THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Mrs. George Gore NATURE IN DISEASE, ILLUSTRATED IN VARIOUS DISCOURSES AND ESSAYS, TO WHICH ARK ADDED MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS, CHIEFLY ON MEDICAL SUBJECTS. BY JACOB BIGELOW, M. D. PHYSICIAN AXD LECTCUER ON CLIXICAL MEDICIJfE IV THE MASSACHCSE GSNEKAT. HOSPITAL ; PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MKDICA IN HARVARD UXI7ERSITT ; PKESIDEXT OF THS AMERICAS ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES J ASD LATE PKESIDKST OF THE 1IASSACUCSEITS MF.DICAL SOCIETY. BOSTON: TICK NOR AND FIELDS. MDCCCL1V. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by TICK NOR AND FIELDS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. BOSTON: ASI) TOKltr, PKIXTKRS -R in PREFACE. IT is observable to many physicians, that a change in the mode of regarding the treatment of disease has come over the msdical world in this city and in various parts of the United States, during the last quarter of a century. In certain cases a practice of watching, guiding, and trusting the salutary indications of nature, has taken the place of more active interferences of art. Those men whose medical career began at a period antecedent to that which has been named, will recollect that the course then most prevalent among the profession consisted in energetic and sometimes annoying and painful applications of supposed remedies, from the beginning to the end of diseases, whether those diseases were amenable to such treatment, or totally incapa- ble of being influenced by them. And, in some instances, such active measures were promoted by influential teachers of medical science, in the great schools of our country. Nearly twenty years ago, the Discourse on Self-limited Diseases, which stands at the head of this volume, was de- 922421 iy PREFACE. livered before the Massachusetts Medical Society, at their annual meeting, as an expression of opinions I had been led to entertain, as to the influence of treatment on the event of some morbid affections. Subsequent observation has not tended to shake these opinions ; and I have had the satisfac- tion to believe that many of my medical friends, for whose judgment the public entertain the highest respect, have ar- rived at similar conclusions. As science has advanced, some revision has become necessary of this as well as of some other essays written long ago. But the general truth of the positions then assumed has not been contradicted by later experience of competent observers in the profession. The exclusive pursuit of any profession frequently tends to an urtdue exaggeration of its powers. What we have been early taught to accept on authority, and what we have been accustomed habitually to announce to others, may be- come engrafted on our own belief, so as to constitute an unquestioned rule of practice. The necessity is, on this account, more imperative, that inquirers for truth should divest themselves of personal considerations, and seek for rules of practice which are based on enlightened experience, and impartial and reliable evidence. I have given the title " Nature in Disease" to the present collection of discourses and disquisitions, because a number of the principal articles in its contents bear directly on that PREAFCE. V subject. But I have taken advantage of the same occasion to incorporate in this small volume some other miscellaneous papers, chiefly on medical subjects, written or published at various times, during a long and active professional life. J. B. BOSTON, Nov. 1, 1854. ERRATA. 'Page 8, tine 8 from top, for give, read gives. " 19, " 5 from bottom, " III. 616, I. 651. " 79, " 10 from top, " affctions, " affections. " 335, " 6 from bottom, " Grat Britain, " Great Britain. " 235, " 3 " " " do novo, " tie novo. CONTENTS. - ON SELF-LIMITED DISEASES ..... 1 II. ON THE TREATMENT OF DISEASE .... 59 III. PRACTICAL VIEWS OF MEDICAL EDUCATION . . 91 IV. REPORT ON HOMCEOPATHY ... . ^101 V. ON THE MEDICAL PROFESSION, AND QUACKERY . .110 VI. ON GOUT AND ITS TREATMENT .... 132 VII. ON THE TREATMENT OE INJURIES OCCASIONED BY FIRE AND HEATED SUBSTANCES . . . .146 VIII. ON THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD ; AND THE CEMETERY AT MOUNT AUBURN 171 IX. REMARKS AND EXPERIMENTS ON PNEUMOTHORAI . 195 Vlll CONTENTS. X. ON THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE UNITED STATES . 231 XL ON THE MUCUNA PRURIENS : WITH REMARKS ON THE IRRITABILITY OF DIFFERENT TEXTURES . . 266 XII. ON THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF THE AMERICAN PAR- TRIDGE, OR RUFFED GROUSE .... 272 XIII. ON COFFEE AND TEA ; AND THEIR MEDICINAL EFFECTS 289 XIV. REPORT ON THE ACTION OF COCHITUATE WATER ON LEAD PIPES ; AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE SAME ON HEALTH . . . . . .315 XV. ON THE HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO . . .323 XVI. ON THE EARLY HISTORY OF MEDICINE . . . 337 XVII. ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, AT THE OPENING OF THEIR COURSE OF LECTURES, OCTOBER 27, 1652. . 358 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES A DISCOURSE DELIVERED BEFORE THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY, AT THEIR ANNUAL MEETING, MAY 27TH, 1835. [At the beginning of this discourse, the customary obituary notice was taken of eminent members of the society, de- ceased during the previous year.] THE death of medical men is an occurrence which eminently demands our attention, for it speaks to us of our science, and of ourselves. It reminds us, that we, in turn, are to become victims of the incompetency of our own art. It admonishes us, that the sphere of our profession- al exertions is limited, at last, by insurmount- able barriers. It brings with it the humiliating conclusion, that while other sciences have been carried forward, within our own time and al- most under our own eyes, to a degree of un- precedented advancement, Medicine, in regard 1 A SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. to some of its professed and most important objects, is still an ineffectual speculation. Ob- servations are multiplied, but the observers dis- appear, and leave their task unfinished. We have seen the maturity of age, and the ardent purpose of youth, called off from the half cul- tivated field of their labors, expectations and promise. It becomes us to look upon this deep- ly interesting subject with unprejudiced eyes, and to endeavor to elicit useful truth from the great lesson that surrounds us. In comparing the advances which have been made, during the present age, in different de- partments of Medical science, we are brought to the conclusion, that they have not all been cul- tivated with equally satisfactory success. Some of them have received new and important illus- trations from scientific inquiry, but others are still surrounded with their original difficulties. The structure and functions of the human body, the laws which govern the progress of its dis- eases, and more especially the diagnosis of its morbid conditions, are better understood now, than they were at the beginning of the present century. But the science of therapeutics, or the SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. branch of knowledge by the application of which physicians are expected to remove diseases, has not, seemingly, attained to a much more eleva- ted standing than it formerly possessed. The records of mortality attest its frequent failures, and the inability to control the event of diseases, which at times is felt by the most gifted and experienced practitioners, give evidence that, in %iany cases, disease is more easily under- stood, than cured. This deficiency of the healing art is not justly attributable to any want of sagacity or diligence on the part of the medical profession. It be- longs rather to the inherent difficulties of the case, and is, after abating the effect of errors and accidents, to be ascribed to the apparent fact, that certain morbid processes in the human body have a definite and necessary career, from which they are not to be diverted by any known agents, with which it is in our power to oppose them. To these morbid affections, the duration of which, and frequently the event also, are beyond the control of our present remedial means, I have, on the present occasion, applied the name of Self -limited diseases ; and it will 4 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. be the object of this discourse to endeavor to show the existence of such a class, and to in- quire how far certain individual diseases may be considered as belonging to it. By a self-limited disease, I would be under- stood to express one which receives limits from its own nature, and not from foreign influences; one which, after it has obtained foothold in the system, cannot, in the present state of our know- ledge, be eradicated, or abridged, by art, but to which there is due a certain succession of processes, to be completed in a certain time ; which time and processes may vary with the constitution and condition of the patient, and may tend to death, or to recovery, but are not known to be shortened, or greatly changed, by medical treatment. These expressions are not intended to apply to the palliation of diseases, for he who turns a pillow, or administers a seasonable draught of water to a patient, palliates his sufferings ; but they apply to the more important consideration of removing diseases themselves through medi- cal means. The existence of a class ol diseases, like those SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. O under consideration, is, to a certain extent, aVeady admitted, both by the profession, and the public ; and this admission is evinced by the use of certain familiar terms of expression. Thus, when people speak of a ' settled disease,' or of the time of 'the run of a disease,' it implies, on their part, a recognition of the law, that certain diseases regulate their own limits and period of continuance. It is difficult to select a perfectly satisfactory or convincing example of a self-limited disease from among the graver morbid affections, be- cause in these affections the solicitude of the practitioner usually leads him to the employ- ment of remedies, in consequence of which, the effect of remedies is mixed up with the phenom- ena of disease, so that the mind has difficulty in separating them. [Note A.] We must there- fore seek for our most striking or decisive exam- ples among those diseases which are sufficiently mild, not to be thought to require ordinarily the use of remedies, and in which the natural his- tory of the disease may be observed, divested of foreign influences. Such examples are found in the vaccine disease, the chicken pox, and the 6 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. salivation produced by mercury. These are strictly self-limited diseases, having their own rise, climax, and decline ; and I know of no medical practice which is able, were it deemed necessary, to divert them from their appropriate course, or hasten their termination. [Note B.] It may appear to some, that the distinction of these diseases from others, is the old distinction of acute and chronic. Yet on due inquiry, such an identification is not found to be sustained, for there are some acute diseases which, we have reason to believe, are shortened by the employment of remedies ; while, on the other hand, certain chronic cases of disease are known to get well spontaneously, after years of con- tinuance. If the inquiry be made, why one disease has necessary limits, while another is without them ? the reply is not uniform, nor always easy to be made. Sometimes the law of the disease may be traced to the nature of the exciting cause. Thus the morbid poison of measles, or of small pox, when received into the body, produces a self-limited disease ; but the morbid poisons of psora and syphilis may give rise to others which SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 7 are not limited, except by medical treatment. [Note C.] Sometimes, also, the cause being the same, the result will depend on the part, organ, or texture which is affected. Thus if we divide with a cutting instrument the cellular or muscular substance, we produce a self-limited disease, which, although it cannot by any art be healed within a certain number of days or weeks, yet in the end gets well spontaneously, by one process, if the lips are in contact, and by another and slower process, if they are separa- ted.* But if, on the other hand, we divide a considerable artery, we have then an unlimited disease ; and the hemorrhage, or the aneurism, which follows, does not get well, except through the interposition of art. The class of diseases under consideration, comprehends morbid affections, differing greatly from each other, in the time, place, and nature of their spontaneous developments ; so that they may admit of at least three general subdivisions. These may be called, 1st. The simple ; in which the disease observes a con- * la one case, the disease is a solution of continuity ; in the other, a solution of continuity and contact. 8 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. tinuous time, and mostly a definite seat ; 2d, The paroxysmal; in which the disease, having apparently disappeared, returns at its own periods ; and 3d. The metastatic ; in which the disease undergoes metastasis or spontaneous change of place. In the present state of our knowledge, we have no difficulty in finding examples of each of these subdivisions. There are also other examples, in which the disease, although capable of being in part influenced by medical treatment, still retains a portion of its original intractability, and has strong relations to the class in question. As a mode of directing our inquiries toward these diseases, we may suspect those complaints to be self-limited, in which it is observed that the unwary, and the sceptical, who neglect to resort to remedies, recover their health without them. We may also suspect diseases to be of this character, when we find opposite modes of treatment recommended, and their success vouched for, by practitioners of authority and veracity. We may moreover attach the same suspicion to cases, in which the supposed cure takes place under chance applications, or incon- SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 9 siderable remedies; as in the empirical modes of practice on the one hand, and the minute doses of the homo3opathic method on the other. Lastly, we may apprehend that cases are fatally self-limited,* when enlightened physicians die themselves of the diseases which they had la- bored to illustrate, as in the case of Corvisart, Laennec, Armstrong, and others. [Note D.] In proceeding to enumerate more precisely some of the diseases which appear to me to be self-limited in their character, I approach the subject with diffidence. I am aware that the works of medical writers, and especially of medical compilers, teem with remedies and modes of treatment for all diseases; and that in the morbid affections of which we speak, remedies are often urged with zeal and con- fidence, even though sometimes of an opposite character. Moreover, in many places, at the present day, a charm is popularly attached to what is called an active, bold, or heroic prac- * In the following article on the Treatment of Disease, it has been found convenient to divide diseases into the curable, the self-limited, and the incurable. In a general sense, however, the last term falls within the second. 10 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. tice; and a corresponding reproach awaits the opposite course, which is cautious, palliative, and expectant. In regard to the diseases which have been called self-limited, I would not be understood to deny that remedies capable of removing them may exist ; I would only assert, that they have not yet been proved to exist. Under the simple self-limited diseases, we may class hooping cough. This disease has its regular increase, height, and decline, occupying ordinarily from one to six months, but in some mild cases only two or three weeks. During this period, medical treatment is for the most part of no avail. Narcotic appliances may diminish 4he paroxysm, but without abridging the disease. After hooping cough has reached its climax, change of air sometimes appears to hasten convalescence. Also if inflammatory, or other morbid affections, supervene upon the pure disease, they may become subjects for medical treatment. With these exceptions, hooping cough appears to be a self-limited disease. Most of the class of diseases usually de- nominated eruptive fevers, are self-limited. SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 11 Measles, for example, is never known to be cut short by art, or abridged of its natural career ; neither can this career be extended or the disease kept in the system beyond its natural duration, by the power of medicine. Scarlet fever, a disease of which we have had much and fatal experience during the last three years, is eminently of the same character. The reasons, which induce me thus to regard it, are the following. The writings of medical observers agree in assigning to it a common, or average period of duration, and this is con- firmed by the observations of practitioners at the present day. From this average duration and character there are great natural deviations, the disease being sometimes so slight, as to attract the notice of none but medical eyes, and sometimes so malignant, that treatment is admitted to be hopeless. The modes of treat- ment, which have had most testimony in their favor, are various, and opposite. By Dr. Fother- gill, stimulants were relied on ; by Dr. Currie, cold water ; by Dr. South wood Smith, and others, blood letting. But it is not satisfactorily shown, that either of these modes of practice 12 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 'has been particularly successful ; for where the writers have furnished us anything like definite, or numerical results, it does not appear that the mortality was less in their hands than it is among those who pursue a more expectant practice. The post mortuary appearances, which in many diseases furnish useful lessons for prac- tice, are in scarlet fever extremely various and uncertain ; and sometimes no morbid changes, sufficient to account for death, can be discovered in any of the vital organs, or great cavities. {Note E.] Small Pox is another example of the class of affections under consideration, its approach and disappearance being irrespective of medical ^practice. It may, at first view, appear, that inoculation has placed artificial limits on this disease. But it must be recollected, that inocu- lated small pox is itself only a milder variety of the same disease, having its own customary limits of extent and duration, which are fixed, quite as much as those of the distinct and con- -fluent forms of the natural disease. Erysipelas is an eruptive fever, having strong analogies with those which have been detailed. SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 13 It is not certain, that art can very materially affect either the duration or the extent of this malady. If a physician is called to a case of erysipelas, which is beginning to be developed upon a part of the face ; and if he is asked, whether the disease will extend to the crown, or the neck, or to the right ear, or the left, he cannot tell. And if he is asked to prevent it from visiting either of these places, I know of no satisfactory evidence that he can do it. Erysipelas, however, in a great number of sim- ple, or exanthematous cases, in subjects previ- ously healthy, gets well without any treatment > and in a great number of deep-seated and phlegmonous cases, as well as those in which vital organs are affected, it proves fatal under the most approved methods of medical and surgical practice. It is true, that patients have recovered, under punctures, incisions, and cau- tery. It is also true, that they have died under the same operations, so that it may be submit- ted as a doubtful point, whether we yet possess adequate evidence, that erysipelas is not also a self-limited disease. It is a question of great interest to the medi- 14 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. cal profession, to determine whether typhoid fever is a disease susceptible of control from medical means. On this subject no one now doubts, that if the disease is once fairly estab- lished in the system, it cannot be eradicated by art, but must complete a certain natural course, before convalescence can take place. But a question still exists, whether this disease is capable of being jugulated, or broken up, at its outset, by the early application of remedies. It must be allowed, that attacks of disease resembling those of typhoid, sometimes speedily disappear during the use of remedies ; but it is by no means certain that such cases are actually cases of typhoid. The diagnosis of this disease, during the first day or two, is extremely diffi- cult, its character being similated by different febrile and inflammatory affections ; so that if a patient, under the use of remedies, succeeds in avoiding protracted disease, we are not justified in saying, that the disease he has escaped was typhoid or typhous fever. Andral, whose ex- periments on the different modes of treatment in continued fever, are very extensive, has stated, that in a number of cases, observed by him, in SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 15 which the fever was sufficiently intense, the dis- ease ceased in twenty-four or forty-eight hours, without any treatment, except that of rest and a regulated diet.* Moreover, in weighing the influence of treat- ment, it ought to be recollected, that during the existence of any prevailing epidemic, mild cases, partaking of a similar character to that of the reigning disease, continually appear among the less susceptible part of the community. Thus cholera is attended by diarrhosa or cholerine, influenza by mild catarrh, small pox by varioloid, scarlet fever by slight sore throats or ephemeral eruptions, &c. Now, although these cases are in reality modified examples of the grave dis- eases which they accompany, yet I believe that no well-informed physician will attribute the mildness or shortness of their character to his own particular practice. On the other hand, it is certain that cases of real typhoid do often come under active treat- ment at an early stage, without being broken up, or disarmed of their appropriate conse- * Clinique III. 619. 16 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. quences. This particularly happens, when the disease is endemic in families, so that succes- sive cases begin, as it were, under the eye of the attending physician, who has every possible inducement to detect and prevent them, if he can. In such families, indeed, it will sometimes happen, that febrile attacks of different kinds, consequent upon fatigue and anxiety, and per- haps partaking of the typhoid character, will take place among the friends and attendants of the sick ; and these may disappear speedily, under rest and evacuations. But that grave and specific typhoid fever will thus disappear, is a point of which we as yet want proof. That it sometimes fails to disappear, we have abun- dant proof. Typhoid fever has, in many respects, a mark- ed affinity with the class of eruptive fevers, which are supposed to depend on a specific morbid poison, and which no one pretends to intercept, after the body has become infected with them. Scarlet fever and measles, for ex- ample, when once established, require a certain number of days to finish their course ; so also does the typhoid. Scarlet fever and measles SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 17 can, in most cases, be had but once during life ; but to this general rule there are exceptions. The same is precisely true in regard to typhoid. The contagiousness of scarlet fever is a point of dispute among physicians ; and so is that of typhoid. Scarlet fever is attended by an eruption on the skin. Typhoid fever also has for one of its most constant symptoms a red, lenticular eruption, consisting of a few scatter- ed rose-colored pimples, appearing chiefly on the trunk, from about the sixth to the nineteenth day of the disease. There also occurs, in most subjects, a minute, vesicular eruption of suda- mina, about the neck and elsewhere. In scarlet fever, moreover, certain portions of the mucous membrane undergo morbid alterations, particu- larly on the tonsils, and other parts of the fauces, and these frequently degenerate into ulcers, affecting the subjacent textures. In like manner, in typhoid fever, the mucous membrane of the glandular patches in the small intestines, which have been named after the anatomist Peyer, undergo morbid changes', and these changes are followed by ulcerations, and some- times perforations of the intestine. This fact, 2 18 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. established by the researches of Louis and other pathologists in Paris, has been abundantly con- firmed by post mortem examinations made in this country during the last few years.* If it be objected to the proposed classification of this fever, that the taches are sometimes few in number, or wholly absent : it is equally true, that the pustules of inoculated small pox are likewise often very few, or absent ; and that the eruption of scarlatina sometimes wholly fails to appear. The sore throat also in the latter dis- ease is wanting, quite as often, to say the least, as the morbid affection of Peyer's glands. Before quitting the subject, I beg leave to introduce the opinion of one or two medical writers, in regard to the possibility of interrupt- ing or breaking up this disease by means of art. M. Louis, of whose researches in regard to typhoid fever, it is but small praise to say, that they are more exact and comprehensive than those of any living writer, is of opinion that the disease cannot be thus intercepted. ' Experi- ence,' says he, has shown, that a well marked typhoid affection is not capable of being broken * 1835. SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 19 up.' * To this testimony of one of the most eminent teachers in the French metropolis, it may not be amiss to add that of an American physician, whose opportunities for observing the disease in different parts of New England were extensive, and whose Essay on Typhus Fever well merits an attentive perusal. The late Dr. Nathan Smith, in the course of some remarks on the possibility of interrupting this disease at commencement, observes : ' During the whole of my practice I have never been satisfied that I have cut short a single case of typhus, that I knew to be such.' f * L'experience ayant montre, que Taffection typhoide bien caracterisee, n'est pas susceptible d'etre jugulee, ce qui n'est guere moins vrai, d'ailleurs, suivant toutes les apparences, de la peripneumonie et des autres maladies inflammatoires.' Louis, Gastro-enterite. II. 512. Andral says, in regard to the different modes of treatment in typhus, ' Quelles que soient les methodes employees, il est un certain nombre de cas ou, sans que ces methodes y prennent part, la nature conduit la maladie k une terminaison heureuse ou funeste. Clinique III. 616, 617. t At the time of the publication alluded to, the distinction be- tween typhus and typhoid fevers had not been well made out. The distinction is good, though writers of authority differ on the subject. 20 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. Having said thus much, I leave the subject of the tractability of typhus and typhoid fever to the light of future investigation. It is but justice to state, that numerous and highly respectable authorities are declared in favor of the efficacy of art in shortening and mitigating these diseases ; and it will be a source of gratification to the friends of humanity and science, should it ultimately be settled, that the active treatment now usually pursued at the commencement of cases, is instrumental in lessening their duration, severity, or dan- ger. Among the morbid affections which have now been enumerated, may be found sufficient examples of continued diseases, which receive limits from their own nature, and not from the interference of art. Whether the number of these diseases may not be augmented by ad- ditions from among other fevers, and acute inflammations, I am not prepared to decide. It is difficult, however, to withhold the belief, that a more extended inquiry must probably serve to multiply, rather than diminish, the number of SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 21 maladies to which this character will be found appropriate.* We come next to a second order of self- limited diseases, of which the term paroxysmal is sufficiently descriptive. This term applies to certain morbid affections, which recur in fits or paroxysms, leaving the patient comparatively well in the intervals, at the same time that the paroxysms themselves can neither be foreseen, prevented, nor, as far as we know, materially abridged in their duration. At the head of this subdivision stands Epilepsy, a disease which has long been eminent as an opprobrium of medicine, and for which, it is believed, the healing art has not yet devised a cure. The first attacks of epilepsy, especially while there is any doubt as to the nature of the malady, are usually made the subjects of active and various treatment. But after the recurring paroxysms have established the character of the disease, if * There is not room here to discuss the question whether Pneumonia and other acute inflammations fall under the category of self-limitation. Blood-letting, in proper cases, lessens the severity and danger of these diseases. But it is not apparent that it greatly abridges their duration. Dysentery may be accounted a self-limited disease. 22 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. active medical practice is persevered in, it is rather to satisfy the anxiety of friends, than the judgment of the practitioner. Angina pectoris, appropriately called by Dr. Good, Sternalgia, is a paroxysmal disease, which in many cases controls its own movements. The anatomical character of this disease is not uniform, and I may add, the same is true of its medical treatment. And in this place it may be proper to state, that various incurable lesions of the heart, lungs, brain, and other viscera, do not apparently destroy life by a regular, undeviating march; but that as far as their outward phenomena afford evidence, they seem to proceed by alternate fits and pauses, under- going, in their progress, all states, except that of retrogradation. This is apparently true in regard to tubercle, carcinoma, ossification, hypertrophy, and some other morbid alterations. It is also even true in regard to old age itself. Thirty years ago, we might have added gout to the opprobrious list under consideration. But as we may now be said to possess the means of shortening the paroxysms, by the use of certain acrid narcotics ; and as an abstemious life goes SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 23 far towards lessening the frequency and violence of the recurrence, we may be justified in with- drawing gout from the place it would otherwise occupy. [Note F.] The diseases of mania and melancholy, asthma, when it depends on emphysema of the lungs, gravel in the kidneys, and the symptoms produced by ascarides in the rectum, [Note G], furnish other examples of maladies, which manifest themselves in unforeseen paroxysms. Cases, which bear the names of all the above diseases, are undoubtedly relieved, and some- times even removed by medicine; but it is equally true, that other cases are wholly in- tractable, both as to their recurrence, their .duration, and their susceptibility of much change from medical treatment. And it will come to the recollection of many practitioners, that they have, in the course of their lives, believed themselves to have cured these dis- eases, when in fact they have only witnessed the spontaneous subsidence of a paroxysm. The last subdivision of our subject includes what may be called metastatic diseases. By this term I wish to express certain morbid 24 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. affections, which pass by metastasis from one part of the body to another, for the most part independently of artificial influence. Of this kind are certain cutaneous affections, more espe- cially some which are chronic and hereditary. Many persons pass a considerable portion of their lives in alternate annoyance from a disease of the skin, and from its vicarious substitute in some internal organ. Others again are afflicted with hemorrhagic, or puru- lent discharges, which at times disappear, only to be succeeded by equally troublesome affec- tions in a different part. Gonorrhoea cannot be prevented from occasional metastasis of inflammation, and mumps are sometimes found to undergo the same transition. But perhaps the most remarkable example of a metastatic disease is found in acute rheumatism. This morbid affection often begins to discover itself in a limited and comparatively unimportant part of the system. From thence, in grave cases, it travels by successive migrations from joint to joint, and from limb to limb, till it has visited nearly all the great articulations of the body. It also attacks the organs of sense, and SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 25 the viscera which are essential to life. During the course of these migrations, the attending physician cannot foretell at any given stage, what part will be next invaded by the disease, neither can he protect any part from being thus invaded ; nor can he control the period, during which the disease will reside in any particular part previously to its next metastasis. Never- theless acute rheumatism is susceptible of great palliation though of little abridgment, and after having run out its career, terminates in spontaneous recovery ; not, however, in some cases, until it has laid the foundation of serious organic derangements, especially of the heart. I forbear to dilate on the structural lesions of different organs, many of which can only be cured by the extirpation of the part in which they reside, thus sacrificing the integrity of the body to the preservation of life ; and in which extirpation cannot avail, when the seat of the disease is in a vital part. I also pass over the pestilential epidemics of plague, yellow fever, malignant dysentery and cholera ; diseases about which the medical profession have great differences of opinion, and of which thousands 26 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. die annually, though hundreds of volumes have been written for their preservation. [Note H.] It may perhaps appear that the views which have now been taken of the power of medicine, in so large a class of diseases, are gloomy and discouraging, and that an unworthy tribute is paid to the labors of those physicians, who have patiently studied, and ardently acted, for the benefit of humanity. Such views, however, are far from being the object of the present dis- course. Were it permitted by the compass of the subject under consideration, it would be a very grateful task to enumerate those maladies of the human frame, over which we have reason to believe that medicine has obtained decisive influence. To a medical audience, it is un- necessary to recall the instances of pain reliev- ed, spasms controlled, inflammations checked, [Note I], and diseased associations broken up, under limitable diseases, by the agency of the healing art. Were there no other trophy for the medical profession to boast, it is sufficient to know, that the diseases of small pox and syphi- lis alone would have entailed misery and exter- mination on a large portion of our species, had SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 27 not medical science discovered the prevention of the one, and the successful management of the other. But that the usefulness of our profession may extend, our knowledge must go on to increase ; and the foundation of all knowledge is truth. For truth then we must earnestly seek, even when its developments do not flatter our pro- fessional pride, nor attest the infallibility of our art. To discover truth in science, is often ex- tremely difficult ; in no science is it more diffi- cult than in medicine. Independently of the common defects of medical evidence, our self- interest, our self-esteem, and sometimes even our feelings of humanity, may be arrayed against the truth. It is difficult to view the operations of nature, divested of the interfer- ences of art, so much do our habits and partial- ities incline us to neglect the former, and to exaggerate the importance of the latter. The mass of medical testimony is always on the side of art. Medical books are prompt to point out the cure of diseases. Medical journals are filled with the crude productions of aspirants to the cure of diseases. Medical schools find it incum- 28 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. bent on them to teach the cure of diseases. The young student goes forth into the world, believing that if he does not cure diseases, it is his own fault. Yet when a score or two of years have passed over his head, he will come at length to the conviction, that some diseases are controlled by nature alone. He will often pause at the end of a long and anxious attend- ance, and ask himself, how far the result of the case is different from what it would have been under less officious treatment, than that which he has pursued ; how many in the accumulated array of remedies, which have supplanted each other in the patient's chamber, have actually been instrumental in doing him any good. He will also ask himself whether, in the course of his life, he has not had occasion to change his opinion, perhaps more than once, in regard to the management of the disease in question, and whether he does not, even now, feel the want of additional light. Medicine has been rightly called a conjectural art, because in many of its deductions, and es- pecially in those which relate to the cure of diseases, positive evidence is denied to us. We SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 29 are seldom justified in concluding that our remedies have promoted the cure of a disease, until we know that cases exactly similar in time, place, and circumstances, have failed to do equally well under the omission of those reme- dies ; and such cases, moreover, must exist in sufficient numbers to justify the admission of a general law, on their basis. Nothing can be more illogical, than to draw our general conclu- sions, as we are sometimes too apt to dp, from the results of insulated and remarkable cases; for such cases may be found in support of any extravagance in medicine ; and if there is any point in which the vulgar differ from the judi- cious part of the profession, it is in drawing premature and sweeping conclusions, from scanty premises of this kind. Moreover, it is in many cases not less illogical to attribute the removal of diseases, or even of their troublesome symptoms, to the means which have been most recently employed. It is a common error to infer that things which are consecutive in the order of time, have necessarily the relation to cause and effect. It often happens that the last remedy used, bears off the credit of having re- 30 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. moved an obstruction, or cured a disease, whereas in fact the result may have been owing to the first remedy employed, or to the joint effect of all the remedies, or to the act of nature, unin- fluenced by any of the remedies. We see this remarkably exemplified in recoveries from amenorrhoea, and from various irregularities of the alimentary canal. An inherent difficulty, which every medical man finds to stand in the way of an. unbiased and satisfactory judgment, is the heavy respon- sibility which rests upon the issue of his cases. When a friend, or valuable patient, is commit- ted to our charge, we cannot stand by, as curi- ous spectators, to study the natural history of his disease. We feel that we are called on to attempt his rescue by vigorous means, so that at least the fault of omission shall not lie upon our charge. We proceed to put in practice those measures, which on the whole have ap- peared to us to do most good ; and if these fail us, we resort to other measures, which we have read of, or heard of. And at the end of our attendance we may be left in uncertainty, whether the duration of sickness has been SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 31 shortened, pr lengthened, by our practice, and whether the patient is really indebted to us for good or evil. In the study of experimental philosophy, we rarely admit a conclusion to be true, until its opposite has been proved to be untrue. But in medicine we are often obliged, to be content to accept as evidence the results of cases, which have been finished under treat- ment, because we have not the opportunity to know how far these results would have been different, had the cases been left to themselves. And it too frequently happens, that medical books do not relieve our difficulties on this score, for a great deal of our practical literature con- sists in reports of interesting, extraordinary, and successful results, published by men who have a doctrine to establish, or a reputation to build. ' Few authors,' says Andral, ' have published all the cases they have observed, and the greater part have only taken the trouble to present to us those facts which favor their own views.' * A prevailing error among writers on therapeu- * Bien peu d'auteurs ont public tous les cas qu'ils ont ob- serves, et la plupart ne se sont empresses de nous transmettre que les faits que caressaient leurs idees. Clinique III. 618. 32 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. tics, proceeds from their professional, or personal reluctance to admit that the healing art, as practised by them, is not, or may not be, all sufficient, in all cases ; so that on this subject they suffer themselves, as well as their readers, to be deceived. Hence we have no disease, however intractable or fatal, for which the press has not poured forth its asserted remedies. Even of late, we have seen unfailing cures of cholera successively announced in almost every city, in which that pestilence unchecked has completed its work of devastation ! It is only when, in connection with these flat- tering exhibitions, we have a full and faithful report of the failures of medical practice, in similar, and in common cases, setting forth not only the truth, but the whole truth, that we have a basis sufficiently broad to erect a super- structure in therapeutics, on which dependence may be placed. Such, it must give the friends of science gratification to observe, is a part of the rigid method which characterizes the best examples of the modern French school ; and such, it is not difficult to foresee, must ultimate- ly be the only species of evidence on this sub- SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 33 ject, to which the medical profession will pay deference. It appears to me to be one of the most im- portant desiderata in practical medicine, to ascertain, in regard to each doubtful disease, how far its cases are really self-limited, and how far they are controllable by any treatment. This question can be satisfactorily settled only by instituting, in a large number of cases, which are well identified and nearly similar, a fair experimental comparison of the different active and expectant modes of practice, with their varieties in regard to time, order, and degree. This experiment is vast, considering the number of combinations which it must in- volve ; and even much more extensive than a corresponding series of pathological observa- tions ; yet every honest and intelligent observer may contribute to it his mite. Opportunities for such observations, and especially for mono- graphs of diseases, are found in the practice of most physicians, yet hospitals and other public charities afford the most appropriate field for instituting them upon a large scale. The ag- gregate of results, successful and unsuccessful, 3 34 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. circumstantially and impartially reported by competent observers, will give us a near approx- imation to truth, in regard to the diseases of the time and place, in which the experiments are instituted. The numerical method employed by Louis in his extensive pathological researches, and now adopted by his most distinguished contemporaries in France, affords the means of as near an approach to certainty on this head, as the subject itself admits. And I may add, that no previous medical inquirer has apparently submitted to the profession any species of evidence so broad in its foundations, and so convincing in its results, as that which charac- terizes the great works of this author on Phthisis and Typhoid fever. In regard to acknowledged self-limited dis- eases, the question will naturally arise, whether the practitioner is called on to do nothing for the benefit of his patient ; whether he shall fold his hands, and look passively on the progress of a disease, which he cannot interrupt. To this I would answer, by no means. The opportu- nities of doing good may be as great in these diseases as in any others ; for, in treating every SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 35 disease, there is a right method, and a wrong. In the first place, we may save the patient from much harm, not only by forbearing ourselves to afflict him with unnecessary practice, but also by preventing the ill-judged activity of others. For the same reason that we would not suffer him to be shaken in his bed, when rest was considered necessary to him, we should not allow him to be tormented with useless and annoying applications, in a disease of settled destiny* It should be remembered that all cases are susceptible of errors of commission, as well as of omission, and that by an excessive application of the means of art, we may frus- trate the intentions of nature, when they are salutary, or embitter the approach of death when it is inevitable. What practitioner, I would ask, ever rendered a greater service to mankind, than Ambrose Pare, and his subsequent coadju- tors, who introduced into modem surgery the art of healing by the first intention? These men with vast difficulty succeeded in convinc- ing the profession, that instead of the old meth- od of treating incised wounds by keeping them 36 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. open with forcible and painful applications, it was better simply to place the parts securely in their natural situation, and then to let them alone. In the second place, we may do much good by a palliative and preventive course, by alleviating pain, procuring sleep, guarding the diet, regulating the alimentary canal, in fine, by obviating such sufferings as admit of miti- gation, and preventing or removing the causes of others, which are incidental, but not neces- sary, to the state of disease. In doing this, we must distinguish between the disease itself, and the accidents of the disease, for the latter often admit of relief, when the former do not. We should also inquire whether the original cause of the disease, or any accessory cause, is still operating, and if so, whether it can in any measure be prevented or removed ; as, for ex- ample, when it exists in the habits of life of the patient, in the local atmosphere, or in the pre- sence of any other deleterious agent. [Note K.J Lastly, by a just prognosis, founded on a correct view of the case, we may sustain the patient and his friends during the inevitable course of the disease ; and may save them from the pangs SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 37 of disappointed hope on the one side, or of un- necessary despondency on the other. It will be seen that, in the foregoing remarks, a low estimate has been placed on the resources of art, when compared with those of nature. But I may be excused for doing this in the presence of an audience of educated men, and the members of a society, whose motto is Natu- rd duce. The longer and the more philosophi- cally we contemplate this subject, the more obvious it will appear, that the physician is but the minister and servant of nature ; that in cases like those which have been engaging our con- sideration, we can do little more than follow in the train of disease, and endeavor to aid nature in her salutary intentions, or to remove obstacles out of her path. How little, indeed, could we accomplish without her aid! It has been wisely observed by Sir Gilbert Blane, that 'the benefit derivable to mankind at large, from artificial remedies, is so limited, that if a spon- taneous principle of restoration had not existed, the human species would long ago have been extinct.' * * Medical Logic, p. 49. 38 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. The importance and usefulness of the medi- cal profession, instead of being diminished, will always be elevated, exactly in proportion as it understands itself, weighs justly its own powers, and professes simply what it can accomplish. It is no derogation from the importance of our art, that we cannot always control the events of life and death, or even of health and sickness. The incompetency which we feel in this respect, is shared by almost every man upon whom the great responsibilities of society are devolved. The statesman cannot control the destinies of nations, nor the military commander the event of battles. The most eloquent pleader may fail to convince the judgment of his hearers, and the most skilful pilot may not be able to weather the storm. Yet it is not the less necessary, that responsible men should study deeply and under- standingly the science of their respective voca- tions. It is not the less important, for the sake of those whose safety is, and always will be, committed to their charge, that they should look with unbiased judgment upon the necessary results of inevitable causes. And while an earnest and inquiring solicitude should always SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. 39 be kept alive, in regard to the improvement of professional knowledge, it should never be for- gotfen, that knowledge has for its only just and lasting foundation, a rigid, impartial, and inflex- ible requisition of the truth. 40 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. NOTES. NOTE A. THE difficulty of discriminating between the symptoms of disease, and the effects of treat- ment, has undoubtedly led to much erroneous practice, so that we cannot be too careful or vigilant, in watching the consequences of our own remedies. For a long time the effects re- sulting from an excessive use of mercury, were mistaken for the phenomena of syphilis. The arterial reaction, described by Marshall Hall, which sometimes follows excessive blood-letting, has been confounded with the arterial action of disease requiring further depletion. Constitu- tional irritation, produced or kept up by an inordinate use of vesicatories and other counter- stimulants, has been made a reason for the farther continuance of those applications. Much acute and unnecessary suffering has been caused by the prolonged application of sinapisms to the NOTES. 41 tender skins of infants, and the limbs of dying patients. The pains of hunger, resulting from a too restricted diet, are most keenly felt by convalescents from sickness ; yet we sometimes see the cries of infants, arising from this cause, mistaken for signs of disease, and met by the practitioner with medicines, and farther restric- tions. I do not speak of these things as com- mon occurrences, yet they have been sufficiently so, to render it obvious that circumspection, on the part of the practitioner, is necessary to avoid them. NOTE B. The vaccine vesicle might, if it were desired, be extirpated by the knife or caustic, although if the vesicle be sufficiently developed to excite no- tice, the surgical remedy would be at least as bad as the disease. In regard to medical remedies, I have had occasion to observe their inefficiency in cases where inflammatory diseases, requiring treatment, have occurred during the progress of cow pox. The depletive remedies employed for the former diseases did not affect the pro- gress of the vaccine vesicle. When this vesicle 42 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. is slow and diminutive, it is commonly owing to the coexistence of some other cutaneous affection. In regard to mercurial salivation, although the treatment proposed by Dr. Pearson and others, may have been reiterated in many vol- umes, yet I believe that most practitioners of experience find themselves obliged to rely upon time and palliatives, aided by the withdrawal of the cause. NOTE C. The modern introduction of the non-mercurial treatment in syphilis, might almost lead us to consider this malady also, as among the self- limited diseases. Although syphilis, as it exist- ed in the days of Mr. Hunter, appears to have yielded to mercury alone, so that this eminent author regarded it as one of the distinguishing traits of the disease, that it had no tendency to spontaneous recovery ; yet the experience of the last twenty years has shown that syphilis, as it now exists in all its prominent varieties, has been cured in many thousands of cases, by a treatment in which no mercury in any shape is NOTES. 43 employed. Nevertheless, the treatment by the anti-phlogistic method, which has been substi- tuted, requires, in order to be successful, more or less depletion, abstinence, and positive rest, conjoined occasionally with other remedies. So that the disease still undergoes efficient treat- ment ; and indeed, when it is wholly neglected, as it sometimes is by the abject and the reck- less, it results in the most deplorable conse- quences, of which our hospitals and almshouses furnish sufficient and frequent examples. NOTE D. Corvisart died of a disease of the heart ; Laennec and Armstrong of pulmonary con- sumption. Other examples may be found of persons who were writers on the diseases of which they afterwards died. NOTE E. Ulceration in the tonsils and palate is the most common lesion in scarlatina, but the other morbid appearances discovered in autopsies of 44 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. cases of this disease are exceedingly various and uncertain. Among those which I have observed, or which have been noticed by my medical friends in this city, are ulcerations in the larynx, and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchiae. In one case of thirty- six hours duration, the chief morbid appearance, in addition to the ulcerated throat, was an ex- tensive peritonitis with effusion of coagulating lymph lining most of the abdominal cavity. Serous effusions in and upon the brain have been occasionally noticed, but most frequently in the secondary forms of the disease. In the child of an eminent physician in this city, whose case and autopsy I witnessed, there was slight ulceration of the tonsils, but no lesion of any important viscus could be detected, though dili- gently sought for by our best pathological anat- omists. Two similar cases have been stated to me, and I find them also noticed by some wri- ters on the disease. In these cases the poison of the disease seems to destroy life, without exciting inflammatory action. Family predisposition appears to influence the tendency to mortality in scarlatina. In NOTES. 45 some cases the children of a family all die in rapid succession. A predisposition to take the disease seems also affected by the same cause, so that it sometimes operates during the same season-upon members of the same family resid- ing in different places, without personal inter- course. The latent period between the inception and development of this disease appears subject to great variation. I knew a patient to be taken with scarlet fever in forty-eight hours after arriving in this country by a passage of forty days from Europe. In this instance, as no case existed in the ship, the latent period must have been less than two days, or more than forty. Scarlatina and some other eruptive fevers reciprocally affect the development of each other. During the prevalence of measles and scarlet fever in this city in the winter and spring of 1832, a considerable number of cases occur- red, in which the two diseases, each preserving its own distinctive character, were successively passed through by patients, without quitting their beds, yet the diseases were in no wise blended, or intermixed. In the family of a lady 46 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. Tesiding in Tremont Place, five individuals had scarlet fever, and three of them measles, nearly at the same time. The circumstances are in- teresting. One child had measles first, the dis- appearance of which was immediately followed by scarlatina; both diseases proved mild, and were completed in about twenty days. Another child had severe scarlatina with a bad throat, the ulcers of which were not healed before the sixteenth day. After this the patient remained stationary, with a quick pulse, and without return of appetite or strength for several days more, when the eruption of measles appeared under the cuticle which was desquamating from scarlatina, and passed through its regular course. A third child in the same family was affected in a more singular manner. The eruption of measles appeared first, with slight catarrh al symptoms, and continued one day. It then vanished, and was in two days succeeded by scarlet fever. This lasted about a week, and when the patient was expected to get well, the 'crimson eruption of measles reappeared, and lasted three days more. In these cases the two diseases, though probably coexisting in the NOTES. 47 body at the same time, and in the last case decidedly so, were never extant at once in an active or characteristic form. There was no reason to suppose that the intensity of either disease was diminished, or aggravated, by the presence of the other. Scarlet fever exists in some cases, where its presence is not suspected, as the following cases, selected from a number of similar ones, may show. A child, previously well, was taken in fits at night, and died on the following morning. As the disease was not epidemic at the time, the nature of the complaint was not suspected till a few hours before death, when another child coming out with the eruption, this circum- stance led me to an examination of the throat of the first, which was found ulcerated. In another case, a child was affected with a very troublesome rheumatic stiff neck. On inquiry, it was ascertained that a scarlet efflorescence had existed on the preceding week, of which the rheumatism was doubtless a sequel, though the nature of the eruption had not been appre- hended. The sequelae or secondary effects of scarlet 48 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. fever are extremely various. Rheumatic affec- tions are among the most common. Dropsical effusions are frequent, both in the cellular tex- ture and in large cavities. Anasarca and ascites are not of uncommon occurrence. I have seen hydrocele, which disappeared spontaneously in a few weeks, and hydrocephalus which proved fatal. Troublesome indurations of the parotid and submaxillary glands often occur, and may, or may not, be followed by suppuration. A fatal induration of the whole anterior neck is sometimes met with. This I have seen both in the primary and secondary disease. A purulent or sanious discharge from the ears occasionally follows scarlet fever, and sometimes continues long enough to destroy the organic texture, and with it the sense of hearing, in one or both ears. Erysipelas and roseola are among the other pearances which I have seen to supervene upon this uncertain disease. Fortunately, however, the largest portion of cases are attended with no sequelas, or with such as disappear spontane- ously in their own time, without permanent injury to the patient NOTES. 49 NOTE R We have sufficient evidence that many cases of gout, both in this country and Europe, have had their paroxysms abridged by the use of colchicum, and different species of veratrum. Some individuals are fortunate enough to obtain this effect under a moderate dose, which only affects the bowels. But in most persons it is necessary to take enough of the medicine to produce vomiting and temporary prostration, before the desired result can be obtained. This effect is sometimes so severe that many patients prefer the disease to the remedy, and in fact the practice is hardly warranted in the case of very feeble or aged persons. Three cases have occurred to me, in which gout has disappeared altogether under an entire abstinence from spirituous and fermented liquids. In one of these it is now thirteen years since a paroxysm occurred, and in another seven years, the individuals both enjoying good health, and leading active lives. The third case was that of a gentleman of this city, lately deceased at seventy-six years of age, who had suffered more 4 50 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. than twenty years with gout, and was reduced to use crutches. After commencing a course of entire abstinence, the paroxysms began to abate in violence, and for the last seven years of his life he assured me he had not felt the sensation of gout. In his last illness a slight chiragra occurred after taking a dose of tincture of rhu- barb. Some other cases are now in the progress of trial, with apparent alleviation of the disease. I have been told by others, that this plan of treatment has in some instances failed to be followed by relief, and very probably this may be true ; but such instances have not yet come under my personal observation, where the ex- periment has been fairly made in the acute dis- NOTE G. The natural history of the small ascarides is curious, and not well understood. Many indi- viduals are infested with them in childhood, but get rid of them as they advance in years. Some, however, are troubled with them during the whole of a long life, though they are represented as less annoying after middle age, than before. NOTES. 51 They most commonly appear periodically, both in children and adults, after intervals of from three to six weeks. During the intervals they are neither felt nor seen in the discharges. Their periodical return is announced by a sense of itching and burning at the extremity of the rectum, felt principally in the evening, some- times producing tumefaction, and eruption of the neighboring skin. This irritation continues to recur every evening for perhaps a week, or more, and then ceases. During this time the worms are discharged alive and active in every alvine evacuation. Cathartics and enemata bring away vast numbers of them, but without diminishing the annoyance occasioned by those which remain behind. At length they sponta- neously cease to appear, the irritation subsides, cathartics no longer bring them to light, and the inexperienced practitioner flatters himself that the evil is remedied. Nevertheless, after a few weeks, they again return in undiminished num- bers, attended by the same phenomena as before. Whether the new race are cotemporaries of the old, or descendants from them, it is not easy to 52 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. tell ; but the latter supposition seems most probable. It is commonly believed that the principal residence of ascarides is in the rectum, because -they are most felt there. They have been found, however, in other parts, of the alimentary tube. Many patients, immediately after a ces- sation of the annoyance in the rectum, are visited by pain in the epigastrium, attended 'with costiveness and clay-colored discharges. This state continues for two or three days, and is then followed by a bilious diarrho3a. I have .repeatedly known these consecutive events to occur with great regularity for half a dozen years, so much so that my inquiries are gene- rally directed towards this cause, when children have complained of epigastric pains at regular periods. Whether, in these cases, the worms .ascend to the duodenum and mouth of the biliary duct, or whether the whole is an affair of .sympathy, future autopsies may perhaps de- termine. The nidus of these animals, and perhaps the food also, appears to be the mucus which lines NOTES. 53 the alimentary canal. Buried in this substance, they resist the effect of the most violent cathar- tics and vermifuges, oil of turpentine and croton not excepted. If it be permitted to derive an hypothesis from the phenomena which they exhibit, it would be, that during a greater part of the time, they remain quietly embedded in this mucus, deriving from it their habitation and nourishment, being at the same time secured from the effects of the peristaltic motion by this and by the ahhesive power of suction ; but that at certain periods, perhaps at their genera- ting seasons, they issue forth from this covert, and mingle themselves in the contents of the alimentary canal ; in consequence of which they are liable to be expelled with the common mass. I have known ascarides to be eradicated by a severe dysentery. In some cases they have been totally removed by large injections of oil, par- ticularly of lamp oil. But more frequently they resist these and most other remedies for a series of years. A temporary palliative may always be found in small injections of weak salt water, or even of an ounce or two of cold water. 54 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. NOTE H. I would by no means undervalue the exer- tions which have been made, and are still mak- ing by indefatigable and distinguished men, for the control of what are called pestilential epi- demics. I would only be understood to state that no one method of treatment, in the diseases enumerated, appears to have acquired sufficient credit with the profession generally, to be turned in their hands to any great practical account. The records of medical literature show, that a period of ten years has seldom elapsed, without the annunciation of some effectual mode of practice, in some one of these diseases. And what is more, the amount of evidence with which these statements are supported, and the pathological skill with which the indications are explained, seem sometimes sufficient to shake the incredulity of the most sceptical. Neverthe- less, after a certain term of years the diseases are found to be fatal as before, and fresh inno- vations in practice take the place of the old, and excite confidence anew among the sanguine and ardent members of the profession. The 55 truth is, that no epidemic is equally malignant in all seasons and places ; and from some un- known cause, the laws which affect its tendency to death or recovery, are essentially different in different climates at the same period, or in the same climate at different periods. This fact must be known to those who have personal experience in regard to these diseases, or who are conversant in their epidemic history. Reli- ance, therefore, cannot be justly accorded to any mode of treatment which has not had the testi- mony of a large number of years in its favor, and this also under a proper variety of situations and circumstances. Were it otherwise, these diseases, in the hands of the medical profession, would long ago have ceased to be pestilences. NOTE I. I am aware that some of the most distin- guished French pathologists of the present day incline to the opinion that many acute diseases, or at least inflammations, are incapable of being shortened in their duration, by art. [See mar- ginal note, page 19.] The opposite opinion 56 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. prevails very generally in this country and in England, and it would be premature to consider the question as decided, until it has been sub- mitted more extensively to the test of compara- tive numerical results. It is certain, that the most distressing symptoms of acute inflamma- tions are often arrested at once by remedies. This happens, for example, from blood-letting in croup and pleurisy, and from opium in stran- gury and dysentery. If, however, the disease ia fully established before the application of reme- dies, it usually goes on to complete its course, and in that case the remedies are palliatives only. And if remedies be applied in the in- cipient stage, an uncertainty hangs over our diagnosis, for the supposed pleurisy may have been rheumatism, and the supposed croup may have been catarrh, or laryngismus ; for even the physical signs require a certain maturity of development in disease, to render them satisfac- tory. Leaving then, as undecided, the question of positive duration in acute inflammations, we do not risk much in asserting that their charac- ter is often essentially modified by treatment, so that they are more easily supported by the NOTES. 57 patient, and ' the apparent danger attending them, diminished. We must wait for the modern spirit of accurate inquiry to furnish a further light on this subject. NOTE K. As examples, it may be stated that the sali- vation produced by mercury gets well of itself, provided the original cause is discontinued. An issue made by caustic, or otherwise, gets well after the original cause has ceased to operate ; but if an accessory cause is present, such as the pressure of an irritating foreign substance, it then fails to heal. The local atmosphere may be considered as an original, or an accessory cause, in those diseases which are benefited by change of climate or situation. A long train of diseases might be mentioned, which are brought on, or kept up, by injurious habits of life, and are relieved or cured, not by medicines, but by a removal of the habit under which they have been, or continue to be, induced. Such are the diseases which attend on sedentary life, intemperate indulgences, lactation, insalu- 58 SELF-LIMITED DISEASES. brity of diet, &c. Sometimes a disease, the cause of which is not removed, may disappear in consequence of a new habit, by which the system becomes capable of bearing with impu- nity the influence of this cause; as in sea- sickness. TREATMENT OF DISEASE: AN INTRODUCTORY LECTURE, DELIVERED BEFORE THE MEDICAL CLASS AT THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL COLLEGE IN BOSTON, NOVEMBER 3, 1852. OF the sciences which have most occupied the time and labor of mankind, a certain num- ber lead by their investigations to clear and positive results, and enlarge the amount of human knowledge by the discovery and pro- mulgation of absolute truth. Another portion lead only to results which are probable or pre- sumptive in their character, and which furnish to mankind rules of action, in cases where better lights cannot be obtained. To the former class has been given the name of exact sciences, and to the latter the name of presumptive or conjec- tural sciences. Mathematics form an exact science, on the conclusions of which, when once 60 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. known, there can be no difference of opinion. In like manner, chemistry and mechanics, as- tronomy and portions of natural history, are examples of exact sciences, the demonstrations of which, when once made clear, may after- wards be modified and enlarged, but are never fundamentally shaken. On the other hand, the important sciences of ethics and politics, of commerce and finance, of government, and speculative theology, are inexact in many of their principles, as is proved by the widely different constructions under which men re- ceive and apply them to practice. It would at first seem that the exact sciences were those most worthy the cultivation of intel- ligent minds, inasmuch as they lead to satisfac- tory, and therefore to gratifying results ; and because, in their more elevated departments, they involve and require some of the highest reaches of the human intellect. But in the opinions of mankind, as evinced by their prac- tice, the opposite judgment prevails, and proba- bly nine-tenths of the labor of educated and intellectual men are employed on studies which are, in their nature, uncertain and conjectural. TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 61 The cause of this great ascendancy in the attention given to the inexact sciences, is to be found in the vast and paramount importance of their subjects, and also in the difficulty of con- summating their great ends. It is much more important to mankind to know how to avoid anarchy and crime, war, famine, poverty and pestilence, than it is to know that the planet Saturn has a ring, or that a lily has six stamens, that light can be polarized, or that potass can be decomposed. Yet while the latter proposi- tions are susceptible of absolute demonstration, the former processes, which bear directly on human happiness or misery, are frequently re- moved beyond our foresight or control. The wisest men often fail to influence the destinies of states, families, and individuals, and the shrewdest calculators are baffled in regard to a coming crop, a pecuniary crisis, a glut in the commercial market, or a change in the public morals. Nevertheless, the wise man, conscious of superior talent, and the philanthropist desi- rous of the public weal, and even the interested man who looks to his personal advantage and progress, must give themselves and their ener 62 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. gies to studies which involve the immediate wants of their fellow-men, even though their best directed efforts should fail of the desired results. And the simple reason is, that if the best qualified minds decline to undertake this task, it will most assuredly be assumed by the ignorant and presumptuous. Preeminent among the inexact and specula- tive sciences stands practical medicine, a science older than civilization, cultivated and honored in all ages, powerful for good or for evil, pro- gressive in its character, but still unsettled in its principles ; remunerative in fame and fortune to its successful cultivators, and rich in the fruits of a good conscience to its honest votaries. En- cumbered as it is with difficulty, fallacy and doubt, medicine yet constitutes one of the most attractive of the learned professions. It is largely represented in every city, village, and hamlet. Its imperfections are lost sight of in the overwhelming importance of its objects. The living look to it for succor the dying call on it for rescue. The greatest boons and the most important objects presented to our aspirations in this life, TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 63 are not to be approached through paths which are straight and unmistakable. The avenues to most of them are shadowed by doubts or clogged with incessant obstacles. Next to the spiritual welfare of men, the preservation of their lives, the peace and safety of their com- munities, the acquirement and preservation of their worldly goods are among the objects which take strongest hold on their desires. Yet grave doubts are justifiable, whether any precise means have yet been agreed upon by which these desirable ends can with certainty be attained. And if any one deems it a re- proach on medicine that its cultivators have not arrived at a common faith and practice, let him consider whether the laborers in other fields, however honest their intentions, are agreed in their theological creeds and political platforms. Considering the great importance of the ob- jects of medicine, the frequent and earnest appeals made for its assistance, and the vast sums annually expended in its remuneration, it is not surprising that disappointment and com- plaint often follow the failures, necessary or unnecessary, of medical practice. 'Man is of 64 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. few days and full of trouble.' Yet in the face of this acknowledged truth, he requests and expects that his physician will provide him with many days, and remove at least his bodily troubles. This expectation on his part is rea- sonable or otherwise, according to the circum- stances under which it is made. It is unrea- sonable if his case is helpless, and he is merely paying the debt of suffering and death which his mortal nature exacts. But it is reasonable and proper, if his complaint is of a curable kind, or if, whether curable or not, his physician has claimed and vaunted the power to remove it. Most men form an exaggerated estimate of the powers of medicine, founded on the common acceptation of the name, that medicine is the art of curing diseases. That this is a false Defi- nition, is evident from the fact that many dis- eases are incurable, and tjiat one such disease must at last happen to every living man. A far more just definition would be, that medicine is the art of understanding diseases, and of curing or relieving them when possible. Under this acceptation our science would, at least, be exonerated from reproach, and would stand on TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 65 a basis capable of supporting a reasonable and durable system for the amelioration of human maladies. Every young man who proposes to become a member of the medical profession, should ask himself whether he considers medicine a liberal and honorable science, to be followed for the good it may do to mankind, or as a dishonest trade, to be pursued for the purpose of profiting himself by the deception of his fellow-men. If he accepts his profession in the first sense, he will strive to understand his science in all its bearings, and practise it with conscience and fidelity ; if in the latter, he will put his con- science aside, and study only the low arts which entrap the credulous and unwary. With the trade of medicine I have nothing to do. Knowing that I address an ingenuous and cultivated audience, composed mainly of young men who are looking forward to an honest and honorable place in professional life, I make no apology for proceeding to express my belief of the manner in which medicine should be prac- tised and disease treated, for the reciprocal 5 66 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. benefit of him who gives, and of him who receives its aids. Let no one deceive himself by believing that success, stable, permanent, honorable success, can be attained without knowledge of the great principles of the profession and science of med- icine. This knowledge must consist in an accurate acquaintance with the structure and offices of the human body, and the laws of its healthy condition. After these follows the sci- ence of pathology, involving the great and fundamental art of diagnosis, by which the dis- eases of the human body are detected, and distinguished rightly from each other. The power of distinguishing diseases lies at the root of all correct and enlightened practice, and without it all medical action is empirical and fortuitous. There is no more pernicious error than for a physician to believe that he can pre- scribe safely for the symptoms of a sick man, without understanding, in some measure, the nature of his disease. Symptoms are of various import, according to the seat of their origin and the nature of their causes ; and if taken alone without a correct interpretation of these attend- TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 67 ant considerations, they often lead to a wrong result, or to no result at all. A patient not unfrequently sends for a physician on account of a certain symptom which is distressing him, and which may be, for example, a pain in the abdomen, or in the head. Now a pain in the abdomen may arise from colic or peritonitis, from rheumatism or neuralgia, from dysentery, from calculus, carcinoma or strangulation. And in like manner, a pain in the head may arise from a multitude of different and even opposite causes. Now it is well known that the kind of treatment which is effectual in one case, is per- nicious in another ; and he who prescribes for the symptom irrespectively of the cause, is quite as likely to do mischief to his patient as good, and quite as likely to destroy life as to save it. If the question be asked, what makes a great physician, and one who is appealed to by his peers, and by the discerning portion of the pub- lic, for counsel in difficult cases, I would answer, that he is a great physician who, above other men, understands diagnosis. It is not he who promises to cure all maladies, who has a reme- dy ready for every symptom, or one remedy for Ob TREATMENT OF DISEASE. all symptoms ; who boasts that success never fails him, when his daily history gives the lie to such assertion. It is rather he, who, with just 'discrimination, looks at a case in all its difficul- ties ; who to habits of correct reasoning, adds the acquirements obtained from study and ob- servation ; who is trustworthy in common things for his common sense, and in professional things for his judgment, learning, and experience ; who forms his opinion positive or approximative, according to the evidence ; who looks at the necessary results of inevitable causes ; who promptly does what man may do of good, and carefully avoids what he may do of evil. Ex- amples are rare of this perfection, yet for an approach to such a standard of professional excellence, I would venture to direct your re- membrance to the venerable ex-professor, fortu- nately yet among us, of the theory and practice in this University. Every citizen whose capacity is able to reach the ordinary affairs of life, is aware that the persons most capable of discharging the com- mon offices, or of exercising the common arts and duties of life, are the individuals who have, TREATMENT OF DISEASE. OiJ by talents, education and practice, become EX- PERTS in those arts and duties ; and that, on the other hand, those persons who profess to have acquired knowledge by intuition, to have become learned withput labor, and to have arrived by short cuts at results and qualifications which demand years of preparatory training, must be incompetent and treacherous sources of reliance. And it is the general admission of this truth which gives support and confidence to the various professions, arts and callings, to which men devote their lives. A little machine called a watch is carried about by most persons, and when this machine has stopped or is out of order, they do not lay their own ignorant hands upon it, but submit the case to the skill of an expert, who is known to be qualified to judge and act in such cases. It is the duty of this artist when applied to, to examine the interior of the watch, to ascertain by the use of his skill, in what part the disease is situated, and to apply to that part the appro- priate remedy. If a spring or a chain is broken, it must be restored; if the wheels are out of gear, they must be put in place ; if the hands 70 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. only have caught, they have only to be liberated, and if the pivots are dry and rough, they must be oiled or cleaned; and lastly, if the watch has had a destructive fall, if it has been crushed by being trodden on, if it has lain a month in the salt water, or if it is worn out by running steadily for threescore years and ten, then the case is incurable, and the only palliative advice which the practitioner can render is, that the owner should procure a new watch, or reconcile himself to do without one. But suppose there resides in the place a watch doctor who prescribes for symptoms, and who, among other things, has a remedy for the symptom of stopping, and that this remedy con- sists in a certain kind of friction, shaking, or manipulation, an ointment applied to the out- side, or an invisible particle of some nugatory substance inserted into the inside ; and suppose that one or two watches in a hundred which had stopped by accident, should by accident resume their motions under such treatment, could anything but the most unmitigated folly draw the inference that such a person is entitled to become the accredited horologer to the com- munity ? TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 71 What is so conspicuously true in the common business of life, is only an example of what is more vitally true in the practice of medicine. If a man has had the misfortune to get a shot or a stab in his body, he does not need a doctor who administers a specific dose or a sovereign plaster for holes in the body ; he wants a man who can tell him whether the wound has passed inside or outside of his peritoneum, and whether it is requisite for him to make his will, or to make arrangements for pursuing his journey. But the prescribing for symptoms in the dark is not the only instance in which false logic has entered into medical reasoning. It is not less absurd to suppose that disconnected events, which have closely followed each other, have therefore a necessary dependence upon each other. Shrewd, practical men do not thus gov- ern themselves in the common affairs of life. A merchant about to send a ship -to sea, en- deavors to find a captain to take charge of her who understands navigation, who can keep his run and determine his place, who studies the weather and is on the lookout for a lee shore, and who in emergencies can judge whether it is TREATMENT OF DISEASE. necessary or not to cut away the masts or throw over the cargo. But suppose a man appears, and such have been, who announces that he has a specific bottle of oil with which he cures tempests, and by pouring a teaspoonful of which upon the waves, the storm is speedily made to cease ! Would any prudent owner intrust his vessel to such a man and on such grounds, even though he should produce a hundred certificates that storms had stopped in half a day, or half an hour after the application of his remedy ? For these certificates, if true, would only prove that in a certain number of cases, a result had followed by accident, which common sense, and if necessary, a thousand opposite cases would show had nothing to do with the pretended cause. What would be true of the apparent or al- leged cure of a tempest at sea, is no less true of the pseudo-cures which every day take place in diseases which are self-limited, paroxysmal or recidivous in their character. There are doubt- less living many men who believe themselves to have been cured half a dozen times of various diseases, of fevers and inflammations, of neu- TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 73 ralgia, rheumatism, gout and asthma ; and each time perhaps by a different remedy,-but who on the next imprudence or returning period, are destined to find themselves feverfsh, neuralgic, gouty, or asthmatic still. Deceptions in medicine are occasioned not only by the dishonesty of charlatans, but quite as often by the well-meaning credulity of other practitioners, whose intellect is impulsive, or whose education has been unduly curtailed. It is so flattering to a man's self-love to believe that his chance shots have sometimes taken effect, that physicians of regular position may pass their lives in mere speculative and random efforts at curing diseases, shutting their eyes against their own failures, and not allowing themselves to consider that in a certain portion of successful cases which they had failed to understand, the disease in truth got well with- out, or perhaps in spite of, their misdirected and embarrassing practice. Medicine is a great good and an unquestion- able blessing to mankind, when it is adminis- tered by discriminating and intelligent hands with sincerity and good judgment. It disap- 74 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. points expectation, and fails to accomplish its mission, when the agent who dispenses it falls into the mistaken resource of professing infalli- bility, and of raising hopes which he knows not how to accomplish. No man is deemed to be safe in his worldly affairs who is afraid to look into his own pecuniary condition. Neither is a physician safe in his practice or his reputation, who is afraid to face the case of his patient in all its bearings. That man is most to be relied on who looks calmly and understandingly at the emergency before him, who knows the im- port of signs, and deduces from them the proba- ble tenor of coming events ; who is aware of the great truth that all men must die, but is also aware of the more gratifying truth that most sick men recover ; and who, in particular exigencies, inquires of his reason and his knowl- edge, in which of these two immediate catego- ries his patient is placed, and how far the event of the case is within his control. He will then interfere or he will wait, he will act or he will forbear, as he only knows how who can form a correct verdict from the evidence before him, TREATMENT OP DISEASE. 75 and who knows the immeasurable good or harm which hangs on medical practice. The vulgar standard of medical character de- pends very much on the supposed successful result of cases. But this is not the true stand- ard, for the best physicians as well as the most popular practitioners, often lose their patients, and even their own lives, from common diseases ; while, on the other hand, the most injudicious treatment, and the most reckless exposures are not unfrequently survived. Laennec and Bichat, two of the most distinguished lights of modern medicine, died of the very diseases they were themselves investigating. Preissnitz, the prince of modern empirics, himself a robust peasant, died of premature disease at the age of fifty- two, in the midst of his own water-cure. It is well known, that the most thronged and popu- lar places of resort for grave, difficult, and intractable cases, are those from which there are most funerals. On the other hand, men support life in certain cases under every extreme of opposite treatment, under ultra-depletion and ultra-stimulation, under heroic practice and nugatory practice, under hot drops ' and cold 76 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. douches, under drachm doses of calomel, and imponderable doses of moonshine. Clot Bey, and his two or three associate Frenchmen, entered a plague hospital at Cairo in the height of the epidemic. They shut themselves up in the concentrated atmosphere of the infection, they remained in bed in contact with dying patients, they wore the shirts of those who had just expired, they inoculated themselves with the secretions of pestilential buboes, and all to no purpose. They were alive some years afterwards, and quarrelling with each other for the glory of their hair-brained enterprise. Four thieves in the plague at Marseilles freely prose- cuted their robberies in the infected houses of the dead and dying; and the aromatic vinegar, whichrhas immortalized their prophylactic prac- tice, was very probably an impromptu invention brought forward by them to procure their ex- emption from punishment. The humility which we may learn from the limited influence of our art on the health and lives of mankind, is probably a far safer guide to a correct practice, than the fanatical confi- dence with which unenlightened ultraists of TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 77 every sect carry out their respective dogmas. In a sphere of action where some good may always be done, and where much harm often is done, and 'fools rush in where angels fear to tread,' it is well to consider some of the rules which may lead an honest inquirer after truth to the nearest attainment to a correct judgment and practice. Supposing, what I would fain wish might always happen, that the physician is duly and thoroughly imbued with knowledge of his sci- ence, the first great question which presents itself in every case or emergency, is that which involves the diagnosis. This being established, the practitioner is enabled to avail himself of the lights of reason and experience in regard to a correct course of therapeutic proceeding. But it often happens that the nature of the case cannot be made out in one, or two, or three interviews with the patient, and we are obliged to wait for the gradual development of diagnos- tic symptoms, as a judge and jury in a like case would be expected to postpone, or wait for the arrival of witnesses. It is a mistaken pride which leads physicians to commit themselves 78 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. by an oracular guess at first sight, which the events of the succeeding day may show to have been erroneous. Moreover, if from the obscure character of the case, or the imperfection of our science, diagnosis is impossible, we should then so generalize our treatment that we may include what is possible of good, and exclude what is probable of harm. Having settled, as well as our means admit, the pathological condition of our patient, the next question is that which regards the probable tendency of the disease if left to itself. Atten- tion to this point is of high importance, since it will prevent us from neglecting our patients in grave and dangerous affections, as well as from annoying them with useless appliances in short, safe or unimportant cases. Many diseases are insidious in their origin. The nervous imbe- cility which has its foundation laid in modern schools, the slight cough and evening flush which herald approaching phthisis, soon get beyond the reach of medical means, unless sea- sonably detected by the wary eye of the prac- titioner. A simple discharge from the ear may terminate in deafness, and an ulcer of the cornea TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 79 in loss of sight. A protracted intermittent at length undermines the health, and neglected syphilis ends in a miserable death. Cases like these require prompt and energetic interference on the part of the practitioner. On the other hand, diseases which are light in themselves, and tend to speedy recovery, as common catarrh, hooping cough, varicella, and a host of other things, if they occur in healthy subjects, and are not complicated with graver affctions, may safely be left to themselves, or treated with the mildest remedies and cautionary measures. Another most important question, exercising the hopes and fears of every practitioner, from its connection with reputation, safety and life, is that which relates to the curability of dis- eases. Is the disease amenable to medical treatment, or not ? If the case is of a recovera- ble character, and happily a great majority of our cases are so, the physician should anxiously and carefully have recourse to the recorded authorities of his science, and to his own per- sonal experience. In doing this he should be- ware of implicitly trusting those who have published only the favorable side of their prac- 80 TREATMENT OF DISEASE". tice, preferring to build up a temporary reputa- tion rather than to promulgate unpopular truths. And in analyzing his own experience, he should equally beware of hasty generalizations, of im- pressions made by remarkable examples, rather than by aggregates of well observed and duly arranged cases, from which alone impartial and correct inferences are to be drawn. In accordance with such views, we shall find many cases which are, for the most part, capa- ble of being arrested or broken up by the inter- position of remedies. Thus the grave and various symptoms which result from an over- loaded stomach, are at once removed by the action of an emetic, or sometimes of a laxative ; colic in like manner yields to opium or to pur- gatives ; syphilis is cured by mercury, and sometimes without it; and certain inflammatory attacks apparently yield to seasonable depletion. Moreover, in other cases which cannot be thus arrested, but which, from their nature, must run a destined course, it is generally admitted that the safety of the patient may be promoted, or perhaps the duration of the case abridged by remedial treatment. This is believed to be true TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 81 in regard to evacuations at the commencement of febrile and inflammatory diseases, and to a multitude of other remedies applicable in vari- ous cases. But on this subject it is extremely difficult to obtain decisive and satisfactory knowledge. It involves a question, the settle- ment of which is to be approached by extensive and contrasted numerical observations, a large portion of which yet remain to be made, although we have valuable contributions and examples on many subjects. On the other hand, when we know that a case is self-limited or incurable, we are to con- sider how far it is in our power to palliate or diminish sufferings which we are not competent to remove. Here is a most important field for medical practice, and one which calls for an exceedingly large portion of the time and efforts of every physician. When we consider that most diseases occupy, from necessity, a period of some days or weeks, that many of them con- tinue for months, and some for years, and finally that a large portion of mankind die of some lingering or chronic disease, we shall see that the study of palliatives is not only called for, 6 82 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. but really constitutes one of the most common, as well as the most useful and beneficent em- ployments of a medical man. In fhe use of efficient remedies, much depends upon deciding the proper stage or time, to which their employment is applicable. Some curative agents can with propriety be used only at the outset of the diseases, and if this oppor- tunity is lost, the remedies are afterwards less effectual, and perhaps even injurious. Vene- section in the early stage of certain acute dis- eases, may be productive of great good ; in the middle stages it is of less benefit, or of none at all ; and in the latter stages it is injurious and inadmissible. On the other hand, wine and opiates, which are strongly contra-indicated in the first stage, are afterwards not only tolerated with impunity, but in certain cases are taken with decided benefit. But, gentlemen, the agents which we oppose to the progress of disease, may, by excessive or ill-timed application, become themselves the pregnant sources of disease. Every prudent practitioner is bound to consider the effect and tendency of the remedy he is using, and to in- TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 83 quire whether the means employed to counter- act the existing disease, are not, in their turn, likely to produce evil to the patient ; and if so, whether the evil will be greater or less than the disease for which they are administered. The sudden healing of an old ulcer, issue or eruption, may be followed by symptoms more serious in their character than those which have been removed. Many remedial processes, if employ- ed in excess, or with injudicious frequency, result in permanent injury to the patient. The habitual use of active cathartics, although attended with temporary relief, seldom fails to bring on or aggravate a permanent state of costiveness. Large and often repeated blood- letting, tends to the establishment of debility and anemia in some subjects, or of reaction and plethora in others. Opium and other narcotics are in themselves, if abused, fertile sources of disease. The modern crying evil of polyphar- macy and over-medication, is profitable to the druggist, habitual to too many physicians, and annoying, if not detrimental, to most patients. On account of these and similar considera- tions, much discretion is needed on the part of '84 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. the physician to enable him to judge rightly of the kind of treatment which it may be safe and proper to employ, and of the degree and amount of that treatment, and of the requisite length of time for its continuance. Medical practice, in many cases, points to the direct substitution of a positive good for a positive evil ; but unfortu- nately, in other cases, it admits only of a choice between evils; and in these cases not only the knowledge and experience, but also the judg- ment and common sense of the practitioner, are put in indispensable requisition to lead him to .a correct issue. It is wrong to suppose, as is often done, that "the opportunities for doing good in medicine, are limited to the effect of specific remedies, or to the application of drugs and instruments. The enlightened physician surveys the whole :ground of his patient's case, and looks for the presence of any deleterious agencies or unre- moved causes of disease. Many morbid affec- tions, which have resisted powerful remedies, cease speedily on the discovery and removal of their sustaining cause. This is the case with various specific complaints produced by particu- TREATMENT OF DISEASE. , 85 lar drugs and stimulants when habitually used. A child is often sick from an error in the diet, health or habits of the nurse or mother. An individual frequently suffers from the quality and quantity of his habitual food or drink, or of his exercise, air, occupation, or clothing. The starved infant and the overfed gourmand, the drunkard and the ascetic, the pale student and the emaciated seamstress, require removal and reform, not drugs and medicines. A patient dies of phthisis in a confined office or a damp northern climate, who might have enjoyed long life in an active occupation or a more pure and temperate atmosphere. On the other hand, men fall victims to the fevers and abdominal diseases of the south and west, who might have escaped disease by a timely removal to the north. It is as necessary in many cases that the physi- cian should inquire into the situation, diet, habits and occupation of the patient, as that he should feel his pulse or explore his chest. It often happens that the disordered state of the one cannot be corrected until the other has been previously set right; and a little dietetic instrue- 86 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. tion, or even moral advice, is more serviceable than a technical prescription. In regard to their duration, their probable issue, and their susceptibility of relief, the phy- sician may profitably divide his cases into three classes ; those which are curable, those which are temporarily self-limited, and those which are incurable.* In the first class, or that of curable diseases, are to be included those mor- bid affections which we know, or have reason to believe, are under the control of remedies, so that they can be arrested, or abridged, in dura- tion. For the most part, acute inflammatory diseases, when not of fatal intensity, are mitiga- ted by depletion and the antiphlogistic regimen, more or less actively enforced, according to the degree of violence. Spasmodic diseases, on the contrary, are influenced by opiates, antispas- modics and tonics, and by the removal of their cause, when it can be discovered and remedied, as in the case of dentition, indigestible food, &c. Sympathetic diseases are to be addressed through the medium, organ, or texture which is primarily affected. Thus, a headache depend- * See note, page 9. TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 87 ing upon a disordered stomach, or a hysteric affection upon irregularity of the uterine func- tion, are to be treated under this view of the subject. Hemorrhages and other morbid dis- charges, are to be dealt with by removing the cause when practicable, by diminishing vascular activity, or by quieting the discharging sur- faces with opiates, or contracting them with astringents. There is one class of curable dis- eases which are controlled chiefly by specific remedies, being in some instances suspended, in others radically removed. Thus, gout is re- lieved by colchicum, and intermittents by qui- nine and bark. Scabies is cured by sulphur, syphilis by mercury, goitre, as we are informed, by iodine, and various chronic eruptions by arsenic and corrosive sublimate. The foregoing examples will serve to illustrate, not only the power of medicine, but also the great variety of grounds which should govern medical practice, and the importance of an intelligent diagnosis, as well as a knowledge of therapeutic means. In the next subdivision, or that of self-limited diseases, we include those which receive limits from their own nature, and not from foreign TREATMENT OF DISEASE. influences, and which, after they have obtained foothold in the system, cannot in the present state of our knowledge be eradicated or abridged by art, but to which there is due a certain succession of processes, to be completed in a certain time, which time and processes may vary with the constitution and condition of the patient, but are not known to be shortened by medical treatment.' Examples are abundant, and are found in typhus and typhoid fever, measles, small-pox, hooping cough, dysentery, and many other diseases of lighter or graver character.* It is with regret that we are obliged to ac- knowledge the existence of a third class, that of incurable diseases, which has been recognized in all ages as the opprobrium medicorum. It includes the long train of internal morbid degen- erations, malignant and chronic, by tubercle and granulation, by atrophy and hypertrophy, soft- ening and hardening, scirrhus, encephalosis ossification, concretion, contraction and dilata- tion, with their various consequences of phthi- sis, emphysema, dropsy, epilepsy, paralysis, and * See marginal note t page 19. TREATMENT OF DISEASE. 89 a multitude of intractable disorders, in which organs are disabled, functions destroyed, and life itself rendered incapable of continuance. It is obvious that in the three foregoing classes of disease, very different modifications of treat- ment are required. In curable diseases, our remedial measures should be prompt and ener- getic in proportion to the emergency of the case, and the certainty of benefit which is to follow their employment. In self-limited dis- eases, our treatment must be of the expectant character. It consists in doing what we can for the comfort and safety of the patient, avoid- ing useless and troublesome applications, watch- ing against accidents and complications, and waiting for the salutary operations of nature. In those maladies which are in their nature in- curable, we are obliged to confine ourselves to the palliation of suffering, and the removal of causes which may aggravate the disease. Such, I believe, is the true exposition of the powers and duties of every medical man. The dignity of our science, and the responsibility of our profession, require that we should form just views of the extent of our capacity and duty, 90 TREATMENT OF DISEASE. and that we should not shrink from avowing them to the world. Our science, imperfect as it is, has achieved as much as any similar sci- ence for the prevention, alleviation, and removal of the evils which it combats. Let us not bring it into disrepute, by pretending to impossibilities, by asserting what cannot be proved, and by pro- fessing what human art is unable to accomplish. A new era will dawn upon medicine when its faithful and enlightened cultivators shall more constantly devote their time and their efforts to enlighten the public mind in regard to the true mission and powers of their science ; and when they shall leave to charlatans and fanatics, the doubtful and dishonest game of unfounded professional pretension. PRACTICAL VIEWS MEDICAL EDUCATION. PUBLISHED BY VOTE OP THE MEDICAL FACULTY OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY IN 1850. THE undecided state of public opinion in re- gard to some of the fundamental points in a course of medical education, including among other things the portion of the term of pupilage proper to be spent in attendance on lectures, is thought to justify a further consideration of the subject. In some of its relations, this subject has already been discussed, in the Transactions of the American Medical Association for 1849, in two reports, pages 353 and 359, to which the reader is particularly referred. The following condensed, but more general view of the subject of medical education, is now respectfully sub- mitted to the members of the Association. 92 PRACTICAL VIEWS Medical instruction should be adapted to the power of students to receive and retain what is communicated to them, and should be confined to what is important to them in their subse- quent life. In modern times the constituent branches of medical science are so expanded, that they are not acquired by any physician in a life-time, and still less by a student during his pupilage. The same is true even of many individual branches. It is not, therefore, to be conceded that ' a scheme of scientific instruction should embrace the whole science, and no part should be omitted ; ' nor that ' a well-digested plan of lectures embraces all that is to be known and taught.' Medical science has at this day be- come so unwieldy, and contains so much that is unnecessary, at least to beginners, that the attempt to explain to students the whole, is likely to involve the result of their learning but little. In Chemistry, at the present time, a thorough adept is unknown. No man living knows all the recorded facts, or all that is to be known and taught, in that science. Organic chemistry ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. 93 alone fills large volumes, though yet in its infancy. In Materia Medica there are some thousands of substances and their compounds, which pos- sess what is called a medicinal power. Yet it is not probable that any physician effectively reads the one half, or remembers one quarter, or employs in his yearly practice one tenth, of the contents of the common dispensatories. In Pathology, so complicated and various are the conditions attendant on the individual forms of disease, and their relations with idiosyncracy, temporary condition and external agency, with organic lesions and functional disturbances, that few of the most experienced pathologists can be said to understand their whole science, or to be always competent to its successful application. In Etiology, the theoretical literature of causes has spread itself out to an extent which is burdensome and unprofitable. It is true, that ' man, from his nature, is subject to suffering, disease and death ;' but it is not equally ap- parent, that 'the causes by which these con- ditions are produced, are ascertainable.' We know nothing of the vehicle of cholera or influ- 94 PRACTICAL VIEWS enza, nor is it probably in the power of any physician, by any art or application of his knowledge, to produce in a given healthy man a case of common pneumonia or of acute rheu- matism, of diabetes or Bright's kidney, of hyper- trophy or of cancer, or even of a common boil, or wart. In Therapeutics, many hundred volumes exist, such as would not have existed, could a knowledge of the cure of diseases be made so easily tangible, that it could be spread before the student in the three or five years of his pupilage. In Anatomy, general and special, microscopic and transcendental; in Physiology, with its intricate ramifications; in Surgery, of which several subordinate specialities constitute dis- tinct living professions ; it is not to be admitted that the means or time of any ordinary course of lectures can furnish full and complete instruc- tion. Certainly it must be difficult to arrange a course of lectures on any of the extensive sciences which now constitute medicine, if it be indeed true, that 'the teachers are not justifiable in suppressing any portion.' ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. 95 it is the business of lecturers in medical schools, to condense and abridge the sciences which they respectively teach, to distinguish their essential and elementary principles, to sift carefully the useful from the superfluous, and to confine the scope of their teachings, as far as possible, to what is true and profitable, and likely to be remembered and used by their hearers. It is unfortunately too true, that, ' in an extended system of instruction, there is much that the student will not master, much that will have escaped his attention, much which he ought to know that he has not learned.' The remedy appears to be, to teach him well what he can and should master, and briefly to point out to him the sources, fortunately abundant, from which he may obtain the rest. Much injury is done to the cause of true learning by medical assumption, amplification, and exaggeration, by premature adoption of novelties, and by tenacity of theories, personal or espoused. Students, in all former years, have expended much time in learning, what it afterwards cost them both time and trouble to unlearn ; in acquiring, not merely the truths of 96 PRACTICAL VIEWS science, but the crude announcements and plau- sible doctrines of sanguine or ingenious men. How much time has been wasted in some of our distinguished seminaries, in acquiring the visionary and now neglected theories of Rush and Broussais ! The most commonly exaggerated branch of medical science is therapeutics. Enlightened physicians well know that many diseases are incurable, and that others are subject to laws of duration, which cannot be interrupted by art. Yet students sometimes return from medical schools persuaded that their instructors know how to cure a large part of these diseases, and that if others are less fortunate, it is attributable to their own fault. Medical teachers should keep pace with the progress of their respective sciences. Yet in their haste for the promulgation of novelties, they should not omit to give the proper consid- eration to the older and more settled principles of science. Medical men are liable to commit the error of adopting premature opinions, un- sound practice and inconvenient changes of language and nomenclature, sometimes from a ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. 97 love of display, and sometimes from a want of self-reliance, and a fear of being thought behind the literature of their time. The length of a course of lectures is not the measure of its value to the student. A course of lectures should not outlast the curiosity of its hearers, nor their average pecuniary ability to attend. Custom in this country has generally fixed the limits of these things at about four months. A comprehensive and judicious course, confined to the enforcing of necessary points, is far more profitable than a more discursive course to a wearied and diminishing audience. Lectures are chiefly wanted to impress by de- monstration the practical branches of science, and they are most effective in places where the facilities for such demonstrations can be com- manded. Anatomy requires extensive exhibi- tions by the teacher, and personal dissections by the student. Chemistry and Materia Medica require illustrations by specimens and experi- ments. Pathology needs the aid of autopsies, museums and the clinical demonstrations of large hospitals. A knowledge of Obstetrics is not perfected without apparatus and practice. 7 PRACTICAL VIEWS Surgery is acquired by witnessing numerous operations, surgical diseases, illustrated expla- nations, and by personal practice on the dead body. Physical exploration is wholly demon- strative. A knowledge of auscultation can no more be acquired from books, or abstract lec- tures, than a knowledge of music, or of individ- ual physiognomy. The intermediate period between lectures, should be spent by students in active and origi- nal study, approved and confirmed by regular recitations, and by such opportunities as can be commanded, for practical, personal experience. Private schools for small classes, and the private teaching of individuals, who are suitably quali- fied and situated, are more advantageous for two thirds of the year, than either the fatiguing jostle of overcrowded rooms, or the listless rou- tine kept up by the survivors of a passive class. The usefulness of a medical school depends not so much on the length of its session, as upon the amount of education, preliminary and ultimate, which it requires, the fidelity with which it exacts its own professed requisitions, and the train of healthy exertion, active inquiry ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. 99 and rigid, methodical, self-regulating study, to which it introduces its pupils. The longest lectures are of little use to students who want a common education, and whose medical educa- tion does not qualify them afterwards to observe, to inquire, and to discriminate. The exacted evidence of three years of well-conducted study, is better than the exhibited ticket of a six months' course. The subjects most important to be well taught in medical schools, are the elementary principles which constitute the frame-work of medical sciences, and the mode of thought and inquiry which leads to just reasoning upon them. After these, most attention should be given to selecting and enforcing such practical truths, as will most certainly be wanted by the young practitioner, in his future career of responsibility. The things to be avoided by medical teachers are technicalities, which are unintelligible to beginners, gratuitous assumptions and cita- tions of doubtful authorities, prolix disserta- tions on speculative topics, excessive minute- ness in regard to subjects which are intricate 100 ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. and but little used, and therefore destined to be speedily forgotten. To these may be added controversies, superfluous personal eulogiums and criminations, and all self-exaggeration, personal or local. REPORT ON HOMffiOTATHY: MADE TO THE COUNSELLORS OF TI1E MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY IN FEBBUAEY, 1854. THE committee appointed by the Counsellor? of the Massachusetts Medical Society, to con- sider the resolution of the Essex North District Society,* and also that of Dr. Spofford, in rela- tion to the subject of Homoeopathy, beg leave to Report : That the Massachusetts Medical Society was incorporated mainly for the purpose of estab- lishing a proper standard of medical education, and of insuring a competent degree of knowl- edge among those who should be authorized to practise the profession of medicine in this Com- monwealth, and they are not aware that the Society possess any power to coerce men, after * These resolutions contemplated dissolving the connection of Homceopathists with the Society. 102 REPORT ON HOMOEOPATHY. they have been thus educated and qualified, to embrace, or renounce, any theoretical opinions, or modes of practice, which they may innocent- ly believe, or which, not believing, they may think it proper to profess. In medical science there are certain funda- mental laws relating to the structure and func- tions of the body, and the morbid changes to which it is subject, also regarding the signs by which those changes are discovered, upon which all well-educated physicians are agreed. But in certain provinces of medical science such fundamental laws, owing to the imperfec- tion of our means of knowledge, cannot at the present time be established. This is the case with Therapeutics, or the art of treating or curing diseases, in which the evidence required by science is difficult to obtain, and in regard to which writers and teachers, sects and individu- als, and even the same individual in the course of an ordinary life-time, may without dishon- esty entertain great diversities of opinion. The tendency of modern observation is such as to lead us to the belief that disease is less frequently under the control of remedial treat- REPORT ON HOMOEOPATHY. 103 ment than it was formerly supposed to be. Where observations are impartially made by competent persons, it is found that people re- cover, and also that they die, under all the ordinary modes of treatment. And the evi- dence collected from sources which are worthy of reliance, is not so abundant or satisfactory as to convince a reasonable man that any general system of practice can be relied on for the cure of all cases. Hence it is not surprising that diversities, contrasts, and even extravagances in practice, are embraced by the sanguine, the credulous, the uninformed and the interested, frequently based upon no better authority than accident, imperfect observation, or defec- tive power of judgment in the party who adopts them. The broadest division which has been recog- nized for centuries in the treatment of disease, is that which resolves the whole subject into the active and the expectant modes of practice. The first employs various interfering agencies in the management of the sick, the last waits more on the unassisted course of nature, and both have long had their exclusive advocates. 104 REPORT ON HO.MCEOPATHY. To the last of these divisions Homoeopathy really, though not avowedly belongs. Its char- acter is, that while in reality it waits on the natural course of events, it commends itself to the ignorant and credulous by a professed intro- duction into the body of inappreciable quanti- ties of medicinal substances. Now the nugatory effect of such quantities is demonstrated by the fact, that in civilized life every person is exposed to the daily reception, in the form of solution, dust or vapor, of homoeopathic quantities of almost every common substance known in nature and art, without any appreciable conse- quences being found to follow. And the pre- tended exactness with which such nominal doses are administered by homoeopathic practitioners, is doubtless a fallacy, capable of producing in the living body no other effects than those which charlatanry has in all ages produced in the minds and bodies of imaginative patients. It is a fact much older than the institution of this Society, that visionary systems of practice have replaced each other in the faith of multi- tudes, at least several times in a century. And this will probably be the case, so long as prac- REPORT ON HOMOEOPATHY. 105 tical medicine continues to be, what it now is to a great extent, a theoretical and conjectural science. At the present period, among the sects usually called irregular, the homoeopathic sect prevails to a considerable extent in this country and in Europe. In the United States it is exceeded only by the sect called Botanic, or Thompsonian practitioners, which at the present time appears, of the two, to number most disci- ples. It is not probable that the faith of either of these sects will be displaced by a return of their followers to any more enlightened or rational creed. Nevertheless, it is safe to pre- dict that they will both be superseded in the course of time by other systems, not more rational or probable in themselves, but possess- ing the attraction of greater novelty, or urged upon the credulous with greater adroitness. "When the world, and especially the unen- lightened part of it, shall be settled in their opinions on other sectarian subjects, we may anticipate unanimity of opinion among them in the science of practical medicine. But it is not only to expectant medicine, in the form of its counterfeit, homosopathy, that 106 REPORT ON HOMOEOPATHY. the censure of prejudice and credulity is to be attached. The opposite system of active prac- tice, carried to the extreme usually called heroic, is alike chargeable with evil to the patients, whenever it becomes the absorbing and exclu- sive course of the practitioner. Physicians are too often led to exaggerate the usefulness of the doctrines in which they have been educated, and especially of those by the exercise of which they obtain their daily bread. In such cases habit gets the ascendancy over enlightened judgment, and the man of routine, or of narrow views, asks himself, from day to day, what drug or what appliance he shall next resort to, instead of asking the more important question, whether any drug or any appliance is called for, or is properly admissible in the case. In Medicine, as in the other inexact sciences which deeply concern the welfare of mankind, enough has been learned to show that extreme measures, either of omission or of commission, are not, when systematized as a whole, produc- tive of benefit or safety to mankind. It is quite probable that the prevalence, at times, of eccentric and ultra-sectarian doctrines REPORT ON HOMOEOPATHY. 107 in medicine, is attributable to the exaggerated value attached by physicians themselves to in- cessant activity in practice, and an assumption of credit for particular modes of medication, to which, as such, they are not entitled. There is often a want of openness in the intercourse of physicians, both enlightened and ignorant, with their patients, who are requested to believe that their cure depends not in any degree on the salutary influences of nature and time, but in the rigid enforcement of a prescribed routine of practice, either active or formal, as the case may be. And when opposite modes of treat- ment are urged upon the public by different practitioners with reasonings equally specious, it is not surprising that patients should some- times adopt that which is least troublesome in its operation. Neither is it surprising that they should sometimes embrace even a deception, which absolves them from their allegiance to an unnecessarily severe or troublesome course of treatment. An honest and independent practitioner, and especially a member of the Massachusetts Med- ical Society, should never be induced to give 108 REPORT ON HOMOEOPATHY. his counsel, or his aid in any shape, to empiri- cism and dishonesty, whether it occur among those who are within or without the pale of its membership. And no consideration of gain or notoriety should induce those, whose age or standing cause them to be resorted to for 'con- sultation, to lend their influence or countenance to encourage either the delusions of those who are honest, or the practices of those who are not. If quackery, individual or gregarious, is ever to be eradicated, or even abated, in civilized society, it must be done by enlightening the public mind in regard to the true powers of medicine. The community must be made to understand that there are certain things which medicine can do, and certain other things which it cannot do ; that some diseases are curable by active interference, and others by time and nature alone ; that true medical skill lies in dis- crimination and prognosis, and judicious adap- tation of management, more than in assumed therapeutic power, in regard to special agents ; and that he who professes to cure by medicine a self-limited fever, is as much an impostor, or REPORT ON HOMCEOPATHY. 109 deluded man, as he who pretends to do the same thing with a fractured bone or incised wound. Nothing so much shakes the confidence of man- kind in the medical profession as unfulfilled promises ; nothing so much strengthens this confidence, as fair dealing exhibited in an earn- est requirement and fearless expression of the truth. Such a course, by commending itself to the sensible and enlightened, may be expected, sooner or later, in some measure to influ- ence the unreasonable and ignorant, much sooner, indeed, than a warfare carried on in the arena of empiricism with its own weapons. ON THE MEDICAL PROFESSION AND QUACKERY. AN INTRODUCTORY LECTURE, DELIVERED AT THE MEDICAL COL- LEGE, BOSTON, NOVEMBER 6, 1844. I AM about to address myself to an audience of young men, a class of persons who, in our new and active country, assume an influence, and wear a responsibility, unknown in the older communities of Europe. The sparse character of our population, the call for active and efficient men, the sure market which exists for talents, and even for common ability and prudence, have given a national precocity to our youth, and a readiness in adapting themselves to new and difficult spheres of action. I have heard foreigners speak with surprise of the arrival, in distant ports of Europe or India, of American ships commanded, not as is usual, by weather- ON THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. Ill beaten veterans, but by beardless striplings. The signs of our mercantile houses bear often the names of very young men, and the avenues of our professions are so crowded with them, that perhaps no regulation is more liable to be infringed than that which requires that profes- sional candidates shall be twenty-one years of age. Young men command the ranks of our military corps and swell our political meetings. Their voice is heard among us in the periodical press and in the halls of legislation. These precocious habits of our country have of course been felt in the medical profession. In most of the schools of Europe, medical honors are not conferred until after a novitiate of four, and more frequently five years, during which an extensive circle of sciences is obliged to be mastered, and to be approved by a series of strict examinations. Not only are the essential branches of medicine required to be fully under- stood, but they must be preceded by a knowl- edge of the subsidiary sciences, and must also be confirmed by practical and clinical expe- rience. With us, on the other hand, the short period 112 ON THE MEDICAL of three preparatory years devoted to regular study and lectures, may be said to constitute nearly the sum total of a medical education ; for the collateral requirements are so small that their acquisition is often effected during the same three years which are applied to the other branches. And a young man who has learned to read and write, issues from the village school or perhaps from the counter or the plough, and in three years is licensed, and declared compe- tent to exercise the multifarious profession of medicine and surgery in all its departments. As it often happens in this and similar cases r the newly-approved candidate sends forth his anxious glance, directed not always to his own deficiencies or the means of supplying them, but to that common goal and object of a young man's inquiry, which is to fill up the measure of his practical aspirations an opening. By the timely decease of some elderly practitioner, or by the fortunate discovery of a rising settlement, in some distant State, or on some promising water-power, he finds himself, perhaps at short notice, installed, under virtue of the acquiescent silence of the small community in which he PROFESSION. 113 lives, the constituted physician of the place. In one month, perhaps in one week, he . may be called upon to diagnosticate organic lesion in a case of life and death, or to treat the most for- midable convulsive disease. He may be sum- moned to tie the femoral artery, or to decide and act in a case of placental presentation. There may be no consulting physician within many miles, at least none who can arrive in season for the emergency. The safety then, and probably the lives of the unfortunate constituents of this young man, will depend upon the question whether he has, or has not been truly educated, whether his mind and hand have been adequately trained for the great occasions that await him. It is not enough that he has suffered three years to expire while taking his ease in the office of a city physician, nor that he has passed a corres- ponding time in following the rounds of a coun- try practitioner. It is not enough that he has carelessly read the works of approved authors, and has squeezed through the customary aca- demic examination. If he has done only this, it is more than probable that failure awaits on 114 ON THE MEDICAL himself and disaster upon his patient. But if his studies have been methodical, and conducted with an eye to practical application ; if he has concentrated his attention upon necessary points ; if he has felt the earnest interest which, more than anything else, imprints truth on the remembrance ; if he has gathered up and ar- ranged his resources in reference to coming emergencies ; if he has gone over in anticipation the difficulties of his profession, and planned his own mode of extrication, then he will find that inexperience does not involve failure, and that youth is not an insurmountable barrier to success. He will recollect that the most emi- nent physicians and the most successful opera- tors have had their first cases. He will perhaps also remember, that some of the most distin- guished men in history have emerged from obscurity while yet in youth ; that not only warriors, like Alexander and Napoleon, but statesmen, like Pitt and Fox, and philosophers, like Davy and Bichat, had achieved some of their proudest laurels at the very entrance of manhood. Let it not be supposed, however, that I am PROFESSION. 115 an advocate for the premature assumption, by young men, of the responsibilities of our profes- sion. Every medical student is to be considered unfortunate, who by reason of poverty, or the stress of other circumstances, is obliged to hurry his probationary period to an early termination. Too much time and attention are not often bestowed on the business of preparation for practice. The oldest and the best physicians have had frequent cause to regret that they were not better educated. But the superficial student, who rarely has the time and the will to repair his early deficiencies, is haunted through life by a round of perplexity and embarrass- ment, and degraded by a sense of his own incompetency. It should be borne in mind, that there is no period of life in which time can be so conve- niently spared from lucrative pursuits, as in youth. After a man has atained to the age of thirty, it is commonly of very little consequence to him, as far as his fame and yearly receipts are concerned, whether he had commenced prac- tice at the age of twenty-one or of twenty -four. But as far as he may prize a quiet conscience 116 ON THE MEDICAL and freedom from anxiety, the later age is in- comparable the most secure. I would advise any young man, who has completed his educa- tion at the end of his minority, that he should devote two additional years, and if practicable, a still longer period, to availing himself of such advantages, both in study and practice, as may prepare him for his future duties. And when, as it often happens in our community, narrow circumstances require that a young man should live by his own exertions, this state of things, instead of being a motive that he should crowd himself prematurely into the ranks of the pro- fession, encumbered with debt, and bare of acquirements and of means, is rather an imper- ative reason that he should at once begin by resolving to devote twice the customary number of years, if necessary, to the double purpose of keeping himself in an independent position, and of placing himself at length, in point of maturity of knowledge, on a par with his more favored competitors. It may not be improper, in this place, to offer you some suggestions as to the mode in which students may advantageously appropriate the PROFESSION. 117 time of their pupilage in reference to the science which they expect to acquire. Medical litera- ture has become so vast a subject, that the undirected student is apt to be lost in the maze of books and sciences which seem equally to press upon his attention. And he is likely to fall into the pernicious error of thinking that he must read a great deal, even though he remem- bers little. The true object of a medical pupilage should be, not to read, but to study, to observe, and to remember ; not to pass superficially over the writings of celebrated men, but to select those compendiurns of the several sciences, which contain a condensed view of their essential and elementary facts, which separate the wheat from the chaff, and offer what is fundamental and useful, within a compass which is capable of being impressed on the memory. Most of the constituent sciences which are nominally included in a modern med- ical education, are now so extensive, that the cultivation of any one of them may afford abundant occupation for a common lifetime. Passing over the more elementary branches, I may instance the theory and practice of medi- 118 ON THE MEDICAL cine, the literature of which is a vast magazine of rubbish, with a few gems imbedded in it, accumulated in all time since the origin of writing, and in such excess that no country in Europe could probably furnish even a catalogue of its own modern books. The history of this extensive science contains a mixture of much that is bad, with much less that is good. And although in medical research the still small voice of truth has from time to time made itself heard for a season, yet it has as often been drowned by the dogmas of the visionary and the clamors of the interested. During the pres- ent century a host of theorists and gratuitous reformers have replaced each other on the arena of medical controversy. But we have seen that while a truth in medical science, like the import of the physical signs for example, struggles its way through opposition and distrust into gene- ral adoption, an unfair and unfounded as- sumption rarely survives, long the life of the individual whose own eloquence and obstinacy were necessary to force it for a time upon the public attention. If we could purge the sciences of pathology PROFESSION. 119 and therapeutics from the writings of men who wrote merely because they had a reputation to acquire or a doctrine to establish ; and could confine these sciences to the results attained by those who sought directly and impartially for the true and the useful ; it is probable that the whole subject would be brought within the comprehension, not only of every physician, but of every medical student And from the recent mode of conducting medical investigations, which has commenced and is gradually gaining foothold in all civilized countries, we may hope, in our own day, to see near approaches to this desirable result. Every medical man, whether student or phy- sician, owes a threefold duty, to himself, to his competitors, and to his patients. To himself he owes the cultivation of habits of order and perseverance, a love of honesty and a desire of knowledge. No man is successful in a learned profession, who does not cultivate a methodical disposition of his time. The neglect of an hour, the omission of an engagement, and the post- ponement of what is necessary for what is unimportant, have ruined many a good inten- 120 ON THE MEDICAL tion and many a promising prospect. Lord Chesterfield says, that the Duke of Newcastle lost half an hour in the morning, and spent the whole day in running after it. This is a true expression of the career of a busy but inefficient man. He who is always driven, always in a hurry, always late, and always with deficiencies to be made up, is very likely to be always a failure. It is well known that the responsi- bilities of society are best and most easily discharged by those who estimate the value of small portions of time, who do things strictly in their proper season and place, who provide against contingencies, and distribute their day in reference to what is, as well as to what may be required of them. But the best ordered arrangement of time, and the most punctual habits of attention, do not always succeed in our profession, except through perseverance, and often through long suffering. The public, especially in cities, are slow in giving their confidence to strangers and to young men. The late Dr. Physick, of Phila- delphia, asserted that during the first three years of his practice he did not pay for his shoe PROFESSION. 121 leather; and a late very eminent physician of this city once informed me, that he did not earn his own board during three times that period. The conservative principle which retards the reception of young men into lucrative busi- ness, is the foundation of their security in after life, for medical practice would not be worth having, in a community whose love of change should lead them to desert their former friends and counsellors, to run after every new comer. Physicians usually come on to the stage and move off of it, in company with the generation to which they belong. In a large city, a young physician, except under circumstances of pecu- liar patronage or necessity, does not usually ob- tain employment from families who are much in advance of himself. But these families and their medical attendants pass away, and he and his cotemporaries become the standing practitioners of their time. A preparatory period in the mean time elapses, during which the candidate for future honors has usually enough to do, to per- fect his knowledge, to fill the gaps in his expe- rience, and to give proofs to the community 122 ON THE MEDICAL around him, that he possesses aptitude for the common affairs of life. Every physician is an inquirer during life, and continues to learn something up to the last year in which he may happen to study or prac- tise. As the science advances, moreover, every intelligent practitioner is obliged to replace some of his former opinions with others, which he finds to be better substantiated. We should be careful, therefore, not to pledge ourselves unne- cessarily to medical opinions which are founded on equivocal or imperfect testimony. The pub- lic sentiment attaches a kind of disgrace to frequent changes and recantations, and they ought also to do the same to the course of any man, who -for the sake of consistency with him- self, continues to maintain an erroneous and exploded opinion. Both these extremes are avoided by the physician who reserves his assent to any new opinion, until the evidence of the case is satisfactorily made out. One of the most difficult virtues for a physi- cian to cultivate, is a just and proper deportment towards his professional brethren. As in all pro- fessions in which men live by their heads rather PROFESSION. 123 than their hands, business is liable to be over- done, and a candidate who has not acquired all the occupation that he wishes, is apt to regard his competitors as stumbling-blocks, to be gotten rid of by fair means, or foul. Hence arise the jealousies, calumnies, and open hostilities so often entertained, which injure all the parties concerned, and lower the estimation of the pro- fession with the public. Harmony and a proper esprit du corps, may uphold the dignity of even an inferior profession ; but the public rarely re- spect any class of men, the members of which have no respect for each other. A friendly in- tercourse with those whom we approve, is pro- ductive of pleasure and advantage, and a gen- tlemanly forbearance towards those with whom we do not agree, will show that we are above jealousy. A man is always to be suspected, who tells you that he is surrounded with ene- mies ; and one who is an habitual calumniator of others, forces upon his hearers the conviction that they in their proper turn are to come in for their share of his animadversions. I doubt if physicians do not sometimes injure themselves and their cause, by showing too 124 QUACKERY. great a sensitiveness in regard to the temporary inroads of irregular practitioners. Quackery whether carried on by the audacious enterprise of an individual impostor, or upheld by the trumpeting of a fanatical sect, is to be consider- ed a necessary evil inherent in the constitution of society. It exists in every walk and occupa- tion of life, by the exercise of which men pro- cure bread. The pettifogger in law, the Millerite lecturer in theology, the demagogue in politics, the system-monger in education, and the won- der-worker upon the brains and bowels of infat- uated audiences what are all these but quacks moving in their respective spheres, and fattening upon the credulity of dupes. A certain portion of mankind are so constituted that they require to be ridden by others, and if you should suc- ceed in unhorsing a particular impostor, it is only to prepare the saddle for a fresh and more unflinching equestrian. It is not good policy to say or to write too much in regard to the pre- tensions of impostors. A celebrated author ob- serves that 'many a popular error has flourished through the opposition of the learned.' * By * Mclntosh. QUACKERY. 125 throwing the gauntlet at an insignificant man, you at once raise him to the dignity of being your competitor, and acknowledge him as a ' foeman worthy of your steel.' And if you dis- cover uneasiness, resentment, or ill temper, the public conclude that you are influenced by your private interests. Besides, when you have en- tered the arena of controversy, you will probably find that the quack, who has his all at stake, can afford more breath and time than you can conveniently spare from your other occupations, and in an active warfare, he may acquire two partisans to your one. It is not long since the exhibiter of a stuffed mermaid succeeded in drawing down the popular indignation on an unfortunate naturalist, who had ventured to declare that it was made of a fish and a monkey. The public generally require time to get dis- abused of a favorite error ; and if too abruptly assailed, they will sometimes hold on to it, as the traveller did to his cloak when attacked by the north wind. In your demeanor in regard to quacks, you should keep aloof from them, and trouble your- selves little about them. Admit the general 126 QUACKERY. fact that the race always do, and must exist in society ; that they are wanted by the credulity of a particular class of minds ; that the fall of one dishonest pretender, or one visionary sect, is sure to be replaced by the elevation of an- other ; therefore it little concerns you to know what particular imposition has the ascendency at any given time. When you are interrogated in regard to a specific subject of this kind, you should make a reasonable, cogent, and dispas- sionate answer, always avoiding the appearance of warmth and especially of self-interest; and you may be sure that a majority of the public will be on the side of truth. As far as my ob- servation extends, three quarters at least of the families in Boston and New England, are in the hands of regular practitioners. The remaining fraction, more or less, consists partly of minds so constituted that they require the marvellous as a portion of their necessary food, and partly of unfortunate beings, suffering the inevitable lot of humanity, who having failed to obtain relief from the ordinary resources of medicine, seek for temporary encouragement in the dishon- est assurances of any who will promise to cure QUACKERY. 127 them. The first class is the dog in the fable, catching at shadows ; the last is the drowning man catching at straws. Above all, if you would discountenance quackery, take care that you become not quacks yourselves. Charlatanism consists not so much in ignorance, as in dishonesty and deception. In your intercourse with patients, cultivate a spirit of fidelity, candor and truth. Endeavor to understand yourselves and your science, weigh justly your own powers, and profess only what you can accomplish. If you announce to your patients that you will cure incurable dis- eases, or cut short those which have a necessary period of duration, you do not speak the truth, you merely blind your patient, while you throw the die for a fortuitous result, a game at which the veriest mountebank may at any time beat you. The profession as a body are often unpo- pular with a large and sagacious part of the community, because they so frequently disap- point the expectations they have allowed them- selves to raise. You may safely undertake and promise to cure diseases which you know to be curable, to alleviate others which you know to 128 ON THE MEDICAL be not so, and to perform what art and science can do towards conducting doubtful and dan- gerous cases to a happy issue. But this is all you can accomplish or promise. The skilful mariner may steer his ship through a dangerous navigation, but he cannot control the wind nor arrest the storm. Nor would he gain reputation by professing to do so. It is hardly necessary that I should counsel you not to neglect your patients, when you can do anything for their welfare and security. Neglect of outward attentions is not, I think, a very frequent sin of physicians, inasmuch as their interest very obviously lies in a different course. But many practitioners fall into the opposite error of over-attention to their patients, of making them long, tedious or superfluous visits, of hampering them with strict and com- plicated instructions, and especially of over- drugging them with remedies. There are some patients, it is true, who like to be bled, blistered and physicked ; but the number is small, and in most cases both the instinct of the child, and the discretion of the grown man, cause them to revolt against nauseous and painful inflictions. PROFESSION. 129 When, therefore, you are called to take charge of a case, ask yourselves how great is the dan- ger, and what is the probable tendency of the disease, if left to itself. If life is in question, and you have reason to believe that the patient may be rescued by prompt and energetic reme- dies, you should not hesitate to employ them. But in common, trivial and safe cases, such as afford a large part of a physician's occupation, you should not allow a habit, or a hobby, to lead you into the blind routine of always think- ing that you must make your patients worse before they can be better. I believe that much of the medical imposition of the present day is sustained in places where practice has previously been over-heroic, and because mankind are grat- ified to find that they and their families can get well without the lancet, the vomit and the blis- ter, indiscriminately applied; and because the adroit charlatan transfers the salutary influences of time and nature, to the credit of his own less disagreeable inflictions. It is the duty of physicians to elevate their profession, by maintaining in their individual character a high moral rectitude, a just and 9 130 ON THE MEDICAL honorable conduct, a devotedness to the welfare of their patients, and an unceasing effort to improve themselves and their science. If this course is pursued by medical men, they can hardly fail of becoming useful and respected members of society. There is no country in the world in which the avenues to respectability and distinction, to competency, and even to wealth, are more open to physicians, than in the United States. It has been observed that in England, no medical man is ever permitted to attain the aristocratic rank, which belongs to birth, and which is occasionally accorded to eminence in the military, political, legal and financial professions. But in our country there is no post of honor or emolument, and no situa- tion of influence and distinction, which our his- tory does not show to be within the reach of our profession. But it is not to political, or extra professional preferment, that the true phy- sician should look. He should rather be con- tented to build up his own character within his own sphere, as a man of knowledge, fidelity and honor. The respect of the community, and the attachment of friends, will always attend on PROFESSION. 131 him who loves truth for its own sake, pursues knowledge that he may be able to benefit others, and deals justly with his fellow-men, consenting that they, in turn, should deal justly with him. GOUT AND ITS TREATMENT GOUT, technically known by the names of Arthritis and Podagra, is a painful, inflamma- tory disease, appearing by paroxysms, affecting chiefly the smaller joints, but liable to change its seat to various more important organs. It is hereditary in its character, and affects the luxurious more than the laboring and abstemi- ous classes. It seldom occurs in children, but makes its appearance most commonly in middle or advanced life, and affects men more frequent- ly than women. The most common place for the primary at- tack of gout is in the first joint, or ball, of the great toe of one foot. The patient, in many cases without previous indications of illness, is surprised at being awakened in the middle of ON GOUT. 133 the night, or a little later, by intolerable pain in that joint, with much febrile heat and restless- ness, commencing, perhaps, in a slight chill. The toe-joint soon becomes swollen, tense and red. Sometimes the ankle, heel, or instep is similarly affected. There is exquisite tender- ness on the slightest pressure, or motion of the part. This state of things continues from six to twenty-four hours, after which a remission of pain takes place, with gentle perspiration, and tendency to sleep. The inflamed joint, however, continues to increase in swelling, and at length becomes cedematous and shining. On the fol- lowing night the pain and fever return, and so continue to do for a week, more or less, during which there is thirst, want of appetite, costive- ness, and scanty high-colored urine depositing a red or lateritious sediment on cooling. The paroxysm lasts ordinarily from three to ten days, at the end of which time the pain sud- denly terminates, as if by magic. The joint continues swollen and osdematous for a few days, with itching and exfoliation of the cuticle, but the patient returns to his accustomed health 134 ON GOUT. with perhaps an unwonted degree of vigor and alacrity. A precursory stage in most persons takes place in advance of the paroxysm. It is mark- ed by a deranged state of the appetite and digestion, by heartburn, nausea, flatulence, and offensive alvine discharges, also by languor, headache, low spirits and disturbed sleep. The first paroxysm of gout is the almost cer- tain prelude to others, which are to follow after an interval of some months or years, according to the predisposition and habits of life of the patient. Some persons escape with two or three paroxysms only during life ; others have an annual visitation, and others are attacked once in two or three months. The frequency of the paroxysms goes on increasing, until in some patients there is hardly any respite, unless for a few months in summer. The later paroxysms, however, are often more supportable, but the general health is more impaired than in the earlier attacks. In the later attacks both feet are liable to be affected in succession, and the inflammation, after having left one foot may return to it again. ON GOUT. 135 The small joints of the hand are also subject to the invasion, constituting the variety of gout called chirag-ra. In inveterate cases, there is scarcely any joint of the body which may not participate in the extension of the disease. Effusion generally takes place into the synovial cavities, and adjacent cellular tissues. When the disease has become thus confirmed, it is usually called chronic gout. This common- ly follows the acute form, but in some cases may become gradually established without it. In chronic gout the affected limbs are disabled for exercise, they become painful at night, in- terrupting sleep, and are moved by the patient with difficulty and caution. There is also a general deterioration in the strength and spirits, the patient looks worn, sallow and haggard, the digestive powers are deranged, and there is often palpitation and dyspnrea. When the disease has existed for a certain length of time, there appears in some persons, but not in all, a deposit of calcareous concre- tions, known by the name of chalk stones, situ- ated mostly in the cellular tissue, between the outside of the joint and the skin. Sometimes, 136 ON GOUT. however, they penetrate the fibrous textures and the cavities of the joints. These concretions are fluid, or semifluid, when first effused, but become gradually solid by the absorption of their fluid parts. They finally become hard and friable, resembling common chalk in their appearance. In their more fluid state they are formed of hydrated lithate of soda, but the solid concretions consist mainly of lithate of soda, with some phosphate of lime. The chalky concretions are liable to grow with the return of every paroxysm. In bad cases the skin finally gives way, and a chalky serous fluid is discharged. This is afterwards replaced by a kind of chalky pus, and in this manner a part of the chalk escapes, but never the whole, owing to its entanglement in the cells and textures. Persons have been known to write their names with the denuded chalk protruding from the knuckles. Sometimes the apertures close over and cicatrize, but are liable to break out again during subsequent parox- ysms. Chalk stones are most common in the joints of the hands and feet, which they distort in an unsightly manner. They may, however, ON GOUT. 137 appear in any part which happens to be the seat of gouty inflammation. Persons who are subjects of gout are also liable to gravelly complaints, and to calculus both of the kidneys and bladder. The urine is found not only to contain urea and the other solids in excess, but deposits lithic acid and lithate of soda. The nephritic complaints gene- rally supervene after the gout has lasted some time, and the paroxysms of the two complaints rather alternate than coincide with each other. In regard to the causes of gout, it is, in the first place, an hereditary disease. A majority of persons affected with it can trace the predis- position to their parents or ancestry. It does not follow, however, that ail the children of gouty progenitors have the disease. It some- times leaps over one generation and appears in the next, and it is frequently kept off in those who are disposed to it, by an active and abste- mious life. When gout and gravel affect the same person, it often happens that some of the children inherit the one, and some the other disease, alone. Gout rarely if ever appears before puberty. 138 ON GOUT. In the statistical accounts collected by Sir C. Scudamore, it appears that the greatest number of first attacks came on between the ages of thirty and forty. But although the number which begun in persons above forty was some- what smaller, it is evident that if averaged upon the whole number of persons actually living, above that age, the proportion would be greater. Gout occurs more frequently in men, than in the female sex. Yet women are by no means exempt from it, and in them it is most apt to appear after the cessation of the catamenia. The stout and corpulent, of both sexes, are more liable to it, than those of the opposite conformation. The cause which is undoubtedly most active in the production of gout is a luxurious life, with the free use of vinous liquors. Persons who take little exercise, and indulge largely in the pleasures of the table, especially in animal food and fermented drinks, are the most com- mon subjects of the disease. Among persons who are addicted to the excessive use of alco- holic liquids, it is observed that gout occurs much more frequently in those who consume ON GOUT. 139 wine and malt liquors, than in those who are intemperate in distilled spirits. The disease is more common in England than in this country, and occurs much more frequently among the wealthy and luxurious, than among the poorer and laborious classes. There are various exceptional forms, under which the gouty diathesis may become appar- ent in the system. Sometimes the viscera be- come deranged, without obvious affection of the joints, constituting irregular or concealed gout. Thus the digestive tube may be affected with nausea, want of appetite, pain, flatulence, costiveness, or diarrhoea, acid eructations, and even vomiting. In the thorax are sometimes felt pain, dyspnoea and palpitation, and in the head, vertigo, diminution of sight and hearing, with headache, and sometimes numbness and lethargic heaviness. The spirits are excessively dejected, and the mind peevish and irritable. Sometimes the gouty inflammation attacks the eye, the fauces, or the urethra, producing symp- toms imitative of various diseases. The name of retrocedent gout is applied, when the disease, by a sudden metastasis, dis- 140 ON GOUT. appears at once from an inflamed joint, and attacks some internal organ with violent and alarming symptoms. The part most commonly seized is the stomach, in which there is sudden pain, with perhaps nausea and vomiting, and great anxiety and distress. The heart may also be attacked with syncope and urgent dyspnoea, or the brain with symptoms of apoplexy and ^paralysis. The prognosis of gout is not unfavorable in the early stages, and so long as it keeps to the .extremities. But the retrocession of the disease to the stomach, the heart, or to the brain and its membranes is fraught with considerable danger. The prevalent notion that gout secures an im- munity from other diseases, is now generally admitted to be founded in error. All that can be said to be true is, that many anomalous symptoms, both local and constitutional, which depend on concealed or atonic gout, and which may have harassed the patient for a long time, suddenly give way, when the gout declares itself in the form of a regular paroxysm in the foot. In its diagnosis gout is principally liable to ON GOUT. 141 be confounded with rheumatism. The following circumstances will serve to distinguish them. Gout affects the small joints, principally of the great toe. Acute rheumatism attacks chiefly the large ones, and often many at a time. In gout, the inflamed joint is of a vivid red color, it afterwards becomes cedematous, and ends with peeling off of the cuticle. In rheumatism the joints are less red, and the cuticle does not desquamate. Gout is more paroxysmal in its character, and alternates with intervals of ease, more than rheumatism. The chalky deposits are characteristic of gout, the acid perspirations of rheumatism. Gout is hereditary, affects the luxurious and indolent, and appears after pu- berty. Rheumatism is less distinctly hereditary, and may affect persons of all ages, classes and occupations. The above diagnostic marks appear to me to constitute a legitimate distinction between the diseases of gout and rheumatism. It is but just however to state, that these distinctive characters are liable to numerous exceptions, and that some of the best French pathologists, such as Chomel, Grisolle and Requin, deny the 142 ON GOUT. diversity of the two diseases. And experienced physicians are sometimes at a loss to which of these forms of disease they shall assign particu- lar cases which exhibit the characteristics of both. The treatment of a first paroxysm of gout may be expectant and palliative, for it is not certain how soon spontaneous resolution will arrive, and the patient, not without reason, is taught from day to day to look for relief and restoration to health. Little, therefore, need be done except to open the bowels with some effectual laxative, and to apply flannel with camphorated oil, or some opiate liniment. But when paroxysms are protracted and very pain- ful, or return with progressive severity, relief must be sought from such means as are in our power. Many expedients have been re- sorted to, a large portion of which are liable to serious objections. Immersion of the foot in cold water has afforded great relief to the pain, but is liable to drive the gout to vital organs. Bleeding has been found to mitigate the inflammatory action, but is inadmissible ex- cept in the most robust and plethoric. Leech- ON GOUT. 143 ing the afflicted joint is an useful palliative, but even this has its limits of expediency. Various purgative mixtures have in turn ob- tained and lost a specific reputation. The remedy which, in the present century, has taken precedence of all others, is Colchi- cum. This drug, supposed to be the basis of a French gout medicine called eau medicinale, has justly acquired reputation for the power of putting an immediate stop to the paroxysm. Five grains of the powdered root, or three of the powdered seeds, or from thirty to forty minims of the wine of colchicum root, may be taken three times in a day by a vigorous adult. If the medicine is good, it commonly purges in twenty-four hours, and sometimes produces vomiting, with prostration of strength, small pulse, and cold perspiration. These ef- fects give evidence of the full action of the medicine, but are not always necessary to the cure of the gouty paroxysm. They disappear after the colchicum is omitted. But the arresting of the paroxysm does not involve the cure of the disease. This more im- portant result requires the avoidance of the 144 ON GOUT. cause of the evil. The prevention of future paroxysms can only be expected from a careful and rigidly abstemious regimen, and this course, I am happy to believe, will be found effectual in a great majority of cases. I have known various examples of persons who had been severely and repeatedly attacked with gout, yet who have been able to ward off subsequent attacks indefinitely, by combining a life of ex- ercise with total abstinence from vinous and stimulating drinks. This method does not al- ways succeed in confirmed chronic gout, but in preventing the returns of the acute disease it is eminently successful. And although in cer- tain cases where the structure and secretions have become radically changed by the arthritic diathesis, there is little hope of perfect cure from any treatment, yet in the early, and some- times even in the advanced stages of this mal- ady, the recurring paroxysms are postponed, mitigated, or totally prevented by entire absti- nence from vinous and alcoholic stimulants. I have the happiness to be able to allude to va- rious cases of gentlemen well known in this city, in some of whom gout has been heredi- ON GOUT. 145 tary, in others of long duration and great se- verity, as in those already cited on page 49, in whom an almost perfect exemption from gout, of indefinite continuance, has followed an entire avoidance of stimulating liquids. 10 TREATMENT OF INJURIES OCCASIONED BY FIRE AND HEATED SUBSTANCES. BEING PART OF A BOYLSTON PKIZE DISSERTATION FOR 1812. THE application to living textures of sub- stances which are heated beyond a certain tem- perature, is followed by the phenomena of pain and inflammation. The pain is of a peculiar kind, resembling that from the continued appli- cation of fire to the part ; the inflammation has a great tendency to suppurate, and often leaves a contracted cicatrix. The communication of an excess of caloric to animal bodies, whether living or dead, is fol- lowed by certain changes. Of the fluids some are coagulated, others are decomposed or even vaporized, if the heat be sufficient. The solids are in a greater or less degree expanded, disor- INJURIES BY FIRE. 147 ganized or decomposed ; according to their sus- ceptibility of change and the quantity of caloric received. These processes in the living body being incompatible with its healthy condition, a morbid state of the part affected necessarily ensues. This state is marked by pain, redness? swelling, vesication, suppuration, or mortifica- tion ; according to the degree and extent of the injury suffered. The distressing effects of these injuries, when they exist in an extensive degree, are exceeded by few diseases. Very dangerous cases often occur in children, whose clothes are accident- ally kindled ; in intoxicated persons, who fall into the fire ; and in those exposed by confla- grations, or By explosions of gunpowder, steam boilers, and the inflammable gases of mines. The peculiar appearance of a burnt surface has commonly been supposed to require a peculiar treatment; and many practitioners, instead of resorting to the general remedies of inflamma- tion, have placed their reliance on the supposed powers of specific remedies. In this way differ- ent and opposite modes of treatment have been adopted, whose apparent success or failure at 148 TREATMENT OF different times has occasioned disputes respect- ing their comparative efficacy. After a variety of trials have been made, and a multitude of cases detailed, the practice still remains unde- cided ; and methods of treatment diametrically opposite enlist nearly an equal number of advo- cates. The two modes of treating burns and scalds, which have recently acquired the greatest share of notice, are those of Mr. Kentish and of Sir James Earle. The former of these consists in the use of stimulant, the latter of cooling appli- cations. Mr. Kentish recommends that the injured surface be in the first place washed and bathed with rectified spirit of wine, spirit 6f turpentine, or some similar application, which has been previously heated as far as it can be borne with the finger. After this bathing has been re- peated two or three times, the whole is then to be covered with plasters made of common basilicon or resinous ointment, thinned to the consistence of a liniment with spirit of turpen- tine. This dressing is to be continued for twenty-four hours, after which its place may be INJURIES BY FIRE. 149 supplied with some less stimulating substance, such as proof spirit or laudanum, with the coldness taken off. At the end of forty-eight hours, Mr. K. observes, the inflammation will generally be found to have disappeared, at which time the part may be dressed with cam- phorated oil, with Goulard's cerate, or with cerate of lapis calaminaris. The internal treatment recommended by Mr. Kentish is also stimulant. Wine, ale, alcohol or laudanum, are advised to be used according to circumstances. Sir James Earle, in a publication, entitled ' An Essay on the Means of lessening the Ef- fects of Fire on the Human Body,' defends a mode of treatment directly the reverse of the former. This consists of the antiphlogistic regi- men internally, together with the application of cold in the form of water, snow, or pounded ice, to the part affected. Sir Walter Farquhar and Dr. Kinglake advocate the same mode of pro- cedure ; and the cases related to substantiate the happy effect of the cooling treatment are not less numerous than those in favor of the terebinthinate remedies. 150 TREATMENT OF The disputes on the comparative efficacy of the foregoing plans of treatment have been agi- tated with so much warmth and so little impar- tiality, that the reader of them is like to end his inquiries in scepticism rather than conviction. Inconsistent and opposite facts are often stated, and the same cases distorted to prove both points of the dispute. For instance, the re- markable case of Boerhaave, who was violently scalded by the bursting of Papin's digester, and who got well under copious bleeding and purg- ing, is cited by one as an instance of a speedy and fortunate cure, and by another as a tedious and difficult recovery, which might have taken place in half the time under a different mode of treatment. The source of this uncertainty seems, firstly, to consist in making practical de- ductions from individual or insulated cases, which do not afford sufficient room for a com- parison of the effect of different remedies. Such is the idiosyncrasy of different constitutions, and so deceptive the appearance of different injuries, that it is often impossible to pronounce in what degree two cases resemble each other, and in what degree any application has actually expe- INJURIES BY FIRE. 151 dited or retarded the cure. According to the ca- price or prejudice of practitioners the account of a case may be warped and colored in such a manner as to prove any point of a dispute that is wished. For example, should any one come forth as the advocate for a negative mode of treating burns, which should consist in letting them alone, or in leaving the process to nature ; there is no doubt that in due time he would be able to collect a sufficient number of apparently satisfactory cases to answer all his purposes. The multitude of cases brought forward by Mr. Kentish and his opponents, in the aggregate, seems only to prove, that' oil of turpentine and cold water are both salutary, and both perni- cious, according as the practitioner who watch- ed their influence, was under the prejudices of a favorable or unfavorable nature toward either application. A second ground of error is like- wise contained in the supposition that a single and specific mode of treatment can be accom- modated to all states and degrees of the injuries occasioned by fire. It is obvious that many more cases may yet be detailed, which will not bring the question, 152 TREATMENT OF in the least, nearer to a decision. Though a series of observations, by a faithful and intelli- gent practitioner, is entitled to respect, yet when two such courses present us with results diametrically opposite, we are justified in doubt- ing the validity of the ground on which they are founded. It occurred to me, that could a measure be devised, of inflicting two equal burns on cor- responding parts of the same animal, which should afterward be treated with different ap- plications, that a chance would be afforded of testing the comparative efficacy of these appli- cations. With this view the following experi- ments were instituted, which, though not so numerous and complete as could have been wished, will not, it is hoped, be thought alto- gether inapplicable to the object for which they were attempted. EXPERIMENT I. The two ears of a full grown rabbit were immersed in water, heated near to the boiling point. Particular care was taken to immerse both ears at the same instant, to plunge them INJURIES BY FIRE. 153 to the same depth, and to withdraw them to- gether. In this way two scalds were obtained, as nearly as possible, equal; since they were inflicted by the same substance at an uniform temperature, applied for an equal extent and length of time to parts corresponding to each other, equidistant from the centre of circulation, and both appertaining to the same subject. The animal was now suspended on his back, with his right ear immersed in a vessel of warm water, at about 100 of Fahrenheit ; the left in a vessel of cold water, having its temperature reduced by ice. In this way they continued for three quarters of an hour, the temperature of both vessels being kept as regular as possi- ble by the occasional addition of warm water and of ice. The two ears were then wiped dry and covered with common resinous ointment. 2d day. The right ear, to which warm water had been applied, was red and opaque, but the skin remained sound ; the left was evi- dently more inflamed, and contained several small vesications and excoriations. The heat of both was somewhat above the natural standard. 3d day. The cuticle had separated from 154 TREATMENT OF both ears to some extent, but most from the left, to which the cold application had been made. A small slough likewise separated from this ear. 4th day. Additional portions had separated from both ears, but most from the left. From the fifth to the eighteenth day both ears continued in a state of ulceration. The tip of the ears having been the first part im- mersed, and the last withdrawn, was of course the most intensely scalded, and sloughed off from both to some extent. The left ear, which had undergone the cold treatment, suffered most by gangrene, and was several days later than the other in healing. EXPERIMENT II. The two ears of a rabbit were immersed in scalding water as formerly. The right ear was covered as far it was scalded with the stimulat- ing ointment of Mr. Kentish, made of basilicon, thinned to the consistence of a liniment with oil of turpentine. To the left ear was applied a saponaceous liniment, composed of equal parts of lime water and olive oil. INJURIES BY FIRE. '155 Three hours afterward the ears were exam- ined. The heat of both was much increased but that of the right, to which the spirit of tur- pentine had been applied, was evidently great- est. The pain of this ear was likewise evinced by the animal lopping it or laying it on its back, while the other was carried upright. Some small blisters had risen on this ear, but none were observed on the other. 2d day. Both ears were preternaturally warm and red, the right continuing more so. They were now covered with resinous oint- ment. 3d day. A part of the tip of the right ear separated, and some of the remainder appeared destitute of sensation. The left was red and inflamed, but with no appearance of mortifica- tion. 4th and 5th days. More of the right ear came off. The left was ulcerated, but without any appearance of gangrene. 6th 8th days. The ulceration continued without any slough from the left ear. About the 9th day, the weather, which had been tem- perate, became cool ; and the ears, which were 156 TREATMENT OF kept moist by the ointment and their own dis- charge, became constantly cold. To this cir- cumstance I attributed the formation of a con- siderable slough, which came from the right ear about the tenth, and from the left on the four- teenth day. Both ears soon after healed. EXPERIMENT III. The ears of a rabbit being equally scalded as before, the right was covered with Mr. Kentish's ointment, while the left was immersed in cold water with ice for three quarters of an hour. The left was then covered with basilicon, which ointment on the second day was applied to both. 2d day. The right ear was blistered, and discharged a considerable quantity of serum or pus. The left was in a similar situation, but in a less degree. 3d day. Both ears were in a state of sup- puration, but the right much the worst; the discharge from this ear being general, from the other partial. The right ear continued to appear the worst during the recovery, which was not complete INJURIES BY FIRE. 157 before the 30th day. The loss of substance by sloughing was not great from either ear, but was least from the left. EXPERIMENT IV. A fourth rabbit was dipped in the same manner with the others; afterwards one ear was immersed in water, the other in proof spirit at the temperature of the room. The scalds, however, proved to be slight, as nothing ensued but a trifling redness and opacity in the parts immersed, which disappeared in two or three days, and nearly at the same time from both. This experiment would not have been mentioned, did it not serve to show the ground for fallacy, which arises from comparing the cases of different individuals. Had the result of this case been contrasted with any of the former, on presumption that the injuries received were equal, a very erroneous deduction might have been the consequence. The foregoing experiments were conducted on a plan, which, I conceive, were it pursued to a considerable extent, would approach as near 158 TREATMENT OF to demonstrative certainty, as any subject in conjectural science of medicine is capable of arriving. A desire of the truth, however, obliges me to state the difficulties which remain, and which may seem to detract something from the weight of the experiments. The ear, which was the part subjected to experiment, is com- posed chiefly of cartilage and skin ; it is remote from the centre of circulation, and its powers of life comparatively feeble. Possibly a different mode of treatment may suit this part, from that which agrees with muscles and cellular sub- stance. This is not to be considered as very probable, since the living animal fibre is apt to exhibit similar phenomena in any part of the body under the influence of the same disease. If any peculiarity existed in the ear, it was probably that of being less susceptible of the action of stimuli. A trial would have been made with some more central part, had the operation been equally convenient. A second imperfection in these experiments was caused by the accession of cold weather, which appar- ently occasioned a more extensive gangrene, than would have ensued under the use of the INJURIES BY FIRE. 159 remedies, without this circumstance. It did not, however, occur during the first days, so that the following appearances may be consid- ered as free from fallacy. 1st. The evident increase of heat, pain, red- ness, vesication, and gangrene, following the application of oil of turpentine. Exp. n. and in. 2d, The increase of most of the same appear- ances, where cold water was used in contrast with warm. Exp. i. As comparative cases come within the plan of these remarks, the following case, in which different remedies were applied to the same subject, is extracted from the Medical and Phys- ical Journal, vol. 18, page 209. * Samuel James, aged forty, had his face, hands and back most severely burnt by the explosion of hydrogen gas in a coal mine. The cold application was used to the face and hands ; the warm oil of turpentine, according to Mr. Kentish's plan, (originally recommended by Heister,) was applied to the back, and dressed afterward with unguent, resinse flav. softened down with the same : in order to try which 160 TREATMENT OP mode of treatment Ifforded the most immediate ease to the patient, as well as the most expedi- tious cure. According to the patient's own account, the pain of the hands and face was immediately relieved by the cold application, but he complained of the oil of turpentine oc- casioning a smarting sensation on the back for five or six hours. This mode of dressing was continued for the space of two days ; but ob- serving a considerable degree of inflammation remaining from the terebinthinate application, that dressing was changed for the neutralized cerate, which the patient did not observe, his eyes being closed by the great tumefaction of the face ; but he expressed the utmost satisfac- tion from the superior comfort he felt in that dressing compared with the former. The next day the back appeared much less inflamed, con- tinued gradually getting better, and was cured in three weeks. " I am confident," says Dr. Evans, the relater of the case, " the back would have gotten well sooner under the cooling plan of treatment; for the patient constantly com- plained of the great heat in the part during the application of the oil of turpentine." ' INJURIES BY FIRE. 161 In a variety of cases which have occurred under my own observation, it has not been practicable to contrast the effects of different dressings : so that little of a decisive nature can be gathered from them. In one case, how- ever, which I witnessed, of a very severe and extensive burn in a child aged ten years, which was occasioned by the clothes taking fire, and which afterward terminated fatally; the appli- cation of the oil of turpentine in the form of a liniment produced the most violent aggravation of pain, which did not cease before the patient was thrown into convulsions. Instances of the same effect have been mentioned to me by several medical friends. Most writers, who appear as principal advo- cates of any mode of practice, feel obliged to produce something like a theory or rationale, which shall account for, or at least apply to the facts and phenomena adduced. Accordingly, Mr. Kentish and the others have not omitted to back their catalogue of cases with a train of reasoning illustrative of the propriety of their special applications. Of these the two princi- pal are entitled to a separate attention. 11 162 TREATMENT OP OF THE STIMULANT PLAN. In defence of the oil of turpentine and other stimulant applications, Mr. Kentish states the following as a law of the system. ' That any part of the system having its action increased to a very high degree, must continue to be ex- cited, though in a less degree, either by the stimulus which caused the increased action, or some other having the nearest similarity to it ; until, by degrees, the extraordinary action subsides into the healthy action of the part.' It has also been urged by supporters of the plan, that a lesser stimulus, as the oil of tur- pentine, is comparatively sedative in its opera- tion on a part violently excited by a burn. The above reasoning may amuse the imagination, but does not satisfy the judgment. The anal- ogy of almost every subject in medicine and surgery teaches us, that a part already highly irritated receives no benefit from an additional stimulus, which must tend only to increase the sum of the irritation. If a man bruise his finger, do we, by way of expediting the cure, proceed to bruise it again, but with less vio- lence, because ' it must continue to be excited INJURIES BY FIRE. 163 in a less degree,' ' until the extraordinary action subsides into the healthy action of the part ? ' Or if a man has received an hundred lashes, shall a surgeon prescribe ninety more, because ninety lashes are less stimulating than an hun- dred, and therefore comparatively sedative? The propriety is just the same, when we irritate with acrid spirit of turpentine a part already suffering violent pain and inflammation, as well as increased sensibility, from a burn. Though the spirit of turpentine applied to a healthy surface is less injurious than fire, yet if we apply the one to a part already injured by the other, we only inflict a double evil, or produce an aggregate of the mischief of both. With regard to the internal stimulant plan of Mr. Kentish, it is advocated on a ground not less exceptionable. He assumes it as a fact, that ' a healthy, vigorous man' suffers less by a burn of the same extent, than ' a man of an irritable habit;' and from thence he infers that strength resists the ill consequences of these injuries, while weakness promotes them ; and that therefore, in all cases, * we should make the system as strong as we can immedi- 164 TREATMENT OF ately on the attack.' Whether this principle be just may very properly be questioned, since it is an admitted fact, that from ordinary mechanical injuries, a vigorous, plethoric man suffers a higher degree of inflammation, than one whose strength and quantity of blood are less, and whose powers of reaction of course are more feeble. When a common injury takes place, which is capable of producing inflamma- tion and symptomatic fever, depletion and the antiphlogistic regimen are resorted to as pre- ventives; and this in a greater or less degree, according as the subject is more or less ple- thoric. For instance, if a vigorous men receive a contusion on any part of his body, so violent as to endanger suppuration or gangrene, we prevent or mitigate these symptoms by blood- letting, purging, and abstinence. Now if the same man had received a burn on the same part, endangering the same symptoms, ought our practice to be different ? Is the system so revolutionized as to require opposite treatment, because an injury is caused by fire instead of mechanical violence ? Or is a stout and pletho- ric patient, with a full, hard, and frequent pulse, INJURIES BY FIRE. 165 to be stimulated with brandy and laudanum, because his fever originated in a burn ? It is certainly the height of empiricism to prescribe a specific mode of treatment for a disease, merely from its name. A rational treatment is always dependent on circumstances, and is stimulant or sedative, according to the constitution of the patient, the state of the pulse, and the condition of the system. OF THE COOLING PLAN. Sir James Earle, and Dr. Kinglake, the former in his Essay, and the latter in the Medical and Physical Journal, have advocated a mode of treatment precisely opposite to that of Mr. Ken- tish ; yet, like him, they seem to have erred in pursuing a favorite remedy to extremes. The general and continued application of cold to a part injured by a burn or scald, is resorted to, from a belief of its tendency to abstract the excess of caloric from the part, and to restore the equilibrium. This belief is a just one. so far as it applies to the application of cold for a short time, immediately after the injury from a heated substance is received ; but the continued 166 TREATMENT OF application of it for hours and days on the same principle, is altogether unphilosophical, and has been sufficiently refuted in the treatise of Mr. Kentish. Every particle of caloric communi- cated to the living body by a hot substance, may be abstracted in one minute by plunging the part affected in cold water ; and if this im- mersion be continued, the temperature will soon be reduced below the natural standard. It is true that on withdrawing the affected part, its temperature will soon rise to the former pitch ; but this increased temperature can be nothing more than animal heat, a little increased by the violent action of the part, as happens in most cases of inflammation. As to the common phrase of 'killing the fire,' by which is meant only the relief of pain that takes place at the commencement of resolution or suppuration ; this cannot be hastened by cold applications, except in slight cases which admit of resolu- tion ; whereas, in cases where blisters have arisen, and suppuration is about to take place, its progress is only retarded by the employment of cold. With regard to the antiphlogistic regimen, INJURIES BY FIRE. 167 nothing more need be said, than that its use or omission must be determined altogether by the state of the system. It may be proper in this place to say some- thing respecting the use of alcohol, ether, and proof spirit. These substances are often re- commended in a vague manner, without refer- ence to the mode of their application, although on this circumstance depends their efficacy. If a part of the body be washed with cold spirit, or a thin cloth wet with spirit be applied, the rapid evaporation which takes place, renders the effect powerfully refrigerant. On the con- trary, if the part be immersed in spirit, or the spirit be applied warm, or with a thickly folded cloth, its operation is unquestionably that of a stimulant. After considering at length the opposite ex- tremes of treatment which have been adopted, the result of both reason and experiment ap- pears to be, that the two extremes are alike injudicious when pursued in their full extent, and neither of them suited to the varieties of burns and of constitutions. An intermediate plan of treatment, which shall vary according 168 TREATMENT OF to circumstances, and be dependent on the de- gree and state of disease, is undoubtedly the most deserving of attention. In slight burns where no vesications take place, and where resolution appears practicable, we should resort to cooling applications, either water or of spirit ; since in this way the most speedy relief is generally given to the pain, and likewise, as in other inflammations, resolution is accelerated. The preparations of lead, or any other discutient, may be added when thought proper. In all cases of burns and scalds it may be expedient to make one application of cold water as soon as possible after the injury, to abstract the heat from the clothes, skin, &c., and prevent the spreading of its effects. In more violent burns, attended with blisters and acute pain, a permanent relief is to be ex- pected only from suppuration. This is pro- moted, as in other cases of suppurative inflam- mation, not by acrid stimulants, not by snow and ice ; but by mild emollients and warm fo- mentations or poultices. Though cold applica- tions, by benumbing the nerves, may afford a temporary relief of pain, yet this returns with INJURIES BY FIRE. 169 equal or increased violence when these applica- tions are discontinued; so that they must be persevered in for a long time, until tardy sup- puration appears in spite of them, before effec- tual relief is given. In the first experiment on the rabbits, the ear which was immersed in cold water fared worse than its fellow, which was dipped in warm. In the treatment of burns tending to suppuration, perhaps no application is better than a liniment of lime water and oil. This is very gently soothing and astringent, and by its saponaceous quality unites with the discharge, and is thus more generally and equally applied than any unctuous substance would be in its place. In very violent burns, where the life of a part is destroyed, or where the inflammation is so great as to render mortification to a considera- ble extent probable, our treatment must depend on the state of the system and the appearance of the part. If marks of active inflammation are present, with increased heat and force of circulation, a sedative and depleting plan is to be followed, until the violent action has abated. On the contrary, if the inflammation be of the 170 INJURIES BY FIRE. passive kind, with diminished action of the part, and atony and prostration of strength in the system, we may then depend on stimulants and antiseptics. It can be only in burns of this kind that Mr. Kentish's method of treatment is admissible in any extent. In the subsequent treatment of burns, if ex- uberant granulations arise, they may be re- pressed by gentle astringents, by pressure, or by escharotics. Mr. Kentish recommends powder- ed chalk, but this I have found insufficient when mixed with a third part of burnt alum. Pure alum answers the purpose perfectly well. The separation of sloughs is facilitated, ac- cording to Mr. Kentish, by introducing pow- dered chalk into the cavities between them and the living parts. The contraction of the cicatrix is often an unpleasant consequence of burns. It may be obviated in a degree by a proper position of the cicatrizing part. Sometimes the contrac- tion is so great as to impede circulation ; in which case it is necessary to divide the newly formed skin in different places, thus allowing it room to expand. BURIAL OF THE DEAD. The interest which the author has felt in the Cemetery at Mount Auburn, the first of its kind in the United States, has in a measure grown out of his personal connection with its foun- dation and subsequent development. The project of Mount Auburn was originally conceived, the preparatory meetings called, the land selected and engaged, and the larger public structures, the gate chapel tower and iron fence designed, by himself at different times.* The pleasure of witnessing, through so many years, the progressive improvement of this beautiful spot, has been enhanced by the interest and active co-operation of many of our distinguished and valued citizens. While the subject was of recent agitation, the following Ad- dress was delivered at the hall of the Masonic Temple, before the Boston Society for the Promotion of Useful Knowledge. THE manner in which we dispose of the remains of our deceased friends, is a subject which, within the last few years, has occupied * Historical notices of Mount Auburn have been published by Thacher, Walter, Dearborn, and others, also in the Daily Advertiser, Sept. 9, 1851, and the Boston Atlas, Sept. 16, 1851. 172 ON THE BURIAL a greater share than formerly of the public at- tention in our own vicinity. It involves not only considerations which belong to the gene- ral convenience, but includes also the gratifica- tion of individual taste, and the consolation of private sorrow. Although, in a strictly philo- sophical view, this subject possesses but little importance, except in relation to the conveni- ence of survivors ; yet so closely are our sym- pathies enlisted with it, so inseparably do we connect the feelings of the living with the con- dition of the dead, that it is in vain that we attempt to divest ourselves of its influence. It is incumbent on us therefore to analyze, as far as we may be able, the principles which belong to a correct view of this subject; since it is only by understanding these, that we may ex- pect both reason and feeling to be satisfied. The progress of all organized beings is to- wards decay. The complicated textures which the living body elaborates within itself, begin to fall asunder almost as soon as life has ceased. The materials of which animals and vegetables are composed, have natural laws and irresistible affinities which are suspended during OF THE DEAD. 173 the period of life, but which must be obeyed the moment that life is extinct. These con- tinue to operate, until the exquisite fabric is reduced to a condition, in no wise different from that of the soil on which it has once trodden. In certain cases art may modify, and accident may retard, the approaches of disor- ganization, but the exceptions thus produced are too few and imperfect, to invalidate the certainty of the general law. If we take a comprehensive survey of the progress and mutations of animal and vegetable life, we shall perceive that this necessity of individual destruction is the basis of general safety. The elements which have once moved and circulated in living frames do not become extinct nor useless after death ; they offer them- selves as the materials from which other living frames are to be constructed. What has once possessed life is most assimilated to the living character, and most ready to partake of life again. The plant which springs from the earth, after attaining its growth and perpetuating its species, falls to the ground, undergoes decompo- sition, and contributes its remains to the nour- 174 ON THE BURIAL ishment of plants around it. The myriads of animals which range the woods, or inhabit the air, at length die upon the surface of the earth, and, if not devoured by other animals, prepare for vegetation the place which receives their remains. Were it not for this law of nature, the soil would be soon exhausted, the earth's surface would become a barren waste, and the whole race of organized beings, for want of sustenance, would become extinct. Man alone, the master of the creation, does not willingly stoop to become a participator in the routine of nature. In every age he has manifested a disposition to exempt himself, and to rescue his fellow, from the common fate of living beings. Although he is prodigal of the lives of other classes, and sometimes sacrifices a hundred inferior bodies, to procure himself a single repast, yet he regards with scrupulous anxiety the destination of his own remains ; and much labor and treasure are devoted by him to ward off for a season the inevitable courses of nature. Under the apprehension of posthumous degradation, human bodies have been embalmed, their concentrated dust has OP THE DEAD. 175 been inclosed in golden urns, monumental for- tresses have been piled over their decaying bones ; with what success, and with what use, it may not be amiss to consider. I have selected a few instances, in which measures have been taken to protect the human frame from decay, which will be seen to have been in some cases partially successful, in others not so. They will serve as preliminaries to the general considerations which are con- nected with the subject. One of the most interesting accounts of the preservation of a body, the identity of which was undoubted, is that of the disinterment of King Edward I. of England. The readers of English history will recollect that this monarch gave, as a dying charge to his son, that his heart should be sent to the Holy Land, but that his body should be carried in the van of the army till Scotland was reduced to obedi- ence. He died in July, 1307, and notwithstanding his injunctions, was buried in Westminster Abbey in October of the same year. It is re- corded that he was embalmed, and orders for 176 ON THE BURIAL renewing the cerecloth about his body were issued in the reigns of Edward III. and Henry IV. The tomb of this monarch was opened, and his body examined in January, 1774, under the direction of Sir Joseph Ayloffe, after it had been buried four hundred and sixty-seven years. The following account is extracted from a con- temporaneous volume of the Gentleman's Mag- ' Some gentlemen of the Society of Antiqua- ries, being desirous to see how far the actual state of Edward First's body answered to the methods taken to preserve it, obtained leave to open the large stone sarcophagus, in which it is known to have been deposited, on the north side of Edward the Confessor's chapel. This was accordingly done on the morning of Janu- ary 2, 1774, when in a coffin of yellow stone they found the royal body in perfect preserva- tion, inclosed in two wrappers; one of them was of gold tissue, strongly waxed, and fresh, the other and outermost considerably decayed. The corpse was habited in a rich mantle of purple, paned with white, and adorned with OF THE DEAD. 177 ornaments of gilt metal, studded with red and blue stones and pearls. Two similar ornaments lay on the hands. The mantle was fastened on the right shoulder by a magnificent fibula of the same metal, with the same stones and pearls. His face had over it a silken covering, so fine, and so closely fitted to it, as to preserve the features entire. Round his temples was a gilt coronet of fleurs de lys. In his hands, which were also entire, were two sceptres of gilt metal ; that in the right surmounted by a cross fleure, that in the left by three clusters of oak leaves, and a dove on a globe ; this sceptre was about five feet long. The feet were envel- oped in the mantle and other coverings, but sound, and the toes distinct. The whole length of the corpse was five feet two inches.' This last statement, it will be observed, is the only point in which the narrative appears to disagree with history. We are generally given to understand that Edward I. was a tall man ; and that he was designated in his own time by the name of Long-shanks. Baker, in his Chronicle of the Kings of England, says of 12 178 ON THE BURIAL him that he was tall of stature, exceeding most other men by a head and shoulders. I have not been able to find Sir Joseph AylofFe's account of the examination, and know of no other mode of reconciling the discrepancy, but by supposing a typographical error of a figure in the account which has been quoted. Edward I. died at Burgh-upon-Sands, in Cumberland, on his way to Scotland, July 7, 1307, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. Another instance of partial preservation, is that of the body of King Charles I., who was beheaded by his subjects in 1649. The re- mains of this unfortunate monarch are known to have been carried to Windsor, and there interred by his friends without pomp, in a hasty and private manner. It is stated in Claren- don's History of the Rebellion, that when his son, Charles II., was desirous to remove and re-inter his corpse at Westminster Abbey, it could not by any search be found. In con- structing a mausoleum at Windsor in 1813, under the direction of George IV, then Prince Regent, an accident led to the discovery of this royal body. The workmen, in forming a sub- OF THE DEAD. 179 terraneous passage under the choir of St. George's Chapel, accidentally made an aper- ture in the wall of the vault of King Henry VIII. On looking through this opening it was found to contain three coffins, instead of two, as had been supposed. Two of these were ascertained to be the coffins of Henry VIII, and of one of his queens, Jane Seymour. The other was formally examined, after permission obtained, by Sir Henry Halford, in presence of several members of the royal family, and other persons of distinction. The account since pub- lished by Sir Henry, corroborates the one which had been given by Mr. Herbert, a groom of King Charles's bedchamber, and is published in Wood's Athense Oxonienses. ' On removing the pall,' says the account, ' a plain leaden coffin presented itself to view, with no appearance of ever having been in- closed in wood, and bearing an inscription, " King Charles, 1648," in large, legible charac- ters, on a scroll of lead encircling it. A square opening was then made in the upper part of the lid, of such dimensions as to admit a clear 180 ON THE BURIAL insight into its contents. These were, an in- ternal wooden coffin, very much decayed, and the body carefully wrapped up in cere-cloth, into the folds of which a quantity of unctuous matter, mixed with resin, as it seemed, had been melted, so as to exclude, as effectually as possible, the external air. The coffin was com- pletely full, and, from the tenacity of the cere- cloth, great difficulty was experienced in de- taching it successfully from the parts which it enveloped. Wherever the unctuous matter had insinuated itself, the separation of the cere- cloth was easy ; and where it came off, a correct impression of the features to which it had been applied, was observed. At length the whole face was disengaged from its covering. The complexion of the skin of it was dark and dis- colored. The forehead and temples had lost little or nothing of their muscular substance ; the cartilage of the nose was gone ; but the left eye, in the first moment of exposure, was open and full, though it vanished almost immediate- ly ; and the pointed beard, so characteristic of the period of the reign of King Charles, was perfect. The shape of the face was a long OF THE DEAD. 181 oval ; many of the teeth remained ; and the left ear, in consequence of the interposition of the unctuous matter between it and the cere-cloth, was found entire. ' It was difficult, at this moment, to withhold a declaration, that, notwithstanding its disfigure- ment, the countenance did bear a strong resem- glance to the coins, the busts, and especially to the picture of King Charles the First, by Van- dyke, by which it had been made familiar to us. It is true, that the minds of the spectators of this interesting sight were well prepared to receive this impression ; but it is also certain that such a facility of belief had been occasioned by the simplicity and truth of Mr. Herbert's Narrative, every part of which had been confirmed by the investigation, so far as it had advanced ; and it will not be denied that the shape of the face, the forehead, the eye, and the beard, are the most important features by which resem- blance is determined. 'When the head had been entirely disen- gaged from the attachments which confined it, it was found to be loose, and without any diffi- culty was taken out and held up to view. The 182 ON THE BURIAL back part of the scalp was entirely perfect, and had a remarkably fresh appearance; the pores of the skin being more distinct, and the tendons and ligaments of the neck were of considerable substance and firmness. The hair was thick at the back part of the head, and in appearance nearly black. A portion of it, which has since been cleaned and dried, is of a beautiful dark brown color. That of the beard was a redder brown. On the back part of the head it was not more than an inch in length, and had prob- ably been cut so short for the convenience of the executioner, or perhaps by the piety of friends soon after death, in order to furnish memorials of the unhappy king. * On holding up the head, to examine the place of separation from the body, the muscles of the neck had evidently retracted themselves considerably; and the fourth cervical vertebra was found to be cut through its substance transversely, leaving the surfaces of the divided portions perfectly smooth and even, an appear- ance which could have been produced only by a heavy blow, inflicted with a very sharp instru- ment, and which furnished the last proof want- ing to identify King Charles the First.' OF THE DEAD. 183 The foregoing are two of the most successful instances of posthumous preservation. The care taken in regard to some other distinguish- ed personages has been less fortunate in its result. The coffin of Henry VIII. was in- spected at the same time with that of Charles, and was found to contain nothing but the mere skeleton of that king. Some portions of beard remained on the chin, but there was no- thing to discriminate the personage contained in it. During the present century, the sarcophagus of King John has also been examined. It con- tained little else than a disorganized mass of earth. The principal substances found, were some half decayed bones, a few vestiges of cloth and leather, and a long rusty piece of iron, apparently the remains of the sword-blade of that monarch. The rapidity with which decomposition takes place in organic bodies, depends upon the par- ticular circumstances under which they are placed. A certain temperature, and a certain degree of moisture, are indispensable agents in the common process of putrefaction, and could 184 ON T11E BURIAL these be avoided in the habitable parts of our globe, human bodies might last indefinitely. I shall be excused for dwelling a short time on the influence of some of these preservative agents. Where a certain degree of cold exists, it tends powerfully to check the process of destructive fermentation, and when it extends so far as to produce congelation, its protecting power is complete. Bodies of men and ani- mals are found in situations where they have remained frozen for years, and even for ages. Not many years ago, the bodies of some Span- ish soldiers were found in a state of perfect preservation among the snows of the Andes, where they were supposed to have perished in attempting to cross those mountains, nearly a century ago ; their costume and some historical records indicating the probable period of their expedition. At the Hospice of the Grand St. Bernard in the Alps, some receptacles of the dead are shown to travellers, in which, owing to the effect of perpetual frost, together with the lightness of the atmosphere, but little absolute decay has taken place in the subjects deposited during a lapse of years. But the most remark- OF THE DEAD. 185 able instance of preservation by frost of an animal body, is that of an elephant of an extinct species, discovered in 1806 in the ice of the polar sea, near the mouth of the river Lena, by Mr. Michael Adams. This animal was first seen by a chief of the Tonguse tribe, in the year 1799, at which time it was imbedded in a rock of ice about one hundred and eighty feet high, and had only two feet, with a small part of the body, projecting from the side, so as to be visible. At the close of the next summer, the entire flank of the animal had been thawed out. It nevertheless required five summers, in this inclement region, to thaw the ice, so that the whole body could be liberated. At length, in 1804, the enormous mass separated from the mountain of ice, and fell over upon its side, on a sand bank. At this time it appears to have been in a state of perfect preservation, with its skin and flesh as entire as when it had existed antecedently to the deluge, or to what- ever convulsion of the globe may have trans- ported animals apparently of the torrid zone to the confines of the Arctic circle. The Tonguse chief cut off the tusks, which were nine feet 186 ON THE BURIAL long, and weighed two hundred pounds each. Two years after this event, Mr. Adams, being at Yakutsk, and hearing of this event, under- took a journey to the spot. He found the animal in the same place, but exceedingly mutilated by the dogs and wolves of the neigh- borhood, which had fed upon its flesh as fast as it thawed. He however succeeded in re- moving the whole skeleton, and in recovering two of the feet, one of the ears, one of the eyes, and about three quarters of the skin, which was covered with reddish hair and black bristles. These are now in the museum at St. Petersburg. The foregoing facts are sufficient to show that a low degree of temperature is an effectual preventive of animal decomposition. On the other hand, a certain degree of heat combined with a dry atmosphere, although a less perfect protection, is sufficient to check the destructive process. Warmth, combined with moisture, tends greatly to promote decomposition ; yet if the degree of heat, or the circumstances under which it acts, are such as to produce a perfect dissipation of moisture, the further progress of OF THE DEAD. 187 decay is arrested. In the arid caverns of Egypt the dried flesh of mummies, although greatly changed from its original appearance, has made no progress towards ultimate decomposition, during two or three thousand years. It is known that the ancient Egyptians embalmed the dead bodies of their friends, by extracting the large viscera from the cavities of the head, chest and abdomen, and filling them with aro- matic and resinous substances, particularly as- phaltum, and enveloping the outside of the body in cloths impregnated with similar mate- rials. These impregnations prevented decompo- sition for a time, until perfect dryness had taken place. Their subsequent preservation, through so many centuries, appears to have been owing, not so much to the antiseptic quality of the substance in which they are enveloped, as to the effectual exclusion of moisture. In the crypt under the cathedral of Milan, travellers are shown the ghastly relics of Carlo Borromeo, as they have lain for two centuries, inclosed in a crystal sarcophagus, and bedecked with costly finery, of silk and gold. The pre- servation of this body is equal to that of an 188 ON THE BURIAL Egyptian mummy, yet a more loathsome piece of mockery than it exhibits, can be hardly imagined. It will be perceived that the instances which have been detailed are cases of extraordinary exemption, resulting from uncommon care, or from the most favorable combination of cir- cumstances, such as can befall but an exceed- ingly small portion of the human race. The common fate of animal bodies is to undergo the entire destruction of their fabric, and the obliteration of their living features in a few years, and sometimes even weeks, after their death. No sooner does life cease, than the elements which constituted the vital body be- come subject to the common laws of inert matter. The original affinities, which had been modified or suspended during life, are brought into operation, the elementary atoms react upon each other, the organized structure passes into decay, and is converted to its original dust. Such is the natural, and, I may add, the proper destination of the material part of all that has once moved and breathed. The reflections which naturally suggest them- OF THE DEAD. 189 selves in contemplating the wrecks o/ humanity, which have occasionally been brought to light, are such as lead us to ask, of what possible use is a resistance to the laws of nature, which, when most successfully executed, can at best only preserve a defaced and degrading image of what was once perfect and beautiful ? Could we, by any means, arrest the progress of decay, so as to gather round us the dead of a hundred generations in a visible and tangible shape ; could we fill our houses and our streets with mummies, what possible acquisition could be more useless, what custom could be more revolting? For precisely the same reason the subterranean vaults and the walls of brick, which we construct to divide the clay of hu- manity from that of the rest of creation, and to preserve it separate for a time, as it were for future inspection, are neither useful, gratifying, nor ultimately effectual. Could the individuals themselves, who are to be the subjects of this care, have the power to regulate the officious zeal of their survivors, one of the last things they could reasonably desire would be, that the light should ever shine on their changed and crumbling relics. 190 ON THE BURIAL On the other hand, when nature is permitted to take its course, when the dead are committed to the earth under the open sky, to become early and peacefully blended with their original dust, no unpleasant association remains. It would seem as if the forbidding and repulsive conditions which attend on decay, were merged and lost in the surrounding harmonies of the creation. When the body of Major Andre was taken up, a few years since, from the place of its in- terment near the Hudson, for the purpose of being removed to England, it was found that the skull of that officer was closely encircled by a network, formed by the roots of a small tree, which had been planted near his head. This is a natural and most beautiful coincidence. It would seem as if a faithful sentinel had taken his post, to watch, till the obliterated ashes should no longer need a friend. Could we associate with inanimate clay any of the feelings of sentient beings, who would not wish to rescue his remains from the prisons of man- Kind, and commit them thus to the embrace of nature ? OF THE DEAD. 191 Convenience, health and decency require that the dead should be early removed from our sight. The law of nature requires that they should moulder into dust, and the sooner this change is accomplished, the better. This change should take place, not in the immediate conti- guity of survivors, not in frequented receptacles provided for the promiscuous concentration of numbers, not where the intruding light may annually usher in a new tenant, to encroach upon the old. It should take place peacefully, silently, separately, in the retired valley, or the sequestered wood, where the soil continues its primitive exuberance, and where the earth has not become too costly to afford to each occu- pant at least his length and breadth. Within the bounds of populous and growing cities, interments cannot with propriety take place beyond a limited extent. The vacant tracts reserved for burial grounds, and the cellars of churches which are converted into tombs, become glutted with inhabitants, and are in the end obliged to be abandoned, though not perhaps until the original tenants have been ejected, and the same space has been occupied 192 ON THE BURIAL three or four successive tiroes. Necessity obliges a recourse at last to be had to the neighboring country, and hence in Paris, Lon- don, Liverpool, Leghorn, and other European cities, cemeteries have been constructed without the confines of their population. These places, in consequence of the sufficiency of the ground, and the funds which usually grow out of such establishments, have been made the recipients of tasteful ornament. Travellers are attracted by their beauty, and dwell with interest on their subsequent recollection. The scenes which, under most other circumstances, are repulsive and disgusting, are by the joint influence of nature and art rendered beautiful, attractive, and consoling. The situation of Mount Auburn, near Boston, is one of great natural fitness for the objects to which it has been devoted. Independently of its superior size, it may be doubted whether any spot, which has been set apart for the same purposes in Europe, possesses half the interest in its original features. In a few years, when the hand of taste shall have scattered among the trees, as it has already begun to do, OF THE DEAD. 193 enduring memorials of marble and granite, a landscape of the most picturesque character wil be created. No place in the environs of our city will possess stronger attractions to the visiter. To the mourner it offers seclusion, amid the consoling influences of nature. The moralist and man of religion will ' Find room And food for meditation, nor pass by Much, that may give him pause, if pondered fittingly.' "We regard the relics of our deceased friends and kindred for what they have been, and not for what they are. We cannot keep in our presence the degraded image of the original frame ; and if some memorial is necessary to soothe the unsatisfied want, which we feel when bereaved of their presence, it must be found in contemplating the place in which we know that their dust is hidden. The history of mankind, in all ages, shows that the human heart clings to the grave of its disappointed wishes, that it seeks consolation in rearing emblems and monuments, and in collecting images of beauty over the disappearing relics 13 194 ON THE BUKIAL OF THE DEAD. of humanity. This can be fitly done, not in the tumultuous and harassing din of cities, not in the gloomy and almost unapproachable vaults of charnel houses ; but amidst the quiet verdure of the field, under the broad and cheerful light of heaven, where the harmo- nious and ever changing face of nature reminds us, by its resuscitating influences, that to die is but to live again. REMARKS ON PNEUMOTHORAX : WITH CASES, AND AN EXPERIMENTAL INQUIRY INTO THE CAUSES OF THE METALLIC SOUNDS HEARD IN THAT DISEASE. [From the American Journal of Medical Sciences, 1839.] THE sounds which are heard during auscul- tation in cases of pneumothorax, especially when life has been prolonged for a considerable time under the disease, have a character, of which the term metallic is eminently descrip- tive. This character may be recognized not only in the respiration and cough, but frequently also in the voice and the succussion and percus- sion of the chest. The sound is either sharp and tinkling, or it is prolonged, reverberating and ringing, according to the kind of action under which it is produced. In both cases the mechanical condition of the chest is apparently the same. 196 REMARKS ON PNEUMOTHORAX. The sounds of pneumothorax, as will appear from the experiments detailed at the end of this article, are divisible, with relation to their causes, into those of impulse, and those of re- verberation. The first requires the presence of liquid, the second may take place with only the presence of air. The first includes all the varie- ties of metallic tinkling which are heard in res- piration, which also take place after speaking and coughing, and which may be abundantly produced in many cases by succussion of the chest. When well developed it is sharp, silvery and musical, resembling the note of short brass wires in certain children's toys. The second class, that of reverberating sounds, includes the varieties of amphoric breathing, and may be imitated by inflating a recent bladder to a con- siderable degree of tension while in contact with the ear, or less perfectly by blowing into a glass or metallic vessel. When a sudden impetus is given to it by coughing, this sound becomes more intense, ringing and metallic. The voice also at times acquires the metallic resonance. If percussion be performed on the distended chest, while the ear is applied to its parietes, a REMARKS ON PNEUMOTHORAX. 197 ringing sound is communicated, having more or less of a metallic character. Metallic tinkling of the chest, although one of the most marked of the physical signs, appears not to have been fully explained in regard to the immediate cause by which it is produced. Various hypothetical solutions have at different times been offered, but all of them have been objected to, or seem liable to objections, on the score of insufficiency ; and no one of them ap- pears at this time to have obtained a general assent. A brief summary is sufficient to present the leading features of the different modes in which this phenomenon has been accounted for. The only explanation given by Laennec of this sound is by him considered applicable to cases of what he calls simple hydro-pneumotho- rax, in which there is no communication with the bronchise ; a form of the disease, however, the existence of which has been doubted by some subsequent writers. Laennec says that if a patient happen to raise himself suddenly in bed, and a drop of fluid fall fron the upper part of the cavity of the pleura into the fluid beneath, it produces a sound like that occasioned by a 198 REMARKS ON PNEUMOTHORAX. drop of water let fall into a flask three quarters empty, and this sound is immediately followed by a distinct metallic tinkling. A similar sound he says may be heard by ausculting the epigas- trium of a person who is swallowing water in minute quantities. This explanation has been adopted by various subsequent writers, as a general mode of accounting for the phenomenon of metallic tinkling. Dr. C. J. B. Williams, author of valuable works on diseases of the lungs and pleura, ex- plains metallic tinkling on the principle of reverberation or echo, produced in a cavity of uniformly reflecting parietes by the communica- tion of a sound, or of a soniferous impulse to the air contained within it. He considers that in common cases of pneumothorax communi- cating with a bronchus, if the fistulous opening be small, metallic tinkling will be produced, but if large, or if several such openings exist, there will be only amphoric resonance. Dr. Thomas Davies, in his lectures at the London Hospital on diseases of the chest, says : ' The metallic tinkling is caused by the reso- nance of air agitated upon the surface of a REMARKS ON PNEUMOTHORAX. 199 liquid contained in a preternatural cavity form- ed in the chest.' * This explanation may have been suggested by a note of M. Meriadec Laen- nec in his edition of the great work of his rela- tive, who says that the sound in question appears to depend upon the vibration of a gas upon the surface of a liquid. Dr. James Houghton, author of the article Pneumothorax in the Cyclopedia of practical medicine, adopts the idea of an echo, which he derives both from the dropping of fluid in a cavity, and from the entrance of air through a fistulous opening. The latter variety, he says, appears to be manifestly the echo of the air forced into the cavity, reverberating against its hollow parietes ; and the sound, he thinks, is more particularly caused by the bursting of minute air bubbles at the orifice of the fistula, formed as the air traverses the latter by the en-, tanglement of mucus. He thinks that the tink- ling will be more or less loud and distinct in proportion as the fistulous opening is larger or smaller. * London Medical Gazette, Vol. XV. 200 REMARKS ON PNEUMOTHORAX. Mr. Guthrie, in the London Medical and Sur- gical Journal, 1833, asserts that Laennec, and also all who hold that metallic tinkling 'depends entirely on the passage of air through a hole in the lung into the cavity of the thorax,' have been mistaken, and in opposition to this he mentions that to produce the sound in question, the air in the cavity must necessarily be com- pressed. ' I do not,' says he, ' deny the facts of the air, the hole in the lung, or the fluid ; but I believe that to produce the sounds of the Jews' harp (metallic tinkling) the air in the cavity must be greatly compressed.' M. Beau, a French writer on the causes of the respiratory bruits, is not satisfied with the ex- planation of Laennec, and contends that metal- lic tinkling is produced by a bubble of air, which having traversed the fluid, bursts upon its surface. He founds his opinion on the fact, that he has never witnessed metallic tinkling, when the communication with the external air was above the level of the fluid. Dr. Spittal, of Edinburgh, seems to have suggested this expla- nation of metallic tinkling by the bursting of air bubbles, as early as 1830. REMARKS ON PNEUMOTHORAX. 201 Magendie, in his lectures quoted in the Lan- cet of 1835, says : ' The causes which produce the tlntement metallique, are not by any means well understood. Suppositions have been made, (they are made and abandoned with surprising facility in medicine,) but when we come to ex- amine them, we find nothing but mere theories without any shadow of proof.' He tells us that the supposition that a drop of liquid sticks to the upper part of a cavity and then falls into the fluid below, is mere hypothesis, which may or may not be true. He also denies the suffi- ciency of the explanation that the tinkling is caused by a bubble which traverses a fluid, and bursts upon its surface. His objections are grounded on an experiment, which he proceeds to repeat in presence of his class, showing the insufficiency of both these causes to produce metallic tinkling. In a dead subject, a quantity of fluid amounting to about half a pint was thrown into the chest. A perforation was then made through the pulmonary tissue, so as to establish a communication between the bronchi and cavity of the chest. A quantity of air was then forced in through the trachea, so as to enter 202 REMARKS ON PNEUMOTHORAX. the pleural cavity. No metallic sound was pro- duced in the operation. Water was then drop- ped in through an opening in the upper part of the chest upon the fluid below, but this also produced no tinkling. Another orifice was made in the lung beneath the surface of the fluid, and air injected as before. A bubbling sound, or 'craquement' was heard in the chest, 'but nothing of a metallic or tinkling character -could be perceived. Magendie considers him- self as having disproved the explanations to which his experiments relate, but he does not offer any new one of his own. In regard to M. Guthrie's explanation, which supposes the necessity of compressed air being present, this has been effectually set aside by the fact, that although in extreme pneumotho- rax, the air in the pleura is moderately com- pressed, yet metallic tinkling is known to be also produced in large tubercular cavities of the lungs, which communicate freely with the at- mosphere, and therefore are not subject to any compression whatever. The solution of this phenomenon given by Dr. Davies, and Laennec Junior, that it is caus- REMARKS ON PNEUMOTHORAX. 203 ed by the resonance of air, agitated upon the surface of a liquid, seems to be .too vague and unsupported to require particular attention. In regard to the explanations given by Drs. Williams and Houghton, which ascribe metallic tinkling to an echo, or reverberation of air from the sides of a cavity, the solution seems to me to be neither adequate nor very probable. Echo is the secondary sound produced by the reflect- ed vibrations of the atmosphere. It becomes powerful only when many reflections converge towards the same point. Air, moreover, is a feeble conductor of sound, when compared with liquid or solid bodies. It is unnecessary, there- fore, to suppose that one of the most striking sounds heard in auscultation, is produced by the secondary movement of a feeble conductor, when we have between the ear and the place of impulse, the direct agency of a much more pow- erful conductor, viz. a liquid. To elucidate this point, let any one perform the following experiment. Into a large earthen or porcelain bowl, pour a few ounces of water. Then pro- duce a slight and barely audible sound, by rub- bing or snapping together the ends of the nails 204 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. of the thumb and finger. If this sound is made in the air in any part of the cavity of the bowl above the water, it remains feeble, but if the nails be immersed below the surface of the wa- ter, the sound instantly becomes augmented to many times its former intensity, and it will be particularly intense to the ear of an ausculter applied to the outside of the bowl. Here, then, is a parallel case. The liquid in Pneumothorax and not the air, as will hereafter be seen, con- veys the sound of metallic tinkling to the walla of the chest, and these transmit it to the ear of the ausculter, constituting an uninterrupted chain of vibrations. Considering the subject as being yet imper- fectly explained, and therefore open to further inquiry, I have made some experiments in con- nection with the following cases, which I hope will not be found irrelevant to the question. CASE I. J. B., cordwainer, aged forty-four, entered the Massachusetts general hospital, De- cember 28th, 1836. He had been troubled with cough and dyspnrea, during most of last year, increased during summer. Yesterday, after ex- CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. 205 posure to cold during perspiration, had a sudden increase of cough and dyspnoea with pain shoot- ing from side to side, and hoarseness. Now, skin hot and dry, face flushed, pulse 98, respira- tion short, quick, 50 per minute, cough hard, with viscid frothy mucous sputa. Complains of pain in head and across hypochondria increased by upward pressure or cough, tongue white, costiveness, dysury with frequent micturition. 29th, 31st. Percussion dull on right back, sufficiently resonant on left. Respiration very feeble in right back, with a slight bronchial sound opposite spine of right scapula. Bron- chophony well pronounced in same place. Sup- plementary puerile respiration in left back. Hoarseness amounting to aphonia, cougli fre- quent, painful, with dyspnoea. About |ii. of muco-purulent sputa daily. Costive ; sleeps little. January 2d, 1837. Has rested and felt some- what better for two days. In right back respi- ration nearly inaudible, but voice and cough distinctly amphoric. 4th. By degrees the respiration in right back has grown more audible, and amphoric. Per- 206 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. cussion resonant. In left back voice natural, respiration puerile. Purulent sputa, one to three ounces. 5th, 8th. Metallic tinkling in right back, at lower edge of scapula, slight and few, heard on each day. Amphoric respiration; voice and cough audible from summit to base of right chest. Dyspnoea and cough more easy. Per- cussion of right back tympanitic to base of chest ; right back when viewed vertically much more prominent to the eye than left ; semi- circumference an inch greater ; intercostal spaces prominent, the anterior ones level in supine pos- ture. In erect posture, base of right chest less resonant than when lying on face or left side. 9th. Paroxysms of great dyspno3a, obliging him to get out of bed. Breath, voice and cough amphoric from summit to base of right back. Frequent metallic tinkling. Resonance of front and back, of right side on percussion. Purulent sputa, iss. llth. Rested better ; pulse 104 ; anterior right chest tympanitic on percussion, with in- audible respiration from top to base ; voice scarcely audible through parietes at same place s CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. 207 but towards base amphoric. Respiration in right back feeble, but amphoric, accompanied by continual metallic tinkling, frequent and rapid, resembling the boiling of a fluid in a glass re- tort or flask. Respiration highly puerile in whole left back ; slight gurgling under clavicle. Very great exhaustion and anhelation, after rising to cough. Generally unable to expecto- rate unless he turns upon his left side, after which movement the pus flows freely. 12th, 13th. Many turns of violent and suffo- cative dyspnoea ; metallic tinkling softer. Res- piration in right back very feeble, in left back puerile. 14th, 16th. Breathes with more ease. Some ounces of purulent sputa raised each day. Am- phoric or metallic respiration, voice and cough, with metallic tinkling more rare and feeble. Right anterior chest quite resonant on percus- sion, to the extreme base of the chest on inspi- ration, but about an inch less in extent at expi- ration. From this time he continued delirious, with occasional twitching of muscles ; respiration high and rapid ; inaudible, or amphoric, in right 208 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. front ; faint metallic impulses and mucous rales till the 21st, when he died. Autopsy, two and a half hours post mortem. Emaciation not great ; right side of thorax en- larged ; intercostal spaces obliterated, this side measuring an inch more than the left, opposite the lower end of the sternum. Percussion reso- nant, for a quarter of the semi-circumference, flat behind. Succussion of the chest gives a distinct metallic sound from the motion of fluid. The right chest when perforated through water (see Experiment I.), discharged much air, and subsided gradually. Thorax. Right pleura with strong old adhe- sions at apex, and along mediastinum ; elsewhere covered with false membranes, mostly free, soft, whitish, recent. Its cavity contains nearly two quarts of opaque sero-purulent fluid, with de- tached flocculent masses of lymph. The lung being inflated in situ, air issued freely from be- hind the base near the spine, but the orifice could not subsequently be identified, on account of the rupture of cavities made in removing the adherent lung from the chest. Right lung greatly compressed, condensed, and nearly de- CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. 209 void of air, the upper lobe half destroyed by an- abscess, a cavity an inch square in the upper part of the lower lobe, and tubercles scattered through all. Left pleura with some old adhe- sions. Lung large, somewhat emphysematous r upper and lower lobes tuberculous, a cavity ca- pable of holding i. in the upper part of the lower lobe. Air passages of natural size, some redness in right bronchi. Glands at bifurca- tion of trachea healthy ; those in upper part of thorax and the cervical enlarged and moist, but not tuberculous. Pericardium contained about an ounce of turbid serum, with flocculi of recent lymph ; heart healthy; right auricle slightly adherent; blood in right side partly liquid, partly coagu- lated, with some fibrin ; in left auricle the same y but no separate fibrin. Abdomen. Liver of average size, rather dark and friable, pushed down so as to reach the um- bilicus, compressed so that its superior and anterior surfaces formed a right angle. Gall bladder containing v. of very dark viscid bile. Stomach sufficiently healthy, except some small 14 210 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. red spots about the small curvature. Mucous . membrane of small intestines healthy. CASE II. I. C., aged forty-four, sailor, entered the hospital May 28th.* He was previously in the house three months ago with cough, and slight tuberculous signs. He now reports that he kept at work continuing pretty well until May 24th, when he had headache and dizziness in the afternoon, referred to having got wet in the rain the night before ; in the evening faint- ed, and in the night had coughing and retching; raised without pain ss. more or less of frothy blood ; has had much cough since, mostly in the night, with scanty expectoration of frothy mu- cus; cough and long inspiration have caused pain in the right side, and across the chest ; has had no other pain, no chills nor flushes ; but has perspired considerably ; has had little appetite and much thirst, bowels have been open daily ; urine high colored ; feels very weak ; tongue clean for most part, a little coated at roots ; pulse 118. * This case was most of the time under the care of Dr. Hale. CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. 211 29th. Slept better than out of house, but coughed considerably towards morning. 30th. Rested badly from great dyspnoea, which came on between nine and ten last night; bathed in a sweat: pulse 96; mucous rale in the throat ; amphoric sound in respiration below left scapula; percussion resonant in the same place ; respiration puerile on the other side ; lies on the right, much distressed by lying on the back or left side. Half a pint of thin mucous fluid sputa, frothy on top and opaque. 31st. Rested badly from dyspnoea requiring him to maintain a stooping posture ; five or six dejections ; pulse 132 sitting up ; dyspnoea now less urgent; a highly distinct metallic tinkle heard in the left chest, disappearing when he stoops forward, returning as he bends back. Just below the angle of the left scapula strong amphoric respiration with clear metallic tinkle. In axillary region sound as of striking a brass vessel with a nail ; great resonance of the left chest, both behind and in front, on percussion. Strongly puerile respiration in the right back. June 1st. Slept half the night, by intervals, sitting up and stooping forward. No dejection ; 212 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. pulse 144 ; tongue moist, thick coat on centre, livid ; countenance distressed, anxious ; respira- tion 32, laborious ; no pain when at rest, but on motion sharp pain through the left chest, below the region of the heart ; speaks only in a whis- per ; feet and ankles cedematous ; whole left chest, both front and back, very resonant ; respi- ration amphoric, with metallic tinkling loud and musical in the whole left back below spine of scapula, and whole left front from clavicle down- wards. 2d. Slept pretty well in the same posture as last night; two dejections; countenance anx- ious; skin warm, with profuse perspiration; pulse 144 ; tongue white in centre, livid, moist ; respiration 30, laborious ; voice better than yes- terday ; amphoric resonance diminished ; metal- lic tinkling as yesterday. 3d. Slept pretty well in his chair, as before ; pulse 128; respiration 32, somewhat less labori- ous, except after coughing ; unable to lie down ; cough not frequent, but paroxysms long and severe ; percussion every where very resonant in left chest except for a small space about spine of scapula, where it is only equal with the right ; CASES OP PNEUMOTHORAX. 213 resonance continues to the very base of chest ; respiration vesicular, but feeble about spine of scapula ; amphoric in lower half of back ; natu- ral respiration without metallic tinkle; after coughing large and musical tinkle ; in front no respiration heard below line one inch below nipple, above that metallic tinkle for the space of two or three inches, and above amphoric reso- nance in natural respiration; in forced respira- tion metallic tinkle over whole left chest; no resonance of voice ; in right chest respiration puerile. 4th. Slept pretty well in posture as for the last four nights ; countenance less distressed ; pulse 124 ; cough less difficult, but still labori- ous ; about iss. of adhesive muco-purulent sputa ; skin moist and warm ; resonance of left back less than for some days past, though still greater than natural except about scapulae ; im- mediately over and above scapulse, percussion nearly or quite equal in both backs ; on two lower ribs of left back percussion resonant while leaning forward, flat on leaning backwards ; respiration in left back vesicular about scapulae and for an inch or two below, then amphoric for 214 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. a space about the breadth of the hand, inaudible at base ; no resonance or tremor of voice disco- vered either in back or side ; metallic tinkling in front as before; also in back after cough. Sudamina above and about clavicles. 5th. In bed most of the night lying on right side ; slept two or three hours ; four or five de- jections ; countenance improved ; ii. of adhesive muco-purulent sputa; pulse 108; tongue clear at edges, moist, coated in centre ; percussion resonant down to sixth rib in left chest ; flat immediately below; equal in both backs over scapulae, and for two fingers' breadth below; below that much more resonant on left side, down to last rib, while leaning forward. When leaning back, more dull in the whole of the reso- nant space in back. Natural respiration vesi- cular about scapulae, with sonorous rale ; below scapulae, amphoric resonance. In front, metal- lic tinkle after cough ; metallic tinkle also in back. No resonance of voice at base of chest. 7th. In chair all night ; slept three hours at intervals ; five dejections ; countenance more distressed ; pulse 132 ; respiration 36, more la- bored than for the last two or three days. CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. 215 Tongue cleaner, rather less livid ; nearly |ii. adhesive sputa ; coughs, he thinks, about once an hour ; percussion dull in back on lower rib, when leaning forward ; respiration amphoric both in front and back ; natural breathing unac- companied by tinkle. 8th. Kept awake by difficulty of breathing. Cough less ; expectoration about i. adhesive purulent mucus. Countenance much distressed, pulse 132 ; tongue more coated ; respiration 32, labored. Hair, skin and clothing wet with per- spiration. In natural respiration very little sound perceived, except some amphoric reso- nance and occasional metallic tinkling. Per- cussion, when leaning much forward, flat on lower rib, resonant above ; when sitting up, flat on four lower ribs. A peculiar metallic ringing sound perceived by ear applied to ster- num, when the back is percussed. llth. In chair all night; slept none from dyspnoea; some pain in left chest ; two dejec- tions ; countenance much distressed ; coughs little ; expectoration pretty easy ; ii. of adhesive muco-purulent sputa ; pulse 144 ; percussion flat below nipple, also in back below corres- 216 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. ponding line, resonant above; sonorous rale in whole front chest. No other sound in natu- ral breathing. Amphoric resonance in back, feeble in natural breathing, loud and musical after cough. After speaking, metallic tinkling in front. 12th. Lay on couch all night without having head much raised. Could lie on left side as well as right, the first time for several weeks. Rested very well, but did not sleep much ; one dejection ; respiration 36, somewhat labored, but less so than for several days past. Counte- nance less distressed ; pulse, after waking, 108 ; tongue much less livid, moist, with a broken coat in centre. Percussion of left chest (still lying on left side) quite resonant, except at most dependent part of side, where it is flat. In natural respiration, the only sound heard is sibi- lant rale both in front and back. Forced respi- ration, either in speaking or other effort, ampho- ric. Coughed but little ; less than i. adhesive, white, frothy, mucous sputa. Immediately after rising, loud, ringing, amphoric resonance in res- piration, and especially in cough, heard both in back 'and front. Limit of flat sound on sitting, CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. 217 on a line an inch below the nipple. Same metallic ringing sound on percussion of chest as before. 13th. In erect posture most of night ; slept little from dyspnrea; three dejections. Dis- charge from bowels thin and watery ; counte- nance moderately distressed ; perspiration not excessive ; pulse 116, tolerably full ; respiration 36, high, laborious. In erect position, resonance on percussion extends down to one finger's breadth below nipple. Below this line, inter- costal spaces on a level with ribs ; above, inter- costal spaces projecting, resonant. In ordinary respiration, amphoric resonance loud and dis- tinct in upper part of chest A ringing sound, on percussion, as before. No metallic tinkling heard. Abdomen full, moderately resonant. 14th. Slept very well, lying down, on either side ; four dejections. Countenance less dis- tressed ; feels better ; pulse 108 ; respiration 36, moderately labored. Inspiration and expiration nearly equal. Percussion flat below line, a fin- ger's breadth below nipple, resonant above. Same ringing sound as before, on percussion. Sounds of fluid readily distinguishable on sue 218 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. cussion, heard with ear at a distance of a foot from chest. Moderate amphoric resonance in ordinary respiration. Two sides of chest nearly equal on measurement ; left mamma more prom- inent to the eye than right, intercostal spaces protruding slightly. After some fatigue, am- phoric resonance, ringing. Ribs of left chest scarcely raised in respiration. 15th. Slept pretty well, mostly in sitting posture; three dejections. Breathing more dif- ficult when he attempted to lie down. Coun- tenance anxious and distressed ; skin quite cool, wet with perspiration ; large sudamina about clavicles ; respiration 36, laborious. Inspiration quicker than expiration. Cough little. Percus- sion about spines of scapulae still equal on both sides. Ordinary respiration amphoric and ring- ing; when a little forced, voice and percussion ringing as before. Sound of fluid on succussion heard at distance of several feet. 17th. Slept most of night in sitting posture and recumbent, lying on back or right side. Countenance much distressed ; respiration quite laborious ; inspirations quick ; pulse 112. Tongue moist, slight coat on lobes, very slightly CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. 219 livid ; skin cool and moist. Pain near left nip- ple if he lies on left side ; no pain when at rest in any other position. Very little cough, ii. frothy mucous sputa. Line of flat sound level with nipple ; respiration in right chest loud and coarse. Sounds in left chest as before. Ring- ing sound on percussion perceptible when per- cussion is on same surface with ear, in erect position. 18th. At six and a half A. M. found lying on back with shoulders raised, breathing quick and with tracheal rale. Eyes closed ; pulse very small and feeble ; extremities cold. Died soon after. Autopsy, eight hours post mortem. Body not much emaciated, skin livid, lower extremities cedematous. Left chest quite resonant to a line with axilla, flat behind this line. Right side dull over whole space below pectoral muscles. The air rushed out from a perforation on left side, as detailed in Experiment I. Left pleura universally in- flamed, mostly red and roughened, and lined with a soft, bluish-white false membrane of variable thickness, separable in some places into 220 CASKS OF PNEUMOTHORAX. layers, containing about five pints of thin, puru- lent, inodorous liquid, with coarse masses of lymph lying loose in the depending parts. Left lung collapsed very small, fleshy, bluish-black, pressed against spine and ribs, and nearly des- titute of air, having a coat of lymph, and ad- hering behind superiorly. A rounded fistulous opening was found, half a line in diameter, and situated on the posterior surface of the lower lobe, an inch and a half below its summit. Through this orifice air issued, if blown into the trachea, and a probe pressed upwards enter- ed a large bronchus. This opening communi- cated immediately with a superficial cavity an inch long by half an inch broad, and which con- tained a whitish, friable, opaque substance. No other cavity was found, but small tubercles and gray granulations in various parts of this lung. The bronchi contained bloody fluid, were pale, thin and polished, excepting that which led to the cavity, and which was thickened, darker, and less polished. Right lung universally adherent by pale, soft, friable, recent membrane, forming bands below, some of them an inch long, among which were CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. 221 cavities, containing gviii. of reddish fluid. This lung contained many tubercles, and a cavity an inch long at its apex. In front of the neck was a tumor, occasioned by an abscess situated between sterno-hyoid muscles, containing iss. of pus, with a lining of tuberculous-looking matter. Pericardium pushed to the right side, more than two-thirds of it beyond the median line. Heart healthy, except perhaps slight hypertrophy of left ventricle, which measured five-eighths of an inch thick at base, and five-sixteenths at apex. Weight, nine and a half ounces. Liver somewhat enlarged, rather dark, pushed down within an inch or two of the umbilicus. Small intestines tuberculous, especially on Pey- er's plates, towards the end of the ilium, but no ulcers. Other viscera mostly natural. CASE III. A. C., a young gentleman, aged twenty, called me to visit him June 28th, having just returned from a journey to the South. He reported, that two years previously he had had a ' lung fever,' since which time his health has not been good. Last summer he was troubled 422 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. with slight pains in the chest, emaciation, loss of strength, and some hectic symptoms, but does not recollect much cough. Being consid- ered phthisical by his physician, he had been advised to pass the winter in the southern states. My first visit was made to him on the second day after his return, and one day before his death. I found him thin and feeble, barely able to sit up, with a hot skin and circumscribed redness on his cheek. Dyspnoea by no means urgent, decubiture dorsal, pain and stricture across both hypochondria, and none felt else- where ; pulse 80. Left chest tympanitic, respi- ration inaudible ; a slight metallic tinkle heard singly at each inspiration and expiration. Pul- sations of heart feeble in cardiac region, stronger on right side. On the follqwing day, without any great aggravation of dyspnoea or distress, he became much prostrated, with a small, irreg- ular pulse, cold sweats, and diminished sensi- bility, and died on the succeeding night. By his own testimony and that of his friends, his cough had been slight, and the dyspnoea at no time urgent. Autopsy, sixteen hours after death. The CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. 223 whole anterior chest resonant, the left tympa- nitic. On perforating the left chest through water, great quantities of air escaped. [See Ex- periment L] The quantity of sero-purulent fluid was not estimated, water having been thrown into the chest for the sake of the ex- periment. The left lung was adherent supe- riorly and posteriorly, and had tubercles and cavities in its upper lobe. The lower part of the same lobe was indurated by tuberculous infiltration, and had about the color of gray hepatization. No communication between the bronchise and chest was detected except those produced in the cavities torn in the separation. Right lung healthy, excepting a few tuberculous lumps in its upper lobe. The heart was very small and flaccid, and was pushed almost wholly into the right chest. Mitral valves some- what thickened at their roots with slight vege- tation. Liver depressed, dark purple, flaccid. GaU-bladder healthy. I consider the last case as noticeable for the absence of any great dyspnoea or distress, after the signs of pneumothorax were so distinct as to lead to an unequivocal diagnosis of that dis- 224 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. ease. I have seen similar cases where the pneu- mothorax was partial, owing to the adhesions of the lung preventing collapse, a case not wholly uncommon. EXPERIMENT I. Previously to the autopsies of the patients who were the subjects of Cases I. and II., a glass cylinder, open at both ends, was pressed into close contact with the chest, so as to hold water. Some ounces of that fluid were poured in, and a perforation was made through it, into the cavity of the chest on the distended side. Immediately a large volume of air escaped from the chest, bubbling upwards through the water. In the third case, no cylin- der being at hand, a superficial cavity was made out of the dissected integuments of the chest, and filled with water. Through this water a perforation of the chest was made on the left anterior surface. The air rushed out, producing strong ebullition, as in the former cases. The experiment was then repeated on the right side, and the perforation made through water as be- fore. No air in this instance escaped, but the water was immediately sucked into the chest by the atmospheric pressure. EXPERIMENTS. 225 EXPERIMENT II. Artificial respiration was produced in the body of the subject of Case II., by inflating the lungs through the trachea, and expelling the air by pressure on the abdomen. At each inflation, a most distinct, clear and abundant metallic tinkling was produced, ac- companied with more or less amphoric sound, and could be sustained ad libitum by repeating the inflation. The sound was recognized by several of the medical gentlemen attached to the hospital,* as being the same which had ex- isted during the patient's life. This experiment was repeated in the exam- ination of the body of the patient in Case III. It produced amphoric sound, but no tinkling. The latter symptom, it will be observed, was but feebly perceptible in examinations during life. EXPERIMENT III. Through an aperture in the anterior part of the chest in the subject of Case II., a catheter was introduced and air blown through it into the cavity of the left pleura. While the end of the catheter was * Among the gentlemen present were Drs. Hale, Strong, Bowditch and Sargent. 15 *226 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. above the level of the fluid, a strong amphoric buzzing was communicated to the ear of an ob- server in contact with the chest. But when the end of the instrument was pushed below the surface of the liquid, and the latter made to bubble by continuing the inflation, an exquisite metallic tinkling was heard at the explosion of each bubble, resembling, as it had done in life, the sound of a little bell or musical wire. In the subject of Case III. this experiment was repeated, and varied by pouring into the chest different quantities of water. When a few ounces only were present, metallic tinkling "was tiniformly produced, but when two quarts or more were introduced, a bubbling only was heard, without metallic resonance. Similar re- sults were also obtained by pouring a small stream, or letting fall drops of water from above upon the liquid in the chest. EXPERIMENT IV. Succussion and percus- sion were both found to produce the same me- tallic sounds in the dead body as during life in Case II. Metallic sounds elicited by percussion somewhat resemble those occasionally yielded by the heart, and, as has been observed by EXPERIMENTS. 227 Bouillaud, these may be imitated by percussing the back *of the hand pressed closely upon the ear, or by closing both ears with the palms of the hands, and walking on a carpet in a still room. EXPERIMENT V. In the body of a person recently dead from accident, having no pneumo- thorax, a repetition was made of several of the foregoing trials. Air and water were forced into the chest, the former so as to distend the cavity and render percussion quite resonant. Ebullition of the fluid was then produced by blowing through a tube inserted between the ribs and pushed below the surface. The only result was a bubbling noise, having not the slightest metallic character. It will be observed that this was nearly a repetition of Magendie's experiment, and it probably failed to produce metallic sound for the same reason as in that case, viz. that the patient was not pneurnotho- racic. EXPERIMENT VI. A bladder, and afterwards a stomach, each containing a few ounces of water, were inflated until thoroughly distended. Whenever the inflating tube was pushed below 228 CASES OF PNEUMOTHORAX. the surface of the liquid, and the inflation con- tinued so as to produce bubbles, a sharp tink- ling was heard upon the explosion of every bubble, by the ear applied as in ausculting to the outside of the bladder. In this experiment the sound becomes more exquisitely metallic, in proportion as the tension of the bladder is in- creased by farther inflation. Succussion of the bladder produces a similar effect. It is neces- sary that a recent bladder should be used, the texture and elasticity of which are not altered by drying. When the orifice of the tube is above the surface of the water, also when no water is present in the bladder, an intense am- phoric sound is produced during inflation ; and if saliva or other liquid, in small quantities, is blown through the inflating tube, a more feeble, or submetallic tinkling is produced. From the foregoing experiments and cases, we may infer that the following agencies are concerned in producing metallic sounds of the chest. \. There must be a cavity, the walls of which are preternaturally susceptible of vibration. REMARKS. 229 This takes place when the pleura is pathologi- cally distended, so as to overcome the obtuse or muffling effect of the contiguous soft organs, such as the lung, diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Some time is probably necessary to prepare the parts for this pathological resonance, since it fails to appear post mortem in healthy chests submitted to experiment. It should be added, that when metallic sounds appear in simple phthisis, there are cavities of the lungs, the walls of which are in a state of tubercular induration. 2. The immediate or exciting cause of metal- lic tinkling, is a forcible or sudden disturbance of the liquid in a vibrating cavity like that described. The explosion of bubbles of air from beneath the surface of the liquid, appears to be the most common cause of such a dis- turbance ; but it may also take place when a part of the liquid is thrown upward in the act of coughing and falls back upon the remainder. The same occurs in succussion of the chest. 3. The vibrations which yield metallic tink- ling are transmitted from the liquid to the solid parietes, and thence directly to the ear, without 230 REMARKS ON. PNEFMOTH0RAX. any necessary agency of an echo, or reverbera- tion of air in the cavity. This is shown partic- ularly by the experiment of the bowl, page 203. 4. A minor, or submetallic tinkling, having no musical resonance, may be produced by slight impulses given to the air in the cavity, such as the breaking of bubbles of mucus at orifices above the surface of the liquid. 5. Amphoric resonance is produced by rever- berations of the air in a vibrating cavity, with- out sonific impulse of the liquid. The same is true of metallic modifications of the voice, and of the cough when there is no tinkling. Metal- lic percussion seems also to depend upon the vibrations of air independently of liquid, and may be produced in some other cases when we strike upon a tense cavity in which a certain quantity of air is confined. ON THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. [FROM THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES FOR 1831 ] IF the medical and scientific world were restricted to the most simple modes of expres- sion and inter-communication, if we possessed, for example, but one nosology, but one system of natural history, but one language of chem- istry and pharmacy, it is obvious that the books which treat of those sciences would be greatly simplified; that the labor of learners would be abridged, and much confusion prevented among those who respectively teach, or cultivate, these departments of knowledge. Of this fact the public are so well aware, that attempts have 232 ON THE PHARMACOPCEIA been many times made to establish in these sciences standards of definite expression. Some- times under the sanction of governments, some- times from the influence of popular writers or teachers in science, and sometimes from the conventional authority of delegated bodies, a common language has been introduced, and obtained a degree of currency, which, though seldom universal, has, nevertheless, been suffi- ciently extensive to produce a full proof and conviction of its utility. Unhappily, however, in those studies, the subjects of which are most multifarious and complex, and which therefore stand most in need of precision in their nomenclatures, an inexplicable confusion of language still exists. Mineralogy, zoology, and botany, particularly the two latter, in themselves no trifling subjects of labor, have been rendered to most persons absolutely insurmountable, by the cumbrous load of synonyms, which has been gradually accumulating upon them, under the agency of successive reformers. The Latin language, once the common medium of intercourse for the learned of all countries, has itself become a sort OF THE UNITED STATES. 233 of Babel, furnishing, not unfrequently, a dozen incongruous names for the same object. And since neither Napoleon nor Nicholas, nor any general congress for the pacification of Europe, has taken in hand the reconciliation of conflict- ing terminologies, the republic of names still remains at the mercy of every innovator whose new colors may attract partisans and disciples, and increase the anarchy already existing. It is therefore sufficiently evident, that the language of the sciences which we have men- tioned, needs retrenchment quite as much as extension ; and were it not for the fact, that certain nomenclatures have become incorpo- rated with books more useful than themselves, it would be a happy circumstance, if all of them, save one, could be consigned to oblivion. To determine what one in each particular case should supersede all the rest, might be as deli- cate an affair as to elect a president of the United States. But it is not the less true, that one, even though deficient and unacceptable, would be far better than many. Pharmacology, considered not only as a sci- ence, but as a medium of communication for 234 ON THE PHARMACOPOEIA two extensive professions, particularly needs simplicity and precision of language. It like- wise requires that its expressions should be generally intelligible, an advantage which can- not be secured, except by the introduction of a general standard, regulating the names as well as the selection and modification of its subjects. On this ground, it is presumed, there is no variance of opinion. But when we arrive at the question, what the standard shall be, and who shall appoint it, the charm of unanimity is very apt to dissolve. It is not difficult to frame a competent phar- macopoeia, which shall be abundantly adequate to the wants of the medical community. But to devise a plan by which its general adoption shall be secured, is a task which experience has proved to be attended with no ordinary diffi- culty. Local partialities, and an unwillingness to receive the supposed dictation of others, have, in more cases than one, frustrated the best contrived plans for promoting a general accommodation. And since indisputable per- fection is not to be expected in a pharmaco- peia, there will always be found a spirit of OP THE UNITED STATESr 23 hypercriticism, ready to consider trivial defects, as reason^ for rejecting a public good. We hold it to be a maxim, that one standard of pharmacy, if sanctioned throughout a whole country, even though it be an imperfect one, is far more promotive of public convenience than a number of more learned and perfect ones existing simultaneously. The late autocrat, Al- exander, ordered his Scotch body-surgeon, Sir James Wylie, to prepare a Pharmacopeia Ros- sica, which he introduced by an ukase through- out his extensive dominions. This work, a copy of which has reached us, appears to be sufficiently respectable. But, without entering into its particular merits or demerits, we will venture to presume that the subjects of his hyperborean majesty have been enabled to com- pound and swallow their drugs with equal effect, and far less trouble, than those of the king of Grat Britain, speaking in the tongues of three different colleges. If the business of making a pharmacopeia could be commenced do novo, without reference to any of the standards now existing, the great question presented with regard to nomenclature 236 ON THE PHARMACOPOEIA would be, whether names should be scientific, that is, in some measure descriptive of the origin, character, and composition of medicines ; or whether they should be arbitrary, having no such reference or import. In the former case, the names would be more expressive, and better suited to the dignity of science ; in the latter they would be more permanent, from not being connected with any fluctuating medium. To illustrate these positions, let us observe the revolution through which a single substance has been obliged to pass, in order to keep pace with the progress and improvements of science. Since the discovery of calomel, that article has been reformed by at least a score of successive appellations. In the figurative language of al- chemy it was known by the names of draco mitigatus, aquila alba, manna metallorum, &c. As chemistry grew somewhat more definite as a science, this substance became mercurius dul- cis, and mercurius dulcis sublimatus. Under the regime of Lavoisier and his cotemporaries, it was a muriate and a submuriate ; and after Davy and Gay Lussac, became a chloride and a proto-chloruret. Lastly, as if the gentleness OF THE UNITED STATES. 237 of its character was to produce a reconcilia- tion of extremes, the mitigated dragon of anti- quity has become a mild chloride of mercury. On the other hand, when a nomenclature has been perfectly arbitrary and divested of scien- tific relations, it has been proportionally dura- ble and constant. Like the words engrafted on a national language, its origin may be vague and accidental, yet the public convenience pre- vents it from falling into disuse ; and though it might, perhaps, be susceptible of reform, yet the benefit would not compensate the trouble. In regard to pharmacology, there is one lan- guage alone which has remained permanent amidst mutations, and which a hundred years have not been able to shake from its basis we mean the language of commerce. This language, which is for the most part arbitrary and accidental, has seen many pharmacopoeias rise and fall, and is now quite as likely as any one of them to last for a century to come. The simple names of opium and alum, of calo- mel and camphor, have never yielded to any periphrastic method of expressing the same things. Corrosive sublimate refuses to be mod- 238 ON THE PHARMACOPEIA ernized, and the salts of Epsom and Rochelle maintain their ground against all chemical in- terference. The combined learning of two hem- ispheres is unable to prevail against copperas and cream of tartar, and the manufacturer and me'rchant still continue to make, sell and buy their tartar emetic without troubling themselves to inquire whether it is a ' tartrate,' or a ' cream tartrate,' or neither. Nay, in some instances the vulgar appellations have turned the tables upon the classical and scientific, and the homely name of potash has dictated to the learned their more elegant potass and potassium. To combine in practice the expressiveness and precision of one language with the dura- bility of the other, though very desirable, Would, from the nature of the subject, be impossible. Yet an approach may be made to the advan- tages of both, by adopting, in the first instance, a descriptive language founded on the existing state of science at the time, and afterwards to declare it perpetual, or at least to establish it in force during a long term of years. We should thus possess a medium of communication in itself entitled to respect, and rendered more valuable by the prospect of being permanent. OF THE UNITED STATES. 239 It appears to us, that the stability of pharma- ceutical language is a consideration of quite as much importance as its improvement. Great changes, in regard to any prevalent system, can seldom be effected without doing violence to established habits and preferences of the com- munity. An apothecary, whose drawers are labelled with the legitimate nomenclature of the day, and a physician, who for a score of years has employed a uniform phraseology in his prescriptions, are not compensated by any trifling advantage, for the risk and trouble of an entire change. Wherever, therefore, it ap- pears that a uniform system is extensively es- tablished in any country, it is incumbent on the friends of science to oppose all unnecessary deviation from the rules it prescribes. If the general progress of other sciences has been such as to require that pharmacy should be made to keep pace with them, its improvement ought to consist as far as possible in additions, syno- nyms, and commentaries, but not in great or violent changes. It is fortunate for the science of anatomy that its distinctive names have been handed down from one generation to an- 240 ON THE PHARMACOPOEIA other with so little alteration ; and we believe no reformer at the present day would obtain many proselytes, who should propose to abolish its nomenclature, because pia mater, os sacrum, ossa innominata, and similar names are absurd, misplaced, or unscientific. In regard to preparations and compositions? it may often happen that improvements are necessary in pharmacy, to promote the economy and uniformity of certain results. Such changes are highly proper, provided they do not interfere materially with the standard of strength which has been previously current. But great changes in the strength of medicines may generally be regarded as pernicious, serving to perplex apoth- ecaries and deceive physicians, if not to kill patients. It is to be regretted that, in the dif- ferent pharmacopoeias which have been pub- lished among us, there are operative medicines bearing the same name, in some of which the strength is double that of others. As to the more complex medicinal formulae which crowd our books, it will be found that most of them owe their place in the shops to some fashion, or some traditional celebrity, rather than to any OF THE UNITED STATES. 241 exclusive fitness or virtue ; and we may perhaps get a true idea of their value from the consid- eration, that if, by any means, the knowledge of the whole of them should be lost, it is not probable, in the doctrine of chances, that one in fifty would ever be reinvented. Yet, since the prevailing traffic requires that they should con- tinue to be made and sold, it is important for those who consume them, that they should be exempt from fluctuations of character. In the United States, previous to 1820, there was no uniformity of pharmaceutical language. Pharmacopoeias, indeed, had been adopted by medical bodies, in Massachusetts and some of the other States ; and Dispensatories, both foreign and native, had been published among us. But in the year referred to, an effort was made, by which the consent of a great majority of the medical institutions of the country was obtained, for a plan of a national pharmaco- poeia. This, it was confidently hoped, by intro- ducing a current language throughout the coun- try, would do away the confusion which then prevailed, and offered to the parties concerned a facility of intercommunication, corresponding to 16 242 ON THE PHARMACOPOEIA that which results from a common system of coinage, or of weights and measures. A nu- merous and highly respectable delegation was appointed, from most of the principal States, a part of whom met in the city of Washington, at the appointed time. It may here be proper to inquire what such a convention could reasonably be expected to do, and what it was their duty to do, under the cir- cumstances in which they were placed. Com- ing together from remote places, and holding their session at an inconvenient sacrifice of time and expense, it was not to be anticipated that they would institute an original investigation of the whole subject. The ordeal of an experi- ment upon every doubtful subject, would have involved a labor of months, and perhaps of years. It would not reasonably be expected that they would produce a pharmacopoeia, which should be better than any which pre- viously existed. A debating assembly would be far less likely to do this, than a competent individual in his closet. Yet the convention possessed the power to confer a great good ; a power which no individual is likely to obtain, OF THE UNITED STATES. 243 that of introducing order in the place of con- fusion, and law instead of anarchy. Under these circumstances, it was incumbent on them to produce, or sanction, some standard of pharmacy which should be adequate to the wants of the community. It was not very material what one, among many standards, they should adopt as their basis. They might have selected the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, which, though prolix in its expressions, was at that time more current than any other in the country. Or they might have taken the London Pharmacopoeia, dogged as it has been by Mr. Phillips, and this would have served very well as the groundwork of a useful book. Or they might endeavor to frame a system of their own, which, in some respects, might be superior to its predecessors, or at least better adapted to the customs and wants of owe own country. The last plan was decided on by the conven- tion, under the expectation, doubtless, that it would be more acceptable to their constituents. A programme of a pharmacoposia prepared by the College of Physicians in Philadelphia, was adopted as the groundwork, and, after being 244 ON THE PHARMACOPO3IA variously modified and augmented, was referred to a committee, with instructions to publish it. It must necessarily happen that a work ema- nating from so many disconnected sources, a part of whose contents must, from the nature of the case, be the result of compromise among the parties concerned, rather than of satisfac- tion to any of them, would be in some respects imperfect, disconnected, and redundant. Nev- ertheless, if it was on the whole better suited to the occasion than any other work actually existing, the public were bound to receive it with complacency, as the only standard which could ever become general among us. And if criticisms were needed to point out the faults which it contained, they should have been made in a spirit of manliness and liberality, such as would have promoted the gradual re- form and perfection, rather than the over- throw of the work. But several of the journals thought otherwise, and the pharmacopeia was obliged to undergo an ordeal, the severity of which far exceeded its deserts. The spirit of criticism was pushed with a zeal not according to knowledge, and in many instances the igno- OF THE UNITED STATES. 245 ranee of the commentator, rather than the de- fects of the book, produced a reprobation of its contents. Nevertheless, the pharmacopoeia was received, willingly by some, and reluctantly by others, and became, we have reason to believe, the prevailing standard, or at least more preva- lent than any other throughout the United States. It was to be hoped that, when the period should arrive which had been assigned by the convention for a revision of this work, a suffi- cient unanimity of sentiment would have pre- vailed, to direct into one channel whatever amount of skill and experience might be vol- unteered for its improvement, either by socie- ties or individuals. It appears that numerous societies, in different parts of the Union, feeling an interest in the revision and confirmation of the pharmacopoeia, had appointed delegates to attend the expected convention at Washington, in 1830. A part of the delegates thus desig- nated were, agreeably to the provisions made in 1820, returned to the presiding officer of that year. But a greater number, who had not been formally returned, proceeded to Washington at 246 ON THE PHARMACOPOEIA the appointed time, and having organized a convention of such delegates as were present, and invited a cooperation of other medical gen- tlemen of eminence then in the city, proceeded to take measures for the republication of the work. In the mean time, a part of the delegates who had been officially returned to the former president, influenced either by convenience, or by the smallness of their- numbers, determined not to convene at Washington, but held a meet- ing in New York, where they also proceeded to take measures for republishing the pharma- copoeia, having likewise invited the cooperation of other medical gentlemen of note. Out of this want of concord have risen up two phar- macopoeias, neither of which can strictly claim to be, by lineal descent, the legitimate heir of the original work ; one, proceeding from a body not formally declared elected to the convention at Washington ; the other, from a body who did not convene at Washington at all. We regret, during the long period of preparation, in which the proceedings of each party must have been known to the other, at least in a degree, that some compromise was not effected, so that the OF THE UNITED STATES. 247 objects of both might be effected, with less trouble to themselves, and less expense to the public. It was not indeed in the power of the delegates at "Washington to correct the original defect in their mode of election, but it was in the power of the delegates of New York to have gone to Washington, and there to have invited the cooperation of the other delegates present, especially as they appear not to have been afterwards fastidious in associating with their own body undelegated individuals. Even after the original meetings had taken place, a slight spirit of conciliation in one or both par- ties, (we know not which was wanting in this respect,) would have produced harmony and unity in the end. As things now are, it appears to us that the two works must stand upon their respective merits, as pharmaceutic compositions ; and the public are called on to decide whether either, and if either, which one, is entitled to be re- ceived as the national standard. And here, if it be asked what constitutes fitness or excel- lence in a pharmacopoeia, we should answer simply, that such a work ought to contain and 248 ON THE PHARMACOPCEIA identify the medicines which are commonly used by physicians, that its preparations should be scientifically composed, that its language should conform to the most current language of the day, and that it should be complete as a system in itself, that is-, should have a cor- respondence between its own parts. In these respects, we think the Washington Pharma- coposia has greatly the advantage of its com- petitor. We observe in its list of materia med- ica, comparatively few alterations of names, and these are made mostly in conformity to the present language of chemistry. In the New York edition the changes are exceedingly nu- merous, the new names being taken partly from the London Pharmacopoeia, and partly invented for the occasion, so that the book has the aspect of an edition of some other work, rather than of the American Pharmacopoeia. The references to authors, which are considered necessary by most pharmacologists, to identify the substances intended, are wholly omitted in this work. In regard to completeness and accuracy, the work of the Washington convention is prepared with much care and science, and with a correspond- OF THE UNITED STATES. 249 ence of its different parts. In the New York edition we find a want of unity, such as attends hasty preparations, and a discordance often recurring between the names of the articles themselves and those of their preparations. In regard to the latter work, knowing the difficulties which attend this species of compo- sition, and entertaining a high respect for the character of the gentlemen concerned, we for- bear to fill our pages with commentaries on its redundancies and discrepancies. We shall not therefore complain because Burgundy pitch is inserted twice under different names, in the materia medica, nor because the sulphates of quinine and morphine, figs, prunes, and some other articles required in the preparations, are not inserted in the materia medica at all. These things must be corrected with their pens, by those who may employ the book. On the other hand, we are happy to perceive some improve- ments on the edition of 1820, in the greater accuracy of the chemical nomenclature, and in the introduction of some useful formulas. We think however that retrenchment, in the old work, was much more needed than augmenta- tion. 250 ON THE PHARMACOPOEIA Believing that the pharmacopoeia produced by the Washington convention, being a more elaborate, accurate, and finished work, will eventually become the standard of the country, we propose to enter somewhat more at large into the consideration of its contents. This we shall endeavor to do with the impartiality which the subject ought to receive. In their preface this convention express their reasons for adopting as their basis the Phar- macopoeia of 1820, a work having many incon- veniences and defects, but at the same time many claims to approval. In its general out- line, say they, and prominent features, it will bear a favorable comparison with the best phar- macopoeias of Europe, and it is only in filling up, that improvement is demanded, or admis- sible. The changes therefore which have been made under the authority of the late conven- tion, embrace the materials and minor arrange- ments, without extending to the general plan. In preparing for the press the present revised edition, the new convention inform us that much labor has been expended, and every part of the work submitted to the most strict and OF THE UNITED STATES. 251 rigid scrutiny. Every accessible pharmaceutic authority has been consulted, and the accuracy of processes has been frequently tested by a practical investigation ; the several departments have engaged the attention of individuals pe- culiarly qualified by their previous studies, and the whole has passed the examination of phar- maceutists of acknowleged eminence in their profession. Considering how difficult it is to induce per- sons of the necessary competency to engage in gratuitous labors with perseverance and fidelity, we are happy that the individuals concerned in the present revision have devoted themselves with such singleness of purpose to the perfect- ing of the work. From our knowledge of the amount of labor actually bestowed on it, and from the internal evidences which it bears of extensive inquiry and precise examination, we doubt whether any future convention will pre- sent us with results more deserving of the public confidence. In pursuance of the plan of the former edi- tion, and for reasons which it is not necessary here to repeat, the pharmacoposia is written out 252 ON THE PHARMACOPOEIA on opposite pages in Latin and in English. The classical latinity of the London Pharma- copoeia is adopted as a standard, and, by keep- ing this in view, a unity of style is preserved throughout the book. We see no cause to be dissatisfied with the general purity and ele- gance of this language, though in one case, we observe, the convention have erroneously fol- lowed the London example, in using the geni- tive 'rosmarini,' and ablative 'rosmarino,' in- stead of the undoubted rorismarini, and rore- marino, sanctioned by Horace, Columella, and other classics. In regard to names, .the convention informs us in their preface, that for reasons which they discuss at length, they have adopted the mod- ern chemical nomenclature, in which the names are expressive of the composition of bodies. This was in most cases done by the framers of the former pharmacopoeia, but in the present edition an attempt has been made to bring the nomenclature more completely in accordance with the best scientific usage. Thus we have chloride of sodium, instead of muriate of soda ; ferrocyanate of iron, instead of prussiate of iron, OF THE UNITED STATES. 253 &c. In a few instances, however, to avoid great circumlocution, a pharmaceutical name is re- tained in the place of a more expressive chemi- cal appellation, as in the case of alumen, hy- drargyrum, ammoniatum, &c. In conformity with the present language of chemistry, the proportional composition of bodies, it appears, is intended to be expressed, and we have, among other things, a bicarbonate of potass, and a bicarbonate of soda. But this intention is not always executed throughout the work, which seems to us a defect in uniformity. The substance called by this convention sulphate of copper is a bisulphate, and ought so to be called in a chemical nomenclature, since there is another sulphate, composed of one equivalent of acid and one of peroxide of copper, which is precipitated by adding pure potass to the solution of the bisulphate above mentioned, in a quantity insufficient for separating the whole of the acid. We know not for what reason it has been thought proper to omit, as synonyms, certain commercial names of common usage, while others, of much less frequent occurrence, are 254 O1S THE PHARMACOPO3IA retained. The student of pharmacy who would know what is meant by Epsom salt, Glauber's salt, blue vitriol, and other names which meet him in the daily price current, must seek for information in other books than the American Pharmacopeia. These names being interna- tional and long established, cannot, we think, with propriety, be given up in a work of general pharmacy. In the nomenclature of substances derived from the vegetable kingdom, the work before us adheres to the simple and appropriate plan of the first edition, that of using, in all practi- cable cases, a single word for the name of the drug, leaving its nature and origin to be de- fined in the opposite column. This peculiarity of the American Pharmacopoeia is one of its leading excellences, and one which the New York convention seem to have acted unwisely in abandoning. Most of the names used in other pharmacopeias, to express vegetable sub- stances, are either unwieldy in their length, or improper in their application. Thus the drug assafoetida is called by the Edinburgh college gummi resina ferulae assafcetidae, a name which OF THE UNITED STATES. 255 is highly descriptive, but inapplicable to com- mon use. By the London college it is called assafoetidae gummi resina ; but as the term as- safoetida alone is not the name of any plant, in any botanical system of the present day, the whole name is incorrectly composed. The , simple name of the drug, assafoetida, is un- doubtedly better than either. In like manner columbo may be called by the simple name colomba, or by the circuitous name cocculi palmata radix, but not calumbse radix, for there is no such plant as calumba. The American Pharmacopoeia has another advantage in using simple names, whenever the drug happens to be derived from several plants, as camphor, senna, rheum, and aloe, or from several animals, ich- thyocolla. In the present edition, a slight vari- ation is made from the former, in using the Latin name of the article always in the singular number, as cantharis, caryophyllus, prunum, instead of cantharides, &c. This method pre- serves uniformity, and is supported by the usage of Celsus in similar cases. As in the former edition, the materia medica list is divided into two columns, the first of 256 ON THE PHARMACOPOEIA which contains the officinal name of each ar- ticle, in Latin and English, together with oc- casional synonyms, while the other defines the substance intended, and gives explanatory ref- erences. This part of the work gives evidence of a laudable degree of care and research, yet we notice a few minor things deserving of re- mark. The substance called lupulin, derived from the hop, is defined ' strobilorum pollen.' As the word pollen has, in vegetable physi- ology, a specific meaning, it would have been better to have used some other name to ex- press powder. In the Latin, lupulia, as used by the New York convention, is more conso- nant to morphia and quinia than lupulina. We see no reason for giving up spermaceti, the universally received name, both in chemistry and commerce, and substituting cetaceum of the London college, a word which is neither more classical, nor more definitive. Scabious, applied to erigeron, is a provincial misnomer, that name belonging only to scabiosa. In regard to preparations, the convention considering this the most extensive and impor- tant part of the work, have devoted to it a OF THE UNITED STATES. 257 greater share of their attention. They inform us that examination has been carried into all its parts, and not a single process has been allowed to escape a close scrutiny. One of the most prominent defects of the original phar- macopoeia was a want of uniformity, both in the manner of conducting the processes, and in the style of describing them. This arose from the variety of sources from which materials were drawn, and the want of due time to re- mould and shape them, so as to produce a harmonious whole. In the present edition an effort has been made to supply these deficien- cies, and to produce uniformity of language, as well as correspondence and unity of design, in the different parts of the work. In the selection of the process for each preparation, two princi- ples are stated to have governed the choice of formulse, independent of their intrinsic merit, which, when superior, has always been allow- ed a predominating influence. When two or more methods of preparing the same compound, equally meritorious in themselves, have come under consideration, that has been preferred which has united in its favor the widest preva- 17 258 ON THE PHARMACOPCEIA lence in this country, and the sanction of the majority of the British pharmacopeias. It is considered highly desirable, that uniformity in the preparation of medicines should everywhere prevail, for the benefits accruing from the mu- tual interchange of the medical writings of different civilized nations, must be greatly af- fected by any material difference in the nature or composition of the remedies employed. This remark is especially applicable to Great Britain and the United States, and to all countries where the English language is generally used- It is a duty, therefore, say the convention, which we owe to the cause of pharmacy, to throw our weight into the scale which already preponde- rates, and thus contribute to the production and maintenance of the desired uniformity. In those cases where the chemical formulae of the original pharmacopoeia have been found to be defective or objectionable, their place has been supplied by more accurate and practicable rules, founded on a course of careful investiga- tions. In this way the economy and uniformity of certain processes is greatly promoted. New preparations, which have been brought to light OF THE UNITED STATES. 259 by the uncommon progress of pharmaceutic investigations, during the last dozen years, are, in various instances, inserted. Such are the preparations of iodine, quinine and morphine. The convention, however, have shown a wise forbearance, in not crowding their book with the host of new articles, often, we apprehend, more curious than useful, which modern chem- istry has been enabled to extort from vegetable drugs. Retrenchment has been freely exercised in lopping off many of the superfluous formu- las, which a necessity for hasty compromise had caused to be introduced into the pages of the old pharmacopoeia ; and, among other articles dismissed is the acetum opii, or black drop, a revived piece of antiquity, wasteful in its com- position, and utterly uncertain in its strength, the place of which is now better supplied by the acetated tincture of opium, and the acetate of morphia. For ourselves, by the way, we lean to the opinion, that opium, to produce its full benefit, must be opium still, and we are not sure that any of the artificial salts of mor- phia are better than the natural meconate. We have seen delirium tremens brought on under 260 ON THE PHARMACOPEIA the use of denarcotized laudanum. If the crude drug were cumbersome from the bulk necessary to form a dose, as in the case of cinchona, it would be highly useful to reduce its active in- gredient into a smaller compass. But this is not the case with many of the narcotics. Very complex medical formulas, such as abound among the old writers, and still encum- ber the pages of many of the pharmacopoeias, we deem to be a superfluous appendage to medical science. One of the greatest modern improvements is found in the simplification of medical prescriptions. The art of prescribing appears to us a more simple affair than it has been represented by the hypercritical pedantry of Dr. Paris. We admit that adjuvants will help, and that corrigents will correct; never- theless, we find that castor oil, ipecac, and opium will often do their duty without either. In admitting the influence of chemical consid- erations in the exhibition of medicines, it is important to recollect that the stomach has a chemistry of its own, and that the digestive organs exert a material control over the force of ordinary chemical agents, separating ele- OF THE UNITED STATES. 261 ments which have strong mutual attractions, and dissolving bodies which are insoluble in common menstrua. We ought by no means to consider medicines inert in proportion as they are insoluble, for we have a proof to the contrary in calomel. Nor are we to con- sider those substances medicinally incompati- ble, which, if mixed out of the body, occasion a precipitate, or a change of color. What in- compatible, we would ask, destroys the effect of opium, strychnine, or cantharides ? Another consideration which has great weight with writers on chemistry and pharmacy, is the exactness and precision of the quantities em- ployed in their preparations. This circum- stance, although of great consequence in strict- ly chemical compounds, is less so in arbitrary mixtures ; and in the administration of simpler medicines its importance diminishes still fur- ther. Practical physicians know, that a degree of accuracy, approaching nearer than within a fifth or sixth part of the amount desired for producing a given effect, is seldom attainable. Apothecaries divide their pills and powders by the eye, and patients take liquids by drops and 262 ON THE PHARMACOPEIA spoonfuls. Nay, that physician must possess uncommon shrewdness, who, even after appor- tioning his dose by the most accurate weight and measure, can foretel with certainty how or when, how much or how often, it is going to operate. The stomachs of different patients, and those of the same patient at different times, vary more, if possible, than the samples of the same drug in commerce. On these accounts we feel but little concern for the changes which the convention have thought proper to make in the character or strength of preparations and compositions, so long as they do not exceed the limits above mentioned. But in a few cases we observe that the strength has been altered in the pro- portion of .two to one, or vice versa, and of such changes we propose to take notice. The vinum antimonii, which in the old edition con- tained four grains to the fluid ounce, in this edition contains but two, and is therefore re- duced in strength one half. "We object to this change, because the stimulating character of the menstruum is incompatible with the indications for which antimony is generally administered, OF THE UNITED STATES. 263 and we apprehend that a glass or two of Tene- riffe wine would do no good to a man in apo- plexy or incipient fever. The wine, indeed, ought to bear as small a proportion as possible to the operative medicine, and if the London college is followed in lessening the proportion of antimony, it should also have been followed in diluting the wine largely with water. The vinegar and syrup of squill are increased to twice their former strength, a change in itself of no consequence, when the public shall have learned to regulate the dose. Liniment of am- monia is reduced to one quarter of its former strength. Can this preparation ever be too strong for the purposes to which it is applied ? In a work so generally uniform and consen- taneous in its parts as the American Pharma- copoeia, we would willingly have dispensed with such names as pulvis aromaticus and pilulae cathartics composite. These names designate nothing that is not common to a thousand other combinations. A few things are omitted in this edition, which we would have willingly seen retained ; but we are not disposed to cavil on this ac- 264 ON THE PHARMACOPEIA count, since in that instance, as well as in the case of objectionable formulas, the evil may generally be remedied by extemporaneous pre- scription. Every man has his particular taste and judgment, and de gustibus non disputan- dum. In the wine of antimony, to which we have objected, the evil is remedied by extem- poraneous solutions in water, which are far preferable to those in wine. Even though a pharmacopoeia should arrive at the highest and most unquestioned point of excellence, still physicians woukl suit themselves with formulas of their own, adapted to particular cases. We apprehend that most practitioners pass their lives in ignorance of half the contents of phar- maceutical works. For ourselves, not being particularly given to hyper-practice, we should feel a strong sentiment of pity for the patients of that physician whose yearly rounds involved the application of the whole pharmacopoeia. To conclude, having indulged somewhat freely in our remarks on the national work produced by the convention at Washington, we proceed to make the amende honorable, by declaring our conviction, that it is on the whole OF THE UNITED STATES. 265 superior to any of the European pharmacopoeias with which we are acquainted ; that it is better suited to the wants of the American commu- nity than any work of the kind which has been published among us ; that it has emanated from a larger delegation, and has undergone a more rigorous supervision, than any similar produc- tion of the day; and that, therefore, it ought to become the standard of the United States. In conformity with the views expressed in the first part of this article, we also hope, that, to relieve the profession from the annoyance of incessant fluctuations, the contents of this book will be respected by all future conventions as something solid and permanent ; ancl that if, as the edifice grows old, it shall be found to need repairs, enlargement, or modern decora- tions, still that its foundations may not be wantonly assailed, and that its walls may stand as a landmark and a barrier against the confu- sion of fluctuating language. ON THE MUCUNA PRURIENS WITH REMARKS ON THE IRRITABILITY OF DIFFERENT TEXTURES. THE Dolichos pruriens of Linnaeus, now call- ed Mucuna pruriens, and, in English, Cowhage, is a climbing plant of the West Indies, the pods or seed-vessels of which are covered with stiff, sharp bristles, or spiculse. I have examined these bristles in a microscope, and find them to be extremely acute, hollow, and apparently cov- ered on the outside with little warts or vesicles. It is well known that when these bristles are rubbed on the skin, they excite an intense and violent itching, which lasts for a considerable time. They have been sometimes indiscreetly used as a counter-irritant, applied to the skin, by spreading from four to six grains on lint, and ON THE MUCUNA PRURIENS. 267 confining it with adhesive plaster. The result, within my observation, has been an exceedingly uncomfortable itching and burning of the part, which on the second day became universally red and inflamed. A copious eruption of papu- lae followed, which increased in size for a week, and at length terminated in pustules, which re- quired a second week to pass into scabs. In one patient two or three large prominences like boils, continued for ten days after the rest of the part was well. The irritation produced by cowhage appears to me greatly to exceed that which attends the application of flies or of tartar emetic. One patient, a woman, assured me she got no rest for two nights. On examining the skin, it was found in a state of great inflammation, exquisite tenderness, and stuck full of the spiculee. After attempting in vain to relieve the trouble by a poultice, recourse was had to a mixture of Plas- ter of Paris and water, which was poured and suffered to harden upon the skin. When with- drawn from the skin, it extracted and brought with it the spiculas, to the great relief of the patient. The same experiment, however, prov- 268 ON THE MUCUNA PRURIENS. ed inapplicable to a man whose breast was covered with hairs, and did not admit of the process. Cowhage was introduced into practice, I be- lieve, by Dr. Chamberlain, who has published a small work upon it, strongly recommending it as a remedy for worms. Reasoning probably a priori, he supposed that a substance which occasions so much irritation to the human skin, would act in a similar manner upon the bodies of worms in the alimentary canal. Finding that when mixed with honey or molasses, it could be swallowed with impunity, this author, and subsequent writers of Dispensatories, have recommended its use as a remedy for worms, in the dose of from five to ten grains. When strong cathartics have followed its employment, worms in some cases have been brought to light, but I apprehend not more frequently than in cases where no cowhage has been given. Many years ago, having occasion to doubt the anthel- mintic properties of this medicine, after it should have undergone the process of digestion in the stomach, I performed with it a number of expe- riments. A parcel of the spiculae of full strength ON THE MUCUNA PRURIENS. 269 were soaked in blood-warm water for about ten minutes. On withdrawing them, they were found softened, apparently deprived of their venom, and wholly incapable of irritating the skin when rubbed upon it. Another portion was tied up in a muslin bag, and forced into the stomach of a cat. At the end of ten minutes an emetic was administered, which brought up the bag with the spiculaB so far digested that they could not be made to give the slightest irritation to the skin. I am therefore obliged to conclude that the vermifuge action attributed to cowhage was in reality due to the cathartics which fol- lowed its use. Within a few weeks past,* I have noticed another curious property of the dolichos, that it stimulates the skin, but does not stimulate the mucous membrane. Applied to the hand, for example, it immediately causes violent itching; but if rubbed on the inside of the lip, or tongue, it excites no sensation beyond the ordinary me- chanical stimulus. In like manner the effect on the outside and inside of the cheek are wholly * January, 1844. 270 ON THE MUCUNA PRURIENS. different. It is this fact, probably, and not the sheathing quality of the mucilage or syrup in which it is taken, that enables patients at all times to swallow it with impunity, as a medi- cine. It is a field of interesting inquiry to ascertain how far particular morbid poisons and stimu- lants confine their action to particular textures. As far as my observation extends, the cutaneous poisons which produce eruptions on the skin independent of any acrimony, or general stim- ulating quality, such as the Rhus vernix, &c., for the most part confine their action to the true skin or dermoid texture, and do not inflame the mucous membrane, so that they have often been eaten with impunity. Were it otherwise, effects highly dangerous to life would occur from the inflammation of the trachea and other mucous passages, if an action should take place in them at all correspondent in violence to that which is seen upon the skin. But there is another class of poisons which affects the mucous membrane, without incommoding the skin, at least by su- perficial contact. Such is the effluvium of roses and that of new hay, which always affect ON THE MUCUNA PRURIENS. 271 certain persons with catarrhal symptoms. Such is also the poison of syphilis and that of gonor- rhoea, which are believed not to act through the cuticle, but which develop their activity as soon as they are brought in contact with a mucous surface. There are other poisons, which seem alike to influence the dermoid and mucous tissues. The sting of a bee or wasp immediately inflames the skin, and it is said to have occasioned death by suffocation when applied to the fauces or throat. It is possible that the morbid poison of scarla- tina, and of some other diseases which affect simultaneously the skin and mucous membrane, may possess the same universality of action. ON THE POISONOUS EFFECTS or THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE, OR RUFFED GROUSE. THE Tetrao umbellus of Linnaeus, variously called Partridge in the northern and eastern States, Pheasant in Pennsylvania and the west- ern States, and " Ruffed Grous" by Wilson, Nut- tall, and Audubon, appears to inhabit the conti- nent from Hudson's Bay to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. It is a handsome bird of the Gallinaceous tribe, with mottled plumage, the tail 18-feathered, speckled, and barred with black, and with a black subter- minal band. The male has a ruff of broad black feathers on the sides of the neck, the female a smaller ruff of a dusky brown. Its THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. 273 favorite resorts are mountainous regions covered with evergreen trees, and in more cultivated countries it often frequents apple-trees, which are secluded or concealed by woods, having a fondness for the buds of this tree. It is well known to residents in the interior, by the drum- ming noise which in the pairing season it makes with its wings, and also by the stratagem with which the mother protects her young by an illu- sive demonstration of surrendering herself in their place. The partridge is quite common in the eastern States, and constitutes one of the most frequent kinds of game in our markets. The flesh is much prized for the delicacy of its flavor, and is in its greatest perfection in September and Oc- tober. It feeds in summer on wild berries, and at other seasons on the leaves, buds, and seeds of various plants. It is generally known, that although vast numbers of these birds are every year consumed with impunity, yet instances now and then hap- pen of persons being apparently poisoned or made sick with alarming symptoms, soon after swallowing their flesh. The following cases are 18 274 ON THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF selected from among a larger number, which have been observed by myself or my medical friends, and of which a part are in the records of the Society of Medical Improvement. CASE I. A gentleman of this city having dined at Worcester in part upon partridge, took the cars for Boston half an hour afterward. In an hour after entering, he was taken with sensations like those of sea sickness, accompa- nied with dizziness and great prostration of strength. With difficulty he got his head out and vomited from the window of the car. He continued faint, cold, dizzy, and unable to sit up, with ringing in the ears and imperfect vision. He was conveyed to his house in a sinking and nearly insensible state. When I first saw him, he was cold and moist, with a slow intermittent and very feeble pulse, difficult comprehension, and sluggish utterance. He had vomited again with some relief. His vision was partially re- covered. Stimulants had been given him, with hot applications and frictions to the surface, under which he gradually recovered. THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. 275 CASE II. A lady of delicate health took at dinner a small piece of the breast and leg of a partridge. Two hours afterward she became suddenly very faint, and her physician (Dr. Put- nam) was called. She was found by him in a sitting posture on the bed, supported by two assistants, with the body bent forward. The surface was generally cold, countenance pale and sunken, and voice feeble. There was slight, frequent convulsive action of the muscles. The pupils were dilated, with loss of vision. Pulse irregular, feeble, at times nearly imper- ceptible. There was drowsiness approaching to insensibility, nausea and vomiting. Spiritu- ous stimulants were given and ipecacuanha, with warmth, friction and sinapisms externally. Soon after free vomiting took place there was evident amendment. The sensibility returned, questions were comprehended, but the answers were slow and laborious. In the course of two or three hours vision was restored with contrac- tion of the pupils and intolerance of light, with a remaining sense of numbness and uneasiness in the head. 276 ON THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF CASE III. A man aged sixty, who had al- ways been healthy, but within a few months troubled with shortness of breath, which his physician attributed to some affection of the heart, ate the white meat of a partridge, avoid- ing the dark meat and the parts contiguous to it. About an hour afterwards he went to church, where he was shortly taken with a sensation of distress at the stomach, which he referred to the disagreement of his food. He endeavored to resist this annoyance, and kept his seat for some time, but at length his sight totally left him, he became faint, and fell. He was carried out of church, and laid on his back in the open air. At this time there was no pulse, and the respiration was hardly perceptible. These symptoms were at first attributed by those around to the suspected disease of the heart, but in the course of ten minutes he began to revive. The first word he uttered was ' poison- ed,' and the second, ' the partridge.' He soon began to revive, sat up, got upon his feet with assistance, but had lost all power over his legs, and was unable to stand. He was now put into a carriage, some pressure was made upon THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. 277 the stomach, and he began to vomit. Ipecac and warm water were given him until the stomach was fully evacuated. He remained somewhat delirious for a few hours, but on the following day was restored to his customary health. CASE IV. A gentleman, twenty-six years of age, dined at 5 P. M. on soup, boiled tongue and potatoes, and ate the leg and part of the breast of a partridge. . He afterwards went to a club- room, and remained till 8. On going out at this time he became chilly, and felt a sharp pain through the temples. He repaired to a shop for some soda-water, and while standing there was affected with vertigo and a ' trance- like' feeling. This was followed by ringing in the ears, and a remarkable sense of coldness, mostly in the back of the neck and shoulders. He was unable to get warm at the fire, and the sensation given to bystanders by his head was compared to that of the contact of a stone jar. He had taken hot spirit and water, and was sitting up when seen by Dr. Holmes at 9 o'clock. At this time the voice and expression were 278 ON THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF natural, mind a little excited, vision dim at times and once or twice quite lost, pupils widely dilated and equal, contracting but slightly on the approach of a light, hands rather cold, pulse 76, regular, small but not thready, no nausea nor vomiting. Took wine of ipecac, and threw off freely portions of food. In the course of half an hour was thoroughly relieved, but was lan- guid and costive next day. Two or three other persons, as it appeared, had partaken of the same partridge without obvious inconvenience. CASE V. A gentleman, aged seventy-four, of full habit and subject to gout, ate at breakfast the black meat of one partridge. In an hour or two he went to church, where he soon became sick, faint and dizzy. On being carried home he was found in a state approaching that of collapse, pale, livid, cold, nearly pulseless, and without vision. His appearance was that of a dying man with glazed eyes and gasping for breath. Had repeated nausea, but vomited fluids only. Took stimulants, principally hot gin and water, and gradually recovered, after THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. 279 passing a restless night with much thirst. It was remarked that others- of the family ate the white meat of the same bird without any disa- greeable consequences. CASE VI. A female,. whx> had eaten at 12 o'clock of the white and black meat of a par- tridge, in half an hour was taken- with pain in the chest and throat, nausea, weaker-ess and loss of sight. "Was seen by her physician at 4 P. M. Her pulse was 54, and hardly perceptible. After taking brandy and water and half a drachm of ipecac, her pulse improved in strength, but was still 54 only. Her mind remained clear, and the most remarkable symptoms were the blind- ness and slow and feeble pulse. CASE VII. An elderly gentleman, of full habit, breakfasted in part on a partridge. In two hours he was seized with dizziness, partial loss of consciousness, and violent pain extend- ing through the abdomen to the back. When visited by Dr. H. J. Bigelow, he was found on his hands and knees, cold, faint, partly insensi- ble and nearly pulseless. The pain having sub- 280 ON THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF sided, returned at intervals, causing him to call often to have his back rubbed. After an emetic he was much relieved, and rallied slowly in the course of the afternoon. CASE VIII. For this and the two following, I am indebted to Dr. Morrill Wyman. A very athletic and active man, aged fifty, at times making very great and long-continued exertion and eating freely, February 14, 1849, took supper at 7 P. M. ; ate two roasted par- tridges, with ale and other liquors. At 8 o'clock felt somewhat heavy, and thinking he had eaten too much supper, proposed to go to the bowling alley for exercise. In a few minutes perceived that the lights in the room had a blue tinge, the fire also ; asked if any new kind of burning fluid had been used, and immediately fell, with loss of consciousness. Just previously to the loss of consciousness, had pain in the back of the neck, extending down along the spine and into the arm. In ten or fifteen minutes partially recovered, then again unconscious ; muscles of limbs completely relaxed; face very pale; respiration four to six times per minute ; pulse THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. 281 18 to 22 ; hands and feet cold and moist ; groaned frequently ; vomited freely and spon- taneously, and afterwards under the influence of mustard flour mixed with warm water. Warm blankets and bottles of hot water were applied to the epigastrium and limbs, and in the course of two hours he had recovered his consciousness and drank warm tea. Slept well during the night. In the morning was quite well. CASE IX. Same individual. February 23, 1850, went into the country in the morning and rode till 3 o'clock, P. M. ; then sat down in the open air and ate a part of a partridge, but it was so bitter that the remainder was thrown away ; drank a wine-glass of brandy. Took railroad train, and on leaving it in thirty-five minutes walked from fifteen to twenty min- utes, when (about one hour after eating the partridge,) had pain in the back of the neck and limbs, Passed a house, and observed that the lights appeared blue, and immediately suspect- ed the partridge of being the cause of his trou- bles. Soon after, found himself at the bottom of a steep declivity, having lost his conscious- 282 ON THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF ness and rolled down a bank. Got up, and walked to a house ; again noticed the blue lights. In attempting to take a glass of cold water again lost his consciousness and fell ; was carried home, and after taking mustard flour, vomited and was soon relieved. Before vomit- ing, respiration very slow and not more than half the usual number of inspirations. Pulse 42 per minute ; hands and feet cold and the face pale. During the periods of loss of consciousness, which did not continue more than five minutes at a time, the limbs were quite powerless. The recovery was sudden, and the action energetic ; speech impeded, apparently from want of mus- cular power. Time elapsed between first symp- toms and relief by vomiting, from an hour and a half to two hours. CASE X. Mrs. W., aged forty -five, ate for dinner, two days before the date of the last case, a part of a roasted partridge, bought at the same time with that used by her husband. This, also, was extremely bitter, and only a small quantity eaten. After dinner walked a mile to a conservatory ; when near the conserv- THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. 283 atory felt weak ; pain in both back of neck and limbs. Felt faint in the conservatory, and obliged to return to the open air ; was nausea- ted, but did not vomit. Immediately walked towards home ; found her limbs unsteady, obliged to run and then stop and support herself by the fence ; was compelled to lie down, but did not lose consciousness ; was carried home. The pain in the back of the neck and limbs continued till 9 o'clock, when she went to bed. Had occasion- ally some difficulty of breathing, a catching of the breath. In the morning was quite well. Neither of these individuals have eaten par- tridges since. The principal and most characteristic symp- toms were loss of consciousness ; relaxation of the muscles, and in one instance of the sphinc- ters ; paleness ; Cold feet and hands ; slow and infrequent respiration, and slow and infrequent but regular pulse. The act of vomiting was followed by almost immediate relief. To these cases may be added a number more, the outlines of which have been communicated by different medical friends. 284 ON THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF From a general analysis of the symptoms produced, it appears that under certain circum- stances the flesh of the partridge acts as a direct sedative poison, impairing the functions of the brain, and, in connection, those of the digestive and circulating systems. The cerebral symp- toms, in a majority of cases, have been vertigo, loss of sight, tinitus aurium, and in bad cases general loss of the power of sensation and vol- untary motion. Respiration has been slow, sometimes to a great degree. In the circulating system there has been syncope, feeble and some- times irregular action of the heart ; weak, slow, and sometimes imperceptible pulse ; cold sur- face, and pale or livid complexion. In the digestive system there is oppression, nausea with tendency to vomit, and in many cases pain in the abdomen extending through to the back. In more rare cases pain has been felt in the head and limbs. The foregoing morbid symptoms have mostly appeared within two or three hours after taking the food. But instances have occurred in which persons have been taken before leaving the table. The poison of the partridge has never, to my THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. 285 knowledge, proved fatal. The remedies usually and properly resorted to, are a prompt emetic, accompanied or followed by stimulants, if the prostration is urgent. Free spontaneous vomit- ing not unfrequently removes the difficulty be- fore the physician arrives. Acrid stimulants, such as a teaspoonful of mustard, may serve the double purpose of a quick emetic and an in- citant to the depressed vital powers. Spirits, and other diffusible stimulants, are indicated by the sinking condition of the patient, but the anxiety of friends often leads to their excessive administration, for which the patient pays by a prolonged continuance of his narcotism. Fric- tion and external warmth are indicated and generally 'desired by the patient. The flesh of the partridge is justly esteemed as a great delicacy, and is abundantly sold in the markets of this and many other cities. Audubon says of it : { In my humble opinion it far surpasses as an article of food any land bird we have in the United States, except the wild turkey.' It is in its best condition in the fall of the year, and continues to be common through- 286 ON THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF out the winter. We have hardly any species of game which is sought for with more avidity, or consumed, in proportion to its size, in greater numbers. As a general rule, it is, and may be taken with perfect impunity. The fact that the meat of the partridge occa- sionally proves poisonous, has given rise to much speculation in regard to the cause. The point most generally admitted respecting it, is, that its bad effects chiefly, if not always, take place in winter, when the ground is covered with snow. This circumstance has given rise to a popular belief that the noxious quality in the meat of the bird is attributable to some poi- sonous food on which, in winter, it is driven to subsist. And a prevalent suspicion has been fixed upon the mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia), on the buds and leaves of which the partridge has been supposed to feed in cold weather. But this suspicion appears to be not well found- ed, since I have observed in experiments made purposely, that the leaves of the kalmia are not particularly poisonous, when taken into the human stomach in any quantity which the bird would be likely to devour ; and the crops, when THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. 287 examined in winter, are found to contain leaves and fragments of most of the wild evergreen plants which are in verdure at that time. I have found among other things portions of leaves of Pyrola, Gaultheria, Smilax, Coptis, Mitchella also buds of Azalea, alder and apple tree, which latter appears to be a favorite food with the partridge. It is, furthermore, not very probable that the common process of putrid decomposition is con- cerned in producing the noxious effects in ques- tion, for this circumstance would be generally detected by the taste, and the incipient putres- cency so often recognized in game is usually corrected by the antiseptic effect of the gastric juice. More probable solutions of the difficulty are, 1. That the bird is affected with some disease at the time of its death. 2. That some slow chemical change, not putrefactive, may take place when the flesh is long kept in cold weath- er, as observed by my friend Dr. Cabot. 3. That the idiosyncrasy of individuals renders some persons intolerant of this species of food. This latter supposition is sustained by the facts, that 288 THE AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. the same person has sometimes been affected twice, that a majority of persons, partaking of the same partridge, escape unharmed, when others are poisoned, and that individuals are found who cannot eat lobster, mackerel and certain other kinds of food without suffering symptoms approaching in character to those already described. ON COFFEE AND TEA; AND THEIR MEDICINAL EFFECTS. THE articles Coffee and Tea have been so long and so generally introduced as luxuries of the table, that they are now viewed by the world as materials of diet and nutrition, and not in their proper light, as substances incapa- ble of nourishing the body in any considerable degree, and depending for their value on an effect which is simply medicinal. If any one doubts whether they should be referred to the class of aliments, or to that of medicines, let him try the experiment of supporting life upon coffee or tea alone, and he would probably find that his term would not be much prolonged by such an expedient. Yet, when taken in combination with nutritious food, both these articles exert a salutary and useful influence upon digestion and health. The experience of 10 290 ON COFFEE AND TEA. all civilized nations has shown them to be innocent, when used at proper times and in moderate quantities, while, like all other medi- cinal substances, they are capable of abuse, if taken under improper circumstances or to an excessive degree. As these two substances have a close affinity to each other, possessing properties not known to exist in any other plant, they are properly associated with each other as a class under the name of anthypnotics. Should any plant be here- after found to possess qualities similar to those of coffee and tea, it would doubtless acquire an immediate value, and perhaps be in the same request as these imported articles. The subject is an interesting one for future inquiry, and al- ready an identity in the active alkaloid principle has been asserted for some species of Ilex and Paullinia, consumed by the inhabitants of South America. The prevailing fondness for coffee and tea is probably an acquired taste, like that for tobacco and alcohol. The flavor of both these articles in their crude state is disagreeable to most persons not already initiated in their use. But ON COFFEE AND TEA. 291 the discovery in modern times of their second- ary effects, and the agreeable influence which they exert on the brain and nervous system, has created for them a general demand and consumption throughout the world. Coffee is the product of the Coffcea Arabica, a small tree which grows native in Arabia and several warm countries of the old continent, and is now cultivated extensively in the West Indies and tropical parts of the continent of America. The fruit of this tree is a roundish oblong berry, containing two seeds, the form and appearance of which are sufficiently familiar, constituting the common coffee which is brought to this country. The use of coffee was unknown to the Greeks and Romans, and does not appear to have been known in the Asiatic countries as late as the time of the Crusades in the thirteenth century, although its first introduction into Europe was from Arabia. It seems to have been earliest in use in Ethiopia, where it has been drunk by the natives for a great length of time. Mr. 292 ON COFFEE AND TEA. Bruce, in his Travels in Abyssinia states, that the Gallse, a wandering nation of Africa, in their incursions on Abyssinia, being obliged to traverse immense deserts, and wishing to be encumbered with as little baggage as possible, take with them a mixture of coffee and butter rolled up into balls, and carried in a leathern bag. One of these, about the size of a billiard ball, keeps them, they say, in strength and spirits during a day's fatigue. Coffee was in- troduced into Mecca, Medina and Cairo about the middle of the fifteenth century, and two coffee-houses were opened at Constantinople in 1554. Both at Cairo and in Turkey it had to encounter political and religious opposition ; the dervises affirmed that roasted coffee was nothing but a coal, and that the eating of coals was forbidden by the laws of their prophet. So that the coffee-houses were obliged to be shut up until ' a more sensible mufti ' succeed- ed in convincing the people that roasted coffee was not a coal, upon which they were again opened. In later years the use of coffee be- came extremely prevalent throughout the east. Houses for selling it were established in all ON COFFEE AND TEA. 293 parts of the Turkish empire ; it was introduced into private families, and the refusal of a husband to supply his wife with coffee was reckoned among the legal causes of a di- vorce. In Europe coffee was introduced into France and England about a century and a half ago. So rapid was the progress of a taste for it after it became known, that in eight years from its introduction, it had become in England a subject of public revenue. Coffee has seldom been used in its raw state, except sometimes as a fanciful addition to certain liqueurs and ices. A decoction of raw coffee is disagreeable to the taste, but appears to possess properties analogous to those which it exhibits after being roasted. The roasting of coffee improves its flavor, and occasions considerable changes in its chemical constitu- tion, without impairing its stimulant or medi- cinal activity. A peculiar alkaloid, called caf- feine, is detected in both raw and roasted coffee. It is considered by chemists to be identical with theine, found in tea and in a few other vegetables. An aromatic oil, which has been 294 ON COFFEE AND TEA. called caffeone^ is produced during the process of roasting. During the extensive trial which has been made all over the world, as to the effect of coffee upon the health, no small diversity of opinion has existed in regard to its specific powers. Of the properties ascribed to it, two seem better established than any others. These are its property of assisting digestion, and that of obviating drowsiness. Coffee, when taken into the stomach, usually creates a pleasing sense of vigor in that organ, it moderates ali- mentary fermentation, takes off the feeling of distension and heaviness occasioned by over- eating, counteracts in some degree the fumes of wine, and produces a lightness and hilar- ity of mind, more moderate but more per- manent than that occasioned by vinous or spirituous liquors. The custom derived from the French of drinking coffee after dinner, is beneficial, and powerfully promotes the process of digestion. It is known to epicures of most countries, that a cup of strong coffee, at the end of some hours spent at the table, enables them to continue their functions, both of body ON COFFEE AND TEA. 295 and mind, to a greater extent than would have been done under any other assistance. It is well known that coffee is strongly pro- motive of watchfulness, and enables us to resist for a long time the approaches of sleep. Stu- dents, whose lucubrations occupy a consider- able portion of the night, find a great increase of the vigilance and vigor of their faculties, derived from the use of both coffee and tea. In fact, the long habit of drinking these articles renders us so dependent on them, for the power of keeping the mind awake and active, that a change from them to any other kind of diet creates in most persons, at least for a time, a drowsiness and dulness of intellect. Hence it is common to hear milk and chocolate accused of creating sleepiness, an effect which arises, not from any real soporific influence in those arti- cles, but from the change of diet, and the want of the customary stimulus of coffee and tea. The Turks and Arabians consume large quan- tities of coffee, because it acts as an antidote to the stupefying effect of opium, to the 'abuse of which those nations are generally addicted. It has already been mentioned, and is a fact 296 ON COFFEE AND TEA* which every practitioner should remember, that perhaps no antidotal substance exerts so pow- erful an agency in counteracting the effect not only of opium, but of alcohol and the whole tribe of narcotics as a -seasonable draught of strong coffee. Many complaints have been ascribed to the frequent and excessive use of coffee, such as tremors, headache, vertigo, and some more serious disorders. These complaints are most apt to appear when coffee has been taken alone, without a sufficient quantity of nourish- ment accompanying it. It is common for physicians, in the course of practice, to hear complaints of a sinking at the stomach, uni- versal trembling of the limbs, and a loss of muscular power, coming on at eleven or twelve in the morning, and incapacitating the patient for business. These complaints I have, in more than half the instances which have come under my notice, been able to trace to a cup or two of strong coffee, or perhaps tea, taken for break- fast without a particle of nourishment, or at least without a sufficient quantity to support the system, during and after the stimulant ope- ON COFFEE AXD TEA. 297 ration of these active liquids. I have generally found these complaints to be most effectually relieved by the simple remedy of eating, and cured either by increasing the quantity and quality of nourishment taken in the morning, or by exchanging the coffee for cocoa, chocolate or milk. TEA. The tea tree, called by Linnaeus THEA, is a native of Japan, China, Tonquin, and Assam. Linneeus believed that there were two distinct species of this genus, producing the green tea and the black, to which he has given the names of Thea viridis and Thea bohea, and distin- guishes them by the number of petals in their flowers, the one having six petals, the other nine. But subsequent observers have found the number of these organs to be uncertain, vary- ing from three to nine ; and travellers in China and Japan, as well as various distinguished botanists, have arrived at the opinion, that the different kinds of tea brought from those coun- tries are the product of a single species, subject only to varieties from the influence of soil, cli- 298 ON COFFEE AND TEA. mate, time of gathering, and mode of prepara- tion. The tea plant is a small evergreen tree or shrub, of the height of six or eight feet. It grows in the valleys, and on the sloping sides of mountains, with a southern exposure. In Japan it is planted around the borders of fields without regard to the kind of soil, while in China, where it is an important article of com- merce, whole fields are covered with it, and .cultivated with the greatest care.* * The origin of the employment of tea as a beverage amongst the Chinese, is wrapped in the obscurity which generally be- longs to ancient usages ; and a fabulous tale is narrated, as to its introduction, which has had credence even amongst the better informed inhabitants of the empire, whilst, as is usual with fables, it has been imagined to have some allegorical allusion, which, if explained, would satisfy the lover of anti- quarian lore. The tale is thus related by one of the compilers of a history of China : ' Darma, a very religious prince, and third son of an Indian king, named Kosjusvo, is said to have landed in China, in the year 510 of the Christian era. He employed all his care and thought to diffuse throughout the country a knowledge of God and religion ; and, being desirous to excite men by his exam- ple, imposed on himself privations and mertifications of every kind, living in the open air, and devoting the days and nights ON COFFEE AND TEA. 299 When the plants have attained their third year, the collection of the leaves is commenced. It is repeated every year until the trees are seven or eight years old, after which they are cut down, that they may shoot up afresh from the roots, a process which increases the quan- tity of leaves. The leaves are carefully picked oft', one by one. In Japan, the best kind, called imperial tea, is collected at the end of February, or the beginning of March, before the leaves are fully unfolded. This tea is scarce and dear, and is to prayer and contemplation. After several years, however, being worn out with fatigue, he fell asleep against his will ; and, that he might faithfully observe his oath, which he thought he had violated, he cut off his eyelids, and threw them on the ground. Next day, having returned to the same spot, he found them changed into a shrub which the earth had never before produced. Having eaten some of the leaves of it, he found his spirits exhilarated and his former vigor restored. He recom- mended this aliment to his disciples and followers. The repu- tation of tea increased, and after that time it continued to be generally used. Kaempfer, in his Amanitates Exotica, gives the life with a portrait of this saint, so celebrated in China and Japan. There is seen at the feet of Darma a reed, which indicates that he had traversed the seas and rivers.' Sigmonl on Tea, p. 12. 300 ON COFFEE AND TEA. drunk by the grandees and rich people only. The second gathering is made a month later, taking indiscriminately the' leaves that are un- folded and those which are not. Finally, a month after this, is made the third and last gathering, consisting of leaves fully grown, which furnish the poorest and lowest priced teas, consumed by the common people. It is now pretty well understood that the different sorts of tea imported into this country, from the finest green teas to the poorest bohea, de?- pend for their difference of quality very much upon the time of their gathering. The process -of gathering, drying, and rolling the leaves is very laborious, and is in some instances conducted with the most superfluous nicety. In Japan, where a particular mountain is appropriated to raising tea for the exclusive use of the emperor, the shrubs are washed and cleansed from dust every day; the men em- ployed in gathering the leaves are obliged to bathe themselves two or three times a day, and to wear gloves in the performance of . their occupation. The drying and rolling of the leaves is per- ON COFFEE AND TEA. 301 formed by the Chinese in buildings erected for general use. Several pounds of the leaves fresh gathered are placed in a large shallow pan of thin iron, and heated over a furnace, the ope- rator shaking and turning them with his hands until they begin to crackle. The heat thus ap- plied deprives the leaves of their juice, and with it of the inebriating and deleterious properties which they possess while green. After the leaves are thoroughly roasted, they are taken out with wooden shovels and delivered to the rollers. These persons roll them rapidly and with a regular motion, with the palms of their hands, upon tables covered with fine mats, until they acquire the form in which we see them imported. This operation produces an almost insupportable burning in the hands, which is aggravated by a yellowish inflammatory juice pressed out from the leaves. Nevertheless, it is necessary to continue the operation until the leaves are completely cold, for they cannot be rolled except when hot, and in order that they should not unroll, it is necessary that they should cool under the hands. The more rapid 302 ON COFFEE AND TEA. the cooling, the better they are rolled, and on this account the workmen agitate the air with a kind of fan But, in spite of this precaution, a great number of the leaves unroll themselves, and are obliged to be separated and roasted, and rolled several successive times before they are in order to be packed. In order that the tea should keep well, it must be inclosed in vessels which are air-tight. Ksempfer assures us that the tea brought into Europe is always injured in quality, and never retains the fine flavor and delicate perfume which it has in its own country. The Japanese inclose their tea in vessels of tin, which, if large, are placed in savin boxes having their cracks closed with paper within and without. The tea imported to this country from China, it is well known, comes in tight wooden chests, lined with sheet lead hermetically soldered. It is packed in these chests by the Chinese, by stamping it down with their bare feet. Some writers have asserted that the tea is roasted upon plates of copper, and that its color is owing to verdigris, with which it thus be- ON COFFEE AND TEA. 303 comes impregnated. But those travellers who are most entitled to credit, affirm that the plates are, without exception of iron; and Dr. Lettson, after a great number of experiments made with chemical tests, never detected any trace of cop- per ; so that this suspicion appears to be void of foundation. Among the Chinese tea is drunk in a variety of ways. Some use it as we do, in the form of an infusion ; others take it in the form of fine powder mixed with boiling water. The com- mon or laboring people are said to use it in decoction, several handfuls of the ordinary kinds of tea being boiled in a kettle of water until the strength is extracted. This is taken by them as their common drink for assuaging thirst, and diluting meals. Tea was first introduced into Europe by the Dutch, before the middle of the seventeenth century, and several physicians of eminence, either from conviction of its utility, or per- haps for the more substantial reason of a pecuniary reward, published warm eulogies in its favor. From this time its adoption was rapid in all the countries of Europe, and it is 304 ON COFFEE AND TEA. now a common article of diet with both rich and poor.* * Nicolaus Tulpius was about the first medical man who wrote professionally upon tea, but his were not original obser- vations ; they were the opinions of the most eminent men he had collected to give to the world. But in 1678 appeared the first edition of a book which speedily ran through three large impressions, and had a considerable influence upon the intro- duction of tea. It was entitled Cornelia Bontekoe, Tractaat van he.t excellence Kruyd Thee. Although this work was, from the extravagance of its commendations on tea, severely kandled by some of the critics, it was translated into many lan- guages, and quoted as the highest authority. He pronounced tea to be the infallible cause of health, and that if mankind could be induced to drink a sufficient quantity of it, the innu- merable ills to which man is subject would not only be dimin- ished, but entirely unknown. He thinks that two hundred cups daily would not be too much. He is said to have been rewarded for his judgment by the liberality of the Dutch East India Com- pany. Heydentrik Overcamp, who wrote the life of Bontekoe, states that his inducement to write was to recommend himself to his fellow-citizens, and to defend himself against his colleagues, who did not follow his theory or his practice. Etmuller recom- mended tea as a fine stomachic cephalic and antinephritic. Pechlin wrote a dialogue on tea, which he entitled Theojihi/us Bibaculus, and several poets indulged themselves in its praise. Petit wrote a poem ; Peter Francius, two Anacreontics ; Hein- rich, a Doric Melydrion ; and our poet-laureate, Tate, joined the melodious bards. Whilst it met with so much approbation, there ON COFFEE AND TEA. 305 In regard to the medicinal qualities of tea, and its general influence upon the health of those who take it, reports and opinions are were likewise those who were not equally satisfied with its merits. Boerhaave, Van Swieten, and others, attempted to stem the tide that was setting in its favor, but they have proved themselves incapable of resisting the general impression ; for no beverage that has ever yet been introduced sits so agreeably on the stomach, so refreshes the system, soothes nervous irrita- tion after fatigue, or forms a more grateful repast. It contrib- utes to the sobriety of a nation ; it imparts all the charms to society which spring from the enjoyment of conversation, with- out that excitement which follows upon a fermented drink. Sigmond, p. 94. The introduction of tea-drinking into England has been as- cribed to Lord Arlington and Lord Orrery, and the year 1666 r the anntis mirabilis of Dryden, has been assigned as the exact date ; but in the diary of Mr. Pepys, secretary to the Admi- ralty, the following is registered, ' I sent for a cup of tea, a Chinese drink, of which I had never drank before.' In the diary of Henry, Earl of Clarendon, there is a memorandum, Pere Couplet supped with me, and after supper we had tea, which he said was really as good as any he drank in China.' The first historical record, however, is an act of Parliament,, passed in the year 1660, 12 Carl. II. c. 23, which enacts that a duty should be laid of eight pence per gallon on- all tea made and sold in coffee-houses j which were visited twice daily by 20 306 ON COFFEE AND TEA. various and contradictory. Such is the diver- sity of temperaments and constitutions, that it cannot otherwise happen than that an article of officers, whose duty it was to ascertain what quantity had been made. From An exact Description of the Growth, Quality, and 'Virtues of the Leaf Tea, by Thomas Garway, in Exchange Alley, near the Royal Exchange, in London, Tobacconist, and Seller and Retailer of Tea and Coffee ; published about 1660. ' Tea is generally brought from China, and groweth there upon little shrubs and bushes, the branches whereof are well garnished with white flowers, that are yellow within, of the big- ness and fashion of sweet-brier, but in smell unlike, bearing thin green leaves, about the bigness of scordium, myrtle, or euinack, and is judged to be a kind of sumack. The said leaf is of such known virtues, that those very nations, so famous for antiquity, knowledge, and wisdom, do frequently sell it among themselves for twice its weight in silver ; and the high estima- tion of the drink made therewith hath occasioned an inquiry into the nature thereof, amongst the most intelligent persons of all nations that have travelled in those parts, who, after exact tryal and experience by all wayes imaginable, have commended it to the use of their several countries, and for its virtues and operations, particularly as followeth, viz. ' The quality is moderately hot, proper for winter and sum- mer. The drink is declared to be most wholesome, preserving in perfect health until extreme old age. ON COFFEE AND TEA. 307 diet which is taken by one person with impu- nity, and even with benefit, shall in another occasion disagreeable and even serious conse- 4 The particular virtues are these : ' It maketb. the body active and lusty. ' It helpeth the headache, giddiness and heaviness thereof. ' It removeth the obstructions of the spleen. ' It taketh away the difficulty of breathing, opening obstruc- tions. 'It is good against tipitude, distillations, and cleareth the sight. 4 It removeth lassitude, and cleanseth and purifieth acrid hu- mors, and a hot liver. 4 It is good against crudities, strengthening the weakness of the ventricle or stomach, causing good appetite and digestion, and particularly for men of corpulent body, and such as are great eaters of flesh. 4 It vanquisheth heavy dreams, easeth the frame, and strength- eneth the memory. ' It overcometh superfluous sleep, and prevents sleepiness in general, a draught of the infusion being taken ; so that, without trouble, whole nights may be spent in study without hurt to the body, in that it moderately healeth and bindeth the mouth of the stomach. 4 It prevents and cures agues, surfets and fevers, by infusing a fit quantity of the leaf, thereby provoking a most gentle vomit and breathing of the pores, and hath been given with wonderful success. 308 ON COFFEE AND TEA. quences. Dr. Cullen considered tea as decid- edly narcotic and sedative in its effects ; but the most superficial observer must see that tea ' It (being prepared and drank with milk and water) strength- eneth the inward parts, and prevents consumption ; and power- fully assuageth the pains of the bowels, or griping of the guts, and looseness. ' And that the virtues and excellences of this leaf and drink are many and great, is evident and manifest by the high esteem and use of it (especially of late years) among the physicians and knowing men of France, Italy, Holland, and other parts of Christendom ; and in England it hath been sold in the leaf for six pounds, and sometimes for ten pounds the pound weight ; and in respect of its former scarceness and dearness, it hath been only used as a regalia in high treatments and entertainments, and presents made thereof to princes and grandees till the year 1657. The said Thomas Garway did purchase a quantity there- of, and first publicly sold the said tea in leaf and drink, made according to the directions of the most knowing merchants and travellers in those eastern countries ; and upon knowledge and experience of the said Garway's continued care and industry in obtaining the best tea, and making drink thereof, very many noblemen, physicians, and merchants, and gentlemen of quality, have ever since sent to him for the said leaf, and daily resort to his house in Exchange Alley aforesaid, to drink the drink thereof. 1 And that ignorance nor envy may have no ground or power to report, or suggest, that what is here asserted, of the virtues ON COFFEE AND TEA. 309 has very little in common with other narcotics. The excitement which it produces upon the mind and upon the organs of digestion is of a durable and permanent kind, and it never, like other narcotics, leaves the system in a state of somnolency and intoxication. These remarks are to be understood of tea in the state in which we consume it, that is, the state of perfect dry- ness. In its green or recent state, it is said to possess a decided narcotic quality, capable of producing intoxication and other deleterious and excellences of this precious leaf and drink, hath more of design than truth, for the justification of himself and the satis- faction of others, he hath here enumerated several authors, who, in their learned works, have expressly written and asserted the same and much more, in honor of this noble leaf and drink, Tiz. Bontius, Riccius, Jarricus, Almeyda, Horstius, Alvarez Semeda, Martinivus in his China Atlas, and Alexander de Rhodes in his Voyage and Missions, in a large discourse of the ordering of this leaf, and the many virtues of the drink ; printed at Paris, 1653, part x. chap. 13. And to the end that all persons of eminency and quality, gentlemen and others, who have occasion for tea in leaf, may be supplyed, these are to give notice, that the said Thomas hath tea to sell, from sixteen to fifty shillings in the pound.' Sig- mond, p. 96, &c. 310 ON COFFEE AND TEA. consequences. This property, however, is of a volatile nature, and is lost in the process of drying and by a few months' age. A crystalline, volatile, salefiable substance has been found in tea by chemists, and by them named Theine. It is said to exist in combina- tion with tannic acid in the leaves, and to be identical in its chemical composition with caf- feine, the alkaloid found in coffee. Its chemical character has led Liebig to suppose that, when used as an article of diet, it may promote the formation of taurine, a peculiar compound in the bile. Tea, as it is brought to us in its dry state, has the effect of creating a lightness and ex- hilaration of mind, an increased action of the stomach in the process of digestion, and, above all, a vigilance and increased power of mental exertion. Dr. Johnson is recorded to have made the teapot the companion of his lucubrations, and to have taken immense quantities of its contents, to sustain the energies of his powerful mind during the prodigious labors which he accomplished. In its other properties tea is astringent and antiseptic. It visibly produces ON COFFEE AND TEA. 311 no injurious effect upon the generality of per- sons who take it from infancy to old age. It is remarked by Desfontaines, that no vegetable is known, the infusion of which can be drunk so often and in such large quantities, without disgust. The Chinese regard it as highly salu- brious. They mix with it neither milk nor sugar, but drink it pure, sometimes holding a piece of sugar in the mouth. The constant use which this people have made of it for so many ages seems to prove that, when rightly prepared, it is destitute at least of injurious properties. Professor Kalm states, that tea is the best corrector of bad water, and that he derived from it great comfort and benefit dur- ing the illness and inconvenience of a long sea voyage. It is, in fact, one of the best remedies for slight sea-sickness. An extract made of tea is in high repute as a medicine in China, and is said to remove obstructions and pro- mote perspiration. Dr. Lettsom found that tea given in fine powder, in doses of thirty grains once in three or four hours, produced nausea and diaphoresis, and appeared to di- minish the heat accompanying inflammatory 312 ON COFFEE AND. TEA. complaints. The finer and more green is the tea, the more powerful are its specific effects. Nevertheless, a variety of injurious conse- quences have been ascribed to tea, and many no doubt have arisen, either from its abuse, or from the idiosyncrasies of those who have been the subjects of its influence. Some persons complain that, after taking freely of tea, a ner- vous agitation of the whole frame commences. The hands tremble, so as to be incapable of writing ; the limbs experience a loss of power, and perform their office with difficulty ; at the same time a confusion of ideas incapacitates the mind for any close or active train of think- ing. There are even some persons, in whom tea produces great nausea and sickness, with spasmodic pains of the stomach and bowels, and an uncontrollable agitation of spirits on the least hurry, noise or disturbance. These symp- toms, however, are the effect of some peculiarity in the constitution, a great mobility of the ner- vous system, and generally of a slender, en- feebled and effeminate frame. They may, how- ever, arise in all persons from an excessive use, either as it respects the quantity or strength of ON COFFEE AND TEA. 313 the tea, or the want of nourishment taken at the same time. I believe the number of per- sons will be found to be exceedingly small, who cannot take tea in moderate quantities and ac- companied by food, without any inconvenience whatever. The inquiry is very often made of physicians, Which is the most wholesome article of food, coffee or tea ? The prejudices of most persons are ranged on one side or the other of this ques- tion, and even practitioners themselves are apt to fall into one or the other extreme. One of the oldest and most distinguished physicians of this city,* being asked what was the difference in effect between tea and coffee, replied, that ' One is poison, and the other not.' A physi- cian of equal eminence, in Philadelphia,! de- cided on the properties of the two with equal positiveness, taking, however, the opposite side of the question. The truth is, that there are scarcely any two substances in the materia medica which bear a closer relation, or more nearly resemble each other, in their properties, * Dr. S. Danforth. t !>* B - s - Barton. 314 ON COFFEE AND TEA. than coffee and tea. Tea is more astringent than coffee, and coffee of the strength com- monly used is somewhat more stimulating than tea, otherwise the differences which have been ascribed to them have mostly arisen from the accidental opinions of individuals, whose taste and idiosyncrasies have rendered them fond of the one and averse to the other. REPORT ON THK ACTION OF COCHITTJATE WATER ON LEAD PIPES; AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE SAME ON HEALTH. [From the American Journal of Medical Sciences for 1852.] THE committee appointed by the Society of Medical Improvement in Boston, for investiga- ting the question of the occurrence 6f any dis- eases attributable to the presence of lead in the aqueduct water introduced into the city, from the Cochituate Lake, report as follows: That from an extensive inquiry among physi- cians, and also from the bills of mortality, they are led to believe that the health of the city of Boston has been uncommonly good during seve- ral years since the introduction of Cochituate water, and they have not learned that any 316 ACTION OF COCHITUATE WATER well-marked cases of the diseases usually attrib- uted to lead, have occurred, which were not traceable to some other cause than the use of Cochituate water drawn from leaden pipes. It appears from the experiments of Professor Horsford, that the water of the Schuylkill and Croton rivers, and of Jamaica and Cochituate lakes, acts upon the surface of the lead so as to take up a small portion of that metal during the first two or three days of its contact. But after a few days the surface of the lead becomes coat- ed with an insoluble compound which protects the lead for the most part from the further action of the water. Nevertheless, traces of lead are reported to have been found by various chemists in specimens of some of these waters, when greatly reduced by evaporation. In consequence of the extensive use made of lead for various economical purposes, no person in civilized society can expect to escape from the reception of that metal in minute quantities into the body. The presence of lead in the paint of dwelling-houses and furniture, of water- buckets and other culinary apparatus, in vessels made of leaden alloys or soldered with the same, ON LEAD PIPES. 317 in the lining of tea-chests, in flint-glass, and in the glazing of coarse pottery, furnishes but a part of the examples which indicate our expo- sure to receive this metal in our daily food. To these examples it may be added that physicians give lead to their patients sometimes for weeks successively, and apply solutions and solid com- pounds of the metal to absorbing surfaces for longer periods ; that persons are known to carry shot and bullets in their flesh during a long life ; and, finally, that reliable chemists testify that lead naturally exists in the solids and fluids of man, and in those of some of the animals on which he feeds. From all these facts we are authorized to draw the conclusion that in the present state of our knowledge, the presence of lead in a very minute amount, like the presence of other sub- stances in infinitesimal quantities, is inopera- tive upon the living body. It is a general law known to medical men, and to which there are not many exceptions, that diseases and symptoms produced by speci- fic metallic agents, such as mercury, lead, and arsenic, do not cease until after the withdrawal 318 ACTION OF COCIIITUATE WATER of those agents. But it appears from the re- cords of the Massachusetts General Hospital, during the last twenty years, as well as from the private experience of physicians, that many cases of lead colic and paralysis, acquired by persons who work in that metal, have got well under the daily use of water delivered from leaden pipes. This would not probably have been the case did the water contain any delete- rious amount of lead in solution or suspension. The principal diseases ascribed by Tanquerel, and some subsequent writers, to the presence of lead, are colic, paralysis, arthralgia, and ence- phalopathy. Of these the committee have not been able to learn that there has been any sen- sible increase in this city since the introduction of Cochituate water. Of lead colic, but one case has entered the hospital during the last two years, which is a smaller proportion than the average of the preceding twenty years. Of lead paralysis there have been but two cases within the same period, both occurring to work- men in lead. Of arthralgia or pain in the joints or limbs directly traceable to lead, it is believed there have not been a sufficient number of cases ON LEAD PIPES. 319 at any time to attract extensively the notice of our physicians. As to encephalopathy, a gene- ral term used by some writers to express cerebral disease, and including coma, delirium, convul- sions, &c., there is apparently no more reason for attributing it to lead, than consumption, fever, or any other common disease which may happen to occur among lead workmen. It is obvious to a medical reader, that many of the cases detailed by writers on lead diseases are coincidences rather than consequences ; and therefore do not furnish a ground for general laws. Such is the case when persons have been supposed to have contracted lead diseases by sleeping in newly-painted apartments, where, unless the lead were volatile, it could not leave the walls to enter the bodies of the patients. It is also the case when solitary examples of com- mon diseases are ascribed to lead, when it is known that they more frequently result from different causes. It is also often the case when the reports of credulous and incompetent ob- servers are received as scientific authority. In a late ' English Report by the Government Commissioners on the Chemical Quality of the 320 ACTION OF COCHITUATE WATER Supply of Water to the Metropolis,' of London, made in 1851, by Drs. Th. Graham, W. A. Mil- ler, and A. W. Hoffman, men of high standing in the scientific world, an investigation is made of the condition of the various waters now supplied to that city. In this Report, the com- missioners state (page 32) that 'no recent or authenticated case can be cited of the health of any of the numerous towns lately supplied with soft water, being affected by the use of leaden distributing tubes.' Again, on page 33, the commissioners say : ' We are disposed, there- fore, to conclude that the danger from lead in towns supplied with water, has been overrated ; and that, with a supply from the Water Com- panies, not less frequent than daily, no danger is to be apprehended from the use of the present distributing apparatus, with any supply of mod- erately soft water which the metropolis is likely to obtain.' On the present occasion it is by no means intended to deny the well-known fact, that cer- tain acid liquors, also that the water of certain springs and wells, may and do act upon and even dissolve lead in such quantities as to prove ON LEAD PIPES. 321 injurious to human health. It is also possible that at certain seasons, and under certain cir- cumstances, the soft water of lakes and rivers may contain organic or other products, which may take up in solution a minute portion of the pipes through which they pass. And it may even be conceded as possible, that a few suscep- tible and predisposed individuals will get lead diseases while using this water. Nevertheless, lead is a very convenient material to be used in aqueducts. It is more cheaply manufactured, more conveniently applied, and more readily repaired, than any other material. And while this is the case, mankind will not be prevented from employing it. The general law derived from the experience of the large cities of this country and of Europe is, that its employment for the conveyance of soft water is safe. To this law the few recorded cases of disease, if genuine, must be regarded as exceptions. And it should be borne in mind, that nearly all the great agents which minister to the physical hap- piness and improvement of man, are fraught with more or less danger. Ships and railroads, fire and water, food, drink and medicine destroy 21 322 ACTION OF COCHITUATE WATER. annually multitudes of our species. Neverthe- less, all these agents increase every year in use, with the increase of wealth and civilization. And as a humble example under the same law, it is not probable that the leaden aqueduct will be abandoned, on account of the inconsider- able risk which it may involve of occasioning disease. From the present state of our knowl- edge, we are authorized to conclude that the in- surance on a citizen of Boston, New York, Phil- adelphia, or London, against lead colic, is probably worth much less than his insurance would be on a voyage across the Atlantic, or on a railroad for twenty miles. ON THE HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. MOSTLY FROM THE AMERICAN MEDICAL BOTANY, VOL. I. IT is a remarkable law of the animal economy, that the power of use and habit is capable of reconciling the system to bear with impunity what in its unaccustomed state proves deleteri- ous or even fatal. It is a fact that many sub- stances in the Materia Medica lose their effect after the continuance of their use for a certain length of time, so that if we would realize their original operation, we must increase their dose in proportion as the body becomes accustomed and insensible to their stimulus. This is par- ticularly exemplified in the narcotics. Several of these substances, which at first are not only nauseous and disgusting in their sensible quali- ties, but highly injurious in their influence upon 324 HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. health, are so changed in their effect by habit- ual use, as to become to those who employ them an indispensable comfort and a first-rate luxury of life. In its external and sensible properties, there is no plant which has less to recommend it than the common tobacco. Its taste in the green state is acrid, nauseous and repulsive, and a small quantity taken into the stomach excites violent vomiting, attended with other alarming symptoms. Yet the first person who had cour- age and patience enough to persevere in its use, until habit had overcome his original disgust, eventually found in it a pleasing sedative, a soother of care, and a material addition to the pleasures of life. Its use, which originated among savages, has spread into every civilized country ; it has made its way against the de- clamations of the learned, and the prohibitions of civil and religious authority, and it now gives rise to an extensive branch of agriculture, or of commerce, in every part of the globe. Tobacco was in use among the aborigines of America, at the time of its discovery. They employed it as incense in their sacrificial fires, HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. 325 believing that the odor of it was grateful to their gods. The priests of some tribes swallow- ed the smoke of this plant to excite in them a spirit of divination, and this they did to a de- gree which threw them into a stupor of many hours' continuance. When recovered from this fit of intoxication, they asserted that they had held a conference with the devil, and had learn- ed from him the course of future events. Their physicians also got inebriated with the smoke, and pretended that while under the influence of this intoxication they were admitted to the council of the gods, who revealed to them the event of diseases. In 1559, tobacco was sent into Spain and Portugal by Hernandez de Toledo, and from thence it was carried into France as a curiosity by Jean Nicot or Nicotius, ambassador at the court of Lisbon, whose name is now immortal- ized by its application to this genus of plants. From this period the use of tobacco spread rapidly through the continent, and in half a century it was known in most countries in Eu- rope. The rich indulged in it, as a luxury of the highest kind ; and the poor gave themselves 326 HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. up to it, as a solace for the miseries of life. Its use became so general and so excessive, that in many countries the constituted authorities, both of church and state, found it necessary to inter- pose, and to stop the extravagant indulgence in it by severe prohibitions. James the First of England, besides writing a book against it, called his ' Counterblast to Tobacco,' gave orders that no planter in Virginia should cul- tivate more than one hundred pounds. Pope Urban the Eighth published a decree of excom- munication against all who took snuff in the church. Smoking was forbidden in Russia under penalty of having the nose cut off. In Switzerland a tribunal ( Chambre du tabac] was instituted for the express purpose of trying transgressors in tobacco. A Turk, who was found smoking in Constantinople, was conduct- ed through the streets of that city with his pipe transfixed through his nose. Even in this country, where the use of to- bacco originated, we find our puritanic ances- tors guarding against its abuse by salutary statutes. In the old Massachusetts colony laws is an act laying a penalty upon any one ' who HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. 327 shall smoke tobacco within twenty poles of any house ;' or who shall 'take tobacco in any inn or common victualling house, except in a pri- vate room, so as that neither the master of the said house nor any other guest shall take offence thereat.' In the earliest records of Harvard University soon after its foundation, is a regula- tion of this kind : ' No scholar shall take tobac- co, unless permitted by the president, with the consent of their parents and guardians, and on good reason first given by a physician, and then in a sober and private manner.' While the legal authorities in various parts of the world took upon them to control the abuse of this fascinating weed, the literati of different countries entered warmly into the discussion of its merits and its faults. Among its advocates were Castor Duranti and Raphael Thorius, both of whom wrote Latin poems expressly in its praise. The performance of the latter is entitled a * Hymn to Tobacco,' and is very lavish in ascriptions to this plant, which he styles the ' gift of heaven and the ornament of earth.' So warm were the prejudices of its advocates, that it obtained the reputation of a general panacea, 328 HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. and the catalogue of diseases which it was announced to cure, amounted almost to a complete nosology. But the opinions of its adversaries were not less extravagant upon the other extreme. It is remarkable that in the days of its first general introduction, no man spoke about it with cool- ness and indifference, but every one warmly espoused its censure or its praise. Camden, in his Life of Queen Elizabeth, says, that men used tobacco every where, some for wantonness and some for health's sake ; and that ' with insatia- ble desire and greediness, they sucked the stink- ing smoke thereof through an earthen pipe, which they presently blew out again at their nostrils ; so that Englishmen's bodies were so delighted with this plant, that they seemed as it were degenerated into barbarians.' Dr. Venner, in a work entitled Via recta ad vitam long-am, published at London in 1638, gives a brief summary of the injuries done by tobacco. * It drieth the brain, dimmeth the sight, vitiateth the smell, hurteth the stomach, destroyeth the concoction, disturbeth the humors and spirits, corrupteth the breath, induceth a HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. 329 trembling of the limbs, exsiccateth the winde pipe, lungs and liver, annoyeth the milt, scorch- eth the heart and causeth the blood to be adust- ed. In a word, it overthroweth the spirits, perverteth the understanding, and confoundeth the senses with sudden astonishment and stu- piditie of the whole body.' A poetical philippic, called ' Tobacco batter- red,' was published in the reign of King James, by Joshua Sylvester, in which he compares to- bacco to gunpowder, and pipes to guns ; making the mischief of the two equal. But the most celebrated of all invectives against tobacco was the Counterblast' of King James I. That weak monarch gave vent to his prejudices against this herb in a publication, in which he professes to disprove all the alleged grounds for the toleration of tobacco, and warns his subjects in a most earnest manner not to sin against God, and harm their own persons and goods, and render themselves scorned and contemned by strangers, who should come among them ; by persevering in a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, and baneful to the brain.' 330 HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. Such were the commotions excited by the introduction and spreading of an article, the use of which has now become so common as scarce- ly to attract notice. This article is the product of several species of Nicotiana, but chiefly of the N. tabacum or Virginian tobacco, and the N. rustica, sometimes called English tobacco, and being the sort which Sir Walter Raleigh introduced at the court of Queen Elizabeth. Another species, N. fruticosa, is said to have been cultivated in the East prior to the discovery of America. The Indians on the banks of the Missouri and Columbia rivers cultivate for use the N. quadrivalvis of Pursh and Nuttall. It has been remarked that the tobacco of warm climates is more mild in its flavor, while that raised in colder latitudes is more strong and pungent. The Bengal tobacco, of which the sheroots are made, is one of the most mild in its properties. After this is the West India tobac- co which affords the Havana cigars. Next is the tobacco of our Southern States, and lastly the tobacco raised in the northern parts of the Union, which is the most acrimonious and pun- gent of all. HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. 331 Chemists have extracted from tobacco a color- less liquid alkaloid, which they have called Ni- cotine. It is acrid to the taste and smell, forms neutral compounds with acids, and is intensely poisonous in minute quantities. Nicotianine, another product, is a concrete volatile oil, like camphor, and resembles tobacco in its proper- ties. Among the substances used by Sir Benjamin Brodie in his experiments on vegetable poisons, was an empyreumatic oil of tobacco prepared by Mr. Brande by distilling the leaves of tobacco in a heat above that of boiling water. A quan- tity of watery fluid came over, on the surface of which was a film of unctuous substance, which he calls the empyreumatic oil. Mr. Brodie found that two drops of this oil applied to the tongue of a young cat with an interval of fifteen minutes occasioned death. A single drop sus- pended in an ounce of water and injected into the rectum of a cat, produced death in about five minutes. One drop suspended in an ounce and a half of mucilage and thrown into the rec- tum of a dog, produced violent symptoms, and a repetition of the experiment killed him. 332 HISTORY AND USE OP TOBACCO. Tobacco has been used both as a luxury and prophylactic, and as a medicine. In the former cases it has not been taken internally, but only kept in contact with absorbing surfaces. It is well known, that to the mouth it is applied in substance and in smoke ; and to the nose in the form of powder. The opinion which at one time prevailed of its power to prolong life and to secure immunity from diseases is now pretty fully abandoned. It has no prophylactic repu- tation except as a preservation for the teeth, and in some degree as a protection against the contagion of epidemics. In both these cases it has acquired a certain degree of confidence, though it is probably inferior to many other substances for both these purposes. As to its effects upon longevity, the great frequency of its use, and the facts and observa- tions of Sir John Sinclair, render it improbable that when moderately taken, it has much influ- ence in wearing out the constitution, or abridg- ing the usual period of life. But like all other narcotics its excessive use or abuse must impair the health and engender disease. Of the differ- ent modes of using tobacco, it is probable that HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. 333 smoking is the most injurious, and the most capable of abuse, since in this process the active principles of the tobacco are volatilized with the smoke, and are extensively applied to the lungs as well as the mouth and nose and fauces. As a medicine, this plant has been employed in a variety of ways for the alleviation and cure of diseases. Externally it has been applied with benefit in tinea capitis and in some com- plaints occasioned by the presence of insects. In the form of a cataplasm applied to the pit of the stomach it occasions severe vomiting. The prostration of strength and other distressing symptoms which attend this application, must prevent its general employment. Still it may be remembered as an auxiliary in some cases where other emetics have failed to operate. A surgeon in the U. S. Army informed me that the soldiers had an expedient to exempt themselves from duty, by wearing a piece of tobacco under each armpit, until the most alarming symptoms of real illness appeared in the whole system. Dr. James Currie has recorded a case of epi- lepsy cured by the external use of tobacco. A cataplasm was applied to the stomach for seve- 334 HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. ral days about half an hour before the expected return of the paroxysm. A violent impression was produced each time upon the system, the paroxysm prevented, and the diseased associa- tion apparently broken up. Two cases of obsti- nate and dangerous intermittent were intercept- ed in the same manner by a decoction of half a drachm of tobacco in four ounces of water, thrown up as an enema, a short period before the time of the expected paroxysm. The tobacco enema was formerly recommend- ed in colic, nephritic complaints, &c. In later years it has been extensively employed in aiding the reduction of strangulated hernia. But since the introduction of ether and chloroform in the treatment of this disease, the use of tobacco has been little resorted to. When the infusion is not used, an injection of tobacco smoke into the rectum frequently produces the same consequences. The smoke may be made to penetrate farther than any liquid, and it is equally efficacious, from the activity of the volatile parts. It was formerly much used in the restoration of persons appa- rently dead from drowning, but of late years it HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. 335 has gone more into disuse. From the sedative effect of tobacco, the tendency to syncope and the great prostration of strength which it occa- sions in ordinary cases, it is probable that its employment in cases of asphyxia from drown- ing, must assist in extinguishing rather than in rekindling the spark of life. Tobacco has been employed with some suc- cess in the locked jaw, both of warm and cold climates, by enemas of the infusion and of the smoke. These applications generally produce syncope and deathlike sickness in the patient, but by prudent management of them, the dis- ease has sometimes been overcome. This powerful medicine is reported to have been also employed with some palliative effect in hydrophobia and certain other spasmodic dis- eases. Its internal use however requires great caution, since patients have in various instances been destroyed by improper quantities adminis- tered by the hands of the unskilful or unwary. Notwithstanding the common use and extensive consumption of tobacco in its various forms, it must unquestionably be ranked among narcotic poisons of the most active class. The great 336 HISTORY AND USE OF TOBACCO. prostration of strength, excessive giddiness, fainting, and violent affections of the alimentary canal, which often attend its internal use, make it proper that so potent a drug should be resort- ed to by medical men, only in restricted doses and on occasions of magnitude* EARLY HISTORY OF MEDICINE. FROM A REVIEW OF MILLER'S DISQUISITIONS ON THE HISTORY OP MEDICINE, PUBLISHED IN THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SCRGERT, APRIL, 1812. IT is commonly understood that the history of medicine has already been traced with suffi- cient accuracy in all ages and countries, where authorities for its elucidation are extant. The labors of Le Clerc, Friend, Haller, and Cabanis, seem to have left very little to be wished in this department of science. But, although a general history of medicine is by no means a desidera- tum at the present day, yet there are undoubt- edly parts of it which are still susceptible of correction or enlargement. Dr. Edward Miller, the author of the present disquisitions, appris- es us that he has been induced to attempt 338 ON THE EARLY them, partly from some singular traits which he thought he had discovered in the medicine of the early Greeks, and partly from the extraor- dinary advancement made of late years in Sanscrit literature. By means of this last we are informed that, long previous to its intro- duction into Europe, the science of healing had made very considerable progress in Hindostan ; yet to commemorate its details, or appreciate its merits, has never yet been the task of any historian in medicine. This new field of re- search Professor Miller has attempted to culti- vate, and the fruits of his oriental inquiries are to constitute a second volume of Disquisitions. In the mean time, the present volume, contain- ing general archaeological remarks, with specu- lations on the primitive physic of Greece and Egypt, is submitted to the ordeal of the public. It must be exceedingly obvious that, prior to the introduction of letters, no very definite in- formation can be expected with regard to the state of medical practice in any country. If the traditionary account of the most important and notorious events, such as battles and sieges, the rise and fall of heroes and of empires, is HISTORY OF MEDICINE. 339 involved in necessary uncertainty ; we cannot expect that a complex science, closely inter- woven in early ages with mystery and super- stition, should reach us in a state capable of affording much satisfaction. The few tradi- tions handed down to us from the primitive ages, afford matter for speculation to the cu- rious, but yield no certainty to the accurate. Dr. Miller, seemingly aware of the difficul- ties attendant on this part of his subject, has thought proper to commence the present un- dertaking with a sort of history a priori, or presumptive history, of medicine in its primaeval state. He begins with stating the progress of observation and reasoning, which would natu- rally be made by the early and rude nations, in regard to the phenomena of life, health, disease and death. He details the manner in which a gradual acquaintance would be formed with the nutritious, medical and deleterious effects of the various productions of nature ; and from hence assigns to the Materia Medica the su- preme honors of antiquity. Afterwards comes the knowledge of practical physic, of anatomy and of surgery, in proportion as men became 340 ON THE EARLY habituated to watch the progress and cure of diseases, to butcher and dissect brute animals, to sacrifice, eat, or embalm their own species, and to inflict or remedy the wounds and inju- ries occasioned in war or elsewhere. After this we are presented with an interest- ing account of that tract of territory, which we have reason to believe contained the earliest tribes of our species. To this region, composed chiefly of Egypt, Ethiopia, Turkey, Arabia, Persia, and India, Dr. M. gives the collective name of the Primceval Chersonese* He expa- tiates on the exuberance of its soil, the variety and value of its productions, its inducements for agriculture, and facilities for commercial intercourse. He represents that six races or stems have, from time immemorial, occupied this ample and favored portion of the earth's surface. These are the Chinese, the Hindus, the Tartars, the Iranians, (or Assyrians,) the Arabs, and lastly the Nilotic tribes, or those of Egypt and Ethiopia. Among these he assigns * ' This application of the term Chersonese, we think, rather stretches its ancient signification. HISTORY OF MEDICINE. 341 an undoubted claim for priority of civilization to three nations, the Hindus, the Iranians, and the tribes inhabiting the banks of the Nile. The individual claims of these three he com- promises by endeavoring to prove, from tradi- tion and history, from identity of language, &c., from conformity of religious and philosophical opinions, and, lastly, from similitude of corpo- real structure ; that they were only separate branches of one and the same individual family or race of men. In this investigation the au- thor gives proofs of extensive and assiduous research. Before quitting the general subject of the Primaeval Chersonese, we are made minutely acquainted with its natural productions, or those articles which must have constituted the earliest food and medicine of man. We now come to the particular history of medicine in early Greece, as it existed during the traditionary ages. On collecting the scat- tered rays of information respecting this period, chiefly from the poets, our author alights on a curious circumstance, which he makes the basis of this chapter, viz., " That, for its first discove- 342 ON THE EARLY ries and improvements, medicine in Greece appears indebted almost wholly to two orders of men, from whom such benefit was not likely to be derived, viz. : ' 1. The chiefs or sovereigns of its different small communities. '2. The priests or ministers of religion.' Upon this ground the author proceeds to give us two dissertations on the heroic and the priestly medicine of Greece; and first, of 'heroic medicine.' On this subject we are told that scarcely a royal or distinguished personage, during the traditionary period, can be named, to whom some degree of medical skill has not been ac- corded. The ascription of this honor is traced to several causes, such as the obscurity which hangs over the beginning of all arts ; the vene- ration which savage tribes entertain for the character of their leaders ; and the policy which would lead these chiefs to maintain their as- cendency, by the display of every species of personal merit or skill, that of medicine being not the least imposing. The practice of these heroic physicians, which the author believes to HISTORY OF MEDICINE. 343 have been chiefly surgical, is illustrated by various accounts of the therapeutic exploits performed by several individuals. These are Chiron, Esculapius, Machaon, Podalirius, Achil- les, Teucer, &c. &c. &c. The claims for medi- cal distinction are, indeed, so numerous that they may be said to amount to no distinction at all, since every man whose name has been handed down to us as holding a rank in a tolerable degree above the vulgar, would seem entitled to enrolment among the faculty. Chi- ron the Centaur is stated to have been precep- tor to nearly all the heroes who figured in the Argonautic and Trojan expeditions. Now as Chiron was one of those universal geniuses, who was competent to exercise the arduous and multiform functions of warrior and necro- mancer, of horse-breaker, musician, and doctor, it must be supposed that those who received the supreme honors of his school, were not ushered into the world without a smattering of these various accomplishments. Hence the crew of the Argo might, on emergency, be con- sidered a crew of the faculty ; and the council of warriors in Agamemnon's camp required 344 ON THE EARLY only a change of occasion to resolve them into a jury of doctors. We have already intimated that any accounts now extant, respecting the medicine of the early Greeks must be extremely unsatisfactory. We may now add, that, from the few authorities we have, it may be doubted whether any pro- ficiency in medicine was ever made among them, beyond what a rude individual would naturally attain in the science of self-preserva- tion. The boasted achievements performed by their distinguished personages apparently con- sisted in some trifling and obvious operations, or else in such exaggerated and miraculous performances, as distance all possibility of be- lief. The heroic or surgical practice among them was confined chiefly to the extraction of weapons and the dressing of wounds. The highest praise which Homer has bestowed on the medical or surgical profession is contained in the following lines: 'IijTQOf yog 'vj ( g noAltov, 'avrcc^ios aHltav, 'lag T' ixro^vtiv, 'tTri T' i'jTtta yaQuaxa naocuv. Which amount to simply this, that ' one HISTORY OF MEDICINE. 345 doctor is worth a host of other men, to cut out arrows, and apply mild dressings.' And, in- deed, whenever he tells us of such a man being actually engaged in practice, it is commonly in one or the other of the above processes. Now it could require no great depth of intellect to dis- cover, that if a barbed arrow stuck in the flesh, it could most easily be removed by excision, and that if a wound became dry and painful from exposure to the air, it might be made more comfortable by covering it with emollient appli- cations. But, with such humble and obvious opera- tions as these, the ancient physicians could not have sustained their elevated rank in society, and substantiated their claims upon immortal- ity. It became necessary, in order to secure complete ascendency over the public mind, that they should profess an intercourse with the gods, a knowledge of mysterious charms and incantations, and other special gifts pecu- liar to jugglers in all nations since their time. Very surprising stories are told of Melampus, Polyidus, and Chiron. These, however, are small when compared with the feats of Escu- 346 ON THE EARLY lapius, the prince of physicians, and the deified inventor of medicine. Esculapius, in addition to many other astonishing powers, was gifted with a very remarkable faculty, peculiar to himself, of raising at pleasure the dead to life. Not less than six or seven instances are on record of distinguished corpses that were bene- fited by the exertion of this happy talent. It is impossible to say how far the bounds of sci- ence might have been enlarged by so mighty a genius, had not Pluto taken alarm at his pro- gress, and presented a memorial to Jupiter, humbly showing, that if a stop was not put to the career of this officious mortal, people would soon cease to die, and hell would be- come a desert ; whereupon Jupiter interposed, and killed the wonder-working doctor with his thunderbolts. There is reason to believe, from what has been said, that the cures effected by these medi- cal worthies were either inconsiderable and real, or else preternatural and counterfeited. We have additional ground for this belief, on find- ing that frequently, when emergencies occurred, opening a fine field for medical practice, the HISTORY OF MEDICINE. 347 champions for physic were totally idle or inef- ficient. When a pestilence broke out among the Greeks at the Trojan war, we find them with all their heroic and priestly medicine, re- sorting not to their drugs and preparations, not to any regular system of practice, but simply to superstitious prayers, rites and atonements. The Argonauts, with Esculapius at their head, required the aid of a sorceress, before they could administer an opiate to the dragon that watched their fleece. Chiron died of a wound or ulcer in the leg, and Achilles of one in the heel. Such disasters as these last were not to be expected, after what Dr. Miller tells us in his account of Chiron : 'So celebrated was he in tradition for the cure of ulcers, as we are in- formed by Galen, that when a sore was obsti- nate and could not be healed up, it was cus- tomary in later times to call it a Chironian ulcer, intimating, by the expression, that it was an ailment of such malignity, as to baffle the skill even of Chiron himself.' Now, we conceive, it was no compliment to the Centaur to name only incurables after him. We also conceive that, between Galen and Dr. 348 ON THE EARLY Miller, the origin of the term Chironian ulcer may have been mistaken, and that it may be derived, not from the skill of Chiron in curing malignant ulcers, but from the circumstance of his having languished and died under a ma- lignant ulcer. Galen informs us on this subject, that of the phagedaena, or eating ulcer, there were different species, called the Chironian and Telephian : ' Harum species qusedam sunt, quse Chironia et Telephia dicuntur.' In another place he tells us that the Telephian ulcer was so called from Telephus, who was afflicted with it. Now the case of Chiron was not dissimilar to that of Telephus, as both their maladies were occasioned by the wound of a spear, only Te- lephus got well, whereas Chiron, after languish- ing with his lame leg for nine days, either died, or was made into a constellation ; for all which the reader may consult Ovid. Fastorum V. 379-414. Machaon, the son of Esculapius, when wounded at the siege of Troy, retired with Nestor to his tent, where they took from the hands of a woman a farrago of onions, cheese, meal, honey, and wine. From Pope's transla- HISTORY OP MEDICINE. 349 tion of this account in the Iliad, which Dr. M. has quoted, we are led to suppose that this potion was a prescription of the physician him- self for his own case. Witness the following lines : ' The draught prescribed fair Hecamede prepares.' And again, 'This for the wounded prince the dame prepares.' Unfortunately, however, there is no sort of au- thority in the original for the above expressions, and it appears that Hecamede prepared the draught, probably of her own invention, to treat her master Nestor, as well as his guest Ma- chaon, and this, too, for the sole purpose of assuaging their thirst. Toici it iii'x* xvxtito 'tVTiHuxauof 'Exa/u^Sy. II. ).. 023. Tio d' ixti ovv nivovt* cufirtjv nolvxayxia dirfJav.* 641. It is a little remarkable that the learned pro- fessor should copy out the whole Greek passage * The translations of this passage by Cowper and Dacier are correct. Chapman has the same inaccuracy with Pope. 350 ON THE EARLY for his book, and overlook such words as rotat, atpwiv, aifi and T< ; or imagine them to be meant for Machaon individually. We are much in- clined to suspect that he placed undue reliance on the translation, when we find him leaving off his Greek in the middle of a sentence, and observing that ' It might be difficult in English poetry to discover a translation more distin- guished for a happy mixture of precision and elegance, than the above version of Pope.' One more of these worthies, and then we have done with ' heroic medicine.' We pre- sume that the name of Achilles will not yet descend to oblivion, even though our author should fail in his attempts to dub him also a doctor of medicine. Nevertheless Achilles, it seems, was a pupil of Chiron ; he cured the Wound of Telephus with the rust of his spear, and the plant Achilkea, or yarrow, had the honor to be named after him. But it ought not to be forgotten, that the circumstance of his pupilage was common to most of the pre-eminent heroes of his time, and that in the cure of Telephus he had scarcely any merit. Telephus cousulted the oracle, and was told that his wound could only HISTORY OF MEDICINE. 351 be healed by the same spear which had occa- sioned it. Accordingly he applied to Achilles, whose spear had done the mischief, and re- quested his medical assistance. Achilles at first refused, saying that he was no physician, but afterwards was prevailed on to scrape the rust of his spear into the wound, which in due time got well. With regard to the plant Achillsea, we presume its name has as much to do with medicine, as that of the plant JefFersonia. We now come to consider the second depart- ment which Dr. Miller has made in the physic of Greece, viz. his Priestly medicine. As he has shown that the medicine of heroes was chiefly surgical, he now makes it equally clear that that of priests and conjurors was mere ' practical physic.' For this he gives us all the presumptive evidence which can arise from the natural ascendency of priests and wizards over the public mind, and from the analogy of cus- toms in all the barbarous nations in the world. He gives us, however, only two instances of priest-physicians in Greece, viz. Melampus and Orpheus ; of whom Melampus appears to us to have been only a fortune-hunter, who cured the 352 ON THE EARLY daughters of Proetus, of real or pretended mad- ness, that he might gain the hand of one of his patients, together with her kingdom, in mar- riage ; while with regard to Orpheus, there is very little authority for his having practised physic in any particular instance, and his high reputation is sufficiently supported by the es- tablished fact, that He played so well, he moved Old Nick.' On considerations like the foregoing we are disposed to ascribe to the ancient Greeks the credit of very little real proficiency in the art of healing. From similar motives we doubt the correctness of Dr. Miller's belief, that Greece was indebted for its first discoveries and im- provements in medicine solely to two classes of men, viz. the chiefs or sovereigns, and the priests or ministers of religion. Unwilling, however, to interfere with the doctor's ardor for classifi- cation, we only suggest, for a second edition of his work, the propriety of adding a new class or department in primitive physic, to be called the department of old women, or of female medicine. HISTORY OP MEDICINE. 353 These early practitioners of physic we think he has treated with unmerited neglect, for we will engage, where he produces one instance in Greece of a priest skilled in medicine, that we will furnish two of females possessing the same accomplishment. It is sufficient now to men- tion only the names of Circe, Medea, Angitia, Agamede, Helen and Oenone** The last portion of our author's work em- braces the history of medicine in Egypt and the East; and on this subject our limits com- pel us to be more brief. The advantages pos- sessed by the Eastern countries over European Greece for the early cultivation of science, are said to have been the coalition of their inhabi- tants into large and mighty empires, instead of petty states and communities ; and also the peculiar nature of their ecclesiastical institu- tions, in which an hereditary priesthood was placed in possession of all the facilities and * ' In these early ages all the knowledge of the tribe formed a common stock j'and their imperfect arts might be exercised by all those who were endowed with a certain portion of intelligence Medicine therefore existed before there were any regular physi- cians.' Cabanis's Revolutions of Med. Science. 23 354 ON THE EARLY inducements for scientific speculation. The invention of letters, or alphabetic characters, was among them an early auxiliary to the cultivation of the sciences, and medicine was not the last to profit by so signal an advantage. Some of the earliest lettered productions con- tained copious treatises on the healing art as an integrant portion of their contents. The very ancient and celebrated personage Thoth, or, as he is called by Dr. Miller, Tot, and who is the same with Hermes, or Mercury of the Greeks, seems to have been the founder of medicine in Egypt. His writings, afterwards held sacred, were divided into forty-two books, six of which treated of medical subjects, viz. one of anatomy, one of diseases, one of instru- ments, one of medicaments, one of disorders of the eyes, and one of diseases of women. While the higher orders of Egyptian priesthood were employed in the study and execution of relig- ious and philosophical offices contained in the former books, a second or inferior class were busied in the study and practice of healing. The Pastophori, for so the cultivators of physic were called, were bound to make themselves HISTORY OF MEDICINE. 355 intimately acquainted with the medical scrip- tures of Thoth, and so long as their practice was strictly conformable to these, no blame was incurred by them. On the contrary, if any practitioner ventured to deviate in the least from these sacred rules, he became responsible with his own life for the safety of his patient. This circumstance must have furnished a pow- erful check to improvement, and kept the sci- ence of medicine long in a state altogether stationary. Of the other peculiarities in Egyptian prac- tice, the following are among the most remark- able. The art was made altogether hereditary, so that ' he who was born a physician was pro- hibited equally by Heaven and by law from abandoning the occupation of his ancestors.' The profession was also subdivided into minute departments, so that each particular disease had a separate healer. Some took charge of disor- ders of the eyes, some of the head, some of the teeth, some of the abdomen, &c. The vast number of individuals who were engag- ed in some branch of medical practice, led to the assertion of Homer and Herodotus, 356 ON THE EARLY that in Egypt every man met with was a physician. What were the particular modes of practice enjoined by Thoth it is impossible now to know, for the books of the Pastophori have long since been lost. Dr. Miller, however, has industriously attempted to glean whatever au- thorities were afforded respecting them, from their successors in art and science, the Greeks. He has told us that the Pastophori, and even the kings, were wont to immolate and dissect beasts and human victims, but with what pro- ficiency in anatomy it is not known. In the science of diseases they appear to have had some idea of critical days, to have divided disorders into acute and chronic, and to have ascribed their pestilential distempers to a mor- bific principle in the air. In the Materia Medi- ca they seem to have been acquainted with many efficacious articles, together with their most useful forms of composition. Having now run through the contents of this volume, we would observe that, in general, it is far from being an uninteresting production. The extent of the author's researches, and the HISTORY OF MEDICINE. 357 ingenuity of his deductions, will afford some novelty and instruction to most readers. His predominant fault is a disposition to annex an undue consequence to circumstances which are doubtful or unimportant. We think he might profit by the observation of Cabanis, that in a subject where materials to compensate inquiry are wanting, ' the friends of truth should not lose their time in forming vain conjectures, however learned they may happen to be. 5 ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, AT THE OPENING OF THEIR COUESE OF LECTUBES, OCTOBEB 27, 1852. AT a meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, June 22, 1852, Mr. Agassiz, in behalf of the committee appointed to consider the best means of increasing the Academy's publication fund, reported, that the committee were unanimous in recommend- ing that a course of public lectures of a popular character be given by Fellows of the Academy during the ensuing winter ; that the President be requested to commence the course by an Address setting forth the objects and aim of the course ; and that each section of the Academy appoint one of its number to deliver one lecture upon some special subject belonging to, and prominent in, the section's sphere of research. IT has been a serious question whether amid the general sadness which hangs as a cloud over ACADEMY OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 359 our city, which has seemed to check the ordinary current of affairs, and to darken the very atmos- phere of social intercourse,* the pre-arranged exercises of this place should not be suspended in solemn and silent respect to the unusual oc- casion. But we are bound by circumstances to perform that which at this time we would not have wished to do. And leaving to the public voice the expression of that general emotion, to which no limited occasion can afford utterance, we shall proceed in the attempt to execute the more humble duty that has been set before us. I am instructed in behalf of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to report to you this evening on the character and condition of that institution, and the objects of the present course of lectures. If it were possible that a Society which has existed in your midst for two or three generations, and which from time to time has numbered among its members many of the most enlightened and valuable of our cit- izens, could be in any measure unknown, I might safely rely on the more gifted laborers who are to follow me in this field, for the vindi- * The death of Daniel Webster. 360 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN cation of its character and name. And if the present occupation of this lecture room were a question of doubtful propriety, I might briefly say that the Academy needs, nay, more, that it deserves your countenance and support, and that this is the place and the manner in which your kind regards have been solicited towards the encouragement of its labors. But as the quiet operations of Science have not the wide-spread notoriety which attends the more absorbing questions of peace and war, of property and 'privilege, of safety and of danger, there is reason for attempting a more detailed consideration of the objects and results of our Academic Incor- poration. Academies in the higher use of the term, phi- losophical and learned societies, exist and have long existed in every country of civilized Eu- rope. In common with Colleges and Universi- ties they are designed to cultivate and dissemi- nate scientific truth, but unlike those institutions, the usual province of the modern Academy is to investigate rather than to teach, to bring together experts from the various walks of science, litera- ture and art, to accumulate for the benefit of the ACADEMY OP ARTS AND SCIENCES. 361 whole the researches and observations of all, to aid and to encourage the different inquirers on their respective tracks, and to furnish vehicles for what is true, and ordeals for what is unsettled, in the progress of human knowledge. One of the early fruits of the restoration of arts and letters in Italy was the perception of the great advantage attending the combination of effort in Academic institutions. In that country were the first efficient examples of learned bodies cooperating for their common good, and bringing their united efforts to bear in the promotion of the arts and sciences. From Italy the principle of Academic association spead to England, Germany, and France, and in all those countries, noble institutions, having their foundation in the earnest quest of truth, and supported by the zeal and learning of the best men of their times, have been sent down to the present age, marking their way by many high developments of human intellect, and noble achievements of human science. Some of them which for two centuries have enjoyed the sun- shine of royal and public patronage, now find themselves entrenched in ample halls, surround- 362 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN ed by the machinery of modern science, dispens- ing rewards with princely prodigality, offering seats of which the prospective vacancy fills with ambition the learned of foreign countries, throw- ing lustre on the cities of their respective estab- lishment, and connected by little resemblance, save that of etymology, with the simple pre- ceding groves of Plato and Arcesilaus. Academic institutions have differed widely from each other in the object as well as the comprehensiveness of their pursuits. Not only does the history of literature furnish many ex- amples of Academies of Sciences and the Arts, but there are well-known like institutions of Belles Lettres, of Language, of Inscriptions, of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, of Music, of Antiquities, and of many subordinate branches of useful and of elegant learning. Of course the value of membership in any of these bodies has depended on the character of the institution itself, and the principles on which it is conduct- ed. The Royal Academy of France, often known par excellence as the Academy, not only under its original name, but under the subse- quent appellations of National and Imperial ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 363 Institute, has during a long period of years, sus- tained an almost uninterrupted preeminence in the republic of letters. The labors of this body have cast a flood of light on modern science, and its assembled savans have formed a tribunal from whose scientific sentence there seemed no appeal. Yet even this institution, under the occasional supineness of its' members, and the influence of royal favoritism, has more than once been a mark for the shafts of cotempora- neous criticism. The poet Piron, affecting to define his own humble position by an epitaph, says, ' Here lies Piron, who was nothing at all, not even an Academician.' In the year 1779, in the midst of the exhaust- ing and yet unfinished contest of our Revolution, with humble resources, but with confidence of future promise, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded by an association of citizens of Massachusetts. The fathers of our Commonwealth, well aware that the lights of liberty and learning are jointly conducive to the stability of free government, gave their sanction and in many cases their individual efforts to construct the foundation of an ample edifice. 364 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN Among the constellation of worthies enrolled as its first members, we find the names of the two Adamses, of Bowdoin and Gushing, of Chaun- cey and Cooper, of Hancock, of Lowell, of Sedg- wick, Strong and Sullivan, and about fifty others, all of them names already registered in the annals of their country's service, or distin- guished as proficients in the learning of their time. The preface to their first publication states that the Legislature was called on to sanction the society on a liberal and extensive plan, and to establish it on a firm basis. ' And to the honor of our political fathers,' say they, be it spoken, that although the country was engaged in a distressing war, a war the most important to the liberties of mankind that was ever under- taken by any people, and which required the utmost attention of those who were entrusted with our public concerns, they immediately ad- verted to the usefulness of the design, entered into its spirit, and incorporated a society with ample privileges.' But the approval of the Legislature was but a small offset to the difficulties against which ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 365 the new association had to contend. ' The country being young,' say they, ' few among us have such affluence and leisure as to admit of' our ' applying much time to the cultivation of the sciences.' And in another place, ' many im- portant European discoveries have been in. a great measure useless to this part of the world, in consequence of a situation so remote from the ancient seats of learning and improvement. And of such publications as have reached this country, the smallness of the number has greatly limited their usefulness, as but few have had the opportunity for perusing them.' Under such disadvantages, so unlike the state of things now, well might our courageous pred- ecessors solace and assure themselves by a pro- spective view of the harvests they were sowing for their descendants. ' Settled,' say they, ' in an extensive country, bordering upon the ocean, and open to a free intercourse with all the commercial world, a country comprehending several climates and a rich variety of soils, watered and fertilized by multitudes of springs and streams, and by many grand rivers, the citizens have great opportunities and advan- 366 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN tages for making useful experiments and im- provements whereby the interests and happiness -of the rising empire may be essentially advanced. At the same time enjoying, under a mild but steady government, that freedom which excites and rewards industry and gives a relish to life, that freedom which is propitious to the diffu- sion of knowledge, which expands the mind and engages it to noble and generous pursuits, they have a stimulus to enterprise which the inhabitants of few other countries can feel.' Such were the principles and the auspices under which was kindled the small dim light of our Academy. Although it was not often over- fed with fuel, nor at all times watched with vestal vigilance, it has at least never been suf- fered to go wholly out, and, after glimmering with uncertain yet increasing rays for two-thirds of a century, it has at length grown to be an acknowledged beacon in science, a light to the philosophic of our own country, a western star to whose unshadowed brilliancy and true monitions the European world now looks with interest and respect. The early labors of the Academy were in ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 367 keeping with its early professions. They did not trench deeply on fields appropriated by for- eign explorers, but rather turned their inquiries to the capacities of their own country, to the improvement of its practical advantages and the knowledge of its natural history. With the exception of a few limited papers in mathe- matics and astronomy, the first volumes of the Transactions are occupied with such objects as the cultivation of corn and the engrafting of trees, examination of springs of water, and reports on diseases of cattle, speculations on natural caves, recorded earthquakes and conjec- tured volcanoes. Narratives are given of the appearance of water-spouts, and of remarkable devastations of lightning on trees, rocks and dwelling-houses. Fossil frogs, 'that under the cold stone' were believed to have passed monot- onous ages of incomprehensible existence, are presented in these memoirs, living and jumping before the reader. Flocks of swallows, black- ening the air with their numbers, abandon the joyous, twittering, feather-chasing career of their summer life, and with ominous solemnity assemble on the banks of some stagnant pool, 368 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN rendered famous perhaps with the tradition of former engulphments of their species, and then are seen no more. A cloud settles on the mystery of their wintry existence, and the won- der was that when they appeared in the follow- ing spring, their sleek and glossy plumage bore no traces of the deep mud under which they were believed to have slept out their hyberna- tion. The riches of our vegetable kingdom and the importance of establishing a more thorough and practical knowledge of its different portions, did not escape the attention of the pioneers of our natural history. Great difficulties beset the early botanists in the prosecution of their inqui- ries, from the novelty of the subject, the paucity of books, and the difficulty of maintaining cor- respondence with foreign scientific authorities, in those cases where books are insufficient and knowledge to a certain extent must be ocular and traditionary. Yet the Rev. Dr. Cutler, of our State, has culled for himself an enduring garland from a field in which it would appear that the harvest was plenteous, but the laborers were few. ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 369 The valleys of New England are not the seat of antiquities and hieroglyphic records, yet in* the earlier volumes of the Transactions there is more than one account of the memorable in- scription on our far-famed Dighton rock. This curious relic of the scattered and now fast dis- appearing aboriginal inhabitants of our country, is copied and described by various persons, and hypothetically explained by the late excellent Judge Davis of this city. Whatever be the mystery it involves, a hunting scene or a relig- ious rite, an achievement of war or of conquest, the pages of the Academy offer a faithful fac- simile for the use of foreigners and of posterity, who may happen to find themselves called and competent to its perusal. But by far the most ambitious among the early speculations of the Academy, is the theory of Governor Bowdoin, then President of the In- stitution, on the existence in the universe of an all-surrounding orb. That distinguished gentle- man and scholar, after various speculations on the supposed waste of material light from the surface of the sun, and the danger to all mate- rial bodies from their own unresisted gravity 24 370 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN attracting them towards each other, published an elaborate memoir, entitled ' Observations tending to prove by phenomena and scripture, the existence of an orb which surrounds the visible material system, and which may be necessary to preserve it from the ruin to which, without such a counterbalance, it seems liable, by that universal principle in matter, gravita- tion.' The author satisfies himself by a train of ingenious reasoning, of the sufficiency of his theory to prevent the apprehended catastrophe. He deals not only with the necessities of such an arrangement to produce stability in our uni- verse, but draws supernumerary arguments from the presence of the milky way, the blue color of the firmament, and lastly from various corrobo- rative texts of scripture. History is silent in regard to the extent of the impression made upon the world by the promul- gation of this comprehensive theory. The orb is supposed to have been standing several years after the announcement of its character and office, and when it fell, the Academy, nothing daunted, proceeded to prosecute its celestial in- ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 371 vestigations with a zeal and tenacity of purpose prophetic of its future more elevated destiny. tenacem propositi si fractus illabatur orbis Impavidum ferient ruinae. Should any one incline to disparage the labors of our predecessors on account of their honest and earnest, though sometimes misdi- rected inquiries for truth, he will find parallel examples in the early history of every learned body in Europe of a century's standing. The first publications of the oldest philosophical societies contain speculations on the transmuting of metals, projects for perpetual motion, schemes for raising water without power, and for flying in the air by machinery, credulous inquiries about secret poisons and fabulous natural pro- ductions. They did not think it beneath them to investigate extravagant rumors, and they often propounded interrogatories with this view, to foreign ambassadors, missionaries, merchants and navigators. The Royal Society of London sent many grave inquiries to Sir Philberto Ver- natti, then resident in the Indies, in hopes to solve some of the difficulties which were 372 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN weighing upon them. The first of these was, ' Whether diamonds and other precious stones grow again after three or four years in the same places where they have been digged out.' The catagorical answer to this question is, ' Never.' Another inquiry is, ' Whether in the island of Sombrero there be found such a vegetable as Master James Lancaster relates to have seen, which grows up to a tree, shrinks down when * one offers to pluck it, and would quite shrink unless held very hard.' Sir Philberto replies, that he ' cannot meet with any that ever heard of such a vegetable.' Again they inquire, ' Whether the Indians can so prepare that stupefying herb Datura, that they may make it lie several days, months, years, according as they will have it, in a man's body, and at the end kill him without missing half an hour's time.' The 29th question is, ' Whether there be a tree in Mexico that yields water, wine, vine- gar, oil, milk, honey, wax, thread, and needles.' The answer here is more encouraging, ' The Cocos trees yield all this, and more.' In the inquisitiveness and credulity which ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 373 marked these early stages of scientific inquiry, we have at least the gratifying assurance, that our philosophic fathers did not close their ears against the reception of knowledge, from what- ever quarter it might proceed. They were just emerging from the deep intellectual darkness, which for long ages had brooded over the world. They were the survivors of many generations, among whom to inquire had been a crime, to reason had been a heresy, and to experiment a satisfactory evidence of intercourse with the powers of darkness. Secretly, and by stealth and stratagem, the germs of science had here and there been nourished into visible life, but the air and the sunlight of heaven were denied to their upward expanding tendencies. And when at length, with the Reformation, the revi- val of letters and the introduction of the print- ing press, a veil was lifted from the moral and material world, no wonder that inquiring eyes were dazzled and strong heads were turned with the startling developments of the solar system, the circumnavigation of the globe, and the prac- ticable intercourse of men and nations with each other. 374 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN The comparatively short period during which the American Academy has existed, has been one of advanced and rapid progress in the histo- ry of science throughout the world. It has been the era of the Herschels and Laplace, of Lavoi- sier and of Davy, of Cuvier, of Watt, and a host of gigantic minds, whose conquests over un- known regions will never be obliterated from the map of science. During this period of pro- gress, the small number and limited opportuni- ties of the scientific men of our own hemisphere have been such as to render them lookers-on, recipients and dispensers, rather than origina- tors of new discovery. For many years the publications of this Academy were so sparse and inconsiderable as to induce serious question from some foreign scientific bodies, whether the usual exchange of printed transactions were worth keeping up. There was a long period, during which the late venerated Bowditch seemed to be the almost solitary pillar on whose support the Academy relied for its character and position in the philosophic world. And to his praise be it said, that while engaged in the surpassing labors which have constituted the monument ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 375 of his living and posthumous fame, he never shrunk from identifying his name with a small, and then almost obscure institution of his native country. Punctual in his attendance on its meetings, earnest in his appeals to the lag- ging industry of its members, foremost in every movement for its prospective welfare, pouring into its vacant pages the overflowings of his own exuberant mind, he was not only a centre, but a central fire ; not only attracting but excit- ing, warming, illuminating all within the circle of his influence. By his side walked the accom- plished Pickering, laborious, erudite, modest, a votary of learning for its own sake, whose capa- cious and cultivated mind, affluent in various lore, seemed poor only to his own aspiring and comprehensive genius. By these men, more than all others, in the day of its obscurity, was this Academy cherished and upheld. They did not feel authorized to boast much of its history nor of its existing per- formances. They were not vainglorious of their own share in whatever of reputation it might have happened to acquire. But they felt and expressed that in i,t was contained the germ of 476 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN future development, that to a certain extent it had books, and endowments, and position, that it was their duty and that of their cotemporaries to cultivate its capacities, to improve its con- dition, and at least to preserve it unimpaired, until the increasing population and wealth in our country, and correspondent increase of the men and means of science, should impart to it a vigorous vitality, like that which sustains the older institutions of Europe. We do not assume too much in saying that this period has at length arrived. The thinly attended meetings, few and far between, in which a quorum was with difficulty convened, perhaps only to spend an hour in debating a by-law or electing a foreign fellow, have been replaced by monthly and semi-monthly gather- ings, in which the time is often too short to give utterance to the accumulated researches of the members. The demand for publication of new and important matter outstrips the limited re- sources of the treasury, and now brings the institution before the public of this city, a solici- tor for the hearing of its claims. What is it that this Academy, through its members, is now ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 377 performing ? What is it that it asks the means of publishing to the world ? Not the meagre and uninteresting record of every-day phenom- ena. Not the premature speculations of unqual- ified reasoners on more expanded subjects. Not the repeated lessons received with un- questioning docility from the higher sources of transatlantic wisdom. It now rather sits in judgment on unsettled questions of European science, and pushes its own unaided investiga- tions beyond the previous bounds of human knowledge. Its researches during the last five or six years have been such in magnitude and importance that they may without disadvantage be brought into comparison with those of many of the time-honored institutions of the old world. Closely connected with our distinguished Univer- sity, numbering among the teachers of that sem- inary a large portion of its most accomplished and efficient members, making the pages of its publications a vehicle for the light which ema- nates from the observatory, the apparatus, the collections of that venerable seat of learning, aided moreover by the naturalists, the philoso- phers and the annalists of other societies among 378 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN us, it has established an influence which could not well be now spared from the republic of science. We may say, without fear of contradiction, that there are few branches of physical knowl- edge which have not been illustrated or enlarged by the members of this body, and when difficult labors are to be performed, or difficult problems to be solved, no source of information in our country has been deemed more reliable, or more frequently been put in requisition, than the au- thority of this Academy. The plants of Cali- fornia and New Mexico have repeatedly come here to be named and described. The late exploring expedition sent to this city a large portion of its collected treasures, for investiga- tion and judgment. The fossil bones of gigan- tic quadrupeds are accumulated in our midst with a completeness and abundance such as is found in no other place ; and they are presented to the world with an amplitude of scientific delineation, seldom, if ever, surpassed. Huge limbs and heads of undescribed troglodytes, exceeding those of man which they counterfeit, and whose race is now living in African ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 379 forests, have received their first description in this city. The pages of our Transactions offer the faith- ful impress, not elsewhere found, of the foot- prints of colossal birds and mysterious reptiles, transferred from the banks of our own rivers, where, awaiting the perusal of the naturalist, they have lain for unknown ages, stereotyped in stone. It is fresh in our recollection, that when the credulity of the popular voice, not without the assent of men of science, had given a ficti- tious reality to a monster compounded of con- tributions levied from many individuals, and when this deception gained foothold not only in our own greatest city, but afterwards in one of the enlightened capitals of Germany, the doubt was removed and the deception made man- ifest by the scientific sentence of one of this Academy. A few years ago a call was made by the Le- gislature of this Commonwealth for researches into the various departments of its indigenous natural history. This call was promptly and ably responded to, and the reports returned on the geology, the forest trees, the fishes, the in- 380 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN sects, and the other invertebrata of Massachu- setts, were in the highest degree creditable to those Academicians from whose labors they emanated. Some of these subjects are yet waiting the results of this course of lectures, to give their illustrations to the public. The incipient mysteries of organic develop- ment, the structure and transformations of the animalcular world, the scarce visible organisms which fill our waters with busy and effective life, the unknown generations which have writ- ten with their own remains the history of preceding nature, have often been drawn from obscurity, their laws and limits studied, and many of their new and unknown forms for the first time described and arranged by one of our adopted members, whom we may well place in the foremost rank of living naturalists. And as if to indicate the claim to notice of what might seem a humble department of zoology, we have been taught from the same indefatigable source, that since the period of man's existence on this globe, a vast peninsula, constituting nearly an entire State of this Union, has been raised from the bottom of the ocean and added to the previ- ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 381 ous continent by the silent conspiring agency of coral polypes. When we turn our inquiries in another direc- tion, we find that the study and knowledge of the electric power has not deserted the country of Franklin. This mighty agent, before which men trembled in former ages, believing, in their alarm, that Jove was wielding his bolts, or 'that spirits were riding the Northern light,' has become, in philosophic hands, the docile mes- senger of thought over our vast country, and the faithful monitor of danger in our cities, and seems about to reveal the very measure of its velocity to the persevering interrogations of members of this Academy. I should weary you with detail, were I to recount the various contributions made among us to mathematical, chemical, economical, me- chanic, and microscopic science, and to the natural history of the globe and of its inhabi- tants. I might say that the tornado which last year swept over a neighboring district, has left on our pages an impress more minute than ever whirlwind left before. I might say that the forthcoming nautical almanac, the joint and 382 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN arduous production of our mathematicians, will stand in the foremost rank of similar authori- ties. I might bring before you the perfected turbine wheel, and the elaborate cordage ma- chinery, as examples of the mechanical ability and inventive genius of our academicians ; and I might cite many instances of energetic coope- ration with other bodies, in the magnetic ob- servations, in meteorology, in the coast survey, and in the general advancement of geographi- cal and philosophic knowledge. Conspicuous above other sciences, for the vastness of its objects, and the amount of in- tellectual effort which it has called into being, stands Astronomy, one of the earliest, the most difficult, and most successful studies of the hu- man mind. For many years the discoveries of its observers, and the results of its analysts, have, by the common consent of central and northern Europe, been chronicled in one place in the city of Altona, in the astronomical jour- nal of the eminent Professor Schumacher. But Schumacher is dead, and his divided mantle has fallen upon the shoulders of more than one competent successor. The only journal in the ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 383 English language, now devoted to pure astro- nomical science, regularly reporting, with dis- criminating exactness, the advances made in that department of knowledge, and enriched by contributions from both sides of the Atlantic, as well as from its own editor, is now published in this country, and issues periodically from the press of Cambridge in Massachusetts. It has not been in vain that public liberality has provided our University with instruments capable of penetrating the depths of space. It has found in that place eyes adequate to per- ceive, and minds competent to analyze, the abstruser revelations of astronomical science. The meetings of this Academy have heard the announcement of new celestial bodies, and the assignment of unexpected laws to others al- ready familiar to the European world. Who is there, from the schoolboy to the sage, who has not dwelt and gazed and speculated on the mysterious ring that surrounds the planet Sat- urn ? Who has not wondered at this excep- tional feature of the known universe, and plant- ed himself in imagination on the surface of that distant sphere, that he might seem to contem- 384 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN plate the radiant arch that spanned its unknown firmament ? Yet this remaining anomaly of the visible creation, this marvel and study of mod- ern astronomy, has been destined to reveal its structure at our own observatory. And the necessity of its fluid nature, and the laws by which it is sustained, have been deduced from the observations, and established by the pro- found analysis of our own astronomers. Need I call up before this audience the re- cent fame of that far ulterior planet, which, since the creation of the world, has held its dim and undetected course around the verge of our solar system, until at length its remote presence so weighed upon the instructed sense of the Parisian philosopher, that it was felt and known even before it was seen? And need I say that this object of absorbing interest, this wonder of its time, after justifying in some measure the rival claims to its discovery of the three most enlightened nations of Europe, came at last to receive the determination of its true orbit, posi- tion, mass and motion from the geometers of our own Academy ? I have said enough to show, that the Ameri- ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 385 can Academy of Arts and Sciences has earned for itself a position among similar institutions of the world ; and although, from the necessary limits of the occasion, I have not been able to take fitting notice of other investigations made here for the advancement of knowledge and other worthy achievements in the parallel walks of literature, yet without arrogance I might as- sert that, in the different sections of this Acade- my, embracing the great departments of modern research and cultivation, men are now found competent to perceive truth, and qualified to return light, on the varied objects of human science. It is not necessary to say, that the meetings of such a body afford a nucleus, around which are attracted and concentrated the contributions of most of our scientific men. And the regu- larly published proceedings of this body are the vehicle through which are given to the world the results of their labors. It ought not then to be said that, in this enlightened community, the efforts of so active and efficient an institution should be embarrass- ed by financial deficiencies. Yet such is the 25 386 ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN uniform excess of its expenditures over its lim- ited income, that the Academy is not able to procure the books wanted for the information of its members, nor to issue the publications which should give utterance to its own investi- gations. So far from enjoying the promptness and amplitude of appearance which attend the productions of similar institutions abroad, it has happened, more than once, that the discoveries of our scientific men have had to wait, until they were actually superseded by the same dis- coveries abroad, because the printed pages and the illustrations of the engraver could not be commanded at the requisite time. As a nation we are proud of whatever con- tributes to our national glory. We are boastful of our growth, our political progress, our victo- ries, our annexations. We are proverbially sen- sitive, even in small matters, to questions of precedence and subordination, and we give our undivided sympathy even to a national contest of locksmiths. The triumph of nautical skill in a distant boat race binds this Union more firmly together, by the common thrill of exulta- tion which vibrates from Maine to Texas. ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. 387 Have we then no place for the rising star of science ? Shall we avert our eyes from the dawning light, because its rays do not fall on us from the accustomed east? Have we no encouragement for those, our countrymen, to whom the old world is beginning to yield its reluctant honors ? Are we incapable of appre- ciating the value of scientific progress, and the importance that our own country should not be last in the general march of improvement which characterizes the present age ? Such has not been the character and usage of this our city. Such could not have been the expectation of those who, in adverse times, planted and nour- ished among us seeds capable of a redundant harvest. I have thus, ladies and gentlemen, endeavor- ed to present to your favorable notice, the char- acter and claims of the Academy of Arts and Sciences. In the course of lectures which is to follow, the Academy will speak for itself. I am aware that it is presumptuous for one absorbed in the cares of a responsible profession, who has added little to the common storehouse of indigenous science, to appear as the advocate 388 ADDRESS BEFORE AMERICAN ACADEMY. and representative of so distinguished a body. But I am impressed with the importance of the occasion, and obey the commands which have been laid upon me ; and I will shelter myself under the belief, that it may sometimes be per- mitted, even to the drone in the hive, to cause the air to vibrate in honor of the labors of his more efficient colleagues. INDEX. Page Page ABSTINENCE in Diet, 144 Cochituate Water, 318 Academy American, Ad- Cofiee, 289 dress, 359 Colchicum, 143 Acute Rheumatism, 24 Cutaneous Diseases, 24 Amphoric Resonance, 230 Ajiatomy and Surgery, 94 Definition of Medicine, 64 Andre, Major, 190 Detrimental Practice, 40 Angina Pectoris, 22 Detrimental Remedies, 82 Ascarides, 50 Diagnosis, 67 Auburn, Mount, 171, 192 Earle, Sir James, 149 Blane, Sir Gilbert, 37 Education, Medical, 91 Borromeo, Carlo, 187 Edward I. King, 175 Botanic Practitioners, 105 Egyptian Medicine, 254 Bowditch, Nathaniel, 374 Electricity, 381 Burial of the Dead, 171 Elephant, frozen, 185 Burns and Scalds, 146 Epilepsy, 21 Erysipelas, 12 Causes, Removal of, 57 Esculapius, 246 Chalk Stones, 135 Etiology, 93 Charles I. King, 178 Exact Sciences, 59 Chemistry, 92 Exaggeration, Medical, 95 Clot Bey, 76 Expectant Practice, 103 390 INDEX. Fire, Injuries by, 146 Metastatic Diseases, 23 Mount Auburn, 171, 192 Gout, 49, 132 Mucuna Pruriens, 266 Grecian Medicine, 342 Mummies, Egyptian, 187 Harmony among Physi- Neptune, Planet, 384 cians, 123 Nomenclature, 237 Henry VIII. King, 183 Numerical Method, 34 History of Medicine, 838 Homoeopathy, 101 Organic Remains, 380 Hooping Cough, 10 Paroxysmal Diseases, 21 Incurable Diseases, 88 Partridge, Poison of, 272 Inefficacy of Treatment, 75 Pathology, 93 Pestilential Epidemics, 25. 54 Kentish, Mr. 148 Pharmacopoeia Ameri- Kinglake, Dr. 148 can, 231 Kings, Relics of, 178 Pickering, John, 375 Plague at Cairo, 76 Lead, Exposure to, 316 Pneumothorax, 195 Lead Pipes for Water, 315 Practical Medicine, 62 Lectures, Medical, 97 Precocious Habits, 111 Louis, 34 Priestly Medicine, 351 Private Schools, 98 Materia Medica, 93 Measles, 11 ,43 Quackery, 108, 124 Medical Education, 91 Medical Profession, 111 Rabbits, Experiments on, 152 Medical Reasoning, 29 Rational Practice, 35 Metallic Tinkling, 197, 224 Remedies, 56 391 Remedies, excessive, 82 Textures, Susceptibility Rheumatism, Acute, 24 of, 269 Theories in Medicine, 118 Scarlet Fever, 11 Thomsonian Sect, 105 Self-limited Diseases, 1 Tobacco, History of, 323 Small Pox, 12 Treatment of Disease, 59 Success of Treatment, 26 Typhoid Fever, 14 Symptoms, prescribing for , 79 Syphilis, 42 Vinous Liquors, 188 Tanquerel on Lead, 318 Watch, Illustration by, 69 Tea, 297 BOSTON, 135 WASHINGTON STBKJBT. 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