The Plumber and Sanitary Houses. A Practical Treatise on the Principles of Inte^-nal Pbimbing Work; or the best means for effectually excluding Noxious Gases from our houses. WITH A CHAPTER ON COWL TESTING. By S. STEVENS HELLYER. Second Edition, greatly enlarged, with 23 Lithographic Plates, and 119 Woodcut Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth. Price los. 6d. post free. " It would be superfluous to say more about a work the principal defect of which is that it advocates a style of work so excellent, and so far beyond the mental powers of the ordinary old-fashioned plumber, th it some trouble will no doubt be incurred by those who insist on Mr. Hellyer's rules being put into practice. But there is nothing advocated, after all, that is not suitable to the requirements of ordinary life in cities. To all about to build a house we would say. Buy Mr. Hellyer's "work, and read it." — The Ens^ineer. " We should be glad if every plumber in the kingdom would buy the book ; this would give a good sale to Mr. Hellyer, and a good lift to Sanitary Plumbing." — The Builder. " Unquestionably the best manual of Plumbing practice yet published. Archi- tects, Plumbers, Builders, and Householders, who read it carefully, will surely gain therebj\" — The Sanitary Engineer. "Mr. Hellyer's book deserves very considerable praise from whatever point of view it is regarded." — The Sanitary Record. "Altogether we can recommend Mr. Hellyer's bonk in its enlarged form, as heartily as we did the first edition. It is thoroughly practical, and eminently read- able, and it is, in fact, a volume which every householder would do well to possess and study." — Engitieering. " If all working Plumbers had Mr. Hellyer's book off by heart, and believed in it, we should have comparativelj' little need to warn householders of their dangers in unsanitary houses." — 77ie British Architect. "Clear and lucid in style, as a practical book should be ; well illustrated with drawings and plans. . . We hope that the work will attain a circulation through- out all the classes to whom it is addressed, and to whom it will prove interesting and usefu'. " — Jilustrated Carpenter and Builder. " This book ... we heartily recommend for the scientific and practical way in which the important subject of house sanitation is treated. . . . His work should be in the hands of every plumber." — The Plu77iber and Decorator. " Exactly what it pretends to be, a practical treatise on the principles of internal plumbmg work, and the best means of excluding noxious gases from our houses. Since Mr. Hellyer gave forth in a first edition his sensible hints and suggestions, the plumbing at Buckingham Palace, Marlborough House, and a great number of noble- men's and gentlemen's houses in all parts of the country as well as in London, has been overhauled and perfected ' on the principles which were therein laid down." — Daily Telet^raph. "A second edition has appeared of Mr. Hellyer's exhaustive volume on internal plumbing work, which exposes ruthlessly the many dangers incident to the old- fashioned systems, and points out the proper way of avoiding them. If the author is at times too sweeping in his condemnations, that is a fault on the right side." — Saturday Revieiu. " Mr. Hellyer's book will be found to be of value in giving the experiences of a practical man who has a personal knowledge of the best forms of apparatus to be used by those who wish their houses to be healthy. The book is well illustrated, and a brief account is given of all the apparatus which is generally in use, and which Mr. Hellyer especially recommends." — Land. " The book is well got up, is nicely printed, and profusely illustrated, and is likely to be of service to Builders and Health Officers, whether medical or otherwise. — Lancet. B. T. BATS FORD, 52, High Holborn, London. SECOND EDITION-. ^OMVM ^lU AMDAR"rO:F' SANTTARy PlyVMBItlO Ajithor of " The Phimber a?id Sanitary HousesP B. T. BATSFORD, 52, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. TO THE NATIONAL HEALTH SOCIETY, WHOSE WIDE SYMPATHIES EMBRACE ALL SANITARY SUBJECTS, AND WHOSE MOTTO, "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE," W)cst TUntmtB ARE INTENDED TO EXEMPLIFY. CONTENTS, LECTURE I. PAGE Introductory i LECTURE II. Joints and Pipe Bending 30 LECTURE III. The Necessity of Traps 82 LECTURE IV. Traps and Trap Ventilation ... ... 121 LECTURE V. Water-closets, Soil-pipes, and Waste-pipes 184 LECTURE VI. House Drainage and Ventilation 243 THE SCIENCE AND ART OF SANITARY PLUMBING. LECTURE I. INTRODUCTORY. Unsanitary Plumbing — Force of Prejudices — Importance of Know- ledge of Principles — \Vlio should call themselves Plumbers ? — Need of a School of Plumbing. It is due to many here to-night, as weU as to myself, that I should make one or two prefatory remarks before commencing my Lecture. T never aspired to address an audience such as I now see before me, for I do not set myself up as a lecturer. All that I intended, was to give a quiet address to plumbers. But, perhaps, I am now making a mis- take, and }'0u are ALL practical plumbers } I should, however, like to see your credentials, for I should then feel more at home. The ladies ! well, I must think of them as a superior order of " mates." Barnum, the American showman, once got together a great concourse of people to see some queer animal. The people were all formed into a ring or circus, and the poor little animal was set B The Science and A7't of National Health Society. Plumbers and Lectures. in their midst, but the people were so disap- pointed that they demanded their money back again. Now, as many are likely to be disappointed to-night, there will be no money to return, but you will want compensation, no doubt. I beg, there- fore, that you will indite your letters of complaint to the National Health Society, for tJiey are respon- sible for your presence — my address is to working plumbers. When asked by the chairman of the National Health Society, Mr. Ernest Hart, to give a series of lectures on plumbing to plumbers, a doubt crossed my mind as to whether we should be able to get a good attendance of plumbers to hear them ; for plumbers are, as a class, very inde- pendent, and difficult to draw out ; they are still more difficult to turn, especially when they have a roll of lead on their shoulders. Therefore, before deciding to deliver these lectures, I asked Mr. Hart to give me a week to think over the matter, and for enquiries to be made of the general London working plumbers, to hear whether they would be likely to attend in any force. I soon found that any doubt as to the interest plumbers would take in these lectures might be instantly removed, and the attendance^ * "The hall was greatly over-crowded, and the audience over- flowed into the ante-rooms and even on to the staircase, so that many who attended were unable to hear the lecture." — The Builder^ May 21, 1881. Second Lecture: — "The hall was, as before, densely crowded, and great interest was manifested in the lecture." — The Building News, June 3, 1881. Sa?iitary Plumbing. 3 to-night proves that the National Health Society was right in asking for such lectures to be delivered. I do not underrate the difficulties of my posi- tion in addressing an audience of practical plumbers on the science of plumbing ; for if it is difficult to get a joke into a Scotchman's head, it is even more difficult to get a theory into the heads of some plumbers ; but I claim your indulgence. For many years I have made sanitary plumb- p^^^^tj^^ ing my special study, and have written a book upon it ; and as the joint-employer of the largest number of working plumbers of any plumbing house in the United Kingdom, I ask you to give me a patient hearing while laying down what I consider the true principles of sanitary plumbing and house drainage. I shall advance no theory which will not square Theory and Practice. With practice ; and to carry conviction to every mind, or, so to speak, to make the new platform of plumbing thought strong enough for the plumb- ing world to stand upon, I shall prove my theories by practical experiments. In these lectures I am thinking and speaking Working chiefly of the general working plumber, the hand- worker, as I have elsewhere called him; but I have in my eye at the same time the master plumber, Master ^ ^ r J Plumbers. especially the small master plumber (who is both master and man), as I want what is said to be of service to all who call themselves plumbers. Unfortunately, some plumbers are difficult to Plumbers •" ^ _ and their move when once they have taken up a position ; Grand- ^ r r > fathers. B 2 4 The Science and Art of and, judging from the principles on which many of them work, they must be occupying the posi- tions taken up by their great-grandfathers about a century ago — schemes may come, and schemes Bad Prac- "^^^ S<^' ^^^ ^^^^^ Stand Still for evcr. For instance, tices. J often come across service-boxes in drinking- water cisterns; badly ventilated soil-pipes ; cistern- wastes connected with W.C. traps ; waste-pipes from sinks, baths, and lavatories branched into soil-pipes ; waste-pipes from W.C. safes connected with the soil-pipe or W.C. traps ; connection with the drain everywhere, but r Plumber, and the plumber. The public have a right to be guaranteed against such unsanitary plumbing when they call in a plumber, and if plumbers were com- pelled by Government to have a licence before being allowed to carry on their business, no such stinking water-closets would be fixed, no such tinkering plumbing would be done, and the health of this great city, the health of our towns, the health of our hotels, the health of our sea-side lodging- houses, would be generally improved. Unsanitary J g^j^ often travelling; in various parts of the Closets in t> i Hotels. country, and the first thing I do when I have to stay a night at any hotel, is to see that my bed- room is well removed from any water-closet or sink. I remember staying a night, a year or two ago, in one of the best hotels in one of our most ancient cities. I could not get off to sleep ; my mind was at home, but my sense of smell was with me in the bed. I sniffed about a bit — as a dog does when it turns over a turnip leaf where a rabbit has been sitting nibbling at the turnip a little while before — and sniffed a water-closet smell. I could not understand this, as, with my usual precaution, I had looked to see that no water-closet was near, A little later on in the night, the odour became more Sanitary Plumbing. 13 pronounced, and I came to the conclusion that it came from an old pan-closet. In the morning I found, sure enough, a water-closet, and I noticed, too, that it was a /(^//-closet. " Hast thou found me, O mine enemy?" I said, as I banged-to the door, and traced how the smell had passed to my room. It had travelled behind the skirting of the W.C. and the skirting of an empty room into my bedroom ; and having to stay at this hotel another night, I shifted my quarters. I rarely come across -s. perfect water-closet, from my point of view, in any of the best old hotels. On the contrary, I am frequently coming across very imperfect ones, and I pay my visits to such places with great reluctance, for I cannot leave my nose outside, and, being a non-smoker, I cannot set up a counter odour in the shape of a cigar. The old saying that " They do these things better Sanitaryar- . '' . . rangements on the Continent," is, I fancy, wearing out m more on the 1 • 1 Tr . r ^ i i • Continent. thmgs than one. If it ever referred to plumbmg and drainage, the Continental peoples must have very much degenerated, for there is hardly a W.C. fit for a decent person to use between Paris and the Rhine. I have sought for a wholesome W.C, I was going to say with tears. In some of the grandest hotels, surrounded by the fairest sights earth can afford, there are to be found some of the filthiest W.C.'s in the world, places which make you long for a quiet nook away from the haunts of men. The utter absence of good sanitary arrange- 14 The Science and Art of Sanitary Water- closets. Education. ments must be a great drawback to the enjoyment of English people when traveUing abroad. And while such water-closet accommodation is allowed to exist as now exists, a great disgrace attaches itself to the Governments of such countries. But I am forgetting I am speaking to English plumbers ; and we must not throw stones, for we live in glass houses ourselves. I know, and some of you know well enough, that there is no difficulty in fixing a water-closet which shall send out no bad odour at all. Nay, more, that it is not only possible but easy to fix such an apparatus — a water-closet which shall keep as clean and sweet as a bedroom toilet basin. But I know of no means whereby a stranger coming to London, or going to any city or town in Great Britain, could feel certain that he would get such a sweet closet fixed in his house, if he wanted it. The chances are, that in the present state of the trade he would not, for he would have no means of distinguishing between the sanitary and the tinker- ing plumber, and most likely would call in the wrong man. This, to my mind, is a very lament- able state of things. But some will say. What would you do } Would you annihilate ?/;2sanitary plumbers 1 No ! I do. not believe in annihilation ; I believe in progres- sion. I would educate them in the theoretical knowledge of their trade, and perfect them in its practical application. I would rub them up, as they do their irons when they take them out of the Sanitary Plumbing. 15 fire — to get the scales off and to brighten them up for better use. We have Schools of Art in every quarter of Schools of Art. London, where willing students study painting, drawing, &c. Heaven forbid that I should say one word against such institutions. I mention them for contrast, for what have paintings to do with the health of the public ? They may have a great deal to do with the moral tone of society, for in beholding the " true and the beautiful," the mind oucrht to be elevated, and the man who hath no eye for the beautiful is as bad as the man who hath " no music in his soul." But the Jiealth of our homes does often depend upon hozu the plumb- ing work is done in them. It is monstrous that here in London, where I Sanitary Science believe plumbers are more skilled in their work Haii. than in any other city in the world, there is no school for the study and practice of plumbing : no Sanitary Science Hall, where plumbers can pass examinations in the art and science of their trade, and receive diplomas authorising them to pursue the practice of plumbers ; no place where journey- men can meet to learn the theory of their craft. I believe such a school would do immense good in spreading the theoretical knowledge (the why and wherefore) of plumbing among plumbers, who now only care for the practical knowledge of their trade. And the public would reap the benefit, in having happier lives, lives more free from petty i6 The Scie?ice and Art of Schools of Plumbing. Class- rooms. Models. Teachers. Lectures. annoyances, and healthier homes in which their lives would be passed. Though the chief object of such a school should be to teach the principles of sanitary plumbing to plumbers, it should not be limited to this, but should impart a practical knowledge or dexterity to learners in the trade. Class-rooms should be set apart for young plumbers to improve themselves in the practical knowledge of plumbing, such as joint-wiping, pipe-bending, bossing, &c. And as this would involve some extra cost to the institution, in firing and in the use and waste of materials, the students should contribute accordingly. Good models of plumbing should be placed where the student, or " improver " (as he is gene- rally called by the trade) could examine and study them, and models of all kinds of sanitary fittings should be kept in the institution for easy reference. Foremen and journeymen plumbers well advanced both in the practical and theoretical knowledge of plumbing could become teachers, and form classes, which could be examined from time to time by a committee elected for such pur- poses, and rewards could be given according to merit. Lectures could be given illustrating and explain- ing the newest principles in sanitary plumbing, and old errors could be pointed out and condemned. Plumbers meeting thus together could compare experiences, and correct wrong impressions and Sanitary Plunibmg. 17 practices ; and in this way the newest Hght in phimbing practice would make its way with rapidity, to the benefit of all concerned. But the grand thing in connection with such a Certificates School, or Sanitary Science Hall, would be that Certificates of Merit could be given to those who qualified themselves to receive it, and the public could be assured, when they called in the holders of such certificates, that they would be employing competent men. I do not want anybody to die. But if some Legacy • 1 1 1 < 11^1 1 , ^° Found a rich person, who wanted to do a noble deed, would School. leave a sufficient legacy to found such a School or Institute as we have just been considering, and if he would give an additional sum to be appropriated in prize-moneys, to be given away yearly \.q young plumbers who passed certain examinations in the practical knowledge of their trade, and to journey- men plumbers who passed certain other examina- tions in the theory as well as the practice of plumbing, an immense impetus would be given to plumbers to perfect themselves in their craft, and the public would be the gainers. I believe the City Guild of Plumbers is at last City Guild 01 going to stir itself to do something towards improv- Plumbers. ing the craft.* But though this Guild received its * By aiding the City and Guilds of London Institute for the advancement of Technical Education, and other ways. At the Technological Examination of this Institute, in 1881, eighteen persons passed examinations in Plumbers' work, -1 1 employs anybody employs journeymen plumbers. Builders, Plumbers. Upholsterers, Cabinetmakers, and, I am told, now Drapers carry out plumbing jobs. Now, it requires a builder of large operations to keep a good, com- petent foreman of plumbers, and a permmient staff of journeymen always going ; but, unless this is done, the work done by such a builder will not be of a high class, and such work will be injurious to the trade. Well, if it is difficult for large build- ing firms to keep plumbers on constmitly, how much more must it be for the other trades just 24 The Scie7ice and Art of mentioned, and for small builders ? The fact is, the men in such places are taken on just when they are wanted, and discharged directly their work is done. There is no JLonic-fceling encouraged in the men, and no great interest taken in their work ; for the chances are that their master, if he knows any trade at all, is a joiner, and the manager or foreman a bricklayer or stonemason, but most likely a carpenter too — for carpenters generally make the best foremen. Now, is it not reasonable to suppose that in such houses of business the master and manager will take their greatest interest in the trade with which they are best acquainted rather than in sanitary plumbing, w^hich they know little or nothing about } And, as to the men them- selves, their best efforts are not likely to be called forth where their work is but little appreciated, and where directly they have finished their job they have finished with that master, for he has nothing more for them to do. But, where men know that directly one job is done another awaits them, and that they will only be discharged for indolence, bad workmanship, or some misdeed, an incentive is given them to do their best. And not only that, for, if they did their work badly, when they are in a constant place they could be called upon at any time to explain, and such complaints would not tell in their favour, and this they would soon find out. Plumbers' 3. But there are other influences at work against and Ap- the growlli of plumbing knowledge. Men seldom prentices. Sanitary PliLinbing. 25 learn, or only half learn, the trade of plumber. I believe it is not only difficult, but impossible, for young men — apprenticed or not — to learn the art of plumbing in nine-tenths of the so-called plumbers' shops of the present day. There is so little experience for them in such places ; and in many of these shops painting and glazing are the staple trade, and plumbing is the accessory. Young men and apprentices, not only do not get zxiy practice in good plumbing, they never see it done. I know we must have "■ small " men, or who should we have to go into our small cisterns 1 but small shops are not the places for youths to be apprenticed in. I never knew a man (and I have known hun- dreds of young men from all parts of the country), who came from any shops in our country towns, even though he had w^orked in them for a year or two beyond his apprenticeship, capable of doing a plumbing job as we have it done in London. I believe " three-branch " country shops to be good drilling places for two or three years, as they open a youth's eyes and make him handy ; but it is a monstrous waste of time, to my mind, for a young man, who intends to perfect himself in plumbing, to spend five, six, seven and eight years in a country shop, as many do, before coming to London. For come when he may, he is certain to have to work as a mate, i.e., a plumber's labourer, for a year or two. At any rate, he would if he came to 21, Newcastle Street. I have looked at plumbing work, done by The Science and Art of Country and Foreign Plumbers. London Plumbers. Object of these Lectures. plumbers in our chief towns in England, Scotland, Ireland_, and Wales, as well as in France, Germany, Belgium, and Switzerland — and I generally keep my eyes open, and I think I should see a piece of plumbers' work as sportsmen see game, when nothing is visible to the eye of a stranger — but I never saw in any of these places such JinisJied plumbing, such well-made bends, such good bossing, as I am constantly seeing in London, or in places where the London plumber has done the work. Now though the average London plumber is much in advance of plumbers generally vci practical skill, and in theoretical knowledge too, yet his knowledge of house sanitation is very deficient. However, there are a goodly number who know a good deal about sanitary plumbing and house sanita- tion ; and I know further that such men would pass a stiff examination in the science as well as in the art of their trade. They would astonish many of our experienced sanitarians by the knowledge they possess on this subject, and they would be able to enlighten them on many points of detail. To increase this knowledge, and to stimulate plumbers everywhere to perfect themselves in the knowledge and application of their trade is the main object of this course of lectures. I hope by practical experiments, and carefully prepared illus- trations, to convince the oldest fashioned plumber among you of the advantages of the new way of sanitary plumbing, over that of the old or un- sanitary way. Sanitary Flumbuig. 27 I will not waste time by arguing with the man who forms so poor a conception of his duty as to say he has nothing to do with the theory of his trade, and who thinks that because he has learnt the practice of it he has learnt enough : — *' Breathes there the man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath said " "I will do what I can to learn my trade thoroughly?" Where is the eye that does not take delight in the beauty and changing tints of the leafage of fruit- trees ? But the practical part of such trees is to bear fruit. We have Government training-schools for teach- Govern- ing soldiers how to put lead bullets into men with sdToois for the ease with which plumbers put lead wedges into bm^no^^' the joints of brickwork to secure lead flashings. |iu°bers°^ We have public jails all over the country to keep men who are injurious to society ; but we have no schools, no public institutions where young plumbers can spend their evenings in perfecting themselves in the knowledge of their craft, that they may do some good in the world. The motto of the National Health Society, National ^ ^ ^ . i . . . Health through whose auspices we are here to-night, is Society. " Prevention is better than cure." How much sickness, how much bad health in homes, in towns, in cities would such training-schools for plumbers be the means of preventing .'' Plumbers little know what mischief is caused by their unsanitary plumbing, or they would surely seek every means 28 The Science and Art of themselves in the knowledge of of perfectin their craft. Well, as no such plumbing-schools are provided, you must start one yourselves ; and, if you put your heads and purses together, you will have no difficulty in making such a school in London self- supporting. I shall have great pleasure in present- ing good models of plumbing work whenever such a school is started. Public to be con- gratulated. Architects and Plumbers. The public are to be congratulated that archi- tects are taking up this subject of house sanitation, for it is as much their birth-right as the plumbers'. In new houses they are masters of the position — for they hold the purse-strings — and if they only insist upon having the plumbing and drainage carried out on sound sanitary principles in all the new houses they build, great good will be done. There is a shaking of dry bones, and both architects and plumbers, here and there throughout the country, are clothing themselves with sanitary knowledge. Only recently there have been some important discussions on this subject at the Royal Institute of British Architects, and elsewhere, and if sanitary knowledge should find a congenial atmosphere anywhere it should be in such institu- tions. I believe that if architects and plumbers through- out Great Britain seriously took up this question, there would not be in a few years^ time a new house between John-o'-Groats and Land's End in Sanitary Pluinhing. 29 such an unsanitary state as two-thirds of the houses are to-day in Belgravia. Master -pkimbers and journeymen - plumbers ! rise up to the needs of the times, and march in the van of progress ! I may hav^e wearied you with this lengthy introduction, but plumbers will not complain. They know well enough that it often takes longer to prepare the ends of pipes for good connection than it does to make the joint. As I have now come to the subject o{ joints, but as these joints are not for the supper-table, I will defer what has to be said on them until we meet again, especially as the '' metal " is now somewhat cold. n ?m- Everything made by Machinery. Genius of Man. LECTURE II. JOINTS AND PIPE BENDING. Wiped Soldered Joints : Underhand, Upright, Overcast, Branch, Block, Flange, Taft. Copper-bit Joints : Float or Flow, Ribbon, and Ribbed, or Overcast, Astragal Joints, Blow-pipe Joints. Pipe Bending : Elbows, Bends, &c. Lead — Pipes — Solder — Alloys and their Melting-heats — Fire-places — Blowing-lamps — Lead-burning. Almost anything and everything — from a German- sausage to a Swiss-chalet — can now be made by machinery ; the clothes on your back, the shoes on your feet, the watch in your pocket. By its aid wood, stone, or iron can be formed into shapes of beauty, and straight or circular mouldings cut with mathematical precision. The materials of a build- ing can not only be cut into shape and be hoisted by machinery, but they can be taken round to the very spot where they are wanted by it. The in- ventive genius of man is so great that he has anni- hilated space, and brought the country-house along- side the town-warehouse, for the merchant can sit in his counting-house and talk with his family in the country, though the distance between the two places may be greater than that pierced by the eye of an Indian or a pigeon. Nay, the living voice Sanitary Phwibing. 31 may be caught and sent to a friend, or a child travelling in a distant land, and the music of its notes may be heard when the mouth which uttered them may be silent in the grave. The United States of America may be called t\\Q forcing-house oi inventive genius. The fact is, " wandering-stars " from other countries have been collecting in this part for generations past : And as the " stars " joined one another in matrimonial united states (came into contact with each other), the " sparks " flying off from them have been burn- ing with a white heat of inventive force. But though the Americans have invented machines to Fig. I. — Welded Joint. help everybody as well as the plumber, they have not yet invented an apparatus for making wiped soldered joints. They have, however, invented a machine for uniting lead pipes of small diameter together by what are called "welded" joints ; but this mode of union is inferior to a wiped soldered joint. Two such machine-made welded joints were made on |-inch pipes in my presence in the space of a few minutes, including the preparation of the ends of the pipes for such connections. Fig. I illustrates one of the joints. Joint-making may be called the Alpha and Omega of the plumber. It is, so to speak, the stair- case which takes him to the various rooms in the America. 32 The Science and Art of Joint- making difficult. Preparing Pipe-ends. house of plumbing-knowledge. To leave joints out of plumbing, would be to leave Hamlet out of the play of " Hamlet." I daresay joint-wiping to the majority here to- night is as easy as " shelling peas," but to the beginner it is no easy matter. Nay, as you who have burnt your fingers over it know, it is very difficult, so difficult that no man without consider- able practice can accomplish it. And someplumbers, though they make joints daily, never learn how to make a perfect joint. There is always something the matter with their joints! They are "gouty," or " potatoey," too light or too heavy, too dumpy or too elongated. And though they are not like the world, flat at the poles, they are flat at the sides. They are in no way symmetrical, and their want of rotundity is very observable. Will the good joint-wipers here to-night — the men who have no difficulty in making wiped soldered joints as true as if they were turned in a lathe — bear with me, while, for the sake of the less initiated, I enter into the elements of joint-wiping and joint-making, which may possibly interest even them. In preparing the ends of the pipes to be con- nected together, either in a vertical or horizontal position, see that no burr is left on the inner edge of the male pipe. In rasping off the outer edge of this pipe^ a burr is formed on the inner edge, and if this is not taken off with a shave-hook or pocket- knife, and smoothed, the roughness would be liable Sanitary Plumbing. l?> Soiling. to catch any hair or such-Hke thing passing through, in a soil or waste pipe. Well open the end of the outer pipe to allow the inner pipe to enter about 5-in. or f-in., without contracting it in any way (as shown at A, Fig. 2). Rasp off the outer edge of the female pipe, to get a greater thickness of solder upon the joint without increasing its external size. In "soiling" the ends of the pipes, "soil" over at the same time, or better still, after the ends have been shaved, the inside of the ifiner pipe, i.e. the male end, to prevent the solder running and adhering to the edge brightened by scraping off the burr. To get a true ring round a pipe of large diameter for the shaving-line, put the blade part of a saw, or a piece of planed wood, against the end of the pipes, and take a pair of compasses (opened out the width of the shaving required) and describe a line round the pipe with the point of one of the legs, resting the other leg against the saw-blade as a guide : you will in this way get a truer shaving-line than if you described the line without the aid of the saw- blade or flat surface board at the end of the pipe, and you will save time as well — of course, in small pipes no such guide is wanted. In shaving pjpg. the pipe, be careful not to dig the shave-hook s^^^'^"&- down into the lead, especially at the outer edgesy D Shaving- line. 34 The Sciefice a?id Art of Ends tinned as it would weaken the pipe where there would be no thickness of solder to strengthen it again, for in wiping the joint the solder is often wiped away at the outer edges, and no thickness of solder is left upon the outer edges of the joint- ing. All that is wanted is to take off the dul- ness of the lead, for the solder to readily tin upon it. When joints are to be made to funnel pipes m situ, (in chases where the back part of the pipes cannot be seen), the pipes should be tinned upon the bench before they are put in their places, to prevent any foreign matter, as brick-dust, mortar, &c., getting between the solder and the pipe, and also to ensure the end of each pipe being well tinned all over. When the ends of such pipes are only shaved (and greased) on the bench, and not tinned as well, in carrying the pipe — with, say, its tacks and W.C. trap upon it — to its position, the grease may get scraped off in places by the end of the pipe being knocked against a wall, or dragged on the floor, and then in wiping the joint the solder may not tin itself upon the damaged places. In life it is often the manlier way to go against rheTtream. the Stream, but in jointing, especially in all soil, waste, or drain pipes, the ends of the inner pipe should always go with the stream, as shown at A and by the arrow, Fig. 2, i.e., the edge of the inner pipe, the male end of the jointing, should never be fixed against the current in waste-carrying pipes, Ends against Sanitary Plumhi7ig. 3^ for it would form a ledge for dirt and filth to accumulate upon. For the benefit of the unskilled, I should like to ' say a word or two on joint-making ; and first, as to the solder. I need not say anything about the proportions of lead and tin, for solder is generall}^ bought ready for use. * Solder for upright, branch, and flange joints, Plumbers' and for sink and cistern wiping, wants to be a little finer than that for underhand joints. When the solder is too rich for making underhand joints, put a little soft pig lead into it, but do not put any lead pipe or new cuttings into it, for such lead may not be pure. When you have made the solder right for easy use, keep this solder-pot /;/ large jobs solely for making underhand joints, to avoid any further bother or loss of time. Get another solder- pot for general work, and, as the tin wastes by constant heating, supply the solder-pot for making underhand joints from the richer solder-pot, and feed the richer pot from the new "casts" of solder — in small jobs it may not be worth the trouble of this. "Waste not, want not" would be a good motto "Waste to put round every solder-pot, and plumbers will not.'"^^'^"^ do well to remember that though the solder may * I suppose that not one journeyman plumber in a hundred, in London, makes solder. To make good plumbers' solder, put sixty- five per cent, of soft pig lead to thirty-five per cent, of (Truro) tin, but as tin varies a little in quality, at times it may require more or * less than the quantity given : — Two parts of lead and one of tin is the general way of calculating plumbers' solder (see p. 72). D 2 36 The Science and Art of Heating Solder. not cost the user anything, it really does cost money, and should never be wasted by putting more solder upon the joint than good work requires, or by not carefully picking up the splashed pieces near where the joint has been made, or by over- heating — or by keeping it always over the fire ; for it is not necessary to keep the solder-pot always "boiling" — that may do for the cook's pot, but it will not pay for the plumber's. In heating the solder over a coal or coke fire, keep a cover, say a piece of board, over the pot to keep the heat from flying off; but if the solder is being heated over a wood fire, put a large ladle over the top of the solder-pot with its mouth down- wards, allowing it to sail over the top a little so as to catch the flame and turn it inside to assist in heating the solder, but do not allow too fierce a flame to fall upon the solder to eat the tin away, for the tin rises to the surface. Time is money, therefore get the solder heated as expeditiously as you can, and never over-heat it — for in so doing you cause the solder to deterio- rate, and if pockets never have too much " tin " in them, solder- pots are often like them in this matter. You can tell the right heat by taking out a ladleful, and holding it near your face, or by passing the back part of the hand over it. Or a piece of wood is a good indicator, for if by dipping a stick into the solder the stick smokes, it is ready for use. Under- handjoints. Underhand Joints. — In making an under- Sanitary Plwnbing. 37 hand joint, first pour the molten metal on the soiled parts of the pipes to get the pipes well-warmed. Then pour a dribbling stream upon the shaved parts of the pipes to be united, and well tin them by pulling the solder round and round with the solder-cloth. Keep on pouring out the metal, and "let it flow "in one continuous stream round and round on the outer edges of the tinning, working at the same time the solder towards the centre part of the joint, and bringing the solder from the bottom of the jointing to the top. After manipulat- ing it in this way, for a minute, and directly it is of one consistency, and in a " teachable " mood, wipe the joint, coaxing the solder round and round to get the joint symmetrical. If you prefer to use an iron, see that it is well cleaned, and just red-hot before using ; then, having a nice body of solder on the joint which is to be, rub the hot iron round and round it, and take it all ofl" on the cloth. Rub the hot iron upon the solder, and work it up into a nice consistency upon the cloth, forming it all the while into the shape some- what of a sausage-roll, then quickly place the centre part of the solder against the underside of the pipes, at the centre of the jointing, and turn up the outer half on the ofl'-side, bringing the hand back quickly to turn up the other half on the near side. When this is done, wipe the joint wdth all the dexterity you can command. Of course this refers to under- hand joints upon small pipes. In making an under- joints upon hand joint upon large pipes, there will be no diffi- 38 The Science and Art of culty in getting the solder to stay upon the upper sides of the pipes, the difficulty will be in getting it to adhere to the under sides, where it has a ten- dency to drop off in lumps directly the pipes get hot. In making such a joint, keep moving the solder round and round the pipes, pouring the metal upon the cloth as well as upon the pipes, to convey the solder to the underside of the joint in a molten state ; this should be alternately done on near and off sides of the pipes during the process of making the joint, and the solder forming round the under side of the joint should be brought round upon the upper side. When a good bulb of solder is formed upon the pipes, the ladle should give place to the iron, and the joint should Figf. "?. — View of a Wiped be wiped as expeditiously as possible, soldered joint, remembering that one secret of suc- cess in wiping such a joint is to keep the cloth following close to the iron. The outer edges, to make a nice clean joint, as shown in Fig. 3, must be kept well heated with the iron. I have here an underhand joint, wiped upon 6 in. pipes. I think the best joint-wiper in the room will ad- mit that it is a good specimen. ^ Over-cast OvER-CAST JOINTS. — An over-cast joint, illus- joints. trated in Fig. 4, is made in the same way as a wiped joint, in fact, it is a wiped joint overcast with * The joint was shown and admired. Sanitary Plumbing 39 the iron, i.e., directly the joint is wiped, and while the solder upon it is still hot, the neck part of a hot iron is drawn up and down over its surface, forming it into a ribbed joint, or giving it a large number of facets, as shown at b.b.b.. Fig. 4. The plumbers of the early part of this century were very clever in making this form of joint. I have seen many over-cast joints as true as it was possible to make them ; and though I have rarely seen perfectly true wiped joints on the Continent, I have seen many over-cast joints per- fectly made. But overcasting a joint is time wasted, for though it may give additional strength, and prevent " weep- ing" in joints made upon service-pipes, when under very great water pressure, a wiped joint is really all that is necessary. A wiped joint calls out, or should call out, greater skill in the joint-wiper, for in overcasting a joint he could regulate with the iron any irregularities in his bad wiping. Over-cast joints are never made now in London by good plumbers. View of an ' Over-cast " joint. Scotch Joints. — In Scotland the joints are Scotch •' -^ Joints. only made a little more than half the length ^ of * Though I do not like "dumpy" joints, I am not at all in favour of very long joints. I think i\ in. joints are quite long enough for pipes from 4 in. to 6 in. diameter ; under that size, say from 3^ in. down to i;^ in., 3 in. joints are quite long enough ; and for smaller pipes a shorter length still. 46 TJie Science and Art of joints made by English plumbers. There is a saving of solder in this; but there is an absence of beauty, and art should count for something ; be- sides, in " funnel " pipes the longer joint is the stronger. Fig. 3 repre- sents an English wiped soldered joint, and Fig. 5 a Scotch, except that in the woodcut the Scotch joint (Fig. 5) is shown longer than Scotch plumbers generally make it. Upright Joints. Upright Joints. — An iipright joint is a joint made upon a vertical pipe or pipes. Fig. 8 shows the two ends of a vertical stack of (3J in.) lead soil-pipe ready to be united. The ends of the pipes were soiled and tinned upon the bench before the pipes were fixed in their places. The pipes are brought out 2 or 3 in. from the wall, or a small hole is cut round the sides and back of the pipe, (as shown at M^ in Fig. 12) for the ladle and the hand to go round the pipes to make the joint. The edge of the outer pipe — the female end — is well closed^ upon the inner pipe to prevent the possibility of any solder running through the joint- ing to form a burr, or any such like evil inside the pipes. It must be evident to the most casual * Some plumbers prefer not to close the edge of the jointing upon the male pipe. With a quick joint-maker this would make the better joint, as the solder between the two pipes would be of great value, but with slow and inexperienced plumbers the solder would be liable to nm through and form spurs inside. Sanitary Plumhing. 41 observer, that to make a joint in such a position, a great deal of solder will be wasted if means are not taken to catch the droppings of solder and falling pieces from the joint. Plumbers know this well enough, but do not always take the best means for saving the solder. They place pieces of board or slate round the pipe ; or they tie some rags, or a wisp of straw, about the pipe and catch the solder in this rude way ; and, when the joint is made, they spend more time in picking off and picking up the solder than they did in making the joint. 6- ^- — '^ Fig. 6. — Lead Collar. Fig. 6a. — Plan of a Lead Collar when turned up. " Economy is no disgrace," and economy of time in making or producing a thing is a virtue which carries with it its own reward. Instead of building up or improvising a rough CoUars. means for catching solder when making joints on vertical pipes, a proper instrument should be used, and this is very readily made and attached to the pipe, and with such means not a particle of solder need be wasted. Figs. 6 and 6a show pieces of lead cut with circular holes in the centre to suit two sizes of lead pipes. Fig. 6a shows the collar turned up, and clipped. These pieces of lead are 42 The Sciejice and Art of called collaj's ; they can be cut out of 5 lb., 6 lb., or 7 lb. remnants of lead to suit the various sized lead pipes. They should be kept well soiled all over, edges and all, to prevent the solder adhering to them. With a well arranged set of " collars," which should be kept ready for use in all large jobs, a man ought not to take more than a minute or two in selecting the right collar, and fastening it upon the pipe, just where it is w^anted, about 2 in. below the bottom edge of the joint, as shown at D, Fig. 8. To secure the collar in its position upon the pipe, all that the plumber wants to do is to pull the collar tightly round the pipe and turn the points [b, Fig. 6) one over the other to clip them, as shown in Fig. 6a, and D, Fig. 8. He should then sprinkle a pinch of dust — which be can easily pick up in a building within a stride or two — to cover over any small space or opening which may be left between the collar and the pipe. As shown in Fig. 6a, and D, Fig. 8, the collar, when on the pipe, forms a " dish" for catching the falling solder. There is this additional advantage with such an arrangement, that the solder collecting in this dish keeps the pipes hot, thereby facilitating the making of the joint. Splash To make an " upright " joint, unless the plumber is well skilled in pouring with the ladle upon his cloth, he wants a '' splash-stick " (illustrated in Fig. 7) for splashing the solder upon the pipes. These splash-sticks are made of wood or iron, about 6 or 7 in. long, li in. wide in the spoon Sanitary Plumbing. 43 part and ^th to a \ in. thick. With care, there is no fear of the iron scratching the pipe, for the edges are well rounded. When the stick is made of ^ ximiiuui '''^'"''-"'-' f Fig 7. — Splash-stick. the Joint. wood, the smoke is apt to get into one's eyes, and interfere with the perfect sight just when it is most wanted. In making this joint, splash the solder Making well upon the upper part of the jointing, round and round, at a little below E E, Fig. 8 ; keep puUing up the solder from time to time with the splash-stick from the lower part of the jointing to the upper part, for the solder collecting in the dish will keep the lower part well heated. Splash on the solder rapidly, remembering that speed is the soul of joint-wiping, and roughly form the joint with the splash-stick. Then take the rosy-iron in one hand and the solder-cloth in the other, rub the iron over the solder, and pat it into its place with the cloth ; then draw the hot iron right round the upper edge of the jointing, at the back, following it closely with the cloth. Do the same at the bottom edge, and then change hands with the cloth and iron, and treat the front half in the same Fig. 8. — View of up- right jointing, ready for making. 44 The Science and Art of way, and the joint is made. Before leaving the spot, and while the iron is still hot, rest it in two or three places upon the solder collected on the collar ; pull the melting solder into the ladle, and the rest of the collected solder on the collar will then come away in sections, without waste or damage to the pipe. Branch Joints. Branch Joints. — I will not occupy your time in describing the viode of wiping brancJi joints^ for when a man can make an " underhand " and an "upright" joint, he ought to have no difficulty in wiping a " branch joint ; " but there are two points that the learner will do well to remember, (i) When the branch pipe is smaller than the main pipe, the solder will rest readily upon the jointing, but when the pipes are of equal sizes the solder will have a tendency to fall off at the two opposite sides. In jointing such pipes keep the ^' catch-board," or whatever the solder is caught upon, close to the underside of the main pipe ; for the fallen solder will then not only help to keep the pipe hot, but it will also enable the plumber to dip his splash-stick into it, to supply the place of the fallen solder from the sides. (2) As the lower part of the jointing will be kept well heated by the solder upon it, splash the solder well upon the upper part, i.e., upon the branch pipe. Branch- The principle of connectinsf branches with main pipe Con . , ^ ^ ^ . nections. soil-pipcs, or branches with main waste-pipes, is so Sanitary Plumbing. 45 important, that I shall ask your careful attention while describing in detail how the connection should be made. In forming an opening in a lead soil or main Socket, waste-pipe to receive a branch pipe, cut an elongated hole \\\ the main pipe, about half the size of the end of the branch pipe to be connected with it, and then work up the sides with a bolt or i* ig- 9- — ^ iew of Branch Pipe connection. Fig. lo.— View of a Branch Joint. hand-dummy to form a socket upon the pipe, as shown at G, Fig. 9, so that the branch pipe may enter it, about three-eighths of an inch, without coming into the bore of the main pipe to form any kind of obstruction or collecting place there for filth. Great care should be taken that the end of the branch pipe fits well against the sides of the socket all round to prevent any solder running through to the inside when the joint is being made. Fig. 10 illustrates a wiped soldered branch 46 The Science a?id Art of Branches at Right Angles, Mitre- Joint. joint upon a 3| in. soil-pipe, leaving a clear way right through the main pipe J. No branch pipe should enter a main waste, soil, or drain pipe at right angles. In lead pipes, how- ever slight the fall may be, the branch can always be "nosed"* over a little at the jointing for the discharges passing through it, to look towards the way they have to go — but more on this in a subse- quent lecture. The old way of con- necting branch pipes with main pipes cannot be too severely condemned. If plumbers were also joiners, one could understand how the mitre joint, as show^n in Fig. II, got introduced ; but it is difficult to under- stand why plumbers should make such a connection, especially on waste water or sewage-carrying pipes. Probably one reason is, because they have never considered the matter. They know that it is the best form of jointing in soldering lead nozzles to pump-barrels, for a socket^ as shown at G, Fig. 9, could not be pro- perly formed on a stout lead pump-barrel, and as this form of joint had been in use in pump- making long before waste pipes or soil pipes were'^ever fixed, custom has given it a place in * See Fig. 106, p. 246. Fig. II. — Mitre jointing. Sanitary Plumbifig. 47 waste water carrying pipes which it ought never to have. Such a joint takes more time, more solder, and is more difficult to make, than the branch joint shown in Figs. 9 and 10. It is also wrong in principle ; for however careful the plumber may be, he cannot leave the main pipe perfectly smooth at K, and the waste discharges from branches fixed on the upper part of the main pipe would have to travel through this badly-fitted branch connection. The edges of the branch pipe N, or of the main pipe K, Fig. 11, must form in some degree a collecting place for filth, and the solder in making such a joint would be more liable to work through the jointing to the inside of the pipe than it would in the other form of branch connection, Fig. 9. We must have all the details right, if the whole of the plumbing work in a house is to be sanitarily perfect. Block Joints. — When soil-pipes are fixed in Block chases inside the house, there is no stronger way of fixing the pipes and connecting them together than by block joints. This joint is easily wiped by a skilful plumber. In making such a joint, round off the block as shown at Q, Fig. 12. Cut out a circular piece of lead, called a flange, about 5 in. larger in diameter than the diameter of the pipe ; then cut a hole out of the centre of this flange, a little larger than the outside diameter of the pipe. Soil over both sides and the edges of the flange ; dry it over the fire, 48 TJie Science and Art of or with an iron, and shave it so as to get about l^ in. of margin on the inner edge for soldering upon. Grease over, and then tin the shaved part of the flange, and put it over the end of the pipe, and taft over the pipe upon it in a round form, so as to get a body of solder tinder, as well as over the tafting, as shown in the section. Fig. 12. Never taft over a pipe in such a way as to get a square miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiif!iifi)iiifiiin^^ I |li|!||lli|if ^ ' - I Fiu^. 12. — Section of a edge next the pipe, for in so doing the pipe would not only be very much weakened by it, but you would not get such a hold of solder upon it, and the joint would soon break. "^ Open the pipe with a " turn-pin," to allow the end of the upper length to enter (without contracting it in the least) about * Specimens of badly-made joints with square-edge taftings were sliown, with the pipes broken away from the underside of the joints, i,e. , at the edge of the tafting. Sanitary Plumbing. 49 f in,^ and well tin the end of the upper length before putting the pipes together. I need not say a word about wiping this form of jointing, except this : — See that the pipes are well fitted, to prevent the solder running through to the inside, and splash on the solder quickly, rub a well-cleaned hot iron round and round it, and wipe the joint dexterously. The chase in the back wall is shown by the letter M ; and M^ shows the brickwork cut away for making the joint. The flange is shown at F. This flange should always be tinned before being put in its place. A flange joint, as shown in Fig. 13, is made in a similar way to the block joint just described. It is chiefly made on waste-pipes, and small pipes where they pass through a floor. In fixing the pipe, working from the bottom upwards, the top end of the pipe of a Flange joint. is made to stand an inch or two above the level of the floor. A lead flange (R, Fig. 13), as described in the block joint, is then put over the end of the pipe, and a piece of board, about f in. thick, is placed on the flange for the blade part of the saw to rest upon, as a guide in cutting the pipe off to the requisite length for tafting. When the pipe is cut ofT, the board is removed, and a turn-pin is driven down into the pipe with one or two sharp strokes of the mallet, E Fig. 13. — Section Flange Joint. so The Scie7ice and Art of and the end of the pipe is then tafted back upon the flange. A section through a flange-joint on a 2-in. lead pipe is shown at R, Fig. 13. The making of the joint, and the connection of the upper pipe with it, need not be described, the thing speaks for itself Taft Joint. A taftjoiut (Fig. 14), is the simplest form of wiped joint. It is made by tafting back the end of the lower pipe, as shown at S, Fig. 14, for the solder to rest upon, and the joint is so simple to wipe that the poorest joint-wiper can make it. But the joint is inferior in strength, in funnel pipes, to the block joint or round joint, and wherever it is found it is a mark of the want of skill in joint-making of the plumber who made it. When a pipe is tafted back to get a sufficient base for wiping Fig. 14. —Section such a joint on light pipes, the outer join . ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ,^ ^^^^ ,, ^^^^ ^^^^ much reduced in substance ; and, by the time it is shaved for the solder to adhere to it, there is little or no strength of lead left in the taft or base, as may readily be seen by reference to the diagram, Fig. 14, at S. Consequently such a joint can never be a very strong one, and is very liable to be a weak one. As for its elegance, look at it, gentle- men and joint-wipers, and judge for yourselves. " Look on this picture, (Fig. 14), and on that (Fig 12)." Sanitary Phwibing. 51 I have dwelt at length upon wiped soldered Sanitary . . way of joints, because there is a sanitary way of joining joining pipes and an unsanitary way, and because good j'oint-wiping is a mark of a plumber's skill. It costs no more for a skilful joint-maker to make a perfect j'oint, than for an unskilful man to make an imper- fect one. Nay, the imperfect joint is generally the costlier, for the excrescence of solder upon it is wasted, and its ugliness is a proof of want of dex- terity. Unskilled labour (when skill is wanted) is always more expensive, as it consumes more time than skilled labour. Copper-bit joints are not in favour with the Copper-bit Joints. London plumber. So prejudiced are some against them, that they never make a copper-bit joint. Every joint is made with "plumbers' solder," and wiped with the solder-cloth. The smallest sized ball-cocks, bib-cocks, stop-cocks, unions, gratings, boiler-screws, caps and screws, plugs and washers, washers and wastes, nuts and linings, &c., &c., are all connected to their pipes or places, irrespective of size, by wiped soldered joints. There is a want of wisdom in this ; for copper-bit joints are specially adapted for connecting small brass-work, such as unions, and " nuts and linings," &c., to lead pipes, as the copper-bit joint gives more room for the " nut " to move up and down the " lining " than a wiped soldered joint. Besides, well-made copper- bit joints are stronger and cheaper than wiped joints for such connections. E 2 52 The Science a?id Art of Copper-bit Joints in Soil-pipes, I would not, however, allow a copper-bit joint to be made on a soil-pipe, funnel-pipe, or thin lead waste or ventilating pipe, especially the usual form of copper-bit jointing, as shown at T, Fig. 15, for though the union of the two pipes may be perfect, the jointing would not strengthen the piping, like a wiped sol- dered joint, as shown in Fig. 3, or Fig. 12. The band of solder round the pipe (Fig. 3) strengthens it, like a belt round the waist of a navvy ; moreover, instead of the solder only biting a thin edge of piping, (as in the copper-bit joint, Fig. 15) it has a grip of fully \\ in. on each pipe^ and the body of strong soldering round such 'pipes keeps them in good "Copper-bit" rotundity. In soldering brass work to lead, well tin the brass before making the joint — the plumber's mate should do such tinnings at odd times. The "hatchet" form of copper-bit is the best. It should be kept well tinned, and the soldering edges well feathered. The copper-bit "float," or "flow" joint, as shown at U, Fig. 16, is easy to make. When the copper-bit is well heated, so that you can feel a genial warmth from it by holding it within a foot of the face, place one of the tinned edges against the tinned part of the brass work, keeping the head of the bit as near the brass as practicable View of a Sanitary Plumbing. 53 to assist in heating it ; then push a *' strip " of fine solder against the other tinned edge of the copper- bit, and the solder will "flow" round the pipe-base, U, Fig. 1 6. When sufficient solder is formed on the top of the pipe, pull the copper-bit slowly round the jointing, allowing the tinned feathered part of the bit to rest upon the pipe, and keeping the thin edge against the brass work. A ribbon joint, as shown at W, Fig. 17, is also Ribbori made with a copper-bit and fine solder. This joint is more difficult to make, but it is a better joint than the " flow joint." A band of fine solder, about an inch wide and A in. thick, is formed round the jointing, and this is so dexterously done by some plumbers, that it is difficult to see where the silver-coloured ring com- mences and where it ends, i.e., there is no mark of the copper-bit left upon the soldering. An Over-cast Ribbon joint is simply a copper-bit Over-cast jointing made as just described and overcast with jjint. the copper-bit, giving it several facets ; Fig. 18 shows a view of 'this form of joint. When joint-makers fail in putting a true ring, band, or "ribbon" of solder round the connection, they generally over- cast it with a copper-bit to make good Over-cast ^j-^y unevcnness, and when this is skil- Copper-bit joint, fully done the jomting looks very neat, Fig. 17. Ribbon joint. and is at the sarne time very strong. 54 The Science and Art of Blow-pipe Joints. A bloiv-pipe joint looks precisely like a copper- bit joint, as shown at U, Fig. i6 : the difference is in the mode of making. One joint is made from the heat of a copper-bit, the other from the heat of a flame — from a handful of rushes tied together,, or of a flame from a spirit-lamp — by the aid of a mouth blow-pipe. I need hardly describe a blow- pipe. It is a small trumpet-shaped copper tube, about 9 in. or a foot long, with the thin end bent round, and an air- way of about one-eighth of an inch diameter through its smallest part. The larger end^ which is about half an inch in diameter, is held in the mouth, and the smaller end is kept near the flame, so as to blow the heat upon the jointing just where it is wanted. Astragal Jointing' Astragal Joint.^ — Though I condemned copper-bit jointing, as shown in the woodcut at T, Fig. 15, I am in favour of a strong fine solder jointing, for (j'?//^-/^/^ soil-pipes, as shown at A, Fig. 19, but there is a great difference in the two joints. There is three times the strength of soldering on this jointing, as will readily be seen by a glance at the illustrations, Figs. 15 and 19, though the soldering in the latter (a. Fig. 19) is not shown quite bold enough. The astragals, B and C, can be cut out of \ in. or | in. strong lead pipe ; and bent round and soldered to the funnel pipe, * This is not the right kind of astragal jointing for lead ram water pipe, for as the ends of such pipe should socket one into the other, the female end should be enlarged, so as to receive the male end without reducing its size. Sanitary Plumbing. 55 but I prefer them cast in moulds, in strips of a size to suit the size of the soil-pipe. They are very easily bent round on the pipe where they are to be fixed^ and soldered to it with a copper bit. The astragals are reversed, as shown at B and C, and the neck part of the upper astragal moulding is opened out a little, and rasped off on the inner edge, as Fig. 19. — View of a Soldered joint with Astragals and Tacks, shown in section, at A, to give space for a good body of fine solder for making a strong joint. The tacks* are soldered to the pipe in the usual way, and to make them ornamental a device is cut out of the centre part, and dots are raised over the nail- heads, as shown at D. Roundheaded nails are fixed as shown at E, and that part of the tack which is * See Figs. 97 and 98, showing tacks soldered on. 56 The Science and Art of to cover them is domed back by a tap or two from the small end of the mallet, as shown by the tack G, which is left unfolded for the purpose. The astragals round the pipe help to strengthen it, com- bining thus the useful with the ornamental. Bacon noticed in his day the neatness of astragal joint- ings, for he speaks of leaden pipes " bound with leaden bands." Pipe Bending. — I now come to the im- portant subject of pipe bending. "'Tis a long lane that has no turning," says the proverb, and verily that pipe would be long indeed which had no turning in it. The plumber can- not go far in fixing a pipe — be it a soil, waste, or service pipe — without coming across the neces- sity of turning or bending it to suit localities ; and upon the principle of such turning or bending will depend the wholesomeness, or unwholesome- ness — other things being equal — of such piping, if it be a soil or waste-pipe, after it has been in use for only a short time. Bend or *' Turn or burn " was the " burning " phrase in the martyr days, and the noble martyrs preferred to burn rather than " bend " in their principles. " Bend or break " was the breaking question brought to bear upon stubborn natures, and bend or break is the mode of turning lead pipes. With bad treatment, and in unskilled hands, lead piping is very stubborn, and breaks rather than bends; but in skilled hands it is very pliable, and bends and Break. Sanitary Plumbing, 57 "Turn asrain." turns in any direction the plumber wants, with the grace with which a swan bends its sinuous neck. Having made the bend, and turned the pipe in one direction, it will not go far before circum- stances will call for it to turn in another. In fact, circumstances will be continually calling for it, like the Highgate bells to Dick Whittington, to " turn again." Bending, then, is an important branch in plumbing knowledge. In olden times — and I am sorry to say it is still Elbows the practice with many country plumbers — when plumbers wanted to alter the course of a lead R.w. pipe, or soil-pipe, they used to cut the pipe and solder it, i.e., they made an elboiv-joint, as shown at A, Fig. 20. In making an elbow-joint, some plum.bers wipe the joint right round, as shown in Fig. 21. Others make the improved elbow, by bending the heel part of the pipe, as shown at B, Fig. 20. There are several objections to an elbow-joint. In making this jointing, one pipe is made to enter the other at the mitre so as to get an overlap to prevent the solder running through to the inside of the pipe. Sometimes one pipe is left to stand up inside the other half an inch or more (I have seen it in old elbow-joints nearly an inch); and the jointing is often made without consideration of the Fig. 20. — View of an elbow-joint. Evils of Elbows, 58 The Science and Art of direction of the water-course through it, so that the " stand-up " inside often forms a check to the discharges passing through the pipe, as shown at A, Fig. 21, and causes the filth to collect there as in a gutter with a stoppage across its bed. There is also the possibility of the solder running in through the connection, or mitreing, and forming " tears *' and "spurs" inside. As to its appearance, no sane man would compare it for a moment with a bent i^^ Fig. 21. — Section of the Mitre. lead pipe, as illustrated in Fig. 27. I am afraid that not one-third of the plumbers in the United Kingdom (leaving out London) could make such bends as the specimens here to-night. Bending The bending" of lead soil and funnel pipes Pipe with- ., .^ ,,. ,^ , out Cut- (without cuttmg or solaermg them) commenced ting. , . 1 r about forty years ago, but tor many years it was only a plumber here and there, very skilled in lead- bossing, that succeeded in making a perfect bend. Art in There is an art in bending lead pipes. Many Bending Pipes. try it, but miserably fail. In bending the pipe, they considerably reduce its strength, especially at Sanitary Plumbmg. 59 the heel of the bend, as shown by the illustration in Fig. 22, at E and F. If the strength of a chain is only equal to its weakest link, the strength, and therefore the safety, of a stack of soil-pipe, or a stack of waste-pipe, is only equal to its weakest parts; so that when a lo lb. or a 12 lb. lead waste-pipe, or an 8 lb. or a 7 lb. lead soil-pipe is reduced at the bends to half its original strength, Fig. 22. — Section of badly bent pipe. Contracted. the whole length of the piping is depreciated accordingly. But this is not the only evil in badly bent pipes. Unskilled plumbers often contract the Bends tubing in the neck part of the bends, and reduce the bore at such points to nearly half the original diameter of the piping, as shown at C and D, Fig. 22. I often notice this as I travel about. Pipes of 4-in. diameter are reduced to 3-in. and less, and when this takes place in soil-pipes, waste-pipes, and 6o The Sa'e?ice a?id Art of ventilating-pipes, where the tubing should be quite of full-bore at the bending, the value of such piping for its work is considerably reduced. If a stack of 4-in. pipe is reduced to 3-in. at its bends, the whole of the stack may as well have been 3-in., and the difference in the cost saved to the householder. I have seen, in bad workmanship, 5 -in. piping reduced to 4-in. at the bendings, 4-in. to 3-in., 3-in. to 2-in,, Elbow Joints. 2-in. to li-in., i |-in. to i^-in., ij-in. to -m. Now no sanitarian, with any fair knowledge of plumbing, would allow such pipe-bending on any of his works. All these pipes, if they had been bent by men skilled in their trade, would have been of full bore throughout. In making an clboiv joint, as Fig. 20, you have to cut out a V-shaped piece of piping, but in making a bend you are in want of a V-shaped piece Sanitary Flinnbmg. 6i of piping, as shown at G and H, Fig. 23. The skilful plumber will provide for this, and knowing that he is working a pliable material he will, in bending the pipe, dress the lead round from the neck (c, Fig. 22), where there is a surplus, to the heel (g, Fig. 23), where there is a deficiency. In making the bend in a 3-in. or 4-in. lead How to soil or ventilating pipe (or any size from 3-in. and Bends, upwards), well heat the pipe by a flame from a gas- jet, or from wood shavings put inside the pipe, or by pouring some hot lead or solder upon the part to be bent. Heat the pipe as hot as you can — without melting it, of course ; then, if it is a long piping, stride over it with your face towards the end (n, Fig. 24) to be pulled up, and press your hand (with a felt or a thick cloth under it, to prevent the hand from being burnt), upon the pipe where it is to be bent, and get your mate to pull up the end of the pipe, humoring the bending part as much as possible to keep it in a circular form to prevent it from crippling. Lay the pipe down on one side quickly, and, with two or three sharp driving strokes of the dresser, jerk and dress the bulged part (K, Fig. 24) of the piping from the side facing you, round towards the heel, L, of the bend. Turn the pipe over, while it is still hot, and dress the bulged part of the opposite side round to the heel, in a similar way to that just described. By this means, you will thicken the lead where it had been weakened in bending it, and you will at the same time be giving room for the dummy to work 62 The Science and Art of inside the pipe. Take the dummy, as illustrated at P, Fig. 24, and put inside the pipe, N, and get your mate to knock up the neck part of the bend with the bulb of solder, O, on the end of the dummy, P, while you are dressing out the irregu- larities — dressing the lead ever towards the heel, L, to thicken the lead there. Do not attempt too much Fig. 24. — View of an unfinished Bend in a length of soil-pipe, and of two lono[ Dummies. at a time, for to make a good bend, and to make it quickly, several such heats must be given it as I have just described. Watch the blows of the dummy, and see that they are rightly delivered, so Dummies, that uot a blow may be wasted. Fig. 25 shows a hand dummy, which is a very useful tool for the plumber, especially in bending lead funnel pipes. The handle is generally made of cane, and the Sanitary Plumbing. 63 dummy of solder. The long dummy, as shown at P, or Q, Fig. 24, is wanted in various lengths, but a five feet dummy is a very useful length. Some plumbers make their dummies with pieces of |-in. iron rod, but the general plumber uses |-in. or f-in. gas tubing, according to the length of the dummy. Some young plumbers, to show that they have Young mastered the art of pipe-bending, over-bend their pipes. Wherever a bend is wanted in a pipe, they make it as sharp as possible. Now no pipe should be bent at a greater angle than necessity requires. Fig. 25. — Hand Dummy. and great care should be taken to keep the bend ronnding, for plumbing is not engineering. It has this great advantage over cast-iron pipe fitting, that lead pipe, by the skilled plumber, can be bent on the spot exactly as it is wanted. Remember that no bend is properly made in a lead pipe, where the lead is in any part reduced in strength below its original substance. I am told that it is the practice now with some "Bobbins plumbers in bending pipes to use what are called fowers." bobbins and followers, for opening out the pipes. The funnel pipe is partly bent, and then a bobbin, as shown at B, Fig. 26, is put into the pipe with one or two followers, which are made of boxwood, in various lengths, as shown in the 64 The Science and Art of illustration, Fig. 26, at F F F. The bobbin and followers are then driven through the bent piping with the " driving-rod," B. Such a means may ensure the pipe being opened out full bore, but it is a most ?^;/skilled way of doing it. A Jiecfge- carpenter could manage to drive a bobbin (and followers) through a pipe as easily as he drives down a gate-post, but for a phnnber to adopt such means proves that he is not an observant man ; Fig. 26. — Section of a bent pipe, showing the evils of " bobbins " and " followers." Tools for otherwise he would know the nature of the material he is working upon. He would know that in bend- ing a pipe he w^ould weaken it in places, and then, without troubling to strengthen it to its right sub- stance, he would drive this bobbin through the pipe with its followers, reducing the strength of the lead in the w^eakest parts (perhaps) to bursting points, as shown at F, with the arrow pointing to this evil. All the tools a man wants, to make a perfect bend or bends in a lead funnel pipe, as illustrated in Fig. 27, is a dummy and a dresser or two, and, if he cannot Sanitary Plumbing. 6s manage to bend a pipe without the aid of bobbins and followers, he had better " bob " out of plumbing, and "follow" some other trade. There are some specimens of bent lead pipe on this board, which I shall be glad for you to examine and criticise when the lec- ture is over. The bends on the larger pipes were made with the "dummy," and those on the smaller pipes were made with the "bolt." The bolt is a ne- cessary tool in bending light lead pipes of small diameter. The small bolt, A, Fig. 28, is generally made of steel, and the long bolt is also generally made of steel, but some plumbers prefer the long bolt made out of h in. and | in. wrought iron steam tubing, as shown at B, Fig. 28, as it is lighter to carry ; the long bolts vary in length from 2 ft. to 2 ft. 6 in. Fig. 27. — View of a double bent pipe. In making bends in small pipes,* in pipes too Bends in Small Pipes. * Specimens of icizt pipes were shown at the close of the lecture. Inch pipes bent and formed into the shape of the (/), and half-S trap ; 2-in. and 3^-in. P traps were also exhibited, which had F -e 66 The Science and Art oj small for the dummy to work inside, heat the pipe as hot as you can — without melting it, of course — and bend the pipe gently round, giving it as large a radius as circumstances will allow. Then lay the pipe down on its side, placing a tJiick piece of soft leather, or felting, or two or three thicknesses of carpeting, under one of the bulged sides of the bend ; and then, with your old cap, or " felt," on the top side (to break the sharpness of the blows), jerk and dress the bulging side back towards the " heel " of the bend. Turn the pipe over, and do B Fig. 28. — Iron bolts. the same with the other side. Bends can be made in strong lead pipes, both of small and large dia- meter, in this way, by skilled plumbers, without contracting the bore of the piping to any notice- able extent, without the aid of a bolt or dummy. In ligJit lead pipes, it w^ill be necessary to open out the pipe, contracted in the bending, with an iron bolt — shown at B, Fig. 28. Bends in Service pipes should also be carefully bent to Pipes. prevent the bore of the pipe being reduced in any been bent into such shapes from straight pieces of lead pipe. Letters, forming the word PLUMBING, were also shown on a board, and these letters were bent out of strong inch lead pipe, and were of full bore throusrhout. Sanitary Plumbing. 67 part and interfering with the water supply to the sanitary " fittings," especially to water-closets. Bends'^ in service pipes are often made in such a way that the sanitary fitting is robbed of its proper flush of water, and made unwholesome thereby. When a man can make joints and bends as Plumbers' Efficiency. described to-night, he has, so to speak, the trade of plumber in his hands, and though he may have no intellectual knowledge to boast of, he has some- thing whereof he can boast ; for he has educated his hands to do what the most learned professor in the land could not do to-day. His fingers are so educated that he can do almost what he likes with lead and solder; and talent, wherever it is found, should be respected. I daresay you have heard the story of the story of the '' •' Astrono- astronomer and the boatman. The boatman was men rowing the astronomer across a piece of water ; and the astronomer, wishing to test the boatman's knowledge of the heavenly bodies, asked the boatman what he knew of the stars. Now the starry sky was as a sealed book to the waterman. The vaulted space under its great dome might be an electric-jar for catching the electricity generated by the friction of revolving worlds, and the stars electric lights, for aught the poor boatman knew. Or the stars might be simply holes in Heaven's floor to relieve it of its effulgent splendour. Finding that the boatman knew nothing of the stars, the astronomer called him a " fool." By-and- * See Fig. 122, p. 275. F 2 68 The Science and Art of Mind Educated. Joint Making and Pipe Bending not all. bye a storm arose. Now the astronomer would have been perfectly at home in the sky, among the stars; but in the water, among the fishes, he would be '' at sea." The storm increased in fury, and the boat- man, looking at the astronomer and seeing that he was no longer star-gazing, but getting very anxious- looking, asked him " if he could swim ? " " No !" was the reply. '^ Then, what 2.foolyo\x are," said the boatman, and the boat that instant capsizing, the astronomer's knowledge of the stars did not save him, but the boatman's knowledge of swimming carried him to the shore. But I want plumbers not only to educate their hands, but their minds as well ; and never to be satisfied with themselves until they have learnt the science as well as the art of their trade. When a young plumber has learnt the art of joint-making, and pipe-bending, he is apt to grow contented with such knowledge. In learning to make joints, he poured the molten solder into the palm of his hand as much as into the cloth. He burnt his fingers over and over again, and if he did not dance about for joy he danced about in agony; but he did not give it up ; he tried again, and again, and again ; now burning his hands, and now burning the pipes — pouring the solder at times right through to the inside. At last, having suc- ceeded in making a good underhand joint, on a 5 in. or 6 in. pipe — like the one now before me — he felt as proud as if he had put a silver band round two hemispheres, instead of round two pipes. Sanitary Flufubing. 69 And in learning to make bends in pipes if he did not burn his hands, he constantly burnt the pipes, and that too just when he had nearly suc- ceeded in making the bend. But now he can make a good joint, and a good bend, and is not that enough ? No ! I tell such plumbers, that joint-making and pipe-bending are but the " three R''s " — the stepping-stones to plumbing knowledge. It is but the beginning of the path which leads up to a mountain height of perfection in sanitary knowledge, the siniimit of which has never yet been trodden by the foot of any plumber or sanitarian. Though there was no time to say more than was said at the lecture, the foregoing subjects will be more complete if something is said here — and it can only be a word or two, for want of space — on the solder used for making the before-mentioned joints, and on lead, tin, pipe, and one or two other methods of soldering. Lead has a specific gravity of 11,352 (water Lead, being taken at 1,000), and melts at 612° Fahren- heit. The weight of a cubic inch in lbs. is '4150. A great deal of lead comes from our own English mines, but the bulk comes from Spain. A pig is a piece of solid lead, about 2 feet "Pigs 3 inches long, 5 inches wide, and 3 inches deep, but it varies in size and shape — of the under side — 7o The Science mid Art oj and therefore in weight, according to the mould of the manufacturer ; and may weigh about i cwt. \\ cwt., or \\ cwt. Lead is generally run down into pigs for better transit. Sheet. A sJieet of lead ^ (milled lead) varies in length and width, depending upon the manufacturer Sheets are rolled from 28 feet to 34 feet long, and from 6 feet 10 inches to 8 feet wide — viz., 6 feet 10 inches, 7 feet, 7 feet 3 inches, 7 feet 6 inches, 7 feet 9 inches, and 8 feet. A sheet of lead can be milled of any strength, from \\ lbs. to 20 lbs. per superficial foot, or stronger, but above this strength it is called plates, and plates of lead can be had of any thickness, from f-inch to I -inch, or thicker still. Tin-lined sheet-lead is now made for lining cisterns and sinks, for dietetic purposes, &c., &c The soldering should be done with fine solder using a blowing-lamp, or blow-pipe. * Fosbroke, in his " Encyclopedia of Antiquities " says (p. 325), " Caylus shows that the ancients used sheet lead, and speaks of a piece of lead but half a line thick, taken from the dome of the Pantheon." Sir Phillip Howard and Francis Watson took out a patent, in 1617, for an "engine on rollers, for drawing lead into sheets" — for milling lead, in fact. Cast sheet-lead is very little used now. We have ceased to make cast sheet lead in our factory, though up to about fifteen years ago we made it in large quantities. I consider milled lead, made out of soft pig lead, much preferable to east lead. An eveft siibstanee can be depended upon in the former (except when the rollers are worn), but in the latter it may vary a good deal. Sanitary Plumbing. 71 Lead pipes * are made in every size from i\ths to Lead 6 inches diameter by hydraulic pressure, and almost any strength, f Inch pipe and downwards are made in London in 15 feet lengths, or in coils of about 60 feet ; above that size — ij-inch, ij-inch, i|-inch, and 2-inch — they are made in 12-feet lengths, or in coils of from 40 to 50 feet. • Fimnel- pipes, for socket- pipes, rain-water-pipes, ventilating- pipes, soil-pipes, and waste-pipes, are made in every half-inch from 2\ inches to 6 inches, in lo-feet lengths. They can be made of any strength lead, from 5 lbs. to 12 lbs. per superficial foot, or stronger. When they exceed a certain substance, and are, say, from ^-inch to J-inch thick, such pipes are called barrels. Lead-encased tin-pipe. — This piping is made in Tin-lined every size from f-inch to 5 -inch inclusive, and of pfpes. any strength for which it may be required. We have used it in large quantities for water-services for dietetic use. It requires great care in making the joints, and they are best made with the blow- pipe, though a quick joint-wiper will find no diffi- culty in making underhand joints. The tin is sure to run a little. Brass connectors can be used for coupling the ends of such pipes, without solder, and this is the better method. As I do not believe * In my book, "The Plumber and Sanitary Houses," I have classified lead pipes for various works. t See the weights of lead pipes, as rec^uired by the London Water Companies, p. 306, 72 The Science and Art oj so much in pipe poisoning"^ from lead pipes, I have not so much to say in its favour, especially as I consider stout lead pipe, though of less cost, more durable. Plumbers' Solder. p rrihT rill P" n '1: illllliiil!! i ' i ; ll!!t!!!!:::!ll!il!li^'ii!! ' '■ i;:;,:;:::i:,^ Plumbers' solder f is made out of two parts of lead and one of tin. J It is generally made in casts, from prints stamped in sand, put into flasks, or spread out in level beds. A cast of solder is illus- trated in Fig. 28'. A, shows a view of the top side, and B the under side. It has eight bars, and weighs j,.^_ ^gi_ about 56 lbs., or 7 lbs. per Cast of Solder, &c. bar. Fine Solder. Fine solder, or copper-bit solder, is made out of about eight parts of tin to seven of lead. It is run into sticks (from grooves sunk in iron plates) * See p. 291. t Soldering is mentioned in Isaiah xli., 7 ; and Pliny and Plutarch have something to say on soldo- — caWtdi plumbus ar- gentarius — made of lead and tin. But I am not going into its history. If the ancients had to go to the East for their wise men, they certainly came West (Great Britain) for their ti?i, and that, too, in early times. *' Soft seder " seems to have been used from the very beginning, but its mixtux-e is so very various that I will not attempt to give the ingredients out of which it is made, even if I could. X See foot-note, p. 35. Sanitary Fhnnbing. 73 about 18 inches long, h inch wide, and -g- inch thick. A " stick " of fine solder is shown at C, Fig. 28'. Bloiv-pipe solder is made with about seven-and- Biow-pipe Solder. a-half per cent, more of tin than fine solder, or fine solder is melted down and enriched by adding from 5 to 10 per cent, of tin to it. It is run out, upon faced iron plates, in thin narrow strips, about y\ths wide, y^th thick, and 18 inches long. Cotton and Johnson's patent " Torch " is a very useful means of getting a good flame jet for making blow- pipe joints. Tin has a specific gravity of 7,291, and melts at Tin. 442° Fahrenheit. Alloyed with lead it ioxWiSpeivftr and solder ; with small proportions of antimony, copper, and bismuth, it forms block-tin, Britannia, 8ic. ; and united with copper in different propor- tions, it forms bronze, bell-metal, &c. Soft Solder y^ — Tin i part, and lead 10 parts, melt ^"JoftSoider. ■^ r 5 r > Alloys and at 541 deo-. Fahrenheit; tin i, and lead 5,at Ui des:. ; their Meit- •^^ ^ ' ' -^' -^ ^ ' ing Heats. tin I, and lead 2, at 441 deg. ; tin \, and lead i, at 370 deg. ; tin 3^ and lead 2, at 334 deg. ; tin 2, and lead i^ at 340 deg. ; tin 3, and lead i, at 356 deg. Tin 4, lead 4, and bismuth i, melt at 320 deg. ; tin 2, lead 2, bismuth i, at 292 deg. ; tin i, lead 2, bismuth 2, at 236 deg. ; tin 3, lead 2, bismuth 5^ at 212 deg. ; tin 5, lead 3, and bismuth 3, at 202 deg. * Extracted chiefly from " Appleton's Dictionary of Mechanics," 590, Vol. II. 74 The Science and Art oj Fire-place. I need hardly say a word on fire-places for heating pots of solder. A good fire-place is essen- tial where a large amount of soldering is wanted — if it is to be expeditiously done. In jobbing work, where the plumber cannot use a modest stove in the house, he prefers going to the devil — a Avell- known fire-grate — rather than go into the kitchen for his heat, to be sent to such a quarter by the cook. The heat in kitchens is generally too great for men with " metal " to stand it. If the plumber happens '' to be without a devil " — a position " devoutly to be desired," I should say, by others as well as plumbers — he can easily make a fire- place with a few bricks. A plumbers' stove is shown in the view which heads this lecture, and it is a great improvement on the old fire-grate. But the plumber, especially the jobbing plumber, can, if he chooses, be independent, in a large majority of cases (except in new buildings) of fire-places, pots, ladles, and irons, and I recommend him to take up his independency in this matter by using some such means as hereafter described for his solderings. Self-acting Self-acting Blowing-lamp. — This apparatus is Blowing- lamp, illustrated in Fig. 28^, and it is all the plumber wants, in many cases, for melting his solder, for making small joints, and for repairing-jobs. Some of our men have been using this lamp for years, for making joints with fine solder, &c., but it is not in such general use with us as I should like. Mr, Sanitary Phiinbing. 75 R. Smith, of Messrs. Barnes and Smith, showed some very nice wiped joints at one of the lectures, which he had made with this process. The lamp is a French invention. It has been improved upon, but there is room for another improvement. The hinged wind-guards, D, would be better if they were made to take off, for getting the lamp, when so wanted, into confined places. ig. 28-. — Self-acting Blowing-lamp. The lamp, A, should be filled with methylated spirit, and the wick (common lamp-cotton) should be kept well in front of the jet, E, to prevent the blast from jumping. The boiler, B, should never be more than half-filled with methylated spirit, and the safety-valve, C, should be loosened and cleaned from time to time, to prevent its sticking and bursting the boiler. One of our men narrowly escaped an accident some time ago through neglect- 76 The Sde?ice and Art of Blow-pipe Lamp. ing such a caution. These lamps are made in several sizes, and are used for various purposes. An upright joint, or branch joint, of any size, can be made with this lamp in a very short time after the pipes are prepared — say, from five minutes to twenty — depending, of course, upon the size of the joint and the skill of the joint-maker. Underhand joints from |-inch to 2-inch are easily made with such a lamp, but large underhand joints are difficult. The lamp is not so helpful for soldering sinks and cisterns as well-heated pots of solder. For making wiped joints, &c., with such lamps, plumbers' solder should be run out into thin strips, say about \ inch thick, i inch wide, and 15 or 18 inches long. This solder is quickly melted upon well-heated jointings from the flame of such a lamp. With a well-directed blast a bulb of solder is soon formed upon the pipings, and heated up to the consistency of wiping. If the joint is too large to wipe right round, the cold parts can be heated up as the wiping proceeds. Fig. Fig. 28^ — Blow-pipe Lamp. 28^ shows another kind of lamp for heating solder, for making joints, and for soldering purposes. The lamp illustrated here is an improve- ment upon some small Sanitary Plumbing. 77 lamps of a similar kind. This lamp was made for us for a special work, and it is very much liked by those who have worked with it. The lamp, A, is filled with common lamp-cotton, and this is satu- rated with benzoline. A powerful blast is obtained by blowing through the india-rubber tubing, C, which can be of any length, and which is blown by the solderer, or his mate, or it can be blown by bellows, attached to the tubing, or any air-forcing machine, and the lungs of the plumber saved. The solder is melted upon the jointings as explained in the other lamp. A very valuable method of '' soldering " metallic Airo- substances was invented in France, in 1838, by the Blow-p^pe. Count de Richemont. This airo-hydrogen blow- pipe was called by the inventor the " Chalumeau Aer-hydrique." The English patent for this in- vention was taken out in the name of Luke Hebert, in 1838. But Mr. Mallet claims to have used a similar apparatus prior to 1833. The " soldering " done by this instrument is improperly called ^' aiLtogenoiis'' soldering. As I shall speak simply of lead joinings — though it is used for uniting various metals — I shall speak of it as lead Lead 7 • 1 • 1 • • 1 -1 Burning. otirmng, the name by which it is known in the trade. An apparatus complete is illustrated in Fig. 28^, from one of those now in our possession. It consists of a self-acting and self-regulating gas generator, ABC, for giving a continuous current of hydrogen gas, through the forked-shaped blow- 78 TJie Science afid Art of pipe, D, and of a pair of bellows, E, for supplying atmospheric air (through the same blow-pipe) for the combustion of the gases. The organist found to his cost that the organ-blower played an im- portant part in producing his music, and the burner, or solderer, will find, in using this appara- tus, that his burning will depend much upon the blower. A good steady stream of air is required to be sent through the tubing, x a, for the proper combustion of the gases. Stop-cocks are fixed at S S, in the forked-shape piping, D, to regulate the current of hydrogen from the gas generator, and the stream of air from the bellows. The bent jet- tube can have any sized nozzle, n, screwed to it to suit the work to be done. The india-rubber tubings, a and Ji, connecting the bellows and hydrogen gas holder with the blow-pipe, can be of any length to suit circumstances. The gas generator is divided into three nearly equal com- partments, as shown in the section, ABC. It is about 12 inches by 13 inches, and stands just 3 feet high. The upper and lower reservoirs, A and C, are lined with lead, the lower one, C, being made air-tight. The metals and pipings are united without solder — i.e., by fusion of the metals. A plug is fixed, as shown at b, in the upper reservoir, A, over the communicating-pipe, d, to the lower reservoir, C. Diluted sulphuric acid,"^ of * Our people charge the apparatus by putting 7 lbs. of zinc clippings into the lower reservoir, c, through the aperture, e, 3 quarts of water and a pint and a half of sulphuric acid into the upper Sanitary Plumbing. 79 the specific gravity ri6, is put into the upper reservoir, A ; and the lower reservoir, c, is filled with zinc clippings through the aperture, e, which is afterwards made air-tight. /, is a leaden tube, closed by a cork, and through which the saturated acid is discharged, g, is a safety chamber, into which the hydrogen generated in the reservoir, c, is conveyed by means of a tube, vi ; /^ is a stop- Fig. 28-*. — Airo-hydrogen Blow-pipe and Apparatus. cock fixed in the tube, vi ; ^ is a tube fixed in the safety-chamber, G, with a cork stopper, which acts as a safety-valve to prevent explosion ; r is a per- forated false bottom, which supports the zinc clippings in the lower reservoir, C ; ;/ is the brass jet-tube, screwed to fit the various-sized nozzles through which the gaseous mixture escapes. Very intense and forcible jets of flame can be reservoir, A. A pint of acid is added about every two hours. The zinc lasts eight or ten days. The saturated acid should be dra\\Ti off after each usage. 8o The Sciefice and Art of obtained by this airo-hydrogen blow-pipe, at any rate sufficient to melt strong platina wire. For neat burning, it is important to have the right flame-jet. When applied to a bit of shaved lead, the heated point becomes immediately as bright as silver. The following test will indicate with certainty if the mixture and the force of the current be duly regulated ; e.g,^ when the hottest and most reductive point of the interior flame is applied to a piece of shaved lead, the heated point becomes immediately as bright as silver, and the flame itself assumes a violet tint, produced by the volatilisation of a small portion of the lead. When there is too much or too little air, the heat is not so intense ox pointed, and the melting spreads over a larger surface owing to its being heated more slowly. Two pieces of lead can be united when they only butt against each other, as shown at F, but it is better in many cases to make one piece lap over the other. The parts to be united should be shaved bright (the width required for the burning) and a narrow strip of thin lead, as shown at /, shaved bright, should be held in the left hand for supplying the lead required for filling up the uneven space of the joining, or for making a raised seam. In lining cisterns and sinks, for burning under this process, the sides and ends should turn on to the bottom a little, say, \ inch to \\ inches, and butt against each other, as shown at G, so as to get a flat surface burning for uniting the bottom with the Sanitary Plumbing. 8r sides ; and the sides of tlie cistern should be con- nected with the ends in a diagonal line, as shown at H, the under-piece forming- the overcloak — at the lappings — for easier burning. I consider that every young plumber* should learn this method of uniting metals, for it is very valuable. It requires a good bit of practice, like joint-wiping, to become skilled in lead burning. We have used this method for the last twenty years for making sinks, and lining cisterns and tanks for chemical works ; and we are using it on the fleche which is now being erected on the Central Hall of the New Courts of Justice, which will be, when done, the most elaborate piece of lead work, I should say, in the world. Two pieces of lead can easily be burnt together Copp-r- with the aid of a hatchet-shaped copper-bit. To ing. do this, shave the edges to be united, put a piece of brown paper under the joining, and pull a copper-bit — heated nearly red-hot — along the edges, using a narrow strip of thin lead, well shaved, for making good the seam. The tinned edges of the copper-bit should be preserved as much as possible, and they should be brightened up, by pulling the end of a stick of fine solder over them, before commencing the burning. * This is one of the many things they could learn at a School of Plumbing, if such a place existed. LECTURE III. TRAPS. The necessity of Traps proved by Practical Experiments. Un- trapped Waste-pipes to Sinks, Lavatories, &c. Untrapped Soil-pipes ; Mr. Norman Shaw's principle. Stacks of Soil- pipes with Untrapped Water-closets upon them. Traps ^^•hich form themselves into collection-boxes or cesspools. Non- cleansing Traps ; — The D-trap ; The "improved" or narrow- band D-trap ; The "Helmet" Trap; The "Eclipse" Trap; The Bell Trap. Traps, Our subject to-nicrht is " Traps and trap ventlla- variety of J t> r r ^ meanings, tion." As the word t}'ap has such a variety of meanings, it may be well to state — on the threshold of the subject, and before attempting to 'Ventilate" it — that the word will be limited to-night to plumb- ing and drainage. If not thus confined to " home " uses, there is no telling where your thoughts may be wandering during the prosy part of this lecture. Some would be thinking, perhaps, of the trap-rock on the sides of volcanic mountains, and travelling in thought where Mr. Whymper travelled on foot, over the trap on Cotopaxi ; for, according to Mr. Whymper, that burning mountain is very " trappy •" from its base to its summit. Others w^ould be thinking of quite another kind of " trapT They would think of the trap which took them up, when, as tired pedestrians, or homeward-bound toilers, with their knapsacks or bags of tools on their Sanitary Pliinihin^. 83 backs, and blisters on their feet, they were trudging along some country road. When the driver of the trap pulled up alongside of them, and asked them to jump up into his trap, and he would give them a *' lift,'' they thought there were no such traps in the world as four-wheeled traps. But it is not of such traps that I want to speak, for though they may be great vehicles for traffic, it is of vehicles for a very different kind of traffic that we are here to speak to-night. The strategical trap is a very curious sort of gtrageticai , Trap, trap. It is used in many ways, and for various purposes. In the hands of a clever strategist, it is capable of doing almost as much mischief as a bell trap, or an old D-trap. But this kind of trap is also outside of my subject, and it is only manoeu- vring with the word trap, to introduce it at all. I will, therefore, just give it a passing notice before entering upon the vexed question of drainage-traps. A countryman comes up to London with more money in his pocket than wits in his head. As he walks through the streets (as if he were going over a ploughed field), in clothes not quite of the West- end cut, he is watched by a man who soon contrives to pick up an acquaintanceship. This man '^ happens " to be going the same way as the countryman, and as he knows a little more of London than the new arrival, he generously offers to show him some of the great sights. They go from place to place, and as they go the countryman slowly opens his heart, and loosens his purse-strings, G 2 84 The Science and Art of for whatever suspicions he had at first are now allayed, for his jovial companion is quite as willing to treat, apparently, as to be treated. But before the day is over, and this mushroom kind of friend has done with him, the countryman finds he has been led into an awful trap. Plumbers may never make such a trap as that, to catch a friend or foe, but some plumbers do make diabolical traps for catching _/^////. Poachers "yV^g jjyg \^ g^ stran^c world. '' 'Tis strange, and Man- ^ *=> ' traps- 'tis passing strange ; yet strange as 'tis, 'tis true " that owners of mansions and parks are often more generous to their enemies than to their friends, for they warn poachers, but they do not caution their guests. They write in large letters, on boards nailed to trees in conspicuous places : — ''Beware of Man-traps." Guests and But whocvcr saw a notice-board on the walls of a mansion, with such words as these upon it : — " BEWARE OF THE FOUL TRAPS WHICH BREATHE OUT NOXIOUS GASES." There may only be a man-trap here and there about the grounds, or in the woods, or preserves, where poachers trespass ; though there may be dozens of foul traps in and about the house, where the guests are likely to be found daily. And man- traps do not kill ; they only catch a would-be thief, and bruise his leg a little ; but foid traps not only *' catch " a friend^ at times they give him illnesses, perliaps typhoid fever, and even death. Sanitary Plumbiiig. 85 It Is a most iniquitous thing, to my mind, that Traps, or , ., . . 1 , • , "Collect- when soil-pipes, waste-pipes, and drains want trap- ting ping off, as they ahvays do, that such filth-collect- ing boxes as D-traps, bell traps, cesspool traps, and manhole drain syphons should be used. Malicious spirits wxre formerly supposed, Malicious among other ways of working mischief, to take the form of bad smells ; if so, I can well imagine their grin of delight at finding such congenial lodgings to lurk in. Or did they have a hand in the mischief even earlier, by suggesting the forms of such traps (as just referred to) to the minds of the inventors ? But I must be prac- tical, and leave such speculations to theorists. I have said a good deal on traps elsewhere. Traps, As it would be impossible, in the brief space of an " hour and a half, to do more than enumerate all the traps now in use — for their name is legion — we will confine our attention to-night to the general traps most largely used for trapping off waste- pipes and soil-pipes. I am afraid we shall not have time to examine those used for trapping off drains, sewers, and cesspools. In examining these traps, we shall touch upon the principles of nearly all the traps in use. In criticising certain traps, which I consider Prejudices totally unfit for the purposes for which they are Traps. chiefly used, I may be condemning traps which many here may consider good and efficient traps. I will not ask anyone to surrender his opinion to mine without his judgment, " for he that complies S6 The Science and Art of against his will, is of the same opinion still." All I ask for is a patient hearing, that I may prove my case. I shall be glad, if there are any here who have prejudices for certain traps, if they will clear their minds of such prejudices, that I may have free access to their reasoning faculties. This will not be easy for some plumbers to do in the case of D-traps, for they have been accus- tomed to make and fix such traps all their life- time. Moreover, the making of a D-trap was their first great feat in plumbing-practice, and is it any wonder that such a trap should be a favourite with them } Necessity But I am anticipating. Before we go into the ^^^^' merits or demerits of traps, we must first prove their necessity, and in this I am sure to have the sympathy of all plumbers and practical men. Anti-trap As many of you are aware, some men are now condemning the use of traps altogether. True, these anti-trap men are few and far between, but the fact that men are to be found preaching against the use of traps, and practising what they preach (for in their works they do not fix traps to sinks, lavatories, or W.C.'s), calls for some notice from us to-night in dealing with our subject. To thoroughly examine this question, and to point out the many evils likely to arise from 7ih- trapped waste-pipes^ soil-pipes, and drains, would occupy several evenings. But it will not take long to show that serious consequences are likely to men. Sanitary Plumbing. 87 arise out of such untrapped pipes. I will, there- fore, point out in a few sentences the general arrangement of such wastes, and prove, by one or two practical experiments, that the advocates of tmtrapped pipes are utterly wrong in their teachings. Untrapped Waste-pipes. — When waste-pipes are Waste- fixed without traps, as shown in Figs. 29 and 30, VemUators Fig. 29. — Section of Sink, with Untrapped Waste. i.e.^ when such pipes are open at both ends, as tunnels, what is to prevent them acting as ventilat- ing-pipes t especially when one end of the pipe is in warmer and more rarefied air than the other, as would generally be the case, one end being con- nected with the sink (as shown at C, Fig. 29), or 88 The Science and Art of lavatory, bath, or W.c. inside the house, and the other end open to the colder and heavier air out- side (as] shown at D). The fact is, that directly such pipes complete their legitimate work, that of conveying waste discharges, they become veJiti- iators, and help to feed the fires and house with air of questionable freshness and purity. Now if such waste-pipes can be kept perfectly, sweet (a thing practically impossible) no danger can come from such an arrangement, and it would save lazy servants the trouble of opening the windows. Or if it would be possible to prevent the pipes exceeding the length of a short tobacco pipe, I imagine there would be no great risk in fixing such pipes without traps ; but as it is im- possible to discharge foul water through pipes without fouling them, and as circumstances would demand various lengths for such pipings to reach from the sanitary fitting inside the house to the receiving vessel outside, there can be no safety in fixing waste-pipes without traps. Waste- A waste-pipe from a sink or lavatory, and still pipes get foul. more from a urinal, cannot help getting foul, and I think it only wants a little common sense to see this at once. Take the case of a scullery-sink, the general sink in small and moderate-sized houses. The servant throws down into this sink a body of green-water, hot from the saucepan, and before the waste-pipe is dry she turns a tub of hot greasy dish-water into the sink with the washings out of the dripping-pan. Then she Sanitary Plumbing. - 89 washes her hands in a bowl, using plenty of soap of necessity, to get her hands clean, and the bowl of soapy water, which in the hands of a country lad, and with the aid of a tobacco-pipe, would have sent thousands of soap-bubbles into the air, stains its way down the sides of the waste-pipe, the suds adhering all the way down the pipe to the greasy matter already formed upon it, and " bubbling " itself off in bad air to come back again into the house. Now I should like these anti- trap men to push a pocket-handkerchief through such a waste pipe, as shown in Fig. 29, and then to wipe their noses with it, and try the scent of it as they would a nosegay. Would any one of these men drink a glass of water after it had passed through such a waste-pipe t And yet they do not mind the occupants of the scullery (or where- ever such sinks are fixed) breathing the air which has come through such filthy pipes. In making this simple experiment which I am Experi- , 1 T 1 Ml • Ml nients with about to make, 1 am but illustratmg a very mud untrapped case of such open-pipe treatment ; for if I had a pipes. scullery sink here instead of a lavatory basin, and used it in the way just described, the effect upon the waste-pipe would be much greater than will now be the case. I have here an ordinary wash- hand-basin (illustrated in Fig. 30), and I attach to it a short length of glass tubing, as shown at C, for a waste-pipe. As those who are near me will see, this glass tube which I hold in my hand is perfectly clean. I now connect it with the waste 90 The Science and Art of connection of the w.H. -basin. This done, I wash my hands, using a little soap, and discharge the contents of the basin through the glass waste-pipe in the ordinary way. I now disconnect the glass Fig. 30. — View of Basin with Untrapped Waste-pipe. waste-pipe to see if the passage of the soapy water through it has stained it in any way. There is no doubt about it ; but I will pass it round for you to see, and those of you who have average powers of smell will at the same time, by smelling the glass tube, be able to tell me what soap I used S>ajiitary Ptumbing. 91 in washing my hands, clearly proving that the pipe has been contaminated."^ Now if instead of using a perfectly smooth sur- face, as this glass pipe affords, I had used an iron pipe, the amount of soap hanging about the waste- pipe would have been much greater, as those who have had only a small experience with iron waste- pipes will know very well. Perhaps some will say, " But iron waste-pipes are never fixed in the manner shown by your experiment.'"' My answer is, that they are, and that too not in ones or twos but in dozens. And they are not only so fixed in cottages, and what are called ''Jerry buildings,''' but in mansions as well — when the sanitarian is abroad — and in an aggravated form, for such waste- pipes are often 2-in. in diameter with a }-in., or in some cases only J-in., outlet from the basin into them. I will now make another experiment, using the same basin, but a different waste-pipe ; for the glass tube just used is only about 2 ft. in length, and in practice the minimum length of such waste-piping would be 4 ft. — what its maximum length may be under certain circumstances, I cannot tell, but I have seen such pipes over 10 ft. in length — without a trap upon them. I will now attach a 5 or 6 ft. length of i-in. A^^^ piping, as that is of a smoother nature than iron ; and as lead pipe is generally used, we shall be illustrating the actual thing. * In making this experiment the soap-suds hung about the sides of the pipe as described. 92 The Science and Art of Corroded Wastes. I Lady's Lavatory. I wash my hands again (though even ladies would confess that they hardly need it so soon), and discharge the contents of the basin through this piece of new lead waste-piping. I now disconnect it, and by threading a wire through it, I pull a small piece of sponge through the entire length of waste- piping to clean its sides. There's a sponge for a schoolboy to clean his slate with ! In practice there would be no sponge pulled through the waste-pipe, but the soapsuds and drainings from each use of the lavatory would be left to dry and corrode upon the pipe; for in most cases the basin and piping would not even be rinsed out with water. The fact is, as all jobbing plumbers know well, that waste-pipes whether from sinks or lava- tories soon become foul and offensive. Here is a piece of waste-pipe "^ cut out from a lavatory, so corroded that it is a wonder how it answered its purpose so long, and the stink from it just after a body of water had passed through it was intoler- able. In my own house, I had a waste-pipe fixed as an experiment, which did not exceed 2 ft. in length, and though it was only from a small porcelain sink for sundry purposes, the pipe, which was an inch in diameter, and without a trap, soon got corroded, and the offensive smell from the core of collected filth in it was quite beyond imagination. In these two experiments, I have used a simple * I have not had this piece of pipe ilhistrated, but it is fairly represented at e, Fig. 29, p. 87. Sanitary Plumbing. 93 form of scented soap. I do not profess to be in possession of the secrets of a lady's toilet-table, but if I were a lady, and used this W.H.-basin in my dressing room, possibly I should assist nature a little, and powder up a bit. Perhaps I should also do a little pencilling, to show up the eyelids and eyebrows ; and if I were passing over into the " sere and yellow leaf," I might also use a little dye or hair-restorer. Now, though / might come out " spic and span " from such a process,, I am afraid the lavatory waste would not, especially if my atten- dant forgot to flush out the waste-pipe, as every- body does except sanitarians. It is only fair to attendants to say that however desirous they may be to keep sink and lavatory wastes clean, it is impossible to do so in nine-tenths of such sanitary fittings, for the " mouths " of such pipes are so con- tracted, or the brass connections or " outlets " from W.H. -basins and sinks are so small, that efficient flushes cannot be sent through the pipes to scour them out. Where good hot water flushes ca7i be sent through such pipes, they can be kept toler- ably wholesome ; but, even then, the pipes should be trapped. No lavatory or sink should be fixed (whether Wastes well flushed the waste-pipes from them be trapped or not) out. which will not allow a body of water to be sent through them to more than fill the bore of the waste-pipe ; for all sorts of matter is at times emptied into such fittings, and unless good and efficient water flushes can be sent through them to 94 TJie Science and Art of Gentle- man's Lavatory. Lavatory W'astes as Ventilators. Croydon Board of Health. Air- currents in Waste- pipes. cleanse it away, the matter adheres to the sides of the waste-piping and decomposes there. I referred just now to the treatment a lady's lavatory often receives, but a gentleman's fares worse, for the short ends of his beard, from his daily shavings, are sent through the waste-piping with the clippings often from his whiskers. Now hardly anything adheres more to a waste-pipe than hair, and the short ends of one's beard, especially when mixed with soapy water — hot and greasy from washing one's hands after oiling or pomading the hair. I have said enough to show that waste-pipes in time get very foul and offensive, and more than enough to show that such pipes ought not to be allowed to supply the house with the air needed for breathing, and for feeding the fires. In a gentleman's house recently built, and with its sanitary arrangement carried out under the rules laid down by the Local Board of Health for the Croydon district, I had a test made to see the quantity of air which passed in an ordinary way through untrapped waste-pipes, such as we are now considering. Fig. 29, page "^J, illustrates this waste-pipe arrangement. An anemometer was fixed on the grating (c, Fig. 29, page 87) over the top of a 2-in. untrapped waste-pipe of the scullery sink, and between the hours of 9 p.m. on a Wednesday night and 7 a.m. on the morning following, in the first week of April of this year, the anemometer registered 8,205 lineal feet of air as having come into the scullery through this sink- Sa?iiiary Plumbing. 95 waste ; or an average of 820 ft. (lineal) per hour. Of course the air which passed in through this foul"^ waste-pipe (C D, Fig. 29) would not remain in the scullery, but would pass to any part of the house, to be breathed by its occupants. Comment on such a mode of ventilation is unnecessary. I will, therefore, pass on to consider untrapped soil- pipes to water-closets. Nobody attempts to fix a water-closet without Water- having some sort of seal between it and the soil- sealed off pipe. And though anti-trap men dispense with pipes. the water-seal (or trap), they do not fix water- closets without some mechanical means of shutting off the soil-pipe from the closet ; i.e., somewhere in the closet, or on the basin " outlet," they contrive to fix an india-rubber or metal valve, or plug, or stopper, to prevent soil-pipe air coming into the house through the closet. Untrapped Water-closets. — There are several Mr. Norman methods now of fixing untrapped water closets and Shaw's soil-pipes ; and if asked to say which of these I considered the most sanitary, I should say that known as Mr. Norman Shaw's. In a letter to the Builder, in March, 1878, I condemned this prin- ciple, and gave my reasons pretty fully. I will, therefore, not occupy your time to-night by any * The bad air emitted from a foul gully-trap would also find its way through such a waste-pipe, as shown by the arrows in Fig. 29, p. 87. 96 The Sctefice and Art of lengthy examination of Mr. Shaw's system. Fig. 31 repi;esents his arrangement : — A, the water- F^S- Z^' — Section, showing Mr. Norman Shaw's Principle. Pipes fouled. closet (a valve-closet) ; C, soil-pipe arm ; D, soil- pipe-head ; E, soil-pipe ; F, drain-trap. We have just seen how filth can accumulate Sanitary Pluinhing. 97 upon sink and lavatory wastes. Now if pipes for conveying "dirty water" get foul, how much more must pipes which take away the excremental dis- charges sent through a water-closet ? I am quite willing to admit that if large and efficient water- flushes are sent through the soil-pipes after each usage of the closet, such an arrangement as we are now considering may be kept tolerably whole- some, but if the closets were used with ///efficient water flushes, as would often be the case, the soil- piping must in time become offensive. 1st. The handle of a water-closet apparatus is Discharg- often pulled only just sufficient to discharge the ^"^ contents of the basin into the soil-pipe, leaving the deposit which escaped out of the closet-basin, with whatever water there was in it, to stain its way down the sides of the soil-pipes to the drain. Then, as the basin-valve would be closed, there would be no flush of water to follow it to cleanse the filth away, but the excrement would be left to corrode upon the pipe. 2nd. However learned a person may be in xo Water the art of pulling up a closet-handle, to give a ^"^^•*^^- free passage to the outgoing matter, and to well open the flushing-valve, there would at times be no water in the supply- pipe to come into the closet to cleanse it. I will give one or two reasons why the supply of water sometimes fails, (i.) Because some leaky valve has leaked all the water out of the store cistern, and there is no water to come into the closet. (2.) Repairs are going on with H 98 The Science and Art of Soil-pipes fouled. Urine in w.c's. Soil-pipes ventilating the House the water company's main, and the water is " turned off." (3.) The supply-valve, or w.w. pre- venter, is out of repair, or the cranks or wires have given way. (4.) The water in the pipe is frozen. Of course, this reason is peculiarly the plumber's, for he ought not to have fixed the service-pipe where it would freeze ; but he has, as many poor victims found to their cost last winter ! To use a closet under any one of the evils just enumerated, that is, without water, would be quite sufficient to foul the soil-pipe, and as one or more of these evils occur at times in most water-closets, the soil-pipe must get offensive. 3rd. But there is another source of fouling the soil-pipe. A water-closet is often used as a urinal, and the standing water, largely impreg- nated with urine, overflows down the overflow- pipe into the soil-pipe, and corrodes upon it, for it is seldom in such cases that the handle of the closet is pulled, especially when used by ladies and children. I have known many soil-pipes to ladies' water-closets, e.g.^ at railway stations, to get so furred that the bore of the piping has been reduced to one-half its original size after a few years' usage. Having shown the probability of soil-pipes becoming foul, it only remains to show how such untrapped pipes may act as ventilators. I said a while ago that all untrapped closets had some means for excluding soil-pipe air, and that the Sanitary Plumbing, 99 means were chiefly mechanical. Whatever me- chanical means may be employed for such pur- poses, they are sure at times to fail. In the case of water-closets with metal seatings, india-rubber valves, or plugs, there are several ways whereby a failure may arise ; for instance, the mechanism itself may fail, or a piece of paper may get be- tween the valve and its seating, or the solid ex- crement may get caught under the valve by a careless usage of the discharging handle. Now in any of these cases the water would at once escape out of the closet basin, and the soil-pipe air would have an easy passage into the house. As a proof of this, with an imperfect seating of the basin-valve, a little essence of peppermint poured down at C, or even E, Fig. 31, would be smelt by anybody who placed his nose over the closet at A. I hoped to have had an arrange- ment here for proving this, but the bare statement will suffice, with the aid of the illustration in diagram, Fig. 31, to convince all present that such would be the case. There are other evils attending- such a system Danger of ^ ^ _ Frost. (i.) The danger of frost at such exposed points as D and E, Fig. 31, where the wind would readily catch and freeze any droppings of water (from leaky valves, &c.), cork up the pipes with ice, and render theW.C.'s worse than useless. But as this would be more inconvenient than injurious, I pass on to another evil. (2.) The difficulty in limiting the Long length of the soil-pipe, for circumstances would sdfpiping. H 2 loo The Science arid Art of require it to be of various lengths, and careless people would put no limit to it. Architects do not gain their reputations by designing the ele- vations of their buildings to suit water-closets. In some buildings the last thing to be considered is a W.C, and so it gets stuck anywhere where there is room for it^ without reference to the drainage from it. Make way for a W.C. by pushing back the partition on the right, and the partition on the left, as policemen make a way in the crowd, and then to get a pipe to reach from the water- closet apparatus to the soil-pipe head outside requires a long length, for the porch, or oriel window, or some other projection, has to be avoided. Soil-pipe This length of soil-piping would generally be hlto^^he^ filled with bad air, for there would be no venti- ^°^^' lation through it, i.e., there would be no circulation of air through it, (except what escaped inside the house through the basin -valve, when open or de- fective), the pipe being only open to the atmosphere at one end, and that at the lowest. Now this vitiated air in the soil-pipe arm would often escape into the house through an open basin-valve, or imperfect seating, in the manner we have just been considering, and this soil-pipe would then become a ventilating-pipe for supplying the house with fresh (.^) air. (3.) The bad air from an offensive dejection would often go out at the soil- pipe and come in at the window ; i.e., the soil-pipe head, D, Fig. 31, being of necessity in many cases Sanitary Pluiiibing. loi near a window, and as the window would at times be open, the air driven out of the soil-pipe (by the discharges of the closet) would be sucked into the house by the fires and the more rarefied air inside the house. Stacks of Soil-pipes with Untrapped Water-closets upon them. — Having examined and condemned what is, in my judgment, the more " sanitary " method of the two (or more) systems of fixing ?/;/trapped water-closets, I should like to call your attention to the more dangerous one, and I shall be surprised if all do not assent to-night in strongly condemning it. I would not have brought such an insanitary system of plumbing before your notice, did not circumstances call for it ; but it is within my knowledge that the plumbing and so- called sanitary arrangements of a nobleman's mansion have been carried out on principles which I am about to explain, and that too within the last twelve months. I do not know who is responsible for intro- stacks of 1 . ,-.,.., Soil-pipe ducmg stacks of soil-pipe with /r^/Z^j-j- water-closets with 1 1 T 1 1 • • • 1 r , Trapless upon them, but I believe it is the outcome of two closets. or three would-be sanitarians. A tier of trapless water-closets is fixed on one stack of soil-pipe, as represented in Fig. 32, or in Fig. 33, plate i, and this stack of pipe, having one, two, three, or four water-closets upon it, may or may not be trapped at the bottom. By some it is trapped and ventilated at top and bottom ; but by others it is 102 The Science and Art of Drain inside the House. No depen- dence on the Venti- lation. not trapped at all. In the nobleman's house referred to, where this system (illustrated in Fig. 33, plate i), has been carried out, the soil-pipes are not trapped off, or disconnected from the drain, though I believe the drain is open to the atmosphere somewhere in the grounds — three or four hundred feet off. I have had this trapless closet scheme illus- trated, that you may the more easily follow what I have to say upon it ; and if you will kindly keep your eyes upon the diagrams. Figs. 32 and 33, plate I, you will easily follow me. A drain is brought into the honse^ and branches from it are carried under the floors to receive the various stacks of soil-pipe, and R.w. pipes. The drain is carried some distance away from the house before it is exposed to the atmosphere. The various stacks of soil-pipe are continued up through the roof full size for ventilation, with cowls upon them — as shown at E, Fig. 33, and the rain-water pipes, fixed inside the house, are trapped off at their feet. The branch drains from such pipes must, therefore, be always full of stagnant or drain air, except when the traps to the R.w. pipes get dry — through want of rain — then the drain-air would pass up the rain-water pipes and into the house, perhaps through a dormer window. With such an arrangement as this, there would often be no ventilation at all in one or more of the stacks of soil-pipe. A stream of air, we will PLATE /. Figs. 32 and 33. — View of two stacks of Soil-pipes, to show the evils of Trapless Water-closets, &c. 104 . I'Ji^ Science and Art of suppose, is passing into the drain at its outlet end, where it has an induct-pipe, or is open to the air, but this stream of air will have to push its way through, or move on with it the colder and heavier air of the drain, and by the time it reaches D, Plate I, it will be very slow in its movements, and the first stack of pipe, F, will take it all away ; so that little or no " fresh " air will pass on to stack C to air-cleanse that. Or, by the incKnation of the main drain, or other local circumstances, the air-flushes may miss the first stack of soil-pipe, and pass on to others, where the influences may be greater. The man who could determine which of the two stacks of soil-pipe, represented in Figs. 32 and '^i, would be the up-cast pipe, would be a clever man ; and yet it would be easier to do this, i.e.^ to point out the stack which would become the chief ventilating-pipe, than to insist upon each pipe acting equally well as an up-cast pipe. Soil-pipes In certain states of the atmosphere the soil- acting as . , . .. Down- pipes would be acting as doivn-cast pipes, if any movement of air was taking place in them at all, for there is sufficient proof to satisfy every reason- able man that there is no ventilation going on in such pipes at times. And even with cowls upon stacks of pipes having their own inducts, there may be no perceptible movement of air for many minutes together ; or if any, the tendency is downwards rather than upwards in certain states of the atmosphere, and this downward tendency casts. Sanitary Plumbing. 105 is helped by any discharges from the water-closets into the soil-pipe at such times. It would, therefore, be quite possible for one or Air 1 r -1 . 1 ^111-111 stagnant in more stacks of soil-pipe to become filled with bad Soii-pipes. air. Excremental matter would at times be left unwashed out of the soil-pipe or drain, and the gases rising from this would ascend, as shown by the arrows at L, into the soil-pipes, even though there was no perceptible movement of air in such pipes ; for excrement gases readily ascend ; but the cold heavy atmosphere outside, resting like a valve upon the top of the soil-pipe or cowl, would prevent circulation through them, and so such pipes would become full of bad air. Now, where a defec- tive basin-valve exists from causes already ex- plained, this vitiated air would find an easy passage into the house. It would also readily escape when Escaping 11 into the a piece of paper, or other matter, got caught under House. the plug seating, as shown at B, Fig. 32, and K, Fig- Zl' This bad air from the soil-pipe and drain would also easily come into the house — especially if the house were well warmed — if the handle of the W.C. were pulled with a dry closet basin, or with the water supply to it " off," as shown by the arrows to closet, H, Fig. II. We have seen how the water supply to W.C.'s at times fails, and we most of us know how, when we want the water to come into the closet, we keep pulling the closet handle, though we may know that the water is locked in ice in the service-pipe, or that the cistern is empty. Now all the time the basin-valve or plug (h) is open, the io6 The Science and Art of Air-barrier. soil-pipe air — and in this case drain air too — is coming freely into the house, whether noticed or not ; and here is the great value of a trap under or in connection with the water-closet — an air- barrier to stand ever between the house and the soil or waste-pipe, so that whatever else may fail, a water-lock in the pipe, to shut out any air travelling through the drain or soil-pipe, shall not. Enough has been said to show that a stack of soil-pipe with a tier of trapless water-closets upon it may ventilate itself, and the drain too, into the house. One or two simple experiments ^ will make this quite clear. Necessity of Trap- ping. Having proved the necessity of trapping off all pipes for conveying " dirty " water, and sewage — whether waste-pipes, soil-pipes, or drains — to pre- vent any air, stagnant in or travelling through them, from entering the house, it remains to show the best means of doing this. All that is wanted in well-ventilated waste-pipes, soil-pipes, and drains is a watcj'-lock ; and the smaller the quantity of water used for such purposes, consistently with cir- cumstances — i.e., giving the pipe a watei^-seal, to prevent an air current in it, and to allow for evapo- * Glass tubes were fitted up on a board to represent two stacks of soil-pipe with w. c. branches into them, and the drainage from them, as illustrated in Figs. 32 and '^'^, plate i, facing page 102, (except that there were no cowls on the soil-pipes, as shown in the illustration). By a series of experiments made with smoke it was clearly shown that though the air current, in such an arrangement, might be good in some stacks, it might be stagnant in others, or upwards in one and downward in another. It was also clearly shown, Sanitary Plumbing. 107 ration, the more efficient will be its effects. No sanitary fitting, waste-pipe, soil-pipe, or drain, Water should be trapped in a way that w^ill not admit of changed, the whole of the water in such traps being entirely changed every time a good flush of water is sent into them. Traps should only be required to act as air- Traps as barriers to ward off the air travelling through the riers. pipes, and to prevent it, after it has become con- taminated, from entering a house through a bath, sink, lavatory, water-closet, or any other sanitary fitting. But the traps largely used for such pur- poses are so badly constructed, and the principles Traps as ^ ^ ^ ' r i Cesspools. on which they are made are so wrong, that they both collect and hold their filth, and turn them- selves into little cesspools ; here is one such trap, the D-trap. In "Dulce Domum " I may be con- o-trap. sidered to have said all that could be said against this unsanitary trap, but I must add a word to- night. It is only fair^ however, that I should say that one reason why some plumbers prefer the D-trap to the syphon is that it is not easily syphoned out like the latter. But I shall have more to say on syphonage^ in my next lecture. Adoia the first form of trap f used for fixing Syphon- ^ ' ° traps. by the use of smoke in the glass tubes, how drain air and soil-pipe air could 'readily pass through an imperfect seating of the closet plug, or defective basin-valve of an untrapped water-closet into the house. * See trap-syphonage, pp. 133 to 174. t The first patent, No. 1330, for "stink-traps " on record, in the Patent Office — leaving out of consideration the syphon trap which io8 The Science a?id Art of underwater-closets was the syphon or round-pipe trap, i.e., a pipe bent and recurved in the shape of the letter CO ; but as the water in such a trap was easily syphoned out, and as plumbers had not learnt the way of preventing such syphonage by ventilation, the D-trap was invented. In a subsequent lecture "^ will be shown an illustration of a lead syphon trap under a water-closet, taken from a drawing made in 1775, more than a century ago. But I am considering D-traps, and there is proof in the records of the Patent Office, that the D-trap was in use in 1790. Fig. 34 represents about the oldest D-trap, with its cheeks sol- dered outside to the band. This trap was extensively used during the first half of the present century. The present form of this trap, as shown in diagram Fig. 35, and which has been in extensive use during the later half of this century, is little better than the older one, for though it has a less sudden rise to reach its " out-go," its principle and character are the same. Fig- 34- — View of a D-trap, early shape. Cummings patented in conjunction with his water-closet — was granted to John Gaillait, a cook, on June 19th, 1782. There is no drawing, but his specification reads as follows ; — " The invention of an entire new machine or stink-trap, which can be made of any and all sorts of metal and earthenware, and which will entirely prevent the very disagi'eeable smells from drains and sewers." * See Y\g. 81, pp. 195, 196. Sanifarv Plumbifiz. 109 The larger size, z>.,from9-in. to lO-in. (measuring sizes, from the top to the band, in the usual way) is chiefly used for trapping water-closets. One of our old foremen, who worked at 21, Newcastle Street, from about 1830 to his death, about 10 to 15 years ago, made his D-traps, for fixing under water-closets, lo-in., and for fixing at the bottoms of soil-pipes from 14-in. to i6-in., though the latter were chiefly P-shaped. The smaller sized D-traps, 6-in., 7-in., and 8-in.,are used principally (by the plumbers who use D-traps) for fixing under sinks, baths, and lavatories, and for trapping " safe wastes '"' to W.C.'s. Having said so much elsewhere on its unfitness for fixing under water-closets, &c., it will not occupy much of our time to show that such traps are to- tally unfit for fixing on '' dirty water " and sewage wastes. The average weight of corroded matter (dried excrement) which can be knocked out of an old " full-sized " D-trap, when it is just cut out from a water-closet, and after it has been in use for 10 or 15 years, is about ^ 5 or 6 lbs. ; and the smaller sizes, from sinks, urinals, and lavatories, fare just as badly. The internal surface of a " full-sized " f D-trap inner Surface of * The filth knocked out of an old D-trap, which came into our a D-trap. warehouse, just before I prepared this lecture, was 8 lbs. t K full-sized D-trap is made 9-in. (measuring from the '' top " to the "band") by some plumbers, and lo-in. by others. Fig. 35. — View of a D-trap, modern shape. no The Science and Art of is nearly double that of a 4-in. " round-pipe " trap, Fig. 59, and it is greater still over my " V-dip," or " Anti-D-trap," Fig. 61. In fact, the "narrow SCALE-f-iN = lFT Fi.J. 36. — Internal surface of aD-trap. band" D-trap, Fig. 40, is double that of the " Anti-D-trap," Fig. 61, though the way through the former is smaller, i.e., a larger body of water could be sent through the " V-dip " trap in less time Sanitary Plumbbig. iii than through the D-trap, The internal * surface of a 9-in. D-trap is equal to about 3 ft. 6 in., or 3 ft. 9 in. superficial. It is illustrated in Fig. 36, and the figures can be checked, for it is drawn to scale — the soldering is not shown. There are the inner sides of the two cheeks^ A and B, the inner side of the band, c, the under side of the top, D, the outer side of the dip-pipe, E — which stands inside the trap — and its inner side, F. All these surfaces, A B C D E, are exposed to any matter sent through the trap, and they very soon get coated over with excremental matter^ as shown in the illustration ; but a better illustration is shown of the interior of an old D-trap, in Fig. 36 of my book, " The Plumber and Sanitary Houses."" The misfortune is, that when this large exposed surface of the D-trap became coated over with filthy matter, from settlements and splashings, it could not be thoroughly cleansed again ; for no scouring flushes could be sent over the outer side of the dip- pipe (standing down in the trap), the space round the dip-pipe, between the cheeks and the band, and along the under side of the top. But in a round- pipe trap, Fig. 59, and in the " Anti-D-trap," Figs. 61 and 63, the whole of the internal surfaces could be thoroughly cleansed, for good scouring flushes could * The iiitemal szirface of a 9-in. D-trap is just 3 ft. 6 in. sup. ; in the improz'cd ox "narrow band" D-trap, Fig. 40, it is about 3 ft. In a 4-in. rowid-pipe trap, as Fig. 59, it is under 2 ft.; in my large size " v-dip " or "Anti-D-trap," Fig. 61, it is 18 in.; and the "small" size ditto, Fig. 63, it is only about 15 in. or 16 in. The " outgo " is not considered in the measurements of any of these traps. 112 The Science and Art of be made to pass over the whole of the interior of such traps with a frictional force. I will not say any more on this trap for water- closet uses ; and instead of occupying your time with a lengthy criticism on the smaller sizes for trapping off what are called " dirty water " wastes, (to distinguish them from sewage wastes, soil-pipes, drains, &c.), we will give a {q.\y practical experiments to show their unfitness for such purposes. In doing this, we will not aggravate the case by using the trap unfairly, for instead of using such adhesive matter as greasy water from saucepans, &c,, we will use a little soapy water, and after that some plain water with a little stone-blue put into it to colour it. D-trapfor I havc had a small size D-trap made with glass meriting. checks to it, for you to see the working inside, and this trap is connected to a small wash-hand-basin with I -in. brass plug and washer, the usual size being only |-in. This trap is made much smaller than the usual " small " hand-made D-trap, or than the small-size cast lead D-trap, so that any experiment made upon it will be more favourable for cleansing it than would be the case with the D-traps as generally used in practice. Fig. 37 illustrates this trap, B, with a small wash-hand-basin. A, fixed upon it. The depth from the top to the band is 4-in., the width of the band, between the cheeks, 3 -in., and the length along the top 6-in. The ^ dip-pipe first * In subsequent experiments (vSee pp. 132-139) the dip-pipe was increased in size to i^-in. Sanitary Plumbmg. 113 used was i-in., and the distance from the bottom of the basin to thestandingwater of the trap is 8-in. The short length of waste-pipe, c, consisted of a piece of glass tubing. Two or three experiments were then made with Experi- ments, this model, to show the non-cleansing nature of D-traps. Some blue water, i.e., water coloured with stone-blue, was put into the trap, and though two SCALE, t In. = I Ft. I^iS- Zl' — View of D-trap and basin. or three charges of clean water from the basin were sent into it, the whole of the blue water was not removed. The trap was then charged with soapy water, as in practice when fixed under lavatories would be the case, but though several flushes of clean water from the basin were sent into the trap, every vestige of soapy water was not removed, and with one flush the suds remained strongly in the trap, floating about and around the dip-pipe. I 114 The Science and Art of The experiments showed clearly enough how such traps become cesspools, ox filth-collecting ho^Q.s,. And yet there are hundreds of thousands of such traps in use in England to-day, under baths, sinks, urinals, safes, lavatories, and water-closets. But their use has very much declined during the last few years, though probably they are still being fixed at the rate of about four or five thousand a year. I did not want to exaggerate, but this number is said to be only about half the number of the cast lead D-traps used, so the evil is greater than I thought. I was thinking chiefly of the hand-made D-trap. Dip-pipe The Evil of the Dip-pipe being inside inside the t • • i • i D-trap. THE D-TRAP. — It IS important also to notice the evil of having a dip-pipe inside a trap, for the dip-pipe becoming defective — from age, want of ventilation in the soil-pipe branch, or any other cause — would not show itself, i.e., the dip- pipe, standing inside the walls of the trap, as in a box, would not show a water leak, for any water escaping through a defect in the dip-pipe would fall inside the trap. But though no evil would arise from a leakage of water, great danger may come from a defect in the dip-pipe, for soil-pipe air would then find an easy passage to the house, above the water-lock of the trap, as shown by the arrows in Fig. 38. This illustration is taken from an old D-trap, recently cut out from under a valve-closet. The dip-pipe, right round, above the water-line of Sanitary Plu?nbifig. 115 the trap (equal to about i2-in. by 4-in.), is eaten away in large holes, as shown in the illustration, at B. The cheeks are also eaten through, and two or three holes are eaten through the top. This old D-trap shows clearly enough that serious evils may arise from using traps with dip-pipes inside them, for though the defects in the cheeks showed a water-leakage, and called attention to the trap, the dip- pipe, though more defective, and to all appearances of much earlier date, showed no such defect, for the water which escaped through its holes fell inside the walls of the trap and disclosed nothing. an old D-trap, showing the evil of a dip-pipe beini t I Fig. 49.— 2-in. S-trap, uith enlarged mouth. Fig. 50. — 2-in. Half-S trap, with enlarged mouth. washer, and solder this to the inlet of a syphon- trap, as shown at A, Fig. 103, p. 238.) (6) The inlet, or mouth of the trap, should be so arranged that the water-flushes shall fall upon the " standing-water " of the trap with a vertical pressure, so as to drive everything foreign out of the trap, and to entirely change its previous contents. (7) The iiilet side of all traps fixed upon drains outside the house should be opcjt to the atmospJierc, Sanitayj Plumbing. 131 so that any bad air rising from foul matter decom- posing in the trap, or coming through it from the drain or sewer, may readily pass into the open air, or be largely diluted with fresh air before passing into any waste-pipe, soil-pipe, or drain discharging into such traps. In cold countries, where the Traps T • 1 1111-11 exposed to water standnig in such traps would be liable to Frost, freeze in severe frosts, the mouth of the trap should be sealed over, and the " foot-ventilation," or air- induct, should be taken into the waste-pipe, soil- pipe, or drain some little distance away from the " standing-water " of the trap, to prevent the cold air-currents playing upon it and freezing it* In this country, in sheltered places, there is little or no risk ; and if the trap (for disconnecting waste- pipes, soil-pipes, or drains) is kept well down into the ground in exposed places, there is no danger from frosts, though in severe frosts it is well to throw a little straw over the gratings of such traps. During the last severe winter, out of hundreds that I have had fixed, I only heard of one such discon- necting-trap being frozen ; and scores of them, from circumstances, have their "standing-water " within 15-ins. of the ground level. * Another advantage is gained by keeping the air-induct pipe some little distance up (say 15-ins.) from the bottom of a trapped soil or waste-pipe, for when a full and rapid discharge of water is sent into a soil or waste-pipe it does not get away as fast as it enters, but accumulates in the bottom of the pipe, and, rising up in the pipe, would readily flow into the foot-ventilating or air induct pipe if kept too low down, and perhaps stop it up with foreign matter. J 2 Traps. 132 The Scicfice and Art of Experi- Ocular demonstrations that ** round-pipe " traps, ments with ., 1 ,> , 1 /- 1 Self-deans- or "syphoH traps, are self-cleansing, were now given by the model trap arrangement, illustrated in Fig. 5i_,and explained on p. 135. In order to show the workings of the insides, the traps were made of glass, and a strong light was thrown upon them from a bull's-eye lantern. The following experi- ments, among others, were made : — (i) The glass "round-pipe" trap (d. Fig. 51,) was charged with blue-water, and a small flush of clean water was then sent into the trap from the washhand-basin, washing out the blue-water and leaving the trap perfectly clean. (2) The trap was then filled nearly up to the level of its " standing water " with india-rubber cut into small pieces, and this was completely washed out of the trap by a flush of about three pints of water sent into it from the basin. (3) The water in the trap was then well coloured with plumbers' soil, and a handful of gravel was also put into the trap ; and the whole of it washed out, and the trap left clean, by' a small flush of water from the basin. (4) The trap was also tested with strong soapy water with a like result, i.e.^ the soapy water was washed out and the trap cleansed by a small flush of clean water from the basin. D-trap, The small"^ D-trap with Hass cheeks, as used Non- ^ "^ cleansin'''. * Though this trap is so much smaller than the "small" D-traps in use all over the country, and though the " wire -barred " Sanitary Plumbing. 133 in a previous lecture, was again tested ; but, after several flushings, it remained largely charged with soapy water (Fig. 37, p. 113, illustrates this trap, with its plug-and-washer and washhand-basin), and the figured dimensions on p. 1 12 will give the reader a clear understanding of the actual thing as experi- mented with. Trap-syphonage, and Displacement of Water in Traps. — The experiments that we have just made clearly prove that while some traps are non-cleansing, others are self-cleansing. But '* self- cleansing" traps — i.e., round-pipe traps — are syphon- ing traps, and especially when they have long vertical lengths of piping attached to them — the plug-and-washer is larger than that generally used — having an inch clear way in its "lining" — the " standing- water " of the trap (as tested with soapy Avater, water coloured with stone-blue, and plumbers' soil) could not be entirely changed by a single, nor by many discharges of clean water sent through the trap from the washhand-basin. What a new form of D-trap may be made to do, as explained on page 1 15, is not the question; the trap under criticism here is the D-trap as used up to the present time. It was unfortunate that the distance between the bottom of the basin and the " standing- water " of the trap was not the same in the D-trap as in the glass "round-pipe" trap, for the extra length of the dip-pipe in the latter told in its favour. But, after the close of the lecture, on the re-delivery night, the dip-pipe of the glass round -pipe trap was shortened, and made less in length than that of the T>-trap, and the experiments were repeated with it with the like results — that is, a perfect cleansing out of the round-pipe trap by a small flush of water from its basin. If any man doubts the self- cleansing nature of the syphon, i.e., a I'ound-pipe trap, and believes in the sanitxriness of the D-trap, let him try the traps .with soapy water, under precisely similar circumstances, and he will soon satisfy himself on the wholesomeness of the one, and the unwliolesome- ness of the other. Testing Arrange- 134 7 he Science and Art of longer the leg the greater is the syphonage. They are often called " syphons " — and they are this — and, unless such syphonage can be prevented, to use such traps would not only be useless but dangerous. Let me give some experiments to show how, in practice, traps are often unsyphoned — that is to say, unsealed. A series of experiments were here made to show how in practice traps were often unsyphoned by discharges sent through them, or through the waste-pipe or soil-pipe on which they were fixed. An arrangement^ for testing trap-syphonage, ment. and for other experiments, was fitted up on a stand, as illustrated in Fig. 51. a represents a model bath fixed on a chamber floor, and B a lavatory basin on a ground floor. Inch glass syphon, or round-pipe traps half-S, were fixed under the bath and lavatory, as shown at G and D, with inch lead branch-wastes from them into the main waste-pipe, II. The waste-pipe was continued up for ventila- tion, as shown at j, and it was left open at its discharging end, where for convenience it was made to discharge into a R.W. head outside the Hall. An inch lead air-pipe was taken out of the lowest trap, and continued up above the highest, and branched into the air-pipe of the waste-pipe, * Though this model bath and lavatory arrangement was, for convenience, fitted up on a smaller 'scale than that which generally obtains in practice, the results were just the same as those which actually occur under similar treatment, viz., a syphoning out of the water in unventilated traps, and a non-syphoning in ventilated traps (see results of experiments with full-sized fittings, pp. 144-152). Sanitary Plumbing. 135 receiving the branch air-pipe from the bath trap on its way up, as shown in the illustration Fig. 51. Stop-cocks were fixed in the air-pipes from the I CI ivi v_-_-^:. f 'o- 5^- — Vieu' of model used for testing traps^ and syphonage. traps, as shown at E and F, for controlling the ventilation during the experiments. A stop-cock was also fixed in the air-pipe on the top of the 136 The Science and Art of main waste, as shown at J, for shutting off the ventilation at this point when so wanted. Experi- Among other experiments, the following were ments with 1 n 1 1 / 1 x^- x 1 • unventi- made, all the stop-cocks (E, F, and J, Fig. 51) bemg Tr.\ps. shut off to stop the ventilation, except that the discharging end of the waste-pipe H was left open, (i) By discharging a small quantity of water from the bath A, the lavatory trap D was unsealed. (2) By discharging a basinful of water from the lavatory B^ the bath trap G, above, was similarly unsealed. (3) By discharging a small quantity of water out of the bath, and suddenly shutting off the waste-valve, both traps, D and G, were unsealed. ' (4) By discharging a basinful of water from the lavatory,"^ B, both the upper trap G, and lower trap D, were unsealed. The main waste-pipe H was then ventilated by opening the stop-cock j ; and, though it prevented the bath trap G from being unsyphoned by a dis- charge from the lavatory, it did not prevent the syphonage of the trap D, through which the dis- charge was sent. Nor did it prevent the syphon- age in either trap in a discharge of water from the bath, as proved by one or two tests.f It should * In plug-basins, when no overflow-pipe enters the dip of the trap to give it vent, the water can be held up in the dip in sus- pension by a quick replacement of the plug, and by this means the trap may be made to retain its seal, even though the discharge through it may have unsyphoned all the other traps fixed on the same waste-pipe (see experiment, p. 172). t These experiments prove that those who depend upon the ventilation of the main pipe only, be it a soil or waste pipe, depend upon means inadequate for the protection of a house from bad air ; Sanitary Plumbing. 137 be borne in mind that the waste-pipe was open at both ends, top and bottom. The foregoing experiments proved that two traps fixed on one pipe, like two negatives in a sentence, destroy each other. Some experiments were then made with the Experi- D-trap B, Fig. 37 ; the ''Bower" trap. Fig. 52 ; and wkh the the "EcHpse" trap, Fig. 43, to show that though these traps were not unsyphoned with the ease with which "round-pipe-traps" were, they were by no means proof against the action of discharges sent through them, or through the main pipes into which they may be branched. (i) The small glass-cheeked D-trap, illustrated D-trap. at Bj Fig. 37, was fixed at L, Fig. 51, and soapy water was put into it. With the ventilating-cocks, E, F, J, Fig. 51, turned off — to prevent ventilation — and a discharge of water sent out of the bath A, the water in the D-trap was kept in a very agitated state during the whole time the discharge was passing through the main-waste H ; and, by the time that seven or eight gallons of water had passed out of the bath, the water in the D-trap had been lowered half-an-inch, i.e., the water had been syphoned out of the trap enough to reduce its " seal" to about half its normal depth. (2) The "Bower" trap, ij-in.. Fig. 52, was The " Bower for, as clearly shown, an air pipe on the main-pipe, though of the same size, is insufficient to prevent round-pipe traps, and self- cleansing traps, from being unsyphoned, where large bodies of water ai-e sent through the main piping. 138 The Science and Art of and " Eclipse." Results. Fig. 52- ' Bower ' trap. then fixed in lieu of the D-trap, at L, Fig. 51, and the effect upon this trap was even greater than that upon the D-trap. (3) The ''Eclipse" trap, ij-in.— the large size of which is illustrated in Fig. 43 — was then fixed in place of the *' Bower " at L, but before half-a-dozen gallons of water had passed through the main waste-pipe from the bath this trap had lost more than three-fourths of its seal, and after discharging a few gallons more the trap was practically unsyphoned, for, though the dip-pipe stood a trifle under the water, the smallest vibration broke the seal. These experiments prove that, like syphon traps, all traps require ventilation, at any rate under certain conditions ; for if all the traps tested did not become quite imsealed^'^ their " seals " were reduced to a very easy breaking-point, and the water in them was stirred up so much by want of ventilation that bubbles of air passed into the dip- pipes by almost every discharge from the bath A. With the air-cock j open, i.e., with the main waste, H, ventilated at top and bottom, I have proved, by the same apparatus, that all traps require ventilating, apart from the ventilation of the main-pipe. I have thus shown that round-pipe traps — that is * The syphoning action would be greater in a longer length of waste piping. Sanitary Fliiinhing. 139 to say, "self-cleansing" traps — easily syphon them- selves, and are easily syphoned by others fixed in connection with them. I need hardly say to practical plumbers that, unless such syphonage can be perfectly remedied, such traps are worse than useless ; for while they would impede the cleansing force of the discharges through the waste-pipes, they would be of no protection to the house. By these experiments I have also proved that if absolute safety is wanted, the " Eclipse '' trap, the " Bower " trap, and even the D-trap — which is equivalent to saying that all traps — must be ventilated. In my book, " Dulce Domum," I have explained Action upon the action upon traps of discharges sent through a Traps; waste-pipe or soil-pipe ; and shown how to prevent "Duke , •- ir • Domum.* one trap acting upon another, or upon itseli ; in other words, I have explained the proper method of ventilating traps. We shall therefore, to-night, give some experiments to prove that what is there said on this is absolutely correct, and show }-ou by one or two severe tests that trap-syphonage is prevented by trap-ventilation. In the model bath and lavatory arrangement Experi- .... . . 1 r ments with for experimenting with, an air-pipe was taken troin Traps the branch waste to the lowest trap, as illustrated in Fig. 51, and continued up above the highest trap, and branched into the main waste or air-pipe. Into this ascending air-pipe, from the lower trap, the branch air-pipe from the upper trap was taken, 140 The Science and Art of so that each trap was properly ventilated. The stop-cocks E and F (which had been shut during the former experiments) were then opened, giving the traps ventilation, when the water was left undisturbed, or if disturbed, it was only very slightly in either trap, notwithstanding that full and rapid flushes were sent through the waste- pipe H. I give here the results of some of the experiments made : — (i) A large body of water was sent out of the bath A, sufficient to charge the whole length of the waste-piping H, but it did not affect the water in the lavatory trap D. (2) The washhand-basin B was then filled with water and rapidly discharged (through an inch clear way " lining " of the plug connection), but it did not affect the water in the bath-trap G, above, in the slightest degree. (3) The above-mentioned experiments were then made over again with the air-cock J shut, but this made no appreciable difference so long as the trap- ventilation remained perfect. These experiments were several times repeated, but always with the same result, that is to say, no discharge of water sent through the waste-pipe H from the bath or lavatory could unseal either the working trap or the idle trap when the branch wastes were ventilated, clearly establishing the fact that efficient trap-ventilation prevents trap-syphon- age. Sanitary Plumbmg. i^i A great deal of ignorance prevails on this igno-ance question of ventilation, and that, too, among men who fancy they know all about it. As a proof of this, many simply ventilate the umin waste-pipe, or main soil-pipe, but do not ventilate the branches upon them. They insist upon the main soil-pipe being carried up full-size to the open air, and in some cases are willing to give it foot-ventilation, but the}" are satisfied with this. Now I hope all here are convinced that no stack of waste-pipe, or soil-pipe, is properly ventilated which is not only exposed to the atmosphere at both ends, but unless, in addition, it has each individual branch ventilated, and especially where large bodies of water are likely to be sent through the main piping.; I was. amused some time ago in reading some remarks; on the ''bends" of a ventilating-pipe to a soil-pipe, written by a gentleman who had been called on to give a report on some plumbing. He found two or three bends in the 4-in. ventilating- pipe of the soil-pipe, and he wrote that the pipe ought to have been carried up ''straight." A ventilating-pipe cannot be fixed without something to fix it to. It will not stand like a flag-staff or a scaffold-pole, fixed or secured only at its foot. If this gentleman had had more experience, he would have known that bends in such pipes, when they are made full-bore, make a trifling difference ; at any rate, not enough to write about in a report. I have given elsewhere, in my report tion. 142 The Science and Art of on the value of cowls,^ the air-currents through some pipes which are full of bends, and anybody who reads the results will be satisfied tliat it is better to let an air-pipe follow the lines of the building to a reasonable extent, rather than stick up a hideous pipe like a scaffold-pole, with struts to support it from chimney and parapet. But let me give you a proof! As you see, I have here a pipef fulloi bends. I will now have it placed on the top of the present air-pipe to the main waste- pipe on which we have just been experimenting. I will send some flushes of water through the piping, and there will be little or no movement of the " standing-water " of the traps, proving that bends, when properly made, do not interfere to any appreciable extent with the working of the traps upon a pipe ; nor do they, when made of easy radius and of full-bore, interfere much with the ventilation. Mr. Teak's Mr. Prids^in Teale, M.A., suro-eon to the Book. , ^ ' ' t. General Infirmary of Leeds, has done so much good by his interesting book, entitled " Dangers to Health," that I hesitate to refer, to it in any way disparagingly ; but duty compels a criticism. Mr. Teale rings the alarm-bell vigorously, and paints vivid pictures of the dangers people run by neglecting the proper drainage of their houses ; but, - "The Plumber and Sanitary Houses," pp. 278 — 350. t The dotted lines above the letter j, Fig. 51, show the pipe referred to here. Sa7iitary Plumbing. 143 though he shows valuable improvements on old plumbing practice, his method of saving them is not perfect. He sends out a boat which will not hold water, rather than a life-boat ; for by his arrangement the water would be syphoned out of the traps, and then there would be no protection from them. Let me give one example. In the second plate in his book, entitled, " House with Faulty Arrangements Avoided," I will show you how one and all of the traps there shown would at times get unsyphoned. By emptying the bath, the lavatory trap C, and the sink trap G, would become un- syphoned, and the air in the waste-pipe would find an easy access through them into the house. Again, b}^ discharging the lavatory, the sink-trap and the bath-trap would get unsealed. Then, as you see, even the main waste-pipe is not ventilated ; for cutting off the pipe at the dis- charging end, and exposing that to the atmo- sphere, is not ventilating it, any more than an air-pipe only at the top and the end trapped at the bottom ; in fact, not so much, for the gases thrown off by matter adhering to the sides of a waste-pipe are more likely to ascend than descend. I will not criticise the detail arrangement, though that is important ; and would not have brought this before you but that waste-pipes arc being fixed pretty freely, as shown in this diagram; i.e.y long lengths of waste-pipe are fixed without trap ventilation, so that others as well as Mr. Teale have fallen into the same error. 144 ^^^<^ Science and Art of Trap As trap-ventilation is so important to prevent Ventilation . . . , t -n • i Important, traps from becoming air-mlets, 1 will give you the results of some important experiments made a month or two ago, when testing the capabilities of waste-pipes and traps. It would take an entire evening to give the result of each test, and to explain the various modes adopted, but with the aid of the illustrations it will not take long to put you in possession of the facts gained by some of the experiments. Experi- That these may be better understood, I have ments with Traps on had the testing arrangements illustrated ; and as Waste- they are drawn to a scale, a clear idea of the actual sizes of the pipes and fittings can readily be formed. The traps in each case were fitted up with glass windows in their sides for taking obser- vation. Fig. 53, Plate 2, represents a stack of ij-in. lead waste-pipe, fixed in a house to take the discharges from three slop-sinks — one each on chamber floor, second floor, and third floor. Beard and Dent's patent cast lead traps, \\ in., were fixed, as shown, under the sinks A, B, and C, with ij-in. branch-wastes from them into the main waste D. A pailful of water thrown down sink A, sucked three-fourths of an inch of water out of traps B and C. Another pailful practically unsealed them. A pailful of water thrown down sink A, with the air-pipe E stopped up, sucked an inch of water PLATE II. Fig- 53- — Section of a stack of Waste-pipe, with three Slop- sinks upon it, as used for testing Syphonage of " round-pipe " traps. K 146 The Science and Art of out of each trap, and practically untrapped itself — sink A. A pailful of water thrown down sink B, with the air-pipe E stopped up, pulled an inch of water out of traps A and C. Another pailful unsyphoned them. These traps were then ventilated by taking a ij-in. lead pipe (the same size as the waste) from the lowest branch, and continuing it up and connecting it with the air-pipe of the main waste above the highest trap, and branching ij-in. air- pipes from the other traps into it, on its way up. Three pailfuls of water (stable pails, holding about three gallons) were then thrown down sink A in rapid succession, but, though there was a little movement of the "standing-water" in traps c and B, not Toth of an inch was drawn out of either, and its own trap was left fully charged with water. Ditto, with Similar tests were made with a larger waste larger . _ , r 1 1 • • • • • • Pipes. pipe. Instead of the ij-in. piping, 2-in. piping was used for the main waste, and also for the branches from the sinks, and 2-in. traps, with enlarged mouths (as illustrated in Fig. 50), were fixed under the sinks. A pailful of water was thrown down sink A, Fig. 53, and this discharge sucked an inch of water out of traps B and C, and nearly untrapped itself. Another pailful quite uncharged, i.e.^ untrapped, the two lower traps, and nearly its own. The Sanitary Plumbing. 147 air-pipe E was stopped up in each of these two trials, but with this air-pipe open it made Httle difference to the lower traps, though it was helpful in preventing the top trap from being un- syphoned. With a trap formed in the pipe at F (the air- pipe E being open to the atmosphere), and a pailful of water thrown down sink A, air was forced out through the trap C, and some of the " standing- water" of the trap was sent a foot or i8-in. up into the sink. At the same time the sink-trap B was more than half unsealed. These trials were all made over aq;ain, with the branch to each trap ventilated, and though several pailfuls of water were thrown down in the latter tests, no appreciable effect was made on the traps, not even with a trap formed in the main waste- pipe at F. Fig. 54 shows a bath, and a lavatory, discharg- Tests with ing into one main pipe, at different levels ; and Waste, (without the dotted lines, showing hoiv such pipes shoidd be ventilated) it is a fair representation of how waste-pipes are fixed even in these enlight- ened days, except perhaps that the waste-pipe here — li-in. — is smaller than that generally used. A bath is fixed on the chamber floor with i|--in. waste-pipe from it to discharge in the open air. The waste-pipe from a lavatory on the ground floor is branched into this bath waste. I have shown an air-pipe, K, on the top of the main waste, as in the K 2 148 The Science and Art of tests which I made there was one, but many people never even fix this air-pipe — they are satisfied if the pipe is open to the air at its dis- charging end. Let us see the result of the tests. Fig. '54. — View of bath and lavatory waste, as used for testing trap-syphonage. With the air-pipe K open to the atmosphere, and the end of the waste-pipe J open also, the water in the lavatory trap H was not only syphoned out by the emptying of a bath of water containing about fifty gallons, but 130 feet (lineal) Sanitary Pliimhijh^. 149 of air was drawn through it into the waste-piping, as registered by an anemometer fixed over the mouth of the trap H. Another test was made exactly as the last — but with a "Bower" trap (Fig. 52) fixed at H, instead of the i J-in. '' patent cast lead trap." Dur- ing the discharge, the india-rubber ball did not keep its seating for three seconds together; the water in the trap was kept in a very agitated state all the time, and no feet (lineal) of air was drawn through the Bower trap, as noted by an anemo- meter. Directly the discharge ceased the ball regained its seating ; and, on measurement, though a good drop of water had been syphoned out of the trap, it had still a |-in. seal, but this test proved that this trap also requires ventilation. With i|-in. air-pipe fixed on the branch to the trap at L, and made good into the air-pipe K, as shown by the dotted lines, not a movement was caused in the fan of the anemometer, which was placed over the mouth of the trap H, as before ; nor was the "standing-water" of this trap or the bath-trap affected by a discharge of a bath of fifty gallons of water in 2-J minutes. An air-pipe on the "Bower trap" also pre- vented any action upon it by discharges through the waste-pipe J. With the trap H moved back into the room, 12 feet away from the main waste- pipe, the result was just the same, i.e., it was unsealed without ventilation ; but with ventilation the water remained in the trap intact. The Scie?ic'e and Art of Results of Further Experi- ments. In Fig. 55, Plate III., I. show another arrange- ment, and will now give the results of some of the tests made with it. It represents a stack of 2-in. waste-pipe, with a bath, slop-sink, and lavatory upon it. There are four traps on the middle branch — to see the effect upon each during a discharge through the main waste-pipe. Each trap had a glass side or window in it for making observations. A 2-in. " patent cast lead trap " was fixed under the bath, and each of the two sinks with 2-in. lead branches into the main waste-pipe. A 4-in. trap was fixed at T, ij-in. at V, and ij-in. at U, as shown in the illustration. Trap-ventilation was fixed, as shown by the dotted lines, i.e., a 2-in. air ascending-pipe was taken off the branch to the lowest trap, and con- tinued up and branched into the main air-pipe above the highest trap, with branches from each trap connected with it on its way up. This ven- tilating pipe was only used when so wanted, and was under the control of stop-cocks, fixed at R, w, and S. The first experiment w^as made zvithotit trap- ventilation. The bath-cock was opened, and the bath discharged, but before one-quarter of its con- tents had passed through the waste-pipe, traps P, Q, U, and V were unsyphoned {i.e., unsealed), and three-quarters of an inch of water-seal pulled out of the 4-in. trap T. But as the unsyphoned traps PLATE III, Fig. 55. — Section of a stack of Waste-pipe, Avith several traps upon it, as used for testing Trap-syphonage. 152 The Science a?id Art of gave air to the branch-waste, on which this trap was fixed, no more water was drawn out of it by the rest of the discharge. The same experiment was repeated, but zvith the trap-ventilation perfect, as shown by the dotted lines, and though sixty gallons of water was sent out of the bath, and through the waste-pipe in 2\ minutes, not one of the traps was unsyphoned. During the greater part of the time the bath was emptying, the water stood up from an inch to two inches in the dip, or inlet, of each trap — P, T, U, V, and Q — but directly the bath was empty the water returned to its normal level. There was no oscilla- tion of the water in any of the traps, and on measurement it was found that trap U was the only one that had lost any water, and this trap had only lost Jth of an inch, if quite so much, leaving it with a perfect seal. Many other tests were made. Pailfuls of water were thrown down sinks Q and P, and the upper and lower traps unsealed by such discharges, with the trap-ventilation shut off by the stop-cocks, R, O, S ; but with each branch ventilated the " standing-water" in the traps remained intact, notwithstanding the severe trials to which they were subjected. All Traps I wil] not occupy your time with further results must be Ventilated, of my cxpcrmicnts with traps fixed upon zvaste- pipes, but simply state they all proved that where tiers of traps, of any description, are fixed upon Sanitary Flumbtng. 153 one stack of piping, for receiving discharges from slop-sinks, baths, and "quick-waste" lavatories, &c., each individual trap, or branch, must be ventilated, if the traps are to keep their " water- seals " intact. These tests, made with Beard and Dent's shape of Round- patent cast lead traps" (li-in. and 2-in., both S Pipe Trap Fig. 56. — Section of S-Traix Fig. 57. — View of Ilalf-S-Trap. and half-S shaped, as Figs. 56 and 57), also estab- lished the fact that round-pipe traps, when properly ventilated, as shown in Fig. 70, and properly shaped — that is U-shaped in the water-holding part of the trap, e.g., as Figs. 56, 57, and 5Q — are perfectly free from any injurious effects from syphonage ; i.e., such traps will maintain their " seals " in any treatment they are likely to receive 154 The Science and Art of in practice ; for if they could not be unsyphoned when fixed on pipes of the same diameter as them- selves, nor of smaller diameter, they are more certain to hold their seals when fixed on pipes of larger diameter, where the friction, and therefore the suction power of a corresponding discharge of water, would be so much less. But though U- shaped round-pipe traps (as Figs. 56, 57, and 59) hold their seals securely enough when ventilated. Fig. 58. — Section, Trap Badly Shaped, round-pipe traps having an easy rise to their out- lets, as Fig. 58, which is a section of Beard and Dent's 4-in. " P-trap," will not under certain con- ditions. When, for instance, such a trap is fixed under a "c^f^/z^^-closet, and the basin is filled with water up to the brim, or nearly so, and discharged quickly by a sJiarp pull of the closet handle, the water falls in a column through the space A, between the basin and the water of the trap, and strikes the " standing-water " of the trap with such force that where a too easy passage-way exists, as Sanitary Plumbing. 155 in trap Fig. 58, the contents of the trap arc not only forced out (in itself a merit), but the water, falling from the basin in a column, and with so much pressure, rushes through the trap, leaving insufficient behind to re-charge it, except where a proper service of water is laid on to the closet to pass through with the discharge in a more broken form. But this is not the case with round-pipe traps having- a "vertical" rise to their outlets. The Fig. 59. — Section, Trap Rightly Shaped. water, when discharged with some force into such a trap as Fig. 58, strikes against the too-sloping side B, and then glancing off, as a ball would, to C — as shown by the arrows — runs away through the soil-pipe D; but in a trap shaped as Figs. 56, 57, and 59 the water would have no such sloping side to glance off from, but, rising vertically out of the trap, would strike against the dome of the outgo, and partly fall back again into the trap and re-charge it, unless at the same moment a syphon- ing action was set up by the passage of the dis- 156 The Science and Art of "Mansion* Trap. charge through the soil-pipe, through inefficient ventilation. The plumber can easily boss back the neck of a round-pipe trap when the way to the outlet is too easy — though, of course, all traps should be perfect in themselves. Knowing the strain upon the seal of a trap when fixed under a valve-closet, especially with certain usages (as, for instance, when the basin of the closet is filled up to the brim with a pailful of slops and discharg- ed with great force into the trap), I nowhere in my book, " The Plumber and Sanitary Houses." show a rottnd- Fig. 60. — " Mansion " Trap. pipe trap fixed under a valve-closet. In the first edition of that book I show a " Mansion " trap (illustrated in Fig. 60) under each " fixed " valve- closet ; and as I had improved this trap before the publication of the second edition, I showed, in the Appendix of the later edition, my patent cast-lead "V-dip," or *' Anti-D-trap," instead of the " Mansion " trap. *' Anti- D-Trap. Referring to this"Anti-D-trap"at the Lectures, I said, " as it was my own design I would say no- thing about it, but leave it to take care of itself" As, however, a controversy on traps has grown out of Sa7iitary Plumbing. ^57 what I said on traps, I will say something about this trap here. The " Anti-D-trap " is made in two sizes for fixing under water-closets, &c. The large size is shown in Figs. 6i and 62, and is intended for fixing to water-closets in hotels and public build- ings, where it is likely to receive all sorts of things. The small size is shown in Figs. 63 and 64, and is specially adapted for fixing to water-closets and slop-sinks, &c., in private houses, or in places where the water-closets are not likely to be treated as Fig. 61. — View of " Anti-D- Trap," "Large" Size. Fig. 62. — Section of " Anti-D- Trap," "Large" Size. dust-shoots. I admit that the size (Fig. 64) seems small, and I know plumbers will want educating up to the use of it ; but it may encourage those who have feeble knees to use it, if they are told that " Anti-D-traps " of smaller size than Fig. 64 have been in use for many months, and that no sign of stoppage in them has shown itself The " Anti-D-trap " placed on the table at the third or fourth lecture was precisely like the one illustrated in Figs. 67, and 64, except that it was \-m. smaller in diameter in the body part of the trap. This iS8 The Science and Art of trap has since been fixed In my factory,"^ under an "Artisan" closet basin, for the use of a good number of men, and it is working perfectly. To be quite sure on this point of stoppage, I have had a trap made of smaller size than the "small" " Anti-D-trap," Fig. 64, and fixed under a valve- closet^ for the use of the clerks in my ofiice, and though this trap has been in use many months, it has never stopped up once, and it is as free from Fig. ()T^. — View of " Anti-D- Trap," "Small" Size. Fig. 64. — Section of *' Anti-D- Trap," " Small" Size, filth to-day as it was after the first day or two's use. Well, if a smaller trap than the " small " ^'Anti- D-trap " does not stop up, there can be no risk in fixing the larger size (Fig. 63), and the great advan- tage gained by its use is worth an imaginary risk of stoppage, for it is the only water-closet trap with which I am acquainted — not excepting even a 4-in. " round-pipe " trap — that will allow its contents to be e7itirely cJianged with one ordinary flush of * See Fig. 67, Plate V., showing same. Sanitary Plumbing. 159 water from a valve-closet. This trap (Figs. 63 and 64) only holds two pints and a half of water, or a little over. Its " seal " cannot be broken, however high a valve-closet may be fixed over it, or however full of water the closet basin may be, nor can it be unsyphoned, where the main pipe is ventilated, by a discharge from a valve-closet, or a pailful of slops thrown down any closet or basin fixed on the same piping, though, as explained elsewhere, the trap, or branch, should be ven- tilated when other fittings are connected to the same stack. As no results of experi- ments made with water-closet traps were given at the Lec- tures — though the results given of traps fixed upon waste-pipes applied also to traps fixed on soil-pipes — I will give here the results of some of the experiments which I have had made during the last two or three months, and many of them are so simple that they can easily be verified. The arrangement for making the first series of test- ings is illustrated in Fig. 65, and it is so clear that I need not say a word in explanation. Tests with various Closet Traps. Fig. 65. — View of Valve- closet and Piping for Testing Traps. j= o 58 "m O 9-* Q u: g ^3 u o 2 Sc OT Z -a = if? 5 < « J t^ 4j' O 4) i; 1 X o 8 w = ^ S a u5 1 ^ 3 3 «=H O O P t h C > o : CO j VO VO fcJO bb fo fe l_ c 5 2*^ Ti ■ , cT 'v: '53 b ^ ^ h 1 S s (^ ■^ f ■) 6 1 <3 ■Vj b '^ i 2 J^ » £ rt H -. tfl 1 J j£ H 2 H = "c ^ 3 ^ 1 rt Q - - !U -i < :; rt ^ ' P o 1J Q ■x: ^^1 _G _C c ■^; Q, - "7 'C ^ •^ cix KM H-* '-I- Y -^1- M "7 ••;■ ^ '"' '"' '"' '-' '-' N t/: •J-, 'X ■J- .^ • = . "S •r -^ ■^ 1 (1- s rJr « --IM C^ VO VO w ■> -^ ro c o2 « •o a: ^ « -2 -I 0< 4) '^ :^-s« d.rt o ^ S.^-2 3 - U P O'rt - ° 2 rt C 4J C 2 S2-S 1) 1^ - rt; o 3 ^' ^ '-* e ^- ■^'•- c ? z; « G rt o tJ -5 rt ^- C to "S X— rt s I ;: 1: i o S3 bi.S c X - . -H o _• 1 - c ^ VO 1? O O C o c rt rt R rt .2 ^C .s _fi -'■* h'x q" .sl cti cti -J .s 1 ■ s -'x CO W 1 1 ;:>• »-l 1-! VO bi i£ a" X a. Id "Is 2 IH 1 3 CD 1 C •t'.S ss- a o tJ3 1 1 < li 13 fl 1 ^1 '> fl -Ti So 2"^ •J- ■^ I" j ^ '^H- J ^.S r* ■5 1 t ! ^ D s ji ;3 .y "* ^ 1 h « "3 1 1 V fcJ3 ;J >• "c •^ 5 CJ r c3 0. 1 > H V> vi r-' '-l 8 9 „ i C u ^ < i C - ■*- ^. ^ iven with would be r-pipe, at 3-in. air- 0) c 3 -u rt"? vc IP" a 2 U3 O '■/! S 2-^cX . W 4-. '*' r; rt-T S Q. ij rt w '-S « 5-M.^ ^5.5 - 5a-:Sy.9 ^-r-^ a. S i: c! ? c _:, ■T >. 2 — ■£' i ? So > rt o •- J-. > X E « ' 5§"'§U 1 62 TJie Science and Art of Testing of With the arranq-ement illustrated in Fic^. 66, Traps on ^ ^ , . . . Tiers. Plate IV., another series of testings with closet-traps was made. A stack of 3j-in. soil-pipe was fixed as shown, and a " narrow-band " D-trap (Fig. 40) was fixed at B, a full-sized cast lead D-trap at C, and an " Eclipse '■' trap at D. A trap was fixed at the foot of the soil-pipe, at E. In some of the testings the main pipe was opened to the air, both at top and bottom, but when this is done it is so stated. A Wedgwood ware valve-closet basin, A, was fixed directly over the upper trap, as shown, and the contents of the basin discharged by means of a basin-plug placed over its outlet. Test I. — By discharging a basinful of .water quickly (and sealing over the outlet directly the discharge had completed its effect upon the work- ing trap, so that the further effect of the discharge — through the main pipe — might be thrown upon the idle traps), the " Narrow-band " D-trap, at B, was unsyphoned^ so much so that the water was left three-eighths of an inch below its dip-pipe ; the cast- lead D-trap, at c, lost three-fourths of its seal, by syphonage ; and the " Eclipse " trap, at D, had some of its water blown out (to the height of three or four feet) on to the floor, causing it to lose more than one-third of its seal. Test 2. — With the " small " size " Anti-D-trap," Fig. 63, fixed at B, instead of the " Narrow-band " D-trap, the result, in a similar trial, was just the same as in Test i, except that the water in this trap was left one-eighth of an inch lower. Sanitary Plumbing. 163 Test 3. — With a full-sized cast-lead D-trap fixed at B, and the '' Narrow-band " D-trap at C, a dis- charge from the basin A, as before, /^<^ D-trap withstood the action of syphonage better than any other closet trap (and this I suppose everybody has known for years), the " Anti-D-trap " was less easily^ forced than any other trap fixed at D. But the various experiments proved clearly enough that every trap, or branch from it, requires ventilation in addition to the main pipe. Another series of trials was made with the * It took ten discharges to force the water out of the "Anti-D- trap " (fixed at d) below the seal, but it only took four discharges to unseal some of the other traps. L 2 164 Tlie Science and Art of main soil-pipe open to the air full bore, at top and bottom, with the results as follows, viz. : — Test I A.— With the "small" '' Anti-D-trap '' fixed at C, and the basin, A, filled with water and discharged ten times, the water is lowered about three-quarters of an inch, leaving the trap at the end of the ten discharges with I in. seal. Test 2A. — With a " Narrow-band " D-trap fixed in the same position, at C, and a similar number of tests, it lost a little over three-eighths of an inch, leaving it with J in. seal. Another series of experiments were made with the small bath used at the lectures (a, Fig. 51), instead of the closet basin, and this bath was fixed over a 4-in. " round-pipe '^ trap fixed atB (Fig. 66). The bath was discharged by means of a basin-plug fixed over its outlet. Test IB. — In two discharges from this bath, the " Narrow-band " D-trap, fixed at C, lost three-fourths of its seal, notwithstanding that a 2-in. air-pipe was fixed at F. During the whole of the time the dis- charge from the bath was passing through the main soil-pipe, the water in this trap was drawn away from its dip-pipe, and air passed through it to the soil-pipe very freely. Test 2B. — The ** small " " Anti-D-trap " was then fixed instead of the "Narrow-band" D-trap, and subjected to the same test, and the result was that it was left with ^ in. less seal than the other trap. Test IB. — Beard and Dent's 4-in. P-trap (Fig. 58) was then fixed at C, and this trap was readily un- Fig. 66. — Section of a stack of Soil-piping used for testing Trap-syplionage, To /ace page 164, rt7 \ F 1 7 ^-■sfe^^ [ Ji n n H -J« ( 5 ■n 3 1 c "^ ^eJ Fig. 66.— Section of a. stack of Soil-piping used lor testing Trap-syphonage. Sanitary Plumbing. 165 syphoned without an air-pipe on its branch; but with the trap ventilated by a 2-in. air-pipe, it could not be unsyphoned by any discharges from the bath, fixed as before over the upper trap. An entire book could be filled with the results of various experiments made with traps, but I have only space here to mention a few more. Fig-. 61, Plate V., represents a stack of 3-in. lead Testings of ° ' ^ , Closet soil-pipe, which I had fixed some months ago, with Traps on . 3-in. Pipes. three water-closets upon it, for the use of the people in my factory. The pipe was fixed of this small size to test its capabilities, and I may say here that it has never shown the least sign of stoppage, though the two upper closets are used by about thirty people daily, and some days by a much larger number. An "Artisan '■' closet basin is fixed, at A^ on the second floor of the warehouse, with an *' Anti- D-trap " ^ (of smaller size than Fig. 64) under it. Adjoining this closet, a " Vortex " closet is fixed, as shown at B. On the floor below a valve-closet is fixed, as shown at C, for the use often or more clerks, and under this closet, at F, is another " Anti-D-trap " of smaller size than Fig. 64. Stumps are fixed at H, J, and K, for fixing traps, &c., upon them for making experiments. The branches to the water-closet traps are ventilated by a 2-in. lead air-pipe, as shown, but this trap ventilation is under the control of stop-cocks, for making experiments with or * This identical trap was placed on the table at one of the lectures. 1 66 The Sciejue and Art of without the ventilation of the traps. A small angle cistern with syphon arrangement for giving a two-gallon flush of Vv^ater is fixed over the " Artisan '* closet ; a " sluice " apparatus is fixed over the " Vortex " closet ; and the valve-closet is supplied by means of a valve and regulator attached to the apparatus. Tests to show the self-cleansing nature of the " small " " Anti-D-trap '■' in practice. Test IC. — Twelve pieces of water-closet paper, put into the valve-closet basin, c, are easily sent out of the basin and through the " small " " Anti-D- trap," F, under it, with one pull of the closet handle — i.e.y with the handle pulled up as far as it will go, and held there two seconds, or with the handle slowly pulled up and closed, giving only a fair flush of water. Test 2C. — Ten pieces of India-rubber (5 ps. i^ in. dia. ij-in. long, and 5 ps. i in. dia. ij in. long) are easily sent out of the closet basin, and through the trap, with one fair flush of water. Test 3c. — With the water in the basin well- coloured with plumbers^ soil, one pull of the handle will clear it out of the basin and trap, leaving not a vestige behind. Test 4c. — After the closet has been used for the purpose of nature, one fair flush of water, by pulling up the closet handle and slowly closing it, will clear the matter right out of the basin and trap. Sanitary PhnnMng. 167 Tests for syphonage of traps on the same Tests for ^ T^. ^ Syphonage arrangement — Fig. 67. Test ID. — With the valve-closet basin, c, filled up to brim, and no water allowed to come into it during the time of the discharge without trap-venti- lation, but with the main soil-pipe open at top and bottom, the trap is left intact — i.e., with its full seal. Test 2D. — A pailful of water thrown down either of the water-closets, A and B, will not un- syphon the " small " " Anti-D-trap," F, and that, too, without any ventilation of the trap ; and it is left with more than half its seal with five pailfuls of water thrown down the above closets in suc- cession."^ A valve-closet, with an " Anti-D-trap " under it, was fixed on the branch H, and some tests made with traps fixed on the branches j and K ; the out- lets of the closets, A and B, were stopped up to obtain greater results. Test 3D. — With one discharge from a valve- closet (filled to brim) into branch H, the " Narrow- band " D-trap, fixed at J, lost \ in. ; the " Helmet," at K, \ in. ; the " small " *' Anti-D-trap " at F, | in. Test 4D.— With the "Helmet" fixed at J, and the " Narrow-band " D-trap at K, a similar test as last syphoned \ in. depth of water out of the " Anti- * During this test the " Hehiiet " trap was fixed on the branch, K, and lost exactly half its seal— /.^., \ in. depth of water was syphoned out of this trap by the discharge of the five pailfuls of water down the upper closets. 1 68 The Science afid Art of D-trap," fixed at H, the trap through which the dis- charge had passed; \ in. out of the '' Helmet;" \ in. out of the '* Narrow-band " D-trap ; and | in. out of the '' small " "' Anti-D-trap," F. Test 5 D.— With 2, full-sized D-trap^ fixed at K, instead of the " Narrow-band " D-trap, and branch, J, stopped up, a discharge of water from the valve- closet, as before, through branch H syphoned half- an-incJi depth of water out oi \h.t fidl-sized D-trap, and nearly half-unsyphoned the small " Anti-D- trap," F. In this test, as in the others in this series, the main soil-pipe was opened to the atmosphere (full bore) at top and bottom. Test 6D.~With Beard and Dent's 4-in. " P " trap (Fig. 58) fixed at K, and a full discharge, as last, from the valve-closet fixed over its trap at H, the 4'in. P-trap lost more than half its dip ; but with a 2-in. air-pipe on its outgo its '* standing water " could not be interfered with by the fullest discharge from the valve-closet fixed at H, nor with a closet fixed on any other branch of the piping. Test 7D.— This test was made with a '' round- pipe " trap (Fig. 59) and the result was very similar to the last — Test 6d — i.e., it lost |- in. without venti- lation, but with ventilation it lost nothing. Test 8d.— With the " small " '' Anti-D-trap," F, under the lower closet, ventilated, and a " Narrow- band " D-trap fixed at K, not ventilated, a discharge from a valve-closet filled to brim, through branch H, * It has been proved over and over again, as the reader will have noticed, that the D^-trap is subject to syphonage. A I Fig. 67. — Section of a stack of 3 in. Soil-pipe, with three Water- closets upon it, as fixed in our factory for the use of our employes, and for testing trap-syphonage. See pp. 165-168. Note i.— The bends in the main air-pipe are shown too sharp, and the con- nection of the branch to closet B is imperfectly shown. Note 2.— Stop-cocks are fixed in the air-escape pipe, TV, as shown by the dotted lines, for shutting off the ventilation of the traps. Tofixce page 168. Fig. 67.— Section of a shuk of 3 in. Soil-pipe, with three closets upon it, as fixed in our factory for the use employt-s, and for testing trap -syphon age. See pp. 165-16S, Note i.— The bends in the main air-pipe are shown too sharp, and the co ncction of the branch to closet B is impcrftcily shown. Note 2.— Slop-cocks are fixed in the air-escape pipe, TV, as shown by ll Sanitary Plumbing. 169 as before, the*' standing-water " in the "Anti-D-trap " is not affected in the sHghtest degree, but the D-trap suffers and loses one-third of its seal, nothwith- standing that the air-escape pipe from the " Anti-D- trap " is within 7 or 8 ft. of it. 1 will not occupy the reader's time with further Subject results of my experiments with traps, either for fixing on waste-pipes or soil-pipes, for if I have not exhausted the subject I have every line of space that can be given to it here ; and though I have shown how to syphon the water out of traps, I am not desirous of showing how the patience of the reader can be " syphoned " out. I will, therefore, simply add, the experiments proved that where tiers of traps of any description are fixed upon one main pipe, for receiving discharges from water- closets, slop-sinks, baths, quick-waste lavatories, &c., each individual trap or branch must be venti- lated, if the traps upon the piping are to maintain their " seals " intact. There are three distinct actions upon traps fixed Displace- ment of on one stack of piping, each one of which may Water in cause loss of water in unventilated traps, (i) The water may be/^;r^<^out of them by airpressm'c — i.e.^ a full discharge into the main pipe from an upper trap forms itself into a sort of water-plug and drives the air in the pipe down before it and out through the lower traps, unless a way of escape is made for it. See Test i, p. 162, also Fig. 66, Plate IV., show- lyo The Science and Art of ing the water forced out of trap, fixed at D, as if it came from a fountain. (2) The water may be forced through a trap by faUing into it from some height, as from the basin of a valve-closet, especially when the distance between the basin-valve and the '* standing-water " of the trap is greater than a 9-in. or lo-in. joist requires. We have already considered this action on pp. 162, 163. (3) The water may be sypho?icd out of traps. A few words on the cause of syphonage — i.e., the displacement of water in traps by discharges sent through a pipe on which traps are fixed — may be interesting. We have no time to go into the matter thoroughly, so will keep outside the laboratory, and simply look at the matter from a common-sense point of view, leaving a fuller investigation for a more leisurable time — should that ever come. Trap- Trap-syphonage is chiefly caused by the atmo- E^iaS! spheric pressure being greater on one side of a trap than on the other. When a body of water is sent through a soil or waste pipe it interferes with the pressure of air on the " standing-water " in the outlet of the trap or traps fixed on such pipes. The pressure of air being thus removed, or par- tially removed, from the outlets of the traps, by the passage of the discharge — like a zvater-phtg — in the main pipe, the "standing-water" of the traps is forced down on the inlet sides of the traps (by the greater pressure of the air on this side), and rising up on the outlet sides, it instantly wastes away through the branch-wastes, unsealing the traps and allowing Sanitary PlumhiJig. 171 the air to pass through them and out with the dis- charge through the main waste — i.e.^ a body of water discharged from the bath, E (Fig. 54), would, on passing through the main waste, J, interfere with the air pressure on the " standing-water " on the outlet side of the lavatory trap, II. The pressure of air being then greater on the inlet side, the water would be forced down on this side, and, rising up on the oiitlet side, it would readily escape through the branch-waste, M, unsealing the trap, and allowing the air to pass through the lavatory basin, F, and out with the discharges through the waste-pipe, J. I explained in the earlier part of this lecture that directly a trap became unsealed, the air rushed through it all the time the discharge was passing through the main pipe on which the trap was fixed. It passes through a ij-inch sy- phon trap, fixed, e.g., on a 30 feet length of ij-inch piping, and when the pipe is fully charged, as from a bath, at the rate of about 50 feet (lineal) per minute. Therefore, to prevent the ''standing-water" from being displaced in a trap, the weight of the air should be equipoised on both sides of the seal, and this is readily done by fixing a ventilating-pipe on the outlet of the trap — for the air can always reach the inlet in properly arranged sanitary fittings. An experiment was given with the model bath and lavatory arrangement — illustrated in Fig. 51 — to prove this. A good flush of water was sent out of the bath, A, which at once removed or inter- 172 The Sde?ice and Art of fered with the pressure of air on the " standing- water " on the outer side of the lavatory trap, D ; but, to prevent the syphonage of this trap, the pressure of the air was removed, or interfered with, on the inlet side by sealing over the dip [i.e., inserting the plug) ; and notwithstanding the rapid discharge of about three gallons of water from the bath, through the waste-pipe, H, the lavatory trap D was left intact. The plug was then re- moved, and another flush of water was sent out of the bath, but this instantly unsyphoned the lavatory trap. Another experiment was then made with the trap open to the atmosphere on each side of its water seal — i.e., the stop-cock, E, was opened, and the trap ventilated, and the plug being out of the basin, the weight of the air was equalised on the inlet and outlet sides of the " standing-water " of the trap, and though two or three good flushes of water were sent through the main pipe from the bath, the water in the lavatory trap was not affected by it in the slightest degree. Those who understand the principle on which pumps raise water ought to understand this princi- ple well enough. You know that the atmosphere exerts a pressure of nearly 15 lbs. on every ex- posed square inch, and that, therefore, it will lift a column of water 33 feet high. You know that a suction-pipe of a pump, when it does not exceed this height — though practically the pump will not work at all at this height, and works better when Sanitary Plumbing. 173 the suction is under 26 feet in height — is full of water, and that this water is kept there by the weight of the air on the surface-water in the well, I have here a glass trap (see illustration, Fig. 6Z). I remove the atmospheric pressure from its mouth or inlet, by shutting the stop-cock, B, and the water is kept up in the dip-pipe, A, as you see it, by the air pressure on its outlet, C ; but if I allow the air to pass into the inlet by opening the stop-cock, the water finds its level instantly by running out of its outlet, C. Prick the suction-pipe of a pump, and allow the air to pass into it, and the water is out of it — well, quicker than our sol- . ^„ ■^ Fig. 05. diers were out of Candahar. But in trap-syphonage there is not only the weight of the air, or atmospheric pressure, to consider ; there is also the pulling power of the discharges through the piping, and this often very considerable. A large flush of water is sent into a waste-pipe, or a soil-pipe, which is from 50 to 70 feet high, we will say, and this flush passes through the piping as a sort of ''water- plug" several feet in length, exerting a pulling action" all the way through, and producing a partial vacuum in every branch upon it, unless such branches are ventilated. When these branches are not ventilated, the vacuum produced in them is instantly filled by the atmospheric pressure upon the trap inlets, forcing the water out of 174 The Science and Art of them, and rushing through to supply the vacuum ; but I believe " scientists " now say there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum. Enough has been said on the necessity of ven- tilating traps, both for preserving them from sy- phonage, and the injurious effects of stagnant air. A ■"" word, with the aid of illus- trative examples, will suf- fice on the mode of venti- lating them. To take an air-pipe from a trap when fixed on a stack with more than one trap upon it, and carry it into the main waste or soil-pipe, as many _ do, is not ventilating the trap according to its needs : for during the time the discharge is passing through the main pipe — i.c.^ when the ventilation is most needed — all ven- tilation is shut off from the lower traps ; e.g., a discharge sent through an upper trap, A (Fig. 69), would pass through the main pipe in a sort of water-plug, as shown at c, and shut off the air-pipe, E, to the lower trap, B. Fig. 69. — Trap-ventilation Bad Arrangement. Fig. 7o.-View of a stack of Waste-pipe, with a Washing up Sink and Slop-sink combined, -Bath, and Lavatory fixed upon it, showing perfect ventilation of same. Sanitary PliDiibing. 175 In Fig. 70, Plate VI., I show what I consider Traps the best method of ventilating waste-pipes"^ and VenSed. traps. The discharging end of the main waste- pipe, J, is open to the atmosphere at K, and the top end is open to the atmosphere, above the roof, having an extracting cowl upon it, as shown at M. A " washing-up " sink, A, with a " water-shoot " slop-sink, B, combined, are branched into the main waste on the second floor. On the floor below, a bath, C, is fixed, and its branch waste, Hi, is taken into the same main waste ; as is also the branch, h^, from the lavatory, D, fixed on the ground floor. Each branch is ventilated, as shown at N, N, N, and the air-pipe from these branches is taken into the air-pipe of the main waste, as shown at P, above the highest branch ; so that each trap is perfectly ventilated, and in such a way that no discharge passing through the main waste — from the sinks, lavatory, or bath — can disturb the water in any of the traps, E, F, G ; i,e., a discharge from any of the " fittings " can neither unseal the trap through which the discharge has passed, nor any other trap fixed on the main piping. Also, by this arrangement, a current of air is made to pass through every inch of the main waste, and no air is allowed to remain stagnant (to damage the traps and piping) in any part of its branches. The main waste, * See Fig. 93, Plate VII., showing' ventllcition of soil-pipes and closet-traps. 176 The Science and Art oj branches and traps are all of small size, for better cleansing purposes. In high buildings, it wants a long ladder to reach from the bottom to the top, and a clear head to ascend it, but divided into stages the ascent may be made easy enough for a land- lubber to climb to the top. We have come to our present point in this trap question by stages. (i) We saw that traps under sanitary fittings were needed ; (2) that the traps largely used for such purposes were ?/;//sanitary — i.e., //Vnx^xV%X\^^^^^^%% Fig. 103. — Section of an enlarged Waste-connection with Sink. Sink Wastes. Fig. 103 shows a 2-inch trap, with an enlarged mouth, connected to a lead sink, for receiving a 3 -inch plug-and- washer, at A. By this arrange- ment a good passage-way is made to the waste- pipe. The sink can by this means be filled occa- sionally with hot water, and a good flush sent through the waste-pipe, for though the brass waste-connection is grated (to prevent stoppage of the pipe) it is of sufficient size to more than fill the bore of the waste-pipe from it. A ij-inch pipe is large enough for single sinks — "draw- Sa?nfarv Plumbing. 239 off" sinks — and a 2-inch pipe is large enough, with the arrangement just mentioned, to take the waste discharges from several sinks, fixed on various floors. Waste-pipes from Slop-sinks."^ — These -"^lop Wastes. pipes are often fixed too large to be kept whole- some. 4|-inch pipes, and sometimes 5 -inch, are fixed, though the " outlets " of the slop-sinks fixed upon them may be only 2\ inches or 3 inches; the consequence Is that such pipes after they have been in use a little while become ex- tremely offensive. The air-pipes from them send out stink enough to contaminate the atmosphere over a large area near where they exist. If sanitary inspectors want to find out whether the sanitary arrangements of a house are perfect,, let them put their noses over every air-pipe, from the waste-pipes, soil-pipes, and drains ; and if such pipes, being ventilated at top and bottom, emit any great stink, the flushing arrangements are imperfect ; for with self-cleansing traps, well regu- lated sized waste-pipes, soil-pipes, and drains, and good water flushing arrangements, no great stink ought ever to come from the air-pipes. For a single slop-sink in a private house a 2-inch waste-pipe is large enough ; and for two or three slop-sinks, I consider that 2|-inch pipe is large enough, and 3-inch is equal to take the wastes from the slop-sinks of a five or six-storied ^ See p. 233. Also see Figs. 53 and 70. 240 Tlie Science and Art of house, as well as from several " washing-up '^ sinks. In hotels, club-houses, &c., it is hardly safe to fix less than 3-inch pipes for such purposes. All slop-sinks should have an efficient means for flushing "^ them out with water, for the contents of chamber utensils are often emptied into them undiluted, and where there is not a ready and efficient means at hand for washing out the sink and its waste-pipe, they soon get extremely offen- sive, and the larger the waste-pipe is the greater is the area for such offensive matter to corrode upon. When the outlet of such sinks is only 2\ or 3 inches, how is it possible to send a flush of water through them which shall fill the bore of a 5 -inch or even 4-inch pipe to cleanse it 1 Therefore, if efficient flushes of water are to be made to pass through a waste-pipe, to prevent it from corroding and stopping up, and also to keep it wholesome, its size must be reduced in proportion to the outlets of the sanitary fittings fixed upon it — of course care must be taken to see that the pipe is not too small for its work. Disconnec- DISCONNECTION OF WASTE-PIPES FROM tion of Waste- Drains and their Ventilation. — All waste- pipes. pipes should have their discharging ends open to the atmosphere,t and to prevent splashings of * A small automatic "Flush-tank" could be used in many instances. t As long ago as 1872 I had lavatory- wastes disconnected from drains and their discharging ends left open to the atmosphere. In 1873, I had a lead "V-dip" trap made to receive the ends of sink- Sanitary Plumbing. 241 filth upon the surface grating, and its surround- ings, and also as a precaution against frost, to prevent droppings of water from the end of the pipe being frozen, such pipes should be made to enter the ventilating-shaft of the trap, a little below the ground level, as shown at K, Fig. 70. Where such traps would be exposed to severe frosts, the trap should Fig. 104. Section of a " Drain-inter- ceptor," with brick air-shaft. be kept down into the ground, as shown at E, Fig. 104, and a brick air- shaft should be built over it, as shown at G, for the atmosphere to reach the discharging end of the waste-pipe, D, through the grating, F. (See traps for intercepting pipes from drains, pp. 178 — 181.) The upper end of all waste-pipes receiving dirty water should be exposed to the air for ven- tilation, as shown in Fig. 70, and as explained when speaking of soil-pipes — i.e.^ the waste-pipe should be taken up full-size through the roof, or through the external wall of the house, and no wastes and bath-wastes, above the water-Hne of the trap, for the atmosphere to pass into the pipes, and this trap was fixed, in the same year, in the ground outside the external walls of a house at Hornsey. The inlet or mouth of the trap was lengthened to reach the surface level of the ground, and a moveable grating was fixed over it. 242 Sanitary Plumbing. such pipe should terminate within 8 or lO feet of a window or opening into the house. Great care should be taken in determining the terminal points of such ventilating-pipes, and I recommend this to be always done on the spot where the whole of the surroundings can be duly considered.* 'Trap Trap Ventilation. — As we have already ventilation. ^ seen, on a former occasion, each trap, fixed on one stack of waste-piping, requires ventilating. When there is only one trap and fitting branched into a waste-pipe, a vent-pipe can be taken off the trap at its " outgo," and branched into the waste, or air- pipe of the waste, about a foot or i8 inches above the level of the top of the trap. Where there are several traps branched into one waste-pipe, an air- pipe, the same size as the traps or branch wastes, should be taken out of the lowest trap and carried up to a foot or 1 8 inches above the highest, where it should be branched into the air-pipe of the main waste ; and the branch air-pipes from the other traps should be branched into this ascending air-pipe of the traps, as illustrated in Fig. 70, p. 175. I am quite sure you will agree with me that it is now time that we " ventilated " ourselves outside, and " branched " off homewards. * See p. 269. LECTURE VI. HOUSE DRAINAGE AND VENTILATION. Connections of Branches with Main-pipes. Connections of Pipes with Traps. Waste-pipes and Overflow-pipes from Traps to Water-closets, Baths, and Cisterns. Cistern-wastes and Over- flow-pipes. Disconnection of Drains from Sewers and Cess- pools. Drain Ventilation. Value of good Water-flushing. Water-supply to Sanitary Fittings. Grease-intercepting tanks. Pipe-freezing. Storage of Water : Slate Cisterns, Galvanised Iron Cisterns, Lead Cisterns. Action of Water upon Lead, How to line Wood Cisterns with Lead. Metropolitan Water Supply, Past and Present. Water-closet Rooms. Code of Rules for House Sanitation. Conclusion. I AM afraid what I have to say to-nic^ht will ^^^f^^^ ■" ^ Perfect. appear fragmentary, and that some will think it too full of detail ; but if ever we are to arrive at perfection in Sanitary Plumbing we must pay great attention to all its details. A general effect may do very well for a moving scenic paint- ing, but a picture of life, as Frith's " Railway Station," which is to be handed down to posterity with the portraiture of an age upon it, and which is to immortalise the name of its artist, must have all its details perfect. And so a general sanitary arrangement may do very well for temporary encampments, but places which are to become our homes, and the homes of our children, must have every hole and corner lighted and ventilated ; every water-closet, sink, bath, and lavatory con- Q 2 244 The Science and Art of structed on sanitary principles ; every trap self- cleansing ; every waste-pipe, soil-pipe, and drain wholesome ; in short, if there is to be no harbour- ing of filth in any part of the drainage system, it must be perfect in all its details. Branch Connec- tions. Range of W.C.'s. Bad Con- nections. Connections of Branches with Main- pipes. — I now come to that branch of my sub- ject which refers to the connections of branch- pipes with main-pipes. All branches, whether for conveying dirty water, soil, or sewage, should be connected to their main- pipes so that the dis- charges through them shall pass into the main- pipe in the direction of its outfall, and so as not to foul any part of the pipe where it would not be cleansed by the flush of water following such dis- charges. In fixing a range of water-closets on a floor, the branches from them are often made to enter the chief branch on its upper side, and in such a manner that the discharges through any of the minor branches nearest the main stack would foul the chief branch, where it would not get cleansed again until a water-closet more remote from the main stack were used — i.e., a discharge from a water-closet through the minor branch, C, Fig. 105, would flow or splash up the chief branch towards W, where it would have no chance of being cleansed again until the water-closet branch E were used, which may not be for hours, perhaps days ; at any rate the excrement so splashed back into the pipe Sanitary Pluuibing. 245 would often have time to dry and corrode upon it before a flush of water was sent into the pipe from the adjoining closet to cleanse such filth away. All minor branches into a main branch having only a slight fall should enter at the side obliquely^ as shown at K, Fig. 93, and never at right angles to or on the top of a main branch (fixed "horizon- tally^'), as shown at C, D, E, Fig. 105. The junction should be kept well up from the bottom or bed of Minor Branches. Fig. 105. — Diagrammatic Section of a Range of Water-closet Traps, to show Errors in the Branch Connections and Bad Ventilation. the main branch-pipe, to prevent any matter flow- ing into the minor branches when travelling through the pipe. It is also an evil to continue on the chief n^^'^. Branches. branch-pipe for ventilation in the manner shown at F in the Diagrammatic Section, Fig. 105 ; for the discharges from the minor branches, C, D, E, would often splash and flow up towards F, especially if more than one water-closet on the chief branch were discharged at one time, and as there would be no water traffic through this part of the piping, the 246 The Science and Art oj Ventilating- pipes. Right Angles. Lavatory Ranges. Bad Arrange- ment. matter thus deposited would not only become foul, but be liable, with added matter from time to time, to stop up the air-pipe, F, entirely, at any rate suf- ficient to prevent efficient ventilation. No ventilating-pipe should be taken from a waste-pipe, soil-pipe, or drain at a point which can be closed up by a stoppage or backflow in the pipe — i.e., the ventilating-pipe should be connected to the waste-pipe, soil-pipe, or drain so as to make it difficult for discharges sent through such pipings to reach the mouth of the ventilating-pipe to choke it ; and the connection should be so made that if anything splashed up into the air-pipe at any time, it should readily fall back or drain itself out again, as would be the case with pipes fixed as shown at T V, Fig. 93, p. 224. An iron girder, as shown at G, Fig. 106, or other ob- stacle, often prevents the plumber from giving a branch soil-pipe a proper fall, but he can generally manage to nose down the end of the pipe, as shown at B, Fig. 106, to prevent the discharges through the branch entering the main at right angles, and fouling it beyond its line of water thoroughfare. How often one sees a range of lavatory basins fitted up with the branch wastes from them enter- ing the top of the chief branch at right angles, as Fig. 106. Branch " nosed " into ^Iain-pipe. Sanitary PliDiihing. 247 shown in diagram Fig. 107. When a basin near the main waste, in such an arrangement, is emptied through a minor branch, B or Q into the main branch, E E', the contents of the basin would flow both^ ways — i.e.^ a discharge of soapy water through branches B and C would flow up the main waste towards E', and its suds would hang about the pipe and corrode upon it, unless basin C or a basin still more remote, were immediately used. Fig. 107. ^Diagrammatic Section of a Range of Lavatory Basins, to show Errors in the Branch Connections. There is another evil attending such an arrange- ment. A discharge of water through branch C would drive the vitiated air in the main branch, E, out through the basin, A, into the room, as shown by the arrows ; in fact, there would be a constant circulation of air from basin to basin, and that air, passing through a pipe which would often be charged with bad air, from stale soapsuds and * An ocular demonstration was given with a small washhand- basin and a glass waste-pipe, showing this. A little soapy water was put into the basin (similar to the basin, b), and on pulling out the plug the water flowed both ways in the pipe, and though the water drained itself out of the piping, the suds remained in the pipe. 248 The Science mid Art of Range of Basins into one Trap. Other matter adhering to the sides of the pipe would be breathed by the persons bending over such basins to wash their hands ; for in the " tip-up " basins the impure air would easily come up between the basin and the "receiver," and in plug-basins (though the plug may be in its place) the air would easily escape through the over- flow-arm. Another error is often made in the arrangement of lavatory wastes, where a range of basins is dis- charged into one trap. The main branch is taken Fig. 108. — Diagrammatic Section of a Range of Basins, to show the Evil of Emptying into one Trap. into the heel of the trap in such a way that about two-thirds of its length always stand full of water, as shown in the diagrammatic section Fig. 108. When this is the case, how is it possible to change the water standing in the waste-pipe, GG', and trap, F, with a flush of water sent through either of the basins } The body of water standing in the trap and piping might be- come very offensive from the use of scented soap and the washings-down of the lavatory top, and it would prevent the waste-pipe from being Sanitary Plumbing. 249 cleansed ; for no flush of water could be sent through the pipe with any cleansing force in such an arrangement. When a waste-pipe from one ''fitting" is branched into the trap fixed under anotJicr fit- Fig. 109. — Error in Branch Connection. ting, the connection should be so made that no air can travel from one to the other, as it easily could in the arrangement shown in diagram, Fig. 109 — i.e.y the air would be circulating constantly from H to K, through the foul waste-pipe, I, or vice versa. If one trap must be made to receive the waste- pipes from more than one basin, sink, bath, or urinal, when fixed adjoining each other, the ends of such pipes should be taken into the trap under the normal level of the water, as shown Connec- tions with Traps, Evils of. standing- m Fig. no. — A Tetter Mode ot Connection than Fig. 109. do not like even this arrangement. diagram Fig. no, at L ; but I It may do for 250 The Scietice and Art of certain places, but is not perfect in principle, and therefore should never be carried out in fixing sanitary fittings near a living-room or bedroom. In dressing-rooms it is common to find the lava- tory-waste connected with the bath-waste, either as shown in Fig. 109 or Fig. in ; but as it is impossible to keep such arrangements absolutely sweet, we will just look at the evils attending them. Fig. III. — Section showing Evils of Emptying several Fittings into one Trap. One Trap and several Wastes, Evils of. When two or more waste-pipes discharge into one trap, with their ends under the water-line, the filth carried down one pipe floats up into one or more of the other pipes, and collects and lodges there. This will readily be seen by looking at the illustration Fig. in, showing such an arrange- ment. A discharge of soapy water is sent out of the basin-waste, N, and the suds from it imme- diately float up into the dip-pipe of the trap, M ; and though the matter sent up may only be small in one usage, it becomes large from many usages. Sanitary Plmnhing. 251 The lavatory would most likely be in constant use, but the bath may not be used more than two or three times a week, and when used the discharges from it would not wash out the dried filth, for that would have collected upon the sides of the dip- pipe, M, and on the outer side of the bath-waste, above its discharging orifice. Besides, in such arrangements, a large trap is often used with only small branch- wastes into it from the adjoining *' fittings," so that the trap could not get properly cleaned out by a flush of water sent into it through such pipes. The fact is that in such cases filth collects very quickly in the dip, or inlet part of the trap, M, and on the outer side of the discharging end of the bath-waste, standing in the mouth of the large trap. When each fitting has its own trap, the water- Each Fitting its flushes through it can be made to cleanse every own Trap. part of it, provided that the water-way from the fitting into the trap is of the same bore, and that the trap is of a self-cleansing form, and only of such a size ^ as can be readily flushed out. (See perfect arrangement. Fig. 70, p. 175.) Waste-pipes and Overflow-pipes from "w.c." .,, , Wastes Safes to Water-closets. — It is still the connected practice with many country plumbers, where they Traps! fix safes under water-closets, to connect the waste- * The traps used for such purposes are generally much too large : 4-mch syphon-traps, or 6-inch (and even S-inch) D-traps^ that is to say, little cesspools. 252 The Science and Art of pipe of the safe with the W.C. trap, and to fix the pipe of too small a size to be of any value in any great overflow of the water-closet. But, supposing the pipe to be large enough to take away any overflow from the closet or leaky supply-valve, its connection with the trap of the water-closet, where the stoppage which has caused the overflow has occurred, would prevent the water getting away, and the safe would be of no good in preventing the water from overflowing and doing damage. But the chief evil in such an arrangement is that ex- cremental matter would flow up into this waste- pipe (and perhaps into the safe) from time to time, and foul the pipe where it would have no chance of being cleaned again ; and every usage of the closet would cause a disturbance of the water standing in this pipe, and make it smell. The evil is much aggravated when the pipe is connected to the cheek or heel of the water-closet trap with its orifice partly above the level of the standing-water; for soil-pipe air would then readily escape through the waste-pipe of the safe into the house. Such arrangements exist in scores of houses to-day. Separate Xhe System of fixing a separate trap under the safe, and taking the waste-pipe from it into the soil-pipe, is radically wrong, though, with a " weep- ing "-pipe to charge it, it is an improvement on the method last mentioned. But in a stack of water- closets such traps often get unsyphoned, and then they become inlets for bad air to the house, and Sanitary Plumbing. 253 may continue for hours and even days unsealed, and all the time the air from the soil-pipe would be escaping into the house ; for the water-closet with which they were connected may not be used for days together to re-charge them with water — i.e., to re-seal the traps. The only safe way of fixing *' safe-wastes " is to Open 1 / . 1 V 1 , . ■ 1 r "^Vastes to connect a 2-mch (or u-mch) lead pipe ^to the safe, w.c. and carry it through the external wall, as shown in Fig. 112, leaving its end open for ventilation, Fig. 112. — Section of W.C. Safe and Overflow-pipe. except where birds are likely to build in it, or the frosty air can blow through it to freeze the service- pipe to the water-closet, or the water-closet itself. There is very little fear of this when the ends of such pipes face the south, and the service-pipes are protected ; but where the ends of overflow-pipes are open to the north, or north-east, the air whistles up the pipe and freezes the basin-water — perhaps breaking the basin and bursting the pipe. It is, therefore, better to solder a brass or copper-hinged flap on the ends of such pipes, to shut out the frost 254 The Science and Art of and to prevent birds building in them, as shown at B, Fig. 112. When, however, such pipes can be left open, they help to change the air in the W.C. room, with a few perforations in the riser of the W.C. seat. Oi course where this is done the space between the top of the basin and the seat must be packed with india-rubber, to prevent any draught coming to the occupant ; and when there is any frost, a floating plugy* made of wood, as shown Fig. I i3.-Section showing ^^ B, Fig. I 1 3, COuld be "Floating Plug" over ^ ^ mouth of Overflow-pipe. PUt HltO the mouth of the overflow-pipe to shut out the draught ; but this wants personal atten- tion, for servants never think of such things. The mouth of the overflow-pipe should be enlarged, as shown at A, Fig. 1 1 2, and soldered to the safe, and the '' outlet " end should be kept at least a foot below the safe, as shown at B, for the weight of the overflowing water to well open the flap, where it exists. altern"'^''' OVERFLOW-PIPES TO SAFES UNDER CiSTERNS — Slate or Galvanised Iron — and Baths should be treated in the same way as overflow-pipes to water-closet safes — i.e.y a pipe of sufficient size to take off the supply of water to such " fittings " should be fixed to the safe, and carried through * This arrangement was used in my house during the last severe winter, 1880— 188 1. Sanitary Pliinihing. OD the external wall, to discharge with an open end outside ; and to prevent such pipes becoming in- lets for bad air, the ends should be kept well away from all ventilating-pipes to waste-pipes, soil-pipes, and drains, and from places where any bad air could reach them. Where stop-cocks are used for supplying a Safes under bath with water, or where any supply-valve by leaking drops its water into a safe, provision should be made in the connection of the bath-waste with the safe for taking off such leakage ; for if this were allowed to run down the overflow-pipe in frosty weather, the word '' safe " would be a mis- nomer, for the dropping-water would freeze up the outlet of the overflow-pipe, and then if an overflow took place, it would soon flow over the safe on to the ceiling, giving it a bath, and the people under it a shower bath. Waste-pipes from Cisterns should never cistern- wastes be connected with any other kind of pipe. As Separate. just explained for overflow-pipes from cistern safes, waste or overflow-pipes from cisterns should dis- charge in the open air, well aiuay from all places where any impure air can reach them ; for \\-hen they discharge over a gully, or other drain-trap, they act as air-pipes from such traps — that is, any drain-air escaping through the trap (caused by the water in such traps having evaporated, or by the disturbing action of discharges into the trap) would pass through the waste or overflow-pipe to the Fig. 114. — Section of a Cistern and its Wa.-^te-pipe. Faulty Arrangement. Sanitary Fiunilnng, 257 water in the cistern and contaminate it.* It is i^^i^s in fixing also a great evil to discharge such pipes into a Cistern- •11.1 1 , . ^^astes. rain-water-pipe with which may also be connected a sink or lavatory waste ; for such rain-water-pipe and waste-pipe combined is sure in time to become foul, and the bad air arising from it would readily escape through the cistern-waste to the water in the cistern. It is all very well to blame water companies for not supplying pure water, but when no great trouble is taken for keeping the water pure — should it ever come into the cisterns pure — we cannot very well be angry, nor can we dip the directors of water companies in water without risk of being ourselves dipped in it. The other day I was called in to examine the sanitary arrangement of a house which had recently been overhauled and reconstructed. I found about four- fifths of the work well done, but among one or two things imperfectly done was a cistern-waste. The pipe had been disconnected from the water- closet-trap and continued and made to discharge over a rain-water head (as illustrated in Fig. 114). * It is a monstrous thing that any man, after disconnecting a cistem-waste from a water-closet-trap, could connect that waste with a drain-trap ! Yet this is often done. Cistern-wastes are made to discharge under the grating of a gully-trap, ]Mansergh-trap, or some other trap connected directly with the drain ; and if they are not made to discharge into such traps, they are made to discharge over them, where any air emitted from the traps could pass through them to the water in the cistern. And these traps are liable to send out a large amount of bad air, for they are generally so large that they hold a good amount of water and filth, and though "only" lavatory wastes may discharge into them, the decomposing soap makes them very offensive. R 25S The Science and Art oj The cistern itself was on the attic floor, and placed in a corner of the servant's bedroom. I am not now considering the position of cisterns, so I say nothing about that, except that the water stored in such a quarter must get contaminated. Cistern- The wastc-pipc acted also as an overflow-pipe, and wastes as Air-pipes, being thus open at both ends, there was nothmg to prevent the bad air, from the several lengths of rain-water-pipe and sink-\vaste combined, over w^iich the cistern-waste discharged (as shown at A and C), passing to the water in the cistern. This combined sink-waste and rain-water-pipe emptied itself into a large gully-trap, as shown at D, in the back area of the house^ and as such traps are non-cleansing — as we saw in a previous lecture — this trap was in a very foul state. Every time the water in it was disturbed, a bad smell was emitted from it, and this partly escaped through the window just over the trap into the house, and found its way up the several lengths of the foul waste- piping, and thence through the cistern-waste, A, to contaminate the water in the cistern and the air in the servant's bed-room. A branch-waste from a sink on the third floor was taken into this combined sink-waste and rain-water-pipe, as shown at B ; but this branch waste w^as trapped, proving that the plumber or director of the work had an idea of such piping becoming foul ; but the mystery is why he carried such a pipe as a cistern- waste into it. If you want to find out how far the air coming out of a drain-trap will travel, fix Sanitary Plumbing, 259 half-a-dozen lengths of rain-water-pipe over the trap, and carry a long length of cistern-waste into the head, fixed on the top of this rain-water-pipe, and then go into the house and light one or two fires near the cistern ; then if you will put your nose over the mouth of the trumpet-waste while some one throws some essence of peppermint down the drain-trap, you will soon smell the peppermint — i.e., some essence of peppermint thrown down into the gully D, Fig. 1 14, would be smelt by any one standing in the bedroom near the cistern-waste, A. Therefore cistern-wastes cistern- should discharge themselves with open ends, zvell Piaces'of aiuay from all drain-traps, and ventilating-pipe terminals. When they cannot be made to dis- charge into a roof-gutter, or on to a flat or yard, and the only place that can be found is a rain- water head, treat the standing-pipe in the cistern as a ping, by soldering over its top or mouth, and fix an ovei'flow-pipe to the cistern, as described to the cistern safe, taking care that such pipe is of sufficient size to take off the full supply of water to the cistern (in case of failure of the ball-valve); and if you err in this matter, err on the side of largeness. Before we speak of water-flushings in pipes, we had better see that the drain is properly connected with the sewer, or we shall run some risk of being flooded. R 2 Drain- Disconnec- tion, 260 The Science and Art of Disconnection of Drains from Sewers AND Cesspools and DRAtN-VENTiEATioN. — No drain is properly connected with the sewer (or cesspool, as the case may be) which would allow the sewer or cesspool air to get into the drain unless very largely mixed with the atmosphere. Fig. 115. — "Sewer-interceptor," with open Air-shaft. Every drain should be trapped off from the sewer by an efficient and self-cleansing trap, and this trap should be fixed in every case outside the house. If circumstances will admit of it, an air- shaft should be built over the trap, as shown in Fig. 115, for the admission of fresh air into the Safiitary Pluuibing. 261 house drain ; or a large man-hole and air-shaft might be built up from the bed of the drain, close to the trap, as shown in the illustration Fig. 116, for the upper side of the drain at such point to be well open to the air, as shown at A and B. An inspection pipe to the sewer side of the drain can ... :^x Fig. 116. — Air-shaft and Man-hole. Access to Drain and " Sewer- interceptor." be formed as shown at D, D\ with a stopper over the end at D. Where the drainage of the house has been carried out on the principles laid down in these lectures, there is no risk in opening a well-flushed and well-ventilated drain to the air, as shown in Fig. 115, or at A B, Fig. 116, provided the trap, C, used for such purposes is a self-cleansing one, having a good v/ater-seal (to allow for evaporation). 262 The Science and Art of and provided that it is only of such a size as to admit of the whole of its standing-water being changed by a flush of water sent through the drain. But to fix such an arrangement — e.g., in the area of a London house — and to connect it to an old brick drain, saturated with sewage matter, and of such a size that no amount of water that could be sent into it would flush it ; or to fix it even to a pipe-drain too large to be flushed out, and therefore too large to be kept wholesome, is to run great risk of getting intolerable stinks at such openings ; and if needing to pass near them, I should want a neck as long as a giraffe's, or a body as tall as Chang's, to keep m.y nose well up out of the way of such ofl'ences to mind and body. Open It requires experience in such matters to treat Drains. Experience Open drains successfully; but to fix a 9-in.* trap where a 6-in. would be ample, or to fix a 6-in. where a 4-in. would suffice, is to run a risk of getting bad smells into the house, if the latter is near such openings, for the contents of the trap would under such circumstances only rarely be entirely changed. Where the outlet end of the drain into such traps as we are now considering could not be left open to the atmosphere — as shown in Fig. 115, or at A B, Fig. 116 — for various reasons, as, for instance, being an old drain which could not be properly flushed out (and might not be changed, on account of the expense), or because * There is hardly a mansion in London which requires so lar^e a trap (9-in.) to take away its sewage. Sanitary Plumbing. 263 the opening would come directly under or near a window, or close to an opening into the house, or under a covered-way where any bad air emitted from the trap or drain would get pent up, to enter the house directly a window or door near the place was opened. In such cases^ the opening over the Fig. 117.— Air-induct, through Man-hole, to Drain, &c. top of the air-shaft, or trap, should be sealed up, A^r-^^^^ as shown at E, Fig. 117, and an <^z>-/;/^?/^^pipe taken into it, as shown at A^ A% Fig. 117, for the admission of fresh air into the drain from a point well removed from the house. Where the end of such induct-pipe could not be kept some little distance away from windows, doors, or passenger traffic, a mica-valve should be fixed over its mouth 264 Tlie Science and Art of Pipe-shaft and Air- induct. to prevent, as much as possible, any drain-air escaping through it. Where the expense of building a brick air-shaft or man-hole, as shown in Figs. 116 and 117, is greater than could be afforded, a pipe-shaft^ as shown at C, Fig. 1 1 8, could be formed with a small Fig. 118, — Pipe-shaft, ■with Air-induct to Drain. cost ; and if the top of the shaft could not be left open to the air, for reasons just explained, when speaking of the open air-shaft, the top of this trap inspection-shaft could be sealed over as shown at B, and an air-induct-pipe taken into it, as shown at A A\ Fig. 1 1 8, with a mica-valve over its mouth, or not, as circumstances required. I Sanitary Plumhim^. 265 have had many such pipe-shafts put in, and found them to answer admirably. A plunger, attached to a long rod, can easily be pushed down into the trap, E, for unstopping it, should it ever get stopped up — a thing never likely to occur where the drainage has been properly .carried out, and is periodically flushed. Where it is not possible to make an air open- induct ^ ^ pipe to ing directly over the drain, as shown in Figs. 1 1 5 roof, and 116, or to fix an induct-pipe, as shown in Figs. 117 and 118, the induct-pipe could be con- tinued up to the roof, but its mouth would have to be kept well away from all windows, for length- ening the pipe in such a way would cause it to act at times as a flue or upcast-pipe. In other words, it would become the ventilating-pipe of the drain, especially if the wind had free access over the top of it, by removing the atmospheric pres- sure, and also during the time large discharges were passing through the drain. The tLp-cast pipe of a drain should be carried up as high as possible above the level of the top of the induct-pipe, if good results would be obtained — i.e., causing good air currents through the drain. Draix-VENTILATIOX.— Though the plumber ^^JJ^J;^^^, may have nothing to do with fixing sewer-traps of Drain- and drain-traps such as we have just been con- sidering, he has generally to do with the ventilating- pipes of the drain, for in most cases he is called upon to fix them, especially when of lead ; and as 266 The Science and Art of House Drainage and \''enti- lation. no drain is properly ventilated unless the air in it is changed, and as this cannot be done without an inlet as well as an outlet, the plumber's know- ledge of drainage matters ought to extend as far as the sewer. I don't mean that he should be required to plan the drainage of a house, but his knowledge of sanitary matters should be such as to lead him to carry out every part of his work in an intelligent manner. If sewer-air is allowed to pass freely into the drain, the whole atmos- phere surrounding the upper portion of the house — where the plumber has terminated the ventilat- ing-pipes of the drain — would become contami- nated, and such vitiated air would often get sucked into the house. If such smells were sufficiently pronounced to call special attention to them, they may get set down to imperfect plumbing. At any rate, there would not be great wisdom in making the plumbing sanitarily perfect, and leaving the drains imperfect; for if one is to be made ill by breathing polluted air, it may as well come from defective plumbing as defective drainage. I suppose at the present time the larger pro- portion of the house drains of the United Kingdom are unventilated, and the other portion but im- perfectly ventilated. I have here a scheme of drainage laid down, chiefly with glass tubes, as in one or two experiments which I am now about to make with some smoke I want you to see that with one ventllating-pipe from a drain, though as large as the drain itself, and no matter where it Sanitaiy Plmnbing. 267 may be placed, there is no ventilation of the drain — i.e., the air in the drain is not changed unless two (or more) openings are made in it — an inlet and an outlet — for a current of air to pass in at one end and out at the other. Fig. 119 shows a plan of the glass model used. Plan of The lines showing the drainage and " fittings " are Model. Fig. 119. exaggerated. A, represents a sewer ; B, a '^ sewer- interceptor " and fresh air inlet to house-drain ; C, "grease-intercepting tank," from scullery sink ; D, a '' drain-interceptor," taking waste-pipes from sinks, lavatories, &c. ; E, " soil-pipe disconnector ; " F, upcast ventilating-shaft ; G, " soil-pipe trap" with mica-valve, for " foot-ventilation ; " H, upcast 268 The Science and Ari of pipe at head of drain ; K, a point more remote from windows or doors than B — where the opening B would be too near the house or passenger traffic ; L, man-holes giving access to drain ; M, drain-inter- ceptor taking waste-pipes from baths, &c. As this glass model was fitted up chiefly to show how to aerate a drain, no '^ syphon " is shown for flnsJiing it. A flushing-tank fixed so as to dis- charge itself into the drain, near its head, at G, would perfect the system. See p. 276. The " drain " was filled with smoke, but with the ventilating-pipe, H, open, and the discharging end of the drain, B, sealed over (the induct, K, being sealed over as well), no smoke would come out of the ventilating-pipe. The drain was then opened at K, and the ventilation immediately com- menced — that is, the whole of the smoke in the tubing came out of the ventilating-pipe, H. The ventilation could be stopped at pleasure, and this was done several times by sealing either the inlet, K, or the outlet, H ; for directly the one or the other was sealed, the ventilation ceased — that is, the smoke ceased to pass out of the tubing with one pipe closed. With another ventilating-pipe fixed in the middle part of the drain at F, and both ventila- ting-pipes, F and H, left open, and the inlets, B and K, sealed over, smoke could readily be cleared out of the upper part of the drain between the two ventilating-pipes, but the smoke remained stagnant in the loiver part of the drain, between B Sanitary Plumbing. 269 and F, and this could only be got out of the tubing by giving it air at B or K. The ventilating-pipe at the head of the drain, H, was then made the upcast, by sealing over the ventilating-pipe, F, in the middle of the drain, and a smoking-paper was held at K, over the mouth of a glass tubing, fixed as shown by the dotted line. The smoke could be seen passing (rapidly at times) through the glass tubing, and out of the upcast pipe, H. And this is what takes place in practice, as I have proved over and over again. I have also proved with this same model that it makes only a slight difference when an indiict- pipe is used, as shown in Fig. 1 18. In this drainaq-e arrangrement, I have dis- Localising ^ ^ , Drains. connected each stack of soil and waste-pipe, thereby localising them ; and that each pipe, as well as the drain, may be perfectly ventilated, I have given each its own inlet and outlet ; in fact, I have treated them here as they ought to be treated in practice to secure perfect ventilation throughout the whole system. It only remains to say a word or two on the ,^'^."^^" ventilating-pipes themselves, before passing on to pipes, consider the value of good water-flushings in drains. In fixing ventilating-pipes for upcasts to drains, take care to keep them well above and well out of the way of all openings into the house, as explained under the head of soil-pipe ventilation in the previous lecture, so that the bad air coming out of such pipes may not get into the house 270 The Scuncc and Art of Venti- lating-pipe Terminals. through a cliimney, skylight, dormer-window, ur any other opening. It would really be amusing, were it not for the serious consequences likely to arise, to take note as one travels about of the ill-considered positions in which such pipes were Fig. 120. — Drain Ventilatlng-pipe Terminal. Bad Position. terminated. Sometimes they are placed where no wind can reach them at all ; at other times they are left so that the smallest wind may blow the air emitted from them right into a window ; and in other places, by crossing and re-crossing the roof, they are carried up some tall chimney- stack and terminated at a point so situated that Sanitary Plumbing 271 tlie slightest downward pressure of the atmosphere presses the bad air from such pipes down the chimney into sleeping^ or other compartments. Fig. 120 shows a ventilating-pipe terminated as described, and this pipe terminal can be seen by any one walking down a street on the south side of the British Museum, for the vcntilating-pipe (the pipe only,) illustrated in Fig. 120 was taken from it. Fig. 121 represents a ventilating-pipe ter- minating close to a dormer - window, with the arrows pointing out the evil of such an ar- rangement. Scores of such pipes may be seen almost anywhere, where the soil-pipes and drains are ventilated at all. I counted a large number at a sea-side place where I was staying only a short time ago, and yet in the same town the Sanitary * Since delivering these lectures, I have been staying at the Royal Castle Hotel, Lynton, which is built on the crest of a hill overlooking the Bristol Channel, and the valley of the East LjTin. Being anxious to get a good view from my bedroom window, I selected a bedroom at the top of the house, and lived to regi'et it ; for though the morning's sun " tipped the hills with gold," I could not see them for the dense smoke which filled my room. I was not long in seeing where the smoke came from, so I jumped out of bed and provided an exit for it by opening one of the windows, and then returned to bed again to watch the movements of the smoke. Down the chimney it came in clouds, filling the room from floor to ceiling, and went out of the window in a fitful sort of way, and as Fig. 121. — Soil-pipe Terminal. Bad Position. 272 The Science and Art of Venti- lating- pipes fixed Outside. Inspector had a brass plate on his gate as large as a small sign-board. Perhaps this obstructed his vision. No ventilating-pipe from a drain should be fixed inside a house if it is at all practicable to fix it outside. To prevent the possibility of drain-air escaping into a house from a ventilating-pipe through a leaky joint, broken pipe, nail hole, or any other defect, such pipes should be fixed outside the house. When such pipes are of lead, and are wanted to stand for a century or centuries as lead rain-water pipes would, they should be kept out of the power of the sun as much as possible, for with soldered joints the pipe would have no free- dom for expansion or contraction^ as in lead rain- water pipes with slip socket joints,, as explained in our last lecture. Water- flushing. .Value of good Water-flushing. — If water- carriage is to be the system of removal, water must be used freely. If the slops and suUiage of a house are to be effectually removed, whatever else may be limited in a house, water must not be. Make a canal the roadway for your boats of commerce, and then limit its water supply, and where will the boats be ? Why, stranded, of course. it gave every sign of continuing this course for some hours, I jumped out of bed and got out of the room as quickly as possible, feeling glad that it was only smoke, for if a ventilating-pipe had been near the top of this chimney it might have been drain-air, instead of smoke, and what a change of air that would have been, even though I had come from Cologne. The arrows in Fig. 120 show the danger of terminating ventilating-pipes near a chimney. Sanitary Flujiibing. 273 Make water the cleansing-power of your waste- pipes, soil-pipes, and drains, and then limit its use, and where will the filth be ? Why, lodging, de- composing, and corroding in the pipes. Or make water the drainage scavenger, and then limit its supply, or cleansing force, and how is the drainage to be swept out and cleaned ? How we should ridicule a Vestry Board which sent a street scaven- ger to clean Regent Street, say, with one sweep of his broom — to begin at one end and push it right through the centre of the street to the other end ; and yet such a swept track as that represents the treatment a soil-pipe often gets. The pipe is be- fouled all over by an offensive excremental dis- charge sent into it ; but the water used for washing out the pipe is only sufiicient, in many cases, to cleanse a channel down its sides. Look at this matter a little more closely. A ^^°p^' pailful of slops from chamber utensils is thrown down a water-closet in a body sufficiently large to foul the whole of the soil-pipe belonging to the closet, and, at the same time, a water-waste preventing-valve (fixed under the seat) is opened for two gallons of water to pass into the closet to cleanse it ; but this water, squirting into the water- closet as if it came from a boy's syringe, is of little value for cleansing the pipe, as it does not cover the whole of the parts fouled, and the parts un- washed become coated over with excremetal matter, corroding up the pipe and making it un- wholesome. The real cause of obstruction in s 2 74 The Science and Art of pipes is the want of good water-flushing. It would be possible to stop up a 6-inch pipe to a water-closet or urinal with a poor supply of water to it quicker than a 3|-inch one with a good supply of water. Adequate Nq wastc-pipe, soil-pipc, or drain can be kept Water- flushes, wholesome unless adequate flushes of water are sent through them immediately after discharging dirty water or excremental matter into them ; and before such discharges are sent through the traps and such pipings, they ought to be largely diluted with water, especially in such cases as the contents from chamber utensils. Measure water into slop- sinks and water-closets, &c., by the tablespoonful, and whatever else may be wholesome about the house, such fittings, with their belongings, will not be. I know that it is possible to utilise two gallons of water — the quantity allowed for water-closets by the London water companies, in accordance with the Metropolis Water Act of 1871 — in such a way that it shall pass into a closet with greater cleansing power than twice that quantity badly supplied ; but that is not the present question. Two-gallon Two crallons of water are insufficient for keeping^ Supply. ^ ^ ^ a water-closet and its belongings wholesome ; and speaking to a body of practical men, their opinion in the matter I shall be glad to hear. Are there ten men in this room who consider a two-gallon water-flush sufficient to cleanse a water-closet, basin, trap, soil-pipe, and drain after usage } "^ * A hearty "No !" came from all parts of the room at each delivery of the lecture. Sanitary Flii7?ilnng. 275 We must knock at the door of Parliament, and send in a message stating that a large body of practical plumbers find from experience that two gallons of water are insufficient to keep a " house of commons " wholesome, and that if more water cannot be allowed, such places must be abolished. But when plenty of water is to be had, if not Bad Appliances. for the asking, yet by the pulling of a handle, the flush is often interfered with by bad appliances. The supply - valves, in- stead of being equal to flushing out a 4-inch or 4 - inch soil - pipe, are often only of sufficient size to cleanse a i^-inch or i|-inch pipe; or per- haps the boiler-screw or cistern connection, A, is of smaller diameter than the service-pipe, as shown in the woodcut, and the water is wire-drawn through it — if I may use such an expression — or the bends in the pipe may be contracted, as shown at B and C, Fig. 122. When either of these evils occurs, how- can the water pass into a water-closet or ''fitting" with a good cleansing force^ supposing the service- pipe to be only of a size sufficient for that purpose."^ Fig. 122. — Service-pipe con- tracted at the bends. * A valve-closet with a "V-dip" trap and a short length of 3^-inch lead soil-pipe and about a 2-foot length oi glass soil-pipe, was fitted on a stand, and several experiments were made to show S 2 276 The Science and. Art of Field's Annular Syphon. Having already explained how small con- nections to bath-wastes, sinks, and lavatories in- terfere with the flushes of water from them for cleansing their waste-pipes, I will not occupy your time further on this matter, except to call your attention to Mr. Roger Field's " Syphon Flushing- Tank," — Fig. 123. This apparatus may be made a valuable means for flushing out the, drains of a house automatically, as well as for other pur- poses. When the rain- water of a house, in town or country, is not used for any purpose, and where the soil- drain is used for taking it away, a good sized *' flushing tank " should be fixed near the head the rain-water collected into the drain in laree Fig. 123. — Section of "Syphon Flushine-tank." of the soil-drain, and into it so as to pass volumes for cleansing its whole length, instead of dribbling into it in many places, and being of little or no value for flushing out the drain. There by ocular demonstration that soil-pipes are readily cleansed when good water-flushes are sent through them, provided that the soil- pipe 5 are not too large. The piece of glass soil-pipe (which was fixed at the bottom of the lead soil-pipe), was well coated over on its inner side with plumbers' " soil," and though this was partly dried on the tubing, by warming it with the flame from a piece of burning paper, a full and quick discharge of water from the water- closet washed off all the "soil." This experiment was repeated several tirnes with a like result. Sanitary Plumbing. 277 is this additional advantage in such an arrange- ment — namely, there would then be only one opening into the soil-drain for the rain-water instead of many. The tank for this purpose can be made in brick and cement, or of galvanised iron of any size, and the syphon adapted accordingly. An auxiliary supply of water can be laid on to the tank, for working it at certain intervals — every five, ten, fifteen, or twenty-four hours, or at pleasure. This arrangement can be applied also for collecting'^ 6\x\.y water" from general waste-pipes, &c., and passing it into a drain in large bodies^ instead of allowing each sink and lavatory to dribble into it at all points. The value of such an arrangement is considerable when the drainage is of great length, but the flushing-tank should in such cases be kept well away from the house, to prevent any bad air from its stagnant water becoming offensive. In such cases it is important to have a clean water flushing-tank "^ in addition, so as to thoroughly cleanse the drain — that is, to fully charge the drain with clean water — or it may get fouled by the discharges from the foul- water flush-tank, where it would not be cleansed again : the remedy would be worse than the dis- ease. This tank, or " syphon," is also very * A flushing-tcink, as Fig. 123, holding about 1 00 gallons of water, is discharged in about half a minute. This gives a 6-inch drain a good scouring flush. The supply of water to the tank can be so arranged by a bib-cock, or other means, that the tank shalL only empty itself once in twenty-four hours. Messrs. Bowles, Scott, and Read are the manufacturers. 278 The Scie?ice and Art of valuable for emptying cesspools ; but that is engineering, and going beyond our subject, and if I take you into such preserves we may all get taken up for trespassing. Drain- I have dwclt at lenq;th on waste-pipe, soil-pipe, flushing ^ i:- x- ' r r ^ Important, and drain-flushing, as the wholesomeness of such drainage arrangements is of the very highest importance. Without this, no house is safe to live in ; with it, the humblest cottage may be made a " sweet home." And I have enlarged upon the means for keeping all such drainage pipes wholesome, because our present method of venti- lating such conduits makes it absolutely necessary that they should be kept well cleansed. Every waste-pipe, every soil-pipe, every drain and branch- drain is, or should be, ventilated, and these ven- tilating-pipes are carried up above the roofs of our houses, and if the drainage is not kept well flushed out with water, the stink coming out of these mul- Bad Air tiplied pipcs wiU be enormous. No man with a from Ven- tilating- very sensitive nose could stay for five minutes on the roofs of some of the hotels and club-houses of London. I remember some time ago putting my nose over the air-pipe from a bath and lavatory- waste, and the stink coming out of it was awful — enough to " knock one down," as we say sometimes. TheAtmo- This is a very important matter; for though Pdfmed. such ventilating-pipes may be carried well above Sanitary Plumbing. 279 the roof, the smell coming from them where the drainage-pipes are not thoroughly flushed would be so great that the whole of the atmosphere sur- rounding our dwellings would at times become largely charged with the bad air emitted from such pipes. People suffering from all kinds of diseases would use the water-closets, or excre- mental matter coming from them would be thrown down such places, and the bad air from such matter adhering to the sides of the pipe, or left unwashed out of the drain, would escape through the ventilating-pipes to the air passing over the house ; and though such bad air would no doubt get largely diluted before it was breathed, in great cities — at any rate in a huge city like London — it would pass at times pretty freely into houses. When the drainao-e of London houses is London •^ Drainage properly ventilated — i.e., when every waste-pipe. Ventilated, soil-pipe, and drain has its ventilating-pipe, the number of such pipes wdll be enormous — hundreds of thousands : I might say a million, for there are nearly 600;00O private dwelling-houses in the metropolis. How important, therefore, that the stink from such pipes shall be minimised ! Well, where the plumbing and drainage are done on sanitary prin- ciples, this is done by good arrangement and good water-flushing, and where these do not exist such pipes will be found shooting out their venomous filth from behind chimney-stack and parapet, and from all points of the ridge to which they are 28o The Science and Art of carried, to contaminate the air we have to breathe. Services WaTER SUPPLY TO SANITARY FITTINGS. — to Sanitary Fittings. ' As service-pipes are the means generally employed for sending water through the various sanitary fit- tings of a house to cleanse them^ as well as to cleanse the traps, pipes, and drainage from them, I ought, perhaps, to say a word on the sizes of such pipes. When such fittings can be filled with water (as baths, sinks, and lavatories), the size of the service-pipe is not so important, except for saving time ; for the fittings or vessels can be filled with w^ater and the plug pulled out, or waste-arrange- ment opened, and the contents of the bath, sink, or lavatory, &c., sent through the waste-piping in good cleansing flushes — provided that the way into such pipings is equal in area to the diameter of the waste-pipe.^ Service- Water-CLOSET SUPPLY. — The scrvicc-pipes pipes to w.c.'s. to water-closets should be of such a size that a flush of about three gallons of water can be sent through them in about five seconds. Where the Jicad of water is insufficient to allow an inch or ^^ A lavatory was fitted up on a stand to prove that lavatory- wastes are easily kept wholesome by good appliances. A short length of glass piping, \\ inches diameter, was attached to the waste- pipe of the lavatory, which had a i|-inch patent cast-lead trap under it. Though the inside of this piping was well coated over with plumbers' soil, the pipe was easily cleansed by //rt-^- filling the basin with water and discharging it through a " feather- waste- valve." Sanitary Plumbing. 281 an inch-and-a-quarter pipe to do this, fix ij-inch or 2-inch pipe, and see that the ''attached" supply- valve of the water-closet apparatus is of sufficient size to allow the full charge of the service-pipe to pass through it to cleanse the closet. Water waste- preventing valves are now made in large sizes, so as to get the two gallons of water out of their small cisterns as expeditiously as possible. I have no faith in so-called water-waste-preventors for sup- plying closets and urinals. Urinal Supply. — The supply of water to f^?P};"J° urinals should always be very copious,, and where this cannot be given no urinal basin should be fixed, at any rate inside a house ; for sooner or later it would become a nuisance. Urine and greasy water are the two great evils to contend against in perfecting the sanitary arrangements of a house. The nearer, therefore, such fittings as urinals and scullery-sinks are kept to the sewer or cesspool — for shortening their length of drainage — the m.ore wholesome will be their waste-pipes and drainage, for they will be easier cleansed. Urine is difficult to treaty as it cannot be caught like grease and made to float, for it settles down upon everything it touches or comes into contact with. It can only be got rid of by copious flushes of water, and that too before it has time to settle down upon the urinal, trap, waste-pipe, or 282 The Science and Art of drainage. Therefore, when this corrosive matter is passed into a vessel and its belongings, plenty of water should go with it to carry it right away. It would be very valuable if the contents of chamber- utensils and urinal basins could be passed directly into the running water of the sewer without having to pass through any waste-piping or drainage. As this cannot very well be done, an arrangement should be adopted where water is plentiful for « J Fig. 124. — View of Treadle-Action Urinal Apparatus. keeping a small body of water in the urinal- basin or basins, with a constant supply of water laid on, to largely dilute the urine before it passes into the waste-pipe ; or a tread/c-action supply-valve, as shown in Fig. 124, should be fixed, for a stream of water to pass through the basin and piping during tJie use of the tirinal. A self-acting flushing apparatus'^ can be fixed, for flushing out a urinal or urinals every quarter of an hour, or at a shorter * We have one in our factory, and it answers remarkably well. Sanitary Phnuhin^. 283 or longer period ; and with a Field's Annular Syphon adapted to the waste-pipe of the urinal basin or basins, or to the basins themselves, the flush of water through the basin or urinal could be made to start the syphon, for the contents of the basin or basins to pass into the drainage pipes simultaneously with the flush of water from the self-acting apparatus. Discharges from Scullery Grease can be arrested and kept out of a drain Sinks.— ^^""^'•y Sinks. Fig. 125. — View of Patent Grease-intercepting Tank. with proper care. The discharges from a scullery sink should be made to pass through a tank of cold water, as shown in Figs. 125 and 126, for arresting the grease in it before passing into the drain. Or in large mansions, where a great deal of cooking is done, and especially where there are long lengths of drainage from them, the waste-pipe from a scullery sink might discharge into a larger tank than shown in Figs. 125 and 284 The Sdefice and Art of 126, say a slate or lead-lined trough from 6 to 10 ft. long — according to the requirements — and about 18 inches wide at top and about half that width at bottom, and about 18 inches deep. This grease-catching trough should be fixed in some convenient place outside the scullery, and the waste-pipe from the sink taken into it at one end below the water-line — which should be about a foot up from the bottom — and the outlet should be at Fig. 126. — Section. the other end. In a discharge from the sink the grease would be arrested in its transit through this cold body of water in the trough, and would float to the top. The body of grease congealing from day to day, and floating on the top of the water in the trough, could be cleaned out and cleared away weekly, and the trough well washed out ; and thus the drains would be kept free from such adhesive matter as grease, and rendered more wholesome.^ * The "grease-intercepting tank," illustrated in Fig. 125, is found to be very valuable for arresting grease. Layers of grease Sanitary Plu77ibing. 285 Pipe-freezing.— It will not be going out p^P^'^^g^ of our way to say a few words on pipe- from Frost freezing, now that we are speaking of service- pipes. No service-pipe should be fixed on the ex- ternal nor on the internal face of an external wall, especially a wall facing the north or east, without being cased in and thoroughly protected. When possible, service-pipes should be fixed on the cross-walls inside the house, and never on the main walls ; for the cold penetrates through the external walls and, reaching any pipe fixed on its face, though inside the house, freezes the water in it. If a pipe vuist come down on the internal face of a main wall, then an inch board should be put be- tween the pipe and the wall, and the pipe cased up, and the casing filled with cocoa-nut fibre. All ser- vice-pipes in roofs should be boxed in, and the boxes filled with this fibre. I do not like saw- dust, for that decays ; nor hair-felt, for that rots ; and besides, to cover pipes with such material where bad air could reach it would be to har- bour smells, for the effluvia coming from persons using the water-closets would hang about such stuff and cause it to become " stuffy." Where the service-pipe could not be boxed or cased in, and where the cold air could reach it — 3 and 4 ins. thick can be cut out of it after it has been in use from a week to three weeks — according to the work it has" to do; but as I have explained its working in " Dulce Domum," I will say no more about it here. 2 86 The Science and Art of as, e.g., under water-closet seats, where the pipe has to leave the casing to reach the supply- valve of the water-closet — the pipe should be bound round with two or three thicknesses of gas- kin ,and then be covered over with canvas, to pro- tect it from frost. The cold air coming in through the overflow-pipe of the safe, and blowing upon an unprotected pipe, would soon freeze it. If the positions of service-pipes are carefully considered, and the parts of questionable secu- rity protected in the manner described, no ser- vice-pipe in English houses need get frozen. Water. STORAGE OF Water. — Scrvicc-pipcs lead me Place of ^ ^ Storage. to watcr and its storage. But our time is now on the very verge of departure ; I will therefore say but one or two words upon this. As a " con- stant supply" in London means a little fickleness now and then — a shutting-off for 12 or 24 hours for "special repairs" or "alterations," &c., or to show how empty at times all things become — it is wise to have a place of storage. This place of storage is of the utmost importance for storing water for dietetic purposes. It should be so stored that no bad air from the house, water-closet, ven- tilating-pipe, dust-bin,^ or any other place where vitiated air can come from, could reach it, to contaminate it. Though lead-lined cisterns are * The dust-bin is generally a plague-spot ! No house is sani- tarily perfect with an offensive house-refuse collector left in or near it. Sanitary Plu?nln?ig. 287 very suitable for supplying water-closets, I have a preference for slate cisterns for storing water siate f. ,. . . . Cisterns. for dietetic purposes ; of course such cisterns should have '^ safes '-' under them, as a pro- tection against condensation, breakage, &c. I don't know that galvanised iron cisterns are so Galvanised much more safe* than lead ; for the galvanising Cisterns. comes off, if it is not dissolved, and is consumed with the water. The action of water upon lead depends to a great extent upon the character of the water, and when this is known it can readily be determined whether it would be safe or not to store it in lead cisterns for drinking purposes. I have known lead cisterns eaten Lead . Cisterns. through in a year or two, and though the lead dissolving in this way in small quantities may have been mixed with large quantities of water, it could not but be injurious to store water for dietetic purposes in such cisterns. On the other hand I have seen lead-lined cisterns after they have been in use for half a century with the lead in them but slightly wasted. In executing the plumbing at Messrs. Child-'s * new banking premises, just erected (opposite the much-talked-of Griffin — which after all may be only meant for a turtle or its nightmare effects — to mark the spot where once Temple Bar stood), we repaired and re fixed a /ead battened cistern, belonging to Messrs. Child & Co., made in 1679, and which has been in use ever since, and, I * The oldest banking-house in London. 288 The Science and Art of should say, it will last for centuries more, for the water has not much affected the lead. This proves that lead is proof against certain waters. As many plumbers have never seen a lead bat- tened cistern, and as they are not made now, I have had this old cistern illustrated in Fig. 127. Fig. 127. — View of an eld Lead Battened Cistern. In new lead-lined cisterns, with some waters especially, a film is formed over the face of the lead. This is very valuable, as it prevents to a very great extent any further action of the water upon it. In cleaning out such cisterns, a soft hair-brush should be used, so as not to scratch off any part of this film. Dr. Sedg- wick Saunders' Pamphlet. On the Action of Water upon Lead Pipes. — By permission of Dr. Sedgwick Saunders, F.S.A., Medical Officer of Health and Public Analyst for the City of London, I have made the following extracts from his recent translation of M. Belgrand's essay on " The Action of Water Sanitary Plumbing. 289 upon Lead Pipes." In his introductory remarks, Dr. Sedgwick Saunders says : — " The action of waters upon lead had been long recognised by chemists of all countries, and before the appear- ance of ]\I. Belgrand's brochure much had been written upon the subject, and the chemical con- clusions enunciated by him anticipated by a general consensus of scientific opinions. . . In H.M. Navy the water tanks are not galvanised, but the interiors are occasionally lime-washed ; it having been found that with galvanised"^ pipes the water becomes impregnated with zinc, which may be seen as a white film floating on the surface." "Lead has been employed in the manufacture of conduit pipes ever since the distribution of water in towns was first established by the Romans, the first aqueduct, the Appian, according to Varro,t being constructed in the year of Rome 442. " From that period leaden pipes have been in constant use ; all the water services in the interior of ancient towns being made of that metal. " In Paris the leaden branch-pipes connecting dwelling houses with the main supply number about 39,500, and their average length may be put at 40 metres, J and their total length at 1,580,000 metres. "In the case of houses that are occupied, the longest period for the water to remain in the leaden pipes can be estimated thus : — Houses having unlimited ) 9 hours during the night. supply , . . f from 5 to 10 min. during day. Gauged supply . . from 3 to 6 hours at the most. * Where the water would be likely to act upon lead, I prefer slate cisterns, and wrought-iron steam-pipes, protected by the Bower-Barff rustless process, for supplying water for dietetic- purposes. We have used a large quantity of this piping. — S. S. H. t Varro, Marcus Terentius, a learned writer at Rome, B.C. n6. — W.S.S. X A metre is 39*263 inches English.— W.S.S. T 290 The Sc'wice and Art oj *'As will be seen further on, the time the water is in contact with the interior surface of the pipe is too short for the lead to be attacked. " I have already stated that in the net- work of main pipes there are about three kilometres* of lead piping. These are from time to time removed, and on examination their interior surfaces are invariably found to be perfectly smooth and without any trace of corrosion. *' I now exhibit two pieces to the Academy : one comes from the service-pipe of the Faubourg Saint- Antoine, laid down in 1670, at the time when the pump of the Bridge of Notre Dame was erected ; it is therefore more than 200 years old, and in the interior the impression of grains of sand is still to be seen. The other was taken up from a side street of Saint-Germain Market \ it is somewhat less old, but equally unblemished. " It may be added that the leaden pipes become firmly and rapidly coated with a thin crust f which prevents the water coming in contact with the lead. " The harmlessness of leaden pipes appears to me proved by these facts, which explain why they are in use in all the towns of France, and in most European cities, without ever having given cause for complaint. "M. Le Blanc has undertaken other experiments, by leaving the lead in water for a much longer period (than nine or ten hours). I quote his own words : — " 'On the Action of Waters upon Lead, *' ' Chemists have long known with what facility lead becomes oxidised when immersed in distilled water in contact with air. Very small white shiny crystals of the hydrated oxide of lead are very rapidly formed, their quantity augmenting until a copious sediment at the bottom of the vessel has formed ; the same obtains with pure rain water. "'On the contrary, water containing a given quantity of salts, principally from selenitic wells, does not attack the lead under the same conditions at all. "'Such are the results of experiments made by Professors of Chemistry during the last 40 years in public lectures, and M. Dumas never omitted to place them before his class at the Sorbonne. " ' Chemists have often remarked upon the harmlessness of lead with regard to potable waters, circulating in pipes of this metal, because of the saline matters which preserve the metal from oxidation. " ' No doubt it would be difficult to give an explanation of these facts, but they seem of the same kind as those which have been esta- blished with regard to iron, which can be preserved without oxidation in distilled water, even when aerated, if only a few drops of an alkali be added to it, whilst it is oxidised rapidly in pure aerated water. But it is curious to observe that by augmenting to a certain extent the proportion of alkali, oxidation can be facilitated. * A kilometre is 1,000 metres, — W.S,S, t Carboua:e of lime.— W.S.S. Sanitary riiaiibing. 291 "'Which sahs are the most efficacious, when present in minute quantities, in preventing oxidation of lead in contact with water? Salts of lime alone are unquesiionably so, even in the smallest proportions ; in the absence of lime other salts are capable of protecting lead, in quantities of o"! gramme per litre. Nevertheless, after from 24 to 30 hours the water becomes faintly coloured by sulphuretted hydrogen ; but this oxidation soon ceases. The following experiments were maie to ascertain the particular influence of different salts. " 'Solutions were made with sulphate of soda, chloride of sodium, chloride of potassium, sulphate of magnesia, the strength of each solution being o'l gramme per htre. The lead was immersed in these for 24 hours, when the water became coloured by sulphuretted hydrogen, but the solvent action did not continue, and it may be said that the solutions in question are without notable action upon lead, for, at the end of 10 days, the re-agent did not produce any real precipitate. ' "Upon the whole there is absolutely no danger of poisoning from the use of water flowing through leaden pipes. "Furthermore, in the Journal des Savants (October, 1871 p. 488), one reads : - *' ' It may not be inopportune to draw attention to a fact not suf- ficiently known to the pub.ic — namely, that rain waters alter leaden and zinc vessels more than waters containing salts in solution, well waters for example. The result of this is that these latter waters may remain in a leaden vessel without attacking it, and without becotning poisonous, while rain waters, free from saline mitters, dissolve oxide of lead and thus become poisonous. This obsenation, quoted from Guyton de Mon^eau, is perfectly true. I have verified it at the time of my investi- gation on the waters of the Bievre.' " CiSTERN-LIXIXG. — Before leaving the subject Strength of ^ ^ Lead, and of water supply, I v;ill describe the mode of lijiim^ Dimen- sions. wood cisterns ivitJi lead. Wood cisterns of any shape or size can be Kned in their places with sheet lead of any weight per superficial foot, for lasting a few years or a century. The bottoms should be i lb. (or 2 lbs.) per foot superficial heavier than the sides ; but /-lb. bottoms and 6-lb. sides make good cisterns, though I prefer stronger substances — viz., 8-lb. bottoms and /-lb. sides. In taking the dimensions, for cutting out the lead, all the sizes wanted are the length, width, and depth of the wood cistern inside. The bottom should be cut out I -inch larger each way than the T 3 Order of Liuuiir. 292 The Science and Art of cistern, to allow for squaring, straightening, and turning up at the edges, for " wedging " in at the angles of the four sides ; e.g., a cistern 6 feet by 5 feet and 3 feet 6 inches deep would require a piece of lead for the bottom 6 feet i-inch by 5 feet I inch. These dimensions, added together, will give the lengtJi of the first side and end (though the first side and end to be put in is wanted i|-inch longer than the last, to allow for the return edges on to the wood, the two pieces are generally cut in equal lengths, to save time and trouble) ; thus 6 feet I -inch X 5 feet i-inch. = i i feet 2-inches. This allov/s for squaring and straightening the ends, and for returning about three-quarters of an inch at each end on to the wood sides, for securing the lead in its position. The width is obtained by adding 3 inches to the depth of the cistern, to allow for straightening the edges, turning three-quarters of an inch on the bottom (though many plumbers use an inch for this) and 2 inches to cover the top edge of the cistern. I will follow the order of lining and speak ot the sides first. Unroll the lead upon the floor adjoining the cistern to be lined, or if the cistern is in a roof and there is no floor, then upon some boards, and dress out any irregularities in its sur- face, and, before lining out the sizes, see that the cistern is perfectly square ; for carpenters, like other people, do not always work on the "square.'' When a side and end are in one piece, as we have been considering, and as is the practice, except in Sanitary Plumbing. 293 very large cisterns, when a separate piece is used for each side and end, Hne out the sizes upon the lead, allowing a margin of about three-quarters of an inch to stand on the bottom, and also for the returns at the two ends. The line for turnincr up the end, Sides and ^ ^ Ends. for forming the upright unsoldered angle, should be marked with a chalk-line, and never scratched with a sharp tool. Having marked out the side and end, take a piece of quartering, or " straight- edge," and turn up the edge for standing on the bottom. This is easily done by kneeling on the piece of quartering, to keep it stiff, and turning up the edge with the aid of a chipping-knife and dresser. Then break up the end by placing the piece of quartering upon the line for the upright angle, and boss up the bottom corner a little, for fitting tightly into the angle of the wood cistern. Some plumbers stupidly cut this corner, and in such a way as to leave a hole just where the solder can run in, and so get themselves into trouble when soldering the cistern. In putting this piece of lead into its place [in the cistern, bulge the centre part of the side and end inwards a little towards you, as you stand in the cistern, so as to be able to drive the angles of the lead tightly home. Be very careful with the tiirned-np angle, the ?/;/- soldered angle, and see that it fits tightly into the angle of the cistern, before securing the lead at the ends ; for if the lead is not ivell home in such angles, when the side and end are fixed, and the dresser is used for driving it home, as is often 294 ^^^^ Science and Art of done by unskilled men, the lead is very much weakened. I have known 6-lb. lead reduced to 4-lb. in such angles, and even for the edge of the dresser to be driven right through the lead, and the angle to require soldering. A nail in the return edge of the underlap, about 3 inches down from the top, is all that is wanted to secure the lead in its place. The edge of the lead is readily turned over the top of the cistern with a few sharp strokes of the dresser and fastened • (the inner edge of the wood being rounded off a little before lining the cistern), and the stand- up part of the angle is easily bossed back. When forming this angle, the part to be bossed over the edge of the cistern should never be cut in, with the edge of the dresser or any other tool, or it will not boss over freely. The other side and end are put in in a similar way. The narrow pieces, or edges, returning upon the side and end already lined, should be carefully cut off with a chipping-knife when the lead is in its place, leaving about |th of an inch for driving into the angle — for zvedging the jointing and preventing the solder going between the two leads. The sides jhe ^^d ends being lined, the bottom follows. Before Bottom. linincr the cistern, see that all the holes are cut in it for the pipes, especially the waste-hole (allow- ing sufficient size in the latter for opening the end of the pipe to receive the brass washer), and well counter-sink round the hole. Turn up the edges of the bottom in a rounding form, so as to Sanitafy Plumbing. 295 allow the lead to stand up a little at each of the four sides, and boss up the corners of the bottom, so as to have a reserve of lead at such points for dressing into the corners of the cistern angles ; then put the bottom in its place, and dress the lead well into each angle v/ith the aid of the dresser and chase-wedge. Cut off the edge of the lead standing up against the sides, so as to leave about ;^th of an inch stand-up, for well wedging the lead into the angle. The cistern now being lined, soil a margin of 4 inches or 5 inches on each side of the angles to be soldered, and, when dry, shave the angles. The shavi shaving on the bottom, F, Fig. 129, should be about \ inch wider than on the sides, G ; the upright angles, Fig. 128, should be of equal width each side. The shaving should not ex- tend beyond the solder, for the lead is weakened with wide shaving, especially when the solder is wiped off from it again. In shaving the lead be very careful not to dig the point of the shave-hook into the lead and so reduce its substance ; simply shave the lead to brighten it, that the solder may readily tin upon it. Pull the point of the shave- hook along on the edge of the lead at the joining, so as to close tip any space between the two leads, to prevent the solder getting in between them when soldering the cistern. Having shaved the angles, and greased them, to prevent tarnishing, punch in the edges, about every 9 inches, with a bright punch, with, say, 5-inch face, or other bright Soldering. 296 The Science and Art of instrument, for securing the lead in its place, as shown by the dotted line in Fig. 128, but do not put a single nail into the angles, or you will have some trouble in soldering over the heads, for they are sure to " blow.-" The upright angles must be soldered first. If you cannot pour the metal upon a cloth or stick, and guide it into the angle in that way, you can splash the solder into Fig. 128. Section of Cistern Soldering. Upright Angle. the angle from the ladle with a splash-stick. Splash the solder very rapidly up and down the angle, and pull it up now and then with the splash-stick, and keep it in its place ; and when you have a good body of solder in the angle, from the bottom to the top, take a well-heated and well-cleaned iron, and draw it up and down the angle, " patting " the solder into its place, then wipe down the angle quickly, pressing the cloth Sanitary Plunihiug. 297 liard upon each cr " Every pipe hereafter laid or fixed in the interior of any Pip->- dwelling-house for the conveyance of, or in connexion with, the water of the Company, must, unless with the consent of the Com- pany, if in contact with the ground, be of lead, but may other- wise be of lead, copper, or wrought iron, at the option of the consumer. Material and " Every * communication-pipe,' and every pipe external to the Joints of house and through the external walls thereof, hereafter respectively Pipes. laid or fixed, in connexion with the water of the Company, sliall be of lead, and every joint thereof shall be of the kind called a ' plumbing' or 'wiped' joint. "Every 'communication-pipe' for the conveyance of water to be supplied by the Company into any premises shall have at or near its point of entrance into such premises, and if desired by the con- sumer within such premises, a sound and suitable stop-valve of the screw-down kind, with an area of vvaterway not less than that of a half-inch pipe, and not greater than that of the ' communication- pipe,' the size of the valve within these limits being at the option of the consumer. Sanifa7'\> Phinihing. 307 " No overflow or waste-pipe other than a 'warning-pipe ' shall be attached to any cistern supplied with water by the Company, and every such overflow or waste-pipe existing at the time when these regulations come into operation shall be removed, or at the option of the consumer shall be converted into an efficient * warning-pipe ' within two calendar months next after the Company shall have given to the occupier of, or left at the premises in which such cistern is situate, a notice in writing requiring such alteration to be made. "Every 'warning-pipe' shall be placed in such a situation as will admit of the discharge of the water from such ' warning pipe ' being readily ascertained by the officers of the Company. And the position of such 'warning-pipe' shall not be changed without previous notice to and approval by the Company. "No draw-tap shall in future be fixed unless the same shall be sound and suitable, and of the ' screw-down ' kind. "Every draw-tap in connexion with any 'stand-pipe' or other apparatus outside any dwelling-house in a court or other public place, to supply any group or number of such dwelling-houses, shall be sound and suitable, and of the ' waste-preventer ' kind, and be protected as far as possible from injury by frost, theft, or mischief. " Every boiler, urinal, and water-closet, in which water supplied by the Company is used (other than water-closets in which hand- flushing is employed), shall, within three months after these Regu- lations come into operation, be served only through a cistern or service-box and without a stool-cock, and there shall be no direct communication from the pipes of the Company to any boiler, urinal, or water-closet. " Every water-closet cistern or water-closet service-box hereafter Water- fitted or fixed in which water supplied by the Company is to be ^pp^^\.j^^u^ used, shall have an efficient ' waste-preventing ' apparatus, so con- structed as not to be capable of discharging more than two gallons of water at each flush. *' Every urinal-cistern in which water supplied by the Com- Urinal- pany is used other than public urinal-cisterns, or cisterns having ^pp^^^^^g attached to them a self-closing apparatus, shall have an efficient ' waste-preventing ' apparatus, so constructed as not to be capable of discharging more than one gallon of water at each flush. "Every 'down-pipe' hereafter fixed for the discharge of Water- water into the pan or basin of any water-closet shall have an ^^°^ll^ internal diameter of not less than one inch and a quarter, and if of lead shall weigh not less than nine pounds to every lineal yard . U 2 3o8 The Science and Art of Kath to be "No bath supplied with water by the Company shall have without j^tiy overflow waste-pipe, except it be so arranged as to act as a pipe. 'warning-pipe.' Bath "In every bath hereafter fitted or fixed the outlet shall be Apparatus. distinct from, and unconnected with, the inlet or inlets ; and the inlet or inlets must be placed so that the orifice or orifices shall be above the highest water level of the bath. The outlet of every such bath shall be provided with a perfectly water-tight plug, valve, or cock. Weight of "All lead 'warning-pipes' and other lead pipes of which having Open the ends are open, so that such pipes cannot remain charged Ends. ■v\rith water, may be of the following minimum weights ; that is to say : — i-inch (internal diameter) . . 3 lbs. per vard. f .. do. . . 5 I >> do. . . 7 o?wc?°" Water-Closet Rooms.— One word on the Rooms. rooms where water-closet apparatus are fixed. If the walls of private water-closets are not covered with glazed tiles or made of glazed bricks, all public water-closets should be, so that they may be thoroughly washed out occasionally. Every water-closet should be ventilated — i.e., fresh air should be brought into them, and means should be provided for the exit of the vitiated air. The door of the closet should be made as air- tight as possible, and kept low, so as to prevent the effluvia coming through such doorways into the house. The higher the ceiling is the better, and the opening into the extracting shaft should be made at the highest part of the room. The walls under the water-closet seat, as well as the floor, should be very carefully stopped, so that not a crevice, crack, or opening may be left where the effluvium from a long seat-holder could es- Sanitary Plumbing. 309 cape into an adjoining room."^ When there are any pipe-casings passing through water-closets, as often occur, where water-closets are fixed in tiers, they should be sealed off so that the air of one water-closet may not pass to another, or a person using an upper water-closet at the same time a lower one is being used may wonder what is the matter with himself ; for in addition to his own affair he would have the affairs of others, and you will agree with me that in such matters a man's own affairs are enough. Code of Rules for House Sanitation. — various TT' •• ^ r ^ ^' r Opinions. Various opmions are now before the public for draining a house. Several have been referred to during these lectures, and without bringing others before your notice, I will simply say, in concluding these remarks on " The Science and Art of Sanitary Plumbing," that it is time that the opinions of sanitarians on such matters should be consolidated. The principles of house drainage are so far Opinions consoli- determined that there ought to be no great dif- dated. ficulty in framing a good sanitary code as a general basis to work from. Its boundary lines should be marked out with silken cords rather than with iron bands ; for, like all new things, sanitary knowledge should have room to grow. It would be just as easy for a tailor to make a suit of clothes to suit all * Serious illnesses have occurred through such neglect. I know of many, The Science and Art of Water and its Storage. Draw-off. Drain In- tercepted. No Drain Inside. Drains Inside. climates as it would be to lay down a code of rules to suit all cases. If I had to draw up a code of rules^ they would read somewhat as follows : — 1. Pure water shall be supplied to every house for dietetic purposes ; and where this water cannot be drawn direct from a constant supply, it shall be stored in cisterns so placed that they can be easily cleaned, and that no vitiated air can reach them, either from the house, water-closets, or ventilating- pipes, from waste-pipes, soil-pipes, or drains. 2. No draw-off cock to any sink or '* fitting," other than a water-closet, shall be supplied from a cistern fixed in a water-closet, or standing in a place where any contaminated air can reach it, or from a cistern or service-pipe which also supplies a water-closet. 3. Every drain shall be trapped off from the sewer by a self-cleansing intercepting sewer-trap fixed outside the house ; and where the mouths or inlets of such traps cannot be left open to the atmosphere, air-induct pipes should be taken into the drain immediately on the house side of such traps. 4. No drain shall enter the walls of a detached or semi-detached house. 5. In a line of houses, as in terraces, where it is impossible for the drain to reach the soil-pipes without coming inside the house, such drain shall be of cast-iron, heavy water-main strength, and this pipe shall be protected from rusting by the Sanitary Flu tubing. 3 1 1 Bower-Barff Rustless Process, or coated with solu- tion, and laid in a brick trench, or fixed on the face of the basement walls, and its joints zuell caulked with lead. The drain shall be so venti- lated that not a foot of it shall be without a free circulation of air through it. 6. Every drain from a house shall be so ven- Drains ., 1 ^, ^ , • 1 11 . . Ventilated. tilated that no stagnant air shall remain in any part of it ; and where this cannot be done by air- shafts, ventilating-pipes shall be fixed^ and the drain divided into sections, and its branch- drains (when of great length) localised, so as to ensure ventilation in the entire system of drainage. 7. All soil-pipes, when practicable, shall be Soil-pipes, fixed outside the house, with their discharging ends exposed to the atmosphere — either directly by emptying into open traps, or indirectly by foot- ventilation ; and such pipes shall be carried up to the highest points of the roof full size, having their terminals well removed from all openings into the roof or house. 8. All dirty-water wastes from sinks, baths, Dirty lavatories, &c., shall discharge with open ends into wastes, intercepting-traps fixed outside the house, and such pipes shall be continued up through the roof full size for ventilation. 9. All " clean-water " wastes — from cisterns, Clean cistern-safes, &c., shall be kept separate from Wastes, other wastes, and shall discharge with open ends into the atmosphere away from all drain-traps or places where any bad air can reach them, 312 Tin Science and Art of Overflow- pipes. "Fittings' Trapped. Traps. Traps Ventilated. Sanitary Fittings. Flushing. Walls of W.C.'s Air-tight. 10. All wastes, or overflow-pipes, from safes under water-closets, baths, &c., shall be kept separate from other waste-pipes and shall be made to discharge in the open air. 11. Every sanitary "fitting" inside a house where foul matter, or contaminated water, is passed into it or from it, shall have its waste-pipe trapped off from the house, and such trapping shall be made immediately under such " fitting." 12. All traps fixed inside the house shall be self-cleansing ; and no trap which fouls itself, or is not easily flushed out, shall be used on the drainage outside the house. 13. All traps to water-closets, slop-sinks, sinks, baths, lavatories, &c., which can have their water syphoned out by the use of any " fitting " upon a pipe in connection with them, or by the use of themselves, shall be ventilated, to prevent such syphonage, and to aerate the branch-pipes. 14. No sanitary fitting shall be fixed which will not allow a good flush of water to be sent through it to cleanse it and its belongings, to prevent any pipe from it — be it a waste-pipe, soil- pipe, or drain — from getting unwholesome. 15. Every house shall be provided with efficient means for flushing out the whole of its drainage. 16. The walls inside water-closet seats, the floor, and the walls of water-closets, should be made air-tight, to prevent any odours in them passing to any room adjoining, through a crevice, crack, or opening, Sanitary Fhwihing. 3 [3 17. The rooms of water-closets should be well ^'^• Rooms. ventilated, so that a constant change of air may take place in them. Gentlemen ! I have done — my task is ended ; Conciu- •' ' sion. but before taking leave of you, allow me the plea- sure of thanking you for your kind indulgence, for your patient hearing, and for the great interest taken in these lectures. I hope your time has not been wholly wasted, and though the public at large may be the greatest gainers by having healthier homes to live in, I trust some benefit will accrue to you individually. Whatever charge may be laid against journeymen plumbers, want of interest in their trade cannot be ; for I question if any other branch of the great building trades would have come out night after night, during the hot time of summer, to listen to dry lectures. Lying there in those strong arms of yours, slumbering in the hardened muscles, resting in the well-trained fingers and educated hands, lies the health of this leviathan city — at any rate to a large extent. The plumber's part in making a house, a town, a city JicaltJiy is enormous. Let the plumbing be done on the principles laid down in these lectures, and this huge city, teeming though it be with human beings, will become the healthiest, as it is now the greatest, city in the world. When commercial men want to feel the pulsations of business life, they come to London, for in it beats the heart of the world's industry. As the heart is 314 The Science and Art of the seat of life, so let this city be the seat, the home, of sanitation. All England on Monday last mourned the loss of the great and good Dean of Westminster,"^ High and low, rich and poor, prince and peasant, be- lievers and unbelievers, felt that in the loss of that life a loss had fallen upon all classes. He has gone from our midst, but his memory dwells amongst us as that of one of England's noblest sons. And why was he universally respected and beloved } Because all felt that he nobly strove to do his duty. Fearlessly and earnestly he did his work. He spared no pains, he shrank from no difficulty, he was dismayed by no obstacles. Workers of lead, manipulators of solder, men of metal, you may not occupy the same high posi- tion as the late Dean Stanley, your sphere of influence may not be so large ; but you may all be actuated by the same noble spirit, and this will in every age meet its reward. Let thoroughness, thoughtfulness, and honesty, with an earnest desire to do your duty, characterise you in all your works; let these works testify to your clear-sighted appre- ciation of the hygienic ends it is your duty to have in view ; and though your names be not written in lead, as are written the names of military heroes, your zuorks will be in lead and will live. And the plumbers coming after you in the future years, when your fingers shall have lost * According to the papers, bad drainage had a good deal to do with the Dean's death. Sanitary Plumbing. 315 the cunning of the craft, and your hands the use of tools ; these future plumbers, as they look upon your workmanship — your graceful bends, your well- made joints, your connections and disconnections — shall say, "What splendid plumbers these 19th- century plumbers were ! How well they knew Jiozv to do their work, and how well they did it ! " DISCUSSION.— I5TH August, i88i. Extracted from "The Builder,' and *' The Building News." "Mr. Ernest Hart presided, and in opening the proceedings read the conditions which have been laid down by the National Health Society for the working plumbers' competition for the prizes offered by the Society for the best specimens of workmanship in plumbing based on sanitary principles. Any one who desires to compete must fill up a form to be obtained from the National Health Society, 44, Berners Street, and all such forms must be returned by the 15th of September. *'Mr. Daniel Emptage, of Margate, led off the discussion by reading a short paper, in which he expressed his opinion that Mr. Hellyer's able lectures were calculated to do a vast amount of good in awakening interest upon the important subject of which they treated. He agreed in the main with Mr. Hellyer's remarks as to countiy shops, and with the advice given to young working plum- bers to come up to London to improve themselves in their trade* At the same time, as a provincial man, he felt bound to say a few words on behalf of the plumbers of provincial towns, in many of which a very lively interest was taken in sanitary matters. In his own town there were many large scholastic and other establishments in which the sanitary arrangements were such as would be hardly found fault with even by Mr. Hellyer. As the result of a large number of practical experiments made daring the last two years, he (the speaker) had arrived at the following conclusions with regard to trap-waving or syphonage, viz. : — i. That the CO or P syphons are, when unventilated, very unsafe, from the fact that they are easily untrapped by waving-out or syphonage. 2. That the cast D, the "Eclipse," and the V traps hold their seals much more tena- ciously than the syphons, but are still very liable under some condi- tions to become unsealed when not properly protected by ventilation. 3. That the old D is very much more difficult to untrap than any of the preceding traps ; but even this, when without ventilation, is not safe from syphonage. 4. That the seal of a P syphon, even under the most favourable circumstances with respect to ventilation, is not safe against a rush of water passing rapidly through it. 5. Sanitary Plumbing, 317 That a well-made CO trap, when properly ventilated, and fixed in connection with a fully-ventilated soil-pipe, is very difficult to unseal. 6. That the other four traps mentioned are, when properly ventilated, quite secure from either waving-out or syi:)honage, and they have the advantage of being so constructed that their con- nection with the soil-pipe could be made at a much higher level than was possible with the CO . They all have, however, the great disadvantage of being more foul. Mr. Emptage went on to say that, while thinking over the matter, it occurred to him that the CO trap might be so altered that, while retaining its non-syphoning qualities, it should at the same time allow of a connection with the soil-pipe similar to the others. He had such a trap made, and was very pleased to find it answer his expectations in every respect. In it he still retained the dome of the *' out-go " as in the CO . He had subjected this new form of trap to the most severe tests, and found that when it was fully protected by ventilation it was quite safe from waving or syphonage. He had since patented it. AYith regard to ventilation, to properly ventilate a soil-pipe and trap, careful thought was required. The kind of apparatus, length of soil-pipe and vent-pipe, also the arrangements below the soil-pipe, must all be taken into consideration, because the diameter of pipe which would be ample for one arrangement would be quite in- adequate for another. He was very much surprised to hear Mr. Hellyer say that he should be satisfied with a 2 -inch vent-pipe, 50 feet or 60 feet long, to ventilate a soil-pipe and trap 7 feet long and open at the foot. He had practically tried such an arrange- ment fitted with the five traps before mentioned, alternately, and he found that the only trap which would be quite safe under such condi- tions was the D. The trap which required the most carefully venti- lating was the plain round syphon, and that which required the least was the old D. There was, however, a great difference in the effect which ventilation had upon the two traps. With the syphon the water still rushed through, thoroughly cleansing the trap, and leaving it sealed with perfectly clear water, but the D retained more filth when fitted with an air-pipe than without one. He agreed with Mr. Hellyer in condemning the pan-closet, and the outcome of the experience he (the speaker) had gained since abandoning the pan-closet was that the direct- action closets, such as Phillips's " Sanitary," the " Artisan," the " Carmichael," and the " Vortex," were far superior to several of the more costly ones. Such closets, fixed in a proper manner, with suitable ventilation, and with a flush of two gallons delivered in five seconds, were, in his experience, un- equalled for cleanliness. With regard to cowls, he had fixed several on soil-pipes and drains at Margate, both in exposed and sheltered 3i8 The Science and Art of positions, and upon several he had made some careful observations. In one instance he found during a slight shuffy wind that Banner's cowl repeatedly stopped mouth to wind, at wliich times the smoke with which he was testing it escaped at the foot-vent. In another case he found that after the smoke had ceased to issue from Banner's cowl, it came up again if he removed the cowl, and ceased when he replaced it. He tried that three times with the same results. In both these instances he found the plain open pipe quite as effective as with the cowl — indeed, more so. From other observations, he was convinced that in cases where the ventilation of the soil-pipes and drains was so arranged that it mattered not whether the current of air passed up or down them, open pipes were best. There were, however, places where it was very desirable to, as far as possible, prevent down-draught, and in such cases cowls were sometimes very useful. In conclusion, Mr. Emptage urged upon all connected with the plumbing trade the necessity of giving increased study to the subject, and expressed his thanks to INIr. Ernest Turner for suggest- ing, to the National Health Society for promoting, and to Mr. Hellyer for delivering, the lectures. "Mr. Robert Smith denied that Mr. Hellyer was correct in his statement that non-society workmen in the plumbing trade were better workmen than society men. Why should they be? Society men had to rely upon themselves and upon the character of their work as much as non-society men. Mr. Hellyer had advocated the granting of certificates of competency to plumbers. Some years ago there was a serious strike and lock-out in the building trade upon the introduction of what was known at the time as the "Docu- ment." Such a certificate as was advocated by Mr. Hellyer would be neither more nor less than the " Document" in a new form, and if the suggestion were adopted, the working plumber would be en- tirely in the power and at the mercy of his employer. While there was some truth in Mr. Hellyer's assertion that young plumbers did not always have a proper opportunity of learning their trade when they were apprenticed in small shops, it should not be forgotten that in a small shop an apprentice would have a greater range and variety of work in all branches, whereas in large shops the principle of subdivision of labour was sure to be more or less thoroughly carried out, and the apprentice would most likely be kept almost entirely to that particular branch of work in which he showed most proficiency. He denied that the CO -trap was superior to the D-trap, and claimed for the latter that, if properly made, it was self-cleansing. He thought Mr. Hellyer had been unduly severe in his strictures upon the poor working plumber, while he had "let down" Mr. Norman Shaw very gently — perhaps because Mr. Shaw was an Sanitary Plumbing. 319 architect for whom ]Mr. llellyer might hope to do work in the future. "The Chairman here intimated that he thought Mr. Smith was going a little wide of the point in imputing personal motives. "Mr. Smith thought he was justified in what he had said. He did not think much of the practicability of Mr. Hellyer's recommendation to use 27-inch soil-pipes. Although the lec- tures had been very entertaining, he did not think that the audience, had had one particle of knowledge imparted to them from beginning to end. (' Oh, oh ! ' laughter, and hisses.) He certainly had not gained one particle of information. The lectures had been of a most rudimentary kind." — The Bttildcr. "Mr. P. J. Davies fixed upon the platform a stand supporting a glass model of a D-trap, which, he said, he would show was as self-cleaning* as the cO'trap, if properly made. Placing a handful of pebbles in the receiver, he demonstrated that a flush of about one gallon of water from a pail v/ould instantly carry them from the body of the trap into the drain. The experiment was repeated with a pocket-handkerchief and a bottleful of ink with similar results, and led to some discussion as to the size ot trap between Messrs. Hellyer and Davies, which, as they stood close to one another on the platform, and did not raise their voices, was not distinctly audible to the majority of those present, nor at the reporters' table. Mr. Davies also drew a diagram (a reduction of which we give above) showing a graphical method of -* See Table, p. 320 The Science aud Art of striking out with compasses and T-square a D-trap of good form. He explained the process thus : To draw the face of a 9-inch trap, first describe a circle, a a a, of equal diameter, of course arrived at by taking a 4|-inch radius, a b. On top of circle, a^ a, a, and at a tangent to it, draw a right line, c D. Let fall a second line perpendicularly from c to B, again cut- ting the circle at a tangent at B. Then, placing foot of compass at the right angle at c, take a radius to extreme periphery of circle — i.e., from c to e — and describe an arc from e to right line C d, which will give length and outline of cheek. The band of trap, Mr. Davies added, must be only sufficiently wide to admit of the dip, or, in other words, the diameter of dip and width of band must be equal." — The Building Nrcus. "Mr. T. H. Court, speaking as a practical foreman of plumbers, criticised several of the statements made by Mr. Hellyer. They had been told, in an early lecture, that the plumber should provide him- self with two pots of metal — one for underhand work and the other for general jobs. Would the labourer carry two heavy solder-pots for his mate ? He knew that if a plumber asked him for two sorts of solder he should at once offer him his ticket for payment. Mr. Hellyer had recommended that the solder for underhand should be diluted with lead, and the next week the speaker had a pot of metal spoiled by a young man who followed this advice, and he had to issue an order that the first man who put lead in his solder would be discharged. A foreman worthy of the name ought to know by the appearance of a bar of solder whether it was of the right pro- portions. As these lectures were specially addressed to the younger plumbers, they should have been taught how to make solder, and how, if foul, it could be cleansed. If the time wasted during these lectures upon extraneous matters not pertaining to the subject had been devoted to practical or scientific points, the course would have been been of greater value. He was surprised to hear Mr. Hellyer recommend the making of very long joints. They were no stronger than short ones ; if both were properly made, the appearance was no better, and the shorter one was more likely to be quickly, and therefore cleanly, wiped, and so had less chance of sweating. Mr. Hellyer condemned journeymen plumbers for much of the improper workmanship and the bad systems of ventilation ; but in this he was hardly fair, as the men generally worked under orders. The speaker recently carried out a job in the City at an hotel, where the architect's specification left out all mention of ventilation to soil- pipes or cisterns. As a foreman, although he knew such a mode of fitting would lead to illness in the house, he would not have been justified in putting his employer to considerable expense to rectify Sanitary Plumbing. 321 the omission ; but he did what he could— viz., he made representa- tions on the subject, and was told to put the work in without venti- lating-pipes. There was in the job a f -inch pipe, which, as a work- man now in the room could testify, had to supply four urinals, four closets, three lavatories, two sinks, and a bath. Within a year or two he had to go to the same hotel, and was asked his opinion of the plumbing arrangements, when he pronounced them bad to the lowest degree, adding that he was condemning work carried out under his own supervision, but under protest. Would Mr. Hellyer blame the working plumber in cases like this ? He didn't consider Mr. Hellyer justified in standing before them as a sanitary engineer offering instruction to plumbers, yet at the same time admitting that he made and sold the very pan-closets he condemned. If Mr. Hellyer had been the master of a small jobbing shop, in a struggling position, there might have been some excuse ; but, as it was, he saw no justification." — The Building A'nus. "Mr. W. P. Buchan (of Glasgow) said he had not had the privi- lege of hearing Mr. Hellyer's lectures, but he was happy to have had the opportunity of reading the reports of them, and he thought very highly of them, notwithstanding the criticisms which he had heard from previous speakers. So far as he could judge from the lectures, as published, he approved of almost everj-thing that Mr. Hellyer had said. He (Mr. Buchan) was at a loss to understand the favour in which the D-trap seemed to be held by some of the speakers, and their prejudice against the syphon-trap. Glasgow was no inconsiderable city, and a great deal of good plumbing work was to be found there ; yet, as a Glasgow-bred plumber of thirty years' experience, he never remembered seeing a D-trap used there. All the Glasgow plumbing was done with syphon-traps, and syphon- age w^as easily preventable by means of ventilation. It seemed to be forgotten that the ventilating-pipe to a trap, if properly made and fixed, killed two birds with one stone, so to speak, for it prevented syphonage, and at the same time prevented the accumulation of foul gases, which would eat away the lead unless carried off. Mr. Davies's experiments with his D-trap were not to his (the speaker's) mind altogether conclusive, for pebbles and pocket- handkerchiefs could be more easily cleared out of a trap than urinary matter and flocculent particles offices. Much as was to be said against the D-trap, however, it was far safer to use it than to use a trapless closet. Where illness resulting in death arose from the use of trapless closets, the fixers of them ought to be found guilty of manslaughter. He thought that no one could defend the use of trapless closets upon any scientific or hygienic ground. Pan- closets were bad enough, but where they could not be removed V 32 2 The Science and Art of their evils could be mitigated by ventilating the containers, but with two pipes. \Miile some architects were not blameless for bad plumbing, there were others who had done a great deal to promote good work. There were, he knew, many workmen in the trade who were only partially competent ; but Mr. Hellyer's lec- tures were part of a movement designed to help every working plumber to become a first-class workman. He considered that plumbing was the leading trade connected with building, and that plumbers ought to be the best-paid workmen in the building trade. Upon the working plumber largely depended the health of many a household, and as he was often sent to do work without being supervised by a foreman, he should, when of proved competency and reliability, be remunerated for his work with some regard to the responsibility of his position." — The Builder. " Mr. J. Vance said that sometimes when a working plumber who understood his business ventured to point out a defect or a bad arrangement in plumbing work proposed to be done, he was told, by architect or proprietor, as the case might be, ' Do as you are told ; you are not paid for knowing anything about it, you are paid for doing the work according to instruc- tions ! ' Personally he felt very much indebted to Mr, Hellyer for his lectures. He had only to say, in conclusion, that when architects or sanitary engineers came on a job to give instmctions as to plumbing, they should see the plumber himself, and not give their instructions to the general foreman of works, who most likely knew nothing of plumbing work, and would therefore be unable to clearly explain their wishes. Instead of allowing their instructions about plumbing to be conveyed second-hand, architects and sani- tary engineers would do well to see the plumber himself."— 7)^^ Builder. "Mr. H. H. Collins, F.R.I.B.A., said some mention had been made of the trapless closet, and having used it in his own house, with a large family, he must say it answered admirably. If placed in proximity to a sewer, it would no doubt be objectionable ; but properly ventilated it was infinitely superior to other closets. It had no container, no D-trap, no apparatus to get out of order, and little brasswork to become corroded. There was, certainly, a ten- dency to accumulate a little filth beneath the pan ; but he gave the housemaid some spirits of salt, with directions to cleanse it about once a week, and that kept it quite sweet. There was one objec- tion about this closet to plumbers — he had never had it repaired. He feared architects, as a body, through carelessness, but not through ignorance, had neglected some practical matters in favour Sanitary Plumbing. 323 of the artistic side of their profession, till there was some danger that specialists would take this engineering and sanitary work from their heads. In criticising their plans and specifications, however, it should be remembered that architects were not always their own masters, any more than was Mr. Hellyer. Mr. Norman Shaw, and other leading architects, and such plumbers as Mr. Hellyer, might be able to refuse to carry out work unless their ideas were followed, but the young and struggling architect or plumber couldn't take such high ground. The way in which the crassly-ignorant or obstinate client could best be convinced of his errors was by the delivery of such lectures as those of Mr. Hellyer, and the wide- spread discussion they gave rise to. When the public was fully educated, pan-closets and similar abominations would pass into limbo, and be only known as matters of history. He had re- gretted to hear a speaker early that evening say, in very ill- taste, that from all the lectures delivered by Mr. Hellyer he had not gained one particle of information. He was very sorry for that individual. (Loud applause.) He scorned to bestow that false praise which was but satire in disguise ; but he must say that the efforts of a gentleman closely engaged in business who had given up so much of his time gratuitously to instruct others in the details of his and their trade, and to impart the benefit of his ex- perience, deserved grateful recognition at the hands of plumbers. (Loud applause.) If Dr. Johnson's dictum were true, that we could learn something even from a fool, the gentleman who had complained of Mr. Hellyer's rudimentary instruction could not be said to have displayed a large amount either of wisdom, intuition, or experience." — The Building N'ews. "Mr. Lammas urged the formation of an institution for the encouragement, protection, and advancement of the plumbing trade — a place where the members could meet to read, think, and discuss methods and principles of work, and including, if possible, a small workshop, where the members could put their ideas into execution and to the test of practical experiment. He felt very much indebted to Mr. Hellyer for his lectures." — The Builder. " Mr. Wise supported the suggestion made by the last speaker." — The Builder. " Mr. Savory said that although, perhaps, all that had been said by Mr. Hellyer was not to be taken without question, he had laid down many principles which could not be controverted. It was desirable that the lectures should be published m extenso in a cheap form, together with a report of the discussion." — The Bulder. " The Chairman, in closing the discussion, said that when Mr. Ernest Turner suggested that the National Health Society should V2 324 The Science and Art of arrange for a course of lectures to working plumbers upon the principles and practice of sanitary plumbing, the initial difficulty was to get a competent lecturer. He, knowing the name of Mr. Hellyer as that of the writer of the best practical work on plumbing, invited him to give the lectures, and after consideration he consented to do so, although very much occupied with business and not in the best of health. The lectures had been undertaken by Mr. Hellyer without any remuneration beyond that which was afforded him by the knowledge that they have aroused considerable thought and directed much attention to the subject. The laborious and complete way in .which the lectures had been illustrated by diagrams was worthy of all praise. The lectures had been delivered not only in the presence of working plumbers, but in the presence of some of the most skilled and experienced judges of sanitary work in the country, and including Mr. Rogers Field, Mr. Ernest Turner, Mr. H. H. Collins, and Mr. Eassie, and he had the authority for saying that those gentlemen regarded Mr. Hellyer's lectures as being of very great value." — The Builder. "Mr. Hellyer, in replying on the discussion, said that he was gratified to find that the remarks made by those who had spoken in the discussion were so largely in favour of the ob- servations he had made in his lectures. With reference to Mr. Emptage's remarks on cowls, he would only say that his ex- perience was that cowls were of advantage in hundreds of cases, as they helped to increase the up-current. He had tested * this at the cost of ;[^200 or;^300, and therefore was certain of what he advanced. With regard to non-society men versus society men, considered as workmen, he simply stated his conviction, based on experience, when he said that as a rule non-society men were the best Morkmen. He wanted the trade societies to be more careful in excluding incompetent men than they had been. He had no more feeling against society men than against non-society men, and had good workmen belonging to both classes in his employ. He was very glad if, as a result of his lectures, Mr. Davies had been able to improve the D-trap, but he (Mr. Hellyer) like a previous speaker, could not see the conclusiveness of the experiments which had been made with Mr. Davies's trap. He challenged the accuracy of Mr. Court's statement that anything said by him in the course of these lectures was calculated to do harm to young plumbers. With regard to using two pots of solder, he simply recommended that in large buildings or jobs two pots of solder should be in use : one for underhand joints — as coarser solder worked better for this kind * See " The Plumber and Sanitary Houses," Chap. XXIII., on the merits o various cowls. Sanitary Plumbing. 325 of joint — and one supplied with richer solder, for upright joints, tacks, and cistem-soldering, &c., the object being to save time, Time was an important element in work, and as an employer of labour he valued time. It frequently hinged upon time whether a master plumber made profit or no profit on a job. As to pan- closets, he had previously explained that he only supplied them under protest, when there was no help but to use them, as in the circumstances he had mentioned. As a matter of fact, irrespective of the job to which he had referred, his firm had almost entirely discarded their manufacture and use, and had not supplied more than thirty during the last three years. On all their circulars it was expressly stated beneath the illustration of the pan-closet that it was not an appliance to be recommended. He was gratified that Mr. Buchan should have supported by the weight of his experience what he (the lecturer) had said, for Mr. Buchan was well knovvTi throughout the country. Notwithstanding what Mr. Collins had said as to trapless closets, he (the lecturer) still stood by his con- demnation of them. In conclusion, Mr. Hellyer said he looked upon sanitary plumbing as an important branch of Preventive Medicine, and, therefore, he regarded the efforts which were being made by members of the medical profession to render it more common as most disinterested and praiseworthy. "The meeting closed with thanks to Mr. Hellyer and the chair- man. " — The Builder, INDEX. Access to drain, 261, 263. Air currents in pipes, 94. ,, stagnant in pipes, &c., 105, 2l8, 222. Air-barrier (trap), 106, 1 26. Air-inducts, illns.^ 227, 228, 263, 264. Air-pipe, 22, 221. Air-shaft, illus., 229, 241, 260, 261, 264. Airo-hydrogen blow-pipe, 76, 79. Ajaxes, 190. Alloys and their melting-heats, 72, 73. Annular syphon. Field's, 276. "Anti-D-trap," no, 156, 169, 225 (see Traps). Anti-trap men, 86, 89. Apprentices, 24, 25. Architects, 19, 21, 23, 28. Art, in bending pipes, 58, 68, 69. ,, of plumbing, 9, 24, 25. Arts, ** master " of, 8. "Artisan" water-closet, 165, 166. Astragal, jointing, 54 — 56. ,, ,, ilhis., 55. Astronomer, story of, 67. Atmosphere, polluted, 278. Autogenous soldering, 77. Basin, lavatory, model for experi- menting, 113. Basin, lavatory, with untrapped waste, 90. Basin, range of, illus., 247, 248, 249. Bath, 20, 148, 175, 250, 308. ,, apparatus, outlet, 237. „ waste, 237, 238, 250, 311. ,, ,, tests for syphonage, 147, 150. ,, ,, tests for syphonage, illus., 148, 151. ,, ,, with perfect ventilation, illus. (Fig. 70), 175. Bell-traps, illus., 120 (see Traps). Bell-metal, 73. Bending-pipes, 56 — 69. ,, illus., 62, 64, 65. Bends, pipe contracted, 59, 60, 66,67. „ ,, ,, z7/«x., 59, 275. ,, service-pipe ^contracted, il- IUS.,2'JS' ,, in small pipes, 65, 66. Block-joint, 47, section, 48 (see Joints). Blowing lamp, 75, illus., 'j6, 77. Blow-pipe, 54. „ joints, 54 (see Joints). "Bobbins," 63, 64, 65, illus., 64. Bolts for bending, illus., 66. Book, Old, on plumbing, 190 — 192. Bramah's closet, 197 — 199, illus., 198. Branch joint, 44, 45, 76 (see Joints). , , connections, 44, 45, 244, 245. ,, ,, illus., 45, 46, 224, 245, 246. ,, ,, error in, illus., 245, 247, 248. Branches, at right angles, 46, 245, 247. 248. Brass connections for cisterns, illus., 275- Brass connections for lavatories, 237. Buchan's trap, illus., 181. Cast of solder, illus., 72. ,, iron soil-pipe, 210 — 213. Caulked lead-joints, illus., 21 1. Cement joint, defective, illus., 21 1. Certificate of merit, 17. Cesspool, intercepted, 85, 122. Cistern, battened, illus., 288. ,, how to line, 291 — 298. ,, safe under, 244, 245. ,, galvanised iron, 287. „ lead, 286, 287, 288, 291— 298. ,, slate, 286, 287, 289. ,, in proper places, 286. ,, evils in fixing wastes, 257, 258, 259. 328 Index. Cistern, evils in fixing wastes, illus,, 256 ,, wastes, separate, 254, 255, 256-259, 311. City and Guilds of London Institute, 18, 19. ,, ,, Plumbers, 17. Close-stool, 185, 186, 190. Code of rules for house sanitation, 309—313- Collars, tllus., 41, 42. Connections, service-pipes with cis- terns, illus., 275. Container, pan-closet, internal ser- vice, 201. Copper-bit, 52. ,, joints, 51 — 53 (see Joints). Cowl, 21, 104, 105, 324. Croydon Board of Health, 94. Cumming's closet, 194 — 196, illus., 195. Danger to health, 10, ii, 84, 142. Devil, plumbers', 74. Dirty water wastes, 311. "Disconnector," soil-pipe, illus., 180. Disconnection, drain from sewer, 260—264; ill^is., 261, 263, 264. Disconnection, soil-pipe from drain, 180, 219 — 229 ; illus., 180, 224, 227, 228, 229. Disconnection, waste-pipe, 175, 240, 242, 278; illus., PI. VI., face 175, 241. Displacement of water in traps, 133, 169. Drain, aerated, 268. ,, ,-, plan of model, 267. Drain disconnected from sewer, 260 — 264 ; illus., 261, 263, 264, 267. Drain, flushing, 262, 268, 276, 278, 312. Drain "interceptors," illus., 178, 241 (see Traps). Drain outside house, 310. ,, traps, 122 — 128 (see Traps). ,, syphon, illus., 127 ,, ,, ,, ''ventilating," illus,, 181, 260 (see Traps), Drain, ventilating into house, 9, 269—272. Drain ventilation, 184, 265, 269, 267, 272, 279, 311, 312. Drainage, 13, 28, 309—311. ,, plumbers' knowledge of, 265. Drinking-water cisterns, 4, 8, 10, 298—300, 310. " Dummy," 45, 62 — 6$; illus, 62, 63. Education, 14, 68. Effect of heat on pipes, 217, 219. Elbow-joint, 57, 60 (see Joints). Ends, pipe, 33, 34. English water-closet, 189 — 193 : illus., 193. Errors in branch connections, 245 — 249. Experiments with untrapped pipes, 89—95- ,, traps, 113— 150. ,, ,, tables of, 160, 161. Field's Flushing-tank, illus., 276. Fine solder, 72. Filth -collecting boxes (traps), 122 — 128. Fire-places for plumbers, 74. "Fittings," all trapped, 312. Flange-joint, illus., 49 (see Traps). Flushing water, value of, 272 — 283, 312. Foot-ventilation, 141, 222 — 229; illus., 223, 227, 228. Frost, 99, 285, 286. Funnel-pipe, 71. Galvanised iron cisterns, 287. Gastra, 186. Genius of man, 30. Gentleman's Lavatory, 94. Government license for plumbers, 12. ,, training - school for soldiers, 27. "Grease-intercepting tank," illus,, 283, 284. Gully traps, 87, 126 (see Traps). Health of London, 313. ,, towns, 12. Heat, effect on pipes, 217, 218. Hotels, water-closets in, 12, 13. House drainage, 184, 266, 267, 272, 311- ,, sanitation, 9, 28, 309. ,, unfit for occupation, 10. Index. 329 How to make bends, 60, 61 — 66 ; illus., 59, 62, 64, 65. How to line a cistern, 291 — 298. Induct, fresh air, to drain, 104, 222, 260—266, 310 ; illus., 263, 264. Induct, fresh air, to soil-pipe, 104, 131, 221, 222, 227, 228, 241, 311 ; illus.^ 227, 229. Interceptor, "drain," illus., 178, 241 (see Traps). Jack of all trades, 7, 8. Jerry buildings, 91, 210. Joints, wiped branch, illiis., 45, 46. ,, block, section, 48. ,, elbow, illus., 57, 58. ,, flange, section, 49. ,, overcast, illus., 39. ,, taft, section, 50. ,, Scotch, illus., 40. ,, underhand, illus., 38. ,, ,, section, 33. ,, upright (unmade), 43. copper-bit, illus., 52, 53. astragal, idus., 55. made with blowing-lamp, 74—77- making, 31 — 76. wiping, 10, 44, 51. cement, illus., 211. caulked lead, illus., 21 1. Knowledge of house sanitation, 26. ,, of plumbing, 24 — 28, 57, 69. ,, practical, 16, 26. ,, theoretical, 16. 26. Lamp, for making joints, illus., 75, 76, 79. Lavatory, connections, illus., 247, 248, 249, 250. Lavatory, waste, ««trapped, ilhis., 22, 90, 86 — 94. Lavatory, waste, badly trapped, illus., 247—50. Lavatory, waste, as ventilators, 94. Lavatory, and glass d -traps, model, 113- Lavatory, plugs and washers, illtis., 237. Lavatory, ranges of, illus. , 247 — 250. Lead, action of water on, 288 — 291. Lead, battened cistern, illus., 288. ,, burning, 77—81. ,, ,, machine, illzts., 79, ,, cast sheet, 70. ,, cistern, 287, 28S. ), ,, how to line, 291 — 8. ,, milled (sheets), 70. )) ,, plated with tin, 70. »» pig> 69, 70. „ pipe, 71. ,, ,, action of water on, 288—291. ,, ,, barrel, 71. ,, ,, encased with tin, 71. ,, ,, funnel, 71. ,, ,, soil-pipe, 209 — 214. ,, ,, Water Companies weights, 306. ,, tacks, illus., 229—233. Lectures on plumbing, 2, 16. Legacy, to found a school, 17. Licensed plumbers, 26 — 51. London plumbers, 26 — 51. , , water supply, from William L, 298—306. Malicious spirits, 85. Man-hole, in drains, illus., 261, 263. " Mansergh " trap, z7/z^j., 123 (see Traps). "Mansion" trap, illus., 156 (see Traps). Man-trap and poachers, 84. " Master " of arts, 8. Mica-valve, illus., 227. Milled lead, 70. Model of drain in glass (see plan), 267. Model of bath and lavatory, illus., 148. Model of lavatory and trap, illus., 135- National Health Society, 2, 27. Necessity of trapping, 82, 86, 106. Need of school of plumbing, 15 — 17. Non-cleansing traps, 107 — 127. Object of these lectures, 26. Open drains, 262. Osterley House, 193. Outside soil-pipes, 216 — 219. Overflow-pipe, cistern, 255 — 259, 3"- 33^ Index. Overflow-pipe, bath safe, 254, 255. ,, ,, cistern safe, 254, 255- ,, ,, w. c. safe, 251 — 254. ,, ///z/j-.,253, 254. ,, to valve-closet, separate, 205, 206. ,, to valve-closet, badly sealed, illus., 206. ,, to valve-closet into vent- arm, illus.^ 207. ,, (trap) unsyphoned, 206. Pan-closet, 4, 200 -202 (see Water- closets). Paris, disposal of slops, 187. ,, „ laws for, 188. Pig lead, 69, 70. Pipe bending, 56 — 68. ,, bends, ilh{s., 59, 60, 62, 64, 65. ,, freezing, 285, 286, ,, lead, action of water on, 288—291. ,, lead, encased with tin, 71. ,, ,, endsrightly fitted, 32,33. ,, ,, overflow, cistern, 255 — 259, 311- ,, „ overflow, " safes," 251 — 255- „ soil 185, 209— 231, 311. ,, ,, service, 275, 280, 306 — 308. ,, ,, Water Companies' weights, 306. Plugs and washers, illtcs., 236, 237. Plumbers and architects, 21, 22, 28. ,, ,, tinkers. ,, certificated, 17. ,, City Guild, 17. „ country, 25. ,, London, 26. ,, societies, 18. ,, solder, 35, 72. ,, and specifications, 21, 22. Plumbing, an old book on, 190 — 192. Plumbing, and women, 20. ,, lectures on, 16. ,, out of sight, 20. ,, sanitary, 28. ,, schools of, 16. Pompeii, water-closets in, 186. Privies, 185, 186, 188. Public and plumber, 12. Pumps, 172. Plate I. — Stacks of soil-pipe with trapless water-closets, y^r^ p. 102. Plate II. — Stack of waste-pipe, with slop-sinks, for testing traps, _/ar^ p. 144. Plate III. — Stack of waste-pipe for testing trap-syphonage, face p. 150. Plate IV. — Stack of soil-pipe for testing trap-syphonage, face p. 164. Plate V. — Stack of 3-inch soil-pipe, with three water-closets, face p. 168. Plate VI. — Stack of waste-pipe, showing perfect ventilation, &c. , face^^. 175. Plate VII. — Stack of soil-pipe, showing perfect ventilation, &c., face p. 225. " Rain-water shoe," illus., 179. ,, trap, ilhis., l'j(). Range of lavatory basin>, idus., 247—249. Round-pipe traps (see Traps). Rules, code of, 309 — 912. Safes, baths, and cisterns, 254, 255. ,, water-closet, 251 — 253, zY/wj-., 253- Sanatarians, 4, 5, loi. Sanitary arrangements, Continent, 13. H- ,, engineer, 7, 9, 10, 21. fittings,67, 312. ,, plumber, 9, 10, 14. ,, science hall, 15, 17. ,, work, newest principles, 7, 8, 26, 28. Sanitation, house, code of rules for, 309—312. School of Plumbing, I, 3, 16, 17, 27. Self-cleansing traps, 121 — 183 (see Traps). Service-box in cistern, 4, 8, 10. Service-pipe to fittings, 66, 280, ill us., 275. Sewer-interceptor, 121, 181, 260 — 264. Sewer-interceptor, illus., 18 r, 182, 260, 261 — 264 Index. 331 Shaw's, Mr. Norman, principle, illus., 96. Sheet lead, 70. Signboards, 7, lo, 272. Sink, illus., 238. ,, slop, ill us., 145, 175. ,, „ waste, 233, 239, 240, illus., 145, 175. ,, without trap, 22, ^^j, illus., 87. ,, scullery, 283. Slops, 273. • " disposal of, Edinburgh, 187. ., _ ,, Paris, 187. Soil-pipe, earthenware, 210. ,, iron, 210 — 214. ,, lead, 210 — 212. ,, zinc, 210. „ air stagnant in, 105. ,, badly ventilated, 4, 5, 9, 222. „ disconnected, 180, 226 — 229. ,, disconnected, illus., 224, 227, 228, 229. ,, full size for ventilation, 221 ; illus., 224. ,, long lengths, 99. ,, outside, 216 — 219, ,, sizes of, 214, 215. ,, ventilation of, 219 — 226 ; illus., 223, 224. ,, without traps, bad, 22, 95 — 106 ; illus., 96, 103. ,, and rain-water pipe, 2 16. Solder, blow-pipe, 73. ,, copper-bit, 72. „ plumbers', 35, 72, 76. ,, heating. 36. Soldering, 70. 77, 78. Specifications, plumbers', 21, 22. Splash-stick, illus., 43, Storage of water, 286, 288, 310. Store cisterns, 9. Syphonage, 108, 145, 176, 226. „ testings, illus., 135 — 167,. 173- Syphon, on Egyptian tombs, 196. ,, Field's, illus., 276. ,, trap (see Traps). Tacks, illus., 55, 230, 231, 233. Taft joint, section, 50 (see Joints). Technical knowledge, plumbing, 18. Terminals, ventilating, 242, 269 ; illus., 224, 270. 271. Three-branch hands, 9. ,, shops, 25. Tin, 1Z. Tin-lined lead pipe, 71. ,, sheet lead, 70. Tools, for bending, illus,, 62, 63, 64, 66. Trapless closets, 22, 23, 95 — 106. „ ,, ilhis., 36, 103. ,, wastes, 87 — 94. ,, ,, illus., 87, 90. Trap, air-barrier, 106, 126. ,, ** Anti-D," illus., 157, 158, 224. ,, Bell, illus., 120. ,, Beard and Dent's, /////J-., 130, 153. 154- „ "Bower," ^137, 149; illus., 138. ,, Buchan's, illus., 181. ,, D, 107 — 118, 160, 161 — 169. ,, ,, illus., 108, 109, no, 113, 115- ,, ,, glass ;;/^^