UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA CAMP AND FIELD PRIVIES L. W. NEUBAUER' and H. L. BELTON 2 This plan, showing two types of privies, is one of a series prepared to aid farmers in the selection of farm-labor housing and equipment during the war emergency. These two privies are economical in design and require the minimum of critical materials. When constructed as shown on page 2, and properly located, they conform with the State Labor Housing and Sanitation Act. This act includes the following regulations: "Toilets should bp at least 75 feet from kitchen and din- ing quarters .... There must be . . . one seat for every fifteen persons ... and the structures made as fly-proof as possible by automatic drop seat covers . " Other regulations require that cracks must be battened and openings screened; earth should be well banked against the base of the privy to ex- clude flies. Where people work in the field throughout the day, portable toilets must be provided. When men and women are working together, separate privies are necessary and these should be marked "men" and "women" respectively. Floor and Seat Any good grade of 1-inch lumber that will pro- vide a tight floor and seat may be used. If available, a 12x16 inch sheet of galvanized iron should be placed forward of each seat as an in- side lining on the seat front. Smooth-surfaced lumber is recommended for the seats and the hinged covers, which should drop automatically in place when the seat is not occu- pied. Door The door should be well fitted to exclude flies and should close automatically by means of a coil or star spring, or spring hinges. Portable Privy The small portable privy, designed for field use, is the minimum recommended size. Two men can readily carry or truck it to a location in the or- chard, vineyard, or field where labor is employed. The door, wall, and roof framing is 1-inch material lapped and cleated together to form a rigid skeleton. The exterior, except the screened vents in the upper side walls, is covered with kraft paper. Split plaster lath or 1/4x3/4 inch Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineer- ing and Assistant Agricultural Engineer in the Experiment Station. £ Associate in Agricultural Engineering. wood strips are tacked to the framing to hold the paper securely in place. Two-Seat Unit, with or without Urinal This privy has sills of 2x6 inch material or larger, which should be of treated or decay-re- sistant lumber. Studding is not necessary, as the 1x12 inch boarding and rails will form rigid walls. The urinal is made of two 1x12 inch vertical boards for the back, and one 1x12 inch horizontal board across the front. The inside is all pro- tected by a metal lining, as shown in the perspec- tive detail. The lining is preferably of zinc or galvanized iron. The bottom of the trough should slope slightly toward the seats, and liquid is conducted through an opening in the seat side wall by means of a small metal trough or pipe. The urinal may be omitted, and a third seat constructed in its place; or the structure may be reduced to a common two-seat type. Oil stain or paint will add to the general ap- pearance of this unit. Bill of Materials for 2-seat Unit and Urinal Sills 2 pes. 2"x6"— 6', rot- resistant Joists 2 pes. 2"H"-8' Headers and bridging. . 3 pes. 2" x 4"— 6' Rails, rafters, plates, and cleats 9 pes. 2" x 4"— 6' 3 pes. 2"x 4"— 8' Walls and door ... .11 pes. I"xl2" — 14' Roof boards 3 pes. 1" x 12"— 14' Seat and miscellaneous. 2 pes. 1" x 12" — 16' Vent 1 pc. I"x8"— 10' 1 pc. l"x 4" — 14' Cleats 1 pc. I"x4"— 18' Floor and seat front. . 32 bd. ft. 1" x 4" tongue- and-groove , 6' lengths Battens 140 lin. ft. 1/2" x 3" strips Roofing paper 1/2 roll asphalt roofing paper Nails and hardware . . 1 lb . 20d common wire nails 5 lbs. 8d common wire nails 1 lb. 6d common wire nails 1/4 lb. 3d common wire nails for battens 2 pr. 4" strap hinges for seat covers 1 set storm-door hardware 2 lin. ft. of 26" width, 16-mesh wire screen 12 sq. ft. sheet metal for urinal and seat-front lining [1] Rough Summary of Materials: 32 bd. ft. 1" flooring 266 bd. ft. other 1" lumber 83 bd. ft. 2" lumber 7 1/4 lbs. nails Hardware #1-50 Cost: Materials and labor for this unit will cost about $45-00. Bill of Materials for Portable Privy Sills and joists . . . 1 pc. 2" x 4"— 12' Floor 4 bd. ft. l"x 4" tongue- and-groove Seat and cover . . . . 1 pc. 1" x 12" — 12' Corners 4 pes. l"x 4" — 14' Rails 3 pes. l"x 4"— 12' Rafters 1 pc . I"x4"— 8' Fillers 4 pes. l"x 2"— 12' Lath or battens .... 100 lin. ft. wood strips Kraft paper 90 sq. ft. kraft sheathing Nails and Hardware: 1/2 lb. 20d common wire nails 2 lbs. 6d common wire nails 1/2 lb. 3d common wire nails 1 set storm-door hardware 2 only, 3" strap hinges for seat cover 3 sq. ft. l6-mesh wire screen Rough Summary of Materials: 4 bd. ft. 1" flooring 58 bd. ft. other 1" lumber 8 bd. ft. 2" lumber 3 lbs. nails Hardware $0.50 Cost: The total cost for materials and labor in the construction of this privy will be about $12.00. TWO SEAT PRIVY with unna Built of boards & battens Size: 4' x6' PORTABLE PRIVY with single seat. Covered with kraft paper. Size-2'x3' ^ kraft paper , ? — ^ ■\f''"y \" Typical Corner Section Enlarged I x4'framinq & cleats l"x2"fiU«r-, 9"xl0*' opening -2"x6"x6'-0" 'f Side Section *— 3"strap hinges (3) Floor Plan This HAN CONFORMS WITH LABOR CODE STATUTES 1931, CHAR 90, P6./S5 Approved. Division of Im migration and HpusiNG, Statf of California, University of California Division of Agricultural Engineering branch of the college of agriculture University Farm — Davis. Cal. plan no B - H 7 CAMP & FIELD PRIVIES ED FOR DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING- l/f/fj&tfO 3> H.LB. % \Mt\. TRACED BY LV/J DATE 6-10-4) [2] 5m-ll, '43(8323)