<?53 " i. MIDSUMMER MEMORY BURTON UC-NRLF B 3 SMfl 125 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF ~< Class Presented by a number of those who enjoyed the delightful talks of Dr. Burton in the Sunaner Session of 1910, these books are placed in the University Lib rary for the stimulation of those who were unable to hoar him then, and for the further pleasure of those so privileged. A MIDSUMMER MEMORY A Midsummer Memory An Elegy on the Death of Arthur Upson By Richard Burton Minneapolis Edmund D. Brooks 1910 COPYRIGHT 1910 BY RICHARD BURTON THE TORCH PRESS CEDAR RAPIDS IOWA This Edition consists of Five Hundred Copies on handmade paper of which this is number 211014 NOTE Arthur Upson, whom the following poem com memorates, was drowned from his boat in Be- inidji Lake, Minnesota, in the early evening of August 14, 1908, in the thirty-second year of his age. A lyric, just written, found in the empty boat, is the "swan song" referred to in stanza XL VI of the elegy. He had that very day com pleted a poetic drama entitled "Gauvaine of The Betz," dealing with the Pornic legend of Gold Hair; but the manuscript disappeared with him and has never been found. During some ten years of literary activity, he published half a dozen volumes of verse and since his death his collected poems have appeared in two large vol umes. Before his passing, recognition had come to him from distinguished critics and he was known to the few who treasure good poetry; the publishing of his collected works has already begun to secure the wider hearing his song de serves. It was under the branches of an ancient yew tree in the garden of Wadham college, Oxford, that Upson conceived the i i Octaves in an Oxford Garden," one of his best works. The yew was his favorite tree and was used as a design for his note paper. There is an allusion to this in stan zas XXXVII-XXXVIII. The poet s predilic tion for the water, also alluded to in the elegy, was well-known to his intimate friends. A MIDSUMMER MEMORY I Swift April ardours bring the white of May, May merges into leafy June, and all Mid splendours of full summer gild the day And make the night an odorous festival Twixt star and sod ; and yet, how wan the cheer, I miss thee, Arthur, thou no more art here To taste the beauty, laud the crescent year. II Strange is thine absence, since no son of man Felt deeplier in his blood the summer lure ; Nor sang more sweetly, while the caravan Of months passed stately by, nor was so sure To list shy sounds, to smell the hidden flowers And rediscover earth s reluctant bowers. 11 Ill Yea, strange and sad. No thrush that flutes alone Amidst the thicket but reminds of thee, As, silver sweet and shy, he makes his moan ; No single bloom midst garden pageantry But doth declare thee to my musing mind : Thy presence gone, thy semblance left behind. IV In this thou livest and shalt ever live : Of all the beauty of the breathing days Thou art inextricably a part, dost give An added loveliness, a new amaze ; Mine in the meadows, mine beside the leas, Mine when I meet (since thou art part of these) The splendour of the sunsets and the seas ! Were spring and summer half so fair, if first They came into a world that knew them not? Should we receive as now the thrilling burst 12 Of bud and bird-song, if each vernal spot Had never known the resurrection bliss 1 Is not our love of summer made up of this Welcoming the old friend that summer is? VI And so with thee,- the beauty and the joy Were never half to me so holy-deep As since that thou art vanished, comrade, boy, Dear singer, singing yet, although asleep. I see all through thine eyes, I feel thee by, I know that Memory will not let thee die. VII Hark! Tis the river-lay beyond the hill. How often when we flee the city- spell And gleeful turn to Nature, thence to fill Our souls with peace and joyance, and to quell The strife, we recognize old mother earth As calling, calling to us in tender mirth ; How long witholden secrets come to birth! 13 VIII Arthur, thy winsomeness of mood and mien, Now treasured up in hearts that still are strong, Must gradually, as fade the leaves, I ween, Pass with those hearts the fleeting years along : But thy golden words ! they still shall claim Long life and honour and a singing fame ! IX Thy golden words ! Nay, silver were they too ; Betimes, like sounding brass they summoned us ; Again, with dulcet pleading, pierced us through Whenso the hour was soft and amorous ; Or yet again, with pomp and purple pride They seemed to open up down vistas wide All ancient glories that have lived and died! What pride in chanting hath a forest bird? Doth any sunset with most spangled dress Greeting the morn, e er speak a haughty word? 14 Is not all nature one in humbleness? So wert thou humble, priest of beauty, dead Untimely, leaving us discomforted. XI There is companionship too close for speech : Wordless communion is the best, meseems ; Such is betwixt us, arid our spirits reach To touch arid mingle, waking or in dreams : The union deepens, even as skies at eve Grow mellow when the garish day- things leave. XII The green of marshes hath another hue From that of inland meadows, and the scent, Salt of the sea and pungent, interblent With memories of sails upon the blue, Comes from another world from that of hay After June mowing; more unlike than they Life seems, companion mine, with thee away. 15 XIII I hardly know if sorrow or content Have mastery as I brood upon thy loss : Such comforting large thoughts are someway blent With haunting pain ; the shadow of a cross Is all uplit with radiance, and a voice Weeping, becomes a voice that doth rejoice, Although it wots not it hath made the choice. XIV The bronze magnificence of autumn woke In thee an ectasy that rivalled spring ; It seemed as if some pent-up rapture broke All bounds, when regal summer, on the wing, Paused momently to hover, and became A miracle of slumber and of flame. XV Then wert thou fain to weave on wonder looms Utterance of joy, stretching out eager hands To May and eke October, apple blooms 16 Fallowing with asters, in such cunning strands Of woven fairness, that two-fold delight Was in the pattern of such colours dight. XVI There came an eve whose colors like dim strains Of old forgotten music, softly stole Into the sundown skies; the subtle stains Of grey and pink and russet made a whole Harmonious utterly ; which faded slow Into the mist-and-gold of night, and lo, Even the stars were muffled in their glow ! xvn Then felt I need of thee to share the sight : It was too delicate to win the praise Of many easy-moved to quick delight In obvious skies that follow usual days ; But this, so marvellous in mood and tone, This afterglow seemed meant for us alone. 17 XVIII Alas, the summer waits thee ! All her shows Heaped up and heavenly proffer thee their boon, And yet in vain the great procession goes ; Its chronicler no more beneath the moon, Nor when the noon is high, walks as of yore : Thy passing hath bereaved both sea and shore. The verv sea seems silent evermore ! 19 II Of THE UNIVERSITY or XIX The summer means renewal of old loves : Again I meet the friendly wayside things So tenderly recalled from other springs, And in the mellow murmuring of ringed doves I seem to hear remembered messages ; It is another youth with all of these. XX But how with thee? May we fond mortals take This blithe rejuvenescence for a sign That likewise man, death s conqueror, shall break The shackles of long slumber, drain the wine Of ruddy life again, resume the dear Deep fellowships he knew when he was here? 21 XXI All Nature rises : sap climbs up the bole, The flower-hand pricks the soil, the tiny leaf Spreads sunward ; shall this struggling wight, the soul, Alone be doomed never to burst its sheaf! Gladly to grow, soaring elate to sing, Such seems the fate of each created thing. XXII Two inconceivables : that we can win Our way from that dread land where silence reigns, Where all our kind at length are gathered in, When blood no more leaps buoyant in our veins; A place where there is neither glee nor grief, That we return from this, surpasses belief. XXIII But also it is dark to understand How my so dominant spirit can be quenched Forever : I am lord of all the land Today, tomorrow from dominion wrenched. 22 How meaningless it looks, the bright, brief glory, Sad with the shortness of all human story, Sweet as the mocking-bird s rich repertory! XXIV Sometimes I step into the scented night And feel a breathing Presence ; then my fears Vanish, and in their stead comes calm delight; The home-call of the earth is in mine ears ; The universe throbs love, all life is one, Swift through the velvet dark I find the sun. XXV But the mood passes, and the mystery That shuts us in, crushes the mounting soul ; Passes the hope as well of me-and-thee ; The fond reunion and the final goal ; Arthur, then both life and loving seem The obliterated moment of a dream. 23 XXVI Bespite the fear, the gnawing unbelief, Thy presence were no miracle, I know, If suddenly I saw thee : then my grief Would he as it had never been, for Tis easier far to believe thee close at hand, Than banish one so bright to Shadow land. XXVII Once when the spring brought lilacs to a town Loved of us both, we planned how we should wend Together to that place of high renown Where sage and dreamer dwelt, and tall trees bend Above their sleep,- a precious spot. We said : " Tomorrow"; and " tomorrow "; spring- tide sped, We never went,- and, Arthur, thou art dead ! XXVIII The heavens were kindlier in the mythic age : The sun, a shining god, gave gifts to men ; The moon, fair women wight, was human then, 24 And stars were jewels on the poet s page. One who had lost his friend might converse hold, Leaning to listen up those courts of gold. XXIX But we are wiser now ; the sky recedes And all its friendly populace is fled. Time, Space, and Substance mock our deepest needs, The heart goes hungry for the old faiths dead ; So must I seek for thee beyond the bars, Higher than suns, behind the outmost stars. XXX But seek I will ! and faithful in the quest I swear to be so long as life may last. Of all chill thoughts, this is the hatefulest : That, slow but sure, the friendship-freighted past Should fade, and I be satisfied to live Unmindful, nor, as once, my homage give. 25 XXXI If there be torture for the dear ones gone, It must be in the thought that they are quite Forgotten : not one soul to reckon on, Of all who pledged them faith in death s despite. Alas, Sad Heart, if thou return to see Another in thy place and strange to thee ! XXXII Hear me, dear Arthur, by whatever shore Thou pacest ! As the year brings round the rose, As winter wanes and all the harshness goes Out of the ground ; as balmier airs restore Midsummer s soft elysian miracle, And earth resumes the witch-work of her spell, - XXXIII I shall renew the sweet old habitudes Were ours, forget thee never, cherish fond Each look and tone and word, as one who broods 26 On something sacred from a land beyond These present troublings ; hear the oath I swear : Where I am thou shalt be, forever there! XXXIV Summer shall be the bond that binds us twain, Midsummer s purple pleasance be a tryst Both of us haste to keep, and find again Solace and comradeship the happiest That men ere knew; midsummer s mounting tide Of beauty still shall bear us side by side XXXV Unto the haven where all dreams come true : For in this bounty of the gracious year There is no room for grieving, every tear Is dried, and every hurt attended to ; Together in the summer, thou and I, Surely, such brothership can never die ! 27 Ill XXXVI Lover of trees wert thou, but loved st the best The ancient yew a-muse in gardens old ; Beneath her branches, as the sun rode west, Came many a dream too fair to quite unfold, And many a note of sorrow and of glee ; Ineffable fondness seemed twixt her and thee. XXXVII Was it because, imprisoned in the bole, Creature of sylvan glades and twilight moods, A slim, bright girl yearned toward thee in her soul And lured thee ever back to walk the woods ? If so, thou shouldst have slept, all dreamings past. Tranquil beneath the shade her leafage cast, Keeping a solemn tryst, loved to the last. 31 XXXVIII But no, another Presence with a cry Deeper, more constant, drew thee to thy doom, Haunted thy waking, nixy-like lurked nigh, Sang requiems of rest within the tomb ; Strong was the tree-call, strong through all thy days, But still more potent were the water-ways. XXXIX The water-ways are wondrous; rivers, lakes, And bubbly well-runs in the inner wood, Each has a voice that merry music makes Or mournful, by the spirit understood : Ever the ocean with her organ tones Sings round the capes, or up the long sand moans. XL All the world sang for thee ; wood-wind and brass Made tonal harmonies to haunt thine ear ; The thinnest song from out the summer grass, The tempest s choral-work, and, sphere by sphere. 32 The stars of God, chanting their rhythm clear, All, all made music, all to thee were dear. Woods, winds, and waters, how they drew thy soul, Up, out, and ever toward its destined goal ! XLI The water-call for thee was constant lure : No Undine in a fable heard more sweet The cool, soft croon, nor better loved the pure Deep invitation where the mermaids meet. So wert thou fain thine hours of ease to spend Upon the bosom of this calling friend. XLII False friend and fateful day when thou didst glide Ghost-like, at twilight, in the tiny boat Out through the shadows of the eventide Into the open waters, there to float And dream; for as thou dream st, some evil thing Beached from the waves to seize thy life, and bring Deep sadness unto all who dream and sing. 33 XLIII The ebon trees against the saffron sky At sunset-time attended thee; the day Was fading, fading, tranquilly away And soon the stars would shine serene and high ; Husht were the waves, the looming woods were ware, Clad in the half light, rising mystic there, XLIV Of thee and of thy handiwork ; Fate drew, Along with thee, under the shadowy piers Thy last, lost story-song wherein anew Was told a legend out of elder years : Sweet Gold Hair lived and loved beneath the sun ; Not ours but thine is she, till Time be done. XLV Fain of the summer thou, so it was meet That on her midmost day of song and shine Thy life should cease; surely, such end is sweet: What seemlier close could heart of man divine 34 Than while the twilight tints ensoul the sky, Part of the rapture of the sun s good-bye, Swan-like to sing and, singing, so to die! XLVI I see two shapes that greet thee on the shore Whereof the sun shines through eternal time ; Twin lords of Beauty, beautiful to name, Who make life musical with lovely rime ; Above whatever once they knew of shame, Despite or agony, they walk and smile, Princes together, such forever more. XL VII Keats, who like thee died young, and Shelley too Whom the wide waters swallowed ; surely both Do bid thee welcome, feeling nothing loth To hail with comrade words and vision true A fellow singer, one whose flute was tuned To such a sweetness as to heal death s wound. 35 IV XLVIII Rises before me the sweet, eloquent face, The lithe form once again is at my side, His speech is in mine ear, the moving grace Of his dear presence warms the morning tide Or makes the evening lovely ,-lo ! he s there ! I reach my hand,- and meet the empty air. XLIX Nay, but that air shall stir to the rich strains He struck upon Life s harp; silence shall break Into such harmonies for Love s sole sake, As when a flower after its birth-pains, Bursts, white and odorous and full of scent, Above the earth to bloom for man s content. 39 Bloom ever, in the world s song- garden wide. Dear one! I ll guard thee as a gardener Would guard the growth he loves, nor let beside Their fairness aught unsightly lift or stir ; Wi ds fraught with mignonette and orient myrrh Shall make thy dim walks fragrant, thy retreat A place for lovers, thy meanderings sweet. LI so long as love is love, and glee Comes with the morning, and rich beauty broods In twilight skies; so long as interludes Of music snatch the soul from misery; So long as souls anlmnger for delight; Arthur, thy words shall be of thrilling might. LII The soul goes single that hath Beauty known ; Lovers and troops of friends were thine, but they Could not restrain thee from thy very own : 40 The spirit- summons from the Faraway. The early Arthur, him of Camelot, Brooded not straitlier on his mystic lot. LIII /. Even as Arthur of the Table Bound Followed the Gleam and fought the good fight through, Then floated down the mere unto the sound Of flutes that like soft wind forever blew, So thou didst straight embark and with a smile Float on the bosom of the After- while. LIV The pure of heart are blessed ; they shall be God s chosen, he is close to them alone. Lover of earth, now heaven hath claim on thee, Boldly thine eyes face that refulgency Of more than mortal keeness ; for thine own Were pure indeed ; forever safe thou art, Because thine often-heavy human heart Eests, circled by that promise: They shall see! 41 . ; : UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBEARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per -volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. 1927 50w-8, J 211014 UNIVERST