LIST ?arfj> (prin&fc anb o^etr (^0080 DR. CORRIE It OF JESfS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. PRINTED BY J. PALAIFJi 1880. LIST IN THK POSSESSION OF DR. CORBIE MASTER OF JESUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. (Eambribgt: PRINTED BY J. PALMER. 1880. Stack Annex 5011623 EARLY PRINTED BOOKS IN THE LIBRAKY OF THE MASTER OF JESUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. 1 SERMONES XXXII Aurei Venerabilis Domini Alberti Magni Episcopi Ratisponensis, de sacrosancto Eucharistiae Sacramento. The colophon : Colouiae impensis Henrici Quen- tell impress! Anno Sancti Domini MCCCCXCVIII. [Hain, 454] This book is small 4to, and is of a rare edition. The first edition of these Sermons appeared in 8vo, soon after the invention of printing; the second in folio, in 1474 at Cologne, without name, place or date ; the third edition in Mayence, in folio, printed hy John Guldenschaff. This fourth edition is rare (see Clement, Bibliotheque Curieme, Vol. 1, p. 123 et seq.) and is not men- tioned by Brunet nor Ebert. A fine clean copy. On the title-page is a wood engraving representing the Infant Christ with the heavenly Dove hovering, the Virgin, with Joseph, Zacharias and Elizabeth in attendance. SERMOKES XXXII Aurei Venerabilis Domini Alberti Magni Episcopi Ratisponensis, de sacrosancto Eucharistiae Sacramento. The colophon : Expliciunt Sermones de Sacra- mento Corporis et Sanguinis Domini, a Venerabili Doctore Alberto magno editi accuratissima quoque correctione cura inser- tione Sermonis xxii (qui a prius impressis defecerat). Coloniae impensis Henrici Quentell iinpressi Anno Sancti Domini MCCCCXCVIII. [Hain, 454] On the title-page is a woodcut representing our Lord as an infant seated on an altar, held by one hand by the Virgin, Elizabeth holding the other, attended by Joseph on one side and by Zacha- riah on the other, who holds a paten and chalice. Overhead is a representation of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove surrounded with a nimbus. At the foot of the altar is a shield bearing three crowns in chief. 2 PATRUM. (Oil a fly leaf, in a fine bold letter). The colophon : Deo gratias. In alma Venetiarum urbe man- dato impensisque probatissimi viri Domini Nicholai de Franckfordia Anno Domini MCCCCCXII die xx Septembris. This book is the Legendary of Jacobus de Voragine or Lombardic history (?), only arranged under four divisions. The first part forms the history, the second is for instruction and doctrinal purposes, the third relates to the observance of rules, and the last has respect to the commendation of the virtues of life. The border of the first leaf of the History is adorned with wood engravings, as also are the capital letters throughout the book, some of the latter representing some action of the Saint to whose legend it is prefixed. It is paged by Arabic numerals. The book is a good specimen of the Venetian press, on vellum-paper and is clean and in good condition. The book begins with a table of seven leaves of matter contained in the book. 5 D. DIONYSII Carthusian! Epistolarum ac Evangeliorum Dominicalium totius anni Enarratio, adjunctis Homiliis et Sermonibus variis tarn ad plebem, quam ad religiosos om- nipharia eruditione conspicuis. Pars prima de Tempore. Colonise P. Quentell suis impensis excudebat, Anno, MDXXXIII. Cum Gratia et Privilegio. The title to the second volume is mainly similar to that of the first, with the words " Pars Altera de Sanctis." The title page of both is elaborately engraved by Anthony von Worms, a German engraver of that period. 6 AUREI SERMOKES totius anni de tempore et de Sanctis cum quadragesimal! pluribusque extravagantibus Sermonibus Sacrse pagine eximii Professoris Magistri Johannis Nider Ordinis Praedicatorum Conventus Nurembergensis. Qui pro- fecto idcirco aurei nominantur et sunt, Turn propter precio- sissimam materiam quam tractant, Turn propter efficacissimas rerum quas tractant probaciones, Turn propter amplissimam eorundem capacitatem ut vix videatur materia predicabilis 3 populo quam compendissime non comprehendant ut patet ex registris eorundem sermonum huic libro impressis, Turn propter excellentiam autoris qui quante excellence fuerit in facilitate theologica ejus scripta super sententias aliaque luculentur ostendunt. The author of this book was a German Dominican Friar, and was commissioned to invite the Bohemians to the Council of Basle. He was the author of several other works. This book is without signatures, name of printer, date or place. The sermons "de tempore " and "de Sanctis" have the word "Sermo" with the Eoman numerals as a kind of running title. The book is evidently of an early type of letter. A former owner of the book accordingly refers the printing to Pisandler at Reutlinger in 1482 3. Pan- zer ii. 404, 49 ; but Gesner states that the " Sermones de tempore, de Sanctis et Quadragesimali " were printed at the same time at Ulm, by one of the Zainers. The water-mark of the paper is the ox-head used by so many early printers. The book is in old binding, and in good condition, clean and with broad margins. 7 SERMONES DOMINICALES per anni circulum, Magistri Pauli Wan Sacrse paginse Professoris eximii Ecclesiseque Pataviensis verbi Dei Concionatoris famosissimi. Printed at Hagenau by Henry Gran, llth Feb., 1517. This book has two well-executed engraved title pages, and is bound in hog's skin, with brass clasps, and is in excellent condition. SUMMA DE CASIBUS per fratrem Astesanum de ordine fratrum minorum compilata ad honorem Dei immoiialis et diligentem exhortationem Domini Johannis Gaietani, Diaconi Cardinalis S. Theodori. Summe confessionis operi nobilissimo et huic facultati operam dantibus pernecessario quam frater Astesanus de Ast ordinis minorum doctor solemnis edidit maxima cura et sollicitudine famosissimi sacrse theologie magistri fratris Bartbolomei de Bellati de Feltro circa juris cottatomes necnon fratris Gomerii Hispani de Ulyxbona provincie Portugalie sacre theologie bacchalarii clarissimi in conventu Venetiarum circa residuum totius voluminis ambo ejusdem religionis minorum emendate sumptibus et jussu Johannis de Colonia sociique ejus Johannis Manthen de Gherretzem, Venetiis finis impositus est 1478, Die 18. mensis Martii. [Hain, 1893] The work is divided into eight books, there being prefixed to each book a list of the cases treated of in it. At the end of the Summa is a Tabula of the signification of the terms used, appended to which is a table of the several titles of the Decretals in which the cases mentioned in the book are treated of. This is a beautiful copy on vellum-like paper in fine small type in double columns, fifty-four lines in a column, with clean broad margins. The initial letters illuminated as far as book vi. chap. 30. 9 DURANDI Rationale divinorum Officiorum (without printer's name) 1493. Sexta feria ante festum Mariae Magdalene. [Hain, 6496] 10 FASCICULUS Temporum (ending in the year 1484). [Hain, 6934] The title of this Book is on the first leaf, and on the reverse is a wood-cut representing a person in the act of presenting a book to his sovereign, who is seated and crowned, holding a sceptre. The table which follows occupies five leaves : then follow ninety leaves all regularly numbered. The book is in old binding with clasps, and some of the leaves are slightly wormed. 12 INSIGNIS duarum passionum Domini Jesu Christi Nostri Salvatoris Collector quorundam Divini verbi dissertissimorum prsedicatorum doctrinalis et devotionis excitatia (sic) pro die Veneris sancta sacrse Parasceuen utique vulgo predicabili con- gruentissima textualiter ex quatuor Evangeliorum concordantiis, &c. Simulque continens illibatse Virginis Sanctse Katharinae passionem sen martyrii ejusdem historian! etc. [Hain, 5480] This scarce specimen of early printing has signatures but has neither name of place nor printer, but was printed at Cologne by John Koelhoff, 1477. (See Panzer i. 337, 453.) The peculiarity of this book is that both sides of the leaves seem to have been printed at the same time. I have two copies (one much cleaner than the other) which are manifestly of the same impression, but the illuminated capitals are not done in each by the same hand. [See the word "designt." in last line but one on sig. a2, and "vinculatus" in last line on same signature.] 14 SERMONES super JEpistolas dominicales per totius Anni Circulum, collecti ex sermonibus Wilhelmi Parisiensis, et ex dictis S. Thomas, Jbhannis Nider aliorumque Doctontm Catholicorum atque ex sermonibus Sensatis ac denuo cum magno labore revisi. Argentine, Arte et impensis Johannis Keynardi (alias Gruninger), 1489. [cf. Hain, 8509] J. Nider was a German Dominican Friar and Inquisitor, flourished in the University of Vienna, Deputy at the Council of Basle, died at Nuremburg in 1438. (Du Pin Eccles. History, 15th century.) 15 SERMOXES Pomserii de tempore (pars aestivalis) comportati per fratrem Pelbartum de Themeswar professum divi Ordinis S. Francisci collecti. Printed at Lugdunum by John Cleyn [1489]. The sermons are numbered up to LXXX. With these Sermons are bound in the same volume POM^-ERITJM Sermonum De Sanctis [pars hiemalis]. Num- bered up to XCVIL [Hain, 12554] Both volumes of Sermons are evidently the work of the same printer, and were intended to be bound together. The Sermons "de Sanctis" are without the names of place or printer, and those "de Tempore" are without date : but at the end of the XCVII. Sermon "de Sanctis" occurs " Finis est partis : laus Christo gloria sanctis Amen sit cordis Deo sit operis simul oris Bis sep cent actis ocdenis ter tribus annis," which gives the date of 1489. This book seems to have been in the possession of Ralph Thoresby and also of "Wm. Herbert, and has their respective autographs on the title page of the Sermons "de Tempore" which runs, "Pomerium Sermonum de 6 Sanctis [instead of de Tempore] pars aestivalis." About twelve leaves at the end of the book are more or less water-stained, other- wise it is in good condition, though somewhat wormed. 16 SERMONES Pomerii de Tempore comportati per fratrem Pelbartura de Tbemeswar: impress! per Henricum Grannum, 1502 (on vellum-like paper), iii. nonas August!. [Hain, 12555] 17 CELEBERRIMI et omnium excellentissirai divini verbi decla- matoris patris Gotschalci Holen ordinis Eremitarum Augustini sacrse theologise lectoris excellentissimi Sermones super Epis- tolas Pauli per anni circulum. This book was printed at Hagenau by Henry Gran, 1517, in Gothic type, and commences with an alphabetical table (containing seven leaves) of the matter contained in the Dominical Sermons for the winter season, seventy-four in number. To these sermons are added two sermons in dialogue by John de Sancto Geminiano, the first between Christ and the thief on his right hand on the Cross, and the second between Christ and Cain, on the descent of Christ " ad inferos." Next follows an alphabetical table, of nine leaves, of the matter contained in the Sermons for the summer season. Next, an alphabetical table, of one leaf, of the matter contained in a treatise "de Dedicatione." Thirdly, an alpha- betical table, of two leaves, of the order in which the Sermons for the summer season occur. To the summer Sermons, one hundred and seven in number, succeeds a Treatise on the De- dication, consisting (as may be gathered from the table) of sixteen Sermons, but the latter part of the sixteenth is missing, one leaf being torn out. At the end of the first table there is a note "Ad Lectorem," to the effect that these Sermons were considered so profound and instructive that John Rynman, prin- cipal bookseller at Hagenau, had them printed at his own expense by Henry Gran. It is evident from the frequent marginal notes that the book has been much studied, the sermons being replete with curious and quaint stories, some of which are adopted by Shakspeare, as " King Lear" in Sermon VI. of the winter series. Many of them are derived from Bercorius' "Gesta Romanorum." 18 CARACCIOLUS (Robert de Licio) Sermones de laudibus Sanctorum, Peter Drach, Spire, 1490. (On vellum-like paper.) [Ham, 4484] This book is in clean, excellent condition, and once belonged to the Duke of Sussex. According to Gesner (Biblioth. p. 739) there was an edition of these Sermons printed also in 1490 by Nicholas Keslur, at Basle. Robert de Licio was born at Licio, and was Bishop of Aquino and of Licio. 20 POSTILLA super Evangelia dominicalia. "Hoc Volumen im- pressuum est Moguntise circa Annum MCCCCL ab ipsis inventor- ibus artis typographies et quidem ut existimo antequam impri- mendaBiblia et antequam detectum secretum quo artemvelabant. Et ideo deest mentio Urbis, Typographic et temporis. Hsec editio incognita fuit omnibus qui de artis typographic in- ventione scripserunt, et est rarissima." When these letters are taken in detail and compared one with another it is manifest that they did not proceed from the same matrix nor consequently from the same punch. It may be that the historians of the art of printing have not seen this work, and many others which are without date, printer's name or place, and are not aware of the perfection the inventors had attained in this particular. This edition is certainly effected by involuted letters. There is scarcely a page in which there are not disarrangements of the letters in words, sometimes by some letters being higher, others lower than those which immediately precede or succeed them, so that the lines are sometimes unlevel and in others the letters are unequal in size or not of the same height. Three different alphabets are observable in this volume, one as regards capital letters, and one forming the titles at the head of the text, and a third of a smaller kind for the Gloss. It appears to me that this book was printed before the first Bible, and before the first Catho- licon with moveable letters. The paper bears the felegram of the papers used by the first printers, i.e. the head of an ox (see the leaf which has "explicit super Epulum dedicationis"). It is probable that the difference that may be observed in the form of the same letters is occasioned by the circumstance that the first printers cut their punches for entire syllables, of which the letters could not be perfectly like to those that were isolated, and that issued from a different matrix. Description of a Book "inter rariores rarissimum." TAXE Cancellarie appstolice et taxe sacre penitentiary itidem apostolicse. The printer's device [St. Denis (headless) and his two companions]. Venundantur Parislis in vico Sancti Jacobi ad crucem ligneam prope Sacellum Divi Ivonis per cossanum Denis bibliopolam cum descriptione Italse ac copendio Univer- sitatis Parisiensis et taxis beneficiorum ecclesiasticoru Kegni Francise, 1520. Cum privilegio trienni. At the upper part of the title page are woodcuts of the papal arms (those of Leo X.) on a shell enclosed in a square, and parallel to these are the arms of France. On the reverse is the royal license to the printer, and a notice " Ad Lectorem," giving an account of this edition of the Taxae. Then follow three leaves of table. The book of forty-two leaves is printed in Gothic type, and on the last leaf is a list of "errata post prelum emendanda" finishing with two lines of verse "Ad lectorem benevolum." 21 LEGEND A hsec aurea nitidis excutitur formis claret . . . plu- rimum censoria castigatione, usque adeo ut nihil perperam adhibitum remotumve quod ad rem potissimum pertinere non videatur offendi possit. Below this title is a wood engraving of the crucifixion of our Lord, and figures on each side, then the words " Venundantur Lugduni a Johanne honet ejusdem civitatis hibliopola prope sanctum eli- gium;" the whole enclosed in an engraved border representing personages of the Old and New Testament and legendary history. At the back of the title-page and on the seven following leaves is a table of matter contained in the volume, and, secondly, a list of the names of the persons whose legends the book records. The colophon gives the name of Stephen Balam as printer, and the date as 26th August, 1510. This book is by Jacobus de Voragine, and has been many times printed. 23 LEGENDA SANCTORUM, quse collegit in unum Frater Jacobus matroni Januensis Ordinis Fratrum Predicatorum. Colophon at the end of 318th leaf: "Explicit legenda Lorn- 9 bardica Jacob! de Voragine, Ordinis Predicatorum EpiscopI Januensis." On the 319th leaf begins " Sequuntur qusedam legenda ac quibusdam aliis superaddita. Et primum de decem millibus Martyrura." At the end of the Appendix, which extends to leaf 369, occurs, " Lombardica historia explicat Anno Domini MCCCCLXXXI." There is no name of place or printer ; there are no signatures, but each leaf (369 in all, beside those of the table) is numbered by old Eoman numerals. The table occupies 13 leaves. This book is not described by any bibliographer so far as I can find, but is a fine specimen of old typography, and is in excellent condition, with a good broad margin, though slightly water-stained as regards the earlier leaves. Printed in single column, 41 lines in a page. 25 JOHANNES DE FONTE (lector in Monte Pessulano) Com- pendium librorum Sententiarum quatuor in modum Conclu- sionum Sententialiter compositum. [Hain, 7225] A specimen of very early printing, without signatures, date, name of place or printer, but assigned to Gunther Zainer, who printed in Augsburg from 1471 1484. As the book is without signa- tures the printing would be regarded as before 1484. 26 PARATUS de tempore continent JEvangeliorum de tempore expositiones necnon de tempore Epistolarum Sermones. Ser- mones etiam de Sanctis. [Hain 12398] This volume is printed on vellum-like paper, with signatures, but without date, printer's name or place ; but is assigned by Gesner (Biblioth. p. 651) to "Argentine, 1487." 27 GALENSIS. Communiloquium sive summa collationum. [Hain, 7440] This is in good condition (very slightly touched by the worm in one or two places), and is without signatures, printer's name or place. It is printed on vellum-like paper, with a broad margin, and is an early specimen of printing, probably by John Zainer ofUlm, 1481. 10 28 SERMONES Dominicales ex Epistolis et Evangeliis atque de Sanctis secundum Ecclesiae Ordinem Wilhelmi, Cancellarii Parisiensis. Expensis Frederici Meyerberger et ductu Johannis Ormar, feria tertia "Invocavit" Anno 99 [1499]. This book is printed on vellum-like paper, and is in excellent condition, although a few of the leaves at the beginning are slightly water-stained. 29 TEES SERMONES Fratris Roberti, sc. De Annunciatione Virgmis Marie : de predestinate numero damnorum et de Cathenis. Printed on vellum-like paper (by John Koelhoff?), without date, signature, or name of place or printer. These Sermons seem to be the remnant of a larger volume, but are beautiful specimens of early printing. 30 SERMONES Dominicales cum Expositionibus Evangeliorum per Annum satis notabiles et utiles omnibus Sacerdotibus Pastoribus et Capellanis qui alio nomine "Dormi secure" vel "Dormi sine curd" sunt nuncupati eo quod absque magno studio faciliter possint incorporati et populo praedicati. This book is a very good specimen of early typography, has signatures, but is without date, name of place or printer, paging, or other marks of more modern printed books. The water-mark on the paper is the figure of a sickle: and Dr. Kloss, a former owner of this book refers the printing to " Conradus de Homborch of Colonia, 1480:" giving references to Panzer i. 339, 466: De le Vail. i. 244. It is printed in double columns each containing 38 lines, with broad and clean margins. A copy formerly belonging to the Duke of Sussex with signatures, but no printer's name, place or date, is assigned to John Koelhoff de Lubeck, printer at Cologne, 1481, and has the Sermons "de Sanctis" as well as "Dominicales". A fine specimen of paper printing. Dr. Bacon says Eichard Maidstone is the author. 800 SERMONES Dominicales. Another copy, formerly belonging to the Duke of Sussex, with 11 signatures, but no printer's name, date or place, but in a note in the cover is assigned to John Koelhoff de Lubeck, printer at Cologne, 1483. The book is in good condition, printed in bold type, in single columns, 39 lines, with good margins. In the same volume are bound SERMONES PEREGRINI, de Tempore, de Sanctis: with the following note at the end, in much larger type : " Fratris Perigrini In regionem divine pagiue peregre proficiscentis doc- toris clarissimi de tempore sanctisque per circulum anni ser- mones populares diligenter correct! hie finem comprehendunt feliciter." [Hain, 12580] This part has signatures, but without pagination, or date, or printer. Single column, 40 lines in a column, and is evidently by the same printer. 31 GUIDONIS DE MONTE ROTHERII, Manipulus Curatorum, printed at Cologne. [Hain, 8169] This early edition has signatures, but is without printer's name. The Bibliographers do not mention any edition of this book as printed at Cologne, but all early editions are very rare. (See Ebert. ii. 691.) 32 FRATRIS Petri Berchorii Pictavensis Morale reductorium super totam Bibliam quatuor et triginta libris consummatum singulisque (secuiidum materise exigentiam) capitibus aptissime distinctum, &c. Printed by Peter Langendorff, 21 Augt., 1515. 33 VITA et Processus sancti Thomae Cantuariensis Martyris super Libertate ecclesiastica (4to) by John of Salisbury. Colophon : Explicit quadripartita Historia continens passionem sanctissimi Thomae martyris Archepiscopi Cantuariensis et Primatis Anglici una cum processu ejusdem super ecclesiastica libertate quae impressa fuit Parisiis per Magistrum Johannem Philipi commorantem in vico Sancti Jacobi ad intersignium 12 Sanctae Barbara, et completa Anno Domini Millesimo quadra- gentisimo nonagesimo quinto vicesima Septima Mensis Martii. Between this Colophon and the Table occur four Epistles, two of them from S. Ignatius to S. John the Evangelist, one from that Bishop to the blessed Virgin Mary, and the remaining one from the Virgin to S. Ignatius. After the table is added a Treatise on Ecclesiastical jurisdiction described as follows in the Colophon : " Explicit quidam libellus de jurisdictione ecclesiastica factus per dominum Petrum Bertrandi et in concilio convenientibus pralatis regni Franciae verbotenus in Gallia per ipsum deputatum ex parte ipsorum Prelatorum recitatus. Impressus Parisii per Magistrum Johannem Philippi Alemanius, In vico S. Jacobi ad intersignium Sanctae Barbarae Anno Domini Millesimo quadragentisimo nona- gesimo quinto. Secunda Aprilis." An excellent specimen of early printing, clean, and in calf gilt, modern binding. [See Hain, 15510] 34 NOTALISSIMUS Quadragesimale et in toto suo processu tern. .... editum a quodam sacrse paginse professore Ordinis prsedicatoram Leonardo Italico quod a suo auctore " Sertum Fidei " intitulatur eo quod in eo omnes Articuli fidei luculen- tissime sparsim per sermones declarantur. This book is a fine specimen of early printing on vellum-like paper with signatures, but without pagination, name of printer, place or date. Prefixed to the Sermons is a list of the Sermons contained in the volume, and at the close an index of the matter contained in each sermon. The Sermons finish with the following Colophon : " Finitum est hoc egregium et perutile quadragesimale editum a fratre Leonardo Italico sacre theologiaa professore quod valde utile est omnibus predicatoribus homines ad virtutes hortari a vitiis retrahere volentibus. Deo gratias." This seems probably the edition mentioned by Maittaire as printed at . It has remarkably clean, broad margins. The printing is in double columns of 38 lines. Bound in the same volume is the first edition of Cassian. CASSIANI Collationes Sanctorum patrum. A splendid book on vellum, without signature, pagination, name of printer, or date, but said to have been printed at Bruxellcs by the Brothers of the Common life about 1474. (See Ebert. Biblioth. 13 vol. i. p. 276) in large 4to. in Gothic letters in two columns of 38 lines. The book is very scarce. In strength of type and size of letters the text is like that of Ulrich Zell, of Cologne. 36 SERMOXES Discipuli de tempore et Sanctis, de Dedicatione ecclesie, Quadragesimale, exemplorum, casus Papales et epis- copales, Inhibitiones a sacra communione, Promptuarium, De Miraculis beate Marie Virginis. Printed at Nuremberg by Johannes Stuchs, 7th March, 1517. Folio. This book has an engraved well-executed title page, representing St. Jerome sitting at a writing table in the act of writing. On the floor close to the table opposite to him is a sleeping lion. The book is perfect and in good condition, with a copious table of the matter contained in it, and affords a good specimen of the press from which it issued. It is printed in double columns, 72 lines in a column. 37 SERMOKES Discipuli de Tempore et de Sanctis una cum Promptuario Exemplorum et de miraculis beatse Virginis (folio). Colophon : Finit opus perutile simplicibus Curam Animarum gerentibus per venerabilem et devotum Johannem Herolt sancti Dominici sectatorem professum de Tempore et de Sanctis cum Promptuario Exemplorum atque Tabulis suis collectum. " Discipulus nuncupatur Impressum Argentinse in officina Martin Flaech junioris cura ejusdem Anno Domini MCCCCCIII. pridie nonas Octobres. This edition of a book very often reprinted is in a complete state, in modern binding, and in good condition except as regards a slight water- stain which yet in no way interferes with the printed text. The Promptuarium is not often printed with the Sermons. There are blank spaces left to admit of illuminated capitals throughout the whole book. 38 OPUS praeclarum Sermonem Socci de Tempore sic dictorum cum de suco id est de medulla sacrse paginje stilo subobscuro 14 exquisitissime sint collecti. Printed at Strasburgh 4th Feb., 1484, by John de Griininger. [Hain, 14826] This book is in good condition, having a clear, broad margin. The first part contains one hundred and twenty-seven sermons from Advent to Easter, and one hundred and twenty-five from Easter to the end of the Ecclesiastical division of the year. The book has signatures and a kind of running title and pagination in the form of " Sermo primus," " Secundus," &c. up to "Nonus," after that number the pagination takes the form of " Sermo X.," &c. The type is a fine specimen of the Strasburgh press. The water- mark is the ox's head. Prefixed to the book is an alphabetical Register of the matters contained in the volume, and secondly, one of the subject matter contained in the Sermons as they occur in the volume. 42 DIALOGUS qui vocatur Scrutinium Scripturarum compositus per reverendura patrem dominum Paulum de Sancta Maria Magistrum in Theologia Episcopum Burgensem Archicancel- larium serenissimi principis Domini Regis Castellae et Legionis. [An. 1470.] [See Hain, 10762] This book is a good specimen of the early Mantuan press, of which there are not many to be commonly met with. It is in good condition except that some of the leaves are slightly wormed, but not so as to interfere with the printing. The last few leaves are wanting, and with them the Colophon : but this, the first and scarce edition of the work, was printed at Mantua by John Schell, or Schall, from 1475 1479 (see Biblioth. Vet. Hispan. vol. ii. p. 239, Madrid, 1788), and is without signatures or pagination. 43 VIOLA SANCTORUM (in a bold letter, on a fly leaf) small 4to. Colophon : Viola Sanctorum finit feliciter Anno Domini MCCCCLXXXI. kal. Julii Nurembergae impressum satis emenda- tum elaboratumque. This book is in good Gothic type, has spaces left for the initial capitals, but has no printer's name. A few of the leaves at the beginning of the book are somewhat water-stained, and a few toward the end very slightly wormed. Probably printed by Ant. Coburgcr. 15 44 DIRECTOBJUM Concubinariorum saluberrimum quo quaedam stupenda et quasi inaudita pericula quam apertissime resol- vuntur nedum Clericis ut etiam Laicis hoc crimine pollutis necessarium, sed et communi populo prsesertim erga sacerdotes concubinarios quam utilissimum ob infinitos laqueos quibus tarn ipsi quam indoctum vulgus propter ipsos irretirentur (small 4to. in Gothic type). Therentius Veritas odium parit Esdras Sed justo sub judice vincit. At the end of the table there is the following notice : " Impressum est hoc Directorium concubinatorum primitum Agripine alias Colonie nunc post virgineum partum MCCCCCVIII. et jam denuo ibidem anno sequenti MDIX. in officina literaria ingenuorum libroruin Quentell." This curious book, intended as a guide to Confessors in their dealings with lay and clerical fornicators, consists of xxxi. leaves besides the fly-leaf, which serves for a title-page, and three leaves of table at the end : on the reverse of the last leaf of the table are some verses addressed to persons of the class treated of. The paging forms a kind of running title, the numbers up to 18 being written at length, after 18 the leaves bear the Roman numerals. 46 SERMONES collect! a fratre Jordano de Quedlinburg, Lectore Magdeburgensi Ordinis fratrum Eremitarum Sancti Augustini. Printed by John de Gruninger, 28 March, 1484. [Hain, 9440] This Book is in excellent condition, printed on vellum-like paper, and formerly belonged to Robert Southey, whose autograph and book-plate it bears. The water-mark is the ox's head. 47 BAPTISTS Mantuani Carmelitae de Patientia aurei libri tres (small 4to.) 1499. Nihil sine causa Olpe. Coloph. Impressum Basilise opera Johannis Bergman de Olpe xvi. kl. Septembres Anno Salutis MCCCCLXXXIX. principante Domino Maximiliano cui salus et victoria. Amen. Then follow some complimentary verses addressed to Wymmar, Dean of Ercklens, but then Deacon of Agria. [See Hain, 2407] The book is printed in Roman type, and is perhaps one of the 16 earliest specimens of that type used by the printers at Basle ex- cept Froben : it is also in good condition considering that it is in the original boards. It is without any pagination. 48 HYSTORIA Eoclesiastica. The colophon: Eusebii Cae- sariensis ecclesiastica unit hysteria per Magistrum Goffredum Boussardum sacrae theologise doctorem eximium exactissime correcta et emendata diligentia Petri Levet Parisii impressa expensis Johannis de Combelens et prcefati Levet, Anno 1497, pridie kalendas Septembres. Double columns, 46 lines. [Hain, 6713] Bound in the same volume is CASSIODORI Senatoris viri del de regimine ecclesise primi- tivse hysteria tripartita feliciter incipit. The colophon : His- toriae ecclesiasticae explicit liber duodecimus et ultimus Gloria Individuae Trinitati, pax legentibus, Credulitas audientibus, Vita facientibus. Amen. [Hain, 4570] Both books are on vellum paper excellent specimens of printing, especially Cassiodorus, in good and perfect condition, and with Monograms of the respective printers on their title pages. Both are in 4to. double columns, 54 lines. [I do not find the Mono- gram of the printer of Cassiodorus, nor the date, nor any account of the edition.] 49 MAGISTRI Robert! Holkot super quatuor libros Sententiarum questiones (8vo. in Gothic type). Colophon: Hujus operis diligenter impress! Lugduni a Magistri Johanni Cleyn Ale- manus, anno salutis nostrae M. [quincentesimo decimo] (1510) ad Idus Aprilis. [cf. Hain, 8763] A former possessor of this hook seems to have tried to obliterate the date except the "M", but the date was 1510. The book is in a very legible small Gothic type, on vellum paper, and in the original binding: but in form, texture, &c. is a reprint of the satnc Treatise of the same Author, by the same printer, Cleyn, in 1505, now in my possession. The type, paper, &c. of the edition of 1505 is also of a better quality, only that the blank spaces left in 1505 for initial capitals are occasionally supplied by engraved capitals in 1510. In condition, &c. the edition of 150-5 is a very handsome book in all respects. 17 OPUS praeclarissimum eximii Magistri Roperti Holket sacrae theologise moralissimi atque doctissinri professoris Ordinis fra- trum prsedicatorum super Sapientiam Salomonis quam Philo collegit. Printed at Spire by Peter Drach, 1483, 4th kalend. of March. [Hain, 8756] The book is in good condition, with signatures hut without pagina- tion. The blank spaces left for illuminated initial letters are not filled up. After the colophon there follows the printer's device, viz., two shields suspended from the branch of a tree, that on the left hand containing a Wivel, the other a pine tree with a star on each side. Temperley (Hist, of Printing, p. 124) states that the device of two shields, in one of which were three stars, was that used by Faust and Schoeffer, the printers at Mentz. N.B. Maittaire (i. 4, Amsterdam, 1733) observes that the name of Faust and Schoeffer does not appear in books beyond 1470; nor Schoeffer alone beyond 1 492. SERMONES dominicales super Epistolas Pauli et consequenter per circulum anni egregii domini doctoris Magistri Thomae de Haselbach in Austria (Prima pars). [Hain, 8370] This book is a thick folio, in excellent condition, and is a fine specimen of early printing. It is without signatures, paging, or printer's name or place ; but at the end the following colophon occurs: "Explicit prima pars Sermon um super Epistolas Pauli Anno Domini MCCCCLXXVIII die xui Decembris iii." The capitals are illuminated, but are of the simplest description. The initial A to the prologue to the Sermons is an elaborate kind of woodcut, representing our Lord washing S. Peter's feet (S. John xiii. 9), and was evidently a block-printed initial intended for every copy of that edition of the Sermons. The prevailing paper-mark is a snail carrying its shell. It is finally to be observed that this book seems to have been printed with moveable types, not with blocks, for in most pages letters occur in words which shew them to have been single letters, e.g. on the first page, line seven from the bottom, the word " consider andum" was manifestly printed with types that were distinct one from the other, and not united: so also as regards the words "animarum curam" in the next line. D. DIONYSII Carthusian! insigne commentariorum opus, in Psalmos omnes Davidicos, &c. Accedit ad hsec ejusdem in 2 18 matutinalia vn Cantica in Magnificat quoque, Nunc Dimittis, &c. Parisiis. Apud Johannem Roigny, via ad D. Jacobum sub Basilico et quatuor elementis. 1542. The book is in good condition, and is in old monastic binding. Below the title-page is a representation of the printer at his press. It is printed at Paris by Louis Tiletan. At the top of the press is printed "Prelum ascensianum." Bound with this is D. D10NYSII Carthusian! Piae ac eruditse enarrationes in Librum Jobi, Tobiae, Judith, Hester, Esdrae, Nehemiae, 1 Machabseorum, 2 Machabseorum. Colonise, impensis Petri Quentell. Anno MDXXXIIII, Mense Martio. This part has a handsomely engraved title-page, the upper part representing God's threatened judgment against the enemies of his church ; the lower part, the prophet interceding against its fulfilment. [Cf. Panzer vi. 42?.] PHARETRA, auctoritates et dicta SS. Doctorum, Philoso- pborum et Poetarum ordine alphabetico deposita continens. Printed at Argentorati by John Mentelin, 1470 (Panzer i. 73, 413). [Hain, 12908] This book is denominated Pharetra "because like as the quiver of archers is provided with various kinds of arrows, by which, as opportunity serves, an enemy may wound or kill his foe, so in this book will be found various and potent sayings of holy doctors, and other philosophers and poets, by which our ancient enemy, the devil, may be kept at bay whenever he desires to overcome the sinner." This book is an exceedingly fine copy, and is the first edition. It is without signature, pagination, name of printer or place, but a MS. note in the handwriting of a practised scribe states that the book was purchased for the Monastery of S. JEgidius in Nuremburg of the Order of S. Benedict. The book contains, first, after some introductory observations, an alphabetical list of names of authors quoted, also an alphabetical list of subjects treated of in the book, these consisting of six leaves ; then follows the subject of the work, occupying 349 leaves, double columns, 50 lines in each column. 19 SUMMA quae vocatur Catholicon de Janua, sc. Johan. de Balbis. [Hain, 2251] This book is large folio, fine, clean copy, with broad margin, and contains 391 leaves in two columns, with 58 lines in a full column, without signatures, catch-words, pagination, name of place, printer or date. Type remarkable and fine, on vellum-like paper, the paper-mark being a rose. In a manuscript note at the end of the Dresden copy of this edition of the Catholicon the date 1482 is assigned as the year in which it was printed, but it was probably at a somewhat earlier date (see Panzer iv. 93, Eber. ii. 837). PLURA et diversa et inestimabilis doctrinae atque utilitatis Divi Aurelii Augustini Sermonum opera: nuper sumtna cura et diligentia Udalrici Gering et magistri Berchtoldi Rembolt sociorum quam emendatissime impressa apud solem aureum in vico Sorbonico Parisiis verialia comperies, quorum nomine eo ordine quo in hoc continentur volumine hie annotata sunt. Ad fratres in Heremo commorantes Sermones Ixxvi. De Verbis domini, Sermones Ixiiii. De Verbis Apostoli, Ser. xxv. In Epistolam Canonicam beat! Johannis primam Sermones x. Homiliae id est Sermones populares, Quinquaginta. In Evan- gelium secundum Johannem Tractatus cxxiiii. De tempore Sermones cclvi. De Sanctis Sermoues li. [See Hain, 2007] On the reverse of this title is an engraving representing S. Augustine in the act of copying into a book from certain volumes held open to him by the pope and a crowd of cardinals, all of whom are seated : the device of the printer Rembolt being on the title-page. The book is perfect, having a running pagination, and contains 415 leaves, numbered including the index, or "Emporium" of the Sermons with which the book commences, and the "Annota- tio Sermonum de Sanctis " which concludes it. The date does not appear, but it is known that Gering, the printer of this volume, introduced the art of printing into Paris in 1470, and had Rembolt and others as partners : that Gering and his associates removed from the Sorbonne in 1473, and that his name alone appears in books printed by him subsequently' to 1477. Now as this book was printed whilst Gering and his associates remained in the Sorbonne it must have been printed between 1470 and 1473 (see Palmer, Hist, of Print, p. 165 and seq. ; Temperley, Hist, of 20 Print, p. 132). As regards Gel-ing's works they are looked upon as among the best specimens of printing of their time. This book is in excellent condition, and in old binding. SPECULUM EXEMPLORUM:. Ad laudem et gloriam sem- piternae individuseque Trinitatis beatissimse Marise Virginia Omnium Sanctorum et Angelorum, finitum et completum est hoc Speculum exemplorum per me Richardum Paefroed civem Daventriensem in crastino beatissimorum Apostolorum Philippi et Jacobi Anno Dni MCCCCLXXXI. De quo sit Deus benedictus in saecula. Amen. [Hain, 14915] A fine specimen of the work of the first known printer at Daventer. The book is quite perfect except as regards the last two leaves, which are injured by the damp, but happily the above written colophon is uninjured. The prologus gives a curious account of the object for which the Speculum was completed, and the sermons from which the matter composing it was collected. OPUS preclarum omnium omeliarum et postillarum venerabi- lium ac egregio eorum doctorum gregorii, augustini, iheronimi, ambrosii, bede, herici, leonis, maximi, johannis episcopi, atque origenis integraliter super evangelia dominicalia de tempore et de sanctis pro totius anni circulum cum quibusdam eorundem sparsim interpositis sermonibus hinc inde suis locis collectis et coaptatis temporibus, in partem hyemalem ac estivalem di- visum incipit feliciter. Pars hyemalis et prima. This volume contains the Homilies "in partem hyemalem" which were collected by Paul the Deacon at the command of Charle- magne, for the use of the Clergy and Religious in his dominions. That monarch's letter, explaining the object he had in view in this collection of Homilies is prefixed as a prologue to the work. The volume contains 255 leaves. The following is the title of the Homilies " in partem estivalem :" OMILIE et postilla venerabilium doctorum gregorii, augus- tini, iheronymi, ambrosii, bede, hereci, leonis et maximi in- tegraliter super evangelia per sestatem cum quibusdam ser- monibus eorundem sparsim interpositis incipiuut feliciter. Pars 21 estivalis. The following is the colophon to this part : Expli- ciunt omelie super evangelia de tempore et de sanctis per totum annum cum quibusdam sermonibus eorundem admisse et ap- probate ab alma universitate coloniensi impresse autem per me Conradum de homborch ad laudem et gloriam dei qui est semper benedictus in secula. Amen. [See Hain, 8792] This book consists of 288 leaves, the paging, which is by a later hand, being continued from the other volume. In the first part 80 is put for 79, and 178 for 177; in the second part 378 is put for 377, while two leaves are numbered 458, but in all these cases there is no defect in those places in which these errors of the scribe occur. The books are printed in double columns, con- sisting of 40 lines. Both volumes are clean and in excellent condition, with broad margins ; are without signatures, pagination or date, but are evidently very good specimens of Conrad's printing, who was the father of the press at Cologne, having commenced his printing as early as 1470, soon after which time may probably be the date of these books, which it is believed are a first edition. They are in good monastic binding. Respecting the rarity of specimens of this printer's works, see Dibdin's Bibliotheca Spenceriana, vol. iii. pp. 430, &c. SCOTUS, on the first book of the Sentences, which is thus described in the colophon : Explicit Scriptum super Primum Sententiarum editum a fratre Johaune Duns Ordinis fratrum minorum Doctore subtilissimo ac omnium Theologorum prin- cipe. Per excellentissimum sacrse theologise doctorem Magis- trum Thomam Pemcheth Anglicum Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini in famosissimo studio Patavino ordinarie legentem maxima cum diligentia emendatum. Impressum Venetiis, ex- pensis et mandato Johannis de Colonia Sociique ejus Johaniiis Manthen de Gherretzem Anno a Natali Xtiano 1477 die vero 26 Julij. [Hain, 6416] The work contains 262 leaves, of which 228 are numbered in an old hand; the text is in double columns of 51 lines each. The last 15 leaves are occupied with what may be called criticisms on the work, described in the following colophon: "Et sic est finis harum Additionum quce secundum nonullorum opinionem textui doctoris subtilissimi super primum Sententiarum librum adduntur et in eodem locis suis interponuntur:" On this last leaf 22 is printed a register of the catch-words of every leaf. The work has signatures and brief running title, but no pagination, except such as is supplied by a later hand, as far as p. 228. The book is in folio, in monastic binding, and is printed on beautiful vellum-like paper, with clean, broad margins, and double columns of 51 lines each, and is, taken altogether, as good a specimen of early printing as is to be met with. Eespecting the printers of the work, Palmer observes that they were equal to any of their contemporaries in the fineness of their paper, and the elegance and correctness of their work (Hist, of Print, p. 146). SCOTUS on the second book of the Sentences. Thus described in the colophon: Johannis Scoti Ordinis Minorum Sacrse theologise Professoris perexcellentissimi 2 super sententiarura quaestiones a Thoma Pemchet Anglico sacrse paginse doctore clarissimo summa emendata cum diligentia finiunt feliciter. Necnon operate characterizateque sublimi librarum effigie ductu et impensis virorum circumspectorum domini lo. Agrippensis dominique lo. Manten de Gherretzem Sociorum. Anno Salutis 1478, 7 idus Januarii. [Hain, 6416] This book consists of 142 leaves, then 8 pages of index, one con- taining a register of catch-words, followed by 6 leaves of extra conclusions, thus defined in a colophon : " Debet in fine omnium harum conclusionum Scoti poni illud extra quod est pro 60. distinctione angelorum quorum principi dec fit laus et gloria per eterna secula. Amen." Bound in the same volume are QUODLTBETA, or miscellaneous questions, by Scotus, having the following colophon : Et sic est finis horum quodlibetorum a Johanne Duns Ordinis fratrum minorum Doctore subtillissimo omnium Theologorum principe, editorum per excellentissimum sacrse Theologise doctorum Magistrum Thomam Pancheth An- glicum Ordinis fratrum eremitarum S. Augustini famosissimo studio Patavino ordinarie legentem maxima cum diligentia emendatorum quorum bonitate ac einendatione diligenti im- pressa fuere Venetiis impensis Johannis de Colonia sociique ejus Johannis Manthen de Gherretzem. Anno MCCCCLXXVII die vero vn mensis Octobris. Laus Deo. [Hain, 6434] These Quodlibets occupy 103 leaves, the four last consisting of the 23 table of subjects, and the last leaf having the register of catch- words. It will be noted that these Quodlibets were printed in 1477, while the second book on the Sentences was printed in 1478. In the character of the binding, and in the general condi- tion, it corresponds in all respects with the first book on the Sentences. SCOTUS, Commentary on the third book of the Sentences, described in the colophon as : Scriptum super 3o senten- tiarurn editum a fratre Johanne duns ordinis fratrum minorum doctore subtillissimo, ac omnium theologorum principe. Per excellentissimum sacre theologie doctorem magistrum Thomam pencheth anglicum ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti Au- gustini, in famosissimo studio Patavino ordinarie legentem; maxima cum diligentia emendatum. Impressum Venetiis ad expensas et mandatum Johannis de Colonia: sociique ejus Jo- hannis manthen de Gherretzem. Anno domini 1477. Laus Deo. [Hain, 6416] SCOTUS on the fourth book of the Sentences, is described in the colophon as follows : Johannis scoti in 4to sententiarum opus preclarissimum ceteris theologie voluminibus emendatis ac castigatis exscriptum. Idem autem diligentissime recognovit Thomas anglicus summus in theologia magister. Impressioni- que Venetiis deditum est ductu et impensa Johannis Colonie aggripinensis sociique ejus Johannis manthen de Gherretzem qui una fideliter degunt et cuncta ad communem utilitatem peragunt. [Hain, 6416] Duns Scotus, on the third and fourth book of the Sentences, edited by Thomas Pancheth Anglicus (called "Pemckeit" by Pitts, p. 675), printed at Venice by John de Colonia and his partner, John Manthen de Gretzen. The date MCCCCLXX.VII is added to the third part, but no date is affixed to the fourth part. There is this difference between the colophon of the third and fourth books, that the editor of the former is Thomas Pemchet Anglicus, in the latter it is simply Thomas Anglicus. The book is a fine specimen of the work of those celebrated printers, whether regard be paid to (vellum) paper, type, margin or original binding. 24 All the tabula and registers of the catch-words are perfect. It will be noted also that the commentaries on the several books of the Sentences were printed at different intervals of the year. This may be accounted for, as Pemchett printed the Commentary of Scotus at the request of his Auditory (Pitts ut supra). PETKI RICHARDI artium et sacra theologiae Professoris optime merit! Sermonum opus super Epistolas et Evangelia totius Anni clarissimum multis probatorum authorum Senten- tiis et exemplis refertum (in two parts). Printed by Berthold Rembolt, "expensis Johannis Petit," 1518, on 12th August. The title-page bears John Petit's device, the text on it is in red and black letters. The book is quite perfect, and is a very good specimen of the style of type then used. The number of leaves in the first part extends to 174, those of the second part to 162. The binding is old. Small 4to. [Panzer, viii. 45] TRACTATTJS Brevis et Utilis Infirmis Yisitandis et Con- fessionem eorum Audiendis. Black letter, 6 leaves, without date, name of printer or place, or signature; very early, probably about 1470. This is a direction for visiting, and a form of confession prescribed for the sick. LEONARDI DE UTINO. Sermones quadragesimales de petitionibus super evangeliis totis Quadragesirae Magistri Leon- ard! de Utino, ordinis fratrum predicatorum valde theologales : et complurimum omnibus Christ! fidelibus pernecessarii usque hactenus impress! vigilanter visitati per fratrem Petrum de Tardito eiusdem ordinis et conventus Chamberiaci, sacre theo- logie professorem cum tabula in pagina sequent! inserta. Lugd. 1518, Johannem Marion. The colophon states the book to be printed at Lyons by John Marion, 1518. The initial letter of the title page is well en- graved, and at the foot is the well-known device of Marion. The book is printed in clear Gothic type, in double columns, 41 lines in a column, with running title. The initial capitals are engraved. Book in excellent condition, bound in green morocco. Small octavo. 25 SERMONUlf floridorum fratris Leonardi de Utino sacrae theologise Professoris ac Ordinis Prsedicatorum prsecipui quos prsedicavit Florentise (A.D. 1435) coram tota Curia Romana ibidem tune temporis residente " Eugenio Papa" iv. (sm. 4to). [Hain, 16139] Printed at Lyons by John Trechsel, MCCCCXCVI. The hook is quite perfect, is well printed, and at end has the printer's device : also in old binding. SERMONES Fratris Gabrielis Barelete ordinis predicatorum tarn quadragesimales et de Sanctis. Noviter impressi. Et ubi prius fuerunt interposita carmina Petrarche et Dantis in eorum vulgari modo per venerabilem Magistrum Johannem Anthonii ordinis minorum italicum sunt verbis latinis translata. The title is in Gothic characters. The colophon at the end of De Sanctis states it to have been printed at Lyons in 1502, by "Claud d'Avost alias de troie." The book contains Sermones Quadragesimales, et de Sanctis. This book has the autograph of Robert Southey. In this book the Sermones de Sanctis come first, the Quadragesimales second. At the dorsal of the title-page occurs a list of the saints who are commemorated. Prefixed to the Quadragesimal sermons is a preface by Benedictus Britianus, addressed to Thomas Caietan. [Panzer, vii. 278.] This is sup- posed to be the second edition of this now very uncommon book. The first is supposed to have been printed in Italy between 1495 and 1500. As regards the sermons themselves, they are described by Dupin as "full of impertinences and ridiculous things, un- worthy of the gravity wherewith the word of God should be preached." See also a MS. note to the same effect on the fly-leaf of the book. SERMONES Fratris Gabrielis Barlete ordinis predicatorum tarn quadragesimales et de sanctis. Venales extant sub signo divi Claudii : in vico Sancti Jacobi. Between these two sentences is an engraved and rubricated book- seller's device. The colophon states that the book was printed in 1507 at Paris, "per Magistrum Johannem seurre alias de pica, expensis Francis Regnault." This book seems to have belonged to an earnest 26 Franciscan, since the same four leaves of the sermon on the Immaculate Conception have been cut out, as in the former edition. D. DIONYSII Carthusian! in Evangelium Lucae enarratio, &c. Parisiis. Apud Guillelmum le Bret. In clause brunello sub signo cornu Cerui. 1548. Printer's device, a tree with the motto, " Spes Mea Deus." The book is in Roman type. Small octavo. ELTJCIDISSIMA in Divi Pauli Epistolas commentaria Dio- nysii, olim Carthusiani apud celebrem Euremundam ducatus Geldriae urbem, cui in componendis sacrarum literarum libris vix alter similis successit. With the Commentary are a life of the author, a catalogue of his works, and an epistle to Charles, duke of Gueldres. Printed by John Petit, Paris, 1531. Printer's device, two lions bearing a shield, on which is a fleur-de-lis, and the initials J. P. IN SACROSANCTUM Jesu Christi Domini nostri evangelium securidum Joannem, pie erudite juxta Catholicam doctrinam Enarrationes, pro concione explicate. Anno Domini 1536 Moguntise. Accessit operi, eiusdem diui Joannis Apostoli Epistola prima, item pro concione non minus erudite quam pie enarrata, Moguntiae in summa aede. Anno 1545. Per F. Joannem Ferum, summae apud Mogunt. aedis Concionatorem, et caenobij D. Francisi Guardianum. Antverpise, Apud Mar. Nutium sub Cicionijs MDLVI. Cum regis Privilegio. Ferus was a learned Roman Catholic divine who died in 1554. After his death his writings were expurgated by the congregation of the Index, as favouring too much the doctrine of the Reformation. This and other early editions are scarce. This volume is in monastic binding, and in good condition. 27 POSTILL^E sive Condones in Epistolas et Evangelia quse ab Aduentu usque ad Pascha in Ecclesia legi consuerunt, authore R. patre D. Joanne Fero Concionatore absolutissimo interprete vero M. Joanne Gunthero. Pars Prima. Antverpiae. In sedibus Joannis Steelfij, JIDLV. On title-page is printer's device. Small octavo. REVEREXDI Patris D. Joannis Feri in totam Genesim, non minus eruditae quam Catholicae enarrationes. Tertia .ZEditio. Colonise Agrippinse Apud haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni Anno MDLXII. On the title-page is printer's device and name. In chap, viii., p. 248, this Romanist author, in a passage beginning, " In ecclesia autem, sacrificium nostrum est Christus," &c., describes our feeding on Christ in the Sacrament as held by the Church of England. Small octavo. POSTILLJE sive Condones Reuerend. D. Johannis Feri Metropolitans Moguntinse Concionatoris absoluti. In Epist. et Evang. de Sanctis quorum a Festo usque ad Aduentum in Ecclesia Catholica celebratur memoria, lam primum latinitati donatae per M. Joan, a Via. Psalm xxxiv. Venite parvuli, audite me, timorem Domini docebo vos. Antverpise. In sedibus Joannis Stelsij, MDLXII. Cum Gratia et Privilegio. On title-page is printer's device. Small octavo. SERMOXES dominicales super Evangelia et Epistolas de tempore hyemali : plurima scitu necessaria non solum divini verbi declamatoribus : verum etiam singulis christiane religionis cultoribus complectentes, editi a fratre Hugone de Prato Florido ordinis predicatorum : ac nuperrime summa diligentia castigati. In a colophon at the end of pars hyemalis it is stated that it was printed in the officina literaria of Antonius du Ky at Lyons ; but on the dorso of that colophon occurs the device of the Marescal press of Lyons. 28 The following is the title of the pars estivalis : SERHONES dominicales super Evangelia et Epistolas de tempore estivali quoque plurima scitu necessaria divini verbi declainatoribus : ac etiam singulis christiane religionis cultori- bus complectentes : editi a fratre Hugone de Prato Florido Ordinis predicatorum : ac nuperrime (ut uni cuique patere poterit) castigatiores redditi. The two parts are in one volume, with an engraved title the same in both, a congregation addressed by a preacher. The date of each part is 1528. The first title having been partially mutilated is mounted. There is no table to the first part. The book is well printed, but partly water-stained ; in other respects it is in good condition. FTJNDAMENTTJM aureum omnis anni sermonum magistri N. de Gorra ordinis praedicatorura tarn fructuose tamque curiose distinctum ut cum omnibus anni evangeliis et epistolis sanc- torum etiam historias generaliterque occurentes materias plene pulcerrimeque sustineat atque distinguat. Then follows prin- ter's device with the name M. N. de la Barre, and below, Venales hos invenies in Coronato lilio vico sancti Jacobi [Paris]. Gorran flourished A.D. 1400. The book consists of 202 folios in small 8vo, followed by three leaves of table of matter, the first page of the table being printed on the dorsal of folio 202 ; a fourth and last leaf of the table being apparently missing. The book is printed in double columns, 42 lines in each, with running title ; it is in good condition, in old monastic binding. 1. SERMOKES quadragesimales fratris Guillelmi Pepin novo ordine ab ipso authore digest! : decretales scilicet casibus (qui hactenus separati fuerant) suis quibusque Evangeliis coaptatis. These sermons consist of short and succinct expositions of the Epistles and Gospels, read during the quadragesimal season. Those on the Epistles take up 140 leaves, the sermons on the Gospels occupy 352 leaves. This is the first edition the author issued from the office of John Petit in Paris, 1529, the sermons on the Epistles being printed in the October of that year, those 29 on the Gospels in the January following. The title-page is got up in John Petit fashion, and the book (in French calf binding, vellum paper) is a beautiful specimen of printing and in excellent condition. [W. Pepin was a Dominican monk of the reformed convent of S. Louis, at Evreux.] Small octavo. 2. SERMONES quadraginta de destructions Nineve hoc est, omnis Generis vitiorum, authore fratre Guillelmo Pepin sacre theologie professore optime merito. Parisiis. Printed at Paris by Claude Chevallon, 1527. HISTORIA SCHOLASTIC A. Magistri Petri Comestoris Historia Scholastica magnam sacrse scripturae partem, quse et in serie et in glossis crebro diffusa erat, breviter complectens. Mendis omnibus post omnes omnium hactenus editiones seclu- sis, in lucem exit cum optimis capitulorum quotationibus in margine decenter appositis, excusa Lugduni MCCCCXXXIIII. [See Hain, 5530] The title-page is engraved, and contains a representation of the author in his cell. The book is in square 8vo, consisting of 255 leaves, printed in double columns, 52 lines in a column, with engraved capitals ; it has signatures, and is paged in Roman numerals. Printed at Lyons by Nicolas Petit and Hector Penet. This book was formerly the property of the Duke of Sussex. SERMONES Discipuli de Tempore et de Sanctis. "Without printer's name, date or place. Small quarto or octavo. Evidently not of an early date, and by a former possessor is conjectured to have been printed at Nuremberg about 1514. The type is in small neat Gothic letter, in double columns, with 57 lines in a column, and with running title. The earlier pages are somewhat water-stained, otherwise the book is in good con- dition, and a good specimen of printing for the time. It may be noted of these Sermons that they were made up of the sayings of pious men (saints), as collected out of different authors by John Herolt, who usually styles himself Discipulus. Among the authors quoted are Beda, Bernard, Gregory, and of later writers, Gorram, Symon de Cassia, M. Raymundus, Innocent Hostiensis, with many others. 30 PROPUGNACTJLTJM Ecclesie adversus Lutheranos: per Judocum Clichtoveum Neopostuensem, doctorem theologum, elaboratum ; et tres libros continens. Then follows a recital of what is contained in each book. On the dorsal of the title-page commences a letter (the initial of which is engraved) to Louis Guillard, Bishop of Chartres. The colophon states that it was printed at Cologne by Jerome Alopcius, 1526. The book is in small octavo, 309 leaves, running title ; the index of contents, and a second alphabetical index of the matter contained in the book, consisting of 23 leaves, are at the end of the book. This is probably the first edition of the Propugnaculum, and like all the early editions of books connected with the Lutheran controversy is correspondently rare. It is in handsome monastic binding, and is in excellent condition. COXCILIORTJM quatuor generalium Xicaeni, Constantinopoli- tani, Ephesiui et Calcedonensis. Que divus Gregorius magnus tanquam quatuor evangelia colit ac veneratur. Tomus primus, Quadraginta quoque septem Conciliorum provincialium authen- ticorum. Decretorum etiam sexaginta novem pontificum, ab apostolis et eorundem canonibus, vsque ad Zacbariam primum. Isidore Authore. Item fiulla Aurea Carol! iiii., Imperatoris, de electione regis Romanorum. Parisiis, Apud Franciscum Regnault, 1535. The following is the title of the second volume : TOMTJS Secundus Conciliorum generalium. Practica quinte synodi Constantinopolitane, Fo. i. Sexta synodus Constan- tinopolitana, Fo. xlii. Acta concilii Costantiesis, Fo. cii. Decreta cocilii Basiliensis, Fo. cliii. Approbatio actor c5cilii Basilic per Nicolau papa quintu, Fo. ccxvi. Confirmatio constitu- tionum Frederic! et Karoline, Fo. ccxviii. Parisiis, Apud Fran- ciscum Regnault, 1535. The book is in octavo, both volumes bound together, both binding and text being in clean, excellent condition. The first 24 leaves of first volume, including title-page, contain a brief summary of the titles of the councils, an address of the engraver to the reader, 31 a letter from James Merlin to Stephen, Archbishop of Sens, an index of matter, an alphabetical index, followed by prefaces, &c. The rest of the volume is made up of 326 leaves, printed in double columns, with 62 lines in each column. The first 8 pages of the second volume contain a letter to the Christian reader, index of matter, and brief summary of councils. The volume contains 222 leaves in double column, 62 lines in each column. This book is rare, and is not mentioned by Panzer. MAMMOTRECTUS, Expliciunt Expositiones et correctiones Vocabulorura Libri qui appellatus Mamotrectus tarn Biblise quam aliorum plurimorum librorum, Impress! Venetiis per Franciscum de Hailbrun et Petrum de Bartua socios, MCCCCLXXVIII. [Hain, 10558] Two impressions of this book appeared in 1470, both in folio : this volume is an early edition in quarto or lesser size (see Mattaire i. p. 295; Eber. iii. p. 1018). This book was put forth by a priest for the use of the less instructed in his own profession, and it is said by Santand to be compiled by John Marchesinus (see Dibdin, Bibliotheca Spen. vol. i. p. 157). This volume contains a brief exposition of the several books of the Old and New. Testaments, including those of the Apocrypha, with short preface to each book; a short treatise of orthography and of accent; a short declaration of the months, festivals, &c. of the Jewish priests ; an explanation of ancient words and terms in responses, hymns, homilies, &c. ; then follows a Legenda Sanctorum according to the order of the Breviary, and a Commune Sanctorum, concluding with a short Declaration of the Rules of the Minor Friars ; then follows a vocabulary in alphabetical order of words used in the Mamotrectus, consisting of 25 leaves. The book is printed in double columns, 37 lines in a column; initial capitals are ru- bricated throughout, clean broad margin, with signatures and running title; in very good condition, and, as a MS. note states, was once the property of Robert Southey, given to him by Walter Savage Landor. MAMMOTRECTI LIBER omnibus ecclesiasticis tarn secu- laribus : quam religiosis summe necessarius quern Psalmorum legendarum de tempore et sanctis : insuper et Hymnoru vocabula una cu eoru quantitatibus enodat : declarat : que novissime Petrus Viard bibliopola Parisiensis in vico divi 32 Jacob! sub Leone argeteo sedens, emedatum exaratum ter- sum politu reddidit, ad eum igitur christicole festinantes currite qui tantum libro ere modico vobis codonabit. 1521. Then follows printer's device. On the dorsal commences a vocabu- lary of 15 leaves in treble columns. The contents are the same as in the other copy of the book described above, except that this has no Commune Sanctorum, nor the declaration of the rules of the Minor Friars. TOME I. II. QUESTIONES Quodlibetales ex quatuor Sententiarum vo- luminibus a Joane duns Scoto doct. subtilissimo ordinis min ac Theologorom pncipe editi : nuperrime, revise a preclaro doc. Antonio de Fantis Tarvisino pristine nitori restituti : noviter- que Impress!. Disputationes Collationales. Tabula Generalis Scotice subtilitatis octo sectionibus universas Doctoris Subtilis Peritias complectens ab excellentissimo doctore Antonio de Fantis Tarvisino edita nuperrime revisa et quam plurimis ipsis mendis purgata noviter quse impressa. Tabula deffini- tionum Tertia in ordine, et divisionum quarta. Sectio quinta Scientialium Regularum ac Theorematum cui annectitur no- tabilius Propositionum. Sectio septima Expositarum Auctori- tatum Theologicorum ac Peripateticorum a Doctore subtili duas in Partes distributa. Octava sectio. Tabula generalis. Printed by Jacobus de Burgofranco, 1517. This hook is in handsome small Gothic type, in double columns, 50 lines in a column. It has engraved title-pages representing Scotus in his study in the act of writing. It is in good condition, handsomely bound in vellum, and gilded. TOME III. IV. SCRIPTUM Joanis Duns Scoti doctoris subtilis ordinis min- orum super Tertio Sententiarum nuperrime ab infinitis mendis absolutum : et ab eximio doctore Antonio de Fantis Tarvisino pristine candor! restitutum : noviter quse impressum. Per Jacobum Paucidrapensem de Burgofranco, 1517. This book is printed in small handsome Gothic type, in double 33 columns, with 50 lines in a column. It has 134 folios. On the dorso of the last folio commences a table of contents. The capitals are engraved, those commencing each section being larger than the others. Bound up with this is SCRIPTUM Joanis Duns Scoti doctoris subtilis ordinis min- orum super Quarto Sententiarum novissime ab innumeris erro- ribus expurgatum. This contains 325 folios. Printed by same printer at same time as the first part of the volume. It is in good condition, bound in vellum, and gilded. 12mo. LAVACRUM CONSCIENTIE. [Hain, 9955] Before the index occurs the following colophon : "Explicit Lavacrum Conscientie omnibus Sacerdotibus summe utile ac necessarium. Impressum Colonie impensis honesti viri Henrici Quentell. Anno salutis MCCCCXCIX, Die xxvm mensis Junii." This book is in- tended as a kind of manual for the use of the priesthood, pointing out what ought to be their manner of life. Under the words " Lavacrum Conscientie," in large bold type, which forms the only title-page, there is a wood-engraving, representing the Infant Christ seated on an altar. Overhead is a figure of the Dove. There are figures of the Virgin and Joseph ; on the other side, Zacharias and Elizabeth. At the foot is a shield, on which are three crowns in chief. Small quarto. The book is in good condition, with ample margin. STELLA CLERICORUM. [Hain, 15077] The rest of the title-page is a wood engraving of St. Lebuin, the patron saint of Daventer. He is standing on a tesselated floor, and is in the act of reading. Printed at Daventer, 1490. Before the colophon occur Latin verses in sixteen lines, " In laudem libelli." The colophon is, "Impressum Davetrie in platea epis- copi Anno Domini 1490 vicesima quarta Decembris." The tract consists of fifteen leaves with signatures, but no pagination or name of printer. Probably by James de Breda, though the type seems older than that assigned to him in Bibliotheca Spenceriana. Small quarto. 3 34 EXPLANATIONES notabiles devotissimi viri Richard! Ham- pole eremite super lectiones illas beati Job : que solent in exequiis defunctorura legi, qui no minus hystoria quam tropo- logiam et anagogiam ad studentium utilitatem exactissime annotavit. On the same title-page is SERMO beati Augustini de misericordia et pia oratione pro defunctis. Both titles are enclosed in engraved border, and also the printer's device (B. Rembolt). On the dorso of the title-page is a wood- engraving representing a portion of a burial ground, and Death aiming his dart at a monk. Above the engraving are two quota- tions from Ecclesiasticus and Ecclesiastes, and below it is a Tetrastichon ad Leetorem. The colophon attached to Hampole's treatise states that the book was printed at Paris by Berthold Rembolt at the charge of Johannes Waterloes, 1510. Small quarto ; a good specimen of printing, in good condition except a slight water-mark. FABULARUM quae hoc libro continentur interpretes atque authores Sunt hi Guelielmus Gondanus. Hadrianus Bar- landus. Erasmus Roterodamus. Aulus Gellius. Angelus Politianus. Petrus Crinitus. Joannes Antonius Campanus. Plinius Secundas Novocomensis. JSsopi Vita ex Max Planude excerpta. In Libera Argentini apud Matthiatn Schurerium. This book is a collection of fables by JEsop and others, made by the learned Martinus Dorpius, the friend of Erasmus, for the use of the pupils of John Leup, James Papa and John Ninivita, who appear to have been eminent schoolmasters in Flanders. Printed, as appears at the end of the book, in 1516. The book is in early Roman type, small quarto. The title-page is enclosed in engraved border. This is one of the smaller works of Dorpius, and is accordingly scarce. ATJRELII Augustini opuscula plurima quaedam non prius impressa. 35 This book is in quarto, and contains thirteen tracts printed on 338 leaves, with running titles, and one leaf of register, followed by the printer's device. The colophon states that the book was printed by Dionysius Bertochi, at Venice, 1491. It is in excellent condition, in modern binding. Prefixed is a table of eight leaves, containing the subject matter of the tracts. The text is in double columns, 55 lines in each column. The capitals are rubricated, those which are initial to separate tracts being of a larger size. Toward the end of the book some of them are omitted. On the last leaf is a " Registrant Carthanum," at the end of which is the printer's device. All the early editions of Augustine's Opus- cula are rare (see Clement's Biblio. curieuse, tome 2, p. 276, &c.). MAILLA.RD. No. 1, small 4to. SERMONES de Adventu, May 22. Sermones Quadragesi- males, July 12. Sermones Dominicales, Aug. 11. Sermones de peccati Stipendio, Aug. 22. [Hain, 10510, seqq.] The above were all printed at Lyons in 1498, by John de Vingle. No. 2, small 4to. SERMONES Dominicale?, Aug. 11. De Stipendio peccati, 1498, Aug. 22. Sermones de Adventu, May 22 (preached in Paris). Sermones Quadragesimales, July 12 (preached in Paris). The above were all printed at Lyons in 1498, by John de Vingle. No. 3, small 4to. SERMONES Dominicales. Sermones de peccati Stipendio et Sermone de Sancta Anna, Paris, Philippus Pigouchet, 1500. Impressi Parisius per Philippum Pigouchet impensis ejus ac Johannis Petit ; Johannis Richard ; Durandi Gerlier : Pari- siensium librariorum et Jacobi Huguetan Lugdunensis in hujusce impressione sociorum MCCCCCXIIIJ, Mense Augusti. [Hain, 10516] 36 No. 4, small 8vo. SERMONES Quadragesimales (preached at Nantz). Ser- mones quadragesiraales (preached at Bruges). Prothemata Questiones et parabolse in premissis Sermonibus quadragesima- libus omissis. These three are paged as forming the same volume. Bound up with the foregoing, hut differently paged, hy Maillard : SERMONES Doininicales impensis Johannis Petit Parisiensis 1506. Summariura quoddam Sermonum de Sanctis per totum Anni circulum simul et de communi Sanctorum et pro de- functis : hactenus nunquam impressorum, printed 1516. Contemplatio in S. Marie salutationem. Sermones iv in Ecclesiae Dedicatione. Sermones vm de Miseriis Animae. The several treatises, sermons, &c. were printed by John Barbier at Paris, for John Petit, 1516. No. 5, small 8vo. SERMONES Quadragesimales, preached at Nantz. Alia Quadragesimalium Sermonum recollectio quaedam facta sub eodem verbi Dei precone ubi sicut discipulum in precedent! sic hie criminosum quemdam in medium ducit. In a note : " Intitulatum est praesens quadragesimale Criminosi existere eo quod in parte secunda singulorum sermonum Criminosus fingitur per Absolom representatus. Et primo dominica in quinquagesima mane sermonem fecit de charitate capiendo prothemate. Si charitatem non habuero nihil sum, 1 Cor. xiii. Subtbema Intravit autem rex ut videret discumbentes, &c., Matth. xxii. Ibique de veste nuptiali dixit, quse alibi in primo sermone Nanetis et questionem movit quam habes in Dominica xvi post Pentecosten et caeteraque ibidem habes propter quod quaere si vis." The contents of this volume are said to have been printed "impensis honesti viri Johannis Petit, 1513." 37 No. 6, small 8vo. SERMONES Dominicales. Sermones Communes omni tern- pore prsedicabiles. De peccati stipendio. Printed " impensis Johannis Petit Bibliopolse, Parisiensis, 1521. These six volumes together form a complete collection of the printed sermons, &c. of Maillard. Every volume is perfect, except a folio or two in the Quadragesimal sermons preached at Nantes ; in the best condition, some on' vellum, all at least on vellum-paper, and presenting specimens of the best printing of that period. Maillard was a famous preacher in his time, and in consequence of the plain, bold language in which he reproved the vices of his day, his works are scarce. Illustrative of his character, it is related of him, that in consequence of some liberties which he took with Louis XI., king of France, who had just established a system of posting on the roads of France, one of the courtiers informed him that the king had threatened to throw him into the river ; Maillard's answer was, " The king is my master, but you may tell him that I shall get sooner to heaven by water, than he will with his post-horses." PRECORDIALISSIMI ac impreciabiles de adventu domini Sermones completi a Reverendo patre D. Joane Cleree ordinis predicatorum general! magistro artium ac sacre pagle doctore Parrhissie aureo quidem ordle editi atque declamati ad dei honorem animarumque salutem nunc primum in lucem emissi feliciter incipiunt. Then follows the printer's device, of the pelican, &c., and the name and place of printing. There is no date. The book is in small octavo, neat Gothic type, double columns, of 46 lines each. The principal initial letters are engraved in wood. The date is pro- bably 1522. [See Panzer viii. 80, 1337.] DE VITA et beneficiis Salvatoris Jesu Christ! devotissime Meditationes cum gratiarum actione. (12mo.) HOROLOGIUM Devotionis circa vita Christi. (12mo.) These two treatises are bound together, and are without name of 38 printer or of place, having signatures but no running title. Space is left in both books for illuminated capitals, some of which have been partially supplied in the first Treatise by pen and ink. Many of the chapters in the second Treatise are headed by a wood engraving representing the subject of the chapter: to those engravings some kind of pigment seems to have been applied, and the book closed before the colour was dry. There is nothing in the praefatio of the " De Vita," &c. to indicate the author of the Treatise, but the prologue to the Horologium tells that the writer was " Frater Bertholdus sacerdos Ordinis Praedicatorum," and that he had before put forth a " Horologium" in the Teuton language, and had translated the same into Latin for the use of the learned. The two Treatises are evidently by the same printer, although the type of the "Horologium" appears to have been more worn than that of the " De Vita," &c. The book is in good condition and in the original binding. BREVIARIUM AUREUM domini Guillelmi Duranti Specu- latoris utriusque censure doctoris ac practici consummatissimi ad omnes cujusque ponderis ubilibet delitescentes materias tarn glossarum quam textuum juris canonici miro operis artificio compaginatum amplectens insuper quicquid boni re- conditur in preclaro fertilique apparatu Innocentie Pape quart! canonistarum facile principis ubi omnis eliminata et practicatoria Juris lucessit veritas cujus quidem operis momen- tanea inspectio tribuit quod annorum laboriosa multiplicitas non invenit. Under this title is an engraving of a galley with the printer's device, underneath which is in bold letter, Galliot Du Pre. The book is in old binding (re-backed only), and is a good specimen of the printer's small Gothic type. Small octavo. VALERIUS MAXIMIFS. Printed in Roman type. On the dorso of the title-page is a breviate of the life of Valerius Maximus, followed by a dedication of Aldus Manutius to Polonus, dated Venice, 1 508, and a table of contents. The book was printed by James Marescal, at Lyons, 1513, the 39 device of that printer being inserted on a blank leaf immediately preceding a "Tabula Materiarum" of 15 leaves, which, though printed in small Gothic type, corresponds with the book in the references to the particulars. The book is in small octavo, and in good condition. (See Mattaire, torn. II., part I., p. 246.) SUMMA Catholic! doctoris Augustini do Ancona de potestate ecclesiastica. This is in quarto, and the colophon states it to have been printed at Rome "in domo nobilis viri Fracisci de Cinquinis 1 apud Sanc- tam Mariam de populo, Anno Domini MCCCCLXXVIIII." This book is without signature, pagination, or running title, is printed in small, singularly neat, Gothic type, on vellum-like paper, in double columns, 50 lines in each column. CONSTITUTIONS PROVINCIALLES, and of Otto, and of Othobone. Translated in to Englyshe. Imprynted at London in Flete-strete by me Robert Redman, Anno M.D.XXXIIII. The title-page is engraved, and marked with the initials I.M. This edition is in small octavo, Gothic type, and is not commonly to be met with. CONSTITUTIONES Angliae Provincialcs ex diversis Can- tuariensium Archiepiscoporum Synodalibus decretis, per Guiliel- mum Lyndewode Anglum jam olim collecte. Constitutiones item Legatinse, quas alii legitirnas vocant, Reverendorum in Christo patrum Othonis et Othoboni quondam sedis Apostolicae in Anglia legatorum nunc demum accuratius quam antehAc alias in studiosorum gratiam impressse. Accessit Cantuarien- sium archiepiscoporum quorum in hoc libro Constitutiones con- tinentur catalogus nunc primum conscriptus atque in lucem editus. Londini, Excudebat Thomas Marshe, 1557. Sm. 8vo. 1 "Whom the Apostolical official had made printer," vide Supplement to Mattaire, page iii., number 771. 40 JOANNTS Stobaei Sententiae ex Thesauris grsecorum Delecta. Cyri Theodori Dialogus, de Amicitise Exilio. Opusculum Platoni adscriptum, de justo, Aliud ejusdem, an virtus doceri possit, Huic edition! accesserunt Ejusdem Joannis Stobsei eclogarum Physicarum et Ethicarum Libri Duo. Item Loci Communes Sententiarum collecti per Antonium et Maximum Monachos, atque ad Stobsei locis relati. Subjunctis Capitum, Auctorum, Verborum et rerum locupletessimis Indicibus. Aureliae Allo- brogum Pro Francisco Fabro, Bibliopolo Lugdunensi, M.DCIX. Respecting this edition of Stobaeus Ebert remarks, "that it is sought after, as it is the only one which contains both the works of Stobseus together." See also Dibdin's Introduction to Greek and Latin Classics, vol. II. The book is in folio. SUMMA viciorum seu Tractatus moralis editus a Fratre Guilelmo episcopi Lugdunensis ordinisque fratrum prsedicatore. This book is in folio, and is an excellent specimen of early printing, and is in good preservation. It is without signature, pagination, printer's name or place. "The spaces left for ornamented capitals are not filled up, except here and there, and that apparently by an amateur hand. The book has broad margins, on which occa- sionally appear short manuscript notes in old hand-writing. The paper-mark on the last leaf of the Capitula, and in other parts, is that found on the paper used by the first printers, viz., an ox's head with a rod proceeding out of it, terminating in a star ; thus a former owner of the book has assigned the date of it to 1474 5, as printed by Berthold at Basle, and refers to Panzer i., 191, 268, whereas Berthold does not appear amongst the names of printers at Basle, but of those of Naples, and respecting whose works it may be remarked that they were very few in number. SERMONES de Sanctis Discipuli, with the Exempla and De Miraculis Virginis. Folio. Colophon : Finit opus per utile simplicibus curam animarum gerentibus per venerabilem Jo- hanem Herolt. Impressum Argentine Anno a Christi natali Octuagesimoquarto supra millesiinum quaterque centesimum. Laus Deo. 1484. This book has neither signatures nor printer's name, is well printed, 41 with a good margin. On the ohverse of the first folio there is a table and list of the Sermons : and opposite the Sermons is a brief Registrum of the principal matter contained in the Sermons. Then follow the Exempla according to the letters of the alphabet, with a table of the matter set forth in the examples arranged alphabetically under the respective subjects which the Exempla were intended to set forth. The book is a specimen of very early printing, and is in good condition, and closes with a recital of the miracles of the Virgin, of which a table is subjoined, and a list of the authors quoted in the Sermons. It is printed in double columns, 49 lines in a column. The capitals are illu- minated throughout. The type is very like that of John Gro- ningen, who printed at Argentine about the date of this book. LIBER ATJRETJS. Inscriptus liber conformitatum Vitse beatae et seraphici Patris Francisci ad Vitam Jesu Christi Domini nostri. Nunc denuo in lucem editus atque infinitis propemodum mendis correctus a reverendo ac doctissimo P. F. Jeremia Bacchic Vtinensi sodali Franciscano Doctore Theologo laboriosis, ornatissimisque lucubrationibus illustratus. Bononise apud Alexaudrum Benatium. Facultate a superioribus concessa 1590. Edition forte-rare, Clement, Biblioth., vol. viii. pp. 448, seq. See also Eber, Dictionar. Bibliograph. vol. ii. p. 937. On the title-page is a wood engraving representing S. Francis bearing his cross after our Lord : another in the beginning of the first and second books representing the arm of S. Francis fastened to the cross with that of our Lord. At the beginning of the third book is a wood engraving representing S. Francis receiving the five wounds. There are two former editions of this work, all of which editions are of great rarity, and all of them stuffed full of absurd stories, this edition less so than those preceding, in both of which may be found the notorious story of the spikes which S. Francis swallowed in the consecrated wine. The book is in excellent condition, and in the original binding. Folio. DEFENSORITJM seu Correctorium fundamentaru Doctoris Domini Egidii Romani ordinis Eremitarum Sancti Augustini Arcbiepiscopi Bituricensis in Corruptorium librorum Angelici 42 Doctoris sancti Thome Aquinatis ordinis praedicatorum a quo- dam emulo [Guillielmo de la Mare] depravatorum. This hook was printed at Venice, on vellum, 14 May, 1516, by the heirs of Octavian Scot, a nohlcman of the city of Mona, who set up presses at Venice at his own charge, and printed a great number of books, all of which are marked O.S.M. The type is in a bold Gothic letter with very few contractions. In place of illuminated capitals are well executed wood-engraved initials. The leaves, 55 in number, are paged, and have a running title. With this book is bound up a FASCICULUS temporum (Wern. Eolevinck), "Which is brought down to the year 1476 : is rather profusely illustrated with well executed wood-cuts, and the leaves (64 in number) are paged throughout, but there are no signatures. The character of the letter is very much like that employed by the printers of the Defensorium above mentioned, but not nearly so black and used as in that book. There is no note of printer's name or place, but taking into account that this Fasciculus temporum is in general appearance, &c., like the book with which it has been bound up, it may be most probably regarded as one of the often repeated editions of Erhard Ealdolt, printer at Venice, somewhat earlier than Scot. Both the Defensorium and the Fa- sciculus are in excellent, clean condition. (See Palmer, Hist, of Printing, p. 149 ; Eber, Biblioth., ii., 558, 9.) Folio. ENNEADES Marci Antonii Sabellici ab orbe condito Ad inclinationem Romani Imperil. At the end of the book is the colophon, printed in red : Impressum Venetiis per Bernardinum et Mattheum Venetos qui vulgo dicuntur Lialbanesoti anno Tucarnationis Dominice MCCCCXCVIII pridie Calendas Aprilis, regnante inclito Augustino Barbadico Serenissimo Venetiarum principe. Feliciter diuque et fauste superstite diu. The book is printed in the Roman letter, is very slightly water- stained at the beginning, but is in general a fine folio, and good specimen of the Venetian press. The printer's device in red follows the colophon, and there is also a well engraved device following the title-page on the first leaf. This is the first edition. 43 D. DIONYSII Carthusian! in vn Epistolas Canonicas. Ja- cobi, i ; Petri, n ; Joannis, in ; Judase, I. Ejusdem, Acta Apostolorum, In Apocalypsim, Hymnos Ecclesiasticos. Omnia accuratius diligentiusque quam antehac recognita fuere. Apud Robertum Massellin sub trium orbium rubrorum insigni, e regione Ecclesiae divi Stephani, M.D.LI. Such is the title-page, but the book itself contains the commentaries of Dionysius on all the other Canonical epistles printed at Paris by Michael Fezendat in 1544. The size and quaint character of the type in both is very similar, but the volume printed by Fezandat is in the newer type. Both are good specimens of the French printing, more particularly the wood-engraved capitals, those of Fezandat being the clearer and more elaborately executed. SACRE Theologie Magistri necnon sacri eloquii praeconis celeberrimi fratris Robert! Episcopi Acquino ordinis minorum processoris opus quadragesiinale perutilissimumque quod de penitentia doctum est. The colophon, after reciting the title, 1 adds: " Venetiis impressum est impensis Johannis de Colonia : ac socii ejus Johannis Manthen de Gherretzen, M.CCCC.LXXVI." The book is in quarto, printed in a small, elegant, Gothic type, in two columns, with signatures, no running titles; clean, in good condition, and with wide margins. Blank spaces left for illuminated capitals, supplied by small letters. BAPTISTS Fulgosi de dictis factisque memorabilibus col- lectaneata Camillo Gilino Catina facta. In a long colophon it is stated among other things that the work was originally written in Italian by Fulgose (or Fregose) and translated into Latin by Camillus Gilinus, and that it was printed at Milan in 1509, by Jacobus Ferrarius. On the dorso of the title-page (as recited above) is the letter of Camillus Gilinus to Charles VIII., king of France : this is followed by Fulgosius' address to his son Peter, concluding with a list of the authors 1 Adding, "cum ceteris tribus sermonibus ei annexis." 44 from whom his collection of anecdotes was derived. This col- lection, professedly after the names of Valerius Maximus, is comprised in nine books, of each of which a table of contents is given. Ebert says in his Bibliograph. Diet., vol. ii., p. 611, " This original edition is scarce and prized : there is a copy on vellum in the Royal Library at Paris. The editions of Paris, 1518, 4to; Ant., 1565, 8vo; Col., 1604, 8vo, are inferior." The book is in folio, printed in good, bold type, with broad margin, bound in vellum. BEAT! Joannis Damasceni orthodoxae fidei accurata Ex- plicatio. Printed in Greek and Latin, parallel columns, Basileae per Henri- chum Petri, 1548, with his device on the title-page. On the dorso of the title-page is a list of all the treatises contained in this volume. Bound in the same volume is PHILIPPI Presbyter! viri longe eruditissimi in Historiam Job Commentariorum. Basileae per Adamum Petrum mense Augusto, M.D.XXVII. The whole volume is a good specimen of Greek and Latin type, with a good margin, and in the original binding. Folio. SPECULUM! Exemplorum (sive Libri exemplorum) ex diver- sis libris in unum laboriose collectum. The colophon informs us that this collection of examples was made by Richard Paefroed, a citizen of Daventer, and printed by him on the morrow of S. Philip and S. James' day, 1481. Prefixed to the book is an alphabetical table of the general matters con- tained in the book, containing 39 leaves of 40 lines each. The matter of the book is divided into ten distinctions or divisions, and consists of extracts or anecdotes derived from various sources, those sources being severally described at the commencement of each distinction. The text is in a clear Gothic type, arranged in double columns, 40 lines each, broad margin, and is among the first books that issued from Paefroed's press. The book is in old monastic binding, and in very good condition, except the last two leaves, which have been injured by the damp. 45 HISTORICA Longobardica. Explicit Historia Longobardica diligenter impressa ac coiTecta cum nonnullis Sanctorum et Sanctarum legendis m fine superadditis per me Conradum Winters de Hamburch Coloniae civem Anno Dni. M.CCCCLXXX. In a copy mentioned by Mattaire (Ann. Typ., torn. I., par. 1, Amsterdam, 1733) there is added to tbe colophon above written, "et per me Conradum Dusseldorf rubricum." The description of the book thus rubricated is " Splendidum et illuminatum ex- emplar." Now tbe copy in my possession may be truly described as a " splendidum exemplar" ; but the only rubrication in it is the supply of all the initial letters by hand in red ink. The texture of the paper may, moreover, vie in substance and appearance with vellum, and the book is in original monastic binding, in good condition, in Gothic letters, with signatures and tabula, but no limning title. Double columns, 40 lines in a column, 363 leaves. ATJCTORES Historiae Ecclesiastic* Eusebii Pamphili Caesar- iensis Episcopi libri ix. Ruffino interprete. Ruffini Presbyteri Aquileiensis libri ii. Item, Theodorito Episcopo Cyrensi Sozo- meno et Socrate Constantinopolitano, libri xii. versi ab Epiphanio Scholastico abbreviati per Cassiodorum Senatorem: unde illis Tripartite historic vocabulum. Omnia recognita ad antiqua exemplaria Latina per Beatum Rhenanum. His accesserunt Nicephori Ecclesiastica Historia incerto interprete. Victoris Episcopi libri iii. de persecutione Waudalica. Theodoriti libri v. nuper ab Joachimo Camerario latinitate donati. Basilese XLIIII., 1544. Printed by Frobenius and Nicolaus Episcopius, with the device of Frobenius on title. A splendid example of early printing, and a signally fine volume. Folio. PROCOPII Csesariensis de Rebus Gothorum Persarum ac Vandalorum libri vii. una cum aliis mediorum temporum historicis quorum catalogum sequens indicabit pagina. His omnibus accessit rerum copiosissimus index. Basilise ex officina Joannis Hervagii mense Septembri Anno M.D.XXXI. Folio. The title-page has the printer's device, and the initial capital letters 46 are highly ornamented wood engravings; the book has good margins, and is in clean and good condition ; a fine specimen of early printing. ALFONSI a Castro, Zamorensis, Ordinis Minorum regularis Observantise : Provincise S. Jacob! adversus omnes Hsereses libri xiiii. Antverpise, In aedibus Joannis Steelsii anno M.D.LVI. The royal arms of Spain are engraved on the title-page. The book is in good condition, and is an excellent example of Stelsius* printing. Folio. CONCORDANTIE majores biblie tarn dictionum declinabilium quam indeclinabilium de novo summa diligentia cum textu vise ac secundum veram ortographiam emendatissime excuse. Colophon at the end of first part as follows : " Concordantie dictionum declinabilium totius biblie opera et impensis Johan- nium Amorbachii, Petri de Langendorff, et Frobenii de Hammel- burg jam denuo in urbe Basileo felici consummatione finiunt. Anno gratiae millesimo supra quingentesimum sexto pridie ka- lendis Marcii." Colophon at the end of second part as follows : " Concordantie Biblie partium sive dictionum in declinabilium a prestantissimo viro magistro Johanne de secubia sacre pagine doctore eximio in concilio Basiliensi edite : impresseque per Joannes Amorbachium Petri et Frobenium. Anno domini Milesimo quingentessimo sexto tertia decima die mensis Martii expliciunt." At the back of the title-page is a preface by F. Conrad Leontorius, a Cistercian monk of Mulbronnen, dated 1506. The book is printed in small dark type, in three columns, somewhat wormed, but not interfering with the text. Folio, in good condition, with good margin ; a minute verbal concordance of the whole Vulgate text. BEATI Rhenani Selestadiensis Rerum Germanicarum libri tres ab ipso Autore diligenter revisi et emendati addito memora- 47 bilium rerum Indice accuratissimo. Quibus praemissa est Vita beati Ehenani Joanne Sturmio eleganter conscripta. Printed by Froben. Basileae, 1551 (beautifully printed). In the same volume. DE GERMANORUM prima Origine Moribus Institutis Le- gibus et memorabilibus pace et bello gestis omnibus omnium seculorum usque ad Mensem Augustum Anni trigessimi noni supra millessimum quingentesimum libri Chronici xxxi. ex probatioribus Germanieis Scriptoribus in Latinam linguam translati autore H. Mutio. Printed Basileae apud Henricum Petrum. In the same volume. CHRONOGRAPHIA Ecclesiae Christianas qua dilucide Pa- trum et Doctorum Excellentium ordo cum omnium Haeresum origine et multiplici innovatione Decretorum et Ritum in Eccle- sia per Imperatores, Principes, Concilia, aut Pontifices Romanos a Christi nativitate ad nostra tempora usque ostenditur Ad S. Patrum Lectionem rerumque ecclesiasticarum cognitionem utilis et necessaria. Principle industria ac labore Henrici Pan- taleonis Basiliensis in gratiam studiosorum veritatis ex His- toricorum Patrum et Chronicorum monumentis concinnatu. Nunc vero ab eodem diligentissime revisa, locupletata atque denuo in lucem aedita. Basileae, apud Nicolaum Brylingerum, mense Augusti, Anno M.D.LI. All good specimens of the works of the several printers, the title- pages in each volume bearing the devices of the several printers. Besides the foregoing three works the same volume contains : CATALOGUS Annorum et principum sive Monarcharum Mundi Geminus plerisque in locis obscurioribus illustratus &c. Cum accessione multorum aliorum quse in priori editione non continebantur quemadmodum suis locis toti libro videre licebit ab Homine condito, usque in praesentem, a nato Christi millessimum quingentessimum et quinquagessiniuin annum 48 deductus et continuatus per D. Valerium Anselmum. Ryd. Ex magnifica Helvetiorum urbe Berua Anno Domini M.D.L. This book is illustrated by many woodcuts representing the his- torical events and persons of the world. On one or more of the engravings occur the initials I.K., probably those of James Kerver, a wood engraver of Frankfort, of about A.D. 1540, who is spoken of in Bryan's Diet, of Painters and Engravers (vol. i., p. 597) as having published a set of cuts of grotesque figures, &c. for a folio volume entitled " Catalogus Annorum." A comparison of this volume with Conrad Lycosthenis' Prodigiorum Chronicon, printed at Basle about the same date, might perhaps shew that the wood engraving in both books proceeded from the same hand. The printer's name is not given. CATALOGUS Sanctorum ex diversis ac doctis voluminibus congestus a Eeverendissimo in Christo patre domino Petro de Natalibus de Venetiis, Dei gratia Episcopo Equilino ac jam denuo accurate revisus. Anno M.D.XXI. This title is inserted on a very well executed engraved title-page, at the bottom of which is a blank shield, on which are written H.R.W., the initials apparently of a former owner of the book, with the date 1562. I do not find any printer's name or place. N.B. The intial letters for the first few folios are elaborate wood engravings, afterwards plain, bold Roman capitals, but in several instances the initial place is blank. The book is in small, clean, Gothic type, with very few contractions, and in the original binding, with clasps. Folio. TRACTATUS imprescripti venerabilis magistri Hugonis de sancto victore : viz., De sacramentis ; Didascalon ; De anima christi ; De laude charitatis ; Quo studio orandus fit Deus ; Mysterium de filia Jepte; Notule super quosdam psalmiste versus. Sententie vel assertiones in quibusdam verbis divinis et rerum naturis. De judicio veri et boni. Epistola Ugonis ad Joannem hyspalensem Archiepiscopum. The colophon states : Venetiis accuratissime in mandate et expensis domini Benedicti fontanae. Per Jacobum pentium Leucensem. 1506. A table of contents precedes each of the two books on the Sacraments, and at the end of the whole book is a table referring to the Notule 49 and the Sententie, followed by the colophon. Below this are the register of signatures, and the double-headed black eagle of the Roman empire on a globe enclosed in a border, which may be taken for the printer's device. The book is in Roman type, 191 leaves, double columns. Many of the principal chapters have an elaborately engraved initial letter. Folio. Bound in vellum. LE VITE de sancti padri per diversi eloquentissimi doctor! vulgarizate. Colophon : Explicit vita sanctorum patrum Her- mannus lichtenstein coloniensis probatissimus librarie artis exactor. Impressum Vincentie anno domini, 1479. The book is in folio, old monastic Italian binding. It is printed in. neat, small Gothic type, broad margins, double columns, each containing 60 lines. The following leaves are wanting, sig. A 1, B 2, last blank of I, K 1, K 3. In other respects the book is perfect, in good clean condition. Lichtenstein was one of the first to introduce printing into Vincentia, though he was of un- settled habit, being found among the printers of Treviso and Venice. Palmer's Hist, of Print., p. 229. Folio. RATORTJM omnium Poetamm : Hystoricorum : ac Philoso- phorum eleganter dicta; per Clarissimum virum Albertum de Eyb in unum collecta feliciter Incipiunt. The colophon is as follows : Summa Oratorum omnium : Poetarum : Hystori* corum: ac Philosophorum Autoritates in unum collecte per Clarissimum virum Albertum de Eyb Utriusque Juris doc* torem eximium : que Margarita poetica dicitur : feliciter finem adepta est. A.D. 1480. This book is a commonplace book of elegant extracts from many authors, and must have been popular at the time, since there were several editions of it printed in the fifteenth century in different countries. Dibdin (Biblioth. Spen., vol. iii., p. 313), quotes from Bunneman, who says "that the work abounds with various erudition, and is justly held in estimation by many," &c. The book is without name of printer or place, there are no signatures, but each leaf (242 in all, besides those of the table) is numbered by Roman numerals. The table of contents at the beginning 4 50 occupies twelve leaves, followed by one blank leaf. The work commences with the author's dedication to John, Bishop of Munster. The initial letter, and top and bottom of the first page being ornamented by gilded illuminations, it may be conjectured that this copy was intended for the Bishop of Munster himself. ISIDORI Etymologiarum opus Idem de summo bono. The two treatises contained in this book are without date or name of printer or place, but were evidently printed conjointly at the end of the fifteenth or early in the sixteenth century. The book is in small, neat Gothic type, very like that employed by Octavian Scot, of Venice, and his partners, and is printed in double columns of 65 lines each, with broad margins, on strong vellum-like paper. Each treatise has its distinct pagination and signatures. The whole of the dorso of page 35 in lib. 9 of the Etymologiarum is occupied by an "Arbor Consanguinitatis." At the end of each treatise is a table of its contents. The initial letters of the chapters are engraved throughout the book. The volume is in good clean condition and in the original parchment cover. SERMOXES Funebres, necnon Nuptiales, tarn communes, quam particulares, in quacunque materia ad quotidianos usus aptissimi, etc. Below this title is an engraved device and a note directing the reader to the dorso of the title-page for the contents of the book. These sermons were collected by Gregory, an English Dominican monk (see Pitsius, p. 844), and seem to have been often reprinted. This edition, the colophon informs us, was printed at Venice in 1540, by Rabanus and his partners. The book is printed in Gothic type, in doiible columns, with running titles, pagination and signatures, small octavo, and modern binding. OPERA Johannis Gersonis Cancellarii Parisiensis. In 3 parts, small 4to. The colophon at the end of the first part is : Priina pars, complectens tractatus fidem ac potestatem ecclesias- ticam concernentes, finit feliciter. Anno Dom. 1489, mense 51 vero, Dec. x. kal. At the end of the second part : Secunda pars, continens Opuscula ad mores accommodate. Explicit fe- liciter, Anno salutis 1489, Quinto nonas Aug. At the end of the third part: Finiunt opera Cancellarii Parisiensis, Anno Dom.' 1489, xii kal. mensis Novembris. All the parts are in good, plain Gothic type, in double columns, 50 lines in each column ; have signatures, pagination, and running titles, but are without printer's name or place. Gesner, in his Bibliot. Instit. (sub. nom. "Gerson"), states that there was an edition in 1488 at Argentine, but gives no printer's name. It is not improbable that this edition was printed at the same place, and that by Martin Flack, who occasionally withheld his name. For description of this edition see Supp. ad Maittaire, pars. 1, p. 286. The first two parts are handsomely bound, the third is in plain vellum. LIBER eruditionis religiosorum : in quo quicquid preclarum et utile in aliis religiosorum instructionibus eontinetur: hie ingeniose connucleatum, atque solerti cura collectum invenies, et hunc compilavit magister Humbertus de Romanis quondam generalis ordinis predicatorutn : quern noviter correxerunt et impressioni tradiderunt patres ordinis minorum conventus Parisiensis reformatores. Venalis reperitur in vico collegii Belvacensis in officina Henrici Stephani e regione schole Decre- torum. The date is given in the colophon, 1512. This is a kind of manual for those who entered the monastic life, giving them sundry directions for their conduct and suggesting many considerations for their spiritual benefit. It may be presumed to have been a popular manual among the monastic orders (though very little known by bibliographers), since though drawn up by Humbertus de Romanis, General of the Dominicans this edition was put forth for the use of the Franciscans. Appended to the manual are r " Contemplatio super vita Christi," by St. Anselm ; " Ordinem Vite religiose," by Bonaventura; and "Preparatio ad Missam," in the form of ejaculatory prayers taken from the Psalms. The book is in small octavo, clear Gothic type, in single column and with good clean margins. 52 SERMONES quadragesimales de peregrinatione generis hu- mani a venerabili patre fratre Johanne Reynardi, etc. The printer's device on the title-page. In the same volume are printed the same author's quadragesimal sermons " De infirmi- tatibus generis humani." Both series are printed by Stephen Baland at Lyons, in 1515, and are in Gothic type, double columns, with good margins. The book is in old binding, and a fair specimen of the Lyons press. SERMONES de Adventu tarn Dominicales quam feriales. A reverendo patre domino Johanne Clerce ordinis predicatorum General! Magistro artium ac sacre pagine Doctore Parrhisiensis. Ibidem declamati. Rursusque emaculati, ac denuo circiter tempus ipsum adventus, Impressi 1529. Venundantur Par- rhisiis in via ad divum Jacobum sub signo Pellicani : ab Engleberto marnesio Bibliopola jurato. Ad edem divi Ivonis comorante. Pariter et ejusdem quadragesimale. JACOBI Lathomi Theologiae Professoris apud Lovavienses, duae Epistolae : una in libellum de Ecclesia, Phillippo Melanch- thoni inscriptum : altera contra orationem factiosorum in Comitiis Ratisbonensis habitam. Veneunt Antverpiae Gregorio Bontio, sub scuto Basiliensi super pontem camerae. 1544. HOMELIE Divi Haymonis, Episcopi Halberstattensis, in Evangelia Dominicalia, etc. Quibus adjecimus decem Homelias. Printed at Paris by Anthony Bonnemere, 1531. Besides a table of the Homilies at the beginning, there is an alpha- betical index at the close. The book is in small octavo, Roman type. It was once the property of Hen. VIII., whose Arms are impressed on the binding. 53 BEAT! Yincentii, etc. Sermones Hyemales. The volume was edited, with marginal notes, by Damianus Diaz. Printed at Antwerp by the widow and heirs of Stelsius, 1572. In Roman type, small octavo. RADULPHI Ardentis Pictavi, Doctoris Theologi Perantiqui, Illustrissimi Aquitaniae Ducis Guilielmi hujus noininis quarti, Concionatoris disertissimi in Epistolas et Evangelia (ut vocant) Sanctorum, Homilise, etc. Then follows the device of the publisher, widow of John Stelsius. The printer was Theodore Lyndane, Antwerp, 1573. The book is in small, neat Roman type, of one column, octavo. Radulphus Ardens (or Raoul L' Ardent) lived early in the 12th century, and was a somewhat voluminous writer, but it does not appear that any early editions of his works were printed. This edition of Antwerp, 1573, is not mentioned by the usual bibliographers. ilARSILIUS Ficinus Florentinus de triplici vita. This book is in octavo, bold Roman type, one of the earlier editions, having on the title-page the device of George Wolf, who printed at Paris between 1491 and 1499. The book is in modern binding, but in good condition. PBAQMATICA Sanctio cum repertorio noviter egregie desuper compilato : ad materias facilius inveniendas : unacum tabula alphabetica. The colophon is as follows : Finiunt decreta Ba- siliensia necnon Bituricensia : que Pragmatica sanctio intitu- lantur: glossata per magistrum Cosmam Guymier utriusque juris licentiatum. Una cum repertorio sequenti noviter per ordinem alphabeti desuper compilato per Petrum cambasore incentiatum in decret. Impressaque Lugduni partium francie amenissima urbe: per Johannem de Vingle artis impressorie magistrum. 1499. 54 The Pragmatic Sanction, and the Commentary upon it by the eminent lawyer mentioned in the colophon, contains in substance the Decrees of the Council of Basle, and was agreed upon at the council of bishops and clergy of France summoned at Bourges by King Charles VII. of France, by way of checking the encroach- ments of the Papal power on the liberties of the Gallican Church. The book is one of the earliest, if not the first edition of that famous document. It is printed in Gothic type, with an engraving on the second leaf of King Charles sitting in council, the Com- mentary being in double columns, divided by rubricated lines, and the text in larger type. The volume closes with a table of catchwords on two leaves ; on the dorso of the last leaf is the printer's device. The book is in old binding, with gilt edges, and in good condition, and has "blooming capitals," as is usual in books printed by Vingle. Small octavo. VITE ducentorum et triginta summorum pontificum : a beato Petro apostolo usque ad Julium secundum modenmm Ponti- ficem. Below this title is a representation of the Pope seated. The colophon states that the book was printed at Basle by James de Pfortzheim, 1507, probably the first edition, as the history it contains is brought down to 1503. Under the title of John VIII. an account is given of the female Pope, Joan. EVAGATORIUM Optimus Modus predicandi. Sermones xm. Michaelis de Hungaria universales cum applicationibus The- n Kit in n perutilibus, de Tempore ct de Sanctis : omni tempore predicabiles. Sermones electissimi de Rosario Beate Virginis Marie. Et de sancta Anna ejus matre. Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, cum sermone ejusdem post cenam habito, ex quattuor evangelistis diligentissime collecta. The colophon states that the contents of the book were collected by Jacobus Gaudensis, and printed at Cologne by Quentel, 1505. The book is in Gothic type, single columns, in original binding, small octavo. 55 SERMO^ES Dominicales per totum annum (cum suis con- cordantiis veteris et novi testamenti jurisque canonic! i margin- ibus i ferte) per Anthonium de Bitonto ordinis fratrum minorem de observantia. The colophon states that the hook was printed by John Groninger, Strasburg. It is in octavo, printed in small Gothic type, in double columns, 36 lines in each column. It has signatures, pagination and running titles ; the paging is irregular, but ac- cording to the signatures the book is perfect, having moreover a duplicate of the first sermon. Anthonius was Bishop of Bitello, and transferred to the bishopric of Bitonto by Boniface IX. in 1399 (vide .BtWo*. -Samfe). HISTORIA Scholastica, by Petrus Comestor. Quarto. The book consists of 303 leaves, the text being in double columns, each column containing 42 lines, with rubricated capitals. The book is in monastic binding, and in clean excellent condition, but without signatures, pagination, printer's name, place or date. Two leaves are supplied in manuscript exactly corresponding in type and paper with the rest of the book, the one connected with the book of Deuteronomy, the other with that of Joshua. There is a blank leaf at the end of the book of Joshua. The type is in many respects like that of Conrad de Winters, who did not always supply place or date. C(XNTESSIOjS"ALE seu Interrogatorium Reverend! patris fratris Jacobi philippi (Bergomensis) noviter editum. Colo- phon : Impressum Antwerpie juxta portam camere per me Henricii eckert de hornberch. Anno domini 1507. On the dorso of the title-page occurs the dedication of James Philip to John Maria, of Venice, General of the Canons Regular of San Salvador. Then follows a table of the subjects of interrogation by the confessor, and next the " Persuasio" of the writer to a certain confessor. The rest of the book contains the subjects for interrogation, comprehending, as is usual in such manuals, the indication of all possible sins. The book is in Gothic type, small octavo, and in good condition, except that a few leaves are stained in the lower margins. 56 INTRODUCTORIUM confessorum Fratris Hieronymi Savon- arole Ferrariensis ordinis predicatorum. Venundantur ab Joanne parvo Henrico Jacob! et Ascensio. Colophon : Finem cepit in edibus Ascensianis ad xini Calendas Martias. Anno MD.X calculum Romanum. Savanorola, after giving his reasons for drawing up the Manual, treats principally of offences against the Decalogue, but does not enter into the minute details of crimes against the law of God which are found in most manuals of this description. The book contains 56 leaves, is in small octavo, Gothic type, single columns of 3 1 lines each. As a specimen of typography it may be regarded as worthy of notice as being printed by Jodocus Badius, when in partnership with John Petit and Henry James at Paris. For it will be remembered that Badius originally printed at Lyons, and is said to have removed to Paris about the year 1500, with the design of substituting the Roman type for the Gothic, and he there established an excellent printing office under the name of Prselum Ascensianum (see Palmer's Hist. Print, pp. 176, 234, 235; Chalmer's Biog. Diet. "Badius"). LIBELLUS de modo penitendi et confitendi. The rest of the title-page is occupied by an elaborately engraved device sur- rounded by the following motto: "Alaventure tout vient Apoint qui peut Atendre." Denis Roce. Colophon : Liber de modo penitendi et confitendi explicit feliciter. Impressus Parisiis per Guillermus anabat Impensis Godefrido de marnef. On the dorso of the last page is Marnet's device of the pelican, etc. The book is in Gothic type. ENCHIRIDION Confessariorum seu Praxis Fori Paenitentialis, in Casibua extra et Ordinariis, etc. Accedunt in Appendice Extractus Canonum Paenitentialium ; Casus reservati ; Pro- positiones in hac materia proscriptae ; et alia quaedam tarn Con- fessariis, quam Poenitentibus scitu necessaria. Authore R. P. Joanne Townsou Anglo-Benedictino ex Lambspring. Printed at Hildesheim by J. L. Schlegel, 1705. 57 The book is dedicated to the Bishop of Hildesheim, and is in three parts, each containing several chapters : part 1st, De Praerequisitis, etc. ; part 2nd, De Actuali Administratione, etc. ; part 3rd, De Officio, etc. The hook is in small octavo, Roman type, hound in vellum, and probably formed a manual for English priests. TRACTATTJS brevis et utilis pro infirmis visitandis et con- fessionem eorum audiendis. This manual for confessors consists of six leaves, small quarto ; it has neither signatures, pagination, date nor name of printer or place, but is evidently a specimen of early printing (circa 1470). The early handbooks for the Confessional are scarce and very little known, on account of their having been intended only for the use of the clergy : they are thus but seldom bibliographically described. NICHOLAS de Lyra in Testamentum vetus. This is the first volume of the edition printed in four volumes at Venice by John de Cologne, Nicholas Jenson et Socii, 1481. The additions to Lyra are by Paul Burgensis, and the replication by Matthew Doring (see Long's Bibliot. Sac. p. 252, Paris, 1723, and Bibliot. Sussex, vol. I., part 2, p. 342). The book is imperfect at the beginning, is somewhat water-stained in parts, but is otherwise in good condition, with fine broad margin. The type is similar to that used by the same printers in the book, " Summa de Casibus Asterianus," but looks somewhat more wormed. It is in original binding. Folio. OPERA B. Fulgentii Aphri, Episcopi Ruspensis, Theologi antiqui. Nuper in vetustissimo codice apud Germanos inuenta, obsoletis et Longobardicis literis conscripta. Antea nunquam impressa. Nunc primum, ad rectiorem veteris Theologie in- stitutionem, qua ut eruditione intellectus, sic lingua eloquio et vita moribus cultior fiat, Deo auspice, pro desyderiis votisquse multorum in lucem emissa. Item opera Maxentii Johannis, servi Dei, pulchra vetustatis Monumenta, in eodera Codice reperta. Folio. The Colophon : Expliciunt opera B. Fulgentii 58 Episcopi, et Maxentii servi Dei. Impressa in Hagenau, im- pensis Kobergerorura Norinbergensium. In officina Thomae Anshelmi. Anno xx (1520). This seems to be the first edition of Fulgentius and Maxentius, and different from that printed in Hagenau in 1520 (see Ebert Biblio- graph. Diet., vol. II., p. 611). The title-page, both of the works of Fulgentius and those of Maxentius, is engraved, and the book is a good specimen of early printing, in good condition, except having the margin of some leaves slightly wormed. It is scarce. OPUS trivium validis auctoritatibus tarn ex lege divina: can on - ica : quam civili refertissimum cunctisque verbi del declamator- ibus perquam necessarium. Tbe following is the colophon : Opus trivium a venerabili viro. F. Johanne de Bromyard ordinis predicatorum doctore theologo nationis anglice editum. Casti- gatum vero per F. Symone Bertherii ejusdem ordinis sacre theologie professorem bene meritum expensis probi viri magistri Johanis Jenini alias dyamantier explicitum est. Irapressus vero arte et iudustria Nicolai Wolff alemani, anno christiane salutis 1500. The book is a collection of ecclesiastical and other terms arranged alphabetically. The following sentence at the beginning of the book gives the reason for the title of Trivium : " Incipit trivium secundum ordinem alphabeti. Et dicitur trivium quia triplici distinctione utitur in quolibet vocabulo : etiam quia a tribus legibus divina canonica et civili capit testimonium." ONUS Ecclesiae temporibus hisce deplorandis Apocalypseos suis seque conveniens, Turcarumque incursui jam grassanti accommodatutn, non tarn lectu quam contemplatu dignissimum : jam primum autoris exactiore adhibita lima typis a mendosis expurgatum ; et quam plurimis turn Evangelistarum locis turn aliorum Sanctorum scripturis mutuo non pugnantibus, recens illustratum. 1531. From the colophon it appears that this book was written in 1519, and was no doubt circulated in MS. though not printed till 1531. This is therefore the first and very scarce edition of a work which 59 attracted great attention at the time ; the names of the printer, and of the place where it was printed are not given. The Onus EcclesicR was printed in 1535 in a collection of similar treatises known as "Fasciculus rerum expetendarum," etc.; and Gesner also mentions a separate edition printed at Cologne in 1583. The title is enclosed in a curiously engraved border, containing several texts of Scripture describing the judgments threatened by the prophets and our Lord to the Jewish nation ; under each text is an engraved representation of the judgment referred to. On the dorso of the title-page is a singular engraving, at the base of which is represented a church which the evil spirit is attempting to destroy by fire and sword ; overhead are the apocalyptic angels littering their threats or pouring out their vials upon the earth. The book is printed in clear, bold Gothic type, in double columns, 50 lines in a column. After the prologue is a table of the contents of the book, and at the end of the book is an alphabetical index of the subjects. It is in modern binding, and is in clean excellent condition. DOCTORIS Joannis Fabri, adversus Doctorem Balthasarum Pacimontanum Anabaptistarum nostri saeculi, Primum au- thorem orthodoxae Fidei Catholics defensio. Then follows Exekiel xiii. 3 10, printed at length from the Latin Bible; after which is : Gratia, auctoritate, privilegioque cu Sereniss. Vngarie Bohemieque Eegis Ferdinadi, tu Caesareae Maiesta. Melchior Lottber hoc opus percudit, in hoc, ne quis ad decenniu usquse, sub, dece marcaru auri, puri, mulcta, iprimat. The colophon states that the book was printed at Leipsic by Melchior Lotther in 1528. It is in fine bold type, and is an excellent specimen of the early press of Leipsic ; in good condition, and monastic binding. Scarce, small quarto. REPLIQUE pour le Catbolique Anglois contre le Catholique associe des Huguenots. M.D.LXXXVIII. The title-page bears a woodcut, representing the Virgin Mary and St. John standing by the cross of our Lord. This tract, which contains 23 duodecimo leaves, is of extreme rarity, being one of those brochures which the Duke of Guise, when at the head of the League in France, caused to be surreptitiously circulated in 60 France, for the purpose of preventing Henry, the Protestant king of Navarre, from succeeding to the throne of France. To accom- plish that object, the duke employed Louis d' Orleans, a profligate French attorney, to write a pamphlet under the name of "An English Catholic exile," in which he endeavoured to alarm the French nation by a false recital of the cruelties which a Protestant king, after the example of queen Elizabeth of England, would be sure to inflict on all his Protestant subjects. Although the false statements of "An English Catholic" were exposed by the Huguenots, the effect of it and other writings of a like nature was so great that the king of France was compelled to rescind an edict which had a few years before been promulgated in favour of the Huguenots, and thus left them to the mercy of the League (see Laval's History of the Reformation in France, vol. IV., pp. 413, etc., etc., London, 1740). DE HAERETICIS, an sint persequendi et omnino quomodo sit cum eis agendum, Luteri et Brentii, aliorumque : multorum turn ueterum turn recentiorum sententiae. Liber hoc tarn turbulento tempore pernecessarius, et cum omnibus, turn po- tissimum principibus et magistratibus utilissimus, ad discendum, quod nam sit eorum in re tarn controuersa, tarn que periculosa, officium. Quae nam hie contineantur, proxima pagella mon- strabit. Is qui secundum camera natus erat, persequebatur eum qui natus erat secundum spiritum, Gal. 4. This book, though published anonymously, is ascribed to Sebastianus Castalio, who, though professedly amongst the reformers of the sixteenth century, is said to have maintained many heterodox opinions. The volume is considered very rare. At the end of the book occurs "Magdeburgi, per Georgium Rauseh, Anno Domini 1554, Mense Martio." Bound up with the book is a manuscript copy of the convention between Pius VII. and the French Republic during the first Consulate. GUILLERMTJS Parisiensis. De septem sacramentis. On the title-page is the device of the printer, Jaques le forestier. Two animals, apparently lions, supporting a shield which leans against a tree ; the name of the printer below. The shield bears a Paschal Lamb with three fleur de Us in chief. The whole device 61 is enclosed in an ornamental border. The book is in 12mo, printed in Gothic type, but without date, though most probably of the early part of the sixteenth century. The same volume contains GUILLERMUS episcopus parisiensis de collationibus et plura- litate ecclesiasticorum beneficiorum. Then follows the printer's device, his name being introduced. The following is the colophon: Finit Guillermus parisiensis decollationibus et plu- ralitate ecclesiasticorum beneficiorum. Impressus parisius im- pensis Gaufridi de Mamet commorantis invico divi Jacobi sub intersignio pelicani. Anno domini Millesimo quinquagesimo quinto, Die vero, xxni. Mensis Maii. The volume is in the original parchment binding and in good condition. POSTILLA Majores super Evangelia et Epistolas quemad- modum in Templis per annum leguntur; non minus utiles quam familiares [by William Paris if not William of Paris, vide Dupin Biblioth. fourteenth century]. MONOTESSARON Passionis Christi ex quatuor Evangelistis confectum et expositum diligenter per autores receptos. Index sententiarum et dictionum in calce additus. Colophon to the Postilla: Postillae majores in Epistolas et Evangelia, industria ac impensa viri Adse Petri de Langendorff, caleographise gnari exaratee nuper ex propria officina urbis Basileae Anno legis gratize Millessimo quingentissimo decimonono Mensis vero Februarii, die vicessima quarta. Finiunt felicitur. Colophon to the Monotessaron : Explicit concordantia quatuor Evangelist- arum in Passionem Domini nostri Jesu Christi inter priscas haud facile secedet secunda in Fratre Daniele Agricola observantino ordinis Minorum concinne digestas Operaque Adse Petri de Langendorff accuratissime aere piano, lucidoque distincte notulis 62 variis efc punctuatim, mense Februarii, Basileae, impressa, Regnante Domino nostro Jesu Christo Anno MDXIX, Cui laus et gloria per infinita saecula seculorum. Amen. This book has an elaborately engraved title-page, with the cypher of the artist (Van Goar) at the foot of it. On the reverse of the prologue is an engraving crowded with the figures of the four Evangelists, St. Paul, and others. A facsimile of the engraved title-page and crowded engraving of the Evangelists occurs at the commencement of the Monetessaron, whilst each of the Postillas on the Evangelists is introduced by a wood engraving representing the subjects to which the several Gospels refer, e.g. the Postilla for the first Sunday in Advent is headed by a wood engraving representing the triumphal entry of our Lord into Jerusalem (S. Matt, xxi.), and so of the remaining Postillas. Every act in the Monotessaron Passionis Christi is introduced by a wood en- graving representing the act of suffering that is recorded. Many of the engravings have the cypher of the engraver on them, and all of them display great freedom and distinctness in the execution. The book itself is well printed, is in good condition, and in the old binding. Sm. 4to. Van Goar chiefly engraved frontispieces and book ornaments, yet his engravings are executed with so much spirit and in so masterly a style that his prints are much esteemed (see Bryan, Diet, of Painters and Engravers, " Goar"). PRODIGNORTJM ac Ostentorum Chronicon per Conradum Lycosthenem, Basileae per Henricum Petrum, 1557. The book is full of representations of monstrosities in the human body, and in nature, far more extravagant than the Siamese twins. Many of the wood-cuts are engraved, but a good many of them are said to have been borrowed from books published by Fros- cheverut Zurch, some from Brunster's Cosmographia and other works published in Germany and Switzerland (see The Bookworm, vol. L, pp. 71, etc., new series). The wood-cut on the title-page is in keeping with the subject of the book. The book is quite perfect, and a fair specimen of Henry Peter's press; with the exception of the soiled title-page, and a few of the leaves at the beginning it is not in bad condition. COCHLJEUS, Joannes. Commentaria de actis et scriptis Martini Lutheri Saxonis, Chronographice ex ordine ab anno 63 Domini MD.XVII usque ad annum MD.XLVI inclusive. Apud S. Victorem prope Maguntium ex officina Francisci Behem Typographi M.D.XLIX. Fob'o. A fine book both, as regards printing and condition. It is very scarce, in consequence of the greater number of copies being destroyed by a fire on the printer's premises. FABPJCIUS LEODIUS, Andrew. Harmonia Confessionis Augustanse Doctrinse Evangelise Consensuin declarans. Editio secunda, priori multo locupletior. Colonise apud Maternum Cholinum M.D.LXXXVII. Folio. A scarce book, in good condition and in the original binding. PIGHIUS CAMPENSIS, Albert. Apologia indicti a Paulo III. Romano Pontifice concilii adversus Lutheranae confedera- tionis rationes plerasque quibus eidem detrahunt, etc. Colonise, Anno M.D.XXXVII, mense Octobris. Folio. The printer's device on the title-page, an heron entwined by an eel, with the motto Festina lente. "With this Apologia by Pighius is bound up ANTIDIDAGAEA, seu Christiane et Catholicae religionis per reverendi et illustri Dominos Canonicos Metropolitanse ecclesise coloniensis propugnatio adversus librum quendam universis Ordinibus seu Statibus Disecesis ejusdem nuper Bonnse titulo Reformationis exhibitionem ac postea (mutatis quibus- dam) Consultorise deliberationis nomini impressum, etc. Colonise apud Jasparem Gennepserum ubi et prostant Anno M.D.XLIIII. This book has on the title-page a figure of St. Peter holding two keys in his right hand, and a shield in front of him bears a plain Calvary cross, shewing the arms of the city of Cologne. In the same volume is bound up JUDICITJM deputatorum per Universitatis et secundarii Cleri Coloniensis de doctrina et vocatione Martini Buceri ad Bonnam. 64 The title-page has the same printer's device as is on the title-page of Pighius above mentioned, under which the date, " Anno M.D.XLIII." This volume, besides being an admirable specimen of the typography of the time, is a very handsome volume of scarce treatises connected with the Reformation controversies. DE ORIGINE Erroris Libri duo Heinrichi Bullingeri. Tigure in Officina Froschoviana mense Martio, Anno M.D.XXXIX. Quarto. A good specimen of the Froschoven press, his device being on the title-page. The book is in good condition and in the original binding. HOMILIARIUS Eckii, contra Sectas ab ipso autore denuo recognitus. Continet Homilias de Tempore, Sanctis ac Sacra- mentis. This volume has an elaborate wood-engraved title-page, and many wood-engraved cuts are prefixed to the several homilies expressing the subject of which the homily treats. The date is M.U.XXXVI. The colophon states that the book was printed " Impensis Georgii Krapfii excusum Bibliopolaj Ingoldstadiensis." In the same volume is bound another collection of Homilies, viz., HOMILIARII Eckiani adversus Sectas ab ipso autore denuo recogniti. "With the same engraved title-page and wood engravings of the character found in the above-mentioned volume, and of the same date ; but the type is of a different kind and quality of paper and printing. Accordingly the colophon states, " Alexander Vueys- senhorn Typographus Augustanus excudebat." These two col- lections of Homilies form a handsome volume, in the original binding and in good condition, except that a few of the leaves in the second portion of the volume are slightly wormed. ELUCIDATORUM ecclesiasticum ad officium ecclesiae per- tinentia planius exponens et quatuor Libros complectens. 65 lodoco Clichtonaeo Explanatore. Basilise apud Jo. Frobenium mense August! an. M.D.XVII. The purport of this book is to explain and elucidate all the hymns, canticles, etc. used in divine service on Sundays and Saints' days, and more especially to explain briefly the Prefaces, Canon, and other matters connected with the Mass. The book is in good condition, with an elaborately engraved title-page by Van Goar, an old German engraver, who was chiefly employed by the book- sellers. His cuts are executed with so much spirit and in so masterly a style that his prints are much esteemed. The book is very scarce, and is a good specimen of Froben's printing. OECOXOMIA Bibliorum, sive Partitionum Theologicarum libri quinque : quibus Sacrae Scripturaa dispositio seu arti- ficium et vis atque ratio in tabulis velut ad vivum exprimitur, etc. Authore Georgio Edero, etc. Colonise Agrippinse, apud Gervvinum Calenium et heredes Johannis Quentelii anno M.D.LXVIII. The Oeconomia is an elaborate analysis of the books of the Old and New Testaments. To this Oeconomia is added the PARTITIONES Catechism! Tridentini. By the same author, and printed by the same printers, whose devices are the head of our Saviour on the title-page, and the Cross with the instruments of torture on the last leaf, with the motto " In que est salus vita et resurrectio." The book is a good specimen of early printing, both in the Italic and Eoman letter, and in the original binding. SECTARTJil, Errorum, Hallutinationum et Schismatutn, ab origine ferme Christianas ecclesiae, ad hsec usque nostra tempora concisions Anacephalaeoseos. Una cum aliquantis Pigardicarum Wiglesticarum et Lutberanarura haeresum confutationibus Li- brorum partes tres, quaram prima in libros partiales secer- nitur octo. Francophordie ad Oderam anno M.D.XXVIII. This book has no printer's name, and is in all probability among the earliest of the few books that were printed at Frankfort-on- 5 66 the-Oder. The compiler of the book was Conrad Wimpian, a great opponent of Luther, and was at the head of the university founded at Frankfort-on-the-Oder in 1506. To each of the three parts into which the work is divided there is a highly ornamented title-page, each different from the others in many particulars, and all affording good specimens of the art of wood engraving. The contents of the book afford an elaborate list of the errors with which Wickliff, the Hussites, Lutherans and other opponents of the Church of Rome were charged by the Romanists. The book is slightly wormed, especially as regards the first few of the leaves, in other respects it is in sound condition. Initial letters are in wood engravings, some of them large. DEFENSIO Eegie assertionis contra Babylonicam Captivi- tatem per Eeverendum patrem D.D. Johannem Roffensera Episcopum. In quse respondet pro illustrissimo eodemque doctissimo Henrico VIII. fidei defensore ad maledicentissimum Martini Lutheri libellum in eundem Regem scriptum plus- quum impudentissime. Colonie in officina honesti civis Petri Quentel, Anno M.D.XXV, mense Julio. The book is in 12mo, having the royal arms of Henry VIII. engraved on the title-page. AIMOINI Monachi, inclyti Coenobii, D. German! a Pratis, Libri quinque de Gestis Francorum. Ejusdem Aimoini libri duo de inventione et translatione corporis S. Vincentii Levitae et Martyris, numquam antea impress!. Abbonis discipuli Aimoni libri duo de obsessa a Nortmannis Lutecia. Chronicon Casinense Leonis Marsicani Cardinalis et Sanctse Apostolicae sedis Biblio- thecarii. Inventio SS. corporum Placid! Abbatis, ac sociorura ejus martyrum. Libri miraculorum B. Mauri Levitse et Abbatis hactenus praelo typographico ignotus. Benedictina, a Benedict! Papa XII. nomen sortita. Et alia plura quae post indicera capitum Aimoini recensita offendes. Omni autenv studio et opera Fratris Jacob! du Breul Monachi S. German! a Pratis. Paris, printed by Ambrose and Jerome Drovart; sub scuto Solari via Jacobaea, 1603. A fine copy and a splendid specimen of printing. 67 OMNIA quotquot extant D. Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensis Opera. Five vols. bound in three. An amended reprint of the edition revised by Coster. Printed at Basle by Eusebius and Nicholas Episcopius, M.D LXVII. The title-page bears Episcopius' (the father) well-known device. The book is a good specimen of printing, with a good broad margin. BEATI Joannis Damasceni opera omnia. Item : Joannis Cassiani Eremitse nou prorsus Dissimilis, etc. Accessit, Joannis Daraasceni operibus, itemque Cassiani, etc. ; Index. Basilia ex officina Henrici Petri, 1575. This volume contains some good specimens of Greek type. HEMMINGIUS, Nicholas, Cornmentaria in Evangelium secun- dura Johannem, Pars Prior. Basilese per Conradum Waldkirch, 1591. The title-page of the first part is an elaborate wood-engraving, and both parts have the printer's device. Bound with this Commentary is COilMEXTARII in Evangelium secundum Matthaeum, Mar- cum, Lucam, ex ecclesiasticis Scriptoribus collect!, Novae Glosssa Ordinarise specimen donee meliora Dominus. Then occurs the device (an olive tree) of Robert Stephen, and at the foot of the title-page, "Oliva Roberti Stephani M.D.LIII." An excellent specimen of that eminent printer's work. POLYDORI Yergilii Urbinatis Anglicse Historiae Libri vi- ginti sex. Ab ipso autore postremum jam recogniti adque amussim salva tamen historise veritate expoliti. Edited by Simon Grynseus. Basilia? apud Mich. Isingrinium, anno M.D.XLVI. Isingrin's device is engraved on the title-page, and the book is a good specimen of printing. Folio. 68 GILB. GENEBRARDI Theologi Parisiensis etc. Chrono- graphiae libri quatuor. Printed at Paris " apud Michaelem Sonnium via Jacoba?a sub scuto Basiliensi 1580." In the same volume is bound CHRO^OLOGIA Hebraeorum. Tbe same author and printer and date. ORTHODOXOGRAPHA, Theologi&e sacrosanctae ac syn- cerioris fidei Doctores numero LXXVI ecclesise. Printed at Basle by Peter, 1555. This is the first and very scarce edition. The work is edited by J. Jas. Gynum, and is usually in two volumes. The title-page bears Peter's well-known device, but his name does not appear. The reprints of Tatian's Oration against the Gentiles and that of Theophilus ad Autolycum contain good specimens of the Greek type of the time. FRATRIS Baptiste Mantuani carmelite. Parthenice se- cunda que et Catharinaria inscribitur additis Vaurentini argu- mentis: et annotationibus ab Ascensio familiariter exposita. Per quern Venustum hoc opusculura nuperrime magna dili- gentia castigatum fuit : cui complures accesserunt adnotationes : quibus hoc signum * prepositum Candidas lector videbit. Then follows the device of Peter Marescal of Lyons, with the date 1525; the whole title enclosed in an engraved border. At the end of the book is a short colophon : " Impressum Lugduni per Antonium du Ky, Anno domini 1525." Small quarto; Gothic type. A good specimen of the printing of that date. BUCOLICA Mantuani. "With the Commentary of Andrew Vaurentinus. The colophon is as follows : Finiunt uberrima commentaria Andree Vaurentini Serrani in Bucolica fratris Baptiste Mantuani Carmelite, de novo correcta et emendata atque impressa Lugd. per Joannem Crespinum. A.D. 1526. The book is in small quarto ; Gothic type. 69 FRATRIS Baptiste Mantuani Carmelite: Theologi : Poete: ac Oratoris clarissimi. De contemnenda morte carmen. Eodem Coroneo Miscellaneo Paraphraste et interprete. Then follows the device of Eustache Mareschal : " Venale prostat Elegantissunum hoc opus Tolose in edibus Eustachii Marescalli. In vico Partarietis." The book is in small quarto, Gothic type, that of the poem being large bold type, that of the paraphrase smaller. The work is without date, but probably printed soon after 1500. PROBE uxoris Adelphi opusculuin. This professes to be the " Cento Virgilianus" of Proba, the wife of the consul Adelphus, in the time of the emperor Nero, but is more accurately regarded as the production of Falconia, the wife of a Roman noble at the time when Rome was besieged by the Goths. The verses of this lad}-, which describe some of the most striking events recorded in the Old and New Testament, were very popular in the Middle Ages, and were several times re- printed during the loth century. AUREUS de morte Libellus. The dedication begins thus : Joannes Coroneus Miscellaneus, Carnutensis, dignissimo Ap- pamiarum Episcopo, domino Bernardo Lordato, domino a Casa Nova, Salutem plurimam dicit. The dedication is followed by a table of the words explained in the treatise. After which the work itself follows in eighteen brief chapters, each of which is called Tomus. There is neither printer's name, place, nor date, but the full title of the work is given on fol. 1, thus: "Joannis Coronei miscellanei Carnutensis viri elo- quentis aureus de morte libellus ex his quse in Marcum Tullium ad historiam scvipsit decerptus." The volume, which consists of 32 pages besides the dedication and table of words, is very beauti- fully printed in black letter about the first half of the 16th cen- tury, and concludes with some verses commendatory of the work, written by Petrus Cassanus. The work seems to be a digest of the contents of Petrus Mantuanus' " de Morte contemnenda." DEFENSORIUM elucidativum observance regularis fratrum 70 minorum : editus a reverendo P. Bonifacio provincie Francie ministro. The book is scarce ; it is in Gothic type, small quarto, with signa- tures, but no pagination or running title. No date or name of printer or place. SERMOXES Dominicales de tempore et de sanctis pro totum annum, eximii doctoris fratris Jacobi de voragine ordinis prse- dicatorum, quondam archiepiscopi Januensis, cum registro eorumdem in prl. Below this title occurs a wood engraving of the Archbishop preach- ing to a congregation. The colophon states that the book was printed at Pavia by Jacobus de Paucis-drapis, 1499. It is a good specimen of that press. The volume contains only the Sermones Dominicales; it is in small clear Gothic type, double columns, 51 lines in a column, 179 leaves. On the dorso of last leaf is the register of catch-words and the printer's engraved monogram. BERTHOLOMEUS de Proprietatibus Rerum, translated by Trevisa. Printed by Thomas Berthelet, 1535. On the dorso of the last page is the printer's device, which is fre- quently wanting. The title-page, though supplied, is an exact copy of that printed by Berthelet. ANTONII Sadeelis Viri Clarissimi Vereque Theologi de Rebus Gravissimis Controversis Disputationes accuratse Theo- logice et Scholastice Tractse. Ex officina Thomae Thomasii Inclytae Academiae Cantabrigiensis Typographi. 1584. Bound with this work is an Account of a Voyage from Antwerp to Spain, India, etc., in 1534 1554, by Hulderic Schtnidel; without name of printer or place. Both books are in small quarto, SPECULUM Animae : seu soliloquium : Heinrici de Hassia maximi theologi secularis. Contra poetas pro theologis epis- tola Joannis Campani. De poetarum infselicitate carmen Fausti. In theologorum laudem versus ejusdem. Elegia 71 Joannis pape xxiij in concilio Constanciensi depositi. Elegia Sebastian! Brant : in mortem Philippi regis Castelle filij Maxi- milian! regis. It is to be observed tbat J. Wimphelinge, who superintended the reprint of H. Langenstein de flassia's " Speculum Anime," John Campanus, Sebastian Brand, and others, were chiefly friends and contemporaries of Erasmus. The colophon states that the book was printed at Argentoratum by John Knoblouch, 1507. This volume is small quarto, in bold Roman type, and is a good speci- men of the press at that time. SACERDOTUM defensorium. Christopher! Scheurli Juris Utriusque Doctoris libellus de Sacerdotum ac rerum ecclesiasti- carum praestantia, tarn Christianis quam ethnicis exemplis abunde demonstrans Deo dicatis bonis sub interminatione futuri et prsesentis judicii laicis abstinendum fore atque par- cendum. Clericos autem etiam malos honorandos et cum eorum bonis divino ac humano jure ab omnibus exactionibus et muneribus ita immunes esse, ut eis aut rei ecclesiastics inju- riantes anathema sint et plerumque mala morte pereant. The colophon states that the book was printed at Nuremberg in 1513 by Joannes Weyssenburger, Sacerdos. The book has been bound and the margins somewhat cut away, but it is otherwise in good preservation. MARTYRILOGIUM Usuardi monachi quod ad karolum magnum scripsit. Cum additionibus olim ex diversis martyro- logiis collectis, et adjectis atque jam in non paucis locis auctis. Huic autem operi premittuntur epistolse qusedam et prefationes ex quibus liquido appareat quantum deceat quantumque expe- diat sanctorum memoriam assidue agere. Here follow mottoes : 1st, from Gerson super Magnificat tractatu octavo ; 2nd, from Leo papa in sermone epiphanie. The colophon begins : Finis martyrologium usuardi monachi, cum additionibus ex diversis martyrologiis multo sudore collectis separatimque jam secundo anno domini millesimo quingentesimo vicesimo prime apud Coloniam Agrippinam adjectis. Duodecimo. 72 PTJPILLA oculi omnibus christigenis Sacerdotibus tarn curatis quam non curatis pernecessaria : per magistrum Johannern de Burgo Cancellarium alme Universitatis Cantabrigiensis et sacre theologie professorern compilata. In qua tractatur de septem sacramentarum administratione. Item de decem preceptis decalogi. Et de reliquis ecclesiasticorum officiis que oportet sacerdotem rite institutum non ignorare. Nuper accuratissime correcta, eraendata, ac mille in locis castigata atque vigilant! oculo in pristinam lucem redacta. Then follows : Herasticon ad quendam invidum. Veneunt hoc Parrhisii moderato pre- ciosa Johanne parvo Universitatis Parrhisiensis bibliopola sub iutersignio n. in. In via Jacobea. This is one of the later and more accurate editions of this once very popular clerical Vade-mecum. See Tanner, p. 431 ; Pitsius, p. 542. FRATKIS Hieronymi Savonarole Ferrariensis Ordinis Pre- dicatorum. Triumphus crucis de fidei veritate. Post novis- sirnam impressionem alias Venetiis exeussam. Denuo nunc priuaum a bene docto Theologo adamussim recognitus : cunc- tisque mendis expurgatus. (12mo.) Colophon : Finit solem- nissimum opusculum : in quatuor libris distinctura : de veritate fidei catholice : editum ab exiraio theologo fratre Hieronymo savonarola : ferrariensi. Impressumque Venetiis per Alexan- drura de bindonis. A.D. 1521. On the title-page is a wood engraving representing Savonarola in his study. On the dorso of the last leaf is an engraving of the city of Venice under the figure of Justice. Above are two shields. Below are the printer's initials, A. B. The book is an excellent specimen of the Venice press ; it is clean and perfect, and in the original vellum binding. MEDITATIONES Sanctorum cum aliis piis opusculis hoc ordine digestis. In primis carmina in laudem hujus operis. Item carmina Pii pape II. in laudem beati Augustini episcopi. Item tabula capitularis super omnia opuscula hie contenta. 73 Meditationes sancti Augustini episcopi Hipponensis. Solilo- quia ejusdem. Manuale ejusdem. Meditationes sancti An- selmi Cantuariensis archiepiscopi. Meditationes sancti Ber- nardi abbatis. Epistola ejusdem de perfectione vite. Sermo saucti Bernardi de passione Domini. Mirabile dictum Petri Damiani de hora mortis. Tractatus sancti Vincentii de vita spirituali. Item carmina Mapphei Vegii in laudem beate Monice. The book is in good Gothic type, but -without date, name .of printer or place; in good clean condition, and in the original vellum binding ; the paging is in MS. by some former possessor of the book. SERMONES DECLAMATI coram alma Universitate Canta- brigiensi per venerandum patrem fratrem Stephanum Baronis fratrum Minorum de Observantia nuncupatorum regni Anglise provincialem vicarium ac confessorem regium. Diligenter im- pressi in Academia Parrhisiensi. In quibus imprimendis ordo prioris impressionis non sine concilio quibusdam in locis mu- tatus extitit. The book is without printer's name or date, has a running title and table of principal matters, and is perfect. See Pitsius, p. 696, Pulton's English Franciscans, p. 222, and Tanner's Bibliotheca, p. 77. J. PALMER, PRINTER, JESUS LANE, CAMBRIDGE.