GIFT OF MICHAEL REESE SLIDE-VALVES. A BOOK FOR PRACTICAL MEN + ON THE PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF DESIGN; WITH AN EXPLANATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF SHAFT-GOVERNORS. BY C. W. MAcCORD, JR., M.E. FIRST EDITION. FIRST THOUSAND. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED. 1897. Copyright, 1897, BY C. W. MAcCORD, JR. ROBERT DRUMMOND. KLECTROTYPER AND PRINTER, NEW YORK. PREFACE. A SERIES of articles entitled "Valve-Gears" was pub- lished by the author in Power during 1895 and 1896. The object of these papers was to put the principles of design of slide-valves in a practical form for practical men. This book contains the subject-matter of those papers entirely revised and rearranged, with a complete new set of cuts. C. W. MACCORD JR. AUBURN, N. Y., July 4, 1897. JT*Se^ ~ "-'"^r^A^ iii CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE General Principles I CHAPTER II. Crank, Connecting-Rod, and Eccentric-Rod 17 CHAPTER III. Valve Diagrams 27 CHAPTER IV. Steam and Exhaust Ports Bridges Steam-Pipes 44 CHAPTER V. General Problems in Valve Design 54 CHAPTER VI. Rockers and Bell-Cranks 62 CHAPTER VII. Design of a Plain D-Valve 68 CHAPTER VIII. Valve and Eccentric Rods, Steam-Chest , 78 v vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGE Design of an Allen or " Trick" Valve 82 CHAPTER X. Design of a Double-Ported Valve 9 CHAPTER XI. Valve-Setting 99 CHAPTER XII. Shaft-GovernorsGeneral Principles and Types 108 CHAPTER XIII. Shaft-GovernorsAnalysis of Principles 124 SLIDE-VALVES. CHAPTER I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. FlG. I shows a cylinder which is entirely empty, except for the piston shown; the latter being free to slide in the cylinder under the influence of any force. Suppose, for PlG.l example, that steam were admitted to the space A at the left. The natural result would be that the piston would move over to the right-hand end, as shown in Fig. 2. Now, FIG. 2 in order to bring the piston back to the position shown in Fig. I, a force must be applied to the right of the piston. 2 SLIDE-VALVES. Suppose steam were admitted there. This would not suffice to move the piston, because the space A is filled with steam and the pressures on the two sides of the piston would balance each other. It therefore follows that the mere admission of steam to the ends of the cylinder in alternation is not enough to cause the piston to reciprocate, or move backward and forward ; but, in addition, some means must be provided for emptying or exhausting the steam from the cylinder as soon as it has done its work. If this exhausting is accomplished, the steam-pressure will then move the piston in the desired way. In Fig. 3 is represented the simplest contrivance designed to regulate the admission and exhaust of steam from the FIG. 3 cylinder. The space S is called the " steam-chest," and is in direct communication with the boiler, so that it is at all times full of steam at boiler-pressure. The passages P and P' lead to the right- and left-hand ends, respectively, of the cylinder, and are called " steam-ports " or, more often, "porf-s." The piece Fis the' 'valve," and it is free to slide in a horizontal direction only, or parallel with the " line of GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 5 stroke" of the piston. The surface of the main casting in which the ports terminate is called the " valve-seat," and the lower surface of the valve, which is in contact with the seat, is called the " valve-face." The valve is moved by means of the "va'lve-rod," VR, which passes through a " stuffing-box " at the left of the steam-chest; the object of the stuffing-box being to prevent the leakage of steam. The piston, A, with its "piston-rod," does not require any partic- ular description. The passage E in the valve-seat is called the "exhaust-port," and it is in direct communication with the atmosphere at all times. The valve as shown is separated entirely frcm the "valve- gear" which operates it. This is done because a clearer understanding of the subject can be had by first studying thoroughly the movements of the valve and then considering the gear required to produce these movements. The operation of this valve is as follows: In Fig. 3 the valve just covers both ports, and the steam cannot reach either end of the cylinder. Then the valve FIG. 4 moves slightly to the left, assuming the position shown in Fig. 4, when the right-hand port is uncovered, and the steam 4 SLIDE-VALVES. naturally follows the course indicated by the curved arrows, thus getting on the right of the piston and forcing it over to the left, as shown by the straight arrow. When the piston reaches the middle of its stroke the valve is at the extreme left of its stroke, or travel, and begins to move in the oppo- sition direction; this being shown in Fig. 5. When the piston reaches the extreme left-hand position the valve is FIG. 5 again " central or in the middle position, and just covers both ports, as shown in Fig. 6. The valve continues to move to the right, thus admitting steam to the left-hand end of the cylinder, as shown in Fig. 7. At the same time, it will be noticed, the cavity E' in the valve is over the right- hand steam-port, thus permitting steam to escape from the right-hand side of the piston through the exhaust-port E, as shown by the arrows. The exhaust-port leads to the atmos- phere. The piston now reverses its stroke, and when in the middle of its stroke the valve is over at the extreme right- hand end of its travel, as shown in Fig. 8. The piston con- tinues to move to the right, while the valve reverses and moves to the left, and the original condition, shown in GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 5 Fig. 3, is once more attained. The relative movements of the piston and valve are then, repeated. When the valve is FIG. 6 again over at the left, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5, the steam at the left of the piston is exhausted through P' and . v it FIG. 7 It should be at once apparent that the motion of the valve bears a fixed relation to the motion of the piston, and should SLIDE-VALVES. be derived from it in some way. When the valve is in its central position the piston is at either one end or the other of FIG. 8 its stroke. That is, the valve is either a half-stroke ahead of or behind the piston. In every engine the reciprocating or "to-and-fro " motion of the piston is converted into a rotary motion of the fly- wheel. Fig. 9 shows the simplest possible contrivance for effecting this conversion; and at the same time it shows the simplest form of apparatus for deriving the motion of the valve from the stroke of the piston. The center of the crank-shaft, on which the fly-wheel is keyed, is at <9, and the crank-pin is at C. The crank itself is omitted for the sake of clearness. The piston-rod, R, terminates in a slotted cross- head, in which the crank-pin fits and is free to slide. With this gear, as the piston moves to and fro, the crank rotates, and the crank-pin slides up and down in the slotted cross-head. It will be noticed that when the positions of the piston-rod, crank-pin, and shaft are as shown in the figure that is, when their centers are all in the same straight line, there is no rotative effort on the crank-pin, the entire pressure on the GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 7 piston being expended in an attempt to crush the crank-pin or shaft. At the other end of the stroke a similar state of affairs occurs. These two points are called the "dead- points" or " dead-centers." If an engine, when stopped, gets on either dead-center, it is necessary to pry it off before FIG. 9 it can be started. When the engine is on the center the piston is at the end of its stroke. Another pin is secured to the shaft just 90, or a quarter circumference, away from C, as shown at E. If, therefore, the valve be driven by E, it will always be a half-stroke away from the piston. The pin E is called the "eccentric-pin," or the " eccentric," and another slotted cross-head is em- ployed to communicate the motion of E to the valve-rod, VR, through the "rocker," or " rock-shaft," L. This rocker is pivoted at >, which is some point on the frame of the engine; and, in the case shown, the arms are equal, so that the motion of the valve is the same in amount as if the valve-rod were fastened to the end of the eccentric-rod ; but it is opposite in direction, or the rocker reverses the move- 8 SLIDE-VALVES. ment of the valve. A rocker is not an indispensable adjunct, but it is used when the line of travel of the valve is above or below the line of stroke of the engine. The type shown in the cut is only one of many, some of which will be described later, and is taken on account of its simplicity. This device answers the two requirements mentioned; for the motion of the valve is obviously derived from the stroke of the piston, and, as the angle between the crank and the eccentric is 90, it is evident that when the piston is at one end of its stroke, as it must be in Fig. 9, the rocker L is vertical and the valve is consequently in the middle position. The distance OE from the center of the crank-shaft to the center of the eccentric-pin is called the "throw" of the eccentric, or simply the " eccentricity," and a momentary inspection of the figure will show that the travel of the valve is equal to twice the eccentricity, or to the diameter of the circle in which the eccentric-pin travels. Similarly, the length of the crank, OC, is often called the "throw " of the crank, and it is equal to one-half the stroke of the engine. It will be noticed that the travel of the valve is much less than that of the piston. It is made so in order to decrease the power required to move the valve; for the friction between the valve and the valve-seat varies directly with the distance through which the valve has to be moved. This type of valve-gear has two serious drawbacks: The steam is not used expansively, and there is no "compres- sion " or cushioning of the steam at the end of the stroke to take up the momentum of the moving parts, to avoid " pounding." Both of these faults are due to the fact that steam is admitted to the cylinder from the moment that the piston leaves one end of the cylinder until it reaches the other end, or, in other words, "steam follows full stroke," a fact which should be plain from the foregoing text. The exhaust is also open during the entire stroke. If steam were "cut off" from the cylinder some time GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 9 before the piston reached the end of its stroke, the expansive force of the steam would, in combination with the reduction of pressure in front of the piston due to the exhaust, carry the piston along to the end of the stroke. There is great gain in economy in so using steam expansively, but it lies without the province of this work to enter upon its proof. Similarly, if the port were closed to exhaust a short time before the piston reached the end of its stroke, a certain vol- ume of steam would be imprisoned and compressed by the advancing piston, thus acting as a cushion to overcome the momentum of the moving parts. Steam may be cut off from the cylinder at any desired point in the stroke of the piston by adding to the outside of the valve a piece equal to the distance that the valve has moved from its central position when the piston is at that point of the stroke. This is shown in Fig. 10, which is a center-line sketch of the valve-gear shown in Fig. 9, with the addition of the valve and ports at the end of the valve-rod. Suppose, for example, that it is desired to cut off at three- fourths stroke that is, when the piston has completed three 10 SLID E- VA L VES. fourths of its travel toward one end of the cylinder the port shall be closed to steam. FIRST. Find the position of the crank-pin when the piston is at the point where cut-off is required. This is done by describing, about O as a center, a circle with a radius equal to the length of the crank ; then take TF equal to | of A T, and draw a perpendicular to A T from F until it cuts the crank-circle at C, the required crank-pin position ; and OC is the " crank-line," or line representing the position of the center-line of the crank. This is true because, with the slotted connection, the horizontal movement of the crank-pin is the same as that of the piston. SECOND. Locate the eccentric-pin position corresponding to the determined crank-pin position. This is done by drawing OE, the eccentric line, perpendicular to OC, because the angle between the crank and eccentric is 90, and describing a circle about O as a center, and with a radius equal to the eccentricity. This circle cuts OE at E, which is the required position of the eccentric-pin. THIRD. Locate the position of the end of the eccentric-rod. To do this, it is only necessary to drop a perpendicular ED from E to the line of stroke. FOURTH. Draw in the rest of the figure. This is simply done by taking the dimensions of the valve-rod, eccentric-rod, rocker, etc., from Fig. 9. Now, the "displacement of the valve," or the distance it has moved from its central position, is OR or /, and it is evi- dent that the valve must move that distance to the right before the right-hand port is closed. If a piece of the length / is added to the outside of the valve, as shown by the dotted lines, the port will be closed with the gear in the position indicated, and the desired result will be obtained for the right-hand end of the stroke. The angle which the crank-line at any time makes with the line of stroke is called the ''crank-angle "; and with the GENERAL PRINCIPLES. II slotted connection it is evident that for the same piston position on the forward and return strokes the crank-angles are equal. Consequently the valve displacements are equal, and, taking the case just solved, it is only necessary to lengthen the valve on the other end by the amount / in order to secure cut-off at the same point on the return stroke. The end of the 'cylinder nearest the crank is called the " crank end," the other being called the " head end." The stroke in which the piston approaches the crank-shaft is called the " forward stroke"; and the stroke in which it recedes from the crank-shaft is called the "return stroke." The length /which is added is called the "outside lap " or " steam-lap," because it is on the outside of the valve and controls the admission of live steam. It is defined as the amount which the valve projects over the outside edge of the steam-port when the valve is in its central position, as shown in Fig. ii. It is very evident that if the valve originally just I, I, = outside laps. i, t, = inside laps. 6, b,= bridges. PIG. 11 e, = exhaust port. p, p,=steam ports. covered the port when in its central position, a piece of length / would project just that amount over the edge of the port. The compression of steam may be secured by adding a length /' to the inside of the valve, the value of i being determined in the same manner that /was found; that is. by making it equal to the distance which the valve would have to travel in order to close the port, with the piston in the 1 2 SLIDE- VA L VES. required position. This addition is called the "inside lap'* or "exhaust-lap," for obvious reasons. It maybe defined as the amount which the valve projects over the inside edge of the port, with the valve central, as in Fig. n. The partition which divides the exhaust from the steam- port is called the bridge. The inside lap therefore rests on the bridge. A difficulty due to the introduction of outside lap is at once apparent. The admission of steam is made late by just the amount /. That is, the valve must move a distance / from its middle position before the port is opened to steam, or the eccentric must turn through the corresponding angle. This may be remedied by changing the angle between the crank and eccentric, moving the eccentric ahead that is, in the direction in which the engine is to run an angle corre- sponding to Z\ That is, in Fig. 10, through an angle EOP making the eccentric position OE*. This will make the admission occur sooner, but it will also make the cut-off occur earlier, so that the result will be different from the three-quarter cut-off desired, as shown in Fig. 12, where E* is the eccentric position with the port closed, and OC the corresponding crank-position. It is not necessary to show how this three-quarter cut-off could be obtained, as the general method has been indicated, and this type of gear is only useful as a mode of explanation. By increasing the angle between the crank and eccentric, the opening of the port to exhaust will be made earlier that is, it will occur before the end of the stroke, in the simple valve with outside lap but no inside lap; and the compression will occur before the end of the return stroke. The inside lap, if added, need be much smaller than the outside lap. Early exhaust opening, pro- vided it does not occur earlier than seven-eighths stroke, does no harm, as it simply serves to reduce the pressure against which the piston must work on its return stroke. The angle between the crank and the eccentric has now GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 13 been changed from 90 to COE* by the advance of the eccen- tric, and the amount of the change is called the "angular advance"; and angular advance is therefore defined as the FIG. 12 difference between 90 and the angle between the crank and eccentric. The rocker affects very materially the angle between the crank and eccentric. With the device shown, the horizontal motion of the upper arm is directly opposite to that of the lower arm. If, in the simple device shown in Fig. 9, the eccentric-rod were fastened direct to the valve-rod, and the rocker in consequence eliminated, it would be necessary to move the eccentric-pin around to E' ', which is 180 away from E, in order to secure the same movement of the valve. If, with the eccentric in this new position, outside lap were added to the valve, it would be necessary to move the eccen- tric ahead in the direction in which the engine is to run to secure the admission of steam at the beginning of the stroke, just as before. But in this case it would tend to increase the angle between the crank and eccentric, while with the rocker it resulted in a decrease of the angle. In the case of 14 SLIDE- VA L VES. direct connection the eccentric precedes the crank, while with the reversing rocker the eccentric follows. The definition of angular advance may therefore be stated as follows: li Angular advance" is the difference between the angle between the crank and eccentric arid 90. When the right angle is the greater the angle becomes the "angle of follow," or the eccentric follows the crank. When the right angle is the less, the angle becomes the "angle of advance," or the eccentric precedes the crank. This affords a ready means of determining whether a rocker is used. With this type of valve-gear the valve displacement for a given piston position is found by drawing the perpendicular from the eccentric-pin to the line of stroke, as ER, Fig. 10. The displacement from the end of its travel is RS, and from the central position is OR. The latter is the one usually employed. It must be remembered that, on the contrary, "piston displacement " is the amount the piston has moved from the beginning of its stroke, and is usually expressed by the fraction of the stroke completed. It has been pointed out that setting the eccentric ahead makes all the events of the stroke earlier. This may be car- ried to such an extreme as to reverse the direction of rotation of the crank. This may be explained by the use of Fig. 13. Let CO be the crank and OE the eccentric, with the engine on the head-end dead-center, running in the direction shown by the arrow. The relative positions of crank and eccentric are taken from Fig. 12. At this stage the valve would commence to move to the left, opening the head-end port. But suppose that the eccentric-pin were suddenly slipped around to E 1 , the angle COE 1 being equal to COE. The valve displacement would remain the same, so that the right-hand port would be just covered. But if the engine continues to move in the direction of the arrow, the valve will move to the right, with the eccentric at E\ thus opening" GENERAL PRINCIP the right-hand or head-end port to exhaust and the crank-end port to steam. The difference between this motion of the valve and that obtained with the eccentric at E is shown in the figure. The piston is moving toward the left in both cases; but with the head-end port exhausting and the crank- FIG. 13 ECCENTRIC AT E. end port admitting steam, as shown by the upper valve, there soon comes a time. when the pressure at the left of the piston overcomes the momentum of the moving parts and forces the piston to reverse its movement. This carries the crank in the opposite direction. The engine will continue to run in this reversed direction, as E 1 is as much behind the crank in the new motion as E was behind the old. It will be noticed that in the first case, with the eccentric at E y the crank goes above the line of stroke on the forward stroke. The engine is said to ''run over." When reversed, the crank goes below the line of stroke on the forward stroke, and the engine "runs under." The results obtained from Fig. 13 may be stated as follows : 1 6 SLIDE- VA L VES. To reverse an engine, it is only necessary to slip the eccen- tric-pin around on the shaft until it is on the other side of the crank-pin, making the angular distance between the crank and eccentric the same that it was at first. In this connection it is to be noted that it is not correct to slip the eccentric around 1 80 on the shaft, until it is directly opposite its original position. This condition is shown by OE\ and it is at once apparent that that will make all the events of the stroke late by the angle E'OE\ Of course, if the angle between the crank and eccentric were 90, it would be correct to slip it around 180, and that is the only case in which it would be right. CHAPTER II. CRANKS, CONNECTING-RODS, AND ECCENTRICS. THE slotted cross-head form of connection is but seldom used, on account of certain mechanical difficulties which it is unnecessary to describe here. The commonest means of converting the reciprocating motion of the piston into the rotary motion of the crank is shown in Fig. 14. The piston- FIG. 14 rod, B, terminates in the cross head, H, to which it is rigidly secured, the cross-head sliding between the guides G G. The crank-shaft, S, carries the crank or pitman, M, on which is the crank-pin, C. The connecting-rod, R, joins the crank- pin with the wrist-pin, W, of the cross-head, the connecting- rod being provided with bearings in which these pins fit, so that the rod may alter its position and still keep the distance between the pins sensibly constant, provisions being made in various ways for taking up the wear. Very frequently in fact always the eccentricity is less than the radius of the crank-shaft. If, therefore, the slotted 17 18 SLIDE-VALVES. form of connection to the valve-rod were employed, it would be necessary either to place the eccentric-pin at the end of the shaft, which is done in some engines, or to reduce the diameter of the shaft at the point from which the motion of the valve is derived, as shown in Fig. 15. Here the shaft FIG. 15 center is <9, and the crank-shaft is cut away to form the pin C, on the same principle that center-crank engines are built. The eccentricity is OE, the center of the pin being at E\ and motion would be imparted to the valve by a rod attached to C. To avoid these difficulties, and also to obtain adjustability, the connection shown in Fig. 16 is employed. FIG. 16 Here the eccentric-pin is expanded until it surrounds the shaft. This is done by taking a disk of greater diameter than the shaft, as in Fig. 17, where the center of the disk is E. and boring in it a hole the diameter of which is equal to that of CRANKS, CONNECTING-RODS, AND ECCENTRICS. 19 the crank-shaft. The hole and the disk are not concentric, the center of the former being at O. The distance OE is the eccentricity, or throw of the eccentric. The disk may then be keyed to the shaft in any desired position, thus obtaining the power to adjust the angular advance. Returning to Fig. 16, B is the disk, now called the eccentric-sheave, and OE is the eccentricity. A ring, T, called the eccen- tric-strap, surrounds the eccentric-sheave, and is free to turn on it. The strap is secured to the eccen- tric-rod, N t and the latter communicates the motion of the eccentric to the valve, either by a rocker, or by direct attach- ment to the valve-rod. The motion of the valve thus secured is exactly the same as if the eccentric-rod were attached to an eccentric-pin at E, as shown by the center-lines. The use of the crank and connecting-rod introduces am irregularity due to the "angularity of the rod." With the slotted-cross-head form of connection, it will be remembered, the displacement of the piston from the end of its stroke is exactly equal to the horizontal displacement of the crank-pin; and, therefore, when the crank-pin is in its middle position the piston is at the center of its stroke; and this is true on both the forward and return strokes. The velocity of the crank-pin is assumed to be uniform, and hence the piston always takes the same amount of time to complete a half- stroke. Both strokes being alike, it follows that for a given piston displacement from the end of the stroke, the angle made by the crank-line with the line of stroke is the same at both ends. This is shown in Fig. 18, in which XZ is the line of stroke, AB is the length of the stroke, and the circle whose center is O, and whose diameter MN is equal to AB, is the path of the crank-pin. Now if BP is the piston displacement on the forward stroke, the crank-pin position, C, correspond- ing to this is found by taking PD equal to BN, and drawing 20 SLIDE-VALVES. CD perpendicular to the line of stroke until it cuts the circle at C. Then is CO the crank position, and CON is the crank angle corresponding to the given piston displacement on the forward stroke. Now let AP', equal to BP, be the piston displacement on the return stroke. Take P'D f , equal to AM, FIG. 18 or, which is the same, BN or PD, and locate C' by drawing D ' C' perpendicular to the line of stroke until it cuts the circle at C'. Then is C'O the crank position and C'OM is the crank angle corresponding to the given piston displacement. As MD' is equal to ND, both being equal to the piston dis- placement, the angles C'OM and CON are equal. With the crank and connecting-rod arrangement none of these things are true. This is shown in Figs. 19 and 20, which are lettered similarly to Fig. 18. The length of the connect- ing-rod is BN With the piston in its middle position on the forward stroke, as at P, Fig. 19, the crank- pin position is C, found by taking P as a center and striking an arc, with the length of the rod as a radius, until it cuts the circle at C. Then is CO the crank position for mid-stroke, forward, of the piston, and CON is the crank angle. During the first half of the piston stroke the crank-pin travels from N to C\ and CRANKS, CONNECTING-RODS, AND ECCENTRICS. 21 during the last half the crank-pin moves from C to M. With a uniform velocity of the crank-pin, which is assumed, the piston travels slower during the last half of the forward stroke FIG. 19 than during the first half. On the return stroke, with the piston at P, the crank position is C'O, and the crank angle is C'OM, which is evidently greater than CON- It is also FIG. 20 c' evident that the piston velocity is less during the first half of the return stroke than during the last half; for the crank-pin, moving at a uniform rate, takes longer to pass over MC' than it does to cover C'N. 22 SLIDE- VA L VES. In Fig. 20 the piston-displacements are the same as in Fig. 1 8, but the crank-pin positions are found by striking arcs about P and P' as centers, the radius in each case being the length of the connecting-rod. The crank angles C'OM and CON are evidently unequal, C'OM being the greater. The foregoing may be summed up as follows: With the ordinary crank and connecting-rod the crank angles corresponding to equal piston displacements on the for- ward and return strokes are unequal, that on the return stroke being the greater. With the ordinary crank and connecting-rod, assuming tJie velocity of the crank-pin to be uniform, the piston velocity is not uniform, being less during the crank- end half of each stroke than during the head-end half. The variation between the crank angles on the forward and return strokes depends on the length of the connecting-rod as compared with that of the crank; the longer the connecting- rod, the less will be the difference between the crank angles for equal piston displacements on the forward and return strokes. When the rod is infinitely longer than the crank, there is no difference between the angles; and hence the slotted-cross-head form of connection is usually referred to as the " infinite connecting-rod." With the ordinary types of engines, where the rod is from four to ten times the length of the crank, the difference must be considered, and affects the amounts of lap required on the ends of the valve to secure cut-off at the same point in each stroke, making the laps unequal. This is because the angle between the crank and eccentric is fixed, and the valve displacement varies with the A SLIDE-VALVES. to steam. Therefore admission begins at A ; and it lasts until the port is again closed, which will be when the crank is at C, when the valve displacement is equal to the outside lap. This gives the two following rules: "Admission" begins when the crank line passes through the first intersection of the valve and outside-lap circles. OA passes through Oa. "Cut-off" occurs when the crank line passes through the second intersection of the valve and lap circles. VALVE DIAGRAMS GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 35 In Fig. 24 the lap-circle is only drawn above the line of stroke. This is because the outside lap does not affect the exhaust, and the exhaust and admission are read from opposite valve-circles. The exhaust opens at R, and closes at T that is, it lasts during the entire stroke, just as in Case I. From C to R no steam is admitted, and the steam admitted up to cut-off expands. From T to A the cylinder is empty, and the engine runs only by virtue of the momentum of the fly-wheel. Fig. 25 shows the diagram for the crank-end of the cylinder, the valve being supposed to have the same outside lap on both ends. CASE III. Simple D-valve, both outside and inside lap; angle between the crank and eccentric 90. This case is shown in Figs. 26 and 27, the former being for the head-end, and the latter for the crank-end. The valve is supposed to have the same amount of inside lap at both ends. The valve travel, crank throw, and outside lap are the same as in the preceding problem. The inside lap affects only the exhaust; and as its effect is to lessen the amount that the port is open to exhaust by the amount of lap, allowances can be made for it by striking- an arc about O as a center, and with a radius OI equal to the inside lap, in a manner similar to that employed for the out- side lap. This gives as a rule: The port-opening to exhaust corresponding to any given crank position is equal to that portion of the crank-line which is included between the valve-circle and inside lap-circle. The exhaust-opening and steam-opening are read from different valve circles, it must be remembered. Fig. 26 is the same as Fig. 24 as far as the facts relating 34 {SLIDE-VALVES. to admission and cut-off are concerned. The exhaust does not open until the valve displacement is equal to the inside lap, or until the crank is at R. It remains open while the cranK passes from R to T, when the valve displacement is again equal to the inside lap. From which these two rules: "Release" or exhaust -opening, occurs when the crank-line passes through the first intersection of the valve and inside lap circles. OR passes through r. " Compression," or exhaust-closure, occurs when the crank VALVE DIAGRAMS GENERAL PRINCIPLES. 35 line passes through the second intersection of the valve and in- side-lap circles. OT passes through /. From C to M expansion occurs; and a peculiarity of this type of valve is that from M to R the steam is compressed. FIG. 27 This is evident because the piston reverses the direction of its motion, and the exhaust does not open until the piston has passed over a portion of its return stroke. In the same way, compression occurs from T to N, and from N to A this compressed steam expands. SLIDE-VALVES. CASE IV. Simple D-valve, with both inside and outside laps, with the angular advance sufficient to open the port to steam at the beginning of the stroke. The diagrams for this case are shown in Figs. 28 and 29, E -{- P B I. 3. When the inside lap is negative that is, when the valve allows the port to be open to exhaust when the valve is in its middle position add together the half -travel or eccentricity and the width of the steam-port. Then add together the amount of the negative lap or inside clearance and the thickness of the bridge. Subtract this latter sum from the first, and the re- mainder is the zvidth of the exhaust-port. D E -\- P B /. CHAPTER V. VALVE DIAGRAMS GENERAL PROBLEMS OF DESIGN. THERE are several different problems which may present themselves for solution, circumstances beyond the designer's control having fixed certain dimensions. But the following problems will cover the probable cases very completely. PROBLEM I. GIVEN. Eccentricity, point of cut-off, angle of advance, and point of compression. REQUIRED. Lap, exhaust-lap, lead, exhaust-lead, and greatest possible openings of port to both admission and exhaust. SOLUTION. The solution of this problem is shown in Fig. 37. Draw XY and VZ at right angles, intersecting at O. Draw DOD f , making the angle DOX equal to the given angle of advance. Find CO, the crank position corresponding to the given point of cut-off by either of the two methods pre- viously described. It is best to make the determinations of crank positions on a separate sheet, and transfer them to the sheet on which the solution is being made. Then lay off ov equal to the eccentricity or half-travel. Find E, the middle point of ov, and about E as a center, and with a radius equal to EO, describe the upper valve circle. In a similar way find R' and draw the lower valve circle. Now the upper valve circle intersects oc at c. Then, according to Chapter III, oc must be the outside lap. Then 54 VALVE-DIAGRAMSGENERAL PROBLEMS OF DESIGN. 55 draw in the lap circle about O as a center and with a radius equal to oc. This will cut VZ at d, and the distance de" from d to e> the intersection L the valve circle with VZ, is the lead. The lap circle cuts the valve circle at a, and therefore OA, drawn through the point a is the crank-position at admission. The angle ZOA is the lead angle. Now draw in OT, the crank-position corresponding to the given point of compression. This intersects the lower valve circle at /, and Ot is therefore the amount of the inside lap. The inside lap-circle is then drawn in about O as a center and with Ot as a radius. Its intersection with the 5& SLIDE- VA L VES. valve-circle at r determines OR, the crank-line at release. The exhaust lead isj^, and the exhaust lead angle is VOR. PROBLEM II. GIVEN. The lap, point of cut-off, and lead. REQUIRED. The valve travel and angle of advance. SOLUTION. Fig. 38 shows one solution of this problem. The lines XY and VZ are drawn at right angles, intersecting FIG. 38 at O. The crank-position at cut-off is OC, as given. Then the lap-circle is drawn in about O as a center and with a radius equal to the given lap. Its intersection c with OC is a point through which the valve-circle must pass. O is another point on the valve-circle. Another point is ^, found by laying off de equal to the given lead. These three points VALVE-DIAGRAMSGENERAL PROBLEMS OF DESIGN. 57 serve to determine the center of the valve-circle, as follows: Find m, the middle point of OC, and draw my perpendicular to Oc. Find n, the middle point of Oe, and draw nx perpen- dicular to Oe. Then nx and my intersect at E, which is the center required. Then draw in the valve-circle about E as a center and with EO as a radius. Draw DEO, and its intersec- tion v with the valve-circle determines Ov, which is the eccentricity. The valve-travel is twice the eccentricity. Another solution is shown in Fig. 39. Having found the points c and ^, draw ev perpendicular to VZ. Draw cv per- FIG. 39 pendicular to OC, intersecting ev in v. Then draw DvO. Then is vO equal to the valve travel. If the middle point, E, of vO is located, and > circle of radius EO drawn about E as a center, it will pass through c and e as well as O, showing the construction to be correct. SLIDE-VALVES. PROBLEM III. GIVEN. Cut-off, angle of lead, width of port, and over- travel. FIG. 40 REQUIRED. Eccentricity, lap, lead, and angle of advance. SOLUTION. Draw XY and VZ, Fig. 40, at right angles to VALVE-DIAGRAMSGENERAL PROBLEMS OF DESIGN. $$ each other. Draw OA, the crank position corresponding to the given lead angle; that is, make ZOA equal to the given angle. Draw OC, the crank-line at cut-off, as given. Now, the center of the valve-circle must lie somewhere on the line bisecting the angle formed by these two crank-lines. There- fore draw DOD' ', bisecting the angle CO A, and the angle XOD is the angular advance. Take any convenient radius, as E 'O, and describe a trial valve-circle, intersecting OD at i/. Then Oc' is the corre- sponding lap, and by drawing in this trial lap-circle it will be found that the greatest possible opening of the port is L'v 1 ', with this lap and valve-travel. The greatest possible opening of the port is evidently equal to the width of the port plus the overtravel, and as both of these are given in the problem, the maximum port-opening is known. It is hardly probable, though possible, that the distance L'v' will equal the given amount on the first trial. That being the case, proceed by drawing v'g in any convenient direction, and take v'x equal to the required greatest port-opening that is, equal to the width of the port plus the overtravel. Then join L' and x, and from O draw Og parallel to L' x, until it cuts v'g in g. Then is v'g equal to the required eccentricity. Next lay off Ov on OD, equal to v'g. Bisect Ov in E, and about E as a center and with a radius OE draw in the valve-circle which will cut OC at Cj thus determining the lap, Oc; and by draw- ing the lap-circle the lead de is determined. The maximum port-opening with this travel and lap is evidently vL\ and if the construction is accurate, vL will be found to be equal to v'x. PROBLEM IV. GIVEN. Point of cut-off, lead, and greatest possible port- opening. REQUIRED. Lap, valve-travel, and angle of advance. 6o SLIDE-VALVES. SOLUTION. This is shown in Fig. 41. Draw JTFand VZ at right angles, intersecting at O. Draw OC t the crank- line at cut-off, as given. Then produce OC to ;, making Om equal to the given lead. This should be drawn on a large scale, as the lead is usually small, seldom exceeding T 3 ^- of an inch. A scale of from two to four times full size should be employed. Next take ms on mC, equal to the given maximum port- opening. Through s draw nst parallel to the line of stroke VZj making st equal to sm as shown by the arc mt. Then join O and t, and on Ot take Oh equal to Om as shown by the VALVE-DIAGRAMSGENERAL PROBLEMS OF DESIGN. 6 1 arc mh. Next about O as a center, and with a radius equal to On, describe an indefinite arc. Through h draw gh parallel to VZ. Then gh will cut the arc just drawn in g. The arc cuts Ot in k, and this arc kn is next picked up in the compass and laid off from g to D 1 '. Then draw D'O and produce it indefinitely, as to D. Then is the center of the valve circle on D'OD, and DOX is the angle of advance. The problem now reduces to: GIVEN. Cut-off, lead, angle of advance, and greatest port- opening. REQUIRED. Eccentricity. This is the same as Problem III, and the solution is made in accordance with the directions given for that. The draw- ing, Fig. 41, covers this solution, and is lettered the same as Fig. 40 to enable the construction to be followed throughout, if desired. The proof of these solutions is in one or two cases rather mathematical, and is therefore omitted, as it is entirely un- necessary to understand this proof in using the diagrams. 'In order to fix these principles, it is not sufficient to rest content with merely reading the foregoing text, but it is necessary to solve numerous examples under each problem. Other problems will probably suggest themselves to the mind, but they can either be reduced to the preceding ones, or can be solved by the application of the general principles of the diagram as outlined in Chapter III. CHAPTER VI. ROCKERS AND BELL-CRANKS. IT has been said that the motion of the eccentric is very often imparted to the valve through a rocker which joins the end of the eccentric- rod to the end of the valve-stem. This is a necessary appliance when the path of the valve is not in the same straight line, that is, when the line of valve-travel is parallel to the line of stroke, but is above or below it, or on one side of it. Figs. 42 and 43 show two forms of this rocker, the prin- cipal difference between them being that with the plain rocker, Fig. 42, where the pivot is at the bottom, the eccen- A V FIG. 42 trie-rod at the top, and the valve-stem attached somewhere between, the valve motion is the same in direction as that of the eccentric, and therefore the eccentric precedes the crank, 62 ROCKERS AND BELL-CRANKS. 63 as shown in the drawing; while with the bell-crank shown in Fig. 43, with the pivot at the angle, the motion of the valve is opposite in direction to that of the eccentric, arid therefore the eccentric follows the crank. In both cases the amount of motion of the valve depends upon the relative lengths of the FIG. 43 rocker-arms to which the valve-stem and eccentric-rods are attached. The method of laying out these rockers will be understood by reference to the figures, which are lettered alike, as the same method is pursued in both cases. Let VZ be the line of stroke, and O the center of the shaft. Then take O as a center, and with a radius OE equal to the eccentricity describe the eccentric-circle, as shown. Let the direction of rotation be as represented by the arrow. Then draw inn at the proper distance from VZ and parallel to 64 SLIDE- VA L VES. it, to represent the line of travel of the valve-stem, and let X be the position of the end of the valve-stem when the valve is in its middle position. Lay off XL and XL ', each equal to the outside lap of the valve. Then take L and L' as centers, and with radii equal to the length of the longer arm of the rocker describe the two arcs vs and xy, intersecting at R. Then is R the pivot of the rock-shaft. Then take R as a center, and a radius equal to the other arm of the rocker, and draw the arc st, making it of indefinite length. From O draw O Y tangent to the arc st, determining the point of tangency, Y y by drawing RY perpendicular to OY, the point of intersec- tion being the required point. Next, from O, draw OE perpendicular to OY. Then OE represents the eccentric, and by joining E and Y the length EY is determined, which is the length of the eccentric-rod. Peculiarities of the design may make it an object to make the eccentric-rod of a certain length. This may be done by shifting the pivot of the rocker until the desired length is obtained. If the distance through which the pivot is to be so moved is short, proceed as follows: Through Y draw a line YG parallel to the line of stroke VZ. With E as a center, and with a radius Ea equal to the given length of the eccentric rod, describe an arc ah, intersect- ing YG in//. Then move the whole arrangement through the distance YH, changing the length of the valve-stem by that amount. The same construction would hold good if the rod were to be shortened instead of lengthened. With this construction the action of the valve is not made irregular at either admission or cut-off. The angle between the crank and eccentric is changed, but this is a matter which affects the valve-setting alone. The amount of the change may be found by laying off ZOC equal to the angle of advance as found by the valve diagram, and then OC represents the position of the crank with the valve in its middle position, and COE is the angle between the crank and eccentric. ROCKERS AND BELL-CRANKS. 6$ Sometimes the valve-face is not parallel to the line of stroke. This is a combination seldom met, as the lack of parallelism renders it a difficult matter to face off the valve- seat and bore the cylinder. Therefore an extended descrip- tion of this type will be omitted. There is one special case, however, which it is well to bear in mind, and that is when the center line of the valve-stem is inclined to the line of stroke in such a manner that it would, if produced, pass through the center of the shaft. This changes the angle of advance by just the angle between the two lines the line of stroke and the center line of the valve-stem. If the change is but slight, it may be neglected. In any case, it is a matter which affects the valve-setting alone. In both Figs. 42 and 43 the rocker-arms are unequal, the shorter arm being f of the larger one, the resultant travel of the valve being the same as if the eccentricity were of OE+ In designing and laying out the valve, it is treated as if it were actuated by the larger eccentric. That is to say, no allowance is made in construction until it comes time to lay out the eccentric, when that is made with, in this case, f of the throw which would be given it if it were either connected direct or with an equal-armed rocker. The valve diagrams given in Chapters III and V show that if the cut-off is equalized on the two ends that is, if made to occur at the same point on each stroke by making the out- side laps unequal, the leads will be unequal; and if the leads are kept equal, the cut-offs will be unequal. It is possible, however, by the use of a bell-crank designed in a certain way, to equalize the cut-offs and have the leads equal or nearly so. This bell-crank is designed as follows: Determine the outside lap, angle of advance, and eccentricity necessary to secure the required cut-off and lead on one end of the valve. It makes no difference which end of the cylinder is selected, as the difference between the laps would be compensated for by the difference between the resulting bell-cranks. Then pro- 66 SLIDE-VALVES. ceed to construct the diagram shown in Fig. 44, which should be drawn on as large a scale as possible in order to render the work accurate. Draw VZ to represent the line of stroke, and let O be the center of the crank-shaft. About O as a center, and with /,' T VALVE STEM a radius equal to the length of the crank, describe the crank-circle. Then describe the eccentric-circle about O as a center and with a radius Oc equal to the eccentricity. Next find the crank positions corresponding to the given point of cut-off on the forward and return strokes respectively. These are OC and OC' , and may be found by either of the two methods given in Chapter II. The first method is the one adopted here, because the method of Deprez, requiring the use of the auxiliary crank-circle, would complicate the draw- iftg too much at the right-hand end. Next draw in OA and OA', the crank-positions at admission on the forward and return strokes respectively. These positions are determined by taking the crank-position for admission from the end of the cylinder for which the lap, etc., were determined, and making the other lead angle the same. For instance, if OA was found, then the angle ZOA' is made equal to VOA. The next step is to locate the eccentric-positions corresponding to these four crank-positions. This is done by laying off from each crank-position the angle between the crank and eccentric. That is, COc, C'Oc'AOa, and A' Oa' are each equal to the angle between the crank and eccentric. Now, it must be remembered that when admission takes ROCKERS AND BELL-CRANKS. 6? place, the valve is just opening the port; and when cut-off occurs, the valve is just closing the port. Consequently the valve is in the same position at admission and cut-off, but the motions are in opposite directions. That is to say, with the eccentric-rod end at either a or c the valve must be in the same position. Then with a and c as centers, and with radii equal to the length of the eccentric-rod, describe arcs inter- secting at 5. Then take the same radius, and with a' and c' as centers describe two more arcs which intersect at t. Join s and /, and find the middle point x. At x draw xR, perpendicular to ts. Then if a line be drawn perpendicular to the line of stroke, as, for example, RT, it will determine the angle xR T between the two arms of the bell-crank. The lengths of these two arms must be such as to give the required movement of the valve, and are determined as follows. On xR lay off xm equal to xs, and from m draw the line mn perpendicular to the line of travel of the valve-stem, and make mn equal to the lap of the valve. Draw xT from x through n until it meets the line of travel of the valve-stem at T; and from T draw TR, also perpendicular to the line of valve-stem travel until it meets xR at R. Then will TR and Rx be the lengths required for the two arms of the bell- cranks, while R will be the point of suspension. The valve- stem is fastened to T, and the eccentric-rod to x. The general appearance is shown by the heavy lines. In a similar manner the exhaust and compression can be equalized, obtaining points similar to / and s\ and if these points should happen to lie in such positions that an arc pass- ing through them would also pass through s and /, it would be possible to design a bell-crank which would equalize all the events of the stroke. As an ordinary thing this coincidence is impossible, so it may be taken as an accepted fact that with a plain D valve it is impossible to equalize all the events of the stroke. This is one of the greatest drawbacks to this type of valve. CHAPTER VII. DESIGN OF A PLAIN D-VALVE. IF the preceding chapters have been thoroughly mastered, the student is in possession of sufficient information to design a plain slide-valve. In order to fix clearly the various steps and their order, a numerical example will be worked out completely. Let the engine be 24 X 24, running at 135 revolutions per minute. Cut-off to be at $ stroke, compression at T *L stroke, and the lead -J of an inch. The connecting-rod is five times the length of the crank. Length of port 22 inches. ORDER IN WHICH THE VARIOUS DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE DETERMINED. T 3 "V 2 A. y 2 1. Piston Speed. This is - - = 540 feet per minute. 2. Area of Steam-port. This is determined by reference to Table III, assuming that the velocity of steam at exhaust is 4000 feet per minute. Under * * 4000, Area of Port ' ' and opposite 550, which is the nearest to the given piston speed, is .138. The piston being 24 inches in diameter, its area is 452.39 square inches, and the port area is therefore 452.39 X .138 = 62.430 square inches. 3. Width of Steam-port. This is the area just found divided by the length given, or 62.430 -r- 22 = 2.837 inches. 68 DESIGN OF A PLAIN D-VALVE. 69 The nearest sixteenth is 2-J-J, from Table II, which is there- fore the width required. 4. Maximum Port-opening. This will be the amount which would allow the entering steam to have a velocity of 6000 feet per minute. It may be found by taking the num- ber from Table IV, multiplying it by the piston area, and then dividing it by the port length; but it is easier to multiply the result given in (3) by f , as 4000 is f of 6000. This gives 2.837 X f 1.891 inches, and, from Table II, the maximum port-opening is made i-J inches. 5. Outside Lap, Angle of Advance, Valve-Travel. These must be such as to produce the required point of cut-off with the given amount of lead, and the port-opening found in (4). This amounts to an example in Problem IV, given in Chapter V. First determine the crank-position corresponding to the given point of cut-off on either end the head-end, for example. This is done, as shown in Fig. 45, by the method given in Chapter II. For this purpose a sheet of paper is required which will allow the drawing to be made on a large enough scale to measure accurately. The crank circle being 24 inches in diameter, a sheet of paper fourteen inches square will be large enough for a half-size drawing. Then draw the two lines XY and VZ at right angles, locating O, which will represent the center of the shaft. Then locate O', the center of the auxiliary crank-circle. The connecting-rod being five times as long as the crank, OO' will be ^ of the crank, as shown in Table I. That is, OO' will be = - = .6 of an inch, 20 5 and on the half-size drawing it will be .3 of an inch. Then SLIDE-VALVES. draw in the two circles shown, the dotted circle being the auxiliary crank-circle. Lay off vn equal to -J- of vz, as the cut-off is to be at -J stroke. Draw nc perpendicular to vz, cutting the auxiliary circle at c, and join O and c, producing it until it meets the crank circle at C. Then OC is the crank position at cut-off on the head end. (Refer to Chapter II for a complete explanation of this method.) Now, having located the crank-position at cut-off, take another sheet of paper, and proceed as in Problem IV. Draw XY and VZ at right angles, Fig. 46. Their intersec- tion represents the center of the shaft. Draw OC, the crank- DESIGN OF A PLAIN D -VALVE. ? I position at cut-off, as found in Fig. i. Produce OC to m, making Om equal to the given lead, j- of an inch. This drawing should be made at least twice full size, in which case a sheet of paper 12 inches square will be large enough. Next, on mC take ms equal to I-J inches, the given maximum port- opening. Through s draw nst parallel to the line of stroke VZ, making st equal to sm or I-J inches, as shown by the arc mt. Then join O and /, and on Ot take Oh equal to Om or J- inch, as shown by the arc mk. Then about O as a center, and with a radius equal to On, describe an indefinite arc. Through h draw gh parallel to VZ. Then gh will cut the indefinite arc just drawn in g. The arc cuts Ot in k. Then pick up the arc kn in the compass or dividers, and lay it off from g to D'\ that is, kn equals gD 1 . Then join D' and O, and produce D' O to any point, as D. Then is DOD' the center line of the valve circles, and DOX is the angle of 7 2 SLIDE-VALVES. advance. Now take any convenient radius, as E'O, and describe the trial valve-circle, intersecting OD at v' . Then Oc' is the corresponding lap, and by drawing in this trial lap- circle it will be found that the greatest possible port-opening is L'v' with this lap and valve-travel. If this is not equal to i-J inches, the given amount and it probably will not be, draw v'y in any convenient direction, and take v'x equal to i-J inches, the required maximum port-opening. Then join L' and x, and from O draw Oy parallel to L ' x, until it cuts v'y in y. Then is v'y the required eccentricity. Lay off Ov equal to v'y, and draw in the valve-circle with this diameter, which will be found to be 2-J inches. This valve-circle will cut OC, the crank-position at cut-off, at c, and Oc, which is ij 1 ^ inches, is the outside lap on the head-end. The lead is de, and it will be found to measure \ of an inch. 6. Inside Lap, Head- End. This could be found on the same sheet, but by this time that drawing has become too complicated and full of lines to permit of any close determina- tions. Take another sheet of paper, and proceed to draw the full diagram for the head-end, as shown in Fig. 47. This drawing may be made on a smaller scale than the preceding one, if desired, but it is not desirable to make it any less than actual size. Lay off the things already determined on this sheet that is, draw XY, VZ, DOD' , OC, the upper valve- circle whose center is E, and the outside lap-circle. Now turn back to Fig. 45, and locate thereon the crank-position O T, the crank-position corresponding to the given point of compression on the head end. (Compression occurs on the return stroke, and the crank is therefore below the line of stroke when it occurs.) Transfer OT to Fig. 47, where it will intersect the lower lap circle at /, thus determining Ot, the inside lap on the head end, which will be found to measure -J an inch. Release and admission will take place, as shown, at the crank-positions OA and OR. 7. Inside and Oiitside Laps on Crank-End. These can be DESIGN OF A PLAIN- D-VALVE. 73 V 74 SLIDE- VA L VES. found very readily on the last drawing, but for purposes of explanation they are determined separately in Fig. 48, which is an exact reproduction of Fig. 47 as far as the angle of advance and the valve-circles are concerned. Then pass back to Fig. 45 and determine OC' and OT', the crank-positions corresponding to cut-off and compression on the crank-end. Then transfer them to Fig. 48, and thus determine Oc' , the outside lap, to be -J^ inch, and Of , the inside lap, which is |- of an inch. Of course in making these determinations, all the crank- positions required will be first located on Fig. 45 and marked for identification, and then transferred to Figs. 46 and 47 as needed. Fig. 48 will be dispensed with. 8. Minimum Width of Bridge. In this case the valve has no overtravel, and the bridge width should be made equal to the thickness of the cylinder-walls, which are assumed in this case to be one inch. 9. Width of Exhaust-port. This is determined by the method given in the preceding chapter. There are three different rules given there, and in addition to that there is a difference between the two ends of the valve, thus giving rise to the question as to which is the proper one to be used. Always employ the one which gives the greatest result, thus being sure that the port is plenty wide enough. In this case the third rule is the one to be taken, giving Half-travel + port width bridge -f inside lap = exhaust-port width. 2* + 2 T\ ' + t 5 T V The results obtained on the preceding text may be col- lected as follows: Eccentricity 2 J- Valve travel ( 2 X eccentricity) 5 j- Head end, outside lap i-^ " inside lap J- DESIGN OF A PLAIN D-VALVE. FIG. 48 SLIDE-VALVES. Crank-end, outside lap ' ' inside lap Exhaust-port width The next thing in order is TO LAY OUT THE VALVE. This is a comparatively simple matter, but one in which many beginners go astray, owing to the fact that the valve is not the same on both ends, and consequently cannot be laid out very well from a center line. Draw the line FZ, Fig. 49, to represent the valve-seat. Then start to lay out the valve from either end the crank end being taken in this case. Start at any point, as A, and lay out the valve as follows: Make AB = outside lap, crank-end I T 3 F inches. BC = width of port = 2^\ " CE = " ll bridge "= I " EP exhaust FH= ll " bridge = I HI li " port = //= outside lap, head-end = DESIGN OF A PLAIN D-VALVE. 77 Then draw in the section of the ports as shown, making the thickness of the seat one inch, the same as the cylinder- walls and bridge. Next, Make CD = inside lap, crank end = inch. HG = inside lap, head end ^ " Then draw in the valve proper, making it thick enough to withstand the pressure to which it is subjected. The height of the cavity in the valve need not be very great, the general proportions shown in the cut being very good. Laying out the valve-seat first and the valve afterwards avoids confusion. CHAPTER VIII. LENGTH OF VALVE-CHEST, VALVE-STEM, AND ECCEN- TRIC-ROD. IN addition to the dimensions of the valve and seat as determined in the preceding chapter, there are three more to be found. These are: 1. The length of the valve-chest. 2. The length of the valve-stem. 3. The length of the eccentric-rod. These will be considered in the order given. LENGTH OF VALVE-CHEST. This must be at least long enough to allow the full travel of the valve. That is, it must permit the valve to go to the two extremes of its travel as shown in Figs. 50 and 51. The minimum length of the chest may then be measured directly from the drawing, which represents the valve in its 78 LENGTH OF VALVE-CHEST, VALVE-STEM, ETC. Jg middle position, as in Fig. 49, by laying off the half-travel at each end of the valve, and measuring between the marks thus obtained. Or if it is desired to obtain the length of valve-chest necessary without drawing the figure, it can be done by applying the following rule: Add together the outside laps at the two ends of the valve > twice t/ie width of the steam-port, twice the thickness of the bridge, the 'cvidth of the exhaust-port and the valve-travel. This gives the minimum inside length of the steam-chest ', and it should be increased by at least one inch. LENGTH OF VALVE-STEM. One of the most common methods of connecting the valve and valve-rod or stem is shown in Fig. 52. This consists of a collar which fits closely around the valve, and may or may not be otherwise secured to it. The collar is tapped at B, and the valve-stem screwed in. The length of the valve-rod, VR, is measured from the inside of the collar to the point at which the stem is secured to the eccentric-rod, or, if a rocker is employed, to that. The length of the valve-stem must be sufficient to permit its reaching from the valve when in its extreme position, as shown in Fig. 51, to the point where 8c SLIDE-VALVES. it joins either the eccentric-rod or the rocker-arm. This gives a direct means of obtaining the proper length from the drawing. The valve shown in the drawing has overtravel. LENGTH OF THE ECCENTRIC-ROD. Figs. 42, 43, and 44 in the sixth chapter show the determination of this length when a rocker or bell-crank is Fia. 52 employed. When neither is used, the length of the eccentric- rod may be found by this rule: Find the distance from the center of the exhaust-port to the center of the shaft. This may be done from the drawing. From that distance subtract the distance from the center of the exhaust-port to the end of the valve -stem, when the valve is in its middle position. The remainder is the required length of the eccentric-rod. This is not strictly true, but it is near enough, the differ- ence between the length thus obtained and the correct length being negligible, as will be apparent from Fig. 53. O is the LENGTH OF VALVE-CHEST, VALV. 81 center of the shaft, P is the center of the exhaust-port, and PV is the length of the valve-stem. The length given by the FIG. 53 rule is OV, whereas the correct length would be EP. But, for example, suppose OE were 3 inches and O V were 5 feet or 60 inches. Then = 1/3600 -|- 9 = 1/3609 = 60.07 inches. The correct length is 60.07 inches, then, against 60 obtained by the rule. The rules for the lengths of valve-stem and eccentric-roxl are given in such a way as to permit either one to be assumed and the other one found. The location of the point of sus- pension of a rocker, if one is employed, usually determines both of these lengths. CHAPTER IX. DESIGN OF AN ALLEN OR "TRICK" VALVE. THE difficulty with the ordinary slide-valve is that it can- not be used for early cut-offs, on account of the large outside laps and travel required to produce the desired result. This renders the friction of the valve a very considerable item, and it is unusual to find a plain slide-valve used to secure cut- offs much earlier than five-eighths of the stroke, three-quarters being usually the limit for which they are employed. There are, however, several valves constructed on the same general principle, which permit an early cut-off to be attained with moderate lap and travel. Prominent among these is the Allen, or " Trick," valve, shown in Figs. 54, 55, and 56, which is so constructed as to give double the amount of port-opening as a plain slide with the same amount of travel, or the same port-opening with one half the travel. This advantage is secured by means of the passage X in the valve. This passage is used for admission only. While this valve is designed to take the place of a slide- valve, it cannot be used on the same seat, but requires the face-plate shown between the slide-valve seat and the face of the Allen valve. Its operation will be best understood by reference to the figures. The figures show the valve in its progress from one extreme of its travel to the other, and the arrows show the course of the steam. Fig. 54 represents the extreme left- hand position, Fig. 55 shows the middle position, and in Fig. 56 is shown the extreme right-hand position. With the 82 DESIGN OF AN ALLEN OR " TRICK" VALVE. 83 valve out at the left the piston is over toward the right, and steam must be admitted to the right-hand end of the cylinder through the port P. This is open by the amount BE, Fig. 54, and the steam enters through that space just as it would with an ordinary D-valve. But, in addition, the other end of the valve has moved beyond the edge of the face-plate, putting the passage X in communication with the steam-chest, through the opening C 'D' r , and steam is therefore admitted to the right-hand end of the cylinder through CD. The total opening of the port is therefore the combined amount of CD and BE. If CD and BE are equal, the total port-opening is 84 SLIDE- VA L VES. 2BE-, and as BE is the amount that the port would be open with a plain slide-valve, it is evident that the Allen valve secures double the port-opening with the same travel. The action at the other end of the valve is the same. -Another point which must be borne in mind in regard to this valve is that it cannot be used to advantage when the cut-off is much later than one-half stroke. In order to bring out clearly one or two points, an actual valve will be designed. PROBLEM. To lay out an Allen valve and seat for a 12 X 24 engine, running at 150 revolutions per minute, con- necting-rod four times the crank, cut-off on both ends at 10 inches, compression at 22 inches, lead on head-end -J inch. Ports to be 1 1 inches long. ORDER IN WHICH THE DIMENSIONS ARE DETERMINED, I. Piston Speed. This is, by the rule given before, 24 2 X 150 X = 600 feet per minute. 2. Area of Port. From Table IV this is found to be .15 of the area of the piston, if the velocity of steam at exhaust is 4000 feet per minute. The area of the 12-inch piston is 113.10 inches, so that the port area must be 113.10 x .15 = !6.95 inches. 3. Width of Port. This is the area divided by the length* 16.95 -*- ii 1.54 inches, or from Table II, I T V inches. DESIGN OF AN ALLEN OR " TRICK" VALVE. 8$ 4. Maximum Port-Opening. The velocity of steam at admission being assumed at 6000, the port-opening required is 4000 X iA = % and therefore, according to Table II, it is made I T \ inches. 5 . Outside Lap, A ngle of Advance, and Valve- Travel. This means the outside lap, angle of advance, and valve-travel necessary to give the required point of cut-off on the head- end for an ordinary D- valve, but with one-half the given port- opening. The Allen valve will double this half, giving the required amount. First determine the crank-position corresponding to cut- off on the head-end. This operation has been fully explained in previous chapters, and will not be touched on again. Having located this crank-position, the example then becomes a case of Problem IV, Chapter V. The diagram is given in Fig. 57, and the dimensions determined therefrom are: Valve travel ................... 4^ inches. Eccentricity (= half-travel) ...... 2j Outside lap, head-end ........ .... if " 6. Inside Lap, Head-End. This is determined from the diagram, Fig. 58, where T is the crank-position with the piston at 22 inches. The inside lap is, as explained in Chapter III, that part of the crank-position included between the valve-circle and the point O of the diagram. The inside lap and outside lap are read from different valve-circles. It will be noticed that the line O T does not cut the lower valve- circle below the line of stroke, but above it. The inside lap is therefore negative ; that is, the valve has inside clearance. While this is a possible construction, it is not at all desirable, as there would evidently be a time in the stroke when the two ends of the cylinder would be in direct communication with 86 SLIDE- VAL VES. each other and with the exhaust. This will be plain on refer- ence to Fig. 55, where the dotted lines x x' show the construc- tion of a valve with inside clearance at both ends. If only one end has this negative inside lap, the blow-through of steam would not be in evidence with the valve in its middle posi- tion, but will appear later, unless the other end has a con- FIG. 57 siderable amount of inside lap, at least equal to the inside clearance of the first end. The inside lap on the head-end will therefore be made zero. 7. Inside and Outside Laps, Crank- End. These are found from the diagram, in the manner already explained. The outside lap is Oc' ', Fig. 58, which is I T 5 ^- inches. The inside lap is again negative, as shown by OT' cutting the upper valve-circle below the line of stroke. The inside lap will therefore be made zero. DESIGN OF AN ALLEN OR " TRICK" VALVE. 7 For the rest of the dimensions the description will refer to the valve in its middle position, as in Fig. 55. 8. The Distances DE and D' E' . These are equal and may be assumed, and in this case will be made -J inch. 9. Width of Port, MN and M' N' . These being the open- ings in the cylinder-face, they are made equal to the port width determined, or I T 9 F inches each. 10. Width of Passage in Valve, or CD and C'D'. These are each made equal to one-half the port-opening. The port- opening being i^, the half is ii|-, and CD and C'D' will be made the next larger sixteenth, or T 9 . These last three are all the dimensions that are the same on both ends of the valve. 1 1. BE is made equal to the outside lap on the head-end, assuming the cylinder to be at the right. BE = if inches. 88 SLIDE- VA L VES. 12. B ' E' is made equal to the outside lap on the crank- end, or I T 5 F inches. 13. AC. This is equal to the outside lap, head-end, ij inches. 14. A'C'. This is equal to the outside lap on the crank- end, i T 5 g- inches. 15. BC. This is made equal to the outside lap, head-end one-half the port-opening DE. This gives if T 9 ^ -J = i-jig- inches. 16. B'C'. This is made equal to the outside lap, crank end one-half the port-opening D'E'. This gives I T 5 T 9 ^ -J -| inches. No allowance is made for the difference between the port- openings at the two ends of the cylinder, because the crank- end opening, as shown by the diagram, is greater than that of the head-end. Therefore, if the dimensions be made large enough to permit the required opening on the head-end, the crank-end opening will be ample with the same allowance. The next thing is to describe the method of LAYING OUT THE FALSE SEAT AA'. 17. Thickness. This may be made anything desirable. 1 8. AE. This is made equal to the outside lap, head-end -\- one half the port-opening -f- DE\ or, in this case, if -f- -$ + i= 2^ inches. 19. A'E'. This is calculated in a similar manner: Out- side lap, crank-end + one half of the port-opening + D'E', which gives I T ^ + yV 4~ t ~ 2 mcri es. 20. EH. This made equal to the total port-opening -f- BC, or i-jig- + I T V = 21 inches. 21. E'H 1 '. In a similar way this is made equal to the total port-opening + B'C', which gives i^ + = i-j-^. 22. Width of Bridge. This is made equal to the half- travel (EH or E'H f ) inside lap -)- J inch, for a 'minimum. DESIGN OF AN ALLEN OR "TRICK" VALVE. 89 EH or E'H' is used, according to which gives the greater value. The inside lap to be used is determined in the same way. E'H' is the value for this case, and the inside lap is zero at both ends, so that the rule gives 2j iJ-J -|- J || inches. This is the minimum thickness of the bridge, and if it is any greater than the thickness of the rest of the casting, the bridge must be thickened to the required amount. If not, the bridge may be made of the same thickness as the rest of the cylinder-casting. This will be done in this case, and the bridges HL and H'L' will each be made one inch. 23. Width of Exhaust-port. This is made at least equal, to the half-travel -\- width of steam port bridge -f- inside lap; and the width will then be, in this case, at least 2j -[" JyV i -j- o = 2 T 5 ff ; and it may be anything greater. All the dimensions of the valve, valve-seat, and false seat are now determined, and the valve may be laid out in its middle position, as shown in Fig. 55, beginning at either end. CHAPTER X. DESIGN OF A DOUBLE-PORTED VALVE. THE valve shown in Figs. 59-63, known as the " double- ported " valve, is another type of valve used to replace a D valve when it is desired to secure an early cut-off; and it does this in the same general manner as the Allen valve, by securing the same port-opening as a D-valve with one-half the travel, or double the opening with the same travel. This- enables the same point of cut-off to be secured with a smaller amount of outside lap. The lap and travel being reduced, it follows that the friction of the valve is lessened. From Figs. 60 and 61 it will be seen that the steam enters the cylinder beneath the outer edges of the valve, and that the action of the outer shell is therefore similar to that of a plain D-valve. In addition to this means of admission, passages 5 and S' are provided which run all the way through the valve, and arc therefore open to live steam from the steam-chest at all times. These passages have ports in the bottom, as shown at GH and G'H'. There are corresponding ports IL and I ' L' in the valve-seat, and steam is thus admitted through these secondary ports as shown by the arrows in Figs. 60 and 61. If the valve as rhown in Fig. 60 is in its extreme left-hand position, the port opening to steam is the sum of G'H' and A'C' . The opening A'C 1 is that which would be obtained by a plain D-valve, and therefore, if the valve is so constructed that A ' C' and G'H' are equal, the total port-opening is double that which would be obtained by a plain slide-valve. The exhaust passes through the passage X y as shown by 90 DESIGN OF A DOUBLE-PORTED VALVE. 9 1 92 SLIDE-VALVES. the arrows; and this passage gives the valve a certain simi- larity to the Allen valve; but here the similarity ends, for it will be remembered that with the Allen valve the passage is used for the admission alone, while here it is only for the exhaust. . The action of this valve is therefore the same as would be obtained by two slide-valves, one within the other. The difference in construction is that the exhaust-passage, X" , of the inner valve is thrown open to the exhaust-passage, X, of the outer valve. It will be noticed that 5 and S' are used for admission only. They are not of the same size through- out, but are greater at the sides, where they open to the steam-chest, as shown clearly in Fig. 63, in which the left half FIG'. 63 of the figure shows a transverse section through the middle of the valve, and the right-hand half is a section through the center of the passage 5. This figure also shows the general shape of the passage X, which is divided into two parts by the central web. Fig. 62 shows a section through the center of the valve, Figs. 59, 60, and 61 being some distance to one side. This type of valve is more often applied to vertical engines than to any others, and is designed to give equal cut-offs, for the following reasons. With equal cut-offs secured by equal laps the leads are unequal, and the greatest lead is at the crank-end of the cylinder, as shown by the diagrams in Chapter III. The crank-end of the cylinder being the lower DESIGN OF A DOUBLE-PORTED VALVE. 93 end, the extra amount of lead is useful in cushioning the piston and piston-rod, etc., which must, from the nature of the construction, have a greater force on the down than on the up stroke. Another reason, or, rather, one in the same line, for not designing the valve to have equal leads, is that that would give a longer cut-off on the crank-end, which is the end where the weight of the moving parts tends to increase their motion rather than retard it. This valve, unlike the Allen, cannot be used on the same valve-seat as a plain D valve by the interposition of a false seat, but requires the valve-seat to be laid out with reference to the double-ported valve. It is therefore impossible to take off a D-valve from an engine and put a double-ported valve in place. To show the process of designing a valve, an actual case will be worked out. PROBLEM. GIVEN. A cylinder 27 X 24 inches; ports 24 inches long; revolutions per minute, 140; width of bridge, if inches; inside lap, both ends, o; cut-off, both ends, stroke; con- necting-rod, 72 inches; velocity of admission, 6000 feet per minute; velocity of exhaust, 4000 feet per minute; lead, head end, T V inch. REQUIRED. Outside lap, both ends; travel of valve; lead, crank-end; maximum port-opening, both ends; and to lay out the valve in its middle position as shown in Fig. 59. ORDER IN WHICH THE DIMENSIONS ARE DETERMINED. I. Piston Speed. This is 140 X 2 X -- = $60 feet per minute. 94 SLIDE-VALVES. 2. Area of Steam- Port. The nearest piston speed, to the given 560, in Table IV is 550, and the port area is given as .138 times the piston area for a velocity of 4000 feet per minute. The piston area from Table V is 572.56 square inches, so that the port area is 572.56 X .138 = 79-0 1 - 3. Width of Steam-Port. The ports being 24 inches long, the width must be 79.01 -7-24= 3.3. This is, however, the total width of port at one end of the cylinder, and will be taken as 3^ inches. There are two ports at each end of the cylinder, so that the width of each one is made 3^ -r- 2 = if inches. This determines I'L', C'F' at the head-end, and IL and CF at the crank-end, each being made if inches. The width of the main port that is, after the two ports join must be made 3^ inches. 4. Maximum Port -Opening on the Head-End. This is the opening which will give the entering steam the required velocity, and is found as follows: velocity of exhaust Port-opening = port width X \ rr~ t j : : . velocity of admission This gives: "Pi-M-4-_rvt-=riinrr T V 6000 . 4000 Port-opening = if X %- - = i- This is the opening of each port, and the total opening at one end of the cylinder is therefore 2 X I T \ = 2 f The same result would be obtained by using Table IV to find the area required for free admission. 5 . Valve- Travel, Inside and Outside Laps on Both Ends, and Maximum Port-opening and Lead on Crank- End. These are determined precisely as for the Allen valve, and the explana- DESIGN OF A DOUBLE-PORTED VALVE. 95 tion given of Fig. 57 will answer for this, the numerical values only being changed. The results obtained are as follows: Outside lap, head end \\ inches. Outside lap, crank end i " Lead, crank end f " , Maximum port-opening, crank end .... i-J- " Valve travel 5 " 6. Width of Bridge. The minimum width allowable is Half-travel width of one port inside lap -f- J inch. 2\ if o + J = i inch. This is less than the if inches given in the problem. This rule is only applied to see whether the width given is sufficient to prevent blowing through. The result obtained shows that the if inches, which is the thickness of the cylinder-casting, is ample. 7. Width of GH. This is made equal to the port-opening for that end of the cylinder, and is therefore i inches. GH is at the crank end. 8. Width of G'H' . Make this equal to the port-opening at its end of the cylinder, or I T 3 ^ inches, G'H' being at the head end. 9. Width EG. This may be made any convenient figure, and in this case it will be one inch. 10. Width E'G'.~ This is made equal to EG. 11. Width of Exhaust-Port. This must be made great enough so that when the valve is in either of its extreme positions, as shown in Figs. 60 and 61, the opening to exhaust is so great that the outflowing steam will not have a greater velocity than 4000 feet per minute. The total width of steam- ports at one end is that found to be necessary for this velocity, and, as the exhaust-port takes care of the exhaust from both 9 SLIDE- VA L VES. of these ports, the free opening of the exhaust MK 1 ', Fig. 60, or KM', Fig. 61, must be equal to the total width of the ports at one end of the cylinder. The exhaust-port, MM', is, then made of a width equal to Half-travel + inside lap bridge -\- port width at one end. 2 + o if + 3i = 4i inches. 12. Width FI. The edge E must not travel beyond F if it is desired to have a full opening during exhaust. That gives the value of FI as Outside lap, crank-end -f- GH -\- EG -\- half-travel. I + i + I + 2j =: 6 inches. 13. Width FT . This is obtained in a similar manner to FI\ or it is equal to Outside lap, head-end + G' H ' + E'G' + half-travel. it + i A + i + 2* = The edge E may be allowed to overtravel very slightly the point F, in case it is an object to shorten the valve. Doing so prevents the exhaust from being wide open all the time, but the choking only occurs during a small part of the stroke. When this overtravel is allowed, FI and FT are to be shortened by the amount allowed. No allowance is made in this case. 14. Width DE. This is made equal to Half-travel, inside lap, crank-end amount that E overtravels F. 2j o 0=2% inches. 15. Width D'E'. This is made equal to Half-travel inside lap, head end amount E' overtravels^. 2^0 ^0=2% inches. DESIGN OF A DOUBLE-PORTED VALVE. 97 The inside laps being equal, it happens that DE and D'E' are equal. If the inside laps are unequal, the values obtained by the rules would be unequal; but both DE and D'E' would be made equal to the larger value obtained, keeping the valve symmetrical in this respect. 16. Width BC. This must be so long that D will not overtravel B; for if it did, the steam-chest would be in direct communication with the exhaust-passage X, allowing steam to blow straight through the valve. Its width must therefore be at least equal to Half-travel width of one port inside lap, crank-end + J inch. 2\ if O -f- 4 l i nc h- 17. Width B'C . This is determined, from the same con- siderations that govern the dimension BC, to be Half-travel width of one port inside lap, head-end + \ inch, 2^ if o + J = I inch. The next thing in order is TO LAY OUT THE VALVE. 1 8. Tabulate the Dimensions. The dimensions of the valve and seat should be tabulated separately, in the order in which they are to be laid down, beginning at either end. In this case the start will be made from the crank end. The letters apply to Fig. 59. Valve Seat. BC. I inch obtained from 15 CF. if " " " 3 FI. 6 " " " ii IL. if " " " 3 LM. if " " " 6 SLID E- VA L VES. MM'. 4^ inch ....... . ---- obtained from 10 M'L'. if " ............ " " 6 LT. if " ............ " " 3 I'F'. 5H " ............ " " l2 F'C. if " ............ " " 3 B'C. i " ............ " " 16 Lay this out on any convenient scale. The Valve. AC. I inch outside lap ........ obtained from 5 DF. o " inside lap . ....... given DE. 2\ " ....... obtained " 13 EG. i " ........ " " 8 GH. i " ........ " <4 6 J/A'. i outside lap ....... " " 5 LK. o " inside lap ...... . given K'L'. o " " " ........ " I'H'. ij " outside lap ..... ... obtained from 5 H'G'. I T 8 75- " port opening ...... " " 7 G ' E' ' . i " ........ obtained from 9 E'D'. 2% *> ........ " " 14 F'D'. o " inside lap ....... , given ij " outside lap ........ obtained from 5 Reference to Fig. 63 will show that the exhaust-passage XX, Fig. 59, is divided into two portions, X' and X" , when it passes over either of the steam-passages, as 5. Care must be taken to make the valve of so great a height that the sum of the areas of these two portions shall be at least as great as the total area of the ports at one end of the cylinder in order to maintain the proper velocity of exhaust. CHAPTER XL VALVE-SETTING. HAVING designed a valve and having it in place on the engine, the next thing to be considered is the proper method of setting it in order to secure the best results. The method to be employed will depend on the design of the valve whether it is intended to secure equal cut-offs on the two ends, or whether it was made to give equal leads; or, again, whether the cut-offs and leads were equalized, according to the method given in Chapter VI. In any case the first step is to put the engine on the center, by which is meant that the piston is at the end of its stroke and the crank and connecting-rod are in the same straight line. This operation must be performed very precisely, as little variation in the position of the crank from the line of stroke or piston from the end of the stroke will make a large difference in the position of the valve. This is because the eccentric is at or near its middle position at the time the crank is on the center. The crank-pin is moving vertically while the eccentric is moving horizontally at that instant, so that a small angular movement of the eccentric will make a great difference in the position of the valve. The crank, however, is moving vertically, and a comparatively large angular move- ment of that will only move the cross-head a little ways from the end of its travel. Consequently the dead-center must be located very exactly- or the valve-setting will be thrown out. 99 IOO SLIDE-VALVES. TO PUT AN ENGINE ON THE CENTER The engine is put on the center by moving the cross-head a measured distance on each side of its extreme travel and FIG. 64 measuring the amount of the movement of the fly-wheel by means of marks on the rim. This distance is bisected, and FIG. 65 the middle point determines the true center. The practical method of doing this is shown in Figs. 64, 65, and 66. First. Turn the engine in the direction in which it is to run until the cross-head is nearly at the end of its stroke, as shown in Fig. 64. VA L VE-SE TTING. 101 Second. With the cross-head in this position, take a piece of chalk and make a mark across the cross-head and guides, as Fief. 66 shown at A, Fig. 64. This mark may be put anywhere on the cross-head, as it serves only as a reference-mark. Third. Fix an upright pointer as near as possible to the face of the fly-wheel, as shown at B, and mark the height reached by its end, as shown at C. Fourth. Turn the engine, still in the direction in which it is to run, until the mark on the cross-head again comes even with the mark on the guides, as shown in Fig. 65. Fifth. Make another chalk-mark on the fly-wheel opposite the end of the upright, as shown at C' , Fig. 65. The posi- tion of the first mark after this movement is then as shown at C. The distance CC' then represents the amount that the fly-wheel has moved, while the cross-head has moved from A out to the dead-center and back again to A. That is, the cross-head movement has been twice the distance from A to the dead-center. Consequently, if the wheel revolved until the pointer comes midway between C and C f , the engine will be on the dead-center. Sixth. Find the point midway between C and C' . This is D, Fig. 65. -1 02 SLID E- VA L VES. Seventh. Turn the engine, still in the direction in which it is to run, until the mark D comes opposite the end of the pointer, as shown in Fig. 66. The engine is then on the dead-center. Eighth. With the engine on the dead-center, make another chalk-mark on the guides opposite the one on the cross-head, as at E, Fig. 66. This is to serve as a reference-mark, and the first mark is then to be erased. The dead-center at the other end is found in the same manner. When putting the engine on the center, or when perform- ing any of the other operations of valve-setting, the engine must always be turned in the direction in which it is to run. This is because any lost motion, back-lash, or play in the moving parts will then affect the valve in setting precisely as under running conditions. The wheel must never be turned beyond the required point and then back to it, as the lost motion would allow a considerable movement of the fly-wheel to take place without a corresponding motion of the cross- head ; and the valve-setting would then be thrown put of true. TO SET A VALVE FOR EQUAL LEADS. First Method. First. Put the engine on the dead-center at one end of its stroke, using the method just described. Second. Give the eccentric as nearly as possible the proper amount of angular advance, as determined from the valve diagrams, taking care that the amount given shall be more, rather than less, than the required amount. Third. Adjust the length of the valve-stem or eccentric- rod until the lead at the end of the stroke for which the adjustment is then being made is equal to the required amount. Fourth. Turn the engine to the other dead-center. VA L VE-SE T TING. 1 03 Fifth. Measure the lead at that end. If the measure- ment is the same as that at the first end, the eccentric is in its proper place, aad it only remains to secure it there; but the chances are that the leads will be unequal, and in that case the next step is the Sixth. Correct half the difference in the leads by changing the length of the valve-stem. Seventh. Correct the remaining half of the difference by moving the eccentric. It will be apparent at once, from the nature of the difference, in which direction the eccentric is to be moved. Eiglith. Turn back to the other center and measure the lead. If it is the required amount, the setting is complete. If not, repeat operations Sixth and Seventh until the leads are equal. Ninth. Secure the eccentric in place. When a valve-gear has a rocker, the latter is usually de- signed to swing to an equal angle on each side of the perpen- dicular, and in any case the length of the valve-stem must be such that the rocker will move as designed. This being so, it is evident that in performing the sixth and seventh opera- tions those of correcting the variation in leads at the two ends of the cylinder the length of the valve-stem must be changed very little, if any, making the sixth operation very small, and the greater part of the adjustment must be made in the seventh operation, that of changing the position of the eccentric. Second Method. This method is a convenient one when it is difficult to turn tlu engine over. It is applicable only to that class of valves having harmonic motion. Harmonic motion is such as that of the foot of a perpendicular from the crank-pin upon the line of stroke when the motion of the crank-pin is uniform. This is the case in an ordinary engine, and an ordinary slide- 1 04 SLID E- VA L VES. valve has harmonic motion. Among the valve-gears in which the valve does not have harmonic motion may be mentioned a slide-valve having equal lead and the cut-offs equalized by means of a rocker or bell-crank lever, and the link motion and radial gears. When the motion is harmonic, the maximum port-open- ings will be equal when the leads are equal. First. Loosen the eccentric on the shaft. Second. Turn the eccentric until it gives the maximum port-opening, first at one end and then at the other. Third. If the maximum port-openings are not equal and the chances are that this will be the case make them so, by changing the length of the valve-stem by half the difference, thus adjusting the length of the valve-stem. Fourth. Put the engine on the center. This is the only time that it is necessary to perform this operation. Fifth. Turn the eccentric to give the proper lead, thus adjusting the angle of advance. Sixth. Secure the eccentric in place.* TO SET A VALVE FOR EQUAL CUT-OFFS. First. Put the engine on one dead-center say the head- end. Second. Give the eccentric, as nearly as can be judged, the angle of advance determined by the valve-diagram; tak- ing care that if there is any difference, it shall be in excess of the proper amount rather than less. Third. Give the valve the correct amount of lead, as nearly as possible. Fourth. Move the engine in the direction in which it is to run until cut-off occurs. Fifth. Measure the distance that the cross-head has moved, *The author wishes to acknowledge his indedbteness to Peabody on Valve-gears for this method. VAL VE-SETTING. 10$ up to this point, from the end of the stroke. This is found by means of the chalk-marks on the guides and cross-head. Sixth. Turn the engine in the direction in which it is to run until cut-off occurs on the return stroke. Seventh. Measure the travel of the cross-head from the beginning of the return stroke up to cut-off. If this is the same as on the forward stroke, the valve is set correctly, and the eccentric should then be secured in place. But it is hardly probable that this result will be secured on the first trial; and in that case the next operation is the Eighth. Correct the difference in cut-offs by changing the length of the valve-stem. If the cut-off is earlier on the crank-end or return stroke, the valve-stem should be length- ened. If it is earlier on the head-end or forward stroke, the valve-stem should be shortened. Ninth. Put the engine on the head-end center again, and adjust the lead by moving the eccentric. Tenth. Test the cut-offs and see whether or not they are equal. If they are, the adjustment is finished. If not, repeat the eighth operation until they are equal, and then Eleventh. Secure the eccentric in place. As pointed out in Chapter III, designing a valve for equal cut-offs will make the leads unequal. At the time the valve is designed the lead can be measured at each end of the cylinder, and the* operation of setting the valve can be per- formed by using the first method given above for equal leads, except that the leads, instead of being made equal, are made equal to the required amounts. In addition, the travel of the cross-head from the beginning of the stroke up to cut-off must be determined and the setting completed by the eighth and ninth operations just given. . By means of any of these methods, it is assured that the action of the valve shall be just as intended at admission or cut-off. This also assures the fact that any irregularity of action, or error of design, caused by neglecting the angularity io6 SLIDE-VALVES. of the eccentric-rod, will not affect the valve while either opening or closing, but will make itself felt while the port is either opened or closed; which is of no particular conse- quence. Now, having set the valve, it is of importance to make a distinct set of reference-marks on the eccentric, so that it will be possible to set it in place again very readily if it slips, thus avoiding vexatious delays, or, perhaps, the necessity of going over the whole ground cf valve-setting again. When any one of the preceding methods of valve-setting is employed, it is necessary to remove the cover of the steam- chest in order to observe the action of the valve, measure leads, etc. TO SET A VALVE WITH THE CHEST-COVER ON. After having once set the valve for equal leads, with the cover off, it is possible to arrange things so that thereafter the valve can be set with the chest-cover on, and, if absolutely necessary, with steam on. This method is illustrated in Figs. 67 and 68. After having set the valve, the engine is placed on the center, and a reference-mark made on the valve-stem some- where outside of the stuffing-box, as shown at A, Fig. 67. Then another mark is made somewhere on the chest-cover, as at B. Next a piece of heavy wire is taken, and a tram or spanner, T, Fig. 67, is made, of such length that it will reach from A to B. Then the engine is put on the other center, which operation will change the distance of the mark on the valve-stem from the mark on the chest-cover to AB, Fig. 68. Another spanner, T' , is then made which will reach that dis- tance. Then, when it is again necessary to set the valve, the operation can be performed by employing the first method for equal leads, using the trams to determine the equality of the leads, as follows: VAL VE-SE TTING. 107 First. Put the engine on one center, say the head-end. Second. Give the eccentric the proper amount of angular advance, as nearly as possible, making it too great rather than too little. Third. Adjust the length of the valve-rod until the lead at the head-end is the proper amount; that is, until the tram T reaches from A to B. Fourth. Turn the engine to the other center. Fifth. Measure the crank-end lead. This is done by using the tram T' . Remember that when it reaches from A to B, FIG. 67 as in Fig. 68, the leads are equal. When it reaches to any other point, the lead is changed by the distance from A to the point which the tram marks on the valve-stem. If the tram spans over to the crank side of A, the lead is too great at the crank-end. If the tram reaches to a point on the cylinder side of A, the lead at the crank-end is too little. The rest of the operations are the same as given for equal leads. A variation of this method consists in using but one tram, and making two marks on the valve-stem, at the points reached by the tram with the engine on the two -enters. The method of setting is then the same. This is frequently used on locomotives. CHAPTER XII. SHAFT-GOVERNORS. GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND TYPES. IT was shown in the first chapter that in order to reverse the direction of rotation of an engine it is necessary to move the eccentric around the shaft past the crank until it makes the same angle with it on the opposite side that it did in its original position. That is, if the arrangement of crank and eccentric shown in Fig. 69 will cause the engine to run over, 1C 0' o 1C' \ \ \ S FIG. 69 FIG. 70 as shown by the arrow, the arrangement shown in Fig. 70 will reverse the engine, the angle C'O'E' being equal to the angle COE. With this arrangement no rocker-arm is em- ployed between the eccentric-rod and the eccentric. Figs. 71 and 72 show the arrangement when a rocker-arm 100 SHA FT- G O VERNORS. I0 9 is employed. The angle CO' E' is equal to the angle COE, just as before, and the direction of rotation has been reversed, as shown by the arrows. In both cases the angle through which the eccentric has been turned to effect the reversal is equal to 180 twice the angle of advance. V E FIG. 71 rr FIG. 72 There are numerous means by which the eccentric can be moved around the shaft ; and they may be divided into two general classes: First Class. Movable eccentrics with which the engine must be stopped in order to effect the reversal. Second Class. Movable eccentrics with which the reversal can be effected while the engine is in motion. FIRST CLASS. This is by far the simpler class, and, for reasons which should be very obvious, it is but seldom employed, although it was used on early stationary and locomotive engines. Figs. 73 and 74 illustrate an eccentric of this type. The shaft carries a disk which is forged or cast on it, or fastened in HO SLIDE- VA L VES. place. This disk is slotted in an arc of a circle about the center of the shaft O. The eccentric is loose on the shaft and is slotted in a similar manner. A bolt is used to fasten the two together. With the eccentric in one extreme position, such as the one shown in Fig. 73, the angle of advance is XOD. The arc of the slot is made of such a length that when the eccentric is slipped around so that it is bolted in its other extreme position, as shown in Fig. 74, the angle of advance is YOD' ', equal to XOD of Fig. 73. In both figures the path of the eccentric center is the dotted circle shown. That this change in the angle of advance will result in a reversal of the engine should be understood from Chapter I. Figs. 75 and 76, the valve diagrams corresponding to Figs. 73 and 74 respectively, will aid in the comprehension of the fact that the events of the stroke occur at the same points in both cases. The angles of advance are laid off on opposite sides of the vertical in the two figures for the sake of em- phasis, but, as explained in Chapter III, this is not necessary. Fig. 77 shows another type of this class. The eccentric- slot is replaced by a pin which projects through the slot in the disk, and is secured in place by a jam-nut on the opposite side. The same results will be secured by this type as with the one shown in Figs. 73 and 74, and the diagrams 75 and 76 apply to it as well. SECOND CLASS. This is the more important class, possessing many points of advantage over the first class, and is the one which is employed on all or nearly all high-speed engines, where they are used as "shaft-governors." The fundamental principle in this class is to have the eccentric slotted to clear the shaft, and, by moving the eccen- tric across the shaft, change the angle of advance as required. Eccentrics of this class are of either one of two kinds: SHA FT-GO VERNORS. Ill 112 SLIDE-VALVES. SHA FT-GO VERNORS. 1 1 $ I. "Swinging" Eccentrics; in which the eccentric is pivoted at some point which is secured to the shaft and rotates with it. In that case the eccentric swings across the shaft in the arc of a circle, and the slot is therefore curved. 2. " Shifting" Eccentrics; which move squarely across the shaft, and the slot is of course straight. The first question to be considered is the effect of moving the eccentric across the shaft and holding it in any given position; the means by which this movement is effected being reserved for later discussion. 114 SLIDE-VALVES. SWINGING ECCENTRICS. Figs. 78 and 79 show the two extreme positions of an eccentric of this class. It is pivoted at the point P, which is usually located on the arm of a small fly-wheel called the * 'governor- wheel " or "spider," which is securely keyed to the shaft. When in its upper position, Fig. 78, the angle between the crank and the eccentric is COE] and when in its lower position it is C 'O 'E' ', Fig. 79. The shaded area in each figure is the shaft, and the path of the eccentric center is shown by the dotted circle. The manner of laying out an eccentric in this type is .shown in Fig. 80. The point /*, about which the eccentric is to swing, is generally fixed, and the center O of the shaft is also fixed. Then draw the line VZ through O and C, and through O draw XY perpendicular to VZ. The angle of advance having been determined, lay off XOD equal to that angle. Then describe the circle whose center is O and whose o radius, OE, is equal to the eccentricity. This will cut the line OD at E, which is the center of the eccentric. Now about P as a center describe an arc passing through E, Again with P as a center describe an arc passing through the center of the shaft O. Now E' , which is where the eccentric SHA FT- G O VERNORS. 1 1 5 center must be in order to secure a reversal of the engine, will of course lie on the arc through E. Then the eccentric center must be shifted through the arc EE' to secure the reversal. The next thing is to determine the length of slot required to allow this movement, and the smallest diameter of eccentric. Therefore from e, the point where the arc EE' cuts the line VZ, lay off the arc ee' equal to EE' . Draw e'P, which cuts the arc drawn- through O at O'. Now the slot must be drawn in as shown. That is, the lower center is O, and the radius is just enough larger than the radius of the shaft to permit it to clear. The upper center is O' , and the radius is of course the same as the lower. The rest of the slot outline is made up of two arcs having P as their center. It is obvious that the center line of the crank must coincide with VZ, and the spider or containing-wheel of the governor must be keyed to the shaft so that this result will be obtained. Now suppose the eccentric to have swung around so far that the center is at I, Fig. 80. What is the result ? The angular advance has been increased to XO\, and the eccen- tricity has been decreased to Oi. (In order to have the eccentricity remain the same, it would be necessary to have the eccentric move around O as a center.) Now, the effect of increasing the angular advance is to make the events of the stroke all occur earlier. Decreasing the travel makes the admission later, cut-off earlier, release earlier, and compres- sion earlier, as shown in Table III. The combined effect of the two changes can best be understood by constructing the diagram. Fig. 81 shows the diagrams for five positions of the eccentric center in Fig. 80. Diagrams E and E' correspond to the extreme positions of the eccentric, or, as they are called, *' full-gear forward" and "full-gear backward/' Diagram 2 shows the steam distribution when the eccentric center is at 2, Fig. 80, midway between its two extremes; that is, when the eccentric is in "mid-gear," Diagrams I and 3 show the SLIDE-VALVES. results obtained with the eccentric center at I and 3 respect- ively, Fig. 80. It will be noticed that the cut-off varies more than the admission or lead, because both changes of angular advance and eccentricity affect the cut-off in the same way, making it earlier; while the admission is made later by the decreased travel, and earlier by the increased angular advance. These two opposite changes in the lead may neutralize each other, but only when the center, P, about which the eccentric swings is removed to infinity that is, when the arc through which it swings becomes a straight line, and the eccentric moves straight across the shaft. The valve diagrams show that the release varies less than the compression, with tlu swinging eccentric. SHAFT-GO VERNORS. 117 SLIDE-VALVES. SHIFTING ECCENTRICS. This is the type in which the lead is constant, as stated in the preceding paragraph. It differs from the swinging eccen- tric more in degree than in kind. Figs. 82 and 83 show one Y FIG. 82 of this kind in its two extreme positions. It will be noticed that the cut-off has a greater range of variation in this than in the swinging eccentric, because the valve travel has a greater range. This will be clearly understood by reference to Fig. 80, where the straight line from E to E' shows the path which would be followed by the center of a shifting eccentric designed to secure the same results as the swinging eccentric. The. eccentricity being the distance from the center of the shaft to the center of the eccentric, the variation is evidently the greater with the shifting eccentric. The next thing is to demonstrate that these variations in the events of the stroke can be made to serve a useful pur- pose. Suppose an engine be running at full load ; the eccentric SHA FT- G O VERNORS. 1 1 9 being fixed in place. Then suppose that a large part of the load is suddenly thrown off. If the steam-pressure remains the same, the engine will begin to speed up; and if enough load has been thrown off, the increase in speed may be sufficient to result in a bursting fly-wheel. Now suppose that the engine is fitted with a movable eccentric, and that when the full load is on the eccentric is in full gear forward, giving the latest admission and latest cut-off. Again, suppose that the load is thrown off, just as before, but at the same time the eccentric is moved in toward the 1 shaft. What will happen ? Under the lighter load the engine will tend to speed up, but the earlier admission, due to the increased angular advance, will cushion the piston, tending to decrease the speed of the piston; and the cut-off will come earlier in the stroke, also tending to reduce the piston speed by shortening the length of time the moving force is applied. In other words, the period of admission, while remaining the same, is divided more nearly evenly between the two strokes. Now, with the cut-off made earlier, the engine will not develop so much power; and the change may be just suffi- cient to adapt the engine to the lighter load. A light load at given speed requires less power than a heavy load at the same speed. Figs. 84 to 87, inclusive, illustrate various forms of shaft- governors. The general principle of their construction is as follows : A small wheel or spider is keyed on the shaft, as stated in the previous chapter. This wheel carries weights which are pivoted on the arms or ring, so that under the influence of centrifugal force they fly outward, this motion being opposed by springs. The weights are linked to the eccen- tric, so that a motion of the weights will cause a correspond- ing motion of the eccentric. Now, if the engine speed remains constant, the centrifugal force remains constant, and 120 SLIDE-VALVES. FIG. 84 FIG. 85 SHAFT-GO VERNORS. 121 the springs will be stretched a certain amount, and the eccentric will be held in one position. If, now, the load be lessened, the engine will speed up momentarily, increasing FIG. 86 FIG. 87 the centrifugal force, thus throwing the weights outward and moving the eccentric across the shaft, shortening the cut-off and adapting the power to the load. If the load is increased, 122 SLIDE-VAL VES. the engine will slow down, decreasing the centrifugal force so that the springs will pull the eccentric back, lengthening the cut-off. . In this way the events of the stroke are regulated so as to keep the speed of rotation sensibly constant at all loads. Figs. 84 and 85 show two positions of the Westinghouse governor, Fig. 84 representing the governor when at rest or running below its normal speed; that is, at its latest cut-off. Fig. 85 shows the governor when in the position correspond- ing to its earliest cut-off; that is, when the engine has speeded up considerably above the desired point and the governor is acting to bring it down to the proper point. The governor-weights B and B are pivoted to the wheel A, which revolves with the shaft M at b and b. The upper weight carries a link, PT, one end of which, P, is pivoted to the governor-weight, and the other end, 7", is pivoted to the eccentric casting. The weights are connected by the link ee. The springs D and D are fastened to the weights and to the wheel or disk, as shown; thus resisting any tendency of the weights to fly outward. Under an increase of speed the centrifugal force increases, and the springs are extended, thus allowing the eccentric to move across the shaft. Fig. 86 shows the Straight-Line governor, which is con- tained within the fly-wheel. The center of the shaft is at O. One of the fly-wheel arms, N, has a pivot on which the weight-lever, WNM, is hung. The end, M, of the lever is connected to the eccentric casting at Fand to the spring at Z-, by the link MVL. The spring is secured to a boss, (9, on the fly-wheel rim, as shown, and the eccentric is of the swing- ing type, being pivoted at 5. The whole arrrangement occupies the position shown when the engine is at rest; it will be noticed that the eccentric is in its extreme position, thus securing the greatest cut-off, as required when the engine starts up. When the engine starts up the action of the cen- trifugal force will force the weight outward, thus moving the eccentric across the shaft. Fig. 87 represents the Buckeye governor. When the engine is at rest the springs F F hold the weights A A against the inner stops. When the engine starts up the weights tend to fly outward ; and when a certain rotative speed is reached they move away from the stops, thus stretching the springs. The eccentric being connected to the weights by the rods BB, it is moved around the shaft, thus causing an earlier cut-off. When a point of cut-off corresponding to the load has been established, the speed ceases to increase, and the spring pull and the centrifugal force will balance each other as long as there are no changes in the load on the engine. If the load is increased, or the pressure of the steam is reduced, the speed is reduced momentarily, and a later cut-off is estab- lished by the springs drawing the arms toward the shaft and changing the position of the eccentric, thus bringing the engine back to speed. CHAPTER XIII. SHAFT-GOVERNORSANALYSIS. THE first principle of shaft-governors that varying the events of the stroke properly will cause the engine to run at the same speed under all loads having been established, the next point in order for consideration is an analysis of the action of the springs and weights whereby the movement of the eccentric is accomplished. The method pursued in this will be one drawn from a valuable monograph entitled "The Mechanics of the Shaft-Governor," by Prof. Barr, published in the Sibley Journal of Engineering, 1 896. First, reduce the springs and weights to the simplest form, shown in Fig. 88. Here there is but one weight, represented by the ball W^ which slides on the radial rod R. The length of this rod is such that when the ball is in the extreme inner position its center coincides with the center of the containing- wheel or spider G. The movement of the ball is resisted by the spring 5, which is fastened to the rim of the spider. The line of travel of the spring and ball is a diameter of the circle. In this investigation friction is neglected. First, suppose that the ball is moved outward by any force from its central position until it occupies a position W. In that case the spring must be extended a certain amount, equal to the distance from W^ to W, or the distance the ball is moved; and it will then exert a pull on the ball, tending to restore it to its original position. The amount of this inward pull is found as follows. "Spring strength " is the term used to designate the force in pounds required to extend or com- 124 SHAF7'-GO VERNORSANAL YSIS. I2 5 press a spring one inch. Thus, a 2O-pound spring means one which requires a pull of 20 pounds to extend it one inch; a 6o-pound spring requires a pull of 60 pounds to accomplish the same result. The total amount of extension or compres- FIG. 88 sion is directly proportional to the force exerted upon the spring. Thus, a weight of 120 pounds resting on the 20- pound spring would compress it 120 -f- 20 = 6 inches, or, if directly suspended from it, would lengthen it the same amount. The same weight would only lengthen or shorten a 6o-pound spring 1 20 -T- 60 = 2 inches. The weight or force required to produce any given change in the length is found by multiplying the spring strength by the 126 SLIDE-VAL VES. amount of the change in inches. For example, to lengthen a 3O-pound spring J inch would require a force of 30 X \ = 15 pounds. The force exerted by a spring is equal to the force exerted in compressing or extending it to the length it has. The 3O-pound spring just mentioned would exert a force of 15 pounds if compressed or extended. "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.'* Again, suppose the wheel to revolve with the ball at W. There will be a centrifugal force set up which will tend to throw the ball outward; this force will act radially, and as the ball is free to slide along the rod it may be considered that the centrifugal force acts along that line. The amount of this force depends upon the weight of the ball, the rotative speed of the wheel, and the distance from the ball to the center of the wheel. Expressed in a formula, it is " C= .00002 84 WN*R,* ''"./. . . (i) where C = centrifugal force in pounds; W= weight of ball in pounds; N = revolutions per minute; R = radius, or distance from the center of the wheel to the center of the ball, in inches. This may be stated in a rule as follows: To find the centrifugal force in pounds exerted by a weight: Multiply together the weight in pounds, the square of the num- ber of revolutions per minute, and the radius, or distance in inches from the center about which the weight revolves to the center of gravity of the weight. Multiply this product by the constant .0000284, and the result is the centrifugal force. (In the case of a ball, the center of gravity is the center of the ball.) For example, suppose that the ball at W weighs 20 SHA FT- GO VERNORSANA L YSIS. 1 2 7 pounds, is 20 inches from the center of the wheel, and that the latter is running at 150 revolutions per minute. The centrifugal force is 255.60 pounds, found by the above rule as follows: The square of the number of revolutions per minute is 150 X 150 22,500. Then the centrifugal force is C= 20 X 22500 X 20 X .0000284 = 255.60 pounds. Formula (i) may be transposed to give the value of N when the other factors are known, giving (2) This expressed in the form of a rule is as follows: To find the number of revolutions per minute which a ball of a known weight, at a known radius, must make to exert a given centrifugal force : Multiply the weight in pounds by the radius in inches, and divide the centrifugal force by this product. Then extract the square root of the quotient, and the figure is the number of revolutions per minute. For example, if a weight of 20 pounds is rotating about a center 20 inches distant, and exerting an outward pull of 255.60 pounds on the link connecting it with that center, it is making 150 revolutions per minute; because, applying formula (2) or its corresponding rule, 20 X 20 = 400 255.60 -r- 400 = .639 ^^639= .7994 187.7 x .7994 = 150-04 Now, if the ball when running at any given speed is held stationary, it is obvious that at that moment the centrifugal force of the ball and the spring pull must be equal to each other. That is, taking the 2O-pound weight which was just figured to have 255.60 pounds of centrifugal force urging it 128 SLIDE- VA L VES. outward, the inward spring pull must be 255.60 pounds in order to hold the ball at W t . It is obvious that this amount of spring pull could be secured by using a spring of any strength and stretching it the required amount; or the stretch of the spring could be assumed and the strength calculated. It is better to assume the spring strength, however, because this affects the closeness of regulation, as will be explained later. Suppose, then, that the spring is a 40' = Crank. Ratio OO' = Crank. Ratio OO' = Crank. of /-*_ of f- _ of /-. _ Con- nect'g- rod to Divided Multiplied Con- necting- rod to Divided Multiplied Con- nect'g- rod to Divided Multiplied Crank. by by Crank. by by Crank. by by I 4 .2500 4 16 .0625 7 28 .0356 .1 6 .2000 .1667 3 17 .0588 .0556 7\ 29 30 0345 0333 If 7 .1429 4f 19 .0526 7l 31 .0323 2 8 .1250 5 20 .0500 8 32 0313 H 9 .1119 If 21 .0476 8 i 33 .0303 4 10 .lOOO sl 22 0455 8if 34 .0294 2f ii .0909 5t 23 0435 8f 35 .0286 3 12 0833 6 24 .0417 9 t 36 .0278 3? 13 .0769 63- 25 .0400 37 .0270 3* 14 .0714 6 26 0385 9^ 38 .0263 3f 15 .0667 6f 27 .0370 9t 39 .0256 SHA FT- G O VERNORSA NA L YSIS. TABLE II. DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF FRACTIONS OF AN INCH. 1/64 .015625 17/64 .265625 33/64 515625 49/64 .765625 1/32 03135 9/32 .28125 17/32 .53125 25/32 .78125 3/64 .046875 ; 19/64 .296875 35/64 .546875 51/64 .796875 1/16 .0625 5/i6 .3125 9/16 5625 13/16 .8125 5/64 .078125 21/64 .328125 37/64 .578125 53/64 .828125 3/32 09375 17/32 34375 19/32 59375 27/32 .84375 7/64 .109375 23/64 .359375 39/64 .609375 55/64 859375 1/8 .125 3/8 .375 5/8 .625 7/8 .875 9/64 . 140625 ! 25/64 .390625 41/64 .640625 57/64 .890625 5/32 .15625 13/32 .40625 21/32 .65625 29/32 .90625 11/64 .171875 27/64 .421875 43/64 .671875 59/64 .921875 3/i6 1875 7/16 4375 11/16 .6875 15/16 9375 13/64 .203125 i 29/64 .453125 45/64 .703125 61/64 .953125 7/32 .21875 15/32 .46875 23/32 .71875 31/32 .96875 15/64 .234375 31/64 .484375 47/64 734375 63/64 .984375 i/4 .25 r/2 5 3/4 75 i .i I 5 6 SLIDE-VALVES. TABLE III. EFFECT OF CHANGING OUTSIDE AND INSIDE LAPS, TRAVEL AND ANGULAR ADVANCE. (THURSTON.) CHANGE. ADMISSION. EXPANSION. EXHAUST. COMPRESSION. Increase Outside Lap begins later, ceases sooner occurs earlier, continues longer unchanged unchanged Decrease Outside Lap begins earlier, ceases later begins later, period shortened unchanged unchanged Increase Inside Lap unchanged begins as before, continues longer begins later, ceases earlier begins sooner, contin. longer Decrease Inside Lap unchanged begins as before, period shortened begins earlier, ceases later begins later, period short'd Increase Travel begins sooner, ceases later begins later, ceases sooner begins later, ceases later begins later, ends sooner Decrease Travel begins later, ceases earlier begins earlier, ceases later begins earlier, ceases earlier begins earlier, ceases later Increase Angular Advance begins earlier, period unchanged begins sooner, period unchanged begins earlier, period unchanged begins earlier, period unchanged Decrease Angular Advance begins later, period unchanged begins later, period unchanged begins later, period unchanged begins later, period unchanged SHAFT-GO VERNORSANAL YSIS. TABLE IV. PORT AREA, PORT WIDTH, AND STEAM-PIPE DIAMETER FOR VARIOUS PISTON SPEEDS AND STEAM VELOCITIES. 157 Velocity of Steam. Feet per Minute. 4,000. 6,000. 8,000. 10,000. 12,000. 4J 3 a G O V rt G a c 3 G o V rt 1 fc 1 rt g E I g E I g E O a .2 8 .2 w s a tt to 1 rt 8. < . Q ^ w 3 ** u Q u 3 "^ C . o G O S^ 1 c o G O % 5 c I ~.t? o iJ^ G c , G O 1 fl .2 E Is .a JJP tn E tn II .S3 OH H S 53 38 Q IS Q"" tn i Q8 1 co G 8 . a$ 'II "O4J i. < b m-pipe ameter jgS rt * ' m-pipe ameter if cB QJ fl II d . m-pipe ameter i! 2 ? 15 CO !' | S So c/5 | S 1 S co l] jjjo So c/5 I 3 1 S 2 a V IOO .025 .158 .022 .017 .129 .015 .013 .112 .011 .010 . IOO .009 .008 .091 .007 I2 5 .031 037 .177 .194 O27 032 .025 ^58 .022 .019 .125 137 .014 .017 .OI3 OI.S .123 .013 .013 .112 .009 .Oil 1 75 .044 .209 .038 .029 .171 025 .022 .I 4 8 .019 .Ol8 .132 015 .015 . 121 .013 200 .050 .224 .043 033 183 .029 .025 .158 .022 .020 .141 .017 .017 .129 .015 225 .056 237 .049 .038 .194 33 .028 .168 .024 .023 .150 .O2O .019 I 37 .016 250 .063 .250 055 .042 .204 37 .031 .177 .027 .025 .158 .022 .021 .144 .018 275 .069 .262 .060 .046 .214 .040 034 .I8 5 .030 .028 .166 .024 .023 .020 300 075 274 .065 .050 .224 .044 .038 '93 .033! .030 173 .026 .025 157 .022 325 .081 .285 .070 054 233 .047 .041 .201 .036 033 .180 .028 .027 .164 .024 350 .088 .296 .076 .058 .242 .051 .044 .209 .038 035 .187 .031 .029 .171 .025 375 .094 .306 .O8l .063 .250 055 .047 .2I 7 .041 .038 .194 033 .031 .177 .027 400 . IOO 3*3 .086 .067 .258 .050 .224 .044 .040 .200 035 033 .183 .029 425 .106 .326 .092 .071 .266 .062 053 .231 .0461 .043 .206 037 035 .188 031 45 "3 335 .098 075 274 .065 .056 .2 3 8 .049 045 .212 39 .038 193 .032 475 .119 344 103 .079 .281 .069 059 .244 .052 .048 .218 .041 .040 .199 33 500 125 353 .108 .083 .288 073 .250 .055; .050 .224 .044 .042 .204 036 525 362 "3 .088 295 .077 !o66 .256 058) .053 .220 .046 044 .209 .038 550 !ifj .119 .092 .302 .080 .069 .262 .060: .055 235 .048 .046 .214 .040 575 .i 44 ^380 .124 .096 309 .084 .072 .268 .063! .058 .240 .050 .048 .219 .042 600 .15 .388 .130 .100 .316 .087 075 274 .o6s! .060 245 .052 .050 .224 .044 625 .156 395 *35 .104 323 .091 .078 279 .068 .063 .250 055 .052 .228 45 650 .163 403 .141 .108 329 .094 .081 285 .071 06 5 255 057 054 232 .047 675 .169 .411 .146 "3 335 .098 .084 .290 .074 .068 .260 059 056 237 .049 700 175 .418 .150 .117 341 .102 .088 .296 .077 .070 -265 .061 .058 .241 .051 725 .181 .426 155 .121 347 .106 .091 .301 .079 073 .269 .063 .060 .246 53 750 .188 433 .161 125 353 .109 .094 .306 .082 .075 -274 06 5 .063 .250 55 775 .194 .440 .166 .129 359 .097 3 TI .085 .078 .278 .068 .065 254 056 800 .200 447 .172 133 365 !n6 .100 .316 .087 .080 .283 .070 .067 259 .058 825 .206 ..177 137 37 1 .120 .103 .321 .090 .083 .287 .072 .0-59 .262 .060 850 213 .461 .183 .141 376 .123 .106 326 .093 .085 .292 .074 .071 .266 .062 875 .219 .468 .188 145 .382 .127 .109 .095 .088 .296 .076 .073 .270 .064 900 225 474 193 .150 -388 .113 ^336 .098 .090 . 3 00 .079 075 .274 065 925 .231 .481 .198 154 393 .134 .116 340 .101 093 34 .O8l .077 277 .067 950 .238 -.487 .204 .158 .398 .138 .119 344 .104] .095 308 08 3 .079 .281 .069 975 .244 492 .209 .162 43 .141 122 .349 .106 .098 312 08 5 .081 .285 .071 1000 .250 .500 .214 .166 .408 MS 125 .353 .109 .100 .316 .087 .083 .289 073 1025 .256 .506 .220 .170 413 .149 .128 357 .112 .103 .320 .08 9 085 .292 1050 263 .512 .225 175 .418 153 1 3 I .114 .105 324 .092 .088 295 .076 I0 75 .269 .518 231 .179 423 .156 .134 '365 .117 .108 328 .094 .090 .299 .078 IIOO .275 524 236 .183 .428 .160 .138 .370 .120 .110 332 .096 .092 303 .oSo 1125 .281 53 .241 .187 433 .163 J 4i -375 .123 "3 335 .098 '.094 .306 .082 1150 .288 .536 .246 .191 438 .167 144 -379 .i26| .115 339 .100 .096 .310 .084 "75 .294 542 251 195 443 .170 147 -384 .128: .Il8 343 .103 .098 3'3 085 1 200 .300 .548 256 .200 447 1 75 .150 .388 I3t .120 346 .105 .IOO 316 .087 i 5 8 SLIDE-VALVES. TABLE V. AREAS OF CIRCLES. Advancing by Eighths. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. 1/64 .00019 3 7.0686 u 51.849 207-39 1/32 .00077 1/16 7-3662 8 53-456 2 210.60 3/64 00173 X 7.6699 % 55-088 x^ 213.82 1/16 .00307 3/i6 7.9798 % 56.745 % 217.08 .00690 u 8.2958 % 58.426 94 220.35 X .01227 5/i6 8.6179 % 60.132 7% 223.65 5/32 .01917 % 8.9462 7% 61.862 17 226.98 .02761 7/16 9 . 2806 9 63.617 l 230-33 7/32 03758 X< 9.6211 L 65-397 X4 233-7 1 M .04909 9/16 9.9678 8 67.201 % 237.10 9/32 .06213 % 10.321 ?8 69.029 X^ 240.53 .07670 11/16 10.680 X 70.882 % 243.98 11/32 .09281 94 11.045 % 72.760 94 247-45 % .11045 13/16 11.416 94 74-662 % 250.95 13/32 .12962 % "793 % 76.589 18 7/16 15033 15/16 12.177 10 78.540 258.02 15/32 17257 4 12.566 X 80.516 i^ 261.59 \/- 19635 1/16 12.962 X^ 82.516 % 265.18 17/32 .22166 X 13-364 % 84.541 x^ 268.80 9/16 .24850 3/16 I3-772 1/2 86.590 % 272.45 .27688 'H 14.186 % 88.664 94 276. 12 % .30680 5/16 14.607 % 90.763 % 279.81 21/32 .33824 15-033 /& 92.886 19 283.53 11/16 .37122 7/16 15-466 11 95-033 287.27 23/32 40574 /^ 15.904 X 97.205 /4 291.04 94 .44179 9/1 6 '6.349 /4 99-402 % 294.83 25/32 47937 % 16.800 n 101 .62 X7 8 23 415.48 % 4-4301 % 37.122 15 176.71 x^ 420.00 7/16 4.6664 7 38.485 x^ 179.67 X4 424-56 L2 4.9087 /4 39-87I x| 182.65 B 429-13 31 5- I 572 % 41.282 42.718 s 185.66 188.69 H 433-74 438.36 5-6727 ^ 44.179 % I9L75 94 443-or 94 5-9396 % 45.66 4 94 194.83 % 447.69 13/16 6.2126 4 47- I 73 % ^97 '93 24 452.39 7/3 6.4918 fe2 48.707 16 201.06 IX 4S7-" 15/16 6-777 1 , 8 ' 50.265 ^ 204.22 .. ..J4 461.86 SHAFT-GOVERNORSANAL YSlS. 159 AREAS OF CIRCLES. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. % 466.64 33 855-3 % 1360.8 H 1983.2 % 471.44 j 861.79 % 1369.0 % % 476.26 /4 868.31 % 1377-2 t< 2003.0 4 481.11 % 874-85 42 1385-4 % 2012.9 H 485.98 12 881.41 /4 1393-7 % 2022.8 25 490.87 % 888.00 /4 1402 .0 % 2032.8 *A 495-79 % 894.62 % 1410.3 51 2042.8 % 500.74 % 901.26 Jl8 1418.6 i^ 2052.8 % 505 -7 1 34 907.92 % 1427.0 /4 2062 . 9 m 510.71 i^j 914.61 % M35 4 78 2073.0 % 5 I 5-7 2 J4 921.32 % M43-8 1^ 2083.1 % 520.77 % 928.06 43 1452.2 98 2093.2 % 525-84 L r g 823.21 829.58 41 1320.3 1328.3 1 1934.2 1943-9 N 2664.9 2676.4 % 835-97 ^4 1336.4 % 1953-7 l^j 2687.8 . % 842.39 9i 1344.5 50 ^ 2699.3 * 848.83 JJ 1352.7 J5 1973-3 N 2710.9 i6o SLIDE-VALVES, AREAS OF CIRCLES. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. Diam. Area. y 2722.4 34 3578.5 H 4556.4 M 5641.2 59 2734-0 % 359 x -7 34 4565-4 % 5657-8 2745-6 % 3605.0 % 4581-3 85 5674-5 n 2757.2 2768.8 68 3618.3 363 1 '7 H 4596.3 4611.4 ^ 5691-2 5707-9 34 2780.5 3645-0 M 4626.4 % 5724-7 % 2792.2 34 3658.4 % 4641.5 34 574 T -5 H 2803.9 % 3671.8 77 4656.6 % 5758.3 % 2815.7 34 3685-3 34 4671.8 M 5775-1 60 2827.4 % 3698.7 34 4686.9 /& 579 I -9 2839.2 % 3712.2 % 4702.1 86 5808.8 34 2851.0 % 3725-7 34 47 T 7-3 34 5825.7 a2 2862.9 69 3739-3 % 4732-5 34 5842.6 iz 2874.8 34 3752-8 M 4747-8 % 5859-6 % 2886.6 H 3766.4 % 4763 - 1 34 5876.5 M 2898.6 % 3780.0 78 4778.4 % 5893.5 T^j 2910.5 34 3793-7 34 4793-7 3^i 5910.6 61 2922.5 % 34 4809.0 % 5927.6 2934-5 M 3821.0 N 4824.4 87 5944-7 34 2946-5 7^3 3334.7 34 4839-8 34 5961.8 2 2958-5 70 3848-5 % 4855-2 34 5978.9 34 2970.6 34 3862.2 ^4 4870.7 % 5996.0 % 2982.7 H 3876.0 /s 4886.2 34 6013.2 % 29 H- 8 ^1 3889.8 79 4901-7 % 6030.4 % 3006.9 34 3903.6 /4 4917.2 % 6047.6 62 3019-1 % 39J7.5 34 4932-7 % 6064.9 i ^ 3Q3 1 -3 4 3931-4 % 4948.3 88 6082.1 34 3043.5 /-i 3945-3 34 4963-9 34 6099.4 2 3055.7 71 3959-2 % 4979-5 34 6116.7 i< 3068.0 34 3973 - 1 M 4995-2 % 6134.1 ^8 3080.3 34 3987.1 ^8 5010.9 34 6i=;i .4 M 3092 6 % 4001.1 80 5026.5 % 6168. 8 vb 3104. 9 f 34 4015 2 34 5042-3 % 6186.2 63 3117.2* % 4029.2 H 5058.0 % 6203.7 i^ 3129.6 4 4043.3 % 5073-8 89 6221.1 H 3142.0 /i 4057.4 34 5089.6 34 6238.6 8 3I54-5 72 407L5 % 5105.4 3^ 6256. i 34 3166.9 34 4085.7 M 5121.2 % 6273.7 ^6 3 I 79-4 34 4099.8 ?8 5I37- 1 34 6291.2 3X 9& 4114.0 81 S^.o Z 6308 . 8 % 3204-4 34 4128.2 34 5168.9 M 6326.4 64 3217.0 fa 4142.5 34 5184.9 % 6344.1 3229.6 % 4156.8 Q 5200.8 90 6361.7 34 3242-2 % 4171.1 34 5216.8 34 6379-4 a2 73 4185.4 % 5232.8 34 6397 - 1 34 3267-5 34 4I99.7 M 5248.9 % 6414.9 % 3280.1 3^ 4214.1 % 5264.9 34 6432.6 % 3292.8 % 4228.5 82 5281 .0 % 6450.4 7^2 3305.6 34 4242.9 34 5297.1 $4 6468.2 65 3318.3 M 34 53 J 3-3 % 6486.0- AX 4271.8 3z 91 6503.9 34 3343-9 % 4286.3 34 5345-6 34 6521.8 a2 3356-7 74 4300.8 % 53 6t.8 34 6539-7 H 3369.6 34 43 I 5-4 4 5378.1 ?i 6557-6 M 3382-4 H 4329-9 % 5394-3 34 6575-5 a 3395-3 % 4344-5 83 5410.6 % 6593-5 % 3408.2 34 4359- 2 34 5426.9 % 6611.5 66 3421.2 3434-2 3447 - 2 s 4373-8 4388.5 4403.1 1 5443-3 5459-6 5476.0 92 ^ 6629 . 6 6647.6 6665.7 % 3460.2 75 4417.9 % 5492.4 34 6683.8 34 3473 2 34 4432-6 % 5508.8 % 6701 .9 M 3486.3 34 4447-4 /& 5525-3 V^ 6720.1 94 3499-4 n 4462.2 84 5541-8 % 6738.2 % 3512.5 34 4477-0 34 5558.3 8 6756.4 67 3525-7 % 4491.8 M 5574-8 ? 6774-7 l^C 3538.8 4 4506.7 Z 559^4 93 6792.9 \A 3552.0 7Z i^ 5607.9 1^2 6811.2 % 3565-2 76 4536.5 " 5624.5 34 6829.5 SHA FT- G O VERNORSA NA L YSIS. 161 AREAS OF CIRCLES. Diatn. Area. 94 95 68 47 -8 6866.1 6884.5 6902.9 6921.3 6939.8 6958 . 2 6976.7 6995-3 7013.8 7032.4 7051.0 7069.6 7088.2 Diam. 96 Area. 7106.9 7125.6 7M4-3 7163.0 7181.8 7200.6 7219.4 7238.2 7257 - 1 7276.0 7313.8 7332 8 7351-8 Diam. 98 Area. 737 -8 7389.8 7408.9 7428.0 7447 - 1 7466.2 7504-5 7523-7 7543- 7562.2 758i.5 7600.8 7620.1 Diam. 99 100 Area. 7639.5 7658.9 7678.3 7697.7 7717.1 7736.6 7756.1 7775-6 7795-2 7814.8 7854.0 INDEX. Admission 32 Advance, Angle of . 12 Advancing Eccentric, Effect of 41 Allen Valve 82 Angle of Advance 85. Inside Lap 83 Laying out False Seat ; 88 Maximum Port-opening 85 Outside Lap 85 Port Area 84 Port Width.. 84 Valve-travel 85 Analysis of Shaft-governors 124 Angle of Advance 13, 14 Determination of 56, 58, 59 Effect of Changing 41 A ngle between Crank and Eccentric 13 Angle of Follow 14 Angular Advance. See Angle of Advance. Angularity of Connecting-rod 19 Eccentric-rod 22 Balanced Valves 130; Barr Diagram 62 Bridge 12 Width of 5I Buckeye Governor b 123 Center, Dead 6 Placing Engine on 100 Centrifugal Force 126 Changing Angular Advance, Effect of 41 Dimensions of Valve, Effect of 41 Inside Lap, Effect of 42 163 164 INDEX. PAGE Changing Outside Lap, Effect of 41 Valve-travel, Effect of 41 Compression 8, 34 and Exhaust, Equalization of 67 Connecting-rod 17 Angularity of 19 Infinite 6 Construction of Eccentric 1 8 Crank.. 17 Crank Angle 10 Crank and Connecting-rod 17 Crank-end 1 1 Crank-pin 6, 17 Crank and Piston Positions, Relative 23 Crank-shaft 6, 17 Crank, Throw of 8 Cross-head 17 Cushioning 8 Cut-off 8, 32 and Lead, Equalization of 65 Dash-pot 144 Dead-center 6 Placing Engine on 100 Decreasing Speed of Engine. , 152 Variation 152 Deprez Method for Relative Crank and Piston Positions 23 Design of an Allen Valve. .... 82 a D-valve 68 a Double-ported Valve 90 a Trick-valve 82 General Problems of 54 Diagram, Barr 130 Valve 27 Diameter of Exhaust-pipes 48 Steam-pipes > 48 Dimensions of Exhaust-port 48 Steam-port 47 Valve, Effect of Changing 41 Displacement of Valve 10, 14, 27 Drag of Valve. 138 D-valve Design 68 Angular Advance 69 Bridge 74 Exhaust-port.. 74 INDEX. 165 PAGE D-valve Design, Inside Lap 72 Laying out Valve 76 Maximum Port-opening 68 Outside Lap 69 Port Area 68 Port Width . . , 68 Valve-travel 74 Double-ported Valve Design 9 o Bridge 95 Exhaust-port 95 Laying out the Valve 97 Maximum Port- opening ; 94 Port Area . . . 94 Port Width 94 Eccentric, Construction of 18 Following Crank 14 Leading Crank 14 Eccentric-pin 7 Eccentric-rod 7 Angularity of 22 Length of 80 Eccentric, Shifting 113, us Swinging 113,114 Throw of 8 Eccentricity 8 Determination of 58, 60 Effect of Changing Angle of Advance 41 Dimensions of Valve 41 Inside Lap 42 Outside Lap 41 Valve-travel 41 Effect of Inside Lap 12 Outside Lap 12 Equal Cut-off, Valve-setting for . . 104 Lead, Valve-setting for 102 Equalizing Cut-off and Lead 65 Exhaust and Compression 67 Exhaust-lap 12 Exhaust-port 3 Dimensions of 48 Maximum Opening 49 Exhaust-pipes, Diameter of 48 Expansion of Steam, Economy of 8 1 66 INDEX. PAGE Governors, Shaft 108 Analysis 124 Buckeye 123 Diagram 130 Isochronous 133 Stable... 131 Straight-Line 122 Unstable 134 Weight, Inertia of 144 Westinghouse 122 Guides 17 Head-end 1 1 Increasing Speed of Engine 152 Inertia of Governor-weight 144 Valve 143 Infinite Connecting-rod 6 Initial Tension 148 Inside Lap 1 1 with Infinite Rod 1 1 Effect of Changing 42 Isochronous Governor. 133, 152 Lap, Determination of 54> 5$> 59 Effect of 12 Inside n Outside 9 Lead 4 Lead-angle 40 Lead and Cut-off, Equalization of 65 Determination of. 54> 5$ Length of Eccentric-rod 80 Port 47 Valve-chest 7& Valve-stem 79 Maximum Port-opening 49 for Exhaust 49 Outside Lap. 9 Effect of 12 with Infinite Rod 10 Pipes, Diameter of 48 INDEX. 167 PAGE. Piston and Crank Positions 23 Piston-rod 3 Piston-speed 68, 84, 93 Piston-valve 139 Pitman ''" . . . 17 Ports 2 Area of . . . . . 44, 68 Length of 47. 48 Width 47,68 Port-opening 27 Exhaust 33 Maximum 49 Problems of Design 54 Reducing Speed of Engine 152 Variation 152 Release 34 Reversing Engine 14, 108 Rockers 7 and Bell Cranks 62 Running " Over " 15 "Under" 16 Setting Valves 98 with Chest-cover on 106 for Equal Cut-off 104 Leads 102 Shaft-governors. See Governors. Shifting Eccentrics 113, 118 Slide-valve, Design of a D 68 No Laps 2 Slotted Cross-head , 6 Speed, Decreasing 152 Increasing 152 Variation, Decreasing 152 Spring Extension 125 Strength 1 24 Stable Governor 131 Steam-chest 2, 78 Steam-pipes ; 48 Steam-ports 2 Dimensions 47 Maximum Opening 49 Steam, Velocity of 44 Straight- Line Governor 122 1 68 INDEX. t PAGE Stuffing-box 3 Swinging Eccentrics 113, 114 Trick- valve. See Allen Valve. Throw of Crank and Eccentric 8 Unstable Governor 134 Valve, Allen. See Allen Valve. Balanced 139 D-. See D-valve. Double-ported. See Double-ported Valve. Trick-. See Allen Valve. Valve-chest, Length of 78 Valve-circle 27 'Valve Design, General Problems 54 Examples 68, 82, 90 Valve-diagrams 27 Valve-displacement 10, 14, 27 Valve, Drag of 138 Inertia of 143 Piston- 139 and Piston, Relation between 5 Valve-rod 3 Valve-seat 3 Valve-setting 99 with Chest-cover on 106 for Equal Cut-offs. . ^ 104 Leads 102 Valve-stem, Length of 79 Valve-travel , 8 Determination of 56, 59 Effect of Changing 41 Variation of Speed, Reducing 152 Velocity of Steam. 44 Westinghouse Governor 51 Wrist-pin 17 Zeuner Diagram 27 I 'NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW iration of loan period. DEC 20 1916 17 1917 O) 31 191 A V 001271988 50?n-7,'16 YC !2896 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY