 feet above forks of road, H miles south from river (along road), on river side of road, at edge of high bank along Terrapin Island chute, behind willow bar; being top of spike in a 2-foot cottonwood, which is the north one of three in a row. Elev., 162.391. 112: On elm on R. B., at roadside, 1,500 feet from river, near house of Jas. Powell, about opposite head of Terrapin Island. Elev., 163.173. T. B. M. 260: Is on R. B., opposite a point 3| miles below Overt on by river, about 2,295 feet south from river bank, at west side of road in front of a log house on farm owned by J. H. Hall, Joe Combs, and Marshall Rusk; being top of spike in east root of elm. Elev., 162.586. P. B. M. 132: Is on R. B., in southwest corner of John Campbell's dooryard, near T. B. M. 262; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 163.366; top of cap, 167.425. T. B. M. 262: Is on R. B., 3 miles below point opposite Rocheport, 2,460 feet west (along road) from river; being top of spike in stump in southwest corner of John Campbell's dooryard. Elev., 167.466. 113: On R. B'., on sycamore, at roadside, 250 feet from river, at site of A 610. Elev., 165.390. 114: On R. B., on 2-foot honey locust, 150 feet from river, in front of R. H. Walker's house, 1,000 feet below A 606. Elev., 161.151. P. B. M. 133=\ 8 : Is on R. B., 350 feet west of T. B. M. 265, on W. E. Clayton's land, at south fence of small meadow at foot of bluff, 880 feet S. 11 45' E. (Mag.) from center of Sec. 5, T. 48 N, R. 15 W.; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 179.478;' top of cap, 183.555. T. B. M. 265: Is on R. B., in middle of main road running south from Overton, 2 miles from the town, 350 feet east of P. B. M. 133, at foot of bluff; being top of spike in north root of a 2-foot black walnut. Elev., 174.688. B. M. \ 8 -: Is on right bank, at east fence of section-line road between Sees. 4 and 5, T. 48 N., R. 15 W. ; is 328 feet south of northwest corner section 4, 1 mile south of Roche- port. Elev., 163.880; top of cap, 167.945. B. M. ^ 8 : Is on L. B., in town of Rocheport, in southwest corner of lot belonging to the estate of Ran Robinson (colored), on corner of Main and Water streets. The Colored Baptist Church is on the opposite side of Main Street. Elev., 180.560; top of cap, 184.653. 115: (Destroyed.) P. B. M. 134: Is on R. B., 1 mile above road running across bottom towards Roche- port, 175 feet above west side of county road running to river, 187 feet below con- spicuous cave in side of high rock bluff, two-thirds of the way up; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally i^ito face of rock bluff 30 inches above ground. Elev., 175,780. P. B. M. 135: Is on R. B., If miles below Elliotts Landing, I mile below head of large bottom back of slough, 1J miles above road running north across bottom toward the river, 100 feet east of high vertical rock ledge, 20 feet from foot of bluff on line with rail fence, 25 feet below small creek from spring, 6 feet east of a two-foot slippery elm blazed; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 173.931; top of cap, 177.991. 116: (Washed out.) T. B. M. 268: Is on R. B., about f mile below Elliotts Landing, at lower side of meadow, on south bank of small creek, 100 feet from vertical rock bluff; being top of spike in 30-inch elm. Elev., 175.372. P. B. M. 136: Is on R. B., at Elliotts Landing, 108 feet below wooden warehouse; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into face of solid rock bluff, about 2 feet above ground. Elev., 181.225. P. B. M. 137 = 3 -f , Elliotts Landing: Is on R. B., at Elliotts Landing, at head of Diana Island, about 6.2 miles below Boonville, in the northeast corner of orchard and 1,060 feet S. 45 W. (Mag.) from house owned by J. E. Elliott, 575 feet back from the river, 82 feet southwest from wagon bridge over small creek, at southeast corner of a yard surrounding a log house, on west side of wagon road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 184.394; top of cap, 188.453. B. M. - 3 /: Is on left bank, at south fence of Boonville and Rocheport road on town- ship line between towns 48 and 49, 500 feet east of northwest corner Sec. 5, T. 48 N., R. 15 W., on land of Ward Dodson. Elev., 167.386; top of cap, 171.458. B. M. 3 3 9 : Is on L. B., at foot of bluff on line B. M. 3 f to B. M. - 3 ^, about 1,200 feet south of house of Mrs. Jackson Ferris. Elev., 176.559; top of cap, 180.623. 117: On R. B., on 14-inch sycamore, 15 feet from river, at mouth of creek, where bluffs leave river, 2,000 feet below A 592. Elev., 168.813. T. B. M. 270: Is on R. B., about f mile above Elliotts Landing, on edge of river bank, on west side of road leading out from coulee down to boat landing; being top of spike in south root of a 2-foot sycamore. Elev., 168.063. BENCH MARKS. 31 T. B. M. 271: Is on R. B., 1 mile below foot of Franklin Island, on point of bluff, 705 feet below small creek, at lower side of coulee, about J mile below vertical rock ledge, at top of vertical rock bank on projecting point of ledge, about 2 feet below standard high water; being highest point in square marked U. Q S. Elev., 163.546. P. B. M. 138: Is on R. B., 3.8 miles below Boonville, opposite foot of Franklin Island, 100 feet below small creek, in rock ledge forming high water bank, 3 feet above surface of ground, 40 feet from low water shore line; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 171.656. T. B. M. 272: Is on R. B., 3.8 miles below Boonville, opposite foot of Franklin Island, in same locality as P. B. M. 138; 75 feet above mouth of small creek, near river bank; being top of spike in root of cottonwood. Elev., 171.936. 118: Is on R. B., 3,000 feet below foot of Franklin Island and near site of A 588; being horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into face of rock on bluff side, on lower side of recess in bluffs, in which stands an old stone mill, near site of A 588. Elev., 184,233. P. B. M. 139: Is on R. B., 3^ miles below Boonville, f mile above foot of Franklin Island, 590 feet above a very prominent point of vertical ledge of rock, 30 feet below very small stream, at foot of bluff, about 1 foot above mean high water; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 168.252; top of cap, 172.331. 119: On R. B., on 40-inch cottonwood, on bank, mile above the foot of Franklin Island. Elev., 167.797. T. B. M. 276: Is on R. B., If miles below Main street, Boonville, at lower end of bottom where bluff comes back to river, 1,720 feet below Marietta creek, 328 feet above head of chute, 65 feet above a spring at base of rock; being highest point in square cut in natural ledge and marked U. S. on face of ledge 1 foot above point. Elev., 171.753. 120: On 1-foot cottonwood, at base of rock bluff, 150 feet from chute, 20 feet from vertical rock, 1 miles below Boonville. Elev., 170.091. P. B. M. 140= 4 r : Is on R- B., 1 miles below Main street, Boonville, on upper side of coulee, near mouth of Marietta creek, 25 feet above wagon road running up coulee, on bottom land at foot of bench of bluff, near a group of small elms, on land owned by Mr. Storm; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 174.053; top of cap, 178.110. B. M. - 4 /: Is on L. B., at foot of bluff, 560 feet west of the east line and 1,600 feet north of the south line of Sec. 28, T. 49 N., R. 16 W., on land of Mrs. William Edwards, is 2,362 feet S. 65 E. (Mag.) from the iron bridge over Bonne Femme Creek, east of New Franklin. Elev., 182.940; top of cap, 187.006. T. B. M. 277: Is on R. B., 1J miles below Main street, Boonville, at upper side of coulee, near mouth of Marietta Creek, 125 feet from river and 50 feet from foot of bluff, on bluff side of wagon road; being top of spike in an 18-inch elm. Elev., 172.656. T. B. M. 279: Is in Boonville, on west side of Main street, between Levee and Water streets, on southeast corner of stone monument, 20 inches by 5 inches, on top marked high water of 1844; being highest point in square cut on top of stone. Elev., 185.958. High- water mark 1844: Is on same stone as T. B. M. 279; being center of mark par- allel to and 6 inches below top of stone, cut across its east face. The stone has been disturbed and its mark is no longer horizontal. The middle of the line was taken as the high water mark. The stone is marked on top i, ' and on tne east face Elev., 185.374. June 1st. A. D. 1844. 63 of 1878: On R. B., on top of stone on west side of Main street between Levee and Alley, marking high water 1844, Boonville, Mo. Elev., 185.153. 62 of 1878 : On northwest corner, stone door sill at northwest entrance, to 2 story brick warehouse on east side of Main street, fronting on Levee, at Boonville, Mo. Elev., 178.221. P. B. M. 144=121 of 1831: Is in Boonville, on river side of abutment to Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R. bridge, north of Missouri Pacific track, at about the middle of the north face, 2 feet below surface of ground, 5 feet below point of arrow cut in stone; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 173.211. U. S. Signal Service Gauge: Is in Boonville, on first pier from right bank of Mis- souri, Kansas and Texas Railroad bridge, downstream end, south side; being staff gauge cut in rock reading to feet and tenths. Elevation of its zero, 152.330. High water 1844: Is in Boonville, Mo., on down stream end of first pier from right bank of Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad bridge; being center of horizontal line of black paint thus: j 14 -J (line is not perfectly horizontal) east end of line at nose of pier was taken. Elev., 185.167. 32 BENCH MARKS. P. B. M. 141: Is in Boonville, at northwest corner of a three-story brick building occupied by Boonville Flouring Mills, owned by C. W. and J. Sombast, facing levee, 200 feet east of Main street, on north face of top corner stone of foundation, 6 inches east of corner and 3.5 feet above ground; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 182.887. P. B. M. 142=40J, Boonville: Is in Boonville, Mo., on west side of Main street between Levee and Water street, 1 foot west of stone curbing at lower edge of stone marking high water 1844; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 182.215; top of cap., 186.287. T. B. M. 280: Is on shore pier at south end of Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R. bridge at Boonville, on down stream end of pier, on side of downstream pedestal next to track, and almost in line with north edge of bed plate; being highest point in square cut on coping. Elev., 197.281. P. B. M. 143: Is in shore pier at south end of Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R. bridge at Boonville, 21^ inches west of bed plate, 16 J inches northwest from northwest corner of stone wall, 22 inches south of north side of pier and 30| inches from west end ; being copper bolt leaded vertically into coping stone. Elev., 197.285. P. B. M. 145: Is in shore pier at north end of Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R. bridge across the Missouri River at Boonviile, in upstream end of pier, 14 inches from northwest comer of bed plate and 1^ inches north of a point in line with north edge of same, 15 inches from west and 30^ inches from south bevel edge of pier; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically into coping stone. Elev., 194.440. P. B. M. 146: Is on L. B., about mile west of Franklin station, 902 feet northwest of second bend in road after crossing Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R. on line with south fence of east and west branch road, 50 feet east of fence corner on opposite side of road and 6 inches east of east fence of north and south Boonville road, on land owned by Joseph B. Baker; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 179.913; top of cap, 183.989. T. B. M. 282: Is on L. B., top of spike in root of a broken sycamore tree, 50 feet southeast of P. B. M. 146. Elev., 183.951. 122: On R. B., on 4-foot cotton wood, on bank, 1,000 feet above brewery above Boonville. Elev., 176.572. T. B. M. 283: Is on L. :B., 1J miles above Franklin, 195 feet south of a point directly in front of Mr. Brown Chancellor's house, 52 feet south from corner of fence, 3 feet west of west fence of a wagon road; being top of spike in root of a 30-inch leaning oak. Elev., 180.328. 123: On 2-foot sycamore, on bank at foot of hills, 2,000 feet below A 576, about 2 miles above Boonville. Elev., 177.742. P. B. M. 147= V (new position): Is on L. B., 3 miles above Boonville, at point where road running south branches off from an east and west road, 348 feet above a point directly in front of Mrs. Kate Chancellor's house, 49 feet below point opposite east end of barn; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 182.996; top of^cap, 187.051. B. M. -V : On left bank, 6,661 feet north of V i n bottom, ^ mile from river, in north fence of east and west road, in front of T. L. Tensley's house, $ mile west of | section corner, on east side Sec. 2, T. 48 N., R. 18 W. Elev., 178.724; top of cap, 182.770. B. M. - 4 p (new position): Is on R. B., at south right-of-way fence of Missouri Pacific Ry., 13,500 feet above Boonville, and 56 feet from track. Elev., 203.983; top of cap, 208.054. 124: On R. B., on 30-inch elm, 150 feet from river, at mouth of small stream, 1,500 feet above A 570. Elev., 178.908. 125: On R. B., on 2-foot black walnut, 100 feet from river, at mouth of creek, about 1,500 feet below A 568. Elev., 184.926. T. B. M. 286: Is on L. B., 4 miles above Boonville, 2,920 feet below road running southeast to river, 820 feet below two large lone cottonwoods by roadside, on small knoll on bluff side of road; being highest point in square cut on flat imbedded rock. Elev., 189.732. 126: Is on R. B., 1,000 feet below Lamine River, on 1-foot twin elm, 35 feet from river. Elev., 182.519. P. B. M. 148: Is on L. B., 5^ miles above Boonville bridge, at lower end of Kings Lake, 2,130 feet above branch road running across bottoms to river opposite W. E. Saddler's house on river side of road leading to Boonville and on line with road fence along John Tinsley's land, between an elm above and a honey locust below; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 186.907; top of cap, 190.972. T. B. M. 287: Is on L. B., 5 miles above Boonville bridge, on east side of wagon road, 50 feet below icehouse on land owned by W. E. Saddler; being top of spike in south root of a 2-foot honey locust. Elev., 192.350. BENCH MARKS. 33 B. M. Aj 2 -: Is on L. B., ^ mile from V, about mile from swamp, near turn in road on lane running northeast from F. Blankenbaker's house, just in front of a loghouse on Blankenbaker's land, on high bench running east and west. Elev., 181.883; top of cap, 185.942. B. M. V: On left bank, $ mile from river, and about 1,200 feet east of Frank Blank- enbaker's" two-story frame house, 1,400 feet northeast from school house, District No. 7, about 300 feet south of bench 3 or 4 feet high and sloping to the north. Elev., 179~936; top of cap, no reading. B. M. V: On right bank, at foot of bluff, 500 feet below mouth of Moon Branch, 200 feet from right bank of " Slaughter House Chute" opposite middle of Arrow Rock Island, 6 feet from rock ledge (about 20 feet high) where it slopes down to back side of spur. Elev., 181.684; top of cap, 185.743. B. M. 127: On R. B., on 4-foot sycamore, 300 feet from Slaughter House Chute, at mouth of Moon Branch, 150 feet from bluffs, 2,000 feet above mouth of chute. Elev., 183.665. 128: On R. B., on 20-inch black walnut, 200 feet from right bank of Slaughter House Chute, at end of timber just below head of said chute. Elev., 183.461. 129: On R. B., on 3-foot linn, in belt of timber on Harrison Farm, about 2,000 feet southwest from mouth of chute behind Arrow Rock Island. Elev., 189.400. T. B. M. 288: Is on L. B., about 6 miles above Boonville, on east side of Natchez Lake, 108 feet below road leading up bluff to L. H. Hayter's house, 82 feet above a shed by roadside, bluff side of wagon road, 15 feet from center; being top of spike in southwest root of a 3-foot honey locust. Elev., 187.450, T. B. M. 289: Is on L. B., 5f miles below Lisbon, 7f miles above Boonville, 125 feet above a point directly in front of Steve Cooper's house, on bluff side of wagon road, 25 feet from center and 12 feet from rail fence; being top of spike in 28-inch walnut. Elev., 196.032 P. B. M. 149: Is on L. B., 5 miles below Lisbon, 1 mile below branch road leading west, 900 feet south of house occupied by Ed. Smith (owned by Clark Bros.), 125 feet south of fence running east over bluff, 50 feet north of large elm, on east side of road next to Steve Cooper's land; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 191.068; top of cap, 195.128. T. B. M. 290: Is on L. B., 5 miles below Lisbon, 1 mile below branch road leading west at point where road comes to bluff after crossing mouth of large coulee near P. B . M. 149, at west side of wagon road to Boonville; being top of spike in root of 30-inch burr-oak. Elev., 192.161. T. B. M. 291: Is on L. B., 4 miles below Lisbon, on east side of wagon road leading to Boonville and 98 feet south of branch road leading west; being top of spike in west root of a large sycamore. Elev., 194.514. P. B. M. 150: Is on L. B., about 4 miles below Lisbon, 1,640 feet above branch road leading west, 252 feet north of east and west fence, 20 feet east of center of road leading to Boonville and 2| feet above grade of same; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically into projecting ledge and 6 inches back from vertical face. Elev., 188.754. 130: On R. B., on 2-foot elm, in field, 200 feet from Arrow Rock Island Chute at A 556. Elev., 190.533. B. M. - 4 X 3 : Is on R. B., about 1^ miles below Arrow Rock, Mo., and about 200 feet above slough creek, on foot of bluff, 150 feet from point where bluff turns up the creek valley, about 100 feet toward river from rock ledge in hollow in bluff, 10 feet from foot of slope. Elev., 198.528; top of cap, 202.602. B. M. \ 3 -: Is on L. B., mile from river, in middle of bottom, at north fence of east and west road, 730 feet east of northwest corner Sec. 14, T. 49 N., R. 18 W., in Howard Co., Mo., in front of and on opposite side of road from J. A. Fisher's two-story frame house. Elev., 186.039; top of cap, 190.122. P. B. M. 151=-^-: Is on L. B., 3 miles below Lisbon, 2,000 feet north of school house, district No. 4, 430 feet north of Fairbanks weighing scales, 275 feet southeast of John Step's house, 230 feet east from wagon road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 206.292; top of cap, 210.357. 131: Is on R. B., on 40-inch sycamore, in cornfields, 1,800 feet below A 552, 150 feet from chute. Elev., 184.817. T. B. M. 294: Is on L. B., 3 miles below Lisbon, 2,130 feet above school house, district No. 4, on Boonville road, at foot of bluff; being top of spike in 18-inch linden- wood in John Step's front yard. Elev., 193.288. "61" of 1878: Is on R. B., about 150 feet above county line between Saline and Cooper Cos., top of hole drilled in rock at A 550. Elev., 179.824. 132: Is on R. B., at Arrow Rock Ferry Landing; being a horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into point of rock. Elev., 183.843. 2537012 3 34 BENCH MARKS. T. B. M. 295: Is on L. B., 2J miles below Lisbon, 590 feet below William Marshall's barn at mouth of coulee, 145 feet below large rock lying by roadside at foot of bluff, on east side of wagon road leading to Boonville; being highest point in square on inclined imbedded rock and marked U. Q S. Elev., 188.921. T. B. M. 296: Is on L. B., J mile below Lisbon, 490 feet above mouth of small creek, on river side of wagon road, 12 feet from river bank and 16 feet from fence; being top of spike in a 30-inch slippery elm. Elev., 193.611. 133: On R. B., on 40-inch cotton wood at roadside, 1,100 feet south of J. Craig's house, about 2 miles above Arrow Rock, Mo. Elev., 188.444. B. M. - 4 T 4 : Is on R. B., about 2 miles above Arrow Rock, at foot of bluff, nearly oppo- site the town of Lisbon, Mo. It is between two creeks which come out of the bluff, 500 feet below the upper and 1,100 feet above the lower one, 300 feet southeast from J. W. Leeper's log house, and 500 feet northeast from J. A. Leeper's log house, both on bluff, 6 feet in front of highest point (16 feet high) of rock ledge which crops out about 200 feet. Elev., 185.133; top of cap, 189.183. B. M. -Y-: (Destroyed.) P. B. M. 152= Y: Is on L. B., 2,295 feet below Lisbon, l,310feet below creek at lower end of town, 133 feet above fence corner, on river side of wagon road, 59 feet from center, 15 feet from river bank, at east side of large imbedded rock; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 200.727; top of cap, 204.794. T. B. M. 297: Is on L. B., 2,295 feet below Lisbon, 1,310 feet below creek at lower end of town, 50 feet west of wagon road, 20 feet east of river, 33 feet north of P. B. M. 152, 8 feet southwest of blazed elm; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge and marked U. Q S. on west face of ledge. Elev., 204.932. T. B. M. 298, Lisbon: Is in Lisbon, on rocky point of high bank extending out into river directly opposite center of town; being top of spike in northeast root of a 30-inch walnut. Elev., 207.645. T. B. M. 299: Is on Ln B., f mile above Lisbon, 300 feet from river, 245 feet above first creek above Lisbon, on east edge of large cotton wood grove, on river side of wagon road, 40 feet from center; being top of spike in east root of blazed cotton wood. Elev., 189.473 P. B. M. 153: Is on L. B., 1 mile above Lisbon, 2,050 feet above first bridge over creek above Lisbon, 60 feet above a point directly east of and across slough from John McCorkle's log barn or shed, on east side of wagon road, 2 feet above surface of ground; being center of punch mark on copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 193.472. T. B. M. 300: Is on L. B., 1 mile above Lisbon, 2,050 feet above first bridge over creek above Lisbon, 460 feet north of prominent rock point, east side of wagon road, 50 feet south of south end of small coulee, and 1 foot above ground; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 191.570. 134: On R. B., on 20-inch elm, 3,000 feet from river, at a point 9,000 below Saline City, on county road across point to Arrow Rock, Mo. Elev., 187.683. 135: On R. B., on 30-inch chincopin oak, mile from river, 250 feet south from house of Simon Diggs, 1 miles below Saline City, Mo. Elev., 191.927. 136: Is on R. B., 600 feet south from river, at first timber below Saline City, Mo., on 26-inch white oak. Elev., 192.648. B. M. if.-. Is on R. B., about mile above Saline City, Mo., near mouth of second creek above town, about 300 feet from river bank and same distance from bridge over creek, on north side of creek at foot of bluff. Elev., 201.246; top of cap, 205.310. B. M. - 4 ^: Is on L. B., 6,579 feet southeast of B. M. -^ in north and south fence, on land owned by J. Liggett, and about mile south of his house which is in corner of road, 500 feet from river. (This bench is very likely destroyed, as it could not be found.) Elev., 186.466; top of cap, 190.531. P. B. M. 154= 4 3 5 : Is on L. B., 1 miles above Lisbon, f mile above the second high- way bridge above Lisbon, f mile below John W. Goe's log house, which stands by road, 275 feet below prominent point of rock bluff, by rail fence on west side of wagon road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 186.854; top of cap, 190.870. 137: Is on R. B., mile above Saline City, Mo., horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into rock at uppermost exposure. Elev., 188.010. T. B. M. 301: Is on L. B., 275 feet above P. B. M. 154, on east side of wagon road at prominent point of rock bluff, on natural ledge; being highest point in square marked U. D S. Elev., 191.517. T. B. M. 302: Is on L. B., 2| miles above Lisbon, 616 feet above John W. Goe's house, about 50 feet above small stream flowing from spring on the east side of point of bluff, on the upper side of small coulee, on the east side of wagon road, on natural ledge; being highest point in square marked U. Q S. Elev., 193.999. 138: Is on R. B., 1 miles above Saline City, Mo., 150 feet from river, on 8-inch sycamore. Elev., 190.634. BENCH MARKS. 35 T. B. M. 303: Is on L. B., 3 T V miles above Lisbon, 3,000 feet below highway bridge over Richland Creek, on the west side and 8 feet from wagon road and 9 feet from fence; being highest point in square on large flat rock marked U. Q S. Elev., 201.855. T. B. M. 304: Is If miles below Bluffport, ^ mile below Mrs. J. Cropp's house, at upper side of a small creek, 40 feet east of black walnut standing on west side of road, at east roadside ; being a square on imbedded rock. Elev., 197.891. P. B. M. 155: Is on L. B., about 1 mile above Richland Creek, on line of wagon road above and 230 feet in direct line from house of Mrs. Blanche Cropp, and 230 feet above small stream, at the upper side of cou!6e, opposite a point 8 feet below the lower outcropping of ledge; being copper bolt in B. Si. stone. Elev., 198.137; top of cap, 202.200. P. B. M. 156: Is on L. B., about 1J miles below. Bluffport, 95 feet above P. B. M. 155, 87 feet above end of bare bluff, 3 feet above ground, on east side of wagon road ; being center of punch-mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally in face of ledge. Elev., 206.336. T. B. M. 305: Is on L. B., in same locality as P. B. M. 155, 230 feet above Mrs. Blanche Cropp's house, 260 feet above creek and 35 feet above lower end of bare ledge, H feet above surface of ground; being the highest point in square on natural ledge. Elev., 205.085. T. B. M. 306: Is on L. B., mile below Bluffport, f mile below Miller Brothers' saw mill, and 328 feet above J. F. Moberly's house, where wagon road leaves river bank going south, at foot of bluff by fence at side of road, 55 feet from the river; being spike in base of a 30-inch hackberry. Elev., 205.840. 139: (Destroyed.) T. B. M. 307, Bluffport: Is on L. B., in Bluffport, 3J miles below Glasgow, 655 feet below Miller Brothers' saw mill, 360 feet below C. W. Miller's house, 6 feet back from river bank and 20 feet from wagon road; being spike in the south root of a 38-inch oak. Elev., 206.246. P. B. M. 157 =- 4 /, Hurricane Creek: Is on left bank, 2 miles below Glasgow, 175 feet above the mouth of first creek below Hurricane Creek, on level spot of ground just back of fence at foot of bluff, 20 feet from river bank, and 40 feet below the lower end of high rock ledge; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 197.093; top of cap, 201.156. T. B. M. 309: Is on L. B., about 50 feet above P. B. M. 157, 29 feet above the lower extremity of sandstone ledge, under twin Lindenwood, on natural ledge, 3 inches back of face; being highest point in square. Elev., 196.936. 140: Is on R. B., 1.1 miles below Glasgow bridge, on a 4-foot cottonwood. Elev., 199.148. T. B. M. 313: Is on L. B., 1,720 feet below the railroad bridge at Glasgow, Mo., about 300 feet above point where river strikes bluff, 200 feet east of river and 2 feet east of board fence; being spike in west root of a 2-foot red elm. Elev., 198.888. B. M. 4 f =B. M. -: On R. B., opposite Glasgow, Mo., is 1,620 feet west of center of Sec. 9, T. 51 N., R. 18 W., and 20 feet north of center of lane running west from center of Sec. 9, in edge of wood, 1,150 feet west of high bench and B. Meyer's house on bench, and mile southwest of H. Mastermann's house on bench. Elev., 197.842; top of cap, 201.947. P. B. M. 158=-V-- Is on R. B., f mile below west abutment of Glasgow bridge, and 1,960 feet from river bank and 1,960 feet south from the Chicago and Alton Railroad tracks, in south fence of road in front of house, 195 feet east of a 2-foot oak tree; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 204.851; top of cap, 208.913. P. B. M. 159 =-V- ; Is in Glasgow, Mo., at west side of the second pier from the east abutment of the Chicago and Alton Railroad bridge, opposite center of pier and 2 feet from its face; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 204.195; top of cap, 208.252. P. B. M. 160, Glasgow: Is in Glasgow, in first lowland pier, just below wagon road at the east end of the Chicago and Alton Railroad bridge, in the first course of stone under capstone, in east face, 10 inches north of southeast corner of pier, 6 feet above ground; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 223.936. T. B. M. 314: Is in Glasgow, at the Chicago and Alton Railroad bridge, at the base of the same pier as P. B. M. 160, in the center of south face, 3 feet east of the southwest corner of pier, on projecting stone, at about the same elevation as the surface of ground ; being highest point in square. Elev., 216.170. T. B. M. 315 =141a: Gauge B. M. in Glasgow is on top of ridge-joint between the columns of the third pier from the east abutment of the Chicago and Alton Railroad bridge. Elev., 200.411. 141: On R. B., on upper point of Cutwater, 4th pier (counting from left shore) of Glasgow Bridge. Elev., 199.401. 36 BENCH MARKS. P. B. M. 161: Is on R. B., opposite Glasgow, Mo., on the Chicago and Alton Rail- road bridge, on the first high double pier from the right bank, at the west end of high truss, on down stream end and top of pier, 17 inches from the southeast corner of bed plate and just south of anchor bolt, 1\ inches from either beveled edge at the south- east corner of pier; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 250.036. T. B. M. 316: Is on R. B., about 195 feet west of P. B. M. 158, in east root of a white oak tree 2 feet in diameter, standing in center of road; being top of spike. Elev., 203.238. 142: On R. B., on a 3-foot elm, 50 feet north of Chicago and Alton Railroad track, 240 feet from river, 1^ miles above Glasgow Bridge. Elev., 205.539. T. B. M. 318: Is on R. B., about 2 miles west of Glasgow on the line of the Chicago and Alton Railroad track, 125 feet north of center at upper end of siding, 150 feet below F. J. Snitzmier's house; being spike in west root of a 3-foot black walnut. Elev., 205.656. 143: Is on R. B., northwest from house of Edwin Whittle, at fence between fields and woods, 300 feet from river, on 3-foot elm. Elev., 204.987. T. B. M. 319: Is on R. B., on line of the Chicago and Alton track, 3^ miles west of Glasgow, at Estells Crossing, in front of Mr. Testermann's house, at southeast corner of scales; being spike in timber. Elev., 202.999. 144: Equals B. M. of Construction Party; marked 123.291, on 2-foot sycamore. Elev., 206.952. P. B. M. 162: Is on R. B., 2 miles south of Cambridge, Mo., and 5 miles west of Glasgow, where wagon road crosses the Chicago and Alton Railroad track just as it enters bluffs going west, about f mile from the river bank, 47.5 feet south from the center of track, on west side of wagon road, at corner of fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 211.781; top of cap, 215.850. T. B. M. 322: Is on R. B. If miles below Cambridge, Mo., about 20 feet south of the south right-of-way fence of the Chicago and Alton Railway, and 1,770 feet west of road crossing where railroad enters the bluffs, at lower end of cut, opposite whistle post; being spike in root of a 13-inch oak. Elev., 227.042. T. B. M. 323: Is on R. B., about 1 mile below Cambridge Landing, 15 feet south of small creek crossing road, 60 feet east of east road fence; being a spike in the west root of a 30-inch oak. Elev., 211.222. T. B. M. 324: Is on R. B., 2,755 feet below the landing at Cambridge, at east side of wagon road, 90 feet east of east bank of creek, at the upper point of first woods below Cambridge and 100 feet from top of river bank; being spike in the west root of a 30-inch post oak. Elev., 206.956. P. B. M. 163, Cambridge: Is on R. B., in Cambridge, Mo., on the east side of ware- house of W. D. Woolridge near river end, 4.4 feet south of the north corner and 3 feet above ground; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 224.223. T. B. M. 325: Is on R. B., in Cambridge, Mo., on same warehouse as P. B. M. 163, at east side, 10 feet south from its north end, on projecting course of stone; being highest point in square. Elev., 222.128. P. B. M. 164=- 4 /: Is on R. B., in Cambridge, Mo., 623 feet above the landing, at foot of Main street, on a low point of bluff just above spring, 245 feet west of fence, 15 feet above elevation of bottom land; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 214.106; top of cap, 218.161. B. M. -\ 8 : Is on L. B., opposite Cambridge, Mo., and about 2,000 feet from the river, and near \ post between Sec. 3, T. 51 N., and Sec. 34, T. 52 N., R. 18 W., \ mile east of Wm. Conery's house, and 560 feet west of Wm. Weber's house. Elev., 202.593; top of cap., 206.661. B. M. - 4 / : Is on L. B., opposite Cambridge, Mo., near \ post between Sec. 2, T. 51 N., and Sec. 35, T. 52 N., R. 18 W., is 84 feet northwest from F. Flaspholer's log house, and \ mile south from B. Hemmelberg's house, 3 feet west of fence, which is 1 rod east of i sec. line. Elev., 206.492; top of cap, 210.548. T. B. M. 326: Is on R. B., 82 feet west of P. B. M. 164, on the east side of small ravine, on natural ledge of rock; being highest point in square marked U. D S. Elev., 217.800. T. B. M. 328: Is on R. B., about \\ miles above Cambridge, on ridge between two sloughs, 60 feet from the west bank of the east slough and 1,050 feet above highway bridge over creek; being spike in the east root of a lone black walnut 26 inches in diameter. Elev., 206.170. 145: Is on R. B.. 300 feet from river, near A 498, on 8-inch cotton wood. Elev., 205.166. P. B. M. 165: Is on R. B., 2J miles below Salt Creek, about | mile from the bank of the river, on old river bank, 150 feet west of bank of large slough, on west side of wagon BENCH MARKS. 37 road to Cambridge in line with fence, on land of Judge Gilluin, across slough and 490 feet from his house, 180 feet south of the exceedingly large cotton wood tree 9 feet in diameter; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 205.848; top of cap, 209.907. T. B. M. 329: Is on R. B., in same locality as P. B. M. 165 and 180 feet above it; being spike in the lone cotton wood tree 9 feet in diameter. Elev., 212.099. 146: Is on R. B., 100 feet from river, reference tree of A 494 and is a 2-foot cotton- wood. Elev., 209.697. T. B. M. 330: Is on R. B., 2 miles below New Frankfort, 400 feet west of a group of aj>ple trees; 200 feet from river bank, 820 feet northwest of John Conche's house on Gillum'sland; being spike in root of a honey locust. Elev., 208.262. 147: Is on R. B., 120 feet from river, 100 feet east from fence, 2,000 feet below A 490, on a 3-foot white oak. Elev., 212.256. T. B. M. 331, Salt Creek: Is on R. B., 10 feet from west bank Salt Creek, and 50 feet above its mouth, f mile below New Frankfort; being spike in south root of a 30-inch elm. Elev., 208.383. P. B. M. 166= 4 T 9 -, New Frankfort: Is on R. B., at the upper end of New Frankfort, 885 feet south of river bank, 213 feet north of point where road running west turns north, 65 feet south of and across road from house of R. M. Elliott, 2 feet west of the west fence, and 300 feet south of center of bridge over small creek; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 212.856; top of cap, 216.934. B. M. - 4 2 9 : Is on L. B., opposite New Frankfort, at east fence of road on range line between sections 12 and 7, T. 52 N., Rs. 18 and 19 W., 75 feet south of northwest corner of section 7. Elev., 211.507; top of cap, 215.582. B. M. 4 / : Is on L. B., on section line between sections 5 and 6, T. 52 N., R. 18 W., 1144 feet north of southeast corner section 6, an angle having been made at * 2 9 to avoid unfavorable ground. Elev., 208.930; top of cap, 213.001. T. B. M. 332: Is on R. B., directly across road from P. B. M. 166, on one of a row of mapbs in front of Mr. Elliott's house; being spike in root of fifth tree south of gate. Elev., 217.289. 148: Is on R. B., at upper side of ferry road at New Frankfort, Mo., 400 feet from river, on 30-inch elm. Elev., 211.459. T. B. M. 333: Is on R. B., at New Frankfort, 275 feet above the Ferry Landing, 50 feet from river bank, between river and road; being spike in uppermost one of a group of cotton wood treos. Elev., 209.581. T. B. M. 334: Is on R. B., 1 mile above the Ferry Landing at New Frankfort, in the northwest corner of timber lot, 25 feet south of road fence, 100 feet from old river bank; being spike in the west root of a 30-inch elm. Elev., 210.550. T. B. M. 335: Is on R. B., If miles above New Frankfort, 500 feet above the upper edge of first timber, 400 feet from the river bank, on land owned by the Widow Kerns; being spike in root of a large hickory in field. Elev , 210 363 149: (Washed out.) T. B. M. 336: Is on R. B., 2f miles above New Frankfort, mile from river and mile from foot of bluff, f mile below Mr. Campbell's house and | mile west of J. A. Harman's house, on land owned by Wood Gillam, 100 feet north of east and west fence on south side of field; being spike in root of a tall lone cotton wood 3 feet in diameter. Elev., 214.505. P. B. M. 167: Is on R. B., 3 miles above New Frankfort, at old site of saw mill, where old road running west along foot of bluff turns south over the bluff and from which point a lane runs north about \ mile to Mr. Campbell's house, 328 feet above prominent ledge of rock, on north side of road and east side of lane; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 213.062; top of cap, 217.118. T. B. M. 337: Is on R. B., in vicinity of P. B. M. 167, at foot of bluff, on south side of road opposite site of old saw mill, 180 feet east of lane running north to Mr. Camp- bell's house and about 164 feet above prominent ledge of rock; being spike in root of a broken elm, 18 inches in diameter. Elev., 218.187. T. B. M. 339, Graves Creek: Is on R. B., about mile above the mouth of Graves Creek on its left bank; being spike in the east root of an elm, 30 inches in diameter. Elev., 215.727. T. B. M. 340: Is on R. B., at the foot of bluff \ mile above where Graves Creek comes out of bluffs, on land of Harmon Huff, at north side of orchard and south edge of woods, in fifth row. of apple trees from east fence of orchard ; being spike in south root of apple tree. Elev., 235.513. P. B. M. 168=\: Is on R. B., opposite Buckhorn Point, at foot of bluff, 98 feet west of line between sections 27 and 28, T. 53 N., R. 20 W., on land of Samuel Wood, north of barn on top of bluff, 3 feet south of east and west fence running along foot of bluff, 820 feet east of the "old mulberry corner"; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 216.498; top of cap, 220.570. 38 BENCH MAEKS. B. M. -\-: Is on L. B., at north fence of section line road between Sees. 29 and 32, T. 53 N., R. 19 W., 480 feet west of southeast corner Sec. 29. Elev., 210.630; top of cap, 214.697. T. B. M. 342: Is on R. B., about 700 feet west of P. B. M. 168, 115 feet east of ' 'old mulberry corner' ', on top of old river bank at foot of bluff, 40 feet north of east and west fence past P. B. M. 168, on land of Samuel Wood; being spike in root of a 2-foot linden tree. Elev., 220.614. 150: (Washed out.) T. B. M. 344: Is on R. B., on Cromwell Point, 1640 feet south of the mouth of Salt Creek, 8 feet west of fence between two fields; being spike in the south root of a lone 20-inch elm. Elev., 219.074. P. B. M. 169: Is on R. B., on Cromwell Point at foot of Brunswick Island, f mile north of Mr. Downing 's house, above mouth of creek, below bridge where road between Downing and Andy Campbell crosses creek, 22 feet south of high bank, 18 feet north of gate, on the west side of fence, at the northwest corner of Cyrus Downing 's field, where road leaves creek and enters field; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 219.506; top of cap, 223.574. 151: Is on R. B., opposite the mouth of Grand River, 1 miles from river, 2,000 feet from saw mill, at turn in road 500 feet from bluff, on a 5-foot oak. Elev., 227.162. P. B. M. 170=-V -: Is on R. B., opposite the mouth of Grand River, 20 feet west of the southwest corner of the N. E. of the N. E. , Sec. 24, T. 53 N., R. 21 W., on the south side of the east and west lane between Mr. White's house on the west and Mr. Sullivan's house on the east, 130 feet west of large blazed elm at edge of woods on north and field on south, 49 feet south from a small elm blazed; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 221.554; top of cap, 225.620. B. M. - 5 ^: Is on L. B., at east fence of section line road between Sees. 23 and 24, T. 53 N., R. 20 W., 382 feet north of one-quarter post between sections, opposite mouth of Grand River. Elev., 220.191; top of cap, 224.275. B. M. 5 J: Is on L. B., at south fence of section line road between Sees. 13 and 24, T. 53 N., R. 20 W., 3,107 feet east of northwest corner section 24. Elev., 214.784; top of cap, 218.864. T. B. M. 349: Is on R. B., 419 feet east of P. B. M. 171, about 65 feet west of T. W. Wood's house, 3 feet north of south road fence; being spike in root of a lone cottonwood, 26 inches in diameter. Elev., 226.346. P. B. M. 171=- 5 T 2 : Is on R. B., opposite Dewitt, Mo., on line running east and west through center of section 22, T. 53 N., R. 21 W., 60 feet west of post between Sees. 22 and 23, about 820 feet west of S. W. Wood's house at south road fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 222.377; top of cap, 226.433. P. 'B. M. 171A=-\ 2 -: Is on R. B., at east fence of section-line road between Sees. 15 and 16, T. 53 N., R. 21 W., 470 feet north of southeast corner section 16, opposite Dewitt, Mo. Elev., 222.259; top of cap, 226.328. P. B. M. 171B=\ 2 -, Dewitt: Is on L. B., in Dewitt, Mo., at foot of bluff, 350 feet west of Wabash depot, 55 feet south from center of Jefferson street, in corner of lot owned by W. M. Rodgers; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 234.777; top of cap, 238.842. 152: Is on R. B., opposite Dewitt, 1 miles from river, 300 feet west of house of Harve Casebolt, on 30-inch black walnut. Elev., 228.832. T. B. M. 351: Is on R. B., opposite Dewitt, Mo., on the west side of north and south road, about If miles south of where it reaches the river bank, and 1 miles north of Mr. Davenport's two-story frame dwelling; being highest point of a bent wire spike in root of a lone 30-inch sycamore. Elev., 227.421. P. B. M. 172: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Miami, Mo., in the southeast corner of Miami and Dewitt road, where the road turns north, 459 feet south of Mr, Davenport's two-story frame house, 5 feet south of east and west fence between Davenport's and Wilson's fields, 1 foot east of the east road fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 225.005; top of cap, 229.078. T. B. M. 352: Is on R. B., 15 feet west of P. B. M. 172, 459 feet south of Mr. Davenport's large white two-story frame house; being spike in north root of a 16-inch black walnut. Elev. ? 228.220. 153: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Miami, Mo., mile from river, 40 feet west of road, on 35-inch white elm. Elev., 230.567. T. B. M. 353: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Miami, Mo., mile north of corner at foot of bluff where the highway turns north, in large yard west of farm house, \ mile south of point where road turns east, and 98 feet east of east side of road; being spike in the west root of a 30-inch elm. Elev. , 227. 975. T. B. M. 354=154: Is on R. B., 3,280 feet below the landing at Miami, 1,640 feet below mouth of creek, at lower end of rocky shore and 20 feet south of edge of road; being nail in root of a 30-inch sugar maple. Elev., 235.660. BENCH MAKES. 39 T. B. M. 355: Is on R. B., at the lower side of Miami, Mo., \ mile along shore below the steamboat landing, 820 feet below mouth of creek, on the north side of wagon road where road comes to river; being spike in the north root of an elm 30 inches in diameter, standing near the river bank. Elev., 231.624. P. B. M 173: Is on R. B., 1,640 feet below the flouring mill at Miami, 295 feet above upper bank of creek, 5 feet above surface and 6 feet from edge of water at medium stage, in face of ledge; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 228.671. 57 of 1878: Is on R. B., in the town of Miami, Mo., on southwest corner door-sill of main entrance to Smith & Boyer's two-story brick warehouse, facing street running from levee to town. Elev., 239.504. T. B. M. 357="C" of 1878: Is on R. B., at east side of road from landing to town, on west bank of small stream, 25 feet from river bank at Smith & Boyer's warehouse; being top of knob chiseled in rock ledge. It is said to be of same elevation as high water of 1881. Elev., 232.475. P. B. M. 175=- 5 r, Miami: Is on R. B., in Miami, at the Ferry Landing, on the west side of street, 40 feet from river, at the northeast corner of flouring mill of J. G. Guthrie; being copper bolt in B. M. Stone. Elev., 231.066; top of cap, 235.145. B. M. % 3 : Is on L. B., 10 feet from the edge of the north bank of Wakenda Creek, about 400 feet below the wagon bridge on the road from Miami to Miami Station. Elev., 228.171; top of cap, 232.239. B. M. - 5 /: Is on L. B., at Miami Station, Carroll Co., Mo., on a spur of bluff, 750 feet N. 33 W. (Mag.) from the Wabash Western Railroad depot. Elev., 279.113; top of cap, 283.182. 155: Is on R.B., on large cottonwood, about 200 feet from river, at mouth of creek at old upper landing, Miami. Elev., 231.805. T. B. M. 358: Is on R. B., in Miami, at same place as P. B. M. 175, on foundation of brick flouring mill owned by J. G. Guthrie, at its northeast corner; being highest point in square. Elev., 234.881. P. B. M. 176: Is on R. B., 2,885 feet above the present landing at Miami, 295 feet above creek at old Miami Ferry Landing, 4 feet above surface of water at a medium stage and 7 feet from shore, in west face of rock; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 227.128. T. B. M. 359: Is on R. B., in same locality as P. B. M. 176 and 130 feet below it, about 1 foot above surface of ground and 3 feet from shore at medium stage; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge and marked U.Q S. Elev., 224.637. 156: Is on R. B., 1,000 feet above mouth of creek at old upper landing Miami, hori- zontal furrow in head of copper bolt set into face of limestone bluff. Elev., 227.002. T. B. M. 360: Is on R. B., f mile above Miami, 2,950 feet below the creek which is the outlet to Lake Teteseau, at foot of bluff, 15 feet from river, 34.5 feet below path running over bluff to Miami, on the largest boulder in this vicinity, being square cut on top of shoulder at its- base, on river side, marked TJ.DS. Elev., 237.064. 157: Is on R. B., just above first field above Miami, 550 feet north of \\ story frame house, 550 feet from river, 120 feet southwest of fence between woods above and field below, on a 23-inch elm. " Elev., 229.941. T. B. M. 361: Is on R. B., about \\ miles above Miami, on the east bank of small stream the outlet of Teteseau Lake, about halfway between the mouth of this creek and point where wagon road turns up bluff, west of cultivated ground, 25 feet from fence; being spike in root of a 2-foot sycamore. Elev., 235.190. P. B. M. 177= 5 T 4 : Is on R. B., 2 miles above Miami, where the road running to Laynesville leaves the bluff, 65 feet E. 10 N. of small bridge where road crosses dis- charge ditch, 230 feet above the southeast corner of field, about 20 feet west of center of road and 60 feet from foot of bluff; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 229.798; top of cap, 233.876. B. M. V 4 : Is on L. B., at east fence of section-line road between Sees. 13 and 14, T. 52 N., R. 22 W., 1, 106 feet north of one-quarter post between said sections, 200 feet south of Wabash Western Railroad crossing, on land of Wm. Smith. Elev., 232.282; top of cap, 236.352. T. B. M. 362: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Miami, where wagon road from Laynes- ville reaches bluff, about 30 feet from foot of bluff; being spike in the west root of a 20-inch elm. Elev., 233.974. 158: (Washed out.) T. B. M. 364: Is on R. B., about 1 mile south of the east end of Millers Island and 3 miles above Miami, 505 feet below house of B. F. Smith, at south edge of wagon road where road follows the old river bank; being spike in the rootof an elm. Elev., 237.620. 159: Is on R. B., J mile above head of Millers Island Chute, 430 feet from river, in heavy woods, 10 feet north of east and west fence, on 20-inch white elm. Elev., 237.636. 40 BENCH MARKS. P. B. M. 178: Is on R. B., south of the center of Teteseau Bend, about 1,700 feet from the river at the east side of Jos. Hildebrand's yard, 125 feet north of his house, 80 feet east of east road fence and 40 feet south of south farm lane fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 233.695; top of cap, 237.736. T. B. M. 367: Is on R. B., in same locality as P. B. M. 178, on east side of road, in north part of Jos. Hilderb rand's yard, 50 feet from center of road, 10 feet south from the south side of farm lane, in south root of a 14-inch oak; being the highest point of a bent wire spike. Elev., 236.766. 160: Is on R. B., 300 feet northwest of 1^-story frame dwelling of Chas. Pittmann, 330 feet from river, 1, 500 feet below B. M. "O", 30 feet east of fence between corn above and grove below, on 30-inch cotton wood. Elev., 240.358. 161: Is on R. B., ^ mile below foot of Prunty Island, 500 feet northwest of one-story frame house of P. Huff, at lower edge of timber, 150 feet from river, on 2-foot black walnut. Elev., 241.030. T. B. M. 369: Is on R. B., at the upper part of Teteseau Bend, about 2J miles below Laynesville, 770 feet below Richard Hilderbrand's saw mill, on riverside of road, 15 feet from center, where the road turns south away from river, being nail in 30-inch cotton wood stump. Elev., 241.500. 162: Is on R. B., mile above Plain City Landing, opposite foot of Prunty Island, 100 feet from river, on 18-inch cottonwood/ Elev., 237.548. T. B. M. 371: Is on R. B., 1^ miles below Laynesville, on the south side of wagon road, in the northwest corner of lot owned by George Nye, 100 feet below house of I. H. Legg; being spike in the north root of a 2-foot black walnut. Elev., 242.478. 163: Is on R. B., about mile below head of Prunty Island, If miles below Laynes- ville, Mo., on edge of high water bank, 300 feet from chute, on a 16-inch elm. Elev., 240.887. T. B. M. 372: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Laynesville, Mo., on south side of road to Miami; being spike in the east root of a 30-inch linden. Elev., 243.350. 164: Is on R. B., mile below Laynesville, Mo., 600 feet north of C. H. Vanstone's saw mill, 400 feet from river, on a 20-inch slippery elm. Elev., 241.392. 55 of 1878: Is on R. B., 1,000 feet below Laynesville, 70 feet from river, on an elm, forked 5 feet from ground and marked 413.043. Elev., 242.259. T. B. M. 373, Laynesville: Is on R. B., in Laynesville, on the west side of road going south out of town, in yard in front of old frame house, 245 feet above east and west road running past the post-office to river; being spike in root of a 10-inch black walnut. Elev., 240.352. B. M. 5 T 5 : Is on R. B., 100 feet northwest from McBride Hay's residence; is 2,119 feet north of southwest corner of Sec. 3, T. 51 N., R. 22 W., about 2 miles southeast of Laynesville. Elev., 293.827; top of cap, 297.904. P. B. M. 179 = ^ 5 : Is on R. B., in Saline Co., 1 mile southeast of Laynesville, at north fence of road between towns 51 and 52, 4,379 feet west of the southeast corner of section 33, T. 52 N., R. 22 W., and 120 feet east of bridge over Davies Lake; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 237.878; top of cap, 241.949. B. M. Y-: Is on L. B., at south fence of township line road between towns 51 and 52, R. 22 W., and 1,681 feet east of northwest corner of section 4. Elev., 236.807; top of cap, 240.880. 165: Is on R. B., ^ mile above Laynesville and mile from river, 300 feet east from end of north and south lane, on south side of wagon road and edge of old river bank, on 28-inch elm. Elev., 239.517. T. B. M. 374: Is on R. B., H miles by road above Laynesville, N. 15 W. of B. F. Rutherford's house, 195 feet below lane leading to same/ on north side of wagon road; being a spike in south root of a 30-inch twin sycamore. Elev., 241.820. T. B. M. 375: Is on R. B., f mile below Malta Bend Landing, on south side of road, 1,640 feet above large gate across same, on a high black walnut stump; being top of spike driven to surface. Elev., 246.083. 166: Is on R. B., about \ mile below Malta Bend Landing, on south side of wagon road from Malta Bend Landing to Laynesville, 600 feet from river, on a 2-foot black walnut. Elev., 242.946. 167: Is on R. B., 240 feet southwest of Fairbank scales at Malta Bend Landing, 300 feet from river, on a 3-foot cottonwood. Elev., 243.221. P. B. M. 180, Malta Bend Landing: Is on R. B., at Malta Bend Landing, 300 feet west of house occupied by S. Hugh, in west line of road, on land owned by Charles Von Stone; being copper "bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 238.687; top of cap, 242.757. T. B. M. 377: Is on R. B., f mile above Malta Bend Landing, 984 feet west of east edge of very dense woods, on the south side of wagon road; being spike in root of a box elder 24 inches in diameter. Elev., 243.296. BENCH MARKS. 41 T. B. M. 378: Is on R. B., 1 miles east of bridge over outlet to swamp, 25 feet west of outlet to Grand Pass Lake, and ^ mile east of Mr. Ayer's residence, 150 feet west of point where wagon road turns south away from river; being spike in the southwest root of a 6-foot cotton wood. Eley., 243.608. 167 (18): Is on R. B., 2 miles above Malta Bend, on roadside, 100 feet from Grand Pass Lake, on a 2-foot oak. Elev., 281.277. P. B. M. 181: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Malta Bend Landing, in front of Grand Pass Lake, mile back from present river bank, 360 feet back from road that follows old river bank, in Fred Ayer's front yard, 18 feet from its northwest corner and 6 inches south from front fence, 6 feet above small gate and 72 feet from the northwest corner of house; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 241.004; top of cap, 245.067. 168: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Gilhams Landing, on high bank behind willow bar, west side of wagon road, on a 2-foot cotton wood Elev., 244.484. 169: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Gilhams Landing, opposite head of large willow bar, west side of wagon road, 150 feet from river, 630 feet above mouth of creek, on a 2-foot cotton wood. Elev., 244.318. T. B. M. 381: Is on R. B., .3| miles above Malta Bend Landing, on old river bank, about 1,960 feet from present bank where highway bridge crosses the outlet from lakes, 25 feet south of stream, at north edge of woods; being spike in south root of a 22-inch box elder. Elev., 244.804. T. B. M. 382: Is on R. B., 1 mile north of Grand Pass Lake, on north and south road, in field 20 feet west of the west highway fence, 770 feet south of J. Y. Christ- mann's one-storv frame house, by crossrail fence; being spike in 14-inch elm. Elev., 245.538. 169 (17): Is on R. B., at head of Grand Pass Lake, 1,500 feet below road from Gil- hams Landing to Grand Pass Church, on bluff side of 2-foot elm. Elev., 248.387. 170 Gilhams Landing: Is on R. B., 900 feet below Gilhams Landing, 100 feet north of fence between woods above and fields below, 500 feet from river, on a 20-inch elm. Elev., 243.670. P. B. M. 182 = V : Is on R. B., about 5| miles below Waverly, 158 feet east of point in road in front of house owned by S. H. Moore now occupied by John Plattern, 4 feet north of south fence of section line road between sections 5 and 8, T. 51 N., R. 23 W., 1,106 feet west of southeast corner section 5; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 245.342; top of cap, 249.422. B. M. 5 2 6 : Is on R, B., 2,735 feet from river at Gilhams Landing, 330 feet N. 38 30' E. (Mag.) from Calvin Pfleger's house, at fence on south bank of slough. Elev., 246.735; top^of cap, 250.819. B. M. 5 / : Is on L. B., at east fence of road on half section line which runs north and south through center of section 6, T. 52 N., R. 22 W., and is 113 feet south of southwest corner of N.W. \ of S. E. of said section 6, or about 1,433 feet south of center of section. Elev.. 238.491; top of cap, 242.569. 171 : Is on R. B. , 2,100 feet above Gilhams Landing, 500 feet southeast of vacant one- story frame house, 120 feet east from north and south fence between fields and woods, 400 feet from river, on a 54-inch cottonwood. Elev., 243.847. T. B. M. 384: Is on R. B., near P. B. M. 182, on road running east and west, about $ mile north of "lakes/' on north side of wagon road, by John Plattern's barnyard fence; being top of spike in 30-inch elm. Elev., 248.399. 172: Is on R. B., 130 feet from Cranberry Island Chute. 30 feet below fence between fields above and woods below, 1,050 feet below White's saw-mill, 1 mile above mouth of chute, on 22-inch cottonwood. Elev. . 248.573. T. B. M. 386: Is on R. B., about 3 miles below Waverly, 1 mile north of railroad track, at the intersection of north and south road running' past west end of Gilhams Lake with east and west road, in the southeast corner of woods, just west of land owned by Mrs. Callihan, on line with west side of north and south road; being top of spike in east root of a 3-foot black walnut. Elev., 251.774. 173: Is on R. B., 115 feet from high bank of Cranberry Island Chute and 1,100 feet below its head, 55 feet west of north and south fence between woods on west and small clearing on east, on an 18-inch elm. Elev., 247.579. T. B. M. 387: Is on R. B., the east side of wagon road, at the west end of Gilhams Lake, 1.310 feet north of Missouri Pacific track; being top of spike in the west root of a 30-inch black walnut. Elev., 248.283. P. B. M. 183: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Waverly, at foot of bluff, 147 feet from center of track, at west side of wagon road, 1 foot east of the fence south of the west end of Gilhams Lake, 230 feet from bridge No. 62 and 219 feet from west cattle guard at road crossing Missouri Pacific track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 260.438; Top of cap, 264.505. 42 BENCH MARKS. T. B. M. 388: Is on R. B., in the vicinity of P. B. M. 183, 60 feet north from Missouri Pacific track at road crossing, at east edge of wagon road ; being top of spike in a two- foot elm. Elev., 252.109. 174: Is on R. B., f mile above head of Cranberry Island Chute, 350 feet from river, 60 feet above 7-foot fall in ground, on 18-inch elm. Elev. , 254.815. T. B. M. 389: Is on R. B. If miles below Waverly, 738 feet west of line between Lafayette and Saline counties, 230 feet above bridge No. 59, on river side of track 15 feet from center; being highest point in square cut in rock. Elev., 258.574. 174( 16 ): Is on R. B., 1 miles below Waverly, at foot of bluff, on 16-inch oak. Elev., 254.947. P. B. M. 184=-^: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Waverly, Mo., 984 feet north of track, on land owned by Charles Walton, in corner of field, 177 feet S. 59 30 7 E. (Mag.) from point on section line between sections 12 and 13, T. 51 N., R. 24 W., which point is 460 feet west of post between said sections; being top of copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 245.840; top of cap, 249.912. B. M. -V-: Is on L. B., 3 feet north of south fence of section-line road between sees. 7 and 18, T. 51 N., R. 23 W., 2,203 feet east of northwest corner Sec. 18. Elev., 251.547; top of cap, 255.624. T. B. M. 390=175 of 1881: Is on R. B.. 1 mile below Waverly, 50 feet from river bank, at upper edge of timber; being top of spike in south root of a 32-inch elm stump. Elev., 250.880. T t B. M. 392: Is on R, B. f mile below Waverly depot and 770 feet below high- way crossing, on bluff side of Missouri Pacific track, 12 feet from. center; being highest point in square cut on a rock. Elev., 265.936. P. B. M. 185=^: Is on R. B., in W r averly, Mo., about mile below depot, 60 feet south of Missouri Pacific track, in northwest corner of lot owned by W. Milnor, 20 feet south of north line of lot and 10 inches east of west fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 271.192; top of cap, 275.284. T. B. M. 394: Is on R. B., in same field as P. B. M. 185; being top of spike in west root of large elm. Elev., 271.606. 176= "51" of 1878: Is on R. B., at Waverly, Mo., on northwest corner lower window sill, west window, on river side of "Star Mills" a four-story brick on levee. Elev., 263.762. 177a=Gauge B. M.: Is on R. B., on small round topped Black Oak 15 inches in diameter, at foot of bluff, about 2,500 feet above gauge, and about 500 feet above lower edge of first woods above Waverly. Elev., 258.560. P. B. M. 186: Is on R. B., 1 mile above Waverly, on east end of bridge No. 55 Mis- souri Pacific Railway, on south end of bridge seat stone, 6 inches west from retaining wall and 8 inches back from face of bridge seat stone; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 259.031. T. B. M. 396: Is on R. B., near P. B. M. 186, on north end east abutment of same bridge, 9 inches east of northwest corner and 8 inches back from face; being highest point in square cut on capstone of retaining wall and marked U. Q S. Elev., 263.676. P. B. M. 187: Is on R. B., 1^ miles above Waverly, on south end of east abutment east course of bridge No. 54, Missouri Pacific Railway, 6 inches west of retaining wall and 6 inches back from face; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 261.903. T. B. M. 397: Is on R. B., near P. B. M. 187, on north end of same abutment, 14 inches back from northwest corner of stone and 3 inches back from face; being highest point in square and marked U. Q S. Elev., 263.688. P. B. M. 188: Is on R. B., about If miles above Waverly, Mo., 10.5 feet east of the east end of bridge No. 52, on south side of Missouri Pacific track and 30 feet from bank of small stream, 3.3 feet east of 10-inch elm, at foot of bluff, on flat spot of ground; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 261.300; top of cap, 265.353. T. B. M. 398: Is on R. B., 3.3 feet west of P. B. M. 188; being top of spike in root of 10-inch elm. Elev., 264.407. T. B. M. 399: Is on R. B., about 2| miles above Waverly, Mo., on Missouri Pacific Railway bridge No. 51, on first bent from east end; being top of drift bolt over pile at the north end of cap. Elev., 263.269. 177: Is on R. B., 800 feet below A 354, at foot of bluff, 110 feet from river, on 30- inch twin cotton wood. Elev., 255.469. P. B. M. 189=-\ 9 -: Is on R. B., 4 miles above Waverly, 2 miles below Hodge, Mo., 50 feet above bridge No. 47, Missouri Pacific Ry., bluff side of track, 100 feet from center, 40 feet northeast of a cluster of six linden trees (blazed); being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 284.150; top of cap, 288.217. B. M. A/-: Is on L. B., in apparent center of road running between Sees. 10 and 3, T. 51 N., R. 24 W., at a point 139 feet of one-quarter post between said sections. Elev., 252.254; top of cap, 256.336. BENCH MAEKS. 43 178: Is on R. B., 100 feet above mouth of small stream, 75 feet south A 350, on a 2-foot oak. Elev., 259.679. P. B. M. 190: Is on R. B., 1 mites below Hodge, Mo., at point of bluff, 738 feet below bridge No. 46, Missouri Pacific Ry., on south side of track, 12.4 feet from cen- ter and 3.9 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded hori- zontally into natural ledge. Elev., 273.661. T. B. M. 402: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Hodge, Mo., 785 feet below bridge No. 46, on south side of track 10 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 271.908. 179: Is on R. B., 1 mile above A 350, on an 18-inch white oak. Elev., 265.259. P. B. M. 191: Is on R. B., at Hodge, Mo., in north face of foundation of old mill, 33 inches west of east window and 3 feet below top of foundation; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 269.675. P. B. M. 192, Hodge, Mo.: Is on R. B., at Hodge, Mo., 730 feet below depot, 130 feet north of northwest corner of old Edwards mill, 154 feet southeast of railroad bridge No. 42, 95 feet S. S. W. of lower head block of siding, 33 feet above road cross- ing, 72 feet south of center Missouri Pacific track, and 1 feet north of south right-of- way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 261.035; top of cap, 265.114. T. B. M. 403: Is on R. B., 620 feet below depot at Hodge, 45 feet below bank of small creek under bridge No. 42, Missouri Pacific Ry., on south side of track 59 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on imbedded rock. Elev., 264.999. 180: Is on R. B., 500 feet from river, 960 feet below James Bray's house, 75 feet from bank, on 3-foot black ash. Elev., 259.303. 181: Is on R. B., near beginning of timber, just below A 342, 125 feet from river, on 4-foot elm. Elev., 264.101. P. B. M. 193= 6 T : Is on R. B., 3 miles below Dover depot, 164 feet south of Missouri Pacific track, in N.W. of S.E. i of section 9, T. 51 N., R. 25 W., in W. D. Ballard's yard, between house and well, in line with north side of house and 14 feet from the northwest corner; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 267.519; top of cap, 271.586. B. M. - 6 j Q : Is on L. B., 7,251 feet nearly due north from B. M. 6 T -, in east and west road between sections 1 and 12, T. 51 N., R. 25 W., about 1,840 feet east of northwest corner section 12, and 400 feet east of Thomas Spurwell's house, 3 feet north of south fence of road. Elev., 257.882; top of cap, 261.954. B. M. 6 /-: Is on L. B., 7,730 feet nearly due north of B. M. 6 f , and 792 feet west of center of section 36, T. 52 N., R. 25 W., in county road, 3 feet north of south fence, 683 feet west of J. S. Wilson's house, and 280 feet east of Henry Tate's house. Elev., 260.160; top of cap, 264.252. T. B. M. 407: Is on R. B., about 2| miles below Dover, mile below water tank, 574 feet below bridge No. 35, bluff side of Missouri Pacific track 20 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on rock. Elev.. 267.576. 182: Is on R. B., 1,000 feet above A 340, on bluff, 50 feet from river, on a 20-inch black walnut. Elev., 265.060. T. B. M. 408: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Dover, on stone foundation of water tank, at the southeast corner; being highest point in square. Elev., 269.728. T. B. M. 409: Is on R. B., 3,100 feet below Dover, Mo., at lower end of bridge 33; being top of spike in south end of cap over pile. Elev., 264.859. P. B. M. 194: Is on R. B., at Dover, 39 feet west from the road crossing, at the southeast corner of the depot platform, 48.5 feet east of the east end of depot, on south side of track 12 feet from center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 263.936; top of cap, 268.004. "49" of 1878: Is on R. B., at Berlin, Mo., on northwest corner of iron door sill, west door, two-story brick ware-house. Elev., 268.872. P. B. M. 195=- 6 f , Berlin, Mo.: Is on R. B., at Berlin, Lafayette Co., Mo., 580 feet N. 87 W. from Y. E. Gray's brick house on bluff, on bluff side of track, 145 feet from center, 425 feet below bridge No. 26, and 1,030 feet above bridge No. 27; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 269.106; top of cap, 273.160. B. M. -V-: Is on L. B. y opposite Berlin, Mo., 9,000 feet from left bank of river, on east and west county road, on south side of road and fence, on land of Dr. Sadder- field, 320 feet S. 35 30' E. from house of N. Edwards, 1,100 feet west of section corner. Elev., 266.999; top of cap, 271.065. B. M. - 6 ^-: Is on L. B., 12,480 feet from river, on south side of land belonging to James Long, on north side of east and west road, 1,348 feet S. 4 W. (Mag.) from north- east corner section 8, T. 51 N., R. 25 W., 520 feet S. 62 W. (Mag.) from house of S. Diment, 324 feet easterly from where the road turns north. ' Elev., 264.799; top of cap, 268.838. P. B. M. 196: Is on R. B., in Berlin, in south end of east stone abutment to bridge No. 26, 3 feet below grade of track; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 271.628. 44 BENCH MARKS. T. B. M. 411: Is on R. B., very close to P. B. M. 196, on south end of west abut- ment; being highest point in square marked U. Q S. Elev., 273.685. 183: Is on R. B., 1,000 feet below A 330, 50 feet from river, on bluff side, on 2-foot hickory. Elev., 273.425. T. B. M. 412; Tabo Creek: Is on R. B., near P. B. M. 197, on south end of east pier; being highest point in square marked U. D S. Elev., 269.518. P. B. M. 197: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Northrup, Mo., on south end of west pier of iron bridge No. 25 across Big Tabo Creek, in line with west side of pedestal, 1 foot south of same; being copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 268.660. P. B. M. 198, Northrup: Is on R. B., 1,460 feet above section house at Northrup, Mo., 328 feet below east bank of side hill cut, on bluff side of track 75 feet from center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 275.600; top of cap, 279.654. 184: Is on R. B., about 1,500 feet above A 326, is horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into rock on side of bluff. Elev., 289.985. T. B. M. 415: Is on R. B., about mile above section house at Northrup, 1,785 feet below Missouri Pacific bridge No. 22, 288 feet below sign "Station one mile," on sand- stone ledge; being highest point in square. Elev., 278.311. 185: Is on R. B., 150 feet from river, 250 feet southeast of A 320, on a 6-foot cot- tonwood. Elev., 268.650. P. B. M. 199=- 6 ^: Is on R. B., 5 miles below Lexington, Mo., near the center of wide bottom land, 1 miles below point where bluff leaves river, in the northeast corner of the northwest of the northwest | of Sec. 29, 639 feet south of the Missouri Pacific track, 100 feet southwest of the southwest corner of a small log house owned by Wm. Mayfield, 2 feet west of a north and south fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 263.057; top of cap, 267.142. B. M. - 6 2 2 -: Is on L. B., 4,632 feet from river and N. 2 30' E. (Mag.) from - 6 f, on north and south road leading from river to Hardin, Mo., on west side of road, close to fence, 780 feet N. 9 30' W. (Mag.) from corners, sections 14, 15, 22 & 23, 500 feet N. 18 W. (Mag.) from D. W. Noble's house. Elev. 274.093; top of cap, 278.158. 186: Is on R. B., 100 feet above mouth of creek, on bluff side, on 5-foot oak, near house of W. H. Hays. Elev., 290.509. T. B. M. 419: Is on R. B., 4| miles below Lexington, Mo., 820 feet above end of bridge No. 21, Missouri Pacific Ry., and about 325 feet above end of long side-hill cut, on bluff side of track and 12 feet from center; being highest point in square cut in natural ledge. Elev., 281.798. P. B. M. 200: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Lexington, Mo., on south end of west abutment, bridge seat course of Missouri Pacific Ry. bridge No. 19, 9 inches east of retaining wall and 14 inches north from face; being top of copper bolt leaded ver- tically. Elev., 283.098. T. B. M. 420: Is on R. B., about 3 miles below Lexington, Mo., at Missouri Pacific Railway bridge No. 17, on north end of west abutment, in northwest corner of coping stone; being highest point in square cut on rock and marked U. D S. Elev., 291.205. 187: Is on R. B., 100 feet from river, on a 20-inch maple which is lower reference tree of A 314. Elev., 280.849. P. B. M. 201: Is on R. B., about 2 miles below Lexington, Mo., about in middle of 1,200-foot tangent on Missouri Pacific track, at foot of bluff, 32.8 feet from track center, 150 feet below bridge No. 15, on east side of small coulee and 8 feet south of right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 285.666; top of cap, 289.736. T. B. M. 421: Is on R. B., 150 feet below P. B. M. 201, 300 feet below bridge No. 15, at foot of bluff 75 feet from track center; being top of spike in north root of a 14-inch hickory. Elev., 290.896. P. B". M. 202: Is on R. B., about 2 miles below foot of Pine street, Lexington, Mo., on south side of west abutment of bridge No. 14, Missouri Pacific Ry., on bridge seat course 8 inches from retaining wall and 8 inches from face; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 282.417. 188: Is on R. B., 500 feet above A 312, 250 feet above mouth of creek, 70 feet from river, on a 20-inch linden. Elev., 279.819. T. B. M. 422: Is on R. B., 1| miles below foot of Pine street, Lexington, Mo., 540 feet below head block of switch to coal mine, 15 feet north of Missouri Pacific track, near river bank, on large embedded boulder; being highest point in square. Elev., 277.229. 189: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Lexington, Mo., at base of bluff, just east of mouth of smalLcreek, on 30-inch elm which is second reference tree of A 308. Elev., 287.348. 189a=Gauge B. M.: Is on R. B., about 300 feet below low- water gauge and about | mile below levee at Lexington, Mo., on north side of road 40 feet from river bank, on 30-inch elm. Elev., 280.541. BENCH MARKS. 45 P. B. M. 203=- 6 } 3 - (new position): Is on R. B., in lower part of Lexington, Mo., 1,770 feet below Missouri Pacific bridge No. 8, at foot of Pine street, 130 feet from the north- east end of Missouri Pacific bridge No. 10, on bluff side of track, by wire fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 274.666; top of cap, 278.734. B. M. - 6 2 3 -: Is on L. B., 5,840 feet from river, and N. 35 W. (Mag.) from B. M. V, on west side of north and south road leading to Lexington, Mo., close to fence on east side of land belonging to Capt. Rankin, 1,480 feet south of where lane leaves road for Capt, Rankin's house, and 2,780 feet S. 71 30' E. (Mag.) from said house. Elev., 272.497; top of cap, 276.573. B. M. V: Is on L. B., on continuation of line B. M. 6 T 3 and B. M. 6 a 3 , 18,400 feet from river, on north side of east and west road, on south side of and close to fence, on land belonging to J. F. Barkley, 240 feet N. 89 30' W. (Mag.) from a supposed i post on west side of section 11, and 240 feet S. 51 30' W. (Mag.) from J. F. Barkley's house (house is a large two-story frame), 700 feet north of Wabash Western Railroad track. Elev., 277.433; top of cap, 281.513. T. B. M. 423: Is on R. B., 98 feet above inclined gauge at Lexington, Mo., 1,900 feet below Missouri Pacific bridge No. 8, at foot of Pine street, 180 feet above J. S. Walter's house, 262 feet below Missouri Pacific bridge No. 10, on bluff side of track, 40 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on rock. Elev., 279.194, P. B. M. 204, Lexington: Is on R. B., in Lexington, Mo., at the foot of Pine street, in north face of retaining wall, 13 feet west of the east end and 30 feet below center oil stream running over top of this wall; it is in the third course of masonry from top, 3.3 feet below same; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 274 478, T. B. M. 424: Is on R. B., in Lexington, 1 foot lower and 1 foot further down stream than P. B. M. 204; being highest point in square cut on top of fourth course of masonry from top, in retaining wall. Elev., 273.648. P. B. M. 205=190 of 1881: Is on R. B., in Lexington, Mo., in point of bluff on west side of Pine street, 210 feet from river and 19.5 feet west of west fence along Pine street; being horizontal furrow in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 306.553, "46" of 1878: Is on R. B., at Lexington, Mo., on northwest corner door-sill 2 story brick machine shops, and adjoining Excelsior Stove Works. Elev., 285.246, "47" of 1878: Is on R. B., at Lexington, Mo., on northwest corner door-sill small door Excelsior Stove Works, 1^ story brick on Levee. Elev., 284.671. "48 " of 1878: Is on R. B., at Lexington, Mo., on northwest corner door-sill, main en- trance to Lexington City Mills, 3 story brick. Elev., 281.100. T. B. M. 425=191: Is on R. B., 1 miles above Ferry landing at Lexington, 655 feet above city limits, at north end of rock arch bridge over Graham Creek, directly over arch, near top of parapet wall, on top at the southeast corner of cut rock inscribed Crum and Hackett, 1858. A cross is cut on south face (road side) of stone, which at intersection is 1 inch below the bench. Elev., 283.097, P. B. M. 206: Is on R. B., on same bridge as T. B. M. 425, between the two branches of the Missouri Pacific track, 2,345 feet below the Junction depot, 40 feet west of the east end of wall, on north face, 4J feet above ground and 3 feet below coping stone, 30.5 inches east from center of arch; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 280.331. 192: Is on R. B., 2 miles by railroad above Lexington, Mo., 200 feet northwest of one-story log dwelling of George Heinkle, 100 feet west of lane running south, on foo t of bluff, 180 feet south of Missouri Pacific Ry., on a 16-inch hard maple. Elev., 280.522, P. B. M. 207: Is on R. B., about 2 miles above the ferry landing at Lexington, 410 feet below siding to J. C. McGrew's coal mine, 150 feet below house occupied by Edward Rosewell on land owned by Reed and Taylor families, directly opposite small bridge on wagon road and culvert on railroad, on bluff side of track 80 feet from center and 25 feet from wagon road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 279.211; top of cap, 283.282, 193: Is on R. B., 3 miles above Lexington, and mile above head of Lexington Bottom, 200 feet from river, 75 feet above water tank, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into cropping ledge of hard rock, northwest exposure, 18 feet south of railway. Elev., 282.107. T. B. M. 427: Is on R. B., 1,195 feet below mile post 248, 175 feet above J. C. McGrew's coal mine No. 2, at end of siding for mine, just outside of right-of-way on bluff side of track; being top of spike in root of 18-inch oak. Elev., 287.820. P. B. M. 208: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Wellington, Mo., 1,605 feet below the east end of Missouri Pacific bridge No. 145, over Little Sni Creek, \ mile above the mouth of slough at foot of Wolf Island, 490 feet north of forks of road, at foot of hill, on roadside, 46 BENCH MARKS. 10 feet northeast of a lone red oak 20 inches in diameter, 4 feet from corner of field and 62 feet east of track center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 283.503; top of cap, 287.548. T. B. M. 429=194: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Wellington, Mo., on the line of the Missouri Pacific Ry., opposite bridge No. 145, 328 feet below mile post 249, at the northeast corner of east abutment of wagon bridge over Little Sni Creek; being+cut in top of stone. Elev., 283.210. 195: Is on R. B., If miles below Wellington, Mo., 200 feet from river, 60 feet north- east of railroad, 90 feet from foot of bluff, in wagon road, on 3-foot red elm. Elev., 280 537 . P. B. M. 209= 6 T 4 : Is on R. B., 1,950 feet below Wellington Mill, 1,655 feet above west end of Missouri Pacific bridge No. 149 over Big Sni Creek, 250 feet above bridge No. 150, 55 feet above upper end of coal dump, at point of bluff where bluff recedes, 35 feet south of center of Missouri Pacific track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 290.167; top of cap, 294.248. B. M. - 6 ^: Is on L. B., 2 miles N. 22 E. (Mag.) from B. M. -^ on land owned by William Burnett, on south side of fence, south side of east and west road, in an orchard, 340 feet east of lane running north from road, about | mile east of graveyard, and | mile east of church. Elev., 274.849; top of cap, 278.917. 196: Is on R. B., in Wellington, Mo., 1,200 feet below Wellington Flour Mills, 120 feet above ruins of stone warehouse, 60 feet from river, 45 feet from railroad and 12 feet below its level, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into northeast exposure of cropping sandstone ledge. Elev., 285.549. "43" of 1878: Is on R. B., at Wellington, Mo., top of red sand-stone of which the north face measures 10 inches by 17 inches, in northeast corner near top of foundation of Wellington Flour Mills. Elev., 304.087. T. B. M. 430: Is on R. B., 80 feet below P. B. M. 209, just outside of south right-of- way fence; being top of spike in 32-inch elm. Elev., 290.264. P. B. M. 210: Is on R. B., in Wellington, Mo., 400 feet below the depot, at the northeast corner of mill, 5 inches south from the corner, and 25 inches above ground; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 303.111. T. B. M. 431: Is on R. B., in Wellington, Mo., 400 feet below depot, at the south- east corner of mill; being highest point in square cut on stone 2 inches above ground and marked U. Q S. Elev., 305.826. 197: Is on R. B., mile above depot at Wellington, Mo., on side of bluff, west of creek, between creek and wagon road, 130 feet south of railway, 200 feet from river, on 2-foot oak. Elev., 305.543. T. B. M. 432: Is on R. B., mile above Wellington, Mo., at upper end of bridge No. 155, on bluff side of track, 30 feet from center; being top of spike in north root of a 30-inch elm. Elev., 320.388. 198: Is on R. B., 2 miles above foot of bottom above Wellington, Mo., 1,500 feet from edge of shore bar, in clump of timber, 40 feet from high water bank, on 20-inch red elm. Elev., 280.196. 199: Is on R. B., 1^ miles below old town of Camden, Mo., mile from river, on line between cottonwood timber on north and field on south, on 30-inch cottonwood on edge of bank behind large shore bar. Elev., 282.384. 200: Is on R. B., opposite the old town of Camden, Mo., 550 feet above A 264, on south side of small clearing, on 16-inch cottonwood. Elev., 286.645. 201: Is on L. B., on bridge No. 715 near coal mine No. 5 of old town of Camden, Mo., cross cut into top of west abutment, 4 feet south of track. Elev., 288.712. "42" of 1878: Is on L. B., on bridge No. 715 near coal mine No. 5 oi old town of Camden, Mo., on extreme northeast corner of top of bridge seat. Elev., 285.269. "41" of 1878: Is on L. B., on bridge No. 715 near coal mine No. 5 of old town of Camden, Mo., on extreme southeast corner of bridge seat. Elev., 285.215. B. M. - 6 ^: Is on R. B., opposite Camden, Mo., 5,330 feet from river, on north side of east and west road running from Napoleon to Wellington, Mo., inside of fence inclosing land belonging to F. H. Casteel, 155 feet east of schoolhouse, 1,030 feet west of Union Church, bearing of line B. M. ^ to B. M. -- N. 28 15' W. (Mag.). Elev., 280.218; top of cap, 284.302. B. M/- 6 /: (Destroyed), Camden. 202: Is on R. B., justabove Camden, Mo., 200feet northwest of one-story frame house, 700 feet above mouth of chute, on right bank of slough, behind willow towhead, on 22-inch elm. Elev. , 287 .478 . P. B. M. 211: Is on R. B., 3,690 feet below Waterloo, 226 feet above coal mine of Mr. Hartmann, 30 feet west of gate through which road leads from coal mine up the bluff, 10 feet north of wagon road, directly north of a one-story frame house on edge of bluff, 62 feet south from Missouri Pacific track center, 2 feet outside of right-of-way; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 282.439; top of cap, 286.493. BENCH MAEKS. f UWIVEf&TY s or T. B. M. 433: Is on R. B., about 80 feet below P. B. M. 211, 338 feet .below- bead block of switch to coal mine, 44 feet above the mine, 10 feet outside of north rigfe^of- way fence; being top of spike in south root of a 26-inch elm. Elev., 281.824. 203: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Camden, Mo., on high water bank, J mile from river, behind willow and cottonwood island towhead, 250 feet east of one-story log house of Morris Barnes, 2 miles above mouth of chute, on 2-foot cottonwood. Elev., 289.324. 204: Is on R. B., 2| miles below Napoleon, Mo., about mile below upper edge of woods, 220 feet from river, on upper side of shallow dry slough, on 28-inch linden. Elev., 291.790. T. B. M. 434, Waterloo: Is on R. B., If miles below Napoleon, Mo., 2,050 feet above depot at Waterloo, 1,245 feet above road crossing, 1,555 feet above milepost 254, 30 feet outside of right-of-way, on bluff side of track; being top of spike in 13-inch sycamore. Elev., 290.011. 205: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Napoleon, Mo., 270 feet from river, on riverward edge of clump of timber, on 42-inch honey locust. Elev., 292.474. P. B. M. 212=- 6 /, Napoleon: Is on R. B., at Napoleon, Mo., 220 feet south of depot, at foot of bluff, 90 feet east of small creek under trestle No. 161, Missouri Pacific Ry., and about 75 feet south of wagon road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 293.531; top of cap, 297.601 . B. M. - 6 2 6 -: Is on L. B., opposite Napoleon, Mo., N. 7 E. (Mag.) from B. M. -Ys and 4,186 feet from river, on north side of section 17 (reported to be within 10 feet of post), in northwest corner of field belonging to Gordon, and on south side of east and west road. Elev., 283.863; top of cap, 287.931. B. M. - 6 /: Is on L. B., opposite Napoleon, Mo., on continuation of line B. M. - 6 T 6 - to B. M. - 6 2 6 -, 2 miles from river, on north side of section 8, 300 feet east of mile post, 15 feet east of a three-pronged sycamore, 6 feet in diameter. Elev., 284.759; top of cap, 288.831. 206: Is on R. B., at Napoleon, Mo., 250 feet above depot, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into north face west side of stone culvert under railroad. , Elev., 286.188. T. B. M. 435: Is on R. B., 1,069 feet above the depot at Napoleon, 520 feet above trestle No. 161, 230 feet below center of old flour mill and same distance below mile- post 256, 32 feet south from center of Missouri Pacific track; being top of spike in root of 18-inch walnut. Elev., 302.075. T. B. M. 436: Is on R. B., about 1 mile above Napoleon, 1,840 feet below house of F. P. Ellis, 10 feet east of east end of open culvert, and 8 feet south of center of Missouri Pacific track; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 306.973. 207: Is on R. B., 1 mile above Napoleon, Mp., 450 feet from river, 240 feet south- west of one-story frame house of Theodore Whitson, 70 feet north of foot of bluff, on 46-inch cottonwood. Elev., 289.927. P. B. M. 213: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Napoleon, Mo., 390 feet below the line between Jackson and Lafayette counties, 150 feet below farm crossing, 1,400 feet below bridge No. 164, 72 feet in direct line from bridge No. 163, 59 feet south of center of track, on point of land between old Lexington and Napoleon roads owned by Mr. Johnson, 8.6 feet northeast from an elm tree 30 inches in diameter; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 293.322; top of cap, 297.381. T. B. M. 437: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Levasy, Mo., 137 feet below the east line of Jackson county, 260 feet above trestle No. 163, Missouri Pacific Ry., 90 feet above farm crossing, on north side of track, at right-of-way fence; being top of spike in base of 2-foot elm. Elev., 291.917. T. B. M. 439: Is on R. B., mile below Levasy, Mo., 1,410 feet below road crossing, 60 feet below whistle post, 245 feet above farm crossing, on river side of Missouri Pacific track, 60 feet from center, at lower end of a row of elms; being top of spike in root of 14-inch elm. Elev., 295.265. T. B. M. 440, Levasy: Is on R. B., in Levasy, Mo., 50 feet east of J. C. McGrew's grain elevator, at the south side of yard owned by Mrs. Anna B. Hays, 60 feet north of center of Missouri Pacific track; being top of a 6-inch spike in south root of a 3-foot cottonwood. Elev., 294.627. 208: Is on R. B., about 3 miles above Napoleon, Mo., 200 feet south of sawmill owned by C. S. Hayes, 50 feet southwest of wagon road, mile from river, on 34-inch cottonwood in scattering cottonwood timber and brush. Elev., 293.375. T. B. M. 442: Is on R. B., about If miles south of Maxwells Landing, and mile below F. W. Schwester's house, and 350 feet south of branch road running west up bluff, 1.3 feet west of west fence; being top of spike in north root of a 14-inch elm. Elev., 309.714. 48 BENCH MARKS. 209: Is on R. B., 4 miles above Napoleon, Mo., 250 feet south of one-story log and frame house of J. P. Shipley, f mile from river, on 30-inch cottonwood forked 8 feet from ground. Elev., 296.065. P. B. M. 214=-^ (new position): Is on R. B., 2 miles below Sibley Bridge, at Max- wells Landing, 390 feet south of river bank, in southwest corner of young orchard, 202 feet west from southwest corner of D. O'DonnelPs house, at the east side of north and south road and on north side of lane leading past house; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 297.524; top of cap, 301.593. B. M. - 6 ./: Is on L. B., 3,116 feet from river, opposite Maxwells Landing, magnetic bearing of line B. M. -^ to B. M. -V-, N. 38 E., close to fence on east side of road, and 198 feet S. 57 30 X W. (Mag.) fronTlI. B. McMullen's house. Elev., 303.570; top of cap, 307.645. T. B. M. 444: Is on R. B., at Maxwells Landing, in center of north and south road at point where road comes to river, between houses of Isaiah Johnson and D. 'Don- nell; being top of spike in top of 30-inch oak stump about 18 inches high. Elev., 303.613. T. B. M. 445=210: Is on R. B., at Maxwells Landing, 2 miles below Sibley Bridge, on the house of D. O'Donnell, east side of road, at the northwest corner of foundation; being highest point in square cut on northwest quarter of cross. Elev., 304.075. 211: Is on R. B., about mile above Maxwells Landing, 160 feet from River, 30 feet from foot of bluff, on timbered flat, on 3-foot black oak. Elev., 304.186. T. B. M. 446: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Sibley Bridge, and mile above Maxwells Landing, 50 feet from river and 75 feet from foot of bluff, 200 feet above an old log house and 15 feet north of wagon road; being top of spike in south root of 18-inch pin oak. Elev., 305.307. T. B. M. 447: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Sibley Bridge, 590 feet below one-story house occupied by Mr. Faris, 50 feet back from river bank, on east bank of small ravine, at mouth of which a large spring is flowing; being top of spike in south root of a 3-foot burr oak. Elev., 315.205. T. B. M. 448: Is on R. B., | mile below Sibley Bridge, 55 feet south from top of right bank in front of orchard, 570 feet below farm house and 210 feet above the lower barn, 35 feet north of wagon road and 20 feet south of a small log house or corncrib ; being top of spike in south root of 14-inch black walnut. Elev., 296.954. 212: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Sibley, Mo., 500 feet above A 222, 280 feet from river, on 26-inch cottonwood on fence line between fields on west and woods on east. Elev., 299.274. P. B. M. 215: Is on R. B., 1 mile below station at Sibley, Mo., at south end of Santa Fe Bridge across the river, 108 feet back from top of river bank, at foot of bluff, 75 feet east and 23 feet north of the northwest corner of land pier; being copper bolt in B. M. etone. Elev., 301.839; top of cap elev., 305.892. P. B. M. 216: Is on R. B., in land pier of the Santa Fe Bridge at Sibley, at the top and southwest corner of pier, 6 inches back from each beveled edge; being top of cop- per bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 332.930. T. B. M. 449: Is on R. B., on top of bank, upstream side of south end of Sibley Bridge, 98 feet west of track center, 106 feet north of Andrew Brown's one-story frame house, at right-of-way fence; being top of spike in east root of a 14-inch oak. Elev., 359.293. 213: Is on R. B., ^ mile below Sibley, Mo., 250 feet from river, on side of bluff, east side of wagon road, on 16-inch elm. Elev., 309.067. T. B. M. 450, New Sibley: Is on R. B., at New Sibley, 350 feet west of bridge No. 596, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Ry., 360 feet east of depot and 40 feet above road crossing, on top of bluff, 15 feet from brink, 110 feet north of center of track; being top of spike in root of 18-inch white oak. Elev., 366.739. T. B. M. 451: Is on R. B., about mile above New Sibley, 1,850 feet east of wagon bridge No. 600 over track, 210 feet east of Santa Fe Railway bridge No. 599, on the east side of coulee, at upper end of cut, on river side of track 35 feet from center; being top of spike in west root of white oak stump. Elev., 346.592. 214: Is on R. B., just above town of Sibley, Mo., 300 feet from river and 300 feet above A 216, 150 feet north of two-story frame dwelling of Chas. and Thos. Spencer, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt set into northeast exposure of hard rock cropping from foot of bluff at lower end of bar above Sibley, Mo. Elev., 298.788. H. W. 1844 Sibley: Is on R. B., at Sibley, Mo., at "Half Brick House," Mr. O. Chanutes H. W. of 1844. Elev., 310.959. T. B. M. 452: Is on R. B., on lower point of bottom land above Sibley, about \ mile north of railroad track, on the east bank of stream that flows under bridge No. 599, 100 feet north of wagon road at foot of bluff and small bridge; being top of spike in west root of 3-foot oak. Elev., 302.316. BENCH MAEKS. 49 P. B. M. 217=top of cap '^: Is on R. B., on bottom land, just above Sibley, 2,800 feet north of bridge over small creek at foot of bluff where T. B. M. 452 is located, 400 feet south of Keller and Angel's house, 360 feet north of small box culvert and road running east through field, at east edge of brush on west side of north and south county road, ij feet east of fence; being top of cap over B. M. -*. Elev., 295.245. B. M. -V-: Copper bolt. (Not a precise bench.) Elev., 291.176. B. M. ~ 6 ^: Is on L. B., \ mile below Hulls Point, in southeast corner of yard at Win. T. Gryder's house, about \ mile south of county road (east and west). Bearing of line B. M. A to B. M. - (i / S. 19 W. (Mag.) Distance from river 2,410 feet. Elev., 296.364; top of cap, 300.427. 215: (Washed out.) 216: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Sibley, Mo., in vicinity of R. B. 3 of A 208, 400 feet from river, at fence between field on east and woods on west, just below foot of long shore bar, on 20-inch elm. Elev., 294.966. T. B. M. 454: Is on R. B., about 1| miles above New Sibley, 2,345 feet above high- way bridge No. 600, over railroad track through cut. 410 feet above farm crossing, and 1,170 feet below milepost 433, 30 feet north of center of Santa Fe track; being top of spike in charred stump. Elev., 317.980. 217: (Washed out.) P. B. M. 218: Is on B. B., near the river on line of Santa Fe railroad, about 2f miles above New Sibley, on line with center of road running up bluff, 125 feet below Auld's saw-mill, opposite the upper end of bridge No. 603, just above wing fence, bluff side of track 30 feet from center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 299.854; top of cap, 303.900. 218: (Washed out.) T. B.' M. 456: Is on R. B., where railroad comes to river, 3 miles above New Sibley, at Auld's saw-mill siding, about 1,115 feet above P. B. M. 218, below upper head block of siding, on river side of track 30feet from center; being top of spike in large oak stump. Elev., 304.779. T. B. M. 457: Is on R. B., 3f miles above New Sibley, at the first point of bluff above Auld's saw-mill, at upper end of cut, 30 feet below mile post 435, on bluff side of track, 25 feet from center, and 3 feet above grade; being highest point in square cut on large rock in side of slope, and marked U. D S. Elev., 318.323. T. B. M. 458: Is on R. B., 705 feet below east end of railroad bridge No. 605 over Little Blue River, 230 feet below milepost 436, 20 feet north from center of track; being highest point in square cut on rock at foot of bank, and marked U. D S. Elev., 304.030. 219: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Missouri City, 450 feet from river, 300 feet west of one-story frame store building, on south side of 2-foot shellbark hickory. Elev., 303.761. 220: Is on R. B., \\ miles below Missouri City, Mo., 60 feet northeast of one-story log house of Charles R. Cole, 250 feet from river, at foot of old river bank between nar- row belt of timber on east and fields on west, on west side of 32-inch cotton wood. Elev., 300.818. P. B. M. 219= Y: Is on R. B., opposite Missouri City, Mo., f mile above the Santa Fe bridge over Little Blue River, 2,295 feet above road crossing, 820 feet north of railroad track, on the north side of wagon road, about 2 feet inside of Mr. Sullivan's field, about 200 feet above a small one-story house on south side of road and 30 feet below two small plum trees growing close together on the north side of road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev.. 303.225; top of cap, 307.302. Ef.lf.4f: IsonR. B., opposite Missouri City, Mo., 8, 320 feet from river, on the farm of John Hiffner, on south side of fence on north side of east and west road, 660 feet N. 78 45' E. from "Wapsey" schoolhouse. Elev., 297.881; top of cap, 301.949. B. M. -^) >. It was connected with 1844. by the U. S. C. S. precise levels. Elev., 341.392. H. W. 1844: The bench is on a walnut tree at Randolph Bluffs, being deep cut in tree, partly overgrown. (J. W. Nier, May 30, 1881.) Elev., 334.200. P. B. M. 232=243=11. S. C. S. c. b., Kansas City: Is in Kansas City, Mo., in north face of south abutment of Hannibal and St. Joe bridge near east end of abutment; being horizontal furrow in copper bolt (connected with by U. S. C. S.) Elev., 341.916. T. B. M. 481: Is on R. B., in north face of south abutment of Hannibal and St. Joe bridge near east end of abutment, directly under P. B. M. 232, at northeast corner of abutment; being highest point in square cut on projecting stone. Elev., 339.358. P. B. M. 233: Is in Kansas City, Mo., at foot of Fourth street, in stone pier of wagon bridge over tracks, the south face of the north one of two small piers on river side of Missouri Pacific main track, 5 feet above ground and 9 inches back from the south- west corner of pier; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 337.302. T. B. M. 482: Is on R. B., in Kansas City, Mo., at foot of Fourth street, at the north- west one of three iron struts forming a rectangle with the south one of two small piers on river side of Missouri Pacific main track, in same locality as P. B. M. 233, on top of cap stone supporting this strut; being highest point in square. Elev., 334.458. 245="23" of 1878: Is on R. B., in Kansas City, Mo., is a cross (+) cut into top of foundation of northwest corner of Union Elevator. Elev., 332.629. P. B. M. 234: Is in Kansas City, Kans., on the southeast corner of James street and Lyon avenue, in the stone foundation. of Police Station No. 2, on James street face, 22^ inches from ite northwest corner in second course of stone from top, 3 feet above sidewalk; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 339.937. T. B. M. 483: Is in Kansas City, Kans., on the southeast corner of James street and Lyon Avenue, in front of Police Station No. 2, on the east side of James street, 23.5 feet south from the northwest corner of sidewalk; being highest point in square cut on curbstone and marked U. Q S. Elev., 335.784. P. B. M. 235, Kaw River: Is on L. B. of the Kaw River, in Kansas City, Kans., at the third bridge above the mouth over which the cable cars cross, on the first pier east of west abutment, in west face, 7.2 feet south of north corner, in third course of masonry from ground, 2 feet below grade of Missouri Pacific track; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 328.355. T. B. M. 484: Is on the L. B. of the Kaw River, at the third bridge above the mouth over which the cable cars cross, on the first pier east of west abutment, on the west face of pier at north corner; being highest point in square cut on top of projection of second course of stone above ground and marked U. QS. Elev., 326.611. 246: Is in Kansas City, Kans., on first pier east of west abutment of wagon bridge across Kaw River at its mouth; being a cross (+) cut into top of coping at its northern extremity. Elev., 330.121. 247: Is on R. B., in Kansas City, Kans., at southwest corner of Third street and Minnesota avenue; being a cross (-J-) cut into top of stone water table on north side, near northeast corner of two-story brick building. The rod must be held against the wall, the bench being the top of the bevel. Elev., 364.760. T. B. M. 485=248: Is in Kansas City, Kans., on the northeast corner of Third street and Wyandotte avenue, on the south face, next to the southwest corner of a two story brick, on the outer edge, next to corner stone pillar of iron doorsill. Elev., 364.359. T. B. M. 486=City B. M., Kansas City, Kans.: Is at the northwest corner of Third street and Minnesota avenue; being top north nut in rim of hydrant. (The elevation of this bench above the old city datum is 51.46 feet; above the new datum is 364.94 feet.) Elev., 365.228. 54 BENCH MARKS. T. B. M. 487: Is in Kansas City, Kans., between the Missouri Pacific and Kansas City, Wyandotte and Northwestern Railway tracks, 460 feet below their crossing, at the southeast corner of old gas factory, on top of foundation; being highest point in square. Elev., 349.343. P. B. M. 236: Is on R. B., at the upper end of Kansas City, Kans., 300 feet below the K. T. Brick Works, opposite the lower head block of switch, 50 feet east of center track by right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 336.249; top of cap, 340.311. T. B. M. 488: Is on R. B., in Kansas City, Kans., 160 feet below the K. T. Brick Works, 855 feet above milepost 287 and crossing, between the main track and switch of the Missouri Pacific railway; being top of spike in large hub. Elev., 340.663. 249: Is on R. B., 1 miles above mouth of the Kaw River, mile from river > 50 feet from edge of higlTbank, 75 feet east of railroad, 85 feet from foot of bluff, on south side of 3-foot sycamore. Elev., 340.820. 250: Is on R. B., 3 miles above the mouth of Kaw River, about 3,300 feet southeast of A 96, 400 feet east of small body of timber, 500 feet west of belt of cottonwoods bor- dering shore bar, 650 feet northwest of one-story frame house near river bank. Elev., 329.997. T. B. M. 489: Is on R. B., 147 feet below Ramapo Siding, Kans., which is about 1\ miles above the mouth of the Kaw, on river side of track 75 feet from the center, on large lone green elm snag standing 20 feet high; being top of spike in south root. Elev., 329.776. 251: Is on R. B., 1 mile below head of bottom below Quindaro, Kans., 400 feet from river, on north side of 40-inch sycamore, standing by itself in cleared land. Elev., 332.341. P. B. M. 237: Is on R. B., in the west side of Kansas City and Wyandotte Water Works pump house, between two windows, 1 foot north of south one, 14 feet south of the northwest corner of wall, and 4.3 feet above ground; being the center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 339.083. T. B. M. 490: Is on R. B., opposite the Kansas City and Wyandotte Water Works pump house, 195 feet below milepost 289 of the Mo. P., 100 feet above head block of the water works siding, on bluff side of track, 60 feet from center; being top of spike in root of 18-inch slippery elm. Elev., 339.553. T. B. M. 491: Is on R. B., about \ mile below old town of Quindaro, Kans., 2,278 feet above Kansas City and Wyandotte Water Works pump house, on river side of track, 75 feet from center and about 200 feet from river bank; being top of spike in cedar stump. Elev., 337.140. P. B. M. 238=-^: Is on R. B., about \ mile below old town of Quindaro, 2,295 feet above Kansas City and Wyandotte Water Works pump house, 285 feet below bridge No. 73f, on river side of track, 80 feet from center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 333.423; top of cap, 337.493. B. M. -': Is on L. B., opposite the Kansas City and Wyandotte Water Works, 2,340 feet from river, on west side of north and south road, close to fence, and about 100 feet north of corner of field. Mag. bearing of line B. M. -^ to B. M. ^ about N. 16 E. Elev., 326.262; top of cap, 330.350. B. M. - 7 ^: Is on L. B., opposite the Kansas City and Wyandotte Water Works pump house, about 5,300 feet north from river, 3,100 feet north from B. M. - 7 /-, on west side of road and 220 feet northwest from small frame house occupied by Lew Kirk, about 1,300 feet south of the K. C., St. J. & C. B. Ry. at road crossing. Elev., 336.393; top of cap, 340.461. 252: Is on R. B., 70 feet northeast of ruined stone house at old Quindaro, Kans., 100 feet below creek, 33 feet south of railway and 5 feet above its level, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into northern exposure of ledge of rock. Elev., 358.407. T. B. M. 492: Is on R. B., l\ miles above Kansas City and Wyandotte Water Works, 738 feet above old town of Quindaro, 1,705 feet below bridge No. 74, 900 feet above bridge No. 74, on bluff side of Missouri Pacific track, 7 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 359.831. 253: Is on R. B., 200 feet below creek at foot of bottom above old Quindaro, Kans., 250 feet from river, 175 feet south of railroad, on 2-foot red elm on side of bluff. Elev., 356.359. 254: Is on R. B., 1 mile above foot of bottom opposite Parkville, Mo., mile north of Missouri Pacific track, 1,000 feet west of belt of cottonwoods bordering river, 1,200 feet southeast of 1J story frame house in grove, on 20-inch white elm in field. Elev., 331.577. P. B. M. 239, Nearman: Is on R. B., \ mile below Nearman Station, 1$ miles above Quindaro, Kans., directly opposite Parkville, Mo., 275 feet below road crossing, on BENCH MARKS. 55 line with west side of road running north towards Parkville, 50 feet north of track center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 333.887; top of cap, 337.928. B. M. - 7 ^: Is on R. B., opposite Parkville, Mo., about 2,700 feet north of Missouri Pacific railway at foot of bluff, 210 feet east of north and south road across bottom opposite Parkville, close to northeast corner of Ben Stranger's log house. Elev., 328.948; top of cap, 333.030. B. M. - 7 ^: Is on R. B., opposite Parkville, Mo., about 2,085 feet from river, on east side of north and south road across bottom, at south side of lane crossing road, at corner of two hedges. Elev., 329.655; top of cap, 333.745. B. M. */-: Is on L. B., at Parkville, Mo., 200 feet from river, on side of bluff, in yard of house occupied by Stowe, 300 feet or 400 feet below steam flouring mill. Elev., 363.021; top of cap, 367.097. T. B. M. 493: Is on R. B., about 98 feet above P. B. M. 239, \ mile below Nearman Station, 1$ miles above Quindaro, Kans., opposite Parkville, on bluff side of railway, 35 feet from center of same, 164 feet below road crossing; being top of spike in root of 12-inch black walnut. Elev., 340.665. 255: Is on R. B., about \ mile above Parkville. Mo., 150 feet from river, in field, 150 feet east of fence and woods, on west side of 20-inch white elm. Elev., 337.701. "20" of 1878: Is on R. B., \ mile above Parkville. Mo., on south side of 3-foot cotton wood. Elev., 333.207. 256: Is on R. B., about 1^ miles above Parkville, Mo., 1,200 feet from river, 150 feet north of one-story log house owned by Ganet Chestnut, of Platte City, Mo., on 3-foot elm, one of a group of four elms standing in field. Elev., 337.365. T. B. M. 494: IsonR. B., f mile above Nearman Station, Kans., 1200 feet below road crossing, 829 feet above another road crossing, by large ditch, 610 feet below milepost 293, and 140 feet above fence separating field from woods, on bluff side of track 40 feet from center and 25 feet outside of right-of-way; being top of spike in south root of 28-inch elm. Elev., 336.349. 257: Is on R. B., 300 feet above point where river leaves bluff below Pomeroy, Kans., 150 feet from river, 60 feet south of railway, on 14-inch linden tree on foot of bluff. Elev., 340.245. P. B. M. 240: Is on R. B., 2| miles below Pomeroy, Kans., at the first small stream, 1630 feet below water tank, 2145 feet above road crossing, on southwest corner of east abutment of railroad bridge. A small wagon bridge spans the hollow a little higher up the bluff. It is top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 344.651. T. B. M. 495: Is on R. B.. 2 miles below Pomeroy, Kans., at the first small stream, 1,630 feet below water tank, 2,145 feet above road crossing, at the same bridge as P. B. M. 240, on the northwest corner of top stone of east abutment: being highest point in square,- marked U. D S. Elev., 344.651. P. B. M. 241: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Pomeroy, Kans., directly opposite the center of water tank and 25 feet north from center of track: being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 342.752; top of cap, 346.809. T. B. M. 496: Is on R. B., If miles below Pomeroy, Kans., in the northwest pile of water tank foundation, 10 feet south from Missouri Pacific track; being top of spike. Elev., 345.741. 258=" 19" of 1878: Is on R. B., about If miles below Pomeroy, Kans., 1600 feet below creek, 100 feet north of railroad. 30 feet from river, on 18-inch linden tree. Elev., 340.256. 259: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Pomeroy. Kans., 40 feet southeast of section house, 150 feet from river, 60 feet south of Missouri Pacific railroad, on 22-inch white elm, on foot of bluff. Elev., 350.230. T. B. M. 497: Is on R. B., 2,990 feet below Pomeroy, Kans., 82 feet above whistle post, on river bank, 60 feet east of Missouri Pacific track; being top of spike in 10-inch sycamore. Elev., 337.436. ^P. B. M. 242, Pomeroy: Is on R. B., in Pomeroy, Kans., in foundation of F. H. Betton's house, the first residence on west side of street running south from depot, in the northeast face of foundation under bay window on the east end of house, in center of stone in second course of masonry from top; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 361.726.' P. B. M. 243: Is on R. B., in Pomeroy, Kans.. about 195 feet south of depot, in southeast corner of lot owned by I. C. Henderson, in which the old post-office build- ing stands, 18 feet south of the southeast corner of post-office and 2 feet from angle of stone wall; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 340.036; top of cap, 344.081 T. B. M. 498: Is on R. B., in Pomeroy, Kans., 18 feet south of east end of wagon bridge over small stream just below depot, 2 feet from right bank of stream and 8 feet below level of road; being top of spike in 8-inch maple stump. Elev., 335.852. 56 BENCH MAKKS. P. B. M. 244=260: Is on R. B., five-eighths of a mile above Pomeroy, Kans., 960 feet above east end of trestle over Marshall Creek, 125 feet from river, 75 feet south from railroad, and 21 feet above grade of same; being center of cavity in disintegrated rock ledge from which the copper bolt had been extracted. Elev., 360.727. T. B. M. 499: Is on R. B., of a mile above Pomeroy, Kans., 1,810 feet above mile- post 296, 655 feet above end of railroad bridge over Marshall Creek, on bluff side of track, 8 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on rock. Elev., 340.570. T. B. M. 500: Is on R. B., mile below Connors, Kans., 60 feet above whistle post on bluff side of track, 40 feet from center; being top of spike in black walnut stump. Elev., 344.548. P. B. M. 245="/: Is on R. B., at Connors, Kans., 350 feet east of railroad depot, on river side of track, 240 feet from center, in the northwest corner of lot owned by Mr. Maxwell, and 15 feet northeast from the north corner of Eli Davis's house; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 341.355; top of cap, 345.428. B. M. -V-: (Washed out.) 261: Is on R. B., 200 feet from trestle and wagon bridge across creek immediately below Connors City, Kans., 2,000 feet from river, 40 feet from foot of bluff, 75 feet west of railway, on 2-foot red elm. Elev., 343.498. P. B. M. 246, Connors City: Is in Connors City, Kans., in foundation wall at the southeast corner of public school house, on its east face, 6 inches north from corner and 20-inches above ground; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizon- tally. Elev., 358.562. T. B. M. 501: Is on R. B., at Connors, Kans., east of depot and west of Ben Stagger's house on line with its south side ; being a spike in west root of a large black walnut stump. Elev., 345.678. 262: Is on R. B., about { mile northwest of Connors City, Kans., vicinity of R. B. Q 4, 300 feet from river, in fields, on 26-inch elm. Elev., 339.007. T. B. M. 502: Is on R. B., mile above Connors Station, in front of Mr. Kirkpatrick's house, 100 feet west from center of track, on the north one of two large sycamore trees blazed on the west side; being top of spike in root. Elev., 341.475. T. B. M. 503: Is on R. B., about 1 miles above Connors, Kans., 1,400 feet below mile post 300, 918 feet above iron bridge over Island Creek, 190 feet above farm cross- ing on land of Mr. Russell, a little above center of coulee, 45 feet west of track center; being top of spike in a 15-inch black walnut. Elev., 346.185. 263: Is on R. B., 4,500 feet below head of Diamond Island, 600 feet above A 58, 130 feet from river, 30 feet northeast of one-story frame house, on Diamond Island, on 29-inch elm. Elev., 342.026. T. B. M. 504: Is on R. B., about 2 miles above Connors, Kans., 1,645 feet below first road crossing below Pope, Kans., 1,695 feet below bridge No. 79, 380 feet below P. B. M. 247, 60 feet east of track center; being top of spike in stump. Elev., 343.283. P. B.M. 247: Is on R. B., about 2 mi'es above Connors, Kans., 1,265 feet below first road crossing below Pope's Siding, 1,315 feet below bridge No. 79 over small creek, 220 feet above center of small bridge where the Gillam or bottom road turns east away from track (Mr. E. Piper and Mr. Tull live on this road about mile east of track). It is 33 feet west of track center on line of right of way; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 342.368; top of cap, 346.418. 264: Is on R. B., 200 feet above head of Diamond Island, 200 feet northwest of house of E. C. Sampson, 250 feet from river, on edge of 6-foot bench, between woods on west and field on east, on 20-inch elm. Elev., 344.074. T. B. M. 505: Is on R. B., about \ mile below Pope's Siding, on the north side of a large coulee, in the upper edge of Ike Williams' land, 1,640 feet below the lower head block of the Siding, 1,670 feet above center of bridge No. 79, 35 feet north of center of road running up the bluff, at foot of bluff, 50 feet west of center of track; being top of spike in south root of an 18-inch elm. Elev., 344.492. T. B. M. 506, Pope, Kana.: Is on R. B., at Pope Station, Kans., Missouri Pacific Railway, 720 feet above mile post 302, 443 feet above Mr. Pope's house, 394 feet above upper head block of siding on east end of upper abutment of small culvert; being highest point in square marked IJ.QS. Elev., 348.617. 265: Is on R. B., 520 feet northwest of railroad station at Pope, Kans., \ mile from river, 50 feet west of railroad, 150 feet south of house of Samuel Durham, on 20-inch black walnut. Elev., 350.532. T. B. M. 507: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Leavenworth Junction, 1,600 feet below mile post 303, 755 feet below Missouri Pacific bridge No. 81, 720 feet below Martin Cancannon's house; being top of spike in charred red oak stump, 6 feet west of west right-of-way fence . Elev ., 349 . 653 . P. B. M. 248= 7 f: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Leavenworth Junction, Kans., opposite foot of Delaware Island, 970 feet above mile post 303, 1,610 feet above railroad BENCH MARKS. 57 trestle No. 81, on second bench of bluff from foot, 120 feet from Missouri Pacific track; being top of copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 386.233; top of cap, 390.311. B. M Y. (Washed out). B. M. V : Is on L. B., about mile from river, on north side of fence. Platte River is 680 feet beyond. Elev., 340.856; top of cap, 344.939. T. B. M. 509=266, Delaware: Is on R. B., 1| miles below Leavenworth Junction, Kans., 1,685 feet below pump house for State prison, 260 feet below Thomas Gibson's stone house on bluff, on bluff end of stone arch culvert, directly over and 1.6 feet above the center of the keystone; being highest point in northwest angle of cross cut on pro- jecting stone and marked H . (Very soft stone and point not permanent.) Elev., 349.425. T. B. M. 510: IsonR. B., mile below Leavenworth Junction, 715 feet below bridge No. 81, 508 feet above pump house for State prison, on bluff side of Missouri Pacific track, 55 feet from center; being top of spike in 15-inch sycamore. Elev., 342.847. P. B. M. 249, Leavenworth Junction: Is on R. B., at Leavenworth Junction, Kans., 93 feet above center of depot, 100 feet above head block at Junction, 18 feet east of center of track, 29.5 feet above lower head block siding; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 343.187; top of cap, 347.252. 267: (Destroyed.) T. B. M. 511: Is on R. B., 200 feet above depot at Leavenworth Junction, Kans., on river side of track 40 feet from center; being top of spike in root of a 4-foot cotton- wood stump ("267" of 1881 was on this tree, but had rotted out). Elev., 346.972. T. B. M. 512: Is on R. B., 1,820 feet above depot at Leavenworth Junction, 492 feet below upper head block of siding, at upper side of path leading up bluff, bluff side of track 40 feet from center; being top of spike in west root of a 16-inch sycamore. Elev., 346.537. T. B. M. 513: Is on R. B., 2f miles below Leavenworth depot, 230 feet above small coulee, 246 feet above bridge on bluff side of track, 12.5 feet from center; being highest point in square cut in fla,t piece of ledge about 2 feet below grade of track and marked. U.DS. Elev., 349.998. 268: Is on R. B., 2f miles below Leavenworth, Kans., about 1,200 feet below A 38, at head of narrow bottom, 50 feet west of railway, on 2-fo^t elm at runlet at foot of bluff. Elev., 349.860. T. B. M. 514: Is on R. B., If miles below Leavenworth depot, 820 feet above coal mine, 39 feet below whistle post, on bluff side of Missouri Pacific track 8 feet from center, at foot of side-hill cut; being highest point in square cut on imbedded rock and marked U. Q S. Elev., 357.295. P. B. M. 250=^: Is on R. B., on shelf of bluff, If miles below Leaven worth depot, opposite East Leavenworth, on lower side of small ravine, 200 feet from river and 20 feet west from center of siding leading to coal mine; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 394.643; top of cap, 398.708. ist of old railroad right-of-w B. M. -V-: Is on L. B., opposite B. M. - 7 T 8 -, just east of old railroad right-of-way at old East Leavenworth, 700 feet from river, in edge of field. Elev., 346.266; top of cap, 350.333. B. M. -V-: Is on L. B., on line B. M. - 7 T 8 - to B. M. ^ produced, 6,685 feet from river, close to fence in field of John Kisker, and 480 feet east of his house. Elev., 349.090; top of cap, 353.174. T. B. M. 515: Is on R. B., mile below Leavenworth depot, 344 feet above runway to coal mine over tracks, on bluff side of Union Pacific track, 7 feet from center, at foot of side hill cut; being highest point in square cut in well-imbedded rock. Elev., 354.112. 269: Is on R. B., at railroad station South Leavenworth, Kans., cross (+) cut into top of stone foundation at southeast corner of seven-story brick Glucose Factory. Elev., 353.534. P. B. M. 251: Is in Leavenworth, Kans., on the north side of the Great Western Stove Company's brick building, one block south of Union depot, 3.4 feet west from northeast corner and 5 feet above ground; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 368.654. P. B. M. 252: Is in Leavenworth, Kans., in brick building occupied by Rohlfing Bros., Grocers, on southeast corner of Third and Cherokee Streets, on west end of stone window sill, Cherokee street side; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 373.490. T. B. M. 516=270: (Destroyed). City Datum, Leavenworth, Kans.: At Leavenworth, Kans., is 23.83 feet below T. B. M. 516. Elev., 332.086. "5" of 1878: (Destroyed.) P. B. M. 253: Is in Leavenworth, Kans., in retaining wall at northeast corner of Main and Cherokee streets, 59 feet north of south end of wall, 78 feet south of south end 58 BENCH MARKS. of depot; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into fourth course of masonry above ground. Elev., 361.763. T. B. M. 517: Is in Leavenworth, Kans., on east side of Union depot, on south end of doorstep to first door south of main entrance; being highest point in square marked U. D S. Elev., 358.168. T. B. M. 518: Is on R. B., -j-f of a mile above Leavenworth Depot, 85 feet below mile- post 310, 500 feet above coal mine, 8 feet below head block of switch, on bluff side of Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City track, 7 feet from center and on level with grade of .same; being highest point in square cut on imbedded rock. Elev., 365.244. T. B. M. 519=271(7): Is on R. B., f mile below Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific bridge at Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., at foot of bluff; being top of spike in root of large cottonwood. Elev., 350.922. "3" of 1878: Is on R. B., opposite C. 44, on cottonwood. Elev., 351.109. P. B. M. 254=- 7 -p-: Is on R. B., 30 feet below south face of westabutment of Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific bridge at Ft. Leavenworth, 27 feet from center of Missouri Pacific track, and 8 feet above grade; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 374.583; top of cap, 378.669. B. M. -V-: Is on L. B., 6,195 feet from B. M. - 7 T 9 -> on line nearly parallel with railroad, about 10 feet west of a wire fence the east boundary line of the U. S. Timber Reserva- tion opposite Ft. Leavenworth. Magnetic bearing of line B. M. - 7 ^ to B. M. -V-, N. 75 E. Elev., 343.151; top of cap, 347.234. B. M. ^% 9 -: Is on L. B., about 500 feet east of the east boundary line of the U. S. Timber Reservation opposite Ft. Leavenworth, about 600 feet southeast of the Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry., just east of rail and hedge fence in edge of field. Elev., 347.619; top of cap, 351.711. P. B. M. 255: Is on R. B., in west abutment of Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Bridge at Ft. Leavenworth, in south side 3.5 feet back from east face; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into fourth course of masonry above ground at southeast corner. Elev., 375.039. T. B. M. 520: Is on R. B., at southeast corner of west abutment of Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Bridge at Ft. Leavenworth, 12 feet from center of Missouri Pacific track on same level; being highest point in square cut on inclined rock and marked U. D S. Elev., 368.636. T. B. M. 521=Gauge B. M.: Is on R. B., on southeast corner of west abutment of Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Bridge at Ft. Leavenworth, on second course of masonry from ground and 26 inches north of south face; being bottom surface of a notch cut in top of stone. Elev., 372.169. 272="1" of 1878: Is on R. B., at Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., cross (+) cut into top of second course of masonry at southeast corner of three-story stone store house. Elev., 358.156. T. B. M. 256: Is in Ft. Leavenworth, at northeast corner of Government stone ice house on river bank, 7 inches west from east face and 5.2 feet above ground; being center of punchmark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into building. Elev., 362.534. P. B. M. 257: Is on R. B., mile above Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., 1^ miles above the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway bridge at Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., 525 feet below wagon road crossing, 505 feet below center of bridge across small creek at lower edge of wagon road, 150 feet below point of bluff, on bluff side of track 28 feet from center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 359.876; top of cap, 363.944. T. B. M. 523=an ojd B. M.: Is on R. B., f of a mile above Ft. Leavenworth, 540 feet below road crossing, 520 feet below bridge across small creek, on bluff side of track 30 feet from center; being top of spike in east root of 36-inch elm. Elev. , 362.912. T. B. M. 524: Is on R. B., If miles above Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Rail way bridge at Ft. Leavenworth, about 1,180 feet below stone quarries, on bluff side of track 60 feet from center; being top of spike in root of 30-inch elm at point of bluff. Elev., 360.906. 273: Is on R. B., If miles above Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., 300 feet from water, 40 feet from edge of high water bank, on 17-inch white elm. Elev., 353.477. 274: Is on R. B., If miles below Weston, Mo., 1,340 feet below mouth of Kickapoo Island Chute, 240 feet from river on a 7-foot rise in ground, on 22-inch white elm. Elev., 358.594. 275: Is on R. B., mile below Weston, Mo., 400 feet from river, in field, 200 feet above cluster of trees, 40 feet south of one-story log house, on 34-inch elm. Elev., 353.436. P. B. M. 258=- 8 T -: Is on R. B., about 2| miles above Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Bridge at Ft. Leavenworth, 350 feet above lower head block of Wade Siding, on bluff side of track, 2 feet inside of right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. EJev., 355.719; top of cap, 359.798. BENCH MARKS. 59 B. M. A: Is on Kickapoo Island, 510 feet west of the southwest corner of Sec. 36, on land owned by Anderson. Elev., 351.536; top of cap, 355.611. B. M. - 8 , Weston: Is on L. B., at Weston, Mo., on Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs Railroad depot ground, 14 feet east of northeast corner of depot building. Elev., 356.616; top of cap, 360.685. 276: Is on R. B., 1 mile above Weston, Mo., mile west of house of B. Bishop. This house stands about 400 feet southwest of A 708. The bench is 800 feet from river, in northern edge of clump of trees, on 2-foot white elm. Elev., 353.317. T. B. M. 525: Is on R. B., 613 feet above lower head block of Wade Siding, 2 miles above Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific bridge at Ft. Leavenworth, 262 feet above P. B. M. 258, on river side of track, 30 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on rock at top of river bank. Elev., 360.268. T. B. M. 526: Is on R. B., about 2 miles above Leavenworth Station, 1,968 feet above upper head block at Wade Siding, 1,555 feet above mile post 314 which stands at road crossing, river side of track, 20 feet from center; being top of spike in a charred stump. Elev., 362.010. P. B. M. 259: Is on R. B., If miles below Kickapoo, Kans., 9 feet above upper end of bridge No. 95 over Salt Creek, Missouri Pacific Ry., on bluff side of track 24 feet from center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 360.326; top of cap, 364.382. 277: Is on R. B., at point where bluff and river separate below Kickapoo, Kans., near spring flowing copiously from bluff, 50 feet south of railway, 75 feet from river, at foot of bluff, on 2-foot elm. Elev., 365.350. T. B. M. 528: Is on R. B., 1^ miles below Kickapoo, Kans., 1,245 feet above mile- post 315, 2,885 feet above center of iron bridge No. 95 over Salt Creek, 45 feet from south foot of rocky point of bluff, bluff side of track 85 feet from center; being top of spike in root of black walnut. Elev., 362.307. P. B. M. 260: Is on R. B., mile below Kickapoo, Kans., 885 feet below trestle, 1,035 feet above mile post 316, 85 feet above upper end of small bridge over drain for cut, on bluff side of track 9.5 feet from center and 2.5 feet above grade; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into face of natural ledge. Elev., 381.032. T. B. M. 529=278: Is on R. B., 912 feet below west end of trestle at Kickapoo, Kans., on bluff side of track 7.5 feet from center and 3.5 feet above grade, 10 feet from P. B. M. 260; being horizontal furrow in copper bolt leaded horizontally into northwest expo- sure of cut rock. Elev., 381.440. T. B. M. 530: Is on R. B., | mile below Kickapoo, Kans., 880 feet below lower end of trestle, 1,035 feet above mile post 316, ICO feet above small bridge, bluff side of track 10 feet from center, on level with grade; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge. Elev., 379.568. P. B. M. 261=-^, Kickapco: Is on R. B., at Kickapoo, Kans., on upper side of small ravine, 30 feet from vertical bank of small stream, bluff side of track 80 feet from center; George Sharp's house bears S. 88 W. (Mag.) 130 feet distant; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 387.929; top of cap, 391.992. B. M. -V: Is on L. B., about H miles N. 30 E. (Mag.) from Kickapoo, Kans., on south side of east and west road, 760 feet east of northwest corner of N. W. | of S. W. i, Sec. 9, T. 53 N., R. 36 W. Elev., 355.126; top of cap, 359.182. B. M. - 8 J-: Is on L. B., on continuation of line B. M. -^ to B. M. -Y-, at south right-of- way fence Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs Ry., 760 feet west along track from east and west lane, which lane is on line through center of Sec. 3, T. 53 N., R 36 W. Elev., 364.382; top of cap, 368.425. T. B. M. 531 : Is on R. B., at Kickapoo, Kans., opposite upper end of bridge No. 96, Missouri Pacific Railway, bluff side of track 15 feet from center and 4 feet below grade; being highest point in square cut on natural ledge with letters U. S. cut on vertical face of ledge just below the bench. Elev.. 383.585. T. B. M. 532: Is on R. B. about mile above depot at Kickapoo, Kans., 524 feet below mile post 317, 193 feet below head block of switch, on river side of track 40 feet from center; being top of spike in 18-inch elm. Elev.. 390.046. 279: Is on R. B., 1 mile above point where river comes to bluff above Kickapoo, Kans., 700 feet below fence and woods near chute; 586 feet west of Cow Island Chute, on 2-foot elm on eastern edge of clump of timber. Elev., 358.345. P.B. M. 262: Is on R. B., If miles below Oak Mills, Kans., 70 feet below center of railroad bridge over small creek coming out of valley, on bluff side of track, 3 feet east from wire fence directly opposite south point of bluff; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 361.001; top of cap, 365.040. T. B. M. 533: Is on R. B., 1| miles below Oak Mills, Kans., 975 feet above mile post 318, 152 feet below center of railroad bridge over creek coming out of valley, on bluff side of track 50 feet from center; being top of spike in north root of 15-inch elm. Elev., 362.964. 60 BENCH MARKS. T. B. M. 534: Is on R. B., If miles below depot at Oak Mills, at lower edge of woods, river side of track 75 feet from center; being top of spike in 2-foot elm. Kiev., 359.222. 280: Is on L. B., on Cow Island, about 1J miles below latan, Mo., 50 feet east of house of S. Van Winkle. 55 feet from high-water bank, on 30-inch white elm. Elev., 362.880. 281: Is on R. B., J mile east of main river. 345 feet south of Cow Island Chute, on 2-foot elm. Elev., 361.119. P. B. M. 263: Is on R. B., in Oak Mills, Kans., in northwest side of stone building facing the northeast, 65 feet southeast of John Davitz's store, 6 feet above ground and 8 inches from front face of building; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 376.736. P. B. M. 264=- 8 /, Oak Mills: Is on R. B., at Oak Mills, Kans., in John Davitz's front yard, 19 feet below his store and 2 feet inside of tight board fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 367.450; top of cap. 371.515. B. M. -y-, latan, Mo.: Is on L. B., at latan, Mo., 338 feet N. 61 1(X W. (Mag.) from railroad depot, on small knoll, 55 feet north of Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs Railway track, on south side of wagon road along bluff. Elev., 388.088; top of cap, 392.154. 282: Is on R. B., \ mile above Oak Mills, Kans., vicinity of A 690, 357 feet above whistle post, 600 feet above bottom, 50 feet from river, 17 feet west of railway and 5 feet above its level, horizontal furrow in copper bolt leaded into exposure of hard rock. Elev., 369.995. T. B. M. 537: Is on R. B., If miles above Oak Mills, Kans., 735 feet above Missouri Pacific Railway bridge No. 98 over Little Walnut Creek, on bluff side of track 62 feet from center; being top of spike driven into shoulder cut about 1 foot above ground in a 13-inch black walnut. Elev., 372.743. 283: Is on R. B., 260 feet above mouth of Little Walnut Creek, and 160 feet above railroad trestle over same, on 16-inch black walnut. Elev., 370.361. P. B. M. 265: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Oak Mills, f of a mile above Little Walnut Creek, 180 feet below railroad bridge No. 99, 16 feet towards the river from wagon road running parallel to river, near forks in the road, on bluff side of track 65 feet from center; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 371.919; top of cap, 375.958. T. B. M. 538: Is on R. B., 2| miles above Oak Mills, Kans., mile above Little Walnut Creek, 180 feet below railroad bridge No. 99, on bluff side of track 65 feet from center; beingtopof spike in root of 6-inch elm. Elev., 374.974. T. B. M. 539=old B. M.: Is on R. B., about 2| miles above Oak Mills, mile below Mr. Silk's house, 105 feet above mile post 323, on river side of track 40 feet from center, at upper edge of small strip of timber; being top of large spike in 22-inch elm. Elev., 368.941. T. B. M. 540: Is on R. B., about 3 miles above Oak Mills, 413 feet below Joseph Silk's house, 16 feet above whistle post, on bluff side of track 12 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on imbedded rock and marked U. Q S. Elev., 372.352. 284: Is on R. B., mile below A682, 1,200 feet southeast of house of Mrs. John Wal- lace, 200 feet southwest of railway trestle across creek, at foot of bluff, on 26-inch elm. Elev., 369.396 P. B. M. 266=- 8 1 3 ~ Walnut Creek: Is on R. B., about 5 miles below Atchison, Kans., 30 feet below lower end of iron bridge across Walnut Creek, on bluff side of track 68 feet from center and 45 feet north of T. B. M. 541; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 371.177; top of cap, 375.202. B. M. - 8 s 8 -: Is on L. B., at foot of bluff 1 mile southeast of Sugar Lake Station, Kansas City, St. Joe and Council Bluffs Railroad, 236 feet N. 63f W. (Mag.) from J. P. Cole- man's house, 1,445 feet N. 20 20' E. (Mag.) from center Sec. 2, T. 54 N., R. 37 W T . Elev., 383.613; top of cap, 387.649. T. B. M. 541: Is on R. B., 5 miles below the Union Depot at Atchison, Kans., 75 feet below end of iron bridge across Walnut Creek, on bluff side of track 65 feet from center; being top of spike in north root of 30-inch elm. Elev., 375.760. 285: Is on'R. B., 4f miles below Atchison, Kans., 1,000 feet south of A680, 300 feet from river, 70 feet west of railway, on 20-inch elm 40 feet south of fence between woods on south and field on north. Elev., 368.488. T. B. M. 542: Is on R. B., 4 miles below Union Depot at Atchison, Kans., 242 feet below mile post 326, 742 feet below south end of railroad bridge No. 103, on bluff side of track 14 feet from center and 15 feet east of wagon road ; being highest point in square cut on imbedded rock. Elev., 374.638. 286: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Atchison, Kans., near A676, 40 feet west of railway, 80 feet from river, on 20-inch elm, on foot of bluff. Elev., 377.161. P. B. M. 267: Is on R. B., at a prominent point 3 miles below Union Depot at Atch- ison, Kans., 130 feet below milepost 327, on bluff side of track 59 feet from center, 10 BENCH MARKS. 61 feet above grade, 16 feet toward river from wagon road, and 8 feet southeast from 10-inch crabapple; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 382.730; top of cap, 386.792. T. B. M. 543: Is on R. B., about 3 miles below Union Depot at Atchison, Kans., 985 feet above railroad bridge No. 104 over small creek, 108 feet below mile post 327, on bluff side of track, 15 feet from center; being highest point in square cut on rock and marked U. Q S. Elev., 376.775. P. B. M. 268=287: Is on R. B., about If miles below Union Depot at Atchison, 1,900 feet below bridge No. 106 over creek, just below ice house, on west side of track, 35 feet from center; being horizontal furrow in copper bolt leaded horizontally into natural ledge. Elev., 385.745. 288: Is on R. B., 1^ miles below Atchison, Kans., 150 feet below mouth of creek, 90 feet from river, 40 feet west of railway, on 1-foot black walnut on foot of bluff. Elev., 379.065. T. B. M. 545: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Union Depot at Atchison, Kans., 165 feet below bridge No. 106, on bluff side of track 60 feet from center; being top of spike in oak stump. Elev., 375.487. T. B. M. 546: Is in lower end of Atchison, 655 feet above lowest head block of sid- ings, 328 feet below brick works, river side of track 50 feet from center and 30 feet west from edge of river bank; being top of spike in west root of lone elm 2 feet in diameter. Elev., 373.166. P. B. M. 269= j y i : Is in Atchison, Kans., on west side of Gillespie street, 710 feet south of its intersection with Park street, at foot of bluff and 35 feet west of bank of White Clay Creek; being copper bolt leaded vertically into natural ledge about 4 feet below surface of ground and surmounted by an iron pipe. Elev., 384.908; top of cap, 388.930. P. B. M. 273=-V-: Is on L. B., 1$ miles east of Winthrop, Mo., 339 feet south of corner Sees. 19, 20, 29, 30, T. 55 N., R.37 W.; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 369.585; top of cap, 373.618. B. M. - 8 3 4 -: Is on L. B., 3| miles east of Winthrop, Mo., at foot of bluff, near north line of Sec. 27, T. 55 N., R. 37 W., 284 feet N. 37^ E. (Mag.) from house of Ben Moore. Elev., 382.905; top of cap, 386.925. T. B. M. 548=Atchison City B. M.: Is on R. B., on Miller's Hotel on southeast corner of Third and Commercial streets, on Commercial street side, 15 inches back from Third street side; being highest point in square cut in water table and marked U. D S. Elev., 388.187. Atchison City Datum: 41.59 feet below City B. M. Elev., 346.597. P. B. M. 270: Is in Atchison, at northeast corner of Fifth and Santa Fe streets, on the southwest corner of tower at south entrance of First Presbyterian Church; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally into second course of stone from ground. Elev., 425.915. T. B. M. 549: Is in Atchison, at northeast corner of Fifth and Santa F streets; being highest point in square cut in curbstone, 1 foot east of east building line and marked U. D S. Elev., 423.484. 289: Is on R. B., at Atchison, Kans., cross (-f) cut into top of bevel near taee of pilaster on southeast corner of Union Depot. Elev., 384.503. T. B. M. 550=old gauge B. M. : Is in Atchison, on northeast corner of west abutment of Atchison Bridge; teing highest point in square formed on southwest angle of cross, thus H Elev., 377.662. "38" of 1879: Is in Atchison, Kans., on northwest corner of Commercial and First streets, on projecting course of three bricks, southeast corner two-story brick, General Office A. & N. Hailroad". Elev., 384.558. 290= "37" of 1879: Is in Atchison, Kans., 50 feet south of southwest corner Com- mercial and First streets, top of foundation course at northeast corner of Atchison and Nebraska Railroad Passenger Depot. Elev., 380.859. P. B. M. 271: Is in Atchison, in southeast corner of Burlington and Missouri River freight depot, 41 inches west from comer and 2 inches from south face of water table; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 385.233. P. B. M. 272: Is in north end of east abutment of Atchison Bridge across Missouri River, in top course of masonry, northwest corner, 5 inches from either bevel edge of stone; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 382.812. T. B. M. 551: Is on L. B., opposite Atchison, Kans., in north retaining wall of east abutment of Atchison Bridge, on second course of masonry from top; being highest point in square marked U. D S. Elev., 384.372. T. B. M. 552, Winthrop: Is on L. B., mile up track from east end of Atchison Bridge, J mile below water tank, f mile below railroad crossing, 2,165 feet below Kan- sas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Junction, 1,640 feet below Winthrop; being top of spike in root of a 2-foot elm. Elev., 374.099. 62 BENCH MAKKS. T. B. M. 553: Is on L. B., 1 miles east of East Atchison, Mo., near section line between sections 29 & 30 and atout 450 feet south of corner of sections 19, 20, 29 & 30, T. 55 N., R. 37 W.; teing top of spike in 2^-foot elm. Elev., 373.761. T. B. M. 554: Is on L. B., \ mile atove railroad crossing opposite Atchison, just north of marsh at upper edge of Mud Lake, 75 feet from track, in yard to house owned by Jacob Cook; teing top of spike in 30-inch elm. Elev., 374.960. 291: Is on R. B., atout 2 miles atove Atchison, Kans., 90 feet from river, 40 feet west of railway, on 3-foot hard maple. Elev., 384.735. P. B. M. 274: Is on L. B., atout 2 miles telow Rushville, Mo., f mile atove water tank. \ mile above Mud Lake, in northwest corner of field owned by Jasper Allison, due south of house occupied by S. H. Fisher, owned by Mrs. Ostorne; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 375.060; top of cap, 379.101. T. B. M. 555: Is on L. B., 1 mile above railroad crossing opposite Atchison, opposite farm road crossing, 140 feet south from Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry., on farm owned by Jasper Allison; being top of spike in root of large elm standing at upper edge of road. Elev., 379.401. 292: Is on R. B., 3 miles above Atchison, Kans., 500 feet above house of Wm. Scott, \ mile from river, 20 feet west of track, on foot of bluff, on 2-foot elm; Elev., 375.777. T. B. M. 556: Is on L. B., about 1 mile below Rushville, Mo., 630 feet above bridge No. 30 on Chicago, Rock Island'and Pacific Ry., 615 feet above farm crossing, midway between K. C., St. Joe and C. B. and St. Joe and Santa Fe Rys.; being top of spike in east root of first large sycamore stump below Rushville. Elev., 375.038. T. B. M. 557: Is on L. B., 754 feet below Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific depot at Rushville, Mo., opposite center of bridge No. 190 on above road, 744 feet above junc- tion of this road with its branch line, on bluff side of track, 40 feet from center; being top of spike in south root of west one of two willow trees 14 inches in diameter. Elev., 389.715. B. M. - 8 ^: Is on R. B., about 2J miles along railroad track below Doniphan, Kans., 1,460 feet above residence of Mrs. Scott, 67 feet west of railway track at foot of bluff. Elev., 377.004; top of cap, 381.030. B. M. - 8 f-: Is on L. B., about \\ miles west and a little north of Rushville, Mo., on south side of wagon road, opposite house of Melvin Pendergrass. It is 739 feet west of the east \ post of Sec. 9, T. 55, N., R. 37 W. Elev., 376.297; top of cap, 380.349. P. B. M. 275= - 8 3 5 -, Rushville: Is at point of bluff on south side of Rushville, \ mile above junction of Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry., 98 feet below road crossing in same road, 20 feet up the side of bluff from large lone elm, on which T. B. M. 558 is located; being copper bolt in B. M. stone Elev., 393.195; top of cap, 397.228. T. B. M. 558: Is at point of bluff at south side of Rushville, one-fourth mile above junction of Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry., 98 feet below road crossing in same road, on a large lone elm 30 inches in diameter, near P. B. M. 275; being top of spike in root. Elev., 389.603. 293: Is on R. B., li mile below Doniphan, Kans., 1,500 feet southwest of A 656, 400 feet from river, 175 feet southwest of railroad bridge across creek, on 15-inch ash on foot of bluff. Elev., 381.973. 294: Is on R. B., at Doniphan, Kans., at northeast corner of two-story brick, second building on west side of Main street north of Fourth street, owned by Adam Brenner; being cross ( + ) cut into top of water table. Elev., 411.385. "A": Is on R. B., at Doniphan, Kans., on two-story brick, second building on west side of Main street north of Fourth street, on south side of Main street, on top of water table; being cross (+) 1 foot north of southeast corner of above building. Elev., 411.320. T. B. M. 560: Is on L. B., \\ miles above Rushville, Mo-., 1,115 feet above Mr. Wm. Howard's brick house, 3 feet east of east fence of wagon road, on bluff side of track, about opposite P. T. of curve; being top of spike in 20-inch elm. Elev., 390.843. 295: Is on L. B., ^ mile above Doniphan, Kans., 700 feet below mouth of creek, 60 feet from river, 20 feet west of wagon road and 10 feet above it, on 18-inch black wal- nut on side of bluff. Elev., 391.611. T. B. M. 561: Is on L. B., If miles above Rushville, 515 feet above Norhs road crossing, on river side of Missouri Pacific track, 45 feet from center, 5 feet outside of right-of-way fence, opposite P. C. ; being top of spike in 2-foot walnut. Elev., 384.567. 296: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Doniphan, Kans., cross (+) cut into top of stone foundation at southwest corner of \\ story brick owned by Nesse heirs. Elev., 385.290. 297: Is on R. B., 480 feet west of one-story frame house at head of chute above Doniphan, about 1,000 feet northwest of A 634, 680 feet west of main river, on 16-inch twin elm, on edge of high bank of chute. Elev., 385.287. B. M. 4j&: Is on R. B., about 2 miles below Geary City, Kans., at foot of bluff on west side of wagon road, and 155 feet S. 80 W. (Mag.) from school house. The south- BENCH MABKS. 63 east corner of northeast } Sec. 3 bears N. 85 E. (Mag.) 1,650 feet distant. (There is some uncertainty about this corner.) Elev., 388.498; top of cap, 392.528. P. B. M. 276=- 8 2 61 : Is on L. B., about 2 miles below Halls Station, on bluff side of track, where railroad comes to the bluff at the corner of bluff road and road to Halls, in line with Halls road, where it crosses the tracks opposite bridge No. 186 on Santa Fe R. R., about 80 feet from T. B. M. 562, 23 feet northwest from a 30-inch elm, 17 feet north from a 20-inch elm, and 16 feet S. 15 E. of a large black walnut; being cop- per bolt in B. M. stone at an elevation of about 15 feet above the bottom land. Elev., 392.852; top of cap, 396.893. T. B. M. 562: Is on L. B., about 2 miles below Halls in same locality as P. B. M. 276, at a point where bluffs come to railroad at the corner of bluff and Halls road at foot of bluff; being top of spike in north root of an elm 4 feet in diameter. Elev., 385.325. 298: Is on L. B., 2 miles below Geary City, Kans., about 1,300 feet southwest of A 630, 1,400 feet south of one-story frame house owned by James Butler, 840 feet from river, on 28-inch elm. Elev., 383.785. 299: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Geary City, Kans., 80 feet from river, near A 626, on 15-inch white elm on foot of bluff. " Elev., 392.092. 300: Is on R. B., at Geary City, Kans., 1,500 feet above mouth of creek, 860 feet above saw mill, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt set into face of first ledge of rock cropping from river front of bluff above Geary City, Kans., about 130 feet above lower end of exposure, 60 feet from river, 25 feet west of wagon road and 15 feet above its level. Elev., 406.081. 301: Is on R. B., 1 mile above Geary City, Kans., vicinity of A 618, 200 feet above ravine, 400 feet southeast of dwelling in vineyard owned by Fred. Moser, 40 feet from river, cross (+) cut into top of projecting ledge of hard rock, just west of old road and 2| feet above it. Elev., 399.092. P. B. M. 277, Halls, Mo. : Is on L. B., at Halls Station, about 185 feet above T. B. M. 566, 1,590 feet above the station and 310 feet above the upper head block of the Mis- souri Pacific siding, 98 feet above small bridge and 82 feet above north end of wing fence, on the north side of track, on right-of-way in line with telegraph poles; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. " Elev., 384.958; top of cap, 389.016. T. B. M. 566: Is on L. B., at the upper end of Halls, mile above the depot, 125 feet above upper head block of Missouri Pacific siding, 60 feet north from center of siding, on north side of wagon road; being top of spike in south root of a 40-inch elm. Elev., 389.392. B. M. 8 T ~: Is on R. B., 2 miles along bluff above Geary City, Kans., near north line of section 30, T. 4 S., R. 22 E., and about 600 feet west of the north post of sec- tion, 87 feet northwest from small road bridge at foot of bluff. Elev., 407.275; top of cap, 411.318. P. B. M. 27&=-y-, Kenmoor: Is on L. B., in the northeast corner of section 28, T. 56 N., R. 36 W., 2,000 feet northeast of Kenmoor station and about 250 feet north- east of house of Warren Samuels, and about 240 feet above T. B. M. 569; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 404.675; top of cap, 408.706. 302: Is on R. B., about 4 miles below Palermo, Kans., 560 feet southeast of one- story log house of E. U. Miller, 500 feet from river, on 2-foot elm on old river bank between cottonwood flat and field. Elev., 387.876. T. B. M. 570: Is on L. B., mile above Kenmoor, 900 feet above farm crossing, on river side of tracks, 33 feet from center of Missouri Pacific track, at fence; being top of spike in south root of 30-inch elm. Elev., 392.091. T. B. M. 571: Is on R. B., If miles above Kenmoor, 590 feet above bridge No. 43 J A, Missouri Pacific Ry., 15 feet from the northeast corner of Mr. John Mead's yard; being spike in east root of a 28-inch black walnut. Elev., 395.838. 303: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Palermo, Kans., 1,000 feet below point where river leaves bluff, 213 feet east of 2| story frame house of Abbott White, 100 feet from bluff, 300 feet from river, on 2-foot elm. Elev., 392.001. (This bench is incorrectly numbered on tree, 163.) P. B. M. 279: Is on L. B., 6f miles below St. Joe, Mo., If miles below Lake Siding, near T. B. M. 573, in the southwest corner of dooryard owned by A. Roche, at east side of wagon road and about 100 feet east of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 392.222; top of cap, 396.299 T. B. M. 573: Is on L. B., about mile above Horseshoe Lake, 114 feet east from center of Rock Island track, near southwest corner of dooryard of house occupied by N. Bozarth and owned by A. Roche; being top of spike in west root of 3^-foot elm. Elev., 396.053. 304: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Palermo, Kans., about 1,200 feet above A 600, on east side of old wagon road, 50 feet from river, horizontal furrow in head of copper 64 BENCH MARKS. bolt leaded into west face of boulder. The boulder is of hard rock, 40 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 6 feet thick. Elev., 399.132. B. M. - s -f- Palermo: Is on R. B., in Palermo, Kans., 98 feet northeast of house of Dr. Harrington. Elev., 403.123; top of cap, 407.151 . P. B. M. 280=- 8 2 8 -: Is on L. B., 4f miles below St. Joe and Grand Island R. R. bridge at St. Joe, Mo., about mile east of railroad, near J post on the north side of section 12, T. 56 N., R. 36 W., 304 feet southeast of Nelson Hawley's house, in the highway at east fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 412.037; top of cap, 416.061. T. B. M. 575: Is on L. B., 4 miles below the St. Joe and Grand Island R. R. bridge at St. Joe, Mo., about 350 feet north of P. B. M. 280, nearly midway between Nelson Hawley's and Frank Jones' houses, at highest point of ground at west side of road, at fence; being top of spike in east root of honey locust. Elev., 410.428. 305, Palermo: Is on R. B., 300 feet above the main street of Palermo, Kans., 108 feet west of creek, 80 feet from edge of high bank, behind willow bar, at foot of bluff, on 20-inch cotton wood. Elev., 404.506. 306: Is on R. B., 1 miles above Palermo, Kans., 2,550 feet west of north and south lane leading up to Wathena, Kans., \ mile southeast of bluffs, 900 feet from river, 900 feet above willow bar, on east side of small clump of timber in fields, on 18-inch elm at fence. Elev., 397.041. T. B. M. 576: Is on L. B., about 2 miles below St. George, Mo., at bridge No. 181 of the K. C., St. Joe & C. B. R. R., on stump of pile at the upper northwest side of bridge, one foot above surface of ground; being top of spike. Elev., 402.456. 307: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Palermo, Kans., near A 592, 1,800 feet below foot of shore bar, 250 feet from river, 175 feet northwest of one-story frame house, in edge of woods below field, on 29-inch elm. Elev., 398.958. 308: Is on R. B., about 3| miles below St. Joe and Grand Island R. R. bridge at St. Joseph, cross (-J-) cut into top of stone projecting 2 inches from base of wall at southwest corner of 1 story house owned by Mrs. Amanda Corby. Elev., 402.891. T. B. M. 577: Is on L. B., 1| mile below St. George, at lower end of bridge No. 39 J. B., under center of track; being top of spike in stump of a pile 14 inches in diameter projecting 2 feet above surface of ground. Elev.. 410.138. P. B. M. 281, St. George: Is on L. B., in St. George, Mo., on east side of railroad track, in southwest corner of yard to hotel owned by Nick Byrnes, on Missouri Avenue, 18 feet west of southwest corner of hotel porch; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 411.202; top of cap, 415.253. T. B. M. 579: Is on L. B., in St. George, on east side of St. Joseph Stock Yards Exchange Building, on stone doorstep of south door; being highest point in square cut on south end of step and marked if. Q S. Elev., 408.364. 309: Is on R. B., 2| miles below St. Joe and Grand Island R. R. bridge at St. Joe, 1 mile below J. D. Hier's house, J mile below group of small houses and body of timber near river, 130 feet from high bank behind shore bar, on 2-foot white elm. Elev., 401.274. 310: Is on R. B., If miles below St. Joe and Grand Island bridge, 400 feet west of house of J. D. Hier, 60 feet from edge of high bank, on 28-inch sycamore. Elev., 403.420. T. B. M. 580: Is on L. B., at the southern part of St. Joe, Mo., on the southwest corner of Fifth and Cedar streets, on brick building of the Water Gas Company, on the south window sill on Fifth street, 8 inches south of the south side of the window; being the highest point in square marked U. D S. Elev., 413.297. 311: Is on R. B., 1 mile below St. Joe & Grand Island R. R. bridge at St. Joe, about % mile from outer edge of open bar, on 16-inch cottonwood on first bench back of willow bar. Elev., 396.776. P. B. M. 282: Is on L. B., at St. Joe, Mo., in the north end of the east pier of St. Joe and Grand Island R. R. bridge across Missouri River, being the pier at east end of draw, 15 inches north of bed plates and in line with the west row of bolts through plate, 2 feet south from the north edge of pier; being copper tolt leaded vertically. Elev., 407.244. Elevation approximate; pier settled. T. B. M. 582=313="34" 1879: Is in St. Joe, at southwest corner of Fourth street and railroad, on Henry Krugg's packing house, at the northeast corner of foundation, on the west side of arched entrance; being outer end of cross, thus: DH~ Elev.. 410.431. T. B. M. 583=312: Is on the east pier of the St. Joe and Grand Island R. R. bridge at St. Joe, 126 feet south of north edge of coping pier; being highest point in southwest angle of cross marked H Elev., 409.707. Elevation approximate; pier settled. B. M. - 8 T 9 - Wathena: Is on R. B., in Wathena, Kans., on west line of Bryant street at intersection with alley south of St. Joseph street. Elev., 409.220; top of cap, 413.237. BENCH MARKS. 65 B. M. % 9 -: Is on R. B., about 2^ miles east of Wathena, Kans., on north side of wagon road at corner of Sees. 25, 26, 35 and 36, T. 3 S., R. 22 E., just north of railroad track. Elev., 398.495; top of cap, 402.546. P. B. M. 283=- 8 3 9 : Is in south end of St. Joseph, Mo., at northeast corner of Duncan and Bartlett streets, abo.ut 1,100 feet east of east end of St. Joe and Grand Island R. R. bridge; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 406.933; top of cap, 410.955. P. B. M. 284: Is in St. Joseph, Mo., on west side of Union Depot, in window sill of second window south of south entrance to waiting room, 4 inches back from vertical face of sill and 7 inches north of south end; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 419.326. T. B. M. 584: Is in St. Joseph, Mo., on west side of Union Depot, on north end of stone door step of door to barber shop; being first door north of passage way through building; being highest point in square. Elev., 416.418. P. B. M. 285: Is in St. Joseph at the southeast corner of Edmond and Eighth streets, on the northeast corner of post office building, 12 feet west from corner, on window sill of window just east of entrance on Edmond street, 8 inches west from east end of sill; being copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 461.333. 314: Is on R. B., in Elwood, Doniphan Co., Kans., 600 feet west of post office, 25 feet northeast of house of Allen Porter, on south side of wagon road, on 34-inch elm. Elev.. 404.961. P. B. M. 286: Is in St. Joseph, at southeast corner of Felix and South Second streets, in- the northwest corner of City Hall, 1 foot east of corner of building on Felix street and 5 feet above sidewalk; being center of punch mark in copper bolt leaded horizontally. Elev., 428.177. T. B. M. 585: Is in St. Joseph, at southeast corner of Felix and South Second streets, on water table at northwest corner of City Hall, near P. B. M. 286; being highest point in notch. Elev., 424.097. City datum St. Joseph: Is 23.832 feet below T. B. M. 585. Elev., 400.265. T. B. M. 586: Is in St. Joseph at upper end of town, on southwest corner of Francis street, and just east of north end of Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs depot; being highest point in square cut on curb stone and marked U. D S. Elev., 415.041. 315: Is on R. B., about 2 miles below Belmont, Kans., 15 feet west of 1| story frame house, 220 feet from river, at point where east and west road comes to river, on 26-inch elm. Elev., 403.923. 316: Is on R. B., f mile below Belmont, Kans., 350 feet from river, on southeast edge of small clump of timber, on 30-inch elm. Elev., 406.379. 317: Is on R. B., at Belmont, Kans., 90 feet southeast of house of L. A. Jackson, ^00 feet from river, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into northeast exposure of boulder of hard rock, at foot of bluff. The bench is on the line of a fence, under and 20 feet east of a wagon road which runs over the boulder. Elev., 412.001. 318: Is on R. B., \ mile above Belmont, Kans., cross (+) cut into top of stone projecting from southeast corner, near base of wall of entrance to Lime Kiln. Elev., 411.639. 318a: Is on R. B., at Belmont, Kans., 200 feet southeast of L. A. Jackson's house, on a 2-foot black walnut. Elev., 407.963. 319: Is on R. B., 1 miles above Belmont, Kans., 1,000 feet above Anderson Glad- den's two-story frame dwelling, 40 feet from river, on foot of bluff, on 1-foot black walnut. Elev., 409.446. P. B. M. 287=89i; U. S. Boat Yard: Is at the United States boat yard above St. Joseph, I mile above Mr. Dupree's house, just behind top of revetment, near the north line of Sec. 1, T. 57 N., R. 36 W., about 800 feet east of the northwest corner of the section. It is 16 feet north from the north line of ways and 85 feet west of west end, 196 feet below track of ways; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 403.788; top of cap, 407.793. 320: Is on R. B., 3^ miles above Belmont, Kans., 240 feet west of house of Charles Newton, 140 feet west of north and south lane, on 16-inch honey locust. Elev., 407.788. T. B. M. 588: Is on L. B., on south side of Upper French Bottom Road, 3,280 feet west from railroad track, 65 feet west from end of lane leading from Chas. Huncey's house; being top of spike in south root of a 30-inch elm. Elev., 404.073. P. B. M. 288: Is on L. B., 2f miles above St. Joseph, at foot of bluff, 48 feet from center of track, at east right-of-way fence, and on line with the fence on north side of Upper French Bottom Road, 15 feet south of small railroad bridge; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 399.405; top of cap, 403.451. T. B. M. 589: Is on L. B., near P. B. M. 288, about 2f miles above St. Joseph, 100 feet below small railroad bridge at foot of bluff, 70 feet east from track center, 27 feet 2537012 5 66 BENCH MARKS. from east right-of-way fence, on a small rock lying midway between two large rocks ; being highest point in square, marked U. D S. Elev., 406.908. P. B. M. 289: Is on L. B., about 3 miles above St. Joseph, at pump house of water works, on west side of pump room, 18 feet north from southwest corner, 10 feet north from door, 35 feet south from tall chimney, on south end of stone window sill, 1 inches back from west face; being copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 410.145. B. M. -Y-: Is on R. B., 3 miles above Belmont, Kans., at foot of bluff, 1,225 feet south of house of Lucas Fedder, near corner of sections 2, 3, 10 & 11, T. 3 S., R. 22 E. Elev., 407.811; top of cap, 411.844. P. B. M. 290=- 9 5 -: Is on L. B., 3| miles above St. Joseph, 720 feet above pump house of St. Joseph Wafer Works, at foot of bluff, 70 feet from center of K. C., St. Joe & C. B. track, 20 feet east of east right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 407.030; top of cap, 410.928. 321: Is on R. B., 600 feet from river, f mile southeast of loghouse near river, at the upper side and about 1 mile from the extremity of the right bank point above Bel- mont, Kans., on 1-foot elm on upper edge of woods. Elev., 408.464. T. B. M. 591: Is on L. B., 1,640 feet east of the United States Boat Yard above St. Joseph, Mo., and 164 feet from the river bank; being a nail in a 20-inch elm. Elev., 406.194. P. B. M. 291: Is on L. B., about 4| miles south from the depot at Amazonia, Andrew Co., Mo., 1,650 feet northward from bridge No. 7 section 14, 2,605 feet south of mile post 73, and 43 feet east of the K. C., St. Joe and C. B. Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 422.010; top of cap, 426.032. 322: Is on R. B., about 4 miles above Belmont, Kans., by the line of bluffs, 900 feet above two-story stone house of J. Zaiser, near head of bottom above Belmont, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into exposure of hard rock, 10 feet high and 20 feet long, at foot of bluff. Elev., 415.829. 323: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Amazonia cut-off, \ mile southeast of large 1\ story dwelling of Patrick Tindall, about halfway from A 558 to A 560, 600 feet from river, on 16-inch cottonwood, one of two trees standing near small log house of Daniel Tin- dall. Elev., 411.931. B. M. - 9 /=B. M. - 9 ! 1 : Is on R. B., at Cummings Landing, Kans., on south side of section line road, 430 feet southeast from house of Nathan Miller, is 128 feet west of the southwest corner of the S.W. \ of S.E. \, Sec. 21, T. 2 S., R. 22 E. Elev., 442.073; top of cap, 446.091. P. B. M. 292=-V: Is on L. B., If miles south of the depot at Amazonia, 436 feet northeast of the north end of truss of the railway bridge over Dillon Creek, and 328 feet east, measured along public road, from the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 416.835; top of cap, 420.811. P. B. M. 293: Is on L. B., 1,270 feet west of the depot at Amazonia, 46 feet north from the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track, and 10 feet west of west fence of public road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 413.909; top of cap, 417.928. 324: Is on R. B., about \ mile northeast of house of Mrs. Shumann, mile south of point at Amazonia cut-off, on edge of 7-foot bench, in clump of ash trees on 1-foot twin black ash. Elev., 417.528. 325: (Washed out.) B. M. - 9 2 2 -: Is on L. B., about 2| miles west of Amazonia, Mo., 1,380 feet N. 9 30 X W. (Mag.) from house of A. Reneer, 145 feet east of northwest corner of S. W. \ of S. W. \ Sec. 34, T. 59 N., R. 36 W. Elev., 415.452; top of cap, 419.472. P. B. M. 294=- 9 /: Is on L. B., about 2 miles west of Amazonia, 492 feet north of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track, 156 feet east of Lewis Payne's dwelling, and 40 feet south of an 18-inch sugar maple; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 420.229; top of cap, 424.199. 326: Is on R. B., about 2J miles above Amazonia cut-off, 2,200 feet below 327, 400 feet from river, on 2-foot elm. Elev., 415.068. 327: Is on R. B., 2| miles above Amazonia cut-off, about 1,400 feet southeast of house of Hanley George, 150 feet above lane running west, 100 feet from river, on 40-inch elm. Elev., 419.357. 328: Is on R. B., \ mile below foot of Rush or Solomons Island, 200 feet from river, in edge of field, on 30-inch elm. Elev., 420.620. P. B. M. 295: Is on L. B., about \ mile west of depot at Nodaway, Andrew County, Mo., in top of coping forming the bridge seat of the southwest corner of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. bridge over Nodaway River, and 0.85 foot east of the bed plate under the inclined end post of the bridge; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically in stone. Elev., 418.852. BENCH MARKS. 67 "28" of 1879: Is on R. B., about mile below head of Solomons Island, 200 feet east of 328, at edge of bank on elm. Equals bench of construction party and bears their mark "94.820." Elev., 416.395. 329: Is on R. B., 240 feet from Rush or Solomons Island Chute, on line between com above and woods below, and about J the distance from the head to the foot of the chute on 14-inch elm. Elev., 420.769. 330: (Washed out.) B. M. - 9 T 3 -: Is on R. B., about 2 miles below Charleston City, Kans., at foot of bluff and 50 feet east of small ravine, is about 12 feet in elevation higher than the bottom land, is in S. W. , section 24, T. 2 S., R. 21 E. Elev., 422.236; top of cap, 426.254. B. M. - 9 2 3 -: Is on R. B., about 2 miles below Charleston City, Kans., on north side of wagon road, in edge of small orchard, 140 feet southeast from house of E. S. Jennings, 860 feet west from center section 13, T. 2 S., R. 21 E., about mile north of B. M. - 9 ^. Elev., 418.558; top of cap, 422.559. P. B. M. 296=- 9 /-: Is on L. B., about 2| miles west of railway bridge over Nodaway River, in Holt Co., Mo., on land of Shirley heirs, 361 feet east of milepost 84, 164 feet northwest of bridge No. 4, section 17, 102 feet north of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track, on a small knoll about 10 feet high; being copper bolt i^ B. M. stone. Elev., 430.485; top of cap, 434.456. 331="26" of 1879, Charleston: Is on R. B., just above Charleston City, Kans., 300 feet below A 536, 60 feet from river, on 4J foot elm. Is also initial benchmark of Con- struction party, their elevation of it being 100.000 feet. Elev., 425.034. P. B. M. 297: Is on L. B., about 1| miles east of the depot at Forbes, Holt Co., Mo., 666 feet east of M. Sipes' dwelling, 33 feet north of Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track and 16 feet south of wagon road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 425.490; top of cap, 429.446. 332: Is on L. B., f mile above Charleston City, Kans., 700 feet below mouth of creek, 70 feet from river, on foot of bluff, on 16-inch elm. Elev., 422.522. 333: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Charleston, Kans., east side of ravine on foot of bluff, 100 feet from river on 3-foot oak. Elev., 434.112. 334: Is on R. B., 3 miles above Charleston, Kans., \ mile northeast of house of C. W. Hargis, 900 feet below mouth of Mosquito Creek, 60 feet from river, on foot of bluff, on 18-inch lindenwood. Elev., 426.019. B. M. - 9 I i , Mt. Vernon, Kans. : Is on R. B., at Mount Vernon Landing, at lower point of bluff where it turns up the valley, 500 feet above the mouth of Mosquito Creek, 60 feet from river bank. Elev., 431.881; top of cap, 435.895. B. M. - 9 o-: Is on L. B., 700 feet east of house of James L. Wilson, near north and south half section line running through section 6, T. 58 N., R. 37 W., opposite Mt. Vernon, Kans., on north side of road running along old river bank. Elev., 422.484; top of cap, 426.509. P. B. M. 298=- 9 3 t , Forbes, Mo.: Is on L. B., 1,424 feet west from depot at Forbes, Mo., and 45 feet north of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 441.062; top of cap, 445.014. 335: Is on R. B., 4 miles above Charleston, Kans., mile above A 530, 300 feet above creek, in first valley above Mosquito Creek, 120 feet from river, on bluff, on 30-inch black walnut. Elev., 436.023. 336, Lafayette Landing: Is on R. B., 1,740 feet above Lafayette Landing, 1,000 feet above A 526, 30 feet from river, on 3-foot elm at foot of bluff. Elev., 426.349. P. B. M. 299: Is on L. B., about 2 miles south of the depot at Curzons, Holt County, Mo., 55 feet from center of public road and railroad crossing, 190 feet west from J. B. Payne's house, occupied by B. F. Martin, and 45 feet west of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 431.580; top of cap, 435.618. 337: Is on R. B., 5 miles below Iowa Point, Kans., 1,300 feet below A 520, 770 feet below foot of willow bar, \ mile below mouth of Wolf Creek, 40 feet from river, at foot of bluff on 17-inch water oak. Elev., 430.948. B. M. - 9 f , Wolf Creek: Is on R. B., about \ of a mile below mouth of Wolf Creek, in N. E. \ of section 9, T. 2 S., R. 20 E., approximately 1,000 feet west of the east line and 600 feet south of north line of section, in the woods at foot of bluff. Elev., 426.482; top of cap, 430.491. B. M. 9 ^: Is on L. B., 300 feet southeast from house of George Quick, 200 feet east of section line road, 1,468 feet N. 15' E. (Mag.) from southwest corner of section 22, T. 59 N., R. 38 W. Elev., 422.747; top of cap, 426.764. P. B. M. 300=- 9 5 -: Is on L. B., 2,860 feet south of the east end of siding at Curzons, Mo., 435 feet southeast of Mrs. Comis' house, 125 feet north of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track, and about 6 feet above elevation of road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 434.625; top of cap, 438.605. 68 BENCH MAKKS. 338: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Iowa Point, Kans., 3,500 feet below A 516, 150 feet from river, on 3-foot elm in woods. Elev., 428.419. 339: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Iowa Point, Kans., 1,250 feet below A 514, 30 feet west of railway, 50 feet from river, on 30-inch black walnut at foot of bluff. Elev., 430.727. T. B. M. 632: Is on L. B., about 2 miles south of Forest City, Holt Co., Mo., at railroad bridge No. 4 over Mill Creek; being a cross cut on the northwest corner of the south bridge seat. Elev., 441.008. 340: Is on R. B., mile south of Iowa Point, Kans., and about ^ mile from river, cross (+) cut into top of stone foundation at northwest corner of engine room of 3^- story brick gristmill owned by Ball Brothers. Elev., 471.856. 341: Is on R. B., \ mile south of Iowa Point, Kans., cross cut into top of stone foundation at northeast corner of main part of 3^-story brick gristmill owned by Ball Brothers. Elev., 481.205. B. M. - 9 ^, Iowa Point: Is on R. B., at Iowa Point, Kans., at northwest corner of Main and Commercial streets. Elev., 441.160; top of cap, 445.203. P. B. M. 301=- 9 ^: Is on L. B., 1 miles southeast of Forest City, Mo., 600 feet %ast of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; at foot of bluffs, 50 feet west of W. T. Davies 2 house; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 448.981; top ofcap, 452.951. "23" of 1879: Is on R. B., at Iowa Point, Kans., on northwest corner of Main and Commercial streets, south end of window sill of two-story brick. Elev., 446.618. "24" of 1879: Is on R. B., at Iowa Point, Kans., on west side of Commercial street, third building north of Main street on south end of window sill. Elev., 446.836. 342: Is on R. B., If miles above Iowa Point, Kans., 600 feet below 1^-story frame house on east side of track, 140 feet north of fence corner, 50 feet west of railroad track, on 3-foot elm. Elev., 432.655. P. B. M. 302: Is on L. B., in Forest City, Mo., at the southeast corner of Grand avenue and B street, 8 feet from the northwest corner of store building owned by G. W. Quick, in top surface of water table flush with door sill; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically in stone. Elev., 445.431. P. B. M. 303: Is on L. B., about 2 miles north of the depot at Forest City, Mo., 1,076 feet north of milepost 98, 144 feet north of railway bridge No. 3 over Kinzie Creek, and 46 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 436.530; top of cap, 440.546. 343: Is on R. B., 2f miles below White Cloud, Kans., on 2-foot cottonwood in small clump of cottonwoods at upper edge of cornfield. Elev., 433.203. 344: Is on R. B., 2 miles below White Cloud, Kans., 100 feet from river, on 16-inch cottonwood. Elev., 433.874. 345: Is on R. B., If miles below White Cloud, Kans., 70 feet east of track, 50 feet northeast of fence, on 30-inch elm, in small corner of woods between railway and cornfield. Elev., 433.569. B. M. - 9 I I : Is on R. B., in White Cloud, Kans., in northwest corner of dooryard of Charles Osgood, on south side of Main street, 150 feet west of west line of Second street. Elev., 470.917; top of cap, 474.989. B. M. - 9 ^: Is on L. B., opposite White Cloud, Kans., about mile from river, If miles N. 27 15' E. (Mag.) from B. M. - 9 /, 325 feet east of center of section 28, T. 60 N., R. 39 W. Elev., 431.200; top of cap, 435.256. B. M. -{ L : Is on L. B., on land owned by A. W. VanKamp, is in S. W. \ section 22. 'T. 60 N., R. 39 W., about 2,200 feet N. 23 E. (Mag.) from southwest corner of section^ 97 feet west of fence corner, at east-and-west fence. Elev., 430.126; top of cap, 434.167. 346= U 21" of 1879: Is on R. B., at White Cloud, Kans., 75 feet west of southwest corner of Main and Water streets, south side Main street, east corner of doorsill of small door east of main entrance to two-story brick livery stable. Elev., 457.195. 347="20" of 1879: Is on R. B., at White Cloud, Kans.; on northwest corner of Main and Water stieets, southeast corner water table of Union Hotel, a three-story brick. Elev., 454.821. Gauge B. M.: Is on R. B., 375 feet above White Cloud, Kans., Depot, spike driven into south end of east wood sill of water tank. Elev., 441.787. 348: Is on R. B., 2 miles above White Cloud, Kans., 100 feet east of A. & N. Rail- road, on 30-inch twin cottonwood. Elev., 438.001. B. M. - 9 f: Is on R. B., about mile north of state line between Kansas and Nebraska, at foot of bluff, at north side of wide ravine, on small plateau, 132 feet west of railroad, 8fr feet from a magnificent elm 3 feet in diameter. Elev., 465.604; top of cap, 469.655. B. M. -V-: Is on L. B., If miles from B. M. - 9 T 8 -> 990 feet south of northwest corner of section 17, T. 60 N., R. 39 W., on land owned by Phillip Davis, on east side of north and south road. Elev., 435.474; top of cap, 439.536. BENCH MARKS. 69 B. M. - 9 /: Is on L. B., 1| miles from B. M. - ft /-, 1,320 feet east of northwest corner section 9, T. 60 N., R. 39 W., 240 feet east of house of William Allkire, in fence corner on south side of east and west road. Elev., 434.588; top of cap, 438.643. 349: Is on R. B., 1 mile below mouth of the Big Nemaha River, | mile below head of bottom, nearly west of A 492, 1,000 feet from river, 300 feet east of foot of bluff, 100 feet east of railroad, on 2-foot burr oak. Elev., 438.817. 350: Is on R. B., 600 feet above mouth of Big Nemaha River, 200 feet south of rail- way, in a ravine on 14-inch twin elm. Elev., 445.631. 351: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Rulo, Nebr., cross (+) cut into upper surface, southern edge of coping stone of east pier of A. & N. R. R. bridge across the Big Nemaha River. Elev., 444.234. 352: Is on R. B., } mile west of bridge across the Big Nemaha River, 250 feet south of railroad, on line between prairie and woods, on 40-inch elm. Elev., 440.973. 353: Is on R. B., | mile below Rulo, Nebr., 1,000 feet from bluff, 1,000 feet from river, 100 feet east of railroad on 26-inch cottonwood. Elev., 442.761. P. B. M. 304: Is on L. B., 627 feet south of the depot at Napier, Holt Co., Mo., 287 feet south of the head block of the B. & M. and Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. Junction, and 43 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 433.606; top of cap, 437.646. P. B. M. 304A: Is on L. B., about 650 feet east of the depot at Fortescue, Mo., 59 feet north of center of main track of Burlington and Missouri River Railroad in Nebr., and 39 feet west from west end of section house; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 441.482; top of cap, 445.553. P. B. M. 304B: Is on L. B., about 10,830 feet west from Fortescue, Mo., 66 feet north of the B. and M. Railroad track, 650 feet west of south end of Tarkio Lake and 23 feet east of a 16-inch blazed cottonwood, on land belonging to Collins; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 434.678; top of cap, 438.733. P. B. M. 304E= 9 T 9 : Is on R. B., at Rulo, Nebr., in dooryard of John Stull, at west side of Commercial street and 170 feet south from south line of Stutzen street; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 445.560; top of cap, 449.611. Gauge B. M., Rulo, Nebr. : Is in west face of a granite block in the west side of west pier of B. & M. Railroad bridge at Rulo, Nebr. The block is in the second course of masonry from ground and is the first straight block from south end of pier. (The block south being rounded.) The bench is a projection flattened on upper side, and is 1.7 feet from north end of block and 0.4 foot below top of block. Elev., 448.185. P. B. M. 304D: Is in west pier of B. & M. R. R. bridge across the Missouri River at Rulo, Nebr. ; being center of hole in horizontal bolt leaded into west side of granite pier, in second course of masonry above ground, in fourth block from north end and in third block from south end of pier, 0.3 foot below top of block, 1.8 feet from south end and 1.5 feet from north end, marked g * j^' Elev., 450.312. P. B. M. 304C=- 9 ^: Is on L. B., 7,600 feet east from east pier of B. & M. R. R. bridge across the Missouri River at Rulo, Nebr., 400 feet north of B. & M. track center, 20 feet west of north and south road which crosses the line of B. &. M. Railroad under the first bridge east from river, 82 feet northeast from small log house occupied by K. Burge and on land owned by Ben Cunningham, in southeast corner of cultivated field and 2 feet from corner of fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 442.745; top of cap, 446.798. B. M. - 9 /: Is on L. B., about mile from - 9 /, inN. E. , section 26, T. 61 N., R. 40 W., on west side of north-and-south road, 150 feet north of southeast corner of S . W. of N . E. of section, is 33 feet north of school-house, district No. 59. Elev., 444.557; top of cap, 448.622. 354: (Destroyed.) 355: (Destroyed.) P. B. M. 305: Is on L. B., about 2 miles south of Bigelow, Holt Co., Mo., 2,713 feet north of mile post 103, 1,998 feet north of a public road crossing, and 44 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 435.137; top of cap, 439.154. 356: Is on R. B., | mile above Rulo, Nebr., 400 feet above mouth of creek, 60 feet from bank on foot of bluff, on 1-foot black walnut. Elev., 454.397. 357: Is on R. B., 2 miles above Rulo, Nebr., at rivulet where road up river from Rulo enters bottom, on 30-inch cottonwood, at foot of bluff. Elev., 448.634. 358: Is on R. B., 3J miles above Rulo, Nebr., by line along foot of bluffs, 100 feet northwest of one-story frame house, on 22-inch red elm at foot of bluff. Elev., 454.080. P. B. M. 306: Is on L. B., at Bigelow, Mo., in lot of Peter Nelson, 249 feet northeast of the northeast corner of railway water tank; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 441.547; top of cap, 445.573. 70 BENCH MARKS. 359: Is on R. B., about 5 miles above Rulo, Nebr., \ mile from river, top of stone foundation at southeast corner of one-story brick dwelling of Russell Durfee, on foot of bluff. Elev., 466.844. P. B. M. 307: Is on L. B., 13,957 feet north of the depot at Bigelow, Mo., opposite a curve to right in track going south; the tangent towards Bigelow, if prolonged north- ward, would pass through the bench. It is 43 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 443.758; top of cap, 447.791. B. M. if : Is on R. B., 3 miles below Arago, Nebr., 1,330 feet N. 2 E. (Mag.) from R. K. Durfee 's brick dwelling, 4 feet south of fence on north line of section 30, T. 1 N., R. 15 E., in woods at foot of bluff. Elev., 452.493; top of cap (el. of bench unreliable), 456.555. B. M. i| A : Is on L. B., 1| miles from river bank, 1,500 feet south of northeast corner section 3, T. 61 N., R. 40 W., on land owned by David Perkins, on west side of north- and-south road. Elev., 447.910; top of cap, 451.973. B. M. if a : Is on L. B., on land owned by Edward Vest, 50 feet north of southwest corner of section 36, T. 62 N., R. 40 W., 5,660 feet from B. M. iffi, on east side of north- and-south road. Elev., 447.377; top of cap, 451.436. 360: Is on R. B., 860 feet below head of bottom above Rulo, Nebr., 150 feet from river, at foot of bluff, on 8-inch twin elm. Elev., 455.634. 361: Is on R. B., 1\ miles below Arago, Nebr., at foot of bluff, on 2-foot oak. Elev., 454.754. P. B. M. 308: " Mo., Bluffs and 1.08 feet east of the bed plate under the inclined end post; being top of copper bolt leaded verticaly in stone. Elev., 450.922. 362: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Arago, Nebr., 800 feet from river, 30 feet east of bluff, on 3-foot twin basswood. Elev., 456.030. 363: Is on R. B., at Arago, Nebr., near southwest corner of two-story brick store of Jos. A. Kitt on north side of Main street, cross (+ ) cut into upper surface of founda- tion stone under window on south side. Elev., 501.612. "16" of 1879: Is on R. B., at Arago, Nebr., top course of masonry at southeast corner of foundation of 2^-story frame house, north side of Main street. Elev., 505.416. B. M. iy 1 , Arago, Nebr.: Is on R. B., in Arago, Nebr., in corner of dooryard of Charles Strieker, south side of Main street, 820 feet from river. Elev., 491.423; top of cap, 495.499. B. M. if 1 : Is on L. B., opposite Arago, Nebr., and about 1 mile from river, 374 feet south of \ post on west side of section 21, T. 62 N., R. 40 W., in southwest corner of dooryard of Henry Voltmers, on east side of north-and-south road. Elev., 456.843; top of cap, 460.912. B. M. if 1 : Is on L. B., on land owned by George Voltmers, 790 feet north of corner of sections 15, 16, 21 and 22, T. 62 N., R. 40 W., on west side of an old hedge since chopped down, \\ miles from B. M. if 1 . Elev., 452.731; top of cap, 456.788. P. B. M. 309: Is on L. B., 1,726 feet south of depot at Craig, Mo., 153 feet south of a section tool house, and 46 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper polt in B. M. stone. Elev., 451.124; top of cap, 455.138. P. B. M. 310: Is on L. B., \ mile north of depot at Craig, Mo., in the pedestal block forming the bridge seat under the southwest inclined end post of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. bridge over Tarkio Creek, and 0.62 foot from the southeast corner of the stone; being copper bolt leaded vertically in stone. Elev., 453.426. 364: Is on R. B., 1 mile above Arago, Nebr., 40 feet from river on side of bluff, on 30-inch elm. Elev., 463.622. 365: Is on R. B., 3 miles above Arago, Nebr., east side of road, on 2-foot elm. Elev., 462.131. P. B. M., 311: Is on L. B. ; about 2 miles south of depot at Corning, Holt County, Mo., 38 feet south of a public road crossing, 74 feet southeast of south cattle guard, 16 feet south of mile post 117, and 45 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 453.999; top of cap, 458.026. 366: Is on R. B., 4 miles above Arago, Nebr., by bluff line, on east side of road, on 2-foot cottonwood. Elev., 471^76. B. M. iy-: Is on R. B., about 4J miles above Arago, Nebr., 300 feet above mouth of creek, 120 feet from river, at foot of bluff, at side of wagon road leading from river up narrow valley, about \ mile up the valley to large house of Mr. Cottier. Elev., 460.862; top of cap., 464.912. BENCH MARKS. 71 B. M. i A : Is on L. B., about If miles southwest from Corning, Holt County, Mo., 1,036 feet north of southwest corner section 31, T. 63 N., R. 40 W., on land owned by William Fork. Eley., 456.806; top of cap, 460.846. B. M. 1 |-: Is on L. B., 1J miles due south of Corning, Holt County, Mo., on west side of north-and-south road running south from Corning, 562 feet north of the south- east corner of the S. W. \ of the N. E. \, section 31, T. 63 N., R. 40 W., on land owned by Dr. Anderson. Elev., 459.172; top of cap, 463.229. 367: Is on R. B., 5 miles below St. Deroin, Nebr., by bluff line, 1,000 feet above mouth of creek, f mile below foot of willow bar, on edge of river, at foot of bluff on 3-foot elm. Elev., 460.825. 368: Is on R. B., about 4 miles below St. Deroin, Nebr., 900 feet south of school house, | mile above foot of willow bar, on west side of road at foot of bluff, on 2-foot red elm. Elev., 464.130. P. B. M. 312: Is on L. B., in Corning, Holt County, Mo., 459 feet north of the depot, in water table under south window in west wall of Danker Bros.' one-story brick building on east side of East street; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically in stone. Elev., 462.075. 369: Is on R. B., 3 miles below St. Deroin, Nebr., 280 feet south of house of C. Griffin, in hog lot, 40 feet west of road, on 22-inch black walnut. Elev., 467.582. P. B. M. 313: Is on L. B., about 2J miles north of depot at Corning, Holt County, Mo., 525 feet north of mile post 121, and 46 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 461.191; top of cap, 465.199. 370: Is on R. B., about If miles below St. Deroin, Nebr., 60 feet east of wagon road, 100 feet below fence corner, at foot of bluff on 30-inch elm. Elev., 466.342. P. B. M. 314 Nishnabotna, Mo.: Is on L. B., at Nishnabotna, Atchison County, Mo., in the northwest corner of R. E. Christian's orchard, 810 feet south of the depot, and 52 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 459.870; top of cap, 463.890, 371: Is on R. B., f mile below St. Deroin, Nebr., on east side of road and foot of bluffs, at break in bluff line, on 14-inch elm. Elev., 467.728, 372: Is on R. B., at St. Deroin, Nebr., near east line of Nebraska street, 500 feet north of A. J. Ritter's store, 600 feet from river, on 40-inch elm. Elev., 469.623. B. M. J^p, St. Deroin, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at St. Deroin, Nebr., in southeast corner of dooryard of Allen Woodring, at west side of Nebraska street, 450 feet from the river bank. Elev., 465.039; top of cap, 469.104. B. M. J-lp: Is on L. B., 246 feet west of southeast corner of S. W. , section 5, T. 63 N., R. 41 W., 180 feet N. 64 45' W. (Mag.) from Lincoln school house, on north side of east and west road. - Elev., 463.191; top of cap, 467.257, B. M. ip: Is on L. B.,i mile west of southeast corner section 32, T. 64 N., R. 41 W, on land owned by F. W. Walters, 1 mile northeast from B. M. !*, at fence corner, at southwest angle formed by intersection of east-and-west and north-and-south roads. Elev., 462.363; top of cap, 466.423. P. B. M. 315: Is on L. B., 1 miles north of depot at Nishnabotna, Mo., in top of pedestal block forming the bridge seat under the northeast inclined end post of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. bridge over Nishnabotna River, 0.66 foot south of the north face of the pedestal, and 0.56 foot from the west face of the stone; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically in stone, and projecting 0.02 foot above the surface of the stone. Elev., 470.487. 373: Is on R. B., f mile above St. Deroin, Nebr., 1,400 feet below creek, 50 feet from river, on bluff at road side, on 22-inch white elm. Elev., 502.707. 374: Is on R. B., 1 mile southeast of Hillsdale, Nemaha County, Nebr., mile from river, 70 feet west of Meadow Creek, 40 feet north of road, at foot of bluff on 30- inch elm. Elev., 478.110. 375: Is on R. B., \ mile above Hillsdale, Nebr., at head of bottom, 70 feet from river, on 16-inch double maple. Elev., 478.789. B. M. ift; Is on R. B., 3 miles above St. Deroin, at Hillsdale, Nebr., in southeast corner of dooryard of L. J. Slagle, 24 feet north of his house, on west side of north-and- south road, 440 feet from river. Elev., 476.869; top of cap, 480.914. B. M. J4 A : Is on L. B., in dooryard of E. Rosenbaugh, 685 feet east of southwest corner of S. E. \ section 24, T. 64 N., R. 42 W., on north side of east-and-west road. Elev., 468.142; top of cap, 472.195. P. B. M. 316: Is on L. B., about 2 miles south of depot at Langdon, Mo., 525 feet north of mile post 127, adjacent to land of Frederic Meyerkorth and 46 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 469.724; top of cap, 473.746. 72 BENCH MARKS. 376: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Aspinwall, Nebr., about 2,300 feet above St. Deroin Creek, where the latter leaves the bluffs, 120 feet from bottom and 600 feet from river, in ravine, on 3-foot elm. Elev., 487.654. 377, Aspinwall, Nebr.: Is on R. B., on left bank of creek, at Aspinwall, Nebr., 100 feet from river, on 1-foot black walnut. Elev., 476.285. 378: Is on R. B., f mile below mouth of Little Nemaha River, Nebr., in ravine, 50 feet from river, on 2-foot red oak. Elev., 493.716. 379: Is on R. B., | mile southwest of Nemaha City, Nebr., 50 feet southeast of house of D. M. Frazier, on 9-inch maple. Elev., 477.704. 380, Nemaha City, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Nemaha City, Nebr., cross (+) cut into top of water table at northeast corner of "Huber House", corner of Kansas avenue and street. Elev., 505.580. 381: Is on R. B., f mile above Nemaha City, Nebr., about 1,000 feet below A 422, between railroad and bluff, on 42-inch cottonwood. Elev., 482.070. B. M. i$: Is on R. B., about f mile above Nemaha City, Nebr., at foot of bluff, 100 feet west of Burlington and Missouri River Railroad track, in yard of premises owned by William Hoover. Elev., 482.466; top of cap, 486.526. B. M. i|^: Is on L. B., 740 feet north of southwest corner of N. E. , section 27, T. 64 N., R. 42 W., on east side of north-and-south road, 1| miles from B. M. -if*. Elev., 469.838; top of cap, 473.912. B. M. JMp: Is on L. B., about f mile east of B. M. i$ 5 , 1,344 feet east of west | post of section 26, T. 64 N., R. 42 W., in dooryard of premises owned by T. W. Wilker. Elev., 469.306; top of cap, 473. 379. 382: Is on R. B., 1J miles above Nehama City, Nebr., f mile from river, 120 feet west of railway, cross (+) cut into top of stone foundation at southeast corner of Jona- than Hagadorn's brick dwelling, on foot of bluff. Elev., 484.348. P. B. M. 317: Is on L. B., 2 miles south of depot at Phelps, Atchison County, Mo., 3,120 feet south of a road crossing, 2,861 feet north of railway bridge No. 3, section 26, and 46 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 471.619 top of cap, 475.644. P. B. M. 318B=ip, Brownville, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Brownville, Nebr., at northwest corner of Main street and Levee, and 122 feet northwest from depot; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 491.961; top of cap, 496.029. P. B. M. 318A=if^: Is on L. B., about 1 mile west from Phelps, Mo., on south side of east-and-west road, 780 feet west from northeast corner of S. E. , section 34, T. 65 N., R. 42 W., in dooryard of B. A. DeBuhr; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 473.083; top of cap, 477.158. P. B. M. 318=ip, Phelps, Mo.: Is on L. B., at Phe*lps, Mo., in the northeast cor- ner of the Methodist churchyard, and 38 feet.from the northeast corner of the church; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 474.608; top of cap, 478.625. 383="14" of 1879: Is on R. B., at Brownville, Nebr., at northwest corner of Main street and Levee, on curb line, 30 feet north of north line of Main street, on 30-inch cottonwood. Elev., 496.803. 384: Is on R. B., f mile above Brownville, Nebr., at point where railroad comes to bluff, 75 feet west of railroad, on 10-inch ash, at foot of bluff. Elev., 484.507. P. B. M. 319: Is on L. B., 2^ miles south of depot at Watson, Atchison County, Mo., 102 feet south of the south end of a farm gate, 233 feet southwest of a dwelling, and 43 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 476.749; top of cap, 480.777. 385: Is on R. B., 3| miles above Brownville, Nebr., mile from river, 75 feet east of line between corn field extending down from Honey Creek and woods (the field owned by Eli Ralsbeck, the woods by Mr. Dodd), 50 feet south of railroad, on 14-inch twin willow. Elev., 483.490. B. M. if 2 -, Sonora Island: Is on R. B., about 4 miles measuring along railroad above Brownville, Nebr., 1,650 feet west of railroad, at foot of bluff, 50 feet north of Honey Creek, 190 feet east of Henry Cole's house, in fence corner where road turns west. Elev., 485.027; top of cap, 489.091. P. B. M. 320= i f 1 : Is on L. B., J mile west of Watson, Mo., in the southwest corner of barnyard on the estate of Hay's heirs, and 27 feet north of the northeast corner of the southeast section 4, T. 65 N., R. 42 W.; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 483.722; top of cap, 487.731. P. B. M. 321: Is on L. B., 722 feet south of depot at Watson, Mo., 39 feet south of a public road crossing, and 47 feet east of Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 481.578; topof cap, 485.591. 386: Is on R. B., 2 miles below Peru, Nebr., $ mile below A 400,100 feet from river, in ravine in bluffs, on 1-foot white oak. Elev., 504,052. BENCH MARKS. 73 387: Is on R. B., 1| miles below depot at Peru, Nebr., 1,150 feet above A 400,850 feet below first creek entering river from bluffs below Peru, horizontal furrow-in head of copper bolt leaded into face of sandstone bluff near lower end of exposure. Elev., 491.970. B. M. 1( P, Peru, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Peru, Nebr., in northeast corner of dooryard of John C. Wy ne > on west side of Fifth street, and 150 feet north of Mulberry street. Elev., 495.478; top of cap, 499.536. B. M. J S J : Is on R. B., 1 miles north from Peru, Nebr., on east side of road running through eastern part of section 9, T. 6 N., R. 15 E., and 1,202 feet north of line through the center of the section, 50 feet north of house owned by Robt. Rader. Elev., 486.620; top of cap, 490.687. 388: Is on R. B., f mile northwest from Peru, Nebr., 50 feet north of Col. Thos. Maygor's house, on the B. & M. Railroad, on 26-inch cottonwood. Elev., 490.406. P. B. M. 322: Is on L. B., about 2 miles north of depot at Watson, Mo., about 656 feet north of Joseph Kometzer's house, 92 feet south of a jog in the east right-of-way fence, and 34 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 488.957; top of cap, 492.982. 389: Is on R. B., 1 miles north of Peru, Nebr., mile north of "Bill" Tyner's house, on the Peru and Nebraska City wagon road, spike in sill of west window, north side of brick school house, district No. 2, Nemaha County, Nebr. Elev., 494.638. 390: Is on R. B., at intersection of line between Otoe and Nemaha Counties with Peru and Nebraska City wagon road. This road runs due north from a point about mile west of Pern, Nebr. The bench is 75 feet southwest of house occupied by Nathan Kelso, on 16-inch cottonwood. Elev., 495.073. P. B. M. 323: Is on L. B., about 1 miles south of the depot at Hamburg, la., in the pedestal block forming the bridge seat at the west end of the south pier of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. bridge over the Nishnabotna River in Atchi- son County, Mo., and 0.67 foot south of the south edge of the bed plate under the inclined end post and 10 feet west of the track center; being copper bolt leaded ver- tically in stone. Elev., 495.682. 391: Is on R. B., about 4 miles due north of Peru, Nebr., vicinity of R. B. Q 8 98, I mile from river, 75 feet northeast of house of J. H. Resseguie, on 2-foot hackberry. Elev., 497.395. 392: Is on R. B., 2| miles below Otoe City, Nebr., 300 feet from river, 150 feet west of railroad. 300 feet above fence corner, on 3-foot twin red elm. Elev., 506.512. B. M. *$*: Is on R. B., 1 miles below Otoe City, Nebr., 2,860 feet south of section house. 68 feet west of railroad track, at foot of bluff, in dooryard of premises owned by Mr. Coe. Elev., 496.342; top of cap, 500.408. B. M. -lip, Missouri and Iowa State Line: Is on L. B., on north side of state line road between Missouri and Iowa, about 1,200 feet west of east line of section 34, T. 67 N., R. 43 W., in southeast corner of orchard belonging to Oliver Taylor. Elev., 498.720; top of cap, 502.773. B. M. - 1 '}-: Is on L. B., on south side of state line road, in southeast angle of fence formed by intersection of north-and-south and east-and-west roads, on land owned by Joseph Payne, about 4 miles west from where K. C., St. Joe and C. B. Ry. crosses the state line. Elev., 492.623; top of cap, 496.699. P. B. M. 324: Is on L. B., 1,998 feet north of depot at Hamburg, Iowa, and 43 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 490.382; top of cap, 494.411. 393: Is on R. B., 1 mile below Otoe City, Nebr., 800 feet above railroad section house. 300 feet above A 378, between railroad and river, on 30-inch cottonwood. Elev., 503.755. 394, Otoe City, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Otoe City, Nebr., at southeast corner of J. D. Carmichael's house, on spike in root of 18-inch burr oak. (Is bench of Nebraska City construction party.) Elev., 530.462. 395: Is on R. B., 6,800 feet above Otoe City, Nebr., as measured along railroad, 100 feet west of railroad, on 18-inch willow. Elev., 505.038. B. M. i \^: Is on R. B., about 1^ miles above Otoe City, Nebr., near northeast cor- ner of S. W. \ of S. W. i, section 36, T. 8 N., R. 14 E., at west fence of railroad right- of-way, on premises owned by McGuire. Elev., 500.064; top of cap, 504.130. P. B. M. 325= 1 P: Is on L. B., about 3| miles north of Hamburg, la., in the south- east corner of W. H. Frake's dooryard, 46 feet southeast of the southeast corner of Frake's dwelling, and 52 feet southwest of the southwest comer of school house, and about 328 feet west of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 492.904; top of cap. 496.894. B. M. -ip: Is on L. B., near the corner of sections 7, 8, 17, and 18, T. 67 N., R. 42 W., about 1 mile east of K. C., St. Joe and C. B. Ry. at school house, at northwest 74 BENCH MARKS. corner of inclosed pasture, about 600 feet S. 6 45 X E. (Mag.) from house owned by Moses U. Payne. Elev., 491.246; top of cap, 495.309. 396: Is on R. B., 1\ miles below Nebraska City, Nebr., 1,000 feet above point where river leaves bluff, 30 feet west of track, in ravine, on 1-foot elm. Elev., 523.632. P. B. M. 326: Is on L. B., about 1| miles south of depot at Nebraska City Junction, Iowa, 384 feet west of house occupied by Johnson Gibson, 35 feet north of north end of farm gate, and 46 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 503.259; top of cap, 507.282. P. B. M. 327: Is on L. B., 3,884 feet north of the depot at Nebraska City Junction, Iowa, and 45 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track, on a sand knoll; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 507.054; top of cap, 511.077. P. B. M. 327A: Is on L. B., about If miles west of Nebraska City Junction, Iowa, on south side of wagon road running west from Nebraska City Junction to B. & M. R. R. bridge across Missouri River at Nebraska City, Nebr., 1,150 feet east of a house on north side of road occupied by John Duncan, 3,130 feet west of point where wagon road crosses B. & M. track to Payne's pasture, 7 feet south of fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 506.668; top of cap, 510.735. P. B. M. 327B, Nebraska City, Nebr.: Is on R. B., in west abutment of Burlington and Missouri River Railroad bridge across the Missouri River at Nebraska City, Nebr.; being highest point in circle cut into third stone from west in top course of masonry, marked with the letters B. M. on south. Elev., 563.494. Gauge B. M., Nebraska City, Nebr. : Is on west abutment of Burlington and Missouri River Railroad bridge across the Missouri River at Nebraska- City, Nebr.; being a shelf cut in south side of abutment about 2 feet above ground, near southeast corner. Elev., 531.296. 397: Is on R. B., 50 feet below Nebraska City, U.S. water gauge, nail in knot of pile in railroad embankment. Elev., 522.020. 398: (Destroyed.) B. M. ill, Nebraska City, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Nebraska City, Nebr., at north- west corner of First street and Central avenue, on lot owned by Nebraska City Gas Company. Elev., 532.101; top of cap, 536.167. B. M. ii: Is on L. B., opposite Nebraska City, Nebr., where United States boat- yard was formerly located, 70 feet north of the ways, and 90 feet from the river bank. Elev., 505.439; top of cap, 509.500. P. B. M. 328: Is on L. B., about 3 miles south of depot at Percival, Fremont County, Iowa, 13 feet north of a farm gate, 627 feet north of a road crossing, and 45 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 507.559; top of cap, 511.581. 399: Is on R. B., about 1 miles above foot of Main street, Nebraska City, Nebr., at foot of bluff, on 8-inch ash. Elev., 515.686. 400: Is on R. B., 2 miles by bluff line above Nebraska City, Nebr., 200 feet below stone quarry, at foot of bluff, on 10-inch elm. Elev., 518.469. B. M. ip: Is on R. B., about 3 miles above Nebraska City, Nebr., 900 feet from the river, opposite the mouth of a small stream known as Walnut Creek, in dooryard of John Roddy, on southeast ^, section 30, T. 9 N., R. 14 E., about 65 feet above eleva- tion of bottom. Elev., 592.718; top of cap, 596.780. B. M. -4*: Is on L. B., in N. E. i, section 1, T. 68 N., R. 44 W., 665 feet south of north line of the quarter section and 500 feet east of the west line, 610 feet south of the house of Paul Heinlin, on west side of north-and-south road. Elev., 512.830; top of cap, 516.896. 401: Is on R. B., 1,900 feet above mouth of Walnut Creek, on gas pipe set in cement at site of A 354, on spur of the bluff. (Equals permanent benchmark of construction party.) Elev., 544.537. 402: Is on R. B., 2| miles below Wyoming, Nebr., behind willow bar, 300 feet above field, 40 feet from river, at foot of bluff, on 16-inch cottonwood. Elev., 521.051. "A" of Construction party: Is on R. B., about 2f miles below Wyoming, Nebr., 60 feet below 402, on 2-foot cottonwood. Elev., 522.706. 403: Is on R. B., | mile below Wyoming Landing, Nebr., near Mr. Neligh's house, on gas pipe set in cement. (This equals permanent bench of construction party.) Elev., 542.575. B. M. iis., Wyoming, Nebr.: Is on R. B., about mile below Wyoming, Nebr., 180 feet from river bank, on small elevation in dooryard of Edward W. Neligh, 160 feet south of small spring brook. ' Elev., 537.633; top of cap, 541.697. B. M. i^ 3 : Is on L. B., about 2f miles west and ^ mile north of Percival, Iowa, 75 feet south of east-and-west road, 667 feet west of northeast corner of N. W. ^, section 30, T. 69 N., R. 44 W., in yard of Delos Williams. Elev., 515.903; top of cap, 519.969. BENCH MARKS. 75 B. M. ip: Is on L. B., in northeast corner of section 30, T. 69 N., R. 43 W., in door- yard of F. E. Wadhams, H miles west of K - c -> St - Joe & c - B - R Y- Elev., 516.346; top of cap, 520.417. P. B. M. 329, Percival, Iowa: Is on L. B., 784 feet north of the center of the depot at Percival, and 46 feet east of Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 513.604; top of cap, 517.632. 404: Is on R. B., about 1 mile above Wyoming, Nebr., about | mile above mouth of Weeping Water Creek, 150 feet back of bench behind willow bar, in woods and under- brush, on 16-inch willow. Elev., 518.038. 405: Is on R. B., 1\ miles below Jones Point, Nebr., f mile from river, near house of James W. Baker, on edge of bench between prairie and willow bar, on 2-foot elm. Elev., 522.400 B. M. i|, Jones Point, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Jones Point, Nebr., at lower end of bluff where it turns west, 490 feet from the river bank, in corner of field 15 feet south of the road, in the S. W. J of section 28, T. 10 N., R. 14 E., mile southwest to south- west corner of section. Elev., 524.044; top of cap, 528.112. B. M. i: Is on L. B., 810 feet north of southwest corner of section 5, T. 69 N.. R. 43 W., on east side of north-and-south road. Elev., 518.641; top of cap, 522.715. P. B. M. 330=iii; Is on L. B., about 1J miles southwest of depot at McPaul, Fre- mont County, la., 656 feet north and 26 feet west of the southeast corner of the south- west quarter of section 5. T. 69 N., R. 42 W., on land of William Woods, and is 3 feet west of a hedge on west side of public road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 518.784; top of cap, 522.775. 406: Is on R. B., about 1 mile below Jones Point ferry, Nebr., 150 feet above corn field, near lower edge of timber, 325 feet from river, on 30-inch cottonwood. Elev., 523.199. 407, Jones Point, Nebr. : Is on R. B., 600 feet below house and ferry landing at Jones Point, Nebr., just above wagon road where it enters the bluff, 230 feet from river, "at foot of bluff, on 14-inch ash'. Elev., 529.932. 408: Is on R. B., 1 miles above Jones Point, Nebr., at foot of narrow bottom, 60 feet from river, on side of bluff, on 10-inch black walnut. Elev., 530.377. P. B. M. 331: Is on L. B., 4,941 feet north of depot at McPaul, Iowa, 46 feet south of center of public road, 13 feet south of a fence corner, and 48 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 524.309; top of cap, 528.325. 409: Is on R. B., 3 miles above Jones Point, Nebr., 500 or 600 feet below A 326, near right bank of Raike's Branch, 90 feet from river, on 10-inch walnut. Elev., 533.406. B. M. -4.*: Is on R. B., about 5 miles above Jones Point, Nebr., about 200 feet south of the east-and-west section line through section 33, T. UN., R. 14 E., on south side of small creek, at lower side of small valley, H. W. Cory's house is up the valley about 500 feet, 60 feet from river at foot of bluff. Elev., 539.581; top of cap. 543.655. B. M. -4-^: IsonL.B., 45 feet east of northwest corner of N . E. i, section 17, T. 70 N., R. 43 W., on east side of north-and-south road, about 150 feet north of a house. Elev., 526.998; top of cap, 531.075. P. B. M. 332: Is on L. B., 6,522 feet south of depot at Bartlett, Fremont County, Iowa, 1,214 feet south of L. M. Gannon's house, 82 feet east of center of public road and 45 feet west of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 525.729; top of cap, 529.745. 410: Is on R. B., 1,100 feet below A 324, on right bank of Missouri Creek, 130 feet from river, on 26-inch elm. Elev., 535.311. 411: Is on R. B., 3 miles below Rock Bluff, Nebr., 600 feet above A 324, 170 feet from river, near right bank of creek, where river returns to bluff, on 2-foot elm. Elev., 532.190. P. B. M. 333: Is on L. B., in Mills County, Iowa, 6,486 feet north of the depot at Bartlett, Iowa, and 46 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track: being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 529.003; top of cap, 533.021. 412: Is on R. B., 1$ miles below Rock Bluff, Nebr., horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into face of rock at Calumet Point. Elev., 539.355. B. M. if 6 -, Rock Bluff, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Rock Bluff, Nebr., 15 feet east of northwest corner of Second and Main streets, in dooryard of R. Churchill. Elev., 555.745; top of cap, 559.816. B. M. H; Is on L. B., opposite Rock Bluff, Nebr., not far from the center of north- east I, N. E. i, section 30, T. 71 N., R. 43 W., on westside of road running along old river bank. Elev., 532.443; top of cap, no reading. P. B. M. 334=ii^: Is on L. B., about 2 miles south of Haynies Siding, Mills County, Iowa, on east side of public road, on land of Bruce Collier, about 984 feet south of 76 BENCH MARKS. Thomas Collier'!? house, and 1,099 feet west of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Rv. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 532.000; top of cap, 536.006. 413: Is on R. B., $ mile above Rock Bluff. Nebr., just beneath A 316, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into face of rock. Elev., 537.263. 414. Is on R. B., opposite lower point of Tobacco Island, approximately opposite A 314, 25 feet from water in chute, 20 feet below fence, on 40-inch cotton wood. Elev., 537.104. P. B. M. 335: Is on L. B., at Haynies Siding, 374 feet northwest of the south head block, 43 feet south of a fence corner of west right-of-way fence, and 45 feet west of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 535.162; top of cap, 539.175. 415: Is on R. B., opposite head of Tobacco Island, 1,400 feet below A 310, 60 feet below ravine, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into rock. Elev., 545.919. P. B. M. 3366=! I 1 , Plattsmouth, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at B. & M. Railroad bridge across the Missouri River at Plattsmouth, Nebr., 10 feet south and on line with first trestle bent west of west pier: being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 540.572; top of cap, 544.634. Gauge B. M., Plattsmouth, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at the B. & M. Railroad bridge across the Missouri River at Plattsmouth, Nebr., on top of stone foundation of north end of first iron bent west of the west pier; being the highest point of the stone between the grooves at northeast corner of cross ( + ). Elev., 545.026. P. B. M. 336A=4 1 : Is on L. B., about 1 miles east of the Railroad bridge at Platts- mouth, Nebr.., 40 feet south of northwest corner section 31, T. 72 N., R. 43 W., in dooryard of Mrs. Lizzie Smith, on south side of east-and-west road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 539.395; top of cap, 543.453. P. B. M. 336= H 7 : Is on L. B., about If miles southwest of Pacific Junction, Iowa, on land owned by Charles Kroon, 32 feet east and 51 feet south of the northwest corner of the N. E. I of the N. E. of section 32, T. 72 N., R. 43 W.; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 536.994; top of cap, 541.012. 416: Is on R. B., at B. & M. Railroad bridge at Plattsmouth, Nebr., northern point upper edge of coping of west pier. Elev., 552.506. 417=" 9 " of 1879: Is on R. B., at southeast corner of Main and Third streets, Platts- mouth, Nebr., on northeast corner of iron window sill, ground floor, west side of Main street entrance to three-story brick. Elev., 564.454. "10" of 1879: Is on R. B., at Plattsmouth, Nebr., top of bevel of water table at southwest corner of three-story brick on northeast corner of Main and Sixth streets. Elev., 577.251. 418: Is on R. B., 1 miles above Plattsmouth, Nebr., about 200 feet above lime kiln, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded in point of hard rock. Elev., 551.493. P. B. M. 337: Is on L. B., 4,455 feet north of railway crossing at Pacific Junction, Iowa, 1,151 feet south of the railway bridge over the old channel of Keg Creek, and 43 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 542.368; top of cap, 546.378. B. M. H ?: Is on R. B., about 3 miles measuring along bluff above Plattsmouth, Nebr., at foot of bluff, 2,610 feet S. 45 50' E. (Mag.) from northwest corner of section 1, T. 12 N., R. 13 E., at northwest corner of a house. Elev., 573.883; top of cap, 577.946. B. M. H-' Is on L. B., 1,010 feet south of northeast corner of section 12, T. 72 N., R. 44 W., on land owned by Alvin Lincoln, on west side of north-and-south road, 1 mile from river bank. Elev., 540.412; top of cap, 544.472. 419: Is on R. B., 3,600 feet above mouth of Platte River, on first rise of ground from bar, on 1-foot cottonwood. Elev., 544.670. 420: Is on R. B., in vicinity of A 298, 1,600 feet east by south of house of Joseph Childs, just east of wagon road, on 16-inch cottonwood. Elev., 545.183. P. B. M. 338: Is on L. B., about 2 miles south of Hentons depot, Mills County, Iowa, on section line between sections 5 and 8, T. 72 N., R. 43 W., 308 feet east of the quarter section corner, and 46 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track (land on the east belongs to J. Martin); being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 545.487; top of cap, 549.514. 421: Is on L. B., between AS 292 and 294, 1,000 feet below mouth of creek, 50 feet from river, on 1-foot cottonwood. Elev., 546.091. 422: Is on R. B., 300 feet from rise in bank below A 290, 200 feet from bank, on 2-foot elm. Elev., 551.800. BENCH MARKS. 77 P. B. M. 339: Is on L. B., at Hentons Station, Mills County, Iowa, in the north- east corner of James Meisner's dporyard, 3 feet from each fence and 259 feet northeast of the depot; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 549.718; top of cap, 553.727. P. B. M. 340: Is on L. B., 2\ miles north of depot at Hentons Station, Mills County, Iowa, 741 feet south of bridge No. 11 section 38, 427 feet west of Hans Schroeder's house, and 43 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 556.527; top of cap, 560.538. 423: Is on R. B., \ mile below Bellevue Station, Nebr., just east of railroad, on middle one of three large cottonwoods. Elev., 557.048. B. M. H-, Bellevue, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Bellevue, Nebr., 90 feet west of north end of railroad station. Elev., 559.909; top of cap, 563.983. B. M. -\-\ Is on L. B., \ mile east and 430 feet south of northwest corner of section 12, T. 73 N., R. 44 W., on the east side of old stage road, about 300 feet north of house of J. C. Cole. Elev., 548.847; top of cap, 552.909. B M. $*-: Is on L. B., 603 feet east of southwest corner of S.E. \ of S.E. , section 6, T. 73 N., R. 43 W., in dooryard of C. H. W. Busse. Elev., 556.442; top of cap, 560.518. 424: Is on R. B., mile above Bellevue Station, Nebr., just above A 278, 50 feet west of B. & M. Railroad track, where river leaves bluff, at base of bluff on 11-inch black walnut. Elev., 574.040. P. B. M. 341: Is on L. B., 1,148 feet south of depot at Island Park, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 164 feet south of a public road crossing, and 46 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph, and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 555.239; top of cap, 559.259. P. B. M. 342: Is on L. B., about 4 miles southeast of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs depot at Council Bluffs, Iowa, 615 feet south of railway bridge over Mosquito Creek, and 49 feet east of the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 557.993; top of cap, 562.003. 425: Is on R. B., 7 miles below Omaha, Nebr., at point at which river touches bluff, on 1-foot black walnut, reference tree of A 254. Elev., 569.064. B. M. J^p: Is on R. B., about 4 miles below Union Pacific Railroad bridge at Omaha, Nebr., \ mile north of line between Sarpy and Douglass Counties, 200 feet west of B. & M. Railroad, on south slope of narrow ravine. Elev., 590.884; top of cap, 594.948 426: Is on R. B., 4 miles below Omaha, Nebr., 200 feet west of B. & M. Railroad on south side of brook between bluffs, on 30-inch red elm. Elev., 569.469. P. B. M. 343: Is on L. B., at Council Bluffs, Iowa, in the stone door sill of the Chi- cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. roundhouse, 0.33 foot from east side of door frame and the same from front face of sill, and is 8 feet from the southwest corner of the building; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically in stone. Elev., 568.542. 427: Is on R. B., between AS 242 and 244, 300 feet northward from house of Aug. Muskat, 120 feet eastward from railroad, on 8-inch white elm. Elev., 568.707. P. B. M. 346=Gauge B. M. Omaha, Nebr: Is at Omaha, Nebr., 59 feet south of the south cylindrical pier next to the river, 137 feet southeast of the south cylindrical pier next to the approach abutment at the west end of the Union Pacific Railway bridge over the Missouri River, and 39 feet east of the east switch track of the Burlington and Missouri River Ry.; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 559.189; top of cap, 563.156. 428: Is on R. B., at the Union Pacific Ry. bridge at Omaha, Nebr., on collar (at joint) of north cylinder of west pier. Elev., 568.994. City B. M., Omaha, Nebr.: Is at Omaha, Nebr., at the southeast corner of post office building at Fifteenth and Dodge streets; being top of small projection on top surface of third course of stone above sidewalk. Elev., 628.514. P. B. M. 344: Is at Omaha, Nebr., on the upper surface of the water table of the post office building corner of Fifteenth and Dodge streets, and 5.71 feet east of the southwest corner of the building; being copper bolt leaded vertically in stone. Elev., 627.477. P. B. M. 345: Is in Omaha, Nebr., in top of pedestal block supporting the first iron post on north side and west of the cylindrical piers at the west end of the Omaha and Council Bluffs wagon bridge; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically in stone. Elev., 569.024. B. M. if 1 : Is in Omaha, Nebr., in northwest corner of Union Pacific office premises, 99 feet from office building, which is on corner of Ninth and Farnham streets. Elev., 603.363; top of cap, 607.429. T. B. M. 804: Is on L. B., near Omaha, Nebr., 3,976 feet east of the east portal of the Union Pacific Ry. bridge over the Missouri River, midway between the two tracks of the Union Pacific Ry.; being a cross cut on top of a stone post. Elev., 593.477. P. B. M. 347, Council Bluffs: Is in Council Bluffs Union Depot, in window sill of the second window west of the northeast corner of the depot, 0.39 foot from the east jamb 78 BENCH MAKKS. and 0.33 foot from the face of the sill; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically in stone. Elev., 574.114. P. B. M. 348 = ifi, Council Bluffs, la.: Is on L. B., at Council Bluffs, la., in the southwest corner of the court house yard, 3 feet from the west and 3 feet from the south fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev,, 577.885; top of cap, 581.904. 429= "6 " of 1879: Is on R. B., at south entrance Omaha Silver Ore Smelting Works, on southeast corner of stone doorstep, marked with a cross (+) cut into stone. Elev. ,565.568. B. M. if *: Is on R. B., in North Omaha, Nebr., 286 feet east of a railroad depot, in corner of yard of Mrs. Louisa Hillike, at corner of Sixteenth street and Garfield avenue. Elev., 570.237; top of cap, 574.302. P. B. M. 349= 1 P: Is on L. B., at Council Bluffs, Iowa, 197 feet from the upper end of the ways of the United States boatyard, 112 feet from the river bank and 3 feet north from the northwest corner of the boatyard storehouse; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 562.912; top of cap, 566.929. P. B. M. 350: Is on L. B., about 4 miles above Council Bluffs, Iowa, 62 feet south of the south end of bridge No. 1066, 404 feet north of mile post 4, and 28 feet east of the Chicago and Northwestern Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 583.173; top of cap, 587.179. P. B. M. 351: Is on L. B., about 6 miles north of Council Bluffs Union Depot, 630 feet north of the shore end of the upper Railroad dyke, 367 feet north of the south end of bridge No. 1043, and 16 feet west of the Chicago and Northwestern Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 574.306; top of cap, 578.321. B. M. 1 f 3 -: Is on R. B., at Florence, Nebr., on ground of the water works company, between the pump house and the river, 115 feet from the pump house. Elev., 590.886; top of cap, 594.961. B. M. if 3 : Is on L. B., about 3 miles east of Florence, Nebr., at intersection of north-and -south and east-and-west roads, in the northwest corner of C. E. Osborn's yard, in the S. W. J of the N. W. i, section 34, T. 76 N., R. 44 W., and near the north- west corner of same. Elev., 571.558; top of cap, 575.632. 430: Is on R. B., mile above Florence, Nebr., near R. B., Q 528, 120 feet from river at mouth of brook, on 8-inch willow. Elev., 570.506. 431: Is on R. B., \ mile below A 216, at park or picnic ground above Florence, Nebr., 60 feet from river, at mouth of rill, on 8-inch willow forking at ground. Elev., 574.306. 432: Is on R. B., between AS 214 and 216, 600 feet from river, on 17-inch willow leaning southward, west of high- water chute. Elev., 574.185. P. B. M. 352: Is on L. B., at Crescent, Iowa, 183 feet south of the depot, 15 feet east of the Chicago and Northwestern Ry. track, and is in a small park belonging to railway company; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 576.014; top of cap, 580.032. B. M. if^, Rockport, Nebr.: Is on R. B., near site of Old Rockport, Nebr., on small plateau, near edge of bluff, about { mile north of the line between Douglas and Wash- ington counties, Nebr., on land of Mr. Parker, on east side of road which winds up the hill on north side of narrow valley. Elev., 600.378; top of cap, 604.454. B. M. if: Is on L. B., 352 feet S. 79 55' E. (Mag.). from center of section 9, T. 76 N., R. 44 W., on land owned by Mr. Corby, on south side of road. Elev., 570.745; top of cap, 574.827. P. B. M. 353: Is on L. B., about If miles south of depot at Honey Creek, Potta- watamie County, la., 112 feet north of the north end of railway bridge No. 1007, 1,936 feet south of mile post 12, and 49 feet east of the Chicago and Northwestern Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 583.682; top of cap, 587.691. P. B. M. 354: Is on L. B., near Honey Creek depot, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, in the west end of the south bridge seat of the plate-girder bridge No. 998 over Honey Creek, and 4 feet west of the south end of west girder; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically. Elev., 592.402. P. B. M. 355: Is on L. B., about 2 miles north of Honey Creek depot, 2,730 feet south of mile post 16, and 46 feet east of the Chicago and Northwestern Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 588.242; top of cap, 592.261. 433: Is on R. B., about 2,000 feet above A 206, at outlet of Calhoun or Stillwater Lake, Nebr., about 3f miles east of Fort Calhoun, Nebr., 100 feet from high water bank of river, on 30-inch cottonwood, one of two growing together. Elev., 580.174. B. M. -4*, Fort Calhoun, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Old Ft. Calhoun, Nebr., 800 feet south of the site of the old fort, in corner of yard of A. M. Beals, 650 feet N. 1 W T . (Mag.) from post of section 12, T. 17N.,R. 12E. Elev., 652.335; top of cap, 656.423. P. B. M. 356, Loveland, Iowa: Is on L. B., at Loveland, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, on the southwest corner of the Chicago and Northwestern Ry. bridge No. 979 over Boyer Creek, 0.33 foot east of the bed plate under the inclined end post and 2.5 BENCH MARKS. 79 feet from the north edge of abutment; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically in stone. Elev., 587.731. 434: (Washed out.) P. B. M. 357: Is on L. B., about 1\ miles south of Missouri Valley, Iowa, 300 feet south of the south end of railway bridge No. 978, 90 feet south of mile post 20, and 46 feet east of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 582.614; top of cap, 586.625. B. M. if 6 De Soto, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at De Soto, Nebr., in angle of east-and-west and north-and -south roads, about 250 feet northeast from J. E. Market's house, in SE. i, section 28, T. 18 N., R. 12 E., 890 feet west of east line and 1,300 feet north of south line of section. Elev., 604.419; top of cap, 608.491. B. M. ip: Is on L. B., opposite De Soto, Nebr., about l\ miles east from the river, in southwest corner of section 25, T. 78 N., R. 45 W., about 200 feet from H.'B. Hen- drick's house and on opposite side of road. Elev., 586.095; top of cap, 590.159. 435: Is on R. B., 300 feet below prairie below A 198, in brush and cottonwoods, mile from river, 60 feet from high-water bank, on 1-foot cottonwood. Elev., 583.373. P. B. M. 358, Missouri Valley, Iowa: Is in Missouri Valley, Iowa, at the northwest corner of Second and Erie streets; being center of copper bolt leaded horizontally into the southeast corner of Kreder's billiard hall, 1\ inches from east face of building and 1.23 feet above the sidewalk. Elev., 594.075. P. B. M. 359: Is on L. B., about 3 miles west of Missouri Valley, Iowa, 335 feet east of the east end of railway bridge No. 4, 886 feet west of mile post 3, and 47 feet north of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 589.268; top of cap, 593.286. 436: Is on R. B., just below A 196, 120 feet from high water bank, on bench descend- ing southward, on 8-inch cottonwood. Elev., 588.906. 437: (Washed out.) B. M. J^p, Blair, Nebr.: Is on R. B., in town of Blair, Nebr., .in southeast corner of dooryard of H. L. Fisher, at corner of Seventh and Washington streets. Elev., 665.082; top of cap, 669.145. Gauge B. M., Blair, Nebr.: Is on west pier of railroad bridge across Missouri River near Blair, Nebr., on south side of pier in third course of masonry below lower coping stone; being upper surface of projection, 0.5 foot below top of stone and 2.3 feet north- east from south corner of pier. Elev., 594.663. P. B. M. 360C= 1 | i : Is on west pier of railroad bridge across the Missouri River near Blair, Nebr.; being highest point in square (D) cut into top of coping of north end of pier with the letters U. S. Elev., 637.512. P. B. M. 360B: Is on west pier of railroad bridge across the Missouri River near Blair, Nebr. ; being highest part in circle cut on west coping stone of south end of pier, marked with the letters B. M. just north of bench. Elev., 637.526. P. B. M. 360A: Is on L. B., about 2 miles west of California Junction, Iowa, 272 feet northeast from Fremont Zimmermann's house, about 320 feet east from west line of section 17, 39 feet south from track center of the Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad and 5 feet north of south right-of-way fence; being across (+) cut into regulation stone, \ inch east of hole in center and next to the letters U. S. Elev., 592.889; top of cap, 596.972. P. B. M. 360=ip, California Junction, Iowa: Is on L. B., 758 feet east of the depot at California Junction, Iowa, in the northwest corner of A. W. Smith's orchard, 3 feet from each fence and 56 feet south of Sioux City and Pacific Ry.; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 590.117; top of cap, 594.123. 438: Is on R. B., about mile above old Transfer Landing, at Blair, Nebr., 120 feet toward river from Sioux City and Pacific Ry., on 16-inch willow. Elev., 593.755. Gauge B. M. : Is on R. B., about \ mile above old Transfer Landing at Blair, Nebr., 50 feet toward railroad from bench 438, on 20-inch willow. Elev., 594.047. P. B. M. 361 : Is on L. B., about If miles north of depot at California Junction, Iowa, 70 feet south of a public road crossing, and 44 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 592.938; top of cap, 596.951. P. B. M. 362: Is on L. B. J of a mile south of Modale, Iowa, 195 feet north of railway bridge No. 10, and 46 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 596.399; top of cap, 600.391. P. B. M. 363: Is on L. B., about 1 mile north of Modale, Iowa, 2,320 feet north of mile post 11, 60 feet south of highway crossing and 46 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 597.784; top of cap, 601.794. B. M. -if*-: Is on R. B., about 5 miles north of Blair, Nebr., on S. E. \, section 14, T. 19 N., R. 11 E., 1,300 feet north of the southwest corner of the quarter. It is on base 80 BENCH MARKS. line measured at that place for the secondary triangulation, Missouri River survey. Is 8,790 feet west of East Base station, on land owned by W. Tyson. Elev., 596.142; top of cap, 600.218. B. M. if 8 -: Is on R. B., 1 mile east of B. M. ^f&, on Blair Base line, 3,417 feet west of East Base station, on east side of north-and-south road, I mile north of south quarter post of section 13, T. 19 N., R. 11 E., | mile south of W. Tyson's house. Elev., 601.082; top of cap, 605.160. B. M. if 1 : Is on L. B., about If miles from river, between Soldier River and Horse Shoe Lake, on north side of east-and-west road, 150 feet west of one-quarter post between sections 22 and 27, T. 79 N., R. 45 W. Elev., 599.500; top of cap, 603.579. 439: Is on R. B., 700 feet above Saw mill at Sandy Point ferry, Nebr., at edge of road on bench, on 7-inch ash. Elev.. 603.524. 440: Is on R. B., about \ mile above Sandy Point ferry and saw mill, 200 feet from river, on bench, on 8-inch forked ash. Elev., 602.788. 441: Is on R. B., between AS 166 and 168, on bank of high water chute between sand bar and willow bar, on cotton wood log. Elev., 600.098. 442: Is on R. B., about 2,000 feet below A 162, 600 feet from river, on 6-inch cotton- wood on sand knoll. Elev., 607.620. B. M. if 1 : Is on R. B., on county line between Burt and Washington counties, Nebr., 1 foot from stone marking corner of sections 22, 23, 26 and 27, T. 20 N., R. 11 E. Elev., 601.933; top of cap, 605.991. B. M. if 1 : Is on R. B., on county line between Burt and Washington counties, Nebr. r 4,345 feet^due east from B. M. if 1 , at end of private lane and top of old river bank. Elev., 604.121; top of cap, 608.181. B. M. if 1 : Is on L. B., 2 miles from river at point opposite B. M. 1 | iL , on west side of section line road between sections 3 and 4, T. 75 N., R. 45 W., 1,208 feet south of northeast corner of section 4, on land owned by John Harrington. Elev., 601.349; top of cap, 605.422. P. B. M. 364: Is on L. B., 2 miles south of Mondamin, Iowa, 7 feet west of the west right-of-way fence, and 54 feet west of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 601.471; top of cap, 605.487. 443: Is on R. B., reference tree of A 158, at beginning of high prairie below willow flat and lake, on 30-inch cottonwood. Elev., 611.768. 444: Is on R. B., about 500 feet below R. B. Q 360, \ mile above point of small timber, 300 feet from river, at recess in bank, 100 feet from bank, on 1-foot willow, alone in prairie. Elev., 607.985. P. B. M. 365, Mondamin, Iowa: Is on L. B., in Mondamin, Iowa, 246 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being center of copper bolt leaded horizontally in center of sand stone block in southwest corner of brick buildings occupied by D. Ganet and Co., and 0.71 foot from the west wall of building. Elev., 612.723. P. B. M. 366: Is on L. B., 2,238 feet north of Mondamin depot, 889 feet south of public road crossing, 33 feet south of mile post 17, and 46 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 609.683; top of cap, 613.686. 445: (Washed out.) B. M. if^: Is on R. B., 4 miles north of south line of Burt county, Nebr., about 2 miles from river, on south line of section 31, T. 21 N., R. 12 E., 1,210 feet east of south- west corner of section 31, by the side of winding road on edge of old lake or river bed. Elev., 612.619; top of cap, 616.679. P. B. M. 367=if-: Is on L. B., about 2 miles north of Mondamin depot, Iowa, 246 feet north of public road crossing, 299 feet north of dwelling of Joseph Krummel, and 105 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track, and is in corner of field: being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 608.194; top of cap, 612.188. 446: (Washed out.) 447: (Washed out.) P. B. M. 368: Is on L. B., about 2 miles south of depot at River Sioux, Harrison county, Iowa, 3,553 feet north of mile post 20, and 51 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 613.549; top of cap, 617.553. 448: (Destroyed.) B. M. if 1 : Is on R. B., \ mile south of the town of Newton, Nebr., opposite River Sioux, Iowa, in the southwest corner of the N. W. i, section 12, T. 21 N., R. 11 E., on premises of W. B. Newton. Elev., 617.977; top of cap, 622.039. B. M. i|i: Is on R. B., 1 mile east and mile south of Newton, Burt County, Iowa, on S. E. i, section 12, T. 21 N., R. 11 E., 690 feet south of the northeast corner of section, on premises of M. Shafer, on west side of road. Elev., 618.653; top of cap, 622.715. P. B. M. 369=i|i; Is on L. B., 1,260 feet south of River Sioux depot, 541 feet south of mile post 23, and 45 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 619.690; top of cap. 623.687. BENCH MARKS. 81 449: (Destroyed.) P. B. M. 370: Is on L. B., about 2| miles north of depot at River Sioux. Iowa, 1,634 feet north of mile post 25, and 47 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 616.635; top of cap, 620.641.- 450: (Washed out.) 451: (Washed out.) B. M. if*: Is on R. B., 10 miles below Decatur, Xebr., near foot of bluff, 30 feet east of southwest corner of section 19, T. 22 N., R. 11 E., on premises of Bent Gilbert. Elev., 625.472; top of cap, no reading. B. M. if 1 : Is on R. B., 4 miles east of B. M. -if^, mile from river, on east side of. north-and-south section line road, between sections 22 and 23, T. 22 N., R. 11 E., mile north of southwest corner of section 23, on premises of Peter Mar. Elev., 620.102; top of cap, 624.179. B. M. if-*: Is on L. B., 2,800 feet from river bank, in northeast section 6, T. 81 N,, R. 45 W.. 715 feet southwest of the northeast corner of section, on west side of road, opposite barn of M. Marley. Elev., 619.086; top of cap, 623.160. P. B. M. 371: Is on L. B., about 4 miles south of Blencoe, Monona County, Iowa, 165 feet south and 92 feet east of P. B. M. 372, 1,345 feet south of mile post 28, and 46 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone Elev., 618.857; top of cap, 622.863. P. B. M. 372= Top of cap -f-: Is on L. B., about 4 miles south of Blencoe, Iowa, 1,148 feet south of mile post 28, and 46 feet west of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being top of cap. Elev., 619.655; copper bolt (not precise), 615.595. 452: Is on R. B., 1,500 feet below A 128, 300 feet south from house of George Hall, 200 feet from river, near beginning of timber, on 22-inch cottonwood Elev., 626.299. P. B. M. 373: Is on L. B., about If miles south of Blencoe, Iowa, 1,483 feet north of mile post 30. 1.305 feet south of railway bridge No. 25, and 46 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 621.867; top of cap, 625.870. B. M. if 8 : Is on R. B., on side of bluff 5 miles south of Decatur, Nebr., 210 feet west of road running along foot hills, 40 feet east of northwest corner of section 31, T. 23 N., R. 11 E., on land of Stanton heirs, \ mile north of Golden Spring post office. Elev., 690.591; top of cap, 694.673. B. M. if*: Is on R. B., about 3 miles east of B. M. if 8 -, in dooryard of C. A. Sprague, \ mile east of northwest corner of section 34, T. 23 N., R. 11 E. Elev., 627.474; top of cap, 631.544. B. M. iff 8 -: Is on L. B., 1$ miles from river bank, in southeast angle formed by cross- roads, at northwest corner of N. E. \ of S. E. \, section 7, T. 82 N., R. 45 W., on land owned by Thorley heirs. Elev., 625.919; top of cap, 629.985. P. B. M. 374= ip, Blencoe, Iowa: Is on L. B., 623 feet north of depot at Blencoe, Iowa, and 525 feet west of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track, 25 feet north and 58 feet east of the northeast corner of Isaac Fleener's house; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 624.971; top of cap, 628.963. 453: Is on R. B., 1,150 feet below A 124, 50 feet from house of Levi Cornell, at upper end of willow flat, 130 feet from river, on 10-inch cottonwood. Elev., 631.491. 454: Is on R. B., near R. B. 286, between As 122 and 124, at point of heavy timber, 250 feet from river, on 2-foot cottonwood. Elev., 631.482. P. B. M. 375: Is on L. B., about 4 miles south of depot at Onawa, Iowa, 44 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track, on line with south side of E. S. Cody's farm house, and 259 feet east of same; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 630.020, top of cap, 634.043. T. B. M. 905: Is on L. B., about 3| miles north of Blencoe, Iowa, 3,511 feet north of mile post 35, 49 feet west of track and opposite farmhouse; being nail in root of a 6-inch box-elder. Elev., 633.830. P. B. M. 376: Is on L. B., about 2f miles south of Onawa, Iowa, 1,585 feet south of mile-post 37, 1,056 feet south of east-and-west road crossing, and 45 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 632.271; top of cap, 636.292. 455: Is on R. B., \ mile below A 118, \\ miles below end of prairie, 290 feet from river, on 18-inch cottonwood. Elev., 634.952. B. M. if 1 : Is on R. B. , about 3 miles south of Decatur, Nebr. , 25 feet south of section line between sections 13 and 24, T. 23 N., R. 10 E., and 1485 feet west of northwest corner of section 24, on west side of road at foot of bluff, on land owned by J. B. Walker. Elev., 681.843; top of cap, 685.901. B. M. if*: Is on L. B. , nearly east of Decatur, Nebr. , 2 miles southwest from the river, 498 feet north of the south \ post of section 7, T. 83 N., R. 45 W., on east side of road-, in garden of Wm. Rice. Elev., 632.647; top of cap, 636.709. 2537012 6 82 BENCH MAEKS. P. B. M. 37S= i p, Onawa, Iowa: Is on L. B., in Onawa, Iowa, in the northwest corner of German Lutheran churchyard, corner of Granite and Maple streets, 3 feet from the alley fence and 3 feet from the southwest corner of a stable; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 635.431; top of cap, 639.497. P. B. M. 377 Onawa, la. : Is at Onawa, Iowa, at the Iowa aye. entrance of the court- house, 1.2 feet from the face of sill, and 0.43 foot from the west jamb ; being top of copper bolt leaded vertically in west end of stone doorsill. Elev., 640.205. T. B. M. 911: Is on L. B. 1,047 feet north of depot at Onawa, Iowa, and 43 feet west of track; being spike in root of a 20-inch cottonwood. Elev., 637.241. 456: Is 011 R. B., just below Decatur, Nebr., 100 feet north of Elm Creek. 150 feet from river, on 3-foot cottonwood Elev., 640.865. B. M. -f^ Decatur, Nebr.: Is on R. B., in Decatur, Nebr., in corner of W. S. Page's lot, on west side of Broadway, 62 feet south of Sixth street. Elev., 650.715; top of cap, 654.781. B. M. if^: Is on L. B., opposite Decatur, Nebr., mile west of the southeast corner of the N.E. i, section 4, T. 83 N., R. 46 W., on north side of road along south side of quarter section. Elev., 639.355; top of cap, 643.425. B. M. ijp-: Is on L. B., about 2 miles east from B. M. if- 5 -, 760 feet west of corner to sections 25, 26, 35 and 36. T. 84 N., R. 46 W., on premises of Oscar Tuttle. on south side of road. Elev., 636.771; top of cap, 640.825. P. B. M. 379: Is on L. B. about 2^ miles north of depot at Onawa, Iowa, 810 feet north of mile post 41,180 feet north of the north end of railway bridge No. 40, and 44 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 636.027; top of cap, 640.026. Gauge B. M., Decatur, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Decatur, Nebr., 120 feet west from bench 466, on 6-inch willow. Elev., 638.310. 457="5" of 1879: Is on R. B., at Decatur, Nebr., on 22-inch cottonwood, the most southern one of a row on west side of Broadway, 50 feet north of Eighth street. Elev., 655.117. 458: Is on R. B., midway between AS 106 and 108, 600 feet below rocky point sheer to water, 1,500 feet below upper end of rock exposure above Decatur, Nebr., horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into face of sand stone. Elev. , 634.006. 459: Is on R. B., at upper end of exposed rock above Decatur, Nebr., horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into face of sand stone bluff. Elev. , 641.299. P. B. M. 380: Is on L. B., 2f miles south of depot at Whiting, Iowa, 958 feet south of mile post 44, 46 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track, 3 feet from east right- of-way fence, and 6 feet south of south fence of road crossing ; being copper bolt in B . M. stone. Elev., 638.972; top of cap, 642.996. 460: Is on R. B., 900 feet west from river, at head of bar and near A 100, 130 feet north from bench behind willow bar, on root of 14-inch twin elm. Elev., 646.885. 461 : Is on R. B. , halfway between Maple Landing and head of cut-off above Decatur, Nebr., about 700 feet above A 98, on bench behind willow bar, on 8-inch cottonwood. Elev., 644.166. B. M. if- 1 : Is on R. B., about 6 miles north of Decatur, Nebr., at foot of Blackbird Hill, 15 feet up from where the wagon road down the hill turns down the river, about 100 feet south of a small spring brook. Elev., 655.558; top of cap, 659.624. B. M. il- 1 : Is on L. B., opposite Blackbird Hill, 990 feet north of the southwest corner of section 7, T. 84 N., R. 46 W., on east side of section line road, 490 feet south of G. H. Brook's house. Elev., 649.534; top of cap, 653.598. B. M. if^: Is on L. B., 476 feet north of the southeast corner of section 4, T. 84 N., H. 46 W., on land owned by M. Crawford, on west side of section line road. Elev., 646.046; top of cap, 650.112. P. B. M. 381, Whiting, Iowa: Is on L. B., 1,050 feet south of depot at Whiting, Iowa, 06 feet south of south head block at Whiting ,and 46 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 644.853; top of cap, 648.924. 462: (Washed out.) P. B. M. 382: Is on L. B., about 2 miles north of depot at Whiting, Iowa, 282 feet south of mile post 49, 46 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track, and opposite Daley's dwelling; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 648.250; top of cap, 652.265. "4" of 1879: Is on R. B., at Omaha Mission, Nebr., 125 feet from river, on a 3-foot white elm the most northerly one of a group at old saw mill site. Elev., 658.878. B. M. if 8 -, Omaha Mission, Nebr.: Is on R. B., at Omaha Mission, Nebr., near foot of bluff, on a small spur about 8 feet higher than the bottom land, 50 feet from road along foot of bluff, about 400 feet northeast of the Mission house. Elev., 663.295; top of cap no reading. BENCH MARKS. 83 B. M. ^: la on L. B., opposite Omaha Mission, Nebr., on east side of section line road, 1,068 feet north of west quarter section post of section 22, T. 85 N., R. 47 W., in dooryard of George Nelson, 2 miles from B. M. -4*. Elev., 654.772; top of cap, 658.843. P. B. M. 383= 1 p: Is on L. B., about 3 miles south of depot at Sloan, Iowa, 1345 feet south of mile poet 52 and 47 feet west of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 650.644; top of cap, 654.706. 463: is on R. B., 250 feet below A 76, horizontal furrow in head of copper bolt leaded into stratum of amygdaloid in sandstone bluff. This is the second exposed rock above Omaha Mission, Nebr. Elev., 655.091. P. B. M. 384: Is on L. B., 1,335 feet south of depot at Sloan, Iowa, 47 feet west of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track and 3 feet south of south side of an east-and-west public road; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 655.901; top of cap, 659.904. P. B. M. 385, Sloan, Iowa: Is on L. B., at Sloan, Iowa, on the corner of Fourth and Evans streets; being a cross cut on the corner of stone doorsill of the State Bank. Elev., 664.449. B. M. *-p: Is on R. B., near the south line of the Winnebago Reservation, Nebr., where it comes to the river, 35 feet back from the edge of the bluff, 360 feet north of a spring brook, benchmark is about 50 feet higher than the bottom land. Elev., 709.828; top of cap, 713.877. B. M. -i-| 9 : Is on L. B., 1670 feet south of the X. E. corner of section 26, T. 86 N., R. 47 W., on Vest side of north-and-south road. Elev., 659.130; top of cap, 663.200. P. B. M. 386: Is on L. B., 5256 feet north of depot at Sloan, Iowa, 879 feet south of mile post 56, and 49 feet west of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 657.457; top of cap, 661.460. P. B. M. 387 : Is on L. B., about 2 miles south of Salix depot, Iowa, 240 feet south of a farm crossing and 46 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 659.664; top of cap, 663.689. 464: Is on R. B., 4,700 feet above A 48, 300 feet below bench, 160 feet from river, on 22-inch elm. . Elev., 671.535. B. M. if a : Is on R. B., about 1 mile from river, mile north of south line of Dakota County, Nebr., at foot of bluff, in dooryard of Daniel Don, near the northeast corner of S. W. \ of section 27, T. 27 N., R. 11 E. Elev., 666.969; top of cap, 671.038. B. M. if^: Is on L. B., about l\ miles west of Salix, Iowa, on west side of north-and- south section line road, about 2000 feet north of southeast corner of section 33, T. 87 N., R. 47 W., 1100 feet north of A. T. Bigelow's house Elev., 666.067; top of cap, 670.125. P. B. M. 388: Is on L. B., 1,270 feet south of Salix depot, Iowa, 144 feet north of .south head block at Salix, Iowa, and 46 feet east of Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. This benchmark was formerly B. M. -*-&. It had been established in a low swampy place and also had been disturbed . It was taken up and re-established as described above. Elev., 666.567; top of cap, 670.569. B.M. J-": (See P. B. M. 388.) T. B. M. 946: Is on L. B., 1J miles north of depot at Salix, Iowa, 98 feet south of mile post 62, 60 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being spike in root of a 30-inch cottonwood. Elev., 669.805. P. B. M. 389: Is on L. B., about 2f miles north of Salix depot, 623 feet north of a road crossing, 361 feet north of C. W. Wheeler's house, 47 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track, on the south side of the old river bed; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. ' Elev., 673.414; top of cap, 677.421. 465: Is on R. B., on left bank of Omadi Creek, Nebr., 300 feet from its mouth, on 3-foot cottonwood. Elev., 675.500. B. M. if 1 , Omadi Creek: Is on R. B., \ mile north of Omadi Creek, on township line between T. 27 and 28 N., in Nebraska, \ mile west of southeast corner of section 31, T. 28 N., R. 11 E., in corner of yard of George Wilkinson. Elev., 679.086; top of cap, 683.148. B. M. J4 1 -: Is on L. B., at east side of section line road, 680 feet north of southwest corner of section 12, T. 87 N., R. 48 W., on premises of E. R. Allen, 3 miles east of B. M. if 1 . Elev., 675.662; top of cap, 679.756. P. B. M. 390: Is on L. B., about 2f miles south of depot at Sargents Bluff, Iowa, 1,900 feet south of mile post 66, 656 feet north of a road crossing, 1,352 feet north of Louis God- ferson's house and 46 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 673.125; top of cap, 677.140. B. M. if*: Is on R. B., about 2* miles west of Dakota City, Nebr., at east side of north-and-south road, 540 feet south of house of E. Bodendenders, in S. W. ^, section 6, T. 28 N., R. 11 E. Elev., 684.202; top of cap, 688.301. B. M. 1 1 1 =B. M. 4 1 , Dakota City, Nebr. : Is on R. B., in Dakota City, Nebr., in north- east corner of county court house yard. Elev., 681.290; top of cap, 685.361. 84 BENCH MARKS. P. B. M. 391= 1 -P: Is on L. B., in Sargents Bluff, Iowa, in lot 1, block 2, 10 feel from the southwest corner of E. T. Berry's house, 52 feet from the northwest corner of Tenth and Walnut streets; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 678.152; top of cap, 682.142. P. B. M. 392: Is on L. B., about 3 miles north of Sargents Bluff, Iowa, 47 feet oast of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track, 1,476 feet south of a road Crossing, and about 2 feet west of east right-of-way fence: being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 680.929; top of cap, 68 1 .9 It. T. B. M. 961: Is on L. B., 1| miles below the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Ry. bridge at Sioux City, Iowa, about 656 feet south of railway bridge No. 56, 558 feet from a farm house, in woods 60 feet west of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being a spike in root of a 15-inch elm tree. Elev., 689.982. P. B. M. 393: Is on L. B., in Sioux City, la., 558 feet south of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Ry. bridge at Sioux City, Iowa, 148 feet north of railway bridge No. 60, 20 feet east of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being copper boil- in B. M. stone. Elev., 685.933; top of cap, 689.958. P. B. M. 394: Is on L. B., at Sioux City, Iowa, in the northwest comer of the east pier of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Ry. bridge, 2 feet above ground ; being center of copper bolt leaded horizontally into the seventeenth course of masonry below the coping stone. Elev., 693.570. P. B. M. 395=Gauge B. M.: Is on L. B., at Sioux City, Iowa, 103 feet west of the west side of the eastern or shore pier of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Ry. bridge, and almost vertically under the north truss of the east span, 69 feet west of the Sioux City and Pacific Ry. track; being top of cap. Elev., 682.015; copper bolt (not precise), 677.91)0. B. M. J-f^, South Sioux City, Nebr.: Is on R. B., in dooryard of N. H. Emery, in northeast corner of lot 2, block 27, in Moon's addition. Elev., 686.607; top of cap, 690.665. P. B. M. 396= 1 ! 3 -: Is in Sioux City, Iowa, in the southwest corner of courthouse yard 72 feet from the southwest corner of the court house and 135 feet from the southeast corner of same; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 694.113; top of cap, 698.132. T. B. M. 966: Is in Sioux City, Iowa, about 39 feet north of the northeast corner of Fifth and Pierce streets; being top of ring bolt set vertically in sidewalk stone. Elev., 696.417. 466=" 1 " of 1879: Is on R. B., at Covington, Nebr., on east side of Hamilton street, half way between Second and Third streets, on 30-inch red-elm. Elev., 686.227. "1" of Sioux City Construction Party: Is on L. B., at Sioux City, Iowa, just below U. S. Gauge, on 3-foot cottonwood. Elev., 689. 150. "A" Precise Bench: Is at Sioux City, la., center of outside edge of sill of false win- dow of basement, west side near southwest corner of court house. Elev., 699.076. 466 "A" a=Gauge B. M.: Is at Sioux City, Iowa, southeast corner of Sanborn and Folletts' brick building at southwest corner of Third and Water streets, under side of marked brick in water table. Elev., 694.019. 467: Is on R. B., at Sioux City, Iowa, about 500 feet from river, 400 feet back from 466 on Hamilton street, Covington, Nebr., on 30-inch elm. Elev., 685.033. T. B. M. 970: Is on L. B., 108 feet west of P. B. M. 397, and 39 feet west of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. track; being railroad spike in root of a 12-inch ash tree. Elev., 690.435. P. B. M. 397: Is on L. B., 3 miles above Sioux City, Iowa, and about mile north of the Electric Ry. power house at Riverside Park, 121 feet north of north head block, at foot of bluff, and 52 feet east of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. track; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 688.258; top of cap, 692.269 T. B. M. 971: Is on L. B.. 3 miles above Sioux City, Iowa, 174 feet north of north head block at siding, 69 feet west of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. track and 10 feet east of the Electric Ry. track; being spike in root of a 15-inch post oak tree. Elev., 691.169. P. B. M. 398: Is on L. B., about 6 miles above Sioux City. Iowa, 515 feet south of the south end of the railway bridge over Big Sioux River and 3 feet east of the west right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 690.796; top of cap, 694.805. T. B. M. 973: Is on L. B., about 246 feet south of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. bridge over Big Sioux River and 30 feet east of track; being railroad spike in root of a 12-inch maple. Elev., 695.851 . P. B. M. 399: Is on L. B., about 6 miles above Sioux City, Iowa, on land of Mrs. Rose Pacquette, 50 feet west of Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. track, 190 feet south of the south end of railway bridge over the Big Sioux River and about 5 feet west of the right-of-way fence; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 686.287; top of cap, 690.292. BENCH MARKS. 85 M. R. C. if 1 : In southwest corner of court-house yard, Sioux City, Iowa. Elev., 694.113. B. M. *.{p : Left bank, about 400 feet south from depot at McCook, 130 feet back of schoolhouse. Elev., 692.947. R. M. -f^: Right bank, opposite upper end of cut-off forming McCook Lake, where river turns east, about 1 mile from river, in southeast corner of school yard, on west side of road straight out from river. David Clark lives about 1,200 feet south of B. M. Elev., 693.889. B. M. ^p: Left bank, about 4 miles south of Jefferson, on north side of road, opposite house of A. P. Keendy. John Gibson owns land. Section line is 75 feet south of B. M. about one-quarter mile from river, at end of big willow bar in bend. Elev., 695.737. B. M. - 3 -! 1 : Northwest corner school yard at Jefferson. Blacksmith shop across street. . Elev., 697.127. B. M. A| : Left bank, about 2| miles below B. M. ^, on north side of road, 200 feet west of bridge across slough, 400 feet from river. Yellow house and grove three- quarter mile above B. M. Elev., 696.873. B. M. -'-^-2-: Left bank, 6 miles by river, 2 miles across from B. M. ^p, near fence corner, 30 feet west of road along river bank. House 800 feet above B. M. Elev., 696.407. B. M. ^f 6 : Three miles due north of B. M. *jp, about 3 miles west of Jefferson, 50 feet northwest from schoolhouse at crossroads. Elev., 704.851. B. M. -f 5 -: Left bank, opposite B. M. -f 2 -, 1 mile from river, on west side of river. W. R. McKinsey lives on opposite side of road. Elev., 698.194. B. M. ^p: Right bank, 3^ miles below Ponca landing, in creek valley, 1,200 feet from river where it strikes the bluffs. George Barben lives near B. M. Elev. , 719.232. B. M. A | A : Left bank, one-half mile north from Ponca Ferry, 1,000 feet east of main road to Eljk Point, and on the Stough farm, 200 feet south of the farm buildings, Clarence CHceny, tenant. Elev., 708.097. B. M. ^p : Right bank, at foot of bluffs, about one-half mile below Ponca Landing. Ts in farm yard of John Austin, about 300 feet southwest from his dwelling house, and 250 feet south of road between Ponca and Ponca Landing. Elev., 705.867. B. M. ^|^: Left bank, about 4 and one-half miles south of Elk Point, on road to Ponca Ferry, in southwest corner of Pleasant Grove district No. 20, schoolyard. A. S. Bland lives opposite B. M. Elev., 707.665. B. M. *p : Southeast comer of court-house yard at Elk Point, S. I). Elev., 710.925. B. M. -|-: Left bank, about one and one-quarter miles west from Elk Point. 200 feet north from house of D. W. Carter, about 2 miles from river. Elev., 701.703. B. M. 5 p: About one-fourth mile back of B. M. ^p. Frame house 150 feet north- west of B. M. Elev., 716.032. B. M. ^p: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ^l 1 , about one-fourth mile from river, in edge of cornfield south side of road, 180 feet southeast of house of Gude Ujorlasis (pronounced De Jella). Elev., 716.697. B. M. -| J -: Left bank, three-fourth mile north from house of James McGonnagle, and about one-half mile northeast of J. W. Hammond's white house and grove. Don- nelly school, district No. 12, is about one-half mile south-east, in N. E. one-quarter section 7, T. 91, R. 50, on flat bottom; no fence near B. M. Elev., 716.091. B. M. -S-jp: About one-third mile back of B. M. ^!p, just west of main road north from Burbank, on southwest corner of first grove along road. Elev., 719.939. B. M. -a|-a : Left bank, 25 feet west of schoolhouse at Burbank, about 1,000 feet north of railway. Elev., 721.536. B. M. -a^: Left bank, 3 miles below B. M. *$*-, 1,600 feet from river, just back of limber. House 800 ft. southwest; wagon road from B. M. straight north to railway; schoolhouse one mile north of B. M. Elev., 724.268. B. M. ^-f- 8 -: Left bank, about one-half mile from river, just below mouth of old cut-off slough, a white house 1,800 feet south and another 800 ft. southwest, in pasture land. Elev., 724.794. B. 1C. *f*: Left bank, in northwest corner court-house yard at Vermilion, S. D. Elev., 810.759. B. M. -afi : Right bank, in Line Creek Valley, 30 feet northwest from schoolhouse, about one and one-quarter miles below ferry at Mulberry Point, about 1,600 feet from river. Elev., 740.825. B. M. ^|P: Left bank, 3 miles above Vermilion, 300 ft. east of house of Ole Temple, 1 ,300 feet north of main road from Vermilion. Elev , 734 015 B. M. *-$*: Right bank, in bottom 3 miles below B. M. -if*, 3,200 feet below end of timber, 2,300 feet from river, near fence around farm yard of F. W Reifenmath Elev., 738.952. 86 BENCH MARKS. B. M. -f-^: One-fourth mile back of B. M. -;p, i n pasture east of road, opposite house of Chris Larson, 1000 feet south of main road to Vermilion. Elev., 740.115. B. M. jt t : Left bank, about seven and one-half miles above Vermilion, about one- fourth mile from river, above beginning of timber, about 400 feet back of sawmill, 20 feet east of road to river, one mile above high sand hills on river bank. Elev., 737.246. B. M. A f J : Right bank, 2 miles below St. James Landing, in timber bottom, 150 feet northeast from log house of Theodore Witthouse, near road to river, about 1,000 feet from river. Elev., 737.433. B. M. ^f 1 : Left bank, about 1,500 feet from river, opposite foot of St. Helena Island, just east of county line, Clay and Yankton counties, three-fourth mile south of brick nouse of Peter Smith and one-half mile southeast of white frame house of H. Smith. Elev., 744.856. B. M. ***: 1,000 feet back of B. M. ap, 15 f ee t north of road to St. Helena Ferry, about 400 feet east of small board shack, one-half mile west of frame house of Markeen Nelson, two and three-quarters miles due west of large brick house of Peter Smith. Elev., 748.327. B. M. f-*: Left bank, opposite a point one-half mile below head of St. Helena Island, on "flat bottom, about 1,000 feet from river. House and grove about 700 feet southeast. Elev., 746.976. B. M. -^f 1 : Right bank, about a mile above St. Helena, Nebr., near fence below creek on slope, into creek valley, down which a wagon road leads across bridge over creek. Elev., 837.366. B. M. --f--: One-fourth mil due north of B. M. -^-, near fence corner. Elev., 748.769. B. M. -4* : Left bank, 350 feet below mouth of James River, about 1,000 feet from river. House and grove of Mr. Walker is one-half mile north. William Esmay lives one-half mile east of B. M. B. M. is on land of Dougherty. Main road to Yankton is 600 feet north of B . M . E lev . , 748 . 784 B. M. f^: Right bank, at Campbell's Point, on slope of grassy knoll. Elev., 811.233. B. M. -Mp-: About 1,000 feet back of B. M. *$*, just south of fence around cornfield. Mr. Frazier's house is 800 feet back of B. M. " Elev., 758.448. B. M. -f- 8 -: Left bank, about 3 miles below Yankton, 8 ft. south of main road from Yankton to the lower bridge across James River, at a point about one-half mile west of where road leaves old grade, in first clear strip of bottom below Yankton. Elev., 756.989. B. M. ^f- 1 : Left bank, in southwest corner court-house yard, Fifth St. and Douglass Ave., Yankton, S. D. Elev., 784.581 . B. M. f&: About one-half mile back of B. M. ^f^, 4 feet south of east and west fence, 500 feet west of east corner of fence. Cement'works at foot of bluffs one-fourth mile back of B. M. Elev., 774.749. B. M. -&*: Left bank, about four and one-half miles above Yankton. Yankton Cement Works are about three-quarters mile back from B. M. Timber to river 300 feet above B. M. Elev., 767.133. B. M. ^Mp: About one-fourth mile back of B. M. ^p, at foot of bluffs on slope, 50 feet above main wagon road, on Ulrich's land. Elev., 862.334. B. M. ^p: Left bank, about 4 miles below B. M. ^p, on first bench 300 feet from river, 1,000 feet below creek, at beginning of bottom. Land belongs to Mr. IJlrich. Elev., 791.587. B. M. - -j- -: Right bank, opposite Antelope Point, on sloping nose between two small coulees, 100 feet back from edge of low sliding bluffs. House 900 feet southwest of B.M. Elev., 714.170. B. M. -f 1 : Left bank, three-fourths mile below Mennonite village. On slope to bottom just above third coulee below village, 100 feet south of road at foot of bluffs. Elev., 792.735. B. M. -f~: Right bank, opposite foot of Bon Homme Island just above large coulee, on bench land 200 ft. from river. Elev., 818.715. B. M. ^| 2 : About 800 feet back of B. M. *f*, on slope of lower side of creek, in pasture. Elev., 798.499. B. M. ^f 1 : Left bank, one and one-quarter mile below Bon Homme, back from ferry landing, 100 feet back of J. M. Cordle's house. Bridge across coulee 100 feet northwest of B. M. Elev., 788.510. B.M. -*f J-: Right bank, two and one-quarter miles below Santee Agency, 400 feet from river, just where it strikes bluffs, 100 feet above creek. W T hite house about 800 feet back of B. M. Elev., 837.48). B.M. -2- jp: Left bank, about three and one-half miles below Springfield, S. D. on bench land, just at upper side of mouth of Silver Creek Valley. Road leads out of bottom into valley 15 feet east of B. M. Elev., 794.637. BENCH MARKS. 87 B. M. - : Southwest corner of high school yard, at Springfield, S. D. Elev., 859.556, B. M. ! f s : Right bank, about two and one-half miles above Springfield, S. D, About one and one-half miles below head of bottoms, in mouth of large coulee, 50 feet west from shack. Elev., 810.874. B. M. -3 p : Left bank, 75 feet from edge of cut bluff bank, about 500 feet south from Indian school, at Springfield, S. D., just east of fence. Elev., 869.658. B. M. I! :p: Left bank, on little bench in bottom about two and one-quarter miles below Running Water, about one-half mile from river. Several houses in coulee straight back from B. M. Elev., 798. 958, B. M. ^ *' ': Left bank, 75 feet east from southeast corner of Henry Brook's store, in Running Water. Elev., 841.367, B. M. A ;p : : Left bank, on low bluff above coulee, opposite ferry landing, 100 fee$ northwest from freight house, at Running Water, S. D. Elev., 831.766, B. M. J1 -p-: Right bank, at Niobrara, Nebr., southeast corner high school yard. Is marked by A pipe. Elev., 835.963. B. M. ^ 4 : Straight back from B. M. **, at foot of bluffs, 65 feet back of road along bluffs. Elev., 816.796. B. M. l f*: Left bank, one mile below head of bottom, about 700 feet from river. Grove 1,000 feet south, also grove 600 feet east of B. M. Elev., 806.756. B. M. *-%*: Left bank, about three miles below B. M/-&P, about 1,000 feet above where river strikes bluffs, on nose from bluffs above small creek. Elev., 850.358, B. M. 3-*~: On bench land, one-fourth mile back of B. M. *$*, 1,000 feet from Chou- teau Creek, where road crosses it. Two shacks about 700 feet back of B. M. Elev., 842.168, B. M. -*ip: Left bank, about 400 feet above Chouteau Creek, on long mound or ridge in old slough bed. Indian shack on mound 400 feet above B. M. Elev., 827.554. B. M. ^f 1 : Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. -^jp, on ridge in bottom about 900 feet from river, just below where heavy timber leaves river and goes back toward bluffs. Elev., 814.951. B. M. ^-;: Left bank, near edge of old slough bed, which runs out to river bank 1,000 feet above B . M. Shack with grove one-half mile above beginning of timber. Elev., 817.636 B. M. 2&: Left bank, about three miles below B. M. -H^, on bottom about 400 feet from river, about 1,000 feet above where timber begins (probably in the river). Elev., 818.332, B. M. -H&: Left bank, about two and three-quarters miles below B. M. &%*-, on low bench in bottom, 500 feet from river, 20 feet above road to river. Shack and grove about 1,800 feet back of B. M:, three large trees near B. M. Elev., 818.891. B. M. *-$*: About 800 feet back of B. M. *$*, old slough bed 300 feet back of B. M., wagon road 300 feet south of B. M., which crosses slough about 600 feet above B. M. Elev., 823.835. B. M. ^p-: Left bank, about two and three-quarters miles below Yankton Agency, on low bench about 800 feet from river. Elev., 822.594. B. M. M 7 -: Left bank, at Yankton Agency, in southeast of main office yard. Flag- staff stands 100 feet south of B. M. Elev., 849.789. B. M. 3-%-: Left bank, about one and one-quarter miles above Yankton Indian Agency, on bluffs, at lower end of bottom just above where road leads up to the hill from bottom. Elev., 874.05] . B. M. ^p: Left bank, about three miles below B. M. *$*, on first bench back of timber, about 300 feet above two Indian shacks, road to river from B. M., large timber runs back toward bluffs 1,000 feet above and below B. M., three-fourths mile from river. Elev., 829.297. B. M. ^- 4 : About 2,000 feet back of B. M. *, on long narrow ridge, like railway grade; road along top of ridge; two shacks and grove on ridge about 700 feet above B. M. Elev., 835.221. B. M. &: Left bank, about three miles below B. M. H 1 , 300 feet from river, on level bottom about 500 feet above where timber begins. Elev., 831.192. B. M. ^P: Left bank, about two and one-half miles below W T hite Swan, one-half mile below beginning of "Dugway," or head of bottom, on knoll in mouth of small creek; valley 300 feet back of road up bottom, 700 feet from river. Elev., 850.908. B. M. A P : Right bank, at Fort Randall, 25 feet west of road to river, on first bench, at northeast corner of fort. Elev., 869.958. B. M. H 1 : Right bank, at White Swan, 400 feet from river, 25 feet west of southwest corner of store, on small mound. Elev., 837.237. B. M. -j 1 : Left bank, about two miles below, B. M. ^4^, on flat bottom two and one~ half miles above White Swan, opposite head of small island. Large grove of trees 88 BENCH MARKS. 2,000 feet below B. M., and a church on bench land one-half mile back of B. M. B. M. is 350 feet from river and 25 feet south of road. Elev., 838.123. B,-'lf,.*i*: About three-fourths mile back of B. M. ^, on first bench. Several Indian shacks on low bluffs one-half mile back of B. M. Elev., 846. 274. B. M. ^4^: Left bank, about 300 feet from river, about one mile below upper end of Yankton Indian Reservation. Elev., 839.072. B. M. *-$9-: Left bank, 3 miles below B. M. **, opposite head of Chicot Island, on low foothills 100 feet from river, just above head of bottom. Elev., 865.655. B. M. **: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. {p, at the end of bottom, one mile below Pease Creek, 200 feet from river on foothills. Small graveyard 400 ft. back of B. M. B. M. is regulation stone set three. and one-half feet in ground, with 3-inch ash pole 4 feet high set for surface mark. Pipe is gone. Elev., 875.199. B. M. s ^ : About one-half mile back of B. M. ^-f 1 , on gentle slope from bluffs, on south side of road and about one-half mile east of house of Matthew Biggins. Elev., 872.352. B. M. *: Left bank, about 3 miles below Wheeler, on first bench, about 300 feet from river, about 100 feet above where timber begins. Sod shack 1,000 feet north- west and log shack 600 feet above B. M. Elev., 856.436. B. M.- 3 -f^: In northeast corner of court-house yard at Wheeler, S. D. Elev., 898.104. B. M. &-$*: Left bank, on first bench, 400 feet from river, 25 feet north of road from Wheeler to river, 7 feet west of north and south wire fence. Elev., 857.271. B. M. *jp: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ^, on broken foothills 100 feet from river, just above small coule"e above head of bottom, about a mile above the Wheeler Ferry. Elev., 876.319. B. M. $: About three and three-quarters miles below B. M -3-Sp, about one-half mile above where river strikes bluffs on narrow nose between two small coulees. Large chalk rock house at foot of bluffs just above B. M. Road from house straight out to river. Elev., 898.316. B. M. ii . About 700 feet back of B. M. *jp, O n edge of first bench. Elev., 893.840. B. M. ^| a : Left bank, on bottom opposite beginning of timber, about 2,000 feet below head of bottom. 200 feet from river. Warehouse on river bank one-half mile below B. M. Senator Jones lives on Cedar Creek one mile above B. M. Elev., 867.231. B. M. -%-: Left bank, about three miles below B. M. ^.f 1 , on low bench 350 feet below small creek, 200 feet from river, just above end of bottom. Log shack 100 feet below B. M. Road along bluffs back of B. M. Elev., 875.730. B. M. *!-: 1,000 feet back of B. M. ai, in first bench above creek 300 feet west of log shack below creek, one-fourth mile below yellow frame house of Oldham. Elev., 899.246. B. M. ^fJ-: Left bank, about three miles below B. M. 3-%*-, on small ridge 200 feet from river, one-fourth mile above where timber begins. Elev., 869.584. B. M. -&: Left bank, about three and one-half miles below *f^, 75 feet above small creek, 125 feet from river bank, on small mound at head of bottom. Elev., 892.123. B. M. *-p: About 500 feet back of B. M. *p, on edge of bench land, one-half mile below red frame house of Turgeon. Elev., 902.400. B. M. ^P: Left bank, one-fourth mile above foot of bottom opposite head of Island No. 1, in bottom 100 feet from river just back of single elm tree. Elev., 877.208. B. M. if*: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ^, 100 ft. from small creek, 25 feet from edge of cut bank of river, one-fourth mile above head of bottom, opposite foot of island No. 3. Philip Turgeon lives in coulee about 1,000 feet back of B. M. Elev., 893.400. B. M. ^|i; Left bank, about one and one-half miles below end of bottom, on small mound 200 feet west of creek and 600 feet west of house at Rhode's horse ranch. Road to river 100 feet east of B. M. Elev., 907.418. B. M. *: Left bank, about 2 miles below B. M. f, about 1,000 feet west of house of J. Ham, 200 feet west of narrow lane, 10 feet south of wagon road, about 400 feet from river. Elev., 889.356. B. M. -fcjp-: One-fourth mile back of B. M. ^P on gentle slope, 500 feet from foot of abrupt slope of high bluffs, 200 feet west of fence line. Elev., 972.155. B. M. -if*: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. *f, on level plateau about 130 feet from edge of abrupt slope to river, opposite foot of Durex Island, one-fourth mile above head of bottom. Upper house of Rhode's ranch is about one mile below B. M. Elev., 935.633. B. M. *f: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. *f&, on lower side of small coulee where level bench land begins, about 125 feet from river and 150 feet south of old foundation of old shack. Elev., 922.083 BENCH MARKS. 89 B. M. if*: Left bank, about two and one-half miles below B. M. ^'y 2 , about one and one-half miles below end of bottom, above Bijou Hills, about one-fourth mile below small creek, twenty feet north of road up bottom just back of brush and timber line. Elev., 907.275. B. M. if*: About 1,000 feet back of B. M. ifi, 100 feet south of house at horse ranch, about 300 feet below creek. Just inside of fence around barnyard. Elev., 940.033. B. M. ifi: Left bank, about two and one-half miles below B. M. if-i, about 400 feet below Elm Creek, on high bench land, about 150 feet from river. House and barn of La Follette's horse ranch about 1,000 feet north of B. M. Elev., 927.163. B. M. ifi: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. if, and about 100 feet from river on nose of bluffs below small steep coulee, near foot of Sonora Id. Elev., 950.967. B. M. if*: Left bank, at end or bottom, opposite head of Gen. Brooks Island, on lower side of small coulee with single large elm at mouth. On bench land 250 feet from river. Elev.. 949.961. B. M. if*: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ip, about 400 feet from foot of steep bluffs on gentle slope and near corner of wire fence, just outside of inclosure. Log shack about 800 ft. southeast. Elev., 940.357. B. M. if*: About one-fourth mile back of B. M. if*, on flat prairie. Wagon road is 300 feet south of B. M. David Forbes' house is about 800 feet south of B. M. Elev., 916.110. B. M. if*: Left bank, about 2 miles below B. M. if*. On first bench, about 800 feet from river. House of David Forbes is about 900 feet northeast of B. M. Elev., 917.890. B. M. if*: Left bank, about 2,000 feet below head of bottom, one and one-half miles below White River, on edge of low broken bench land, 200 feet from foot of bluffs, about 650 feet from river. Elev., 926.639. B. M. if*: Left bank, about one-fourth mile above end of Peterson Bottom and 350 feet from river on nose of bluffs below small wooded coulee. Elev., 950.931. B. M. i"f*: About one-fourth mile back of B. M. if*, about 400 feet above Peterson Creek, on south side of young grove or timber claim. Elev., 935.553. B. M. - 2 -f*: Left bank, on first bench, 700 feet from river and about 150 feet above Peterson Creek, 100 feet back from edge of bank. Elev., 937.255. B. M. if-: Right bank, 135 feet west and 55 feet south of southwest corner of agent's office at Brule Indian Agency, in southwest corner of yard. Elev., 956.483. B. M. i: Left bank, opposite mouth of American Creek just below small creek. House of George Linbeck is 100 feet back of B. M. Elev., 948.461. B. M. ip: Left bank, two miles below Chamberlain, one-fourth mile above foot of American "Island, 250 feet below frame house 100 feet from river. Elev., 941.984. B. M. ifi: At Chamberlain, S. D., in high school yard. It is 90 feet west and 18 feet north from the southwest corner south wing of this building. On chart 165. Top of B. M. stone Elev., 1,041.449. B. M.: Chamberlain, S. D., on water table of High School, close up to the brick work of the northwest corner of building. It is about 4 feet above ground. The bev- eled edge of the water table on the north side is painted white and marked '1,468.22 feet above sea level.' Elev., 1,056.116. B. M.: Chamberlain, S. D., on brick water table at the northeast corner of Taft House. Elev., 1,002.332. B. M.: Chamberlain, S. D., hydrant at southwest corner of Main and Clemens streets. Elev., 983.094 . City B. M.: Chamberlain, S. D., an iron monument at the intersection of Main and Clemens streets. The monument is 2.5 feet long, of cast iron, and is set about one foot below surface of the street. Elev., 979.831. B. M,: Chamberlain, S. D., at Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway water tank. Top of rail nearest tank in front of water spout. Elev., 943.214. B. M.: Chamberlain, S. D., at Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway depot. Top of rail nearest the depot, on the main track in front of signal board. Elev., 947.510. B. M. if- 1 -: Right bank, about one and one-half miles below B. M. if*, on low bench land back from the end of timber along the river. Four large trees are in the prairie below and a strip of brush is along the foot of bench. A small two-story house is on the second bench a little below B. M. On chart 165. Elev., 933.562. B. M. ^f a : Right bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. :2 -p, on spur of hills just below a coulee, a small shack 200 feet above, and a frame house about 700 feet below. On chart 164. Elev., 948.897. B. M. ip: Right bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. ip, about 400 feet above where river strikes the bluffs and just above first coulee back from where river strikes bluffs. It is on a spur from high bluffs about 20 feet from the edge of the cut bluff bank. On chart 164. Elev., 962.092. 90 BENCH MAKKS. B. M. i,"-: Right bank, about 3 miles below B. M. i-p, on top of a high broken plateau. It is about 200 feet below a coulee up which runs a wagon road from the bottom. Frame house in bottom directly in front of it, and a Indian shack on the plateau about 300 feet north and west. It is about 100 feet from the corner of a fence. On chart 164. Eley., 982.931. B. M. ip-: Right bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. ^p, at site of old Fort Hale. It is on low foot hills about 150 feet below an old excavation, and is directly back from a grove of large trees in the bottom. Brush is along the foot of the bluffs, and in coulee just below. On chart 163. Elev., 953.657. B. M. i-p: Right bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ^, on a spur of broken plateau just above small creek. It is 300 feet from river and a little below the lower end of heavy timber on left bank. On chart 162. Elev., 980.752. B. M. if*: Right bank, about 2 miles below B. M. ift, and opposite Crow Creek Agency. It is on a small ridge, on the upper side of a small creek valley. Brush and trees are along the creek, and a patch of brush is just above the B. M. On chart 162. Elev., 962.675. B. M. 2$*-: Right bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ^p, and about 20 feet back from the edge of a cut bluff bank. A deep coulee is above it, with a high rock bank on the upper side, and a low bank on the other side. A email deep cou!6e is also below the B. M. The sides of the bluffs back and a little below are covered with cedar trees. On chart 162. Elev., 968.404. B. M. ip: Right bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ip, about 500 feet from river bank. It is just below a creek and about one mile from where the high bluffs com- mence to strike the river. It is about 150 feet west from a small knoll. Two shacks are about one-third of a mile back where William Smith lives, and "Good Roads" lives just above the B. M. by the creek. On chart 161. Elev., 959.990. B. M. -p: Right bank, about one-third of a mile back of B. M. ip. It is 70 feet north and 25 feet east from the northeast corner of William Smith's shack. Good Road's shack is across the creek and nearly north of B. M. On chart 161. Elev., 989.167. B. M. ip: Right bank, about 4 miles below B. M. ip, on bench land about 50 feet from edge and 150 feet above small coulee, with two large trees near mouth and small trees for 500 feet back. An old shack is about 150 feet above, and another about 500 feet back. The gate of the Government fence is back of the brush line a little above B. M. On chart 161. Elev., 972.913. B. M. ip: Right bank, about 4 miles below B. M. *f , on low bench land about 700 feet from river and opposite lower end of timber on left bank. It is about 500 feet from where higher bench starts out. A single large cottonwood tree is 100 feet below and 3 or 4 small ones are 50 feet above. On chart 160. Elev., 956.385. B. M. ip: Right bank, about 3 miles below B. M. if*, on a long sand ridge, just at the lower end of timber along river. A low bottom is back of it, with scattering small brush and few large trees. On chart 160. Elev., 965.352. B. M. *: Right bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ^f 1 and about one-third of a mile from the river. It is on a sand hill just back of timber, and one-fourth mile above an old shack. On chart 159. Elev., 970.992. B. M. if*: Right bank, about 800 feet back of B. M. *f*, on flat bottom land. On chart 159. Elev., 960.363. B. M. if^: Right bank, on a spur of broken rolling bench land, where it turns and the bottom land begins. It is on a point of Big Bend, just at the end of a narrow belt of large timber along river bank opposite foot of St. John Island. On chart 159. Elev., 993.354. B. M. ifi: Right bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. if*, 100 feet from river. It is on a small broken ridge running parallel with the river, opposite center of timber on Devil's Island, and just at the upper end of a row of large trees. On chart 159. Elev., 990.288. B. M. if*: Left bank, about one and three-quarters miles below B. M. ijp. It is on the edge of the first bench land, back of the timber and one-fourth mile above the end of it, On chart 158. Elev., 978.215. B. M. if*: Right bank, on the neck of the Big Bend. It is opposite a point on the left bank about 1,000 feet above the lower end of timber, and is on spur from the foot of hills; 40 feet is abrupt slope up. Brush is scattered along the side hills below. On chart 158. Elev., 1,011.637. B. M. ip: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. -!p, is on a sand hill about 400 feet back of timber line. A bunch of choke cherry brushes is about 25 feet back, and a well denned bench about 12 feet high is about 600 feet back. On chart 158. Elev., 979.710. BENCH MARKS. 91 B. M. -; ' : Left bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. {p, 600 feet back of B. M. --Ij ', on gentle slope toward small coulee, which heads just back and below B. M. On chart 158. Elev., 1,035.148. B. M. -^f-: Left bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. ^!p and 400 feet from river. It is on the slope of a hill about 1,000 feet below where timber begins along river, and just above third small coulee below the timber. On chart 158. Elev., 1,014.738. B. M. - ',' f : Left bank, about three and one-quarter miles below B. M. -f- 2 -, on slope of hill between two small coulees. It is just above where the rough country begins near river bank, and about 70 feet back from where slope is abrupt to cut bank of river. On chart 157. Elev., 1,011.899. B. M. 2 !p: Left bank, three and one-half miles below B. M. -fi and 1,000 feet from river. It is on the slope of the hills just back from end of timber. Brush about 300 feet below along coulee, and large trees at foot of high hills about 700 feet back. On chart 157. Elev., 1,031.923. B. M. -2!p: Left bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. ^fi and 300 feet from river". It is below the end of timber, on a low bench, 20 feet from edge of slope to narrow point of bottom. On chart 157. Elev., 990.419. B. M. ^'j 1 : Left bank, about 2 miles below B. M. ^Ip, and about 700 feet from river. Timber commences about 1,000 feet below along river bank. Ruins of old shack on edge of low brush land about 600 feet back. There is also a shack one-half mile below. On chart 156. Elev., 983.163. B. M. 2 jp Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ^^p and one-half mile from river. It is on the slope from the bottom to high bench land, and about 360 feet below coulee. On chart 156. Elev., 1,013.314. B. M.. -^Tp: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. -^Ip, on sand ridge which forms a well defined bench, meeting river bank about 500 feet below. A few scattering trees and brush are on lower bottom. On chart 156. Elev., 990.819. B. M. ^Mp: Left bank, 3 and one-quarter miles below B. M. *%*- and about one-half mile below the head of Dorion Island No. 1. It is on a high plateau, about 350 feet from river and 150 ft. from edge of slope of the plateau. It is in NE. corner of NE. { of sec. 13, R. 75, T. 108. The az. from B. M. to sec. cor. is 176 II 7 , distance 382 ft. On chart 155. Elev., 1,031.268. B. M. -fcjp: Left bank, on top of plateau, 530 feet east and 470 feet south of B. M. On chart 155. Elev., 1,044.397. B. M. *lp: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. - 2 p, one-quarter mile below head of bottom and one-half mile above head of Dorion Island No. 2. It is on the edge of first bench land, 20 feet from edge of abrupt slope. On chart 155. Elev., 1,026.999. B. M. 'p: Left bank, about 3 miles below Chapelle Creek. It is opposite the end of willows^of shore bar, on the slope of hills, 75 feet from the edge of an abrupt slope to river, coulee just below. On chart 155. Elev., 1,036.149. B. M. -sp: Left bank, 3 miles below B. M. ^p, about one-third mile back of B. M. -. It is on bench land about 200 feet from edge of slope and 900 feet below small shack. On chart 154. Elev., 1,012.207. B. M. ^jp: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. -2-Jp and 600 feet from river bank. It is about one-half mile above Chapelle Creek, and about 20 feet from edge of slope into low bottom covered with willows and brush. It is about 340 feet below the corner of fence. On chart 154. Elev., 996.227. B. M. '-Mp: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. *%* and 700 feet from river. It is on the top of a high rolling plateau, 180 feet below the slope into a wide coulee, in which are large trees near the mouth, also two shacks, one above and one below the creek bed. On chart 154. Elev., 1,049.285. B. M. -p : Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. *f-* and about 80 feet from edge of cut bank, just where there is an old trail leading to the water. It is on a spur between two small draws, and is about 400 feet below the mouth of a creek where there are several large trees. On chart 154. Elev., 1,019.334. B. M. ^| J : Left bank, about 3 miles below Rousseau and three-fourths mile from river. It is on a gentle slope of bluffs, about 150 feet back from slope to timbered bottom. On chart 154. Elev., 1,035.818. B. M. ^p: Left bank, at Rousseau, S. D., on side hill just on corner of bluffs bound- ing the creek valley and the Missouri River valley. About 1,000 feet above the section house. A black cross is in the graveyard about 1,000 feet northwest. Railroad is 100 feet from the foot of hill. On chart 153. Elev. ,1,022. 576. B. M. *jp: Left bank, at Rousseau, S. D., straight out from B. M. ** one-fourth mile. It is just back of brush along river bank. A small patch of cultivated land is 15 feet west. On chart 153. Elev., 1,002.417. 92 BENCH MARKS. B. M. ^!p: Left bank, in flat gumbo bottom about 240 feet back from Chicago and North-Western Railway track at a point 40 feet above milepost No. 271, and 270 feet above road crossing. On chart 153. Elev., 1,012.978. B. M. *{p: Left bank, about two and three-fourths miles below B. M. 2 |i, 200 feet from river, where prairie bottom slopes up and gets higher along the river. It is just above the line of fence that runs to the river bank. Shack one-fourth mile above and another one-fourth mile below. On chart 153. Elev., 1,009.215. B. M. *fi-: Left bank, about two and three-quarters miles below B. M. jp and 1,000 feet from river bank. It is on low bench land, just above fence line which runs to river bank and above a grove of small cottonwood trees. On chart 152. Elev., 1,010. 194. B. M. -f a : Left bank, about one-fourth mile back of B. M. -p in coulee. House on top of hill directly back about one-half mile. Secondary triangulation station Barth is on a high knoll just below. On chart 152. Elev., 1,057.664. B. M. -^-: Left bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. -^f-, on small gumbo knoll opposite about the middle of Farm Island, 150 feet from river bank and 225 feet from Chicago and North-Western Railway, at a point 90 feet below bridge No. 283. On chart 152. Elev., 1,028.343. B. M.: East Base. Elev., 1,018.948. B. M. ^p: Left bank, just inside of fence around the Pierre Indian Training School. It is 100 feet north and 150 feet west of the northwest corner of the main building, 2 feet south of 6th fence post south of gate at entrance to grounds. On chart 152. Elev., 1,444.124. B. M.: West Base. Elev., 1,015.662. B. M.: Weather Bureau B. M. on the doorstep at the entrance to the National Bank of Commerce building. Pierre, S. D. On chart 152. Elev., 1,028.729. B. M.: Pierre, S. D., at top of rail, Chicago and North-Western Railway track in front of depot. Elev., 1,021.602. B. M.: Pierre, S. D., at corner of Pierre street and Sioux avenue. Top of cap on hydrant. Elev., 1,025.144. B. M.: Pierre, S. D., Gauge B. M. Elev., 1,020.274. B. M. ~$-: Left bank, at Pierre, S. D., in court-house yard, on west side. On chart 152. Elev., 1,078.527. B. M. -4-S-: Right bank, at Ft. Pierre, S. D., about 700 feet back from river and the same distance above Bad River, on a gumbo hill just back of houses on Deadwood street. On chart 152. Elev., 1,038.836. B. M. f*: Left bank, about two and one-half miles below B. M. -24^, just above mouth of s'mall creek and 30 feet back from abrupt slope to rive/, 50 ft. "north of small shack in side of hill, near river bank. Is little above town of Stanley, which is on opposite bank. On chart 151. Elev., 1,038.350. B. M. ;p: Left bank, about two and one-half miles below B. M. -*|P, and a little above tbe lower end of willows on small island. It is about 60 feet back from the edge of abrupt slope, on second high grassy knoll above high cut gumbo hill. On chart 150 . Elev., 1,073.327. B. M. -| A : Left bank, about two and one-half miles below B. M. 24^, and one-half mile from river, on first bench, 250 feet from edge of slope. Wagon road at foot of bench. It is opposite a point about one-fourth mile below the head of the island. Sec- ondary triangulation station Stony Hill is about one-third mile east. On chart 150. Elev., 1,057.986. B. M. *f*: Left bank, about two and one-half miles below B. M. ^, 200 feet from river. Bluff strikes river about three-fourths mile below. It is about three-fourths mile southwest of Secondary triangulation station Stony Hill, and opposite a point 1,000 feet below head of willows on an island. On chart 150. Elev., 1,023.608. B M. *f: Left bank, about 4 miles below B. M. -**, on edge of first bench just back of timber and brush. One-fourth mile from foot of bluffs, one-third mile below white schoolhouse at foot of bluffs, 100 feet upstream from bench line. On chart 150. Elev., 1,026.002. B. M. -1^: Left bank, about two and one-half miles below B. M. ^p, and one mile back of B. M. *f^, and 150 feet from foot of abrupt slope, three-fourths mile back of Oahe Mission. Just above coulee in which is an old trail 15 feet north of B. M. Grave - yard on top of hill about 700 feet above. On chart 149. Elev., 1,066.377 . B. M. ^P: Left bank, about 2 and one-half miles below B. M. ^f^, just below end of timber, one-fourth mile from river, about 1,000 ft. southeast of Oahe Mission on low bench, about 75 ft. from edge of slope. On chart 149. Elev., ] ,034.337 B. M. *!*: Left bank, about two and one-half miles below B. M. -| L , and 300 or 400 feet below where clear prairie bottom begins, on high plateau about 100 feet back from the edge of abrupt slope to bottom. Plateau is rolling above, but nearly level below. On chart 148. Elev., 1,111.244. BENCH MARKS. 93 B. M. --': Left bank, about 800 feet back of B. M. *$, on gentle slope. Deep Coulee above about 150 feet. Rolling plateau below. On chart 148. Elev., 1,112.615. B. M. - 2 -^ J -: Left bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. -, and 150 feet from river, on high plateau, 75 feet from the edge of slope and just below deep narrow ravine. On chart 148. Elev., 1,083.103. B. M. ^: Left bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. -^ and 1 mile from river, on first bench near edge of slope 450 feet above Spring Creek. On chart 148. Elev., 1,060.690* B. M. ^f-': Left bank, about 3 miles below Fort Sully, S. D., about three-fourths mile from river. It is on a gentle slope from bench land to river, 400 feet back from main wagon road and 200 feet towards river from foot of abrupt slope up to first bench. It is just below a coulee. On chart 147. Elev., 1,057.179. B. M. -lp: Left bank, about three miles below B. M. AfA, and 400 feet from river. Fifteen feet south of old wagon road, 225 feet north of another road, and 550 feet below where roads join. Is about one-fourth mile above the " Lower Sully Landing." On chart 147. Elev., 1,044.240. B. M. -f A : Left bank, about one-fourth mile back of B. M. ^p, in coulee just below Fort Sully, on little spur over which a wagon road passes 20 feet south. On chart 147. Elev., 1,087.768. B. M. 1 L ; Ji : Left bank, just below first coulee below Ft. Sully, on high bench 60 feet from edge of slope to creek, and 80 feet from edge of slope to river bottom. On chart 147. Elev., 1,079.940. B. M.: Fort Sully, S. D., on north corner of south brick window sill on east side of waterworks pump house, it is a mark cut into the brick and marked U. S. B. M. Elev., 1,048.093. B. M. -ip: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. *, about three-fourths mile from river, on spur at foot of bluffs just above coulee. Wagon road 50 feet from foot of bluffs. Opposite a point about one mile from head of Whiskey Island. On chart 146. Elev., 1,056.481. B. M. |j-fi-: Left bank, about one-fourth mile back of B. M. -2f&, on slope at foot of bluffs, at head of coule"e, 320 feet back of log shack covered with barrel staves. On chart 146. Elev., 1,124.800. B. M. ^ip : Left bank, about 5 miles below B. M. -^p, opposite point a little above Old Fort Bennett, about 200 feet from river and just above coulee. Old shack covered with barrel staves 1,000 feet back. On chart 146. Elev., 1,077.102. B. M. -f-: Left bank, about 4 miles below B. M. -^f- 4 , three-fourths mile from river, on first bench . Brush along foot of bluffs back of B . M. , but clear in front. Log shack in bottom about 100 feet above and the same distance towards the river. On chart 145. Elev., 1,080.304. B. M. -!p: Left bank, about 4 miles below B. M. -*f, one-fourth mile from river, on a ridge in clear ground back of timber. Another strip of timber and brush back about 40 feet where trail comes out of brush. About 20 feet from gate at entrance of an in- closed field. On chart 145. Elev., 1,058.384. B. M. ^f^: Left bank, about three and one-fourth miles below B. M. ^f^, and three- fourths mile from river, on a flat 'knoll on slope of foot hills, just above where heavy t imber begins, 100 feet west of north and south line of wire fence, along which is a wagon road. Is about one-fourth mile to foot of bluffs. On chart 144. Elev., 1,118.824. B. M. *f A : Left bank, about three and one-fourth miles below B. M. ^f, and 600 feet from river on knoll in the bottom, about one-fourth mile above point of timber. On chart 144. Elev., 1,071.658. B. M. *p: Left bank, about three miles below B. M. ^p, and about 300 feet from river bank on slope of grassy hill just below large coulee which has three branches. This hill is the only hill in the vicinity, one-third mile above the lower end of "bad lands " along the river. On chart 143. Elev., 1,118.304. B. M. ^P: Left bank, just a little below willows at foot of Devil's Island, on slope of hill between two coulees, 150 feet from the edge of cut river bank. On chart 143. Elev., 1,109.856. B. M. p: Right bank, about one-third mile from river and on first bench land, about 110 feet from the edge of slope. Opposite a point a little below foot of Devil's Island. It is located in a draw which develops into a coulee at edge of bench. On chart 142. Elev., 1,099.351. B. M. ^f 1 : Left bank, Fairbank, S. D., about one-fourth mile back of store and hotel and on top of flat mound about 30 feet back from edge of abrupt slope. About three- fourths mile from river, opposite foot of Plum Island. On chart 142. Elev., 1,152.821. B. M. -4 1 : Left bank, at Fairbank, S. D., 700 feet from river on first bench land, 30 feet from the edge of slope into the bottom, small coulee just above. Is just opposite lower end of Plum Island. Onchartl42. Elev., 1,090.195. 94 BENCH MARKS. B. M. -2-p: Left bank, about four and one-half miles below B. M. ^f 9 , and 250 feet from river on rolling prairie, one-fourth mile below where high bluffs leave river. A short broad coulee is just back of B. M. Wagon road about 125 feet back. On chart 141. Elev., 1,101.490. B. M. **: Left bank, about three-fourths mile back of B. M. ^p, 300 feet back from edge of first bench and 400 feet from foot of bluffs, one-third mile above house of S. C. Leppelmann, 200 feet above cultivated field. On chart 141. Elev., 1,093.505. B. M. *p: Left bank, about five and one-half miles below B. M. *f*, and 400 feet from river, on mound in bottom. Scattering brush in bottom, but clear in the vicinity of B. M. Wagon road 25 feet above leads to river, about 2 miles below where rivei strikes bluffs. On chart 141. Elev., 1,086.195. B. M. if*: Left bank, about one-half mile back of B. M. -p and one-quarter mile below house of C. B. Ross, just outside of fence line on gentle slope at foot of bluffs. On chart 140. Elev., 1,127.885. B. M. ^p: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ^p and 500 feet from river bank in bottom. Wagon road to river about 50 feet above/ About one-fourth mile above mouth of Pascal Creek, on right bank. On chart 140. Elev., 1,087.851 . B. M. ^f- 1 : Left bank, about one-third mile back of B. M. -^p, on gentle slope at foot of bluffs, about 700 feet below coulee, with log shack in mouth. About 500 feet above spur running out from bluffs into flat. On chart 139. Elev., 1,133.493 . B. M. -^p: Left bank, about four and one-half miles below Forest City and 600 feet from river bank, on high prairie bench which slopes gradually just below. At lowei end where there is open prairie to river for one-quarter mile. On chart 139. Elev., 1,105.810. B. M. ^p: Left bank, at Forest City, 20 feet from river bank, 60 feet above mouth of coulee and 140 below Hotel Hathaway. On chart 138. Elev., 1,113.017. B.M. *f&: Right bank, at Chevenne River Agency, opposite Forest City, S. D., on bench land 30 feet from slope into bottom. It is about 50 feet from the fence at the fifth post from the northeast corner. On chart 138. Elev., 1,114.602. B. M. ^p-: Left bank, at Old Forest City, 550 feet east and 300 feet south of corner of school house and about 300 feet from foot of bluffs. On chart 138. Elev., 1,108.423. B. M. Afi: Left bank, about 2 miles above Old Forest City, S. D. About one-half mile from river, on low bench land about 500 feet from edge of slope to bottom and same distance to the foot of bluffs. White frame house in bottom about a mile above and log shack about 1,500 feet below B. M. On chart 138. , ' Elev., 1,106.795. B. M. *: Left bank, about one-half mile back from river, on gentle slope of bluffs, just above coulee, which runs back into high bluffs. Red frame house about one-half mile south. On chart 137. Elev., 1,216.468. B.M. ^P: Left bank, about 5 miles below B.M. ^p and opposite large valley on right bank. About one-fourth mile from river and 50 feet back from edge of high cut bluffs. About 100 feet above high butte, standing alone 100 feet from edge of cut bluff. On chart 137. Elev., 1,168.971. B . M . i$ i : Left bank, about one-third mile back of B . M . ^ . About 400 feet above creek and 100 feet above old trail up creek valley. On chart 136. Elev., 1,157.262. B.M. -^p: Left bank, about 4 miles below B.M.- 2 ! 1 an d just above mouth of creek at head of narrow bottom, about 200 feet from river. "On chart 136. Elev., 1,146.207. B. M. -j-: Left bank, about one-fourth mile back from river at mouth of small creek, on flat spur from high bluffs on upper side of valley. On chart 136. Elev., 1,170.375. B. M. -%!-: Left bank, about two and one-half miles below Scranton and 200 feet from river, at end of willow bar, just above mouth of creek. On chart 136. Elev., 1,127.979. B. M. *: Left bank, at Scranton, S. D., about one-half mile from river, 100 feet south of bridge across coulee and 40 feet from wagon road, 280 feet south of corner of store and post-office. On chart 135. Elev., 1,135.377. B. M. -^p: Left bank at Le Beau, 90 feet west of post-office building, in valley o f Swan Lake Creek, about one-half mile back from B. M. -^p. On chart 135. Elev., 1,130.879. B. M. -^P: Left bank, at Le Beau, S. D., on spur at end of high plateau just north of Swan Lake Creek Valley, 600 feet east of timber in Missouri River Valley, and 50 feet from slope into creek valley. On chart 135. Elev., 1,138.578. B. M. -^P-: Left bank, about one-half mile back of B. M. ^p on flat-topped spur from high bluffs back. Head of coulee just back of B. M., one on each side, joining in front. Wagon road in coulee. On chart 134. Elev., 1,235.400. B. M. ^p: Left bank, about four and one-half miles below B. M. ^P and one-fourth mile from river, just at end of small brush along river bank, on first bench about 60 feet from edge of abrupt slope to bottom and just below coulee in which there is a wagon road. On chart 134. Elev., 1,175.949. BENCH MARKS. 95 B. M. i ' 1 : Left bank, about one-half mile from river on spur between two draws at head of small coulee. One log and one sod shack about 1,500 feet south. On chart 133. Elev., 1,191.460. B. M. ^p : Left bank, about one mile below- foot of Blue Blanket Island. About 800 feet below coulee and 500 feet back from edge of high bluff bank, on level plateau. On chart 133. Elev., 1,193.173. B. M. -H*: Left bank, about three miles below B. M. ^ and one-fourth mile from river, on first bench. It is about 60 feet south and 50 feet west of Paul Carlson's house. On chart 132. Elev., 1,140.040. B. M. ^P: Right bank, on gentle slope, lower side of small creek valley. About 125 feet west of stable and nearly in line of south side of same, 250 feet north of shack. On chart 132. Elev., 1,146.935. B. M. **: Left bank, one-fourth mile below mouth of Grand River, on a slope of foot hills, at head of bottom, in cultivated field. About 50 feet south of deserted shack and two feet east of west side produced. On chart 131. Elev., 1,155.817. B. M. -p: Right bank, about 700 feet from river and one-half mile below Grand River, on spur from high knoll running out northwest from B. M. A large granite boulder buried in hillside about 80 feet northwest of B. M. On chart 131. Elev., 1,160.200. B. M. -I 1 : Left bank, about one-half mile east of B. M. - 1 1 on second bench, about 60 feet from slope to first bench. Four feet south of east and west line of fence. On chart 131. Elev., 1,202.808. B. M. -^: Left bank, opposite a point about 1,000 feet below head of Ashley Island, just back from where first bench strikes river. Small coulee 1,000 feet below. On chart 131. Elev., 1,152.266. B. M. **: Left bank, about four miles below B. M. *ia and 400 feet from river, one-half mile below where river leaves cut bluffs and timber begins, 150 feet upstream from red warehouse. On chart 130. Elev., 1,160.768. B. M. 2\: Right bank, about three miles below B. M. ^ and 200 feet from river, at head of bottom. It is on a small knoll just below coulee, on east side depression, 15 feet from edge of abrupt slope to bottom. On chart 130. Elev., 1,172.524. B. M. ^p: Left bank, about one-quarter mile back of B. M. *P and about 200 feet south of Olson Creek, 200 feet west of where road crosses creek. Wagon road runs along foot of hill north of B. M. On chart 129. Elev., 1,194.173. B. M. -2^: Left bank, about five and one-half miles below B. M. -^- and 200 feet from river. Narrow strips of bottom between river and B. M. about 225 ft. southwest of Anon Olson's house. On chart 129. Elev., 1,181.000. B. M. -4 1 : Left bank, about one-third mile back from B. M. ^. On lower side of creek valley about 25 feet from edge of abrupt slope to creek. Directly across val- ley is a sharp-pointed knoll covered with boulders. Old cattle trail is 25 feet further up the hill. On chart 128. Elev., 1,201.548. B. M. ^p-: Left bank, about 7 miles below La Grace and 300 feet from river, just below mouth of creek, on first bench about 75 feet from edge to bottom. Near ranch known as Twiggs Place. On chart 128. Elev., 1,174.625. B. M. -4^ : Left bank, about 4 miles below B. M. -^ and one-fourth mile from river on small spur from foot of first bench. Wagon road 30 feet distant towards hill. Stage road about 700 feet towards river. On chart 128. Elev., 1,154.622. B. M. -%-: Left bank, about one and one-fourth miles from river and directly back of La Grace on first spur projecting into Spring Creek Valley. Wagon road at foot of knoll. On chart 128. Elev., 1,227.861. B. M. A$A: Left bank, about one-half mile back of B. M. *$* just inside of fence at northwest corner of cultivated field. On chart 127. Elev., 1,242.052. B. M. -*{P: Left bank, about 600 feet from river at a point where bottom begins, directly back of Andrew Marsh's house, Vanderbilt, S. D. On chart 127. Elev., 1,220.027. B. M. -Mp: Left bank, about one mile back of B. M. **. Just back is a round- topped knoll, and 1,200 feet south is a shack near creek. Northeast corner of fence is about 800 feet south. On chart 126. Elev., 1,284.314. B. M. -^: Left bank, about 4 miles below B. M. *$* and one mile from river. Road along foot of bluffs. A schoolhouse on plateau below and distance 980 feet. On chart 126. Elev., 1,227.887. B. M. ^f^: Left bank, about 5 miles below Winona and 800 feet from river, where brush and willow end and river strikes clear bank. Stage road back about 600 feet. It is on the downstream side of little ridge on second bench just where the slope begins. On chart 125. Elev., 1,190.052. B. M. ^| A : Left bank, at Winona, N. D., about 800 feet from river on high plateau, 300 feet west of houses on street running north and south, and just above road leading to river. On chart 124. Elev., 1,209.685. 96 BENCH MARKS. B. M. ^p: Right bank, at Fort Yates, N. D., at northeast corner of parade grounds*, 4 feet inside of fence and 6 feet south of double gate. On chart 124. Elev., 3 ,225.767. B. M. 2 A : Left bank, opposite valley of Battle Creek, on small knoll about one- half mile from river. Heavy timber is about one-half mile above and same distance below. Old wagon road along foot of knoll and turns up out of bottom about 500 feet below. On chart 124. Elev., 1,200.021. B. M. : -P: Left bank, on ridge running to bottom. It is about halfway between river and bluffs and just opposite of Battle Creek Valley. On chart 124. Elev., 1,182.025 B. M. 2Q3. : Left bank, 800 feet from river on a flat spur which runs out into a mound- shaped knoll. Stage road runs over hill 100 feet west of B. M. On chart 123. Elev., 1,228.758. B. M. ijp: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. *p and about 60 feet from cut bluffs, just below coulee and below end of timber, brush, and willows, 100 feet from stage road where it goes around point on side hill. On chart 123. Elev., 1,195.672. B. M. *; Left bank, about 1,500 feet from river, one-half mile below Emmons- burg, and about 800 feet above Big Beaver Creek. It is 100 feet back from abrupt slope to bottom and same distance to old trail. Six hundred feet east of it is stage road . On chart 123. Elev., 1,206.685. B. M. ^p: Right bank, 600 feet from river, just above fence line running to river and 15 feet from corner of fence along which main road to Standing Rock passes. On chart 123. Elev., 1,207.905. B. M. ^: Left bank, about 3 miles below B. M. ** and about 2 miles above Emmonsburg, N. D. It is about one-half mile from river at point where timber begins, on a small knoll just below coulee. High bluff back is covered with stone and bowlders. On chart 123. Elev., 1,214.619. B. MAS- : Left bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. if- 2 and about one-fourth mile below where brush touches bluffs and the same distance above lower end of brush. It is on a round-topped knoll about 800 feet back from river. Wagon road at foot of knoll. On chart 122. Elev., 1,223.894. B. M. ijp: Left bank, 300 feet from river and 600 feet above red warehouse on river bank. It^is about one-fourth mile above Gay ton's ranch. Wagon road in coulee just below and old trail just above B. M. On chart 122. Elev., 1,217.976. B. M. ip: Right bank, about one mile back from river, on upper one or two spurs running out from bluffs and about 50 feet back from edge of abrupt slope of spur. Upper line of fence of cultivated field on bottom about 200 feet above. On chart 122. Elev., 1,249.986. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, one-half mile from river, on bench 30 feet from edge, and about one and one-quarter miles below Peter Shire's ranch. Directly back of B. M. is high bluff with bowlders near top. On chart 122. Elev., 1,218.982. B. M. ^P: Right bank, about one-half mile below Cannonball River and same dis- tance from Missouri River. In cultivated field just inside of fence along foot of bluffs. Wagon road in cultivated field 100 feet above. On chart 122. Elev., 1,197.203. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, two and one-quarter miles above the mouth of Cannonball River, one"-half mile from river. On chart 121. Elev., 1,222.533. B. M. ip: Right bank, one-half mile below Old Fort Rice, 375 feet from river, 600 feet north of house of John B. Marsh. On chart 120. Elev., 1,234.008. B. M.'ijp: Left bank, about two and one-half miles above Old Fort Rice, 250 feet from tiver and 300 feet west of wagon road. On chart 120. Elev., 1,246.659. B. M. ip: Right bank, 4 miles below Glencoe post-office, 800 feet from river and south side of the lower of two coulees. On chart 120. Elev., 1,226.008. B. M. -ip: Left bank, one mile northwest of Glencoe post-office, midway between two wagon roads. On chart 119. Elev., 1,245.492. B. M. ip: Right bank, six and one-half miles above Glencoe post-office, on knoll 1,500 feet back from upper end of high cut bank at river, and 3,000 feet north of Smith & Perkins sheep ranch. On chart 119. Elev., 1,305.976. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, on first large bend to north above Glencoe post-office, N. D., on ridge 3^400 feet from river, 350 feet east of forks of road. On chart 118. Elev., 1,248.826. B. M. if^: Left bank, about six and one-half miles below mouth of Apple Creek, one-half mile north from river and 50 feet west of house of C. Ferrand. On chart 118. Elev., 1,218.498. B. M. -if-*: Left bank, on top of cut bluff, one-half mile below mouth of Apple Creek, 125 feet from edge of bluff, on line of wire fence. On chart 117. Elev., 1,282.446. B. M. ip: Right bank, about three and one-half miles by road below Fort Lincoln, about 1,400 feet back from high cut bank of river, 700 feet from wagon road and north- west from Riverside Ranch. On chart 117. Elev., 1,315.285. BENCH MARKS. 97 B. M. if^: Right bank, 1,500 feet above Fort Abraham Lincoln, 1,700 feet south from mouth of Heart River, 100 feet from river. On chart 116. Elev., 1,275.703. B. M. i ^: Left bank, about one mile below Bismarck Bridge, 850 feet from river on bench north of railroad track, 150 feet from track. On chart 116. Elev., 1,254.719. B. M.: Bismarck Brewery, a cross cut in foundation stone of south brick building of brewery at its northwest corner. The letters U. S. are cut in brick above cross. On chart 116. Elev., 1,261.534. B. M. : Bismarck Bridge, on pier No. 1, top of east bolt on south side of pier. This is one of the bolts that anchor the iron work of the bridge to the pier. On chart 116. Elev. 1,277.230. B.M. B. M. B.M. B.M. B. M Bismarck First National Bank Building. Elev, Bismarck Bank Building. Elev. Bismarck, N. D., U. S. Signal Corps Office. Elev. Bismarck bridge, pier No. 2. Elev. 1,265.798. 1,263.816. 1,264.212. 1,277.251. Railroad track: On right bank, top of rail in front of water tank, Mandan, N. D. No elevation determined. B. M. J-f-^: Left bank, one and one-eighth miles above Bismarck Bridge, 500 feet north of residence of Wm. O. Ward. On chart 115. Elev., 1,273.651. Mandan: At Mandan, N. D., on stone foundation to Morck Bros.' grocery store, under iron pillar on east side of door on southeast corner of store. This is the most easterly building of any size in town. Elev., 1,237.181. B.M. -if^: Left bank, nearly opposite Rock Haven, on southwest slope of bluff, 850 feet southeast from house of E. N. Sperry, near Burnt Creek Bridge. On chart 114. Elev., 1,301.704. B. M. -4: Right bank, at Rock Haven, 200 feet above mouth of coulee, 350 feet from river, about 400 feet from log house, on west side of wire fence. On chart 114. Elev., 1,245.495. B.M. -*-*: Left bank, about three and one-half miles above mouth of Square Butte Creek, on high point in front of butte, 1,400 feet from river, 750 feet east of wagon road. On chart 114. Elev., 1,390.038. B.M. -Mp: Left bank, about two and three-quarters miles below Wogansport, three- eighths of a mile above bridge across small dry creek, on high knoll east of wagon road, 750 feet southeast of house of Lewis Lawson. On chart 113. Elev., 1,389.945. B.M. -f 1 : Left bank, one mile above Wogansport, N. D., 75 feet from cut bluff, near foot of willow bar, about one-fourth mile above a small house standing on edge of bluff. On chart 113. Elev., 1,303.493. B.M. ijp: Left bank, one-half mile below Mr. Adam's house, on edge of bank nearly opposite his lower wood yard. On chart 112. Elev., 1,270.678. B.M. ijp: Left bank, about one and one-half miles below Falconer post-office, on a knoll back of woods, a road runs into the woods nearly opposite B.M. On chart 111. Elev., 1,286.713. B M. !%*: Left bank, two miles north of Falconer post-office, on ridge 400 feet east of wagon road, in line of telegraph poles. On chart 111. Elev., 1,309.356. B. M. if*: Left bank, on knoll 2 miles below Washburn, 200 feet back from road and 1,600 feet above Turtle Creek Bridge. On chart 110. Elev., 1,333.372. B. M.: Washburn, N. D., southeast corner of Christiansen building. Elev., 1,329.435. B. M.: Washburn, N. D., southwest corner of Christiansen building. Elev., 1,329.311. B. M. if&: Left bank, about 200 feet back of road, 350 feet from river, two miles above Washburn, N. D. On chart 110. Elev., 1,292.405. B.M. ip-: Left bank, about six and one-half miles above Washburn, N. D., 700 feet from river, behind small fringe of trees on high bank. On chart 109. Elev., 1,330.697. B.M. J-: Left bank, on a flat-topped knoll, about 600 feet ftack from edge of wil- lows, and about one-half mile upstream from J. C. Burgum's house. On chart 108. Elev. 2 1,323.310. B. M. if*: Left bank, 5 miles below Stan ton, on high bank, just where river strikes bank behind lower point of willows. On chart 108. Elev., 1,338.329. B. M. if*: Left bank, on edge of bench near house of P. O. Gradin, 4 miles below B. M. i, directly opposite the town of Stanton, N. D. On chart!07. Elev., 1,335.846. B. M. J-f^: Left bank, 4 miles downstream from B. M. J-Jp, on a knoll 1,500 feet from river, and opposite middle of a small strip of timber. On chart 107. Elev., 1,337.347. B. M. iJ 4 : Left bank, on edge of bank, about 15 feet from road toward river, and 500 feet be low"R. R.Jones's house at Hancock, N.D. Onchartl06. Elev., 1,291.778. 2537012 7 98 , BENCH MARKS. B. M. if- 2 -: Left bank, about three and one-half miles below B. M. if 1 , on a small knoll, at foot of bluffs, and is just below a road that turns into the woods after running along on top of bluff. On chart 106. Elev., 1,318.137. B. M. ifp-: (Secondary A Robinson) Left bank, about a mile south of the town of Coal Harbor, on high knoll, on ground set apart for cemetery for above town. On chart 105. Elev., 1,517.557. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, about two and three-quarters miles above the town of Coal Har- bor, on high bench behind lower end of timber, 2,450 feet above Snake Creek. On chart 105. Elev., 1,333.294. B. M. i?p: Left bank, on ridge about 1 mile below Old Fort Stevenson, about 300 feet from road which runs along edge of bench. On chart 105. Elev., 1,321.740. B. M. ilp-: Left bank, on a ridge overlooking Old Fort Stevenson and about 2 miles above it, about 150 feet from road which runs along near edge of high bank. On chart 104. Elev., 1,349.516. B. M. if 4 : Left bank, about 3 miles down river from B. M. if-^, on a small knoll about halfway between wagon road and old telegraph line . On chart 103 . Elev. , 1 , 352 .201 . B. M. if- 2 -: Left bank, on a ridge about one-fourth mile below John Wayle's, the last house on reservation, and about 100 feet from road toward river. On chart 103. Elev., 1,348.891. B. M. Mp: Left bank, at Fort Berthold Mission, in corner of lane 300 feet west of mission schoolhouse on wagon road. On chart 102. Elev., 1,340.007. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, about six and one-half miles by river above Fort Berthold, on edge of bench in bottom behind timber, opposite and three-eighths mile below mouth of Little Beaver Creek. On chart 101. Elev., 1,313.444. B. M. ijp: Left bank, about 7 and one-half miles by road above Fort Berthold, 450 feet from river on round knoll. On chart 101. Elev., 1,404.754. B. M. i|p: Left bank, about 10 and one-half miles by road above Fort Berthold, on bench near foot of bluffs, about 1,000 feet above where road goes up on top of bluffs, and about 30 feet from wagon road. On chart 101. Elev., 1,350.051. B. M. i|p-: Left bank, about 8 miles below mouth of Little Missouri River, 950 feet from river and 550 feet north from northwest corner of fence. On chart 100. Elev., 1,384.210. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, about 1 mile northwest of Sacred Heart Mission, 700 feet north of log house and 800 feet southeast from fork of wagon road. On chart 99. Elev., 1,361.633. B. M. if-^: Left bank, one and three-quarters miles above mouth of Little Missouri River, 3,400 feet from Missouri River, on point of high ridge, 400 feet from edge of timber. On chart 99. Elev., 1,434.808. B. M. if- 5 -: Left bank, two and one-half miles below mouth of Rising Water Creek, opposite large island, 4,500 feet from river, on high bench, 550 feet south of where wagon road leaves bottom. Onchart98. Elev., 1,364.971. B. M. if-^: Left bank, 1,200 feet above mouth of Rising Water Creek, 450 feet from river and 150 feet from log house. On chart 97. Elev., 1,389.845. B. M. ilp: Left bank, at the upper end of "The Slide," on high point 150 feet southeast from wagon road. On chart 97. Elev., 1,386.255. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, just below Fort Mancury Bend, opposite large coulee and high butte on right bank, 1,450 feet from river, 180 feet from corner and on the line with fence at northeast end of field. On chart 96. Elev., 1,356.325. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, about 5 miles below Indian Creek, 700 feet from river, on high bench about 75 ft. back from edge and 250 feet southeast of high, sharp ridge. On chart 95. Elev., 1,400.860. B. M. if^: Left bank, two and one-half miles above mouth of Indian Creek, on bench 1,950 feet from river, 1,000 feet southwest from large mound. On chart 94. Elev., 1,407.969. B. M. if^: Left btfhk, about 7 and one-half miles below mouth of Little Knife River, one and one-quarter miles above creek on right bank, and 800 feet from river. On chart 93. Elev., 1,408.712. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, one-quarter mile below mouth of Little Knife River, 525 feet from Missouri River. On chart 92. Elev., 1,468.625. B. M. if- 1 : Left bank, two and one-half miles above Indian village of Crow Flies High, 200 feet from wagon road. On chart 92. Elev., 1,455.274. B. M. if^: Left bank, one-half mile directly back from mouth of White Earth River, two and one-quarter miles below Ed. Hall's ranch, 875 feet from wagon road. On chart 90. Elev., 1,483.590. B. M. if^: Left bank, about 5 and three-quarters miles below mouth of Beaver Creek, on bench 700 feet from river. On chart 90. Elev., 1,407.785. BENCH MAEKS. 99 B. M. if" : Right bank, about one and three-quarters miles below mouth of Beaver Creek, 1,700 feet from river. On chart 90. Elev., 1,463.238. B. M. J-f A : Right bank, two and three-quarters miles below Grinnells Landing, on mound 1,750 feet from river and nearly south from mouth of small coulee. On chart 89. Elev., 1,577.348. B. M. -f-: Left bank, one and one-half miles above Grinnells Landing, 1,200 feet southwest of Carey Bros.' house, 300 feet south of wagon road, 2,900 feet from river. On chart 89. Elev., 1,418.743. B. M. if^: Left bank, three and one-half miles below Nesson post-office, 1,000 feet southeast along foot of bluffs from Edward Richards's house; most easily reached from point opposite Clark Creek; from this point a strip of grass land runs to B. M. On chart 88. Elev., 1,402.694. B. M. ij 1 : Left bank, one-third mile southeast of Nesson post-office, on second bench, one-half mile from river and one mile below where river cuts left bluff. On chart 88. Elev., 1,419.566. B. M. -H 11 : Left bank, one and three-quarters miles below David Garmarch's ranch, on second "bench, upper side of a coulee, lower end of a strip of grass land and three- fourths mile from river. On chart 87. Elev., 1,416.698. B. M. -M- n -: Left bank, 2 miles above David Garmarch's ranch, 200 feet from river, one-half mile below point of timber and brush. On chart 87. Elev., 1,446.162. B. M. -Mp: Left bank, at third rjoint where river cuts left bluffs above Nesson post- office, 12 and one-half miles by river above the latter place, 250 feet from river, in mouth of double coulee just above beginning of willows. On chart 86. Elev., 1,436.035. B. M. J-ip: Left bank, 3 miles below Harris's ranch, one-half mile from river, back of timber and three-quarters of a mile below where timber begins. On chart 86. Elev., 1,442.147. B. M. lip-: Left bank, one-half mile above Harris's ranch, 500 feet from foot of bluffs, on line with north fence and opposite mouth of coulee. On chart 85. Elev., 1,433.063. B. M. J-P-: Left bank, one and one-half miles above third point where river strikes left bank bluffs below Williston and one-half mile northwest from bend of high bank at edge of timber. On chart 85. Elev., 1,479.983. B. M. ijp-: Left bank, one-half mile above second point where river strikes left bank bluffs below Williston, 100 feet north of wagon road at Ehorst's ranch. On chart 84. Elev., 1,447.823. B. M. J-f : Left bank, at first point where river strikes bluff on left bank below Williston, 400 feet from river, and 125 feet from foot of bluff. On chart 84. Elev., 1,452.766. B. M. J-P: Left bank, 3 miles southeast of Williston, 950 feet north from the river at mouth of dry creek and 1,350 feet nearly southeast of a small house. Elev., 1,463.991. B. M. ifi; Left bank, 550 feet northeast from northwest corner of railroad station at Williston . On chart 83 . In front of steam laundry bldg. and liable to injury. Better use the U. S. R. S. B. Ms. See B. M. of U. S. G. S. Bronze plate on 4-inch iron pipe about 250' E. & 250' S. of new (1909) R. R. Sta. brick bldg. For elev. see Engrs. of U. S. R. S. Williston. Elev., 1,458.652. B. M. if 2 -: Left bank, 3 miles west of Great Northern Railway station, Williston. Three-fourths mile northeast of railroad bridge No. 136, on top of low bluff and 600 feet north from railroad track. On chart 83. Elev., 1,483.366. B. M. J-Jp: Left bank, one-quarter mile east of Jones Cut, 300 feet east of railway bridge No. 144, and 75 feet south of track. Elev., 1,452.993. B. M. -i-Sp: Left bank, two and three-quarters miles east of Trenton railway station, 225 feet north from railroad bridge No. 153. On chart 82. Elev., 1,475.845. B. M. J-f 1 : Left bank, just west of railroad station, Trenton, on the Great Northern Railroad, 800 feet northeast from railroad bridge No. 159, 600 feet from west end of skiing, and 40 feet north of wagon road. Elev., 1,497.721. B. M. ? 2 *-: Left bank, five and one-half miles east of Buford station, 3,200 feet south- east from railroad bridge No. 163. Elev., 1,486.711. B. M. if-&: Left bank, about two and one-half miles east of Buford railroad station, 2,950 feet south of railroad track and 1,800 feet west of small, dry creek. On chart 80. Elev., 1,495.949. B. M.: Fort Buford gauge. At Fort Buford Landing, 12 feet from edge of bank directly opposite the quartermaster's buildings, it is a three-fourths inch rod driven into the ground 10 inches below the surface of the ground, protected by an iron pipe Elev., 1,468.900. 100 BENCH MARKS. B. M. --: Left bank, 540 feet west from northwest corner and in line with north end of warehouse at Fort Buford. On chart 80. Elev., 1,486.916. B. M. ip.. Left bank, two and one-half miles west of Buford railway station, Great Northern Railroad, 550 feet west from water tank, 800 feet north from windmill, and 125 feet south of track. On chart 79. Elev., 1,494.693. B. M. if 4 : Left bank, two and three-quarters miles east of railway station at Willows, 100 feet south of railroad track and opposite the curve. On chart 79. Elev., 1,485.059. B. M. ifi; Left bank, 80 feet from foot of bluff and 1,000 feet north from section house at Willows railway station. Elev., 1,494.085. B. M. if^: Left bank, 3 miles west of Great Northern Railway station at Willows, 2,050 feet southeast from railroad bridge just north of Little Muddy and 100 feet south Of track. On chart 78. Elev., 1,492.983. B. M. 1%*-: Left bank, at point of bluff above mouth of Little Muddy Creek, 175 feet from right bank of creek, 200 feet north from edge of bench. On chart 77. Elev., 1,512.659. B. M. if&: Left bank, 6 miles by river above cut-off at Little Muddy Creek, 1,850 feet southeast from mouth of large coulee and 130 feet from foot of bluff. On chart 77. Elev., 1,511.264. B. M. ip : Left bank, at second cut bluff on left bank of river below Standing Buffalo's ranch, 225 feet from river and 950 feet east from where bluffs leave the river. Elev., 1,510.485. 'B. M. J-P-: Left bank, about three and one-half miles southeast from Standing Buffalo's ranch. On chart 75. Elev., 1,517.192. B. M. if*: Left bank, one and one-quarter miles southeast of Culbertson station, Great Northern R. R., 3,000 feet east of Standing Buffalo's ranch, 200 feet north of wagon road. On chart 75. Elev., 1,512.635. B. M. if: Left bank, nearly 2 miles west of Culbertson station, Great Northern Railway. 210 feet north of track, opposite center of curve. On chart 74. Elev., 1,506.267. B. M. if&: Left bank, 3,800 feet east of Blair station, 135 feet from track. On chart 73. Elev., 1,510.854. B. M. if 2 -: Left bank, 2 and one-quarter miles west from Blair station, G. N. R. R., about one and one-quarter miles west of railroad bridge No. 225 and 240 feet north of track. Elev., 1,533.771. B. M. if 1 : Left bank, two and three-quarters miles east from Calis, 1,300 feet from railroad bridge No. 232, 325 feet south of Great Northern Railroad track. On chart 72. Elev., 1,534.020. B. M. if&: Left bank, about a mile west from Calis station, 1,100 feet south of Great Northern Railroad track. On chart 71. Elev., 1,519.873. B. M. ijp: Left bank, 4 miles west of Calis railroad station, Great Northern Railroad, one mile east of water tank, 440 feet from track. On chart 71. Elev., 1,547.362. B. M. ijp-: Left bank, about 11 and one-half miles east of Poplar Creek railroad station, near edge of bluff, 1,500 feet northeast from mouth of coulee, 100 feet south- east and across wagon road from small house. On chart 71. Elev., 1,571.433. B. M. ijp-: Left bank, 9 miles east from Poplar Creek railroad station and 240 feet south of wagon road running west from the Indian village Po-gun-ta-sa-pa, 650 feet from foot of bluff. On chart 70. Elev., 1,576.757. B. M. if&: Left bank, about five and three-quarters miles east of Poplar railroad station, 1,000 feet from river on high bench, 350 feet west of road running up cou!6e. Elev., 1,595.277. B. M. i&: Left bank, about two and one-half miles east of Poplar Creek station and 400 feet south of Great Northern Railroad track. On chart 68. Elev., 1,547.794. B. M. i$: Left bank, 750 feet north and 150 feet east of Great Northern Railroad station at Poplar Creek. Elev., 1,581.532. B. M. ilp-: Left bank, two and one-quarter miles west of the railroad across Poplar Creek, 300 feet south of track and about 650 feet from edge of timber. Elev., 1,551 .527 B. M. ip-: Left bank, about 5 miles west from Poplar Creek railroad station, 790 feet south of Great Northern Railroad and 1,350 feet from river. On chart 66. Elev., 1,557.118. B. M. ijp: Left bank, 3,100 feet southeast from Chelsea station, 300 feet north of the east and west wagon road and 1,100 feet west of north and south wagon road. Elev., 1,565.743. B. M. i: Left bank, about two and three-quarters miles west of Chelsea station, 300 feet south of railroad, 75 feet north of wagon road, and 175 feet west of where wagon road descends into low bottom. Elev., 1,563.747. B. M. - 9 /: Left bank, 400 feet south and 75 feet east of section house at Macon station, Great Northern Railroad, and 50 feet south of wagon road. Elev., 1,568.713. BENCH MAEKS. ..,, 101 B. M. - 9 o 8 -: Left bank, two and one-half miles east of Wolf Point railway station,' 665 feet west of railway bridge, and 75 feet north of wagon road. Elev., 1,573.031. B. M. -^: Left bank, at Wolf Point, 660 feet from landing, 230 feet west of sawmill and on line with west side of the road up to the traders' store. On chart 63. Elev., 1,587.031. B . M. - 9 /: Right bank, one and one-eighth miles above Wolf Point, 600 feet from river. On chart 63. Elev., 1,631.843. B. M. *: Left bank, at first bend above Wolf Point, 900 feet from river, and about 500 feet from edge of timber. On chart 63. Elev., 1,582.913. B. M. - 9 /: Right bank, 1,040 feet from river bank, one-half mile below mouth of Sand Creek, and 2 miles by river above B. M. - 9 ^. On chart 62. Elev., 1,591.973. B. M. $-: Left bank, 2 miles by river below B. M. - 9 ^, 1,100 feet from river bank at sharp bend. On chart 62. Elev., 1,586.410. B. M. - 9 f-: Right bank, 2 miles below mouth of Elk River, 540 feet from river bank just where the river makes a sharp bend to the left. On chart 62. Elev., 1,590.534. B. M. - 9 /-: Left bank, two and one-quarter miles below B. M. -^ 320 feet from river bank and one-half mile below foot of timber. On chart 61. Elev., 1,595.609. B. M. - 9 ^: Right bank, first bend above Elk River where river strikes bluffs, on foothill, 480 feet from river. On chart 60. Elev., 1,642.839. B. M. - 9 ^: Left bank, opposite Lennox station on Great Northern Railroad, 500 feet from river bank, on top of high bench. On chart 60. Elev., 1,653.575. B. M. - 9 ^: Right bank, 3 miles below Box Elder Creek, 900 feet from river bank and 1,800 feet from where bench leaves the river. On chart 59. Elev., 1,608.318. B. M. -V-: Left bank, 1,100 feet from river, two and one-half miles south from bridge No. 325, Great Northern Railroad. On charts^58 and 59. Elev., 1,654.435. B. M. - 9 /: Right bank, two and one-quarter miles downstream from B. M. - 9 2 2 -, 600 feet from river, in sharp bend. On chart 58. Elev., 1,671.114. B. M. -U: Left bank, directly across river from B. M. -^ and 1,800 feet from shore. On chart 57. Elev., 1,625.114. B. M. -Vk Right bank, opposite and one mile below mouth of Milk River, 1,650 feet from river. On chart 57. Elev., 1,703.245. B. M. *: Right bank, 5 and one-half miles by river above mouth of Milk River, on top of bench, 500 feet from river and just above beginning of young cotton wood and willows. On chart 57. Elev., 1,679.159. B. M. \ 9 -: Left bank, at Galpin 1,000 feet from river bank, 900 feet back from Joe Batch's house. On chart 55. Elev., 1,642.746. B M J /: Right bank, directly across river from Galpin, on top of bench. On chart 55. Elev., 1,704.177. B. M. --: Right bank, one and one-half miles below Dry Fork, 500 feet from river. On chart 54. Elev., 1,708.351. B. M. - 8 ^: Left bank, one-half mile above Old Fort Peck and 3 miles above Dry Fork, 800 feet from river. On chart 54. Elev., 1,700.061. B. M. - 8 -! 1 : Right bank, 2 miles above Old Fort Peck on bottom, 500 feet from river. On chart 54. Elev., 1,651.059. B. M. - 8 /: Left bank, one and one-half miles above B. M. - 8 ^, at foot of bluffs and 1,800 feetlbelow where river leaves bluffs. On chart 52. Elev., 1,660.151. B. M. - 8 ^: Right bank, 4 miles along foot of bluffs below B. M. - 8 / 1,000 feet above where river cuts bluffs and 500 feet from river. On chart 52. Elev., 1,687.178. B. M. 8 2 ^: Left bank, one and two-thirds miles below B. M. - 8 ^ and 400 feet above where river strikes prairie bottom on left bank. On chart 52. Elev., 1,686.812. (K?B. M. - 8 ^ : Right bank, 4 miles by river below Catamount Creek, just below where river strikes right bluffs, 400 feet from river bank. On chart 52. Elev., 1,679.512. B. M. - 8 ^: Left bank, two and two-thirds miles above Catamount Creek, 1,000 feet from river. On chart 50. Elev., 1,711.812. B . M. M: Right bank, 1,600 feet below Little Dry Fork and 250 feet from river. On chart 50. Elev., 1,723.029. B. M. -\ 3 -: Left bank one mile above B. M. - 8 /, at foot of bluffs, one and one-quarter miles below where river strikes bluff, 1,600 feet from river. On chart 50. Elev., 1,701.068. B. M. - 8 ^: Right bank, 5 miles by river above Little Dry Fork, 1,000 feet from river on bench, back of timber. On chart 50. Elev., 1,700.603. B. M. - 8 /: No description given. On chart 49. Elev., 1,692.833. B. M. *: No description given. On chart 49. Elev., 1,732.228. B. M. -V-: Left bank, two and one-half miles below Hell Creek, 600 feet below head of island and 800 feet from river back of narrow strip of timber. On chart 48. Elev., 1,706.704. B. M. - 8 f: Right bank, 2 miles below Hell Creek, 300 feet from river bank on bench. On chart 47. Elev., 1,734.494, 102 BENCH MARKS. B. M. 4: Left bank, one-half mile above B. M. *, 1,300 feet below where river strikes bench, 150 feet from top of bench. On chart 46. Elev., 1,735.080. B. M. - 8 /: Right bank, one and one-half miles above Little Snow Creek, 200 feet from river. On chart 46. Elev., 1,752.877. B. M. ^: Left bank, directly across from B. M. - 7 / and 400 feet back from a high cut bench on river. On chart 43. Elev., 1,756.478. B. M. - 7 T 9 -: Right bank, seven and one-half miles above Round Butte, 600 feet from river and one mile above small creek. On chart 43. Elev., 1,741.948. B. M. - 7 /: Left bank, directly across from B. M. - 7 T -, 300 feet from river. On chart 42. Elev., 1,771.790. B. M. 7 /: Right bank, three-quarters mile above Buffalo Shoal, 600 feet from river. On chart 43. Elev., 1,753.376. B. M. -y-: Left bank, directly opposite B. M. ^, 1,000 feet above where river cuts left bluffs, 300 feet from river. On chart 40. Elev., 1,756.193. B. M. -V 1 : Right bank, five and one-half miles by river below Trovers Point, 1,000 feet from river, 1,500 feet above small creek. On chart 40. Elev., 1,778.366. B. M. - 7 /: Left bank, one mile above B. M. - 7 /, one-half mile from river, 2,700 feet from East Base, just south of Trovers Point base line. On chart 39. Elev., 1,763.706. B. M. \ B -: Right bank, 5 miles by river above Trovers Point, about 1,000 feet above where river strikes bench. On chart 38. Elev., 1,774.066. B. M. - 7 2 5 -: Left bank, opposite head of Elk Island, exact position not determined. Elev., 1,763.629. B. M. - 7 /: Right bank, 1,000 feet above head of Elk Island, 200 feet from river. On chart 38. Elev., 1,792.620. B. M. - 7 2 4: Left bank, 4 miles above Elk Island, close to foot of bluffs and 3,000 feet below where river leaves left bluff . On chart 37. Elev., 1,776.154. B. M. - 7 T 4 -: Right bank, opposite B. M. - 7 ^. No elevation has ever been obtained of this B. M., neither has its position been determined. B. M. - 7 /: Left bank, one mile below Hornet Island, 600 feet from river and 1,000 feet above where river strikes bluffs. On chart 37. Elev., 1,789.124. B. M. - 7 ^: Right bank, three-quarters mile below Hornet Island, near top of bench. On chart 37. Elev., 1,778.348. B. M. - 7 ^: Left bank, three-quarters mile-above head of Hornet Island, near foot of bluffs, about 1,000 feet above where river cuts left bluffs. On chart 36. Elev., 1,802.967. B. M. -^i Right bank, one and one-half miles above head of Hornet Island. On chart 36. Elev., 1,788.278. B. M. -V-: Left bank, opposite and about 1,000 feet below B. M. -^ and close to foot of bluffs. On chart 36. Elev., 1,788.868. B. M. 7 /: Right bank, 2 miles below Squaw Creek, 300 feet from river. On chart 36. Elev., 1,776.758. B. M. - 7 /: Left bank, directly across the Missouri Valley from B. M. - T T -, about 1,000 feet above where river strikes bluffs. On chart 35. Elev., 1,808.521. B. M. -^: Right bank, even with point of bluff on upper side of Squaw Creek Valley and 1,000 feet from foot of bluffs. On chart 35. Elev., 1,786.567. B. M. - 6 ^: Left bank, one and one-half miles above mouth of Musselshell River, one- quarter mile from river bank and 1,500 feet from foot of bluffs. On chart 35. Elev., 1,791.898. B. M . -^i Right bank, one and one-quarter miles above mouth of Musselshell River, at foot of bench and 1,500 feet below where river leaves right bluff. On chart 35. Elev., 1,799.498. B . M . 4f : Left bank, one-half mile above B . M . - 6 ^ and 800 feet from river. On chart 34. Elev., 1,801.786. B . M . - 6 / : Right bank, three and three-quarters miles above Musselshell River, 500 feet from river bank and 500 feet below where river begins to leave right bluffs, on top of bench. On chart 34. Elev., 1,817.174. B. M. -V-: Left bank, directly opposite B. M. $, at foot of bluffs, on foothill. On chart 33. Elev., 1,802.229. B. M. -^z.: Right bank, three and one-quarter miles along foot of bluffs above B. M. ^, about 4,000 feet below where river leaves right bluffs. On charts 33 and 34. Elev., 1,807.589. B. M. ^: Left bank, directly opposite B. M. - G and at foot of bluffs. On chart 33. Elev., 1,806.464. B. M. 4^: Right bank, 4 miles by river above B. M. V 1,000 feet above where river strikes bluffs, at foot of bluffs. On chart 33. Elev., 1,870.127. B. M. 6 ^: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 6 ^, 800 feet from foot of bluffs. On chart 32. Elev., 1,805.161. BENCH MARKS. 103 B. M. - 6 ^: Right bank, 4 miles below lower end of Haw ley Island cut-off, in large valley, 500 feet from river bank. On chart 32. Elev., 1,831.597. B. M. 4: Left bank, at foot of point of bluffs, just below Hawley Island cut-off. On chart 31." Elev., 1,843.494. B. M. 6 ^: Right bank, directly opposite Hawley Island cut-off, at foot of bluffs. On chart 31. Elev., 1,850.364. B. M. A/-: Left bank, one mile below Circle Bar cattle ranch, at foot of bluffs, and 1,500 feet~above where river strikes bench. On chart 31. Elev., 1,821.896. B. M. *Y-: Right bank, opposite B. M. - 6 /, near foot of bluffs. Position not accurately determined. Elev., 1,826.326. B. M. A/: Left bank, directly opposite B. M. - 6 ^. On chart 30. Elev., 1,838.174. B. M. -y : Right bank, three ancl one-half miles below foot of Ryan Island, in middle of bend, and 300 feet from river. On chart 30. Elev., 1,815.241. B. M. A/: Left bank, directly opposite B. M. - 6 f. On chart 30. Elev., 1,846.797. B. M. -V-: Right bank, at foot of Ryan Island, 100 feet above creek, 600 feet from river bank. On chart 30. Elev., 1,831.166. B. M. 4,-: Left bank, one and three-quarters miles above head of Ryan Island, 275 feet fronTriver bank. On chart 29. Elev., 1,846.316. B. M. 4^: Right bank, about 2 miles above head of Ryan Island, 1,050 feet from river and about 500 feet south of edge of willows. On chart 29. Elev., 1,821.694. B. M. 4: Left bank, near foot of bluff, behind timber opposite Carroll Landing. On chart 29." Elev., 1,838.484. B. M. AJ&: Right bank, near Carroll Landing, 1,500 feet from river, in mouth of small coulee. On chart 29. Elev., 1,866.390. B. M. A/-: Left bank, about 4 miles below Rocky Point, 700 feet from river bank, behind timber and about 600 feet southeast from high point of ridge. On charts 28 and 29. Elev., 1,864.123. B. M. 4^: Right bank, opposite small island about three and one-half miles below Rocky Point. On chart 28. Elev., 1,867.460. B. M. -V-: Left bank, about a mile above Rocky Point, 800 feet from river bank. On chart 28. " Elev., 1,843.211. B. M. -\t: Right bank, about one and one-quarter miles below Broad water Landing, one-quarter mile above mouth of Rock Creek and 225 feet from river bank. On chart 28. Elev., 1,862.443. B. M. AA: Left bank, 1,000 feet west from mouth of Warm Spring Creek and 300 feet from river bank. On chart 27. Elev., 1,856.720. B. M. 4j&: Right bank, about one-half mile above mouth of Warm Spring Creek, near edge of timber, 1,150 feet northwest from high butte. On chart 27. Elev., 1,844.331. B. M. A/: Left bank, one and one-quarter miles below foot of Armel Island, in bottom back of willows, 150 feet north from and 1,600 feet west from where willows reach foot of bluff. On chart 27. Elev., 1,866.398. B'. M. -?/: Right bank, one and one-half miles below foot of Armel Island, 600 feet east from upper end of willows and 175 feet south from edge of willows. On chart 27. Elev., 1,875.956. B. M. A/: Left bank, one-half mile above mouth of Armel Creek, 500 feet from river. On chart^26. Elev., 1,870.556. B. M. 4j*: Right bank, 250 feet west from mouth of Armel Creek, 400 feet southeast from point of bluff. On chart 26. Elev., 1,8.61.844. B. M. -V-: Left bank, 3 and one-eighth miles above mouth of Armel Creek, about one-half mile above Grays Point, 450 feet from river and near foot of bluffs. On chart 26. Elev., 1,864.334. B. M. \ 3 -: Right bank, about two and one-half miles above Armel Creek, opposite Gray Point, 150 ft. back from willows. On charts 25 and 26. Elev., 1,912.649. B. M. Ar 2 -: Left bank, opposite B. M. V position not accurately determined. Elev., 1,862.411. B. M. $: Right bank, opposite the upper end of the lower of the Two Calf Islands, 150 feet from river bank. On chart 25. Elev., 1,869.021. B. M. A/-: Left bank, about five-eighths mile below foot of Hammond Island, 600 feet from river bank. On chart 25. Elev., 1,882.537. B. M. - 5 ! 1 : Right bank, about one mile below foot of Hammond Island, on bench behind sagebrush. On chart 25. Elev., 1,918.604. B. M. A: Left bank, at head of Grand Island, 200 feet from river bank and 300 feet northeast from north end of dam. On chart 24. JSlev., 1,885.309. B. M. -Sj : Right bank, at head of Grand Island, 300 feet from river. On chart 24. Elev., 1,895.981. B. M. - 4 /: Left bank, two miles above head of Grand Island, opposite B. M. - 4 /. On chart 24. " Elev., 1,897.996. 104 BENCH MARKS. B. M. *, : Right bank, 2 miles above head of Grand Island. On chart 24. Elev., 1,885.356. B. M. -V-: Left bank, at Dexter Chute, 200 feet from river bank. On chart 23. Elev., 1,906.955. B. M. - 4 ^: Right bank, at Dexter Chute, 150 feet from river. On chart 23. Elev., 1,881.321. B. M. -V-: Left bank, one mile below foot of Cow Island, 300 feet from river. On chart 23. Elev., 1,901.550. B. M. 4ji: Right bank, three-quarters mile below foot of Cow Island, 225 feet from river and 500 feet below where river leaves bluffs. On chart 23. Elev., 1,898.925. B. M. - 4 /: Left bank, about three-quarters mile above Cow Creek, neai foot of bluffs, 150 feet below end of willows. On chart 22. Elev., 1,895.382. B. M. 4j: Right bank, about three-quarters mile above Cow Creek, 90 feet from river. On chart 22. Elev., 1,823.422. B. M. +: Left bank, about one-quarter mile above mouth of Snake Creek, 100 feet from river bank. On chart 22. Elev., 1,910.037. B. M. - 4 ^: Right bank, about 800 feet above mouth of Snake Creek, 175 feet from river. On chart 22. Elev., 1,913.932. B. M. - 4 ^: Left bank, three-quarters mile below foot of Sturgeon Island, 150 feet from river. On chart 21. Elev., 1,913.083. B. M. 4j4 : Right bank, three-quarters mile below Sturgeon Island, 350 feet from river. On chart 21. Elev., 1,930.830. B. M. - 4 /: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 4 ^, 150 feet from river and 350 feet from foot of bluffs. On chart 21. Elev., 1,933.944. B. M. 4^: Right bank, two and one-half miles below Birds Rapids, 100 feet from river. On chart 21. Elev., 1,921.456. B. M. 4 ^: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 4 /, 200 feet from river. On chart 20. Elev., 1,935.856. B. M. 4,*: Right bank, about three and one-quarter miles below Castle Bluff Rapids, on high bank, 175 feet from river and 50 feet above mouth of small creek. On chart 20. Elev., 1,944.222. B. M. 4f: Left bank, at foot of Castle Bluff Rapids, 250 feet from river. On chart 19. Elev., 1,944.944. B. M. -Y-: Right bank, below foot of Castle Bluff Rapids, 100 feet from river. On chart 19. Elev., 1,936.073. B. M. - 4 /: Left bank, opposite B. M. 4^. On chart 19. Elev., 1,960.867. B. M. 4j&: Right bank, two and three-eighths miles above Lone Pine Rapids, 100 fe3t from river. On chart 19. Elev., 1,960.663. B. M. - 3 /: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 3 ^ and 160 feet from river bank. On chart 18. Elev., 1,960.255. B. M. - 3 /: Right bank, one-quarter mile below foot of Dauphin Rapids, 200 feet from river bank. On chart 18. Elev., 2,001.762. B. M. - 3 /: Left bank, about one-quarter mile above mouth of Little Dog Creek, 75 feet from river bank. On charts 17 and 18. Elev., 1,980.822. B. M. *-: Right bank, one-quarter mile above Little Dog Creek, 50 feet from river bank. On charts 17 and 18. Elev., 1,983.242. B. M. 4f: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 3 f, 150 feet from river. On chart 17. Elev., 1,988.368. B. M. - 3 ! 1 : Right bank, one-quarter mile above Gallatin Rapids, 100 feet from river bank. On chart 17. Elev., 1,996.024. B. M. - 3 /: Left bank, 400 feet below foot of Iron City Island, on high bank 100 feet from river. On chart 17. Elev. ? 1,979.238. B. M. -^r Right bank, opposite foot of Iron City Island, 600 feet from river bank. On chart 17. Elev., 1,995.928. B. M. 4f : Left bank, opposite B. M. 3 /, 50 feet from river. On chart 16. Elev., 1,987.047. B. M. - 3 Y 5 : Right bank, opposite foot of Holmes Council Island, 100 feet from river bank. On chart 16. Elev., 1,994.660. B. M. -V: Left bank, opposite Dog Island, 500 feet from river bank. On chart 16. Elev., 1,916.591. B. M. - 3 jt: Right bank, a little above foot of Council Island, near foot of slope, 200 feet from river bank. On chart 16. Elev., 1,916.666. B. M. - 3 ^: Left bank, opposite mouth of Judith River, 800 feet from river bank. On chart 15. Elev., 2,004.458. B. B. - 3 I 3 -: Left bank, in northwest corner of J. R. Norris's front yard, at Judith Landing. On chart 15. Elev., 2,003.796. B. M. *: Left bank, opposite B. M. -^ and 300 feet from river bank. On chart 15. Elev., 2,038.422. BENCH MARKS. 105 B. M. 3 /: Right bank, one-half mile above Drowned Man Rapids, 550 feet from river bank, on bench 100 feet from left bank of small creek. On chart 15. Elev., 2,026.692. B. M. -Q: Left bank, opposite B. M. -^ and 200 feet from river bank. On chart 14. Elev., 2,039.410. B. M. -Y-: Right bank, three and one-half miles below the mouth of Arrow River, 850 feet above mouth of small creek and 175 feet from river bank. Elev., 2,022.577. B. M. - 3 ^: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 3 T -, just above high perpendicular bluff and 75 feet from river. Elev., 2,033.207. B. M. -3^: Right bank, one and one-half miles below mouth of Arrow River, 100 feet from river bank. On chart 14. Elev., 2,030.134. B. M. - 2 ^: Left bank, opposite B. M. 2 T ^, 250 feet from river bank. On chart 13. Elev., 2,036.742. B. M. - 2 /: Right bank, one mile below Wolf Island, 500 feet from river bank. On chart 13. Elev., 2,048.444. B. M. - 2 / : Left bank, opposite B. M. - 2 ^, 50 feet from edge of first bench of land. On charts 12 and 13. Elev., 2,061.382. B. M. - 2 /: Right bank, at Pablo Rapids, 100 feet from river bank. On charts 12 and 13. Elev., 2,048.529. B. M. -V: Left bank, opposite B. M. -^ and 150 feet from river bank. On chart 12. Elev., 2,057.241. B. M. -2ji: Right bank, two miles above Pablo Island, 175 feet from river bank. On chart 12. Elev., 2,058.907. B. M. - 2 /: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 2 /, 250 feet from river bank. On charts 11 and 12. Elev., 2,057.808. B. M. - 2 /: Right bank, three miles below Hole-in-the-Wall, 200 feet above mouth of small creek and 50 feet from river bank. On chart 11. Elev., 2,071.286 B. M. - 2 ^: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 2 / and 150 feet from river bank. On chart 11. Elev., 2,086.967. B. M. 2 -f-: Right bank, near and due north from Hole-in-the-Wall, 350 feet from river bank. On chart 11. Elev., 2,076.088. B. M. - 2 2 4 -: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 2 r 4 -, 100 feet from river bank. On chart 11. Elev., 2,081.199. B. M. - 2 ^: Right bank, 1,700 feet above Cathedral Rock, 100 feet from river bank. On charts 10 and 11. Elev., 2,084.569. B. M. - 2 / : Left bank, near Kipp Rapids, and 750 feet northwest of Eagle Rock. On chart 10. Elev., 2,095.245. B. M. 2 ^: Right bank, just above Kipp Rapids, 400 feet from river bank. On chart 10. Elev., 2,083.156 B. M. - 2 /: Left bank, opposite B. M. - 2 /, 150 feet from river. On chart 10. Elev., 2,096.995 B. M. *: Right bank, two miles above Kipp Rapids, 200 feet from river bank. On chart 10. Elev., 2,101.063. B. M. -V-: Left bank, 2,000 feet above mouth of Eagle Creek, 125 feet from river bank. On chart 9. Elev., 2,088.726. B. M. *: Right bank, about three-quarters mile above Labarge Rock, 100 feet from river bank. On chart 9. Elev., 2,085.284. B. M. - 2 /: Left bank, one-half mile below Haystack Butte, 200 feet from river bank. On charts 8 and 9. Elev., 2,111.198. B. M. - 2 /: Right bank, about three-quarters mile below Haystack Butte, 75 feet from river. On chart 9. Elev., 2,100.632. B. M. - 1 /: Left bank, one mile below Little Sandy Creek, 300 feet from river bank and 300 feet from left bank of small creek. On chart 8. Elev., 2,096.399. B. M. if-: Right bank, one mile below mouth of Little Sandy Creek, 900 feet west from river bank behind timber and 500 feet from foot of bluffs. On chart 8. Elev., 2,096.112. B. M. - 1 /: Left bank, opposite B. M. - J f, at foot of bluff. On chart 7. Elev., 2,103.567. B. M. Jf: Right bank, about five-eighths mile below Pugsley ' 3 > 627 - 793 - BENCH MAEKS. HI B. M. A S. B. Gallatin, Mont. : Is in town of Gallatin City, Mont., between the Gallatin and Madison Rivers, on left bank of Moss Creek, east of Main street, 1,053 feet south- west of the northeast corner of section 20, T. 2 N., R. 2 E.; being copper bolt in A stone. Elev., 3,632.388; top of cap, 3,635.468. B. M. 1, Three Forks, Mont.: Is at Three Forks, Mont., at the southwest corner of the Three Forks Hotel, inside of the hotel yard, 1 feet from fence and 1 foot from west wall of building; being copper bolt in B. M. stone. Elev., 3,640.112; top of cap, 3,644.175. B. M., N. P. R. R.: Is on west end of Northern Pacific Railroad bridge over Spring Creek about mile west of Gallatin Station, Mont. ; being top of stringer. (Eleva- tion above sea level 4,026.400 feet, furnished by the N. P. R. R. Office, St. Paul. Minn. See letter book.) Elev., 3,626.363, LD 2l-50m-8,-32 ^ sT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY